Ijser: Predicting (NK) Factor of (CPT) Test Using (GP) : Comparative Study of MEPX & GN7
Ijser: Predicting (NK) Factor of (CPT) Test Using (GP) : Comparative Study of MEPX & GN7
Ijser: Predicting (NK) Factor of (CPT) Test Using (GP) : Comparative Study of MEPX & GN7
ISSN 2229-5518
Abstract— Static cone penetration test (CPT) is a broadly satisfactory and dependable geotechnical in-situ apparatus that gives brisk and
honest substantial measure of data about soil classification, stratification and properties. Un-drained shear strength of clay (cu) is one of
the principle soil parameters that could be sensibly evaluated from the (CPT) results, as it is specifically connected to the tip resistance
through the experimental cone factor (Nk). Earlier researches showed that (Nk) value depends on type of soil, nature and stress history
conditions and many other variables. Construction development in some locations with thick deposits of soft to very soft clays motivates
extensive researches to define the reasonable value of the (Nk) factor for such types of clay. The performed study concentrated on utilizing
the genetic programming technique (GP) to predict (Nk) value of clay using the consistency limits that can be easily determined in the
laboratory. A set of 102 records were gathered from the CPT site investigations and corresponding consistency limits and other physical
properties experiments, were divided into training set of 72 records and validation set of 30 records. Both (GN7) & (MEPX) software were
used to apply (GP) on the available data. Four trials for each software with different chromosome lengths were performed to correlate the
(Nk) factor with the clay consistency limits, water content (wc) and unit weight (γ) using training data set, then, the produced relations were
tested using the validation data set. The four generated formulas using (GN7) showed accuracies ranging between 93% and 97% and
coefficient of determination (R2) ranging between 0.7 and 0.9, while the other four formulas form (MEPX) showed accuracy not exceeding
95% and coefficient of determination (R2) ranging between 0.45 and 0.75.
Index Terms— CPT, Consistency Limits, Genetic Programming (GP), Multi Expression Programming (MEP), Cone Factor (Nk).
—————————— ——————————
Lassic static cone penetration test (CPT) is one of the well- havior of the clay which depends on many parameters such as
known site tests which carried out to characterize the soil initial stresses, pore-water pressure, penetration rate and over
formations and estimate their mechanical proprieties consolidation ratio. In addition, uncertainties in measured
based on their penetration resistance. Today, modern (CPT) values make the correlation more difficult. [4, 14].
equipment is capable to measure many more parameters than Previously suggested formulas to correlate (CPT) results with
penetration resistance such as pore water pressure, lateral soil the un-drained shear strength of clay (cu) are summarized in
pressure at rest, lateral elastic modulus of soil. Figure (1) many publications [3, 6, 9, 10, 15, and 16]. Many of those re-
shows (CPT) test overview and sample of its output. [3, 10, searches considered that (cu) proportional linearly with the
15]. corrected tip resistance of the cone as shown in equation (1)
Many theories were introduced to simulate the behavior of the qc − σ vo
soil during static penetration process such as the bearing ca- cu = ….... (1)
pacity theory (Meyerhof 1961, Durgunoglu and Mitchell 1975), Where,
cavity expansion theory (Vesic 1972 and Yu and Houlsby cu : Un-drained shear strength of clay.
1991), the strain path method proposed by Baligh (1985), cali- qc : Tip resistance of the cone.
bration chamber testing and the finite element analysis (Walk- σvo : Total overburden pressure.
er and Yu 2006). [1, 8, 9, 12, 17,19 and 20]. Nk : Empirical cone factor.
Although, many previous researches were carried out to corre-
late tip resistance from (CPT) with other soil properties spe- Accordingly, most of the previous researches were concerned
cially the un-drained shear strength of clay (cu), but none of in estimating (Nk) value which correlates (CPT) with (cu).
them derives a proper correlation due to the sophisticated be- As summarized by Zsolt Rémai (2013) [17], typical values for
———————————————— (Nk) for different soil types has been suggested by many re-
1 Graduate Student, Department of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engi- searchers. Lunne and Kleven (1981) [13] suggested that (Nk)
neering, Ain Shams University E-Mail: [email protected] varies between 11 and 19 for normally consolidated, Scandi-
navian marine clays. Jörss (1998) [7] suggested that (Nk)
2 Lecturer, Department of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering &
Tech.., Future University, Egypt. E-Mail: [email protected] equals 20 for marine clays and 15 for boulder clays. Gebre-
selassie (2003) [5] proposed that (NK) value is ranged between
3 Associate Professor, Department of Structural Engineering, Faculty of 7.6 and 28.4 for different soil types. Finally, Chen (2001) [4]
Engineering, Ain Shams University E-Mail: [email protected] recommended (Nk) values varying between 5 and 12.
IJSER © 2019
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 3, March-2019 614
ISSN 2229-5518
Figure (1) Cone Penetration Test (CPT): a) Test Overview, b) Output Example
(after Paul W. Mayne and Jon M. Williams (2007))
IJSER © 2019
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 3, March-2019 615
ISSN 2229-5518
2 (GP) & (MEP) stant values, hence variables with constant values are used to
2.1 Genetic programming (GP) present those constants. Usually, the following set of constants
(GP) is a direct application of genetic algorithm (GA) optimi- is used (1, 3, 5, 7 and 11). (GN7) uses the sum of squared errors
zation technique on a population of mathematical formulas to (SSR) method to measure the fitness.
generate the most fitting formula for certain given points in a
hyper-space. Accordingly, (GP) may be described as Multivar-
iable Regression Procedure. (Koza,1994)
(GP) is big title includes several techniques such as Linear GP,
Cartesian GP, Compacted GP and many others. [2 ,11,18].
Classic (GP) procedure starts with randomly generating a
population of mathematical formulas which are encoded in
genetic form (chromosome form) and testing each formula
using the training data set to calculate its fitness. Only the
most fitting formulas (survivors) will be selected to generate
the next cycle (or generation) using crossover and mutation
operators, then the new population to be tested again to calcu-
late their fitness and so on until accepted accuracy is achieved.
Figure (2) Mathematical and Genetic Representation of Binary
the same chromosome. Same as classic (GP), crossover is ap- Tree (after A. Ebid 2004)
plied in (MEP) using one Point Crossover technique, where
one crossover point is randomly chosen and the parent chro-
mosomes exchange the sequences at the right side of the
crossover point. Also, both classic (GP) and (MEP) are sharing
the same mutation technique where randomly selected gens
(or symbols) are changed. Unlike classic (GP), the output of
the (MEP) is a series of programming commands, if all these
commands are mathematical expressions, then the output
could be simplified in one mathematical expression just like
classical (GP).
In order to fairly compare the results of the two programs, the
following points were considered: …(6)
- Using same set of variables, liquid limit (L.L), plastic Accuracies and coefficient of determination (R2) of training
limit (P.L), plasticity index (P.I), water content (wc) and validations sets for each one of the four trials are summa-
and unit weight of clay (γ). rized in table (1). Figure (5) represent the correlation between
- Using same constant values (1,3,5,7,11) the predicted (Nk) values using the equations (3),(4),(5),(6)
- Using the same training and validation data sets and the measured ones.
- Using the same population size
- Using same number of generations TABLE (1): SUMMARY OF ACCURACIES AND (R2) VALUES FOR
- Using same method to measure error (SSR) EQUATIONS (3),(4),(5),(6)
- Using same complexity level (code length) Accuracy % R2
No. of Levels
ly mathematical operators were used in (MEPX)
- Unaccepted too complicated expressions such as mul-
ti-power (x^(y^z)) and multi logarithms (log(log(x))
were eliminated from both programs.
- For the best fitting formula of each trial, its accuracy
1 2 Eq. (3) 93 95 94 0.72 0.71 0.71
was determine using equation (2) , the predicted val-
ues of (Nk) were plotted against the experimental 2 3 Eq. (4) 96 97 96 0.87 0.89 0.87
ones and the coefficient of determination (R2) was de-
3 4 Eq. (5) 96 96 96 0.82 0.88 0.84
Nk cal − Nk exp 4 5 Eq. (6) 96 97 97 0.91 0.88 0.87
Accuracy (%) = 100 − × …(2)
Nk exp N rec
The following points could be noted from table (1):
- Accuracies of all proposed formulas are ranged be-
4 PREDICTION OF (NK) USING (GN7) tween 93% to 97%, while (R2) values are ranged be-
Four trials were carried out using (GN7) to predict the value tween 0.71 to 0.91 which indicates good fitting
of (Nk) factor using the training data set as follows: - The enhancement in fitting between equations
- 1st trial had only two levels of complexity (chromo- (4),(5),(6) is negligible, on other hand, the remarkable
some length is 8 genes), Population size was 5000 complexity difference between them makes equation
chromosome, number of generations was 50 and the (4) more favorable than the others.
best formula was equation (3) - None of the four proposed formulas contains water con-
3.6 × L.L tent (wc) which indicates that (Nk) doesn’t depend on
Nk = 27.3 − …(3) it.
IJSER © 2019
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 3, March-2019 617
ISSN 2229-5518
c) Trial(3) – Eq. 5 d) Trial(4) – Eq. 6
Figure (5) Relation between the Predicted and Measured (Nk) values for Developed Correlations using (GN7)
5 PREDICTION OF (NK) USING (MEPX) - 3rd trial had chromosome length is 32 genes, Popula-
tion size was 20000 chromosome, number of genera-
Four equivalent trials were carried out using (MEPX) to pre- tions was 50 and the best formula was equation (9)
dict the value of (Nk) factor using the training data set as fol-
+ [(1.6 + Ln( P.I ) )(7 − ln( P.I ) )]
7 / P.I 7
Nk = + …(9)
lows: Ln(7 / P.I ) P.I
- 1st trial had chromosome length of 8 genes, Popula-
tion size was 5000 chromosome, number of genera- - 4th trial had chromosome length is 64 genes, Popula-
tions was 50 and the best formula was equation (7) tion size was 40000 chromosome, number of genera-
11L.L − 55 tions was 50 and the best formula was equation (10)
Nk = …(7)
P.I 11 L.L + 11Ln(5γ )
Nk =
(5γ ) 2 …(10)
- 2nd trial had chromosome length is 16 genes, Popula- P.I +
tion size was 10000 chromosome, number of genera- P.I − 11
tions was 50 and the best formula was equation (8) Accuracies and coefficient of determination (R2) of training
and validations sets for each one of the four trials are summa-
Nk =
[11 + P.L + P.I + Ln (P.I)] …(8) rized in table (2). Figure (6) represent the correlation between
11 + P.I the predicted (Nk) values using the equations (7),(8),(9),(10)
and the measured ones.
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 3, March-2019 618
ISSN 2229-5518
c) Trial(3) – Eq. 9 d) Trial(4) – Eq. 10
Figure (6) Relation between the Predicted and Measured (Nk) values for Developed Correlations using (MEPX)
TABLE (2): SUMMARY OF ACCURACIES AND (R2) VALUES FOR The following points could be noted from table (2):
EQUATIONS (7),(8),(9),(10) - Accuracies of all proposed formulas are ranged be-
tween 93% to 95%, while (R2) values are ranged be-
Accuracy % R2 tween 0.44 to 0.76 which indicates fair fitting
Code Length
- Equation (10) is the most accurate one and the only one
Trial No.
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ISSN 2229-5518
70 28 41 66 1.6 18.8
Training data set 48 20 28 44 1.8 16.1
L.L. P.L. P.I. wc γ 65 27 39 33 1.9 17.9
Nk 87 30 57 37 1.8 18.8
(%) (%) (%) (%) (t/m3)
48 22 25 50 1.6 17.5
94 30 64 53 1.7 16.9 56 26 31 47 1.7 17.3
132 34 98 57 1.7 13.7 73 31 46 38 1.8 20.4
93 29 63 36 1.8 13.4 122 32 90 50 1.7 14.3
109 31 79 66 1.6 15.3 88 29 59 67 1.5 15.2
136 34 103 83 1.5 14.3 104 31 73 63 1.6 15.1
76 28 48 35 1.8 16.6 86 29 57 69 1.6 16.1
100 30 70 47 1.7 15.5 111 32 80 69 1.6 15.6
90 29 61 63 1.6 16.4 122 32 90 71 1.6 14.5
141 34 107 56 1.7 12.7 101 31 70 73 1.6 17.1
92 36 56 59 1.9 18.4 105 31 74 55 1.7 15.5
41 21 20 41 1.7 17.8 91 29 62 69 1.6 15.8
72 27 45 52 1.7 16.6 123 32 91 68 1.6 14.0
73 31 43 58 1.8 18.8 101 29 72 62 1.6 15.0
93 35 58 57 1.7 18.5 117 32 86 70 1.6 13.6
97 38 59 61 1.6 19.8
80 28 52 52 1.7 16.5
140 33 107 59 1.6 13.2
142 34 108 59 1.6 12.8
95 30 66 57 1.7 16.9
120 32 88 59 1.6 14.1
53 26 27 60 1.7 18.4
72 29 43 64 1.7 18.3
112 42 71 68 1.6 20.2
41 21 20 49 1.7 17.5
53 25 28 49 1.7 18.6
72 29 42 58 1.6 18.3
53 25 28 48 1.8 17.3
48 24 24 52 1.7 18.6
68 29 40 51 1.7 18.8
49 22 28 26 1.8 17.0
51 26 26 46 1.7 19.1
65 29 35 47 1.7 20.2
72 31 41 59 1.6 21.3
131 33 98 62 1.6 14.8
41 22 20 44 1.7 17.2
48 25 24 49 1.7 18.8
117 41 77 58 1.6 18.1
77 31 46 45 1.7 18.8
97 35 62 57 1.6 18.9
93 29 64 59 1.6 16.1
111 32 79 72 1.6 15.4
104 30 74 63 1.6 14.9
91 29 62 70 1.6 16.7
92 29 63 70 1.6 16.2
107 31 76 76 1.7 15.4
57 25 32 67 1.6 17.8
78 32 46 37 1.8 18.3
157 39 118 54 1.7 13.4
72 29 43 38 1.8 17.9
75 30 45 37 1.8 18.4
85 34 50 36 1.8 18.2
56 24 31 41 1.7 17.8
IJSER © 2019