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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 12, December-2014

Hybrid Vehicle: A Study on Technology

Karan C. Prajapati 1,*, Ravi Patel 2 and Rachit Sagar 3
1, 2, 3: B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) Student,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
School of Technology, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Raisan, Gandhinagar, Gujarat - 382007, India

Abstract: With the advancement in 21st Century, there has on Petrol/Diesel/CNG while Hybrid Solar Vehicle has lower
been increase in usage of Oil and Gas leading to problems like efficiency than vehicle running on Petrol/Diesel/CNG. So,
Global Warming, climate change, shortage of crude oil, etc. Due this technology is for drivers who want to cover less distance.
to these reasons Automobile Companies have started doing To overcome this constraint, “Plug-In Hybrid Electric
research for making Hybrid Techonolgy usable into the daily
Vehicle” came into existence.
life. The Paper starts from brief history about Hybrid
Technology and also some brief introduction on it. Paper will
also discuss the technologies used in the making of Hybrid Cars “Toyota Prius Series” is an example of Hybrid Electric
such as “Hybrid Solar Vehicle”, “Hybrid Electric Vehicle” and Vehicle technology, “Astrolab” is an example of Hybrid Solar
“Plug In hybrid electric vehicles”. Our Paper is based on the Vehicle and “Chevrolet Volt” is an example of Plug-In
explanation of such technologies, their function, drawback of this Hybrid Electric Vehicle.
technology, efficiency of Hybrid Cars, Case studies on the
present commercial hybrid cars such as Toyota Prius series,
Astrolab etc and the fuels and raw materials used in the Hybrid
Cars. Paper concludes on the advantages and dis-advantages of
Hybrid Cars and how this technology will take over the world in
future and would become the alternative for Petrol and Diesel

Keywords - hybrid electric vehicle; hybrid solar vehicle; plug in

hybrid electric vehicle; Toyota Prius series


With the invention of Internal Combustion Engine by Nicolas Fig. 1: Working Principle of Hybrid Vehicle
Otto, there was revolution in Automobile field. Later on,
Regenerative braking is an energy recovery mechanism which
Petrol and Diesel became the main source of fuel for these
slows down a vehicle by converting its kinetic energy into
vehicles. This technology made Human Efforts very easy
another form, normally into electrical energy, which can be
through commercializing in the market. As, the world went
used immediately or stored until needed in high voltage
through 20th Century, there happened many advancements for
batteries. The electric motor is operated in reverse during
making this technology efficient and cost-effective. Due, to
braking or coasting, acting as generator. The rotors of electric
which it became the commercial success and its use in the day
traction motor are coupled with wheels, they experience
to day period increased. People could reach thousands of
opposing torque as current is induced in the motor coils. [12]
kilometres/miles in hours with the help of this technology. As
The wheels transfer kinetic energy via drivetrain to generator.
we know everything has its own positive and negative side.
At the same time, generator resistance produced from the
The rate of Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Carbon Dioxide
electricity created, slows the vehicle. When more braking
(CO2) suddenly increased at the dangerous level in the
torque is required than the generator alone can provide,
beginning of 21st Century which made a negative impact on
additional braking is accomplished by friction brakes.
Ecosystem, reason for Global Warming, Health related issues,
etc. This forced Scientist, Researchers and Policymakers to
focus or made them start thinking for Green Technology or
the technology which can stop the adverse effect happening II. TYPES OF HYBRID VEHCILE
A. Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV)
on Nature. Hence, the 21st Century will become the Century
for Evolution in various technologies with the main focus in
Automobile Sector. A hybrid electric vehicle is a type of hybrid vehicle which
combines a conventional internal combustion engine
propulsion system with an electric propulsion system. Or in a
The technologies which will change the face of Automobile
Sector would be “Hybrid Electric Vehicle”, “Hybrid Solar technical way, a Hybrid Electric Vehicle is a type of
Vehicle”, “Hydrogen Fuel Cell”, etc. From all this Hybrid technology which indulges both mechanical drive train and
Electric Vehicle is considered as the most industrially electric vehicle.
matured technology and has efficiency more than cars running

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( This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 12, December-2014

A mechanical drive consists of the Fuel tank (containing Moreover, general Hybrid Electric Vehicle can be classified
conventional fuels like petrol/diesel/CNG), the Combustion depending on the relevance of the power Table 1 [4, 5].
Engine, the gear box and transmission to the wheels in Fig. 2.
Table 1: Hybrid Electric Vehicle Classification based on
An electric drive consists of the Battery, an electric motor and power
Power Electronics for control as shown in Fig. 3. Micro Mild Full
Power (kW) 2.5 10-20 30-50
The use of Ultracapacitors [1] has a high potential in the 100- 200-
Hybrid Electric Vehicles. They have the advantage of being a Voltage Level (V) 12 200 300
more robust power device when compared to batteries Energy Saving (%) 5-10 20-30 30-50
(Lithium Ion and Nickel Metal Hydride), as an example Price increase (%) 3 20-30 30-40
during regenerative braking which is considered as a high
powered event.

Classification of Hybrid Electric Vehicle: - Internal Transmission

Fuel To
Combustion including Gear
Tank Box wheels
Series Hybrid: As shown in Fig. 4, [3] the traction power is
delivered by the electric motor, while the internal combustion
Fig. 2: Flow of energy within a mechanical drive train [10]
engine, via a generator, produces electric power to drive the
electric motor [2]. The excess power is then stored in the
battery pack. The Internal Combustion Engine is decoupled Transmi
Power ssion
from the driven wheels and can be operated mostly in the Electric To
Battery Electroni includin
Motor wheels
maximum efficiency region. The major shortcomings of the cs g Gear
series hybrid drive train configurations are the high power Box
installed in each component and the request of a generator. In
fact the energy from the Internal Combustion Engine is Fig. 3: Flow of energy within a electric drive train [10]
converted twice before to drive the wheels. Thus the system is
more expensive than the parallel one.

Parallel Hybrid: As shown in Fig. 5, [3] there is direct

mechanical connection between the hybrid power unit and the
wheels. In addition, this layout has an electric traction motor

that drives the wheels and can recuperate a share of the Fig. 4: Series Hybrid Structure
braking energy, in order to charge the batteries (regenerative
braking) or help Internal Combustion Engine during
acceleration conditions. In fact, Internal Combustion Engine
and electric motor are coupled by a mechanical device. Then
the electrical machine can be designed with a reduced
capability, i.e. cost and volume. There are several
configurations depending on the structure of the mechanical Fig. 5: Parallel Hybrid Structure
combination between the Internal Combustion Engine and the
electrical motor. There can be a torque-coupling with a single
shaft or two shaft configuration, a speed-coupling with
planetary gear unit, a merge of both previous coupling.

Series-Parallel Hybrid: As shown in Fig. 6, [3] the series

layout and the parallel layout are merged together in order to
have both advantages. In particular the ICE is able to supply
the electrical motor or charge the battery thanks to a
Fig. 6: Series-Parallel Hybrid Structure

Complex Hybrid: [3] There are two separate mechanical B. Hybrid Solar Vehicle (HSV)
links obtaining a light transmission system and a flexible
mounting. As an example, the front wheels are powered by This technology is an integration of Vehicle and Photovoltaic
hybrid propulsion, while the rear wheels have a pure electric Panels. Normally, photovoltaic panels are mounted on the
system. There is a wi-deflexibility on the power flux roof-tops of the vehicles. It is also classified into four types: -
managing. Series Hybrid, Parallel Hybrid, Series-Parallel Hybrid and
Complex Hybrid. Out of which, Series Hybrid technology is
very efficient and more research is going on this type as
shown in Fig. 7.

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( This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 12, December-2014

Benefits: -
The introduction of the DOHC engine allowed the engine to
have four valves per cylinder. By having four valves in the
cylinder instead of two, a larger portion of the area could be
used to let air in and exhaust out. The engine made more
power if more air entered the cylinder, and it wasted less
power and it was easier to pump the exhaust out of the
cylinder. At higher engine speeds, the engine pumped a lot of
air though the cylinders. Having four valves per cylinder
allowed the engine to pump enough air to run and make useful
power at these higher speeds. Hence the general problem of
low speed was overcome.

Fig. 7: Basic Diagram of series Hybrid Solar Vehicle [6] A.1.1. Working of Toyota Hybrid System

The Toyota Hybrid system consists a petrol engine along with

two motor generators (MG1 and MG2) a power control unit
C. Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) and a battery.
A plug-in hybrid electric vehicle is similar to the hybrid
When the car is started it runs solely on the electric motor
electric vehicles (HEVs) on the market today, but it has a
(MG2) .Later when the car achieves a higher speed the petrol
larger battery that is charged both by the vehicle's gasoline
engine kicks in and the car runs both on the motor and the
engine and from plugging into a standard 110 V/230V
petrol engine. Moreover the engine also operates a generator
electrical outlet for a few hours each day [7].
with the help of a power split device which in turn drives the
Classifications of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle:- electric motor (MG2 (288 V)). This power splitting is
controlled by the power control unit which manages the
Series Plug-In Hybrids: [8] Also called as Extended Range power for the maximum efficiency.
Electric Vehicles (EREVs). Only the electric motor turns the

wheels; the gasoline engine is only used to generate During braking the motor acts as a generator and the energy
electricity. Series plug-ins can run solely on electricity until recovered is stored in the battery. The battery doesn‟t need
the battery needs to be recharged. The gasoline engine then any external charging. If the battery is drained, the car is run

generates electricity to power the electric motor. For shorter on the petrol engine in “stand mode” which charges the
trips, these vehicles might use no gasoline at all. battery.

Parallel or Blended Plug-In Hybrids: [8] Both the engine Drawbacks:-

and electric motor are mechanically connected to the wheels,  The backing of the car at steeps was difficult.
and both propel the vehicle under most driving conditions.  The ride was jerky at times
Electric-only operation usually occurs only at low speeds.
Overall, the mileage for the First Generation Prius was 5.6
III. CASE STUDY L/100 km in city driving, 5.7 L/100 km for highway driving
A. Toyota Prius Series and 5.7 L/100 km for combined driving.
A.1. First Generation: THS (Toyota Hybrid System)

The first generation consisted of two hatchback models the

“NHW10” and the “NHW11”.

 Longevity of the battery (7-10 years)
 Need for a hybrid system
 High performance of engine for charging the battery.

Solutions:- Fig. 8: Diagram of Toyota Hybrid System

 The battery pack is always charged between 40%-60% for
maximum efficiency. A.2 Second Generation: Hybrid Synergy Drive
 The introduction to the “Toyota Hybrid System”.
 Introduction of the Double Overhead Cam-Shaft (DOHC) The Hybrid Synergy Drive adds a DC to DC converter
engine. boosting the potential of the battery to 500 V or more. This
allows smaller battery packs to be used, and more powerful

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( This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 12, December-2014

The second generation Prius also have an all electric Air  The third generation Prius also has a gear set called the
conditioner. This removes the need to continuously run the „motor speed gear reduction‟ (which is a planetary gear set)
engine when cabin cooling is required. In addition, the Motor for the MG1.
(MG2) is linked to the front wheel transaxle by means of a
second planetary gear set, thereby making it possible to in-
crease the power density of the motor. Moreover the power
control unit (PCU) uses indirect cooling.

Fig. 10: Hybrid Synergy Drive mechanism

Overall, the mileage for the Second Generation Prius was 3.70
L/100 km in city driving, 3.90 L/100 km for highway driving
and 3.90 L/100 km for combined driving.

Fig. 9: Hybrid Synergy Drive mechanism A.4. Toyota Prius Solar

A prototype of Solar Prius has also been recently developed
The original Prius used shrink-wrapped 1.2 volt D cells. The by Solar Electric Vehicles, equipped with a PV panel of 16%
Toyota Hybrid System relies on the voltage of the battery nominal efficiency. It has been estimated that the PV Prius
pack — between 276 and 288 V. The Prius II with HSD has can have a range based on solar power alone between 5 and 8
the following improvements compared to the Prius I: miles per day, and that it can consume between 17% and 29%
less gasoline than the standard Prius.
 Superior power: ICE + 8% and electrical MGs +50% (up to
500 V) With the Solar Electric Vehicle (SEV) solar system, the
 Torque electrical motor + 14 % Toyota Prius can operate up to 30 miles per day in electric
 Inferior electrical losses mode thus improving fuel economy by up to 34-60%
 Improved charge capacity of the generator (depending on driving habits and conditions).

 New HV battery with superior power density and

charge/discharge capacity, and 14% weight reduction.

However both these generations use the 1.5 litre 14 DOHC

engines. Overall, the mileage for the Second Generation Prius
was 4.9 L/100 km in city driving, 5.2 L/100 km for highway
driving and 5.1 L/100 km for combined driving.

A.3 Third Generation: Hybrid Synergy Drive

The new Prius III (2009) has a re-engineered Hybrid Synergy Fig. 11: Connection Diagram for Solar Components of the Photovoltaic (PV)
Drive system. It brings significant reductions in weight and Prius.
size, contributing to the overall improvements in fuel
A.5. Toyota Prius Plug-In Hybrid
 The internal combustion engine is a new 1.8-litre VVT-i This version of Prius came out in 2012 which involves a 4.4
Atkinson cycle petrol engine with cooled Exhaust Gas Re- kWh Lithium ion battery which allows an all electric range of
circulation. It is more powerful (90 hp vs 70 hp). 23 km. The lithium-ion battery pack can be charged in 180
 The electric motor MG2 is 20% more powerful (60kW vs minutes at 120 volts or in 90 minutes at 240 volts. According
50 kW) and 33% smaller. to Toyota the Prius plug-in is expected to release only 49g
 The Ni-MH battery power has been increased to a maximum CO2 -emissions. Its mileage is same as the third generation
27kW (+2kW), and has reduced size. Prius except for the fact that it has an all electric efficiency of
 The new inverter(PCU) is 36% lighter , faster switching for 2.5L/100km. The main advantage is that the battery can be
improved efficiency and now converts the battery‟s DC into charges at any outlet.
a higher, 650V (+150V) voltage to drive the electric motor.
It also involves direct cooling hence making it 37%compact
and much faster.
 Fuel economy is improved by 14% (4 litre /100 km); CO 2
emissions are reduced to 89g/km.

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( This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 12, December-2014

B.1. Astrolab - Ventruri Automobiles bills. Hybrids are the most gasoline efficient of all cars - they
typically get 20.4 to 25.51 kmpl (claimed).
Capable of running on very little energy (16kW motor) and of
recharging with solar energy even when in motion, this Not bad, but only about 20% to 35% better than a fuel
vehicle of another era does not, however, need to be efficient gasoline powered vehicle - like the Honda Civic, for
permanently exposed to the Sun in order to move. It‟s NiMH example, that gets 15.3 kmpl. But, when comparing prices -
Venturi NIV-7 batteries liquid cooled in fact enable it to hybrids cost from $19,000 to $25,000 and gas saver cars cost
restitute stored energy, whether solar or from the electricity $14,000 to $17,000 - the justification to buy becomes less
supply, making it the world‟s first electro-solar hybrid clear. Indeed, the difference in average annual fuel bills -
vehicle. With a top speed of 120 km/hr. and a range of 110 $405 for a Honda Insight versus $635 for a Honda Civic -
kilometres, allow it for extensive trips on an everyday basis. means you may never recoup the added initial cost of a hy-
This is the first vehicle to consume no fossil resources, with brid.
CO2 emissions that are necessary to its construction even set Over a ten year period owning a hybrid will save you only
off by environmentally friendly actions. The Astrolab has $2,300 - less than the cost difference for comparably equipped
opened up a new era for automobile architecture: light and cars. Much of the fuel efficiency comes from improvements
high profiled, it offers the rays of the Sun for 3.6 m2 of the in aero dynamics, weight reduction and, the biggest change: a
photovoltaic cells (for an overall vehicle length of fewer than smaller, less powerful gas engine. In fact, any car will get
4 metres). substantially better mileage just by reducing the engine size.
The main reason this is not done has to do customer demand -
they want the extra power and zippiness.
Divers find that real mileage from hybrids is actually about
10% less than claimed. When consulting manufactures web
pages for mileage tips, they list the same ones that would give
better fuel economy from any car: drive slow, no jack rabbit
starts, etc. But hybrid cars offer more than just great fuel
economy, they offer many green advantages as well. Even a
small increase in fuel economy makes a large difference in
emissions over the life of the car. Also, in large cities where
pollution is at its worst, they make an even larger difference
Fig. 12: Picture of Astrolab car- Venturi Automobiles [9]
since they produce very little emissions during low speed city
driving and the inevitable traffic jams.

IV. Advantages and Disadvantages

While the US has just started producing hybrids, the Japanese
The reason for two motors is in the strengths and weaknesses are the recognized leaders. Honda and Toyota are the two
of both types. [11] Specifically, electric motors use no energy largest producers with the Insight and Prius. US car makers
during idle - they turn off - and use less than gas motors at are well behind. In fact, during recent introduction of a new
low speeds. Gas motors do better at high speeds and can hybrid by GM - the Mercury Mariner, they admitted they had
deliver more power for a given motor weight. That means to license over 20 separate technologies from the Japanese.
during rush hour stop and go driving, the electric motor works US car makers still specialize in SUVs and trucks - Ford has
great and, as an added benefit, does not produce any exhaust even introduced a hybrid version of its popular Escape SUV.
thus reducing smog levels. At higher speeds - above 40 km/hr Industry analysts say US hybrids are just token models - not a
- the gas motor kicks in and gives that peppy feel so many car serious attempt to get into the market.
owners look for when driving on the highway. Another
benefit of having the gas motor is it charges the batteries The reason for hybrid introduction has to do with Corporate
while it‟s running. Many an electric car owner has been Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) regulations. Current
stranded just out extension cord range of an outlet. Hybrid standards mandate that average mileage of the fleet of cars
owners can forget about this annoyance; the gas motors starts sold by an automaker should be 11.69 kmpl. This means that
automatically when the battery gets low and proceeds to if an automaker sells one hybrid car that gets 25.51 kmpl, it
charge the battery - a hybrid never needs to be plugged into an can then sell four less efficient cars - like SUVs and trucks -
outlet. Of course, if you forget to fill the tank. Still, you can that only get 8.5 kmpl.
carry a gas can a half mile while a tow truck is necessary in a
straight electric car. Honda Insight, All this new technology
Hybrid Cars use no energy during idling state; they turn off
comes at a price: a hybrid car is complex and expensive. It has
and use less energy than petrol engines at low speeds. At
two motors and all the ancillary systems to manage them plus
lower speeds, no smog is emitted maintaining its sustainable
a heavy battery and a regeneration system used to produce
advantage. Till lower speed, the car runs on the electric motor
electricity during breaking. All of these systems must work
and on cruising speed, it runs on IC engine. They offer greater
together, adding complexity. While cars and, just as
mileage than conventional cars. Noise pollution and emission
importantly, the computers that control them, have become
of CO2 is considerably reduced. But, they are more expensive
more reliable, they still suffer from failures. So owners of
than conventional cars, are more complex in construction and
hybrids can expect more time in the shop and larger repair

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( This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 12, December-2014

working than IC engine cars, offer larger repair bills, capacity

of batteries is not much advanced.

Table 2: Specifications of various Hybrid Vehicles

Length x
Sr. Car
Fuel Electric Transmission Width x Height Range
No Technology
Toyota Prius
(XW10): 1st
1.5 L Gasoline DOHC I4; CR- 288 V Electric Motor; 40 hp;
NHW10 4.275 x 1.695 x EPA Rated:
1 (a) 13.5:1; Torque: 102 Nm @ 4000 30 kW @ 940 rpm
(1997-2001) 1.491 20.4 kmpl
rpm; 58 hp, 43 kW @ 4000 rpm Torque: 305 Nm @ 0 rpm
1 - speed
1.5 L Gasoline DOHC I4 VVT-I;
NHW11 273.6 V Electric Motor; planetary gear
CR- 13:1; Torque: 110 Nm @ 4.308 x 1.695 x EPA Rated:
1 (b) (2001-2003) 44 hp; 33 kW @ 1040 rpm
4200 rpm; 70 hp; 52 kW @ 4500 1.463 17.64 kmpl
Torque: 350 Nm @ 0 rpm
Toyota Prius
(XW20): 2nd 1.5 L Gasoline DOHC I4 VVT-I; 500 V Electric Motor; 67 hp;
1 - speed 4.450 x 1.725 x EPA Rated:
2 Generation Torque: 115 Nm @ 4200 rpm 50 kW @ 1200 rpm
planetary gear 1.490 19.77 kmpl
(2004-2009) 76 hp; 57 kW @ 5000 rpm Torque: 400 Nm @ 0 rpm
Toyota Prius
(XW30): 3rd
1.8 L Gasoline I4 VVT-I; 650 V Electric Motor;
Generation 4.460 x 1.745 x EPA Rated:
3 Torque: 142 Nm @ 4000 rpm 60 kW CVT
(2009-pre- 1.490 21.04 kmpl
98 hp; 73 kW @ 5200 rpm Torque: 207 Nm @ 0 rpm
sent) [15],
Toyota Prius 1.5L Gasoline DOHC 16-valve I4 520V Electric Motor;
c (2011-pre- VVT-I; CR- 13.4:1; 60 hp; 45 kW 4.000 x 1.690 x EPA Rated:
sent) Torque: 111 Nm @ 4000 rpm Torque: 169 Nm 1.450 21.04 kmpl
[17] 73 hp; 54 kW @ 4800 rpm
EPA rated:
Toyota Prius
1.8 L Gasoline 4-cylinder DOHC 40.38 kmpl
Plug-In Hy- 650 V Electric Motor;
I4 VVT-I; CR- 13:1; 98 hp 1-speed 4.460 x 1.745 x
5 brid (2012- 80 hp; 60 kW
73 kW @ 5200 rpm; planetary gear 1.490 Hybrid
present) [18], Torque: 207 Nm
Torque: 142 Nm @ 4000 rpm mode: 21.26

Chevrolet 1.4 L Gasoline DOHC I4; CR- Two Electric Motors -
Volt (2011- 10.5:1; 84 hp; 63 kW @ 4800 111 kW (drive motor) ; 54 4.498 x 1.788 x
6 CVT Range:
present) [20] rpm; kW (generator motor); 149 1.438
563.27 km
Torque: NA hp; Torque: 368 Nm
Astrolab -
A synchronous motor: 16 kW
Venturi 3.800 x 1.840 x On Battery:
7 Not Applicable Torque: 50 Nm NA
Automobiles 1.200 110 km
Solar Power: 600W
Electro Motor: 16 kW/21
Eclectic - Bhp
Venturi Torque: 50 Nm 2.860 x 1.850 x On Battery:
8 Not Applicable NA
Automobiles Solar roof: 8 m2 1.750 50 km
[22], [23] Solar Power: 72 W
Wind Power: 300W
1.3 L LDA series I4 8 valve
Honda Insight DC Brushless Motor; 144 V;
SOHC i-VTEC ; 98 hp; 73 kW @ 4.376 x 1.695 x EPA rated:
9 (ZE2) (2010- 13 hp; 9.7 kW @ 1500 rpm; CVT
5800 rpm; Torque: 167 Nm @ 1.425 17.54 kmpl
2014) [24] Torque: 79 Nm @ 1000 rpm
1000-1700 rpm
Honda Jazz 1.3 L i-VTEC+IMA; CR- 10.8:1; 10 kW motor; 3.900 x 1.695 x 21.24 kmpl
10 CVT
Hybrid [25] 65 kW ; Torque: 121 Nm Torque: 78 Nm 1.525 [28]
1.5 L Gasoline SOHC 16-valve i-
Honda CR-Z DC Brushless Motor; 14 hp;
VTEC; 111 hp; 83 kW @ 6000 4.080 x 1.740 x EPA rated:
11 (ZF-1) (2010- 10 kW @ 1500 rpm CVT
rpm; Torque: 144 Nm @ 4800 1.395 15.73 kmpl
present) [26] Torque: 79 Nm @ 1000 rpm
Honda Civic
1.4 L Gasoline SOHC i- DC brushless PM motor 108-
Hybrid: 3rd
VTEC+IMA I4; CR- 10.8:1; 110 172 V; 23 hp; 17 kW @ 4.525 x 1.755 x EPA rated:
12 Generation CVT
hp @ 5500 rpm; Torque: 172.19 1546-3000 rpm; Torque: 1.430 18.7 kmpl
Nm @ 1000-3500 rpm 105.75 Nm @ 500-1546 rpm
present) [27]

IJERTV3IS120917 www.ijert.org 1081

( This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 12, December-2014

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