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ejpmr, 2016,3(5), 517-522 SJIF Impact Factor 3.

Research Article
Kaushik et al. EUROPEAN JOURNAL European
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
ISSN 2394-3211
www.ejpmr.com EJPMR


Anu Kaushik1*, Vivek Chauhan2 and Dr. Sudha3

Department of Pharmacy / Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad, India.
Department of Quality Assurance/ BACFO Pharmaceuticals India ltd, Noida, India.
Department of Biotechnology / JJT University, Rajasthan, India.

*Corresponding Author: Anu Kaushik

Department of Pharmacy / Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad, India.

Article Received on 07/03/2016 Article Revised on 28/03/2016 Article Accepted on 19/04/2016

In recent years there is a spurt in the interest regarding survival of Ayurvedic forms of medication. In the global
perspective, there is a shift towards the use of medicine of herbal origin, as the dangers and the shortcoming of
modern medicine have started getting more apparent, majority of Ayurvedic formulation are prepared from herbs.
Syrup is very popular dosage form of cough and cold medications, ease of patient compliance. The objective of this
study is to develop a polyherbal cough syrup and evaluate the physicochemical parameter along with turbidity/
homogeneity were compared with the changes in accelerated stability testing. Quality of final herbal syrup was
evaluated with the parameters: pH, density, total solid content. Three batches were formulated with simple syrup
40%, 50%, 60% w/v .as sugar base. All the batches were evaluated for physicochemical parameters, colour, odour,
taste, spec. gravity, pH, total solid content. i.e. Specific gravity (1.24 – 1.36), pH (4.8- 5.0), solid content(37-
56.75%). The formulated batches under gone stability studies and microbial test, no turbidity were observed for
three months studies and no microbial growth were seen. All the batches assure the reproducibility and each
parameter were complying with specifications.

KEY WORDS: Quality of final herbal syrup was evaluated with the parameters: pH, density, total solid content.

INTRODUCTION There is an increasing interest in use of plants in health

In recent years, plant derived products are increasingly care for its claimed safety and benefits. Clinical
being sought out as medicinal products, nutraceuticals relevance and evidence have been the basis of
and cosmetics and are available in health food shops and phytomedicine developments in the past. [3]
pharmacies over the counter as self-medication or also as
drugs prescribed in the non-allopathic systems. Herbal Solutions are evenly distributed, homogeneous mixtures
medicines widely used in health-care in both developed of dissolved medication in a liquid vehicle. Molecules of
and developing countries are complex chemical mixtures a solid, liquid, or gaseous medication are equally
prepared from plants and are limited in their distributed among the molecules of the liquid vehicle.
effectiveness because they are poorly absorbed when Because the medication is already dissolved in the
taken orally. solution, it is absorbed from the stomach, skin, or other
site of administration more quickly than other medication
According to an estimate of the World Health dosage forms.
Organization (WHO), about 80% of the world population
still uses herbs and other traditional medicines for their Cough Syrup is liquid dosage form; the oral use of liquid
primary health care needs. Herbal formulations have pharmaceutical has generally been justified on the basis
reached widespread acceptability as therapeutic agents of ease of administration to those individuals who have
for diabetics, arthritics, liver diseases, cough remedies, difficulties in swallowing solid dosage forms. Syrup is a
memory enhancers and adoptogens.[1] concentrated mixture of sugar and purified water. The
high sugar content distinguishes syrups from other types
As per WHO definition, there are three kinds of herbal of solutions. Syrups may or may not contain medication
medicines: raw plant material, processed plant material or added flavoring agents. Syrups without a medication,
and medicinal herbal products. Herbal drugs are finished but with a flavoring agent, are called non-medicated or
labeled products that contain active ingredients such as flavored syrups. Flavored syrups are often used as
aerial or underground parts of plant or other plant vehicles for unpleasant tasting medications: the result is
material or combination thereof, whether in the crude medicated syrup. The high amount of sugar present in
state or as plant preparations.[2]

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syrups predisposes them to bacterial contamination, so expectoration, or nonproductive (dry). Therefore, the use
they often contain a preservative. of an effective antitussive agent such as
Advantages of liquid dosage form: Dextromethorphan or Codeine to suppress the
 Homogeneous liquid. debilitating cough suffered by such patients seems
 Drug is in solution, immediately available for Appropriate. Non-Narcotic antitussive agents anesthetize
absorption. the stretch receptor located in respiratory passages, lungs
 Ease of administration. and pleura by dampening their activity and thereby
 Oral liquid dosage forms usually are faster acting reducing the cough reflex at its source. [5]
than solid dosage forms. Medications are absorbed
into the bloodstream in a dissolved state. The Cough as symptom is often nagging and entails a faster
medication in a liquid dosage form is already relief from problems that make the life miserable, be it
dissolved or is present in small particles so it can just the sound effect or, a feeling of „something stuck in
readily be absorbed. In contrast, tablets must throat caused by the thickened mucus. Cough is
dissolve before they can be absorbed so it takes sometimes due to:
more time for the medications to be absorbed.  environmental pollution, sometimes as a
 For patients who have difficulty swallowing, oral  result of self-inflicted injuries as is seen in smokers.
liquid medications may be easier to take then an oral
solid dosage form. Cough could be of different types:
 Liquid medications may be used where solid dosage  productive,
forms are not practical to administer. For example,  dry,
medications that need to be placed directly into the  spasmodic etc
ear or eye may be more practically administered as a  Most families prepare home remedies such as tea
liquid rather than a solid. with honey or a mixture of one part lemon juice and
one part honey. Several other ingredients are also
Advantages of syrup common: tamarind, ginger and eucalyptus. Recipes
vary widely. Traditional medicines derived from
 Ability to disguise the bad taste of medications.
plants have been and will continue to be used for
 Syrups are thicker than aqueous solutions, therefore
respiratory infections in many parts of the world.
only a portion of the medication dissolved in the
There have been few efficacy studies of traditional
syrup comes in contact with the taste buds. The
medicines as therapy for the common cold.[6]
remainder of the medication is held above the
tongue by the thick syrup so it is not tasted as it is
Various materials used in the preparation of polyherbal
 The high sugar content of syrups gives them a sweet
cough syrup were procured from Bacfo pharmaceutical
taste that helps conceal the bad taste of the medicine.
India Ltd.
This is why syrups are commonly used for pediatric
 The thick character of syrups also has a soothing
effect on irritated tissues.

Rational of preparation of cough syrup

The ingredients of the routinely used cough syrups
mostly contain those ingredients, which cause:
 Drowsiness,
 Irritability or dryness in mouth.
 The requirements differ from person to person yet,
faster symptomatic relief and trouble-free nature of
the product remains supreme.[4]
Cough is a defensive reflex of the respiratory tract which
is important to clear the upper airways and should not be
suppressed indiscriminately. Cough is thought to be
caused by a reflex. It occurs due to stimulation of
mechano-or chemoreceptor in throat, respiratory passage
or stretch receptor in the lungs. The sensitive receptors
are located in the bronchial tree, particularly in the
junction of the trachea. These receptors can be stimulated
mechanically or chemically e.g. by inhalation of various
irritants than nerve impulses activate the cough center in
the brain. Traditionally cough is classified as either
productive, i.e. producing mucus usually with

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Table: 1 Material and source of cough syrup.

S. No. Ingredients Source
1. Mulethi Arya vastu bhandar, Dehradun
2. Vasa Arya vastu bhandar, Dehradun
3. Kapoorkachri Arya vastu bhandar, Dehradun
4. Pushkarmool Arya vastu bhandar, Dehradun
5. Pippli Arya vastu bhandar, Dehradun
6. Kali mirch Arya vastu bhandar, Dehradun
7. Sonth Arya vastu bhandar, Dehradun
8. Tulsi Arya vastu bhandar, Dehradun
9. Potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate Orchid chemicals, Powai
10. Sabaroud dextrose agar Titan biotech, Azadpur
11. Soya casein digest agar Titan biotech, Azadpur
12. Mannitol salt agar Titan biotech, Azadpur
13. Bismuth sulphite agar Titan biotech, Azadpur
14. Nutrient broth agar Titan biotech, Azadpur
15. Mcconkey broth Himedia laboratories pvt ltd
16. Salt meat broth Titan biotech, Azadpur
17. Distilled water In house
18. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate Scientific fische,Hosur
19. Sodium hydroxide Scientific fischer,Hosur
20. Nutrient agar Titan biotech

PREFORMULATION OF RAW HERBS with reference to the air dried drug using following
Determination of foreign matter formula.
Method: Weighed 500 g or the quantity specified of the
original sample and spread it out in a thinner layer. CALCULATION
Inspect the sample with the naked eye or with the 6X (Weight after drying - Weight of petridish) x 100 x 100 /
lenses and separate the foreign organic matter manually weight of sample x volume of filtrate
as completely as possible. Weighed and determine the %
of foreign organic matter from the weight taken. Determination Of Water Extractive Value
Macerated 5gm of air dried drug coarsely powdered with
Moisture content 100 ml of chloroform water (2.5 ml chloroform in
Weighed 2 g of sample & glass petri dish separately, 1000ml water) in a closed flask for 24h, shaken
then heated in hot air oven at 105˚C for 1 hour. Then put frequently for first 6h and allowed to stand for 18 h,
off the petri dish from oven and allowed to cool. thereafter filtered. Evaporated 25 ml of filtrate to dryness
Percentage moisture content was calculated using in a flat bottomed shallow dish, dry at 105ºC and weigh.
following formula: Calculated the percentage of chloroform soluble
extractive with reference to the air dried drug, using
CALCULATION following formula:
(Weight of petri dish + Weight of Sample – Dried
weight) X 100 / Weight of Sample CALCULATION
(Weight after drying - Weight of petridish) x 100 x 100 /
pH analysis weight of sample x vol. of filtrate
Prepared 1% w/v solution/suspension of sample in
distilled water, mixed it properly. Checked the pH with Determination Of Total Ash
pH meter at 27 ± 2 ºC. Incinerated about 2 g accurately weighed, of the ground
drug in a tared platinum or silica dish at a temperature
Read the pH value when temperature and pH reading not exceeding 450 ºC for 5 hours, until free from carbon,
remains constant on display. cooled and weighed.

Determination of Ethanol Extractive Value Calculated the percentage of total ash with reference to
Macerated 5gm of air dried, shaken coarsely powdered the air dried drug, using following formula:
drug with 100 ml of ethanol of 95% in a closed flask for
24 hrs. Shaken frequently for first 6h and allowed to CALCULATION
stand for 18 hours, thereafter filtered rapidly taking care (Weight after drying - Weight of crucible) x 100 / weight
of loss of ethanol. Evaporated 25 ml of filtrate to dryness of sample.
in a flat bottomed petridish, dry at 105 ºC and weighed.
Calculated the percentage of ethanol soluble extractive

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Determination Of Acid Insoluble Ash Method of preparation of decoction

Mixed the ash obtained above in 3.2.6 with 25ml of 2M 5-2 gm each of herbs was taken. herbs was mixed with
HCl, collected the insoluble matter on an whattman ash 500 ml of water. The material was boiled ,until total
less filter paper 60 mm , washed with hot distill water till volume become one fourth of previous. After boiling
fitrate is neutral to litmus paper, ignited for 15 min at liquid was cooled and filtered. Filtrate was taken to
temperature not exceeding 450 ºC. Cooled in a desiccator prepare final liquid oral form.
and weighed. Calculate the acid insoluble ash with
reference to the air dried drug.using following formula: Method of preparation of simple syrup :
(Weight after drying - Weight of crucible) x 100 / weight 60 gm, 50 gm, 40 gm of sucrose was dissolved in
of sample sufficient water to get 100 ml of concentrated simple
syrup each. Then the solution was filtered .There simple
Determination Of Moisture Content (Loss On syrup was used as vehicle.
Placed about 10 g of drug (without preliminary drying) Method of preparation of final liquid oral
after accurately weighing (accurately weighed to within form
0.01 g) it in a tared evaporating dish. Dried at 105º for 5 To prepared final liquid cough syrup, one part of
hours, and weighed. Continued the drying and weighing decoction was mixed with five parts of simple syrup (1:
at one hour interval until difference between two 5)v/v.Solubility was checked by observing the clarity of
successive weighings corresponds to not more than 0.25 solution visually. The final liquid dosage form was then
per cent. Constant weight is reached when two subjected to evaluation of production quality as per
consecutive weighings after drying for 30 minutes and official standards.
cooling for 30 minutes in a desiccator, show not more
than 0.01 g difference. 3.5.3. Methodology For Herbal Cough Syrup
Herbal cough syrup was prepared by the following steps
Determination Of Total Solid Content :
Accurately weighed, syrup sample was placed on the 1. Crude herbs were taken in quantity as mentioned in
empty petri dish. Sample was evaporated on the water table 3.12.
bath and further dried at low temperature. Then the dried 2. All the herbs were taken in beaker and added
petri dish was weighed again. sufficient water and boiled till 1/3rd part was left.
3. Syrup solution of varying concentration (40%, 50%,
Formula 60%w/v) was prepared.
(b-a / sample weight ) X 100 4. Filtered both aqueous extract of herbs and syrup
where, b = weight of petri dish after drying, a = weight solution by filter paper whattman..
of empty petri dish 5. Slowly by continous stirring, added sugar solution to
filtered extract.
3.5.3. Preparation of liquid oral 6. Volume was made upto 100 ml.
To prepare liquid oral form of plant extract of herbs 7. Added preservative and flavor and evaluated it.
following steps were carried out. It was prepared by
decoction method.

Table: 2 Formulation of cough syrup

Ingredients Mulethi Vasa Kapoor- Pushkar- Kali mirch Sonth Sugar base Pepper-
Pippli (gm) Tulsi
Formulations (gm) (gm) kachari (gm) mool (gm) (gm) (gm) % mint %
F1 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 40 0.02
F2 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 50 0.02
F3 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 60 0.02


Table:3 Preformulation study results of cough syrup
Kapur Pushkar
PARAMETERS / INGREDIENTS Liquorice Vasaka Pippli Kalimirch sonth tulsi
kachari mool
Foreign matter (%) 0.05 0.23 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.2
Moisture (%) 5.5 6.0 5.2 5.8 7.3 3.0 4.2 3.2
Water soluble extractive (%) 27.2 26.1 6.9 32.6 8.8 7.5 11.7 15.6
Alcohol soluble extractive (%) 11.6 3.56 2.67 13.45 6.12 8.56 4.56 10.12
Total ash (%) 8.4 16.4 7.21 3.42 4.25 3.33 4.76 15.34
Acid Insoluble ash (%) 1.84 0.33 1.23 0.25 0.23 0.26 0.76 1.56

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Post-formulation evaluation results

Table: 4 General Evaluation Result for Cough Syrup
S. NO. TEST F1 F2 F3
(40%) (50%) (60%)
1. pH Value 4.83 5.0 4.8
2. Specific Gravity (wt/ml) 1.24 1.34 1.36
3. Total Solid Content(%) 37 45.56 56.75
4. Thermal stability Ok Ok Ok
5. Degradation product No No No

Table: 5 Organoleptic Evaluation of Cough Syrup

F1 (40% sugar base) F2 (50% sugar base) F3 (60% sugar base)
1. Physical Appearance Viscous liquid Viscous liquid Viscous liquid
2. Colour Brownish Brownish Brownish
3. Taste Sweet Sweet Sweet
4. Odour Sweet aromatic Sweet aromatic Sweet aromatic

Table: 6 Micro-biological parameters

S.NO. After 1-day After 30- days After 60 -days After 90 –days
TMC: less than 100 TMC: less than 100 TMC: less than 100 TMC: less than 100
YMC: less than 100 YMC: less than 100 YMC less than 100 YMC: less than 100
Formulation no.1 E. coli: Ab E. coli:Ab E. coli:Ab E. coli:Ab
(SUGAR BASE 40 %) S.typhi: Ab S.typhi:Ab S.typhi:Ab S.typhi:Ab
P. aeruginosa: Ab P. aeruginosa:Ab P. aeruginosa:Ab P. aeruginosa:Ab
S. aureus: Ab S. aureus:Ab S. aureus:Ab S. aureus:Ab
TMC: less than 100 TMC: less than 100 TMC: less than 100 TMC: less than 100
YMC: less than 100 YMC: less than 100 YMC: less than 100 YMC: less than 100
Formulation no.2 E. coli: Ab E. coli:Ab E. coli: Ab E. coli:Ab
(SUGAR BASE 50%) S.typhi:Ab S.typhi:Ab S.typhi:Ab S.typhi:Ab
P. aeruginosa: Ab P. aeruginosa:Ab P. aeruginosa:Ab P. aeruginosa:Ab
S. aureus:Ab S. aureus:Ab S. aureus:Ab S. aureus:Ab
TMC: less than 100 TMC: less than 100 TMC:less than 100 TMC: less than 100
YMC: less than 100 YMC: less than 100 YMC: less than 100 YMC: less than 100
Formulation no.3 E. coli: Ab E. coli:Ab E. coli: Ab E. coli:Ab
(SUGAR BASE 60%) S.typhi:Ab S.typhi:Ab S.typhi:Ab S.typhi:Ab
P. aeruginosa: Ab P. aeruginosa:Ab P. aeruginosa:Ab P. aeruginosa:Ab
S. aureus:Ab S. aureus:Ab S. aureus:Ab S. aureus:Ab

Table: 7 Accelerated Stability Study data for cough syrup :

F1 F2 F3
Initial After 2 After 3 Initial After 1 After 2 After 3 Initial After1 After 2 After 3
month month month month month month month month month month month
Vis- Vis- Vis- Vis- Vis- Vis- Vis- Vis- Vis- Vis-
Viscous Vis-cous
Physical appearance cous cous cous cous cous cous cous cous cous cous
liquid liquid
liquid liquid liquid liquid liquid liquid liquid liquid liquid liquid
Dark Dark Dark Dark Dark Dark Dark Dark Dark Dark Dark Dark
brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown
Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet
Sweet Sweet
O d o u r aromati aromat aromati aromati aromati aromati aromati aromat aromati aromati
aromatic aromatic
c ic c c c c c ic c c
pH Value 4.83 4.81 4.85 4.94 5.0 5.06 5.05 5.07 4.86 4.85 4.82 4.8
Specific gravity 1.24 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.34 1.32 1.34 1.34 1.36 1.33 1.34 1.34
Thermal stability OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
De gra dati on o f pro d uc t Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Microbial count (cfu/gm) less less less less less less less less than less less less less than

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than than than than than than than 100 than than than 100
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

The present study “develop and evaluate polyherbal
cough syrup” revealed certain conclusion.

The preformualtion studies were within the in house

specification. The physicochemical property of
polyherbal cough syrup finished product were :Specific
gravity (1.24 – 1.36), pH (4.8- 5.0), solid content(37-
56.75%) The colour (brown), odour (sweet aromatic),
and taste (sweet) of polyherbal cough syrup was
satisfactory in physical appearance.

Among all the formulations F3 were considered best as it

has appropriate concentration of sugar according to IP.
and good preservative. The pH (4.8), Density
(1.36gm/ml), and solid content (56.75%).

The herbal product is in high demand because of the

least possibilities of side effect. The present studies help
to develop a herbal cough syrup with 60% w/v base
syrup, which is effective and safe.

I give my immense thanks to express my sincere thanks
to Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad.

Conflict Of Interest
We declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding
the publication of this paper.

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