Vintage Stereo Catalog 1977
Vintage Stereo Catalog 1977
Vintage Stereo Catalog 1977
I (
KX-720 KX-620
LS -405 LS -403
Broadway. Gardens. CA 30244 72- find Are. Woods.A N V
This guide is loaded with Simply said, when you add
every claim and spec in the everything up, Kenwood
book. So brace yourself for stands up to competition
THD's, wow's, well.
soforths. Weigh wafts -per -dollar, low
But, before you dive in, distortion, sensitivity, special
consider this: advanced features, whatever.
Kenwood can take the Add to that our reputation
competition. That right -out -in- for rock -solid dependability,
front chart over there is our good looks, and top
way of proving it. For value.
example, we've listed Then go to your
costs, specs and fea stereo store and
tures of all Kenwood take a listen across
receivers, amplifiers the Kenwood
and tuners. line. You'll really
Check out our see what we're
competition. Then up to.
flip back to mark our Just like we can
chart. After awhile, you'll take the competition,
see what we're up to. we can also face the music.
/ /co c
E co
-CP 0 a ED'
Q 1:3 8 0
0 a) c
03 CI I
61? Lb. cr 0 (.) 0
. ---. _ _.._ 04 coce 00 _
KR -9600 S749 160 0.08 Yes 75 Yes Yes Yes 1.6 85 1.0 37 Yes
KR -7600 $529 80 0.3 Yes 75 Yes Yes Yes 1.7 80 1.5 35 Yes
KR -6600 $449 60 0.3 Yes 75 Yes Yes Yes 1.7 80 1.5 35 Yes
80 1.5 35 -
$449 80 0.1 Yes 72 Yes Yes
Five ways means five models. And all five are belt drive turntables, with low speed (300 rpm) motor, program
system, superior tone arm, and excellent performancecharacterist.cs. For more information pick up our
"5 Turntables" folder at high-fidelity dealers or write to British Industries Co., Westbury, N.Y. 11590.
Model 920 about $79 - 940 about $109 960 about $159 980 about $199 1000 about $279 Model 980 shown 01976 British Industries Co. A Division of Avnet
Turntables B i>p
STEREO DIRECTORY & BUYING GUIDE is published annually by Ziff -Davis Publishing Compary at One Park Avenue, New
York, New York 10016. Hershel B. Sarbin, President. John R Emery, Senior Vice President -France aid Treasurer, Charles B. Seton,
1977 EDITION 3
1. Dual CS 721 Turntable
2. Acousti-Mount Turntable Isolation
3. Avid Model 103 Speaker
4. Lux MB -3045 Mono Power Amplifier
5. Sansui LM 110 Speakers
6. Stax SRX/SOR Headphones/Power
7. Crown IC -150A Preamplifie
8. Sony from Superscope Elcaset
9. JVC JR-S600 AM -FM Stereo
10. Zerostat Anti -Static Record Cleaner
11. Yamaha 800 Cassette Deck
12. Teac A-2340SX Stereo Tape Deck
13. Sennheiser Electret Condenser
Microphone System
Tapes from: BASF, Capitol, Maxell,
Scotch, TDK Cover Photo, Waltern Bebirian
Records from: Columbia, DG, Phillips, See left for product identification.
RCA, Vox
Ziff -Davis Publishing Company
Hershel B. Sarbin
Furman Hebb
Executive Vice President
John R. Emery
Senior Vice President -Finance and Treasurer
Phillip T. Heffernan
Senior Vice President Marketing
and with no continuing purchase obliga- days. Partial shipments always made in the Charles B. Seton
tions. You can get valuable free dividend cer- event of unforeseen delay all at no extra
. . .
tificates, you can get quick serviceand all the cost to you. Edgar W. Hopper
100% iron -clad guarantees you want. Vice President. Electronics Division
100% IRON -CLAD GUARANTEES on alt prod-
Jerry Schneider
Now you can stop price increases that leave ucts and services. Everything is guaranteed Vice President 8 Administrative
you with less music for your record and tape factory fresh and free of defects or damages of Director, Annuals
budget. You can guarantee yourself more any sort. Your total satisfaction is uncondition-
music for less money through membership in ally guaranteed. William Ziff
Discount Music Club. Discount Music Club is a no - W. Bradford Briggs
t ook at these benefits obligation membership club that Vice Chairman
TREMENDOUS SAVINGS on every record guarantees tremendous discounts Ziff -Davis Publishing Company
and tape in print-no agree -to -purchase" ob- on all stereo records and tapes and Editorial and Executive Offices
ligations of any kind lets you buy what you want...when One Park Avenue. New York. New York 10016
DISCOUNTS OF 43°. TO 73°° off mfg. you want...or not at all if you choose.
Midwestern Office
suggested list . . special catalog features These are just a few of the money- The Pattis Group. 4761 West Touhy Ave.
hundreds of titles and artists. saving reasons to write for free Lincolnwood. Illinois 60644. 312-679-1100
ALL LABELS AVAILABLE including most Midwestern Adv. Manager. Arnold F. Hoffman
details. You can't lose so why not fill
imports through special custom ordering serv- Western Office
out and mail the coupon 9025 Wilshire Boulevard. Beverly Hills, Cal. 90211
ice. If we don't stock it we'll get it for you.
for immediate information. 213-273-8050, BRadshaw 2-1161
Western Advertising Manager. Bud Dean
SCHWANN CATALOG lists thousands of ti- 1 Japan
tle':lassical, pop, jazz, ballet, opera, musical James Yagi. Oh Palace Aoyama
Discount Music Club 6 Chome. Minato-Ku. Tokyo 407-1930/6821
shows, talk, rock, vocal, instrumental, country.
Department 29-1076 582-2851
650 Main St., New Rochelle, N.Y. 10801
vidend Gifts-Every shipment carries -a di-
vidend gift or dividend certificate. Certificates (0)
redeemable immediately for extra discounts. NAME
NEWSLETTERS. Happenings in the world of
music; concerts, critiques, new releases . . . ADDRESS 1977 STEREO DIRECTORY & BUYING GUIDE is pub-
special super -sale discounts of up to 73%. lished annually by the Ziff -Davis Publishing Company.
One Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016. Also publishers
DISCOUNT ACCESSORY GUIDE. Diamond CITY of Stereo Review, Popular Electronics. Electronic Ex-
needles, cloths, tape cleaners, etc. Discount perimenter's Handbook, Communications Handbook.
Music Club is your complete one stop music Citizens Band Handbook and Tape Recording 8 Buying
and accessory buying service.
Power Plus. The Scott 8336 Receiver.
Power is important.
But power alone is not
enough. That's why the popular
Scott 8336 gives you all the power
you need. Plus the performance features
you expect.
The Scott 8336 provides 42 watts minimum contin-
uous RMS power output per channel. More than enough
for most listeners. And both channels are driven into 8 ohms
from 20 Hz to 20 kHz with no more than 0.3% total harmonic distortion.
Power? Sure. But check these important performance features many other
receivers in this medium price range have sacrificed.
IM distortion (lower than 0.15%). Far below the Three position FM de -emphasis switch. Permits
average. Provides cleaner sound and eliminates proper reception of domestic, Dolbyized or
listening fatigue. European broadcasts.
Signal strength and center channel tuning Two completely independent tape monitors. UAll IA
meters. Provide simultaneous visual indication Allow two tape recorders to be used simul-
of correct tuning and optimum signal strength. taneously for direct tape -to -tape copying with-
Phase locked loop multiplex sechon. Maintains out passing through the receiver's electronics.
superior stereo separation. Remains in align- FM Muting. Silences interstation hiss while the It
ment for the life of the receiver. tuner scans the frequency spectrum. Clutched bass and treble controls with detents
FET RF stage. Assures higher sensitivity and Pretuned LC notch filters in the multiplex.
overload immunity. Reduce interference to a minimum.
Log -linear taper volume control with detents. Signal strength meter circuit. Employs two point
Spreads out volume levels. Provides finer control sampling for wider dynamic range.
at low -to -moderate levels. Over db IF gain. Assures better limiting
Clutched bass and treble controls with detents. and better AM rejection.
Allow altering the frequency response of one Instantaneous electronic protection circuit in
channel without affecting the other. Systems the output stage. Employs voltage/current sens-
can be "custom balanced" to compensate for ing to prevent output transistor failure and Signal strength and center channel tuning meters.
room acoustics, decor or speaker placement. speaker damage.
Separate high -frequency noise filter. Permits AM section designed around a tuned RF ampli- Pi" r ----TAPE
cleaning up of noisy tapes, discs or broadcasts. fier using J-FET.1mproves signal-to-noise ratio.
And the Scott R336 is backed by a three-year, parts and labor limited warranty.
Another very important plus.
For specifications on our complete line of audio components, write or call 2
H.H. Scott, Inc. Corporate Headquarters: 20 Commerce Way, Woburn, MA 01801, Two completely independent tape n,
(617) 933-8800. In Canada: Paco Electronics, Ltd., 45 Stinson Street, Montreal,
H4N2E1, Canada. In Europe: Syma International S.A., 419 avenue Louise,
Brussels, Belgium.
The Name to listen to.
Receivers /Tuners / Amplifiers / Turntables / Speakers
Blueprint for
Flat Frequency Response
In the graph below, frequency response was measured using the CBS I(X)Test Record. which :weeps from 20-20.0(X) Hz. The vertical
tracking force was set at one gram. Nominal system capacitance was calibrated to be 300 piccifaruds and the standard 47K ohm resistance was
maintained throughout testing. The upper curves represent the frequency response of the right (red) and left (green) channels. The distance
between the upper and lower curves represents separation between the charnels in decibels. The inset oscilloscope photo exhibits the
cartridge's response to a recorded 1000 Hz square wave indicating its resonant and transient response.
For a free "How to Get the Most Out of Your Records" brochure write: Empire Scientific Corp., Garden City, N.Y. 11530:
Before You Buy
Price tags serve as a good guide to
apportioning dollars for each component.
MATCHING hi-fi components of a stereo or four - at $500 each and then add a $19.95 phono cartridge.
channel system means that each component The latter's electrical/mechanical performance would
chosen must operate compatibly with every be well below that of the other components in the sys-
other one. tem. As a result, one would not get the full perfor-
For example. your loudspeakers should be efficient mance capability inherent in the better components.
enough to deliver satisfactory sound levels-espe- Remember that the final reproduced audio will sound
cially in the low bass region-when driven by the am- only as good as the weakest component link in the
plifier or receiver of your choice. Yet, they should system.
have sufficient power -handling capacity to avoid One can often ignore electrical and mechanical
damage if driven by too much power. considerations at the onset of rounding up your
In another sense, compatibility also means that one choices, however, by viewing compatibility in terms of
component should not have substantially better per- each component's price tag. Thanks to the competi-
formance than another component in the system. It tiveness of manufacturers, the quality of each type of
would be foolish, for example, to have a $300 single- component varies almost directly in relation to its
play turntable. $800 receiver, and two speaker systems price (although exceptions can always be found to
TibtezagZ 01414(
2 Speak&
1977 EDITION 7
Fig. 2. Apportioning dollars
to a component
system including tuner
and cassette deck.
virtually any generalization). Since such speakers are rarely advertised nationally,
Most newcomers to component hi-fi (and some almost any "suggested retail price" can be assigned
experienced audiophiles, too) have little or no idea of to them. In such instances, the "savings" shown in the
how to apportion their dollars to the various compo- final system price tag may actually be the result of
nents they plan to buy. reducing these speaker prices to more realistic levels.
Many audio dealers try to simplify this problem by (This practice is not universal, of course.) What we are
"assembling" pre -selected components into a com- suggesting is that each component in such systems
plete system. Such systems usually bear a single price be analyzed and evaluated for its own merits and per-
tag and usually afford significant savings over the formance-for that is the essence of component high-
price of the individual components added together. fidelity shopping.
There are both advantages and disadvantages in
choosing such a dealer -selected system. Certainly, if APPORTIONING HI-FI DOLLARS
the dealer is knowledgeable and reputable, you are at
least assured that the components which have been By far the greatest number of high-fidelity stereo
put together in this way will work compatibly with each component systems consist of an all -in -one receiver,
other-and the savings in making a single purchase a turntable system (either single -play or multiple -play)
from one source are often worthwhile. On the other and a pair of loudspeaker systems. This basic system
hand, you may have different ideas about which com- is shown in Fig. 1. Below it is a typical cost breakdown
ponents you think sound better with which other in percentages of available dollars. As an example, if
components. Consequently, your dream system may you have $500 to spend on such a basic system. you
not be represented by any of the pre -selected group- might consider a turntable (including the phono car-
ings offered by the dealer. tridge, which is usually purchased separately) selling
In addition, it is common practice for some dealers for approximately $125, a $200 receiver and two
(but not all) to have loudspeaker systems "custom speakers for about $87.50 each. There are, of course.
designed" by local manufacturers who are essentially no hard-and-fast rules; these are simply rough guide-
cabinet makers rather than speaker system designers. lines. In the system shown, any tape equipment would
o I38=3
goon Reee
4-CAaostzet 7ape-
-Sfieakt Star~
1977 EDITION 9
the kind of sound you can expect to hear. Aside from Cassette Decks up to $200 $200-400 Over $400
making certain that the speakers you select are effi- Open -Reel Tape
cient enough to provide adequate sound levels when Decks up to $400 $400-800 Over $800
matched with the electronics of your choice, and also
rugged enough to handle maximum input power Now, keeping these price ranges in mind, refer to
available, choosing loudspeakers is a wholly subjec- Table I for a general idea of the major specifications
tive exercise. The specifications of other components, you can expect to find for components in each of the
such as tuners, amplifiers (or receivers, which com- price categories. Only the major specifications have
bine both tuner and amplifier sections), turntable sys- been listed, and they are by no means the only ones
tem. and even tape decks are related to their prices. that should be considered. Remember, too. that you
Table I lists specification ranges that you can expect are likely to find that some specifications are better
to find in low-, medium-, and high-priced electronic than others for a given product in a given price cate-
components. tape decks, and turntable systems. First. gory. Your evaluation process should take these dif-
let's categorize these components in terms of actual ferences into account, along with your own particular
1976 -1977 dollars. needs. For example, what appears to be a superb
tuner in its price class may otherwise have less -than -
superb selectivity. If you live in an area where there
Low Price Medium Price High Price
Tuners up to $150 $150-350 Over $350
are only a few FM stations on the dial, this may be of
Integrated little significance to you, whereas greater sensitivity or
Amplifiers up to $200 $200-400 Over $400 50 dB quieting may be more important. Conversely. if
Receivers up to $250 $250-500 Over $500 you live close -in to strong signals and are surrounded
Turntables by a great many nearby stations, selectivity could be
(Less Cartridge) up to $125 $125-250 Over $250 more important than sensitivity. LI
Wow -and Flutter (% Wrms) 0.15 or less 0.10 or less 0.05 or less
Rumble (dB, per Din B) 55 or more 60 or more 70 or more
Frequency Response (Hz r1113) 50-12,000 30-15,000 20-18,000
Wow-andF I utter (% Wrms) 0.2 or less 0.12 or less 0.1 or less
S/N (dB, less Dolby) 45 or more 48 or more 50 or more
1977 EDITION 11
After the cartridge body has been permanently and PHONO INPUT LEVELS
securely installed in the tonearm shell, use a small
pair of long -nose pliers to slide the terminal pins sol- Most magnetic phono cartridges deliver a signal
dered to the ends of those color -coded wires onto the level of around 2 to 3 millivolts when tracking a rec-
cartridge terminals. If, by chance, one of those tiny ord -groove signal of average intensity. The majority
pins tears loose from a wire during the process (and it of amplifiers and receivers are designed so that this
has been known to happen), never try to solder the level of signal will produce full power output from the
wire back to the pin while the pin is pushed onto the amplifier when the volume control is turned fully up.
cartridge terminal. Heat from the soldering iron could However, records do not contain only "average" sig-
melt the plastic case of the cartridge and otherwise nal levels. Loud passages of music, recorded in the
damage it. grooves of a modern record, can cause the cartridge
Final positioning of the stylus tip in relation to the to deliver signal levels 10, 20 or more times greater
tonearm shell should be done in accordance with in- than the "nominal" outputs listed in the cartridge
structions supplied by the turntable system maker, specification sheets. It is important, therefore, that the
who often supplies a plastic gauge for this purpose. phono input circuits of your amplifier or receiver be
Misalignment of the stylus tip can result in poor able to handle such high signal levels without intro-
groove tracking and less -than -perfect reproduction of ducing distortion in early stages of amplification.
sound when playing records. Amplifier and receiver manufacturers list this specifi-
Although most record players come equipped with cation as "phono overload," and it should be around
audio shielded cables terminated in familiar phono-tip 100 millivolts or higher for most cartridges. If you have
plugs, the length of those cables may or may not be selected a cartridge with higher -than -average nomi-
optimum for the phono cartridge you have chosen. nal output characteristics, even higher overload capa-
Cartridge manufacturers will usually recommend opti- bility may be required for the phono section of your
mum "load impedances" into which their products amplifier or receiver. Some amplifiers offer alternative
work best and deliver most uniform frequency re- input sensitivities for cartridges. You should connect
sponse. The "load impedance" into which a cartridge the audio cables from your turntable system to those
is connected consists of resistance, measured in inputs which result in mid -settings of your volume
ohms or kilohms (thousands of ohms) and capaci- control for loud sound levels if such choice is offered.
tance. Most stereo cartridges work best when the re- The extra green or black wire supplied with most
sistive component of this impedance is 47.000 ohms turntable systems should be connected to a conve-
or so, while CD -4 (4 -channel discrete) cartridges work nient "chassis ground" point on your receiver or am-
best into 100.000 ohms of resistance. Since these two plifier. Most amplifiers and receivers provide a special
values are fairly standard, manufacturers of ampli- terminal for this purpose. Failure to connect this extra
fiers, preamplifier, and receivers generally design the wire to the chassis may result in higher -than -normal
input circuits of their products with these resistance hum levels when playing phonograph records
values "built-in." It is a good idea to check the specifi- through your system. In some instances, reversing the
cation (phono input impedance) of the phono section line cord (power cord) of the turntable system can
on your amplifier or receiver, however, just to make reduce hum levels still further. The best way to check
Capacitance. on the other hand. is determined
largely by the shielded audio wires (plus the internal
wiring of the tonearm) supplied with your turntable
..= ----------
Oder Cable Inv/labior
system. Increasing the length of these wires increases ( .= AP* .... .... 4.
the loading capacitance. Typically, shielded wire adds Inner
Parr Inner
between 25 and 50 picofarads of capacitance per foot Ogler She//
of length. There are some audio cables available, Shie/q' Cone/1,0'0r
however, that have "low capacitance" characteristics Cotralaclors
and are especially useful for CD -4 cartridges (which Fig. 2. X-ray view of audio shielded cable and phono-
tip plug used to Interconnect most hi-fi components.
generally require no more than 100 picofarads of
loading capacitance for best results). Check the ca- for residual hum is to turn up the volume somewhat
pacitance of cables supplied either by consulting the beyond the point at which you normally listen and,
record player owner's manual or by having your deal- with the selector switch on a receiver set to phono and
er find it out for you. Too much capacitance for a giv- the tonearm at rest (not engaging record grooves), lis-
en cartridge can cause attenuation of high (treble) ten to the hum level. Sometimes, positioning the turn-
frequencies, while too little loading capacitance can table system too close to the receiver or amplifier will
cause pronounced "peaks" in response at specific increase the hum levels. This is especially true if the
high frequencies in the audio spectrum. If necessary, tonearm is positioned close to the power transformer
substitute audio cables of a different length or capac- located inside the receiver or amplifier chassis. If the
itance per foot to meet the optimum requirements of two are positioned side by side, try reversing them if
the cartridge you have selected. unusually high hum levels are perceived.
AM EXT. 11_5 1
itac&rx of g*ttai
,7---wwwee Penue/&C°441
T Xvioe. Centductot. 3049004n toi4e.
U Siaff& Condaah, ufre;te. Fig. 3. Hook-up of components in a stereo system.
S Sitieeeleci L dth cca& wiAiogifd.
W 7w-if aPpulux.tot, "Azar W4,e"
OTHER PROGRAM SOURCE INTERCONNECTIONS thing to do is substitute a new audio cable for one that
may have an internal short at the pin plug. If hum is
Connection from other program sources (such as a superimposed on the music, the outer shell of the tiny
tape deck, or a separate tuner) to the amplifier sec- plug may not be making good contact with the recep-
tions of your system are also made by means of tacle. either because it has not been fully inserted or
shielded audio cables. The lengths of these cables are because the outer shell metal has been "sprung" or
not terribly critical, since most of these program spread too far apart to make good electrical contact.
source devices have "low impedance" outputs and Investigate both of these possibilities before assum-
can deliver signals to "high impedance inputs" (found ing that the equipment itself is at fault.
on amplifiers and receivers for Aux, Tuner and Tape Tape decks are usually equipped with "line input"
input circuits) over fairly long cable distances. Where- and "line output" jacks, both sets of which require the
as professional audio equipment uses more sophisti- same sort of pin -to -pin shielded audio cables which
cated forms of connectors between components, we have been discussing. The line input jacks on your
home hi-fi equipment has settled for the simpler tape deck are connected to the "Record Ouput"jacks
phono-tip plug illustrated in Fig. 2. Although less bulky, (sometimes labelled "Tape Out") on your amplifier or
these tiny plugs often develop "open circuits" or receiver. while the "Line Output" jacks on the tape
shorts, especially if they are inserted and pulled from deck connect to the "Tape," "Monitor" or "Tape Play"
their sockets repeatedly. If neither hum nor music is jacks on the amplifier or receiver. This arrangement
heard from any connected program source. the first permits you to record any program source from your
1977 EDITION 13
system directly onto tape without requiring any inter- ance, some of the costly power you have paid for will
mediate devices, such as microphones. In the case of be dissipated as heat (rather than sound) in the wire
three -headed tape decks (equipped with separate itself. For example, if you use 4 -ohm speakers. and a
record and playback heads and associated elec- length of wire used to connect them has 1 ohm of re-
tronics), this connection scheme also permits you to sistance total (half an ohm for each of the two conduc-
"monitor" recorded results through your speakers or tors), a 50 watt/channel amplifier could deliver no
headphones a fraction of a second after the recording more than 40 watts of audio power to the speakers;
has actually been applied to the tape. To do this, you the remaining 10 watts would be dissipated in the
set the front panel monitor switch on your amplifier or wires themselves.
receiver to the appropriate "Monitor" position. For runs of up to 20 or 25 feet between amplifier and
This same tape monitor circuitry is also responsible speakers, #18 gauge wires should be used, whereas
for a great many needless service calls! If you are not for longer runs (say, between rooms in your home),
using your tape recorder in the manner just described even #16 gauge wires should be considered.
(or if you don't even have a recorder plugged into your
system) and the tape monitor switch of your receiver PHASING YOUR SPEAKERS
or amplifier is inadvertantly thrown to the "Monitor"
position, you will hear nothing from your loudspeak- The speaker terminals on most amplifiers and re-
ers no matter what program source you have chosen ceivers are labelled with "+" and "-" signs or with
by means of your main program selector switch. Be notations such as "hot" and "common" (or
sure to check the tape monitor switch first if, after hur- "ground"). Speaker system connection terminals are
riedly connecting all your new components, you fail to similarly marked, and it is important that both speak-
hear the glorious music you had hoped for. ers of a sterec system (or all four in a 4 -channel sys-
A modern integrated amplifier/preamplifier or all - tem) be connected "in -phase." With proper connec-
in -one receiver can accommodate a variety of basic tions made, the speaker cones will move in the same
and accessory high-fidelity component equipment. A direction at the same time when similar signals reach
typical interconnection diagram (showing the type both speakers (as in the case of a monophonic pro-
of cables to use) for a moderately elaborate system gram, for example). If connections are reversed, some
is illustrated in Fig. 3. Note that two tape decks are of the sound (particularly low bass tones) will tend to
shown connected to this receiver, which happens cancel each other out (one speaker is pushing air
to be equipped with two full sets of "Tape Out/Tape while the other is pulling) and the apparent location of
In" jacks. Some amplifiers or receivers have even instruments on your home "sound stage" will be
more Tape In and Out jacks, so that additional acces- vague and uniatural.
sory devices such as graphic equalizers (elaborate Following the notations on speakers and amplifier
tone -control devices which offer added system flexi- output terminals carefully will ensure correct phasing.
bility), noise -reduction accessories, 4 -channel decod- If, however, it is difficult to trace the conductors of
ers and other add-on devices can also be connected your speaker cables (especially if you are running the
via these handy "circuit interruption" points. wire over long distances), it is easy to check for proper
phasing using a simple listening test. Switch the
SPEAKER SYSTEM CONNECTIONS "Mode" switch on your receiver or amplifier to
"Mono" and play any program source (even FM radio
The speaker outputs from the power amplifier sec- will do) while you stand between the two loudspeak-
tion of your system is high in level and is derived from ers of your stereo system. All sounds should seem to
a very low impedance source. Thus, it is not necessary come from a point between the speakers, and the
(or advisable) to use shielded audio cables in making apparent source of sound should be well defined. If
connections from outputs of the receiver or amplifier this is not the case, reverse the connections to one of
to the loudspeakers themselves. Instead, ordinary the two speakers and repeat the experiment. If there
twin -conductor appliance wire (sometimes called now seems to be more apparent bass response and
lamp -wire or "zip cord"), available in most hardware sound location is clearly defined, your first connec-
stores, should be used. Although pre-packaged tion was an "out -of -phase" one as far as the speakers
lengths of so-called "speaker wire" are available in are concerned.
audio shops and other places, most of this wire is too
thin in gauge for use if you plan to run more than a few FUSING YOUR SPEAKERS
feet of it from electronics to loudspeakers.
All wire has some resistance or impedance, and the Although the importance of "matching" speakers to
thinner the wire, the greater its resistance to the flow an amplifier or receiver in terms of the power -han-
of electrical current per unit length. Since loudspeak- dling capabi.ity and power output of each has been
ers themselves have a relatively low impedance (usu- noted, situations can arise where speakers are unable
ally 4 or 8 ohms, nominally), if the wire used to con- to handle full power output.
nect them introduces additional resistance which is a For example, suppose you purchased your amplifier
significant percentage of the speaker's own imped- or receiver knowing that at some time it will be called
BGW SYSTEMS 20 FERROGRAPH, Elpa Marketing Industries. Inc 86. 178
PO Box 3742 Beverly Hills Cal 9021.'
DIRECTORY B.I.C, British Industries Co 61
,horens Bldg New Hyde Park N Y 11040
Westbury. N.Y. 11590 207 N Woodwork Lane. Palatine 111
I 0
Hz at a THD of 0.1%; 340 W/ch driving 4 -ohm
loads over a power band from 20-10,000 Hz;
response 1-65,000 Hz +0, -3 dB; 20-20,000
Hz +0, -0.25 dB; noise & hum 110 dB below
rated output into 8 ohms; input sensitivity 2V
I - 1
-10 dB (low); THD 0.01% at rated output 20-
20,000 Hz; IM 0.01% at rated output or less
within any combination of frequencies
THD; IM dist. 0.5% at rated power. 19" (rack 201. Same as 202 but without tone controls; for
mount) x 7" x 12,/: D $1195.00 929 Audio Power Amplifier
use in systems which are either equalized ex-
D51. Similar to D76A but 50 W/ch.... $695.00 150 W/ch continuous sine -wave into 8 ohms
ternally or require no additional equalization ..
$499.00 (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.2% THD; response at full
output power 20-20,000 Hz +0 dB, -0.2 dB;
BGW THD at 1000 Hz 0.1%; response 3-100,000
4 -CHANNEL Hz +0 dB, -3 dB (at 1 W); damping factor 100
1000 Stereo Power Amplifier 4X250 Four -Channel Amplifier at 20 & 1000 Hz; S/N (unweighted) 100 dB;
250 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with 200 W/ch with four channels driven into 8 input imp. 35,000 to 100,000 ohms (100k pot);
The Sherwood HP 2000:
It adds a new
high to performance.
If power and versatility are 10dB. and LED power switching. and feature a front has been selected to meet
the essential eiemerts of high limitinc ndicators precisely panel level control]: two tape or exceed posted specifica-
performance, the H° 2000 monitor power output at all decks [tape -to -tape duplica- tions. The P C. boards and
is _nquestionably the high ti -nes. And rear -panel switch- tion is accomplished with inter -board ribbon cable
pertormanceamplifier you've irg permits the independent the Tape -1. Tape -2 Monitor connectors plug into a
been waiting for. operation of the pre -amp circuits]: and a pair of pro- 'mother -board." for reliaole
This new top-of-the-1,ne and power amplifier sections. fessional caliber micro- operation.
Sherwood amplifier puts you Precision: The film resistor phones [mixing level
The HP 2000 is the first in a
in command of your step Loudness [Volume] determined by a separate
new. highly sophisticated line
sound system. control features 22 accu- front panel control]. Addi-
of tuners anc amplifiers
rately calibrated positions tional source capablites
Go-sider the crecienJals include a Turer, two irom Sherwood Electronics.
[both channels matched
Power: 120 watts per chan- within 0 5dB in all steps]. Auxiliary corr ponerts: and Other units in this new -ligh
nel :minimum RMS at 8 Eleven position Variable a 4 -Channel Adapter [which Performance Series will be
ohms from 20-20,000 HzJ Loudness Contour Bass, also serves as a third Tape available soon.
with no more than 0.08% Treble and Midrange con- Monitor :f needed]. See the HP 2000 socn. And
Thtal Harmonic Distortion trols have 11 detented posi- treat yourself to pert° -m.ance
This rating is ensured by All Sources and Funcrions
tions each. Resetting to are activated oy fror t panel that's as high as your
rnaive 16,000 aut fi ter your exact acoustic prefer- expectations haie ahmais
capacitors. bac:Keil by a push sa.y tote s ["Or" Dos -
ences i3 never a mater of ticn is iridi:,ated by coior been.
?emir regulated dua sec- guesswork
ary power supply. The change.:
f It :.ompteme - Master Tone Defeat, High -he highesr. quality coin-
coupled OCL output circuitry and Lop. f Ite s. anc -20dB ponenbry: The HP 2J00 has
err ploys output tranJsrors Ajdio r/uting are controlled
wit-, e largest S.O.A. [ by convenient front panel
been me-jou gusty engi-
neerec for li-rablity, con-
mg area] of ani switches. Everything yo a hear is tru
c sistent )erfc.rmance
airrOr device currar 03erat onal Flexibiity: The standarcs art ease ci Sherwood Electronic
ahis0 Dual power mete 2CCO can accommodate servicirc the mark r;,t Laboratories, Inc
ii1*.h feature selectabi two turn:ab es [Prio-o inputs Sherwood des gn fa over L300 N Califon. is Ave
tivity: normal, ara selected with IC analog 20 yea's. AI compoientry Chicago. IL 6D618
noise 100 dB below full power; features IC front IC -150A Preamplifier
end, "Tri-Tangential" protection circuits; dual IM 0.002% at rated output with IHF load; THD
VU meters; switchable subsonic filter; plug-in 0.0005% at 1 kHz. max. 0.05% (20-20,000 Hz)
Amplifiers drive circuitry; brushed aluminum finish with at rated output with IHF load; hum & noise 20-
L blackout display panel. 19" W (rack mount) x 20,000 Hz inputs shorted: hi -level 95 dB below
8" H x 11'/2" D $1200.00 rated output; "A" weighted noise 105 dB;
two power meters; matte black front panel; phono noise 85 dB below 10 mV; equiv. phono
walnut veneer enclosure optional extra. 7" H x A -1800M Stereo Power Amplifier input noise 0.3 µV; inputs: six high-level (tuner,
173/." W x 12" D $849.00 225 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels 3 aux., 2 tape), two equalized phonos, front -
929 -PV. Same except without the meters driven (350 W/ch into 4 ohms); all other specs panel jacks for Aux. 3; input imp. 100,000
$749.00 identical to A -3000I $700.00 ohms; volume control: precision switched at-
tenuator of 58 dB in 2 dB steps with calibrated
919 Mixer/Preamplifier tracking; tracking between channels 0.2 dB;
Designed to be used with the 929 power ampli- output attenuation 10 dB switched; a.c. out-
fier; features bass, treble, and mid -range CROWN INTERNATIONAL lets: five switched (25 A switch), one un-
equalization; high & low filters; bass turnovers switched; reed -relay muter; front -panel stereo
at 200 & 400 Hz; treble turnovers at 2000 & DC -300A Power Amplifier monitor jack; 19" (rack mount) x 17" W (V."
4000 Hz; three simultaneous inputs with in- 155 W/ch minimum rms (both channels op- behind panel); x H $399.00
dividual level controls (phono, mike, choice of erating) into 8 ohm load (1-20,000 Hz) at rated Walnut cabinet $45.00
tape, tuner, or aux.); separate bass, mid -range, HD .05%; response d.c.-20,000 Hz -±0.1 dB
and treble controls for each channel; cue selec- at 1 W; IM 0.05% at rated output; sensitivity:
tor for monitoring each input separately; mode DB SYSTEMS
selector for stereo, reverse stereo, stereo blend,
or stereo plus; response (RIAA phono equaliza- DB-1 Preamplifier
tion) 30-15,000 Hz ±-0.5 dB; has full comple- Frequency response: (phono) 5-20,000 Hz
ment of inputs, outputs, and operating con- ±0.25 dB, (high level) 2-50,000 Hz +0, -1 dB,
trols; matte black panel; walnut veneer en-
closure optional extra. 7" H x 173/." W x 103/e" D.
In the interests of conserving space, all power output specifications 0.25% distortion; 500 Wlch into 4 ohms; input
have been abbreviated in these Directory sections. For example: "30 W sensitivity 1.75 V rms for full output; input imp.
rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.3% THD" should be read as: 100,000 ohms; hum & noise 100 dB below full
"30 watts minimum rms per channel into 8 ohms with less than 0.3% output; features complementary symmetry
total harmonic distortion from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz," in conformance with direct -coupled output with ten 20 A power
transistors per channel. Controls: power "on -
current Federal Trade Commission rules. off" switch, individual channel level controls, 3-
pos. meter -range switching. Features profes-
sional VU meters; 2 -speed cooling fan. 19" W x Stereo 150 Power Amplifier H x 13,/," W x 10' 2'D Kit $209.00
7" H x 15" D. Uncased rack mount .. $1500.00 75 Wich continuous power into 8 ohms (20- Assembled $289.00
Genuine walnut -veneer case $80.00 20,000 Hz) with 0.25% THD both channels
driven, with FTC pre -conditioning. IM less than SCA-800 Stereo Power Amplifier
Dreadnaught 500 Power Amp 0.25%. Circuitry d.c.-coupled after input; fully Combines a two -channel amplifier (Model 80)
Same as Model 1000 except 150 W/ch into 8 complementary output stage. MC -2 output with Quadaptor decoding circuitry for recover-
ohms; 300 W/ch into 4 ohms; input sensitivity meter accessory kit available. Supplied with
1.2 V rms for full output. 19" W x 7" H x 12" D. walnut veneer end panels. 141/2" x 133/." x
Uncased rack mount $875.00 61/4" D.
Genuine walnut -veneer case $60.00 Kit $269.00
250. Same as Model 500 except 125 W/ch into Assembled $399.00
8 ohms; 200 W/ch into 4 ohms $675.00
Genuine walnut -veneer case $60.00
Stereo 120 Power Amplifier
Model 10 Preamplifier 60 W/ch continuous power output at 8 ohms
Response 5-200,000 Hz -t3 dB; THD & IM (25-15.000 Hz) at 0.5% THD both channels
0.05% max.; hum & noise -90 dB; phono sen- driven with FTC pre -conditioning. IM 0.5% at
sitivity 1 mV; phono headroom below overload rated output. Hum & noise 95 dB at rated out-
180 mV; output voltage 4 V. 19" W x 31/2" H x put. Sensitivity: 1.5 V for rated output. 4V." ing 4-ch information from 2 channels. Preamp
12" D $675.00
Genuine walnut -veneer cabinet $40.00
Stereo 400 Power Amplifier
200 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms from 20-
20,000 Hz at 0.25% THD & 0.1% IM with both
the ultimate system
be all Crown ?
t.) The Luxman T-310. a stunningly executed product
that should appeal to the FM buff who seeks the
finest FM recept on ' Audio
tool The Luxman
(4 The Luxman
LUX Audio of America, Ltd. 200 Aerial Way. Syosset New York 11791
In Canada White Electronics Development Corp . Ontario
section); DSP hybrid digital chip which controls
entire function; controls: left & right volume;
sensitivity 2.2 V input for 250 W output; hum &
Amplifiers noise 100 dB below 250 W; input imp. 100 k;
operates at any a.c. voltage from 100-240 V/50-
400 Hz; d.c. 160 V min/240 V; 19" W x 15"
damping factor 30; features tape monitor fa- D x 4,/2" H $2000.00
cilities; multi -speaker operation; connections
for two pairs of stereo phones. 13" W x 5,/," H tuner & aux.; tape monitor jack; headphone FET Preamplifier
x 103/." D $185.00 jack; level control for phono input. Push-button Designed to be used with company's DSP
program source selection, mono or stereo Switching Amplifier; frequency response ±-0.02
Citation 11 Stereo Preamp mode, "on -off" control of speaker systems and dB of RIAA equalization curve (phono), -3 dB at
Response 1-250,000 Hz -±0.5 dB. HD & IM less power; master controls actuate bass, treble, 3 Hz & 50,000 Hz (phono with moving coil en-
than 0.01%. Has high -cut & low-cut filters, balance, and volume; includes walnut -stained gaged), line 20-100,000 Hz ±1 dB, 1-230,000
veneer end panels. 3'/e" H x 123/4" W x 12" D. Hz -3 dB; HD & IM dist. at 2 V out: phono &
Kit $109.95 line 0.05%, 0.07% (phono with moving coil
engaged); S/N -82 dBV (phono), -70 dBV
(phono with moving coil), -90 dBV (line); max.
4 -CHANNEL output 7 V into 10 k; min. load imp. 10 k; power
AA -2005A Four -Channel Amplifier supply +40 V at 500 mA, 1% regulated; full
complement of inputs/outputs; 18'/2" W x 15"
15 W/ch min. rms into 8 ohms at 0.5% THD D x 4'/z" H $1000.00
from 20-20,000 Hz; frequency response 7-
50,000 Hz +1 dB at 1W, 5-70,000 Hz ±3 dB,
IM 0.5% with 15 W output, 0.25% at 1 W out- JVC
put. Has built-in decoder optimized for SQ sys-
tem but capable of handling all matrixed 4 - JA -S71 Integrated Stereo Amplifier
loudness compensation, equalizer tone con- channel material. Front -panel controls include 80 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
trols, multiple speaker switching, and head- pushbuttons for speaker, program source 0.1% THD; frequency response 10-70,000 Hz
phone output $395.00 (tuner, aux., phono, tape), and mode selection;
four audio -level controls plus master gain, and
HEATH two headphone jacks. 4'/." H x 193/." W x 10" D.
Walnut -stained veneer end panels.
AA -1640 Stereo Power Amplifier Kit $139.95
200 W/ch min. rms into 8 ohms at 0.1% THD
from 20-20,000 Hz; response 7-50,000 Hz
HA/1100 Integrated Stereo Amplifier
100 W/ch continuous power output into 8 ohms
(20-20,000 Hz) at 0.1% THD; THD & IM dist. +0 dB, -1 dB; S/N 100 dB; direct -coupled
0.03% at 1 W output; power bandwidth 6- parallel push-pull pure complementary OCL
50,000 Hz; frequency response 6-60,000 Hz power circuit; preamp section: input sensitivity
-±0.5 dB (phono), ±1 dB (aux); OCL pure com- 2.5 mV (33 k/47 k/100k/330, 100, 0 pF), tuner,
41) plementary circuit; bass & treble tone controls; aux., tape play 180 mV (50 k); output level:
high & low filters; loudness control; input tape rec. 180 mV, DIN rec 30 mV; S/N 65 dB
sensitivity: phono #1 2 mV/50 k, phono #2 1.6 (phono), 85 dB (aux.), 85 dB (tape play); inputs:
-1 dB; 5-100,000 Hz -3 dB; IM dist. 0.1%; mV -6 mV/50 k, tuner, aux, tape 100 mV/100 k,
input sensitivity: 1.5 V for full output; features
phono #1 & 2, tuner, aux. #1 & 2, tape play
main input 1.0 V/70 k; output level: tape 100 #1, 2, 3, main in; outputs: tape rec #1, 2, 3,
turn -on delay, relay and fuses to protect mV/1 k, tape (DIN) 30 mV/80 k, preamp out speaker #1, 2, headphone, pre out; indepen-
speakers; optional peak -reading meters dis- dent tape dubbing, tone defeat & loudness,
play output in dB and watts into 8 ohms. subsonic/high filters; -20 dB audio muting;
19" W x 7'/." H x 18" D (kit) $439.95
Optional meters (kit) $69.95 negative -feedback tone controls; 165/e" W x
15"/32" D x 63/9" H $399.95
AA -29 Integrated Stereo Amplifier
35 W/ch min. rms into 8 ohms at 0.25% THD
;fa2 4.44474
C7c-7,5_5 47?. JA -S31 Integrated Stereo Amplifier
40 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
from 20-20,000 Hz; response 7-60,000 Hz -1 0.2% THD; frequency response 20-50,000 Hz
dB at 1 W. HD 0.2% and IM 0.2% at 35 W; hum +0, -1 dB; direct -coupled pure complementary
& noise -65 dB at phono input. Sensitivity: 1.0 V (rated input/28 ohms; hum & noise 75 dB OCL power circuit; preamp section: input sensi-
mag. phono 2.2 mV, aux. 180 mV, tape 180 mV. phono, aux. 90 dB; mode selector, speaker, and tivity 2.5 mV (47k), tuner, aux., tape play 160
Has loudness compensation switch, multiple tape monitor switches; 18'/e" W x 15v." D x mV (50 k); output level 160 mV (tape rec.); S/N
speaker switching, center -channel speaker out- 53/8" H $599.95 65 dB phono, 85 dB (tuner, aux., tape play);
put, headphone output, and tape monitoring inputs: phono, tuner, aux., tape play #1 & 2;
facilities. Damping factor 50. HA/610 Integrated Stereo Amplifier outputs: tape rec. #1 & 2, speaker #1 & 2,
Kit $184.95 60 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms (20- headphone; master volume control with 19
Walnut -stained veneer case $21.95 20,000 Hz) at 0.3% THD; power bandwidth click stops; loudness/balance switches; tuner/
10-50,000 Hz; frequency response 10-30,000 phono/ aux. selector; phones jack; 15"/32" W x
AA -1506 Stereo Power Amplifier Hz ±0.5 dB (phono), +0, -1 dB (aux); THD & 13" D x 5'4" H $249.95
60 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at IM dist. 0.05% at 1 W output; hum & noise
0.1% THD; hum & noise -95 dB; styled to 75 dB (phono), 90 dB (aux.); two phono, two 4 -CHANNEL
match Modulus AN -2016 tuner/preamp; in- aux., and two tape inputs (one DIN in/out);
cludes input level controls; main/remote speak- three independent gain -control selectors; mode VN-5101 4 -Channel Add -On Amp
er switches, plug-in polarized speaker con- selector, speaker, tape monitors switches; Basically a 2 -channel amplifier with 4 -channel
nectors; 1421/32" W x 8" D x 53/8" H. electronic power protection circuitry; 17ve inputs to be used with your present stereo sys-
Kit $179.95 Wx D x 53/.." H $399.95 tem. 34 W/ch dynamic power into 8 ohms (50
AA -1505. Same as AA -1506 except 35 W rms/ W/ch at 4 ohms); 22 W/ch continuous power
ch $129.95 into 8 ohms (24 W/ch into 4 ohms) with both
INFINITY channels driven and at 0.5% THD. Power band-
AP -1615 Stereo Preamplifier width 30-30,000 Hz. Features 5 -position tone -
Basic preamp; THD & IM dist. 0.05%; -65 dB DSP Switching Amplifier control network centering on 40/250/1000/
hum & noise (phono); frequency response 5000/15,000 Hz. Has built-in synthesizer to
20-20,000 Hz +0, -0.2 dB; phono input: 100 dB 250 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
0.1% THD; class -D amplification; frequency produce 4 -channels from regular 2 -channel
dynamic range; built-in subsonic filter; tape response 10-100,000 Hz at 1 V; power band- program material. Has jack 'for optional remote
dubbing facilities; hi & lo filters; power on/off control. 103/." x 57/." x 14" D $129.95
relay; solid walnut end panels; 17'/2" W x 8" D x width 20-20,000 Hz; delay time 300 ns; damp-
(kit) $129.95 ing ratio 100; max. power handling 2000 W,
4'/32" H KENWOOD
25 W min.; unit consists of three sections:
AA -1214 Stereo Amplifier regulated 2000 W power supply; switching am-
15 W/ch min. rms into 8 ohms at 0.5% THD plifier modules (analog pulse -width converter, 700-M Power Amplifier
from 20-20,000 Hz; inputs for phono, tape, switching section, and smoothing & averaging 170 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
dB/octave at 18 Hz. Features direct -coupled twin power output meters, illuminated function
amplifier with output stage powered by dual
Merl indicators, separate tape & cassette inputs,
positive/negative supply; three Darlington p.a. mic facility; 4-ch matrix switch; teak
amplifier stages/ch; relay -activated protection finished cabinet; 16.3" W x 12.5" D x 5.3" H....
circuit; two VU meters with meter range but- $650.00
tons for 0 dB, -10 dB, -20 dB, plus "off;"
separate left and right input -level controls; 2100 Integrated Amplifier
dual A -B input selector switch; 5 -way speaker moves tone controls from circuit for flat re- Solid-state integrated stereo amplifier. 35 W/ch
selector. 175/." x 7' $749.95 sponse 20-20,000 Hz; two-step audio muting; at 8 ohms. Response 20-30.000 Hz. THD 0.1%
two-step loudness control circuit; selectable
600 Integrated Stereo Amplifier low- and high -frequency filtering; selectable
130 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at phono cartridge input impedance settings;
0.08% THD; independent power supply for "Tape -Through" circuit for playing any pro-
gram source without interrupting dubbing
through unit's dual tape system; has full com-
plement of inputs, outputs, controls, and
switches. 171/." x 53/." W x 111/8" D ... $649.95
The pleasure of your tuner is fullest when properly matched with its power supply;
when it is sensitive and highly selective, and offers noise- and distortion -free sound.
In short, an instrument attuned to your musical pleasure.
Sansul Amplifiers and Tuners: Our newly expanded complete line of power-
ful amplifiers and beautifully designed tuners are engineered and matched to give
you the full pleasure of power. From the
fabulous AU 20000 with a striking 170
....... waits per chcnnel, min. RMS, both
. channels driven into 4 and
NV*: 7%.
Al -t1000 AU -20000
...with pleasure.
8 ohms, from 20 to 20000 Hz with no more than 0.05% total harmonic distortion
at about $1000* to the AU 3900 with 22 watts per channel, min. RMS, both channels
driven into 8 ohms, from 40 Hz to 20 kHz, with no more than 0.15% total
harmonic distortion at less than S160*, every AU amplifier is loaded with features
designed for creative listening. The fully matched TU tuners from less than $160*
to about $450* all feature appropriately low distortion, fine sensitivity
and high selectivity. For example, the TU 3900: sensitivity, 11.2 dBf (2.0 µV);
selectivity better than 60 dB (at 400 kHz). TU 9900: sensitivity, 8.8 dBf
(1.5 µV); selectivity from 20 dB at 200 kHz to 90 dB at 400 kHz. The TU 9900
offers a choice of wide and narrow bandwidths for selection of individual stations
even in crowded areas.
Buy Sansui.
SANSUI ELECTRONICS CORP. Woodside, New York 11377 Gardena. California 90247
SANSUI ELECTRIC CO.. LTD ,Tokyo, Japan . SANSUI AUDIO EUROPE S.A., Antwerp, Belgium . In Canada: Electronic Distributors
headphone circuit; uses six 12AX7's & one
12AU7; wooden cabinet with silver smoked
front panel; 19'/25" W x 11" D x 73/s" H
Amplifiers $745.00
CL -350 Stereo Preamplifier
Hz -1 dB; input sensitivity: phono #1 & #2
2.5 mV. tuner, aux #1 & #2 200 mV; input
imp. 50k; S/N 62 dB phono, 84 dB tuner, aux.;
NF tone control with six rolloff points: 150, 300, $699.95
600, 1500, 3000 & 6000 Hz; has high & low
filters, loudness & low -boost circuit, attenuator, 1150 Integrated Amplifier
linear equalizer, tape dubbing circuit, tape 75 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms at 0.1%
monitor circuit, input level setter for tuner; THD with both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz)
172/4" W x 123/16" D x 6,/,6" H $765.00 input sensitivity: mag. phono & mike 1.8 mV;
aux. 180 mV. Has main/remote speaker switch,
M-1500 Stereo Power Amplifier Features six pairs of inputs: two sets of phono graphic tone controls for bass, treble, mid-
75 W/ch continous power output into 8 ohms inputs & jacks for stereo microphones; one pair range; high & low filters, tape monitor circuitry
with both channels driven at 0.03% HD or IM; of phono inputs adjustable from 30,000 to for two decks. 153/8" x 53/6" x 14" D. Gold ano-
features speaker -muting relay; subsonic filter 100,000 ohms in three steps; negative -feed- dized front panel $397.95
(rolling off below 13 Hz at 12 dB/octave); back tone controls for each channel; choice of 11500. Same except includes Dolby noise -
heavy-duty power supply; will handle two pairs turnover points for bass & treble; low- and high - reduction circuitry $499.95
of speakers (switchable from front panel); two frequency filters; three auxiliary high-level
pairs of inputs with rear -panel sensitivity inputs; tape -monitoring and dubbing facilities 1060 Integrated Amplifier
adjustments; output -level meters; styling to for two tape decks; headphone jack (8 ohm 30 W/ch rms at 8 ohms. Power bandwidth 15-
match CL -350 preamp $695.00 phones). $495.00 40,000 Hz; response 15-40,000 Hz -±2 dB. HD &
IM 0.5% at rated output; hum & noise -67 dB
MB3045 Mono Power Amplifier at phono input. Sensitivity: mag. phono 1.8 mV;
50 W into 4/8/16 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.3% aux. 180 mV; tuner 180 mV. Has high -cut & low-
MARANTZ cut filters, loudness compensation switch,
THD; IM 0.3% at rated output; frequency re-
sponse 10-40,000 Hz -1 dB input sensitivity: ganged tone controls, multiple speaker switch-
510 Power Amplifier ing, headphone output, tape monitoring facili-
700 mV; damping factor 16 (8 ohms, 1 kHz); 256 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with
residual hum & noise -95 dB; two 8045G out- ties, mike input on front panel, and a mid -range
both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz -±0.1 dB; tone control. Damping factor 50. 43/." H x 12"
put triodes, two 6240G pre -drivers, one 12AU7, IM & THD 0.1% at rated output; hum & noise
one 12AX7; 149/16" W x 92/16" D x 6"/16" H W x 14'/2" D $239.95
-110 dB; input sensitivity: 2 V for rated output:
$495.00 1070. Same as Model 1060 except 35 W/ch; IM
imp. 25,000 ohms; damping factor 100.
& HD 0.3% $299.95
Features peak load indicators $899.95
L -80V integrated Stereo Amplifier 510M. Same specifications as the Model 510
80 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms (20- except includes two illuminated output -level
1030 Integrated Amplifier
20,000 Hz) at 0.05% THD; IM dist. 0.05% at 15 W/ch rms at 8 ohms. Power bandwidth 15-
rated output; frequency response 5-50,000 40,000 Hz; response 20-40,000 Hz ±-2 dB. HD &
Hz -1 dB; input sensitivity: phono #1 & #2 IM 0.5% at rated output; hum & noise -64 dB
2.5 mV; tuner, aux. #1 & #2 120 mV; S/N 65 dB at phono input. Sensitivity: mag. phono 1.8 mV;
(phono #1 & #2); 80 dB (tuner, aux. #1 & #2, aux 180 mV. Has high -cut filter, loudness com-
monitor #1 & #2); tone control with turnover pensation switch, stepped tone controls, multi-
frequency selector (150, 300, defeat, 3000, ple speaker switching, headphone output, tape
6000 Hz, defeat); has low -boost & loudness monitoring facilities, and mike input on front
switch, tape monitor circuit, tape dubbing panel. Damping factor 50. 43/." H x 141/2"
switch, tape connector (DIN), mode selector W x 12" $179.95
switch, speaker selector switch, headphone 1040. Same as Model 1030 except 20 W/ch; IM
jack, a.c. outlet (1 switched); 1723/33" W x & THD 0.3% $199.95
1113/16" D x 65/,6" H $475.00 meters which monitor actual output power to
speakers and indicate left/right channel bal- 3600 Preamp/Control Center
C-1000 Stereo Preamplifier ance; gain controls for left/right channels Features graphic tone controls for bass, treble
Features three switch -selectable turnover $999.95 & mid -range; low and high filters; precision -
frequencies for each control; linear equalizer; tracking volume control; tape monitor circuitry
250M Power Amplifier for two decks; two sets of preamp-out jacks;
126 W/ch rms at 8 ohms; response 20-20,000 front -panel mike jacks; response 20-20,000 Hz
Hz ±1 dB. THD 0.1% at rated output; IM 0.1% -±0.25 dB; THD 0.02% at rated output; output
at rated output. Hum & noise -106 dB. Sen- level 3 V; impedance 150 ohms $499.95
sitivity: 1.5V for rated output. Has 8 ohm out- 3800. Same as Model 3600 except includes
put & output metering. Damping factor 100. Dolby noise -reduction circuit; tape EQ switch;
6'/s" H x 153/8" W x 9I/2" D $599.95 $599.95
. "E.Mme.
, 1.1.
!NM 11142LIWIle V -
6;64' swm
NOIAMP.11.111-C Ixa
=.1. =Mgr.
1e. lir, 46. 41.941.
wen WY AO 11 OD VI VP
EMMY 130 all all alb .1, ai i 111i11111
a be me No
o 0
PM/1M laVVIL 111 *.
r as,/ crig,
Suggest Retail of System shown -Mark VIII (S650.00), Mark I X6 (S400.00), 2200(S450.00)-Tota System S1500.0C
They sly that ycu cant judge a book by its cover; :hat's true, but what This system combines beauty performance, quality and because its
a cover. What was, and is the most beautiful look in the professional SAE a FREE 5 YEAR Service Contract. C)mpare and you II find this
field is now the most dating look in general audio BUT looks xe not is anothe- great value by the people who make "Components for the
the whole story, in fact, nct even the best part. Inside -that's whe-e you Connoisseur."
find true SAE quality and performance. Here are ,ust a few highlights
of this SAE system:
MARK VIII FM DIGITAL TUNER- A 5-garg tuning cap.,Dual
MOSFET front-end, Linear -Phase IF filters with 7 -stage limiter and
PLL MPX. IHF Sen.-1.6uV, Stereo Sen.(-50dB1-30uV, mono THD- erlific Audio Electronics, Inc.
less than 0.15%, stereo THD-less than 0.2%. RcA 60271, Ter
MARK IXB PRE -AMPLIFIER EQUALIZER-Low noise phono Anaeles, Ca. 90060
circuits, 7 -band equalizer with precision wound toroid inductors THD sand more information on the 11.A<V9 II, Mkt X3, and 2200
and IM -less than 0.02%, Phone S/N110mV ref.-75dB, Aux. S/N-95dB.
2200 STEREO POWER AMPLIFIER-Fully -omplementary cir-
cuitry, LED Power Display, Relay Protection. 100 WATTS RMS/
CHANNEL (both channels driven) from 20Hz to
20k Hz at less than 0.05% Total Harmonic Distortion.
Mark 2100 Stereo Preamplifier
Combines preamp circuitry with parametric &
Amplifiers dynamic equalizer; frequency range 6-100,000
Hz ±0.02 dB; adjustable phono input level;
full complement inputs & outputs and controls;
stepped volume control; 0.01% THD & IM dist.;
Mark 2600. Same as Mark 2500 except 400 W 19" W x 7" D x 6" H $900.00
rms/ch into 8 ohms; 600 W rms/ch into 4 ohms. 210010. Same as Mark 2100 except with LED
$1750.00 display instead of parameter and dynamic
equalizer $650.00
aux. 80 dB; features dual -amplifier phono
Mark 2400 Stereo Power Amplifier equalizer; triple tone controls; triple protec-
200 W rms/ch continuous power output (20- Mark IB Preamp-Equalizer selectable phono sensitivity/
tion circuits;
20,000 Hz) with both channels driven; 0.05% Can serve as complete control center. Has a impedance; accepts up to three stereo tape
THD from 250 mW to full rated power. IM professional 7 -band equalizer instead of con- decks with individual monitoring & deck -to -
0.05% at full power; features relay protection ventional controls. Response (high-level inputs) deck dubbing; tone defeat switch; 3 -step audio
circuit for speakers; volt/amp limiter; comple- 10-100,000 Hz ±0.25 dB; (phono inputs) 20- muting switch; 2 -step low/high filters; mode
mentary double differential inputs and full com- 20,000 Hz ±0.5 dB. Equalizers have dual range
switch; meter sensitivity switch; illuminated
plementary series -connected output stages; of ±8 dB or ±16 dB with 12 dB/octave slope. level meters. 18'hi" W x 7" H x 153/." D
feedback level controls. 17" x 53/: x 13'/2" Features include stepped volume control, EQ $1000.00
$750.00 Line/EQ Tape switch for equalized recordings; AU11000. Similar to AU20000 except 110 W
volume control range extender; tape copy con- rms/ch; input/output facilities for two stereo
Mark 2200 Stereo Power Amplifier trol with provision for three tape recorders (six tape decks; hum & noise: phono #1 & #2 65
100 W rms/ch continuous power output (20- possible positions); two headphone output dB; no level meters $750.00
20,000 Hz) with both channels driven; 0.05% jacks; scope outputs for testing phase, stereo AU9900. Similar to AU11000 except 80 W rms/
THD from 250 mW to full rated power; IM 0.05% separation, or balance or level measurements; ch; frequency response (at 1 W) 10-50,000 Hz
at 100 W/ch. Response 20-20,000 Hz -A.1 dB gain switch; four phono circuits for four sepa- +0 dB, -1 dB; $600.00
at 1 W; 20-20,000 Hz ±0.1 dB at 100 W. Power rate phono preamps. 17" W x 101/2" D x 53/."H
bandwidth 8-50,000 Hz 3 dB down. (S + N)/N $825.00 AU7900 Integrated Stereo Amplifier
100 dB below 100 W/ch. Input required: 1 V Mark IM. Same as Mark IB except has no tone 75 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
rms for 100 W, 100,000 ohms. 17" W x 53/." H x controls but features two high -accuracy VU 0.1% THD; IM dist. 0.1% (aux) at rated min.
133/4" D. LED display. Walnut cabinet meters instead which display the unit's output
$450.00 in volts. Has meter -range switch $660.00
low boost, high loudness; low &
Response 10-100,000 Hz ±0.25 dB (high-level high filter; dual power supply; separable con-
inputs); 20-20,000 Hz ±1 dB (phono inputs). trol/power section; two -deck dubbing/play pro-
HD (rms) 0.03% 20-20,000 Hz at 2.5 V; IM visions; two phono inputs; three a.c. outlets
0.03% at rated output. (S + N)/N 72 dB below
-but not dirty 10 mV (phono); 90 dB below rated output (high-
(one switched) $400.00
AU5900. Similar to AU7900 except 45 W rms/
level). Gain: phono 57 dB at 1 kHz; high-level 15 ch; loudness & audio muting switches; 165/16"
dB. Maximum output 9 V into 100,000 ohms. W x 123/16" D x 51/." H $260.00
15" W x 43/." H x 8" D $200.00
AU4900 Integrated Stereo Amplifier
35 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (40-20,000 Hz) at
SANSUI 0.15% THD; IM dist. 0.2% at rated rms min.
power output; frequency response 10-40,000
BA -5000 Stereo Power Amplifier Hz +0.5 dB, -1.5 dB; hum & noise 75 dB
300 W rms/ch with both channels driven (20- (phono), 90 dB (aux); bass & treble tone con-
20,000 Hz) into 8 ohms at 0.1% THD; frequency trols; low/high filter; tape monitor; mic mixing;
speaker switch for A, B, A + B and off (phones
only); phones jack; two a.c. outlets (one
switched); 1531." W x 91/2" D x 43/." H $200.00
AU3900. Similar to AU4900 except 22 W rms/
ch; hi filter only $160.00
60 Watts -4.0 or 8.0 Ohms minimum sine CA -3000 Preamplifier
wave continuous average power from 20 Hz Frequency response 10-100,000 Hz -1.-0.5 dB
to 20 kHz with less than .05% total harmonic (at rated output); THD 0.03% (at rated output);
Our power amplifiers are some of the best
available. Our prices are some of the most
reasonable available. You may not be famil- response 15-30,000 Hz +0 dB, -2 dB (at 1 W);
iar with our products since we sell only by features two VU meters; triple protection cir-
direct mail and don't advertise a great deal. cuit; forced -ventilation system. Designed for
We would like to send you our new 1975 rack mounting 19" W x 83/." H x 1811/32" D
catalog showing all of our fine audio pro- $1300.00
ducts and test report information on our BA -3000. Similar to BA -5000 except 170 W
famous "Tiger .01" shown above. You rms/ch at 0.05% THD; frequency response channel separation 60 dB; hum & noise: phono
might be pleasantly surprised at how little 5-100,000 Hz +0 dB, -1 dB; 18'/64" W x 7" H #1 & #2 70 dB; tuner, aux. & tape monitor 90
clean power actually costs. dB; has full complement of inputs & outputs,
153/; D $900.00
*207 Complete Kit $ 77.50 PPd controls, switches, a.c. outlets (switched &
AU20000 Integrated Stereo Amplifier unswitched). 181/e" W x 71/6" H x 1411h6" D
4t207 -A Assembled Amplifier .$110.00 PPd 170 W rms/ch into 8 ohms both channels driven $700.00
(20-20,000 Hz) at 0.05% THD; power band-
Southwest Technical Products width 20-20,000 Hz at or below rated min. SCOTT H. H.
WuTi 219 W. Rhapsody rms power output & THD; channel separation:
phono #1 & #2 55 dB; tuner & aux. 60 dB; A436 Integrated Stereo Amplifier
San Antonio, Texas 78216 hum & noise: phono #1 & #2 70 dB; tuner & 42 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
0.3% THD; pushbutton selector for phono, TA -2650 Integrated Stereo Amplifier into 8 ohms at 0.03% THD; IM 0.033%; re-
tuner & aux.; volume/loudness compensation; 45 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at sponse 3-500,000 Hz; damping factor 800 at
tape monitor facility; connections & switching 0.2% THD; has full complement of inputs & 1 kHz; residual hum & noise 97 dB; input
for two sets of speakers; front -panel head- outputs $220.00 sensitivity 1.7 V rms; protection circuits for d.c.
phone jack; rotary selector with two phono in- input and output, input and output overload,
puts; separate linear -motion treble & bass TAN -5550 Stereo Power Amplifier thermal; class -A amplification; d.c. coupling;
controls for each channel with detents: hi/lo 50 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at dual VU meters $3600.00
filters; individual channel power meters cali- 0.1% THD; features vertical FET output am-
plifier stage with complementary parallel push-
pull circuit $450.00 SWTP
TA -3200F Stereo Power Amplifier 207-A Mono Power Amplifier
100 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels Single -channel power amp designed to be used
1 1
driven (20-20,000 Hz). Power bandwidth 5- in any multiples as required (for stereo or 4-
111 ( Odethrifdr cnannel systems); 60 W min. continuous sine
wave (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.05% THD into 4 or 8
MX 113
McIntosh Laboratory, Inc.
+4 kHz, wide mode +10 kHz; modulation re-
sponse -3 dB at 15 Hz & 9 kHz; THD (30%
East Side Station P.O. Box 96 mod, 1 kHz) 0.5%; 80% modulation 1.5%; front -
Binghamton, N.Y. 13904 mounted slide volume control. 3.5" H x 17.5"
SEND Dept. SDBG W x 10" D (option 19" rack -mount hardware).
Designed to be used with active directional
antenna (Dymek DA3 & DA4) $295.00
FM -5 FM Stereo Tuner
If you are in a hurry for your catalog please send the coupon to McIntosh.. Response 20-15,000 Hz +I dB. 40 dB stereo
For non rush service send the Reader Service Card to the magazine. separation at 1000 Hz. FM sensitivity 10.2 dBf
Read about GREAT SOUND in
the new FREE Heathkit Catalog!
Heathkit hi-fi is something to think about if you're manufacture, so we can put better performance
thinking about a new system Because you get better into a product for any given price. Take our new
components no matter hcw much ycu spend. Our AR -1F.15 Stereo Receiver (pictured). It has super
complete audio line includes over 30 camponents - specs, digital frequency readout and functionally
receivers, tuners, amplifiers, preamplifiers, speak- smart new styling that includes a fold -down front
ers and accessories. So y]u can choose a system panel to conceal seldom -used controls. It's the
that's right for you - whataver you have to spend. best receiver we've ever designed and easily the
The reason you get me re for your money with best receiver in its prise class. And Heathkit
Eeathkit hi-fi is simple. It comes in easy to build kit receivers start as low as $139.95. So look into
form. We save on the cost of Heathkit hi-fi. Send th 3 coupon below for your
FREE catalog.
mot imm mmmmrnm
F-eath Company, Dept. 42-22
Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022
Preamplifiers Amplifiers
Tuners Receivers Speakers Name
Plus special low prices on turn-
tables and cartridges Equaliser Address
Audic Test and Service Equipment
Cassette Deck and Microphone Mixer
City slate
Heath Company, Dept. 42-22, Zip I
Benton Harbor, MI 49022
1977 EDITION 37
For stereo or 4 -channel; combines preamp with ing sensitivity 37 dBf (39 µV); single output
built-in digital -readout AM -FM tuner; THD or level control; signal/FM tuning meter
IM dist. 0.05% (preamp); hum & noise -75 dB $239.95
11 Tuners (phono); Baxandall tone controls; peak -re-
sponding output meters; FM tuner: 1.7 µV sen-
sitivity (3.5 µV for 50 dB quieting); 100 dB se- JVC
lectivity; 40 dB stereo separation; optional
plug-in circuit boards add Dolby FM, CD -4. and JT-V71 AM/FM Stereo Tuner
full -logic SQ; 19" W x 14'/2" D x 6'/2" H FM sensitivity 1.8 µV (10.3 dBf); frequency re-
sponse 20-20,000 Hz +0.2 dB, -1.0 dB; 50 dB
(kit) $599.95
AJ-1510A Digital FM Stereo Tuner
Frequency -synthesized FM tuning using digital
technique for 0.005% accuracy. Follows com-
at 30 dB quieting; 1.5 dB capture ratio. THD 01
0.5%. 65 dB S/N. Has 55 dB 38 -kHz subcarrier
and 19 kHz suppression and 80 dB SCA carrier
suppression. 2 V output. Features stereo indi-
cator light, signal -strength meter, interstation
muting, ceramic i.f. filters, and Dynatune auto- quieting sensitivity 38 µV stereo; S/N 68 dB
matic tuning for exact center -of -channel. 4,/2" stereo; capture ratio 1.0 dB; alternate channel
H x 13,/2" W x 9" D Kit $199.00 selectivity 75 dB; stereo separation 45 dB (100
$319.00 Hz), 50 dB (1kHz), 40 dB (10 kHz); features
single -unit 4 -resonator ceramic filter combined
AF -6 AM -FM Stereo Tuner puter -type design with digital frequency read- with 4 -pole phase -linear LC filter; FM stereo
The FM section is similar to that used in the outs. Frequency of station can be punched into PLL circuit; subsonic filter; 2 -step hi -blend;
Kit $269.00 circuit or special punched cards can be used. 2 -step FM muting; twin tuning meters; 165/8" W
Model FM -5
$395.00 Also features automatic frequency sweep. FM x 14'/32" D x 63/3" H $269.95
sensitivity is 1.8 µV IHF. Response 20-15,000
Hz dB. Channel separation 40 dB at mid - JT-V31 AM/FM Stereo Tuner
FISHER frequencies. FM sensitivity 1.9 µV (10.77 dBf); frequency re-
Kit $579.95 sponse 30-15,000 Hz dB, -2.5 dB; 50 dB
FM2400 AM -FM Stereo Tuner AJA-1510-1 Pecan -stained veneer case. $26.95 quieting sensitivity 40 dB stereo; S/N 50 dB
stereo; capture ratio 1.2 dB; alternate channel
FM usable sensitivity 1.8 µV; alternate channel
selectivity 70 dB; capture ratio 1.0 dB; stereo AJ-29 AM -FM Tuner selectivity 60 dB; stereo separation 40 dB (100
Stereo design. Same tuner circuitry as AR -29 Hz), 45 dB (1 kHz), 35 dB (10 kHz); features
receiver. Pre -assembled, factory aligned FM 4 -resonator single -unit ceramic filter; FM
front-end provides 1.8 µV sensitivity for 30 stereo PLL circuit; twin tuning meters; 15"/32"
r-- - dB quieting. Computer -designed nine-poie LC
filter in i.f. strip gives 70 dB selectivity. "Mute"
W x 143/32" D x 6" H $169.95
FM2300 AM -FM Stereo Tuner standard crystal oscillator, plus variable -tuned
FM usable sensitivity 1.9 µV; alternate channel oscillator, for digital tuning and crystal -con-
selectivity 70 dB; capture ratio 1.0 dB; stereo trolled frequency synthesizing for tuning ac-
separation (1 kHz) 50 dB; i.f. rejection 95 dB; curacy better than 0.0024%; positive illumi-
image rejection 90 dB; spurious rejection 100 nated red and green LED's signal precision
dB; features 5 -gang dual -gate MOSFET front- ternal FM antenna. Solid-state circuitry; pre -
assembled and aligned FM tuning unit; FM tuning; multi -element ceramic filters; pulse -
end; signal -strength and center -of -channel sensitivity 2 µV; selectivity 60 dB; 40 dB typical noise blanking system; double -switching de-
tuning meters; switchable high blend & muting; modulator plus phase -lock -loop circuit in MPX
channel separation; distortion 0.5%. 3'/." H x
fixed and variable outputs; oscilloscope out- stage; signal -strength meter doubles as multi -
$249.95 123/." W x 13" D. Includes walnut -stained ve-
put path detection meter. FM usable sensitivity
neer end panels.
Kit $109.95 (IHF) 2.0 µV; quieting slope 4.0 µV, S/N 50 dB;
FM2100 AM -FM Stereo Tuner response 20-15,000 Hz -10 dB, 50-10,000 Hz
FM usable sensitivity 2.0 µV; alternate channel ±-0.5 dB; HD 0.3% stereo at 400 Hz, 100% mod-
selectivity 65 dB; capture ratio 1.8 dB; stereo HITACHI ulation; S/N 70 dB at 1 mV input; image rejec-
separation (1 kHz) 40 dB; i.f. rejection 75 dB; tion 100 dB; selectivity (IHF alternate channel)
image rejection 58 dB; spurious rejection FT/920 AM -FM Stereo Tuner 100 dB; capture ratio 0.8 dB; stereo separation
65 dB; features 3 -gang dual -gate MOSFET FM usable sensitivity 28 dBf (14 µV); 50 dB 45 dB at 1000 Hz, 40 dB at 100 Hz, 40 dB at
front-end; center -of -channel tuning meter; quieting sensitivity 36 dBf (34 µV); S/N 68 dB 10,000 Hz. 17'/." W x 53/o" H x 111/3" D $749.95
switchable muting; switchable noise filter; (at 65 dBf); frequency response 30-15,000 -±-1
fixed and variable outputs; 75- & 300 -ohm dB; capture ratio 1.0 dB; alternate channel KT -8300 AM -FM Stereo Tuner
antenna terminals $149.95 selectivity 80 dB; spurious response ratio 100 FM sensitivity 9.3 dBf (1.6 µV at 75 ohms); 50
dB; stereo separation 45 dB at 1000 Hz; PLL dB quieting sensitivity 14.2 dBf (2.8 µV at 75
circuitry; two (signal/multipath & FM tuning) ohms) mono, 34.8 dBf (30 µV) stereo; S/N at
HEATH meters; auto -lock a.f.c. circuit; a.g.c.; 17,i8" W x 65 dBf 78 dB mono, 75 dB stereo; capture ratio
15'/." D x 53/." H $299.95
AN -2016 Modulus Tuner/Preamp FT/520. Similar to FT/920 except 50 dB quiet -
LI:E=111111MM=1:2 1 . ,
. .
sO -Zo
switchable from 75 Asec to 25 µsec charac-
teristic); Dolby circuits switchable to decode T-4055 AM -FM Stereo Tuner
Dolbyized tape recordings; two pairs of tape - FM sensitivity 1.7 µV; frequency 20-15,000 Hz
ter, and FM mute. Features FM detector output input jacks; pair of tape outputs; complete
Dolby -circuit calibration controls; built-in 40, -2 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 400 Hz.
for the addition of discrete 4-ch adapter at later Has a 4 -channel terminal on rear panel for
date. Walnut finished cabinet with blackout dial. Dolby -lever test oscillator; calibration tapes for
cassette and open reel reception of discrete 4-ch broadcasts, illu-
153/4" x 111/8" x 4V2" (less knobs) $269.95 $595.00
minated signal -strength and center -tuning
LT -825 AM -FM Stereo Tuner T-88 V AM -FM Stereo Tuner meters, lighted dial and pointer on the linear
FM sensitivity (IHF) 2.2 µV; capture ratio 2.5 Designed to match the L-80 series integrated
dB; S/N 65 dB; 0.25% THD; stereo separation amplifiers; IHF usable sensitivity 11.2 dBf
35 dB; features slide -rule tuning; signal - (2 µV) at 1 kHz, 100% mod.; 50 -dB sensitivity
strength meter; stereo light; front -panel tape 15.6 dBf (3.3µV) at 50µs; capture ratio 1.8 dB;
outputs; FM mute and MPX filter push -buttons; S/N 68 dB (1 kHz); frequency response 50-
vinyl -covered metal case, walnut -finish wood 10,000 Hz -1-.0;5 dB, 20-15,000 Hz +0.5 dB,
end panels. 121/4" x x 9V." $149.95 -2.0 dB; THD 0.3% at 100 Hz, 0.4% at 6000
Hz; stereo separation 43 dB (1 mV, 1 kHz); has
FM high blend circuit, FM muting, multi -path
LEAK detector circuit, output level setter; 1773/32" W
x 1113/16" D x Vita" H $345.00
2300 AM -FM Stereo Tuner
Designed to be used with the company's 2100 FM scale. Image rejection 90 dB; i.f. rejection
MARANTZ 95 dB; alternate channel attenuation 80 dB;
or 2200 amplifier; frequency response 40-
capture ratio 1.2 dB; HD 0.5% stereo. Out-
150 AM -FM Stereo Tuner puts include two oscilloscope jacks for FM
FM usable sensitivity 1.7 µV (IHF). 45 dB stereo antenna multipath orientation. Front -panel con-
separation at 1000 Hz; 1.0 dB capture ratio. trols include mode selector, tuning, on -off,
FM muting, noise filter, output level control,
and audible switch for FM antenna orientation.
Walnut -grained vinyl over Lauan plywood cabi-
net. 165/0" W x 14" D x 5Ve" H $219.95
a Tuners
A720 Digital FM Tuner/Preamp
Features step -type channel tuning and pre-set
push-button tuning; volume & balance con-
Mark VIB FM Digital Tuner
Features digital readout (four Nixie tubes) fre-
quency display; display of tuning & audio sig-
trolled by sliding -type faders; stepped indepen-
dent tone controls for bass, presence, treble;
FM8 FM -Stereo Tuner two headphone outputs on front panel; inter-
Companion unit to the company's SJ80 inte- connect facilities for two tape recorders; addi-
grated amplifier; frequency response 15-20,000 tional tape output on front panel; two stereo
Hz; IM dist. 0.4%; THD 0.2%; sensitivity 1.8 phono & one stereo aux. input; high & low pass
µV; capture ratio 1.3 dB; image rejection 70
dB; selectivity 80 dB; i.f. rejection 95 dB; AM
suppression 50 dB; S/N 63 dB $299.00
readout; Dolby -B system for FM; variable (normal), 90 dB (narrow); has full complement
of controls and outputs; signal -strength & MODEL
muting; interstation noise muting; inter -stereo Si -1500
muting for mono; hi -blend. Muting threshold center -tuning meters $179.95
12.2 dBf (variable); capture ratio 0.75 dB;
alternate channel selectivity better than 100
dB; usable sensitivity 15.5 dBf (3.2 µV) stereo;
50 -dB quieting sensitivity 35.8 dBf (34.0 µV);
Mail order shopping is made easy
Iway Freight and insurance are already
included in low Audio -Expo price.
S/N at 65 dBf (977 µV) 70 dB; THD at 50 -dB ST -910 FM Digital Syhthesizer Tuner
quieting (100 Hz, 1 kHz, 6 kHz) 0.4%; IM distor- FM sensitivity 1.5 µV for 30 dB S/N: S/N 70 dB; THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE
tion 0.5%; stereo separation 51 dB at 100 Hz, capture ratio 1.0 dB; selectivity 100 dB; image
52 dB at 1 kHz, 38 dB at 10 kHz. 19" W x 14'/."
D x 7" H
Rosewood cabinet
rejection 100 dB; 75 & 300 ohm antenna in-
puts; output- 1.5 V fixed; 0-1.5 V variable; fea-
tures crystal -controlled PLL frequency -synthe- I AUDI . EXPO I
Clear or black anodized panel sizer tuner; no knob control; digital display;
19 -inch rack panel and frame $150.00 has seven programmable pre-set stations; auto- 701 E. Gude Drive
Remote push-button tuning assembly. $150.00 matic searching; manual tuning.... $1800.00 Rockville, Md. 20850
Model II FM -Stereo Tuner L301-340-7707
Same as Model I, without oscilloscope monitor; YAMAHA SEND FOR PRICE QUOTES
features pre -selection of up to three stations;
variable selectivity; connections for separate
display unit; 17" W x 14" D x 3'/2" H $1600.00
CT7000 FM Stereo Tuner
Features negative -feedback multiplex decoder;
1977 EDITION 41
: 1.0515z6trftl :
Our new Powerhouse receivers
outpower the competition.
Lafayette's new Powerhouse receivers have the power, the fea-
tures and the performance you want. And the competition only
Just check our spec chart. We deliver. With no gimmicks or
technical tricks.
.. .. Besides incredible specs our new Powerhouse receivers have
'544'14 4 some features you've never had on any receiver before. Stop in at
-to ii . any of the Lafayette stores or dealers coast to coast and hear what
LR-5555 Dolby A' FM noise reduction, mike mixing and detent controls can
do to give you clean, distortion -free sound.
Lafayette performance goes far beyond sound. We back you up
A.SitatAlk ilP
with warranties, in-store service and people who can talk stereo in
plain, simple language.
Our new line of Powerhouse receivers was built with power and
backed up with consumer services to outpower the competition.
Now where does the competition stand?
Specifications LR-9090 LR-5555 LR-3030 LR-2020 LR-1515
Total Harmonic
(Less Than) 0.1% 0.5% 0.5% 0.6% 0.7%
1 25 dB
1.5 dB
1.5 dB
2.0 dB
@ 40-20,000 t' IHF ('58) Sensitivity (Mono)
There is no competition.
For more information and a free catalog please write: Lafayette Radio Electronics, Box 155, 111 Jericho Tpke., Syosset, N.Y. 11791
Copyright 1976 Lafayette Radio Electronics
THE receiver is a combination of an integrat- It was once assumed that power outputs ex- amplifier sections. a modern receiver's cap-
ed amplifier and a tuner, constructed on a ceeding about 100 watts per channel were not abilities can be expanded almost without limit
single chassis, and sharing the same power practical in the receiver format, if for no other by add-on accessories.
supply and cabinet. The elimination of dupli- reason than the sheer size and weight involved. A variant of the receiver concept, which has
cate cabinets and power supplies results in a Now, however, there are a number of receivers received little attention but is still available from
product somewhat less expensive than the sep- rated at 110 to 120 watts per channel, at least several manufacturers. is the tuner/preampli-
arate components. Another advantage of the two capable of some 160 watts per channel, and fier. As the name suggest, it is essentially a re-
receiver is the elimination of most of the inter- rumors of a 180 watt unit on the way! Further- ceiver without built-in power amplifiers. The
connecting cabling, which is a major cause of more, the distortion levels and power band- user therefore has the option of using almost
unreliable operation in a high-fidelity system. widths of these behemoths, as well as most of any amount of audio power, while retaining the
For many years. it was accepted as axiomatic their other specifications, are fully comparable self-contained control flexibility of the receiver
that a receiver lacked the power, exceptional to those of the finest separate amplifiers. Due to (and without the penalty of excessive size and
operating versatility, and the low distortion and immutable physical laws. these super -power weight).
noise levels commonly associated with good receivers are large and heavy. but they are still In the area of four -channel components. the
separate components. In spite of this, the con- much more compact, as well as less expensive. receiver is supreme. Very few separate ampli-
venience and economy of receivers have made than a combination of separate components. fiers, or integrated amplifiers, have been pro-
them the choice of most people assembling hi- The most important objection that can still be duced with a full four -channel capability. In
fi systems. leveled against receivers is the fact that they do contrast, there are a number of excellent four -
Today, even those objections are no longer not lend themselves to piecemeal updating. On channel receivers, many of them with full per-
valid. While it is true that some preamplifiers the other hand, the better ones (and many formance decoders for all major quadraphonic
have a few more signal inputs or tape recording moderate -priced units as well) are so good that disc systems and the ability to interface with
circuits than most receivers. and some power it is unlikely that they will be superseded by any four -channel tape recorders and a host of other
amplifiers have more power or lower distortion major technological advance in the foreseeable accessories. Thus. for anyone planning a four -
than any receiver, some deluxe receivers are future. Because of its multiple tape monitor channel system, the receiver is almost the only
the equal of many separate components. circuits. and separate preamplifier and power way to go.
multiplex tuner, and 30-W power amplifier; FM
ONKYO U.B.A. CORPORATION Eastern Office: 42-07 20th Ave.. Long Island City, N.Y. 11105, 212-729-2323
Midwest Office: 935 Sivert Drive, Wood Dale, Ill. 60191, 312-595-2970 Canada: Sole Distributor, TriTel Associates Ltd., Willowdale, Ontario, Canada M2H 2S5
at 1 kHz into 8 ohms. Frequency response 20-
30,000 Hz ±1 dB; IHF power bandwidth 20-
Receivers 20,000 Hz. FM sensitivity 2.0 µV; selectivity 65 ( t
dB; FM capture ratio 2 dB; FM image rejection
55 dB; FM stereo separation 35 dB. Has two VU (f ff 1
meters; bass/treble control; speaker selector PPP CIIlit
switch; 2 auxiliary inputs; high/low cut filters.
Walnut case; blackout dial $549.95
nel formats including SQ decoder with wave
4VR-5446 4 -Channel AM -FM Receiver matching and variable blend logic. CD -4 de-
Has same circuit options as 4VR-5436 except modulator, and RM decoder; "Tape -Through"
21 W/ch continuous rms into 8 ohms with all circuit for dubbing through unit's dual 4 -chan-
four channels driven (26 W/ch rms power at 1 nel tape system while receiver is used to play
kHz). IHF power bandwidth 20-30,000 Hz. Has any other program source; impedance 4 to 16
source indicator lights and a 7 -position speaker ohms; FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.8 µV; S/N 65 dB
selector switch $649.95 (1 mV input); capture ratio 3 dB; selectivity
0.3% THD; 80 W/ch into 8 ohms (1 kHz) at (IHF) 50 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000
0.3% THD; IM dist. 0.3% at rated output; 4VR-5456 4 -Channel AM -FM Receiver Hz, 20 dB at 10,000 Hz; HD stereo 0.8% (400
damping factor 50 at 8 ohms; load imp. 4-16 Has same circuit options as 4VR-5436 except Hz, 100% modulation); image rejection 60 dB;
ohms (System 1 or 2), 8-16 ohms (System 1 + 43 W/ch continuous rms into 8 ohms with all has full complement of inputs & outputs, fil-
2); input sensitivity/imp. phono 2.5 mV/50,000 four channels driven (48 W/ch rms power at 1 ters, and tone controls. 21'/14" W x 6,/4" H x
ohms, aux, & tape play 220 mV/70,000 ohms; kHz). IHF power bandwidth 5-45,000 Hz. FM 141/4" D $974.95
S/N phono 70 dB, aux & tape 95 dB; recording sensitivity 1.8 µV; FM capture ratio 1.5 dB;
output 150 mV (PIN), 30 mV/80,000 ohms image rejection 90 dB; FM stereo separation 38
(DIN); S.E.A. center frequencies 40, 250, 1000, dB. Has 7 -position speaker switch $799.95 KLH
5000, & 15,000 Hz; S.E.A. control range ±12
dB; features low-cut & high -cut filters, loudness KENWOOD Fifty-Two/A AM -FM -Stereo Receiver
control; FM tuner sensitivity 1.8 µV; stereo sen- 32 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (25-20,000 Hz) at
sitivity for 50 dB S/N 40 µV; THD stereo 0.4%; KR -7600 AM -FM Stereo Receiver 1.0% THD; response 15-22,500 Hz ±2 dB at
stereo separation 45 dB (1 kHz), 30 dB (10 80 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
kHz); S/N stereo 65 dB; features OCL circuit, 0.3% THD; FM sensitivity 9.8 dBf (1.7 µV at
PLL circuit for FM stereo detection, S.E.A.
graphic equalizer tone -control system, twin
power meters, signal -strength & center tuning
meters; 22'/14" W x 17" D x 6'716" H $499.95
JR-S300 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver
Similar to JR-S400 except 50 W rms/ch, 50
W/ch into 8 ohms (1 kHz) at 0.3% THD; load
imp. 4-16 ohms; input sensitivity/imp. 2.5 mV/
50 k phono, 150 mV/70 k aux & tape play; S/N 75 ohms); 50 dB quieting 14.8 dBf (3.0 µV) 1 W. FM usable sensitivity 1.8 µV for 30 dB.
70 dB phono, 76 dB aux, 96 dB tape; FM tuner mono, 36.6 dBf (37 µV) stereo; capture ratio quieting. Sensitivity: mag. phono 3.5 mV; aux.
sensitivity 1.9 µV; 19"/16" W x 133/16" x 6,/,6" H. 1.5 dB; alternate channel selectivity 80 dB; & tape monitor 500 mV. FM capture ratio 2.0
$399.95 stereo separation (50-10,000 Hz) 35 dB; "tape - dB. Has signal -strength & center -of -channel
through" circuit; acoustic boost 3 or 6 dB at tuning meters and ceramic filters in i.f. stages.
JR-S200 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver 50 & 800 Hz; injection circuit; 25 j.ts de -em- 18" W x 51/4" H x 11'/2" D. Walnut grained cabi-
35 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at phasis switch; 20s/8" W x 143/8" D x 6" H net $349.95
0.5% THD; 38 W/ch into 8 ohms (1 kHz) at $529.95
0.5% THD; IM dist. 0.5% at rated output; KR -6600. Similar to above except 60 W rms/ch; Fifty-Five/A AM -FM -Stereo Receiver
damping factor 40 at 8 ohms; load imp. 4-16 acoustic boost 6 dB at 50 & 800 Hz $449.95 13 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (45-15,000 Hz) at
ohms; input sensitivity/imp. phono 2.5 mV/50 1.0% THD; response 15-22,500 Hz ±2 dB at 1
k, aux & tape 150 mV/70 k; S/N phono 70 dB, KR -5600 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
aux & tape 95 dB; recording output 150 mV 40 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
(PIN), 30 mV/80 k(DIN); tone controls: bass ±-10 0.5% THD; FM sensitivity 10.3 dBf (1.8 µV at
dB at 100 Hz, treble -±-10 dB at 10,000 Hz; loud- 75 ohms); 50 dB quieting 14.8 dBf (3.0 µV)
ness +12 dB at 50 Hz; FM tuner sensitivity 2.0 mono, 36.6 dBf (37 µV) stereo; S/N 75 dB
µV; stereo sensitivity for 50 dB S/N 40 µV; (mono), 70 dB (stereo); capture ratio 1.5 dB;
stereo separation 45 dB (1 kHz), 30 dB (10 alternate channel selectivity 80 dB; stereo sep-
kHz); capture ratio 1.2 dB; 19"/,4" W x 133/16" aration (50-10,000 Hz) 35 dB; "tape -through"
D x 6,/,6" H $299.95 circuit; 25 As de -emphasis switch; 193/4" W x
JR-S100. Similar to JR-S200 except 20 W rms/ 131/1e D x 51/2" W $359.95
ch into 8 ohms (40-20,000 Hz) at 0.5% THD; KR -4600. Similar to above but 30 W rms/ch W. FM usable sensitivity 2.0 µV for 30 dB quiet-
aux & tape S/N 96 dB; FM sensitivity 2.2 µV; $299.95 ing; capture ratio 2.5 dB. Input sensitivity:
stereo sensitivity for 50 dB S/N 45 µV; stereo mag. phono 2.5 mV;,aux. & tape monitor 330
separation 35 dB (1 kHz); capture ratio 2.5 dB; KR -3600 AM -FM Stereo Receiver mV. has four -stage i.f. with two ceramic filters.
$199.95 22 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at 16'/2" W x 51/." H x 12,/4" D. Walnut grained
0.8% THD; FM sensitivity 12.5 dBf (2.3 µV at cabinet $259.95
75 ohms); 50 dB quieting 17.3 dBf (4.0 µV)
4 -CHANNEL mono, 38.7 dBf (47 µV) stereo; S/N 73 dB mono,
68 dB stereo; capture ratio 2.0 dB; alternate LAFAYETTE
4VR-5406 4 -Channel AM -FM Receiver channel selectivity 60 dB; stereo separatior
5 W/ch into 8 ohms at 1000 Hz; power band- (50-10,000 Hz) 35 dB; 193/4" W x 11'/8" D LR-9090 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
width 20-30,000 Hz. Capture ratio 2 dB; FM 51/2" H $249.95 90 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hzl at
sensitivity 2.2 µV. Can be used for discrete 0.1% THD; THD 0.1% at rated output; Dolby
4 -channel reproduction and built-in matrix KR -2600 AM -FM Stereo Receiver FM circuitry; mic mixing; hum & noise: aux.
decoder for E -V, QS, RM, and SQ. 4 ch/2-ch 15 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at -80 dB; tape play -80 dB; mag phono -65 dB;
tape monitoring, built-in joystick master bal- 0.8% THD; FM sensitivity 13.2 dBf (2.5 µV at (low sensitivity), -60 dB (high sensitivity); input
ance control (PPC), built-in CD -4 discrete 4-ch 75 ohms); 50 dB quieting 18.3 dBf (4.5 µV) sensitivity: mag phono 2.5 mV (hi), 5.0 mV (low);
record demodulator, automatic 4 ch/2 ch mono, 40 dBf (50 µV) stereo; S/N 70 dB mono, aux. 150 mV; tape play A & B 150 mV; mic x 26
switching. 55/a" x 19" x 13s/8" $299.95 64 dB stereo; capture ratio 2.5 dB; alternate mV; FM usable sensitivity 21.0 dBf stereo; 50
channel selectivity 50 dB; stereo separation dB quieting sensitivity 39.3 dBf stereo; fre-
4VR-5436 4 -Channel AM -FM Receiver 33 dB at 1 kHz; provision for phono, aux, tape; quency response 30-15,000 Hz +0.5 dB, -1.5
Equipped with built-in CD -4 demodulator and 17'/."W x 1113/14" D x 5,/,6" H $189.95 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1 kHz; FM dist.
features an FM Det. Out jack on the rear panel 0.4% at 1 kHz; 75 ohm unbalanced antenna &
for connection of a demodulator for 4-ch FM 300 ohms balanced input for external antenna;
broadcasting (when authorized). Also has one 4 -CHANNEL full complement of inputs & outputs
matrix decoder for SQ records and another to $599.95
handle other encoded material. 14 W/ch contin- KR -9940 4 -Channel Receiver
uous rms power at 8 ohms with all four chan- 50 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at LR-5555 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
nels driven (20-20,000 Hz); 17 W/ch rms power 0.5% THD; has built-in circuitry for all 4 -chan- 55 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
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1977 EDITION 49
complement of controls and inputer; two AM and mid -range tone control; Dolby FM de -
tuner ranges (150-350 kHz & 510-1650 kHz). emphasis switch; facilities for two tape record-
$750.00 ers; mode switch (left, right, stereo, stereo re-
Receivers verse, mono); full complement of inputs and
outputs $649.95
MARANTZ 2325 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
0.5% THD; PLL circuitry; dual tuning meters; 2215B AM -FM Stereo Receiver 125 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with
stereo program indicator; amplifier specs same
15 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms (40- both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); IM &
as LR-9090; FM usable sensitivity 21.0 dBf; 20,000 Hz) at 0.8% THD; FM sensitivity 2.2 THD 0.15%; frequency response 20-20,000 Hz
50 dB quieting sensitivity 39.0 dBf; capture µV for 30 dB quieting; THD 0.8% stereo; cap- -±0.25 dB; power bandwidth 5-70,000 Hz (IHF)
ratio 1.25 dB; S/N 67 dB stereo; stereo separa-
ture ratio 3.0 dB; stereo separation 38 dB at with both channels driven; FM sensitivity 1.8
tion 40 dB at 1 kHz; mic mixing; dual tape mon- 1 kHz; has provisions for mag. phono, tape µV; THD 0.3% stereo; selectivity 80 dB; cap-
itors for dubbing; full complement of inputs & ture ratio 1.25 dB; stereo separation 42 dB at
deck, headphones; 175/i." W x 111/2" D x 53/8" H.
outputs $399.95 1000 Hz; spurious, image, and i.f. rejection 100
$249.95 dB; features built-in Dolby noise reduction sys-
LR-3030 AM -FM Stereo Receiver tem; variable -frequency tone control turnover
30 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at 2220B AM -FM Stereo Receiver
20 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms with both points and mid -range tone control; complete
0.5% THD; hum & noise: aux. & tape play -75 facilities for two tape recorders; mode switch.
dB; mag phono -60 dB; input sensitivity: mag. channels driven (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.5% THD.
phono 3.5 mV (hi), 7 mV (low); aux, tape play FM sensitivity 2.0 µV for 30 dB quieting; THD
A & B 150 mV; FM usable sensitivity 23.0 dBf 0.5% stereo; capture ratio 2.5 dB; stereo sepa-
ration 40 dB at 1 kHz; Has provisions for mag- 4 -CHANNEL
stereo; 50 dB quieting sensitivity 39.0 dBf;
capture ratio 1.5 dB; FM dist. 0.5% stereo; S/N netic phono, tape decks, phones. Features bass.
treble, and mid -range tone controls; 25 µsec 4400 4 -Ch AM -FM Receiver
65 dB; PLL circuitry; dual tape monitors; dual
Dolby de -emphasis switch $329.95 50 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with all
tuning meters; full complement of inputs & out-
four channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); THD &
LR-2020. Similar to LR-3030 except 20 W rms/
2225 AM -FM Stereo Receiver IM 0.15%; frequency response 20-20,000 Hz
25 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms (20- ±0.25 dB; power bandwidth 7-70,000 Hz (IHF);
ch at 0.6% THD; tape monitor; dual-purpose FM sensitivity 1.8 µV; THD 0.3% stereo; selec-
tuning meter; FM usable sensitivity 23 dBf 20,000 Hz) at 0.5% THD; FM sensitivity 2.0
µV for 30 dB quieting; THD 0.5% stereo; cap- tivity 75 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; stereo sepa-
stereo; 50 dB quieting sensitivity 39.0 dBf ration 42 dB at 1000 Hz; spurious rejection
stereo; FM mute switch; FM stereo indicator. ture ratio 2.5 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at
1 kHz; has provisions for mag. phono, tape 95 dB; image rejection 90 dB; features Dolby
decks, phones; features bass, treble & mid- noise -reduction circuit; built-in oscilloscope;
range controls; 25 kts Dolby de -emphasis facilities for separating tuner/preamp section
4 -CHANNEL switch; 179/i6" W x 143/4" D x 53/." H $369.95 from main amplifiers for connection of amps,
electronic crossovers, and/or equalizers; de-
LR-5000 AM -FM 4 -Channel Receiver 2235B AM -FM Stereo Receiver coder pocket for connecting optional SQ de-
37 W rms/ch into 8 ohms at 0.5% THD (20- 35 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with coder or 4 -channel matrix decoder; Vari-Matrix
20,000 Hz) with all channels driven; features both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.25% for synthesizing 4-ch sound; has full comple-
full -logic wave -matching plus vari-blend SQ THD. FM sensitivity 1.9 I.LV for 30 dB quieting; ment of inputs, outputs, controls, and filters.
decoder and other decoder circuitry to play capture ratio 1.5 (IHF). THD 0.4% stereo: $1349.95
back SQ, RM, and other 4-ch & stereo sources; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz. Has provi- Optional walnut cabinet available.
CD -4 optional discrete 4-ch demodulator built sions for magnetic phono, two tape decks.
in (or can be installed later); power bandwidth phones. Features bass, treble, and mid -range 4300 4 -Ch AM -FM Receiver
0.6 mV (hi), tone controls; 25 µsec FM Dolby de -emphasis 40 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms with all
1.8 mV (med), 4 mV (lo), aux. #1 & #2 250 mV, switch. 16'i." x 5" x 14" D $449.95 channels driven; 0.15% THD & IM 20-20,000
tape play 500 mV; S/N high-level -75 dB, low- Walnut cabinet optional extra. Hz. Features Dolby B circuit for simultaneous
level -60 dB; FM (IHF) sensitivity 1.65 µV; recording and playback with any tape machine
capture ratio 1.5 dB; stereo separation 40 dB; 2240B AM -FM Stereo Receiver and decoding of Dolby -encoded FM broadcasts.
has self -resetting power overload circuit. 21" W 40 W/ch continuous into 8 ohms with both Has phase lock loop multiplex decoder and an
x 5I/2" H x 15" D $379.95 channels driven (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.25% THD. FM Quadradial output jack. Separate tuner-
CD -4 Demodulator package $69.95 FM sensitivity 1.9 µV for 30 dB quieting; cap- preamp section permits use with additional
ture ratio 1.5 dB (IHF). Features phase -lock - external power amps. Has Vari-Matrix for stereo
LR-3000 AM -FM 4 -Channel Receiver loop FM multiplex demodulator; bass, treble, program enhancement. 4-ch ready for addition
Features full -logic wave -matching plus vari- and mid -range tone controls; two tape monitor of SQ decoder and CD -4 demodulator. FM sen-
blend SQ decoder and other 4-ch decoder cir- facilities. 25 µsec FM Dolby de -emphasis sitivity 1.9 µV (IHF); THD 0.3% stereo; capture
cuitry to play SQ, RM, and all 4-ch sources; switch $499.95 ratio 1.5 dB; spurious rejection 90 dB. Amp
optional CD -4 demodulator built-in (or can be Walnut cabinet optional extra. response 20-20,000 -±0.25 dB (high-level in-
installed later); 15 W rms/ch into 8 ohms at put); power bandwidth 7-70,000 Hz $949.95
0.8% THD (20-20,000 Hz) with all channels 2250B AM -FM Stereo Receiver 4270. Similar to Model 4300 but 25 W/ch; 0.3%
driven; power bandwidth 10-35,000 Hz; input 50 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with THD & IM. Response 20-20,000 Hz ±0.5 dB;
sensitivity: mag. phono 0.6 mV (hi), 1.8 mV both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.25% power bandwidth 8-60,000 Hz $749.95
(med.), 1.4 mV (1o), aux. #1 & #2 250 mV, tape 4240. Similar to Model 4300 but 17 W/ch; 0.5%
play 500 mV; FM (IHF) sensitivity 2.2 µV; cap- THD & IM. Response 20-20,000 Hz ±1.0 dB;
ture ratio 2.5 dB; stereo separation 35 dB. power bandwidth 10-60,000 Hz $649.95
171/' W x 4'/." H x 14" D $249.95
CD -4 Demodulator package $69.95 4230 4 -Ch AM -FM Receiver
12 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with all
LEAK channels driven; THD & IM 0.5% FM sensitivity
(IHF) 2.8 V. Response 20-20,000 Hz -L-1 dB;
2000 AM -FM Stereo Receiver power bandwidth 15-50,000 Hz. Features Dolby
30 W/ch sine wave power at 1 kHz, 0.5% THD noise reduction circuit, 4-ch balance controls,
with both channels driven into 8 ohms; THD at THD. FM sensitivity 1.9 µV for 30 dB quieting; remote -control outlet, provisions for two tape
THD 0.4% stereo; capture ratio 1.5 dB; fea- recorders, provision for connecting decoders
tures phase -lock -loop FM multiplex demodula- and demodulators $549.95
tor; bass, mid -range, and treble controls;
variable tone turnover; two tape monitor SQA-2B Full -Logic Decoder
facilities; 25 µsec FM Dolby de -emphasis Full -logic SQ decoder featuring wave -matching
switch $549.95 and variable blend; separation of up to 20 dB;
designed to fit into special under -chassis slot
2275 AM -FM Stereo Receiver of company's Quadradial receivers.... $79.95
75 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with
both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); IM & CD -400B Demodulator
all powers up to 30 W, 1 kHz 0.1%; IM dist. THD 0.25%; frequency response 20-20,000 Designed to be used with any 4 -channel re-
0.1% (70 Hz & 5000 Hz 4:1). FM tuner sensi- Hz -±0.25 dB; power bandwidth 7.70,000 Hz ceiver; phase -lock loop for the 30 kHz carrier
tivity 1.6 µV for 30 dB quieting; stereo dist. at (IHF) with both channels driven; FM sensitivity signal; built-in noise reduction circuits for each
1 kHz 0.5%; channel separation: 1 kHz 35 dB 1.9 0; THD 0.35% stereo; selectivity 80 dB; channel; has rear -channel calibration controls
minimum; 10,000 Hz 30 dB; image rejection capture ratio 1.5 dB; stereo separation 42 dB & CD -4 calibration disc; features auxiliary set
45 dB; i.f. rejection 60 dB; alternate channel at 1000 Hz; spurious rejection 100 dB; features of 4 -channel inputs; front -panel Aux. push
rejection 50 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; has full variable -frequency tone control turnover points switch $139.95
The Sansui Model 9090 receiver is that rare combination of power, exciting features and
outstanding specs. Such as the twin power meters which permit continuous monitoring of both
output channels. Such as sensitivity of 9.8 dBf (1.7µV) to receive even weak and distant stations, and a
selectivity of bette- than 85 dB tc assure clarity without interference. Such as triple tone controls for
creative listening. Such as mic mixing capability.
Sansui Model 9090 delivers110 waifs per channel into 8 ohms, min. RMS, from 20 Hz to 20 kHz
with not more thar 0.2% total ha:monic distortion. All of this power is protected by a special protection
circuit with Sansui's unique LED visual indicator. The 9090 is a superior value at less than $750.00.* Similar
features are available in many of the other models in this series, all leaders in their respective price
class. The Model 8080 at under :650.00,* 7070 at under S520.00,* 6060 at under S420.00,* 5050
at under $320.00.* Model 9090 cabinet in walnut veneer, all other cabinets in simulated walnut grain.
Listen to any of these Sansui receivers at the
nearest Sansui franchised dealers in your neigh-
borhood. is a whole new world of beautiful music.
*The value shown is for informational purposes only. The actual resale price
will be set by the individual Sansui dealer at his option.
STA-2000 AM -FM Stereo Receiver ROTEL
75 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
(19.0 dBf); capture ratio 1 dB; selectivity 80 0.25% THD; frequency response 15-25,000 Hi Company has six AM -FM receivers in its line;
dB; S/N 67 dB; spurious rejection 90 dB; i.f. ±2 dB; at 5 W; IM dist. 0.1% at 50 W; S/N 70 all of them quite similar in design & appear-
rejection 100 dB; image rejection 80 dB; stereo dB (phono), 75 dB (aux); FM tuner sensitivity ance. All feature main/remote speaker switch-
HD 0.3% at 100 Hz (65 dBf), 0.3% at 1 kHz, 1.7 µV; capture ratio 1.5 dB at 1 kHz; alternate es, signal -strength meters, illuminated dial
0.4% at 6 kHz; has full complement of inputs, channel rejection 1.7 dB; stereo separation 48 pointers, and are supplied with walnut cabi-
outputs, switches, signal -strength & tuning dB at 1 kHz; THD 0.15% stereo; S/N 70 dB; nets.
meters; overall size 1815/16" W x 145/8" D x 5'/e" DIN and phono-type tape in/out jacks for two RX-802. 50 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000
H $400.00 decks; tone controls with 11 click-stops;push- Hz) at 0.5% THD; FM sensitivity 1.6 µV; split
buttons for power on/off, A -B speaker pairs. power supply; full tape dubbing; tone defeat;
SX-650 AM -FM Stereo Receiver stereo/mono, FM muting, volume attenuation; high & low filter; dual ganged bass & treble con-
35 rms W/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz); THD switched and unswitched a.c. convenience out- trols; audio & FM muting; mode & loudness
& IM dist. 0.3%; FM tuner sensitivity 4.9 µV lets; edge -lighted dial; signal -strength & power controls; phase -locked -loop in FM circuit;
(18.2 dBf); capture ratio 1 dB; selectivity 60 meters; brushed aluminum front panel; 191/4" W signal -strength & center -tuning meters
dB; S/N 65 dB; spurious rejection 75 dB; i.f. x 16h/2" D x 61/4" H $499.95 $500.00
RX-602. 35 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 switched); 21311e W x 15"/16" D:x 7311." H ORX-5001 4 -Channel Receiver
Hz) at 0.5% THD; phase lock loop circuit; di- $750.00 L7 W rms/ch with all channels driven into 8
8080. Similar to 9090 except 80 W rms/ch ohms (30-20,000 Hz) at 0.5% THD; power
$650.00 bandwidth 30-20,000 Hz; FM sensitivity (IHF)
7070. Similar to 8080 except 60 W rms/ch at 25 µV; selectivity 60 dB; capture ratio (IHF)
0.3% THD; frequency response 20-30,000 Hz 2.5 dB; stereo separation 40 dB (1000 Hz);
±1 dB; FM sensitivity 1.8 µV; 1931." W x 1431." D frequency response 30-15,000 Hz +0.5 dB,
x 63/,- H $520.00 -3.0 dB; Vario-Matrix decoder for QS and SQ
aid CD -4 demodulator for CD -4 or Quadradisc
rect -coupled output; split power supply; signal - 6060 AM -FM Stereo Receiver records; 4 -channel tape inputs & outputs; 4 -
strength & center -tuning meters; two phono & 40 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at channel headphone jacks; metal cabinet with
2 aux. inputs; tape monitor; tape dubbing; FM 0.4% THD; frequency response 20-30,000 Hz wood -grained finish. 1815/1." W x 52/8" H x 121/."
& audio muting; tone -control defeat; hi -filter, ±1.5 dB; controls: bass/treble, low/high filter, D $600.00
loudness, and dual concentric bass & treble loudness; FM sensitivity 1.9 µV; THD 0.5%
controls $360.00
RX-402. 25 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 SCOTT, H. H.
Hz) at 0.5% THD; phase lock loop circuitry; R306 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
split power supply; direct -coupled output cir-
cuit; preamp out, main amp in; tape monitor; 15 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
tape dubbing; concentric stepped bass & treble 0.5% THD; sensitivity 2.2 µV (6.2 dBf); fre-
control; FM sensitivity 2.0 µV; FM muting, hi - quency response 30-15,000 Hz ±2 dB; capture
filter, loudness controls $300.00 ratio 1.5 dB; selectivity 52 dB; stereo separa-
RX-202 Mk H. 20 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (40- tion 40 dB; S/N 68 dB (at 65 dBf); FM intersta-
20,000 Hz) at 1% THD; FM sensitivity 2.5 µV; stereo; capture ratio 2.2 dB; stereo separation tion muting; tape monitor; front -panel head-
2 -stage direct -coupled negative -feedback cir- 40 dB at 1000 Hz; tape monitor circuit; speaker phone jack; signal -strength meter; stepped
cuit; tape monitor; tape dubbing; hi -filter; selector; twin tuning meters; mode switch; FM bass & treble controls with detents; connection
loundess controls; 4 -channel simulation; speak- muting switch; -20 dB audio muting switch; far two sets of speakers; walnut vinyl finished
er system switching 1 & 2, 1 +2 $230.00 mic mixing facilities; W x 1113/12," D x plywood case; 161/2" W x 11 '/2" D x 5" H
RX-152 Mk II. 15 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (50- 53/4" H $420.00 $249.95
20,000 Hz) at 1% THD; 2 -stage direct -coupled 5050. Same as 6060 except 30 W rms/ch at R316. Similar to R306 except 20 W rms/ch;
negative -feedback amp; loudness control 4 - 0.5% THD; FM sensitivity 2.0 µV $320.00 three -position FM de -emphasis switch; multi-
channel simulation; speaker system switching plex switchable sub -channel filter; hi filter;
551 AM -FM Stereo Receiver front -panel mic input jack; direct -coupled
1 & 2, 1 + 2 $200.00
RX-102 Mk II. 10 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (50- 16 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels power output stage; electronic circuit protec-
driven (20-20,000 Hz); THD & IM dist. 0.8%; tion; 18'/2" W x 15'/." D x 53/."H $299.95
20,000 Hz) at 1% THD; magnetic and crystal
cartridge inputs; loudness control; tape moni- power bandwidth 25-30,000 Hz; FM sensitivity R236. Similar to R316 except 30 W rms/ch; in-
tor; speaker system switching 1 & 2 $170.00 2.5 µV (IHF); capture ratio 2.5 dB; S/N 65 dB; cludes separate signal -strength and center -
THD 0.7% stereo; has signal -strength meter; channel tuning meters; click -stop volume con-
4 -CHANNEL full complement of controls, inputs, and out- trol with detents & log linear slope; two tape
puts $260.00 monitor facilities; low filter- $349.95
RX-254 4 -Channel AM -FM Receiver R336. Similar to R236 except 42 W rms/ch at
Can be used as a 2- or 4-ch receiver. 10 W rms/ 331 AM -FM Stereo Receiver 0..3% THD; includes separate clutched bass &
ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at 1% THD (4 12 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels
ch); 18 W rms/ch (2 ch); and 0.5% THD. driven (40-20,000 Hz) at 1.0% THD; power
Power bandwidth 30-30,000 Hz. FM sensitivity
4 µV for 30 dB quieting; capture ratio 8 dB. Will
play 4 -channel discrete sources, 4 -channel SQ
matrixed discs or tapes, and will synthesize
regular 2 -channel stereo sources. Has 4 -chan-
nel headphone jack. 171/." x 5" x 12'12'' D. Wal-
nut cabinet $479.95
bandwidth 40-20,000 Hz; frequency response treble controls with detents; direct tape -to -
25-30,000 Hz +2.0 dB, -3.0 dB (at 1 W); com- tape copying without going through receiver...
SANSUI plete input/output facilities for tape recording $399.95
& playback; FM sensitivity (IHF) 2.5 µV; stereo R376 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
9090 AM -FM Stereo Receiver separation 35 dB at 1000 Hz; frequency re-
100 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at 75 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
sponse 30-12,000 Hz +1 dB, -3 dB; inputs for
0.2% THD; IM dist. (70:7000 Hz, 4:1) 0.2% at phono; will drive two pairs of speaker systems.
0.2% THD; FM sensitivity 1.8 µV (4.9 dBf);
sensitivity for 50 dB S/N 3.6 µV (10 dBf); cap-
1631." W x 416/ie H x 10'/2" D $200.00
ture ratio 1.2 dB; selectivity 70 dB; S/N 68 dB
221. Similar to 331 except 8 W rms/ch. $180.00
at 65 d8f; image rejection 70 dB; spurious re-
sponse rejection 85 dB; individual tone con-
4 -CHANNEL tros for bass, midrange, treble with click -stop
detents; full complement of inputs, switching,
The company has three different AM -FM 2- and and controls; direct fiber optic dial lighting;
4 -channel receivers, including decoder, syn- direct tape -to -tape copying; LED function
thesizer, amplifier, control centers. Each can lamps; front -panel mic jack; two separate tape
decode all compatibly matrixed 4 -channel re- monitors; 19'/2" W x 16" D x 531." H ... $549.95
cordings and broadcasts, synthesize 2 rear
channels of ambient signals from conventional
2 -channel recording to 4 channels. Will also SHERWOOD
rated power output; power bandwidth 20- play discrete 4 -channel tapes.
20,000 Hz; imp. 8 ohms; frequency response S-9910 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
10-30,000 Hz It -1 dB at 1 W; channel separation QRX-6001 4 -Ch Receiver 100 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
(at 1000 Hz): 50 dB phono, aux & tape monitor; 25 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with all channels 0.1% THD; I M dist. 0.1% at rated output (0.03%
hum & noise: 70 dB phono, 80 dB aux. & tape driven (20-20,000 Hz); THD & IM dist. 0.5%; at 20 W); FM sensitivity 1.7 µV; S/N 70 dB;
monitor; FM sensitivity 1.7 µV; THD 0.3% power bandwidth (IHF) 10-35,000 Hz; FM capture ratio 1.0 dB; stereo separation 45 dB
stereo; capture ratio 1.5 dB; stereo separation sensitivity 2 µV (IHF); capture ratio 1.5 dB; at :000 Hz; dual tuning meters with positive
40 dB at 1000 Hz; frequency response 30- S/N 70 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz; indicators; PLL multiplex circuitry; digital de-
15,000 Hz +0.5, -2 dB; features triple tone features IC "Vario-Matrix" for 20 dB separation tection system; subsonic & high filter; FM de -
controls (bass 150 or 300 Hz), (treble 1500 or in SQ and QS modes and built-in CD -4 demodu- emphasis & FM -stereo -only switch; mic mixing;
3000 Hz), midrange, and defeat; two stereo lator; has incependent front/back tone control; wide -range bass, midrange & treble controls
sets of tape terminals; 7-pos. tape monitor and L -R independent balance control; F-8 balance with tone defeat switch; ARS circuit to recover
dubbing switch; controls: mono/stereo, loud- control; loudness control for all channels; 4 -channel information from stereo program
ness, hi/lo filters, source selector, audio muting. four -channel headphone jack; center -tuning material; provision for 3 sets of speakers; front -
mic mixing; signal-strength/multi-path meters; and signal -strength meters; full complement of panel dubbing jack; comes with case; 21'/."
Dolby adapter/4-ch adapter circuit with switch; inputs & outputs $760.00 W x 1551." D x 57/e H $700.00
FM muting; 25 As de -emphasis circuit; separa- QRX-7001. Similar to QRX-6001 except 35 W
ble preamp & power amp; two stereo head- rms/ch; THD & IM dist. 0.4%; FM sensitivity S-7910 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
phone jacks; twin power meters; a.c. outlets (one 1.9 µV $880.00 60 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
35 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms (40-
20,000 Hz) at 1% THD; illuminated signal-
strength/tuning meter; Quadraphase circuitry
Receivers for simulated 4 -channel sound from standard
stereo sources with addition of two speakers;
straight-line balance control with center detent;
0.1% THD; IM dist. 0.1% at rated output detented bass & treble controls; magnetic
(0.03% at 20 W); FM sensitivity 1.7 µV; S/N phono input; pushbutton speaker terminals ...
70 dB; capture ratio 1.0 dB; stereo separation $299.95
45 dB at 1000 Hz; dual tuning meters with adjust controls covering the entire frequency R-1240. Similar to R-1270 except 20 W/ch
positive indicators; PLL multiplex circuitry; range; two separate inputs for tape recorders
digital detection system; high filter; FM de - and tape monitoring (one low-level, one high- R-1220. Similar to R-1270 except 10 W/ch
emphasis & FM -stereo -only switch; wide -range level); S/N 56 dB; sensitivity 1.5 µV; capture $179.95
detented bass & treble controls with tone de- ratio 1; full complement of controls & outputs.
feat switch; ARS circuit to recover 4 -channel Black enclosure. 17" W x 4" H x 14" D . $465.00
information from stereo program material; SYLVANIA
provision for 2 sets of speakers; 21V." W x SONY
155/a" D x 77/8" H $500.00 RS4744 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
S-8910. Same as S-7910 except FM -stereo STR-6800SD AM -FM Stereo Receiver 60 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels
only $475.00 80 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at driven (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.25% THD; power
0.15% THD; MOSFET r.f. front-end; FET mixer bandwidth 5-30,000 Hz; frequency response
S -7310A AM -FM Stereo/Dynaquad 7-70,000 Hz (tape input ±1 dB); FM sensitivity
40 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (30-20,000 Hz) at 1.8 jr.V; S/N 67 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; THD
0.3% THD; IM dist. 0.3% into 8 ohms at rated stereo 0.4%; stereo separation 40 dB (1000
Hz), 30 dB (10,000 Hz); has full complement of
inputs, outputs, controls and switches. Walnut -
grained vinyl cabinet. 6" H x 173/." W x 15" D.
0.5% THD; IM dist. 0.5% into 8 ohms at rated 25 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
0.5% THD; IM 0.1% at rated output; frequency 4 -CHANNEL
output (0.2% at 10 W); direct -coupled power
amplifier; FM tuner sensitivity 1.9 µV; S/N R04748 4 -Channel Receiver
70 dB; capture ratio 1.4 dB; hum & noise 85
dB; features signal -strength meter; PLL multi-
50 W/ch continuous power (four channels)
into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz. 125 W/ch con-
plex; flywheel -assisted tuning; FM muting; out-
; 0104q7:114 tinuous power in special stereo bridge mode.
put for future 4 -channel broadcasts; provision
Master volume control plus individual level con-
for 4 -channel adapter; outputs for two sets of
trols for all four channels. Special image orien-
speakers; front -panel dubbing jack; built-in
ARS 4 -channel circuit; wide -range detented response 10-75,000 Hz -±3 dB; input sensitivity: tation control permits 90, 180, and 270 degree
mag. phono 2.4 mV/60 k, aux & tape monitor rotation of four channel sound image (changes
bass & treble controls; comes with case. 17'/2"
Wx H x 13V." D $300.00 140 mV/40 k; hum & noise -65 dB (phono), -80 the channel each speaker produces without
dB (aux.); FM section: sensitivity 1.9 µV; S/N rewiring). Other specifications same as
S -7110B AM Stereo Receiver 67 dB; capture ratio 2.0 dB; THD 0.2%. RQ4747. Walnut veneer cabinet with extruded
spurious response rejection 70 dB; stereo aluminum control panel. 6'/,," H x 21V." W x 15"
20 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at $699.95
0.7% THD; IM dist. 0.7% into 8 ohms at rated separation 35 dB; SCA suppression 70 dB; de -
output (0.2% at 10 W); direct -coupled ampli- emphasis 75 p.s $329.50
fier; FM sensitivity 2.0 µV; S/N 70 dB; capture R04747 4 -Channel Receiver
ratio 1.5 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 2000B AM -FM Stereo Receiver 25 W/ch continuous power (four channels)
Hz; features switchable FM muting; signal - 18 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (50-20,000 Hz) a. into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz at less than
strength meter; PLL multiplex; provision for 0.8% THD; IM 0.2% at rated output; frequency 0.5% THD. 60 W/ch continuous power in spe-
switching two sets of speakers; wide -range bass response 20-60,000 Hz J-3 dB; input sensitivity:
& treble controls; comes with case. 17V2" W x mag. phono 2.4 mV/45 k, ceramic phono 140
5V." H x 151/." D $239.95 mV/100 k, aux. & tape monitor 120 mV/40 k;
hum & noise -65 dB (phono), -80 dB (aux.);
S -7010A AM -FM Stereo Receiver FM section: sensitivity 2.5 /AV; S/N 65 dB;
12 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (40-20,000 Hz) at capture ratio 3 dB; THD 0.2%; spurious re-
0.8% THD; IM dist. 0.8% into 8 ohms at rated sponse rejection 70 dB; stereo separation 35
output (0.35% at 5 W); FM sensitivity 2.5 µV; dB; SCA suppression 60 dB; de -emphasis 75
S/N 65 dB; capture ratio 4.0 dB; stereo separa- $259.50
tion 35 dB at 1000 Hz; features signal -strength
meter; flywheel -assisted tuning; hum & noise cial stereo bridge mode. Includes an SQ matrix
SUPERSCOPE IC, two SQ positions for image placement con-
80 dB; phono hum & noise 70 dB; provides
output for two sets of speakers; tape monitor; R-1270 AM -FM Stereo Receiver trol (standard SQ and SQ blend), plus CD -4
wide -range bass & treble controls; balance con- discrete phono demodulator. Has master
trol; mode switch; comes with case. 171/2" W x volume plus three separate balance controls
51/.." H x 13V." D $200.00 for front left -right, rear left -right, and front -to -
rear. Features dual FM tuning meters for center
tune and S/N ratio. Frequency response at
SONAB tape input 20-30,000 Hz ±1.5 dB. Input sensi-
tivity: phono 2.6 mV; tape & aux. 150 mV.
R3000 FM Stereo Receiver Input imp.: phono 47,000 ohms; tape & aux.
30 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (25-20,000 Hz) at 50,000 ohms. Tape output level for rated
0.2% THD; features tone -balance and bass - aux. & phono input: 150 mV. (S 4 N)/N below
rated output (20-20,000 Hz) at max. volume: ture ratio 1.5 dB; features 41 -position click - selectivity 65 dB; FM muting; loudness control;
phono 60 dB; tape & aux. 70 dB. FM sensitivity stop volume control, multiple circuit/speaker high & low filters; Dolby circuit; two phono, aux.
(IHF) 1.9 µV; capture ratio 1.5 dB; image rejec- protection, click -stop tone controls, high -cut 8 two tape inputs; 207/e" W x 17Vii" D x 63/e" H.
tion 60 dB. Walnut veneer cabinet with extrud- and low-cut filters, loudness switch, two tape $449.95
ed aluminum control panel. 67/8" H x monitors, main/remote speaker facilities, center - SA -520. Same as SA -620 except 35 W rms/ch.
W x 15" D $599.95 channel and signal -strength meters, phase - $349.95
locked loop in FM stereo. 19"/16" W x 1616132" D x
R04746 4 -Channel Receiver 529/32" H $499.95 SA -420 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
Similar to RQ4747 except 15 W rms/ch into 8 SA -5460. Same as SA -5560 except 65 W rms/ 20 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
ohms with four channels driven (20-20,000 Hz) ch into 8 ohms; 72 W rms/ch into 4 ohms 04% THD; frequency response 20-15,000 Hz;
at 1% THD; FM sensitivity 2.3 I.LV; S/N 67 dB; $399.95 SIN 70 dB phono, 90 dB aux.; FM sensitivity
AM and FM meters. 6" H x 173/."W x 15"D.... 1 9µV; THD 0.4% stereo; capture ratio 1 dB;
$479.95 SA -5360 AM -FM Stereo Receiver selectivity 60 dB; FM muting; loudness control;
38 W rmslch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at high & low filters; phono, aux. & two tape in -
0.3% THD; 42 W rms/ch into 4 ohms; IM dist. 193/3" W x 171/e" D x 6'/3" H $249.95
TANDBERG 0.5%; FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.9 I.LV (10.8 dBf); SA -320. Similar to SA -420 except 14 W rms/ch
FM THD 0.15% (mono), 0.3% (stereo); capture at 0.8% THD; high filter only; one tape input.
TR-2075 AM -FM Stereo Receiver ratio 1.5 dB; features phase -locked loop in $199.95
75 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels FM stereo, click -stop volume and tone controls, SA -220C. Similar to SA -320 except 7 W rms/ch
driven; response 20-20,000 Hz; dist. 0.2%; multiple circuit/speaker protection, center - (40-20,000 Hz); FM sensitivity 2.3 tiV; capture
channel & signal -strength meters, FM muting ratio 3 dB; loudness control; mic mixing with
switch. 1617/32" W x 133V32" D x 519/33" H. level control; mic input $179.95
SA -5160 AM -FM Stereo Receiver 4 -CHANNEL
25 W rmstch into 8 ohms (30-20,000 Hz) at
0.5% THD; 25 W rms/ch into 4 ohms; IM dist. SA -514 AM -FM Stereo/4-CH Receiver
0.7%; FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.9 lxV (10.8 dBf); 15 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000) with all
FM S/N 73 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; features channels driven at 0.4% THD; built-in CD -4
finger-tip switching facilities $1099.00 phase -locked loop in FM stereo, tuning meter, demodulator; 40 W rms/ch BTL mode; FM mut-
TR-2055. Same as TR-2075 except 55 W rms/ outputs for two sets of speakers. 16'7/32" W x ing; loudness control; BTL switch; condenser
ch; dist. 0.15% $749.00 1331/32" D x 519/33" H $229.95 phono cartridge equalizer built in; two phono,
aux. & two tape inputs; 19'/2" W x 15" D x 5" H.
TR-1055 AM -FM Stereo Receiver SA -5060 AM -FM Stereo Receiver $599.95
55 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels 12 W rms/ch into $ ohms (40-20,000 Hz) at
driven (20-20,000 Hz), 0.2% dist.; power band- 0.9% THD; 13 W rms/ch into 4 ohms; IM dist. YAMAHA
width 4-40,000 Hz into 8 ohms, 0.2% dist.; 0.9%; FM sensitivity (IHF) 2.0 µV (11.2 dBf);
frequency range (linear inputs) 7-70,000 Hz FM S/N 70 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; features CR-1000 FM Stereo Receiver
-1.5 dB; FM sensitivity -2 µV (IHF); S/N 66 dB phase -locked loop in FM stereo, tuning meter, 70 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
stereo; dist. 0.3% stereo; frequency range 20- tape monitor switch. 16'7/3i' W x 1213/32" D x 0.1% THD at rated power; frequency response
15,000 Hz -3 dB; i.f. rejection 95 dB; image 5'/2" H $169.95 (amp.) 10-100,000 Hz +0.5 dB, -1 dB; damping
rejection 70 dB; capture ratio 0.9 dB (1 mV factor 70 (1000 Hz); channel separation 60 dB
antenna signal); channel separation 40 dB (rated power, 1000 Hz); hum & noise 100 dB;
100-12,000 Hz; signal strength/power output 4 -CHANNEL FM tuner sensitivity 1.7 µV (mono); capture
indicator; center -channel tuning meter; fea- ratio 1.0 dB; selectivity 80 dB; S/N 72 dB; fre-
tures full complement of inputs, outputs, SA -8500X 4/2 -Ch. AM -FM Receiver quency response 50-10,000 Hz -±-0.5 dB, 20-
switches, and controls. 173/6" W x 53/16" H x Features built-in CD -4 demodulator for play- 15,000 Hz ±1.5 dB; stereo separation 45 dB;
121/6" D +3/6" knobs $699.00 back of discrete discs, plus 2-pos. matrix de - features separable preamp/power amp; will
handle two pairs of speakers; four a.c. conve-
TR-1040 FM -Stereo Receiver nience outlets; headphone jack; i.f. output for
40 W/ch continuous sine wave into 8 ohms 4-cfiannel capability; multipath output; full
(20-20,000 Hz) at 0.2% dist.; FM sensitivity
1,211111111115 range of inputs & outputs; switches & controls.
20" W x 63/6" H x 131/4" D $850.00
CR-800 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
45 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
0.1% THD at rated power; frequency response
(amp) 10-100,000 Hz +0, -1 dB; channel sepa-
coder; automatic separation and carrier -level ration 60 dB (at rated power, 1000 Hz); FM
adjust adapts cartridge characteristics auto- sensitivity 1.7 µV (mono); capture ratio 1.0 dB;
matically; BTL amplifier design for full output selectivity 75 dB; S/N 72 dB; stereo separation
power in both 2-ch & 4-ch modes. Has four VU 45 dB; frequency response 50-10,000 Hz -±0.5
meters plus signal -strength meter; CD -4 hi - dB, 20-15,000 Hz ±1.5 dB; two switched, two
blend switch for noisy records; three 4-ch tape unswitched a.c. outlets; separable preamp/
0.8 µV (into 75 ohms), 1.6 µV (into 300 ohms); monitors. Accommodates two sets of 4-ch power amp; two phono input circuits; i.f. output
S/N 66 dB; other features same as TR-1055 ... speakers or four sets in 2-ch mode; FM MPX for 4 -channel capability; 183/6" W x 61/6" H x
$599.00 output; all -stage direct -coupled OCL power 11?." D $580.00
amps; speaker protection circuit; low -noise CR-600. Similar to CR-800 except 30 W rms/ch;
phono preamp; click -stop tone controls; hi & lo FM sensitivity (mono) 2.0 µV; capture ratio 1.5
TECHNICS BY PANASONIC filters. 26 W rms/ch into 8 ohms in 4-ch mode dB; dual meters $460.00
(20-20,000 Hz) at 0.5% THD; 80 W rms/ch into
SA -5760 AM -FM Stereo Receiver 8 ohms in 2-ch BTL mode; THD 0.5%; IM 0.7%; CR-450 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
165 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at power bandwidth 5-40,000 Hz; S/N 90 dB 25 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
0.08% THD; IM dist. 0.1%; FM sensitivity (Aux.), 70 dB (phono). FM sensitivity 1.9 µV 0.1% THD; response 20-20,000 Hz +0.5/-1 dB;
(IHF) 1.8 µV (10.3 dBf); FM THD 0.1% (mono), for 30 dB quieting; FM THD 0.4% stereo; channel separation 65 dB (at rated power, 1000
0.15% (stereo); capture ratio 1.0 dB; features separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz. Walnut cabinet Hz); FM sensitivity 2.0 ALV (mono); capture ratio
two phono inputs with impedance selection, included. 6Vi," H x 213/4"W x 159/16" D. $739.95 1.5 dB; selectivity 60 dB; S/N 66 dB; stereo
detented volume attenuator, variable -turnover SA -8100X. Similar to SA -8500X except 16 W separation 40 dB; response 50,000 Hz ±1.0
click -stop tone controls, steep -slope high and rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.5% dB; dual meters; one switched, one unswitched
low filters, two tape monitors, multiple pro- THD in 4-ch mode; 46 W rms/ch in BTL 2-ch a.c. outlets; 18'/6" W x 131/6" D x 6,/," H
tection circuits, main/remote speaker facil- mode. 63/32" H x 197/."W x 159/16" D... $649.95 $390.00
ities. center -channel & signal -strength meters,
phase -locked loop in FM stereo. 2121/32" W x CR-400 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
19'3/32" D x 67/." H $799.95 TOSHIBA 16 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at
0.5% THD; response 20-50,000 Hz +0.5/-3 dB;
SA -5560 AM -FM Stereo Receiver SA -620 AM -FM Stereo Receiver channel separation 50 dB (at rated power,
85 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at 50 W rms/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at 1000 Hz); FM sensitivity 2.5 µV (mono); capture
0.1% THD; 90 W rms/ch into 4 ohms; IM dist. 0,4% THD; frequency response 20-15,000 Hz; ratio 2.0 dB; selectivity 65 dB; S/N 66 dB;
0.1%; FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.8 µV (10.3 dBf); S/N 70 dB phono, 90 dB aux.; FM sensitivity stereo separation 40 dB; response 50-10,000
FM THD 0.15% (mono), 0.25% (stereo); cap- 1.8 13V; THD 0.4% stereo; capture ratio 1 dB; Hz; i 71/6" W x 1 W." D x 61/6" H $330.00
1977 EDITION 57
Introduction to fectiveness (the actual skating force is some-
what unpredictable. being a function of track-
ing force, stylus dimensions, record material.
the turntable over a range of a few percent, is device that gently lifts and lowers the pickup by
made electronically on these models, and me- operating a lever or button. Almost all have
chanically on idler or conventional belt drive damped descent. lowering the pickup at a rate
units. Both methods are equally satisfactory in independent of the manner in which the control
MONEY TIME FREIGHT their performance. The speed of a turntable can is operated, and on the better players the lift is
be verified by stroboscope markings on or be- also damped.
QUALITY STEREO EQUIPMENT neath the platter, viewed by a light source that
AT LOWEST PRICES. flashes on and off at the power -line frequency To most people, an automatic record player is
of 60 Hz. At the correct speed. the dot pattern is synonymous with "record changer." Once lim-
br YOUR REQUEST FOR QUOTA - stationary, while a speed error causes it to ro- ited to lower -priced equipment. and looked
I/ TION RETURNED SAME DAY. tate slowly. upon with disfavor by purist audiophiles. the
FACTORY SEALED CARTONS- Tonearms: The tonearm supports the car- modern "top quality" record changer is often
GUARANTEED AND INSURED. tridge as it plays the record. Ideally. the car- more expensive than an equivalent single -play
tridge should be parallel to the record surface. unit, and can be as accurate and gentle in its
SAVE ON NAME BRANDS LIKE: with its front -rear axis tangent to the record handling of records and in many other aspects
A.D.C. KL H groove. Because of the very low vertical track- of its performance. Greater stylus tracking
ing forces used with modern cartridges. low force is required. of course. Since all record
friction arm pivots are necessary. changers can also be operated as single play,
DYNACO KOSS Conventional tonearms are pivoted at one or manual units. their "changing" function can
SONY FISHER end. with the cartridge mounted at the other. be considered as an extra convenience that
PIONEER usually in a removable plastic slide or shell. A need not be used unless desired.
pivoted arm can be tangent to the groove at For many years. all record changers used
AND MORE THAN 50 OTHERS only one point on the record. By offsetting the idler drive, which was able to supply the extra
BUY THE MODERN WAY cartridge at an angle to the arm axis. and posi- torque needed to operate their record dropping
BY MAIL - FROM tioning it so that it extends slightly beyond the mechanisms. By using a low -speed. high -
turntable center (both the angle and the over- torque motor, some record -changer manufac-
hang distance are critical) it is possible to have turers have been able to make belt -driven rec-
tangency at two points and a low tracking error ord changers (including one with electronic
elsewhere on the record surface. motor control).
An undesirable effect on the offset angle is a The vast majority of record players are inte-
side thrust on the stylus (often called the "skat- grated combinations of turntable and tonearm.
For those who prefer to make their own choice
Mina/ audio ing effect") that tends to drive the arm toward
the center of the record. This puts unequal
tracking forces on the two groove walls, some-
times leading to distortion on the right channel
in each category. there are a few separate turn-
tables and tonearms. all in the higher price
Department 217S (outer groove wall) when playing heavily re- Four -Channel: The only special requirement
12 East Delaware corded stereo records. Almost all tonearms for a four channel record player is that its tone -
have some form of anti -skating system that ap- arm and signal cable wiring have a low capaci-
Chicago, Illinois 60611 plies an equal and opposite force to the arm to tance (preferably not more than 100 picofarads)
312-664-0020 equalize the forces on the two groove walls. if a CD -4 cartridge is to be used. Recognizing
Springs. levers. hanging weights, and magnets this need. almost all tonearm and record-player
CIRCLE NO 31 ON READER SERVICE CARD have been used for this purpose, with equal ef- manufacturers have switched to low capaci-
tance arm wiring. and many supply low capaci- vert their voltage output and frequency re- cartridge will operate at its best at or near its
tance signal cables as standard equipment. sponse to the equivalent of a magnetic car- maximum rated force. If the stylus is elliptical,
Others still ship their products with normal tridge. They employ electret elements which or a conical tip with a smaller than usual radius,
capacitance wiring. which is preferable for generate an output voltage proportional to their such as 0.5 mil. the tracking force should not
most stereo cartridges. but in most cases it can deflection by the stylus system. Another manu- exceed 2 grams for low record wear.
be easily replaced with the low capacitance va- facturer markets a strain -gage pickup that's Four Channels: Matrixed four -channel rec-
riety at any later time. used for both stereo and CD -4 records. Being ords, encoded with the SO or OS systems. can
resistive in nature. both the strain -gage and he played with any stereo cartridge. However,
electret cartridges are immune to magnetic discrete CD -4 four -channel records require a
TH E phono cartridge is a transducer whose hum pickup and do not affect preamplifier special cartridge whose frequency response
'jewel stylus tracks the undulations of a mod- equalization at high frequencies. extends to 45 kHz. Almost all CD -4 cartridges
ulated spiral groove on a vinyl record, and gen- The compliance and tip mass of a phono have specially shaped styli, able to trace the
erates an electrical voltage whose waveform cartridge stylus are the major factors deter- exceedingly short recorded wavelengths found
corresponds to that of the original program. mining the required tracking force. Compliance on these records. and to produce less wear on
Each wall of the V-shaped groove carries the should be high for successful operation at low the record than would be possible with a coni-
information for one of the stereo channels. A forces. but not so high as to resonate with the cal or elliptical stylus. These styli are sometimes
stereo cartridge contains two separate generat- tonearm mass at an undesirably low frequency named after their inventors (Shibata. Praman-
ing systems, each of whose outputs should cor- (less than 6 or 7 Hz). The compliance of a high- ik). or may be given a proprietary name by their
respond only to the information stored in one of fidelity stylus usually lies between 10 and 50 manufacturers. Even though they often operate
the groove walls. In practice. the channel sepa- micro -centimeters per dyne, with 30 being a at a higher force than one would use with a top-
ration is not infinite. but the 20 to 30 dB ob- typical value for most high-ranking cartridges. ranking stereo cartridge (1.5 to 2 grams is typi-
tained over most of the audible frequency range Tip mass should be as low as possible for best cal). these special styli cause less record wear
is sufficient for a full stereo effect. tracking of very high frequencies. Since this than an elliptical stylus operating at half the
The contours of the stero record groove were requires a thin. fragile stylus. cantilever, very force. This is because they distribute the force
designed to be traced by a conical (spherical) low tip mass implies a certain delicacy-and over a larger contact area along the groove
tipped stylus with a radius of 0.7 mils (.0007 fragility-in the cartridge construction. Typical wall. A few CD -4 cartridges can operate with
inch. or 18 microns). However, the recorded values range from about 1 milligram to less full effectiveness at only 1 gram, with extremely
wavelength, especially near the record center than 0.25 milligram in the finest cartridges. law record wear. A CD -4 record can be played in
and at high frequencies. is so small that a 0.7 - Each manufacturer recommends a range of stereo with any stereo cartridge. However, this
mil stylus cannot reproduce it accurately. One tracking forces within which proper perfor- will soon erase or impair the high frequencies
solution to this problem is to use an elliptical mance car be expected from his cartridge. The needed for four -channel reproduction. so it is
stylus. whose larger radius (across the groove consumer can judge. in a rough sense. the aovisable to play them with a CD -4 cartridge.
width) is usually 0.7 mil, but whose smaller rad- overall quality of a cartridge from the recom- even for stereo listening.
ius (which follows the groove wall modulation) mended tracking force. Some inexpensive car- To assist in achieving their extended high -
is typically 0.2 to 0.3 mil. The elliptical stylus is tridges are designed to operate between 3 and frequency response. most magnetic CD -4 car-
generally considered to give superior reproduc- 5 grams (undesirably high for a high -quality tridges have less winding inductance than typi-
tion of the highest frequencies at small record music system), but a large number of medium- cal stereo cartridges. and should be terminated
diameters. The stylus is mounted on the end of priced models perform well between 2 and 3 in a load of 100K ohms and not more than 100
a cantilever, which must be short, light, and rig- grams At higher prices. the tracking force picofarads ( as compared to the 47K ohms and
id. The opposite end of the cantilever is pivoted range is often from 1 to 1V2 grams. and the most 300 picofarads commonly recommended for
to allow freedom of movement. and is usually compliant cartridges are sometimes rated at V2 stereo cartridges). Special low -capacitance
damped to reduce the effect of mechanical res- to 1V. grams. However, no cartridge presently cables are supplied with. or are available for.
onances. sold can function with full effectiveness at V2 record players that are to be used for CD -4 re-
Almost all high -quality cartridges operatp on gram, usually requiring at least 3/. gram to track production. and CD -4 demodulators normally
magnetic principles. The variation of magnetic the highest recorded velocities. In general. any have the required high input impedance.
flux through a coil of wire generates a voltage in
theucoil. The flux can be varied in one of several
ways: by moving a magnet relative to iron pole
pieces passing through the coils, by moving a
small piece of magnetic material in an air gap to
modulate the flux from a fixed magnet in the
cartridge, and by moving a small coil in a
ti- 1 MODEL AT -706
electret condenser
powerful fixed magnetic field. Each type of
construction has its advantages and disadvan-
to 22,000 Hz ± 2 dB*
tages, but all are capable of full high-fidelity
The great majority of cartridges use fixed
coils. and either the moving -magnet or moving -
iron principle, or one of their variants As a rule. this is
the stylus assembly slips off easily for replace-
ment. There are a few high-priced moving -coil
cartridges. thought by some to deliver superior
performance. However. the output of a moving -
coil cartridge is extremely low, and usually re- short of
quires a step-up transformer or a "pre -pream-
plifier" to boost it to a level suitable for ordinary
phono preamplifier inputs. Also. the stylus of a
moving -coil cartridge is rarely user -replace-
incredible - LEN FELDMAN
Magnetic cartridges of all types are velocity - *Mr. Feldman, reporting in Tape Deck
responding devices. whose output voltage is Quarterly, Spring, 1975 noted that the
proportional to the velocity with which the sty- AT -706 response varied no more
lus moves as it follows the groove modulation. than + 2 dB from 20 to 22,000 Hz.
High-fidelity phono preamplifiers are designed He also stated, "What we heard
to equalize the output of a magnetic cartridge corresponded with what we
to deliver a "flat" response from records re- had plotted..." Hear the
corded to commercial standards. Some other
types of cartridges are amplitude responding, incredible new AT -706
and are not suitable for direct connection to headphones at Audio-
most amplifier phono inputs. Among these are Technica dealers
piezoelectric cartridges which generate a volt- everywhere.
age when their elements are squeezed or flexed
by the stylus motion. and strain -gage cartridges
whose resistance is altered by the stylus deflec- I
tion. I
No ceramic cartridges (the most widely used . i
audio -t echnica.
piezoelectric type) sold in this country are ca-
pable of top-quality performance. Cartridges
from one manufacturer are inherently amplitude AUDIO-TECHNICA U.S., INC., Dept. 106SG 33 Shiawassee Ave.. Fairlawn. Ohio 44313
responsive, but have internal circuits that con- Available in Canada from Superior Electronics, Inc.
1977 EDITION 59
Introducing an evolutionary idea.
The New Empire 698 Turntable
Great ideas never enough torque to reach lull then precision ground and Stylus force is dialed
change radically. speed in one third of a revo- polished before lapping it using a see-through cali-
Instead, they are con- lution. It contributes to the into two oilite, self-lubricat- brated clock mainspring
stantly being refined to almost immeasurable 0.047( ing bearings, reducing fric- more accurate than any
become more relevant with average wow and flutter tion and reducing rumble commercially available
time. value in our specifications. to one of the lowest figures stylus pressure gauge.
So it has been with More important, it's built to ever measured in a profes- A new silicon photocell
Empire turntables. Our last. sional turntable: -68 dB sensor has been added to
latest model, 698, is no The Drive Belt CBS ARIA.. automatically lift the arm at
exception. Basically, it's still Every turntable is The Controls the end of a record.
the uncomplicated, belt - approved only when zero Electronic cueing has New quieting circuitry
driven turntable we've been error is achieved in its speed been added to the 698 to has also been added. Now,
making for 15 years. A accuracy. To prevent any raise and lower the tone even with the amplifier vol-
classic. variations of speed we grind arm at your slightest touch. ume turned up, you can
What we're introducing each belt to within one ten Simple plug-in integrated switch the 698 on or off
is improved performance. thousandth of an inch thick- circuitry raises the tone arm without a "pop" sound to
The lower mass tone ness. automatically when power blow out your woofers.
arm, electronic cueing, The Platter is turned off. At Empire we make
quieting circuitry and auto- Every two piece, 7 lb., 3 A see-through anti only one model turntable,
matic arm lift are all very inch thick, die cast alumi- skating adjustment pro- the 698. With proper main-
new. num platter is dynamically vides the necessary force tenance and care the
The rest is history. balanced. Once in motion, it for the horizontal plane. It chances are very good it will
The Tonearm acts as a massive flywheel to is micrometer calibrated to be the only one you'll ever
The new 698 arm assure specified wow eliminate channel im- need.
moves effortlessly on 32 and flutter balance and unnecessary
value even
jeweled, sapphire bearings.
Vertical and horizontal with the
bearing friction is a mere voltage
recori wear.
0.001 gram, 4 times less varied from
than it would be on conven- 105 to 127
tional steel hearings. It is volts AC.
impervious to drag. Only The Main Bearing
the calibrated anti -skating The stainless
and tracking force you steel shaft extending
select control its movement. from the platter is
The new aluminum aged, by alternate
tubular arm, dramatically exposures to extreme
reduced in mass, responds high and low tempera-
instantly to the slightest tures preventing it from
variation of a record's ever warping. The tip is
movement. Even the abrupt
changes of a warped disc
are quickly absorbed.
The Motor
A self -cooling, hys-
teresis synchronous motor
drives the platter with
e information write:
The Empire 698 Turrttab SCIENTIFIC CORP.
Suggested retail price $400.00 City, New York, 11530.
Beogram 4002 4 -Ch. Automatic can be repeated up to six times before the
Two -speed 133 & 45 rpm, electronic selection), machine turns off; also used for automatic
belt -driven turntable; slow -speed, 16 -pole syn- play of up to six different records; cycling in-
chronous motor controlled by electronic cir- formation is set by user on the control panel.
cuit; wow & flutter ±0.025%; rumble 65 dB; All automatic functions activated by single
anti -skating control is parallel tracking, error - cycle button requiring only 90 gr of perpendicu-
angle compensated; patented electro-pneu- lar `orce and 0.0625" of travel to operate. Anti -
matic damp'ng system lowers tonearm at pre- skating and stylus pressure functions handled
cise, contro led speed. Turntable comes with by tandem controls operating along a single
the MMC6000 cartridge which will reproduce sca,e. Knob control for cueing rate adjustment
tor, belt drive, 4 -lb platter, viscous -damped stereo, 4 -channel matrix, and CD -4 records. (continuously varied between 1 and 3 sec.);
cueing, and removable cartridge shell. Comes Fine -speed adjustment greater than 6%. Pen- plug-in male/female pin connectors for attach-
complete with base, dust cover, and tonearm. dulum and leaf -spring suspension has reso- ing cartridge head to tonearm; gimbaled tone -
123/." x 163/," x 5,/3"; walnut -grained vinyl nance of 4.5 Hz. 4" x 191/." x 15" $740.00 arm with needle bearings; 15° tracking adjust.
finish $145.00 MMC6000. Cartridge with Pramanik stylus (mul- ment for stack of records, 12" cast single -piece
AR-XB-91 Same as AR-XB but with Shure tiradial diamond) $125.00 platter, die-cast isolated tonearm counter-
M91ED premounted weight; 10 -spoke turntable mat $199.95
B1C 960. Same except without electronic speed
control and variable pitch feature $159.95
Solid oiled -walnut base, matte black molded
ADC PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS 1000 Electronic Changer/Single Play base, or contemporary wood base with front -
Record changing turntable with belt drive; two hinged storage compartment, hinged dust cover
"Accutrac" 4000 Computerized motors: 24 -pole, 300 rpm, synchronous drives
or low -profile dust cover for use with record -
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) single -play automatic support posts unplugged (960, 980, and 1000
direct -drive turntable with electronic track models) available extra.
selection, remote control, and computerized
memory bank; front -panel & remote push- 940 Changer/Single Play
buttons for track selection (any sequence), 24 -pole synchronous motor; belt drive; multiple -
repeat, cue, and reject; dual pitch controls play capability; die-cast 12" turntable; Pro-
with lighted strobe; 13 track -selector buttons grammer and cycle button; tonearm system
plus 24 -selection memory bank for programmed with gimbaled pivot ring; damped up and down
repeats; comes with S-shaped balanced tone - cuei-Ig; anti -skating adjustment; 10 -spoke
arm, ADC LMA-1 electro-optical magnetic turntable mat $109.95
cartridge, base, dust cover, remote receiver
and transmitter; 181/2" W x 173/8" D x 6" H (inc. 920 Changer/Single Play
dust cover) $499.95 Belt -driven system; 24 -pole synchronous mo-
tor; tonearm with offset weight that sets stylus
force after arm is zero -balanced; damped cue-
turntable, second motor controls cue and ing up and down; programmed play in which six
BANG & OLUFSEN change cycle; PC board controls cue and cycle
records can be repeated in any combination;
operations; electronic touch buttons initiate 10,/2' platter
Beogram 1900 Automatic Turntable all actions; LED readouts; machined strobe
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) automatic turntable; markings on platter; strobe light with built-in
single master control for all operations; auto- speed contro ; optional remote control dupli-
matic arm lift & shutoff; belt -driven with Eddy cates all functions; low -mass -cartridge skeletal BSR MCDONALD
brake regulator; asynchronous motor; speed head shell; p ug-in record support post; elec-
adjustment +3%; speed deviation 0.1%; wow & tronic speed control; tonearm system with CD -4 200BAX Changer/Single-Play
flutter less than ±0.035% rumble (DIN un- position in its anti -skating control ... $279.95 Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) automatic record
1977 EDITION 61
Every Dual turntable, from the 225 to the new cs72-, is designed with one
concept: to provide more precisior then you are ever likely tc need. How well
groove moculations are converted into music is significantly influenced by each
aspect of tonearm design geometry, oalance, mass, resonance, bearing fric-
tion and the application cf stylus pressure and an-i-skating. The life of ones
records is also determines.
All these considerations have beer thoroughly fulfilled in every Dual. Thus,
if basic excellence in record
There have never been playback meets your require-
m ents, e would suggestthe lowest -priced
ways However if you demand a tone-
oes more to
to enjoy Dual optmimize tdracking than
any other tonearm ever made, rothing less than the top -of -the -line CS721 or
CS704 will satisfy you.
All component parts of every Dual turntable are built to the highest stand-
ards of precision For example, the rotor of every motor is dynam sally balanced
in every plane o- motion. Uniformity 3 checked -o within four millionths of an
inch; lust cne of the reasons for the virtual absence of vibration, the primary
source of rumble.
Dual turntables are rugged. They need not be babied-by you or anyone
else in your family. Chances are that your Dual-any Dual- will outlast all your
other components, so you should corefully consider which Dual you wait.
There are eight Dual models; some semi -automatic, some fully automatic,
some with the option of multiple play. However, theres no need to decide on
a specific Dual model right now_ You can do that best at your United Audio
dealer where he can dernonstratE all -he differences that Dud I precision makes.
DualUnited Audio Products, 20 Sc. Columbus Ave Mt. Vernon N.Y. 10553
Unique Vario-pulley
used in Dual's three
belt -drive models is
precision-madhined for The unique counterbalance
perfect con:entricity used in Dual's two direct -drive
and balance. Speeds models contains two mechaniC01
are adiusted by anti -resonance filters. These a -e
expansion and separately tured -oabso-b
contraction of pulley energy in the resoncnce-
circumference; belt is frequency ranges a' the
never twisted or tonearm/cartridge system
distorted. and chassis to minimize
acousic feedback.
The Du 1225.
' Fully automatic, single-play/multi-play. Viscous-
damped cue-cont-ol, pitch control. Less than S140. Dual 1226,
with cast platter. -ototing single -play spindle. Less than S170.
Dual 1228, with gimballed tonearm, synchronous motor.
illuminated strobe, variable tracking angle, less thal S200.
The Dual 1249. FL Ily automatic, single -play, multi -play. E:elt-
drive. 12 dynam tally balanced platter. Less than 3280. Other
full-size belt -drive models include: Dual 502, semi -automatic.
Less than $160. Dual 510, semi -automatic, with lead-in
groove sensor, leas than 5200.
The Duol C5721. Fully automatic, single -ploy. DC, brushless,
electronic, d.rect-dr ve motor. Vertical Tonecrm Control
adjustable cue-cmtrol height and descent speed, electronic
pitch control with it uminated strobe. Less than S400,
includi aril cover. Dual CS704, similar, but with semi -
The Dual CS721. auto r -n. Less than S310, including base and :over.
die-cast platter; illuminated strobe. 13" x UM"
plus 1" at rear and right for tonearm overhang
5" above and 2,/," below mounting board
Record Players $199.95
Accessories for 1228, 1226, 1225
MB -10. Molded base $9.95
changer/single play manual unit; will handle WB-12. Walnut -veneer base $15.95
up to six records; belt drive; S-shaped adjust- DC -4. Cover for MB -10, WB-12 $12.95
able counterweighted tonearm; gimbal arm sus- LB -12. Low -profile base $15.95
pension; calibrated stylus -force adjust; vis- DC -6. Low -profile cover for LB -12 $13.95
cous -damped cue/pause control; stylus wear DC -9. High -profile cover for LB -12 $15.95
indicator. Comes with ADC VLM Mk II induced up assembly. Has push-button speed control;
magnetic cartridge, walnut -grained base, hydraulic lift and lowering of tonearm; anti -vi- 1249 Single/Multi-Play Turntable
hinged dust cover $139.95 bration springs; lightweight cartridge shell with Additional features include: mode selector
100BAX. Similar to 200 BAX except has adjust- self-cleaning contacts. Two -speed (33 & 45 which lowers tonearm base to parallel tonearm
able counterweighted tonearm; no stylus wear rpm); 60 -Hz synchronous constant speed 450
indicator. Comes with ADC K8E magnetic car- rpm; belt drive. Rumble -50 dB (RIAA); hum
tridge $109.95 80 dB; wow & flutter 0.1%. Has 10'!." alumi-
20BPX. Similar to 100 BAX but for single -play num platter. 13,1." x 15'/2" x 4'/2" H (including
only; automatic arm return and shutoff; S- dust cover). Comes with arm, base, dust cover
shaped tonearm. Comes with ADC K6E car- but without cartridge $144.95
tridge, base, and hinged dust cover ... $99.95 SAU2. Tonearm with head shell $54.95
20BP. Identical to 20BPX except without car- HS. Head shell for SAU2 tonearm $6.50
tridge $89.95
All Dual multiple -play models offer these fea- to record for correct vertical stylus tracking in
BD -7000 Single-Play/Automatic single -play mode, raises tonearm base to paral-
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) single -play semi -auto-
tures: dynamically balanced tonearm which
does not require critical leveling of chassis; lel tonearm to center of stack in multiple -play
matic turntable, will handle T, 10", 12" records; mode. Tonearm suspension centers tonearm
wow & flutter 0.04%; rumble 65 dB; anti -skate direct -dial setting for stylus force; anti -skating
calibrated for conical, elliptical, and CD -4 within four -point gyroscopic gimbal. Tonearm
feature; static -balanced 87," tonearm; servo - tracks down to gram. Damped counterbal-
controlled motor; auto return and shut-off; styli; 6% pitch control for both speeds (33 &
45); automatic and manual operation in both ance. Tracking pressure dial calibrated in
pitch control; strobe indicator; friction -hinged tenths of a gram. 8 -pole synchronous motor
dust cover. 175/8" W x 14" D x 17V." D single- and multiple -play modes; interchange-
able single- and multiple -play spindles; self - linked to dynamically balanced 12" platter via
$219.95 precision ground belt. Four -point -damped
stabilizing multiple -play spindles hold up to six
records; records removable from platter with- spring suspension. 143/." x 12" plus 1" at rear
BA -600 Single-Play/Automatic and right for tonearm overhang. 5" above, 3"
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) single -play, automatic out removing spindle; cueing system damped
in both directions; jam -proof slip -clutch en- clearance below mounting board
turntable; will handle 7", 10", 12" records; wow
& flutter 0.09%; rumble 60 dB; 4 -pole syn- gagement between tonearm and cycling mech-
anism; quick -release cartridge holder with 510 Single-Play/Semi-Automatic $279.95
chronous motor; static -balanced 81/2" tonearm; Single -play; semi -automatic tonearm; mechani-
auto play; auto return and shut-off; auto repeat; stylus overhang adjustment; low -capacitance
compatible with all CD -4 car- cal sensor indicates when tonearm is precisely
viscous -damped cueing; anti -skate feature; positioned over 12" and 7" lead-in grooves;
low -mass cartridge head; vibration isolation; tridges.
tonearms lifts at end of play and motor shuts
friction -hinged dust cover. 175/e" W x 14" D x off. Less base $199.95
1225 Single/Multi-Play Turntable
H 502. Similar to 510 except does not have
Additional features include: tracking as low as
BA -300 Single-Play/Automatic mechanical sensor, pitch control, or illumi-
nated strobe $160.00
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) single -play, semi-
automatic turntable; will handle 7", 10", 12" Accessories for 1249, 510, 502
records; wow & flutter 0.1%; rumble 60 dB; WB-19. Walnut -veneer base $16.95
4 -pole synchronous motor; static -balanced LB -19. Simulated wood base $15.95
81/2" tonearm; auto return and shut-off; viscous - DC -6. Low -profile cover $13.95
damped cueing; anti -skate feature; low -mass DC -9. High -profile cover $15.95
cartridge head; vibration isolation; friction -
hinged dust cover. 175/8" W x 14" D x 7'1." H. CS721 Single-Play/Automatic
$129.95 All -electronic direct -drive brushless d.c. motor
with regulated power supply. An exclusive over-
BD -1000 Single-Play/Manual
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) manual turntable; 1 gram. 3,/,lb platter. 12,/s" x 10,/.". 5" above
will handle 7", 10", 12" records; wow & flutter and 23/.," below mounting board $139.95
1226 Single/Multi-Play Turntable
Additional features include: tracking as low as
g. 4 -lb one-piece die-cast platter. Rotating
single -play spindle. 12./s" x 10,/.", 5" above 23/."
below mounting board $169.95
1228 Single/Multi-Play Turntable
Additional features include: four -point gyro- lapping coil design provides gapless rotating
scopic gimbal tonearm suspension. Tracking magnetic field. Two Hall -effect generators for
electronic self-regulating speed monitoring.
Motor rotates at actual record speed: 33'/3 or
45 rpm; top of shaft functions as record spin-
dle. Separate 10% pitch -control for each speed.
Illuminated strobe with adjustable viewing an-
0.1%; rumble 60 dB; 4 -pole synchronous mo- gle. 12" one-piece dynamically balanced die-
tor; static -balanced 81/2" tonearm; viscous - cast platter; combined rotating weight (platter
damped cueing; anti -skate feature; low -mass plus rotor) 9.7 lbs. Gimbal -mounted WI.," tone -
cartridge head; hinged dust cover. 171/4" W x arm. Vertical tonearm control varies height over
14" D x 71/." H $99.95 8 -mm range; parallels tonearm to record for
accurate vertical tracking without need for
cartridge spacers; variable cue control height &
CONNOISSEUR angle selector for single- and multiple -play. descent speed; continuous automatic repeat.
Tracking down to '/2 gram. Damped counter- Two anti -resonance filters integral with counter-
BD2/Mark IV Single-Play/Automatic balance with coarse and fine adjustments. balance, tuned to tonearm/cartridge system
Integrated turntable with SAU2 arm and pick - Synchronous/hi-torque motor, 4 -lb one-piece and chassis. Stylus pressure 0-3.0 g, calibrated
GT55 Changer/Single-Play
accuracy within 0.1%; mounting board sup- Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm); 1000 rpm d.c. servo -
plied uncut or precut (on request) for Grace, controlled motor; electronic variable speed
SME, or Formula Four tonearms $170.00
mk 7. Similar to mk 6 but with special base de-
sign with unique material which cancels acous-
tic feedback $199.00
3035. Similar to mk 6 but supplied with decor-
ator base with hinged cover and integral low -
mass, low -friction gimbal tonearm; universal
adjustable 0 to 6V2 g ±0.1 g. Mounting clear- headshell with cueing and auto off $299.00
ance 5'/2" above board, 2'/a" below. Has hystere-
sis motor and anti -skating device, cueing lever,
and built-in lighted stroboscope. 14,/," W x FISHER
12V D. Without base or cartridge $249.95 MT6130 Automatic Turntable
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm); d.c. servo -controlled
760 Changer/Automatic direct -drive motor; wow & flutter 0.03% W rms;
Features 4 -pole induction motor. Operates at control; belt drive; rumble -66 dB (DIN B
78, 45, and 33 rpm. Will handle 7", 10", or 12" standard); wow & flutter 0.5%; low -mass mag-
records. Rumble 60 dB (DIN B); wow & flut- nesium tonearm; adjustable counterweight;
ter 0.08%. Tracking error less than 0.4 degree magnetic anti -skating adjustment with CD -4/
per inch. Stylus force adjustment calibrated 0- elliptical calibration; adjustable rate cue con-
60/2 g (accurate to within 0.1 g). Speed adjust- trol with main cam damped in both directions;
able over a 6% range for semitone of pitch ad- will handle up to 6 records; two -point stack
justment. 12" die-cast platter; dynamically bal- support; illuminated strobe; low -capacitance
anced tonearm. 14'/B" W x 12'/8" D x 51/2" above tonearm leads & audio cables; 155/,6" W x
motorboard, 2'8" below $199.95 14VB" 0 x 43/8" above motorboard, 1'/e" below.
825 Changer/Automatic
Features 4 -pole asynchronous motor; two - DD75 Single-Play/Automatic
speed (33, 45 rpm) operation; automatic Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm); 8 -pole brushless d.c.
programming of tonearm for 12" records at 33, servo -controlled motor; variable speed control
7" records at 45; push-button start and stop; rumble 60 dB; electrical speed selection; ad- permits ±3% change; illuminated strobe; S-
variable pitch control (up to 5% range); built-in justable tracking force (0.5-3 g); reject button; shaped low -mass tonearm; tonearm resonance
strobe speed indicator; calibrated anti -skate variable anti -skate control; viscous damped below 10 Hz; anti -skate control calibrated for
for elliptical and conical styli; viscous -damped cueing and pause control; "S" shaped statically both elliptical and CD -4 styli; two-way viscous -
up and down cueing in all modes; low -mass arm balanced tonearm; plug-in cartridge head; damped cue control; photoelectric monitor
and head assembly: tracing as low as 0.8 gr; adjustable pitch control; built-in strobe; auto- senses end of record and actuates solenoid to
heavy pressure -formed platter. Less base and matic start & stop; comes with fu I -size hinged lift arm and shut off motor; rumble -70 dB
cartridge $129.95 dust cover & two low -capacitance shielded (DIN B standard); wow & flutter 0.04%; low -
patch cords; 18'/2" W x 15'/." D x 6" H. capacitance tonearm leads & audio cables;
$199.95 genuine teak veneer base, shock -absorbent
EMPIRE MT6120. Similar to MT6130 except 4 -pole a.c. feet, tinted dust cover included; 17V; W x
synchronous belt -drive system; wow & flutter D x 6V.," H $229.95
698 Manual Turntable 0.08% W rms; rumble 55 dB; speed variable
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm); speed accuracy -±0.4%; 17'4' W x 14'/2" D x 65/8" H $149.95 9938 Changer/Single-Play
0.25% (90 to 130 V); rumble 68 dB below 3.54 Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm); Synchro-Lab motor;
cm/sec at 1000 Hz; average wow & flutter belt -idler drive; mechanical speed control;
(weighted) 0.04%; hysteresis synchronous mo- FONS
tor; startup time revolution; aluminum tone - i
arm mounted on 32 jeweled sapphire bearings; C030 Single Play/Automatic
vertical & horizonal bearing friction 0.001 g; Three speed (33, 45 & 78 rpm) single -play turn-
12" aluminum platter; belt drive; tracking force table; total variable range 29-100 rpm; full
range 0-4 g (1/3 g per div.); cartridge weight electronic control features closed -loop, neg-
handling range 4-10 g; low -capacitance cable ative -feedback, tachometer -controlled d.c. mo-
70 pF, standard -capacitance cable 180 pF tor to eliminate speed variation due to line
(both including arm); 17V2" W x 15'/8" D x 83/16" voltage/frequency changes; 12" high -mass plat-
H $400.00 ter; main Dearing is hyper -concentric (toler-
ance -±0.00003); rumble, wow & flutter -80 dB
at 0.02%; base incorporates anti -feedback
phase -cancellation suspension system; comes
with rosewood or walnut base and hinged
smoke plexiglass dust cover and SME tonearm.
6" H x 171./:" W x 13'/2" D $465.00
Same unit out without arm $300.00
GALE rumble -64 dB; wow & flutter 0.06%; low -mass
"S" tubular aluminum tonearm; adjustable
GT2101 Single-Play/Automatic counterweight; anti -skating adjustment: slid-
Electronic, d.c., brushless, direct -drive motor ing weight with CD-4/elliptical calibration;
with continously variable speeds from 10 to 99 viscous -damped cue control for both lowering
rpm; plus lock -on control for 33'/3 rpm, with 10 & lifting; will handle up to 6 records; 155/16"
1977 EDITION 65
HITACHI ARCB anti -resonance base; strobe check for
precise speed adjustment; wow & flutter 0.03%
PS/48 Single-Play/Semi-Automatic W rms; acrylic dust cover with flush -back
Record Players Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm), direct -drive brush - hinge, friction clutches; comes without tone -
less d.c. servo motor; wow & flutter 0.025% W arm $199.95
rms; speed adjust ±2.5%; direct-readou: KD-550. Same as KD-500 but with tonearm.
stylus pressure gauge; stroboscope; individual $249.95
W x 14Vir D x 43/8 above motorboard, 2'5/16" pitch control knobs; automatic cut/arm return;
static balanced "S" shaped pipe tonearm; KD-3055 Single-Play/Automatic
below; $169.95
BW30. Base $15.95 stylus pressure adjust 0-3 g; cartridge weight Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm); 4 -pole synchronous
D30. Dust cover $9.95 4-10 g; walnut -grain vinyl base; detachable belt -drive motor; automatic operation includ-
LRS100. 45 rpm automatic spindle $5.95 smoke plastic dustcover with full stop hinge; ing lead-in of stylus, auto cueing, and repeat
183/4" W x 14'/2" D x 6'/2" H $239.95 play; ARCB anti -resonance base; precision
775M Changer/Single-Play PS/38. Similar to PS/48 except manual opera- drive system; statically balance "S" -shaped
Three -speed (33, 45 & 78 rpm); Synchro-Lab tion; wow & flutter 0.04% W rms; tonearm with tonearm; anti -skate adjustment; pause control;
motor; idler wheel drive; rumble -57 dB; wow & anti -skating; direct -readout of stylus pressure; rumble 65 dB; wow & flutter 0.06% W rms
flutter 0.08%; low -mass "J" tubular aluminum strobe and neon lamp; detachable dustcover. $179.95
tonearm; adjustable counterweight; calibrated $199.95 K0-2055. Similar to KD-3055 but auto return
only $139.95
spring for CD-4/elliptical anti -skating adjust-
ment; viscous -damped cue control; will handle PS/15 Single-Play/Automatic
6 records; fixed single -play spindle; 16" W x Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm), 16 -pole synchronous KD-1033 Single-Play/Manual
hysteresis motor; automatic tonearm return, Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm); 4 -pole synchronous
15" D x 81/2" H including base & cover; comes
repeat, cut; S/N 50 dB; wow & flutter 0.07% motor; belt -drive; 12" platter; statically balance
with Shure M93E magnetic cartridge
$119.95 W rms; static balance "S" shaped pipe tonearm "S" -shaped tonearm; anti -skate adjustment;
with oil -damped arm lifter; anti -skating; track- wow & flutter 0.06% W rms $89.95
125SB Changer/Single-Play ing force range 0-3 g; cartridge weight 4-10 g;
Three -speed (33, 45 & 78 rpm) single -play walnut -grain vinyl base; hinged dust cover,
183/4" W x 141/2" D x 63/16" H $169.95 LAFAYETTE
turntable; Synchro-Lab motor; flexible belt
drive; rumble -58 dB; wow 0.08%; flutter PS/10. Similar to PS/15 except wow & flutte
0.1%; tracking force range 0-4 g; cartridge T-6000 Single-Play/Automatic
0.05%; low -mass "S" tubular tonearm; adjust- Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm); 72 -pole a.c. fre-
able counterweight; anti -skate adjust with weight 4-12 g; 183/4" W x 143/.." D x 75/16" H.
quency generator motor; wow & flutter 0.03%;
CD-4/elliptical calibration; viscous -damped $129.95
rumble -65 dB; speed adjustment ±4%; direct -
control; comes with base & dust cover. 143/8" W drive; vertical needle bearing; calibrated
x 12'/2" D $109.95 balance stylus force adj.; anti -skating adjust-
ment; stylus force range 1-3 g; dual electronic
440M Changer/Single-Play JVC servo; speed regulation independent of power -
Three -speed (33, 45 & 78 rpm); 4 -pole induc- line frequency; cue/pause control; interchange-
tion motor; idler -wheel drive; rumble -55 dB; JL-F35 Single-Play/Automatic able head shell; illuminated strobe; low -
wow 0.10%; flutter 0.08%; fixed offset tone - 4 -pole synchronous motor; belt drive; two capacitance (CD -4) wiring; comes with base &
arm; spring stylus -force adjust; viscous - speed (33 & 45 rpm); wow & flutter 0.07% W dust cover; 193/8" x 16'/4" x 7" H $229.95
damped cue control; will handle stack of rms; 12" die-cast aluminum platter; statically
six records; fixed single -play spindle; comes balanced S-shaped tubular arm with gimbal T-4000 Single-Play/Automatic
with low -capacitance CD -4 cables; Pickering support on TH (Tracing Hold) system; tracking Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm); d.c. servo motor;
V15/ATE-4 cartridge; base; dust cover. 161/2" W force 0-3 g; mountable cartridge weight 15-23
wow & flutter 0.08%; rumble -45 dB; speed
x 8,/," H (including cover & base) x 15" D repeat lever allows presetting of 1 tc adjust. :L-2.5%; calibrated balance stylus force
$79.95 6 replays or infinite repeat; auto -return mecha- adj.; anti -skating adjustment; stylus force
440C. Same as 440M except supplied with nism returns tonearm and shuts off power; oil - range 1.5-3 g; auto return & shutoff; detach-
ceramic cartridge $69.95 damped cueing mechanism operates tonearm; able shell; illuminated strobe; low -capacitance
400. Same as 440C except does not have car- specially designed counterweight; direct - cables; semi -automatic cueing; comes with
tridge $59.95 readout tracking force dial; anti -skate system; base & dust cover; 18'/2" x 14V." x 6'/.."
F45. 45 rpm spindle for either model.... $3.95 manual override by moving tonearm by hand; $179.95
low -capacitance output cables permits use of T-2000. Similar to 1-4000 except wow & flutter
CD -4 cartridges; comes with clear dust cover 0.1%; rumble -40 dB (DIN B); hysteresis
but without cartridge; 1723/32' W x 1325/32" D x
GLENBURN 51/4" H $159.95
synchronous motor; speed adj. -1-1.3%; x
133/5" x 6" $129.95
2160B Changer/Single Play 4 -CHANNEL
Three -speed (33, 45 & 78 rpm) multi -play unit
for 7", 10" & 12" records; multi -pole syn- LENCO
4VC-5244 4 -Channel Record Changer
chronous motor; counterweighted tonearm; CD -4 design with built-in 4 -channel demodula- L-90 Single-Play/Automatic
viscous -damped cue/pause control; dual -range tor. Has 4 -pole outer rotor motor. Response 20-
anti -skate control; swing -away control arm for
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm); electronic belt -
16,000 Hz. Output 300 mV at 5000 ohms. Semi - drive mechanism; 16 -pole synchronous motor;
manual play; slide -in cartridge head; comes adjustable separation control. 7'/a" x 153/4" x
with ADC K7E elliptical magnetic cartridge, D $199.95
walnut -grained base, dust cover $89.95
illuminated strobe; spiral spring anti -skating
ST -6 Single-Play/Manual device; fine speed adj +7%, -3%; IC controls
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm); synchronous a.c. automatic switch -off, electronic friction -type
motor with precision ground belt; tracking lifting of tonearm, and speed adj feature; wow
error 0 degrees; skating force 0; comes with & flutter 0.08%; rumble -63 dB (DIN); viscous
Rabco straight -line -tracking arm; effective damped tonearm lift; comes with base & fric-
tonearm mass 6 g; wow & flutter 0.04% (NAB tion -hinge dust cover $299.95
W rms), 0.09% (DIN B); hum -70 dB (DIN L-84. Similar to L-90; automatic tonearm lift/
45544); speed constancy -L-0.3%; overall size rest; anti -skating device adjustable for ellip-
161/2" W x 16V.," D x 63/." H (inc. dust cover) .... tical & spherical styli; rumble -60 dB (DIN) ....
$325.00 $195.50
off the
home speed. cue the stylus, and turn
in your
The Beogrant4002. If music begin here. unit when the selec:ion is finished.
it shou_d Olufsen's finest
is important to you, Furnisned with Barg &
The Beogram 4002 is a
fully automatic cartricige, in itself an acknowledged
of masterpiece of audio engineering.
turntable which exhibits a level
skill unequalled and the
creativity and engineering Its Request our product brochure
in the field of audio components. name of your local Bang
& Olufsen
the record to
tangential tracking permits dealer. For our detailed, full color
the same manner enclose one dollar to
be played back in exactly catalog, please
that the master disc was cut. cover postage and handling
activated by z single light
logic circuits, free at your local Bang & Olufsen dealer).
touch on the control panel, automa:i-
size and correct
cally select the record
T-3112 Single-Play/Manual
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) belt -drive turntable;
4 -pole synchronous motor; lever speed selec-
Direct -drive unit; two -speed (33 & 45 rpm); tor; wow & flutter 0.06% W rms; rumble -55
vernier controls for fine-tuning speed over dB; static balanced S-shaped tonearm with
range ±4%; illuminated strobe markings; direct readout stylus pressure system; moving -
rumble 70 dB; wow & flutter 0.03% W rms; will magnet cartridge; output voltage 3 mV (at 1
accommodate most tonearms; comes with two magnetic cartridge. 171/e" W x 8" H x 14V?" D. kHz, 50 m/ms); channel balance 2.5 dB at
tonearm mounting plates (one pre-cut for $89.95 1 kHz; channel separation 20 dB; oil -damped
Shure/SME arm), base, hinged removable dust tonearm lifter; auto -cut, auto -return tonearm
cover $495.00 mechanism; cartridge weight 5.5 g; 183/8" W x
4 -CHANNEL 14"2" D x 7" H $129.95
PL -510 Single-Play/Manual
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm), direct-crive system;
brushless d.c. servo motor; speed control
with gimbal suspension; dual -range calibrated
range ±2%; wow and flutter 0.03% W rms max.; conical/elliptical anti -skate control; decoupled
S/N 60 dB; 12" aluminum alloy die-cast platter; counterweight; automatic tonearm lock; rota-
static -balanced S-shaped pipe tonearm; us- ting spindle; 45 rpm adapter; slide -in cartridge
able cartridge weight 4 to 10 g; anti -skating; holder; sliding record size and speed selectors;
viscous -damped cueing device; lateral balancer; low -capacitance audio cables for four -channel
strobe -lighting (strobe on platter rim); plug-in use (with CD -4 cartridge); will handle all size
headshell. 175/16" W x 14" D x 61/." H $200.00 records at 33 & 45 rpm; flutter & wow 0.09% W
(turntable drive, pickup arm movement, cue- PL -117D Single-Play/Manual rms; rumble -58 dB (DIN B). 7'/2" x 163/." x
ing); separate fine -speed adjustment ±3%;
14'2" (with cover closed). Comes with base with
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm), belt -drive system;
wow & flutter 0.07%; rumble -43 dB (DIN A); storage compartment; simulated walnut -grain
4 -pole synchronous motor; wow and flutter
finish $99.95
stylus force 0.75-3 g adjustable; anti -skating 0.07% W rms max.; S/N 50 dB; 12" aluminum
force adjustable for spherical & elliptical styli; alloy die-cast platter; static -balanced S-shaped Realistic LAB -50 Changer/Manual
turntable drive 9 V d.c. motor with 72 -pole pipe tonearn; usable cartridge weight 4 to 10 g;
Mu ti -pole synchronous motor; will handle all
tacho generator; pickup arm lift touch -con- anti -skating viscous -damped cueing device;
size records at 33 & 45 rpm; belt -drive; tone -
trolled, viscosity damped pickup arm lift; op- lateral balancer; plug-in headshell. 175/16" W x
arm features micrometer stylus -pressure force
tional manual operation; photoelectric end -of - 147." D x 61/." H $175.00
record switch -off system. 6'/2" H x 17'/e" W x
adjustment; adjustable counterweight; cue/
PL -1150. Similar to PL -117D except has only
auto -return pause control; viscous damping; walnut -
123/." D $299.50 $125.00
PL -1120. Similar to PL -117D except without grained vinyl base. 7" x 16'/e" x 141/." . $99.95
GA212 Single-Play/Manual automatic features $100.00 Smoke -tint dust cover $6.95
Servo -controlled, 2 -speed (33 & 45 rpm) belt -
driven design for single play, complete with
tonearm, hinged but removable dust cover, RABCO SANSUI
slide -out cartridge plate, and stroboscopic ring.
Features anti -skating device, hydraulically
ST -7 Turntable/Arm Assembly SP929 Single-Play/Manual
damped cueing control. Has two independent Two speed :33 & 45 rpm, adjustable -5.5%); Two -speed, quartz -servo direct -drive turntable;
potentiometers for speed calibration (±3%). 20 -pole, 30 -slot d.c. brushless motor; quartz
Drift 0.2%; wow & flutter 0.07%; rumble -40 crystal -controlled direct spindle drive; wow &
dB NAB unweighted. Stylus force range 0.5-4 g. flutter 0.028%; rumble -74 dB (DIN -B); platter
Arm resonance 7 Hz. 111/2" platter. 110 to 240 speed deviation 0.002%; fine -speed adj. ±3.5%
V, 50/60 Hz operation. 6V." x 131/." D x 1572" W. (quartz -servo off); statically balanced S-shaped
With dust cover & base $169.50 tonearm; min. tracking force setting 0.5 g;
acceptable cartridge weight 2-11 g; anti -
GA427 Single-Play/Manual skating; universal headshell; dust cover with
Single -play, two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) unit; fea- free stop hinges; 195/18" W x 15" D x 67a" H
tures damped cueing; tracking force adjust; $430.00
anti -skating adjust; comes with integrated
tonearm & hinged removable dust cover; arm FR5080S Single-Play/Semi-Automatic
accepts any phono cartridge with standard 1/2" Two -speed, direct -drive turntable; 20 -pole,
mounting center $99.50 30 -slot d.c. brushless motor for platter drive,
16 -pole synchronous motor for automatic
tonearm operation; wow & flutter 0.03%; S/N
PIONEER brushless d.c. (Hall Effect) motor with pre- 62 dB; fine -speed adj. ±3.5 dB; illuminated
cision -ground belt; tracking error, skating force, strobe; statically balanced S-shaped tonearm;
PL -71 Single-Play/Manual vertical friction, lateral friction all 0; rumble min. tracking force setting 0.8 g; cartridge
(DIN B) -68 dB; wow & flutter (NAB weighted) weight 4-10 g; comes with removable cover,
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm), all -electronic, direct -
0.04%; (DIN B) 0.09%; hum -76 dB; speed low -capacitance output cables; 183/." W x
constancy -±0.3%; viscous -damped cueing 140/16' D x 6Ve" H $260.00
control; tonearm mass 6 gr.; comes with
straight-line tracking arm; dust cover. 63/." H SR525 Single-Play/Manual
(with dust cover)x 1672" W x 167." D Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) turntable; direct -
$430.00 spindle drive with electronic servo control;
wow & flutter 0.03% W rms; S/N 64 dB; rumble
-72 dB; illuminated strobe markings; statically
RADIO SHACK balanced S-shaped tonearm; min. tracking
force 0.5 g; cartridge weight 4-11 g; 181/2"
Realistic/Miracord 46 Changer W x 1412/,e' D x 55/1." H $230.00
Three -speed (33, 45 & 78) manual/changer
combination. Has anti -skating device, cueing SR323 Single-Play/Manual
control, and removable cartridge shell with Two -speed turntable; 4 -pole synchronous mo-
Shure cartridge. Supplied with tonearm and tor; wow & flutter 0.06%; S/N 57 dB; stati-
drive turntable with brushless d.c. servo motor; base $199.95 cally balanced S-shaped tonearm; min. track-
electronic speed change; speed control range ing force 0.5 g; cartridge weight 4-11 g; re-
±2%; wow & flutter 0.05% W rms; S/N 60 dB; Realistic LAB -300 Single-Play/Manual movable cover; low -capacitance output cables;
121/." aluminum alloy die-cast platter; static - Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) manual player; 4 -pole 18'/2" W x 145/e" D x H $160.00
balance S-shaped pipe tonearm; usable car- synchronous motor; wow & flutter 0.10%;
tridge weight 4 to 32 g; anti -skating; oil -damped rumble (DIN B) -60 dB; 113/." cast platter; FR -1080 Single-Play/Manual
cueing device; stylus pressure direct -readout balanced S-shaped tonearm; elliptical stylus Two -speed belt -driven turntable; 4 -pole syn-
1977 EDITION 69
8004 -IV. With TT780 four -channel discrete repeat/play selection; includes manual and
cartridge; frequency response 10-50,000 Hz; changer spindles for regular & 45 rpm records;
channel separation 35 dB; output 0.6 mV/cm/ wow & flutter 0.04% W rms; rumble -70 db
sec ±2 dB; 2 gr tracking; Quadrahedral stylus. (DIN B). 173/4" W x 73/4" H x 143/8" D.. $349.95
8004-11. With TT681 stereo cartridge; fre- SL -1200 Single-Play/Manual
quency response 10-22,000 Hz; channel Similar to SL -1100A except has 13" diecast
chronous motor; wow & flutter 0.08% W rms; separation 35 dB; output 0.7 mV/cm/sec aluminum platter weighing 3.86 lbs and a 811/16"
S/N 50 dB; rumble -58 dB; statically balanced dB; 1 gr tracking; 0.2 x 0.7 mil elliptical stylus. tonearm. Has hinged, removable plexiglass dust
S-shaped tonearm; min. tracking force 1.5 g; $199.95 cover $279.95
cartridge weight 4-8 g; free -stop hinged cover; 8004-114. With TT680EE stereo cartridge; SL -120. Similar to SL -1200 but without arm.
low -capacitance cables; 177/16" W x 147/16" frequency response 20-20,000 Hz; channel Includes two mounting platforms: one precut
D x 61/8" H $140.00 separation 35 dB; output 0.82 mV/cm/sec ±2 for SME tonearm, other blank to be cut for
dB; 3/..-1V. g tracking; 0.3 x 0.7 -mil elliptical other arms $229.95
SR -222 Single-Play/Manual stylus $179.95
Two -speed belt -driven turntable; 4 -pole syn- 8004-11B. With TT600EE stereo cartridge; SL -1400 Single-Play/Manual
chronous motor; wow & flutter 0.07% W rms; frequency response 20-20,000 Hz; channel Features direct -drive with one -chip IC for drive
S/N 54 dB; rumble -60 dB; S-shaped tonearm; separation 35 dB; output 1.0 mV/cm/sec ±2 and control of motor; auto -return of tonearm;
min. tracking force 0.8 g; cartridge weight 4-10 dB; 1-2 g tracking; 0.3 x 0.7 -mil elliptical stylus. auto shut-off; strobe markings on tapered rim,
g; 1713/16" W x 145/8" D x 5'/2" H $115.00 $172.50 with lamp; two speeds (33 & 45 rpm); pitch
variable 10%, independently adjustable for
4 -CHANNEL each speed; 13" platter; wow & flutter 0.03%
TECHNICS BY PANASONIC W rms; rumble -70 dB (DIN B); S-shaped tone -
FR -3080 4-Ch/2-Ch Turntable arm static -balanced low -mass tubular type;
Electronic automatic/manual single -play turn- SP -10 Mk II Single-Play/Manual features anti -skating, cueing; universal -type
table; two speeds (33 & 45 rpm); belt -drive; Three -speed (33, 45 & 78 rpm) turntable with cartridge head shell; hinged detachable dust
4 -pole synchronous motor for platter drive, phase -lock quartz -crystal speed control of low - cover; low -capacitance cables. 173/4" W x
16 -pole geared synchronous motor for auto- speed, direct -drive d.c. brushless motor; build- 143/8" D x 5V2" H $249.95
matic operation; wow & flutter 0.07% (W rms); up time to precise speed within 25 degree
S/N 45 dB; statically balanced S-shaped SL -1500 Single-Play/Manual
rotation (0.25 sec.) at 331/3 rpm; stop time
tubular tonearm with universal shell connector; (magnetic brake) within 30 degree rotation Features electronically controlled direct -drive,
dual -magnet cartridge with Shibata stylus; (0.3 sec); long-term speed stability ±0.002% low -speed brushless d.c. motor without belts,
frequency response 10-50,000 Hz; optimum (within ±36 ms over 30 -min. period, less than idlers, or pulleys; two speeds (33 & 45 rpm);
tracking force 2 gr; comes with 45 rpm spindle 3/. sec. in 10 hours); wow & flutter 0.025% W pitch variable 10%, independently adjustable
adapter; low -capacitance cords; removable for each speed; 13" dynamically balanced
rms; rumble -70 dB; solenoid controls (includ-
dust cover with automatic hinges; stylus brush; ing remote). 14.5" W x 315/16" H x 14.5" D platter; wow & flutter 0.03% W rms; rumble
overhang gauge; motor pulley for 50 or 60 Hz; -70 dB (DIN B); tonearm static -balanced low -
solid walnut -grain cabinet. 179/16" W x 6'/2" H x mass tubular type; features anti -skating,
141/16" D $200.00 SL -1100A Single-Play/Manual cueing; universal -type cartridge head shell;
Features direct -drive, slow -speed brushless d.c. hinged detachable dust cover; low -capacitance
motor with electronic speed control regulation cables. 173/4" W x 5'/2" H x 143/e" D $199.95
SONY without belts, idlers, or pulleys. Two speeds (33
& 45 rpm). Variable pitch, ±5%, independently THORENS
PS -3750 Single-Play/Manual adjustable for each speed. Dynamically bal-
Direct -drive system with brushless & slotless anced turntable has 131/2" platter, weighs 4.4
d.c. servo -controlled motor; built-in strobe; TD -126C Single-Play/Automatic
lbs. Wow & flutter 0.03% W rms; rumble -70 dB Three -speed (33, 45 & 78 rpm) single -play auto-
(DIN B). Build-up time within 1/2 rotation. Tone -
matic turntable; 16 -pole synchronous motor;
arm is static -balanced low -mass tubular with
9'/4" pivot -to -stylus distance. Direct -reading
tracking force adjustment from 0 to 5 g. Anti -
tit :114:64.14
gIrt iiiiiiiii
...... . . .
-II :it.
III iiiii 1::.
. . .....
jos ,
in your
and dust cover. 17" x 131/2" W x 73/4" H
TD -165 Single-Play/Manual
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) unit with double syn-
living room?
chronous 16 -pole motor; will handle 7", 10", 12"
records; wow & flutter 0.06%; rumble -43 dB
(unweighted), -65 dB (weighted); non-ferrous,
anti -magnetic 12" platter; unified suspension
system for tonearm mount & platter; anti -skate
control; tonearm balance & stylus tracking
That's right - it comes right to your door! force adjustable 0.5-3.5 g in '/2-g increments;
viscous -damped cueing control; 9" tonearm;
Just open our new catalog and you'll discover all the latest arm resonance below 10 Hz. Comes with base,
dust cover, plug-in shell for all standard car-
stereo components and complete music systems at remarkable tridges. 17. W x 12'/2" D x 73/4" with dust cover.
savings. No hype. No pressure. We simply pick the best stuff $169.95
available from ALL major brands and offer it at shamefully
low prices. For five years we've been the fast -delivering TOSHIBA
alternative to high-priced retail stores, with over 100,000 cus- SR -355 Single-Play/Manual
tomers! Find out why ... write or call today! Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) d.c. servo direct -
drive design; has S-shaped tonearm with track-
P.S. Send along $1 for postage and we'll also zip you the ing error of ±1.5 degrees; wow & flutter 0.04%
W rms; S/N 60 dB. Walnut base and dust cover
new "How to Hi-Fi Guide" - it's a good source book ex- $229.95
plaining all the basic components and how to get the most SR -255 Single-Play/Manual
out of your music system, plus a glossary of terms. Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) direct -drive turntable;
d.c. servo motor; static balanced S-shaped
tonearm; tracking error ±1.5 degrees; wow &
flutter 0.05% W rms; S/N 60 dB; vinyl on wood
base; dust cover $199.95
SR -305 Single-Play/Automatic
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) belt -driven design;
has S-shaped pipe tonearm with tracking error
of +3, -1.5 degrees; wow & flutter 0.1% W
rms; S/N 48 dB; features automatic return 8,4
cut; automatic cueing. Walnut base and dust
cover $129.95
YP-800 Single-Play/Manual
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm, electronic switching),
direct -drive turntable; brushless 12 -pole d.c.
servo motor; 12.2" cast turntable with cush-
ioned mat; --3% speed control (each speed);
wow & flutter 0.03% W rms; S/N 60 dB; static
balanced S tonearm; 9.5" long; tracking error
1.5 degrees; tracking force 0-3 g; universal
plug-in cartridge shell. Walnut cabinet with
clear acrylic dust cover. 18.9" W x 6.9" H x
14.6' D $500.00
YP-800BL. Same as YP-800 except black metal
finish $500.00
YP-450 Single-Play/Manual
WAREHOUSE SOUND CO. Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm), belt -drive; syn-
chronous outer -rotor motor; wow & flutter
0.07%; S/N 48 dB; 12' aluminum platter; stat-
Box S, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 805/544-9700 ic -balanced S tonearm; stylus pressure 0-3 g;
universal plug-in cartridge shell. Walnut cabi-
Enclosed is $1 for net with clear acrylic dust cover. 17,/.," W x
Magnified, you can see record vinyl wearing away. With same magnification, record vinyl show; 11J wear.
You're looking at the solu- distortion as "mint condition" in a kit complete with a non -
tion to one of the oldest prob- discs played once. aerosol pump sprayer and
lems in audio-how to protect A by-product of dry lubri-
records from wear, while at cants developed for aerospace
the same time preserving full applications, Sound Guard
fidelity preservative is so smooth it
Its called Sound Guard!' reduces friction, yet so thin
and it's remarkable. (less than 0.000003") it leaves
Independent even the most fragile groove
Itests show that discs modulations unaffected. Test record played first time.
treated with Sound Len Feldman in Radio
Electronics reports "At last!
The long awaited
record -care product
has arrived.
It preserves
Sound After 100 plays without Sound Guard.
Guard preservative played while reducing distortion and Identical test record after
100 plays with Sound Guard.
100 times display the same surface noise!' It's effective and
full amplitude at all frequen- safe for all discs, from precious velvet buffing pad, is avail-
des and the same absence of old 78's to the newest LPs. able in audio and record
surface noise and harmonic Sound Guard preservative, outlets.
Sound Guard keeps your good sounds sounding good.
*Sound Guard is Ball Corporation's trademark for its record preservative. Copyright C Ball Corporation, 1976.
WKLS, Atlanta, broadcasts
100% disc -to -air. That's why it uses
Stanton's 681 series... exclusively.
Bob Helbush, Chief Engineer, making a quality control check Jsing a 681 cartridge.
Top notch broadcasters who capture a large share of the ing at all frequencies. They achieve perfectly flat frequency
listening audience, are critically aware of the necessity to response to beyond 20 Kc. And the top -of -the -line, superb
achieve a superior quality of sound. Station WKLS is just 681 Triple -E has an ultra miniaturized stylus assembly with
such a station. substantially less mass than previously, yet it possesses
As Bob Helbush, chief engineer, states: "We broadcast even greater durability than had been thought possible
100% disc -to -air except for some commercials. So, for to achieve.
maximum quality sound and phase stability, we use the Each 681 Series cartridge is guaranteed to meet its
Stanton 681 SE for on -the -air use. We consider it the ideal specifications within exacting limits and each one boasts
answer for that application. And our program director uses the most meaningful warranty. An individually calibrated
Stanton's 681 Triple -E for auditioning new releases before test result is packed with each unit.
we air them". Whether your usage involves record-
And Don Waterman, General Manager, added: "Today, ing, broadcasting or home entertain-
every station in the SJR Communications group ... all eight ment, your choice should be the choice
of them, all in Major Markets . . use Stanton 681 cartridges
. of the professionals ...the STANTON 681.
on every turntable". Write today for further information to
There are good reasons for this vast acceptance. Stan - Stanton Magnetics, Terminal Drive,
ton's 681 Calibration Series cartridges offer improved track - Plainview, N.Y. 11803.
Cartridges placement stylus #01200 $79.95 V-15 Micro IV ACE Phono Cartridge
Output 8.0 mV at 5.5 cm/sec. Response 20-
XV-15/750E Phono Cartridge 17,000 Hz. Has 0.5 x 0.7 mil elliptical stylus;
Output 4.4 mV at 5.5 cm/sec. Response 10- tracking force 4-+ 1 g. Channel separation 26
NAKAMICHI 25,000 Hz. Has 0.3 x 0.7 mil elliptical stylus; dB. Has Dustamatic brush. Replacement stylus
tracking force 1 +1/2 g. Channel separation #DIV-ACE $29.95
MC -1000 4 -Ch. Reference Pickup 35 dB. Features Dustamatic brush. Replace-
Moving -coil pickup with low -mass single -crystal ment stylus #D750 $65.00 V-15 Micro IV AT Phono Cartridge
beryllium cantilever assembly; direct -coupled Output 8.0 mV at 5.5. cm/sec. Response 20-
one -point supported coil assembly; company's XV-15/625E Phono Cartridge 18,000 Hz. Has 0.7 mil spherical stylus; track-
crystal permalloy laminated core; Shibata sty- Output 4.4 mV at 5.5 cm/sec; response 10- ing force 3+ 1 g. Channel separation 28 dB.
lus; double -layer push/pull damper; mounted 25,000 Hz; 0.3 x 0.7 mil elliptical diamond Features Dustamatic brush. Replacement sty-
into SME-type shell; tracking force 1.8 g +0.3 g; stylus; tracking force 1 +'/2/-1/. g; channel lus #DIV-AT $29.95
separation 27 dB at 1 kHz; frequency response separation 35 dB; features Dustamatic brush;
15-65,000 Hz; imp. 3.5 ohms; compliance 16.0 replacement stylus #0625 $59.95 V-15 Micro IV AC Phono Cartridge
x 10 cm/dyne; comes with individual test Output 8.0 mV at 5.5 cm/sec. Response 20-
data $250.00 XV-15/400E Phono Cartridge 17,000 Hz. Has 0.7 mil spherical stylus; track-
MCB-100. Moving -coil pickup booster with Output 5.5 mV at 5.5 cm/sec. Response 10- ing force 5 g+ 2 g. Channel separation 26 dB.
double -shielded, specially wound transformer; Features Dustamatic brush. Replacement sty-
frequency response 10-65,000 Hz; load imp. lus #DIV-AC $24.95
50,000 ohms; input imp. 2-20 ohms $100.00
FG-100. Stylus force gauge; unipivot suspen- 4 -CHANNEL
sion; calibration for 0 g $20.00
UV -15/2400-0 Cartridge
For discrete 4 -channel playback; tracking force
ORTOFON with Dustamatic brush 3 g ±V2 g (resulting
tracking force 2 g -±1/2 g); frequency response
SL-15EMKII Moving Coil Cartridge 10-50,000 Hz (when terminated by 100k ohm
Total cartridge weight 7 grams. Features ellipti-
cal, diamond stylus; tracking force range 11/2-2 25,000 Hz. Has 0.4 x 0.7 mil elliptical stylus:
g. Response 10-50,000 Hz. Output impedance tracking force 1112± g. Channel separation
21/2 ohms and in most applications will require 35 dB. Features Dustamatic brush. Replace-
$100.00 ment stylus #0400 $54.95
use of STM-72 transformer
STM-72 Transformer. Designed for use with SL -
15E cartridge. Input impedance 2 ohms; load XV-15/200E Phono Cartridge
impedance 47,000 ohms $35.00 Output 8.0 mV at 5.5 cm/sec. Response 10-
25,000 Hz. Has 0.4 x 0.7 mil elliptical stylus;
M -15E Super -Magnetic Cartridge tracking force 3± 1 g. Channel separation 35
Features the VMS (patented) principle for dB. Features Dustamatic brush. Replacement
highest trackability and lowest distortion. De- stylus #0200 $49.95
signed for low -mass tonearms. Includes a user
replaceable stylus with hand -polished, whole - XV-15/350 Phono Cartridge load and 100 pF); output 3.3 mV ±2 dB; chan-
diamond tip and a hinged stylus guard. Track- Output 6.0 mV at 5.5 cm/sec. Response 10- nel separation 35 dB; inductance each channel
ing force range 0.75-1.5 g. Output voltage 0.8 25,000 Hz. Has 0.7 mil spherical stylus; track- 290 mH; resistance each channel 675 ohms;
mV/ch at 1 kHz per cm/sec $90.00 ing force 2± 1 g. Channel separation 35 dB. comes with "Quadrahedral" diamond stylus
M-15 Super. Same as M -15E except with spher- Features Dustamatic brush. Replacement sty- assembly $125.00
ical stylus $80.00 lus #0350 $39.95 UV -15/2000-Q. Similar to 2400-Q except re-
VMS -20E. Similar performance characteristics sponse 20-45,000 Hz; channel separation 30
to M -15E but slightly less critical as to tonearm XV-15/140E Phono Cartridge dB $69.90
Output 8.0 mV at 5.5. cm/sec. Response 10-
20,000 Hz. Has 0.5 x 0.7 mil elliptical stylus; XUV/4500-0 Cartridge
tracking force 4± 1 g; Channel separation 35 For stereo, 4 -channel matrix (SQ and QS), and
dB. Features Dustamatic brush. Replacement discrete 4 -channel playback at 1 gr (or less)
stylus #D140 $34.95 tracking force; setting with brush: 2 ±V2 gr
(resulting in tracking force 1 ±'/2 gr); frequency
XV-15/150 Phono Cartridge response 10-50,000 Hz; output: 3.4 mV nomi-
Output 8.0 mV at 5.5 cm/sec. Response 10- nal (ref. 5.5 cm/sec recorded velocity); channel
25,000 Hz. Has 0.7 mil spherical stylus; track- balance: 1V2 dB maximum difference; channel
ing force 3+ 1 g. Channel separation 35 dB. separation 35 dB nominal at 1 kHz, 25 dB
Features Dustamatic brush. Replacement sty- nominal at 30 kHz; comes with "Quadrahedral"
lus #D150 $34.95 stylus with "Quadrahedron" tip $139.95
XV-15/100 Phono Cartridge
Output 8.0 mV at 5.5. cm/sec. Response 10-
requirements; tracking force 0.75-1.5 g; output 20,000 Hz. Has 0.7 mil spherical stylus; track- PIONEER
1.0 V $65.00 ing force 5 _t 2 g. Channel separation 35 dB.
Features Dustamatic brush. Replacement sty- PC -01 4 -Channel Cartridge
F -15E Magnetic Cartridge lus #0100 $29.95 Induced -magnet stereo cartridge with para-
Features VMS principle, but with lower compli- bolic diamond stylus for playing CD -4 records;
ance and higher tip mass for automatic turn- V-15 Micro IV AME Phono Cartridge frequency response 10-50,000 Hz; channel
tables and older transcription tonearms. Track- Output 5.5 mV at 5.5 cm/sec. Response 20- separation 25 dB (at 1 kHz), 20 dB (at 30 kHz);
ing force range 1-2 g $50.00 tracking force 1-2.1 gr $70.00
20,000 Hz. Has 0.4 x 0.7 mil elliptical stylus;
F-15. Same as F -15E but with spherical stylus tracking force 11/2+1/2 g. Channel separation
$40.00 30 dB. Features Dustamatic brush. Replace-
ment stylus #01V-AME $49.95 SATIN
PICKERING V-15 Micro IV ATE Phono Cartridge M -117X Stereo Cartridge
Output 6.5 mV at 5.5 cm/sec. Response 20- Moving -coil type; preamp not required, stylus
XSV/3000 Phono Cartridge 18,000 Hz. Has 0.4 x 0.7 mil elliptical stylus; can be replaced by user; output 2.5 mV +-2 dB
Output 5.0 mV at 5.5 cm/sec. Response 10- tracking force 3± 1 g. Channel separation 28 at 50 mm/sec; response 10-25,000 Hz; tracking
30,000 Hz; has "Stereohedron" stylus tip; dB. Features Dustamatic brush. Replacement force 0.5-1.5 g; crosstalk 25 dB at 1 kHz; load
tracking force 1 +1/2/-1/. g; channel separation stylus #DIV-ATE $39.95 imp. 30-200 ohms; compliance 15 x 10-6 cm/
35 dB; features Dustamatic brush; replace. dyne; 0.1 x 2.5 mil Shibata line -contact stylus;
ment stylus #03000 $99.95 V-15 Micro IV AM Phono Cartridge weight 9.0 g; replacement stylus #117NX
Output 6.0 mV at 5.5 cm/sec. Response 20- $190.00
XV-15/1200E Phono Cartridge 20,000 Hz. Has 0.7 mil spherical stylus; track- M -117E. Similar to M -117X except output vol-
Output 4.4 mV at 5.5 cm/sec. Response 10- ing force 2 + 1 g. Channel separation 30 dB. tage 3.0 mV; frequency response 10-20,000
M55E Phono Cartridge
Moving -magnet type. Output 6.6 mV at
cm/sec. Response 20-20,000 Hz. Has 0.2 x 0.7
mil elliptical stylus. Tracking force 3/2 to 2 g;
Sonus has reduced Intermodulation and re- Replacement stylus #N95ED $49.45
lated distortions to previously unachieved
levels, reducing these sources of "listening M75ED Type 2 Phono Cartridge
fatigue" to the vanishing point. As you lis- Tracking force 3/., to 1'12 g. Response 20.20,000
ten, you discover that the emotional tension Hz. Output 5.0 mV/ch at 1000 Hz and 5 cm/sec
formerly caused by this distortion is gone. peak velocity. With biradial 0.2 x 0.7 mil
The music comes through with an effortless elliptical stylus. Replacement stylus #N75ED. the vertical axis and knife edges for the hori-
clarity and definition, as you listen with $59.95 zontal axis; base slides on bedplate for tracking
more attention, more relaxation, and far Model M75G Type 2. Same except with 0.6 -mil adjustment with protractor; arm mass divided
more pleasure than ever before spherical stylus. Replacement stylus #N75G by elastic coupling; lever -operated hydraulically
$43.45 damped lowering and raising control; tracking
The new Sonus cartridges take you closer force 1.1.5 g applied precisely without gauge;
to an actual performance than any other M91E Phono Cartridge cartridge weight 4-9 g $162.00
cartridges have been able to, until now. Moving -magnet type. Output 5.0 mV at 5 SME3009/S2. Same with detachable shell
cm/sec. Response 20-20,000 Hz. Has 0.2 x 0.7 $174.00
mil elliptical stylus. Tracking force 3/.. to 11/2 g.
"At one gram, the SONUS Blue Label Channel separation better than 25 dB at 1000 M24H 4 -Channel Cartridge
was audibly superior ... the sound was Hz. Will track 18 cm/sec at 10,000 Hz. Replace- Wide -range cartridge for stereo, 4 -channel
excellent in every respect." ment stylus #N91E $54.95 matrix (SQ and QS), and discrete 4 -channel
Stereo Review/Hirsch-Houck Laboratories Model M91GO. Same except with 0.6 -mil spheri- playback at tracking force of 1-1 g; frequency
cal stylus. Replacement stylus #N91GD response 20-50,000 Hz; output 3.0 mV/ch at
$49.95 1000 Hz and 5 cm/sec peak velocity; channel
High Definition Phono separation 22 dB at 1000 Hz; channel balance
Cartridges for The Most M93E Phono Cartridge within 2 dB; inductance 160 mH; d.c. resis-
Accurate Sound Reproduction Moving -magnet type. Output 6.2 mV at 5 tance 510 ohms. Features hyperbolic tip linked
cm/sec. Response 20-20,000 Hz. Has 0.4 x 0.7 to a high-energy magnet by a low -mass stylus
Possible. mil elliptical stylus. Tracking force 11/2 to 3 g. assembly $74.95
Channel separation better than 25 dB at 1000
Hz. Will track 13 cm/sec at 10,000 Hz. Replace-
Nrite for further information ment stylus #N93E $44.91 SONUS
M70EJ Phono Cartridge Blue Label Cartridge
Tracking force 1V2 to 3 g. Response 20-20,000 Voltage output 0.8 -±-2 dB at 1 kHz cm/sec; fre-
SONIC RESEARCH INC. Hz. Output 6.2 mV/ch at 1000 Hz and 5 cm/sec quency response 5-20,000 Hz -±-11/2 dB, 20,000-
27 Sugar Hollow Rd.. Danbury. Ct. 06810 peak velocity. With biradial 0.4 x 0.7 mil ellipti- 45,000 Hz ±6 dB; compliance 50 cm/dyne
cal stylus. Replacement stylus #N700EJ x 10 6; stylus force range 3/.-1.1i. g; channel
$39.50 balance ±2 dB; channel separation 30 dB (at
M79B. Same except with 0.6 -mil spherical 1000 Hz), 25 dB (overall); resistance 300 ohms/
stylus. Replacement stylus #N7OB $32.50 ch; load imp. per channel 47,000 ohms in paral-
lel with 400 pF (250 pF with CD -4 records);
M75B Type 2 Phono Cartridge cartridge weight 5'/2 g; 0.003" x 0.0003 "Pathe-
Has good trackability at moderate tracking max" diamond tip $125.00
For a complete demonstration of these remarkable new instruments see your Tandberg dealer. For a color catalog full of facts
and figures. write to us. It's worth $1.50- but we'll send you a copy absolutely free'
Tandberg of America, Inc Labriola Court. Armonk, New York 10504 A Men Pringle Ltd , Ontario, Canada
'Dolby is a trademark of Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
$499.95 design. Will handle up to 101/2" reels. Response
AKAI 30-30,000 Hz ± 2.0 dB. Wow & flutter 0.06% at
4000 DS Mk -II Stereo Tape Deck 15 ips. (S + N)/N 60 dB. Has braking, two VU
GX-650D Stereo Tape Deck Two -speed (33/. & 7'/2 ips), 4 -track, 2 -channel meters, automatic shut-off, pause control,
Three -speed (15, 71/2& 33/, ips), four -track, two - stereo. Wow & flutter 0.07% rms at 71/2 ips. monitoring facilities, optional counter, and re-
channel stereo/mono system; will handle up to Response 30-26,000 Hz ±3 dB at 7'/2 ips. THD mote record $1995.00
101/2" reels; features closed -loop double cap- 1.5%. (S + N)/N -50 dB. Bias frequency 100 Four track version $1995.00
stan mechanism; three motors with a.c. servo - kHz. Has separate record, play, and erase Four channel in -line version $2995.00
controlled capstan drive; glass & crystal fer- heads. Line output 1.23 V. Inputs: mike (0.8
rite heads; response 30-30,000 Hz ±3 dB at mV) & line (60 my). Features selector switch for CX722 Tape Recorder
15 ips, 30-26,000 Hz -±3 dB at 7'/2 ips (both regular or low -noise tape; sound -on -sound; Three -speed (15, 71/2, 33/, ips), 2 -track, 3 -motor
with LN-150 tape); dist. 0.4% at 15 & 71/2 ips sound -with -sound; mixing; automatic shut-off; design. Will handle up to 10'/2" reels. Has three
(1000 Hz 0 VU); has line/mike mixing; sound - pause control. 16" x 121/2" x 71/4" $299.95
on -sound recording facilities; dual -monitoring 4000DB. Same as 4000DS but with Dolby built
system; remote control (with optional RC -17 in $379.95
accessory); automatic stop; pause lever switch;
cue switch; individual line -output volume con- 1722W Tape Recorder
trol; tape selector switch (low noise/wide- Two -speed (33/. & 7'/2 ips), 4 -track, 2 -channel
range); 4 -digit tape index counter; two VU me- stereo. Wow & flutter 0.14% rms at 7'/2 ips.
ters; two mike input jacks; stereo headphone Response 30-21,000 Hz ±3 dB at 71/2 ips. THD
jack; RCA -type line input & output jacks; record 2%. (S + N)/N -50 dB. Bias frequency 63 kHz.
and pause indicator lamps; 20.6" H x 17.4" W x Has one record/playback & one erase head.
10" D $995.00 Inputs: mike (0.5 mV) & line (150 mV). Two
built-in 5" x 7" speakers. Features p.a. capa-
GX-6300 Stereo Tape Deck bility, automatic shut-off, equalizer preamp for
Two -speed (7'/2 & 33/, ips), four -track, two - direct phono input, selector switch fcr regular or
channel stereo/mono system; will handle up to low -noise tape. lave x 14'/2" x 9,t." .. $349.95
101/2" reels; features direct capstan -drive a.c.
servo motor; three -motor tape transport; glass heads. Response 20-20,000 Hz ±2 dB. Wow &
& crystal ferrite heads; response 30-25,000 flutter 0.09% at 7'/2 ips. Features braking, au-
Hz ±3 dB at 71/2 ips (LN-150 tape); dist. 0.5% GX-630DSS 4 -Channel Tape Deck tomatic shut-off, two VU meters, pause control,
at 7'/2 ips (1000 Hz 0 VU); has dual monitoring and optional counter $1595.00
Four -channel or stereo record and playback; CX724. Same except 4 -track version; response
system; line/mike mixing; individual recording - features four GX glass & single crystal heads;
mode selector buttons; automatic stop; line - 20-25,000 Hz 4-2 dB $1595.00
A -B monitoring in either mode; two -speed (7'/2
output level control; pause lever switch; two VU & 33/. ips); full -logic function controls; "Quadra-
meters; headphone output jack; two mike input
SX724 Tape Recorder
sync" recording; mic/line mixing; left/right Two -speed (7'/2, 33/. ips), 2-ch, '/.-track, 3 -
jacks; recording indicator lamp; DIN connector; track selector; pitch control (±5%); tape select
RCA -type line input and output jacks; 18.3" H x motor design. Will handle up to 10'/2" reels. Re-
switch; line output control; auto -stop, pause sponse 20-25,000 Hz ±2 dB. Wow & flutter
17.4" W x 9.4" D $695.00 control with lock; will handle up to 10'/2" reels. 0.09% at 71/2 ips. (S + N)/N 60 dB. Has braking,
TX -6300B. Same except includes Double Dolby $995.00 two VU meters, automatic shut-off, monitoring
process circuits $775.00 facilities, pause control, and optional counter.
GX-265D Stereo Tape Deck GX-270DSS 4 -Channel Tape Deck 15 and 1'/, ips available $1195.00
4 -track, 4 & 2 channel record/play deck; will SX724-P4C. 2- and 4 -track version; plays 4 -
Two -speed (71,2 & 33/, ips), four -track, two - handle 7" reels; a.c. servo direct -drive capstan
channel stereo/mono system; will handle up to channel in -line $1495.00
motor plus two eddy current motors for fast -
7" reels; features automatic reverse record & forward & rewind; four GX heads; 3 -head func-
playback; direct capstan -drive a.c. servo motor; 4 -CHANNEL
tion; full logic solenoid functions controls; auto-
three -motor transport; six -head function; dual matic stereo reverse playback; tape/source/
monitoring system; glass & crystal ferrite
CX844 Tape Recorder
monitoring; Quadra-Sync recording; pitch con- Three -speed (15, 71/2, 33/. ips), 4 -channel, 4 -
heads; line/mike mixing; individual recording trol for record/playback (±5%); line output con-
safety -lock buttons; pause lever switch; auto- track. 3 -motor design. Will handle up to 10'/2"
trol; mic/line mixing; auto stop; tape speed: 71/2 reels. Has 3 heads. Response 20-25,000 Hz ±2
matic stop; line -output volume control; 4 -digit & 33/. ips; wow & flutter 0.07% rms (71/2 ips);
tape index counter; DIN connector; RCA -type dB. Wow & flutter 0.09% at 71/2 ips. Features
S/N 54 dB (measured via tape with peak re- braking, pause control, four VU meters, remote
line input/output jacks; stereo headphone jack; cording level of +6 VU); frequency response
two mike inputs; two VU meters; directional record, and automatic photocell shutoff
30-21,000 Hz ±-3 dB; distortion 1% (1000 Hz, $2995.00
indicator lamps at recording & playback modes; "0" VU); 18.3" H x 17.3" W x 7.5" D . . . $875.00
17.4" W x 15.9" H x 8.2" D $675.00 SX744 Tape Recorder
GX-2700. Similar to GX-265 but with three 1730D -SS 4 -Channel Tape Deck Two -speed (71/2 & 33/. ips), 4 -track, 4 -channel,
heads (four -head function); peak -level indica-
Four -track, 4 & 2 channel play and record. Fea- 3 -motor design. Will handle up to 10'/2" reels.
tor lamp; add-on recording; 17.4" W x 15.9" H x
8.3" D.
tures automatic shutoff, pause control, and Has 3 heads. Response 20-25,000 Hz ±2 dB.
$599.95 two speeds (772, 33/, ips). Response 30-22,000 Wow & flutter 0.09% at 7'/2 ips. Features brak-
GX-230D Stereo Tape Deck Hz ±3 dB, wow & flutter 0.12% rms, dist. ing, pause control, four VU meters, and auto-
Two -speed (71/2 & 33/, ips), four -track, two - 1.5%, all at 71/2 ips. Has mic (0.4 mV) and line matic shut-off $1995.00
channel stereo system; will handle up to 7" (40 mV) inputs plus line (1.23 V) output.
161/2" x 18" x 91/2 $479.95
reels; glass & crystal ferrite heads; features
automatic and manual reverse playback; auto- DOKORDER
matic stop; pause control; tape selector switch; CROWN INTERNATIONAL
output level control; expanded VU meters; 1120 Stereo Tape Deck
dual monitoring; independent line/mike con- CX822 Tape Recorder Two -speed (71,2 & 33,, ips), three -motor deck;
trols; sound mixing; 17.3" W x 15.6" H x 8.1" D. Three -speed (15, 71/2, 33/. ips), 2 -track, 3 -motor will handle 101/2" reels. Can be used as 4 -track,
1977 EDITION 85
electronics editing; sound -on -sound, sound - the company's MX-5050-2SH tape deck; S/N 65
with -sound, echo, and re-record facilities; vari- dB; 17" W x 23,/: H x 73/8" D $2195.00
Open -Reel able speed wind/rewind; 10'/2" reel capacity; MX-5050-QXH-D. Same except with d.c. servo
Tape Machines] solid-state FET front end at mike input; 4 -digit
counter. Has full range of inputs and outputs.
capstan with ±10% variable speed $2345.00
product has a chance of being accepted by the 3. REVOX D36 (1960) 4. REVOX A77 MK I (1967) co
serious recording enthusiast. 5. REVOX A700 (1973) 6. REVOX A77 MK IV (1975)
1977 EDITION 87
A77 MkIV Dolby B Deck. Same as 1102 or 1104 4 -CHANNEL
but with Dolby B noise -reduction system. Has
Open -Reel separate compressors and expanders for each TC-788-4 Quadradial Tape Deck
Tape Machines channel. (S + N)/N 70 dB (ASA A curve weight-
ed) at 71/2 ips, 2 -track $1172.00
Records/plays 4 channel; 15 & 71/2 ips; will
handle up to 101/2" reels; 30-22,000 Hz +3 dB
A77 MkIV Professional. Two -track, 7'/2/15 ips (standard tape), 30-28,000 Hz +3 dB (SLH-180
version of A77 with Cannon connectors, trans- tape), both at 15 ips; features 4 -digit tape coun-
two -speed hysteresis synchronous motor former balanced line inputs & outputs, line ter; four illuminated VU meters; illuminated
(capstan drive) and 6 -pole inner -rotor induction amplifiers; specifications and options same as pause control with lock; pan pots with on -off
motor (reel drive). Operates at 71/2 & 33/. ips. 1102 $1490.00 switch; full complement of inputs & outputs;
Wow & flutter less than 0.08% (W rms) at 71/2 comes with two RAD-10 reel hub adapters,
ips. (S + N)/N 55 dB; dist. less than 1%. Re- 10'/2" empty reel, four RK-74 audio cables,
sponse 40-20,000 Hz +3 dB at 71/2 ips. Cross- head -cleaning ribbon; walnut base 173/e" W x
talk 60 dB, stereo channel separation 50 dB 22" H x 83/4" D $1399.95
both at 1000 Hz. Inputs: mike 0.25 to 80 mV; SONY from SUPERSCOPE
line 50 mV to 25 V; DIN 15 mV. Outputs:line TC-388-4 Quadradial Tape Deck
316 mV; DIN 316 mV; headphone 40 mV (4 to TC-758 Stereo Tape Deck Open reel, 2 -speed (71/2 & 33/. ips) 2- and 4 -
16 ohms). Features 3 -position bias selector, 2 - Three -motor, automatic -reverse stereo tape channel recorder. Response 20-25,000 Hz
position equalizer selector, lockable pause lev- deck; 71/2 & 33/. ips speeds; will handle up to (standard tape) and 20-25,000 Hz +3 dB (SLH-
er, 4 -digit tape counter, independent left/right 101/2" reels; response 30-20,000 Hz +3 dB 180 tape) at 71/2 ips. (S + N)/N 52 dB standard
tape monitor switches, 4-ch./2-ch. playback (standard tape), 30-25,000 Hz +3 dB (SLH- tape; 55 dB SLH-180 tape. Has four auxiliary
mode selector, independent right/left recording 180 tape), both at 71/2 ips; features 4 -digit inputs; impedance 100,000 ohms; four mike
mode selectors, 4-ch front, rear monitor mode counter; illuminated pause control with lock: inputs; sensitivity -72 dB. Three heads (erase,
selector, independent mike & line recording illuminated VU meters; full complement of record, playback); four VU meters. Wow &
level controls, output level controls. Will ac- inputs & outputs; F & F heads; walnut base. flutter 0.09% at 71/2 ips (rms (NAB) weighted).
cept up to 101/2" reels. 175/16" W x 17" H x 8'/8" 173/4" W x 171/4" H x 83/." D $999.95 Features pan pot on -off switch; mike attenuator
$650.00 (-20 dB); built-in reel locks; line output level
TC-756 Stereo Tape Deck control. 16'/Ie" W x 193/4" H x 8,/." D.. $679.95
REVOX Two -speed (15 & 71/2 ips) stereo deck; will
handle up to 101/2" reels; frequency response TC-277-4 Quadradial Tape Deck
A700 Stereo Tape Recorder 30-15,000 Hz at 71/2 ips. 30-22,000 Hz at 15 Reel-to-reel, 3 -speed (71/2, 33/4, P/a ips), 4 -
Three -motor, three -speed (15, 71/2, 33/. ips) re- ips, both +3 dB with standard tape; 30-25,000 channel, in -line design. Response 50-16,000
corder. Features computer -type digital control Hz at 71/2 ips, 30-30,000 Hz at 15 ips, both Hz +3 dB at 7'/2 ips; S/N 52 dB; wow & flutter
logic with memory circuits; quartz -crystal +3 dB with SLH-180 tape; S/N 56 dB (standard 0.12% at 71/2 ips. Has two heads (4 -channel
speed -control reference; frequency and phase tape). 59 dB (SLH-180); features 4 -digit tape erase & record/play), four inputs, and four line
servo system for capstan speed control; two counter; illuminated pause control with lock;
tape -tension sensors governing servo -con- reel -size selector switch; record timer lock;
trolled reel motors. Has logic -controlled tape illuminated left & right record buttons; record
tension which is automatically maintained even & bias equalization selector switches; illumi-
with mixed reel sizes; electronic tape -motion nated VU meters; stereo headphone monitor
sensor; minutes and seconds readout on tape jack; ferrite and ferrite heads; three motors;
counter. Plug-in head assembly (Y. or 1/2 track logic -controlled transport functions. Comes
available); three heads with fourth control head with 101/2" reel adapters, two stereo patch -
(optional). Fail-safe auto stop logic to eliminate cords, 101/2" plastic reel, and head cleaning
possibility of tape breakage; electronic pause ribbon. Overall size 171/e" W x 173/." H x 83/." D.
control operating on all functions; instant re- $899.95
peat play control; continuous unattended re-
cord or play function; solid-state switching of TC-645 Stereo Tape Deck
audio circuits. Features built-in four -input Three -motor, three -head stereo deck with fer-
mixer; switched selection of 12 input sources rite & ferrite heads; 71/2 & 33/. ips; will handle
including four balanced hi/lo mike inputs; built- up to 7" reels; response 30-20,000 Hz +3 dB
in magnetic phono preamp; master record -level (standard tape), 30-25,000 Hz (SLH-180 tape),
slide fader; stereo echo; five independent both at 71/2 ips; features 4 -digit tape counter;
stereo outputs; standard zero -level line outputs illuminated VU meters; full complement of in- outputs (1/ch). Input sensitivity 0.06 V. 153/." W
and level & tone -controlled outputs; VU meters puts and outputs; wow & flutter 0.07% at 71/2 x 73/." D x 151/2" H $469.95
with instantaneous over -modulation indicators; ips, 0.11% at 33/. ips; comes with two RK-74
variable speed (+ or -7 halftones with remote - stereo patchcords, 7" plastic reel. 14'/8" W x
control accessory); variable speed (2.5 to 21.5 145/8" H x D $499.95
ips with external oscillator); input or off -tape
metering $1800.00 TC-270 Stereo Tape Recorder
Economy design featuring quarter -track ste- TANDBERG
A77 MkIV 1102 Tape Deck reo/mono play & record, three speeds (71/2, 33/4
Two -speed (17433/., 33/47/2 or 71/2/15 ips), 2 - & Pie ips), straight-line record & playback level Series 10XD Stereo Tape Deck
track, 3 -motor, 3 -head deck. Will handle up to controls, two VU meters, automatic end -of -tape Three -speed (15, 71/2, 33/4 ips), three -motor
shutoff, and sound -on -sound. 5 W/ch continu- deck with Dolby noise -reduction system; will
ous power. Response 30-18,000 Hz +3 dB at handle up to 101/2" reels; 4/2 track; response
71/2 ips. (S + N)/N 50 dB; wow & flutter 0.12% at 30-25,000 Hz +2 dB, 25-27,000 Hz +3 dB
71/2 ips. Sensitivity: aux. 0.06 V; low -imp. mike (both at 15 ips); speed tolerance A.3%; wow
-72 dB (can be used as phono input with op- 0.04% max at 15 ips (weighted); crosstalk at-
tional RK-66 adapter). Has line output 0.43 Vat tenuation 50 dB in stereo at 1000 Hz; has full
0 VU; two lid speakers. 8 ohms. 201/." W x 101/." complement of inputs, outputs, controls; peak
H x 151/." D. Comes with carrying case reading meters; crossfield heads; mike & line
$449.95 mixing facilities; logic circuit with memory;
45 cm x 43.5 cm x 18.5 cm. Comes with 101/2"
TC-377 Stereo Recorder Deck empty reel, NAB adapters, input-output con-
Features 3 -speed (Pr., 33/. & 71/2 ips), 3 -head, nection cord. Remote control, pitch control kit,
4 -track design. Response 30-20,000 Hz +3 dB and rack mounting kit available as optional
at 71/2 ips. (S +N)/N 52 dB (standard tape) 55 extras $1399.00
101/2" reels. Response 30-20,000 Hz +2.5 dB at dB (SLH-180 tape). Has aux. (0.06 V sensitivity)
71/2 ips. Wow & flutter 0.08% peak at 71/2 ips. & mike (-72 dB sensitivity) inputs & line output Series 11 Tape Recorder
(S + N)/N 61 dB at 7'/2 ips. Has a servo braking (0.775 V). Bias frequency 160 kHz. Wow & flut- Portable (15 V, ten 11/2-V cells), mono design.
system, VU meters, automatic shut-off, relay ter 0.09% at 71/2 ips. Has two VU meters, one Three speeds (71/2, 33/4, l'/a ips), and has three
and solenoid operation, full remote control, and induction motor. Features mike -line record lev- heads. Will handle up to 7" reels. Has automatic
off -the -tape monitoring. Options include plug- el mixing controls, tape select switch for Sony level -input controls, mike & line mixing, and
in power amplifiers, a suitcase version with standard or low -noise, high -output tape. Has built-in speaker. Response 40-16,000 Hz +2 dB
built-in speakers, metal cage for rack or pause control and an automatic total mecha- at 71/2 ips, wow 0.1% at 71/2 ips, (S + N)/N 58 dB
custom mounting. 163/e" H x 143/le" W x Th," D nism shut-off. Reversible walnut base for verti- unweighted. 13" W x 10" D x 4".
$959.00 cal or horizontal operation. Sound -on -sound Model 11-1. Full -track $1195.00
Model A77 MkIV 1104. A 4 -track version of capability with the MX -6S mixer. 161/2" W x Model 11-2. Two -track $1195.00
Model 1102. Same options available $959.00 83/8" H x 15'/2" D $399.95 kc. power supply $99.50
A-6100 Stereo Tape Deck stereo or mono deck; one dual -speed hysteresis
synchronous capstan motor; two eddy current
induction reel motors; three heads; will handle
7' & 10V2" reels; wow & flutter 0.04% (15 ips),
Features one -hand tape threading; peak -read- 0.06% (7V2 ips) NAB weighted; S/N 60 dB;
ing dB meters; linear -motion input and output frequency response 30-26,000 Hz ±3 dB at 15
level controls; crossfield heads; (S + N)/N 73 dB ips, 30-24,000 Hz -±-3 dB at 742 ips; THD 1% at
at 7'/2 ips $1049.00 1 kHz; independent left/right channel source/
tape selectors; VU -type level meters; manual
3500X Stereo Tape Deck cue lever; separate bias and equalization
Three -speed (7'12, 33. & ips); 4 -head stereo selectors; W x 173/i4" H x 83/,6" D.
deck; features company's noise -reduction sys- $750.00
PIE1=1= leil
reels; wow & flutter 0.08% at 7'/2 ips; S/N 55
dB; frequency response 30-22,000 Hz at 71/2
ips; THD 1.0% at 1 kHz; independent source/
tape output selector each channel; four VU -
type level averaging meters; four independent
power with its own volume, bass, and treble
controls, A/B monitoring, remote -control facili-
ties; S/N 67 dB (two -track at 71/2 ips); wow &
flutter 0.02% $1100.00
record mode selectors; four front -panel mic
..!...71.7.:./ I inputs; two stereo headphone jacks; indepen- SG -520 Four -Speed Recorder
DOG CO Piorvccra dent input level controls for mic/line mixing
for each for four channels; record indicator
Four -speed (71/2, 33/,, l'/. & ips) recorder;
interchangeable head assemblies for two- or
These and hundreds of lights for each channel; digital tape counter; 4 -track operation; remote capability for start/
of her it ems are listed at 2-channel/4-channel playback selector; 183/.- stop; can be sound -activated; end -of -tape
our low discount prices W x 175/1." H x 83/." D $850.00 stop; on/off automatic level control switch;
bass & treble controls; 4 -digit index counter;
_".. v in our FREE catalog. frequency response 30-20,000 Hz, wow &
la 1 Send for catalog today. TELEX flutter 0.02% W rms (both at 71/2 ips); 6 W rms/
i ch into 8 ohms (30-20,000 Hz) at 1% THD; S/N
Lab Series 2001 Tape Deck 65 dB (two -track at 7'/2 ips); can be operated
-III Two -speed (7V2, 33i. ips), 4 -track, 3 -head, 2 - vertically or horizontally; comes with plexiglass
motor stereo design. Will handle up to 81/." cover $600.00
reels. Response 45-18,000 Hz t2 dB, wow &
14-1111 l'.
_ow flutter 0.18% at 71/2 ips, (S 4 N)/N 52 dB. Has SG -510 Stereo Recorder
I VU meters, automatic shutoff, pause control, Four -track, two -speed (7V2 & 33/. ips) recorder;
counter, solenoid operation, and monitoring will handle 7" reels; frequency response 40-
2316 RHODE ISLAND AVENUE,N.E. facilities. 141/2" x 19'/C x 8" D $725.00 20,000 Hz (71/2 ips); wow & flutter 0.08%; S/N
Washington,D.C.20018 2002W. Similar to 2001 except half-track. 3 - 58 dB; built-in speakers; amplifier power 4
(2021832-1900 motor design; solid-state preamps; walnut W/ch at 4 ohms; features peak -reading meters;
CIRCLE NO. 24 ON READER SERVICE CARD base. $725.00 automatic end -of -tape shut off $399.95
ADVENT AD -1250 Dolbyized Cassette Deck Three heads (one GX record/playback, two
Slant -type housing; 3 -step bias & equalizer erase); hysteresis synchronous outer -rotor mo-
201 Dolbyized Cassette Deck switches for all types of tapes; oil -damped cas- tor; two VU meters. Has full complement of con-
Play/record stereo design. Response 35-14,500 sette ejection system; quick review/cue control t.ols. 18.1" W x 5.8" H x 11.9" D $449.95
Hz at ±2 dB. THD less than 1 with chromi- for speedy replay; full automatic stop mecha-
nism; d.c. servo motor; wow & flutter 0.09%; GXC-325D Stereo Cassette Deck
S/N 60 dB (Dolby on, FeCr tape); frequency re- Features Double Dolby process circuitry; three -
sponse 30-14,000 Hz (LH tape), 30-16,000 Hz head function; closed -loop double capstan; a.c.
(CrO, and FeCr tape); permalloy head; fast - servo control; separate record & playback
forward & rewind time 85 sec (C-60 tape); input heads; ADR (automatic distortion reduction)
sensitivity: line 50 mV/100,000 ohms, DIN 0.1 system; memory rewind; includes line/mic
mV/2700 ohms; mic 0.3 mV/200-10,000 ohms; mixing; peak -level indicator; one -touch tape
output level: line & DIN 0.775 V/50,000 ohms selector; limiter recording circuit; full automa-
(0 VU), headphone 1 mW/8 ohms; 155/16" W x tic stop; two VU meters; two mic input jacks;
10N" D x 51/4" H $230.00 headphone output jack; response 30-15,000
Hz (low -noise), 30-16,000 Hz (chrome), and 30-
AKAI 19,000 (FeCr) tape all at c3 dB $475.00
Tape Machines reading VU meters, sliding controls for play- D-2330 Stereo Cassette Deck
back & record level, and mike/line mixing. Re- Top -load, four -track, two-ch deck; Permalloy re-
sponse 30-17,000 Hz (Cr02); wow & flutter cording & playback heads, ferrite erase head;
0.07% (weighted); speed variation 1%. Hard electrically controlled motor; response 40-
Permalloy head; peak -reading VU meters with 14,000 Hz (Cr0,) 40-12,000 Hz (standard);
LED overload indicator. 15'/e" W x 55/e" H x crosstalk 60 dB; S/N 58 dB (Dolby on), 50 dB
10V1" D $399.95 (Dolby off); wow & flutter 0.18% W rms; distor-
tion 3.0% (1 kHz, 0 VU); output voltage 0.5
min. 13V1' x 33/4" x 8'/0" $149.95
Dolbyized Stereo Cassette Deck JVC
Combines a pre -assembled tape transport, a
Dolby noise -reduction (B type) system, and CD -1669-2 Stereo Cassette Deck
necessary preamps to record or play stereo Frequency response 30-19,000 Hz (30-16,000
cassette tapes. Has built-in test circuit to ad- Hz ±3 dB) with chrome tape; S/N 53 dB at
noise -reduction system; S/N 60 dB (with Dol-
1 kHz (from peak level) without ANRS, im-
by); wow & flutter 0.10% rms; has cue & review
proved 5 dB at 1 kHz & 10 dB at 5 kHz with
ANRS; crosstalk 65 dB at 1 kHz; channel sepa-
switch; tape -scan indicator; 3 -digit tape count-
ration 35 dB at 1 kHz; HD 1.7% at 1 kHz; wow
er; separate left/right channel slide level con- & flutter 0.07% W rms; "Sen-Alloy" head for
trols; two VU meters; separate left/right mike play/record, ferrite head for erase; hysteresis
inputs; line -in terminals; headphone jacks.
synchronous a.c. motor for capstan, d.c. motor
4" H x 16" W x 115/0" D $199.95 for reels; speed accuracy +1.5%, -0.5%; in-
puts: mike (2), line in (2), DIN; outputs: line
out (2), headphones, DIN; solenoid -operated
full -logic control circuit; CdS photocell full
DUAL auto -stop mechanism; features normal/chrome
tape equalizer circuits, peak -level indicator,
C919 Cassette Deck auto-stop/auto-play memory counter; ANRS
Separate mic & line -level controls for mixing; noise reduction system; 165/8" W x 12'/e" D x
output level controls for headphones and over- just Dolby system; a bias & equalizing switch 53/4" H $499.95
all output; FM and standard Dolby circuitry; for chromium -dioxide or standard tapes; VU
separate bias & equalization controls for ferric - meters; and mike inputs; response 40-14,000 CD -1970 Stereo Cassette Deck
oxide, chrome, and ferrichrome tapes; memory Hz +3 dB (CrO, tape); hum & noise -58 dB Front -loading, front -control deck; frequency
stop; illuminated tape motion indicators; bal- (with Dolby); wow & flutter 0.25% rms; dist. response 20-18,000 Hz (30-16,000 Hz +3 dB)
listically damped VU meters; inter -mode 0.2% (electronics only). Walnut -stained veneer
switching without going through stop; viscous - base.
damped cassette eject; frequency response Kit (mail order) $269.95
20-15,000 Hz ±1.5 dB; to 17,000 Hz ±3 dB;
wow & flutter 0.07% W rms; speed variation
-±0.05% $450.00 HITACHI
Autoreverse Cassette Deck D-800 Dolbyized Cassette Deck
Features automatic reverse, continuous play- Three -head, front -loading stereo deck; 4 -track,
2 -channel record/playback; frequency response
every function of music reproduction. And
wherever we feel we have something to con-
tribute, to do so without compromise. The
1977 EDITION 99
S/N 50 dB at 3% THD (without Dolby), 55 dB at
speed accuracy *2% $299.95
pos. replay program selector; frequency re-
sponse 20-18,000 Hz (without multiplex fil-
RP -905 Recording Timer Adapter ters); wow & flutter 0.15% W rms; S/N 68 dB
For use in conjunction with a timing on -off with chrome tape & Dolby in; extra output of
clock and solenoid -controlled Model RS-677US 1/2 W, 4 ohms for driving motional feedback
and RS-640US recorders; may be used to speakers $1066.95
initiate recording or playback at pre -selected
time; may also provide turn-off and restart CR-210 Portable Cassette Recorder
(depending on clock capability)
RS-630US Cassette Recorder Deck
$69.95 Operates f eom a.c., lead -acid or NiCd recharge-
able batteries, or 12-V auto batteries; can be
operated in mono and stereo modes in both
Front -loading design with front -panel controls, playback & record; four -track in -line tape head;
features Dolby circuit; chromium -dioxide/ built-in condenser mic; self-contained power
standard tape selector; dual output -level con- stage; internal monitor speakers; photoelectric
trols; mic/line input selector; lockable pause electronic control of tape drive; on/off ALC Largest selection of top name
control; auto -stop; peak -level meters with switch; automatic bias switching for chromium - brands try us and see
checking switch; response 30-16,000 Hz dioxide tape; frequency resporse 20-16,000
(chromium -dioxide tape), 30-14,000 Hz (stan- Hz (chrome); wow & flutter 0.12% W rms; S/N
dard tape); wow & flutter 0.09% W rms; S/N
50 dB (Dolby out, standard tape), 63 dB (Dolby
58 dB (chrome); comes with carrying case but
less batteries; 7" W x 7" D x 2" H $595.00 It's worth a call
in, Cr02 tape); 17)/8" W x 125/e" D x 55/8" H
$249.95 CG -320 Stereo Cassette Recorder
RS-263AUS Cassette Recorder Deck
Two -motor stereo/compatible mono record/ (301)4889600
play unit; self-contained stereo power supply;
Dolbyized stereo design with standard tape & internal speakers; power -supply socket for 12-V
chromium -dioxide selection. Wow & flutter
0.2%. Response 30-13,000 Hz (standard tape);
30-14,000 Hz (chromium -dioxide). (S + N)/N 45
car battery operation; has automatic level con-
trol with on/off switch; DNL system; automatic
bias/equalizer switching for chromium -dioxide
dB (55 dB Dolby). Has peak level check switch; tape; 3 -digit counter with reset & memory J
separate output level adjustments, mike & line buttons; two separate sliders for independent
inputs, automatic stop, memory rewind and level controls; two sliders for independent
pause control. Overall size 14" x 5" x 95/e" D. acoustical replay level control; s ider tone -level
$199.95 control; frequency response 30-16,000 Hz Widthina
(chrome); wow & flutter 0.10% W rms; S/N 60
dB (chrome with DNL in); 16" W x 11" D x
41/2" H $585.00 6330 Frankford Ave
Baltimore, Md 21206
All mad answered within 24 hours
PC -6030 "Feather -Touch" Deck YAMAHA
Dual -capstan system; PLL controlled d.c. Phone Daily 9 AM to 9 PM
servo motor for capstan, d.c. bridge servo TC-800GL Dolbyized Cassette Deck Saturday 9 AM to 4 PM
motor for reel drive; "Feather -Touch" operation Designed to operate from a.c.-d.c. and 12 -volt
with IC logic & solenoid; has ferrite record/ battery; Super Permalloy record/playback Phone 1301) 488-9600
AKAI response 40-12,000 Hz ±3 dB; wow & flutter channel separation 40 dB; S/N 40 dB; wow &
0.2% rms; S/N 60 dB; has 2 mike & 2 line input flutter 0.3%; input sensitivity: mic 0.8 mV, aux.
CR-83D 8 -Track Record/Play Deck jacks; two line & headphone output jacks; DIN 250 mV; walnut vinyl covered wood cabinet;
Features illuminated elapsed -time record jack. 45/16" H x W x 93/4" D .... $249.95 16'/2" W x 181/4" D x 41/6" H $139.95
indicator, locking pause, fast -forward, inde-
pendent dual -record level controls, combina- ED -1240 8 -Track Tape Deck RK-885 8 -Track Record/Playback Deck
tion record/play & erase head, auto -stop, Record/play stereo design. Response 30-15,000 Record/play deck designed to be used with any
continuous playback selector switch; d.c. Hz (40-12,000 Hz -±-3 dB); (S + N)/N 50 dB from stereo receiver or amplifier with tape in/out
motor, illuminated record interlock, automatic peak level; wow & flutter 0.2% rms; crosstalk jacks. Has mike input jacks for "live" stereo
a.c. on when cartridge is inserted; wow & flutter 50 dB & 40 dB channel separation, both at recording with optional microphones; dual VU
0.15% rms; S/N 48 dB; frequency response meters; recording volume controls; mode
60-14,000 Hz ±3 dB (low -noise tape); dist. switch; record indicator light; illuminated chan-
2% at 33/. ips; 161/2" W x 91/3" D x 4.3" H. nel indicator lights. Comes with connecting
$220.00 cables. 13" W x 51/4" H x 81/4" D $119.95
CR-80D-SS 4 -Ch. 8 -Track Deck HD -830 8 -Track Play/Record Deck
Features 2- or 4 -channel play/record. Response Response 40-13,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.15%
30-16,000 Hz -±-3 dB. Wow & flutter 0.25% rms; Wrms (playback), 0.25% Wrms (record/play-
(S + N)/N 47 dB. Has four mike (0.5 mV) & line
(50 mV) inputs; four record -level meters 1 kHz. Features automatic eject control, two VU
$349.95 meters, four front -mounted tape controls.
120-V, 60 -Hz operation. 41/4" H x 13'/2" W x 91/4"
BSR McDONALD D $169.95
RT-820 8 -Track Record/Play Deck
Frequency response 50-10,000 Hz; SIN 45 dB;
auto -eject push-button; pause control; auto-
matic/manual program changeover; separate
record VU meters; slide -rule recording -level
controls. 153/." W x 4'/2" H x 9ve" D$149.95 miKe; response 100-10,000 Hz; S/N 40 dB; wow
RT-821. Similar to RT-820 but includes APSS gram indicators. Features a program selector & flutter 0.3% rms; headphone & mike jacks;
(auto program search system); time display push switch for selecting specific programs and two VU meters; rotary -type controls operate
tape counter $169.95 a fast -forward for bypassing unwanted material; left and right recording -level channels; full
repeat switch for continuous replay. Response complement of controls; walnut veneer cabinet;
50-10,000 Hz; (S N)/N -48 dB; 117-V, 60 Hz 153/." W x 4'/." H x 103i." D $149.95
4 -CHANNEL operation. Walnut wood -grained cabinet with
white gold -anodized faceplate. 7'/." W x 4'/B"
RT-840 4-Ch/2-Ch 8 -Track Deck H x 93/i" D $74.95
Automatic 4-ch/2-ch switchover; each/all auto -
eject push-button; time -display tape counter; 4 -CHANNEL
AF -3030 AM/FM Stereo/Cassette Deck
Combines AM/FM stereo receiver with front -
load Dolbyized cassette deck; 13 W rms/ch at
8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.3% THD; outputs:
tape record, DIN, speaker 8 ohms, headphones
8 ohms; FM sensitivity 2.0 p.,/ (IHF), frequency
response 30-15,000 Hz; FM stereo dist. 0.7%;
stereo separation 38 dB at 1000 Hz; antenna
300 ohms (balanced), 75 ohms (unbalanced); VU meters, a.f.c.; overall frequency response
cassette deck wow & flutter 0.1% W rms; tape 40-18,000 Hz; BSR C -123R2 record changer
counter; built-in Dolby noise -reduction system; with diamond/sapphire stylus, ceramic car-
mechanical full -stop system; Permalloy head; tridge, sleep switch; cassette features automat-
d.c. servo motor; 1815/16" W x 12"/i6" D x 63/6" H. ic stop, pause control, digital counter; speakers
$380.00 1000 Hz; automatic two -speed turntable; have 8" woofer & 2" tweeter in 23" H x 13"
activator button provides automatic operation; W x 8" D enclosures, wood -grain vinyl cabinet,
AF -5080A 3 -in -1 Music System automatic anti -skating control; idler wheel and charcoal brown matte grille cloth: full comple-
Combines AM/FM stereo receiver, Dolbyized belt drive system; a synchronous motor; wow & ment of inputs/outputs; control center 235/8"
cassette deck, single-play/automatic turntable; flutter 0.15%; rumble -60 dB (DIN B); SP -12A W x 153/e" D x 83/6" H $249.95
22 W rms/ch at 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.3% cartridge; suggested speakers Beovox Phase SDP/8500H. Same as 8700H except with 8 -
THD; complementary SEPP OTL circuit; FM Link S-45 or S-60; dust cover included; 23" track record/play deck $249.95
sensitivity 2.0 AV (IHF); frequency response W x 13'/2" D x 51/2" H $715.00 SDT/8600H. Similar to SDT/8700H except
30-15,000 Hz; stereo separation 38 dB at 1000 overall frequency response 50-15,000 Hz;
Hz; cassette deck wow & flutter 0.1% W rms; speaker has 8" woofer with whizzer cone
frequency response 30-11,000 Hz (normal (203/: H x 12" W x 7'/6" D); control center 22'/2"
tape), 30-15,000 Hz (Cr02, FeCr tapes); Per- HEATH
W x 153/; D x 83/6" H $199.95
malloy head; d.c. servo motor; belt -driven turn- AC -1122 4 -Ch Receiver/8-Track Player SDP/8400H. Same as 8600H except with 8 -
table with automatic tonearm return; S/N 45 Combines 4 -channel AM -FM receiver and fac- track record/playback deck $199.95
dB; wow & flutter 0.1% W rms; static -balance SDP/8300H. Same as 8400H except 60/2"
tonearm; MM type cartridge; frequency re- tory assembled and aligned 8 -track player
which accepts stereo and 4 -channel cartridges; woofer with whizzer (18" H x 11" W x 60/2" D);
sponse 20-20,000 Hz; turntable/cassette deck control center 185/16" W x 153/4" D x 813/16" H;
synchronized for automatic recording; tuning built-in SO decoder; ceramic phono & aux. in-
puts; 4-ch headphone jacks; front/rear bass & matte black grille cloth $149.95
meter; two VU meters; 3 -step tape selector; SO/8100H. Same as 8200H but without tape
23'/Z W x 169/16" D x 8'/16" H
treble controls; FM sensitivity 5 µV; selectivity
$570.00 player $129.95
60 dB; stereo separation 35 dB; direct -coupled
amplifier with 4.5 W rms min/ch output into 8
ohms at 1.0% THD 50-15,000 Hz; walnut -grain
vinyl -clad metal and plastic case. 22" W x 4" H x
BANG & OLUFSEN 15" D. Kit $239.95 C952-172 Home Entertainment System
AT -1124. Same circuitry and features as AC -
Beocenter 3500 Receiver/Turntable 1122 but without AM -FM tuner; inputs for
ceramic phono & aux. tape or tuner. 17" W x 4"
Combines FM receiver and integrated auto- H x 15" D. Kit
matic turntable; 40 W/ch continuous rms power; $169.95
frequency response 40-20,000 Hz; THD 0.6%;
IM 0.6% at all power levels; S/N 75 dB at rated
output; channel separation 45 dB at 1000 Hz; HITACHI
inputs: phono, aux., tape; output: tape recorder;
has headphone jack, bass & treble tone con- SDT/8700H Receiver/Cassette/Phono
trols, high & low filters; FM tuner sensitivity Combines AM -FM stereo receiver, automatic
2 µ V (IHF); frequency response 20-15,000 record changer, cassette record/play deck, plus
Hz ±1.5 dB; S/N 70 dB (1000 Hz, 40 kHz mod., pair of bass -reflex speaker systems; FM section
100 V); stereo channel separation 40 dB at features illuminated slide -rule tuning dial, two
Combines stereo cassette recorder/player, tweeter $349.95 sette record/play deck; 3 -speed automatic
AM -FM stereo receiver, built-in automatic SE -2680. Same as SE -2650 except with 8 -track record changer; pair of matched acoustic -
record changer with diamond stylus & hinged recorder/player; automatic stop in record mode. suspension speaker systems; features built-in
dust cover, 4 -way air -suspension speaker sys- $349.95 4 -channel speaker matrix circuitry for future
tems, and two dynamic microphones; features SE -2600. Same as SE -2650 except without use; cassette unit has pushbutton fast -forward
automatic system shutoff after last record, cassette recorder/player $279.95 and rewind; record interlock; calibrated VU
illuminated black -out slide -rule vernier tuning meter; separate recording amplifiers; phono
dial, lighted station indicator, stereo indicator; SE -1240 Cassette/Radio/Phono has anti -skate mechanism, adjustable tracking
slide volume, speaker balance, and bass & AM -FM stereo receiver with built-in record force; cueing control; ceramic cartridge with
treble controls; independent left/right record- changer and cassette recorder;player; anti - diamond stylus. Speaker size 191/2" H x 12" W x
ing level controls; recording level VU meters; skating and cueing lever; auto -stop in record 8" D $249.95
cassette has automatic stop, digital tape and play; automatic record -level control; comes GXT4800. Similar to GXT4512 but with 8 -track
counter with reset, left/right mike inputs up with two speaker systems, each with 6'/2" ca-tridge unit instead of cassette deck.
front; conventional inputs & outputs; control full -range and 6'/a" passive radiator$279.95 $249.95
center 23V.," W x 151/." D x 10" H; speakers SE -3190. Similar to SE -1240 except with 8 - GXT4514. Similar to GXT4512 except includes
231/:' H x 12' W x 9" D $275.00 track recorder/player $249.95 Garrard automatic changer with 4 -pole induc-
C646-92. Similar to C952-172 except has 8 - RE -7556. Similar to SE -1240 except without tion motor; ceramic cartridge with diamond
track cartridge recorder/player instead of cassette recorder/player; tuning meter; record stylus; dust cover; three-way speaker systems
cassette; control center 21" W x 141/2' D x changer not built-in $229.95 Speaker size 21'/2" H x 131/2" W x 101/2" D
91/2" H; speakers 19" H x 11" W x 6'12" D. $299.95
$220.00 RE -8016 Cassette/Radio/Phono
AM -FM stereo receiver with built-in cassette DXT5220 8-Track/Phono/Receiver
C954-92 Home Entertainment System recorder/player and record changer; cueing Combines 8 -track record/play deck, AM -FM
Combines stereo cassette recorder/player; lever; auto -stop in record and play; automatic stereo receiver, 3 -speed automatic record
AM -FM stereo receiver, automatic record record -level control; comes with two speaker changer, and pair of matched two-way acoustic -
player, two air -suspension speaker systems, systems, each with 61/2" full -range and 61/2" suspension speaker systems; features built-in
and two dynamic microphones; pushbutton passive raaiator $229.95 4 -channel speaker matrix circuit for future use;
selects regular 2 -channel stereo or 4 -speaker back -lighted receiver tuning dial; FM -stereo
"quad" effect; full complement of controls; RE -8126 8-Track/Radio/Phono indicator; deck has fast -forward; pause con-
control center 201/2" W x 163/: D x 93/.." AM -FM stereo receiver with built-in 8 -track trol; peak -reading record -level indicator;
speakers 19" H x 11" W x 61/2" D $175.00 recorder/player and record changer; tuning lighted channel indicators; phono has low -mass
C650-90. Similar to C954-92 except has built- meter; auto -stop in record mode; automatic tubular tonearm; automatic tonearm lock;
in 8 -track cartridge recorder/player; control record -level control; locking fast forward; adjustable stylus pressure gauge; dust cover
center 193/4" W x 16" D x 10" H; speakers 19" comes with two speaker systems, each with Speaker size 175/,," H x 11'/a" W x 73/8" D
H x 11" W x 61/2" D $175.00 6'/2" full -range and 61/2" passive radiator. $199.95
C442-172. Similar to C650-90 except 8 -track $199.95 DXT5205. Similar to DXT5220 except 8 -track
cartridge player and 4 -way air -suspension deck is player only $169.95
speaker systems; control center 20'/2" W x RE -8176 8-Track/Radio/Phono GTX4505. Similar to DXT5220 but with cassette
151/.," D x 10" H; speakers 23'/: W x 12" W x AM -FM stereo receiver with built-in 8 -track record/play deck instead of 8 -track cartridge
D $175.00 player and record changer; cueing lever; lighted unit $199.95
program indicator; comes with two speaker
systems, each with 61/2" full -range and 61/2"
MERITON passive radiator $199.95
RE -8146. Same as RE -8176 except without SHARP
HF-1008 AM-FM/8-Track/Phono record changer $149.95
Combines AM -FM stereo receiver, 8 -track tape SG -220 Cassette/Phono/Receiver
player, 3 -speed BSR manual/automatic turn- RE -7016 Phono/Stereo Receiver Combines AM -FM stereo receiver with front -
table, and pair of speakers $199.95 AM -FM stereo receiver with tuilt-in record loading cassette recorder/player, automatic
changer; cueing control; comes with two record changer, and two speaker systems; fea-
HR -108 AM -FM Stereo/8-Track Player speaker systems, each with 61/2" full -range and tures built-in APSS (auto program search sys-
Combines AM -FM stereo receiver, 8 -track tape 61/2" passive radiator $179.95 tem) that locates music cue on cassette; pause
player, and pair of speaker systems; FM sensi- control for tape editing and monitoring; two -
tivity 4µV for 30 dB quieting; S/N 60 dB; HD speed changer with cueing control, anti -skate,
SANYO automatic shut-off; air -suspension speakers
1.0% stereo; response 20-15,000 Hz ±6 dB at
W; features back -lighted tuning dial; aux. each with 8" woofer & 21/2" tweeter $349.95
1 DXT5251 Compact Stereo System SC -210. Same as SG -220 except without record
tape input and output jacks; phono input for Combines 8 -track record/play deck, cassette
ceramic cartridges; automatic/manual track changer $299.95
record/play deck, AM -FM stereo receiver, 3 -
switching of cartridges; built-in loudness com- SG -143 Cassette/Phono/Receiver
pensator; 61/2" full -range speaker in each
simulated walnut -veneer cabinet (1E0/8" H x Combines AM -FM stereo receiver with top -
loading cassette recorder/player, automatic
111/21' W x 63/4" D); control center simulated
walnut -veneer cabinet. 51'2" H x 18'/8" W x
record changer, and two speaker systems;
$159.95 features built-in APSS; pause control; three-
13" D
soeed changer with cueing control, automatic
shut-off; air -suspension speakers each with 8"
woofer & 3" tweeter $269.95
PANASONIC SG -142. Same as SG -143 except without record
changer $229.95
SE -2650 Cassette/Radio/Phono
AM -FM stereo receiver with built-in record SG -141 8-Track/Phono/Receiver
changer and cassette recorder/player; anti - speed automatic record changer, and pair of Combines AM -FM stereo receiver with 8 -track
matched three-way acoustic -suspension speak- tape recorder, automatic record changer, and
er systems; features built-in 4 -channel matrix two speaker systems; features built-in APSS;
circuit for future use; back -lighted receiver pause control; three -speed changer with cueing
tuning thal; 8 -track deck has fast -forward control, automatic shut-off; air -suspension
and pause controls, two calibrated VU meters, speakers each with 8" woofer & 3" tweeter
separate recording amplifiers; cassette deck $269.95
has fast -forward and rewind, separate record- SR -140. Same as SG -141 except without record
ing amplifiers, auto -stop at end of tape; 8 -track changer $229.95
tapes can be played while recording them on
cassette, and vice versa; ohono has cue and SG -131 8-Track/Phono/Receiver
pause control, calibrated tracking -force adjust- Combines AM -FM stereo receiver with 8 -track
ment, diamond -stylus cartridge; speaker size tape recorder, automatic record changer, and
211/2" H x 131/2" W x 101/2" D $349.95 two speaker systems; features one -touch 8 -
0XT5240. Similar to DXT5251 except 8 -track track program selector; three -speed changer
deck is player only; record -level indicator with automatic shut-off; full range of input/
skating and cueing lever; two level meters for instead of VU meters $299.95 output terminals; air -suspension speakers each
recording; automatic record -level control; with 6'/2" full -range $189.95
comes with two speaker systems, each with GXT4512 Cassette/Phono/Receiver SR -130. Same as SG -131 except without record
61/2" woofer, 6'/2" passive radiator and 2'/2" Combines AM -FM stereo receiver; stereo cas. changer $149.95
1977 EDITION 105
lighted FM stereo indicator and tuning meter. each with 8" woofer, 3" tweeter (22'/2" H x 13"
Stereo 18V W x 4V2" H x 91/." D $159.95
SG -174. Similar to SR -172 except includes full-
W x 81/2" D); 8 -ohm imp.; FM ribbon antenna;
45 rpm manual adapter; manual/automatic
Compacts size, three -speed record changer with ceramic
stereo cartridge, flipover diamond stylus.
spindle; dust cover $450.00
TXC 1201 AM -FM Stereo/8-Track
Combines an AM -FM stereo receiver, an 8 -track
tape player, with pair of speakers. Receiver has
FM stereo beacon, a.f.c., blackout dial with
slide -rule indicator; selector switch for phono,
tape, aux., multiplex, FM and AM; frequency
response 20-20,000 Hz; dist. 2% at rated out-
put; manual track selection for tape player;
slide controls for loudness, balance, bass &
treble. Each speaker contains 8" duocone
(18" H x 10" W x 631." D). Control center 41/," H x
22'/6" W x 111/2" D $189.95
TXC R1201. Same as TXC 1201 but with 8 -track
recorder/player $224.95
TXC 1200. Similar to TXC 1201 except includes
automatic record changer; tinted hinged dust
cover; 8 -track storage compartment; 41/." H x
22Ve" W x 149/16" D $239.95
TXC R1200. Same as TXC 1200 but with 8 -track
recorder/player $264.95
HR596W-30 Phono/8-Track/Receiver
Combines AM -FM stereo receiver, built-in
record changer, built-in 8 -track recorder/player
and a pair of Allegro 3000 speaker systems;
cartridge unit features sequential program
selector, fast -forward, dual record -level meters;
3 -speed automatic changer handles 7", 10", &
12" discs; each speaker has 10" woofer & 31/2"
treble horn, RLC crossover network; response
40-15,000 Hz; 8 ohms; control unit 26' W x
18V." D x 10" H; speakers 2431." H x 155/." W x
10" D $530.00
ONE of the major advantages of component well as for playback decoding. Ncw that Dolby returned to the stereo system, and are heard
high-fidelity systems is their flexibility. Not circuits are built into practically every cassette through its regular speakers. The back chan-
only can the basic components be replaced in- machine, the "add-on" units are most useful nels are passed through a second stereo ampli-
dividually without unnecessary obsolescence, with FM turners and receivers when receiving fier and are heard through the back speakers. A
but almost any type of signal processing acces- Dolbyized broadcasts. simple matrix decoder can be used with phono-
sory can be integrated with the system without Other noise -reducing accessories are signal - graph records or FM broadcasts encoded with
interfering with its normal operation. This is controlled dynamic filters. which can actually the SO or OS system to give a reasonably good
usually done through the amplifier's tape -mon- remove no se already present in a program four -channel effect or to enhance the sound of
itoring circuits. but sometimes it is more conve- (the Dolby devices merely prevent noise from stereo programs. More advanced decoders, for
nient to interpose the accessory between the being added to a program during recording or both systems, use logic circuits that greatly
preamplifier and the power amplifier. broadcast, but cannot remove noise from the eniance their channel separation and directive
A signal processor can be defined as a device original program). qualities. often giving the sound a "discrete"
which alters the frequency balance, noise level, Dynamic expanders are devices whose gain character.
or dynamic range of a program. In the first cate- varies with the level of the program. All re- The CD -4 demodulator, similar in concept to
gory are equalizers, usually of the so-called corded and broadcast programs are com- the matrix decoders, does not go into the signal
graphic type. An equalizer can be considered as pressed to accommodate the requirements of path through the tape monitoring circuits. A
a highly flexible tone control, able to modify the their media. The compression takes many CD -4 phono cartridge plugs directly into the
response in a number of separate frequency forms. but its effect is to increase the level of demodulator, which supplies separate four -
bands. Simple graphic equalizers may have as soft passages and reduce the level of loud pas- channel outputs to the high-level inputs of a
few as five bands, but others have individual sages, thereby reducing the dynamic range of four -channel amplifier or two stereo amplifiers.
octave controls, using ten or eleven controls to the program. If a complementary expander is A recent addition to the signal processing
cover the entire audio band. Normally, separate used to provide the opposite action. reducing scene is the time delay unit. This all -electronic
adjustments are provided for each channel, gain at low levels and increasing gain at high device applies various time delays to a stereo or
which can make for a formidable array of con- levels, it is theoretically possible to restore the mono program. and re -circulates the delayed
trols. However, they are usually set only once, dynamics of the original program. However. signals to synthesize the effect of multiple re-
to equalize the response of a loudspeaker or a most expanders merely apply a moderate, con- verberations. The processed signals drive side
listening room, and are not meant to replace trollable amount of expansion, letting the lis- or rear speakers through a separate stereo am-
conventional tone controls. tener decide for himself when the optimum pl fier. while the original unmodified stereo or
The most common noise -reducing accessory amount of expansion has been applied. mono signals are heard through the front
is probably the Dolby "B" decoder. It is used to Another accessory category is the four -chan- speakers.
play back programs that have been recorded nel decoder (sometimes called a demodulator). The designers and manufacturers of all these
with Dolby encoding. At one time, outboard A stereo system can be converted to four -chan- signal processing accessories have made them
Dolby units were widely used in conjunction nel operation by passing its two channels compatible with the levels and impedances
with cassette recorders, and most of them through a suitable decoder, which provides found at typical amplifier tape recording out-
could be switched to a recording function as four output channels. The front channels are puts and inputs.
117 Dynamic Range Enhancer
A compressor/expander that permits listener to
restore up to 20 dB of the dynamic range miss-
ing from records, tapes, or FM broadcasts. As a tions; bandwidth 20-25,000 Hz; gain 0 dB; fre-
classical compressor/expander, allows the rec- quency response 20-20,000 Hz dB; dis-
ordist to make full dynamic range tapes on tortion 0.05% typical in passband; noise level put level: +15 dBm (600 ohms), +22 dBm (un-
moderately priced recorders and obtain 20 dB -90 dBm (104 dB below rated output); max. in- loaded); input imp. 47 k; equiv. input noise -95
or more improvement (S + N)/N $175.00 put level +30 dBm; max. output level: bridging dBm; frequency response 20-20,000 Hz ±1 dB
5 V rms into 10 k; crossovers: 100, 150, 200, at 0 dBm; THD 0.05% at 0 dBm (20-20,000 Hz);
119. Same features as 117, plus peak limiting/
unlimiting above user -selected threshold; LED 250, 500, 800, 1000, 1250, 1500, 2000, 2500, IM 0.05% at 0 dBm (60/7000 Hz 4:1); center
indicator light 5000, 8000, 12,500 Hz (ea. ch.); crossover frequencies (per channel) 31, 62, 125, 250,
slopes 12 dB/octave; input imp. 50 k un- 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 & 16,000 Hz;
120 Series Noise Reduction Systems balanced; output imp. 600 ohms; crosstalk 8 rear -panel phono jacks: two inputs, two low -
Provides 30 dB noise reduction and 10 dB ad- 70 dB down at 20,000 Hz, 90 dB down at 1000 imp. outputs, two tape-record outputs, two
ditional headroom when recording with open - Hz; two rotary level and two rotary LF/HF tape -monitor inputs; two switches control tape
reel, cartridge, or cassette recorders; elimi- shelving controls; rear -mounted pushbutton monitor function & equalizer bypass.. $199.95
nates tape hiss and noise in live recording; pre- selector panel permits simultaneous LF/HF
vents additional noise build-up in tape dupli- crossover selection from among 14 pre -as- PANASONIC
cating or recording off -the -air; also decodes signed frequencies for A/B comparisons;
dbx encoded discs. brushed aluminum panel; 19" W (rack mount) RP -966P Outboard Dolby Unit
Model 122. Two -channel switchable record or x 9" D x 13/" H $300.00 Has built-in oscillator for proper recording level
play $259.00 adj., Dolby level meter for proper Dolby level
2241 -AM Electronic Crossover adjustment, recording level control for match-
Model 124. Four -channel switchable record or
play Two -channel, fixed -frequency electronic cross- ing program source levels to tape deck levels,
over/bass equalizer/rumble filter for use with and Dolby for FM broadcasts in both playback
150 Series Noise Reduction Systems bi-amp systems; gain: in -band 0 dB through -put and record $69.95
Allows recordists to make noise -reduced tapes gain; crossover 800 Hz; frequency response 20-
to studio standards on better -grade audiophile 20,000 Hz -±-1/. dB; dist. 0.05% typical in pass - PHASE LINEAR
recorders. Fully compatible with company's band; crossover 12 dB/octave; bass equaliza-
studio professional models but with single -end- tion: "out" to +6 dB boost at 32 Hz; input/ 1000 Noise Reduction System
ed inputs/outputs and RCA -type phono connec- output: six phono connectors; front -panel Combines features of dynamic -range -recovery
tors to facilitate connections to audiophile re- controls: left & right channel high/low balance, system with an autocorrelation noise -reduction
corders, amplifiers, etc. Provides 30 dB noise bass equalization; 111/.," W x 7" D x 23/." H
reduction with 10 dB more headroom. Extruded $195.00
aluminum and solid walnut cabinet. 3'/2" H x 9-
W x 10'/2" D. HEATH
Model 157. Two -channel simultaneous record
and play $600.00 AD -1305 Stereo Equalizer
Model 152. Two -channel switchable record or two -channel graphic equalizer;
Five -band,
play $475.00 matches Heathkit AP -1615 preamplifier; HM &
Model 154. Four -channel switchable record or IM dist. less than 0.05%; hum & noise 90 dB
play (may also be used as two -channel simulta- below rated output; slide controls with center
neous record and play) $750.00
system, reduces noise and improves dynamics
30 Third -Octave -Band Equalizer without pre -encoding; works in the tape moni-
Active program equalizer with switchable in- tor of a receiver or preamp; provides 10 dB
flection points for variable Q. 19" W x 51/.." H x noise reduction; 7.5 dB of increased dynamic
12" D $975.00 range; adjustable dynamic low filter for reduc-
Genuine walnut -veneer cabinet $50.00 ing rumble and hum. Total distortion less than
0.25%; input impedance 70,000 ohms; input
level 3 V rms max; output voltage 8 V rms, bet-
ter than 3 V rms into 2000 ohms; frequency
response 20-20,000 Hz ±1 dB; peak unlimiter
0.5 dB/µs for +6 dB peak unlimit operation;
nominal amplitude attack threshold 0.2 V
peak at input to peak unlimiter; downward ex- 611i114
pander begins at -35 dB; ultimate limit is -41
dB; unlimiter window is 35 dB wide; upper and
lower thresholds simultaneously variable by
front -panel unlimit threshold control; high -
frequency noise reduction begins at 2 kHz and
is 3 dB, reaching 10 dB from 4 kHz to 20 kHz;
low -frequency noise reduction begins at 200
Hz, ultimately reaching 20 dB at 20 Hz; passive
subsonic filter rejection of -35 dB at 5 Hz;
weighted overall noise reduction is -10 dB from
20 to 20,000 Hz. 11./s" D x 9 V2" W x 5" H
Walnut cabinet $29.00
SG -9500 Audio Frequency Equalizer
Stereo graphic octave equalizer for tone con-
trol with ten elements: 32, 64, 125, 250, 500,
1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16,000 Hz; level con- 0
trol range ±10 dB; frequency response 5-
70,000 Hz +0/-1 dB; S/N 90 dB; input imped-
ance 200,000 ohms; output impedance 600
ohms; THD 0.04% at IV (20-20,000 Hz); max.
output 6 V. 16V2" W x 138/16" D x 5,/,3" H
RG-1 Dynamic Range Expander
Dynamic processor provides improvements in
dynamic range to enhance realism in repro-
duced music and noise reduction to eliminate
unwanted tape and record noise; automatic
operation; max. output 6.5 V; THD 0.1% at 1 V;
dynamic expansion 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 dB; impulse
response: attack time 0.5 ms, release time 80
ms; input impedance 70,000 ohms; output
impedance 300 ohms; constant loss -3 dB;
residual noise 65 µV; S/N 100 dB (1 kHz, dy-
namic expansion 14 dB); twin meters. 1325/32"
W x 1219/32" D x 5'3/33" H $175.00 AEC BYP LAY
matic equalizer -defeat when line or tape equali- read a "spec sheet" with ease.
zation is not in use; six a.c. outlets; dual out- MI All about CB antennas-the true key to "talk power.-
puts for scope, bi-amp, 4-ch hookup, or other CB language translation chart.
special applications; response 5-100,000 Hz How emergency CB associations can save your life!
±0.25 dB; THD & IM 0.05%. Walnut grained How phase -lock -loop digital synthesizers work.
The latest Flash Report on upcoming CB units pre
cabinet. 7'/:' x 20" x 11 Vi" $529.50 rented at the first all -CB -manufacturers show.
This packed -with -information Handbook is the CB pub-
SG2205-600 Equalizer lication you've been waiting for. Only $1.751
Provides front -panel pushbutton control of line
Consumer Service Division
595 Broadway N.Y.. N.Y. 10012
You want power, performance and flexibility
Please send the 1976 CITIZENS BAND HANDBOOK. I'm
in a topnotch stereo system, but you don't enclosing $2* ($1.75 plus 25c for postage and handling.)
want to sacrifice all those records and Outside U.S.A. $3, postpaid.
tapes you could buy while you pay off the
finance company. The Spectro Acoustics Print Name
Model 101B preamp/equalizer and Model Address
202 power amplifier together have more per- or tape equalization for conventional hi-fi sys-
tems or separate stero outputs for multiple - City
formance and flexibility than systems cost- Zip
ing twice as much. With a good quiet turn- system equalization; tape monitor circuit pro- State
vides monitoring equalized program material Residents of Calif., Colo., Fla.. III., Mich., Mo., N.Y.
table and a pair of wide range bookshelf State, D. C. and Texas add applicable sales tax. (Postage
speakers you can have an outstanding during use; environmental test record for lis- and handling charges non-taxable.)
stereo system for under a grand. Plus a tening environment equalization; four LED's
couple of records. for front -panel display controlled by zero -gain
level controls for input vs output level balanc-
The 101B preamp/equalizer has a five band ing; S/N 96 dB; THD 0.1% at 2 V, 0.05% at 1 V
equalizer to perfectly match your com- (typical); -±-12 dB boost or cut each octave; 600
ponents, your music and your room. A ten
button function selector offers two tape
ohm output; black anodized aluminum panel NOTICE TO READERS
19" wide for rack mounting $399.50
circuits, with deck to deck dubbing, line or
tape equalization and defeat, as well as RP2212 Record/Playback Equalizer
input and mode selection. Stereo audio frequency equalizer using four We consider it a valuable service to our
The 202 power amplifier uses an unusual LED's to provide front -panel display for balanc- readers to continue, as we have in pre-
power supply so that power at clipping is ing input -to -output signal ratios; plugs into any vious editions of this guide, to print the
typically 200 watts per channel on musical receiver or preamp with tape monitor inputs price set by the manufacturer or distributor
peaks. It's strong, solid and can drive
and outputs; includes tape monitor inputs and for each item described as available at
practically any speaker made including outputs with push-button selection for tape presstime. However, almost all manufac-
most electrostatics. Next time you go out monitor, equalized or unequalized output for turers and distributors provide that prices
and boogie, check out the sound system. speakers/room equalization, or equalized tape are subject to change without notice.
There will probably be one or two of our recording separate outputs for tape recorder
Pro/Com 202C's putting out those good and amplifier hookup; features two separate
ten -octave equalization panels with plus or We would like to call our readers' attention
minus 12 dB boost & cut; separate equalized to the fact that during recent years the
signal zero -gain controls. Walnut vinyl case. Federal Trade Commission of the U.S.
$369.50 Government has conducted investigations
1018 Stereo Preamplifier/Equalizer of the practices of certain industries, in
Frequency Response: 20Hz-20kHz ± 0.5 db RP -2204 Tape Playback Equalizer fixing and advertising list prices. It is the
typically within 0.1 db) Can be used for equalization of tape recordings; position of the Federal Trade Commission
THD: Less than 0.05% 2 volts output, 20Hz-20kHz, environmental test record included for listen- that it is deceptive to the public, and
ing environment equalization; designed to be against the law, for list prices of any prod-
10k ohm load
connected to tape monitor circuit of any stereo uct to be specified or advertised in a trade
IMD: Less than 0.01% SMPTE receiver or preamp; has tape monitor inputs & area, if the majority of sales of that product
Phono Noise: Better than 88 db below full output, output with front -panel pushbuttons; two sepa- in that trade area are made at less than the
Std. "A" weighting rate 10 -octave equalization panel with ±12 dB list prices.
202 Stereo Power Amplifier: boost and cut for each octave; separate equal-
Power Output: No less than 100 watts, RMS con- ized -signal zero -gain controls for exact balanc- It is obvious that our publication cannot
tinuous, per channel, both channels driven into ing input -to -output levels within an 18 dB quote the sales price applicable to each
8 ohms at any frequency from 20 Hz to 20kHz, range; S/N 96 dB; THD 0.1% at 2 V; walnut trading area in the United States. Accord-
vinyl case $329.50
and no more than 0.25% THD. ingly, prices are listed as furnished to us
IMD: No more than 0.25% 20-12A Audio Frequency Equalizer by the manufacturer or distributor. It may
Frequency response 20-20,480 Hz '/2 dB at be possible to purchase some items in
zero setting; has toroidal and ferrite -core in- your trading area at a price that differs
from the price that is reported in this
SPECTRO ductors (10 octave -bands per channel); IM &
THD 0.1% at 2V; S/N 96 dB at 2 V input; input edition. The Publisher
ACOUSTICS INC. imp.: operable from any source 100,000 ohms
or less; output imp.: operable into 3000 ohms
1309 E Spokane Pak,., Washington
99301 or more; range: 12 dB boost & 12 dB cut each
octave; zero -gain controls for left & right chan- TECHNICS BY PAP. 4SONIC in either direction; bandwidth ("Q") contin-
nels provide continuously variable 18 dB range uously variable for each band; equalizer in/out
for unity gain compensation; walnut -grained SH-9090P Frequency Equalizer for comparisons; frequency resporse (at 0 dB
wood case. 71/.4" x 20" x 113/.." D $299.50 Single -channel octave equalizer with 12 bands levels) 20-20,000 Hz +0/-0.5 dB (balanced);
covering 10 to 32,000 Hz, 12 -dB boost or at- 15-30,000 Hz +01-0.5 dB (unbalanced); THD
SPECTRO ACOUSTICS 0.05%; input imp. 100,000 ohms (balanced),
50,000 ohms (unbalanced); output impedance
210 Ten -Band Stereo Equalizer 20 ohms (balanced), 10 ohms (ur balanced);
Provides 10 bands of equalization with X15 dB maximum output voltage +24 dBm (balanced),
+20 dBm (unbalanced); master level control
4-6 dB. 182,32" W x 10." D x 6'3h6" H . $999.95
ACOUSTIC RESEARCH AR -5 Three -Way System woofer & PI; cone tweeter; rated response:
Three-way system with 10" acoustic -suspension efficiency 86 dB SPL for 1 W input at 1 meter,
AR-LST Three -Way System woofer, 1'12" dome midrange, 3/.." dome tweeter; 3 dB down at 50 Hz & 21,000 Hz; crossover
Three-way system with 12" acoustic -suspension rated response: efficiency 86 dB SPL for 1 W 2000 Hz; two -position high -range level control;
woofer, four 11/2" dome midrange, four 3/8" dome input at 1 meter, 3 dB down at 44 Hz and 8 ohm imp.; min. driving power 25 W for 100
tweeters; rated response: efficiency 86 dB SPL 23,000 Hz; crossovers 650 Hz & 5000 Hz; mid- dB SPL in 3000 -cu -ft room, max. power 100 W
for 1 W input at 1 meter, 3 dB down at 35 Hz & range & high range level controls; imp. 8 ohms; rms/ch for speech and music; oiled -walnut
23,000 Hz; crossovers 525 Hz & 5000 Hz; six - driving power 25 W min for 100 dB SPL in cabinet; 19''2" H x 12" W x 7" D $99.00
position switch for different spectral energy 3000 -cu -ft room; max. 100 W rms/ch for speech
profiles; imp. 4-16 ohms nominal depending on and music; oiled -walnut veneer cabinet; 24" H AR -7 Two -Way System
sw. positions; min. amp. power 25 W for 100dB x 13,/2" W x 11 '/2" D $215.00 Two-way system with 8" acoustic -suspension
SPL in 3000 -cu -ft room, max. 100 W rms/ch for woofer & 1' .8" cone tweeter; rated response:
speech and music; 27'18" W x 20" H x 93/8" D. AR-2ax Three -Way System efficiency 86 dB SPL for 1 W input at 1 meter,
$600.00 Three-way system with 10" acoustic -suspension 3 dB down at 62 Hz & 21,000 Hz; crossover
woofer, 3'/2" cone midrange, 3/i" dome tweeter; 2000 Hz; min. driving power 15 W for 100 dB
AR -3a Three -Way System rated response: efficiency 86 dB SP_ for 1 W SPL in 3000 -cu -ft room, max. power 100 W
Three-way system with 12" acoustic -suspension input at 1 meter, 3 dB down at 44 Hz & 23,000 rms/ch for speech and music; walnut -grained
woofer, 1'/2 dome midrange, 3/8" dome tweeter; Hz; crossovers 1400 Hz & 5000 Hz; midrange & vinyl cabinet; 153/4" H x 93/8" W x 61/." D.
rated response: efficiency 86 dB SPL for 1 W high -range controls; 8 ohms imp.; min. driving $75.00
input at 1 meter, 3 dB down at 35 Hz & 23,000 power 25 W for 100 dB SPL in 3000 -cu -ft room,
Hz; crossovers 575 Hz & 5000 Hz; midrange & max. power 100 W rms/ch for speech and mu- AR Advanced Development Div.
high -range level controls; imp. 4 ohms; min. sic; oiled -walnut veneer cabinet; 24" H x 13'/2"
driving power 25 W for 100 dB in 3000 -cu -ft W x 11,/2" D $165.00 AR -10 TT Three -Way System
room; max. 100 W rms/ch for speech and Three-way system with 12" acoustic -suspension
music; oiled -walnut veneer cabinet; 25" H x 14" AR -6 Two -Way System woofer, 11/2" dome hemispherical mid -range,
W x 113/8" D $295.00 Two-way system with 8" acoustic -suspension 3/4" soft -dome hemispherical tweeter; rated
700 & 4500 Hz; imp. 4-8 ohms; min. amp power Three-way infinite -acoustic -load speaker sys-
10 W rms, 100 W rms max.; high -frequency tem; 11" woofer, 2" dome midrange, 6/9" dome
Speaker level control; built-in fusing; walnut enclosure: tweeter; crossovers 400 Hz & 4000 Hz; fre-
Systems 25" H x 15" W x 14"D $279.85 quency response 35-30,000 Hz ±3 dB; max.
power handling 80 W rms; 8 ohms; internal
Phase II Three -Way System acoustical "low pass' filter plus infinite trans-
Three-way dynamic bass -reflex system; 10" mission line; 31" x 12 x 12" $389.00
woofer, 5" midrange, 1" Mylar dome tweeter;
response 38-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossovers Aubade Folded -Horn System
1200 & 4500 Hz; imp. 4-8 ohms; min. amp Two-way folded -horn speaker system; 10"
power 10 W rms, 70 W rms max.; high -fre- woofer, two horn tweeters; crossover 5000 Hz;
quency level control; built-in fusing; available frequency response 40-18,000 Hz -2:3 dB; max.
in utility or walnut cabinet; 24'/2" H x 14V." power handling 60 W rms; 8 ohms; 42' x 11"
W x 12I/2" D $199.95 x 11" $389.00
Phase Monitor Two -Way System Allegretto Bass -Reflex System
Two-way dynamic bass -reflex system; 12" Three-way bass -reflex system with internal con-
woofer & 1" Mylar dome tweeter; response trolled damping; 10" woofer, 4" x 8" horn mid-
38-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossover 2000 Hz; imp. range, horn tweeter; crossovers 2000 Hz &
4-8 ohms; min. amp power 10 W rms, 70 W rms 10,000 Hz; frequency response 50-18,000
max.; high -frequency level control; built-in Hz ±3 dB; max. power handling 60 W rms;
fusing; 25" H x 15" W x 14" D $159.00 8 ohms; 25" x 12' x 10" $269.00
Phase 1 Two -Way System
system; 8"
Apogee Bass -Reflex System
Two-way dynamic bass -reflex Two-way bass -reflex system with internal con-
woofer & 1" Mylar dome tweeter; response trolled damping; 10- woofer, 6/." dome tweeter;
40-20,000 Hz ±4 dB; crossover 1600 Hz; imp. crossover 3500 Hz; frequency response 50-
4-8 ohms; min. amp power 5 W rms, 50 W rms dB; max. power handling 60 W
30,000 Hz
max.; high -frequency level control; built-in rms; 8 ohms; 25" x 12" x 10" $189.00
response: efficiency 86 dB SPL at 1 meter for $119.95
fusing; 21'/2" H x 121/2" W x 10'18' D
1 W input, 3 dB down at 35 Hz & 25,000 Hz;
crossovers 525 Hz & 5000 Hz; controls: woofer Microphase Two -Way System
environmental control for optimum acoustic ADC
loading in almost any room position; three - Two-way dynamic bass -reflex system; 6,/2"
position mid -range level control; three -position woofer & 1" Mylar dome tweeter; frequency 303AX 2 -Way System
high -range level control; imp. 4-16 depending response 48-20,000 Hz ±4.5 dB; crossover
1600 Hz; imp. 4-8 ohms; min. amp power 5 Sealed enclosure, 2 -way bookshelf system with
on control settings; min. driving power 25 W for 10" woofer and 242" wide -dispersion tweeter.
W rms, 30 W rms max.; 171/2" H x 10'/2" W x 8"
100 dB SPL in 3000 -cu -ft room, max. 150 W Response 37-20,000 Hz -3 dB (average living
rms/ch on speech and music; oiled -walnut room); 1500 Hz crossover frequency; 3 dB
veneer cabinet, finished all sides, including Phase Master Three -Way System change mid -range and tweeter level controls. 8
rear; 25" H x 13'5/16" W x 103/." D $395.00 ohms impedance. Requires 10 watts driving
Three-way dynamic bass -reflex system; 12"
AR -11. Same as AR -102r except imp 4 ohms; woofer, two 13 -cm dome midrange & horn - power. Walnut -grained vinyl air -tight cabinet.
no woofer environmental control $295.00 232/." H x 13" W x 113/4" D $129.00
loaded supertweeter; frequency response
AR -12 Three -Way System 30-20,000 Hz -±-4 dB; crossovers 500 & 5500
Three-way system with 10" acoustic -suspension Hz; imp. 4-8 ohms; mid- and high -frequency
woofer, 21/." midrange with magnetic fluid level controls; 15 W min. power, 125 W max.; ADS
suspension and integral rear -loading cavity; laminated butcher block hardwood cabinet;
25" H x 15- W Y 14" ID $359.00 910 Three -Way Speaker System
3/." dome tweeter; rated response: efficiency 86
dB for 1 W input at 1 meter, 3 dB down at 44 Hz Three-way system with optional tri-amplif ica-
& 25,000 Hz; crossovers 700 Hz & 4000 Hz; tion; frequency response 28-20,000 Hz ±3 dB;
three -position mid -range and high -range level power rating 150 W rms; efficiency: 94 dB SPL
ACOUSTIQUE 3a (at 1 W rms at 1 meter); recommended amp
controls; 8 ohms imp.; min. driving power 25 W
for 100 dB SPL in 3000 -cu -ft room, max. 150 W power: 15 W rms min, 300 W rms max.; cross-
Andante Studio Speaker System overs 450 & 4000 Hz at 12 dB/octave; cross-
rms/ch for speech and music; oiled -walnut Three-way speaker system, 15" woofer, 2" dome
veneer cabinet; 25" H x 1315/16" W x 103/." D. over replaceable with tri-amplifier; 4 ohms; has
midrange, equiphase flat ribbon tweeter 24."
$225.00 x '4,"; crossovers 250 Hz & 5000 Hz; frequency 1" soft -dome tweeter, 2" soft -dome midrange,
two 10" long -excursion, high -compliance
response 25-40,000 Hz ±3 dB; efficiency (90
AR -14 Two -Way System dB SPL at 400 Hz at 6 feet on -axis) 1.25 W; max. woofers in separate acoustic -suspension cham-
Two-way system with 10" acoustic -suspension power handling 100 W rms; 8 ohms; 150 W bers; round -cornered walnut cabinet finished
woofer, 1" dome tweeter; rated response: ef- built-in servo amplifier; distortion 0.7%; 30" on all sides including back & baffle; removable
ficiency 86 dB for 1 W input at 1 meter, 3 dB $1000.00 black grille; optional swivel stand; 33'/2' H x
x 16" x 10" 19" W x 151/." D $550.00
down at 44 & 22,000 Hz; crossover 1300 Hz;
high -range contour control with optional treble Andante Master Control System
roll -off above 4000 Hz; imp. 8 ohms; min. driv- Three-way acoustic -pressure feedback speaker
810 Three -Way Speaker System
ing power 15 W for 100 dB SPL in 1500 -cu -ft system; 10" woofer, 2" dome midrange, 21/4" x Efficient acoustic -suspension design; response
room; max. 100 W rms/ch for music and speech - '4," symmetrical flat ribbon tweeter; crossovers 35-20,000 Hz (±3 dB); minimum recommend-
oiled -walnut veneer cabinet; 25" H x 1315/16" W 300 Hz & 5000 Hz; frequency response 25- ed amplifier power 20 W; crossover 550 & 4000
x 103/." D $160.00 40,000 Hz 3 dB; power required to produce 90 Hz at 12 dB/octave; 4 ohm imp.; 1" soft -dome
tweeter, 2" soft -dome mid -range, two 8" long -
AR -16 Two -Way System dB SPL at 400 Hz at 6 feet on -axis 1.4 W; 8
ohms; max. power handling 60 W rms; 125 W excursion, high -compliance woofers; efficiency:
Two-way system with 8" acoustic -suspension built-in servo amplifier; distortion 0.7%; 18" 93 dB SPL at 1 W input at 1 meter; selected
woofer, 1" soft -dome tweeter; rated response: $729.00 natural walnut finish; removable black grille;
efficiency 85 dB for 1 W input at 1 meter; 3 dB x 17 x 8" 25V2" H x 14V." W x 1131." D $340.00
down at 50 Hz & 22,000 Hz; crossover 1300 Hz;
high -range contour control with optional treble Arioso Monitor Speaker System 710 Three -Way Speaker System
Three-way bass -reflex with internal controlled
rolloff above 4000 Hz; 8 ohms imp.; min. driv- Efficient acoustic -suspension design; response
ing power 15 W for 100 dB SPL in 1500 -cu -ft damping; 15" woofer, 5.8" midrange, horn
tweeter; crossovers 300 Hz & 5000 Hz; fre- 40-20,000 Hz dB); minimum recommended
room, max. 100 W rms/ch for music and quency response 40-18,000 Hz -3 dB; max. amplifier power 15 W rms; crossovers 550 &
speech; 19V." H x 9'4," W x 81/2" D. power handling 120 W rms; 8 ohms; 27" x 18" 4000 Hz at 12 dB/octave; 4 ohms imp.; 1" soft -
Genuine wood with simulated walnut -grain $499.00 dome tweeter, 2" soft -dome mid -range, two 7"
$115.00 x 15"
finish long -excursion, high -compliance woofers; ef-
Walnut -grained vinyl cabinet $99.95 ficiency: 93 dB SPL at 1 W input at 1 meter;
Andante Ultra -Linear System
Three-way acoustic pressure feedback speaker selected natural walnut finish; removable
black grille. 215/." H x 121/." W x 10V2"
system; 11" woofer, 2" dome midrange, 6/8' $249.00
ACOUSTI-PHASE dome tweeter; crossovers 300 Hz & 4000 Hz;
frequency response 30-30,000 Hz t3 dB; max.
Phase -Ill+ Three -Way System power handling 50 W rms; 8 ohms; 120 W built- 500 Two -Way Speaker System
in servo amplifier; 18" x 12' x 8" $459.00 Efficient acoustic -suspension design; response
Three-way dynamic bass -reflex system; 12'
45-20,000 Hz (-±3 dB); minimum recommended
woofer, 5" midrange, 1" Mylar dome tweeter; amplifier power 10 W rms; crossover 1500 Hz
response 32-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossovers Adagio x Speaker System
(You Can Spend Two or Three or Four Times Its Price
And Not Do Better.)
minimum of 10 W rms amp power; non -resonant
particle board finished in walnut -grained vinyl;
Speaker 153/." x 93/6" x 61/4" D $50.00
Systems 400 Miniaturized Speaker
Miniaturized acoustic -suspension speaker; 8
ohms; requires 4 to 6 W of amp. power; warm
12 dB/octave; 4 ohm imp.; has 1" soft -dome white polystyrene cabinet with silver gray metal
tweeter, 8" long -excursion, high -compliance grille; 11" x 65/C x 6" D $32.00
woofer; efficiency: 91 dB SPL for 1 W input at
1 meter; selected natural walnut finish; remov-
able black grille; 20" H x 111/2" W x 93/4" D. AKAI
700. Same as 500 except has two 7" long - S-123 Three -Way Speaker System tweeters; crossover 2000 Hz; LC quarter -
excursion, high -compliance woofers; 21518" Three-way system with 12" rolled -edge woofer, section network with 3-pos. control switch to
H x 121/." W x 10'/2" D $179.50 41/2" mid -range, and 13/4" tweeter; response 35- adjust response from nominally flat to "concert -
20,000 Hz -±5 dB/dB SPL; crossovers 1500 & hall" balance slope; imp. 8 ohms; amp power
200 Two -Way Speaker System 4000 Hz; high-freq. & mid -range level controls; 30 W/ch for 100 dB SPL; acoustic power out-
Miniature two-way acoustic -suspension system; 8 ohms imp.; will handle 50 W continuous; put: 0.5 acoustic watt (70 W peak input), 0.25
frequency response 90-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; wood -grain vinyl cover; Polycoustic removable (35 W input); designed to be used against wall
power rating 30 W rms; recommended power 10 foam grille; 143/." W x'263/.." H x 10V.." D or hung on wall (hardware included); walnut -
$189.95 veneer high -density particle board, oiled finish;
W rms min., 40 W rms max.; crossover 2500 Hz
at 12 dB/octave; 4 ohms; has 1" soft -dome 193/8" W x 11" H x 10"D $175.00
high -com-
S-122 Two -Way Speaker System
tweeter, 4" ultra -long -excursion
pliance woofer; efficiency: 89 dB SPL at 1 W Two-way system with 12" rolled -edge woofer ALTEC
and 1.3/.." tweeter; response 40.20,000 Hz ±5
rms at 1 meter; brushed aluminum enclosure dB/dB SPL; crossover 2000 Hz; high-freq. level 19 Two -Way Speaker System
(black or silver anodized); anodized aluminum
W x 41/B" D $100.00 control; 8 ohms imp.; will handle 40 W con- Two-way floor -standing vented enclosure with
grille; 63/.." H x
tinuous; wood -grain vinyl cabinet with remov- 15" bass driver, "Radial Phase Plug" driver
able foam grille; 143/4" W x 263/." H x 101/4" D
400 Two -Way Speaker System $129.95
Efficient acoustic -suspension design; response
48-20,000 Hz (±3 dB); minimum recommended S-102 Two -Way Speaker System
amplifier power 10 W rms; crossover 1500 Hz; Two-way system with 10" rolled -edge woofer
4 ohm imp.; has 1" soft -dome tweeter, 7" long - and 13/4" tweeter; response 45-20,000 Hz ±5
excursion, high -compliance woofer; efficiency: dB/dB SPL; crossover 2000 Hz; high-freq. level
91 dB SPL at 1 W rms in.ut at 1 meter; selected control; 8 ohms imp.; will handle 35 W con-
natural walnut finish; removable black grille. tinuous; wood -grain vinyl cabinet with remov-
173/4" H x 10" W x 81/2" D $99.50 able foam grille; 131/B" W x 24" H x 93/.."
The Professional
A.P.E. speakers
for the Audiophile.
3. ANDANTE "Studio" 5. ARIOSO 'Monitor
1. ANDANTE "Master Control" the Giant Feedback Professional speaker
the reference 20-40.000 Hz 3dB 25-20,000 Hz C.E.I. standard
25-40,000 Hz t 30E1 100 watt R.M.S. power handling 3 way - 15" woofe,
60 watts R.M.S. power handling 15" woofer controlled by A.P.F.' 100 watt R.M.S. power handling
10" woofer controlled by A.P.F. 150 watt built-in amplifier efficiency 94dB/W/m
through a 125 watt built-in servo dome midrange Size - 27" x 18" x '5"
amplifier.dome midrange equiphase flat ribbon tweeter 6. ALLEGRETTO
efficiency 93dB/W/m efficiency 94dB/W/m a very bright speaker
Equiphase flat ribbon tweeter Size - 30" x 16" x 10"
3 way - 10" woofer
Size - 18" x 12" x 8" Infinite Acouuic line 50 watt R.M.S. power handling
2. ANDANTE "Ultra linear" 4. ADAGIO horn midrange and tweeter
the miniature feedback the latest revolutionary principle efficiency 93dB/W/m
30-30,000 Hz ± 3dB (3A patent) Size - 25" x 12" x 10
50 watts R.M.S. power handling 35-30,000 Hz ±3dB 7. APOGEE
11" woofer controlled by A.P.F.' 80 watt R.M.S. power handling high quality control speaker The new generation of loudspeakers
120 watt built-in amplifier 11" woofer - dome midrange and 2 way - 10" woofer - dome tweeter The electronic Pressure Feedback
Dome midrange and tweeter tweeter 45 watt R.M.S. power handling
Efficiency 93d8/W/m efficiency 92dB/W/m efficiency 93dB/W/m Speaker
Size - 18" x 12" x 8" Size - 31" 12.5" x 12" Size - 25" x 12" x 10 25-40,000 Hz± 3 dB in a 0.8 cu. ft.
capacity enclosure
All 3A speakers are delivered with their own frequency response curve measured Woofer controlled by A.P.F.'
in our anechoic chamber (40,000 cu. ft. - 35' high) and data is guaranteed through a 125 watt built-in servo
according to broadcasting standards. One day all speakers will be made this way. amplifier
Distortion lower than 0.7%
RMS power: 60 watts
Music power: 120 watts
r Name Did you know that in Europe more than
Town Province
20,000 audiophiles own an A.P.F.*speaker?
(*A.P.F. - Acoustic Pressure Feedback- 3A exclusive patent)
wishes to receive free detailed literature on:
ANDANTE STUDIO L-1 APOGEE For free literature: IN CANADA - 3A International Inc. 871 Montee de Liesse,
11 ADAGIO I 1 COMPLETE CAT ST. LAURENT, MTL. P.O. tel : (514) 735-6116
IN U.S.A. - 172 Madison Av. Room 602, N.Y. 10016
for midrange & tweeter; sealed woofer cham- supertweeter; frequency response 20-22,000
bers, acoustic transparent foam housing for Hz ±2.5 dB; THD 2% at 100 dB SPL; max. SPL
Speaker midrange & tweeter elements; removable dark 120 dB; 4 ohms; will handle 200 W (music
Systems fabric grille; min. amp. power 20 W rms; 44" H x
15" W x 15" D $499.00
power), 40 W min. power; 12 dB/octave cross-
overs at 450, 5000 & 12,000 Hz; continuously
variable tweeter & midrange level controls;
A -200X Four -Way Speaker System three -position room -gain control; dual -enclos-
pression driver mounted to curved radial horn; Floor -standing system with 12" high -compli- ure of hand -rubbed walnut, black mica top;
crossover 1700 Hz; 8 ohms; frequency re- ance woofer, 5" mid -range in separate sub - comes with 25 -ft connecting cable; 33" H x 17"
sponse 30-20,000 Hz; long-term broadband chamber, 2" tweeter, two 1'/2' wide -dispersion W x 17" D $499.00
max. power 60 W; operational power range 12 to angle -mounted super -tweeters. Response 38- CM25. 25 -ft extension cable $15.00
250 W; long-term max. acoustic output 111 dB 20,000 Hz ±3 dB; system resonance 46 Hz t 1 CM662. Feedback speaker coupler for universal
SPL at 60 W; hand -rubbed oiled walnut or oak Hz. Crossovers (LC) 800, 2000 & 7500 Hz. Maxi- amplifier hookup $75.00
finish; finished all sides & back; acoustically mum power input 100 W; impedance 8 ohms;
transparent foam mounted on removable panel; dispersion 180 degrees. Has mid -range and CM10 Speaker System
27" H x 22" W x 151/2" D (with base & grille) .... tweeter level switches. Oiled walnut. 27" Three-way bookshelf speaker system; 10"
$429.00 H x 15" W x 123/4" D. Has black grille cloth woofer, 5" midrange, 1- tweeter; frequency re-
$279.00 sponse 30-18,000 Hz ±2.5 dB (with feedback),
Stonehenge II Speaker System 60-18,000 Hz ±2.5 dB (without feedback); 2%
Three-way floor -standing system with 12" bass A -100X Three -Way Bookshelf System THD at 90 dB SPL; 6 ohms; will handle 200 W
driver, 5'/2" cone mid -range, and 5" cone Has 10" high -compliance woofer, 2" cone mid- music power, 40 W min.; crossovers at 12 dB/
tweeter; crossovers 500 & 5000 Hz; frequency range, 1'/2" wide -dispersion tweeter. Response octave at 500 & 5000 Hz; hand -rubbed walnut
response 35-20,000 Hz; dispersion: 130 40-20,000 Hz ±3 dB. Dispersion 160 degrees. cabinet; 22" W x 13" H x 12" D $149.00
degrees vertical, & horizontal at -6 dB; max. Max. power input 100 W. Impedance 8 ohms. CM25. 25 -ft feedback extension cable
power 50 W; operational power range 20 to Crossovers (LC) 1500 & 7500 Hz. Has mid- $15.00
250 W; hand -rubbed oiled -oak cabinet; brown range and tweeter level switches. Walnut viny CM662. Feedback speaker coupler for universal
knit fabric grille on removable frame. 37'/2. H x cabinet with removable white grille cloth. amplifier hookup $75.00
16" W x 143/: D $359.00 243/4" H x 133/4" x 12" D $159.00
CM15SW Servo -Feedback Sub -Woofer
Santana II Speaker System A -100C Bookshelf System Features 15" woofer; frequency response 20-
Two-way floor -standing vented enclosure with Three-way bookshelf speaker; 10" woofer, 2" 450 Hz 2:2.5 dB; 4 ohms; THD 2% at 100 dB
12" bass driver & 5" frame cone driver; cross- midrange, 11/2" tweeter; crossovers 2200 Hz & SPL; efficiency at 200 Hz: 94 dB at 0.8 W input
over 2500 Hz; 8 ohms; frequency response 40- 8500 Hz; frequency response 44-20,000 Hz at 1 meter; min. power handling 75 W, capacity
20,000 Hz; max. power 45 W; operational power ±3 dB (down 10 dB at 35 Hz in free field); sys- 200 W music power; crossover 12 dB/octave at
range 12 to 150 W; long-term max. acoustic tem resonance 52 Hz; max. sine -wave power 450 Hz; three position room -gain control; 25 -ft
output 107.5 dB SPL at 45 W; hand -rubbed input (400 Hz) 40 W for 5 min.; single switch connecting cable included; hand -rubbed wal-
oiled walnut finish with composition slate top; for midrange & tweeter level control; sealed nut cabinet with mica top; 19" H x 17" W x 17"
acoustically transparent black knit fabric grille walnut -vinyl enclosure; removable white fabric D $299.00
mounted on removable frame; 255/e" H x 19" W grille; 21" H x 12'/4"W x 101,i' D $138.00 Same accessories as for CM15b & CM10
x 16" D $259.00
A -76X Two -Way Speaker System
Model Seven Bookshelf Speaker Acoustic -suspension design with 10" woofer, AUDIONICS
Three-way system with 12" bass driver, 61/2" 2" cone tweeter. Response 44-18,000 Hz ±3
cone mid -range & 4" cone tweeter; crossovers dB; crossover 1800 Hz. Recommended amp. TLM200 Tower Speaker System
850 & power 10 W min.; 100 W max. without fusing on Four-way dynamic system with 9" x 12" foil -
power 50 W; operational power range 15 to 200 normal music and speech. Impedance 8 ohms. stressed piston sub -woofer, 8" Bextrene cone
W; hand -rubbed oiled -walnut veneer cabinet; Sealed walnut vinyl enclosure. Removable white midrange, 5" Bextrene cone midrange, and 7/8"
removable foam grille in choice of black, brown, grille cloth. 21" H x 12'/4"W x 11'/8" D . $119.00 Mellinex dome tweeter, plus rear -mounted
blue, or burnt orange. 25" H x 16" W x 14,4 D dome tweeter; mirror -image pair enclosures
$219.00 A-66 Bookshelf System with 7 -ft transmission line with sub -enclosures
Model Nine. Similar to Model Seven but with 5" Two-way bookshelf speaker, two 4.5" woofers & for mid -bass & midrange drivers; crossovers
cone tweeter; crossovers 800 & 7000 Hz; re- 2" tweeter; 6 ohms; 55-18,000 Hz . 3 dB (down 140, 750, 3200 & 20,000 Hz; frequency re-
sponse 40-20,000 Hz; max. power 60 W; 10 dB at 45 Hz in free field); dispersion 120 sponse 20-30,000 Hz ±3 dB on -axis near -field
operational power range 12 to 250 W; hand - degrees; walnut vinyl vented enclosure; re- measurement; 70 W rms min. power; will handle
rubbed oiled -oak veneer cabinet; same grille movable sculptured foam grille; 20" H x 9.875" 250 W instantaneous peaks; 8 ohms; dispersion
choices. 26,/2" H x 17'/2" W x 15" I) $289.00 x 9" D $89.00 60 degrees vertical, 150 horizontal; rosewood -
grain laminate cabinet with sculptured black
Model One Bookshelf Speaker grille; 50" H x 16" W x 25" D $1050.00
Two-way system with 8" bass driver & 4" cone Same but natural walnut veneer cabi-
tweeter; crossover 3000 Hz; response 50- net $1150.00
20,000 Hz; max. power 30 W; operational power AUDIO INTERNATIONAL
range 12 to 75 W; hand -rubbed oiled -oak M33 Three -Way Speaker System
veneer cabinet; brown knit fabric grille on CM15b Speaker System Three-way acoustic -suspension system; 9" x
removable frame. 21" H x 11'/2" W x 103/8" D... Four-way speaker system; 15" woofer, 6" mid- 12" piston woofer, 5" midrange, 7/8" dome
$89.00 range, two phenolic -ring tweeters, piezoelectric tweeter; crossovers 250 & 3500 Hz; frequency
Model Three. Similar to Model One but with 10" response 34-20,000 Hz ±3.5 dB on -axis near -
bass driver; 1500 Hz crossover; max. power 35 field measurement; 20 W rms min. power; will
W; operational power range 10 to 100 W; black handle 100 W instantaneous peaks; 8 ohms;
knit grille. 24" H x 12,/2" W x 11 /2" D.. $119.00 dispersion 60 degrees vertical, 120 horizontal;
Model Five. Similar to Model Three except 12" rosewood -grain laminate cabinet with sculp-
bass driver and two 4" cone tweeters; response tured black grille; 30" H x 18" W x 15" D.
45-20,000 Hz; max. power 45 W; operational $409.00
power range 12 to 150 W; hand -rubbed oiled -
walnut veneer cabinet; 25V2" H x 14,/2" W x TL30C Two -Way Speaker System
12" D $169.00 Two-way dynamic system with 8" woofer & 2"
cone tweeter; triangulated transmission line;
crossover 3000 Hz; frequency response 39-
20,000 Hz ±2.5 dB; 20 W rms min. power; will
AUDIOANALYST handle 80 W instantaneous peaks; 8 ohms; dis-
persion 30 degrees vertical, 120 horizontal;
Anthem Array Speaker System rosewood -grain laminate cabinet with sculp-
Floor -standing system with 10" sub -woofer, 10" tured black grille $239.00
woofer, 4.5" midrange, 1" dome tweeter, piezo-
electric super tweeter; response 28-20,000 T151. Same as TL30C except heavier duty
Hz -"3 dB (down 10 dB at 23 Hz in free field); woofer for higher power inputs; improves per-
max. sine -wave power input (400 Hz) 90 W for formance below 50 Hz; 46" H x 12'/2" x 12'/z"
5 min.; sensitivity: 10 W random noise input, $329.00
92 dB SPL output measured at 6 ft in 3000 -
cu -ft room; dispersion 180 degrees; controls: M32B Two -Way Speaker System
midrange, tweeter, dispersion; separate fusing Two-way dynamic bookshelf system; 8" woofer
ADS 910
The ADS 910 Reference System - Coast to Coast, the skilled and carefully select-
A benchmark in loudspeaker performance. ed team of ADS dealers will proudly demon-
For the first time, awesome dynamic capacity, strate our new 910, as well as any of our other
widest bandwidth, high efficiency, and substan- eight, smaller precision speakers. Listen to the
tial power handling have successfully been ADS 910 reference system; listen to music - the
combined - in the ADS 910. way it was recorded: Live, authentic, real!
Equally important, it is a transducer of unprece-
dented musical merit: incredible realism
(regardless of playing level), stunning clarity and
openness, pinpoint definition and stable
imaging, identify this new standard of sound
State-of-the-art materials technology and
brilliant audio engineering allow the speaker to
fulfill the demands of both active performers
and recording engineers: their demands for
"true to life" musical presentation.
Tasteful, functional design, expressed through
choice woods and a meticulous furniture finish,
elevates the ADS 910 to a showpiece in the
well-appointed home of the discerning music
lover. The speaker system's integrity and built-in
flexibility appeal to the dedicated audiophile.
A new cost/performance ratio has been estab-
lished by which all future studio speakers will ADS, Analog & Digital Systems
have to be measured. 64 Industrial Way, Wilmington, MA 01887
Spectrum I. Similar to Spectrum II except 10"
woofer; crossovers 1800 & 5000 Hz; max.
Speaker power 55 W rms/ch; walnut -grained vinyl
Systems cabinet; 24" x 14" x 11V4" D $175.00
wow toimsgar
lump out of the speakers and bite you on the ear The un- :5dB between 45 Hz and 18kHz, exactly as claimed. sound that belied its size and price It was basically very
obtrusive, yet highly adequate low end response, makes Moreover, the response curve about 63 Hz is one of the smooth and free of the sort of colorations that give so many
the Genesis I a truly outstanding buy smoothest we have seen. varying by !2',,cIB or less up to 10 speakers a heavy or "boxy" quality with the clean. solid
The people at Genesis say they would like to be known as kHz. where it rolls off gradually. High frequency dispersion sass that we have come to associate with the better
"The company whose people are dedicated to lowering the is good, with tones approaching 18k Hz, audible to about 40 acoustic suspension systems but WITHOUT the upper
cost of, and therefore increasing the availability of the degrees off axis bass coloration that mars the sound of some otherwise fine
pleasure of listening to a truly accurate loudspeaker As with other accurate transducers. the very lack of colora- speakers the Genesis I (is) an unusually accurate
They've done it tion seems disappointing at first. but one soon realizes that smooth -rounding small loudspeaker system for the home
it is possible to hear "through" these speakers to the music rivaling the performance of many speakers costing several
almost without effort "Imes its modest price you could hardly get a better
sounding speaker in this price range "
In November of 1975 one largest hi fi specialty magazines did a survey of the top 100 speaker companies-Genesis
ranked number 78. Fortunately we have very little chance of ever becoming number one. Vie say fortunately because we believe in
the reasons why we probably won't even make the top ten. First of all, we hand build all our woofers and tweeters. one at a time.
carefully testing each and every one to insure that every speaker that leaves our factory is as accurate as our laboratory standard.
You won't find any conveyor belts either, since our final assembly workers hardle each speaker caoinet one at a time, as a team, and
they take pride in the results of their work. Without mass production we'll never get to be number one in quantity, but we have the
satisfaction of knowing the lack of it makes us number one in quality.
The second reason is our exclusive dealer network. Less than 200 of America's 4000 outlets for stereo equipment display and
demonstrate our loudspeakers. That's because only those dealers that carry quality equipment, and are willing to take the time to
meet the needs of every customer, qualify as Genesis dealers. That way we can be sure that everyone of our customers will realize
the full benefit of their hi fi investment, because each component will have been picked for its quality and represent the best value in
its price range.
So if you're lucky enough to shop at a dealership that represents Genesis and purchase our speakers, you'll be a member of a very
select, but very satisfied group of people, people who are quite content to stick with number seventy eight.
physics corporation
ne.ngton park
new.nglor, 5 01801
,5 5( ^,'^e 603 4 0 5530
fie Systems
solid-state superhorn; response 25-22,000 Hz;
will handle 125 W continuous music; imp. 4-6
ohms; midrange & tweeter controls; resettable
ES -212 Electrostatic Speaker System
Two -enclosure electrostatic system; floor -
standing with 12 electrostatic elements; two
circuit breaker opens at 105 dB; 44" x 143/4" x
& 3000 Hz $299.50 131/.." $400.00
ff) Systems
ring tweeter; response 45-18,000 Hz ±3 dB;
min. amp power 10 W, max. 50 W; imp. 8 ohms;
tweeter level control; individually fused drivers;
walnut -veneer cabinet; 24" H x 131/2" W x 11" D.
walnut wood finish. 40" x 18" x 16" D. $600.00
Holton Jr. Speaker System (kit) $99.95
HS/480 Three -Way Speaker System
Same basic design as Concertmaster Jr. except Three-way system; 12" woofer, 5" cone mid-
measures 30" H x 15" W x 12" D $290.00 AS -1332 2 -Way Speaker System
8" acoustic -suspension woofer & 13/4" phenolic range, 1" ultra -linear horn tweeter; crossovers
ring tweeter; frequency response 50-18,000 620 & 4900 Hz; frequency response 45-20,000
Zodiac 300 Speaker System Hz ±4 dB; 92 dB SPL (8 ohm, 1 W at 1 meter);
Infinite baffle, 2 -way floor model with two 10" Hz ±3 dB; min. amp power 10 W, 50 W max.;
imp. 8 ohms; tweeter level control; individually 0 ±3 dB tweeter level control; walnut polyvinyl
woofers crossing at 2000 Hz into 1" dome tweet- finish cabinet; brown removable grille cloth;
er. Response 30-25,000 Hz. 4 ohms imped- fused drivers; 19" H x 101/2" W x 8" D.
(kit) $59.95 H x 143/4" W x 143/8- D $199.95
ance; for use with 10 W min. amplifiers. 251/2" HS/335. Similar to HS/480 except 10' woofer &
H x 231/2" W x 115/e" D. Walnut veneer 1" dome tweeter; crossovers 700 & 3000 Hz;
AS -106 2 -Way Speaker System
Full -range speaker; will handle any 4 to 20 W frequency response 45-18,000 Hz ±4 dB; 91
amplifier; response 70-16,000 Hz; sealed dB SPL; 21W' H x 12V W x 1234" D $169.95
Zodiac 76 Speaker System
Infinite baffle, 2 -way bookshelf or floor -stand- acoustic -suspension infinite -baffle cabinet with
fiber glass sound -damping material. Walnut HS/320 Two -Way Speaker System
ing system with 10" woofer with treated cone
crossing at 2000 Hz and 1" dome tweeter. Re- veneer cabinet measures 12" H xTWx 6" D. Damped bass -reflex two-way design with 8"
sponse 35-25,000 Hz. 8 ohms impedance. For Kit $26.95 woofer & horn -type tweeter. Capacity 20 W.
use with amplifiers of 10-50 W. 30" x 15" W x Response 40-20,000 Hz. Wood cabinet with
$140.00 AS -1140 Speaker System walnut vinyl. $119.95
12" D. Oiled walnut veneer
Efficient speaker system designed for use with
Zodiac 1 Speaker System Heathkit AT -1124, AC -1120, AC -1122, and
Same specifications as the Zodaic 76 except AC -1118 or other equipment with 2-10 watt/ INFINITY
response 40-25,000 Hz. 213/4" H x 145/8" W x ch output; 8 ohms imp.; 4'/2" driver; response
$100.00 70-16,000 Hz (10-10,000 Hz ±-5 dB). Simulated Servo-Statik 1A Speaker System
83/4" D
walnut -grain vinyl -clad enclosure. 7" W x 12" H Three -enclosure system. Floor -standing with
x 6" D. 18" woofer in a decorator -styled cube with feed-
HEATH Kit $37.95 pr. back sensor, electronic crossover, and 150 W
rms d.c. servo amplifier; each screen contains
AS -101 2 -Way Speaker System electrostatic mid -range modules and tweeter
Bass -reflex, 2 -way floor -standing system with HED modules with their own built-in power supplies.
15" woofer and Sectoral horn mid -range/
Frequency response 15-30,000 Hz ±2 dB;
V-10 Two -Way Speaker System electronic crossovers at 70 & 2000 Hz; output 7
tweeter. Response 30-20,000 Hz; 800 Hz Two-way system with 10" woofer and dome -type
crossover. Has horn -level control, 8 ohms im- V rms into mid -range & tweeter amps; 6 dB/
tweeter, crossover 2500 Hz; power input 40 W octave rate; dist. 0.01% at 6 V rms; features
pedance. 50 watts (rms) maximum input power.
rms; 120 degree dispersion; walnut -veneer cab- bass & tweeter level controls (mid range pre-
295/8" H x 273/4" W x 19'/." D. $109.50
inet; 25" H x 14" W x 10' D set); nominal imp. 16 ohms (mid -range), 8 ohms
Kit $339.95
V-12. Same as V-10 but with 12" woofer; cross- (tweeter); Brazilian rosewood veneer on top,
over at 2300 Hz; power input 25 W rms. 25" H x sides, and back of bass cube and sides of
AS -48 2 -Way Speaker System
141/2" W x 12" D $149.00 screens; black acoustically transparent front
Features custom -designed JBL speakers, 14"
woofer & 2" direct radiator; 8 ohms impedance; grilles. Bass cube 19" H x 22" x 22'; screens
crossover 2000 Hz (unaffected by 3 -position 591/2" H x 35'/2" W x D $4500.00
high -frequency level control); damped reflex, HEGEMAN
tuned -port cabinet of oak veneer and furniture - Quantum Line Source
grade hardwoods. Will handle up to 50 watts; H-1AW Loudspeaker System Four-way speaker system; 12" Infinity/Watkins
response 40-20,000 Hz. 14" H x 231/2" W x Two-way coaxially mounted system with 8" full - dual -drive woofer (18-200 Hz), mid -bass
12" D. range high -compliance driver and 2" dome su- coupler (200-600 Hz), six 11/2" dome midrange
Kit $249.95 per -tweeter. Floor -standing, closed -back baffle drivers (600-4000 Hz), 48" of Line Source high -
enclosure. Response 30-20,000 Hz -±2.5 dB; frequency radiator (4000-32,000 Hz); fre-
AS -103A 3 -Way Speaker System 5000 Hz crossover. Will handle up to 25 W rms quency response 18-32,000 Hz ±2 dB; min.
Sealed -enclosure, 3 -way bookshelf system with continuous; 20 W amp. power recommended. 8 amp power 100 W rms/ch; bi-amp input; con-
AR drivers: 12" woofer, 11/2" mid -range, and ohms imp. 11" x 83/4" x 26". Walnut with black tour controls for mid -bass, upper midrange,
dome -type 3/4" tweeter. Response 30-20,000 Hz grille $450.00 pr. tweeters; imp. 4 ohms; rosewood (15% addi-
±5.0 dB; 575 and 5000 Hz crossovers. Has mid- H-1AV. Same except Corinthian walnut vinyl tional) or walnut veneer over particle board;
range and tweeter controls, 4 ohms impedance. $390.00 pr. acoustically transparent grille cloth on steel
25 watts (rms) driving power. Similar to AR -3a. frame; 66" H x 18" W x 15" D $1100.00
Kit $199.95 H -2V Speaker System
Similar to H-1AW but with 10" full -range high - POS II Speaker System
AS -1373 3 -Way Speaker System compliance driver and 2" super -tweeter. Re- Two-way design with 10" woofer and closely
Acoustic -suspension speaker; frequency re- sponse 25-25,000 Hz t.2.5 dB; 3500 Hz cross- coupled 2", tweeter; transmission -line loading
sponse 40-20,000 Hz ±3 dB, useful response over. Will handle 30 W rms continuous; 80 W and a frequency boost network for the tweeter;
40-30,000 Hz; 10" woofer, 41/2" midrange, 1" integrated program material. 8 ohms imp. response 43-19,000 Hz ±3.5 dB; 1600 Hz
dome tweeter; special design permits tweeter Walnut with black grille. 14" x 12" x 34" crossover. 8 ohms. 15 W rms/ch minimum
$756.00 pr. amplifier input 25" H x 13" x 113/4" D.. $106.00
to be installed for vertical or horizontal place-
ment of system; individually fused drivers; 8
ohms; for use with amps from 10 to 200 W; HB-80V Speaker System Monitor 11A Speaker System
walnut -veneer cabinet with foam grille; 26" Closed -box baffle bookshelf system with 8" Four-way system with four different drive
(kit) $149.95 woofer & 2' cone tweeter; crossover 4500 Hz; systems; a 12" woofer housed in a 2'/2 -cu ft
H x 141/i* W x 121/4" D
response 40-40,000 Hz ±2.5 dB; will handle tapered -transmission line enclosure; a specially
AS -1344 Column Speaker 20 W rms continuous; 8 ohm imp. Walnut vinyl designed 11/2" dome mid -range; 1" dome mid -
Two woofer/tweeter modules mount on adjacent with black or brown foam grille. 171/: x 111/2" x tweeter; and a wave transmission line tweeter.
side of column; frequency response 55-20,000 8" D $168.00 pr. Response 22-28,000 Hz ±4 dB; crossovers
Hz ±3 dB, useful response 35-22,000 Hz; two HB-100V. Similar to HB-80V except 10" woof- 450, 5000, 10,000 Hz; impedance 8 ohms; max.
6'/2" woofers, two 1" dome tweeters; min. imp. er; crossover 3000 Hz; response 50-40,000 Hz amp. power 250 W/ch continuous; minimum
4 ohms; recommended for amplifiers from 10 to ±2.5 dB; will handle 25 W rms continuous. amp power 45 W rms/ch; oiled -walnut veneer
100 W; individually fused drivers; foam grille; 22'/8" x 12'/a" x 103/e" D $228.00 pr. enclosure; black grille cloth; two tops (one
40"H x 11"W x 11" D (kit) $129.95 148-120V. Similar to HB-80V except 12" driver black cloth, one walnut veneer) interchange-
& two 2" cone tweeters; response 40-40,000 able. 411/2" H x 15" W x 13" D $449.00
AS -104 3 -Way Speaker System Hz ±2.5 dB; crossover 2500 Hz; will handle
Infinite -baffle, 3 -way speaker system with 10" 30 W rms continuous; 25" x 141/4" x 111/4" D. 200011 Speaker System
woofer, 41/2" mid -range, 3'/2" tweeter. Response $300.00 pr. Four-way floor -standing system with 12" woof-
30-18,000 Hz. 10-100 watts maximum input er, 4" mid -range, 1" dome mid -tweeter, and
power. 8 ohms. Walnut veneer cabinet. 24" HWS Sub -Woofer wave -transmission line tweeter; crossovers
W x 131/2" H x 111/2" D. Floor -standing, closed -box baffle; 12" woofer 800, 4000, 10,000 Hz; 20 W rms power han-
Kit $109.95 (12 Hz resonance); frequency response 8-200 dling min.; 250 W rms continuous max.; same
enclosure as Monitor IIA; 273/." W x 20" W x quency response 45-20,000 Hz ±3 dB, 38-
14" D $329.00 30,000 Hz ±6 dB; 10 W rms min. power, WO W
rms max.; min. system imp. 4.6 ohms, 8 ohms
Monitor Jr. Speaker System
Three-way system; 12" woofer terminated in
transmission line enclosure (32-600 Hz), 1V2"
nominal; black cabinet, cocoa brown or mid-
night blue grille cloth $290.00 FRAZIER
soft dome midrange (600-5000 Hz), 1" dome ZL-412hpb Speaker System
tweeter (4000-22,000 Hz); frequency response Two-way acoustic -suspension des gn with 12"
32-22,000 Hz -±3 V2 dB; 25 W rms min. recom- woofer & four electrostatic elements (64 sq. in). YOUR SOUND
mended power; midrange & tweeter controls; Response 33-20,000 Hz dB; 1800 Hz cross-
imp. 8 ohms; hand -rubbed oiled -walnut veneer;
black cloth grille in removable frame; 25"
over. Capacity 100 W rms. 4 ohms. Has vertical
and horizontal dispersion. Oiled walnut cabinet
H x 141/," W x 12" D $225.00 brown or midnight blue grille coth: 27" x 14h/2"
x 113/4" D $350.00
1001A Speaker System Listen to Frazier loudspeakers!..
Terminated -line, 2 -way loudspeaker system ZL-410ah Speaker System you'll hear your kind of sound.
with 12" woofer and two tweeters (one in rear of Two-way acoustic -suspension design with 10" Sound that flows like silk
enclosure to provide "ambience"). Response woofer & foi..r electrostatic elements (64 sq. in). W. .. sparkles like diamonds.
33-21,000 Hz ±4.5 dB; 1300 Hz crossover. 8 Response 35-20,000 Hz =t3 dB; 1800 Hz cross- Sound that's as crisp as
ohms impedance. Requires 20 W rms power over. Capacity 75 W rms. 4 ohms impedance. a fine autumn day.
input. 25" H x 14'/2" W x 12" D. Walnut. Features vertical & horizontal dispersion. Wal- It's our sound;
$149.00 nut cabinet with brown or midnight blue grille crystal clear
cloth; 13'/." x 24" x 1131." D $250.00 qualities
INNOTECH ZL-210ah Speaker System
that come
only after years
D-22 Three -Way System Two-way acoustic -suspension design with 10" of making fine
Three-way floor -standing system; 5" Bextrene woofer and two electrostatic elements (32 sq. loudspeakers
plastic piston low-freqency/midrange driver, 1" in.); response 35-20,000 Hz dB; 1800 Hz sound
hard -dome high -frequency driver, 1" polyflex crossover; capacity 50 W rms; 4 ohms im- that comes
hard -dome ultra high frequency driver; I.f. pedance. Walnut cabinet with brown or mid-
night blue grille cloth; 13'/." x 24" x D
from loudspeakers
driver loaded via transmission line for effective where pride of crafts-
loading to 20 Hz; response 25-28,000 Hz; cross- $200.00
manship is the
overs 1200 Hz at 12 dB/octave, 8000 Hz at 18 by -word ... super-
dB/octave; walnut -veneers on'/:' high -density 132 High -Frequency Array
lative sound that
chip core; 35" H x 12.5"W x 7.5" D $475.00 Electrostatic array with two electrostatic ele- is only Frazier.
0-11. Similar to D-22 except low -frequency ments for adding -on to existing woofer systems;
driver is loaded via bass -reflex technique for response 1800-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; 1800 Hz
fourth -order Butterworth -Thompson rolloff; crossover; 4 ohms impedance; 50 W rms max-
frequency response 35-28,000 Hz; 24" H x 14" imum input power. Walnut $125.00
W x 7.5" D $350.00 132 UM. Same except unmounted $100.00
134. Same except four electrostatc elements
0-10. Similar to D-11 except frequency re-
sponse 38-20,000 Hz; crossovers 2500 Hz at and 100 W rms maximum input power. Oiled -
walnut enclosure $190.00
12 dB in first octave, 6 dB/octave for each suc-
cessive octave $275.00 134 UM. Sarre except unmounted $150.00
Subtle when they should be. For a living room
rock concert...or a tranquil laid-back evening
spent with your moods. Eyes closed, ears open.
Feet tapping or feet up.
The new Jensen Spectrum Series has achieved a new plane of sound reproduction. Remarkable
clarity. Admirable quality. And fullness of sound from the deepest lows to the top -of -the -scale highs.
Beautifully finished natural hardwood walnut veneer cabinets accommodate a family of advanced
sound systems and features. Foam woofer suspension for clearer. more accurate bass response. Power-
ful ceramic magnet; for lower distortion, high power handling, greater clarity. And a precise crossover
design that sends sharply defined high and low signals to sensitive tweeters and powerful woofers.
On some models, the Spectrum Series features true-to-life midrange drivers for the subtle in-between
frequencies. And specially designed dome tweeters for extra -wide 170° dispersion of brilliant highs.
Behind the grill of each Spectrum speaker system-a continuously adjustable personalizing control
(two on the Models 530, 540 and 550) graduated in decibels. It lets you adjust your Spectrum speaker
to the room... to personal the nuances of a guitar or a violin.
The Jensen Spectrum Series speakers. Models 520, 530, 540 End 550. JENs--,
Perhaps the clearest sound reproduction you have ever encountered.
Division of Perncor, Inc Schiller Park, Illinois 60176
P.O. Box 688 S-10 Hope, Arkansas 71801
Please send me your latest brochure and list of dealers.
Hearing is Believing.
Dept. 102. Huntington. Indiana 46750
9.3-1" I
For more information write
Melco Sales, Inc., 3030 East
Victoria Street, Compton,
Integrated Logic Control Turntable ( Model DP-FC I I
California 90221.
1977 EDITION 143
your ears HD -88 Speaker System
Four-way floor -standing system with 12" woof-
er, 41/2" mid -range, 11/2" dome tweeter, two 1"
dome super tweeters; has controls for mid-
range, tweeter, and super tweeters; response
25-25,000 Hz ±3 dB; 500, 3000 & 8000 Hz veneered pine cabinet; acoustically transparent
crossovers; 8 -ohm imp.; power handling capa- knit grille (black or natural); 19" x 11" x 101/2".
city 300 W integrated program material. 433/4" $169.00
H x 15" W x 12" D $399.95 I. Similar to Model II but with one 8" woofer &
two 2" tweeters; 90 -degree dispersion; 22" x
HD -77 Speaker System 101/2" x 101/2" $139.00
Four-way bookshelf system with 12" woofer,
41/2" mid -range, 11/2" dome tweeter, 1" dome MARTIN
super tweeter; has mid -range tweeter/super
tweeter controls; response 30-23,000 Hz ±3 840 Sound Tower Column System
dB; crossovers 500, 3000 & 8000 Hz; 8 -ohm 3 -way column, sealed enclosure system with
imp.; power handling capacity 250 W integrated four 8" woofers, two 4" mid -range, and four
program material. 251/2" H x 141/4" x 123/4" D compression -horn tweeters. Response 28-
$259.95 20,000 Hz; mid -range and tweeter level con-
trols. 100 watts (dynamic) maximum input
Imperial 7 Speaker System power. Walnut formica finish. 52" H x 161/4" W x
Three-way bookshelf system with 12" woofer. 73/4" D $419.00
31/2" mid -range, 13/4" tweeter. Has 3 -position
HF level & 3 -position mid -range level selector Magnlficat Speaker System
switches. Response 35-20,000 Hz :1-5 dB. 30 W 3 -way, floor -standing sealed infinite baffle sys-
continuous power input; 100 W integrated pro- tem with two 12" woofers, 6" mid -range, and
If you're starving for great gram material; 8 ohms imp. 251/2" H x 141/4' four compression -horn tweeters. Response 28-
sound, it's time to move up to W x 111/2" D $199.95 20,000 Hz; mid -range and tweeter level con-
MAGNEPLANARS. Our trols. 4 ohms impedance; 80 watts (dynamic)
technical features will turn HD -66 Speaker System maximum input power. Walnut formica finish.
Three-way, sealed or ported bookshelf system 371/2" H x 18" W x 143/4" D $409.00
even ordinary ears into with 10" woofer, 41/2" mid -range, 11/2" dome
audio gourmets. tweeter; response 35-20,000 Hz -2:3 dB; cross- Gamma 1500 Speaker System
overs 1000 & 4000 Hz; 8 -ohm imp.; power 3 -way, floor -standing smaller version of the
We give you: handling capacity 150 W integrated program Magnificat; 15" woofer, 5" curvilinear mid-
woofer, tweeter, diaphragm material. 241/4" H x 141/2" W x 11" D $179.95 range, four compression horn tweeters; re-
and voice grids all in the sponse 28-20,000 Hz; 8 ohms impedance;
HD -55 Speaker System crossovers 350 & 5000 Hz at 12 dB/octave; will
same plane for excellent Three-way, sealed -enclosure bookshelf system handle up to 80 W. 28" H x 18" W x 14" D
phase response. with 8" woofer, 41/2" mid -range, 11/2" dome $389.00
500 square inch midrange/ tweeter; response 40-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; cross-
bass radiating area overs 1200 & 4000 Hz; 8 -ohm imp.; power Gamma 412 Speaker System
handling capacity 100 W integrated program 3 -way, sealed infinite baffle system with 12"
purely resistive amplifier material. 23" H x 12" W x 91/2" D $129.95 woofer, 31/2" mid -range, and wide -dispersion
load 21/2" tweeter. Response 30-18,000 Hz; mid-
no cabinet resonance HD -44 Speaker System range and tweeter level controls. 8 ohms imped-
high power handling Three-way, sealed -enclosure bookshelf system ance. Walnut formica finish. 141/2" H x 251/2"
with 8" woofer, 3" mid -range, and 3" tweeter; W x 12" D $249.00
no external power supply response 45-18,000 Hz -173 dB; crossovers 2000
unmatched reliability and value & 8000 Hz; 8 -ohm imp.; power handling capa- Super Spectrum Speaker System
city 60 W integrated program material 19" H x 3 -way, sealed infinite baffle system with two 8"
MAGNEPLANARS are 111/4" W x 81/2" D $89.95 woofers, 31/2" mid -range, and wide -dispersion
21/2" tweeter. Response 30-18,000 Hz; mid-
eye-pleasers, too. Sleek, Imperial 4G Speaker System range and tweeter level controls. 4 ohms imped-
six foot panels, they're only Sealed -enclosure, 2 -way bookshelf system with ance; 60 watts (dynamic) maximum input
one inch thick. 8" woofer & 2" tweeter. Response 60-18,000 Hz; power. Walnut formica finish. 121/2" H x 211/2"
2000 Hz crossover. 8 ohms impedance. 30 W W x 10" D $219.00
So, have a banquet on us. (peak) maximum input power. 101/4" H x 181/e"
MAGNEPLANAR W x 71/2" D. Walnut $59.95 Gamma 310 Speaker System
3 -way, sealed infinite baffle system with 10"
MARJEN woofer, 3'/z" mid -range, and wide -dispersion
21/2" tweeter. Response 35-18,000 Hz; mid-
III Two -Way Speaker System range and tweeter level controls. 8 ohms imped-
Two-way floor -standing speaker system; fre- ance. 50 watts (dynamic) maximum input
quency response 42-20,000 Hz +3 dB; two 8" power. Walnut formica finish. 121/2" H x 211/2"
woofers & four 2" tweeters; crossover 2000 Hz; W x 10" D $169.00
imp. 4 ohms; 90 -degree dispersion; recom-
mended amp power 20 W min, 150 W max; Gamma 208 Speaker System
three-way pushbutton high -frequency level 2 -way, sealed enclosure system with 8" woofer
control (+3 dB/flat/-3 dB); spring -loaded termi- and wide dispersion 3" tweeter. Has tweeter
nals, color -coded for polarity; solid pine balance control. 8 ohms impedance. Walnut
cabinet; acoustically transparent knit in black formica finish. 103/4" H x 18" W x 93/4" D.
or natural; 36" H x 12" x 12" $249.00 $89.00
18,000 Hz -_=4 dB; RC crossover 1700 Hz; power 3130. Similar to 3140 except 2 -way system with DS-36BR Three -Way Speaker System
requirement 18W rms min, 70 W rms max; 1CY' woofer & 23/4- tweeter; frequency response Three-way, hermetically sealed system; 12"
8 ohms; high -frequency level control & disper- 40-18,000 Hz; crossover 1800 Hz; 18s/8" woofer, 5" mid -range, 1" dome tweeter; re-
sion control; walnut vinyl enclosure; choice of H x 11'/2" W x 9'i,." D $120.00 pr. sponse 30-20,000 Hz; crossovers 600 & 5000
brown, black, blue, sandalwood, or orange grille Hz; imp. 8 ohms; output acoustic pressure 93
cloth; 233/4" H x 153'8" W x 123/4" D $199.00 dB/W at 1 meter; will handle 60 W peak. 153/4"
W x 263/." H x 111/4" D $300.00
FRM-2A Speaker System M TSUBIS-11
Two-way speaker system; 10" acoustic -suspen- DS -28B Three -Way Speaker System
sion woofer; three 11/4" tweeters mounted in DS -303 Fcur-Way Speaker System Three-way, hermetically sealed system; 10"
triaxial array; dispersion 160 degrees; fre- Four-way, acoust c air -suspension bookshelf
woofer, 4" cone mid -range, 11/4" dome tweeter;
qnency response 40-16,000 Hz :t4 dB; RC system; 12" woofer, 2' 2" dome mid -range, 1" response 40-20,000 Hz; crossovers 800 & 5000
crossover 1750 Hz; power requirement 10 W dome tweeter, 513" dome supe' tweeter; re- Hz; 8 ohms imp.; will handle 50 W peak; acous-
rms min, 60 W rms max; 8 ohms; high -fre- sponse 30-35,000 Hz; crossovers. ferrite core tic pressure level 91 dB/W at 1 meter. 135/8" W
quency level control; walnut vinyl enclosure; inductors 600, 5000, 10,000 HE; metalized 23, .," H x 105,," D $200.00
brown foam grille; 253;4" H x 153/8" W x 123/4" D. polyester fin) capacitors above 10,000 Hz;
$155.00 imp. 6 ohms: output acoustic pressure 90 dB/W DS -251 MKII Two -/Three -Way System
at 1 meter; will handle 100 W peak. 141,4" W x Switc'iable two- and three-way bookshelf sys-
FRM-3 Speaker System 241;2" H x D $580.00 tem; 10" woofer, 2" cone tweeter, 11/4" cone
Two-way speaker system; 8" woofer & one 11/2"
tweeter pivoted on vari-axis dispersion as-
sembly; dispersion 140 degrees; frequency
response 45-15,000 Hz ±4 dB; LC crossover
2500 Hz; power requirement 7 W rms min,
50 W rms max; 8 ohms; mechanical vari-axis
control; walnut vinyl enclosure; brown foam
grille; 13" H x 22" W x 01/2" D (packaged in
matched pairs) $119.00 ea.
Microstatic Speaker System
One-way miniature closed system with four
tweeters. Response 3500-18,000 Hz ±2 dB.
1111E I\ I M ARRAY
Model D2 Speaker System
Two-way system with 10" woofer, 2" tweeter; L1101 Four -Way Speaker System
SPL (1 W input) at 1 meter; power rating 60 W vented (quasi 3rd order Butterworth filter Bass equalized system; four 12" woofers, four
max.; 8 ohm imp.; cabinet finished in mahog- design); response 37-19,000 Hz ±4 dB; cross- 5" midrange (in array), six dome tweeters (in
any. 345/8" H x 259/16"W x 175/16" D $1200.00 over 1700 Hz; 8/6 ohm imp.; 12 W rms min array), eight cone tweeters (in array), two
SV. Same as Reference Monitor but with 8" power required; three -position switch for piezoelectric tweeters; frequency response
woofer, 11/2' tweeter; crossover 2000 Hz; 94 dB tweeter -level control; oiled -walnut finish on 20-45,000 Hz; crossovers 750, 3000, 4000
SPL; 40 W max. power; 16 ohm imp. 279/,6" H x 3/4" stock. overall size: 25" x 14" x 93/4" D Hz; 5 A circuit breaker; controls: bass equaliza-
20'/e" W x 12 '/4" D $800.00 $155.00 tion switch, variable midrange, variable tweeter;
35 W rms min. power, 250 W rms max.; 36"
Slimline Reference Monitor Model E Speaker System W x 32" H x 18'/2"D $1450.00
Two-way phase -inverter bass -reflex system; 8" Two-way, sealed system with 8" woofer, 2" L901. Similar to L1101 except two 12" woofers
woofer & 1'/2" tweeter; mechanical crossover; tweeter; 1700 Hz crossover (series network); with equalization sw., one 5" midrange, two
response 50-16,000 Hz ±5 dB (on axis); sensi- response 65-19,000 Hz ±4 dB; 29 W rms min. dome tweeters (in array), six cone tweeters (in
tivity: 94 dB SPL (1 W input at 1 meter); power power required; continuously variable tweeter - hemipheric array); 4.0 A circuit breaker; 20 W
rating 40 W max.; 16 ohms; walnut -finished level control; 5/8" stock, walnut -finished vinyl. rms min. power, 150 W rms max.; 32" H x 181/2"
cabinet; 363/4" H x 165/8" W x 123/4" D 21'/2" x 11'/2'/
x 1.4" D
,7 $90.00 D x 18" W $650.00
L801. Similar to L901 except four 1d woofers, cular film tweeter, 1 molecular film super input power. 283/4' H x 18'/," W x 131/4" D.
one 5" midrange, one dome tweeter, one tweeter; response 25-25,000 Hz; crossovers Oiled walnut $300.00
piezoelectric tweeter; frequency response 100, 700, 2000, 5000 Hz; nominal imp. 6 ohms;
26-45,000 Hz; dB meter; midrange & tweeter sensitivity 89 dB SPL/watt/meter; continuous CS -99A Speaker System
controls; 3.5 A circuit breaker; 5 W rms min. music power input 100 W; max. music power Sealed, 5 -way floor -standing enclosure with 15"
power, 150 W rms max.; 38" W x 15V.," H x 14" input MO W; 32" H x 29" W x 19" D $500.00 woofer, 5" mid -range, horn -type tweeter, cone
$459.99 tweeter, and dome super -tweeter. Response
L701. Similar to L801 except two 10" woofers, HPM-100 Speaker System 25-22,000 Hz. Has mid -range and tweeter con-
one 5" midrange, two dome tweeters (in array), Four-way bass -reflex system with 12" woofer, trols. 8 ohms impedance. 80 W (dynamic) maxi-
two cone tweeters (in hemispheric array), one 4" cone -type mid -range, 13/4" cone -type tweeter, mum nput power. 25" H x 16" W x 11'/." D.
piezoelectric tweeter; frequency response high -polymer molecular -film super tweeter; Walnut $250.00
25-45,000 Hz; crossovers 500, 3000, 4000 Hz; frequency range 30-25,000 Hz; crossovers
midrange & tweeter controls; 3.0 A circuit 1200, 4000, 12,000 Hz; imp. 8 ohms; max. CS -700G Speaker System
breaker; 15 W rms min. power, 100 W rms max.; input power 100 W; sensitivity 92.5 dB/W (at Sealed, 3 -way floor -standing enclosure with 12"
28" H x 151/I' W x D $429.00 1 meter). 262/8" H x 15'/2" D x 153/8" W. woofer, 43/i" mid -range, and multi -cell tweeter.
L601. Similar to L701 except imp 4 ohms. Response 35-20,000 Hz; 500 & 4500 Hz cross-
$379.99 overs. Has mid -range and tweeter controls on
Optional pedestal $24.95 HPM-60 Speaker System front panel. 8 ohms impedance. 60 W (dynamic)
L501. Similar to L601 except frequency re- Four-way bass -reflex system with 10" woofer, maximum input power. Has individual speaker
sponse 28-45,000 Hz; two 10" woofers, one 5" 4" cone -type mid -range, P/.." cone -type tweeter, connections to the firm's multi -amp system.
midrange, one 4" phenolic dome tweeter; one high -polymer molecular -film super tweeter; 26" H x 15" W x 123/," D. Walnut ... $200.00
piezoelectric tweeter; crossovers 500, 3500, frequency range 35-25,000 Hz; crossovers
4000 Hz; 8 W rms min. power, 100 W rms max.; 1200, 4000, 12,000 Hz; imp. 8 ohms; max. CS -500G Speaker System
24" H x 14,/2" W x 11" D $269.95 input power 60 watts; sensitivity 92.5 dB/W Sealed, 3 -way bookshelf enclosure with 10"
(at 1 meter). 24"H x 1325/32" W x 125/8"D. woofer; 5" mid -range, and 3" tweeter. Re-
L401 Four -Way Speaker System $225.00 sponse 40-20,000 Hz; 800 & 6000 Hz cross-
Four-way acoustic -suspension system; 10" overs Has tweeter control. 8 ohms impedance.
woofer, 5" midrange, dome tweeter, piezo- HPM-40 Speaker System 50 W (dynamic) maximum input power. 123/;
electric tweeter; imp. 8 ohms; frequency re- Three-way bass -reflex system with 10" woofer, W x 22'/2" H x 123/4" D. Walnut $150.00
sponse 30-45,000 Hz; crossovers 500, 3000, Ph" cone -type tweeter, high -polymer molecu-
4000 Hz; 2.75 A circuit breaker; midrange & lar -film super tweeter; frequency range 35- CS -66G Speaker System
tweeter controls; 15 W rms min. power, 50 W 25,000 Hz; crossovers 4000, 10,000 Hz; imp. Sealed, 3 -way bookshelf enclosure with 10"
rms max.; 24" H x 141/2" W x 11" D $229.95 8 ohms; max. input power 40 watts; sensitivity woofer, 6'/2" mid -range, and cone -type tweeter.
91 dB/W (at 1 meter). 227h6" H x 1213/i; W x Response 35-20,000 Hz. Has tweeter control. 8
PT -265 Two -Way Speaker System 12V2" D $150.00 ohms impedance. 40 W (dynamic) maximum
Two-way acoustic -suspension system; 10" input power. 12'/:' H x 22" W x 111/2" D.
woofer & 4" phenolic dome tweeter; crossover CS-63DX Speaker System $125.00
3500 Hz; frequency response 35-20,000 Hz; Sealed, 4 -way floor standing enclosure with 15"
imp. 8 ohms; 10 W rms min. power, 50 W rms woofer, two 5" mid -range, a horn -type tweeter, Project 100 Speaker System
max.; 2.65 A circuit breaker; dB meter; 24" and two super -tweeters. Response 20-22,000 Three-way bass -reflex system with 10" woofer,
H x 14,/2" W x 11" D $159.95 Hz. Has mid -range and tweeter controls. 8 1'/2" soft -dome midrange, 2' cone -type tweeter;
PT -261. Similar to PT -265 except does not have ohms impedance. 80 W (dynamic) maximum frequency range 40-20,000 Hz; crossovers
dB meter $129.95
RH532 Motional Feedback System
Three-way system with 8" motional -feedback
woofer, 5" mid -range, 1" dome tweeter; two in-
The speaker of the house.
The test of a speaker is
how it will sound at home, not
just in a lab. And how it sounds
at normal listening .evels. Not
just when it's blasting. And
how it will fit into your home.
We test the new Martin
Gamma Series in special
chambers designed to re-
create a multitude of listening
tegrated power amplifiers (bass, 40 W sine
As a result, these new Mar-
wave, 0.1% dist. at 30 W. power bandwidth 10- tin's deliver "live" sound in
3000 Hz, frequency range 5-2000 Hz; inter- real -life situations. The full GAMMA 1200 M
mediate & treble, 20 W sine wave, 0.1% dist. range of the musical content
at 15 W, power bandwidth 100-50,000 Hz, fre-
quency range 500-60,000 Hz); crossover 500
all the time. And the nine models of the Gamma Series assure you
Hz (active) & 4000 Hz (passive); inputs: switch - of finding the right speaker to suit your listening room.
able signal, preamp 1 V at 3000 ohms, power The Martin Gamma Series. They b-ing home the sound.
amp 7.5 V at 25 ohms, low -power amp 3 V at
35 ohms; power. 15" H.x 11" W x 8" D
Eastman Sound Mfg. Co. Inc., Mickelton. N.J. 08056
HPM-200 Speaker System Exporter: Telesco Corp.. 1 Dupont St. So., Plainview, NY 11803
Four-way acoustic -suspension system with two
10" woofers, 2'/2" soft -dome mid -range, 1 mole-
Realistic Optimus T-100 Tower 31" H x 15" W x 12" D $384.75
Speaker Tower speaker system; two 8" woofers & 3"
tweeter; 75 W peak -program power handling; RA82L Two -Way Speaker System
Systems frequency response 55-18,000 Hz -±-3 dB; cross-
over 3500 Hz; 3 -way L pad adjusts treble re-
High -power labyrinth speaker system; a' woof-
er & 3/.," wide -dispersion dome tweeter; ten -
sponse; phono jacks & screw terminals re- element crossover network with two filters and
cessed on bottom of enclosure; oiled -walnut compensating network; woofer loaded by
700 & 6000 Hz; max. input power 35 W; 23" veneer cabinet (finished all four sides); 35'/2" labyrinth -type transmission line absorber; re-
H x 13" W x 101/2 D $125.00 H x 13" W x 121/2" D $139.95 sponse 40-20,000 Hz ±3 dB (steady-state sine
wave); imp. 5 ohm (min.) to 20 ohm (max.); will
Project 60A Speaker System Nova 7B Speaker System handle 70 W program, 45 W rms; six -position
Bass -reflex bookshelf speaker with 8" cone - level -control adjust in steps of 1 dB; 3500 Hz
Sealed, 2 -way bookshelf system with 10" woofer
type woofer, 13/4" cone -type tweeter; frequency high-pass at 24 dB/octave, low-pass 18 dB/
and two 3'/2" tweeters. Response 20-20,000 Hz.
range 50-20,000 Hz; crossover 3000 Hz; imp. octave; teak or walnut veneer enclosure.
8 ohms impedance. 60 W rms maximum input
8 ohms. max. input power 20 W. 103/4" W x 281/2" H x 131/2" W x 111/2" D $247.95
power. 12'/2" H x 22'/a" W x 11" D. Oiled walnut
18'12' H x 93/16" D $80.00
RA8 Two -Way Speaker System
POLK AUDIO Optimus 5B Speaker System Two-way system with 8" "Bextrene" cone bass
Sealed, 2 -way floor -standing system with 12" unit & 3/.," wide -dispersion dome tweeter; re-
Ten Three -Way Speaker System woofer, two mid -range, and a 3" tweeter. Re- sponse 90-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossovers 3500
sponse 20-20,000 Hz. Has mid -range and tweet- Hz high-pass at 18 dB/octave, low-pass at 12
Three-way floor -standing system; 10" sub -bass
er controls. 8 ohms impedance. 25" H x 14" W x dB/octave; modified Butterworth filters; power
radiator, two 61/2" bass midrange, 1" soft -dome
high -frequency radiator, fourth order Butter- 111/2" D. Oiled walnut $114.50 handling 30 W peak program, 20 W rms; imp.
8 ohms (min) to 22.5 ohms (max.); sensitivity:
worth tuned fluid coupler; frequency response 10 W pink noise for 90 dB at 1 meter; teak or
22-25,000 Hz, 32-20,500 Hz ±2 dB; crossovers Optimus 1B Speaker System
Sealed, 2 -way bookshelf system. Response 20- walnut veneer enclosure; fretwork grille. 15'/2"
60 & 3000 Hz; imp. 6 ohms; system resonance $128.25
25,000 Hz; 1000 Hz crossover. Has tweeter H x 10'/2" W x 93/4" D
20 Hz; max. output level 112 dB; 10 W rms/
control. 8 ohms impedance. 12" H x 23" RA82. Similar to RA8 but response 60-20,000
ch min. power, 100 W max.; walnut wood - Hz -±-3 dB; will handle 70 W program, 45 W rms;
grained finish; 28" H x 16" W x 111/2" D. W x 1 1 '/2" D. Walnut $89.95
six -position level -control adjust in steps of .1
Realistic MC -1500 Speaker System dB; 5 ohms (min) to 20 ohms (max.) imp. 3500
Seven Three -Way Speaker System Two-way floor or bookshelf system; 8' acoustic - Hz high-pass crossover at 24 dB/octave, low-
Similar to Model 10 but with one 6'/2" bass/ suspension woofer; 3" high -compliance tweet- pass 18 dB/octave; sensitivity: 25 W pink noise
midrange; frequency response 30-25,000 Hz, er; response 40-20,000 Hz; walnut veneer en- for 96 dB at 1 meter (position 2 of control).
40-20,500 ±2 dB; min. power 10 W/ch, max. closure with removable waffle grille; phono 211/2" H x 11" W x 93/.," D $205.20
50 W; 8 ohm imp.; system resonance 30 Hz; jack & screw terminal connections; 8 ohms.
max. output level 105 dB; 24" H x 14" W x 235/e" H x 133/4"W x 8'/2"D $79.50
91/." D $129.00 ROYAL SOUND
Mini -Monitor System SP -55 Speaker System
RECTILINEAR Three-way system with 10" external bass driver,
Designed primarily for car, van, and other appli-
cations where space is limited; 41/2" fluid - 8" internal active compound driver, 5" midrange
5 Contemporary Lab Series (with Sym-Pulse), and 11/2" dome tweeter; imp.
coupled low -bass radiator, 41/2" bass/midrange, Sealed acoustic -suspension, 4 -way bookshelf
1" soft -dome radiator; 15" W x 60/2" x 5" D. 8 ohms; 80 W rms power; attenuators for mid-
system with optional "Delta Dispersion Base;" & treble; walnut enclosure .... $500.00
$79.95 12" woofer, 7" upper bass/midrange woofer, Rosewood cabinet $550.00
1'/2" upper midrange/tweeter 1" dome tweeter;
PRESAGE response 32-20,000 Hz ±2 dB; crossovers 200, PRO -250 Speaker System
1800 & 10,000 Hz; no controls; 6 ohms nominal Two-way bookshelf system with 10" resistive -
5 Three -Way Speaker System impedence; 250 W rms power handling. Oiled port woofer and 11/2" dome tweeter; "Air Flow"
Three-way speaker system; 10" "Piston Bass" walnut finish. 25" x 15" x 14',/2" $349.00 resistance -loaded ports; response 40-20,000
passive radiator, 8" woofer, 4'/2" midrange, 1" Base $59.00 pr. Hz; crossover 1500 Hz; 8 ohm imp., max. power
soft -dome tweeter; 100 W continuous program; 7. Floor -standing version of Model 5; two 1'/2" 80 W rms; 19" H x 12" W x 10" 0 $76.50
amplifier power 10 W rms min, 150 W rms max; upper midrange/tweeter, two 1" supertweeters; PRO -350. Same as 250 except response 30-
frequency response 30-20,000 Hz; crossovers min. power 30 W rms, max. 350 W rms. 36" H x 20,000 Hz; power 100 W rms; 215/e" H x 125/8"
470 & 3500 Hz; 12 dB/octave slope; con- 18" W x 12" D $449.00 W x 10" D; walnut enclosure $150.00
tinuously variable midrange & tweeter controls 4'/2. Smaller three-way version of Model 5 with Rosewood cabinet $175.00
±6 dB; five -way binding posts; oak veneer 10" woofer, 2" dome midrange, 1" supertweeter;
cabinet on compressed wood; 26" H x 15" response 35-20,000 Hz ±2 dB; crossovers 800
$329.00 & 6000 Hz; min. power 25 W rms, max. 200 W RTR
W x 121/2" D
rms; 25" H x 14" D x 13" $299.00
2. Two-way bookshelf version of Model 4'/2 with 2500 Studio Master Speaker System
9 Two -Way Speaker System 10" woofer & two 1'/2" supertweeters; response
Two-way speaker system; 10" long -excursion Three-way speaker system with 25" woofer,
35-18,000 Hz ±3 dB; min. power 20 W rms, fifteen 5" slot -loaded mid -range, eighteen
woofer & 13/4" phenolic -ring tweeter; frequency max. 100 W rms; 231/2" H x 13" W x 12 D.
response 35-19,000 Hz ±-4 dB; crossover: 1900 2'/2" slot -loaded tweeters; frequency response
$169.00 15-18,500 Hz; crossovers 500 & 7500 Hz; imp.
Hz; imp. 8 ohms; recommended power 25 W
rms/ch, 100 W rms/ch max; 3-pos. tweeter out- 8 ohms; recommended amp. power 25-150 W
Model Illb Four -Way Speaker System rms/ch; features mid -range and tweeter con-
put switch; natural oak or walnut cabinet; 25" Four-way, floor -standing system with 12" woof-
H x 14" W x 11" D $175.00 trols; 4.5 A speaker protection circuit; dual
er, 5" mid -range, two 21/2'. tweeters, two 2" 5 -way binding post; hand -rubbed walnut
tweeters; filter frequencies 400, 500, and veneer enclosure. 59" H -x 28" W x 23" D.
15 Two -Way Speaker System 11,000 Hz; frequency response 32-18,500 Hz Weight 265 pounds $1250.00
Two-way speaker system; 8" woofer & ±2 dB; 8 -ohm imp.; min. power 30 W rms, max.
phenolic -ring tweeter; frequency response 60- 100 W rms; laminated walnut enclosure. 35" H
19,000 Hz -4 dB (-3 dB at 17,000 Hz); cross- DR -1 Electrostatic Speaker System
x 18" W x 12"D $329.00 Electrostatic system with built-in direct -drive
over 1300 Hz: imp. 8 ohms; can be driven by
amps as low as 10 W rms; oak or walnut cabinet; amplifier; electrostatic response 350-30,000
211/2" H x 11!/2" W x 81/2" D $119.95 Hz; two 10" and one 12" woofer; woofer response
Same but walnut -grained vinyl enclosure RICHARD ALLAN 30-350 Hz; Must be bi-amped, using 50-100
$99.95 watts on bass section; 49" H x 161/2" W x 16'/2"
RA828LP Three -Way Speaker System $1050.00
Three-way speaker system; two 8" Bextrene
RADIO SHACK cone units & 3/.." dome treble unit; frequency 280DR Three -Way Speaker System
response 30-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossovers 250 Features four 10" woofers, five 2'/2" mid -range/
Realistic Mach One System Hz & 3500 Hz; imp. 5 ohms min. to 20 ohms tweeters, one piezoelectric super tweeter; re-
Three-way floor -standing system; woofer, multi - max.; will handle 45 W rms; level -control ad- sponse 22-25,000 Hz; crossovers 2500 & 7500
cell mid -range horn, high -compliance tweeter justment: left-hand control bass/midrange, Hz; impedance 8 ohms nominal; recommended
horn; inductive/capacitive crossover network; right-hand control treble, 6-pos. left -to -right amp power 25 to 100 W rms/channel; has mid-
response 20-25,000 Hz; 8 ohms; acoustically in steps of 1 dB; sensitivity 30 W pink noise for range & tweeter level controls, speaker protec-
transparent grille cloth; genuine walnut veneer 96 dB at 1 meter (pos. 2 of mid control); teak tion circuit breaker with push-button reset,
cabinet. 283/e" H x 175/e" W x 12" D $199.50 or walnut finish cabinet; 3.1 cu. ft enclosure; dual 5 -way input jack. Hand -rubbed walnut
We thought a lot about loudspeakers
before we began building them.
Here's [some of] what we concluded.
The first premise is obvious. Great sound.
Before we sat down to design frequency over another. NJt that these and other fun-
our loudspeaker line, we chalked Cardinal principles punctuate damental dictates are unfamiliar
some fundamental goals on the the opening pages of our engin- to manufacturers of high quality
blackboard. Such as extended eering log. Thou shalt not com- speakers. Where Presage differs
frequency response, all the way promise accuracy or introduce from the flock is in our rigid
from the lowest bass notes to distortion. Honor transients, adherence to them, our almost
the highest overtones high fidel- and faithfully reproduce them. fanatical refusal to make com-
ity program material may contain. Achieve wide power response promises which, at best, result in
And evenness of response, to and superior dispersion_ in a passable high fidelity loud-
avoid predominance of one speaker.
Footprints in the sounds of time.
Lab Series 1 Bookshelf System
The sound of Cizek. A brave new lies in a crossover network that
40 W continuous program, 160 W music peaks; world in loudspeaker technology. eclipses all others. A system so pre-
frequency response 30-25,000 Hz; 6 ohms; Brave, because we dared to cise, so accurately formulated, that
embark on a complex journey into the we can guarantee response specifica-
center of sound. A journey destined to tions to within ±1DB.
explore each element of sound repro- Combined with a power handling
duction, to seek out imperfection and capability of 15 to 150 watts per
institute change. channel, this full range, 2 -way
But mere change was not enough. acoustic -suspension loudspeaker
At Cizek Audio Systems, we found it yields a frequency curve that is
necessary to go beyond refinement to exceptionally flat.
the point of creation. Creation which Come compare. Cizek - making
resulted in 8 new patents to bring you footprints in the sounds of time.
closer to sound at its source. Sound For more information and the
rated by the experts to be superior to name of the dealer in your area, write
loudspeakers selling for many times Cizek Audio Systems,
the price. 149 California St.,
Yet Cizek's primary breakthrough Newton, MA 02158.
crossover 1500 Hz; dispersion 120 degrees
horizontal, 40 degrees vertical; efficiency:
80 dB SPL at 1 W at 15 ft; 12" low -frequency
driver & Heil air -motion transformer; controls:
high -frequency attenuator, environmental
equalizer; Corinthian walnut vinyl enclosure;
choice brown, blue, rust, or green grille cloth;
27" H x 15" W x 131/011 D $237.00
Lab Series 2. Same as above except 10" low -
frequency driver; frequency response 35-
25,000 Hz; 50 W continuous program, 140 W
music peaks; 241/2" H x W x 13,/,"
Lab Series 3. Same except 8" low -frequency
driver; frequency response 40-25,000 Hz;
40 W continuous program, 100 W music peaks;
22" H x W x 105/0" D $142.00
Lab Series 3a. Same as Lab Series 3 except
without individual control provision; factory
adjusted for flat response $124.00
no Systems
pression -horn midrange; two 3" cone tweeters;
frequency response 25-20,000 Hz; crossovers
2500 & 5000 Hz; continuously variable mid-
6-8 ohms imp.; oiled walnut finish; 15'/2" H x
10" W x 83/4" D $65.00
range & tweeter controls; 8 ohms; max. power D -132-A Minimax 2 Speaker System
closure, 1" dome super tweeter; frequency re- handling 60 W rms, min. 10 W rms; walnut Compact two-way system; woofer, 4" tweet-
sponse 28-22,000 Hz; crossover 500 Hz & vinyl on particle board; black or cafe brown knit er; continuous power capacity 15 W; music
5000 Hz with mid -range control; imp. 8 ohms; grille; 253/8" x 153/4" x 111/4" $169.96 power capacity 30 W; response 50-20,000 Hz
power requirement 10 W rms min., 60 W rms ±5 dB; 6-8 ohms imp.; oiled walnut finish;
max.; walnut -grained finish; acoustic -foam DX100A Three -Way Speaker System 11" H x 65/i;' W x 81/e" D $52.00
grille (available in choice of three colors). Three-way system; 10" woofer, 5" midrange, 3"
243/4" H x 141/2" W x 12" D $189.95 tweeter; frequency response 40-20,000 Hz; D-93 "Encyclopedia" System
1500 & 4000 Hz crossovers; tweeter control; Ultra -compact, two-way system; two 31/2"
200B Three -Way Speaker System 45 W rms max. power handling; 10 W rms min.; woofers, 25/... tweeter; enclosure resembles
Air -suspension design with 12" woofer, 5" walnut vinyl on particle board; black or cafe bound encyclopedia volume; continuous power
sealed mid -range, 2" super -tweeter; response brown knit grille; 24'/2" x 14" x 10" $139.95 capacity 15 W; music power capacity 20 W;
28-20,000 Hz; crossover at 1500 Hz & 4000 Hz response 60-22,000 Hz ±5 dB; 8 ohms; black
with mid -range control; imp. 8 ohms; power or brown grille; 111/2" H x 8s/8" D x 41/2" W
requirement 10 W rms min., 50 W rms max. VIDEOTON $47.00
Walnut finished particle board, three-dimen-
sional grille front (available in choice of four D -258-A Speaker System
colors). 243/e" x 141/2" x 12" D $159.95 Four-way system with 10" woofer, 5" midrange,
11/2" dome midrange, and 1" dome tweeter; VERIT
crossovers 600, 2000 & 7000 Hz; 12 -element
UTAH crossover network, 12 dB/octave roll -off; front - 400SL Three -Way Speaker System
mounted midrange & h.f. level controls; con- Three-way tuned -port reflex speaker system;
HS10C Three -Way Speaker System tinuous power capacity 60 W; music power 12" woofer, 4" midrange, 1" dome tweeter; RC
Three-way system; 15" woofer, horn midrange, capacity 90 W; response 30-20,000 Hz ±2 dB; crossovers 500 & 2000 Hz; frequency response
two 13/4" tweeters; frequency response 25- 6-8 ohms imp.; oiled walnut finish; removable 28-22,000 Hz ±3 dB; 10 W rms min, 60 W rms
20,000 Hz; crossovers 800 & 3500 Hz; 8 ohms; grille; 271/B" H x 15'/8" W x 103/a" D... $200.00 max power handling; enclosure 45# density
midrange & tweeter controls; will handle 80 W pine particle board with genuine white oak
rms; walnut -veneer enclosure; 27" x 20'/2" x D -402-A Supermax Speaker System veneer; 23" H x 14" W x 12' D $249.00
14" D $299.95 Two-way, six -driver system with two 8" woofers,
HS4C. Similar to HSIOC except 12" woofer and
300SL Two -Way Speaker System
two 4" tweeters, two 1" hemispherical dome
one 13/4" tweeter; frequency response 30- tweeters; continuous power capacity 50 W; Two-way tuned -port reflex speaker system; 10"
20,000 Hz; will handle 60 W rms; 253/4" x 15" x music power capacity 50 W; response 35- woofer & 1" dome tweeter; RC crossover 2000
14" D $229.95 20,000 Hz ±3 dB; 6-8 ohms imp.; oiled walnut Hz; frequency response 30-22,000 Hz ±3 dB;
HS2C. Similar to HS4C except 5" tweeter; re- finish; 27'/B" H x 151/4" W x 11" D $189.00 10 W rms min, 35 W rms max power handling;
sponse 40-20,000 Hz; crossovers 2000 & 5000 enclosure same as 400SL; 24" H x 13" D x 12"
Hz; tweeter control; will handle 40 W rms. DP -202-A Saphir I Speaker System W $179.00
$159.95 Two-way system with 8" woofer, 4" tweeter; con - 200SL Two -Way Speaker System
Two-way acoustic -suspension speaker system;
8" woofer & 1" dome tweeter; RC crossover
2000 Hz; frequency response 40-22,000 Hz
±3 dB; 10 W rms min, 25 W rms max power
ranty, is available on request.
The album was reco-ded live at an Eadl unfolding in your head. You're stereophones n the wcrlc. goes on and on, encore a -ter encore,
outdoo- concert, and now it's all wrapped in the sound of KOSS Your audio specialis has a pair for as long as you want. t's like
coming back to you. The heady PRO 4AA Stereophones, hearing all of KOSS PRO 4AA's you can fry. buying a stairwoy to heaien
magicAl electricity of a hot, metallic Koss Carperation
ten audible octaves. It's a power Visit him, and gather tie sounds of
Koss PRO 4AA Sterecphones
blue night-the air crackling with yot. can hear and feel as though musical perfection aroind ioi. Or
ene-gr as the musicians tune up- yo. were in the spotlights with the write for a free,full co or aatalog
the stcge has become an island of musicians. And yet you're home, c/o Virginia Lornm. Et -lei way,
colorer light, chrome and glitter. free to explore this private realm remember thca, for the price
Suddeiy you're port of the interplay of Istening pleasure. This uncluttered pay, KOSS PRO 4AA.E. are a rather
between rhythm. bass, lead and expanse of pure sound that makes inexpensive ti:ket to a perfor-nance
har-ncry as every note flcwers. KOSS PRO 4AA's the most popular that begins at your ccnrncricl and
O KOSS stereophones
from the people who invented Stereophones.
IOC SS CORPORATION, 4- :9 N. Port Washingtpr Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212 Koss International/London, Mion, D.iblin,.Posis Frankfurt 4nferdom Koss LimiteliBurlingtor Ontario
AKG Imp. 8 ohms. Matches all 4-16 ohm outputs. $70.00
30-5206 $59.95
K-140 "Supra -Aural" Headphones DT440 Dynamic Headphones
Frequency response 20-20,000 Hz; imp. 600 Deluxe Stereo Headphones Open high -velocity type; response 20-20,000
ohms ±20%, each channel over band; sensitivi- Frequency response 20-25,000 Hz; imp. 8 Hz; sensitivity 1 mW produces 100 dB; 600
ty 15µbar/V (approx. 97.5 dB SPL); continuous ohms; adjustable padded headband; padded ohms imp.; 42 mW max. input produces 116
power level 240 mW at 1% THD (100 Hz); earpieces; matches amps with output from 4 dB SPL $55.00
comes with 4-cond. cable, 3-cond. V." tele- to 16 ohms: comes with 10 -ft coiled cord, black
phone plug; soft ear cushions; cardan con- vinyl carrying case. 30-5203 ... $49.95 DT96A Dynamic Headphones
struction. Weight 6.2 ounces $39.50 Moving coil type. Response 30-17,000 Hz.
K-240. Similar to K-140 except transducer is Marquis Stereo Headphones Sensitivity 1.0 mW at 400 Hz produces 110 dB
combined with six passive bass radiators to Open-air, lightweight design. Response 20- (re 2 x 10-, µbar). 50-200 ohms impedance.
extend bass response through bottom octave. 20,000 Hz; 8 ohms imped. matches all ampli- 100 mW maximum input per phone. 5 -ft. cord.
$69.50 fier 4-16 ohm outputs 6 -ft cord and plug. 8 ounces $52.50
Cushioned earpieces and adjustable padded
AUDIO-TECHNICA headband. 30-5205 $39.95 DT900 Dynamic Headphones
Moving coil type. Response 30-18,000 Hz. 5-
AT -701 Dynamic Headphones Mark III Stereo Headphones 2000 ohms impedance. 200 mW maximum in-
Uses a 47 -mm dynamic driver; non -resonant, Slide -type volume control on each earpiece; put per phone. 6 -ft. cord $37.50
thermo-formed polymer diaphragm; copper - response 20-18,000 Hz. 12 -ft coiled cord with
plated aluminum wire voice coil for minimum stereo plug. 8 ohms. Matches all 4-16 ohm out- DT302 Lightweight Phones
mass; response 30-20,000 Hz; impedance 4 to puts. 30-5204 $38.95 Designed to be connected directly to either
16 ohms; sensitivity 97 dB SPL at 1000 Hz. high- or low -impedance outputs; response 20-
Comes with coiled cord. Ear pads may be re- Mark II Stereo Headphones
moved for replacement. 9 ounces $39.95 Response 20-20,000 Hz; 8 ohms. Comes with
AT -702. Same as AT -701 except response 25- 6 -ft flexible cord and stereo plug. 30-5202
20,000 Hz; sensitivity 97 dB/SPL at 1000 Hz $22.50
AT -703. Same as AT -701 except response 20-
Mark 1 Stereo Headphones
20,000 Hz; sensitivity 94 dB/SPL at 1000 Hz Response 30-15,000 Hz; 8 ohms. Comes with
$69.95 10 -ft coiled cord and stereo plug. 30-5200
AT -706 Electret Condenser Phones
Condenser -type drivers with permanently Headphone Remote Control
charged diaphragm in push-pull configuration; Plugs directly into amplifier to control volume
and balance of headphones; noise -free slide
controls for each earpiece permit adjustment
of volume and balance. Special switch allows
for mono/stereo selection. Has 5 -ft cord and
3 -conductor stereo phone plug. 30-5250
DT -48 Dynamic Headphones
Moving -coil type. Originally designed as an 20,000 Hz; rated power approx. 7 mW = 2.1 V
audiometry instrument for measuring human for 600 ohms; equipped with sponge ear cush-
diaphragm 58 mm dia. x 3 microns thick; ac- hearing in lab research. Range 16-20,000 Hz -±2 ions, stereo phone jack plug; 2.3 ounces with-
cessory adapter matches high impedance of dB. Response virtually flat. Comes with 10 -ft out cord
condenser element to any standard ampli- $22.50
cord $140.00
fier output and includes headphone/speaker 0148-K. Same as DT -48 except with plug-in 4 -CHANNEL
switch; response 20-20,000 Hz ±2 dB; imped- coiled cable $145.00
ance 4-16 ohms; 94 dB SPL at 1000 Hz. THD DT -204 4 -Channel Headphones
0.1% 10.8 ounces impedance matching adapt- DT480 Dynamic Headphones Frequency range 20-20,000 Hz; impedance
er 31/." H x 31/2" W x 8'/2" D. Comes with carry- Moving coil type. Response 20-18,000 Hz. Sen- 4 x 200 ohms (4 -channel), 2 x 100 ohms
ing case $129.95 sitivity 1 mW at 400 Hz produces 115 dB (re (stereo); independent volume controls for each
2 x 10 µbar). 25-200 ohms impedance. 1 W front channel built into right earcup; 4-ch./
AUDIOTEX maximum input per phone $100.00 stereo slide switch on right earcup; two jack
plugs color -coded for front & rear channels;
Professional Stereo Headphones DT202 Dynamic Headphones 10 -ft detachable cable. Weight 14 ounces
Frequency response 30-20,000 Hz; imp. 8-16 Moving -coil type; response 20-20,000 Hz; sen- $120.00
ohms; padded earpieces with adjustable pad- sitivity 1 mW produces 100 dB; 400 ohms imp.;
ded headband; comes with 10 -ft coiled cord, 100 mW max. input produces 120 dB SPL
black vinyl carrying case. 30-5207.... $59.95 $75.00 ESS
Mark IV Stereo Headphones DT100 Dynamic Headphones amt Stereo Headphones
Wide -range dynamic type. Frequency range to Moving coi' type. Response 30-18,000 Hz. Full -range Heil air -motion transformer head-
above audibility at 1% distortion between 10- Sensitivity 1 mW at 400 Hz produces 110 dB phones; frequency response 20-20,000 Hz;
18,000 Hz. Removable, soft cushions; padded (re 2 x 10-' µbar). 5-100-400-2000 ohms im- dis:. 0.3% 1 kHz at 90 dB SPL; sensitivity 35
headband. 10 -ft coiled cord with stereo plug. pedance. 1 W maximum input per phone dB SPL for 1 mV input; imp. 32 ohms; max.
1977 EDITION 157
imp. 4-600 ohms; ambient noise isolation 40 dB stainless steel headband with self-adjusting
at 1 kHz; patented dual cavity; liquid -filled ear pivoting yokes. 22 ounces $75.00
aa Headphones
cushions; volume control for each earphone;
14 -ft coiled cord with strain relief; chrome -
plated headband; 19 oz without cord $59.95
PRO/600AA Dynamic Headphones
Same as PRO-4AA except nominally 600 ohms
220. Similar to 230 except frequency response voice -coil impedance for matching audio trans-
18-20,000 Hz; 0.9% HD; weight 18 oz $49.95 mission lines. 600 ohms characteristic imped-
input 14,000 mV; square -wave risetime 15 ance. Available on special order $70.00
µsec at 5000 Hz; comes with 14 -foot coiled 210 Stereo Headphones
cord. 14 ounces $97.00 Frequency response 20-18,000 Hz; 0.9% HD at PRO/4AA Dynamic Headphones
1 kHz, 100 dB SPL; max. input power 50 mW; Frequency response 10-20,000 Hz. Distortion
imp. 4-600 ohms; ambient noise isolation 18 dB is negligible at 95 dB SPL. 3.2 to 600 ohms im-
HEAR -MUFFS at 1 kHz; foam -filled ear cusions; polypropylene pedance. 10 -ft. coiled cord. 20.5 ounces. Pneu-
headband; 14 -ft coiled cord with strain relief; malite earcushions for ambient noise isolation
PM -2C "Promuff" 9 oz without cord $29.95 $65.00
Stereo audio monitor with audio energizer for
direct connection to speaker output terminals HV/1A Stereophones
of audio amplifier; two 4" dynamic audio driving JVC Features low -mass "Decilite" driver elements
elements; black vinyl cover with fabric insert for coverage 15-20,000 Hz; will operate from
for audio frequency transparency; 10 -ft coiled 5944 4 -Channel Headphones outputs of 3.2 to 600 ohms; dist. 0.5% at 109
cord plus 25 -ft extension cord; frequency re- dB SPL; will handle 5 V rms continuous with
sponse 20-20,000 Hz; THD unmeasurable at provision for 14 -dB SPL transient peaks; acous-
95 dB SPL $54.95 tical sponge earcushions; extendible head-
band with self-adjusting, pivoting yokes and
HM -4000 "Supermuffs" soft padded vinyl cover; 3 -conductor coiled
Stereo headphones; washable high -pile acrylic cord (10 -ft extended); 10 ounces $49.95
cover; 10 -ft coiled cord; 4" dynamic drivers; HV/1LC. Same except response 20-20,000 Hz;
volume/balance control per earcup. 10.75
ounces $54.95
earcup; response 20-20,000 Hz; programmer
permits 127 personal listening perspectives in
4 -channel sound without adjusting amp con-
trols; features comparator switch for normal
4 -channel mode vs Phase/2 + 2 mode; soft
acoustical sponge ear cushions; vinyl -covered
headband with pivoting self-adjusting yokes.
The lightweight
17.3 ounces $145.00 stereo headphone
K/6LCO 4 -Ch. Ouadrafones for comfortable
Can be used for either 2- or 4 -channel opera-
tion; dual 1'/2" dynamic drivers in each ear- listening.
This technologically advanced head-
phone weighs only 4 ounces. The
Model HB-1500 has a frequency re-
sponse from 18 Hz to 22 kHz and will
match any impedance from 4 to 150
ohms per channel meaning these
light, lively headphones can be
used with any stereo system.
For the sparkl ng sound of
music, go to your nearest
Mura dealer today and ask
him to show you the
HB-1500 and other fine
headphones from Mura.
piece; 3.2-600 ohm imp; dist. 0.5% at 109 dB
SPL; capacity 5 V continuous, 14 dB transient
peaks; response 20-17,000 Hz; foam -filled
vinyl earcushions for average 18 dB ambient
noise isolation; 22 ounces $49.95 Lvi `MURA
177 Cantiague Rock Road. Westbury. N.Y 11590
K/2 + 2 4 -Channel Headphones
Dynamic type. Features four separate drive CIRCLE NO. 49 ON READER SERVICE CARD
1977 EDITION 159
NAKAMICHI temperature/humidity changes; plugs directly
into headphone jack of any amplifier or re-
HP -100 Monitoring Headphones ceiver $50.00
Headphones Dynamic type designed primarily for monitor-
ing; response 20-20,000 Hz; imp. 8 ohms SE -405 Stereo Headphones
±20% (1 kHz); output SPL 90 dB ±3 dB per Dynamic type covering a frequency range of 20-
MIIDA mW at 1 kHz; max. input power 500 mW 20,000 H7. 8 ohms imp.; input power 500 mW
(117 dB SPL); channel balance within 3 dB at each channel. Unit features polyester -film
HX-140 Headphones 1 kHz; vinyl -covered, foam padded earpieces; diaphragm; special ear pads with sliding -type
Electrostatic stereo headphones; frequency adjustable headband; 8 -ft coiled cord with adjusting headband and clickstops for easy
response 20-25,000 Hz; SPL 96 dB/10 V rms; molded plug and strain relief; weight 14.3 listening; volume controls for both left and right
max. sound pressure 115 dB/400 Hz; dist. ounces $50.00 channels. 16'12 -ft coiled cord $45.00
0.5% at 200 Hz; power supply 6 W (400 Hz)
continuous max. input; 35 W inst. max. input; SE -305 Stereo Headphones
response 10-30,000 Hz ±2 dB; dist. 0.2% at 50 PICKERING Dynamic type covering a frequency range of
Hz, 0.02% at 1 kHz; comes with 6'/2 -ft cord; 20-20,000 Hz. 8 ohms imp. each channel;
9.17 ounces (headphones) $129.00 4955 Headphones matching imp. 4 to 16 ohms. Max. input power
Dynamic type. 8 ohms impedance; response 500 mW each channel. Comes with 16 -ft, 5 -in
HX-130 Dynamic Headphones 40-11,000 Hz ±3 dB; 30-18,000 Hz ±6 dB; coiled cord. 15 ounces $35.00
Lightweight dynamic stereo headphones; imp. sensitivity 100 dB SPL; max. input 0.5 W rms;
distortion 1% at 115 dB SPL; 10 -ft coiled cord. SE -205 Stereo Headphones
8 ohms; frequency response 80-20,000 Hz; Dynamic type covering a frequency range of 20-
sensitivity: 90 dB (1 mW); max. input 300 mW; 28 ounces. $64.95
8 -ft -cord; weight 11.2 oz $79.00 20,000 Hz. Cone -type speaker in each earpiece.
HX-100. Similar to HX-130 except frequency OA -3 Headphones Matching imp. 4 to 16 ohms. Max. input power
response 20-20,000 Hz; sensitivity: 112 dB; Lightweight, open -audio design. 15 ohms t 10% 500 mW each channel. Comes with 8.2 -ft cable.
8.2 -ft cord; weight 10.25 oz $59.00 at 1000 Hz; max. power input 0.2 Wrms/ch; 16 ounces $25.00
response 20-20,000 Hz; dist. '/2% at 100 dB
SPL; sensitivity 100 dB SPL at 0.10 V input RADIO SHACK
MURA at 1000 Hz each channel. 1'/2' Mylar diaphragm
dynamic transducer. Extend -adjust. headband Pro -1 Headphones
SP -205 Dynamic Headphones with full pivot yoke and padded vinyl cover; soft
Stereo headphones; Mylar cone elements; Dynamic type. Ported open -back earcups. Re-
vinyl foam ear cushions; 10 -ft, 3-cond. coiled
separate volume & tone controls on each ear - sponse 20-20,000 Hz. 10 -ft cord. 4 to 16 ohms
cord. Weighs 7.5 ounces (without cord) Has individual earphone volume controls
cup; stereo/mono switch; frequency response $39.95
30-20,000 Hz ±5 dB; imp. 8 ohms; padded $49.95
adjustable headband, cushioned earcups, 15 -ft OA -2 Headphones LV-10 High -Velocity Phones
coiled cord with plug $62.50 Lightweight, open -audio design with special Features electro-acoustical design plus 2"
adapter for use with portable radios, tape re- dynamic elements; response 20-20,000 Hz;
HB-1500 Polymer Headphones corders, and TV sets. 8 ohms. Max. input power
Stereo headphones; high -polymer diaphragm 0.5% dist.; acoustical sponge earpieces; soft
300 mW; sensitivity 100 dB at 600 Hz; response
transducers; sensitivity: 100 dB SPL/1 mW; vinyl -covered headband with self-adjusting
30-19,000 Hz; dist. 1% (100 dB SPL). 7 -ft cord.
yokes; 4-16 ohms imp.; 10 -ft coiled cord; plug.
10.9 ounces $22.95
Nova Pro Headphones
PIONEER Stereo dynamic design with volume controls on
each earcup. Response 20-20,000 Hz; 8 ohms
SE -700 Stereo Headphones impedance. 10 -ft. coiled cord $34.95
Features high -polymer driver elements; fre-
quency range 20-20,000 Hz; matching im- Custom Pro Headphones
Dynamic type. Response 20-20,000 Hz. Imped-
ance 4 to 16 ohms; bass port $24.95
HD414 Headphone
Patented dynamic "open-aire" design. 2000
ohms/ch. Response 20-20,000 Hz. Sensitivity
17.7 i2bar/V. Normal power 1 mW/ch (1.41V) for
sound pressure of 102 dB. HD 1% at 22 V &
1000 Hz. Can be connected to any preamp
output. 5 ounces without cord. 10 -ft. cable
HD400 Headphone (blue for front, black for rear); earpieces
Patented dynamic "open-aire" design. 600 marked "L" and "R" for accurate listening or-
ohms/ch; response 20-18,000 Hz; sensitivity
88 dB sound -pressure level for 1 mW power;
ientation. Sensitivity: 100 dB SPL (at 0.1 V in-
put at 1 kHz each channel). Maximum power
10 West 3/th Street New Yuri, 1(5)18 212 239-019(_.
under 3 ounces without cord; 10 -ft cable input 1.25 V rms continuous with provision for Manufacturing Plant Bement:tort/Hannover West Germany
$29.95 10 dB SPL transient peaks. Dist. '/2% at 110 "6"^"t.Ou'o' s suggestenlist
1977 EDITION 181
EP -5 Electrostatic Headphones 4 -CHANNEL
Combines a Mylar woofer with an electrostatic
tweeter for heavier bass capability; separate QT -4B "Quad-Tette" Headphones
energizer which can be driven from any power Has four identical reproducers (two to an ear-
amp or receiver; response 10-24,000 Hz; cross- piece) with frequency response of 20-18,000
over 4000 Hz; energizer has speaker/phones
dB SPL. Input imp. (at 1 kHz) 15 ohms ±20%.
switch, internal overload protection; fully ad-
justable headband; 15 -ft coiled cord. Wood
Vinyl -covered foam ear cushions; adjustable -
headband. 11 -ft coiled cord with four-chan- grained vinyl finish cabinet $80.00
nel/stereo switch, front & rear plugs. 19 ounces.
$69.95 PRO -VII Headphones
Features Mylar woofer/tweeter combination;
response 15-23,000 Hz; fully adjustable pad-
STAX ded headband; 15 -ft coiled cord with molded
plugs & strain reliefs. 18 ounces $65.00
SRX-III Earspeakers
Electrostatic push-pull type; response 20- PRO -B -VI Headphones
27,000 Hz ±1 dB; SPL 95 dB at 100 V rms in- Has acoustic -suspension woofer and ceramic
put; maximum level 115 dB; weight 370 g in- tweeter. Response 15-22,500 Hz. 4 to 16 ohms
cluding cord. Comes with SRD-7 energizer, a impedance. 2 W maximum input per phone.
polarizing supply and signal source; response 15 -ft. coiled cord. Cordovan, ivory, or trans-
10-30,000 Hz ±2 dB; distortion 0.02% at 1 W, parent $60.00
1000 Hz. 27." W x 43/2" H x 8" D $230.00
SR -5 Earspeakers Classic CL -1 Stereophones
Lightweight, isolating -type headphones; wide - Hz. 15 -ft. cord and 2-4 ch. sw $65.00
Electrostatic push-pull type; response 30-
range Mylar element provides response 10-
25,000 Hz ±1 dB; SPL 95 dB at 50 V rms in- QT -4 "Quad-Tette" Headphones
put; maximum level 115 dB; weight 432 g in- Has four identical reproducers (two to an ear -
cluding cord. Comes with SRD-6 energizer, a cup) with frequency response of 25-17,000 Hz.
polarizing supply and signal source; response 15 -ft. cord. Ivory/Cordovan $50.00
20-20,000 Hz ±1 dB; dist. 0.1% at 1 W, 1000
Hz. Overall size 2'W x 25/." H x 6'/2" D
Electret Condenser Microphone
839-34 2/4 Ch Headphones Unidirectional pattern to minimize pickup from
Has 2-ch or 4-ch compatible slide switch; sepa- rear and sides; on -off slide switch; frequency
rate volume controls on each earpiece; fre- response 50-13,000 Hz; imp. 600 ohms; sensi-
quency response 20-19,500 Hz; 8 ohms imp.; tivity -69 dB (1 kHz); comes with 20 -ft cable,
10 -ft coiled cord. Weight 17 ounces $59.95 desk stand, black vinyl storage case $74.96
tern. Use for music. Has slip -in stand attach- Omnidirectional Microphone
ment, dust filter or windscreen, XLR connec- Response 80-13,000 Hz. High impedance.
tor $65.00 Ccmes with 10 -ft cable with standard phone
plug, on -off slide switch, desk stand. Sensi-
ADVENT D -200E Dynamic Microphone tivity: - 58 dB. 30-2310 $32.95
Sensitivity -55 dB ASA. Response 30-15,000
MDC-1 Microphones Hz dB. 200 ohms impedance. Cardioid pat- Omnidirectional Microphone
Matched pair of low -impedance microphones. tern. Use for music and tape recording. Has Response 55-13,000 Hz; output -62 dB (on
Cardioid pickup pattern. Frequency response slip -in stand attachment, dust filter or wind- high impedance). Rugged construction. Comes
1977 EDITION 163
18,000 Hz. Sensitivity: -149 dBm (EIA); 200
ohms imp. 6" x Cannon XLR termination.
Comes with clamp and presentation case
Microphones $165.00
cies when used close-up. Satin chrome finish. IC power supply with professional .(LR connec- comes with table stand with mini plug. 13/e" dia.
$72.00 tor; battery operated; comes with 15 -ft cable. x 53/3" H. $14.95
Mike weighs 1/2 ounce, power supply 3 ounces.
660 Dynamic Microphone $49.95 DNM-20 Dynamic Microphone
Sensitivity -150 dB (EIA) low -Z; -150.5 dB Omnidirectional dynamic unit; features poly-
(EIA) hi -Z. Response 90-13,000 Hz. User se- MU -101 Dynamic Microphone ester film diaphragm; built-in on -off switch; re-
lects high or low imp. Super-cardioid pattern. Unidirectional pickup; output -56 dB; re- sponse 70-12,000 Hz; imp. 250 ohms (unbal-
Can be used hand-held or in stand clamp. Vari- sponse 200-10,000 Hz; user selects high or anced) comes with table stand. 1'/32" dia. x
able -D for smooth response on or off -axis with low impedance; hand-held with Switchcraft 53/." H $19.95
no proximity effect. Professional -style 15 -ft connector to body; "on/off" switch: shock -
cable and mike -end connector. Satin chrome mounted transducer and Mylar diaphragm for DNM-10 Dynamic Microphone
finish $75.00 rugged use; use for speech, rock vocals, and Omnidirectional replacement unit for use with
661. Same as Model 660 except stud -mounted tape recording; cable end free; die-cast case; cassette recorders; response 100-10,000 Hz;
and with "on -off" switch $78.00 non -glare finish $34.95 imp. 250 ohms (unbalanced); comes with table
M0-102. Same as MU -101 except response stand, windscreen, mini plug. 1" dia. x 415/16" H
631A Dynamic Microphone 50-13,000 Hz; -58 dB output; for use where $9.95
Sensitivity -149 dB EIA. Response 80-13,000 feedback or background noise is rot a problem.
Hz. May be ordered hi or lo impedance. Omni- $39.95
directional pattern. Hand-held with slip -in MURA
stand attachment. Use for speech, vocals, Electret Condenser Microphone
music, and tape recording. Has silent, mag- DX -129 Cardioid Microphone
Unidirectional cardioid pattern with high front -
netic "on -off" switch with removable actuator to -back rejection ratio and flat frequency re- Ball -type cardioid dynamic mic; dual imp. 600/
button; 15 -ft cable; Switchcraft A3F connector. sponse from 30-16,000 Hz. Impedance 600 50 k; on/off switch; sensitivity: -58 dB at 1000
Satin chrome finish $51.00 ohms but can be used with inputs up to 20,000 Hz; frequency response 40-14,000 Hz; built-in
All of the above prices are "Net." Slightly ohms. FET circuitry. Powered by one "AA" pen- pop and blast filters; comes with stand adapter,
higher in Western states. lite cell. Foam windscreen, 20 -ft shielded cable, 20 -ft cable; black satin & chrome finish
standard'/." phone plug, metal tripod -type desk $41.95
stand, floor -stand adapter, and battery are in- DX -285 Electret Condenser MIc
GROUP 128 cluded $34.95 Omnidirectional pattern; for general recording
SD -140Z Professional Electret Mike & vocal work; frequency response 50-13,500
Cardioid Dynamic Microphone Hz -A dB; imp. 600 ohms; sensitivity: -71 dB at
Omnidirectional; response 40-16,000 Hz Dual -impedance, general-purpose microphone;
dB; 0.2% dist. at 100 dB; SPL capability to 150
1000 Hz (0 dB 1 V/1 µ bar); removable wind-
unidirectional pickup; response 100-10,000 screen; comes with 1.5 V battery, 20 -ft cable
dB; output 200 ohms balanced from standard Hz; output level -57 dB; dual impedance with '/.." phone plug, desk stand
XLR-3 connector located on separate miniature $39.95
switch selected; on/off switch; chrome finish;
level -control power module; system includes pop -proof wire mesh grille; 20 -ft detachable DX -247 Dynamic Microphone
mike with windscreen, cable, remote gain con- cable; stand swivel adapter. 8" long x 1" dia. Omnidirectional pattern; for vocals and re-
trol, power module, and mike stand adapter; $24.50 cording; dual imp. 600/50 k (sw. on mic); sensi-
black with blue windscreen; weight 2 ounces.
$189.00 Deluxe Ball Dynamic Microphone
5D-140. Same except has high -imp. output from General-purpose, omnidirectional, dual -imped-
standard phone jack $139.50 ance (50,000 & 250 ohms), selectable at cable
end. Output at high impedance -59 dB. Fre-
Ext 14 Extension Boom quency response 100-10,000 Hz. Has "on -off"
Lightweight extension boom option for either switch. Includes ball screen, 20 -ft cable, phone
model SD mike; adds 14 inch reach to mike; plug, black metal desk stand, and floor -stand
several can be used for long -reach applications. adapter. Die-cast case finished in satin alu-
$5.95 minum, Case is 61/1 long x 2'/s" max, dia. of ball. tivity: -57 dB at 1000 Hz; frequency response
$24.25 5044,000 Hz; removable windscreen; on/off
P800 "Buffalo" Pickup Mike switch; comes with 20 -ft cable with V " phono
Contact pickup for acoustic guitar and other ML -1 Lavalier Condenser Mike plug; black satin/chrome finish $39.95
acoustic instruments; can be attached or re- Response 50-15,000 Hz; -80 dB output; tie -
moved in seconds using adhesive tabs supplied; clasp holder; noise -reducing cable to FET DX -242 Dynamic Microphones
complete with miniature belt -worn preamp and preamp & power supply; 600 -ohm output imp.; Matched set of two ball -type omnidirectional
gain -control unit, connecting cable, complete 11/2" x 2/3' dia.; comes with "AA" battery, mics for stereo recording; frequency response
instructions; hi -Z phone jack output; available shielded cable, phone plug...... $19.50 60-12,000 Hz; sensitivity: -70 dB at 1000 Hz;
with XLR/Cannon output as P800 -Z for low - imp. 500 ohms; comes with adapters to convert
Z preamps. $99.50 from miniature to standard phone plug, 5 -ft
MERITON cable $24.95
P700 Horn Pickup Mike DX -211. Similar to DX -242; single omnidirec-
Universal instrument pickup electret condens- CNM-70 Condenser Microphone tional mic with miniature plug, adapter to con-
er element housed in protective foam wind- Omnidirectional electret unit; frequency range vert to standard plug $7.95
40-20,000 Hz with tone separation; FET cir-
cuitry; sensitivity -73 dB ±3 dB (0 dB = 1 V/µ DX -118 Dynamic Microphone
bar at 1 kHz); imp. 600 ohms; comes with stand Replacement unit for most cassette recorders;
adapter, 16 -ft, 5 -in cable, )/4" dia. plug. 13/32" dual plugs (audio & remote) plus remote switch;
dia. x 62/32' H. $79.95 frequency response 60-12,000 Hz; imp. 500
ohms; sensitivity: -70 dB at 1000 Hz $7.95
CNM-75 Condenser Microphone
Unidirectional electret unit; frequency range NAKAMICHI
50-15,000 Hz; has built-in bass roll -off switch
to attenuate low -end response during close CM -1000 Condenser Microphone
miking; sensitivity -73 dB ±3 dB; imp. 600 Features interchangeable capsules; resistant
ohms; FET circuitry; comes with stand adapter, to extremes of temperature & humidity; comes
,z4A 16 -ft, 5 -in cable, I/." dia. plug. '/e" dia. x 6"/14," H with battery power supply, CP-101 unidirection-
$99.95 al capsule, windscreen, connecting cables
screen; gain -control power module; adhesive with XLR connectors, case, 10 dB and 20 dB
DNM-40 Dynamic Microphone attenuators, proximity effect compensator;
backed clips permit use of pickup with any five Unidirectional dynamic unit; features three
instruments; hi -Z phone jack output; available response 20-20,000 Hz ±2.5 dB; impedance
windscreens; dual -impedance matching; flat 600 ohms balanced; sensitivity -67 dB ±1.5
with XLR/Cannon output as P700 -Z for low -Z response, film diaphragm; standard connectors
preamps dE; max. SPL at 3% dist. 139 dB; dynamic
$99.50 for studio or home recorders; built-in on -off range 115 dB; S/N 50 dB (weighted).. $290.00
switch; comes with holder for stand use, 16 -ft, Optional CP-102 super-omni capsule. $100.00
5 -in cord, '/." dia. plug. 1 "/16" dia. x 69/16" H
LAFAYETTE $39.95 DM -1000 Dynamic Microphone
Dynamic moving -coil mic designed especially
Tie-Tac Lavalier Mike DNM-25 Dynamic Microphone for vocals; special low -mass diaphragm and
Ultra -miniature omnidirectional mike; 194.," dia. Unidirectional dynamic unit; response 150- voce coil for extended high -end response;
x long; switchable high/250-ohm imp.; re 10,000 Hz; sensitivity -78 dB _t3 dB; imp. 250 triple metal screen filter eliminates pops,
sponse 20-15,000 Hz; 55 dB output; has FET, ohms (unbalanced); built-in on -off switch; blasts, and wind noise; cardioid directivity
1977 EDITION 165
tures "on -off" switch and internal push -on sory table stand MZT-441. Windscreen for
impedance change 50/250 ohms or 50,000 microphone is Model MZW441. 1.3" H x 1.4" W
ohms. Has pop filter and 15 -ft. cable $39.95 x 9.6" long $275.00
Highball 5 Dynamic Microphone MD -211U Dynamic Microphone
Cardioid design. Response 70-13,000 Hz. Has Omnidirectional unit. Response 40-20,000 Hz.
change plug for 600 to 20,000 ohm imped- Sensitivity -58 dBm (0.13 mV/pbar) ±2.5 dB.
pattern; double -casing & foam suspension ance. Stand adapter and 15 -ft. cable $34.95 Has extremely wide, flat response unusual in a
reduces sensitivity to vibration; immune to hum moving -coil microphone. 43/." x 1" dia. Fitted
& mag. fields; frequency response 30-20,000 Electret-1045 Condenser Microphone with Cannon XLR connector and cable
Hz ±3.5 dB; sensitivity: -76 dB at 1 kHz (0 dB = Cardioid design. Response 30-15,000 Hz. Can $214.50
1 V/p, bar); imp. 250 ohms; Cannon -type XLR-3 be switched from low imp. (600 ohms) to high
connector; anodized matte black finish; 10.4 imp. (20,000 ohms). Has windscreen and desk MD421U Dynamic Microphone
ounces. $200.00 stand. Powered by single penlight $34.95 Cardioid, 200 -ohm impedance design. Re-
sponse 30-17,000 Hz t5 dB. Sensitivity 0.2 mV/
CM -300 Electret Condenser Microphone Electret-1044 Condenser Microphone µbar -A dB at 1 kHz. EIA rating -145.8 dB.
Studio -type system featuring interchangeable Omnidirectional pattern. Response 30-15,000 Output level -53 dBm (1 mW/10 dynes/cm2).
capsules. Basic set comes with CP-1 cardioid Hz. Can be switched from 600 to 20,000 ohm Has front -to -back ratio 18 dB, -2 dB and a vari-
and CP-2 omnidirectional capsules; wind- impedance. Has foil diaphragm, windscreen, able bass attenuator. Fitted with XLR connec-
screen; 15 -ft cable; XLR connector; battery; and mike stand. Powered by single penlight tor and cable. T x Ph," x 113/16" $193.00
stand adapter; optional capsules: CP-3 small - battery. $29.95
diameter super -omnidirectional; CP-4 super - MD416 Dynamic Microphone
directional (shotgun); built-in 10 dB attenu- Cardioid type especially designed for close mik-
ating pad; "lo -cut" proximity effect com- RECOTON ing. Response 50-15,000 Hz; sensitivity 0.13
pensator; response 30-18,000 Hz (CP-1), mV/µbar ±3 dB; impedance 200 ohms; Cannon
20-15,000 Hz (CP-2), 20-18,000 Hz (CP-3), MM740 Dynamic Microphone XLR connector. Has built-in isolation system to
30-20,000 Hz (CP-4), all at ±3.5 dB; imp. 200 Cardioid pattern; selection switch to shape re- eliminate handling noise; built-in pop filter;
ohms balanced; sensitivity: -76 dB ±2.5 dB sponse characteristics; 600 ohms; sensitivity outdoor pop filter; threaded stand mount with
(CP-1, CP-2, CP-4), -74 dB ±2.5 dB (CP-3); 71 dB; frequency response 50-15,000 Hz; quick -release clip and cable $180.50
max. SPL at 3% dist.: 138 dB (CP-1, CP-2), brushed gold finish; comes with 18 -ft cord with
136 dB (CP-3), 118 dB (CP-4); dynamic range: plug & desk stand $59.95 MD21N Dynamic Microphone
114 dB (CP-1, CP-2), 107 dB (CP-3), 94 dB Omnidirectional, 200 -ohm impedance design.
(CP-4) $110.00 MM730 Dynamic Microphone Response 50-15,000 Hz t3 dB. Sensitivity 0.2
Optional CP-3 capsule $30.00 Features boom and feedback suppression; mV/µbar at 1000 Hz. EIA rating -145.8 dB.
Optional CP-4 capsule $50.00 600 ohms; sensitivity 69 dB; frequency re- Output level -53 dBm (1 mW/10 dynes/cm2).
CM -300 x 3 Tri-Microphone. Three CM -300 mi- sponse 50-15,000 Hz; brushed gold finish; Fitted with small Tuchel connector. Has bal-
crophone sets combined in one package; de- comes with 18 -ft cord with plug & desk stand. anced output. 10 ounces. 43/4" x Ph," x ne.
signed for use in the company's tri-microphone $49.95 $126.00
recording system; comes with special carrying
case with space for headphones, cables, acces- MM720 "Echo" Microphone Electret Condenser Mic System
sories $300.00 Features reverb volume control for special ef- One common powering module in balanced
fects; unidirectional; 600 ohms; sensitivity version (K2U) or unbalanced version (K1)
74 dB; frequency response 20-10,000 Hz; re - serves three different compact heads: ME20
NEUMANN verb time 1.5 sec at 1 kHz; 15 -ft cord with plug omnidirectional head, response 50-15,000 Hz,
& desk stand $44.95 sensitivity 49 dBm, S/N 64 dBm min.; ME40
fet-80 Condenser Microphones super-cardioid head, response 50-15,000 Hz,
A line of studio microphones that comes in MM220 Dual -Impedance Microphone sensitivity 49 dBm, S/N 64 dBm min.; ME80
many configurations from omni, figure -8, car- Dynamic type; 500 ohm/50,000 ohm imp.; shotgun head, response 50-15,000 Hz, sensi-
pop -proof wire mesh grille; frequency response tivity 45 dB, S/N 70 dB min.
dioid, multiple pattern to multiple pattern
stereo. All can be either battery or phantom 100-10,000 Hz; sensitivity 58 dB at 50 k, 74 dB K2U. Powering module $79.00
(separate power supplies) powered.
at 600 ohms; comes with 20 -ft cable, 5/11 x 27 K1. Powering module $71.50
adapter $25.95 ME20. Omnidirectional head
KM -83. Omnidirectional $230.00
ME40. Super-cardioid head 0
KM -84. Cardioid $230.00
ME80. Shotgun head $108.00
KM -85. Cardioid, with low -frequency roll -off
$230.00 REVOX
KM -86. Three -pattern, switchable $650.00
N-80. 117-V a.c. portable power supply for 3500 Dynamic Microphone
powering one or two fet-80 microphones SHURE
300 Ribbon Microphone
Sensitivity 153 dB (EIA). Response 40-15,000
PIONEER Hz. User selects high or low impedance. Bi-
directional. Hinge mount to stand. Use for
CM -1 Electret Microphone speech and music. Has 20 -ft. cable and
High molecular diaphragm electret condenser connector. Gray $123.00
element; selectable omni- or uni-directional
pattern; response 40-20,000 Hz (uni), 20- 546 "Unidyne III" Microphone
20,000 Hz (omni); output impedance 600 ohms Dynamic type. Sensitivity -154 dB (EIA). Re-
unbalanced; sensitivity -69 dB (uni), -74 dB sponse 50-15,000 Hz. User selects high or low
(omni) (both 0 dB= 1 V/p. bar); 126 dB maximum impedance. Cardioid pattern. Hinge mount to
SPL; 1.5-V "AA" cell power supply; 1.42" dia. x stand. Use for speech, rock vocals, and music.
8.37" long; weight 10.56 ounces; comes with Comes with 20 -ft. cable and connector. Chrome
18 -ft cable $100.00 Dynamic unidirectional moving -coil type; finish $111.00
cardioid pattern; response 40-18,000 Hz; im-
CM -2S Electret Microphone pedance 600 ohms; comes with windscreen, 548SD "Unidyne IV" Microphone
Dual -element electret condenser unit; hyper- clamp, table stand, and case; Cannon XLR Dynamic type. Sensitivity -141 dB (EIA). Re-
cardioid pattern; response 20-20,000 Hz; out- connector; each unit supplied with own fre- sponse 40-15,000 Hz. User selects high or low
put impedance 1000 ohms; sensitivity -68 dB quency -response curve $165.00 impedance. Cardioid pattern. Hand-held with
at 1 kHz (0 dB = 1 V/µ bar); maximum SPL 126 slip -in stand attachment. Use for speech and
dB; S/N 46 dB; 1.5-V "AA" cell power supply; music. Has "on -off" switch, 15 -ft. cable, and
6.06" H x 4.33" W; weight 11.2 ounces; 21 -ft SENNHEISER connector. Chrome finish $85.80
cable; pair comes mounted on desk stand
$60.00 MD441 Dynamic Microphone 565 "Unisphere 1" Microphone
Super-cardioid design. Response 40-20,000 Dynamic type. Sensitivity - 148.5 dB (EIA).
Hz; sensitivity 0.2 mV/µbar r3 dB. Has brilli- Response 50-15,000 Hz. User selects high or
RADIO SHACK ance switch for nominal 5 dB boost at 5 kHz; 5 - low impedance. Cardioid pattern. Hinge mount
position bass attenator. Front -to -back ratio is to stand. Use for speech, rock vocals, and mu-
Highball Dynamic Microphone 20 dB, -3 dB. Comes with cable and quick -re- sic. Has pop or blast filter, 15 -ft. cable, and
Cardioid design. Response 50-15,000 Hz. Fea- lease mount that fits on floor stand or acces- connector. Chrome finish $77.40
Decks used for tests: Magazine A -Pioneer CT -F9191 (cross-checked on DUAL 901, TEAC 45C); Magazine B-NAKAMICHI 1000.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
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r Stereo Directory and Buying Guide
SD -773
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products also appear in the Adver- PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE-Use only one card per person
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SD -771
A Remarkable Listening Experience
For Stereo Headphon Ownors.
Binaural Demonstration Record
Binaural recording re-creates the directions, dis-
FIRST CLASS tances, and even the elevations of sounds better
PERMIT NO. 217 than any other recording method. The super -
realism of binaural recording is accomplished by
CLINTON, IOWA recording the acoustical input for each ear sep-
arately, and then playing it back through stereo
headphones. Thus the sound intended for the
left ear cannot mix with the sound for the right
ear, and vice versa.
Binaural recording offers the listener the iden-
tical acoustical perspective and instrument
spread of the original. The sound reaching each
ear is exactly the ame as would have been heard at the live scene.
POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY - STARLING REALITY. The Binaural Demonstration Record offers 45
minutes of sound and music of startling reality. You'll marvel at the
eerie accuracy with which direction and elevation are re-created as
1977 STEREO you embark on a street tour in binaural sound-Sounds Of The City
. Trains, Planes & Ships a Basketball Game, a Street Parade,
. . .
DIRECTORY tiple scund sources. Acoustic depth. The ambiance of a concert hall.
Sharp contrasts of dynamics. Crescendo and diminuendo. Very high
and very low pitched musical sounds. Polyphony (two or more mel-
& BUYING GUIDE odies going on at once) with both similar and contrasting instruments.
Tonal qualities of wind, string and percussion instruments. Sounds of
P.O. BOX 2909 ancient instruments. Sounds of oriental instruments. The singing voice,
both classically trained and untrained. Plus a large sampling of finger
Clinton, Iowa 52732 snapping, hand clapping, foot stamping and other musical and per-
cussive sounds.
13 Superb Selections. Strauss: Festive Prelude, Op. 61 (excerpt) DGG.
Debussy Feux d'artifice (excerpt) Connoisseur Society. Beethoven: Welling-
ton's Victory (Battle Symphony) (excerpt from the first movement) West-
FIRST CLASS minster. Massaino: Canzona XXXV a 16 (complete) DGG Archive. Corrette:
Concerto Comique Op. 8 No. 6. "Le Plaisir des Dames" (third movement)
PERMIT NO. 217 Connoisseur Society. Khan: Raga Chadranandan (excerpt) Connoisseur Society.
Rodrigo: Concert -Serenade for Harp and Orchestra (excerpt from the first
CLINTON, IOWA movement) DGG. Manitas de Plata: Gypsy Rhumba (complete) Connoisseur
Society. Marcello: (arr. King): Psalm XVIII "The Heavens are Telling" (com-
plete) Connoisseur Society. Praetorius: Terpsichore: La Bourree XXXII (com-
plete) DOG Archive. Berg: Wozzeck (excerpt from Act III) DGG. Bartak: Sonata
for Two Pianos and Percussion (excerpt from the first movement) Cambridge.
Beethoven: Wellington's Victory (Battle Symphony) (excerpt from the last
movement) Westminster. Booklet discusses and describes each selection.
DIRECTORY include 4 -digit interbank number above your name). Be sure your signature
is on your order. You will be billed in the amounts indicated above plus sales
tax, if applicable.
595 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10012.
P.O. BOX 2909
Clinton, Iowa 52732
-I- 0 some extent. one's choice of a blank dependent on the match between the cassette of ferric oxide. is used in some cassette tapes.
TI magnetic tape is dictated by the design of the tape and the recorder. The rated performance too. Although both tapes are capable of excel-
recorder and the intended use for the record- of any cassette recorder can be achieved only lent results. very few machines are designed to
ing. But there is plenty of opportunity for indi- when using the tape for which it was specifical- properly use either of them.
vidual choice as well. ly adjusted. or one having very similar magnetic Cartridges: For those people who prefer to
Open Reel. Non-professional. open -reel re- properties. Fortunately. a growing number of "roll their own" cartridge recordings. there are
cording is relatively non -critical as to tape. ex- recorder manufacturers make specific sugges- a number of cartridge tapes to choose from.
cept between broad categories, such as "stan- tions as to suitable tapes for their machines. "High-fidelity" considerations that apply to
dard" or "high energy" (which require different and these should be heeded. cassette and open -reel recordings really do not
bias levels). Lower priced "standard" tapes will Most of the cassette tapes once called "stan- apply to the cartridge medium. and in any case
often have more noise and more restricted dard" have either disappeared from the market almost no manufacturers of machines make
high -frequency response than premium tapes. or are to be found only as private laoel or "white any specific tape recommendations.
although they may be perfectly satisfactory for box" tapes. Today's standard tape is what we Nevertheless, in some ways the cartridge tape
many purposes. For serious recording. the ex- used to call a low -noise or premium tape a cou- is more important than any of the others. Ac-
tra cost of the best tapes is easily justified. ple of years ago. ceptable levels of wow and flutter are vitally
In general. 1 -mil -thick tape, with its 1800 feet The most advanced and truly "premium" dependent on smooth mechanical operation of
on a 7 -inch reel, offers the best compromise cassettes use cobalt -doped ferric -oxide coat- the cartridge, so it is well not to skimp in select-
between tape storage bulk and quality. Former- ings for enhanced performance. They provide a ing a cartridge.
ly, 1.5 -mil tape was more widely used. because higher output level. wider frequency response.
of its reduced sensitivity to "print -through." lower distortion, and less noise than was possi- ACCESSORIES for high-fidelity systems are
Sometimes the thinner "double -play" (0.5 -mil) ble only a couple of years ago. Chromium - so numerous and varied that it is difficult to
tape is advantageous. but if recording time dioxide (Cr0,) was once hailed as the tape to classify them. let alone to comment on their
considerations permit. the 1 -mil thickness is use for highest possible cassette recording features. For the tape recordist. there are edit-
preferable. quality, but it has now fallen somewhat out of ing devices. cassette repair kits. head demag-
Almost all open -reel tapes use ferric -oxide favor. In spite of its real advantages in high -fre- netzers, tape erasers, cassette fast winders, a
coatings, but there are some differences be- quency performance. Cr02 tape distorts at rela- host of microphone mixers and preamplifiers.
tween the products of different manufacturers. tively low levels. preventing its full dynamic and cassette storage racks. The discophile can
Recently. Ferrichrome. a two -layer tape origi- range from being realized. Considerable skill choose from a number of record care devices
nally developed for cassettes, has been intro- and care was needed to make a really good anc preparations, including cloths. brushes.
duced in open -reel format. In a properly biased CrO, recording. with acceptable distortion and and vacuum cleaners, plus liquids and radioac-
machine, Ferrichrome tape offers extended full dynamic range. Last year. new ferric oxide tive gadgets that will clean his dirty records,
high -frequency response and excellent free- tapes with cobalt treatment were offered as a keep clean ones from gathering dirt, and pre-
dom from saturation effects. However. at pres- logical successor to Cr0,. They are designed serve their grooves against damage and wear.
ent only one company's machines are de- to be used with Cr0, bias and equalization, and Other accessories include speaker and head-
signed to use it with optimum results. and the frequency response is comparable to chrome. phone switch boxes. antennas (hardly an "ac-
tape is expensive. although d stortion is lower and output is cessory" for the serious FM listener). audio
Cassettes: In contrast to open -reel recording. higher. oscilloscopes, four -channel decoders, mixers,
the quality of a cassette recording is critically Ferrichrome. with a layer of Cr0, over a layer and many more.
4 hrs (4800') at 7I/2 ips, 10'/2" reel $23.50
No. 214. 0.5 -mil tensilized. 90 min at 71/2 ips
(5" reel). $7.50
180 min (7" reel) $15.00
All-purpose economy tape for vocals as well as BY CAPITOL,
No. 228. 1-5 mil. 60 min at 7V2 ips (7" reel)
No. 229. 1 -mil. 90 min at 71/2 ips (7" reel) 'lutes at 17/8 ps
$6.85 nigh output low noise
"Classic" Open -Reel Tapes
High -frequency performance 3 dB higher than
shell for critical mechanical performance &
three -head recorder design; "Posi-Trak" back
treatment; album or "C -Box" packaging (35
cents additional for C-60 & C-90).
45 min $2.85
60 min $3.25
90 min $4.50
120 min $6.25
Multi -purpose cassette featuring full dynamic
range throughout the audible sound spectrum.
"Posi-Trak" back treatment. Album package.
(60 & 90 also in C -Box package for 35 cents
45 min $2.35
60 min $2.75
90 min $4.00 Music. Record it right. On the only premium blank tape good
120 min $5.60 enough to wear the name -The Music Tape"by CapitorIt's designed
For all-purpose cassette use. Polyester base.
specifically to record music with wide frequency response, low noise
45 min $1.60 and low distortior. Nobody knows music better than Capitol ...
60 min $1.85 knows the suotle colors of treble, bass and mid -range.
90 min $2.75
120 min $4.35 Record. Listen. The Music Tape by Capitol
takes you there again and again and again.
"Classic" Cassettes TMListen.
Features layers of chromium -dioxide and low -
musk tape.
noise ferric -oxide to produce high -frequency
performance equal to "chrome," but an addi-
tional 5 dB increase over Cr02 in low -frequency
range; fully compatible with all recorders;
"Posi-Trak" back treatment. Album package. BLANK CASSETTES, CARTRIDGES & REEL TO REEL
(60 & 90 also in C -Box package for 35 cents
45 min
60 min
90 min
records music
X)() CA
Low -Noise Cassette Tape accidental reversal. Usable in conventional
C-45 Plus 2. 23 min/side $1.59 cassette machines. Polyester backing. Pack-
C-60 Plus 2. 31 min/side $1.69 aged in plastic boxes.
Blank Tape C-90 Plus 2. 46 min/side $2.49 EC -20S, 20 sec $3.99
C-120 Plus 2.61 min/side $3.69 EC -30S, 30 sec $3.99
EC -1,1 min $3.99
Ultra -High -Fidelity Cassette Tape EC -3, 3 min $4.19
No. 206-207; S/N 8 dB higher than standard
EC -6, 6 min $4.59
recording tape; polyester base; "Posi-Trak" UHFC-60 Plus 2.31 min/side $2.69
EC -12, 12 min $5.49
backing; leader, trailer. Padded book -style box. UHFC-90 Plus 2.46 min/side $3.79
CL.7R60. 1.5 -mil, 60 min. at 7'/2 ips (7" reel) UHFC-120 Plus 2. 61 min/side $4.99
$8.75 Head Cleaner Cassette
CL -7R90. 1.0 -mil, 90 min. at 71/2 ips (7 reel) Chromium -Dioxide Cassettes Chromium trioxide removes deposits, laps and
$10.60 CRO-60. 60 min $3.49 polishes pitted heads. Unique check -off chart
CL -7R120. 0.5 -mil, 120 min. at 71/2 ips (7" CRO-90. 90 min $4.29 on box keeps record of cleaner life.
reel) $13.75 HC -1 $1.19
CL -10R120. 1.5 -mil, 120 min. at 7'/2 ips (10" Ferri -Chrome Cassettes
reel) $22.50 FeCr-60 Plus 2. 31 min/side $3.99 "Super Dynamic" 8 -Track Cartridges
CL -10R180. 1.0 -mil, 180 min at 7'/2 ips (Fa- Full -fidelity 8 -track cartridges with gamma fer-
me!) $26.25 8 -Track Cartridges ric oxide. Response 20-23,000 Hz. High satura-
81-40 Plus 2. 21 min/side $3.49 tion and output level (MOL). Has broad dynamic
CL -10R240. 0.5 -mil, 240 min at 71/2 ips (10"
8T-60 Plus 2. 31 min/side $3.99 range, high S/N, and minimum distortion.
reel) $35.00
81-80 Plus 2. 41 min/side $4.49 8TR-45SD, 45 min $2.99
"Classic" 8 -Track Cartridges 8TR-90SD, 90 min $3.99
Features special low -noise ferric -oxide coating Ferri -Chrome Recording Tape
FeCr-11-3600. 3600 ft $39.95 "Audua-L" Open -Reel Tape
for high -frequency sensitivity of 7 dB higher;
S/N at low frequencies 6 dB higher than stan- High -density ferric -oxide coating for high out-
dard cartridges; fully compatible, oxide coating put, low noise, stability and durability.
SOUNDCRAFT L1200. 1200 ft, 7" low -torque reel $4.99
heavy-duty lubricated polyester backing.
8TR-45. 45 min $4.35 L-1800. 1800 ft, 7" reel $5.99
Cassette Tapes L -3600P. Plastic reel $15.49
8TR-90. 90 min
2SR-80130. 30 min $0.89 L -3600M. Metal reel $19.95
8 -Track Cartridges 2SR-80140. 40 min $0.99
2SR-80160. 60 min $1.49 "Audua-LB" Open -Reel Tape
Features low -noise oxide coating on heavy-duty $1.89
2SR-80190. 90 min Back -treated open -reel tape; high bias/equali-
lubricated polyester backing.
2SR-80112. 120 min $2.09 zation.
High-Output/Low-Noise 2SR-801HC. Head cleaner $1.49
Full 2 -dB increase in output over premium LB -1800. 1800 -ft, 7" plastic reel $8.69
tapes. Captures full balanced sound. LB -3600. 3600 -ft, 10'/2" NAB metal reel
8 -Track Tapes $22.95
8TR-45 HO/LN. 45 min $3.75 8SR -80340. 40 min $1.69
8TR-90 HO/LN. 90 min $4.35 8SR-80380. 80 min $1.99
Low-Noise/Dynarange S Open -Reel Tape
8SR-803HC. Head cleaner $1.39 Open -reel tape with reproduction character-
All-purpose cartridge
8TR-45. 45 min istics of SD cassettes.
$3.10 Open -Reel Tapes $4.99
8TR-90. 90 min $3.75 S-1200
4SR-80512. 7" x 1200 ft $3.49 $5.99
4SR-80518. 7" x 1800 ft $3.99
reel $13.99
ERK-130 Cassette Edit/Repair Kit 4SR-80524. 7" x 2400 ft $4.49
Contains precision splicing block; spindle for S -3600M. Metal reel $17.49
4SR-80536. 7" x 3600 ft $7.49
manually winding cassette tape; six polyester
picks (adhesive tipped for retrieval of tape ends
lost in housing); six 130 -mil splicing tabs; TDK
detailed instruction booklet
Pre -Cut Tabs
"Audua" Cassettes
Improved version of ED, with added high -end
nE Accessories
SPT-7/32-36. 36 pre-cut 1.0 -mil polyester
$1.25 brilliance; broad dynamic range, high output,
splicing tabs
minimum noise. Use high (or normal) bias/EQ. ACOUSTIC -MOUNT
SST -7/32-18. 18 pre-cut aluminized sensing
$1.25 Audua-C60, 60 min $2.69
Audua-C90, 90 min $3.99 Turntable Isolation System
Head Cleaners Designed to reduce acoustic feedback caused
S -C -HC. Cassette head cleaner $1.85 by sound waves and vibrations from speakers
S-8TR-HC. 8 -track head cleaner $3.00 "Super Avilyn" Cassettes reaching the phono cartridge; consists of four
Features new magnetic particle (Avilyn), low specially designed springs & dampers mounted
"Classic" Tape Indexing System abrasiveness, high S/N, low distortion. Use on 3/.." platform; 4 -Hz resonance in both hori-
1" x 8" x 8'/2" bookshelf index for cataloguing Cr02 bias/EQ. zontal & vertical planes; said to improve isola-
288 tapes; easy access to any tape through SA -C60, 60 min $3.29 tion 20-40 dB; 16" x 131/2" $15.00
complete cross-reference to individual titles by SA -C90, 90 min $4.79 19 x 13V." $17.50
artist or music/sound style. CL-TIS $7.95
"Super Dynamic" Cassettes
C -Box Cassette Storage System High-performance gamma ferric oxide for wide
Stackable/interlocking cassette storage/carry- ADVENT
dynamic range, low -noise, and distortion -free
ing boxes with pushbutton drawers; easy ac-
output. Response 30-20,000 Hz. Polyester MPR-1 Microphone Preamplifier
cess and index label for quick identification. back.
Sleeve of three empty C -Box units $1.99 For use with low -impedance balanced or unbal-
$0.99 SD -C45, 45 min $2.19 anced microphones. Switchable gain for either
C -Box wall bracket
SD -C60, 60 min $2.39 40 or 60 dB. Operated by power supply of Ad-
C -Box carrying handle SD -C90, 90 min $3.59
vent 201 cassette deck. 53/4" x 23/ " x 1" D
SD -C120, 120 min $4.79
SONY from SUPERSCOPE -Dynamic" Cassettes
Features company's new M-400 gamma ferric -
Professional Recording Tape oxide coating. Includes new 3 -hour "4 -record - ALL -TEST
Extra -heavy -formula Oxi-coat homogenized
album -length" cassette plus new single -album -
oxide coating; polyester back, "lubri-cushion" length cassette. Polyester back. ATD-25 Phono Preamp
impregnated lubricant. D -C30, 30 min $1.39 Amplifies magnetic phono cartridge signals to
PR -150-3. 300 ft, 3'/.." reel, 1 mil $1.99
. .
D -C45, 45 min $1.49 level which will drive high-level inputs of any
PR -150-9.900 ft. 5" reel, 1 mil $3.49 $1.59 stereo amp, integrated amp, or receiver; IM
$6.49 D -C60, 60 min
PR -150-18. 1800 ft, 7" reel, 1 mil $2.29 distortion 0.01%; noise 80 dB below 10 mV
D -C90, 90 min
PR -150-36. 3600 ft, 1042" reel, 1 mil . $17.95 input, 20-20,000 Hz (input shorted); negative
D -C120, 120 min $3.29
Low -Noise, High -Output Tape D -C180, 180 min $4.79 feedback 70 dB at 1 kHz; gain 36 dB at 1 kHz;
On 1 -mil polyester base. input imp. 47,000 ohms ±5%; frequency re-
SLH-180-18. 1800 ft, r reel $7.99 "Endless" Cassettes sponse 20-20,000 Hz ±0.5 dB of RIAA curve;
SLH-180-36. 3600 ft, 10'/2" reel .... $22.95 Endless -loop design with safety feature against channel separation 80 dB at 10,000 Hz; max.
Provides optional front -to -rear separation en-
hancement. Connects into hi-fi system between degrees; v.s.w.r. median 1.5: 1; front -to -back
ratio median 26 dB; turning radius 97". 166" metal construction; grounding wire to remove
preamp & power amp or through tape jacks. static charges; adjustable height; adjustable
Has inputs for 2- and 4 -channel tape sources. long x 112" W $62.16
LPL-FM8A. Eight cell system for fringe recep- eccentric platform $18.95
+ N)/N 70 dB below V. V. Gain is unity. Maxi- Sweeper/Stylus Balance. Same as standard
tion. Gain 8.7 dB; half -power bandwidth 46
degrees; v.s.w.r. median 1.8:1, front -to -back sweeper but with fluid level built into barrel of
ratio median 20 dB; turning radius 84". 121" arm and counterweight inscribed with calibra-
long x 112" W $50.40 tion marks; short shaft with small metal plat-
LPL-FM6A. Six cell system for near fringe re- form converts unit into accurate stylus balance.
ception. Gain 8.3 dB; half -power beamwidth $28.95
48 degrees; v.s.w.r. median 1.5:1, front -to -back
ratio median 18 dB; turning radius 72" 98" long
x 112" W $37.30 LAFAYETTE
mum input 4 V rms. Response 20-20,000 Hz ±1 LPL-FM4A. Four cell system for suburban/local
dB. 21/." x 8" x 7" D $99.95 reception. Gain 6.5 dB; half -power beamwidth OD -4 4 -Channel Adapter
49 degrees; v.s.w.r. median. 1.6:1; front -to -back Synthesizes 4 -charnel sound from regular 2 -
ratio median 16.6 dB; turning radius 63". channel stereo records, tapes. Does not require
63" long x 112" W $24.85 an additional stereo amplifier. Has 4 -position
FERROGRAPH function switch, rear level control, phono jacks.
FM500 Electronic FM Antenna 53/." W x C x 2'/e" H $14.95
RTS-2 Recorder Test Set Has omnidirectional condensed dipole element;
Will test wow & flutter, frequency response, balanced output feeds directly into solid-state
(S + N)/N ratio, gain, distortion, crosstalk, era- r.f. amplifier; provides up to 8 dB average gain
sure, input sensitivity, output power, and drift. over standard reference folded dipole; shielded
Input required 35 mV to 5 V. Has output for os- coax cable; 75-300 ohm matching transformer;
cilloscope. 173/8" x 10" x 51/4" H $1300.00 11" dia.; comes with power supply, 10 -ft coax,
Lencoclean Record Cleaner
mounting hardware; can be installed in attic or Consists of a hollow tube reservoir arm with ap-
on shelf, wall, or eaves $25.65
plicator brush; tube is filled with fast -drying
FIDELITONE Optional outdoor mounting kit with 75 -ft coax.
fluid which is laid upon grooves just ahead of
the pickup stylus; brush picks up dirt & dust;
Fidelistat #3044 hardware for permanent or temporary mount-
Plush record cleaner designed to reduce static ing; fluid will clean up to 15 LP sides ... $9.75
$3.99 "1" Kit. Same except king-sized storage reser-
and remove grit from records JVC voir (cleans up to 20 sides) $13.25
Disc Jockey #3045 Super Tonic. Refills for either system.... $1.95
4DD-5 4 -Channel Demodulator
Attaches to turntable; soft bristle brush re- Designed to be used with the CD -4 four -channel
moves dust; plush pad sweeps away dust; sup-
system. Can be added to any existing 2 -channel LUXMAN
plied with anti -static fluid $5.99
turntable & 4 -channel reproducing system.
#3050. Replacement fluid $1.49
Input 1.5 mV at 100,000 ohms impedance. A-2003 Electronic Crossover
Stylus Cleaner #3040 Output 300 mV at 5000 ohms impedance. Re- For use in bi- and tri-amplification systems;
sponse 20-16,000 Hz. Separation semi -adjust- purchaser selects any two crossover frequen-
Special cleaning fluid which is applied to stylus $129.95
able. 3'hi" x 67i." x 111/2"
with brush $1.99
cies between 125 Hz & 8 kHz and unit is cus-
AD -1013 Audio -Scope tomized; plug-in modules available for other
Audio oscilloscope capable of monitoring such crossovers; frequency shift switch trims each
parameters as channel separation, phasing, crossover point --.-4/6 of an octave in 1/8 octave
relative signal strengths, multi -path reception, increments; selectable 6 & 12 dB/octave slopes
and center tuning on all 2- and 4 -channel and adjustable signal levels for each driver;
stereo systems. Inputs for left -front, left -back, center -channel switch & output on rear panel.
right -front, right -back, and multi -path, inde- $425.00
pendently switchable or in any combination;
front -panel input provided for observing any
external source (permitting use as conventional
scope); lighted function indicators; built-in
20-20,000 Hz audio oscillator; front -panel Erase -Sure Tape Eraser
controls for selecting frequency of audio amplifier, speakers, and records; wood -grained
oscillator and controlling amplitude of gen- walnut vinyl laminate finish. 63" W x 29" H Will erase a cassette or 8 -track cartridge to -65
Scotch Cassettes.
They just might outlive you.
3C500 Staticmaster
Soft -hair retractable brush with extra -strength
polonium element. Designed to neutralize stat-
ic and remove dust from records $14.95
to hi-fi's most Replacement cartridge $9.95
Deluxe walnut grain vinyl finish. Money back if not delighted. Has input facilities for up to six mikes; each
DI am also interested in receiving information on your new turntable kits channel has alternative terminal for line or
NETRONICS R&D LTD. ROUTE 6, BETHEL, CONN 06801 phono inputs; two channels equipped with pan
For Home o"-- Studio
drives any Stax electrostatic headphone directly for
The SRA-12S switches to drive any
personal listening -and simultaneously
two -channel power amp.
the Stax SRA-12S is one
Small wonder that away from the studio
of the world's best sounding phono preamps.
$500.00 from franchised American Audioport
RBM-8. Record cleaning kit with revolving patchcords; permits interconnection of up to
record cleaning pad and 9 fluid oz. of anti- four recorders, noise -reduction units, graphic
handles the output of any component amplifier
Uses velvet covered roller to remove dust and designed for the home. Walnut cabinet. $84.95
dirt; sliding partition stores water or anti -static
SWB-2W Speaker/Amp Selector Switch
AUDIO fluid which moistens roller. #41-046 .. $3.99
Permits either of two amplifiers to drive any
.- Cassette Maintenance Kit one, two, or three sets of stereo speakers of 8 or
Demagnetizes tape heads of home and auto 16 ohms impedance without overloading out-
cassette players/recorders; employs rotary put. Can be used to connect multiple speaker
NATIONAL magnet; includes non-abrasive head -cleaning systems to amps having only one set of speaker
tape; designed to be used after every 15-20 terminals. Maintains proper load imp. on ampli-
yeter HEADQUARTERS hours of player/recorder use; cordless
#36-008 $3.49
fier irrespective of number of speakers or their
impedance. Can also be used for making A -B
For Famous Brand Stylus Pressure Gauge
tests of any two amps or speaker systems. Wal-
nut cabinet $25.95
Electronics By Mail Measures phono stylus pressure to within SWB-2. Same but in utility steel cabinet. $14.95
1150 N. Powis Rd., West Chicago. '/re gram. #41.073 $2.59
III. 60185 (312) 293-1825
Disc Cleaner SANSUI
All Orders Shipped In
Factory -Sealed Cartons Stops static and removes dust & grime; soft
velvet -cushioned cylinder; comes with storage OSD-1 4 -Ch Decoder/Synthesizer
Write Or Call For tube & cleaning brush. #41-195 $1.99 Features three separate QS "Vario-Matrix"
The Lowest Prices decoders; 20 dB separation between adjacent
Anywhere! channels, 30 dB across diagonally opposite
RPM INDUSTRIES channels; QS synthesizer for deriving 4 -chan-
STRAUSS: Festive Prelude. Op 61 (excerpt) DGG. MANITAS DE PLATA: Gypsy Rhumba (complete) Conn. Soc
Techniques of Separation & Multiple Sound Sources Acoustic DEBUSSY: Feux d'arlifice (excerpt) Connoisseur Society
Depth Ambiance of Concert Hall Sharp Congests of Dynamics MARCELLO, (err King): Psalm XVII "The Heavens
Crescendo & Diminuendo Very High & Very Low Pitched Musical BEETHOVEN, Wellington's Victory (Batts Symphony) are (complete) Connoisseur Society.
Sounds Polyphony (2 or more melodies at once) With Both Similar (excerpt from the first movement) Westminster Records PRAETORIUS: Terpsichore: La Bourret, XXXII
Contrasting Instruments Tonal Oualities of Wind. String & Per- MASSAINO: Canzona XXXV a 16 (compete) DGG Archive. (Complete) DOG Archive
cussion Instruments Sounds of Ancient Instruments Sounds of CORRETTE: Concerto Comique Op 8. No 6. "Le Piais,r des B ERG: Wozzeck (excerpt from Act III) DGG.
Oriental Instruments Sound of Singing Voice. Both Classically Dames" (third movement) Connoisseur Society. B ARTOID Sonata for two pianos and Percussion (excerpt
Trained and Untrained Plus a Large Sampling of Finger Snap- KHAN: Raga Chandranandan (excerpt) Connoisseur Society from the. first movement) Cambridge Records
ping, Hand Clapping. Foot Stamping & Other Musical & Percus- RODRIGO. Concert-Serenade for Harp and Orchestra BEETHOVEN: Wellington's Victory (Battle Victory) (excerpt
sive Sounds. (excerpt from the first movement) DGG. from the last movement) Westminster.
a NW Mal
Descriptive Booklet Enclosed Includes discussion of the
selections on the record, Plus complete description of
FREE each selection end the purpose behind its demonstration. Ziff -Davis Service Division, Dept. R, 595 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10012. SDBG
ORDER YOUR STEREO DEMONSTRATION Please send the following: BaukAmericard ' Master Charge I
RECORD OR CASSETTE TODAY IC Stereo Demonstration Record @ $5.98, postpaid American Express El Diners Club
($8 outside U.S.A.). Account a Exp Date
Record $598 Postpaid check one: n 331/3 RPM [1 45 RPM Master Charge Interbank a
Stereo Demonstration Cassette @ $6.98, post
(4 numbers over your name) I
Cassette $698 Postpaid paid ($8 outside U.S.A.). I
Print Name
EXPRESS. BANKAMERICARD. MASTER In II Enclosed is $ (Residents of Calif.,
Col., Fla., Ill., Mich., Mo., N.Y. State, D.C. and
Tex. add applicable sales tax.)
Address I
[Dl® City State Zip I
BUYING GUIDE 1977 Accessories SH-400 CD -4 4 -Ch. Demodulator
Low -distortion, high -separation demodulator
for playback of CD -4 discrete 4-ch records;
ADVERTISERS INDEX uses dual -in -line IC's; includes built-in meter
for precise adjustments; high-speed muting
nel 5); battery check button; slide indicator for circuit for noise suppression due to surface
straight-line level control; comes with one RK- flaws; carrier crosstalk cancellation circuit
74 patchcord, eight "C" cells; 133/.1' W x 91/2" D for minimizing IM dist.; high/blend switch for
1 Acoustic Research. Inc. 123 x 3" H $169.95 reducing noise on worn discs; frequency re-
2 Acousti-Phase 151 sponse 20-16,000 Hz; input imp. 100,000 ohms
3 Acoustique 3a International 117 NR -115 Dolby Adapter magnetic, 2200 ohms semiconductor; input
ADS 119 Designed to be used with any two- or three. sensitivity 2 mV magnetic, 3 mV semiconductor;
Advent Corporation 115
6 Allison Acoustics 155
head open reel, cassette, or 8 -track cartridge output level/imp. 200 mV/300 ohms; S/N 60 dB;
7 Altec Lansing 120, 121 tape recorder. Has line -input facility; built-in separation 55 dB (left/right), 30 dB (front/
4 American Audioport, Inc. 181 400 -Hz oscillator for input/output balancing. rear) $169.95
8 Audio Expo 41 record/playback mode switch; illuminated me-
Audio Technica, US, Inc. 59, 77 ter with right/left channel switching; two play- SH-3433 4 -Channel Audio Scope
9 Audioanalyst 145 back semi -fixed controls; and two input level 3 -inch screen to view all 4 -channel signal lev-
10 Avid Corporation 122 controls. $129.95 els & phase relationships. Connects either at
11 Ball Corporation 73 speaker terminals or outputs of any preamp.
13 Bang & Olufsen of America,
Cartridge Division
12 Bang & Olufsen of America, SOUND GUARD
Turntable Division 67 TRACKER
14 British Industries Company 2 Record Preservation Kit
15 British Industries Company, Dry lubricant spray; provides record surfaces Company carries a complete line of record and
BIC Venturi 112 with strong protective coating without impair-
Bose Corporation ..................... 125 recorder care accessories.
ing record fidelity; kit includes special formu- LE -2000G. Gift pack containing LE -2000B rec-
16 Capitol Magnetic Products . 175 lation, buffing pad, pump spray; one kit treats
17 Carston Studios 184 ord care brush; 8 oz. bottle record care solu-
about 20 LPs, both sides $6.99 tion; packed in cedar chest $19.95
18 Cizek Audio Systems 153
Component Discounters 90 LE -200013. Record care brush with built-in fluid
19 Crown International 23 reservoir; spray applicator; rosewood, inlaid
20 Dahlquist 133 TEAC handle $14.95
22 dbx, Inc. 109 Replacement brush insert $5.95
23 Discount Music Club 4 Model 2 Audio Mixer PRC-1. Professional record care kit containing
Discwasher, Inc 4th Cover Features six input, six mike, or six line sources 8 -oz. bottle record care solution; pump spray
24 District Sound, Inc. 90 (or any combination of mike/line inputs), four
50 Dual 62, 63
applicator; "Preener" record brush; self -stand-
ing storage case $12.95
26,27 Electro-Voice, Inc. 130, 131
21,99 Empire Scientific Corporation 6.60 RF-1. 8 -oz. refill bottle record care solution
28 Frazier, Inc 135
29 Fuji Photo Film, USA 173 CRC -5. Record cleaner solution made along
traditional water based lines for use in cleaning
Genesis Physics Corporation 126, 127
old classic records. Contains 21/2 oz. fluid;
Harman-Kardon 94,95
25 Heath Company
preener brush; dust -proof case $7.95
CRF-2. 8 -oz. refill bottle of CRC -2 record fluid.
31 Illinois Audio 58 $6.50
33 I nnotech 155
32 International Hi Fi Distributors 101
HC -1. Tape recorder care kit containing head
34 Jensen Sound Laboratories
cleaning solution; rubber renewing solution;
5" swabs; chassis wiping cloth; dust -proof
35 Kenwood Electronics 2nd Cover, 1
case $5.95
36 KLH Research & Development 129
37 Klipsch & Associates 139
38 Koss Electronics 156 outputs; level controls for each input channek WATTS, C. E.
39 Lafayette Radio Electronics 42 master output level control; cue out jack on
Lux Audio of America 25 each input channel; accessory send/receive Dust Bug Record Cleaner
40 3M Company 179 patch points on each output bus for reverb An easy -mounting record cleaner which tracks
42 Magneplanar Products 144 units, graphic equalizers, limiters, compres- over the grooves. Supplied with anti -static
Marantz 186, 3rd Cover sors, noise -reduction units, other signal pro- agent
Marjen Company 106 cessing equipment; four aux. outputs in parallel
45 Martin Speakers 147
46 McIntosh Laboratories 36
with four line outputs; selectable high -cut Record Care Equipment
47 MGA 142, 143 filters at 5 kHz or 10 kHz; low-cut filters at PR Disc Preener $5.95
48 Miida 53 100 Hz or 200 Hz; color -coded push -push PA-MK4 Hi-Fi Parastat $16.50
49 Mura Corporation 159 channel assignment buttons with pan on each PA-MK11A Manual Parastat $19.95
51 MXR Innovations, Inc. 111 channel. 31/4" H x 131/.." W x 104:' D... $350.00 NF Anti -Static Formula Fluid $3.00
52 Netronics 180
53 Onkyo 47
41 Pickering & Company, Inc. 79
54 Presage Corporation 149
SAE Corporation
Sansui Electronics
(Continued from page 16) ONKYO, Mitsubishi International Corp 31. 39. 52. 146 SONUS, Sonic Research Inc 80
25-19 43rd Ave Long Island City, N Y 1" 27 Sugar Hollow Rd . Danbury. Conn 068/0
ORTOFON 78 SONY CORP. OF AMERICA 35, 41, 56. 70. 106. 183
KOSS CORPORATION 140,158 9 E 38th Street. New York. N Y 10016 9 'AI 57th Street. New York. N Y 10019
4129 N Port WI ;'on Ave Milwaukee. Wis 53212 86 88.
LAFAYETTE RADIO ELECTRONICS CORP. 981 Industrial Rd San Carlos, Cal 94070 97, 103, 167, 176. 183
27, 39,
48. 66. 93. 102, 140. 159. 165. 174. 178 20525 Nordholl Street. Chatsworth. Cal 91311
111 Jericho 7,o,ke Syosse: N Y 1'791 PANASONIC, Matsushita Electric Corp of Amer.r:i 68.
105. 108 146 SOUND CELL. INC. 150
LANIER, BO Sonics One Panasonic Way. Secaucus. N J 07094 7'. esa Blvd.. San Diego. Ca/ 92117
Route 2. Box 386A. Gainesville, Fla 32601 176
LEAK, Ercona Corp 27. 39. 50, 140 930 Newark Ave . Jersey City. N J 07306 5: W 5. -iner New York N Y 10019
2492 Merrick Rd . Bellmore. N Y 11710 56. 109. 151
LENCO, Uher of America Inc 66. 93. 178 PO Box 1335. Lynwood, Wash 98036 '721 Newport Circle. Santa Ana. Cal 92705
621 S Hindry Ave . Inglewood. Cal 90301
PHILIPS HI-FI LABORATORY 69. 147 SOUND GUARD, Ball Corporation 184
LENTEK, American Audioport Inc 140 P.O Box 2208 Fort Wayne. Ind 46801 1509 S Macedonia Ave Muncie. Ind
909 University. Columbia. Mo 65201 78. 160. 180 151
PICKERING It CO., INC. . SP, Grafyx Audio Products. Inc
LINN SONDEK, Audiophile Systems 68 101 Sunnyside Blvd.. Plainview. N.Y 11803 /550F W Fullerton Ave . Addison. III 60101
851 W 44th. Indianapolis. Ind 46208 32.
PILOT RADIO SALES, Mitsubishi Interna-ional Co,; SPEAKERLAB INC. 151
LUXMAN, Lux Audio of America Ltd 40. 52 5400 35th N E Seattle. Wash 98105
27. 39, 68, 178
200 Aerial Way. Syosset. N Y 11791 /65 W Putnam Ave.. Greenwich, Conn. 06850
MAGITRAN CO., THE, Div of ERA Acoustics 140 PIONEER, U S Pioneer Electronics Corp 32, 40. 54. 69. 1508 r Sr ';'reet. Pasco. Wash 99302
311 E Park Street, Moonachie. N J 07074 78, 86, 98, 109, 147, 160. 166. 180
178 Commerce Rd.. Moonachie, N J 07074 STANTON MAGNETICS, INC. 70. 82. 161
MAGNEPLANAR, Magnepan Incorporated 140 N Y 11803
PO Box 8642. White Bear Lake. Minn 55110 PLANAR, Presage Corporation 32. 54
,;tie Ave.. Nashua. N H 03060 STAR, American Audioport. Inc 35. 162
MAGNESONICS SALES 178 909 University. Columbia. Mo 65201
'27. Northridge. Cal 91324
4.40u Wetheredsville Rd.. Baltimore, Md. 21207 SUPEREX ELECTRONICS CORP. 162
MALLORY DISTRIBUTOR PRODUCTS CO. 174 151 Ludlow Street. Yonkers. N Y 10705
Box 2184. Indianapolis. Ind 46206
Dumaine Ave . Nashua. N H. 03060 SUPERSCOPE, INC. 56. 98. 103
MARANTZ CO., INC., Subs Superscoo., 30. 39. 20525 Nordhoff Street. Chatsworth. Cal 91371
RABCO, Harman/Kardon 69
50. 68. 93. 144. 159
PO Box 99 Sun Valley Cal 91352 55 Ames Court, Plainview. N Y 11803 SWTP, Southwest Technical Products Corp
219 W Rhapsody. San Antonio. Tex 78216
MARJEN CO.. INC. RADIO SHACK. ")... of Tandy Corp 32. 40. 54. 69,
PO Box 2. 97 102. 148. 160. 166 SYLVANIA INCORPORATED 56. 103. 106. 152.
Conn 06785 325. 6.11121
F2vt Worth. Tex 7F' 700 Ellicott Street. Batavia. N.Y 14020
Mfg Cr Inc RECOTON CORPORATION 160. 166, 174. 182 SYNERGISTICS 152
Mick, NJc 46-23 Crane Street. Long Island Cty tv e 11101 P 0 Box 1245. Canoga Park. Cal 91304
MAXELL CORP. OF AMERICA 174 57. 88. 98
Moonachie, NJ 07074 107 Bruckner Blvd.. Bronx. N.Y 10454 Labriola Court. Armonk. N.Y 10504
San Tomas at Central Expressway. Santa Clara. '55 Michael Dr. Syosset. N Y 11791 55 Ames Court. Plainview. N Y 11803
Cal 95052
MERITON ELECTRONICS, INC. 93, 102, 105, 165. 174 Bradford Rd. Gomersal. Yorks BD19 4AZ England 755 Eastgate Blvd Ga, i. N Y 11530
35 Oxford Dr Moonachie. N J 07074 182
MESA ELECTRONICS, LTD. 68 ,5 Austin Blvd Commack. N.Y 11725 7733 Telegran1, 6, '' : 'o Ca
1449 El Algonquin Rd Mt. Prospect. III. 60056
METROSOUND, RNS Marketing. Inc 180 2642 Central Park Ave Yonkers. N Y 10'1C Anerica 35, 41, 57, 70.82,100,103,111,152,162,167,184
PO Box 1546, Bloomfield. N J 07003 One Panasonic Way. Secaucus. N J 07094
MICRO/ACOUSTICS CORP. 77, 144 409 N Main Street. Freeport. N Y 11520 TELEX COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 90, 103, 106, 163
8 Westchester Plaza. Elmsford. N Y 10423 9600 Aldrich Ave S . Minneapolis. Minn 55420
MICRO SEIKI, Teac Corporation of America 68 6334 Arizona Place. Los Angeles. Cal 90045 TEMPEST, ESS Inc 153
7733 Telegraph Rd . Montebello, Cal 90640 PO Box 26266 Sacramento. Cal 95827
MICROTOWER, Epicure Products, Inc 145 RTR INDUSTRIES, INC. 148 THORENS, Elpa Marketing Industries Inc 70
One Charles Street. Newburyport. Mass 01950 8116 Deering. Canoga Park. Cal 91304 Thorens P ".. fe Park N
MIIDA ELECTRONICS, INC. 52, 88, 145, 160 RUSSOUND/FMP, INC. 182 TOSHIBA AMERICA. INC. 41. 57. 72. 90. 101. 103
205 Chubb Ave . Lyndhurst. N J 07101 Foot of Canal Street. North Berwick. Me 03906 280 Park .4y.% Y,,, N Y 100'
MITSUBISHI. Melco Sales Inr 145 SAE, Scientific Audio Electronics. Inc 32, 40, 109, 150 TRACKER USA 184
3030 E Victoria Stree ' B Cal 90221 PO Box 60271 Terminal Annex. Los Angeles. Cal 90060 PO Box 178 Renton. Wash 98055
2202 River Hills 6337 149 Fifth Ave New York. N.Y 10010 2373 S Otis. Santa Ana. Cal 92704
MURA CORP. 160, 165. 180 SANSUI ELECTRONICS CORP. 34. 40. 55. 69. 97. TURNER DIVISION, Conrac Corp 167
177 Cantiague Rock Rd Westbury. N Y 11590 150. 160. 182 909 17th Street N E . Cedar Rapids. la 52402
55-17 Queens Blvd Woodside. N Y 113
MX Philips Hi -F. Laboratory 52, 146, 180 UHER OF AMERICA INC. 90. 101
:Mx 2208. Fort Wayne. Ind 46801 SANYO ELECTRIC INC. 97. 103. 105 62'S Hindrey. Inglewood. Cal 90301
1200 W Walnut Street. Compton. Cal 90220
MXR INNOVATIONS INC. 108 ULTRALINEAR, Solar Audio Products. Inc 153
PO Box 722 Rochester N Y 14603 SATIN, Superex Electronics Corp 78 3228 E 50th Street. Los Angeles. Cal 90058
151 Ludlow Sheet. Yonkers. N.Y 10705
NAKAMICHI RESEARCH (U.S.A), INC. 31. 78. 93. UTAH ELECTRONICS, Div of Utah -American Corp 154
146, 160, 165, 174. 180 SCOTCH, 3M Co 174 1124 E Franklin Street. Huntington. Ind 46750
220 Westbury Ave . Carle Place. N Y 11514 3M Center. St Paul. Minn. 55101
VIDEOTON, Kelso Imports. Inc 154
NEAL, Audiophile Systems 96 SCOTT, H.H., INC. 34 41. 55. 150 41 Madison Ave . New York. N.Y 10010
851 W 44th Indianapolis, Ind 46208 20 Commerce Way, Woburn. Mass 0180
NEUMANN, Gotham Audio Corp 166 SENNHEISER ELECTRONIC CORP. 161. 166 11131 Dora Street. Sun Valley. Cal 91352
741 Washington Street. New York N v ,rin : W 37th Skeet. New York, N Y 10018
NIKKO ELECTRIC CORPORATION OF AMERICA 31 39 SEOUERRA CO., INC., THE 41 Junction Rts 3 & 46. Clifton. N J 07013
16270 Raymer St . Van Nuys. Cal 97406 /43.11 Arche' Ave.. Jamaica, N Y 11435
WATTS. ' F . Elpa Marketing Industries. Inc 184
NORDMENDE, Sterling Hi -Fidelity. Inc 146 SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 97. 103. 105 Tr, B'do New Hyde Park N Y 10040
22-20 40th Ave., Long Island City. N Y 1110' e. Pair N J 07652
8101 10th Ave . N Minneapolis, Minn 55427 4300 N Ca '
Bo: 6600. Buena Park. Cal 90620
180 SHURE BROTHERS. INC. 80. 166. 183 ZENITH RADIO -CORPORATION 106. 155. 163
NUCLEAR PRODUCTS CO. 1900 N Austin Ave Chicago. III 60639
Box 1178 El Monte. Cal 91734 222 Harvey Ave
op ilk
oilia/ .5120 1110,11EM. EMIR 2G
memory counter
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F-- cicolky war systrri-1
DO acirre SYSTEM
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Marantz 5420 Top Loading Deck with Dolby (The enclosures for these units are constructed of plywood, finished in real walnut veneer).
the decks that live up to their name.
Built-in Dolby' System that works with built-in mixing console; Marantz cassette decks have
also permits external Dolby processing on other tape recorders. curved. Performance and
Instantly switches for external Dolby encoding on reel-to-reel decks.
Has 25 microsecond de -emphasis switch for FM Dolby. Works in conjunc- sophistication that surpasses
tion with built-in mixer for Dolbyizing multiple input sources. every other deck on the market.
Quality and technical excellence
equalled only by Marantz
One button each for receivers, components and
Normal, Cr02 and speaker systems.
FeCr tapes auto-
matically selects Top loading. Front loading. With
both bias and EQ. Eliminates Dolby. Without Dolby.- The
confus ng combination adjust- Marantz cassette deck line lets
ments of separate bias and EQ you select a model that exactly
switches. Single control calibrates suits your needs. Five decks in all,
both bias and EQ automatically
for be!t frequency response on with design features as exciting
any cassette tape. as their performance.
The Marantz 5420 top loading
deck with Dolby for example,
rkIale,14 sielectori lisesiller keeps wow and flutter down to
002 PCle Full 4 -input
mixing console 0.07%. Plus, it offers a wide
frequency response (30 Hz to
(.0 (.0 V (go with pan pot
and master
gain control.
17 kHz) and an exceptionally high
signal-to-noise ratio (up to 60 dB).
Four nputs-any combination of Other outstanding features
mic and line-are operated by
four individual slide potenti- include long -life ferrite heads,
ometers plus one master gain sophisticated DC servo drive
control for fade-in/fade-out. systems with total shut-off and
Two an pot controls permit memory tape counters.
inputs 3 and 4 to be assigned
to either left, center or right See the complete Marantz line
stage. Can operate as a at your local Marantz dealer.
separate mixing panel 'or Send for a free catalog.
master -quality recordings with
external tape recorders.
We sound better.
5 110
able stand that changes
the angle of the control
panel from flat to 20
Marantz 5120 Top Loading Deck with Dolby
'Dolby System under license from Dolby LCIICOOWS11. InC 0 1076 morcroz Co. inc o siasiolory or Superscope 20525 Natty:re St . Crt3tsworm. CA 91311 In Europe Superscope Europe S A. Brussels. Belgrum
In Canada Superscope Canada. Ltd Ontap in the Far East Marontz Ece- East. Tokyo. Japan ',ices and models subject to change **thou* nohce COMO the Yellow POW. fa YOU nearest Marantz dealer
COt MAMA MO 65201
Net Contents 1 Fl Oz
tiM0{NUSA Many
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