!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!teks MC Hip !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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No. Agenda Announce / utterance

Teachers are invited and welcomed to sit on the chair that has
Announcement been provided. Also requested, to all students to stand in the
classroom line quietly and orderly to respect the assembly
this morning.

2. Recital of All pupils, please be ready to recite asmaul husna.

asmaul husna
Assalamualaikum wbt and a very good evening to:-

The most honourable Headmistress of SK Padang Lebar, Pn

Fatimah bt Ab Kadir

Welcoming The respected:

speech - Pn Ruzimah bt Zainal, Senior Assistant of
- Pn Maznah bt Ibrahim, Senior Assistant of
Students’ Affair
- Encik Rosli bin Shamsudin, Senior Assistant of
- Beloved teachers and my dear friends.

First of all, thank you to the Al-Mighty Allah S.W.T, because

with his blessings, we are here today for our weekly
assembly in conjunction with the Highly Immersive
Programme or HIP.

Next, to begin our assembly today, I would like to invite
Prayers Adam to lead the recitation of prayer.

Thank you to Adam for the prayer. With the prayer, we hope
that today’s assembly will be carried out smoothly.

Song Now, we are going to sing our:-
- National anthem (Negaraku),
- The state song of Negeri Sembilan and
- Our school song.
All teachers and pupils are requested to stand up.

Next, I would like to call upon Muhammad Mustaqeem to
Pledge recite the national philosophy (Rukun Negara).

Thank you Muhammad Mustaqeem for the national

philosophy (Rukun Negara) recitation.

Previous Now, let us pay attention to Miss Syahirah, last week’s
week’s teacher-on-duty to give her reports .
duty’s speech
After speech: Thank you Miss Syahirah. Hopefully, her
speech will give us a lot of guidance.

Now, we have come to the main event of our ceremony
which is the speech from our beloved Headmistress. Hence,
with the greatest pleasure, I would like to invite Pn Fatimah
bt Ab Kadir to give out her speech. Please welcome!

After speech: With the speech from our beloved Pn Fatimah

just now, our assembly is now coming to its end.

End We end our assembly today with tasbih kafarah and Surah
Al-Asr. (bacaan tasbih kafarah dan surah al-asr)
Thank you.

Prefects, please do your duty and make sure the pupils are
going back to the class orderly.

The Highly Immersive Programme (HIP) is a programme introduced

under the MBMMBI policy that will improve the English proficiency of
students through increased exposure in schools. It is a reinforcement of
the 1999 MOE circular on implementing English enrichment activities in
and out of class. It also aims to inculcate positive behaviours towards
the learning and usage of the English Language.

It is a reinforcement of the 1999 MOE circular on implementing English

enrichment activities in and out of class. What is different is the way
we are implementing HIP. The approach is to empower schools, by the
schools and for the schools. Schools will be provided with a toolkit
so that they will be guided for a more purposeful planning of activities,
based on their local context and capabilities. The toolkit will contain
examples of best practices from schools that have implemented English
enrichment activities in and out of class successfully.There will be a
support mechanism to encourage schools to share, learn and
encourage each other on the implementation of English enrichment



I am honoured to be here this morning at this meaningful and important event,

one that will further transform education achievement in Sabah. In the last five
years, public examination results of students in Sabah have shown tremendous
improvement and I view this event as an effort to make further strides in
bringing competency levels in this state to newer heights.

I wish to congratulate the Sabah Education Department on your initiative to

organise the English Day programme and to announce Tuesdays as English Day
for the education community, including for those who work in education
offices. By not limiting the programme to schools, you are setting the right

We need to embark on continuous efforts to encourage the younger generation

to be well versed in English. Although other languages are also widely spoken,
English is the official medium of communication in many countries. It is
estimated that the number of people worldwide who use English to
communicate on a regular basis is two billion, which is about a third of the
global population.

It is worrying to note that some students think that they can do well later on
without mastering at least some of the key competencies in the English
language. In a highly globalized world, it is necessary to be able to
communicate in English as it is the dominant business language. Feedback from
all over the world shows that cross-border business communication is most
often conducted in English. This language’s importance in the global market
place cannot be understated. Learning English can change your lives and we
need to keep encouraging students to not shy away from this language.

For those who enjoy reading and other forms of media, many of the world’s top
films, books and music are published and produced in English. By learning
English, you will have access to a great wealth of knowledge and entertainment.
About half of the content produced in the Internet is in English. This does
translate into a huge amount of information that one could lose out on by
ignoring the language. While learning English can be challenging and time
consuming, it is necessary to make the sacrifice as it does open doors to many
opportunities and to some extent, boosts innovation.

It is not an easy task to start with something new. Some resist speaking English
as they regard it as glorification of a colonial language. Others shy away when
they are labelled as showing off or being arrogant when they use the language.
This is not a good situation to be in as it may demotivate those who are willing
to brush up their English proficiency.

I understand there are a number of programmes run by the Education

Department to upgrade the level of English achievement and the level of
proficiency among users. Some 23 schools are currently taking part in the
Highly Immersive Programme. This programme is meant to encourage the use
of English as a medium of communication beyond the classroom. Another
initiative is the Dual Language Programme through which Mathematics and
Science are taught in English. Other than fulfilling the criteria set by the
minister, schools need to conduct surveys to gain consensus from parents for
this to proceed.
I am glad to welcome 15 Fulbright English Teaching Assistants (ETA) from the
United States of America to be part of the Upholding Bahasa Malaysia and
Strengthening English Language policy. Feedback from students and schools
about this collaboration between the Malaysian and American governments has
been positive. Apart from increasing interest among students, English language
teachers are able to further develop their professional network and share
classroom ideas, experiences and techniques with one another.

I wish to share that the Sabah Government is committed to seeing improvement

of proficiency in English among students. We will work hand in hand especially
with the Sabah Education Department to ensure basic needs in schools
especially in rural and remote areas, are met. We hope this will reduce the gap
between rural and urban areas and improve achievement among students. It is
our collective responsibility to instil confidence in using this language so that it
is used in daily communication and is not limited to just aiming to get the
minimum requirement for passing it in exams.

I once again commend the Sabah Education Department for this effort to uplift
the application of the English Language among students and the education
community. I wish you all the best in successfully implementing this

On that note, I am pleased to declare the “English Day Programme” officially

Thank you.

A very warm welcome I wish to our distinguish guests. It is a pleasure and a

great honor for me to
welcome you to our alma mater, Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman, ipoh. We
are honored to have with
us, the officer from the Japanese Information Service, Education Ministry of
Malaysia, University
Malaya representative and also the Alumni of The look East Policy Society.

Assalamualaikum and a very good evening to Pn Jamilah Jamaluddin,

Senior Assistant for the Afternoon session, Pn Nor Zalifah, teachers and
I am honoured to be here this evening at this meaningful and important
event that is the launching of The Highly Immersive Programme or HIP. The
Highly Immersive Programme (HIP) is a programme introduced under the
MBMMBI policy that will improve the English proficiency of students through
increased exposure in schools. The approach is to empower schools, by the
schools and for the schools.

Teachers and Students,

There are a number of programmes run by the Education Ministry to

upgrade the level of English achievement and the level of proficiency among
users. Many schools in Malaysia are currently taking part in this Highly
Immersive Programme (HIP). This programme is meant to encourage the use of
English as a medium of communication beyond the classroom. Another
initiative is the Dual Language Programme that we have in our school for 1
Gamma and 1 Zeta, through which Mathematics and Science are taught in

Teachers and Students,

I also wish to congratulate the English Panel on your initiative to organise

the English Day programme and to announce Tuesdays as English Day for the
school. By not limiting the programme to the subject itself, you are setting the
right example. I wish you all the best in successfully implementing this

On that note, I am pleased to declare the ‘Highly Immersive Programme

(HIP)’ officially launched.

Thank You.

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