Firegirl: Final Assessment Student Evaluation

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Name: ​______________________________ 

Firegirl ​Final Assessment Student Evaluation 

Please fill in the flames for each slide of your presentation, based on how well you think you did. Filling in four flames means you think you 
totally rocked that piece of the assessment. Filling in one flame means that you did not complete that piece of the assessment like I asked. 
RL.5.3 Compare and Contrast  I thoroughly explained how the characters were similar and different. 

RL.5.3 Pressure on Characters  I identified a pressure acting on two characters and how those two 
characters react differently to the pressure.   

RL.5.1 Making  I chose a quote and explained what it allowed me to infer about how a 
Inferences/Quoting from a Text  character feels.   

RL.5.4 Words and Phrases  I chose a word/phrase I (or someone else) didn’t understand, then 
explained how I can use the information around it to understand what it   

RL.5.4 Figurative Language   I thoroughly explained how figurative language was used in my chapter, 
thinking about why the author may have used it.   

RL.5.2 Theme  I write a theme for my chapter that describes fully the main idea that the 
author might want me to learn from the text.   

RL.5.7 Multimedia Elements  I explained why I chose the music I did for this chapter, thinking about 
why if fit the scene well.   

RL.5.7 Visual Elements  I explained why or why not I think the cover of ​Firegirl​ represents the 
book well.   

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