Security Dispatch Process: by Erfan Bathaei & Alexandru-Costin Baroiu

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Security Dispatch


By Erfan Bathaei &

Alexandru-Costin Baroiu
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Modelling the current process (“AS-IS”)...................................................................................................... 1
Evaluating the Security Dispatch process – Analysis and Simulation .......................................................... 7
Improved Model (“TO-BE”)....................................................................................................................... 13
AKA Group Security is a private security firm. For this project, we have elected to model the security
dispatch process, which occurs each time an alarm is received in the dispatch center.

For each alarm received, the dispatcher processes it. This means he identifies its type, if it is a burglary or
an emergency. Usually, burglaries can be false alarms. After the dispatcher has identified the alarm type,
he notifies the according security teams. If necessary, or in case of an emergency, back up is required. When
the teams reach the objective, they search the area to see if it is a false alarm. Most of the times this is the
case. If the alarm is real, they will intervene and the dispatcher will notify the police. Most of the times the
culprits are caught and handed over to the police. After each activity of this sort, a report is made by the
security manager, to notify his superiors of the decisions made and the order of events.

Modelling the current process (“AS-IS”)

First up, we have the Company Map, with the Security Dispatch being the main process.

Figure 1. Company Map

The three sub-process that are included in Security Dispatch are: System check-up, Process Alarm and
Dispatch coordination and Coordinate Remotely.

Next up, we will see from what activities is each sub-process composed of:

- System check-up:
o Fix problem remotely
o Settle appointment
o Fix on site
o Fix the problem
o Order new parts
o Settle second appointment
o Install new parts
- Process alarm:
o Identify alarm type
o Dispatch team1
o Dispatch team2
o Dispatch reinforcements
o Notify client
- Dispatch coordination:
o Contact Security Manager
o Contact dispatched teams
o Coordinate remotely
o Offer back-up
- Coordinate remotely:
o Check teams status
o Select action plan
o Provide feedback
o Make adjustments

Next up, we will have the models of the process and sub-processes:

Figure 2. Security Dispatch Process

Figure 3. Security Check-up Sub-process

Figure 4. Process Alarm Sub-process

Figure 5. Dispatch coordination Sub-process

Figure 6. Coordinate remotely Sub-process

For each of the activities there have been established 3 defining times, as following:

- Execution time: the actual time during which the activity takes place; measured in hours or minutes,
depending on the situation.

- Waiting time: represents the waiting time until finalization of current activity. Its length depends of the

- Resting time: represents the actual time during which the executor of the action is resting.

For example, for the activity Notify Client, under Process Alarm Sub-process, we have set the following

- Execution time: 00:000:00:02:00

- Waiting time: 00:000:00:00:30

- Resting time: 00:000:00:00:20

For the other activities presented in the project, the times were set in accordance with the above presented

The Working Environment is used to define the Human Resources used in the processes, and it is as follows:

Figure 7. Working Environment

We have assessed that the Security Dispatch process requires: 2 Dispatchers, 2 Security Agents, a
Technician and a Security Manager.

For simulation, the Human Resources parameters are as follows:

- The Dispatcher works 12hrs/day, 4days/week, and has a hourly wage of 10RON
- The Security Agent works 12hrs/day, 4days/week, and has a hourly wage of 12RON
- The Technician works 8hrs/day, 5days/week, and has a hourly wage of 13RON
- The Security Manager works 8hrs/day, 5days/week, and has a hourly wage of 15RON

There are 2 resources in the model, the Computer, EDP system type, used by the Dispatcher and the Radio
Station, Communication system type, used by the Security Agent.

Evaluating the Security Dispatch process – Analysis and Simulation

I. Analyzing the process

Consistency Check

Analysis - Queries on Business Process Models - Consistency Check on business process models, option:
Perform all queries above.


Figure 8. Consistency Check

The results were also saved under the CSV extension. It is under the name Consistency Check.csv.

Relation Tables

Analysis - Relation Table on Business Process models - Activity-Responsible role table.


Figure 9. Responsible Role Table

The results were also saved under the CSV extension. It is under the name Responsible Table.csv.

Analytic Evaluation

This type of Evaluation was conducted considering a volume of 1.


Figure 10. Analytic Evaluation Volume 1

The results were also saved under the CSV extension. It is under the name Analytic Evaluation Volume

This type of Evaluation was conducted considering a volume of 10.


Figure 11. Analytic Evaluation Volume 10

The results were also saved under the CSV extension. It is under the name Analytic Evaluation Volume


We have used a pre-defined query, analyzing the activities conducted by the Dispatcher.


Figure 12. Pre-defined query

The results were also saved under the CSV extension. It is under the name Pre-defined query.csv.

II. Simulating the Process

Path Analysis

We have considered two simulations (for path 4 and path 7), the results of both of them being exported
under the files: Path Analysis Results_Path4.txt and Path Analysis Results_Path7.txt.

Following the simulation, we have also realized a query to see how many of the activities take less than 5
hours. The results can be seen in the below figure:

Figure 13. Simulation Query

Capacity Analysis

Process related


Figure 14. Capacity Analysis Process Related

The results were also saved under the CSV extension. It is under the name Capacity Analysis - Process

Person related


Figure 15. Capacity Analysis - Person Related

The results were also saved under the CSV extension. It is under the name Capacity Analysis - Person

From the Capacity Analysis, it can be seen that the Technician doesn’t play a big part in the process. Also,
he has the highest cost, amassing over 90% of the entire cost for the Security Dispatch process. Also, two
security agents may be too much, seeing how one should do the job just fine.

Improved Model (“TO-BE”)

Following the analysis, we have these recommendations:

1. The company should seek better ways to utilize its Technicians, seeing how they have such a huge
cost and aren’t involved too much in the main process.
2. The company should find ways to better distribute its security agents, seeing how one could easily
do the job that two are doing at the moment.
3. The company should look to hire new dispatchers, as they have the lowest cost and at the moment
are the most overworked.
4. Also, even if it isn’t urgent, the company should find ways to better utilize the Security Manager,
maybe find new things for him to do, seeing how he has pretty big cost compared to the more
efficient employees.

Taking into account the recommendations made, the company should see a boost in its productivity,
response time and cost reduction. Also, a regularly process analysis should be made, in order to detect
problems and offer better solutions to known activities.


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