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1. Case Study - 1 1
2. Solution Case Study - 1 8
3. Case Study – 2 17
4. Solution Case Study – 2 28
5. Case Study – 3 37
6. Solution Case Study – 3 44
7. Case Study – 4 50
8. Solution Case Study – 4 61
9. Case Study – 5 66
10. Solution Case Study – 5 72
11. Case Study – 6 76
12. Solution Case Study – 6 86
13. Case Study – 7 93
14. Solution Case Study – 7 106
15. MAY 2018 Paper with Solutions 111
16. March 2018 Mock Test Paper 145
17. March 2018 Mock Test Paper Solutions 175
18. August 2018 Mock Test Paper 190
19. August 2018 Mock Test Paper Solutions 209


‘A’ Ltd., an Indian company, was incorporated in the year 2008. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of
A Inc, USA. A Ltd. is engaged in the business of manufacturing and selling virtual reality cameras.
During the previous year 2017-18, A Ltd. entered into various transactions with the following
enterprises for purchase of raw materials, use of technology and sale of finished goods. The earnings
before interest, dividend, tax and amortization of A Ltd for Financial year 2017-18 is ` 100 crores.
The details of the transactions entered into by A Ltd. during F.Y.2017-18 are given hereunder:

S. Transaction Enterprise Amount

No (` in crores)
1 Purchase of raw-materials AA Ltd, China 80
2 Payment of royalty A Inc, USA 5
3 Sale of finished goods AAA Ltd, Taiwan 50
4 Interest-free loan obtained A Pty, Singapore 50

Prior to F.Y.2017-18, A Ltd. had obtained loan of ` 200 crores @8% from A LLC, Cyprus in April,

The following additional information pertaining to loans obtained by A Ltd. is provided for the previous
year 2017-18:

• Interest of ` 16 crores paid to A LLC, Cyprus on the loan of ` 200 crores, which constituted
52% of the total assets of A Ltd.

• A Ltd. obtained loan of ` 100 crores from Bank of Chennai, India based on a guarantee
provided by A Inc., USA. Interest of ` 8 crores paid on such loan and guarantee fee of ` 50
lacs paid to A Inc., USA.

• A Ltd. obtained loan of ` 50 crores from TN Mercantile Bank, India based on a letter of
comfort provided by Mr. Balaji, who is an Indian resident and director of A Ltd. Interest of
` 4 crores is paid towards such loan.

• A Ltd. obtained an independent loan of ` 300 crores from Union City Bank, India for which
interest of ` 3 crores has been paid to the bank.

• A Ltd. obtained loan of ` 50 crores from Bank of Taiwan, India Branch. Guarantee was
provided by AAA Ltd., Taiwan. Interest paid for the concerned year is ` 3 crores. Guarantee

fees paid to AAA Ltd. is ` 25 lakhs. A Ltd. holds shares carrying 25% voting power in AAA
Ltd., Taiwan.

• A Ltd. obtained interest-free loan of ` 50 crores from A Pty, Singapore. 40% of the directors
of A Pty., Singapore is appointed by A Ltd.

• A Ltd. obtained foreign currency loan of $ 10 million from Wells Cargo Bank of USA, in USA,
based on a back to back deposit made by A Inc. USA to the tune of $ 5 million in the bank.
Interest of ` 6 crores is paid on such loan.

• A Ltd. obtained foreign currency loan of $ 20 million from Bank of USA, in USA, based on a
back to back deposit made by A Inc., USA to the tune of $ 20 million in the bank. Interest
works out to ` 12 crores.

• A Ltd. had to incur a sum of ` 1 crore as an interest towards the delayed payment to AA Ltd.
China, being its creditor for supply of raw material. 90% of raw materials required by A Ltd.
is supplied by AA Ltd., China.

Based on the above facts, you are required to answer the following questions:


Write the correct answer to each of the following questions by choosing one of the four
options given.

1. The provisions relating to limitation of interest deduction in respect of debt issued by a non-
resident associated enterprise are not applicable to an Indian company engaged in the business

(a) Information Technology

(b) Banking and Insurance

(c) Bio-technology

(d) Aviation

2. The provisions relating to limitation of interest deduction in respect of debt issued by a non-
resident associated enterprise would not apply where the expenditure by way of interest or
similar nature is -

(a) ` 2.10 crore

(b) ` 2 crore

(c) ` 1.50 crore

(d) ` 1 crore

3. Which of the following enterprises are associated enterprises/deemed associated enterprises of

A Ltd.?

(a) A Inc., USA; A LLC, Cyprus; and AAA Ltd., Taiwan.

(b) A Inc., USA; A LLC, Cyprus; and A Pty, Singapore.

(c) A Inc., USA; A LLC, Cyprus; and AA Ltd., China.

(d) A Inc., USA; AA Ltd., China; and A Pty, Singapore.

4. In respect of any payment made to a person located in a Notified Jurisdictional Area (NJA), tax is
deductible at higher of the rate specified in the Income-tax Act 1961 or rates in force or -

(a) 10%

(b) 15%

(c) 20%

(d) 30%

5. A Ltd. has a wholly owned subsidiary in Sri Lanka, and it extends corporate guarantee to the
said non-resident subsidiary. If the amount guaranteed is ` 95 crore, the Assessing Officer
has to accept the guarantee fee declared by A Ltd. for F.Y.2017-18, if the guarantee fee
declared is -

(a) ` 47.50 lakhs

(b) ` 90 lakhs

(c) ` 95 lakhs

(d) Either (a) or (b)


6. If A Ltd. does not furnish transfer pricing report for F.Y.2017-18, what would be the quantum
of penalty imposable under the Income-tax Act, 1961 for such a failure?

(a) 1% of the value of international transaction

(b) 2% of the value of international transaction

(c) ` 1 crore – fixed penalty

(d) ` 1 lakh – fixed penalty

7. Interest paid to non-resident associated enterprise disallowed under the relevant provision
of the Income-tax Act, 1961, during the A.Y.2018-19 can be carried forward upto-

(a) A.Y.2022-23

(b) A.Y.2023-24

(c) A.Y.2026-27

(d) Indefinitely

8. In a case where primary adjustment to transfer price is made suo motu by A Ltd., the time
limit for repatriation of “excess money” is -

(a) 60 days from 30th September of the Assessment Year

(b) 90 days from 30th September of the Assessment Year

(c) 60 days from 30th November of the Assessment Year

(d) 90 days from 30th November of the Assessment Year

9. If the excess money is not repatriated, A Ltd. has to make secondary adjustment in A.Y.2018-
19, if the primary adjustment to transfer price, made by it suo motu in its return of income,
is in respect of -

(a) A.Y.2016-17 and the amount of primary adjustment is ` 2 crores.

(b) A.Y.2017-18 and the amount of primary adjustment is ` 1 crore

(c) A.Y.2017-18 and the amount of primary adjustment is ` 1.05 crore


(d) A.Y.2018-19 and the amount of primary adjustment is ` 1 crore.

10. Which of the following approaches does India follow in relation to secondary adjustments?

(a) Deemed equity approach

(b) Deemed dividend approach

(c) Deemed loan approach

(d) Either (a) or (c)


1. Based on the details provided in respect of interest paid by A Ltd., determine the amount of
interest to be disallowed for A.Y.2018-19 under the relevant provisions of the Income-tax Act,
1961 relating to limitation of interest deduction, giving reasons for treatment of each item of
interest. Consequently, determine the permissible interest deduction while computing income
under the head “Profits and gains of business or profession”. (10 Marks)

2. (a) (i) Examine how thin capitalization is an anti-avoidance measure (2 Marks)

(ii) Which Action Plan of BEPS is based on thin capitalization? Mention the
provision incorporated in the Income-tax Act, 1961 in line with this Action
Plan. (2 Marks)

(iii) A Ltd. is contemplating to stop the current business activity and start a
new business vertical. In this regard, it wants to know whether the interest
disallowed under the relevant provision of the Income-tax Act, 1961 can be
carried forward to next year and whether it could be set-off against the
income of the new business. (2 Marks)

(b) The Assessing Officer has, while carrying out the transfer pricing assessment for
Assessment Year 2017-18, arrived at an arm’s length rate interest of 4% on the loan
obtained from A LLC Cyprus (Interest paid ` 16 crores). Accordingly, he has made
a primary adjustment to the tune of ` 8 crores for A.Y. 2017-18. In this regard,

(i) You are required to examine whether any secondary adjustment is to made
under the relevant provision of the Income-tax Act, 1961 in the A.Y.2018-19,
where –

(1) A Ltd has not gone on an appeal on the said matter.

(2) A Ltd. has opted to file an appeal before the CIT (Appeals)

(ii) What would be the consequence if the CIT (Appeals) reduces the primary
adjustment to the transfer price made by the Assessing Officer to ` 6 crores, by
considering the arm’s length interest rate@5% instead of 4%, and the same
is accepted by A Ltd.? (4 Marks)

3. (a) On the facts provided, A Ltd makes interest payment to A LLC, Cyprus. While making
the interest payment to A LLC, Cyprus, A Ltd had withheld taxes at 10% based on
Article 11 of India-Cyprus double taxation avoidance agreement. The Assessing
Officer has issued a show cause notice contending that the assessee has deducted
tax at a lower rate, based on the view that A LLC, Cyprus is a notified jurisdiction area.
You are required to reply to the show cause notice of the Assessing Officer, giving
your views. (4 Marks)

Extract of ARTICLE 11 of DTAA between India and Cyprus

1. Interest arising in a Contracting State and paid to a resident of the other Contracting
State may be taxed in that other State.
2. However, such interest may also be taxed in the Contracting State in which it arises,
and according to the laws of that State, but if the beneficial owner of the interest is a
resident of the other Contracting State, the tax so charged shall not exceed 10 percent
of the gross amount of the interest.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2, interest arising in a Contracting State
shall be exempt from tax in that State, provided that it is derived and beneficially owned
(a) the Government, a political sub-division or a local authority of the other Contracting
State; or
(b) in the case of India, the Reserve Bank of India, the Export-Import bank of India, the
National Housing bank; and
(c) any other institution as may be agreed upon from time to time between the
Competent authorities of the Contracting States through exchange of letters
4. The term "interest" as used in this Article means income from debt claims of every
kind, whether or not secured by mortgage and whether or not carrying a right to
participate in the debtor's profits, and in particular, income from government securities
and income from bonds or debentures, including premiums and prizes attaching to such
securities, bonds or debentures. Penalty charges for late payment shall not be regarded
as interest for the purpose of this Article.
5. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply if the beneficial owner of the
interest, being a resident of a Contracting State, carries on business in the other

Contracting State in which the interest arises, through a permanent establishment

situated therein, or performs in that other State independent personal services from a
fixed base situated therein, and the debt claim in respect of which the interest is paid is
effectively connected with such permanent establishment or fixed base. In such case
the provisions of Article 7 or Article 14, as the case may be, shall apply.
6. Interest shall be deemed to arise in a Contracting State when the payer is a resident
of that State. Where, however, the person paying the interest, whether he is a resident
of a Contracting State or not, has in a Contracting State a permanent establishment or
a fixed base in connection with which the indebtedness on which the interest is paid
was incurred, and such interest is borne by such permanent establishment or fixed base,
then such interest shall be deemed to arise in the State in which the permanent
establishment or fixed base is situated.
7. Where, by reason of a special relationship between the payer and the beneficial
owner or between both of them and some other person, the amount of the interest,
having regard to the debt claim for which it is paid, exceeds the amount which would
have been agreed upon by the payer and the beneficial owner in the absence of such
relationship, the provisions of this Article shall apply only to the last mentioned amount.
In such case, the excess part of the payments shall remain taxable according to the
laws of each Contracting State, due regard being had to the other provisions of this

(b) A Ltd wants to understand whether it can opt for safe harbour rules in order to avoid
litigation on transfer pricing related matters, for the intra-group loans that it has taken
from its Associated Enterprises. If the answer is in the affirmative, what are the conditions
to be satisfied? (3 Marks)

(c) A Ltd, being a wholly owned subsidiary of a US entity A Inc., wants to understand
whether transfer pricing provisions under the Income-tax Act, 1961 will trigger if it
receives interest-free loan from its foreign AE parent A Inc., USA. Advise. (3 Marks)




1. (b) Banking and Insurance business

2. (d) ` 1 Crore

3. (c) A Inc., USA; A LLC, Cyprus; and AA Ltd., China.

4. (d) 30%

5. (c) ` 95 lakhs

6. (d) ` 1 lakh – fixed penalty

7. (c) A.Y.2026-27

8. (d) 90 days from 30th November of the assessment year

9. (c) A.Y.2017-18 and the amount of primary adjustment is `1.05 crore

10. (c) Deemed loan approach


1. Section 94B is applicable to an Indian company or a permanent establishment of a foreign

company in India, being the borrower who pays interest in respect of any form of debt issued

• non-resident, being an associated enterprises (AE) of such borrower or

• by a lender which is not an associated but where the AE provides either implicit or
explicit guarantee to such lender or deposits a corresponding and matching amount
of funds with the lender, then such debt would be deemed to have been issued by
an AE.
In order to determine the interest disallowance amount under Section 94B, the interest paid
to non-resident AEs and deemed AEs needs to be determined. Payment of interest to
resident AEs is not to be considered for disallowance since the interest payment made to

non-resident AEs alone are to be taken into account for such purpose. In the present case,
the interest disallowance would be -

Particulars Amount
(` in
Interest paid to A LLC Cyprus [See Note (i)] 16.00

Interest paid to Bank of Chennai based on guarantee issued by A Inc, USA 8.00
[See Note (ii)]
Guarantee Fee paid to A Inc, USA [See Note (iii)] 0.50

Interest paid to TN Mercantile bank based on letter of comfort by director Nil

of A Ltd. [See Note (iv)]

Interest paid to Union City Bank, India [See Note (v)] Nil

Interest paid to Bank of Taiwan [See Note (vi)] Nil

Guarantee fee paid to AAA Ltd., Taiwan [See Note (vi)] Nil

Interest paid to Wells Cargo Bank based on deposits made by A Inc, USA [See Nil
Note (vii)]
Interest paid to Bank of USA based on deposits made by A Inc, USA [See 12.00
Note (viii)]
Interest paid to AA Ltd China being interest on delayed payment to creditor 1.00
[See Note (ix)]
Interest paid or payable to non-resident AE 37.50
EBIDTA 100.00
Excess Interest:
Interest paid or payable to non-resident AE in excess of lower of the 7.50
following would be disallowed
- 30% of EBIDTA ` 30.00 crores
- Interest paid or payable to non-resident AE ` 37.50 crores
Therefore, interest allowable as deduction under the head “Profits and 30.00
Gains of business or Profession”


(i) Interest paid to a non-resident AE falls within the scope of section 94B. A LLC is
deemed to be an AE of A Ltd., since the loan advanced by it constitutes not less than

51% of the book value of total assets of A Ltd. Hence, interest paid to A LLC is to be
considered for the purpose of limitation of interest deduction under section 94B.

(ii) The proviso to Section 94B(1) states “where the debt is issued by a lender which is
not associated but an associated enterprise either provides an implicit or explicit
guarantee to such lender or deposits a corresponding and matching amount of
funds with the lender, such debt shall be deemed to have been issued by an
associated enterprise.”

Since A Ltd., India is a wholly owned subsidiary of A Inc., USA, A Ltd. and A Inc. are

Thus, the debt issued by Bank of Chennai would be deemed as issued by the A Inc.
USA, being the AE, hence, the amount of interest paid on such debt has to be
considered for the purpose of limitation of interest deduction under section 94B.

(iii) As per section 94B(5)(ii), debt means, inter alia, any loan that gives rise to interest
which is deductible while computing business income.

Though guarantee fee is not specifically referred to in the meaning of the term “debt”
defined under section 94B(5)(ii), the term ‘interest’ is defined in section 2(28A) of the
Income-tax Act, 1961 to mean interest payable in any manner in respect of any
moneys borrowed or debt incurred (including a deposit, claim or other similar right
or obligation) and includes any service fee or other charge in respect of the moneys
borrowed or debt incurred or in respect of any credit facility which has not been
utilized.” Therefore, given the wide definition that interest partakes, guarantee fee
can be classified as interest. Accordingly, the same has to be considered for the
purpose of limitation of interest deduction under section 94B.

(iv) Since the loan is obtained based on a letter of comfort provided by a resident director
of A Ltd., the said interest will not be factored for the purpose of excess interest
disallowance under section 94B.

(v) Since loan was obtained by A Ltd independently from a third-party lender Union City
Bank of India, interest paid on such loan shall not be considered for the purposes of
Section 94B, as the same is paid to an enterprise which is not an AE.

(vi) Since A Ltd.’s voting power in AAA Ltd., Taiwan is less than 26%, AAA Ltd., Taiwan
is not an AE of A Ltd. Since loan was obtained by A Ltd from Bank of Taiwan, Indian

branch, for which guarantee was given by an enterprise, not being an AE, this
interest shall not be considered for the purposes of section 94B. Likewise, guarantee
fee paid to AAA Ltd. shall also not be considered for the purposes of section 94B.

(vii) The proviso to section 94B(1) provides that “where the debt is issued by a lender
which is not associated but an associated enterprise either provides an implicit or
explicit guarantee to such lender or deposits a corresponding and matching
amount of funds with the lender, such debt shall be deemed to have been issued
by an associated enterprise.”

Here, the loan of $ 10 million taken by A Ltd and the amount of $ 5 million deposited
by A Inc., USA with Wells Cargo Bank can be viewed as not corresponding and
matching to the amount of issued debt, hence, such debt is not deemed to have
been issued by an AE.

Alternate view – It is also possible to take a view that interest on loan to the extent
of the deposit made by the non-resident AE has to be disallowed for the purposes of
section 94B. In such a case, ` 3 crores being interest corresponding to loan of $ 5
million would be disallowed for the purposes of section 94B.

(viii) In the given case, the loan taken by A Ltd and the amount deposited by A Inc. USA
in Bank of USA is US $ 20 million. Since A Inc. USA, being an AE has deposited a
corresponding and matching amount of funds with the lender, the debt issued by
Bank of USA shall be deemed to have been issued by A Inc., being an AE. Thus, the
amount of interest paid on such debt to Bank of USA would be considered for the
purpose of limitation of interest deduction under section 94B.

(ix) Section 94B(5)(ii) defines the term “debt” as any loan, financial instrument, finance
lease, financial derivative, or any arrangement that gives rise to interest, discounts
or other finance charges that are deductible in the computation of income chargeable
under the head "Profits and gains of business or profession".

In the present case, interest paid is towards delayed payment to AA Ltd China, being
its creditor for supply of raw material can be considered as an arrangement that gives
rise to interest or other finance charges that are deductible in computation of Income
under the head "Profits and gains of business or profession 1".

CIT v. Vijay Ship Breaking Corporation decision of Supreme Court [2008] 175 Taxman 77 (SC)

Further, since 90% of raw materials required by A Ltd. is supplied by AA Ltd., China,
this company is deemed to be an AE of A Ltd. Thus, the amount of interest paid
towards delayed payment has to be considered for the purpose of limitation of
interest deduction under section 94B.


Section 94B(1) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, provides that notwithstanding anything
contained in this Act, where an Indian company, or a permanent establishment of a foreign
company in India, being the borrower, incurs any expenditure by way of interest or of similar
nature exceeding one crore rupees which is deductible in computing income chargeable
under the head "Profits and gains of business or profession" in respect of any debt issued
by a non-resident, being an associated enterprise of such borrower, the interest shall not
be deductible in computation of income under the said head to the extent that it arises from
excess interest, as specified in sub-section (2).

As per section 94B(2), the excess interest shall mean an amount of total interest paid or
payable in excess of 30% of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization
(EBITDA) of the borrower in the previous year or interest paid or payable to associated
enterprises for that previous year, whichever is less.

As per Explanatory Memorandum to the Finance Bill, 2017, the interest expenses claimed
by an entity to its associated enterprises shall be restricted to 30% of its earnings before
interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) or interest paid or payable to
associated enterprise, whichever is less. It implies that “excess interest” means the interest
paid or payable by an entity to its non-resident associated enterprises in excess of

- 30% of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of

the borrower in the previous year or
- interest paid or payable to non-resident associated enterprises for that previous year,
whichever is less.
The intent behind insertion of this section also appears to restrict the interest paid to non-
resident AE to 30% of EBITDA. In the above solution, the excess amount is computed in line
with the intent expressed in the Explanatory Memorandum.

However, an alternate view may also be possible on the basis of the interpretation as per
the plain reading of section 94B(2).

On a plain reading of provisions of section 94B(2), it appears that the “excess amount” has
to be computed by taking total interest paid or payable by the borrower in excess of –

- 30% of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of

the borrower in the previous year or
- interest paid or payable to associated enterprises for that previous year,
whichever is less.

Accordingly, the amount of interest paid or payable by A Ltd to non-resident AE allowable as

deduction under the head “Profits and gains of business or profession” would be –

Particulars (` in
Interest paid to A LLC Cyprus 16.00
Interest paid to Bank of Chennai based on guarantee issued by A Inc, USA 8.00
Guarantee Fee paid to A Inc, USA 0.50
Interest paid to TN Mercantile bank based on letter of comfort by Indian 4.00
resident AE
Interest paid to Union City Bank, India 3.00
Interest paid to Bank of Taiwan 3.00
Guarantee fees paid to AAA Ltd., Taiwan 0.25
Interest paid to Wells Cargo Bank based on deposits made by A Inc, USA 6.00
Interest paid to Bank of USA based on deposits made by A Inc, USA 12.00
Interest paid to AA Ltd., China being interest on delayed payment to creditor 1.00
Total interest paid or payable by A Ltd. 53.75
Interest paid or payable to non-resident AE (computed above) 37.50
EBIDTA 100.00
Excess Interest:
Total interest paid or payable in excess of lower of the following would 23.75
be disallowed [i.e., ` 53.75 crores – ` 30.00 crores]
- 30% of EBIDTA ` 30.00 crores
- Interest paid or payable to non-resident AE ` 37.50 crores

Therefore, interest paid or payable to non-resident AE allowable as deduction 13.75

under the head “Profits and gains of business or profession” [` 37.50 crores –
` 23.75 crores]

2. (a) (i) A company is typically financed or capitalized through a mixture of debt and
equity. The manner in which company raises capital has a significant impact
on the amount of profit it reports for tax purposes. This is due to the reason
that tax legislations of countries typically allow a deduction for interest paid
or payable in arriving at the profit for tax purposes while the dividend paid
on equity contribution is not deductible. Therefore, the higher the level of
debt in a company, and thus, the amount of interest it pays, the lower will be
its taxable profit. For this reason, debt is often a more tax efficient method
of finance than equity. Since in such a structure, equity financing is less, it
is referred to as Thin Capitalization. Thin capitalization, thus, refers to the
process of funding an entity by debt instead of equity with a view to take
advantage of interest deduction benefits.

(ii) Multinational groups are often able to structure their financing arrangements
to maximize these benefits. To prevent tax erosion on account of such
arrangements, country's tax administrations often introduce rules that place
a limit on the amount of interest that can be deducted in computing a
company's profit for tax purposes. Such rules are designed to counter cross-
border shifting of profit through excessive interest payments, and thus aim
to protect a country's tax base. Under the initiative of the G-20 countries, the
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in its
Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project had taken up the issue of
base erosion and profit shifting by way of excess interest deductions by the
MNEs in its Action plan 4. The OECD has recommended several measures
in its final report to address this issue. In view of the above, new section 94B
has been inserted in the Income-tax Act, 1961, in line with the
recommendations of OECD BEPS Action Plan 4, to provide that interest paid
or payable by an entity to its non-resident associated enterprises shall be
restricted to 30% of its earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and
amortization (EBITDA) or interest paid or payable to non-resident associated
enterprises, whichever is less.

(iii) Section 94B(4) provides that interest amount disallowed in a particular

assessment year shall be carried forward and allowed as deduction against
the profits and gains, if any, of any business carried on by the assessee.
Therefore, based on the same, it can be concluded that A Ltd shall be eligible
to carry forward the disallowed interest amount and claim the same as a
deduction against the profits and gains from any business or profession
carried on by it.

(b) (i) Section 92CE, provides that where a primary adjustment for an amount
exceeding ` 1 crore has been made by the Assessing Officer in respect of
A.Y.2017-18 or thereafter, which has been accepted by the assessee, a
secondary adjustment shall be made. In the first scenario, where the
assessee has not gone on an appeal against the order passed by the
Assessing Officer, it may be considered that the adjustment made by the
Assessing Officer has been accepted by the assessee. Hence, secondary
adjustment has to be made by A Ltd. in the A.Y.2018-19, if the “excess
money” (i.e., ` 8 crores, in this case) which is available with A LLC., Cyprus
is not repatriated to India within 90 days from the date of order of the
Assessing Officer.

In the second scenario, where the assessee files an appeal before the
CIT(Appeals) it is evident that the primary adjustment made by the
Assessing Officer is not accepted by the assessee and therefore, secondary
adjustment is not required.

(ii) If the CIT (Appeals) reduces the primary adjustment made by the Assessing
Officer to ` 6 crores by considering the arm’s length interest rate to be 5%
(instead of 4%) and the same is accepted by A Ltd., then, A Ltd. has to
repatriate the “excess money” [i.e., ` 6 crores] within 90 days from the date
of the order of CIT (Appeals).

3. (a) As an anti-avoidance measure, section 94A was introduced in the Income-tax Act,
1961 with respect to transactions with persons located in a Notified Jurisdictional
Area (NJA). As per section 94A, the Central Government may, having regard to the
lack of effective exchange of information with any country or territory outside India,
specify the said country or territory as a notified jurisdictional area in relation to

transactions entered into by any assessee. Any payment made to a person located
in a NJA shall be liable for withholding tax @ 30% or the rate prescribed in the Act
or the rates in force, whichever is highest.

The Central Government invoked the provisions of section 94A of the Act and notified
Cyprus as a NJA in November, 2013 owing to inadequate exchange of information
by Cyprus tax authorities. However, in December 2016, the Central Government has
rescinded the said Notification, thereby removing Cyprus as a NJA with retrospective
effect from the date of original notification. Therefore, since the provisions of section
94A will not be applicable in respect of payment made to a person located in Cyprus,
A Ltd. is justified in deducting tax at the rate of 10% being the most beneficial rate
contained in the DTAA between India and Cyprus.

(b) Safe Harbour Rules specified under Section 92CB(2) may be opted by an assessee
in respect of an eligible international transaction. Advancing of loan and provision
of corporate guarantee are covered within the definition of eligible international
transactions. However, receipt of intra-group loans or guarantee fees paid by the
Indian entity do not form part of eligible international transactions and hence, A Ltd
shall not be eligible to opt for safe harbor rules in respect of the loans taken from its

(c) Indian Transfer Pricing regulations provide that any income arising from an
international transaction shall be computed having regard to arm's length price.
However, section 92(3) provides that transfer pricing provisions shall not apply in
cases where such application results an increase in the expenditure or decrease in
the revenue of the Indian entity. In the given case, as interest payment to the AE
would only result in an increase in the expenditure of A Ltd. and subsequent
reduction of profits, transfer pricing provisions under the Income-tax Act, 1961 shall
not apply.



Mr. Abhinav, a citizen of India, aged 48 years, for the first time, moved for employment purpose to
Country “X”, a country outside India, on 1st September, 2013. He was employed with a consulting firm
in Country “X”. Since then, he has visited India during the P.Y.2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17,
2017-18 for 30 days, 50 days, 50 days, 170 days and 150 days, respectively, for both personal and
professional purposes. His family comprises of himself, his spouse Mrs. Archana (aged 45 years); his
mother, Mrs. Kamala (aged 81 years); and his two sons, Rohan and Kapil, aged 19 years and 15
years, respectively. In addition, Mr. Abhinav’s unmarried sister Ms.Geetha, aged 42 years, is living
with his family in Country “X” since September, 2013. Ms. Geetha and Mrs. Kamala have been visiting
India during the P.Y.2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 for 50 days, 50 days, 120 days,
150 days and 150 days, respectively.

In the year 2016-17, Mr. Abhinav resigned from his job and started his own consultancy in Country “X”
for providing technical services. He entered into an agreement with ABC Ltd, an Indian company, on
01.06.2016 and pursuant to the agreement, Fees for Technical Services (FTS) of INR 10,00,000, is
payable to Mr. Abhinav every year for a period of five years. The agreement is approved by the
Central Government. Mr. Abhinav also entered into an agreement with the Government of Country “Y”
for provision of technical services for a period of three years. The FTS payable to Mr. Abhinav every
year for a period of three years under this agreement in foreign currency is equivalent to INR

During the previous year 2016-17, Mr. Abhinav became partner in a partnership firm M/s Lotus & Co.,
India and contributed INR 50 lakhs towards capital. He was paid interest @10% as interest on capital
and profit share of INR 4 lakhs every year by the firm.

His friend Mr. George, a citizen and resident of Country “X”, borrowed money from Mr. Abhinav and
invested the same in bonds issued by MNO Ltd., an Indian Company in April, 2017. Mr. George visited
India during the P.Y.2017-18 for the period from 10th April, 2017 to 15th May, 2017. During the
previous year 2017-18, interest on borrowings in foreign currency equivalent to INR 1,95,000 was paid
by Mr. George to Mr. Abhinav in his bank account in Country “X”.

Mr. Abhinav also earned income of foreign currency equivalent to INR 3,00,000 from his house property in
Country ‘X’ deposited in an Indian Bank at Country ‘X’ and subsequently brought to India. Also, he had
paid property tax of foreign currency equivalent to INR 3,000 on the said property. During the previous year
2017-18, the rental income earned was invested in deposits in India in the ratio of 30:20:50 in NRO savings

account, 5 year fixed deposits and NRE savings account. Interest earned on such deposits is INR 4,000,
5,000 and 9,000, respectively.

On 30.06.2017, he sold shares of Prime Pvt. Ltd., India for INR 12,00,000 and of Hello Pvt. Ltd., India
for INR 9,30,000 net of transfer expenses. These shares were purchased by him in convertible foreign
currency on 01.12.2014 at a cost of INR 6,20,000 and on 01.01.2017 at a cost of INR 7,50,000
respectively. On 31.10.2017, he invested the sale proceeds of INR 10,50,000 in purchase of shares of
Cheers Pvt. Ltd., India.

Further, on 01.12.2017, Mr. Abhinav sold 2000 shares of PQR Pvt. Ltd., India, for INR 15 each. 1500 of
such shares were acquired on 01.10.2015 @ INR 10 each and 500 shares were acquired on 31.10.2016
@INR 12 each.

In April, 2017, he had taken a loan of INR 50 lakhs @10% from SBI for construction of residential
house in Pune. The construction is completed in May, 2018. He prepaid INR 3 lakhs in March, 2018 to
the bank.

He had also purchased the following capital assets in April, 2017 and he transferred the same outside
India to Mr. Thomas, a resident of Country “X”, in March, 2018 –

- Rupee Denominated Bonds of INR 1,00,000 of LMN Ltd., an Indian Company, issued outside
India, for INR 2,00,000.

- Government Securities of INR 1,00,000 through an intermediary dealing in settlement of

securities, for INR 1,50,000

Mr. Thomas, a citizen of India, visits India for 100 days every year.

Mrs. Archana, a painter by profession, earned income of INR 3,00,000 from exhibition conducted in
Mumbai. Rohan and Kapil are pursuing education in Country ‘X’. Mr. Abhinav paid foreign currency
equivalent to INR 60,000 to Catheral School, Country ‘X,’ towards their annual tuition fees. Kapil won an
excellence award of INR 25,000 at the Science Olympiad held in Mumbai in February, 2018.

Mr. Abhinav paid foreign currency equivalent to INR 50,000 to an Insurance Company in Country ‘X’
towards life insurance premium to insure his life and life of Mrs. Archana. Mr. Abhinav has also paid
INR 20,000 to New India Assurance Company, India, for health insurance of himself and Mrs. Archana,
INR 35,000 to insure health of Mrs. Kamala and INR 25,000 to insure the health of Ms. Geetha.

Based on the above facts, you are required to answer the following questions.


Write the correct answer to each of the following questions by choosing

one of the four options given. Each question carries two marks.

1. Based on the above facts, Mr. Abhinav’s residential status in India for P.Y.2017-18 and
P.Y.2013-14 is -

(a) Non-resident for both the years

(b) Non-resident for P.Y.2017-18 and Resident but not ordinarily resident for P.Y.2013-14

(c) Resident but not ordinarily resident for P.Y.2017-18 and Resident for P.Y.2013-14

(d) Non-resident for P.Y.2017-18 and Resident and ordinarily resident for P.Y.2013-14.

(Note – Assume that the rules for determining residential status for A.Y.2014-15 were the
same as it is for A.Y.2018-19)

2. Which of the following benefits are not allowable to Ms. Geetha, while computing her total
income and tax liability for A.Y.2018-19 under the Income-tax Act, 1961?

(a) Deduction of 30% of gross annual value while computing her income from house property
in Bangalore, India

(b) Tax rebate of INR 2,500 from tax payable on her total income of INR 3,40,000

(c) Deduction for donation made by her to Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund

(d) Deduction for interest earned by her on NRO savings account.

3. Unexhausted basic exemption limit, if any, of Mr.Thomas, for A.Y.2018-19 can be adjusted
against –

(a) Only LTCG taxable@20%

(b) Only STCG taxable@15%

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

4. Had Ms. Geetha been seconded on employment outside India by the Indian Government, which of
the following emoluments paid to her by the Indian Government shall be taxable under the Income-
tax Act, 1961:

(a) Basic Salary paid outside India


(b) Allowances and Perquisites paid outside India

(c) Both (a) and (b), since emoluments are paid to her by the Indian Government

(d) Neither (a) nor (b), since she has rendered services outside India

5. Ms. Geetha is an enthusiastic sports person and is keen on contributing an article on a game
of Soccer in a leading newspaper in India. She approaches you to enquire on taxability of such
income for A.Y.2018-19. As per the provisions of Income-tax Act, 1961, such income shall be
taxable in her hands at -

(a) 5%

(b) 10%

(c) 20%

(d) Normal tax slab rates

(Note – The above tax rates are excluding cess and surcharge, if any)

6. Ms. Geetha shall be mandatorily required to file return of income in India for A.Y.2018-19, -

(a) if she holds assets outside India even though she does not have taxable income in

(b) if she has income exceeding the basic exemption limit but after taking into account
deduction under Chapter VI-A, her income falls below the basic exemption limit

(c) if she has income, without giving effect to deduction under Chapter VI-A, below the
basic exemption limit and tax credit appearing in Form 26AS, in respect of which she
does not wish to claim the refund

(d) in all the above situations

7. In December, 2014, Ms. Geetha bought, in foreign currency, 500 Global Depository Receipts
of PQR Ltd, an Indian Company, which were issued in accordance with the notified scheme of
the Central Government. In January, 2018, she sold 300 GDRs outside India to Mr. Frank, a
citizen and resident of Country ‘X’ and 200 GDRs to Mr. Kamal, a Resident but not ordinarily
resident in India. Comment on the tax consequences of such sale transaction under the
Income-tax Act, 1961 -

(a) Capital gains arising on sale of 500 GDRs shall be subject to tax @20% with
indexation benefit in India

(b) No capital gains would arise on sale of 500 GDRs in India, since the GDRs are purchased
in foreign currency

(c) No capital gains would arise on sale of 300 GDRs, but capital gains arising on sale of
200 GDRs shall be taxed in India @10% without indexation benefit

(d) No capital gains would arise on sale of 300 GDRs, but capital gains arising on sale of
200 GDRs shall be taxed @20% with indexation benefit in India

8. Benefit of presumptive taxation under the Income-tax Act, 1961 would not be available to
Mr. George for A.Y.2018-19, in respect of the related Indian income, if he is engaged in the
business of -

(a) Operation of Ships

(b) Operation of Aircrafts

(c) Civil Construction in connection with an approved turnkey project

(d) Plying, hiring or leasing of goods carriages.

9. Interest income earned by Mr. George during the P.Y.2017-18 on bonds, issued by MNO Ltd.,
an Indian company, under a scheme notified by the Central Government, which were
purchased by him in convertible foreign currency, is -

(a) taxable@10%

(b) taxable@15%

(c) taxable@20%

(d) not taxable

(Note – The above tax rates are excluding cess and surcharge, if any)

10. An agent, in relation to income which is deemed to accrue or arise in India to a non-resident,
is considered as a representative assessee. However, an agent, in relation to a non-resident
person does not include -

(a) An employee in India of the non-resident

(b) A trustee in India of the non-resident
(c) A broker in India dealing with the non-resident person only through a non-resident
broker, where both non-residents carry on transactions in the ordinary course of
(d) A person in India having business connection with the non-resident


1. (i) Examine the tax consequence of fees for technical services (FTS) received by
Mr. Abhinav, a resident of Country “X”, from ABC Ltd. for Assessment Year 2018-19, if -

(a) India has no Double Tax Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) with Country “X”

(b) India has a DTAA with Country “X”, which provides for taxation of such FTS @5%.

(c) India has a DTAA with Country “X”, which provides for taxation of such FTS @15%.
(3 Marks)

(ii) In case Mr. Abhinav fails to furnish the PAN details to ABC Ltd., at what rate should ABC
Ltd. deduct tax at source, considering that Mr. Abhinav is a resident of a Country ‘X’, with
which India has no DTAA? (4 Marks)

(iii) If Mr. Abhinav has a fixed place of profession in India and the contract in respect of FTS
with ABC Ltd. is effectively connected with such fixed pace of profession in India, how
would the FTS be computed in such a case and what are the related requirements under
the Income-tax Act, 1961? (3 Marks)

2. (i) Chapter XVII-B requires tax deduction at source by a resident making payment to either a
resident or a non-resident. It does not require tax deduction at source by non-residents,
who do not have any place of business or business connection in India. Examine the
correctness or otherwise of this statement. (3 Marks)

(ii) As a tax consultant for M/s Lotus & Co., India, you need to advise the firm regarding tax
deduction at source on the payments (i.e. interest on capital and share of profit) made to
Mr. Abhinav during the previous year 2017-18, considering that Mr. Abhinav is a resident
of Country ‘X’, with which India has no DTAA. In case tax is not deductible at source, is
there any other related requirement to be complied with by the firm? (4 Marks)

(iii) If India has a DTAA with Country ‘X’ providing for deduction of tax at 10%, then, what is
the remedy available in case M/s Lotus & Co., India has deducted tax at the requisite rate
provided under the Income-tax Act, 1961? (3 Marks)

3. Using the information given in the facts of the case, compute Mr. Abhinav’s total income and
tax liability for the Assessment Year 2018-19, assuming that he is a resident of Country X, with
which India has no DTAA and he opts for computing his income in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter XII-A of the Income-tax Act, 1961. You may ignore the amount of
advance tax and TDS credit appearing in Form 26AS. Also, ignore the effect of first proviso to
section 48, wherever applicable. (10 Marks)


Financial Year Cost Inflation Index

2001-02 100

2002-03 105

2003-04 109

2004-05 113

2005-06 117

2006-07 122

2007-08 129

2008-09 137

2009-10 148

2010-11 167

2011-12 184

2012-13 200

2013-14 220

2014-15 240

2015-16 254

2016-17 264

2017-18 272




In every case in which under the provisions of sections 193, 194, 194A, 194B, 194BB,
194D, 194LBA, 194LBB, 194LBC and 195 of the Income-tax Act, tax is to be deducted
at the rates in force, deduction shall be made from the income subject to the deduction at
the following rates:—
Rate of income-tax 24
(a) where the person is resident in India—
(i) on income by way of interest other than "Interest on securities" 10 per cent;
(ii) on income by way of winnings from lotteries, crossword puzzles, card 30 per cent;
games and other games of any sort
(iii) on income by way of winnings from horse races 30 per cent;
(iv) on income by way of insurance commission 5 per cent;
(v) on income by way of interest payable on— 10 per cent;
(A) any debentures or securities for money issued by or on behalf of
any local authority or a corporation established by a Central, State
or Provincial Act;
(B) any debentures issued by a company where such debentures are
listed on a recognised stock exchange in India in accordance with
the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (42 of 1956) and
any rules made thereunder;
(C) any security of the Central or State Government;
(vi) on any other income 10 per cent;
(b) where the person is not resident in India—
(i) in the case of a non-resident Indian—
(A) on any investment income 20 per cent;

(B) on income by way of long-term capital gains referred to in section 10 per cent;
115E or sub-clause (iii) of clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section
(C) on income by way of short-term capital gains referred to in section 15 per cent;

(D) on other income by way of long-term capital gains [not being 20 per cent;
long-term capital gains referred to in clauses (33), (36) and (38) of
section 10]
(E) on income by way of interest payable by Government or an Indian 20 per cent;
concern on moneys borrowed or debt incurred by Government or
the Indian concern in foreign currency (not being income by way
of interest referred to in section 194LB or section 194LC)
(F) on income by way of royalty payable by Government or an Indian 10 per cent;
concern in pursuance of an agreement made by it with the
Government or the Indian concern where such royalty is in
consideration for the transfer of all or any rights (including the
granting of a licence) in respect of copyright in any book on a
subject referred to in the first proviso to sub-section (1A) of
section 115A of the Income-tax Act, to the Indian concern, or in
respect of any computer software referred to in the second proviso
to sub-section (1A) of section 115A of the Income-tax Act, to a
person resident in India
(G) on income by way of royalty [not being royalty of the nature   10 per cent;
referred to in sub-item (b)(i)(F)] payable by Government or an
Indian concern in pursuance of an agreement made by it with the
Government or the Indian concern and where such agreement is
with an Indian concern, the agreement is approved by the Central
Government or where it relates to a matter included in the
industrial policy, for the time being in force, of the Government of
India, the agreement is in accordance with that policy
(H) on income by way of fees for technical services payable by 10 per cent;
Government or an Indian concern in pursuance of an agreement
made by it with the Government or the Indian concern and where
such agreement is with an Indian concern, the agreement is
approved by the Central Government or where it relates to a
matter included in the industrial policy, for the time being in force,
of the Government of India, the agreement is in accordance with
that policy
(I) on income by way of winnings from lotteries, crossword puzzles, 30 per cent;
card games and other games of any sort

(J) on income by way of winnings from horse races 30 per cent;

(K) on the whole of the other income 30 per cent;

(ii) in the case of any other person—

(A) on income by way of interest payable by Government or an Indian 20 per cent;
concern on moneys borrowed or debt incurred by Government or
the Indian concern in foreign currency (not being income by way
of interest referred to in section 194LB or section 194LC)
(B) on income by way of royalty payable by Government or an Indian 10 per cent;
concern in pursuance of an agreement made by it with the
Government or the Indian concern where such royalty is in
consideration for the transfer of all or any rights (including the
granting of a licence) in respect of copyright in any book on a
subject referred to in the first proviso to sub-section (1A) of
section 115A of the Income-tax Act, to the Indian concern, or in
respect of any computer software referred to in the second proviso
to sub-section (1A) of section 115A of the Income-tax Act, to a
person resident in India
(C) on income by way of royalty [not being royalty of the nature 10 per cent;
referred to in sub-item (b)(ii)(B)] payable by Government or an
Indian concern in pursuance of an agreement made by it with the
Government or the Indian concern and where such agreement is
with an Indian concern, the agreement is approved by the Central
Government or where it relates to a matter included in the
industrial policy, for the time being in force, of the Government of
India, the agreement is in accordance with that policy
(D) on income by way of fees for technical services payable by 10 per cent;
Government or an Indian concern in pursuance of an agreement
made by it with the Government or the Indian concern and where
such agreement is with an Indian concern, the agreement is
approved by the Central Government or where it relates to a
matter included in the industrial policy, for the time being in force, 26
of the Government of India, the agreement is in accordance with
that policy
(E) on income by way of winnings from lotteries, crossword puzzles, 30 per cent;
card games and other games of any sort

(F) on income by way of winnings from horse races 30 per cent;

(G) on income by way of short-term capital gains referred to in section 15 per cent;

(H) on income by way of long-term capital gains referred to in sub- 10 per cent;
clause (iii) of clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 112

(I) on income by way of other long-term capital gains [not being 20 per cent;
long-term capital gains referred to in clauses (33), (36) and (38) of
section 10]
(J) on the whole of the other income 30 per cent;

2. In the case of a company—

(a) where the company is a domestic company—
(i) on income by way of interest other than "Interest on securities" 10 per cent;
(ii) on income by way of winnings from lotteries, crossword puzzles, 30 per cent;
card games and other games of any sort
(iii) on income by way of winnings from horse races 30 per cent;
(iv) on any other income 10 per cent;
(b) where the company is not a domestic company—
(i) on income by way of winnings from lotteries, crossword puzzles, card 30 per cent;
games and other games of any sort
(ii) on income by way of winnings from horse races 30 per cent;
(iii) on income by way of interest payable by Government or an Indian 20 per cent;
concern on moneys borrowed or debt incurred by Government or the Indian
concern in foreign currency (not being income by way of interest referred to
in section 194LB or section 194LC)
(iv)on income by way of royalty payable by Government or an Indian 10 per cent;
concern in pursuance of an agreement made by it with the Government or the
Indian concern after the 31st day of March, 1976 where such royalty is in
consideration for the transfer of all or any rights (including the granting of a
licence) in respect of copyright in any book on a subject referred to in the
first proviso to sub-section (1A) of section 115A of the Income-tax Act, to
the Indian concern, or in respect of any computer software referred to in the
second proviso to sub-section (1A) of section 115A of the Income-tax Act, to
a person resident in India
(v) on income by way of royalty [not being royalty of the nature referred to in
sub-item (b)(iv)] payable by Government or an Indian concern in pursuance
of an agreement made by it with the Government or the Indian concern and
where such agreement is with an Indian concern, the agreement is approved
by the Central Government or where it relates to a matter
included in the industrial policy, for the time being in force, of the 27
Government of India, the agreement is in accordance with that policy—
(A) where the agreement is made after the 31st day of March, 1961 50 per cent;
but before the 1st day of April, 1976

(B) where the agreement is made after the 31st day of March, 1976 10 per cent;

(vi) on income by way of fees for technical services payable by Government

or an Indian concern in pursuance of an agreement made by it with the
Government or the Indian concern and where such agreement is with an
Indian concern, the agreement is approved by the Central Government or
where it relates to a matter included in the industrial policy, for the time
being in force, of the Government of India, the agreement is in accordance
with that policy—
(A) where the agreement is made after the 29th day of February, 1964 50 per cent;
but before the 1st day of April, 1976

(B) where the agreement is made after the 31st day of March, 1976 10 per cent;

(vii) on income by way of short-term capital gains referred to in section 15 per cent;
(viii) on income by way of long-term capital gains referred to in sub-clause 10 per cent;
(iii) of clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 112
(ix) on income by way of other long-term capital gains [not being long-term 20 per cent;
capital gains referred to in clauses (33), (36) and (38) of section 10]
  (x) on any other income   40 per cent
Explanation.—For the purposes of item 1(b)(i) of this Part, "investment income" and "non-resident Indian" shall have
the meanings assigned to them in Chapter XII-A of the Income-tax Act.
Surcharge on income-tax
The amount of income-tax deducted in accordance with the provisions of—
(i) item 1 of this Part, shall be increased by a surcharge, for the purposes of the Union,—
(a) in the case of every individual or Hindu undivided family or association of persons or body of
individuals, whether incorporated or not, or every artificial juridical person referred to in sub-clause
(vii) of clause (31) of section 2 of the Income-tax Act, being a non-resident, calculated,—
I. at the rate of ten per cent of such tax, where the income or the aggregate of such incomes
paid or likely to be paid and subject to the deduction exceeds fifty lakh rupees but does not
exceed one crore rupees;
II. at the rate of fifteen per cent of such tax, where the income or the aggregate of such incomes
paid or likely to be paid and subject to the deduction exceeds one crore rupees; and
(b) in the case of every co-operative society or firm, being a non-resident, calculated at the rate of twelve
per cent, where the income or the aggregate of such incomes paid or likely to be paid and subject to
the deduction exceeds one crore rupees;
(ii) item 2 of this Part shall be increased by a surcharge, for purposes of the Union, in the case of every company
other than a domestic company, calculated,—
(a) at the rate of two per cent of such income-tax where the income or the aggregate of such incomes
paid or likely to be paid and subject to the deduction exceeds one crore rupees but does not exceed
ten crore rupees; and
(b) at the rate of five per cent of such income-tax where the income or the aggregate of such incomes
paid or likely to be paid and subject to the deduction exceeds ten crore rupees.




1. (d) Non-resident for P.Y. 2017-18 and Resident and ordinarily resident for P.Y. 2013-14

2. (b) Tax rebate of INR 2,500 from tax payable on her total income of INR 3,40,000

3. (d) Neither (a) nor (b)

4. (a) Basic Salary paid outside India

5. (d) Normal tax slab rates

6. (b) if she has income exceeding the basic exemption limit but after taking into account
deduction under Chapter VI-A, her income falls below the basic exemption limit

7. (c) No capital gains would arise on sale of 300 GDRs, but capital gains arising on sale of
200 GDRs shall be taxed in India @10% without indexation benefit

8. (c) Civil Construction in connection with an approved turnkey project

9. (a) taxable @10%

10. (c) A broker in India dealing with the non-resident person only through a non-resident
broker, where both non-residents carry on transactions in the ordinary course of


1. (i) In accordance with the provisions of section 115A, where the total income of a non-corporate
non-resident includes any income by way of royalty or fees for technical services other than
the income referred to in section 44DA(1), received from an Indian concern in pursuance of an
agreement made by him with the Indian concern and the agreement is approved by the
Central Government, then, the special rate of tax at 10% of such fees for technical services is
applicable. No deduction would be allowable under sections 28 to 44C while computing such

Section 90(2) makes it clear that where the Central Government has entered into a DTAA with
a country outside India, then, in respect of an assessee to whom such agreement applies, the
provisions of the Act shall apply to the extent they are more beneficial to the assessee.
Therefore, if the DTAA provides for a rate lower than 10%, then, the provisions of DTAA
would apply.

(a) In this case, since India does not have a DTAA with Country ‘X’, of which the Abhinav
is a resident, the fees for technical services (FTS) of INR 10,00,000 from ABC Ltd.
would be taxable @10%, by virtue of section 115A.

(b) In this case, the FTS from ABC Ltd. would be taxable @5%, being the rate specified
in the DTAA, even though section 115A provides for a higher rate of tax, since the tax
rates specified in the DTAA are more beneficial. However, since Abhinav is a non-
resident, he has to furnish a tax residency certificate from the Government of Country
X for claiming such benefit. Also, he has to furnish other information, namely, his
nationality, his tax identification number in Country X and his address in Country X

(c) In this case, the FTS from ABC Ltd. would be taxable @10% as per section 115A,
even though DTAA provides for a higher rate of tax, since the provisions of the Act
(i.e. section 115A in this case) are more beneficial.

(ii) Under section 206AA, any person who is entitled to receive any sum or income or amount on
which tax is deductible under Chapter XVII-B has to furnish his Permanent Account Number
(PAN) to the person responsible for deducting such tax, failing which tax shall be deducted at

- the rate mentioned in the relevant provisions of the Act or

- the rate or rates in force or

- the rate of 20%

whichever is higher.

For the purpose of reducing the compliance burden of non-corporate non-residents or foreign
company, section 206AA(7) provides for non-applicability of the requirements contained in
section 206AA to a non-corporate non-resident or foreign company, in respect of interest on
long-term bonds as referred to in section 194LC and any other payment subject to prescribed

As per Rule 37BC, the provisions of section 206AA shall not apply to a non-corporate non-
resident or foreign company not having PAN in respect of payments in the nature of interest,
royalty, fees for technical services and payments on transfer of any capital asset, if the
deductee furnishes the following details and documents to the deductor:

- Name, e-mail id, contact number;

- address in the country or specified territory outside India of which the

deductee is a resident;

- a certificate of his being resident in any country outside India from the
Government of that country, if the law of that country provides for issuance of
such certificate;

- Tax Identification Number of the deductee in the country of his residence. In

case no such number is available, then a unique number on the basis of which
the deductee is identified by the Government of that country or the specified
territory of which he claims to be a resident.

Hence, if Mr. Abhinav fails to furnish the PAN details to ABC Ltd., then the company can
obtain the above information from him and deduct TDS @10% in accordance with provisions
of section 115A. If he is not able to furnish the requisite details, tax has to be deducted @20%
under section 206AA, being the highest of the following rates –

- rate under section 115A i.e., 10%,

- rates in force i.e., 10%,

- 20%.

(iii) By virtue of section 44DA, the income by way of fees for technical services received by Mr.
Abhinav from ABC Ltd., India, would be computed under the head "Profits and gains of
business or profession" in accordance with the provisions of Income-tax Act, 1961, since
technical services are provided from a fixed place of profession situated in India and fees for
technical services is received from an Indian concern in pursuance of an agreement with the
non-resident and is effectively connected with such fixed place of profession. No deduction
would, however, be allowed in respect of any expenditure or allowance which is not wholly
and exclusively incurred for the fixed place of profession in India.

Mr. Abhinav is required to keep and maintain books of account and other documents in
accordance with the provisions contained in section 44AA and get his accounts audited by an
accountant and furnish the report of such audit in the prescribed form duly signed and verified
by such accountant along with the return of income.

2. (i) The statement is incorrect, since as per section 195(1), the obligation to deduct tax at source
from interest and other payment to non-resident which are chargeable to tax in India, is on
“any person responsible for paying to a non-resident or to a foreign company”. The words
“any person” used in section is intended to include both residents and non-residents.
Therefore, if the income of payee non-resident is chargeable to tax, then tax has to be
deducted at source, whether the payment is made by a resident or non-resident.

Further, Explanation 2 to section 195(1) also clarifies that the obligation to comply with
section 195(1) and to make deduction thereunder applies and shall be deemed to have

always applied and extends to all persons, resident or non-resident, whether or not the non-
resident has:

(a) a residence or place of business or business connection in India; or

(b) any other presence in any manner whatsoever in India.

(ii) Section 194A requiring deduction of tax at source on any income by way of interest, other
than interest on securities credited or paid to a resident, excludes from its scope, income
credited or paid by a firm to its partner. However, section 195 which requires tax deduction at
source on payment to non-residents, does not provide for any exclusion in respect of payment
of interest by firm to its non-resident partner. Therefore, tax has to be deducted under section
195 @ 30%, being the rate in force in respect of Interest on capital paid to Mr. Abhinav.

As per section 10(2A), share of profit received by partner from the total income of firm is
exempt from tax. Therefore, the share of profit paid to non-resident Indian is not liable for tax
deduction at source.

However, section 195(6) provides that the person responsible for paying any sum, whether or
not chargeable to tax, to a non-corporate non-resident or to a foreign company shall be
required to furnish the information relating to payment of such sum in the prescribed form and

(iii) The CBDT has, vide Circular No.7/2007 dated 23.10.2007, laid down the procedure for refund
of tax deducted at source under section 195 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 to the person
deducting tax at source from the payment to a non-resident. The said Circular allowed refund
to the person making payment under section 195, inter alia, when there occurs payment of tax
at a higher rate under the Income-tax Act, 1961 while a lower rate is prescribed in the relevant
double taxation avoidance treaty entered into by India.

Hence, M/s Lotus & Co., India can claim tax refund of excess tax deducted at source under
section 195 where tax has been deducted at source at the rate of 30% provided under the
Income-tax Act, 1961 while a lower rate i.e., 10% is prescribed under the DTAA with Country

3. Computation of Total Income of Mr. Abhinav for A.Y. 2018-19

Particulars INR INR INR

Profits & Gains of Business & Profession

Income from partnership firm M/s Lotus & Co., India
- Interest on Capital [See Note (ii)] 5,00,000
- Share of Profit 4,00,000

Less: Exempt under section 10(2A) (4,00,000) -

Fees for technical services received from ABC Ltd., India 10,00,000
Fees for technical services received from Government
of Country “Y” [See Note (iii)] 15,00,000

Capital Gains [See Working Note]

Short-term capital gain on sale of shares of -
- PQR Pvt. Ltd. 1,500
- Hello Pvt. Ltd 1,80,000 1,81,500
Long- term capital gain on sale of shares of
- PQR Pvt. Ltd. Nil
- Prime Pvt. Ltd. 72,500 72,500 2,54,000
Income from Other Sources
Interest earned on deposits:
- Interest earned on NRO saving deposits 4,000
- Interest earned on fixed deposits 5,000
- Interest on NRE savings account [Exempt u/s
10(4)(ii)] [See Note (v)] - 9,000
Gross Total Income 17,63,000
Less: Deductions under Chapter VI-A
Deduction under section 80C [See Note (viii)]
Life insurance premium for self and his spouse 50,000

Term deposit [Five year term deposit] 60,000

Repayment of housing loan borrowed for construction
of residential house - 1,10,000
Deduction under section 80D [See Note (ix)]
Health insurance of self and spouse 20,000
Health insurance of mother 25,000 45,000
Deduction u/s 80TTA [See Note (x)] 4,000 1,59,000

Total Income 16,04,000


Computation of Tax Liability of Mr. Abhinav for A.Y. 2018-19

Particulars INR INR

Tax@10% on fee for technical services under section 115A 1,00,000

Tax@10% on long-term capital gain on sale of foreign exchange
assets under section 115E 1 7,250
Tax on balance income of INR 5,31,500 (i.e., INR 6,90,500 - INR
1,59,000) 18,800
Add: Education cess @2% 2,521
Secondary higher education cess @1% 1,261 3,782
Tax liability 1,29,832
Tax liability (rounded off) 1,29,830

Woking Note:
Computation of Capital Gain on sale of shares purchased in convertible foreign

Particulars INR
LTCG on sale of shares of Prime Pvt. Ltd., since held for more than 24
(As per the provisions of Chapter XII-A, long term capital gain, on sale of any
specified asset in foreign currency, shall be calculated at flat rate of 10%
without indexation. Shares of Prime Pvt. Ltd fall under the category of
“specified assets”)
Sale Consideration 12,00,000
Less: Cost of Acquisition (6,20,000)
Long term capital gain 5,80,000
Less: Exemption under section 115F
5,80,000*10,50,000/12,00,000 (5,07,500)
Long-term capital gain as per Chapter XII-A 72,500
(Note - Since within a period of six months after the date of transfer of a long
term foreign exchange asset, Mr. Abhinav has invested part of the net
consideration in any specified asset, namely shares of Cheers Pvt. Ltd., he is
eligible to claim proportionate deduction as per section 115F)

Since the question specifies that the Abhinav has opted for Chapter XII-A, the resultant long-term capital gains
would be taxable @10%, after providing for proportional exemption under section 115F, which is available in
respect of investment of net consideration in another specified asset, shares of a private company in this case. It
would have been more beneficial for Abhinav to have not opted for Chapter XII-A, as he could have claimed
exemption of the entire capital gain of INR 5,80,000 under section 54F, since the amount invested in construction
of house at Pune exceeds the net sale consideration of INR 12 lakhs on sale of shares of Prime Pvt Ltd.

STCG on sale of shares of Hello Pvt. Ltd., since held for less than 24

Sale Consideration 9,30,000

Less: Cost of Acquisition (7,50,000)
Short term Capital Gain 1,80,000
(Provisions of Chapter XII-A are only applicable in respect of long term capital
gain from transfer of foreign exchange assets.)

Computation of Capital Gain on sale of shares of PQR Pvt. Ltd.

Particulars INR
LTCG on sale of 1500 shares acquired on October 1, 2015
(As per section 2(42A), share of an unlisted company, if sold after period of 24
months from the acquisition date will be considered as long-term capital asset)
Sale Consideration [1,500 x INR 15] 22,500
Less: Cost of Acquisition [1,500 x INR 10] (15,000)
Long term Capital Gain 7,500
Less: Exemption u/s 54F [since the amount invested in construction of house
at Pune exceeds the net sale consideration of INR 22,500 on sale of shares,
the entire capital gain would be exempt. The construction of the house in
Pune was completed within the prescribed time i.e., within three years after
the date of transfer] 7,500

STCG on sale of 500 shares acquired on October 31, 2016
Sale Consideration [500 x INR 15] 7,500
Less: Cost of Acquisition [500 x INR 12] (6,000)
Short term Capital Gain 1,500

(i) Mr. Abhinav is a person who, staying outside India, comes on a visit to India every year.
Hence, the minimum period of stay in India for Mr. Abhinav to be treated as a resident is 182
days in any previous year. For A.Y.2018-19, Mr. Abhinav is a non-resident since his stay in
India in the P.Y.2017-18 is less than 182 days. In case of a non-resident, only income which
accrues or arises or is deemed to accrue or arise in India or is received or is deemed to be
received in India is taxable in India. Income which accrues or arises outside India is not
taxable in India. Rental income from property in Country ‘X’ received there and subsequently
brought to India is not taxable in India in the hands of Mr. Abhinav, since it neither accrues to
him in India nor is it received by him in India.

(ii) Interest on capital paid by the partnership firm is includible as business income in the hands
of the partner, only to the extent the interest is allowed as deduction in the hands of firm. In

this case, the entire interest of INR 5 lakhs is included in the income of Mr. Abhinav assuming
that the same has been fully allowed as deduction in the hands of firm.

(iii) Fees for technical services received from ABC Ltd., an Indian company, would be chargeable
to tax under the head “Profits and gains of business or profession” in the hands of Mr.
Abhinav. Since Mr. Abhinav is a resident of a country ‘X’ with which India has no DTAA, such
fees for technical services would be taxable @10% as per section 115A.

However, fees for technical services received in foreign currency by Mr. Abhinav from
the Government of Country “Y” would not be taxable in India, since such income has
neither accrued in India nor is the same received in India.

(iv) As per section 9(1)(v)(c), interest payable by a non-resident would be deemed to accrue or
arise in India, where the interest is payable on any debt incurred, or money borrowed and
used, for the purpose of a business or profession carried on by such non-resident in India. In
the present case, Mr. George, a non-resident had purchased bonds of MNO Ltd., an Indian
company out of the money borrowed. Consequently, the interest received by Mr. Abhinav in
foreign currency equivalent to INR 1,95,000 will not be taxable in India, since such interest is
neither received nor is it deemed to accrue or arise in India. Mr. George is a non-resident in
India for A.Y.2018-19 since his stay in India during the P.Y.2017-18 is only 36 days.

(v) As per section 10(4)(ii), in case of an individual, any income by way of interest on moneys
standing to his credit in Non-resident External Account (NRE A/c) would be exempt, provided
the individual is a person resident outside India, as defined in Foreign Exchange Management
Act (FEMA), 1999. Here, it is assumed that Mr. Abhinav qualifies to be person resident
outside India as per FEMA, 1999 and hence, interest of INR 9,000 from NRE A/c is exempt
from tax in his hands.

(vi) Transfer outside India of Rupee denominated bonds of an Indian company issued outside
India and Government Securities through an intermediary dealing settlement of securities by
Mr. Abhinav, a non-resident, to Mr. Thomas, another non-resident, would not be regarded as
a transfer under section 47 for levy of capital gains tax. Thomas is a non-resident since he
has stayed in India only for 100 days in the P.Y.2017-18. Being a citizen of India residing in
Country “X”, he has to come and stay in India for atleast 182 days in a year to be treated as a

(vii) As per section 64(1A), all income accruing to minor child is includible in the hands of the
parent, whose total income before including minor’s income is higher, after providing
deduction of INR 1,500 per child under section 10(32). However, if minor child has earned the
income because of his skill or talent then it will not be included in the hand of parents. Hence,

income generated by Mr. Abhinav’s minor son, Kapil, by winning Science Olympiad shall not
be clubbed with Mr. Abhinav’s income.

(viii) Under section 80C, deduction is allowed for life insurance premium paid for self or spouse or
any child, even though such premium is paid outside India. It is assumed that the annual
premium is not more than 10% of actual capital sum assured. However, deduction in respect
of tuition fees paid by individual to any university, college, school or other educational
institution for full time education of his two children would be allowed only if, such institution is
situated in India. Thus, payment for life insurance premium paid by Mr. Abhinav is fully
allowable as deduction but no deduction would be allowed for annual tuition fees, since it is
for education abroad. Further, no deduction is allowable under section 80C for A.Y.2018-19 in
respect of repayment of housing loan, since the property in Pune is under-construction and no
amount is chargeable to tax as income from house property, during the previous year 2017-

(ix) Mr. Abhinav is eligible for deduction of INR 20,000 in respect of health insurance premium of
self and spouse, since the same is less than INR 25,000. He is also eligible for deduction in
respect of premium paid for insuring the health of his mother, subject to a maximum of INR
25,000. However, he would not be eligible for claiming higher deduction of upto INR 30,000
under section 80D, as applicable to senior citizen, for the insurance on the health of his
mother, since she is non-resident. Further, he is not eligible for any deduction in respect of
the premium paid to insure the health of his sister, Ms. Geetha, since sister is not included
within the definition of “family”.

(x) As per section 80TTA, deduction in respect of interest earned on savings deposits with a
bank, co-operative society carrying on the business of banking or post office is allowed to the
extent of INR 10,000. Mr. Abhinav can, therefore, claim deduction u/s 80TTA on account of
NRO saving bank interest of INR 4,000. However, no deduction is allowed on interest earned
on time deposits.

Therefore, interest earned on fixed deposits by Mr. Abhinav shall not be eligible for deduction
under section 80TTA.


M/s. Hari Om & Co., an Indian firm, is a leading tax consultant with headquarters in Mumbai. The
firm has four resident partners, Mr. Shivakumar, Mr. Hari Prakash, Mr. Om Prakash and Mr. Narayan
and one non-resident partner, Mr. Vallish. As per the partnership deed, the profits and losses are
shared equally amongst partners. All partners are working partners and salary is paid to all partners
as per the terms of the partnership deed.
Mr. Vallish, the non-resident partner, is a resident of Country L. Mr. Vallish has also invested in India
Infradebt Ltd., an infrastructure debt fund notified under section 10(47). He is due to receive interest
of Rs.5 lakhs in March, 2018 from such fund. He incurred expenditure of Rs.10,000 to earn such
income. Mr. Vallish’s brother Harish is also resident of Country L. Both Mr. Vallish and Mr. Harish
are citizens of India.
M/s. Hari Om & Co. provides consultancy services in relation to domestic tax laws, both direct and
indirect. Over the last couple of years, they have taken up few assignments in the area of
international taxation. These assignments relate to double taxation avoidance agreements, non-
resident taxation and other international taxation matters.
The details of the assignments are as follows -
Assignment 1 [Client – Mr. Harry Smith]
Mr. Harry Smith, a citizen and resident of Country Y, and a swimmer came to India for participation
in international swimming competition held in New Delhi. He came to New Delhi on 5th February,
2018 and left on 30th March, 2018 for Country Y. He received Rs. 15 lakhs for participation in
competitions in India. He also received Rs. 2 lakh from XYZ Ltd. for advertisement of a product,
namely shaving cream, on television. He contributed articles related to swimming in a newspaper
for which he received Rs. 20,000. He incurred Rs.1 lakh as his travel costs to India. All other
expenses were met by his sponsors. When he stayed in India, he also won a prize of Rs. 25,000
from horse racing in Mumbai. He has no other income in India during the year ended 31.3.2018. He
wants to know his tax liability in India. He also wants to know whether he has to file return of income
in India.
Mr. Harry Smith has a sister Ms. Rita Smith and a brother Mr. Austin Smith, who are also citizens
and residents of Country Y. Ms. Rita Smith is a pop singer who accompanied Mr. Harry Smith to
India in February-March, 2018. She earned Rs. 2 lakhs from music performances given by her in
India during that period. She has no other income in India during the year. Mr. Harry Smith wants
to know Ms. Rita Smith’s tax liability in India and whether she has to file her return of income in

Assignment 2 [Client – MNO Ltd.]

MNO Ltd., a company having registered head office in Country X, for the first time, carried out
operations during the year 2017-18 of purchase of goods in India on three occasions. Immediately
after purchase, the company exported the same to China. The total value of such exports was Rs.
85 lakhs, on which it earned profits of Rs. 15 lakhs, before the expenses of Rs. 8 lakhs, which were
directly paid by H.O. The company does not carry on any other operation in India. All its board
meetings are held in Country X and key management and commercial decisions for the conduct of
the company’s business as a whole are taken in such board meetings. The company wants to know
its tax liability in India for A.Y.2018-19.
Assignment 3 [Client - M/s. Pacific Airlines]
M/s. Pacific Airlines, incorporated as a company in Country Y, operated its flights to India and vice
versa during the year 2017-18 and collected charges of Rs. 280 crores for carriage of passengers and
cargo out of which Rs. 100 crores were received in Country Y Dollars for the passenger fare from
Country Y to Delhi. Out of Rs. 100 crores, Country Y dollars equivalent to Rs. 40 crores is received in
India. The total expenses for the year on operation of such flights were Rs. 11 crores. The company
wants to know its income chargeable to tax in India for A.Y.2018-19 and the rate at which such income
would be subject to tax.
Assignment 4 [Client – PQR Bank Ltd.]
PQR Bank Ltd. carrying on banking business is incorporated in Country Z. It has branches in different
countries including India. During the financial year 2017-18, the Indian branch of the bank paid
interest of Rs. 35 lakhs and Rs. 17 lakhs, respectively, to its head office in Country Z and to the
branch office in Country N. It wants to know whether interest so paid shall be liable to tax in India in
the hands of head office and Country N branch.
Assignment 5 [Client – Mahesh Sharma]
Mahesh Sharma, a citizen of India, is a musician deriving income of Rs. 12,00,000 from concerts
performed in Country P. Tax of Rs. 3,36,000 was deducted at source in Country P. His income in
India amounted to Rs. 45,00,000. He has deposited Rs. 75,000 in Public Provident Fund and paid
medical insurance premium in respect of his father, aged 65 years, Rs. 32,000. He spent Rs. 50,000
on medical treatment of his handicapped sister, dependent on him. His father has not travelled
outside India for the last 3 years. Mahesh Sharma visited Country P from 19 th February, 2018 to
13th March, 2018 for giving concerts. He also visited Country S on a vacation from 2 nd January,
2018 to 21 st January, 2018. For the rest of the year he stays in India. He wants to know his tax
liability for A.Y.2018-19.
Note - India does not have any double tax avoidance agreement with Countries L, N, P, X, Y & Z.
Based on the above facts, answer the following questions –

Multiple Choice Questions

Write the most appropriate answer to each of the following questions by choosing one of the
four options given. Each question carries two marks.
1. In respect of income earned by Mr. Harry Smith in India –
(a) Tax is deductible at source at the rates in force under section 195
(b) Tax is deductible at source @30% plus cess on income from horse races and at the rates
in force under section 195 on other income.
(c) Tax is deductible at source@30% plus cess on income from horse races and @20% plus
cess on other income
(d) Tax is deductible at source@30% plus cess on income from horse races and income from
advertisement of a product on TV, 20% plus cess on income from participation in
international swimming competition in India and no tax is deductible at source on income
from contribution of articles relating to swimming in India.
2. Assuming that the tax deductible at source, if any, has been fully deducted, does Mr. Harry Smith
and Ms. Rita Smith have to file return of income in India for A.Y.2018-19?
(a) Yes, because they have earned income in India which is chargeable to tax as per the
provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961.
(b) No, because tax deductible at source has been fully deducted from income earned by
them in India
(c) Harry Smith has to file his return of income but Rita Smith need not file her return of
(d) Rita Smith has to file her return of income but Harry Smith need not file his return of
3. If Harry Smith had been a match referee instead of a swimmer, then, in respect of income
earned by him in India (assuming the other facts remain the same) -
(a) Tax is deductible at source at the rates in force under section 195
(b) Tax is deductible at source @30% plus cess on income from horse races and at the rates
in force under section 195 on other income.
(c) Tax is deductible at source@30% plus cess on income from horse races and @20% plus
cess on other income
(d) Tax is deductible at source@30% plus cess on income from horse races and
advertisement of a product on TV, 20% plus cess on income from participation in

international swimming competition in India and no tax is deductible at source on income

from contribution of articles in India.
4. MNO Ltd. is a company -
(a) resident in India, since it has carried on the operation of purchase of goods in India
(b) non-resident in India, since its registered head office is in Country ‘X’
(c) non-resident in India, since key management decisions are taken in Country ‘X’
(d) non-resident in India, due to reasons stated in (b) and (c) above.
5. The effective rate of income-tax applicable on total income of M/s. Pacific Airlines is –
(a) 42.024%
(b) 44.084%
(c) 43.26%
(d) 46.144%
6. Salary paid by M/s. Hari Om & Co. to its partners falls within the limits prescribed under section
40(b)(v). Does Hari Om & Co. have to deduct tax on salary paid to its partners?
(a) Yes; tax is deductible at source under section 192 on salary paid to its partners.
(b) No; salary paid to partners is not subject to tax deduction at source
(c) Yes; tax is deductible at source under section 192 on salary paid to resident partners and
under section 195 on salary paid to the non-resident partner
(d) Salary paid to resident partners is not subject to tax deduction at source; but tax has to
be deducted under section 195 on salary paid to the non-resident partner
7. If Country L is a notified jurisdictional area (NJA), then, the rate at which interest receivable
from India Infradebt Ltd. is taxable in the hands of Mr. Vallish and the rate at which tax has to
be deducted at source on such income are –
Tax rate TDS rate
(a) 5% 30%
(b) 5% 5%
(c) 30% 30%
(d) 30% 5%
Note – The above rates are exclusive of cess.

8. Mr. Harish and Mr. Austin Smith have been appointed as senior officials of Country L embassy
and Country Y embassy, respectively, in India in October, 2017. Mr. Harish and Mr. Austin
Smith are subjects of Country L and Country Y, respectively, and are not engaged in any other
business or profession in India. The remuneration received by Indian officials working in Indian
embassy in Country L is exempt but in Country Y is taxable. The tax treatment of remuneration
received by Mr. Harish and Mr. Austin Smith from embassies of Country L and Country Y,
respectively, in India for the P.Y.2017-18 is:
(a) Exempt from income-tax under section 10
(b) Taxable under the Income-tax Act, 1961
(c) Remuneration received by Mr. Harish is exempt but remuneration received by Mr. Austin
Smith is taxable
(d) Remuneration received by Mr. Harish is taxable but remuneration received by Mr. Austin
Smith is exempt.
9. On the subject of principles of interpretation of tax treaties, match the principles given in
Column A with the description/examples given in Column B and choose the correct option:

Column A Column B
(i) Subjective Interpretation (I) Such interpretation should not be done if it
defeats the primary objective of the tax treaty
as far as the particular item under consideration
is concerned.
(ii) Purposive Interpretation (II) Article 32 of Vienna Convention embodies this
(iii) Contemporanea Expositio (III) Speeches of Finance Ministers of India can be
relied upon to find out the common intent at the
time of signing the treaties
(iv) Liberal Construction (IV) The fact that treaties are entered into for
promoting mutual trade and investment needs
to be kept in mind while interpreting a treaty
(V) Any term used in the treaty has to be
interpreted according to their plain and natural
(VI) A treaty should be interpreted in a manner to
have effect rather than to make it ineffective.

(a) (i)→(VI) (ii)→(V) (iii)→(III) (iv)→(I)

(b) (i)→(III) (ii)→(IV) (iii)→(II) (iv)→(VI)
(c) (i)→(III) (ii)→(IV) (iii)→(II) (iv)→(I)
(d) (i)→(VI) (ii)→(IV) (iii)→(II) (iv)→(I)

10. On the subject of BEPS Action Plans, match the BEPS Action Plans given in Column A with
the description/examples given in Column B and choose the correct option:

Column A Column B
(i) Action Plan 5 (I) Controlled Foreign Corporation Rules not incorporated in
the Income-tax law
(ii) Action Plan 3 (II) Limitation of interest deduction incorporated in the
Income-tax Act, 1961
(iii) Action Plan 13 (III) Special tax regime incorporated in the Income-tax Act,
1961 for taxation of royalty income from patents
developed and registered in India
(iv) Action Plan 4 (IV) New category “Receipt of Low Value-Adding Intra-Group
services has been added in the newly notified safe
harbour rules effective from A.Y.2018-19.
(V) CBC Reporting requirement incorporated in the Income-
tax Act, 1961
(VI) Limitation of Benefits Clause incorporated in select tax
treaties for taxing capital gains on transfer of shares of
an Indian company
(VII) Equalisation Levy introduced in Indian tax regime.
(VIII) Incorporation of secondary adjustment in transfer pricing

(a) (i)→(VIII) (ii)→(V) (iii)→(IV) (iv)→(II)

(b) (i)→(III) (ii)→(I) (iii)→(V) (iv)→(II)
(c) (i)→(III) (ii)→(I) (iii)→(VIII) (iv)→(II)
(d) (i)→(III) (ii)→(V) (iii)→(VIII) (iv)→(II)

1. (a) Compute the income-tax liability of Mr. Harry Smith and Ms. Rita Smith for A.Y.2018-19.
(6 Marks)
(b) Let us suppose that there has been a failure to deduct tax at source on the amount of
Rs.2 lakh paid by XYZ Ltd. to Mr. Harry Smith for advertisement of shaving cream. The
Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax imposed penalty on the company for failure to
deduct tax at source. The company seeks your advice on whether penalty is imposable
for such failure and if so, in this case, whether such levy is in order. Examine. (3 Marks)
2. (a) Examine whether the income of MNO Ltd. would be subject to tax in India. If so, compute
the income chargeable to tax in India. (2 Marks)
(b) Determine the income of M/s. Pacific Airlines chargeable to tax in India (4 Marks)
(c) Examine whether the interest paid by Indian branch of PQR Bank to its head office in
Country Z and branch office is Country N is liable to tax in India in the hands of the head
office and Country N branch. (3 Marks)
3. (a) Determine the tax liability of Mr. Mahesh Sharma for A.Y.2018-19. (6 Marks)
(b) Mr. Vallish is in receipt of income of Rs.2,45,000 being income distributed by a REIT. The
components of income are as follows:
Particulars Rs.
(i) Rental Income from real estate property owned by REIT 1,25,000
(ii) Interest Income of REIT from A Ltd. 62,000
(iii) Dividend Income of REIT from A Ltd. 58,000

A Ltd. is an Indian company in which the REIT holds controlling interest. The REIT
holds 100% of shareholding of A Ltd.
Examine whether the above components of the income distributed by REIT would be
chargeable to tax in the hands of Mr. Vallish. Also, examine whether the REIT is required
to deduct tax at source on such income distributed to Mr. Vallish. (6 Marks)




1. (c)
2. (c)
3. (b)
4. (d)
5. (c)
6. (d)
7. (a)
8. (b)
9. (c)
10. (b)


1. (a) Mr. Harry Smith is a non-resident in India for A.Y.2018-19, since he has stayed in India
only for 54 days in the P.Y.2017-18. Ms. Rita Smith would also be non-resident in India
for A.Y.2018-19, since she has also stayed in India only for 54 days in the P.Y.2017-18.
Since Mr. Harry Smith is a non-resident sports person, who is not a citizen of India, the
special provisions under section 115BBA would apply to him for income from participation
in swimming competition in India, advertisement of product on TV and contribution of
articles in newspaper. Income from horse races would, however, be taxable@30% under
section 115BB.
Since Ms. Rita Smith is a non-resident entertainer, who is not a citizen of India, the special
provisions under section 115BBA would apply to her for computation of income from music

Computation of tax liability of Harry Smith for the A.Y.2018-19

Particulars ` `
Income taxable under section 115BBA
Income from participation in swimming competition in India 15,00,000
Advertisement of product on TV 2,00,000
Contribution of articles in newspaper 20,000
Income taxable under section 115BB
Income from horse races 25,000
Total income 17,45,000
Tax@ 20% under section 115BBA on ` 17,20,000 3,44,000
Tax@ 30% under section 115BB on income of
` 25,000 from horse races 7,500
Add: Education cess@2% and SHEC@1% 10,545
Total tax liability of Harry Smith for the A.Y.2018-19 3,62,045

Computation of tax liability of Rita Smith for the A.Y.2018-19

Particulars ` `
Income taxable under section 115BBA
Income from music performances given in India 2,00,000
Total income 2,00,000
Tax@ 20% under section 115BBA on ` 2,00,000 40,000
Add: Education cess@2% and SHEC@1% 1,200
Total tax liability of Rita Smith for the A.Y.2018-19 41,200

(b) Income chargeable to tax under section 115BBA is subject to tax deduction at source
under section 194E. Income earned by Mr. Harry Smith from advertisement of products
on TV is chargeable to [email protected]% under section 115BBA and hence, is subject to tax
deduction at source of an equivalent amount under section 194E.
Under section 271C, penalty equal to the amount of tax which the person responsible for
deducting has failed to deduct, would be leviable. Accordingly, in this case, penalty of
Rs. 41,200 would be attracted under section 271C for such failure.

However, section 271C requires such penalty to be imposed by Joint Commissioner. In

this case, since penalty has been imposed by Assistant Commissioner, the same is not in
accordance with the provisions of section 271C. Hence, the levy of penalty under section
271C in this case by an Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax is not in order.
2. (a) MNO Ltd. is a non-resident assessee during the previous year relevant to assessment
year 2018-19. As per Explanation 1(b) of section 9(1)(i), no income shall be deemed to
accrue or arise in India to a non-resident through or from operations which are confined
to purchase of goods in India for the purpose of export. MNO Ltd. had purchased the
goods in India and thereafter exported the same in total to China and accordingly no
income of MNO Ltd. shall be subject to tax for assessment year 2018-19.
Note - Section 2(26) defines an “Indian Company”. The proviso to section 2(26) states
that for a company to be an Indian company, the registered or principal office should be
in India. In this case, since the registered office is in Country X, MNO Ltd. is not an Indian
A company, other than an Indian company, would be considered as resident in India only
if the place of effective management is in India in that year. In this case, since the board
meetings in which key managerial decisions for the conduct of the company are taken,
are held in Country X, the POEM of MNO Ltd. is not in India. Therefore, MNO Ltd. is not
resident in India.
(b) Under section 44BBA, a sum equal to 5% of the aggregate of the following amount is
deemed to be the profits and gains chargeable to tax under the head "Profits and gains
of business or profession" in respect of a non-resident, engaged in the business of
operation of aircraft, M/s. Pacific Airlines, in this case :
(i) the amount paid or payable, whether in or out of India, to the assessee on account
of the carriage of, inter alia, passengers from any place in India; and
(ii) the amount received or deemed to be received in India by or on behalf of the assessee
on account of the carriage of, inter alia, passengers from any place outside India.
In the present case, the income chargeable to tax of M/s Pacific Airlines is as follows
Fare for travel from Fare for travel from Country Y to Delhi
ParticularsDelhi to Country Y, Fare received in Fare not received
whether received in India in India
India or not (`) (`)
Fare 180 crores 40 crores 60 crores
(280 crores – 100 crores)
Deemed income 9 2 Nil
@5% u/s 44BBA (180 crores × 5%) (4 crores × 5%)

The business income chargeable to tax in the hands of M/s. Pacific Airlines is ` 11 crores.
No deduction is allowable in respect of any expenditure incurred to earn such income.
(c) As per section 5(2), the total income of a non-resident would include all income which is,
inter alia, deemed to accrue or arise to him in India in that year.
In the case of a non-resident, being a person engaged in the business of banking, any
interest payable by the Permanent Establishment (PE) in India of such non-resident to the
head office or any PE or any other part of such non-resident outside India, shall be
deemed to accrue or arise in India [Explanation to section 9(1)(v)].
In the present case, the Indian branch, being a fixed place of business, is the PE in India
of PQR Bank Ltd., being a non-resident engaged in the banking business, since such
business is carried on in India through the Indian branch [Clause (iiia) of section 92F].
Accordingly, the interest of ` 35 lakhs paid to its head office in Country Z and ` 17 lakhs
paid to the other branch office in Country N by the Indian branch [being the PE in India of
PQR Bank Ltd, a non-resident engaged in the business of banking] shall be deemed to
accrue or arise in India and shall be liable to tax in India in the hands of head office and
Country N branch, respectively, in addition to any income attributable to the PE in India.
3. (a) Computation of tax liability of Mr. Mahesh Sharma for A.Y.2018-19
Particulars ` `
Indian Income 45,00,000
Foreign Income 12,00,000
Gross Total Income 57,00,000
Less: Deduction under section 80C
PPF Contribution 75,000
Deduction under section 80D
Medical insurance premium of father, being a
resident senior citizen, restricted to 30,000
Deduction under section 80DD
Maintenance including medical treatment of his
dependent sister, being a person with disability
75,000 1,80,000
[Flat deduction, irrespective of expenditure
Total Income 55,20,000
Tax on total income 14,68,500

Add: Surcharge@10% (since total income exceeds

Rs.50 lakhs but is less than Rs.1 crore) 1,46,850
Add: Education cess@2% 32,307
Secondary and higher education cess @ 1% 16,153
Average rate of tax in India [i.e., ` 16,63,810/` 30.14%
55,20,000 x 100]
Average rate of tax in Country P
[i.e. ` 3,36,000/ ` 12,00,000 x 100] 28%
Doubly taxed income 12,00,000
Rebate under section 91 on ` 12,00,000 @28%
(lower of average Indian tax rate and Country P tax
Tax payable in India [` 16,63,810 – ` 3,36,000] 13,27,810

Note: Deduction under section 91 is allowable to Mr. Mahesh Sharma, since he fulfils the
following conditions are fulfilled:-
(a) He is a resident in India during the relevant previous year, since his stay in India
during the P.Y.2017-18 was more than 182 days.
(b) The income of Rs.12 lakhs from concerts accrues or arises to him outside India in
Country P during that previous year.

(c) Such income is not deemed to accrue or arise in India during the previous year.
(d) The income in question has been subjected to income-tax in Country P in his hands
and he has paid tax on such income in Country P.
(e) There is no agreement under section 90 for the relief or avoidance of double taxation
between India and Country P where the income has accrued or arisen.
In this case, Mr. Mahesh Sharma is eligible for deduction under section 91, since all the
above conditions are fulfilled.
(b) The REIT enjoys pass-through status in respect of rental income from real estate asset
owned by it directly and interest income from special purpose vehicle, (i.e., A Ltd., in this

case, since it is an Indian company in which REIT holds controlling interest). Therefore,
such income is taxable in the hands of the unit holders.
(1) Rental income component of income distributed by REIT: The distributed income
or any part thereof, received by Vallish from the REIT, which is in the nature of
income by way of renting or leasing or letting out any real estate asset owned directly
by such REIT is deemed income of the unit-holder as per section 115UA(3).
Accordingly, Rs.1,25,000 would be deemed income of Vallish as per section
115UA(3). The REIT has to deduct tax at source under section [email protected]%
(being the rate in force) in case of distribution to Vallish, being a non-resident.
(2) Interest component of income distributed by REIT: Interest component of income
received from a special purpose vehicle, A Ltd., in this case, and distributed to a unit
holder is taxable@5% in the hands of the unit holder. Accordingly, such interest
component of Rs.62,000 is taxable in the hands of Vallish. The REIT has to deduct
tax at source under section 194LBA @5%, on Rs.62,000, since Vallish is a non-
(3) Dividend component of income distributed by REIT: Any distributed income
referred to in section 115UA, to the extent it does not comprise of interest [referred
to in sub-clause (a) of section 10(23FC)] and rental income from real estate assets
owned directly by the business trust [referred to in section 10(23FCA)] received by
unit holders, is exempt in their hands under section 10(23FD). Therefore, by virtue
of section 10(23FD), Rs.58,000, being the dividend component [referred to in sub-
clause (b) of section 10(23FC)] of income distributed to Vallish would be exempt in
his hands. Therefore, there is no liability on the REIT to deduct tax at source on the
dividend component of income distributed by it to Mr. Vallish.


M/s. Vaish & Co., an Indian firm, is a leading Delhi-based international tax consultant,
specializing in transfer pricing assignments. The following are the details pertaining to some of
its assignments:

(1) ABC Ltd., an Indian Company, supplied steel manufactured by it to ABC Inc., Country A
during the previous year 2017-18. ABC Limited also supplied the same product to another
Country A based company, PQR Inc. The transactions with ABC Inc. are priced at Euro 800
per MT (FOB), whereas the transactions with PQR Inc. are priced at Euro 1200 per MT
(CIF). Insurance and Freight amounts to Euro 400 per MT. ABC Ltd. wants to know if transfer
pricing provisions would be attracted in such a case.

(2) Sigma Ltd., operating in India, is one of the dealers for the goods manufactured by Epsilon
Ltd., Country B. During the course of assessment, the Assessing Officer, after verification
of transactions between Sigma Ltd. and Epsilon Ltd., opined that transfer pricing provisions
would become applicable in this case. The Assessing Officer adjusted the total income of
Sigma Ltd. by making an addition of Rs.2 crore to the declared income of Rs.6 crore for
A.Y.2018-19. It also issued show cause notice asking the company to explain why penalty
should not be levied for failure to report such transactions and maintain the requisite
records. Sigma Ltd is of the opinion that transfer pricing provisions would not be applicable
in its case and hence, there is no question of levy of such penalty. Sigma Ltd. wants to know
the lines in which reply needs to be given to the show cause notice.

(3) XYZ Motors Ltd., an Indian company declared business income of Rs.585 crores computed
in accordance with Chapter IV-D of the Income-tax Act, 1961 but before making transfer
pricing adjustments in respect of the following transactions for the year ended on 31.3.2018:

(i) 8,500 vans sold to LMN Inc., Country A, at a price which is less by Euro 280 each van than
the price charged from PQR Inc., Country A.

(ii) 4500 vans sold to GHI Inc., Country D at a price which is less by Euro 100 each van than
the price charged from PQR Inc., Country A.

(iii) Royalty of $ 80,00,000 was paid to RST Ltd., Country C, for use of technical know-how in
the manufacturing of van. However, RST Ltd. had provided the same know-how to Birla
Motors Ltd. for $ 60,00,000.

(iv) Loan of Euro 74 crores carrying interest @8% p.a. advanced by HIT Ltd., a Country D
company, was outstanding on 31.3.2018. The said Country D company had also advanced
a loan of similar amount to Aravalli Ltd. @7% p.a. Total interest paid for the year was EURO
5.92 crores.

XYZ Motors Ltd. wants to know the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 affecting all these
transactions. It also wants to know its business income chargeable to tax for A.Y.2018-19.

(4) OMR Limited, an Indian company, is engaged in manufacturing electronic components.

OMR Limited has borrowed Country L $ equivalent to Rs.200 lakhs from Omega Inc., a
Country L based company at LIBOR plus 200 points. The LIBOR prevalent at the time of
borrowing is 5% for Country L $. The borrowings allowed under the External Commercial
Borrowings guidelines issued under Foreign Exchange Management Act are LIBOR plus
300 basis points. OMR Limited wants to know whether transfer pricing provisions are
attracted in respect of this transaction.

(5) The following clients want to know whether the operating profit margin declared by them
would be accepted by the Income-tax Authorities. They have all exercised a valid option for
application of safe harbour rules,–

a) Alpha Ltd., an Indian company, provides user documentation preparation services to Xylo
Inc., which is a “specified foreign company” in relation to Alpha Ltd. The value of the
transaction entered into in the P.Y.2017-18 is Rs.87 crore. The operating expenses
incurred are Rs.68 crore. It has declared operating profit of Rs.10 crore.

b) Fulcrum Ltd. is an Indian company, solely engaged in the original manufacture and export
of non-core auto components. It exports these parts to Gigo Inc., a foreign company.
Fulcrum Ltd. appoints seven out of the twelve Directors of Gigo Inc. The aggregate value
of transactions entered into in the P.Y.2017-18 is Rs.25 crore. The operating expenses
incurred are Rs.18 crores. It has declared operating profit of Rs.1 crore.

c) Buttons and Bows Ltd., an Indian company, provides call centre services with the use of
information technology to Yale Inc., its foreign subsidiary. The aggregate value of
transactions entered into in the P.Y.2017-18 is Rs.192 crore. The operating expenses
incurred are Rs.160 crores. It has declared operating profit of Rs.32 crore.

Based on the facts given above and the exhibits given at the end, you are required to answer
the following questions:


Write the most appropriate answer to each of the following questions by choosing one of the
four options given. Each question carries two marks

1 If Fulcrum Ltd. had entered into an agreement for sale of 1000 units of non-core auto components
to Mr. Rajiv, an unrelated party, on 13.7.2017, and Mr. Rajiv had entered into an agreement for
sale of such components with Gigo Inc. on 8.7.2017, which of the following statements is correct?
(a) Transfer pricing provisions would not be attracted since Fulcrum Ltd. and Mr. Rajiv are not
associated enterprises
(b) Transaction between Fulcrum Ltd. and Mr. Rajiv would be deemed to be an international
transaction between associated enterprises, only if Mr. Rajiv is a non-resident.
(c) Transaction between Gigo Inc. and Mr. Rajiv would be deemed to be an international
transaction between associated enterprises, only if Mr. Rajiv is a non-resident.
(d) Transaction between Fulcrum Ltd. and Mr. Rajiv would be deemed to be an international
transaction between associated enterprises, whether or not Mr. Rajiv is a non-resident.

2 In respect of the transaction referred to in Q.1 above, what would be the penalty leviable if Fulcrum
Ltd. fails to report the above transaction?
(i) 2% of the value of transaction
(ii) 50% of tax payable on under-reported income
(iii) 200% of tax payable on under-reported income
(a) Only (i) above
(b) (i) and (ii) above
(c) (i) and (iii) above
(d) No penalty is leviable since Fulcrum Ltd. and Rajiv are not associated enterprises

3 Let us suppose Alpha Ltd. has entered into an advance pricing agreement (APA) in respect of
its transactions with Xylo Inc. for the P.Y.2016-17. The company decides to make an application
for roll back of the said APA. However, rollback provision shall not be available in respect of the
said transaction for a rollback year, if –
(i) such application has the effect of reducing total income declared in the return of income of
the said year
(ii) determination of the arm’s length price of the said transactions for the said year has been
the subject matter of appeal before Commissioner (Appeals) and the Commissioner
(Appeals) has passed an order disposing of such appeal at any time before signing of the
(iii) determination of the arm’s length price of the said transactions for the said year has been
the subject matter of appeal before the Appellate Tribunal and the Appellate Tribunal has
passed an order disposing of such appeal at any time before signing of the agreement

(iv) return of income for the relevant roll back year has been furnished by the company under
section 139(4)
The most appropriate answer is -
(a) (i) and (ii) above.
(b) (i) and (iii) above
(c) (i), (ii) and (iv) above
(d) (i), (iii) and (iv) above.

4 Assuming that Fulcrum Ltd.’s business income of A.Y.2018-19 has increased by Rs.2 crores
due to application of arm’s length price by the Assessing Officer, and the same has been
accepted by Fulcrum Ltd., then, -
(a) business loss of A.Y.2017-18 cannot be set-off against the enhanced income
(b) deductions under Chapter VI-A cannot be claimed in respect of the enhanced income.
(c) unabsorbed depreciation of A.Y.2012-13 cannot be set-off against the enhanced income
(d) business loss referred to in (a) above, deductions referred to in (b) above and
unabsorbed depreciation referred to in (c) above cannot be set-off against the enhanced

5 Assuming that there has been an increase in the total income of Alpha Ltd. by Rs.3 crores due
to application of arm’s length price, and the same has been accepted by Alpha Ltd., the said
sum of Rs.3 crores
(a) is not required to be repatriated if the said increase is as per the safe harbor rules
(b) is not required to be repatriated if the said increase is determined by an advance pricing
(c) need not be repatriated in both cases (a) and (b) mentioned above. However, had the
increase been made by the Assessing Officer during the course of assessment, the same
has to be repatriated failing which it would be treated as a deemed advance.
(d) has to be repatriated in both cases (a) and (b) mentioned above, failing which the same
would be treated as a deemed advance.

6 Which of the following pairs of companies are Associated Enterprises/deemed to be associated

(i) ABC Ltd. & ABC Inc.
(ii) Satpura Ltd. & Sigma Ltd.
(iii) XYZ Motors Ltd. & RST Ltd.
(iv) XYZ Motors Ltd. & HIT Ltd.
The correct answer is -
(a) Only (i) above
(b) (i) and (ii) above

(c) (i) and (iii) above

(d) (i), (iii) and (iv) above.

7 If Himalaya Ltd. has two Units, Unit 1 is engaged in power generation business and Unit 2 is
engaged in manufacture of wires. Both the units were set up in Himachal Pradesh in the year
2014. In the year 2017-18, fourteen lakh metres of wire are transferred from Unit 2 to Unit 1
at Rs.150 per metre when the market price per metre was Rs.200. Which of the following
statements is correct?
(a) Transfer pricing provisions would be attracted in this case
(b) Transfer pricing provisions would not be attracted in this case, since Unit 1 and Unit 2
belong to the same company and are not associated enterprises.
(c) Transfer pricing provisions would not be attracted in this case as it is not an international
transaction as both the Units are in India. For the purpose of Chapter VIA deduction, the
profits of power generation business shall, however, be computed as if the transfer has
been made at the market value of Rs.200 per MT.
(d) Transfer pricing provisions would not be attracted in this case due to reasons mentioned
in both (b) and (c) above.

8 Ram, an individual aged 35 years resident in India, bought 3,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each of
ABC Ltd. at Rs.70 per share on 1.6.2017. He sold 1800 equity shares at Rs.50 per share on
3.11.2017 and the remaining 1200 shares at Rs.60 per share on 23.3.2018. ABC Ltd. declared a
dividend of 40%, the record date being 14.8.2017. On 15.3.2018, Ram sold a house from which
he derived a long-term capital gain of Rs.1,25,000. Assuming Ram’s interest income from bank
fixed deposit is Rs.3,00,000, his tax liability (rounded off) for A.Y.2018-19 would be -
(a) 18,440
(b) 18,810
(c) 19,920
(d) 19,410

9 Which of the following is not an eligible international transaction for application of safe harbor rules?
(i) Preparation of user documentation
(ii) Receipt of intra-group loans where the amount of loan is denominated in Indian rupees
(iii) Providing implicit corporate guarantee
(iv) Purchase and export of core auto components
(v) Receipt of intra-group services from group member
(a) Only (ii)
(b) (ii) and (v)
(c) (ii), (iv) and (v)
(d) (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v)

10 Let us consider two hypothetical cases -

Case 1: Ganga Ltd., Yamuna Ltd. and Saraswati Ltd. amalgamate to form Ganga Ltd.
Case 2: Ganga Ltd., Yamuna Ltd. and Saraswati Ltd. merge to form new company, Triveni
Sangam Ltd.
Which companies are eligible to apply for rollback provisions post amalgamation/merger in the
above cases, assuming that all other conditions are satisfied?
(a) In Cases 1 & 2: Ganga Ltd., Yamuna Ltd. and Saraswati Ltd.
(b) In Case 1: Ganga Ltd and in Case 2 : Ganga Ltd., Yamuna Ltd. and Saraswati Ltd.
(c) In Case 1: Ganga Ltd., Yamuna Ltd. and Saraswati Ltd. and in Case 2, None.
(d) In Case 1: Ganga Ltd. and in Case 2, None.


1. (i) Would transfer pricing provisions be attracted in respect of the transaction of supply of steel by ABC
Ltd. to ABC Inc.? If so, compute the arm’s length price of such transaction. (4 Marks)

(ii) Examine whether transfer pricing provisions would be attracted in respect of transactions between
Sigma Ltd. and Epsilon Ltd. If so, what is the penalty leviable for defaults, if any, by Sigma Ltd. in
compliance of the requisite provisions under the Income-tax Act? (6 Marks)

2. (i) Examine whether transfer pricing provisions are attracted in respect of the transactions entered
into by XYZ Motors Ltd. Also, compute the total income of XYZ Motors Ltd. chargeable to tax for
A.Y.2018-19. (7 Marks)

(ii) Would transfer pricing provisions be attracted in respect of the transaction of borrowal of funds by
OMR Ltd. from Omega Inc? Examine. (3 Marks)

3. With respect to the transactions listed in (a) to (c) under para (5) in the case study, you are required to
analyze –

(i) the basis on which the parties to the transactions can be deemed as associated enterprises
for attracting transfer pricing provisions

(ii) how the transactions qualify as eligible international transactions.

(iii) whether the transfer price declared by the assessee in each case can be accepted by the
Income-tax authorities, without making any adjustment thereto.

Would your answer change if Yale Inc. is located in a notified jurisdictional area? Examine. (10 Marks)

Exhibit A: Shareholding pattern of ABC Ltd.

Shareholder Number of equity shares

Ganga Ltd., India 20,000

Yamuna Ltd., India 10,000

Saraswati Ltd., India 10,000

Thames Inc., Country A 30,000

ABC Inc., Country A 1,20,000

General public 1,10,000

Exhibit B : Details relating to PQR Inc.

(1) Shareholding pattern of PQR Inc.

Shareholder Number of equity shares

Peru Inc., Country A 30,000

Andes Inc., Country A 40,000

Niagra Inc., Country A 25,000

Atlanta Inc., Country A 15,000

EFG Ltd., India 50,000

General Public 80,000

(2) List of Lenders:

1 Barclays Bank

2 Grindlays Bank

3 Bank of America

4 American Express Bank


(3) List of Borrowers:

1 Titanic Inc., Country A

2 Bolivia Inc., Country A

3 Detro Inc., Country A

4 Santro Inc., Country A

(4) PQR Inc. has not provided guarantee in respect of loan taken by any person

(5) PQR Inc’s loans are guaranteed by Peru Inc. and Andes Inc.

(6) The directors of PQR Inc. are appointed by Peru Inc. and Andes Inc.

(7) PQR Inc. purchases steel from different suppliers in India. Only 10% of its requirement is
met out of supplies from ABC Ltd.

(8) PQR Inc. manufactures auto parts using steel purchased from different suppliers. It is also
a dealer in automobiles.

(9) Apart from XYZ Motors Ltd., it is a dealer for automobiles manufactured by several other
companies in India and other countries.

(10) List of Debtors for sales:

1 Michigan Inc., Country A

2 Celro Inc., Country A

3 Dolphin Inc., Country A

4 Elephanta Inc., Country A

Exhibit C: Details relating to Sigma Ltd.

(1) Shareholding pattern of Sigma Ltd.

Shareholder Number of equity shares

Himalaya Ltd., India 75,000

Satpura Ltd., India 90,000

Vindhyas Ltd., India 45,000

Epsilon Ltd., Country B 1,40,000


Aravalli Ltd., India 25,000

General public 1,50,000

(2) Particulars of turnover of Sigma Ltd.

Previous Turnover

2014-15 Rs.35 crores

2015-16 Rs.55 crores

2016-17 Rs.82 crores

2017-18 Rs.117 crores

Exhibit D: Details relating to XYZ Motors Ltd.

(1) Shareholding pattern of XYZ Motors Ltd.

Shareholder Number of equity shares

DEF Ltd., India 6,000

GHI Inc., Country D 3,000

LMN Inc., Country A 50,000

RST Ltd., Country C 10,000

HIT Ltd., Country D 1,000

Others 60,000

(2) Total book value of its assets. as on 31.3.2018 : Rs.12,000 crores.

(3) XYZ Motors Ltd. has neither entered into advance pricing agreement nor has it opted for safe
harbor rules.

(4) The manufacture of vans by XYZ Motors Ltd is wholly dependent on the use of know-how owned
by RST Ltd. RST Ltd. is the sole owner of such technical knowhow.

(5) The value of 1 Country C $ and of 1 EURO was Rs.60 and Rs.81, respectively, throughout the

Exhibit E : Details relating to Birla Motors Ltd., India

(1) Shareholding pattern of Birla Motors Ltd.

Shareholder Number of equity shares

Sahara Ltd., India 15,000

Thar Ltd., India 20,000

Gobi Ltd., India 7,000

Sunderbans Ltd., India 8,000

General Public 1,50,000

(2) List of Lenders:

1 State Bank of India

2 Bank of Baroda

3 Union Bank of India

4 Sundaram Finance Ltd.

5 Apple Finance Ltd.

(3) List of Borrowers:

1 Xansa Ltd., India

2 Munnar Ltd., India

3 Podhigai Ltd., India

4 Vanasthali Ltd., India

(4) Birla Motors Ltd. has not provided guarantee in respect of loan taken by any person

(5) Birla Motors Ltd.’s loans are guaranteed by Sahara Ltd. and Thar Ltd.

(6) The directors of Birla Motors Ltd. are appointed by Sahara Ltd. and Thar Ltd.

(7) Birla Motors Ltd. uses the technical know how provided by a few companies outside India,
including RST Ltd.

(8) Birla Motors Ltd. is not a shareholder of RST Ltd; It does not appoint any of the directors of
RST Ltd.

Exhibit F : Details relating to OMR Ltd.

(1) Shareholding pattern of OMR Ltd.

Shareholder Number of equity shares

A Ltd., India 5,000

B Inc., Country L 7,000

C Inc., Country L 14,000

D Ltd., India 12,000

E Inc., Country L 8,000

Omega Inc., Country L 10,000

Others 24,000

(2) Total book value of assets of OMR Ltd as on 31.3.2018 : Rs.3,000 crores.

(3) OMR Ltd. has neither entered into advance pricing agreement nor has it opted for safe harbor rules.

(4) Loan advanced by Omega Inc., Country L to OMR Ltd : Rs.1,600 crores

Note: In all the above exhibits, the shareholding pattern is reflective of the voting power, i.e., all shares
have equal voting rights.




MCQ No. Answer MCQ No. Answer

1. (d) 6. (c)
2. (c) 7. (a)
3. (d) 8. (c)
4. (b) 9. (d)
5. (d) 10. (d)


Answer to Q.1
(i) Since ABC Inc., a foreign company, holds 40% [1,20,000×100/3,00,000] of the voting power in
ABC Ltd., an Indian company, ABC Ltd. and ABC Inc. are deemed to be associated enterprises
as per section 92A(2). In this case, ABC Limited, the Indian company, supplied steel
manufactured by it to its associated enterprise, ABC Inc. ABC Ltd. supplies similar product to
PQR Inc., Country A. From the information given in Exhibits A & B, ABC Ltd. does not have
any shareholding in PQR Inc; and PQR Inc also does not have any shareholding in ABC Ltd.
PQR Inc. has neither borrowed nor lent money to ABC Ltd. It has not given a guarantee on
behalf of ABC Ltd. nor has ABC Ltd. given any guarantee on its behalf. The supplies made by
ABC Ltd. to PQR Inc. constitute only 10% of the requirement of PQR Inc. Therefore, from the
information given in Exhibits A & B, it would be logical to infer that ABC Ltd. and PQR Inc are
unrelated parties. Therefore, the transactions between ABC Limited and PQR Inc. can be
considered as comparable uncontrolled transactions for the purpose of determining the arm’s
length price of the transactions between ABC Ltd. and ABC Inc. Accordingly, comparable
Uncontrolled Price (CUP) method of determination of arm’s length price (ALP) can be applied
in this case.
Transactions with ABC Inc. are on FOB basis, whereas transactions with PQR Inc. are on CIF
basis. This difference has to be adjusted before comparing the prices.
Particulars Amount (in Euro)
Price per MT of steel to PQR Inc. 1,200
Less: Cost of insurance and freight per M.T. 400
Adjusted Price per M.T. 800
Since the adjusted price for PQR Inc., Country A and the price fixed for ABC Inc. are the same,
the arm’s length price is Euro 800 per MT. Since the sale price to associated enterprise (i.e.,
ABC Inc.) and unrelated party (i.e., PQR Inc.) is the same, the transaction with associated
enterprise ABC Inc. has also been carried out at arm’s length price.

(ii) Sigma Ltd., India and Epsilon Ltd., Country B are deemed to be associated enterprises, since
Epsilon Ltd. holds shares carrying 26.66% [1,40,000 × 100/5,25,000], voting power in Sigma
Ltd, from the information given in Exhibit C. Since Epsilon Ltd. is a non-resident, the transactions
of purchase by Sigma Ltd. of goods manufactured by Epsilon Ltd. for sale in lndia would fall
within the meaning of “international transaction” under section 92B. Therefore, transfer pricing
provisions would be attracted in this case and the arm’s length price have to be applied to such
Accordingly, penalty would be leviable under the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 for
failure to report such transactions and maintain requisite records in respect of such transactions.
The penalty leviable under the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 in respect of its failures
are -
(1) Failure to report transactions with Epsilon Ltd. would attract penalty of Rs.132.252 lakhs,
being @ 200% of the amount of tax payable on under reported income of Rs.2 crore, since
it is a case of misreporting of income referred under section 270A(9) read with section
Computation of penalty leviable under section 270A
Particulars Rs
Under-reported income [Rs. 8 crore – Rs.6 crore] 2,00,00,000
Tax payable on under-reported income:
Tax on under-reported income of Rs. 2 crore plus total income of
Rs. 6 crore declared [30% of Rs. 8 crore + surcharge@ 7% + EC & 2,64,50,400
Less: Tax on total income declared [30% of Rs. 6 crore +
Surcharge@7% + EC & SHEC@3%] 1,98,37,800
Penalty leviable@200% of tax payable on under-reported income 1,32,25,200

(2) Failure to report the transaction and maintain the requisite records as required under
section 92D in relation to international transaction makes it liable for penalty under section
271AA which would be 2% of the value of international transaction with Epsilon Ltd. 1
However, if reasonable cause can be shown by Sigma Ltd. for failure to maintain requisite
records under section 92D, penalty under section 271AA can be avoided.
Answer to Q.2
(i) Any income arising from an international transaction between two or more “associated
enterprises” shall be computed having regard to arm’s length price.
Section 92A defines an “associated enterprise” and sub-section (2) of this section speaks of the
situations when the two enterprises shall be deemed to associated enterprises. App lying the
provisions of section 92A(2)(a) to (m) to the given facts in the case study along with Exhibit D,
it is clear that “XYZ Motors Ltd.” is deemed to be associated with :-

1 Since the value of international transaction is not given in the question, computation of penalty is not possible in this cas e.

(1) LMN Inc., Country A, as per section 92A(2)(a), because this company holds shares carrying
38.46% [50,000 ×100/1,30,000] (i.e., more than 26%) of the voting power in XYZ Motors
(2) RST Ltd., Country C, as per section 92A(2)(g), since this company is the sole owner of the
technology used by XYZ Motors Ltd. in the manufacturing process and the manufacture of
vans by XYZ Motors Ltd. is wholly dependent on the use of know-how owned by RST Ltd.;
However, GHI Inc., Country D is not an associated enterprise of XYZ Motors Ltd. since its voting
power in XYZ Motors Ltd. is only 2.31% [3,000 × 100/1,30,000]. Further, HIT Ltd., Country D,
is not an associated enterprise of XYZ Motors Ltd., since this company has financed an amount
which is only 49.95% [74 × 81 × 100 /12,000] (i.e., less than 51%) of the book value of total
assets of XYZ Motors Ltd. Also, it holds shares carrying only 0.77% [1,000 × 100/1,30,000]
voting power in XYZ Motors Ltd.
The transactions entered into by XYZ Motors Ltd. with LMN Inc. and RST Ltd. are, therefore, to
be adjusted accordingly to work out the income chargeable to tax for the A.Y. 2018 -19.
(1) From the details given in Exhibit B & D, it would be logical to conclude that XYZ Motors
Ltd. and PQR Inc. are unrelated parties on the same lines of reasoning for concluding ABC
Ltd. and PQR Inc. are unrelated parties. Therefore, the price charged from P QR Inc. can
be taken as the price of a comparable uncontrolled transaction for determining the arm’s
length price of the transaction with LMN Inc.
(2) From the details given in Exhibit E, it would be logical to conclude that RST Ltd. and Birla
Motors Ltd. are unrelated parties. Birla Motors Ltd. does not have any voting power in RST
Ltd.; nor does RST Ltd. have any voting power in Birla Motors Ltd. Birla Motors Ltd. does
not solely depend on technical knowhow provided by RST Ltd. It has neither lent nor
borrowed money from RST Ltd. Also, it has neither provided guarantee to, nor obtained
guarantee from, RST Ltd. It has not appointed any of the directors of RST Ltd; nor has
RST Ltd. appointed any of its directors. Therefore, it is apparent that Birla Motors Ltd. and
RST Ltd. are unrelated parties. Therefore, the price charged by RST Ltd. from Birla Motors
Ltd. for use of technical knowhow can be taken as the price of a comparable uncontrolled
transaction for determining the arm’s length price of the transaction with XYZ Motors Ltd.
Particulars (Rs. in
Income of XYZ Motors Ltd. as computed under Chapter IV-D, prior to 585.00
adjustments as per Chapter X
Add: Difference on account of adjustment in the value of international
(i) Difference in price of van @ Euro 280 each for 8,500 vans 19.278
(Euro 280 x 8,500 x Rs.81) sold to LMN Inc.
(ii) Difference for excess payment of royalty of $ 20,00,000
($ 20,00,000 x Rs.60) to RST Ltd. 12.000
Total Income 616.278

(ii) Omega Inc., Country L and OMR Limited, the Indian company are deemed to be associated
enterprises, since Omega Inc. has advanced loan constituting 53.33% of the book value of total
assets of OMR Ltd. [1,600 × 100/3,000] , as per the information given in Exhibit F. Accordingly,
transfer pricing provisions would be attracted. The arm's length rate of interest can be

determined by using CUP method having regard to the rate of interest on external commercial
borrowing permissible as per guidelines issued under Foreign Exchange Management Act. The
interest rate permissible is LIBOR plus 300 basis points i.e., 5% + 3% = 8%, which can be taken
as the arm’s length rate. The interest rate applicable on the borrowing by OMR Limited, India
from Omega Inc., Country L, is LIBOR plus 200 basis points i.e., 5% + 2% = 7%. Since the rate
of interest, i.e. 7% is less than the arm's length rate of 8%, the borrowing made by OMR Ltd. is
not at arm’s length. However, in this case, the taxable income of OMR Ltd., India, would be
lower if the arm’s length rate is applied. Hence, no adjustment is required since the law of
transfer pricing will not apply if there is a negative impact on the existing profits.
Answer to Q.3
(a) Xylo Inc. is a specified foreign company in relation to Alpha Ltd. Therefore, the condition of
Alpha Ltd. holding shares carrying not less than 26% of the voting power in Xylo Inc is satisfied.
Hence, Xylo Inc. and Alpha Ltd. are deemed to be associated enterprises. Therefore, provision
of user documentation services by Alpha Ltd., an Indian company, to Xylo Inc., a foreign
company, is an international transaction between associated enterprises, and consequently, the
provisions of transfer pricing are attracted in this case.
Preparation of user documentation services falls within the definition of “software development
services”, and hence, is an eligible international transaction. Since Alpha Ltd. is providing
software development services to a non-resident associated enterprise and has exercised a
valid option for safe harbour rules, it is an eligible assessee.
Since the value of international transaction entered does not exceed Rs.100 crore, Alpha Ltd.
should have declared an operating profit margin of not less than 17% in relation to operating
expense, to be covered within the safe harbour rules. However, since Alpha Ltd. has declared
an operating profit margin of only 14.71% [10× 100/68], the same is not in accordance with the
circumstance mentioned in Rule 10TD. Hence, it is not binding on the income-tax authorities to
accept the transfer price declared by Alpha Ltd.
(b) Fulcrum Ltd. and Gigo Inc. are deemed to be associated enterprises since Fulcrum Ltd. appoints
more than half of the Board of Directors of Gigo Inc. Manufacture and export of non -core auto
components is an eligible international transaction. Since Fulcrum Ltd. is engaged in original
manufacture of non-core auto components and export of the same, it is an eligible assessee.
Fulcrum Ltd. should have declared an operating profit margin of not less than 8.5% in relation
to operating expense, to be covered within the scope of safe harbour rules. In this case, since
Fulcrum Ltd. has declared an operating profit margin of 5.55% [1 × 100/18], the same is not in
accordance with the circumstance mentioned in Rule 10TD. Hence, it is not binding on the
income-tax authorities to accept the transfer price declared by Fulcrum Ltd in respect of such
international transaction.
(c) Yale Inc., a foreign company, is a subsidiary of Buttons & Bows Ltd., an Indian company. Hence,
Yale Inc. and Buttons & Bows Ltd. are associated enterprises. Therefore, provision of call centre
services by Buttons & Bows Ltd., an Indian company, to Yale Inc., a foreign company, is an
international transaction between associated enterprises, and consequently, the provisions of
transfer pricing are attracted in this case.
Call centre services with the use of information technology falls within the definition of
“information technology enabled services”, and is hence, an eligible international transaction.
Since Buttons & Bows Ltd. is providing call centre services to a non-resident associated
enterprise and has exercised a valid option for safe harbour rules, it is an eligible assessee.

Since the aggregate value of transactions entered into in the P.Y.2017-18 exceeds Rs.100 crore
but does not exceed Rs.200 crore, Buttons & Bows Ltd. should have declared an operating
profit margin of not less than 18% in relation to operating expense, to be covered within the
scope of safe harbour rules. In this case, since Buttons & Bows Ltd. has declared an operating
profit margin of 20% [32 × 100/160], the same is in accordance with the circumstance mentioned
in Rule 10TD. Hence, the income-tax authorities shall accept the transfer price declared by
Buttons & Bows Ltd. in respect of such international transaction.
The safe harbour rules shall not apply in respect of eligible international transactions entered
into with an associated enterprise located in a notified jurisdictional area. Therefore, in respect
of (c) above, if Yale Inc. is located in a NJA, the safe harbour rules shall not be applicable,
irrespective of the operating profit margin declared by the assessee.

Athena Ltd. is a company specializing in manufacture of electronic products such as hair straighteners and
curlers. Athena Ltd. was incorporated in Country A in September 2011.

Athena Ltd. set up its own manufacturing facility by July 2012 and set up its first retail store in December 2012
in Country A. The retail store displayed and sold the various variants of straighteners and curlers that it had
manufactured. The products are sold under Athena’s registered trade mark. The first retail store showed
tremendous success and sales. Given the success, between the years 2013 to 2016, Athena grew its network
of retail stores in Country A. By the end of 2016 it had set up a total of ten retail stores in Country A.

The board of directors of Athena Ltd. consisted of Mr. Lim, his wife Mrs. Lim and his dear friend Mr. Chang
and his wife Mrs. Chang. Mr. Lim, Mrs. Lim, Mr. Chang and Mrs. Chang were all residents and citizens of
Country B. The board meetings of Athena Ltd. were regularly held in Country A with each director being
personally present for such meetings. All decisions relating to setting up and expansion of the retail stores
network were taken up duly by the board of directors with unanimous agreement.

Athena Ltd. seeks to expand its presence to other countries including India in the previous year 2017-18. India
is a potential market and seems to be a profitable move for the company.

The board thinks that before any substantial investment is made in the Indian market , it would be fit to gain a
comprehensive understanding of the Indian market in terms of consumer choices, market rivals, legal
compliances, business regulations, etc. Hence, it devises a four stage strategy to launch the Indian operations.

Stage I:
Athena Ltd. will hire three professionals residing in India based on prescribed qualifications. It would be ideal
for the team to comprise one lawyer, one accountant and one business professional.

The functions to be discharged by such professionals include authoring a detailed project report enumerating
the domestic landscape of the Indian legal and business regulations that would govern the proposed business
in India. For example, what are the legal and regulatory compliances required for setting up a business? What
is the projected growth trend of the hair care industry? Who are the market rivals and what is their respective
market share? The project report would also include financial projections regarding the profitability for next five

The professionals are expected to work independently but can raise any queries to the board of directors of
Athena Ltd. These professionals will be given two months to complete the report and present the findings to
the board of directors. The remuneration of the professionals would be taken care of, by Athena Ltd.

Pursuant to the strategy, Mr. Hari, Mr. Rajesh and Mr. Ravi were hired by Athena Ltd. on March 1, 2017. Their
monthly remuneration were fixed at Rs.75,000, Rs.82,000 and Rs.80,000 respectively, for the two month
period. The report was duly submitted by them to the board of Athena Ltd. on April 30, 2017. The board was
happy to receive the report and duly considered the findings submitted.

Stage II:
Having implemented the first stage, the next step would be to hire an agent with well-established industry
knowledge and with networks and connections in the hair care industry in India. The agent was to work

exclusively for Athena Ltd.The initial term of engagement would be four months, which may be extended to
another term, if found agreeable to both parties.

The agent will be expected to identify potential companies and individuals who can serve as
advisors/investors/local partners for Athena Ltd. as and when it intends to establish its local presence in India.
The agent can hold the first round of discussions and negotiations with any such interested party. Based on
such discussions, the agent must convey the expectations of the interested party to Athena Ltd. While the
agent can enter into any such preliminary negotiations with the advisors / investors/ local partners, the desired
terms of relationship would be subject to the consideration, confirmation and final approval of Athena Ltd. The
agent also had to identify potential customers and promote the company’s products. For this purpose, hair
curlers and hair straightners would be supplied to the agent, who in turn has to market these products to
potential customers. The Board of Athena Ltd. decided that, as a promotional offer, a discount of 30% can be
offered initially to such customers.

After a host of interviews, Mr.Shyam was found eligible for the position of the agent. The terms of engagement
of Mr. Shyam were fixed for four months. Mr. Shyam acted as an agent from June 2017 to September 2017.
He received a remuneration of Rs.1,50,000 per month for the performance of his functions, as described above.

After a series of discussions, Mr. Shyam identified Mr. Garg, Mr. Patnaik and Mr. Sharma as suitable advisors
who have relevant industry experience in the hair care and hospitality industries. Mr. Shyam was also able to
identify potential customers in western states of India, namely, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa and effect sales
to such customers during the said period.

Stage III:
The third step is to launch and sell the products in India using e-commerce, given the wide spread use of digital
means such as websites and phone based apps by Indians for shopping online. The website,,
was designed and hosted such that Indian users can make use of its services for placing orders in India. The
website was hosted on a server based in Cayman Islands, owned and operated by Athena Ltd. The business
was carried on through the server, which carries on the entire set of operations. The Indian user merely has
to click on the desired product and fill in the details of the desired address for delivery and make payment
using a payment gateway, after which the order is confirmed and delivery is ensured.

In order to enable the delivery of the straighteners and curlers to Indian customers, Athena Ltd. identified
warehouse(s) where the stock can be maintained and from which the orders of the customers can be
satisfactorily met. Athena Ltd. directly supplied the stock from the Country A entity to the local warehouses.

The website was functional for the said purpose in October, 2017 and thereafter, online sales were effected
through the website at the price decided by Athena Ltd. During October 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017 Athena
Ltd. was able to sell 2500 units of hair straightners and 1500 units of hair curlers to customers based in India.
The hair dryer was priced at Rs.2,500 while the hair curler was priced at Rs.3,500.

Stage IV:
As a fourth step, the board of Athena Ltd. reviewed the strategies adopted. Encouraged by the positive market
response in India, the board of Athena Ltd. decided to set up a branch in Mumbai in January, 2018. Mr. Garg
and Mr. Patnaik, who are residing in Mumbai, are now entrusted with spearheading the Indian operations and
expansion strategy. Sales were effected through the Mumbai branch from January, 2018 itself.

Athena Ltd. is also considering advertising the product on the internet using websites such as Google Inc. The
board believes that using digital means of advertising would give the necessary push to sales by educating
interested Indian customers of the product range which would contribute to better sales and profits, in turn.

The company enters into talks with Google Inc. for hosting the desired advertisements. It negotiated a sum of
Rs.30,00,000, which is paid to Google Inc. in March, 2018 for online advertising services.

Additional facts to be able to answer the questions:

Google Inc does not have a permanent establishment in India.

Assume that Country A and India have a Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement which is
identical to that of the provisions of the OECD Model Convention.
Based on the above facts, you are required to answer the following questions:


Write the correct answer to each of the following questions by choosing one of the four options given.
Each question carries two marks.

1. The income earned by Athena Ltd. from sale of hair straightners and hair curlers in India during the period
from June, 2017 to December, 2017 –

(a) Would not be taxable in India, since no business connection is established on account of Mr. Shyam
not having authority to conclude contracts on behalf of Athena Ltd.

(b) Would be taxable in India, since business connection would be established on account of Mr. Shyam
securing orders in India wholly for Athena Ltd.

(c) Would not be taxable in India, since Athena Ltd. does not have a PE in India

(d) Would be taxable in India, since Athena Ltd. has a PE in India

2. Dividend from an Indian company is exempt in the hands of a non-resident shareholder by virtue of section
10(34). Can such income be subject to tax in his hands in accordance with the provisions of th e tax treaty?

(a) Yes, since the provisions of the treaty override the domestic law

(b) No, due to the non-aggravation principle

(c) No, due to the equivalent beneficiary principle

(d) No, due to allocation of taxing rights principle.

3. Which of the following may be viewed by the tax authorities as a tax avoidance measure undertaken by
Athena Ltd.?

(a) Choosing Google Inc., a company not having a PE in India, for advertising its products .

(b) Hosting the website on a server based in Cayman islands

(c) Both (a) and (b)


(d) Entering into limited period engagements with persons resident in India.

4. In respect of remuneration of Rs.1,50,000 per month paid by Athena Ltd. to

Mr. Shyam, which of the following statements is correct, having regard to the provisions of the Income-tax
Act, 1961 (provisions of DTAA may be ignored) –

(a) No tax is deductible at source as per the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 since Athena Ltd. is a
foreign company and is not resident in India

(b) Tax has to be deducted at source under section 192 at the average rate of income-tax computed on
the basis of the rates in force.

(c) Tax has to be deducted at source at the rates in force under section 195

(d) Tax has to be deducted at source@5%

5. As per the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961, who can act as a representative assessee in respect of
the income deemed to accrue or arise in India in the hands of Athena Ltd.?

(a) Only an employee of Athena Ltd.

(b) Only a trustee of Athena Ltd.

(c) Only an agent of Athena Ltd.

(d) All the above

6. As per the DTAA with Country A, which of the following statements is correct? –

(a) The DTAA applies only to taxes on income

(b) The DTAA applies both in respect of taxes on income and capital

(c) The DTAA applies only to persons who are resident of Country A in respect of taxes on income and

(d) The DTAA applies only to persons who are resident of India in respect of taxes on income.

7. Which of the following is ordinarily not a function served by a tax treaty?

(a) Relieving economic double taxation

(b) Imposing a fresh tax liability

(c ) Boosting mutual trade and investment in the two Contracting States

(d) Allocating taxing rights

8. Which of the following statements reflects the incorrect position?

(a) Domestic tax laws are irrelevant while considering application of the provisions of a DTAA

(b) Provisions of Income-tax Act, 1961 empower the Union Government to enter into tax treaties for
relieving double taxation

(c) Provisions of a DTAA overrides the provisions of domestic laws unless the latter are more beneficial
for a taxpayer

(d) In the absence of a DTAA, domestic tax laws provide unilateral relief to tackle double taxation

9. Which of the following is not a principle incorporated in the Vienna Convention on Law of Treaties?

(a) Preparatory work of the treaty can be used as a supplementary means of interpretation

(b) A State which is a third party cannot be bound by the terms of a bilateral tax treaty without its con sent

(c) Violation of any term of the tax treaty by one Contracting State entitles the other Contracting State to
terminate the treaty

(d) Ordinarily, each authenticated version of a treaty in more than one language carries equal force

10. Which article has been introduced in the India-Mauritius tax treaty to specifically target the practice of treaty

(a) Elimination of double taxation

(b) Limitation of benefits

(c ) Most Favoured Nation clause

(d) Non-discrimination


1. In relation to the income earned during previous year 2017-18, does Athena Ltd. have a permanent
establishment in India? Answer the question in relation to activities undertaken in each of four stages in the
case study. (10 Marks)

2. (a) (i) What may be viewed as a strategy which has been adopted by Athena Ltd. to avoid tax in India
in the third stage? Examine. (3 Marks)

(ii) Which action plan of BEPS addresses the tax challenges arising out of the strategy adopted by
Athena Ltd. in the third stage? What were the recommendations thereunder to address such
challenges? (4 Marks)

(b) From the following hypothetical situation given below, determine whether Athena Ltd satisfies the active
business test for determination of place of effective management under the Income-tax Act, 1961:

Particulars Country A Country B India

Foreign currency equivalent
Value of assets Rs.400 lakhs Rs.100 lakhs Rs.210 lakhs
Number of employees 30 10 20
Payroll expenses on employees Rs.160 lakhs Rs.35 lakhs Rs.65 lakhs
Number of Board Meetings 10 2 4

Particulars Rs.
Income from transactions where only the purchases of goods are from associated 25 lakhs
Income from transactions where only the sale of goods is to associated enterprises 45 lakhs
Income from transactions where both purchases and sales are from/to associated 110 lakhs
Income by way of dividend and interest involving associated enterprises 22 lakhs
Total income by way of dividend and interest 35 lakhs
Total income of Athena Ltd. 250 lakhs
(5 Marks)
3. (a) What are the tax implications under the Indian tax laws, in respect of fees paid for online advertising
services? (3 Marks)

(b) In respect of the fees referred to in (a) above, examine the requirement, if any, under the Indian tax
laws to deduct tax at source and the consequences of non-deduction at source. (3 Marks)

(c) Is there any provision incorporated in the Indian tax laws to avoid double taxation of such income [i.e.,
fees referred to in (a) above] in India? Examine. (2 Marks)


I. ANSWERS TO MCQs (Most appropriate answers)
1. (c)
2. (b)
3. (b)
4. (d)
5. (d)
6. (b)
7. (b)
8. (a)
9. (c)
10. (b)


Answer to Q.1:
First stage: Professionals have been hired in India for preparing a report over a period of two months. Based
on the contents of the report, it is possible to take a view that the work done by the professionals is merely
preparatory and auxiliary in nature. Once the activities are preparatory and auxiliary in nature, the activities cannot
be classified as triggering a PE implication for Athena Ltd. in India as per Article 5(4) of the India-Country A
DTAA. In any case, at this stage, there is no revenue generation to trigger the concept of PE.
Second stage: Article 5(6) of the DTAA with Country A does not expressly provide for exclusivity of relationship
with the principal as a test of agent’s dependence. However, “exclusive” relationship with the principal is a relevant
factor, although not entirely determinative, in ascertaining an agent’s independence. In this case, considering
that Shyam is an agent exclusively for Athena Ltd., it is possible to take a view that he is a dependent agent. As
per Article 5(5) of the DTAA with Country A, a dependent agent in India would constitute a PE for Athena Ltd.
only if it is shown that he has the authority to conclude contracts in the name of Athena Ltd. In this case , it can
be seen that the role of the agent does not extend to concluding contracts on behalf of the principal. Here, the
agent can only engage in preliminary negotiations with the final say being reserved exclusively for Athena Ltd.
alone. Further, he has to identify potential customers and sell the products at the initial offer price which is also
decided by the Board of Athena Ltd. Due to these reasons, the agent in India does not constitute a PE for Athena
Third stage: The traditional meaning and understanding of a fixed place PE connotes a physical space which is
at the disposal of the non-resident enterprise and through which the latter conducts its business. With respect to
a website, it has been held that it is merely a software. In the absence of the server supporting the website being
located in India (here, it is in Cayman Islands), there can be no PE liability for Athena Ltd. The server, through
which business is carried on, is located in Cayman Islands, a no tax jurisdiction, and not in India.
Furthermore, a warehouse in India would not constitute a PE as per Article 5(4) of the India-Country A DTAA.
Fourth stage – In this stage, Athena Ltd. sets up a branch in Mumbai, which constitutes a PE in India as per
Article 5(1)/(2) of the India-Country A DTAA. Accordingly, profits of Athena Ltd. as are attributable to the PE in
India would be liable to tax in India.
Answer to Q.2(a):
(i) The rise of e-commerce has led to an emergence of digital economy. Physical locations of the servers of
such digital businesses were considered to establish the tax jurisdiction in which the profits of digital
businesses could be taxed. Servers were, therefore, placed in tax efficient jurisdictions, even though the
main income generation and customers were from other jurisdictions.
In the third stage, the business in India is to be carried on through the website hosted on the server located
in Cayman islands, which is a no tax jurisdiction. In fact, the server located in Cayman islands carries on
the entire set of operations. A website consists of data and programmes in digitised form which is stored
on a server of the internet service provider. On the other hand, a permanent establishment, as the name
itself suggests, is a fixed place of some permanence from where a business is carried on. Therefore,
existence of a website in India would not constitute a permanent establishment.
However, the server is a system which carries out activities initiated by an end-user’s computer. In this case,
Athena Ltd. itself owns and operates the server and the business is carried on through the server, it could
be construed to be a permanent establishment. However, the server is located in Cayman islands, which is
a no tax jurisdiction. Location of the server owned and operated by Athena Ltd., which constitutes a PE in

this case, in a no tax jurisdiction may be viewed as a strategy adopted by Athena Ltd. to avoid tax in India,
considering the fact that Athena Ltd. is a Country A based company, its Board of Directors are residents of
Country B and it wishes to expand its market in India. However, it has chosen to locate the server through
which it carries on business in a fourth place, namely, Cayman islands, which is a no tax jurisdiction. This
may be viewed as a strategy adopted by Athena Ltd. to avoid tax in India in the third stage.
(ii) Owing to the ‘intangibility’ attached to the digital model of business, tax authorities often face challenges in
rightly bringing to tax the profits earned from a digital business.
Action Plan 1 of the BEPS project was developed by the OECD which outlines the methods and principles
based on which physical and digital economies can be taxed at par.
The OECD recommends the following options to address the challenges of the digital economy -
• Modifying the existing Permanent Establishment (PE) rule to provide whether an enterprise engaged
in fully de-materialized digital activities would constitute a PE, if it maintained a significant digital
presence in another country's economy.
• A virtual fixed place of business PE in the concept of PE i.e., creat ion of a PE when the enterprise
maintains a website on a server of another enterprise located in a jurisdiction and carries on business
through that website
• Imposition of a final withholding tax on certain payments for digital goods or services provided by a
foreign e-commerce provider or imposition of a equalisation levy on consideration for certain digital
transactions received by a non-resident from a resident or from a non-resident having PE in other
contracting state.
Answer to Q.2(b)
The process of determination of POEM is primarily based on the fact as to whether or not the company is engaged
in active business outside India.
A company shall be said to be engaged in “active business outside India”
- if the passive income is not more than 50% of its total income; and
- less than 50% of its total assets are situated in India; and
- less than 50% of total number of employees are situated in India or are resident in India; and
- the payroll expenses incurred on such employees is less than 50% of its total payroll expenditure.
Passive income is the aggregate of, -
(i) income from the transactions where both the purchase and sale of goods is from/to its associated
enterprises; and
(ii) income by way of royalty, dividend, capital gains, interest or rental income;

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Particulars Country A Country B India Total % of (4)
to total in
Value of assets Rs.400 lakhs Rs.100 lakhs Rs.210 lakhs Rs.710 lakhs 29.58%
Number of employees 30 10 20 60 33.33%
Payroll expenses on Rs.160 lakhs Rs.35 lakhs Rs.65 lakhs 260 25.00%

It can be seen that the value of assets in India is only 29.58% of the total assets of the company, the number
of employees in India is only 33.33% of the total number of employees and the payroll expenses incurred
on such employees is only 25% of its total payroll expenditure. Thus, three out of four conditions for active
business outside India are met. However, the passive income test has also to be met for active business to
be outside India.
Passive income = income from transactions where both purchases and sales are from/to associated
enterprises + total income by way of dividend and interest = Rs.110 lakhs + Rs.35 lakhs = Rs.145 lakhs
Percentage of passive income to total income = 145/250 × 100 = 58%
In this case, the passive income is more than 50% of the company’s total income. Hence, the passive
income test has failed, consequent to which the company cannot be said to have active business outside
Answer to Q.3:
(a) Equalisation levy@6% is attracted on the amount of consideration for specified services received or
receivable by a non-resident not having PE in India from a resident in India who carries on business or
profession or from a non-resident having PE in India. Specified services include online advertisement and
any provision for digital advertising space or any other facility or service for the purpose of online
In this case, Google Inc is a non-resident not having PE in India. It receives consideration of Rs.30 lakhs
from Athena Ltd., a non-resident having PE in India, for online advertisement services provided by it. Hence,
equalization levy@6% on Rs.30 lakhs is attracted in the hands of Google Inc.
In the hands of Athena Ltd., the amount of Rs.30 lakhs paid to Google Inc. would be allowable as business
expenditure, provided equalization levy has been deducted at source.
(b) Athena Ltd. is liable to deduct equalization levy of Rs.1.80 lakhs from the amount of Rs.30 lakhs payable to
Google Inc. In case it fails to so deduct equalization levy, it shall, notwithstanding such failure, be liable to
pay the levy to the credit of the Central Government by 7th April, 2018. Further, penalty of an amount equal
to Rs.1.80 lakhs would be attracted for failure to deduct equalization levy. Also, disallowance of the
expenditure of Rs.30 lakhs would be attracted under section 40(a)(ib) while computing business income of
Athena Ltd.
(c) Section 10(50) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 exempts income arising from providing specified service of online
advertisement, which are subject to equalization levy, from income-tax.


Shivam completed his engineering from BITS Country “X” and thereafter, came back to India in Mid 2011 for
further training and job placement. Since then, he has been working with a reputed MNC in Delhi and has been
staying in a rented accommodation for INR 25,000 per month in Delhi along with his parents and his wife
Sudha, who is a doctor by profession. Shivam has keen interest in Carnatic music and performs in music
concerts in the Delhi Tamil Sangam from time to time along with his friend Arvind. Shivam and Arvind also
perform in music concerts in in Margazhi Maha Utsav held in Chennai every December. Carnatic Music is
Shivam’s passion and he does not charge for performance in music concerts.

Arvind visits Country X for 60 days every year. For the rest of the year, he stays in Delhi. He is engaged in
the business of wholesale trade in foodgrains in Delhi. He has no source of income in Country X excep t interest
on Fixed Deposits made by him with a bank in that country out of his Indian income..

Sudha and her team is engaged in a project with Cure House Inc., a company based out of Country “Z”, to
provide consultancy services in field of medicine to various research institutes in India. The engagement began
during May 2017 and continued throughout the year. Due to the nature of project, Sudha frequently travels
across the country to various institutes. There is no fixed place for provision of consultancy services. The
expected revenue from the project is INR 70 crores.

Shivam’s employer is an MNC which has offices across the globe. The company has been processing, in
respect of Mr. Shivam, basic salary of INR 70,000, dearness allowance of INR 30,000 and special allowance
of INR 5,000 every month.

During the year 2017-18, the company initiated a Global Mobility Program and selected Shivam for secondment
to Country “Y” for a three-year assignment. Once Shivam starts his assignment, no further salary shall be
processed from India payroll and he shall receive salary for services rendered in Country “Y” in his Country
“Y” bank account. As per the terms of global mobility program, Shivam would be entitled to a monthly basic
salary of YGD 1400 and cost of living allowance of YGD 1000. Tax at the rate of 15% would be withheld on
such salary as per Country “Y” tax laws. Shivam would be staying there in a rent-free accommodation provided
by the company.

Shivam left India on September 30, 2017 for his overseas assignment and reached Country “Y” next day. His
parents and Sudha stayed in India in the same rented accommodation in Delhi owing to Sudha’s work
commitments. Shivam continued to pay rent of INR 25,000 per month in respect of the said a ccommodation.

On July 31, 2017, the company announced a bonus of INR 3,00,000 for the previous financial year (i.e.
F.Y.2016-17). As a retention policy, such bonus was paid after the first half of the financial year i.e. in October
2017. Shivam received the bonus amount in his salary account with the bank in Country Y.

Shivam had invested his overseas salary in purchase of securities of a Country “Y” company which yielded an
interest income of YGD 5000 due as on March 31, 2018. Such interest was taxed at 1 5% of the gross amount
as per Country “Y” domestic tax laws.

He has also purchased shares of Country “Y” Company and dividend of YGD 1000 was credited to his bank
account on March 31, 2018. Just like Indian tax laws, dividend paid by Country “Y” Company is exempt in the
hands of shareholders.

On 31.03.2018, he had earned interest income of YGD 150 from his saving bank account in Country “Y”, which
is also exempt as per the domestic tax laws of Country “Y”.

Shivam also owns a residential house property in Mumbai, which was let out for a monthly rent of INR 50,000 and
security deposit equivalent to two months rent was invested to earn interest at the rate of 10% per annum from the
same. He annually spends INR 60,000 for medical treatment and nursing of his dependent disabled mother.

During his engineering days, Shivam had also invested in bonds issued by the Government of Country “X” and
earned annual interest of INR 30,000 during the previous year. Such interest earned was exempt from tax in
Country “X”.

Other points:

As per Country “Y” tax laws, tax year means a financial year, being a period of 12 months beginning with 1 st
April. As per tax residency laws in Country “Y”, a person shall be regarded as resident if a person stays in
Country “Y” for more than 180 days in a financial year.

YGD is the currency abbreviation for the Country “Y”dollar, the currency of Country “Y”.

Based on the above facts, you are required to answer the following questions:
Write the correct answer to each of the following questions by choosing one of the four options
given. Each question carries two marks.
1. Delhi Tamil Sangam, as per its rules, pays a sum of INR 10,000 to each musician performing in the concerts
organised by it. Shivam, however, refuses to accept this sum. If he requests Delhi Tamil Sangam to pay
such sum directly to Help All, an unregistered institution providing relief to the poor and needy in rural
India, what would be the tax consequence?

(a) No amount would be chargeable to tax in the hands of Mr. Shivam since this is a case of diversion of
income at source by overriding title.

(b) The amount payable to Help All would be chargeable to tax only in the hands of Mr. Shivam since it is
a case of application of income.

(c ) The amount payable to Help All would be chargeable to tax only in the hands of the institution which
has received the amount.

(d) The amount payable to Help All would be chargeable to tax both in the hands of Mr. Shivam and in the
hands of the institution.

2. Mr. Arvind opened a bank A/c in Country X on 1.7.2015. He has made deposits of foreign currency equivalent
of INR 5 lakhs on 1.7.2015, INR 7 lakhs on 1.10.2015, INR 12 lakhs on 1.9.2017 and INR 25 lakhs on
1.3.2018, in that bank, out of Indian income which has not been subject to tax in India. The deposit of INR
12 lakhs is made out of the withdrawal of earlier deposits made with the said bank. Further, out of INR 25
lakhs deposited by him on 1.3.2018, Mr. Arvind withdrew INR 2 lakhs on 31.3.2018. The valu e of an
undisclosed asset in form of bank account is:

(a) INR 49 lakhs


(b) INR 47 lakhs

(c ) INR 37 lakhs

(d) INR 35 lakhs

3. Which of the following statements does not hold good in the case of OECD Model Convention? :

(a) OECD Model lays emphasis on the right of the State of Residence to tax income.

(b) The relevant article of the Convention providing for determination of business profits of a PE, does not
deal with/provide for deduction of expenses

(c) The relevant article relating to PE of the Convention explicitly deals with mechanism of Service PE

(d) It is essentially a model treaty between two developed nations

4. To address the problem of dual residency, under OECD Model Convention, certain rules are provided. The
rules are to be applied:

(a) At the discretion of competent authority of the respective countries based on permanent home and
nationality of the assessee

(b) Sequentially in order of nationality, permanent home, centre of vital interest and habitual abode

(c) Sequentially in order of permanent home, centre of vital interest, habitual abode and nationality

(d) Only if an assessee is not able to produce Tax Residency Certificate from the respective country.

5. If Cure House Inc. opts for advance ruling for the project of providing consultancy in field of medicine, such
ruling shall be binding on :

(a) Cure House Inc., in relation to the abovementioned project

(b) Jurisdictional Assessing Officer of Cure House

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Cure House Inc. and Jurisdictional Assessing Officer in relation to the abovementioned project and for
any future transaction of similar nature in India

6. Which of the following would not be considered as a permanent home in context of tie breaker rule for dual

(a) Accommodation taken on rent for occupation

(b) Hotel Accommodation provided for the purpose of prolonged employment

(c) Self-occupied house co-owned with spouse

(d) None of the above


7. Form 67 has to be filed mandatorily on or before the due date of filing of return of income -

(i) if the assessee claims foreign tax credit in his return of income for the year in which such corresponding
income was offered to tax

(ii) if the assessee owns directly, or as a beneficial owner, any foreign assets

(iii) if there is a carry backward of loss of the current year resulting in refund of foreign tax for which credit
has been claimed in an earlier previous year.

(iv) The correct answer is -

(a) Only (i) above

(b) Both (i) and (ii) above

(c) Both (i) and (iii) above

(d) (i), (ii) and (iii) above.

8. While interpreting the treaty entered into by India with Country X, the Budget Speech 2015 -16 of Shri Arun
Jaitley was relied upon to understand the intent at the time of signing the treaty . Which law of interpretation
has been followed in this case?

(a) Liberal Interpretation

(b) Subjective Interpretation
(c) Purposive Interpretation
(d) Objective Interpretation
9. An application for advance ruling was made on 31.05.2017 in relation to a transaction proposed to be
undertaken by Mr. James, a resident of Country X. On 07.07.2017, he decides to withdraw the said
application. Such application:

(a) cannot be withdrawn once filed

(b) can be withdrawn on 07.07.2017 only with special permission of Principal Chief Commissioner

(c ) cannot be withdrawn since 30 days from date of application have passed

(d) can be withdrawn on 07.07.2017 with permission of the AAR, if the circumstances of the case so justify

10. Ms. Sudha acquired a flat in Country N in the P.Y.2013-14 for INR 50 lakhs. Out of the said sum, INR 20
lakhs was assessed to tax in the total income for the P.Y.2013-14 and earlier years. This asset comes to
the notice of the Assessing Officer in the year 2017-18. If the value of the flat in the year 2017-18 is INR 90
lakhs, the amount chargeable to tax would be :
(a) INR 90 lakhs
(b) INR 70 lakhs
(c) INR 54 lakhs
(d) INR 30 lakhs


1. (i) With reference to the DTAA between India and Country “Y”, examine whether Shivam is a resident of
India or Country “Y” in the year 2017-18. (6 Marks)

(ii) The Competent Authority in India has made a request to the concerned official in Country “Y” to provide
certain information in order to prevent tax avoidance in India. The Country “Y” tax officer denied the
request stating that they are not obliged to provide such information as Country “Y” will not get any
revenue benefit by doing so. Is the officer justified in his denial?

Will your answer change, if the officer denied stating that exchange of such information would be
contrary to public policy? (4 Marks)

2. (a) (i) With reference to the DTAA between India and Country “Z”, comment on whether provision of
consultancy services through Sudha would lead to creation of PE in India for Cure House Inc., a
Country Z company. (3 Marks)

(ii) Can Cure House Inc. approach the Authority of Advance Ruling to determine its tax liability arising
from project undertaken in India. Is Sudha eligible to file an application for advance ruling to
determine her tax liability arising from the project? (4 Marks)

(b) India has a DTAA with Country Y but does not have a DTAA with Country N. Examine the significance
of the concepts of business connection and permanent establishment in bringing to tax business
income earned by a resident of Country Y and Country N in India. (4 Marks)

3. Determine the total income and tax liability of Shivam for the previous year 2017 -18 as per the provisions of
the Income-tax Act, 1961. Advance tax calculations may be ignored. Ignore the perquisite value of rent free
accommodation provided to Shivam in Country Y. (10 Marks)

Note: Support your answers with clear assumptions, while answering the above questions .


Telegraphic Transfer Buying Rate

Assume SBI TT buying rate for Country “Y” – India currency conversion:

Date Exchange Rate Date Exchange Rate

30.09.2017 45.95 31.01.2018 47.83
31.10.2017 46.85 28.02.2018 48.52
30.11.2017 45.10 31.03.3018 48.61
31.12.2017 46.95


Rate of exchange for conversion into rupees of income expressed in foreign

currency (Rule 115 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962)

(1) The rate of exchange for the calculation of the value in rupees of any income accruing or arising or deemed
to accrue or arise to the assessee in foreign currency or received or deemed to be received by him or on
his behalf in foreign currency shall be the telegraphic transfer buying rate of such currency as on the
specified date.

Explanation: For the purposes of this rule

(1) "telegraphic transfer buying rate" shall have the same meaning as in the Explanation to rule 26;

As per Explanation to Rule 26 "telegraphic transfer buying rate", in relation to a foreign currency, means
the rate or rates of exchange adopted by the State Bank of India, for buying such currency, having
regard to the guidelines specified from time to time by the Reserve Bank of India for buying such
currency, where such currency is made available to that bank through a telegraphic transfer.

(2) "specified date" means—

(a) in respect of income chargeable under the head "Salaries", the last day of the month immediately
preceding the month in which the salary is due, or is paid in advance or in arrears;

(b) in respect of income[by way of] "interest on securities", the last day of the month immediately
preceding the month in which the income is due;

(c) in respect of income chargeable under the heads "Income from house property", "Profits and gains
of business or profession" [not being income referred to in clause (d)] and "Income from other
sources" (not being income by way of dividends [and "Interest on securities"]), the last day of the
previous year of the assessee;

(d) in respect of income chargeable under the head "Profits and gains of business or profession" in
the case of a non-resident engaged in the business of operation of ships, the last day of the month
immediately preceding the month in which such income is deemed to accrue or arise in India ;

(e) in respect of income by way of dividends, the last day of the month immediately preceding the
month in which the dividend is declared, distributed or paid by the company;

(f) in respect of income chargeable under the head "Capital gains", the last day of the month
immediately preceding the month in which the capital asset is transferred :]

Provided that the specified date, in respect of income referred to in sub-clauses (a) to (f) payable in foreign
currency and from which tax has been deducted at source under rule 26, shall be the date on which the tax
was required to be deducted under the provisions of the Chapter XVII-B.

(2) Nothing contained in sub-rule (1) shall apply in respect of income referred to in clause (c) of
the Explanation to sub-rule (1) where such income is received in, or brought into India by the assessee or
on his behalf before the specified date in accordance with the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Regulation
Act, 1973.


Foreign Tax Credit [Rule 128 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962]

(1) An assessee, being a resident shall be allowed a credit for the amount of any foreign tax paid by him in a
country or specified territory outside India, by way of deduction or otherwise, in the year in which the income
corresponding to such tax has been offered to tax or assessed to tax in India, in the manner and to the
extent as specified in this rule :

Provided that in a case where income on which foreign tax has been paid or deducted, is offered to tax in
more than one year, credit of foreign tax shall be allowed across those years in the same proportion in which
the income is offered to tax or assessed to tax in India.

(2) The foreign tax referred to in sub-rule (1) shall mean,—

(a) in respect of a country or specified territory outside India with which India has entered into an
agreement for the relief or avoidance of double taxation of income in terms of section 90 or section
90A, the tax covered under the said agreement;

(b) in respect of any other country or specified territory outside India, the tax payable u nder the law in
force in that country or specified territory in the nature of income -tax referred to in clause (iv) of
the Explanation to section 91.

(3) The credit under sub-rule (1) shall be available against the amount of tax, surcharge and cess payable under
the Act but not in respect of any sum payable by way of interest, fee or penalty.

(4) No credit under sub-rule (1) shall be available in respect of any amount of foreign tax or part thereof which
is disputed in any manner by the assessee:

Provided that the credit of such disputed tax shall be allowed for the year in which such income is offered
to tax or assessed to tax in India if the assessee within six months from the end of the month in which the
dispute is finally settled, furnishes evidence of settlement of dispute and an evidence to the effect that the
liability for payment of such foreign tax has been discharged by him and furnishes an undertaking that no
refund in respect of such amount has directly or indirectly been claimed or shall be cl aimed.

(5) The credit of foreign tax shall be the aggregate of the amounts of credit computed separately for each source
of income arising from a particular country or specified territory outside India and shall be given effect to in
the following manner:—

(i) the credit shall be the lower of the tax payable under the Act on such income and the foreign tax paid
on such income :

Provided that where the foreign tax paid exceeds the amount of tax payable in accordance with the
provisions of the agreement for relief or avoidance of double taxation, such excess shall be ignored for
the purposes of this clause;

(ii) the credit shall be determined by conversion of the currency of payment of foreign tax at the telegraphic
transfer buying rate on the last day of the month immediately preceding the month in which such tax
has been paid or deducted.

(6) In a case where any tax is payable under the provisions of section 115JB or section 115JC, the credit of
foreign tax shall be allowed against such tax in the same manner as is allowable against any tax payable
under the provisions of the Act other than the provisions of the said sections (hereafter referred to as the
"normal provisions").
(7) Where the amount of foreign tax credit available against the tax payable und er the provisions of section
115JB or section 115JC exceeds the amount of tax credit available against the normal provisions, then while
computing the amount of credit under section 115JAA or section 115JD in respect of the taxes paid under
section 115JB or section 115JC, as the case may be, such excess shall be ignored.
(8) Credit of any foreign tax shall be allowed on furnishing the following documents by the assessee, namely: —
(i) a statement of income from the country or specified territory outside India offered for tax for the previous
year and of foreign tax deducted or paid on such income in Form No.67 and verified in the manner
specified therein;
(ii) certificate or statement specifying the nature of income and the amount of tax deducted therefrom o r
paid by the assessee,—
(a) from the tax authority of the country or the specified territory outside India; or
(b) from the person responsible for deduction of such tax; or
(c) signed by the assessee:
Provided that the statement furnished by the assessee in clause (c) shall be valid if it is accompanied
(A) an acknowledgement of online payment or bank counter foil or challan for payment of tax where
the payment has been made by the assessee;
(B) proof of deduction where the tax has been deducted.
(9) The statement in Form No.67 referred to in clause (i) of sub-rule (8) and the certificate or the statement
referred to in clause (ii) of sub-rule (8) shall be furnished on or before the due date specified for furnishing
the return of income under sub-section (1) of section 139, in the manner specified for furnishing such return
of income.
(10) Form No.67 shall also be furnished in a case where the carry backward of loss of the current year results in
refund of foreign tax for which credit has been claimed in any earlier previous year or years.
Explanation—For the purposes of this rule 'telegraphic transfer buying rate' shall have the same meaning
as assigned to it in Explanation to rule 26.



1. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "resident of a Contracting State" means any person who is a
resident of a Contracting State in accordance with the taxation laws of that State.

2. “Where by reason of the provisions of paragraph 1, an individual is a resident of both Contracting States,
then his status shall be determined as follows:

(a) he shall be deemed to be a resident of the State in which he has a permanent home available to him;
if he has a permanent home available to him in both States, he shall be deemed to be a resident of the
State with which his personal and economic relations are closer (centre of vital interests) ;

(b) if the State in which he has his centre of vital interests cannot be determined, or if he has not a
permanent home available to him in either State, he shall be deemed to be a resident of the State in
which he has an habitual abode ;

(c) if he has an habitual abode in both States or in neither of them, he shall be deemed to be a resident of
the State of which he is a national ;

(d) if he is a national of both States or of neither of them, the competent authorities of the Contracting
States shall settle the question by mutual agreement



1. The laws in force in either of the Contracting States shall continue to govern the taxation of income in the
respective Contracting States except where express provision to the contrary is made in this Agreement.

2. Where a resident of India derives income which, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, may
be taxed in Country “Y”, India shall allow as a deduction from the tax on the income of that resident an
amount equal to the Country “Y” tax paid, whether directly or by deduction. Where the income is a dividend
paid by a company which is a resident of Country “Y” to a company which is a resident of India and which
owns directly or indirectly not less than 25 per cent of the share capital of the company paying the dividend,
the deduction shall take into account the Country “Y” tax paid in respect of the profits out of which the
dividend is paid. Such deduction in either case shall not, however, exceed that part of the tax (as computed
before the deduction is given) which is attributable to the income which may be taxed in Count ry “Y”.”



1. The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall exchange such information as is foreseeably relevant for
carrying out the provisions of this Agreement or to the administration or enforcement of the domestic laws concerning
taxes of every kind and description imposed on behalf of the Contracting States, or of their political sub-divisions or
local authorities, insofar as the taxation thereunder is not contrary to the Agreement. The exchange of information
is not restricted by Articles 1 and 2.

2. Any information received under paragraph 1 by a Contracting State shall be treated as secret in the same
manner as information obtained under the domestic laws of that State and shall be disclosed only to per sons
or authorities (including courts and administrative bodies) concerned with the assessment or collection of
the enforcement or prosecution in respect of, the determination of appeals in relation to the taxes referred
to in paragraph 1, or the oversight of the above. Such persons or authorities shall use the information only
for such purposes. They may disclose the information in public court proceedings or in judicial decisions.

3. In no case shall the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 be construed so as to impose on a Contracting State
the obligation:

(a) to carry out administrative measures at variance with the laws and administrative practice of that or of
the other Contracting State;

(b) to supply information which is not obtainable under the laws or in the normal course of the
administration of that or of the other Contracting State;

(c) to supply information which would disclose any trade, business, industrial, commercial or professional
secret or trade process, or information the disclosure of which would be contrary to public policy.

4. If information is requested by a Contracting State in accordance with this Article, the other Contracting State
shall use its information gathering measures to obtain the requested information, even though that other
State may not need such information for its own tax purposes. The obligation contained in the preceding
sentence is subject to the limitations of paragraph 3 but in no case shall such limitations be construed to
permit a Contracting State to decline to supply information solely because it has n o domestic interest in
such information.

5. In no case shall the provisions of paragraph 3 be construed to permit a Contracting State to decline to supply
information solely because the information is held by a bank, other financial institution, nominee o r person
acting in an agency or a fiduciary capacity or because it relates to ownership interests in a person."





3. The term "permanent establishment" shall also include:

(a) a building site, a construction, installation or assembly project or supervisory activities in connection
therewith, where such site, project or activities continue for a period or periods aggregating more than
180 days;

(b) the furnishing of services including consultancy services by an enterprise through employees or other
personnel by the enterprise for such purpose, but only where activities of that nature continue (for the
same or a connected project) within the Contracting State for a per iod or periods aggregating more
than 180 days within any twelve-month period. “



I. ANSWERS TO MCQs (Most appropriate answers)

1. (d)
2. (c)
3. (c)
4. (c)
5. (c)
6. (b)
7. (c)
8. (b)
9. (d)
10. (c)


1. (i) As per Article 4(1) of the India and Country “Q” DTAA, the term "resident of a Contracting State"
means any person who is a resident of a Contracting State in accordance with the taxation laws of
that State.
Therefore, for determining whether Mr. Shivam is a resident of India or Country Q, first, the
residential status as per the taxation laws of respective countries has to be ascertained.
As per section 6(1) of the Income-tax Act,1961, an individual is said to be resident in India in any
previous year if he satisfies any one of the following conditions:
a) He has been in India during the previous year for a total period of 182 days or more; or
b) He has been in India during the 4 years immediately preceding the previous year for total period
of 365 days or more and has been in India for at least 60 days in the previous year.
An Indian citizen, who leaves India in the previous year for the purpose of employment outside
India, shall be considered as resident only if the period of his stay during the relevant previous year
in India is 182 days or more.
Since Shivam left on 30th September 2017, he stayed in India during the P.Y. 2017-18 for 183 days.
Therefore, he is a resident in India for the P.Y.2017-18.
Further, Shivam had come back to India after completing his engineering in Mid 2011 and since
then he has been working in India. Hence, he fulfils the following conditions for resident and
ordinarily resident:
i) He is a resident in atleast 2 out of 10 years preceding the relevant previous year, and

ii) His total stay in India in last seven years preceding P.Y. 2017-18 is 730 days or more.
Thus, Shivam is Resident and Ordinarily Resident in India for the P.Y.2017-18.
As per Country “Q” tax residency rules, Shivam qualifies to be resident for the year 2017-18 in
Country “Q”, since he stays for 182 days (more than 180 days) in Country “Q” in the Financial
Year 2017-18.
Thus, as per the domestic tax laws of India and Country Q, Shivam qualifies to be a resident both
in India and Country Q during the year 2017-18. Hence, the tie-breaker rule provided in Article
4(2) of the India-Country Q DTAA will come into play.
This Rule provides that where an individual is a resident of both the countries, he shall be deemed
to be resident of that country in which he has a permanent home and if he has a permanent home
in both the countries, he shall be deemed to be resident of that country, which is the centre of his
vital interests i.e. the country with which he has closer personal and economic relations.
From the facts, it is evident that Shivam has been living in a rented accommodation in Defence
Colony, Delhi. Even after he moved to Country “Q”, his family continues to stay in the same rented
accommodation in Delhi. Hence, it can be considered as permanent home for him in India. In
Country “Q”, he has been provided with a rent-free accommodation by his employer for a period of
three years, which would be considered as permanent home for him. Since he has a permanent
home both in India and Country “Q”, the next test needs to be analysed.
Shivam owns a house property in India from which he derives rental income. His family also resides
in India. He performs in Carnatic music concerts in India, both in Delhi and in Chennai. Therefore,
his personal and economic relations with India are closer, since India is the place where -
(a) the residential property is located and
(b) social and cultural activities are closer
Thus, by applying Article 4 of the India-Country “Q” DTAA, Shivam shall be deemed to be resident
in India.
(ii) Article 28 of India-Country “Q” DTAA deals with the international exchange of information between
the tax authorities of the countries. The purpose is wider than mere tax compliances; it is also
meant to counter tax evasion and avoidance. The competent authorities of the two Contracting
States can exchange information which is ‘foreseeably relevant’ for the proper application of
agreement or for the administration or enforcement of their domestic laws, as long as taxation
under the laws in not inconsistent with the treaty agreement.
Paragraph 3 of the Article lists the types of information, the request for which either country is not
obligated to comply.
However, paragraph 4 of the Article further clarifies that even though obligation to provide
information is subject to the limitation contained in paragraph 3, the requested country cannot
decline to supply information solely because it has no domestic interest in such information.
Accordingly, Country “Q” tax authorities are not justified in denying to provide information stating
that it will not get any revenue benefit by providing such information. Country “Q” is obligated to
provide the requested information, even if it has no revenue interest in the case to which the request
However, in case the reason of denial is in accordance with the specific limitations contained in
paragraph 3, then, Country “Q” tax authorities shall be under no obligation to provide the requested

information. Hence, denial by tax authorities on the ground that exchange of such information
would be contrary to public policy is justified.
2. (a) (i) As per paragraph 3(b) of Article 5 ‘Permanent Establishment’ of India-Country “R” DTAA, a
service PE is established if the foreign enterprise provides services in India through
employees or other personnel engaged for more than 180 days in a fiscal year. Thus, Service
PE is not dependent upon the fixed place of business. It is only dependent on the continuation
of the activity, which does not mandate physical presence/fixed place.
Hence, the project of Cure House for providing consultancy services, will expose it to creation
of service PE in India.
(ii) As per section 245N(b)(A)(I), an application for advance ruling can be made inter-alia by a
non-resident in relation to a transaction which has been undertaken or is proposed to be
undertaken by it.
Hence, Cure House Inc., a non-resident applicant, can file an application to Authority of
Advance Ruling, alongwith the prescribed fees, for determination in relation the transaction
undertaken by it in India i.e., rendering consultancy services in the field of medicine.
As per section 245N(b)(A)(III), a resident applicant who has undertaken or has proposed to
undertake one or more transactions of value of INR 100 crore or more in total can file an
application for Advance Ruling for determination by the AAR in relation to his/her tax liability
arising out of such transactions and such determination shall include the determination of any
question of law or of fact specified in the application.
In the present case, since the project value is only INR 70 crore, Sudha, a resident Indian
cannot file an application with AAR for determination of her tax liability arising out of the said
(b) Section 9(1)(i) requires existence of business connection for deeming business income to accrue
or arise in India. DTAAs may, however, provide that business income is taxable only if there is a
permanent establishment in India.
Therefore, in cases covered by DTAAs, where there is no permanent establishment in India,
business income cannot be brought to tax due to existence of business connection as per section
9(1)(i). However, in cases not covered by DTAAs, business income attributable to business
connection is taxable.
Hence, business income earned by a resident of Country Q can be brought to tax only if he has a
PE in India. However, business income of a resident of Country N attributable to his business
connection in India, can be brought to tax in India.
3. Computation of total income of Shivam for A.Y. 2018-19

Particulars INR INR

Income from Salaries
Salary from services rendered in India (April - September 2017)
Basic Salary (INR 70,000 x 6) 4,20,000
Dearness Allowance (INR 30,000 x 6) 1,80,000
Special Allowance (INR 5,000 x 6) 30,000

Bonus 3,00,000
[Even though bonus is paid in an overseas bank account after the
commencement of his overseas assignment, however, since it pertains to
services rendered in India, it would be taxable in India]
Salary from services rendered in Country “Q” (October 2017 - March 2018)
Basic Salary [See Note (i)] 3,93,680
Cost of Living Allowance [See Note (i)] 2,81,200
Income from House Property at Mumbai
Net Annual Value [See Note (ii)] 6,00,000
Less: Standard deduction @ 30% (1,80,000)
Income from Other Sources
Interest earned from investment of security deposit (INR 1,00,000 @10%) 10,000
Interest earned on saving bank account with Country “Q” [QGD 150 x INR 7,292
48.61] [See Rule 115 in Note (i)]
Interest on Securities of a Country “Q” company [QGD 5000 x INR 48.52] 2,42,600
[See Rule 115 in Note (i)]
Interest on bonds issued by Country “P” Government 30,000
Dividend from a Country “Q” Company (QGD 1000 x INR 48.52] [See Rule
115 in Note (i)] 48,520
(Dividend of foreign Company is taxable in India)
Gross Total Income 23,63,292
Less: Deductions under Chapter VI-A
Deduction u/s 80DD 75,000
(flat deduction of INR 75,000 is allowed in respect of medical treatment of
dependent disabled, irrespective of the expenditure incurred)
Deduction u/s 80GG [See Note (iii)] 60,000 1,35,000
Total Income
Total Income (rounded off) 22,28,290

Computation of tax liability of Shivam for A.Y. 2018-19

Particulars INR INR
Tax on INR 22,28,290 4,80,987
Add: Education cess @2% 9,620
Secondary higher education cess @1% 4,810
Tax Liability 4,95,417
Less: Foreign Tax Credit [See Note (v)]
- on salary income 1,01,232
- on interest income 36,390 1,37,622
Net tax liability 3,57,795
Net tax liability (rounded off) 3,57,800
(i) In accordance with Rule 115, following rate of exchange has been used for conversion of income
earned outside India :
- Salary – last day of the month immediately preceding the month in which the salary is due
- Interest on securities- last day of the last day of the month immediately preceding the month
in the income is due i.e. rate as on 28.02.2018
- Interest earned on other than securities i.e. interest on bank deposits- last day of the previous
year i.e. rate as on 31.03.2018
- Dividends - last day of the month immediately preceding the month in which the dividend is
declared, distributed or paid by the company i.e. rate as on 28.02.2018
Accordingly, income earned outside India in Indian currency would be computed in the following
Overseas salary for the period October 2017 to March 2018:

Month Basic Salary Cost of living Rate of Basic COLA in

in QGD Allowance Exchange Salary in INR (2 x 3)
(1) (COLA) (2) (3) INR (1 x 3)
Oct 17 1400 1000 45.95 64,330 45,950
Nov 17 1400 1000 46.85 65,590 46,850
Dec 17 1400 1000 45.10 63,140 45,100
Jan 18 1400 1000 46.95 65,730 46,950
Feb 18 1400 1000 47.83 66,962 47,830
Mar 18 1400 1000 48.52 67,928 48,520
Total 8400 6000 - 3,93,680 2,81,200

(ii) In absence of information relating to fair market value, standard rent and municipal rent, actual rent
received is considered as Gross Annual Value

(iii) As Shivam is not receiving any house rent allowance from his employer and the house property owned
by him is not in the same city of his residence/employment, Shivam is eligible to claim deduction under
section 80GG as under :
Deduction shall be lower of the following:
▪ INR 5,000 per month = INR 60,000
▪ 25% of the adjusted total income = 25% of INR 22,88,290 = INR 5,72,073
▪ Actual rent – 10% of adjusted total income = INR 3,00,000 (25,000*12) – INR 2,28,829 (10% of
22,88,290) = INR 71,171
Adjusted total income = Gross total income after providing for deduction under section 80C to
80U but before deduction under section 80GG = INR 23,63,292 – INR 75,000 = INR 22,88,292
(rounded off to INR 22,88,290).
Hence, deduction under section 80GG shall be INR 60,000.
(iv) Deduction under section 80TTA is allowed only on interest earned on saving deposits with Indian bank
and not with overseas bank account.
(v) Since Shivam is a resident and ordinarily resident in India for the A.Y.2018-19 by virtue of section 6 of
the Income-tax Act, 1961, his global income is taxable in India. In such case, the income arising in
Country Q is doubly taxed. In order to avoid double taxation, Shivam can take the benefit of DTAA
between India and Country Q by way of foreign tax credit in respect of the tax paid in Country Q or tax
paid on such income in India, whichever is lower.
An income earned outside India which is exempt from tax in the respective countr y cannot be
considered as doubly taxed income for the purpose of calculation of foreign tax credit, since no
taxes have been paid on such income. Hence, interest on bonds issued by Country P Government,
interest on savings bank account in Country Q and dividend earned on shares of a Country “Q”
Company, though taxed in India but shall not be eligible for claiming foreign tax credit as they are
exempt from tax in their respective countries.
With reference to Article 25 of India-Country “Q” DTAA, Indian resident shall be allowed credit of
taxes paid in Country “Q” on the income which is also taxed in Country “Q”. Hence, foreign tax
credit shall be calculated as below :
Calculation of foreign tax credit
Doubly taxed Salary Income INR
Basic Salary 3,93,680
Cost of Living Allowance 2,81,200
Doubly taxed salary income 6,74,880
Computation of foreign tax credit on doubly taxed salary income:
Lower of:
Tax withheld in Country Q on salary income at 15% 1,01,232
Tax payable in India on salary [email protected]% 1,50,046
Foreign tax credit 1,01,232

Double taxed Interest Income INR

Interest Income on Securities of Country Q company 2,42,600
Computation of foreign tax credit on doubly taxed interest income:
Lower of:
Tax withheld in Country Q on interest income at 15%, which is also the rate as
per the DTAA 36,390
Tax payable in India on interest [email protected]% 53,930
Foreign tax credit 36,390
Note – Questions based on interpretation of articles of a DTAA may have alternate views.


M/s Gryffindors LLP (“the firm”) is a Country X based partnership firm engaged in the practice of law. The firm is
the largest law firm in Country X and advises fortune 500 clients on various legal matters namely Corporate
Mergers & Acquisitions, Tax, Trade law, Construction, Arbitration, Anti-trust laws, Energy, Banking laws etc. The
firm has global offices in Country Y and Country Z. The firm does not have any presence in India owing to
regulatory requirements and, therefore, does not have any office in India. The firm is a tax resident of Country X
but by virtue of the tax laws in Country X, it is a fiscally transparent entity.
The following are the assignments entered into by the firm and its global offices . Assignment A is a completed
assignment, Assignment B is an ongoing assignment and Assignment C pertains to a future assignment which
the firm is proposing to undertake. The facts and nature of the assignments containing India nexus are provided
Assignment A
Client Name: Connors & Ann, Country X
Nature of Assignment: Connors & Ann had entered into a joint venture agreement with an Indian party in March,
2017 for construction of a nuclear thermal power plant in Tamil Nadu, India during the financial year 2017-18.
Additional Details:
➢ As per the scope of work, the firm had
• advised on all aspects of structuring and drafting, negotiation, construction contract and maintenance
• advised on procurement structures, multi contract/onshore offshore structures;
• provided specialised project finance expertise and ensured to reduce the risks associated with
operating in foreign jurisdiction;
• advised on tax and regulatory implications from a Country X law perspective; and
• attended meetings with project sponsors, negotiated floating rate issues and advisory on any other
overseas jurisdiction related regulatory aspects etc.
➢ The execution of work was done partly from India and partly from Country X office.
➢ The firm’s employees and partners were in India for 120 days.
➢ The firm’s billing model for the services rendered were as follows:
• each partner and employee of the firm who was involved in doing work for the clients was required to
maintain detailed time sheets recording the time spent by them on such work; the said time sheets
separately showed the time spent on doing such work in India and outside India;
• the time so spent was multiplied by the hourly billing rates applicable to each respective
partner/employee as specified in the terms of appointment between the firm and the client;
• the bills so raised were paid to the firm by the client outside India.

Based on the above details, the firm is of the view that the income attributable to the services rendered in India
would be taxable in India. The said income would be arrived at based on “estimation of fees with reference to the
fees rates at which such services could have been procured from corresponding professionals acting in India”.
The firm intends to claim the following expenditure -
(a) direct costs allocated on the basis of number of hours spent at the pro-rated Country X salary cost; and
(b) general overheads have been allocated @5% of income on an ad-hoc basis.
Assignment B
Client Name: Vidyut India Limited, an Indian Company which is a subsidiary of a Vidyut AG, an entity in Country
Nature of Assignment: Vidyut India has entered into a contract with an Indian construction company for
construction of a pharma research and development unit in India. Vidyut India also has a group entity , Vidyut Z
Inc, in Country Z, from whom necessary inputs are obtained for construction of the pharma research and
development centre. The construction agreement provided that the law in Country Y will govern the contract.
There is currently a dispute in the contract and as per the agreement, the adjudication proceedings were initiated
on 30th August 2017. Gryffindors Y is a registered firm in Country Y engaged by Vidyut India to represent it in the
adjudication proceedings in India. Further, as part of the adjudication proceedings, site visits are essential in
India and Country Z. For the site visit in Country Z, Gryffindors Z, a Country Z registered partnership firm was
engaged for which Vidyut India would compensate the Country Z firm separately.
Additional Details:
➢ As per the terms of agreement, the activities are to be carried on in Country Y, Country Z and India.
➢ Except a site visit and an adjudication hearing in Chennai between 21 st and 24th September, 2017, no other
activity is carried on in India by Gryffindors Y. The total time spent in India was 6 days between 19 th
September and 24 th September, 2017.
➢ Meanwhile, another site visit in Country Z was for 10 days for which partners from Gryffindors Z undertook
the visit and provided its report to Gryffindors Y, Country Y. For the time spent by the Country Z firm, it had
raised an invoice to Vidyut India.
➢ Apart from the 6 days in India and 10 days in Country Z, major part of the adjudication proceedings were at
Country Y.
➢ Gryffindors Y produced a tax residency certificate from Country Y. It is also to be noted that Gryffindors Y
is a fiscally transparent entity as per the tax laws of Country Y. Gryffindors Y is only liable for trade tax in
Country Y.
➢ Gryffindors Z produced a tax residency certificate from Country Z tax authorities certifying that it is a tax
resident of Country Z. It is also to be noted that Gryffindors Z is a fiscally transparent entity as per the
Country Z tax laws.
Assignment C
Client Name: Abhimanyu Holdings Bank Limited, a banking company registered in India.
Nature of Assignment: Abhimanyu Holdings Bank Limited is contemplating to acquire a Country X based
national bank. Therefore, it has approached Gryffindors LLP, Country X (‘the Firm’) for a counsel opinion for the
proposed acquisition.

Additional Details:
➢ The scope of work for the firm shall be the following:
o Phase I: Education & Training
o Phase II: Acquisition Transaction
o Phase III: Regulatory approval for the transaction.
➢ As part of the first phase, on education and training, the firm will provide a detailed document to Abhimanyu
India on the legal framework on banking and regulatory laws in Country X. Further, apart from the document,
the firm will provide presentation and discuss the various legal and regulatory requirement s in Country X for
setting up a bank branch or acquiring a bank in Country X.
➢ The presentation to be made by the firm will be to the bank officials of Abhimanyu India . The presentation
will be made from the law firm’s office in Country X. The purpose of the training is to ensure that if the bank
sets up a branch or office in Country X, the said officials will be deputed to the Country X entity.
➢ The work shall be undertaken by the firm from its office in Country X and there will be no visit in India.
➢ As mentioned previously, the firm is a tax resident of Country X and is a fiscally transparent entity for tax
purpose in Country X.
➢ Phase II and Phase III are subject to the conditions and legal environment being favourable, and hence, t he
happening of the same is not certain. However, Phase I: Education is certain and a fee of foreign currency
equivalent to Rs.1,50,000 has been agreed upon by the firm to render Phase I services, which would be
paid in Country X.
Based on the above facts, you are required to answer the following questions:
Write the correct answer to each of the following questions by choosing one of the four options
given. Each question carries two marks.
1. ABC Ltd. an Indian company paid dividend distribution tax under section 115 -O in respect of dividend
distributed by it to its resident and non-resident shareholders. Mr. John, a shareholder of ABC Ltd. and a
resident of Country X, has to pay tax in Country X on dividend received by him from ABC Ltd., as per the
domestic tax laws of Country X. This is an example of:

(a) Juridical double taxation

(b) Territorial double taxation

(c) Economic double taxation

(d) Municipal double taxation

2. Tax treaty is part of international law; hence its interpretation should be based on a certain set of principles
and rules of interpretation. Which convention is used globally for interpretation of tax treaties?

(a) The UN Model Convention

(b) The OECD Model Convention


(c) Either (a) or (b) [Except in case of USA, where US Model Convention is used]

(d) The Vienna Convention

3. Can benefit of India-Country X tax treaty be availed by M/s. Gryffinders LLP (“the firm”), Country X in respect
of income earned by it in India from Assignment A, which is taxable in both India and Country X, by virtue
of the respective domestic tax laws?

(a) Yes, since the income is subject to tax in both countries albeit in the hands of different persons

(b) No, since as per the laws of Country X, the firm is a fiscally transparent entity. Hence, there is no
double taxation of income in its hands.

(c) Yes, since the firm’s employees and partners stayed in India for more than 100 days. Hence, the
requisite condition for availing treaty benefit under the DTAA is satisfied.

(d) Yes, since the execution of work was done partly from India and partly from Country X. Hence, treaty
benefit can be availed.

4. A fiscally transparent entity means –

(a) An entity entitled to concessional rate of tax

(b) An entity enjoying tax pass through status

(c) An entity entitled to benefits of DTAA

(d) An entity which is subject to distribution tax on profits distributed by it.

5. What are the tax implications under the Income-tax Act, 1961 in respect of income earned from assignment
A by M/s. Gryffindors LLP, a Country X based partnership firm (You may ignore the provisions of the DTAA
for the purpose of answering this question) -

(a) the entire income from the assignment is taxable in India

(b) Only income attributable to the services rendered in India is taxable in India

(c) No part of the income is taxable in India since the firm does not have a permanent establishment in

(d) No part of the income is taxable in India since the income was received outside India.

6. In order to claim relief under the tax treaty in India, a non-resident -

(a) should have a business presence in India

(b) should produce his Permanent Account Number

(c) should produce Tax Residency Certificate (TRC)

(d) should produce his income-tax return filed in the home country.

7. As per the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961, which of the following is not an objective of the Central
Government to enter into tax treaty with another Country:

(a) For granting relief in respect of income-tax chargeable to tax in India and the other country

(b) For enabling round tripping of unaccounted money into India

(c) For recovery of income-tax

(d) For exchange or information for prevention of evasion or avoidance of income tax

8. When a term used in a tax treaty is not defined in the tax treaty or in the Act, but the same is defined
subsequently through a notification in the Official Gazette by the Central Government, then, in such a case:

(a) The notification shall take effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette

(b) The notification shall be deemed to be effective from the date when the tax treaty came into force

(c) The notification shall be deemed to be effective from the date when the tax treaty was last modified

(d) The notification shall take effect from 1st April and be effective from the current assessment year.

9. In order to invoke the tax treaty for a person who is a dual resident i.e. tax resident in both the countries,
which rule may be applied under the relevant article of the tax treaties to resolve the issue?

(a) Force of Attraction

(b) Tie-breaker

(c) Equivalent beneficiary

(d) Non-discrimination

10. Under the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961, the term “Person” would not include:

(a) A body corporate incorporated in a country outside India

(b) A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

(c) Indian branch of a foreign company

(d) A co-operative society


1. (i) For making the payment to Gryffindors Y and Gryffindors Z, Vidyut India Limited’s tax advisor has
opined that the Country Y firm and the Country Z firm are not eligible to access India -Country Y DTAA
and India-Country Z DTAA, respectively, even though TRC has been provided by such firms. The Indian
client’s tax advisor has formed this view based on Article 1 read with the relevant articles of the India-
Country Y DTAA and India Country Z DTAA coupled with the fact that both the firms are fiscally
transparent entities as per the tax laws of the respective countries. Examine the correctness of the
view taken by the tax adviser by analysing the relevant Articles of the India -Country Y DTAA and India
Country Z DTAA (6 Marks)

(ii) Assuming that the tax treaty benefit is available for both the foreign entities, namely, Gryffindors Y and
Gryffindors Z your views are solicited as to whether Article 14 of India-Country Y and India-Country Z
tax treaty can be invoked. (4 Marks)

(iii) The firms want clarification as to whether surcharge, education cess and secondary and higher
education cess need to be separately added to the withholding tax rate specified in the tax treaty while
invoking the tax treaty rate. Examine. (5 Marks)

2. (i) What are the tax implications under the Income-tax Act, 1961 in respect of income earned by the firm,
M/s. Gryffindors X from the proposed phase I service to be rendered by it in respect of Assignment C?
(4 Marks)

(ii) Assuming that the above-referred income is not chargeable to tax in India in the hands of the firm as
per the Indian tax laws, is it possible to bring it into tax by invoking the India-Country X DTAA
provisions? (4 Marks)

(iii) Assuming that the above-referred income is chargeable to tax in India, how can the tax liability of the
firm be mitigated? Your answer should be based on the relevant provision(s) of the Income -tax Act,
1961. (4 Marks)

(iv) Assuming that the tax consequences in the above case are not certain, what is the option available to
M/s. Gryffindors X to ensure tax certainty. (3 Marks)

Extract of the relevant Articles of India - Country X DTAA
1. This Convention shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the Contracting States.

2. This Convention extends to the territory of each Contracting State, including its territorial sea, and to those
areas of the exclusive economic zone or the continental shelf adjacent to the outer limit of the territorial sea
of each State over which it has, in accordance with international law, sovereign rights for the purpose of
exploration and exploitation of the natural resources of such areas, and references in this Convention to the
Contracting State or to either of them shall be construed accordingly.

1. The taxes which are the subject of this Convention are :

(a) in Country X :

(i) the income-tax;

(ii) the corporation tax;

(iii) the capital gains tax; and

(iv) the petroleum revenue tax;


(hereinafter referred to as "Country X tax");

(b) in India;

the income-tax including any surcharge thereon;

(hereinafter referred to as "Indian tax").

2. This Convention shall also apply to any identical or substantially similar taxes which are imposed by either
Contracting State after the date of signature of this Convention in addition to, or in place of, the taxes of that
Contracting State referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article. The competent authorities of the Contracting
States shall notify each other of any substantial changes which are made in their respective taxation laws.

1. In this Convention, unless the context otherwise requires:

(f) the term "person" includes an individual, a company, a body of persons and any other entity which is
treated as a taxable unit under the taxation laws in force in the respective Contracting States;

1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term "resident of a Contracting State" means any person who,
under the laws of that State, is liable to tax therein by reason of his domicile, residence, place of
management, place of incorporation, or any other criterion of a similar nature, provided, however, that:

(a) this term does not include any person who is liable to tax in that State in resp ect only of income from
sources in that State; and

(b) in the case of income derived or paid by a partnership, estate, or trust, this term applies only to the
extent that the income derived by such partnership, estate, or trust is subject to tax in that St ate as the
income of a resident, either in its hands or in the hands of its partners or beneficiaries.

1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term "permanent establishment" means a fixed place of business
through which the business of an enterprise is wholly or partly carried on.

2. The term "permanent establishment" shall include especially:

(a) a place of management;

(b) a branch;

(c ) an office;

(d) a factory;

(e) a workshop;

(f) premises used as a sales outlet or for receiving or soliciting orders;

(g) a warehouse in relation to a person providing store facilities for others;

(h) a mine, an oil or gas well, quarry on other place of extraction of natural resources;

(i) an installation or structure used for the exploration or exploitation of natural resources;

(j) a building site or construction, installation or assembly project or supervisory activities in connection
therewith, where such site, project or supervisory activity continues for a period of more than si x
months, or where such project or supervisory activity, being incidental to the sale or machinery or
equipment, continues for a period not exceeding six months and the charges payable for the project or
supervisory activity exceed 10 per cent of the sale price of the machinery and equipment;

(k) the furnishing of services including managerial services, other than those taxable under Article 13
(Royalties and fees for technical services), within a Contracting State by an enterprise through
employees or other personnel, but only if:

(i) activities of that nature continue within that State for a period or periods aggregating more than
90 days within any twelve month period; or

(ii) services are performed within that State for an enterprise within the meaning o f paragraph 1 of
Article 10 (Associated enterprises) and continue for a period or periods aggregating more than 30
days within any twelve-month period:

Provided that for the purposes of this paragraph an enterprise shall be deemed to have a permanent
establishment in a Contracting State and to carry on business through that permanent establishment if
it provides services or facilities in connection with, or supplies plant and machinery on hire used or to
be used in, the prospecting for, or extraction or production of, mineral oils in that State.

1. Royalties and fees for technical services arising in a Contracting State and paid to a resident of the other
Contracting State may be taxed in that other State.

2. However, such royalties and fees for technical services may also be taxed in the Contracting State in which
they arise and according to the law of that State; but if the beneficial owner of the royalties or fees for
technical services is a resident of the other Contracting State, the tax so charged shall not exceed :

(a) in the case of royalties within paragraph 3(a) of this Articles, and fees for technical services within
paragraphs 4(a) and (c) of this Article,—

(i) during the first five years for which this Convention has effect ;

(aa) 15 per cent of the gross amount of such royalties or fees for technical services when the
payer of the royalties or fees for technical services is the Government of the first -mentioned
Contracting State or a political sub-division of that State, and

(bb) 20 per cent of the gross amount of such royalties or fees for technical services in all other
cases; and

(ii) during subsequent years, 15 per cent of the gross amount of such royalties or fees for technical
services; and

(b) in the case of royalties within paragraph 3(b) of this Article and fees for technical services defined in
paragraph 4(b) of this Article, 10 per cent of the gross amount of such royalties and fees for technical

3. For the purposes of this Article, the term "royalties" means :

(a) payments of any kind received as a consideration for the use of, or the right to use, any copyright of a
literary, artistic or scientific work, including cinematography films or work on films, tape or other means
of reproduction for use in connection with radio or television broadcasting, any patent, trade mark,
design or model, plan, secret formula or process, or for information concerning industrial, commercial
or scientific experience; and

(b) payments of any kind received as consideration for the use of, or the right to use, any industrial,
commercial or scientific equipment, other than income derived by an enterprise of a Contracting State
from the operation of ships or aircraft in international traffic.

4. For the purposes of paragraph 2 of this Article, and subject to paragraph 5, of this Article, the term "fees for
technical services" means payments of any kind of any person in consideration for the rendering of any
technical or consultancy services (including the provision of services of a technical or other personnel)

(a) are ancillary and subsidiary to the application or enjoyment of the right, property or information for
which a payment described in paragraph 3(a) of this article is received ; or

(b) are ancillary and subsidiary to the enjoyment of the property for which a payment described in
paragraph 3(b) of this Article is received ; or

(c) make available technical knowledge, experience, skill know-how or processes, or consist of the
development and transfer of a technical plan or technical design.

5. The definition of fees for technical services in paragraph 4 of this Article shall not include amounts paid :

(a) for services that are ancillary and subsidiary, as well as inextricably and essentially linked, to the sale
of property, other than property described in paragraph 3(a) of this Article;

(b) for services that are ancillary and subsidiary to the rental of ships, aircraft, containers or other
equipment used in connection with the operation of ships, or aircraft in international traffic;

(c) for teaching in or by educational institutions ;

(d) for services for the private use of the individual or individuals making the payment ; or

(e) to an employee of the person making the payments or to any individual or partnership for professional
services as defined in Article 15 (Independent personal services) of this Convention.

6. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall not apply if the beneficial owner of the royalt ies or
fees for technical services, being a resident of a Contracting State, carries on business in the other
Contracting State in which the royalties or fees for technical services arise through a permanent

establishment situated therein, or performs in that other State independent personal services from a fixed
base situated therein, and the right, property or contract in respect of which the royalties or fees for technical
services are paid is effectively connected with such permanent establishment or fi xed base. In such case,
the provisions of Article 7 (Business profits) or Article 15 (Independent personal services) of this Convention,
as the case may be, shall apply.

7. Royalties and fees for technical services shall be deemed to arise in a Contractin g State where the payer is
that State itself, a political sub-division, a local authority or a resident of that State. Where, however, the
person paying the royalties or fees for technical services, whether he is a resident of a Contracting State or
not, has in a Contracting State a permanent establishment or a fixed base in connection with which the
obligation to make payments was incurred and the payments are borned by that permanent establishment
or fixed base then the royalties or fees for technical services shall be deemed to arise in the Contracting
State in which the permanent establishment or fixed base is situated.

8. Where, owing to a special relationship between the payer and the beneficial owner or between both of them
and some other person, the amount of the royalties or fees for technical services paid exceeds for whatever
reason the amount which would have been paid in the absence of such relationship, the provisions of this
Article shall apply only to the last-mentioned amount. In that case, the excess part of the payments shall
remain taxable according to the law of each Contracting State, due regard being had to the other provisions
of this Convention.

9. The provisions of this Article shall not apply if it was the main purposes or one of t he main purposes of any
person concerned with the creation or assignment of the rights in respect of which the royalties or fees for
technical services are paid to take advantage of this Article by means of that creation or assignment.

Extract of the relevant Articles of India - Country Y DTAA
This Agreement shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the Contracting States.
1 This Agreement shall apply to taxes on income and on capital imposed on behalf of a Contracting State, of
a land or a political sub-division or local authority thereof, irrespective of the procedure in which they are

2 There shall be regarded as taxes on income and on capital all taxes imposed on total income, on total
capital, or on elements of income or of capital, including taxes on gains from the alienation of movable or
immovable property, and the pay roll tax.

3 The existing taxes to which this Agreement shall apply are in particular:

(a) in the Federal Republic of Country Y :


capital tax, and
trade tax
(hereinafter referred to as "Country Y tax");
(b) in the Republic of India,

the income-tax including any surcharge tax thereon, and the wealth-tax (hereinafter referred to as
"Indian tax").

4 This Agreement shall apply also to any identical or substantially similar taxes which are imposed after the
date of signature of this Agreement in addition to, or in place of, the existing taxes. The competent authorities
of the Contracting States shall notify each other of changes of importance which have been made in their
respective taxation laws.

1. For the purposes of this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, -

(d) the term "person" includes an individual, a company and any other entity which is treated as a taxable
unit under the taxation laws in force in the respective Contracting States ;
1. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "resident of a Contracting State" means any person who, under
the laws of that State, is liable to tax therein by reason of his domicile, residence, place of management or
any criterion of a similar nature. But this term does not include any person who is liable to tax in that State
in respect only of income from sources in that State or capital situated therein.

1. Income derived by an individual who is a resident of a Contracting State from the performance of
professional services or other independent activities of a similar character shall be taxable only in that State
except in the following circumstances when such income may also be taxed in the other Contracting State:

(a) if he has a fixed base regularly available to him in the other Contracting State for the purpose of
performing his activities, in that case, only so much of the income as is attributable to that fixed base
may be taxed in that other State ; or

(b) if his stay in the other Contracting State is for a period or periods amounting to or exceeding in the
aggregate 120 days in the relevant fiscal year; in that case, only so much of the income as is derived
from his activities performed in that other State may be taxed in that other State.

2. The term "professional services" includes independent scientific, literary, artistic, educational or teaching
activities, as well as the independent activities of physicians, surgeons, lawyers, engineers, architects,
dentists and accountants.

Extract of the relevant Articles of India – Country Z DTAA
This Agreement shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the Contracting States.
1. The taxes to which this Agreement shall apply are:

(a) in the case of India :

the Income-tax including any surcharge thereon; and

(b) in the case of Country Z:

the federal, cantonal and communal taxes on income (total income, earned income, income from
capital, industrial and commercial profits, capital gains, and other items of income).

2. The Agreement shall also apply to any identical or substantially similar taxes which are imposed by either
Contracting State after the date of signature of the present Agreement in addition to, or in place of, the taxes
referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.

3. In this Agreement, the term "Indian tax" means tax imposed by India, being tax to which this Agreement
applies; the term "Country Z tax" means tax imposed in Country Z, being tax to which this Agreement applies;
and the term "tax" means Indian tax or Country Z tax, as the context requires; but the taxes in the preceding
paragraphs of this Article do not include any penalty or interest imposed under the law in force in either
Contracting State relating to the taxes to which this Agreement applies.

4. The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall notify to each other any significant changes which
have been made in their relevant respective taxation laws.

1. In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:

(d) the term "person" includes an individual, a company, a body of persons, or any other entity which is
taxable under the laws in force in either Contracting State;

1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term "resident of a Contracting State" means any person who,
under the laws of that State, is liable to tax therein by reason of his domicile, residence, place of
management, place of incorporation, or any other criterion of a similar nature, provided, however, that:

(a) this term does not include any person who is liable to tax in that State in respect only of income from
sources in that State; and

(b) in the case of income derived or paid by a partnership, estate, or trust, this term applies only to the
extent that the income derived by such partnership, estate, or trust is subject to tax in that State as the
income of a resident, either in its hands or in the hands of its partners or beneficiaries.

1. Income derived by an individual or a firm who is a resident of one of the Contracting States in respect of
professional services or other independent activities of a similar character shall be tax able only in that State

(a) the individual or firm has a fixed base regularly available to the individual or firm in the other Contracting
State for the purpose of performing the individual's or the firm's activities, in which case the income
may be taxed in that other State but only so much of it as is attributable to activities exercised from
that fixed base; or

(b) the stay by the individual or, in the case of a firm, by one or more members of the firm (alone or
together) in the other Contracting State is for a period or periods amounting to or exceeding 183 days
in a year of income, in which case only so much of the income as is derived from the activities of the
individual, that member or those members, as the case may be, in that other State may be taxed in
that other State.

2. The term "professional services" includes services performed in the exercise of independent scientific,
literary, artistic, educational or teaching activities as well as in the exercise of the independent activit ies of
physicians, surgeons, lawyers, engineers, architects, dentists and accountants.


I. ANSWERS TO MCQs (Most appropriate answers)
1. (c)
2. (d)
3. (a)
4. (b)
5. (a)
6. (c)
7. (b)
8. (b)
9. (b)
10. (c)
Answer to Q.1
(i) The eligibility of partnership firms for tax treaty benefits have been a controversial area and is a
classic case of economic double taxation. This is due to the fact that each country has its own
methodology to tax partnership firms. For instance, India taxes the income of a partnership in the
firm’s hands, but the Contracting State, in this case, Country Y and Country Z, taxes such income in
the hands of the partner directly, treating the partnership as “fiscally transparent entity”. In both cases,
the income is subject to tax in both countries albeit in the hands of different persons i.e., in the hands
of the partners in the country of residence and in the hands of the firm in the source country, namely,
The conditions for eligibility of benefits under the DTAA are provided in Article 1 read along with the
other relevant artilces of the DTAA. These conditions have to be fulfilled including the condition that
the entity has to be a person and resident of the either of the contracting states.
(a) As per Article 3(1)(d) of the India-Country Y DTAA, the term ‘person’ includes any entity which is
treated as a taxable unit under the tax laws in force in the respective States.
In order to be eligible for the DTAA, it has to be seen whether the partners hip firm is a resident of
the Contracting State. Article 4(1) of the India-Country Y DTAA defines a “resident of a
Contracting State” to mean a person “liable to tax in that State by reason of his domicile,
residence, place of management or any other criterion of similar nature”.
As per Article 2 of the India-Country Y DTAA, the scope of the DTAA extends to both income-tax
and trade tax as may be levied under the laws of Country Y. Since trade tax is being levied on
the Gryffindors Y partnership firm, it can held that the firm is “liable to tax” and therefore the
requirement in Article 4 gets satisfied. Accordingly, Gryffindors Y partnership firm shall be eligible
to access the India-Country Y DTAA based on this line of reasoning.

(b) As per Article 3(1)(d) of the India-Country Z DTAA, the term ‘person’ includes any other entity
which is taxable under the laws in force in the either Contracting States.
Article 4(1) of the India-Country Z DTAA defines a “resident of a Contracting State” to mean any
person who, under the laws of that State, is liable to tax therein by reason of his domicile,
residence, place of management, place of incorporation, or any other criterion of a similar nature.
Further, in the case of income derived or paid by a partnership, this term applies only to the
extent that the income derived by such partnership, is subject to tax in that State as the income
of a resident, either in its hands or in the hands of its partners.
Thus, Article 4(1) of the treaty clearly provides that in the case of income derived or paid by a
partnership, the term “resident of a contracting state”, in case of a firm, applies to the extent that
the income derived by such partnership, is subject to tax in that State as the income of a
resident, either in its hands or in the hands of its partners. The article clearly permits a firm to be
treated as a resident of a contracting state in respect of income which is either liable to tax in its
hands or in the hands of the partners. Therefore, Gryffindors Z partnership firm would be entitled
to the benefits of the India-Country Z tax treaty, even though it is a fiscally transparent entity as
per the tax laws of Country Z.
(ii) Article 14 of the India-Country Y and India-Country Z tax treaties deal with Independent Personal
Services. Professional services rendered by independent professionals like lawyers, doctors,
engineers, accountants etc. are covered by the provisions of this article.
It may be noted that the India-Country Y DTAA restricts the scope of Article 14 to income derived by
an individual who is a resident of the Contracting State. Consequently, Article 14 of the DTAA with
Country Y cannot be invoked in the case of income derived by a firm .
However, the India-Country Z DTAA does not restrict the scope of Article 14 to income derived by a
resident individual and includes within its scope, a resident firm as well. Therefore Article 14 of the
India-Country Z DTAA can be invoked in respect of income derived from such services by Gryffindors
Z firm, which is resident in Country Z.
(iii) Article 2 of the DTAAs specifies the ‘taxes covered’ under the DTAA entered into between the
Contracting States. In the DTAAs which India has entered into with Country X, Country Y and Country
Z, taxes covered include income tax including any surcharge thereon. The issue under consideration
is whether surcharge, education cess and secondary and higher education cess (SHEC) have to be
added separately to the rate provided in the DTAA. In this regard, since the DTAA specifically
mentions in Article 2 that taxes include surcharge, there is no requirement to include surcharge.
As per sub-section (11) and (12) of section 2 of the Finance Act, 2017, the amount of income -tax as
increased by the applicable surcharge shall be further increased by an additional surcharge to be
called “Education cess” and “secondary and higher education cess”. Therefore, education cess and
secondary and higher education cess are nothing but an additional surcharge. Since as per the
DTAAs, taxes covered include any surcharge on income-tax, additional surcharge called as education
cess and SHEC are also included therein.
Therefore, if the tax treaty rate is invoked, the tax rate specified thereunder is all inclusive and there is
no requirement to separately add surcharge, education cess and SHEC over and above the rate
prescribed in the DTAA.

Answer to Q.2
(i) In this case, payment is to be made to the law firm in Country X in respect of income earned outside
India i.e. in Country X. Considering the nature of income, it is possible to characterise the same either
as Royalty or Fees for technical services (FTS). Section 9(1)(vi)/(vii) spells out the cases where
royalty and fees for technical services is deemed to accrue or arise in India as well as the exceptions
thereto. The income earned by the law firm in Country X is covered under exceptions to Section
9(1)(vi)(b) and 9(1)(vii)(b). Income by way of royalty payable by a person who is a resident is deemed
to accrue or arise in India, except where the royalty is payable in respect of any right, property or
information used or services utilized for the purposes of a business or profession carried on by
such person outside India or for the purposes of making or earning any income from any
source outside India. Likewise, income by way of fees for technical services payable by a person
who is resident, is deemed to accrue or arise in India except where the fees are payable in respect
of services utilized in a business or profession carried on by such person outside India or for
the purposes of making or earning any income from any source outside India.
In this case, since the payment is to be made for information used or services to be utilised for
making or earning a new source of income outside India, these payments fall within the exceptions
spelt out in section 9(1)(vi)/(vii). Accordingly, such income would not be deemed to accrue or arise in
India in the hands of the non-resident law firm. Hence, such income earned by the law firm in Country
X is not taxable in India as per the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961.
(ii) Since the income is not chargeable to tax in India as per the domestic tax laws, the same cannot be
taxed under the DTAA. The fundamental principle of tax treaty is that it can only relieve tax burden.
DTAA simply tries to eliminate double taxation. It does not grant any tax jurisdiction to any
Government nor take away any jurisdiction already existing. DTAA does not create any additional tax
in any state; it can only relieve tax. This is known as the principle of non-aggravation.
Further, section 90(2) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 clearly specifies that provisions of the Act shall
apply to the extent they are more beneficial to the assessee. Also, the Supreme Court, in the case of
Azadi Bachao Andolan 263 ITR 706 and Ishikawajima Harima 288 ITR 408, has held that tax treaties
cannot create more onerous obligations or liabilities than provided under the Income-tax Act, 1961.
Therefore, the India-Country X DTAA cannot bring into existence a new claim, if the said income is not
taxable under the Income-tax Act, 1961.
(iii) Assuming that the income earned by Country X is taxable in India, M/s Gryffindors LLP, a Country X
based partnership firm, can mitigate the tax by taking recourse to the grossing up provisions under
section 195A of the Income-tax Act, 1961. In such a case, the resident payer shall have to bear the
burden of tax on payments due to the non-resident. The amount paid by the resident payer will be
considered as net of tax payment and the payment is required to be grossed up for calcu lation of tax
liability. The grossed-up amount will be treated as the amount agreed to be paid and tax shall be
calculated at the prescribed rate on the gross amount. Such tax would be payable by Abhimanyu
Holdings Bank Ltd., India, in this case. Therefore, the Country X firm, being non-resident in India, can
enter into a suitable agreement based on which the firm will not bear the Indian tax liability, even if
taxes are to be withheld. The tax liability would be borne by Abhimanyu Holdings Bank Ltd., India, the
payer, in this case.

(iv) The Country X firm, being a non-resident, may apply for an advance ruling under section 245N for
determination of tax liability in relation to a transaction which is proposed to be undertaken by it with a
view to avoiding litigation and providing certainty. Therefore, in this case, the Country X firm can make
an application to the Authority of Advance Rulings in the prescribed form and manner to determine its
taxability in India for the proposed Assignment C to be undertaken by it.
Note – Questions based on interpretation of articles of a DTAA may have alternate views.

This Suggested Answers hosted on the website do not constitute the basis for

evaluation of the student’s answers in the examination. The answers are

prepared by the Faculty of the Board of Studies with a view to assist the

students in their education. While due care is taken in preparation of the

answers, if any errors or omissions are noticed, the same may be brought to

the attention of the Director of Studies. The Council of the Institute is not in

anyway responsible for the correctness or otherwise of the answers published


Further, in the Elective Papers which are Case Study based, the solutions have

been worked out on the basis of certain assumptions/views derived from the

facts given in the question or language used in the question. It may be possible

to work out the solution to the case studies in a different manner based on the

assumption made or view taken.



The Question Paper comprises three case study questions. The candidates are required to
answer any two case study questions out of three.
Working Notes should form part of your answer.
Question 1
Sigma Corporation Ltd. (SCL), is a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013,
having factory and registered office in Mumbai. It is engaged in manufacture, purchase and
sale of men's wear, selling various kinds of garment products according to the requirement of
the buyers across the world. The company has sold different garment products in the Financial
Year 2017-18 to different vendors in the Indian and outside Indian market, including sale of
T-shirts to one its associated enterprises, namely, John Miller of UK, to whom it had sold
2,50,000 pieces at the rate of ` 1,000 per piece.
Major portion of the income of SCL is from sale of manufactured products. The company
(SCL) maintains a gross profit margin of 30% on the selling price. However, it has purchased
the T-shirts sold to its UK based associated enterprise John Miller from Mudra Garments Ltd.
of Ahmedabad at a price of ` 840 per piece.
Following functional differences were noted between the transaction with the UK based
customer and other parties:
(a) Sales to third parties had been made with a specialized packaging for which 3% margin is
included in the selling price.
(b) Tagging on the product purchased is being required by the other clients for which cost was ` 3
per piece, whereas in case of sales made to John Miller of UK, no tagging is to be done.
(c) Products sold to third parties involve a credit period of 6 months for which 0.5% per month
margin on selling price is ensured by Sigma Corporation Ltd.
SCL, for the purpose of diversification, is now contemplating to expand its business operations
by establishing an affiliate in the Mediterranean. Two countries under consideration of the Board
of SCL are Spain and Cyprus. SCL intends to repatriate all after-tax foreign source income from
the affiliate to India. In India, the corporate income/may be taken as 30 percent.
At this point, Sigma Corporation Ltd. is not certain whether it would be better to establish the
affiliate operation in two countries as a branch operation or a wholly -owned subsidiary of the
parent company.
In Cyprus, the marginal corporate tax rate is 20 percent and the foreign branch profits are
also taxed at the same rate. In Spain, the corporate income is taxed at 25 percent and
additionally, foreign branch income is also taxed at the same rate of 25 percent.
The Suggested Answers for Final Paper 6C: International Taxation, in so far as they relate to
questions involving application of the provisions of Indian tax laws, are based on the
provisions of direct tax laws as amended by the Finance Act, 2017.

The withholding tax treaty rates with India on dividend income paid from Cyprus is 15 percent
and when paid from Spain is 20 percent.
The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the company appraised the Board of Directors that the
matters of the company pending before the tax authorities are involving several issues for
which a show cause notice for A.Y. 2015-16 has been issued by the A.O. The issues of
concern as has been raised in this notice in brief are:
(i) The. company has not maintained proper records of the international transactions required
under the Income-tax Act, 1961 (Act) and has also defaulted in not obtaining the report of
the auditors within the prescribed time.
(ii) The transactions entered into with the associated enterprises during the previous year for
determination of ALP have been referred by the AO to the TPO on 22.12.2017 for the
reason of under-reporting.
(iii) The total international transactions carried out by the company during the previous year
were of ` 200 crores and why penal action should not be taken against the company for
the defaults stated in para-1.
The CFO further informed that the TPO to whom a reference was made by the A.O., had of
his own, selected one more, party M/s Sun Apparels for determination of the ALP, which is
an un-related person and not an associated enterprise but based at UK and whether it is
resident or non-resident is also not known.
SCL is contemplating to file an application for advance ruling with the Authority for Advance
The Board of SCL now asked you to help them by advising in determination in the context of
taxation provisions contained under the Act, relating to international business as prevailing in
India and other countries, as well as the expert opinion on the various issues raised in the
show cause notice by the AO as appraised by the CFO.
(a) (i) Determine the Arm's Length Price (ALP) of the transactions of sale of T-shirts during
the year to the AE John Miller of UK and its probable impact on the income of the
company for A.Y.2018-19. (6 Marks)
(ii) Can TPO invoke his powers in relation to an international transaction not referred to
him? Is the action taken by the TPO in relation to determination of ALP of the
transactions undertaken by the company with M/s Sun Apparels of UK justified?
(4 Marks)
(b) (i) Where and in which country should the new affiliate be situated and which
organizational structure (i.e. wholly owned subsidiary or branch) is to be selected ?
(7 Marks)

(ii) Discuss whether the total tax liability in Cyprus or in Spain would be the least for
operating a foreign branch or a wholly owned subsidiary of the parent company.
(3 Marks)
(c) (i) What will be the consequences for the defaults specified by the Assessing Officer in
the show cause notice of not maintaining the records, not obtaining of the report from
the auditors and under reporting of ALP of the international transactions? (5 Marks)
(ii) What will be the impact on the time limit for completion of assessment by the AO
because of reference so made to the TPO and if the company gets a stay for a period
of 30 days over the proceedings, then, what will be the fate of the assessment
proceedings? (5 Marks)
(d) Choose the most appropriate option for the following (option to be written in capital letters
A, B, C or D)
(1) Two methods were found suitable for determination of the Arm's Length Price (AL P).
As per CUP methods, it was found to be ` 1,200 per unit and as per resale price
method, it was ` 1,250 per unit. The ALP per unit will be taken as
(A) ` 1,200 since it is more favourable to the assessee
(B) ` 1,250 since it is more favourable to the Department
(C) ` 1,225
(D) None of the above
(2) An assessee having specified domestic transactions covered by section 92BA, should
furnish audit report, if the value ·of such transactions exceeds
(A) ` 2 crores
(B) ` 20 crores
(C) ` 10 crores
(D) None of the above
(3) An assesse deriving income from profits of business of an eligible industrial
undertaking for which 100% deduction is available u/s 80-1B has entered into
international transactions with an associated enterprise for ` 200 crores. The TPO
has made an addition of ` 15 crores in respect of the ALP. The normal GP margin is
10%. The additional deduction u/s 80-IB which can be claimed by the assessee on
account of the increase in the ALP is
(A) Nil
(B) ` 20 crores
(C) ` 25 crores
(D) ` 15 crores

(4) The OECD member countries have accepted the concept of Arm's Length Price (ALP)
for reaping the following benefit:
(A) Minimises double taxation
(B) Real taxable profits can be determined
(C) Artificial price distortion is reduced
(D) All the three above
(5) In the context of transfer pricing provisions, international transaction should be in the
nature of
(A) Purchase, sale or lease of tangible or intangible property
(B) Provision of service
(C) Lending or borrowing money
(D) Any of the above
(6) Mr. Dhanush holds shares in both L Ltd., and M Ltd. In the context of transfer pricing
(A) L Ltd. and M Ltd. can never be associated enterprises.
(B) L Ltd. and M Ltd. are deemed associated enterprises if Mr. Dhanush holds 26%
or more of voting power in each of these companies.
(C) L Ltd. and M Ltd. are deemed associated enterprises if Mr. Dhanush holds 26%
or more of voting power in L Ltd., which in turn holds 26% or more of voting
power in M Ltd.
(D) L Ltd. and M Ltd. are deemed associated enterprises if Mr. Dhanush holds totally
52% or more combined voting power in both these companies.
(7) The book value of assets of SCL is ` 200 crores, whereas the market value of the
said assets is ` 80 crores. Sun Ltd. has advanced a loan of ` 45 crores. In the context
of transfer pricing provisions, SCL and Sun Ltd. are
(A) Not associated enterprises
(B) Associated enterprises, considering the book value of assets of SCL and its
borrowings from Sun Ltd.
(C) Deemed to be associated enterprises, considering the book value of assets of
SCL and its borrowings from Sun Ltd.
(D) Deemed to be associated enterprises considering the market value of assets of
SCL and its borrowings from Sun Ltd.

(8) J Ltd. is controlled by Rajeev (HUF). K Ltd. is controlled by Raghav (sole proprietor
of RR & Co.,), a close relative of Rajeev, a member of Rajeev (HUF). For the purpose
of transfer pricing provisions,
(A) J Ltd. and K Ltd. are deemed associated enterprises.
(B) Rajeev HUF, J Ltd. and K Ltd., are deemed associated enterprises.
(C) RR & Co., Rajeev HUF, J Ltd. and K Ltd., are deemed associated enterprises.
(D) There is no associate enterprise relationship involved in this.
(9) There is an arrangement between SCL and Q Ltd., which are associated enterprises.
Such arrangement is oral and is also not intended to be legally enforced. For transfer
pricing purposes, such arrangement-
(A) is not treated as a "transaction" because it is not in writing.
(B) is not treated as a "transaction" because it is not intended to be legally enforced.
(C) is treated as a "transaction".
(D) is not treated as a "transaction" for (A) and (B) above.
(10) The ALP determined by the TPO for some product is ` 2,000 per unit sold by SCL.
Considering the. tolerance band permitted by the CBDT, the tolerated international
transaction price for a transaction with an associated enterprise can be upto
(A) ` 1,960
(B) ` 2,040
(C) ` 2,060
(D) None of the above
(11) Following can be an applicant for advance ruling:
(A) Non-resident entering into a transaction
(B) Resident entering into a transaction with a non-resident
(C) Resident entering into a transaction with another resident
(D) (A) or (B)
(12) An applicant for advance ruling may withdraw an application within days from the date
of the application.
(A) 30
(B) 60
(C) 90
(D) 120

(13) Composition of AAR is as under:

(A) A Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Revenue Member
(B) A Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Law Member
(C) A Chairman and such number of Vice-Chairman, Revenue Members and Law
Members as the Central Government may, by notification, appoint.
(D) Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Law Member and Revenue Member
(14) Following can make an application for advance ruling:
(A) Department
(B) Applicant
(C) Central Government
(D) All above
(15) Application for advance ruling is not allowed in the following situations:
(A) When the question involved is already pending before any income-tax authority.
(B) Where it is for determining the fair market value of a property.
(C) Excepting in exceptions, where the transaction in question is designed for
avoidance of tax.
(D) Any one of the above (1 x 15 = 15 Marks)
(e) Fill up blanks :
(i) The applicant desiring roll back of the APA may furnish the request for rollback
provision in Form No. 3CEDA with proof of payment of an additional fee of _______.
(ii) The transfer pricing provisions contained in Section 92 shall not apply if the same has
the effect of ________________ chargeable to tax.
(iii) If there is an arrangement between SCL and TFL (an associate enterprise) for mark
up of a semi-finished product and sale thereafter, the ideal method for determining
the ALP is __________ method.
(iv) In a case where the aggregate value of international transactions exceeds
` ______ , it will be obligatory for the assessee to maintain the stipulated information
and documents required for transfer pricing purposes.
(v) Where SCL has maintained proper records and documents, and the TPO has made
some adjustments to the ALP, thereby increasing the total income by , say, ` 2.68
crores, the penalty leviable u/s 270A will be ` _________. (1 x 5 = 5 Marks)
(a) (i) Sigma Corporation Ltd. (SCL) maintains a gross profit margin of 30% on the selling
price. It purchased T-shirts from an unrelated enterprise which are sold to its UK

based AE at a price of ` 840 per piece. Under comparable uncontrolled transactions,

the sale price of T-shirts would be ` 1,200 [` 840/(100-30)].
Such sale price has to be adjusted by taking into consideration the functional
differences existing between the transactions with the Associated enterprise and
other unrelated parties. Accordingly, the arm’s length price has to be computed in
the following manner:
Computation of Arm’s Length Price

Particulars ` `
Sale price of T-shirt 1,200
Less: Differences to be adjusted
- Margin on specialized packaging 36
(1,200 x 3%)
- Margin for providing 6 months’ credit 36
facility [`1200 x (0.5% x 6 months)]
- Cost of tagging of ` 3 per piece 3
Adjusted sale price per T-shirt 1,125
Arm’s Length value of the sale transaction (` 1,125 x 28,12,50,000
Less: Transaction value of sales to AE (` 1,000 x
2,50,000) 25,00,00,000
Total Income of SCL Ltd to be increased by 3,12,50,000
(ii) Yes; The TPO can generally do so in respect of international transactions.
As per section 92CA(2A), the Transfer Pricing Officer (TPO) can also determine the
ALP of other international transactions not referred to him and identified subsequently
in the course of proceedings before him.
As per section 92CA(2B), where in respect of an international transaction, the
assessee has not furnished the report under section 92E and such transaction comes
to the notice of the TPO during the course of proceeding before him, the transfer
pricing provisions shall apply as if such transaction is referred to the TPO by the
Assessing Officer under section 92CA(1).
As per section 92B, “International transaction” means a transaction between two or
more associated enterprises, either or both of whom are non-residents, in the nature
of, inter alia, purchase, sale or lease of tangible or intangible property.
The transaction entered into by the company, SCL, with M/s Sun Apparels of UK, is
not an international transaction, since it is with an un-related person, not being an
associated entity.
Therefore, the action taken by the TPO in relation to determination of ALP of the
transactions undertaken by the company with M/s Sun Apparels of UK is not justified.

(b) (i)
Particulars Cyprus Spain
Branch Subsidiary Branch Subsidiary
Tax rate in the foreign 20% 20% 25% 25%
Tax on profit - 15% of 80% - 20% of 75%
repatriations/withhold = 12% = 15%
ing tax on dividend
Total tax paid in the 20% 32% 25% 40%
foreign country
Tax payable in India 30% 12% 30% 15% of 75%
= 11.25%
Situation 1 : Assuming that Foreign Tax Credit is available in respect of
branch profit tax
Cyprus Spain
Particulars Branch Subsi- Branch Subsi-
diary diary
Foreign Tax 20%, if such 12% 25%, if such credit is 11.25%
Credit credit is available available in respect
in respect of of branch profit tax
branch profit tax (assuming that full
(assuming that credit is available in
full credit is respect of branch
available in profit tax)
respect of branch
profit tax)
Net tax 30% 32% 30% 40%
In Situation 1, where FTC is available in respect of the entire branch profit tax, it
would be advisable to establish a branch in the place of subsidiary. The branch
can be established either in Cyprus or in Spain.
Situation 2 : Assuming that Foreign Tax Credit is not available in respect of
branch profit tax
Foreign Tax 0%, assuming such 12% 0%, assuming such 11.25%
Credit credit is not credit is not available
available in respect in respect of branch
of branch profit tax profit tax

Net tax 50% 32% 55% 40%

In Situation 2, where FTC is not available in respect of branch profit tax, it would
be advisable to establish a subsidiary in Cyprus
Note - The answer to this question may be based on either of the situations given
above or on the basis of the following other factors, which also need to be
considered for selecting the new affiliate as branch and subsidiary:
Particulars Branch Subsidiary
Separate Legal It is not a separate legal A subsidiary is a separate legal
Entity entity; the parent entity from the parent, although
company would be liable owned by the parent corporation.
to tax in respect of profits A subsidiary qualifies as a
attributable to the "resident" for treaty benefits in
branch, which is a the other Contracting State. Its
permanent profits are independently taxed in
establishment. its hands
Taxability of The profits repatriated by The profits from which the
profits the branch to the head dividend is distributed may be
repatriated office do not suffer subject to double taxation. In
double taxation. the country in which the
subsidiary company is
incorporated, corporate income-
tax is leviable in respect of its
profits. The profits distributed
would be subject to tax on
dividends in the hands of the
holding company in India.
Set-off of loss The losses from branch The losses of the subsidiary are
incurred can be offset against the not eligible for setoff against the
profits of the company. profits of the parent company.
Compliance cost Relatively lower Greater compliances to be met.
compliance cost.

(ii) Total tax liability

In Situation 1, where FTC is available in respect of the entire branch profit tax, it
would be advisable to establish a branch in the place of subsidiary.
The branch can be established either in Cyprus or in Spain. The tax liability would be
30% (plus applicable surcharge and cess)
Hence, from the tax incidence point of view, the tax liability will remain the same.
Choice of the country has to be determined based on other factors.

Where alternative view has been taken for Qn. 1(b)(i)

In Situation 2, where FTC is not available in respect of the entire branch profit tax, it
would be advisable to establish a subsidiary in Cyprus.
The tax liability would be 32% (plus applicable surcharge and cess)
(c) (i) Consequences for the defaults specified by the AO in the show cause notice
(i) Not maintaining the records
Section 271AA provides that the Assessing Officer or Commissioner (Appeals)
may direct SCL, i.e., the person entering into an international transaction in this
case, to pay penalty@2% of the value of the international transaction entered
into by it, if SCL fails to keep and maintain any such document and information
as required by section 92D(1) and section 92D(2).
No penalty will be leviable under this section, if SCL can show that there
was reasonable cause for the failure.
(ii) Not obtaining the report from the auditors
As per section 271BA, if SCL fails to furnish a report from an accountant as
required by section 92E, the Assessing Officer may direct SCL to pay, by
way of penalty, a sum of ` 1 lakh.
No penalty will be leviable under this section, if SCL can show tha t there
was reasonable cause for the failure.
(iii) Under reporting of ALP of the international transaction
Under section 270A, penalty@50% of tax payable on under-reported
income is leviable. In this case, SCL has not maintained proper records of
international transaction, the under-reported income will not be excluded
for levy of penalty.
(ii) Where a reference is made to the TPO under section 92CA(1) during the course of
proceeding for assessment or reassessment, an additional time period of 12 month s
is available for completion of assessment/ reassessment in such cases over and
above the time limit of 21 months. Thus, the revised time limit in respect of A.Y. 2017 -
18 or earlier assessment years shall be 33 months from the end of the assessment
year in which the income was first assessable.
In computing the above period of limitation, the period during which the assessment
proceeding is stayed by an order or injunction of any court, shall be excluded.
Section 92CA(3A) provides that where reference is made to the Transfer Pricing
Officer for determination of arm’s length price of international transactions, the
Transfer Pricing Officer shall make an order at least 60 days before the expiry of the
above time limit of 33 months for making an order of assessment by the Assessing

Where assessment proceedings are stayed by any court and the time available to the
Transfer Pricing Officer for making an order is less than 60 days, then, such remaining
period shall be extended to 60 days.
Accordingly, for the A.Y. 2015-16 (in the present case) the Assessing Officer has to
complete the assessment proceedings by 30.1.2019, within 33 months (plus the stay
period of 30 days) from the end of assessment year i.e., 31.3.2016.
The TPO is required to make the order for determination of Arm’s Length Price 60
days prior to 30.1.2019 i.e., by 1.12.2018.
(d) (1) D
(2) B
(3) A
(4) D
(5) D
(6) B
(7) A
(8) A
(9) C
(10) D
(11) D
(12) A
(13) C
(14) B
(15) D
(e) (i) ` 5 lakh
(ii) Reducing the income
(iii) Profit split
(iv) ` 1 crore/` 99,99,999
(v) Nil
Question 2
About the company
Rup Ram Limited (RRL), is a domestic company, with its head office located at Mumbai. The
company has several divisions dealing in manufacture, purchase and sale of several products.

RRL possesses the following assets as on 31-3-2018, whose book values are as under:
Type of asset (` in crores)
Intangible assets 20
Land and Building 250
Plant and Machinery 140
Vehicles 25
The market value of these assets as on 31-3-2018 is ` 750 crores.
Information from Manager, HR
Manager, Human Resources (HR) Division informs you that as on 31-3-2018, there were 340
employees, in the rolls of RRL, resulting in wages/salary payments to the tune of ` 11.2
Subsidiary's presence in India
RRL has a foreign subsidiary Snow White & Co. Inc. (SWC), incorporated in Singapore.
The subsidiary has assets present in India. It has 40 godowns in India, whose market value
as on 31-3-2018 is ` 40 crores, the book value being ` 25 crores, split into ` 10 crores for
land component and balance for building portion. WDV as on 31 -3-2018 for income-tax
purposes is ` 13.2 crores.
Other fixed assets (all purchased on 14-6-2017) are to the tune of ` 10 crores (WDV for the
purposes of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (Act) ` 8.6 crores). Besides these, there is no other
asset in India.
At the beginning of the year, SWC had 22 godowns in India, whose market value was ` 15
crores, the book value being ` 10 crores, split into ` 7 crores for land component and balance
for building portion. WDV for the Act purposes is ` 6.7 crores.
Assets position of SWC outside India
As on 1-4-2017 As on 31-3-2018
No. of godowns owned 10 11
(All values in ` Crores)
Godowns : Land portion (Book value) 8 12
(Market value) 20 25
Godowns : Building part (Book value) 5 12
(Market value) 4.5 11
Godowns : Building part (WDV for taxation) 4.2 10.2

Other assets: (Book value) 12 20

(Market value) 14 22
(WDV for taxation) 4.2 10.2
Employees strength of SWC
There are 30 persons employed in India, for whom annual payment of ` 1.2 crores is incurred by
SWC. There are 10 other persons, who, though not directly employed by SWC, perform the work
like other employees. Outlay to them is ` 34 lakhs. All these employees are residents in India,
SWC employs 42 employees outside India, for whom the total payroll expenditure involved is ` 3
crores (converted into INR)
Income pattern from Indian operations of SWC
The income earned by SWC during the year ended 31-3-2018 from its Indian operations as well as
other operations is as under:
Type of Income (` in crores)
In India Outside India
From sale made to RRL 42 -
From purchases made from RRL and sold to third parties 10 15
Income from other trading operations with third parties 5 70
Dividends and interest 8 5
Technical know how
RRL has entered into a complicated technical know-how agreement with Jew Inc., of Israel. The tax
rate applicable and the amount taxable are posing to be ticklish. The annual payment of the technical
know-how is likely to be around ` 150 crores. Jew Inc., has entered into identical agreements with
three other Indian companies.
Sponsorship activities
RRL utilized the services of Graham Stokes, a British cricketer for playing in an important cricket
league matches for a team sponsored by the company. He was paid a sum of ` 25 lakhs for playing
in such matches. In addition, RRL paid him a sum of ` 6.76 lakhs for appearing in company's
advertisement for its product. Graham Stokes has incurred an expenditure of ` 1.2 lakhs in India for
earning the said income.
Brian Thorpe, an ex-cricketer hailing from London, was used as a match referee in the said cricket
tournaments. He was paid a sum of ` 5 lakhs for his services.
(a) Find the most suitable alternative to the following (option to be given in capital letters A,
B, C or D)

(i) The person responsible for making payment of income by way of interest or dividends
in respect of bonds or Global Depository Receipts referred to in section 115AC, shall
deduct tax at the rate of
(A) 10%
(B) 10.3%
(C) 20%
(D) (B) or at the rate specified in the DTAA, whichever is lower.
(ii) The rate of deduction of tax from interest payable to a foreign company (located in a
country with which there is no DTAA) by an Indian company on borrowings made on
12-6-2017 in foreign currency from sources outside India is
(A) 5.15%
(B) 10.3%
(C) 15.45%
(D) None of the above
(iii) Surcharge applicable to a foreign company whose total income is ` 1.2 crores is
(A) Nil
(B) 2%
(C) 7%
(D) 10%
(iv) Following income which is accruing or arising outside India, directly or indirectly , is
not deemed to be income accruing or arising in India:
(A) Through or from any business connection in India.
(B) Through or from any property in India.
(C) Through transfer of capital asset located outside India.
(D) Through or from any asset or sources of income in India.
(v) Remuneration received for services rendered in India by a foreign national employed
by foreign enterprise is exempt, if the number of days stay in India of such foreign
national does not exceed
(A) 60 days
(B) 90 days
(B) 30 days
(D) None of the above

(vi) A resident in relation to his tax liability arising out of one or more transactions valuing
` ________ in total which has been undertaken or is proposed to be undertaken
would be eligible to be an applicant for advance ruling:
(A) 60 crore or more
(B) 80 crore or more
(C) 100 crore or more
(D) 200 crore or more
(vii) An applicant, who has sought for an advance ruling, may withdraw the application
within ____________.
(A) 30 days from the date of the application
(B) 30 days from the end of the month in which the application has been made
(C) 60 days from the date of the application.
(D) 60 days from the end of the month in which the application has been made
(viii) In case of a non-notified resident, the AAR will not allow an application in respect of
certain matters. The following is not covered in the hit list:
(A) Matter pending with income-tax authorities/tribunal/court.
(B) Determination of fair market value of a property.
(C) Relates to a transaction or issue which is designed prima facie for avoidance of
(D) Whether an arrangement, which is proposed to be undertaken by any person
being a resident or a non-resident, is an impermissible avoidance arrangement
as referred to in Chapter X-A or not.
(ix) The advance ruling given by the Authority for Advance Ruling (AAR) is not binding on
the following person(s) :
(A) On the applicant who sought the ruling.
(B) On the other person to the transaction entered into by the applicant, if it is a non-
(C) On the other person to the transaction entered into by the applicant, whether it
is resident or non-resident.
(D) On the Principal Commissioner or Commissioner and the income-tax authorities
subordinate to the Principal Commissioner or Commissioner who has jurisdiction
over the application.
(x) Following income from 'Salaries' which is payable by ______would be deemed to
accrue or arise in India:
(A) The Government to a citizen of India for services rendered outside India.

(B) The Government to a non-resident for services rendered outside India.

(C) The Government to a non-citizen or non-resident for services rendered outside
(D) The Government or any other person to a non-citizen or non-resident for
services rendered outside India. (1 x 10 = 10 Marks)
(b) State with reasons, whether the following statements are true or false:
(i) When interest payable to a non-resident by the Government or a public sector bank
within the meaning of section 10(23D), deduction of tax shall be made at the time of
payment thereof in cash or by the issue of a cheque or draft or by any other mode, o r
at the time of credit of such interest to the account of the non-resident, whichever is
earlier. (2 Marks)
(ii) Where payment is made to a non-resident, even if such non-resident falls within the
specified class notified by the CBDT, even if the payment is not chargeable to tax in
India, the payer has to be make an application to the Assessing Officer, before making
the impugned payment. (5 Marks)
(iii) Where any interest is payable by a person resident in India, the same is deemed to
accrue or arise in India (3 Marks)
(c) Graham Strokes and Brian Thorpe wish to avail the special provisions applicable to non -
residents. The Managing Director of RRL wants to know about the obligation to deduct tax
at source from the payments made to the aforesaid two persons.
If in both the situations above, there is an agreement between RRL and the two British
persons that the tax payable on such income in India will be borne by RRL, then , what is
the amount of tax to be deducted at source?
Assume that there is no DTAA provision, conferring a lower rate of withholding tax.
(7 Marks)
(d) Jew Inc. has a sister concern, Silver LLC., which has obtained advance ruling on an
identical technical know-how agreement with another Indian company. Can RRL make use
of this ruling for its assessment proceeding? What course of action will you advise?
(4 Marks)
(e) RRL has made an application to the Assessing Officer for determination of the tax rate
applicable for the technical know-how payment to be made to Jew Inc. When this is
pending, Jew Inc., has filed an application before the AAR. Can the AAR reject the
application on the ground that similar issue is pending before the Assessing Officer?
(6 Marks)

(f) The Board of Directors wish to know whether the foreign subsidiary SWC will be regarded
as a company engaged in active business outside India for POEM purposes. Advise them
suitably. The Board is also looking for your suggestions in this regard. (13 Marks)
(a) (i) D
(ii) A
(iii) B
(iv) C
(v) B
(vi) C
(vii) A
(viii) D
(ix) C
(x) A
(b) (i) The statement is false.
As per the proviso to section 195(1), in the case of interest payable by the
Government or a public sector bank within the meaning of section 10(23D), deduction
of tax shall be made only at the time of payment thereof in cash or by the issue of
a cheque or draft or by any other mode.
(ii) The statement is true/partly true.
Under section 195(2), where the person responsible for paying any such sum
chargeable to tax under the Act (other than salary) to a non-resident, considers that
the whole of such sum would not be income chargeable in the hands of the recipient,
he may make an application to the Assessing Officer to determine, by general or
special order, the appropriate proportion of such sum so chargeable. When the
Assessing Officer so determines the appropriate proportion, tax shall be deducted
under section 195(1) only on that proportion of the sum which is so chargeable.
Section 195(7) provides that, notwithstanding anything contained in sections 195(1)
and 195(2), the CBDT may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify a class of
persons or cases, where the person responsible for paying to a non -corporate non-
resident or to a foreign company, any sum, whether or not chargeable under the
provisions of this Act, shall make an application to the Assessing Officer to determine,
by general or special order, the appropriate proportion of sum chargeable to tax.
Where the Assessing Officer determines the appropriate proportion of the sum
chargeable, tax shall be deducted under section 195(1) on that proportion of the sum
which is so chargeable.

Consequently, where the CBDT specifies a class of persons or cases, the person
responsible for making payment to a non-corporate non-resident or a foreign
company in such cases has to mandatorily make an application to the Assessing
Officer, whether or not such payment is chargeable under the provisions of the Act.
In other cases, the person responsible for making payment, if he considers that the
whole of such sum would not be income chargeable to tax in the hands of the
recipient, may make an application to the Assessing Officer.
(iii) The statement is true/partly true.
As per section 9(1)(v)(b), income by way of interest payable by a resident is deemed
to accrue arise in India.
However, if interest is payable in respect of any debt incurred or money borrowed and
used, for the purposes of a business or profession carried on by such person outside
India or for the purposes of making or earning any income from any source outside
India, such interest would not be deemed to accrue or arise in India.
(c) (i) As per section 115BBA, ` 25 lakhs earned by Graham Strokes, a non-resident sports
person, who is not a citizen of India, from participation in cricket matches and ` 6.76
lakhs from advertisement i.e., ` 31.76 lakhs earned by him totally is chargeable to
[email protected]%.
No deduction is allowable in respect of any expenditure to earn such income.
Section 194E requires tax deduction at source @20.6% from such income paid to a
non-resident sportsperson.
TDS = ` 31.76 lakhs x 20.6% = ` 6,54,256
Section 195A provides that if such tax is to be borne by the person by whom the
income is payable, RRL, in this case, then the net amount of ` 31.76 lakhs payable
has to be grossed up in the following manner:
` 31.76 lakhs x 100/79.4 (i.e., 100 – 20.6) = ` 40 lakhs
TDS = ` 40 lakhs x 20.6% = ` 8,24,000
(ii) A match referee is, however, not a sportsperson. Therefore, he is not entitled to the
benefit of section 115BBA. The rate at which the sum of ` 5 lakhs received by him
would be taxable at normal rates.
Tax would be deductible under section 195 at the rates in force, i.e., 30.9%.
TDS = ` 5,00,000 x 30.9% = ` 1,54,500
Applying the grossing up provisions under section 195A,
` 5 lakhs x 100/69.1 (i.e., 100 – 30.9) = ` 7,23,589
TDS = ` 7,23,589 x 30.9% = ` 2,23,589

(d) As per section 245S(1), the advance ruling pronounced under section 245R by the Authority
for Advance Rulings shall be binding only on the applicant who had sought it and in respect
of the transaction in relation to which advance ruling was sought. It shall also be binding
on the Principal Commissioner/Commissioner and the income-tax authorities subordinate
to him, in respect of the concerned applicant and the specific transaction.
In view of the above provision, RRL cannot use the advance ruling, obtained on an identical
issue by Silver LLC, a sister concern of Jew Inc., in its assessment proceedings.
Hence, the best course would be to file a fresh application for advance ruling in respect of
this agreement between RRL and Jew Inc.
Note - The Madras High Court, in CIT v. P. Sekar Trust (2010) 321 ITR 305, observed th at
though the advance ruling pronounced does not become a precedent, it has persuasive
value where the facts warrant such reference to the rulings of AAR. There is no legitimate
bar for relying on the reasoning in an advance ruling.
Accordingly, there is no legitimate bar in RRL relying on advance rulings obtained on an
identical issue by Silver LLC in its assessment proceedings.
Therefore, based on the Madras High Court ruling, RRL may be advised to use the
advance ruling pronounced in Silver LLC’s case in its assessment proceedings.
(e) This issue came up before the AAR in, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. In Re,
[2012] 343 ITR 220, wherein it was held that an advance ruling is not only applicant
specific, but is also transaction specific. The advance ruling is on a transaction entered
into or undertaken by the applicant. That is why section 245S specifies that a ruling is
binding on the applicant, the transaction and the Principal Commissioner or
Commissioner of Income-tax and those subordinate to him, and not only on the applicant.
What is barred by the first proviso to section 245R(2) of the Act in the context of clause (i)
thereof is the allowing of an application under section 245R(2) of the Act where “the
question raised in the application is already pending before any Income-tax authority, or
Appellate Tribunal or any court”. The significance of the dropping of the words, “in the
applicant’s case” with effect from June 1, 2000, cannot be wholly ignored.
On the basis of this view expressed by the AAR in the above case, explaining the impact
of the dropping of the words “in the applicant’s case” with effect from 1.6.2000, a view can
be taken that the AAR can reject the application made by Jew Inc before the AAR on the
ground that similar issue is pending before the Assessing Officer in respect of the same
transaction i.e., provision of technical know to RRL.
Note – The issue relates to the admission or rejection of the application filed before the
Advance Rulings Authority on the grounds specified in clause (i) of the first proviso to sub-
section (2) of section 245R of the Income-tax Act, 1961.

The first proviso to section 245R(2) has been substituted by the Finance Act, 2000 with
effect from 1.6.2000. Clause (i) of the first proviso, prior to and post amendment, reads as
Prior to 1.6.2000 On or After 1.6.2000

Provided that the Authority shall not allow Provided that the Authority shall not allow
the application except in the case of a the application where the question raised
resident applicant where the question in the application is already pending
raised in the application is already pending before any income-tax authority or
in the applicant’s case before any Appellate Tribunal or any court.
income-tax authority, the Appellate
Tribunal or any court;
The words “except in the case of a resident applicant” and “in the applicant’s case” has
been removed in clause (i) of the first proviso with effect from 1.6.2000. However, the
Explanatory Memorandum to the Finance Act, 2000, explaining the impact of the
substitution, reads as follows “It is proposed to substitute the proviso to provide that the
Authority shall not allow the application when the question raised is already pending in the
applicant’s case before any income-tax authority, Appellate Tribunal or any court in regard
to a non-resident applicant and resident applicant in relation to a transaction with a non -
resident”. Therefore, according to the intent expressed in the Explanatory Memorandum,
the AAR shall not allow the application both in the case of resident and non-resident
applicant if the question raised is already pending in the applicant’s case before any
income-tax authority. Thus, as per the Explanatory Memorandum, it is possible to take a
view that even post-amendment, the Authority shall not allow the application where a
question is pending in the applicant’s case before any income-tax authority. Thus, an
alternative view is possible on the basis of the AAR ruling in Ericsson Telephone
Corporation India AB v. CIT (1997) 224 ITR 203, which continues to hold good even after
the amendment, if we consider the intent expressed in the Explanatory Memorandum.
Accordingly, based on this view, the AAR can allow the application made by Jew
Inc., even if the question raised in the application is pending before the Assessing
Officer in RRL’s case.
A company shall be said to be engaged in “active business outside India” for POEM, if
➢ the passive income is not more than 50% of its total income; and
➢ less than 50% of its total assets are situated in India; and
➢ less than 50% of total number of employees are situated in India or are resident in
India; and
➢ the payroll expenses incurred on such employees is less than 50% of its total payroll

Snow White & Co. Inc (SWC) shall be regarded as a company engaged in active business
outside India for POEM purpose only if it satisfies all the four conditions cumulatively.
Condition 1: Passive income test
The passive income of SWC should not be more than 50% of its total income
Passive Income Rs. in crores

From sales made by SWC to RRL [See Note below] -

From purchases made from RRL and sold to third parties -
Dividend and Interest 13
Total passive global income 13
Total income of SWC 155
Percentage of passive income earned 8.4%
Total income of SWC during the P.Y. 2017-18 is ` 155 crores, being ` 65 crores in India
[` 42 crores + ` 10 crores + ` 5 crores + ` 8 crores] and ` 90 crores outside India [` 15
crores + ` 70 crores + ` 5 crores]
Since passive income of SWC i.e., 8.387% is less than 50% of its total income, the first
condition (Passive income test) is satisfied.
Note - Passive income, inter alia, includes income from the transactions where both the
purchase and sale of goods is from/to its associated enterprises. In the facts of the case
study, income of ` 42 crores earned from sales made to RRL is given, but whether these
sales are made out of purchases from associated enterprises or out of third party purchases
is not given in the question. This income of ` 42 crores is not included in the passive income
assuming that the purchases have not been made from associated enterprises. However, if
it is assumed that the sales are made out of the purchases made from associated enterprises
` 42 crores has to be included in computing passive income. In such a case, passive income
and the percentage of passive income to total income would be ` 55 crores and 35.48%,
Even in this case, since passive income of SWC is only 35.48% of total income (i.e., less
than 50% of total income), the first condition is satisfied.
Condition 2: Assets Test
SWC should have less than 50% of its total assets situated in India
Value of assets is determined in the following manner:
In case of pool of fixed asset, being The average of its value for tax purposes in the
treated as a block for depreciation country of incorporation of the company at the
beginning and at end of the year;
In case of any other asset Value as per books of account

Value of assets of SWC:

Particulars In India (` in crores) Outside India (` in crores)
Godowns (building portion 6.7 + 13.2 = 9.95 4.2 + 10.2 = 7.20
only), being depreciable 2 2
asset, at average of its WDV
as on 31.3.2017 and as on
Other fixed assets, being 0 + 8.6 = 4.30 4.2 + 10.2 = 7.20
depreciable assets, at 2 2
average of its WDV as on
31.3.2017 and as on
Land [Value as per books of 10.00 12.00
account on 31.3.2018]
Total 24.25 26.40
Percentage of assets situated in India to total assets = ` 24.25 crores/` 50.65 crores x 100
= 47.88%
Since the value of assets of SWC situated in India is less than 50% of its total assets, the
second condition (Assets test) is also satisfied.
Condition 3: Number of employees test
Less than 50% of the total number of employees of SWC should be situated in India or
should be resident in India
SWC employed 30 persons in India and 10 other persons, who are resident in India but not
directly employed by SWC though they perform work like any other employee.
For counting the number of employees in India, the average of the number of employees as
at the beginning and at the end of the year has to be considered and it would include
persons, who, though not employed directly by the company, perform tasks similar to those
performed by the employees.
Therefore, number of employees situated in India or are resident in India is 40 i.e.,
Total number of employees of SWC is 82, being 42 employed outside India and 40 in India
or resident in India.
Percentage of employees situated in India or are resident in India to total number of
employees is 40/82 x 100 = 48.78%

1 It is assumed that the number of employees are same throughout the year, in the absence of information to
the contrary in the question.

Since employees situated in India or are residents in India of SWC are less than 50% of its
total employees, the third condition (Number of employees test) is satisfied for active
business outside India test.
Condition 4: Payroll expenses Test
The payroll expenses incurred on employees situated in India or residents in India should
be less than 50% of its total payroll expenditure
Payroll expenditure on employees situated in India or are residents in India is ` 1.54 crores
i.e., ` 1.20 crores plus ` 0.34 crores
Total payroll expenditure of SWC is ` 4.54 crores being expenditure on employees situated
in India or are residents in India and expenditure on employees outside India [i.e., ` 1.54
crores + ` 3 crores].
Percentage of payroll expenditure on employees situated in India or are resident in India to
total payroll expenditure is ` 1.54 crores/` 4.54 crores x 100 = 33.92%
Since payroll expenditure on employees situated in India or are residents in India of SWC is
less than 50% of its total payroll expenditure, the fourth condition (Payroll expenses test)
is also satisfied.
Since SWC satisfies all the above four conditions cumulatively, SWC will be regarded as a
company engaged in active business outside India
Suggestions to the Board of Directors
The following suggestions may be offered to the Board of Directors:
(a) Income from transactions with associated enterprises like RRL should be scrupulously
and constantly monitored, so that the conditions above continue to be satisfied in future
(b) Steps may be taken to improve trade with unrelated third parties;
(c) Percentage of Indian assets to total assets is almost 48%. If there is any plan to acquire
assets in India, it must be ensured that this does not cross 50%
(d) Percentage of employees situated in India or are resident in India to the total number
of employees is 48.78%. In case of any future employment, this ratio has to be borne
in mind.
Question 3
About the assessee
The assessee is a famous movie actor Mr. Ajitabh Khan (AK). He has business interest in few
other nations as well. He is a resident in India for the Assessment Year 2018 -19.
About yourself
You are the CEO with CA background. You have sound knowledge of the Indian and Foreign
tax laws. The date on which various events happened and have been summarized in this case
study is 31-3-2018.

Phone call from Manager (Legal) 09.40 hours

A phone call has been received from the Manager (Legal) tha t a search is being conducted
by the Income-tax department at one of the premises of the assessee. No further details are
available now.
E-mail from Taxation Manager at 18.00 hours
The Taxation Manager has emailed you the summarized information of income earned by AK
during the year ended 31-3-2018 as under: ( ` in crores)
Income from house property (Computed) 4.3
Business income:
From being the owner of cricket team in Asian Premier League 12.4
Acting in movies 9.415
AK has paid PPF of ` 1.2 lakhs and Life Insurance Premium of ` 2 lakhs.
Phone call from Manager (Legal) 20.30 hours
The search conducted by the IT Department has come to an end. It appears that some incriminating
documents have been unearthed. It is likely that it has come to the notice of the Department that the
assessee has earned income of ` 12 crores (as converted into INR) in Dubai during the Financial
Year 2015-16, which has not been reflected in the return of income filed by AK for the Assessment
Year 2016-17 or in any other year.
Further, the presence of certain building, in Panama Islands, which are not appearing in the books
of account and financial statements filed with the IT Department. These buildings were purchased
for 35.2 million USD on 12-3-2014. For acquiring this asset, brokerage of 2% has been paid to a real
estate agent.
Additionally, there are materials to show that the assessee owns 5 rare pieces of art work, acquired
on 12-6-2016 in Macau Islands for a price of 3.8 million USD.
E-mail from International Division Manager at 21.00 hours
The International Division Manager has intimated details of income earned from two countries
outside India, L and M, with which India does not have any Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement.
The summarized data are as under: (` in crores)
Type of Income L M
Loss from house property (Computed) 1.3 -
Business income:
Own 7.2 2.9
Share income from partnership firm 4.8 -
Agricultural income - 1.2

In country L, share income is not exempt and loss from house property is not eligible for being set
off against other income. In country M, agricultural income is also chargeable to income-tax.
In country L, AK has paid income-tax of ` 2.16 crores and in country M ` 80 lakhs on the total
income earned there.
Inputs from Forex Team (Email received at 21.15 hours)
The prevailing rates of exchange on various dates are as under:

Date 1-4-2013 12-3-2014 1-7-2015 31-3-2016 1-4-2016 1-6-2016 1-4-2017

1 USD = INR 64.05 64.50 65.10 64.75 65.20 65.40 65.55

Email from Xavier LLP (Registered valuers) at 23.45 hours

The fair market value of the assets acquired abroad were indicated by the registered valuers on
various dates are thus:

Sl. Date Amount (million USD)

Description of Asset
1 Buildings in Panama Island 01-07-2015 38
31-03-2016 38
01-04-2017 40
2 Art pieces in Macau 12-06-2016 4
01-04-2017 4.2
Payment made to foreign player
Mr. Ajmal Kamal, a non-resident player, was called for one of the Asian Premier League Matches,
for which ` 20 lakhs was paid to him. The withholding tax mentioned in the DTAA with the nation in
which the said actor resides, is 15%.
(a) Find the most suitable alternative for the following (Option to be given in capital letters A,
B, C or D):
(i) A shopping complex was purchased by the assessee in Colombo for ` 5 crores on
12-3-2015. Out of this, investment of ` 3 crores is from disclosed sources, which had
been offered for tax. This asset comes to the knowledge of the Assessing Officer on
27-12-2017. If the fair market of the house as on the relevant date to be adopted is
` 8 crores, the undisclosed foreign income under the Black Money (Undisclosed
Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015 (BM Act) will be taken
as (` crores)
(A) 5

(B) 3.2
(C) 3.8
(D) None of the above
(ii) Under the BM Act, the rate of exchange to be adopted for conversion purposes will
be the rate specified by
(C) Central Government
(iii) The Assessing Officer has detected undisclosed foreign income of ` 3 crores earned
during the year ended 31-3-2017. There is foreign loss of ` 1.2 crores also, hitherto
not shown in the income-tax return filed for the Assessment Year 2017-18. The
quantum of undisclosed foreign income assessed under the BM Act will be
(A) ` 1.8 crores
(B) ` 1.2 crores
(C) ` 3 crores
(D) None of the above
(iv) Unquoted shares acquired in Tokyo on 21-3-2016 came to the notice of the Assessing
Officer on 12-3-2018. There is no explanation of the source for the same. The
converted value of the shares on 21-3-2016, 1-4-2016, 1-4-2017 and 1-4-2018 are
` 12, 13, 14 and 15 crores, respectively. The undisclosed foreign income representing
the value of the undisclosed foreign asset, as per the BM Act is
(A) ` 12 crores
(B) ` 13 crores
(C) ` 14 crores
(D) ` 15 crores
(v) Under the BM Act, a tax authority below the rank of Commissioner can retain the
impounded books normally for a period of
(A) 120 days
(B) 90 days
(C) 60 days
(D) 30 days

(vi) In a typical Tax Convention based on OECD model or UN model, the definition of the
term "national" is primarily relevant to the Article dealing with ___________.
(A) Persons covered / General scope
(B) Non-discrimination
(C) Resident
(D) Credit Method
(vii) Controlled Foreign Corporations (CFCs) are __________entities incorporated in an
overseas low tax jurisdiction.
(A) Corporate
(B) Non-Corporate
(C) Both corporate and Non-corporate
(D) None of the above
(viii) Existence of a __________in a jurisdiction is a pre-requisite for the purpose of
taxation of business profit of an enterprise in that jurisdiction, major Tax Convention:
(A) Business connection
(B) Permanent establishment
(C) Business or professional connection
(D) Any connection giving rise to the said profit
(ix) For the purpose of equalization levy, "specified service" means
(A) Online advertisement
(B) Any provision for digital advertising space or any other facility or service for the
purpose of online advertisement.
(C) Specified Service also includes any other service as may be notified by the
Central Government.
(D) All of the above.
(x) Following is not an anti-tax avoidance measure in the context of international taxation:
(D) Transfer pricing provisions (1 x 10 =10 Marks)
(b) Test the correctness of the following statements, with brief reasons :
(i) A tax authority under the BM Act shall be deemed to be a civil court for all intents and
purposes. (3 Marks)

(ii) Any payment received for online advertisement will attract equalization levy of 6%
(3 Marks)
(iii) ABC Ltd. is a domestic company. It has a foreign subsidiary FGH Inc., in a tax haven.
If the place of effective management is found to be in India, under the CFC legislation,
the entire income of can be taxed in India and FGH Inc., can be treated as a domestic
company for several other purposes as well. (4 Marks)
(c) Discuss whether AK has fulfilled the requisite conditions for grant of relief under
section 91. (5 Marks)
(d) AK wants to know the income-tax liability for the Assessment Year 2018-19, with workings.
You are required to provide the same. (11 Marks)
(e) Discuss briefly about the amount of TDS applicable for payment to Ajmal Kamal.
(3 Marks)
(f) In respect of the foreign income and foreign assets unearthed by the Department during
the search, discuss the tax implications under the Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign
Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015 (BM Act). AK wants to know the year
of taxability and the tax amount. Your answer should also cover discussion on the
applicable provisions concerned. (11 Marks)
(a) (i) B
(ii) A
(iii) C
(iv) C
(v) D
(vi) B
(vii) A
(viii) B
(ix) D
(x) C
(b) (i) The statement is not correct.
A tax authority shall be deemed to be a civil court for the purposes of section 195 of
the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, which provides for prosecution for contempt
of lawful authority of public servants, for offences against public justice and for
offences relating to documents given in evidence.

However, he would not be so deemed for the purposes of Chapter XXVI of the Code
of Criminal Procedure, 1973, containing the provisions as to offences affecting the
administration of justice.
Therefore, the statement that a tax authority shall be deemed to be civil court for all
intents and purposes is not correct.
(ii) The statement is not correct.
Chapter VIII of the Finance Act, 2016, titled "Equalisation Levy", provides for an
equalisation levy of 6% of the amount of consideration for specified services, which
includes online advertisement, received or receivable by a non-resident not having
permanent establishment in India, from a resident in India who carries out business
or profession, or from a non-resident having permanent establishment in India.
Therefore, only if payment is received by a non-resident not having a PE in India,
would provisions of equalization levy be attracted and not otherwise.
(iii) The statement is partly correct.
As per section 6(3), a foreign company FGH Inc. would be resident in India in any
previous year, if, its place of effective management, in that year, is in India. Therefore
FGH Inc. would be a resident in India by virtue of section 6(3) of the Income -tax Act,
1961 and its entire income would be taxable in India.
If FGH Inc. becomes a resident on account of its POEM being in India, the provisions
of tax deduction at source under Chapter XVII-B as applicable to income received by
a resident, would be attracted in respect of income received by FG H Inc.
The rate of tax applicable to FGH Inc. would be the tax rate applicable to a foreign
company and not a domestic company. Further, the provisions of dividend distribution
tax under section 115-O would not be attracted in the hands of FGH Inc. in respect
of the dividend distributed by it, since FGH Inc. is not a domestic company.
In effect, the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 relating to companies resident in
India would apply to FGH Inc. However, it cannot be treated as a domestic company
for the purposes of the Act.
(c) Conditions to be fulfilled to claim relief u/s 91
In the case of income arising to an assessee in countries with which India does not have
any double taxation agreement, relief would be granted under section 91 provided all the
following conditions are fulfilled:
(a) The assessee is a resident in India during the previous year in respect of which the income
is taxable.
(b) The income accrues or arises to him outside India.
(c) The income is not deemed to accrue or arise in India during the previous year.

(d) The income in question has been subjected to income-tax in the foreign country in the
hands of the assessee.
(e) The assessee has paid tax on the income in the foreign country.
(f) There is no agreement for relief from double taxation between India and the other country
where the income has accrued or arisen.
Ajitabh Khan is resident for the A.Y. 2018-19. He has income accrues or arises in Country
L and Country M and such income is not deemed to accrue or arise in India. The income
earned in Country L and Country M is chargeable to tax there and AK has also paid income-
tax on such income there. India does not have a Double taxation avoidance agreement
with Country L and Country M.
AK has fulfilled the necessary conditions for grant of relief u/s 91.
(d) Since Ajitabh Khan is resident in India for the P.Y.2017-18, his global income would be
subject to tax in India. Therefore, income earned by him in Country L & M would be taxable
in India. He is however entitled to deduction under section 91, since India does not have
a DTAA with Country L & M, and all conditions under section 91 are satisfied.
Computation of tax liability of Ajitabh Khan for A.Y.2018-19
Particulars ` `
I Income from house property
Income from house property in India 4,30,00,000
Less: Loss from house property in Country L 1,30,00,000
II Profits and gains of business or profession
Business income in India
From being the owner of cricket team in Asian 12,40,00,000
Premier League
From acting in movies 9,41,50,000
Business income in Country L
Own 7,20,00,000
Share income from firm2 4,80,00,000 12,00,00,000
Business income in Country M 2,90,00,000

2 It is logical to take a view that exemption under section 10(2A) in hands of the partner would be available only in respect
of share income from an Indian firm. In this case, since the share income is from a foreign firm, the same is taxable in
India in the hands of the partner. The above solution has been worked out on the basis of this view.
An alternate view that the share income from foreign firm is also exempt under section 10(2A) may also be possible, in
which case, the answer would accordingly undergo a change.

III Income from Other Sources

Agricultural income from Country M 1,20,00,000
Gross Total Income 40,91,50,000
Less: Deductions under Chapter VI-A
Under section 80C
PPF ` 1,20,000 & LIC ` 2,00,000
Total ` 3,20,000, restricted to 1,50,000
Total Income 40,90,00,000
Computation of tax liability:
Tax on total income 12,25,12,500
[30% x ` 40,80,00,000 + ` 1,12,500]
Add: Surcharge@15% (since his total income
exceeds `1 crore) 1,83,76,875
Add: Education Cess & SHEC @3% 42,26,681
Tax liability (rounded off) 14,51,16,060
Less: Deduction under section 91 [See Working
Notes 1 & 2 below] 2,72,60,000
Net Tax liability (rounded off) 11,78,56,060

Working Note 1: Computation of deduction under section 91

Particulars `
I Deduction under section 91 in respect of
income doubly taxed in India and Country L
Doubly taxed income:
Country L (i.e., ` 7.2 crores, being business ` 10,70,00,000
income (+) ` 4.8 crores, being taxable share
income from firm (-) ` 1.3 crores, loss from
house property)
Lower of Indian rate of tax and rate of tax in 18%
Country L [See Working Note 2 below]
Deduction u/s 91 = 18% x ` 10.70 crores 1,92,60,000

II Deduction under section 91 in respect of

income doubly taxed in India and Country M
Doubly taxed income:
Country M (i.e., ` 2.9 crores, being business ` 4,10,00,000
income (+) ` 1.2 crores, being taxable
agricultural income)
Lower of Indian rate of tax and rate of tax in 19.51%
Country M [See Working Note 2 below]
Deduction u/s 91 = 19.512% x ` 4.10 crores 80,00,000
Deduction under section 91 2,72,60,000

Working Note 2: Computation of average rate of tax in India, Country L & M

(1) Average rate of tax in India 35.48%
[14,51,16,060 x 100/40,90,00,000]
(2) Average rate of tax in Country L 18%
[2,16,00,000 x 100/12,00,00,000]
(3) Average rate of tax in Country M 19.512%
[80,00,000 x 100/4,10,00,000]
(e) Where any income referred to in section 115BBA is payable to a non -resident non-citizen
sportsman, the person responsible for making payment is liable to deduct tax at source
@20% on such income under section 194E.
Income referred to in section 115BBA includes income by way of participation in India in
any game or sport.
Payment of ` 20 lakh by Ajitabh Khan to Mr. Ajmal Kamal 3, a non-resident, for participation
in one of the Premier League Matches is income referred to in section 115BBA, hence,
Ajitabh Khan is liable to deduct tax at source on such payment @20% under section 19 4E.
Since Ajmal Kamal is a non-resident, the amount of tax to be deducted would be increased
by education cess @2% and secondary and higher education cess @1%. So, the effective
rate of tax to be deducted by Mr. Ajitabh Khan is 20.6%
However, DTAA of India with the other Country in which Mr. Ajmal Kamal resides, provides
for withholding tax at 15%.
Section 90(2) of Income-tax Act, 1961 provides that where the Central Government has
entered into a DTAA with a country outside India, then, in respect of an assessee to whom

3 It is logical to assume that Mr. Ajmal Kamal is a non-citizen, since the question mentions that he is a foreign player

such agreement applies, the provisions of act shall apply to the extent they are more
beneficial to the assessee.
Therefore, Mr. Ajitabh Khan is liable to deduct tax @15%, being the most beneficial rate
contained in the DTAA, from payment of ` 20 lakhs made to Mr. Ajmal Kamal, a non-
resident sportsperson.
(f) As per section 3(1) of Black Money and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015, every assessee would
be liable to tax@30% in respect of his undisclosed foreign income and asset of the
previous year.
However, an undisclosed asset located outside India shall be charged to tax on its value
in the previous year in which such asset comes to notice of the Assessing Officer.
As per section 41, in case, where tax has been computed in respect of undisclosed foreign
income and asset, the Assessing Officer may direct the assessee to pay by way of penalty,
in addition to tax, if any, payable by him, a sum equal to three times the tax so computed.
As per section 43, if any person, being a resident other than not ordinarily resident in India,
who has furnished the return of income for any previous year, fails to furnish any
information in relation to an asset (including financial interest in any entity) outside India
held as a beneficial owner or otherwise, or in respect of which such person was a
beneficiary, or if such failure is in relation to any income from a source located outside
India, at any time during such previous year, the Assessing Officer may direct such person
to pay, by way of penalty, a sum of ` 10 lakh.
In this case, search by IT department is conducted on Mr. Ajitabh Khan’s, a resident,
premises on 31.3.2018 and undisclosed foreign income and assets were found. The
undisclosed foreign income would be charged to tax@30% in the P.Y.2015 -16. The
undisclosed foreign asset would be charged to tax@30% in the P.Y.2017 -18, being the
year in which it came to the notice of the Assessing Officer. The Assessing Officer may
direct penalty, in addition to tax payable by him, a sum equal to three times the tax so
computed and ` 10 lakh for not disclosing foreign assets and income.
Undisclosed foreign income
Undisclosed foreign income of ` 12 crores earned in Dubai during the F.Y.2015-16 is
chargeable to tax in the A.Y.2016-17.
The tax payable is 30% of ` 12 crores = ` 3.6 crores.
Undisclosed foreign assets
Though the building in Panama Islands was purchased in the P.Y.2013-14 and pieces of
art work was acquired in the P.Y.2016-17 in Macau islands, the same is chargeable to tax
in India under the Black Money Act in the A.Y.2018-19 only, since these assets came to
the notice of the Assessing Officer in the P.Y.2017-18.

Particulars Million $ ` (in crores)

Undisclosed foreign assets:
Building in Panama Islands
Purchase price 35.200
Add: Brokerage (2% of $ 35.2 million) 0.704
Cost of acquisition 35.904
Market value as on valuation date, being value on 1 st 40.00
April of the previous year i.e., on 01.04.2017
Fair market value of building in Panama Islands [being 40.00
higher of cost of acquisition and the price that the
property shall ordinarily fetch if sold in the open market
on the valuation date]
Relevant rate of exchange for the purpose of conversion
into Indian currency [being the rate of exchange on 1 st
April of the previous year i.e., on 01.04.2017] - 65.55
Fair market value in Indian currency in crores (40 million 262.200
x 65.55/10)
5 pieces of art work
Cost of acquisition 3.80
Market value as on valuation date, being value on 1 st 4.20
April of the previous year i.e., on 01.04.2017
Fair market value [being higher of cost of acquisition 4.20
and the price that the artistic work shall ordinarily fetch
if sold in the open market on the valuation date]
Relevant rate of exchange for the purpose of conversion
into Indian currency [being the rate of exchange on 1 st
April of the previous year i.e., on 01.04.2017] – 65.55
Fair market value in Indian currency in crores (4.2
million x 65.55/10) 27.531
Total undisclosed foreign assets 289.731
Tax payable @ 30% 86.92

Test Series: March, 2018

Attempt any two out of three case study based questions.
Each case study carries 50 Marks.
Time Allowed – 4 Hours Maximum Marks – 100

Athena Ltd. is a company specializing in manufacture of electronic products such as hair straighteners and
curlers. Athena Ltd. was incorporated in Country A in September 2011.

Athena Ltd. set up its own manufacturing facility by July 2012 and set up its first retail store in December 2012
in Country A. The retail store displayed and sold the various variants of straighteners and curlers that it had
manufactured. The products are sold under Athena’s registered trade mark. The first retail store showed
tremendous success and sales. Given the success, between the years 2013 to 2016, Athena grew its network
of retail stores in Country A. By the end of 2016, it had set up a total of ten retail stores in Country A.

The board of directors of Athena Ltd. consisted of Mr. Lim, his wife M rs. Lim and his dear friend Mr. Chang
and his wife Mrs. Chang. Mr. Lim, Mrs. Lim, Mr. Chang and Mrs. Chang were all residents and citizens of
Country B. The board meetings of Athena Ltd. were regularly held in Country A with each director being
personally present for such meetings. All decisions relating to setting up and expansion of the retail stores
network were taken up duly by the board of directors with unanimous agreement.

Athena Ltd. seeks to expand its presence to other countries including India in the previous year 2017-18. India
is a potential market and seems to be a profitable move for the company.

The board thinks that before any substantial investment is made in the Indian market , it would be fit to gain a
comprehensive understanding of the Indian market in terms of consumer choices, market rivals, legal
compliances, business regulations, etc. Hence, it devises a four stage strategy to launch the Indian operations.

Stage I:
Athena Ltd. will hire three professionals residing in India based on prescribed qualifications. It would be ideal
for the team to comprise one lawyer, one accountant and one business professional.

The functions to be discharged by such professionals include authoring a detailed project report enumerating
the domestic landscape of the Indian legal and business regulations that would govern the proposed business
in India. For example, what are the legal and regulatory compliances required for setting up a business? What
is the projected growth trend of the hair care industry? Who are the market rivals and what is their respective
market share? The project report would also include financial projections regarding the profitability for next five

The professionals are expected to work independently but can raise any queries to the board of directors of
Athena Ltd. These professionals will be given two months to complete the report and present the findings to
the board of directors. The remuneration of the professionals would be taken care of, by Athena Ltd.

Pursuant to the strategy, Mr. Hari, Mr. Rajesh and Mr. Ravi were hired by Athena Ltd. on March 1, 2017. Their
monthly remuneration were fixed at INR 75,000, INR 82,000 and INR 80,000 respectively, for the two month
period. The report was duly submitted by them to the board of Athena Ltd. on April 30, 2017. The board was
happy to receive the report and duly considered the findings submitted.

Stage II:
Having implemented the first stage, the next step would be to hire an agent with well-established industry
knowledge and with networks and connections in the hair care industry in India. The agent was to work
exclusively for Athena Ltd. The initial term of engagement would be four months, which may be extended to
another term, if found agreeable to both parties.

The agent will be expected to identify potential companies and individuals who can serve as
advisors/investors/local partners for Athena Ltd. as and when it intends to establish its local presence in India.
The agent can hold the first round of discussions and negotiations with any such interested party. Based on
such discussions, the agent must convey the expectations of the interested party to Athena Ltd. While the
agent can enter into any such preliminary negotiations with the advisors / investors/ local partners, the desired
terms of relationship would be subject to the consideration, confirmation and final approval of Athena Ltd. The
agent also had to identify potential customers and promote the company’s products. For this purpose, hair
curlers and hair straighteners would be supplied to the agent, who in turn has to market these products to
potential customers. The Board of Athena Ltd. decided that, as a promotional offer, a discount of 30% can be
offered initially to such customers.

After a host of interviews, Mr.Shyam was found eligible for the position of the agent. The terms of engagement
of Mr. Shyam were fixed for four months. Mr. Shyam acted as an agent from June 2017 to September 2017.
He received a remuneration of INR 1,50,000 per month for the performance of his functions, as described

After a series of discussions, Mr. Shyam identified Mr. Garg, Mr. Patnaik and Mr. Sharma as suitable advisors
who have relevant industry experience in the hair care and hospitality industries. Mr. Shyam was also able to
identify potential customers in western states of India, namely, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa and effect sales
to such customers during the said period.

Stage III:
The third step is to launch and sell the products in India using e-commerce, given the wide spread use of digital
means such as websites and phone based apps by Indians for shopping online. The website,,
was designed and hosted such that Indian users can make use of its services for placing orders in India. The
website was hosted on a server based in Cayman Islands, owned and operated by Athena Ltd. The business
was carried on through the server, which carries on the entire set of operations. The Indian user merely has
to click on the desired product and fill in the details of the desired address for delivery and make payment
using a payment gateway, after which the order is confirmed and delivery is ensured.

In order to enable the delivery of the straighteners and curlers to Indian customers, Athena Ltd. identified
warehouse(s) where the stock can be maintained and from which the orders of the customers can be
satisfactorily met. Athena Ltd. directly supplied the stock from the Country A entity to the local warehouses.

The website was functional for the said purpose in October, 2017 and thereafter, online sales were effected
through the website at the price decided by Athena Ltd. During October 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017 Athena
Ltd. was able to sell 2500 units of hair straighteners and 1500 units of hair curlers to customers based in India.
The hair dryer was priced at INR 2,500 while the hair curler was priced at INR 3,500.

Stage IV:
As a fourth step, the board of Athena Ltd. reviewed the strategies adopted. Encouraged by the positive market
response in India, the board of Athena Ltd. decided to set up a branch in Mumbai in January, 2018. Mr. Garg
and Mr. Patnaik, who are residing in Mumbai, are now entrusted with spearheading the Indian operations and
expansion strategy. Sales were effected through the Mumbai branch from January, 2018 itself.

Additional facts:

Athena Ltd. is also considering advertising the product on the internet using websites such as Google Inc. The
board believes that using digital means of advertising would give the necessary push to sales by educating
interested Indian customers of the product range which would contribute to better sales and profits, in turn.

The company enters into talks with Google Inc. for hosting the desired advertisements. It negotiated a sum of
INR 30,00,000, which is paid to Google Inc. in March, 2018 for online advertising services.

Google Inc does not have a permanent establishment in India.

Assume that Country A and India have a Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement which is
identical to that of the provisions of the OECD Model Convention.
Based on the above facts, you are required to answer the following questions:


Write the correct answer to each of the following questions by choosing one of the four options given.
Each question carries two marks.

1. The income earned by Athena Ltd. from sale of hair straighteners and hair curlers in India during the period
from June, 2017 to December, 2017 –

(a) Would not be taxable in India, since no business connection is established on account of Mr. Shyam
not having authority to conclude contracts on behalf of Athena Ltd.

(b) Would be taxable in India, since business connection would be established on account of Mr. Shyam
securing orders in India wholly for Athena Ltd.

(c) Would not be taxable in India, since Athena Ltd. does not have a PE in India

(d) Would be taxable in India, since Athena Ltd. has a PE in India


2. Dividend from an Indian company is exempt in the hands of a non-resident shareholder by virtue of section
10(34). Can such income be subject to tax in his hands in accordance with the provisions of the tax treaty?

(a) Yes, since the provisions of the treaty override the domestic law

(b) No, due to the non-aggravation principle

(c) No, due to the equivalent beneficiary principle

(d) No, due to allocation of taxing rights principle.

3. Which of the following may be viewed by the tax authorities as a tax avoidance measure undertaken by
Athena Ltd.?

(a) Choosing Google Inc., a company not having a PE in India, for advertising its products .

(b) Hosting the website on a server based in Cayman islands

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Entering into limited period engagements with persons resident in India.

4. In respect of remuneration of INR 1,50,000 per month paid by Athena Ltd. to

Mr. Shyam, which of the following statements is correct, having regard to the provisions of the Income-tax
Act, 1961 (provisions of DTAA may be ignored) –

(a) No tax is deductible at source as per the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 since Athena Ltd. is a
foreign company and is not resident in India

(b) Tax has to be deducted at source under section 192 at the average rate of income-tax computed on
the basis of the rates in force.

(c) Tax has to be deducted at source at the rates in force under section 195

(d) Tax has to be deducted at source@5%

5. As per the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961, who can act as a representative assessee in respect of
the income deemed to accrue or arise in India in the hands of Athena Ltd.?

(a) Only an employee of Athena Ltd.

(b) Only a trustee of Athena Ltd.

(c) Only an agent of Athena Ltd.

(d) All the above

6. As per the DTAA with Country A, which of the following statements is correct? –

(a) The DTAA applies only to taxes on income

(b) The DTAA applies both in respect of taxes on income and capital

(c) The DTAA applies only to persons who are resident of Country A in respect of taxes on income and

(d) The DTAA applies only to persons who are resident of India in respect of taxes on income.

7. Which of the following is ordinarily not a function served by a tax treaty?

(a) Relieving economic double taxation

(b) Imposing a fresh tax liability

(c ) Boosting mutual trade and investment in the two Contracting States

(d) Allocating taxing rights

8. Which of the following statements reflects the incorrect position?

(a) Domestic tax laws are irrelevant while considering application of the provisions of a DTAA

(b) Provisions of Income-tax Act, 1961 empower the Union Government to enter into tax treaties for
relieving double taxation

(c) Provisions of a DTAA overrides the provisions of domestic laws unless the latter are more beneficial
for a taxpayer

(d) In the absence of a DTAA, domestic tax laws provide unilateral relief to tackle double taxation

9. Which of the following is not a principle incorporated in the Vienna Convention on Law of Treaties?

(a) Preparatory work of the treaty can be used as a supplementary means of interpretation

(b) A State which is a third party cannot be bound by the terms of a bilateral tax treaty wit hout its consent

(c) Violation of any term of the tax treaty by one Contracting State entitles the other Contracting State to
terminate the treaty

(d) Ordinarily, each authenticated version of a treaty in more than one language carries equal force

10. Which article has been introduced in the India-Mauritius tax treaty to specifically target the practice of treaty

(a) Elimination of double taxation

(b) Limitation of benefits

(c ) Most Favoured Nation clause

(d) Non-discrimination


1. In relation to the income earned during previous year 2017-18, does Athena Ltd. have a permanent
establishment in India? Answer the question in relation to activities undertaken in each of four stages in the
case study. (10 Marks)

2. (a) (i) What may be viewed as a strategy which has been adopted by Athena Ltd. to avoid tax in India
in the third stage? Examine. (3 Marks)

(ii) Which action plan of BEPS addresses the tax challenges arising out of the strategy adopted by
Athena Ltd. in the third stage? What are the recommendations thereunder to address such
challenges? (4 Marks)

(b) From the following hypothetical situation given below, determine whether Athena Ltd satisfies the active
business test for determination of place of effective management under the Income-tax Act, 1961:

Particulars Country A Country B India

Foreign currency equivalent
Value of assets INR 400 lakhs INR 100 lakhs INR 210 lakhs
Number of employees 30 10 20
Payroll expenses on employees INR 160 lakhs INR 35 lakhs INR 65 lakhs
Number of Board Meetings 10 2 4

Particulars INR
Income from transactions where only the purchases of goods are from associated 25 lakhs
Income from transactions where only the sale of goods is to associated enterp rises 45 lakhs
Income from transactions where both purchases and sales are from/to associated 110 lakhs
Income by way of dividend and interest involving associated enterprises 22 lakhs
Total income by way of dividend and interest 35 lakhs
Total income of Athena Ltd. 250 lakhs
(5 Marks)
3. (a) Examine the tax implications under the Indian tax laws, in respect of fees paid for online advertising
services. (3 Marks)

(b) In respect of the fees referred to in (a) above, examine the requirement, if any, under the Indian tax
laws to deduct tax at source and the consequences of non-deduction at source. (3 Marks)

(c) Is there any provision incorporated in the Indian tax laws to avoid double taxation of such income [i.e.,
fees referred to in (a) above] in India? Examine. (2 Marks)


Shivam completed his engineering from BITS Country “P” and thereafter, came back to India in Mid 2011 for
further training and job placement. Since then, he has been working with a reputed MNC in Delhi and has been
staying in a rented accommodation in Defence Colony, Delhi along with his parents and his wife Sudha, who
is a doctor by profession.

Shivam has keen interest in Carnatic music and performs in music concerts in the De lhi Tamil Sangam from
time to time along with his friend Arvind. Shivam and Arvind also perform in music concerts in in Margazhi
Maha Utsav held in Chennai every December. Carnatic Music is Shivam’s passion and he does not charge for
performing in music concerts.

Arvind visits Country P for 60 days every year. For the rest of the year, he stays in Delhi. He is engaged in
the business of wholesale trade in foodgrains in Delhi. He has no source of income in Country P except rental
income from house property purchased by him in the P.Y.2013-14 and interest on fixed deposits made by him
with a bank in that country out of his Indian income.

Sudha and her team are engaged in a project with Cure House Inc., a company based in Country “R”, to provide
consultancy services in field of medicine to various research institutes in India . The engagement began during
May 2017 and continued throughout the year. Due to the nature of project, Sudha frequently travels across the
country to various institutes. There is no fixed place for provision of consultancy services. The expected
revenue from the project is INR 70 crores.

Shivam’s employer is an MNC which has offices across the globe. The Indian office of the company has been
processing, in respect of Mr. Shivam, basic salary of INR 70,000, dearness allowance of INR 30,000 and
special allowance of INR 5,000 every month.

During the year 2017-18, the company initiated a Global Mobility Program and selected Shivam for secondment
to Country “Q” on a three-year assignment. Once Shivam starts his assignment, no further salary shall be
processed from India payroll and he shall receive salary for services rendered in Country “Q” in his Country
“Q” bank account. As per the terms of global mobility program, Shivam would be entitled to a monthly basic
salary of QGD 1400 and cost of living allowance of QGD 1000. Tax at the rate of 15% would be withheld on
such salary as per Country “Q” tax laws. Shivam would be staying there in a rent-free accommodation provided
by the company for the three year period.

Shivam left India on September 30, 2017 for his overseas assignment and reached Country “Q” next day. His
parents and Sudha stayed in India in the same rented accommodation in Defence Colony, Delhi owing to
Sudha’s work commitments. For F.Y.2017-18, Shivam paid rent of INR 25,000 per month in respect of the said

On July 31, 2017, the company announced a bonus of INR 3,00,000 for the previous financial year (i.e.
F.Y.2016-17). As a retention policy, such bonus was paid after the first half of the financial year i.e. in October
2017. Shivam received the bonus amount in his salary account with the bank in Country Q.

Shivam had invested his overseas salary in purchase of securities of a Country “ Q” company which yielded an
interest income of QGD 5000 due as on March 31, 2018. Such interest was taxed at 15% of the gross amount
as per Country “Q” domestic tax laws. The rate of tax in respect of such income as per the India-Country “Q”
DTAA is also 15% on the gross amount.

He has also purchased shares of Country “Q” Company and dividend of QGD 1000 was credited to his bank
account on March 31, 2018. Just like Indian tax laws, dividend paid by Country “Q” Company is exempt in the
hands of shareholders.

On 31.03.2018, he had earned interest income of QGD 150 from his saving bank account in Country “Q”, which
is also exempt as per the domestic tax laws of Country “Q”.

Shivam also owns a residential house property in Mumbai, which was let out at a monthly rent of INR 50,000 and
security deposit equivalent to two months’ rent was invested to earn interest at the rate of 10% per annum from the
same. He annually spends INR 60,000 for medical treatment and nursing of his dependent disabled mother.

During his engineering days, Shivam had also invested in bonds issued by the Government of Country “P” and
earned annual interest of foreign currency equivalent to INR 30,000 during the previous year. Such interest
earned was exempt from tax in Country “P”.

Other points:

As per Country “Q” tax laws, tax year means a financial year, being a period of 12 months beginning with 1 st
April. As per tax residency laws in Country “Q”, a person shall be regarded as resident if he stays in Country
“Q” for more than 180 days in a financial year.

QGD is the currency abbreviation for the Country “Q” dollar, the currency of Country “Q”.

Based on the above facts, you are required to answer the following questions:
Write the correct answer to each of the following questions by choosing one of the four options
given. Each question carries two marks.
1. Delhi Tamil Sangam, as per its rules, pays a fixed honorarium per concert to each musician performing in
the concerts organised by it. Shivam, however, refuses to accept this sum. If he requests Delhi Tamil
Sangam to pay such sum directly to Help All, an unregistered institution providing relief to the poor and
needy in rural India, what would be the tax consequence?

(a) No amount would be chargeable to tax in the hands of Mr. Shivam, since this is a case of diversion of
income at source by overriding title.

(b) The amount payable to Help All would be chargeable to tax only in the hands of Mr. Shivam , since it is
a case of application of income.

(c) The amount payable to Help All would be chargeable to tax only in the hands of the institution which
has received the amount.

(d) The amount payable to Help All would be chargeable to tax both in the hands of Mr. Shivam and in the
hands of the institution.

2. Mr. Arvind opened a bank account in Country P on 1.7.2015. He has made deposits of foreign currency
equivalent to INR 5 lakhs on 1.7.2015, INR 7 lakhs on 1.10.2015, INR 12 lakhs on 1.9.2017 and INR 25

lakhs on 1.3.2018, in that bank, out of Indian income which has not been assessed to tax in India. The
deposit of INR 12 lakhs on 1.9.2017 is made out of the withdrawal of earlier deposits made on 1.7.2015 and
1.12.2015 with the said bank. Further, out of INR 25 lakhs deposited by him on 1.3.2018, Mr. Arvind withdrew
INR 2 lakhs on 31.3.2018. The value of an undisclosed asset in form of bank account is:

(a) INR 49 lakhs

(b) INR 47 lakhs

(c ) INR 37 lakhs

(d) INR 35 lakhs

3. Which of the following statements does not hold good in the case of OECD Model Convention? :

(a) OECD Model lays emphasis on the right of the State of Residence to tax income.

(b) The relevant article of the Convention providing for determination of business profits of a PE, does not
provide for deduction of expenses

(c) The relevant article relating to PE of the Convention explicitly deals with mechanism of Service PE

(d) It is essentially a model treaty between two developed nations

4. To address the problem of dual residency, under OECD Model Convention, certain rules are provided. The
rules are to be applied:

(a) At the discretion of competent authority of the respective countries based on permanent home and
nationality of the assessee

(b) Sequentially in order of nationality, permanent home, centre of vital interest and habitual abode

(c) Sequentially in order of permanent home, centre of vital interest, habitual abode and nationality

(d) Only if an assessee is not able to produce Tax Residency Certificate from the respective country.

5. If Cure House Inc. opts for advance ruling for the project of providing consultancy in field of medicine, such
ruling shall be binding on :

(a) Cure House Inc., in relation to the abovementioned project

(b) Jurisdictional Assessing Officer of Cure House

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Cure House Inc. and Jurisdictional Assessing Officer in relation to the abovementioned project and for
any future transaction of similar nature in India

6. Which of the following would not be considered as a permanent home of Mr. Shivam in context of the
relevant rule in the DTAA with Country Q for dual residency?

(i) House in Defence Colony, Delhi where his family lives

(ii) Own house in Mumbai which has been let out


(iii) Rent-free accommodation provided by his employer in Country Q

The correct answer is -

(a) Only (i) above

(b) Only (ii) above

(c) Only (iii) above

(d) Both (i) and (iii) above

7. Form 67 has to be filed mandatorily on or before the due date of filing of return of income -

(i) if the assessee claims foreign tax credit in his return of income for the year in which such corresponding
income was offered to tax

(ii) if the assessee owns directly, or as a beneficial owner, any foreign assets

(iii) if there is a carry backward of loss of the current year resulting in refund of foreign tax for which credit
has been claimed in an earlier previous year.

The correct answer is -

(a) Only (i) above

(b) Both (i) and (ii) above

(c) Both (i) and (iii) above

(d) (i), (ii) and (iii) above.

8. While interpreting the treaty entered into by India with Country P, the Budget Speech of Shri Arun Jaitley
was relied upon to understand the intent at the time of signing the treaty . Which law of interpretation has
been followed in this case?

(a) Liberal Interpretation

(b) Subjective Interpretation
(c) Purposive Interpretation
(d) Objective Interpretation
9. An application for advance ruling was made on 31.05.2017 in relation to a transaction proposed to be
undertaken by Mr. James, a resident of Country P. On 07.07.2017, he decides to withdraw the said
application. Such application:

(a) cannot be withdrawn once filed

(b) can be withdrawn on 07.07.2017 only with special permission of Principal Chief Commissioner

(c ) cannot be withdrawn since 30 days from date of application have passed

(d) can be withdrawn on 07.07.2017 with permission of the AAR, if the circumstances of the case so justify

10. Ms. Arvind acquired a flat in Country P in the P.Y.2013-14 for INR 50 lakhs out of his Indian income. Out of
the said sum, INR 20 lakhs was assessed to tax in India during the P.Y.2013-14 and earlier years. This
asset comes to the notice of the Assessing Officer in the year 2017-18. If the value of the flat on 1.4.2017
is INR 90 lakhs, the amount chargeable to tax in the year 2017-18 would be:
(a) INR 90 lakhs
(b) INR 70 lakhs
(c) INR 54 lakhs
(d) INR 30 lakhs


1. (i) With reference to the DTAA between India and Country “Q”, examine whether Shivam is a
resident in India or Country “Q” in the year 2017-18. (6 Marks)
(ii) The Competent Authority in India has made a request to the concerned official in Country “Q”
to provide certain information in order to prevent tax avoidance in India. The Country “Q” tax
officer denied the request stating that they are not obliged to provide such information as
Country “Q” will not get any revenue benefit by doing so. Is the officer justified in his denial?
Will your answer change, if the officer denied stating that exchange of such information would
be contrary to public policy? (4 Marks)
2. (a) (i) With reference to the DTAA between India and Country “R”, comment on whether
provision of consultancy services through Sudha would lead to creation of PE in India for
Cure House Inc., a Country R company. (3 Marks)
(ii) Can Cure House Inc. approach the Authority of Advance Ruling to determine its tax liability
arising from project undertaken in India? Is Sudha eligible to file an application for advance
ruling to determine her tax liability arising from the project? Examine. (4 Marks)
(b) India has a DTAA with Country Q but does not have a DTAA with Country N. Examine the
significance of the concepts of business connection and permanent establishment in bringing
to tax business income earned by a resident of Country Q and Country N in India. (3 Marks)
3. Determine the total income and tax liability of Shivam for the previous year 2017-18 as per the
provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961. Advance tax calculations may be ignored. Ignore the
perquisite value of rent free accommodation provided to Shivam in Country Q. Indicate reasons for
treatment of each item. Working Notes should form part of your answer. (10 Marks)


Telegraphic Transfer Buying Rate

SBI TT buying rate for Country “Q” – India currency conversion:

Date Exchange Rate Date Exchange Rate

30.09.2017 45.95 31.01.2018 47.83
31.10.2017 46.85 28.02.2018 48.52
30.11.2017 45.10 31.03.3018 48.61
31.12.2017 46.95

Rate of exchange for conversion into rupees of income expressed in foreign currency

[Rule 115 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962]

(1) The rate of exchange for the calculation of the value in rupees of any income accruing or arising or deemed
to accrue or arise to the assessee in foreign currency or received or deemed to be received by him or on
his behalf in foreign currency shall be the telegraphic transfer buying rate of such currency as on the
specified date.

Explanation: For the purposes of this rule

(1) "telegraphic transfer buying rate" shall have the same meaning as in the Explanation to rule 26;

As per Explanation to Rule 26 "telegraphic transfer buying rate", in relation to a foreign currency, means
the rate or rates of exchange adopted by the State Bank of India, for buying such currency, having
regard to the guidelines specified from time to time by the Reserve Bank of India for buying such
currency, where such currency is made available to that bank through a telegraphic transfer.

(2) "specified date" means—

(a) in respect of income chargeable under the head "Salaries", the last day of the month immediately
preceding the month in which the salary is due, or is paid in advance or in arrears;

(b) in respect of income[by way of] "interest on securities", the last day of the month immediately
preceding the month in which the income is due;

(c) in respect of income chargeable under the heads "Income from house property", "Profits and gains
of business or profession" [not being income referred to in clause (d)] and "Income from other
sources" (not being income by way of dividends [and "Interest on securities"]), the last day of the
previous year of the assessee;

(d) in respect of income chargeable under the head "Profits and gains of business or profession" in
the case of a non-resident engaged in the business of operation of ships, the last day of the month
immediately preceding the month in which such income is deemed to accrue or arise in India ;

(e) in respect of income by way of dividends, the last day of the month immediately preceding the
month in which the dividend is declared, distributed or paid by the company;

(f) in respect of income chargeable under the head "Capital gains", the last day of the month
immediately preceding the month in which the capital asset is transferred :]

Provided that the specified date, in respect of income referred to in sub-clauses (a) to (f) payable in foreign
currency and from which tax has been deducted at source under rule 26, shall be the date on which the tax
was required to be deducted under the provisions of the Chapter XVII-B.

(2) Nothing contained in sub-rule (1) shall apply in respect of income referred to in clause (c) of
the Explanation to sub-rule (1) where such income is received in, or brought into India by the assessee or
on his behalf before the specified date in accordance with the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Regulation
Act, 1973.


Foreign Tax Credit [Rule 128 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962]

(1) An assessee, being a resident shall be allowed a credit for the amount of any foreign tax paid by him in a
country or specified territory outside India, by way of deduction or otherwise, in the year in which the income
corresponding to such tax has been offered to tax or assessed to tax in India, in the manner and to the
extent as specified in this rule :

Provided that in a case where income on which foreign tax has been paid or deducted, is offered to tax in
more than one year, credit of foreign tax shall be allowed across those years in the same proportion in which
the income is offered to tax or assessed to tax in India.

(2) The foreign tax referred to in sub-rule (1) shall mean,—

(a) in respect of a country or specified territory outside India with which India has entered into an
agreement for the relief or avoidance of double taxation of income in terms of section 90 or section
90A, the tax covered under the said agreement;

(b) in respect of any other country or specified territory outside India, the tax payable under the law in
force in that country or specified territory in the nature of income-tax referred to in clause (iv) of
the Explanation to section 91.

(3) The credit under sub-rule (1) shall be available against the amount of tax, surcharge and cess payable under
the Act but not in respect of any sum payable by way of interest, fee or penalty.

(4) No credit under sub-rule (1) shall be available in respect of any amount of foreign tax or part thereof which
is disputed in any manner by the assessee:

Provided that the credit of such disputed tax shall be allowed for the year in which such income is offered
to tax or assessed to tax in India if the assessee within six months from the end of the month in which the

dispute is finally settled, furnishes evidence of settlement of dispute and an evidence to t he effect that the
liability for payment of such foreign tax has been discharged by him and furnishes an undertaking that no
refund in respect of such amount has directly or indirectly been claimed or shall be claimed.

(5) The credit of foreign tax shall be the aggregate of the amounts of credit computed separately for each source
of income arising from a particular country or specified territory outside India and shall be given effect to in
the following manner:—

(i) the credit shall be the lower of the tax payable under the Act on such income and the foreign tax paid
on such income :

Provided that where the foreign tax paid exceeds the amount of tax payable in accordance with the
provisions of the agreement for relief or avoidance of double taxation, such excess shall be ignored for
the purposes of this clause;

(ii) the credit shall be determined by conversion of the currency of payment of foreign tax at the telegraphic
transfer buying rate on the last day of the month immediately preceding the month in w hich such tax
has been paid or deducted.

(6) In a case where any tax is payable under the provisions of section 115JB or section 115JC, the credit of
foreign tax shall be allowed against such tax in the same manner as is allowable against any tax payable
under the provisions of the Act other than the provisions of the said sections (hereafter referred to as the
"normal provisions").

(7) Where the amount of foreign tax credit available against the tax payable under the provisions of section
115JB or section 115JC exceeds the amount of tax credit available against the normal provisions, then while
computing the amount of credit under section 115JAA or section 115JD in respect of the taxes paid under
section 115JB or section 115JC, as the case may be, such excess shall be ignored.

(8) Credit of any foreign tax shall be allowed on furnishing the following documents by the assessee, namely: —

(i) a statement of income from the country or specified territory outside India offered for tax for the previous
year and of foreign tax deducted or paid on such income in Form No.67 and verified in the manner
specified therein;

(ii) certificate or statement specifying the nature of income and the amount of tax deducted therefrom or
paid by the assessee,—

(a) from the tax authority of the country or the specified territory outside India; or

(b) from the person responsible for deduction of such tax; or

(c) signed by the assessee:

Provided that the statement furnished by the assessee in clause (c) shall be valid if it is accom panied

(A) an acknowledgement of online payment or bank counter foil or challan for payment of tax where
the payment has been made by the assessee;

(B) proof of deduction where the tax has been deducted.


(9) The statement in Form No.67 referred to in clause (i) of sub-rule (8) and the certificate or the statement
referred to in clause (ii) of sub-rule (8) shall be furnished on or before the due date specified for furnishing
the return of income under sub-section (1) of section 139, in the manner specified for furnishing such return
of income.

(10) Form No.67 shall also be furnished in a case where the carry backward of loss of the current year results in
refund of foreign tax for which credit has been claimed in any earlier previous year or years.

Explanation—For the purposes of this rule 'telegraphic transfer buying rate' shall have the same meaning
as assigned to it in Explanation to Rule 26.





1. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "resident of a Contracting State" means any person who is a
resident of a Contracting State in accordance with the taxation laws of that State.
2. “Where by reason of the provisions of paragraph 1, an individual is a resident of both Contracting States,
then his status shall be determined as follows:
(a) he shall be deemed to be a resident of the State in which he has a permanent home available to him;
if he has a permanent home available to him in both States, he shall be deemed to be a resident of the
State with which his personal and economic relations are closer (centre of vital interests) ;
(b) if the State in which he has his centre of vital interests cannot be determined, or if he has not a
permanent home available to him in either State, he shall be deemed to be a resident of the State in
which he has an habitual abode ;
(c) if he has an habitual abode in both States or in neither of them, he shall be deemed to be a resident of
the State of which he is a national ;
(d) if he is a national of both States or of neither of them, the competent authorities of the Contracting
States shall settle the question by mutual agreement


1. The laws in force in either of the Contracting States shall continue to govern the taxation of income
in the respective Contracting States except where express provision to the contrary is made in this
2. Where a resident of India derives income which, in accordance with the provisions of this
Agreement, may be taxed in Country “Q”, India shall allow as a deduction from the tax on the income
of that resident an amount equal to the Country “Q” tax paid, whether directly or by deduction.
Where the income is a dividend paid by a company which is a resident of Country “Q” to a company

which is a resident of India and which owns directly or indirectly not less than 25 per cent of the
share capital of the company paying the dividend, the deduction shall take into account the Country
“Q” tax paid in respect of the profits out of which the dividend is paid. Such deduction in either case
shall not, however, exceed that part of the tax (as computed before the deduction is given) which
is attributable to the income which may be taxed in Country “Q”.

1. The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall exchange such information as is
foreseeably relevant for carrying out the provisions of this Agreement or to the administration or
enforcement of the domestic laws concerning taxes of every kind and description imposed on behalf
of the Contracting States, or of their political sub-divisions or local authorities, insofar as the taxation
thereunder is not contrary to the Agreement. The exchange of information is not restricted by
Articles 1 and 2.
2. Any information received under paragraph 1 by a Contracting State shall be treated as secret in the
same manner as information obtained under the domestic laws of that State and shall be disclosed
only to persons or authorities (including courts and administrative bodies) concerned with the
assessment or collection of the enforcement or prosecution in respect of, the determination of
appeals in relation to the taxes referred to in paragraph 1, or the oversight of the above. Such
persons or authorities shall use the information only for such purposes. They may disclose the
information in public court proceedings or in judicial decisions.
3. In no case shall the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 be construed so as to impose on a Contracting
State the obligation:
(a) to carry out administrative measures at variance with the laws and administrative practice of
that or of the other Contracting State;
(b) to supply information which is not obtainable under the laws or in the normal course of the
administration of that or of the other Contracting State;
(c) to supply information which would disclose any trade, business, industrial, commercial or
professional secret or trade process, or information the disclosure of which would be contrary
to public policy.
4. If information is requested by a Contracting State in accordance with this Article, the other
Contracting State shall use its information gathering measures to obtain the requested information,
even though that other State may not need such information for its own tax purposes. The obligation
contained in the preceding sentence is subject to the limitations of paragraph 3 but in no case shall
such limitations be construed to permit a Contracting State to decline to supply information solely
because it has no domestic interest in such information.

5. In no case shall the provisions of paragraph 3 be construed to permit a Contracting State to decline
to supply information solely because the information is held by a bank, other financial institution,
nominee or person acting in an agency or a fiduciary capacity or because it relates to ownership
interests in a person.



1. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "permanent establishment" means a fixed place of business
through which the business of an enterprise is wholly or partly carried on.

2. The term "permanent establishment" includes especially:

(a) a place of management;

(b) a branch;

(c) an office;

(d) a factory;

(e) a workshop;

(f) a sales outlet;

(g) a warehouse in relation to a person providing storage facilities for others;

(h) a farm, plantation or other place where agricultural, forestry, plantation or related activities are carried
on; and

(i) a mine, an oil or gas well, a quarry or any other place of extraction of natural resources.

3. The term "permanent establishment" shall also include:

(a) a building site, a construction, installation or assembly project or supervisory activities in connection
therewith, where such site, project or activities continue for a period or periods aggregating more than
180 days;

(b) the furnishing of services including consultancy services by an enterprise through employees or other
personnel by the enterprise for such purpose, but only where activities of that nature continue (for the
same or a connected project) within the Contracting State for a perio d or periods aggregating more
than 180 days within any twelve-month period.


M/s Gryffindors LLP (“the firm”) is a Country X based partnership firm engaged in the practice of law. The firm is
the largest law firm in Country X and advises fortune 500 clients on various legal matters namely Corporate
Mergers & Acquisitions, Tax, Trade law, Construction, Arbitration, Anti-trust laws, Energy, Banking laws etc. The
firm has global offices in Country Y and Country Z. The firm does not have any presence in India owing to
regulatory requirements and, therefore, does not have any office in India. The firm is a tax resident of Country X
but by virtue of the tax laws in Country X, it is a fiscally transparent entity.
The following are the assignments entered into by the firm and its global offices. Assignment A is a completed
assignment, Assignment B is an ongoing assignment and Assignment C pertains to a future assignment which
the firm is proposing to undertake. The facts and nature of the assignments containing India nexus are provided
Assignment A
Client Name: Connors & Ann, Country X
Nature of Assignment: Connors & Ann had entered into a joint venture agreement with an Indian party in March,
2017 for construction of a nuclear thermal power plant in Tamil Nadu, India during the financial year 2017-18.
Additional Details:
 As per the scope of work, the firm had
 advised on all aspects of structuring and drafting, negotiation, construction contract and maintenance
 advised on procurement structures, multi contract/onshore offshore structures;
 provided specialised project finance expertise and ensured to reduce the risks associated with
operating in foreign jurisdiction;
 advised on tax and regulatory implications from a Country X law perspective; and
 attended meetings with project sponsors, negotiated floating rate issues and advisory on any other
overseas jurisdiction related regulatory aspects etc.
 The execution of work was done partly from India and partly from Country X office.
 The firm’s employees and partners were in India for 120 days.
 The firm’s billing model for the services rendered were as follows:
 each partner and employee of the firm who was involved in doing work for the clients was required to
maintain detailed time sheets recording the time spent by them on such work; the said time sheets
separately showed the time spent on doing such work in India and outside India;
 the time so spent was multiplied by the hourly billing rates applicable to each respective
partner/employee as specified in the terms of appointment between the firm and the client;
 the bills so raised were paid to the firm by the client outside India.
Based on the above details, the firm is of the view that the income attributable to the services rendered in India
would be taxable in India. The said income would be arrived at based on “estimation of fees with reference to the
fees rates at which such services could have been procured from corresponding professionals acting in India”.

The firm intends to claim the following expenditure -

(a) direct costs allocated on the basis of number of hours spent at the pro-rated Country X salary cost; and
(b) general overheads have been allocated @5% of income on an ad-hoc basis.
Assignment B
Client Name: Vidyut India Limited, an Indian Company which is a subsidiary of a Vidyut AG, an entity in Country
Nature of Assignment: Vidyut India has entered into a contract with an Indian construction company for
construction of a pharma research and development unit in India. Vidyut India also has a group entity, Vidyut Z
Inc, in Country Z, from whom necessary inputs are obtained for construction of the pharma research and
development centre. The construction agreement provided that the law in Country Y will govern the contract.
There is currently a dispute in the contract and as per the agreement, the adjudication proceedings were initiated
on 30th August 2017. Gryffindors Y is a registered firm in Country Y engaged by Vidyut India to represent it in the
adjudication proceedings in India. Further, as part of the adjudication proceedings, site visits are essential in
India and Country Z. For the site visit in Country Z, Gryffindors Z, a Country Z registered partnership firm was
engaged for which Vidyut India would compensate the Country Z firm separately.
Additional Details:
 As per the terms of agreement, the activities are to be carried on in Country Y, Country Z and India.
 Except a site visit and an adjudication hearing in Chennai between 21 st and 24th September, 2017, no other
activity is carried on in India by Gryffindors Y. The total time spent in India was 6 days between 19 th
September and 24 th September, 2017.
 Meanwhile, another site visit in Country Z was for 10 days for which partners from Gryffindors Z undertook
the visit and provided its report to Gryffindors Y, Country Y. For the time spent by the Country Z firm, it had
raised an invoice to Vidyut India.
 Apart from the 6 days in India and 10 days in Country Z, major part of the adjudication proceedings were at
Country Y.
 Gryffindors Y produced a tax residency certificate from Country Y. It is also to be noted that Gryffindors Y
is a fiscally transparent entity as per the tax laws of Country Y. Gryffindors Y is only liable for trade tax in
Country Y.
 Gryffindors Z produced a tax residency certificate from Country Z tax authorities certifying that it is a tax
resident of Country Z. It is also to be noted that Gryffindors Z is a fiscally transparent entity as per the
Country Z tax laws.
Assignment C
Client Name: Abhimanyu Holdings Bank Limited, a banking company registered in India.
Nature of Assignment: Abhimanyu Holdings Bank Limited is contemplating to acquire a Country X based
national bank. Therefore, it has approached Gryffindors LLP, Country X (‘the Firm’) for a counsel opinion for the
proposed acquisition.
Additional Details:
 The scope of work for the firm shall be the following:

o Phase I: Education & Training

o Phase II: Acquisition Transaction
o Phase III: Regulatory approval for the transaction.
 As part of the first phase, on education and training, the firm will provide a detailed document to Abhimanyu
India on the legal framework on banking and regulatory laws in Country X. Further, apart from the document,
the firm will provide presentation and discuss the various legal and regulatory requirements in Country X for
setting up a bank branch or acquiring a bank in Country X.
 The presentation to be made by the firm will be to the bank officials of Abhimanyu India . The presentation
will be made from the law firm’s office in Country X. The purpose of the training is to ensure that if the bank
sets up a branch or office in Country X, the said officials will be deputed to the Country X entity.
 The work shall be undertaken by the firm from its office in Country X and there will be no visit in India.
 As mentioned previously, the firm is a tax resident of Country X and is a fiscally transparent entity for tax
purpose in Country X.
 Phase II and Phase III are subject to the conditions and legal environment being fa vourable, and hence, the
happening of the same is not certain. However, Phase I: Education is certain and a fee of foreign currency
equivalent to Rs.1,50,000 has been agreed upon by the firm to render Phase I services, which would be
paid in Country X.
Based on the above facts, you are required to answer the following questions:
Write the correct answer to each of the following questions by choosing one of the four options
given. Each question carries two marks.
1. ABC Ltd. an Indian company paid dividend distribution tax under section 115-O in respect of dividend
distributed by it to its resident and non-resident shareholders. Mr. John, a shareholder of ABC Ltd. and a
resident of Country X, has to pay tax in Country X on dividend received by him from ABC Ltd., as per the
domestic tax laws of Country X. This is an example of:

(a) Juridical double taxation

(b) Territorial double taxation

(c) Economic double taxation

(d) Municipal double taxation

2. Tax treaty is part of international law; hence its interpretation should be based on a certain set of principles
and rules of interpretation. Which convention is used globally for interpretation of tax treaties?

(a) The UN Model Convention

(b) The OECD Model Convention

(c) Either (a) or (b) [Except in case of USA, where US Model Convention is used]

(d) The Vienna Convention


3. Can benefit of India-Country X tax treaty be availed by M/s. Gryffinders LLP (“the firm”), Country X in respect
of income earned by it in India from Assignment A, which is taxable in both India and Country X, by virtue
of the respective domestic tax laws?

(a) Yes, since the income is subject to tax in both countries albeit in the hands of different persons

(b) No, since as per the laws of Country X, the firm is a fiscally transparent entity. Hence, there is no
double taxation of income in its hands.

(c) Yes, since the firm’s employees and partners stayed in India for more than 100 days. Hence, the
requisite condition for availing treaty benefit under the DTAA is satisfied.

(d) Yes, since the execution of work was done partly from India and partly from Country X. Hence, treaty
benefit can be availed.

4. A fiscally transparent entity means –

(a) An entity entitled to concessional rate of tax

(b) An entity enjoying tax pass through status

(c) An entity entitled to benefits of DTAA

(d) An entity which is subject to distribution tax on profits distributed by it.

5. What are the tax implications under the Income-tax Act, 1961 in respect of income earned from assignment
A by M/s. Gryffindors LLP, a Country X based partnership firm (You may ignore the provisions of the DTAA
for the purpose of answering this question) -

(a) the entire income from the assignment is taxable in India

(b) Only income attributable to the services rendered in India is taxable in India

(c) No part of the income is taxable in India since the firm does not have a permanent establishment in

(d) No part of the income is taxable in India since the income was received outside In dia.

6. In order to claim relief under the tax treaty in India, a non-resident -

(a) should have a business presence in India

(b) should produce his Permanent Account Number

(c) should produce Tax Residency Certificate (TRC)

(d) should produce his income-tax return filed in the home country.

7. As per the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961, which of the following is not an objective of the Central
Government to enter into tax treaty with another Country:

(a) For granting relief in respect of income-tax chargeable to tax in India and the other country

(b) For enabling round tripping of unaccounted money into India


(c) For recovery of income-tax

(d) For exchange or information for prevention of evasion or avoidance of income tax

8. When a term used in a tax treaty is not defined in the tax treaty or in the Act, but the same is defined
subsequently through a notification in the Official Gazette by the Central Government, then, in such a case:

(a) The notification shall take effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette

(b) The notification shall be deemed to be effective from the date when the tax treaty came into force

(c) The notification shall be deemed to be effective from the date when the tax treaty was last modified

(d) The notification shall take effect from 1st April and be effective from the current assessment year.

9. In order to invoke the tax treaty for a person who is a dual resident i.e. tax resident in both the countries,
which rule may be applied under the relevant article of the tax treaties to resolve the issue?

(a) Force of Attraction

(b) Tie-breaker

(c) Equivalent beneficiary

(d) Non-discrimination

10. Under the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961, the term “Person” would not include:

(a) A body corporate incorporated in a country outside India

(b) A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

(c) Indian branch of a foreign company

(d) A co-operative society


1. (i) For making the payment to Gryffindors Y and Gryffindors Z, Vidyut India Limited’s tax advisor has
opined that the Country Y firm and the Country Z firm are not eligible to access India -Country Y DTAA
and India-Country Z DTAA, respectively, even though TRC has been provided by such firms. The Indian
client’s tax advisor has formed this view based on Article 1 read with the relevant articles of the India-
Country Y DTAA and India Country Z DTAA coupled with the fact that both the firms are fiscally
transparent entities as per the tax laws of the respective countries. Exami ne the correctness of the
view taken by the tax adviser by analysing the relevant Articles of the India -Country Y DTAA and India
Country Z DTAA (6 Marks)

(ii) Assuming that the tax treaty benefit is available for both the foreign entities, namely, Gryffindors Y and
Gryffindors Z your views are solicited as to whether Article 14 of India-Country Y and India-Country Z
tax treaty can be invoked. (4 Marks)

(iii) The firms want clarification as to whether surcharge, education cess and secondary and higher
education cess need to be separately added to the withholding tax rate specified in the tax treaty while
invoking the tax treaty rate. Examine. (5 Marks)

2. (i) What are the tax implications under the Income-tax Act, 1961 in respect of income earned by the firm,
M/s. Gryffindors X from the proposed phase I service to be rendered by it in respect of Assignment C?
(4 Marks)

(ii) Assuming that the above-referred income is not chargeable to tax in India in the hands of the firm as
per the Indian tax laws, is it possible to bring it into tax by invoking the India-Country X DTAA
provisions? Examine. (4 Marks)

(iii) Assuming that the above-referred income is chargeable to tax in India, how can the tax liability of the
firm be mitigated? Your answer should be based on the relevant provision(s) of the Income-tax Act,
1961. (4 Marks)

(iv) Assuming that the tax consequences in the above case are not certain, what is the option available to
M/s. Gryffindors X to ensure tax certainty? (3 Marks)

Extract of the relevant Articles of India - Country X DTAA
1. This Convention shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the Contracting States.

2. This Convention extends to the territory of each Contracting State, including its territorial sea, and to those
areas of the exclusive economic zone or the continental shelf adjacent to the outer limit of the territorial sea
of each State over which it has, in accordance with international law, so vereign rights for the purpose of
exploration and exploitation of the natural resources of such areas, and references in this Convention to the
Contracting State or to either of them shall be construed accordingly.

1. The taxes which are the subject of this Convention are :

(a) in Country X :

(i) the income-tax;

(ii) the corporation tax;

(iii) the capital gains tax; and

(iv) the petroleum revenue tax;

(hereinafter referred to as "Country X tax");


(b) in India;

the income-tax including any surcharge thereon;

(hereinafter referred to as "Indian tax").

2. This Convention shall also apply to any identical or substantially similar taxes which are imposed by either
Contracting State after the date of signature of this Convention in addition to, or in place of, the taxes of that
Contracting State referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article. The competent authorities of the Contracting
States shall notify each other of any substantial changes which are made in their respective taxation la ws.

1. In this Convention, unless the context otherwise requires:

(f) the term "person" includes an individual, a company, a body of persons and any other entity which is
treated as a taxable unit under the taxation laws in force in the respective Contracting States;

1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term "resident of a Contracting State" means any person who,
under the laws of that State, is liable to tax therein by reason of his domicile, residence, place of
management, place of incorporation, or any other criterion of a similar nature, provided, however, that:

(a) this term does not include any person who is liable to tax in that State in respect only of income from
sources in that State; and

(b) in the case of income derived or paid by a partnership, estate, or trust, this term applies only to the
extent that the income derived by such partnership, estate, or trust is subject to tax in that State as the
income of a resident, either in its hands or in the hands of its partners or beneficiaries.

1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term "permanent establishment" means a fixed place of business
through which the business of an enterprise is wholly or partly carried on.

2. The term "permanent establishment" shall include especially:

(a) a place of management;

(b) a branch;

(c ) an office;

(d) a factory;

(e) a workshop;

(f) premises used as a sales outlet or for receiving or soliciting orders;

(g) a warehouse in relation to a person providing store facilities for others;

(h) a mine, an oil or gas well, quarry on other place of extraction of natural resources;

(i) an installation or structure used for the exploration or exploitation of natural re sources;

(j) a building site or construction, installation or assembly project or supervisory activities in connection
therewith, where such site, project or supervisory activity continues for a period of more than six
months, or where such project or supervisory activity, being incidental to the sale or machinery or
equipment, continues for a period not exceeding six months and the charges payable for the project or
supervisory activity exceed 10 per cent of the sale price of the machinery and equipment;

(k) the furnishing of services including managerial services, other than those taxable under Article 13
(Royalties and fees for technical services), within a Contracting State by an enterprise through
employees or other personnel, but only if:

(i) activities of that nature continue within that State for a period or periods aggregating more than
90 days within any twelve month period; or

(ii) services are performed within that State for an enterprise within the meaning of paragraph 1 of
Article 10 (Associated enterprises) and continue for a period or periods aggregating more than 30
days within any twelve-month period:

Provided that for the purposes of this paragraph an enterprise shall be deemed to have a permanent
establishment in a Contracting State and to carry on business through that permanent establishment if
it provides services or facilities in connection with, or supplies plant and machinery on hire used or to
be used in, the prospecting for, or extraction or production of, mineral oils in that State.

1. Royalties and fees for technical services arising in a Contracting State and paid to a resident of the other
Contracting State may be taxed in that other State.

2. However, such royalties and fees for technical services may also be taxed in the Contracting State in which
they arise and according to the law of that State; but if the beneficial owner of the royalties or fees for
technical services is a resident of the other Contracting State, the tax so charged shall not exceed :

(a) in the case of royalties within paragraph 3(a) of this Articles, and fees for technical services within
paragraphs 4(a) and (c) of this Article,—

(i) during the first five years for which this Convention has effect ;

(aa) 15 per cent of the gross amount of such royalties or fees for technical services when the
payer of the royalties or fees for technical services is the Government of the first -mentioned
Contracting State or a political sub-division of that State, and

(bb) 20 per cent of the gross amount of such royalties or fees for technical services in all other
cases; and

(ii) during subsequent years, 15 per cent of the gross amount of such royalties or fees for technical
services; and

(b) in the case of royalties within paragraph 3(b) of this Article and fees for technical services defined in
paragraph 4(b) of this Article, 10 per cent of the gross amount of such royalties and fees for technical

3. For the purposes of this Article, the term "royalties" means :

(a) payments of any kind received as a consideration for the use of, or the right to use, any copyright of a
literary, artistic or scientific work, including cinematography films or work on films, tape or other means
of reproduction for use in connection with radio or television broadcasting, any patent, trade mark,
design or model, plan, secret formula or process, or for information concerning industrial, commercial
or scientific experience; and

(b) payments of any kind received as consideration for the use of, or the right to use, any industrial,
commercial or scientific equipment, other than income derived by an enterprise of a Contracting State
from the operation of ships or aircraft in international traffic.

4. For the purposes of paragraph 2 of this Article, and subject to paragraph 5, of this Article, the term "fees for
technical services" means payments of any kind of any person in consideration for the rendering of any
technical or consultancy services (including the provision of services of a tec hnical or other personnel)

(a) are ancillary and subsidiary to the application or enjoyment of the right, property or information for
which a payment described in paragraph 3(a) of this article is received ; or

(b) are ancillary and subsidiary to the enjoyment of the property for which a payment described in
paragraph 3(b) of this Article is received ; or

(c) make available technical knowledge, experience, skill know-how or processes, or consist of the
development and transfer of a technical plan or technical design.

5. The definition of fees for technical services in paragraph 4 of this Article shall not include amounts paid :

(a) for services that are ancillary and subsidiary, as well as inextricably and essentially linked, to the sale
of property, other than property described in paragraph 3(a) of this Article;

(b) for services that are ancillary and subsidiary to the rental of ships, aircraft, containers or other
equipment used in connection with the operation of ships, or aircraft in in ternational traffic;

(c) for teaching in or by educational institutions ;

(d) for services for the private use of the individual or individuals making the payment ; or

(e) to an employee of the person making the payments or to any individual or partnersh ip for professional
services as defined in Article 15 (Independent personal services) of this Convention.

6. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall not apply if the beneficial owner of the royalties or
fees for technical services, being a resident of a Contracting State, carries on business in the other
Contracting State in which the royalties or fees for technical services arise through a permanent

establishment situated therein, or performs in that other State independent personal ser vices from a fixed
base situated therein, and the right, property or contract in respect of which the royalties or fees for technical
services are paid is effectively connected with such permanent establishment or fixed base. In such case,
the provisions of Article 7 (Business profits) or Article 15 (Independent personal services) of this Convention,
as the case may be, shall apply.

7. Royalties and fees for technical services shall be deemed to arise in a Contracting State where the payer is
that State itself, a political sub-division, a local authority or a resident of that State. Where, however, the
person paying the royalties or fees for technical services, whether he is a resident of a Contracting State or
not, has in a Contracting State a permanent establishment or a fixed base in connection with which the
obligation to make payments was incurred and the payments are borned by that permanent establishment
or fixed base then the royalties or fees for technical services shall be deemed to arise in the Co ntracting
State in which the permanent establishment or fixed base is situated.

8. Where, owing to a special relationship between the payer and the beneficial owner or between both of them
and some other person, the amount of the royalties or fees for technical services paid exceeds for whatever
reason the amount which would have been paid in the absence of such relationship, the provisions of this
Article shall apply only to the last-mentioned amount. In that case, the excess part of the payments shall
remain taxable according to the law of each Contracting State, due regard being had to the other provisions
of this Convention.

9. The provisions of this Article shall not apply if it was the main purposes or one of the main purposes of any
person concerned with the creation or assignment of the rights in respect of which the royalties or fees for
technical services are paid to take advantage of this Article by means of that creation or assignment.

Extract of the relevant Articles of India - Country Y DTAA
This Agreement shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the Contracting States.
1 This Agreement shall apply to taxes on income and on capital imposed on behalf of a Contracting St ate, of
a land or a political sub-division or local authority thereof, irrespective of the procedure in which they are

2 There shall be regarded as taxes on income and on capital all taxes imposed on total income, on total
capital, or on elements of income or of capital, including taxes on gains from the alienation of movable or
immovable property, and the pay roll tax.

3 The existing taxes to which this Agreement shall apply are in particular:

(a) in the Federal Republic of Country Y :


capital tax, and
trade tax
(hereinafter referred to as "Country Y tax");
(b) in the Republic of India,

the income-tax including any surcharge tax thereon, and the wealth-tax (hereinafter referred to as
"Indian tax").

4 This Agreement shall apply also to any identical or substantially similar taxes which are imposed after the
date of signature of this Agreement in addition to, or in place of, the existing taxes. The competent authorities
of the Contracting States shall notify each other of changes of importance which have been made in their
respective taxation laws.

1. For the purposes of this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, -

(d) the term "person" includes an individual, a company and any other entity which is treated as a taxable
unit under the taxation laws in force in the respective Contracting States ;
1. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "resident of a Contracting State" means any person who, under
the laws of that State, is liable to tax therein by reason of his domicile, residence, place of management or
any criterion of a similar nature. But this term does not include any person who is liable to tax in that State
in respect only of income from sources in that State or capital situated therein.

1. Income derived by an individual who is a resident of a Contracting State from the performance of
professional services or other independent activities of a similar character shall be taxable only in that State
except in the following circumstances when such income may also be taxed in the other Contracting State:

(a) if he has a fixed base regularly available to him in the other Contracting State for the purpose of
performing his activities, in that case, only so much of the income as is attributable to that fixed base
may be taxed in that other State ; or

(b) if his stay in the other Contracting State is for a period or periods amounting to or exceeding in the
aggregate 120 days in the relevant fiscal year; in that case, only so much of the income as is derived
from his activities performed in that other State may be taxed in that other State.

2. The term "professional services" includes independent scientific, literary, artistic, educational or teaching
activities, as well as the independent activities of physicians, surgeons, lawyers, engineers, architects,
dentists and accountants.

Extract of the relevant Articles of India – Country Z DTAA
This Agreement shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the Contracting States.
1. The taxes to which this Agreement shall apply are:

(a) in the case of India :

the Income-tax including any surcharge thereon; and

(b) in the case of Country Z:

the federal, cantonal and communal taxes on income (total income, earned income, income from
capital, industrial and commercial profits, capital gains, and other items of income).

2. The Agreement shall also apply to any identical or substantially similar taxes which are imposed by either
Contracting State after the date of signature of the present Agreement in addition to, or in place of, the taxes
referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.

3. In this Agreement, the term "Indian tax" means tax imposed by India, being tax to which this Agreement
applies; the term "Country Z tax" means tax imposed in Country Z, being tax to which this Agreement applies;
and the term "tax" means Indian tax or Country Z tax, as the context requires; but the taxes in the preceding
paragraphs of this Article do not include any penalty or interest imposed under the law in force in either
Contracting State relating to the taxes to which this Agreement applies.

4. The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall notify to each other any significant changes which
have been made in their relevant respective taxation laws.

1. In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:

(d) the term "person" includes an individual, a company, a body of persons, or any other entity which is
taxable under the laws in force in either Contracting State;

1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term "resident of a Contracting State" means any person who,
under the laws of that State, is liable to tax therein by reason of his domicile, residence, place of
management, place of incorporation, or any other criterion of a similar nature, provided, however, that:

(a) this term does not include any person who is liable to tax in that State in respect only of income from
sources in that State; and

(b) in the case of income derived or paid by a partnership, estate, or trust, this term applies only to the
extent that the income derived by such partnership, estate, or trust is subject to tax in that State as the
income of a resident, either in its hands or in the hands of its partners or beneficiaries.

1. Income derived by an individual or a firm who is a resident of one of the Contracting States in respect of
professional services or other independent activities of a similar character shall be taxable only in that State

(a) the individual or firm has a fixed base regularly available to the individual or firm in the other Contracting
State for the purpose of performing the individual's or the firm's activities, in which case the income
may be taxed in that other State but only so much of it as is attributable to activities exercised from
that fixed base; or

(b) the stay by the individual or, in the case of a firm, by one or more members of the firm (alone or
together) in the other Contracting State is for a period or periods amounting to or exceeding 183 days
in a year of income, in which case only so much of the income as is derived from the activities of the
individual, that member or those members, as the case may be, in that other State may be taxed in
that other State.

2. The term "professional services" includes services performed in the exercise of independent scientific,
literary, artistic, educational or teaching activities as well as in the exercise of the independent activities of
physicians, surgeons, lawyers, engineers, architects, dentists and accountants.

Test Series: March, 2018

I. ANSWERS TO MCQs (Most appropriate answers)
1. (c)
2. (b)
3. (b)
4. (d)
5. (d)
6. (b)
7. (b)
8. (a)
9. (c)
10. (b)


Answer to Q.1:
First stage: Professionals have been hired in India for preparing a report over a period of two months. Based
on the contents of the report, it is possible to take a view that the work done by the professionals is merely
preparatory and auxiliary in nature. Once the activities are preparatory and auxiliary in nature, the activities cannot
be classified as triggering a PE implication for Athena Ltd. in India as per Article 5(4) of the India-Country A
DTAA. In any case, at this stage, there is no revenue generation to trigger the concept of PE.
Second stage: Article 5(6) of the DTAA with Country A does not expressly provide for exclusivity of relationship
with the principal as a test of agent’s dependence. However, “exclusive” relationship with the principal is a relevant
factor, although not entirely determinative, in ascertaining an agent’s independence. In this case, considering
that Shyam is an agent exclusively for Athena Ltd., it is possible to take a view that he is a dependent agent. As
per Article 5(5) of the DTAA with Country A, a dependent agent in India would constitute a PE for Athena Ltd.
only if it is shown that he has the authority to conclude contracts in the name of Athena Ltd. In this case , it can
be seen that the role of the agent does not extend to concluding contracts on behalf of the principal. Here, the
agent can only engage in preliminary negotiations with the final say being reserved exclusively for Athena Ltd.
alone. Further, he has to identify potential customers and sell the products at the initial offer price which is also
decided by the Board of Athena Ltd. Due to these reasons, the agent in India does not constitute a PE for Athena
Third stage: The traditional meaning and understanding of a fixed place PE connotes a physical space which is
at the disposal of the non-resident enterprise and through which the latter conducts its business. With respect to
a website, it has been held that it is merely a software. In the absence of the server supporting the website being
located in India (here, it is in Cayman Islands), there can be no PE liability for Athena Ltd. The server, through
which business is carried on, is located in Cayman Islands, a no tax jurisdiction, and not in India.
Furthermore, a warehouse in India would not constitute a PE as per Article 5(4) of the India-Country A DTAA.
Fourth stage – In this stage, Athena Ltd. sets up a branch in Mumbai, which constitutes a PE in India as per
Article 5(1)/(2) of the India-Country A DTAA. Accordingly, profits of Athena Ltd. as are attributable to the PE in
India would be liable to tax in India.
Answer to Q.2(a):
(i) The rise of e-commerce has led to an emergence of digital economy. Physical locations of the servers of
such digital businesses were considered to establish the tax jurisdiction in which the profits of digital
businesses could be taxed. Servers were, therefore, placed in tax efficient jurisdictions, even though the
main income generation and customers were from other jurisdictions.
In the third stage, the business in India is to be carried on through the website hosted on the server located
in Cayman islands, which is a no tax jurisdiction. In fact, the server located in Cayman islands carries on
the entire set of operations. A website consists of data and programmes in digitised form which is stored
on a server of the internet service provider. On the other hand, a permanent establishment, as the name
itself suggests, is a fixed place of some permanence from where a business is carried on. Therefore,
existence of a website in India would not constitute a permanent establishment.
However, the server is a system which carries out activities initiated by an end-user’s computer. In this case,
Athena Ltd. itself owns and operates the server and the business is carried on through the server, it could
be construed to be a permanent establishment. However, the server is located in Cayman islands, which is
a no tax jurisdiction. Location of the server owned and operated by Athena Ltd., which constitutes a PE in

this case, in a no tax jurisdiction may be viewed as a strategy adopted by Athena Ltd. to avoid tax in India,
considering the fact that Athena Ltd. is a Country A based company, its Board of Directors are residents of
Country B and it wishes to expand its market in India. However, it has chosen to locate the server through
which it carries on business in a fourth place, namely, Cayman islands, which is a no tax jurisdiction. This
may be viewed as a strategy adopted by Athena Ltd. to avoid tax in India in the third stage.
(ii) Owing to the ‘intangibility’ attached to the digital model of business, tax authorities often face challenges in
rightly bringing to tax the profits earned from a digital business.
Action Plan 1 of the BEPS project was developed by the OECD which outlines the methods and principles
based on which physical and digital economies can be taxed at par.
The OECD recommends the following options to address the challenges of the digital economy -
• Modifying the existing Permanent Establishment (PE) rule to provide whether an enterprise engaged
in fully de-materialized digital activities would constitute a PE, if it maintained a significant digita l
presence in another country's economy.
• A virtual fixed place of business PE in the concept of PE i.e., creation of a PE when the enterprise
maintains a website on a server of another enterprise located in a jurisdiction and carries on business
through that website
• Imposition of a final withholding tax on certain payments for digital goods or services provided by a
foreign e-commerce provider or imposition of a equalisation levy on consideration for certain digital
transactions received by a non-resident from a resident or from a non-resident having PE in other
contracting state.
Answer to Q.2(b)
The process of determination of POEM is primarily based on the fact as to whether or not the company is engaged
in active business outside India.
A company shall be said to be engaged in “active business outside India”
- if the passive income is not more than 50% of its total income; and
- less than 50% of its total assets are situated in India; and
- less than 50% of total number of employees are situated in India or are resident in India; and
- the payroll expenses incurred on such employees is less than 50% of its total payroll expenditure.
Passive income is the aggregate of, -
(i) income from the transactions where both the purchase and sale of goods is from/to its associated
enterprises; and
(ii) income by way of royalty, dividend, capital gains, interest or rental income;

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Particulars Country A Country B India Total % of (4)
to total in
Value of assets Rs.400 lakhs Rs.100 lakhs Rs.210 lakhs Rs.710 lakhs 29.58%
Number of employees 30 10 20 60 33.33%
Payroll expenses on Rs.160 lakhs Rs.35 lakhs Rs.65 lakhs 260 25.00%

It can be seen that the value of assets in India is only 29.58% of the total assets of the company, the number
of employees in India is only 33.33% of the total number of employees and the payroll expenses incurred
on such employees is only 25% of its total payroll expenditure. Thus, three out of four conditions for active
business outside India are met. However, the passive income test has also to be met for active business to
be outside India.
Passive income = income from transactions where both purchases and sales are from/to associated
enterprises + total income by way of dividend and interest = Rs.110 lakhs + Rs.35 lakhs = Rs.145 lakhs
Percentage of passive income to total income = 145/250 × 100 = 58%
In this case, the passive income is more than 50% of the company’s total income. Hence, the passive
income test has failed, consequent to which the company cannot be said to have active business outside
Answer to Q.3:
(a) Equalisation levy@6% is attracted on the amount of consideration for specified services received or
receivable by a non-resident not having PE in India from a resident in India who carries on business or
profession or from a non-resident having PE in India. Specified services include online advertisement and
any provision for digital advertising space or any other facility or service for the purpose of online
In this case, Google Inc is a non-resident not having PE in India. It receives consideration of Rs.30 lakhs
from Athena Ltd., a non-resident having PE in India, for online advertisement services provided by it. Hence,
equalization levy@6% on Rs.30 lakhs is attracted in the hands of Google Inc.
In the hands of Athena Ltd., the amount of Rs.30 lakhs paid to Google Inc. would be allowable as business
expenditure, provided equalization levy has been deducted at source.
(b) Athena Ltd. is liable to deduct equalization levy of Rs.1.80 lakhs from the amount of Rs.30 lakhs payable to
Google Inc. In case it fails to so deduct equalization levy, it shall, notwithstanding such failure, be liable to
pay the levy to the credit of the Central Government by 7th April, 2018. Further, penalty of an amount equal
to Rs.1.80 lakhs would be attracted for failure to deduct equalization levy. Also, disallowance of the
expenditure of Rs.30 lakhs would be attracted under section 40(a)(ib) while computing business income of
Athena Ltd.
(c) Section 10(50) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 exempts income arising from providing specified service of online
advertisement, which are subject to equalization levy, from income-tax.


I. ANSWERS TO MCQs (Most appropriate answers)

1. (d)
2. (c)
3. (c)
4. (c)
5. (c)
6. (b)
7. (c)
8. (b)
9. (d)
10. (c)


1. (i) As per Article 4(1) of the India and Country “Q” DTAA, the term "resident of a Contracting State"
means any person who is a resident of a Contracting State in accordance with the taxation laws of
that State.
Therefore, for determining whether Mr. Shivam is a resident of India or Country Q, first, the
residential status as per the taxation laws of respective countries has to be ascertained.
As per section 6(1) of the Income-tax Act,1961, an individual is said to be resident in India in any
previous year if he satisfies any one of the following conditions:
a) He has been in India during the previous year for a total period of 182 days or more; or
b) He has been in India during the 4 years immediately preceding the previous year for total period
of 365 days or more and has been in India for at least 60 days in the previous year.
An Indian citizen, who leaves India in the previous year for the purpose of employment outside
India, shall be considered as resident only if the period of his stay during the relevant previous year
in India is 182 days or more.
Since Shivam left on 30th September 2017, he stayed in India during the P.Y. 2017-18 for 183 days.
Therefore, he is a resident in India for the P.Y.2017-18.
Further, Shivam had come back to India after completing his engineering in Mid 2011 and since
then he has been working in India. Hence, he fulfils the following conditions for resident and
ordinarily resident:
i) He is a resident in atleast 2 out of 10 years preceding the relevant previous year, and
ii) His total stay in India in last seven years preceding P.Y. 2017-18 is 730 days or more.
Thus, Shivam is Resident and Ordinarily Resident in India for the P.Y.2017-18.

As per Country “Q” tax residency rules, Shivam qualifies to be resident for the year 2017-18 in
Country “Q”, since he stays for 182 days (more than 180 days) in Country “Q” in the Financial
Year 2017-18.
Thus, as per the domestic tax laws of India and Country Q, Shivam qualifies to be a resident both
in India and Country Q during the year 2017-18. Hence, the tie-breaker rule provided in Article
4(2) of the India-Country Q DTAA will come into play.
This Rule provides that where an individual is a resident of both the countries, he shall be deemed
to be resident of that country in which he has a permanent home and if he has a permanent home
in both the countries, he shall be deemed to be resident of that country, which is the centre of his
vital interests i.e. the country with which he has closer personal and economic relati ons.
From the facts, it is evident that Shivam has been living in a rented accommodation in Defence
Colony, Delhi. Even after he moved to Country “Q”, his family continues to stay in the same rented
accommodation in Delhi. Hence, it can be considered as permanent home for him in India. In
Country “Q”, he has been provided with a rent-free accommodation by his employer for a period of
three years, which would be considered as permanent home for him. Since he has a permanent
home both in India and Country “Q”, the next test needs to be analysed.
Shivam owns a house property in India from which he derives rental income. His family also resides
in India. He performs in Carnatic music concerts in India, both in Delhi and in Chennai. Therefore,
his personal and economic relations with India are closer, since India is the place where -
(a) the residential property is located and
(b) social and cultural activities are closer
Thus, by applying Article 4 of the India-Country “Q” DTAA, Shivam shall be deemed to be resident
in India.
(ii) Article 28 of India-Country “Q” DTAA deals with the international exchange of information between
the tax authorities of the countries. The purpose is wider than mere tax compliances; it is also
meant to counter tax evasion and avoidance. The competent authorities of the two Contracting
States can exchange information which is ‘foreseeably relevant’ for the proper application of
agreement or for the administration or enforcement of their domestic laws, as long as taxation
under the laws in not inconsistent with the treaty agreement.
Paragraph 3 of the Article lists the types of information, the request for which either country is not
obligated to comply.
However, paragraph 4 of the Article further clarifies that even though obligation to provide
information is subject to the limitation contained in paragraph 3, the requested country cannot
decline to supply information solely because it has no domestic interest in such information.
Accordingly, Country “Q” tax authorities are not justified in denying to provide information stating
that it will not get any revenue benefit by providing such information. Country “Q” is obligated to
provide the requested information, even if it has no revenue interest in the case to which the request
However, in case the reason of denial is in accordance with the specific limitations contained in
paragraph 3, then, Country “Q” tax authorities shall be under no obligation to provide the requested
information. Hence, denial by tax authorities on the ground that exchange of such information
would be contrary to public policy is justified.

2. (a) (i) As per paragraph 3(b) of Article 5 ‘Permanent Establishment’ of India-Country “R” DTAA, a
service PE is established if the foreign enterprise provides services in India through
employees or other personnel engaged for more than 180 days in a fiscal year. Thus, Service
PE is not dependent upon the fixed place of business. It is only dependent on the continuation
of the activity, which does not mandate physical presence/fixed place.
Hence, the project of Cure House for providing consultancy services, will expose it to creation
of service PE in India.
(ii) As per section 245N(b)(A)(I), an application for advance ruling can be made inter-alia by a
non-resident in relation to a transaction which has been undertaken or is proposed to be
undertaken by it.
Hence, Cure House Inc., a non-resident applicant, can file an application to Authority of
Advance Ruling, alongwith the prescribed fees, for determination in relation the transaction
undertaken by it in India i.e., rendering consultancy services in the field of medicine.
As per section 245N(b)(A)(III), a resident applicant who has undertaken or has proposed to
undertake one or more transactions of value of INR 100 crore or more in total can file an
application for Advance Ruling for determination by the AAR in relation to his/her tax liability
arising out of such transactions and such determination shall include the determination of any
question of law or of fact specified in the application.
In the present case, since the project value is only INR 70 crore, Sudha, a resident Indian
cannot file an application with AAR for determination of her tax liability arising out of the said
(b) Section 9(1)(i) requires existence of business connection for deeming business income to accrue
or arise in India. DTAAs may, however, provide that business income is taxable only if there is a
permanent establishment in India.
Therefore, in cases covered by DTAAs, where there is no permanent establishment in India,
business income cannot be brought to tax due to existence of business connection as per section
9(1)(i). However, in cases not covered by DTAAs, business income attributable to business
connection is taxable.
Hence, business income earned by a resident of Country Q can be brought to tax only if he has a
PE in India. However, business income of a resident of Country N attributable to his business
connection in India, can be brought to tax in India.
3. Computation of total income of Shivam for A.Y. 2018-19

Particulars INR INR

Income from Salaries
Salary from services rendered in India (April - September 2017)
Basic Salary (INR 70,000 x 6) 4,20,000
Dearness Allowance (INR 30,000 x 6) 1,80,000
Special Allowance (INR 5,000 x 6) 30,000
Bonus 3,00,000

[Even though bonus is paid in an overseas bank account after the

commencement of his overseas assignment, however, since it pertains to
services rendered in India, it would be taxable in India]
Salary from services rendered in Country “Q” (October 2017 - March 2018)
Basic Salary [See Note (i)] 3,93,680
Cost of Living Allowance [See Note (i)] 2,81,200
Income from House Property at Mumbai
Net Annual Value [See Note (ii)] 6,00,000
Less: Standard deduction @ 30% (1,80,000)
Income from Other Sources
Interest earned from investment of security deposit (INR 1,00,000 @10%) 10,000
Interest earned on saving bank account with Country “Q” [QGD 150 x INR 7,292
48.61] [See Rule 115 in Note (i)]
Interest on Securities of a Country “Q” company [QGD 5000 x INR 48.52] 2,42,600
[See Rule 115 in Note (i)]
Interest on bonds issued by Country “P” Government 30,000
Dividend from a Country “Q” Company (QGD 1000 x INR 48.52] [See Rule
115 in Note (i)] 48,520
(Dividend of foreign Company is taxable in India)
Gross Total Income 23,63,292
Less: Deductions under Chapter VI-A
Deduction u/s 80DD 75,000
(flat deduction of INR 75,000 is allowed in respect of medical treatment of
dependent disabled, irrespective of the expenditure incurred)
Deduction u/s 80GG [See Note (iii)] 60,000 1,35,000
Total Income
Total Income (rounded off) 22,28,290

Computation of tax liability of Shivam for A.Y. 2018-19

Particulars INR INR
Tax on INR 22,28,290 4,80,987
Add: Education cess @2% 9,620
Secondary higher education cess @1% 4,810
Tax Liability 4,95,417
Less: Foreign Tax Credit [See Note (v)]
- on salary income 1,01,232
- on interest income 36,390 1,37,622
Net tax liability 3,57,795
Net tax liability (rounded off) 3,57,800
(i) In accordance with Rule 115, following rate of exchange has been used for conversion of income
earned outside India :
- Salary – last day of the month immediately preceding the month in which the salary is due
- Interest on securities- last day of the last day of the month immediately preceding the month
in the income is due i.e. rate as on 28.02.2018
- Interest earned on other than securities i.e. interest on bank deposits- last day of the previous
year i.e. rate as on 31.03.2018
- Dividends - last day of the month immediately preceding the month in which the dividend is
declared, distributed or paid by the company i.e. rate as on 28.02.2018
Accordingly, income earned outside India in Indian currency would be computed in the following
Overseas salary for the period October 2017 to March 2018:

Month Basic Salary Cost of living Rate of Basic COLA in

in QGD Allowance Exchange Salary in INR (2 x 3)
(1) (COLA) (2) (3) INR (1 x 3)
Oct 17 1400 1000 45.95 64,330 45,950
Nov 17 1400 1000 46.85 65,590 46,850
Dec 17 1400 1000 45.10 63,140 45,100
Jan 18 1400 1000 46.95 65,730 46,950
Feb 18 1400 1000 47.83 66,962 47,830
Mar 18 1400 1000 48.52 67,928 48,520
Total 8400 6000 - 3,93,680 2,81,200

(ii) In absence of information relating to fair market value, standard rent and municipal rent, actual rent
received is considered as Gross Annual Value

(iii) As Shivam is not receiving any house rent allowance from his employer and the house property owned
by him is not in the same city of his residence/employment, Shivam is eligible to claim deduction under
section 80GG as under :
Deduction shall be lower of the following:
 INR 5,000 per month = INR 60,000
 25% of the adjusted total income = 25% of INR 22,88,290 = INR 5,72,073
 Actual rent – 10% of adjusted total income = INR 3,00,000 (25,000*12) – INR 2,28,829 (10% of
22,88,290) = INR 71,171
Adjusted total income = Gross total income after providing for deduction under section 80C to
80U but before deduction under section 80GG = INR 23,63,292 – INR 75,000 = INR 22,88,292
(rounded off to INR 22,88,290).
Hence, deduction under section 80GG shall be INR 60,000.
(iv) Deduction under section 80TTA is allowed only on interest earned on saving deposits with Indian bank
and not with overseas bank account.
(v) Since Shivam is a resident and ordinarily resident in India for the A.Y.2018-19 by virtue of section 6 of
the Income-tax Act, 1961, his global income is taxable in India. In such case, the income arising in
Country Q is doubly taxed. In order to avoid double taxation, Shivam can take the benefit of DTAA
between India and Country Q by way of foreign tax credit in respect of the tax paid in Country Q or tax
paid on such income in India, whichever is lower.
An income earned outside India which is exempt from tax in the respective countr y cannot be
considered as doubly taxed income for the purpose of calculation of foreign tax credit, since no
taxes have been paid on such income. Hence, interest on bonds issued by Country P Government,
interest on savings bank account in Country Q and dividend earned on shares of a Country “Q”
Company, though taxed in India but shall not be eligible for claiming foreign tax credit as they are
exempt from tax in their respective countries.
With reference to Article 25 of India-Country “Q” DTAA, Indian resident shall be allowed credit of
taxes paid in Country “Q” on the income which is also taxed in Country “Q”. Hence, foreign tax
credit shall be calculated as below :
Calculation of foreign tax credit
Doubly taxed Salary Income INR
Basic Salary 3,93,680
Cost of Living Allowance 2,81,200
Doubly taxed salary income 6,74,880
Computation of foreign tax credit on doubly taxed salary income:
Lower of:
Tax withheld in Country Q on salary income at 15% 1,01,232
Tax payable in India on salary [email protected]% 1,50,046
Foreign tax credit 1,01,232

Double taxed Interest Income INR

Interest Income on Securities of Country Q company 2,42,600
Computation of foreign tax credit on doubly taxed interest income:
Lower of:
Tax withheld in Country Q on interest income at 15%, which is also the rate as
per the DTAA 36,390
Tax payable in India on interest [email protected]% 53,930
Foreign tax credit 36,390
Note – Questions based on interpretation of articles of a DTAA may have alternate views.


I. ANSWERS TO MCQs (Most appropriate answers)
1. (c)
2. (d)
3. (a)
4. (b)
5. (a)
6. (c)
7. (b)
8. (b)
9. (b)
10. (c)
Answer to Q.1
(i) The eligibility of partnership firms for tax treaty benefits have been a controversial area and is a
classic case of economic double taxation. This is due to the fact that each country has its own
methodology to tax partnership firms. For instance, India taxes the income of a partnership in the
firm’s hands, but the Contracting State, in this case, Country Y and Country Z, taxes such income in
the hands of the partner directly, treating the partnership as “fiscally transparent entity”. In both cases,
the income is subject to tax in both countries albeit in the hands of different persons i.e., in the hands
of the partners in the country of residence and in the hands of the firm in the source country, namely,
The conditions for eligibility of benefits under the DTAA are provided in Article 1 read along with the
other relevant artilces of the DTAA. These conditions have to be fulfilled including the condition that
the entity has to be a person and resident of the either of the contracting states.
(a) As per Article 3(1)(d) of the India-Country Y DTAA, the term ‘person’ includes any entity which is
treated as a taxable unit under the tax laws in force in the respective States.
In order to be eligible for the DTAA, it has to be seen whether the partners hip firm is a resident of
the Contracting State. Article 4(1) of the India-Country Y DTAA defines a “resident of a
Contracting State” to mean a person “liable to tax in that State by reason of his domicile,
residence, place of management or any other criterion of similar nature”.
As per Article 2 of the India-Country Y DTAA, the scope of the DTAA extends to both income-tax
and trade tax as may be levied under the laws of Country Y. Since trade tax is being levied on
the Gryffindors Y partnership firm, it can held that the firm is “liable to tax” and therefore the
requirement in Article 4 gets satisfied. Accordingly, Gryffindors Y partnership firm shall be eligible
to access the India-Country Y DTAA based on this line of reasoning.

(b) As per Article 3(1)(d) of the India-Country Z DTAA, the term ‘person’ includes any other entity
which is taxable under the laws in force in the either Contracting States.
Article 4(1) of the India-Country Z DTAA defines a “resident of a Contracting State” to mean any
person who, under the laws of that State, is liable to tax therein by reason of his domicile,
residence, place of management, place of incorporation, or any other criterion of a similar nature.
Further, in the case of income derived or paid by a partnership, this term applies only to the
extent that the income derived by such partnership, is subject to tax in that State as the income
of a resident, either in its hands or in the hands of its partners.
Thus, Article 4(1) of the treaty clearly provides that in the case of income derived or paid by a
partnership, the term “resident of a contracting state”, in case of a firm, applies to the extent that
the income derived by such partnership, is subject to tax in that State as the income of a
resident, either in its hands or in the hands of its partners. The article clearly permits a firm to be
treated as a resident of a contracting state in respect of income which is either liable to tax in its
hands or in the hands of the partners. Therefore, Gryffindors Z partnership firm would be entitled
to the benefits of the India-Country Z tax treaty, even though it is a fiscally transparent entity as
per the tax laws of Country Z.
(ii) Article 14 of the India-Country Y and India-Country Z tax treaties deal with Independent Personal
Services. Professional services rendered by independent professionals like lawyers, doctors,
engineers, accountants etc. are covered by the provisions of this article.
It may be noted that the India-Country Y DTAA restricts the scope of Article 14 to income derived by
an individual who is a resident of the Contracting State. Consequently, Article 14 of the DTAA with
Country Y cannot be invoked in the case of income derived by a firm .
However, the India-Country Z DTAA does not restrict the scope of Article 14 to income derived by a
resident individual and includes within its scope, a resident firm as well. Therefore Article 14 of the
India-Country Z DTAA can be invoked in respect of income derived from such services by Gryffindors
Z firm, which is resident in Country Z.
(iii) Article 2 of the DTAAs specifies the ‘taxes covered’ under the DTAA entered into between the
Contracting States. In the DTAAs which India has entered into with Country X, Country Y and Country
Z, taxes covered include income tax including any surcharge thereon. The issue under consideration
is whether surcharge, education cess and secondary and higher education cess (SHEC) have to be
added separately to the rate provided in the DTAA. In this regard, since the DTAA specifically
mentions in Article 2 that taxes include surcharge, there is no requirement to include surcharge.
As per sub-section (11) and (12) of section 2 of the Finance Act, 2017, the amount of income -tax as
increased by the applicable surcharge shall be further increased by an additional surcharge to be
called “Education cess” and “secondary and higher education cess”. Therefore, education cess and
secondary and higher education cess are nothing but an additional surcharge. Since as per the
DTAAs, taxes covered include any surcharge on income-tax, additional surcharge called as education
cess and SHEC are also included therein.
Therefore, if the tax treaty rate is invoked, the tax rate specified thereunder is all inclusive and there is
no requirement to separately add surcharge, education cess and SHEC over and above the rate
prescribed in the DTAA.

Answer to Q.2
(i) In this case, payment is to be made to the law firm in Country X in respect of income earned outside
India i.e. in Country X. Considering the nature of income, it is possible to characterise the same either
as Royalty or Fees for technical services (FTS). Section 9(1)(vi)/(vii) spells out the cases where
royalty and fees for technical services is deemed to accrue or arise in India as well as the exceptions
thereto. The income earned by the law firm in Country X is covered under exceptions to Section
9(1)(vi)(b) and 9(1)(vii)(b). Income by way of royalty payable by a person who is a resident is deemed
to accrue or arise in India, except where the royalty is payable in respect of any right, property or
information used or services utilized for the purposes of a business or profession carried on by
such person outside India or for the purposes of making or earning any income from any
source outside India. Likewise, income by way of fees for technical services payable by a person
who is resident, is deemed to accrue or arise in India except where the fees are payable in respect
of services utilized in a business or profession carried on by such person outside India or for
the purposes of making or earning any income from any source outside India.
In this case, since the payment is to be made for information used or services to be utilised for
making or earning a new source of income outside India, these payments fall within the exceptions
spelt out in section 9(1)(vi)/(vii). Accordingly, such income would not be deemed to accrue or arise in
India in the hands of the non-resident law firm. Hence, such income earned by the law firm in Country
X is not taxable in India as per the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961.
(ii) Since the income is not chargeable to tax in India as per the domestic tax laws, the same cannot be
taxed under the DTAA. The fundamental principle of tax treaty is that it can only relieve tax burden.
DTAA simply tries to eliminate double taxation. It does not grant any tax jurisdiction to any
Government nor take away any jurisdiction already existing. DTAA does not create any additional tax
in any state; it can only relieve tax. This is known as the principle of non-aggravation.
Further, section 90(2) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 clearly specifies that provisions of the Act shall
apply to the extent they are more beneficial to the assessee. Also, the Supreme Court, in the case of
Azadi Bachao Andolan 263 ITR 706 and Ishikawajima Harima 288 ITR 408, has held that tax treaties
cannot create more onerous obligations or liabilities than provided under the Income-tax Act, 1961.
Therefore, the India-Country X DTAA cannot bring into existence a new claim, if the said income is not
taxable under the Income-tax Act, 1961.
(iii) Assuming that the income earned by Country X is taxable in India, M/s Gryffindors LLP, a Country X
based partnership firm, can mitigate the tax by taking recourse to the grossing up provisions under
section 195A of the Income-tax Act, 1961. In such a case, the resident payer shall have to bear the
burden of tax on payments due to the non-resident. The amount paid by the resident payer will be
considered as net of tax payment and the payment is required to be grossed up for calcu lation of tax
liability. The grossed-up amount will be treated as the amount agreed to be paid and tax shall be
calculated at the prescribed rate on the gross amount. Such tax would be payable by Abhimanyu
Holdings Bank Ltd., India, in this case. Therefore, the Country X firm, being non-resident in India, can
enter into a suitable agreement based on which the firm will not bear the Indian tax liability, even if
taxes are to be withheld. The tax liability would be borne by Abhimanyu Holdings Bank Ltd., India, the
payer, in this case.

(iv) The Country X firm, being a non-resident, may apply for an advance ruling under section 245N for
determination of tax liability in relation to a transaction which is proposed to be undertaken by it with a
view to avoiding litigation and providing certainty. Therefore, in this case, the Country X firm can make
an application to the Authority of Advance Rulings in the prescribed form and manner to determine its
taxability in India for the proposed Assignment C to be undertaken by it.
Note – Questions based on interpretation of articles of a DTAA may have alternate views.

Test Series: August, 2018

Attempt any two out of three case study based questions.
Each case study carries 50 Marks.
Time Allowed – 4 Hours Maximum Marks – 100

Mr. Arjun Batra, a resident Indian, aged 58, has business interests in India and in some other foreign nations
also. The Finance Manager has sent a mail, furnishing details of income earned in India and outside India
during the P.Y. 2017-18.
Income earned in foreign nations
Arjun has derived income from two other nations E and F, with which India does not have DTAA.
The particulars of income earned in the two nations E and F are as under:
Particulars of Income (Rs. in lakhs)
Gross rental receipts from commercial property 2 3
Share income from Partnership firm (loss) -1 -1.5
Business income 2.2 3.3
STCG from sale of vacant site on 1.11.2017 15 Nil
Agricultural Income 1.2 1.8
Income earned in India
Particulars (Rs. in lakhs)
Business income 1.5
Long-term capital gains on sale of residential house in Mumbai on 1.3.2018 45
Agricultural income from lands in Bengaluru 3.2
The Manager (Finance) has informed that following investments were made in India during the year ended
Particulars of Income (Rs. In lakhs)
Purchase of residential house at Jaipur on 22-3-2018 in wife’s name 37
Contribution to PPF 1.50
Income-tax rate structure:
Country E
(Rs.) Tax rate
Upto Rs.3 lakhs Nil
Rs.3 to Rs.6 lakhs 15%
Above Rs.6 lakhs 22%
Country F
Flat 27% without any basic exemption limit.

Tax treatment/ concessions in other nations

(i) No statutory allowance/deduction in respect of house property income in Country E as well as Country
(ii) Loss from firm can be set off against other business income in Country F only.
(iii) Agricultural income is exempt in Country E only.
Mail from Taxation Manager of Country E on 30-4-2018
As per this mail, there is clear information that undisclosed income is earned in country E to the tune of
Rs.5 lakhs relating to the previous year 2016-17 and about the existence of undisclosed gold jewellery
purchased on 21-4-2016. Neither this income, nor the asset in question, has any bearing to income
chargeable under the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961.
The jewellery had been purchased for Rs.4.2 lakhs. Its value as per report of Valuer recognized by the
Government is Rs.5.2 lakhs as on 1-4-2018 and Rs.5.3 lakhs as on 30-4-2018.
Write the most appropriate option to each of the following questions by choosing one of the four
options given. Each question carries two marks.

1. Any term used in a DTAA with a foreign country and not defined in the agreement or the Act but assigned
a meaning in the notification issued by the Central Government in the Official Gazette, shall have the
meaning assigned in such notification and shall be effective from the -
(a) Date of the DTAA
(b) Date of the notification
(c) Date of publication of the Official Gazette
(d) None of the above.
2. In case of conflict between the provisions of the DTAA and the Income-tax Act, 1961, then,
(a) The provisions of the Act will always prevail over the DTAA.
(b) The provisions of the DTAA will always prevail over the Act.
(c) The provisions of the Act will apply to the extent they are more beneficial to the assessee
(d) The issue will be resolved by mutual consent of the Contracting States
3. Where a person derives income from a nation with which India does not have a DTAA, such person is
given credit in India in the following manner:
(a) Entire tax paid in the foreign country is allowed as deduction.
(b) Tax paid in the foreign country on income which is doubly taxed, is allowed as deduction.
(c) Tax paid on income which is doubly taxed, is allowed as deduction, at the Indian rate of tax only.
(d) Tax paid on income which is doubly taxed, is allowed as deduction, at the Indian rate of tax or rate
of tax of the foreign country, whichever is lower.
4. Let us say Arjun has earned income from house property in Country X which is taxable under the
domestic tax laws of Country X. Such income is also taxable in the hands of Arjun in India, since he is
resident in India. Assume that the DTAA between India and Country X provides for taxation of such
income in the source state only. In this situation,
(a) Such income is exempt in India by virtue of the DTAA between India and Country X
(b) Such income will be exempt in India, provided that Arjun obtains a Tax Residency Certificate from
the Government of Country X.

(c) Such income is taxable in India, since Arjun is resident in India.

(d) Such income is taxable in India, since the Income-tax Act, 1961 does not provide for exemption of
income from house property outside India.
5. Assume that Arjun has earned an income of Rs.4 lakhs by way of lump sum consideration for copyright
of book from a publisher in Country Y, with which India does not have a DTAA. The same has been
taxed at a flat rate of 5% in Country Y. In India, his gross total income is Rs.7 lakhs. The double taxation
relief available is
(a) Rs.20,000
(b) Rs.5,000
(c) Rs.12,000
(d) Rs.1,932
6. Assume that Arjun had acquired a factory building in Country Z for Rs.24 lakhs on 21-3-2015, for which
Rs.18 lakhs was invested from explained sources which had suffered tax in India. This asset comes to
the knowledge of the Assessing Officer on 20-5-2017. The market value of the asset as on 1-4-2017 is
Rs. 40 lakhs. The value of undisclosed foreign asset as per section 5 of the Black Money (Undisclosed
Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act; 2015 (BM Act) is
(a) Rs.40 lakhs
(b) Rs.22 lakhs
(c) Rs.10 lakhs
(d) Rs.6 lakhs
7. Continuing the facts of MCQ 6., assume that the Assessing Officer has issued the notice under section
10(1) of the BM Act on 30-5-2018. The time limit for completion of assessment under the BM Act is
(a) 31-3-2021
(b) 30-5-2020
(c) 31-3-2023
(d) 30-5-2023
8. Taxes on income and on capital imposed on behalf of a Contracting State or of its political subdivisions
or local authorities, irrespective of the manner in which they are levied, are covered in the following
Model Convention(s):
(a) only in the OECD Model Convention
(b) only in the UN Model Convention
(c) only in the US Model Convention
(d) Both (a) and (b)
9. In the tax treaties based on OECD and UN Model Tax Conventions, where capital gains arises on
alienation of an immovable property, such gains derived -
(a) Will always be taxed only in the place of residence of the taxpayer;
(b) Will always be taxed only in the place of location of the immovable property;
(c) Can be taxed in both States and appropriate relief allowed as per the terms of the DTAA in the
place of residence;
(d) None of the above.

10. A separate article on “Independent Personal Services” is present –

(a) Only in the OECD Model Convention
(b) Only in the UN Model Convention
(c) Only in the US Model Convention
(d) Both in the OECD and UN Model Conventions
1. Ascertain the income-tax liability of Mr. Arjun Batra for the assessment year 2018-19. (20 marks)
2. In respect of the mail received from the Taxation Manager of Country E on 30-4-2018, are there any tax
implications in the hands of Mr. Arjun in India? If so, in what year will the impugned items be taxed and
what is the rate of tax? Compute the tax liability on account of such items. (10 Marks)

Mr. Rai is a citizen of Mauritius. His immediate family including his parents, born in undivided India, is
residing in India. He also has friends in different parts of India, on account of which he occasionally visits
India. On one of his trips to India he met his childhood friend, Mr. Bhandari. The one thing that Mr. Rai and
Mr. Bhandari share in common, is their passion for promoting organic foods. During their conversations
they realize that they could potentially set up a business venture to take their child hood friendship, a step
They both spend a year preparing a detailed business plan which they pitch to some investor friends. Their
investor friends evince interest which prods them to formally incorporate a company, to commence their
operations. The company is called RB Pvt. Ltd. which is incorporated in Mauritius on August 15, 2016.
They draw up the charter documents, that is, Articles of Association and Memorandum of Association. It is
decided that Mr. Rai and Mr. Bhandari would be the sole shareholders of the company, holding equal stake
in RB Pvt. Ltd. The Chief Executive Officer of the company is Mr. Rai.
Mr. Rai, Mr. Bhandari and Mr. Roy (one of their investor friends) form the board of directors of the company.
Mr. Roy is based out of Kolkata, India. Mr. Bhandari lives in Gurgaon, India.
After the formal registration of the company, they set out to find a suitable office space for the company in
the city of Port Louis, Mauritius. In November 2016, they find a small office space in a new business complex
close to the city center of Port Louis, Mauritius and take it on lease hold basis for a year. They designate this
office space as their registered office where the books of accounts will be kept and maintained.
By April 1, 2017, they employ an office manager cum receptionist Mr. Sundaram to take care of the office.
Next, they employ two individuals (Mrs. Indra and Mr. Raghu) with over ten years of experience with leading
retail brands in Mauritius. Mrs. Indra and Mr. Raghu are to start implementing the detailed business plan
drawn up by Mr. Rai and Mr. Bhandari. For the financial year 2017-2018, the aggregate pay roll expenses for
these three employees is Rs.15,00,000.
They arrange for a series of meetings with the board of directors to give their inputs and understand the pla n
of action. Upon the directions and approval of the board of directors, they commence their work of
implementing the business plan.
The first steps that Mrs. Indra and Mr. Raghu are to take as per the business plan is to finalize any two organic
foods grown in Mauritius that will be marketable in New Delhi, India. During the financial year 2017 -2018 the
team has been able to identify black rice and barley as suitable products for supply.
They then set out to find suitable suppliers from Mauritius from whom the foods can be sourced. They need
to then liaise with some retail stores in New Delhi where the produce can be introduced and sold. Depending
on the viability of the business model, it can be scaled further.

Indian retail chain store Modern Bazaar has expressed interest in introducing the products in their stores on
a pilot basis. Mr. Bhandari employs Mr. Sharma in June 2017 to take care of paper work and act as his local
secretary. Mr. Sharma was born in India and has lived in India throughout. For t he months he works during
the financial year 2017-2018, he is paid a salary of Rs.5,00,000.
During the financial year 2017-2018 the company has a total of four board meetings. Each of the meetings is
attended by the three directors personally. The first, second and third meeting is held in Mauritius while the
next meeting is held in New Delhi, India. Basically, there is a meeting in every quarter.
The first meeting takes up one important matter that is, the grant of a power of attorney to Mrs. Indra to ena ble
the work in Mauritius to go on smoothly. Accordingly, it is decided that all matters of day -to-day importance
can be approved by Mrs. Indra. If the matter involves expenditure of more than Rs.25,000, the approval of
Mr. Rai would be mandatory.
The second meeting relates to finalizing the list of products to be launched by the company which takes place
after much intense discussions. While Mr. Bhandari and Mr. Roy doubt the viability of black rice becoming
popular in India, Mr. Rai has the final word on the matter.
The third meeting relates to potential investment to be put in by Mr. Roy, the third director -cum-investor. Mr.
Roy proposes infusing funds of Rs.25,00,000 subject to receiving 20 percent stake in the company. This is
agreed to, by Mr. Rai and Mr. Bhandari.
The fourth meeting takes up routine matters relating to the running of the company as well as the year -end
appraisal of the company’s performance as well as that of its employees.
After the books of accounts have been closed for the previous year 2017-2018, it is assessed that the
company made a profit of Rs.15,00,000. The profit comprised the following:
• Income from product sales made to Modern Bazaar – Rs.11,00,000
• Income by way of dividends and interest earned – Rs.4,00,000
The company’s assets in India amount to Rs.50,000 while its assets in Mauritius are in the tune of
RB Pvt. Ltd. follows the relevant procedure for assessment and files the tax returns in Mauritius. They believe
that they are not resident in India.
When Mr. Sharma is discussing the matter with his lawyer friend he is informed RB Pvt. Ltd. would be
considered resident in India. However, Mrs. Indra and Mr. Raghu believe that the company only has tax
liability in Mauritius as the company is incorporated there.
Assume that Mauritius and India have a Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement which is
identical to that of the provisions of the OECD Model Convention.
Write the most appropriate option to each of the following questions by choosing one of the four
options given. Each question carries two marks.

1. During the P.Y. 2015-16 and P.Y. 2016-17, Mr. Rai was in India on business visits from June 15, 2015
to August 31, 2015 and July 1, 2016 to September 28, 2016, respectively. During the previous year
2017-18, Mr. Rai was in India during April – May 2017 and November 2017. What is the residential
status of Mr. Rai for previous years 2016-2017 and 2017-2018, respectively?
(a) Non-resident and Resident and Ordinarily Resident, respectively
(b) Non-resident for both years
(c) Resident and Ordinarily Resident for both years
(d) Resident but Not Ordinarily Resident for both years

2. During the Previous Year 2017-18, Mr. Rai received Rs.75,00,000 on account of sale of agricultural land
in Mauritius. The money was first received in Mauritius and then remitted to his Indian bank account. Is
the sum taxable in India?
(a) No, as agricultural income is exempt u/s 10(1).
(b) No, as the income has accrued and arisen outside India and is also received outside India.
(c) Yes, since it is remitted to India in the same year.
(d) Yes, as agricultural income earned outside India is not exempted in India in the hands of a
3. Mr. Bhandari only holds the shares in RB Pvt. Ltd. If he sells the shares held by him in RB Pvt. Ltd. for
a gain during the Previous Year 2017-2018, which of the following statements is true?
(a) The resultant gain is a short-term capital gain taxable under the normal provisions of the Act.
(b) The resultant gain is a short-term capital gain taxable@15% u/s 111A.
(c) The resultant gain is a long-term capital gain taxable@20% u/s 112.
(d) The resultant gain is a long-term capital gain exempt u/s 10(38).
4. Mr. Bhandari receives dividend payment from RB Pvt. Ltd. in his Indian bank account during 2017 -2018
to the tune of Rs.1,50,000. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Mr. Bhandari is liable to pay tax on such dividend as it forms part of his total income
(b) RB Pvt. Ltd. will have to pay a dividend distribution tax u/s 115-O on such payments
(c) Mr. Bhandari is eligible for an exemption under section 10(34) in respect of such dividend.
(d) Both (b) and (c)
5. Which of the following factors is not considered under the OECD Model Convention to determine the
residence of an individual?
(a) Habitual abode
(b) Centre of vital interests
(c) Own house in Calcutta given on rent for the last ten years
(d) Flat taken on rent in Pune where he is living for the last ten years.
6. If a company is resident of two Contracting States, namely, Country X, being the place of incorporation,
and Country Y, being the place of effective management, then, the company would be resident of
Country Y, being the place of effective management as per -
(a) Only the OECD Model Convention
(b) Only the UN Model Convention
(c) Only the US Model Convention
(d) Both (a) and (b)
7. If a company is resident of two Contracting States, namely, Country X, being the place of incorporation,
and Country Y, being the place of effective management, then, the company shall not be treated as a
resident of either Country X or Country Y for the purpose of benefi ts provided by -
(a) the OECD Model Convention only
(b) the UN Model Convention only
(c) the US Model Convention only
(d) Both (a) and (b)

8. As per the OECD Model Convention, the term “Permanent Establishment” would not include -
(a) a branch
(b) an office for carrying out routine administrative work.
(c) a factory for manufacture of goods
(d) a warehouse for storage of goods
9. During the previous year 2018-19, RB Pvt. Ltd. entered into contracts for purchase and sale of barley
grains with PB Pvt Ltd. PB Pvt. Ltd. is a company incorporated in New Delhi. On account of which of
the following facts, would the companies be considered to be associated enterprises?
(a) One of the four directors of PB Pvt. Ltd. is Mr. Bhandari
(b) RB Pvt. Ltd. owns 20% of shares in PB Pvt. Ltd.
(c) RB Pvt. Ltd. extended a loan of Rs.20 lakhs to PB Pvt. Ltd. when the book value of the latter is
Rs.42 lakhs
(d) Mr. Bhandari owns 26% of shares in PB Pvt. Ltd.
10. In addition to the answer in question 9 above, what else needs to be proved for invoking a transfer
pricing scrutiny as an international transaction?
(a) The transactions between the two companies are held on terms and prices which reflect market
(b) The transactions are covered by the notified safe harbor rules
(c) RB Pvt. Ltd. is a non-resident company
(d) The aggregate value of the transactions is Rs.50,00,000 in the concerned Previous Year
1. The board decides to understand the matter at hand from a tax lawyer. Accordingly, Mr. Bhandari seeks
a meeting with a tax lawyer on the question. The lawyer explains the following in an informal
RB Pvt. Ltd. would be considered to be a resident of India for tax purposes despite it having been
incorporated in Port Louis, Mauritius. The reasons for the same are detailed as follows:
• Majority of the board of directors reside in India
• The place of incorporation of the company is irrelevant
• All the revenue generation activity is linked to India
In your opinion, can the Indian tax authorities argue that RB Pvt. Ltd. is resident in India for tax purposes,
despite the fact that the company has been incorporated in Mauritius? Would their reasoning b e the
same as cited by the tax lawyer? (10 Marks)
2. Assume that Mr. Bhandari has opened an office of RB Pvt. Ltd. in Pune from where he and Mr. Sharma
execute the work of the company relating to Indian operations. RB Pvt. Ltd. is further cons idering
advertising the product on internet using Facebook. RB Pvt. Ltd. enters into talks with Facebook for
hosting the desired advertisements. It negotiated a sum of INR 10 lakhs, which is paid to Facebook for
online advertisement services in March, 2017. Assume that Facebook does not have a permanent
establishment in India.
(a) Is the fee paid for online advertisement services by RB Pvt. Ltd. to Facebook Inc. taxable in India?
Discuss. (4 Marks)
(b) If the answer to (a) is in the affirmative, is there any requirement to deduct tax at source? If tax is
not so deducted, what would be the consequence? (4 Marks)

(c) What is the provision incorporated in the Indian tax laws to avoid double taxation of such income?
(2 Marks)
3. (a) RB Pvt. Ltd. wants a binding advice relating to their tax liability in India. They have been informed
by Modern Foods that while making the payments relating to the product sales, taxes have to be
withheld. Is there an avenue available under domestic law for obtaining such binding advice?
(4 Marks)
(b) Should RB Pvt. Ltd. make such application or Modern Bazaar? The total value of the transactions
between RB Pvt. Ltd. and Modern Bazaar is Rs.50,00,000 in the previous year 2017-2018.
(3 Marks)
(c) Are there grounds on which the request may be denied? (3 Marks)
Ind Co is an unlisted, private limited, Indian company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and is
engaged in the business of the manufacturing of automobile components. Ind Co is held by 4 groups of
shareholders (Groups A, B, C and D) in different proportions. Groups A, B, C and D are headquartered in
US, Germany, Cyprus and UK respectively. However, these headquarter companies do not hold shares of
Ind Co directly, but hold the shares through intermediary companies in Singapore, Mauritius, Australia, Spain
respectively, as depicted in the shareholding pattern below:

The date of acquisition of shares by each of the Groups is given below:

Date of acquisition
Group A Group B Group C Group D
Date of acquisition by US Date of acquisition by Date of acquisition by Date of acquisition by
Co in Singapore Germany Co in Cyprus Co in Australia UK Co in Spain
Intermediary Co - 1 April Mauritius Intermediary Intermediary Co - 1 April Intermediary Co - 1
2012 Co - 1 April 2012 2012 April 2012
Date of acquisition by Date of acquisition by Date of acquisition by Date of acquisition by
Singapore Intermediary Mauritius Intermediary Australia Intermediary Spain Intermediary Co
Co in Ind Co - 1 March Co in Ind Co -1 April Co in Ind Co - 1 April in Ind Co - 1 April
2017 2012 2012 2012

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India


Each of the Groups are now proposing to restructure their shareholding in Ind Co . Alternatively, they are
also considering the proposal of exiting from Ind Co by transferring their stake to a buyer to be identified.
The restructuring/ exit is proposed to be undertaken on 31 May 2018 by each of the Groups.
The last accounting year end (for the purpose of complying with the tax laws of the territory) for each of
the entities and their respective book values as on such date are provided below:
Group A Group B Group C Group D
US Co – 31 December Germany Co – 31 March Cyprus Co – 31 March 2018 UK Co - 31 March
2017 2018 2018

Book value – INR 500 Book value – INR 200 Book value – INR 100 Book value – INR
crores crores crores 100 crores
Singapore Mauritius Intermediary – Australia Intermediary Co – Spain
Intermediary Co – 30 31 December 2017 31 December 2017 Intermediary Co -
June 2017 31 March 2018
Book value – INR 25 Book value – INR 100
Book value – INR 25 crores crores Book value – INR
crores 7 crores
Ind Co follows 1 April - 31 March as the Financial Year and the book value of Ind Co as on 31 March 2018
was INR 100 crores.
The book values (after reduction of liabilities), fair market values (after reduction of liabilities) and liabilities
of some of the entities as on 31 May 2018 (ie date of transfer) is as below:
Particulars Book value Fair market value Liabilities
(INR crores) (INR crores) (INR crores)
Group A
US Co 550 1000 100
Singapore Intermediary Co 30 50 0
Group B
Germany Co 200 500 50
Mauritius Intermediary Co 30 60 0
Group C
Cyprus Co 100 400 0
Australia Intermediary Co 120 300 0
Group D
UK Co 120 150 50
Spain Intermediary Co 7 12 0

Ind Co 110 180 20

Groups A, B, C and D hold no other shares or assets in India other than investment in shares of Ind Co.
Note: Assume the fair market value and liability of all the companies as on 31.3.2018 is same as it is on


Write the most appropriate option to each of the following questions by choosing one of the four
options given. Each question carries two marks.

1. The provisions relating to taxation of indirect transfer of shares of an Indian company were introduced
vide Finance Act, 2012, as a consequence of which of the following decisions of the Supreme Court -
(a) McDowell & Co. Ltd. v. CTO
(b) Vodafone International Holdings B.V. vs. UOI
(c) Union Of India vs Azadi Bachao Andolan
(d) CIT Vs Yokogawa India Limited
2. Based on the facts in the case, where US Co proposes to transfer shares of Singapore Intermediary Co,
which of the following Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (‘DTAA’), would be applicable for
analysing the taxability in the hands of US Co in India -
(a) US-Singapore DTAA
(b) India- Singapore DTAA
(c) India-US DTAA
(d) None of the DTAAs are applicable
3. With respect to transfer of shares of Singapore Intermediary Co by US Co, which of the following would
be the ‘specified date’ for the purpose of determining whether such shares derive its value substantially
from assets located in India:
(a) 30th June 2017
(b) 31st December 2017
(c) 31st March 2018
(d) 31st May 2018
4. Assuming the transfer of shares of Singapore Intermediary Co by US Co is taxable in India and ignoring
DTAA provisions, if any, what would be the rate of tax on the gains arising from such transfer:
(a) 10%
(b) 20%
(c) 30%
(d) 40%
(Note – The above tax rates are excluding cess and surcharge, if any)
5. With respect to transfer of shares of Mauritius Intermediary Co by Germany Co, what would be the value
of ‘assets located in India’ –
(a) INR 27.5 crores
(b) INR 32.5 crores
(c) INR 45 crores
(d) INR 50 crores
6. Which of the following incomes is not deemed to accrue or arise in India under section 9(1)(i) of the
Income-tax Act, 1961?
(a) Income from any business connection in India
(b) Income through or from any property in India

(c) Income arising from transfer of a capital asset situate in India

(d) Income relating to operations which are confined to purchase of goods in India for the purpose of
7. Ind Co is required to report details with respect to transfer of shares of Singapore Intermediary Co by
US Co in which of the following forms-
(a) Form 3CEA
(b) Form 3CT
(c) Form 49D
(d) There is no reporting requirement on Ind Co and reporting requirement applies only on Singapore
Intermediary Co
8. What is the timeline within which Ind Co is required to furnish information pertaining to transfer of shares
of Mauritius Intermediary Co by Germany Co if the transaction has the effect of directly or indirectly
transferring rights and management of Ind Co -
(a) Within the due date for filing return of income for the year in which the transfer has taken place
(b) Within 90 days from the date of the transaction
(c) Within 90 days from the end of the Financial Year in which such transfer has taken place
(d) There is no requirement on Ind Co to furnish information
9. What are the penal consequences on Ind Co if it fails to furnish information pe rtaining to transfer of
shares of Mauritius Intermediary Co by Germany Co if the transaction has the effect of directly or
indirectly transferring rights and management of Ind Co -
(a) INR 100,000
(b) INR 500,000
(c) 2% of the value of the transaction in respect of which there is a failure to report
(d) There is no requirement on Ind Co to furnish information
10. The fair market value of an unlisted share, held directly or indirectly by a company or an entity registered
or incorporated outside India, for the purposes of clause (i) of sub-section (1) of section 9, shall be
computed in accordance with which of the following methods -
(a) Net asset value, as certified by a Chartered Accountant
(b) Discounted Cash Flow method, as certified by a Chartered Accountant, as increased by liabilities,
if any, considered in such valuation
(c) Any internationally accepted valuation methodology for valuation of shares on arm’s length basis,
as determined by a merchant banker or a Chartered Accountant, as increased by liabilities, if any,
considered in such valuation
(d) Fair market value of all assets of the company computed on an arm’s length basis, as cert ified by
a Chartered Accountant
1. Examine the tax consequences of the following transactions under section 9(1)(i) of the Income-tax Act,
1961 and the applicable Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements -
(a) Transfer of shares of Singapore Intermediary Co by US Co to an unrelated Buyer (4 Marks)
(b) Transfer of shares of Mauritius Intermediary Co by Germany Co to an unrelate d Buyer (4 Marks)
(c) Transfer of shares of Australia Intermediary Co by Cyprus Co to an unrelated Buyer (3 Marks)
(d) Transfer of shares of Spain Intermediary Co by UK Co to an unrelated Buyer (4 Marks)

2. (i) Compute the capital gains chargeable to tax in India in the hands of US Co from transfer of shares
of Singapore Intermediary Co to an unrelated Buyer for INR 50 crores and the tax applicable on
such capital gains. Also comment on whether the capital gains would be long-term capital gains
or short-term capital gains.
US Co had acquire shares of Singapore Intermediary Co for INR 10 crores. (5 Marks)
(ii) As an alternative, Group A is also evaluating the option of transferring shares held by Singapore
Intermediary Co in Ind Co to an unrelated Buyer for a consideration of INR 45 crores. Singapore
Intermediary Co had acquire shares of Ind Co for INR 5 crores. Evaluate the capital gains
chargeable to tax in India considering the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 and the applicable
DTAA. (4 Marks)
(iii) As an alternative to the (i) and (ii) above, if proposal of corporate restructuring is considered instead
of exit proposal, Group A is evaluating the option of amalgamating US Co with another group
company in US (US Co 2) as a result of which shares of Singapore Intermediary Co would be
transferred to US Co 2. What are the conditions under the Income-tax Act, 1961 under which such
transfer of shares of Singapore Intermediary Co to US Co 2 be exempt from capital gains tax in
India? If the US Co has more than one undertaking, what is other option, if any, available with US
Co to transfer shares of Singapore Intermediary Co by way of corporate restructuring without
attracting income-tax in India under the Income-tax Act, 1961? (6 Marks)
US-Singapore DTAA
Except as provided in Article 8 (Shipping and Air Transport) of this Convention, each Contracting State may
tax capital gains in accordance with the provisions of its domestic law.”
India- Singapore DTAA
1. Gains derived by a resident of a Contracting State from the alienation of immovable property, referred
to in Article 6, and situated in the other Contracting State may be taxed in that other State.
2. Gains from the alienation of movable property forming part of the business property of a permanent
establishment which an enterprise of a Contracting State has in the other Contracting State or of
movable property pertaining to a fixed base available to a resident of a Contracting State in the other
Contracting State for the purpose of performing independent personal services , including such gains
from the alienation of such a permanent establishment (alone or together with the whole enterprise) or
of such fixed base, may be taxed in that other State.
3. Gains from the alienation of ships or aircraft operated in international traffic or movable property
pertaining to the operation of such ships or aircraft shall be taxable only in the Contracting State of which
the alienator is a resident.
4A. Gains from the alienation of shares acquired before 1 April 2017 in a company which is a resident of a
Contracting State shall be taxable only in the Contracting State in which the alienator is a resident.
4B. Gains from the alienation of shares acquired on or after 1 April 2017 in a company which is a resident
of a Contracting State may be taxed in that State.
4C. However, the gains referred to in paragraph 4B of this Article which arise during the period beginning
on 1 April 2017 and ending on 31 March 2019 may be taxed in the State of which the company whose

shares are being alienated is a resident at a tax rate that shall not exceed 50% of the tax rate applicable
on such gains in that State.
5. Gains from the alienation of any property other than that referred to in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4A and 4B of
this Article shall be taxable only in the Contracting State of which the alienator is a resident.”
Germany-Mauritius DTAA
1. Gains derived by a resident of a Contracting State from the alienation of immovable property referred to
in Article 6 and situated in the other Contracting State may be taxed in that other State.
2. Gains from the alienation of movable property forming part of the business property of a permanent
establishment which an enterprise of a Contracting State has in the other Contracting State including
such gains from the alienation of such a permanent establishment (alone or with the whole enterprise),
may be taxed in that other State.
3. Gains from the alienation of ships or aircraft operated in international traffic or movable property
pertaining to the operation of such ships or aircraft shall be taxable only in the Contracting State in which
the place of effective management of the enterprise is situated.
4. Gains derived by a resident of a Contracting State from the alienation of shar es, participation, or other
rights in the capital of a company or an interest in a partnership which is a resident of the other
Contracting State may be taxed in that other Contracting State.
5. Gains from the alienation of any property other than that referred to in paragraphs 1 to 4, shall be taxable
only in the Contracting State of which the alienator is a resident.
6. Where an individual who was a resident of a Contracting State for a period of 5 years or more has
become a resident of the other Contracting State, paragraph 5 shall not prevent the first -mentioned
State from taxing under its domestic law the capital appreciation of shares in a company resident in the
first-mentioned State for the period of residency of that individual in the first-mentioned State. In such
case, the appreciation of capital taxed in the first-mentioned State shall not be included in the
determination of the subsequent appreciation of capital by the other State.”
India-Germany DTAA
1. Gains derived by a resident of a Contracting State from the alienation of immovable property situated in
the other Contracting State may be taxed in that other State.
2. Gains from the alienation of movable property forming part of the business property of a permanent
establishment which an enterprise of a Contracting State has in the other Contracting State or of
movable property pertaining to a fixed base available to a resident of a Contracting State in the other
Contracting State for the purpose of performing independent personal services, including such gains
from the alienation of such a permanent establishment (alone or with the whole enterprise) or of such
fixed base, may be taxed in that other State.
3. Gains from the alienation of ships or aircraft operated in international traffic or movable property
pertaining to the operation of such ships or aircraft shall be taxable only in the Contracting State in which
the place of effective management of the enterprise is situated.
4. Gains from the alienation of shares in a company which is a resident of a Contracting State may be
taxed in that State.
5. Gains from the alienation of any property other than that referred to in paragraphs 1 to 4 shall be t axable
only in the Contracting State of which the alienator is a resident.”

India-Mauritius DTAA
1. Gains from the alienation of immovable property, as defined in paragraph (2) of article 6, may be taxed
in the Contracting State in which such property is situated.
2. Gains from the alienation of movable property forming part of the business property of a permanent
establishment which an enterprise of a Contracting State has in the other Contracting State or of
movable property pertaining to a fixed base available to a resident of a Contracting State in the other
Contracting State for the purpose of performing independent personal services, including such gains
from the alienation of such a permanent establishment (alone or together with the whole enterprise) or
of such a fixed base, may be taxed in that other State.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2) of this article, gains from the alienation of ships and
aircraft operated in international traffic and movable property pertaining to the operation of such ships
and aircraft, shall be taxable only in the Contracting State in which the place of effective management
of the enterprise is situated.
3A. Gains from the alienation of shares acquired on or after 1st April 2017 in a company which is resident
of a Contracting State may be taxed in that State.
3B. However, the tax rate on the gains referred to in paragraph 3A of this Article and arising during the
period beginning on 1st April, 2017 and ending on 31 st March, 2019 shall not exceed 50% of the tax rate
applicable on such gains in the State of residence of the company whose shares are being alienated;
4. Gains from the alienation of any property other than that referred to in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 3A sh all
be taxable only in the Contracting State of which the alienator is a resident.
Cyprus-Australia DTAA
India-Cyprus DTAA
1. Gains derived by a resident of a Contracting State from the alienation of immovable property referred to
in Article 6 and situated in the other Contracting State may be taxed in that other State.
2. Gains from the alienation of movable property forming part of the business property of a permanent
establishment which an enterprise of a Contracting State has in the other Contracting State or of
movable property pertaining to a fixed base available to a resident of a Contracting State in the other
Contracting State for the purpose of performing independent personal services, including such gains
from the alienation of such a permanent establishment (alone or with the whole enterprise) or of such
fixed base, may be taxed in that other State.
3. Gains from the alienation of ships or aircraft operated in international traffic or movable property
pertaining to the operation of such ships or aircraft shall be taxable only in the Contracting State of which
the alienator is a resident.
4. Gains from the alienation of shares of the capital stock of a company the property of which consists
directly or indirectly principally of immovable property situated in a Contracting State may be taxed in
that State.
5. Gains from the alienation of shares other than those mentioned in paragraph 4 in a company which is a
resident of a Contracting State may be taxed in that State.
6. Gains from the alienation of any property other than that referred to in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, shall
be taxable only in the Contracting State of which the alienator is a resident.”

India-Australia DTAA
“Article 13 – Alienation of Property
1. Income or gains derived by a resident of one of the Contracting States from the alienation of real property
referred to in Article 6 and, as provided in that Article, situated in the other Contracting State may be
taxed in that other State.
2. Income or gains derived from the alienation of property, other than real property referred to in Article 6,
that forms part of the business property of a permanent establishment which an enterprise of one of the
Contracting States has in the other Contracting State or pertains to a fixed base available to a resident
of the first-mentioned State in that other State for the purpose of performing independent personal
services, including income or gains from the alienation of such a permanent establishm ent (alone or
with the whole enterprise) or of such a fixed base, may be taxed in that other State.
3. Income or gains derived from the alienation of ships or aircraft operated in international traffic, or of
property other than real property referred to in Article 6 pertaining to the operation of those ships or
aircraft, shall be taxable only in the Contracting State of which the enterprise which operated those ships
or aircraft is a resident.
4. Income or gains derived from the alienation of shares or comparable interests in a company, the assets
of which consist wholly or principally of real property referred to in Article 6 and, as provided in that
Article, situated in one of the Contracting States, may be taxed in that State.
5. Income or gains derived from the alienation of shares or comparable interests in a company, other than
those referred to in paragraph (4), may be taxed in the Contracting State of which the company is a
6. Nothing in this Agreement affects the application of a law of a Contracting State relating to the taxation
of gains of a capital nature derived from the alienation of property other than that to which any of
paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) apply.”
“Article 13 – Capital Gains
1. Gains derived by a resident of a Contracting State from the alienation of immovable property referred to
in Article 6 and situated in the other Contracting State may be taxed in that other State.
2. Gains from the alienation of movable property forming part of the business property of a permanent
establishment which an enterprise of a Contracting State has in the other Contracting State including
such gains from the alienation of such a permanent establishment (alone or with the whole enterprise)
may be taxed in that other Contracting State.
3. Gains derived by a resident of a Contracting State from the alienation of ships or aircraft operated in
international traffic by an enterprise of that State or movable property pertaining to the operation of such
ships or aircraft, shall be taxable only in that State.
4. Gains derived by a resident of a Contracting State from the alienation of shares, other than shares in
which there is substantial and regular trading on a Stock Exchange, or comparable interests, deriving
more than 50 per cent of their value directly or indirectly from immovable property situated in the other
Contracting State may be taxed in that other State.
5. Gains from the alienation of shares or other rights, which directly or indirectly entitle the owner o f such
shares or rights to the enjoyment of immovable property situated in a Contracting State, may be taxed
in that State.
6. Gains from the alienation of any property other than that referred to in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 shall
be taxable only in the Contracting State of which the alienator is a resident.”

“Article 14- Capital Gains
1. Except as provided in Article 8 (Air Transport) and 9 (Shipping) of this Convention, each Contracting
State may tax capital gains in accordance with the provisions of its domestic law.”
India-Spain DTAA
“Article 14 – Capital Gains
1. Gains derived by a resident of a Contracting State from the alienation of immovable property, referred
to in Article 6, and situated in the other Contracting State may be taxed in that other State.
2. Gains from the alienation of movable property forming part of the business property of a permanent
establishment which an enterprise of a Contracting State has in the other Contracting State or of
movable property pertaining to a fixed base available to a resident of a Contracting State in the other
Contracting State for the purpose of performing independent personal services, including such gains
from the alienation of such a permanent establishment (alone or together with the whole enterprise) or
of such fixed base, may be taxed in that other State.
3. Gains from the alienation of ships or aircraft operated in international traffic or of movable property
pertaining to the operation of such ships or aircraft shall be taxable only in the Contracting State of which
the alienator is a resident.
4. Gains from the alienation of shares of the capital stock of a company the property of which consists,
directly or indirectly, principally of immovable property situated in a Contracting State may be taxed in
that State.
5. Gains for the alienation of shares of the capital stock of a company forming part of a participation of at
least 10 per cent in a company which is a resident of a Contracting State may be taxed in that Contracting
6. Gains from the alienation of any property other than that mentioned in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 shall
be taxable only in the Contracting State of which the alienator is a resident.”
(1) The income from transfer outside India of a share of, or interest in, a company or an entity referred to in
clause (i) of sub-section (1) of section 9, attributable to assets located in India, shall be determined in
accordance with the following formula, namely:—

A = Income from the transfer of share of, or interest in, the company or the entity computed in accordance
with the provisions of the Act, as if, such share or interest is located in India;
B = Fair Market Value of assets located in India as on the specified date, from which the share or interest
referred to in A derives its value substantially, computed in accordance with rule 11UB;
C = Fair Market Value of all the assets of the company or the entity as on the specified date, computed
in accordance with rule 11UB:
Provided that if the transferor of the share of, or interest in, the company or the entity fails to provide
the information required for the application of the aforesaid formula then the income from the transfer of
such share or interest attributable to the assets located in India shall be determined in such manner as
the Assessing Officer may deem suitable.

(2) The transferor of the share of, or interest in, a company or an entity that derives its value substantially
from assets located in India, shall obtain and furnish along with the return of income a report in Form
No.3CT duly signed and verified by an accountant providing the basis of the apportionment in
accordance with the formula and certifying that the income attributable to assets located in India has
been correctly computed.]
(1) Every Indian concern referred to in section 285A shall, for the purposes of the said section, maintain
and furnish the information and documents in accordance with this rule.
(2) The information shall be furnished in Form No.49D electronically under digital signature to the Assessing
Officer having jurisdiction over the Indian concern within a period of ninety days from the end of the
financial year in which any transfer of the share of, or interest in, a company or entity incorporated
outside India (hereafter referred to as "foreign company or entity") referred to in Explanation 5 to clause
(i) of sub-section (1) of section 9 has taken place:
Provided that where the transaction in respect of the share or the interest has the effect of directly or
indirectly transferring the rights of management or control in relation t o the Indian concern, the
information shall be furnished in the said Form within ninety days of the transaction.
(3) The Indian concern shall maintain the following along with its english translation, if the documents
originally prepared are in foreign languages and produce the same when called upon to do so by any
income-tax authority in the course of any proceeding to substantiate the information furnished under
sub-rule (2), namely:—
(i) details of the immediate holding company or entity, intermediate holding company or companies
or entity or entities and ultimate holding company or entity of the Indian concern;
(ii) details of other entities in India of the group of which the Indian concern is a constituent;
(iii) the holding structure of the shares of, or the interest in, the foreign company or entity before and
after the transfer;
(iv) any transfer contract or agreement entered into in respect of the share of, or interest in, any foreign
company or entity that holds any asset in India through, or in, the Indian concern;
(v) financial and accounting statements of the foreign company or entity which directly or indirectly
holds the assets in India through, or in, the Indian concern for two years prior to the date of transfer
of the share or interest;
(vi) information relating to the decision or implementation process of the overall arrangement of the
(vii) information in respect of the foreign company or entity and its subsidiaries, relating to, —
(a) the business operation;
(b) personnel;
(c) finance and properties;
(d) internal and external audit or the valuation report, if any, forming basis of the consideration in
respect of shares, or the interest;
(viii) the asset valuation report and other supporting evidence to determine the place of locati on of the
share or interest being transferred;
(ix) the details of payment of tax outside India, which relates to the transfer of the share or interest;

(x) the valuation report in respect of Indian asset and total assets duly certified by a merchant banke r
or accountant with supporting evidence;
(xi) documents which are issued in connection with the transactions under the accounting practice
(4) Where there are more than one Indian concerns that are constituent entities of a group, the informati on
may be furnished by any one Indian concern, if,—
(i) the group has designated such Indian concern to furnish information on behalf of all other Indian
concerns that are constituent of the group, and
(ii) the information regarding the designated Indian concern has been conveyed in writing on behalf of
the group to the Assessing Officer:
Provided that nothing contained in this sub-rule shall have effect if the designated Indian concern
fails to furnish the information in accordance with the provisions of this rule.
(5) The Principal Director General of Income-tax (Systems) or Director General of Income-tax (Systems),
as the case may be, shall specify the procedure for electronically filing of Form No.49D and shall also
be responsible for evolving and implementing appropriate security, archival and retrieval policies in
relation to the information so furnished under this rule.
(6) The information and documents specified in sub-rule (3) shall be kept and maintained for a period of
eight years from the end of relevant assessment year.
Explanation : For the purposes of this rule,—
(i) "constituent entity" shall have the meaning as assigned to it in clause (d) of sub -section (9) of
section 286;
(ii) "group" shall have the meaning as assigned to it in clause (e) of sub-section (9) of section 286;
(iii) "intermediate holding company or entity" means a company or an entity that has controlling interest
in another company or entity and is itself controlled by, or is subsidiary of, another company or
(iv) "immediate holding company or entity" means the company or the entity that directly maintains the
controlling interest in the Indian concern;
(v) "ultimate holding company or entity" means a company or an entity that has ultimate control of the
Indian concern directly or indirectly and such company or entity is not itself controlled by, or is
subsidiary of, any other company or entity.]

(1) The fair market value of asset, tangible or intangible, as on the specified date, held directly or indirectly
by a company or an entity registered or incorporated outside India (hereafter referred to as "foreign
company or entity"), for the purposes of clause (i) of sub-section (1) of section 9, shall be computed in
accordance with the provisions of this rule.
(2) Where the asset is a share of an Indian company listed on a recognised stock exchange on the specified
date, the fair market value of the share shall be the observable price of s uch share on the stock
Provided that where the share is held as part of the shareholding which confers, directly or indirectly,
any right of management or control in relation to the aforesaid company, the fair market value of the
share shall be determined in accordance with the following formula, namely:—
Fair market value = (A+B)/C

A = the market capitalisation of the company on the basis of observable price of its shares quoted on
the recognised stock exchange;
B = the book value of liabilities of the company as on the specified date;
C = the total number of outstanding shares :
Provided further that where, on the specified date, the share is listed on more than one recognised
stock exchange, the observable price of the share shall be computed with reference to the recognised
stock exchange which records the highest volume of trading in the share during the period considered
for determining the price.
(3) Where the asset is a share of an Indian company not listed on a recognised stock exchange on the
specified date, the fair market value of the share shall be its fair market value on such date as determined
by a merchant banker or an accountant in accordance with any internationally accepted valuation
methodology for valuation of shares on arm's length basis as increased by the liability, if any, considered
in such determination.

Test Series: August, 2018



I. ANSWERS TO MCQs (Most appropriate answers)

1. (a)
2. (c)
3. (d)
4. (a)
5. (d)
6. (c)
7. (a)
8. (d)
9. (c)
10. (b)
Answer to Q.1:
Computation of total income of Mr. Arjun Batra for the A.Y.2018-19
Particulars Rs. In lakhs
Income from house property
Rent received [Rs.2 lakhs +Rs.3 lakhs] 5.0
Less: Deduction u/s 24(a) at 30% of NAV 1.5 3.5
Profits and gains of business or profession
Own business income [Rs.2.2 lakhs (Country E) + Rs.3.3 lakhs (Country F) + Rs.1.5 7.0
lakhs (India)]
Loss from partnership firm in Country E [Rs.1 lakh] and Country F [Rs.1.5 lakhs] (2.5) 4.5
[Share of profit from foreign firm is not exempt. Hence, loss can be set -off against
business income]
Capital gains
Long-term capital gains on transfer of residential house in Mumbai 45.0
Less: Exemption u/s 54 – Purchase of residential house in Jaipur in wife’s name within
two years from the date of transfer 37.0
Net long-term capital gains 8.0
Short-term capital gains on transfer of vacant site in Country E 15.0 23.0
Income from other sources
Agricultural income in Country E and Country F [Rs.1.2 lakhs + Rs.1.8 lakhs] 3.0
Agricultural income from lands in Bengaluru [exempt u/s 10(1) since earned in India] - 3.0

Gross Total Income 34.0

Less: Deduction under Chapter VI-A: Section 80C – PPF 1.5
Total Income 32.5

Computation of tax liability of Mr. Arjun Batra for A.Y.2018-19 Rs.

Tax on Rs.35.7 lakhs, being non-agricultural income [Rs.32.5 lakhs] + agricultural
income [Rs.3.2 lakhs]
Tax on LTCG of Rs.8 lakhs@20% 1,60,000
(+) Tax on other income of Rs.27.7 lakhs 6,43,500
(-) Tax on Rs.5.7 lakhs, being agricultural Income [Rs.3.2 lakhs] + Basic Exemption
Limit [Rs.2.5 lakhs] 26,500
Add: Education cess and SHEC@3% 23,310
Indian rate of tax = 8,00,310 x 100/32,50,000 = 24.625%
Less: Rebate u/s 91 on income of Country E + Country F 4,47,817
Tax payable in India 3,52,493
Tax payable (Rounded off) 3,52,490
Computation of average rate of tax in Country E Rs. in lakhs
Gross rental receipts from commercial property [No deduction is allowed from this in 2.0
Country E]
Share income from partnership firm (loss) to be ignored -
Business income 2.2
STCG from sale of vacant site on 1-11-2017 15.0
Agricultural income [Exempt in Country E] -
Total income 19.2
Rates of tax in Country E
Upto 3 lakhs Nil -
3 to 6 lakhs 15% 0.45
Above 6 lakhs 22% 2.904
Average rate of tax in Country E = 3.354 x 100/19.2 = 17.469%
Doubly Taxed Income (in Country E) Rs. in lakhs
Gross rental receipts form commercial property (Rs.2 lakhs – Rs.0.6 lakhs, being 30% 1.4
of Rs.2 lakhs)
Share of loss from partnership firm (1.0)
Business income 2.2
STCG from sale of vacant site on 1-11-2017 15.0
Double Taxation Relief at India rate of tax or rate of tax in Country E, whichever is 17.469%

Double Taxation Relief = 17.469% of Rs.17.6 lakhs = Rs.3,07,454

Doubly Taxed Income (in Country F)
Gross rental receipts from commercial property [Rs.3 lakhs (-) 30% of Rs.3 lakhs] 2.1
Business income 3.3
Share of loss from partnership firm (1.5)
Agricultural income 1.8
Total income 5.7
Rate of Tax in Country F 27%
Double Taxation Relief at Indian rate of tax (24.625%) or rate of tax in Country F (27%), 24.625%
whichever is lower
Double Taxation Relief = 24.625% of Rs.5.7 lakhs = Rs.1,40,363
Double Taxation Relief [Country E & Country F] = Rs.3,07,454 + Rs.1,40,363 4,47,817
Answer to Q.2:
Any undisclosed foreign income or foreign asset will be chargeable to tax under the provisions of Black Money
(Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015 ("BM Act").
Any undisclosed foreign income will be taxed as the income of the previous year to which it pertains. Hence
Rs 5 lakhs will be taxed as the income of the previous year 2016-17.
An undisclosed asset located outside India shall be charged to tax on its value in the previous year in which
such asset comes to the notice of the Assessing Officer. Thus, the value of the undisclosed foreign asset will
be taxed as the income of the previous year 2018-19.
The undisclosed asset is gold jewellery. The value of the same is the higher of:
(a) Purchase price (Rs 4.2 lakhs), and
(b) Value as on valuation date (1st April of the previous year) as per report of a Valuer recognized by the
Government (Rs 5.2 lakhs).
The tax consequences are as under:
Particulars P.Y. 2016-17 PY 2018-19 Tax (@30%)
Undisclosed income Rs.5,00,000 Rs.1,50,000
Undisclosed jewellery Rs.5,20,000 Rs.1,56,000


I. ANSWERS TO MCQs (Most appropriate answers)
1. (b)
2. (b)
3. (a)
4. (a)
5. (c)
6. (d)
7. (c)

8. (d)
9. (d)
10. (c)
Answer to Q.1:
As per Section 6(3) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, a foreign company can be considered to be resident if its
POEM is in India. POEM has been defined as the place where the key commercial and s trategic decisions
are made. Additionally, the CBDT Guidelines on determining POEM have to also be kept in mind while
undertaking this assessment.
In the given facts, RB Pvt. Ltd. is a foreign company as it has been incorporated in Mauritius. As per the
CBDT guidelines, one has to assess whether this company satisfies the test of Active Business Outside India
(‘ABOI’). For the same, the following information needs to be looked at:
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Particulars Mauritius India Total % of (3) to total in
Value of assets Rs.2 lakhs Rs.50,000 Rs.2,50,000 20.00%
Number of employees 3 1 4 25.00%
Payroll expenses on employees Rs.15 lakhs Rs.5 20 25.00%
It can be seen that the value of assets in India is only 20% of the total assets of the company, the number of
employees in India is only 25% of the total number of employees and the payroll expenses incurred on such
employees is only 25% of its total payroll expenditure. Thus, three out of four conditions for active business
outside India are met. However, the passive income test has also to be met for ABOI.
Particulars Rs.
Income from transactions where both purchases and sales are from/to associated 0
Total income by way of dividend and interest 4,00,000
Total income (Income from Product Sales from Modern Bazaar plus income by way of 15,00,000
dividend and interest)
Passive income = income from transactions where both purchases and sales are from/to associated
enterprises + total income by way of dividend and interest = Rs.4 lakhs
Percentage of passive income to total income = 4/15 × 100 = 27%
In this case, the passive income is less than 50% of the company’s total income. Hence, the passive income
test is met and the company has its Active Business Outside India.
The CBDT Guidelines state that if a foreign company’s Active Business is Outside India, as long as the
majority of board meetings are held outside India, the POEM would be outside India.
In the given facts, majority of board meetings take place outside India as three out of four meetings are held
in Mauritius. Also, the de facto authority vests with Mr. Rai who lives in Mauritius. He has had the final word
on the product lines. Every time there is a matter involving expenditure more than Rs.25,000, it is subject to
his final approval.
Hence, RB Pvt. Ltd. can argue that the company is a non-resident, since its POEM is outside India. The
reasons for the conclusion are quite different from those given by the lawyer in an informal conversation.

Answer to Q.2:
(a) Equalisation levy@6% is attracted on the amount of consideration for specified services received or
receivable by a non-resident not having PE in India from a resident in India who carries on business or
profession or from a non-resident having PE in India. Specified services include online advertisement
and any provision for digital advertising space or any other facility or service for the purpose of online
In this case, RB Pvt. Ltd. is a non-resident having a PE in India. Since there is an office in Pune for
carrying on work of the company, RB Ltd. has a PE in India. Facebook Inc is a non -resident not having
PE in India. It receives consideration of Rs.10 lakhs from RB Pvt. Ltd., a non-resident having PE in India,
for online advertisement services provided by it. Hence, equalization levy@6% on Rs.10 lakhs is
attracted in the hands of Facebook Inc.
In the hands of RB Pvt. Ltd. Ltd., the amount of Rs.10 lakhs paid to Facebook Inc. would be allowable
as business expenditure, provided equalization levy has been deducted at source.
(b) RB Pvt. Ltd. is liable to deduct equalization levy of Rs.60,000 from the amount of Rs.10 lakhs payable
to Facebook Inc. In case it fails to so deduct equalization levy, it shall, notwithstanding such failure, be
liable to pay the levy to the credit of the Central Government by 7 th April, 2018. Further, penalty of an
amount equal to Rs.60,000 lakhs would be attracted for failure to deduct equalization levy. Also,
disallowance of the expenditure of Rs.10 lakhs would be attracted under section 40(a)(ib) while
computing business income of RB Pvt. Ltd.
(c) Section 10(50) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 exempts income arising from providing specified service of
online advertisement, which are subject to equalization levy, from income-tax.
Answer to Q.3:
(a) The one avenue open to RB Pvt. Ltd. is the Authority for Advance Rulings (AAR). The AAR was
constituted to provide certainty to non-residents with respect to their tax liabilities in India in respect of
any transactions undertaken or proposed to be undertaken. The ruling given by AAR is an authoritative
advice and binds the tax authorities and the assessee in respect of the given facts and circumstances,
as long as there is no change in the law.
In the present case, RB Pvt. Ltd. seeks to understand whether or not Modern Bazaar can withhold taxes
at source when making payments to it. Hence, this avenue would be a viable option for RB Pvt. Ltd.
(b) In order to approach the AAR the applicant must be eligible under Section 245N of the Income -tax Act,
1961. Eligible applicants include non-residents and some residents. A resident can apply as long as the
application pertains to tax liability of the non-resident in India in relation to a transaction which has been
undertaken or is proposed to be undertaken by a resident applicant with such non-resident. The value
of transactions undertaken does not matter.
Hence, here Modern Bazaar already having entered into transactions with RB Pvt. Ltd. can also make
an application before the AAR. Alternately, RB Pvt. Ltd. can make an application in its own name.
(c) The AAR does not have jurisdiction to hear matters where it feels that the transaction has been entered
into, for prima facie tax avoidance. Additionally, the matter may not be heard if it is already pending
before an income tax authority/ tribunal or involves computation of the fair market value. Here, none of
these conditions are applicable.
I. ANSWERS TO MCQs (Most appropriate answers)
1. (b)
2. (c)
3. (d)

4. (a)
5. (d)
6. (d)
7. (c)
8. (b)
9. (c)
10. (c)
Answer to Q.1:
Income of a non-resident from transfer of a capital asset situated in India is deemed to accrue in India as per
the provisions of section 9(1)(i) of the Income-tax Act,1961. As per Explanation 5 to section 9(1)(i), an asset
being any share or interest in a company or entity incorporated outside India shall be deemed to be situated
in India if, if the share or interest, derives directly or indirectly, its value substantially from asse ts located in
Further, Explanation 6 to section 9(1)(i), provides that the share or interest in a company or entity registered
or incorporated outside India, shall be deemed to derive its value substantially from the assets (whether
tangible or intangible) located in India, if on the specified date, the value of Indian assets:
- exceeds the amount of INR 10 crores; and
- represents at least 50% of the value of all assets owned by the company, or entity, as the case may be
Specified date for this purpose would be the date on which the accounting period of the company or entity
ends preceding the date of transfer of a share or an interest.
However, in case the book value of the assets of the company or entity on the date of transfer exceeds by at
least 15%, the book value of the assets as on the last balance sheet date preceding the date of transfer, the
date of transfer shall be the specified date.
Value of an asset means Fair Market value as on specified date, of such asset without reduction of liab ilities.
Further, section 90(2) provides that where the Indian Government has entered into DTAAs which are
applicable to the taxpayers, then, the provisions of the Act or the provisions of the DTAA, whichever is more
beneficial to the taxpayer, shall apply.
In light of the above, the provisions of the DTAA and the provisions of the Act have been examined with
respect to the each of the Groups below.
(a) Transfer of shares of Singapore Intermediary Co by US Co.
In the instant case, specified date is 31.05.2018
Fair value of assets of Singapore Intermediary Co as on 31.5.2018 - INR 50 crores
Fair value of Ind Co as on 31.5.2018 (without reduction of liabilities) - INR 200 crores
Fair value of Ind Co as held by Singapore Intermediary Co (20%) - INR 40 crores
Since, the value of assets located in India i.e., INR 40 crores exceeds INR 10 crores and also exceeds
50% of the value of assets of Singapore Intermediary Co, the shares of Singapore Intermediary Co
would be deemed to derive its value substantially from assets located in India.
Hence, the shares of Singapore Intermediary Co would be deemed to be a capital asset situated in India
and the capital gains from transfer of shares of Singapore Intermediary Co would be deemed to accrue
or arise in India. Accordingly, the gains would be taxable in the hands of US Co in India as per the
Income-tax Act, 1961. However, the provisions of the applicable DTAA would need to be e xamined.

The India-US DTAA would be the applicable DTAA, for the purpose of analysing taxability in India of the
transfer of shares of Singapore Intermediary Co by US Co, since in the instant case, India is the ‘country
of source’ and US is the ‘country of residence’.
As per Article 13 of the India-US DTAA, US and India may tax capital gains in accordance with the
provisions of its domestic law. Hence, the capital gains income from transfer of shares of Singapore
Intermediary Co by US Co shall be taxable in India.
(b) Transfer of shares of Mauritius Intermediary Co by Germany Co.
In the instant case, specified date is 31.05.2018
Fair value of assets of Mauritius Intermediary Co as on 31.5.2018 - INR 60 crores
Fair value of Ind Co as on 31.5.2018 (without reduction of liabilities) - INR 200 crores
Fair value of Ind Co as held by Mauritius Intermediary Co (25%) - INR 50 crores
Since, the value of assets located in India i.e., INR 50 crores exceeds INR 10 crores and also exceeds
50% of the value of assets of Mauritius Intermediary Co, shares of Mauritius Intermediary Co would be
deemed to derive its value substantially from assets located in India.
Hence, the shares of Mauritius Intermediary Co would be deemed to be a capital asset situated in India
and the capital gains from transfer of shares of Mauritius Intermediary Co would b e deemed to accrue
or arise in India. Accordingly, the gains would be taxable in the hands of Germany Co in India as per
the Income-tax Act, 1961. However, the provisions of the applicable DTAA would need to be examined.
The India-Germany DTAA would be the applicable DTAA, for the purpose of analysing taxability in India
of the transfer of shares of Mauritius Intermediary Co by Germany Co, since in the instant case, India is
the ‘country of source’ and Germany is the ‘country of residence’.
Clauses (1) to (3) of Article 13 of the India-Germany DTAA, would not be relevant to the instant case.
As per clause (4) of Article 13 of the India-Germany DTAA, “gains from the alienation of shares in a
company which is a resident of a Contracting State may be taxed in that State”.
In the instant case, the shares being transferred are those of Mauritius Intermediary Co, which is not a
resident of India. Accordingly, the instant case would not be covered under clause (4) of Article 13 and
the residual clause (5) of Article 13 would be applicable. As per clause (5), “Gains from the alienation
of any property other than that referred to in paragraphs 1 to 4 shall be taxable only in the Contracting
State of which the alienator is a resident”. The alienator is Germany Co, which is a resident of Germany
and not India and accordingly, the capital gains shall be taxable only in Germany and is not taxable in
Since the provisions of the DTAA can be applied, where they are more beneficial to the taxpayer than
the provisions of the Act, in the instant case, the provisions of the DTAA can be applied and accordingly,
the capital gains would not be taxable in India.
(c) Transfer of shares of Australian Intermediary Co by Cyprus Co.
In the instant case, specified date is 31.05.2018
Fair value of assets of Australian Intermediary Co as on 31.5.2018 - INR 300 crores
Fair value of Ind Co as on 31.5.2018 (without reduction of liabilities) - INR 200 crores
Fair value of Ind Co as held by Australian Intermediary Co (51%) - INR 102 crores
Since, the value of assets located in India i.e., INR 102 crores exceeds INR 10 crores but it does not
represent at least 50% of the value of assets of Australian Intermediary Co, shares of Australian
Intermediary Co would not be deemed to derive its value substantially from assets located in India.
Hence, the shares of Australia Intermediary Co would not be deemed to be a capital asset situated in
India and the capital gains from transfer of shares of Australia Intermediary Co would not be dee med to

accrue or arise in India. Accordingly, the gains would not be taxable in the hands of Cyprus Co in India
as per the Income-tax Act, 1961.
Accordingly, it would not be necessary to examine the provisions of the applicable DTAA.
(d) Transfer of shares of Spain Intermediary Co by UK Co.
In the instant case, specified date is 31.03.2018
Fair value of assets of Spain Intermediary Co as on 31.3.2018 - INR 12 crores
Fair value of Ind Co as on 31.3.2018 (without reduction of liabilities) - INR 200 crores
Fair value of Ind Co as held by Spain Intermediary Co (4%) - INR 8 crores
Since, the value of assets located in India i.e., INR 8 crores does not exceed INR 10 crores, shares of
Spain Intermediary Co would not be deemed to derive its value substantially from assets located in
Hence, the shares of Spain Intermediary Co would not be deemed to be a capital asset situated in India
and the capital gains from transfer of shares of Spain Intermediary Co would not be deemed to accrue
or arise in India. Accordingly, the gains would not be taxable in the hands of UK Co in India as per the
Income-tax Act, 1961.
Accordingly, it would not be necessary to examine the provisions of the applicable DTAA.
Answer to Q.2:
(i) Computation of capital gains chargeable to tax and tax amount in India on transfer of shares of
Singapore Intermediary Co by US Co
S. Particulars Amount
No (INR crores)
1. Full value of consideration for transfer of shares of Singapore 50.00
Intermediary Co
2. Cost of acquisition of shares of Singapore Intermediary Co 10.00
3. Long-term capital gains 40.00
4. Fair Market Value of all the assets of the Singapore Intermediary Co as 50.00
on the specified date (31 May 2018)
5. Fair Market Value of assets of the Singapore Intermediary Co located in 40.00
India as on the specified date (31 May 2018) , i.e., Fair value of Ind Co as
held by Singapore Intermediary
6. Long-term capital gains (income) attributed to assets located in India 32.00
7. Long-term capital gains tax at 10% (as per section 112) 3.20

1. The capital assets, being transferred, in the instant case, are the shares of Singapore Intermediary
Co. Since, the shares of Singapore Intermediary Co have been held by US Co for more than 24
months, the capital gains would be long-term capital gains.
2. As per Rule 11UC, the income attributed to assets located in India would be based on the proportion
of fair market value of assets located in India on the specified date, from which the share derives its
value substantially to the fair market value of all assets of Singapore Intermediary Co.
3. As per section 112(1)(c)(iii), in case of a foreign company, the long term capital gain on unlisted
securities is chargeable to tax @10% without indexation and fluctuation benefit.

4. The rate of 10% is excluding cess and surcharge, if any, depending on the total income of the
(ii) Computation of capital gains chargeable to tax and tax amount in India on transfer of shares of
Ind Co by Singapore Intermediary Co
S. No Particulars Amount
(INR crores)
1. Full value of consideration for transfer of shares of Ind Co 45.00
2. Cost of acquisition of shares of Ind Co 5.00
3. Short-term capital gains (since shares of Ind Co have been held for less 40.00
than 24 months)
4. Short-term capital gains chargeable to tax @40% 14.00

Note: The rate of 40% is excluding cess and surcharge, if any, depending on the total income of the
Taxability as per India-Singapore DTAA
Under the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961, the capital gains from transfer of shares of Ind Co
would be chargeable to tax in India in the hands of Singapore Intermediary Co. However, the provisions
of the India-Singapore DTAA can be applied to the extent they are more beneficial to the taxpayer.
As per Clause 4A of Article 13 of the India-Singapore DTAA, dealing with capital gains, gains arising
from the alienation of shares acquired before 1 April 2017 in a company which is a resident of a
Contracting State shall be taxable only in the Contracting State in which the alienator is a resident. In
the instant case, Singapore Intermediary Co acquired shares of Ind Co on 1 March 2017 (ie before
1 April 2017) and accordingly, the gains shall be taxable only in Singapore and not taxable in India.
(iii) Amalgamation of US Co with another group company US Co 2
As per section 47(viab), any transfer, in a scheme of amalgamation, of a capital asset, being a share of
a foreign company, referred to in the Explanation 5 to clause (i) of sub-section (1) of section 9, which
derives, directly or indirectly, its value substantially from the share or shares of an Indian company, held
by the amalgamating foreign company to the amalgamated foreign company, shall not be regarded as
transfer, if—
(A) at least twenty-five per cent of the shareholders of the amalgamating foreign company continue to
remain shareholders of the amalgamated foreign company; and
(B) such transfer does not attract tax on capital gains in the country in which the amalgamating
company is incorporated;
Accordingly, in the instant case, if 25% of shareholders of US Co continue to remain shareholders of
US Co 2 and if such transfer (by way of amalgamation) does not attract capital gains tax in US, then the
amalgamation of US Co with US Co 2 would not be regarded as a ‘transfer’ under the Income -tax Act,
1961 and hence, not chargeable to tax in India.
Other option available with US Co is to demerge its one or more undertaking
As per section 47(vic), any transfer, in a scheme of demerger, of a capital asset, being a share of a
foreign company, referred to in the Explanation 5 to clause (i) of sub-section (1) of section 9, which
derives, directly or indirectly, its value substantially from the share or shares of an Indian company , held
by the demerged foreign company to the resulting foreign company, shall not be regarded as transfer,

(A) the shareholders, holding not less than three-fourth in the value of the shares of the demerged
foreign company, continue to remain shareholders of the resulting foreign company; and
(B) such transfer does not attract tax on capital gains in the country in which the amalgamating
company is incorporated;
Accordingly, if three-fourth value of the shares of US Co continue to remain shareholders of resulting company
and if such transfer (by way of demerger) does not attract capital gains tax in US, then the demerger of one or
more undertaking of US Co would not be regarded as a ‘transfer’ under the Income-tax Act, 1961 and hence, not
chargeable to tax in India.

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