PT. Astra Honda Motor Strategy English

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Question 1
State in your own words, main steps in carrying out the following :
A. Strategy Formulation
 Company’s Vision and Mission
To develop strategies that are suitable for the company or business, we need to know our business and
targets to go. We are familiar with the company's vision and mission. By creates vision and mission
clearly, it will help companies develop strategies to achieve corporate goals.

Example : Astra Honda Motor Company

Vision :
AHM wants to be the leader of the motorcycle market in Indonesia and become the world class
player, by realizing consumer dreams, creating excitement for consumers and contributing to the
Indonesian people.
Mission :
Creating mobility solutions for society with the best products and services.

AHM made a vision to be the leader of the motorcycle market in Indonesia. This state made
AHM focus on the motorcycle market with specific locations in Indonesia. The location is on Indonesia,
persuaded AHM to able to find out the needs of Indonesian consumers and design motorcycle products
to supports the activities of Indonesia's people (vision: contributing to the Indonesian people). The
vision of "creating excitement for consumers" was supported by made BEAT products which use ONE
HEART slogans with JKT48 to be the brand ambassador.
The mission is the action that companies must take to achieve their vision. AHM made a real
action by creating a motorbike as a mobility solution for the society with the best service.
 SWOT Analysis
Furthermore, companies need to define SWOT analysis for companies or selling products. External
analysis of the company is important to observe the opportunities and threats from the side of
competitors, suppliers, customers, government, society, economic conditions, etc. So, the opportunities
and threats would be compared with internal analysis. The internal analysis includes the strengths and
weaknesses of the company such as labour, experience, products, brand, location, etc.
From the example, the rival of AHM is Yamaha Motor. AHM needs to find out the competitors do,
the product's launch and promotions made. Furthermore, compared with the strengths and weaknesses,
AHM can compete with competitors. For example for an automatic motorbike, Yamaha first introduced
Mio and booming. But AHM can compete with BEAT now.
 Long Term Strategy
Companies must make long-term goals in addition to short-term goals. Long-term goals
prepared because each product will enter a decline phase. In order not to miss, AHM must form new
products with technology in the period.
 Alternative Strategy
The alternative strategy can be formulated from SWOT namely SO (view strengths and
opportunities), or WO (view weaknesses and opportunities), or ST (view strengths and threats) or WT
(view weaknesses and threats). Of the various alternative strategies, which one is most likely to be done
in terms of costs, resources, and potential success.

B. Strategy Implementation
The second phase is an implement of strategy that has been chosen by the company. The
company should support the implementation of strategy by creating a working atmosphere, for
example in AHM, the value of "ONE HEART" was encouraged. Every communication with employees
and customers will begin with "Salam Satu Hati".

Furthermore, making an effective organizational structure. The organizational structure

created by the company could help the company achieved its vision and mission targets.

The next is to prepare the require of the budget to implement the strategy. The budget can
include the socialization budget, the procurement of materials and materials budget, technology
budget, the labour budget and so on.

Today, the role of technology is getting bigger in all areas. Companies should attend
technological developments to not far behind competitors. Example: when consumers want to see a
motorbike, they must go to the showroom. But with technology and information systems, general
information is available on the website and social media.

Another important thing is compensation for employees. Employee compensation includes

salaries, bonuses, vacation, insurance and so on. Compensation associated with the performance of
the employee, so there was no sceptical thing among employees and motivated them to pursue their
best. The performance of employee indirectly affected the company's progress.

C. Strategy Evaluation
After a strategy carried out, an evaluation is needed. It will clarify that the strategy need to
improve or not. Evaluation is supposed that the company always implement the right strategy because
the situation can change quickly. Measuring strategies performance can be done by comparing the
number of sales or by measuring customer satisfaction before and after the executing strategy.

Finally, the company should decide to change the strategy that has been running or not. For
example, there is a government policy regarding turns on motorcycle lights during the day. AHM
helped to change the new product which automatically turns on the headlights.

D. What is Company Policy and how it helps manager to handle repetitive

situations effectively (Give example to simplify your answer)
Company policies can be referred to as detailed guidelines, methods, procedures, sequences,
forms, and administrative practices that are made to support and encourage the intended purpose.
Company policy is an instrument for strategy implementation.
For example, in AHM, it is applied that credit financing or leasing may only take a margin of 5-
10% from the price of the motorbike. So that leasing does not need to ask for approval manager for
motorbike loan prices with a predetermined margin.

Question 2

A. Explain in your own words, why is Company Vision vital for a

The vision is a guideline or long-term targets of the company, things to be achieved, the level
of the business, and the mind of the company. Vision becomes vital for the company because of all
the strategies, products, program promotion, employees' mind and stakeholder's mind should be
directed to the company's goals. All movements within the company centred on the objective of

Example : Astra Honda Motor Company

Vision :
AHM wants to be the leader of the motorcycle market in Indonesia and become the world
class player, by realizing consumer dreams, creating excitement for consumers and contributing to
the Indonesian people.

AHM has underscored that they have focused on the market of motorcycles, the location is in
Indonesia, and want to give something to the society and excitement for consumers. Imagine if that
vision just only "AHM wants to be the leader of the market in Indonesia..", that's not the vision
because it is too general and make the company even confused the focus to what field, a leader in
the market, so the strategy made even will not be effective. Therefore the formulation of the vision is
really important in the company because it is the way of all the actions that carried out the company.

B. Effective Mission Statements can arouse positive feelings and

emotions of employee, explain with example if necessary.
An effective mission statement as much as possible can be suggestive to employees to
perform better and realize the established companies vision. If employees feel positively impact, the
emotions and performance will increase. The consumers also get the impact services of employees
who did with a wholeheartedly.

Mission :
Creating mobility solutions for society with the best products and services.

When the mission of the AHM instilled by the employee and provide the best service,
consumers will be satisfied and make repurchases so that the loyal consumer will increase. For
example, every showroom Honda motor has the standard of the same service that is the best
service. Consumers get good service anywhere, so they not to be confused. It supported corporate
to achieve the vision, that becomes the market leader on a motorcycle in Indonesia.

Question 3
A. How do you find Strengths and Weaknesses in Marketing
Business Function of a company?
With identifying every resource of the company, such as:
 Physical resources
Include how the mapping of the location of the company, the equipment, machinery and
materials used
 Human resources
Include how the behavior, experiences, skills, and knowledge of the employees
 Organizational resources
Include the company's organizational structure, the IT infrastructure, system

B. How do you select which Strengths that you should

concentrate on in your SWOT analysis?
With determining the situation that is very valuable to the company, has the opportunity
and the power so can take advantages. Strategies should be applied to support the aggressive
growth policy (Growth oriented strategy).

Internal Factors Analysis Weight Rating Score

High quality of selling products 0,10 4,0 0,40
High productivity ability 0,10 3,5 0,35
The official workshop and spare parts sales distributed all
0,15 4,0 0,60
over Indonesia
High product development and innovative 0,10 3,5 0,35
Low cost Production 0,05 4,0 0,40
Sub-Total 2,10
Less attractive promotion 0,10 2,5 0,25
Less fashionable product design 0,15 3,0 0,45
Less well finishing and precision body 0,10 2,5 0,25
The use of imported raw materials 0,05 2,0 0,10
Taking a high price 0,10 2,5 0,25
Sub-Total 1,30
TOTAL 1,00 3,40

That matrix show that strengt of AHM give more points than weakness. Overall, internal
factors give strong power with 3,40 points. It means that the strenghts on good point because it
above three points. So, The company has been able to maintain its strengths, but it does have
some weakness that has not been resolved yet.

C. After you’ve collected company’s SWOT, explain briefly how do
you use them to formulate strategies.
With collecting stregths and weakness factors to be IFE matrix, opportunities and threats
factors to be EFE matrix. Analyzing IFE and EFE matrix to making SO, WO, ST and WT
strategy. Where :
 SO Strategy
It is the strategy of using strengths to take advantage of opportunities
 WO Strategy
It is the strategy of minimize weakness to take advantage of opportunities
 ST Strategy
It is the strategy of using strengths to resolve threats
 WT Strategy
It is the strategy of minimize weakness to avoid threats

There is SWOT matrix from 4 strategies:

Strength Weakness
 High product quality  The design is not fashionable
 High production capability  Expensive spare parts
 Service and sales outlets are  Lacks precision body
easy to find  Body material is not good
 Innovative product development  Less attractive promotions
1. Increasing exports to another
 Total population
 Community trends 1. Develop high-tech, efficient and
2. Increase the trust of Honda Japan
 Export expansion fast motorcycle products.
Corp. for the supply of raw
 Community 2. Large quantities production.
demand 3. Establish the highest retail price
 Intense industrial
competition 1. Creating new innovation
 Rupiah exchange (differentiation). 1. Developing product design, to
rate reduce the impression of being
2. Extends the warranty period.
 Public purchasing less fashionable.
power 3. Establish prices that are cheaper 2. Do more attractive promotions.
 Global crisis than competitors. (cost 3. Producing machine in domestic.
 Natural disasters leadership)

Question 4

Give an appropriate analysis of the following :

A. Is Gojek’s Vision a good vision ? Give sufficient explaination!

The statement "Improve the structure of transportation in Indonesia, give facilities to the
society to carry out their works", it highlights Gojek's vision. The vision meets the characteristics
of a good vision, that is one sentence. The measure to achieve that vision is clear (measurable).
The vision has a focus clear area (specific). The vision has a target to achieve (achievable). The
Gojek's vision is relevant to current conditions (relevancies).

B. What components of mission are included in the Gojek’s

On the Gojek's mission contained elements, such as:
 statement of purpose
 statement of philosophy
 statement of beliefs
 statement of business principles
 definition of "Gojek business"

From the elements, it described the goal and desire what the organization be and who
will be served. The missions would be a living document. This mission must be carried out as
an integral part of the corporate culture in order to gain huge benefits in the future. It is
important to both as the scope of the organization and as decision-making.

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