Campaign Report On Cleanliness

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Approach :

The campaign strategy was focused on approaching the masses such that maximum population is
covered as well as the effects that are seen in the region are widespread and long lasting. The
campaign addressed issues of personal hygiene, public sanitation conditions, lack of awareness and
the general issue of public attitude that withholds the population in taking a proactive attitude towards
the problem, i.e, the cleanliness. The campaign focused on gathering as much attention as possible
towards this issue as it is taken rather lightly in Indian society. The highlight of the entire drive is the
approach that is adopted. We not only took upon the general population but also tried to understand
the conditions that are present in the departments. We looked upon the basic lack in amenities that is
plaguing the sanitation department itself and tried to adopt a method that will give way to a structure
that would eventually embark upon a cleaner India. “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” made a base for the
drive, and the slogan “ na gandagi karenge , na karne denge ” was adopted as team motto.

Strategy and Phases :

The campaign tried to cover as much base as possible. Continued communication within the team and
with other teams helped in the overall upliftment of the morale that was surrounding the initiative.
The campaign was divided in the following phases:

 Awareness: This was most thoroughly explored through this campaign. Knowing the
awareness levels of the students and the general opinions that the population holds, we
targeted on highlighting personal hygiene. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan relegates the significance
of the same, and we adopted it as our own. We covered the colonies, hostels and the local
schools, as we tried to evolve a general consensus among the population on the issue.
 Self Help: Indian society believes in the methodology of “helping those who help
themselves”. Following this we undertook a massive cleanliness drive. Our actions spoke
louder than words. Our plan covered cleaning of park areas, hostels, and canteens and
encouraging people to be involved in the process.
 Fund Raising: through our survey, we stumbled upon the dire condition that surrounds the
department of sanitation. Accepting this as an opportunity for making pantnagar a better
place, we planned on raising funds for the department and, at the same time, making people
aware about the issue. The fund raising event covered hostel students as well as residential
 Mass media: The campaign tried to make as much noise as possible in order to draw the much
needed focus. Covering our bases, the campaign maintained regular communication with
audience through facebook, Radio shows, Posters , as well as with other teams, hence pooling
resources and giving effective result.


Different activities and events were organised to make people aware about cleanliness. We organised
a massive cleanliness drive on the following days of the campaign. We encouraged people of the main
market, students, and other residential people to participate in the “swachh bharat abhiyan”.
Following pictures were taken during the campaign.:








“To bring the change,

Be the change.”

The aim of the campaign was to analyse and promote the perspective of people towards cleanliness.
For the same motto, we organised different awareness programs and activities. The impact of these
events was as follows :-

 Since learning starts from the grassroots we went to different schools and made children
aware about cleanliness. In return, children promised to make their classrooms and
playgrounds clean. There was a spark in their eyes to bring the change and they all have
promised to keep that spark alive.
 The teachers of the school appreciated the initiative and were inspired by it. They pledged to
bring the change in their society.
 The students, guards and sweepers who cleaned the mess of the hostel(Patel Bhawan)
decided to clean their surroundings and stop people from littering the environment. They
vowed to aware their relatives and people around them about “swachh bharat abhiyaan”.
 After seeing different students cleaning the market, even the shopkeepers came forward for
the “safai abhiyaan”.
 Seeing the sanitation department of the university in trouble the college students were
moved towards the cause of helping the members of the department. Everyone, who came to
know about them, contributed towards helping them. This shows their generosity and
compassion towards them.


Like Charity begins at home, Cleanliness also begins at home. We, with the students residing in our
respective hostels, took up the task to clean our surroundings, starting with the hostel mess itself. The
realization dawned upon us that hygiene and health is a God’s gift that we must ‘handle with care’.
For students, it was only about coming to the mess from our rooms, eating the prepared stuff and
getting back to the rooms. We realized the efforts of the sweeping staff of our hostel mess to keep the
mess clean and healthy.

During the prayer session of VSM members, we approached them and conveyed about our motto.
They generously joined hands with us and participated in cleaning of the main market. Seeing us
contributing towards the maintenance, shopkeepers held brooms in their hands and cleared the porch
of their shops. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan still had a place in everybody’s soul.

It was heart wrenching to know the plight of workers who look after the clean green image of our
university. They had no gumboots, masks or even hand gloves that was required for their hygiene. We
had an idea in our head to go for funds and buy the essentials for the workers but were not sure about
the co-operation of college students. But to our immense surprise, the response was so positive that
we managed to collect a handsome amount in no time. Everybody was responsing to our campaign in
a way that surprised us and at the same time made us comprehend that there is still a tinge of
humanity alive in the society that has become selfish . We thought of the future of our campaign. It is
definitely not a 4 day issue. Cleanliness should become a habit, a ritual and something that we were
supposed to inculcate in every individual breathing on the soil of Bharat Mata. We questioned
ourselves that who is the future of our country? Who will sustain us when we will breathe our last? It
is surely the children of our country who will preserve the integrity of our environment. With the
same school of thought, we knocked the doors of the room of principal of Balniliyam School,
Pantnagar. She shared her thoughts about how the education is being applied theoretically but not
practically. We asked for her permission to have a talk with the children of the school. They provided
us with mics and there we organized a spontaneous workshop on “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” It
was wonderful when small children shared their thoughts about how they help their mother clean the
house and how they take care about the cleanliness of their school. It was a surprise to us when a
student of class 2nd educated us, the elders, about how the concept of a compost pit is being utilised in
her society. It was an ‘awesome’ session with students that involved some fun and recreational
activities that witnessed faithful participation from teachers as well as students. We together cleaned
the playground, the garden and the classrooms of the school. “Phirse aayiyega Didi-Bhaiya” were the
words of tiny tods when we waved them bye. We moved onto a bit elder though younger generation –
the youth of India. We took brooms in our hands, and together with the co-operation of college
students took to cleaning the vicinity of Brijwasi Canteen area. Heaps of garbage got collected and we
put them all in the compost pit that was dug near by. Later we went to buy the essentials that were to
be distributed the next day among the workers.

The next day was the day of smiles. Beautiful was the feeling that came along with the happiness we
saw on the faces of workers of Sanitation department. We distributed the gumboots, masks and rubber
gloves to them and they were filled with jolly. It was important to knock the doors of administration
and positively ask about where does the problem lie in giving away these essentials from the
university’s side? We, gathered advices from our elders and seniors, and wrote a letter to the
Honourable Vice-Chancellor of the university. Awaited is their response, but we will not stop here.
We will knock the same doors again and again till we get the answer.


Throughout the course of survey and campaign, we learnt how much lies deep inside the phrase
“Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. These are not some mere words but a discipline. A value that
should be converted into a habit. Together when us, the different minds met, we did not realize how
close we will come together to take the campaign forward. Teamwork can do wonders. A nation is not
known for its name but for its citizens. Our team was like a nation too. We explored the society
together. It was fun session to interact with different people. Just to know their thoughts, we moulded
ourselves to be them for few moments and then switched into another ‘avatar’ to know someone else’s
thoughts. We tested our communication skills, convincing power and patience ; all at once.
Throughout the course our stamina was also tested. We interacted with individuals, groups and groups
of groups. It was not less than any event to gather people and address them. To tackle things at formal
and informal level, how to face the dignitaries and how to face the workers , how to organise
gatherings, managing both college schedule and the campaign and there is much more to the same.
We plan ahead to raise the issue of staff members of sanitation department to a professional level and
find the solution through collaborating with the administration to several problems of the workers. It
was immense grief to find out about the low salary they are paid, no basic essentials/ equipments they
are provided that they have right upon or the permanent recruitment of members for the particular
jobs, which is posing as a difficulty for the workforce of 29 members to manage cleaning, sweeping
or managing the second largest university (Areawise) of the world.

We have submitted a letter (that has been despatched) to raise voices about the same concern in the
VC Office. We will track the same till the demands are met. We will frequently visit the schools and
market areas and will keep a check on the cleanliness and maintenance of the areas. Also we will
organize more workshops to promote health, hygiene and cleanliness and inculcate it as a value in
minds of every individual we come across. It is not our campaign but people’s campaign which we
hope to stand out as a success in future and years to come.

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