Edu-490 Week 12 Professional Development Plan

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Professional Development Plan

Goal #1: Goal #2: Goal #3:

Rationale: Finding Effective Ways to Address Creating a Positive Learning Creating-Multi-/Sensory Experiences
Barriers to Parent Involvement is a Environment by building to Memory Retention is another goal
big goal I will like to work towards. I relationships with students and that I will focus on. I chose this goal
chose this goal because it is a interacting with them in an authentic because I have a passion to learn how
common problem that I know other way is another goal that I will like to the brain operates and to learn more
teachers face. I expect finding reach. I prefer to work towards this effective ways to teach to different
effective ways to address different goal because I know how powerful learning styles. All students learn in
barriers between me and parents will relationship building contributes to different ways and my goal is to
help create a positive relationship student learning. Getting to know my devote myself to learning better ways
amongst me and my future students. students and learning about who they to help them not only learn new
They know their parents before they are individually and collaboratively things, but to remember what they
ever meet me. If their parents view will help them know me as a person. learn. This will improve student
me in a respectable way and see that I Establishing relationships with learning on so many levels. It will
have their child’s best interest at students will help them feel safe, hold arouse their senses and help them
heart, it will only help their children them accountable for personal become more active participants in
feel the same likewise. actions, and promote them to work their learning. By being provided
harder because they know that I care with visualizations, hands-on
about their overall well-being. It will experiences, and auditory
also minimize behavioral problems. experiences, their minds will be
stimulated, which in return will help
them easily recall what they learned.
End Date: May 2021 is the goal, but I plan to May 2021 is the goal, but I plan to May 2021 is the goal, but I plan to
continue to learn and grow to stay continue to learn and grow to stay continue to learn and grow to stay
current with newly discovered current with newly discovered current with newly discovered
research. research. research.
Action Timeline: I will begin by watching all of the I will join the Sanford Inspire I will begin by joining Sanford
modules that are available under the Professional Development workshop Inspire Professional Development
Addressing Barriers to Parent 4/17/19 and continue to work workshops on 4/17/19. I will attend
Involvement . For example: 4/17/19: collaboratively with administrators Professional Development workshops

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Join Sanford Inspire. Between and grade level instructors. I will also through the Chesterfield County
Families and Schools: Creating continue to conduct research that School District in August of 2019,
Meaningful Relationships is a expose me to different culture norms and 2020. I will also continue to
Professional Development download to help me value and respect students conduct research online and attend
that is available through “Teaching and to promote diversity in the other Professional Development
for Change website that I also plan to classroom. seminars.
invest in for the summer of 2019.
Resources: One amazing resource I have found is The Sanford Inspire website is a great The Sanford Inspire website has great
the Sanford Inspire Professional resource that provide modules for resources to help me reach my goal.
Development Website. I plan to use Professional Development. I will also There are also many other online
the resources that are listed in the utilize the internet by conducting Professional Development lectures
reference section. I will also utilize research by accredited websites to and workshops to help me better
any of the school district required help me learn more positive ways to understand the brain and learning.
Professional Development workshops effectively build relationships with Heinemann's website also has a One-
to help me reach my goal. students. Day workshop available on July 9,
2019 that I plan to attend.

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