western mathematics history are too professional for problems. From this time, I was convinced that easy
high school students, and they were difficult. Sangaku problems are best for students. But Japanese
When I served as a teacher at first in Handa high high school students are busy in everyday classes, and
school in Aichi Prefecture, I met a linguist teacher they have no extra time to study Sangaku. I once was a
Kunihiko Sakakibara who was a prominent linguist. lecturer at the Education Centre for Aichi Prefecture’s
One day, he brought a dirty old book of Japanese high school teachers, and introduced the importance
mathematics to me, saying, “It’s Edo period math book of Sangaku, from 1980 to 1992. Now, I am talking on
and I don’t know the content, can you decode it?” It Sangaku in my lecture at Nagoya University and some
was the first Edo period math book for me. I had never other Universities in mathematics education course.
seen authentic Edo period math books until then. I
said to him. “It is generally believed that mathematics SR: You can obviously mix this with history, culture,
during Edo period had totally useless, low level content. and politics. Just as in the introductory portions of
So don’t expect too much”, and began the translation your book. Have you tried this form of mixing the
work. I had studied Chinese, just as studying Latin is problems with story-telling in the class? What are the
for anyone interested in history of the Western world. reactions of the students?
I finished the translation of the book six months later
and I was very much surprised. HF: Traditional Japanese mathematics is based on
Although they didn’t know western mathematics, Chinese mathematics and is independent from Western
mathematicians during the Edo period used “Partial mathematics. In 17th century, Japan was exposed to
derivative” or “Power series”. I was startled and so the danger of the invasion from the West. Finding out
started to study traditional Japanese mathematics. that other Asian Nations were invaded by the West, the
There were many Japanese mathematics books. In my Tokugawa Government prohibited other countries that
study, I found a word, “Wooden tablet on which Japa- had traded with Japan from intervening in domestic
nese mathematics problems recorded” in some book. matters. The Tokugawa government was sensitive to
What is a wooden plank with mathematical problems? and restricted the invasion of particularly religious or
Then I found a board kept unnoticed to any modern scientific information. In the 17th and 18th centuries,
mathematicians. There was a wooden plank in existence in Japan, science and culture took roots on their own.
in Aichi prefecture on which mathematics problems This is Edo culture and we give too much appreciation
were written during the Edo period. I was surprised to it, that is, traditional Japanese culture. The culture
and investigated, and found that local historians had includes mathematics too. The culture developed,
reported about it. They found the content difficult for because the Tokugawa Government avoided war, aimed
them, because they were not mathematicians, and the at agricultural growth, to be a rich country. People lived
plank was recorded as a mere cultural property. Some in not so poor but rich environment, and so the culture
Sangaku survived in Mie and Aichi prefectures, as mere developed. In high school, I have been speaking, “Peace
cultural properties, are preserved. This was the start of developed culture and peace is so important”. Sangaku
my love for Sangaku. is a product of popular culture. I always emphasised
this in the classroom. There were a lot of people who
SR: Have you tried using the Sangaku problems and enjoyed mathematics during the Edo period.
method of solving them in the classroom?
SR: Are there other allusions to Sangaku in Japanese
HF: Most Sangaku problems were introduced only texts or folklore?
as a cultural asset and were difficult for high school
students. The high school attached to Aichi educational HF: Studies of mathematics during the Edo period
College was my third school. One day, I was going to were done as cultural property only and not in the
Nagasaki for the school excursion with my students. view of mathematics. In a Japanese history textbook
Before departure, I had translated Sangaku problems there was only one line about it. The Sangaku hadn’t
of Nagasaki Suwa Shrine into modern language and touched everyone. Historians couldn’t understand the
handed the problems to my class students. On the high mathematical level of the Sangaku. Sangaku was
day before they set out for travel, somehow during my reported as material left from history and worthless for
lunch break I went to my classroom and found five mathematics education. I focused on studying Sangaku,
or six students debating about Suwa shrine Sangaku analysed the contents of mathematical research, but
it was a heresy, and has been ignored by historians. more than 80,000. (Refer to http://library.u-gakugei.
However, I noted its contents, and continued to study
their style. Mr Haruki Abe, who was a reporter of Asahi The literacy rate in Japan at that time was so high
news company, became interested in my research. and said to be more than 70%. During the 18th and
He introduced Sangaku that I studied in the Asahi 19th centuries, it is said that the literacy rate in London
newspaper. Researchers studied the materials that were was about 20%, and in Paris, 10%. However, in Edo
left, panicked and began examining the Sangaku since period, it was 70–86%. It was easy to run such schools,
then. The historians then wrote about Sangaku in the even in the home garden. Samurais who lost their jobs
history textbooks of high school in Japan. and some intellectuals easily ran such schools. The
Sangaku didn’t appear in any Japan high school Government thought that the influence of literacy
history textbooks until 40 years ago, but is now was also useful in letting people know laws, so did not
described in Japan history textbooks. However, the put restrictions on such schools. Mathematicians of
mathematical content of Sangaku is very difficult to the Edo era were good at computation of geometric
introduce. problems. Greek mathematics depended on logic,
but Japanese mathematics used complex calculations.
SR: Is there any evidence that the Japanese were aware Logical thinking was not born in Japan. But compu-
of Mathematical knowledge from other civilisations tational geometric problems thrived and left behind
around the world at that time? great material.
HF: Western science, translated into Chinese, was SR: Tell us a little about your experience in collabo-
imported to Japan during the Edo period. Calendar rating with Rothman for the book.
was important for the Tokugawa government and the
knowledge of the Western calendar was coming into HF: Rothman and I have never met each other until
Japan. Especially the calculator Abacus or “Soroban” now. However, we published the book. Mathemati-
(just as the modern PC was imported from China), cians who joined Sangaku tour and asked me to be the
and they used it on many occasions of everyday life. guide were surprised that we as co-authors have not
Abacus training rooms were opened in many regions seen each other. I started to research Sangaku when
of Japan in the Edo period. I was a high school teacher. But nobody recognised
During the 17th–19th centuries in Japan, many my work. During the Edo period, mathematicians
small schools teaching reading and writing were studied hard geometric problems and most of Sangaku
opened. Village classrooms sprouted up throughout problems were on geometry. They used computational
the country to teach reading, writing and arithmetic, geometry without logic. Geometric logic was not used
or three “R”s. The classroom was called “Jyuku” or in Japan. Until 40 years ago, Sangaku mathematics had
“Terakoya”, and played a particularly important role been ignored, that is, Sangaku was a forgotten world.
for increasing literacy rate and pushing up the general All mathematicians in Japan at that time thought the
level of education of the common people. mathematics during the Edo period had no value. But
Schools were run even privately, and the size varied plenty of problems, from the view of a high school math
widely from 10 to 1,000 students. Poor samurais, teacher, are suitable for high school students.
priests and any intelligentsia could become a teacher I wanted to introduce this forgotten mathematics
of the school easily, and could get some money. These to the world and so acted. I guess it was 1984; my first
schools were private, not public. Therefore, many job was buying a book on how to write in English. I
people were strong in calculation, reading and writing. have never written an English letter until then. My
At some Jyuku, advanced mathematics was studied, and favourite language was only Japanese (this is a joke).
people who loved math studied there. In such schools, If I hadn’t come across Sangaku, then I wouldn’t have
mathematics was just really fun in ordinary life. In needed to study English. I studied how to write English
some provinces where there were mathematics lovers, letters for the first time at the age of 42. I sent letters,
the wooden tablets, on which geometry problems or in which Sangaku geometric theorems were written, to
the land surveying results were written, were hung in ten foreign mathematicians who had interest in history
the shrine, and thanked God. Thus many elementary and geometry all over the world. But nobody sent me
schools proliferated in 18th and 19th centuries of any reply. These were letters I wrote to foreign countries
Japan. Number of cram schools in the Edo period was for the first time. Sangaku inspired me towards such
behaviour because I was mad about Sangaku. Two Sangaku with Dan Pedoe was published in Canada, I
months later, my wife shouted, an air mail arrived from thought it would be easy for me to publish the Japanese
abroad. I received a letter from abroad for the first version since I originally wrote the manuscript in
time. The letter was from Dan Pedoe (1910–1998) of Japanese. However, it was not easy to find a publisher
the University of Minnesota. He was impressed by my in Japan. I wasn’t so famous then. However, Mr Setsuo
letter, “Sangaku is a wonderful world, so we two will Tanaka, staff of Morikita Shuppan, publisher in Tokyo,
research it”. In 1988, I know that Dan Pedoe struggled was intrigued by my manuscript. In 1991, I managed
in publishing the Sangaku. When he introduced the to publish the Japanese version of my book, Japanese
theorem on an ellipse of Sangaku in his lecture in Temple Geometry Problems with Morikita publisher. It
Australia, one participant sent another solution to me. is said in Japan, that a mathematics book is a success if
Dan Pedoe consulted about publishing “Sangaku” with 3,000 copies are sold. The book I translated sold more
Australian Mathematical Society. The answer to this was than 12,000 copies. One reader who was in hospital
Ralph Stanton of the University of Winnipeg in Canada. sent me a letter, in which he wrote “I have a lot of
Japanese Temple Geometry: Sangaku was published by time to solve many interesting problems in the book.
CBRC, Winnipeg in 1989, thanks to him. This book Many thanks for your book”. I was the first person to
contains interesting geometry problems. It is my first introduce Sangaku to the world as mathematics. In
book, dedicated to Australian Mathematical Society. 2008, Japanese version of Fukagawa Hidetoshi and Tony
The book was read by many people. Thanks to this Rothman’s Sacred Mathematics by Princeton University
book, Sangaku was introduced to the world for the was published by the same publisher Morikita Shuppan.
first time. Tony Rothman especially had many answers After this book, historians got interested in the study
and asked questions about this book. The interaction of Sangaku. A movie “Tenchi Mei Satsu” featuring the
with Rothman is the longest one. He solved many strategist of Edo period was made in 2012. I was not
problems. And I helped him write his article in Scientific involved in this film. I have not seen this movie. In
American in 1998. This article was organised by Tony this movie, Yamaguchi Kanzan has nothing to do with
about 5 years ago. From then on, Tony and I continued story of this film. Yamaguchi’s diary has not yet been
to discuss on Sangaku problems over a long period. published in modern Japanese language.
There happened more interesting things. Tony moved
to Princeton University, deepened the acquaintance SR: How has the world outside reacted to your extraor-
with the eminent physicist Freeman Dyson. Freeman dinary findings [Research]?
Dyson was a student, to whom Dan Pedoe had taught
geometry in London. So Dyson cooperated with me HF: The late Professor Shiko Iwata, prominent geom-
after Dan Pedoe requested him to help me. In 1994, I eter in Japan, knew that the mathematical contents of
bought a fax machine. The first fax mail was not from Sangaku were very good. Iwata, his friend Isao Naoi
any Japanese but from Princeton University, Freeman and I had been studying and analysing traditional
Dyson’s recommendation to my new book in Japan. Japanese Mathematics very enthusiastically. I thought
Collaboration between Freeman Dyson, Tony Rothman about studying English, to introduce Sangaku abroad. I
and myself enabled Sacred Mathematics to be issued sent a letter to ten geometricians of the world, in which
from Princeton University in 2008. Tony Rothman beautiful Sangaku theorems were written. Only Dan
drew all of about 300 figures, rewrote my manuscript Pedoe gave me a reply. He was a friend of Leo Sauv
and changed the sequential order of the contents. He (1921–1987), a world renowned geometrician who
did most of the work. My English is still not good and edited at that time Canada’s geometric problem solving
I am learning English from my English teacher Mr journal Crux Mathematicorum. Dan Pedoe advised me
Takeshi Taniguchi, my friend. Even now, my English to contribute the Sangaku problems to Crux Mathemati-
is still not so good. corum of Canada. Leo Sauv edited the Sangaku problem
and put the problem 995 in the December 1984 issue.
SR: How have the Japanese received your book? I think This is the first time that Sangaku was introduced to
there was a recent Japanese movie on Yamaguchi the larger world. I thereafter provided many problems
Kanzan and the Sangaku. Was it related to your work with this magazine, Crux Mathematicorum. I have
in any way? received letters from people in many countries who
read the magazine. Of course, I introduced Sangaku
HF: After my book Japanese Temple Geometry Problems: problems to mathematics magazines in Japan prior to
this, but nobody had been interested in the Sangaku solve that it took me one month to solve the problems.
world. The book published by Winnipeg University I wanted to show the five problems to undergraduate
with the help of Dan Pedoe in 1989, Japanese Temple mathematics students. Sangaku problems often interest
Geometry was decisive. Pedoe wrote most of the texts people. For example, a geometric problem among birds
since I was not good at English. He was a prominent and flowers, depicted on the ceiling grid in the temple
geometer and wrote Sangaku problems as “problems of in Nagano prefecture was so nice and I submitted it to
Euclid”. Pedoe has spread Sangaku to all over the world. the Crux Mathematicorum. Now the temple no longer
A modern Greek complained to me in his letter, “There exists.
is no Geometry other than in Greece”. After some years, A British geometrician visited Japan several years
he came to love Sangaku. ago, and he wanted me to see his solution to the problem
and came to my home in Gifu, since he was so excited
SR: What is the oldest Sangaku that you have come to find it after some struggles. He found the best answer
across? to this problem. We just met in my home, and I have
never been acquainted with him before that. In fact his
HF: There are 900 Sangaku tablets remaining and the solution was so good. His name is John F Rigby and his
oldest Sangaku was hung in 1683 at Hoshinomiya solution is introduced in [2]. Thanks to his invitation,
shrine of Tochigi Prefecture. The surface of this plate I was given a chance to demonstrate the Sangaku to
was burnt, and cannot be decrypted. But before it was the teachers of high school who graduated from the
burnt, local junior students had already made a replica, University of Wales in 2004.
we can see its content. Because we were unable to carry In 2012, the idea of giving some Sangaku tours
the earliest Sangaku, we carried the replicas when the to the people from other countries was proposed to
national Sangaku exhibition was held in Nagoya. I me. In March 2012, a Swiss mathematician, Professor
supervised and exhibited it in 2005 at the Nagoya City Emmanuelle Gracchi, and in April, Carsten Cramon of
Science Museum. The replica of the earliest Sangaku Denmark with 20 people visited me. In July, American
is a board 180 cm wide and 90 cm in height. There mathematician David Clark of Randolph-Macon
is actually in the Edo era (1603–1867), 54 years ago college, in August, a student Ian Johnston of Boston
before the earliest surviving Sangaku, a recording of an University, and in September, Rosalie Hosking from
even older Sangaku hung in the shrine of Fukushima New Zealand visited Ogaki Sangaku. Currently I
Prefecture after 1657. After the Sangaku exhibition in am preparing for a visit of 20 Singapore high school
Nagoya, five more tablets were found in Toyama Prefec- students in August 2013. They are going to visit
ture. When I held the Sangaku national exhibition, a Sangakus at Atsuta shrine in Nagoya city and Ogaki.
local historian became interested in the Sangaku and Since languages are different, they won’t know its
found one new Sangaku. However, in the catastrophic contents. One visitor, Professor Peter Wong of Bates
earthquake disaster in the Northeast Japan in 2011, College in the US, with more than 20 years of acquaint-
we lost two or three tablets in Fukushima prefecture. ance, knows the content of Sangaku. I was surprised
Recently in modern children’s events, they make small when I met him for the first time, by his understanding
Sangakus freely, in which modern school mathematics, of the content of the Sangaku. However, he couldn’t
not traditional ones, is written. But they have nothing understand or speak Japanese. Generally people don’t
to do with traditional Japanese Mathematics. know the contents of Sangaku and so I would like to
translate it, and introduce it to the world. Sangaku is a
SR: You are clearly passionate about this. What future great material for mathematics education. In September
plans do you have in this regard? this year, I will visit two universities — Valladorid and
Sevilla of Spain, and will give a talk on Sangaku.
HF: Two weeks ago, I solved problems of a Sangaku
tablet dedicated in 1841 at Tashiro shrine in Yoro-Cho SR: Your own personal favourite problem and solution
of Gifu prefecture, which I visited and gave the analysis among the Sangakus.
to the priest, since nobody had been able to analyse the
content of the Sangaku by then. Five problems written HF: Circles and triangles and rectangles are geometric
on the tablet were so interesting. Three of them were tools in traditional Japanese mathematics. Let me
submitted by twelve, thirteen, and eleven year old boys introduce an interesting simple problem. An equilateral
respectively. Two other problems were so difficult to triangle ABE has sides of length 10 units and, an outside
square ABCD has side length 10 units. The problem is to high school math teachers of Aichi prefecture in the
to find the radius of the circle that passes through the workshop during 1980–1992. Currently I am teaching
three points E, C, and D. This is not a Sangaku problem university students of the department of mathematics
but quoted from the book published in 1877. The other at Nagoya University, from 1990 till now. Moreover, I
problem has not been solved yet and is recorded in have introduced the Sangaku in mathematics education
Yamaguchi’s diary, which is a Sangaku problem. It was at several universities.
described as “problem not solved yet” in his diary. I From 1987, in Bulgaria, I provided Sangaku prob-
think it’s pretty hard. I have not been able to solve it. lems on the cover every month for teenage magazines
Two externally touching circles of radii a and b lie on in Bulgarian Education of Mathematics and Informatics
the straight line L. Describe a square inscribed in the until 1992. In the 1987 issue, a student of Bulgaria high
space bounded by two circles and the line. The side of school came up with a wonderful solution to a Sangaku
square x varies. Find the minimum and maximum of problem. This project was run by geometrician Jordan
x in terms of a and b. I think it’s pretty hard. Tavob of Bulgaria Academy of Science.
In 1994, in some conference of Bulgaria, an aged In 2005, I organised “The National Sangaku exhibi-
mathematician who sat in the front row at the Confer- tion” at Nagoya City Science Museum and exhibited
ence in Bulgaria asked me a question. Are there unre- one hundred Sangakus, carrying them to Nagoya by
solved problems in the Sangaku world? Since I had not truck. The leading newspaper Asahi Shimbun spent
studied the diary of Yamaguchi at that time, I couldn’t a huge amount of money. Mr Abe Haruki from Asahi
answer him. His name was Paul Erdos (1913–1996). Shimbun proposed this exhibition. This large scale
exhibition touched many people.
SR: Thank you for this wonderful interview, it has [3] H. Fukagawa and T. Rothman, Sacred Mathematics
been a pleasure interacting with you. (Princeton University Press, 2008).
R Sujatha
University of British Columbia, Canada
[email protected]