Left Vagus Nerve Stimulation With The Neurocybernetic Prosthesis Has Complex Effects On Heart Rate and On Its Variability in Humans

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Epilepsia, 42(8):1007–1016, 2001

Blackwell Science, Inc.

© International League Against Epilepsy

Left Vagus Nerve Stimulation with the Neurocybernetic

Prosthesis Has Complex Effects on Heart Rate and on Its
Variability in Humans

*Mark G. Frei and *†Ivan Osorio

*Flint Hills Scientific, L.L.C., Lawrence; and †Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, University of Kansas Medical Center,
Kansas City, Kansas, U.S.A.

Summary: Purpose: The purpose of this study was to deter- the stimulation parameters. HRV as a function of HR also
mine if stimulation of the left vagus nerve (LVNS) with the showed high interindividual variability, and interestingly, in
neurocybernetic prosthesis (NCP) in humans is, as claimed in one case behaved paradoxically, increasing at higher and de-
the literature, without cardiac chronotropic actions. creasing at lower heart rates.
Methods: We analyzed 228 h of ECG recorded from five Conclusions: LVNS at high intensities has complex effects
subjects with intractable epilepsy who had not benefited from on IHR and HRV, which show large interindividual variability.
LVNS, for effects on instantaneous heart rate (IHR) and heart These spectra of cardiac responses reflect the interplay of au-
rate variability (HRV). tonomic, visceral, and somatic sensory afferences and the role
Results: There were two main cardiac responses: (a) brady- of central structures in their integration. These findings also
cardia, and (b) tachycardia during the first half, followed by point to the need for more comprehensive studies of cardiac
bradycardia during the second half of stimulation (biphasic function in humans implanted with the NCP, using sensitive
response). Multiphasic responses characterized by alternating methods for data processing and analysis such as those devel-
bradycardia and tachycardia were rarely observed. HRV was oped for this study. Key Words: Chronotropic—Cybernetic—
either increased or decreased depending on the subject and on Cycle time—Prosthesis—Vagus nerve.

Recently published literature indicates a lack of effect original sample, we have expanded our observations to
on heart rate of left vagus nerve stimulation (LVNS) in assess the validity of those results and to test the hypoth-
humans implanted with the neurocybernetic prosthesis esis that LVNS causes bradycardia, but that its effect was
(NCP). A large multicenter study on the efficacy and not uncovered in the studies we alluded to earlier (1–3),
safety of LVNS for treatment of intractable epilepsy (1) due in part to the manner in which the data were pro-
and more detailed investigations of its effects on heart cessed and analyzed.
rate (2) and heart period variability (3) concluded that
LVNS had no chronotropic effects. This finding, which
runs counter to the proven tenet that vagal activation METHODS
causes bradycardia (4), is explained on the basis that the
ventricle’s innervation by the left nerve is sparse com- We analyzed 25 prolonged ECG recordings from five
pared with that of the atrium (5). We had found in a subjects (228 h total; mean, 45.6 h per subject; range,
preliminary study (6) that if the periods of stimulation 8–72 h) implanted with the NCP prosthesis (Table 1) and
were segregated from those when the device was not undergoing monitoring for epilepsy surgery. These sub-
active, LVNS caused bradycardia and decreased heart- jects were included in this study, as compared with all
rate variability (HRV). Given the very small size of our other subjects receiving LVNS at this Center, because
they underwent evaluation for epilepsy surgery and pro-
vided ample data for meaningful statistical analysis.
Revision accepted January 29, 2001. There were no changes in LVNS parameters during
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. I. Osorio at monitoring, and the routine surgical evaluation protocol
Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, University of Kansas Medical Center,
3901 Rainbow Boulevard, Kansas City, KS 66160-7314, U.S.A. at KUMC, including temporary discontinuation of anti-
E-mail: [email protected] seizure drugs (AEDs), was followed in all cases. The


TABLE 1. ECG recordings

NCP parameters
Total Output Pulse ON OFF Time from
Age No. of length NCP current Freq. width time time implant to
Subject (yr) Gender Diagnosis Segments (h) effect (mA) (Hz) (␮s) (s) (min) recording (mo)
S1 19 M MFE 6 43 NR 1.25 30 500 30 5.0 26
S2 20 F FLE 1 8 NR 3.25 30 750 30 5.0 8
S3(a) 23 M FLE 3 24 NR 3.25 30 500 30 5.0 25
S3(b) 6 38 NR 2.0 30 500 30 5.0 29
S4 40 M FLE 6 44 NR 3.0 30 500 30 5.0 16
S5 31 M TLE 3 72 NR 2.25 30 500 30 5.0 25
Total 25 228

NR, nonresponder; MFE, multifocal epilepsy; FLE, frontal lobe epilepsy; TLE, temporal lobe epilepsy.

data included contiguous recordings of ⱖ24 h for four of Automated R-peak recognition and signals derived
the five subjects (a single 8-h recording was used in the from its measurement
other subject) and consisted of >1 million total heart- An algorithm for automated QRS detection validated
beats. ECG was recorded from bilateral intraclavicular by expert visual analysis was applied to the data (6,7).
electrodes linked to each other (impedance <5 KOhm) This algorithm localizes R-wave peaks with a precision
using a Neoped 4000 unit (BMSI, Los Gatos, CA, of 1/240 s and automatically assesses quality of data,
U.S.A.). Data were digitized at 240 Hz with 10 bits of rejecting segments contaminated with noise. Figure 1
precision and a ±300 ␮V dynamic range, and archived on shows a segment of raw ECG data (with LVNS-induced
super VHS tapes. artifact), together with the corresponding computed IHR.
Segments during which the vagus nerve was stimu- Transformations were applied to the “time of beat” se-
lated (LVNS-on segments) were separated (see Appen- quence to produce multiple time series such as the IHR
dix 1) from those during which there was no stimulation (see Table 2 for the complete list) for subsequent statis-
(LVNS-off segments) to (a) minimize possible “averag- tical analysis.
ing” effects, because on periods correspond only to
∼11% of the total data; (b) allow subjects to serve as their Data manipulation: Segmentation of signals by
own controls; and (c) account for nonstationarity due to device period and time-locking by stimulation onset
state changes. Instantaneous heart rate (IHR) and HRV The standard duration of an NCP cycle, which was
were computed for all segments. constant throughout our series, is 334.49 s, of which only

FIG. 1. A: The ECG signal and the left

vagus nerve stimulation (LVNS) artifact.
B: The corresponding output of the au-
tomated algorithm for heart-rate mea-
surement. Notice the intensity ramp-up
at the start, ramp-down at the end, and
the five brief “OFF gaps” during the
stimulation (annotated).

Epilepsia, Vol. 42, No. 8, 2001


TABLE 2. Transformations applied to produce divided into nine nonoverlapping subsegments whose
multiple series length (37.2 s) was chosen based on the actual duration
Time series constructed of stimulation. In the resulting “structure,” the on sub-
from time-of-beat sequence Description segment is placed centrally and flanked on each side by
RR R-to-R intervals. Time (s) between the four off subsegments that preceded and followed the
successive beats stimulation. Each row was aligned (“time-locked”) using
IHR Instantaneous heart rate (beats/min). the onset of LVNS stimulus as the marker. For each
IHR ⳱ 60/RR
DRR Time differential between adjacent subsegment of each row, we computed the following
RR intervals. DRR(k + 1) ⳱ statistics for IHR and the other time series listed in
RR(k + 1) − RR(k) (Table 2): mean, median, standard deviation, and inter-
Median-normalized RR A sequence of RR intervals divided
by their median value quartile range. We then computed the cumulative distri-
Median-normalized IHR A sequence of IHR values divided bution functions (CDFs) for each of these statistics for
by their median value the on versus off subsegments. Figure 3 shows an ex-
HF RR We applied an FHS-proprietary
algorithm to the RR sequence, ample of the CDFs for mean and SD IHR computed for
which in this case extracts the each of the subsegments from one subject (S3). To test
highest-frequency component the null hypothesis (identical on vs. off distributions) we
from the signal (i.e., it adaptively
removes a fluctuating baseline), applied the two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (8)
leaving only the highest and then examined all tests for which this hypothesis was
frequency of the RR intervals rejected at ␣ ⳱ 0.05, ␣ ⳱ 0.01, and ␣ ⳱ 0.001 (Ta-
HF IHR High-frequency IHR. Obtained by
applying the HF decomposition ble 3).
algorithm to the IHR sequence
|dRR| Absolute value of dRR sequence RESULTS
FHS, Flint Hills Scientific, L.L.C. The automated QRS detection system rejected 2.8 of
228 h (i.e., 1.2%) of data because of noise contamination.
Using time and frequency domain analysis, we found
37.2 s is taken by stimulation. To facilitate comparison
that LVNS has a clear effect on IHR and HRV. These
between LVNS-on and LVNS-off segments, each full
effects, although interrelated, are discussed separately
NCP device cycle was treated as a row of a matrix (Fig-
for purposes of clarity.
ure 2). The first stimulation cycle in each recording
formed the first row, and each subsequent cycle was Cardiac chronotropic effects
added as a new row underneath the preceding one. Once Eighty percent of prolonged ECG recordings showed a
the data matrix was fully laid out, each row/cycle was significant difference in median normalized IHR at ␣ ⳱

FIG. 2. The procedure for creation of a

“data matrix” of signal segments and the
“phase portrait” of instantaneous heart
rate (IHR). The central column (arrow)
corresponds to the segments with left va-
gus nerve stimulation LVNS-on, flanked
on either side by four LVNS-off seg-
ments. Each row corresponds to a com-
plete device cycle (334.49 s) with
successive rows arranged in temporal

Epilepsia, Vol. 42, No. 8, 2001


in magnitude and direction, which we grouped into two

main classes based on the frequency of occurrence:
1) Uniphasic, consisting of bradycardia during the en-
tire LVNS-on segment, sometimes followed by
poststimulation “rebound” tachycardia (cases S1,
S2, S3(a,b); see Figure 4A);
2) Biphasic, consisting most frequently of tachycardia
during the first half, followed by bradycardia dur-
ing the second half of stimulation (cases S4, S5;
see Figure 4B); poststimulus “rebound” tachycar-
dia also was often observed in this group’s cases.

Multiphasic responses characterized by alternating

bradycardia and tachycardia were seen infrequently (Fig-
ure 4C). The occurrence and degree of LVNS-induced
bradycardia seemed independent of the absolute IHR but
not of intensity of stimulation. One subject (S3) had a
median IHR reduction of 12% at an intensity of 3.25 mA
compared with 1.5%, after the intensity had been de-
creased to 2.0 mA 4 months later.

Effects on heart rate variability

We analyzed the data for HRV changes using both
frequency and time-domain techniques. Power spectral
density estimates of ECG, a popular measure of degree
of sympathetic and parasympathetic activation (9), were
FIG. 3. The cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) for two of computed separately and then compared for the IHR sig-
the statistical quantities [mean instantaneous heart rate (IHR)
and SD of IHR] for each IHR data matrix element for one subject nal for LVNS-on versus LVNS-off subsegments for each
[S3(a)]. The CDFs for left vagus nerve stimulation (LVNS)-on are subject. LVNS decreased the fraction of total power in
graphed in red, the CDF corresponding to the LVNS-off subin- the “HF band” (0.25–0.35 Hz) by 60%.
tervals immediately after stimulation is shown in green (to illus-
trate the rebound effect), and the remaining seven OFF Using time-domain techniques, changes in HRV were
subintervals are shown in blue. A: The significant decrease in found during LVNS-on compared with LVNS-off for
IHR during the ON period for this subject. B: The corresponding every subject. These changes were consistent intra- but
increase in HRV as measured using SD of IHR. The significant
effects of LVNS on heart rate and HRV are evident in these not interindividually. In a preliminary study (6), we ob-
pictures. served in one subject a 59% decrease in SD of HRV
during LVNS compared with baseline (see Figure 5A,
B). Sixty percent of recordings showed a significant dif-
0.05 during LVNS-on, compared with LVNS-off, and ference in the on versus off distributions of HRV quan-
56% showed a significant difference at ␣ ⳱ 0.001. Over tified as the SD of HF RR at ␣ ⳱ .05 (Table 3). The
the entire series, the largest relative decrease in median direction of HRV changes showed interindividual differ-
IHR during LVNS-on compared with the mean of the ences: cases S1 and S2 had significant (␣ < 0.05) de-
same quantity over the preceding LVNS-off subsegment creases, whereas cases S4 and S5 had significant
medians in the same device cycle was 45.5% [S3(b)], increases in HRV at the same ␣ levels. The remaining
from 104.4 beats/min to 56.9 beats/min. subject (S3) had a parameter-dependent response: sig-
Net effect on IHR showed interindividual variability nificant (␣ < 0.05) decrease in HRV occurred at lower-

TABLE 3. Tests of the null hypothesis

Median Median
␣ level normalized normalized
.05/.01/.001 Raw RR Raw dRR Raw IHR HF RR HF IHR RR IHR |dRR|
Mean 0.24/0.2/0.2 0.4/0.24/0.2 0.28/0.2/0.2 0.48/0.32/0.2 0.56/0.32/0.2 0.76/0.68/0.48 0.8/0.72/0.56 0.36/0.32/0.24
Median 0.28/0.2/0.2 0.32/0.28/0.12 0.32/0.2/0.2 0.4/0.36/0.16 0.56/0.36/0.32 0.8/0.6/0.44 0.8/0.6/0.44 0.44/0.28/0.2
Std 0.56/0.48/0.4 0.36/0.32/0.24 0.6/0.56/0.4 0.64/0.48/0.4 0.76/0.64/0.52 0.52/0.48/0.4 0.56/0.52/0.4 0.48/0.32/0.28
Iqr 0.56/0.44/0.28 0.52/0.28/0.24 0.64/0.56/0.44 0.6/0.44/0.36 0.72/0.56/0.44 0.6/0.52/0.4 0.64/0.6/0.4 0.44/0.32/0.16

Epilepsia, Vol. 42, No. 8, 2001


FIG. 4. The cycle-median-normalized

instantaneous heart rate (IHR) is ob-
tained by dividing the IHR signal for a
full device cycle by the median IHR for
that cycle. Time-locking the results for
multiple device cycles and overlaying
(to produce a “grand median”) reveals
left vagus nerve stimulation (LVNS) ef-
fects. A: The bradycardia caused by
LVNS over 8 h for one subject [S3(a);
86 device cycles]. During stimulation
there was a 14% reduction in baseline
IHR, followed by a poststimulus re-
bound tachycardia of 4% above base-
line. B: The biphasic response to LVNS
stimulation over 24 h for another sub-
ject (S5; 257 device cycles). There was
an initial IHR increase (4% over base-
line), followed by a 4% reduction and a
slight poststimulus rebound tachycar-
dia (1.6% over baseline). C: A multi-
phasic response to LVNS; fleeting
bradycardia (1.6% below baseline) at
LVNS onset is followed by tachycardia
(3.1% above baseline) and finally by
more sustained bradycardia (7.5% be-
low baseline), which disappears when
stimulation ends. This example also il-
lustrates poststimulation rebound
tachycardia (4% above baseline) last-
ing 15 s.

intensity settings (2.0 mA), and a significant (␣ < 0.05) during VNS-on compared with VNS-off, over all ECG
increase in HRV at higher-intensity settings (3.25 mA). recordings, whereas for subject S1, the opposite was true.
Table 3 shows the percentage of recordings with signifi- For subject S5 (see Figure 5C), LVNS caused a para-
cant differences of several relevant variables in the on doxic increase in HRV at higher IHR (median HRV for
versus off distributions at these three ␣ levels (see Ap- LVNS-on exceeded the 65th percentile for LVNS-off at
pendix 2). 75 beats/min) and a paradoxic decrease in HRV at lower
IHR (median HVR for LVNS-on was below the 20th
Analysis of the interrelationship between heart rate
percentile for LVNS-off for IHR <60 beats/min).
and heart rate variability
HRV normally varies inversely with heart rate: the
lower the IHR, the larger the potential HRV. To study
the relationship of heart rate to HRV in more detail, we Our findings demonstrate that LVNS at high intensi-
further divided each on and off subsegment into five ties, in humans with intractable epilepsy, has a complex
parts [corresponding to the NCP device timing crystal chronotropic effect with appreciable interindividual vari-
period (4) which is 6.8 s; see Figure 1A], and computed ability. The discrepancies between this and other studies
the median and SD of each resulting IHR sequence, and that found no effect (1–3), are at least partially attribut-
plotted them against each other. Results varied interin- able to methodologic differences in the processing and
dividually. For instance, in subject S4, HRV was higher analysis of the data.

Epilepsia, Vol. 42, No. 8, 2001


FIG. 5. A, B: Two typical 35-s seg-

ments for a subject analyzed in a previ-
ous study (5), one with left vagus nerve
stimulation (LVNS)-off (A) and the other
with LVNS-on (B). The ON segment ex-
hibits a biphasic response at the begin-
ning of stimulation, along with a marked
decrease in HRV as compared with the
OFF segment. C: A comparison of the
HR-to-HRV relationship over a 24-h pe-
riod for LVNS-on (red) versus LVNS-off
(blue). Plotted are the median (solid) and
the 25th and 75th percentiles (dash-dot)
for both conditions. Notice that LVNS
causes a reversal of the normal trend
and a paradoxic decrease in normal
HRV at lower heart rates.

These differences are ity, which is subject to large short-term fluctuations and
1. Window size. Although we used windows of small longitudinal correlation (9) requiring statistical methods
size to minimize the sampling or averaging effect, others such as those used here to improve resolution of the
(1–3) computed heart rate from long (minute to multi- mean value and allow objective comparative assessment
hour) windows. Given that the on segments corresponds of data samples.
only to 11% of the data generated each day, it is not 2. Use of actual treatment parameters. Conclusions
surprising that chronotropic effects caused by LVNS, based on stimulation periods with duration different from
even if large, would escape detection when on and off the standard (2,3) may be invalid because heart responses
subsegments are pooled together. The window-size ef- are time varying and depend on stimulus duration,
fect is so powerful that even analysis restricted exclu- among other factors. Also, LVNS effects on IHR are not
sively to the on subsegment, which is only 37.2 s in limited to the stimulation period; poststimulation tachy-
duration, may yield false-negative results. This is most cardia is transient but may be prominent.
likely to occur if the response is biphasic (e.g., tachycar- 3. Use of subjects as their own controls. The hetero-
dia → bradycardia) and each of its components is of geneity of the responses to LVNS found in this study
similar magnitude (Figure 4B), in which case, the net underscores the importance of this approach and the dan-
change tends to zero. The window-size effect is a hidden gers of data pooling.
“statistical hurdle” in the path to meaningful analysis of 4. Use of quantitative measures that are more relevant
biomedical data. This is particularly true of heart activ- for nonstationary systems such as the heart, including the

Epilepsia, Vol. 42, No. 8, 2001


continuous tracking of data and the recording of the pre-

cise onset time of an event (in this case, stimulation).
Whereas SD and IQR measures of HRV are common
practice in cardiology (9), they are not useful for detec-
tion of baseline shifts due to state changes. We also
applied nonlinear procedures such as cycle-based median
normalization that improved the resolution of LVNS-
induced changes.
The HR changes associated with the sleep–wake cycle
and degree of physical or emotional activity also were
taken into consideration in our experimental design and
statistical treatment of the data. Although samples of
heart activity can be taken at times when the system’s
nonstationarity is perceived to be “relatively low,” acti-
vation of the NCP increases nonstationarity by virtue of
its direct and indirect (centrally mediated) effects on the
heart and its pattern of activation (ramp-up). Its gradual
FIG. 6. The effect on instantaneous heart rate (IHR) of the brief
and discontinuous (five off gaps during the on cycle; 0.3 “OFF gaps” that occur during stimulation. The times of stimulation
s each) modes of stimulation force oscillations in IHR start and end are annotated with grid lines, as well as the begin-
that are temporally correlated with these activation– ning and end of each of the 0.3-s OFF gaps. The oscillatory
behavior of the heart dynamics is directly attributable to these
deactivation cycles during the on period (Figure 6, S3). stimulation gaps; the latency to changes in HR resulting from
An interesting question which the chronotropic these gaps is on the order of five heart cycles.
changes raise pertains to the site of origin of the decel-
erating influences on the heart. The placement of the
spiral electrode on the cervical trunk, which is exclu- is associated with increases in heart rate (13,16,19). The
sively composed of axons, and the laws (11,12) govern- spectra of cardiac responses to LVNS, described in this
ing impulse conduction along these fibers, ensure that study, reflect the interplay of autonomic, visceral, and
these impulses travel bidirectionally, that is, toward the somatic sensory afferences and the role of central struc-
heart and brain. One possibility is that the chronotropic tures in their integration.
effects are caused by the caudal spread of currents from Patients with intractable epilepsy who responded to
the site of stimulation, via the cardiac rami (13,14). The LVNS were not included in this study simply because
other is that these effects are mediated through central none was available to us. Whether the findings described
structures, after their activation by ascending vagal im- here also apply to those who respond to this therapy or
pulses. The rapidity with which cardiac oscillations oc- receive lower-intensity stimulation is not yet known. In-
cur (see Figure 6) in response to the brief (0.3-s) “OFF” vestigation of the effects of LVNS in cardiac function in
gaps during stimulation, suggests that peripheral influ- a group of “responders” is indicated; in the event that
ences play a role, although the extent remains undeter- reproducible differences in cardiac effects between “re-
mined. sponders” and “nonresponders” are identified, these may
The occurrence of tachycardia during vagal stimula- serve as predictors of response and may even shed light
tion in two subjects suggests an increase in sympathetic on mechanisms of actions and on the causes of therapeu-
(5) activity of sufficient magnitude to overcome the para- tic failure. The possibility that the chronotropic effects
sympathetically mediated bradycardia, underscoring the described herein are due to epilepsy (20) is highly un-
complexity of the mechanisms at work. Vagal tachycar- likely, because they were temporally and distinctly re-
dia may be due to (a) selective activation of large my- stricted to the period when the NCP was turned on.
elinated vagal fibers (15), an unlikely phenomenon, The rare occurrence of LVNS-induced cardiac asys-
given the relatively high current intensities used for tole (21,22) suggests that under certain conditions, which
stimulation; (b) a mechanism similar to that responsible may include but are not limited to misplacement of the
for poststimulation tachycardia (4); or (c) complex inter- electrode or variation of the vagus nerve anatomy, this
actions among nucleus tractus solitarius, with its feed- form of stimulation may cause serious adverse effects.
forward inhibition mechanisms, dorsal motor nucleus of Our observations point to the importance and need for
the vagus, parabrachial nucleus, and the reticular system more comprehensive studies of cardiac function during
(16–19). The complexity of these interactions is further LVNS with the NCP. Specific aims of these studies
compounded in our cases by somatic sensory afferents: should be to identify factors such as stimulation param-
the laryngeal discomfort caused by the NCP currents eters, type of epilepsy, site of electrode placement on the
may activate the reticular system causing arousal, which cervical trunk, or conditions such as depressed level of

Epilepsia, Vol. 42, No. 8, 2001


consciousness, whether natural or drug-induced, that fa- lepsy: a rare complication of intraoperative device testing. Epilep-
sia 1999;40:1452–4.
cilitate the occurrence or even exaggerate the changes in
22. Tatum WO IV, Moore DB, Stecker MM, et al. Ventricular asystole
IHR and HRV as a function of LVNS. during vagus nerve stimulation for epilepsy in humans. Neurology
Acknowledgment: We thank Albert Merati, M.D., for his
valuable comments. This work was supported in part by grants
from Cyberonics, Inc., and by NIH SBIR grant 2R44NS34630-02. APPENDIX 1
Presented in part at AES Annual meetings (San Francisco,
1996 and San Diego, 1998).
Identification of LVNS-on versus
LVNS-off Segments
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The window size was then reduced to ∼2 s, and the
1995:107–31. onset, offset, and one or more of the brief “gaps” in
19. Grastya’n E, Hasznos T, Lissak K, et al. Activation of the brain- stimulation were identified and marked. Because
stem activating system by vegetative afferents. Acta Physiol Acad
Sci Hungary 1952;3:102–22.
the stimulus artifact at onset (at the beginning the
20. Massetani R, Strata G, Galli R, et al. Alteration of cardiac function ramp-up) is of very small amplitude and may not be
in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: different roles of EEG- visible unless the signal-to-noise ratio is optimal,
ECG monitoring and spectral analysis of variability. Epilepsia we developed a nonlinear filtering algorithm and
21. Asconapé JJ, Moore DD, Zipes DP, et al. Bradycardia and asystole applied it to the data to improve precision in local-
with the use of vagus nerve stimulation for the treatment of epi- izing time of onset. This algorithm behaves as a

Epilepsia, Vol. 42, No. 8, 2001


“band-pass” filter, enhancing the stimulus artifact best fit for on times, taking advantage of the pro-
and reducing other unwanted noise. grammed periodicity of the device.
3. Linear regression analysis was used to improve
precision of localization further by attaining the
best fit for on times, taking advantage of the pro- APPENDIX 2
grammed periodicity of the device. the stimulus
artifact at onset (at the beginning the ramp-up) is of Statistical Results
very small amplitude and may not be visible unless The following tables give the fraction of long record-
the signal-to-noise ratio is optimal, we developed a ings that showed a significant difference between LVNS-
nonlinear filtering algorithm and applied it to the on and LVNS-off at the indicated ␣ levels. Each column
data to improve precision in localizing time of on- shows the signal derived from the “time of beat” se-
set. This algorithm behaves as a “band-pass” filter, quence, and each row corresponds to the measure applied
enhancing the stimulus artifact and reducing other to that signal. Cumulative distribution functions were
unwanted noise. then obtained for ON and OFF segments and the two-
3) Linear regression analysis was used to improve sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was applied to test the
precision of localization further by attaining the hypothesis of identical distributions.

Cumulative results for all subjects: 25 recordings, 2,411 ON, 19,283 OFF
␣ level Median Median
0.05/0.01/0.001 Raw RR Raw dRR Raw IHR HF RR HF IHR Normalized RR Normalized IHR |dRR|
Mean 0.24/0.2/0.2 0.4/0.24/0.2 0.28/0.2/0.2 0.48/0.32/0.2 0.56/0.32/0.2 0.76/0.68/0.48 0.8/0.72/0.56 0.36/0.32/0.24
Median 0.28/0.2/0.2 0.32/0.28/0.12 0.32/0.2/0.2 0.4/0.36/0.16 0.56/0.36/0.32 0.8/0.6/0.44 0.8/0.6/0.44 0.44/0.28/0.2
Std 0.56/0.48/0.4 0.36/0.32/0.24 0.6/0.56/0.4 0.64/0.48/0.4 0.76/0.64/0.52 0.52/0.48/0.4 0.56/0.52/0.4 0.48/0.32/0.28
Iqr 0.56/0.44/0.28 0.52/0.28/0.24 0.64/0.56/0.44 0.6/0.44/0.36 0.72/0.56/0.44 0.6/0.52/0.4 0.64/0.6/0.4 0.44/0.32/0.16

S1, six recordings, 453 ON, 3,622 OFF segments

␣ level Median Median
0.05/0.01/0.001 Raw RR Raw dRR Raw IHR HF RR HF IHR Normalized RR Normalized IHR |dRR|
Mean 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0.5/0.33/0.17 0.67/0.33/0.33 0.5/0.5/0.17 0.5/0.5/0.33 0.17/0/0
Median 0/0/0 0.33/0.33/0.17 0/0/0 0.17/0.17/0 0.5/0.33/0.17 0.5/0.17/0 0.5/0.17/0 0.17/0/0
Std 0.17/0/0 0.17/0/0 0.17/0.17/0 0.5/0.33/0.33 0.67/0.67/0.5 0.17/0/0 0.17/0/0 0.33/0/0
Iqr 0.17/0.17/0 0.17/0.17/0.17 0.33/0.17/0 0.5/0.5/0.33 0.83/0.83/0.67 0.33/0.17/0 0.33/0.17/0 0.5/0.5/0

S2, one recording, 79 ON, 632 OFF

␣ level Median Median
0.05/0.01/0.001 Raw RR Raw dRR Raw IHR HF RR HF IHR Normalized RR Normalized IHR |dRR|
Mean 0/0/0 1/0/0 0/0/0 1/0/0 1/0/0 1/0/0 1/1/1 1/1/1
Median 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 1/0/0 1/0/1 1/1/1 1/1/1
Std 0/0/0 1/1/1 0/0/0 1/1/1 1/1/1 0/1/0 0/0/0 1/1/1
Iqr 0/0/0 1/1/1 0/0/0 1/1/1 1/1/1 0/1/0 0/0/0 1/1/1

S3(a), three recordings, 249 ON, 1,992 OFF

␣ level Median Median
0.05/0.01/0.001 Raw RR Raw dRR Raw IHR HF RR HF IHR Normalized RR Normalized IHR |dRR|
Mean 1/1/1 0.67/0.67/0.67 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/0.67 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/1
Median 1/1/1 0.67/0.67/0.67 1/1/1 1/1/0.67 0.67/0.67/0.67 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/1
Std 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/1
Iqr 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/1

Epilepsia, Vol. 42, No. 8, 2001


S3(b), six recordings, 396 ON, 3,165 OFF

␣ level Median Median
0.05/0.01/0.001 Raw RR Raw dRR Raw IHR HF RR HF IHR Normalized RR Normalized IHR |dRR|
Mean 0/0/0 0.33/0/0 0/0/0 0.33/0.17/0 0.67/0.33/0 0.83/0.5/0.33 0.83/0.67/0.33 0.17/0.17/0.17
Median 0/0/0 0.17/0.17/0 0.17/0/0 0.5/0.33/0 0.83/0.33/0.33 0.83/0.5/0.17 0.83/0.5/0.17 0.33/0.33/0
Std 0.33/0.17/0 0.17/0.17/0 0.33/0.17/0 0.67/0.67/0.5 0.83/0.67/0.5 0.17/0.17/0 0.17/0.17/0 0.17/0.17/0
Iqr 0.33/0.17/0 0.33/0.17/0 0.33/0.33/0.17 0.67/0.5/0.33 0.67/0.5/0.33 0.33/0.17/0.17 0.33/0.33/0.17 0.17/0/0

S4, six recordings, 467 ON, 3,736 OFF

␣ level Median Median
0.05/0.01/0.001 Raw RR Raw dRR Raw IHR HF RR HF IHR Normalized RR Normalized IHR |dRR|
Mean 0.17/0/0 0.33/0.17/0 0.33/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0.67/0.67/0.5 0.83/0.67/0.5 0/0/0
Median 0.33/0/0 0.17/0.17/0 0.33/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0.83/0.67/0.5 0.83/0.67/0.5 0.33/0/0
Std 0.83/0.83/0.67 0/0/0 1/1/0.67 0.5/0.33/0.17 0.83/0.5/0.33 0.83/0.83/0.67 1/1/0.67 0.33/0/0
Iqr 0.83/0.5/0.33 0.67/0/0 1/1/0.83 0.17/0/0 0.67/0.17/0 0.83/0.83/0.5 1/1/0.67 0.33/0/0

S5, three recordings, 767 ON, 6,136 OFF

␣ level Median Median
0.05/0.01/0.001 Raw RR Raw dRR Raw IHR HF RR HF IHR Normalized RR Normalized IHR |dRR|
Mean 0.67/0.67/0.67 1/1/1 0.67/0.67/0.67 1/0.67/0.33 0.67/0.33/0.33 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/0.33
Median 0.67/0.67/0.67 0.67/0.33/0 0.67/0.67/0.67 1/1/0.67 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/1 0.67/0.33/0.33
Std 1/1/1 1/1/0.67 1/1/1 0.67/0/0 0.33/0.33/0.33 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/1
Iqr 1/1/0.67 0.67/0.33/0.33 1/0.67/0.67 1/0.33/0.33 0.33/0.33/0.33 1/1/1 1/1/0.67 0.33/0.33/0

Epilepsia, Vol. 42, No. 8, 2001

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