2019 Sonlight Catalog

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The Original Literature-Rich

Curriculum. p. 6

Fully Planned.
Zero Preparation.
100% Effective. p. 12 Choose from 4-Day
or 5-Day per week
One-year money programs. p. 23
back guarantee. p. 19
See What’s
New. p. 116

Complete, literature-rich curriculum

you're guaranteed to love.
Easy-to-use lesson plans, schedules and materials
from preschool through high school.

April 2019-March 2020 SONLIGHT.COM

Love to Learn, Love to Teach TM
Wherever you are on your make history come alive for your children.
homeschooling path, I want to offer
you encouragement and tools that will
help you provide an excellent education
With these living books, Sonlight helps
families discover the joy of learning. 97
You’ll make memories and forge closer
for your children . . . and joy in the relationships as you learn together with Scholarship
process. the literature-based model. Winners
Your kids will remember far more when
Are you skeptical or unsure about
homeschooling? you connect imagination and emotion with
I could tell you a story of a mom who facts and ideas, rather than trying to recall
was skeptical of homeschooling and a stray sentence or date in a textbook.
became one of its biggest proponents. The big-picture approach to learning
A mom who couldn’t imagine spending
all day with her children, transformed
empowers your children to make
connections between a variety of subjects 112 Build a community
around your homeschool.
into a mom who delighted in her and ideas—a thorough and well-rounded
family’s school days. education.
Believe it or not, this was me!
A guarantee no one else offers
What made the life-changing I am so convinced that this method of
difference? I homeschooled my children literature-based education can bring
using great literature. your family joy and academic success, I
I didn’t do everything perfectly during back it up with a guarantee unmatched
my homeschooling years, but with by any other curriculum. If you and your
Sonlight we had joy in our days and
kids don’t love it—indeed, if you don’t
delight in learning, and I raised curious, find absolute delight in homeschooling
New and updated
confident children who love each other. this way—you’ll get a complete refund ... programs
Science J, high school
even if you’ve used the materials for half a chemistry, Language Arts G now
Great literature unlocks school year. available in 4-Day, hands-on for
the joy of learning levels B and G and more!
Compelling literature is the centerpiece Start your journey
of Sonlight Curriculum. Great books Get ready to open up your Sonlight
have the power to unlock big ideas and Instructor’s Guide (p. 12) and open up the
world for your children. I can’t wait to walk
beside you in this journey.
Thank you, Sonlight, for making this year
Blessings, so fun and easy!” writes Tiffany W of Dallas, GA.
“Last year we used a different program and we
struggled through it. This year we chose Sonlight
and couldn’t be happier! The open-and-go aspect
really optimized my time as a mother of four (one
Sarita Holzmann, of whom is a toddler and another a newborn). I
Co-founder and president have loved being able to teach both my school-
age kids (2nd grade and Kindergarten) from the
of Sonlight Curriculum same History / Bible / Literature program. Not
only is it a time saver, it’s brought them together
in a whole new way. I love watching them learn
together.” In this photo Charlie (8) and Millie (6)
are thrilled to share their “end of the year, look
at all we’ve accomplished” moment, also called
a #sonlightstack.

2 © 2019 Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Sonlight has surpassed my expectations.
All the guesswork, planning, and searching has CURRICULUM
already been done for us. A Sonlight Advisor even
helped me choose what level best fit each son. INSTRUCTOR’S GUIDES
Now our favorite times are when we get to snuggle Instructor’s Guide Overview.................................................................................. 12
History / Bible / Literature Instructor’s Guide......................................................... 13
together and read a great book!”
Language Arts Instructor’s Guide.......................................................................... 14-15
-Jackie R of Surfside Beach, SC Science Instructor’s Guide.................................................................................... 16-17
High School Instructor’s Guides............................................................................. 88-89

Preschool [Ages 3-4] Fiction, Fairy Tales & Fun.............................................. 28-29
Pre-K [Ages 4-5] Exploring God’s World................................................... 30-31


Level A [Ages 5-7] Intro to the World: Cultures........................................... 32-33
Level B [Ages 6-8] Intro to World History, Year 1 of 2.................................. 34-35
Level C [Ages 7-9] Intro to World History, Year 2 of 2.................................. 36-37
Level B+C [Ages 7-9] Intro to World History, One Year Condensed................... 38-39
Level D [Ages 8-11] Intro to American History, Year 1 of 2............................ 40-41
Level E [Ages 9-12] Intro to American History, Year 2 of 2............................ 42-43
Level D+E [Ages 9-12] Intro to American History, One Year Condensed............. 44-45


Level F [Ages 10-13] Eastern Hemisphere..................................................... 46-47
Level G [Ages 11-13] World History, Year 1 of 2.............................................. 48-49
Level H [Ages 12-14] World History, Year 2 of 2.............................................. 50-51
Level W [Ages 12-14] World History, One Year Condensed.............................. 52-53
Level J [Ages 13-15] History of Science........................................................ 54-55


High School Overview ...........................................................................................88-91
High School History & Bible ...................................................................................92-93
High School Literature & Language Arts ................................................................94-96
High School Science .............................................................................................98-99
High School Math .................................................................................................100-101
High School Elective Courses.................................................................................102-103

History / Bible / Literature .....................................................................................24-55
Readers ................................................................................................................56-58
Language Arts ......................................................................................................60-67
4 DISCOVER 19 GUARANTEED Science NEW PROGRAMS.....................................................................................69-73
Experience the You’ll love Sonlight, or get Math NEW PROGRAMS.........................................................................................74-81
Sonlight difference. your money back. Electives ...............................................................................................................82-86
Hands-On NEW OPTIONS!.....................................................................................83
Learn what makes this 21 TEACH MULTIPLE STUDENTS Required Resources ..............................................................................................87
Learn how to teach more than one
homeschool approach unique.
child with the same program.
Eliminate the stress of
Mix and match to create a
homeschool planning. We’ve program that meets your needs.
done the work for you.
Who We Are.........................................4-5 Glossary.....................................11
What is Literature-Rich? ....................6 Scholarship Winners...................97
Top 10 Goals........................................8-10 Curriculum Comparison
SonlightCaresTM...................................18-19 Checklist...................................115
There’s a huge network Teaching Multiple Students?................21-22 Policies and Procedures..............120-121
of Sonlight families just a How to Choose Your Curriculum...........23 Scope & Sequence.....................122-123
Is Sonlight Worth the Investment?........104
hashtag away. Join us! Twenty Reasons Not to Buy Sonlight....105-111
#sonlight #sonlightstories Sonlight Connections...........................112-113
#sonlightboxday #sonlightstack Experience the Sonlight Difference......114
What’s New for 2019?.........................116-118

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S onlight is a complete, literature-based,

Christian homeschool curriculum with
every subject for students from preschool
3. Family-oriented
Sonlight Curriculum helps families connect as
they read, talk, and learn … together.
Sonlight has fostered a love of
learning for all of us!” writes Jenny L of
Boca Raton, FL toward the end of her third
year Sonlighting. “And they do all the prep
through high school. work and provide all the materials needed.
4. Global outlook Our oldest has learned to read and thrive
Sonlight’s comprehensive curriculum uses
Sonlighters learn about people from around through Sonlight. It is so rewarding to see
real books to deliver an engaging and him share the love of reading with his
the world. Sonlight prepares your students to
complete education, far more rich than younger brothers. Every book seems to
share the love of Christ with everyone around be ‘the best book ever!’ and we are sad
textbooks and rote memorization. This
them, and equips you to raise ambassadors when a book is over but eager to enjoy the
fully-planned curriculum comes with all the
for Christ, with a heart for the world. adventure of the next one.” In this photo,
materials you need, including thorough Jake (8) reads Window on the World from
lesson plans and notes in our award- HBL C to his younger brothers Caleb (6),
winning Instructor’s Guides, so that you can 5. Academic excellence Andrew (4), and Tyler (2).
stop planning lessons and start to enjoy Sonlight is highly engaging and enjoyable.
successful homeschooling. It is also rigorous, offering a liberal arts ✓ Activity sheets
education with an emphasis in critical thinking
✓ Discussion questions
and multiple points of view. Sonlight graduates
Sonlight is built on five big ideas:
are now engineers, missionaries, soldiers,
✓ Scripture readings
1. Literature-based doctors, pastors, politicians, entrepreneurs, ✓ And more!
Your brain processes a story in the same homeschool parents, and more!
way it processes a real-life experience. Sonlight provides you with
This makes learning with literature almost What’s included? everything you need to
effortless. Sonlight is the industry’s leading Sonlight provides everything you need for homeschool with excellence.
literature-rich homeschool curriculum. Your school, including: Start with a History / Bible / Literature
children will thrive with this proven, highly program and add additional subjects
✓ Complete lesson plans and daily schedules
effective approach. (language arts, math, science, electives
✓ All of your books and more). Or, opt for an All-Subjects
2. Christ-centered ✓ Maps and timelines Package and get everything you need in
Sonlight helps you raise children who honor ✓ Materials, experiments, and hands-on one convenient package. You can also
Christ in word and deed, as you discover activities pick any individual items or subjects
God’s love for all people. you need.

4 Experience the Sonlight difference. Get a free curriculum comparison checklist. See p. 115.
notes and questions provided.
You can teach multiple children with • Do any suggested map activities.
one History / Bible / Literature or All- • In the younger years, enjoy some
Subjects Package. Simply add on skill- optional hands-on activities.
specific subjects for each child. To learn
• In language arts, explore grammar,
more about teaching multiple students,
spelling, and writing, scheduled each
visit p. 21. day. These assignments often use
With Sonlight, your students will take passages from the Readers your children
three sweeps through history as you are already enjoying.
homeschool from preschool through • For science, simply follow the lesson
high school. schedule in your Science Instructor’s
Guide. Read with your children and do
What will I do each day? simple hands-on experiments together.
Each day, simply open your Instructor’s In the lower levels, your children
Guide and see what’s on the schedule. complete activity sheets to reinforce
No more lesson planning—just enjoy
your homeschool! You will: • Do a math lesson. We chose Sonlight because it is a Christian
company and every day is already planned out for
• Read that day’s Scripture together • Practice handwriting as needed.
you in full detail thanks to the Instructor’s Guides,”
and work on the memory verse for • Then there’s plenty of time for writes Deborah P of Houston, TX. “The All-Subjects
the week. enrichment and electives: foreign Packages make it so easy to choose all our main
subjects and then add hands-on activities and
• Read the assigned history and Read- language, sports, art, additional reading electives. We love the freedom that we get to have
Aloud pages to your children (until … whatever you like! thanks to Sonlight. We just open up where we left
your students reach high school) and The Sonlight Difference: you and your off and go!” Surrounded by her History / Bible /
talk about what you read using the Literature A books, Camila (5) is already lost in the
children will love learning together as you pages of one of her Read-Alouds, A Grain of Rice.
suggested Discussion Questions. share wonderful stories.
• Let your children read their assigned
Readers, either to themselves or to
you. Discuss what they read with the

Three Ways to Choose Your Curriculum

Sonlight offers multiple curriculum options, completely customizable to meet your needs.
You can even save up to 20% off your homeschooling materials! Learn more on p. 23.

All-Subjects Package
History / Bible / Literature Individual Items


Sonlight’s flagship product. Includes All of our subjects and

A complete homeschool year, all
Bible, history, geography, and all materials can be purchased
ready-to-go. Includes all the subjects
required books, all connected with individually, including our
you need: your HBL program, math,
an award-winning Instructor’s award-winning Instructor’s
science, and language arts.
Guide. Enjoy a 15% discount. Guides. Shop science, math,
When you order an ASP, you get all language arts, handwriting,
Choose a 4- or 5-Day per week
the benefits of an HBL, plus you get spelling, electives, and more.
20% off! Choose a 4- or 5-Day per
week program.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 5

Literature-Rich Curriculum
Discover a delightful way to learn, centered on love for the
Lord, love of great stories, and innate curiosity
Books are at the center of Sonlight How do Sonlight’s Christ-centered,
A Sonlight education is built around great stories— literature-based programs work?
living books. We utilize good literature (like historical 1. Start with a History / Bible /
fiction, biographies, award-winning titles) to teach Literature program.
subjects such as history, Bible, and science, and offer Sonlight’s History / Bible / Literature programs
academically excellent products for subjects such are the basis for your Sonlight experience. Each
as math, handwriting, language arts and electives. program includes a year’s worth of history and
These materials are organized and scheduled for you geography, Bible and literature (called Readers
in our customer-renowned Instructor’s Guides. and Read-Alouds).

2. Let your Instructor’s Guide

What is literature-rich homeschooling?
show you what to do.
Literature-based learning is an educational
Your curriculum is far more than a pile of books.
philosophy based on children’s natural
It wouldn’t be Sonlight without our award-
curiosity and love for stories.
winning Instructor’s Guide. Your easy-to-use
It uses outstanding books and delightful stories as the
Instructor’s Guide weaves your books and
centerpiece for learning. These stories give context to
materials into a cohesive, full-year curriculum.
the information, create an emotional connection with
students, and help the readers retain the information. With flexible weekly and daily schedules,
discussion questions, teaching tips, hands-on
Sonlight’s literature-rich programs build a love of
activities and experiments, and insightful notes to
learning that continues even when school—both
prompt deeper discussion, simply open up your
school days and formal schooling—is done.
Instructor’s Guide and teach with confidence
Happily, this form of education is surprisingly efficient. each day.
You read the best literature available to your children.
They absorb the information. You talk about what you
read and then move on to the next book. No stressful What makes a
studying for tests. No boring lectures. Just enjoyable Sonlight book?
reading and interaction. Every Sonlight book has to
pass Sarita’s seven-point test:
Why choose a literature-rich education? 1. Real/realistic characters
✓ Literature makes learning information enjoyable. 2. Solid character development
✓ Literature conveys information in a format 3. Content that adds to the reader’s
that is easy to remember. cultural literacy

✓ Literature encourages you to interact 4. Intriguing, multi-dimensional plot

5. Emotionally compelling
with your children.
6. Beautifully written
7. Re-readable
Learn more at sonlight.com/sonlight-books

6 Complete, literature-rich curriculum you’re guaranteed to love. sonlight.com/guarantee

Being a European/American
family living in rural West Africa,
we were so thrilled to discover a

What’s Sonlight’s Secret? curriculum that allows our children

access to great books even in a
Children respond more positively to place where children’s books are
rare”, writes Nathan G. “Better yet,
great literature than to textbooks. the books give a balanced view of
history and focus on the world at
large, instead of just America.
“We ordered Sonlight because of
the great books, but as soon as
we started using it, we fell in love
with the Instructor’s Guide as well.
This past year included some really
crazy busy times, but that big old
Instructor’s Guide held my hand
and we were able to enjoy school
through it all!” Here, Carolyn (6) and
Nelia (4) share Sonlight A in their
first year of homeschooling.

Because quality
literature is not age-specific,

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Do they match yours?
Thanks to Sonlight, my children love
Whether you are just getting started or be some from “every tribe, language, school and are complete bookworms,”
have a few years under your belt, you people, and nation” worshipping before writes Andrea S of Martinsburg, WV. “My
might find it refreshing to consider what children and I have traveled the world
God’s throne at the last day.
through the amazing literature Sonlight
your homeschooling goals are. What Since God’s heart is for the world, you’ll selects. With every book we read, we are
metric will you use to determine if you’re teach about the world right from the start. both sad for it to end and excited to begin a
having a successful year? Are academics new journey in our next book. The ease and
Starting with a true story set in Thailand peace of mind the Instructor’s Guides bring
the most important? Or character training? in the Preschool program, and continuing is invaluable to this busy mom.” Sonlight—
Or raising your children to be independent each year, your children will meet (and and sunlight—fills the S Family’s house on
adults? pray for) people from many cultures.
#sonlightboxday. Sophie (7) is excited for
the stacks of books from History / Bible /
As a partner in your family’s education, With this global perspective, Sonlight Literature B that she’ll get to read this year.
these are the goals that we hold. If these offers the opportunity for your children to
sound good to you, Sonlight will be a understand their role in what God is doing yes to God. And you’ll see how God has
great fit. in the world. continued his work in the world through
Teach your children to seek God’s Inspire your children to honor
Kingdom above everything else. Your children will sense the excitement
Christ boldly.
and challenge of following Jesus in big
Jesus instructed his followers to “Seek Our desire is that Sonlight students and little things—not only at home and at
first His [God’s] kingdom and His understand that they are part of God’s church, but also in their work and culture.
righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). plan, which is far bigger than they are.
By design, Sonlight’s curriculum seeks to This plan has been carried forward Prepare your children to
spark meaningful conversations between through the centuries by “a great cloud” be winsome ambassadors
you and your children. These moments of faithful people who fulfilled their for Christ.
can help your children learn to put God’s callings, often with great sacrifice (see Paul calls us “ambassadors for Christ” (2
kingdom purposes first. Hebrews 12:1). Corinthians 5:20). Ambassadors represent
Your children will find true heroes—people their home country in foreign places,
Raise children with God’s heart whose lives they want to emulate. As you communicating their home country’s
for the world.
read compelling biographies, you’ll help message to their hosts. They are the bridge
God’s plans are for all nations, all people your children see these heroes as real, between their home and their hosts.
groups. As Revelation 5:9 says, there will imperfect people who continually said

8 Complete, literature-rich curriculum you’re guaranteed to love. sonlight.com/guarantee

What a wonderful calling! In order to various issues and work to find quality “Blessed is the man who finds wisdom,
train your children to become effective solutions. Sonlight equips you to walk the man who gains understanding, for she
ambassadors, you help your children know alongside your children as they learn the [wisdom] is more profitable than silver and
both Christ and the Scriptures, as well as tools, techniques, knowledge, and skills of yields better returns than gold. She is more
the people and culture around them. godly intellectual engagement. precious than rubies; nothing you desire
Effective ambassadors are familiar with the Your students will learn that most issues can compare with her” (Proverbs 3:13-15).
truth and know their audience. They know have more than one perspective, and that, Once your children want to learn, you
the message they have been sent to share, in the face of other perspectives, they need have equipped them to keep learning
and how to share it, taking into account not mock nor cower. They can find answers throughout life. This allows them to press
what their hosts think, believe, and value. to questions that challenge their point of toward the goals God wants them to
view. There is no need to fear. They can be pursue.
Raise “culturally literate” confident in the face of differing viewpoints.
students. Prepare students for thoughtful
We all need to know a certain basic set of action on significant issues.
Inspire students to
background information if we want to get be true scholars. The Bible and other quality literature
along in a culture, let alone influence it. We develop empathy, teach life lessons
With Sonlight, your students go beyond
must be aware of the key historical events, gracefully, and encourage students to
simply memorizing information. They learn
significant people, movements, groups and search the Scriptures to find out how Jesus
how to research, compare views, think
ideas that have shaped our culture. would respond in certain circumstances.
critically, and explain their perspective
With Sonlight, you’ll read widely from articulately. As your students read and think about
carefully selected books that help your serious social, personal, and ethical issues,
We believe true scholarship is an important
children become culturally literate adults. they prepare themselves for times when
step in preparing students to do whatever
Your children will have a foundational base they may face similar dilemmas. Can you
God calls them to do. Those who have
of knowledge. imagine a more enjoyable way to gain
“done their homework” are in far better
More importantly, these books help wisdom and knowledge than to read
positions than those who haven’t learned to
prepare your children to respond to cultural communicate effectively with people great books? »
influences in a godly way. Cultural literacy who hold different perspectives.
helps prepare students to become world-
changers—people who make a difference Foster a love of learning.
for good.
What good does it do to fill
children’s minds with information if they
Teach your students how to listen
never develop a sincere desire to learn
to others with confidence and
and grow in wisdom? As Solomon said:
with interest in other viewpoints.
“Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to
speak” (James 1:19). I remember being nervous about
To communicate effectively for Christ, we picking Sonlight for our first year of
homeschooling,” writes Becky P of Fremont,
might do well to listen. Sonlight teaches this
NC. “But when that first year ended, I knew
skill in two ways. exactly what curriculum I was purchasing
First, your children will listen while you read again: SONLIGHT! The Instructor’s Guides,
ready-made science kits, and everything in
to them. Studies show that children develop one box has made it so much easier than
better listening skills when their parents I ever imagined to teach my children. As a
regularly read to them at length. Sonlight previous public school teacher, I know you
can’t go wrong when choosing to go with
Read-Alouds help you love reading a full package from Sonlight!” Jarrett (10,
together daily, and so your children will ASP 4) and Micah (7, ASP 2) reminisce
learn to listen. over all the books they have read in their
#sonlightstack. The P family have been
Second, Sonlight programs often present homeschooling with Sonlight as their sole
multiple sides of an argument. Your curriculum for the past six years.
children listen to two perspectives on

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Launch mature adults.
The end result of education is not solely to create young
people with brilliant minds. A brilliant mind, after all,
Why We Give | How We Give
can be turned to good or ill purposes.
Rather, we want your children to be mature adults, who One of the key elements of Sonlight is missions: that people’s
make prudent decisions instead of self-destructive ones, lives would be changed because of the gospel. We love this part
who have purpose and direction instead of aimlessness, of what we do. Not only do we seek to raise up generations
who are eager to serve the Lord and the body of Christ of young people who are passionate to see lives transformed,
rather than living for themselves. we also give towards missions. For each dollar you spend, the
Sonlight students worldwide are discovering their gifts Kingdom of God advances. Here’s how…

and using them to further God’s kingdom in different
One Sonlighter was recently the first in her family to Because of your purchase, the life of an illiterate Dalit woman in
India is transformed. She is able to attend a literacy class where
graduate college. Another just started at Stanford.
she gains freedom for herself and her family from those who
Another Sonlight grad is headed to the Navy to study
would cheat her. She learns basic skills to improve her health
nuclear engineering. Another student plans to be a
and earn additional income.
medical missionary, while another is already working to
fight human trafficking.
As you look at your goals for your homeschool, may As you read to your children, your purchase has allowed a man
you be inspired by how meaningful this calling is; may to hear the Bible in his heart language for the first time. With the
you be encouraged by how doable it is, through God’s words of Scripture translated into a language that now has the
grace; may you be strengthened in the year to come as words of life, his life is changed forever.
you raise and educate your children.
As your children hear words that give life, your purchase pours
out living water through radio programs into places that are
difficult to reach. Those living in a country hostile to Christianity
hear truth through the airwaves. While they maybe aren’t able
to meet someone in person, these broadcasts bring truth their
hearts long to know.

When you look at your children playing, laughing, and learning,
remember that your purchase helped children across the world
learn, too. Children’s Bible Clubs introduce children to Jesus,
and see lives and families transformed in the slums of India.

As you read missionary biographies, know that, through your
purchase, a believer is going to a place where the good news
has not been proclaimed before. How beautiful to have feet on
the ground with the gospel in a place waiting to hear the name
of Jesus.
We used to use another curriculum but now know we
want to stay with Sonlight because of the joy it brings my
When you purchase from Sonlight, you are part of the story that
children,” writes Heidi F. “They don’t cry every day when it’s God is writing to reach the world.
time for school. My second grader and kindergartener love the Learn more at sonlight.com/missions
variety of books we read with Sonlight, as well as the activity
sheets and activities. There are a great variety of books in the
schedule, and the reading for each day is the perfect amount.”
Mikayah (7, HBL B with LA 2), LiIliana (6, Kindergarten) and
Gabriel (3) enjoy a beautiful day for reading Sonlight books
outside as they homeschool on the mission field in Zimbabwe.

10 Eliminate the stress of homeschool planning. We’ve done the work for you. See pp. 12-17.
A guide to Sonlight’s vocabulary

History / Bible / Literature (HBL) All-Subjects Package (ASP)


The foundation of a complete Sonlight education. An All-Subjects Package provides all HBL subjects—history,
Each HBL program includes a year’s worth of history, geography, Bible, Read-Alouds, and Readers, with the
geography, Bible and all required books, all connected Instructor’s Guide—PLUS handwriting (early grades), spelling
with an award-winning Instructor’s Guide. HBL programs (middle grades), math, and science. It also includes all books
come with Sonlight’s unmatched SonlightCaresTM benefits and Sonlight’s unmatched SonlightCares™ benefits. An ASP
(p. 19). See pp. 28-55 for more detailed descriptions of offers everything you need to teach one child for one school
each HBL program. year. Choose a 4- or 5-Day per week program.
Start with an HBL and add additional subjects. Includes:
Choose a 4- or 5-Day per week program.
4- or 5-Day History/Geography
Includes: Instructor’s Guides
4- or 5-Day History/Geography Bible Read-Alouds
Instructor’s Guide

Bible Read-Alouds Readers Language Arts

Readers Science Math

Handwriting Spelling
(Levels A-D only) (Levels D-F only)

4-Day/5-Day: All Sonlight packages Instructor’s Guides (IGs): Instructor’s Readers (R): Books your children read on
are fully planned for 36 weeks—a full Guides (IGs) offer you stress-free teaching. their own, either silently or aloud to you. For
school year. 4-Day (144-day) programs Our award-winning guides turn stacks of History / Bible / Literature programs before
are designed for families in a co-op, or any books into a connected course of study, with D, children read grade-specific Readers that
family that wants a more relaxed (but still daily schedules, discussion questions, notes, help them develop a true love for reading.
thorough) education. The 5-Day (180- teaching tips, activities, and more. Turn to From Sonlight D through H, the Readers
day) programs provides a complete, daily pp. 12-17 to find out more and visit sonlight. integrate closely with the HBL material and
schedule, with more books. Want the 4-Day com/samples to request a FREE, 3-week enhance your children’s study of history,
schedule but don’t want to miss out on any sample of any IG. geography and culture. (In high school,
excellent books? Order the 4-Day program the literature courses are separate from the
and add on the 5-Day books. history courses.)
Required Resources: Essential for first-
time Sonlighters. Required Resources include
Advisors: Sonlight Advisors offer you free, a 3” binder with tabs to keep your Instructor’s
personalized homeschool help. Contact an Guides organized and in one place, The Estimated Daily Time: The
Advisor with questions about what materials Timeline Book, and Markable Map & Markers. approximate length of a Sonlight
you should buy, how to use what you already Necessary products for your school year. See school day for one student. Students work
have, and how to solve any homeschool what items are required resources for your independently at times, so the student
dilemmas you face. Available via phone, program at sonlight.com/required-resources estimates differ from the parent estimates.
email, or chat. Go to sonlight.com/advisors
to get started.

Consumable: Products you will use up. SonlightCares™: The collection of

Read-Alouds (RA): Books you read You may want one for each student. One is benefits available to Sonlight purchasers. See
aloud to your children. included in each Sonlight package. p. 19 for the list of benefits.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 11

The W family Sonlighters The H family, Sonlighters The V family Sonlighters
from Wyoming, MI from Fredericksburg, VA from Lynchburg, VA

The G family, Sonlighters

from Savannah, MO



Sonlight Instructor’s Day-by-day schedule your children. This is the role that no one
Guides make your Each IG includes 36-week lesson plans else can fill.
homeschool days easier that integrate your children’s various
subjects into an exciting, unified learning IGs show you the way every
At the core of every Sonlight program is experience. Simply follow the daily day, all year long
the Instructor’s Guide (IG). Available for schedule for a well-organized, balanced, Every IG offers a customizable homeschool
History / Bible / Literature, Language Arts, complete year of learning. All your books schedule, complete lesson plans, pertinent
and Science, each IG includes complete and activities are scheduled for the year. activities, and thoughtful questions to aid
lesson plans and notes for the entire year. your students’ comprehension. It includes
Just open-and-go, knowing exactly what to Your choice of 4-Day or 5-Day handy teaching tips and pointers so you can
teach each day ... without any prep work! per week programs homeschool with confidence all year long.
Each IG—History / Bible / Literature, For most programs, you have a choice
Language Arts, or Science—offers some of between two schedule options. Choose
a full 5-Day schedule, or pick the 4-Day
the same benefits.
option (where available) to reserve time
for co-op or extracurricular activities.
IGs eliminate the stress
of everyday homeschool planning
Experts develop each IG
Each Sonlight Instructor’s Guide is the
You are free to focus on your unique
result of hundreds of hours of research and
role: teaching, guiding and enjoying
experience. Don’t spend your time planning
homeschool lessons. With Sonlight’s
Instructor’s Guides, that’s been done
We love Sonlight’s teaching method,”
for you. says Andrea G of Savannah, MO. “We are all
readers, so it is the perfect fit for our family.
IGs turn your books into curriculum We have enjoyed the book selection, and I
The IG weaves your books and materials find my children returning to their finished
books over and over again. I also appreciate
together into a cohesive full-year how informative the Instructor’s Guides are.
curriculum. It is your roadmap for the I’m learning right alongside my children,
entire school year… with virtually all of the and I love it.” In this picture, Aria (6), having
planning done for you. finished her reading for the day, then decided
to finish the rest of the book.

12 Try before you buy! Get a three week sample of any Sonlight Instructor’s Guide—FREE! sonlight.com/samples
Try before you buy!
Get a three-week sample of
any Sonlight Instructor's

Unique to the HBL Instructor’s Guide:

1 Discussion Questions
Each IG includes various types of
discussion questions—including review,
comprehension, and open-ended questions—
with answers. Focus on the key points, maximize
your time, and assess how well your children
understand what they’re learning.

2 Notes
Extensive teaching notes help you instruct
your students with excellence, and ensure that
they grasp key concepts. Notes provide counter-
balancing arguments, clarification, further
explanations, and commentary.
The IG notes also offer warnings about specific
books or difficult content, so you can discuss
important issues—such as racism and poverty—
with thoughtfulness.

3 Teaching Tips
Detailed teaching tips each week explain
assignments and provide extra information
about important topics to help you get the most
from your materials.

Timeline and Map Activities

4 Incorporate geography naturally into your
school day. Students use the Markable Map
to make a visual connection to how all their
Readers, history books, and Read-Alouds relate
geographically. A hole-punched, laminated
answer key map folds into your IG. Timeline
activities tell you when to add people, events,
and dates to your Timeline Book.

Vocabulary and Cultural Literacy Notes

5 Find clear definitions for important
vocabulary that appears in your reading. Enjoy
useful Cultural Literacy notes that add depth
to your reading and explain things students
probably don’t know (e.g., what a hoop skirt
looks like).

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 13

Try before you buy!
Get a three-week sample of
any Sonlight Instructor's
Teach writing naturally and with confidence sonlight.com/samples

using Sonlight’s unique Language Arts

Instructor’s Guides. LA Guides also include:

1 Teaching Scripts (in the early grades)

Read the teaching scripts in the IG when you
introduce new ideas, concepts, and assignments.
Great for parents just starting to homeschool or to
provide extra confidence when teaching! 5

2 Overview Summaries
Weekly overviews summarize the concepts, skills
and assignments for each week.

3 Copywork/Dictation Assignments
With weekly copywork or dictation assignments,
children model master communicators to learn the 7 6
basics of writing. Assignments are based on your
children’s ages and ability levels, and most passages
come from their Readers.

4 Sonlight Language Arts Instructor’s Guides

include spelling lists in levels 1-4. Beginning with

Level 1, each week’s spelling list corresponds with the
reading. For Language Arts D-F, choose one of the
stand-alone programs (p. 65). The IG has a space to
record your progress.

Grammar and Writing Mechanics

5 Receive clear grammar instruction about specific
concepts from the week’s copywork or dictation
passage, then complete a few exercises to practice
and reinforce the concepts. Answers included. Your
children will learn to communicate effectively.
Evaluative Rubrics
6 Easily determine how to evaluate your children’s
work. Are they on track? What areas could use
additional practice? What are the expectations in this

14 Try before you buy! Get a three week sample of any Sonlight Instructor’s Guide—FREE! sonlight.com/samples
7 Effective Creative Writing Instruction Language Arts 1
Week Overview

Step-by-step creative writing instruction Days 86–90: Date: _______ to _______

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

encourages exploration and sets your children free Week 18

to develop their creative side. They become superb Date: Day 86 Day 87 Day 88 Day 89 Day 90

written communicators, too. Words Introduce the Write Them Big! Copy Them Small Mix It Up!


Your IG includes assignments in a wide variety of

styles and genres, including imaginative, persuasive, I Can Read It!
Word Lists
Lesson 18

expository, narrative, journaling, etc. Each assignment

Activities Form Words Play Concentration

includes instruction and a sample of what your student

9 Optional: pp. 55–56 p. 57 p. 58 p. 59

might produce. Explode the Code 2

The writing assignments follow a consistent pattern Handwriting Without p. 50 p. 51

Tears: My Printing
each week: copywork or dictation on Days 1 and 5;

©2018 by Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd. All rights reserved.

mechanics instruction and practice on Day 2; pre-
I Can Read It! “The Tent” “A Hint” “A Cast” “The Fish” “Fish and Chips”
planning for writing on Day 3; writing assignment

Book 3 pp. 12–14 pp. 15–16 pp. 17–18 pp. 19–20 pp. 21–22

on Day 4. Copywork 1 Contractions Synthesis Match Middle Copywork 2


8 Activity Sheets and Answers

Activity sheets reinforce your teaching and Other Notes:

provide assignments that make your children eager

to learn how to write well. A variety of activity options
coordinate with your students’ language arts studies
and draw on a range of skills and interests. Weekly
notes provide answers to grammar questions and 4 Weekly Overview

suggested responses for creative writing assignments. Spelling: /qu/ digraph Creative Expression:

Phonics: Contractions: apostrophes; word shortening

9 Schedules for Optional Workbooks

Form Words: vowels and consonants; digraphs; word Synthesis: focused thinking; sequential description; nar-
recognition ration
Match Middle Sounds: vowels; recognize letter sounds
All levels include schedules for optional Play Concentration: sight words; memorization
Vowel Activity Sheet 4
workbooks. These workbooks offer your children
This page intentionally left blank. Circle the letter that makes the first sound in the name of
N Parental Notes

Language Arts 1 | 5-Day | Section Two | Week 18 | 67

additional practice in areas where they may struggle, each picture. Then write the letter in the space provided.
such as phonics, grammar, and vocabulary. See pp.

a fm
64-67 for these supplemental materials.

How to Choose Language Arts for

Sonlight Levels A-C and Readers K-4
Pick the language arts program that is
closest to your children’s ability level. Take the
f ap
©2018 by Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd. All rights reserved.

©2018 by Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd. All rights reserved.

language arts assessment at sonlight.com/assessment. 8
Then add the same level Readers for each child. Your
Language Arts Guide includes the schedule and notes

for those corresponding Readers.

Not sure what levels

your children need?
Take a free language cba
arts assessment. Vowel Activity Sheet 4 | Language Arts K
ant, Africa, astronaut, antler


Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 15

Try before you buy!
Get a three-week sam
ple of
any Sonlight Instru

Special features of Sonlight’s

Science Instructor’s Guides:
1 Complete, Ready-to-Use Lesson Plans
All your science books and experiments
are fully scheduled for the entire year. No
need to create your own plans.

2 Detailed Teaching Notes

Notes explain each assignment and
activity, point out fun facts about your
reading, and provide extra information
about important topics so you get the most
from your materials.
Organizational Tools to Help You
3 Plan Ahead
See at a glance the supplies you need for
experiments this week and the following
week. Know what supplies you’ll find
in the Sonlight Science Kits, and which
household items you’ll want to have ready.
Weekly Assignments and Engaging
4 Activities
Simple, engaging experiments coordinate
with your reading and provide hands-on
learning. Sonlight’s Science kits provide
the key supplies . . . so you actually do the
Many experiments are intriguing, yet
simple, activities—such as exploring taste
buds using basic ingredients like lem-
on juice and sugar. Again, no planning
Your children will relish the discoveries they
make throughout the year. And you’ll love
that they are actively exploring Science,
Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM)
concepts, and making their learning stick.

16 Try before you buy! Get a three week sample of any Sonlight Instructor’s Guide—FREE! sonlight.com/samples
Instructor’s Guides A-J also include:
5 Interactive Activity Sheets
Your Activity Sheets—with hundreds of
activities, illustrations, charts, and pictures—
help your children remember what they’ve
learned. A variety of activity options coordi-
nate with your students’ science studies and
draw on a range of skills and interests.
Activities progress with your children’s abil-
ities: from cutouts, matching, circle-the-an-
swer, and dictation, to fill-in puzzles and
sequencing analysis.

6 Complete Answer Keys

Separate Answer Keys mirror your Student
Activity sheets for easy grading. No need to
test—you have ongoing, reliable insight into
your children’s comprehension.

I am so thankful for Sonlight Science,” writes Janine B of

Peoria, AZ. “The gentle overview of many topics in Science A has
kept both of us engaged all year. I love that the materials are all
provided in the Science Supply kit, so I’m not left scrambling for
uncommon items on the morning of Experiment Day. Thank you,
Sonlight, for making my job easy!” In this picture, Levi (7, Science A)
learns about carbonation with the help of some raisins.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 17

Our doctor asked us once what
we use for curriculum because he was
impressed with our children’s knowledge
and social skills,” says Laura W. “Using
Sonlight allows for enjoyable independent
learning that allows our children to grow
and flourish in their quest for knowledge.”
The W family of Lancaster, OH has used
Sonlight for the past 12 years. Esther (15,
Church History 200), Eli (13, American
History 100), Evelyn (7, HBL A), and
Eleanor (4, Preschool) enjoy doing much
of their homeschooling on the front porch.

100% money
back guarantee.
You'll love Sonlight .
or get your money


Free Shipping offer is available to the lower 48 United States only. Purchase of History / Bible / Literature and/or All-Subjects Packages qualifies you for free trackable shipping. All orders
over $150 receive free trackable shipping. Orders whose contents are over $25, shipped to any of the 50 United States or APO/FPO address, and qualify for Media Mail, are also eligible for
free shipping. Further details at sonlight.com/shipping
Due to restrictions from some publishers, we are not allowed to discount Rosetta Stone, Singapore Math, Math-U-See, Spelling You See, All About Spelling, A Child’s History of the World, and
a few other products. History / Bible / Literature and All-Subjects Packages are pre-discounted. No additional discounts apply.
Replace your old Instructor’s Guide with the latest edition of a previously purchased Sonlight Instructor’s Guide for 50% off the retail price. Discount automatically applied at checkout.

18 The Sonlight method works! See where some past Sonlighters are today at sonlight.com/where-now

When you order from Sonlight, you don’t just get great books. Your
order contributes to a family-owned business that invests in the
Kingdom of God and treats its employees well.
Every day we provide support to homeschoolers like you. From
helping you choose the best possible course of study for your family,
through the day-to-day task of homeschooling, to giving you access
to godly mentors by phone, email, and chat… you are not alone.
We’re with you every step of the way.
With your purchase of an All-Subjects Package or History / Bible
/ Literature program, you have access to SonlightCaresTM, which
includes these additional bonuses. Visit p. 122 for additional details.


money-back guarantee

Free shipping on all purchases for one year1

10% discount on additional purchases for one

year + exclusive sales & discounts2

50% off Instructor’s Guides when you update in the future3

No fee, no interest payment plans

Eligibility toward a Sonlight college scholarship

Access to Sonlight Advisors

Unparalleled customer service

Order your homeschooling materials with confidence!

With your purchase of an All-Subjects Package or History / Bible
/ Literature program, you have access to a one-year, money-back
guarantee. Take up to one year to actually use the first half of your
Sonlight program. Then if you don’t love it ... if you aren’t convinced
Sonlight makes homeschooling a pleasure for you and your kids,
please return your program—the entire package, used books and
all. We’ll give you a full refund of your purchase price.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 19

READY TO experience
By the end of our first year, I knew
How to Choose Your Curriculum handwriting (early grades), spelling (middle homeschooling with Sonlight was one of the
Option 1: History / Bible / Literature grades), language arts, math, and science. best decisions we had ever made,” says Mandi
It also includes all required books and V of Lynchburg, VA. “I see the discussions
Depending on your homeschool needs, we about life that happen after reading on the
recommend starting with one of our History Sonlight’s unmatched SonlightCares™ couch together and the difficult questions I
/ Bible / Literature (HBL) programs. The HBL benefits. An ASP offers everything you need have the privilege of answering. I see all of
to teach one child for one school year. the moments I don’t have to miss every day.
is Sonlight’s flagship product, and includes
It is completely, utterly, wholly and incredibly
Bible, history, geography, and all required Throughout this catalog you will see worth it.” With the Instructor’s Guide laid out
books, all connected with the award-winning packages with our best recommendations and ready to go, Jeremiah (8), Jadon (6), and
Instructor’s Guides. for both Couch and Table Subjects™ (see Ezekiel (3) enjoy a typical worry-free school
day as they work through History / Bible /
Each HBL is scheduled for one school year, chart on next page). Many families opt
Literature B at their own pace.
can be used with more than one student, for one of these pre-selected All-Subjects
and can easily be adjusted to the pace you Packages. • Science
want. Discounted at 15% off retail price, an Depending on your children’s ages and skill • Math
HBL offers significant savings and includes levels, you may be able to buy one ASP and
• Handwriting for levels A-D
Sonlight’s unmatched SonlightCares™ then add other grade-specific materials to
accommodate multiple children. A Sonlight • Spelling for middle elementary
benefits. Available from preschool through
Homeschool Advisor can walk you through levels D-F
high school.
Required resources (p. 87) are also
Start with the HBL program that interests you the process. Visit sonlight.com/advisors for
details. eligible for the History / Bible / Literature
most and add other subjects to complete
15% discount and the All-Subjects
your year. Option 3: Create a Customized Program Package 20% discount.
Option 2: The Easy to Order You can also customize an All-Subjects All of Sonlight’s products are excellent,
All-Subjects Package Package to make it more specific to your but among all of those excellent products,
Save time choosing curriculum with an easy- family’s unique needs. You will get the 20% there may be a few that are better suited
to-order package of the best materials, put ASP discount as long as you have one of for your children. Follow the steps in our
together for your student. An All-Subjects each of the following: SmoothCourseTM curriculum builder to
Package (ASP) provides all HBL subjects— • History / Bible / Literature program build your personalized curriculum.
history, geography, Bible, Read-Alouds,
• Language Arts Visit sonlight.com/smoothcourse to
Readers, with the Instructor’s Guide—PLUS
get started.

20 What’s Sonlight’s secret? Children respond more positively to great literature than to textbooks. Learn more on pp. 6-7
Multiple Students?
Teaching multiple children with Sonlight is easy.
Unlike a traditional textbook approach, you don’t have to
order a separate Sonlight program for each child. Combine
students within a 3-year age range into one History / Bible
/ Literature program and one science program (the “Couch
SubjectsTM”). Then, simply add on skill-specific subjects
for each child, according to ability: language arts, math,
spelling, handwriting (the “Table SubjectsTM”).
When you combine students, you This was our third year homeschooling, but our first year with
Sonlight. And WE LOVE SONLIGHT!” writes Holly W of Yorba Linda,
• save time because you’re not trying to use multiple
CA. “We love the flexibility it gives us. Our school days look like this:
programs; we start out with all our ‘Table Subjects’ and then move into ‘Couch
Subjects,’ where we huddle around Mom, play, and listen as Mom
• save money because you’re using the same materials
reads. The use of living books for teaching has been life-changing
with more than one student; for our family, and has set into motion a love for learning with my
• build family relationships because your children children!” Evan (20 mo), Ella (4), Emily (9), Micah (3 mo), and Ethan
(7) listen to their Level B Read-Aloud.
learn together;
• avoid much of the frustration that comes from
being pulled in multiple directions.
There is a limit to how well combining works.
As your children get older, the readings become WHERE Couch Table
longer and more challenging conceptually, and
they deal with more difficult topics. In general, WHY Learn new information Build skills
one program will work well if your children are
within about three years of one another. Language arts, spelling,
Bible, history, geography,
If you have children with a wide spread of ages, handwriting, math, Readers
WHAT Read-Alouds, science,
(younger children)
you might be able to choose complementary Readers (older children)
levels. For example, Sonlight B goes well with G
because both are the first year of World History. Parent and children, together.
Sonlight D and E are excellent companions Rather than your children
to Sonlight 100. You might schedule these each working separately
Children, mostly
programs in order to get some overlap of topics WHO and alone, you have the
opportunity to learn together
and concepts. (See the full Sonlight Scope and
for at least some of your
Sequence on pp. 122-123.) » homeschooling day

Group students within 3 years One or more students, within Each child, individually,
about three years of age according to ability
of each other and teach as few
History / Bible / Literature and During school time, before
WHEN bed, sometimes even During school time
Science programs as possible. holidays

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 21

Find out each child’s current ability level using
complimentary placement tests, available online
(sonlight.com/placement-tests), to find the right level and
approach for each student.
Want to know more? Go to sonlight.com/multiple for
more information (including a video! ).

Note on Language Arts: For students who are

learning to read and write—usually those using Sonlight
levels A-C, or for younger students listening in on an
older siblings’ program—choose the Language Arts
program for each child first, then match the Reader
program, regardless of reading ability. In these lower
levels, match your Readers to your students’ Language
Arts ability. Starting in Sonlight D, students transition from
learning to read to reading to learn, and the Readers and
Language Arts tie in with the rest of the program—no
need to choose.
We chose to homeschool this year after a very detailed list
Whatever your
of pros and cons for our year abroad,” Christie W from Colbert, WA
homeschool needs, states, “and Sonlight has had a bigger impact on our lives than we
Sonlight has you covered. ever could have imagined. We believed it would be the best fit for our
From our pre-assembled 100% money nontraditional schedule, frequent visitors and travels, and our desire
to pour Godly teaching into our children’s minds and hearts at every
All-Subjects Packages, to
our centerpiece History /
back guarantee. turn. I was a bit terrified, to be honest. Now, as we come to the end
of our school year, I can say this has been one of the best decisions
we have EVER made. Our family has developed an even closer bond
Bible / Literature options, You'll love Sonlight through our time spent together this year.
to individual items, you’ll or get your money back.
“Words could never express how grateful we are for Sonlight and
find what you need all it has taught our family...not only the lessons from books, but
at Sonlight. also the lessons in LIFE.” Natalie (8) studied all subjects through
sonlight.com/guarantee Sonlight: HBL C, LA 2 (4-day), Saxon Math 2, Science D, Handwriting,
and Rosetta Stone Spanish. Her older brother Noah (10) shares the
couch subjects (History and Science), but has his own table subjects
(LA 4 and Saxon Math 5/6).


Payment Plans allow you to spread the cost of your Sonlight materials over several months
(up to a year!) at no extra charge. Take advantage of a no-interest, no-fee payment plan
on qualifying orders. Learn more at sonlight.com/paymentplans

22 For a handy resource for planning your order, visit sonlight.com/worksheet to download and print a curriculum worksheet.
Sonlight offers multiple curriculum options, each completely
customizable to meet your family’s needs. Start by choosing one of
the three options below, and customize online as desired.


History / Bible / Literature All-Subjects Package (ASP) Individual Subjects & Items
Package (HBL) The convenience of an all-in-one All of our subjects and materials can
The foundation of a complete Sonlight boxed curriculum, with the flexibility be purchased individually, including
education. Each HBL program includes a of customization and adaptable age our award-winning Instructor’s Guides.
year’s worth of history, geography, Bible and ranges. An All-Subjects Package is your Shop science, math, language arts,
all required books, all connected with an complete homeschool year, all ready-to- handwriting, spelling, electives, and
award-winning Instructor’s Guide. go. Includes all the subjects you need: more.
your HBL program, math, science, and
Start with an HBL and add additional
language arts for one child for one year.
subjects. Choose a 4- or 5-Day option.
Choose a 4- or 5-Day option.

Includes: Includes: Options:

4- or 5-Day Instructor’s Guide 4- or 5-Day Instructor’s Guide Instructor’s Guides
History / Geography History / Geography History / Geography
Bible Bible Bible
Read-Alouds Read-Alouds Read-Alouds
Readers Readers Readers
Add: Language Arts pp. 60-67 Language Arts Language Arts
Add: Science pp. 69-73 Science Science
Add: Math pp. 74-81 Math Math
Add: Handwriting (K-3) p. 68 Handwriting (K-3) Handwriting
Add: Spelling (K-5) p. 65 Spelling (K-5) Spelling
Add: Electives pp. 82-86 Add: Electives pp. 82-86 Electives
Add: Required Resources p. 87 Add: Required Resources p. 87 Hands-on
Add: Additional Recommended Items Add: Additional Recommended Items and much more!



lower 48 states lower 48 states

Get started online at sonlight.com/options

Want help choosing materials?

An Advisor can help! Connect with a homeschool consultant at
sonlight.com/advisors and create a customized education plan for your family.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 23

The Y family, Sonlighters
from Burbank, CA

History / Bible / Literature

The literature-rich History / Bible / Bible To help your children share God’s heart for
Literature (HBL) programs provide the All of the Sonlight programs come from the world, many years include prayer guides
center for a complete Sonlight education a Christian perspective. Throughout your to help you pray for unreached people
and weaves together a year’s worth of studies, the Instructor’s Guide includes groups around the world. Let your children
history, geography, Bible, and literature. Scripture references and questions that seek begin now to change the world for Christ!
to relate what you’re reading to your faith. Sonlight programs also include at least
Each HBL program encourages students
to learn from multiple perspectives and Sonlight also includes Bible as a separate one missionary biography. God is at work
engage in thought-provoking discussion. subject. around the world, bringing transformation.
You’ll use a variety of academic resources, Each Sonlight program schedules a Bible How wonderful to witness that work, and
including fictional and nonfictional passage to read every day. By the time to see how He uses ordinary people to
literature, biographies, and illustrated they graduate, your children will have read accomplish extraordinary things.
books to deliver an engaging and through most of the Bible more than once.
complete education. The schedule also suggests a weekly
memory verse. These are set to music Big Picture
Sonlight’s programs go through three
What’s Included in an HBL? in Sonlight’s A through G programs, in
albums that seek to match the general cycles of history, nicely balanced between
• Instructor’s Guide
feel of the corresponding program. So in American and World History. Each time
• Bible reading & memorization
Sonlight F, a program that examines world through, your children will gain a deeper
• History studies
cultures, the album incorporates ethnic understanding of what has happened and
• Great literature for parents to read
instruments and rhythms. what God is doing. Since quality literature
aloud to their children and for students
reaches children of various ages, you can
to read to themselves Besides Bible reading and Scripture use one HBL program with multiple children.
• Geography memory, many programs also include age- (See p. 21 to learn about using one Sonlight
appropriate additional books, such as Bible program to teach more than one child.)
Instructor’s Guides (IGs) study guides, books on Christian practices
Sonlight IGs contain your complete lesson like prayer, and books of apologetics. You
Sonlight also includes three years dedicated
plans, teaching resources, and notes for a and your children will read, talk about, and
to important—but unusual!—topics.
year. See pp. 12-17 for more details. memorize Scripture so that God’s Word • Sonlight level F (p. 46) focuses on the
becomes integral in your lives. Eastern Hemisphere. The majority of
the world lives here. And, even more

24 For a handy resource for planning your order, visit sonlight.com/worksheet to download and print a curriculum worksheet.
importantly from the perspective of One of my favorite things
God’s Kingdom, this is the area in about Sonlight is being able to go
which the largest number of cultural at our own pace,” writes Kathleen
M of Buhl, ID. “The Instructor’s
groups live without a viable church Guide (IG) makes it easy to keep
movement (“unreached peoples”). track of where you are, what
you’ve done, and what you have
• Sonlight Level J (p. 54) focuses on the left to do. There is space to write
History of Science. Learn the stories the dates we plan to do the
of creative thinkers and surprising assignments which makes it easy
to set or change goals. Plus, there
discoveries over the last several
are notes to the parents to further
thousand years. Even if your children explain sensitive subjects so I
are not highly Science, Technology, can be prepared to address them
Engineering, Math (STEM)-oriented, in a personal way.” Kathleen’s
husband, Paul, bonds with their
this is a fascinating course. (And for sons David (6), Harold (4), Adam
the STEM-oriented students? A fantastic (2), while reading books from HBL
year!) A and HBL E together.

• Sonlight 200 (p. 92) focuses on the

History of the Christian Church.

History Topics and Progression

Foundation Preschool – Fiction, Fairy Tales, & Fun
for learning Pre-K – Exploring God’s World
A – Intro to the World: Cultures
For example, Hillyer’s A Child’s History of topics your children have studied, but a
the World is a highly readable, engaging cumulative reference to understand history
First B – Intro to World History, Year 1
sweep history book, but it lacks illustrations. as a whole. As one small example: if you
C – Intro to World History, Year 2
through Several Usborne books, filled with detailed had placed the stickers from Sonlight levels
history D – Intro to American History, Year 1
illustrations, show children what Hillyer A-D, your page from 1450 to 1475 would
E – Intro to American History, Year 2 describes. show Leonardo da Vinci, Christopher
F – Eastern Hemisphere
On top of the foundations of information Columbus, Michelangelo, and Aztec
Second G – World History, Year 1 and illustration, Sonlight’s HBL programs emperor Montezuma II. Also some major
sweep events: Muslims conquer Constantinople,
H – World History, Year 2 add additional books, mostly biographies
history J – History of Science and historical fiction. Ponce de Leon seeks the Fountain of Youth,
100 – American History Balboa discovers the Pacific Ocean, and
Geography Vasco da Gama sails to India.
Third 200 – History of the Christian Church
sweep To learn Geography, you’ll locate the You get all of that in a Sonlight History
300 – 20th Century World History
through places you read about on your large program: a foundational book or two,
history 400 – American Gov/Economics
Markable Map. The level A-J guides also additional biographies and historical
Advanced 500 – World History & Worldviews include small laminated answer key maps fiction, geography studies, and a timeline
learning College Prep – Psychology, British with locations you learn about indicated. to see the big picture.
options Lit, Apologetics, & More
No atlas needed!
And the Sonlight Timeline Book has blank Literature
pages with dates from 5000 B.C. to the You’ll read books in a wide range of
present. For Sonlight A through J, each literary styles and genres. You may surprise
In Daily Practice History package includes pre-gummed yourself and say, as many have before:
A fascinating, story-based history book or timeline figures, with dates, to place in “I’ve never read a book like that before!
series serves as the “spine” for each HBL the Timeline Book. (In the programs for I’m astonished at how much I enjoyed it!”
program. You gradually read through older students, Sonlight 100 to 500, the When you choose individual books for
this book, mostly moving chronologically IGs include names, dates, and events to your children, you’ll likely reject one if it
through history. write in, without accompanying illustrated seems hard to read or a genre or subject
If the spine is mostly text, you’ll also read stickers.) that doesn’t much interest you.
an illustrated book so that your students A filled Timeline Book is an amazing But with a Sonlight package, you get a »
get both a narrative and a visual history. resource: not only a record of people and

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 25

variety of works, most of which are well Besides a dozen or so books of prose, each different ages combined together into one
within your children’s reading ability, Sonlight Read-Aloud package includes at program, you can choose separate Reader
with some that require your children to least one book of poetry. Most poetry books packages that will best meet each of your
concentrate more than normal. When you are collections of outstanding poems by children’s unique abilities.
use a Sonlight package, your children read various authors, though some years focus
more widely than they probably would on the works of a single poet. Poetry books With Sonlight, you get the materials
otherwise. demonstrate unusual uses of language, with and guidance you need to
each poem offering the gift of a captured homeschool with confidence
In Sonlight levels A through J, the literature
moment. Over the years, you will enjoy a Sonlight provides all your materials,
is divided into two parts: Read-Alouds and
wide variety of these gifts. schedules, teaching helps, and more, so
Readers. The Read-Alouds you read aloud
you don’t have to do significant research,
to your children; the Readers they read to Readers planning, or gathering of materials. You
themselves. Each Sonlight Reader package features can just grab your books, open up your
fascinating and engrossing stories that will Instructor’s Guide, and learn together
captivate your children’s interest and entice with your children each day. No lesson
From the first beautifully illustrated Read-
them to keep reading. planning. No researching books to fit in
Alouds in preschool, the titles gradually
progress to longer books with more complex From the first Reader, the Fun Tales your schedule. No need to supplement . . .
plots. They often interweave with your history booklet “Pam” (which beginning readers unless you want to. Just lots of fascinating
readings. can read after learning just six letters), learning alongside your children!
Sonlight’s Readers grow progressively Skip the stress of planning, and spend
Carefully chosen to be age-appropriate, the
more challenging as your children increase your time enjoying the journey. Use the
Read-Alouds are weightier books than the
reading fluency. graphic on the opposite page to see
Readers, with more challenging vocabulary
and more thought-provoking topics. Readers in the early years use simpler which HBL programs are age-appropriate
vocabulary, simple sentence structures, short for your children. Then choose an HBL
You have a chance to explain things as
paragraphs, large fonts, and fewer words on program based on what you want to study.
you go along, to talk with your children
a page than do Readers in later years. See pp. 28-55 for descriptions of each
about what you’re reading and what you’re
In the three Sonlight programs that level. See pp. 92-93 for high school
thinking as you read. This is where true
correspond to early elementary school— courses.
discipleship occurs, where you are talking
with your children “when you sit in your Levels A, B, and C—you have five different After choosing your HBL, complete your
house and when you walk by the way and Reader packages to choose from. Because year by adding your remaining subjects:
when you lie down and when you rise up” children learn to read at different rates, you language arts (which may include
(Deuteronomy 6:7). have options. And if you have children of handwriting or spelling), math, science,
and electives.
HBL programs include a 15% discount
off the retail price. HBLs are included in
I knew enough was enough All-Subjects Packages or can be purchased
of a computer-based curriculum separately.
when my girl got very upset one
Sunday evening and said, ‘I don’t All-Subjects Packages include a 20%
want it to be Monday because discount off retail price.
I don’t want to do classes.’
My husband and I wanted our
kids to love learning, so I took
the challenge and switched to
Sonlight! After a week of having
started with Sonlight, Gracia asked
me when vacation was going to be
over.... We were having so much
fun that she hadn’t realized school
was back already!” Here, Maria
(mom), Esteban (1) and Gracia (6,
HBL B) have fun learning with The
Usborne World of Animals from
Science B.

26 Away from home one day a week at a co-op? Try Sonlight’s 4-day programs. sonlight.com/4-day
History History
/ Bible / Bible
/ / Literature
Literature (HBL)(HBL) Optionsfor Study
do you want to study this year? Sonlight is designed so that you are able
What to
you want
fromtoa study
varietythis year? Sonlight
of programs, is designed
according so that you
to your children's arePick
ages. ablethe
to choose
a variety of programs,
program that soundsaccording to yourtochildren's
most appealing you. ages. From age four on, you
have more than one choice. Pick the history program that sounds most appealing to you.
A B p.36
p.32 p.34 Bp.38C p.40 p.42

Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages

3-4 4-5 5-7 6-8 7-9 7-9 8-11 9-12 9-12
Pre-Elementary Elementary School

F p.9 3
p.46 G H J 100 200 300
p.48 p.50 W
p.54 p.92 p.92

Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages
10-13 11-13 12-14 12-14 13-15 12-16 14-18 15-18 16-18 16-18
Middle School High School

Multiple Children?
Combine students within a 3 year age range into one HBL program. See p. 21 for details.

I love that all my kids can

enjoy learning history together
(HBL E), and that Sonlight provides
age-appropriate workbooks for
various topics, allowing the older
ones to help the younger ones,”
writes Lam B who is serving in
East Asia. “My son, Joshua (7),
liked the activities in Explode the
Personalized curriculum to Code so much, he did four lessons
in one sitting when I first gave
match your children's needs. him the book. My older two kids,
Mix-and-match to create Caden (11) and Karina (10), are
the best curriculum for your excited about their Wordly Wise
learners using SmoothCourse™! books.” Here, the B children settle
Visit sonlight.com/smoothcourse down from trampoline jumping to
do some Explode the Code. The
to get started.
B family has been Sonlighting for
three years.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 27

Pre-Elementary Package

Fiction, Fairy Tales & Fun
Grade: Preschool | Ages: 3-4

Estimated Daily Time

Many families spend 15-45
minutes a day reading and
playing with this relaxed
program. You can spend as
much or as little time each
day as you’d like.


Embark on an exciting adventure of learning

These beginning years lay the foundation All of this through picture books and other
for a lifetime of learning. Our no-pressure resources that your family will treasure and enjoy
preschool program provides favorite for years to come—the finest, most complete
children’s book classics, plus engaging games selection of classic children’s literature and fairy
and activities. With more than 200 stories, tales available.
both fiction and factual, along with nursery The included Parent’s Companion Guide lists all
rhymes and fairy tales, you’ll spark a love for of the stories and poems in this program. Check
learning. them off as you go. You’ll find developmentally
You’ll ease into homeschooling, as you have appropriate hands-on activities connected with
the materials and guidance you need to gently most of the stories, so you can extend your
build pre-reading, pre-math, listening, and learning into daily life and play.
motor skills. Your children will start to hear Flexible and simple to teach, this year your little
cadence and rhyme; they’ll grow in their ones will hear great stories, spend quality time
cultural literacy; they’ll learn Bible stories, with you, and explore the world around them
and read a story of God at work on the other through play.
side of the world. They will work with spatial
relationships, build cognitive and motor skills, TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!
and wade into rudimentary science. Visit sonlight.com/samples and get a sample
of this level Guide—FREE!

28 “The best curriculum ever!” See what Sonlighters are saying at sonlight.com/testimonials
Download a complete book list with descriptions for this level at sonlight.com/catalog
Teaching your toddler is easy and rich. Let this guide help you fuel your children’s
imagination, encourage you, and keep simple track of your progress.
Preschool Parent’s Companion TCG $13.99

Family-Time Bible in Pictures TB01 $ 12.99 Or your money back.
The Bee Tree TA05 $7.99 Make Way for McCloskey TA04 $26.00
Mike Mulligan and More TA15 $24.99 sonlight.com/guarantee
Cars and Trucks and Things That Go PA40 $16.99
Eloise Wilkin Stories TA09 $12.99 Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs TA16 $6.99
A First Book of Fairy Tales TA03 $9.99 Noah’s Ark TA17 $7.99
George and Martha TA26 $29.99 Our Animal Friends at Maple Hill Farm TA18 $9.99
Go, Dog, Go! TA10 $9.99 A Children’s Treasury of
Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales TA11 $21.99 Nursery Rhymes TA27 $6.95
Harper Collins Treasury Richard Scarry’s
of Picture Book Classics TA23 $35.00 What Do People Do All Day? TA20 $16.99
Horton Hatches the Egg TA12 $16.99 The Tall Book of Nursery Tales TA21 $9.99
Ian and the Gigantic Leafy Obstacle TA13 $5.95 The Usborne Flip-Flap Body Book TA24 $14.99
Wee Sing Nursery Rhymes & Lullabies TA25 $10.99
The M family, Sonlighters
from Sumter, SC
Child Scissors TA06 $2.25
NOYO Crayons: 12 Colors TA07 $10.99
Construction Paper TA08 $5.49
Mighty Mind TA14 $27.99
Teddy Mix & Match TA22 $16.99

You can buy any individual items you like from Sonlight. But for the best experience,
Ways to buy: service, and price, choose the following package.

Preschool Package

Reg. 394.43
Package as illustrated on previous page.


SonlightCares™ $249

I love that Sonlight has provided our family with

a wonderful collection of books for our girls to enjoy in
their preschool years, without unnecessary academic
pressure,” writes Jordan B of Mound, MN. “It’s not
unusual for Selah to greet me in the morning with,
‘Mama, I want to read a Sonlight book!’ She has
developed an early love for reading, and we have seen
her attention span grow significantly as she listens to
the stories each day. We can’t wait to continue our
Sonlight journey as our girls grow!” Here, Selah (2½) is
sharing the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears from
The Tall Book of Nursery Tales with her baby sister Eden.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 29

Pre-Elementary Package

Exploring God’s World
Grade: Pre-K | Ages: 4-5

Estimated Daily Time

Student & Parent:
20 mins to 1½ hr


Nurture a love of learning for a lifetime

Sonlight’s Pre-Kindergarten program bridges and work through four sequential workbooks
the gap between the delightful picture dedicated to reading readiness, so your children
books of Sonlight’s Preschool program, will be ready for phonics next year.
and the early chapter books (some with You’ll give your children a basic understanding
minimal illustrations) and early academics of of the physical world through fundamental
Sonlight A. science concepts. You’ll prepare your children
Using a few dozen books, some of which with a broad foundation in Bible, introduce
will become favorites that you’ll read again works of art, and investigate parts of history. Your
and again, Pre-K starts to expand your children will develop key life skills, both cognitive
children’s knowledge of the larger world. and developmental—everything from following
These entertaining stories from around the sequenced instructions to using scissors.
globe will introduce your children to the world
beyond your neighborhood. TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!
You’ll build meaningful relationships and Visit sonlight.com/samples and get three weeks
delightful memories with your children. You’ll of this level’s Instructor’s Guide-FREE!
teach alphabet sounds and verbal skills,

30 Homeschool questions? Sonlight Advisors have answers. sonlight.com/advisors

Download a complete book list with descriptions for this level at sonlight.com/catalog Complete your year with these necessary subjects.
☐ Math-U-See Primer MUSK $136.00
Choose the best math for your student. To see the different
INSTRUCTOR’S GUIDE math programs available, see pp. 74-81.
Includes the following resources for teaching all Pre-K subjects: full schedule, teaching helps,
memory exercises, nursery rhymes, poems, songs, and activities. Each week includes 5 – 6 ☐ Handwriting Without Tears Pre-K PL04 $16.10
additional hands-on activities that coordinate with the reading. Perfect bound. Level Pre-K students often thrive with Handwriting Without
Pre-K Instructor’s Guide PCG $30.99 Tears Pre-K. For a different level or method, see p. 68.


BIBLE Teacher Resources
101 Favorite Stories from the Bible PB04 $14.99 ☐ The Three R’s by Ruth Beechick KL01 $12.00
☐ Book Labels PCGL $2.49
Supplemental Materials
HISTORY ☐ MathTacular (p.81) RM32 $24.99
The Gods Must Be Angry PG05 $5.50 Stories from Africa PG03 $11.99 ☐ Pattern Blocks Kit (p.81) KM10 $39.94
New Toes for Tia PG08 $5.50 Then and Now PG06 $4.99 ☐ Explode the Code A, B, C (p.64) KL030 $38.95
People PG01 $12.95 Things People Do PG04 $12.99 Electives
☐ Electives (see pp. 82-86 for options)

American Tall Tales PA01 $14.95 Eric Carle’s Animals Animals PA10 $8.99
A Child’s Book of Art PA15 $19.99 The Lion Storyteller Bedtime Book PA03 $19.99
Children’s Book of Virtues PA12 $25.99 Milly-Molly-Mandy Story Book PA08 $13.99
The Classic Tales of Brer Rabbit PA17 $9.95 Stories from Around the World PA09 $16.99
The Complete Adventures A Treasury of Mother Goose Rhymes PA02 $17.99
of Peter Rabbit PA06 $8.99 Uncle Wiggily’s Story Book PA18 $17.99

Dr. Seuss’s ABC1 PL02 $9.99 First Thousand Words1 PL01 $12.99

The Berenstain Bears’ Big What’s Smaller Than a Pygmy Shrew? PS02 $7.99
Book of Science and Nature PS12 $14.99 What’s Under the Sea? PS08 $4.99
How Do You Lift a Lion? PS03 $7.99 Why Do Tigers Have Stripes? PS07 $4.99
How to Dig a Hole to the The Year at Maple Hill Farm PS13 $8.99
Other Side of the World PS04 $7.99
Is a Blue Whale the
Biggest Thing There Is? PS01 $7.99

Developing the Early Learner 1 (Consumable) PR011 $14.49
Developing the Early Learner 2 (Consumable) PR012 $14.49
Developing the Early Learner 3 (Consumable) PR013 $14.49
Developing the Early Learner 4 (Consumable) PR014 $14.49

You can buy any individual items you like from Sonlight. But for the best experience,
Ways to buy: service, and price, choose from the following packages:

Pre-Kindergarten Package Pre-K with Grade K

Readers Package I’m so thankful we use a
literature-rich program that provides

$359.18 $430.54
#PMSP #PCK so much reading!” writes Melanie K of
Reg. 422.57 Reg. 506.52 San Antonio, TX. “Rhett was diagnosed
with speech apraxia when he was
Package as illustrated on Pre-K package, plus Grade K Phonics.
previous page. Omits 2 books. four. It has been a blessing to have
a curriculum that is both challenging
INCLUDES INCLUDES and feasible for a kindergartener.” In
SonlightCares™ $249 SonlightCares™ $249 this photo, Rhett (5) is excited to start
school as he hugs the Instructor’s
Guide for Exploring God’s World.

If you choose the Pre-K Package with Grade K Readers (#PCK), these books will be substituted with Fun Tales (#KR01).

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 31



Intro to the World: Cultures

Grades: K-2 | Ages: 5-7

Estimated Daily Time

(including your other subjects)
Student: 1½-2 hrs
Parents: 1-1½ hrs

Young adventurers: Explore God’s big world


Set the stage for future learning with a The books naturally lead to conversations—
gentle introduction to formal academics. about faith, about character, about relationships.
In Sonlight A, children learn two big ideas: These books present worthy heroes who display
past civilizations existed, and people—both courage and honesty, who work hard, who love
in the past and today—live in different their families, and who do the right thing.
ways throughout the world. In this 36-week From hands-on activities, to stories they’ll
program, you’ll introduce your children to remember their entire lives, get ready for lots of
the amazing diversity in the world. laughs and joy. May you discover together that
Sonlight A shows children how others learning really is fun!
live—often quite differently from current
cultural trends! With students’ increasing TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!
understanding of the world, they start to Visit sonlight.com/samples and get three
see situations from another person’s point weeks of this level’s Instructor’s Guide—FREE!
of view, which helps them relate to others.
Children also grow a healthy curiosity about
the world around them.

32 Get help navigating curriculum choices. Contact a Sonlight Advisor for a free consultation. sonlight.com/advisors
Download a complete book list with descriptions for this level at sonlight.com/catalog Instagram photo by
I ncludes the following resources for teaching all Sonlight A subjects: full schedule, teaching
helps, geography and timeline activities, study guides for history, and Read-Alouds
(including discussion questions and vocabulary development); full answers and definitions.
3-hole punched and shrink wrapped. Add a binder, see p. 87.
Sonlight A Instructor’s Guide ACG4 (4-Day) or ACG (5-Day) $81.99
Sonlight’s Create-A-Calendar AE01 $13.99

Egermeier’s Bible Story Book AB01 $15.99 Sing the Word: From A to Z
(CD + Digital) AB02 $15.95

Adventures in Ancient Greece AH09 $10.95 Out of Darkness AH08 $9.99
Children’s Encyclopedia AH04 $15.99 Return of the White Book AH11 $8.99
The Good News Must Go Out AH10 $8.99 Timeline Figures A AH03 $11.50
Living Long Ago AH02 $12.99 5-Day program also includes▼ Complete your year with these necessary subjects.
Wild Places AH01 $12.99
READ-ALOUDS ☐ Language Arts K KLP or KLP4 $66.95
Many level A customers love Sonlight’s Language Arts K. For
Adventures with Waffles AA33 $7.99 The Light at Tern Rock AA11 $7.99
other easy-to-use language arts programs see pp. 60-63.
The Arnold Lobel Book of Mother Goose AA04 $24.99 The Llama Who Had No Pajama AA05 $8.99
The Boxcar Children AA17 $6.99 My Father’s Dragon AA09 $7.95 ☐ Science A AS5 $147.00
Capyboppy AA08 $9.99 No Children, No Pets AA28 $11.99 Level A students do well with Sonlight’s Science A. For other
Dolphin Adventure AA10 $5.99 Richard Scarry’s Please easy-to-use Sonlight Science programs see pp. 69-73.
Dolphin Treasure AA22 $5.99 and Thank You Book AA06 $4.99
☐ Math-U-See Primer Level Up MUSKU $64.00
The Family Under the Bridge AA20 $6.99 Twenty and Ten AA16 $6.99
Choose the best math for your student. To see the different
A Grain of Rice AA14 $5.99 Winnie-the-Pooh AA32 $6.99
math programs available see pp. 74-81.
Here’s a Penny AA27 $7.99 5-Day program also includes▼
The Hundred Dresses AA15 $7.99 The Apple and the Arrow AA13 $8.95 ☐ Handwriting Without Tears K HWK $80.38
In Grandma’s Attic AA18 $6.99 Least of All AA25 $6.99 Level A students often thrive with Handwriting Without Tears
James Herriot’s Treasury for Children AA21 $24.99 The Story of Dr. Dolittle AA02 $6.99 K. For a different level or method see p. 68.

READERS (customize to your students skill level, pp. 56-58) ☐ 3” Binder & Tabs B050 $21.99
Grade K Readers Schedule/Study Guide KRG4 (4-Day) or KRG (5-Day) $11.99 ☐ The Timeline Book RR120 $26.99
Fun Tales KR01 $23.99 ☐ Markable Map & Markers MAP $29.98
☐ Math-U-See Integer Block Kit RM15 $83.00
Mary on Horseback AA23 $6.99
InquisiKidsTM Hands-on History Kit
Johnny Appleseed AA24 $8.99
☐ World Cultures (p. 83) AHK $49.99
Teacher Resources
You can buy any individual items you like from Sonlight. But for the best experience,
Ways to buy: service, and price, choose from the following packages (and customize as needed):
☐ The Three R’s by Ruth Beechick
☐ The Way They Learn
KL01 $12.00
RR102 $13.99
☐ Book Labels ACGL $2.49
Supplemental Materials
History / Bible / Literature A All-Subjects Package A ☐ MathTacular (p. 81) RM32 $24.99
☐ Explode the Code A, B, C (p. 64) KL030 $37.70
5-Day 4-Day 5-Day 4-Day Electives
#ACKR5 Reg. 473.97 #ACKR4 Reg. 438.05 #KMSP Reg. 820.30 #KMSP4 Reg. 764.42 ☐ Electives A (p. 83) ARE $49.85

$402.87 $372.34 $656.24 $611.54

History Coloring Books
☐ Happy New Year Around the World RE27 $3.99
Package as illustrated on Same content as 5-Day except Same content as 5-Day except
previous page with Grade substitutes 4-Day Instructor’s substitutes 4-Day Instructor’s
K Readers. Guide, omits 4 books. Guides, omits 8 books.

SonlightCares™ $249 SonlightCares™ $249 JUST LOOKING FOR BOOKS?

If you don’t need a full program, but
Other package options available online. Illustrated packages and prices do not include Required Resources. do need better books in your life,
visit Sonlight’s curated book
collections. You’ll find all the
Sonlight titles, in easy-to-order sets,
at sonlight.com/book-collections

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 33


B Intro to World History, Year 1 of 2

Grades: 1-3 | Ages: 6-8

Estimated Daily Time

(including your other subjects)
Student: 2-3 hrs
Parents: 1½-2 hrs

Travel the globe on a thrilling ancient adventure
How did we get from Adam and Eve in a real sense of what it was like to live in Ancient
garden to a world population of billions of times.
people living in thousands of vastly different In addition, you’ll meet heroes who followed
cultures? Find out in this two-year World God’s call, enjoy more than 200 glorious
History overview. poems, laugh with the classic literature, and
In this 36-week program, the first half of learn more than you would have thought
your two-year study, your children will learn possible.
about countries, currencies, languages, With Sonlight B, you’ll discover the breath-
and cultures as they move through a taking, fascinating story of God’s whole world,
chronological trek from Creation through the and have a marvelous time while doing so.
Fall of Rome.
Prefer a one-year world history option? See HBL
A Child’s History of the World serves as the B+C, p. 38.
centerpiece of your children’s studies. Written
in the tone of a wise, kind grandfather, this TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!
book meets children at their level and brings Visit sonlight.com/samples and get three
them into the stories and events that shaped weeks of this level’s Instructor’s Guide—FREE!
the ancient world. Your children will get a

34 Sonlight’s curriculum packages are fully customizable to suit your child, your
budget and your existing home library. sonlight.com/smoothcourse
Instragram photo by
Download a complete book list with descriptions for this level at sonlight.com/catalog @sin_escuela
I ncludes the following resources for teaching all Sonlight B subjects: full Schedule, Teaching
Helps, Geography and Timeline Activities, Study Guides for History and Read-Alouds
(including Discussion Questions and Vocabulary Development), full Answers and definitions.
3-hole punched and shrink wrapped. Add a binder, see p. 87.
Sonlight B Instructor’s Guide BCG4 (4-Day) or BCG (5-Day) $81.99

Leading Little Ones to God BB01 $20.00 Sing the Word! A New
Commandment (CD + Digital) BB02 $15.95

Around the World with Kate and Mack BH13 $12.95 The Usborne Time Traveler BH01 $22.99
A Child’s History of the World CH15 $33.00 Usborne World History CH02 $24.99
George Müller BH06 $9.99 5-Day program also includes▼
Timeline Figures B BH11 $7.00 Archaeologists Dig for Clues BH08 $5.99
Tut’s Mummy Lost and Found BH02 $4.99 The Great Wall of China BH10 $7.99 CUSTOMIZE YOUR CURRICULUM
Wonderful Houses Around the World BH15 $9.95 Complete your year with these necessary subjects.

READ-ALOUDS ☐ Language Arts 1 1LP or 1LP4 $60.96
Charlotte’s Web BA01 $8.99 Owls in the Family BA16 $5.99 Many level B customers love Sonlight’s Language Arts 1. For
Detectives in Togas BA14 $7.99 Understood Betsy BA11 $9.99 other easy-to-use language arts programs see pp. 60-63.
Gooney Bird Greene BA03 $6.99 The Year of the Baby BA21 $6.99 ☐ Science B BS5 $210.88
Greek Myths for Young Children BA07 $7.99 The Year of Miss Agnes BA05 $6.99 Level B students do well with Sonlight’s Science B. For other
Happy Times in Noisy Village BA20 $12.95 5-Day program also includes▼ easy-to-use Sonlight Science programs see pp. 69-73.
Henry Huggins BA02 $7.99 Babe the Gallant Pig BA22 $6.99
Homer Price BA06 $7.99 ☐ Math-U-See Alpha Level Up Set MUS1U $88.00
Kildee House BA23 $10.99
Little Pear BA15 $6.99 Choose the best math for your student. To see the
Mountain Born BA10 $10.00
National Geographic Book different math programs available see pp. 74-81.
Mr. Popper’s Penguins BA08 $7.99
of Animal Poetry BA19 $24.95 ☐ Handwriting Without Tears 1 HW1 $26.90
Level B students often thrive with Handwriting Without Tears
READERS (customize to your students skill level, pp. 56-58) 1. For a different level or method see p. 68.
Grade 1 Readers Schedule/ Study Guide I Can Read It! Book 2 1R162 $ 10.49 REQUIRED RESOURCES
1RG4 (4-Day) or 1RG (5-Day) $11.99 I Can Read It! Book 3 1R163 $ 10.49
☐ 3” Binder & Tabs B050 $21.99
The Best Trick 1R13 $5.49 I Can Read It! Word Lists 1R164 $ 10.49
☐ The Timeline Book RR120 $26.99
A Big Ball of String 1R12 $9.99 One Fish, Two Fish ... 1R04 $9.99
☐ Markable Map & Markers MAP $29.98
The Cat in the Hat 1R06 $9.99 Put Me in the Zoo 1R02 $9.99
☐ Math-U-See Integer Block Kit RM15 $83.00
A Fly Went By 1R05 $9.99 5-Day program also includes▼
Green Eggs and Ham 1R10 $9.99 The Bravest Dog Ever 1R14 $4 .99 ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDED ITEMS
I Can Read It! Book 1 1R161 $ 10.49 Little Bear 1R03 $3.95 InquisiKids™ Hands-on History Kit
☐ World History NEW! BHK $49.99
4-Day Read-Aloud/5-Day History▼
Teacher Resources
Catching Their Talk in a Box BH14 $6.00
☐ The Three R’s by Ruth Beechick KL01 $12.00
☐ The Way They Learn RR102 $13.99
You can buy any individual items you like from Sonlight. But for the best experience, ☐ Book Labels BCGL $2.49
Ways to buy: service, and price, choose from the following packages (and customize as needed): Supplemental Materials
☐ MathTacular (p.81) RM32 $24.99
☐ Explode the Code 1, 2, 3 (p. 64) 1L02 $30.90
History / Bible / Literature B All-Subjects Package B Electives
☐ Electives B (p.83) BRE $62.44
5-Day 4-Day 5-Day 4-Day History Coloring Books
#BC1R5 Reg. 550.86 #BC1R4 Reg. 482.02 #1MSP Reg. 947.60 #1MSP4 Reg. 857.78 ☐ King Tut Coloring Book (p. 85) RE31 $3.99

$468.23 $409.72 $758.08 $686.22

Package as illustrated on Same content as 5-Day except Same content as 5-Day except
previous page with Grade substitutes 4-Day Instructor’s substitutes 4-Day Instructor’s
1 Readers. Guide, omits 6 books. Guides, omits 10 books.
If you don’t need a full program, but
SonlightCares $249 ™
SonlightCares $249 ™
do need better books in your life,
visit Sonlight’s curated book
Other package options available online. Illustrated packages and prices do not include Required Resources. collections. You’ll find all the
Sonlight titles, in easy-to-order sets,
at sonlight.com/book-collections.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 35


C Intro to World History, Year 2 of 2

Grades: 2-4 | Ages: 7-9

Estimated Daily Time

(including your other subjects)
Student: 2-3 hrs
Parents: 1½-2 hrs


Journey from the fall of Rome to the 20th Century

This is the second half of Sonlight’s overview of this through books specifically chosen to be
of World History. In this 36-week program, appropriate for elementary school.
experience the last 1600 years of World You’ll enjoy several literature books that connect
History. Watch the rise and fall of civilizations with the time period (The Door in the Wall, Sir
from the Fall of Rome to the Cold War. Learn Lancelot the Great); your children will improve
both the roots of Western thought, and their reading, with carefully curated books, and
watch how ideas changed the world in the you, too, will fall in love with books that have
Renaissance. Travel with the explorers into been customer favorites now for decades. You’ll
the unknown during the Age of Exploration, gain cultural literacy through scores of Aesop’s
and see how revolutions and inventions fables, and the classic stories of Robin Hood
created the world we know today. You’ll and King Arthur’s court, as well as the gorgeous
acquire an overview of how civilizations art of Michelangelo.
have developed all over the world, and learn
about several key people in history, such as TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!
Queen Elizabeth and Peter the Great. And all Visit sonlight.com/samples and get three
weeks of this level’s Instructor’s Guide—FREE!

36 Use our curriculum builder tool to create personalized curriculum that matches your student’s unique needs. sonlight.com/smoothcourse
The W family, Sonlighters
Download a complete book list with descriptions for this level at sonlight.com/catalog from Colbert, WA
Includes the following resources for teaching all Sonlight C subjects: full Schedule, Teaching
Helps, Geography and Timeline Activities, Study Guides for History and Read-Alouds (including
Discussion Questions and Vocabulary Development), full Answers and definitions. 3-hole
punched and shrink wrapped. Add a binder, see p. 87.
Sonlight C Instructor’s Guide CCG4 (4-Day) or CCG (5-Day) $86.99

Sing the Word! God Our Provider (CD + Digital) CB02 $15.95

Audio Memory® Geography Window on the World NEW EDITION! CH04 $25.00
Songs Kit (CD) CH06 $22.95 5-Day program also includes▼
Additional Workbook (Consumable) CH061 $6.95 Eric the Red and Leif the Lucky CH08 $7.50
Additional Wall Map CH062 $3.00 Good Queen Bess CH10 $17.99
Michelangelo CH11 $7.99 Complete your year with these necessary subjects.
The Adventure of a Lifetime CH13 $9.99 Peter the Great CH05 $10.99
Timeline Figures C CH12 $13.50 ESSENTIAL SUBJECTS
☐ Language Arts 2 2LG or 2LG4 $47.99
Many level C customers love Sonlight’s Language Arts 2. For
READ-ALOUDS other easy-to-use language arts programs see pp. 60-63.
About Average CA28 $7.99 Sir Lancelot the Great CA21 $6.99 ☐ Science C CS5 $199.90
The Aesop for Children CA10 $11.99 Sticks Across the Chimney CA24 $12.99 Level C students do well with Sonlight’s Science C. For other
Captain Nobody CA22 $7.99 Tales of Robin Hood CA17 $9.99 easy-to-use Sonlight Science programs see pp. 69-73.
Cornstalks: A Bushel of Poems CA01 $19.99 The Twenty-One Balloons CA02 $7.99
The Cricket in Times Square CA14 $7.99 White Stallion of Lipizza CA12 $12.99 ☐ Math-U-See Beta Level Up Set MUS2U $88.00
The Door in the Wall CA03 $6.99 5-Day program also includes▼ Choose the best math for your student. To see the different
The Little Riders CA08 $6.99 And the Word Came with Power CA13 $11.95 math programs available see pp. 74-81.
The Penderwicks CA26 $7.99 The Apprentice CA09 $7.99 ☐ Handwriting Without Tears 2 HW2 $23.40
Red Sails to Capri CA11 $9.99 The Minstrel in the Tower CA19 $5.99 Level C students often thrive with Handwriting Without Tears
The School Story CA18 $7.99 Strawberry Girl CA05 $6.99 2. For a different level or method see p. 68.

READERS (customize to your students skill level, pp. 56-58) ☐ 3” Binder & Tabs B050 $21.99
Grade 2 Readers Schedule/Study Guide Pompeii: Buried Alive! 2R11 $4.99 ☐ The Timeline Book RR120 $26.99
2RG4 (4-Day) or 2RG (5-Day) $11.99 Titanic: Lost and Found 2R12 $4.99 ☐ Markable Map & Markers MAP $29.98
Amelia Bedelia 2R23 $4.99 5-Day program also includes▼ ☐ Math-U-See Integer Block Kit RM15 $83.00
The Beginner’s Bible 2R17 $18.99 The Big Balloon Race 2R15 $4.99 ☐ A Child’s History of the World CH15 $33.00
Frog and Toad All Year 2R22 $4.99 Daniel’s Duck 2R18 $4.99 ☐ Usborne Book of World History CH02 $24.99
Frog and Toad Are Friends 2R02 $4.99 The Fire Cat 2R20 $4.99 ☐ Usborne Time Traveler BH01 $22.99
Frog and Toad Together 2R03 $4.99 Hill of Fire 2R09 $4.99
Greg’s Microscope 2R21 $4.99 Surprises 2R24 $4.99
Mouse Tales 2R16 $4.99 Teacher Resources
The Sword in the Tree 2R27 $4.99
Nate the Great 2R19 $5.99 ☐ The Three R’s by Ruth Beechick KL01 $12.00
Wagon Wheels 2R14 $4.99
Owl at Home 2R04 $3.99 ☐ The Way They Learn RR102 $13.99
4-Day Read-Aloud/5-Day History▼ ☐ Book Labels CCGL $2.49
With Two Hands CH17 $8.99 Supplemental Materials
☐ MathTacular 2 (p. 81) RM33 $19.49
☐ Explode the Code 4, 5, 6 (p. 64) 2L07 $30.90
You can buy any individual items you like from Sonlight. But for the best experience,
Ways to buy: service, and price, choose from the following packages (and customize as needed):
☐ Wordly Wise Book A (p. 66) 2L10 $10.95
☐ Electives C (p. 83) CRE $85.88
History Coloring Books
History / Bible / Literature C All-Subjects Package C ☐ Around the World (p. 85) RE29 $3.99
☐ Life in a Medieval Castle (p. 85) RE30 $4.99
5-Day 4-Day 5-Day 4-Day ☐ Wonders of the World (p. 85) RE37 $3.99
#CC2R5 Reg. 523.42 #CC2R4 Reg. 411.10 #2MSR Reg. 912.20 #2MSR4 Reg. 779.91

$444.91 $349.44 $729.76 $623.93 JUST LOOKING FOR BOOKS?

If you don’t need a full program, but
Package as illustrated on Same content as 5-Day except Same content as 5-Day except
previous page with Grade substitutes 4-Day Instructor’s substitutes 4-Day Instructor’s do need better books in your life,
2 Readers. Guide, omits 8 books. Guides, omits 18 books. visit Sonlight’s curated book
collections. You’ll find all the
INCLUDES INCLUDES Sonlight titles, in easy-to-order sets,
SonlightCares™ $249 SonlightCares™ $249 at sonlight.com/book-collections

Other package options available online. Illustrated packages and prices do not include Required Resources.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 37


Intro to World History,

One Year Condensed
Grades: 2-4 | Ages: 7-9

Estimated Daily Time

(including your other subjects)
Student: 2-3 hrs
Parents: 1½-2 hrs


Tour world history from Creation to the 20th Century

Get the very best of Sonlight B and C, and enjoy the very best-of-the-best elementary
condensed into one exciting year! In this literature. Customize with the Readers that
foundational overview of World History, match your children’s ability.
you’ll explore significant events and stories If you want your elementary students to study
as you travel the globe on a year-long World History, but would rather not take two
adventure into the past. You’ll encounter an years to do so, this program is for you.
amazing variety of peoples and cultures, and
gain an understanding of how the rise and Because of the amount of material covered in
fall of civilizations has helped to create the this program, B+C is only available as a 5-Day
world we live in today. option.
You’ll enjoy all of the high points in a
fascinating 36-week overview of world TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!
history. You’ll go through the big picture in Visit sonlight.com/samples and get three
A Child’s History of the World; spend some weeks of this level’s Instructor’s Guide—FREE!
time focused on Egypt, Rome, Vikings, and
Medieval Europe; increase cultural literacy First time Sonlighting?
with Aesop’s fables and Robin Hood’s stories; See p. 87 for a few Required Resources.

38 Get exclusive SonlightCaresTM perks with your HBL or ASP purchase. Learn more on pp. 18-19.
The L family, Sonlighters
from Charlottesville, VA
Download a complete book list with descriptions for this level at sonlight.com/catalog
Includes the following resources for teaching all Sonlight B+C subjects: full Schedule, Teaching
Helps, Geography and Time-Line Activities, Study Guides for History and Read-Alouds (including
Discussion Questions and Vocabulary Development), full Answers and Definitions. 3-hole
punched and shrink wrapped. Add a binder, see p. 87.
Sonlight B+C Instructor’s Guide BCCG $81.99

Sing the Word! God Our Provider (CD + Digital) CB02 $15.95

Audio Memory Geography Tut’s Mummy BH02 $4.99
Songs Kits (CD) CH06 $22.95 The Usborne Time Traveler BH01 $22.99
George Müller BH06 $9.99 The Usborne World History CH02 $24.99
Gladys Aylward: Adventure Timeline Figures B+C BCH01 $15.50 CUSTOMIZE YOUR CURRICULUM
of a Lifetime CH13 $9.99 Window on the World NEW EDITION! CH04 $25.00 Complete your year with these necessary subjects.
READ-ALOUDS ☐ Language Arts 2 2LG4 or 2LG $47.99
The Aesop for Children CA10 $11.99 Homer Price BA06 $7.99 Many level C customers love Sonlight’s Language Arts 2. For
Captain Nobody CA22 $7.99 Little Pear BA15 $6.99 other easy-to-use language arts programs see pp. 60-63.
Charlotte’s Web BA01 $8.99 Owls in the Family BA16 $5.99 ☐ Science C CS5 $199.90
Cornstalks: A Bushel of Poems CA01 $19.99 Red Sails to Capri CA11 $9.99 Level C students do well with Sonlight’s Science C. For other
The Cricket in Times Square CA14 $7.99 The School Story CA18 $7.99 easy-to-use Sonlight Science programs see pp. 69-73.
Detectives in Togas BA14 $7.99 Sticks Across the Chimney CA24 $12.99
The Door in the Wall CA03 $6.99 Tales of Robin Hood CA17 $9.99 ☐ Math-U-See Beta Level Up Set MUS2U $88.00
Gooney Bird Greene BA03 $6.99 The Twenty-One Balloons CA02 $7.99 Choose the best math for your student. To see the different
Henry Huggins BA02 $7.99 The Year of Miss Agnes BA05 $6.99 math programs available see pp. 74-81.
☐ Handwriting Without Tears 2 HW2 $23.40
Level C students often thrive with Handwriting Without Tears
READERS (customize to your students skill level, pp. 56-58) 2. For a different level or method see p. 68.
Grade 2 Readers Schedule/Study Guide Greg’s Microscope 2R21 $4.99
2RG4 (4-Day) or 2RG (5-Day)   $11.99 Hill of Fire 2R09 $4.99 REQUIRED RESOURCES
Amelia Bedelia 2R23 $4.99 Mouse Tales 2R16 $4.99 ☐ 3” Binder & Tabs B050 $21.99
The Beginner’s Bible 2R17 $18.99 Nate the Great 2R19 $5.99 ☐ The Timeline Book RR120 $26.99
The Big Balloon Race 2R15 $4.99 Owl at Home 2R04 $3.99 ☐ Markable Map & Markers MAP $29.98
Daniel’s Duck 2R18 $4.99 Pompeii: Buried Alive! 2R11 $4.99 ☐ Math-U-See Integer Block Kit RM15 $83.00
The Fire Cat 2R20 $4.99 Surprises 2R24 $4.99
Frog and Toad All Year 2R22 $4.99 The Sword in the Tree 2R27 $4.99 ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDED ITEMS
Frog and Toad Are Friends 2R02 $4.99 Titanic: Lost and Found 2R12 $4.99 Teacher Resources
Frog and Toad Together 2R03 $4.99 Wagon Wheels 2R14 $4.99 ☐ The Three R’s by Ruth Beechick KL01 $12.00
☐ The Way They Learn RR102 $13.99
☐ Book Labels BCCGL $2.49
Supplemental Materials
You can buy any individual items you like from Sonlight. But for the best experience, ☐ MathTacular 2 (p. 81) RM33 $19.49
Ways to buy: service, and price, choose from the following packages (and customize as needed): ☐ Explode the Code 4, 5, 6 (p. 64) 2L07 $ 30.96
☐ Wordly Wise Book A (p. 66) 2L10 $10.95
History / Bible / Literature B+C All-Subjects Package B+C ☐ Electives C (p. 83) CRE $85.88
History Coloring Books
☐ King Tut Coloring Book (p. 85) RE31 $3.99
5-Day 5-Day ☐ Around the World (p. 85) RE29 $3.99

#2MSP ☐ Life in a Medieval Castle (p. 85)
#BCC2R5 RE30 $4.99
Reg. 513.97 Reg. 902.75 ☐ Wonders of the World (p. 85) RE37 $3.99
Package as illustrated on previous page
with Grade 2 Readers.

SonlightCares $249 ™
SonlightCares™ $249 If you don’t need a full program, but
do need better books in your life,
Other package options available online. Illustrated packages and prices do not include Required Resources. visit Sonlight’s curated book
collections. You’ll find all the
Sonlight titles, in easy-to-order sets,
at sonlight.com/book-collections

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 39


D Intro to American History, Year 1 of 2

Grades: 3-5 | Ages: 8-11

Estimated Daily Time

(including your other subjects)
Student: 3.5-4.5 hrs
Parent: 2-3 hrs

Discover the foundation of the United States—
and the peoples who were already here
Year one of a two-year study, in this 36-week You’ll focus on the hard-working, vibrant
program, your children will come to know the attitude that helped families of settlers,
context and progression of American history immigrants, pioneers, and pilgrims overcome
from the years before Columbus through the big obstacles. The central history book this
1850s, just before the Civil War. year tells fascinating stories about the social
You’ll learn about the civilizations that lived in forces and cultural influences that shaped early
the Americas before the Europeans arrived, America. The several dozen additional books
and the challenges that settlers faced as they round out your look at early American History.
came to a new land. You’ll learn about the Prefer a one-year American History option? See
Founding Fathers and the Constitution. You’ll HBL D+E, p. 44.
meet famous Americans like Pocahontas and
Benjamin Franklin, and ordinary Americans TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!
who did extraordinary things for God, like Visit sonlight.com/samples and get three
Ann and Adoniram Judson. weeks of this level’s Instructor’s Guide—FREE!

40 More than just great curriculum. Enjoy benefits, discounts, payment options, free shipping and more. See pp. 18-19.
Download a complete book list with descriptions for this level at sonlight.com/catalog
Includes the following resources for teaching all Sonlight D subjects: full Schedule, Teaching
Helps, Geography and Timeline Activities, Study Guides for History, Readers and Read-Alouds
(including Discussion Questions and Vocabulary Development), full Answers and definitions.
3-hole punched and shrink wrapped. Add a binder, see p. 87.
Sonlight D Instructor’s Guide DCG4 (4-Day) or DCG (5-Day) $ 119.99

American Indian Prayer Guide DB01 $8.99 Sing the Word! Great in Counsel &
The Discoverer’s Mighty in Deed (CD + Digital) DB03 $15.95
Bible for Early Readers DB02 $24.99

The Beginner’s American History DH25 $20.99 to the West, Volume 1 DH10 $25.99
Children’s Encyclopedia The Lewis & Clark Expedition DH14 $8.99
of American History DH21 $29.99 CUSTOMIZE YOUR CURRICULUM
North American Indians DH12 $3.99 Complete your year with these necessary subjects
If You Were There When They Timeline Figures D DH16 $9.50
Signed the Constitution DH03 $7.99 5-Day program also includes▼ ESSENTIAL SUBJECTS
The Landmark History of the
American People: From Plymouth Incans, Aztecs & Mayans DH05 $10.99 ☐ Language Arts D DLG4 or DLG $47.99
Pedro’s Journal DH08 $6.99 Many level D customers love Sonlight’s Language Arts D. For
other easy-to-use language arts programs see pp. 60-63.
☐ Science D DS5 $255.76
READ-ALOUDS Level D students do well with Sonlight’s Science D. For other
Adoniram Judson DH20 $9.99 Toliver’s Secret DA05 $6.99 easy-to-use Sonlight Science programs see pp. 69-73.
Carry On, Mr. Bowditch DA06 $7.99 Walk the World’s Rim DA08 $10.99
A Child’s Introduction to Poetry DA13 $19.99 The Witch of Blackbird Pond DA03 $7.99 ☐ Math-U-See Gamma Level Up Set MUS3U $88.00
Johnny Tremain DA04 $7.99 5-Day program also includes▼ Choose the best math for your student. To see the different
Justin Morgan Had a Horse DA09 $7.99 The Journeyman DA11 $10.00 math programs available see pp. 74-81.
The Sign of the Beaver DA02 $7.99 Secret of the Andes DA01 $7.99 ☐ Handwriting Without Tears 3 HW3 $26.90
Swift Rivers DA12 $8.99 Winter Danger DA18 $10.95 Level D students often thrive with Handwriting Without Tears 3.
For a different level or method see p. 68.

READERS ☐ Spelling You See D SUS4 $53.00

The Courage of Sarah Noble DR08 $5.99 Squanto, Friend of the Pilgrims DR10 $6.99 Level D students do well with Spelling You See D. For a different
Om-kas-toe DR16 $7.99 The Thanksgiving Story DR15 $8.99 level or method see p.65.
Phoebe the Spy DR04 $6.99 Timmy O’Dowd and the Big Ditch DR18 $13.95
Pocahontas and the Strangers DR01 $7.99 5-Day program also includes▼
Robert Fulton, Boy Craftsman DR06 $10.99 ☐ 3” Binder & Tabs B050 $21.99
And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? DH02 $6.99
Sarah, Plain and Tall DR07 $7.99 ☐ The Timeline Book RR120 $26.99
The Bears on Hemlock Mountain DR11 $5.99
Sarah Whitcher’s Story DR12 $10.00 ☐ Markable Map & Markers MAP $29.98
The Cabin Faced West DR09 $6.99
The Skippack School DR14 $8.99 ☐ Math-U-See Integer Block Kit RM15 $83.00
A Lion to Guard Us DR13 $7.99
InquisiKidsTM Lap Book
ADVANCED READERS ☐ American History I: From
Includes all Regular Readers, plus: Tika’ Liktak DX05 $11.99 Exploration to 1850 (p.83) DH30 $49.99
The Corn Grows Ripe DX09 $7.99 5-Day program also includes▼ Teacher Resources
Naya Nuki DX03 $7.99 Ben Franklin of Old Philadelphia DX07 $5.99 ☐ The Three R’s by Ruth Beechick KL01 $12.00
The Secret of the Sealed Room DA16 $9.99 Jericho’s Journey DX01 $6.99 ☐ The Way They Learn RR102 $13.99
Stone Fox DX06 $6.99 Vostaas: White Buffalo’s ☐ Book Labels DCGL $2.49
The Story of Eli Whitney DH15 $11.99 Story of Plains Indian DX04 $8.99 Supplemental Materials
☐ MathTacular 2 (p. 81) RM33 $19.49
☐ Wordly Wise 3000 Book 3 (p.66) 3L100 $20.55
You can buy any individual items you like from Sonlight. But for the best experience,
Ways to buy: service, and price, choose from the following packages (and customize as needed):
☐ Electives D (p.83) DRE $60.97
History Coloring Books
☐ Early American Crafts
History / Bible / Literature D and Occupations (p. 85) RE38 $4.99
All-Subjects Package D ☐ Early American Trades (p. 85) RE39 $4.99
5-Day 4-Day ☐ Life in Ancient Mexico (p. 85) RE34 $4.99
5-Day 4-Day
#DCD5 Reg. 546.00 #DCD4 Reg. 471.12 #3MSP Reg. 1039.64 #3MSP4 Reg. 929.79

$464.10 $400.45
Package as illustrated Same content as 5-Day except
$831.71 $743.83 Same content as 5-Day except
If you don’t need a full program, but
do need better books in your life,
on previous page with substitutes 4-Day Instructor’s substitutes 4-Day Instructor’s visit Sonlight’s curated book
Regular Readers. Guide, omits 9 books. Guides, omits 12 books.
INCLUDES INCLUDES collections. You’ll find all the
Sonlight titles, in easy-to-order sets,
SonlightCares $249 ™
SonlightCares™ $249 at sonlight.com/book-collections

Other package options available online. Illustrated packages and prices do not include Required Resources.
Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 41

E Intro to American History, Year 2 of 2

Grades: 4-7 | Ages: 9-12

Estimated Daily Time

(including your other subjects)
Student: 3.5-5 hrs
Parents: 2-3 hrs


Experience America’s history from the 1850s on

This 36-week program covers the second mass immigration, women’s suffrage, the labor
half of American History, from the Civil War movement, and the Great Depression impacted
through the late 20th Century. the social, political, and economic climate of
History comes to life—Westward Expansion, the country. Discuss how racism has influenced
the Industrial Revolution, WWI, and WWII. life for individuals and the entire nation through
Throughout this program, you’ll watch the years.
characters grapple with the difficulties With Sonlight E, you’ll get an engaging
around them, and overcome in the end. study of the American spirit of creativity and
The central history book focuses on entrepreneurship, through biographies,
how Americans’ unique perspective— historical fiction, excellent books, and great
egalitarianism, desire for change, and a conversations.
“can do” spirit—contributed to inventions TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!
such as clothing, department stores, and Visit sonlight.com/samples and get three
skyscrapers. Discover how time zones and
weeks of this level’s Instructor’s Guide—FREE!
fast food came into existence. Examine how

42 Mix and match to create a program that meet your students needs. See pp. 90-91
Download a complete book list with descriptions for this level at sonlight.com/catalog Instagram photo by

Includes the following resources for teaching all Sonlight E subjects: full Schedule, Teaching
Helps, Geography and Timeline Activities, Study Guides for History, Readers and Read-Alouds
(including Discussion Questions and Vocabulary Development), full Answers and definitions.
3-hole punched and shrink wrapped. Add a binder, see p. 87.
Sonlight E Instructor’s Guide ECG4 (4-Day) or ECG (5-Day) $119.99

Sing the Word! The Heavens Starting Strong EB01 $14.99
Declare (CD + Digital) EB02 $15.95

The Landmark History of the Wee Sing America EH04 $10.99
American People: From Charleston The World Wars EH05 $25.99
to the Moon, Volume 2 EH12 $25.99 5-Day program also includes▼
One Voice: The Story In Search of the Source EA13 $11.95 CUSTOMIZE YOUR CURRICULUM
of William Wilberforce EH17 $13.95 Complete your year with these necessary subjects.
Timeline Figures E EH11 $11.50
☐ Language Arts E ELG4 or ELG $47.99
READ-ALOUDS Many level E customers love Sonlight’s Language Arts E. For
Across Five Aprils EA03 $6.99 Oxford Illustrated Book of other easy-to-use language arts programs see pp. 60-63.
Caddie Woodlawn EA05 $7.99 American Children’s Poems EA04 $12.95 ☐ Science E ES5 $227.81
The Great Turkey Walk EA02 $7.99 Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry EA06 $8.99 Level E students do well with Sonlight’s Science E. For other
The Great Wheel EA10 $9.99 The Winged Watchman EA01 $14.95 easy-to-use Sonlight Science programs see pp. 69-73.
In the Year of the 5-Day program also includes▼
Boar and Jackie Robinson ER10 $6.99 Every Soul a Star EA22 $8.99
☐ Math-U-See Delta Level Up Set MUS4U $88.00
King of the Mound EA19 $7.99 Choose the best math for your student. To see the different
General Butterfingers EA20 $7.95
A Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt EH01 $5.99 math programs available see pp. 74-81.
A Summer of Sundays EA21 $9.99
Little Britches EA08 $14.95 ☐ Spelling You See E SUS5 $53.00
Miracles on Maple Hill EA07 $7.99 Level E students do well with Spelling You See E. For a different
level or method see p. 65.
Bruchko ER14 $14.99 The Seventeenth Swap ER13 $10.99 ☐ 3” Binder & Tabs B050 $21.99
By the Great Horn Spoon! ER02 $8.99 Shades of Gray ER04 $7.99 ☐ The Timeline Book RR120 $26.99
Freedom Train: Sing Down the Moon ER18 $7.99 ☐ Markable Map & Markers MAP $29.98
The Story of Harriet Tubman ER03 $6.99 Thimble Summer ER09 $7.99 ☐ Math-U-See Integer Block Kit RM15 $83.00
From the Mixed-Up Files of Turn Homeward, Hannalee ER05 $6.99 ☐ Children’s Encyclopedia of
Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler EA14 $8.99 The Wright Brothers ER15 $5.99 American History DH21 $29.99
George Washington Carver ER23 $9.99 5-Day program also includes▼
All of a Kind Family ER08 $6.99
Henry Reed, Inc. ER22 $7.99 Because of Winn-Dixie ER21 $7.99 InquisiKidsTM Lap Book
Hero Over Here ER19 $6.99 Gone Away Lake ER12 $7.99
☐ American History II: From
Old Yeller ER06 $6.99 1850s to Early 21st Century (p. 83) EH30 $49.99
Plain Girl ER11 $7.99 4-Day Read-Aloud/5-Day History▼ Teacher Resources
Lights in a Dark Place EH16 $8.99 ☐ You Can Teach Your
Child Successfully RR03 $14.00
☐ The Way They Learn RR102 $13.99
You can buy any individual items you like from Sonlight. But for the best experience, ☐ Book Labels ECGL $2.49
Ways to buy: service, and price, choose from the following packages (and customize as needed): Supplemental Materials
☐ MathTacular 3 (p. 81) RM37 $24.99
☐ Wordly Wise 3000 Book 4 (p. 66) 4L10 $20.55
History / Bible / Literature E ☐ The Grammar Ace (p. 64) RL66 $26.98
All-Subjects Package E ☐ Handwriting without Tears 4 HW4 $23.40
5-Day 4-Day 5-Day 4-Day ☐ Electives E (p. 83) ERE $44.94
#EC5 Reg. 557.79 #EC4 Reg. 495.94 #4MSR Reg. 1021.57 #4MSR4 Reg. 935.74

$474.12 $421.55 $817.26 $748.59 JUST LOOKING FOR BOOKS?

Package as illustrated on Same content as 5-Day except Same content as 5-Day except If you don’t need a full program, but
previous page. substitutes 4-Day Instructor’s substitutes 4-Day Instructor’s do need better books in your life,
Guide, omits 7 books. Guides, omits 9 books. visit Sonlight’s curated book
INCLUDES INCLUDES collections. You’ll find all the
SonlightCares™ $249 SonlightCares™ $249 Sonlight titles, in easy-to-order sets,
at sonlight.com/book-collections
Other package options available online. Illustrated packages and prices do not include Required Resources.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 43


DE Intro to American History,

One Year Condensed
Grades: 4-7 | Ages: 9-12

Estimated Daily Time

(including your other subjects)
Student: 3½-4½ hrs
Parents: 2-3 hrs

Journey through all of American history


Experience the dramatic story of American people, culture, and country. The Read-Alouds
History! Starting with the years before and Readers tie together with the history, for one
Columbus and the Europeans, this program exceptional, immersive experience.
covers the colonial period, the Revolutionary If you want your elementary students to study
War, the gradual expansion of the States, American History but would rather not take two
the Civil War, and up through the Twentieth years to do so, this program is for you.
Century. This program includes only the
most vital books from two full years of study Because of the amount of material covered in
(Sonlight D and E), here condensed into one. this program, D+E is only available as a 5-Day
This 36-week program gives your children
a broad overview of an influential and TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!
ever-changing nation. You’ll learn about Visit sonlight.com/samples and get three weeks
characters and events: explorers, Native
of this level’s Instructor’s Guide—FREE!
Americans, the Founding Fathers, famous
inventors, and ordinary people with First time Sonlighting?
extraordinary stories. As you read, you’ll gain See p. 87 for a few Required Resources.
a foundational understanding of a unique

44 Give your curriculum a test-drive. With our unmatched, one-year guarantee you can see if
Sonlight is right for you. sonlight.com/guarantee
The L family, Sonlighters from
Charlottesville, VA
Download a complete book list with descriptions for this level at sonlight.com/catalog
Includes the following resources for teaching all D+E Condensed subjects: full Schedule,
Teaching Helps, Geography and Timeline Activities, Study Guides for History, Readers and
Read-Alouds (including Discussion Questions and Vocabulary Development), full answers and
definitions. 3-hole punched and shrink wrapped. Add a binder, see p. 87.
Sonlight D+E Instructor’s Guide DECG $119.99

American Indian Prayer Guide DB01 $8.99 Starting Strong (Consumable) EB01 $14.99
Sing the Word: The
Heavens Declare (CD + Digital) EB02 $15.95

Children’s Encyclopedia of The Landmark History of the
American History DH21 $29.99 American People, Volume 2 EH12 $25.99
Hero Over Here ER19 $6.99 Pedro’s Journal DH08 $6.99 CUSTOMIZE YOUR CURRICULUM
In Search of the Source EA13 $11.95 Timeline Figures D+E DEH01 $15.50 Complete your year with these necessary subjects.
The Landmark History of the Wee Sing America (CD) EH04 $10.99
American People, Volume1 DH10 $25.99 ESSENTIAL SUBJECTS
☐ Language Arts D+E DELG $44.99
Many level D+E customers love Sonlight’s Language Arts D+E.
READ-ALOUDS For other easy-to-use language arts programs see pp. 60-63.
Across Five Aprils EA03 $6.99 Little Britches EA08 $14.95
Adoniram Judson DH20 $9.99 Miracles on Maple Hill EA07 $7.99 ☐ Science E ES5 $227.81
Caddie Woodlawn EA05 $7.99 Oxford Illustrated Book of Level E students do well with Sonlight’s Science E. For other
Carry On, Mr. Bowditch DA06 $7.99 American Children’s Poems EA04 $12.95 easy-to-use Sonlight Science programs see pp. 69.73.
In the Year of the Boar and Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry EA06 $8.99
Jackie Robinson ER10 $6.99 Walk the World’s Rim DA08 $10.99 ☐ Math-U-See Delta Level Up Set MUS4U $88.00
Choose the best math for your student. To see the different
Johnny Tremain DA04 $7.99 The Witch of Blackbird Pond DA03 $7.99
math programs available see pp. 74-81.
☐ Spelling You See E SUS5 $53.00
READERS Level E students do well with Spelling You See E. For a different
By the Great Horn Spoon! ER02 $8.99 The Seventeenth Swap ER13 $10.99 level or method see p. 65.
Freedom Train ER03 $6.99 Shades of Gray ER04 $7.99
The Great Turkey Walk EA02 $7.99 The Sign of the Beaver DA02 $7.99
☐ 3” Binder & Tabs B050 $21.99
The Great Wheel EA10 $9.99 A Summer of Sundays EA21 $9.99
☐ The Timeline Book RR120 $26.99
The Lewis and Clark Expedition DH14 $8.99 Thimble Summer ER09 $7.99
☐ Markable Map & Markers MAP $29.98
Old Yeller ER06 $6.99 Toliver’s Secret DA05 $6.99
☐ Math-U-See Integer Block Kit RM15 $83.00
Om-kas-toe DR16 $7.99 Turn Homeward, Hannalee ER05 $6.99
Phoebe the Spy DR04 $6.99 What’s the Big Idea, Ben Franklin? DH01 $6.99 ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDED ITEMS
Pocahontas and the Strangers DR01 $7.99 The Wright Brothers ER15 $5.99
InquisiKidsTM Lap Book
Sarah, Plain and Tall DR07 $7.99
☐ American History II: From
1850s to Early 21st Century (p. 83) EH30 $49.99
Teacher Resources
You can buy any individual items you like from Sonlight. But for the best experience, ☐ You Can Teach Your
Ways to buy: service, and price, choose from the following packages (and customize as needed): Child Successfully RR03 $14.00
☐ The Way They Learn RR102 $13.99
☐ Book Labels DECGL $2.49
Supplemental Materials
History / Bible / Literature D+E All-Subjects Package D+E ☐ MathTacular 3 (p. 81) RM37 $24.99
☐ Wordly Wise 3000 Book 4 (p. 66) 4L10 $20.55
5-Day 5-Day ☐ The Grammar Ace (p. 64) RL66 $26.98
☐ Handwriting without Tears 4 HW4 $23.40

$475.08 $818.16
Reg. 558.92 Reg. 1022.70 ☐ Electives E (p. 83) ERE $44.94
Package as illustrated on previous page.


SonlightCares™ $249 SonlightCares™ $249

Other package options available online. Illustrated packages and prices do not include Required Resources. If you don’t need a full program, but
do need better books in your life,
visit Sonlight’s curated book
collections. You’ll find all the
Sonlight titles, in easy-to-order sets,
at sonlight.com/book-collections

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 45

Middle School

F Eastern Hemisphere
Grades: 5-8 | Ages: 10-13

Estimated Daily Time

(including your other subjects)
Student: 4-6 hrs
Parents: 2-3½ hrs


Travel to the East and glimpse God’s

heart for the world
In Sonlight F, you study the majority of With Sonlight F, your children will gain God’s
the people in the world. Unlike other heart for the lost and be inspired toward greater
Sonlight programs, this one doesn’t move compassion and courage through the many
chronologically through history. Instead, it’s featured missionary biographies.
a cultural study that acquaints your children And as your children see Christianity compared
with the fascinating peoples and nations of to religions of the East, they will appreciate even
the East. more what a great God we serve. We do not
In this 36-week program, you’ll study China pray to lifeless idols; we are not stuck in an
first, and then move on to the rest of Asia, over endless cycle of reincarnation. Our God is alive,
to the Middle East, down to Africa, through loving, and powerful!
the South Pacific (including Australia and New
Zealand), and end in Antarctica. You’ll get to
know the peoples and cultures of places you Visit sonlight.com/samples and get three weeks
may never have studied in depth, including of this level’s Instructor’s Guide—FREE!
Japan, India, Vietnam, and Russia.

46 Don’t forget additional Eastern Hemisphere Notebook pages—now in full color! sonlight.com/notebook-pages
Download a complete book list with descriptions for this level at sonlight.com/catalog
Includes full Schedule; Teaching Helps; Geography and Timeline Activities, Study Guides for
History, Readers and Read-Alouds (including Discussion Questions and Vocabulary Develop-
ment), full answers and definitions. 3-hole punched and shrink wrapped. Add a binder, see p. 87.
Sonlight F Instructor’s Guide FCG4 (4-Day) or FCG (5-Day) $121.99

Case for Kids FB04 $18.99 Sing the Word! All Nations
Shall Worship (CD + Digital) FB02 $15.95

HISTORY Instagram photo by

100 Gateway Cities FH13 $9.99 Living Water in the Desert FH12 $8.99 @Delightfullearning
China Kit (Consumable) FH23 $26.99 Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes FR25 $16.94
Eastern Hemisphere Timeline Figures F FH20 $7.00
Notebook Pages (Consumable) FCG1 $24.99 Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? FH06 $14.95
Journey to the Eastern Hemisphere FH15 $29.99
Complete your year with these necessary subjects.


All the Small Poems FA65 $9.99 Seven Daughters & Seven Sons FA63 $8.99 ☐ Language Arts F FLG4 or FLG $46.99
Beat the Story-Drum, Pum-Pum FA12 $9.99 Shadow Spinner FA67 $7.99 Your choice of a language arts program see pp. 60-63
Breaking Stalin’s Nose FR30 $8.99 Teresa of Calcutta FH07 $8.99
☐ Science F FSB5 or FSG5 $170.85
Call It Courage FR03 $5.99 Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze FA62 $8.99
Many Level F customers love Sonlight’s Science F. For other
The Horse and His Boy FA56 $8.99 5-Day program also includes▼ easy-to-use Sonlight Science programs see pp. 69.73.
I Rode a Horse of Milk White Jade FA02 $10.99 Cornelia and the Audacious Escapades
Journey to Jo’burg FA57 $6.99 of the Somerset Sisters FA06 $7.99 ☐ Math-U-See Epsilon Level Up Set MUS5U $92.00
The Land I Lost FA64 $6.99 Daughter of the Mountains FA66 $7.99 Choose the best math for your student. To see the different
A Long Walk to Water FA04 $7.99 Where the Mountain Meets the Moon FA01 $10.99 math programs available see pp. 74-81.
The Master Puppeteer FA52 $6.99
☐ Spelling You See F SUS6 $53.00
Rickshaw Girl FR28 $6.95
Level F students often thrive with Spelling You See F. For a
different level or method see p. 65.


Ali and the Golden Eagle FR18 $11.99 5-Day program also includes▼
A Beautiful Lie FR31 $9.99
☐ 3” Binder & Tabs B050 $21.99
Around the World in Eighty Days FR17 $6.99 ☐ The Timeline Book RR120 $26.99
The Big Wave FR05 $6.99 A Girl Named Disaster FR10 $7.99
Just So Stories FR09 $5.99
☐ Markable Map & Markers MAP $29.98
Born in the Year of Courage FR23 $9.95 ☐ Math-U-See Fraction Overlay Kit RM17 $49.00
Burying the Sun FR12 $11.99 Listening for Lions FR27 $6.99
The Cat Who Went to Heaven FR06 $6.99 Mission to Cathay FR20 $11.99
Habibi FR26 $7.99 4-Day Reader/5-Day History▼ Teacher Resources
King of the Wind FR15 $7.99 God’s Adventurer: Hudson Taylor FR07 $9.99 ☐ You Can Teach Your
Li Lun, Lad of Courage FR19 $7.99 Mary Slessor: Forward into Calabar FH18 $9.99 Child Successfully RR03 $14.00
Red Sand, Blue Sky FR21 $13.50 William Carey: Obliged to Go FH16 $9.99 ☐ The Way They Learn RR102 $13.99
Sweet and Sour: Tales from China FA68 $8.95
4-Day Read-Aloud/5-Day Reader▼ ☐ Book Labels FCGL $2.49
The Turning FR16 $11.99
The Kite Fighters FR04 $7.99 Supplemental Materials
Water Sky FR01 $7.99 ☐ MathTacular 4 (p. 81) RM4A $49.99
The Year of the Dog FA69 $6.99 ☐ Wordly Wise 3000 Book 5 (p. 66) 5L10 $20.55
☐ Keys to Good Language 5 (p. 64) 5L09 $47.48
You can buy any individual items you like from Sonlight. But for the best experience, ☐ Grammar 5 (p. 64) 5L15 $31.98
Ways to buy: service, and price, choose from the following packages (and customize as needed): Electives
☐ Electives F (p. 83) FRE $77.94
History Coloring Books
☐ Race to the South Pole (p. 85) RE28 $3.99
History / Bible / Literature F All-Subjects Package F ☐ Life in Old Japan (p. 85) RE36 $4.99
5-Day 4-Day 5-Day 4-Day ☐ Extra Eastern Hemisphere
#FC5 Reg. 658.75 #FC4 Reg. 588.83 #5MSPB Reg. 1086.54 #5MSPB4 Reg. 989.64 Notebook Pages FCG1 $24.99
☐ China Kit FH23 $26.99
$559.94 $500.51 $869.23 $791.71
Same content as 5-Day except
Package as illustrated on Same content as 5-Day except
previous page. substitutes 4-Day Instructor’s substitutes 4-Day Instructor’s
Guide, omits 8 books. Guides, omits 10 books.
INCLUDES INCLUDES If you don’t need a full program, but
SonlightCares $249 ™
SonlightCares $249 ™ do need better books in your life,
visit Sonlight’s curated book
collections. You’ll find all the
Other package options available online. Illustrated packages and prices do not include Required Resources. Sonlight titles, in easy-to-order sets,
at sonlight.com/book-collections

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 47

Middle School

G World History, Year 1 of 2

Grades: 6-8 | Ages: 11-13

Estimated Daily Time

(including your other subjects)
Student: 4-6 hrs
Parents: 2-3½ hrs

Witness the rise and fall of ancient empires


Sonlight G fosters your students’ ability to think Some of this you probably already know—the
critically and make connections through the Nile and the Mona Lisa, King Arthur, and the
flow of human history, from creation through Roman occupation. The invitation to you now is
the transformative 1600s. to go deeper. Learn about travel on the Nile and
The stories you’ll read in Sonlight G bring usurping monarchs. Speculate about Leonardo
long ago times to life. Over the course of da Vinci’s motivation. Consider the technological
36 weeks, your students will be taken on a advance that allowed the historic Arthur to reign.
gripping, story-based trek through history as Picture the people under Roman rule.
you journey through Ancient Mesopotamia, Finish your world history studies next year with
Egypt, Greece, Rome, and more! level H. Prefer a one-year World History option?
Sonlight G’s cohesive, interconnected See HBL W, p. 52.
curriculum builds on three primary history TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!
texts, then adds compelling historical fiction, Visit sonlight.com/samples and get three weeks
Greek myths, biographies, and other titles.
of this level’s Instructor’s Guide—FREE!

48 Multiple curriculum options, completely customizable to meet your needs. See p. 21

Download a complete book list with descriptions for this level at sonlight.com/catalog
Includes the following resources for teaching all Sonlight G subjects: full Schedule, Teaching
Helps, Geography and Timeline Activities, Study Guides for History, Readers and Read-Alouds
(including Discussion Questions and Vocabulary Development), full answers and definitions.
3-hole punched and shrink wrapped. Add a binder, see p. 87.
Sonlight G Instructor’s Guide GCG4 (4-Day) or GCG (5-Day) $119.99

International Children’s Sing the Word! Credo: I Believe
Bible Field Guide GB01 $15.99 (CD + Digital) GB02 $15.95 Photo by Kristee R of
Webbers Falls, OK
The Kingdom Strikes Back GH01 $5.49 5-Day program also includes▼
Story of the World: Ancient Times GH05 $17.95 The Monk Who Shook the World GR23 $8.99
Story of the World: Middle Ages GH06 $17.95 Usborne Encyclopedia: CUSTOMIZE YOUR CURRICULUM
Timeline Figures G GH04 $11.50 12,000 Years of World History GH07 $23.98 Complete your year with these necessary subjects.

READ-ALOUDS ☐ Language Arts G GLG4 or GLG $46.99
Your choice of a language arts program see pp. 60-63.
Beyond the Desert Gate GA11 $13.95 The Shakespeare Stealer GA14 $8.99
Favorite Poems Old and New GA06 $26.99 The Silver Branch GA18 $9.99 ☐ Science G GS5 $204.93
God King GA12 $14.95 A Single Shard GA10 $7.99 Many level G customers Love Sonlight’s Science G. For other
The Golden Goblet GA01 $7.99 The Trojan War GA04 $7.99 easy-to-use Sonlight Science programs see pp. 69-73.
The Great and Terrible Quest GR06 $12.95 5-Day program also includes▼
☐ Math-U-See Zeta Level Up MUS6U $119.00
Master Cornhill GA05 $11.99 The Hidden Treasure of Glaston GA15 $15.95 Choose the best math for your student. To see the different
The Second Mrs. Giaconda GA09 $7.99 I, Juan de Pareja GA07 $7.99 math programs available see pp. 74-81.

Adam of the Road GR03 $8.99 The Mystery of the Roman Ransom GR10 $7.99 ☐ 3” Binder & Tabs B050 $21.99
The Beduin’s Gazelle GR08 $6.99 The Samurai’s Tale GR01 $7.99 ☐ The Timeline Book RR120 $26.99
Black Horses for the King GR18 $7.99 Son of Charlemagne GR21 $14.95 ☐ Markable Map & Markers MAP $29.98
The Bronze Bow GR02 $8.99 ☐ Math-U-See Integer Block Kit RM15 $83.00
5-Day program also includes▼
Flame Over Tara GA13 $11.99 Catherine, Called Birdy GR19 $7.99 ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDED ITEMS
Greek Myths GR24 $7.99 A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver GR17 $8.99 InquisiKidsTM Lap Book
Hittite Warrior GR12 $14.95 Shadow of a Bull GR04 $7.99 ☐ World History Lapbook NEW! (p. 83) GH30 $49.99
The Ides of April GR14 $13.95 Theras and His Town GR20 $15.95 Teacher Resources
Mara, Daughter of the Nile GR07 $8.99 ☐ You Can Teach Your Child
Successfully RR03 $14.00
☐ The Way They Learn RR102 $13.99
You can buy any individual items you like from Sonlight. But for the best experience, ☐ Book Labels GCGL $2.49
Ways to buy: service, and price, choose from the following packages (and customize as needed): Supplemental Materials
☐ Wordly Wise 3000 Book 6 (p. 66) 6L10 $20.55
☐ Keys to Good Language 6 (p. 64) 6L09 $47.48
History / Bible / Literature G All-Subjects Package G ☐ Grammar 6 (p. 64) 6L15 $31.98
☐ Writers INC (p. 67) RL04 $35.55
5-Day 4-Day 5-Day 4-Day ☐ Spelling You See G SUS7 $53.00
#GC5 Reg. 556.18 #GC4 Reg. 458.35 #6MSP Reg. 1005.06 #6MSP4 Reg. 872.24 ☐ Electives G (p. 83) GRE $134.99

$472.75 $389.60 $804.05 $697.79 History Resources

☐ The Story of the World, Vol 1:
Package as illustrated on Same content as 5-Day except Same content as 5-Day except Ancient Times (audio) GH09 $39.95
previous page. substitutes 4-Day Instructor’s substitutes 4-Day Instructor’s ☐ The Story of the World, Vol 2:
Guide, omits 8 books. Guides, omits 9 books.
The Middle Ages (audio) GH10 $44.95
INCLUDES INCLUDES History Coloring Books
SonlightCares™ $249 SonlightCares™ $249 ☐ Life in Ancient Greece (p. 85) RE33 $4.99
☐ Life in Ancient Rome (p. 85) RE35 $4.99
Other package options available online. Illustrated packages and prices do not include Required Resources.
If you don’t need a full program, but
do need better books in your life,
visit Sonlight’s curated book
collections. You’ll find all the
Sonlight titles, in easy-to-order sets,
at sonlight.com/book-collections

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 49


Middle School

World History, Year 2 of 2

Grades: 7-9 | Ages: 12-14

Estimated Daily Time

(including your other subjects)
Student: 4-6 hrs
Parents: 2-3½ hrs


Explore the changing world of the last 500 years

Sonlight H completes the study that began in In this 36-week program, you’ll also discuss some
Sonlight G. Get a backstage pass to the last uncomfortable realities of history—things like
500 years of World History—colonial rule the Holocaust, poverty, and war. This program
and colonial rule overthrown, the influence will give your children heroes who faced real
of the Renaissance on the American and challenges, persevered, and triumphed in the
French Revolutions, the World Wars and life end. May these real individuals inspire your
for everyday people during those wars. In this children to become people who persevere with
program, you’ll meet the people whose ideas courage, strength and honor.
and actions forged the course of history, from Sonlight H includes a mix of challenging books
reformers to rocket scientists. Gain a working and fun books. You’ll find thrilling adventures,
knowledge of what happened from the 17th laugh-out-loud scenes, and heartwarming
century to about 1990. stories, for a thoroughly enjoyable experience.
Visit sonlight.com/samples and get three weeks
of this level’s Instructor’s Guide—FREE!

50 Sonlight = the easiest and best curriculum to use with multiple students. Learn how on p. 21.
Download a complete book list with descriptions for this level at sonlight.com/catalog
Includes the following resources for teaching all Sonlight H subjects: full Schedule, Teaching
Helps, Geography and Timeline Activities, Study Guides for History, Readers and Read-Alouds
(including Discussion Questions and Vocabulary Development), full Answers and definitions.
3-hole punched and shrink wrapped. Add a binder, see p. 87.
Sonlight H Instructor’s Guide HCG4 (4-Day) or HCG (5-Day) $ 119.99

The BBC Manual: Turning Your Daring to Live on the Edge HB04 $9.99 The L family, Sonlighters
Bedroom into a Bible College HB05 $18.00 How to Stay Christian in High School HB03 $12.99 from Charlottesville, VA
“But Don’t All Religions Lead to God?” HB01 $10.99 Live Like a Jesus Freak: Spend
Today As If It Were Your Last HB02 $13.99

Story of the World: Early Modern Times HH01 $17.95 Story of the World: Modern Age HH02 $17.95 Complete your year with these necessary subjects.
Timeline Figures H HH03 $18.00
☐ Language Arts H HLG4 or HLG $46.77
READ-ALOUDS Your choice of a language arts program see pp. 60-63.
The Arrow Over the Door HA16 $6.99 Only the Names Remain HR13 $8.99
☐ Science H
The Breadwinner HR01 $9.95 The Sherwood Ring HA05 $7.99
Textbook HS0A $178.98
Classic Poetry HA15 $12.99 The Singing Tree HA02 $8.99
CD-ROM HS0B $129.98
The Ghost in the Tokaido Inn HR06 $7.99 The Year of Impossible Goodbyes HR02 $6.99
Many level H customers love Sonlight’s Science H. For other
The Good Master HR03 $7.99 5-Day program also includes▼
easy-to-use Sonlight Science programs see pp. 69-73.
The Great Trouble HA23 $7.99 Banner in the Sky HA10 $8.99
Mary Jones and Her Bible HA08 $12.99 The Best Christmas Pageant Ever HA07 $5.99 ☐ Math-U-See Pre-Algebra Level Up MUS7U $121.00
A Murder for Her Majesty HA17 $7.99 Under the Egg HA25 $7.99 Choose the best math for your student. To see the different
Number the Stars HA13 $7.99 The War That Saved My Life HA24 $8.99 math programs available see pp. 74-81.

READERS ☐ 3” Binder & Tabs B050 $21.99
Angel on the Square HR07 $9.99 Nory Ryan’s Song HR12 $7.99 ☐ The Timeline Book RR120 $26.99
Betsy and the Emperor HR04 $8.99 The Ravenmaster’s Secret HA01 $6.99 ☐ Markable Map & Markers MAP $29.98
Chu Ju’s House HR21 $7.99 Snow Treasure HR14 $7.99 ☐ Math-U-See Integer Block Kit RM15 $83.00
The Endless Steppe HA11 $7.99 5-Day program also includes▼ ☐ Usborne Encyclopedia (5-Day only) GH07 $23.98
Escape Across the Wide Sea HA09 $15.99 The Broken Blade HR05 $6.99
Homeless Bird HR08 $6.99 The Iron Peacock HR09 $11.99 ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDED ITEMS
In Search of Honor HR16 $10.00 Operation Yes HA20 $7.99 Teacher Resources
It’s a Jungle Out There! HR17 $12.95 ☐ You Can Teach Your
4-Day Read-Aloud/5-Day History▼
The King’s Fifth HR10 $7.99 Child Successfully RR03 $14.00
God’s Smuggler HA12 $14.99
☐ The Way They Learn RR102 $13.99
☐ Book Labels HCGL $2.49
Supplemental Materials
You can buy any individual items you like from Sonlight. But for the best experience,
Ways to buy: service, and price, choose from the following packages (and customize as needed):
☐ Wordly Wise 3000 Book 7 (p. 66)
☐ Writers INC (p. 67)
7L30 $20.55
RL04 $35.55
☐ Electives H (p. 83) HRE $87.93
History / Bible / Literature H All-Subjects Package H History Resources
☐ The Story of the World Vol 3:
Early Modern Age (audio) HH09 $49.95
5-Day 4-Day 5-Day 4-Day ☐ The Story of the World Vol 4:
#HC5 Reg. 541.45 #HC4 Reg. 482.52 #7MSR Reg. 864.91 #7MSR4 Reg. 932.17 The Modern Age (audio) HH10 $54.95

$460.23 $410.14 $691.93 $745.74

Package as illustrated on Same content as 5-Day except Includes Science H General. Same content as 5-Day except
previous page. substitutes 4-Day Instructor’s substitutes 4-Day Instructor’s
Guide, omits 7 books. Guides, omits 7 books and
includes Science H Technology.
SonlightCares™ $249 SonlightCares™ $249 If you don’t need a full program, but
do need better books in your life,
visit Sonlight’s curated book
Other package options available online. Illustrated packages and prices do not include Required Resources.
collections. You’ll find all the
Sonlight titles, in easy-to-order sets,
at sonlight.com/book-collections

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 51

Middle School

W World History, One Year Condensed

Grades: 7-9 | Ages: 12-14

Estimated Daily Time

(including your other subjects)
Student: 4-6 hrs
Parents: 2-3½ hrs

Travel through the highlights of human history
If you want your middle school or early high civilizations around the world and through
school students to have a thorough overview of recorded time.
world history, but only have a year to dedicate Sonlight W is a wonderful introduction to the
to that study, this 36-week program is for you. delight of learning. The approachable and
From the very start of recorded history through winsome books compel students to keep reading.
the modern era, you’ll come away with a clear Your reluctant learners might even start reading
picture of famous events through time. ahead of schedule! Some Sonlight parents have
Sonlight W includes a tremendous amount of used this program for high school credit.
high-quality literature. In order to make all Because of the amount of material covered in
the reading manageable, this program uses this program, W is only available as a 5-Day
the clear and easy-to-read A Child’s History of option.
the World as a foundation. From that starting
point, you’ll expand your studies with the best TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!
books from Sonlight programs G and H. Visit sonlight.com/samples and get three weeks
Your students will develop critical thinking of this level’s Instructor’s Guide—FREE!
skills, will understand their own and others’
cultures, and will see connections between First time Sonlighting?
See p. 87 for a few Required Resources.

52 Did you know Sonlight offers college scholarships? See p. 97.

The L family, Sonlighters
from Charlottesville, VA
Download a complete book list with descriptions for this level at sonlight.com/catalog
Includes the following resources for teaching all Sonlight W subjects: full Schedule, Teaching
Helps, Geography and Time-Line Activities. Study Guides for History, Readers and Read-Alouds
(including Discussion Questions and Vocabulary Development). full Answers and Definitions.
3-hole punched and shrink wrapped. Add a binder, see p. 87.
Sonlight W Instructor’s Guide WCG $119.99

International Children’s Sing the Word! Credo: I Believe
Bible Field Guide GB01 $15.99 (CD + Digital) GB02 $15.95

A Child’s History of the World CH15 $33.00 Timeline Figures W WH02 $11.50
The Kingdom Strikes Back GH01 $5.49 Usborne Encyclopedia: 12,000
Years of World History GH07 $23.98 CUSTOMIZE YOUR CURRICULUM
Complete your year with these necessary subjects.
Banner in the Sky HA10  $8.99 Master Cornhill GA05  $ 11.99 ☐ Language Arts W WLG $46.99
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever HA07  $5.99 A Murder for Her Majesty HA17  $7.99 Your choice of a language arts program see pp. 60-63.
The Bronze Bow GR02  $8.99 Number the Stars HA13  $7.99
Favorite Poems Old and New GA06 $26.99 The Sherwood Ring HA05  $7.99 ☐ Science H
The Ghost in the Tokaido Inn HR06 $7.99 The Singing Tree HA02  $8.99 Textbook HS0A $178.89
God’s Smuggler HA12  $ 14.99 A Single Shard GA10  $7.99 CD-ROM HS0B $129.98
The Golden Goblet GA01  $7.99 The Trojan War GA04  $7.99 Many level W customers love Sonlight’s Science H. For other
The Great and Terrible Quest GR06  $ 12.95 easy-to-use Sonlight Science programs see pp. 69-73.
☐ Math-U-See Pre-Algebra Level Up MUS7U $121.00
READERS Choose the best math for your student. To see the different
Adam of the Road GR03  $8.99 Mara, Daughter of the Nile GR07  $8.99 math programs available see pp. 74-81.
Angel on the Square HR07  $9.99 Mystery of the Roman Ransom GR10  $7.99 REQUIRED RESOURCES
The Beduin’s Gazelle GR08  $6.99 Nory Ryan’s Song HR12  $7.99
The Breadwinner HR01  $9.95 The Samurai’s Tale GR01  $7.99 ☐ 3” Binder & Tabs B050 $21.99
Chu Ju’s House HR21  $7.99 The Shakespeare Stealer GA14  $8.99 ☐ The Timeline Book RR120 $26.99
Flame Over Tara GA13  $ 11.99 Snow Treasure HR14  $7.99 ☐ Markable Map & Markers MAP $29.98
The Good Master HR03  $7.99 Son of Charlemagne GR21  $ 14.95 ☐ Math-U-See Integer Block Kit RM15 $83.00
Greek Myths GR24  $7.99 Year of Impossible Goodbyes HR02  $6.99 ☐ Science Safety Glasses SS301 $3.50
In Search of Honor HR16  $ 10.00
Teacher Resources
You can buy any individual items you like from Sonlight. But for the best experience, ☐ You Can Teach Your
Ways to buy: service, and price, choose from the following packages (and customize as needed): Child Successfully RR03 $14.00
☐ The Way They Learn RR102 $13.99
☐ Book Labels WCGL $2.49
History / Bible / Literature W All-Subjects Package W Supplemental Materials
☐ Wordly Wise 3000 Book 6 (p. 66) 6L10 $20.55
☐ Writers INC (p. 67) RL04 $35.55
5-Day 5-Day ☐ Keys to Good Language 6 6L09 $47.48

#WC5 Electives
Reg. 535.47 Reg. 858.93 ☐ Electives W (p. 83) WRE $54.97
Package as illustrated on previous page.


SonlightCares $249 ™
SonlightCares™ $249 JUST LOOKING FOR BOOKS?
If you don’t need a full program, but
Other package options available online. Illustrated packages and prices do not include Required Resources. do need better books in your life,
visit Sonlight’s curated book
collections. You’ll find all the
Sonlight titles, in easy-to-order sets,
at sonlight.com/book-collections

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 53

Middle School

History of Science
Grades: 8-10 | Ages: 13-15

Estimated Daily Time

(including your other subjects)
Student: 4-6 hrs.
Parents: 2-3 1/2 hrs.


Discover scientific inquiry over

the last 4000 years
Pythagoras proved his famous theorem using In this 36-week program, students will explore
a stick in the sand. No mathematical digits— 4000 years of scientific thought. Witness the
they wouldn’t be invented for over a thousand curiosity, egos, quirks, and flashes of brilliance
years. as people sought to understand how the world
Hundreds of years before Christ, Eratosthenes works. Read the stories of how people discovered
accurately calculated the size of the world scientific and mathematical laws, and grasp the
using the angle of sunlight in a well on the significance of chemistry, astronomy, physics,
summer solstice. and advanced math.
Newton compared the trajectory of an apple, Sonlight’s J provides an in-depth study of how
a small terrestrial object, with the moon, science and history intersect. It’s a phenomenal
a heavenly body, and wondered if maybe story.
they were both subjected to the same force. TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!
Genius. Visit sonlight.com/samples and get three weeks
Einstein imagined spaceships traveling at near of this level’s Instructor’s Guide—FREE!
light-speed, and changed the way we
view the universe.

54 Homeschool questions? Sonlight Advisors have answers. sonlight.com/advisors

Photo by @ourhappytribe

Download a complete book list with descriptions for this level at sonlight.com/catalog
Includes the following resources for teaching all Sonlight J subjects: full Schedule; Teaching
Helps; Geography and Timeline Activities; Study Guides for History, Readers, and Read-Alouds
(including Discussion Questions and Vocabulary Development); full Answers and definitions.
3-hole punched and shrink wrapped. Add a binder, see p. 87.
Sonlight J Instructor’s Guide JCG (5-Day) $119.99

Disappointment with God JB03 $16.99 What’s So Amazing About Grace JB01 $18.99
Finding Truth JB02 $22.99

Archimedes and the Longitude JH07 $16.00
Door of Science JH10 $14.95 The Mystery of the Periodic Table JA01 $15.95
Bomb: The Race to Build JH08 $21.99 String, Straight-Edge, and Shadow JH04 $16.95 CUSTOMIZE YOUR CURRICULUM
The Story of Science: Complete your year with these necessary subjects.
Censored Science JH11 $16.95
The Clockwork Universe JH05 $16.99 Aristotle Leads the Way JH01 $24.99 ESSENTIAL SUBJECTS
Evolution 2.0 JH12 $16.95 The Story of Science:
☐ Language Arts J JLG $46.99
Ida Scudder: Healing Newton at the Center JH02 $27.95
The Story of Science: Your choice of a language arts program see pp. 60-63.
Bodies, Touching Hearts JA02 $9.99
Interpreting Genesis 1 Einstein Adds a New Dimension JH03 $27.95 ☐ Science J NEW! JSP $146.98
with Integrity JH13 $3.99 Stuff Matters JH09 $15.95 Designed specifically to go with HBL J, this is not a
Timeline Figures J JH14 $11.50 stand-alone product. See other Sonlight Science programs on
pp. 69-73.
☐ Math-U-See Alegbra1 Level Up MUS100U $ 122.00
Belle Prater’s Boy JA07 $7.99 The Mozart Season JA13 $11.99 Choose the best math for your student. To see the different
Code Talkers JA11 $8.99 National Geographic
math programs available see pp. 74-81.
Echo JA12 $19.99 Book of Nature Poetry JA15 $24.99
Fish in a Tree JA09 $8.99 Penny from Heaven JA06 $7.99 REQUIRED RESOURCES
Half a Chance JA10 $7.99 A Ring of Endless Light JA04 $9.99 ☐ 3” Binder & Tabs B050 $21.99
Holes JA03 $7.99 Shakespeare’s Secret JA08 $7.99 ☐ The Timeline Book RR120 $26.99
Mister Max: The Book Soar JA14 $8.99 ☐ Markable Map & Markers MAP $29.98
of Lost Things JA05 $8.99 Which None Can Shut JR04 $13.99 ☐ Math-U-See Integer Block Kit RM15 $83.00


READERS Teacher Resources
A Christmas Carol 230-22 $4.99 Pictures of Hollis Woods 230-51 $7.99 ☐ You Can Teach Your
Enchantress from the Stars 230-25 $8.99 Strange Case of Child Successfully RR03 $14.00
Everything on a Waffle JR08 $7.99 Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde 230-24 $7.95 ☐ The Way They Learn RR102 $13.99
The Gammage Cup 230-28 $8.99 The Teacher’s Funeral JR05 $8.99 ☐ Book Labels JCGL $2.49
The Giver JR03 $8.99 The Thief JR01 $8.99 Supplemental Materials
Going Solo 230-30 $7.99 Treasure Island 230-68 $4.95 ☐ Wordly Wise 3000 Book 8 (p. 66) 140-35 $22.25
Mrs. Frisby & the Rats of NIMH 230-44 $8.99 The Westing Game JR02 $7.99 ☐ Writers INC (p. 67) RL04 $35.55
The Outlaws of Sherwood 230-02 $15.00 The Wolves of Willoughby Chase JR07 $6.99 ☐ Vocabulary from Classical Roots A 240-23 $5.85
The Phantom Tollbooth JR06 $8.99 Electives
☐ Electives H (p. 83) HRE $87.93
You can buy any individual items you like from Sonlight. But for the best experience,
Ways to buy: service, and price, choose from the following packages (and customize as needed): JUST LOOKING FOR BOOKS?
If you don’t need a full program, but
do need better books in your life,
visit Sonlight’s curated book
History / Bible / Literature J All-Subjects Package J collections. You’ll find all the
Sonlight titles, in easy-to-order sets,
5-Day 5-Day at sonlight.com/book-collections

$620.19 $854.08
Reg. 729.64 Reg. 1067.60
Package as illustrated on previous page.


SonlightCares™ $249 SonlightCares™ $249

Other package options available online. Illustrated packages and prices do not include Required Resources.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 55

Reader PROGRAMS The M family, Sonlighters
from Bulverde, TX

Sonlight Early Elementary Readers

E very Sonlight History / Bible / Literature program

includes Readers. The goal: help your students love
to read by giving them fun, real books they can read
We recommend you start with the language arts level
that matches your student’s ability first, then choose the
matching Reader set, regardless of reading ability. We
successfully. offer a free Language Arts Assessment on our website at
You’ll begin in the earliest levels with phonics-based sonlight.com/assessment.
reading instruction. Reading lessons move your children
through a natural progression of phonetic and spelling
patterns. Your Language Arts IG includes spelling,
grammar, and creative writing.
Customize your early elementary Sonlight History / Bible /
Literature program by choosing the grade of Readers that
matches your child’s reading ability. Use the free Reading
Assessment at sonlight.com/assessment to select the
appropriate Reader levels for your family.

Sonlight’s Pre-K Program

Readers are an optional add-on. If your children
are ready to learn to read, consider getting the Pre-
Kindergarten program with K Readers (p. 31).

History / Bible / Literature A, B, C, or B+C

Pick from the Reader options to complete your History /
Bible / Literature level in Sonlight A, B, C, or B+C.

56 Have a struggling reader? We can help! Visit sonlight.com/remedial-reading for options.

Grade K Readers Grade 1 Readers Grade 2 Readers
☐Grade K Readers ☐Grade 1 Readers ☐Grade 2 Readers
KR4 (4-Day) $35.98 OR KRP (5-Day) $35.98 1R4 (4-Day) $119.388 OR 1RP (5-Day) $128.32 2R4 (4-Day) $80.88 OR 2RP (5-Day) $115.81

The K Readers package is designed for children Designed for children who know the 26 basic Ideal for children who have progressed to
who are ready to learn the alphabet and begin letter sounds (only short vowels), this program reading long-vowel, 5- and 6-letter words with
moderate fluency. By the end of the program
to read. begins with three letter words and moves on to
they will have progressed to reading chapter
Includes: long vowel sounds and sight words. books.
Grade K Readers Schedule/Study Guide Includes:
KRG4 (4-Day) or KRG (5-Day) $11.99 Grade 1 Readers Schedule/Study Guide Includes:
Fun Tales KR01 $23.99 Grade 2 Readers Schedule/Study Guide
1RG4 (4-Day) or 1RG (5-Day) $11.99
2RG4 (4-Day) or 2RG (5-Day) $11.99
4-Day program includes▼
4-Day program includes▼
The Best Trick 1R13 $5.49
Amelia Bedelia 2R23 $4.99
A Big Ball of String 1R12 $9.99
The Beginner’s Bible 2R17 $18.99
The Cat in the Hat 1R06 $9.99
Frog and Toad All Year 2R22 $4.99
A Fly Went By 1R05 $9.99
Frog and Toad Are Friends 2R02 $4.99
Green Eggs and Ham 1R10 $9.99
Frog and Toad Together 2R03 $4.99
I Can Read It! 1R16 $41.96
Greg’s Microscope 2R21 $4.99
One Fish, Two Fish 1R04 $9.99
Mouse Tales 2R16 $4.99
Put Me in the Zoo 1R02 $9.99
Nate the Great 2R19 $5.99
5-Day program also includes ▼ Owl at Home 2R04 $3.99
The Bravest Dog Ever 1R14 $4.99 Pompeii: Buried Alive! 2R11 $4.99
Little Bear 1R03 $3.95 Titanic: Lost and Found 2R12 $4.99
5-Day program also includes▼
The Big Balloon Race 2R15 $4.99
Daniel’s Duck 2R18 $4.99
The Fire Cat 2R20 $4.99
Hill of Fire 2R09 $4.99
Surprises 2R24 $4.99
The Sword in the Tree 2R27 $4.99
Sonlight is an answer to my Can’t get enough Readers? Check out: Wagon Wheels 2R14 $4.99
prayers—providing my babies not
only a natural love for learning
but an inseparable sibling bond
that I know will not be shaken
as they grow older,” writes
Corrie C of Perry, GA. “‘A cord of
three strands cannot be easily
broken.’ Thank you, Sonlight, for

Want help choosing a

giving me the chance to sit back If you have eager readers who want more good
and marvel at these precious books, check out Sonlight’s Summer Readers.
moments of experiencing stories
and life together! (No joke! I did
You won’t find these enjoyable, age-appropriate
books in any of our curriculum packages.
Readers package?
not make them pose.)”
K - 12th grade
Contact a Sonlight
Homeschool Advisor free!


Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 57

Grade 3 Readers Grade 4 Readers Remedial Reading
☐Grade 3 Readers ☐Grade 4 Readers ☐Sonlight Remedial Reading
3R4 (4-Day) $127.83 OR 3RP (5-Day) $150.79 4R4 (4-Day) $145.78 OR 4RP (5-Day) $171.74 RRP1 $61.95

Ideal for children who read long-vowel, 5- and Chapter books for the precocious reader, or The Sonlight Remedial Reading program works
6-letter words fluently but could still benefit from an older student doing Sonlight C with even if tutors, classes, and expensive programs
practice with more complex chapter books. younger siblings. have failed.
Includes: Includes:  I Can Read It! (4-vol. set) 1R16 $41.96
Grade 3 Readers Schedule/Study Guide Grade 4 Readers Schedule/Study Guide  Reading Reflex RR117 $19.99
3RG4 (4-Day) or 3RG (5-Day) $11.99 4RG4 (4-Day) or 4RG (5-Day) $11.99
4-Day program includes▼ 4-Day program includes▼
The Chalk Box Kid 3R36 $5.99 The Children of Noisy Village 4R43 $6.99
Clara and the Bookwagon 3R30 $4.99 Emily’s Runaway Imagination 4R49 $6.99
Cora Frear 3R38 $6.99 Encyclopedia Brown 4R44 $5.99
The House on Walenska Street 3R46 $6.99 Escape from Mr. Lemoncelle’s
Readers for History / Bible /
Jake Drake: Bully Buster 3R42 $5.99 Library NEW! 4R67 $7.99 Literature D & Above
Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie 3R34 $7.99 Frindle 4R59 $6.99 Beginning with HBL D, the Readers
The Last Little Cat 3R48 $8.99 Henry and Ribsy 4R40 $7.99
The Littles 3R47 $4.99 A Llama in the Family 4R56 $9.99 tie directly into the history content of
The Long Way to a New Land 3R31 $4.99 Lumber Camp Library 4R55 $4.99 the HBL. These masterfully written,
The Long Way Westward 3R32 $4.99 Marco Polo 4R65 $14.95
The Paint Brush Kid 3R37 $5.99 McBroom’s Wonderful One-Acre Farm 4R58 $7.99 adventure-filled stories help to
Prairie School 3R33 $4.99 Misty of Chincoteague 4R45 $7.99 cement the transition from “learning
A Question of Yams 3R45 $10.00 More Stories from Grandma’s Attic 4R47 $6.99
Riding the Pony Express 3R49 $7.99 Mustang: Wild Spirit of the West 4R51 $7.99
to read” to “reading to learn.”
The Secret Valley 3R44 $6.99 Ralph S. Mouse 4R63 $7.99 In Sonlight D, you can choose
Third Grade Detectives #1 and #2 3R35 $7.99 Socks 4R54 $6.99
Viking Adventure 3R50 $8.99 The Toothpaste Millionaire 4R57 $7.99 Regular or Advanced Readers. For
5-Day program also includes▼
The Whipping Boy 4R53 $6.99 children who are voracious readers,
Third Grade Detectives #4 3R43 $5.99 5-Day program also includes▼ or are on the older end of the HBL
Third Grade Detectives #10 3R40 $5.99 “B” is for Betsy 4R61 $6.99
Tippy Lemmey 3R39 $5.99 Betsy & Tacy Go Over the Big Hill 4R41 $6.99
D age range, choose the Advanced
Tornado 3R41 $4.99 Ginger Pye 4R01 $6.99 Readers. The Advanced Readers
The King’s Equal 4R46 $4.99 include all of the Regular Readers,
read at a faster pace, plus an
additional 9 books.
Sonlight Phonics
Included in the All-Subjects Package. Or add language
Learn more about each program
arts to your HBL program to get phonics instruction. Also
available as a stand-alone product. and view a complete book list with
descriptions for each package at
Phonics K KRL $90.94 Phonics 3 3RL $186.79 sonlight.com/readers
Grade K Readers with Language Arts K Grade 3 Readers with Language Arts 3

Phonics 1 1RL $177.29 Phonics 4 4RL $207.74

Grade 1 Readers with Language Arts 1 Grade 4 Readers with Language Arts 4

Phonics 2 2RL $151.81

Visit sonlight.com/phonics to learn more.
Grade 2 Readers with Language Arts 2

58 Great books for summer reading - or anytime! K - 12th grade. sonlight.com/summer

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 59
The H family, Sonlighters
from Franklin, TN

Language Arts PROGRAMS

Help your children become excellent writers

W hen your children were young, you

taught them to speak as you spoke
to them. In the same way, children learn
Beechick, homeschool expert. Instead,
students learn to write well as they:
• Listen to good writing
Their creative writing lessons apply Dr.
Beechick’s “natural learning method,”
where children learn by discovery. They
to write by learning from good models • Look at good writing observe, analyze, and then seek to
of writing and trying out those models • Copy good writing, and then emulate what they have seen a master
for themselves. We call this the natural • Write on their own. wordsmith do before them.
approach to language arts. “Benjamin Franklin taught himself to • Students practice copywork and
Sonlight Language Arts programs flow write this way,” explains Dr. Beechick. dictation to absorb critical writing skills
from this principle. Each program guides “He outlined essays he admired, put from excellent writers.
your children through well-paced writing them aside for a few days, and later tried • Students learn grammar gradually, in
activities based on the Readers they’re to rewrite the original article by following the context of daily copywork. Sonlight
already enjoying in their HBL program. his outline. He compared his writing with also uses natural language-oriented
As your children grow, these activities the model to see where he fell short. student Activity Sheets to provide
will guide them through writing their Then he tried another, improving his additional instruction in grammar.
first sentences, simple paragraphs, and writing all the while.” • Students learn writing mechanics—
stories, until they’re eventually writing from similes to diction to
With Sonlight Language Arts, your
gripping creative works and compelling organization—as they build on each
students will practice natural learning
scholarly papers. day’s practice.
exercises like these. And practice is key!
• Students explore creative writing with
Learn to write naturally from tools like story-starter pictures and
Students write a little every day
excellent models journals.
Writing lessons come from the books
“Workbooks don’t really teach children • Students write about what they learn in
your children read throughout the year.
how to write effectively,” says Dr. Ruth history, science, and literature.
As a result, your children remember and
comprehend more.

60 Take a free homeschool language arts assessment for K-4th grades. Visit sonlight.com/assessment
Grow writing skills
Students encounter spelling words tied to phonics in
Sonlight Language Arts up through second grade. In upper
elementary grades, they continue to build vocabulary with
words from their books. They reinforce correct spelling
through one of the spelling programs we offer: All About
Spelling or Spelling You See (see p. 65).
In Sonlight D, your children make a smooth transition
from the basic mechanics of writing to more in-depth
independent writing.
In Sonlight E-J, young writers draft a wide variety of
papers, edit their work, and learn to research. Writing
assignments range from personal letters and stories to
advertisements and news items.
In every assignment, you’ll find plenty of examples to
follow from the books your students read. These are the
good models they learn to emulate. In time, they grow
from these examples.

Discover what makes great writing truly great

As your students grow in understanding, they move from
basic writing to analysis. Students in middle through
high school continue to write creative papers similar to We really like the Language Arts updates! There are
their work in Sonlight E-J, but at a higher level. They also more directions within the child’s Activity Sheets and the
rubrics in the IG help me evaluate my son’s writing,” writes
analyze and write about the books they read, including Kim M of Maryville, TN. In this photo, Wesley (10, HBL E)
such concepts as plot, characterization, mood, and setting. prepares a notecard for his pro/cons speech for Week 33 of
the Language Arts E program. Kim says Wesley is also a great
New and experienced Sonlighters alike find the natural help to younger brother Jay (8) as he advises and collaborates
method to be an appealing way to learn to write well. View on writing assignments for Language Arts D. The M’s have
been Sonlighting for three years.
all of Sonlight’s Language Arts programs on the following
pages or visit sonlight.com/language-arts
Need high school language arts? See pp. 94-96.

A Beginner’s Blueprint
to Language Arts
Inside this free ebook, you will find detailed
information and teaching tips on all these skills:

Vocabulary Grammar
Reading Copywork and Dictation
Handwriting Public Speaking
Spelling Creative Writing

Download your FREE, no-stress guide to teaching Language Arts today! sonlight.com/blueprint

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 61

Language Arts K Language Arts 1 Language Arts 2
KLP4 (4-Day) or KLP (5-Day) 1LP4 (4-Day) or 1LP (5-Day) 2LG4 (4-Day) or 2LG (5-Day)
$66.95 $60.96 $47.99
Start your children on the road Approach the writing process Your children will learn to
to good writing. Introduce naturally and with ease. With organize their thoughts and
them to alphabet letters and help, your children write their first short stories! construct simple sentences, then combine
sounds, phonics, spelling, vocabulary, copywork, Spelling, phonics, vocabulary, copywork, writing sentences into paragraphs. Spelling, phonics,
and more. Ignite their imagination with fun mechanics, and creative expression activities copywork, writing mechanics, and interesting
creative expression activities like “The Day I Was support their ongoing progress. Write a pet story, creative expression activities like “Lend Me
Two Inches Tall” and “Grown-up Me.” thank-you note, and more. Your Ears” and “Simon’s Similes”.
Instructor’s Guide KLG4 or KLG $47.99 Includes: Includes:
Alphabet Sounds Bingo Cards KL082 $4.99 Instructor’s Guide 1LG4 or 1LG $47.99 Instructor’s Guide 2LG4 or 2LG $47.99
Bingo Markers KL081 $2.99 Bingo Markers KL081 $2.99
Go A to Z! KL11 $4.99
Go Blend! 1L10 $4.99 Explode the Code 4, 5, 6 2L07 $30.90
My First Picture Dictionary KL04 $5.99 Letter & Word Bingo 1L09 $4.99 Wordly Wise Book A 2L10 $10.95
Optional: Optional:
Ready...Set...Go for the Code KL03 $27.30
Explode the Code 1, 2, 3 1L02 $30.90 Extra Activity Sheets 2LG41 or 2LG1 $14.99
Teachers Guide KL034 $11.65
*Consumables: **Requires:
Sound Cards RL20 $5.99
Extra Activity Sheets 1LG41 or 1LG1 $14.99 Grade 2 Readers 2RP4 or 2RP5 $68.89/$103.82
*Consumables: **Requires:
Extra Activity Sheets KLG41 or KLG1 $17.99
Grade 1 Readers 1RP4 or 1RP5 $107.39/$116.33
Grade K Readers KR01 $23.99

Language Arts 3 Language Arts 4 Language Arts D

3LG4 (4-Day) or 3LG (5-Day) 4LG4 (4-Day) or 4LG (5-Day) DLG4 (4-Day) or DLG (5-Day)
$47.99 $47.99 $47.99
Our exclusive Diamond Notes Students become increasingly Students learn about higher-level
method guides you step-by-step independent. This program writing techniques like similes,
through the process of teaching children to emphasizes spelling, phonics, metaphors, and hyperbole. Dictation exercises
recognize and write a winning paragraph. Teach writing mechanics, and paragraph construction. based on famous quotations and Bible verses
spelling, writing mechanics, and paragraph Students work through creative expression sharpen their ability to recognize and imitate
construction. Enjoy creative expression activities as they become more proficient in good writing.
assignments in multiple genres, including writing paragraphs.
persuasion and story telling.
Includes: Includes: Includes:
Instructor’s Guide 3LG4 or 3LG $47.99 Instructor’s Guide 4LG4 or 4LG $47.99 Instructor’s Guide DLG4 or DLG $47.99
Optional: Optional: Optional:
MCP Phonics Level C 2L19 $14.50 MCP Word Study D—Plaid 3L18 $17.99 Wordly Wise 3000 Book 3 3L100 $20.55
Wordly Wise Book B 2L05 $10.95 Wordly Wise Book C 3L01 $10.95 *Consumables:
*Consumables: *Consumables: Extra Activity Sheets DLG41 or DLG1 $14.99
Extra Activity Sheets 3LG41 or 3LG1 $14.99 Extra Activity Sheets 4LG41 or 4LG1 $13.99
**Requires: **Requires:
Grade 3 Readers 3RP4 or 3RP5 $115.84/$138.80 Grade 4 Readers 4RP4 or 4RP5 $133.79/$159.75

Language Arts E Language Arts D+E Language Arts F

ELG4 (4-Day) or ELG (5-Day) DELG $47.99 FLG4 (4-Day) or FLG (5-Day)
$47.99 $46.99
Covers key skills of the D and E
Students learn to vary sentence programs. Students learn about Grammar, writing mechanics,
length, use active voice, create compound sentences, parts of research, creative expression—it’s
authentic dialog, and more. Dictation exercises speech, verb tenses, and more. Expand writing all here. Grow writing skills as your students
provide an opportunity to recognize and imitate skills with research reports, free verse poetry, explore different styles, analyze literature, and
writing that shines. Includes creative expression and a host of other activities. work through interesting and increasingly
activities such as mind mapping and letter writing. challenging assignments.
Includes: Includes: Includes:
Instructor’s Guide ELG4 or ELG $47.99 Instructor’s Guide DELG $47.99 Instructor’s Guide FLG4 or FLG $46.99
Optional: Optional: Optional:
Wordly Wise 3000 Book 4 4L10 $20.55 Wordly Wise 3000 Book 4 4L10 $20.55 Wordly Wise 3000 Book 5 5L10 $20.55
The Grammar Ace RL66 $26.98 The Grammar Ace RL66 $26.98 Keys to Good Language 5 5L09 $47.48
Grammar 5 5L15 $31.98
*Consumables: *Consumables:
Extra Activity Sheets ELG41 or ELG1 $14.99 Extra Activity Sheets DELG1 $13.99 *Consumables:
Extra Activity Sheets FLG41 or FLG1 $13.99

62 Get a three-week sample of any Language Arts IG—FREE! Visit sonlight.com/samples

Language Arts G Language Arts H Language Arts W
GLG4 (4-Day) or GLG (5-Day) HLG4 (4-Day) or HLG (5-Day) WLG $46.99
$46.99 $46.99
Covers key skills of the G and
Emerging writers have many Well-rounded writers require a H programs, from character
opportunities to practice and refine blend of grammar, mechanics, and development to avoiding
skills. They’ll continue to imitate the best writers, creative instruction. This program provides each. clichés to the difference between hyphens
explore the ins-and-outs of literary analysis, From haiku to the research paper, from gerunds and dashes. Writers develop critical thinking,
practice proper grammar, establish good to participles, from writing a superb literary literary analysis, and creative skills for high
mechanics, edit their work and let the creativity hook to avoiding fragments, students gain tools school and beyond.
flow as they write mysteries, fairy tales, and more. to become more effective communicators.
Includes: Includes:
Instructor’s Guide WLG $46.99
Instructor’s Guide GLG4 NEW! or GLG $46.99 Instructor’s Guide HLG4 or HLG $46.99
Optional: Optional:
Wordly Wise 3000 Book 6 6L10 $20.55
Wordly Wise 3000 Book 6 6L10 $20.55 Wordly Wise 3000 Book 7 7L30 $20.55
Keys to Good Language 6 6L09 $47.48
Keys to Good Language 6 6L09 $47.48 *Consumables: Grammar 6 6L15 $31.98
Grammar 6 6L15 $31.98 Extra Activity Sheets HLG41 or HLG1 $14.99
Extra Activity Sheets WLG1 $14.99
Extra Activity Sheets GLG41 or GLG1 $14.99


JLG $46.99
STUDENTS? Perfect bridge between middle
school and high school.
Order Extra Activity Sheets, workbooks, and Creative writing suggestions from the books
consumables for Sonlight Language Arts programs. your student reads, book analysis, and SAT
Learn more at sonlight.com/activity-sheets practice assignments. Clear instructions
for all assignments, and rubrics to aid in
evaluating your students’ work.
Sonlight Language Arts Level G Activity Sheets Wordly Wise Includes:
• 4-Day GLG41 $14.99 NEW! Instructor’s Guide JLG $46.99
Level K Activity Sheets • 5-Day GLG1 $14.99 Workbook 3000 Book 3
• 4-Day KLG41 $17.99 • Workbook 3L101 $13.95 Optional:
• 5-Day KLG1 $17.99 Level H Activity Sheets Wordly Wise 3000 Book 8 140-35 $22.25
• 4-Day HLG41 $14.99 Workbook 3000 Book 4 Analogies 1 140-10 $10.80
Level 1 Activity Sheets • 5-Day HLG1 $14.99 • Workbook 4L101 $13.95
• 4-Day 1LG41 $14.99 *Consumables:
• 5-Day 1LG1 $14.99 Level W Activity Sheets Workbook 3000 Book 5 Extra Activity Sheets JLG1 $14.99
• 5-Day WLG1 $14.99 • Workbook 5L101 $13.95
Level 2 Activity Sheets
• 4-Day 2LG41 $14.99 Level J Activity Sheets Workbook 3000 Book 6
• 5-Day 2LG1 $14.99 • 5-Day JLG1 $14.99 • Workbook 6L101 $13.95

Level 3 Activity Sheets

• 4-Day 3LG41 $14.99 Grammar
Workbook 3000 Book 7
• Workbook 7L31 $13.95 Not yet confident
• 5-Day 3LG1 $14.99
Grammar Ace Workbook 3000 Book 8 about what to do
for anguage Arts?
Level 4 Activity Sheets • Workbook 140-36 $15.35
• Workbook RL662 $10.99
• 4-Day 4LG41 $13.99
Grammar 5 Workbook 3000 Book 9
• 5-Day 4LG1 $13.99 • Workbook 240-36 $15.35
• Activity Sheets 5L152 $15.99
Level D Activity Sheets Workbook 3000 Book 10
Grammar 6
• 4-Day DLG41 $14.99
• Activity Sheets 6L152 $15.99
• Workbook 340-36 $15.35 Contact a Sonlight Homeschool
• 5-Day DLG1 $14.99
Workbook 3000 Book 11 Advisor for help today.
Level E Activity Sheets • Workbook 440-36 $13.95 Visit sonlight.com/advisors
• 4-Day ELG41 $14.99
• 5-Day ELG1 $14.99 All About Spelling Workbook 3000 Book 12
• Workbook 540-21 $13.95
Level D+E Activity Sheets Level 1
• 5-Day DELG1 $13.99 • Student Packet RL82 $14.95 Classical Roots
Level F Activity Sheets Level 2 Workbook C
• 4-Day FLG41 $13.99 • Student Packet RL84 $19.95 • Workbook 240-26 $14.50
• 5-Day FLG1 $13.99
Level 3 Workbook D
• Student Packet RL86 $19.95 • Workbook 340-26 $15.55

All Activity Sheets are the 2019 edition.

*Consumable: Products you will use up. You may want one for each student.
**Readers are included in HBL and ASP packages. Purchase separately if ordering only a language arts package.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 63


If you find your children need additional practice, prefer a workbook program, or you’d like to supplement
Sonlight’s natural language-learning approach, we offer a number of optional resources and supplements.

Sonlight Phonics
Explode the Code
Included in the All-Subjects
Kids love Explode the Code MCP Phonics
Package. Or add language
workbooks! The activities Supplement Sonlight's natural
are illustrated with simple arts to your HBL program to
language-learning approach
line drawings, and help with this additional phonics
get phonics instruction. Also
students with phonological awareness, decoding, instruction. With clear, available as a stand-alone
vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and even easy-to-read directions and multiple teaching product.
spelling. approaches.
Phonics K KRL $90.94
Scheduled as optional in Sonlight Language Arts Scheduled as optional in Sonlight Language Arts Grade K Readers with Language Arts K
K, 1, and 2. 3 and 4. (Consumable)
Phonics 1 1RL $177.29
Explode the Code A, B, C KL030 $38.95 MCP Phonics Level C 2L19 $14.50 Grade 1 Readers with Language Arts 1
Book A: Get Ready (Consumable) KL031 $9.10 MCP Word Study D – Plaid 3L18 $17.99
Book B: Get Set (Consumable) KL032 $9.10 Phonics 2 2RL $151.81
Book C: Go (Consumable) KL033 $9.10 Visit sonlight.com/mcp for additional options. Grade 2 Readers with Language Arts 2
A, B, C, Teacher’s Guide KL034 $11.65
Sound Cards Phonics 3 3RL $186.79
Explode the Code 1, 2, 3 1L02 $30.90 Grade 3 Readers with Language Arts 3
Book 1 (Consumable) 1L51 $10.30 The full color, sturdier version of the Sound
Book 2 (Consumable) 1L52 $10.30 Cards included in our Language Arts K Phonics 4 4RL $207.74
Book 3 (Consumable) 1L53 $10.30 Instructor’s Guide. Grade 4 Readers with Language Arts 4
Sound Cards RL20  $5.99
Explode the Code 4, 5, 6 2L07 $30.90
Book 4 (Consumable) 2L51 $10.30 Visit sonlight.com/phonics
Book 5 (Consumable) 2L52 $10.30
Book 6 (Consumable) 2L53 $10.30
Visit sonlight.com/explode-the-code for
additional levels, consumables, and options.

We were a first-time
homeschooling family this
year and Sonlight has made
the transition seamless! I
was nervous to take on this
challenge, but the All-Subjects
Packages took all the guesswork
out and the Instructor’s Guide
made my job a breeze,” says
Chrissy C of Leesburg, VA.
Here, Sammy (10) and Molly
(9) are doing Spelling You See:
American Spirit E at morning
Table Subjects™ before moving
to Couch Subjects™ where they
will read “the most amazing
stories” from the History / Bible
/ Literature D program that they

64 Teach language arts with confidence. Learn more about Sonlight LA Instructor’s Guides. See pp. 14-15.
Grammar Spelling
sonlight.com/grammar sonlight.com/spelling

Grammar Ace Keys to Good Language All About Spelling

All the practical grammar Build students’ competency in Brings together the three
your 4th-8th grader needs, grammar, usage, mechanics, pathways to learning:
in one set-your-own-pace and composition using content hearing, seeing, and
consumable workbook. The from across the curriculum: touching. This multisensory approach, combined
Instructor's Manual is packed literature, science, health, hobbies, and history/ with a built-in review system and reinforcement
with examples, answers, and geography. activities, ensures students retain and apply what
other teaching help. they learn.
Scheduled as optional in Sonlight Language Arts
Scheduled as optional in Sonlight Language F, G, and W. If you’re just beginning to teach your children
Arts E and D+E. Scheduled in Language Arts F: spelling and want a program that appeals to a
The Grammar Ace Package with DVD RL6 $46.97 Keys to Good Language 5 5L09 $47.48 variety of learning styles, or if your children need
The Grammar Ace Instructor’s Manual RL661 $15.99 remedial help, this customizable program could
Schoolhouse Rock (DVD) RL65 $19.99 Teaching multiple children?
Workbook Grade 5 (Consumable) 5L091 $20.99 be an excellent fit. Step-by-step lessons (mastery-
Teaching multiple children? Test Booklet Grade 5 (Consumable) 5L093 $5.50 based, not grade-level based) build on one
The Grammar Ace Student another in a sequence that has been carefully
Workbook (Consumable) RL662 $10.99 Scheduled in Language Arts G:
Keys to Good Language 6 6L09 $47.48 tested to produce long-term results.
Visit sonlight.com/grammar-ace for Basic Interactive Kit RL80 $22.85
Teaching multiple children?
additional consumables and options. Level 1 Teacher’s
Workbook Grade 6 (Consumable) 6L091 $20.99 Manual & Student Packet RL81 $29.95
Test Booklet Grade 6 (Consumable) 6L093 $5.50 Level 2 Teacher’s
Grammar 5
Manual & Student Packet RL83 $39.95
Visit sonlight.com/keys for additional options.
Help students gain mastery Level 3 Teacher’s
of grammatical concepts and Manual & Student Packet RL85 $39.95
Winston Grammar Spelling Review Box RL93 $10.95
build writing skills through 72
self-directed lessons. Winston Grammar Basic Visit sonlight.com/all-about-spelling for
uses manipulatives- consumables and additional options.
Scheduled as optional in
based teaching methods
Sonlight Language Arts F.
to cover all the parts of
Grammar 5 5L15 $31.98 Spelling You See
speech, noun functions,
Teaching multiple children? prepositional phrases, and principles of Develop confident,
Grammar 5 Activity Sheets (Consumable) 5L152 $15.99 modification. It provides an excellent introduction competent spellers, with
to sentence diagramming. no rote memorization,
Grammar 6 no tests and no tears!
Scheduled as optional in Sonlight Language
Spelling You See is a
Students gain mastery of Arts 4.
natural, easy way to learn (and teach) spelling.
grammatical concepts and Winston Grammar Basic (Consumable) 4L09 $44.00 The research-backed method follows the five
build writing skills with these Winston Grammar Advanced (Consumable) 7L20 $44.00 developmental stages learners go through
72 self-directed lessons.
Visit sonlight.com/winston-grammar for on the way to spelling mastery. Short daily
Scheduled as optional in additional options. activities—using fun, engaging, and meaningful
Sonlight Language Arts G. stories—combine dictation, copywork, reading,
Grammar 6 6L15 $31.98 speaking, and listening. Over time, the repetitive
Teaching multiple children? process imprints letter patterns and words in
Grammar 6 Activity Sheets (Consumable) 6L152 $15.99 visual memory, supports long-term retention,
Visit sonlight.com/grammar for additional and equips children to spell words correctly in
consumables and options. everyday writing.
A skills-based program (i.e., there are no grade
levels), students proceed at their own pace as
they master concepts. Consumable. Please order
one per student.
A: Listen and Write SUS1 $41.00
B: Jack & Jill SUS2 $53.00
C: Wild Tales SUS3 $53.00
D: Americana SUS4 $53.00
E: American Spirit SUS5 $53.00
F: Ancient Achievements SUS6 $53.00
G: Modern Milestones SUS7 $53.00

Visit sonlight.com/spellingyousee for

consumables and additional options.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 65


Wordly Wise Scheduled in Language Arts E and D+E Vocabulary from Classical Roots
Workbook 3000 Book 4 & Teacher’s Key 4L10 $20.55
Students learn hundreds of These books teach modern
new words while they build Scheduled in Language Arts F English words based on their
reading, writing, and Workbook 3000 5 & Teacher’s Key 5L10 $20.55 Latin and Greek roots. By
thinking skills. Students Scheduled in Language Arts G and W learning the roots, one learns
make these words Workbook 3000 Book 6 & Teacher’s Key 6L10 $20.55 much about the meanings
their own as they read Scheduled in Language Arts H
of whole families of English
the words in context, Workbook 3000 Book 7 & Teacher’s Key 7L30 $20.55 words. Very helpful for life and
use the definitions in the SAT test.
Scheduled in LA J and Literature 130
different situations, and
Workbook 3000 Book 8 Scheduled in Literature 230
answer comprehension & Teacher’s Key 140-35 $22.25 Classical Roots Level C 240-25 $39.45
questions using complete Recommended but not included:
Scheduled in Literature 230
sentences. Workbook 3000 Book 9 Test Booklet C 240-28 $5.45
Scheduled as optional in Sonlight Language Arts & Teacher’s Key 240-35 $22.25
Scheduled in Literature 330
Guides, levels 2 through 300. Scheduled in Literature 330 Classical Roots Level D 340-25 $40.50
Scheduled in Language Arts 2 Workbook 3000 Book 10 Recommended but not included:
Book A Grade 2 (Consumable) 2L10 $10.95 &Teacher’s Key 340-35 $22.25 Test booklet D 340-28 $5.45
Scheduled in Language Arts 3 These Workbooks are not scheduled in any IG. Visit sonlight.com/classical-roots for
Book B Grade 3 (Consumable) 2L05 $10.95 Workbook 3000 Book 11 additional consumables and options.
& Teacher’s Key 440-35 $20.55
Scheduled in Language Arts 4
Book C Grade 4 (Consumable) 3L01 $10.95 Workbook 3000 Book 12
& Teacher’s Key 540-20 $20.55
Scheduled in Language Arts D
Teacher’s Key 3L100 $20.55 Visit sonlight.com/wordly-wise for additional
Add extra Activity Sheets, workbooks,
consumables and options. and consumables. See p. 63.

Judi P of Monterey, CA,

writes, “After finishing History
/ Bible / Literature C with our
two youngest, Kara (9) and
Laura (7), we took a trip to the
UK to visit all the medieval sites
we learned about with Sonlight.
We brought books to remind us
how the castles and cathedrals,
like the Salisbury Cathedral,
pictured, were made. All of my
children have gone through
this History / Bible / Literature
program, and they loved seeing
where some of this history took

66 Sonlight’s Language Arts programs are based on the “natural learning” approach. Learn more at sonlight.com/philosophy
Composition Communication
sonlight.com/composition sonlight.com/communication

Writers INC Research Paper Packet Analogies

This is one of those books The Research Paper Packet includes what your Analogies are the
all students should have. children will need to know to research for and heart of beautiful
It includes all the how-to write a solid research or position paper. Note: prose, and at
information that every writer included in LA D+E through 530. the root of good
needs: a complete guide Research Paper Packet RL61 $7.99 communication.
to the writing process, from Find an appropriate analogy and you have
pre-writing to drafting to revising; the basic Inspiration® Software half-won the argument and definitely won
elements of writing: sentences, paragraphs, your audience’s attention. If you can’t think
Inspiration is a thought
expository essays, persuasive essays; literary analogically, or tell the difference between good
processor that helps generate
genres: stories, plays, poems, persuasive and bad analogies, you may be condemned
ideas, and then organizes
and argumentative essays; style; grammar; to poor communication and muddled thinking.
your thoughts for effective
documentation, and much more. Includes teaching, strategies, and practice
analysis, planning, writing,
solving analogical puzzles.
Writers INC RL04 $35.55 and more. Inspiration makes
Scheduled in Literature 130:
it easy to brainstorm and, with one click of a Analogies 1 (Consumable) 140-10 $10.80
NEW & IMPROVED! Supplies
button, have an outline for a story, an essay, or
Here’s what you’ll need to play ball:

a simple research paper. It particularly benefits Scheduled in Literature 230:

Diamond Notes
1. One folder to hold your children’s work.
2. At least 20 copies of Diamond A (page 31) and

Analogies 2 (Consumable) 240-10 $10.50

at least 11 copies of Diamond B* (page 33) per child,
OR blank paper to create your own diamonds.

Creative Writing
students who find it difficult to transition from
3. Drawing supplies: pencils, colored pencils, crayons, etc.
4. Lined paper for writing.
5. Paste.

This effective and

6. Scissors (to cut out pictures on page 37) (optional).
©2019 by Avyx, Inc. All rights reserved.

7. Magazines to cut out pictures (optional).

concepts to actual writing. Scheduled in Literature 330:

8. Make copies of Evaluation Form (page 35) (use at your discretion).

enjoyable creative Diamond Analogies 3 (Consumable) 340-10 $10.50

writing program helps Recommended for students ages 12 and up.
Unit # _________________ Diamond # ________________

N o te Evaluation Form
Use this chart to determine how well your children did on their assignment.
Needs Work OK Great!

Visit sonlight.com/analogies for additional

Pitcher’s Mound:
Diamond DiamonD
your students conquer
*Note to Mom or Dad: These copies should last through Unit 5, including practice assignments
The phrase on the pitcher’s mound
scheduled in between units. Permission is hereby granted to the original purchaser only to reproduce as

System requirements for Windows and Mac at

accurately reflects the topic.
many copies of items found in the Reproducible Section of this Appendix as necessary for his or her
immediate family’s use.
First Base:
1 What’s written here is the most
important point. It fits the topic and
supports the main point.
2 Supplies • Diamond Notes

consumables and options.

Second Base:

fear of the blank

2 What’s written here is the second
most important point. It fits the

topic and supports the main point.

Third Base:
©2019 by Avyx, Inc. All rights reserved.

3 What’s written here is the third most

important point. It fits the topic and
supports the main point.

Home Plate:

page. With gentle, practical, Inspiration® Software

The home plate sentence accurately

RL10 $49.99
summarizes the paragraph or shows
how the writer feels about a topic.

Interesting and appropriate details
spice up the writing and add


step-by-step guidance,
The paragraph puts all the pieces
together properly.

All words are spelled correctly.


they learn to organize

All words are legible and neatly

Diamond Notes • Evaluation Form 63

their thoughts and express

themselves clearly on paper.
Take them from grouping ideas to writing
complete paragraphs in just five units filled
with teaching help and examples.
Included in Sonlight Language Arts 3.
Diamond Notes RL67 $10.99

Without Sonlight, we never

would have had this God moment!”
writes Jessica S of Etna, OH. “We
met this lovely lady in the airport
while traveling. She is Haitian and
speaks French and Creole. She was
engaging with the kids, and they
were fascinated to know she was
from another country! I asked if she
wouldn’t mind sharing some words
with my kids, so she began teaching
them different words in French and
Creole. We mentioned a missionary
family we know serving Haiti, and
she was thrilled to know we were
Christians. Emery (9) talked about
Catching Their Talk in a Box and
missionaries we’ve learned about.
How cool is that?” In the photo:
Emery (9), Liam (7), and Aubrey (5)
with their new Haitian friend.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 67

Handwriting PROGRAMS
Choose From Three Outstanding Options

Handwriting Without Tears A Reason for Handwriting Getty-Dubay

Developmentally Oriented Traditional, Scripture Focused Innovative Italic Handwriting

Printing Printing

Cursive Cursive

According to its occupational therapist This program uses daily practice drills focused This Portland University program has won
developer, this is the only developmentally- on verses from Scripture, as presented in the its share of accolades. Sarita added it to the
based program on the market, which means Living Bible paraphrase. product line when one of her sons, whose
it pays particular attention to the needs of handwriting was atrocious, began making
children who are learning to write. It offers It follows the traditional “ball-and-stick” style of
print, along with standard cursive. Fancy border noticeable strides from the first day.
basic exercises in figure-ground discrimination
and top-to-bottom, left-to-right sequencing. sheets help motivate young writers to think of Its cursive characters are almost identical to its
the public nature of their work and improve their print characters, so the transition from print to
With letter formation, it begins with capitals
skills for a beautiful presentation. cursive is easy. The attractive text is similar to
because, unlike lowercase letters (p, q, b and
d, for example), uppercase letters are easy to Caveat: Students may find that different letter calligraphy. (A student won a national writing
distinguish. Kids don’t mix them up. You’ll note formations for cursive (vs. manuscript) are contest with this style.)
that cursive letters are formed in an upright initially confusing. Caveat: Because schools don’t use the
rather than slanted position. Level K (ages 5-7) RFHK $ 54.64 nonstandard italic method, some children may
The program is especially helpful if your Includes: Instruction Guidebook | Workbook not initially recognize copy written in a more
children have significant learning challenges K (approx. K) | K Handwriting Supplies Kit | 1” traditional cursive.
and physical limitations. Parents also say it’s ruled paper, 3-line Level K (ages 5-7) GDIK $ 38.24
easy to use with left-handed writers.
Level 1 (ages 6-8) RFH1 $49.65 Includes: Instruction Manual | Basic Italic A
Scheduled as recommended in (approx.K) | K Handwriting Supplies Kit | 1”
Sonlight Language Arts K-D Includes: Instruction Guidebook | Manuscript
ruled paper, 3-line
Level K (ages 5-7) HWK $ 80.38 A | 5/8” ruled paper, 3-line
Includes: Letter & Numbers for Me Workbook Level 1 (ages 6-8) GDI1 $33.25
Level 2 (ages 7-9) RFH2 $49.65
| Slate Chalkboard w/ Chalk & Sponge | 5/8” Includes: Instruction Manual | Basic Italic B | 1”
ruled paper, 2-line | Capital letter wood pieces Includes: Instruction Guidebook | Transition |
ruled paper 3-line
5/8” ruled paper, 3-line
Level 1 (ages 6-8) HW1 $26.90 Level 2 (ages 7-9) GDI2 $33.25
Level 3 (ages 8-10) RFH3 $ 50.40
Includes: My Printing Book | 5/8” ruled paper, Includes: Instruction Manual | Basic and
2-line | Print Alphabet Desk Strips Includes: Instruction Guidebook | Cursive C |
Cursive C | 5/8” ruled paper, 3-line
1/2” ruled paper, 3-line
Level 2 (ages 7-9) HW2 $23.40 Visit sonlight.com/handwriting-reason for Level 3 (ages 8-10) GDI3 $34.00
Includes: Printing Power | 3/8” ruled paper, additional levels, consumables, and options. Includes: Instruction Manual | Basic and
2-line Cursive D | 1/2” ruled paper, 3-line
Level 3 (ages 8-10) HW3 $26.90 Visit sonlight.com/handwriting-getty-dubay for
additional levels, consumables, and options.
Includes:Cursive Handwriting | Cursive
Alphabet Desk Strips | 3/8” ruled paper, 2-line

Visit sonlight.com/handwriting-without-tears for

additional levels, consumables, and options.

68 FREE ebooks! Schooling options, language arts help, and other helpful ebooks at sonlight.com/ebooks
The W family, Sonlighters
from St. Paul, MN

I’m blown away by how much Sonlight
Great Books + Engaging Activities + has reinforced our lifestyle as overseas
missionaries,” says Jinny R, beginning her
Hands-On Experiments = Sonlight Science fourth year of Sonlighting her boys in Papua
New Guinea. “Thank you for putting God’s
heart for missions and His heart for people

S onlight offers complete and easy- The IGs also include question prompts, from every culture as a central part of this
to-use hands-on science programs explanations, additional notes, hands- literature-rich curriculum. The first week of level
B scheduled us to pray for tribal people around
from kindergarten to college-level lab on activities beyond the experiments, the world. We could look out our window and
sciences. Each program includes an supply lists, and activity sheets to pray for our friends by name! Wow, just wow!”
Instructor’s Guide, a collection of great reinforce what your students are Here, after begging to “do ‘science class,’” the
books, and hands-on experiments. learning. R boys explore and identify the marine animals
off the Papua New Guinea coast from their
Sonlight Science covers the full spectrum Science A book Under the Sea.
A Collection of Great Books
of science studies—from earth, space,
Each science program comes with
life, health, physical, electrical, and
gorgeously illustrated books that
technological science, to college-level Additionally, Sonlight Science programs
captivate students and entice them to
lab sciences (chemistry, physics, biology A-E include a Discover & Do video. An
read more. Your children will not only
and more). enthusiastic instructor performs every one
learn the facts of science, but also gain
Sonlight marries the joy of reading with a love of discovery and get to know key of the programs’ experiments. You can
the excitement of hands-on experiments scientists. These books become valued watch the video first, then perform the
to bring you a complete, high-interest references for years to come. experiments, or let your children watch,
science program. and experiment on their own, or even
Sonlight Science lays a firm foundation Hands-On Experiments sometimes skip the experiments but still
of scientific understanding as it builds There is no better way to delight your have a visual of the experience.
kids with the wonder of science than by
Sonlight—for real-life
on, and fosters, your children’s natural
curiosity about how the world works. experiencing it firsthand through hands-
Delight your children with the wonder of on activities. With Sonlight Science, Science experience.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and your students will conduct simple, Learn more about each Sonlight Science
Math (STEM). engaging, hands-on experiments in program in the pages that follow, or visit
your home. sonlight.com/science
Science Instructor’s Guides
Sonlight’s Science kits provide the
Each Sonlight science program is
key supplies, so you’ll actually do the
anchored by a customer-renowned
experiments. Your children will relish Need high school science?
Instructor’s Guide. The Instructor’s
the hands-on discoveries they make
Guide (IG) provides the structure for See pp. 98-99 for all of Sonlight’s
throughout the year.
your entire year, with everything clearly high school science.
laid out. No need to create your own
lesson plans.
Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 69
Biology, Botany, & Physics Animals, Astronomy, & Physics Geology, Meteorology,
Science A Science B & Mechanical Technology
Grades: K-2 • Ages: 5-7 Grades: 1-3 • Ages: 6-8 Science C
4-Day program AS4 $127.04 4-Day program BS4 $189.90 Grades: 2-4 • Ages: 7-9
5-Day program AS5 $147.00 5-Day program BS5 $210.88 4-Day program CS4 $179.93
5-Day program CS5 $199.90
Science A sparks children’s curiosity, and In Science B, children learn about the human
introduces them to topics you’ll return to again body and health as they enjoy the First Awaken your children to the vastness of space
over the years. Colorful and engaging, The Encyclopedia of the Human Body, What Makes and the complex make-up of our earth. Students
Usborne Children’s Encyclopedia leads children You Ill? and What’s Inside You? study animals, birds, machines, the human body,
to explore wonders from space, botany, geology, They learn about the technology of everyday technology and inventions, and weather. Science
and the human body. items in See How It’s Made. The highlighted experiments cover: batteries (electricity), the
Experiments include a weather vane, sugar scientist this year is Louis Pasteur. human body, and weather. The Usborne Book of
cubes absorbing liquid, and even taste-testing Science experiments cover water, magnets, and Knowledge serves as the key book for Science C.
milkshakes! The hilarious and fact-filled lights and mirrors. The Discover & Do video Marie Curie is the highlighted scientist.
Discover & Do video enhances each experiment. includes creative presentations of all the 92 Visit sonlight.com/catalog to download the
Note: Usborne Children’s Encyclopedia (AH04) experiments in the Science B program. complete book list with descriptions for this level.
is part of the HBL A program. If ordering the Visit sonlight.com/catalog to download the Includes:
Science program as a stand-alone package, complete book list with descriptions for this level. Science C Instructor’s Guide $47.99
purchase this title as well. CSG4 (4-Day) or CSG (5-Day)
Visit sonlight.com/catalog to download the Science B Instructor’s Guide $47.99 4-Day program includes▼
BSG4 (4-Day) or BSG (5-Day) Discover & Do DVD,
complete book list with descriptions for this level.
Level 2 (DVD + Digital) CS05 $19.99
4-Day program includes▼ The Magic School Bus Inside the Earth CS06 $6.99
Includes: Discover & Do DVD,
Science A Instructor’s Guide $47.99 Science Activities, Vol. 3 CS08 $13.99
Level 1 (DVD + Digital) BS03 $19.99 The Usborne Book of Knowledge CS03 $29.99
ASG4 (4-Day) or ASG (5-Day)
First Encyclopedia of the Human Body BS04 $9.99 Weather CS01 $10.99
4-Day program includes▼ The Magic School Bus at the Waterworks BS08 $6.99 Science Supplies Kit C (Consumable) CSK $49.99
Discover & Do DVD, Pasteur’s Fight Against Microbes BS01 $7.99
Level K (DVD + Digital) AS05 $19.99 Science Activities, Vol. 1 BS07 $13.99 5-Day program also includes▼
How Flowers Grow AS02 $4.99 Space BS02 $10.99 The Magic School Bus
Isaac Newton and Why Do People Eat? BS09 $4.99 Lost in the Solar System CS07 $6.99
the Laws of Motion AS03 $8.10 World of Animals BS10 $16.99 Marie Curie’s Search for Radium CS09 $7.99
Science Activities, Vol. 2 AS04 $13.99 Science Supplies Kit B (Consumable) BSK $49.99 Planet Earth CS02 $4.99
Weather AS01 $4.99 Optional:
Science Supplies Kit A (Consumable) ASK $26.99 5-Day program also includes▼
See How It’s Made BS05 $15.99 Extra Activity Sheets CSG41 or CSG1 $14.99
5-Day program also includes▼ What Makes You Ill? BS06 $4.99
Caterpillars and Butterflies AS07 $4.99 Optional:
Eggs and Chicks AS08 $4.99
Tadpoles and Frogs AS09 $4.99 Extra Activity Sheets BSG41 or BSG1 $14.99
Under the Sea AS06 $4.99
Extra Activity Sheets ASG41 or ASG1 $14.99

As first grade approached, we knew it was

almost time to start formal schooling for our oldest,
Ella (5, Science and HBL A),” writes Andrew C of
Mississauga, ON. “We were feeling lost trying to find a
curriculum that would provide a solid backbone for our
schooling until we discovered Sonlight. We loved the
idea of a literature-based approach and couldn’t wait
for our first Box Day!” In this picture, Ella constructs a
windsock from her Science A program, with help from
sisters Lilly (3).

70 Try before you buy! Get a three week sample of any Science IG—FREE! Visit sonlight.com/samples

Sonlight’s Ultra

Biology, Taxonomy, & Electricity, Magnetism, & Astronomy

Human Anatomy Science E
Science D Grades: 4-7 • Ages: 9-12
Grades: 3-5 • Ages: 8-11 4-Day program ES4 $203.83
4-Day program DS4 $220.79 5-Day program ES5 $227.81
5-Day program DS5 $255.76
Ever wondered what lasers are made of, or how
Science D gives students an up-close look at the to tell a planet from a star? Do you know the
observable world and the forces behind what most important energy source on Earth? Physics 250-40 $260.00
we can see. Students focus on biology (life, and technology take the stage in Science E. The perfect complement to Sonlight’s
cells, plants, and animals). Students will build a The Discover & Do video takes you through Science E program.
greenhouse and conduct botany experiments to experiments with electricity and magnetism, with Visit sonlight.com/microscope
understand what living things need. They’ll also humor throughout.
explore seas, oceans, and water. Rachel Carson
Visit sonlight.com/catalog to download the
is the highlighted scientist.
complete book list with descriptions for this level.
Visit sonlight.com/catalog to download the
complete book list with descriptions for this level. Science E Instructor’s Guide $47.99
Includes: ESG4 (4-Day) or ESG (5-Day)
Science D Instructor’s Guide $47.99 4-Day program includes▼
DSG4 (4-Day) or DSG (5-Day)
Book of Astronomy and Space ES01 $14.99
4-Day program includes▼ Complete Book of the Microscope ES12 $14.99
Discover & Do DVD, Discover & Do DVD,
Level 3 (DVD + Digital) DS06 $19.99 Level 4 (DVD + Digital) ES06 $19.99
Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution DS08 $24.95 Electricity & Magnetism ES09 $7.99
The Magic School Bus Mysteries and Marvels of Science ES07 $16.99
Inside the Human Body DS04 $5.99 TOPS 32–Electricity (Consumable) ES10 $19.95
Mysteries and Marvels of Nature DS05 $16.99 TOPS 33–Magnetism (Consumable) ES11 $19.95
Real Science 4 Kids: Biology, Level 1 DS01 $29.99 Science Supplies Kit E (Consumable) ESK $40.99
TOPS 38–Green Thumbs:
Radishes (Consumable) DS09 $19.95 5-Day program also includes▼
TOPS 39–Green Thumbs: Usborne Science Encyclopedia DS03 $14.99
Corn & Beans (Consumable) DS10 $19.95 Light & Color ES13 $8.99
Science Supplies Kit D (Consumable) DSK $34.99 Optional:
5-Day program also includes▼ Microscopy Resources for ES12
First Encyclopedia of Seas and Oceans DS02 $9.99 The Usborne Complete Book of the Microscope
Listening to Crickets DS11 $9.99
Water DS07 $14.99
contains several experiments that require a high
power microscope (250-40) and microscopy
Optional: This year, we had to step back from the
supplies (ESKM). These experiments are
Extra Activity Sheets DSG41 or DSG1 $14.99 optional. Alternatively, we have scheduled schedule Sonlight provides and slow down a
Lyrical Life Science-Non-Animal Kingdoms bit. I was so worried about falling behind or
Vol. 1 CD, Text & Workbook RS51 $29.50 experiments using the Palm-size Magnifier/
missing out,” writes Lily W of Saint Paul, MN.
Workbook (Consumable) RS51B $5.95 Microscope (ES08) to give your children a real
“Then I realized that Sonlight’s integrated
Lyrical Life Science-Mammals, Ecology & Biomes hands-on experience. If you don’t want to spend
literature made it easy to jump around a
Vol. 2 CD, Text & Workbook RS52 $29.50 the money at this time for either instrument,
Workbook (Consumable) bit and then come back to where we were!
RS52B $5.95 the illustrations within the book are perfectly Sonlight’s planning allowed us the flexibility
adequate to convey the basic information and to tailor our schooling to our lives, instead of
concepts you want your children to know. the other way around.” Lily’s husband Eric,
Magnifier/Microscope ES08 $18.99 “loves doing the hands-on science work with
Sonlight’s Ultra Microscope 250-40 $260.00 the kids, giving Mama a little break.” Here
Need high school science? Microscopy Supplies ESKM $22.99 he is with Franklin (10, Science and HBL E),
See pp. 98-99 for all of Sonlight’s Extra Activity Sheets ESG41 or ESG1 $14.99 Harriet (9), Rosemary (8), and Howard (7)
high school science. teaching them how to use their microscope.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 71

Health, Medicine, Geology, Physics, & Origins General Science
& Human Anatomy Science G Science H-General
Science F Grades: 6-8 • Ages: 11-13 Grades: 6-8 • Ages: 12-14
Grades: 5-8 • Ages: 10-13 4-Day program GS4 $169.94 CD-ROM Package HS0B $129.98
GIRL 5-Day program GS5 $204.93 Textbook Package HS0A $178.98
4-Day program FSG4 $143.87
5-Day program FSG5 $170.85 In Science G, students investigate chemistry, Science H provides a wonderful overview of the
physics, and biology, and enjoy chemistry entire range of scientific inquiry and a superb
BOY experiments. Students also explore Earth science, introduction to the world of science. Assuming
4-Day program FSB4 $143.83
evolution, and intelligent design. you have already used four or five years’ worth
5-Day program FSB5 $170.81
Visit sonlight.com/catalog to download the of Sonlight Science, however, feel free to use
Students study the human body in Science complete book list with descriptions for this level. Physical Science 150-00 (p. 98).
F, including anatomy, gender differences, Visit sonlight.com/catalog to download the
reproduction, health and nutrition, and survival Includes:
Science G Instructor’s Guide $47.99 complete book list with descriptions for this level.
skills. The History of Medicine introduces several This program is available in 4-Day only.
GSG4 (4-Day) or GSG (5-Day)
heroes of science.
4-Day program includes▼ Includes:
Experiments in the kitchen look at food and how General Science Schedule Plus HSSA $19.99
Chemically Active GS10 $11.99
the body uses that fuel. Encyclopedia of Planet Earth GS01 $16.99 Exploring Creation with General
Visit sonlight.com/catalog to download the Icons of Evolution DVD GS04 $17.99 Science, CD-ROM Version HS02 $65.00
complete book list with descriptions for this level. What’s Science All About? GS08 $15.99 Science Supplies H-General (Consumable) HSKA $44.99
Science Supplies Kit G (Consumable) GSK $58.99 Required if you don’t already own:
5-Day program includes▼
Safety Glasses SS301 $3.50
Science F Instructor’s Guide $47.99
FS4 (4-Day) or FSG (5-Day) Evolution: The Grand Experiment GS07 $34.99
4-Day program includes▼ Optional:
Almost 12 FS04 $5.99 Extra Activity Sheets GSG41 or GSG1 $14.99
Blood and Guts: A Working Guide
to Your Own Insides FS12 $15.99
Usborne Complete Book
of the Human Body FS13 $14.99
Food and Nutrition for Every Kid FS05 $14.95
Improve Your Survival Skills FS06 $5.99
Understanding Your Brain FS10 $7.99 Our family has loved all
Unlocking the Mystery of Life FS03 $16.99 of Sonlight’s science books
and kits since the beginning of
5-Day program also includes▼
The History of Medicine FS11 $14.99
our homeschooling journey,”
Introduction to Genes and DNA FS08 $11.99 writes Becky P of Fremont,
NC. “As a busy mom of
Choose one of the following titles: three, the science kits are so
The Boy’s Body Book FS02 $12.95 helpful! I know I won’t have
The Care and Keeping of You: to run around trying to find
The Body Book for Girls FS01 $12.99 things at the last minute. The
guide also lists materials that
the kit doesn’t provide the
Lyrical Life Science-The Human Body
week before I need them, so I
Vol. 3 CD, Text & Workbook RS53 $29.50
Extra Workbook (Consumable) RS53B $5.95 have time to get them. Thank
Extra Activity Sheets FSG41 or FSG1 $14.99 you, Sonlight, for doing all my
planning for me!” Pictured,
Jarrett (10, Science D) learns
about radishes and completes
his lab.

72 Try before you buy! Get a three week sample of any Science IG—FREE! Visit sonlight.com/samples
Conservation, Robotics Physics, Electromagnetism,
& Technology & Waves
Science H-Technology Science J
Grades: 7-9 • Ages: 12-14 Grades: 8-10 • Ages: 13-15
4-Day program HS00 $259.67 Lab package JSP $146.98
This comprehensive science program will Bring the astonishing History of Science
introduce your student to modern science and concepts into your home with the Science J Lab.
perhaps pique curiosity into the high demand Developed to coincide with Sonlight’s History /
STEM industry! Bible / Literature J program, the Science J Lab
Gain a perspective to today’s hottest career package includes:
markets: Robotics, Conservation, Energy, • A full color lab book with concept
Engineering (dams and canals), Technology. explanations, illustrated experiment The daunting world of chemistry
This program is filled with projects, experiments, instructions, and comprehensive activity sheets became accessible with Sonlight’s
to record the lab findings. Science G program this year,” writes Lois
and activity sheets to engage and inspire your
B of Lethbridge, AB. “From the periodic
middle school student. • A materials kit full of components necessary to table to chemical reactions, my kids are
Visit sonlight.com/catalog to download the complete the labs. way ahead of where I was at that age!
complete book list with descriptions for this level. This science program provides an excellent Sonlight has given me the tools to give
Includes: foundation for future engineers, architects, them an interesting, deep education
Science H Instructor’s Guide (4-Day) HSG $47.99 mathematicians, physicists, and inventors. with a godly heart.” Pictured, Shilo (12,
Canals and Dams HS09 $17.95 This is not a stand-alone product. It is designed Science G) shows off a carbon atom made
Cool Stuff 2.0 and How it Works GS02 $24.99 of grapes, peas, and tomatoes!
to be used in conjunction with HBL J (see p. 54).
Energy HS04 $15.95
Garbage HS08 $17.95 Includes:
The Industrial Revolution HS07 $15.95 Science J Instructor’s Guide JSG $46.99
Planet Earth NEW! HS05 $15.95 Science Supplies Kit J JSK $99.99
Robotics HS06 $15.95 Optional:
Weather and Climate Change HS10 $11.00 Extra Activity Sheets JSG1 $14.99 Need high school science?
Science Supplies Kit H-Tech (Consumable) HSK $75.99 See pp. 98-99 for all of Sonlight’s
Optional: high school science.
Extra Activity Sheets HSG1 $14.99

STUDENTS? Science A Activity Sheets
ASG41 4-Day $14.99 ASG1 5-Day $14.99
Science F Activity Sheets
FS41 4-Day $14.99 FSG1 5-Day $14.99
Order extra Activity Sheets for Sonlight Science B Activity Sheets Science G Activity Sheets
Science programs. Learn more at BSG41 4-Day $14.99 BSG1 5-Day $14.99 GSG41 4-Day $14.99 GSG1 5-Day $14.99
sonlight.com/activity-sheets Science C Activity Sheets Science H - Technology Activity Sheets
CSG41 4-Day $14.99 CSG1 5-Day $14.99 HSG1 4-Day $14.99

Science D Activity Sheets Science J Activity Sheets

DSG41 4-Day $14.99 DSG1 5-Day $14.99 JSG1 $14.99

Science E Activity Sheets

ESG41 4-Day $14.99 ESG1 5-Day $14.99

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 73

The L family, Sonlighters
from Livermore, CA

(Grades K-12)
Created by a longtime teacher,
Math-U-See is a hands-on, student-
paced, mastery-based approach that
focuses on developing a true understanding
of mathematical concepts transferrable to real-
world application.
You’ll follow a 4-step approach to introduce,
review, practice and master concepts. Since math
is learned sequentially—independent of age or
grade—the program teaches skills that build on
previous principles as your child progresses.
The multisensory “Build it – Write it – Say it”
method of instruction lets children explore
each new concept and helps you assess their
understanding before continuing. Simple
manipulatives help students visualize what

they’re learning.
Math-U-See is:
• Concept-driven: Children gain thorough
understanding by learning how to solve math
Complete programs & engaging supplements for K-12 problems, why they’re solved in the prescribed
manner, and when to apply the concept.
• Mastery-based: You’ll know when they’ve
mastered a concept when they teach it back to

you, indicating readiness to learn the next skill.
ath should be fun, not frustrating. You can teach confidently with
• Skills-based, multisensory approach: Math-U-
any of Sonlight’s carefully vetted math programs—the best on the See addresses the different ways we process
market!—from elementary math to calculus. information. As your children incorporate all
senses in meaningful ways that aid retention,
Browse the pages that follow or visit sonlight.com/math to choose a they’ll build essential cumulative skills.
math program that suits your style. Then, if your students need a little
Other considerations
extra practice, add some of Sonlight’s outstanding homeschool math You may want to review the video instruction prior
supplements. One-stop shopping for all your homeschool math needs! to each lesson to ensure that you understand
how each concept is best taught. You’ll find
that using every component of the program—
instruction manual, video lessons, manipulatives,
practice and review pages—will contribute to
your student’s success.
Sonlight makes school
so easy for Mom,” writes Because the program isn’t based on grade level
Tracy R of Hillsboro, MO. in school, use the placement tool on our site to
“All the planning is already determine where your students should start.
done for me! It keeps school For additional information, visit
interesting for my boys with a sonlight.com/math-u-see
variety of well-chosen books
that make history, science,
and even math exciting!”
Pictured, Ronin (8, HBL B Due to restrictions by the publisher, Math-U-
and Horizons Math) works on See doesn’t qualify for Sonlight discounts.
his Explode the Code book
while Korben (5, HBL A and
Horizons Math) works on his
math lesson for the day. The
R’s have been Sonlighting for
three years.

74 Not confident about what to do for math? Contact a Sonlight Homeschool Advisor for help today. Visit sonlight.com/advisors
Math-U-See Primer Universal Set Math-U-See Alpha Universal Set Math-U-See Beta Universal Set
A gentle introduction to mathematics. Addition & subtraction for single-digit Addition & subtraction for multiple-
numbers, and other topics. digit numbers, and other topics.
☐Primer Universal Set MUSK $136.00
☐Alpha Universal Set MUS1 $159.00 ☐Beta Universal Set MUS2 $159.00

Primer Level Up Set MUSKU $64.00 Includes: Includes:
• Primer Manual/DVD (KM15) Alpha Level Up Set MUS1U $88.00 Beta Level Up Set MUS2U $88.00
• Primer Workbook (KM16) • Alpha Manual/DVD (1M15) • Beta Manual/DVD (2M15)
Integer Block Kit RM15 $83.00 • Alpha Workbook (1M16) • Beta Workbook (2M16)
Integer Block Kit RM15 $83.00 Integer Block Kit RM15 $83.00
Primer Student Workbook KM16 $34.00 *Consumables: *Consumables:
Alpha Student Workbook Beta Student Workbook
and Test Booklet 1M16 $42.00 and Test Booklet 2M16 $42.00

Math-U-See Gamma Universal Set Math-U-See Delta Universal Set Math-U-See Epsilon Universal Set
Multiplication for single and multiple- Division for single and multiple- Fractions, and other topics.
digit numbers, and other topics. digit numbers, and other topics.
☐Epsilon Universal Set MUS5 $135.00
☐Gamma Universal Set MUS3 $159.00 ☐Delta Universal Set MUS4 $159.00
Epsilon Level Up Set MUS5U $92.00
Includes: Includes: • Epsilon Manual/DVD (5M15)
Gamma Level Up Set MUS3U $88.00 Delta Level Up Set MUS4U $88.00 • Epsilon Workbook (5M16)
• Gamma Manual/DVD (3M15) • Delta Manual/DVD (4M15) • Fraction Overlay Kit (RM17)
• Gamma Workbook (3M16) • Delta Workbook (4M16)
Integer Block Kit RM15 $83.00 Integer Block Kit RM15 $83.00 *Consumables:
Epsilon Student Workbook
*Consumables: *Consumables: and Test Booklet 5M16 $42.00
Gamma Student Workbook Delta Student Workbook
and Test Booklet 3M16 $42.00 and Test Booklet 4M16 $42.00

Math-U-See Zeta Universal Set Math-U-See Pre-Algebra Universal Set

Decimals, percents, and other topics. Negative numbers, order of operations, #RM15
solving for the unknown, and other topics.
☐Zeta Universal Set MUS6 $182.00
☐Pre-Algebra Universal Set The Math-U-See Integer Block Kit (RM15) is
MUS7 $182.00
a required, one-time purchase for use with
Includes: all Math-U-See programs. Math-U-See
Zeta Level Up Set MUS6U $119.00 Includes: Universal Sets include the Integer Block Kit.
• Zeta Manual/DVD (6M15) Pre-Algebra Level Up Set MUS7U $121.00
• Zeta Workbook (6M16) • Pre-Algebra Manual/DVD (7M15)
• Algebra/Decimal Inserts (RM16) • Pre-Algebra Workbook (7M16)
Integer Block Kit RM15 $83.00 • Algebra/Decimal Inserts (RM16)
*Consumables: Integer Block Kit RM15 $83.00 Need high school math?
Zeta Student Workbook *Consumables: See pp. 100-101 for all of
and Test Booklet 6M16 $42.00 Pre-Algebra Student Workbook Sonlight’s high school math products.
and Test Booklet 7M16 $43.00

*Consumable items are already included in your program. Purchase these for each additional student.
Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 75
Horizons K Program Horizons 1 Program
Beginning math concepts, including
H1M $202.94
Counting, addition and subtraction facts
(Grades K-6) counting, place values, simple addition and
subtraction, and more.
1-18, time, measurement, fractions, shapes,
rounding, and more.
Horizons is easy to use, with a familiar and friendly Includes: Includes:
approach for students, plus thorough guidance for the Horizons Math K KM30 $79.95 Horizons Math 1 1M30 $89.95
MathTacular® (DVD) RM32 $24.99 Manipulatives Kit
instructor. for Horizons Math 1-3 RM35 $ 112.99
You’ll use a proven spiral learning technique to Manipulatives Kit If you own KM35 from Math K:
introduce your children to a concept, and then help for Horizons Math K KM35 $89.99 Get Horizons Math 1 1M30 $89.95
them learn to solve related, increasingly difficult and Manipulatives “Filler” Kit
problems. Workbook 1 KM31 $24.95
for Horizon Math 1-3 RM40 $65.99

Students’ minds are free to concentrate on each new Workbook 2 KM32 $24.95 *Consumables:
concept, without feeling overwhelmed by information. Reproducible Worksheets KM33 $9.95 Workbook 1 1M31 $24.95
Workbook 2 1M32 $24.95
As you revisit concepts over time, students strengthen
Reproducible Worksheets 1M33 $9.95
and reinforce their knowledge base.
The program is full of helpful suggestions and ideas,
such as what household items you can recruit to serve
Horizons 2 Program Horizons 3 Program
H2M $222.43 H3M $202.94
as creative manipulatives. If you prefer, Sonlight offers Carrying and borrowing, money, Word numbers, Roman numerals, addition
ready-to-use kits with all the manipulatives you need, temperature, area, perimeter and volume, with carrying to 4 digits, weight, decimals,
in a convenient storage case. multiplication facts 0-10, and more. division facts 1-10, and more.
Each program includes: Includes: Includes:
• Two colorful, well-organized workbooks, each with Horizons Math 2 2M30 $89.95 Horizons Math 3 3M30 $89.95
80 lessons and 8 unit exams Manipulatives Kit for Manipulatives Kit for
Horizons Math 1-3 RM35 $112.99 Horizons Math 1-3 RM35 $112.99
• Teacher’s Handbook with daily lesson plans, answer MathTacular®2 (DVD) RM33 $19.49
keys, and final exams If you own KM35 from Math K:
If you own KM35 from Math K: Get Horizons Math 3 and 3M30 $89.95
• 80 reproducible worksheets Get Horizons Math 2 and 2M30 $89.95 Manipulatives “Filler” Kit
Manipulatives “Filler”Kit for Horizons Math 1-3 RM40 $65.99
Purchase the basic program once for each grade. for Horizons Math 1-3 RM40 $65.99
Along with reproducible worksheets, each package *Consumables:
*Consumables: Workbook 1 3M31 $24.95
includes consumable workbooks you can order
Workbook 1 2M31 $24.95 Workbook 2 3M32 $24.95
separately for additional students. Workbook 2 2M32 $24.95 Reproducible Worksheets 3M33 $9.95
Other considerations Reproducible Worksheets 2M33 $9.95
For children especially sensitive to visual stimuli,
Horizons’ color illustrations may be a distraction.
For details, visit sonlight.com/horizons
Horizons 4 Program Horizons 5 Program
H4M $209.93 H5M $194.94
Fractions to decimals, ratios, reducing Percentages, least common multiples,
fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, mean, mode, and median, problem solving,
angles, circles, and more. probability, and more.
Includes: Includes:
Horizons Math 4 4M30 $89.95 Horizons Math 5 5M30 $89.95
Math 4 Manipulatives Kit 4M35 $94.99 Math 5 Manipulatives Kit 5M35 $104.99
MathTacular® 3 (DVD) RM37 $24.99
*Consumables: Workbook 1 5M31 $24.95
Workbook 1 4M31 $24.95 Workbook 2 5M32 $24.95
Workbook 2 4M32 $24.95 Reproducible Worksheets 5M33 $9.95
Reproducible Worksheets 4M33 $9.95

Horizons 6 Program
H6M $171.94
#H5M Square roots, ratio as a percent, charts and
tables, budgeting, multiplication, missing
factors, exponents, and more.
Horizons Math 6 6M30 $89.95
Need high school math? Math 6 Manipulatives Kit 6M35 $81.99

See pp. 100-101 for all of *Consumables:

Workbook 1 6M31 $24.95
Sonlight’s high school math products. Workbook 2 6M32 $24.95
Reproducible Worksheets 6M33 $9.95

76 What grade level is your child in math? Take a free math assessment at sonlight.com/placement-tests
SINGAPORE MATH Singapore K Program
KMUS $108.98
Singapore 1 Program
1M2US $69.97
(Grades K-6) Match and sort, numbers to 100, shapes
and patterns, telling time, money, weight
Counting and comparing numbers,
addition and subtraction, common shapes,
and capacity, addition and subtraction. measuring, multiplication, division, halves
When the International Association for the Evaluation and quarters, and more.
of Educational Achievement tests the relative Includes:
strengths and weaknesses of various programs, Earlybird A (Consumable) KMS11 $33.00 Includes:
Singapore students consistently rank #1. Earlybird B (Consumable) KMS12 $33.00 Primary Math 1A (Consumable) 1MAUS $29.40
Pattern Blocks RM09 $32.99 Primary Math 1B (Consumable) 1MBUS $29.40
Singapore is extremely clear, highly logical and Pattern Block Cards RM12 $9.99 Clock Face RM05 $0.99
sequential, with a strong focus on mental math. Numbers Chart w/Activities RM6 $2.20
Students get the appropriate amount of practice, Addition and Subtraction Flash Cards R
M07 $7.98
without excessive repetition. Challenging word
problems build thinking skills, and students apply
math in a variety of situations. The program teaches
geometry throughout.
Singapore 2 Program Singapore 3 Program
2M2US $122.77 3M2US $105.27
Each year of Singapore Primary Math (K-6) includes Multiplication tables of 2 and 3, dividing Roman numerals, addition with carrying
two full-color textbooks and two black-and-white by 2 and 3, measurement in metric, writing to 4 digits, borrowing, estimation, mental
workbooks. fractions, and more. calculation for addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division, and more.
Sonlight has also developed unique Home Includes:
Instructor’s Guides for the Primary Math programs Primary Math 2A (Consumable) 2MAUS $48.89 Includes:
Primary Math 2B (Consumable) 2MBUS $48.89 Primary Math 3A (Consumable) 3MAUS $48.89
2A-6B. (Due to the simplicity of the math, lower Gram/cm Cubes Kit RM04 $24.99 Primary Math 3B (Consumable) 3MBUS $48.89
levels have no guide.) The guides bridge the gap Multiplication and
between textbook and workbook. We lay it all out for Division Flash Cards RM08 $7.49
you: concepts you’ll cover, pages you’ll reference,
and numerous exercises to reinforce the concepts
you’re teaching.
Singapore 4 Program Singapore 5 Program
Other considerations 4M2US $102.77 5M2US $95.98
Because Singapore Math is generally a year ahead Measuring angles, adding and subtracting Fraction and division, addition and
of U.S. math programs, most children need to begin fractions, area and perimeter, decimals, subtraction of unlike fractions, ratio, finding
with the “B” book of the year prior to their current volume of a cuboid, and more. unknown angles, and more.
grade. Includes:
Primary Math 5A (Consumable) 5MAUS $47.99
Primary Math 4A (Consumable) 4MAUS $48.89
Some students require more review and drill Primary Math 5B (Consumable) 5MBUS $47.99
Primary Math 4B (Consumable) 4MBUS $48.89
than is contained in the main texts. We provide 8-Piece Protractor,
supplementary materials for most Singapore Compass, Triangle set RM68 $4.99 *Requires:
programs. 8-Piece Protractor,
Compass, Triangle set RM68 $4.99
Though Sonlight offers U.S. versions of Singapore
Math, the sequence of concepts doesn’t always follow
a typical U.S. curriculum. For example, students may Singapore 6 Program
learn to multiply and divide simultaneously, rather 6M2US $95.98
than at different times of the semester. Algebraic expressions, solving percentage
For details, visit sonlight.com/singapore problems, circumference, area, pie charts,
word problems, and more.
Due to restrictions by the publisher, Singapore Math Includes:
doesn’t qualify for Sonlight discounts. Primary Math 6A (Consumable) 6MAUS $47.99
Primary Math 6B (Consumable) 6MBUS $47.99
8-Piece Protractor,
Compass, Triangle set RM68 $4.99
My son has used a
combination of Singapore
Math and Life of Fred since Answer Keys for Levels 1-6
Kindergarten, both recommended Answer Key Only, Levels 1-3 RM180 $12.50
by Sonlight,” writes Anne M Answer Key Only, Levels 4-6 RM181 $12.50
of Grand Rapids, MI. “The two
programs have helped foster
an interest in mathematical
concepts. We have been blessed
by Sonlight’s excellent curriculum
choices!” Pictured, Pieter (11,
Singapore 6B) works on his math
assignment for the day.

*Consumable items are already included in your program. Purchase these for each additional student.
Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 77
Saxon K Program Saxon 1 Program
SAXON MATH KMS $180.79 1MS $230.54

(Grades K-12) Counting, shape recognition, days, month,

year and dates, time to the hour, ordinals,
Compare and order numbers, ordinal
position to tenth place, patterns, basic
Students using Saxon Math earn consistently and more. addition and subtraction facts, add two-digit
high scores on standardized tests. The program Includes: numbers, measuring, time, and more.
is extremely strong in areas of arithmetic Math K Homeschool Kit KM08 $95.80 Includes:
computation and mathematical principles Manipulatives Set S KM07 $84.99 Math 1 Homeschool Kit 1M02 $145.55
Manipulatives Set S KM07 $84.99
(distributive, commutative, etc.). *Consumables:
Meeting Book K KM09 $20.60 *Consumables:
Saxon is easy to teach, and from 4th grade up Math 1Workbooks and Fact Cards 1 M0SW $50.27
requires little parental involvement. It includes Meeting Book 1 1M09 $20.60
lots of guidance on exactly what to say and do.
The early elementary programs include—and
require—many manipulative activities. Sonlight
offers complete kits with the necessary items.
Saxon 2 Program Saxon 3 Program
2MS $210.54 3MS $184.99
Saxon packages include everything you need
to teach one child. To use the program with Add and subtract two-digit numbers, Basic addition, subtraction, multiplication,
multiplication facts to 5, picture and name and division facts, subtract multidigit
additional or successive students, purchase fractions, identify geometric solids, identify numbers, divide by single-digit divisors,
additional consumable tests and worksheets. angles, tally, Venn diagrams, and more. positive and negative numbers, and more.
Beginning with Saxon 5/4 and on up, packages Includes: Includes:
include Dr. David Shormann’s DIVE Into Math Math 2 Homeschool Kit 2M06 $145.55 Math 3 Homeschool Kit 3M09 $150.00
CD instruction. On-screen illustrations, tips, and Manipulatives Set S2 2M05 $64.99 Manipulatives Set S3 3M07 $34.99
alternative problem-solving approaches help your *Consumables: *Consumables:
student maximize learning. Math 2 Workbooks & Fact Cards 2 M0SW $50.27 Math 3 Workbooks & Fact Cards 3M0SW $50.27
Meeting Book 2 2M07 $20.60 Math 3 Meeting Book 3M10 $20.60
Other considerations
For students who don’t require as much drill,
Saxon can be repetitive.
Saxon 5/4 Program Saxon 6/5 Program
In comparison to other programs, it may be 4MS $186.04 5MS $186.04
lacking on application-oriented problem solving
and modern presentation (use of charts, graphs Multiplication and division terms, powers Mental math, patterns and functions,
and other effective teaching tools). and beginning square roots, fractions to statistics and probability, fractions, decimals,
decimals and percents, basic algebraic percents, geometry, negative numbers, and
For more details, visit sonlight.com/saxon patterns and sequences, and more. more.
Includes: Includes:
Saxon 5/4 Homeschool Kit 4M04 $126.05 Saxon 6/5 Homeschool Kit 5M04 $126.05
Dive CD Math 5/4 4M043 $59.99 Dive CD Math 6/5 5M043 $59.99
Requires: Requires:
Cuisenaire Rods 4M05 $14.99 8-Piece Protractor,
Compass, Triangle set RM68 $4.99
Math 5/4 Tests/Worksheets 4M041 $29.80 *Consumables:
Math 6/5 Tests/Worksheets 5M041 $29.50

Saxon 7/6 Program Saxon 8/7 Program

6MS $199.49 7MS $199.49
Simple expressions containing parentheses, Measurement, estimation, powers and
add, subtract, multiply, and divide signed roots, scientific notation, graphing functions,
numbers, exponents, square roots, balancing equations, irrational numbers,
geometric formulas, and more. geometric construction, and more.
Includes: Includes:
Saxon 7/6 Homeschool Kit 6M04 $139.50 Saxon Math 8/7 Homeschool Kit 7M05 $139.50
#KMS Dive CD Math 7/6 6M043 $59.99 Dive CD Math 8/7 7M053 $59.99

Requires: Requires:
8-Piece Protractor, 8-Piece Protractor,
Compass, Triangle set RM68 $4.99 Compass, Triangle set RM68 $4.99

Math 7/6 Tests/Worksheets 6M041 $37.05

78 FREE Homeschool Placement Tests. Math, reading, language arts & more! sonlight.com/placement-tests
MIQUON MATH Miquon Math 1/2 Miquon Math 2/3
(Grades 1-4) 1MM $47.85
Often used as a fun supplement, Miquon
2MM $25.90
Please ensure you have used Miquon 1/2
emphasizes patterns and relationships before using this one. Covers addition,
Miquon Math is one of the best tools to teach (rather than pre-set formulas and methods); subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions,
younger students how to think mathematically. using manipulatives and unique graphic and more.
Miquon teaches all four arithmetic operations layouts to help children discover and Includes:
(addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) understand those concepts. Blue Level Workbook 2M02 $12.95
beginning the first year, and even introduces Includes: Green Level Workbook 2M03 $12.95
algebraic notation, geometry, and diagram- Annotated Lab Notes RM02 $21.95
reading in the first book. Orange Level Workbook 1M03 $12.95
Red Level Workbook 1M04 $12.95
Cuisenaire Rods 4M05 $14.99
The program emphasizes patterns and Annotated Lab Notes RM02 $21.95
relationships (rather than pre-set formulas and Requires:
methods), and uses manipulatives and unique Cuisenaire Rods 4M05 $14.99
Blue Level Workbook 2M02 $12.95
graphic layouts to help children discover and *Consumables: Green Level Workbook 2M03 $12.95
understand those concepts. Orange Level Workbook 1M03 $12.95
Parents often choose Miquon as a fun supplement, Red Level Workbook 1M04 $12.95
though some use it as the main math program in
early elementary years. When they finish the last
book in the series, most students are well-prepared Miquon Math 3/4
for the 4th- or 5th-year books in other programs. 3MM $25.90 NOT SURE WHAT LEVEL
Please ensure you have used Miquon 2/3 YOUR CHILD NEEDS?
Other considerations before using this one. Covers multiplication,
Miquon requires curiosity, flexibility, and openness division, factoring, fractions, and more.
to investigation. If your children prefer to be given For many programs, find a FREE
Includes: math assessment at sonlight.com/
the facts, the discovery-oriented approach may not Yellow Level Workbook 3M03 $12.95
be appealing. Purple Level Workbook 3M04 $12.95 placement-tests
If you begin the program past the initial 1st/2nd Requires:
Grade offering, we encourage you to start with Cuisenaire Rods 4M05 $14.99
the prerequisite books from the prior grade, as Annotated Lab Notes RM02 $21.95
Miquon can be difficult to jump in midstream. *Consumables:
Because parents and children work together to Yellow Level Workbook 3M03 $12.95
share ideas and discoveries, Miquon may require Purple Level Workbook 3M04 $12.95
a greater time investment than other programs.
Miquon doesn’t cover long division.
For more details, visit sonlight.com/miquon

I absolutely love that with Sonlight,

your kids don’t get stuck in a one-size-fits-all
grade box with all the other kids,” says Anna
C of Selmer, TN, speaking of her ability to
select the best levels of math, handwriting,
language arts, history and science for a
perfectly tailored education plan for her
six-year-old daughter Eva. “The stacks of
delicious books, the discussions the books
spark, the joy of learning together, and the
confidence that our kids are getting a great
education: it’s well worth every penny. The
IGs are so well-researched and easy to use
that I can just open and start teaching!”

Need high school math?

See pp. 100-101 for all of
Sonlight’s high school math products.

*Consumable items are already included in your program. Purchase these for each additional student.
Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 79
Level A Book Bundle Level B Book Bundle
Understand quantities based around 5’s
1M17 $90.75
Build a strong foundation with number sense
(Grades K-6) and 10’s. This level includes addition and
subtraction to 10, place value to the hundreds,
through quantity recognition and mental
strategies by grouping in 5’s and 10’s using
RightStart Math is a hands-on program that and some basic geometry and measurement. the AL Abacus. Incorporates 4-digit addition
replaces counting with visualization and an early Money and clocks are introduced. Problem and 2-digit mental addition. An emphasis on
introduction to place value. The program utilizes solving is emphasized. problem solving and place value throughout.
their proprietary AL Abacus to provide both Includes: Includes:
kinesthetic and visual learning. The two-sided Level A Lessons Level B Lessons
Abacus helps students recognize quantities– Level A Worksheets Level B Worksheets
Yellow is the Sun (book) Yellow is the Sun (book)
eliminating traditional methods that utilize Level A Appendix Page Level B Appendix Page
counting, memorizing, and drill.
Requires: Requires:
RightStart Math Set RS2 $209.50 RightStart Math Set RS2 $209.50
*Consumables: *Consumables:
Level A Worksheets KM171 $16.75 Level B Worksheets 1M171 $16.75

Level C Book Bundle Level D Book Bundle

2M17 $90.75 3M17 $90.75
Build on known addition and subtraction facts, Build on the meaning and properties of
work with 4-digit addition and 2-digit mental multiplication and division, along with the basic
calculations, and introduce multiplication and facts. Other topics include multiplying a 4-digit
#KM17 fractions, all with an emphasis on problem number by a 1-digit number, rounding, numbers
solving. Also includes area and perimeter, to millions, area and measurement in both the
measurement, money, time, and basic US customary and metric systems, fractions, and
fractions. Students work with drawing tools to graphing. Continue work with geometry and
explore geometric designs. angles using drawing tools. An emphasis on
Includes: problem solving with all four operations.
Level C Lessons Includes:
Level C Worksheets Level D Lessons
Level D Worksheets
RightStart Math Set RS2 $209.50 Requires:
*Consumables: RightStart Math Set RS2 $209.50
Level C Worksheets 2M171 $21.75 *Consumables:
Level D Worksheets 3M171 $21.75

Level E Book Bundle Level F Book Bundle Level G Book Bundle

4M17 $90.75 5M17 $90.75 6M17 $129.00
Multiplication of a multi-digit number by a 2-digit Multiplication and division of fractions and Explore fractions, area, ratios, angles,
number, short division by a single digit, mixed decimals. Includes percentages, exponents, Pythagorean theorem, and square roots. Also
and improper fraction addition and subtraction, and factoring, along with multiplication and circles, pi, arcs, reflections, rotations, and
factoring into primes. Introduce decimals and division facts. Also long division, coordinate symmetry. Practice arithmetic, fractions, and
percentages. Incorporates multiple approaches systems, graphing, negative numbers, decimals and get an introduction to some
to problem solving, along with classifications exponents, and probability. Includes geometry algebraic concepts. Intended to be used over
of triangles and polygons, measurement in US and measurement, as well as multi-step two years.
customary and metric systems, area, angles, line problem solving and an introduction to Includes:
plots, and solving simple algebraic equations. dimensional analysis. Level G Lessons
Level G Worksheets
Includes: Includes: Level G Answer Key
Level E Lessons Level F Lessons
Level E Worksheets Level F Worksheets Requires:
Requires: Requires: RightStart Math Set RS2 $209.50
RightStart Math Set RS2 $209.50 RightStart Math Set RS2 $209.50 *Consumables:
*Consumables: *Consumables: Level G Worksheets 6M171 $38.00
Level E Worksheets 4M171 $21.75 Level F Worksheets 5M171 $21.75

80 What grade level is your child in math? Take a free math assessment at sonlight.com/placement-tests

MathTacular Life of Fred Math

(Grades K-6+) (Grades K-5+)

Make math
unbelievably There’s not another math program quite like Goldfish RM221 $16.00
understandable with this one. Never again will you hear, “Math is Honey RM222 $16.00
these DVD shorts. They boring,” or “When will we use this in real life?” Ice Cream RM223 $16.00
are highly engaging Jelly Beans RM224 $16.00
and fun, with cheerful Don’t be fooled by the fun, non-math-like Kidney RM229 $16.00
and quirky lessons, titles like Goldfish, Mineshaft and Liver. Clear Liver RM230 $16.00
using unexpected props explanations and goofy illustrations make Mineshaft RM231 $16.00
to explain concepts.. math stick with your children so they are Fractions RM225 $19.00
prepared for upper-level coursework. Decimals and Percents RM226 $19.00
Use MathTacular to reinforce what your
Financial Choices RM227 $19.00
students have learned during the school year, Apples RM215 $16.00
Zillions ... Decimals RM233 $19.00
or as a refresher to brush up on math skills Butterflies RM216 $16.00
Zillions ... Fractions RM232 $19.00
at any age. Cats RM217 $16.00
Zillions ... Pre-Algebra RM234 $19.00
RM32 Dogs RM218 $16.00
MathTacular $24.99 Zillions ... Pre-Algebra 1 RM236 $19.00
RM33 Edgewood RM219 $16.00
MathTacular 2 $19.49
RM37 Farming RM220 $16.00
MathTacular 3 $24.99
MathTacular 4: Word Problems RM4A $49.99

For additional information,

visit sonlight.com/mathtacular

Math Adventures
(Grades 2-5+) We love using
Sonlight!” says Lauren C
Make math an adventure! of Zeeland, MI. “We have
Part story and part bonded so much through
workbook, the Math learning together. Liam
Adventures series and Nolan love getting
approaches math as an out the MathTacular
experience that is playful box and playing with the
and relatable. counting blocks, shapes,
and flashcards. It hardly
Enjoy these books as an feels like school, because
additional math reinforcement. we’re having so much fun
Choose from grades 2-5. together! So thankful to be
homeschooling and can’t
Grade 2 2M18 $9.95 wait to see how Sonlight
Grade 3 3M18 $9.95 continues to be a huge
Grade 4 4M18 $9.95 part of the journey!” In this
Grade 5 5M18 $9.95 picture, Liam (5), and Nolan
(2) practice adding.
For additional information,
visit sonlight.com/mathadventures

Math Manipulatives

Mini Plastic Balances K-2 MM10 $10.99

Base 10 Starter Set K-3 MM12 $39.99
Gram Scale 2-6 SS595I $8.99 Need high school math?
Angle Ruler 2-6 MM05 $4.49 See pp. 100-101 for all of
Multi-link Cubes K-3
$14.95 Sonlight’s high school math products.
Pattern Blocks Kit $42.98

*Consumable items are already included in your program. Purchase these for each additional student.
Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 81
Electives We love how the Hands-On History Project
Kit is reinforcing what we are studying in history.
The projects drive home certain aspects of what life
Products to enhance & round out your school year was like in the past,” says Felicia F of Puyallup, WA.
“We are also so grateful for the beautiful works of
literature we would never have chosen ourselves.
Every new book, Jonathan exclaims, ‘That was my
favorite book!’ and when asked which is his favorites

O nce you’ve picked out your essential homeschool so far, he always says, ‘All of them!’” The F family
have been using Sonlight for three years. Jonathan
subjects, add some additional enrichment that’s both (6) is using HBL A, Artemus (5) is using Pre-K, and
fun and educational. Sonlight offers a wide range of electives, Mattix (2) is tagging along.
enrichment products, and hands-on activities.
Keep your children fully engaged during learning, while making 2. Electives help children discover their gifts.
your homeschool day even more enjoyable. Choose from a Even if you are not musical, artistic, or gifted in
wide range of products including art, music, STEM activities, languages, you might have a child who is. You won’t
puzzles and games, computer programming, great books, know until you give them a chance to explore these
and more. areas and see where they shine. Maybe you have
an artist in the house just waiting for the chance to
Three Reasons to use Electives discover unknown abilities.

1. Electives broaden children’s horizons. 3. Electives are fun.

Art, music, foreign language, PE, and practical life skills all help From art projects to music, electives let you step
children understand more about the world and themselves. In back from the regular routine of school and enjoy new
other words, electives help create well-rounded students. And things.
in high school, colleges expect to see some electives on your Visit sonlight.com/electives for a complete list of
children’s transcripts—particularly foreign language and some enrichment and elective activities.
exposure to fine arts.

82 SonlightCaresTM Perk: Save 10% on additional purchases + FREE Shipping. Learn more at sonlight.com/cares

Summer Readers Hands-On History Kits Lap Books

The best-of-the-best fun books, great for Let your children touch history with these hands- Reinforce and document what you're learning
summer—or anytime—reading! Sonlight- on, multi-sensory history project kits. Create art, with these lap books: a collection of crafts and
vetted, twaddle-free, and age-appropriate book build models, try new skills. Add a kinesthetic creative projects—maps, booklets, brochures,
collections for both boys and girls. Choose from element to your school day, for less than a quarter and more—that fold down into a portfolio, and
three age ranges: elementary, middle, and high of what you'd spend elsewhere. Includes all the unfold to show their detailed magnificence.
school. Check out the new sets offered each specialized supplies you need, along with a Complete with all necessary materials and
summer season. Visit sonlight.com/summer for complete instruction booklet with clear, detailed detailed, clear illustrations.
available packages. explanations of each craft.
"These are the best lap books I've seen."
World Cultures History Kit AHK $49.99 ~Cathy Duffy - cathyduffyreviews.com
World History Kit NEW! BHK $49.99
American History I Lap Book DH30 $49.99
American History II Lap Book EH30 $49.99
World History I Lap Book NEW! GH30 $49.99

We offer a variety of elective
Electives Packages courses for high school students.
See pp. 102-103.
Once you know what Sonlight program your children are studying, add a pre-assembled Electives
Package. Designed to correspond to HBL A through 400, these products are age-appropriate,
high-interest, and cover a range of skills and subjects.
Electives A ARE $49.85 Electives H HRE $87.93
Includes three items: art creation, art Includes art instruction, as well as music and
appreciation, and physical education (PE). art appreciation.
Electives B BRE $62.44 Electives W WRE $54.97
Includes two items: art instruction (an art class Includes three items: art instruction and music
in your home!) and music appreciation. appreciation.
Electives C CRE $85.88 Electives 100 100E $69.95
Includes two art appreciation books and a Includes critical thinking and one of the most
family favorite in music appreciation. famous and popular art appreciation books
ever written.
Electives D DRE $60.97
Includes art appreciation, music appreciation, Electives 200 200E $62.94
and critical thinking. Includes art instruction and a practical
workbook on money management.
Electives E ERE $44.94
Includes drawing instruction and music Electives 300 300E $97.00
performance (both the instrument and the Includes computer programming and critical
instruction!). thinking.
Electives F FRE $77.94 Electives 400 400E $114.99
Includes art instruction (an art class in your Electives 400 includes public speaking and
home!) and an outstanding typing program. design.
Electives G GRE $134.99
Includes music appreciation and computer
Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 83
Arts & Crafts Computer Programming Games & Activities
The Global Puzzle RR103 $14.99
ARTistic Pursuits—Designed specifically for CompuScholar—Online Computer Program- The Solar System & Beyond Puzzle RR37 $14.99
homeschoolers, ARTistic Pursuits incorporates ming Courses. Students are spending more time The United States Puzzle RR30 $14.99
art history into the lessons. Each book contains using computing devices than ever before! Make Snapshots Across America
between 32 and 64 hands-on projects. Your your student’s computing time productive, and Geography Board Game RE2P $34.98
children will develop foundational art skills grown Computer Science career opportunities. Knock-out / Muggins! RM01 $44.95
and create beautiful works of art in a variety of Help your students stop consuming technology SmartGames: Three Little Piggies RE42 $34.99
mediums. and start creating it! SmartGames: Dinosaurs RE43 $34.99
Who’s Ready to Play? NEW! RE50 $9.99
And to keep you from feeling overwhelmed at Web Design RE1E $120.00 101 Outrageously Fun Things to Do NEW! RE61 $19.99
the dizzying array of supplies at the art store, we Game Programming with Visual Basic RE2E $120.00 Juggling for the Complete Klutz NEW! RE60 $14.99
have done the prep-work for you and assembled Unity Game Programming RE3E $120.00 The Complete Laugh-Out-Loud
Android Programming RE4E $120.00 Jokes for Kids NEW! RE45 $12.99
art supplies kits with everything for Book 1 of Java Programming (AP Prep) RE5E $120.00 No Stress Chess NEW! RE49 $18.99
each level. You’ll have whatever the book calls Digital Savvy RE6E $120.00
for—from soft pastel chalks to black graphic pens Windows Game Programming with C# RE7E $75.00
and quality sketch pads. Outstanding value.
Grades K-3 Book 1 RA40 $47.95
Grades K-3 Bk 1 Art Supplies Kit RA45 $105.99
Grades K-3 Book 2 RA41 $47.95
Grades K-3 Book 3 RA42 $47.95
Grades 4-6 Book 1 RA50 $47.95
Grades 4-6 Bk 1 Art Supplies Kit RA55 $50.99
Grades 4-6 Book 2 RA51 $47.95
Junior High Book 1 RA60 $47.95
Junior High Bk 1Art Supplies Kit RA65 $72.99
Junior High Book 2 RA61 $47.95
Senior High Book 1 RA70 $47.95
Senior High Bk 1 Art Supplies Kit RA75 $69.99
Senior High Book 2 RA71 $47.95

Art Books
Splat! The Most Exciting
Artists of All Time NEW! RA07 $19.95
The Story of the World’s
Greatest Paintings NEW! RA06 $19.95
This Book Thinks You’re an Artist NEW! RE58 $14.95
The Story of Art RR89 $44.95
The Non-Designer’s Design Book RR100 $34.99

Art Supplies
Kwik Stix-12 Tempera Paint RA02/RA01 $11.99
NOYO Craysons: 12 Colors NEW! TA07 $10.99

Art Skills
Museum Activity Book NEW! RA04 $12.99
Draw Write Now Boxed Set NEW! RA08 $99.99
Do You Doodle? RR58 $12.95
Mark Kistler’s Draw Squad RR74 $20.00

Children’s Sewing Kit NEW! RA03 $24.99
Good Housekeeping Kids Cook! NEW! RE62 $19.95

84 Provide your children with even more opportunities to grow. Shop Sonlight electives at sonlight.com/electives
Foreign Language History/ Geography Health
Rosetta Stone® Subscriptions Across the USA Activity Book NEW! RE52 $14.99 God’s Design for Sex
Famous Figures of Ancient Times NEW! RE55 $19.95 This series is designed to help you communicate
Many colleges require two years of high school
Famous Figures of Medieval Times NEW! RE54 $16.95 comfortably and truthfully about human
language study. With Rosetta Stone, learning a American History I Lap Book DH30 $49.99
new language is so fun and easy, your whole reproduction.
American History II Lap Book EH30 $49.99
family can enjoy the experience! World History I Lap Book NEW! GH30 $49.99 Story of Me (3-5 years old) RR44 $10.99
World Cultures History Kit AHK $49.99 Before I Was Born (5-8 years old) RR45 $10.99
Rosetta Stone is the language learning software World History Kit NEW! BHK $49.99 What’s the Big Deal? (8-11 years old) RR46 $12.99
built to fit your curriculum. Its game-like natural Facing the Facts (11-14 years old) RR47 $12.99
language learning approach promotes long-
term retention and correct pronunciation, all Physical Education
Home School Family Fitness PE03 $19.95
without forced memorization and drill, so your
children succeed.

And now, choose from between 24 languages

and get the award-winning Rosetta Stone
programs across all your devices. Dive into
lessons anytime, anywhere, online or off, and
never miss an opportunity to learn

This is the perfect time to add foreign language Just Great Books
to your homeschool days
50 Cities of the U.S.A. RE21 $30.00
Subscriptions start at $109. National Parks RE22 $19.99
Visit sonlight.com/rosetta-stone The 50 States RE20 $30.00
Who’s Ready to Play? NEW! RE50 $9.99
Due to restrictions by the publisher, Rosetta Stone
materials do not qualify for Sonlight discounts.
Animal Record Breakers NEW!
My Big Wimmelbook: On the Farm
RE63 $14.95
RE64 $12.95
Coloring Books
My Big Wimmelbook:
Cars and Things That Go RE65 $12.95 Happy New Year Around the World RE27 $3.99
My Big Wimmelbook: Animals Race to the South Pole RE28 $3.99
Around the World RE66 $12.95 Around the World RE29 $3.99
My Big Wimmelbook: Life in a Medieval Castle and Village RE30 $4.99
At the Construction Site RE67 $12.95 King Tut Coloring Book RE31 $3.99
Life in Ancient Greece RE33 $4.99
Sonlight is everything I Life in Ancient Mexico RE34 $4.99
wish my education had been Life in Ancient Rome RE35 $4.99
growing up,” writes Heather Life in Old Japan RE36 $4.99
Wonders of the World RE37 $3.99
H of Oregon City, OR. “I’m so
Early American Craft and Occupations RE38 $4.99
thankful I get to go through Early American Trades RE39 $4.99

Looking for extra books?

each HBL with my kids Great Inventors and Inventions RE40 $4.99
because I also get to learn so Historic American Landmarks RE41 $3.99
much about the world and our
history. I love that I am able to Shop Sonlight’s curated book collections.
raise globally minded kids and sonlight.com/book-collections
that I get the privilege of having
the discussions with them that
stem from what we read.”
Here, Ella (11, HBL E), Ryker
(9, HBL E), Halle (7, HBL B),
and Sadie (3, Preschool) have
a great family fun night.

Visit sonlight.com/electives for a complete

list of enrichment and elective activities.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 85

Music Practical Life Skills STEM/STEAM
Classical Kids Collection JG06 $59.98 Life Skills for Kids RR115 $14.99 Brackitz Pulley Construction Set RE44 $39.99
Classical Music Start-Up Kit MU20 $29.98 Dating with Integrity RR11 $17.99 Rumble Tops Challenge Crate RE25 $14.99
Volume I (A.D. 1500-1825) MU21 $14.99 The Non-Designer’s Design Book RR100 $34.99 Hydraulic Can Crusher Challenge Crate RE26 $39.99
Volume II (A.D. 1825-1945) MU22 $14.99 Engineer Academy NEW! RE53 $12.99
Classics for Kids MU14 $14.49 Public Speaking This Book Thinks You’re
Thinkwell Public Speaking CR01 $80.00 a Math Genius NEW! RE59 $14.95
SQUILT Music Appreciation Lessons Computer Skills This Book Thinks You’re a Scientist NEW! RE57 $14.95
Develop excellent listeners as over four hundred Typing Instructor Platinum RR05 $29.99 This Book Thinks You’re an Artist NEW! RE58 $14.95
years of musical history come alive, using the Typing Instructor for Kids Platinum RR15 $19.99 Get Coding! NEW! RE46 $12.99
SQUILT technique of Super Quiet UnInterrupted Professor Teaches: Microsoft
Listening Time. Music appreciation made easy. Office 2016 & Windows 10 RR07 $39.99
Professor Teaches: Web Pages & Graphics R
R17 $29.95
Great for all ages.
Musical Era Bundle MUE1 $56.00 Money Management Help your student prepare for an
Meet the Composers: Money Matters for Teens Workbook RR109 $14.99 Advanced Placement (AP*) exam
Exploring Great Music MUE2 $16.00 Money, Possessions & Eternity 670-05 $16.99
Meet the Instruments: Life of Fred: Financial Choices RM227 $19.00 & potentially earn college credit.
Exploring the Orchestra MUE3 $16.00 sonlight.com/ap-prep
Driver’s Ed
Bastien Piano Basics Series Driver Ed in a Box RE203 $327.00
Attractive, self-teaching piano books for ages
7-11. The Bastien Piano Basics lesson series uses Critical Thinking
a carefully graded, logical learning sequence to The Thinking Toolbox RN050 $22.00
allow students to teach themselves. Fallacy Detective RN051 $25.00
Critical Thinking Activities (K-3) RN052 $25.99
Piano Method Primer MU03 $7.99
Critical Thinking Activities (4-6) RN053 $25.99
Piano Method 1 MU04 $7.99
Around the World Mazes NEW! RE51 $9.99
Piano Method 2 MU05 $7.99
Piano Method 3 MU06 $7.99
Piano Method 4 MU07 $7.99
*Advanced Placement, Advanced Placement Program
Theory materials contain written work and some and AP are registered trademarks of the College Board,
which was not involved in the production of, and does
short pieces to reinforce concepts. not endorse, this product.
Theory Primer MU08 $6.95
Theory 1 MU09 $6.95
Theory 2 MU10 $6.95
Theory 3 MU11 $6.95
Theory 4 MU12 $6.95

Sonlight is an amazing curriculum for

us. I love the literature packed program,”
writes Michelle N of Florence, CO. “Picking a
curriculum is so overwhelming. Our first year
homeschooling, we tried one that didn’t fit our
family. Then someone suggested Sonlight and
I knew this would be the one for our family. We
have discovered so many amazing new books
that we never would have sought out on our own.
As a teacher, I love having it all mapped out and
then we can just customize it to our timeline.” In
this photo, Aspen and Levi enjoy great weather
and a great history book as they read The
Usborne Book of World History from HBL B.

86 Boost your high schooler’s transcript with electives. See pp. 102-103
Required Resources
Necessary products for your school year

R equired Resources are necessary items for most Sonlight curriculum programs.
See the descriptions below to verify which programs require which resources, or
check online at sonlight.com/required-resources

The Timeline Book Markable Map & Markers 3" Binder and Tabs
The Timeline Book RR120 $26.99 Markable Map & Markers MAP $29.98 3" Binder and Tabs B050 $21.99
Spiral-bound timeline ready for you to fill in Hang this 23” x 34”, full-color modified Robinson Organize your Instructor’s Guides in this 3”
throughout your homeschool adventure. Two- Projection on a wall for easy reference, or fold locking D-ring binder with index tabs. Each
color paper to easily distinguish between BC flat (smaller than 12” x 12”) and take it with you. binder holds one set of History / Bible / Literature,
and AD time periods. Includes pockets for Laminated surface lets you mark your map with Language Arts and Science IGs, plus extra
assignments, figures, or notes. May be shared. grease pencils or water-based markers. Includes materials. Includes numbered dividers for each
8½” x 11”, heavy-gauge paper. a four-color set of fine-tip, water-based markers! of the 36 weeks in IGs, plus dividers for sections
Required in History / Bible / Literature A-300. Required in History / Bible / Literature A-300. 3 and 4. Binder (#VB30) and tabs (#IN10)
available as separate items. For levels 100-500,
purchase two binders with tabs—one for parent
guides and one for student guides.
Binder and tabs are included in All-Subjects

For the first time since I began to

homeschool, I feel like I have found a
Want Your IG curriculum that can take them all the way

Pre-Assembled? through High School,” writes Anna O of Gig

Harbor, WA. “I heard about Sonlight from
a mom telling me the things she didn’t
Let us organize your Instructor’s like about it: ‘Lots of reading out loud, too
Guides (IGs) for you, so your binder hands-on, hardly any workbooks.’ To me,
arrives with everything conveniently in it sounded PERFECT! When I received the
place! Learn more at sonlight.com/IGA big Sonlight boxes FILLED with fantastic
books, the big binder and the week-by-
week curriculum we could do as quickly or
as slowly as we needed, I was filled with
relief and excitement.” With homeschool
taking 2 to 3 hours, 3 to 5 days a week,
says Anna, there is plenty of time for Elias
(9), Adelaide (7), and twins Calliope and
Reagan Ireland (5) to enjoy hands-on
experiments, field trips, and play.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 87



Student-driven, rigorous, engaging, interesting, enjoyable

Sonlight adequately prepared our daughter, Emily, for

Sonlight’s high school courses engage students with AP/Standardized tests and beyond,” writes Angela S of
interesting and thought-provoking books, as students Gainesville, FL. “As a competitive musician and composer,
increase in their knowledge and critical thinking abilities. Emily spends upwards of 30 hours a week on music studies.
Sonlight's flexibility allows her to pursue her busy music
As in a traditional high school course catalog, choose schedule without compromising her academic needs for
between a variety of courses to create your students’ college applications. Upon the completion of HBL 100, she
schedule. Mix-and-match from five History / Bible took the AP, CLEP, ACT, and SAT tests with confidence and even
scored a 31 on the English portion of the ACT without studying!”
courses and six Literature / Language Arts (“English”) Here, Emily (15) shows her favorite HBL 100 books, Student
courses to make the best program for your students. Guides, and CLEP test tickets. Emily and her younger brother
Round out your schedule with science, math, and Luke have been using Sonlight since kindergarten.
Designed for Independent Study
Academic Excellence Sonlight’s high school courses are designed for
Sonlight high school students enjoy an interesting and independent study. Students are old enough, and
rigorous college-prep education that’s equivalent to the prepared enough, to read the books and notes
finest schools in the country. We’ve even had parents independently.
report that Sonlight’s courses have more and better
Each Sonlight high school course comes with both a
content than their local community colleges!
Parent Guide and a Student Guide, with a complete
Sonlight offers a variety of courses to help your student schedule and notes.
prepare for AP exams, and many students use CLEP tests
The Student Guide contains discussion and
after their Sonlight work to earn college credit.
thought questions—some questions covering basic
Sonlight’s high school courses fully prepare students for comprehension, and some more like college-level
college, the workplace, or any other vocation. analysis. The Parent Guide contains the same

88 Try before you buy! Get a three week sample of any Sonlight Instructor’s Guide—FREE! sonlight.com/samples
Level 220 Days 1–5
information, along with Bible/Apologetics / History & Biographies Date: _______ to _______

Week 1
answers. Some parents
Date: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
find their students can work Bible/Apologetics
The Westminster Question 1, plus answer all the Question 2, plus answer all the

completely independently with Shorter Catechism

More Than a Carpenter
questions (#1–15)
chaps. 1–2
questions (#1–15)

access to the Parent Guide to Memorization Matthew 1:21 Mark 10:45 Luke 19:10

check their work. History and Biographies

The Story of Christianity pp. 7–11 pp. 12–19 pp. 20–23 pp. 24–29 pp. 30–35

You don’t have to be an expert

 dN

The 100 Most Important pp. 15–17

in any high school subject— Events in Christian History “Titus Destroys

From Jerusalem to pp. 26–30
the Instructor’s Guides serve Irian Jaya “Pauland
One is to take the catechism questions the Apostle”

You may have heard that history is “His story.” Sadly,

©2018 by Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd. All rights reserved.

alone and interact with what they have to say. Have your what most Christians seem to mean by that is merely that
as the teacher. Your role is that
Optional: chap. 1
children look up additional “proof texts” to bolster what God is sovereign; He controls what happens in all the
How to Read Church
History, Volume 1
is being taught by the catechism or have them look up events of history. This is “sad” because the simple fact that
“proof texts” that seem to oppose what is being taught by events are controlled by God doesn’t mean that when all
of support: teach organization, Current Events Parents and Students: please read the notes for Current Events in the Notes for Day 1 this week.
the catechism.
The other method makes greater use of the study guide
the events are put together they make a story. And, in fact,
we know of few people who seek to reveal God’s purpose
talk through test-taking
Other Notesthat goes along with The Westminster Shorter Catechism. in history (all history) or how He has pursued this special
We believe the best answers to the study guide questions purpose down through the centuries.
should be presented in writing. If your children disagree Unless we believe there is an end toward which history
strategies, assign and grade with Williamson’s answer or if they rebel at the question,
please encourage them to write out how and/or why they
runs, history has no plot. History may be His, but it is not
His story. God’s goal in world history is to reestablish His
research papers, and discuss disagree or feel offended. In this way, they will be sharpen-
ing their own perception and discernment skills.
rightful place as King of kings and Lord of lords among
all nations.
Besides The Westminster Shorter Catechism, we have You can help your children immeasurably:
lots and lots of great books. included three “apologetics” works.
Kennedy’s What if Jesus Had Never Been Born? is what we
By asking questions. “What people did you read about
today?” “What did they do?” “Why are they important?”
call a historical apologetic; it seeks to lay to rest many of “When did they live?” “Did they make an impact that is still
Filled with excellent books and Bible/Apologetics—Introduction for Parents
We believe students need to be prepared for the intel-
use The
the historical
for more
the offensive
against as
shows theand
thea Church.
In fact, it
being felt today? If so, how?”
By suggesting or pointing out historical (including

top quality notes, Sonlight’s lectual challenges to their faith that they will receive in
the years to come. Indeed, we believe they should not
own perspective.
You More
of Christians and Christianity through the centuries.
will notice
Than awe do this inoffers
Carpenter our history
a prettystudy guide; we
Biblical) parallels. “That sounds like what you were saying
happened with John Paul Jones.” Or, “Didn’t the Egyptians
only be prepared to face challenges; but also, to be so well do it also at
presentationmany ofpoints
basicwith the
evidences The Westminster
for Christian Shorter
faith in a have a belief like that?”
high school courses are trained that they can challenge others in their faith (or lack Catechism:
popularwe challenge, argue with, and critique our
style. By admiring your children and the work they are doing.

©2018 by Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd. All rights reserved.

thereof ). main textbooks.
The Jesus I YouNevercan—and
Knew is ashould—do
unique study theofsame.
Jesus and “I’m impressed!” “Where did you learn that?!” “I didn’t know

designed to support a wide The Westminster Catechism is only one (of many
Protestant catechisms) that was produced in that period
theshould you use
life he lived,
can recommend
Yancey. Our prayertwo
a catechism?
written by the thought-provoking Philip
is that this work enables you to meet
that!” “That’s great!”

of heavy theological ferment from about 1520 to 1650. It Jesus in a new way. Specific Recommendations for Teaching History and Biographies
range of high school needs. includes some idiosyncrasies that many evangelicals will
object to. If you are concerned about your children pos- History & Biographies—Introduction for Parents
If you’re one of those parents who doesn’t need to “be
there” with your children while they read most books,
sibly being “polluted” by these Calvinistic and Presbyterian If there is one thing that sets Sonlight Curriculum apart you’ll still want to keep up with what they’re reading. (Per-
peculiarities, we encourage you to find a catechism that from all other curricula you could purchase, it is our view haps you can do the reading at night while your children
might more nearly match your own views. At the same of and approach to history. read during the day.) You have more experience in life and
time, we feel very comfortable recommending that you From the very earliest grades you can see that we have know more than your children about the Bible, history,
Na greater interest in the whole world than most of the
Note to Mom or Dad  Map Point d Timeline Suggestion
historical trends, and the way all these things interact.
curriculum suppliers do. We have this international focus With this base of knowledge and experience, you should
History of the Christianbecause,
Churchas| wonderful
Parent Guideas the United Two
| Section States| and
Week Western
1 | 1 be able to point out connections between the various
civilization are, we know that God’s purposes extend far things your children are reading—connections that they
beyond our borders. As scripture says, “God’s plan from would never catch on their own.
the beginning has been to acquire a people for Himself One of the best ways to help your children in this area is
from every tribe, tongue, people and nation“(Gen. 12:2-3; by asking questions that will help them find these connec-
Rev. 5:9; etc.). Therefore, we have chosen materials that tions on their own. “Do you see any way that the persecu-
help children understand their responsibilities as “citizens tion of Christians in ____________ would have actually
of a heavenly kingdom” in the midst of the world. helped spread the Gospel (see Acts 8:1, 4)?” Again, interact
There is more to our concern for history, however, than a with your children. It’s important.
desire to give children an international perspective.
Some Christians bemoan the fact that the spiritual


The Westminster Shorter Catechism
dimension is left out of most history texts; Christians are
not accorded their proper place in history books; we do Day
Question 1 (#1–15)


not see the influence of Christian ideas on the course of
history; we do not have enough Christian biographies in Read question 1, plus answer all the questions (#1–15).
standard history courses. Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd. has
tried to address each of these shortcomings. #1 What is meant by the word “chief” in the
But beyond these concerns that center on the Catechism?  man’s one thought and desire is to serve
Christian influence in history, we believe we need to ask, God and take delight in Him
Each year, thirteen Sonlighters win scholarships to “What is God doing in history? What is He doing at this (or
that) point in history to bring about His overarching #2 What is meant by the word “end” in the Catechism? 
goals, aims, purposes
the college of their choice. Over four years, two
historical purposes?”

2 | Week 1 | Section Two | Parent Guide | History of the Christian Church

students are awarded $20,000, two students are
awarded $10,000, and nine students are awarded
$4,000. Learn more at

Sonlight offers us a homeschooling lifestyle that is

alive and fascinating. It is a perfect fit for our family,” writes
Victoria P of Lowell, MI. “After 13 years with Sonlight, my
oldest, Isaiah (21, graduated in 2015), is studying Chemical
Engineering on a full-tuition scholarship plus receives a
stipend for his national merit scholar status and my second
son, Simon (18, senior), is planning to study Civil Engineering
on a full tuition ride based on his SAT.” The P family are
second generation homeschoolers and own every level of
Sonlight (except the new Level J). Both Isaiah and Simon
have used Thinkwell Economics and were able to score AP
credit in Micro and Macro to use in college.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 89


S onlight meets the needs of homeschooling high school

students with a thorough catalog of robust high school
courses, ideal for students in grades 8-12. To create a
Would Sonlight prepare my children for the
rigors of college-level work?” Leslie R of Duncanville,
TX often wondered during her early years of home
schooling. “Now that my oldest, Nathan, has
complete course of study, simply mix and match individual graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering
courses. Follow these steps and choose individual courses and my second, Sophia, is in college, I can answer
according to your student’s specific needs and preferences. that question with a hearty affirmative! Thank you,
Sonlight, for providing me with all the tools necessary
Want help designing your own individualized high school to not only give my children an excellent academic
plan? Contact a Sonlight Advisor (sonlight.com/advisors) to foundation, but also a love for learning.” Both of
help you choose the best options for your family. Leslie’s older children used Sonlight for 12 years
before going off to college, while her youngest
daughter, Lydia, is now in high school.
How to choose:
1 Start with a History / Bible Course

Wondering about transcripts and how

2 Choose a Literature / Language Arts Course
classes might be applied for credit?
This free Homeschool High School
3 Add Science Transcripts ebook includes all you
need to get ready for High School!

4 Add Math

5 Add Electives

90 Try before you buy! Get a three week sample of any Sonlight Instructor’s Guide—FREE! sonlight.com/samples
Mix and Match your high
your school courses
High School Courses

130-MD 150-05 Physical Science Math-U-See
• Algebra 1
• Geometry
Each year, thirteen Sonlighters win 250-05 • Algebra 2
230-MD Biology
220-MD scholarships to the college of their choice. • PreCalculus
Over four years, one student is awarded • Calculus

$20,000, four students are330-MD

awarded 355-00 Berean Chemistry
$10,000, and eight students are awarded Saxon Math
$4,000. Learn more at 450-05 Physics
• Algebra 1
430-MD • Algebra 2
sonlight.com/scholarships • Advanced Math

550-00 Advanced Biology

530-MD VideoText Interactive
520-MD • Algebra Bundle
551-00 Advanced Chemistry • Geometry Bundle




What Good is Christianity? (660-00), Advanced Apologetics (610-00),
College and Career Planning Kit (680-00), Psychology (690-00)

Visit sonlight.com/high-school to get started!

Learn more at: sonlight.com/high-school
*To qualify for the 15% History / Bible / Literature discount, combine any History/Bible with any Literature/Language Arts course. To
qualify for the 20% All-Subjects Package discount, add Science and Math to your History and Literature choices.

Visit sonlight.com/high-school to choose a
pre-designed All-Subjects Package, optimized
for each high school grade. Each program can
be customized to meet your needs.


*To qualify for the 15% History / Bible / Literature discount, combine any History / Bible with any Literature / Language Arts course. To qualify for the 20% All-Subjects Package discount,
add Science and Math to your History and Literature choices.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 91


1 American History
Grades 7-11 • Ages 12-16
History of the Christian Church
Grades 9-12 • Ages 14-18
Uncover the rich treasures of American history Discover 2,000 years of Christian heritage

Level 120 History Level 220 History

120-MD $495.09 220-MD $260.91
& Bible (full year) & Bible (full year)

Enjoy this fascinating look at the ups and downs Learn about the creeds and schisms, the decrees
of the nation’s past. As your students transition and theses, the doctrines and denominations.
High School: HISTORY / BIBLE

to independent learning, they will examine the From the East to the West, witness the good and
events, people, and debates that molded the the bad, as fallen people fought Crusades and
United States. built hospitals. Meet dozens of evangelists and
This program builds on the foundation of Joy pioneers who spread the Good News and offered
Hakim’s eleven volume, award-winning series hope, compassion, freedom, and progress.
A History of US. She tells the stories of the It’s a history of the Church and the people in the
United States primarily through biographies— Church.
fascinating, memorable, jewel-like summaries.
Includes: Includes:
History 120 Parent Guide 120-PG $56.99 History 220 Parent Guide 220-PG $56.99
History 120 Student Guide 120-SG $31.99 History 220 Student Guide 220-SG $31.99
The Bible Jesus Read 110-14 $16.99 The Jesus I Never Knew 210-15 $18.99
Bible Study Sampler (Consumable) 110-10 $13.99 More Than a Carpenter 210-20 $6.99
Evidence for Jesus 110-13 $11.99 The Westminster Shorter Catechism 210-25 $16.99
God’s Will, God’s Best for Your Life 110-11 $13.99 What if Jesus Had Never Been Born? 210-30 $16.99
Why Pray 110-12 $6.99 The 100 Most Important
Before Columbus 120-03 $13.99 Events in Christian History 220-20 $21.99
The Boys’ War 120-04 $9.99 The Church of the East 220-10 $18.99
Cameron Townsend 120-12 $9.99 From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya 220-15 $44.99
The Cross & the Switchblade 120-16 $7.99 The Story of Christianity 220-25 $26.00
Dragon’s Gate 120-19 $7.99 Recommended but not included:
Farewell to Manzanar 120-25 $9.99 How to Read Church History 260-45 $47.90
Freedom Walkers 120-06 $14.95
The Great Little Madison 120-07 $6.99
A History of US 120-34 $175.45
The Landing of the Pilgrims 120-44 $6.99
Moonshiner’s Son 120-47 $7.99
The Panama Canal 120-50 $5.99
Sacajawea 120-05 $7.99
Shh! We’re Writing the Constitution 120-08 $6.99
The Slopes of War 120-62 $7.99
Traitor: The Case of Benedict Arnold 120-71 $6.99
World War II 120-09 $19.95
The Yanks Are Coming 120-11 $13.95

After reading many historical works in the

Sonlight curriculum, the reality of our nation’s
history is tangible to our children and something
they won’t forget,” Tara D of Middletown, DE says
as she watches her daughters, Molly (17, HBL
300) and Erin (14, HBL 100), appreciate visiting
the monuments of the Civil War in Gettysburg on
their historical road trip. “We have been grateful for
the compilation of wonderful works that are at the
core of our years of homeschooling and have set
the foundation for their love of reading and learning
for a lifetime!”

92 Try before you buy! Get a three week sample of any Sonlight Instructor’s Guide—FREE! sonlight.com/samples
American Government / Civics & Economics
Grades 11-12 • Ages 16-18

Level 420 (full year) Includes the two courses listed below 420-MD $515.74

20th Century World History

Grades 10-12 • Ages 15-18
Understand, engage, & transform the modern world

Level 320 History

320-MD $411.72
& Bible (full year)
Level 420 American Gov’t & Level 670 Economics
This astonishing century brought massive changes 420-99 $276.82 670-00 $238.92
Civics (one semester) (one semester)
to global society. Discover the key events, people,
Survey the heritage & history of the U.S. Government Consider modern-day economic theories and values
conflicts, and inventions. One Sonlighter reports:
The Founding Fathers created a unique system of Many states require Economics in order to
“I can’t imagine skipping 320. It was my government, previously unknown in the world—a graduate. This program gives students a
daughter’s absolute, 100% favorite Sonlight constitutional federated republic. balanced, critical view of modern Economics,
program because she learned SO much about from basic theory to politics and trade.
the truth of the century, and got a glimpse of Read the fascinating history of United States
where we are headed or could be headed.” government (including primary source documents). Unique among Sonlight programs, this program
And learn about today’s government—lobbyists, centers around online video lectures, not books.
Includes: bureaucracy, and special interest groups. Producer Dan Heath claims, “Economics is not
History 320 Parent Guide 320-PG $56.99 about money. It’s about a new way of thinking.”
History 320 Student Guide 320-SG $31.99 Includes:
How to Ruin Your Life by 30 310-26 $13.99 Government 420 Parent Guide 420-PG $56.99 Includes two lesson plans: one more relaxed,
Know What You Believe 310-10 $16.00 Government 420 Student Guide 420-SG $31.99 one to prepare for the AP exam.
Know Why You Believe 310-15 $17.00 God and Politics 410-01 $22.99
Truth and Transformation 410-02 $17.99 Includes:
Mere Christianity 310-20 $15.99
Are You Liberal? 670 Instructor’s Guide 670-01 $34.99
After the War 320-10 $6.99
Albert Einstein and Conservative? Confused? 420-02 $12.95 Thinkwell Economics Internet Course 670-04 $150.00
the Theory of Relativity 320-15 $6.99 Basic American Government 420-10 $40.00 The Invisible Heart 670-02 $26.95
All Quiet on the Western Front 320-20 $6.99 Black Like Me 420-15 $9.99 Money, Possessions,& Eternity 670-05 $16.99
China’s Long March: The Complete Idiot’s Guide Sonlight Personal Journal 670-03 $9.99
6,000 Miles of Danger 320-30 $13.99 to Government and Politics 420-04 $21.99
First They Killed My Father 320-24 $15.99 Congress for Dummies 420-06 $19.99
God Spoke Tibetan 320-21 $15.00 Selecting a President 420-03 $29.99
The Green Glass Sea 320-41 $8.99 The U.S. Supreme Court 420-01 $11.95
The Hiding Place 320-45 $13.99
The History of the Modern World 320-37 $45.00
Labor’s Untold Story 320-50 $19.00
Living On the Devil’s Doorstep 320-52 $14.99
Made You Look 320-54 $16.95
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich 330-58 $5.99
Red Scarf Girl 320-70 $7.99
The Road from Home 320-75 $8.99
There’s a Sheep in My Bathtub 320-22 $15.95
When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit 320-90 $8.99
Winston Churchill:
Soldier, Statesman, Artist 320-95 $19.99
You Want Women World History & Worldview Studies Learn why people think and act as they do.
to Vote, Lizzie Stanton? 320-99 $6.99 Grades 10-12 • Ages 16-18 In this course, your students will think through
Explore the rise and fall of influential thought the beliefs that will guide them through their
lives, as they grow in maturity and become
Level 520 History
520-MD $254.87 deeply rooted, prepared to make a positive
& Bible (full year) difference in God’s kingdom.
What’s behind the events of history? Why do Includes:
humans behave as we do? What beliefs drive our History 520 Parent Guide 520-PG $49.99
Download a complete book list History 520 Student Guide 520-SG $30.99
behaviors? Good Ideas from Questionable
with descriptions for each course
Sonlight’s World History and Worldview Studies Christians and Outright Pagans 510-04 $25.00
at sonlight.com/catalog Philosophy Made Slightly Less Difficult 510-03 $20.00
allows your upper level high school students
an opportunity to discover, in historical context, Total Truth 510-01 $23.99
the ideas that have shaped history, and the The Universe Next Door 510-02 $25.00
Streams of Civilization, Volume 1 520-01 $39.95
consequences of these ideas and philosophies. Streams of Civilization, Volume 2 520-02 $39.95

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 93


American Historical Literature Classical Literature

Grades 7-11 • Ages 12-16 Grades 9-12 • Ages 14-18

Explore American history, geography & literary genres Delight in award winning titles & authors

Level 130 Literature (full year) 130-MD $359.64 Level 230 Literature (full year) 230-MD $326.63

Sonlight’s American Historical Literature is a For the reluctant reader and the passionate
roughly chronological journey through American bibliophile both, this 36-week program is one to
History. Transition to more mature themes savor, with books you’ll return to repeatedly for the
and deeper literary analysis in this excellent rest of your life. Stories set mostly chronologically
introduction to high school studies. through history, mostly by British authors, you’ll
From Alaska’s Yukon Gold Rush to the Jim travel from first century Israel to World War II and
Crow South, from Iroquois life in New York to a beyond. An especially rich range of genres, with
California girl moving to Mexico, students enjoy a intellectually challenging books—coupled with
wide variety of settings and genres. delightful—books.
Includes: Includes:
Literature 130 Parent Guide 130-PG $47.99 Literature 230 Parent Guide 230-PG $56.99
Literature 130 Student Guide 130-SG $31.99 Literature 230 Student Guide 230-SG $31.99
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 130-10 $5.99 The Annotated Pride & Prejudice 230-54 $18.95
Amos Fortune, Free Man 130-16 $7.99 The Best of Father Brown 230-14 $9.95
Bonanza Girl 130-03 $11.99 A Child’s Anthology of Poetry 230-11 $25.99
Bound for Oregon 130-20 $6.99 The Hawk and the Dove 230-05 $13.99
Bud, Not Buddy 130-21 $7.99 Jane Eyre 230-38 $6.99
Call of the Wild 130-22 $6.99 Moon over Manifest NEW! 230-07 $7.99
Children of the Longhouse 130-12 $7.99 Oliver Twist 230-48 $6.95
Dating with Integrity RR11 $17.99 A Parcel of Patterns 230-50 $9.99
Dear Mr. Henshaw 130-28 $6.99 Pilgrim’s Progress in Today’s English 230-52 $9.99
Elijah of Buxton 130-04 $7.99 The Ramsay Scallop 230-56 $7.99
Indian Captive: Robinson Crusoe 230-58 $7.95
The Story of Mary Jemison 130-46 $7.99 Romeo and Juliet 230-59 $7.99
Keeping Score 130-09 $7.99 A Solitary Blue NEW! 230-06 $10.99
A Long Way from Chicago 130-17 $8.99 The Screwtape Letters 230-60 $14.99
Maniac Magee 130-52 $8.00 The Shining Company 230-62 $11.99
My Heart Lies South 130-05 $14.99 Till We Have Faces 230-66 $16.99
Out of the Dust 130-61 $7.99 Twelfth Night 230-72 $7.99
Peace Child 130-15 $14.99 What Hearts 230-73 $8.99
Rip Van Winkle 130-73 $4.99 The Wise Woman & Other Stories 230-74 $17.00
Rules of the Road 130-11 $8.99 The Wounds of God 230-04 $13.99
Stink Alley 130-79 $14.99
Recommended but not included:
They Loved to Laugh 130-06 $14.95
Wordly Wise 3000 Book 9 240-35 $22.25
To Kill a Mockingbird 130-85 $14.95
Analogies 2 240-10 $10.50
Treasury of Poetry for Young People 130-88 $29.99
Inspirations Software V. 9 RL10 49.99
The View from Saturday 130-23 $7.99
Classical Roots C 240-25 $39.45
When You Reach Me 130-19 $7.99
A Wrinkle in Time 130-18 $6.99
A Year Down Yonder 130-94 $7.99
Recommended but not included:
Wordly Wise 3000 Book 8 140-35 $22.55
Analogies 1 140-10 $10.80
Inspirations Software V. 9 RL10 $49.99
Writers Inc. RL04 $35.55

94 Try before you buy! Get a three week sample of any Sonlight Instructor’s Guide—FREE! sonlight.com/samples
20th Century World Literature American Literature
Grades 10-12 • Ages 15-18 Grades 11-12 • Ages 16-18
Experience mature, thoughtful, beautiful Practice in-depth analysis on classics
works of the 20th Century of American literature

Level 330 Literature (full year) 330-MD $341.66 Level 430 Literature (full year) 430-MD $438.77

From the novelty of the first flush toilet in town, Mortimer Adler teaches students How to Read a
to nuclear war—the 20th Century changed Book. And, once learned, put it into practice.
everything. Practice reading history with David McCullough,
From dystopian fiction to historical fiction; from practical books with E.B. White, tragedy with
sci-fi to the Great American Novel; from travel Death of a Salesman, autobiography with Up
narrative and memoir to novel and novella; from from Slavery, imaginative literature with Their Eyes
lyric poetry to absurdism; from murder mystery Were Watching God, short stories with Wendell
and thriller to Shakespearean comedy …these Berry, social science with Malcolm Gladwell.
books will challenge, grieve, amuse, and enthrall Also read four Great American Novels, and
you. practice writing with William Zinsser.
Includes: Interesting, beautifully written books, each a gift,
Literature 330 Parent Guide 330-PG $56.99 in this 36-week program.
Literature 330 Student Guide 330-SG $31.99
Alas, Babylon 330-10 $15.99 Includes:
Brave New World 330-13 $15.99 Literature 430 Parent Guide 430-PG $50.99
Children of the River 320-25 $7.99 Literature 430 Student Guide 430-SG $27.99
The Contender 330-16 $8.99 100 Best-Loved Poems 430-52 $4.00
Cry, the Beloved Country 330-19 $17.00 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 430-10 $26.95
The Great Brain 330-28 $7.99 The Best Short Stories of O’Henry 430-16 $24.00 I love homeschooling because my
The Great Gatsby 330-31 $17.00 Brave Companions 430-11 $17.00 daughter Sydney is free to learn at her
The Great Gilly Hopkins 330-34 $6.99 The Chosen 430-22 $16.00 pace, alongside her three siblings, with
Heart of Darkness 330-37 $3.00 Death of a Salesman 430-07 $14.00 those things (chickens) that make her feel
Heart to Heart 330-40 $22.95 The Elements of Style 430-12 $9.95 at peace,” writes Ruthe F of Lutz, FL. “I
Hope Was Here 330-32 $8.99 Ender’s Game 430-03 $7.99 love Sonlight because of the structure and
Kon-Tiki 330-43 $7.99 Eternity in Their Hearts 420-30 $15.99
peace of mind it provides the teacher.”
The Metamorphosis 330-46 $5.95 Evidence Not Seen 430-05 $16.99
The F family has homeschooled for the
The Moves Make the Man 330-49 $8.99 Fidelity 430-08 $15.00
The Grapes of Wrath 430-37 $18.00 past 10 years, all of them with Sonlight.
Murder on the Orient Express 330-52 $7.99 In this photo, Sydney (16, Sonlight 200)
My Father’s Daughter 330-33 $7.99 How to Read a Book 430-09 $16.99
Jacob Have I Loved 430-40 $8.99 reads The Hawk and the Dove from Classic
The Old Man and the Sea 330-55 $13.00
My Ántonia 430-49 $8.99 Literature 230 with her favorite pet and
Parallel Journeys 320-65 $7.99
Robert Frost’s Poems 330-35 $7.99 On Writing Well 440-02 $16.99 constant companion, Mango.
The Snow Goose 320-85 $19.95 Our Town 430-55 $14.99
The Tempest 330-26 $7.99 Outliers 430-04 $16.99
Walk Two Moons 330-64 $8.99 The Portable Poe 430-61 $22.00
The Wave 330-29 $6.99 The Scarlet Letter 430-64 $8.00
The Wednesday Wars 330-27 $7.99 A Separate Peace 430-01 $15.00
Teaching a Stone to Talk 430-06 $14.99
Recommended but not included: Their Eyes Were Watching God 430-02 $17.99
Wordly Wise 3000 Book 10 340-35 $22.25 Up from Slavery 420-60 $12.00
Analogies 3 340-10 $10.50
Inspirations Software V. 9 RL10 $49.99 Recommended but not included:
Classical Roots C 340-25 $40.50 Wordly Wise 3000 Book 11 440-35 $20.55
Inspirations Software V. 9 RL10 $49.99

Download a complete book list

with descriptions for each course
at sonlight.com/catalog

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 95

World Literature British Literature
Grades 11-12 • Ages 16-18 Grades 11-12 • Ages 16-18
Explore how writers have repeated Delight in this college prep survey
themes over 4000 years and six continents of significant, beautiful literature

Level 530 Literature (full year) 530-MD $344.90 Level 630 Literature (full year) 630-MD $511 .11

Works from every inhabited continent, from Well-loved books from Old English, Middle
ancient Babylon to contemporary England—four English, and on through modernity—poems,
thousand years of literature. plays, novels, and travelogues. Lighter reads
War. Journey. Self-discovery. interspersed with the challenging works. Rich
literary analysis, and in-depth poetry study, all as
The Iliad portrays war; The Odyssey portrays a part of preparation for the AP British Literature
journey. The Aeneid splits its story between both Sonlight has helped foster our girls’ love
exam*. of reading,” writes Lakrisha C, of Fairview, TX.
war and journey. The Inferno is a journey, and a
trip of self-discovery. Self-discovery shows up in Come and be delighted and amazed. “Kaitlyn (12) and Kiersten (15, Sonlight 300)
Oedipus Tyrannus, the Greek play, and in Things won’t go anywhere without a book. Our soon-
Fall Apart, a 20th Century Nigerian novel. Literature 630 Parent Guide 630-MD $81.99 to-be junior says Sonlight has expanded her
Literature 630 Student Guide 630-SG $41.99 appreciation of different styles of writing. Our
For cultural literacy and shared humanity, it The Adventures & The soon-to-be seventh grader says she’s ready
doesn’t get better than this. Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 630-04 $14.00 for the independence of a Sonlight schedule.”
Includes: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Here, after a hike while on vacation, the whole
Literature 530 Parent Guide 530-PG $50.99 & Through the Looking-Glass 630-05 $11.00 C family gets right back to their books. They
Literature 530 Student Guide 530-SG $27.99 Beowulf 630-06 $15.95 have been Sonlighting for three years.
The Aeneid of Virgil 530-13 $5.95 The Canterbury Tales 630-28 $11.00
Candide 530-09 $4.00 Dubliners 630-08 $5.00
Chronicle of a Death Foretold 530-18 $13.95 Emma 630-09 $7.95
Copenhagen 530-22 $16.00 Frankenstein 630-10 $10.00
Crime and Punishment 530-19 $17.95 The Great Divorce 630-11 $14.99
Don Quixote 530-17 $7.95 Gulliver’s Travels 630-12 $7.95
Epic of Gilgamesh 530-01 $13.00 Hamlet 630-13 $7.99
The Essential Iliad 530-04 $14.50 The Importance of Being Earnest 630-14 $3.00
Inferno 530-14 $6.95 Lord of the Flies 630-15 $9.99
The Insanity of God 530-02 $14.99 Paradise Lost 630-16 $12.00
King Lear 530-03 $6.99 A Passage to India 630-17 $15.99
The Lively Art of Writing 530-11 $6.99 Peter Pan 630-18 $5.95
The Misanthrope and Tartuffe 530-06 $15.95 Pygmalion 630-19 $3.00
Night 530-08 $9.95 Right Ho, Jeeves 630-20 $13.95
The Odyssey 530-07 $14.00 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 630-21 $2.50
Oedipus Tyrannus 530-05 $11.00 The Secret Sharer & Other Stories 630-22 $4.00
Other Voices, Other Vistas 530-16 $8.95 A Severe Mercy 630-01 $15.99
Persepolis 530-21 $14.95 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 630-23 $15.00
The Ramayana 530-15 $16.00 Sound and Sense 630-27 $ 125.95
Risking Everything 530-10 $20.00 Sound and Sense Answer Key 630-03 $12.99
The Stranger 530-20 $13.95 A Tale of Two Cities 630-24 $11.00
Things Fall Apart 530-12 $11.95 Three Men in a Boat 630-25 $13.00
Word Power Made Easy 630-02 $8.99
Recommended but not included: Wuthering Heights 630-26 $8.00
Wordly Wise 3000 Book 12 540-20 $20.55
Inspirations Software V. 9 RL10 $49.99 Recommended but not included:
Wordly Wise 3000 Book 12 540-20 $20.55

*Advanced Placement, Advanced Placement Program and AP

Download a complete book list
are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was with descriptions for each course
not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this at sonlight.com/catalog

96 Try before you buy! Get a three week sample of any Sonlight Instructor’s Guide—FREE! sonlight.com/samples
Sonlight 2019
Like so many Sonlight students, these scholarship winners exhibit a love for learning,
exceptional character, service to their communities, leadership skills, creativity and spiritual
depth. They are extremely well-prepared for the academic rigors of college.

$20,000 Scholarship Winners grandmother, disabled from a stroke and some

dementia, Katelyn frequently helped with the care, and Josh Carroll of Englewood,
($5,000 per year) even took over one weekend when her parents were OH, a Sonlighter since 2006,
Abram Coleman of away, making sure her grandmother was fed, clothed, spent most of his childhood
Augusta, GA is the fifth of six and bathed. Katelyn had planned to be a nurse, but in Uganda. An incredibly
children. The family began has since set her sights on medical missions, where creative young man, he can
using Sonlight midway she hopes to minister to those who are forgotten, and hear a song once and play it
through the schooling of the so share the truth of the greatness of God and build on the piano. He has played
oldest child (the oldest two his kingdom. She begins her higher education at Biola the djembe (an African drum)
are now physicians, the third University in La Mirada, CA. since he was very young, drumming as part of worship
is a Ph.D. Candidate, and the teams in both Uganda and the United States. He is a
fourth in college). Abram is the
third Coleman to use Sonlight materials all 12 years of
$10,000 Scholarship Winners gifted artist and designer, which he has used in creating
his own realistic sets for his Lego movies. He is gifted at
school. A National Merit Finalist, he scored an 800 in ($2,500 per year) telling stories and communicating truth through visuals,
Math and a 720 in Verbal on the SAT, earned a 790 Aaron Holt of Siler City, with a keen eye for creating moods with lighting and
on the SAT II in Chemistry, and received Summa Cum NC used Sonlight through setup, shooting from the right angles, and editing the
Laude and a Gold Medal twice for the National Latin middle and high school, until flow of shots in order to have maximum impact on the
Exam. He designed a vehicle powered by two unaltered he started college as a dual- hearts of those who watch his movies. He has a YouTube
mousetraps that pushed a cup forward 3 meters, enrolled student. He had a channel with many Lego Bible short films. He recently
before reversing direction, and placed third in the State perfect 36 on the English finished a 30 minute Lego film, “The Passion,” where
Science Olympiad. A dual-enrolled student, his college portion of his ACT, and a he learned to manage movie budgets, hire and direct
calculus professor at Augusta University said, “I have total score of 34, and was a voice actors, work with professional music composers,
been teaching for more than twenty years and Abram is Commended Student in the and write, shoot, edit, and create visual effects for an
among the brightest students I have taught.” And even National Merit Scholarship Program. An enthusiastic entire movie. Apart from his creativity, his father writes,
with all that, he has time for chorus and drama! science student, he developed and taught a Summer “Many times, when we were temporarily in the States,
One mentor comments, “Abram represents himself, Science Camp for elementary students in his home. mothers of his friends organized birthday parties
his family and his Lord with integrity, kindness and With a creation-based theme, always pointing to our completely around when Joshua was available, not only
boldness. He typifies the young person that we pray will Creator God as the source of all things seen and because their sons wanted him to be there but because
come from our homes, our churches and our schools.” unseen, he made the children excited about learning. the parents loved the influence he had on their sons
His mother describes him as “a knight in shining armor” Mothers continue to tell him stories about how his and they wanted him to be there.” Josh intends to study
for his younger sister. “I smile as I watch him walk into former campers say, “Aaron taught me that in summer filmmaking, as a tool to fulfill his larger ambition: to be
church with an arm around a 13-year-old sister who camp!” In 2017, he attended the 2-week residential a disciple maker. “Even though professionally I will be a
adores him.” Duke TIP Field Study, where his instructors described ‘filmmaker,’ my identity is a disciple of Christ. I want to
his astrobiology presentation as “well-researched, be a man who walks alongside people, who loves them,
Abram intends to study engineering in the fall. innovative, and well-presented.” And in 2018, he and who helps them see who Jesus is.”
attended a similar program at Harvard, where his
Katelyn Spradley, lately
of Skopje, Macedonia used
chalkboard-based final presentation, “Explaining
Endothermic/Exothermic Reactions with PIAB,” was
$4,000 Scholarship Winners
Sonlight all the way through voted best topic and presenter by his classmates. ($1,000 per year)
and had an SAT score of 1570 Aaron has been involved in various ministries, Sonlight will additionally award these eight outstanding
and is a National Merit Finalist. included a mission trip to Cuba to help construct a students a $1,000 scholarship for each year of college,
She is fluent in Macedonian, church building, and another mission trip with Hope up to four years:
and in high school she played for Appalachia. With his grandfather, he has logged Grace Aukerman of Osceola, IN;
on a basketball team with rival over 300 hours with Meals on Wheels, bringing meals Hannah Chang of Kirksville, MO;
ethnic groups (Macedonian weekly to local seniors. He intends to study physics.
and Albanian), a rare opportunity. Early on there was As he says, “We often have trouble associating hard Esther Helm of Winston Salem, NC;
(as feared) a significant lack of unity on the team. sciences with anything other than outspoken atheism. If Rosemary (Rose) Raquet of Beavercreek, OH;
Katelyn, the only American on the team, related I were to achieve a high degree in physics, I may end up Sarah Reiter of Tucson, AZ;
graciously to all the players. Selected as captain of the being one of the only Christians in my workplace, and Kiley Carmack of Gulfport, MS;
team, she led by example and developed relationships one of the only witnesses for Christ my co-workers ever Mika Muresan of Montgomery Village, MD;
and fostered good will among all members, promoting see. Hopefully, through the testimony of my Christian
unselfish teamwork on the court. Katelyn’s leadership Madison Theil of Cincinnati, OH;
lifestyle, I can help bring someone to Christ simply by
and playing skills contributed to an unexpected trip doing something I enjoy doing anyway.” Jacob Uhler of Dayton, OH
to the championship game. She spent several years
volunteering at a children’s oncology ward. When her The Sonlight Method Works! See where some past
family spent her freshman year living with Katelyn’s Sonlighters are today at sonlight.com/where-now

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 97


Physical Science Biology
Science 150 Science 250
Grades 7-11 • Ages 12-16 Grades 9-12 • Ages 14-18
High School: SCIENCE

CD-ROM Package 150-05 $120.98 CD-ROM Package 250-05 $503.97

Textbook Package 150-00 $169.98 Textbook Package 250-00 $552.97

A thorough high school-level biology program

Designed to be the last science course before high
designed for use at home, this program balances
school biology, study basic principles of the earth
subject reading with an optional experimental
sciences, then move on to basic physics. Discuss
biology component, including microscopy and
topics such as the atmosphere, weather, and the
advanced dissection.
structure of the earth. Study the physics of motion,
Newton’s Laws, gravity, and astrophysics. Includes The key text, Apologia’s Exploring Creation with
numerous hands-on experiments. Apologia’s Biology, uses an engaging, conversational tone
Exploring Creation with Physical Science is a great that holds the readers’ attention. The authors
foundation for all high school sciences. write from a Christian viewpoint and proclaim
Includes: God’s incredible design for the world. Colorful
Physical Science Schedule Plus 150-30 $19.99 illustrations, photos, tables, and charts reinforce
Exploring Creation with the text, and bring the intricacy of creation to
Physical Science CD-ROM 150-21 $65.00 mind. Includes solutions and tests, and a Sonlight-
Science Supplies Kit 150 (Consumable) 150-35 $35.99 style schedule guide.
Requires: Includes:
(if you don’t already own) Biology Schedule Plus 250-01 $19.99
Safety Glasses SS301 $3.50 Exploring Creation with
Biology, CD-ROM Version 250-21 $65.00
Sonlight Ultra Microscope 250-40 $260.00
Microscopy Supplies Kit (Consumable) 250-25 $79.99
Advanced Dissection Kit
with Specimens (Consumable) 250-30 $78.99
Recommended Resources:
Digital Microscope Camera Eyepiece SSM20 $79.99
Microscope Carrying Case SSM4 $45.00

Sonlight’s Apologia science courses are top notch and

challenging,” writes Jennifer C of Englewood, OH, “but with all the
background of science we’ve had over our earlier Sonlight years,
Joshua (16) and Elizabeth (now graduated, at 18) succeeded
very well in these courses. Sonlight’s planning guides are always
very helpful for scheduling, the Science Supplies Kits essential,
and the microscope we bought from Sonlight many years ago
is a strong piece of equipment and has served faithfully.” Here,
Dad found Joshua and Elizabeth completing a microscope
Download a complete book list experiment for Advanced Biology. The C’s have homeschooled all
with descriptions for each course four of their children for 17 years while serving as missionaries in
at sonlight.com/catalog Uganda. They have used Sonlight exclusively.

98 Try before you buy! Get a three week sample of any Sonlight Instructor’s Guide—FREE! sonlight.com/samples
Berean Chemistry Physics Advanced Biology
Science 355 Science 450 Science 550
Grades 10-12 • Ages 15-18 Grades 11-12 • Ages 16-18 Grades 11-12 • Ages 17-18
Textbook Package 355-00 $173.98 CD-ROM Package 450-05 $108.98 Textbook Package 550-00 $327.96
Discovering Design with Chemistry is a high- Textbook Package 450-00 $157.98
school college-prep chemistry course by Dr. Jay Combine this course with Biology 250 to give
Wile. Designed for homeschooled students to A solid, math-oriented introduction to physics, your student the equivalent of a university biology
use independently, this course features at-home wonderful for college preparation. course, covering the entire Advanced Placement
experiments, a simple format, and thorough text Exploring Creation With Physics—supported with (AP)* curriculum. The Apologia Advanced
that provides extensive coverage of chemistry solutions and tests, multimedia demonstrations, Biology course covers both the anatomy and the
from a Christian, creation-based perspective. and experiments—is the program’s central physiology of the human body's 11 organ systems
Math Prerequisite: Algebra 1 learning tool. in detail. Thorough textbook, Science Schedule
Learn a variety of physics laws and concepts, Plus, and answer key included.
Schedule Plus for Berean Chemistry 355-01 $19.99 vital to those considering the engineering or
Discovering Design with Chemistry 355-02 $59.00 physics fields—velocity, acceleration, friction,
Supplies Kit (Consumable) 355-05 $84.99 momentum, and more.
Answer Key & tests 355-03 $10.00
Math Prerequisite: Geometry
Physics Schedule Plus 450-01 $19.99
Exploring Creation
with Physics CD-ROM Version 450-21 $65.00
Physics Supplies Kit (Consumable) 450-15 $23.99
Required if you don’t already own:
Safety Glasses SS301 $3.50
Advanced Chemistry
Science 551
Grades 11-12 • Ages 17-18

CD-ROM Package 551-00 $194.00

Combined with Berean Chemistry 355, this

program offers the equivalent of a university
chemistry course, covering the entire Advanced
Placement (AP)* curriculum. Challenging but
understandable, your student will be at the top of
a university chemistry class after taking Apologia
Advanced Chemistry in Creation.
This homeschool chemistry curriculum package
includes Advanced Chemistry textbook, laboratory
equipment, and Advanced Chemistry answer key.
*Advanced Placement, Advanced Placement Program and AP
are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was
not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 99

(Grades 8-12)
STEP Created by a longtime teacher, Math-U-See Algebra 1

is a hands-on, student-paced, mastery-based (8th Grade) Graphing, exponents,
approach that focuses on developing a true polynomials, unit multipliers, and more.
understanding of mathematical concepts
transferable to real-world application. ☐Algebra 1 Universal Set MUS100 $182.00
Included in All-Subjects Package 100
You’ll follow a 4-step approach to introduce,
review, practice, and master concepts. Since Includes:
math is learned sequentially—independent of Algebra 1 Level Up Set MUS100U $122.00
High School: MATH

age or grade—the program teaches skills that • Algebra 1 Manual/DVD (170-15)

build on previous principles as your students • Algebra 1 Workbook (170-16)
• Algebra/Decimal Inserts (RM16)
progress. Integer Block Kit RM15 $83.00
For additional details, visit *Consumables:
sonlight.com/math-u-see Algebra 1 Student
Workbook & Test Booklet 170-16 $43.00

Geometry Algebra 2
(9th Grade) Lines, angles, circles, triangles, (10th Grade) Factoring polynomials, quadratic
Pythagorean Theorem, and more. formula, and other Algebra 2 topics.
Geometry Universal Set Algebra 2 Universal Set
MUS200 $96.00 MUS300 $125.00
Included in All-Subjects Package 200 Included in All-Subjects Package 300

Includes: Includes:
• Geometry Manual/DVD (270-15) • Algebra 2 Manual/DVD (370-15)
• Geometry Workbook (270-16) • Algebra 2 Workbook (370-16)
*Consumables: *Consumables:
Geometry Student Algebra 2 Student
Workbook & Test Booklet 270-16 $43.00 Workbook & Test Booklet 370-16 $43.00

PreCalculus Calculus
(11th Grade) Trigonometry, logarithms, (12th Grade) Derivatives, integrals, differential
sequences, limits, and other topics. equations, and more.

PreCalculus Universal Set MUS400 $125.00

Calculus Universal Set MUS500 $137.00
Included in All-Subjects Package 400 Included in All-Subjects Package 500

Includes: Includes:
• PreCalculus Manual/DVD (470-15) • Calculus Manual/DVD (570-15)
• PreCalculus Workbook (470-16) • Calculus Workbook (570-16)
*Consumables: *Consumables:
PreCalculus Student Calculus Student
Workbook & Test Booklet 470-16 $43.00 Workbook & Test Booklet 570-16 $43.00

Due to restrictions by the publisher, Math-U-

See doesn’t qualify for Sonlight discounts.
Math-U-See Universal Sets include manipulatives.
*Consumable items are already included in your program. Purchase these for each additional student.

100 Did you know? Sonlight offers courses that help students prepare for Advanced Placement tests. sonlight.com/ap-preparation
(Grades 8-12) (Grades 8-12)
Students using Saxon Math earn consistently high VideoText Interactive teaches Pre-Algebra,
scores on standardized tests. The program is Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, Trigonometry,
extremely strong in areas of arithmetic computation
and Pre-Calculus.
and mathematical principles (distributive,
commutative, etc.) For Additional information, visit The program employs the mastery method of learning, so students master one concept before
sonlight.com/saxon going on to the next. VideoText teaches each concept as a manageable bit of information,
so students efficiently learn the hows and whys of math. Additionally, the new information
comes up again in the lessons which follow. Students conduct their own error analysis and
learn to teach back the concepts they have mastered. For Additional information, visit

Saxon Algebra 1 Program VideoText Algebra Bundle VideoText Geometry Bundle

171-00 $237.97 RM55 $399.00 RM56 $399.00
Saxon Math Algebra 1 covers topics typically An alternative approach to Pre-Algebra, The Geometry program addresses two of
treated in a first-year Algebra course. Algebra 1, or Algebra 2! In this program the most important aspects of mathematics
Includes: you will find a complete study of the essential instruction. First, the inquiry-based format more
Saxon Algebra 1 Homeschool Kit 171-05 $105.25 material covered in traditional Algebra 1 thoroughly engages students as they learn
Dive CD Algebra 1 171-13 $ 59.99 and Algebra 2 courses. When a student concepts. Second, the program presents each
Saxon Algebra 1 Solutions Manual 171-14 $72.73 completes Algebra, they can claim credits for incremental concept in detail, using no shortcuts,
Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, and Algebra 2. tricks, rules, or formulas, and leaving no gaps.
Requires: When a student completes Geometry, they can
8-Piece Protractor, Compass, Triangle RM68 $4.99 Includes:
176 multimedia lessons (online access) claim credits for Geometry, Trigonometry and
Course Notes Pre-Calculus.
Student WorkText Includes:
Solutions Manuals 176 multimedia lessons (online access)
Progress Tests Course Notes
Student WorkText
Solutions Manuals
Progress Tests
Saxon Algebra 2 Program
271-00 $242.74
Algebra 2 not only treats topics that are
traditionally covered in second-year Algebra, but
also covers a considerable amount of Geometry.
Saxon Algebra 2 Homeschool Kit 271-05 $104.15
Dive CD Algebra 2 271-13 $59.99
Saxon Algebra 2 Solutions Manual 271-14 $78.60
8-Piece Protractor, Compass, Triangle RM68 $4.99

Saxon Advanced Math Program

371-00 $235.56
Topics from Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry,
discrete mathematics, and mathematical
analysis are interwoven to form a fully
integrated text.
Includes: Sonlight builds a team,” writes Amber S of Osceola, Iowa. “Gideon (17), Natalie
Saxon Advanced (15), and Elijah (18), are ‘The Big Kids’ on the schedule; doing Sonlight together since
Math Homeschool Kit 371-05 $100.70
day one. Three different ages, goals and sets of abilities, all doing the same HBL year
Dive CD Advanced Math 371-14 $59.99
after year. They graduated together and ended up at the same college because of the
Saxon Advanced Math Solutions Manual 371-13 $74.87
great Academic Scholarships they were awarded. Grouping students means we have more
Requires: time for reading, math, science, foreign language, art, and outside activities. Less stress
8-Piece Protractor, Compass, Triangle RM68 $4.99 and more time for learning, while building relationships that last.” The S family have used
Sonlight for fourteen years.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 101


5 Advanced Apologetics
Grades 11-12 • Ages 16-18
What Good is Christianity?
Grades 11-12 • Ages 16-18
Defending Christianity in the 21st Century Evaluating the historical record

Level 610 (one semester) 610-00 $116.98 Level 660 (one semester) 660-00 $184.90

Designed to educate and equip students

In a world where many young people abandon
regarding the positive role and influence of
their faith, give yours the tools to know that
Christianity in various spheres. Our goal in this
following Christ is “true and reasonable” (Acts
program is to expose students to a variety of ideas
26:25) as they transition to college and beyond.
they are likely to encounter in their Christian walk,
Examine arguments from skeptics, atheists, and
while at the same time providing helpful insight
other faiths, and become familiar with compelling
as your children wrestle with these challenging
responses to these arguments.
In this 18-week elective course, equip your
Full of rich narratives and intriguing questions,
students to understand and gracefully defend
this 18-week curriculum for upper-level high
their beliefs.
school students includes seven carefully-selected
This course is perfect for college-bound juniors resources to accompany your Instructor’s Guide,
and seniors. Pair it with What Good Is Christianity? plus various articles.
for a full-year elective.
What Good Is Christianity
Includes: Instructor’s Guide 660-01 $49.99
Advanced Apologetics How Christianity Changed the World 660-02 $18.99
Instructor’s Guide 610-01 $40.99 Christianity On Trial 660-03 $15.95
Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Arts and the Bible 660-05 $10.00
Case for Biblical Faith 610-03 $42.00 The Victory of Reason 660-06 $17.00
A Little Primer on Humble Apologetics 610-02 $16.00 What’s So Great About Christianity? 660-07 $15.99
Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Does God Exist? (DVD set) 660-08 $39.99
Your Christian Convictions 610-05 $17.99 The Book that Made Your World NEW! 660-09 $16.99

I love the flexibility that Sonlight

offers,” writes Tara H of Kirksville, MO. “My
daughters are different learners, but we’ve
been able to use what we love from Sonlight
for all of them—the amazing books! The
greatest benefit I have found homeschooling
with Sonlight is being able to pick and choose
what works well for each child.” In this photo,
Faith (15, Level 300) is reading The Cross
and the Switchblade from Level 100. Her
sister Hope (14), who has some disabilities,
is using a mix of HBL C through HBL E, while
their youngest sister Lillian (8) is using a mix
of HBL B and C.

102 Try before you buy! Get a three week sample of any Sonlight Instructor’s Guide—FREE! sonlight.com/samples
College & Career Planning Psychology
Grades 9-12 • Ages 15-18 Grades 11-12 • Ages 16-18
Lead your students with confidence AP* Psychology prep from Sonlight
through high school and beyond

Level 680 (self-directed study) 680-00 $79.42 Level 690 (full year) 690-00 $309.99

Planning for your children’s future doesn’t have to The Sonlight Psychology package ties in the science
be stressful. This course is designed to help you of psychology with the art of understanding how
and your teens make the most of their high school people work.
years. Jeff Corson has been teaching Advanced
Authored by two Sonlighters, Kelly Lutman Placement* Psychology since 1999 and has
and Barbara Walsted. These experienced enjoyed not only seeing students grow, but has
homeschoolers both have walked this path with also seen them perform well above the national
their children. They offer you a wealth of wisdom average (80-93%) in achieving college credit for
and practical tips that will help your students the course. We have Sonlighted since 2000, and
make the transition to college and career with Corson negates the perception that psychology is
now have a graduating senior and an older
grace, ease and success. the domain of unbelievers and views it simply as
son who is in graduate school working toward
We’ve tailored this course specifically for his PhD in entomology,” writes Jennifer G of
the study of God’s workmanship. His workbook
homeschoolers: Taylorsville, KY. “We have never regretted
helps prepare students to maintain and strengthen
choosing Sonlight. The IGs mean I don’t have
• Help your students discover their gifts and their faith in a college/world environment where
to do any planning, the great books mean we
abilities. their beliefs may be challenged daily.
enjoy lots of good family time reading, and
• Gain confidence in how best to present Corson suggests a timeline of August to April for the entire program means we get a fantastic
your students’ homeschool achievements to students who want to take the national Advanced education with the freedom and flexibility to
college admissions counselors. Placement* Psychology test in the U.S. in May. seize the day!” The G family and cousin Emily
• Streamline the college application process Corson’s workbook uses a textbook that features K (all lifetime Sonlighters) seize the day at
and uncover secrets to make higher history, facts, terms, real-world applications, and Point Reyes National Seashore in California as
education lighter on your pocketbook. a sprinkling of laugh-out-loud cartoons. they travel across the country to bring oldest
son Zach to grad school.
• Save time by keeping your college search This course is a great introduction to psychology
paperwork in one place. for aspiring college students or anyone interested
in human behavior and design. *Advanced Placement, Advanced Placement Program
Challenge your children to be all God created and AP are registered trademarks of the College Board,
them to be. Take joy in watching them grow. Includes: which was not involved in the production of, and does
Then help them walk into a future that keeps their Interactive Workbook & Diary 690-01 $109.99 not endorse, this product.
Myer’s Psychology for
dreams alive and brings their goals to fruition!
AP* Third Edition 690-02 $200.00
Your students can use this course in as little as 9
weeks or as an ongoing tool throughout all of
High School.

College & Career Planning Guide 680-01 $32.48
Finding the Career That Fits You RR26 $19.99
The HomeScholar’s Guide to College
Admission and Scholarships 680-02 $26.95

Download a complete book list

with descriptions for each course
at sonlight.com/catalog

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 103

The C family, Sonlighters
from Leavenworth, KS


Y ou have lots of options when it comes to schooling your

children. So, why would you want to consider Sonlight?
The financial cost of schooling your children at home is real.
So are the hours of time spent not working at a job, opting
to invest your time with your children instead. Sonlighters with their critical thinking skills, their understanding of
consistently tell us that their homeschool experience is worth geography and the flow of history, and their writing abilities.
the investment. Sonlight students are academically prepared for life.
Invest dollars… get peace of mind Invest time . . . reap lifelong benefits
Sonlight gives you curriculum you can use with more than The most important investment you’ll make with Sonlight is
one child, provides a lasting library, saves you untold hours your time spent with your children. In return, Sonlight fosters
of stressful planning and material-gathering, and gives you a genuine connection between parents and children. Our
peace of mind because you know your kids are getting a curriculum involves lots of parent-child interaction because
great education. we believe you are your children’s most valuable teacher
and guide. Customers tell us that the times reading and
Invest shelf space… build a library with lasting talking together have created family bonds stronger than
benefits they could have imagined.
Sonlight programs include lots of books. You’ll get a box When children learn to trust their parents as a valuable
(or two or three) full of quality books with your curriculum source of guidance, this helps instill an important lesson:
purchase. Why so many? parents are a trusted, safe, and good source of life wisdom
Great books help students interact with history, geography, and direction.
and faith. When children form emotional connections with We often hear from parents of high schoolers who have
characters, they actually remember what they read. They used Sonlight for years. “You won’t believe the caliber of
gain the context they need to understand the flow of world conversations we’re having!” they write. “The years of hard
history. If you only use a few books each year, you miss out work and talking are paying off in ways I would never have
on these benefits. imagined. My teenagers and I are close, and talk about
But why should you own these books? One extensive study everything.” Oh, what many parents would give for a
shows, “A child from a family rich in books is 19 percentage relationship like that with their teenagers!
points more likely to complete university than a comparable As a parent, you are constantly weighing where and
child growing up without a home library.” In fact, the size how much to invest toward your children’s schooling and
of a home library greatly affects educational achievement, activities. There will always be a cost based on what you
“even adjusting for parents’ education.”1 choose: time, money, memories, experience, trust, etc. With
This library also provides quality family entertainment that a one-year money-back Love to Learn, Love to Teach™
will last for years. Sonlight books are so good, children guarantee, we invite
really do read them again and again. you to try Sonlight,
and start enjoying
Invest effort . . . prepare students for life the benefits of your No Fees. No Interest.
Sonlight students work hard. They read more books, cover investment from the Payment Plans Available.
more history, learn more science, do more experiments, and very first day.
complete broader writing assignments than most Get your curriculum today and pay
for it over time at no additional cost.
other students.
We often hear stories of Sonlight students wowing parents,
pastors, public school teachers, and college professors
1 “Fiction and Empathy,” April 2011. Accessed at forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2011/04/04/fiction-and-empathy in Aug. 2017.

104 Complete, literature-rich curriculum you’re guaranteed to love. sonlight.com/guarantee

The N family, Sonlighters
from Kyle, TX



Will Sonlight be a good fit for you? believe Sonlight books spur far too many or, if you have more than one child, by
topics for discussion to leave the teaching combining students.
Before you use Sonlight, it’s good to know
to someone online. You get to offer your
what you’re getting into. Here are 20 of the
most common reasons why some families
steadying hand and thoughtful input every 3 In school, your primary focus is
on character development, and
haven’t enjoyed, or have opted against, less on academics.
Sonlight. Do you see yourself in any of In some subjects, you can choose to
Sonlight is highly academic. We believe
these? supplement with a screen-based teacher.
that parents have a responsibility before
In Math-U-See, for example, Mr. Demme
God to help their children to acquire
1 Your kids don’t like reading.
teaches the basics. In science, you might
choose to use the Discover & Do videos for
wisdom, knowledge, and a foundation for
future service. A well-rounded liberal arts
Sonlight’s programs center on books and science experiments, rather than do them
education in elementary, middle, and high
reading. You’ll read forty or so books in yourself.
school is valuable preparation for almost
most Sonlight programs. Additionally, your Instructor’s Guide has any post-high school pursuit. Graduates
If you don’t like reading, Sonlight probably done as much of the preparatory work for can choose a specialty in college, trade
isn’t going to be a good fit. you as possible, so almost every minute school, missions, the military, or the work
But if your children don’t like reading, of your time is spent in direct, face-to-face force.
be encouraged: for many families, the interaction with your children. Even so,
Sonlight parents share regularly that their
superb Sonlight books transform their Sonlight programs require about two hours
children’s professors report that they are
reluctant readers into book lovers. With a day of a parent’s time—less in the very
the best writers, the best thinkers, the most
Sonlight, children and adults have become early elementary years, a bit more in the
well-read, and the best-informed students
enthusiastic readers. Sonlight books are middle elementary years, then fewer hours
in the class. And students who come to
that good. again later on.
Sonlight after a few years in classroom
High school can vary from almost entirely school regularly see their test scores rise
2 You prefer the idea of a
computer-based program.
independent work—no parental time—to substantially. (See p. 97, the Sonlight
an hour or so of purposeful discussion. It’s scholarship winner page, for just a handful
Overall, Sonlight parents are involved with up to you. of the gifted Sonlight students who graduate
almost all of their children’s schooling in the You can reduce the total time requirement this year.) »
elementary and middle school years. We for each level by skipping assignments,

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 105

But you don’t have to wait until high school But what she found was that, with Sonlight,
for stellar academics. Many parents are the reality was the exact opposite.
5 You’re hesitant to make such a
large purchase without seeing
surprised by how much they—the parents!— it firsthand.
Having resources at the ready meant
learn when teaching their kindergarten that we were always able to find If you can attend a homeschool convention
students!. interesting books to read and projects near where you live, an experienced
Sonlight is an excellent option, whether to do—right out of the box. There was Sonlight mom will be present to show you
you choose it because of the academics, always more material to cover and more curriculum materials and answer your
because of the lifestyle, or because you, ideas to discover. Not having to organize questions about the program. See sonlight.
yourself, like to learn. our entire day on my own meant that com/conventions for the listing of locations
I was more available to the kids and and dates.
And you always have the option to work on
character issues. You’ll be with your children actually had more time, not less, to help If you are unable to attend a convention,
every day! There are plenty of opportunities them explore their unique and individual you can download the first three weeks
for you all to grow in grace. interests. of the Sonlight schedule from our website
“I found that reading them quality stories to get a general idea of what your lesson
plans will look like.
4 You like creating your own
homeschool program.
led them to ask more questions and
become more invested in their learning. And please remember that Sonlight backs
Erika Evans wrote about her experience with They wanted to know more about the your satisfaction 100% with the Love to
this on the Sonlight blog. topics we were covering and cared about Learn, Love to TeachTM Guarantee. Read
It took me hours to collect ideas and the people and events in the books. Big the detailed descriptions in this catalog and
organize materials. If one of the projects box curriculum wasn’t holding us back! It the additional information available on the
bombed with my kids or didn’t work as was giving us structure to zoom ahead in Sonlight website (sonlight.com/guarantee).
planned, I felt I had wasted a ton of time freedom! Take a full year to use half (18 weeks) of the
and effort.” But she hesitated to use a If you delight in researching and program. If, at any time, you are unhappy
boxed curriculum because she feared augmenting your children’s homeschool, with your History / Bible / Literature or
“that it might sterilize our experience, you can have the best of all possible worlds All-Subjects Package in any way, simply
that it might limit what we could learn when you use Sonlight as a foundation and return it, used books and all, for a complete
and accomplish, that it might include too add to it. As Erika says, “Having ready- refund of everything you paid.
much busy work, that it would not allow to-go resources has truly made things And if you want to talk to someone, like you
for child-led learning, that it was a lazy easier, provided increased freedom, and could in a bookstore or convention? Our
mom cop-out which would lessen the improved the amount and quality of time Advisors are available to you.
home school experience for me and my I’m spending with my children. ” See sonlight.com/advisors for
children. Sonlight brings you more freedom with the contact information.
help of a basic structure.
6 You prefer crisp, fact-based
books, not stories that move
When you need a quiet Sonlighters describe our books as
place to read, goats make the poignant, heartwarming, powerful,
best audience!” writes Kaila M of deep, and thought-provoking.
Berkshire, NY. “Hank (7, HBL A) got a
week’s worth of reading done in one (Read Sarita’s 7-point criteria for
afternoon! Our family is so thankful “Sonlight all-star” books on p. 6)
to homeschool our children, and
we couldn’t do it without Sonlight!
These are excellent books. Excellent
Having an Instructor’s Guide takes books offer a strong emotional
all the guesswork out of school. connection with the characters. With
Bonding with my children by learning
Sonlight, you’ll have that emotional
together is my favorite part of the
day. Thank you, Sonlight!” In this connection in almost every book.
picture, Hank reads to his most From an educational perspective,
attentive audience, his goat Leo. The
M’s have been Sonlighting for three students remember much more
years. of what they have read when they

106 Build a community around your homeschool. Join our new Connections community. sonlight.com/connections
have had a deep emotional connection with Some people don’t get to the timeline You’re still offering your children a terrific
the story and characters. figures during the school year, and spend education.
Depth of emotion also helps your children a few hours during the last week of school, The IG is a guide, not a taskmaster.
develop moral imagination. As your putting a full year’s worth of timeline figures
onto their timelines all at once—a year-end
children begin to understand, through
stories, how the world looks and feels review! 9
You want your children to be
follow the same sequence as
to others, they develop the capacity to Some parents allow their children to drop your local school district.
empathize with others and to understand two Readers a year, so their children only
In the early grades, you can be almost
how their actions affect the lives of others— read fifteen or so books. assured that students in one school will
far better than if they only understand Some will just use the Discover & Do videos have learned some things that their peers in
intellectually that their actions have in lieu of experiments in the early years. another school have not. Different curricula
consequences. follow their own order. But notice the
Or they will do the Read-Alouds at night, as
This is why we include books that move us. bedtime stories. Or they will read some of qualifier: in the early grades.
the Read-Alouds during the summer, when Over time, the differences disappear. In
7 You don’t want to expose your the children are bored.
extra sensitive child to natural
fact, because Sonlighters learn so much
and, in general, become such eager
disasters or other real world So plan to make some modifications.
learners, you are likely eventually to tell a »
For most children, Sonlight books
are age-appropriate. They are funny,
poignant, exciting, and interesting books
that deal with real life in thoughtful,
gentle ways. They are not meant to be
shocking, aggressive, or inappropriate.
And yet they do deal with real life.
If your children become upset if they
hear about volcanoes or other natural
disasters, or if even the mention of the
word “soldier” makes them cry, Sonlight
might not be a good fit for your family.
Some families find that there are certain
books they might set aside for the time
We find that Sonlight helps parents ease
their children gently into stories that help
them process the world around them: the
beauty and joy, and yes, sometimes pain,
that is involved.

8 You expect the Instructor’s

Guide to be a taskmaster
and not a guide.
Your Sonlight IG is merely a schedule, a
record, not a standard to hold yourself to.
the Readers, and even our kids who didn’t
Most parents pick and choose among the We’ve been a Sonlight family for most of enjoy reading have been captivated by the
the past 15 years,” writes Melissa C of Wray, CO. literature. Read-Aloud time is, hands down,
suggested assignments. Even if they read “It was the first curriculum we ever researched our favorite part of the day! It’s like pulling
most of the books, they might ignore some and, after looking into dozens of others (and old friends off the shelf as we read and
of the comprehension questions, or skip using some of them), the one we came back reread them to our five kids.” Eloise (13, HBL
to. I love that the Instructor’s Guide does all the
some of the writing assignments. W) celebrates the end of the year with her
planning for me. Our bookworm kids devour finished #sonlightstack of books!

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 107

story like this one from Christy H of Galena, 11 You want Scripture on every
page of your teacher’s manual.
download the free three-week samples of
the Instructor’s Guides from our website.
MO. She had sometimes wondered whether
her children were learning enough. Sonlight academics are based on, and You’ll be able to get an idea of how we
intentionally related to, Scripture. We incorporate God and Scripture into our
When my kids randomly bring school
believe that Scripture is the Word of God curriculum.
into conversations with others—for
example, when my 8-year-old discusses and is effective for teaching, correcting, and
ancient Egypt and Rome with my cousin instructing in righteousness. Each Sonlight 12 You don’t want to own books
that assume evolution.
who is a history major in college, or HBL program includes Bible reading,
when my 6-year-old explains to her Christian teaching, and memory verses. In Some of the books in both the Sonlight
fisherman grandpa why his boat floats… G through high school, rigorous Bible study History and Science programs assume an
Then I know we are doing okay! (including apologetics and Church history) evolutionary/old-earth perspective.
When you consider the quantity of is part of the Sonlight programs. Usually, when a book has evolutionary
reading, and the wide range of books But not every page in the IGs has a content, the IG offers notes, so you can
and characters your children will meet in Scripture quotation. discuss the different perspectives on
Sonlight, you will find that they will readily the beginning of the universe with your
When a passage of Scripture provides
and knowledgeably engage with people on children.
insight or understanding to a subject, the
an astonishing variety of topics. IG will often mention it. But in general, But if you’d rather not own books that
With a Sonlight education, your children will the Sonlight approach is to provide rich assume evolution, Sonlight will not be a
not merely absorb basic information, but, materials that help you engage in more good fit for you.
far more, they’ll develop an inquisitive spirit natural conversations about Scripture with
and love for learning. your children. 13 You want a religiously neutral
With Sonlight, you set the stage for your When you read The Hundred Dresses in
Sonlight A, for example, the story itself Most Sonlight books—ninety percent or
students to continue learning even after they
presents wonderful opportunities to discuss more—are non-religious.
have completed their formal education.
They will pick up, later, any information Biblical principles in real-life settings. Why But the Sonlight Instructor’s Guides (IGs)
they may have missed during their school should we care for others? What does are not religiously neutral.
years… because they want to. kindness look like? How do we stand up for The IG authors come from a biblical,
what is right? evangelical Christian perspective. They
10 You want your children to direct Instead of specific Bible lessons, Sonlight
their course of study.
believe that the Bible is the Word of God
allows you to decide, based on the unique and speaks to the issues of today.
Sonlight offers a guided course of study, needs of your children, what is most Even if you don’t use Sonlight’s Bible
and from Sonlight D on, the course is applicable to discuss as you read the program, Sonlight will not offer you a
quite structured. However, just because the Bible daily. religiously neutral curriculum, nor will you
Instructor’s Guide plots a course of study, If you wonder whether the Christian parts avoid all references to God, the Bible,
you don’t have to do precisely what it says. of Sonlight will fulfill your goals, please or Christianity.
Sonlight Instructor’s Guides are designed
so you can readily modify the program. In
fact, some unschoolers have appreciated
having the foundational structure Sonlight
offers: it gave them more confidence to
launch out on their own beyond what the
Instructor’s Guide suggested. They have
woven their free-form program around the
Sonlight base. Or your money back.
If you love the idea of lots of literature, and
are willing to modify the program to meet
your needs, you should do just fine with
Sonlight. sonlight.com/guarantee

108 Away from home one day a week at a co-op? Try Sonlight’s 4-day programs. sonlight.com/4-day
You want to study American based, internationally-focused curriculum When you’re reading a book, you’ll likely
14 History every year. that is deeply committed to looking at discuss it with your children: “Why do you
Western culture—and American society in issues from ‘all sides,’ and if you can think he wanted to do that?” “What does
particular within the last 150 years—has overlook some of our (usually unwitting) ____ mean?”
enriched the world in many ways. With American provincialisms, we expect we If your children are able to answer your
Sonlight, you’ll learn about its unique can provide the kind of educational questions, you will know exactly how much
contributions, during the four thorough program you are looking for.” they have understood—or how much they
years of U.S. history and culture. John and Sarita have attended a wide have failed to understand.
But Sonlight also devotes eight years to the range of Bible-believing churches over the Such methods for gauging progress should
rest of the world, including not only Western years, though they do not push a particular give you the feedback you need to be
history and culture, but the cultures and Christian denomination or theology. confident in your children’s day-to-day
histories of Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Sonlight is delighted to serve people who progress.
and indigenous peoples elsewhere around live in over 150 different countries and who But what if your children need to transfer
the world. come from Catholic, Seventh Day Adventist, to a classroom, or need to take the SAT or
With Sonlight, your children are prepared Mormon, Muslim, Jewish, and other ACT in anticipation of attending college?
not only to think about, pray for, and serve religious persuasions as well. But please These are good questions. Two possible
Americans, but peoples and cultures around realize up front—Sonlight’s developers answers:
the world—wherever God may lead them. come from a particular perspective.
1. Some Math programs, and all the
Of course, from a secular perspective, we Apologia Science programs, include
live in an increasingly globalized world. As 16 You prefer frequent, written
tests. tests. As you anticipate a transition, you
international commerce increases, you may can give your children practice with
have practical reasons for your children From its foundation, Sonlight was designed
these kinds of tests.
to study the cultures and peoples beyond to capitalize on the efficient, tutorial
environment of the home. 2. Depending on where you live,
America’s borders as well, offering them
your state may require annual or
the knowledge and capacity to transcend Because you’re in daily, personal, one-
intermittent standardized testing. And
national boundaries. on-one contact with your students (unlike
whether required or not, you can have
See Sonlight’s complete Scope and the relationship that exists between most
your children complete standardized
Sequence on pp. 122-123. classroom teachers and their students),
tests on an occasional basis so you
you’ll be able to evaluate the progress of
know if you are missing some key skill
your students through means other than
15 You don’t want your teacher’s
notes to come from American quizzes, tests, and graded worksheets.
or subject matter. The standardized
tests will give your children practice »
conservative Christians.
The primary Sonlight developers—John
and Sarita Holzmann—are
evangelical Christian, middle-
class Americans. Born and raised Sonlight has been a dream
in the United States, they are come true for us; I get to teach my
the children of first-and second- children in a way that we all love,”
writes Princess M of Witbank, South
generation European immigrants. Africa. “Homeschooling with Sonlight
As John said, has allowed us to go where my
husband’s work takes us, without
“We are grateful to God and disrupting their education. With
to our parents for the heritage Sonlight, our children are getting a
we enjoy. Yet we recognize quality education as well as firsthand
life skills!” In this picture, Amohelang
that our backgrounds mean
(13) unboxes his History / Bible /
our perspectives are limited, Literature H curriculum. Meanwhile,
though we seek to be as his younger brother decided to make
sensitive as possible to those clothes from the filler paper, and
his siblings declared a “Box Day
from other backgrounds. Fashion Show!” The M’s have been
“If you are looking for a broad- homeschooling for four years, the last
two with Sonlight.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 109

value of many activities often multiplied his already.
aren’t worth the hours of And it will take time to work through what
preparation the parents must Jesus means.
That’s not as easy as answering a
So, more often than not, we catechism question, like “Who was Jesus?”
encourage you that as your with “God the Son.” But it is meaningful.
children read about new
Not easy, but worthwhile.
places and people, allow
them to decide for themselves And for the worksheet-loving children,
what activities they want to they can enjoy Sonlight’s Language Arts
do. A box, after all, may and Science worksheets, and additional
become their time machine, worksheets for Math, Vocabulary,
cave, airplane, or house. Grammar, and Handwriting. Even with a
Sonlight education, you can get in plenty
With Sonlight, you’ll find
of worksheets. Just not in History, Bible and
some suggestions for
Literature, where the depth and breadth of
hands-on activities in the Science
the information requires more discussion
Sonlight has been a blessing for us,” Guides, along with Science experiments.
writes Suresh V of India. “We were the
and thought.
Some books include suggestions of crafts.
first generation in our family to consider
homeschooling, and it has been God’s
Many elementary students incorporate
strength that has kept us going. Our first hands-on manipulatives with their Math. 19 You want to teach all of your
children the same materials,
daughter, Neev (8), loves her Sonlight books. And almost all of the elementary programs
Through the missionary stories like Gladys
include hands-on activities, lap books or no matter the difference in their
Aylward, we are learning more about God’s ages.
work in the world.” Pictured, Suresh, Neev, notebooking pages, either as an integral
Sana (5), and Smaran (2) enjoy their daily part of the program or as optional add-on. How enticing to think that you can cover
reading together. the same material with all of your children,
no matter their age. But you might want to
18 You want to teach with
worksheets. think that through a bit more.
at test-taking, can give you some hints
“My son just does his work and can get on First, while it is true that great literature
about where you may want to beef
with his day!” appeals to a span of ages, it only works
up your teaching, and, actually, may
Worksheets are so appealing, aren’t so far. Few kindergarten and first grade
encourage you about how well you are
they? How much easier to solve the basic students will grasp books whose content
doing! (Sarita herself discovered the
Math problem 6-4=2 than it is to solve a is designed to challenge their fifth and
benefits of testing with her children.
word problem. That’s because, with word sixth grade siblings, let alone high school
She had assumed that since she taught
problems, you actually apply what you’ve students.
her children to read using phonics,
they would know all the rules, that learned to something more like the real Even beyond basic comprehension, there
spelling would make sense, and that world. And that usually takes more time and is the issue of maturity. At a certain point,
they would be good spellers. It wasn’t thought. the range becomes too great and you
until she had her children take a So, too, with education. might find you are not challenging your
standardized test that she discovered, older students, while at the same time, the
A Sonlight education deals with real-life,
“Oops! I need to teach spelling.”) younger children are overwhelmed.
practical things that take time and effort to
Homeschooling doesn’t have to be school- think and talk through. So what has Sonlight done to help parents
at-home regarding tests and measuring . . . teach multiple students? You’ll find age-
When, for example, you read the book of
unless you want it to be. appropriate programs for Preschool
Luke with your children, they’ll hear Jesus
through High School that, because of their
say some really unexpected things: the story
17 You want hands-on activities of the man who commended the dishonest
literature base, are easy to combine for
children within about three years of age.
every day.
manager; the worker who hid his money
You can use one Sonlight History / Bible
Sonlight does include hands-on activities. and then gave it to the man who had
/ Literature program and one Sonlight
But hands-on has never been our
emphasis. We believe that the educational

110 Sonlight leads to academic and extracurricular success. Meet the 2019 scholarship winners. See p. 97.
Science program for all of them, with
skill-based subjects (math, language arts,
perhaps reading instruction) for each.
This allows you to keep Sonlight’s broad
international focus, the great literature
base, and the depth of discussions,
while moving everyone forward at their
appropriate levels.
But when the age range between children
diverges more widely, separate your
children into smaller study groups.
In sum: if your children are spaced more
than about three years apart, consider
whether you really can teach all of them
the same subjects at the same time. There
comes a point when your children might
benefit from separate programs. Read
more about how to teach multiple students
on pg. 21.

20 You want a four-year,

chronological cycle of history.
Sonlight, you’ll study: Every year, I think ‘this is my favorite History
/ Bible / Literature,’ and every following year, the
• a total of three focused years on new one blows me away all over again,” writes
Many homeschoolers like the idea of Allison H of Bridgeport, WV. “I have yet to part with
American history;
teaching world history in a four-year cycle, any of our Sonlight books, and we’ve all enjoyed
repeated three times over the course of • a one-year intensive course on the rereading many of the earlier Readers and Read-

twelve years. It makes sense that history history of the Christian church; Alouds. Sonlight has given my children a broad
view of the world and a deep connection with
should be taught in chronological order, • 20th century world history — an each other.” Pictured, Allison, Seth (13), Ruthie
and it takes about four years to adequately important century for understanding (9), and Hadley (11) enjoy a history lesson while
the world today; getting ready for the day. The H family has been
cover history from creation to the modern Sonlighting for seven years.
era. • a year spent on the eastern
Every Sonlight History / Bible / Literature hemisphere, learning about the
package emphasizes geography and cultures and practices of the majority of ***
incorporates timeline activities. This ensures people on earth;
While there are real reasons why you might
that your students will understand the • a year covering a set of common decide that Sonlight is not a good option
flow of history, the timeline of events. And prerequisites for college: studies in civil for your family, there are also many good
they also will understand where things government and economics. reasons why it might be the best decision
happened, among which peoples they Do these breaks in the chronological study you make this year.
occurred, and, most importantly, why. confuse children? No. We’ve found that We are with you every step of the way: from
But rather than following a consistent four- just like a properly filled in back-story only helping you determine your school plan,
year cycle three times over, Sonlight breaks helps the narrative, so too, your students’ to encouragement and prayer throughout
the pattern by including additional focus understanding is enhanced when you see the year. If you need assistance, contact a
on certain places, eras, and types of history and talk about parallels and contrasts Sonlight Advisor. Find the details at
that a regular four-year cycle might skip. with peoples, cultures, and events of other sonlight.com/advisors
So, in addition to studying World History times and other places.
Whatever program you choose, from
over a two-year period in both the early Chronology is important, but it is not whatever supplier, we at Sonlight pray
elementary and middle school years, with paramount. There are true, compelling God’s blessing on you in finding the best
reasons to take time to focus on homeschooling materials to meet your
additional studies. needs.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 111

NEW! Sonlight Connections: veterans and Advisors, share ideas, discuss
Building a Community Around issues, and support each other as you stay
Your Homeschool connected with like-minded individuals who
share the same educational philosophy. We
For years, Sonlighters have expressed interest
invite you to join us.
in a way to connect with other Sonlight
families around the world, and in their own Sonlight Connections now offers two
neighborhoods. Sonlight Connections is ways to connect:
our new online and in-person community,
designed to help you build a community
The Sonlight Connections Facebook Group is a
around your homeschool right where you are.
growing group of Sonlighters that you can join
Sonlight Connections serves as a collaborative to share stories and gather advice. This group
community to provide support and is a great community for support at all hours of
encouragement along your homeschool the day and night, all around the world.
journey. You can ask for curriculum guidance
as needed, glean advice from Sonlight In-Person
Sonlight families come together in their
communities with the Sonlight Connections
in-person groups. Find these in-person groups
around the world, and meet up with them right
where you are.
You don’t need to homeschool alone. Free
yourself from the uncertainty of flying solo and
enjoy sharing your homeschool journey with
other Sonlighters.
Learn more about Sonlight Connections at

As a family that lives on a cattle ranch, we

are so very grateful for Sonlight,” writes Millika S of
Mackay, ID. “Sonlight curriculum is so well organized
and because of that so many times we have been
able to make many family memories incorporating
school with daily ranch work. Not only are our girls
learning to read and write, but they are also learning
about God’s Word.” Here, Taylee (5, HBL A) and
Emmaree (2) are learning about earthquakes in front
of a fault line near their ranch.

112 Try Sonlight FREE! Experience what it’s like to use Sonlight for one week. Learn more at sonlight.com/invitation
Homeschooling with Sonlight has been
one of the best decisions we have made
for our family. It has brought our family
closer, and has allowed us great adventures
together,” writes Sennu K of Vero Beach,
FL. “One of my favorite memories this year
was a trip to Disney World. On our way there
I started reading Seven Daughters and
Seven Sons aloud, and we got into the story
so much that we ended up staying in our
hotel room reading the book until midnight,
because we couldn’t put it down.” In this
photo, Mae (4, not yet homeschooling) and
Abby (12, HBL F) celebrate Abby’s last day
of 6th Grade. Although Abby is the only one
currently homeschooling, their four oldest
children who have finished homeschool and
are all attending colleges, still enjoy taking
part in her Read-Alouds, and often take
turns reading the books together. “We so
love the books Sonlight chooses, and look
forward to our next year with HBL G.”


Join Sonlight Connections and experience a
community that meets right where you are.
You’ll find: Encouragement. Inspiration. Advice. Prayer.
Learn more at sonlight.com/connections

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 113


When you homeschool, it’s natural more—are pursuing their dreams and The kids always look forward to Box Day, but
to have questions and concerns. making their mark around the world as a Sonlight mom, I’m most excited for Catalog
Sonlight helps in several ways: every day. Day!” writes Michelle S of College Station,
TX. “We originally decided to homeschool to
1. You know exactly what to teach The Sonlight method works! See where
strengthen the bonds between our kids. After
every day with minimal preparation. some past Sonlighters are today at 5 years, we are so grateful to have kids who
You can homeschool your children with sonlight.com/where-now enjoy learning together. We are so glad we chose
Sonlight to foster that closeness!” Pictured,
confidence. With Sonlight, you get both the 3. Your children will have good
Michelle researches her options with Sonlight.
big picture of a well-planned, intentional, critical thinking skills.
year-to-year progression, and the day-to- With Sonlight, students interact with books
day complete, easy-to-use lesson plans. from diverse viewpoints. By the time they
graduate, your children will be able to and laughing, enjoying one another’s
Gather your books, open your Instructor’s
discuss topics like evolution and design, company—you strengthen your
Guide, and read to your children. It’s as
postmodernism and absolute truth, politics, family’s connections.
easy—and as challenging—as that. You
can do it. and reasons for their faith. They’ll be 6. You can customize your
able to write well, and will have the well- curriculum.
2. Your children will succeed rounded education that comes from a Mix-and-match to create the best
academically. rigorous literature-rich approach. curriculum for your learners. Sonlight
After almost thirty years in business,
4. You enjoy homeschooling. offers the top brands in a variety of
Sonlight has a proven record of academic
We guarantee it. The Love to Learn, Love to subjects, and allows you to build a
excellence. Along with developing
Teach™ Guarantee means that you’ll love program that matches your children’s
excellent skills in math and language arts,
the experience of teaching your children, unique skills and abilities.
Sonlighters enjoy a broad understanding
of history, literature, the Bible, and science. and that your entire family—children and 7. You are supported every
Sonlight students are prepared to excel in adults!—will love what you learn, or your step of the way.
whatever God leads them to do. money back. Whether you’re teaching With the help of a homeschool Advisor,
kindergarteners or high schoolers, you and Sonlight is there for you, from choosing
At the conclusion of our preschool-to-
your children will all learn . . . and have a what’s best for your family, to ongoing
college-prep program, your students will
great time doing so. support each year. These complimentary
possess a top-tier education. Sonlight
graduates—now authors, doctors, elected 5. Your family will grow closer. consultations will encourage and support
officials, engineers, entrepreneurs, lawyers, When you spend a few hours every day you in your homeschooling journey, for
homeschool parents, missionaries, and together—reading great books, talking choosing, using, and everything
in between.

114 Try before you buy! Get a three week sample of any Sonlight Instructor’s Guide—FREE! sonlight.com/samples
CURRICULUM Package Content Sonlight Option B Option C

COMPARISON Will my children develop critical thinking skills by

discussing various points of view on controversial issues?

CHECKLIST Will my children develop critical thinking skills,

Don’t let shopping for homeschool which will be useful in any career path?
curriculum be intimidating!
Are all subjects provided—history, Bible, math, science,
As you consider your educational
language arts? Or do I have to buy from multiple stores?
options for this next year, use this
chart to help clarify your decision. Can I customize the curriculum to meet the
needs of my children?
And if you have any questions,
Are all books and materials needed for a year of school included
Sonlight Homeschool Advisors
in a program? Do I save time by not going to the library or having
(sonlight.com/advisors) are to track stuff down?
available year-round, at no
Prep Time
charge, to answer your questions,
such as how to customize materials Are the weekly activities laid out in a clear schedule?
for your family’s specific needs,
how to best use your Sonlight Do the teacher guides include everything I need to teach? Do I
purchase, and how to save time by not having to create lesson plans?
homeschool effectively. Are the teacher guides flexible and easily
adaptable to my situation and lifestyle?

Do the hands-on activities require minimal parental prep work?

Are there extensive teaching notes and questions in all levels

of the teacher guides, so that I will be able to teach my children
through high school, should I so choose?

Is all the planning and research done for

me so I can simply and easily teach?

Practical Considerations

TRY SONLIGHT Will this program effectively instruct my children, using methods
appropriate for visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners?

F RE E Will this program teach and excite me, as well as my children?

Request the Sonlight Invitation

and experience this exceptional, Will this curriculum challenge my children?
literature-rich education today.
Visit sonlight.com/free Is this program both structured, but also flexible
to meet the specific needs of my family?

Can I return my curriculum package if I use it for a few months

and decide it's not a good fit for my family?
To place your order by email, fax,
or mail, visit www.sonlight.com/ Can I teach multiple children with one program?
to download and print a order form.
Can I reuse curriculum with younger siblings?

Is there a payment plan option (with no fees or interest)?

Do I have access to free one-on-one help

whenever I have questions?

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 115

BRAND NEW! With the new Language Arts G, 4-Day With Sonlight, we can learn anywhere!”
says Rachel M of Ballston Spa, NY. “My kids
Sonlight Connections Community program, you can now order a pre-built
always bring their books on trips, and we
All-Subjects Package G in 4-Day (p. 49)! love how easy it is to grab everything and go.
Evelyn (12) and Luke (9) used Sonlight for two
New Math Programs Available! years before we put them in a private school.
Looking for a place to connect with people RightStart Math We were worried that they would be behind,
but they were ahead of the rest of the class!
who share your educational philosophy? RightStart Math
After just a few weeks, they were begging to
Our new Sonlight Connections community is easy to teach come back to Sonlight, and now we’re here to
is for you! Join today to share homeschool and gives children stay!” Pictured, Luke, Rachel, and Evelyn enjoy
triumphs, challenges, provide support, the foundation Favorite Poems Old and New together.
encourage and inspire each other, they need for
participate in curriculum discussions, everyday living in VideoText Interactive
and more . . . it’s all there for you to our technological world. When children VideoText
start building a community around your understand, they need to spend less time Interactive Math
homeschool. Learn more at in review and practice. When they don’t offers students an
sonlight.com/connections understand, they memorize until the enjoyable way to
burden becomes too great and they learn Pre-Algebra,
Additional 4-Day Program Options give up. Algebra 1, Algebra
Language Arts G, 4-Day. Away from RightStart emphasizes understanding. This 2, Geometry,
home one day a week at a co-op, or finding unique program de-emphasizes counting. Trigonometry, and Pre-Calculus.
it hard to fit in all the weekly tasks and Instead, students visualize quantities and Students master a particular concept
appointments? Check out Sonlight’s fully- use visual pictures to learn facts. The before going on to the next. Because
optimized 4-Day programs, now available primary learning tool is the AL Abacus, a each concept is bite-sized, students
in all History / Bible / Literature, Language specially designed, two-sided abacus that efficiently understand how and why a
Arts and Science programs for levels A-H. is both kinesthetic and visual. For Grades particular procedure works. Students
(This excludes B+C, D+E and W, as they K-6. See p. 80 for details. will conduct their own error analysis
already combine two years into one.) Learn
and teach back the concepts they have
more at sonlight.com/4-day
mastered, and use the information
already mastered in future lessons.

116 Come see the Sonlight booth at a convention near you! Visit sonlight.com/conventions for the list of locations and dates.
The online multimedia presentation New Hands-On History Kit for UPDATES
(with closed captions), in conjunction History / Bible / Literature B High School Literature Updates
with hardcopy Course Notes, Student Add hands-on We have continued to upgrade our
WorkText, Solutions Manuals, and activities to early Language Arts programs through two
Progress Tests, provides an opportunity world history of our high school literature programs:
for students to grow mathematically with these high American Historical Literature 130 and
and develop confidence in their ability. quality, fun, and Classical Literature 230. As in the lower
Algebra and Geometry bundles educational levels, these programs now include
available. See p. 101 for details. projects. This new rubrics to help you evaluate your students’
history project kit can be used as stand- performance, big picture explanations,
Science J alone study or as a supplement to your and overview summaries for each week.
With the popularity of curriculum. This hands-on history kit Additionally, the team edited and clarified
Sonlight’s History of Science complements Sonlight History / Bible / each Creative Expression assignment,
program (HBL J, p. 54), there Literature B. See p. 83 for details. and added SAT preparation assignments
is now an accompanying
to match the new essay section of the SAT.
science program! These World History Lap Book
creative, unusual, and sometimes jaw- Looking for additional The updated Classical Literature 230
dropping (literally) experiments will take hands-on with your older includes two new titles, and no longer
your History of Science studies to the world history students? Then overlaps with Literature J. The IG also now
next level. See p. 73 for details. enjoy this new Lap Book for includes poetry notes.
And, with the new J Science, you can Sonlight G! All the materials
you need come pre-printed, HBL: An even greater discount!
now order a pre-built All-Subjects
Package J p. 55). so you can open, cut, and All-Subjects Packages (ASPs) are 20%
go. The History / Bible / Literature G off. HBLs are now 15% off. And both
New Chemistry Program schedules lap book activities as optional HBLs and ASPs still come with the suite
By customer suggestion, work almost every week. See p. 83 for of benefits called SonlightCares™
we now offer the Berean details. including 10% off all purchases for a year.
Builders Chemistry program 20% | 15% | 10%
by Dr. Jay Wile, Discovering Fresh New Electives
Design with Chemistry. This New, fun extras in several categories. Arts Updated Pre-K Package Option
independent-study, college- and crafts, history, critical thinking, STEM/ Do you have a Pre-K child ready to read?
prep course covers the foundational STEAM, games and activities, books and You can now purchase our popular Pre-K
aspects of chemistry. The accompanying more! Find these, and all electives, online package with the added option of our
Science Supplies Kit includes items or visit pp. 82-86. Kindergarten Language Arts and Phonics
for the experiments that illustrate the program, in lieu of the Reader Guide, for
various concepts being explored. See a more accelerated experience. See p. 31
p. 99 for details. for details. »

I thought Sonlight wouldn’t be for us,

because I didn’t see myself as a ‘read aloud’
type of mom,” writes Rebecca M of Waukesha,
WI. “Finally, I decided to give it a try, and I am
so happy I did! I have discovered I really do love
reading with my children, and I am so thankful
for the amazing books Sonlight provides. My
son Aiden (11) used to want to skip books
because they looked boring, but slowly he
discovered you should never judge a book by
its cover! I’m amazed how enjoyable Sonlight
has made our school times together. This has
been by far our favorite homeschooling year.”
Pictured, Aiden and Audrey (8) enjoy their
books together. The M’s are in their eighth year
of homeschooling, their second with Sonlight.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 117

Diamond Notes: Now in Colored Science Activity
Full Color
Creative Writing
Sheets A-G
This effective and enjoyable Diamond
This year Science G has new
creative writing program No t e re-illustrated, colorful activity sheets,
helps your students conquer
Diamond D
joining the recently updated A-F science

fear of the blank page. With programs. Now your science investi-
gentle, practical, step-by-step guidance, gations come with a pop of full-color.
students learn to organize their thoughts Visit sonlight.com/activity-sheets for all
and express themselves clearly on paper. Science Activity Sheets.
Included in the Language Arts program
Accent Colors Expand to More IGs
for 3rd Grade Readers, and available as
By popular demand, the beautiful colors
a stand-alone item. See p. 67 for details.
available in a few Instructor’s Guides in
Updated AP* 2017 and 2018 have expanded to even
Psychology more Guides in 2019. Accent colors are
Christine T of Washington, MO homeschooled
all three of her children until four years ago when, Program! available in HBL, Language Arts and
for reasons having nothing to do with Sonlight, Long a customer favorite, Sonlight’s Science levels A-J. Enjoy!
they all entered classroom schools. But something Psychology Program now features a
happened during her eldest daughter’s senior
photo shoot. “Alura was homeschooled exclusively
new edition of the main textbook, with And One More!
with Sonlight from Pre-K to 9th grade. Sonlight
updated notes to match, and a brand Read-Aloud and Reader
developed her love for learning and a passion for new 4-Day schedule. As in other Sonlight Bonus Book Collections
reading. When it came time for her senior picture, programs, now each week’s notes Want the 4-Day schedule, but don’t
she wanted to use a book as a prop. But during the directly follow the schedule, for easy want to miss the 5-Day books? These
photoshoot, she couldn’t help but pick up the book reference. Learn more on p. 103.
and get lost in its pages within seconds. Here she
book collections are for you! Available
is laughing after she realized she was getting lost *Advanced Placement, Advanced Placement Program at sonlight.com/bonus-books for all
in the prop! . . . It spurred me to say ‘Thank you, and AP are registered trademarks of the College Board, Readers and Read-Alouds for Sonlight
which was not involved in the production of, and does
Sonlight, for your part in her story.’”
not endorse, this product. A-H.

8 FREE Ways to Start Your Sonlight
Homeschool Adventure TODAY
Featured on the back cover:
A friend who used Sonlight suggested
TRY SONLIGHT FREE! GET CONFIDENCE! I try the PreK program 'just to see,'" says
Take the Sonlight Invitation and see The Sonlight method works! See where Altagail M of Lincoln, RI. "Well, it’s seven
if this exceptional, literature-rich some past Sonlighters are today at years later, and homeschooling with
education is right for your family at Sonlight is the best parenting decision we
ever made. I love learning with my children
and the opportunities to encourage their
GET CLARITY! natural gifts and strengths, without the
FREE EBOOKS! Sonlight isn’t for everyone. If it will be a confines of a traditional classroom. These
Schooling options, language arts good fit for your family, you’ll know after kids love to read, their attention spans are
help, and other helpful eBooks at reading sonlight.com/20-reasons incredible, and we have enjoyed so much
sonlight.com/ebooks wonderful literature thanks to Sonlight.
GET ANSWERS! Time is our most precious commodity and I
Why does Sonlight have the price tag it am so glad not to be missing their
does? Why is it worth the investment? childhood." Lily (9), Gracin (7), and Austin
NEW! Interact with fellow Sonlighters (11) take advantage of a sunny day to
Learn more at sonlight.com/investment
online and join our Connections homeschool outside.
Community at sonlight.com/connect GET INSPIRATION!
Homeschool with purpose! With Sonlight’s
GET ENCOURAGEMENT! Top 10 Goals, you’ll have a vision for your
Regular Sonlight emails offer inspiration upcoming school year! Learn more at
and practical advice, straight to your sonlight.com/goals
inbox. Sign up at sonlight.com/subscribe

118 There’s a huge network of Sonlight families just a hashtag away. Join us! #sonlight #sonlightstories #sonlightboxday
Fully Planned. Zero Prep. 100% Effective
Get started—FREE—at sonlight.com/instructors-guide

Other Policies & Procedures
What SonlightCares means for you. TM
6-Month Return Policyh Return Policy
• Applies to anything not covered by the Love to Learn,
Love to Teach™ Guarantee, such as individual items or
By John Holzmann and Amy Lykosh single subject packages (e.g., History, Bible, Reader,
One-year Love to Learn, when you’re ready to re-use a program with a younger
Read-Aloud, Language Arts, Math, Science, and similar
child, you can update to the most current version of the
Love to Teach™ Guarantee IG at 50% of the current cost. The online cart system will
Buy any complete Sonlight History / Bible / Literature automatically apply this discount when you order online. • Items must be received in unused, resalable
program or All-Subjects Package, and the Love to Learn, condition (i.e., no label sticker, not marked in nor on,
Love to Teach™ Guarantee is yours. Or create your own Please note: We offer the repurchase discount with binding unbroken, cover and pages unbent, and not
complete program by combining any History / Bible / the understanding that the new Instructor’s Guide is for scuffed, defaced nor worn).
Literature with any math, language arts, and science the purpose of replacing the previous edition(s) for the • You will receive a refund of your purchase price less
programs (one each per History / Bible / Literature), plus benefit of the original purchaser only. For more details see a 10% handling fee for items returned in a resalable
the coordinating Required Resources you need, on one sonlight.com/repurchase condition (does not include return shipping expenses).
order… you’re still covered. • Materials returned after six months or received by us in
Free Shipping
Take up to one year to actually use the first half of your The purchase of a History / Bible / Literature or All- non-resalable condition will not receive a refund nor will
eligible program(s). Then if you don’t love it ... if you aren’t Subjects Package qualifies you for fast, trackable we return these materials to you.
convinced Sonlight makes homeschooling a pleasure for shipping for free to the lower 48 states! A History / Bible /
you and your kids, please return your program—the Literature or All-Subjects Package purchase qualifies you Payment Plansment Plans
entire package, used books and all. We’ll give you a full for this free shipping for all orders for a year, including Interest free payment plans are offered for online United
refund of your purchase price. the initial qualifying order. Once you purchase your fifth States and Canada orders.
History / Bible / Literature or All-Subjects Package, you Qualification is dependent on your credit score based on our
This unmatched one-year Love to Learn, Love to Teach™
receive this perk for life! preferred credit agency report.
Guarantee includes the following provisions:
1. You have up to one year from date of purchase to 10% Discount Only available when you place your order with a
use anything scheduled through Week 18 and you Your 10% discount* lets you buy anything else you need credit/debit card.
can still return it all for a full refund. throughout the year. If your order totals $499 or more (until posted expiration date
2. If you decide you don’t love Sonlight, you can return • All Sonlighters get a 10% discount on orders over at sonlight.com/paymentplans), is $799 or more (year-round),
either the portion of your program that you don’t $499 that include an IG. has a History / Bible / Literature, or an All-Subjects Package
like, or your entire program. All materials not you’ll be offered the payment plan option at checkout. We do
• Customers who purchase an All-Subjects Package
scheduled for use until after Week 18 must be in not add any fees or interest.
receive our biggest discount, 20%, on that package.
unused, resalable condition (as explained in the
Customers who purchase a History / Bible / For complete details, visit our website at sonlight.com/
6-Month Return Policy). If you want a refund for
Literature receive 15% on that package. Both paymentplans.
your entire program, we must receive all your
receive a 10% discount on nearly everything else
materials – used and unused.
they buy for a full year. Terms of Sales of Sale
3. If you’d like to keep part of your package, we
• Customers who have purchased five or more History • Payment in U.S. funds must accompany your order.
will accept one partial return of materials in any
/ Bible / Literature or All-Subjects Packages receive Online orders can be paid by: VISA, MasterCard, Discover,
packages that qualify for the Love to Learn, Love
a 10% discount on nearly everything else they buy American Express, or e-check. Manual orders can be
to Teach™ Guarantee (that way you can keep
for life! paid by: VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express,
those items that work for you). Any items you keep
• We have already applied the 10% (or greater) paper check, wire transfer, or money order in U.S. funds.
following that one-time partial return are subject to
the terms of our standard 6-Month Return Policy. discount on each All-Subjects Package and History • Prices for packages and individual items are subject
/ Bible / Literature program. No additional discounts to change without notice. Visit our website for
4. A full or partial History / Bible / Literature
apply. All additional purchases made throughout the accurate pricing.
return (even if purchased within a Sonlight All-
year will receive a 10% discount.
Subjects Package) WILL DISQUALIFY you from
SonlightCares™ that comes with a History / Bible / *Due to restrictions from some publishers, we are not
allowed to discount Math-U-See, Spelling-You-See,
Customer Service
Literature purchase.
Rosetta Stone, Singapore Math, All About Spelling, A
5. Refund of your purchase price does not include
Child’s History of the World and a few other products.
reimbursement of your return shipping expenses.
We’ve got your back with this guarantee. We’re confident Eligible for College Scholarships [email protected]
that with Sonlight, you’ll get everything you need to When you purchase and your students use five Sonlight
succeed. So try Sonlight and see if you love it! Chances
are ... you will.
History / Bible / Literature programs, they become eligible 1-800-903-1675
for the Sonlight College Scholarship program. Students
Anything not covered by the Love to Learn, Love to preparing to enter college can apply for scholarships
worth up to $20,000. One category of scholarships 7am-5pm MT Mon–Fri
Teach™ Guarantee falls under the 6-Month Return Policy.
puts the most emphasis on academic performance,
IG Repurchase Discount and the other values creativity, acts of kindness, and Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd.
To help you use Sonlight with multiple children, we give other factors higher than academics. Learn how to apply 8042 South Grant Way
you a 50% discount on future editions of any Instructor’s at sonlight.com/scholarships
Littleton, CO 80122 USA
Guide (IG) you purchase from Sonlight. In other words,

120 Wondering about transcripts and how electives might be applied for credit? Download a free guide at sonlight.com/transcripts
• Orders usually ship within 2-3 BUSINESS DAYS from the We strongly urge our customers to invest the time necessary International (including Canada)
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You can get FREE Trackable shipping (to the lower 48 • Sonlight normally holds orders that have backordered
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components of curriculum packages may change without • You purchase a History / Bible / Literature or All-
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On average, Media Mail takes 2-10 business days for For questions or clarification of any of these policies,
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If you return any materials, the appropriate credit will be • Expedited shipping is available via FedEx® Overnight
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To expedite your return, go to sonlight.com/returns. Alaska and Hawaii

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the 6-Month Return Policy as detailed on the prior page. Then: • FedEx® shipping is available at the rates indicated at
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• Pack CDs, Binders, and Science Supply Kits on top of
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Media Mail/FedEx® split-shipment option. Details at
• Use the return address label from your packing slip or
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• Ship to Sonlight via UPS, FedEx, or Insured Postal Service
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APO/FPO and US Territories
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you a refund nor return the items to you.
sonlight.com/shipping) may select it at no charge. Media
• International customers: In addition to return instructions Mail is $5 for qualifying orders under $25. Allow up to 4 Sonlight draws our family together,”
above, please write a clear description of the goods weeks for delivery. writes Kevin S of Chicago, IL. “The children
being returned on the box, i.e., “Textbooks-Educational are just as interested in academics as
• USPS Priority Shipping is available at the rates found at
Materials.” State on the commercial invoice “US Goods they are in the Readers. Sonlight’s book
Returned” and include HTS# 9801.00.10 selections are delightful and do a great job
• For a substantially lower cost, take advantage of our
Media Mail/USPS Priority split-shipment option. Details at of being fun and engaging while reinforcing
Warranties the history lessons. The Instructor’s Guides
Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd., makes no warranties of any sonlight.com/shipping. n
have eliminated the stress and planning
kind concerning the fitness of its materials to meet any
from our schooling, which means more time
educational or legal requirements. The responsibility for
to enjoy together!” Here, Daintry (6) reads to
meeting practical and legal educational requirements rests
solely with the consumer. brothers Matthew (3) and Carter (5).

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 121

Sonlight History / Bible / Literature

Choose a program that fits with your children’s age ranges and interests.
Combine students within a 3-year age range into one History / Bible / Literature program.



A strategic map from Preschool Fiction, Fairy Tales, and Fun 3-4 Naturally encourage development and character.
for Little Learners
preschool through high school
Sonlight gives you the tools you need Pre-K Discover fascinating differences (and similarities)
Intro to Exploring God’s World 4-5
between people around the world.
to academically prepare your children the World
for excellence in high school and A Explore Geography and Cultures around the world and
Intro to the World: Cultures 5-7
beyond. You’ll help equip them for across time from Creation through modern times.
college, trade school, the military, the Intro to World History, Year World History from early civilizations through the fall
B 6-8
workforce, or family life. 1 of 2 of Rome.

From preschool through high school, C Intro to World History, Year

7-9 World History from the fall of Rome through the 1900s.
your Sonlight journey offers three 2 of 2
sweeps through history and a solid 1 Intro to World History, One Sonlight B and C combined into one year. World History
1st Sweep B+C 7-9
foundation of Biblical knowledge. In Year Condensed from early civilizations through the 1900s.
language arts, watch your children History
D Intro to American History, American History from early Native Americans through
progress from learning to read and 8-11
Year 1 of 2 the 1850s.
write, to composing well-crafted
research papers and creative E Intro to American History,
American History from the Civil War (1860s) through
works. Study science from an initial Year 2 of 2 the late 1900s.
introduction to college-level lab work. Sonlight D and E combined into one year. American
D+E Intro to American History,
Take a look at the road ahead! 9-12 History from the early Native Americans through the
One Year Condensed
late 1900s.
Visit sonlight.com/scope-sequence to
download a printable chart of what Eastern A fascinating cultural study of the Eastern Hemisphere,
F 10-13
you’ll be learning year by year from Transition Hemisphere including Asia, Oceania, the Middle East and Africa.
preschool through high school in
Sonlight’s History / Bible / Literature, G World History, In-depth World History from Ancient Egypt through the
Language Arts and Science programs. Year 1 of 2 Reformation.
On that same page you can download World History, In-depth World History from the Reformation through
H 12-14
a detailed Scope and Sequence for 2 Year 2 of 2 the late 1900s.
individual levels. You will also find 2nd World History, one year A one year alternative to Sonlight G and H. World
Sweep W 12-14
the Scope and Sequence for the Math Through
condensed History from Ancient Egypt through the late 1900s.
programs that we offer. History
J History of Science 13-15 Scientific inquiry over the last 4000 years.

100 In-depth study of American History from

American History 12-16
pre-Columbian America through the present.
In-depth study of the spread of the Gospel and the
200 History of the Christian
14-18 growth of the Church worldwide from the time of
Christ to the present.
3 300 20th Century World History 15-18 Modern World History.
Sweep U.S. government, with emphasis on the Constitution
Through American
History 16-18 and its historical interpretation, plus a close look at the
400 three branches of government.
Modern economics, from basic theory to politics
Economics 16-18
and trade.

500 World History and

16-18 Ancient History through early 21st Century History.
Worldview Studies

122 Want help choosing materials? Talk to a homeschool Advisor—FREE. sonlight.com/advisors

Sonlight Language Arts Sonlight Science
Choose a program based on your children’s abilities. Choose a program that fits with your children’s age ranges and interests.
Choose one Language Arts program per child. Combine students within a 3-year age range into one Science program.



Pre- Animals, plants, and the way things

Pre-K 4-5 Phonics & vocabulary. Biology, Botany,
Kindergarten A 5-7 move. Experiments and hands-on
& Physics
Phonics, spelling, vocabulary, creative activities.
Grade K Readers 5-7 expression, copywork, & writing Animals, Animals, outer space, and the way
Arts K
mechanics. B Astronomy, 6-8 things move. Experiments and hands-on
Phonics, spelling, vocabulary, & Physics activities.
Grade 1 Readers 6-8 copywork, creative expression, & Geology,
Arts 1
writing mechanics. Meteorology, Weather, geology, and basic machines.
C 7-9
Language Spelling, writing mechanics, & Mechanical Experiments and hands-on activities.
Grade 2 Readers 7-9 Technology
Arts 2 copywork, & creative expression.
Spelling, writing mechanics, The human body, categorizing plants,
Language Biology, Taxonomy,
Grade 3 Readers 7-9 paragraph construction, copywork, & D 8-11 and animals. Experiments and hands-on
Arts 3 & Human Anatomy
creative expression. activities.
Spelling, writing mechanics, Electricity, magnetism, and outer space.
Language E Magnetism, & 9-12
Grade 4 Readers 7-9 copywork, paragraph construction, & Experiments and hands-on activities.
Arts 4 Astronomy
creative expression.
The human body: anatomy, health, and
Language Spelling, vocabulary, dictation, writing Health, Medicine,
HBL D 8-11 F 10-13 medicine. Experiments and hands-on
Arts D mechanics, & creative expression. & Human Anatomy
Spelling, grammar, dictation, writing
Language Earth science: geology, physics, and
HBL E 9-12 mechanics, research writing, & Geology, Physics,
Arts E G 11-13 the science of origins. Experiments and
creative expression. & Origins
hands-on activities.
Spelling, grammar, dictation,
Language A course from Apologia Educational
HBL D+E 9-12 vocabulary, writing mechanics, &
Arts D+E Ministries: learn to think scientifically.
creative expression.
H General Science 12-14
Spelling, grammar, dictation, Includes experiments and a unique
Language vocabulary, writing mechanics, Sonlight schedule.
HBL F 10-13
Arts F research writing, creative expression, Energy, conservation, robotics, canals,
& literary analysis. Conservation,
dams, and technology. Filled with proj-
H Tech Robotics, 12-14
Spelling, vocabulary, dictation, ects, experiments, and activity sheets to
Language & Technology
HBL G 11-13 advanced writing mechanics, creative engage your middle school student.
Arts G
expression, literary analysis, & editing.
Physics, Coincides with Sonlight HBL J. Lab book
Language Creative writing, essay composition, J Electromagnetism, 13-15 and materials kit. NOTE: Not a stand-
HBL H 12-14
Arts H research, & literary analysis. & Waves alone product. Must be used with HBL J.
Spelling, vocabulary, advanced writing
Language A course from Apologia Educational
HBL W 12-14 mechanics, creative expression,
Arts W Ministries: earth science and basic phys-
literary analysis, & editing. 150 Physical Science 12-16
ics. Includes experiments and a unique
Language Creative writing, book analysis, & SAT Sonlight schedule.
HBL J 13-15
Arts J practice assignments.
A high-school level lab science course
Language Critical thinking, essay composition, from Apologia Educational Ministries.
Literature 130 12-16
Arts 130 literary analysis, & creative writing. 250 Biology 14-18
Includes experiments and a unique
Language Essay composition, literary analysis, Sonlight schedule.
Literature 230 14-18
Arts 230 research papers, & creative writing.
A high-school level lab science course
Creative writing, literary analysis, from Apologia Educational Ministries.
Language 355 Berean Chemistry 15-18
Literature 330 15-18 research writing, & essay Includes experiments and a unique
Arts 330
composition. Sonlight schedule.
Creative writing, literary analysis,
Language A high-school level course from Apologia
Literature 430 16-18 essay composition, & research
Arts 430 450 Physics 16-18 Educational Ministries. Includes experi-
ments and a unique Sonlight schedule.
Creative writing, literary analysis,
Language Choose from two advanced lab courses
Literature 530 16-18 essay composition, & research
Arts 530 from Apologia Educational Ministries
papers. Advanced
preparing students for the AP* Biology
Creative writing, literary analysis, 550 Science: Biology & 17-18
Language or Chemistry test. Each course includes
British Lit. 630 16-18 essay composition, & research Chemistry
Arts 630 experiments and a unique Sonlight
*Advanced Placement, Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College
Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.

Visit sonlight.com | Call 800-903-1675 123

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Littleton, CO 80122-2705 USA

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