Data Analysis & Interpretation Analysis Between Students Purchase Intention and Mobile Brands

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Analysis between Students Purchase Intention and Mobile brands


Since the p-value is lesser than 0.05 (i.e. 0.010< 0.05), the alternate hypothesis (H1) is
accepted. Hence it is clear that there is an association between student purchase intention and
brand name of mobile phones.
Analysis between Favorite Mobile Brand and Money Spent

Since the p-value is lesser than 0.05 (i.e. 0.014 < 0.05), the alternative hypothesis (H1) is
accepted. Hence it is clear that there is a relationship between Brand of the mobile phones and
money spend on it.

Analysis between Mobile Phone Features and Purchase Intention


Since the p-value is lesser than 0.05 (i.e. 0.032 < 0.05), the alternative hypothesis (H1) is
accepted. Hence it is clear that there is a relationship between students buying behavior and the
mobile phone features.

Correlation of Mobile Phone Purchase Decision


Sincethere is a Positive Correlation exists among the various purchase criteria, the

alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Hence it is clear that there are significant factors which

influence the mobile phone purchase decision of students.

Majority of students are willing to buy the branded mobile phones.
Most of the students are currently using Samsung mobile phone.
33% of students change their mobile phones every six months.
Only 17% of students are using their mobile phones more than 2 years.
79% of the students are satisfied with their mobile phone they are currently using.
45% of students changed their old mobile phones because of Out of Fashion.

Most favorite mobile brand among the students (33%) is Samsung and the least favorite brand is
HTC. Secondly 20% of the students are willing to buy Apple Iphone.
50% of the students expect Mobile Technical Specifications as important while buying the mobile

Students also looks for the features such as Price, Design, Colour, Operating system, Camera Pixel
range and mobile brand image as a important quality.

Nearly 52% of the students look for the Brand Image of the mobile while buying the mobile

Most of the students (64%) feel RAM as a most important factor in mobile phones. They also look
for Screen size, Touch Screen and Finger Print Sensor as a considerable factor.

In mobile phones, majority of the students (33%) are impressed by the Promotional & Exclusive
70% of the students are comfortable to use Medium Size Mobile phones.
50% of the students are planned to spend Rs. 10000 – Rs. 20000 for their favorite mobile brand in
Appearance, Price, Brand Image and advertisement are the important factors for the students while
purchasing mobile phones.

Mobile companies should provide better service and try to solve the hanging problem
Cellular companies should increase the awareness about the 4G service as the Reliance Jio did.

Mobile Companies should offer more range of Rs. 10,000 or less than Rs.20,000 because majority
are willing to buy mobiles in this range.

HTC, Lenovo, LG and One+ should try to expand its market share and also should try to increase
the awareness through the television advertisement.
All companies should increase their distribution channel.
The companies should continue to work on the Strategy of T.Q.M (Total Quality Management)

Consumers do not get satisfied with the promotional policies of the companies. New techniques
of promotion are required to create awareness about the entire range of company products.

A small sample size of 60 students is taken, so we cannot draw inferences about the population
from this sample size. Time period is short and resource constraints. The scope of the project is
limited to the city of Chennai Students. So, we cannot say that the same response will exist
throughout India. This study is based on the prevailing student’s satisfaction on different mobile
brands. But the student’s satisfaction may change according to time, fashion, technology,
development, etc.

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