Name: Larry Xue Class: AP Physics II Period: 2 Group #: 2 Lab # and Title: 2 - Hydrostatic Pressure

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The key takeaways are that pressure increases linearly with depth and the relationship can be used to calculate the density of the fluid.

The relationship between pressure and depth is direct - as depth increases, pressure also increases.

The density of water calculated from the experiment is 1004.8 kg/m^3.

Name: Larry Xue

Class: AP Physics II
Period: 2
Group #: 2
Lab # and Title: 2 – Hydrostatic Pressure
Laboratory Report
Identify the relationship between depth and pressure. We will measure the depth inside a graduated
cylinder and the absolute pressure at each point.
Equipment Used
Data collection system, PASCO Pressure Sensor, Ruler, Tubing (1/4’’ diameter, longer than 30cm),
Graduated Cylinder
1) Fill the graduated cylinder partially with water.

2) Use the pressure sensor to record the pressure directly above the water. Record this – atmospheric

3) Use a ruler to measure distinct depths below the water. Measure and record the pressure at this depth
inside the graduated cylinder.

4) Repeat with other depths.


Depth (m) Pressure Pressure vs. Depth

0 101574 103200 y = 9846.7x + 101575
.04 101902 103000 R² = 0.9877
.08 102466

.10 102595 102400

.12 102701 102200

.16 103135 101800
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18

Pressure is directly related to depth. Our R^2 value is .9877. Our measurements were taken up to a
pascal and a hundredth of a meter. We used tap water, which contains ions and other substances that
may have caused error in our calculations of water density and pressure. To avoid this, distilled water
should be used in future experiments.
Analysis Questions

Pressure is directly related to depth. As the depth increases, the pressure also increases.

1. What type of relationship exists between pressure and depth?

2. Static pressure is related to depth according to the equation,

𝑃 = 𝑃0 + 𝜌𝑔ℎ
where P is pressure, 𝑃0 is the initial pressure, 𝜌 is density, g is acceleration due to gravity and h is depth.
From a linear graph relating pressure to depth, extrapolate a value for the density of the fluid in the reservoir

Y=9846.7x+101575; 9846.7 = 𝜌*g ; 9846.7/9.8 = 𝜌; 𝜌=1004.8 kg/m^3

3. If the theoretical value of the density of water is 1,000 kg/m3, calculate the percent error between your

% 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 = | 𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙
|× 100 = |(1000 − 1004.8)/1000| × 100 = .48% error.

experimental value and the actual value. Show your work.

4. If you performed this same experiment using liquid iodine (density ≈ 4,900 kg/m3) instead of water, how
would a graph of pressure versus depth be different?

The graph would have the same y-intercept as the graph of water. However, the slope of the iodine graph would be
nearly five times greater than the water graph. This is because the density of iodine is much greater and the slope of
pressure vs. depth is equal to 𝜌𝑔.

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