Introduction To Combat Hunter PDF
Introduction To Combat Hunter PDF
• Observation (Basic)
• Combat Profiling (Intermediate)
• Tracking (Advanced)
In This Lesson You will learn techniques that will help you improve your
observation skills and memory, and then learn how to apply
those skills to interpreting your environment.
Topic Page
Cooper’s Color Code 4
Observation Theory and Techniques 5
Nine elements of Visual Perception 7
Summary 9
References 10
Glossary of Terms and Acronyms 10
Notes 10
Lieutenant Colonel Jeff Cooper developed a system for levels of awareness by color
code. This system helps you determine your level of awareness and be better prepared
mentally for the situation. The following are his color code conditions:
Orange You are at a heightened state of alert and are getting ready
to deal with a threat. Your mind is preparing for the
reaction to the threat. This state cannot be maintained for a
long period of time, and your body will want to revert to a
state of yellow when the threat is gone. Heart rate is
between 60/80 and 115 BPM.
Red You are reacting to the threat and are in a fighting state of
mind. You are executing the plan you developed while in a
state of orange. You may experience focus lock, tunnel
vision, and other adrenaline effects (shaking, sudden bursts
of energy). Heart rate is between 115/145 and 175 BPM.
Observation is a three part process. You must see, assess and then communicate.
You cannot be successful as a unit in the conduct of your mission if you are not using
this three step process of observation.
According to studies about 90% of the information that your brain uses in order to orient
and make decisions comes from your sense of vision. This makes it extremely
important to assess what you see and to put it in context and sometimes take it out of
context in order to see what is actually there or see what is missing or out of place.
Observation is a two way street. If you can see the enemy then the enemy can see
you. There are ways to camouflage yourself when attempting to observe others as well
as ways to avoid being observed by others. Being familiar with these methods of
camouflage is important in order to use them to your advantage and to understand how
the enemy will try to hide themselves from you.
The communication process depends greatly upon the circumstances of your immediate
situation. It may be appropriate to simply report information to higher headquarters via
radio and continue your current operation; for less time-critical information, you may be
able to delay communication until the debrief of your operation. Other situations may
dictate an immediate response. Should you come into contact with an enemy unit and
they are unaware of your presence, you most likely will have time to communicate an
ADDRAC report to orient the rest of your unit and prepare for an assault. If in that same
scenario the enemy appears aware of your unit’s presence, your communication
process may consist of firing the first round followed by additional instructions, as able.
Context and Scanning. Our eyes give us a majority of the information that our brain
processes in order to gain situational awareness and build a picture of your
surroundings. Our brain, however is a very powerful tool and has a tendency to fill in
the blanks or make some things look like they belong when they actually do not
because of the context that the objects are in. For instance for Americans, all the years
of reading from left to right allow human brain to fill in things that may not actually be
there when scanning a scene in that direction because of the context that they are in.
Context is a powerful tool which enables us to make quick decisions. However,
observation at times requires you to take a detailed look at areas, objects and/or people
in order to assess a possible threat or course of action. It is important to see what is
actually there and not what the enemy wants you to see or what your brain is causing
you to believe is there. Scanning an area in the opposite direction (right to left) than
your brain is used to seeing things is one way to allow you to break out the details
necessary to accurately assess the environment.
and Communicate. It will also increase the situational awareness for unit leaders and
members of your unit to accomplish the mission.
Binocular Techniques. The following are techniques that can be used in order to aid
the individual Marine or unit leaders in recognizing and assessing threats in the
environment that they are operating in.
Cresting the Top of Using the just mentioned technique of burning through
Hills vegetation can allow you to remain on the military crest of
the hill that you are on and observe the other side. Walk up
the hill until your head is just above the crest of the hill.
You will have enough standoff from the vegetation on the
hill top that you will not be noticed. Place your binoculars to
your eyes and focus through the vegetation in front of you
in order to bring objects on the other side of the hill into
view while remaining hidden and camouflaged.
Looking through Holes When you come up to a wall or surface that has small holes
in it you can use your binoculars to see what is on the other
side without exposing yourself to danger. Hold one of the
oculars up to the hole in the wall or surface. Look into that
ocular with one of your eyes. Objects on the other side can
be seen and focused on.
Looking into Shadows A shadow can be used to mask figures and objects. Using
binoculars can help you see those figures and objects that
you would not otherwise see if you looking with the un-
aided eye. Because of their ability to magnify a picture and
collect light, binoculars give the user the ability to see into
the shadows. Place the binoculars to your eyes and look at
the shadow or into a shaded area. Fill the field of view of
the binoculars with the shadowed area. This allows your
pupils to adjust to the light level that is in the field of view
and allows you to focus on the figures or objects present in
that shadow.
Line, Edge and Outline The boundary or border, a spatial location, a separation or
Light (reflecting, sunlight Light impacts colors and the value of colors. Some animals
and shadow) have a dark back and light underbelly. The sun lightens the
dark back color and the shadow cast from above darkens
the lighter underbelly near the ground making the animal
seem less three-dimensional.
Positive and Negative Positive Space. Positive space is a space that takes up
Space mass (solid objects) such as buildings, trees, signs,
vehicles, etc. Typically, a Marine cannot see through
positive space. The human eye will naturally move from
positive space to positive space, as the eye is attracted to
this. Example: Tree lines, your eyes are attracted to trunks
and prominent branches.
The techniques discussed here are tools that will help you better observe your
environment and operate within it. Maintaining the proper state of alert, remembering
what you see, and evaluating what is normal and what is abnormal for your environment
are all techniques that will make you better able to execute your mission.