Effect of Corrosion in Uencing Factors of Cast Iron Pipes in Clay Soil

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Effect of corrosion influencing factors of cast iron pipes in clay soil

Conference Paper · December 2016


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4 authors:

Weigang Wang D.J. Robert

RMIT University RMIT University


Annan Zhou Chun Qing Li

RMIT University RMIT University


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© 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02993-4

Effect of corrosion influencing factors of cast iron pipes in clay soil

W.G. Wang, D.J. Robert, A. Zhou & C.Q. Li

School of Civil, Environmental and Chemical Engineering Disciplines, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

ABSTRACT:  Corrosion has been known as the main reason causing material and structural deteriora-
tion. Although the fundamental corrosion mechanism is well known from several short term laboratory
tests and/or field studies, the prediction of corrosion depth for metal pipes is still a challenging task mainly
due to the complexity associated with the heterogeneity of soils. In the current study, the main corrosion
influencing factors and their multi-interactions are investigated on the basis of a comprehensive review of
literature and analyses of the reported data from field studies for cast iron pipes buried in unsaturated clay
medium, along with the preliminary result from a long term in-house lab test program. The effect of pH,
resistivity and saturation and their coupling effects on corrosion of metal pipe buried in fine texture soil
are quantitatively investigated, in support of developing a new stochastic corrosion model incorporating
soil parameters. The current research provides useful knowledge for engineers and asset managers to make
maintenance strategies for corroded cast iron pipelines.

1  InTroduction (Kreysa & Schütze 2008), high level of soluble salts

(Romanoff 1964) are recognized as corrosive soils
Soil is identified as one of the key factors affect- and hence clay soil, as normally available in field, is
ing corrosion of buried pipes. Recently reported expected to be more corrosive than other types of
data showed that soil is in responsible for 65% of soils (Cole & Marney 2012). Hence, investigation
corrosion of buried iron (Kreysa & Schütze 2008). of pipe corrosion in clay soil is of great significance
Soils, due to the prevalence of mineral salts and to the integrity assessment of underground infra-
water content, are generally assumed to be ‘good’ structure, such as buried pipelines.
electrolytes for corrosion (Pritchard et  al. 2013). In addition, review of literatures (Denison &
Although the corrosion in soil essentially follows Romanoff 1952; Moore & Hallmark 1987; Norin &
the electrochemical theory and appears simple, the Vinka 2003; Romanoff 1945, 1957, 1964) shows that
analysis in realistic cases is often complicated by corrosion rate of buried pipes is function of many
the various chemical agents and the complexity soil properties, not just one single parameter and
associated with the heterogeneity of soils. Hence, the prediction of corrosion rate is often subjected to
it is difficult to correlate the basic electrochemi- errors due to the number of influencing factors and
cal theory with actual corrosion of buried iron. processes involved. In other words, although previous
Moreover, most of soils parameters (e.g. moisture, researchers provided meaningful insight into the soil
temperature and resistivity etc.) changes spatially corrosion, most of such work had mix success (Doyle
and temporally. As a result, soil corrosivity is nor- et al. 2003), and even produced some contradictory
mally more difficult to categorize with respect to conclusions with regard to the dependence of soil
both surrounding soil parameters and pipe specific properties on corrosion. This may be caused either
properties compared with the corrosivity of atmos- by not distinguishing the soil types or without con-
phere or seawater (Ferreira et al. 2007). sidering the interaction of soil properties in specific
A comprehensive field research (Logan et  al. soil type. In light of this, the corrosion mechanism
1937) showed that the corrosion rate of ferrous met- and process in each type of soil under the influence
als varies from an almost unchanged rate in some of each soil property as well as the multi-interactions
soils to nearly stopped (virtual cessation) in other among influencing factors need to be investigated at
soils. Also, the corrosion mechanisms and processes case by case basis on a fundamental level.
are identified soil-dependent due to various hetero- The aim of current work is to investigate the cor-
geneities (Norin & Vinka 2003), and the corrosion rosion influencing factors and their multi-interac-
of buried iron is expected to exclusively depend tion in corrosive clay soil in support of developing
on soil types (Kreysa & Schütze 2008), which is a new stochastic corrosion model incorporating
proved by earlier field tests (Romanoff 1957, soil parameters. Based on the investigation of
1964). In general terms, soils with poor aeration, each parameter influence and their interactions,
high electrical conductivity and moisture content a comprehensive and conceptual relationship

between corrosion behavior and soil properties is a(Fe2+); a(Fe2+)  =  activity of ferrous ion and
proposed, which is supported by a survey study of a(H+) = hydrogen ion.
reported field database for cast iron pipes buried in On the basis of the relation between equilibrium
clay soils and by the initial result from a systematic potential and the change of the free enthalpy (∆rG)
in-house long term lab test program. (Marcus 2011), ∆rG of corrosion reaction (reaction
(1)) is:
∆ rG = − nFEeq
= − nF (0.440 − 0.059 log[ a( Fe 2 + )] − 0.059 pH)
2.1  Soil pH  (3)
The pH of soil is determined by the content of car- Based on the theory of chemical equilibrium
bon dioxide, organic acid, minerals as well as con- thermodynamics that corrosion reaction take place
tamination by industry wastes (Kreysa & Schütze when ∆rG < 0 and with the change of Gibbs free
2008). A number of reported studies (Kreysa & energy |∆rG| increases, the magnitude of reaction will
Schütze 2008; Nesic et al. 1996; Petersen & Melch- be improved. From equation (3), for the decrease of
ers 2012) showed that the corrosion rate of iron in pH, |∆rG| increase and thus the corrosion increases.
both unsaturated soils and solution will experience Hence, as it can be seen from the change of Gibbs
marked increase when the acidity changes from pH free energy ∆rG, pH is expected to directly influence
3 to pH 4, while the corrosion rate does not depend the corrosion equilibrium potential, which together
on hydrogen ion in certain pH range (5 to 9) for iron with the electrode kinetics, determine the corrosion
buried in saturated soil. With the pH of soil below cell potential (shown in Fig. 1).
5, corrosion occurs by the liberation of hydro-
gen (Rossum 1969). Furthermore, several studies
claimed that (Kreysa & Schütze 2008; Petersen & 2.2  Water content
Melchers 2012), when the pH of soils is in the range Water content is expected to have more influence
of 5 to 8, the influence of pH will be less important on corrosion of iron than other factors such as con-
than other factors for corrosion. Soils with a higher centration of salt, organic acid or inorganic acid
pH, however, may have an indirect enhancement on (Kreysa & Schütze 2008). In general, corrosion rates
water main deterioration. For example, if the pH is of metal buried in soils under some moisture are
between 5.5–8.5, the soi1 is suitable for the growth larger than that under water content at extremely
of sulfate reducing bacteria, which may greatly dry or fully saturated (Gupta & Gupta 1979;
cause corrosion (Doyle et al. 2003). Markovic 1955), as conceptually shown in Figure 1.
In order to understand the role of pH in the
underlying iron corrosion, it is important to scru-
tinize potential energy equilibrium framework
(Marcus 2011). Based on potential-pH diagram
of iron (Fe) (Marcus 2011), the iron is expected
to be damaged in acidic electrolyte through the
oxidation process by hydrogen ions. In acidic soil,
corrosion of iron can be simply represented as the
following reaction:

Fe + 2H3O + + 2e − → Fe 2 + + H2 + 2H2 O (1)

The reaction is pH-dependent as the electrode

process involves the reduction of H+. One obtains
the equilibrium potential Eeq through Nernst equa-
tion (Marcus 2011).

RT  a( H + ) 
Eeq = E 0 + ln
nF  a( Fe 2 + )  (2)
= 0.440 − 0.059 log[ a( Fe 2 + )] − 0.0059 pH

where R = gas universal constant (8.314 Jmol−1 K−1;

T = the absolute temperature (K); F = Faraday con-
stant; n = the number of electrons; E 0 = the standard Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of corrosion dependence
electrode potential (0.440V for Fe → Fe 2 + + 2e − ); on soil parameters.

At low water content, iron will be rapidly oxidized prompts the corrosion reaction. In addition, clay
by oxygen into protective film which would pro- soil is expected to subsequently shrink and crack
hibit the diffusion process, resulting in over-voltage during drought condition, allowing the access of
(polarization) in the corrosion electrode. While a oxygen to metal substrate and, as a result, increas-
relatively higher level of water content can prompt ing corrosion rate (Pritchard et al. 2013).
the diffusion of ferrous ions (de-polarization proc-
ess) (Gupta & Gupta 1979; Romanoff 1957). In
2.5  Other factors
addition, high level of water content will facilitate
the transport of ferrous irons through the graphi- Temperature is known to accelerate most of cor-
tised layer on cast iron pipes surface after initiation rosion reactions (Nesic et al. 1996). Nie et al. 2009
of corrosion (Petersen & Melchers 2012). In fully observed that buried iron experienced greater mag-
saturated soils, corrosion process could be ceased nitude of corrosion in summer months as a result
as the water barrier covering soils (except for soil of higher temperature. (Li et al. 2007) showed that
with high acidity or microorganisms) can prohibits a change of temperature of 1.0°C is associated with
the diffusion of oxygen (Kreysa & Schütze 2008). the decrease of electrical resistivity by 0.5% in iron.
Typically, water content in soil can be identified as a In addition, temperature is expected to influence
function of soil type, climate and geometric condi- the semi-conductive property of protective film
tions (Pritchard et al. 2013). on corroded surface and mass transfer-controlled
corrosion process (Nesic et  al. 1996).Variation of
soil temperature, alongside atmospheric pressure,
2.3  Resistivity
can also result in differing the concentrations of
Since corrosion is an electrochemical reaction, soil soils gases (especially CO2, O2) throughout the soil
resistivity plays a major role in determining the substrate (Pritchard et al. 2013), which may create
corrosion current (Doyle et al. 2003), as was widely oxygen cells on the surface of buried pipes, result-
showed in several of field tests (Doyle et al. 2003; ing in high corrosion potentials.
Romanoff 1957, 1964). For example, statistical In addition to aforementioned influencing
analysis of pipe corrosion and the corresponding factors, other factors such as temperature, stray
soil properties shows that soil resistivity has the current, Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion
largest effect on the maximum average pitting rates (MIC), as well as dry-wet cycles of soil plays a
of buried metal pipes (Doyle et al. 2003). Highest key role in soil corrosion under certain conditions.
corrosion rates of ductile and cast iron pipes were A detailed discussion on the influence of those fac-
found in soils with low resistivity (Alamilla et  al. tors can be found elsewhere (Cole, I & Marney, D
2009). Typically, soil resistivity is primarily deter- 2012; Usher et al. 2014), which deserve separated
mined by soil porosity, water content, content of discussions and will not be covered by this paper.
dissolved salts and temperature (Doyle et al. 2003;
Moore & Hallmark 1987; Nürnberger 2012).
2.6  Interaction of influencing factors
As described above, there is a strong influence from
2.4  Clay soil
the parameters such as soil moisture content, resis-
Clay soil, due to its inherent finely dispersed struc- tivity, pH, clay soil and temperature to the corro-
ture (Pritchard et al. 2013) and minerals with capac- sion rates of buried irons. However, most of the
ity of ions sorption (Kreysa & Schütze 2008), is able time, these parameters are expected to interact with
to retain moisture more readily than other soils (e.g. each other directly/indirectly in the matrix of soil,
sandy soils). Further, clay soil has significantly low which can significantly change the expected corro-
resistivity due to high content of dissolved ions in sion rate based on single parameter influencing.
the pore water (Doyle et  al. 2003), facilitating the In a soil with given texture, although the
corrosive action of buried metal. Although the cor- increase water content will reduce the resistivity
rosiveness of clay soil would be reduced due to the and improve the transportation and diffusion of
difficulty of transporting oxygen through the mass corrosion species, it will also decrease the percent-
to continually participate in reduction reaction in age of air in the porosity of soil, resulting in reduce
cathode(Pritchard et  al. 2013), corrosion in clay of oxygen content. Hence, the increase in water
soils are typically held constant (Romanoff 1957) content can be two way impacts to corrosion rate;
because of the presence of either acidity as electron one way to increase the rate due to high water pres-
acceptors or microorganisms (e.g. Sulfate reducing ence in the medium, while the other is to decrease
bacteria). Furthermore, in soils with poor aeration, the rate as of reducing oxygen content.
the ferrous ions can migrate away from the surface Moreover, the increase of water content is
of corroded metal before being oxidized (Rossum expected to decrease resistivity until a certain
1969), so that the products are not the control- value after which the resistivity will not depend on
ling factor for electrode potential, which indirectly water content (Gupta & Gupta 1979). Based on

experimental and field investigations (Bery & Saad soil under controlled environmental conditions
2012), it is found that the resistivity and water con- were developed (Fig. 2). The controlled conditions
tent normally follow an exponential relationship, include soil moisture content, pH, dry density, tem-
as schematically shown in Figure 1. perature and humidity of environment. Clay soil
Meanwhile, temperature is believed to affect soil excavated from a Melbourne landfilling site was
moisture and resistivity at the same time but with used in the test series. The acidity of soil ranges
converse influences. On one hand, the increase of from most accelerated condition (pH 2.5) to rather
temperature is expected to lower the resistivity, less corrosive condition (pH 5.0). The saturation
which can prompt corrosion reaction. On the other of soil is maintained at 80% under temperature 23
hand, the presence of water in the medium can be celsius degree and 50% humidity. More details of
decreased by the evaporation due to the increase the tests and controlling/monitoring methodology
of temperature in field case (Nie et al. 2009), which are discussed elsewhere (Wang W.G. et al. 2016).
can restrain corrosion.
Although the decrease of pH is expected to
reduce resistivity due to the increase of hydrogen 4  SUVERY OF LONG TERM FIELD
ions concentration, it is negligible as shown in RESEARCH
(Betz Laboratories 1980) compared with other fac-
tors such as water content or salt content etc. On Several field studies have been reviewed to investigate
the basis of the effect of pH on corrosion potential the influence of soil properties on metal pipe corro-
(as seen in section 3.1) and Ohm’s Law, decrease of sion in real field conditions as well as to validate the
both soil pH and resistivity are expected to have results from the laboratory tests in current research
synergistic effect on prompting corrosion. program (Wang W.G. et  al. 2016). The re-viewed
It can be seen (Fig.  1) that some of corrosion test programs include long term corrosion program
influencing factors such as water content and tem- by America National Bureau of Standard (NBS)
perature play a dual role in corrosion reaction (i.e. (Denison & Romanoff 1952; Romanoff 1945, 1957,
prompting corrosion within certain ranges beyond 1964), measurements of corrosion properties in gas
which corrosion being restrained) and most of pipelines in Mexico and recent field investigation in
them (water content, resistivity, temperature, oxy- Australia (Alamilla et al. 2009; Petersen & Melchers
gen and salt contents etc.) have correlations and 2012). Among the commonly available database,
affect each other. NBS database is highly effective as it possesses the
measurements of corrosion with same material cor-
responding to similar environments for a maximum
3  WELL-CONTROLLED LABORATORY exposure of 17 years. Although the major intention
STUDY of NBS corrosion program was to investigate the
corrosion behavior of various alloys in different
A systematic research program, funded by Austral- locations of USA, it also provides an opportunity
ian Research Council (ARC), has been developed to study the effects of soil properties on corrosion
in the current research to investigate the corrosion The information of soil and corrosion data are col-
influencing factors and deterioration mechanism lected by several publications from NBS program
of metal pipes buried in soil. The test program is (Romanoff 1945, 1957, 1964, 1968; Schwerdtfeger
currently being continued and some selected results 1953) as shown in Table 1.
are discussed in this paper. Table 1.  Summary of soil properties from NBS.
In order to quantitatively investigate the effects
of soil properties on buried cast iron pipe, corro- Air-pore
sion tests on full scale pipe sections buried in clay Soil Resistivity space

No. Type pH ohm-cm percent

60 Rifle peat[2][3] 2.6 218 33.2

43 Tidal marsh[1][3] 3.1 60 —
62 Susquehanna clay[3] 4.1 6922 14.9
C Clay[4] 4.0 300 —
51 Acadia clay[2][3] 6.2 190 1.4
61 Sharkey clay[2][3] 6.8 943 2.3
56 Lake Charles clay[1][3] 7.1 406 5.0
15 Houston black clay[3] 7.5 489 5.7
215 Docas clay[3] 8.3 62 3.8

*[1] (Denison et  al. 1953); [2] (Romanoff 1968); [3]

Figure 2.  Environmental chamber (a); soil chamber (b). (Romanoff 1957, 1964); [4] (Schwerdtfeger 1953).

5  RESULT AND DISCUSSION et al. 2014; Valencia-Cantero et al. 2003), the effect
of bacteria could cause higher corrosion rates in this
Results of the reported field tests and current test- regard even though the soil medium was non-acidic.
ing program are showed and discussed herein. The Such behavior of pH effect on corrosion has been
results are analyzed in terms of the effect of pH schematically identified in Figure 1 by analyzing the
(Fig.  3) and resistivity (Fig.  4) on the corrosion underlying electrode reaction. For soils having pH of
rates (i.e. mass loss). ∼7 (i.e. less hydrogen ions), the corrosion is expected
It can be seen from Figure 3 that there is positive to highly rely on oxygen. Hence, the magnitude of
relationship between corrosion magnitude and soil corrosion can increase with initial increase of water
acidity when the pH of clay soil falls below 6.2 similar content as well as increase of conductivity, while it
to what was observed by several other research studies decreases greatly due to shortage of oxygen as of
(Kreysa & Schütze 2008; Petersen & Melchers 2012). less air pore space present in the medium. However,
However, there is no clear relation observed when when hydrogen ions concentration increases (i.e. pH
pH holds neutral (or alkaline). Interestingly, it is to decreases), the available oxidants to accept the elec-
be noted that pipes buried in Docas clay (pH 8.3) and trons also follow increasing trend. As a result, the
Houston black clay (pH 7.5) were corroded severely dependence of corrosion on oxygen decreases with
than that in high acidic soils, implying that other fac- the increase in pH as showed in Figure 1.
tors over acidity can impact corrosion. Further inves- The results analyzed on soil resistivity showed
tigation of soil properties shows that Docas clay has that the corrosion damage has more direct depend-
lowest resistivity (62  ohm-cm) compared with that ence on the resistivity in clay soils than on soil pH
of others. Hence, resistivity may dominate corrosion (Fig.  4). The increasing soil resistivity depicts a
compared with pH in this Docas clay. More likely, clear reduction of corrosion rates for all the soils.
since clay soils having pH of 5.5–8.5 were showed its Further, it is found that the alkaline soil (pH 8.3)
suitability to grow anaerobes such as Sulfate-Reduc- showed the most corrosive behavior with holding
ing Bacteria (SRB), which can play a significant role the lowest resistivity (60  ohm-cm), implying that
in the corrosion of underground pipelines (Usher resistivity can impact corrosion over the soil acid-
ity. Interestingly, it is found that the effect of low
resistivity on corrosion can be severe (Fig. 4), but
decreases until 940 ohm-cm after which the depend-
ence of corrosion on resistivity is vague anymore.
This may explain why an implicit or statistical
relationship between resistivity and corrosion was
not found in several previous studies (Murray &
Moran 1989) (Petersen & Melchers 2012) where
the resistivity of soils exceed 1700 ohm.
This behavior can be explained by the conceptual
relationship proposed in the current study (Fig. 1)
showing that the resistivity has impact on corro-
sion in certain range, beyond which other factors
dominate the corrosion potential of buried metals.
Figure  3.  Mass loss of cast iron pipes buried in clay Even though the water content of the medium is
soils with different pH. one of the key factor determining the corrosion rates
of buried metals, the water content or saturation in
field are often not available due to the high spatial
and temporal variability in natural fields. Hence,
the large scale tests which are currently being con-
ducted under controlled laboratory conditions will
provide useful information to study the corrosion
mechanism comprehensively and quantitatively.
The results of the current large scale tests are also
plotted in Figure 3 for comparison. It can be seen
that the mass loss of pipe section buried in test soil
with pH 3.5 after 7 months (0.104 g/cm2) exposure
locate close to the six months result (0.102 g/cm2)
from Tidal Marsh soil (pH  =  3.1), indicating the
effectiveness of the current program to duplicate
Figure 4.  Relationship between corrosion and resistiv- the real field exposure environment and its capabil-
ity under different years. ity of quantitatively predicting the influences of soil

conditions on corrosion rate. More results of syn- Denison, IA & Romanoff, M 1952, ‘CORROSION
ergistic effects of soil properties on corrosion from OF GALVANIZED STEEL IN SOILS’, Journal of
the current test program will be presented later. Research of the National Bureau of Standards, vol.
49, no. 5, pp. 299–314.
Doyle, G, Seica, MV & Grabinsky, MWF 2003, ‘The
role of soil in the external corrosion of cast iron water
mains in Toronto, Canada’, Canadian Geotechnical
Journal, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 225–236.
The corrosion influencing factors (pH, resistivity, Ferreira, CAM, Ponciano, JA, Vaitsman, DS & Pérez,
moisture, oxygen and temperature etc.) of cast iron DV 2007, ‘Evaluation of the corrosivity of the soil
pipes in corrosive clay soil and their multi-interac- through its chemical composition’, Science of the
tions are analyzed. The effect of soil pH and resis- Total Environment, vol. 388, no. 1, pp. 250–255.
tivity are specially investigated based on survey of Gupta, S & Gupta, B 1979, ‘The critical soil moisture
history field database with a comparison to cur- content in the underground corrosion of mild steel’,
rent results from large scale testing program. Corrosion Science, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 171–178.
Kreysa, G & Schütze, M 2008, DECHEMA corrosion
The results analyzed from the current/previous
handbook, Dechema.
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behavior of corrosion can be changed under differ- Logan, K, Ewing, S & Denison, I 1937, ‘Soil corrosion
ent pH based on analysis of the underlying corro- testing’, paper presented to Symposium on Corrosion
sion mechanisms. Testing Procedures.
The results also showed that there is clear relation Marcus, P, ed. 2011, ‘Corrosion mechanisms in theory
and practice’, CRC Press.
between resistivity of soil and corrosion behavior
Markovic, TD, Z.; Sribar, B. 1955, Markovic, T.; Dugi,
especially in a relatively low resistivity range. The Z.; Sribar, B., vol. 6, p. 334.
results analyzed in the current study also facilitate Moore, T & Hallmark, C 1987, ‘Soil properties influenc-
in the clarification of contradictory conclusions ing corrosion of steel in Texas soils’, Soil Science Soci-
by other researchers on whether there exist the ety of America Journal, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 1250–1256.
dependence of corrosion on soil resistivity. Nesic, S, Postlethwaite, J & Olsen, S 1996, ‘An electro-
The result of 7 months corrosion test based on chemical model for prediction of corrosion of mild
in-house lab test program compared well with col- steel in aqueous carbon dioxide solutions’, Corrosion,
lected data, indicating the effectiveness of the cur- vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 280–294.
Norin, M & Vinka, TG 2003, ‘Corrosion of carbon steel
rent program to duplicate the real field exposure
in filling material in an urban environment’, Materi-
environment and its capability of quantitatively als and Corrosion-Werkstoffe Und Korrosion, vol. 54,
predicting the influences of soil conditions on cor- no. 9, pp. 641–651.
rosion rate. More results from the in-house test Nürnberger, U 2012, ‘Long-time behavior of non-galva-
program will be presented in later publications. nized and galvanized steels for geotechnical stabiliza-
tion applications’, Materials and corrosion, vol. 63,
no. 12, pp. 1173–1180.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Petersen, R & Melchers, R 2012, ‘Long-Term Corrosion
of Cast Iron Cement Lined Pipes’, Corrosion and Pre-
Financial support from Australian Research Coun- vention, pp. 11–14.
cil under DP140101547 and LP150100413 is grate- Pritchard, OG, Hallett, SH & Farewell, TS 2013, ‘Soil
fully acknowledged. Corrosivity in the UK–Impacts on Critical Infrastruc-
ture’, Infrastructure Transitions Research Consortium
Working paper series, pp. 1–55.
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