Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca: Javier Steven Londoño P
Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca: Javier Steven Londoño P
Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca: Javier Steven Londoño P
1. Article
J.R. Dunkelberger* , C.S. Ho† , A.S. Hess* , N.V.L. Serão* , J.K. Lunney‡ , and
J.C.M. Dekkers* * Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University, Ames, IA;
† Gift of Life Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; ‡ USDA, ARS, BARC, APDL, Beltsville, MD
3. Article
The swine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) or swine leukocyte antigen
(SLA) complex is one of the most gene-dense regions in the swine genome. It
consists of three major gene clusters, the SLA class I, class III and class II regions,
that span 1.1, 0.7 and 0.5 Mb, respectively, making the swine MHC the smallest
among mammalian MHC so far examined and the only one known to span the
centromere. This review summarizes recent updates to the Immuno Polymorphism
Database-MHC (IPD-MHC) website (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ipd/mhc/sla/) which
serves as the repository for maintaining a list of all SLA recognized genes and their
allelic sequences. It reviews the expression of SLA proteins on cell subsets and
their role in antigen presentation and regulating immune responses. It concludes
by discussing the role of SLA genes in swine models of transplantation,
xenotransplantation, cancer and allergy and in swine production traits and
responses to infectious disease and vaccines.
4. Article
Crossreactivity of anti-HLA antibodies with SLA alleles may limit the use of pig
xenografts in some highly sensitized patients. An understanding of the molecular
basis for this crossreactivity may allow better selection of xenograft donors. We
have tested 68 human monoclonal HLA class I antibodies (mAbs) for reactivity with
pig lymphocytes from SLA defined pigs and found nine to be crossreactive. Eight of
nine were broadly HLA reactive IgM-mAbs. The putative HLA epitopes for seven
mAbs. were conserved in the aminoacid sequence of the SLA alleles studied. The
lack of reactivity of a large number of mAbs largely correlated with the absence of
the putative epitopes in the SLA alleles studied. We conclude that most patients
with anti-HLA class I antibodies should be able to find pig donors lacking SLA
antigens that cross react with their antibodies and that many of the crossreacting
epitopes can be defined by analysis of shared epitopes in the aminoacid sequence
of human and pig MHC antigens.
5. Article
Relationships between the polymorphism of
myosin heavy chains and selected meat quality
traits of pigs with different susceptibility to stress
The aim of the investigations was to analyse the share of myosin heavy chains
(MHC) isoforms (type I, IIa, IIb, and IIx) in the longissimus thoracis et lumborum
muscle derived from pigs of different RYR1 genotypes (TT – homozygous
negative, CT – heterozygous, CC – homozygous positive). The composition of the
MHC isoforms in the muscle tissue of the examined animals was referred to
selected meat quality traits. It was revealed that the animals with the CT and TT
genotypes were characterized by a significantly (P≤0.05) lower share of the type I
and higher share of the type IIb MHC isoform in comparison to homozygotes CC.
Inferior tenderness and water holding capacity of meat obtained from pigs
susceptible to stress (TT) at 144 h after slaughter could have been associated,
among others things, with the increased share of MHC isoform type IIb. The
composition of MHC isoforms might be a useful indicator in breeding work in the
selection of animals carrying the gene of susceptibility to stress.
6. Article
In pig, very little information is available on the non classical class I (Ib) genes of
the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) i.e. SLA-6, -7 and -8. Our aim was to
focus on the transcription pattern of the SLA-7 gene. RT-PCR experiments were
carried out with SLA-7 specific primers targeting either the full coding sequence
(CDS) from exon 1 to the 3 prime untranslated region (3UTR) or a partial CDS from
exon 4 to the 3UTR. We show that the SLA-7 gene expresses a full length
transcript not yet identified that refines annotation of the gene with eight exons
instead of seven as initially described from the existing RefSeq RNA. These two
RNAs encode molecules that differ in cytoplasmic tail length. In this study,
another SLA-7 transcript variant was characterized, which encodes a protein with a
shorter alpha 3 domain, as a consequence of a splicing site within exon 4.
Surprisingly, a cryptic non canonical GA-AG splicing site is used to generate this
transcript variant. An additional SLA-7 variant was also identified in the 3UTR with
a splicing site occurring 31 nucleotides downstream to the stop codon. In
conclusion, the pig SLA-7MHC class Ib gene presents a complex transcription
pattern with two transcripts encoding various molecules and transcripts that do not
alter the CDS and may be subject to post-transcriptional regulation.
7. Article
The objective was to investigate the intracelular localization and association of pig
major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I subunits with invariant chain (Ii).
Pig MHC class I subunit cDNAs were cloned by RT-PCR and eukaryotic
expression plasmids of α and β2m were constructed with fusions to red or
enhanced green fluorescent protein (pDsRed2-N1-α, pEGFP-N1-α, pDsRed2-N1-
β2m, and pEGFP-N1-β2m). A pig Ii mutant with a deleted CLIP región (DCLIP-Ii)
was constructed by overlap extension PCR. Wild-type Ii and mutant Ii were cloned
into pEGFP-C1 (pEGFP-C1-Ii, pEGFP-C1- DCLIP-Ii). The recombinant plasmids of
MHC I subunits and pEGFPC1-Ii (pEGFP-C1-DCLIP-Ii) were transiently
cotransfected into COS-7 cells with Lipofectamine 2000. Immunofluorescence
microscopy was performed to detect expression and intracellular localization of Ii
and MHC I subunits, and immunoprecipitation was used to analyze their
association. Our results indicated that pig Ii associates with integrated MHC I
subunits to form oligomers, but cannot associate with single MHC I subunits.
Furthermore, deletion of the Ii CLIP sequence blocks association with integrated
MHC I subunits. Thus, pig Ii cannot associate with a single MHC I molecule, the α
or β2m chain, but Ii and the integrated MHC I molecule can form complexes that
colocalize in the endomembranes of COS-7 cells. The Ii of CLIP plays a key role in
assembly of Ii and MHC I.
8. Article
Lizhou Tang, Long Yu, Jiangang Chen, Junjie Wang, Mei Ma, Weidong Lu and
Tongzuo Zhang.
DNA sequences of swine leukocyte antigens (SLA) DRB exon 2 from five
populations were used to investigate genetic polymorphism of black Dahe pig in
Yunnan province of China. Our results showed that the SLA-DRB exon 2 of black
Dahe pig obtained high variable rate of 23.50%, which was higher than the values
analyzed for cattles or other livestocks. The average G + C content at the third
synonymous variable coding positions (GC3) was closed to 0.78. The amino acids
composition rate and majority of relative synonymous codon usage were near the
ranges of 0.00 to 11.27 and 1.00 to 2.00, respectively. These significant
polymorphism, high GC3 content and differentiation of preferred codón usage
could be resulted from over dominance selection, base compositional bias and the
diversity of gene expression level. Aforementioned results adequately testified the
SLA-DRB exon 2 may be an important genetic marker for studies in genetic
diversity, population genetics, breeding reproduction investigation and exploring
new functional genes of black Dahe pig.
9. Article
Immunotherapy has increased overall survival of metastatic cancer patients, and
cancer antigens are promising vaccine targets. To fulfill the promise, appropriate
tailoring of the vaccine formulations to mount in vivo cytotoxic T cell (CTL)
responses toward co-delivered cancer antigens is essential. Previous development
of therapeutic cancer vaccines has largely been based on studies in mice, and the
majority of these candidate vaccines failed to induce therapeutic responses in the
subsequent human clinical trials. Given that antigen dose and vaccine volume in
pigs are translatable to humans and the porcine immunome is closer related to the
human counterpart, we here introduce pigs as a supplementary large animal model
for human cancer vaccine development. IDO and RhoC, both important in human
cancer development and progression, were used as vaccine targets and 12 pigs
were immunized with overlapping 20mer peptides spanning the entire porcine IDO
and RhoC sequences formulated in CTL-inducing adjuvants: CAF09, CASAC,
Montanide ISA 51 VG, or PBS. Taking advantage of recombinant swine MHC class
I molecules (SLAs), the peptide-SLA complex stability was measured for 198 IDO-
or RhoC-derived 9-11mer peptides predicted to bind to SLA-1∗04:01, −1 ∗07:02,
−2 ∗04:01, −2 ∗05:02, and/or −3 ∗04:01. This identified 89 stable (t½ ≥ 0.5 h)
peptide-SLA complexes. By IFN-γ release in PBMC cultures we monitored the
vaccine-induced peptide-specific CTL responses, and found responses to both
IDO- and RhoC-derived peptides across all groups with no adjuvant being superior.
These findings support the further use of pigs as a large animal model for vaccine
development against human cancer
10. Article
An important component for successful translation of cell replacement-based
therapies into clinical practice is the utilization of large animal models to conduct
efficacy and/or safety cell dosing studies. Over the past few decades, several large
animal models (dog, cat, nonhuman primate) were developed and employed in cell
replacement studies; however, none of these models appears to provide a readily
available platform to conduct effective and large-scale preclinical studies. In recent
years, numerous pig models of neurodegenerative disorders were developed using
both a transgenic approach as well as invasive surgical techniques. The pig model
(na€ıve noninjured animals) was recently used successfully to define the safety
and optimal dosing of human spinal stem cells after grafting into the central
nervous system (CNS) in immunosuppressed animals. The data from these studies
were used in the design of a human clinical protocol used in amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis (ALS) patients in a Phase I clinical trial. In addition, a highly inbred
(complete major histocompatibility complex [MHC] match) strain of miniature pigs
is available which permits the design of comparable MHC combinations between
the donor cells and the graft recipient as used in human patients. Jointly, these
studies show that the pig model can represent an effective large animal model to
be used in preclinical cell replacement modeling. This review summarizes the
available pig models of neurodegenerative disorders and the use of some of these
models in cell replacement studies. The challenges and potential future directions
in more effective use of the pig neurodegenerative models are also discussed.
11. Article
A number of studies have mapped QTL regulating porcine fatness and growth
traits to the region of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on porcine
chromosome 7 using various experimental crosses. The QTL results from crosses
using the Chinese Meishan (MS) (slow growing and fat) are particularly interesting
because the MS alleles have been found to be associated with increased growth
rate and reduced backfat depth. We investigated these QTL further in a composite
population derived previously over eight generations by intercrossing Meishan and
the European Large White breeds. Genotype information from 32 markers in a
15cM target region was used in linkage and association analyses. A twostep
variance component analysis identified QTL for three growth-related traits,
explaining 19 24% of the phenotypic variance with a confidence interval of 4 cM in
the target region. SNP association analyses found that ss181128966 and
ss181128924 within the QTL interval were strongly associated with the growth
traits. Only weak signals for an effect on backfat depth were found in the
association and linkage analyses, possibly because of past directional selection in
the composite population.
12. Article
Comparative analysis of the immune systems of food and companion animals has
revealed differences in the composition of T lymphocyte subpopulations in
ruminants and pigs. The difference in ruminants is attributable to the presence of a
major subset of gamma/delta T cells that appears to have undergone expansion in
the course of evolutionof ruminants. This subset is characterized by the expression
of two lineage restricted molecules, WC1 (bovine workshop cluster 1) andGD3.5
and restricted usage of gamma genes of TCR1 and Vgammasequences. The
difference in pigs is attributable to the presenceof a similar orthologous subset of
gamma/delta T cells and the expression ofCD4, CD8, and MHC class II molecules
on alpha/beta T cell subsets. As inruminants, the unique gamma/delta T cell subset
is characterizedby the expression of two lineage restricted molecules, one
thatappears to be the porcine orthologue of WC1 and WC6 (porcineworkshop
cluster 6). No information is available on the possiblerelation of GD3.5 and WC6.
In contrast to other species, alpha/betaT cells are divided into multiple subsets
characterized by thedifferential expression of CD4, CD8alpha/alpha,
CD8alpha/beta, andMHC class II molecules. These observations suggest the
mechanismsregulating the development and expression of immune responses
toinfectious agents and derived vaccines may differ from thosedescribed in rodents
and humans.
13. Article
Joan Tarradas, Marta Monsó, Marta Munoz, Rosa Rosell, Lorenzo Frailea, Maria
Teresa Frías, Mariano Domingoa, David Andreub, Francisco Sobrino, Llilianne
14. Article
15. Article
Creating Class I MHC−Null Pigs Using Guide RNA and the Cas9
Pigs are emerging as important large animal models for biomedical research, and
they may represent a source of organs for xenotransplantation. The MHC is pivotal
to the function of the immune system in health and disease, and it is particularly
important in infection and transplant rejection. Pigs deficient in class I MHC could
serve as important reagents to study viral immunity as well as allograft and
xenograft rejection. In this study, we report the creation and characterization of
class I MHC knockout pigs using the Cas9 nuclease and guide RNAs. Pig fetal
fibroblasts were genetically engineered using Cas9 and guide RNAs, and class I
MHC2 cells were then used as nuclear donors for somatic cell nuclear transfer. We
produced three piglets devoid of all cell surface class I proteins. Although these
animals have reduced levels of CD42CD8+ T cells in peripheral blood, the pigs
appear healthy and are developing normally. These pigs are a promising reagent
for immunological research.
Haplessly Hoping: Macaque Major Histocompatibility Complex
Made Easy
Roger W. Wiseman, Julie A. Karl, Patrick S. Bohn, Francesca A. Nimityongskul,
Gabriel J. Starrett, and David H. O’Connor
17. Article
Swine leucocyte antigen (SLA) class II molecules on porcine (p) cells play a crucial
role in xenotransplantation as activators of recipient human CD4+ T cells. A human
dominant-negative mutant class II transactivator (CIITA-DN) transgene under a
CAG promoter with an endotheliumspecific Tie2 enhancer was constructed. CIITA-
DN transgenic pigs were produced by nuclear transfer/embryo transfer. CIITA-DN
pig cells were evaluated for expression of SLA class II with/without activation, and
the human CD4+ T-cell response to cells from CIITA-DN and wild-type (WT) pigs
was compared. Lymphocyte subset numbers and T-cell function in CIITA-DN pigs
were compared with those in WT pigs. The expression of SLA class II on antigen-
presenting cells from CIITA-DN pigs was significantly reduced (40–50% reduction
compared with WT; P < 001), and was completely suppressed on aortic endothelial
cells (AECs) even after activation (100% suppression; P < 001). The human CD4+
T-cell response to CIITA-DN pAECs was significantly weaker than to WT pAECs
(60–80% suppression; P < 001). Although there was a significantly lower frequency
of CD4+ cells in the PBMCs from CIITA-DN (20%) than from WT (30%) pigs (P <
001), T-cell proliferation was similar, suggesting no significant immunological
compromise. Organs and cells from CIITA-DN pigs should be partially protected
from the human cellular immune response.
18. Article
Feral pigs in the northern South Island are derived from 14 breeds which originated
under domestication in Polynesia, Europe, and Asia. Pigs were first established in
the Marlborough Sounds by Captain Cook in 1773. The original animals were
obtained in Tonga and Tahiti, and were probably S. scrofa vittatus, of Indo-Malay
origin. The domestic breeds subsequently established between the 1830s and the
1970s were mostly of Eurasian origin. These breeds had diverse genetic histories
and physical characteristics. Feral pigs now occupy 30% (20, 000 km2) of the study
area. Overall distribution has expanded slightly (6%) since the 1970s because of
liberations and natural spread. Pig distribution by habitat was: farmland 56%;
indigenous forests 37%; and pine plantations 7%. Pig densities have declined
since the 1970s as a result of intensified hunting.
19. Article
Swine exhibited various degrees of inflammation and acute lung injury (ALI),
including one death with severe ALI (P/F ratio <200 and static compliance <10
L/cmH2O). Plasma interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor
(TNF)-α, high mobility group box-1 (HMGB1), and NO2−/NO3−,, were significantly (p
<0.05) elevated over the course of the experiment. Principal Component Analysis
(PCA) was used to suggest principal drivers of inflammation. Based in part on
PCA, an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) model was constructed, consisting
of the lung and the blood (as a surrogate for the rest of the body), in which
endotoxin induces TNF-αin monocytes in the blood, followed by the trafficking of
these cells into the lung leading to the release of HMGB1, which in turn stimulates
the release of IL-1βfrom resident macrophages. The ODE model also included
blood pressure, PaO2, and FiO2, and a damage variable that summarizes the
health of the animal. This ODE model could be fit to both inflammatory and
physiologic data in the individual swine. The predicted time course of damage
could be matched to the Oxygen Index in 3 of the 4 swine.
20. Article
Although hunger and satiety are mainly centrally regulated, there is convincing
evidence that also gastrointestinal motor activity and hormone fluctuations
significantly contribute to appetite signalling. In this study, we investigated how
motility and enteric nerve activity are set by fasting and feeding. By means of
video-imaging, we tested whether peristaltic activity differs in ex vivo preparations
from fasted and re-fed guinea pigs. Ca2+ imaging was used to investigate whether
the feeding state directly alters neuronal activity, either occurring spontaneously or
evoked by (an)orexigenic signalling molecules. We found that pressure-induced (2
cmH2O) peristaltic activity occurs at a higher frequency in ileal segments from re-
fed animals (re-fed versus fasted, 6.12 ± 0.22 vs. 4.84 ± 0.52 waves min−1, P=
0.028), even in vitro hours after death. Myenteric neuronal responses were tuned
to the feeding status, since neurons in tissues from re-fed animals remained hyper-
responsive to high K+-evoked depolarization (P < 0.001) and anorexigenic
molecules (P < 0.001), while being less responsive to orexigenic ghrelin (P=
0.013). This illustrates that the feeding status remains ‘imprinted’ex vivo. We were
able to reproduce this feeding state-related memory in vitro and found humoral
feeding state-related factors to be implicated. Although the molecular link with
hyperactivity is not entirely elucidated yet, glucose-dependent pathways are clearly
involved in tuning neuronal excitability. We conclude that a bistable memory
system that tunes neuronal responses to fasting and re-feeding is present in the
enteric nervous system, increasing responses to depolarization and anorexigenic
molecules in the re-fed state, while decreasing responses to orexigenic ghrelin.
Unlike the hypothalamus, where specific cell populations sensitive to either
orexigenic or anorexigenic molecules exist, the enteric feeding state-related
memory system is present at the functional level of receptor signalling rather than
confined to specific neuron subtypes.
21. Article
This study aimed to develop a new auxiliary heterotopic partial liver transplantation
(AHPLT) technique in minipigs using a model of liver cirrhosis. Based on our
previous study, 14 minipigs were induced to cirrhosis by administration of carbon
tetrachloride (CCl4) through intraperitoneal injection. All of the cirrhotic animals
were utilized as recipients. The donor's liver was placed on the recipient's splenic
bed, and the anastomosis was performed as follows: end-to-end anastomosis
between the donor's portal vein and the recipient's splenic vein, end-to-side
anastomosis between the donor's suprahepatic vena cava and the recipient's
suprahepatic vena cava, and end-to-end anastomosis between the donor's hepatic
artery and the recipient's splenic artery. The common bile duct of the donor was
intubated and bile was collected with an extracorporeal bag. Vital signs, portal vein
pressure (PVP), hepatic venous pressure (HVP) and portal vein pressure gradient
(PVPG) were monitored throughout the transplantation. All 8 minipigs that
developed liver cirrhosis were utilized to establish the new AHPLT; 7 cases
survived. Following the surgical intervention, the PVP and PVPG of the recipients
were lower than those prior to the operation (P<0.05), whereas the PVP and PVPG
of the donors increased significantly compared to those of the normal animals
(P<0.05). A new operative technique for AHPLT has been successfully described
herein using a model of liver cirrhosis.
22. Article
The results observed demonstrate that the airway wall dilates to deep inspiration
manoeuvres but is unresponsive to deep expiratory manoeuvres.
23. Article
Large animal models are an essential tool in the development of rationally-based
new clinical therapies for preterm infants. We provide a description of the newborn
pig as a model of the preterm neonate in terms of growth parameters, physiology
and the requirement for intensive care over a range of gestational ages.
Twenty-nine litters of piglets (n = 298) were delivered by caesarean section at six
timepoints during gestation from 91d to 113d (term = 115d). Two groups, at 91 and
97d gestation, also received maternal glucocorticoid treatment. At four of these
timepoints, piglets (n = 79) were ventilated, sedated and monitored using standard
neonatal intensive care techniques for up to 8 h in various experimental protocols.
24. Article
Pulmonary alveoli have been studied for many years, yet no unifying hypothesis
exists for their dynamic mechanics during respiration due to their miniature size
(100-300 μm dimater in humans) and constant motion, which prevent standard
imaging techniques from visualizing four-dimensional dynamics of individual
alveoli in vivo. Here we report a new platform to image the first layer of air-filled
subpleural alveoli through the use of a lightweight optical frequency domain
imaging (OFDI) probe that can be placed upon the pleura to move with the lung
over the complete range of respiratory motion. This device enables in-
vivo acquisition of four-dimensional microscopic images of alveolar airspaces
(alveoli and ducts), within the same field of view, during continuous ventilation
without restricting the motion or modifying the structure of the alveoli. Results from
an exploratory study including three live swine suggest that subpleural alveolar air
spaces are best fit with a uniform expansion (r2 = 0.98) over a recruitment model
(r2 = 0.72). Simultaneously, however, the percentage change in volume shows
heterogeneous alveolar expansion within just a 1 mm x 1 mm field of view. These
results signify the importance of four-dimensional imaging tools, such as the device
presented here. Quantification of the dynamic response of the lung during
ventilation may help create more accurate modeling techniques and move toward a
more complete understanding of alveolar mechanics.
25. Article
The effects of breed, development, and nutrition on mRNA expression of the fat
mass and obesityassociated gene (FTO) and its relationship with intramuscular fat
(IMF) content in porcine muscle (m. longissimus dorsi; m.l.d.) were estimated.
Purebred Jinhua, Zhongbai, Yorkshire, Duroc, Duroc × Zhongbai (DZ), and Duroc
× Yorkshire × Landrace (DYL) pigs were used to investigate the effect of breed.
Pigs weighing 2.5, 10, 20, 40, 60, and 100 kg were selected to study the effects of
different stages of development. To study the effect of nutrition, four diets were
selected: corn-soybean (CS), CS with 1.2% conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) or
0.05% creatine monohydrate (CMH), and barley-soybean (BS). All eighty animals
were slaughtered, and m.l.d. samples were collected to examine FTO mRNA
expression and IMF content. Results showed that breed significantly affected FTO
mRNA expression and IMF content. FTO mRNA expression in the studied pigs
was in the order: Zhongbai and Yorkshire > Duroc and DZ > Jinhua and DYL. The
IMF content ordered by breed was Duroc > DZ > DYL > Jinhua > Zhongbai >
Yorkshire. Both FTO mRNA expression and IMF content increased with age of the
pigs, with the greatest difference seen between 100 kg pigs and all other weights.
In the study, none of the four diets had a significant effect (P > 0.05) on FTO
mRNA expression or IMF content. The study demonstrated that FTO mRNA
expression increased with increasing body weight and was significantly affected by
the breed of pigs. The results showed that FTO mRNA expression had an
inconsistent correlation with IMF content between breeds and developmental ages.