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New Features

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© Copyright 2015, Zuken E3 GmbH

E3. series Releasenotes
Date: 27.05.2015

This manual describes the following functions of version:

2015 Build 16.00

!! Please Note when Switching to New Version !!

Projects and databases are converted when opening them with this new E3.series Release.
Please consider that these projects cannot be edited with an older version afterwards. That's
why we recommend to backup projects before.

Update Information of Version 2015

o Windows Support
o Installation
o Databases
o Projects
o Multi-User Installation
o Microsoft SQL Server

Windows Support

The following Windows systems are supported with E3.series 2015:

• Windows Vista
• Windows 7
• Windows 8
• Windows Server 2003/2008

For more information please refer to the installation description.


Before installing, we recommend you make a backup of your current installation (at least the
data and databases).

The installation of E3.series 2015 is started using


which can be found on the DVD's main directory.

The Version can be installed in addition to an existing E3.series Version.

The Default Directory is: \Program Files\Zuken\E3.series_<version>

Therefore, this version can also be used alongside existing versions of E3.series. However,
note that you cannot use your existing database(s), or the existing projects, in both versions,
as they are updated when opened in E3.series 2015, so copies should be used for E3.series


With this new version, a new default database is installed. Existing databases are not

The new database contains new components and symbols.


Existing projects are automatically converted upon opening with the new version. So long as
the file has not been saved in the new version, it can still be opened with an older version.
After saving a project with E3.seriesVersion 2015, a project can no longer be opened with an
earlier version.

Multi-User Installation

Existing multi-user projects from Version 2014A can directly be opened with Version 2015.
They are automatically converted upon opening. However, this cannot be undone, and the
projects can no longer be opened with Version 2014A.

That’s why we recommend installing Version 2015 multi-user projects in parallel to the existing
version, so that it’s also possible to still access these project with E3.series Version 2014A.

To transfer the projects to Version 2015, these projects must be saved in Version 2014A as
Single-User projects. They can then be stored in the multi-user environment of Version 2015.

In order to run the Multi-User databases in parallel, a new SQL Server process must be
installed for Microsoft SQL Server and a new database user account for ORACLE.

The E3 Server process must then access the new database or the new database user account.


When setting up the E3-MU-Server, a new name must be specified for the Multi-User

Thus a new database user account is created and both E3.series versions can work
simultaneously in the multi-user environment.

Microsoft SQL Server

First, a new instance of the SQL Server processes must be installed.

Enter a new instance name, which must be used with the set-up installation of the E3-MU-

The rest of the installation continues as described in the separate MuSetup installation

New Features 2015 Build 16.00
The following functionality is new in Version 2015 Build 16.00:

• Cables / Conductors / Wires

o Cables / Conductors / Wires - Miscellaneous Enhancements

o Cabling Table


o New Trigger AfterCreateDevice after Creating a Device

o New Trigger AfterDeleteDevice after Deleting a Device
o New Triggers for Signals and Signal Classes
o The Trigger BeforeCheckOutSheet Now Receives a Parameter
o COM Command Create2DView Receives New Value for Parameter 'modi' in
o New COM Commands in the NetInterface for Changing Signal Names
o New Trigger BeforeModifyAttribute
o Enhancement to ComponentInterface for Returning the Defined View
Symbols of a Component with Their User-Specific View Numbers
o New Trigger AfterConnectMUProject
o Enhancement to JobInterface for Displaying a List of Drawing Elements in
a Predefined Color with PDF Export
o Enhancement to SymbolInterface for returning Duplicate Attribute Text
Template Symbols whose Polygon Points refer to Origin's Coordinates
o Enhancement within the PinInterface to set the maximum number of
connections on a pin

• Connections/Buses, Signals/Logic Lines, Supply

• Conductor Logic Lines

o Conductor Logic Lines Can Now Be Displayed for Selective Signals
o Logic Lines of Not Connected Conductors Can Now Be Displayed as
• New Functionality in E3 'Reorder Conductors
• New Functionality in E3 'Signal Format'
• Misc
• Alternative Template Symbol Can Now Be Defined in the Settings
• New Check Box in Settings for Deleting Signals of Not Connected
View Symbols
• Define whether the Signal on a Pin Shall Be Removed when
Unconnecting Conductors/Wires on a Pin

• Connectors

o Connector Pins Can Now Be Placed as Single Pins when Changing a

Component or Updating a Project

o User-Defined View Numbers for Connector Views
o New Options for Assigning Numbers to Connectors and Mating Connectors
in the Settings

• Fluid

o 'Electric Settings' and 'Fluid Settings' Can Now Be Called Up in the

o Special Options with Separate Values for the Respective Discipline
o Enhancement to JobInterface: COM Command 'SetDisplayConnectPoints'
with Own Settings for Fluid

• Formboard

o New Options for Inserting Nodes using the Formboard Dialog 'Add Node'
o Pins without Placed Conductors/Wires Can Now Be Displayed in the
Formboard Connector Table
o Two Additional Possibilities Now for Automatically Routing Wires Assigned
Options in Formboard

• Graphics / Dimensions

o Three New Dimension Line Types Available

o New Functionality 'Running Dimension'
o Enhancements to DimensionInterface for Generating and Adapting
Running Dimensions
o Dimension Text of Running Dimensions Can Be Rotated
o Enhancements to DimensionInterface for Displaying Dimension Text of
Running Dimensions as Rotated

• Import/Export (subcircuits)

o Connection Direction of Conductors/Wires Can Be Ignored when

Importing Subcircuits
o DWG/DXF Import/Export Now Compatible with AutoCAD Version 2013

• Panel

o New Section '2D View Options' in 'Insert New Sheet' Dialog in E3.panel
o Already Placed 2D Views Can Now Be Deleted
o Symbol Properties Can Now Be Opened when Placing Models on Panel
o New '3D View' Toolbar in Panel
o Models Can Now Be Set as Transparent or Invisible in the 3D View

• References

o New Drop-Down Menu 'Format:' in the Settings for Defining How the Text
Type 'Sheet Reference' Can Be Displayed

• Text

o Two New Text Types in E3 for Referencing between Symbols in Circuit

Diagrams and Components on Panel Sheets
o Display of Multiline Texts Can Now Be Defined in the Symbol Properties for
Symbols of the Type 'Attribute Text Template'
o Lines Can Now Be Added to Text Boxes
o Parameter Values Can Now Be Defined using Placeholders for Translated
Text Nodes from the Translation Table
o Ten New Sheet Text Types in the Database

• User Interface

o 'Full Screen Mode' for Workspace in E3.series

• Variants / Options

o Variants/Options Tree Can Now Be Structured using Folders

o All Elements in Variants/Options Tree Can Now Be Sorted in Ascending or
Descending Order

• Views

o Dialogs 'New View' and 'Place on Formboard' Have Been Enhanced

o Control whether Active Connector Pin Terminal Symbol Shall Be Displayed
for Views in the Device Properties
o Keep pinview symbols at project update

Cables / Conductors / Wires - Overview
The cable list is now available in E3.series. The following chapters describe the new
functionality and other enhancements:

• Cabling Table

• Cables / Conductors / Wires - Miscellaneous Enhancements

o Conductors/Wires Can Now Be Easily Moved from Pin to Pin

o Wire Groups Can Now Be Displayed with Alternative Names in the Drop-
Down List
o Additional Connector Pin Terminal Information Can Now Be Defined on

Cabling Table
In project mode in E3.series there is now a Cabling Table, in which all connected graphical
connections are listed with their devices in the project. The individual conductors of a cable are
listed. Wires, hoses, tubes and jumpers are not displayed in the Cabling Table. With the help of
this Cabling Table cables can be placed more effectively on connections.

Detailed information can be found in the following chapters:

• Displaying the Cabling Table

• Adding/Deleting Columns
• Configuring the Cabling Table
• Global Search in the Cabling Table
• 'Jump to' Functionality in the Cabling Table
• Display Ignored Connection Lines in the Cabling Table
• Context Menu Commands in the Cabling Table
• Setting/Resetting the Preselection
• New Check Method 'Checking graphical connections - (0050) None unique'
• Enhancement to JobInterface for Checking Ambiguous Connections in the
• Enhancement to NetSegmentInterface for Marking Connections Which Shall Not
Be Displayed in the Cabling List

Displaying the Cabling Table

The Cabling Table can be called up as follows:

• click on the command View -> Cabling Table in the main menu,
• right-click on a connection line and select the command Cabling Table... in the
displayed context menu.
Note: This context menu command is not displayed for a connection line in E3.panel.

Each row in the (Excel-like) table describes a pin to pin graphical connection and is divided into
two levels:

• In the first level (Device Level) the connections are displayed from device to device
(single pin/single row).
Moreover, the status of the cabling state on the graphical connection is displayed; the
following is valid:
• Red: No cabling
• Yellow: Partial cabling exists
• Green: Complete cabling
• In the second level (Pin Level) the connections are displayed on the pin level (multi
pin/multi row). Only pins are displayed which have no wires, hoses and tubes applied
Note: This level can be displayed by clicking on the button and hidden with the

By default the columns in the first level display the following information:
Note: These columns cannot be deleted.

• Assignment - From
• Location - From
• Device designation - From
• Assignment - To
• Location - To
• Device designation - To
• Cable Name
• Cabling State

By default the columns in the second level display the following information:
Note: These columns cannot be deleted.

• From Pin
• From Pin Position
• Conductor Name
• Conductor Position
• Bundle Name
• To Pin
• To Pin Position

Adding/Deleting Columns

All attributes can be displayed in the Cabling Table according to their database definitions.
These attributes can be displayed in additional columns.

To do so, select the table column header and then the context menu command Add Column.

The dialog box Add Columns appears:

If an attribute appears more than once on an owner, the attribute can be selected repeatedly
as a new column in the drop-down list. The headers of columns with the same attribute names
appear with the number of the copy in brackets.

The command Remove Column deletes the column.

Configuring the Table

The columns can be configured as follows:

• Columns of tables can be configured and arranged in any order. The columns of a table
can be sorted based on the contents of a column using the command Sort Ascending or
Sort Descending. By double-clicking on a column header the column can be sorted in
ascending or descending order as well..

• The individual columns can be moved anywhere using Drag&Drop.

• By specifying a filter the output can be more selective (limited). Right-click on one of the
two uppermost cells in first column of the window and select the command Show Filter.
Note: When searching, it's recommended to type an asterisk in front of the expression
to be searched: *Search Term
When resetting the filter, just type an asterisk in the cell: *
• The configuration of the tables, i.e. the displayed columns, width and order of the
columns as well as the visibility of filtered rows, is saved in the project. This
configuration is user-specific in a multi-user project.

Global Search in the Cabling Table

It's possible to perform a global search in the Cabling Table. Not only does it search a fixed
column but all locations in the Cabling Table.

To start the search:

• right-click on one of the two uppermost cells in the first column of the window and select
the command Search

click on the F7 key
• The Search dialog window opens:


OK / The term to be searched in the table can be entered in the text field.
Note: A question mark '?' (for an individual character) and an asterisk '*' (for
several characters) can be used as wildcards for the search.

OK executes the search.

Cancel aborts the search.

All results are displayed in the project, where this search entry appears. Furthermore, the
search term is enclosed in brackets after the cabling table header:

To reset the search:

• right-click on one of the two uppermost cells in the first column and select the command
Reset Search
click on the key combination SHIFT + F7

'Jump to' Functionality in the Cabling Table

'Jump to' functionality is available in the Cabling Table. The 'Jump to' functionality offers the
possibility to easily and quickly jump to objects within the project. Different 'Jump to'
commands are available for selection depending on the level in the Cabling Table.

On the first level (Device/Cable Level) are the following Jump commands:

• Jump to Schematic
• Jump to Panel
• Jump to Terminal Plan
• Jump to Device Tree
• Jump to Panel Tree (Placed)

On the second level (Pin/Conductor/Net Level) are the following Jump commands:

• Jump to Schematic
• Jump to Panel
• Jump to Device Tree
• Jump to Signal Tree

To execute the 'Jump to' command:

• right-click on the desired cell in the Cabling Table and select the command Jump to in
the displayed context menu,
• click on the corresponding Jump to command in the opened context menu.

The sheet with the marked symbol is opened automatically. If it is already opened, it is moved
to the foreground. The drawing area is correspondingly adapted in order to have a clear
overview of the selected object. Furthermore, the object is highlighted with a rectangle.

To reset the highlighting,

• click on the command Edit -> Reset Highlight in the main menu,
• press the key combination SHIFT+F3 .

Display Ignored Connection Lines in the Cabling Table

It's possible to ignore connection lines in the Cabling Table. Moreover, the connection lines to
be ignored can be highlighted using an alternative color. This is valid for all connection lines,
on which no conductor is placed.

To do so, there is the new section Ignore for Cabling Table in the Settings under
Connection -> Connection Lines.

Connection - Connect Lines

Ignore for Cabling Table

Display ignored
connect line in When checked, the desired connection lines can be ignored in the Cabling
alternative Table. These ignored connection lines are displayed in the schematic with
color the alternative color.

Note: The connection line is also displayed in the alternative color if only
wires, tubes and hoses are located on the connection line.

For the COM methods prj.GetSettingValue and prj.SetSettingValue the

following setting_name can be used:


This check box is user-specific in a multi-user project.

Ignore new
connections in When checked, all newly added connections in the Cabling Table can be
Cabling Table ignored.

Alternatively, this functionality can also be controlled using the new icon
Ignore in cabling table (in the Connection toolbar).

For the COM methods prj.GetSettingValue and prj.SetSettingValue the

following setting_name can be used:


This check box is user-specific in a multi-user project.

Defines the color for the ignored connection lines.

If 'Automatic' is selected, the color defined in the Color Definitions dialog

box (called up in the Database Editor under Format-> Color
Definitions...) is used.

For the COM methods prj.GetSettingValue and prj.SetSettingValue the

following setting_name can be used:


This check box is project-specific in a multi-user project.


To ignore a connection line or the thereupon connected device that shall not appear in the
Cabling Table:

• right-click on the desired connection line or the device, which shall be ignored in the
Cabling Table,
• then select the command Ignore for Cabling Table in the opened context menu
• the connection line or the thereupon connected device are suppressed in the Cabling

Note: Connections with conductors are permanently displayed in the Cabling Table. As soon as
all the conductors are disconnected on the connection, the connection line or the thereupon
connected device is suppressed in the Cabling Table.

To no longer ignore the connection line or the thereupon connected device:

• right-click on the ignored connection line or the ignored device,

• then select the command Allow for Cabling Table in the opened context menu,
• the connection line or the thereupon connected device is displayed again in the Cabling

Context Menu Commands in the Cabling Table

Depending on where one clicks in the Cabling Table, on which level (see Displaying the
Cabling Table) and column with the right mouse button, different context menu commands
are available:

Insert Template Symbol

Note: This context menu command can only be called up in the first column of the Pin Level
or in the columns Conductor Name, Conductor Position or Bundle Name.

After executing the context menu command Insert Template Symbol, the system jumps to
the selected connection line, on which the template symbol shall be inserted.

Unconnect Conductors

• If the context menu command is executed in the Device Level, all conductors are
unconnected on the device.
• If the context menu command is executed in the first column of the Pin Level or in the
columns Conductor Name, Conductor Position or Bundle Name, the conductor is
unconnected on the pin.

Assign Cable...

• If the context menu command is executed in the Device Level, the cable's conductors
are assigned to the complete device.
• If the context menu command is executed in the Pin Level, one cable conductor is
assigned to the pin.

Executing this context menu command opens the Assign Cable dialog:

Assign Cable

Assign existing cable:

Select a cable:
All cables are displayed in the drop-down list, which fulfill the following
prerequisites in the project:

• The cable has at least as many conductors as the number of pins

available on the connection line.
• The conductors of the cable fulfill the cross-section specifications of
the pins.

Clicking on this button opens the Select Existing Cable dialog:

All useable cables within a project are displayed in the form of a tree
structure here.

By checking the check box List all cables all cables in the project are
displayed (as well as already placed).

Assign new cable:

Select a cable:
All cables within a project and from the database are displayed in the drop-
down list, which fulfill the following prerequisites:

• The cable has at least as many conductors as the number of pins

available on the connection line.
• The conductors of the cable fulfill the cross-section specifications of
the pins.

Clicking on the button opens the Select Cable Type dialog:

The following cables are displayed here in the form of a tree structure:

• all useable cable types (number of conductors / cross-sections that

meet the pin requirements) from the database
• all useable cables (number of conductors / cross-sections that meet
the pin requirements) within a project

By checking the check box List all cable types all cable types from the
database and the project are displayed.

Swap Conductors

Note: This context menu command can only be executed in the Pin Level

o if both conductors to be swapped are from the same cable

o if only one conductor on a free pin shall be swapped
o To do so, press and hold the SHIFT or Ctrl key and then left-click on the desired
conductor in the first column. Afterward, right-click anywhere and select the context

menu command Swap Conductors:

After executing the context menu command Swap Conductors, both conductors are
exchanged with one another.

Device Properties...

Note: This context menu command can only be executed in the Device Level.

After executing the context menu command Device Properties..., the Device Properties -
Device dialog opens.

Pin Properties...

Note: This context menu command can only be called up in the first column of the Pin Level
or in the columns From Pin, From Pin Position, To Pin or To Pin Position.

After executing the context menu command Pin Properties..., the Device Properties - Pins
dialog opens.

Conductor Properties...

Note: This context menu command can only be called up in the first column of the Pin Level
or in the columns Conductor Name, Conductor Position or Bundle Name. Additionally, one
conductor must be placed.

After executing the context menu command Conductor Properties..., the Device Properties
- Wire Information dialog opens.

Setting/Resetting the Preselection

Defining the Preselection for the Cabling Table

By filtering using preselected connections and devices the Cabling Table can be defined
accordingly. The filtering action gives the user a better overview of the Cabling Table because
only the desired connections and devices are displayed.

To define the preselection for the desired connected graphical connections, which shall be
displayed in the Cabling Table:

• pressing the SHIFT key and select the desired connection line or device in the schematic,
• right-click on one element of the selection,

• select the command Cabling Table... in the displayed context menu,
• this opens the Cabling Table with the preselected selection:

Resetting the Preselection for the Cabling Table

The filtering in the Cabling Table using preselected connection lines or devices can be reset.

To reset the preselected Cabling Table to its original state:

• right-click anywhere in the first column of the Cabling Table,

• then select the command Reset Preselection in the displayed context menu.

After resetting, the Cabling Table appears with all connected graphical connections in the

Reference(s): Designer-25598

New Check Method 'Checking graphical connections - (0050) None unique'

Additionally, there is the new check method Checking graphical connections - (0050)
None unique in the standard check programs of E3.series (called up using Tools -> Verify).
When executing the check method, all non-unique connections are listed in the 'Results


Unique graphical

The connection
pathway is unique
because there is only
one placement

No unique graphical

The connection path

is not unique because
there are several

Unique graphical

The connection path

is unique based on
the "forced wiring".

No unique graphical

The connection path

is not unique because
conductors/wires are
not placed on all
graphical connection

Unique graphical

The connection path

is unique because
conductors/wires are
placed on all graphical

Note: Please make sure the XML check file contains the new check method. The XML check file
is called up in the Registry
(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Zuken\E3.series\<version>) with the
character string VerifyXMLPath for E3.series or VerifyXMLPath_Logic for E3.logic.

Enhancement to JobInterface for Checking Ambiguous Connections in the Project

There are the following new COM commands in the JobInterface:

• cnt = job.GetAllConnectionIds ( ids [,flags] )

• cnt = job.GetSelectedConnectionIds ( ids [,flags] )

o o flags has been enhanced:

o flags = 0x4 when the flag is set, formboard connections are ignored.

Reference(s): Designer-25609

Enhancement to NetSegmentInterface for Marking Connections that Shall Not Be

Displayed in the Cabling List

There is the following new COM command in the NetSegmentInterface:

• ret = ns.SetIgnoreForCablingTable ( set )

o set 1 Connections are ignored in the cabling list.

o set 0 Property reset
o ret The return value can have the following values:

 0: The property was previously not set on the net segment.

 1: The property was previously set on the net segment.
 -1: No project
 -2: Item is not a net segment.
 -3: The net segment is part of a formboard or topology net.

Reference(s): Designer-25603

Cables / Conductors / Wires - Miscellaneous Enhancements

• Conductors/Wires Can Now Be Easily Moved from Pin to Pin

• Wire Groups Can Now Be Displayed with Alternative Names in the Drop-Down
• Additional Connector Pin Terminal Information Can Now Be Defined on Symbols

Conductors/Wires Can Now Be Easily Moved from Pin to Pin

Now it's possible to move conductors/wires easily from pin to pin in E3.series. The following
options are available for determining which shall be used when moving:

• Use only selected pins

• Use signal-equivalent pins
• Use name-equivalent pins
• Use pins of original symbol

The desired option must be defined before the move takes place. To do so, use the new drop-
down list in the section Move Conductor Ends under Connection - Conductors/Wires.


Move Conductor Determining which pins shall be used when moving can be defined here:

• Use only selected pins

o The command tries to move conductors/wires only on directly

selected pins.

• Use signal-equivalent pins

o The command tries to move conductors/wires on directly

selected pins as well as on all corresponding signal equivalent

• Use name-equivalent pins

o The command tries to move conductors/wires directly on

selected pins as well as on all corresponding name equivalent

• Use pins of original symbol

o The command tries to move conductors/wires directly on

selected pins as well as on all pins which are available on the
symbol of the original view.
Note: If the original symbols are equal, the assignment of
symbols will also be swapped.

For the COM methods prj.GetSettingValueand prj.SetSettingValue the

following setting_name can be used: MOVE_CONDUCTOR_ENDS.

This check box is user-specific in a multi-user project.


• Starting and target pins can also be selected in reverse order.

• If conductors/wires are placed on both the starting and the target pins, they are
• If conductor/wire ends cannot be moved (e.g. due to invalid cross-sections), they remain
on the original pin.
• If there are overlaps at the mass of the selected starting and target pins, an attempt will
be made to move the conductor/wire ends further.

To move conductors/wires from one pin to another:

Use the new Move conductors icon in the toolbar - category Connect to start the command.

Step 1:

• Left-click on the Move conductors icon to activate the command.

Note: double-clicking on the icon allows the user to repeat the command as often as he
• All pins and open line ends on the current sheet are displayed by a square:

Step 2:

Select the starting pin, on which the conductor/wire ends are connected and that shall be
moved to another target pin.

• Left-click on the desired pin or if several pins need to be selected,

• drag a rectangle around the desired pins while pressing the left mouse button.


• Depending on the setting in the Move conductor ends drop-down list (see above), the
corresponding pins are added to the selection automatically.
• The selected starting pins are marked with a triangle (pointing upwards).

Step 3:

• Left-click on the target pin where the conductor/wire ends should be moved or if several
pins need to be selected,
• drag a rectangle around the desired pins with pressing the left mouse button.


• Depending on the setting in the Move conductor ends drop-down list (see above), the
corresponding pins are added to the selection automatically.
• The selected target pins are marked with a triangle (pointing downwards).

Step 4:

After the target pin has been selected, the new assignment of the conductor/wire ends occurs.


• If several conductor/wire ends exist, the assignment is based on the position of the pins
on the sheet.
The sorting takes place first in ascending Y order and then in ascending X order.
• All new connected conductors/wires are displayed in Results Window after moving.

Reference(s): Designer-25501

Wire Groups Can Now Be Displayed with Alternative Names in the Drop-Down List

In E3.series the value of an attribute can be defined in the tree structure, which is then
displayed in the drop-down list instead of the component name. This was not true for wire

From now on the functionality is also available for wire groups.

• To do so, right-click on the name of the component database in the component tree
• select the context menu command Tree Structure,
• select a structure to use under Use Structure in the Database Tree Structure dialog,
• check the check box Redefine Structure and then select the desired attribute in the
drop-down list for components (in the following example 'Supplier'):

• update the component structure view by clicking the F5 key

The wire groups corresponding with the attribute value (in this case according to 'Supplier')
are now listed in the wire group drop-down list:

In the Wire Setting toolbar:

In the Settings Connection - Conductors /Wires:

In the Wires tab of the Connection Properties:

In the Wire Information tab of the Connection Properties:

Reference(s): Designer-18237

Additional Connector Pin Terminal Information Can Now Be Defined on Symbols

Additional information can now be displayed on the active connector pin terminal of a pin using
a text type.

For defining this additional connector pin terminal information there is the new option Use
from active pin terminal in the Edit Text Types dialog in Database Editor Mode:


An attribute must also be selected under Assigned attribute, which references the
information for the active connector pin terminal later. This attribute must have the owner

If the check box Use from active pin terminal is checked, the text type is evaluated for...

• connector symbols/block connector symbols (must be connected with the symbol pin)
• normal symbols (must be connected with the symbol pin)
• formboard tables
• attribute text template symbols.

If the pin...

• on the node
• on the attribute text template symbol
• in the row of the Formboard Table

doesn't have a unique connector pin terminal, the text is not filled in.

Reference(s): Designer-22515


• New Trigger AfterCreateDevice after Creating a Device

• New Trigger AfterDeleteDevice after Deleting a Device
• New Triggers for Signals and Signal Classes
• Trigger BeforeCheckOutSheet Now Receives a Parameter
• COM Command Create2DView Receives New Value for Parameter 'modi' in
• New COM Commands in NetInterface for Changing Signal Names
• New Trigger BeforeModifyAttribute
• Enhancement to ComponentInterface for Returning the Defined View Symbols
of a Component with Their User-Specific View Numbers
• New Trigger AfterConnectMUProject
• Enhancement to JobInterface for Displaying a List of Drawing Elements in a
Predefined Color with PDF Export
• Enhancement to SymbolInterface for returning Duplicate Attribute Text
Template Symbols whose Polygon Points refer to Origin's Coordinates
• Enhancement within the PinInterface to set the maximum number of
connections on a pin

New Trigger AfterCreateDevice after Creating a Device

The trigger is activated after generating a device.

Can be accessed using the following parameter:

• 1: ID of the newly generated device

Reference(s): Designer-20169

New Trigger AfterDeleteDevice after Deleting a Device

The trigger is activated after deleting a device.

An array with the GID and object ID is returned as a parameter:

• Array(0): GID of the deleted device

• Array(1): Object ID of the deleted device


Afterward, the returned IDs are no longer valid and cannot be reused within the COM
These IDs can be used to update external references, e.g. in Excel files or databases.



Sub Start()
Set e3 = CreateObject("CT.Application")

args = e3.GetScriptArguments
For i = 0 to UBound(args)

MyArray = Split(args(i), ",", -1, 1)

e3.PutInfo 0, "Item has been deleted: "
e3.PutInfo 0, " GID: " & MyArray(0)
e3.PutInfo 0, " ObjectID: " & MyArray(1)

Set e3 = Nothing
End Sub

Reference(s): Designer-25495

New Triggers for Signals and Signal Classes

There are the following new triggers:


The trigger is executed after generating a signal or signal class.


The trigger is executed after changing the name of a signal or signal class.


The trigger is executed after adding or deleting objects (e.g. pins, nodes, net nodes,
core/wires) of a signal.

All triggers can access the following arguments:

• 1: all signal IDs and signal class IDs



Sub Start()
Set e3 = CreateObject("CT.Application")
Set prj = e3.CreateJobObject()
Set sig = prj.CreateSignalObject()
Set sigClass = prj.CreateSignalClassObject()

args = e3.GetScriptArguments
For i = 0 to UBound(args)
signalItem = sig.SetId( args(i) )

If signalItem = 0 Then
sigClass.SetId args(i)
e3.PutInfo 1, "Signal class: " & sigClass.GetName() & " changed"
e3.PutInfo 1, "Signal: " & sig.GetName() & " changed"
End If
Set e3 = Nothing
End Sub

Reference(s): Designer-13562

Trigger BeforeCheckOutSheet Now Receives a Parameter

The trigger BeforeCheckOutSheet receives an argument as a parameter specifying which

type of checkout shall be performed:

• 1 for Read/Write
• 2 for ReadOnly

Reference(s): Designer-13930

COM Command Create2DView Receives New Value for Parameter 'modi' in


In the DeviceInterface the following COM commands have been changed:

• ret = dev.Create2DView ( modi, name, symbol, position, before )

o modi 0x000 Previously, the value was always 0. The display in the "base sheet"
disappears as soon as the component is displayed on a 2D view sheet.
o modi 0x001 When generating a 2D view, the component is still visible on the
"base sheet", i.e. the cell appears twice.

• ret = dev.GetPanelLevel

o The return value has been changed:

o ret Returns the level same level for all cells, otherwise -1.

Reference(s): Designer-19431

New COM Commands in NetInterface for Changing Signal Names

In the NetInterface there are the following new COM commands:

• ret = net.GetSignalName

o ret Returns the signal name of the current net.

• ret = net.GetTranslatedSignalName

o ret Returns the translated text for the signal name. If there is no translation, the
internal signal name is returned.

• ret = net.SetSignalName ( name )

o name New signal name of the net

o ret The return value is 1 if successful, otherwise 0.

• ret = net.SetSignalNameOnLocalNet ( name )

o name New signal name of the net. If additional nets are connected by references,
the signal is not changed there.
o ret The return value is 1 if successful, otherwise 0.

In the ConnectionInterface the following COM command has been changed:

• ret = con.SetSignalNameOnLocalNet ( name )

o This command is replaced by the COM command with the same name in the
o It now behaves like con.SetSignalname(name). The specified signal is transferred
over the entire net. The signal is also inherited over references.

Reference(s): Designer-25939

New Trigger BeforeModifyAttribute

The trigger is executed if one of the attributes to be monitored is changed/deleted or added to

an object. The trigger is not executed if the owner is deleted (e.g. device is deleted).

If no attributes to be monitored are specified for the trigger definition, the trigger is not
executed. The attributes to be monitored for the trigger definition are enclosed in angled
brackets and separated by commas.


Arguments are assigned to the trigger in the form of a tuple; each tuple can be interpreted as

• Attribute owner (e.g. sheet, device...)

• Attribute name
• Old attribute value
• New attribute value

Example of evaluating the tuple:

Set e3 = CreateObject( "CT.Application" )

Set prj = e3.CreateJobObject()

args = e3.GetScriptArguments
cnt = 0

For Each arg in args

modResult = cnt Mod 4
cnt = cnt + 1

If modResult = 0 Then
e3.PutInfo 0, "Attribute owner: " & arg
ElseIf modResult = 1 Then
e3.PutInfo 0, "Attribute name: " & arg
ElseIf modResult = 2 Then
e3.PutInfo 0, "Old value: " & arg
ElseIf modResult = 3 Then
e3.PutInfo 0, "New value: " & arg
End If

Set prj = Nothing
Set e3 = Nothing

The trigger can set a return value using the function e3.SetTriggerReturn(). The following
return values are possible:

Value Symbol Name Meaning for BeforeModifyAttribute

The attribute modifications have been implemented.

1 (Default) vbOK

6 vbYes

4 vbRetry All modifications are rejected.

2 vbCancel

3 vbAbort

5 vbIgnore

7 vbNo

Note: No other values can be set with e3.SetTriggerReturn() or returned with


Reference(s): Designer-26028

Enhancement to ComponentInterface for Returning the Defined View Symbols of a

Component with Their User-Specific View Numbers

There is the following new COM command in the ComponentInterface:

• ret = comp.GetViewDefinitions ( viewDefinitions )

o ret Number of definitions returned
o viewDefinitions Two-dimensional array with the existing view information

 1. Column = Symbol ID
 2. Column = User-defined view number; 0 if no user-defined view number is


Symbol ID User-Defined View Number

35876 0

35446 5
34923 33

The return value ret = 3


New Trigger AfterConnectMUProject

The trigger is executed when first opening a multi-user project and accessing a multi-user

The trigger is always called up with 3 parameters:

• 1. Parameter: The following values are possible:

o "Create" when creating a multi-user project

o "Open" when opening a multi-user project
o "Delete" when deleting a multi-user project

• 2. Parameter: The following values are possible:

o 1 for the first user, which opens the multi-user project

o 0 for all others with access

• 3. Parameter: Name of multi-user project

Reference(s): Designer-16579

Enhancement to JobInterface for Displaying a List of Drawing Elements in a

Predefined Color with PDF Export

In the JobInterface there is the following new COM command:

• ret = job.ExportPDFEx ( file, shtids, options, itemListType, items,

alternativeColour, imageBrightness [,password] )

o The parameters 'file, shtids, password' are the same as job.ExportPDF

o options has changed as follows (this is also valid for job.ExportPDF):

 &h0000 Default Acrobat version (currently 8)

 &h0004 n/a: Version 4 no longer supported

 New:
 &h0008 Acrobat Version 8
 &h0009 Acrobat Version 9
 &h000A Acrobat Version 10

o The following parameters have been added:

 itemListType Flag How the objects shall be output:

 0 All objects, which are NOT in the items list, receive the specified
color (alternative color) and (brightness)
 1 All objects in the item list receive the specified color (alternative
color) and brightness.

 items List with objects (object numbers) from the E3 project

 alternativeColour Color, which the objects shall receive (0 up to and
including 255).
 imageBrightness Brightness, which the images shall have.
This can be a whole number between -100 and 100 (the smaller the number
the darker; the larger the number the brighter).

o ret The following return values are possible:

 1 Export successful
 -1 Unknown error
 -2 No project opened
 -3 Missing license
 -4 Invalid file path or missing authorization
 -5 Invalid sheet
 -6 Invalid Acrobat version
 -7 Invalid object list type
 -8 Invalid color (outside of value range)
 -9 Invalid luminosity (outside of value range)
 -10 Invalid password

Reference(s): Designer-25588

Enhancement to SymbolInterface for Returning Duplicate Attribute Text Template

Symbols whose Polygon Points refer to Origin's Coordinates

There is the following new COM command in the SymbolInterface:

• ret = sym.GetPlacedPolygon ( npnts, xarr, yarr )

o Valid for duplicate attribute text template symbols

o npnts Number of polygon points, e.g. 4 points for a rectangle
o xarr, yarr Arrays with x/y coordinates of polygon points;
arrays start with 1
o ret The return value is 1 if successful, otherwise 0.

Reference(s): Designer-24834

Enhancement within the PinInterface to set the maximum number of connections on
a pin

There is the following new COM command in the PinInterface:

• ret = pin.SetPhysicalMaxConnections( conncount )

o Sets the max. number of connections for this pin

o conncount is the max. number of connections for this pin
o Possible return values for ret see above list

 0 = Number has been set successfully

 -1 = Number hasn't been set
 -2 = No project opened
 -3 = Invalid Pin
 -4 = Invalid Number


• The pin must have a component assigned.

• The pin must have a physical description.
• When the Use signal equivalence (to select connect pin) option is checked in
Settings... -> Connection -> Conductors/Wires, a physically described pin must
exist with the same pin index.


• The highest possible number is set to 999

Reference(s): Designer-26833

Connections/Buses, Signals/Logic Lines, Supply - Overview

• Conductor Logic Lines

o Conductor Logic Lines Can Now Be Displayed for Selective Signals
o Logic Lines of Not Connected Conductors Can Now Be Displayed as Arcs

• New Functionality in E3 'Reorder Conductors'

• New Functionality in E3 'Signal Format'
• Misc
o Alternative Template Symbol Can Now Be Defined in the Settings
o New Check Box in Settings for Deleting Signals of Not Connected View
o Define whether the Signal on a Pin Shall Be Removed when Unconnecting
Conductors/Wires on a Pin

Logic Lines

• Conductor Logic Lines Can Now Be Displayed for Selective Signals

• Logic Lines of Not Connected Conductors Can Now Be Displayed as Arcs

Conductor Logic Lines Can Now Be Displayed for Selective Signals

Previously, when the check box Display laid conductors also in the Settings under
Connection - Cable/Conductor Logic Lines) in the section Cable/Conductors ) was
checked, all conductor logic lines project-wide were displayed:

With this new option the user can now display the individual conductor logic lines of a signal
on a pin or optionally all signals of a device. This enables the signal to be traced more easily
over several sheets.

To do so, there are the following new icons in the Display toolbar:

• Display signal(s)
or alternatively by pressing the F6 key
• Reset display signal(s)
or alternatively by pressing the key combination SHIFT+F6


• At least one wire must be placed on the connection line.

• This functionality is inactive on panel sheets.
• When closing a project or reading/writing an E3D design file, already displayed conductor
logic lines are not saved.

Display Conductor Logic Lines of Signal on a Pin
To display the conductor logic lines of a signal on a pin:

• left-click on the icon Display signal(s)

or press the F6 key,
• left-click with the mouse pointer on the area in front of the individual pin (all pins which
are connected to a conductor/wire):


• The conductor logic lines of the signals used (in the example the signal #7) are
displayed project-wide.
• This functionality is also available in the Device Tree and the Pin Table:
o right-click on the desired pin symbol (multi-select also possible) and then select
the context menu command Highlight Conductor Logic Lines of Signal

Display Conductor Logic Lines of All Signals on a Device
To display the conductor logic lines of all signals on a device:

• left-click on the icon Display signal(s)

or press the F6 key,
• then left-click on a device symbol using the mouse pointer:


• The conductor logic lines of the signals used (in the example the signals #7, #8, #9,
#10) are displayed project-wide.
• This functionality is also available in the Device Tree and Device Table:
o right-click on the desired device-symbol (multi-select also possible) and then select
the context menu command Highlight Conductor Logic Lines of Signal

Display Conductor Logic Lines of Signal using Signal Tree

To display the conductor logic lines of a signal using the signal tree:

• right-click on the desired symbol in the signal tree (multi-select also possible),
• then select the context menu command Highlight Conductor Logic Lines of Signal:

Note: The conductor logic lines of the selected signal are displayed project-wide.

Suppress Conductor Logic Lines of All Signals

To suppress the conductor logic lines of all signals:

• left-click on the icon Reset display signal(s)

or press the key combination SHIFT+F6

Display Already Displayed Conductor Logic Lines

There is also the possibility to display already displayed conductor logic lines.

To do so, activate the new check box Keep existing conductor logic lines of signal in the
section Conductor Logic Lines of Signal in the Settings under Connection -
Cable/Conductors Logic Lines:

Cable/Conductor Logic Lines

Conductor Logic Lines of Signal

Keep existing If this option is checked, the displayed signal logic lines are retained.
conductor logic
lines of signal For the COM methods prj.GetSettingValue and prj.SetSettingValue the
following setting_name can be used:

This check box is user-specific in a multi-user project.

For this there are the following new COM commands in the SignalInterface and

• sig.HighlightCoreLogicLinesOfSignal ()

o Display all conductor logic lines of a signal

• job.ResetHighlightCoreLogicLinesOfSignals ()

o Reset the display of all conductor logic lines of all signals

Reference(s): Designer-25376

Logic Lines of Not Connected Conductors Can Now Be Displayed as Arcs

Previously, the logic lines of not connected conductors (without connection line) were always
displayed as straight lines:

Now these logic lines can also be displayed as arcs:

To do so, there is the new check box Display conductor logic lines as arcsin the Settings
under Tools -> Settings -> Connection -> Cable/Conductor Logic Lines in the section

Note: The section Lines has been enhanced for the already existing options Line style and
Mark direction.

Cable / Conductor Logic Lines

Display When this option is active, all logic lines of unconnected conductors are
conductor logic shown as arcs.
lines as arcs

For the COM methods prj.GetSettingValue and prj.SetSettingValue the

following setting_namecan be used: AIRLINES

This check box is user-specific in a multi-user project.

Reference(s): Designer-25502

Functionality 'Reorder Conductors'

• New Functionality in E3 'Reorder Conductors'

New Functionality in E3 'Reorder Conductors'

Previously, already connected conductors could only be reordered by executing the command
Reconnect Conductors. Now conductors can be reordered within a connected conductor logic
line segment (multiple conductors within a connection net) using the mouse pointer.

To do so, there is the new Reorder conductors icon in the Toolbar - Category Connect.

Note: The conductor logic lines must be visible for this function.

How to change the connection order of conductors:

• Left-click on the icon Reorder conductors,

• the mouse pointer appears in the form of an open hand in the workspace,
• click on the desired end of the conductor logic line which shall be reconnected:

Note: The hand closes as soon as the core logic line is positioned within the snap area:

• Left-click on the pin where the conductor shall be reordered.

• All possible pins are identified by hash key symbols "#":

• Note:
• If necessary, additional conductor logic lines can be reordered accordingly after
executing the command.
• After reordering all desired core logic lines, right-click anywhere within the work space
• the following context menu commands are available:
o End
The command ends but keeps previous changes.
o Abort
The command ends and rejects all changes made.
The command can be terminated with the ESC tab.


• Once the pin no longer has contact to the previous core route, an appropriate message
• If there is a conflict with the connection restrictions when connecting a core/wire to pin
(e.g. max. number of cores/wires), an appropriate warning message appears in the
status bar. The pin is marked with an exclamation point while the command is open.
• If pins violate the pin restrictions, an appropriate warning message will appear
after executing the command Reorder conductors.
• The command Reorder conductors can only be canceled if the pin restrictions
have been considered. The command can be undone optionally.
• While executing the command Reorder conductors, the context menu command Open
End can be selected after right-clicking anywhere within the workspace. Then, the
conductor logic line has an open end (temporarily).

Reference(s): Designer-25415

Functionality 'Signal Format'

• New Functionality in E3 'Signal Format'

New Functionality in E3 'Signal Format'

In E3.series a signal placeholder for the signal name can now be displayed on the signal. The
signal name will automatically be generated either for one-time use or for relevant changes
according to the format description after having placed a signal placeholder. Placing the signal
placeholder occurs with the new functionality Signal Format.

How to place a signal placeholder in a signal text:

• right-click on the desired connection line and select the command Signal
the displayed context menu
right-click with the mouse button on the desired signal within the signal tree and select
the command Signal Format... in the displayed context menu
right-click on the desired symbol in the working area and select the command Signal
Format... in the displayed context menu.
• the Signal Format dialog opens:

Signal Format

Format: The signal placeholder can be entered on a signal here.

The following signal placeholders are available:

• <.SHEET>
If this signal placeholder is specified, the sheet name on which the
reference object is placed appears as the signal name.
Note: If the sheet name is numeric, it will be displayed with at least
three digits and zeros at the beginning.

• <.GRID>
If this signal placeholder is specified, the current sheet coordinates on
which the reference object is placed appear as the signal name.
Note: The pin on the first sheet in the project structure with minimum X
and maximum Y coordinate will be used as the reference object.
The sheet coordinates are displayed according to the Setting Format:
(in the section Settings under 'General -> Display -> Sheet
Reference-> Format)

• <Attribute>
If this signal placeholder is specified, a signal or a sheet attribute
appears when available.
Note: The attribute must contain 'Signal' or 'Sheet' as the valid owner.
If both 'Signal' and 'Sheet' are available, the attribute is determined by
the signal.

Already created signal format combinations can be selected in the drop-down



• Additionally permitted characters can be placed before and after signal

placeholders. The following characters are not allowed < > , { }.
Example: 123_<.SHEET>-ABC
• Up to eight signal placeholders can be used for a signal. In doing so, a
signal placeholder may not appear repeatedly.
• A signal placeholder must be unique.

Examples of faults:

• Different attributes used in the signal format have the same

attribute value.
(Example: Attribute 1 with entry A - Attribute 2 with entry A)
• The signal name generated by the signal format is already used as
signal name.

• Exception: The signal name generated by the signal format <.GRID>

from the sheet coordinates information is already used in another sheet.
In this case the next possible free sheet coordinate will be used
(Example: Instead of A1 -> A2).
• Using <no entry> resets the signal format on the signal.
• When determining the reference object, inactive objects are also
considered for variants/options.

Clicking the button opens the Translation Table dialog. This dialog
displays all entries of the different languages.

The desired text is inserted.

Recalculate If the check box is active, all relevant changes to the signal formats will be
signal name recalculated automatically. In doing so, it's possible to control whether
according to modifications to each signal can be individually updated or not.
specification Relevant changes are:

• Moving a sheet within the project structure if the reference object is

• Moving connection lines or symbols if the reference object is changed.
• Changing an attribute value which is used as the signal format.
• Deleting signals
• Deleting or moving reference objects

A default value can be defined using the new check box Recalculate signal
names according to format specification in the Settings (under

'Connection -> Signals -> Signal Format):

Note: It's also possible to set signal placeholders in texts of the type TTYP_SIGNAL (#7)
and TTYP_CONNECTION_SIGNAL (#1007) as follows:

• by selecting the signal texts and clicking F2 afterward, or

• right-clicking on the signal text and selecting the command Text Properties... in the
displayed context menu.
Select the tab Text in the Text Properties and insert the desired signal placeholder
under Text.

Example for the signal placeholder <.SHEET>:

1. This example shows the sheet name 'sheet_name':

2. The signal placeholder <.SHEET> is defined on the signal:

3. The signal now receives the current sheet name 'sheet_name' as signal name:

Example for the signal placeholder <.GRID>:

1. 'C2' is used as reference value for the sheet coordinate in following example :

2. The signal placeholder <.GRID> will be defined on signal:

3. Now the signal receives the sheet coordinate 'C2' as signal name:

Example for the signal placeholder <ATTRIBUTE>:

1. The signal attribute 'New Feature' is used as attribute with the Entry 2014':

2. The signal placeholder <New Feature> (<Name of attribute>) is defined on the signal:

3. The signal now receives the Entry 2014' from attribute Demo' as the signal name:

Reference(s): Designer-25414


• Alternative Template Symbol Can Now Be Defined in the Settings

• New Check Box in Settings for Deleting Signals of Not Connected View Symbols
• Define whether the Signal on a Pin Shall Be Removed when Unconnecting
Conductors/Wires on a Pin

Alternative Template Symbol Can Now Be Defined in the Settings

In E3.series an alternative template symbol can now be defined. When placing a conductor
template symbol on a connection line, the alternative template symbol can be used.

To do so, there is the new section Alternative Template Symbol in the category
Connection. A horizontal or vertical alternative template symbol can be defined here using
the respective drop-down list:


Alternative This option determines, which alternative template symbol shall be used
Template when placing a conductor template symbol or a conductor on a connection
Symbol (dragging & dropping a conductor). Depending on whether the connection
line is horizontal or vertical, the corresponding symbol is placed.

Note: By pressing the Alt or Alt Gr key the alternative template symbol
can be used for the following commands:

o when placing a connection template symbol

(symbol Place connect template symbol in the Placement toolbar)
o when placing conductors/wires

For the COM methods prj.GetSettingValue and prj.SetSettingValue the

following setting_name can be used:


The alternative template symbol is user-specific in a multi-user project.

Reference(s): Designer-25605

New Check Box in Settings for Deleting Signals of Not Connected View Symbols

Previously, signals were only deleted in E3.series when the check box Clear signals when
deleting symbols was checked if there were no placed views of the corresponding device and
no connected conductors. From now on signals can also be deleted if there are unconnected
view symbols of this device.

To do so, there is a new check box Even if not connected view symbols are placed in the
section Signals on Symbols under the category Connection - Signals in the Settings:

Connection - Signals

Even if not Note: This check box can only be activated/deactivated if the check box
connected view Clear signals when deleting symbols is checked.
symbols are
placed When the check box is checked and symbols are deleted, the signals are
also deleted if there are unconnected view symbols of this device.

Note: The signal is not deleted if...

• the original device symbol is placed

• a device view with a graphical or physical connection is placed on the
• a device view is placed and the pin is connected to another device
• the signal is also routed on a topology sheet
• a device view is placed and a wire is connected to the pin.
Prerequisite: The check box "Unconnect, when no graphical

representation is not active. (Not active in the Settings in the
Category Connection in the section Conductor/Wires".

For the COM methods prj.GetSettingValue and prj.SetSettingValue the

following setting_name can be used:

This check box is user-specific in a multi-user project.

Reference(s): Designer-26078

Define whether the Signal on a Pin Shall Be Removed when Unconnecting

Conductors/Wires on a Pin

It's now possible to define whether the signal on a pin shall be removed when unconnecting
conductors/wires on a pin.

Note: This is only valid if no additional conductors/wires and/or graphical connections are
located on this pin and its pin views.

To do so, there is the new check box Clear signal after unconnect conductor/wire at
unconnected pin in the Settings under the category Connection in the section


Clear signal If this check box is active, it checks to see whether additional
after unconnect conductors/wires are located on this pin when unconnecting a
conductor/wire conductor/wire on a pin.
at unconnected
pin If no additional conductors/wires and/or graphical connections are placed
on the pin and its pin views, the signal is removed.

For the COM methods prj.GetSettingValue and prj.SetSettingValue the

following setting_name can be used:


This check box is user-specific in a multi-user project.

Reference(s): Designer-25957


• Connector Pins Can Now Be Placed as Single Pins when Changing a Component
or Updating a Project
• User-Defined View Numbers for Connector Views
• New Options for Assigning Numbers to Connectors and Mating Connectors in
the Settings

Connector Pins Can Now Be Placed as Single Pins when Changing a Component or
Updating a Project

In E3.series it's possible to control whether the connector pins shall be placed as single pins

• updating the project, or

• changing a component

To do so, there is the check box Place all pins as single pins available in the following

• In the category General - Update in Project the section Connectors

• and in the category Placement - Change Component the section Connectors

General - Update in project Placement - Change Component

Place all If this check box is checked, the connector pins are placed as single pins when
pins as
single • changing a component or
pins • updating a project

The old connector will be deleted and the new connector placed as single pins.
The former position of the first (displayed) pin will help as indication. Existing
spaces will be ignored and deleted when placing newly. Otherwise, the same rules
apply as when interactively placing the entire connector as single pins.


If all connector pins

• are placed as single pins

• have the same direction vector

• are placed without being interrupted by a symbol of another device

If the new connector has a different number of pins or symbols (with a feed
through connector) as the previous connector, the following is valid:

• New pin symbols are placed automatically 'in addition'

• Symbols of no longer used pins are deleted automatically


• No difference is made between the original and the device view of the
• A group of symbols remains if all pins are part of the group
• Inserts are treated as general connectors at configurable connectors.

If the check box is not checked or the prerequisites are not fulfilled, the connector
pins are handled like previously when

• changing a component or
• updating a project

For the COM methods For the COM methods

prj.GetSettingValue and prj.GetSettingValue and
prj.SetSettingValue the following prj.SetSettingValue the following
setting_name can be used: setting_name can be used:


The check box is project-specific in a The check box is project specific in a

multi-user project. multi-user project.

Reference(s): Designer-26110

User-Defined View Numbers for Connector Views

Previously in E3.series a view number could only be defined for normal device views. From
now on a user-defined view number can be specified for connector views.

To define the view number, there is the new input field User defined view number in the
Symbol Properties in Database Editor Mode:

This option is only available if a view on component sheet has been selected!

Symbol Properties

User defined If the check box is checked, a user-defined view number can be specified
view number for the view. This also appears in the tool tip view:

If the check box is not checked, a ? is displayed instead of the user-defined

view number.

If a device view is placed on a sheet in the project with the attribute .PREFERRED_VIEW, the
user-defined view number appears after the symbol name (…#17).

(See 'New View' and 'Place on Formboard' Dialogs Have Been Enhanced)

If one opens the device view's Device Properties, the user-defined view number is displayed in
the field Created with the view number::

Reference(s): Designer-26026

New Options for Assigning Numbers to Connectors and Mating Connectors in the

In E3.series there are some new options for assigning numbers to connectors and mating

To do so, there are the following new functions in the Settings under the section Device
Designation Generation in the category Connection - Connectors:

Connection - Connectors

Device designation Generation

Use same If this option is active, the following is valid:

numeric part
for connector When placing a mating connector, it tries to use the same device
and mating designation as the corresponding connector.
Note: If it already has the same device designation (same letter code),
then _<nnn> is also added. This ensures that the device designation is
unique by adding <nnn>.

If the device designation of a connector in the plugged state is changed,

the number of the mating connector is changed as well so that they both

have the same number.

Example with different letters:

connector: -X1<--> mating connector: -B1 (letter B)

Example with same letters:

connector -X1 <--> mating connector: -X1_1 (letter X)

For the COM methods prj.GetSettingValue and prj.SetSettingValue the

following setting_name can be used:

This check box is project-specific in a multi-user project.

Use automatic If this option is active, a default designation must be defined for the
connector connector and mating connector in the text fields Default designation for
naming plugs:and Default designation for jacks:.

If a connector has a defined default designation, the defined default

designation for the jack is used automatically when generating the mating
connector. This is independent of which default designation has been
defined in the database for the connector.

Note: If the numerical part of a connector is changed later, the numerical

part of the mating connector is also correspondingly changed.


Default designation for connector: P

Default designation for mating connector: J

connector: -P1 <--> mating connector: -J1

connector: -J100 <--> mating connector: -P100

For the COM methods prj.GetSettingValue and prj.SetSettingValue the

following setting_name can be used:

This check box is project-specific in a multi-user project.

Default Note: This text field can only be edited if this check box Use automatic
designation for

plugs: connector naming is checked.

In this text field a default designation can be defined using a standard


For the COM methods prj.GetSettingValue and prj.SetSettingValue the

following setting_name can be used:

This check box is project-specific in a multi-user project.

Default Note: This text field can only be edited if this check box Use automatic
designation for connector naming is checked.
In this text field a default designation can be defined using a standard

For the COM methods prj.GetSettingValue and prj.SetSettingValue the

following setting_name can be used:

This check box is project-specific in a multi-user project.

Reference(s): Designer-15125, Designer-26201


• 'Electric Settings' and 'Fluid Settings' Can Now Be Called Up in the Settings
• Special Options with Separate Values for the Respective Discipline
• Enhancement to JobInterface: COM Command 'SetDisplayConnectPoints' with
Own Settings for Fluid

'Electric Settings' and 'Fluid Settings' Can Now Be Called Up in the Settings

From now on the settings in E3.series are separated into 'Electric Settings' and 'Fluid
Settings'. From a functionality standpoint these setting dialogs are nearly identical. They only
differ in that the functions and terms correspond with the respective discipline.

Using the main menu the desired settings can be called up:

• The electric settings are called up using Tools -> Electric Settings....
• The fluid settings are called up using Tools -> Fluid Settings....

The settings can also be called up in the main menu under Tools -> Settings... or by pressing
the hot key S.

If one of the following schematic types...

• Electric
• Process, measurement and control
• Panel Symbol
• Tubes + Instruments
• Single Line Diagram

is checked in the Sheet Properties of the active sheet, the Electric Settings open.

If the schematic type 'Hydraulic' and/or 'Pneumatic' is selected in the Sheet Properties of
the active sheet, the Fluid Settings open.

Special Options with Separate Values for the Respective Discipline

Furthermore, there are special options in the settings, in which the defined value can be
handled separately and saved for the respective discipline. These option are identified by italics
in the Settings:

• Grid size (General)

• Snap size (General)
• Mark unconnected nodes (General - Display)
• Internal/ external / jumper / seal representation for nodes (General - Display)
• T-Connections (General - Display)
• Forced wiring (electric) / Forced connections(fluid) General - Display)
• Open line end (General - Display)


All other options in the settings (with normal typeface) are globally valid for both disciplines.
Even if they have designations which differ partly:

Enhancement to JobInterface: COM Command 'SetDisplayConnectPoints' with Own
Settings for Fluid

The following COM command in the JobInterface has been enhanced:

• ret = job.SetDisplayConnectPoints ( newval )

o newval The following values can be combined:

 &H01: Pins are displayed in connection nets for T-connections and forced
wiring. (Electric and now Fluid)
 &H02: Pins are displayed in connection nets for T-connections. (Electric)
 &H04: Pins are displayed in connection nets for forced wiring. (Electric)
 &H08: Pins are displayed in connection nets for open line ends. (Electric)
 &H10: Pins are displayed in connection nets for T-connections. (Fluid) new
 &H20: Pins are displayed in connection nets for open line ends. (Fluid) new
 &H40: Pins are displayed in connection nets for forced wiring. (Fluid) new

o ret The return value is the previous setting.

These values are also valid for the return value of the COM command

Reference(s): Designer-26179


• New Options for Inserting Nodes using the Formboard Dialog 'Add Node'
• Pins without Placed Conductors/Wires Can Now Be Displayed in the Formboard
Connector Table
• Two Additional Possibilities Now for Automatically Routing Wires Assigned
Options in Formboard

New Options for Inserting Nodes using the Formboard Dialog 'Add Node'

In the Add Node dialog there is the new section Node Properties:


• Previously, the selection fields Segment-splitting node/Segment-merging node as

well as the check box Lock node were only context menu commands.
• The defined settings in the Node Properties remain unchanged when calling up the
dialog again.

Add Node

Node Properties

Segment- This command is only active on a connected node of a segment. The

splitting Node appropriate segments are disconnected from each other afterward.

Segment- This command is only active on a disconnected node of a segment. The

merging Node appropriate segments are afterward connected to each other.

Lock Node This command is active on nodes. The selected node is locked. As soon as a
node has been fixed, it is shown grayed-out. A locked node will not be
deleted when an added connection is deleted.

Reference(s): Designer-25617

Pins without Placed Conductors/Wires Can Now Be Displayed in the Formboard

Connector Table

Previously, when the check box Display one row for each conductor (called up using Tools
-> Settings -> Formboard in the section 'Connector Table) was checked, no pins without
placed conductors/wires were displayed in the Formboard Connector Table. With the new
functionality it's now possible to independently control whether pins without placed
conductors/wires are displayed in the Connector Table.

To do so, there is the new check box Display pins without conductors under the category
Formboard in the Settings:


Connector Table

Display pins If this option is checked, at least one row is displayed for every pin in the
without Formboard Table.
If this option is not checked, only pins with placed conductors/wires are
displayed in the Formboard Table.

Note: This option is checked by default.

For the COM methods prj.GetSettingValue and prj.SetSettingValue the

following setting_name can be used:


This check box is user-specific in a multi-user project.

Reference(s): Designer-18208

Two Additional Possibilities Now for Automatically Routing Wires Assigned Options in

In total there are now three possibilities for automatically placing (routing) wires/conductors
that are assigned options in formboard.

Note: To do so, the check box Show information for option combinations must be
checked (in the settings under Tools -> Settings -> Connection -> Conductors/Wires in
the section Conductor Assignment Procedure.

Case 1: Routing Wires using Cable Harness Derivatives

Previously, cable harness derivatives were assigned directly to net segments. Wires with an
appropriate option were automatically routed through these net segments.

Case 2: Routing Wires using Options (indirectly through cable harness derivatives)

Due to the fact that numerous cable harness derivatives are available in larger projects,
routing wires directly may be extremely difficult to manage. That is why this routing method is

An option can now be assigned to a formboard net segment instead of a cable harness
derivative. For this option all appropriate cable harness derivatives are determined

The wires are routed as if the determined cable harness derivatives have been assigned to the

Case 3: Routing Wires using Options (without cable harness derivatives)

If no appropriate cable harness derivative is found in the project, the automatic routing of
wires takes place using options. For this the option combinations on the wires and net
segments must be identical:

Reference(s): Designer-25427

Graphics / Dimensions

• Three New Dimension Line Types Available

• New Functionality 'Running Dimension'
• Enhancements to DimensionInterface for Generating and Adapting Running
• Dimension Text of Running Dimensions Can Be Rotated
• Enhancements to DimensionInterface for Displaying Dimension Text of Running
Dimensions as Rotated

Three New Dimension Line Types Available

The following three new line types are available for dimension lines:

Line Description:

Extension lines with

dimension line and forward
slashes at the ends instead of

Extension lines with

dimension line and no

Extension lines without

dimension line and no

The arrow types can be defined

o by default in the Settings (under Tools -> Settings -> Dimension)

o and individually in the Dimension Properties in the tab Dimension

in the section Lines in the drop-down list Arrow:.

Furthermore, the arrow width can now also be individually defined in the Dimension Properties.

To do so, there is the field Arrow width: under the Dimension tab of the Dimension

Note: The set arrow width from Settings – Dimension will be used as default value when the
option Setting Value is active.

Reference(s): Designer-06049

New Functionality 'Running Dimension'

Previously, a dimension could only be defined using two reference points (from starting point
to end point). It's now possible to define dimensions using several reference points. To do so,
there is the new function 'Running Dimension'.

To insert a running dimension:

• select the command Insert -> Running Dimension in the main menu, or
• click on the new icon Running Dimension in the Graphic toolbar

For determining the dimension's starting point left-click on the desired location.

For additional reference points simply left-click on the desired locations.

The dimension texts are centered automatically.


The filled circle denotes the starting point and reference point of the dimension. From there the
individual length specifications are calculated:

To delete a running dimension:

Parts of a running dimension can be individually deleted.

Select the desired elements of the running dimension by left-clicking and pressing the SHIFT
key and then press the DEL key.

To select all parts of the running dimension, left-click directly on the first extension line at the
starting point:

Enhancements to DimensionInterface for Generating and Adapting Running


In the DimensionInterface there are the following new COM commands:

• ret = dim.CreateEx ( dimtyp, sheet, x, y, flags )

o dimtyp The following dimension types are supported:

 6 standard (horizontal or vertical) running dimension

 8 angled running dimension

o sheet ID of sheet, on which the reference dimension shall be created
o x, y Array of all x, y coordinates of the click points
o flags currently not used
o ret The following return values are possible:

 >0 ID of running dimension if successful

 -1 invalid dimension type
 -2 invalid sheet
 -3 invalid starting point
 -4 invalid point

• ret = dim.GetPartIds ( ids )

o ids Array with all IDs of part dimensions

o ret Number of IDs

• ret = dim.IsPartOfDimension

o ret The return value is 1 if dim is a part of the running dimension, otherwise 0.

• ret = dim.IsRunningDimension

o ret The return value is 1 if it's a running dimension, otherwise 0.

Dimension Text of Running Dimensions Can Be Rotated

The dimension text of running dimensions can be rotated 90°:

To define the dimension text as rotated for all running dimensions by default, use the new
check box Rotate texts of running dimensions: in the Settings under Tools -> Settings -
> Dimensions in the section Text:


Rotate texts of If checked, the dimension text of running dimensions is rotated 90°.

For the COM methods prj.GetSettingValue and prj.SetSettingValue the

following setting_name can be used:

This check box is user-specific in a multiuser project.

Rotating the text of running dimensions can be specified later using the Dimension

Dimension Properties - Dimension

Rotate texts of If checked, the dimension text for running dimensions is rotated 90°.

Enhancements to DimensionInterface for Displaying Dimension Text of Running
Dimensions as Rotated

In the DimensionInterface there are the following new COM commands:

• ret = dim.GetRunningDimTextRotation

o ret The return value can have the following values:

 -1 The function cannot be executed on this type of dimension.

 0 The dimension text is not rotated.
 1 The dimension text is rotated.

• ret = dim.SetRunningDimTextRotation ( value )

o value The following values are possible:

 0 The dimension text is not rotated.

 1 The dimension text is rotated.

o ret The return value is 0 if successful, otherwise -1.

Reference(s): Designer-03804, Designer-25881

Import/Export (subcircuits)

• Connection Direction of Conductors/Wires Can Be Ignored when Importing

• DWG/DXF Import/Export Now Compatible with AutoCAD Version 2013

Connection Direction of Conductors/Wires Can Be Ignored when Importing


Previously when importing subcircuits, the connection direction of placed conductors/wires was
checked automatically (from pin to pin).

If the conductors/wires in the subcircuit had different connection directions as elements

already used in the project, new elements were generated for

• conductors/wires
• cables

This can be prevented by now ignoring the connection direction when importing a subcircuit.
To do so, there is the new check box Merge ignoring conductor direction.

The check box Merge ignoring conductor direction can be defined by default in the
Settings under Tools -> Settings -> Placement -> Import - Device in the section
Additional Merge Options :


Merge ignoring If checked, the connection direction of conductors/wires is ignored when

conductor merging a drawing or subcircuit.

For the COM methods prj.GetSettingValue and prj.SetSettingValue the

following setting_name can be used:

This check box is user-specific in a multi-user project.

The check box Merge ignoring conductor direction can be alternatively defined when
importing a drawing File -> Import -> Drawing... -> Options....

Note: After clicking OK, the check box is changed accordingly in the Settings (and vice-versa).

Reference(s): Designer-23119

DWG/DXF Import/Export Now Compatible with AutoCAD Version 2013

DWG/DXF Import/Export is now also compatible with AutoCAD Version 2013.

In the Export DWG/DXF Files dialog (called up using File -> Export -> DXF/DWG...) there
is the new entry Acad 2013 in the Export version: drop-down list:

Reference(s): Designer-23294


• New Section '2D View Options' in 'Insert New Sheet' Dialog in E3.panel
• Already Placed 2D Views Can Now Be Deleted
• Symbol Properties Can Now Be Opened when Placing Models on Panel Sheets
• New '3D View' Toolbar in Panel
• Models Can Now Be Set as Transparent or Invisible in the 3D View

New Section '2D View Options' in 'Insert New Sheet' Dialog in E3.panel

Previously, a new 2D view sheet was generated automatically when creating a 2D View. Now
new 2D views can be added to already existing 2D view sheets.

To do so, there is the new section 2D View Options in the Insert New Sheet dialog:


• The section 2D View Options only appears in the dialog window if the context menu
command Create 2D View... has been executed.

Insert New Sheet

2D View Options

Add to The check box can only be activated if a sheet with a 2D view already exists. If the
existin check box is inactive or no 2D view exists, a new 2D view sheet is created.
g 2D
view If the check box is checked, an already existing 2D view sheet can be selected
sheet within the drop-down list on which the new 2D view shall be added.

Under Preview the cutout of the 2D view can be adapted to

• the size (press and hold left mouse button on upper right corner)
• the position (press and hold left mouse button on the cutout)

Create The following definitions can be found after creating a 2D view of a model (and
new placed models on it):
view • If the check box is active, the model is displayed both on the former sheet (on
which the model is placed) and the new 2D view sheet.
• If the check box is inactive, the model will be switched to the 2D view sheet.

Scale: Here, the option 'Automatic' has been added to the drop-down list.

If 'Automatic' is selected, the scale will be calculated according to the cutout.


When importing panel sheets, it tries to merge models with 2D views.

The following is valid:

• Only one 2D view per model

• Models and 2D views may not differ regarding the following points:
 Position
 Length (mounts, cable ducts)
 Rotation/Tilting

When importing, panel sheets are no longer moved to a new position. This is valid for all
imported panel sheets (not only 2D views).


• If models/2D views collide and they cannot be inserted at the respective position
• By executing the command Paste Extended, the subcircuit sheets are moved to a new

Already Placed 2D Views Can Now Be Deleted

If there are several 2D views on a 2D view sheet, the 2D view can be deleted using the new
context menu command Delete 2D View.

How to delete a 2D view on the 2D view sheet:

• right-click on the 2D view and select the command within the displayed context menu
Delete 2D View,
• the 2D view is deleted on the 2D view sheet

Reference(s): Designer-09310

Symbol Properties Can Now Be Opened when Placing Models on Panel Sheets

It's now possible to open the Symbol Properties of models placed on panel sheets.

The tilting direction for the model symbol is displayed in curly brackets in the line Symbol
name in the Symbol Properties.

Example: Symbol name: {Front}

Reference(s): Designer-19341

New '3D View' Toolbar in Panel

In E3.panel it's now possible to rotate the respective view of an object when the 3D display
mode is active.

The following symbols are available in the new toolbar '3D View' :

Symbol: Purpose:

Displays the top view

Displays the bottom view

Displays the left view

Displays the right view

Displays the front view

Displays the back view

Displays the view in isometric

Displays the view in dimetric

After changing the view an
animation occurs



The toolbar is not displayed by default.

The toolbar can be displayed by:

• selecting Tools -> Customize -> Tab Toolbar ,

• clicking Toolbars: and choosing 3D View in the list


• right-clicking within the area of toolbars and

• marking the 3D View.

This functionality is also available within the Preview Window of the following dialogs:

• Device Properties - Shape

• Device Properties - Slots/Pins
• Device Properties - Restricted
• Model Properties - Shape
• Model Properties - Slots/Pins
• Component Table

To do so, right-click anywhere in the Preview Window:

References: Designer-23135

Models Can Now Be Set as Transparent or Invisible in the 3D View

In the 3D display models and their mounted devices can now be set as 'Transparent' or
'Invisible'. In doing so, panel doors or miscellaneously placed elements can be made invisible
in a closed panel so that one has a better view of the desired area.


• Connections on panel sheets cannot be set as 'Transparent' or 'Invisible'

• When importing subcircuits or using Cut&Paste/Copy&Paste, the state is set to visible
once again.

To realize this functionality, there is the new context menu command Transparency in 3D.

Prerequisite: This is valid for the following models:

• For all models in the tree structure Panel - Placed

• For all models placed on the panel sheet in the 2D view
• For all models placed and visible on the panel sheet in the 3D view
Note: If the model placed on the panel sheet has already been set/defined as
transparent or invisible, the context menu command can only be called up in the 2D view
or in the tree structure Panel - Placed.

To set the visibility of a model:

• right-click on the desired model(s) and move the mouse cursor over the context menu
command Transparency in 3D
• the following modes are available for selection under Transparency in 3D:

• Visible/ Transparent / Invisible

Example: "Invisible"

... with Mounted Devices Only the selected model(s) with mounted devices are
invisible in the corresponding mode.

Example: "Invisible with Mounted Devices"

... except Selected Devices All models, except the selected model(s) are
invisible in the corresponding mode.

Example: "Invisible except Selected Devices"

... except Selected and Mounted Devices All models, except the selected model
with mounted devices are invisible in the corresponding mode.

Example: "Invisible except Selected and Mounted Devices"

In the tree structure Panel - Placed the icon changes according to which state is selected:

State Model Cable Duct Mount Connector Terminal

Symbol Symbol Symbol Symbol Symbol




To select all models and mounted devices in the entire project, proceed as follows:

• right-click on the project name in the Panel - Placed tree,

• select the command Visible / Transparent / Invisible from the displayed context

References: Designer-23224


• New Drop-Down Menu 'Format:' in the Settings for Defining How the Text Type
'Sheet Reference' Can Be Displayed

New Drop-Down Menu 'Format:' in the Settings for Defining How the Text Type
'Sheet Reference' Can Be Displayed

In E3.series there are now several possibilities for displaying the text type 'Sheet reference':

• Row/Column
• Column/Row
• Row
• Column

To do so, there is the new drop-down menu Format in the Settings under General - Display
in the section Sheet Reference.

Note: The already existing check box Show sheet layout has also been integrated in the
section Sheet Reference.


Format: For the text type 'Sheet reference' the sheet coordinates of the reference
target are displayed as follows:

• Row/Column
• Column/Row
• Row
• Column

Note: When changing the format, the display of sheet references is

automatically updated. The display of the signal format <.GRID> is
updated automatically provided that an automatic recalculation is active.

This check box is project-specific in a multi-user project.

For the COM methods prj.GetSettingValue and prj.SetSettingValue the

following setting_name can be used: SHEETREF_FORMAT.

• job.SetSettingValue ( SHEETREF_FORMAT, value )

• value = job.GetSettingValue ( SHEETREF_FORMAT )

o value Permitted values:

 0: Row/Column
 1: Column/Row
 2: Row
 3: Column
 If an invalid value is defined, Row/Column is used.

Reference(s): Designer-09802


• Two New Text Types in E3 for Referencing between Symbols in Circuit Diagrams
and Components on Panel Sheets
• Display of Multiline Texts Can Now Be Defined in the Symbol Properties for
Symbols of the Type 'Attribute Text Template'
• Lines Can Now Be Added to Text Boxes
• Parameter Values Can Now Be Defined using Placeholders for Translated Text
Nodes from the Translation Table
• Ten New Sheet Text Types in the Database

Two New Text Types in E3 for Referencing between Symbols in Circuit Diagrams and
Components on Panel Sheets

The following two new text types are now available in E3:

• Reference to Schematic (#1141 )

• Reference to Panel (#1142 )

Both text types can be defined on symbols and components in database editor mode.

Reference to Schematic

This text type displays all positions of the master symbols which are defined on the device. If
no master is defined on the device, the first symbol will be referenced. If no first symbol is
placed, the referencing remains empty. If there are several reference destinations due to
several defined master symbols, the reference symbols will not be displayed according to their
position. The definition on the component will be used as sequence instead.

Reference to Panel

This text type displays all positions on which the model is visible.

Reference(s): Designer-14358

Display of Multiline Texts Can Now Be Defined in the Symbol Properties for Symbols
of the Type 'Attribute Text Template'

It's now possible to define how several values shall be displayed for symbols of the type
Attribute text template.

Note: Several values may exist due to option combinations (i.e. different instances of a wire
within a project).

To do so, there is the new check box Show all values in multiline texts in Project mode and
Database Editor mode within the Symbol Properties in the tab Symbol:

How the dialog is displayed within project How the dialog is displayed within
mode: database editor mode:

Symbol Properties

Show all values Several values are displayed on attribute text template symbols as follows
in multiline when several instances of conductors/wires exist:
• If the check box is not checked, only one line with the entry
<multiple values> is displayed:

• If the check box is checked, the individual values are displayed in

separate lines:


Reference(s): Designer-25426

Lines Can Now Be Added to Text Boxes

For texts a line can now be added to the text box. The line is placed at the 'top', 'center' or
'bottom' of the text box. To do so, there are three new radio buttons in the section Line in the
tab Text of the Text Properties:

Text Properties - Text



Top text box When activating this option, a line is added at the top of the text box.

Center text box When activating this option, a line is added in the middle of the text box.

Bottom text When activating this option, a line is added at the bottom of the text box.

Reference(s): Designer-26481

Parameter Values Can Now Be Defined using Placeholders for Translated Text Nodes
from the Translation Table

A parameter value can now be defined for translated text nodes using a placeholder. This
placeholder is created in the Translation Table in the Database Editor. In later projects the real
parameter value is defined in the text.

To create the placeholder in the Database Editor:

• Start the Database Editor and select the command Format -> Translation Table... in
the main menu
• Create the placeholder using the character combination %s
Note: If %s is to be used as text and not as a placeholder, then use the following: \%s
• Enter the desired text in the required language along with its placeholder (see example
with text node &#1020;):

• Save the modifications in the database.

To define the parameter value in the project:

• Execute the command Update configuration in project

• Insert the translated text node (in the example &#1020;) in the project:

• The parameter value is defined using a dollar sign $:

Note: If the dollar sign $ is to be used as text and not as a parameter value, then do so
as follows: \$

• The text is now displayed with the defined parameter values:


• If no parameter value is defined, an empty space appears in the text.

• For multiline texts the parameter value must appear at the end of the text.

Reference(s): Designer-11332

Ten New Sheet Text Types in the Database

In E3.series there are ten new sheet text types under Edit Text Types in Database Editor
Mode. With these text types one can define their own text nodes in the project to have a better
overview when working with substructures.

The following new text types are available:

Type Name Max. Owner Description

Shows the number of sheets in

1150 Number of sheets in 255 Sheet the folder.

Shows the previous sheet in the

1151 Previous sheet in the 64 Sheet folder.

1152 Following sheet in the 64 Sheet Shows the next sheet in the
folder folder.

1153 First sheet in folder 64 Sheet Shows the first sheet in the

1154 Last sheet in folder 64 Sheet Shows the last sheet in the folder.

1155 Has following sheet in 255 Sheet Plus sign (+):

folder? A following sheet is available in
the folder.

Minus sign (-):

There is no following sheet in the

Shows the previous sheet in the

1156 Previous sheet in 64 Sheet project.

Shows the first sheet in the

1157 First sheet in project 64 Sheet project.

Shows the last sheet in the

1158 Last sheet in project 64 Sheet project.

Plus sign (+):

1159 Has following sheet in 255 Sheet A following sheet is available in
project? the project.

Minus sign (-):

There is no following sheet in the

The following text types are already there:

Type Name Max. Owner Description


Shows the number of sheets in the
31 Number of sheets in 255 Sheet project.

1020 Following sheet in 64 Sheet Shows the following sheet in the

project project.

Reference(s): Designer-08042

User Interface

• 'Full Screen Mode' for Workspace in E3.series

'Full Screen Mode' for Workspace in E3.series

In E3.series there is now a full screen mode. In this full screen mode the workspace area of
one or more sheets is projected on the complete screen. This is advantageous for drawings
with numerous components.

Note: This functionality is only available for a project that is already opened.

Starting the Full Screen Mode

To start the full screen mode,

• select the command View -> Full screen in the main menu, or
• press the F11 key.

In the Customize dialog (called up using Tools -> Customize - Application Look) there is
the new check box Display main menu in full screen mode:

If checked, the main menu toolbar is displayed in full screen mode. Using the main menu
toolbar the project, database and output windows as well as tables can be displayed in full
screen mode.

Note: Changes to workspace configurations are not saved when closing the full screen mode.
The saving and loading of workspace configurations is deactivated in full screen mode.

Closing the Full Screen Mode

To close the full screen mode,

• select the command View -> Full Screen in the main menu, or
• select the command Close Full Screen in the Full Screen dialog, or
• press the F11 key.

Reference(s): Designer-15129

Variants / Options

• Variants/Options Tree Can Now Be Structured using Folders

• All Elements in Variants/Options Tree Can Now Be Sorted in Ascending or
Descending Order

Variants/Options Tree Can Now Be Structured using Folders

From now on the Variants/Options Tree can be displayed as a structured folder. This folder
represents the values of the sorting attributes, which are created automatically after being
defined. If one of the following objects...

o variants
o options
o packages
o configurations
o harness families

has this sorting attribute, it is automatically sorted in the corresponding folder.

So that the attributes can be displayed in the Variants/Options Tree, the new owner
'Variants/Options' must be defined on the respective attribute in Database Editor Mode
under Format -> Attribute Names...:

Note: For existing projects the configuration must be updated afterward in the project.

Now the required attributes must be defined for the objects (variants, options, packages,
configurations and harness families).

• Right-click on the desired object in the Variants/Options Tree and select the context
menu command Properties...,

• next select the new Attribute Values tab in the 'Properties' dialog:

The next step is to define which attributes shall be used as sorting criteria in the
Variants/Options Tree.

• Right-click in the Variants/Options Tree in the Project Window and select the context
menu command Tree Control Properties...,
• select the new Sorting tab in the 'Tree Control Properties' dialog

Using Keys 1-5 a sorting attribute can be defined in the respective drop-down list for the
Variants/Options Tree:

Variants/Options Tree without Structuring:

Variants/Options Tree with Structuring:


• When exporting/importing the structure, the attributes on the objects are transferred as
• When moving objects to another folder, they receive the attributes necessary for the
• When moving objects in a folder, they are sorted after the last object in the folder.
• Folders can be renamed. In doing so, the attribute values of all underlying objects are
correspondingly adapted.

• The folder has a context menu command for creating objects. These receive the required
attributes for the structuring and are sorted after the last object in the folder.

Note: If the structure is locked,

o the folders are displayed as grayed-out in the tree

o the objects can no longer be moved to another folder
o the folders can no longer be renamed
o the attribute values in the Properties can no longer be changed on the objects.

New COM Commands in OptionInterface for Editing Attributes

The following new COM commands are now also available in the OptionInterface:

• AddAttributeValue ( name, value )

• DeleteAttribute ( name )
• GetAttributeValue ( name )
• SetAttributeValue ( name, value )
• HasAttribute ( name )
• GetAttributeIds ( ids, [attnam] )

Reference(s): Designer-24877

All Elements in Variants/Options Tree Can Now Be Sorted in Ascending or

Descending Order

From now on all elements (variants/options, packages/configurations, harness families/harness

derivatives) in the Variants/Options Tree can be sorted in ascending or descending order. To
do so, there are the new context menu commands Sort ascending / Sort descending.

Note: Depending on which level the context menu command is executed, all underlying
(subjacent) elements are sorted.

Enhancement to OptionInterface for Sorting Variants/Options in Project Tree

The following new COM command is available in the OptionInterface:

• ret = opt.Sort ( ascending )

o ascending The following values are possible:

 0 Sort descending (default)

 1 Sort ascending

o ret The return value is 1 if successful, otherwise 0.

Reference(s): Designer-14957


• Dialogs 'New View' and 'Place on Formboard' Have Been Enhanced

• Control whether Active Connector Pin Terminal Symbol Shall Be Displayed for
Views in the Device Properties
• Keep pinview symbols at project update

Dialogs 'New View' and 'Place on Formboard' Have Been Enhanced

When placing a new device view, the functionality in the following dialogs has been changed:

• New View
• Place on Formboard

In the New View dialog the device view is placed on a schematic sheet:

In the Place on Formboard dialog the device view is placed on a formboard sheet:

If the check box Use active connector pin terminal is checked, the symbol of the connector
pin terminal is now used for the respective pin.


• If the same connector pin terminal is used on all pins, this connector pin terminal symbol
appears in the Preview Window.
• If different connector pin terminals are used on the pins, a corresponding message
appears in the Preview Window.
• In the tree structure the user-defined view number is now also displayed (if available).

Furthermore, the previous selection field complete connector has been renamed complete
device. If this selection field is active, the device view is placed as the complete device.

Reference(s): Designer-25703

Control whether Active Connector Pin Terminal Symbol Shall Be Displayed for Views
in the Device Properties

For device views and pin views it's now possible to control whether the active connector pin
terminal symbol shall be placed instead of the previous view symbol (in case a symbol is

To do so, there is a new check box Use pin terminal symbols in the Device tab of the
Device Properties.

If the check box Use pin terminal symbols: is checked, the presently set connector pin
terminal symbol is used.


• This is only valid though in the single pin display. If a single pin is split from a complete
connector, the active connector pin terminal symbol is used.
• Additionally, please note that the view of the symbol (top view, side view,...) is retained.
If the previous view symbol was a formboard symbol, then a formboard symbol (if
available) would be used for the active connector pin terminal.
• If the connector pin terminal symbol cannot be determined/swapped, a corresponding
message appears (with the item designation and 'Jump to' functionality) in the message
• When placing a device view, the check box Use pin terminal symbols: is automatically
set to active as soon as the options Place as: single pins and Use active connector
pin terminal are activated in the New View dialog.

• When updating components in the project, the setting of the check box Use pin
terminal symbols: is considered.

If the check box Use pin terminal symbols: is deactivated, the symbol momentarily placed is
used and an automatic update is no longer possible.

Multi-User Limitations

The following is valid in the multi-user environment:

If a variant/option (for example with pins, placed wires/conductors or assemblies) is involved

with a device/pin view, the connector pin terminal symbol is not swapped and a warning
appears in the message window instead.

Nevertheless, it is possible to get around this restriction in order to display the correct
connector pin terminal symbol, e.g. for a printout.

To do so, there is the new icon Update pin terminal symbols in the Placement toolbar.

Note: This symbol list is only active in multi-user projects.

New COM Commands in DeviceInterface for the Setting 'Use pin terminal symbols'

In DeviceInterface there are the following new COM commands:

• ret = dev.IsPinTerminalSymbolsUsed

o ret The return value is 1 if the connector pin terminal symbols are used for the set
device, otherwise 0.

• ret = dev.SetPinTerminalSymbolsUsed ( use )

o use 1 The connector pin terminal symbols are used for the set device.
o use 0 The normal view symbols are used for the set device.
o ret The return value is 0 if successful, otherwise -1.

Reference(s): Designer-22521

Keep pinview symbols at project update

The setting Update in Project offers the possibility to control whether already placed pinview
symbols shall be kept or not.

For using this function click the check box Keep pinview symbols of devices within the
Pins’ area in the settings category General – Update in Project:

Update in project

Keep pinview With active option all pinview symbols for devices are kept at project
symbols of update.
With inactive option no pinview symbols are kept for devices at project
update but the symbol defined as attribute within the database is used.

Note: When no symbol definition is existing over an attribute on the pins,

the set symbol (under Settings ->Placement ->Symbols->Symbol
Views-> For device pins ) will be used.

The following setting_name can be used for the COM-methods
prj.GetSettingValue and prj.SetSettingValue:

This check box is user-specific for Multiuser-projects.

Reference(s): Designer-25350

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