Vidyalankar MHT CET 2017 Biology Paper Solution

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Instruction to Candidates

1. This question booklet contains 100 Objective Type Questions (Single Best Response Type) in the
subjects of Biology.
2. The question paper and OMR (Optical Mark Reader) Answer Sheets are issued to examinees
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.Questions and Solutions.

Paper  I

1. The highest rate of photosynthesis in green plants is in _____ and _____ region of light spectrum.
(A) yellow and orange (B) green and violet
(C) red and blue (D) violet and blue
1. (C)

2. In some species of family Asteraceae seeds are produced without fertilization. It is called as ________
(A) apomixis (B) amphimixis (C) parthenocarpy (D) vivipary
2. (A)

3. The pH of nutrient medium in plant tissue culture is adjusted between _____

(A) 3  4 (B) 4.1  4.8 (C) 5  5.8 (D) 6  7
3. (C)

4. The simplest of all nutrient cycles operating in an ecosystem is ________ cycle

(A) carbon (B) phosphorous (C) nitrogen (D) sulphur
4. (B)

5. Identify the microbial source for antibiotic streptomycin.

(A) Streptomyces griseus (B) Streptomyces venezuelae
(C) Penicillium chrysogenum (D) Staphylococcus aureus
5. (A)

6. Which one of the following process occurs inside the nucleus during protein synthesis in a eukaryotic
cells ?
(A) Processing of hnRNA (B) Activation of amino acids
(C) Translation (D) Formation of polypeptide chain
6. (A)

7. In single Krebs Cycle decarboxylation takes place at ________ steps.

(A) Five (B) Four (C) Three (D) Two
7. (D)

8. The genetic material of M13 bacteriophage is _______

(A) ds DNA (B) ds RNA (C) ss RNA (D) ss DNA
8. (D)

9. Motile zoospores are produced by

(A) Chlamydomonas (B) Penicillium (C) Bacteria (D) Amoeba
9. (A)

10. The suspensor during the development of an angiosperm embryo is formed from _________
(A) basal cell (B) apical cell (C) embryonal cell (D) generative cell
10. (A)

11. Which one of the following layer of the anther wall helps in its dehiscence ?
(A) Epidermis (B) Middle layer (C) Endothecium (D) Tapetum
11. (C)

12. The triplet on coding strand of DNA is ATG. What would be the required anticodon on corresponding
tRNA during translation ?
12. (D)

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13. During anaerobic respiration, number of ATP molecules generated by the breakdown of 20 glucose
molecule is _______
(A) 90 (B) 60 (C) 40 (D) 20
13. (C)

14. In E. Coli, _______ operons are formed by grouping nearly _______ genes.
(A) 80 operons and 260 genes (B) 75 operons and 260 genes
(C) 280 operons and 80 genes (D) 280 operons and 75 genes
14. (B)

15. A slender, prostrate subaerial branch of the stem which creeps along the ground helping in vegetative
reproduction is
(A) stolon (B) sucker (C) runner (D) offset
15. (C)

16. During fertilization if the pollen tube enters the ovule through integuments, then it is called as _______
(A) mesogamy (B) porogamy (C) chalazogamy (D) siphonogamy
16. (A)

17. To determine whether F1 hybrid is homozygous or heterozygous for a particular trait ________ cross is
(A) monohybrid (B) test (C) back (D) reciprocal
17. (B)

18. Number of oxygen molecules utilized in glycolysis is ________

(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 6
18. (A)

19. A cell organelle which lacks membrane, consists of 65% rRNA, 35% proteins and helps in protein
synthesis is _______
(A) nucleus (B) nucleoid (C) ribosome (D) nucleolus
19. (C)

20. Cyclic photophosphorylation will NOT take place in the absence of ______
(A) carotenoids (B) chlorophylla (C) xanthophylls (D) phycoerythrin
20. (B)

21. How many different types of gametes will be formed by a pea plant with genotype TtYy?
(A) 16 (B) 08 (C) 06 (D) 04
21. (D)
22. The megasporangium proper of an angiosperm ovule is represented by
(A) integument (B) funicle (C) nucellus (D) micropyle
22. (C)

23. Which one of the following is an essential factor for photophosphorylation?

(A)Sunlight (B) Carbohydrate (C) Oxygen (D) Water
23. (A)
24. Generally the pollen grains of monocots are ______ and dicots are _____ respectively.
(A) uniporate and biporate (B) biporate and triporate
(C) uniporate and triporate (D) triporate and tetraporate
24. (C)
25. A nucleic acid whose molecular weight ranges between 40,000 to 1,00,000 in a cell is _____
(A) DNA (B) mRNA (C) tRNA (D) rRNA
25. (D)

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26. Which of the following is an example of intergenic gene interaction?
(A) Multiple alleles (B) Codominance
(C) Incomplete dominance (D) Polygenes
26. (D)

27. Which one of the following is NOT a disadvantage of self pollination?

(A) No scope for developing improved varieties (B) Progeny becomes weaker
(C) Genetic stability can be maintained (D) Less adaptability to climatic variations
27. (C)

28. Dark reaction of photosynthesis is a cyclic process as ______ is regenerated.

(A) RuBP (B) CO2 (C) Glucose (D) PGA
28. (A)
29. What is the approximate size of nucleus in a typical mammalian cell?
(A) 2.2 meter (B) 1.2 meter (C) 104 meter (D) 106 meter
29. (D)
30. In two turns of Krebs Cycle the number of NADH2 molecules produced is _______
(A) Six (B) Five (C) Four (D) Three
30. (A)
31. Which one of the following enzyme cuts the DNA within the specific positions?
(A) Exonuclease (B) Alkaline phosphatase
(C) Restriction endonuclease (D) Reverse transcriptase
31. (C)
32. The decomposers in an ecosystem are ______
(A) autotrophs (B) microconsumers (C) macroconsumers (D) abiotic components
32. (B)
33. Which of the following represents the correct sequence of nucleic acids considering their decreasing
molecular weight?
(A) DNA  mRNA  tRNA  rRNA (B) DNA  mRNA  rRNA  tRNA
(C) DNA  rRNA  tRNA  mRNA (D) DNA  tRNA  mRNA  rRNA
33. (B)

34. In members of family Crassulaceae _______is regenerated from starch during night.
(A) Phospho Enol Pyruvic Acid (B) Pyruvic Acid
(C) Malic Acid (D) Oxalo Acetic Acid
34. (A)

35. Which one of the following plants reproduces vegetatively by epiphyllous buds?
(A) Sweet potato (B) Potato (C) Onion (D) Kalanchoe
35. (D)
36. In Aulosira, Tolypothrix and Nostoc, ____________ are the sites for Nitrogen fixation.
(A) vesicles (B) arbuscles (C) akinetes (D) heterocysts
36. (D)

37. The number of phenotype recombinant offsprings formed during F2 generation of a dihybrid cross are
(A) 9/16 (B) 7/16 (C) 6/16 (D) 4/16
37. (C)
38. During glycolysis the compounds PGAL and DHAP are formed from fructose 1, 6 diphosphate by
(A) cleavage (B) isomerisation (C) phosphorylation (D) condensation
38. (A)

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39. Select correct statement from the following :
(A) In a DNA molecule, the two strands are antiparallel and non complementary.
(B) The rRNA is always present in variously folded form.
(C) During DNA replication, leading strand is formed in 3  5 while lagging strand is formed in 5  3
(D) The mRNA molecule may be straight or coiled upon itself to form a hairpin like shape.
39. (B)
40. Relatively small DNA molecules of plasmids can be identified ___________
(A) due to similarity to original nuclear DNA molecule
(B) by their restriction fragment patterns
(C) by the size of bacterial cell
(D) by their circular shape
40. (B)
41. Stamens with long bifurcated connective are found in ________________ flower.
(A) Bignonia (B) Bombax (C) Salvia (D) Cestrum
41. (C)
42. The spatial pattern of density and distribution of species along a horizontal gradient is called as _______
(A) Stratification (B) zonation (C) trophic niche (D) volume niche
42. (B)
43. The cos ends of DNA of lambda phage has _____________ nucleotides.
(A) Five (B) Ten (C)Twelve (D) Fifteen
43. (C)
44. The CO2 content in biogas ranges from _____________________
(A) 10  14% (B) 15  45% (C) 5060% (D) 70 80%
44. (B)
45. Which of the following is an algal source of SCP?
(A) Candida (B) Methanobacillus (C) Chlorella (D) Saccharomyces
45. (C)

46. The plasmid of which one of the following has ‘Nif’ gene in it?
(A) Rhizobium (B) Agrobacterium tumefaciens
(C) Bacillus thuringiensis (D) Salmonella typhimurium
46. (A)
47. Which one of the following material is NOT safe to prepare carry bags ?
(A) Cloth (B) Paper (C) Jute (D) Polythene
47. (D)

48. Which one of the following disease is caused by bacteria?

(A) Red rot of sugarcane (B) Black rot of crucifers
(C) Brown rust of wheat (D) Late blight of potato
48. (B)

49. If the cells of the nucellus in the angiosperm ovule contains 24 chromosomes, what will be the number of
chromosomes in the endosperm of a self pollinated flower?
(A) 12 (B) 24 (C) 36 (D) 48
49. (C)

50. Which one of the following is NOT a bacterial herbicide?

(A) Pseudomonas sp. (B) Xanthomonas sp. (C) Fusarium sp. (D) Agrobacterium sp.
50. (C)

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Paper  II
51. Formation of urea takes place in the _______.
(A) Heart (B) Kidney (C) Liver (D) Lung
51. (C)

52. In MOET technique, ______ is administered to bring about super ovulation.

52. (B)

53. Seymouria is a connecting link between ________.

(A) Aves and mammals (B) Amphibians and Reptiles
(C) Pisces and Amphibians (D) Reptiles and Aves
53. (B)

54. Which one of the following is NOT an example of ex-situ conservation of endangered species?
(A) Zoological park (B) National park (C) Culture collection (D) Botanical garden
54. (B)

55. Atrial systole lasts for _______ in Cardiac Cycle.

(A) 0.1 second (B) 0.3 second (C) 0.5 second (D) 0.7 second
55. (A)

56. Select the correct match :

Column  A Column  B
(a) Seminal fluid (i) Corpus spongiosum
(b) Prostate gland (ii) Membranous urethra
(c) Ejaculatory duct (iii) Clitoris
(d) Erectile tissues (iv) Fructose
(v) Prostaglandins
(A) (a)  (iv) (B) (b)  (v) (C) (c)  (i) (D) (d)  (ii)
56. (A)

57. Transgenic animals are extensively used for all of the following procedures EXCEPT
(A) Bioremediation (B) Chemical safety
(C) Vaccine safety (D) Toxicity test
57. (A)

58. Grave's disease is characterised by the following EXCEPT

(A) Deposition of fats in eye sockets (B) Enlargement of thyroid gland
(C) Weight loss (D) Weight gain
58. (D)

59. Feminised males have _______ chromosomes.

(A) 44 (B) 45 (C) 46 (D) 47
59. (D)

60. The post-fertilization change involves _______.

(A) Haploid gametic maturation
(B) Introduction of centrioles in the ovum
(C) Inhibition of Meiosis  II
(D) Formation of vitelline membrane
60. (A)

61. Deposition of fatty substances in the lining of arteries is termed as ______.

(A) Arteriosclerosis (B) Atherosclerosis
(C) Arthritis (D) Angiogenesis
61. (B)

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62. An axial filament in the tail of sperm is modified _______.
(A) Distal centriole (B) Endoplasmic reticulum
(C) Golgi complex (D) Proximal centriole
62. (A)

63. In DNA fingerprinting technique, the radioactive intermediates formed during hybridization are ____
(A) Double-stranded DNA (B) Single-stranded DNA
(C) Single-stranded mRNA (D) Double-stranded rRNA
63. (A)

64. The functional area of human cerebrum marked by 'X' is _________.

(A) Wernicke's area (B) Somato-sensory area

(C) Premotor area (D) Broca's area
64. (D)

65. Uraemia is indicated when the blood urea level rises above ________
(A) 0.05% (B) 0.04 % (C) 0.03% (D) 0.02%
65. (C)

66. Introduction of attenuated pathogens in human body results in ________

(A) Artificial acquired active immunity (B) Artificial acquired passive immunity
(C) Natural acquired active immunity (D) Natural acquired passive immunity
66. (A)

67. HCG is secreted by _________

(A) Allantois (B) Corona radiata (C) Corpus luteum (D) Placenta
67. (D)

68. Banting and Best successfully purified insulin from the pancreas of _______
(A) Guinea pig (B) Dog (C) Cow (D) Buffalo
68. (B)

69. Organ of Corti is located on the ________

(A) Basilar membrane (B) Basement membrane
(C) Reissner membrane (D) Synovial membrane
69. (A)

70. The ____________ is a primary constriction

(A) Telomere (B) Sarcomere (C) Chromomere (D) Centromere
70. (D)

71. Southern blotting technique uses _________ paper for embedding DNA strands.
(A) Whatman No. 1 (B) Parchment
(C) Nitrocellulose (D) Cellophane
71. (C)

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72. If cranial nerves : 12 pairs, then spinal nerves :
(A) 30 pairs (B) 31 pairs (C) 32 pairs (D) 33 pairs
72. (B)

73. One of the following is NOT an example of incomplete sexlinkage.

(A) Total colourblindness (C) Retinitis pigmentosa
(C) Nephritis (D) Myopia
73. (D)

74. During secretory phase of menstrual cycle, the endometrial lining attains thickness of __________
(A) 10 mm  12 mm (B) 5 mm  6 mm
(C) 3 mm  4 mm (D) 1 mm  2 mm
74. (C)

75. Homo habilis is also called _________

(A) Tool maker man (B) Man with ape brain
(C) Java ape man (D) Heidelberg man
75. (A)

76. The prostatic fluid forms about ___________ of total volume of semen.
(A) 60% (B) 50% (C) 40% (D) 30%
76. (D)

77. In gene therapy, __________ can be treated by gene DNase.

(A) Pituitary dwarfism (B) Hepatitis  B (C) Hemophilia (D) Cystic fibrosis
77. (D)

78. Stimulation of RBC production is by the hormone _________

(A) Aldosterone (B) Adrenaline (C) Cortisol (D) NorAdrenaline
78. (C)

79. The yellow colour of normal urine is due to

(A) Bilirubin (B) Biliverdin (C) Urochrome (D) Uric acid
79. (C)

80. Mule is an example of _______

(A) Crossbreeding (B) Interspecific Hybridization
(C) Outbreeding (D) Outcrossing
80. (B)

81. Select the correct match :

Column  A Column  B
a) Rock bee i) Apis indica
b) Little bee ii) Apis dorsata
c) European bee iii) Apis florea
d) Indian bee iv) Apis mellifera
(A) a  iv, b  i, c  iii, d  ii (B) a  iii, b  ii, c  iv, d  i
(D) a  ii, b  iii, c  iv, d  i (D) a  iv, b  iii, c  i, d  ii
81. (C)

82. When members of a population attain sexual maturity at different times preventing interbreeding, it is
termed as _________ isolation.
(A) Seasonal (B) Mechanical (C) Habitat (D) Ethological
82. (A)

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83. One of the following is a positive inter-action in a population.
(A) Adamsia  Hermit Crab (B) Plasmodium  Mosquito
(C) Sacculina  Crab (D) Wuchereria  Man
83. (A)

84. Mitral valve and tricuspid valve are attached to the papillary muscles by ______
(A) Corpus callosum (B) Columnae carnae
(C) Crura cerebri (D) Chordae tendinae
84. (D)

85. Cytotoxic T-cells are ______

(A) Helper T-cells (B) Killer T-cells
(C) Memory T-cells (D) Suppressor T-cells
85. (B)

86. Organisms possessing strong and stout forelimbs with clawed digits show ______ adaptations.
(A) Arboreal (B) Cursorial (C) Fossorial (D) Volant
86. (C)

87. Athlete's foot is caused by a _____

(A) Virus (B) Roundworm (C) Fungus (D) Bacterium
87. (C)

88. The birth control pill contains _____

(A) Progesterone and estrogen (B) LH and estrogen
(C) FSH and LH (D) FSH and estrogen
88. (A)

89. Find the correct match :

Column A Column B
a) Tactile receptor i) Taste
b) Frigido receptor ii) Touch
c) Gustato receptor iii) Pressure
d) Tango receptor iv) Cold
v) Tension

(A) a  iii (B) b  v (C) c  i (D) d  iv

89. (C)
90. Select the correct sequence of the F1 generation.

(A) ➀  XHXH, ➁ XhXH, ➂  XHY, ➃  XHY (B) ➀  XHXh, ➁  XHXh, ➂  XHY, ➃  XHY
(C) ➀  XHXh, ➁  XhXH, ➂  XhY, ➃  XhY (D) ➀  XhXH, ➁  XHXh, ➂  XHY, ➃  XhY
90. (B)

91. Treponema pallidum is a _____ bacterium.

(A) Streptococcus (B) Streptobacillus (C) Spirochaete (D) Oligochaete
91. (C)

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In the given diagram, water absorption does NOT occur in part labelled as _____
(A) W (B) X (C) Y (D) Z
92. (A)

93. Maximum cranial capacity is found in ________

(A) Homo habilis (B) Homo erectus
(C) Homo neanderthalensis (D) Homo sapiens fossilis
93. (D)

94. Methods to control air pollution include the following EXCEPT

(A) Scrubber (B) Electrostatic precipitator
(C) Electrodialysis (D) Catalytic converter
94. (C)

95. During sinus arrhythmia _________

(A) Heart rate increases during inspiration (B) Heart beat decreases during inspiration
(C) Heart rate increases during expiration (D) Heart rate remains constant
95. (A)

96. Francisco Redi and Spallanzani disproved the theory of _______ by their classical experiments.
(A) Abiogenesis (B) Biogenesis (C) Cosmozoic (D) Special creation
96. (A)

97. Density of population increases when __________

(A) Emigration increases (B) Immigration decreases
(C) Mortality increases (D) Natality increases
97. (D)

98. Antibodies are synthesized by _______

(A) Eosinophil (B) Lymphocyte (C) Monocyte (D) Neutrophil
98. (B)

99. Kupffer’s cells of liver are an example of _______

(A) Anatomical barrier (B) Inflammatory barrier
(C) Physiological barrier (D) Phagocytic barrier
99. (D)

100. The spermiogenesis involves all of the following EXCEPT

(A) Formation of mitochondrial sheath (B) Formation of proximal and distal centrioles
(C) Formation of acrosomes (D) Shortening of sperm

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