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 Physiology of cardiac muscle
• Introduction
• Action potential in cardiac muscle
• Pacemaker potential
• Conductive system of heart

• History
• What is ECG?
• Characterstics of normal ECG
• ECG paper
• ECG leads
• How to report an ECG?
• Individual waves and intervals of ECG and their abnormalities
• AHA Guidelines for ECG

Three Major type of cardiac muscle fiber:-

Atrial muscle

Ventricular muscle

Specialized excitatory and conductive muscle

 Atrial and ventricular muscle contract in a same way as
skeletal muscle but the duration of contraction is longer

 The specialized excitatory and conductive fibers

• Contract feebly because they contain few contractile


• Exhibit automatic rhythmical electrical discharge in the

form of action potentials
 Intercalated discs are cell membranes that
separate individual cardiac muscle cells from one

 At each intercalated disc there are communicating

gap junctions that allow rapid diffusion of ions so
that action potentials travel easily from one
cardiac muscle cell to the next

 Myocardial fibers have a resting membrane potential of −90 mV

 The action potential of single cardiac muscle cells is

characterized by

• Rapid depolarization (phase 0)

• Initial rapid repolarization (phase 1)

• Plateau (phase 2)

• Slow repolarization process (phase 3)

• Resting membrane potential (phase 4)

Phase 0 (rapid depolarization)

External stimulus to excitable tissue

opens the voltage gated sodium ion channels

sodium ions enter the cells down their

electrochemical gradient

intracellular movement of sodium ion

depolarizes the membrane

increases the membrane conductance to sodium ion

displaces the membrane potential to +30mV

Phase 1 (early repolarization)

• Following phase 0, the membrane repolarizes

rapidly and transiently to almost 0 mV because of
the inactivation of sodium ion channel and
simultaneous transient increases in outward
potassium currents

Phase 2 (plateau)
• Membrane potential remains approximately 0 mV
for a relatively prolonged duration

• A balance between slow inward Ca2+ and outward

K+ currents mediates the plateau phase of the action
Phase 3 (repolarization)

• Inactivation of Ca2+ channels and a simultaneous

increase in outward K+ current through K+ channels
produces a net outward movement of positive charge
and repolarization of the membrane

Phase 4 (resting membrane potential)

• The membrane potential of ventricular myocytes
remains at the resting membrane potential until the cell
is stimulated again
The types of action potential in the heart can be separated
into two categories:

(1) fast-response action potentials, which are found in

the His-Purkinje system and atrial or ventricular

(2) slow- response action potentials, which are found in

the pacemaker cells in the SA and AV nodes
• Two types of action potential in the heart:-

(1) fast-response action potentials:- His-Purkinje

system and atrial or ventricular muscle

(2) slow- response action potentials:- pacemaker cells

in the SA and AV nodes

• Ik:- K+ current
• Ih:- Funny current/’f’channel
• ICaT:- Transient Ca2+ channel
• ICaL:-Long lasting Ca2+ channel
Specialized Excitatory and Conductive System of
the Heart
• The sinus node/ sinoatrial node is located in the
superior posterolateral wall of the right atrium
immediately below and lateral to the opening of the
superior vena cava

• The sinus nodal fibers connect directly with the atrial

muscle fibers so that any action potential that begins
in the sinus node spreads immediately into the atrial
muscle wall
 Mechanism of Sinus Nodal Rhythmicity
• Resting membrane potential is -55mV. At this -55mV,the
fast sodium ion channel closes but slow sodium and
calcium channels remain open and there by causing
action potential

 Self-Excitation of Sinus Nodal Fibers

• The inherent leakiness of the sinus nodal fibers to

sodium and calcium ions causes their self-excitation

 Automatic Electrical Rhythmicity of the Sinus Fibers

• Because of self excitation, sinus fibers has automatic

rhythmical discharge and contraction
• Anterior (Bachmann)

• Middle(Wenckebach)

• Posterior(Thorel) internodal pathways


• The A-V node is located in the posterior wall of the

right atrium immediately behind the tricuspid valve
• Velocity of conduction is 1 to 4m/sec

• The ends of the Purkinje fibers penetrate about one third of

the way into the muscle mass and finally become continuous
with the cardiac muscle fibers

• Once the impulse reaches the ends of the Purkinje fibers, it is

transmitted through the ventricular muscle mass by the
ventricular muscle fibers themselves. The velocity of
transmission is now only 0.3 to 0.5 m/sec, one sixth that in the
Purkinje fibers.

SA Node 0.05m/sec
Atrial pathways 1m/sec
AV Node 0.05m/sec
Bundle of his 1m/sec
Purkinje fibers 4m/sec
Ventricular muscle 1m/sec
1842- Italian scientist Carlo Matteucci realizes that
electricity is associated with heart

1876- Irish scientist Marey analyzes electrical pattern of

frog’s heart

1887- The first electrocardiogram (ECG) from the intact

human heart was recorded with a mercury capillary
electrometer by Augustus Waller . The tracings were
poor and exhibited only 2 distorted deflections
 Willem Einthoven (1860-1927) was awarded the
Nobel Prize in 1924 in physiology and medicine, "for
the discovery of the mechanism of the

• Electrocardiogram/ECG/EKG is the graphical

representation of electrical events of heart

• Each event has a distinctive waveform

• When the cardiac impulse passes through the heart,

electrical current also spreads from the heart into the
adjacent tissues surrounding the heart
• The normal electrocardiogram is composed of a P
wave, a QRS complex, and a T wave.

• The P wave is caused by electrical potentials

generated when the atria depolarize before atrial
contraction begins.

• The QRS complex is caused by potentials generated

when the ventricles depolarize before contraction,
that is, as the depolarization wave spreads through
the ventricles.

• Therefore, both the P wave and the components of

the QRS complex are depolarization waves.
• J point is the point where QRS complex ends

• The T wave is caused by potentials generated as the

ventricles recover from the state of depolarization

• In some ECGs an extra wave can be seen on the end

of the T wave, and this is called a U wave. It represent
repolarization of the papillary muscles.

• If a U wave follows a normally shaped T wave, it can

be assumed to be normal. If it follows a flattened T
wave , it may be pathological

 ECG Machines runs at a standard rate of 25mm/s and use

paper with standard-sized squares

 Horizontally, one large box=0.2 sec and one small box=0.04


 Vertically, one large box=0.5mV


• Electrocardiographic leads measures the electrical

potential between the two points

 Bipolar leads:- electrocardiogram is recorded from

two electrodes located on different sides of the heart

 Unipolar leads:- one point on the body and a virtual

reference point with zero electrical potential located in
the center of heart
The standard ECG has 12 leads:-

1.Three standard limb leads(Bipolar)

2.Three Augmented limb leads(unipolar)

3.Six chest/precordial leads(unipolar)

For heart with normal ECG and mean cardiac axis of +60,
the standard limb leads will appear as:-
Einthoven's Law

Einthoven's law states that if the electrical potentials of any

two of the three bipolar limb electrocardiographic leads are
known at any given instant, the third one can be determined
mathematically by simply summing the first two

Lead I + Lead III= Lead II

For heart with normal ECG and mean cardiac axis of +60,
the augmented limb leads will appear as:-
ECG pattern recorded by six standard leads
V1 : Over 4th intercostal space near right sternal margin

V2 : Over 4th intercostal space near left sternal margin

V3 : In between V2 and V4

V4 : Over left 5th intercostal space on the mid clavicular line

V5 : Over left 5th intercostal space on the anterior axillary line

V6 : Over left 5th intercostal space on the mid axillary line.


• Lead I, aVL,V5,V6:- lateral wall

• Lead II,III,aVF:-Inferior wall

• Lead V1,V2:- Septal

• Lead V3,V4:- Anterior wall

The description should always be in the sequence:-

1 Rhythm, Rate

2 Conduction intervals

3 Cardiac axis

4 A description of the QRS complexes

5 A description of the ST segments and T waves

1. Rhythm, Rate

• The word ‘rhythm’ is used to refer to the part of the

heart which is controlling the activation sequence. The
normal heart rhythm, with electrical activation
beginning in the SA node, is called ‘sinus rhythm’

• If the intervals between QRS complexes (R-R

intervals) are consistent, ventricular rhythm is regular.
If intervals between P waves (P-P intervals) are
consistent, the atrial rhythm is regular
• If the rhythm is regular,
Rate= 300
Number of large squares between R-R interval

Rate= 1500
Number of small squares between R-R interval

• If the rhythm is irregular, count the number of QRS

complexes in a 6-second segment and multiply by 10.
Rates below 60 indicate bradycardia; those above 100
indicate tachycardia.
• Leads VR and II look at the heart from opposite
directions. When seen from the front, the
depolarization wave normally spreads through the
ventricles from 11 o’clock to 5 o’clock, so the
deflections in lead VR are normally mainly
downward (negative) and in lead II mainly upward

• The average direction of spread of the depolarization

wave through the ventricles as seen from the front is
called the ‘cardiac axis’
4. Shape of QRS complexes

 Always positive in lead I and II

 Always negative in lead aVR

 <3 small square in duration

 <2.5 small square in amplitute

 May be biphasic in lead V1

 Best seen in lead II

Abnormalities of P Wave

1. Right atrial enlargement:-

 Tall(>2.5mm), Pointed P wave(‘P Pulmonale’)
2. Left atrial enlargement:-

 Notched/bifid (‘M’ shaped) P wave (‘P Mitrale’) in

limb leads
P-Q or P-R Interval

• The time between the beginning of the P wave and the

beginning of the QRS complex is the interval between
the beginning of electrical excitation of the atria and
the beginning of excitation of the ventricles. This
period is called the P-Q interval.

• The normal P-R interval is 3-5 small squares/120-

220ms (Often this interval is called the P-R interval
because the Q wave is likely to be absent.)
Prolonged PR Interval
Second degree heart block(Wenckebach/mobitz type 1)
showing progresssive lengthening of the PR interval, one non
conducted P wave, next conducted beat has a shorter PR
interval than the preceding conducted beat
Short PR Interval
QRS Complexes
• The duration of the QRS complex shows how long
excitation takes to spread through the ventricles.

• The QRS complex duration is normally 120ms (3

small squares) or less, but any abnormality of
conduction takes longer, and causes widened QRS
QRS in LVH and RVH

• Sinus Rhythm, rate 63/min

• RAD ( deep S wave in lead I)
• Dominant R wave in lead V1
• Inverted T wave in lead II,III,VF and V1-V3
• Flat T wave in V4-V6

 Sinus rhythm,rate 83/min

 Normal axis
 Tall R wave in V5-V6 and deep S waves in V1-V2
 Inverted T waves in lead I, aVL and V5-V6
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

 S wave in V1 and R wave in V5 or V6 >35mm

 R wave of 11 to 13mm (1.1 to 1.3 mV) or more in lead aVL is

another sign of LVH
• Small (septal) ‘Q’ waves in the left ventricular leads
result from depolarization of the septum from left to right

• Q wave greater than one small square in width and at

least 2mm deep therefore indicate a myocardial
infarction and the lead in which the Q wave appears give
some indication of the part of the heart that has been
J point

• J point is the junction between the termination of QRS

complex and beginning of ST segment

• A positive deflection at the J point is termed a J wave

(Osborn wave) and is characteristically seen with
ST Segment
• ST segment lies between the QRS complex and the T wave

• Should be isoelectric, indicates plateau portion of

ventricular action potential

• Normal duration= 0.32 sec

• Elevation of the ST segment is an indication of acute

myocardial injury, usually due either to a recent infarction
• or to pericarditis

• Horizontal depression of the ST segment, associated with

an upright T wave, is usually a sign of ischemia as opposed
to infarction
• To be considered significant elevation or depression , the
ST segment must deviate 1mm below or above the
baseline in at least 2 or more correlating leads
T Wave

• Positive deflection (above baseline<5mm)

• Should appear rounded and symmetrical

• Should be atleast 1/8th but less than 2/3rd of the

amplitude of R wave

• Positive in all standard bipolar limb leads ( caused by

repolarization of the apex and outer surfaces of the
ventricles ahead of the interventricular surfaces)

• Normally inverted in lead aVR and V1

• Elevated T wave:-

 positive deflection >5mm

 Tall, pointed(tented) wave in hyperkalemia or
myocardial injury

• T wave inversion is seen in the following circumstances:

2.Ventricular hypertrophy
3.Bundle branch block
4.Digoxin treatment.
‘U’ Wave
• Indicates:-

 late repolarization of the Purkinje fibers

 long action potential of midmyocardial M cells
 delayed repolarization in areas of the ventricle that undergo
late mechanical relaxation.

• < 0.1 mV in amplitude

• normally has the same polarity as the preceding T wave

• largest in the leads V1 and V2

• most often seen at slow heart rates

• Total duration of depolarization and repolarization

• Contraction of the ventricle lasts from the beginning

of the Q wave (or R wave, if the Q wave is absent)
to the end of the T wave. This interval is called Q-T
interval and is about 0.35 second.
• The corrected interval (QTc) can be calculated using
Bazett’s formula:
QTc = QT ÷(square root of R–R interval)

• AHA/ACC:- QTc= QT+1.75(HR - 60)

• A QTc interval longer than 450 ms is considred to be

• Whatever its cause, a corrected QT interval of 500 ms or

longer can predispose to paroxysmal ventricular
tachycardia of a particular type called ‘torsade de pointes’,
which can cause either symptoms typical of paroxysmal
tachycardia or sudden death
1. Guyton & Hall: Textbook of Medical Physiology, 12e

2. Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology , 25TH ed

3. Harrison’s principles of internal medicine, 19th ed

4. The ECG Made Easy, John R. Hampton, 8th ed

5. Braunwald’s Heart disease, 9th ed

6. Becker, Daniel E. “Fundamentals of Electrocardiography

Interpretation.” Anesthesia Progress 53.2 (2006)

7. Miller’s Anesthesia 8th edition

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