Tamer Self Reflection Form
Tamer Self Reflection Form
Tamer Self Reflection Form
Professional Practice 3
102605 Secondary PP Community Engagement
Self Reflection Form
Placement Details: If you haven’t complete 60 hours face to face you must provide a
detailed statement of how your experience meets the outcomes for Professional
Practice CE. Attach evidence.
Placement Name: AFL NSW/ACT Placement Phone Number: 0432 561 451
AITSL Standards
The criteria for pre-service teacher reflection focus, the first, second, third and sixth standards.
1.3 Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds
1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full
range of abilities
2.2 Content selection and organisation
3.1 Establish challenging learning goals
6.3 Engage with colleagues and improve practice
Subsidiary questions:
What surprised you about your learning in your community setting?
What research about communities did you engage with before you commenced?
What goals did you set for yourself in your service learning activities?
What do you believe the participants in your service learning project learned?
What did you learn? How will the experience shape you as a teacher in a classroom?
Check Due Date accompanied by your Timesheet and signed Report.
Submissions after due date will receive an N grade. At the following HECS census date, if
the work is still incomplete, this will become an AF grade. This is University policy.
The AF grade can be changed when you complete the work. You must also keep a hard or
electronic copy of your assignment. Submit this form online via InPlace. Your PPCE
Report written by the Contract Person, is mailed by them or delivered by you to the
PP office in the SOE.
Describe in about 500 WORDS any features and benefits of the setting you attended. Consider
number of students, location details, age of students, types of educational programs offered and
any other salient aspects of the experience. Consider how this experience will contribute to your
development as a beginning teacher.
AFL NSW/ACT provided a great opportunity to complete a community placement within the sporting
landscape. The AFL conduct numerous programs across a range of schools and community groups spanning
diverse class years. The programs the AFL offer include multicultural programs, indigenous programs, after
school sports as well as in-school sessions. As a result, the placement provided a well-balanced learning
experience with a focus upon development of numerous pedagogical practices. It enabled me as a pre-
service teacher to gain a valuable insight into the role teachers play within the community and the
importance of building rapport with your students.
As the placement with the AFL required participation in numerous multicultural programs, I taught students
with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds. An important aspect of the
program was being able to understand and cater for these students whose actions were reflective of their
beliefs and cultural traditions. It was also challenging to facilitate lessons where students from differing
backgrounds were tasked with working together during planned group activities. However, gaining hands-
on experience in a class setting has enabled me to grow as an educator and develop a greater understanding
of how to engage with students of varying backgrounds.
Additionally, the placement also involved differentiating teaching to meet the learning needs of the students.
This was achieved by a range of techniques including content selection, organisation, modified activities
and instructions. Throughout the programs I encountered students of varying abilities within the same
lesson which required thoughtful preparation to ensure everyone was included. Sports participation requires
certain physical capabilities such as strengths and hand-eye coordination. Some students experienced
difficulties due to their age, abilities, size whilst on the rare occasion some had disabilities such as autism.
Hence, lessons were structured to enable modifications for the varying learning needs and abilities of the
students. As a pre-service teacher, I gained numerous skills and acquired important knowledge which can be
applied in future classroom settings.
Moreover, an important aspect of teaching is reflecting upon your teaching practices for future
improvement. I was able to engage with numerous professionals within the organisation who have been
conducting sporting programs for a number of years. Their advice and expertise enabled me to identify
things which could be improved (e.g. voice projection, time management, engaging students etc). Thus, I
am more confident in my abilities having had the time to work on my strengths and weaknesses during the
placement under the supervision of experienced professionals.
Furthermore, I had set myself a goal of becoming an improved teacher upon the conclusion of my
placement. The experience gained has enhanced my professional development and learning. The placement
has been enjoyable and will guide my future teaching practices as I have developed important skills and
techniques during my time with the AFL. I am more confident in addressing a class which will be beneficial
leading into professional practice 1 next semester.