CBSE Class 12 Informatic Practices Computer Networking PDF

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Learning objectives

After learning this chapter the students will be able to:

• Define what a Computer Network is
• List the benefits of networking
• List different wired and wireless media for communication
• Identify different network devices
• Identify the type of network on the basis of area covered
• Describe various terms associated with computer networks.
• List various security threats to computer networks
• List the preventive and corrective measures against these threats

Have you ever worked on Internet? Have you ever used an ATM? Have you ever
given the print command on a computer to get the printout on a printer attached
to some other computer? Have you ever transferred songs from your computer to a
cell phone or vice-versa? If the answer to any of these questions is YES, then you
have experienced and utilized the services of a computer network. In this chapter
you will study about various types of computer networks, their benefits, and what
is required to create computer networks.

Puzzle 1

Can you place 10 coins in such a way that they lie in 5 straight lines and on each line there
are exactly 4 coins?

Such situations are faced by the designers of computer networks. They have to think of
various ways of interconnecting the computers so that the specific goals of network setup
are achieved.

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Networking - a brief overview

A computer network is a collection of interconnected computers and other devices which

are able to communicate with each other. In this context, the term interconnected means
that there exists a path through which data can be transmitted from one
computer/device to another.

A computer network is a collection of interconnected computers and other

devices which are able to communicate with each other and share hardware
and software resources.

Why do we have computer networks? Are there any advantages of networked computers
over stand alone computers? Yes, there are many. A few of these advantages are:

• Resource Sharing

• Cost saving

• Collaborative user interaction

• Time saving

• Increased storage

Let us discuss these advantages in some details.

Resource Sharing:

In a networked computer lab when print command is given on one computer the
document may be printed by the printer which is attached to some other computer. This
printer is able to print documents from multiple users on the network. It means that the
printer is being shared by more than one users. This is an example of resource sharing,
and this is possible only when the computers are interconnected to form a network.
Similarly other resources like Hard Disk, DVD Drive, and Scanner etc. can also be shared
on a computer network. Software resources like Application Softwares, Anti-Virus tools
etc. can also be shared on computer networks. You can very easily conclude that this
resource sharing also leads to cost-saving.

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Collaborative User Interaction:

Let us take one more example of a school. Here we assume that all the computers in the
school are connected to one main computer (called server). After the exams, teachers
have to exchange marks with each other for result preparation. So all the teachers enter
the marks class wise for their respective subjects at one centralized location and from
there the class teachers can copy the marks of their classes and can prepare the result.
This way data is shared on a computer network. Similar is the case with other
computerized organizations also.

Let us take another example of collaborative user interaction. If we are working on a

computer which is a part of a computer network, we can communicate with any other
user of the network through e-mail or chatting. It takes negligible time to send and
receive messages and watch live videos of one another irrespective of terrestrial
distances. If the e-mail or chatting is done for some useful purpose, it leads to increased
productivity, cost-saving as well as time-saving.

Increased Storage:

On a network, same data may be replicated on multiple computers to ensure the

availability of data in the case of some computer getting faulty. For example, when you
save your java applications on your computer, you can also store their copies on some
other networked computers in your lab. This way your work will be available even if your
computer develops some fault or somehow your programs are deleted from your
computer. Similarly, on large networks also the data is replicated on multiple computers
as if a huge storage area is available to store multiple copies of the data.

All these advantages are there for a small organization like a school as well as for big
business organizations and for governments. Today, small as well as big organizations,
and governments keep their data on secured large scale computers called servers. They
share this data with authorized users. This ensures security. Customer care cells of
companies share the resources and data and they also communicate among themselves as
well as with customers with the help of computer networks only.

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Networking Hardware

To form a computer network a lot of hardware devices are required. Some of these
devices along with their functionalities are mentioned below :

Transmission Media

Computers on a network are able to share data and other resources. They are also able to
communicate among themselves. To make all this possible there must be some medium
over which the data can travel from one computer to another. A medium of data
transmission over a computer network is called a channel or a transmission medium.
Channels may be guided (wired) or unguided (wireless).

A transmission medium is a medium of data transfer over a network. It can be wired

or wireless.

Wired Media

A number of various types of cables are used to transfer data over computer networks.
These are Twisted Pair Cable, Co-axial Cable, and Optical Fiber Cable. Let us know about
these in some details.

Twisted Pair Cable - This is probably the most widely used cable for creating small
computer networks. It contains four twisted pairs covered in an outer shield. These pairs
are colour coded. An RJ-45 connecter is used to connect this cable to a computer. It is of
two types:

UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair): As the name suggests in UTP cables individual pairs are
not shielded.

UTP Cable UTP Cable

With RJ-45 Connector

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Characteristics of UTP cable:

• It is a low-cost cable available for setting up small networks.
• It is a thin (External diameter app. 0.43cm) and flexible cable and therefore it
offers ease of installation.
• It can carry data upto a length of 100m at a stretch.
STP (Shielded Twisted pair): It is the same cable as the UTP, but with each pair shielded
individually. An outer shield then covers all the pairs like in UTP. STP data connectors are
used to connect STP cable to the computer. RJ-45 connectors can also be used to connect
this cable to a computer.
Characteristics of STP cable:
• As compared to UTP, STP offers better immunity against internal and external
electromagnetic interferences.
• It is expensive than UTP cable.
• As compared to UTP cable, STP cable is difficult to install.

Co-axial cable (or coax) - A coaxial Copper Wire

cable consists of two conductors that Insulation

share a common axis. The inner

Wire Mesh
conductor is a straight wire and the
outer conductor is a shield that might be
braided or a foil. Insulation

Characteristics of Co-axial cable:

• It can carry data for a larger distance (185m - 500m) at a stretch.

• Less susceptible to electromagnetic fields

• Bulkier and less flexible than twisted pair.

• Due to its thickness (1cm diameter) and less flexibility, it is difficult to install as
compared to twisted pair cable.

Earlier coaxial cable was also used for connecting computers in small networks but now
UTP/STP cables are more commonly used for this purpose.

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Optical Fiber cable - Optical Fibers are long, thin

strands of glass about the thickness of a human
hair. They are arranged in bundles called optical
fiber cables and used to transmit data through
light signals over long distances. Cladding
An optical fiber has following parts:

• Core - It is the thin glass rod at the center through which the light travels
• Cladding - It is the outer optical material surrounding the core that reflects the
light back into the core
• Buffer coating - It is the plastic coating that protects the cable from damage
and moisture
These optical fibers are arranged in bundles of hundreds and thousands and are protected
by the cable's outer covering, called jacket.
Characteristics of Optical Fiber Cable:
• It can carry data for a very large distance at a stretch.
• Not susceptible to electromagnetic fields
• Specially skilled people are required to install optical fiber cables.
• Till date it is the most expensive and at the same time the most efficient cable
available for computer networks.
Comparison of wired media

Cable Twisted Pair Coaxial Cable Optical Fiber

Paramater Cable Cable
Data Transfer Rate 10Mbps-10Gbps 100 Mbps More than100 Gbps
Data Transfer Range 100 m 185m-500 m -
Interference More Less than NIL
Susceptibility Ethernet cable
Cost of Cable Least Cost More than Ethernet Very Expensive

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Wireless Media

Electromagnetic waves are used for wireless communication over computer networks.
Frequencies of waves are measured in Hertz (Hz). As the frequencies of electromagnetic
waves change, their properties also change. Based on their frequencies, electromagnetic
waves are categorized into various categories. These categories are (in increasing order
of frequencies): radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet
radiation, X-rays, and Gamma rays.

Electromagnetic Spectrum
Category Long Radio Radiowaves Microwaves Infrared R O Y G B I V Ultraviolet X-Rays Gamma
Rays Visible Light Rays Rays

Frequency Less than 3 x 103 to 3 x 108 to 3 x 1011 to 4.3x1014 to More than 1014
3 9 11 14 14
(Hz) 3x10 3 x 10 3 x 10 4 x 10 7.5x10

Out of these only radio waves, microwaves, and infrared rays are used for wireless
communication. Let us now study about these waves in some details.

Radio Waves - Radio waves have a frequency range of

3 KHz to 3GHz. Radio waves are used for
communication over distances ranging from a few
meters (in walkie-talkies) upto covering an entire
city. These waves are easy to generate, can travel
long distances and can penetrate buildings easily.
That's why they are widely used for communication,
both indoors and outdoors. Cordless phones, AM and
FM radio broadcast, Garage door openers etc. are
examples of radio wave transmission.

Omni Directional Radio Waves

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Characteristics of Radio Wave Transmission:

• These waves are omni-directional, so the transmitting and receiving antennas

need not be aligned.

(Recall when you throw a stone in a pond, circular waves are generated and
spread outwards. Similarly, radio waves are generated by the transmitter and
spread in all the directions.)

• Relatively inexpensive than wired media.

• It offers ease of communication over difficult terrain

• The transmission can be interfered by motors or other electrical equipment

• Permission from concerned authorities is required for use of radio wave


• Less secure mode of transmission

Micro Waves - Micro waves have a frequency range of 300MHz (0.3 GHz) to 300 GHz. This
range has some overlapping portion (0.3GHz - 3GHz) with radio waves as there is no clear-
cut demarcation between radio waves and micro waves. Microwaves travel in straight
lines and cannot penetrate any solid object. Therefore for long distance microwave
communication, high towers are built and microwave antennas are put on their tops.
Distance between two microwave towers depends on many factors including frequency of
the waves being used and heights of the towers. These waves travel in straight lines and
therefore the sending and receiving antennas have to be aligned with each other.

An example of usage of microwaves for communication is as follows:

In the big cities where land is very costly and a lot of formalities have to be completed to
get permission to dig land for cabling, microwave antennas can be put on top of high rise
buildings and communication can be started in a short time.

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Micro Wave
Micro Wave

Office 1 Office 2

Micro Wave

Micro Wave Communication

Characteristics of Micro Wave Transmission:
• Free from land acquisition rights
• Relatively inexpensive than wired media
• Offers ease of communication over difficult terrain
• The transmission is in straight lines so the transmitting and receiving antennas
need to be properly aligned ( line of sight transmission)
Infrared Waves - Infrared waves have a frequency range of 300 GHz to 400 THz. If you
recall VIBGYOR spectrum of light, you will also recall that red light has the lowest
frequency (400THz - 484THz) in this spectrum. Infrared waves are so called because they
have a frequency range of just less than that of red light. These waves are used for short
range communication (approx. 5m) in a variety of wireless communications, monitoring,
and control applications. Home-entertainment remote-control devices, Cordless mouse,
and Intrusion detectors are some of the devices that utilize infrared communication.
These waves are easy to build but have a major drawback- they do not pass through solid
objects (try standing between your remote control and your television and see if it still
works). On the other hand, these waves do not pass through solid walls is a plus point also.
Because of this, infrared system in one room of a building will not interfere with a similar
system in adjacent rooms (you cannot control TV in another room with the remote in your
hand in a room).

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Characteristics of Infrared Wave Transmission:

• It is a line of sight transmission; therefore information passed to one device is

not leaked to another device.

• No government license is required for their use

• It is a line of sight transmission, therefore at a time only two devices can


• The waves do not cross any solid object in between

• Performance drops with longer distances

Bluetooth - Bluetooth technology uses radio waves in the frequency range of 2.402 GHz
to 2.480 GHz. This technology is used for short range communication (approx. 10m) in a
variety of devices for wireless communication. Baby monitors, door openers, and cell
phones are some of the devices that utilize Bluetooth communication.

Characteristics of Bluetooth Transmission:

• Line of sight between communicating devices is not required. (Think Why?)

• Bluetooth can connect upto eight devices simultaneously.

• Slow data transfer rate (upto 1Mbps).

Satellite Link - Satellite links are used for very long distance wireless communication
which may range from intercity to intercontinental. Transmission from the earth to a
satellite is known as uplink. Transmission from a satellite to the earth is known as
downlink. There are multiple micro wave frequency bands which are used for satellites
links. Frequency used for uplink varies from 1.6 GHz to 30.0 GHz and that for downlink
varies from 1.5GHz to 20.0GHz. Downlink frequency is always lower than the uplink
frequency. For example, the uplink frequency is 6.0GHz, and the corresponding downlink
frequency is 4.0 GHz. A communications satellite is a relay station in orbit above the earth
that receives, regenerates, and redirects signals carried on a specific frequency. The
satellite system is very expensive but its area coverage and fringe benefits compensate
for the expenses. Communication satellites are normally owned by governments or by
government approved organizations of various countries

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Uplink Uplink


Earth Earth
Station Station

Europe Asia

Communication using Satellite Link

Characteristics of Transmission using satellite link:

• Satellites cover large area of earth

• Since communication over very long distances is possible, this becomes a

commercially attractive option.

• This system is expensive

• Requires legal permissions.


Guided Unguided
(Wired) (Wireless)

Twisted Pair Co-axial Optical Fiber Radio Micro Infrared

Cable Cable Cable Waves Waves Waves

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Network Devices

Other than the transmission media many other devices are required to form computer
networks. Some of these devices are:

NIC: Any computer which has to be a part of a computer network must have an NIC
(Network Interface Card / Unit) installed in it. A computer communicates with other
computers on a network with the help of an NIC only. Now a days, in most of the PCs and
the laptops, NIC is an integral part of the motherboard.

Socket for

A Network Interface Card

An NIC (Network Interface Card) is a device that enables a computer to connect to

a network and communicate.

Hub: Hub is a device that allows us to connect multiple computers/devices together in a

network. A hub has ports into which the cables from individual computers' NICs are
inserted. This way each computer's NIC is connected to hub and hence all the computers
are connected together. Whenever a computer has to send some information to some
other computer(s), the information is sent by the NIC to the hub. Then the hub re-
transmits this information to the other computers attached to it. The computer(s) for
which the information is intended receive(s) this information and accept(s) it. Other
computers on the network simply reject this information.


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A Hub is an electronic device that connects several nodes to form a network and
redirects the received information to all the connected nodes in broadcast mode.

Switch: A switch is an intelligent hub. It looks exactly like a hub. It has the same function
as that of a hub: to connect multiple computers/devices in a network. But the difference
between the two is in the way they re-transmit the received information. Unlike a hub,
instead of broadcasting (sending to each device attached to it) the received information,
a switch sends the information selectively only to those computers for which it is
intended. This makes a switch more efficient than a hub.

A Switch is an intelligent device that connects several nodes to form a network

and redirects the received information only to the intended node(s).

Repeater: When the data is transmitted over a network for long distances, the data
signal gets weak after certain distance. This distance depends on the data transfer range
of transmission channel being used and can be from a few meters to a few kilometers. If
the signal becomes weak, it cannot reach its destination. Therefore, some device is
required which can re-strengthen the data signal before it gets too weak. Repeater is
such a device. A repeater regenerates the received signal and re-transmits it to its

A Repeater is a device that is used to regenerate a signal which is on its way

through a communication channel. A repeater regenerates the received signal
and re-transmits it to its destination.

Gateway: There are a large number of computer networks in this world. As common
examples you can consider your school's computer network, ATM network of a bank, a big
company's computer network spread over a city, etc. There are thousands of computer
networks that exist. These networks use different hardware and software. Many times
these networks need to communicate with each other. For example, companies X, Y, and
Z do business with each other and therefore they want to interconnect their computer
networks. Another example is the internet which contains a large number of different
types of networks spread over the globe. Different networks are sometimes incompatible

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with each other. It is like a group of persons using different languages for conversation.
When two or more networks using different hardware and software have to be
connected, some device is needed which can translate one network's language into the
other's. A gateway is a device, which is used to connect different types of networks. A
gateway is capable of understanding address architectures used in different networks
and seamlessly translate between these address architectures.

A Gateway is a device, which is used to connect different types of networks and

perform the necessary translation so that the connected networks can
communicate properly.

Network Topologies

Before we start discussion on network topologies, let us understand the term 'NODE'.

Any device (Computer, Scanner, Printer, etc.) which is directly connected to a computer
network is called a node. Suppose you are working on a PC at your home and then you
connect it to internet. As soon as it becomes a part of internet (which is a computer
network), it becomes a node. Similarly, in your school, all the computers which are linked
to school's computer network are nodes.

A Node is a device, which is directly connected to a computer network. It can be a

computer or any other device like printer, scanner etc.

Once we know about different communication media and devices to form a computer
network, we can procure these media and devices and start constructing a computer
network. Suppose we have 10 computers and we want to interconnect them to form a
network. How can we interconnect them?

Recall the puzzle given in the beginning of this lesson. Is that not similar to the problem of
connecting nodes in a network?

Similarly, when we have to connect computers/devices in a network, there may be

certain conditions which have to be satisfied. Depending upon these conditions, there
may be different ways of interconnecting the computers/devices. The way in which the

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computers/devices are physically interconnected to form a network is called a Topology.

A Topology is an arrangement of physical connections among nodes in a network.

There exist different network topologies. Let us discuss a few of them.

Bus Topology: In bus topology all the nodes are connected to a main cable called
backbone. If any node has to send some information to any other node, it sends the signal
to the backbone. The signal travels through the entire length of the backbone and is
received by the node for which it is intended. A small device called terminator is attached
at each end of the backbone. When the signal reaches the end of backbone, it is absorbed
by the terminator and the backbone gets free to carry another signal. This prevents the
reflection of signal back on the cable and hence eliminates the chances of signal
Node Node-Printer Node


Terminator Terminator

Node (Server) Node Node
Bus Topology

Characteristics of Bus topology:

• It is easy to install.

• It requires less cable length and hence it is cost effective.

• Failure of a node does not affect the network.

• In case of cable (backbone) or terminator fault, the entire network breaks


• Fault diagnosis is difficult.

• At a time only one node can transmit data.

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Star Topology: In star topology each node is directly connected to a hub/switch. If any
node has to send some information to any other node, it sends the signal to the
hub/switch. This signal is then broadcast (in case of a hub) to all the nodes but is
accepted by the intended node(s). In the case of a switch the signal is sent only to the
intended node(s).

Node Node


Node Node

(Server) Node-Printer Node

Bus Topology

Star topology generally requires more cable than bus topology.

Characteristics of Star topology:

• It is more efficient topology as compared to bus topology.

• It is easy to install

• It is easy to diagnose the fault in Star topology.

• It is easy to expand depending on the specifications of central hub/switch

• Failure of hub/switch leads to failure of entire network

• It requires more cable length as compared to bus topology.

Tree Topology: Tree topology is a combination of bus and star topologies. It is used to
combine multiple star topology networks. All the stars are connected together like a bus.
This bus-star hybrid approach supports future expandability of the network

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Tree Topology

Characteristics of Tree topology:

• It offers easy way of network expansion

• Even if one network (star) fails, the other networks remain connected and

Network Protocols

A computer network can be set up after procuring all the required hardware. But the
network devices will be able to communicate with each other only after they know the
rules of communication. Think of a group discussion session where all the participants can
speak. Each participant can speak a lot. But the group discussion can be started and can
be conducted well if each participant knows the rules of discussion. If all the participants
start speaking suddenly and suddenly they stop, or a person stands up randomly and starts
interrupting the discussion, or any such thing happens, the group discussion cannot be
conducted at all. A more complex situation exists in the case of computer networks where
the participating devices have no common sense and they follow each defined rule to the
T. So it is essential that the rules of communication are very well defined. A set of rules is
also known as a protocol.

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A network protocol is a set of rules for communication among networked devices.

Protocols generally includes rules of how and when a device can send or receive the
data, how is the sent data packaged, and how it reaches its destination.

There are a number of protocols defined for computer networks. Here we discuss three of
them - HTTP, TCP/IP, PPP.

HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): HTTP is used to transfer all files and other data
(collectively called resources) from one computer to another on the world wide web.
When an HTTP client (a browser) sends a request to an HTTP server (web server) , the
server sends responses back to the client. This transfer of requests and responses is done
following HTTP protocol.

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol): It is the basic protocol of

the Internet. Communication between two computers on internet is done using TCP/IP
protocol. TCP/IP can also be used as a communications protocol in a private network.
TCP/IP is a two-layer protocol. When data is to be sent from one computer to another
over internet, it is first broken into smaller packets which are actually sent. When these
packets are received by the receiver computer, they are assembled into the original
message. This job of dividing the original message into packets and re-assembling the
received packets into the original message is done following TCP protocol. Internet
protocol is followed to ensure that each of these packets gets to the right destination.
Different packets from the same message may be routed differently, but they reach the
same destination and are reassembled there.

PPP (Point to Point Protocol): It is a protocol for direct communication between two
computers, typically a personal computer connected by phone line to a server. Most
Internet service providers (ISPs) use PPP for customer dial-up access to the Internet. PPP
is used over many types of physical networks including cellular telephone, serial cable,
phone line, trunk line, specialized radio links, and fiber optic links.

Know More!

There are a lot of other communication protocols like SMTP, POP, UDP etc. You can
explore the net to find more about these protocols.

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Types of Networks

A computer network may span any amount of geographical area. It can be on a table, in a
room, in a building, in a city, in a country, across continents or around the world. On the
basis of area covered computer networks are classified as:

• PAN - Personal Area Network

• LAN - Local Area Network

• MAN - Metropolitan Area Network

• WAN -Wide Area Network

PAN (Personal Area Network): A PAN is a network of Communicating devices (Computer,

Phone, MP3/MP4 Player, Camera etc.) in the proximity of an individual. It can cover an
area of a few meters radius.


When you have to transfer songs from one cell phone to another, you set up a PAN of two
phones. When files are transferred from a PC to an MP3 player, a PAN is set up between
the two. There can also be multiple devices in PAN. A PAN can be set up using guided
media (USB cable) or unguided media (Bluetooth, Infrared).

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LAN (Local Area Network): A LAN is a network

of computing/Communicating devices in a
room, building, or campus. It can cover an area
of a few meters to a few kilometers radius. A
networked office building, school, or home
usually contains a single LAN, though
sometimes one building can contain a few small
LANs (Like some schools have independent LANs
in each computer lab.). Occasionally a LAN can
span a group of nearby buildings. Wireless LAN
In addition to operating in a limited space, a LAN is owned, controlled, and managed by a
single person or organization.
A LAN can be set up using wired media (UTP cables, Co-axial cables etc.) or wireless
media (Infrared, radio waves). If a LAN is setup using unguided media, it is known as
WLAN (wireless LAN).
MAN (Metropolitan Area Network): A MAN is a network of computing/communicating
devices within a city. It can cover an area of a few kilometers to a few hundred kilometers
radius. A network of schools, or banks, or Government offices etc., within a city, are
examples of MANs. A MAN is usually formed by interconnecting a number of LANs and
individual computers. All types of communication media (guided and unguided) are used
to set up a MAN. A MAN is typically owned and operated by a single entity such as a
government body or a large corporation. A good example of a MAN is the interconnected
offices of a state government.


Branch Office

Central Office
A Metropolitan Area Network

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WAN (Wide Area Network): A WAN is a network of computing/communicating devices

crossing the limits of a city, country, or continent. It can cover an area of over hundreds of
kilometer radius. A network of ATMs, BANKs, National Government Offices, International
Organizations' Offices etc., spread over a country, continent, or covering many
continents are examples of WANs. WANs usually contain a number of interconnected
individual computers, LANs, MANs, and maybe other WANs. All types of communication
media (guided and unguided) are used to set up a WAN. The best known example of a WAN
is the internet.



Devices and Protocols

for data transmission


A Wide Area Network

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The following table summarizes the characteristics of PANs, LANs, MANs, and WANs.



Area Covered Small Area A few meters A city and its Entire country,
(Upto 10m to a few vicinity continent, or
radius) kilometers (Upto 100Km globe
(Upto 10Km radius) (No upper limit)

Error Rates Lowest Lowest Moderate Highest

Transmission High Speed High Speed Moderate Low speed

Speed Speed

Networking Cost Negligible Inexpensive moderately Expensive


Identification of computers and users over a network

Once a network has been set up, the nodes can communicate among themselves. But for
proper communication, the nodes should be uniquely identifiable. If a node X sends some
information for node Y on a network, then it is mandatory that nodes X and Y are uniquely
identifiable on the network. Let us see how this is achieved.

MAC (Media Access Control) address: Each NIC has a universally unique address assigned
to it by its manufacturer. This address is known as the MAC (Media Access Control) address
of the card. It means that a machine with an NIC can be identified uniquely through its
NIC's MAC address. MAC address of an NIC is permanent and does never change.

MAC addresses are 12-digit hexadecimal (or 48 bit) numbers. By convention, MAC
addresses are usually written in one of the following two formats:



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The first half (MM:MM:MM) of a MAC address contains the ID number of the adapter
manufacturer. The second half (SS:SS:SS) of a MAC address represents the serial number
assigned to the adapter (NIC) by its manufacturer.

For example, in the following MAC address,

00:A0:C9 : 14:C8:35

The prefix 00:A0:C9 indicates that the manufacturer is Intel Corporation. And the last
three numbers 14:C8:35 are given by the manufacturer (Intel in this example) to this NIC.

A MAC (Media Access Control) address is a unique 12 digit (6 digits for

manufacturer code and 6 digits for serial number) hexadecimal number assigned
to each NIC. MAC address of an NIC never changes.

IP Address: Every machine in a network has another unique identifying number, called its
IP Address. An IP address is a group of four bytes (or 32 bits) each of which can be a number
from 0 to 255. A typical IP address looks like this:

To make it easier for us to remember, IP addresses are normally expressed in decimal

format as a "dotted decimal number" like the one above.

On a network, IP address of a machine, and not the MAC address of its NIC, is used to
identify it. Do you recall IP protocol? IP protocol identifies a machine with its IP address to
route the packets.

MAC address is used only when a specific machine is to be targeted. For example, suppose
we want to block a specific PC to access some network resource. If we use the PCs IP
address, then the PC is not blocked permanently as its IP address may change when it
connects to the network next time. Instead, if the PCs MAC address is used for the
purpose, then the job is done!

An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique 4 digit hexadecimal number assigned

to each node on a network. IP address settings of a node can be changed by the

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Know More!

There are two versions of IP addresses: version 4 (IPv4) and version 6 (IPv6). IPv6
uses 128 bits (IPv4 uses 32 bits) for an IP address. Using IPv4 only 232 (approximately
4 billion) distinct devices can be addressed. In the current scenario and in the near
future, this is a small fraction of the number of objects which need to be allocated
IP addresses. As the human population and also the number of devices which need
to be online (mobile phones, home appliances, personal communication devices,
etc.) is increasing at a very fast pace, IPv4 addresses are being exhausted. To
address this problem IPv6 was developed and it is now being deployed. Using IPv6
2128 (approximately 4 Bn x 4 Bn x 4 Bn x 4 Bn) distinct devices can be addressed. IPv6
also includes an important feature: a set of possible migration and transition plans
from IPv4.There are many other features of IPv6. You can explore the internet and
find more information about IPv6.

IP Address Vs MAC Address: You might wonder how an IP address differs from a MAC
address. In fact, the IP address is assigned by the network administrator or the internet
service provider while the MAC address is assigned by the manufacturer. Thus if a
computer is transferred from one network to another, its IP address gets changed where
as the MAC address remains the same.

From the IP address it is usually possible to track the tentative location of the computer
but this is not the case with a MAC address.

Domain Name: So, whenever we have to communicate with a computer on internet, we

can do so by using its IP address. But it is practically impossible for a person to remember
the IP addresses of all the computers one may have to communicate with. Therefore, a
system has been developed which assigns names to some computers (web servers) and
maintains a database of these names and corresponding IP addresses. These names are
called Domain Names. Examples of some domain names are,, etc. Domain names are used in URLs to identify particular Web
servers. For example, in the URL, the domain
name is

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A domain name usually has more than one parts: top level domain name or primary
domain name and sub-domain name(s). For example, in the domain name, in
is the primary domain name; nic is the sub-domain of in; cbse is the sub-domain of nic.

There are only a limited number of top level domains, and these are divided into two
categories: Generic Domain Names and Country-Specific Domain Names. For example:

Generic Domain Names:

·com - commercial business

·edu - Educational institutions

·gov - Government agencies

·mil - Military

·net - Network organizations

·org - Organizations (nonprofit)

Country Specific Domain Names:

.in - India

·au - Australia

·ca - Canada

.ch - China

.nz - New Zealand

.pk - Pakistan

.jp - Japan
.us - United States of America

In context of internet, a Domain Name is a name assigned to a server through

Domain Name System (DNS). A domain name usually has more than one parts: top
level domain name or primary domain name and sub-domain name(s).

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Domain Name Resolution: Domain Name Resolution is the process of getting the
corresponding IP address from a domain name. It happens as follows:

Suppose you mention a URL in the web-browser to visit a website. The browser first
checks your computer to find if the IP address of the server corresponding to the Domain
Name (embedded in the URL) is present. If this address is present then with the help of
this address, the corresponding server is contacted and then the website opens in your
browser. Otherwise the browser sends this domain name to some specific servers (called
domain name servers) to find the corresponding IP address. Once the IP address is known,
the server is contacted and then the website opens in your browser.

Domain Name Resolution is the process of getting corresponding IP address from

a domain name.

Know More!

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is an

internationally organized, non-profit corporation that has responsibility for
Internet Protocol (IP) address space allocation, protocol identifier assignment,
generic (gTLD) and country code (ccTLD) Top-Level Domain name system
management, and root server system management functions. These services were
originally performed under U.S. Government contract by the Internet Assigned
Numbers Authority (IANA) and other entities. ICANN now performs the IANA

Network Security
Computer networks are communication highways on which the data travels. Data travels
on a network when an e-mail is sent or received, any transaction is made using a credit or
a debit card, a web site is accessed, chatting is done, or any other work is done on a
network. Data travelling over a network is vulnerable to attacks and thefts. There are
some people who want to illegally access this data for any reason: using a credit/debit
card data for shopping, using a company's data to sell it to some rival company, to find the
kind of web sites a person accesses, or may be hundreds of other reasons. These people

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may sometimes also want to destroy the data on its way, or block the services of some
resources or sites. As the data goes from one point to another point on the Internet, for
example, it may pass through several points along the way, giving other users the
opportunity to access, and even alter it. Even other users on your system may maliciously
transform your data. Unauthorized access to your system may be obtained by intruders,
who then use advanced knowledge to impersonate you, steal information or even deny
your access to your own resources.

Therefore, there is always a threat of some kind of attacks on computer networks'

security. Some kinds of attacks on network security are as follows:

Denial of service attacks: A Denial of Service (DoS) attack is an attempt to make one or
more network resources unavailable to their legitimate users. Examples of such attacks

• Denial of Access to Information: Corrupting, Encrypting, or changing the

status of information so that it is not accessible to its legitimate user.

• Denial of Access to Application: Forced shutting of an application as soon as

the user opens it.

• Denial of Access to Resources: Blocking a resource, may be a printer or

scanner or USB port, of a computer from proper working.

• Denial of Access to a Website: Continuously sending bulk requests to a website

so that it is not available to any other user.

Intrusion Problems: An Intrusion problem is an attempt to mischievously steal some

information from someone's computer. Examples of Intrusion are:

Snooping - Have you ever tried to read someone else's slam book secretly? This is
snooping. Have you ever tried to read what someone else is writing in his/her
letter/email to someone else? This is snooping. Do you think your parents try to secretly
check your mobile phone to find its contents? If yes, then what your parents are doing is

In context of network security, snooping refers to gaining unauthorised access to another

person's or organization's data. This may be done in a number of ways:

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• By getting someone's login information by casually watching what he/she is


• Reading the files on someone's computer in an unauthorised manner

• Using some softwares which keeps track of the activities and data being sent or
received on someone's computer.

Snooping refers to gaining unauthorised access to another person's or

organization's data.

Eavesdropping - Do you ever find that when you are talking to someone else, another
person is secretly trying to listen to your talks? What that person is doing is
'eavesdropping'. Have you ever tried to secretly listen to the conversation between two
teachers regarding your class? If yes, then what you have done is 'eavesdropping'.

In context of network security Eavesdropping refers to unauthorised access to another

person's or organization's data while the data is on its way on the network.

This may be done in a number of ways:

• By setting up parallel telephone lines.

• By installing some software (spyware) in the target computer.

• By installing some receiver which captures the data while on its way.

Eavesdropping refers to gaining unauthorised access to another person's or

organization's data while the data is on its way on the network

It is the responsibility of a person/organization to protect its network from such attacks.

The term Network Security refers to all activities undertaken to protect a computer
network from attacks to its security. This covers protection of computers in the premises
and data on the network from both internal and external attacks. To protect a network
from security attacks, a number of steps are taken. These steps include:

Login-Password: By assigning login names and strong passwords to the users of a system,
it can be ensured that only authorized people access a computer. This helps in increasing
the computer as well as network security. A strong password is the one which is easy to

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remember for the user but difficult (almost impossible) for the others to guess
successfully. On the other hand a weak password is generally the name of a person or
organization, the registration number of a vehicle, year of birth of a person and so on. A
weak password can be cracked in a few attempts. Examples of strong passwords may be
raavanisdead (raavan is dead - with spaces removed), 2aur2paanch (name of an old Hindi
movie) or anything like that.

Firewall: A firewall is a hardware device or a software that is installed to monitor the

data entering the computer/Network or leaving it. A firewall permits only that data to
enter or leave a computer/Network for which permissions have been granted by the
computer/network administrator.

Anti Virus Software: These days anti-virus softwares work against not only the virus but
also against almost all kinds of malware. Therefore by installing a full version legal (not
the pirated one or freeware) anti-virus software network security can be increased.

File Permissions: A data file on a computer can be created, read, or modified. An

application file can be run or executed. Accordingly, different rights (privileges) can be
given to different users of a computer to perform one or more of these tasks. For
example, suppose there is a data file containing students' marks in a school. The system
administrator has created that file. If there is a need to create another such file, then
again only the system administrator can create it. So, system administrator is given the
'Create' right. A teacher can read this file to go through the marks of the students. She can
also enter or alter the marks in this file. Therefore a teacher has 'Read', 'Write', and
'Modify' rights to this file. The students can only view their marks; therefore, the students
are given only the 'Read' right to this file. If report cards have to be printed for a class, the
class teacher makes a request to the computer operator, who can run a program to print
the report cards. This computer operator has been given the 'Execute' right to the
application program which prints the report cards. This way by giving appropriate rights
to respective users, computer security as well as network security can be increased.

Setting up a computer network

Let us now take an example to see how can a computer network be setup.

Think of a hypothetical Educational Society (say XYZ Educational Society) with its head

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office in Chennai (Tamil Nadu) and schools in various parts of the globe. The society is
setting up a new senior secondary school, 'SF School', in Bahadurgarh (Haryana).

The 'SF School' will have 3 computer labs with 30 computers in each, 1 Accounts office
with 3 computers, 1 Administrative block with 5 computers, and 1 Principal's office with 1
computer. Let us see how a computer network can be set up in the school.

First of all we can draw a rough sketch of the school with computers at various locations
as follows:

Computer Lab 1 Computer Lab 2 Computer Lab 3

Administrative Principal's Accounts

Block Office Office

Independent LANs can be set up in each of the following buildings:

Computer Lab1, Computer Lab2, Computer Lab3, Administrative Block, Accounts Office.

These LANs can be set up in STAR topology using UTP cable (economical, reliable, and
easily available). For this 1 switch (with suitable number of ports) will be required in
each of these buildings. More than one switches can be used in computer labs if a switch
with more than 30 ports is not available.

Two internet connections (broadband for high speed) can be procured in Administrative
Office. Two connections should be procured from two different ISPs so that

(i) Internet connection in Administrative office can be kept separate from the
other Computer labs where students may do a lot of experimentation.

(ii) If one internet connection is not working, the other can be used in case of
urgent requirements.

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These buildings can then be connected as follows:

Computer Lab 1 Computer Lab 2 Computer Lab 3

Administrative Principal's Accounts

Block Office Office

This interconnection will ensure that each building is directly connected to

Admisnistrative block. This way internet connection will be available in each building
irrespective of the status of the other building.

Server (if any) of the school may be placed in Administrative block so that it remains safe
(physically) and a firewall can be set up so that the whole network remains safe from any
kinds of virus or intrusion attacks.

There is no need to do any extra efforts or expenses to link the school to its head office.
This can be taken care of using the internet connections.

• A computer network is a collection of interconnected computers and other
devices which are able to communicate with each other.

• Communication Media are the links over which the data is sent from one node
to another over a network.

• Hardware devices used to form a network are: Cables, NIC, Hub, Switch,
Repeater, and Gateway.

• Repeaters are used to regenerate the signal which gets weakened during its
transmission. Repeater are generally used to connect two networks which are
more than 80 m apart.

• Gateway is a device which connects two different types of networks.

• On the basis of area covered by a network it is categorized as PAN, LAN, MAN, or


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• Physical arrangement of computers in a network is called network topology.

Basic network topologies are bus, star and tree.

• Each machine on a network is identified by its IP address.

• Conversion of domain name into IP address is done by DNS (Domain Name


• Denial of service, snooping and intrusion are some common threats for network

• Network security can be increased by applying some preventive methods.

Future Trends
4G Technology

The scenario of how computers are networked is changing very fast. Before full
implementation of a technology, a new technology is visible at the horizon. One
such new technology is 4G. 4G stands for fourth generation of mobile technology.
Change from one generation to another involves a major advancement in the
technology used. 1G technology was used in the first mobile phones. 1G used
analog radio signals. 1G was introduced in 1980s and continued until 1992 when
2G was introduced. 2G technology used a digital format and introduced text
messaging. 2G also introduced data services for mobiles, starting with SMS. 3G
technology has introduced more efficient ways of carrying data, making it
possible to have faster web-services, live chat, fast downloading, video
conferencing etc. over mobile phones. Today we are living in the world of 3G.
Soon, 4G will rule the mobile market. Unlike previous generations of mobile
technology, 4G mobile technology will be used for internet access on computers
also, and it will be totally wireless! 4G will provide internet access, high quality
streaming video and "anytime, anywhere" voice and data transmission at a much
faster speed than 3G. The "anytime, anywhere" feature of 4G is also referred to
as "MAGIC" (Mobile multimedia; Anytime/anywhere; Global mobility support;
Integrated wireless solution; Customized personal services).

You can explore more about 4G technology on the internet.

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Cloud Computing

This is an emerging area of demand based resource sharing, resulting into drastic
saving of energy and cost. This is also referred to as 'Green IT'.

You can explore more about Cloud Computing on the internet.

1. Which of the following topologies is a combination of more than one topologies?

a. Bus b. Tree

c. Star d. None of these

2. Which of the following is used for wireless communication?

a. Optical Fiber b. UTP cable

c. Radio Waves d. Coaxial Cable

3. Which of the following is not a transmission medium?

a. Telephone Network b. Coaxial Cable

c. Modem d. Microwaves

4. IP addresses of two computers on a network:

a. Can be the same b. Cannot be the same

c. Are not defined d. Must match with a third computer

5. Bluetooth can be used for

a. Long distance communication b. Short distance communication

c. In mobile phones only d. None of the above

6. Micro waves are

a. Uni directional b. Omni directional

c. Guided media d. Not used for communication.

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7. Snooping is

a. A threat to data security b. Not a threat to data security

c. Good for laptops d. A topology

8. A repeater

a. Regenerates the received signal b. Destroys the received signal

c. Can be used as a hub d. None of the above

9. Satellite links are generally used for

a. PANs b. LANs

c. MANs d. All of the above

10. A domain name maps to

a. A URL b. An IP address

c. A website d. All of the above


1. What is a computer network? What are its advantages?

2. What is meant be communication channels? Give two examples of guided media and
two examples of unguided media.

3. Which communication channel(s) is/are suitable in each of the following situations:

a. Setting up a LAN

b. Transfer of data from a laptop to a mobile phone.

c. Transfer of data from one mobile phone to another.

d. Creating a remote control that can control multiple devices in a home.

e. Very fast communication between two offices in two different countries.

f. Communication in a hilly area

g. Communication within a city and its vicinity where cost of cabling is too high.

4. Why is a switch called an intelligent hub?

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5. When is a repeater used in a computer network?

6. Diagramatically show how would you connect 6 PCs, 1 server, 1 printer, and 2
scanners in
a. Star topology b. Bus topology
7. Two engineers in the same room have connected their Palm-tops using bluetooth for
working on a Group presentation. Out of the following, what kind of Network have
they formed?
8. What is a MAC address? What is the difference between a MAC address and an IP
9. Give some examples of domain names and URLs. How is a domain name different
from a URL?
10. What is domain name resolution?
11. Define Network security? What kind of attacks can be made on data and computer
12. List some methods which are used for network security.
13. Differentiate (with examples wherever possible) between :
a. LAN and MAN b. MAN and WAN
c. Hub and Switch d. Guided and Unguided media
14. Write one advantage of star topology over bus topology and one advantage of bus
topology over star topology.
15. Ishika Industries has set up its new production unit and sales office at Ranchi. The
company compound has 4 buildings as shown in the diagram below:

Factory A
Sales Office
Factory B

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Distances between these buildings are as follows:

Administrative Office to Factory A 150 m

Factory A to Factory B 50 m

Factory B to Sales Office 100m

Sales Office to Administrative office 200m

Administrative Office to Factory B 125 m

Number of Computers in each of the buildings is follows:

Administrative Office 15

Factory A 25

Factory B 18

Sales Office 15

1. Suggest a cable layout of connections between the buildings so that each building is
directly connected to Administrative Office.

2. Suggest the most suitable place (i.e. building) to house the server of this production
unit with a suitable reason.

3. Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification:

(i) Repeater

(ii) Hub/Switch

4. The Administrative office of this unit is to be linked with the head office situated in
Patiala (Punjab). What will be the most economical way to do this? Justify your

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1. Find the IP addresses of at least five computers in your school.

2. Find the MAC addresses of at least 2 computers in your lab. Then verify their
manufacturer's name on the net.

3. Find the layout of LAN in your school's labs. If you think some modifications can be
done in the layout, note these down in your notebook.

4. Find the name of Internet Service Provider of your school.

5. Find the IP address of your school's web site.


(Team size recommended: 3 students each team)
1. A school building is divided into 4 blocks (A, B, C, and D). Each block is at a distance
of 25m from its adjacent blocks. Each block has 1 computer lab with 15 computers
each. Each block also has some other rooms (maximum 10) with 1 computer each.
The school has only one internet connection. The computer network in the school
has to be restructured with the following goals in mind:

• Each lab has to have an independent LAN.

• All the computers in the school should have internet access. (The school does
not want to have any other new internet connection.)

• For internet access a computer should be dependent only on one point and not
on multiple points. It means that if the internet connection is active, any
computer should be able to access it directly irrespective of whether some
other computer in the school is ON or OFF.

• Any two computers in the school should be able to communicate with each
other irrespective of whether any other computer in the school is ON or OFF.

The job of each team is to design a layout for this new network structure. Each team
has to specify

• The layout of the network structure diagrammatically.

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• Topology/topologies is/are used in the layout.

• How the design will be able to fulfill all the mentioned requirements.

2. Find the average price and specifications of each of the following network devices in
the market: Switch , Cable (UTP), LAN Card. Each team has to specify:

• Different types of switches available in the market, their prices, and number of

• Names of brands of UTP Cable available in the market, along with their prices.

• Different types of LAN cards available in the market along with their prices.

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