Fundamental Data Concept
Fundamental Data Concept
A conceptual framework of several levels of data has been devised that differentiates among
different groupings, or elements, of data. Thus, data may be logically organized into characters,
fields, records, files, and databases, just as writing can be organized into letters, words,
sentences, paragraphs, and documents.
The most basic logical data element is the character, which consists of a single alphabetic,
numeric, or other symbol. A character is the most basic element of data that can be observed and
A field consists of a grouping of related characters. For example, the grouping of alphabetic
characters in a person’s name may form a name field (or typically, last name, first name, and
middle initial fields), and the grouping of numbers in a sales amount forms a sales amount field.
A record represents a collection of attributes that describe a single instance of an entity. An
example is a person’s payroll record, which consists of data fields describing attributes such as
the person’s name, Social Security number, and rate of pay.
Any grouping of related records in tabular (row-and-column form) is called a file . Thus, an
employee file would contain the records of the employees of a firm. Files are frequently
classified by the application for which they are primarily used, such as a payroll file or an
inventory file, or the type of data they contain, such as a document file or a graphical image file
A transaction file, therefore, would contain records of all transactions occurring during a period
and might be used periodically to update the permanent records contained in a master file.
A history file is an obsolete transaction or master file retained for backup purposes or for long-
term historical storage, called archival storage.
A database is an integrated collection of logically related data elements. A database consolidates
records previously stored in separate files into a common pool of data independent of the
application programs using them and of the type of storage devices on which they are stored.
Thus, databases contain data elements describing entities and relationships among entities
Database Structure
The relationships among the many individual data elements stored in databases are based on one
of several logical data structures, or models are called database structure. Database management
system (DBMS) packages are designed to use a specific data structure to provide end users with
quick, easy access to information stored in databases.
Five fundamental database structures are the hierarchical, network, relational, object-oriented,
and multidimensional models.
Hierarchical Structure
Hierarchical structure is the structure in which the relationships between records form a
hierarchy or treelike structure.
All records are dependent and arranged in multilevel structures, consisting of one root
record and any number of subordinate levels.
Thus, all of the relationships among records are one-to-many because each data element
is related to only one element above it.
The data element or record at the highest level of the hierarchy (the department data
element in this illustration) is called the root element.
Any data element can be accessed by moving progressively downward from a root and
along the branches of the tree until the desired record (e.g., the employee data element) is
Network structure
The network structure can represent more complex logical relationships and is still used by some
mainframe DBMS packages. It allows many-to-many relationships among records; that is, the
network model can access a data element by following one of several paths because any data
element or record can be related to any number of other data elements.
For example, in Figure, departmental records can be related to more than one employee record,
and employee records can be related to more than one project record. Thus, you could locate all
employee records for a particular department or all project records related to a particular
Relational Structure
The relational model is the most widely used of the three database structures. In the relational
model, all data elements within the database are viewed as being stored in the form of simple
two-dimensional tables, sometimes referred to as relations.
The tables in a relational database are flat files that have rows and columns. Each row represents
a single record in the file, and each column represents a field. The major difference between a
flat file and a database is that a flat file can only have data attributes specified for one file. In
contrast, a database can specify data attributes for multiple files simultaneously and can relate
the various data elements in one file to those in one or more other files.
Figure 5.4 illustrates the relational database model with two tables representing some of the
relationships among departmental and employee records.
Multidimensional Structure
The multidimensional model is a variation of the relational model that uses multidimensional
structures to organize data and express the relationships between data. You can visualize
multidimensional structures as cubes of data and cubes within cubes of data. Each side of the
cube is considered a dimension of the data.
Figure 5.6 is an example that shows that each dimension can represent a different category, such
as product type, region, sales channel, and time. Each cell within a multidimensional structure
contains aggregated data related to elements along each of its dimensions.
A major benefit of multidimensional databases is that they provide a compact and easy-to
understand way to visualize and manipulate data elements that have many interrelationships.
The object-oriented model also supports inheritance; that is, new objects can be automatically
created by replicating some or all of the characteristics of one or more parent objects. Thus, in
Figure 5.7, the checking and savings account objects can inherit both the common attributes and
operations of the parent bank account object.
Managing Data Resources
Data are a vital organizational resource that needs to be managed like other important business
assets. Today’s business enterprises cannot survive or succeed without quality data about their
Types of databases
1. Operational databases store detailed data needed to support the business processes and
operations of a company. They are also called subject area databases (SADB),
transaction databases, and production databases.
Examples are
a customer database,
human resource database,
inventory database, and
Other databases containing data generated by business operations.
For example, a human resource database likes that shown in would include data
identifying each employee and his or her time worked, compensation, benefits,
performance appraisals, training and development status, and other related human
resource data.
2. Distributed Database
Many organizations replicate and distribute copies or parts of databases to network
servers at a variety of sites. These distributed databases can reside on network servers on
the World Wide Web, on corporate intranets or extranets, or on other company networks.
Distributed databases may be copies of operational or analytical databases, hypermedia or
discussion databases, or any other type of database.
Replication and distribution of databases improve database performance at end-
user worksites.
The protection of valuable data: By having databases distributed in multiple
locations, the negative impact of such an event can be minimized.
Storage requirements: Often, a large database system may be distributed into
smaller databases based on some logical relationship between the data and the
If a company distributes its database to multiple locations, any change to the data in one
location must somehow be updated in all other locations.
For example whenever you use a search engine like Google or Yahoo to look up
something on the Internet, you are using an external database
4. Hypermedia Database The rapid growth of Web sites on the Internet and corporate
intranets and extranets has dramatically increased the use of databases of hypertext and
hypermedia documents. A Web site stores such information in a hypermedia database
consisting of hyperlinked pages of multimedia (text, graphic and photographic images,
video clips, audio segments, and so on). That is, from a database management point of
view, the set of interconnected multimedia pages on a Web site is a database of
interrelated hypermedia page elements, rather than interrelated data records.
Data warehouse
Data warehouse stores data that have been extracted from the various operational, external, and
other databases of an organization. It is a central source of the data that have been cleaned,
transformed, and cataloged so that they can be used by managers and other business
professionals for data mining, online analytical processing, and other forms of business analysis,
market research, and decision support. Data warehouses may be subdivided into data marts,
which hold subsets of data from the warehouse that focus on specific aspects of a company, such
as a department or a business process.
Data from various operational and external databases are captured, cleaned, and
transformed into data that can be better used for analysis. This acquisition process might
include activities like consolidating data from several sources, filtering out unwanted
data, correcting incorrect data, converting data to new data elements, or aggregating
data into new data subsets.
These data are then stored in the enterprise data warehouse, from which they can be
moved into data marts or to an analytical data store that holds data in a more useful
form for certain types of analysis. Metadata (data that define the data in the data
warehouse) are stored in a metadata repository and cataloged by a metadata directory.
Finally, a variety of analytical software tools can be provided to query, report, mine, and
analyze the data for delivery via Internet and intranet Web systems to business end users
Data Mining
In data mining, the data in a data warehouse are analyzed to reveal hidden patterns and trends in
historical business activity. This analysis can be used to help managers make decisions about
strategic changes in business operations to gain competitive advantages in the marketplace.
Data mining can discover new correlations, patterns, and trends in vast amounts of business data
(frequently several terabytes of data) stored in data warehouses. Data mining software uses
advanced pattern recognition algorithms, as well as a variety of mathematical and statistical
techniques, to sift through mountains of data to extract previously unknown strategic business
information. For example, many companies use data mining to:
• Perform market-basket analysis to identify new product bundles.
• Find root causes of quality or manufacturing problems.
• Prevent customer attrition and acquire new customers.
• Cross-sell to existing customers.
• Profile customers with more accuracy.
1. Database development involves defining and organizing the content, relationships, and
structure of the data needed to build a database. Database application development involves
using a DBMS to develop prototypes of queries, forms, reports, and Web pages for a proposed
business application.
2. Database interrogation
A database interrogation capability is a major benefit of the database management approach. End
users can use a DBMS by asking for information from a database using a query feature or a
report generator.
The query language feature lets you easily obtain immediate responses to ad hoc data requests:
You merely key in a few short inquiries—in some cases, using common sentence structures just
like you would use to ask a question.
The report generator feature allows you to specify a report format for information you want
presented as a report.
For example Structured Query Language, is an international standard query language found in
many DBMS packages. In most cases, SQL is the language structure used to “ask a question”
that the DBMS will retrieve the data to answer. The basic form of a SQL query is:
SELECT . . . FROM . . . WHERE. .
Database maintenance
The database maintenance process is accomplished by transaction processing systems and other
end-user applications, with the support of the DBMS. End users and information specialists can
also employ various utilities provided by a DBMS for database maintenance. The databases of an
organization need to be updated continually to reflect new business transactions (e.g., sales
made, products produced, inventory shipped) and other events. Other miscellaneous changes also
must be made to update and correct data (e.g., customer or employee name and address changes)
to ensure the accuracy of the data in the databases.
Application Development
End users, systems analysts, and other application developers can use the internal 4GL
programming language and built-in software development tools provided by many DBMS
packages to develop custom application programs.
For example, you can use a DBMS to develop the data entry screens, forms, reports, or Web
pages of a business application that accesses a company database to find and update the data it