Skripsi UI Fischer Tropsch

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The Fischer 2 Tropsch Process

Fischer 2 Tropsch synthesis is a catalyzed chemical reaction in which
synthesis gas (syngas), a mixture of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydro-
gen (H2), is converted into gaseous, liquid, and solid hydrocarbons and
an appreciable amount of oxygenates (Chadeesingh, 2011). This pro-
cess is a highly promising, developing option for environmentally
sound production of chemicals and fuels from biomass, coal, and natu-
ral gas. In view of large coal and natural gas reserves, dwindling petro-
leum reserves, and significant, projected increases in demand for liquid
fuels, it is expected to play an ever increasing role in the coming dec-
ades. Fischer 2 Tropsch synthesis can be based on several synthesis gas
feedstocks including those from coal gasification, natural gas, and

Thus, as crude oil production decreases and its price increases, the
Fischer 2 Tropsch (F-T) technology which enables the production of
synthetic hydrocarbons from coal or natural gas feedstocks is becom-
ing an increasingly attractive technology in the energy mix. In fact,
coupled with this is the fact that Fischer 2 Tropsch products are ultra-
clean fuels in that they contain no aromatics, sulfur, or nitrogen com-
pounds. In essence, compared to petroleum derived gasoline and
diesel, the analogous fraction derived from the Fischer 2 Tropsch pro-
cess will burn to produce considerably less polyaromatic hydrocarbons
(PAHs), and no sulfur oxides (SOx) or nitrogen oxides (NOx).
With the intensification of global pressures to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions, legislative frameworks in Europe and the USA have
already been put in place to force producers of liquid transportation
fuels to comply with stricter emission standards. The impact of such
legislation is that dilution of petroleum derived fuels with the cleaner
Fischer 2 Tropsch derived hydrocarbons is becoming an increasingly
important way to achieve environmental compliance. It is thus not sur-
prising that Fischer 2 Tropsch technology now occupies a visible place
in the energy mix required for sustainable global development.
The Fischer 2 Tropsch Process 119

The history of Fischer 2 Tropsch technology dates back to over a

century and since the turn of the 21st Century there has been signifi-
cantly renewed interest in Fischer 2 Tropsch technology. In great part
this renaissance has been due to the exploitation of cheaper remote gas
(stranded gas), which has the effect of making the economics of
Fischer 2 Tropsch projects increasingly attractive.

A Fischer 2 Tropsch plant incorporates three major process blocks:

(1) production of synthesis gas, i.e. a mixture of carbon monoxide and
hydrogen (steam reforming), (2) conversion of synthesis gas to aliphatic
hydrocarbons and water (Fischer 2 Tropsch synthesis process), and
(3) hydrocracking of the longer chain, waxy synthetic hydrocarbons to
fuel grade fractions. Of these three steps, the production of synthesis
gas is the most energy intensive as well as expensive and this step can
account for as much as 50 to 75% of capital costs. While extensive
research has been undertaken with the aim of finding process improve-
ments in all three steps, this step has received the greatest attention. In
great measure, this has significantly impacted on allowing plants the
ability to attain a scale almost inconceivable until recent times. The
technological advances relating to this step are thus discussed in addi-
tion to the actual Fischer 2 Tropsch synthesis process. In summary,
the Fischer 2 Tropsch process yields a wide range of hydrocarbons,
from low-boiling gases to high-boiling wax.

This chapter discusses the various aspects of the Fischer 2 Tropsch

process and how research and development is ongoing with successes
being measured by the demonstration and commercialization of tech-
nologies such as a permeable membrane for the generation of high-
purity hydrogen, which in itself can be used to adjust the H2/CO ratio
of the synthesis gas produced.


The process for producing synthesis gas can be described as comprising
three components: (1) synthesis gas generation, (2) waste heat recovery,
and (3) gas processing (Chapters 1 and 3). Within each of the above
three listed systems are several options. For example, synthesis gas can
be generated to yield a range of compositions ranging from high-purity
hydrogen to high-purity carbon monoxide. Two major routes can be
utilized for high-purity gas production: (1) pressure swing adsorption
120 Gasification of Unconventional Feedstocks

and (2) utilization of a cold trap or reactor, where separation is

achieved by distillation at low temperatures. In fact, both processes
can also be used in combination as well. Unfortunately, both processes
require high capital expenditure. However, to address these concerns,
research and development is ongoing and successes can be measured
by the demonstration and commercialization of technologies such as a
permeable membrane for the generation of high-purity hydrogen.

2.1 Steam Reforming

Steam reforming (sometimes referred to as steam methane reforming,
SMR) is carried out by passing a preheated mixture comprising essen-
tially methane and steam through catalyst filled tubes. Since the reac-
tion is endothermic, heat must be provided in order to effect the
conversion. This is achieved by the use of burners located adjacent to
the tubes. The products of the process are a mixture of hydrogen, car-
bon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. Recovery of the heat from the
combustion products can be implemented in order to improve the effi-
ciency of the overall process.

To maximize the conversion of the methane feed, both a primary

and secondary reformer are generally utilized. A primary reformer  in
which the hydrocarbon feedstock is partially reacted with steam over a
nickel 2 alumina catalyst to produce a synthesis gas with an H2/CO
ratio of approximately 3:1  is used to effect 90 to 92% conversion of
methane. This is done in a fired tube furnace at 900 C (1650 F) at a
pressure of up to 450 psi. The unconverted methane is reacted with
oxygen at the top of a secondary autothermal reformer containing
nickel catalyst in the lower region of the vessel.

Two water 2 gas shift (WGS) reactors are used downstream of the
secondary reformer to adjust the H2/CO ratio, depending on the end
use of the steam reformed products. The first of these two reactors uti-
lizes an iron-based catalyst which is heated to approximately 400 C
(750 F). The second WGS reactor operates at 200 C (390 F) and is
charged with a copper-based catalyst.

The deposition of carbon can be an acute problem with the use of

nickel-based catalysts in the primary reformer (Rostrup-Neilsen, 1984;
Alstrup, 1988; Rostrup-Neilsen, 1993) and steps must be taken to pre-
vent carbon deposition on the catalyst. A successful technique is to use
a steam/carbon ratio in the feedstock gas that does not allow the
The Fischer 2 Tropsch Process 121

formation of carbon  however, this method results in lowering the

efficiency of the process. Another approach is to utilize sulfur passiv-
ation, which led to the development of the SPARG process (Rostrup-
Neilsen, 1984; Udengaard et al., 1992). This technique utilizes the
principle that the reaction leading to the deposition of carbon requires
a larger number of adjacent surface Ni atoms than does steam reform-
ing. When a fraction of the surface atoms are covered by sulfur, the
deposition of carbon is thus more greatly inhibited than steam reform-
ing reactions. A third approach is to use Group VIII metals (such as
platinum) that do not form carbides but, due to the high cost of such
metals, they do not compare to the economics associated with the use
of nickel.

A major challenge in steam reforming development is the energy

intensive nature of the process due to the high endothermic character
of the reactions. The trend in development thus is one which seeks
higher energy efficiency. Improvements in catalysts and metallurgy
require adaption to lower steam/carbon ratios and higher heat flux.

2.2 Autothermal Reforming

Autothermal reforming (ATR) was developed in the 1950s and is used
in commercial applications to provide synthesis gas for ammonia and
methanol synthesis (Chukwu, 2002; Krumpelt et al., 2002). In the case
of ammonia production, where high H2/CO ratios are needed, the
autothermal reforming process is operated at high steam/carbon ratios.
In the case of methanol synthesis, the required H2/CO ratio is provided
by manipulating the carbon dioxide recycle. In fact, development
and optimization of this technology has led to cost-effective
operation at very low steam/carbon feed ratios to produce carbon
monoxide-rich synthesis gas, for example, that which is preferred in
Fischer 2 Tropsch synthesis.
In the autothermal reforming process, the organic feedstock (e.g.,
natural gas) and steam (and sometimes carbon dioxide) are mixed
directly with oxygen and air in the reformer. The reformer itself com-
prises a refractory lined vessel which contains the catalyst, together
with an injector located at the top of the vessel. Partial oxidation reac-
tions occur in a region of the reactor referred to as the combustion
zone. It is the mixture from this zone which then flows through a cata-
lyst bed where the actual reforming reactions occur. Heat generated in
122 Gasification of Unconventional Feedstocks

the combustion zone from partial oxidation reactions is utilized in the

reforming zone, so that in the ideal case, it is possible that the auto-
thermal reforming process can exhibit heat balance.

When the autothermal reformer uses carbon dioxide, the H2:CO

ratio produced is 1:1; when the autothermal reformer uses steam, the
H2:CO ratio produced is 2.5:1. The reactions can be described in the
following equations, using CO2:
2CH4 1 O2 1 CO2 -3H2 1 3CO 1 H2 O 1 heat
Using steam:
4CH4 1 O2 1 2H2 O-10H2 1 4CO
The reactor itself consists of three zones: (1) the burner  here the
feed streams are mixed in a turbulent diffusion flame, (2) the combus-
tion zone  where partial oxidation reactions produce a mixture of car-
bon monoxide and hydrogen, and (3) the catalytic zone  where the
gases leaving the combustion zone reaches thermodynamic equilibrium.
The following are the advantages of using the autothermal reform-
ing process: (1) compact in design, hence less associated footprint,
(2) low investment, (3) economy of scale, (4) flexible operation  short
startup periods and fast load changes, and (5) soot-free operation.

2.3 Combined Reforming

Combined reforming incorporates the combination of both steam
reforming and autothermal reforming. In such a configuration, the
hydrocarbon (e.g., natural gas) is first only partially converted, under
mild conditions, to synthesis gas in a relatively small steam reformer.
The off-gas stream from the steam reformer is then sent to an oxygen-
fired secondary reactor, the autothermal reforming reactor. Here, the
unreacted methane is converted to synthesis gas by partial oxidation
followed by steam reforming.

Another configuration requires the hydrocarbon feed to be split

into two streams which are then fed in parallel to the steam reforming
and autothermal reactors.

2.4 Thermal Partial Oxidation

Partial oxidation (POX or POX) reactions occur when a sub-
stoichiometric fuel-air mixture is partially combusted in a reformer.
The Fischer 2 Tropsch Process 123

The general reaction equation without catalyst (thermal partial oxida-

tion, TPOX) is of the form:

Cn Hm 1 ð2n 1 mÞ=2O2 -nCO 1 ðm=2Þ H2 O

A possible reaction equation (coal):

CHfeedstock 1 O2 -CO 1 6H2

A TPOX reactor is similar to the autothermal reactor  the main

difference being no catalyst is used. The feedstock, which may include
steam, is mixed directly with oxygen by an injector which is located
near the top of the reaction vessel. Both partial oxidation reactions as
well as reforming reactions occur in the combustion zone below the

The principal advantage of the partial oxidation process is the abil-

ity of the process to accept a wide variety of feedstocks, which can
comprise very high molecular weight organics, for example petroleum
coke (Gunardson and Abrardo, 1999). Additionally, since emission of
NOx and SOx are minimal, the technology can be considered environ-
mentally benign.

On the other hand, very high temperatures, approximately 1300 C

(2370 F), are required to achieve near complete reaction. This necessi-
tates the consumption of some of the hydrogen and a greater than stoi-
chiometric consumption of oxygen, i.e., oxygen rich conditions.
Capital costs are high on account of the need to remove soot and acid
gases from the synthesis gas. Operating expenses are also high due to
the need for oxygen at high pressure.

2.5 Catalytic Partial Oxidation

A possible means of improving the efficiency of synthesis gas produc-
tion is via catalytic partial oxidation (CPOX, CPOX) technology. The
concept has several advantages over steam reforming, especially the
higher energy efficiency. The reaction is in fact, not endothermic as is
the case with steam reforming, but rather slightly exothermic. Further,
an H2/CO ratio of close to 2.0, i.e., the ideal ratio for the
Fischer 2 Tropsch and methanol synthesis, is produced by this technol-
ogy. The process can occur by either of two routes: (1) direct catalytic
partial oxidation or (2) indirect catalytic partial oxidation.
124 Gasification of Unconventional Feedstocks

2.5.1 Direct Catalytic Partial Oxidation

Direct catalytic partial oxidation involves a mechanism in which only
surface reactions on the catalyst are operative and produces synthesis:
2CH4 1 O2 -2CO 1 2H2
The direct mechanism is likely to occur at short contact times and
higher than equilibrium values are obtained with high flow rates
through fixed bed reactors (Choudhary et al., 1993; Lapszewicz and
Jiang, 1992).

2.5.2 Indirect Catalytic Partial Oxidation

The indirect route comprises total combustion of methane to carbon
dioxide and water (which is not partial oxidation but complete oxida-
tion), followed by steam reforming and the water 2 gas shift reaction.
Here, equilibrium conversions can be greater than 90% at ambient
pressure. However, in order for an industrial process for this technol-
ogy to be economically viable, an operating pressure in excess of
300 psi would be required. Unfortunately, under such pressures, equi-
librium conversions are lower. Further, an operational problem arises
on account of the highly exothermic combustion step, which makes for
problematic temperature control of the process and the possibility of
temperature runaways.

2.6 Membrane Reactors

An innovative technology for combining air separation and natural
gas reforming processes involves the use of membrane reactors (Dyer
and Chen, 1999; Nataraj et al., 2000). The technology is referred to as
oxygen transport membranes (OTM) and should combine five unit
operations currently in use: (1) oxygen separation, (2) oxygen compres-
sion, (3) partial oxidation, (4) steam methane reforming, and (5) heat
exchange. This technology incorporates the use of catalytic compo-
nents with the membrane to accelerate the reforming reactions.
This technology can be utilized to generate synthesis gas from sev-
eral feedstocks, including natural gas, associated gas (from crude oil
production), light hydrocarbon gases from refineries, and medium
weight hydrocarbon fractions such as naphtha. The first stage com-
prises conventional steam reforming with partial conversion to synthe-
sis gas. This is followed by complete conversion in an ion transport
ceramic membrane (ITM) reactor. This combination solves the
The Fischer 2 Tropsch Process 125

problem associated with steam reforming for feedstocks with hydrocar-

bons heavier than methane, since C21 hydrocarbons tend to crack and
degrade both the catalyst and membrane.

By shifting the equilibrium in the steam reforming process through

removal of hydrogen from the reaction zone, membrane reactors can
also be used to increase the equilibrium-limited methane conversion.
Using a palladium 2 silver (Pd 2 Ag) alloy membrane reactor, meth-
ane conversion can reach in excess of 90% v/v (Shu et al., 1995).


Purities in excess of 99.5% v/v of either the hydrogen or carbon mon-
oxide produced from synthesis gas can be achieved if desired. Four of
the major process technologies available are:
1. Cryogenics 1 Methanation, which utilizes a cryogenic process
(occurring in a cold box) whereby carbon monoxide is liquefied in a
number of steps until hydrogen with a purity of approximately
98% v/v is produced. The condensed carbon monoxide product,
which would contain methane, is then distilled to produce essen-
tially pure carbon monoxide and a mixture of carbon monoxide
and methane. The latter stream can be used as fuel. The hydrogen
stream from the cold box is taken to a shift converter where the
remaining carbon monoxide is converted to carbon dioxide and
hydrogen. The carbon dioxide is then removed and any further car-
bon monoxide or carbon dioxide can be removed by methanation.
The resulting hydrogen stream can have a purity on the order of
99.7% v/v.
2. Cryogenics plus pressure swing adsorption (PSA), which utilizes the
similar sequential liquefaction of carbon monoxide in a cold box
until hydrogen of approximately 98% v/v purity is achieved. Again,
the carbon monoxide stream can be further distilled to remove meth-
ane until it is essentially pure. The hydrogen stream is then allowed
to go through multiple pressure swing adsorption cycles until the
hydrogen with a purity as high as 99.999% v/v is produced.
3. Methane-wash cryogenic process, which involves a process in which
liquid carbon monoxide is absorbed into a liquid methane stream so
that the hydrogen stream produced contains only ppm levels of carbon
126 Gasification of Unconventional Feedstocks

monoxide but approximately 5 to 8% v/v methane. Hence the purity

of the hydrogen stream is on the order of 95% v/v. However, the liquid
carbon monoxide/methane stream can be distilled to produce an essen-
tially pure carbon monoxide stream and a carbon monoxide/methane
stream which can be used as fuel.
4. COsorb process, which utilizes copper ions (cuprous aluminum chlo-
ride, CuAlCl4) in toluene to form a chemical complex with carbon
monoxide, and in effect separates it from the hydrogen, nitrogen,
carbon dioxide, and methane. This process can capture about 96%
v/v of the carbon monoxide to produce a hydrogen stream with a
purity in excess of 99% v/v. The disadvantage of this process is that
water, hydrogen sulfide, and other trace chemicals which can poison
the copper catalyst must be removed prior to entry of the gas stream
into the absorption reactor. Furthermore, the purity of the hydrogen
stream is relatively low  on the order of 97% v/v. However, while
the efficiency of cryogenic separation decreases with low carbon
monoxide content of the feed, the COsorb process is able to process
gases with low carbon monoxide content more efficiently.


As a simplification, the Fischer 2 Tropsch synthesis is essentially a
polymerization reaction in which carbon bonds are formed from car-
bon atoms derived from carbon monoxide, under the influence of
hydrogen in the presence of a metal catalyst. The reaction leads to a
range of products which depend on the reaction conditions and cata-
lysts employed.

Despite many years of extensive study on Fischer 2 Tropsch syn-

thesis, there remains a lack of deep insight into the fundamental reac-
tion behavior of Fischer 2 Tropsch synthesis, such as the main
reasons for causing the large changes in the reaction performance in
the early stage and the reason why Fischer 2 Tropsch synthesis has a
very unique product distribution as well as the role of the products
(hydrocarbons and water) in the performance of Fischer 2 Tropsch
synthesis. Such problems have not been fully resolved and further
work is necessary to explain these complex phenomena (Overett
et al., 2000; Dry, 2004).
The Fischer 2 Tropsch Process 127

4.1 General Aspects

For the most part, the Fischer 2 Tropsch reaction can be described as
the synthesis of hydrocarbons via the hydrogenation of carbon monox-
ide using transition metal catalysts, such as iron, cobalt, ruthenium,
and nickel. Simply, the reactions can be regarded as a carbon chain
building process where methylene (CH2) groups are attached sequen-
tially in a carbon chain (Mukoma et al., 2006):
nCO 1 ½n 1 m=2H2 -Cn Hm 1 n H2 O 2ΔH
For example:
CO 1 2H2 - 2CH22 1 H2 O ΔH 5 2165 kJ=mol
Several other reactions also occur and the mechanism is not fully
understood (Table 5.1) (Spath and Dayton, 2003).

As a general rule of thumb, the reactions which produce water and

carbon dioxide tend to be more exothermic on account of the very
high heat of formation of these species. Some of the reactions proposed
are as follows (Rauch, 2001):
CO2 1 3H2 - 2CH22 1 2H2 O ΔH 5 5 2125 kJ=mol
CO 1 2H2 - 2CH2 2 1 H2 O ΔH 5 2165 kJ=mol
2CO 1 H2 - 2CH2 2 1 CO2 ΔH 5 2204 kJ=mol
3CO 1 H2 - 2CH2 2 1 2CO2 ΔH 5 2244 kJ=mol
There is also the water 2 gas shift reaction:
CO 1 H2 O-H2 1 CO2 ΔH 5 5 239 kJ=mol

Table 5.1 Reactions Occurring During the Fischer 2 Tropsch Synthesis

Main Reactions
1. Paraffins (2n 1 1) H2 1 nCO-CnH2n12 1 nH2O
2. Olefins 2nH2 1 nCO-CnH2n 1 nH2O
3. Water gas shift reaction CO 1 H2O$CO2 1 H2
Side Reactions
4. Alcohols 2nH2 1 nCO-CnH2n12O 1 (n1) H2O
5. Boudouard reaction 2CO-C 1 CO2
Catalyst Modifications
6. Catalyst oxidation/reduction a. MxOy 1 yH2$yH2O 1 xM
b. MxOy 1 yCO$yCO2 1 xM
7. Bulk carbide formation yC 1 xM$MxCy
128 Gasification of Unconventional Feedstocks

Due to the very high exothermic nature of the Fischer-Tropsch

reactions an important issue is the need to avoid an increase in temper-
ature (Fürnsinn et al., 2005). The need for cooling is thus of critical
importance in order to: (1) maintain stable reaction conditions,
(2) avoid the tendency to produce lighter hydrocarbons, and (3) pre-
vent catalyst sintering and hence reduction in activity. Furthermore,
since the total heat of reaction is in the order of approximately 25% of
the heat of combustion of the synthesis gas (i.e., reactants in the pro-
cess), a theoretical limit on the maximum efficiency of the
Fischer 2 Tropsch process is imposed (Rauch, 2001).

Generally, four types of catalysts are used to catalyze the

Fischer 2 Tropsch reaction and they are nickel, cobalt, iron, and ruthe-
nium, which each have a different ability to favor certain reactions
although the reaction conditions also have a strong effect on them. Nickel
catalysts are highly selective to methane compared to the cobalt, iron, and
ruthenium catalysts. Under typical conditions (e.g., 180 to 270 C, 355 to
520 F, at a hydrogen/carbon monoxide ratio of 1 to 2) the cobalt, iron,
and ruthenium catalysts promote the formation of paraffins and olefins
reactions. The selectivity of these catalysts for olefin formation is in the
sequence: Ru . Fe . Co . Ni and iron catalysts have the highest alcohol
selectivity for alcohol production. Of these four metals, only iron catalyzes
the water 2 gas shift reaction under typical reaction conditions, thereby
enabling operation at a lower hydrogen/carbon monoxide ratio.

4.2 Low- and High-Temperature Fischer 2 Tropsch Processes

In practice, there are two Fischer 2 Tropsch process options, each dic-
tated by the type of catalyst used and the temperature ranges utilized.
If the catalyst used is iron-based, a temperature range of 300 to 350 C
(570 to 650 F) is used and constitutes the high-temperature process
(HTFT). On the other hand, if the catalyst selected is cobalt-based,
then the temperature range required is on the order of 200 to 240 C
(390 to 465 F) (Iglesia, 1997; Dry, 2002).

In principle, other catalysts can also be used in the Fischer 2

Tropsch synthesis, especially those with rubidium, Ru, or, nickel, Ni,
active sites. In practice, however, on account of the low availability of
rubidium and consequently its cost, this type of catalyst has not managed
to find a place in commercial scale applications even though its activity is
sufficient for a successful Fischer 2 Tropsch process. Nickel-based catalysts
The Fischer 2 Tropsch Process 129

on the other hand, while having high enough activities for commercial scale
application, suffer from the fact that they tend to produce too much meth-
ane. Also, at high pressures (approximately 450 psi) its performance is con-
sidered poor due to the tendency for the production of volatile oxygenates.
In practice, the two major catalysts used in industry remain those
which are either iron-based or cobalt-based. From the commercial
standpoint, iron is cheap, and while cobalt may be considerably more
expensive, this is offset by the fact that it offers greater activity as well
as longer life, negating the need for frequent planned plant shutdowns
to enable change of catalysts (Dry, 2001).

4.3 Reactor Design

Fixed bed or slurry bed reactors are the two conventional reactor types
currently used for Fischer 2 Tropsch processes. Fixed bed reactors are
comparable to the shell and tube heat exchangers that are common in
the process industries. In these the catalyst, in the form of cylindrical
pellets, is contained within 1- to 2-inch tubes that are oriented vertically
within a large vessel. In the latest fixed bed Fischer 2 Tropsch reactors,
these tubes are 1 inch in diameter and approximately 40 feet high.

The greatest challenge with conventional fixed bed Fischer 2 Tropsch

reactors lies in controlling the temperature within the reactor tubes. Since
the Fischer 2 Tropsch synthesis is exothermic and strongly affected by
temperature, a hot spot can develop within the center of the tube, result-
ing in a substantial drop in the catalyst performance. As a result, the per-
formance of fixed bed reactors is limited by heat transfer.
In slurry bed reactors, the Fischer 2 Tropsch catalysts take the form
of small particulates (approximately 50 μm diameter) that are sus-
pended in the liquid wax produced by the reaction. The heat generated
by the reaction is removed by coolant tubes that run throughout the
reactor. The liquid slurry is quite efficient at heat removal; however,
the liquid film surrounding the catalyst blocks the reactants (hydrogen
and carbon monoxide) from quickly reaching the catalytic sites. This
problem with mass transfer limits the performance and productivity of
the slurry bed reactors. Additionally, these reactors can be more diffi-
cult to operate than fixed bed reactors. A particular problem associ-
ated with slurry bed reactors is the catalyst attrition caused when the
catalyst particles collide against each other and the reactor walls.
130 Gasification of Unconventional Feedstocks

Micro-channel reactors are based on the use of micro-channel pro-

cess technology, a developing field of chemical processing that exploits
rapid reaction rates by minimizing heat and mass transport limitations.
This is achieved by reducing dimensions of the reactor systems. In micro-
channel reactors the key process steps are carried out in parallel arrays of
micro-channels, each with typical dimensions less than 0.2 inch.
This modular structure offers many advantages when it comes to reduc-
ing the size and cost of the chemical processing hardware. In addition,
the modular structure means that maintenance and catalyst replacement
can be carried out by replacing individual modules, rather than requiring
the prolonged shutdown of the entire system (Atkinson and McDaniel,

The issues which govern the design of reactors best suited to large
scale production of Fischer 2 Tropsch products are: (1) heat removal
arising out of the exothermic reactions and (2) temperature control.
These are important essentially to enable longer catalyst lifetimes and
in obtaining optimal product selectivity.

The overall product selectivity is controlled by the process operating

temperature, reactant partial pressures, and, in the case of iron cata-
lysts, the level of the alkali promoter. In iron catalysts, the higher the
alkali content the greater the shift to higher-carbon-number products.
For both cobalt and iron catalysts targeting wax production at lower
temperatures, the hydrogen/carbon monoxide ratio is a key factor. The
operating pressure does not affect product selectivity for iron catalysts,
whereas for cobalt, there is a shift toward higher molecular mass pro-
ducts as the total pressure increases (Dry, 1982). It has also been
reported that for the Fischer 2 ropsch process operating at high tem-
perature, especially using an iron catalyst, the situation is more compli-
cated. Apart from the total pressure, product selectivity also is
dependent on the partial pressures of hydrogen, carbon monoxide,
water, and carbon dioxide (Dry, 2004).
There are currently four major reactor designs that have been
developed in order to maximize the efficiency of heat removal and
enable optimal temperature control (Dry, 2001): (1) the multi-tubular
fixed bed reactor, (2) the fixed slurry bed reactor, (3) the circulating
fluidized bed (Synthol) reactor, and (4) the fixed-fluidized bed (Sasol)
The Fischer 2 Tropsch Process 131

In fact, the effect of designing a Fischer 2 Tropsch process to produce

specific chain length products has been studied using simplified flow
sheet models (Mukoma et al., 2006). Designing a Fischer 2 Tropsch pro-
cess with recycling and reforming of the lighter gases is very beneficial,
especially if the reaction products are described by low to middle chain
growth values, because higher carbon efficiency values are obtained and
the amount of overall CO conversion is enhanced.

Thus for a fixed production rate of liquid fuels at 100% conversion

of carbon monoxide, the carbon efficiency for the process with a recy-
cle stream is higher than that of the once-through process. However,
when the aim of the process is to maximize diesel production by hydro-
cracking the waxes, an optimal chain growth is necessary to reduce the
cost of hydrocracking very heavy waxes. The incorporation of wax
hydrocracking into the two processes reduces the carbon efficiency at
all chain growth values, thereby making it uneconomical to produce
very-long-chain hydrocarbons.
In addition, the design and operating conditions for the two processes
will be different. From the temperature point of view, the once-through
process will be enhanced if it is a low-temperature Fischer 2 Tropsch
process, whereas the recycle process will be enhanced if it is a high-
temperature Fischer 2 Tropsch process because the mean chain lengths
and, therefore, the hydrocarbon distribution of Fischer 2 Tropsch syn-
thesis changes with temperature (Mukoma et al., 2006). At higher tem-
peratures, the mean chain length is smaller, and more methane and
lighter hydrocarbons and less diesel and waxes are formed. A cobalt-
based catalyst that is used as a low-temperature Fischer-Tropsch catalyst
will be suited for the once-through process, to maximize wax production,
whereas the iron catalyst will be ideal for the high-temperature process
with a recycle stream.

4.4 Product Distribution

When the products desired are the shorter carbon chain lengths, e.g.,
the light petroleum or gasoline fractions, the longer chain groups can
be cracked accordingly. It would thus appear that Fischer 2 Tropsch
synthesis conditions which result in product distributions that provide
longer carbon chains is more amenable a greater flexibility in choosing
saleable fractions of choice.
132 Gasification of Unconventional Feedstocks

While there is considerable support for the stepwise oligomerization

mechanism, it does not provide a suitable explanation of large
amounts of oxygenated compounds (alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, and
carboxylic acids) which appear to be primary products of the
Fischer 2 Tropsch process. It is evident that the mechanism suffers
from significant deficiencies. As a result, the issue of an all encompass-
ing FischerTropsch mechanism remains elusive and continues to
remain a controversial issue in the literature (Anderson, 1956; Dry,
1990, 1996; Chadeesingh, 2011).

4.5 Upgrading Fischer 2 Tropsch Liquids

Conventional refinery processes can be used for upgrading of
Fischer 2 Tropsch liquid and wax products. Low-temperature
Fischer 2 Tropsch synthesis is employed in the production of waxes,
which are converted into naphtha or diesel oil after the hydroprocessing.
High-temperature Fischer 2 Tropsch synthesis is employed in the pro-
duction of gasoline and alpha-olefins. Fuels produced with Fischer 2
Tropsch synthesis are of a high quality due to a very low aromaticity
and zero sulfur content. The product stream consists of various fuel
types: liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel. The
definitions and conventions for the composition and names of the differ-
ent fuel types are obtained from crude oil refinery.

Hydroprocessing is employed in the treatment of wax produced by

Fischer 2 Tropsch synthesis  the wax is composed of linear paraffins
as well as small quantities of olefins and oxygenates. The hydrogena-
tion of the olefins and the oxygenated compounds, besides hydrocrack-
ing of wax, can be conducted in conditions that are not very severe,
with the production of naphtha and diesel oil.

Upgrading of the Fischer 2 Tropsch products from the fixed bed

and slurry bed reactors becomes necessary for the conversion of
heavier waxes into usable and lighter products in the diesel range.
Product upgrading is an optional stage added to the Fischer 2 Tropsch
synthesis of gas-to-liquid (GTL) to increase the conversion and pre-
mium of the end product; it might not be necessary when a fluid bed
reactor is used for paraffin synthesis (Chukwu, 2002). For the separate
production of Fischer 2 Tropsch fuels from natural gas, the synthesis
gas is then catalytically combined over Fischer 2 Tropsch catalysts to
The Fischer 2 Tropsch Process 133

produce hydrocarbon fuels in a slurry-phase Fischer 2 Tropsch reactor.

The unconverted synthesis gas is then recycled to the synthesis unit to
complete the conversion to hydrocarbon fuels.

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