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A guide for the book by P. D. Eastman
Great Works Author: Jodene Smith, M.A.
Image Credits
Julie C. Wagner Shutterstock (cover); Timothy J. Bradley (interior art)

© 2007 Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL)
© 2007 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System. World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA)
© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers.
All rights reserved.

Shell Education
5301 Oceanus Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1030
ISBN 978-1-4258-8963-0
© 2014 Shell Educational Publishing, Inc.

The classroom teacher may reproduce copies of materials in this book for classroom use only. The reproduction of any
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2 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Table of Contents
How to Use This Literature Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Theme Thoughts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Vocabulary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Analyzing the Literature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Reader Response. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Guided Close Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Making Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Language Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Story Elements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Culminating Activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Comprehension Assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Response to Literature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Correlation to the Standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Purpose and Intent of Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
How to Find Standards Correlations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Standards Correlation Chart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
TESOL and WIDA Standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
About the Author—P.D. Eastman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Possible Texts for Text Comparisons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Cross-Curricular Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Book Summary of Are You My Mother?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Possible Texts for Text Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Teacher Plans and Student Pages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Pre-Reading Theme Thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Section 1: Pages 1–17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Section 2: Pages 18–37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Section 3: Pages 38–49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Section 4: Pages 50–64 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Post-Reading Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Post-Reading Theme Thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Culminating Activity: Home, Sweet Home!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Culminating Activity: Retelling the Story. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Comprehension Assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Response to Literature: Looking for Mother . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Writing Paper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Answer Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

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How to Use This Literature Guide

Today’s standards demand rigor and relevance in the reading of complex texts.
The units in this series guide teachers in a rich and deep exploration of worthwhile
works of literature for classroom study. The most rigorous instruction can also be
interesting and engaging!
Many current strategies for effective literacy instruction have been incorporated
into these instructional guides for literature. Throughout the units, text-dependent
questions are used to determine comprehension of the book as well as student
interpretation of the vocabulary words. The books chosen for the series are
complex and are exemplars of carefully crafted works of literature. Close reading
is used throughout the units to guide students toward revisiting the text and using
textual evidence to respond to prompts orally and in writing. Students must
analyze the story elements in multiple assignments for each section of the book. All
of these strategies work together to rigorously guide students through their study
of literature.
The next few pages describe how to use this guide for a purposeful and meaningful
literature study. Each section of this guide is set up in the same way to make it
easier for you to implement the instruction in your classroom.

Theme Thoughts
The great works of literature used throughout this series have important themes
that have been relevant to people for many years. Many of the themes will be
discussed during the various sections of this instructional guide. However, it
would also benefit students to have independent time to think about the key
themes of the book.
Before students begin reading, have them complete the Pre-Reading Theme
Thoughts (page 13). This graphic organizer will allow students to think about the
themes outside the context of the story. They’ll have the opportunity to evaluate
statements based on important themes and defend their opinions. Be sure to
keep students’ papers for comparison to the Post-Reading Theme Thoughts
(page 59). This graphic organizer is similar to the pre-reading activity. However,
this time, students will be answering the questions from the point of view of one
of the characters in the book. They have to think about how the character would
feel about each statement and defend their thoughts. To conclude the activity, have
students compare what they thought about the themes before they read the book to
what the characters discovered during the story.

4 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education


How to Use This Literature Guide (cont.)

Each teacher reference vocabulary overview page has definitions and sentences
about how key vocabulary words are used in the section. These words should be
introduced and discussed with students. Students will use these words in different
activities throughout the book.
On some of the vocabulary student pages, students are asked to answer text-related
questions about vocabulary words from the sections. The following question
stems will help you create your own vocabulary questions if you’d like to extend
the discussion.
• How does this word describe _____’s character?
• How does this word connect to the problem in this story?
• How does this word help you understand the setting?
• Tell me how this word connects to the main idea of this story.
• What visual pictures does this word bring to your mind?
• Why do you think the author used this word?
At times, you may find that more work with the words will help students
understand their meanings and importance. These quick vocabulary activities are a
good way to further study the words.
• Students can play vocabulary concentration. Make one set of cards that
have the words on them and another set with the definitions. Then, have
students lay them out on the table and play concentration. The goal of
the game is to match vocabulary words with their definitions. For early
readers or English language learners, the two sets of cards could be the
words and pictures of the words.
• Students can create word journal entries about the words. Students choose
words they think are important and then describe why they think each
word is important within the book. Early readers or English language
learners could instead draw pictures about the words in a journal.
• Students can create puppets and use them to act out the vocabulary words
from the stories. Artwork of the characters is provided on pages 62–64.
Students can use these images to retell the stories using the vocabulary
words. Students may also enjoy telling their own character-driven stories
using vocabulary words from the original stories.

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How to Use This Literature Guide (cont.)

Analyzing the Literature
After you have read each section with students, hold a small-group or whole-
class discussion. Provided on the teacher reference page for each section are
leveled questions. The questions are written at two levels of complexity to allow
you to decide which questions best meet the needs of your students. The Level 1
questions are typically less abstract than the Level 2 questions. These questions
are focused on the various story elements, such as character, setting, and plot. Be
sure to add further questions as your students discuss what they’ve read. For each
question, a few key points are provided for your reference as you discuss the book
with students.

Reader Response
In today’s classrooms, there are often great readers who are below average writers.
So much time and energy is spent in classrooms getting students to read on grade
level that little time is left to focus on writing skills. To help teachers include more
writing in their daily literacy instruction, each section of this guide has a literature-
based reader response prompt. Each of the three genres of writing is used in
the reader responses within this guide: narrative, informative/explanatory, and
opinion. Before students write, you may want to allow them time to draw pictures
related to the topic. Book-themed writing paper is provided on page 70 if your
students need more space to write.

Guided Close Reading

Within each section of this guide, it is suggested that you closely reread a portion
of the text with your students. Page numbers are given, but since some versions of
the books may have different page numbers, the sections to be reread are described
by location as well. After rereading the section, there are a few text-dependent
questions to be answered by students. Working space has been provided to help
students prepare for the group discussion. They should record their thoughts and
ideas on the activity page and refer to it during your discussion. If your students
are working above grade level, you may want to encourage them to respond to the
questions in complete sentences.
Encourage students to read one question at a time and then go back to the text
and discover the answer. Work with students to ensure that they use the text to
determine their answers rather than making unsupported inferences. Suggested
answers are provided in the answer key.

6 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education


How to Use This Literature Guide (cont.)

Guided Close Reading (cont.)
The generic open-ended stems below can be used to write your own text-
dependent questions if you would like to give students more practice.
• What words in the story support . . . ?
• What text helps you understand . . . ?
• Use the book to tell why _____ happens.
• Based on the events in the story, . . . ?
• Show me the part in the text that supports . . . .
• Use the text to tell why . . . .

Making Connections
The activities in this section help students make cross-curricular connections to
mathematics, science, social studies, fine arts, or other curricular areas. These
activities require higher-order thinking skills from students but also allow for
creative thinking.

Language Learning
A special section has been set aside to connect the literature to language
conventions. Through these activities, students will have opportunities to
practice the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization,
and punctuation.

Story Elements
It is important to spend time discussing what the common story elements are in
literature. Understanding the characters, setting, plot, and theme can increase
students’ comprehension and appreciation of the story. If teachers begin discussing
these elements in early childhood, students will more likely internalize the concepts
and look for the elements in their independent reading. Another very important
reason for focusing on the story elements is that students will be better writers if
they think about how the stories they read are constructed.
In the story elements activities, students are asked to create work related to the
characters, setting, or plot. Consider having students complete only one of these
activities. If you give students a choice on this assignment, each student can decide
to complete the activity that most appeals to him or her. Different intelligences are
used so that the activities are diverse and interesting to all students.

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How to Use This Literature Guide (cont.)

Culminating Activity
At the end of this instructional guide is a creative culminating activity that allows
students the opportunity to share what they’ve learned from reading the book.
This activity is open ended so that students can push themselves to create their
own great works within your language arts classroom.

Comprehension Assessment
The questions in this section require students to think about the book they’ve
read as well as the words that were used in the book. Some questions are tied to
quotations from the book to engage students and require them to think about the
text as they answer the questions.

Response to Literature
Finally, students are asked to respond to the literature by drawing pictures and
writing about the characters and stories. A suggested rubric is provided for
teacher reference.

Correlation to the Standards

Shell Education is committed to producing educational materials that are research
and standards based. As part of this effort, we have correlated all of our products
to the academic standards of all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Department
of Defense Dependents Schools, and all Canadian provinces.

Purpose and Intent of Standards

Standards are designed to focus instruction and guide adoption of curricula.
Standards are statements that describe the criteria necessary for students to meet
specific academic goals. They define the knowledge, skills, and content students
should acquire at each level. Standards are also used to develop standardized tests
to evaluate students’ academic progress. Teachers are required to demonstrate how
their lessons meet standards. Standards are used in the development of all of our
products, so educators can be assured they meet high academic standards.

How To Find Standards Correlations

To print a customized correlation report of this product for your state, visit our
website at and follow the online directions.
If you require assistance in printing correlation reports, please contact our
Customer Service Department at 1-877-777-3450.

8 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education


Correlation to the Standards (cont.)

Standards Correlation Chart
The lessons in this guide were written to support the Common Core College and Career
Readiness Anchor Standards. This chart indicates which sections of this guide address
the anchor standards.
Common Core College and Career Readiness Anchor
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.1—Read closely to determine Analyzing the Literature
what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences Sections 1–4; Guided Close
from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking Reading Sections 1–4; Story
to support conclusions drawn from the text. Elements Sections 1–4
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.2—Determine central ideas or Analyzing the Literature
themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize Sections 1–4; Guided
the key supporting details and ideas. Close Reading Sections
1–4; Making Connections
Section 4; Post-Reading
Response to Literature;
Culminating Activity
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.3—Analyze how and why Analyzing the Literature
individuals, events, or ideas develop and interact over the Sections 1–4; Guided Close
course of a text. Reading Sections 1–4; Story
Elements Sections 1–4;
Post-Reading Response to
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.4—Interpret words and phrases Vocabulary Sections 1–4;
as they are used in a text, including determining technical, Making Connections
connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how Sections 1, 3
specific word choices shape meaning or tone.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.5—Analyze the structure of Post-Reading Theme
texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs, and larger Thoughts
portions of the text relate to each other and the whole.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.7—Integrate and evaluate Pre-Reading Activities;
content presented in diverse media and formats, including Story Elements Section 1
visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.10—Read and comprehend Entire Unit
complex literary and informational texts independently and
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.1—Write arguments to support Reader Response Section 4
claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts using valid
reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

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Correlation to the Standards (cont.)

Standards Correlation Chart (cont.)
Common Core College and Career Readiness Anchor
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.2—Write informative/ Reader Response Section 2
explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas
and information clearly and accurately through the effective
selection, organization, and analysis of content
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.3—Write narratives to develop Reader Response Sections
real or imagined experiences or events using effective 1, 3; Story Elements Section
technique, well-chosen details and well-structured event 4
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.L.1—Demonstrate command of Language Learning
the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when Sections 1, 3
writing or speaking.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.L.2—Demonstrate command of the Language Learning
conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, Sections 2, 4; Reader
and spelling when writing. Response Sections 1–4;
Story Elements Sections 1,
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.L.4—Determine or clarify the Vocabulary Sections 1–4
meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and
phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word
parts, and consulting general and specialized reference
materials, as appropriate.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.L.6—Acquire and use accurately Vocabulary Sections 1–4
a range of general academic and domain-specific words
and phrases sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and
listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate
independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when
encountering an unknown term important to comprehension
or expression.

TESOL and WIDA Standards

The lessons in this book promote English language development for English language
learners. The following TESOL and WIDA English Language Development Standards
are addressed through the activities in this book:
• Standard 1: English language learners communicate for social and instructional
purposes within the school setting.
• Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and
concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of language arts.

10 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education


About the Author—P.D. Eastman

Philip Dey Eastman was born on November 25, 1909, in Amherst,
Massachusetts. He is better known by his pen name, P.D. Eastman. Little is
known about his childhood, but it is known that he attended and graduated
from Amherst College as well as the National Academy of Design in New York
City. After college, Eastman moved to Los Angeles. His early career included
art jobs at Walt Disney Productions and Warner Brothers. Eastman married
Mary Louise Whitham in 1941.
In 1943, Eastman joined the army. His job assignment was with the Signal
Corps Film unit. Theodor Seuss Geisel (later known by the pen name Dr.
Seuss) was the head of the film unit, and under Geisel’s direction, Eastman
worked as a writer and storyboard artist for army training films.
After the army, Eastman worked at United Productions of America (UPA) as a
writer and storyboard artist. He worked on the cartoon Mr. Magoo. Eastman
also helped adapt the children’s record Gerald McBoing Boing by Theodor
Geisel into a short film.
In 1954, Eastman, his wife, and two sons moved from Los Angeles to Westport,
Connecticut, where he continued his art career doing freelance work. His
career in books began when Theodor Geisel asked him to write for a new
series of Beginner Books for Random House.
Eastman died on January 7, 1986. Before his death, he had written or
illustrated many favorite books, including: Are You My Mother?, Go, Dog, Go!,
The Best Nest, and Fish Out of Water.

Possible Texts for Text Comparisons

Although Are You My Mother? is not a book in a series, there are several
other books by P.D. Eastman with birds as characters. These books make for
excellent comparisons of texts by the same author: Flap Your Wings, The Best
Nest, and My Nest Is Best (based on The Best Nest).

Cross-Curricular Connection
This book can be used in a science unit about animals as students begin to
understand the characteristics of birds and that animals closely resemble their
parents. In social studies, this book can be used as part of a unit on families.

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 11


Book Summary of Are You My Mother?

Babies need someone to love them, even baby birds. P.D. Eastman tells what happens to
a baby bird that cannot find his mother. In the story, a mother bird can tell that the egg
she has been sitting on is about to hatch, so she goes to find food for the baby. While
she is gone, the egg hatches.
The newly hatched baby bird desperately looks for his mother. As he does, he falls out
of the nest and tree. He cannot fly yet, so he sets out walking to look for his mother.
The baby is not wise to the world yet, so he approaches anyone and anything to try to
find his mother, including a dog, a cow, and a boat. As he searches, he unknowingly
passes his mother.
The baby bird finally comes to a large scooper truck, which he calls a Snort. When the
baby asks the Snort if it is his mother, the Snort scoops up the baby bird and gently sets
him back in his nest in the tree. The baby is safe at home. The mother bird returns with
a worm, and the baby bird is happy to have his mother back with him.

Possible Texts for Text Sets

• Garelick, May. What Makes a Bird a Bird? Mondo Pub, 1995.
• Jenkins, Priscilla Belz. A Nest Full of Eggs. HarperCollins, 1995.
• Rabe, Tish. Fine Feathered Friends: All About Birds. Random House Books for
Young Readers, 1998.
• Sill, Cathryn. About Birds: A Guide for Children. Peachtree Publishers, 2013.
• Graves, Keith. Chicken Big. Chronicle Books, 2014.
• Guarino, Deborah. Is Your Mama a Llama? Scholastic, 1997.
• Kasza, Keiko. A Mother for Choco. Puffin, 1996.
• Robbins, Maria Polushkin. Mother, Mother, I Want Another. Dragonfly Books, 2007.

12 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Name �������������������������������������

Pre-Reading Theme Thoughts

Directions: Draw a picture of a happy face or a sad
face. Your face should show how you feel about each
statement. Then, use words to say what you think
about each statement.

How Do
You Feel?
Statement What Do You Think?

Mothers take
care of their

Babies need
their mothers.

Adventures are
always fun and

Only bad things

happen when
you are scared.

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Section 1
Teacher Plans— g

Pre-Reading Activities

Previewing the Cover

1. Display the cover of Are You My Mother? Read the title and the author’s name.
Explain that when an illustrator is not listed, it usually means the author also
illustrated the book.
2. Point out the “I Can Read It All By Myself—Beginner Books” icon in the upper
right-hand corner. Ask students if they can identify the character shown in the
icon. You may want to share with students some background on P.D. Eastman
and his connection with Dr. Seuss at this point. (See page 11 for further
3. Point out the question mark in the title. Explain that the words in the title ask
a question. Have students look at the illustration and discuss what they see.
Ask students to predict who is asking the question and to whom it is being
asked. Have students provide reasons supported by the cover illustration for
the characters they name.

Previewing the Book

1. Take a picture walk through the book to allow students to look at all the
illustrations. Pause at various points in the book to discuss what students
have seen and to allow them to make predictions.
2. Based on the picture walk, ask students to identify if the book is fiction or
nonfiction and how they know.

Making Personal Connections

1. Confirm students’ predictions that the bird is asking the question in the title,
and provide reasons. For example, the bird looks like he is talking because his
mouth is open and the dog does not look like he is looking for anything since
he is laying on the ground.
2. Explain to students that the bird is asking the question, “Are You My Mother?”
because he gets separated from his mother. Ask students to tell about a time
when they have been separated from their parents, for example: lost in a store,
separated by a business trip, or simply apart during school hours.
3. Have students share ways they coped with being separated from their parents.

14 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Teacher Plans—
Section 1
Pages 1–17

Vocabulary Overview
Key words and phrases from this section are provided below with definitions and
sentences about how the words are used in the story. Introduce and discuss these
important vocabulary words with students. If you think these words or other words in
the story warrant more time devoted to them, there are suggestions in the introduction
for other vocabulary activities (page 5).

Word Definition Sentence about Text

written The story is written by

to create by writing words
(title page) P.D. Eastman.

illustrated The book is illustrated by

created by drawing pictures
(title page) P.D. Eastman.

The mother bird takes care of

mother (pg. 3) a female parent
her egg.

a warm-blooded vertebrate
bird (pg. 3) animal with feathers and wings
The mother bird lays an egg.

a hard-shelled oval object that a

egg (pg. 3) baby bird is born from
The mother bird lays an egg.

the position of being in contact

on (pg. 3) with or supported by
The bird sits on the egg.

out (pg. 9) a direction away from the center The baby bird comes out of the egg.

to move to a high position or The baby looks up to search for

up (pg. 12) place his mother.

to move to a lower position or The baby bird falls down out of

down (pg. 13) place the tree.

in or to another place or
away (pg. 18) direction 
The baby bird went away.

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Pages 1–17 Name �������������������������������������

Vocabulary Activity
Directions: Each picture shows a ball and a box.
Below each picture, write the best word from the Word
Bank that tells the location of the ball.

Word Bank
out up down on

16 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Teacher Plans—
Section 1
Pages 1–17

Analyzing the Literature

Provided below are discussion questions you can use in small groups, with the whole
class, or for written assignments. Each question is written at two levels so you can
choose the right question for each group of students. For each question, a few key
points are provided for your reference as you discuss the book with students.

Level 1 Level 2 Key Discussion Points

The characters are a mother bird and


Describe how
Who are the her newly hatched baby bird. The
each character
characters in mother bird is introduced sitting on
is introduced in
the story? her egg in the nest. The baby bird is
the story.
shown hatching out of the egg.

The setting is not explicitly stated

and very little background is
provided in the illustrations, except

Describe the What words for the tree, the nest in the tree, and
setting shown in describe the grass. The illustrations show that
the illustrations. setting? the setting is clearly outdoors. The
text and illustrations support that the
baby bird falls out of the tree, walks,
on the ground, and begins his search.

The baby bird asks for his mother.

What is the The baby bird does not see his
Describe when the

first thing the mother, so he immediately begins to

baby starts to look
baby does when look all around for her. The text says
for his mother.
he hatches? he knows he has a mother, so he goes
to find her.

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 17

Pages 1–17 Name �������������������������������������

Reader Response

Narrative Writing
In this story, the
baby bird gets
separated from Write about a time you
his mother. Think were lost or separated
about a time from someone you
when you were love. Tell about
separated from what happened.
someone you love.

18 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Pages 1–17
Name �������������������������������������

Guided Close Reading

Closely reread Directions: Think about

the pages that these questions. In the
describe the space below, write ideas or
mother bird draw pictures as you think.
flying away Be ready to share your
(pages 3–7). answers.

How do you know that the mother bird knows the egg will hatch soon?

What words explain why the mother leaves the egg alone?

Is the mother bird a good mother or not? Use evidence to support your answer.

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 19

Pages 1–17 Name �������������������������������������

Making Connections—A Good Mother

Directions: Color in the words below that describe
a good mother. Draw an X on the words that do
not describe a good mother. Then, use some of the
colored words to write about a good mother you know.

loving hugging harsh mean

cares for
ignoring selfless caring

hating kissing selfish sweet

20 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Pages 1–17
Name �������������������������������������

Making Connections—Science
Directions: Read about birds. Then, use the words
from the Word Bank to label each bird below.

Birds are animals with feathers and wings. Most

birds can fly. Birds lay eggs. The mother bird sits
on the egg to keep it warm. A baby bird hatches
out of the egg.

Word Bank
owl penguin flamingo
ostrich hummingbird crow

1. 4.

__________________________ __________________________
2. 5.

__________________________ __________________________
3. 6.

__________________________ __________________________

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 21

Pages 1–17 Name �������������������������������������

Language Learning—
Nouns and Verbs
Directions: Nouns are words that name people,
places, and things. Verbs are action words that show
what is happening. Cut out the cards at the bottom
of the page. Glue each word in the correct column to
show if it is a noun or a verb.
Nouns—Naming Words Verbs—Action Words

egg walk sat jump baby

eat mother look bird tree
22 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education
Pages 1–17
Name �������������������������������������

Story Elements—Characters
Directions: Choose the mother OR the baby. Draw
the bird’s face to show how the bird is feeling in each
section described below.
Mother Bird Baby Bird
1. when she is sitting on 1. in the egg
the nest
2. when he first hatches
2. when the egg starts
to move 3. when he cannot find
his mother
3. when she is thinking
about what the baby 4. when he starts to look
will need for her

4. when she leaves

the nest
1. 2.

3. 4.

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 23

Pages 1–17 Name �������������������������������������

Story Elements—Setting
Directions: Draw or paint a picture of the setting.
Include only details shown in the book’s illustrations.
Write a sentence describing the setting.

24 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Pages 1–17
Name �������������������������������������

Story Elements—Plot
Directions: Write a letter to a friend. In your letter,
predict what will happen after the baby bird lands on
the ground.

Dear ,


© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 25

Section 2
Teacher Plans— 37
Pages 18–

Vocabulary Overview
Key words and phrases from this section are provided below with definitions and
sentences about how the words are used in the story. Introduce and discuss these
important vocabulary words with students. If you think these words or other words in
the story warrant more time devoted to them, there are suggestions in the introduction
for other vocabulary activities (page 5).

Word or Phrase Definition Sentence about Text

to move through the air

fly (pg. 18) with wings
The baby bird tries to fly.

to get someone or something

find (pg. 19) you are looking for
The baby bird goes to find his mother.

by (pg. 20) in the direction of The baby bird walks by his mother.

a young cat The baby bird talks to the kitten.
(pg. 22)

did not say a

to not speak or respond The kitten did not say a thing.
thing (pg. 23)

went on
to continue along The baby bird went on.
(pg. 24)

hen (pg. 25) a female chicken The baby bird talks to the hen.

a mammal related to the

dog (pg. 28) wolf that can be a pet
The baby bird talks to the dog.

a bovine animal mostly

cow (pg. 31) found on a farm
The baby bird talks to the cow.

26 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Pages 18–37
Name �������������������������������������

Vocabulary Activity
Directions: Choose two vocabulary words. Write a
sentence for each. Make sure your sentences show
what the words mean.

Words from the Story

fly find kitten
hen dog cow

Word Sentence

Directions: Answer this question.

1. After talking to each animal, the baby went on. Why?

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 27

Section 2
Teacher Plans— 37
Pages 18–

Analyzing the Literature

Provided below are discussion questions you can use in small groups, with the whole
class, or for written assignments. Each question is written at two levels so you can
choose the right question for each group of students. For each question, a few key
points are provided for your reference as you discuss the book with students.

Level 1 Level 2 Key Discussion Points

A kitten, hen, dog, and cow are


Why does the

What new introduced in this section. The baby
baby bird talk
characters are in bird asks each animal if it is his
to the different
this section? mother as the baby bird continues to
search for his mother.

The text does not explicitly state

a setting and the illustrations
How do the How do you provide limited details. The setting

illustrations show know about is outdoors, and it can be inferred

the setting of the setting in that the setting is away from a city,
this section? this story? probably the country due to the types
of animals the baby bird talks to—a
kitten, hen, dog, and cow.

The baby bird continues to search

Why does the
for the mother, even when he cannot
baby bird keep What evidence is
find her. He states, “I have to find
searching for there that the baby

my mother!” The capital letters

his mother is determined to
in the words the second time they
after talking to find his mother?
are stated show emphasis and his
each animal?
determination to find his mother.

28 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Pages 18–37
Name �������������������������������������

Reader Response

Think about how Writing Prompt
the baby bird
Write about what birds
walks right by his
look like. Supply some
mother and does
facts about how birds
not even see or
look and act.
recognize her.

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 29

Pages 18–37 Name �������������������������������������

Guided Close Reading

Closely reread Directions: Think about

where the these questions. In the
baby bird space below, write ideas or
walks by his draw pictures as you think.
mother (pages Be ready to share your
20–21). answers.

Based on the story, why does the baby walk right by his mother?

What text helps the reader understand why the baby asks other kinds of
animals if they are his mother?

What do the illustrations tell about the mother?


30 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Pages 18–37
Name �������������������������������������

Making Connections—Look Alikes

Directions: Many baby animals look like their parents.
Write or draw reasons the baby bird does not look like
each animal he talks to.
kitten hen

dog cow

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 31

Pages 18–37 Name �������������������������������������

Making Connections—Math
Directions: The baby bird has two legs. Count how
many legs there would be if there were more baby
birds. Write your answer in each box.

+ 2
= 4 legs

1. __________
+ __________
+ __________
+ __________

2. __________ + __________ + __________ + __________ + __________

+ + =
3. __________ __________ __________

32 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Pages 18–37
Name �������������������������������������

Language Learning—Questions
Directions: Questions are sentences that ask
something. They end with question marks. Cut out
the question marks at the bottom of the page and glue
one at the end of each sentence. These sentences are
in the book.
1. Are you my mother

2 . Where is she

3 . Where could she be

4 . How could I be your mother

5 . Did he have a mother

Directions: Circle the question word at the beginning

of each sentence above. Choose one of the words and
write your own question.

? ? ? ? ?

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 33

Pages 18–37 Name �������������������������������������

Story Elements—Characters
Directions: The baby bird asks four animals if they are
his mother. Each animal responds differently. What
does each animal do or say?




34 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Pages 18–37
Name �������������������������������������

Story Elements—Setting
Directions: Draw a picture of a setting where you
would find a kitten, hen, dog, and cow. Include other
animals you might find in that setting. Write a title for
your picture.

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 35

Pages 18–37 Name �������������������������������������

Story Elements—Plot
Directions: Draw the four animals the baby bird talks
to. Put them in the correct order. Write the name of
each animal on the line below each box.

1. 2.

3. 4.

36 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Teacher Plans—
Pages 38–49 n 3

Vocabulary Overview
Key words and phrases from this section are provided below with definitions and
sentences about how the words are used in the story. Introduce and discuss these
important vocabulary words with students. If you think these words or other words in
the story warrant more time devoted to them, there are suggestions in the introduction
for other vocabulary activities (page 5).

Word or Phrase Definition Sentence about Text

moved with your legs at a speed

ran (pg. 38) The baby bird ran.
that is faster than walking

a vehicle with four wheels used

car (pg. 38) The baby bird sees a car.
for traveling

old (pg. 38) not new The car is old.

stop (pg. 39) to not move after doing so before The bird did not stop.

on and on
to continue The baby bird walks on and on.
(pg. 39)

vehicle used for traveling on

boat (pg. 40) The baby bird sees a boat.

plane vehicle with wings used for

The baby bird sees a plane.
(pg. 42) traveling in the air

called out
spoke in a loud voice The baby bird called out to his mother.
(pg. 42)

an object The baby bird sees a big thing.
(pg. 44)

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 37

Pages 38–49 Name �������������������������������������

Vocabulary Activity
Directions: Draw a picture for each vocabulary word.
car plane

boat a big thing

Directions: Answer this question.

1. Which thing in the story is old?

38 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Teacher Plans—
Pages 38–49 n 3

Analyzing the Literature

Provided below are discussion questions you can use in small groups, with the whole
class, or for written assignments. Each question is written at two levels so you can
choose the right question for each group of students. For each question, a few key
points are provided for your reference as you discuss the book with students.

Level 1 Level 2 Key Discussion Points

The baby bird calls out to the boat,

but the boat goes on. Then, the baby
bird calls out to the big plane, but the

How does the Describe the plane goes on. The baby bird talks to
baby bird try to reactions of the the big thing and the big things says,
talk to the objects objects the baby “Snort.” The objects do not talk to
he comes across? bird talks to. the baby bird because they are not
alive. They just continue with their
jobs because they cannot interact
with the baby bird.

There is more The settings show a yard with a

detail in the broken-down car, a river, the air, and
Describe the

illustrations than a construction site. In the end, the

new settings
earlier in the book. baby bird is returned to his nest in
introduced in this
Describe what is the tree. Although the background
different about illustrations are still sparse, there is
what is shown. more detail in what is shown.

How do the
The baby bird comes across a car, a
illustrations or
boat, a plane, and a front-loader. The
Describe the other pictures help you
boat and the plane keep moving on.
objects the baby to find out what

The illustrations clearly show all of

bird comes across other objects the
these vehicles. The illustrations show
as he is looking baby bird comes
these vehicles in their settings and
for his mother. across as he is
help the reader to understand what a
looking for his
boat, plane, and front-loader are.

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 39

Pages 38–49 Name �������������������������������������

Reader Response

Think about how Narrative Writing
the baby bird goes Prompt
in search of his
Write about the different
mother. He comes
things you see when
across many types
you are on your way
of transportation,
to school.
such as a car, a
boat, and a plane.

40 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Pages 38–49
Name �������������������������������������

Guided Close Reading

Closely reread Directions: Think about

where the these questions. In the
baby bird space below, write ideas or
first interacts draw pictures as you think.
with the Snort Be ready to share your
(pages 46–49). answers.

Based on the story, why might the baby bird think the “big thing” is
his mother?

What does the “big thing” say?


What evidence is there that the baby bird is afraid of the Snort?

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 41

Pages 38–49 Name �������������������������������������

Making Connections—
Birds and Airplanes
Directions: The baby bird is similar to an airplane.
Think about all the ways birds and airplanes are the
same and the ways they are different. Draw and write
in this Venn diagram.

Birds Airplanes
The Same

42 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Pages 38–49
Name �������������������������������������

Making Connections—Social Studies

Directions: There are different types of transportation
in this section of the story. Cut out each object below
and glue it in the correct column.
Land Water Air

airplane city bus sailboat

canoe car helicopter

ocean liner space shuttle train engine

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 43

Pages 38–49 Name �������������������������������������

Language Learning—Adjectives
Directions: Adjectives describe nouns. Write some
adjectives to describe these items in the book.

Object from the Story Adjectives

44 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Pages 38–49
Name �������������������������������������

Story Elements—Characters
Directions: The big thing says, “Snort.” Write what the
car, boat, and plane would say if they talked.




© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 45

Pages 38–49 Name �������������������������������������

Story Elements—Plot
Directions: Pick something else to have the baby bird
talk to. Write dialogue between the baby bird and this
other “mother.”

, says the bird.
The says, “

. ”

The bird says, “

. ”

, answers the .
46 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education
Pages 38–49
Name �������������������������������������

Story Elements—Setting
Directions: Draw your favorite setting in this section
of the story. Be sure to include many details in
your picture.

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 47

Section 4
Teacher Plans— 64
Pages 50–

Vocabulary Overview
Key words and phrases from this section are provided below with definitions and
sentences about how the words are used in the story. Introduce and discuss these
important vocabulary words with students. If you think these words or other words in
the story warrant more time devoted to them, there are suggestions in the introduction
for other vocabulary activities (page 5).

Word or Phrase Definition Sentence about Text

way up
up high The Snort went way up.
(pg. 50)

just then
a particular time in the past Just then, it came to a stop.
(pg. 50)

the place a person or

home (pg. 59) animal lives
The tree is the baby bird’s home.

took place Something happened.
(pg. 59)

right back The baby bird is put right back in

in the same place
(pg. 59) the tree.

tree (pg. 59) a tall woody plant The baby bird is put back into the tree.

came back
returned The mother bird came back.
(pg. 60)

to recognize someone or
know (pg. 60) something
Do you know who I am?

48 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Pages 50–64
Name �������������������������������������

Vocabulary Activity
Directions: Complete each sentence below. Use one
of the words or phrases listed.
Words and Phrases from the Story
way up just then home happened
right back tree came back know

1. The Snort puts the baby bird ______________________

in the _________________________ .

2 . The Snort goes ___________________________________ .

3 . The baby bird is then _____________________________ .

4 . The mother bird __________________________________

comes back to the tree.

Directions: Answer this question.

5 . What does the baby bird now know?

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 49

Section 4
Teacher Plans— 64
Pages 50–

Analyzing the Literature

Provided below are discussion questions you can use in small groups, with the whole
class, or for written assignments. Each question is written at two levels so you can
choose the right question for each group of students. For each question, a few key
points are provided for your reference as you discuss the book with students.

Level 1 Level 2 Key Discussion Points

The baby bird says, “I know who

you are.” The baby bird then goes
What does the Describe how

on to say all the things the mother

baby bird say the baby bird
is not. Then, the baby bird says,
to its mother feels when
“You are a bird, and you are my
when they see he sees his
mother.” The baby bird is very
each other? mother.
happy, and the illustrations show

The setting is a field with a front-

Describe loader in the dirt and a nest in a

What words
the setting tree. The text and illustrations
describe the
shown in the support that the baby bird is
illustrations. helped by the Snort and put back
into the nest in the tree.

Although the Snort is not alive, it

What can you
must have a person in it to drive
How does the infer about

it. The person must have seen the

Snort help the why the Snort
baby bird and decided to help the
baby bird? helps the
baby bird get back into the nest in
baby bird?
the tree.

50 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Pages 50–64
Name �������������������������������������

Reader Response

The mother bird Opinion Writing
is gone from the Prompt
nest when the baby Write your opinion on
hatches and then whether you think the
returns to her baby mother bird is a good
and the nest. Think mother or not. Be sure
about whether the to supply reasons to
mother bird is a support your opinion.
good mother or not.

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 51

Pages 50–64 Name �������������������������������������

Guided Close Reading

Closely reread Directions: Think about

when the baby these questions. In the
bird is on top space below, write ideas or
of the Snort draw pictures as you think.
(pages 52–57). Be ready to share your

Use the book to tell what the baby bird wants.


What words show that the baby bird is scared?


Look back at the text to see what the Snort does.


52 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Pages 50–64
Name �������������������������������������

Making Connections—
Home Sweet Home
Directions: The baby bird is returned to his home.
Draw and label the baby bird’s home. Draw and label
your home.
Baby Bird’s Home

Your Home

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 53

Pages 50–64 Name �������������������������������������

Making Connections—Social Studies

Directions: The mother bird and baby bird are a
family. Write the names of the people in your family.
mom brother(s)

dad sister(s)


Directions: Draw a picture of your family.

54 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Pages 50–64
Name �������������������������������������

Language Learning—
Alphabetical Order
Directions: The baby bird in this story finds out that
many animals and things are not his mother. Rewrite
the list of these things below in alphabetical order.

Words from the Section Alphabetize

kitten ___________________________

hen ___________________________

dog ___________________________

plane ___________________________

boat ___________________________

cow ___________________________

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 55
Pages 50–64 Name �������������������������������������

Story Elements—Setting
Directions: The baby bird is put back in his home—the
nest. Draw a picture of the bird after he grows up and
has his own baby bird. Be sure to include a tree and
nest with the bird family.

56 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Pages 50–64
Name �������������������������������������

Story Elements—Plot
Directions: Cut apart the cards below. Glue them on
another piece of paper in the order of the story.

says, “I want my
goes up high in
The baby bird

The baby bird

the big thing.

The Snort puts the

The mother bird

baby bird in the

comes back.

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 57

Pages 50–64 Name �������������������������������������

Story Elements—Characters
Directions: Write a poem about how the baby bird has
changed from the beginning of the story to the end.

? Wonder ?

When I was in the egg, I wondered...

When I hatched, I wondered...

When I couldn’t find my mom, I wondered...

When the Snort scooped me up, I wondered...

When my mom came back, I knew...

58 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education
Post-Reading A
Name �������������������������������������

Post-Reading Theme Thoughts

Directions: Choose a main character from Are You
My Mother? Pretend you are that character. Draw a
picture of a happy face or a sad face to show how the
character would feel about each statement. Then, use
words to explain your picture.
Character I Chose __________________________

How Does the

Statement Feel? Explain Your Answer

Mothers take
care of their

Babies need
their mothers.

Adventures are
always fun and

Only bad things

happen when
you are scared.

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 59

st-Reading Activities

Culminating Activity:
Home, Sweet Home!
Recreate a nest and the baby bird with these art projects. Directions for each are
provided below. Display the nests and baby birds on a bulletin board with the title
Home, Sweet Home!

Nest Art Project

Materials students cut up the construction
• Nest Pattern (page 61) paper and yarn into little pieces and
glue them all over the nest.
• glue
• brown scrap construction paper Other Options
• brown scrap yarn 1. Allow students to go outside on the
playground to gather other items
Directions from nature to glue to the nest such
as grass, vines, or pieces of paper or
1. Copy the Nest Pattern on page 61.
trash they find.
Have students cut out the pattern.
2. Photocopy the Nest Pattern onto
2. Provide scrap construction paper
brown construction paper and cut out
and yarn in shades of brown. Have
or have students color the pattern.

Bird Art Project

Materials out, they have two hand prints.
• 8 ½" x 12" brown construction paper These will become the birds’ wings.
(2 per student) 4. Trace each student’s foot on
• scrap yellow, orange, white, and the remaining piece of brown
black construction paper construction paper. Have students
cut out their feet. These will become
Directions the birds’ bodies.
1. Provide each student with two pieces 5. Orient the footprint vertically, so the
of brown construction paper. heel of the footprint is at the bottom.
The head is where the ball of the foot
2. Fold one of the pieces in half so that is. Glue the wings on either side of
the construction paper now measures the birds’ bodies.
8 ½" x 6".
6. Use scrap paper to cut out two feet,
3. Trace students’ hands on the folded two eyes, and a beak. Glue the feet,
construction paper. Have students eyes, and beaks to the birds’ body.
cut out their hands so that once cut
60 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education
Post-Reading A

Culminating Activity:
Home, Sweet Home! (cont.)

Directions: Copy the pattern. Use the pattern with the

nest art project described on page 60.

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 61

st-Reading Activities

Culminating Activity:
Retelling the Story
Directions: Reproduce the stick puppet patterns on pages 62–64 on tagboard or
construction paper. Have students cut them along the dashed lines. To complete the
stick puppets, glue each pattern to a tongue depressor or craft stick.
Follow the sequence below to practice retelling the story.
1. Emphasize with students the following attributes of a good retelling:
• Include the names of the characters.
• Include the setting.
• Include the events that happen in the correct sequence.
2. Model what a good retelling sounds like for students. Use the puppets as you
retell the story so students see how the puppets help you remember the characters
and the sequence of events.
3. Place students with partners. Assist students in lining up their puppets in the
order they will use them when retelling the story.
4. Have students practice retelling the story to their partners. Encourage students to
help each other if an event needs to be included in the sequence of the retelling.

62 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Post-Reading A

Culminating Activity:
Retelling the Story (cont.)

© Shell Education #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? 63

st-Reading Activities

Culminating Activity:
Retelling the Story (cont.)

64 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Post-Reading A
Name �������������������������������������

Comprehension Assessment
Directions: Fill in the bubble for the best response to
each question.

Section 1
1. What shows why the mother bird leaves the nest?
a The egg jumps out of the nest.
b The baby hatches.
c The baby bird will be hungry.
d She is tired of sitting.
Section 2
2 . Why does the baby bird think the animals are
his mother?
a The animals look like the baby bird.
b The animals are his mother.
c The animals talk to the baby bird.
d The baby bird does not know what his
mother looks like.

Section 3
3 . What shows how the baby bird goes to look for
his mother?
a The boat goes on.
b He runs on and on.
c He sees a big plane.
d The plane goes on.
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st-Reading Activities

Comprehension Assessment (cont.)

Section 4
4 . Describe why the baby bird is looking for the
mother bird.

Section 4
5 . Which sentence best tells how the baby bird
gets home?
a The baby bird flies back to the nest.
b The mother bird finds him.
c The Snort puts the baby bird in the nest.
d The baby bird makes a new home.

66 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Post-Reading A
Name �������������������������������������

Response to Literature:
Looking for Mother
Directions: The baby bird thinks many animals and
things are his mother. Draw a picture of the one that
you think looks the closest to his mother. Then, answer
the questions on the next page about what you drew.
Make sure your picture is neat and is in color.

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st-Reading Activities
Po Name �������������������������������������

Response to Literature:
Looking for Mother (cont.)

1. What animal or thing do you think most looks like

the mother and why?

2 . Is the animal or thing’s response to the baby a

good response?

3 . Why could this animal or thing not be the bird’s


68 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Post-Reading A
Name �������������������������������������

Response to Literature Rubric

Directions: Use this rubric to evaluate student responses.

Great Job Good Work Keep Trying

You answered You answered You did not
all three all three answer all three
questions questions. questions.
You included
many details.
Your Your Your
handwriting handwriting handwriting is
is very neat. can be neater. not very neat.
There are no There are There are many
spelling errors. some spelling spelling errors.
Your picture is Your picture is Your picture is
neat and fully neat and some not very neat
colored. of it is colored. and/or fully

Creativity is Creativity is There is not

clear in both clear in either much creativity
the picture and the picture or in either the
the writing. the writing. picture or the

Teacher Comments: _______________________________________


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Writing Paper
Name �������������������������������������

70 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

Answer Key
The responses provided here are just examples of what
students may answer. Many accurate responses are possible
for the questions throughout this unit.

Vocabulary Activity—Section 1 (page 16) Making Connections—Section 2 (page 31)

1. up Suggested answers are provided below.
2. out • kitten—A kitten has fur and a bird does not.
3. on • dog—A dog has four legs and a bird does
4. down not.
Guided Close Reading—Section 1 (page 19) • hen—A hen is a different type of bird.
1. “The egg jumped.” • cow—A cow is much larger than a bird.
2. “He will want to eat.” “I must get something Making Connections—Section 2 (page 32)
for my baby bird to eat!” 1. 4 legs
3. Student answers will vary. Students may 2. 8 legs
argue that the mother is a good mother 3. 10 legs
because she knows her baby will be hungry
and is going to get something to eat. 4. 6 legs
Students may argue that the mother is not Language Learning—Section 2 (page 33)
a good mother because she leaves the 1. Are
egg alone. 2. Where
Making Connections—Section 1 (page 20) 3. Where
Students’ responses will vary, but the descriptors 4. How
may include: loving, cares for needs, kissing,
5. Did
hugging, caring, selfless, and sweet.
Story Elements—Section 2 (page 34)
Making Connections—Section 1 (page 21)
• kitten—just looked and looked and did not
1. crow
say a thing
2. penguin
• hen—said, “No”
3. ostrich
• dog—said, “I am not your mother. I am a
4. hummingbird dog.”
5. owl • cow—asked, “How could I be your mother?”
6. flamingo “I am a cow.”
Language Learning—Section 1 (page 22) Story Elements—Section 2 (page 35)
• Nouns—egg, bird, mother, baby, tree Students’ pictures should reflect a setting that
• Verbs—sat, jump, eat, look, walk has a kitten, a hen, a dog, and a cow.

Vocabulary Activity—Section 2 (page 27) Story Elements—Section 2 (page 36)

The vocabulary words students choose will vary. The animals should be put in the order listed
Sentences will vary, too. below and labeled correctly: kitten, hen, dog,
and cow.
1. The baby bird continues the search for
his mother. Vocabulary Activity—Section 3 (page 38)
Guided Close Reading—Section 2 (page 30) Students’ illustrations should match the
1. The baby does not know what the mother vocabulary words.
looks like. He does not see her. 1. The text says the car is old.
2. The baby does not know what the mother
looks like.
3. The mother is getting food for the baby bird.

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Answer Key

Guided Close Reading—Section 3 (page 41) Language Learning—Section 4 (page 55)

1. The baby bird does not know what his The words in alphabetical order are:
mother looks like. He asks many animals • boat
and machines if they are his mother. The
baby bird also thinks the Snort is his mother. • cow
2. The “big thing” says, “Snort.” • dog
3. The baby bird says he has to get out of there. • hen
The illustration shows a shocked face. The • kitten
lines around his wings indicate panic. • plane
Making Connections—Section 3 (page 42) Story Elements—Section 4 (page 56)
Students’ answers will vary, but should show Students’ illustrations of the settings will vary,
the similarities and differences of a bird and but should correspond to the object from
an airplane. the story.
Making Connections—Section 3 (page 43) Story Elements—Section 4 (page 57)
• The baby bird goes up high in the big thing.
Land Water Air
• The baby bird says, “I want my mother!”
city bus canoe airplane
• The Snort puts the baby bird in the nest.
train engine sailboat helicopter
• The mother bird comes back.
car ocean liner space shuttle
Comprehension Assessment (pages 65–66)
Vocabulary Activity—Section 4 (page 49) 1. C. The baby bird will be hungry.
1. The Snort puts the baby bird right back in 2. D. The baby bird does not know what his
the tree. mother looks like.
2. The Snort goes way up. 3. B. He runs on and on.
3. The baby bird is then home. 4. The baby bird knows he has a mother and he
4. The mother bird just then comes back to wants to find her.
the tree. 5. C. The Snort puts the baby bird in the nest.
5. Students’ answers will vary, but may include
one of the following: The baby bird now
knows his mom is not a kitten, hen, dog,
cow, car, boat, plane, or the Snort. The baby
bird knows his mother is a bird. The baby
bird knows his mother.
Guided Close Reading—Section 4 (page 52)
1. The baby bird wants to go home. The baby
bird wants his mother.
2. “Oh, oh, oh!” and “Get me out of here!”
show the baby bird is scared.
3. The Snort comes to a stop.
Making Connections—Section 4 (page 53)
The baby bird’s home should be a nest in a tree.
Students should have drawn a picture of their
own homes.

72 #40000—Instructional Guide: Are You My Mother? © Shell Education

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