Asian History Reviewer

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Asian History Reviewer Political

 Kings: Priestly Kings (they are the direct

connection of the people to their Gods
 Complex and highly organized social and Goddesses) however it was
order changed to military leaders because of the
 Development of cultural aspects wars and battles that occurred at that
 System of Writing time. (no written records of royalty,
 Civitas- Urban Life (western concept) taxation or literature)
 Cities
Political- unites the people
 Main
 Food Production  Mohenjo Daro
 Implements Laws  Harappa
 Taxes- for funding  The main economic
 Defense activity of the two
 Construction of various buildings cities are
agriculture and
Economic- a wide variety of jobs and each trading
worker focuses on one particular job  Minor
Religion- the belief and rituals of the  Mehgarh- Pre Indus
civilization that shape the government and its Neolithic Village
people (agriculture and
domestication of animals)
Society-Ranked groups determined by jobs – they were sedentary
 Citadel- a fortress or fort that guards the
Arts-Artworks and Buildings (based on talents,
city and is usually found in the western
beliefs and values of an individual)
part of the area. It is the center of
Science and Technology- invention and other political-religious activities
discoveries  Great Bath (Public Bath)-used for
religious purposes such as
1922  Lower City-where economic
Dravidians- ethnic group that is believed to productivity happens

have start the Indus Civilization Economic

Existed for 1,000 years  Trading
Main Rivers  Uses seals as a amulet and an ID
 It uses pictograms (way of
1. Indus writing)
2. Ganges  Their trading reached the Persian
3. Brahmaputra Gulf and even the Sumerian
 Agriculture Main Rivers
 Barley, wheat, melons, dates and
1. Euphrates
cotton (first civilization that used
2. Tigris (Start of Egyptian Civilization as
 Granary- a storage that is
composed of mud bricks that are Political
 Ziggurat- center of the government and
Religion religious activities. Focal point and the
houses of Gods and Goddess. (temple
Polytheistic- they believe in many Gods such
States) Center of Supernatural
as goddess, bulls and buffalos
Arts  Kings: Priestly Kings that soon changed
into military leaders due to wars and
 Grid-patterned streets
 Sewer System-irrigation
 System of Writing (pictograms-yet to be Economic Activities:
 Domestication
 Necklaces- gold, tin, glazed earthenware
 Farming (use of irrigation)
Science and Technology  Trading

 Ships (trading) Arts, Science and Technology

 Measuring system
 Craft workers- highly skilled in
 Counting
handling metals and store work
 Toys
 Created the wheelbarrow, plow, seed
Fall of Indus sowing machine, system of writing
 Cuneiform- uses a wedged tip on
 Environmental Factors & Natural
wet clay.
 Another people took over. Possibly by Education
the Aryans
 Schools are for the upper class
Sumerian Civilization (3500-3000 B.C.)  Carpentry
 Pottery
 Entrusts everything to the Gods
 Blacksmithing
 Power and might is  happiness
 Friendship Chinese Civilization (Lungshan & Yangshao = Shang)
 Adventurous; Community Spirit
The Yangshao civilization was first to be
 Recording of written works (Epic of
established. They were known for having dug
pit houses that was perfect for cool and warm
 Found along the ark of the Fertile
temperature. They were also known for their
culture of Painted Pottery which uses red and  Farmers
black paint and geometrical shapes.  Artisans (specialized in crafting
items made from bronze)
Lungshan or Yungshan was the second
Bronze signify power and authority
Neolithic period to arise and they were known
for domestication of animals, silk production, Science and Technology
black pottery and being sedentary. They also
 Calligraphy- Chinese Characters
had a more developed structure of dug pit
 Bronze artifacts
 Carving jade and ivory figurines
These two civilization merged to create the  Silk and Porcelain Production
first dynasty; the Shang dynasty. (dynasty: a
Genocide of Christians in Iraq
ruling family that usually lasts for generations)
 ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)
 Ancient China
o emerged from radical Sunni
 *Huang Ho River System “Yellow
jihadists in Iraq who
River” or “River of Sorrows” due to it
 fought under the banner “al-Qaeda in
constantly flooding during rainy
seasons (yellow silt)
 Muslim
 Huang Ho Valley
a) Shia
 7 communities were formed
b) Sunni- Muslim sect
 Anyang- most important community;
 Jihadists- “Protectors of
Capital of Shang Civilization
the Faith”
Political  wants to start a HOLY
 Ruled by priest-kings who were
 Goal: Islamic State crossing over the
Considered as “sons of heaven” or
borders of Syria and Iraq. If they
 “mandates of heaven” who were
achieve, the new state would be a
Appointed by the gods themselves
caliphate and ruled by a caliph.
Religion  Christians- minority in Asia
 Assyrians have lived in Monsul
 Believed in a main god called Shang Di, (Nineveh) for over 6,000 years
the ruler and creator of the heavens converting to Christianity over 2,000
 Believed their dead ancestors bring their years ago
prayers to Shang Di and to other nature  Last Christians reportedly have left
gods Iraq’s second largest city of Mosul at
 Polytheism 12:00 pm on Saturday
 Human Sacrifice  3 CHOICES OF THE I.S.I.S.
 Oracle Bones were used to communicate 1) Convert to Islam
with dead ancestors and to foretell the 2) Dhimma-contract involving payment
future of tax
Economic 3) Die

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