BIS Locker Manual Instruction
BIS Locker Manual Instruction
BIS Locker Manual Instruction
1. System Overview
Reset Button
Note: S1= “S” stands for Assigned-Use key mode (Hotel lock function);
The BIS software comes on a CD. The software can be installed on any PC running Windows 98, 2000, NT,
XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win sever 2003, Win server 2008.
Most common brand PCs that meet the requirements for Windows98, 2000, NT, XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win
sever 2003, Win server 2008 can be used
Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7/8
Closing UAC is necessary before installing be-tech locking system, otherwise you will get an error while
running the software, and then you can not use the software. Please see below to close in Win 7 and Win 8.
“Never notify”,
and press
“OK”, restart
Choose “Never
notify”, and press
“OK”, restart your
3. Software installations
Click Next
4. Load software
If you can’t run the software in QS Win 8, please right click “BIS Hotel 5.7” and select “Run as administrator”
Before programming a lock, make sure all of the information is ready, such as locker types, locker numbers,
time sections, emergence cards, staff cards are completed.
Create Group
Create Locker
Choose the
locker and right
click, setup the
locker type. You
can select all
lockers or one
by one.
Every Member code template is the unique and it is a sign of member. So before the adding, please assign
the code template to every member by a plan.
Right click
Making a lock accept key cards, there are four key points are required.
1. System ID card
1. If you just test something of the lock,
please do not change the system ID,
otherwise the cards can not be used
anymore in new software.
2. Issuing a system ID card with changing
password is normally for the hotel that has
been completed already.
3. The previous cards without changing
system ID can not be used to open the
doors in the same hotel after new system
ID is set.
Click “OK”
Click “OK”
Click ‘OK”
Explanation of System password: Software, key card, lock,, their original system password has been set; we
call it “Be-tech password”. (However, clients no need to know what the original password is).
Due to there are so many clients all over the world, all locks are with “Be-tech password”, they are not safe
that we can open all doors as if we keep a general card, we have to issue a new system ID card to change the
system ID, then new system is no more “Be-tech password”. The system ID is changed, and all relative
components must be matched with system ID so that the whole system is working.
Select one locker, right click and find out “lock setting”
No permission
With permissions
Self select function occupies sector 14, so make sure your cards have been encrypted,
otherwise there will be error when programming the card.
Need to setup the information before programming card keys, such as: locker type, locker ID,
and setup locker’s system ID, locker ID, emergncy cards.
When the locker is under unlocked status, scan the key card to the card key read, then locker is locked.
Note :Emengncy key is able to open the locker by one time, if you want to make it work
again, you need to encoder it agian on the software.
9. Back up database
When all of setup is done in the software, backup the database is necessary.
Normally, there will be user register in 30 days after you install the software. In that case, you need to have
the software registered; so please send this user code to Be-Tech for a registered code. Otherwise, you can’t
use the software anymore out of 30 days.
Note: The user code will be changed when close it and re-start. Different user code is required different
registered code.
If you want to have the software registered after software installed, you can click “Help” and “Register”, then
you will see the “User register”
Reason: The card’s system ID is different from software’s. Check if the software is changed system ID. If the
software is not changed system ID (as below), the card is ever changed system ID. In this case, you have to
use another new cards.