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DR. Sarang Narula Arvind Singh Sidhu
E-governance, expands to electronic
governance, is the integration of Information
and Communication Technology (ICT) in all
the processes, with the aim of enhancing
government ability to address the needs of the
general public. The basic purpose of e-governance
is to simplify processes for all, i.e. government,
citizens, businesses, etc. at National, State and
local levels.
In short, it is the use of electronic means,
to promote good governance. It connotes the
implementation of information technology in the
government processes and functions so as to
cause simple, moral, accountable and
transparent governance. It entails the access
and delivery of government services, dissemination
of information, communication in a quick and
efficient manner.
Following are the advantages of E-Governance

1. Speed – Technology makes communication

speedier. Internet, Phones, Cell Phones have
reduced the time taken in normal communication.
2. Cost Reduction – Most of the Government
expenditure is appropriated towards the cost of
stationary. Paper-based communication needs lots
of stationary, printers, computers, etc. which calls
for continuous heavy expenditure. Internet and
Phones makes communication cheaper saving
valuable money for the Government.
3. Transparency – Use of ICT makes governing
profess transparent. All the information of the
Government would be made available on the
internet. The citizens can see the information
whenever they want to see. But this is only
possible when every piece of information of the
Government is uploaded on the internet and is
available for the public to peruse. Current
governing process leaves many ways to conceal
the information from all the people. ICT helps
make the information available online eliminating
all the possibilities of concealing of information.

4. Accountability – Once the governing process is

made transparent the Government is automatically
made accountable. Accountability is answerability
of the Government to the people. It is the
answerability for the deeds of the Government. An
accountable Government is a responsible

Through e-governance, the government plans

to raise the coverage and quality of
information and services provided to the
general public, by the use of ICT in an easy,
economical and effective manner. The process is
extremely complicated which requires, the proper
arrangement of hardware, software, networking
and indeed re-engineering of all the processes to
facilitate better delivery of services
Types of Interactions in
1. Government-to-Citizen(G2C)
The Government-to-citizen refers to the
government services that are accessed by the
familiar people. And Most of the government
services fall under G2C. Likewise, the primary goal
of Government-to-citizen is to provide facilities to
the citizen. It helps the ordinary people to reduce
the time and cost to conduct a transaction. A
citizen can have access to the services anytime
from anywhere.

Furthermore, Many services like license renewals,

and paying tax are essential in G2C. Likewise,
spending the administrative fee online is also
possible due to G2C. The facility of Government-
to-Citizen enables the ordinary citizen to overcome
time limitation. It also focuses on geographic land
2. Government-to-business (G2B)
The Government to business is the exchange of
services between Government and Business
organizations. It is efficient for both government
and business organizations. G2B provides access
to relevant forms needed to comply. The G2B also
consists of many services exchanged between
business sectors and government.

Similarly, the Government to business provides

Timely business information. And A business
organization can have easy and convenient online
access to government agencies. G2B plays a
crucial role in business development. It enhances
the efficiency and quality of communication and
transparency of government projects.

3. Government-to-Government (G2G)
The Government-to-Government refers to the
interaction between different government
department, organizations, and agencies. This
increases the efficiency of government processes.
In G2G, government agencies can share the same
database using online communication. The
government departments can work together. This
service can increase international diplomacy and

In conclusion, G2G services can be at the local

level or the international level. It can communicate
with global government and local government as
well. Likewise, it provides safe and secure inter-
relationship between domestic or foreign
government. G2G constructs a universal database
for all member states to enhance service.

4. Government-to-Employee (G2E)
The Government-to-Employee is the internal part
of G2G sector. Furthermore, G2E aims to bring
employees together and improvise knowledge

Similarly, G2E provides online facilities to the

employees. Likewise, applying for leave, reviewing
salary payment record. And checking the balance
of holiday. The G2E sector provides human
resource training and development. So, G2E is also
the relationship between employees, government
institutions, and their management.
Challenges In The E-
E-governance is a constructive idea that can be of an
immense positive output but it is not so easy to attain in a
country like India which is practically a developing nation.
E-governance itself is a very technical scheme and it has
challenges which make the implementation easier said
than done.

The most significant characteristic of any successful e-

government application is its quality (Signore, et al 2005)
and accessibility. The issue (Cost, Time) of integration of
legacy systems comes onto the scene. As the information
collected by governments may be politically sensitive,
installation of appropriate security mechanisms may be an
important technical consideration. At the same time, many
other policy issues need to be resolved, such as
authentication and confidentiality.

1. Digital Divide
The digital divide refers to the separation that exists
between individuals, communities, and businesses that
have access to information technology and those that do
not have such access. Social, economic, infrastructural
and ethno-linguistic indicators provide explanations for the
presence of the digital divide. Economic poverty is closely
related to limited information technology resources. An
individual living below poverty line does not afford a
computer for him to harness the benefits of e-government
and other online services. As the digital divide narrows,
broader adoption of e-government in the public domain
becomes possible. E-governance is totally based on
modern technology and it will be a failure if this part is not
taken into consideration. Technology has to be in the
reach of the people for whom the policies are made and
who have to use them.

2. Lack of communication
India is a country which has decentralized government
and in such a case the power is decentralized and does
not only rest in the hands of centre but divided in different
spheres and departments, so the lack of communication
between these departments is one of the biggest
challenge that India has to face while opting for E-
governance. So the information that exists in one
department has no or very little use with respect to some
other department of the government.

3. Population
This comes out to be probably biggest challenge for the e-
governance. E-governance requires huge amount of work
for making the databases of the citizens of the country and
doing it efficiently for such a population is in itself a very
big task. Security issues and privacy issues are also to be
dealt with proper care and so it becomes a little hindrance.
4. Different Languages
In a country like India which is highly diverse, language
comes as a barrier in the path of communication and this
is a very important expect of success of the any scheme.
Ensuring E-Governance in local language is a big task to
achieve. Supplying information to the public in a language
that they understand and are comfortable with, and
generally, it is the local language. As, technology is
available by which transliteration from English into other
languages can be made. Therefore, the problem is
manageable provided there is enough motivation to do this
onerous task.

E-governance in India
The “e” in e-Governance stands for ‘electronic’. Thus, e-
Governance is basically associated with carrying out the
functions and achieving the results of governance through
the utilization of ICT (Information and Communications
While Governance relates to safeguarding the legal rights
of all citizens, an equally important aspect is concerned
with ensuring equitable access to public services and the
benefits of economic growth to all. It also ensures
government to be transparent in its dealings, accountable
for its activities and faster in its responses as part of good
governance.Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, former President of
India, has envisaged e-Governance in the Indian
framework as “A transparent smart e-Governance with
seamless access, secure and authentic flow of information
crossing the interdepartmental barrier and providing a fair
and unbiased service to the citizen.”

Success Stories Of E-Governance

In India
1. Bhoomi
Bhoomi is the Land Records computerization effort by the
Government of Karnataka. Work on the project commenced in
1999. In 2001, the first online services were provided to the
citizens and other stakeholders of the project Bhoomi has not only
sustained its commendable levels of service achieved in 2006,
but has also made very significant progress over the past five
years, i.e., from 2006 to 2011. Currently, as many as two and half
crores of property records are being issued to citizens every year,
under the Bhoomi programme.

2. Gyandoot
Intranet in Tribal District of Dhar [18] (State Government of
Madhya Pradesh) This project offers e-governance services
including online registration of applications, rural e-mail facility,
village auction site etc. It also provides services such as
Information on Mandi (farm products market) rates, On-line public
grievance redressal, caste & income certificates and Rural Market
(Gaon ka Bazaar). It was winner of Stockholm challenge IT Award
Countries like India people are poor and infrastructures
are not up to the mark. Under such condition it becomes
very difficult to provide government services to the people.
There are number of reasons for that- 2.

1 Poverty
Internet access is too expensive for the poor in developing
countries like India. Installing the necessary telephone
lines needed for internet or email access is equally
unaffordable in most poor countries. In India, each
telephone connection may cost as much as Rs30,000 in
urban areas and Rs70,000–80,000 in villages, which is
unaffordable by most low income families.

2. Technical illiteracy
There is general lack of technical literacy as well as
literacy in countries like India, the correlation between
education level and use of electronic means or Internet
and other ICT means are quite significant.

3. Language Dominance
The dominance of English on the internet constrains the
access of non-English-speaking population. It is found that
of all the web pages in the world, about 84 percent are in
English. In the case of India, 95 percent of the population
does not speak English [6]. Due to such overwhelming
dominance of English over these communication
channels, computers and the internet are quite useless in
Indian villages, and the use of local languages does little
to alleviate the problem due to the poor literacy level
mentioned earlier.

4. Unawareness
There is general lack of awareness regarding benefits of
e-governance as well as the process involved in
implementing successful G-C, G-G and G-B projects. The
administrative structure is not geared for maintaining,
storing and retrieving the governance information

5. Lack of Participations of Society, Public

and Private sectors
Designing of any application requires a very close
interaction between the govt. department and the agency
developing the solutions. At present the users in govt.
departments do not contribute enough to design the
solution architecture. Consequently the solution developed
and implemented does not meet the requirements of an e-
governance project and hence does not get implemented.

6. Inequality
Inequality in gaining access to public sector services
between various sections of citizens, especially between
urban and rural communities, between the educated and
illiterate, and between the rich and poor.
7. Infrastructure
Lack of necessary infrastructure like electricity, internet,
technology and ways of communications as in Table1 will
affect the speed which delays the implementation.

8.Impediments for the Re-Engineering

Implementation of e-governance projects requires lots of
restructuring in administrative processes, redefining of
administrative procedures and formats which finds the
resistance in almost all the departments at all the levels.

9. Operational Reluctance
The psychology of government servants is quite different
from that of private sectors. Traditionally the government
servants have derived their sustenance from the fact that
they are important repositories of government data. Thus
any effort to implement Documents Management and
workflow technologies or bringing out the change in the
system is met with resistance from the government
 E-governance is playing an increasingly important role in
modern governance.
 Various agencies of the government & civil society
organizations have taken a large number of initiatives
across the country.
 E-governance initiatives can be successfully
implemented in the 28 states & 7 union territories
covering more than 1 billion population.
 This capacity is show; India would further strengthen the
strong & dynamic democratic institutions & thereby
secure growth & development for all its citizens.

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