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Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030

Study Material

Insect Systematics, Ecology and Integrated Pest Management
Course No. Ento.231 (2+1)



Prof G Raghavaiah
Head of Department of Entomology
Agricultural College Bapatla

Prof T Ramesh Babu

Head Department of Entomology
Agricultural College Bapatla


Dr K Hari Prasad

Dr K Manjula

Dr K Sridevi

Dr P Seetha Ramu

Prof P V Krishnayya

Dr S R KoteswaraRao

Dr S Upendhar

Objectives and Lecture Out-lines

Genera Objective: To impart knowledge to the students on classification of insects,

ecology of insects and various methods of pest management

Specific Objectives

Theory: By the end of the course, the students will be able to

1) Know the classification of insects and distinguished characters of different families

2) Know the influence of ecological factors on insect development and distribution

3) Understand the components of integrated pest management

4) Know the classification of insecticides and their use in pest management

5) Understand the mass multiplication techniques of major bioagents

Practical: By the end of the practical exercises, the student will be able to

1) Distinguished characters of insects from different Orders and Families

2) Sampling techniques for estimation of insect population

3) Know about light traps, pheromone traps and insecticides in pest management

4) Identify the biological agents know insecticide formulations and dosage calculation

5) Acquaint with mass multiplication of bioagents


Theory Lecture Outlines

Lecture Content Between

No Pages

1 Taxonomy – importance - history – Binomial nomenclature - 1-3

holotype, allotype and paratype – suffixes of tribes, subfamily,
family and superfamily – law of priority – synonyms and
homonyms - Species - subspecies – genus - family and order.

2 Order Orthopetra – General characters - family Acrididae and 4-5

Tettigonidae –characters with examples

3 Order: Dictyoptra –general characters – family Mantidae – 6

Characters with e xamples

4 Order: Isopetra – general characters – family Termitidae – 7-10

Characters with examples; Order – Thysanoptera – general
characters – family Thripidae –Characters with examples

5 Order -Hemiptera – general charecters - Sub order Hetroptera – 11-13

charecters - families Pentatomidae, Lygaeidae, Miridae,
Pyrrhacoreidae andCoreidae - Characters with examples

6 Order -Hemiptera - Suborder Homoptera – Characters –families 14-18

Cicadellidae, Delphacide, Aphididae, Pseudococcidae,
Coccidae and Aleurodidae - characters with examples

7 Order – Lepidoptera –general characters - differences between 19-21

moths and butterflies - families Noctuidae, Lymantriidae and
Sphingidae – characters with examples.

8 Order – Lepidoptera – families Pyralidae, Gelechiidae, 22-23

Lycanidae, Arctiidae and Papilionidae - characters with

9 Order – Coleoptera - general characters – families 24-25

Coccinellidae and Bruchidae - characters with examples

10 Order – Coleoptera- families

Scarabaeidae, 26-28
Chrysomelidae, Cerambycidae, Apionidae and Curculionidae -
characters with examples

11 Order – Hymenoptera - general characters – families 29-31

Tenthredinidae, Ichneumonidae, Braconidae and
Trichogrammatidae - characters with examples

12 Order – Diptera - general characters

families 32-34
Cecidomyiidae, Trypetidae, Agromyzidae, Tachinidae and
Muscidae - characters with examples

13 Ecology – introduction - autecology and synecology – population, 35-39

community - importance of insect ecological studies in integrated pest
management (IPM) - environment and its components – soil, water,
air and biota.

14 Abiotic factors - temperature-its effect on the development, fecundity 40-43

distribution, dispersal and movement of insects - adaptations of
insects to temperature - thermal constant

Moisture- adaptation of insects to conserve moisture. - humidity- its

effect on development, fecundity and colour of body - rainfall - its
effect on emergence, movement and oviposition of insects.

Light – phototaxix - photoperiodism - its effect on growth, moulting

activity or behaviour, oviposition and pigmentation - use of light as a
factor of insect control; Atmospheric pressure and its effect on
behavior. Air currents - effect on dispersal of insects – edaphic
factors – water currents.

15 Biotic factors – food - classification of insects according to nutritional 44-45

requirements - other organisms - inter and intra specific associations
- beneficial and harmful associations of parasitoids based on site of
attack, stage of host, duration of attack, degree of parasitism and
food habits.

16 Concept of balance of life – biotic potential and environmental 46-50

resistance – normal coefficient of destruction - factors contributing to
increase or decrease of population - causes for outbreak of pests in
agro-ecosystem – explanation for these causes.

17 Pest surveillance – definition - importance in IPM – advantages - 51-53

components of pest surveillance - pest forecasting - types of
forecasting (short term and long term forecasting and their
advantages) – insect pests – definitions of negligible, minor and
major pests; Different categories of pests – regular, occasional,
seasonal, persistent, sporadic, epidemic and endemic pests with

18 IPM – introduction - importance – evolution of IPM, collapse of 54-59

control systems, patterns of crop protection and environmental
contamination – concepts and principles of IPM – Economic
Threshold Level (ETL) – Economic Injury Level (EIL) and General

Equilibrium Position (GEP) – tools or components of IPM – practices,

scope and limitations of IPM.

19 Host-plant resistance- principles of host plant resistance – ecological 60-64

resistance – phonological asynchrony, induced resistance and
escape – genetic resistance – mono, oligo and polygenic resistance –
major gene resistance (vertical/specific/qualitative) and minor gene
resistance (horizontal/nonspecific/quantitative) – host-plant selection
process- host habitat finding, host finding, host recognition, host
acceptance (antixenosis), antibiosis and tolerance – transgenic

20 Importance and history crop losses due to pests - plant protection 65-71
measures in India - Cultural control- normal cultural practices which
incidentally control the pests and agronomic practices recommended
specifically against the pests with examples; Mechanical control-
different mechanical methods of pest control with examples.

21 Physical control – use of inert carriers against stored product insects 72-75
- steam sterilization – solarization - solar radiation - light traps - flame
throwers etc.; Legislative measures - importance of quarantine -
examples of exotic pests - different legislative measures enforced in
different countries and including India.

22 Biological control - types of biological control – introduction , 76-81

augmentation and conservation – parasite – parasitoid - parasitism -
grouping of parasites based on nature of host, stage of host, site of
parasitisation, duration of attack, degree of parasitisation and food
habits – Kinds of parasitism – qualities/attributes of an effective
parasitoid to be successful one. Biological control - Predators –
predatism – qualities of insect predator – differences between
predator and parasite

23 Microbial control - Bacteria, viruses, fungi, nematodes and protozoa - 82-85

important species of micro organisms against major pests for
incorporation in IPM

Microbial control - entomopathogenic nematodes – important species

- mode of infectivity and examples; Biological control of weeds with
insects - advantages and disadvantages of biological control.

24 Beneficial insects - Important species of pollinators - caprification – 86-87

pollination syndromes –factors that affect pollination - weed killers –
success stories - scavengers - their importance.

25 Chemical control - importance and ideal properties of insecticide - 89-95


classification of insecticides based on origin, mode of entry, mode of

action and toxicity - toxicity evaluation of insecticides - acute or
chronic toxicities, oral and dermal toxicities - LC50 (Lethal
Concentration), LD 50 (Lethal Dose), ED50 (Effective Dose), LT50
((Lethal time), KD50 (Knockdown Dose) and KT50 (Knock Down Time)
– bioassay methods.

Formulations of insecticides - dusts, granules, wettable powders,

water dispersible granules, solutions, emulsifiable concentrates,
suspension concentrates, concentrated insecticide liquids, fumigants,
aerosols, baits and mixtures of active ingredients.

26 Inorganic insecticides - arsenic Compounds - fluorine and sulphur; 96-100

Plant derived insecticides - neem based products - different
commercial formulations containing azadirachtin, neem seed kernel
extract, neem cake and their uses – nicotine, rotenone, plumbagin
and pyrethrum – source – properties and uses.

27 Synthetic organic insecticides – chlorinated hydrocarbons – 101-107

DichloroDiphenylTrichloroethane (DDT) and HexacholoroCyclo
Hexane (HCH) .

Cyclodiens - aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor and endosulfan - toxicity and

mode of action.

Organo phosphates - systemic, non-systemic and translaminar action

of insecticides with examples – brief mode of action – toxicity,
formulations and uses of malathion, methyl parathion,
diazinon,dichlorvos, fenitrothion,quinalphos, phosalone,
chlorpyriphos, phosphomidon, monocrotophos, methyl demeton,
dimethoate, triazophos, profenphos, acephate and phorate.

Carbamates - mode of action – toxicity, formulations and uses of

carbaryl, propoxur, carbofuran, aldicarb and methomyl - Insecticides
with nematicidal and acaricidal properties.

28 Synthetic pyrethroids - brief mode of action – toxicity, formulations 108-112

and uses of alethrin, resmethrin, bioresmethrin, bioallethrin,
fenvalerate, permethrin, deltamethrin, cypermethrin, lambda

cyhalothrin, cyfluthrin, fenpropathrin, flucythrinate, fluvalinate and


Insecticides of other groups - fixed oils; Novel insecticides –

nicotinoid insecticides - brief mode of action – toxicity, formulations
and uses of imidacloprid, acetamiprid, thiamethoxam andclothianidin;
Phenyl pyrazoles - brief mode of action – toxicity, formulations and
uses of fipronil.

29 Macro cyclic lactones – spinosyns - brief mode of action – toxicity, 113-116

formulations and uses of spinosad; Avermectins –brief mode of
action – toxicity, formulations and uses of abamectin and emamectin
benzoate; Oxadaizines – brief mode of action – toxicity, formulations
and uses of indoxacarb; Thioureas - brief mode of action – toxicity,
formulations and uses of diafenthiuron; Pyridine azomethines - brief
mode of action – toxicity, formulations and uses of pymetrozine;
Pyrroles - brief mode of action – toxicity, formulations and uses of
chlorfenapyr and flubendiamide.Formamidines – brief mode of action
– toxicity, formulations and uses of chlordimeform and amitraz;
Ketoenols -brief mode of action – toxicity, formulations and uses of
spirotetramat, spiromesifen and spirodiclofen.

30 Chitin synthesis inhibitors – brief mode of action - brief mode of 117-127

action – toxicity, formulations and uses of diflubenzuron,
flufenoxuron, chlorfluazuron, triflumuron, teflubenzuron, flufenuron,
flucyclouron, novaluron and buprofezin;Juvenile hormone (JH)
mimics – brief mode of action - brief mode of action – toxicity,
formulations and uses of Juvabione, methoprene , hydroprene,
kinoprene; JH agonists – brief mode of action - brief mode of action
– toxicity, formulations and uses of pyriproxyfen and fenoxycarb;
Ecdysone agonists - brief mode of action - brief mode of action –
toxicity, formulations and uses of methoxyfenozide ,halofenozide and

Recent methods of pets control- repellants (physical and chemical)

and antifeedants - importance of antifeedants and limitations of their
use – attractants - sex pheromones - list of synthetic sex
pheromones - use in IPM - Insect hormones – gamma irradiation –
genetic control – sterile male technique.

31 Rodenticides – zinc phosphide, aluminum phosphide, bromodilone; 128-130

Acaricides- sulphur, dicofol, tetradiform and propargite; Fumigants -
aluminum phosphide

32 Application techniques of spray fluids - high volume, low and ultra low 131-142
volume sprays - phytotoxic effects of insecticides - advantages and

limitations of chemical control – safe use of pesticides. Symptoms of

poisoning - first aid and antidotes for important groups of insecticides;
Insecticide residues – importance - Maximum Residue Limits (MRL)
– Average Daily Intake (ADI) – waiting periods – safety periods -
Insecticides Act 1968 – important provisions.


1. Study of characters of Orders, Orthoptera and Dictyoptera, and their families

2. Study of characters of Orders, Isoptera and Thysanoptera, and their families

3. Study of characters of Orders, Hemiptera and its Sub-Order, Heteroptera and their

4. Study of characters of Sub-Order, Homoptera and its families

5. Study of characters of Order, Lepidoptera and its families

6. Study of characters of Order, Coleoptera and its families

7. Study of characters of Order, Hymenoptera and its families

8. Study of characters of Order, Diptera and its families

9. Study of distribution patterns of insects in crop ecosystems, sampling techniques for the
estimation of insect population and sampling techniques for the estimation of insect pest

10. Pest surveillance through light traps, pheromone traps and field scouting , and
forecasting of pest incidence

11. Acquaintance of insecticide formulations, compatibility of pesticides with other agro

chemicals and phytotoxicity of insecticides.

12. Calculation of doses/ concentrations of different insecticidal formulations

13. Acquaintance of mass multiplication techniques of important predators – Cheilomenes,

Chrysoperla and Cryptolaemus

14. Acquaintance of mass multiplication techniques of important parasitoids – egg, larval

and pupal parasitoids

15. Acquaintance of mass multiplication techniques of important entamopathogenic fungi

1) Richards O W and Davies R G. 1977. Imm’s General text Book of entomology (vol II).
Chapman and London.

2) Metcalf RL and Luckman WH 1982. Introduction to insect pest management. Wiley inter
science publishing, New York.

3) Dhaliwal GS and Ramesh Arora 2001. Integrated pest management: Concepts and
approaches, Kalyani Publishers New Dlehi.

4) Larry P Pedigo 1991. Entomology and pest management, Mc Millan publishing Co. New

5) Yezdhani GS and Agarwal ML 1979. Elements of insect ecology Naroji publishing

house, New Delhi

6) Nair KK , Anantha Krishnan TN and BV David 1976. General and applied entomology,
Tata Mc Graw Hill publishing co. Ltd, New Delhi.



Scientific Nomenculture

Caroles Linnaeus (1707 – 1778) in his tenth edition of systema nature

published in 1758 used the binomial system of nomenclatuture for the first time for
both plants and animals. This double naming in latin one for the genus and the second
for the species has been universally accepted and followed subsequently but before
such an universal acceptance, several scientists started their own codes of

In 1842,Strickland published a code of nomenclature in English and it was

called Strickland code. Another code called ‘Dall code” was evolved by the Americans
in 1877. Similarly some more codes of nomenclature were evolved in France and
Germany. In order to promote stability and universality in the scientific names of
animals , an international code of zoological nomenclature was evolved in 1901 at
Berlin. At the 16th session of International congress of Zoology in Washington, the
latest international code of Zoological nomenclature was approved and the same was
revised and published in 1964.

According to it, the descriptions of unrecorded species should be based on a

single specimen whether it be a male or female and the specimen is to be referred as

The opposite sex specimen which is described along with the holotype is
termed as allotype. The other specimens of the species kept along with the holotype
and allotype are called paratypes. The names are to be given in Latin. The authors
name in full should be written at the end of species name without any punctuation.

The generic name has to be a simple or compound word. The supraspecific

categories like tribe, sub family, family and superfamily are denoted by the endings -ni,
-inae, -idea and –oides respectively.

The underlying principle of International code of Zoological nomenclature is

law of priority. i.e the first published name remains in official records while all the
subsequently published names go as synonyms. If the same name is given by the
different scientists to the different organisms, it is called Homonymy. All such cases
are referred to International commission on Zoological nomenclature which settles
such confusion.

The following is the classification given by Imms which is being followed by

most of the taxonomists

Class – Insecta
Sub class 1. Apterygota
Order 1. Thysanura (Bristle tails, Silverfish, firebrats)
Order 2 .Diplura (Diplurans)
Order 3 : Protura (Telson tails)
Order 4: Collembola (Spring tails, snow fleas)
Sub class 2: Pterygota
Exopterygota (Insects having simple metamorphosis)
Order 5. Ephemeroptera (May flies)
Order 6: Odona ta (Dragon flies & damsel flies)
Order 7: Plecoptera (Stone flies)
Order 8: Grylloblattodea (Grylloblattids)
Order 9: Orthoptera (Locusts and grass hoppers )
Order 10: Phasmida (Walking sticks, leaf insects & stick insects)
Order 11: Dermaptera (Ear wigs)
Order 12: Embioptera (Web spinners)
Order 13 Dictyoptera ( Cockroaches and mantids)
Order 14: Isoptera ( White ants or termites)
Order 15: Zoraptera ( Zorapterans)
Order 16: Psocoptera ( Psocids, book lice)
Order 17: Mallophaga ( Bird lice)
Order 18: Siphunculata or Anoplura (sucking lice)
Order 19: Hemiptera ( Plant bugs)
Order 20: Thysanoptera ( Thrips)
Endopterygota ( Insects having complex metamorphosis)
Order 21: Neuroptera ( Ant lions and lace wings)
Order 22: Coleoptera ( Beetles, weevils)
Order 23: Strepsiptera ( Stylopids)
Order 24: Mecoptera ( Scorpion flies)
Order 25: Siphonoptera ( Fleas)
Order 26: Diptera ( Flies, midges, mosquitoes)
Order 27: Lepidoptera ( Moths and butterflies)
Order 28: Trichoptera ( Caddis flies)
Order 29: Hymenoptera ( Ants ,bees, wasps)

Hemiptera was divied in to two suborders - homoptera and heteroptera but

recent workers are treating homoptera as a separate order due to definite characters by
which it is differing from hemiptera. Thus the study of insects comes to 30 orders.

Classification of insects:
The basic biological unit in the classification is species.
Species: These are a group of individuals which are similar in their structure, capable of
interbreeding and producing fertile off spring , but at the same time reproductively
isolated from other groups.
Subspecies: is an aggregate of phenotypically similar populations of a species,
inhabiting a geographic subdivision of the range of a species and differing taxonomically
from other populations of the species.
Genus : A group of species having some definite similar characters or relationships is
called a geneus
Subfamily is a group of allied genera to form a subfamily
Family is a taxonomic category containing a single genus or a group of genera of
common phylogenetic origin which is separated from related families by a decided gap.
Such families showing similar characters form order.
The classification of animals was first started by Aristotle (384-322BC). Later by
Linnaeus who is considered as the father of the classification of animals and plants,
classified insects into only seven orders viz Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera,
Neuroptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Aptera.
Jeannel recognized 40 orders
Brues, Melander a nd carpenter recognized 27 orders
Imms and pruthi gave 29 orders
Essig and Mani listed 33 orders
Ross 28 orders
The class insecta is divied in to two subclasses Apterygota and Pterygota
Sub Class: Apterygota
These are primitive wingless insects with pregenital abdominal appendages with no or
slight metamorphosis. Mandibles articulate with head capsule at a single point. The
malpighian tubules are rudimentary. There is no pleural suture in the thoraccic region.
Sub class pterygota: These are insects with developed wings and showing definite
metamorphosis. The pregenital appendages are absent in these insects. A pleural
suture divides the thoracic pleura in to episternum and epimeron. The mandibles
articulate at two points with the head capsule.
Division 1: Exopterygota (Hemimetabola). Metamorphosis simple, wings develop
externally. Immatue stages (nymphs) usually resemble adults in structure and habits
Division 2: Endopterygota (Holometabola). Metamorphosis complex accompanied by
a pupal instar, wings develop internally. Immature stages (larvae) differ from adult in
structure and habit.



Orthos = straight
Pteron = wings
Straight winged insects eg. Crickets, grasshoppers, locusts etc.

1) Usually medium or large sized insects with elongated body.

2) Head is hypognathous or prognathous with long (suborder – ensifera) or short
(caelifera) usually filiform antennae.
3) Biting and chewing mouth parts with well developed mandibles.
4) Prothorax large and its notum extends laterally to conceal a great deal of
propleurons. Meso and metathorax closely associated to form pterothorax and its
notum is divided into prescutum, scutum and scutellum.
5) Winged or wingless. If winged, the wings are straight, front wings are long and
narrow, many veined, some what thickened and are known as tegmina (in
tetiigidae, the front wings are reduced to scale like, structures). Hind wings are
membranous, broad, many veined and when at rest folded fanwise beneath the
forewings. Well developed anal vein is present in hindwings.
6) Specialized stridulatory organs are present. Usually males alone can produce
sound. Two types of stridulation is present. Alary type and femoroalary type. In
alary type (cricket sound is produced by rubbing a sharp edge (scraper) at the
base of one forewing along a file like ridge (file) on the ventral side of the other
forewing. The bases of forewings at rest lie one above the other. Both the
forewings possess the file and the scraper. But the file is longer in upper wing
and scraper is better developed in lower wing. The forewings are elevated at
about 450 when the sound is produced. In femoro alary type, the femur of hind
legs is rubbed against the tegmina.
7) Auditory or tympanal organs are also well developed and are located on either
side of the first abdominal segment or at the base of fore tibiae.
8) Legs normally developed, or fore legs modified for digging (fossorial) as in
molecrickets or hind legs modified for jumping (saltatorial) as in grasshopper.
Tarsi 3 or 4 segmented.
9) Male genitalia concealed by the boat shaped 9 th abdominal sternum.
10) Females with well developed ovipositor with 3 pairs of valves which are useful for
inserting the eggs in soil.
11) Anal cerci well developed, usually short and unsegmented.
12) Metamorphosis simple or incomplete

Orthoptera is divided into two suborders.

Ensifera Caelifera

1 Antennae as long as or longer Antennae shorter with less than 30

than the body segments

2 Tympanal organs present on fore Tympanal organs present one on

tibiae either side of the first abdominal

Family: Gryllidae (long horned Acrididae (Short horned

grass hopper ) Tettigonidae grasshoppers)

Family: Acrididae (Short horned grasshopper)

1. Antennae filiform shorter than the body with less than 30 segments
2. Pronotum saddle shaped
3. Auditory or tympanal organs situated one on either side of 1 st abdominal segment
4. Stridulation femoro – alary type. The ridge on inner side of hind femur with
Peglikeprojections (acting like a file) is rubbed against the hardend radial vein of
5. Hind legs modified for jumping. Tarsus 3 segmented.
6. Ovipositor short and well develpped. Its valves are short and curved.
7. These are plant feeders and are often very destructive.
Eg: Rice grasshopper -Hieroglyphus banian
Rice small grasshopper - Oxya chinensis
Cotton grass hopper - Cyrtacanthacris ranacea
Calotropis grasshopper - Poecilocerus pictus

Family: Tettigonidae (Long horned grasshopper& Katydids)

1. Cryptic colouration
2. Antenna as long as or longer than the body
3. Tarsus 4 segmented
4. Stridulation - alary type
5. Mainly herbivorous but some carnivorous
Eg :Surface grasshopper - Conocephalusindicus


Dictyo: Net and Pteron: wings
Cockroaches, Mantids
Though cockroaches and mantids were included in orthoptera earlier, they
are kept in a separate order, dictyoptera, in the present day classification
Characters of Dictyoptera
1. Head is usually hypognathous
2. Mouth parts mandibulate
3. Antennae filiform, invariable
4. Forewings modified into tegmina with marginal costal vein. Hind wings have a
largeanal lobe in a fan like fashion.
5. Tarsus – 5 segmented
6. A pair of many segmented cerci are present
7. Specialized stridulatory and auditory organs are absent.
8. Eggs are laid in ootheca
Then order is divided in to 2 suborders
Blattaria Mantodea

Pronotum is large shield like covering Pronotum is elongate

the head

Two fenestra instead of ocelli is Three distinct ocelli present


The forelegs are unmodified Forelegs are modified for raptorial purpose

Body dorsoventrally flattened Body elongate and cylindrical

Family: Blattidae Family: Mantidae

Cockroaches Preying mantids

Suborder Mantodea:
Family: Mantidae

This contains the family mantidae that include the praying mantids. They are well
characterized by possessing front pair of raptorial legs with tibiae and femora bearing
prominent spines. Head is triangular and deflexed with filiform antennae. Prothorax
greatly elongated meso and matathoracic segments short, abdomen flattended, cerci
short and segmented. The mantids exhibit cryptic colouration thus simulating well with
the background. The eggs are laid in water tight egg cases which are fixed to the plants.
The case is prepared from a frothy gum, secreted by the female. After exposure to air,
the case hardens and nymphs resembling ants emerge from them. The nymphs and
adults are predators on other insects, small animals and even scorpions.
Eg: Gongylus sp.,
Mantis religiosa



Order: Isoptera
Iso – Similar; Pteron – wings
Similar winged insects; Termites or white ants
1. These are small to medium sized social living and polymorphic insects with well
developed caste system
2. Antennae are moniliform (some times filiform also)
3. Compound eyes present in winged forms, median ocillus wanting.
4. Mouth parts typical biting type with powerful mandibles.
5. Apterous, brachypterous or winged. In winged forms, the front and hind wings
are similar in size, shape and venation, when at rest the wings are held flat over
the body and extend beyond the tip of abdomen. Wings are membranous with
some what reduced venation and are capable of being shed by means of basal
6. Legs short and stout. Tarsus usually 4 segmented
7. Frontal gland is a characteristic termite organ which attains its greatest
Developmentin soldiers.It is formed by a group of hypodermal cells in the median
line of frons. It is sac like gland which communicate to the exterior by frontalpore,
which opens in a shallow depression, on the surface of the head where the
cuticle is pale , which is known as frontanella. It appears to have defensive
8. Anal cerci short or very short.
9. Metamorphosis simple or incomplete
10. Caste system : following are the difference castes that are usually seen in a
termite colony.

A) Reproductives or Pirmary reproductives: (King& Queen)

These are the highly developed individuals sexually. They have fully developed
wings and compound eyes and are usually heavily pigmented. The males are often
small. Queens sometimes live for several years. The kings and queens are usually
produced in large numbers at certain seasons. They leave the colony in a swarm, mate
and individual pairs establish new colonies, wings are shed after mating leaving
remanents called stubs. The queen termite attains enormous size after mating and the
obesity is known as physogastry.

B) Supplementary reproductives:
They have short wings and less heavily pigmented, usually have smaller eyes.
They sometimes carry on extensive reproduction in the colony and supplement the
queen in building the colony.

C. Workers:
These are sterile wingless adults. They are pale in colour, lack compound eyes.
Mandibles relatively small. They collect food and feed queens, soldiers and newly
hatched young ones. They build up nests, passage ways, tunnels and galleries. They
form the bulk of the colony.

D. Soldiers:
These are also sterile wingless adults with greatly enlarged head and mandibles.
Slightly larger than workers, may or may not have compound eyes. They protect the
colony. Two types of soldiers may be seen. (1) Mandibulate type (2) Nasute type
(Nasuti). In nasute type, the individuals have the head prolonged anteriorly into a
narrow snout through which a sticky secretion is exuded. Mandibles are reduced in
The food of termites is the cast skins and feaceses of other individuals, dead
individuals and plant materials such as wood and wood products. Termites frequently
groom each other with their mouth parts as a result of the attraction of some secretions
available on the body (trophallaxis – Mutual exchange of food i.e secretions on the

Family: Termitidae

Included about 2/3 rd of recent isopteran

1. Frontanella present
2. Pronotum of workers is narrow with a raised anterior lobe, saddle shaped
3. The scale or stub of the front wing is shorter than pronotum. Wing margin is more
or less hairy. RS Reduced / absent.
4. Cerci with 1 or 2 semented
5. These are all ground dwelling with wide range of food habits.
Eg: Odontotermes obesus, Microtermes obesi.

Order: Thysanoptera
Thysano: Fringed and pteron: wing Eg. Thrips (fringed wings)

1. Small to minute slender bodied terrestrial insects

2. Antennae short moniliform, 6-10 segmented, usually with sense cones or
sensoria on 3 rd or 4 th segments
3. Compound eyes conspicuous with 3 ocelli in winged forms
4. Mouth parts asymenetrical, right mandible is rudimentary, lacerating and sucking
or rasping and sucking type with three stylets. Mouth cone is formed by the
labrum, labium and the maxillae which extend ventrally between the front coxae.
5. Winged or wi ngless. wings when fully developed are long and narrow with highly
reduced venation (with few no veins). The wings are fringed with long hairs on
the margins.
6. Legs short, tarsi 1 or 2 segmented with 1 or 2 claws, with a bladder like terminal
protrusable vesicle (hence known as Physopods previously) which at rest is
retracted and invisible. When walking, it is exerted out by means of blood
pressure and enable the insect to walk on any kind of surface.
7. Abdomen is elongate with 10-11 segments, usually tapering posteriorly
8. Cerci absent
9. Metamorphosis is accompanied by one or two inactive pupal instars i.e
intermediary between simple and complete.
10. Parthenogenetic type of reproduction is very common and in many species
males are rarely seen.

Classification: This is divied into two suborder

1. Terebrantia Tubulifera
Ovipositor sawlike Absent
Apex of abdomen conical in females Apex of abdomen tubular
and bluntly rounded in males
Eggs inserted into plant tissues Eggs are laid on the exterior in crackes or
Fore wings larger with few longitudinal Forewings with venation almost absent
Family : Thripidae Urothripidae

Family: Thripidae

1. This is the largest and most important injurious family in thrips.

2. Antennae 6-9 segments not conical with sense cones. Antennae ends in 1 or 2
segmented apical style. 4 th segment usually enlarged.
3. Winged / wingless. If winged, the wings are narrow and pointed at the tip and
fringed with long hairs on the margins.
4. Ovipositor normally well developed and down curved
5. Tarsi sometimes with claw like appendages at apex of 1 st or 2 nd segment.
Eg: Onion thrips -Thrips tabaci
Chilli thrips - Scirtothrips dorsalis


Hemi: Half; Pteron: Wings

Suborder: Heteroptera includes true bugs

1. Small to large mostlty terrestrial, some are acquatic

2. Antennae fairly long, 4 or 5 segmented compound eyes well develpped. Ocelli
when present are two in number
3. Mothparts piercing and sucking type and with slender segmented beak (modified
labium) that arises from the front part of the head and usually extends back along
the ventral side, some times as far as the bases of hind coxae. The beak and
rostrum serves as a sheath for the four piercing stylets, two outer mandibular and
two inner maxillary stylets. The inner maxillary stylets fit very close together with
central ridge in the groove and form dorsal food channel and ventral salivary
channel. There are no palpi.
4. Pronotum large, the mesonotum exhibits five fold division, among which
scutellum is very prominent
5. Winged and wingless.When winged, the fore wings are basally thickened and
membranous apically and are known as Hemelytra. The hemelytron is composed
mainly of regions (corium, clavus and membrane). In some insects, a narrow
strip of corium along the costal margin is set off from the reminder of corium by a
suture and is called embolium. In a few hemiptera, a cuneus is set off by a suture
from the apical part of corium. Hind wings are entirely membranous and are
slightly shorter than forewings. At rest the wings are held flat on the body. Alary
polymorphism is seen.
6. Odoriferous glands or repugnatorial glands or scent glands or stink glands are
present which open near hind coxae on the sides by ventral pores giving out
unplesant odour
7. Ovipositor small with two pairs of valves or well developed for inserting their eggs
in plant tissues.
8. Anal cerci absent
9. Metamorphosis simple

Classification (2 sub orders)

Gymnocerata Cryptocerata

Antennae long, not concealed in grooves Antennae short, concealed in grooves

and plainly visible, terrestrial and subaquatic beneath the head and hence invisible,
forms. Arolia present aquatic forms. Legs modified for swimming.

Long horned bugs Short-horned bugs, waterbugs

Family : pentatomidae (stink bugs or shield

bugs), Coreidae

Family: Pentatomidae (Stink bugs or shield bugs)

Medium to large insects, most common and abundant of bugs that produce
disagreeable odour.Broad shield like.

1. Head with lateral margins concealing bases of antennae

2. Antennae usually 5 – segmented. Ocelli almost always present
3. The pronotum broad and shield shaped. Scutellum large triangular some times
extends posteriorly to the extent of covering the wings entirely.
4. In hemelytron, corium large extending to anal margin. Membrane with many
longitudinal veins, arising from a vein which is nearly paralelled to the apical
margin of corium.
5. Four pairs of odoriferous glands are present on dorsum of abdomen of the
6. The eggs are usually barrel shapped with spines on the upper end.
Eg: Green (stink) bug – Nezara viridula,
Red pumpkin bug -Aspongopus janus
Cabbage painted bug – Bagrada cruciferarum

Family : Coreidae Leaf footed bugs

Medium to large, long and narrow bugs

1. Antennae 4 segmented sitiuated well upon the sides of the head above a line
drawn from the eyes to the base of the beak. Ocelli present.
2. Head narrower, shorter than pronoutm, scutellum smaller.
3. In hemelytra, richly branched veins are present.
4. In most of the species, either or both the hind femora and tibiae may have
conspicuous enlargements or leaf like dilations and hence the name leaf
5. Tarsi – 3 segmented pulvilli present.
6. Metathoraccic gland openings present
Eg Rice gundhi bug- Leptocorisa varicornis
Pod bugs :Clavigralla gibbosaon pulses

Family: Lygaeidae Seed bugs or Chinch bugs

Small bugs, hard bodied

1. Antennae 4 segmented inserted down on the sides of the head, apical segment
is larger
2. Compound eyes and ocelli are well developed
3. 4 to 5 unbranched simple veins in the membrane of hemelytra. Cuneus is
lacking, clavus is elongate
4. Metathoracic gland openings are present.
5. In some, the front femora moderately swollen with 2 rows of teeth beneath
6. Coxa rotator, tarsi 3 segmented, pulvulli present
Eg. Dusky cotton bug – Oxycarenushyalinipennis
Groundnut pod bug –Aphanussorididus

Family: Miridae (Capscidae) Mirid bugs

1. Medium or small, usually delicate insects

2. Ocelli absent
3. Rostrum is 4 segmented
4. Cuneus is present
5. Empodium is indistinct. Tarsi almost invariably 3 segmented
6. Majority live on plant juices, some prey on small arthropods
Eg. Tea mosquito bug - Helopeltis antonii
Predator on rice BPH - Cyrtorhinoceros liwidipennis

Family:Pyrrhocoreidae (Pyrrhocoreids), red cotton bugs or cotton strainers

1. They exhibit red and black colourations

2. Ocelli absent
3. More branched veins and ceels present in hemelytra
4. Coxa is rotatory and tarsi 3 segmented with pulvilli
Eg.Dysdercuscingulatus – red cotton bug



Sub-order: Homoptera. Homo: Alike; Pteron: Wings(uniform wings)

Jassids, Aphids, mealy bugs whiteflies etc

Differences between heteroptera and homoptera

Heteroptera Homoptera

1 Pronotum usually large Pronotum small and collar like

2 Gular region present and it is Gular region absent or very small and
sclerotized (the maxillary plates membranous
meet and fuse ventrally to form

3 Forewings hemelytra Forweings uniform in consistency

4 Wings fold flat over the body at rest Wings held roof like over the body

5 Beak or rostrum arise from the front Beak or rostrum arise from the posterior
part of the head and base of the part of the head and base of rostrum
rostrum not touching anterior coxae extending between anterior coxae

6 Tarsi – 3 segmented antennae 4-5 Tarsi 1-3 segmented antenna 3-10

segmented, odoriferous glands are segmented, wax glands are present.

Characters of the suborder: Homoptera

This suborder contains a large and diversified group of insects and is closely related to
the hemiptera.

1. These are minute to small insects and are distributed widely

2. Head is deflexed and not generally constricted behind to form a neck.
3. Compound eyes well developed, ocelli absent in apterous form but 2 to 3 in
winged forms
4. Antennae well developed and usually 3 to 10 segmented
5. Mouthparts piercing and sucking type, stylets often exceedingly long, retractile,
rostrum arising from the back of the head, in some cases appearing to
arisebetween anterior coxae. In some adults like male coccids the mouth parts
are vestigial or absent
6. Thoracic segments generally fused together and not distinguishable from
abdomen in wingless forms. Pronotum small and collar like.

7. Winged or wingless when winged the four wings are uniform in consistency and
the wings are held roof like over the body at rest. Alary polymorphism is
prevalent. In male coccids only one pair i.e forewings are present.
8. Wax glands or honey tubes usually well developd in most of the members of this
9. In most of the species, the life history is very complex involving sexual and
parthenogenetic generations winged and wingless individuals.
10. Usually undergo simple metamorphosis. In some species, the last nymphal instar
Is quiescent and pupalike.

Order Hemiptera is divided in to 3 subordrs

Auchenorrhyncha Sternorhyncha Coleorrhyncha

Aantennae very short Antennae well developed Antennae short three

with terminal arista without conspicuous terminal segmented

Tarsi 3 segmented Tarsi 1-2 segmented Tarsi 3 segmented

Fam: Jassidae Fam: Aphididae

Delphacidae Coccidae,Aleurodidae,

Family Cicadellidae : (Jassidae) : Jassids or leaf hoppers

1. Slender, usually tapering, posteriorly, wedge shaped insects usually rest in a

position ready for jumping. When disturbed they leap often several feet.
2. Antennae minute, bristle like, 3 segmented
3. One or two rows of small spines are present on hind tibia which is most important
4. Both young ones and adults have the characteristic habit of running sideward or
5. These are very important vectors of viral diseases.
6. Ovipositor well developed and adopted for lacerating plant tissues for egg laying.
7. Many excrete honeydew through anus.
8. Forewings are somewhat thickened and often brightly coloured
9. Anal veins 1A and 2A do not unite to form ‘Y’ shaped vein.
Eg: Cotton leafhopper - Amrasca biguttula biguttula
Paddy leafhopper - Nephotettix virescens –
Mango hoppers - Amritodes atkinsoni,Ideoscopus clypealis s

Family: Delphacide Plant hoppers

This is the largest family among the plant hoppers

1. Most of the species are small with reduced wings

2. The characteristic feature of this family is the presence of large mobile apical
spur on hind tibiae
3. Costal cell is absent in the winged forms
4. Alary polymorphism is very common winged, wingless and brachypterous forms
occur in the some species.

EgBrown plant hopper of paddy (BPH)- Nilaparvata lugens

White backed plant hopper on rice (WBPH) -Sogatella furcifera

Sub order: Sternorrhyncha

Family: Aphididae Aphids or plant lice

This family constitute a large group of small soft bodied, pear shaped, fragile
phytophagous insects that are frequently found in large numbers sucking the sap from
various parts of plants

1. Antennae fairly long

2. Rostrum usually long and well developed
3. The characteristic feature of aphids is the presence of a pair of cornicles on the
dorsal surface of 5th or 6th abdominal segments (It is believed that they produce
waxy substances)
4. Winged / Wingless. Alary polymorphism is prevalent. When winged, hind wings
are much smaller with fewer veins. At rest the wings are generally held vertically
above the body.
5. Tarsus – 3 segmened with a pair of claws
6. Nine pairs of lateral spiracles present
7. Excrete honeydew through anus (honey dew consists of excess sap, excess
sugars and waste materials) to which ants are attracted,
8. Associated phenomenon in reproduction are parthenogenesis, oviparity and
9. Occurrence of alternation of generations. The sexes are unequally developed,
males often being rare. Eg: Myzus persicae – Tobacco aphid, Aphis gossypi –
Cotton aphid, Aphis craccivora – Groundnut aphid

Family: PseudococcidaeMealy bugs

1. Females are wingless, elongate oval with distinct segmentation. Body covered
with powdery wax or filamentous waxy secreations.
2. Legs well developed. No instar is sessile. All the insect stages are able to move
because of legs
3. Eggs are placed in a loose cottony waxy material
Eg: Brinjal mealy bug – Planococcus insolitus
Citrus mealy bug - Planococcus citri
Sugarcane mealy bug - Saccharicoccus sacchari

Family: Coccidae Scale insects (Soft scales)

1. The females in this group are flattened, elongate oval insects with obscure
segmentation and hard smooth exoskeleton or covered with wax or tough scales.
They are wingless, legs present or absent and the antennae absent or much
2. Males are active, 1 st pair of wings well developed, 2 nd pair reduced to halters.
3. Tarsus if present 1 – segmented with a single claw.
4. Metamorphosis complex. 1st instar nymph has legs & antennae and active
known as crawlers after 1stmoult, become sessile a waxy or scale like covering is
secreted. In males last instar preceeding adult is queicent and called pupa.
Females have one less instar than males.
5. Oviparous, ovoviviparous
6. Excrete honey dew like aphids
Eg: Pulvinaria psidi – Guava scale, Icerya purchasi - cottony cushion scale

Family: Aleurodidae White flies

1. These are minute insects 1 to 3 mm in length and resemble tiny moths with
opaque body
2. The adults have the wings covered by a fine whitish dust or powdery wax giving
white colour
3. Antennae well developed usually 7 segmented
4. Adults of both sexes are winged and the wing venation is highly reduced
5. Tarsi with two equal segmented with paired claws
6. The characteristic feature of this family is the presence of vasiform orifice which
opens on the basal surface of the last abdominal segment in both nymphs and
adults. The opening is provided with an operculum and beneath it a tongue
shaped organ known as linguae is present. The anus opens within the orifice at
the base of the linguae. Honey dew is excreted through this orifice

7. Honey dew is excreted in large quantities particularly by larvae through anus

8. Compound eyes well developed and ocelli two in number
9. Metamorphosis is complex. The 1st instar young ones are active but subsequent
immature stages are sessile and look like scales. The scale like covering is a
waxy secretion of the insect. The wings develop internally during metamorphosis
and the early instars are called larvae. The next to the last instar is quiescent and
is called pupa. The wings are given out at the moult of last larval instar.
10. The eggs are very charcaterstic being provided with a pedicel, which sometimes
exceeds the length of the egg.
Eg: Sugarcane whitefly – Aleurolobus barodensis

Cotton whitefly - Bemisia tabaci

Castor whitefly - Trialeurodes ricini





(Lepido = Scales; Pteron = wing) scaly winged insects

Butterflies and Moths

One of the largest orders. Small to large insects with flat overlapping scales and hairs

on the body, wings and other appendages giving various beautiful colours to the insects

1) Head relatively small free with small neck. Compound eyes are relatively large,
two ocelli present one on each side close to the margins of compound eyes.
2) Mouthparts siphoning type represented by a long coiled proboscis formed by the
galeae of maxillae. Maxillary palpi small or acking.Mandibles nearly always
lacking except in one family micropterygidae. A few species have vestigial mouth
parts and do not feed in adult stage. Labial palpi usually well developed.
3) Forewings usually large. In males of various insects, groups of more specialized
scales known as androconia occur on the upper surface of wings serving as
outlets of odoriferous glands. These are fringed distally with each tip finely
4) Larvae are called caterpillars usually eruciform. Most of the larval stages are
phytophagous and are very serious pests of crops. Caterpillars are with well
developed head and cylindrical body consisting 13 segments (3 thoracic and 10
adbominal). Head bear 2 ocelli on each side and very short bristle like antennae.
Mouth parts mandibulate with well developed mandibles. Labium with a
spinneret, a median process for spinning silk. Each of the thoracic segments
bears a pair of legs which end in a point. Abdominal segment 3 to 6 and 10th
usually bear a pair of prolegs which are fleshy and broad bearing a number of
tiny hooks known as crochets at their end. Caterpillars have well developed silk
glands and are usually peripneustic.
5) Pupae are usually obtect and generally enclosed in a cocoon. Butterflies do not
makea cocoon and their pupae are called chrysalis.
6) Adults are harmless except fruit sucking moths.
7) Natural silk is a product of this order
8) Undergo complete metamorphosis.


Rhopalocera (Butterflies) Heterocera (moths)

Usually diurnal, antennae knobbed Usually nocturnal, antennae variable

usually not knobbed

Lack frenulum. Wings held vertically on Have frenulum. Wings held roof like over
abdomen at rest abdomen at rest

Generally small and slender bodied Generally large and robust bodied

Pupa naked and called chrysalis Pupation usually in a silken cocoon

Usually pollinators and weed killers Usually very serious pests of crops

Eg: Fam. Papilionidae Eg. Fam. Noctuidae

Pyarlidae; Gelechidae, Sphingidae,


Family : Noctuidae

Noctuid moths, army worms, cutworms etc

1. This is the largest family in the order comprising medium size nocturnal, moths
attracted to light and sugar mixture
2. Antennae generally filiform, maxillary palpi normally vestigial and labial palpi long
and ocelli present
3. The forewings cryptic and some are coloured similarly with the surrounding
4. In forewing M2 arises close to M3 than to M1. Cubitus appears four branched. In
hind wings Sc and R fuse for very short distance at the base of the discal cell.
5. In the larvae, only primary setae are present and the crochets are generally in a
uniordinal series. Usually 5 pairs of abdominal legs are present but in some 1st or
1st and 2nd pairs may be aborted and the larvae are semiloopers. Most of them
are highly polyphagous and nocturnal. They are called army worms / cut worms
by their habits. Majority feed on foliage and some are stem borers
6. Pupation is in an earth cell in the soil and some pupae are characterized by the
presence of labial palpi and maxillae extending to the caudal margin of the wings
7. Adults have a pair of well developed tympanal organs at the base of abdomen
Eg: Climbing cutworm of paddy - Mythimna separata
Redgram podborer - Helicoverpa armigera
Tobacco cutworm- Spodoptera litura
Fruit sucking moth of citrus - Othereis fullonica

Family: Lymantriidae

Tussock moths and gypsy moths

1. Medium sized, dull coloured, nocturnal moths with females of most species
having only rudimentary wings (Notolophus sp) proboscis is atrophied
2. Ocelli absent. Antennae bipectinate in males and pectinate or plumose in
females – sexual dimorphism
3. Wing venation resembles the Noctuidae. Sc and R fused to some extend and
basal areole is larger in some species in hind wings
4. The caudal extremity of females is often provided with the large tuft of anal hairs
which are ddeposited as a covering on egg masses
5. Caterpillars are densly hairy, often with thick compact dorsal tufts on certain
6. Osmeteria are frequently present on 6th and 7th abdominal segments. Some are
provided with urticating hairs which cause irritation
7. Pupation takes lace in a cocoon above ground and are charecterized by specific
evident setae
Eg. Yellow hairy caterpillar on Paddy – Psalisrecuris
Hairy caterpillar on fruit trees, pulses and castor – Euproctisfraternaand
Casuarina hairy caterpillar – Lymantriaincerta
Family: Sphingidae
Sphinx or hawk moths or horn worms
1) Medium to large sized, heavy bodied powerfully flying moths with spindle shaped
body tapering and pointed both anteriorly and posteriorly.
2) Antennae are thickened in the middle or towards the tip and hooked at tips
3) The proboscis is very long in most of the species and attains its greatest length in
the family and usually the adults produce sound by forcing air through proboscis.
4) The forewings are elongate (long and narrow) with oblique outer margin. Hind
wings small and usually brightly coloured. Sc and Rs in wings connected by a
cross vein near middle of discal cell.
5) Larvae of most species have a conspicuous horn on the dorsal surface of 8th
abdominal segment which is relatively longer in 1st instar and hence the name
horn worms.
6) Pupation occurs freely in a cell in the ground or in a very loose cocoon on the
surface among leaves. In some genera the proboscis projects from the body
resembling the handle of a pitcher.
Eg: Gingelly deaths head (robs honey from honey comb)- Acherontia styx
Sweet potato sphinx - Herse convolvuli



Family: Pyralidae

Snout moths

1. These are small and delicate moths with well developed antennae and ocelli
2. Labial palpi well developed and projected forward appearing as a snout infront of
the head and hence are called snout moths.
3. Forewings elongate or triangular with cubitus appearing four branched. Hind
wings are usually broad with SC and R usually close together, fused or closely
parallel for a short distance beyond discal cell.
4. Larvae are naked, prolegs variable but always present in VI segment. Generally
internal feeders.
5. Adult females are generally provided with a tuft of anal hairs at the caudal
extremity which are deposited as a covering on the egg masses
Eg: Paddy stem borer-Scirpophaga incertulas,
Jowar stem borer-Chilo partellus –
Brinjal shoot and fruit borer-Leucinodes orbonalis

Family: Gelechidae

Small to minute moths, usually cryptic coloured

1. Labial palpi are long and curved, the terminal segment is long and pointed
2. The venis R4 and R5 in the forewings are stalked at the base. Forewings are
trapezoidal and narrower than the hind wings
3. Hindwings usually have the outer margin, curved and RS and M1 stalked.
Eg: Angoumois grain moth -Sitotroga cerealella,
Cotton pink boll worm - Pectinophora gossypiella
Groundnut leafminer – Aproaerema modicella

Family: Lycaenidaeblues, coppers and hair streaks

1. Medium sized butterflies with upper surface of wings being metallic blue or
coppery, dark brown or orange and under surface more sombre with delicate
streakings or dark centered eye spots. Hind wings are procided with delicate tail
like prolongations
2. The sexes frequently exhibit great differences in colouration, the male is pale
shining blue and the female is irridiscent brown
3. Each compound eye is surrounded by a rim of white scales and the antennae
ringed with white
4. Legs are normal except fore legs of males which may possess more or less
shortened tarsi and may be wanting in one or both claws

5. Larvae are characteristically onisciform with both ends tapering end with broad
projecting sides concealing the legs
6. Pupa is attached to the surface by its anal end and is held by a central grith of
silk, rarely it is subterranean
7. Larvae are voracious feeder, some species are carnivorous
Eg.ViracholaIsocrates – Pomegranate fruit borer or Anar butterfly
Lampidesbeoticus and catechrysopscnejus – Red gram blue butterfly

Family: Papilionidae

Swallow tail butterfly

1. Medium sized to large butterflies, most of which have tail like prolongation in the
2. Cubitus in the forewings appears 4 branched.
3. Larva is smooth with a series of fleshly dorsal tubercles or occasionally a raised
prominence on the 4 th segment
4. Pupa, characteristic in having two lateral cephalic projections
Eg: Papilio demoleus, Papilio polytes -Citrus butterflies

Family: Arctiidae

Tiger moths or wooly bears

1. Stout bodied, medium sized conspicuously and brightly spotted or banded

nocturnal moths.
2. Sc and Rs in hind wings are usually fused near or beyond the middle of the
discal cell.
3. Caterpillars are usually densely hairy and some are called as wooly bears since
they curl into a compact mass when disturbed.
4. Many species are capable of producing sound.
5. Pupation in a cocoon and the cocoons are made of silk and larval body hairs.
Eg: Red hairy caterpillar - Amsacta albistriga
Black hairycaterpillar -Pericallia ricini
Sunhemp hairy caterpillar -Utetheisia pulchella



Coleo = sheath, pteron= wing

Beetles and weevils

Elytra are sheath like (fore wings)

1. This is the largest order in class insecta comprising about 1/3 rd or 40% of the
known insect species.
2. Minute to large sized with leathery or horny integument.
3. Head highly sclerotized free, normal or prolonged in to a snout as in weevils.
Ocelli usually absent.
4. Antennae variable usually 11 segmented
5. Mouth parts are chewing type with well developed mandibles. The mandibles
attain their greatest length in the males of many of the stag beetles (Lycanidae)
6. Prothorax large and freely movable, mesothorax much reduced and fused with
metathorax and the tergum of these segments is divisible in to prescutum,
scutum and scutellum.
7. Two pairs of wings present. Forewings are horny or leathery known as elytra
which atleast always meet to form a straight mid dorsal suture. Hindwings
membranous. The wings are highly reduced in few beetles.
8. Legs well developed for walking, running and tarsal segments are variable.
9. Abdomen usually 10 segmented. First tergum membranous and one or more of
the sterna from the first to third are aborted in many species, the terminal
abdominal segments are refractile and tubular, thus functioning as an ovipositor
(eg: cerambycidae).
10. The larvae are known as grubs and generally thoracic legs are present.
11. Pupa exarate, pale coloured and are invested by a thin soft cuticle .
12. Most of the adults possess stridulatory organs and these are variable.
13. Metamorphosis is complete and complex.
Sub order

Adephaga Polyphaga

1. First abdominal segment is 1. First abdominal segment not completely

completely divided ventrally by the hind divided ventrally by hind coxae

2. Antennae usually thread like 2. Antennae variable

3. Trochanter large 3. Trochanter small

Family: Coccinellidae

Lady bird beetles or Coccinellid beetles.

1. Beetles of moderate size, oval, convex dorsally and horizontal ventrally, brightly
coloured or spotted.
2. Head partly concealed from above by the pronotum.
3. Antennae usually clavate, short and partly concealed.
4. The legs are short and hidden under the body. Tarsi 4 segmented but appear to
be 3 segmented since this 3rd segment is small and concealed in the deeply
bilobed second segment. Tarsal formula is 4:4:4. Tarsal claws are teethed at the
5. Grubs are usually covered with minute tubercles or spines known as setose or
rugose and are usually flattened.
6. Elytra coveres the abdomen completely.
7. Both adults and grubs of most of the species are highly predacious feeding on
aphids, coccids, mites, psyllids and other soft bodied insects.
8. Genus epilachna are phytophagous

Eg.Predator on aphids - Menochilus sexomaculata

Predator on cottony cushion scale-Rodalia cardinalis
Lady bird beetle on brinjal -Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata

Family: Bruchidae

Pulse beetles or seed beetles

1. Short, stout bodied beetles with the body narrowed anteriorly

2. The head is produced anteriorly in to a short and broad snout
3. Antennae serrate or pectinate
4. Prothorax prominent, somewhat triangular wider than long and its notum is
greatly narrowed anteriorly
5. Elytra shortened, never cover the tip of abdomen, abdominal tip bluntly rounded
6. Legs short, tarsi, 5-segmented hind femur more or less thickened and toothed
beneath. Tarsal formula is 5:5:5
7. Larvae usually undergo hypermetamorphosis. First instar with well developed
legs and possess spined or toothed thoracic plates to aid in entering smooth and
hard seeds. After first moult it becomes partially / wholly apodous.
Eg. Pulse beetles : Callsobruchus chinensis, Callosobruchus maculatus



Family : Scarabaeidae

Chafer beetles, horn beetles, dung rollers, root grubs

1. These are heavy bodied oval or elongate usually convex beetles.

2. Head often slender, recurved, sometimes toothed or bilobed frontal horn.
3. Antennae 8-11 segmented and lamellate type.
4. Prothorax large simple or with horny structure.
5. Elytra not usually completely covering the abdomen
6. Tarsi 5 segmented, tarsal formula 5:5:5 , the hind tibiae more or less dilated with
the outer edge toothed.
7. Adults usually feed on foliage. Grubs typically scraboid and feed on roots known
as root grubs which are very serious pests of most of the crops, while some feed
on organic matter living in manure pits.
8. The grubs are sluggish, stout and usually white in colour and called as white
Eg.Oryctes rhinoceros – Rhinoceros bettle on coconut
Holotrichia serrata – Root grub on sugarcane
Anomalavarians – Chafer beetles on fruit trees.

Family: Curculionidae

Weevils, snout beetles.

1. Minute to large species characterized by the head prolonged to form a

pronounced snout or rostrum of variable length and shape. In many species, it
exhibits sexual dimorphism being better developed in females acting as a boring
instrument for placing the eggs.
2. Antennae geniculate and clubbed arising about the middle of the snout
3. Palpi reduced and rigid, mouth parts small and arranged at the end of the snout
4. Legs are short or very long, tarsi 5-segmented 4 th one ofter small.
5. Wings well developed rudimentary or absent
6. Abdomen with 5 visible sternites
7. Adults and larvae are phytophagous and stored grain pests.
8. Larvae usually apodous, curved with developed head.
Eg: Red palm weevil - Rhynchophorus ferrugenius

Sweet potato weevil-Cylas formicarius

Rice weevil - Sitophilus oryzae

Family: Chrysomelidae

Flea beetles, leaf beetles

1. Usually small to medium, oval or spherical beetles with the upper surface of the
body generally bare and shining, frequently with metallic colouration
2. Antennae short or of moderate length usually with 11 segments and except in
this they resemble to cerambycids
3. Legs short, hind femora enlarged for jumping in many forms. Tarsi 5 segmented,
but appear to be 4 segmented since the 4th segment is small and concealed in
the notch of the bilobed 3rd segment. Tarsal formula is 5:5:5, tibial spurs absent
4. Adults generally feed on leaves causing numerous holes and also on flowers.
Some grubs feed on foliage, some act as leaf miners and some feed on roots
and stems also
5. Abdomen short with 5 visible sternites
Eg: Sweet potato tortoise beetle - Metriona circumdata
Rice hispa - Dicladispa armigera
Pumpkin beetles - Raphidopalpa foveicollis.

Family: Cerambycidae

Longicorn beetles

1. These are elongate and cylindrical beetles with very long filiform / serrate
antennae atleast two thirds as long as the body, capable of being flexed
backwards and usually inserted on prominent tubercles.
2. Prothorax is narrow or as wide as mesothorax usually spined or tuberculate
3. Elytra usually cover the body but sometimes may leave the posterior one or two
segments exposed in few cases.
4. Legs well developed tarsi 5 segmented but appear to be 4 segmented since the
4th segment is small and concealed in the notch of the bilobed 3rd segment. All
tibiae with two well developed spurs. Tarsal formula is 5:5:5
5. Most of the grubs are tree borers. Few are confined to roots with powerful
mandibles boring into deep and hardwood also and are highly destructive.
6. Most of the adults feed on flowers and some of them produce squeaking sound
when picked up.
Eg.Mango stem borer - Batocera rufomaculata
Grapevine stem gridler - Sthenias grisator
Longicorn beetles on cucurbits - Apomycyna pertigera

Family: Apionidae

1. Antennae clavate, rarely geniculate

2. Trochanter elongated.
3. Ventral surface of mentum without projecting setae
4. In the larvae, the abdominal segments have only two dorsal folds and the frontal
sulci extended to the mandibular articulation.
Eg. Sweet potato weevil – Cylas formicarius



Hymen = Membranous; pteron = wing (Naked membranous wings)

Wasps, bees, ants, sawflies etc

1) This is the most beneficial order in the class insecta comprising of parasites,
predators and bees involved in poliination and honey production. Most of them
are social living.
2) Varied in size and shape. Head prominent remarkably free with small neck.
3) Compound eyes well developed and ocelli usually 3 or absent.
4) Antennae variable usually exhibit sexual dimorphism being longer in males
5) Mouth parts primarily adopted for biting and o ften for lapping and sucking also.
mandibles always present

6) Usually two pairs of naked membranous wings are present with reduced
venation. Hind wings are smaller and have a row of tiny hooks on their anterior
margin by which they attach to the front wings. Usually stigma is present in the
forewings along the costal margin near the apex.
7) Legs slender, trochanter 1 or 2 segmented
8) Abdomen usually basally constricted to form pedicel or petiole. The 1 st abdominal
segment fused with metathorax and known as propodaeum. Second segment
forms pedicel. The remaining region of the abdomen is bulged one known as
9) Ovipositor very well developed and modified for sawing, boring, piercing,
10) Larvae are known as grubs with well developed head and usually apodous
11) Pupa exarate and a cocoon is generally present
12) Metamorphosis complete and complex also
Sub orders

Symphyta (Chalastogastra) Apocrita (Clistogastra)

1 Abdomen broadly joined to the Abdomen deeply constricted between I & II

thorax and no marked constriction is segments. The II segment forms a narrow neck
seen at the base like zone known as petiole or pedicel

2 Trochanter 2 segmented Trochanter 1 or 2 segmented

3 Larvae with thoracic and usually Larvae apodous maggot like

abdominal Legs

Family : Tenthredinidae Ichneumonidae , Braconidae,Trichogrammatidae


Family : Tenthredinidae


1. Stout wasp like insects without abdominal pedicel. Adults feed on flowers, foliage
or while some feed on small insects (carnivorous). Medium sized and
brightlycoloured insects.
2. Antennae 3 to 6 or 8 to 11 segmeted, filiform or setaceous
3. Trochanter 2 –segmented, front tibia posses 2 apical spurs.
4. ovipositor well developed with 2 pairs of flattended plates
5. In many species, the two sexes are different coloured. Parthenogenesis is very
6. Larvae are eruciform, exclusively phytophagous. The body segments are usually
subdivided by transverse folds in to annulets. Resemble to those of lepidopteran
larvae but are provided with 6 to 8 pairs of abdominal legs which are devoid of
crochets. Many larvae are provided with glands resembling osmoteria which
open on the sternum of each of the first seven abdominal segments.
7. Pupation takes place in an elongated oval silken cocoon or in an earthern cell
Eg: Mustard sawfly - Athalia lugens proxima

Family: Ichneumonidae

1. One of the largest families in the entire class – insecta. They are slender wasp
like insects.
2. Antennae longer with more than 16 segmentes and filiform
3. Trochanter 2 segmented. Legs are provided with conspicuous tibial spurs and
strong claws, tarsus 4 segmented
4. In forewings, the costal cell is wanting and have two recurrent veins while
braconids have one or none
5. Abdomen long and slender, petiolate, petiole usually curved and expanded
6. Ovipositor very long often longer than the body arising anterior to the tip of
7. Most of the members are endoparasites and undergo complete metramorphosis
i.e. hypermetamophosis. Caudal prolongation of tail is present, in 1 st instar larvae
Eg: Larval parasite on jowar stem borer - Xanthopimpla stemmator –
Larval parasite on stem borers of paddyand
sugarcane top borer - Isotima javensis

Family: Branconidae


1. Closely related to Ichneumonids

2. Minute to small parasitic insects
3. Abdomen sessile or sub sessile or petiolate
4. Costal cell is wanting in forewings with one recurrent vein
5. Ovipositor well developed
6. Unlike Ichneumonids, many of these pupate in silken cocoons on the outside of
the body of the host
7. Poly embryony occurs in a few species of this family
Eg: Larval parasite on jower stem borer - Apanteles flavipes
Larval parasite on black headed caterpillar of coconut, Bracon hebator

Family: Trichogrammatidae

1. Minute insects with three tarsal segments

2. Microscopic hairs on wings arranged in rows
3. Egg parasitoids on lepidopterans
Eg: Trichogramma minutum, T. Chilonis, T. Japonicum



Dis = Twice, pteron = wings

Flies and mosquitoes (two winged insects or true flies)

1. These are small and soft bodied insects with prominent head and small neck
2. Eyes large : usually larger in males, holoptic / dichoptic
3. Ptilinum or frontal sac is characteristic feature of cyclorrhapha indicated by the
frontal or ptilinal suture. It is a retractile bladder like organ employed to break
open the puparium
4. Antennae mostly 3 segmented (except in Nematocera ) and aristate
5. Mouth parts sucking type usually forming a proboscis. In many they are piercing
and sucking and in others they are sponging (lapping) with labium distally
expanded in to a pair of fleshy lobes.
6. Mesothorax large supporting the functional wings, pro and metathoracic
segments small and fused with mesothorax
7. Only front pair of wings present. Hind pair modified into halters which act as
8. Legs well developed, tarsus usually 5 segmented pulvilli and an empodium
9. Metamorphosis is complete
10. Larvae eruciform and apodous known as maggots mostly amphipneustic
11. Pupa either free or enclosed in the hardened larval cuticle known as puparium
(coarctate pupa)

Divided into 3 sub orders

Nematocera Brachycera Cyclorrhapha

Primitive Intermediate Highly specialized

Larvae with well developed Incomplete head Accephalous / vestigial head

head (eucephalous) (Hemicephalous)

Eg: Cecidomyidae Tabanidae Tachinidae / Tephritidae /

Muscidae / Agromyzidae

Family: Tephritidae (Trypetidae)

1. Small to medium flies, slightly hairy / bristly

2. Head large broad with small neck
3. Wings large mostly pictured. Sub Costa bends apically formed at almost a right
angle and then fade out without reaching the margin
4. Middle legs tarsi with spurs
5. Ovipositor very well developed horny and flattened and usually 3 segmented
6. Adults are visitors of flowers, fruits and foliage
7. Larvae phytophagous, Amphipneustic (1st’s last pair of spiracle functional)
Eg: Fruit fly on cucurbit- Dacus cucurbitae
Fruit fly on guava- Chaetodacus incisus

Family: Agromyzidae

Leaf miner flies

1. These are small blackish or yellowish flies

2. Femora of the legs bristled
3. Wings by hyaline or pictured
4. Vibriosae are generally present (a pair of stout bristles on each side of the face
just above the oral margin longer than other bristles on the vibrissal ridge)
5. Most of the larvae are phytophagous , mine in the leaves producing characteristic
Eg: Redgram podfly- Melanagromyza obtusa
Pea leaf miner -Phytomyza atricornis

Family: Muscidae

Flower flies, root maggots, shoot flies, house flies

1. Small to medium dark coloured flies

2. Fine erect hairs are present on the under surface of scutellum (mesothorax
portion) and have more than one stero pleural bristles.
3. Abdomen bristly with somewhat constricted base usually 4-5 segmented
4. Vein Cu2 + 2A is short and do not reach the wing margin
5. Larvae cylindrical and truncate posteriorly some are phytophagous, some are
saprophagous while a few are parasitic.
Eg: Jowar shootfly-Atherigona soccata .

Family: Cecidomyiidae

Gall midges; gall flies

1. Minute to small delicate flies, somewhat hairy with small head.

2. Antennae long, moniliform with whorls of hairs. Legs long resembling
mosquitoes, tibiae without spurs.
3. Wings broad with few longitudinal veins (3 to 5) for the most part unbranched
with no obvious cross veins
4. Larvae live in plants forming galls, some occur under bark, in decaying
vegetation and a few are predacious or parasitic on aphids / scales etc., The
head is greatly reduced without mandibles. In the last larval instar most of the
species possess a sternal spatula or breast bone on the ventral side of the
5. Paedogenesis is seen in some members of this family
Eg: Rice gall midge -Orseolia oryzae
Hessian fly on wheat -Phytophaga destructor

Family: Tachinidae

Tachinid flies (Parasitic flies)

1. Small to medium, conspicuously bristly or hairy, active flies

2. Head is large and free. Arista on antennae often bare
3. Pteropleural bristles are present. Post scutellum is prominent
4. Wings are large , rarely mottled, Rs cell narrowed or closed apically
5. Abdominal sternite usually overlapped by the tergites on the sides. Abdomen
clothed with long, conspicuous marginal, dorsal and apical bristles
6. Larvae mostly parasitoids. Few are saprophagous. Metapneustic in first instar
and amphipneustic subsequently. Distinctly segmented
Eg.Sturmiabimaculata – parasitoid on Spodopteera and other caterpillars
Stomatomiabezziana- parasitoid on black heade caterpillar on coconut
Exorista civiloides – parasitoid on many caterpillars

The word ecology is the modified form of ‘Oekologie’ derived from the Greek
‘Oikos’, meaning ‘Home’ and ‘Logos’ meaning ‘Discourse’ introduced by Reiter in 1869
and later anglicized to ‘Ecology’.
Ecology is a multidisciplinary subject and derives support from other
sciences. Individual organisms of the same species live together as a ‘Population’.
Population can be defined as ‘a group of individuals or a species occurring in a given
area or locality at a specific time’. Populations of different species live together and form
a ‘Community’, meaning ‘all populations in the area at a specific time’. The community is
influenced by its physical environment. The complex system of biotic and abiotic
factors constitutes an ‘Ecosystem’. Whereas the crops, insects, other animals and the
physical abiotic factors together constitute an ‘Agro-ecosystem’.
Ecology is ‘the science of inter-relations between living organisms and their
environment including both the physical and the biotic environments and emphasizing
inter species and intra species relations’ (Allee, 1949).
Odum (1953) defined ecology as ‘the study of the structure and functions of
nature (or Environmental biology)’.
Ecology is divided mainly into ‘Autecology’ and ‘Synecology’. Autecology is the
study of individual organisms or an individual species in relation to the environment
while Synecology is the study of the group or groups of organisms associated in a
community in the same environment i.e., in relation to various other species living in the
same environment.
Importance of Ecology in Pest Management:
Indiscriminate uses of pesticides lead to a regular resurgence of pests due to the
fact that the natural enemies get killed. The increase in pest population is also due to
the interference of man by monoculture, using high yielding and susceptible varieties,
giving more number of irrigations, use of high nitrogenous fertilizers etc. Because of
which the balance of life in nature gets upset and the pest appears in severe form every
year. The importance of ecology was then felt and integrated approaches in pest
management are now made to avoid the violent fluctuations in pest populations.
Ecological studies assist pest control programmes by explaining pest problems
and suggesting alternate ways of combating insects. The outbreaks of the pests can
also be predicted. The ecological studies investigate the causes for the changes in
population number and the mechanism of natural control. The key mortality factors in a
natural population help to integrate the various methods of control, without disturbing
the balance of nature. The pest surveillance programmes form a part of ecology.
Forecasting of the possible attack by different pests can be done and accordingly the
control measures can be initiated in time. Suitable chemicals can be selected
depending on the presence or absence of natural enemies. As such ecological studies
form a basic part of the approach to the integrated pest management (IPM).

In nature the living organism and the non-living substances of environment

interact to form ecosystem. The environmental complex constitute
(1) Biotic factors known as ‘Density dependent factors’ include
a) Food and b) Other organism and
2) Abiotic factors known as ‘Density independent factors’ comprise
a) Temperature b) Humidity c) Rainfall d) Light e) Air f) Water g) Soil etc.
Effect of Abiotic Factors on Insect Population
a) Temperature
This is the most important physical factor which determines the duration of the
various stages in the insect life cycle and consequently the number of generations
during any period of time. It acts on insects in two fold manner
1. By acting directly on the survival and development which determine the
abundance of a pest
2. Indirectly through food and other environmental factors such as moisture, rainfall,
wind etc.
Depending on the maintenance of body temperature, animal kingdom is divided
1) Warm Blooded Animals (Homeothermic): These animals maintain a constant body
temperature within certain narrow limits irrespective of the temperature variations in the
external environment. These are also called as ‘Endothermic animals’ because they rely
on internal source of heat to compensate the lost heat to cooler surroundings. Eg.
2) Cold Blooded Animals (Poikilothermic) : These animals are not capable of
maintaining constant body temperature .They do not have internal mechanism of
temperature regulation and therefore their body temperature varies with that of the
surroundings. These are also called as ‘Ectothermic animals’ as they depend upon the
environment than the metabolic heat to raise their body temperature. Eg. Insects
3) Socio-homeothermic Animals: These organisms maintain their body temperature
slightly above the atmospheric temperature and are able to air condition their nests.
They maintain their own temperature inside their colony irrespective of the temperature
outside. Eg. Honey bees
Temperature regulates the development, fecundity, feeding, movement and
dispersal and distribution of insects.
In general insects grow more rapidly in warm weather than in cold weather. A
given species of insects is active within certain limits of temperature. In general the
optimum temperature for the normal development of insects is 10 to 35°C and is known
as ‘Zone Of Optimum or Normal Development’.

Depending on the development of insects at different temperature levels, the

temperature is divided into different zones as follows:

600C - Maximum Fatal Temperature

Zone of Fatal High Temperatur

500C -

- Zone of Inactivity due to High Temperature

350C - Maximum Effective Temperature (Threshold of

Developmewnt), Upper vital limit

Zone of Optimum/Normal/Effective Temperature

100C - Minimum Effective Temperature (Threshold of

Developmewnt), Developpmental zero
Zone of Inactivity due to Low Temperature


Zone of Fatal Low Temperature

-140C - Minimum Fatal Temperature

1. Zone of Effective Temperature (10 to 35°C) in which some development takes

place, the limits of which are known as
a) Minimum effective temperature or threshold of development (10 to - 5°C): at
which on descending scale development ceases and on ascending scale the
development starts. The growth of poikilothermic animals is arrested at 0°C and this
temperature is called as ‘Developmental zero’
b) Maximum effective temperature (35 to 50°C): The upper vital limit at which on
ascending scale the development ceases and on descending scale the development
2. Temperature Zones of Inactivity
The temperature immediately above and below the zone of effective temperature
are the ‘Zones of inactivity’. In these zones the insect is alive but there will not be any
development and they can recover if removed to favourable temperature.

3. Fatal Zones of Temperature

Beyond the zones of inactivity are the ‘Fatal high (50 to 60°C)’ and ‘Fatal low (-5
to -14°C)’ temperature zones, indicating ‘Minimum fatal (-14°C)’ and ‘Maximum fatal
Death at fatal high temperature is due to loss of water, coagulation of proteins,
high metabolic rate, accumulation of toxins and affected enzymatic activity. Death at
fatal low temperature is due to low enzymatic activity, low metabolic rate and freezing
of body fluids.
Some insects do not freeze but survive even under 0°C as their body fluids
contain polyols like glycerols.
If an insect is given a choice to move along a temperature gradient it prefers a
narrow limit of temperature known as the ‘Temperature preferendum’ or ‘Preferred
Thermal constant: The total heat energy required to complete a certain stage of
development in the life cycle or in the completion of a physiological process of a species
is constant and is termed as thermal constant and measured in Day - Degrees.
Under unfavourable seasonal temperature the insects suspend their activities.
These are of two types
1) Hibernation: A period of suspended activity in individuals occurring during
seasonal low temperature
2) Aestivation: A period of suspended activity of individual occurring during
seasonal high temperature or in a dry weather.
Insects fecundity will be maximum at moderately high temperatures and declines
at upper and lower limits of favourable temperature. Aphids remain parthenogenetic
under high temperature and many hours of sunshine while the opposite condition give
rise to oviparous forms.
Tropical and subtropical conditions as in India are ideal for the distribution and
establishment of insects. Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis caiptata Wiedemanncould not
establish in England and North Europe since its immature stages cannot stand below
10°C. Mosquitoes are more abundant at 70 to 80°F but are rare at 112 to 113°F. Pink
boll worm of cotton Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) is serious in Punjab where the
temperature is within 95.5 °F in August and September and not present in West Pakistan
due to high temperatures at that period (99° F).

Dispersal and Movement:

Insects try to move awa y from unfavorable temperatures. The rice weevil
Sitophilus oryzae(Linnaeus) is found in the upper layers of bins irrespective of whether
the initial infestation started at the depth of the bin or at surface due to rise in
temperatures i.e. when the temperature reaches 32°C, the adults migrate to cooler
upper layer. Mass flight of desert locust Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal) or migration
starts at 17 to 22°C and they do not migrate when temperature is in between 14 to
Adaptations to temperature: At high temperature, locusts expose minimum body
surfaces to sun’s rays by lying parallel to them while they expose maximum body
surface to sun’s rays at low temperature lying at right angle to them.



b) Moisture
Insect body consists of 80 to 90 per cent water. Aquatic larvae contain about 98
per cent while insects which feed on dry food like Tribolium sp,Sitophilussp etc.
constitute about 50 per cent. Water is generally lost through spiracles and integument.
Insects cannot afford to lose more water than they take and hence conserve water
depending on the situation.
Adaptations to conserve moisture:
1. Body pigments:
Insects develop dark pigment in cooler areas which help to absorb more heat
from sun for raising body temperature. This aids in getting rid of excessive moisture
from the body. Light colour in desert insects helps to reflect sun’s rays and save them
from excessive evaporation.
2. Integument:
Well developed integument and fused sclerites in beetles end weevils aid in
conserving body moisture. Waxy coating of integument also saves from excessive
3. Winglessness:
Grasshoppers and crickets in arid regions have poorly developed wings and
some are wingless by which the area of evaporation is reduced.
4. Pilocity:
Dense hairs on the body prevent evaporation.
5. Form of body:
Oval and compressed body of some desert beetles protects them from hot winds.
Some desert insects have burrowing habit by which they go into deeper layers of soil
when sufficient moisture is not available.
6. By reabsorption of water from products of excretion.
7. Some insects links Amsacta spp. enter into aestivation when dry conditions prevail.
The fall of water content of body below a certain minimum proves disastrous to
insects and if it is considerably above the normal (in very wet places) harmful effects
like disease outbreaks are noticed in insects.
Unlike in temperature, there are no definite ranges of favourable humidity to all
insects. Different species and their different immature stages have their own range.
Humidity effects the speed of development, fecundity, colour etc. If water content of
the body is high, dry air accelerates the development. Locusts sexually mature quicker
and the number of eggs laid are more at 70% R.H. Rhinooceros beetle develops dark
chitin in moist air and light chitin in dry air. Survival is indirectly affected by extremely
high humidity conditions thatfavours the spread of diseases in insects.

c) Rainfall:
Relative humidity is dependent on rainfall. The total amount of rainfall
distribution in time influences the abundance of insects in an area. More than 12.5 cm
rain during May-June results in increase in soil moisture which is not favorable to the
cutworms and hence forced to come out of the soil and fall a ready prey to their
parasites and predators. On the other hand if the rainfall is less than 10 to 12.5 cm
during summer, cutworms remain protected in soil and there is outbreak of the pest in
next season. Hence, the outbreak of pest can be forecasted, if the number of wet days
(0.8 cm) during May-July isnoted. If there are less than 10 wet days there will be an
increase of cutworms in the following year. If there are more than 10 wet days there will
be a decrease. Desert locust does not lay eggs and even if laid does not hatch unless
soil has sufficient moisture. Rainfall also plays an important role in movement of
swarms of desert locust. Saturated condition of moisture is injurious for the
development of spotted boll worm Earias fabia Stoll. Red pumpkin beetle Aulacophora
foveicollis Lucas withholds eggs until it come across moist soil. Rain induces
emergence of most of the insects from soil.
Eg: Ants, termites, red hairy caterpillar, root grub beetles etc., emerge out from the soil
after the receipt of rains.
d) Light:
Sunlight is the greatest single source of energy for all most all biological
systems. Light as an ecological factor has been defined as all shorter wavelengths of
radiant energy up to and including the visible spectrum which is measurable.
Wavelengths of visible parts of spectrum range from 4000 (Violet) to 7600 (Red)
Light is a non lethal factor. It helps in orientation or rhythematic behaviuour of
insects, bioluminescence, period of occurrence and inactivity. The different properties of
light that influence organisms are illumination, photoperiod, wave length of light rays,
their direction and degree of polarization. Visible and ultra violet light influences the
1. Growth, moulting and fecundity: silkworms develop faster in light than in
darkness. Grubs of Trogoderma also develop more rapidly in light. Moths of spotted
boll worm of cotton and red hairy caterpillar lay most of their eggs during periods of
darkness. The bean weevil lays more eggs in total darkness than in light.
2. Other activities:
In honey bees there is a correlation between hours of sunshine and their activity.
Orientation of animals through directed movements by light is called phototaxis which
also depends on temperature, moisture, food and age. Green leafhopper, Nephotettix
spp. are attracted to light on hot and humid evenings but is indifferent to it during dry
weather. Chafer beetles, many moths pass the day in concealment. Cockroaches hide
during day time. Dusk is most usual time for flight and copulation of moths, for
emergence of winged whiteants etc.

Based on daily activity cycle, insects or animals are categorized as

Diurnal: Insects whichare active during daylight hours

Nocturnal: Insects whichare active at night
Crepuscular: Insects whicha re active at dusk

Photoperiodism: The number of hours of light in a day length (24 hours) is termed as
photoperiod and the response of organisms to the photoperiod (length of the day) is
known as photoperiodism, photoperiod induces diapause. Insects in which dispause is
induced by long day are known as short day species. Eg: Mulberry silkworm Bombyx
mori (Linnaeus).While the insects in which diapause in induced by short day lengths are
known as long day species. Eg. Pink bollworm of cotton, Pectinophora gossypiella.
Photoperiod also known to control mode of reproduction, body form etc. In reduced
photoperiod sexual forms (winged) are produced in aphids.

3. Oviposition: Light stimulates oviposition in mantids and inhibits in Periplaneta sp.

4. Pigmentation:In dark areas, pigmentation develops in insects i.e., dark colour

develops in dark areas.

Bioluminescence: Famous luminous insects are the glow-worms and fireflies. The
enzyme luciferase in the presence of oxygen and adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
promotes the oxidation of luciferin. This causes the production of light in insects. In most
cases, females produce flash of light to attract males for mating.

Use of light as a factor in insect management:

Many insects are either attracted or repelled to artificial light and this reaction is
known as phototaxis. Grubs of Trogoderma sp. show negative reaction and are termed
photonegative species. Most of the moths are attracted to light and are known as
photopositive or phototropic. Based on this principle artificial light can be employed as
a source for attracting insects and there after they can be trapped and destroyed and
these devices are known as light traps.

e) Other factors:
i) Atmospheric pressure:
it is generally of little importance.Locust show great excitement and abnormal
activity about half an hour before the occurrence of storm when the atmospheric
pressure is low.
Drosophila flies stop moving when put under vacuum.

ii) Wind and Air currents:

Most of the insects will not take flight when speed of wind exceeds the normal
flight speed. Air currents, especially in the upper air being strong , carries many insects
like aphids white flies, scales etc. to far-off places and is an important factor in
dispersal. Air movement may also be directly responsible for death of insects.
Severe wind coupled with heavy rains cause mortality and moisture evaporation from
body surface of insects.

f) Edaphic (Soil) factors:

Loamy soils allow digging and burrowing operation and are usually favourable for
insects. Agrotis splive in soil of fairly light texture in which they move around freely in
response to daily or seasonal temperature and moisture changes.

A) Food:
Each insect species has certain nutritional requirements for completion of its life
cycle. Under normal conditions there is a happy adjustment between the host and
particular species of insect. But in the event of sudden increase in population, the
densities of population become too high to be supported by the food available in the
area. Hence competition for food as well as space will be there.
According to nutritional requirements, insects are categorized into:
1. Omnivorous: Which feed on both plants and animal. Eg. Wasps, cockroaches
2. Carnivorous: which feed on other animal as parasites and predators.
Eg: Predators (Lady bird beetles and Mantids)
3. Herbivorous: which feed on living plants (crop pests) and these can again be
categorized into
(a) Polyphagous: which feed on wide range of cultivated and wild plants.
Eg. Locusts, grasshoppers
(b) Monophagous:which feed on single species of plants. Eg: Rice stem
(c) Oligophagous:which feed on plants of one botanical family.
Eg: Diamondback moth, Cabbage butterfly.
4. Saprophagous (Scavengers): which feed on decaying plants and dead organic
matter. Eg: Drosophila flies, House flies, scarabaeid beetles.
B) Other organisms: Includebeneficial and harmful insects. Associations of individuals
of the same species is known as intra specific relations and it may be beneficial. Such
association of two sexes, parental care, associations of social insects etc., phenomenon
like overcrowding is harmful since shortage of food and space results. Disease
outbreak may occur. Cannibalism may occur.
Eg. Preying mantids, larvae of Helicoverpa, Tribolium feeds on its own eggs.
Associations of individuals of different species are known as inter-specific
relations and these may be beneficial or harmful.
Beneficial associations:
i) Symbiosis: Inter relationship between organisms of different species which live in
close union without harmful effects are known as symbiosis, each member being
known as symbiont.
ii) Commensalism: One insect is benefited by living on or inside another insect without
injuring the other and is known as comensal and it lives on the surplus food or the
waste food of its host. Eg: Gall forming insects. When the commensal uses its host as
a means of transport the phenomenon is termed as phoresy.

Eg: Telonomus beneficiensparasitoid attaches themselves to the anal tufts of female

moths of rice stem borer Scirpohaga incertulas (Walker) for their transport. The
parasitoid parasitizes freshly laid eggs.
iii) Mutualism: When both the symbionts are benefited by the association it is known
mutualism Eg: Ants and aphids. Termites and flagellates.
Harmful associations:
Those that live with the expense of other living organisms are parasites and
Parasite: Parasite is one which attaches itself in the body of the other organism either
externally or internally for nourishment and shelter at least for a shorter period if not for
the entire life cycle. The organism which is attacked by the parasite is called host.
Parasitoid:An insect parasite of arthropod is parasitic only in immature stages, destroys
its host in the process of development and free living as an adult or Parasitoid is an
insect that feeds on the body of another insect or arthropod during the larval stage of
the their life cycle and adult is a free-living insect, no longer dependent on the host.
Parasitisation: It is the phenomenon of obtaining nourishment at the expense of the
host to which the parasite is attached.
Parasites can be grouped into,
Depending upon the nature of host, as
1. Zoophagous : That attack animals (Cattle pests)
2. Phytophagous : That attack plants (Crop pests)
3. Entomophagous: That attack insects (Parasitoids and Predators)

Predators and Predatism:

A predator is one, which catches and devours smaller or more helpless creatures
by killing them in getting a single meal. Insect killed by predator is known as prey.

Insect Predator:

It is defined as the one, which is

- Large in size
- Active in habits
- Capacity for swift movements
- Structural adaptations with well developed sense organs to catch the prey
- May remain stationary and sedentary
- Suddenly seize the pray when it comes with in its reach Eg. Antlions
- Feed upon large number of small insects every day
- May have cryptic colourations and deceptive markings
Eg. Preying mantids and Robber flies

The population of an insect or any animal may be defined as the number of
individuals of a particular species existing in a particular area at a time. The population
never remains constant for long, but it tends to oscillate all the time about a theoretical
optimum for the species. Balance of life in nature is the maintenance of a more or less
fluctuating population density of an organism over a given period of time within certain
definite upper and lower limits by the action of biotic and abiotic factors.
Factors Contributing to Population Increase
Any organism will multiply enormously if the environment is optimum. Different
organisms multiply at different rates. Hence it is well known that every organism has an
inherent capacity to survive, reproduce and multiply in numbers. The extent to which a
species can multiply in a given period of time if no adverse factors interfere is called its
‘Biotic potential’ which is also known as ‘Maximum reproductive power’. This
concept was first introduced by R.N. Chapman in 1928. The biotic potential or innate
capacity to increase depends on
1) Initial population: The more the initial population of an organism the more
will be its progeny,
2) Fecundity: It is the average number of eggs laid by a female in its life. The
more the fecundity the more will be the resultant population.
3) Sex ratio: It is the ratio of females to the total population and is represented
by number of females / Total number of males and females. Up to a limit the
more the proportion of females, the more the multiplication capacity.
4) Number of generations in an unit time or a year: Obviously the greater the
number of generations in a unit time the larger will be the resultant population.

Based on the above factors the biotic potential can then be represented by the
B. P. = P (f s )n
Where, P = Initial population
f = Fecundity
s = Sex ratio
n = Number of generations in a unit time.
Some insects like whiteant queens and house flies lay large number of eggs
while others lay very few eggs. Some insects reproduce very fast. Mustard aphid has
over 40 generations a year. If all survive, a single pair of house flies may produce 191,
010, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, flies from April to August which if spread over the entire
earth form a layer about 14 meters deep. Similarly a progeny of a pair Drosophila flies
produced in a year would cover the whole of Indian subcontinent and Myanmar with a
solid cake of flies. Such is the biotic potential of insects when there is no interference of
biotic and abiotic factors of the environment.

Factors Tending to Reduce Populations:

However, in naturethere are other powerful factors working against the biotic
potential. These are (1) Abiotic or climatic factors and (2) Biotic factors. These biotic
and abiotic factors are known as the constituents of environmental resistance which
always tend to destroy a considerable proportion of insect life.
The proportion of the population which is normally eliminated as a result of
environmental resistance is known as ‘Normal Coefficient of destruction’ which can
be expressed by the formula,
Qn = 1 – ( 1/s )n / fn.
‘Q ‘= the coefficient of destruction,
‘s= the sex ratio when population is taken as 1
n = the number of generations in a unit interval of time and
‘f ‘= fecundity.
Balance of Life
In nature there are two sets of tendencies namely the biotic potential tending to
increase the population and the environmental resistance tending to reduce the
population. As such there is a constant interaction between these two opposing forces
and then maintains a dynamic equilibrium known as ‘Balance of life’.
It is evident from the above that in any case, the insects or other animals never
attain the high density which they are potentially capable of doing which is because of
environmental limiting factors like abiotic factors comprising mainly temperature and
humidity which at too high or too low levels adversely affects insects. Natural
disturbance like heavy rain, hail storms, snow, sand storms, dust storms, and very high
wind velocity are adverse to insect life. Biotic factors i.e. limitation of food, competition
for food and space and natural enemies act adversely depending on the density of

Causes for Outbreak of Pests in Agro-ecosystems

The insect’s pest problems in agriculture are probably as old as agriculture itself.
However, under subsistence agriculture the pest numbers were generally low as the
productivity was poor. The insects under favorable conditions multiply enormously and
different species multiply at different rates.
When the numbers of an insect increase, it reaches the pest status. Rapidly increasing
human population during last century has necessitated intensification of agriculture
through expansion of irrigation facilities, growing of new crops, introduction of improved
and exotic varieties, application of increased amounts of agrochemicals.. Definitely
modern agriculture technology package hasresulted in increased higher yields and it
has also contributed in severe outbreaks of insect pests in agricultural crops.

Following are a few of factors that have contributed in outbreak of crop pests
1. Excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers:
Excess use of inorganic nitrogenous fertilizers creates congenial conditions for
rapid multiplication and subsequent outbreaks of pests. Application of
nitrogenous fertilizers gives luxurious growth of the crop and makes it more
vulnerable to insect attack as in case of rice and cotton which show higher
incidence of yellow stem borer and sucking insects like aphids, whiteflies and
leafhoppers, respectively, because there will be no competition for food.
2. Indiscriminate use of pesticides:
Sometimes use of insecticides as a prophylactic or curative measure results in
reducing one of the competitive species of pests while allowing the others to
multiply.Repeated use of same insecticides may also lead to the secondary
infestation in which it is not effective. Continuous spraying of carbaryl on cotton
against bollworms and on brinjal against shoot and fruit borer results in the mite
infestation which is often very severe.
Indiscriminate use of pesticides also destroys the natural enemies of the pest
and sometimes leads to the pest outbreak. Application of deltamethrin, phorate
etc in rice fields against BPH destroy its natural enemies like mirid bugs and
spiders which are bioagents of BPH and sometimes enhance the population of
BPH. Similarly, indiscriminate use of insecticides on cotton resulted in the
outbreak of whitefly in Guntur and Prakasam districts during 1985.
3. Use of high yielding varieties and introduction of new crops:
Mostly improved strains of crop plants are susceptible to pests. Sometimes, the
insects which are considered of minor importance, become major importance
with the introduction of new varieties and strains. The improved combodia cotton
strains are highly susceptible to the spotted bollworm Earias sp. and the stem
weevil Pempherulus affinis. The hybrid sorghum CSH-1 was severely attacked
by shoot fly, Atherigona varia soccata stem borer Chilo partellus and ear head
gall midge Stenodiplosis sorghicola. The rice variety RP 4-14 was subjected to
severe attack by BPH. Spread of the gall midge resistant varieties surekha and
kakatiya in Telangana region made the gall midge incidence negligible while
other pests like BPH, stem borer and whorl maggot became serious pests on
The growing of cabbage crop in the plains of Madurai district (Tamil Nadu) as a
new venture resulted in the wide spread incidence of the green semilooper,
Trichoplusia ni

4. Destruction of forests and bringing forest area under cultivation:

The destruction of forest over wide areas for cultivation affects several of the
weather factors viz.,temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind velocity etc., in that
locality and thus set conditions favourable for some insects to develop
enormously. The insects feeding on the trees and plants in the forest area are
driven to neighboring areas where they may infest the cultivated crops and
become new pests.
5. Monoculture (intensive and extensive cultivation of crops without proper crop
When a single crop is raised over extensive area, limitation of food gets nullified
and there is no competition for food and shelter and these results in the increase
in pest populations. The effect is more pronounced if the cropping is done in
more than one season for the year.
The incidence of borers is high when sugarcane crop is raised over extensive
areas continuously.
Rice grown continuously creates favourable conditions for stem borer, BPH ,
green leafhoppers.
Cotton monocropping over large areas, prolonging the crop growth beyond the
regular duration and non removal of crop residues before the next crop
accentuates population of American bollworm Helicoverpa armigera and pink
bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella
Even if there is crop rotation with closely related crops or when there are
alternative food plants for the insect pests concerned, again the population of
insect pests is likely to increase.
Cotton followed by bhendi increases the incidence of pests like bollworms,
aphids, mites, whiteflies etc.
6. Introduction of a new pest in a new area: when an insect gets introduced
into a favourable new area without its natural enemies it becomes more
abundant. The wooly aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum, became a serious pest of the
apple in Niligiris as there was no natural enemy of the pest to check its
multiplication. It was brought under control only when its specific parasitoid
Aphelinus mali was introduced from Punjab.
7. Accidental introduction of foreign pests: Immature and adult stages of
certain insects adhere closely to the plants such as scales and aleurodids and
those which bore into the tissues of plant parts such as leaf miners, stem borers,
gall insects etc., and are more liable to be introduced into other countries. Some
of such insects introduced into India from foreign countries are the diamond back
moth Plutella xylostella on cruciferous vegetables the Sanjose scale
Quadraspidiotus pernicioususon fruit trees on hills, the green mealybug Coccus
viridis on coffee and the potato tuber moth Phthorimoea operculella, cotton
cushiony scale, Icerya purchasi , serpentine leaf miner Liriomyza trifolii, Spiralling
whitefly, Alerodicus dispersus , Coconut mite Aceria guerreoronis etc,

8. Destruction of natural enemies: The natural enemies keep the insect pests
under check. The destruction of these either by man or other agencies tends to
increase the population of insect pests in an area. Sometimes the weather
conditions may be favourable to the pest and unfavourable to its natural
enemies. The insecticides may often affect the parasitoids and predators more
than the host insects. DDT kills parasitoids and predators and thus encourages
aphids, scales mealybugs and spider mites to multiply into enormous
9. Large scale storage of food grains: Large scale storage of food grains also
leads to pest problems since there is ple nty of food for stored product insects to
feed, breed and multiply.

Pest surveillance is the systematic monitoring of biotic and abiotic factors of the
crop ecosystem in order to predict the pest outbreak or it is the study of the ecology of
the pest which provides the necessary information to determine the feasibility of a pest
management programme. By the Pest surveillance programmes, the population
dynamics and the key natural mortality factors operating under field conditions can be
known which in turn helps in devising the appropriate management strategies.
1. One can know how a pest is multiplying in an area and when it is expected.
2. Minimize the cost of plant protection by reducing the amount of pesticides used
and in turn reduce environmental pollution.
3. Pest control measures can be initiated in time due to advance forecasting.
4. Useful for pest forecasting.
5. To find out natural enemy population
6. To study the influence of weather parameters on pests
7. Mark endemic areas
8. Maintain the stability of the agro ecosystem.

Components of pest surveillance

1. Identification of the pest.
2. Distribution and prevalence of the pest and its severity.
3. The different levels of incidence and the loss due to the incidence.
4. Pest population dynamics.
5. Assessment of weather.
6. Assessment of natural enemies etc.
This study will give advance knowledge of probable pest infestation and will help to
plan cropping patterns and to get best advantage of pest control measures.

Forecasting for Pest Management

The Pest surveillance programmes are highly useful in forecasting of the pests. It is
the advance knowledge of probable infestation by the pests in a crop. Insect
forecasting service may serve
(1) To predict the forthcoming infestation levels of a pest which is very useful in
taking control measures and
(2) To findout the critical stages at which the application of insecticides would afford
maximum protection.
During 1941 a nation wide pest forecasting system was established in Japan. Locust
warning station in India was established in 1939.

Forecasting is mainly of two types.

1) Short term forecasting: Covers one or two seasons mainly based on the
populations of the pest within the crop by sampling methods.
2) Long term forecasting: It covers large areas and based mainly on the
possible effects of weather on the insect abundance. Eg. Locust warning
Forecasting is made through
1. Population studies carried over several years.
2. Studies on the pest life history.
3. Field studies on the effect of climate on the pest and its environment.
4. Predictions form the empirical data on the pests of the previous season.

Pest surveillance and monitoring in India :Pest surveillance and monitoring form an
integral part of IPM technology. Directorate of Plant Protection , Quarantine and Storage
(DPPQS), Faridabad, is organizi ng regular rapid roving pest surveys on major field
crops in different agro ecosystems in collaboration with ICAR and SAU’s and a
consolidated report then issued by Plant Protection Adviser (PPA) to the Government
of India.

The word ‘Pest’ derived from the Latin word ‘Pestis’ meaning Plague. An insect
reaches the status of a pest when its number increases and inflicts significant damage.
‘Pest’ is defined as insect or other organism that causes any damage to crops,
stored produce and animals. Damage boundary is the lowest level of injury where the
damage can be measured.
Insect pests are divided into a) negligible 2) minor and 3) major depending upon the
severity of damage caused on the plant.
Pests that cause less than 5% loss in yield, is said to be negligible. Insects which
normally cause a loss ranging from 5 to 10% are said to be minor pests and those
which cause a loss of 10% or more in general called as major pests.
Different Categories of Insect Pests
The different categories of insect pests are
1. Regular pest: Occur most frequently (regularly) in a crop and have close
association with that particular crop. Eg: Chilli Thrips Scirtothrips dorsalis , brinjal
shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis
2. Occasional pests: Here a close association with a particular crop is absent and
they occur infrequently. Eg: Rice case worm, Nymphula depuctalis castor slug
caterpillar, Parasa lepida , mango stem borer, Batocera rufamaculata

3. Seasonal pests: Occur mostly during a particular part of the year, and usually
the incidence is governed by climatic conditions. Eg: Red hairy caterpillar on
groundnut-June - July, Rice grasshoppers –June-July, Paddy climbing cutworms.
4. Persistent pests: Occur on a crop almost throughout the year.Eg: Scales and
mealybugs on many crops, thrips on chillies, paddy stem borer.
5. Sporadic pests: Occur on a few isolated localities. Eg: coconut slug caterpillar –
Macroplectra nararia, Contheyla rotunda, Rice earhead bug - Leptocorisa acuta,,
castor slug caterpillar-Latoia lepida
6. Epidemic pest: Occur in a severe form in a region or locality at a particular
season or time only. Eg: Rice hispa, Dicladispa armigera, rice leaf roller,
Cnaphalocrocis medinalis
7. Endemic pest: Occur regularly and confined mostly to a particular area or
locality. Eg: Red hairy caterpillar Amsacta albistrigaon groundnut in Kurnool,
Ananthapur, Kadapa, Chittoor, Srikakulam and Vizag districts, stem borers of
rice, paddy gall fly in Warangal districts.

Modern concept of pest management is based on ecological principles and
integration of different control tactics into a pest management system
Integrated control was defined by Stern et al., (1959) as applied pest control
which combines and integrates the biological and chemical control. Later the concept of
pest management has gained importance .The idea of managing pest population was
proposed by Geier and Clark 1961 who called their concept as protective management
which later was shortened as pest management.
Later Smith and Van Den Borsch in 1967 mentioned that the determination of the
insect numbers is broadly under the influence of total agro ecosystem and the role of
the principle element is essential for integrated pest management.
In 1972 the term IPM was accepted by CEQ (Council of Environmental Quality)
where IPM includes
I - Integration that is harmonious use of multiple methods to control the impact of
single pest as well as multiple pests.
P - Pest- any organism that is detrimental to humans including vertebrates and
invertebrate or weed or pathogens.
M - Management refers to a set of decisions or rules based on ecological
principles, economic and social consideration.
The backbone of management of pest in an agricultural ecosystem is the concept
of economic injury level (It is the level of the pest up to which the damage can be
According to FAO (1967), IPM was defined as “a pest management system in the
context of associated environment and population dynamics in pest species. It utilizes
all suitable techniques and methods in as compatible manner as possible and maintains
the pest population at levels below those cause economic injury.
Protective management of the noxious pest in which all available techniques
should be evaluated and consolidated to manage pest population so that economic
damage is avoided and adverse side effects on the environment are minimized (Gieir
and Clark, 1961).
Evolution of IPM
Green revolution has attain self sufficiency in food through introduction of hybrids
and high yielding varieties. Intensive cultivation of HYV invited or demanded more of
inputs in the form of fertilizers especially inorganic which in turn attracted more of pest
and diseases. This necessitated intensive control measures to curtail the damage
caused to the crops and the control was achieved mainly through chemical pesticides.
Continuous use of chemical pesticides led to pest resurgence, resistance, residues and
ecological imbalance by killing predators and parasitoids thus affecting prey-predator
dynamics and resulting in environmental pollution. The importance of integrated
approaches to pest control was then felt and the concept of IPM evolved.

Why Pest Management

1) Collapse of control system:
After World War II the use of pesticides mushroomed, but with all the benefits of the use
pesticides, it has adverse side effects not just on humans but also in animals. During
the massive use of pesticides, Rachel Carson, an American biologist, warned the
people about the side effects of the use of pesticides through her book entitled, Silent
Spring. Through her book, she raised a lot of questions about the real benefits of the
use of pesticides as well as the risks of pesticides rendered in the environment and
public health. An over-reliance on chemical pesticides led to development of pesticide
resistance, development of multiple resistance , emergence of secondary pest as major
pests, resurgence of pests, elimination of natural enemies of pests, hazards to non-
target species, hazards to agricultural workmen and deleterious effects on the
2) Phases of crop protection (Collapse of control systems)
Smith. R.F (1969) has classified World wide patterns of crop protection in cotton agro
ecosystem into the following phases which are also applicable to other crop ecosystems
A) Subsistence phase
The crop is usually grown under non irrigated conditions. Crop does not enter the
world market and is consumed in the villages or bartered in the market place. Crop
yields are low. Crop protection is through natural control, hand picking, host plant
resistance, other cultural practices and rarely insecticides are used.
B) Exploitation phase
The agricultural production increased from subsistence level to higher so as to
reach the market. Pest control solely depend on chemical pesticides. These are used
intensively, often at fixed intervals. Chemical control measureswere exploited to the
maximum extent wherein new synthetic insecticides, new methods of application,
intensive use of pesticides resulted in higher yields.

C) Crisis phase
After few years in exploitation phase, more frequent applications of pesticides and
higher doses are needed to obtain effective control. Insect populations often resurge
rapidly after treatments and the pest population gradually becomes tolerant to the
pesticide. Another pesticide is substituted and pest population becomes tolerant to it
too. Occasional feeders become serious pests. Excessive use of insecticides over a
number of years led to serious problems like
i) Pest resurgence
ii) Pest resistance to insecticides
iii) Change of pest status
iv) Increase of production costs, etc.

D) Disaster phase
As a result of all deleterious effects, the cost of cultivation got increased and the
crops were not grown profitably. There were frequent encounters of crop failures and
produce not acceptable at market (rejection of the produce due to residues), and finally
collapse of the existing pest control system.
E) Integrated control phase
In this phase it is aimed to give the control measures to the optimum and not to
the maximum. Pest management concept is followed to avoid crisis and disaster phases
a) Combination of the resources
b) analysis of eco- factors
c) optimization of techniques
d) recognizing or restoring the pest at manageable level

3) Environmental contamination
Presence of residues in foods, feed and organisms caused widespread concern
about contamination of Environment
Concepts of IPM
IPM seeks to minimize the disadvantages associated with use of pesticides and
maximizing socio, economic and ecological advantages.

1. Understanding the agricultural ecosystem

An agro ecosystem contains a lesser diversity of animal and plant species than natural
ecosystem like forests. A typical an agro ecosystem contain only 1-4 major crop species
and 6-10 major pest species. An agro ecosystem is intensively manipulated by man and
subjected to sudden alterations such as ploughing , inter cultivation and treatment with
pesticides. These practices are critical in pest management as pest populations are
greatly influenced by these practices. Agro ecosystem can be more susceptible to pest
damage and catastrophic outbreaks owing to lack of diversity in species of plants and
insects and sudden alternations imposed by weather and man.
However, agro ecosystem is a complex of food chains and food webs that
interact together to produce astable unit.
2. Planning of agricultural ecosystem
In IPM programme the agricultural system can be planned in terms of anticipating pest
problem and also the ways to reduce them that is to integrate crop protection with crop
production system. Growing of susceptible varieties should be avoided and related
crops shouldn’t be grown. Bhendi followed by cotton increases incidence of the spotted
borer. Groud nut followed by soybean increases incidence of the leaf miner.

3. Cost benefit ratio

Based on the possibility of pest damage by predicting the pest problem and by defining
economic threshold level, emphasis should be given to cost benefit ratio. The crop life
table to provide solid information analysis of pest damage as well as cost benefit ratio in
pest management. Benefit risk analysis comes when a chemical pesticide is applied in
an agro ecosystem for considering its impact on society as well as environment relevant
to its benefits.
4. Tolerance of pest damage
The pest free crop is neither necessary in most cases for high yields nor appropriate for
insect pest management. Castor crop can tolerate upto 25 per cent defoliation.
Exceptions occur in case of plant disease transmission by vectors.
The relationship between density of pest population and profitability of control measures
is expressed through threshold values.
The terms used to express the levels of pest population are
a) Economic Injury Level (EIL): Lowest population at which the pest will cause
economic damage or it is the pest level at which the damage can no longer be
tolerated and therefore it is the level at or before which the control measures are
initiated. The amount of injury which will justify the artificial control measures is termed
as economic damage. EIL is usua lly expressed as the number of insects per unit area
b) Economic Threshold Level (ETL): It is the index for making pest management
decisions. ETL is defined as the population density at which control measures should be
applied to prevent increasing pest population from reaching the economic injury level.
Relationship between EIL and ETL can be expressed as when no action is taken
at ETL the population reaches or exceeds EIL.
E.g.:- ETL value for BPH in rice is 25 insects/hill; Grasshoppers or cutworms is 1
insect/hill; rice stem borer -5% dead hearts; Gall midge of rice-5% silver shoots.
c) General equilibrium position(GEP)
It is the average population density of insect over a long period of time unaffected
by temporary interventions of pest control .However the economic injury level may be at
any level well above or below the general equilibrium.

The EIL may be at any level from well bellow to well above the GEP. Based on
this insects can be grouped into FOUR categories
a) Negligible pest: Pop density never increases high enough to cause economic injury.

---------------------------- EIL

Population ---------------------------- ETL



b) Occasional pest: Occasionally their density reaches EIL when their population is
affected by unusual weather conditions or the injudicious use of insecticides. At their
peaks of population density, some sort of intervention usually an insecticide is required
to reduce their numbers to tolerable level.

---------------------------- EIL

Population ---------------------------- ETL

density GEP


c) Perennial pest: EIL’s are slightly above the GEP and intervention is necessary at
nearly every upward population fluctuation. The general practice is to intervene with
insecticides whenever necessary to produce a modified average population density well
below the EIL.

---------------------------- EIL

Population ---------------------------- ETL

density GEP


d) Severe pest: They have EIL below the GEP. Regualr and constant interventions with
insecticides are required to produce marketable crops.

__________________ GEP

---------------------------- EIL

Population ---------------------------- ETL

density _______ MEP (Modified Equilibrium

EIL decreases as the value of crop increases. It also depends on the stage of
the crop, stage of the pest etc.

5. Leaving a pest residue

Natural enemy population isgradually eliminated not only in the absence of their
respective insect hosts because of the indiscriminate use of broad
spectruminsecticides, which inturn also eliminate natural enemies. Therefore, it is an
important concept of pest management, to leave a permanent pest residue below
economic threshold level, so that natural enemies will survive.
6. Timing of treatments
Treatment in terms of pesticide spray should be need based, with minimum number of
sprays, timely scheduled, combined with improved techniques of pest monitoring and
crop development
E.g.: Use of pheromone traps for monitoring of pest population
7. Public understanding and acceptance
In order to deal with various pest problems special effort should be made for effective
communication to the people for better understanding and acceptance of pest
management practices. The IPM practices followed should be economical and
Limitations of IPM:An IPM program requires a higher degree of management: Making
the decision not to use pesticides on a routine or regular basis requires advanced
planning and therefore a higher degree of management. This planning includes
attention to field histories to anticipate what the pest problems might be, selecting crop
varieties which are resistant or tolerant to pest damage, choosing tillage systems that
will suppress anticipated pest damage while giving the crop the greatest yield potential.
IPM can be more labour intensive, consistent, timely and accurate field scouting takes
time. Without this information,intelligent management decision cannot make.
Success of IPM programmes can be weather dependant. Therefore good IPM planners
will have a alternate plan for when these problems arise.

Different components or tools of IPM include,

1) Pest serviellance
2) Cultural methods
3) Mechanical methods
4) Physical methods
5) Biological methods
6) Legislative methods and
7) Chemical methods

Relative amount of heritable qualities possessed by the plant which influence the
ultimate degree of damage done by the insect is called ‘Host plant resistance’ to insect
Lesser damage than average damage is taken as resistance while more damage
than average damage constitutes susceptibility. A resistant variety produces higher
yield than susceptible variety when both are subjected to the same extent of infestation
by same insect at the same time. Resistance is a relative term only compared with less
resistance or susceptibility.
Absolute resistance or Immunity refers to the inability of a specific pest to
consume or injure a particular variety under any known-conditions. Immune varieties
are rare.
Ecological Resistance or Pseudo Resistance or Apparent Resistance
Ecological resistance relies more on environmental conditions than on genetics.
Certain crop varieties may overcome the most susceptible stage rapidly and thus avoid
insect damage. Early maturing crop cultivars have been used in agriculture as an
effective pest management strategy. However, plants that evade insect attack by this
mechanism are likely to be damaged if the pest populations build-up early.
Pseudoresistance may be one or combination of the following:

1. Host evasion: Under some conditions , a host plant may pass through the most
susceptible stage quickly or at time when insects are less in number .
Eg:Early planting of paddy in kharif minimize the infestation of stem borer Scirpophaga
Sowing of sorghum soon after onset of monsoon in June helps to overcome shoot fly
2. Induced resistance: is a form of temporarily increased resistance asresulting from
some conditions of plant or its environment such as changes in the amount of nutrients
or water applied to the crop.
Eg: Application of potassium fertilizers.
3. Host escape: It refers to lack of infestation or injury to the host plant because of
transitory circumstances like incomplete infestation, thus finding of uninfested plant in a
susceptible population does not necessarily mean that it is resistant.

Genetic Resistance
The factors that determine the resistance of host plant to insect establishment
include the presence of structural barriers, allelochemicals and nutritional imbalance.
These resistance qualities are heritable and operate in a concerted manner, and tend to
render the plant unsuitable for insect utilization.

Genetic resistance may be grouped based on,

A. Number of genes
i) Monogenic resistance: When resistance is controlled by a single gene, it is called
monogenic resistance
ii) Oligogenic resistance: When resistance is governed by a few genes, it is called
oligogenic resistance.
iii) Polygenic resistance: When resistance is governed by many genes, it is called
polygenic resistance. This is also termed as horizontal resistance.
B. Major or minor genes
i) Major gene resistance: The resistance is controlled by one or few major genes.
Major genes have a strong effect and these can be identified easily. This is also called
Vertical resistance.
ii) Minor gene resistance: The resistance is controlled by a number of minor genes,
each contributing a small effect. It is called minor gene resistance. This is also referred
to as horizontal resistance.
C. Biotype reaction
i) Vertical resistance: If a series of different cultivars of a crop show different reactions
when infested with different insect biotypes, resistance is vertical. In other words, when
infested with the same insect biotype, some cultivars show a resistant reaction while
others show a susceptible reaction. It is also referred to also as a qualitative or biotype-
specific resistance. Vertical resistance is generally, but not always, of a high level and is
controlled by a major genes or oligogenes. It is considered less stable.
ii) Horizontal resistance: Horizontal resistance describes the situation where a series
of different cultivars’ of a crop show no differential interaction when infested with
different biotypes of an insect. All resistant cultivars show similar levels of resistance to
all biotypes. This type of resistance is called biotype-non-specific resistance, general
resistance or quantitative resistance. Generally, horizontal resistance is controlled by
several poly genes or minor genes, each with a small contribution to the resistance trait.
Horizontal resistance is moderate, does not exert a high selection pressure on the
insect, and is thus more durable or stable.

Host Plant Selection Process by an Insect

Host plant selection is a process by which an insect detects a resource providing
plant within an environment of large population of diversified plant species.
The process of host plant selection involves a sequence of five steps
1. Host-habitat finding: The adult population of any species arrives at general
host habitat by phototaxis or anemotaxis and geotaxis. Temperature and
humidity play important role .Normally crop pests stay within general area
where crops are planted and hence, this becomes less important in host plant

2. Host finding: After locating habitat the insect pest makes a purposeful
search to locate its appropriate host plantfor its establishment. The essential
visual or olfactory mechanisms help the contact. Once the pest reaches
orcontacts the host plants, tactile and olfactory sensory organs arrest further
movement causing the insects to remain on the plant.
3. Host recognition: Although larvae are with sensorial receptors for host
recognition, this phase is usually taken care of by ovipositing female adult. It
is usually done with the help of specific volatile from the plants. Eg:-Onion
maggots,Delia sp attracted to its host by the odour of propryl disulphide.
Cabbage maggot fly,Delia brassica get attracted by crucifer due to presence
of few glucocyanolides.
4. Host acceptance: Various chemicals present in the host species actually
govern the feeding process of insects. These chemicals responsible for initial
biting,swallowing and continuation feeding. Eg: Presence of phagostimulants
like morin in mulberry Morus albais key in continuation of feeding of silkworm
Bombyx mori.
5. Host suitability: The nutritional value in terms of sugars, proteins, lipids and
vitamins or absence of deleterious toxic compounds determines the suitability
of the host for the pest in relation to the development of larvae, longevity and

Mechanisms of Host Plant Resistance

R. H. Painter (1951) has grouped the mechanisms of host plant resistance into
three main categories.
1. Non-preference (Antixenosis) 2. Antibiosisand3. Tolerance

Though various workers have attempted to classify the mechanisms of

resistance, the terms defined by Painter (1951) - non preference, antibiosis and
tolerance were widely accepted. However, Kogan and Ortman (1978) proposed that the
term non preference should be replaced by antixenosis because the former describes a
pest reaction and not a plant characteristic. The three types of resistance are described
in the context of the functional relationships between the plant and the insect.
Non-preference or Antixenosis:
The term ‘Non-preference’referes to the responce of the insect to the
charecteristics of the host plant, which make is unattractive to the insect for feeding,
oviposition or shelter.Kogan and Ortman (1978) proposed the term ‘Antigenosis’, as the
term ‘Non-preference’ pertains to the insect and not to the host plant.
Some plants are not choosen by insects for food shelter or oviposition because
of either the absence of desirable characters in that plant like texture, hairyness taste,
flavour, or presence of undesirable characters. Such plants are less damaged by that
pest and the phenomenon is called non preference

Eg. Hairy varieties of soybean and cotton are not preffered by leafhoppers for
Open panicle of sorghum supports less Helicoverpa armigera
Wax bloom on crucifers deter diamondback moth Plutella xylostella

Antibiosis refers to the adverse effect of host plant on the insect due to the
presence of some toxic substances or absence of required nutritional components.
Such plants are said to exhibit antibiosis and hence do not suffer as much damage as
normal plants. The adverse effects may be reduced fecundity , decreased size , long
life cycle , failure of larva to pupate or failure of adult emergence, and increased
mortality. Indirectly, antibiosis may result in an increased exposure of the insect to its
natural enemies.
Eg: The most classical example ofhost plant resistance is DIMBOA (2,4 Di hydroxy -7-
methoxy – 1,4 benzaxin – 3) content in maize which imparts chemical defense against
the European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis. Nutrionally related antibiotic effect in rice
variety Mudgo which is resistant to BPH. When young females fed on variety Mudgo,
ovaries of BPH are underdeveloped andcontain few mature eggs in it due to less
quantity of aminoacid asparagine content in the resistant variety.

Some plants withstand the damage caused by the insect by producing more
number of tillers ,roots, leaves etc in the place of damaged plant parts such plants are
said to be tolerant to that particular pest .Tolerance usually results from one or more of
the following factors
1. General vigour of the plant, 2.Regrowth of the damaged tissues 3.Strength of stems
and resistant to lodging 4. Production of additive branches 5. Efficient utilization of non
vital plant parts by the insect and 6. Compensation by growth of neibhouring plants
Eg: Early attack by the sorghum shoot fly on main shoot induced the the production of a
few synchronous tillers that grow rapidly and survive to produce harvestable ear
heads. LRG 41 Red gram for H. armigera

Transgenic Plants ( Genetically modified or GM crops)

A transgenic crop plant contains a gene or genes which have been artificially inserted
instead of a plant acquiring them through pollination or simply a normal plant with one
or more additional genes from diverse sources .Transgenic plants produce insecticidal
or antifeedant proteins continuously under field conditions that proteins are enough to
kill target pests.Bacillus thuringensis and cowpea trypsin protease inhibitors are ideal to
impart resistance to insect attack.

B.t a naturally occurring gram positive soil bacterium, upon sporulation forms a
parasporal crystal proteins called delta endotoxins. The cry proteins have selective
toxicity to certain category of insects and require certain specific conditions for their
effective action. The protein has to be ingested by the target insects which happens
when they feed on the transgenic plant tissues. It requires an alkaline pH of 9.5 or
above for effective processing into an active molecule which binds to specific receptors
for binding before it can kill the target insect. All these conditions are available in the
target insects and therefore they succumb when they feed on Bt-plants. Toxins binds to
midgut and creates pores in the intestinal lining resulting in ion imbalance , paralysis
of digestive system, after a few days that leads to insect death
To develop a B.t transgenic plant,
• Selection of strain of B.t
• Identify the genome
• Isolation of genes (Cry genes,Cry1A, Cry1Ac &Cry3Ab)
• Introduction into plants through genetic engineering methods

Transgenic technology can be utilized to develop plants with various beneficial traits
such as
a) Crop protection traitswhich include resistance to pests, diseases and herbicides
b) Abiotic stressin the form of tolerance to drought, heat, cold or salinity, thus
enabling plants to be grown in inhospitable habitats, adding more land for
cultivation; and
c) Quality traitsleading to enhanced nutrition; prolonged shelf-life or improved taste,
colour or fragrance of fruits, vegetables and flowers; and increased crop yield

India made its long-awaited entry into commercial agricultural biotechnology when
the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC), Ministry of Environment and
Forests, Govt of India, at its 32nd meeting held in New Delhi on 26th March 2002
approved three Bt-cotton hybrids for commercial cultivation. This is a historic decision
as Bt-cotton became the first transgenic crop to receive such an approval in India.
These transgenic hybrids were developed by MAHYCO (Maharashtra Hybrid Seed
Company Limited) in collaboration with Monsanto.



In modern India scientific study of insects was undertaken only from 18th Century.
In 1898 the historical announcement was made on the discovery that Anopheles
mosquitoes were the carriers of the malaria.
Important institutions or organizations that contribute much for the plant
protection in India are the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) which was the
first established in Pusa in Bihar in 1905 and later shifted to New Delhi in 1937. Indian
Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) was established in 1929. The Division of
Entomology was established in 1905 as one of the five major Divisions of the then
Agricultural Research Institute located at Pusa, Bihar and later it was shifted to New
Delhi. Eminent entomologists like H.M. Lefroy, T. B. Fletcher, H.S. Pruthi, S. Pradhan
and K.N. Mehrotra laid strong foundation for basic and applied research in insect
After the realization of the harm, the pests are doing to human beings by carrying
the diseases, the Plague Commission was established in 1905 and the Central Malaria
Bureau was established in 1909 in New Delhi. The Government of India established a
permanent Locust Warning Station in 1939 after experiencing the effect of locust cycle
in 1926-32.
The acute food shortage after the World War II and the Bengal famine in 1943
resulted due to the failure of rice crop by a paddy disease (Helminthosporium oryzae.)
which drew the attention of Govt. to prevent the damage of crops by pests and diseases
to various crops.
In 1946 the Government of India started the Directorate of Plant Protection,
Quarantine and Storage .Plant protection schemes were introduced in different states
from 1947 to look after the pest problems, to advise the Central and State Governments
and to enforce quarantine laws for preventing the possible introduction of new pests
from foreign countries along with imported materials.
The Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control (CIBC) established its Indian
station in 1957 at Bangalore. The Project Directorate of Biological Control (PDBC),
Bangalore established in 1993, is nodal agency in India for organizing biological control
research on agricultural pests at the national level. PDBC was upgraded as National
Bureau of Agriculturally Important Insects (NBAII) in 2009 in order to exploit the
agricultural insect resources from various agro climatic zones.
In Andhra Pradesh, Central Plant Protection Training Institute was established
at Hyderabad in 1966 mainly to train the personnel in plant protection. Later it was
named as National Plant Protection Training Institute (NPPTI) and recently during 2008
renamed as National Institute of Plant Health Management ( NIPHM).

National Centre for Integrated Pest Management (NCIPM), was established at

Faridabad in 1988 to cater to the emerging plant protection needs of different agro-
ecological zones of the country. Later it was shifted to New Delhi in 1995.
Plant Protection Measures for Pest Control
Early man caught the intruders by hand, killed them or cut away the infested
parts of the plant and burnt them. These mechanical and cultural methods are followed
till to date in pest management.
Insecticides were in use from as early as 200 BC. A boiling mixture of bitumen
and blowing the fumes through grape leaves was advocated to deter the insects, at
about 100 BC. Sulphur was considered as pest averting material. Toxic nature of
Arsenic was made to known in 40-90 AD. Chinese used Arsenic sulphides before 900
AD to control garden pests. Arsenic in honey was suggested as an ant bait since 1669.
By 1690, tobacco was being used to control lace bugs on pear trees and other soft
bodied insects. Pyrethrum was used before 1800 in Persia.
Modern use of insecticides started with paris green in 1867 against Colorado
potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata and lead arsenate in 1892 against the same.
HCN (Hydrocyanic acid) fumes were used against scales in 1892.
Discovery of the insecticidal properties of DDT in 1939 by Paul Muller
revolutionized the insect control by chemicals and Muller was honered with Nobel prize
in 1948 in medicinefor his dicovery. DDT was first synthesized by the German scientist,
Orther Zieldler in 1874. Later so many other chemicals were evolved.The practical
development of organophosphorous insecticide took place with the pioneering work of
Schrader and his associates beginning in 1937.
Indian pesticide market is the 12th largest in the World, which is 1.6 per cent of
the global market. However per hectare consumption of pesticides in India is very low at
0.5 kg when compared to developed countries. In India 217 pesticide molecules (CIB,
2009) are registered for use, and 65 technical grade pesticides are manufactured
indigenously. There are around 400 manufacturing units involved in production of
technical grade pesticides and their formulations.

Crop Losses Due to Insect Pests

Insect pests cause huge losses ranging from 5 to 80% of even upto 100%. Acute
food shortage following world war –II and Bengal famine (1943) due to failure of rice
crop due to a paddy disease indicate the severity of the loss, caused by the pests and
diseases. The insects in storage on an average consume and spoil an additional 4
million tones of grains every year .All this indicates the importance of plant protection by
which we can save millions of tones of food grains which are otherwise eaten away by
different pests. Losses due to insect pests in Indian agriculture are 23.3 per cent .One
of the practical means of increasing crop production is to minimize the pest associated

Methods of Pest Control

Any factor that is capable of making life hard for the insect that will repel or
interfere with its feeding, mating, reproduction or dispersal can be taken as a method of
insect control in its broadest application.

They can be divided into two major categories

1. Natural control
2. Applied control
Under natural control the population is kept under check by the environmental
resistance without the interference of man. The control measures adopted by
human agency are called applied or artificial control measures. Depending on the
time of taking action the applied control measures may be
i. Preventive or prophylactic i.e. action taken to prevent the
occurrence or spread of infestation and
ii. Curative or remedial measures i.e. measures which are taken to kill
the already existing pest population.

Different meyhods of pest control / Components or tools of IPM are,

I) Cultural methods
II) Mechanical methods
III) Physical methods
IV) Biological methods
V) Legislative methods and
VI) Chemical methods

I) Cultural Methods of Pest Control

The manipulation of cultural practices at an appropriate time for reducing or
avoiding pest damage to crops is known as cultural control. The cultural practices
make the environment less favorable for the pests and or more favorable for its
natural enemies. It is the cheapest of all methods.

There are two categories of cultural methods,

(a) Normal agricultural practices, which incidentally ward off certain pests:
By adopting these, the farmers get two-fold benefits
(1) Improvementof crop yields and
(2) The population of certain pests do not increase abnormally

i) Proper preparatory cultivation: Several insects which live or hide in the soil get
exposed to sun as well as predators like birds etc due to Proper preparatory
cultivation. Eg.Pupae of moths, roots grubs etc.
ii) Clean cultivation: Removal of weeds which act as alternate hosts.
Eg. Paddy gall fly Orseolia oryzae breeds on grasses such as Panicum sp.,
Cynodon dactylon etc.
Fruit sucking moth larvae Eudocima ancilla on weeds of Menispermaceae
iii) Systematic cutting and removal of infested parts: Keeps down subsequent
Eg. Removal of sugarcane shoots affected by borers,
Cutting and removal of infested parts of brinjal attacked by Leucinodes orbonalis
Pruning of dried branches of citrus eliminates scales and stem borer.
Clipping of tips of rice seedlings before transplanting eliminate the egg masses of
stem borer.
Clipping of leaf lets in coconut reduces the black headed caterpillar Ploughing
and hoeing help to burry stages of insects or expose soil inhabiting insects to be
picked up by birds.
Pests like coccids get carried over to the next season through stubbles, which
should be promptly removed.
iv) Changes in the system of cultivation :
Change of banana from perennial to annual crop reduced the infestation of
banana rhizome weevil Cosmopolitus sordidus in addition to giving increased
Avoiding ratoon redgram crop during offseason helps in reducing the carry over
of pod fly Melangromyza obtusa and eriophyid mite Aceria cajani
v) Crop rotation: Crop rotation is most effective practice against pests that have a
narrow host range and dispersal capacity. Lady’s finger followed by cotton will
suffer from increased infestation of pests. Hence if a non-host crop is grown after
a host crop,it reduces the pest population.
Eg. Cereals followed by pulses.
Cotton should be rotated with non hosts like ragi, maize, rice to minimize the
incidence of insect pests.
Groundnut with non leguminous crops is recommended for minimizing the leaf
miner incidence.
vi) Mixed cropping: Intended for getting some return when one crop is attacked, the
other escapes.
Eg. Garden peas and sunhemp
vii) Growing resistantvarieties: certain varieties resists pest attack .
Eg: GEB-24 and MTU–5249 resistance to paddy BPH, Surekha variety to gall
midge, TKM -6 and Ratna for stem borer.

(b) Cultural practices specially adopted for certain pests

1. Adjusting planting or sowing or harvesting times to avoid certain pests : The
manipulation of planting time helps to minimize pest damage by producing asynchrony
between host plants and the pest or synchronizing insect pests with their natural
Eg. Early planting of paddy in kharif and late planting in rabi minimize the infestation of
rice stem borer.
Delaying the sowing of sunhemp till the onset of South West Monsoon avoids sunhemp
hairy caterpillar (Utethesia lotrix) attack.
Early sown sorghum in kharifreduces the infestation of shoot fly
Timely and synchronous planting has been found to reduce bollworm damage in cotton
and stem borer damage in sugarcane.
2. Trap cropping: Growing of susceptible or preferred plants by important pests near a
major crop to act as a trap and later it is destroyed or treated with insecticides. Trap
crop may also attract natural enemies thus enhancing natural control.

Eg: Trap crop Main crop Insect pest

Castor Chillies Tobacco caterpillar Spodoptera litura
Tomato Citrus Fruit sucking moths Otheris spp
Marigold Cotton American bollworm Helicoverpa armigera

3. Trimming field buds: Grasshopper eggs, which are laid in field bunds are destroyed
by trimming field bunds
4. Flooding the field: Flooding of fields is recommended for reducing the attack of
cutworms, army worms, termites, root grubs etc,.
Eg: For cutworms like paddy swarming caterpillar (Spodoptera mauritinana and S.
exiqua) and ragi cutworm by flooding the fields caterpillars float and leave the plants
5. Draining the fields: In case of paddy case worm Nymphula depunctalis which travel
from plant to plant via water. it can be eliminated by draining or drying the field.
Draining the rice fields for 3-4 days during infestation controls BPH and whorl maggot.
Alternate drying and wetting at 10 days interval starting from 35 DAT reduces the BPH
and WBPH.
6. Alley ways: Formation of alley ways for every 2 m in rice field reduces the BPH
Nilaparvata lugens
(c) Other cultural methods
1. Root weevil, Echinonemus oryzae damage in rice can be overcome by applying
20 kg ammonium sulphate and 40 kg single super phosphate in rice .
2. Raking up and hoeing of the soil around gourds, mango and other fruit trees
serves to destroy pupae of fruit flies.
3. Adoptation of high seed rate in sorghum and later removal and destruction of
shoot fly (Atherigona soccata) affected ones.

4. Trash mulching @ 3 t/ha 3 days after planting or earthing up at a month or two

after planting minimize early shoot borer ( Chilo infuscatellus) attack in
5. Destruction of crop residue: Stubbles of sugarcane and paddy that harbour
borers should be ploughed up and burnt.
6. Deep ploughing in summer exposes most of the soil inhabiting insects to sun and
hot winds and get them killed
7. Periodical drying of stored produce against stored grain pests.
8. Pruning of dried twigs/ branches to eliminate pests like scales and orange borer

B. Mechanical Methods of Pest Control : Reduction or suppression of insect pest

population by means of manual devices or labour
Hand picking and collection with hand nets and killing insects: Handpicking is
most ancient method which can prove fairly effective under certain conditions. Egg
masses, larvae or nymphs and sluggish adults can be handpicked and destroyed.
- Egg masses of paddy stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas) and groundnut hairy
- Early stages of Spodoptera litura and hairy caterpillars are easily located by their
typical damage symptoms
- The moringa caterpillars, which collect at tree trunks in the mornings can be burnt.
- Most of the insects can be collected with hand nets and destroyed.
- Collection and destruction of fallen fruits is effective against fruit flies and fruit
- Manual collection and destruction of pink bollworm attacked rosette flowers,
withered and drooped terminals infested by spotted bollworm can reduce the
incidence of these pests in cotton.
Provision of preventive barriers: Digging of 30 -60 cm wide and 60 cm deep trenches
or erecting 30 cm height tin sheets barriers around the fields is useful against pests like
hairy caterpillars.
Bagging / wrapping of pomegranate and mango fruits in paper bags avoids the
infestation of pomegranate butterfly Virachola isocrates and mango fruit fly Bactrocera
Tin bands are fixed over coconut palms to prevent damage by rats.
Other mechanical methods:
1. Extraction of adult Rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros) from the crown of
coconut trees using an arrow headed rod/hook.
2. Construction of rat proof godowns
3. Use of an alkathene band around the tree trunks of mango to check the migration
of first instar nymphs of mealybugs and red ants
4. Sticky bands around tree trunks against red tree ant (Oecophylla samaragdina)

5. Systematic shaking of root grub adults harbored trees during evening hours to
dislodge and destroy by dumping in fire.
6. Shaking ofredgram plantsto collect and destroy later instars of Helicoverpa
7. Shaking the trees and bushes by which the insects fall to the ground and they
can be collected
8. Sieving and winnowing against stored grain pests
9. Using mosquito nets fly proof cages etc.

II) Physical Methods of Pest Control: Use of certain physical forces to
minimize the pests
- A material called drie-die, consist of highly porous, finely divided silica gel which
when applied abrades the insect cuticle thus encouraging loss of moisture
resulting in death. It is mainly used against stored product pests.
- Kaolinic clay after successive activation with acid and heat can be mixed with
stored grain. The clay minerals absorb the lipoid layer of the insect cuticle by
which the insects lose their body moisture and die due to desiccation.
- Artificial heating and cooling of stored products will prevent insect damage.
Usually high temperatures are more effective than low temperatures.
- Stored products can be exposed to 550C for 3 hours to avoid stored product
- Steam sterilization of soil kills soil insects
- Vapour Heat Treatment (VHT): Heated air is saturated with water (>RH 90%) for
specified period of 6 to 8 hours for raising pulp temperature to 43-44.5°C in case
of mango against fruit flies.
- Oxygen stress and carbon dioxide concentration: In air tight containers small
volume of air is enclosed, the available oxygen is quickly utilized by insects and
raise concentration of carbon dioxide. High concentration of carbon dioxide leads
to death of stored products insects.
- Male insects can be made sterile by exposing them to gamma radiation or by
using chemicals. When sterile males are released in normal population they
compete with normal males in copulation and to that extent reductive capacity of
the population are reduced. By sterilizing the pupae of screwworm, livestock pest
(Cochliomyia hominivorax) with radiations, sterile males were obtained. They
were released @ 400/sq mile for 7 weeks. By this method total eradication was
achieved in South East parts of America and in the Curacao islands in case of
- Light traps are arranged for attracting the insects, which are trapped by keeping
water or oil in a container or a killing bottle below the light trap. Light traps are
useful for monitoring the population of important insect pests in an area. Eg: Most
of the moths and beetles.
- Flame thrower is a compressed air sprayer with kerosene oil for producing
flames. There is a lance, which is fitted with a burner. When the burner is heated,
the kerosene oil is released and it turns into flames. Used for burning locust
populations, congregation of caterpillars, patches of weeds etc.

III) Legislative / Legal / Regulatory Methods of Pest Control :

In early days there were no restrictions on the transport of plants and animals from
one country to another since the danger involved in it is not realized, which resulted
in introduction of pests form one country to another. In many countries many of the
dangerous pests have frequently been found to be foreign pests and they inflict
greater damage than the indigenous ones. Potato tuber moth Pthorimea operculella,
cotton cushiony scale Icerya purchasi, wooly aphis on apple Eriosoma lanigerum,
san jose scale Quadraspidiotus perniciosus, golden cyst nematode Globodera
rostochinesis and the giant African snail ,Achatina fulica (Predatory snail Eugladina
rosea) , serpentine leaf miner Liriomyza trifolii, Spiralling whitefly, Alerodicus
dispersus , Coconut mite Aceria guerreoronis etc,are some exotic pests introduced
into our country.
Quarantine: The word quarantine is derived from Latin word Quarantum which
means ‘forty (40)’. Plant quarantine is defined as the legal enforcement of the
measures aimed to prevent pests from spreading or to prevent them to multiply
further in case they have already gained entry and have established in new
restricted areas.
The importance of imposing restrictions on the movement of pest-infested plants or
plant materials from one country to another was realized when the grapevine
phylloxera got introduced into France from America by about 1860 and the San jose
scale spread into the USA in the later part of the 18th century and caused severe
The first Quarantine Act in USA came into operation in 1905. While Govt. of India
passed an Act in 1914 entitled “Destructive Insect and Pests Act of 1914” to prevent
the introduction of any insect, fungus or other pests into our country. This was later
supplemented by a more comprehe nsive act in 1917.
The legislative measures in force now in different countries can be grouped into five
classes. They are,
1. Legislation to prevent the introduction of new pests and weeds etc from foreign
countries (International quarantine)
2. Legislation to prevent the spread of already established pests, diseases and
weeds from one part of the country to another (Domestic quarantine)
3. Legislation to enforce upon the farmers regarding the application of effective
control measures to prevent damage by already established pests.
4. Legislation to prevent the adulteration and misbranding of insecticides and
determine their permissible residue tolerance levels in food stuffs and
5. Legislation to regulate the activities of men engaged in pest control operations
and application of hazardous insecticides

1) Legislation to prevent the introduction of foreign pests:

To prevent the entry of foreign pests all countries have restrictions. They enforce
quarantine laws. The imported plant material has to be thoroughly examined at
the ports of entry.
The Directorate of Plant Protection Quarantine and Storage was established in
Faridababd in 1946. Prior to which customs authorities did the enfo rcement of
quarantine laws. From 1949, DPPQS deals with the commercial import of
consignments of grains, plants and plant products for consumption through its
network of 35 Plant Quarantine Stations spread across the country including
seaports, airports and land frontiers
These operate under the provisions made under the “Destructive Insect
and Pests Act of 1914”. Further Government of India has approved NBPGR, New
Delhi for quarantine processing of all germplasm including transgenic planting
material under exchange for research purposes, Forest Research Institute(FRI)
Dehadradun for forest plants and Botanical Survey of India (BSI), Kolkatta for
ornamental plants to enforce quarantine laws.
The importation of plant material from foreign countries has to be done
only through any of these ports.The consignment should also be accompanied
with the certificate issued by the Officers of agriculture department of the
exporting country so as confirm that the consignments are pest free. This
certificate is called as ‘Phytosanitory certificate’.
Import of plants by post or air is not permitted, except by experts for
scientific purpose. Import of potatoes from areas known to be infected with wart
disease or golden cyst nematode is totally prohibited in to our country.

2) Legislation to prevent the spread of already established pests:

The Destructive Insect and Pests Act, 1914, have empowered the states
to enact such laws as are necessary to prevent the spread of dangerous insects
within their jurisdiction.
The Madras Government enacted the Madras Agricultural Pests and
Diseases act in 1919 and was the first state to enact such laws in our country.
This act was passed to prevent the spread of pests or diseases or weeds form
one part of the state to another.
Cottony cushiony scale when localized in Nilgiris and Kodiakanal none of the
alternate host plants were permitted to get transported from these areas.
Quarantine stations were opened at Mettupalayam and Gudalur of Nilgiris and at
Shenbegmur station of Kodaikanal in 1943 and were closed subsequently.

3) Legislation to enforce the application of effective control measures to

prevent the damage by established pests.
Under the state pests act, the farmers were asked to remove and destroy
coconut leaf lets infested with black headed caterpillar Opisina arenosella around
Mangalore in 1923 and in 1927 in Krishna and Guntur districts. Later it was
withdrawn as the pest was successfully controlled by biological control agents.

4) Legislation to prevent the adulteration and misbranding of the

To avoid malpractices and supply of substandard chemicals, the pesticide
products are to be standardized through the Indian Standards Institute. Such
products carry ISI mark and are expected to confirm the leve l of a.i (Active
The Insecticide Act, 1968 has been enforced on 2nd September, 1968 by the
Government of India to regulate the import, manufacture, sale, transport and
distribution and use of insecticides. The government of India also constituted the
Central Insecticide Board (CIB) to advise the state and central governments as
per this act. The insecticide rules of 1971 framed under the Insecticides Act 1968
had come in to force in 1971.

5) Legislation to regulate the activities of men engaged in pest control

operations: They have to take certain precautionary measures to avoid
pesticide poisoning and undergo regular medical checkup.
Invasive Alien Species (IAS): is a species outside of its native range whose
introduction and or spread threatens biodiversity.


The successful management of a pest by means of another living organism

(parasitoids, predators and pathogens) that is encouraged and disseminated by man is
called biological control. In such programme the natural enemies are introduced,
encouraged, multiplied by artificial means and disseminated by man with his own
efforts instead of leaving it to nature.
Techniques in biological control:
Biological control practices involve three techniques viz., Introduction, Augmentation
and Conservation.
1. Introduction or classical biological control: It is the deliberate introduction and
establishment of natural enemies to a new locality where they did not occur or originate
naturally. When natural enemies are successfully established, it usually continues to
control the pest population.
2. Augmentation: It is the rearing and releasing of natural enemies to supplement the
numbers of naturally occurring natural enemies. There are two approaches to
a. Inoculative releases: Large number of individuals are released only once during the
season and natural enemies are expected to reproduce and increase its population for
that growing season. Hence control is expected from the progeny and subsequent
generations and not from the release itself.
b. Inundative releases: It involves mass multiplication and periodic release of natural
enemies when pest populations approach damaging levels. Natural enemies are not
expected to reproduce and increase innumbers. Control is achieved through the
released individuals and additional releases are only made when pest populations
approach damaging levels.
3. Conservation: Conservation is defined as the actions to preserve and release of
natural enemies by environmental manipulations or alter production practices to protect
natural enemies that are already present in an area or non use of those pest control
measures that destroy natural enemies.
Important conservation measures are
• Use selective insecticide which is safe to natural enemies.
• Avoidance of cultural practices which are harmful to natural enemies and use
fauorable cultural practices
• Cultivation of varieties that favour colonization of natural enemies
• Providing alternate hosts for natural enemies.
• Preservation of inactive stages of natural enemies.
• Provide pollen and nectar for adult natural enemies

Parasite:A parasiteis an organism which is usually much smaller than its hostand a
single individual usually doesn’t kill the host. Parasite may complete their entire life
cycle (eg. Lice) or may involve several host species. Or Parasite is one, which attaches
itself to the body of the other living organism either externally or internally and gets
nourishment and shelter at least for a shorter period if not for the entire life cycle. The
organism, which is attacked by the parasites, is called hosts.
Parasitism: Is the phenomena of obtaining nourishment at the expense of the host to
which the parasite is attached.
Parasitoid: is an insect parasite of an arthopod, parasitic only in immature stages,
destroys its host in the process of development and free living as an adult. Eg:
Braconid wasps
Qualities of a Successful Parasitoid in Biological Control Programme
A parasitoid should have the following qualities for its successful performance.
1. Should be adaptable to environmental conditions in the new locally
2. Should be able to survive in all habitats of the host
3. Should be specific to a particulars sp. of host or at least a narrowly limited range
of hosts.
4. Should be able to multiply faster than the host
5. Should be having more fecundity
6. Life cycle must be shorter than that of the host
7. Should have high sex ratio
8. Should have good searching capacity for host
9. Should be amendable for mass multiplication in the labs
10. Should bring down host population within 3 years
11. There should be quick dispersal of the parasitoid in the locality
12. It Should be free from hyperparasitoids
Some successful examples
• Control of cottony cushion scale, Icerya purchasi on fruit trees by its predatory
vedalia beetle, Rodolia cardinalis in Nilgiris. The predator was imported from
California in 1929 and from Egypt in 1930 and multiplied in the laboratory and
released. Within one year the pest was effectively checked.
• For the biological suppression of Water Fern, Salvinia molesta,the weevil,
Cyrtobagous salviniae, was imported from Australia in 1982. Exotic weevil, C.
salviniae was released for the control of water fern, S. molesta in a lily pond in
Bangalore in 1983-84. Within 11 months of the release of the weevil in the lily
pond the salvinia plants collapsed and the lily growth, which was suppressed by
competition from salvinia resurrected.
• Biological Control of Water Hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes ,three exotic natural
enemies were introduced in India viz.,hydrophilic weevils – Neochetina bruchi
and N. eichhorniae ( Argentina) and galumnid mite Orthogalumna terebrantis
(South America) in 1982 for the biological suppression of water hyacinth.

• Apple woolly aphis, Eriosoma lanigerum in Coonor area by Aphelinus mali

• Control of shoot borers of sugarcane, cotton bollworms, stem borers of paddy
and sorghum with the egg parasitoid, Trichogramma australicum @
50,000/ha/week for 4-5 weeks from one month after planting
• Centrococcus isolitus on brinjal; Pulvinaria psidi on guava and sapota;
Meconellicoccus hirsutus on grape and Pseudococcus carymbatus on citrus
suppressed by Cryptolaemus montrouzieri.
Parasites can be grouped as furnished below
1. Depending upon the nature of host,
1. Zoophagous - that attack animals (cattle pests)
2. Phytophagous - that attack plants (crop pests)
3. Entomophagous - that attack insects (parasites)
4. Entomophagous insects - parasitoids
II. Based on the specialization of the site of parasitisation
1. Ectoparasites: they attack its host from the outside of the body of the host. The
mother parasite lays its eggs on the body of the host and after the eggs are hatched the
larvae feed on the host by remaining outside only. Head louse; Epiricania melanolenca,
Epipyrops sp. Sugarcane fly.
2. Endoparasites :they enters the body of the host and feeds from inside. The mother
parasite either lays its eggs inside the tissues of the host or on the food material of the
host to gain entry inside.
Eg.Braconids & Icheneumonids, Apanteles flavipes on jowar stemborer larvae.
III. Specialization based on the stage of the host
Eg.Host: Coconut black headed caterpillar, Opisina arenosella
1. Egg parasite : Trichogramma australicum
2. Early larval parasite – Apanteles taragama
3. Mid larval parasite – (Micro) Bracon hebtor
4. Prepupal parasite – Gonizus nephantidis
5. Prepupal parasite – Elasmus nephantidis
6. Pupal parasite –Stomatoceros sulcatiscutellum
Trichospilus pupivora, Testrastichus israeli,
IV. Depending upon the duration of attack
1. Transitory parasite :It is not permanent but transitory parasite which spends a
few stages of its life in one host and other stages on some other species of hosts
or as a free living organism.
Eg. Braconids and Ichneumonids
2. Permanent parasite :
Which spends all the stages of its life on the same host.Eg. Head louse

V. Depending upon degree of parasitization

1. Obligatory parasites: Parasite, which can live only as a parasite and cannot live
away from the host even for shorter period. Eg. Bird lice, Head louse.
2. Facultative parasite:Parasite, which can live away from the host at least for a
shorter period Eg. Fleas.
VI. Depending upon the food habits
1. Polyphagous: develops on number of widely different host species Eg. Bracon
sp. Apanteles sp on lepidopteran caterpillars
2. Oligophagous: which has very few hosts (more than one host) but all the hosts
are closely related. Eg. Isotema javensis on sugarcane and sorghum borers.
3. Monophagous:which has only one host sp. and can’t survive in another sp. i.e.
host specific. Eg. Gonizus nephantidis on Opisina aresosella
Kinds of Parasitism
1. Simple parasitism :Irrespective of number of eggs laid the parasitoid attacks the
host only once. Eg. Apanteles taragamae on the larvae of Opisina arenosella,
Goniozus nephantids
2. Super parasitism :phenomenon of parasitization of an individual host by more
larvae of single species that can mature in the host. Eg. Apanteles glomeratus
on Pieris brassica, Trichospilus pupivora on Opisina arenosella.
3. Multiple parasitism :Phenomenon of simultaneous parasitization of host
individual by two or more different species of primary parasites at the same time.
Eg:Trichogramma, Telenomous and Tetrastichus attack eggs of paddy stem
borer Scirpophaga incertulas.
Super parasitism and multiple parasitisms are generally regarded as
undesirable situations since much reproductive capacity is wasted
4. Hyper parasitism:When a parasite itself is parasitized by another parasite. Eg.
Goniozus nephantidis is parasitized by Tetrastichus israeli, Most of the Bethylids
and Braconids are hyper parasites.
Primary parasite:A parasite attacking an insect which itself is not a parasite (Beneficial
to man.)
Secondary parasite:A hyperparasite attacking a primary parasite (Harmful to man )
Tertiary parasite: A hyperparasite attacking a secondary parasite ( Beneficial to man )
Quaternary parasite :A hyperparasite attacking tertiary parasite ( Harmful to man)
A primary parasitoid becomes harmful in case of productive insects like
silkworms, Bombyx mori and lac insect Kerria lacca.
Predators and Predatism
A predator is one which catches and devours smaller or more helpless creatures
by killing them in getting a single meal. It is a free living organism through out its life ,
normally larger than prey and requires more than one prey to develop.

Insect predator qualities

1. A predator generally feeds on many different species of prey , thus being a
generalist or polyphagous nature
2. A predator is relatively large compared to its prey , which it seizes and devours
3. Typically individual predator consumes large number of prey in its life time
Eg: A single coccinellid predator larva may consume hundreds of aphids
4. Predators kill and consume their prey quickly , usually via extra oral digestion
5. Predators are very efficient in search of their prey and capacity for swift
6. Predators develop separately from their prey and may live in the same habitat
or adjacent habitats
7. Structural adaptation with well developed sense organs to locate the prey
8. Predator is carnivorous in both its immature and adult stages and feeds on the
same kind of prey in both the stages
9. May have cryptic colourations and deceptive markings
Eg. Preying mantids and Robber flies

Based on the degree of use fullness to man, the predators are classified as on
1. Entirely predatory, Eg. lace wings, tiger beetles lady bird beetles except
Henosepilachna genus
2. Mainly predator but occasionally harmful. Eg. Odonata and mantids occasionally
attack honey bees
3. Mainly harmful but partly predatory. Eg. Cockroach feeds on termites. Adult
blister beetles feed on flowers while the grubs predate on grass hopper eggs.
4. Mainly scavenging and partly predatory. Eg. Earwigs feed on dead decaying
organic matter and also fly maggots. Both ways, it is helpful
5. Variable feeding habits of predator, eg: Tettigonidae: omnivorous and
carnivorous but damage crop by lying eggs.
6. Stinging predators. In this case, nests are constructed and stocked with prey,
which have been stung and paralyzed by the mother insect on which the eggs
are laid and then scaled up. Larvae emerging from the egg feed on paralyzed but
not yet died prey. Eg. Spider wasps and wasps.

Differences Between predator and a parasite

Predator Parasite
1. Mostly a generalized feeder Exhibits host specialization and in
excepting lady bird beetles and many cases the range of host species
hover flies which show some attacked is very much limited
specificity to pray
2. Very active in habits Usually sluggish one the host is
3. Organs of low common sense Not very well developed and some
organs and mouth parts are well times reduced even, Ovipositor well
develop developed and oviposition specialized
4. Stronger, larger and usually more Smaller and not markedly more
intelligent than the prey intelligent than the host
5. Habitat is in dependent of that of Habitat and environment is made and
its prey determined by that of the host
6. Life cycle long Short
7. Attack on the prey is casual and Planning is more evident
not well planned
8. Seizes and devours the prey Lives on or in the body of the host
rapidly killing it slowly
9. Attack on prey is for obtaining food It is for provision of food for the off
for the attacking predator itself, spring
excepti ng in wasps which sting the
caterpillars to paralyze the and
provide them as food in the nest
for the young
10. A single predatory may attack A parasite usually completes
several hosts in a short period development in a single host in most


Microbial control refers to the exploitation of disease causing organism to reduce the
population of insect pest below the damaging levels. Steinhaus (1949) Coined the term
‘Microbial Control’ when microbial organisms or other products (toxins) are employed by
man for the control of pests on plants, animals or man.
1. Bacteria : More than 100 pathogenic bacteria were recorded of which i. Bacillus
thuringiensis (B.t.) is important and is isolated from flour moth, Ephestia kuhniella
by Berliner (1915) B.t. known as a bacterial insecticide is now being using by
farmers mostly on lepidopterous larvae. It can infect more than 150 species of
insects. The entry of the bacteria is by ingestion of the bacteria, which infect the
mid gut epithelia cells and enter the haemolymph to sporulate and cause

Properties of B.t.
1. Highly pathogenic to lepidopterous larvae
2. Non-toxic to man
3. Non-phytotoxic
4. Safer to beneficial insects
5. Compatible with number of insecticides
6. So far no resistance is developed in insects
7. Synergistic in combination with certain insecticides like carbaryl
8. Available in different formulations(Trade names Thuriocide, Delfin, Bakthane,
Biobit, Halt, Dipel etc).
9. Formulation is so standardized that 1 gm of concentration spore dust contains
100 million spores
Bacillus popillae (available as Doom) causes milky disease on Japanese beetle,
Popillia japonica

2. Viruses: NPV (Borrellina virus): About 300 isolates of Nuclear polyhedral virus have
been isolated from the order Lepidoptera. Among these viruses Baculoviruses
(Baculoviridae) are successful in IPM. The NPV is observed to affect 200 species of
insects like Corcyra cephalonica, Pericallia ricini, Amsacta albistriga, Spodoptea litura,
Heliothis armigera etc., by ingestion. The virus infected dead larvae hanging upside
down from plant parts (Tree top disease). The cuticle becomes fragile, rupturing easily
when touched, discharges liquefied body fluids. NPV multiplies in insect body wall,
trachea, fat bodies and blood cells. The polyhedra are seen in nuclei. The polyhedral
bodies enlarge in size destroying the host nuclei to get released into the insect body

3. Fungi:The fungal disease occurrence in insects is commonly called as mycosis. Most

of the entomopathogenic fungi infect the host through the cuticle. The process of
pathogenesis begins with
• Adhesion of fungal infective units or conidium to the insect epicuticle
• Germination of infective units on cuticle,
• Penetration of the cuticle
• Multiplication in the haemolymph
• Death of the host (Nutritional deficiency , destruction of tissues and releasing
• Mycelial growth with invasion of all host organs
• Penetration of hyphae from the interior through the cuticle to exterior of the insect
• Production of infective conidia on the exterior of the insect.

Most of the entomopathogenic fungi infect their hosts by penetration of the

cuticle by producing cuticle digesting enzymes ( Proteases , lipases chitinases).The
typical symptoms of fungal infection are, mummified body of insects and it does not
disintegrate in water and body covered with filamentous mycelium.
Specific requirements for successful commercial production and use of
entomopathogenic fungi as mycoinsecticides are
• The fungal isolate selected for mass production or commercialization should
posses rapid growth , high pathogenicity to target pests and sporulate profusely
• A simple medium with cheap and easily available components should be
• The production procedure should be easy and also keep the production costs
• Formulation with long shelf life at room temperature without any loss of
infectivity and viability for at least for 12 – 18 months

More than 5000 species of entomopathogenic fungi are recorded. Important species
are, Entomophthora, Metarhizium, Beauveria, Nomuraea and Verticillium.
Eg: Entomophthora grylli on grasshoppers; Aspergillus flavus on Epilachna beetles;
Spicaria sp. on castor whitefly: Metarhizium anisopliae (Green muscardine) on
Orthoptera, white muscardine, Beauveria bassiana on Leptinotarsa decemlineata.
Protozoa : Their mass production is difficult. They infect insect orders like Lepidoptera,
Coleoptera, Orthoptera, Hemiptera and Diptera.
Eg: Farinocystis triboli on Tribolium castaneum, Malpighamoeba locustae on
grasshoppers and Nosema bombycis (Pebrine disease) on silk worms. Here it is
harmful since silk worm is a productive insect.

Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs)

Nematodes about 1000 species are known to attack insects. Especially
Rhabditids (Rhabditidae) are found to have a symbiotic relationship with the bacteria,
forming a disease complex. The best known disease complex was discovered by Dutky
and Hough in 1955 in the caterpillars of the Codling moth, Cydic pomonella on apple.
The complex is known as DD-136 though the nematode itself is often called so. The
nematode involved was Neoaplectana carpocapsae (also known as Dutky nematode)
and the bacterium Achromobacter nematophilus. The nematode serves as a vector for
the bacterium, which produces a septicemia (sporulation in blood; Milky disease) in the
insect body. The bacteria are retained in the nematode intestine as the latter does not
feed during its free-living existence. When such bacteria possessing nematodes invade
fresh insect hosts, the latter are killed. Though a few nematodes can kill the host,
sufficient number of them should invade the host. In India entampapthogenic
nematodes were tried against rice and sugarcane borers.

The EPNs Steinernema sps and Heterorhabditis sps from the families,
Heterorhabditidae and Steinernematidae have the mutualistic association with bacteria
Photorhabdus and Xenorhabdus spp., respectively.

EPN are obligatory requiring living host for its survival. The only stage that survives
outside the host is the non – feeding 3rd stage Infective Juvenile (IJ). The IJ carries cells
of their bacterial symbiont in their intestinal tract. After locating suitable host insect, the
IJ enters into its haemocoel through natural openings or through the thin cuticle. Once
the nematode (IJ) enters into haemocoel it releases the bacteria into the blood where
they multiply. The bacteria propagate and produce substances that rapidly kill the host
and protect the cadaver from colonization by other micro organisms. The nematode
starts developing inside the cadaver, feeding on bacteria and host tissues metabolized
by the bacteria and go through 1-3 generations. New colony of IJ emerges from the
insect cadaver and start searching for new living host insect.

Nematode genus Nematode Bacteria genus Bacteria species

Steinernerma Affinis Xenorhabdus Bovienii
Carpocapsae Nematophilus
intermedia Bovienii
Heterorhabditis argentinensis Photorhabdus Undescribed
bacteriophora Luminescens

Biological control of weeds with insects


Many insects feed upon unwanted weeds, just the same manner they do with
cultivated plants. As they damage the noxious and menacing weeds, these insects
are considered to be beneficial to man and called as weed killers. Successful
eradication of certain weeds due to specific insects is achieved. Later certain insects
are specifically employed against deleterious weeds and got rid of them. The
classical example being prickly pear control with cochineal insect, Dactylopius
tomentosusLantana, a troublesome weed was kept in check by the coccid, Orthezia
insignis. Water hyacinth was controlled by bruchids, Neochetina eichhorniae and
Neochetina bruchi
A successful weed killer
a) Should not itself be a pest of cultivated plants or later turn into a pest of
cultivated crops.
b) Should be effective in damaging and controlling the weed
c) Should preferably be a borer or internal feeder of the weed and
d) Should be able to multiply in good numbers without being affected by
parasitoids and predators.
In South Indian, Opuntia dilleni was wrongly introduced in 1780 in place O.
coccinellifera for cultivating commercial cochineal insect Dactylopius cocci, valued for its
dye. For controllingOpuntia dilleni, the insect D. tomentosus was introduced from
Srilanka in 1926 and within 2 years it gave effective control of O. dillenii. The prickly
pear Opuntia inermis in Australia was kept under check by the moth borer Cactoblastis
Control of water-hyacinth: Water-hyacinth is a free-floating fresh water plant. It impedes
flow of irrigation water, interferes with pisciculture etc. and can be effectively controlled
by two weevils namely Neochetina eichhorniae and N. bruchi andmite Orthogalumna
terebrantis. Control of Parthenium hysterophorus by beetle Zygogramma bicolorata
Advantages of Biological control
1. Control of the insect is achieved in a wide area.
2. The pest is hunted out and thus complete control over a large area is possible.
3. Biological agent survives as long as the pest is prevalent and hence control is
effective over longer periods.
4. Though the initial cost is more it will be cheaper in a long run since after, few
years of field, release, when it got established there may not be any necessity to
propagate it further.
5. Compatible with other methods
1. It is a slow process and takes a long time.
2. Natural enemies can not be restricted to particular pest, crop or areas.
3. Presence a lternate hosts delays the biological control
4. If hyper parasites are there the effect of parasites is adversely affected.
5. Expensive to develop and supply bioagents


In the higher plants, sexual reproduction and perpetuation of species are brought about
through pollination. These plants may be self-fertile or self-infertile, which require cross
pollination. The good example of the dependence of plants upon insects for pollination
is Smyrna fig that is dependent on agaontid fig wasp, Blastophaga psenes that transfers
pollen from Capri fig. The process of fertilizing figs with fig wasps is called caprification.
To aid the cross pollination for effective seed/fruit set, pollinators are required. There
are different species of pollinators that are found in the nature. The important one being
honey bees. The practice of rearing bee colonies for pollination service started in USA
by about 1910. The number of colonies to be kept in a field for obtaining maximum
yields also matters and it is generally recommended that five colonies are required for
two hectares of crop.
Management of honey bees for pollination
• Place bee hives very near to the field to save bee’s energy
• Place bee hives in field at 10% flowering of crop
• Place2- 3 colonies per ha
• The colonies should have full strength of bees
• Allow sufficient space for pollen and honey storage
• Provide artificial sugar syrup and water if required

Pollination Syndromes
Pollination syndromes are suites of flower traits that have evolved in response to natural
selection imposed by different pollen vectors, which can be abiotic (wind and water) or
biotic, such as birds, bees, flies etc. These traits include flower shape, size, colour,
odour, reward type and amount, nectar composition, timing of flowering, etc. For
example, tubular red flowers with copious nectar often attract birds; foul smelling flowers
attract carrion flies or beetles, etc.
Two basic types of pollination exist: abiotic pollination and biotic pollination. Abiotic
pollination occurs without intervention from another living organism. Biotic pollination
occurs with the help of insects or other living creatures. Abiotic and biotic pollination
may occur through different methods.
Pollination syndromes are
1. Abiotic pollination syndromes
Anemophily: Anemophily, or wind pollination, refers to the process in which the
wind carries pollen from one plant to another, without being assisted by a living
Hydrophily: The process of pollination by water is referred to as hydrophily

2. Biotic pollination syndromes:


Mostly biotic pollination is due to insects. Entomophily is a mode of pollination or

transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma through the agency of insects. The
flowers which are insect pollinated are called entomophilous. The most common
insect pollinators are bees, moths, flies, butterflies, wasps, beetles, etc.

Cross pollination aided by

Bees (Honeybees, bumble bees, - Melittophily
Orchid bees, etc)
Hawk moths - Sphingophily
Small moths - Phalaenophily
Flies (Syrphid flies) - Myophily
Butterflies -Psychophily
Beetles - Cantharophily
Ants - Myrmecophily

These are insects which feed upon the dead and decaying plant and animal
matter. Since insects help to remove from the earth surface the dead and decomposing
bodies, which would otherwise be a health hazard, they are referred to as scavengers.
In addition to cleaning the filth from human habitations, these insects help to convert
those bodies into simpler substances before recycling them back to soil, where they
become easily available as food for growing plants. In this respect termite, maggots of
many flies and larvae and adults of beetles are important.
The following are the important groups of insects that serve as scavengers in nature:
Rove beetles; Chafer beetles; Ptilinid beetles; Darkling beetles; Skin beetles; Nitidulids;
The carrion beetles; Jewel beetles; Water scavenger beetles; Powder post beetles and
Dady-long legs; Sand flies or moth flies; Midges or gnats; Fungus gnats; Hover flies;
Root maggot flies; Muscids
Isoptera (whiteants) and Hymenoptera (ants) also live and feed upon dead wood,
dead animal or decaying vegetable matter.


Control of insects with chemicals is known is chemical control. The term pesticide
is used to those chemicals which kill pests and these pests may include insects,
animals, mites, diseases or even weeds. Chemicals which kill insects are called as
Insecticide may be defined as a substance or mixture of substances intended to
kill, repel or otherwise prevent the insects. Similarly pesticides include nematicides –
which kill nematodes, miticides or Acaricides which kill mites, Rodenticides – which kill
rats, weedicides- that kill weeds,Fungicides- that kill fungus etc.
Importance of chemical control:
Insecticides are the most powerful tools available for use in pest management.
They are highly effective, rapid in curative action, adoptable to most situations, flexible
in meeting changing agronomic and ecological conditions and economical.
Insecticides are the only tool for pest management that is reliable for emergency
action when insect pest populations approach or exceed the economic threshold. A
major technique such as the use of pesticides can be the very heart and core of
integrated systems. Chemical pesticides will continue to be essential in the pest
management programmes.
There are many pest problems for which the use of chemicals provides the only
acceptable solution. Contrary to the thinking of some people, the use of pesticides for
pest control is not an ecological sin. When their use made on sound ecological
principles, chemical pesticides provide dependable and valuable tools for the biologist.
Their use is indispensable to modern society.
General Properties of Insecticides
1. Pesticides are generally available in a concentrated from which are to be diluted
and used except in ready to use dust and granules.
2. They are highly toxic and available in different formulations.
Properties of an ideal insecticide or pesticide:
1. It should be freely available in the market under different formulations.
2. It should be toxic and kill the pest required to be controlled.
3. It should not be phytotoxic to the crops on which it is used.
4. It should not be toxic to non target species like animals, natural enemies etc.
5. It should be less harmful to human beings and other animals.
6. Should not leave residues in crops like vegetables.
7. It should have wide range of compatibility.
8. It should not be toxic to bees and fish and other beneficial organisms.
9. It should have higher tolerance limits.
10. Should possess quick known down effect.
11. Should be stable on application.
12. Should not possess tainting effects and hould be free from offensive odour.
13. Should be cheaper

Different Classifications of Insecticides

Insecticides are classified in several ways taking into consideration their origin,
mode of entry, mode of action and the chemical nature of the toxicant.
I. Based on the origin and source of supply
A. Inorganic insecticides: comprise compounds of mineral origin and
elemental sulphur. This group includes arsenate and fluorine compounds
as insecticides. Sulphur as acaricides and zinc phosphide as rodenticides.
B. Organic Insecticides:
1. Insecticides of animal origin: Nereistoxin isolated from marine annelids,
fish oil rosin soap from fishes etc.
2. Plant Origin insecticides or Botanical insecticides: Nicotinoids,
pyrethroids, Rotenoids etc.
3. Synthetic organic insecticides: Organochlorines , Organophosphorous,
Carbamate insecticides etc.,
4. Hydrocarbon oils etc.

II. Based on the mode of entry of the insecticides into the body of the insect
they are groups as
Contact poisons: These insecticides are capable of gaining entry into the insect body
either through spiracles and trachea or through the cuticle itself. Hence, these poisons
can kill the insects by mere coming in contact with the body of the insects. Eg.DDT and
Stomach poisons: The insecticides applied on the leaves and other parts of plants
when ingested act on the digestive system of the insect and bring aboutthe kill of the
insect. Eg: Calcium arsenate, lead arsenate.
Fumigants: A fumigant is a chemical substance which is volatile at ordinary
temperatures and sufficiently toxic to the insects. Fumigation is the process of
subjecting the infested material to the toxic fumes or vapours of chemicals or gases
which have insecticidal properties. Chemical used in the fumigant and a reasonably
airtight container or room is known as fumigation chamber or “Fumigatorium”.
Fumigants mostly gain entry into the body of the insect through spiracles in the trachea.
Commonly used Fumigants and their doses:
1. Aluminium phosphide, marketed as Celphos tablets used against field rats ,
groundnut bruchids etc
2. Carbon disulphide 8-20 lbs/1000ft3 of food grains
3. EDCT (Ethylene Dichloride Carbon Tetrachloride) 20-30 lbs/1000cft of food
4. EDB Ethylene dibromide 1 lb/1000ft3 of food grains.
5. SO2: By burning sulphur in godowns SO2 fumes are released.

Systemic insecticides

Chemicals that are capable of moving through the vascular systems of plants
irrespective of site of application and poisoning insects that feed on the plants. Ex:
Methyl demeton, Phosphamidon , Acephate
‘Non systemic insecticides’ are not possessing systemic action are called non systemic
insecticides.Somenon systemic insecticides, however, have ability to move from one
surface leaf to the other. They are called as ‘trans laminar insecticides’ . Eg.Malathion,
Diazinon, spinosad etc.

An ideal systemic insecticide quality are

1. Should have high intrinsic pesticidal activity
2. The toxicant must be adequately liposoluble for it to be absorbed by the plant
system and water soluble for it to be translocated in the plant system.
3. The toxicant or its metabolites should be stable for sufficiently long period to
exercise residual effect.
4. Sufficiently soluble in water for translocation through vascular system
5. Should degrade to nontoxic form in reasonable time to avoid toxicity to consumer

Systemic insecticides are applied as seed dressing, granular formulations, sprays

etc.In the leaf, the entry of the toxicant are through stomata and cuticle. On stem the
entry is through lenticels and cracks in the cuticle. In the seed it is through seed coat
especially through the micropyle. Systemic insecticides are highly useful against sap
sucking and vectors such as leafhoppers, whiteflies, thrips, aphids etc.
III. Based on mode of action:
1. Physical poisons: Bring about the kill of insects by exerting a physical
effect. Eg: Heavy oils, tar oils etc. which cause death by asphyxiation.
Inert dusts effect loss of body moisture by their abrasiveness as in
aluminium oxide or absorb moisture from the body as in charcoal.
2. Protoplasmic poisons: A toxicant responsible for precipitation of protein
especially destruction of cellular protoplasm of midgut epithelium.
Eg. Arsenical compounds.
3. Respiratory poisons: Chemicals which block cellular respiration as in
hydrogen cyanide (HCN), carbon monoxide etc.
4. Nerve poisons: Chemicals which block Acetyl cholinesterase(AChE) and
effect the nervous system. Eg. Organophosphorous, carbamates.
5. Chitin inhibitors: Chitin inhibitors interfere with process of synthesis of
chitin due to which normal moulting and development is disrupted. Ex
Novaluron, Diflubenzuran, Lufenuron ,Buprofezin
6. General Poisons:Compounds which include neurotoxic symptoms after
some period and do not belong to the above categories.
Eg.Chlordane, Toxaphene, aldrin

IV. Based on toxicity:

Classification Symbol Oral LD50 DermalLD50

1. Extremely toxic Skull & Pioson 1-50 1-200


2. Highly toxic Pioson 51-500 201-2000



3. Moderately toxic Blue 501-5000 2001-20,000


4. Less toxic Green >5000 >20,000

V. Based on stage specificity:

1. Ovicides
2. Larvicides
3. Pupicides
4. Adulticides
VI. Generation wise:

First generation - Inorganics and Botanicals

Second generation - Synthetic organics
Third generation - Recent chemicals for reproductive control,
IGRs like MH & JH mimics
Fourth generation - Synthetic pyrethroids
Fifth generation - -DO-
1. Alfamethrin - Alfaguard/ Fartac 10 Ec
2. Fenpropathrin – Danitol 10 Ec
3. Bifenthrin – Taletar 10 Ec
4. Fluvalinate – Mavrik
5. Ethofenpron – Treban 10 Ec and

Toxicity evaluation of insecticides

LD 50 (Lethal Dose):
In 1952 Finney has given the computation methods. It is the amount of toxicant
required to kill 50% of the test population and is expressed in terms of milligrams of
the substance of toxicant per kilogram body weight (mg/kg) of the test animal
(usually rat, when treated orally). As the test animals usually rat and some times
rabbit it is also referred to as the mammalian toxicity. This forms the general criteria
for acute toxicity and is also known acute oral LD50.
In case of insects the LD50(Median Lethal Dose)value is expressed in terms of
micrograms of the toxicant per one gram body weight of the insect.
Eg. Phosphamidon – 28; Parathion 3.6 to 13; Malathion 2800; Hydrogen cynaide
The amount of toxicant required to be placed on the skin to cause death of 50% of
test population is known as acute dermal LD50. It must be understood that higher the
LD50.value lesser is the toxic nature of the chemical and vice - versa.
Acute toxicity refers to the toxic effect produced by a single dose of a toxicant where
as chronic toxicity is the effect produced by the accumulation of small amounts of
toxicant over a long period of time. Here the single dose produces no ill-effect.
LC 50 (Median Lethal concentration): It is expressed in terms of percentage of the
toxicant required (concentration) to cause 50% kill of the population of a test animal
and is usually determined by potters tower and probit analysis.
ED50/ EC50(Effective Dose/Concentration 50): Chemicals that gives desirable effects
in 50% of test animals.
LT 50 (Lethal time 50 ):Time required to produce effect in 50% of population
KD50/ KT50 (Knockdown Dose /Time 50) Dose / Time required for 50% of population
having knockdown effect.
Bioassay of insecticides
Study of response of individual or group of organisms exposed to the toxicant is
called ‘Bioassay’ or Any quantitative procedure used to determine the relationship
between the amount (dose or concentration) of an insecticide administered and the
magnitude of response in a living organism. Potter spraying tower apparatus is required
for studying the biological effects of contact poisons on organisms. This air operated
spraying apparatus applies an even deposit of spray over a circular area of 9 cm
diameter. Suitable for studying the biological effects of chemicals , both when applied as
direct spray on organisms or as a residual film. Bioassays are used for screening of
potential insecticides, for determination of valuesLD50 and LC 50. Estimation of residues,
and quality testing of formulated insecticides

Formulations of Insecticides
It is essential that the toxicant must be amenable to application in an effective
manner so as to come into direct contact with the pest or leaf and uniform and
persistent deposit upon the plant surface. Since very small quality of toxicant is required
to be distributed over a large area, insecticides are formulated in a form suitable for use
as a spray, dust or fumigant.Formulation is the processing of a compound by such
methods that will improve its properties ofstorage, handling, application, effectiveness
and safety to the applicator and environment and profitability. It is the final physical
condition in which insecticide is sold.

A single insecticide is often sold in several different formulations. Following are the
different formulations of insecticides.
1. Dusts (D): These are ready to use insecticides in powder form. In a dust
formulation the toxicant is diluted either by mixing with or by impregnation on a
suitable finely divided carrier which may be an organic flour or pulverized mineral
like lime, gypsum, talc etc., or clay like attapulgite bentonite etc.The toxicant in a
dust formulation ranges from 0.15 to 25% and the particle size in dust
formulations is less than 100 microns and with the decrease in particle size the
toxicity of the formulation increases. Dusts are easy to apply, less labour is
required and water is not necessary. However if wind is there, loss of chemical
occurs due to drift hence dusting should be done in calm weather and also in the
early morning hours when the plant is wet with dew.
Eg. HCH 10% dust; Endosulfan 4% D.
2. Granules or Pelleted insecticides(G): These are also ready to use granular or
pelleted forms of insecticides. In this formulation the particle is composed of a
base such as an inert material impregnated or fused with the toxicant which
released from the formulation in its intact form or as it disintegrates giving
controlled release. The particle size ranges from 0.25 to 2.38 mm, or 250 to 1250
microns and contains 1 to 10% concentration of the toxicant. The granules are
applied in water or whorls of plants or in soil. Action may be by vapour or
systemic. In application of granules there is very little drift and no undue lose of
chemical. Undesirable contamination is prevented. Residue problem is less since
granules do not adhere to plant surface. Release of toxicant is achieved over a
long period. Easy for application as water is not required for application. Less
harmful for natural enemies.
Eg: Carbofuran 3G, Phorate10 G, Cartap hydrochloride 4G
3. Wettable Powders (WP): It is a powder formulation which is to be diluted with
water and applied. It yields a stable suspension with water. The active ingredient
(toxicant) ranges from 15 to 95%. It is formulated by blending the toxicant with a
diluent such as attapulgite, a surface active agent and an auxiliary material.

Sometimes stickers are added to improve retention on plant surface. Loss of

chemical due to run off may be there and water is required for application.
Eg: Carbaryl 50%WP, Thiodicarb 75% WP
4. Emulsifiable Concentrates(EC): Here the formulation contains the toxicant, a
solvent for the toxicant and an emulsifying agent. It is a clear solution and it
yields an emulsion of oil-in water type, when diluted with water. The active
ingredient (toxicant) ranges from 2.5 to 100 %.When sprayed the solvent
evaporates quickly leaving a deposit of toxicant from which water also
evaporates. The emulsifying agents are alkaline soaps, organic amines
alginates, Carbohydrates, gums, lipids, proteins etc.
Eg: Endosulfan 35EC, Profenophos 50EC
5. Soluble Powder or Water Soluble Powder (SP or WSP): It is a powder
formulation readily soluble in water. Addition of surfactants improves the wetting
power of the spray fluid. Sometimes an anti-caking agent is added which
prevents formation of lumps in storage. This formulation usually contains a high
concentration of toxicant and therefore convenient to store and transport.
Eg: Acephate 75 SP.
6. Suspension Concentrate (SC): Active ingredient is absorbed on to a filler
which is then suspended in a liquid matrix (water).It is not dusty and easier to
disperse in water. Eg: Imidacloprid 50 SC
7. Flowables (F): When an active ingredient is insoluble in either water or organic
solvents, a flowable formulation is developed. The toxicant is milled with a solid
carrier such as inert clay and subsequently dispensed in a small quantity of
water. Prior to application it has to be diluted with water. Flowables do not usually
clog nozzles and require only moderate agitation.Ex;Methoxyfenozide( Intrepid
8. Water Dispersible Granules (WDG):This formulation appears as small pellets
or granules. It is easier and safer to handle and mix than wettable powders.
When the granules are mixed with spray water, they break apart and, with
agitation, the active ingredient becomes distributed throughout the spray mixture.
Ex: Thiamethoxam 25 WDG
9. Solutions: Many of the synthetic organic insecticides are water insoluble but
soluble in organic solvents like amyl acetate, kerosene, xylene, pine oil, ethylene
dichloride etc., which themselves possesses some insecticidal properties of their
own. Some toxicants are dissolved in organic solvents and used directly for the
control of household pests. Eg. Baygon
10. Concentrated insecticide liquids: The technical grade of the toxicant at highly
concentrated level is dissolved in non-volatile solvents. Emulsifier is not added.
Generally applied from high altitudes in extremely fine droplets without being
diluted with water at ultra volume rates. There is greater residual toxicity and less
loss through evaporation. Active ingredient ranges from 80-100%
Eg: Malathion, Bifenthrin,Fenitrothion.

11. Insecticide aerosels: The toxicant is suspended as minute particles 0.1 to 30

microns in air as fog or mist. The toxicant is dissolved in a liquified gas and if
released through a small hole causes the toxicant particles to float in air with
rapid evaporation of the released gas. Eg: Allethrin
12. Fumigants: A chemical compound which is volatile at ordinary temperature and
sufficiently toxic is known as fumigant. Most fumigants are liquids held in cans or
tanks and quite often they are mixtures of two or more gases. Advantage of using
fumigant is that the places not easily accessible to other chemicals can be easily
reached due to penetration and dispersal effect of the gas.
Eg; Aluminium phosphide
13. Microencapsulation: Microencapsulated formulations consist of dry and liquid
pesticide particles enclosed in tiny plastic capsules which are mixed in water and
sprayed. After spraying, the capsule slowly releases the pesticide. The
encapsulation process can prolong the active life of the pesticide by providing
timed release of the active ingredient.
Ex: Lambda-cyhalothrin
14. Insecticide Mixtures: Insecticide mixtures involve combinations of two or more
insecticides in the right concentration into a single spray solution. Insecticide
mixtures are widely used to deal with the array of arthropod pests encountered in
greenhouse and field production systems due to the savings in labor costs.
Furthermore, the use of pesticide mixtures may result in synergism or
potentiation (enhanced efficacy) and the mitigation of resistance. However,
antagonism (reduction in efficacy) may also occur due to mixing two (or more)
pesticides together. Judicious use of pesticide mixtures or those that may be
integrated with biological control agents is especially important because
parasitoids and predators (and even microbials such as beneficial bacteria and
fungi) can suppress arthropod pest populations irrespective of the arthropod
pests’ resistance traits or mechanisms.
Ex:Chlorpyriphos16% + Alphacypermethrin 1% EC
Chlorpyriphos 50% + Cypermethrin 5% EC
Quinolphos 20% + Cypermethrin 3% EC
Profenofos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC
Profenofos25% + Cypermethrin 5% EC
Profenofos10% + Cypermethrin 20% EC
Cypermethrin 20% + Permethrin 10% EC
15. Baits: In baits a.i is mixed with edible substance. These are always stomach
poisons and are used for poison baiting which is chiefly made up of 3
components, Poison (Insecticide carbaryl), Carrier or base(Rice bran), and
Attractant (Jaggery) at ratio of 1:10:1 . Poison should be strong and easily
soluble. Base is the filler like rice bran with just enough water.

Arsenic compounds:
In an arsenical compound, the total arsenic content and the water soluble arsenic
content are of importance, the water solubility of arsenic may result in entering the
foliage and causing burning injury to plants, and hence water insoluble compounds
are preferred for insect control. Arsenates are more stable and safe for application
on plants then arsenites. Arsenites are mainly used in poison baits since they are
phytotoxic. However arsenates are less toxic to insects then arsenites.
In insects arsenates cause regurgitation, torpor (sluggishness) and quiescence.
Disintegration of epithelial cells of the midgut and clumping of the chromatin of the
nuclei are the effects noticed in poisoned insects. Slow decrease in oxygen
consumption is also evident and kill of the insect is primarily due to the inhibition of
respiratory enzymes. Water soluble arsenic causes wilting followed by browning and
shriveling of the tissue.
1. Calcium arsenate: It was first used by about 1906 as an insecticide. It is a white
flocculent power, formulated as a dust of 25 to 30% metallic arsenic equivalent.
Dosage – Calcium arsenate at 0.675 to 1.350 kg with equal quantity of slaked
lime in 450 litres of water. LD50.for mammals oral – 35 to 100. Being a stomach
poison it was mainly used for control of leaf eating insects.
2. Lead arsenate: It was first used as in insecticide in 1892 for the control of gypsy
moth. It is a stomach poison with little contact action LD50.for rat oral 10-100,
dermal 2400 mg/kg. . It is rarely used as dust. 450 g to 1800 g of load arsenate is
diluted with 200-240 litres of water. An equal quantity of hydrated lime is some
time added to prevent phytotoxicity to tender foliage. In baits it is used at 450
or900 g in 1200 g to 45000 g of carrier such as wheat bran or rice husk
3. Arsenite:
Paris green:It is a double salt of copper acetate and copper arsenite. It was first
used in 1867 for the control of Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa
decemlineata. It is now used as bait for the control of slugs. LD50for rat oral- 22
mg/kg.Very good against termites.

Flourine Compounds
These compounds were used since 1890. They are principally stomach poisons
and to a limited extent contact poisons. The kill is more rapid than that of arsenicals.
Their insecticidal properties are related to the fluorine content and solubility in the
digestive juices of insect. Flouride poisoning produces spasms, regurgitation, flaccid
paralysis and death.
1. Sodium fluoride: It is a white power. Available in 93 to 99% purity in commercial
products. It is highly phytotoxic and used in poison baits used exclusively against
cockroaches, earwigs, cutworms, grasshoppers etc.

Other inorganic compounds

1. Sulphur: It is primarily fungicide and acaricide. Formulated as fine dust (90 to
95% a.i with 10% inert material. It is also formulated as wettable powders.
Effectiveness increases with fineness of sulphur particles.
2. Lime sulphur: Aqueous solution of calcium polysulphide. It is prepared by
sulphur solution in calcium hydroxide suspension, preferably under pressure in
the absence of air and is used against scales, mites, aphids besides powdery
1. Affect nervous system causing excitement at lower doses and paralysis at higher
2. Not phytoloxic
3. Leave no harmful side effects.
4. Mighly toxic to mammals.
5. Disappear rapidly from the treated surface.
So can be used safely before harvest of the produce.

Insecticides of plant origin

The insecticides of plant origin extracted from seeds, flowers, leaves, stem and
roots, are termed as botanical insecticides. Insecticides of plant origin unlike synthetic
organic insecticides are safer to use but since they are expensive and lack residual
toxicity, their use has been limited in the country.

1) Neem (Azadirachta indica)

Perennial tree distributed in tropical, subtropical, semi-arid and arid zones. It
posses medicinal, insecticidal, insect repellent, antifeedant, growth regulatory,
nematicidal and antifungal properties. Neem seed extract and oil contains a number of
components such as Azadirachtin, salannin, nimbin, epinimbin nimbidin that gives
insecticidal, insect repellent, ovicidal, Antifeedant and growth regulator characters.
Azadiractitin disrupts moulting by antagonizing the insect hormone
ecdysone.Azadiractitin Acute oral LD50 for rat is 5000mg/kg, Acute dermal for rabbit is

Preparation of Neem Seed Kernel Extract (NSKE 5%): Take 50 g of powdered neem
seed kernels soak it in one litre of water for 8 hours and stir the contents often. Squeeze
the soaked material repeatedly for better extraction of the azadirachtin in the aquous
suspension. Filter the contents through muslin cloth. Make the filtrate to one litre. Add
1ml teepol or triton or sandovit or soap water (2%) and spray.

Prepartion of Neem Cake Suspension

Soak one kilogram of neem cake in 5 liters of water for 2 days and filter It through
muslin cloth. Dissolve 200 g of soft soap in the filtrate and make upto 10 L of water
before spraying. This controls tobacco cutworm, leaf miners of citrus, groundnut, tomato
and beans etc.
Dried powder of neem leaves are used against stored grain insect pests.
Leaf extracts showed insecticidal property against,Plutella xylostella,Aproaerema
modicella; Spodoptera litura etc. Desert locust Schistocerca gregaria avoids feeding on
neem leaves. Neem leaves are found as attractants to white grub Holotrichia adults.
Neem seed/ kernel extract showed insecticidal properties against a number of sucking
pest. Neem oil can be used against storage insect pests @ 1 to 2% and field insects @
(0.2 -0.4%, 1 to 2% 5% or 10% neem oil). Neem products are safer to honey bees,
parasitoids, predators.
Commercial formulations of neem are available in 10000 ppm, 1500 ppm and
300 ppm the market. Some of the neem formulations are Margosan, Neemark,
Neemrich, Achook, Bioneem, Neemazal, Neemax, Nimbicidine,Vepacide, Margocide ,
Neemgold etc

2) Nicotine: Nicotine is found in the leaves of Nicotiana tabacum and N.rusticafrom 2%

to 14%.Nicotine sulphate has been mainly used as a contact insecticide with marked
fumigant action in the control of sucking insect’sviz., aphids, thrips, psyllids, leafminers
and jassids. Nicotine sulphate is more stable and less volatile. It is a nerve poison being
highly toxic when absorbed through the cuticle taken in through the tracheae or when
ingested. It affects the ganglian blocking conduction at higher levels. Nicotine sulphate
containing 40% alkaloid, is safer and is more convenient to use and the free alkaloid is
liberated by the addition of soap lime or ammonium hydroxide to the spray solution.
Dust formulation of nicotine sulphate releases nicotine in the presence of moisture. It is
also used in aerosols. Tobacco decoction, useful for controlling aphids, Thrips etc. can
be prepared by boiling 1kg of tobacco waste in 10lts of water for 30 minutes or steep it
in cold water for a day. Then make it up to 30 litres and add about 90gm of soap.
Addition of soap improves wetting, spreading and killing properties. Nicotine does not
leave any harmful residue on treated surface. LD50for rat oral- 50-60 mg/kg.

3) Rotenone: It is extracted from the roots of Derris plant which many contain 4 to 11%
rotenone depending on the variety. Though rotenone is reported from 68 species of
leguminous plants, principal commercial sources are Derris ellipticaD. malaccensisfrom
Malaysia and Lonchocarupus utilis andD. uruca from S. America. Rotenone occurs in
Derris roots (4-9%), Lonchocarpus (8-11%).

It is oxidized to non-insecticidal compound in the presence of light and air and hence
rotenone residues are difficult to find after 5 to 10 days in normal sunlight. Insects
poisoned with rotenone show a steady decline in oxygen consumption followed by
paralysis and deaths. It is very specific being highly toxic to fishes and to most insect
species but almost harmless to warm blooded animals except pigs LD50.to white rat
oral-130 to 1500. Dust or spray containing 0.5 to 1.0 per cent and 0.001 to 0.002
percentrotenone are used commercially.

4) Plumbagin:
Plumbagin is naturally occurring napthoquinone of plant origin from the roots of
Plumbago europea L. (Plumbaginaceae) and named so in 1828 by Bulong d’ Astafort.
Plumbagin is known for its medicinal, antifertility, antimicrobial, molluscicidal,
nematicidal and other pharmacological properties on diverse fauna. The yield of
plumbagin ranges between 0.5-3.000percent on dry weight basis.
The elucidation of structure of plumbagin and its synthesis in 1936 led to
detailed studies. More recently, its IGR properties viz., inhibition of chitin synthetase and
ecdysteroid titres have been demonstrated (Kubo et al., 1982)
The cold alcoholic extract (5%) of roots of P. zeylanica L was toxic to
Euproctis fraterna larvae as contact spray. Contact toxicity of 5% petroleum ether
extracts of P. zeylanica root against Spodoptera litura Fab. , Dystercus
koenigiiFab.,Dipaphis erysimi Kalt, Dactynops carthami H.R.L, Coccinella
septumpunctata L was also reported.

5) Pyrethrum: It is extracted from dried flower heads of Chrysanthemum

cinerariaefolium (Asteraceae). The actual chemical ingredients having insecticidal
action are identified as five esters. They are: Pyrethrin I, Pyrethrin II, cinerins -I and
cinerin-II and Jasmoline, which are predominately found in achenes of flowers from 0.7
to 3 %.
The esters are derived from the,
Two acids – Chrysanthemic acid and Pyrethric acid
Three alcohols – Pyretholone, Cinerolone and Jasmolone
Active principles/Esters
Pyrethrin I = Pyrethrolone + Chrysanthemc acid
Pyrethrin II = Pyrethrolone + Pyrethric acid
Cinerin I = Cynerolone + Chrysanthemc acid
Cinerin II = Cynerolone + Pyrethric acid
Jasmolin II = Jasmolone + Pyrethric acid

Pyrethrum powder is prepared by grinding the flowers. The powder mixed with a
diluent such as talc or clay is known as pyrethrum dust. It is prepared just before use.
Otherwise it gets deteriorated rapidly. It is also used as emulsions, solutions, and
aerosoles. Pyrethrum is unstable to light, air moisture and alkali. The residues

deteriorate very rapidly after application. Pyrethrins are powerful contact insecticides but
appear to be poor stomach poisons. A characteristic action of Pyrethroid is the rapid
paralysis or ‘knock down’ effect and substantial recovery that follow it. This recovery is
due to rapid enzymatic detoxification in the insect. To bring about mortality equivalent to
knock down effect three times increase in dosage may be required.
Compounds such as piperonyl butoxide, propyl isome and sulfoxide are known to
inhibit the detoxication enzyme and increase the toxicities of pyrethroids. These
synergists are used at 10 parts to 100 part of pyrethroid. LD50. for white rat oral-200
dermal for rat-1800. Pyrocon E 2/22 (1 part of pyrethrin + 10 parts of piperonyl butoxide)
is used for the control of coconut red palm weevil. In household sprays and as a
repellent against external parasites of livestock pyrethrum is useful. It is also mixed with
grains in storage to protect from stored grain pests. Its use alone or in combination with
piperonyl butoxide as food packages has been permitted by the food and Drug
Administration in the U.S.A. and no other chemical has been approved.

1. Highly unstable in light, moisture and air.
2. Have no residual effect.
3. Paralyse by more contact.
4. Gains entry through spiracle and cuticle.
5. Act on central nervous system.
6. Having rapid knock down effect.
7. Practically no mammalian toxicity.
8. Good insecticides against household and cattle pests.


I) Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (Organochlorines)

The plant protection in India owes its growth to the chemicals under this group
which have revolutionized the control of pests. The properties which have lead to their
extensive use are high insecticidal efficacy, long residual action, wide range of insect
susceptibility, cheapness per unit area and available in different formulations.They are
also known as chlorinated synthetics or chlorinated organics or chlorinated
hydrocarbons. The important organochlorines are

1. DDT
DDT was first synthesized in 1874 by Othmar Zeidler. In 1939 a Swiss
entomologist, Paul Muller, found its insecticidal property for the first time. This discovery
brought the `Nobel Prize' for medicine to Paul Muller in 1948 for the life saving
Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane (DDT) is stomach and contact insecticide. It
has got long residual action. It is also non-phytotoxic except to cucurbits. It is not much
effective against phytophagous mites. Due to low cost of DDT and effectiveness against
a variety of insects particularly against house flies and mosquitoes, it is much
popularized but due to long residual life and accumulation, it is banned in several
countries. The acute oral LD50 for rats is 113-118 mg/kg.
It does affect the nervous system preventing normal transmission of nerve
impulses. DDT causes a violent excitatory neurotoxic system in most insects which are
having uncoordinated movement and DDT Jitters (tremor of the entire body).

2. Hexa Chloro Cyclohexane (HCH)

It was first synthesised by Michael Faraday in the year 1825.The gamma-isomer
of BHC has the insecticidal activity. BHC is a stomach and contact insecticide. It has got
slight fumigant action. It is persistent insecticide. It is non-phytotoxic except cucurbits .It
has been extensively used as soil insecticides particularly to control termites, white
grubs and cutworms. Highly purified product containing 99% of gamma isomer of HCH
is known as lindane, this name was proposed in 1949 after Vander Linden, a German
chemist who isolated this isomer in 1912. Lindane is more acute neurotoxicant than
DDT results in tremors, ataxia, convolutions, falling prostration and ultimately leading to

II) Cyclodines
Cyclodienes also act as neurotoxicants which disturb the balance of sodium and
potassium ions within the neuron resulting into tremors, convulsions, prostration and
ultimately the death.

The outstanding characteristic of the cyclodienes is their longer stability in the

soil, resulting in more control of soil inhabiting insect pests. Some of the compound
belonging to this group are chlordane (1945), aldrin and dieldrin (1948), heptachlor
(1949), endrin (1951), mirex (1954), endosulfan (1956) and chlordecone 1958). Among
them aldrin, chlordane and heptachlor were often in use for termite control as they are
most effective, long lasting and economical insecticides but now banned by GOI.
1) Aldrin
It is persistent and non-systemic soil insecticide. It is usually recommended for
the control of termites throughout India. Two German chemists Otto Paul Hermann
Diels and Kurt Alder first documented the Diels-Aldernovel reaction in 1928 for which
they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1950 for their work
Formulations: EC 30%, Granule 5% and Dusts 5%
Trade names: Octalene, Aldrex, Aldrosol, and Aldrite.
LD50 value: 67 mg/kg
2) Dieldrin
It is persistent and non-systemic insecticide used for mainly soil inhabiting insect
pests. It is also not phytotoxic in recommended doses.
Formulations: Dust 2%
Trade names: Quintox, Alvit
LD50 value: 46 mg/kg
3) Heptachlor
It is a non-systemic, contact poison with fumigant action. It is effective against
termites, white grubs, grass hoppers etc
Formulations: EC 20%, and Dust 5%
LD50 value: 100-162 mg/kg
4) Endo sulfan:
It is a non-systemic, contact and stomach poison with slight fumigant action. It is
effective against defoliators, borers, sucking insects and mites but harmless to honey
bees at recommended doses for insect control. It is highly toxic to fish.
Formulations: EC 35%, Granule 4% and Dusts 4%
Trade names: Thiodan, Endocel, Endodhan, Endotaf
LD50 value: 80-110 mg/kg

III) Organophosphates
Organophosphate came to limelight during Second World War. The biological activity
of these compounds was first discovered by W. Lange and Krueger in 1932. OP
compounds as insecticides were mainly due to the work of Gerhard Schrader in 1937 in
Germany. First OP compound TEPP (Tetra Ethyl Pyro Phosphate) followed by
parathion and schradan, the first systemic insecticide. Organophosphate insecticides
have two most important properties such as higher potency and low residual life. The
organophosphates (OPs) inhibit the cholinesterase (Ch E) enzyme leading to blockage
of synaptic transmission of nerve impulses and finally death.
1) Malathion
It is a non systemic contact and stomach insecticideand acaricide of low mammalian
toxicity. Hence it is recommended on fruits and vegetables till a few days prior to
harvest. It is also recommended for storage insects and also for external application
for parasites on animals.
Formulations: EC 50 and Dusts 40
Trade names: Cythion and Himala
LD50 value: 2800 mg/kg
2) Methyl parathion:
It is a contact and stomach poison with slight fumigant action. It is widely used in for
sucking insects and foliage feeders.
Formulations: EC 50 and Dusts 2
Trade names: Folidal, Metacid, Paratox, Dhanumar
LD50 value: 13 mg/kg
3) Diazinon:
It is a contact persistent insecticide with nematicidal properties. It is very much useful
against household insects such as flies and cockroaches.It has contact, stomach poison
and also fumigant action.
Formulations: EC 20 and 5G
Trade names: Basudin
LD50 value: 300-850 mg/kg .
4) Dichlorvos (Dimethyl Dichloro Vinyl Phosphate - DDVP)
It is contact poison but due to high vapour pressure it has got strong penetrating power.
It is very effective against hidden insects due to its fumigation action. It is recommended
for leaf miners and leaf webbers. It brings quick knock down effect. It does not leave
toxicresidues. It is highly toxic to bees. It is acontact and stomach poison with fumigant
Formulations: EC 76 and 5G
Trade names: nuvan, vapona , Doom, Divap
LD50 value: 56 – 108 mg/kg.

5) Fenitrothion:
It acts as contact and stomach poison with broad spectrum activity and a selective
acaricide. It is effective against sucking pests including mealy bugs, borer and mites
and external parasites of livestock.
Formulations: EC 35, ULV 0.05 – 0.1 and 5 Dusts
Trade names: Sumithion, Folithion
LD50 value: 50 – 250 mg/kg.
6) Quinolphos:
It is contact poison having good penetrating power and It is having acaricidal
properties.It is widely used against caterpillars and borer on cotton, vegetables and
other crops.
Formulations: EC 25 and 5 G
Trade names: Ekalux, Shakthi Quick, Quinguard, Quinaltaf, Smash, Flash
LD50 value: 62–137 mg/kg.
7) Phosolone:
It is a non systemic contact insecticide and acaricide, effective against wide spectrum of
Formulations: EC 35
Trade names: Zolone
LD50 value: 135 mg/kg
8) Chlorpyriphos:
It is a non-systemic contact insecticide very effective against sucking and chewing
insects.It is also recommended against house hold insect pests. It is widely
recommended as seed treatment chemical against white grub and termites.
Formulations: EC 20
Trade names: Dursban, Chloroban, Durmet, Radar
LD50 value: 135-163 mg/kg
9) Phosphomidon:
It is a systemic insecticide ha ving low contact action. It is very effective against sap
sucking insect pests. On application it is absorbed in the plant tissues within 1-3 hours
and is translocated more towards the top. It is less toxic to fish and more toxic to bees.
Formulations: 40 SL
Trade names: Demecron, Sumidon, Chemidan, Hydan, Phamidon
LD50 value: 17-30 mg/kg
10) Monocrotophos:
It is a systemic insecticide and acaricide with contact action. It has wide range of
susceptibility of insects. It is toxic to bees.
Formulations: 36 SL
Trade names: Monocil, Nuvacron, Monophos, Monochem, Monostar
LD50 value: 14-23 mg/kg

11) Methyl demeton:

It is contact and systemic insecticide and acaricide.It is used against soft bodied insects,
which suck the plant sap.
Formulations: 25 EC
Trade names: Metasystox and Dhanusyatax
LD50 value: 57-106 mg/kg
12) Dimethoate:
It is systemic insecticide and acaricide .It is widely used against sucking insect pests on
various crops.
Formulations: 30 EC
Trade names: Rogor, Celgor, Novogor, Tara 909, roxion
LD50 value: 320-380 mg/kg
13) Triazophos:
It has insecticidal, acaricidal and nematicidal properties with trnalaminar action. It is very
effective against variety of pests particularly Lepidoptera larvae on fruits and
Formulations: 40 EC
Trade names: Hostathion, Trizocel, Truzo, Suthation
LD50 value: mg/kg
14) Profenophos:
It is a broad spectrum non-systemic insecticide.It is recommended against pest of
vegetables. It is highly toxic to birds and fish.
Formulations: 50 EC
Trade names: Curacron, Celcron, Bolero, Carina, Proven
LD50 value: 358 mg/kg
15) Acephate:
It is a systemic andcontact poison.It has low toxicity and safe to environment.
Formulations: 75 SP
Trade names: Arthane, Starthane, Orthene
LD50 value: 866-945 mg/kg
16) Phorate:
It is a systemic granular insecticide and also possesses acaricidal properties.
It is very effective against sucking insects and also against maize borers, cut worms,
white grubs etc.
Formulations: 10 G
Trade names: Thimet
LD50 value: 1.6 – 3.7 mg/kg

All carbamates are derivatives of carbamic acid. Many of the carbamic esters
areinsecticidal and a few are effective molluscicides Like organophosphates, the
carbamate insecticides interfere in cholinergic transmission. The carbamate enters the
synapse and inhibits the acetylcholine-esterase as a result the acetylcholine contains to
depolarize the post synaptic membrane, causing prolonged stimulation resulting into the
failure of the nerve or effector tissue. Carbamates have an analogous action,
carbamylating rather than phosphorylating the enzyme and the ChE recovers more
readily from carbamates than from organophosphates. Thus, unlike,
organophosphates, they are known as reversible inhibitors.
1. Carbaryl:
Carbaryl is a contact and stomach insecticide. It is most popular insecticide because it
is effective against a wide range of insects and possesses very low mammalian
toxicity. It is compatible with many pesticides except Bordeaux mixture lime sulphur
and urea. It is not effective against mites.
Formulations: WP 50%, Granule 4% and Dusts 5%
Trade names: Sevin.
LD50 value: 400 mg/kg
2. Propoxur(Arprocarb)
It is a broad spectrum, contact and stomach poison with good knock down properties.
It is effective in controlling house hold pests such as cockroaches, crickets, flies etc. It
has long residual action.
Formulations: 20% EC, 50% WP
Trade names: Baygon, Bla ttamen, Saphaer
LD50 value: 90-128 mg/kg
3. Carbofuran.
It is a plant systemic broad spectrum and long residual insecticide, miticide and
nematicide. It is recommended as soil insecticides against plant sap sucking and borer
Formulation: 3G,48F
Trade names: Furadan
LD50 value: 8-14 mg/kg
4. Carbosulfan.
It is a systemic insecticide, and nematicide. It is recommended as seed dresser
Formulation: 25 DS
Trade name: Marshal
5. Thiodicarb
It is a insecticide with ovicidal properties, and molluscicide.
Formulation: 75 WP
Trade name: Larvin

6. Aldicarb
It is systemic pesticide usually applied in soil as seed furrow, band or broadcast
treatments either pre-plant or at planting as well as post emergence side dress
treatments. It has also possessing acaricidal property and toxic to higher animals
Formulation: 10 G
Trade names: Temik
LD50 value: 0.93 mg/kg
5. Methomyl:
It is a systemic with contact and stomach insecticide and nematicide. It is very
effective against a wide variety of pests particularly army worms, cabbage semilooper,
Okra stem fly, fruit borers, leaf defoliators, cotton boll worms, etc.
Formulations: 90 WP,12.5 EC, 40 SP
Trade names: Lannate, Dunnate
LD50 value: 30 mg/kg


Synthetic pyrethroids have got the properties of plant derivative pyrethrum as

insecticides but areconsiderably more stable in light and air. Allethrin was first
synthetic analogue of pyrethroids.
They act on tiny channel through which sodium is pumped to cause excitation
of neurons and prevent the sodium channels from closing,resulting in continual nerve
trans mission , tremors and eventually death.
The synthetic pyrethroids have extremely high insecticidal activity at extremely
low doses and are bio-degradable in nature. Their activity is most pronounced against
lepidopterous pests and they are very effective against beetle, leaf miner and bugs.
They are very effective against eggs, larval and adult stages of insects. They have
antifeedant and repellent properties. They are not readily washed off from the plants by
rain due to lipophilic characters.
These synthetic pyrethroids are very less toxic to mammals and having a quick
knock down activity to insects, the lower toxicity to mammals and increase safety for
the user. Very low application rate of synthetic pyrethroids as compared to
conventional insecticides brings reduced environmental pollution.
• A major limitation of synthetic pyrethroids is that these are generally not effective
as soil insecticide.
• Even at low dosages kill non target species
• Synthetic pyrethroids cause resurgence of several groups of insect pests
especially whiteflies and aphids.
• Rapid development of resistance to synthetic pyrethroids in many insect species.
This may be due to high selection pressure exerted by high mortality caused
by synthetic pyrethroids
• Synthetic pyrethroids are poor acaricides
First generation:First generation pyrethroids are considered to be of low toxicity to
people and other mammals because they are rapidly broken down in the body. First
generation pyrethroids decompose quickly in sunlight and air and thus pose little risk
in the environment but all pyrethroids are toxic to aquatic animals.
1) Allethrin
It is contact, stomach and respiratory action and bring quick knock down
of flies and mosquitoes when applied in combina tion with Piperonyl butoxide.
Trade name: Pynamin
LD50 value: rats 572-1100 mg/Kg for rats and Dermal LD50 >2000 mg/kg

Second generation:Second generation pyrethroids are not acutely toxic to people

or other mammals.These pyrethroids decompose rapidly in sunlight. They thus pose
little threat to the environment, but for the same reason they are not suitable for
agricultural use.
2) Resmethrin
. Approximately 20 times more effective than pyrethrum in housefly knock
down, and is not synergized to any appreciable extent with pyrethrum synergists.
Trade name: NRDC – 104, SBP-1382, and FMC – 17370
LD50 value Dermal LD50 2000-3000 mg/kg
3) Bioresmethrin
It is stereoisomer of resmethrin. Appeared in 1967.50 times more effective than
pyrethrum against normal (susceptible to insects) houseflies, and also not
synergized with pyrethrum synergists. Both resmethrin & Bioresmethrin decompose
fairly rapidly on exposure to air & sunlight, so never developed for agricultural use.
Trade name: NRDC-107,FMC –18739, and RU-1148
LD50: 8,600 mg/kg (oral) and 10,000 mg/kg (dermal).
4) Bioallethrin (d-trans –allethrin) introduced in 1969. More potent than
allethrin and readily synergized, but it is not as effective as resmethrin.

Third generation: Third generation pyrethroids do not decompose in sunlight and

contain some of the most powerful insecticides known.
Third generation pyrethoids are not highly toxic to people or other mammals mainly
because they decompose rapidly in the body.
5) Fenvalerate:
It is contact insecticide and of broad spectrum in nature. It is stable in sunlight and
has longer residual toxicity.
Formulations: 20 EC
Trade names: Fenvel, Bilfen, Belmark, Sumicidin, Pydrin
LD50 value: 300-630 mg/kg
6) Permethrin:
Contact insecticide, light stable, but poor knock down. First agricultural pyrethroids-
because of their exceptional insecticidal activity (0.11 kg a.i/ha) and their photo
Formulations: 25 EC and 5% smoke generation
Trade names: Ambush , pounce , pramex
LD50 value: Acute oral LD50 : 7000 mg/kg, Dermal LD50: >5100 mg/kg

Fourth generation: Offer the most resistance to exposure to sunlight and air and,
therefore, are more persistent. This group is more toxic to people than other
pyrethroids and therefore requires more care in use. More stable in the environment.
7) λ cyhalothrin
Non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action, and repellent
properties.gives rapid knockdown and long residual activity. It is an insecticide and
acaricide used to control a wide range of pests.
Formulations: 2.5 EC, 5% EC
Trade names: Kung-Fu,Reeva, Charge, Excaliber, Grenade, Hallmark, Karate,
Matador, Samurai and Sentinel.
LD50 value: 56 mg/kg
8) Cyfluthrin
It is a non-systemic contact and stomach poison,with rapid knock down effect. It is
for control of chewing and sucking insects on crops. Cyfluthrin is also used in public
health situations and for structural pest control.
Formulations: 5 EC, 10% EC
Trade names: Contur, Laser, Responsar, Tempo
LD50 value: 869 - 1271 mg/kg
9) Cypermethrin
It is stomach and contact insecticide. It is very effective against different types of
pests on various crops.
Formulations: 10 EC, 25 EC
Trade names: Cyper guard, Ripcord, Cymbush and Cyper kill
LD50 value: ha Oral LD50 303-4123 MG /KG, dermal more than 2400mg/kg
10) Fenpropathrin
It is contact insecticide and of broad spectrum in nature.It is extremely toxic to fish,
wildlife.and aquatic organisms. It have acaricidal and miticidal property.
Formulations: 2.4 EC, 10 or 20% EC.
Trade names: Danitol, Rody and Meothrin
LD50 value:54 mg/kg
11) Flucythrinate
Flucythrinate is a synthetic pyrethroid used to control insect pests in apples,
cabbage, field corn, head lettuce and pears, and to control Heliothis spp. in cotton.
Trade names: AASTAR, AC 222705, Cybolt, Fuching Jujr, OMS 2007, and Pay-Off.
LD50 value: 81 mg/kg .dermal LD50 in rabbits of greater than 1000 mg/kg

12) Decamethrin (Deltamethrin)

It is more potent than any other insecticide. It has also proved effective even
against insects resistant to conventional insecticides.It is contact and stomach
Formulations: 2.8 EC, 2.5% WP
Trade names: Decis, Decaguard, Deltex
LD50 value:135mg/kg
13) Fluvalinate
It is a insecticide and acaricide with stomach and contact activity in target insects. It
is used as a broad spectrum insecticide.
Formulations: 25 EC
Trade names: Klartan, Mavrik, Mavrik Aqua Flow, Spur and Yardex
LD50 value: 1,050 to 1,110 mg/kg
14) Fenfluthrin: It is a very potent recent synthetic pyrethroid against a various

groups of insects and mites. Highly toxic to Daphnia (Aquatic Invertebrate)

Trade Names: Bayticol, Bayvarol, Baynac


Fixed oils are the less aromatic oils derived from plants. Oils generally work by
clogging the respiratory openings of the insect, causing suffocation. Oils are usually
emulsified with water for application.Ex: Neem oil, Citronella Oil ,Garlic oil etc. Neem
oil is extracted from the tropical neem tree, Azadirachta indica, contains insecticidal
properties that are composed of a complex mixture of biologically active compounds. Its
various active ingredients act as repellents, feeding inhibitors, egg laying deterrents,
growth retardants, sterilants and direct toxins. Neem oil has very low toxicity to
mammals. The advantages of oil applications are many, like they are inexpensive,
usually result in good coverage, are simple to mix, and are safe to warm-blooded
animals. Some disadvantages of use include phytotoxicity, instability in storage,
and ineffectiveness against certain pests.

They represent a novel and distinct chemical class of insecticides with remarkable
chemical and biological properties. Similar to nicotines in activity partially to structure.
Imidacloprid and other neonicotinoids interact with acetyl choline binding site of nicotinic
Ach receptor which cause excitation and eventually paralysis leading to death of
insects. These are selective and safe to non target organisms.

1) Imidacloprid:
Systemic insecticide with translaminar activity and with contact and stomach action.
Used as a seed dressing, soil application and foliar application against sucking insects
including leaf hoppers, plant hoppers, aphids, thrips and whitefly, also effective against
soil insects, termites. It is highly toxic to birds.
Formulations: 17.8 SL ,70 WS
Trade names: Confidor, Gaucho, Admire, Merit, Premier, Stalone. Tatamida, Maratho ,
LD50 value: 450 mg/kg
2) Acetamiprid:It is a systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action. Used as a
soil and foliar application against homoptera especially aphid and leafhoppers.
Thysonaptera and Lepidoptera.
Formulations: 20 SP
Trade names: Pride, Assail Intruder, Profil, Supreme
LD50 value:>2000 mg/kg
3) Thiomethoxam :
Contact and stomach poison with translaminar and systemic movement used as a seed
treatment and foliar application against sucking insects . It has very strong effect on viral
transmitting insects.
Formulations: 25 WG, 70 WS
Trade names: Actara, Cruiser, Crux, Flagship, Meridian, Adage, Rinova
LD50 value: 1563 mg/kg
4) Clothianidin: It is systemic and translaminar in action It shows inhibitory action on
oviposition and feeding.
Formulations: 50 WG
Trade names: Dantop, Celeso
LD50 value: >5000 mg/kg
5) Thiacloprid: Used as a foliar spray against sucking pests such as aphids, thrips,
whitefly, beetles and leaf miner. It act as an acute and stomach poison.
Formulations: 36 WG, 70 WG
Trade names: Calypso, Bariard, Alanto
LD50 value: 500mg/kg
Phenyl pyrazoles (Fiproles):
1) Fipronil
GABA receptors is the target site for fipronil. Blockage of GABA gated chloride channel
reduces neuronal inhibition which leads to hyper exitation of the central nervous system,
convulsions and death of an target pest.
Broad spectrum systemic insecticide with contact and stomach poison activity. Used as
a foliar application against stem borer, leaf miner, hoppers, root worm and mites
Formulations: 0.3 G, 5 SC
Trade names: Regent, Front line,Tremidor, Zoom, Icon Tempo, Bilgran

Macrocyclic lactones
1. Spinosyns - Spinosad
The extract of the fermentation broth that contains spinosad is
produced by the microorganism, Saccharopolyspora spinosa. The primary components
are spinosyn A and spinosyn D.
Spinosad kills insects by causing rapid excitation by activation of nicotinic
acetylcholine receptors of the insect nervous system, leading to involuntary muscle
contractions, prostration with tremors, and paralysis. It also effects GABA receptor
Spinosad is a contact and stomach poison with some translaminar movement in
leaf tissue.
Formulations: 45 SC, 2.5 WSC
Trade names: Tracer, Spintor, Precise, Success, Naturalyte, Laser, Credence Caribstar,
Boomerang, and Conserve
LD50 value: 3738 mg/kg

2. Avermectins:
Avermectins form a new class of compounds having nematicidal, miticidal and
insecticidal activity. These are produced by the soil microorganism Streptomyces
avermitilis. Avermectins activate the GABA gated chloride channel, causing an inhibitory
effect, which, when excessive, results in the insect’s death. This channel normally
blocks reactions in some nerves, preventing excess stimulation of CNS.

Emamectin benzoate and abamectin are the two major compounds in this group.
.contact and stomach poisons. These are used as bait, foliar application against
Homoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and mites
Emamectin benzoate: It is non systemic insecticide which penetrates by translaminar
movement and effective against Lepidopterous pests It has low toxicity to non target
organisms and environment.
Formulations: EC 5, SG 5
Trade names: Proclaim
LD50 value: 300 mg/kg.
It is a broad spectrum insecticide acting on mites of Tetranychidae, Eeriophyidae and
Tarsonemidae. It is also effective against tobacco hornworm, diamondback moth,
tobacco budworm, serpentine leaf miner and less potent against certain Homoptera
(aphids) and Lepidoptera. It is less toxic to beneficial arthropods
Formulations: EC 1.8
Trade names: Avid, Agrimec, Vertimec, Argi-mek, Affirm and Avert

3. Oxadiazines
The active ingredient indoxacarb works by inhibiting sodium ion entry into nerve cells,
resulting in paralysis and death of targeted pests.
Indoxacarb is a stomach poison with slight contact action. Indoxacarb affects
insects from direct exposure and through ingestion of treated foliage/fruit. Once
indoxacarb is absorbed or ingested, feeding cessation occurs almost immediately. It
kills by binding to a site on sodium channels and blocking the flow of sodium ions into
nerve cells. The result is impaired nerve function, feeding cessation, paralysis, and
Formulations: SC 14.5, WDG 30
Trade names: Avaunt, Steward.Torando

4. Thio-Urea Derivatives
Diafenthiuron is new types of thiourea derivative which acts specially on sucking
pests such as mites, whiteflies and aphids. Diafenthiuron is photochemically converted
within a few hours in sunlight to its carbodimiide derivative which is much more powerful
acaricide/insecticide than diafenthiuron. It is a inhibitor of oxidative phosphorylation, via
distruption of ATP formation (inhibitor of ATP synthase).
It acts as Acaricide cum-insecticide as a foliar sprays against mites, sucking pests,
lepidopteran insect pests
Formulations: 50 WP
Trade names: Polo
LD50 value: 2068 mg/kg.

5. Pyridine Azomethines
Pymetrozine is a new insecticide highly active and specific against sucking insect
pests. Pymetrozine is the only representative of the pyridine azomethine. It has high
degree of selectivity, low mammalian toxicity and safety to birds, fish and non-target
When the insertion of the stylets of sucking insects into the pymetrozine treated
plant tissues, stylets are almost immediately blocked. The sucking insects die by
starvation a few days later (feeding depressant)
Formulations: 50 WDG
Trade names: Full fill, Chess
LD50 value: 5693 mg/kg

6. Pyrroles
Pyrroles are oxidative phosphorylation inhibitors. It works by uncoupleing
oxidative phosphorylation from electron transport process in mitochondria.( Oxidative
phosphorylation is the process through which ATP is synthesized in plants and
animals). It interferes with formation of ATP which is essential for muscle contraction.

1. Chlorfenapyr: It is a miticide and insecticide. Chlorfenapyr has broad spectrum of

activity against many species of Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Acarina and Thysanoptera. It
is mainly stomach poison and has contact action also.
Formulations: SC 3
Trade names: Pirate ,Pylon
LD50 value: 626 mg/kg

2. Flubendiamide:It isrupts a new lepidoperan insecticide. Acts by ingestion and

disrupts Ca2+ balance in the nervous system resulting rapid cessation of feeding and
extended residual control of important lepidopteran pests.
Formulations: 240 WG,480 SC
Trade names: Fame, Belt

Formamidines are represented by Chlordimeform and Amitraz with very unique
actions for the control of phytophagous mites, ticks and certain insects (Lepidoptera and
Hemiptera) by acting as agonists of octapamine receptors octapamine act as
neurotransmitter,neuromodulator and is involved in energy metabolism and stress
1. Chlordimeform: It has marked translaminar and systemic activity. It shows a strong
repellent-antifeedant action on both lepidopterous larvae and mites. It has good ovicidal
activity. Non toxic to non target organisms except predaceous mites.
Formulations: 50 SP, 4 EC
Trade names: Galecron, Fundal, Fundal, Spike
LD50 value: 340 mg/kg
2. Amitraz:It is a non systemic insecticide and acaricide with contact and respiratory
action It is used to control red spider mites, leaf miners, scale insects, and aphids.
Formulations: 50 SP, 20 EC
Trade names: Acarac, Amitraze,Baam
LD50 value: 523- 800 mg/kg

Ketoenols act as insecticide and acaricides against against all developmental
stages and is a valuable new tool in the resistance management. They
arehttp://www.alanwood.net/pesticides/class_insecticides.html - tetronic_acid_insecticides tetronic
acid insecticides with acaricidal action. Their mode of action is to inhibit lipogenesis in
treated insects, resulting in decreased lipid contents, growth inhibition of younger
insects, and reduced ability of adult insects to reproduce.
1. Spiromesifen:
Spiromesifen is effective against whitefly, spider mites and psyllids. It is is particularly
active against juve nile stages. However, it also strongly affects fecundity of mite (and
whitefly adults by transovariole effects.
Formulations: 2 SC, 4 F
Trade names: Oberon, Forbid
LD50 value: >2000 mg/kg
2. Spirodiclofen:
Spirodiclofen is a selective, non-systemic foliar insecticide and acaricide. It is effective
against mites and sanjose scales.
Formulations: 2 SC,
Trade names: Envidor
LD50 value: >2500 mg/kg
3. Spirotetramat:
Spirotetramat is effective against aphids, whiteflies, scales, mealybugs, psylla,
phylloxera, thrips, and mites on crops like citrus, vegetables, grapes, potato, other
tuberous crops, livestock commodities, and greenhouses/nurseries.
Formulations: SC 14.5, SC 22.4
Trade names: Movento, Ultor
LD50 value: >2000 mg/kg


Chitin synthesis inhibitors disrupt molting by blocking the formation of chitin, the
building block of insect exoskeleton. Without the ability to synthesize chitin, molting is
incomplete, resulting in malformed insects that soon die. It suppresses egg-layi ng and
causes egg sterility in treated adults through secondary hormonal activity.
S. Name & Mode of action Tradename LD50
No &Formulation mg/kg
1 Diflubenzuron: Dimilin 4640
Stomach and contact poison that acts by 25 WP
inhibiting chitin synthesis so it interferes with
formation of cuticle.
2 Flufenoxuron : Cascade 3000
Broad spectrum Insect and mite growth 10 WDC
regulator with contact and stomach action.
3 Chlorfluazuron: Chlorfluazuron is used in Atabron 8500
subterranean termite baiting stations. 5 SC
4 Triflumuron: Alsystin , Baycidal >5000
Broad spectrum Insect growth regulator Starycide25 WP
5 Teflubenzuron: Nomolt,Dart, 2250
It is effective against Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Nemolt
Diptera, Hymenoptera Aleyrodidae, and 15 SC
6 Novaluron: It acts mainly by ingestion, but has Rimon 5000
shown some contact activity. It does not have 10 EC
ovicidal activity, but a high percentage of
mortality of first instars hatching from eggs laid
on sprayed foliage occurs.
7 Buprofezin: Applaud 2198
Contact and stomach, persistent chitin 25 SC, 70 WP
synthesis inhibitor with miticidal action.
Effective against specifically on Homopteran
8 Flufenoxuron: Cascade ? 3000
Contact and stomach, inhibits chitin synthesis Casette
in nymphal mites and lepidopteran larvae. Tenope
Compatible with a-Cypermethrin. 10%EC, 5%EC

Juvenile Hormone (JH)Mimics

The possibility that JH analogs may have potential as insect control was first
recognized by Williams (1965). The compounds showing JH activity, ‘Juvenoids’. Four
types of JHs (JH= 0, I, II, and III) are known with their structural variations.JH-0 is
known from the eggs of Manduca sexta only.JH-I & JH-II are from all lepidopterans and
are said to be morphogenetic in action i.e to retain the larval characters.JH-III present in
all insect orders and are said to be gonado tropic i.e. for stimulating the ovaries to
mature in the female.
The so called ‘Paper factor’ (Karel Slama & C.M. Williams , 1966) against the
bug Pyrrhocoris apterus ( Heteroptera ) was subsequently traced to be balsam fir trees,
Abis balsamea from the wood pulp of which the paper towels were manufactured and
scientifically named ‘Juvabione’. These findings opened up the flood gates for JH
research chemists to get busy in synthesizing JH mimics (Juvenoids).
Mode of Action:
i) Antimorphic effect: Do not allow Metamorphosis to take palace there by
forcing larva to continue as a larva. There fore if the Juvenoids are
provided exogenously the larvae will undergo an extra larval moult
(change in to super larva) or moult in to defective intermediate forms
which may suffer from a failure to successfully moult, feed or mate.
ii) Larvicidal effect
iii) Ovicidal effect.
iv) Diapause disrupting effect
v) Embryogenesis inhibiting effect.
Juvenoids acts as ovicides when applied directly on eggs and indirectly on
ovipositing females. They block embryogenic development of blastokinesis
stage. When applied before hatching, they show morphogentic effect at the time
of metamorphosis. They inhibit ecdysone synthesis by effecting prothorasic
glands. If applied to the last instar larvae, they could prevent pupa from entering
in to diapause. They could terminate pupal diapause by activating the inactive
PTG of diopausing pupa.

i) Juvabione (Fernesol - extracted from excreta of Tenebrio sp)
ii) Methoprene (Altosid )
iii) Hydroprene (Gentrol, Altozar)
iv) Kinoprene (Enstar)

Anti JH orJH Agonists or Precocenes: Anti-juvenile hormones found in plants that

induce reversible precocious metamorphosis and sterilization in insects by suppressing
the function of the corpora allata gland
Precocenes are the compounds which would antagonize the JH activity and
dearrange the insect development. These compounds induce the precocious
metamorphosis of immature insects. Precocenes affect insect diapause, reproduction
and behaviour. These compounds first extracted from the plant Ageratum houstonium. It
contains two simple chromene compounds precocene –I and II.
1) Fenoxycarb (Insegar 50 % WP, Award,Comply Logic, Torus, Pictyl and
Varikill) @ 0.025 %
2) Pyriproxyfen (Tiger 10 % EC, Distance, Esteem, Archer Knack,
Sumilarv and Admiral) @ 0.0125 %
Ecdysone or Moulting Hormone (MH) Agonists
MH contains two hormones, a -Ecdysone and ß - Ecdysone. The a - ecdysone is
a prohormone produced by PTG which is converted into ß - ecdysone in the peripheral
tissues of the gland and is also called 20-Hydroxy Ecdysone, which actually brings
about molting in insects and is the true MH.
Synthetic analogues of ecdysones are called ecdysoids .After absorption into
haemolymph it binds the ecdysone receptor proteins which initiates moulting process
.The normal moulting process is disrupted. Larvae is prevented from shedding of old
cuticle and it will die due to dehydration and starvation.
a) Tebufenozide (Mimic, Confirm and Romdan)
b) Halofenozide (Mach)
c) Methoxyfenozide (Prodigy)

Recent Methods of Pest Control

I) Insect Repellents: Chemicals which cause insects to move away from their
source are referred to as repellents (or) Chemically that prevent insect damage to
plants (or) animals by rendering them unattractive, unpalatable (or) offensive are
called repellents.
Desirable traits of a good repellent
a) It should be effective for a long time and on a wide range of insects.
b) Weathering effects on it should be the least.
c) Should not be toxic (or) irritating to man and animals.
d) Should leave an acceptance odour, taste and touch
e) Should be harmless to clothes.
f) Should be cheap.

Types of repellents
Repellents are broadly classified as Physical repellents and Chemical
repelle nts
1) Physical repellents
These produce repellence by physical means and are of the following
i. Contact stimuli repellents
These are substances (Such as dusts, granules, water, oils, leaf hairs, spines
and waxes) that influence the surface texture of the plants to produce a
disagreeable effect on the tactile sense of the insects.
ii. Auditory repellents
Theses employ sound to ward off insects. For instance, an amplified sound has
been found effective in repelling mosquitoes, pyralid moths and files.
iii. Visual repellents
White light normally attracts insects but the yellow colour light is the least
attractive and to some extent acts as a visual repellent to insects.
iv. Excitatory repellents
Chemicals such as pyrethrum, DDT, BHC etc., which excite the insect’s tarsi by
stimulating the sensory nerves and force them to leave the treated surface.
v. Feeding repellents
Substances that inhibit feeding in insects are called feeding repellents (or)
2. Chemical repellents
These are chemicals that affect tactile, olfactory (or) gustatory receptors of
insects and could be plant origin (or) synthetic as follows.
i. Repellents of plant origin
The oil of citronella remained a commonly used mosquito repellent and
still continues to be a constituent of a popular brand of commercial mosquito repellent,
Odomos. The oil is extracted from the lemon grass, Cymbopogon nardus and contains
citronellol, geraniol (as the main constituents), boreneol and terpenes (insmall amounts)
of which the first two are regarded as the main repellents for mosquitoes.
Pyrethrum is another plant product which not only acts as an insecticide
but in low concentrations, also as a repellent for blood – sucking insects. Clothes
impregnated with some pyrethroids have been found to afford protection against the
attack of many insects vectors of diseases like Aedes aegypi, Anopheles
quardrimaculaius etc.,
ii. Synthetic repellents
Diethyl toluamide, protects the bearer against mosquitoes, ticks, fleas and
biting files. The others Bordeaux mixture, Dimethyl pthalate, and Indalone acts as .
repellents for insects.

Uses of repellents
Repellents can find several uses such as
1. They can be used on the body in some formulation to ward off insects.
2. They can be used as fumigants in an enclosed area of insects.
3. They can be used as dusts and sprays on domestic animal to protect them
from noxious biting and blood – sucking insects.
4. They can be used to drive insects from their natural breeding grounds to
areas treated with an insecticide (or) a chemosterilant to kill (or) sterilize

Insect Antifeedants
Antifeedant is a chemical that inhibits feeding but does not kill the insect directly;
the insect often may remain on the treated plant material and possibly may die of
starvation. These are also caused as “Feeding deterrents”
There are three main sites for the sense of taste in insects located in the mouth, on the
tarsi and on the antennae. Insect feeding deterrents may be perceived either by
stimulation of specialized receptors (or) by distortion of the normal function of neurons
which perceive phagostimulating compounds. Since the sugars are very important
components of an insects sustained feeding, the inhibition of its receptors is an effective
antifeedant action

Groups of antifeedants
a) Triazines
Acetanilide.is an odourless and tasteless solid and not phytotoxic and inhibits
feeding of most chewing surface feeders such as caterpillars, beetles and cockroaches.
b) Organotins
Triphenyl tin acetate (Brestan) was one of the earliest organotins that was found to have
an antifeedant effect on the foliage – feeding insects such as the cotton leaf worm,
colorado potato beetle, larvae of potato tuber moth, Agrotis ipsilon and grasshoppers.
c) Carbamates
Several thiocarbamates inhibit the feeding of Mexican beetle, Colorado potato
beetle and japanese beetle. The carbamate, arprocarb (Propoxur) is systemic
antifeedant against the boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis.
d) Botanical Extracts
i) Pyrethrum
From the flowers of Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium , is not only insecticide but in
small doses also acts as an antifeedant for the biting fly, Glossina.

ii) Margosa (Neem)

First reported by Pradhan et al. in 1962, the extracts of the leaves and fruits of
neem trees (Azadirachta indica, family Meliaceae) act as very effective antifeedants
against a large number of insects, particularly the desert locusts, Schistocerca gregaria,
which is a very destructive polyphagous insect.
iii) Apple Factor
An Apple of the genus, Malus yields phenolic substance, phlorizin which
stimulates probing in the apple feeding aphids (Aphis poni) but acts as a feeding
deterrent for the non- apple feeding aphids (Myzus persicae).
iv)Solanum alkaloids
Alkaloids (tomatine, solanine) extracted from some species of Solanum reduce
feeding and survival of potato leaf hopper, Empoasca devastans.
Besides the above, several other substances like non – essential amino acids,
tannins, lignins etc. act as antifeedants to many insect pests.
Advantages of Antifeedants:
1. Antifeedants affect only the phytophagous insects and so do not harm the
beneficial parasitoids, predators and pollinators.
2. As the pest is not immediately killed by antifeedent, its parasites and predators
continue to feed on it, thrive, and keep it under control.
3. Antifeedants produce no phytotoxicity (or) pollution.

Disadvantages of Antifeedants:
1. Only the chewing type of insects are effected by antifeedants, the sucking pests
remain unaffected.
2. New growths of plant are not protected.
3. As the insects are not immediately killed, they could move to untreated parts (or)
other plants and damage them.
4. Antifeedants are not effective enough to become a sole control measure. They
could only be promising when included in the integrated control schemes.

Insect Attractants
Chemicals that cause insects to make oriented movements towards their
source are called insect attractants. They influence both gustatory (taste) and olfactory
(smell) receptors (or) sensilla.

Types of Attractants
1. Pheromones
2. Natural food lures
3. Oviposition lures
4. Poison baits

1) Pheromones
In 1959 Karlson and Butenandt coined the term pheromone. For a
Chemical that is secreted into the external environment by an animal and that elicits a
specific response in a receiving individual of the same species. It is also referred to as
“ectohormone”. Depending on their mode of action pheromones are divided into two
general classes.
i) One which gives a releaser effect – an immediate and reversible
behavioural change is produced in the receiving animal.
ii) One which gives a primer effect - a chain of physiological changes is
triggered off in the receiving animal. Eg : Gustatory stimulation, controlling
caste determination and reproductive control in social Hymenoptera (Ants
and Bees), Isoptera (Termites).

Behaviour – releasing pheromones are typically odorous and act directly on the
central nervous system of the receiving animal. Eg: Alarm, trail following, aggregation
for mating, feeding (or) oviposition, The pheromones that promote aggregation are sex
pheromones and aggregation pheromones.
a) Sex pheromones
A Sex pheromone released by one sex only triggers off a series of behaviour
patterns in the other sex of the same species and thus facilitates mating. The male
insects respond to the odorous chemical released by the female. In certain species of
insects the males are known to produce the sex pheromone which attracts the females.
Ex : In the cotton boll weevil Anthonomus grandis
The sex pheromones are specific in their biological activity, the males responding
only to a specific pheromone of the female of the same species, and their reactions are
directed towards the air currents carrying the odour. The time of release of the
pheromones by the females and response by male to them appears to be specific for
each species. Effective distances for sex pheromones depend on the threshold
concentration for male stimulation and release rate from the female.
The following sex pheromones have been isolated and identified.
Bombycol : Silkworm, Bombyx mori
Gyplure : Gypsy moth, Perthetria dispar;
Gossyplure : Pink bollworm, Pectionophora gossypiella
Trimedlure : Meditarrnian fruifly, Ceratitis capitapa
Cuelure : Melon fly, Bactroceracucurbitae
Litlure :Tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura
Helilure : Red gram pod borer, Helicoverpa. armigera
Amlure : Chaffer beetle, Amphimallon sp
Looplure :Cabbage looper ,Trichoplusia ni
Ferrolure : Coconut Red Palm Weevil , Rhynchophorus ferrugineus
Leucilure : Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer Leucinodes orbonalis

Sex pheromones in insect pest management

1) Monitoring of insect pests: Traps baited with synthetic sex pheromones is useful in
estimating population and detecting early stages of pests. Four pheromone traps per
acre is recommended.
2) Mass-trapping: (Male annihilation technique):Large number of pheromones baited
traps can be used in the fields to capture male moths of newly emerged and reduce the
number of males for mating.
3) Control of pest by mating disruption: By permeating the atmosphere with higher
concentration of the pheromone the opposite sex is rendered confused and unable to
locate their mates.
1. The pheromones are species specific.
2. They are safe to natural enemies and environment.
3. They require in small doses.
4. They are economical and compatible with other components of IPM.
1. Synthetic pheromones are available only for a few pest spec ies.
2. Replacement of pheromone lures at regular interval is required for good catch
of moths.
3. Pheromone traps attracts only target pest even when crop is attracted by
many other pests.
4. Pheromone reception and dispersal are not understood even for most
important pests.

b) Aggregation pheromones
The pheromone released by one sex only elicits response in both sexes of a
species. In scolytid (or) bark beetles the males secrete the pheromone into the hind gut
which gets incorporated in to the faceal pellets and through them attracts flying males
and females towards the galleries. In Trigoderma granaria mixture of fatty acid esters
and methyl and oleate function as aggregation pheromones.

c) Trial marking pheromone

At low concentrations mostly used by foraging ants and white ants. In ants
Formica rupa, formic acid while termites,Zootermopsis nevadensis hexanoic acid
functions as the trial marking pheromone.

d) Alarm pheromones
These substances are elaborated by mandibular glands, sting appartus, anal
glands which typically results in fight or aggression. Dolichoderine ants – release a fruity
odour by the worker that results in a erratic behavour of workers, when this is
discharged into mandibles onto an intruding insects that becomes marked as agreessor.

Natural Food lures

These are Chemicals present in plant and animal hosts that attract (lure) insects
for feeding. They stimulate olfactory receptors and may be

1. A floral scent in case of the nectar feeding insects

2. Essential oils for the phytophagous insects.
3. Decomposing products for the scavenger
4. Carbon dioxide, lactic acid and water for the blood sucking insects.

Oviposition Lures
These are chemicals that govern the selection of suitable sites for oviposition by
the adult female for example, P-methyl acetophenone attracts adult female rice stem
borers to oviposit.

Poison Baits
Poison baits are a mixture of food lures and insecticides. The effort is
made to make the bait more attractive to insects than their natural food and also a
smaller quantity should be able to attract the largest number of insects. Baits are used
when for some reason spraying (or) dusting of insecticides is not practicable. For
instance, when insects live hidden under the soil, inside the fruits and vegetables (or)
for household insects like ants, cockroaches and houseflies.

Advantages of Attractants

1. Attractants do not kill the insects and, therefore, do not disrupt the ecosystem
(or) food chain.
2. They are specific for some insects and so do not affect the non-targets.
3. They can be used to mass trap the insects to be subsequently killed by
4. Since they are not long lasting, they do not cause environmental pollution.
5. They can be employed to misguide the insects to wrong host plants, wrong
mating partners (or) wrong oviposition sites where by their number will go down
by starvation (or) by producing unfertilized eggs.

Disadvantages of Attractants

1. Insects can always fi nd untreated hosts, so their number may not be affected.
2. The attractants can not be relied as a sole control measure – can only be used in
integrated control programmes.

Genetic Insect Control

The basic principle in genetic control of insects is to utilize factors which will lead
to reproductive failure. Genetic control of insects is not limited to the use of insects
sterilized by radiation or chemicals but also include cytoplasmic incompatibility, induced
sterility, hybrid sterility etc.
A) Induced Sterility
i) Sterile male release technique:
When a sterile male mates with normal female there will be no progeny. If
adequate number of vigorous and competitive sterile males is introduced systematically
into natural population the population will soon cease to exist.
This theory of Male Sterile Technique was conceived by E F Knipling as early as 1937
and was published in 1955. He suggested two procedures,
1) Rearing, Sterilization and Release (@ 9:1 sterile to fertile insects) of sterile
insects to compete with the normal population.
2) Sterilizing a portion of the natural population
Eg: Screw-worm (Cochliomyia hominivorax) a cattle pest was completely eradicated
from Curacao Islands and south eastrun parts of USA by male sterilization by irradiation
with gamma rays (C060).
Limitation: Applicable only to species, where the female mates only once in its lifetime.
ii) Aspermia: Inactivation of sperms. In some cases, as in mosquitoes the sperm of the
incompatible male is blocked before is could fuse with the nucleus of the egg of
native female. This principle was employed in eradicating Culux
pipensquinquifasciatus in Rangoon. The possibility is, the incompatible strain
could be identified, multiplied in large numbers and released in infested areas for
eradicating the pests.
iii)Infecundity: Sterile eggs by dominant lethal mutations
iv)Use of non-mutagenic chemicals: To induce sterility by preventing mating by
developing monogamous females, inhibition of spermato/oogenesis or by sperm
B) Cytoplasmic Incompatibility
Sterility is due to a cytoplasmic factor transmitted through the egg, which kills the
sperm of incompatible male after its entry into the egg. Crosses between certain
populations give no off-spring at all, in other cases females of one population may cross
with males of another population and off-spring are produced, but the reciprocal cross is
completely sterile.
Recently it has been observed that in the case of some species of insects, there
exist different strains with different genetic set up. When males of one such strain mate
with females of another such strain, the offspring fails to develop because of
incompatibility between the genes of the egg and the sperm. At an interspecific level
the sperm of heterospecific males are often disadvantaged in competition with those of
conspecific males.

C) Hybrid Sterility:
In some insect cross-types or races which produce fertile females but sterile
males among progeny. These sterile hybrids are excellent material for use in insect
control. These sterile males are more vigorous and competitive than the sterile males
produced after radiation or chemosterilization.

D) Population Replacement:
The ability of disease transmission of vectors ie replacement of specific vector
populations can as well be changed by genetic methods.

E) Auto-Sterilization:
Sterilization of native insects in their natural environment by using
chemosterilants along with the species specific attatractants / lures/ bait traps. Through
this both the sexes can be sterilized, and also negate the reproductive ability of those
insects which have escaped the lure/bait treatment.


Compounds, which kill the rodents by their chemical action, are known as
rodenticides. Rodents belong to order Rodentia, class Mammalia and phylum
Vertebrata. Rodents such as rats, mice, gophers and ground squirrels spread diseases
like plague, rat bite fe ver and leptospiral jaundice in human beings. They damage the
standing crops and cause substantial loss during storage of the produce.
Characteristics of ideal rodenticide:
1. Toxic action should be slow so as to allow the animal to consume a lethal dose.
2. Palatable and odourless.
3. Bait shyness must be avoided.
4. Poison is specific to species to be controlled.
5. Manner of death not be cruel and make surviving population suspicious.
6. Susceptibility should be age, sex or strain dependent.
7. No danger of secondary poisoning through animals eating poisoned rodents.
8. Consumption of chemical should not lead to development of resistance.
9. Chemical mixed with bait be stable under various environmental conditions.
10. For easy removal of corpses, animal should preferably die in the open space.

Zinc phosphide: A grayish black powder with strongly disagreeable odour

When zinc phosphide is ingested, it reacts with stomach acids and causes poisonous
phosphine gas to be released. This leads to nausea, vomiting, pulmonary edema, and
eventual death. Zinc phosphide, acute stomach poison is used as a bait at 2% strength,
mixed with popcorn, rice, dry fish, onions etc., Pre baiting is essential as rats exhibit bait
shyness to this. In paddy fields, two rounds of baiting before and after sowing nursery
and another two rounds in planted crop are required. About 500 g of poison is needed
per hectare.
Formulation: 80% powder
Trade name: Zintox
LD50: 46 mg/kg

Aluminium phosphide:
Aluminum phosphide is an inorganic phosphide used to control insects and rodents in a
variety of settings. It is mainly used as an indoor fumigant at crop transport, storage or
processing facilities for both food and non-food crops It may also be used as an outdoor
fumigant for burrowing rodent control, or in baits for rodent control in crops. Aluminum
Phosphide is available in pellet and tablet form. Under optimum moisture conditions, it
liberates ‘Phosphine’ gas, which is highly toxic. ¼ to ½ of a 3 g tablet is put in a live-
burrow; a little water is added if necessary and the burrow closed with mud. Repeat the

operation if the burrow remains closed. Also used to fumigate the godowns @ 1tab/ ton
/ 5 days and also@ 1 or ½ tab/tree against red palm weevil.
Formulation: Tablets ( 3g)
Trade name: Celphos, Fumitoxin, Phostoxin, and Quic k Phos.
LD50: 11.5 mg/kg
Anti-Coagulant Rodenticides:
Anticoagulants are defined as chronic single-dose or multiple-dose rodenticides, acting
by effectively blocking of the vitamin K cycle, resulting in inability to produce essential
blood-clotting factors
Bromodiolone:It act by depressing the hepatic vitamin K dependent synthesis of
substances essential to blood clotting.A single dose anticoagulant rodenticide from
Coumarin group The technical material (97% pure) is an odourless, yellow-white
Bromadiolone is vitamin K antagonist. The main site of its action is the liver,
where several of the blood coagulation precursors under vitamin K dependent post
translation processing take place before they are converted into the respective
procoagulant zymogens. The point of action appears to be the inhibition of K1 epoxide
Formulation: Solids
Trade names: Roban, Moosh moosh, Bromard; Bromatrol; Bromone R; Bromorat
Deadline; Hurex
LD50: 1-3 mg/kg
The substances exercising toxic effects on mites are specifically called as
miticides or may be generalized as ‘Acaricides’. Most of the organophosphatic
insecticides are also effective acaricides, whereas, most of the organochlorines (except
dicofol) are ineffective against mites. Thus, use of organochlorines in situations where
mites are present, may aid in the increase of mite population substantially by killing their
natural enemies.
The following are some of the specific acaricides:
i) Sulphur: It is a fungicide and acaricide. It is formulated as a fine dust (80–90%)
to which about 10% inert material is added to prevent ‘balling’. Flowability of the
dust is increased by adding 3% tricalcium phosphate. The finer the dust the
more effective it will be. Also available as a Wettable Powder (50%).

ii) Dicofol: It is a hydroxylated product of DDT. It is non-systemic acaricide effective

against all stages of mites. It has long residual action. and low mammalian
Formulation: 18 EC
Trade names: Kelthane, Hifol
LD50: 850 mg/kg
iii) Tetradifon:Persistent acaricide, kills all stages of mites except adults.
Formulation: 20 EC
Trade names: Tedion
LD50:>5000 mg/kg
iv) Propargite: It is non-systemic acaricide, used for control of mites on fruits,grain,
vegetables, nut and crops. It is highly toxic to fish
Formulation: 57 EW
Trade names: Comite, Omite
LD50:>5000 mg/kg



The pesticide application plays important role in pest management. The main
purpose of pesticide application technique is to cover the target species and
safety to the non target organisms and the environment. The complete
knowledge of pest is essential for correct time of application. Most of the
pesticides are applied as sprays. Spraying is classified on the basis of the droplet
size of the spray as
Spray TypeDroplet size
1. Very Coarse spray > 500 µ
2. Coarse spray 400 µ – 500 µ
3. Medium spray 250 µ – 400 µ
4. Fine spray 100 µ – 250 µ
5. Mist 50 µ – 100 µ
6. Fog 5 µ – 50 µ
7. Aerosol 0.1 µ – 5 µ

On the basis of Volume of spray fluid per unit area, Spraying is classified as
1. High volume spraying (HVS) or Full Cover spraying or conventional
spraying:Pesticide is diluted with water and droplet size is larger. Spray fluid
requirement is 500 – 1000 lit/ha in case of field crops (1500 – 2000 lit/ha – Orchard
Advantages :
1. Meant for chewing insects.
2. Drift is very less
Disadvantages :
1. Less area is covered
2. More water is required
3. More time , labour and cost of application due to labour cost

2. Low volume spray (LVS): The low volume sprays are 8-25 times more
concentrated than high volume spraying. Spray fluid requirement ranges from 12-
125 lit/ha. The droplet size is 70 – 150 µ.
Advantages :
1. Less time and less cost are involved in transport of water and
hence the cost of application is minimized
2. More area is covered (6 – 8 acres in a day)
3. Control of pests is in time

Disadvantages :
1. Loss of chemical due to the drift
2. Application of LVS is preferred when wind velocity is less than 8

3. Ultra low volume spray (ULVS): ULV sprayer or air craft with special nozzles
require 0.5 - 5.6 lit/hac with droplet size of 20 – 70 µ.
1. Very less time is required
2. No water requirement
3. Labour cost is less
4. Larger area covered (8 hac/day).
1. Drift is more
2. More hazardous
3. Special foundations are needed
4. High cost

4. Aerial spraying: Aerial Air crafts has been employed for application of
agricultural and public health pesticides. It is used for spraying, dusting and
application of baits. However, Spray formulations are more suitable than dusts
because of wind speed should not be more than > 5 KMPH. It has to be done at low
heights and in the early hours of the days to ensure uniform deposition of dust
1. Large area covered
2. Locusts, cut worms, army worms could be checked before much
damage is done.
3. Cost of application is cheap per unit area.
4. Inaccessible areas are also can be protected.
Disadvantages :
1. Drift is more
2. Undersurface of leaves is not fully covered
3. Depend on weather conditions
4. Preplanning and collaboration with other agencies is required
5. Pollution is more

Phytotoxicity:The application of pesticides or insecticides on plants is intended to

control the pests without causing adverse or harmful effects to plants. It is common to
see some adverse insecticides in fields which is called phytotoxicity
It is of two kinds
1. Permanent phytotoxicity leading to the death of the effected part or whole plant
2. Temporary phytotoxicity which allows the plant to recover after showing

Most insecticides are not phytotoxcity at ordinary/ recommended concentrations

but show temporary / permanent phytotoxcity when applied indiscriminately at
much higher concentrations.
Eg: Now many farmers are applying insecticides formulations as ULV sprays
which a re meant for application as higher volume sprays. Some times the
solvents/diluents used may also cause phytotoxcity
However, some plants/crops are highly sensitive to certain insecticides
and show phytotoxicity when applied.
So thorough knowledge of phytotoxicity of chemicals and dosages at
which they are to be applied is essential for plant protection people.

Symptoms of phytotoxicity
Ø Chlorosis or yellowing of leaves
Ø Bronzing of leaves
Ø Necrosis of complete plant or parts of it
Ø Scorching
Ø Deformation and curling of leaves
Ø White spots on leaves
Ø Burning effects on leaves
Ø Premature falling of leaves
Ø Mottled leaves
Ø Poor germination of seeds
Examples :
Organo chlorines – Curcurbits
Carbaryl – Soybean & Redgram
Dimethoate and Malathion – Sorghum
Methyl parathion – All Cucurbits
Sulphur - Crcurbits, Apples and Tea
Advantages of chemical control:
1. Chemicals are powerful tools for pest management.
2. Highly effective, rapid curative action and adoptable to most situation.
3. Flexible in changing agronomic and ecological conditions.
4. It is economical.

5. Insecticides are only tools available when pest is crossing threshold levels.
6. For many of pest problems chemical control is the only acceptable solution.
7. They are easy to obtain and apply
Limitations of chemical control:
1. Harmful to non target organisms.
2. Many pesticides bring about the secondary infestation of non target pests and
resurgence of target pests.
3. Other beneficial insects like pollinators, honeybees, weed killers may also be
4. There is a risk to man and livestock.
5. Some pesticides may cause phytotoxicity.
6. Some insecticides leave residues which cause environmental pollution.
7. Some insects may develop resistance to insecticides.
8. Some insecticides accumulate in body tissue become dangerous even without
any prior indications.
9. Some insecticides have a tendency to be passed over from one food source to
another food source.
Safe use of Insecticides:
1. Mixing and loading operations are the most hazardous because they generally
result in possibilities of exposure i.e. spills
2. Read label carrying out the necessary calculations for the required dilution of the
3. Obtain proper equipment, including protective clothing, etc
4. Never work alone while handling highly hazardous insecticides
5. Mix insecticides outside or in a well ventilated area. Never position any part of
the body directly over the seal while opening .Always stand upwind when mixing
or loading the insecticides
6. Clean up spilled insecticide immediately from skin, clothing etc.
7. Persons engaged in handling, mixing or applying insecticides should not smoke,
eat or drink while working.
8. Do not use mouth to siphon an insecticide from the container.
9. Avoid drift.
10. Guard against drift of insecticides on to near by crops, field, fish pond, stream or
11. Do not spray when it is windy .
12. Do not spray or dust when it is likely to rain.
13. Do not use poor quality or leaky equipment
14. Take the most needed parts/tools to the field (site of application)
15. Never allow the children to apply insecticides
16. Do not blow out the clogged nozzles with the mouth

17. Cleanliness and maintenance of insecticide application equipments and keep

separate sprayers for herbicides
18. Do not eat, drink or smoke during application operation and later do these only
after washing hands and face thoroughly
19. Never leave insecticides and equipments unattended in the field
20. The insecticides should always be stored in their original containers and kept in a
locked cup board where they are out of reach of the children and the domestic
21. These should be kept away from food or feed stuffs and medicines
22. Instructions found on the labels should be carefully read and strictly followed.
23. The empty containers, after the use of the insecticide, should be destroyed and
should not be put into some other use.
24. Persons engaged in handling insecticides should undergo regular medicinal
25. In case of any suspected poisoning due to insecticides, the nearest physician
should be called immediately.
Symptoms of mild poisoning
1. Headache
2. A feeling Of Sickness (nausea)
3. Dizziness
4. Fatigue
5. Irritation of the Skin, Eyes, Nose And Throat,
6. Perspiration
7. Loss of Appetite
Symptoms of moderate poisoning
1. Vomiting,
2. Blurred vision,
3. Stomach cramps,
4. Rapid pulse,
5. Difficulty in breathing, constricted pupils of the eyes,
6. Excessive precipitation,
7. Trembling and twitching of muscles, fatigue and nervous distress headache,
Symptoms of severe poisoning
1. Convulsions
2. Respiratory failure
3. Loss of consciousness
4. Loss of pulse

Symptoms due to Chlorinated hydrocarbons poisoning

1. Uneasiness
2. Headache
3. Nausea
4. Vomiting
5. Dizziness and tremors
6. Convulsions
7. Respiratory arrest followed by coma
8. Leucocytosis and rise in blood pressure.

Symptoms due to organophosphate and carbamate insecticides poisoning

1. Headache, giddiness, vertigo, weakness, excessive mucous discharge from nose
and sense of tightness are symptoms of inhaled exposures.
2. Nausea followed by vomiting, abdominal contraction, diarrhea and salivations are
symptoms of ingestion.
3. Loss of muscle coordination, speech defects; twitching of muscles; difficulty in
breathing; hypertension; jerky movements; convulsions and coma indicate
seriousness of poisoning.
4. Death may occur due to depressions of respiratory centre
5. Headache, giddiness, vertigo, weakness, excessive mucous discharge from nose
and sense of tightness are symptoms of inhaled exposures.
6. Nausea followed by vomiting, abdominal contraction, diarrhea and salivations are
symptoms of ingestion.
7. Loss of muscle coordination, speech defects; twitching of muscles; difficulty in
breathing; hypertension; jerky movements; convulsions and coma indicate
seriousness of poisoning.
8. Death may occur due to depressions of respiratory centre

Zinc phosphide
1. Nausea
2. Vomiting
3. Diarrhea
4. Severe abdominal pain followed by symptom free period of eight hours or longer

Alluminium phosphide
1. Headache
2. Giddiness
3. Nausea
4. Diarrhea and mental confusion
5. If treatment is delayed, coma, loss of reflexes may develop and death may
occur from respiratory or circulatory collapse

First Aid Operations:

Many accidental pesticide deaths are caused by eating or drinking the chemical. Some
applicators die or are injured when they breathe pesticide vapors or get pesticides on
their skin. Repeated exposure to small amounts of some pesticides can cause sudden,
severe illness. All pesticide handlers should know and thoroughly understand first aid
treatment for pesticide poisoning. Call local emergency response provider and local
emergency medical facility immediately and
1. Remove patient to fresh air
2. Loosen all knots of clothes and change overalls.
3. Flush eyes with copious cold water till irritation subsides
4. Wash the patient thoroughly with plenty of soap and water.
5. Keep the patient calm, comfortable and warm.
6. In case of accidental ingestion ,induce vomiting by administering a glass of
warm water mixed with two spoons of common salt or putting the forefinger at
the base of plate.
7. Show label leaflet of pesticide for identification
8. If breathing is stopped provide artificial breathing.
Swallowed poisoning
1. Remove poison from the patient’s stomach immediately byinducing vomiting.
2. Give common salt 15 g in a glass of warm water as anemetic and repeat until
vomit fluids is clear.
3. Gently stroking or touching the throat with the finger or the blunt end of a spoon
will aid in inducing vomiting when the stomach is full of fluid.
4. If the patient is already vomiting, do not give emetic butgive large amounts of
warm water and then follow the specific directions suggested
Inhaled poisons
1. Carry the patient to fresh air immediately,
2. Open all doors and windows.
3. Loosen all tight clothing.
4. Apply artificial respiration if breathing has stopped or is irregular and avoid
vigorous application of pressure to the chest.
5. Prevent chilling and wrap the patient in a blanket.
6. Keep the patient as quiet as possible.
7. If the patient is convulsing, keep him in bed in some dark room.
8. Do not give alcohol in any form.

Skin contamination:
1. Drench the skin with water.
2. Apply a stream of water on the skin while removing clothing.
3. Rapid washing is most important for reducing the extent of injury

Eye contamination:
1. Hold eye lids open
2. Wash the eyes gently with a stream of running water immediately
3. Delay of even a few second greatly increase the extent of injury
4. Continue washing until physician reaches
5. Do not use chemicals as they may increase the extent of injury.

General antidotes:
1. Remove poison by inducing vomiting
2. Universal Antidote: It is a mixture of 7 g of activated charcoal, 3.5 g of
magnesium oxide and 3.5 g of tannic acid in half a glass of warm water may be
used to absorb or neutralize poisons. Except in cases of poisoning by corrosive
substances, it should be fallowed by gastric lavage.
3. Removal of stomach contents (Gastric lavage.)
4. Demulcents : After removal of stomach contents as completely as possible, give
one of the following:
1. Raw egg white mixed with water
2. Gelatine 9 g to 18 g dissolved in 570 ml of warm water
3. Butter
4. Cream
5. Milk or Mashed potato

Specific antidotes:
1. Atropine is the usual antidote for organophosphate and carbamate poisoning. It
can be given orally and in severe cases, injections are given. Repeated injections
may be required.
2. 2 PAM: It is injected intravenously as an antidote in organophosphate poisoning.
It should not be used in case of carbamate poisoning
3. Calcium gluconate is recommended as an antidote for some organochlorine
4. Vitamin K is the preferred antidote for anticoagulant poisoning such as warfarin.
5. Dimercaprol (BAL) is recommended for arsenic poison


The development of an ability in a strain of insects to tolerate a dose of an
insecticide toxicant, which would prove lethal to majority of individuals in a normal
population of the same species. The Division Entomology, IARI, New Delhi was the
first to report insecticide resistance (IR) in the Singhara beetle, Galerucella birmanica in
India . At present there are many insects have developed resistance to insecticides.
Resistance is of three types:
a. Simple resistance: Where resistance to only one insecticide and not to related
b. Cross resistance: Where an insect resistance to one insecticide and is also
resistance to the related ones
c. Multiple resistance: Resistance to insecticides belong to more than one
group of insecticides
There are three phases in development of resistance:
1. Resistance insects are very low in a population and insecticides gives a
satisfactory control
2. With continuous use of the same insecticide or related ones, frequency of
resistant individuals increases in leading to occasional crop failures.
3. Large increase of resistant individuals in a population and becomes
Mechanisms of Resistance:
A. Physiological mechanism
a. Detoxification: Resistance to insecticide is due to the ability of insects to detoxify
(degrade) toxicants by enzymes, mixed function oxidases (MFO). These
detoxifying enzymes are more in resistant strains (R) than in susceptible
(S)strains. These non-toxic break down products can be excreted or stored in
the body without any harm to the insects
b. Cuticular penetration: Insecticides penetration through cuticle is slow in ‘R’
strains than in ‘S’ strains because of bristles, thick pulvilli etc
c. Increased storage: The ability of storing in the non sensitive tissues like fat body
variable in ’R’ and ‘S’ strains.
d. Increased excretion: ‘R’ strains detoxify and excrete insecticides faster than ‘S’
e. Penetration into target organs: A ChE is present only in ganglia, so a toxicant
must enter the ganglia to inhibit AChE slow in ‘R’, fast in case of ‘S’
B. Behavioural mechanisms:
a. Avoidance of treated areas: ‘R’ strains do not prefer treated surfaces.
b. Decreased period of contact: ‘R’ insects fly away from treated surface so contact
period with treated area is less.


It refers to an abnormal increase in pest population or damage following insecticide

application often for exceeding the EIL’s. Pest resurgence mostly noticed in Homoptera,
Lepidoptera and phytophagous mites. Resurgence occurs due to insecticides in two
1. They induce resistance in insects so that after an initial decline, they start
growing in numbers again.
2. Insecticides not only kill the pests but also the natural enemies , thus natural
control over the pests is minimized leading to their resurgence
A well-known example in rice cultivation is the resurgence of brown plant hopper (BPH).
If no pesticides are used, BPH is kept under control by its natural enemies (mirid bugs,
ladybird beetles, spiders and various pathogens). Pesticides kill the beneficials and
create a situation where populations of BPH can multiply rapidly and thus become a
man made pest
Insecticide(s) Resurgence of insect species
Quinalphos , phorate , Carbaryl
Deltamethrin, methyl parathion
Monocrotophos, - BPH
Synthetic pyrethroids - Aphids, whiteflies, mite in cotton
Carbaryl - Mites on mango and brinjal

The very small quantity of insecticide that can remain in a crop after harvesting or
storage and makes its way into food chain is called insecticide residues.Some
insecticides continue to remain toxic for long periods after application this period of
activity is called persistence or residual action
Pyrethrum and rotenone are less persistent (12 hrs) while Organochlorines are
most persistent. Longer residual toxicity is desirable for pest control , it is not desirable
from safety point of view to man ad his animals.

Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) (Residue Tolerance Level)

The amount of the residue of the toxicant that can be permitted to be present in / on the
produce used by man and his animals is called tolerance limits. It is expressed in ppm.
The residues should not exceed than the tolerance limits when offered for consumption.
It is measure of safety against the harmful effects of pesticide
Endosulfa n - cabbage, brinjal, tomato 2.00 ppm
Malathion - cabbage, brinjal tomato 8.00 ppm

When pesticide residues persist more than their prescribed MRL , in fruits and
vegetables, washing the contaminated fruits and vegetables could dislodge the
residues to the extent of 20-25 % with water, 20-35 % with dilute solutions of salt, 40-60
% with detergent solutions and 40-100 % by peeling the fruit skin , processing and

Waiting period:
The waiting period must be observed between the time of pesticide application and
harvest of produce so that toxicants are metabolized into non toxic level

Acceptable Daily In take (ADI):

It is the amount of a chemical in food and water that can be ingested on daily basis over
a life time without appreciable risk. It is expressed as mg per kg body weight per day.

Insecticides Act, 1968:

The Government of India passed an Insecticide Act in 1968to regulate the import,
manufacture, sale, transport, distribution and use of insecticides with a view to prevent
risk to human beings or animals. All the provisions of the Insecticides Act was brought
into force with effect from 1st August, 1971. In the Act and the Rules framed there
under, there is compulsory registration of the pesticides at the Central level and licence
for their manufacture, formulation and sale are dealt with at the State level.
With the enforcement of the Insecticides Act in the country pesticides of very high
quality are made available to the farmers and general public for house-hold use, for
protecting the agricultural crops from the ravages of their pests, humans from diseases
and nuisance caused by public health pests and the health hazards involved in their use
have been minimised to a great extent. For the effective enforcement of the Insecticides
Act, the following bodies have been constituted at the Central level.
Central Insecticide Board:The Government has constituted Central Insecticides Board
under the Chairmanship of Director General of Health Services with 29 members from
different speciality and government organisations.

1. To advise the Central and state Governments on technical matters on technical
matters arising out of administration
2. To specify the uses of the classification of insecticides on the basis of their
3. To advise tolerance limits for insecticides, residues and an establishment of
minimum intervals between the application of insecticides and harvest in respect
of various commodities
4. To specify the shelf-life of insecticides

Registration committee
Registration Committee consisting of a Chairman and other five persons who shall be
members of the Board. The main objective the committee is to register insecticide after
scrutinizing their formulae and verifying claims made by the importer or the
manufacturer, as the case may be, as regards their efficacy and safety to human being
and animals. The function of the registration committee is to specify the precautions to
be taken against poisoning through the use or handling of insecticides. For import and
manufacture of insecticides, registration certificate is essential and a separate
certificate for each insecticide.
Types of registration
A) Provisional registration: Provisional registration for 2 years for data Generation
but not for commercialisation
B) Regular or full registration: is done when committee satisfy on the data produce.
C) Repeat registration: Registration for a lready registered product for a subsequent
applicant. Data requirement is less.
Central Insecticide Laboratory:
1. To analyze samples of insecticides and submission of certificates of analysis to
the concerned authority;
2. To analyze samples of materials for insecticide residues
3. To carry out such investigations as may be necessary for the purpose of
ensuring the conditions of registration of insecticides;
4. To determine the efficacy and toxicity of insecticides

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