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Conference Paper · January 2018

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Monica Reshi
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir


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IJABR, VOL.8 (3) 2018: 408-419 ISSN 2250 – 3579

Case Study

*Farah Shafi, Monica Reshi, Aiman and Iqra Bashir
Assistant Professor, Division of Food Science and Technology, Sher-e- Kashmir University of Agricultural sciences and Technology,
*Corresponding author e mail: [email protected]

Chocolate is a product processed from cocoa, rich in flavonoids and antioxidant compounds. It grows best in tropical
rainforests. Chocolate processing consists of a multistep process which, starting from cocoa beans, involves fermentation,
drying, roasting, nib grinding and refining, conching and tempering (Owen, 2013). During cocoa processing, the naturally
occurring antioxidants (flavonoids) are lost, while others such as Maillard reaction products are formed. Primary chocolate
categories are dark, milk and white chocolate, which differ in their contents of cocoa solid, milk fat and cocoa butter.
Chocolate has become one of the most popular food types and flavours in the world. Chocolate is very sensitive to
temperature and humidity (Mattia and Sager, 2014). Quality chocolate is characterized by glossy shine, snap, aroma,
texture and taste. Chocolate processing is complex and requires several technological operations and processes to achieve
the desired product quality. Chocolate is lower in caffeine than tea and coffee. Chocolate contains antioxidants which may
help prevent cancer and heart disease (Afoakwa, 2009).

KEYWORDS: Cocoa, flavonoids, fermentation, antioxidants, processing.

INTRODUCTION Cacao has been cultivated by many cultures for at least

The use of cocoa beans dates back at least 1400 years three millennia in Mesoamerica. The earliest evidence of
(R¨ossner, 1997), when Aztecs and Incas used the beans as use traces to the Mokaya (Mexico and Guatemala), with
currency for trading or to produce the so-called chocolatl, evidence of chocolate beverages dating back to 1900
a drink made by roasting and grinding cocoa nibs, BCE. In fact, the majority of Mesoamerican people made
mashing with water, often adding other Ingredients such as chocolate beverages, including the Maya and Aztecs, who
vanilla, spices or honey. In the 1520s, the drink was made it into a beverage known as xocolātl a Nahuatl
introduced into Spain (Minifie, 1989) although Coe and meaning "bitter water". The seeds of the cacao tree have
Coe (1996) emphasized that the European arrivals in the an intense bitter taste and must be fermented to develop
new world, including Christopher Columbus and Herman the flavour.
Cortes, were unimpressed with the Mayan beverage, After fermentation, the beans are dried, cleaned, and
sweetening it with honey. Nevertheless, the conquistadors roasted. The shell is removed to produce cacao nibs, which
familiarised the chocolate beverage throughout Europe, are then ground to cocoa mass, unadulterated chocolate in
and being expensive, it was initially reserved for rough form. Once the cocoa mass is liquefied by heating,
consumption by the highest social classes, and only in the it is called chocolate liquor. The liquor also may be cooled
seventeenth Century that the consumption of chocolate and processed into its two components: cocoa solids
spread through Europe. As the consumption of chocolate and cocoa butter. Baking chocolate, also called bitter
became more and more widespread during the eighteenth chocolate, contains cocoa solids and cocoa butter in
Century, the Spanish monopoly on the production of cocoa varying proportions, without any added sugars. Much of
soon became untenable and Plantations were soon the chocolate consumed today is in the form of sweet
established by the Italians, Dutch and Portuguese. At this chocolate, a combination of cocoa solids, cocoa butter or
point, Chocolate was still consumed in liquid form and added vegetable oils, and sugar. Milk chocolate is sweet
was mainly sold as pressed blocks of a grainy mass to be chocolate that additionally contains milk powder or
dissolved in water or milk to form a foamy chocolate condensed milk. White chocolate contains cocoa butter,
drink. The mass Production of these chocolate blocks also sugar, and milk, but no cocoa solids. Chocolate has
began in the eighteenth century when the British Fry become one of the most popular food types and flavours in
family founded the first chocolate factory in 1728, using the world, Many candies are filled with or coated with
hydraulic equipment to grind the cocoa beans. sweetened chocolate, and bars of solid chocolate
Chocolate is a typically sweet, usually brown food and candy bars coated in chocolate are eaten as snacks
preparation of the obroma cacao seeds, roasted and Although cocoa originated in the Americas, recent years
ground. It is made in the form of a liquid, paste, or in a have seen African nations assuming a leading role in
block, or used as a flavouring ingredient in other foods. producing cocoa. Since the 2000s, Western Africa

Chocolate processing

produces almost two-thirds of the world's cocoa, cooking, for which thicker, baking bars, usually with high
with Ivory Coast growing almost half of that amount. cocoa percentages ranging from 70% to 99% are sold.
Dark is synonymous with semisweet, and extra dark with
TYPES OF CHOCOLATE bittersweet, although the ratio of cocoa butter to solids
Chocolate is a range of foods derived from cocoa (cacao), may vary.
mixed with fat (e.g., cocoa butter) and finely powdered White chocolate is made of sugar, milk, and cocoa butter,
sugar to produce a solid confectionery. There are without the cocoa solids.
several types of chocolate, classified according to the A 200 gram bar of dark baking chocolate, with a
proportion of cocoa used in a particular formulation. minimum cocoa content of 40% Swiss dark chocolate
The use of particular name designations is sometimes  "Cocoa powder" is used for baking, and for drinking
subject to international governmental regulation. Some with added milk and sugar. There are two types of
governments assign chocolate solids and ranges of unsweetened cocoa powder: natural cocoa (like the sort
chocolate differently. produced by the Broma process), and Dutch-process
Different forms and flavours of chocolate are produced by cocoa. Both are made by pulverizing partially defatted
varying the quantities of the different ingredients. Other chocolate liquor and removing nearly all the cocoa
flavours can be obtained by varying time and temperature butter; Dutch-process cocoa is additionally processed
when roasting the beans. with alkali to neutralize its natural acidity. Natural
Milk chocolate is solid chocolate made with milk, in the cocoa is light in colour and somewhat acidic with a
form of milk powder, liquid milk, or condensed milk, strong chocolate flavour. Natural cocoa is commonly
added. In 1875, Swiss confectioner Daniel Peter, in used in recipes that also use baking soda; as baking
cooperation with his neighbour Henri Nestlé in Vevey, soda is an alkali, combining it with natural cocoa
developed the first solid milk chocolate using condensed creates a leavening action that allows the batter to rise
milk. The bar was named "Gala Peter", combining the during baking. Dutch cocoa is slightly milder in taste,
Greek word for "milk" and his name. A German with a deeper and warmer colour than natural cocoa.
company Jordan & Timaeus in Dresden, Saxony had Dutch-process cocoa is frequently used for chocolate
already invented milk chocolate in 1839 hitherto it had drinks such as hot chocolate due to its ease in blending
only been available as a drink. The US Government with liquids. However, Dutch processing destroys most
requires a 10% concentration of chocolate liquor. of the flavonoids present in cocoa. In 2005 Hershey
EU regulations specify a minimum of 25% cocoa solids. discontinued their pure Dutch-process European Style
However, an agreement was reached in 2000 that allowed cocoa and replaced it with Special Dark, a blend of
what by exception from these regulations is called "milk natural and Dutch-process cocoa.
chocolate" in the UK, Ireland, and Malta, containing only  Organic chocolate is chocolate which has been a
20% cocoa solids, to be traded as "family milk chocolate" certified organic ingredient.
elsewhere in the European Union.  "Raw chocolate" is chocolate that has not been
 Cadbury chocolate is the brand leader in the United processed, heated, or mixed with other ingredients. It is
Kingdom. First produced by George Cadbury Junior in sold in chocolate-growing countries, and to a much
1905, Cadbury Dairy Milk was made with a higher lesser extent in other countries, often promoted as
proportion of milk than previous chocolate bars, and it healthy.
became the company's best selling product by 1914. It is  Unsweetened chocolate, also known as bitter, baking
the best selling milk chocolate bar in the UK, followed chocolate, or cooking chocolate, is pure chocolate
by Galaxy. liquor mixed with some form of fat to produce a solid
 "Hershey process" milk chocolate is popular in the US. substance. The pure, ground, roasted cocoa beans
The process was invented by Milton S. Hershey, impart a strong, deep chocolate flavor. With the
founder of The Hershey Company. The process uses addition of sugar, however, it is used as the base
fresh milk from local farms. The logistics of purchasing for cakes, brownies, confections, and cookies.
and delivering fresh milk is difficult as, according to  "Bittersweet chocolate" is chocolate liquor (or
state regulations fresh milk cannot be held for more than unsweetened chocolate) to which some sugar (less than
72hours after its reception. If not immediately processed a third), more cocoa butter, vanilla flavouring, and
into milk chocolate, the milk must be disposed of the sometimes lecithin have been added. It typically has
actual Hershey process is a trade secret, but experts less sugar and more liquor than semisweet
speculate that the milk is partially lipolyzed, chocolate, but the two are interchangeable when
producing butyric acid, and then the milk is pasteurized baking. Bittersweet and semisweet chocolates are
and stabilized. This process gives the product a sometimes referred to as "couverture". Many brands
particular taste, to which the US public has shown to now print on the package the percentage of cocoa in
have an affinity, to the extent that some rival the chocolate (as chocolate liquor and added cocoa
manufacturers now add butyric acid to their milk butter). The higher the percentage of cocoa, the less
chocolates. sweet the chocolate is.
Dark chocolate, also known as "plain chocolate" or  "Semisweet chocolate" is frequently used for cooking
"black chocolate", is produced using higher percentages of purposes. It is a dark chocolate with (by definition in
cocoa, traditionally with cocoa butter instead of milk, but Swiss usage) half as much sugar as cocoa, beyond
there are also dark milk chocolates and many degrees of which it is "sweet chocolate". Semisweet chocolate
hybrids. Dark chocolate can be eaten as is, or used in does not contain milk solids.

IJABR, VOL.8 (3) 2018: 408-419 ISSN 2250 – 3579

 "Couverture" is a term used for chocolates rich in bar coatings. In many countries it may not legally be
cocoa butter. Popular brands of couverture used by called "chocolate".
professional pastry chefs and often sold in gourmet and  "Modeling chocolate" is a chocolate paste made by
specialty food stores include: Valrhona, Felchlin, Lindt melting chocolate and combining it with corn
& Sprüngli, Scharffen Berger, Cacao Barry, Callebaut, syrup, glucose syrup, or golden syrup. It is primarily
Chocolate, Chocó fig fuel chocolates, and Guittard. used by upscale cake makers and patisseries to add
These chocolates contain a high percentage of cocoa decoration to cakes and pastries.
 "Compound chocolate" is the technical term for a Flavours such as mint, vanilla, coffee, orange, or straw
confection combining cocoa with vegetable fat, berry are sometimes added to chocolate in a creamy form
usually tropical fats and/or hydrogenated fats, as a or in very small pieces. Chocolate bars frequently contain
replacement for cocoa butter. It is often used for candy added ingredients such as peanuts, nuts, fruit, caramel,
and crisped rice. Pieces of chocolate, in various flavours,
are sometimes added to cereals and ice cream.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the naming and ingredients of cocoa products:
Product Chocolate Liquor Milk Solids Sugar Cocoa Fat Milk Fat
Milk Chocolate ≥ 10% ≥ 12%
Sweet Chocolate ≥ 15% < 12%
Semisweet or Bittersweet (Dark) Chocolate ≥ 35% < 12%
White Chocolate ≥ 14% ≤ 55% ≥ 20% ≥ 3.5%

Chocolate facts fact for some people, chocolate can lower cholesterol
1. There is a correlation between the amount of chocolate levels.
a country consumes on average and the number Chocolate is high in caffeine
of Nobel Laureates that country has produced. Contrary to popular belief, chocolate is not loaded with the
2. A jewel thief made off with $28 million dollars of jitter-inducing compound known as caffeine. A Hershey’s
gems in 2007 because he was able to gain the trust of chocolate bar contains 9 milligrams of caffeine and a
the guards working the bank in Antwerp, Belgium, by Hershey’s Special Dark bar contains 31 milligrams, as
repeatedly offering them chocolate. compared to the 320 milligrams found in a Starbuck’s
3. The blood in Psycho's famous shower scene was grande brewed coffee. Darker varieties are higher in
actually chocolate syrup. caffeine, it’s true, but not as high as many people think.
4. At one point the Nazis plotted to assassinate Winston The sugar in chocolate causes hyperactivity
Churchill with an exploding bar of chocolate. Excessive sugars cause’s kids to jump off the walls,
5. The scientific name for the tree that chocolate comes bounce off the ceiling, and generally mimic a rogue
from, Theobroma cacao, means "food of the gods." helicopter, right? So we thought. But more than a dozen
6. It takes a almost a full year for a cocoa tree to produce good-quality studies have failed to find any link between
enough pods to make 10 standard-sized Hershey bars. sugar in children's diets and hyperactive behavior. Two
7. Chocolate has over 600 flavour compounds, while red theories: It’s the environment that creates the excitability
wine has just 200. (birthday parties, holidays, etc) and/or that the connection
8. Theo bromine, the compound in chocolate that makes is simply in the minds of the parents expecting hyper
it poisonous to dogs, can humans well. You'd have to behavior following sugar-fuelled revelries.
be a real glutton to go out this way though, as an People with diabetes have to give up chocolate
average 10-year-old child would have to eat 1,900 Chocolate does not need to be completely avoided by
Hershey's miniature milk chocolates to reach a fatal people with diabetes. In fact, many are often surprised to
dose. learn that chocolate has a low glycemic index.
9. The ancient Maya are believed to be the first people to Recent studies suggest that dark chocolate may actually
regularly grow cacao trees and drink chocolate. The improve insulin sensitivity in people with normal and high
Aztecs got it later, but they had to trade for cacao blood pressure and improve endothelial dysfunction in
because they couldn't grow the trees. people with diabetes. Of course, always check with your
10. The word "chocolate" comes from the Aztec word doctor before ripping open the Ritter wrapper.
"xocoatl," which referred to the bitter, spicy drink the Chocolate causes tooth decay and cavities
Aztecs made from cacao beans. A study investigating the development of plaque from
chocolate found that chocolate has less of an effect on
CHOCOLATE MYTHS AND TRUTHS dental plaque than pure table sugar. Of course, most of us
Chocolate raises bad cholesterol aren’t snacking on straight sugar, but another study backed
If you’ve given up chocolate in the name of lowering LDL it up when it showed no association between eating
(bad) cholesterol, you may have been unwittingly chocolate and getting cavities. In fact, a study from Osaka
sacrificing the sweet treat for nothing. Quelle tragique! University in Japan found that parts of the cocoa bean, the
While it’s true that chocolate contains cocoa butter, which main ingredient of chocolate, thwart mouth bacteria and
is high in saturated fat, much of the fat comes from stearic tooth decay. Fighting cavities never tasted so good.
acid, which doesn’t act like saturated fat. Studies have While stuffing yourself with a box of chocolates won't do
shown that chocolate does not raise bad cholesterol, and in you any favours in the weight department, eating a small

Chocolate processing

amount of chocolate five times a week has been linked to a 5. Bean count (number per 100 g)
lower BMI. 6. Degree of mouldiness
Chocolate makes you gain weight 7. Flavour profile
Of course it does. Well, not necessarily. Obviously, 8. Colour
monumental hot fudge sundaes aren’t going to do your 9. Fat content (minimum 52%)
waistline any favours, but a large study funded by the 10. Fat quality relating to percentage of free fatty acids (as
National Institutes of Health found this: Consuming a oleic acid)
small amount of chocolate each of five days during a week 11. Shell content (10–12%)
was linked to a lower BMI, even if the person ate more 12. Uniformity of bean size
calories overall and didn't exercise more than other 13. Insect and rodent in the second technique is evaluated
participants. Hello, chocolate diet. based on the size of the beans using either bean count
Eating sugar and chocolate can add to stress (Number of beans per 100 g) or the weight in grams of
A study found that eating about an ounce and a half of 100 beans. On the international cocoa Market, different
dark chocolate a day for two weeks reduced levels of bean sizes attract different prices. Beans with smaller sizes
stress hormones in the bodies of people feeling highly usually contain proportionately lower amount of nibs,
stressed. higher shell content, lower fat content and attract lesser
Chocolate lacks nutritional value prices. Typically, beans from Asian origin have higher
If you’ve seen any of the deluge of scientific studies shell content than beans from West Africa. The bean cut
touting the health benefits of chocolate, you know this is test is used to assess defects and the degree of
not true. But just how nutritious is chocolate? It has bona fermentation. In this process, a sample of 300 beans are
fide super food status. A typical dark chocolate bar randomly selected and split open longitudinally. The cut
contains as much antioxidant capacity as 2 3/4 cups of surfaces are then examined and assessed based on the
green tea, 1 glass of red wine, or 2/3 cup of blueberries. In following criteria:
addition, chocolate also contains minerals and dietary 1. Flat and shrunken beans
fiber. 2. Mouldy beans
Chocolate must contain at least 70 percent cacao to be 3. Slaty beans
good for you 4. Germinated beans
The general recommendation is to consume dark chocolate 5. Degree of insect and rodent infestation
with a minimum of 70 percent cacao to reap the health All these factors affect the flavour and taste of the finished
benefits; in general, the darker the chocolate, the higher products, for which the beans would be used. Good cocoa
the antioxidant content. However, in one 18-week study, beans should be well fermented, dry and free from insect
participants who ate a small amount of 50 percent cacao and rodent infestation, abnormal odours and
chocolate experienced a significant reduction in systolic contaminations/ adulterations. Another key criterion is the
and diastolic blood pressure. As well, another study flavour quality. In this regard, considerations must be
showed short-term improvements in blood flow and blood given to the desired quality of the finished chocolate
pressure after consumption of a 60 percent cacao dark and/or products upon which or in which the chocolate
chocolate. would be used. For instance, harsh cocoa and bitter notes
Chocolate causes acne are required to contrast a very sweet or heavily flavoured
Although any teen will tell you that chocolate cause’s centre, using delicately flavoured beans such as Java bea.
acne, studies going as far back as the 1960s have failed to It is important to note that just because a bean comes from
show any relationship between chocolate consumption and a flavour grade stock does not mean it will automatically
acne. An extensive review in the Journal of the American improve a product’s profile. The overall impact a
Medical Association concluded that “diet plays no role in Particular stock has on its inclusion upon the blend has to
acne treatment in most patients even large amounts of be carefully assessed. Also noteworthy is the fact that
chocolate have not clinically exacerbated acne.” while beans are characteristically typed, flavour quality
The moral of the story is: Eat chocolate! Alas, eat it in may vary from year to year, crop to crop, etc., and
moderation. An average 3-ounce bar of milk chocolate has therefore requires a continuous assessment of availability
420 calories and 26 grams of fat, almost as much as a Big of the beans before using them in recipe formulations The
Mac — and that's a fact. following are five examples of the varied selection of bean
blends in assorted products types and explanations of the
COCOA PROCESSING AND TECHNOLOGY reasoning involved in their selections. For the industrial
Bean selection and quality criteria production of:
Chocolate manufacturers must follow a set of guidelines 1. Milk chocolate: The use of predominantly medium
and quality criteria if they are to roast West African beans with Ecuadorian bean is
produce products that maintain the consumers’ loyalty to advised. This blend would deliver a good clean cocoa
their products. Before processing, note with nutty and slightly fruity undertones. It is
the quality of beans is evaluated using two different important to note that the addition of the highly acidic
methods. With the first technique, the Brazilian and Malaysian beans would negatively
beans are assessed for the following indicators: contrast with the milky notes desired.
1. Degree of fermentation 2. Light milk chocolate: This product could be made from
2. Moisture content (maximum 6%) lightly roasted Java beans that are known for their light
3. Number of defects colour and very mild overall flavour with distinctive
4. Number of broken beans nutty overtones. This would help attain a good standard

IJABR, VOL.8 (3) 2018: 408-419 ISSN 2250 – 3579

of identity for milk chocolate, as the coating would be bagging and transportation. The process ensures that the
several shades lighter than a 100% West African bean. Total Plate Count (TPC) is reduced to less than 500 per
It could be best used to complement very delicately gram, and all pathogenic bacteria are destroyed. After
flavoured centres. sterilisation, the nibs can then be roasted directly (natural
3. High-quality semisweet chocolate: The use of process) or can be alkalised first by the Dutch process
predominantly West African stock is advised for its before roasting. In situations where sterilisation is done
cocoa character and slightly nutty undertones (light to after roasting, the heat treatment is used to ensure total
medium roast) to heighten desirable notes and limit destruction of heat-resistant bacteria and spores that might
burnt/bitter notes. This blend when complemented by have survived the high temperatures of the roasting
Caracas and Trinidad beans would contribute floral and process. The procedure is to inject, over a period of about
slightly spicy notes to create balanced yet unique 20 seconds, a fine water spray of steam into the roasting
profile. drum at the end of the roasting period. This guarantees a
4. Harsh bittersweet chocolate: This product is mainly considerable reduction in microbial count in the roasted
designed for use on very sweet and highly flavoured nibs
cream centres as it produces very harsh and bitter Alkalisation
coatings. If eaten alone, this coating may be harsh The technique of alkalisation was first introduced by a
enough to be objectionable to many consumers. Dutchman known as van Houten in 1928 and therefore
However, in a finished piece as described, it named it as the Dutch process. All cocoa, beans, nibs or
complements and balances the product’s flavour. liquor that is so treated is described as ‘alkalised’ or
Delicate flavour grades would be wasted in such a ‘Ducted’. This consists of treating the cocoa nibs with an
product as they would be overridden fully by the alkali solution such as potassium or sodium carbonate. The
bitterness, astringency and acidity of the blend. alkali is used to raise the pH of the beans or nibs from 5.2
5. Semisweet cookie drop: The use the dominant West to 5.6 to near neutrality at 6.8–7.5, depending on the alkali
African beans is advised in this Product to provide a used, and the purposes are primarily to modify the colour
good cocoa impact. The strong profiles of the Brazilian and flavour of cocoa powder or cocoa liquor, and also
and Sanchez Components complement and contrast the improve dispersibility or suspension of the cocoa solids in
West African component. In this application, a robust water. During the process, the alkali solution is sprayed
flavour is desirable for contrast in the baked cookies. into the drum after it has been charged with the nibs,
which is then slowly dried at a temperature below 100◦C
Cleaning, breaking and winnowing (212◦F).
Before processing, cocoa beans are passed through the Roasting
processes of cleaning, breaking and winnowing to obtain Cocoa beans are roasted to develop further the original
nibs of consistent quality. These processes also ensure that cocoa flavour that exists in the form of precursors
the nibs are cleaned (free from dirt and infestation), well generated during the processes of fermentation and drying
broken and properly de shelled. The kernels (nibs) of the beans. During roasting of the dried fermented beans,
obtained after the process must be of uniform size to several physical and chemical changes take place, which
achieve constant quality. The process involves, first, include the following:
sieving the beans and removing all extraneous materials 1. Loosening of the shells.
such as stones, strings, coins, wood pieces, soil particles 2. Moisture loss from the beans to about 2% final content.
and nails. The cleaned beans are then broken to loosen the 3. The nibs (cotyledons) become more friable and generally
shells from the nibs using multiple steps to avoid an darken in colour.
excess of fine particles. The products obtained are then 4. Additional reduction in the number of micro-organisms
sieved into smaller number of fractions to obtain Optimal present in the beans. This helps attain food-grade
separation during subsequent winnowing. The fractions products, such as cocoa butter, cocoa powder and cocoa
are then transported to the Winnowing cabinet where the liquor, which have stringent microbiological
lighter broken shells are removed by a stream of air. The specifications.
Breaking and winnowing steps are vital in separating the 5. Degradation of amino acids takes place and proteins are
essential components of the bean, the nibs from the shells, partly denatured. The natural reducing sugars are almost
and the shells are then discarded and sold for use as destroyed during degradation of amino acids.
agricultural Mulch or as fertilisers. Strong magnets are 6. Losses of volatile acids and other substances that
then used to remove magnetic foreign materials from the contribute to acidity and bitterness. A large number of
nibs, which are then stored, awaiting further processing. compounds have been detected in the volatile
Sterilisation compounds including aldehydes, ketones, pyrazines,
Sterilisation is the technique of exposing the cocoa beans alcohols and esters. The substances that undergo only
or nibs to sufficiently higher temperatures for a minimal changes are the fats, polyphenols and alkaloids
sufficiently long times to destroy all micro-organisms in explained that the degree of changes is related to the
the beans. Depending on the factory and equipment used, time and temperature of roasting and the rate of
this process can either be done before or after the roasting moisture loss during the process. The roasting
process. The treatment can be done in a batch or temperature varies between 90 and 170◦C depending on
continuous process by wetting or heating with steam, all the type of roasting adopted, being dry or moist roasting
micro-organisms that might have contaminated the nibs three main methods of roasting are employed within the
during the post-harvest processes of fermentation, drying,

Chocolate processing

cocoa processing industry and these include the 1. High-fat cake containing between 22 and 24% residual
following: fat in the pressed cake
2. Low-fat cake containing between 10 and 12% residual
1. Whole bean roasting fat in the pressed cake
2. Nib roasting The cocoa butter extracted is discharged into receptacles
3. Liquor roasting from which it is pumped into an intermediate tank for
further processing.
Whole bean roasting is usually the traditional way of Cake grinding (kibbling)
producing cocoa liquor. By this process, the beans are After pressing, the cakes released are quite big to handle
roasted first before winnowing to facilitate removal of the and are therefore passed through kibbling machines to be
shells which are broken by high-speed impact against broken down into smaller pieces, known as kibbled cake.
metal plates. During the process, the heat causes some of The kibbled cake obtained is stored by fat content and
the fat to migrate into the shells, thus resulting in a loss of degree of alkalisation, and may be blended before
some cocoa butter. This is particularly important in the pulverisation to obtain the desired type of cocoa powder.
case of broken or crushed beans. Nib roasting is done by Cocoa powder production
first removing the shells before roasting, and by this many The powder grinding lines usually comprise hammer-and-
of the limitations of whole bean roasting are overcome. disc or pin mills, which pulverise cocoa cake particles into
This also makes it possible to treat the nibs with alkaline the defined level of fineness of cocoa powder. The powder
or sugar solution during roasting to help improve flavour is then cooled after pulverisation so that the fat of the
development in certain types of cocoa. In liquor roasting, cocoa powder crystallises into its stable form. This
thermal pre-treatment is often used before winnowing for prevents any discolouration (fat bloom) and the formation
liquor roasting. The nib is then ground to liquor before of lumps in the bags after packing, a phenomenon that is
roasting. The major disadvantage of both nib and liquor caused by insufficient crystallisation of the fat at the
roasting is that the shell must be removed before it has moment of filli. The free flowing powder is then passed
been loosened from the nib by heating, and this may result through sieves and over magnets prior to packing in bulk
in poor separation, especially with some type of cocoa. As containers or four-ply multiwall paper bags lined with
a result, a variety of machines have been developed to polyethylene.
thermally pre-treat the beans. These develop a high surface
temperature and evaporate the internal moisture, which in CHOCOLATE MANUFACTURING PROCESSES
turn builds up a pressure within the bean, causing the shell Chocolate manufacturing processes generally share
to come away from the nib. common features such as:
Nib grinding and liquor treatment (1) Mixing
Nib grinding involves milling of cocoa nibs to form cocoa (2) Refining
liquor. The purpose is to produce as low a viscosity as (3) Conching of chocolate paste
possible to obtain smooth cocoa powder and chocolate (4) Tempering and depositing
taste during subsequent use of the liquor. The nib has a (5) Moulding and demoulding
cellular structure containing about 55% cocoa butter in The outcome sought is smooth textures of products
solid form locked within the cells. Grinding of nib cells considered desirable in modern confectionery and
releases the cocoa butter into liquor with particle size up to elimination of oral perceptions of grittiness.
30 μm, and for production of cocoa powder, fine grinding Mixing
is particularly important. The viscosity of the liquor is Mixing of ingredients during chocolate manufacture is a
related to the degree of roasting preceding the grinding fundamental operation employed using time–temperature
and to moisture content of the nib. Many machines are combinations in a continuous or batch mixers to obtain
used for reducing the nibs into liquor, and these include constant formulation consistency. In batch mixing,
stone mills, disc mills, pin or hammer mills and bead or chocolate containing cocoa liquor, sugar, cocoa butter,
ball mills. The grinding is done in a multistage process, milk fat and milk powder (depending on product category)
and the heat treatment generated during the grinding is thoroughly mixed normally for 12–15 minutes at 40–
process causes the cocoa butter in the nib to melt, forming 50◦C. Continuous mixing is usually used by large
the cocoa liquor. The refined cocoa liquor is heated in chocolate manufacturers such as Nestl´e and Cadbury
storage tanks at a temperature of about 90–100◦C for using well-known automated kneaders, producing
aging and microbial destruction, after which the liquor is somewhat tough texture and plastic consistency.
packaged for sale . Typically approximately 78–90% of Refining
cocoa butter is collected by pressing; residual lipids may Refining of chocolate is important to the production of
be removed by supercritical fluid extraction. smooth texture that is desirable in modern chocolate
Liquor pressing confectionery. Mixtures of sugar and cocoa liquor (and
Cocoa butter constitutes about half the weight of the cocoa milk solids depending on the type of chocolate) at an
nib. This fat is partially removed from the cocoa liquor by overall fat content of 8–24% are refined to particle size of
means of hydraulic presses applying pressures as high less than 30 μm normally using a combination of two- and
as520 kg/cm2, and the larger presses take a charge of up to five-roll refiners. Final particle size critically influences
113.4 kg per pressing cycle. Depending on the pressing the rheological and sensory properties.
time and the settings of the press, the resulting cake may Conching
have a fat content of between 10 and 24%. Two kinds of Conching is regarded as the endpoint or final operation in
cocoa cake can be obtained by the process: the manufacture of bulk chocolate, whether milk or dark.

IJABR, VOL.8 (3) 2018: 408-419 ISSN 2250 – 3579

It is an essential process that contributes to development of products 16–24hours at up to 60◦C, and with dark
viscosity, final texture and flavour. Conching is normally chocolates at 70◦C and continue up to 82◦C. Replacing
carried out by agitating chocolate at more than50◦C for full-fat milk powder with skimmed milk powder and
few hours. In the early stages, moisture is reduced with butter fat, temperatures up to 70◦Cmaybe used . To give
removal of certain undesirable flavour-active volatiles chocolate a suitable viscosity, additional cocoa butter and
such as acetic acid, and subsequently interactions between lecithin can be added towards the end of conching to thin
disperse and continuous phase are promoted. In addition to or liquefy the chocolate prior to tempering
moisture and volatile acid removal, the conching
processing promotes flavour development due to the TEMPERING
prolonged mixing at elevated temperatures, giving a partly The final process is called tempering.
caramelised flavour in non-milk crumb chocolate. The Uncontrolled crystallization of cocoa butter typically
process also aids reduction in viscosity of refiner pastes results in crystals of varying size, some or all large enough
throughout the process, and reduction in particle size and to be clearly seen with the naked eye. This causes the
removal of particle edges .The name of the equipment, the surface of the chocolate to appear mottled and matte, and
conche, is derived from the Latin word ‘shell’, as the causes the chocolate to crumble rather than snap when
traditional conche used in chocolate manufacture broken. The uniform sheen and crisp bite of properly
resembled the shape of a shell is an illustration of a Frisse processed chocolate are the result of consistently small
conche. The Frisse conche is a typical example of an cocoa butter crystals produced by the tempering process.
overhead conche used in modern chocolate industry. It The fats in cocoa butter can crystallize in six different
consists of a large tank with three powerful intermeshing forms (polymorphous crystallization) The primary purpose
mixer blades, providing shearing and mixing action. of tempering is to assure that only the best form is present.
Conching times and temperatures vary typically: for milk The six different crystal forms have different properties.
crumb 10–16 hours at 49–52◦C, with milk powder

Crystal Melting temp. Notes

I 17 °C (63 °F) Soft, crumbly, melts too easily
II 21 °C (70 °F) Soft, crumbly, melts too easily
III 26 °C (79 °F) Firm, poor snap, melts too easily
IV 28 °C (82 °F) Firm, good snap, melts too easily
V 34 °C (93 °F) Glossy, firm, best snap, melts near body temperature (37 °C)
VI 36 °C (97 °F) Hard, takes weeks to form

As a solid piece of chocolate, the cocoa butter fat particles destroy the temper and this process will have to be
are in a crystalline rigid structure that gives the chocolate repeated. However, other methods of chocolate tempering
its solid appearance. Once heated, the crystals of the are used. The most common variant is introducing already
polymorphic cocoa butter are able to break apart from the tempered, solid "seed" chocolate. The temper of chocolate
rigid structure and allow the chocolate to obtain a more can be measured with a chocolate temper meter to ensure
fluid consistency as the temperature increases –the melting accuracy and consistency. A sample cup is filled with the
process. When the heat is removed, the cocoa butter chocolate and placed in the unit which then displays or
crystals become rigid again and come closer together, prints the results.
allowing the chocolate to solidify. Two classic ways of manually tempering chocolate are:
The temperature in which the crystals obtain enough  Working the molten chocolate on a heat-absorbing
energy to break apart from their rigid conformation would surface, such as a stone slab, until thickening indicates
depend on the milk fat content in the chocolate and the the presence of sufficient crystal "seeds"; the chocolate
shape of the fat molecules, as well as the form of the cocoa is then gently warmed to working temperature.
butter fat. Chocolate with a higher fat content will melt at  Stirring solid chocolate into molten chocolate to
a lower temperature. "inoculate" the liquid chocolate with crystals (this
Making chocolate considered "good" is about forming as method uses the already formed crystals of the solid
many type V crystals as possible. This provides the best chocolate to "seed" the molten chocolate).
appearance and texture and creates the most stable Chocolate tempering machines (or temperers) with
crystals, so the texture and appearance will not degrade computer controls can be used for producing consistently
over time. To accomplish this, the temperature is carefully tempered chocolate. In particular continuous tempering
manipulated during the crystallization. machines are used in large volume applications. Various
Generally, the chocolate is first heated to 45°C (113 °F) to methods and apparatuses for continuous flow tempering
melt all six forms of crystals. Next, the chocolate is cooled have been described by Aasted, Sollich and Buhler, three
to about 27°C (81 °F), which will allow crystal types IV manufacturers of commercial chocolate equipment, with a
and V to form. At this temperature, the chocolate is focus now on energy efficiency. In general, molten
agitated to create many small crystal "seeds" which will chocolate coming in at 40–50°C is cooled in heat
serve as nuclei to create small crystals in the chocolate. exchangers to crystallization temperates of about 26–
The chocolate is then heated to about 31°C (88 °F) to 30 °C, passed through a tempering column consisting of
eliminate any type IV crystals, leaving just type V. After spinning plates to induce shear, then warmed slightly to
this point, any excessive heating of the chocolate will re-melt undesirable crystal formations.

Chocolate processing

Chocolate defects microscopically or whichever is simpler by heating the

When a product has defect(s) in quality, it may either be chocolate to 38◦C. Fat bloom disappears at this
rendered unwholesome due to food safety concerns or temperature, whereas sugar bloom remains visible.
unacceptable in sensory character. In the case of the latter, TOP TEN MOST POPULAR CHOCOLATE
it may be subjected to rework to meet expected or aspired BRANDS
sensory perceptions. Typically, two main types of defects Toblerone
occur in chocolates during post-processing handling, Toblerone began in Switzerland as a chocolate treat only
storage, warehousing and distribution. These include fat fit for royalty. Today the Toblerone chocolate brand
and sugar blooms. extends around the world. Toblerone chocolate fans love
Fat bloom the distinct prisms that are made from this chocolate. Each
Fat bloom occurs when fat crystals protruding chocolate, one packed full of cocoa, nougat, almonds, and honey all
or chocolate-flavoured coating surface, disturb the mixed perfectly together. It tastes as delicious as it sounds.
reflection of light and appears visible as a whitish film of Now, it is offered in different flavours such as white,
fat, usually covering the entire surface, making the pralines, plain, fruit & nuts, and honeycomb.
products unacceptable for marketing and consumption. Guylian
Although fat-bloomed chocolate does not pose any public The chocolate brand Guylian originated in Belgium. Now,
health or safety hazards to consumer, the process renders its famous chocolate is offered in more than 40 countries
the product unappealing, and therefore renders it inedible. worldwide. Guylian is best known for making handmade
Fat bloom can be caused by the following: cocoa wafers. More so, Guylian is even better known for
1. Insufficient crystallisation during tempering their chocolate seahorse which is the Guylian company
2. Recrystallisation without appropriate tempering logo. The Guylian seahorse’s tail curves the opposite way
3. In homogeneity of the chocolate or chocolate-flavoured than a real seahorse’s tail. Also, winning the 2005 title for
coatings the biggest Easter egg of all time. It took over eight days
4. Differences in temperature between the chocolate and to create and used over 50,000 chocolate seahorse bars.
the centre That is one huge egg; it made the Guinness Book of World
5. Incorrect cooling conditions Records.
6. Fat migration Lindt & Sprungli
7. Touch, also known as touch bloom The Lindt & Sprungli chocolate brand is known all over
8. Inappropriate storage conditions, i.e. humidity and the worlds for making the best white chocolate you have
temperature ever tasted. Originally founded in 1845 in Zurich. This
When chocolate is poorly tempered, there is formation of company has one of the largest chocolate factories in the
the soft Form IV that transforms over a period to the world. Taking deep care in the creation of their
denser and stable Form V, influenced by temperature. chocolate desserts using only milk, granular ingredients,
During this transformation, some cocoa butter remains in and mixed with different flavourful fruits.
liquid state as the stable form (V) solidifies and contracts. Ghirardelli
This coupled with the release of thermal energy as more An Italian chocolatier Domingo Ghirardelli began making
stable form (V) forms, the liquid fat forces between solid the beloved Ghirardelli chocolate brand in 1852. Some of
particles and onto the surface where large crystals impart a the main ingredients are milk, cream, cocoa, and caramel.
white appearance to the surface and recognized as fat Who could resist such a sweet mixture made by the finest
bloom. Naturally, Form V transforms to the more stable Italian craftsmen? The Ghirardelli chocolate brand is
Form VI, slowly over an extended period, again historic. Their current headquarters is currently based in
influenced by temperature. This process also results in the United States. Did you know that every year,
formation of fat bloom. When optimally tempered Ghirardelli hosts an annual two-day festival displaying
products are stored under high Temperatures such as their most amazing milk chocolate disc? You will easily
exposure to sunlight, chocolate melts, and during re- recognize Ghirardelli chocolate by the exquisite design on
crystallisation, in the absence of seeding to ensure the the chocolate. Truly making it one of a kind and one of the
direct formation of the stable form (V), a gradual very best chocolate brands in the world.
transition from unstable to stable forms results in fat Patchi
bloom. A fourth mechanism of fat blooming occurs with Patchi chocolate brand is one of the best-selling chocolate
chocolates that have centres. Usually, liquid fat from the candy bars in the world. Their chocolate is known to be a
centres migrates and consequently reaches surfaces along perfect gift for a dear friend or loved one. Patchi is a
with some cocoa butter. Re crystallisation of this cocoa combination of both Swiss and Belgium flavors. Truly a
butter results in fat bloom. Chocolate with nut centres is delight that is impossible to resist. The finest cocoa and
mostly predisposed to this type of bloom. fresh milk are known to be the chocolate brand’s core
Sugar bloom ingredients. The beautiful packaging only increases the
Sugar bloom occurs through either poor storage conditions irresistibility.
(high humidity) or rapid transition of products from an Galaxy
area of low to high temperature. Both conditions result in Galaxy started its chocolate enterprise in 1986 from the
sweating of the chocolate, which consequently dissolves same makers of the Mars chocolate brand. Galaxy
sugar. As the surface water evaporates, sugar crystals chocolate is made with fresh milk and intense, dark cocoa
remain on the surfaces, producing a white appearance. but is magically entwined with delicious and sweet fruit
This phenomenon is often confused with fat bloom but is flavors. It’s hard to resist. The first time I saw Galaxy
completely different. The difference can be established chocolate, I would not take my eyes off of the sweet

IJABR, VOL.8 (3) 2018: 408-419 ISSN 2250 – 3579

chocolate until it touched my taste buds. It is an irresistible 37% while the chances of getting a stroke were 29% less
chocolate brand of the highest quality. when they had a higher consumption of chocolate.
Cadbury 2. It may help improve your memory as you get older
John Cadbury began his famous chocolate industry in Research has shown that when elderly people were
London in 1824. Who knew Cadbury would have come given specially prepared cocoa extracts which was high in
this far? Cadbury is a name recognized worldwide. Every flavanols, their cognitive function greatly improved. The
person in the world known of the Cadbury bunny at only problem is that when it comes to eating chocolate, the
Easter. Easter is one of the biggest times for selling percentage of those cocoa flavanols is much reduced due
chocolate and sweets. Although, Cadbury is a famous to the processing and the addition of eggs, sugar and milk.
chocolate brand all year long. All made with milk, honey, 3. It can help to avoid sunburn
cocoa, and fresh ingredients. It is easy to see why Cadbury One study conducted in London found that women who
is one of the most famous chocolate brands in the world. were given chocolate with high flavanol content were able
Ferrero Rocher to withstand double the amount of UV light on their skins
There are many reasons why Ferrero Rocher made the top without burning, compared to those on lower doses.
3 spot on our list. It quite possibly may be the extravagant 4. It may make you better at math
packaging or the delicious chocolate that everyone so I was never good at math at school. Maybe I should have
dearly loves. Or maybe it’s the fact that Ferrero Rocher eaten more dark chocolate! This is the startling conclusion
has been a leader in the chocolate industry for nearly 200 I have reached after reading about the research of
years. Ferrero Rocher is delightful and sensational Professor David Kennedy who is Director of Brain,
chocolate covered in a gold foil wrapping that looks like it Performance and Nutrition at the Research Center
should only be eaten by royalty. Every bite will satisfy you of Northumbria University (UK). Participants were given
from the wafer to the caramel topping, purely mouth 500 mg of flavanols in a hot cocoa drink. They benefited
watering. from increased flow to the brain as a result and were better
Kit Kat at coping with difficult math equations.
Give me a break, give me a break. Break me off a piece of 5. It may put you in a better mood
that kit kat bar. The famous chocolate brand Kit Kat has I wish my uncle had given my aunt some chocolate when
hit the number two spot on our list by more than the he told her to stop crying and to ‘cheer up.’ He obviously
catchy jingle that goes along with the classic chocolate had not read about the work at the University of
bar. Thin wafers covered in milk chocolate, delicious, Swinburne in Australia. These guys again targeted the
plus, you can break them into pieces to save for later or cocoa polyphenols and they found that it had a beneficial
share with family or friends. My sister and I used to love effect on the mood of the participants who were calmer
this treat as children. It was easy to divide between us. and happier.
Plus, we loved to savor every last drop. Beginning in 1935 6. It may help lower cholesterol levels
as Kit Cat renamed Kit Kat. It has become a household The Journal of Nutrition carries an interesting article about
name and has different flavours to satisfy everyone’s taste. the results of a study done to determine whether dark
My personal all time favorite chocolate bar is the Kit Kat chocolate could have any effect on the LDL cholesterol
white chocolate. Oh, I love it! levels. They found that when subjects were given bars of
Mars dark chocolate with plant sterols and flavanols, they were
The number one spot, Mars chocolate brand. The Mars getting lower scores on their cholesterol levels.
chocolate bars are the number one selling chocolate brand 7. It may help people with Alzheimer’s disease
across the globe. In my book, that makes it the most As we know, the nerve pathways to the brain get damaged
famous chocolate brand of all time. Mars bars are when Alzheimer’s disease strikes, causing severe loss in
absolutely delicious. This chocolate brand got its start in certain mental functions. It is fascinating to read about
the United Kingdom nearly 100 years. It’s timeless recipe how one extract from cocoa, called lavado, can actually
of honey, caramel, nougat, minced almonds. The reduce the damage done to these vital pathways.
packaging is in perfect little boxes making the Mars 8. It can help you with your workout
chocolate brand a great gift. Like every other famous Another magical flavanol in chocolate is epicatechin. Mice
chocolate brand, Mars developed more than one flavour. were given this substance and they were much fitter and
Including the flavour variety of Almond, Dark, Light, stronger than those mice on water only. Researchers say
Midnight, Lava, and The Fling. Customers stay happy that to get the best you have to limit the amount to only
having Mars’ own versions of Snickers and Milky way. about half of one square of chocolate a day! If you have
Mars had my vote and had made our list of the top most too much, it could undo the beneficial effects
famous chocolate brand of all time. 9. It is very nutritious
Did you know that if choose chocolate with a high cocoa
HEALTH BENEFITS OF CHOCOLATE content (75% to 85%) you are getting a very nutritious
1. It can help your heart to stay healthy snack? Take the typical 100 gram chocolate bar. It has
Lots of studies reveal that the flavonoids in chocolate can almost all of your RDA for copper and manganese. It
help your veins and arteries to stay supple. Over 7 studies contains over half your magnesium RDA and about two
followed 114,000 participants who were given a few thirds (67%) of your RDA for iron. It also has about 10%
servings of dark chocolate a week. The results showed that of fiber. There is also lots of zinc, selenium and potassium
their risk of getting a heart attack was reduced by about too.

Chocolate processing

10. It can help to lower your blood pressure 19. It may help to lower your Body Mass Index
You may not know it but having the right amount of NO There has been a lot of emphasis on how chocolate can
(Nitric Oxide) in your body can help your arteries to relax. actually reduce your BMI (Body Mass Index) which is
That will, in turn help to take some of the pressure off how you measure up as regards your height versus your
them and the result is a lower BP count. Just another weight. One study took 1,000 Californians and they found
benefit of the dark chocolate flavanols which help to that those who ate chocolate more often during the week
produce this vital Nitric Oxide. had a lower BMI. Overall diet and exercise regimes were
11. It helps you produce more endorphins not factors which influenced this result.
When you are on a high, it may be due to excitement, love 20. It may help reduce your chances of getting cancer
or after exercise. This high is due to the release of As we have mentioned, the cocoa flavanols in dark
endorphins which are brain hormones. The great chocolate have both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
advantage of chocolate is that flavanols can also help properties. These are important in keeping the actions
in endorphin production without having to run a marathon! of free radicals at bay. As we know, these are the
Endorphins play a key role in helping to prevent protagonists when cancer starts to invade cells.
depression and other mental disorders. Tips for Storing Your Chocolates
12. It may reduce pregnancy complications Chocolate is very sensitive to temperature and humidity.
One of the complications of pregnancy is known Ideal storage temperatures are between 15 and 17 °C (59
as preeclampsia in which blood pressure can shoot up. and 63 °F), with a relative humidity of less than 50%. If
Researchers have established that one of the chemicals in refrigerated or frozen without containment, chocolate can
dark chocolate, thebromine, can stimulate the heart and absorb enough moisture to cause a whitish discoloration,
help the arteries dilate. When pregnant women were given the result of fat or sugar crystals rising to the surface.
higher doses of chocolate, they had a 40% less chance of Various types of "blooming" effects can occur if chocolate
developing this complication. is stored or served improperly.
13. It may help with diabetes Chocolate bloom is caused by storage temperature
You probably think that chocolate is too sweet for fluctuating or exceeding 24 °C (75 °F), while sugar bloom
diabetics and is one of their banned treats, but one small is caused by temperature below 15 °C (59 °F) or excess
study at the University of L’Aquila in Italy found that the humidity. To distinguish between different types of bloom,
right does of chocolate flavonoids can help the body’s one can rub the surface of the chocolate lightly, and if the
metabolism and enhance insulin function. This could bloom disappears, it is fat bloom. Moving chocolate
benefit people with diabetes but more studies need to be between temperature extremes can result in an oily texture.
done. Although visually unappealing, chocolate suffering from
14. It may help you reduce your food cravings bloom is safe for consumption. Bloom can be reversed by
You know the feeling: you cannot function until you have re tempering the chocolate or using it for any use that
a snack. One of the healthiest is a piece of dark chocolate requires melting the chocolate.
because it fills you up quicker and reduces craving for Chocolate is generally stored away from other foods, as it
salty and sweet snacks, according to a small research can absorb different aromas. Ideally, chocolates are
study. packed or wrapped, and placed in proper storage with the
15. It may help your cough correct humidity and temperature. Additionally, chocolate
Another marvelous effect of the theobromine chemical in is frequently stored in a dark place or protected from light
chocolate is that it can calm a troublesome cough. by wrapping paper.
Manufacturers are looking at this to produce safer cough
syrups instead of using codeine which has some  DON'T REFRIGERATE! Chocolate easily absorbs
undesirable side effects. odours of whatever’s in the refrigerator (Roquefort
16. It may help with blood circulation cheese, lamb curry — you get the idea). Moisture in the
Normally you take an aspirin to help prevent blood fridge can also lead to “sugar bloom,” meaning the
clotting and to improve circulation. Studies now show that sugar rises to the surface and discolours the chocolate
chocolate can have a similar effect. (which has no effect on flavour, but doesn’t look too
17. It can also help you see better appealing). So instead of the fridge:
University of Reading researchers were curious to see if  Store it in a cool, dry place. When chocolate is kept at
dark chocolate flavanols could actually improve vision as a consistent temperature below 70°F (ideally between
they knew it certainly improved blood circulation in 65 and 68°F), and at a humidity of less than 55%, the
general. They decided to do a small experiment and gave emulsion of cocoa solids and cocoa butter will stay
two groups of volunteers some white and dark chocolate. stable for months.
The dark chocolate groups were doing better on vision  But even in a cool, dry place: Remember that cocoa
tests afterwards. butter (the vegetable fat in chocolate) picks up the smell
18. It may help reduce fatigue of whatever’s around it. So unless you want your
If you suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome you should bonbons and bars to taste like vanilla extract or garlic
try adding chocolate to your daily diet. One group of powder, follow the next rule:
sufferers were given a daily dose of chocolate for two  Seal them in an air-tight container. Oxygen does just
months. They were less tired and the best news of all is what you’d expect it to — it oxidizes chocolate, which
that they did not put on any extra weight causes less-than-ideal flavours to develop. And although

IJABR, VOL.8 (3) 2018: 408-419 ISSN 2250 – 3579

chocolates are not known to be a favorite food of physical and chemical changes in beans over 5–7 days
vampires... with key browning reactions of polyphenol with proteins
 Keep them away from the light! Not just sunlight (12–15% total) and peptides, giving colours characteristic
(unless you want to make fondue), but also artificial of cocoa. Drying limits mould growth during
light. They both cast the same kind of bad-flavour spell transportation and storage, reducing bean moisture content
as oxygen does. from 60 to 8%. Sun drying is favoured for flavour
 Stored this way, chocolate will last a development and can be carried out above or on hard
while: Solid milk chocolate keeps for over a year; solid surfaces, with differences in airflow and final moisture
dark keeps for nearly two years; and white for four content. Beans are transported under controlled storage
months. Filled chocolates, such as truffles, keep for conditions to chocolate manufacturing sites,or processed
about three to four months (unless they’re full of in the origin country to add value with requirements for
preservatives). traceability in quality assurance. Following critical review
 Of course, our chocolates never contain any of the entire process, a summary of the parameters
preservatives or additives, so be sure to eat them while important for chocolate flavour generation has been
they’re fresh! Or, if you have a large supply, create a developed. An appropriate starting composition can be
candy buffet and invite your friends over to share. (At converted through controlled post-harvest treatments and
right, a chocolate buffet adds a perfect touch to subsequent processing technologies to a high-quality
weddings and parties.) flavour character. Cocoa bean fermentation is crucial to
 Sometimes, you have to refrigerate: Summer’s hot, not only the formation of key volatile fractions (alcohols,
and not everyone uses air conditioning. But before you esters and fatty acids)but also provision of flavour
put chocolate in the fridge, first wrap it tightly to protect precursors (amino acids and reducing sugars) for
against odors and condensation, then seal it in an airtight important notes contributing to chocolate characters.
container. When you take it out, let it come back to Drying reduces levels of acidity and astringency in cocoa
room temperature before unwrapping. This will keep nibs by decreasing the volatile acids and total polyphenols.
your chocolates edible for anywhere from three to six Chocolate manufacturing is complex and requires a
months. combination of several ingredients and technological
 And if you need to store it longer: For durations of six operations to achieve the desired rheological, textural and
months to a year, the freezer can be your friend. Follow melting qualities. However, the extent to which the
the instructions above for placing your chocolates in the formulated ingredients and the applied processing
refrigerator. Once a full 24 hours have gone by, move operations, such as refining and conching, influence these
the container from the fridge to your freezer (this avoids quality characteristics remains quite unclear to processors
temperature shock, and helps preserve texture). To and therefore requires in-depth investigations to elucidate
remove from the freezer — just reverse the steps. Move their effects.
from freezer to fridge, wait a full 24 hours, remove from
the fridge, and let come to room temperature before you REFRENCES
finally unwrap them. (Always eat your chocolate at Afoakwa (2009) Cocoa and chocolate consumption.
room temperature, especially truffles!) Journal of Food chemistry. 21(3): 107-113.

CONCLUSION Beckett, A.K., Donovan, J.L., Waterhouse, A.L. &

Chocolate is enjoyed by consumers by all over the world Williamson, G. (2008) Cocoa and health: a decade of
due to its unique taste, texture and aroma .It can be made research. British Journal of Nutrition, 99, 1–11.
in the form of a liquid, paste or in a block, or used as a
flavouring ingredient in other foods. Chocolate Beckett, K.B., Hurst, W.J., Payne, M.J., Stuart, D.S.,
manufacturing is complex and requires several (2008) "Impact of Alkalization on the Antioxidant and
technological operations and processes to achieve the Flavanol Content of Commercial Cocoa Powders" Journal
desired product quality. During processing, the properties, of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 56 (18): 8527–33;
rheological behaviour and sensory perception of chocolate 8527
are influenced largely by its processing techniques,
particle size distribution and ingredient composition. The Camu, Brunner, E., Passern, D., Quesnel, V.C. &
cocoa chocolate contains healthy components which Adomako, D. (2009) Acidification, proteolysis and
include flavonals, antioxidants and oleic acid. Chocolate flavour potential in fermenting cocoa beans. Journal of
has so many advantages, but don’t eat too much because Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 36, 583–598
everything with too much will give bad results. Chocolate
is healthy for you in moderation. Chocolate flavour resides Daniel, R.W. (2009) Chocolate: fat bloom during storage.
not only in a volatile aromatic fraction of flavour-active The influence of structural elements. The Manufacturing
components but also in non-volatile compounds Confectioner, 79(5), 89–99
influencing taste perception. Its complex composition
depends on the cocoa bean genotype, specifically on Jinap, S. & Dimick, P.S. (2005) Effect of roasting on
contents of bean storage proteins, polysaccharides and acidic characteristics of cocoa beans. Journal of the
polyphenols. The inheritance and regulation of such Science of Food and Agriculture, 54, 317–321
flavour origins remain an area for advanced research.
Enzymic and microbial fermentations after harvest induce

Chocolate processing

Justin, B., Wewetzer, C. & Passern, D. (2012) Vacuolar Owen, (2013) Chocolate Science and Technology. Journal
(storage) proteins of cocoa seeds and their degradation of food science.72 (9): 541-552
during germination and fermentation. Journal of
Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 33, 1291–1304 Shiinia, T.A.L., Hargreaves, J.M., Wolf, B., Hort, J.
&Mitchell, J.R. (2007) Impact of particle size distribution
Mattia, S.L. and Sager, T.W. (2014) Impact of processing on rheological and textural properties of chocolate models
on Antioxidant activity. Journal of Food science and with reduced fat content. Journal of FoodScience, 72(9),
technology.23:197-204. 541–552.


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