Accepted Manuscript: North American Journal of Economics & Finance
Accepted Manuscript: North American Journal of Economics & Finance
Accepted Manuscript: North American Journal of Economics & Finance
PII: S1062-9408(18)30352-8
Reference: ECOFIN 941
Please cite this article as: J. Hsieh, T-C. Chen, S-C. Lin, Financial Structure, Bank Competition and Income
Inequality, North American Journal of Economics & Finance (2019), doi:
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Financial Structure, Bank Competition and Income Inequality
Joyce Hsieh
Department of International Business, Tamkang University
151, Yingzhuan Rd., Tamsui Dis., New Taipei City 25137, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Ting-Cih Chen
Department of Economics, Tamkang University
151 Ying-Chun Road, Tamsui 25137, Taipei County, Taiwan
Shu-Chin Lin*
Department of Economics, SungKyunKwan University
25-2 SungKyunKwan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03063, Korea
*Corresponding Author: Shu-Chin Lin, Department of Economics, SungKyunKwan
University, 25-2, SungKyunKwan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03063, Korea. Phone: +82-2-
760-0410; Email: sclin@skku.eduw. This paper was supported by Sungkyun
Research Fund, Sungkyunkwan University, 2018.
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. The usual disclaimer
Financial Structure, Bank Competition and Income Inequality
This paper empirically investigates the contribution of finance to income inequality
with particular emphasis on the role of financial structure (i.e., stock market orientation)
and banking market structure (bank market power), an aspect that has been overlooked
in the literature. It employs recently developed cointegration techniques that take into
account cross-section correlation and simultaneity in non-stationary panels. The paper
finds that income inequality increases with financial deepening but decreases with a
more market-oriented financial system. It is also found that greater concentration, less
competition in the banking sector strengthens income inequality. These effects are
found stronger during the banking crisis period, for high-income countries or countries
with better quality of political institutions. The data thus suggest that financial reform
toward promoting stock market development, enhancing competition or lessening
concentration in the banking sector is beneficial to income distribution.
1 Introduction
The recent decades have witnessed drastic changes in income inequality and financial
of credit and intertemporal trade for households and firms, income inequality exhibits
a clear upward trend which has led to frequent protests and demonstrations (such as
Occupy Wall Street and Arab Spring) in advanced industrialized countries and some
developing countries, particularly since the 2008 global financial crisis. This
i.e., income inequality increases and then decreases during the process of financial
deepening. Some even argue that the nexus depends on economic and political
institutions. Please see Claessens and Perotti (2007) and Demirgüç-Kunt and Levine
(2009) for excellent reviews of the literature. Pinpointing the influence of finance on
This paper evaluates the finance-inequality nexus but differs from previous
development and economic growth concludes that it is neither banks nor markets but
(Levine, 2005). However, a parallel literature on corporate finance suggests that firms’
finance choices determine the evolution of financial structure, which in turn determines
firms’ access to credit and investment. This implies that financial structure should also
play a role in shaping income distribution. For instance, in Demirgüç-Kunt, Feyen and
Levine (2013)’s review of a vast body of theoretical work, stock markets have a
long-term projects with limited collateral (such as small or new firms) whereas banks
are better suited to provide low-cost standardized products that can finance lower risk
projects (such as large and old firms). As a society grows economically and financially,
standardized contracts and more projects rely on intangible assets rather than on easily
collateralized capital inputs (Boyd and Smith, 1998). This leads enterprises to switch
their borrowing away from bank intermediated debt finance toward more direct equity
finance (Boot and Thakor, 1997, 2000). If the optimal mixture of banks and markets
shifts with economic development, such a change implies the costs of policy and
institutional impediments to the evolution of the financial system. This change also
suggests potential biased estimates from previous research regarding the inequality
check how income inequality responds to changes in the mix of banks and stock
markets. The investigation is critical as a global trend toward stock markets has
emerged over the last three decades. This is true not only for traditionally bank-based
developed countries such as France and Japan but also for developing and transition
countries because of widespread banking crises (Allen and Gale, 2000; Demirgüç-Kunt
its direct consequence on income inequality for the first time. Frequent banking crises
have also led to privatization, deregulation, financial integration and bank consolidation,
and changed the competitive conditions in the banking sectors of both developed and
developing countries. This has raised concerns among policymakers and academics
over the impact of bank market power. Most research emphasizes the importance of
banking structure in determining efficiency and stability (e.g., Allen and Gale, 2004;
Boyd and De Nicolo, 2005; Schaeck, Cihak and Wolfe, 2009; Rice and Strahan, 2010;
Beck, De Jonghe and Schepens, 2013). Surprisingly little is known about the impact of
market power determines credit availability and investment, particularly of small and
information problems and much more bank-dependent than large enterprises, and are
source of job creation. However, the issue of competition among banks has always
been controversial. Major competing hypotheses are that greater bank market power
can either lead to more credit rationing, or increase lending to firms that are
In order to address the above issues, we employ the continuously updated (CUP)
series studies are often plagued by small sample problems linked to the short time span
of the data and fail to generalize the results, whereas cross-section studies suffer from
endogeneity due in large part to the omitted variable bias. Panel data studies tackle the
endogeneity problems by including country- and time-specific effects but the use of
averaged data that mitigates economic fluctuations tends to suffer from information loss
and run into the spurious regression problem due to the stochastic dynamic nature (i.e.,
circumvents possible biases associated to the presence of unit roots. However, these
panel-data approaches assume cross-section error dependence which may not hold in
the real world with more integrated trade and financial markets. Cross-section
technology shocks and spatial spillover shocks through trade and FDI linkages, which
might affect each country or region to a different extent. Neglecting such dependency
could result in biased estimates and spurious inference (Pesaran, 2006). CUP estimators
developed by Bai, Kao and Ng (2009) improve upon these dimensions and allow us to
1989-2014, the paper finds that income inequality increases with financial deepening
but decreases with a more market-oriented financial system. It is also found that greater
These effects are found stronger during the period of banking crises, for high-income
countries or countries with better quality of political institutions. The data thus suggest
of time series as well as the cointegration analysis, describes long-run estimates, and
economists have not resolved conflicting theoretical predictions about the distributional
development disproportionately helps the poor. If poor people and entrepreneurs find it
more difficult to access financial services due to greater information and transaction
costs, then financial development that ameliorates these frictions will exert an
especially positive impact on the poor via improving collateral use and credit histories
(Galor and Zeira, 1993; Aghion and Bolton, 1997; Galor and Moav, 2004). By contrast,
some studies posit that improvements in financial services will disproportionately help
the rich and well politically connected if fixed costs prevent the poor from accessing
financial services, and/or if skewed political participation allows the political elite to
protect their rents by limiting financial access through direct control or regulatory
capture of the financial system (Greenwood and Jovanovic, 1990; Rajan and Zingales,
2003; Rajan and Ramcharan, 2011). This is particularly so at the early stages of
economic development with weak legal and political institutions (Greenwood and
financialization, also suggest that highly financialized countries tend to have higher
income inequality (Zalewski and Whalen, 2010; Lin and Tomaskovic-Devey, 2013;
from the real sector towards the financial sector, increases shareholder power relative
to management and workers, rises rentiers’ profit claims, and increases the alignment
of shareholder and manager interests. All these would increase the reliance of firms to
generate profit away from long-term market share, sales, and productive investment
bargaining power drops, and with it, wages and employment stagnate (Crotty, 2003).
data, Li, Squire and Zou (1998), Clarke, Xu and Zou (2006), Beck, Demirgüç-Kunt and
Levine (2007), Ang (2010), Liu, Liu and Zhang (2017), and Blau (2018) provide
Rodriguez-Pose and Tselios (2009), Roine, Vlachos and Waldenstrom (2009), Gimet
and Lagoarde-Segot (2011), Kus (2012), Jauch and Watzka (2016), Seven and Coskun
(2016), and de Haan and Sturm (2017) find evidence for the inequality-widening
(2005) show that the positive effect of financial development turns negative at higher
levels of per-capita income. Kim and Lin (2011) find that the benefits of financial
development on income distribution occur only when the country has reached a
exacerbates income inequality. Tan and Law (2012) show the opposite. Law, Tan and
When it comes to the potential effect of financial structure, much of the extant of
literature has focused on either economic growth or the ease of access to finance,1 but
its direct impact on income inequality remains scant. Moreover, the few studies which
look into this domain are far from reaching a consensus. For instance, Aggarwal and
Goodell (2009) point out that market-based economies tend to be more unequal due to
the fact that large firms benefit disproportionately from stock market development.
Likewise, Gimet and Lagoarde-Segot (2011) indicate that banks play a stronger role
than markets in reducing income inequality. By contrast, Liu, Liu and Zhang (2017)
show that improving the relative importance of stock markets to banks is conducive to
alleviating income inequality, but the effect weakens by financial deepening and a more
market-oriented financial system. Hou, Li and Wang (2018) find that relative to total
bank credit, stock market capitalization reduces income inequality whereas stock
The inconclusive results are not surprising. It reflects how split among academics
and practitioners about the role played by banks and markets in mitigating credit market
imperfections and in providing financial services to constrained firms. Some argue that
banks are better at mobilizing savings, identifying good investments, and exerting
institutional setting (Stulz, 2002). However, others emphasize the advantage of stock
problems associated with excessively powerful banks (Boot and Thakor, 1997). Still,
work such as Levine (2002) maintain that banks and stock markets act as complements
and hence neither has relative efficacy in the provision of financial services. It is also
argue that bank finance is a preferred means of funding small and start-up ventures
1 Please see Kim, Chen and Lin (2016) for discussions and references therein.
considering their need for financial flexibility and their relative lack of access to
securities markets, whereas equity finance is more suitable for large and creditworthy
firms, with solid reputation and tangible assets (Petersen and Rajan 1995). However,
counter arguments exist as well. In Allen and Gale (1999), for instance, relative to
delegated bank finance, stock markets have merits in avoiding diversity of opinions as
every investor makes his own investment decision. Since small firms are more
informationally opaque and have less collateral, investors are more likely to have
diverse opinions on their projects. In this sense, equity finance is more suitable to small
and the empirical evidence on the impact of bank competition on financial constraints,
and thus income inequality, are mixed. According to the traditional market power
hypothesis, increased market power would result in restricted loan supply and higher
access to finance and should reduce income inequality. In contrast, the information
hypothesis (Petersen and Rajan 1995; Marquez 2002; Hauswald and Marquez 2006)
argues that market power would result in greater investment in banking relationships,
reducing information asymmetries and agency costs and thus improving access to debt
young, small and/or distressed firms. Conversely, in the presence of competition, banks
Empirically, Petersen and Rajan (1995, 2002) and Álvarez and Bertin (2016) find
that creditors are more likely to finance credit constrained firms when credit markets
are concentrated. However, Black and Strahan (2002), Cetorelli and Strahan (2006),
Carbo, Rodriguez-Fernandez and Udell (2009) and Kim, Lin and Chen (2016) show
that increased market power results in increased financing constraints for SMEs. From
a different perspective, Levine, Levkov and Rubinstein (2008) find that greater
Nonlinear effects are detected. Beck, Demirgüç-Kunt and Maksimovic (2004) show,
for instance, that bank concentration increases financing obstacles, with a stronger
effect for small and medium compared to large firms, and this relation only holds for
low-income countries. Ryan, O’Toolea and McCann (2014) find that bank market
power is associated with lower levels of SME investment, and this adverse impact
increases in financial systems that are more bank dependent. Love and Martinez Peria
(2015) find that low competition diminishes firms’ access to finance, the effect that is
3.1 Data
1989-2014. The data are balanced and the choice of countries is guided by the
availability of data, particularly on income inequality and stock markets. Table A1 lists
countries in the sample. To measure income inequality, we follow de Haan and Sturm
(2017) and many others to consider the Gini coefficient from the Standardized World
Income Inequality Database (SWIID, 2017) developed by Solt (2009). The SWIID
combines information from the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) with United Nations
World Income Inequality Database (WIID) to create an improved data set with greater
coverage than the LIS data and greater comparability than the UNU-WIDER data. The
problem with the SWIID is that they are estimated and that, furthermore, missing values
are imputed. Therefore, as a robustness check, we consider also the Gini coefficients
from WIID (UNU-WIDER, 2017).2 Data classified as the lowest quality is excluded
and only those data that cover both the entire population and the whole area of the
country are used. Gini coefficients are based on income rather than consumption
Financial data are taken from the Global Financial Development Database (GFDD,
2017) of the World Bank. Since there is no widely accepted empirical definition of
financial structure, we follow Beck and Levine (2002), Levine (2002) and Tadesse
(2002) to use a composite measure of the comparative role of banks and markets as our
two variables that measure the comparative activity and size of markets and banks. The
terms of the size and equals the log of the ratio of value traded to bank credit. Value
traded is the value of stock transactions as a percentage of GDP. Bank credit is the
claims of the banking sector on the private sector as a percentage of GDP. The second
variable, FS_size, measures the importance of markets relative to banks in light of the
activity and equals the log of the ratio of market capitalization to bank credit. Market
capitalization is calculated as the value of listed shares divided by GDP. The higher
values of FS indicate larger, more liquid and active stock markets, and hence more
2 Available at
market-based financial systems.3
Similarly, since there is no perfect measure of the extent to which the financial
sector, both banks and stock markets, mitigates credit market frictions, we follow Beck
and Levine (2002), Levine (2002), and Tadesse (2002) to use the first principal
financial development (FD). The first one (FD_activity) is a measure of the overall
activity of the financial intermediaries and markets and equals the log of the product of
private credit and value traded. Private credit is the value of credits by financial
intermediaries to the private sector divided by GDP. The second one (FD_size) is a
measure of the overall size of the financial sector and equals the log of the sum of
private credit and market capitalization. The higher values of FD suggest more
Regarding banking market structure, the traditional measure of bank market power
is concentration in the banking sector, typically calculated as the sum of market shares
(in terms of total assets) of the three or five largest banks. More concentration is
concentrated markets if there is a credible threat of entry and exit (i.e., if markets are
contestable). We then follow Carbo, Rodriguez-Fernandez and Udell (2009) and Love
and Martinez Peria (2015) to use pricing behavior measures such as the Lerner index
3 As noted in Levine (2002), previous empirical research mostly involves rigorous country studies and
uses country-specific measures of financial structure. For instance, studies of Germany typically
emphasize the extent to which banks own shares or vote proxy shares. Studies of Japan frequently stress
whether a company has a main bank. Studies of the United States sometimes highlight the role of market
takeovers as corporate control devices. While these country-specific measures are very useful, they are
difficult to use in a broad cross-country analysis. One advantage of the broad cross-country approach is
that it permits a consistent treatment of financial system structure across many countries.
and the Boone as indicators of bank competition. The Lerner index measures bank
output prices and marginal costs (relative to prices). The Boone indicator measures the
of profits to marginal costs. Higher values of both the Lerner index and the Boone
period lagged (log) real income per capita to account for the impact of economic
development on distribution and trade, the (log of the) sum of exports and imports as a
percentage of GDP, to capture the effect of trade openness on income inequality. Both
are sourced from the World Development Indicators (WDI) of the World Bank. Also,
included is a composite indicator of regulatory quality taken from the Fraser Institute’s
measuring the freedom from government regulations and controls in the labor market,
credit markets, and price controls in the markets for goods and services, with higher
values of indicating more friendly regulation. Finally, to account for the effect of
education, we use the (log of) secondary education enrollment from WDI. Table A2
3.2 Methodology
The long-run finance-inequality coefficient for the sample is estimated using the
unbiased estimates for variables that cointegrate even with endogenous regressors.
approach does not require exogeneity assumptions nor does it require the use of
instruments. In addition, the CUP estimator is consistent under cointegration, and it is
also robust to the omission of variables that do not form part of the cointegrating
(ineq) with financial development (FD) and financial structure (FS), we estimate the
ineq it i d i t 1 FD it 2 FS it 3 controlsit it
εit λi f t eit
controlsit are a set of control variables, and it is the error term. f t is a vector of
factors drive not only income inequality but also financial development and structure,
nonstationarity and cross-section dependence, Bai, Kao and Ng (2009) propose the
unbiased and normally distributed and are valid when there are mixed stationary and
non-stationary factors, as well as when the factors are all stationary. The CUP
estimators of Bai, Kao and Ng (2009) minimize the following concentrated least square
( ˆcup , Fˆcup ) argmin 2
,F nT
i 1
it xit )M F (ineqit xit )
ˆ ( xiM Fˆ xi ) 1 ( xiM Fˆ yi ) (3)
i 1
1 N
FˆVnT 2 (ineqit xit )M F (ineqit xit ) Fˆ (4)
nT i 1
where VnT is the diagonal matrix of the largest eigenvalues of the matrix inside
solving for ˆ and F̂ using (3) and (4). It is a nonlinear estimator even though linear
from endogeneity and serial correlation, and thus the limiting distribution is not
centered around zero. Bai, Kao and Ng (2009) consider two fully-modified estimators
which correct the asymptotic bias. The first one, the Cup-BC estimator, does the bias
correction only once, at the final stage of the iteration while the second one, the Cup-
FM estimator, corrects the bias at every iteration. While the Cup-FM estimator is
computationally more costly it may have better finite sample properties. Please see Bai,
finance does not require the regressors to be exogenous, we are interested in detecting
the direction of long-run causality. Toward the end, we conduct the long-run weak
exogeneity test. This test examines the absence of long-run levels of feedback due to
where Yit ( ineqit , FDit , FSit , controlsit ), and the error term
ecit 1 ineq it 1 xit 1ˆ is obtained from Cup-FM represents the deviation from the
ineq it , FDit , FSit and controlsit respond to deviations from the equilibrium
weak exogeneity and no long-run Granger causality running from the independent to
the dependent variable(s). A conventional likelihood ratio test can be used to test the
4 Empirical Results
As the first step, we consider the CD statistics of Pesaran (2004) to test for cross-
section dependence in the data. The results, reported in Table 1, show substantial
dependence would invalidate commonly used panel unit root and cointegration tests
sectionally augmented panel unit root (CIPS) test proposed by Pesaran (2007) to check
for the presence of unit roots in the data. The unit root test results, also reported in Table
1, indicate that all variables are nonstationary and follow the I (1) process. Therefore
the data, we use Westerlund (2007)’s bootstrap method. The results of the tests,
reported at the bottom of tables 2-5, support the long-run cointegrating relationship
Table A3 reports the long-run weak exogeneity test results. As shown, the null of
weak exogeneity cannot be rejected except for the inequality equation, implying that
all regressors can be regarded as weakly exogenous with respect to the cointegrating
relationship. Thus, we can conclude that there is a strong causal relation from financial
capita to income inequality and not vice-versa, when accounting for unobserved factors.
Before turning to our main long-run results, in Table 2 we report CUP estimates
of financial intermediary and stock market development as typical in the literature for
a comparison purpose. As indicated in columns (1), (2), (7) and (8), financial
positive and statistically significant. The evidence contradicts the view that banks are
especially important for financing the operation of small firms and the creation of new
firms, and banks can establish close relationships with their customers, which reduces
banks’ cost of making loans, and increases credit availability (Petersen and Rajan, 1994;
Berger and Udell, 1995, 1996). However, it is consistent with Jauch and Watzka (2016)
and de Haan and Sturm (2017) and supports the inequality-widening hypothesis that
limited access to funding and financial services not only reflects economic constraints
but also barriers erected by insiders (Claessens and Perotti, 2007). Concerning stock
market development, while the size measure, market capitalization, improves income
inequality. The findings seem not to contradict Hou, Li and Wang (2018). Despite so,
the estimate on FD is positive and significant, shown in columns (3)-(6) and (9)-(12),
stock markets is associated with higher income inequality. Moreover, if the financial
sector accounts for an extra 10% in GDP, this corresponds to a greater Gini coefficient
market-led financial system is correlated with lower income inequality. A 10% increase
0.7%. The evidence is in line with Liu, Liu and Zhang (2017) and Hou, Li and Wang
(2018) finding that a market-led financial system plays an important role to equalize
economic opportunities and hence reduce income inequality. It is also noted that lagged
GDP per capita is negative and statistically significant. Countries with higher economic
We then check whether our findings are robust to an alternative measure of income
inequality and adding control variables. Columns (2) and (8) consider the Gini
coefficient from WIID and point to a positive and statistically significant correlation
between the Gini coefficient and financial development. According to CUP-FM and
CUP-BC estimates, the Gini coefficient would rise by 1.8%-2.1% following a 10%
increase in the income share of the financial sector. On the other hand, the Gini
coefficient and financial structure are positively and significantly correlated. The Gini
Next, we add government regulation, in general, in columns (3) and (9) and labor
find both regulation variables to be negatively and significantly associated with income
benefits of deregulation initiatives while the risks are shared by a larger group
opportunities and allows a large share of people to realize their potentials, reducing
income inequality. In columns (5) and (11), we also introduce trade openness. We find
that trade openness is positively correlated with income inequality. The finding is
consistent with Barro (2000) and Lundberg and Squire (2003) and supports the popular
globalization view that an expansion of international openness would benefit most the
domestic residents who are already relatively well off, perhaps because the relatively
sophisticated, rich groups would be most able to take advantage of the opportunities,
governments to offset market determinants of income distribution. Columns (6) and (12)
inequality, consistent with the common view that education serves as an equalizer.
FM and CUP-BC estimates, when the financial sector accounts for an extra 10% in
Table 4 reports the estimated impact of bank market power with Panel A focusing
on concentration and Panel B on competition.4 As illustrated, for both CUP-FM and
CUP-BC estimates, countries with a more concentrated and more competitive banking
sector tend to experience higher income inequality. The estimate of concentration based
on the largest three banks or five banks is positive and statistically significant. Across
increase in bank concentration would cause the Gini index higher by 0.9% to 7.0%. The
data confirm the view that increased concentration in banking can hurt small and young
firms by reducing the incentive for banks to establish long-term relationships with them,
because small banks are better than large banks at relationship lending that depends on
soft information (Berger et al., 2005). Greater concentration raises income inequality
by reinforcing financial constraints of small and new firms (Black and Strahan, 2002;
Cetorelli and Strahan, 2006; Kim, Lin and Chen, 2016). Likewise, the estimate on
competition based on the Lerner or Boone index is positive and statistically significant.
standard-deviation increase in bank competition would lead the Gini index to lower by
0.03% to 87.5%. The evidence seems to support the market power hypothesis that less
competitive banking markets lead to more credit rationing. Put differently, high
development is associated with higher income inequality, so does GDP growth, albeit
It may be argued that the impact of finance on inequality can differ across
4 Because of limited observations on government regulation, particularly when considering the WIID
inequality measure, we control only real GDP per capita for the following empirical analyses.
d i t. Further, the unobserved common components of it , f t , absorb a number of
different factors that drive income inequality but are simultaneously difficult to measure
precisely. Despite so, the assumption of slope homogeneity can lead to incorrect
techniques. The first three columns show the estimates from the group-mean fully
modified ordinary least squares (FMOLS) and the second three columns report the
group-mean dynamic OLS (DOLS) estimates. Both FMOLS and DOLS developed by
Pedroni (2001) allow for parameter heterogeneity and correct for autocorrelation and
financial variables retain their signs and significance at the conventional level. The third
three columns of Table 5 consider Pesaran (2006)’s common correlated effects mean
group (CCEMG) estimator and the last three columns employs the dynamic CCEMG
the regression equation with cross-section averages of all variables in the model. While
the validity of CCEMG requires exogenous regressors, the dynamic CCEMG performs
well in a dynamic model with weakly exogenous regressors (Chudik and Pesaran, 2015).
As shown, all financial variables keep their signs and remain significant at the
conventional level. GDP growth now is not statistically significant. Overall, the data
support our previous findings that income inequality increases with financial
development but decreases with market orientation, less bank concentration, or more
bank competition, even when considering heterogeneity in the inequality effect across
In Table 6, we check potential mechanisms for the financial sector to affect income
inequality. The first three columns (1)-(3) check the top marginal tax sourced from the
Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom of the World database. According to the coupon
decrease in top income taxes to provide the savings pool for the market (van Treeck,
2009). This would benefit the rich and hence widens income inequality. As expected,
financial development lowers the top marginal tax rate and hence raises income
based financial system or greater bank competition rises the top marginal tax rate and
thus mitigates income inequality. Both 𝐹𝑆 and the Boone indicator are positive and
statistically significant.
The second three columns (4)-(6) look at labor’s share of income, the share of
labor compensation in GDP sourced from Feenstra, Inklaar and Timmer (2015).
of firms and allows them to access credit to support greater production, raising workers’
wages and labor’s share of income. However, if financial development leads to resource
reallocation toward financially oriented activities and away from manufacturing and
service production, this would reduce workers’ bargaining power and stagnate wages
and employment. The labor’s income share drops as suggested in the financialization
literature (e.g., Hein, 2013). We find that the labor share decreases with financial
development but rises with increased market orientation and banking competition.
The last three columns (7)-(9) consider investment measured by gross capital
formation as a percentage of GDP and obtained from WDI. Greater credit availability
finance their investment and grow in their size. This may lead to higher employment
and wages and hence to lower income inequality. However, during the process of
core business and hence stagnate growth and employment. This may raise income
inequality. Consistent with Orhangazi (2008) and Tori and Onaran (2018), we find that
investment falls with financial development. However, greater market orientation and
5 Nonlinearity
CUP-FM. Table 7 reports the results. We first look at whether banking crises change
the relationships in the first three columns by adding the interaction term between the
financial variable and the crisis dummy which takes one if there is a banking crisis and
zero if no crisis for each country-year pair. Data on banking crises are sourced from
GFDD. The Column (1) regression suggests that a more market-based financial system
mitigates income inequality, the more so during the period of banking crises. Both the
estimate on financial structure and on its interaction with the crisis dummy are negative
the more so during the period of banking crises. The estimate on financial development
and on its interaction with the crisis dummy are positive and statistically significant.
The relatively big effect of financial development and financial structure is not
surprising. On the one hand, the poor are more vulnerable to banking crises and, on the
other hand, the rich have more assets including education and skills and better access
to a variety of options than the poor do, and the government tends to allocate losses of
financial crises to groups according to their power positions (Halac and Schmukler,
2004). Besides, a more market-based financial system provides a better shelter against
reinforces income inequality, the less so during the period of banking crises. The
respective estimate on banking concentration and on its interaction with the crisis
dummy is positive and negative, and both are statistically significant. On the contrary,
inequality, the more so during the crisis period. The estimate on bank competition and
on its interaction with the crisis dummy are positive and statistically significant.
It is argued that as economies develop, their financial sectors, both the banking
sector and stock markets, represent larger shares of the overall economy (Demirgüç-
Kunt, Feyen and Levine, 2013). Also, as countries become richer, their domestic
change the method by which they acquire external funds, switching borrowing from
banks toward stock markets (Boot and Thakor, 1997, 2000). It is also argued that
political capture and direct control of the financial sector is more relevant for countries
with weak institutional setting, where skewed political participation allows powerful
groups to affect the regulatory and judicial environment, and control the allocation of
(Claessens and Perotti, 2007). Hence, in the remaining columns of Table 7 we examine
how economic development and political institutional quality influence the finance-
inequality nexus. The second three columns of Table 7 look at the differences between
OECD and non-OECD countries by including the interaction term between the financial
variable and the OECD dummy which takes one for OECD countries and zero for non-
OECD countries. Column (4) suggests that a more market-based financial system
mitigates income inequality, and the effect is stronger in OECD countries. The estimate
on financial structure and on its interaction with the corruption dummy are negative and
statistically significant. Column (5) implies that a more concentrated banking structure
widens income inequality, the effect that is weaker in OECD countries. The respective
estimate on banking concentration and on its interaction with the OECD dummy is
positive and negative, both of which are statistically significant. By contrast, in Column
(6), a more competitive banking market decreases income inequality, with a stronger
impact for OECD countries. The estimate on bank competition and on its interaction
The third three columns of Table 7 consider the quality of political institutions
proxied by corruption control. The data on corruption control are obtained from ICRG
with larger number indicating lower levels of corruption.5 We then use the mean of
corruption as a dividing line to create the dummy for corruption. Specifically, the
corruption dummy takes one for countries with corruption control larger than the mean,
i.e., less corrupt governments, and zero for those with corruption control less than the
mean, i.e., more corrupt governments. Again, we include the interaction term between
the financial variable and the corruption dummy into the regression equations. Column
(7) suggests that a more market-based financial system mitigates income inequality, the
more so in countries with less corrupt governments. The estimate on financial structure
and on its interaction with the corruption dummy are negative and statistically
significant. Column (8) implies that a more concentrated banking structure widens
income inequality, the less so for low corruption countries. The respective estimate on
banking concentration and on its interaction with the corruption dummy is positive and
negative, both of which are statistically significant. Equally, in Column (9), a more
competitive banking market lowers income inequality, the more so for countries with
less corrupt governments. The estimate on bank competition and on its interaction with
In all cases, financial development aggravates income inequality, the more so for
5 Corruption proxies actual or potential corruption in the form of excessive patronage, nepotism, job
reservations, ‘favor-for-favors’, secret party funding, and suspiciously close ties between politics and
OECD, less corrupt or less open countries. The estimate on financial development and
its interaction with OECD and corruption dummies are positive and statistically
countries and countries with low corruption seems in line with Arcand, Berkes and
Panizza (2015) that finance is too much as it distracts resources from other more
productive activities toward inefficient rent-seeking activities and Beck et al. (2012)
that more credit goes to the households relative to enterprises that want to finance their
gap between the rich and the poor. On the other hand, the larger inequality-decreasing
effect of market-led financial systems in OECD countries and less corrupt countries
might be indicative of a more optimal mixture of banks and stock markets, which is
better able to effectively allocate finance and allows even broader access to finance. As
for the greater inequality-decreasing effect of banking competition in OECD and less
supervision in these countries mitigate corruption in bank lending and reduce politically
connected lending.
6 Conclusion
structure and banking market structure, which has been overlooked in the literature.
Specifically, we control for economic growth and financial development and check how
financial structure and banking structure would affect income inequality. It is found
these effects operate possibly through the mechanisms of top income tax, labor’s
income share and investment. Finally, these effects are strengthened by banking crises,
economic development, or better quality of political institutions. Our data thus suggest
that overdevelopment or malfunction in the financial sector can be, in part, responsible
for rising inequality. Our data also suggest that a market-based financial system gives
policymakers a better position to fight against income inequality and to skirt banking
crises but cast doubts on bank market power in terms of income distribution.
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Appendix: A Country List, Summary Statistics, and Weak Exogeneity Tests
Table A2: Summary Statistics
variables definition/calculation obs. mean median std. dev. min max
Gini index SWIID 2236 3.589 3.583 0.251 2.900 4.099
Gini index WIID 1352 3.623 3.616 0.261 2.917 4.186
the value of credits by financial intermediaries to the private
private credit 2236 3.761 3.867 0.971 -3.300 5.570
sector divided by GDP
value traded the value of stock transactions as a percentage of GDP 2236 1.369 1.455 2.286 -7.213 6.712
market capitalization the value of listed shares divided by GDP 2236 3.075 3.296 1.525 -4.605 6.990
a composite measure of banks and markets calculated as the 2236 0.029 0.096 1.352 -5.456 3.656
first principal component of 𝐹𝐷_𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 and 𝐹𝐷_𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒
A composite measure of the comparative role of banks and 2236 0.015 0.190 1.258 -7.422 5.792
FS markets calculated as the first principal component of
𝐹𝑆_𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 and 𝐹𝑆_𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒
real GDP per capita GDP per capita (constant 2010, US$) 2236 9.030 9.027 1.323 5.858 11.626
a composite measure of three sub-indices measuring the 1586 6.630 6.748 1.111 1.002 9.429
freedom from government regulations and controls in the
government regulation
labor market, credit markets, and price controls in the
markets for goods and services
a measure of freedom from government regulations and 1586 5.622 5.490 1.544 0.012 9.456
labor regulation
controls in the labor market
trade the sum of exports and imports as a percentage of GDP 2210 4.275 4.252 0.570 2.621 6.092
education the secondary education enrollment 1872 4.433 4.514 0.305 3.058 5.104
the sum of market shares (in terms of total assets) of the 1460 4.129 4.172 0.337 2.850 4.605
3-bank concentration
three largest banks
the sum of market shares (in terms of total assets) of the five 1300 4.310 4.370 0.249 3.108 4.605
5-bank concentration
largest banks
the difference between output prices and marginal costs 1420 0.198 0.230 1.229 -44.640 4.984
Lerner index
(relative to prices)
Boone indicator the elasticity of profits to marginal costs 1240 -0.050 -0.050 0.184 -1.830 1.910
Note: All variables are in logs except for government regulation, labor regulation, the Boone indicator and Lerner index.
Table A3: Long-Run Weak Exogeneity Tests
weak exogeneity of weak exogeneity of
Panel A: financial structure
real GDP real GDP
inequality FD FS inequality FD FS
per capitat-1 per capitat-1
χ2(1) -7.343*** 0.121 -0.222 -0.170 -15.864*** -0.450 0.336 -1.027
Panel B: 3-bank concentration
3-bank real GDP 3-bank real GDP
inequality FD inequality FD
concentration per capitat-1 concentration per capitat-1
χ2(1) -6.205*** -0.084 0.260 1.557 -18.783*** -1.169 -1.121 0.845
Panel C: 5-bank concentration
5-bank real GDP 5-bank real GDP
inequality FD inequality FD
concentration per capitat-1 concentration per capitat-1
χ2(1) -5.571*** 0.655 0.234 1.506 -18.189*** -0.908 -1.575 0.893
Panel D: Lerner index
real GDP real GDP
inequality FD Lerner index inequality FD Lerner index
per capitat-1 per capitat-1
χ2(1) -5.674*** -1.158 -1.632 1.119 -16.025*** -0.718 -1.065 -0.018
Panel E: Boone indicator
Boone real GDP Boone real GDP
inequality FD inequality FD
indicator per capitat-1 indicator per capitat-1
χ2(1) -3.877*** -0.922 -1.403 1.533 -17.813*** -0.682 -0.737 -0.130
Note: The number of degrees of freedom ν in the standard χ2(ν) tests correspond to the number of zero
restrictions. The number of lags was determined by the general-to-specific procedure with a maximum of three
lags. *** denotes significance at the 1 % level.
Table 1: Pesaran’s CD and Panel Unit Root Tests
level difference
SWIID 28.088*** -1.233 -2.838***
WIID 25.274*** -1.819 -5.906***
private credit 111.615*** -1.642 -3.234***
value traded 88.735*** -1.840 -3.866***
market capitalization 133.935*** 2.610 -3.854***
FD 164.125*** -1.834 -3.651***
FS 65.116*** -1.718 -3.594***
real GDP per capita 244.922*** -1.761 -3.491***
government regulation 98.169*** -1.800 -5.774***
labor regulation 103.901*** -1.848 -5.724***
trade 108.321*** -1.663 -4.191***
education 113.502*** -1.791 -4.438***
3-bank concentration 13.193*** -1.843 -4.454***
5-bank concentration 2.505** -1.691 -4.648***
Lerner index 30.480*** -1.878 -4.778***
Boone indicator 27.121*** -1.641 -4.924***
Note: ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively.
Table 2: Baseline Estimates on Financial Development
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
private credit 0.027*** 0.027*** 0.031*** 0.030***
(3.017) (3.077) (3.394) (3.358)
value traded 0.017*** 0.025*** 0.019*** 0.030***
(6.804) (9.201) (7.545) (11.043)
market capitalization -0.028*** -0.036***
(-7.272) (-9.121)
FD 0.057*** 0.062*** 0.140** 0.189* 0.066*** 0.062*** 0.172** 0.169*
(4.048) (10.945) (2.001) (1.865) (4.592) (10.873) (2.470) (1.701)
real GDP per capitat-1 -0.082** -0.082** -0.711*** -0.410*** -1.821*** -2.536*** -0.079** -0.089** -0.822*** -0.451*** -1.551*** -1.796***
(-2.276) (-2.307) (-9.040) (-11.710) (-9.055) (-6.545) (-2.183) (-2.498) (-10.378) (-12.753) (-8.262) (-5.162)
government regulation -0.030*** 0.105 -0.032*** 0.170*
(-7.415) (1.041) (-7.943) (1.774)
trade 0.071*** 0.132 0.077*** 0.288
(4.978) (0.437) (5.368) (0.999)
education 0.039 -1.237*** 0.033 -1.192***
(1.451) (-2.735) (1.239) (-2.751)
Westerlund (2007) cointegration tests
Group -1.442 -1.235 -1.692 -1.559** -2.216* -2.434** -1.442 -1.235 -1.692 -1.559** -2.216* -2.434**
Group -3.754** -2.416* -5.904* -0.760*** -7.741 -7.101 -3.754** -2.416* -5.904* -0.760*** -7.741 -7.101
panel -13.939*** -9.862*** -20.904*** -12.216*** -16.663*** -14.838*** -13.939*** -9.862*** -20.904*** -12.216*** -16.663*** -14.838***
panel -3.692** -3.023** -7.947*** -0.816** -7.912** -6.805* -3.692** -3.023** -7.947*** -0.816** -7.911* -6.805*
N T ( N ) 2236 (86) 2236 (86) 2236 (86) 1482 (57) 1352 (52) 988 (38) 2236 (86) 2236 (86) 2236 (86) 1482 (57) 1352 (52) 988 (38)
Note: t statistics are in Parentheses. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively.
Table 3: Considering Financial Structure
government labor government labor
SWIID WIID trade education SWIID WIID trade education
regulation regulation regulation regulation
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
FD 0.114*** 0.176** 0.160*** 0.162*** 0.148*** 0.159*** 0.119*** 0.206*** 0.150*** 0.151*** 0.131*** 0.140***
(7.091) (2.368) (7.486) (7.607) (6.960) (8.386) (7.322) (2.798) (7.054) (7.136) (6.167) (7.409)
FS -0.069*** -0.246*** -0.096*** -0.096*** -0.092*** -0.104*** -0.065*** -0.259*** -0.080*** -0.080*** -0.076*** -0.092***
(-7.207) (-5.621) (-7.585) (-7.629) (-7.348) (-9.235) (-6.674) (-5.943) (-6.381) (-6.387) (-6.064) (-8.151)
real GDP per capitat-1 -0.767*** -2.441*** -0.835*** -0.842*** -0.747*** -0.772*** -0.861*** -2.215*** -0.852*** -0.867*** -0.717*** -0.711***
(-10.098) (-10.786) (-8.181) (-8.332) (-7.395) (-8.530) (-11.281) (-10.415) (-8.381) (-8.578) (-7.051) (-7.825)
regulation -0.040*** -0.034** -0.029** -0.040*** -0.037** -0.033**
(-2.623) (-2.229) (-2.166) (-2.583) (-2.426) (-2.459)
labor regulation -0.051*** -0.056***
(-4.127) (-4.506)
trade 0.215*** 0.213*** 0.270*** 0.273***
(4.672) (5.141) (5.841) (6.553)
education -0.110 -0.116
(-1.474) (-1.555)
Westerlund (2007) cointegration tests
Group -1.4755 -3.114 -1.410 -1.292 -1.486 -1.318 -1.475 -3.113 -1.419 -1.298 -1.486 -1.318
Group -3.9374** -8.972* -1.567** -1.646** -2.208 -0.808 -3.937** -8.976* -1.567** -1.645** -2.208 -0.808
panel -18.3023*** -25.126** -9.761*** -11.910** -15.850*** -16.451** -18.302*** -25.126** -9.761*** -11.917** -15.850*** -16.451**
panel -6.0894*** -13.324*** -4.287*** -4.685** -3.563* -1.365** -6.089*** -13.324*** -4.281*** -4.686** -3.563* -1.365**
Obs.: N T (N) 2236(86) 1352(52) 1586(61) 1586(61) 1586(61) 1482(57) 2236(86) 1352(52) 1586(61) 1586(61) 1586(61) 1482(57)
Note: t statistics are in Parentheses. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively.
Table 4: Considering Banking Structure
3-bank concentration 5-bank concentration 3-bank concentration 5-bank concentration
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Panel A: bank concentration
FD 0.025*** 0.265*** 0.018** 0.949*** 0.034*** 0.311*** 0.024*** 0.925***
(2.978) (2.595) (2.270) (35.772) (4.039) (3.051) (2.955) (35.767)
concentration 0.086*** 0.475** 0.134*** 0.173*** 0.100*** 0.696*** 0.156*** 0.181***
(5.164) (2.207) (6.020) (2.712) (6.023) (3.198) (6.958) (2.882)
real GDP per capitat-1 -0.364*** 1.491*** -0.388*** -2.361*** -0.402*** 1.581*** -0.401*** -2.989***
(-6.543) (12.671) (-7.410) (-21.331) (-7.230) (14.132) (-7.621) (-25.647)
Westerlund (2007) cointegration tests
Group -1.274 -2.773** -1.618 -2.837*** -1.274 -2.773** -1.618 -2.837***
Group -1.179*** -4.594*** -1.007*** -1.344 -1.179*** -4.594*** -1.001*** -1.344
panel -8.466*** -16.522** -9.119*** -10.757* -8.466*** -16.522** -9.119*** -10.757*
panel -2.004** -4.499** -2.121** -1.452* -2.004** -4.499** -2.121** -1.452*
Obs.: N T (N) 1460(73) 980(49) 1300(65) 920(46) 1460(73) 980(49) 1300(65) 920(49)
Lerner index Boone indicator Lerner index Boone indicator
Panel B: bank competition
FD 0.009*** 0.240*** 0.071*** 0.195*** 0.013*** 0.314*** 0.074*** 0.211***
(4.272) (3.651) (24.203) (2.995) (5.775) (5.840) (25.290) (3.224)
competition 0.008*** 0.346*** 0.002** 0.309*** 0.021*** 0.712*** 0.003*** 0.276**
(2.803) (4.320) (2.015) (2.625) (6.783) (10.965) (3.004) (2.352)
real GDP per capitat-1 0.052*** -0.247* -0.264*** -1.115*** 0.045*** -0.807*** -0.222*** -1.479***
(3.915) (-1.800) (-16.660) (-6.283) (3.339) (-6.667) (-14.506) (-7.571)
Westerlund (2007) cointegration tests
Group -3.670 -2.822** -1.538 -2.934* -3.670 -2.822** -1.538 -2.934*
Group -0.568 -1.435 -2.465** -3.324* -0.568 -1.435 -2.465** -3.324*
panel -9.505** -13.858** -10.843*** -15.171** -9.505** -13.858** -10.843*** -15.171**
panel -2.442** -1.470* -2.594*** -4.376* -2.442** -1.470* -2.594*** -4.376*
Obs.: N T (N) 1420(71) 900(45) 1240(62) 840(42) 1420(71) 900(45) 1240(62) 840(42)
Note: t statistics are in Parentheses. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively.
Table 5: Robustness Checks, alternative estimators
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
FD 0.083*** 0.052*** 0.981*** 0.196*** 0.024*** 1.249*** 0.086** 0.083** 0.075** 0.078*** 0.067** 0.123**
(14.930) (5.388) (5.309) (14.825) (9.198) (34.557) (1.968) (2.000) (1.988) (2.752) (1.983) (2.545)
FS -0.048*** -0.033*** -0.050** -0.029**
(-7.831) (-4.370) (-1.994) (-1.978)
3-bank concentration 0.230** 0.150*** 0.090** 0.206**
(2.145) (-9.281) (2.056) (2.080)
Lerner index 0.005*** 1.174*** 0.161** 0.259**
(-6.418) (-30.186) (2.235) (2.187)
real GDP per capitat-1 -0.493*** -0.361*** -1.203*** -0.765*** -0.647*** -1.796*** -0.475** -0.106 -0.150 0.084 0.349* -0.026
(-11.020) (-14.265) (-9.252) (-18.507) (-37.072) (-27.213) (-2.482) (-0.416) (-0.656) (0.531) (1.679) (-0.139)
inequalityt-1 0.631*** 0.471*** 0.028
(18.309) (8.543) (0.299)
Westerlund (2007) cointegration tests
Group -1.475 -1.270 -3.670 -1.475 -1.274 -3.670 -1.475 -1.274 -3.670 -1.475 -1.274 -3.670
Group -3.934** -1.1794*** -0.568 -3.937** -1.179*** -0.568 -3.937** -1.179*** -0.568 -3.937** -1.179*** -0.568
panel -18.303*** -8.460*** -9.505** -18.302*** -8.466*** -9.505** -18.302*** -8.466*** -9.505** -18.302*** -8.466*** -9.505**
panel -6.084*** -2.004** -2.442** -6.089*** -2.004** -2.442** -6.089*** -2.004** -2.442** -6.089*** -2.004** -2.442**
Obs.: N T (N) 2236(86) 1440(72) 1240(62) 2210(85) 1360(68) 1380(69) 2054(79) 1320(66) 1220(61) 2210(85) 1400(70) 1340(67)
Note: The dependent variable is the Gini coefficient from SWIID. For DOLS and dynamic CCEMG, the lag and lead order is based on the Schwarz Criterion subject to a
maximum lag of three. t statistics are in Parentheses. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively.
Table 6: Other robustness checks, mechanisms
top marginal tax labor share investment
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
FD -0.002*** -0.015** -0.372*** -0.016*** -0.090** -0.056** -0.133** -0.103*** -0.123***
(-3.603) (-2.105) (-7.672) (-3.291) (-1.989) (-1.989) (-2.432) (-2.766) (-4.233)
FS 0.024*** 0.012*** 0.113***
(72.566) (4.861) (3.244)
3-bank concentration -0.025** -0.357*** -0.754***
(-2.244) (-3.901) (-12.307)
Lerner index -0.185** -0.130*** -1.192***
(-2.495) (-3.315) (-4.612)
real GDP per capitat-1 -0.052*** -0.506*** 1.440*** 1.801*** 0.555*** 1.009*** 1.912*** -2.559*** 0.318***
(-16.251) (-14.100) (13.804) (102.092) (3.336) (9.240) (30.245) (-18.423) (41.014)
Westerlund (2007) cointegration tests
Group -2.504*** -1.677** -1.763*** -2.039** -1.467 -1.891 -2.505*** -2.197* -2.702**
Group -10.002*** -3.573 -3.659 -7.042 -3.538 -3.444 -4.971*** -4.206 -4.137
panel -18.244*** -12.642** -13.102*** -16.955** -13.616*** -19.435*** -18.824*** -77.437*** -20.345***
panel -8.083*** -3.364** -3.247** -6.844*** -4.421** -4.004*** -6.590*** -19.206** -7.663***
Obs.: N T (N) 2080 (80) 1400 (70) 1340 (67) 2080 (80) 1400 (70) 1320 (66) 2184 (84) 1460 (73) 1420 (71)
Note: t statistics are in Parentheses. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively.
Table 7: Impacts of Banking Crises, Economic Development, and Quality of Political Institutions
Crisis dummy OECD dummy corruption dummy
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
financial development 0.035*** 0.019*** 0.006** 0.016*** 0.012*** 0.004* 0.061*** 0.037*** 0.009***
(28.510) (7.879) (2.396) (8.697) (4.542) (1.710) (5.109) (6.372) (5.593)
financial structure -0.009*** -0.015*** -0.060***
(-10.253) (-15.067) (-8.505)
3-bank concentration 0.039*** 0.043*** 0.027***
(10.850) (9.033) (2.990)
Lerner index 0.036*** 0.009*** 0.109***
(7.797) (2.769) (35.240)
financial development × dummy 0.019*** 0.002* 0.003** 0.064*** 0.014** 0.040*** 0.175*** 0.025** 0.042***
(30.654) (1.703) (2.351) (12.806) (2.340) (7.460) (7.007) (2.400) (13.735)
financial structure × dummy -0.007*** -0.029*** -0.031**
(-11.344) (-11.552) (-2.019)
3-bank concentration × dummy -0.004*** -0.024*** -0.035**
(-8.814) (-3.386) (-2.118)
Lerner index × dummy 0.026*** 0.019** 0.139***
(4.870) (2.151) (27.012)
real GDP per capitat-1 -0.056*** -0.029** 0.065*** -0.078*** -0.076*** 0.043*** -0.607*** -0.002 -0.030***
(-9.924) (-1.992) (5.084) (-9.322) (-5.160) (3.390) (-12.218) (-0.068) (-4.048)
N T ( N ) 2236 (86) 1460 (73) 1420 (71) 2236 (86) 1460 (73) 1420 (71) 2106 (81) 1400 (70) 1360 (68)
Note: The crisis dummy is one if there is a banking crisis and zero if no banking crisis for each country-year pair. The OECD dummy takes
one for OECD countries and zero for non-OECD countries. The corruption dummy takes one for less-corrupt countries and zero for more
corrupt countries. t statistics are in Parentheses. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively.