ASME B1.20.1-2013 Absrates PDF

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ASME B1.20.1-2013

Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch)

T p Taper
1.1 Scope
S p Straight
This Standard covers dimensions and gaging of pipe C p Coupling
threads of the following series: R p Railing Fittings
NPT M p Mechanical
NPSC L p Locknut
NPSM 1.4 Sealing (NPT and NPSC Only)
1.4.1 Mating Threads. Mating threads should
1.2 Related Standard always contact on the thread flanks. The design toler-
Hose coupling joints are ordinarily made with straight ances are such that mating crests and roots may clear,
internal and external loose-fitting threads. There are sev- contact, or interfere (see Fig. 1). This joint may not neces-
eral standards of hose threads having various diameters sarily seal, unless a sealant is used.
and pitches, one of which is based on the American 1.4.2 Sealant. Where pressure-tight, leak-free joints
National Standard Pipe Thread. By the use of this thread are required, it is intended that threads conforming to
series, NPSH, it is possible to join small hose couplings this Standard be made up wrench-tight with a sealant.
in sizes 1⁄2 to 4, inclusive, to ends of standard pipe having To prevent galling during installation, the sealant may
American National Standard external pipe threads, have lubricating properties.
using a gasket to seal the joint. For dimensions, toler-
ances, and gaging, see ASME B1.20.7. 1.4.3 Tightening Torque. Due to application-specific
variables such as materials, wall thickness, operating
1.3 Thread Designations pressures, etc., no guidance is given in this Standard

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regarding joint-tightening torque. However, joints
1.3.1 The types of pipe threads included in this
should be tightened beyond the hand-tight engagement
Standard are designated by specifying in sequence the
position. Advancing the joint past hand-tight creates
nominal pipe size, number of threads per inch, and the
interference between external and internal thread flanks,
thread series symbol as follows:
⁄8–27 NPT produces a seal (with the use of a sealant), and helps
⁄8–27 NPSC prevent loosening of the joint. Overtightening may be
⁄2–14 NPTR detrimental to the sealing function of the joint.
⁄8–27 NPSM 1.4.4 Other Considerations. Out-of-roundness of
⁄8–27 NPSL mating parts can negatively affect their ability to seal
Decimal equivalent notation may be substituted for when made up wrench tight. The product’s elasticity
fractional pipe sizes. For example and ductility will also affect sealing.
0.125–27 NPT 1.4.5 Pressure-Tight Threads Without Sealant. Pipe
threads designed for pressure-tight joints that may be
For left-hand threads, add “LH” to the designation. used without sealing compounds (Dryseal Threads) are
For example covered in ASME B1.20.3.
⁄8–27 NPT–LH 1.5 Appendices
Useful and supplementary information that is not a
Designations without “LH” will signify right-hand
part of this Standard is presented in a nonmandatory
appendix. Specifically, the nonmandatory appendices
1.3.2 Each of these letters in the symbols has signif- cover the turns of engagement method of gaging, sug-
icance as follows: gested prethreading hole diameters, and an explanatory
N p National (American) Standard gaging matrix.

Copyright c 2013 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME.
Copyrighted material licensed to Fermi National Laboratory by Thomson Scientific, Inc. (
ASME B1.20.1-2013

Fig. 3 American National Standard Taper Pipe Thread Notation


L2 V

L5 2P

Wrench make-up

L3 L1

Plane of vanish point

Plane of hand-tight

Plane of complete

Plane of effective
Reference plane
Plane of wrench

thread length

thread length


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E3 K0 E0 E1 E5 E2 d D

Copyright c 2013 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME.
Table 2 Basic Dimensions of American National Standard Taper Pipe Thread, NPT (Cont’d)
Pitch Change Minor6
Length, L1
Diameter in Diameter
Hand-tight Effective Thread, Plane to L2 Nominal Complete
at Wrench Make-Up Length, Diameter at
Engagement External Plane, External Threads5
Beginning Internal Thread Overall per Small
External Vanish
O.D. Pitch of Pitch Pitch Length, Pitch Height Turn End
Length,1 Length,3 Thread, Length, Thread, Length,
No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME.

Nominal of of External Diam- Diam- Pitch External Diam- of of of

L1 L2 L2 − L1 L3 V L5
Pipe Pipe, Threads/ Thread, Thread, eter,2 eter, Diam- Thread,4 eter, Thread, Thread, Pipe,
Copyright c 2013 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Size D Inch, n P E0 in. Threads E1 in. Threads E3 in. Threads in. Threads eter, E3 in. Threads L4 in. E5 h 0.0625/n Ko

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
⁄16 0.3125 27 0.03703704 0.27118 0.1600 4.32 0.28118 0.2611 7.05 0.28750 0.1011 2.73 0.1111 3 0.26424 0.1285 3.47 0.3896 0.1870 0.28287 0.02963 0.00231 0.2415
⁄8 0.4050 27 0.03703704 0.36351 0.1615 4.36 0.37360 0.2639 7.13 0.38000 0.1024 2.76 0.1111 3 0.35656 0.1285 3.47 0.3924 0.1898 0.37537 0.02963 0.00231 0.3338
⁄4 0.5400 18 0.05555556 0.47739 0.2278 4.10 0.49163 0.4018 7.23 0.50250 0.1740 3.13 0.1667 3 0.46697 0.1928 3.47 0.5946 0.2907 0.49556 0.04444 0.00347 0.4329
⁄8 0.6750 18 0.05555556 0.61201 0.2400 4.32 0.62701 0.4078 7.34 0.63750 0.1678 3.02 0.1667 3 0.60160 0.1928 3.47 0.6006 0.2967 0.63056 0.04444 0.00347 0.5675
⁄2 0.8400 14 0.07142857 0.75843 0.3200 4.48 0.77843 0.5337 7.47 0.79178 0.2137 2.99 0.2143 3 0.74504 0.2479 3.47 0.7815 0.3909 0.78286 0.05714 0.00446 0.7014
⁄4 1.0500 14 0.07142857 0.96768 0.3390 4.75 0.98887 0.5457 7.64 1.00178 0.2067 2.89 0.2143 3 0.95429 0.2479 3.47 0.7935 0.4029 0.99286 0.05714 0.00446 0.9106
1 1.3150 11.5 0.08695652 1.21363 0.4000 4.60 1.23863 0.6828 7.85 1.25631 0.2828 3.25 0.2609 3 1.19733 0.3017 3.47 0.9845 0.5089 1.24544 0.06957 0.00543 1.1441
1 ⁄4 1.6600 11.5 0.08695652 1.55713 0.4200 4.83 1.58338 0.7068 8.13 1.60131 0.2868 3.30 0.2609 3 1.54083 0.3017 3.47 1.0085 0.5329 1.59044 0.06957 0.00543 1.4876

ASME B1.20.1-2013
11⁄2 1.9000 11.5 0.08695652 1.79609 0.4200 4.83 1.82234 0.7235 8.32 1.84131 0.3035 3.49 0.2609 3 1.77978 0.3017 3.47 1.0252 0.5496 1.83044 0.06957 0.00543 1.7266
2 2.3750 11.5 0.08695652 2.26902 0.4360 5.01 2.29627 0.7565 8.70 2.31630 0.3205 3.69 0.2609 3 2.25272 0.3017 3.47 1.0582 0.5826 2.30543 0.06957 0.00543 2.1995

21⁄2 2.8750 8 0.12500000 2.71953 0.6820 5.46 2.76216 1.1375 9.10 2.79063 0.4555 3.64 0.2500 2 2.70391 0.4338 3.47 1.5712 0.8875 2.77500 0.10000 0.00781 2.6195
3 3.5000 8 0.12500000 3.34063 0.7660 6.13 3.38850 1.2000 9.60 3.41563 0.4340 3.47 0.2500 2 3.32500 0.4338 3.47 1.6337 0.9500 3.40000 0.10000 0.00781 3.2406

31⁄2 4.0000 8 0.12500000 3.83750 0.8210 6.57 3.88881 1.2500 10.00 3.91563 0.4290 3.43 0.2500 2 3.82188 0.4338 3.47 1.6837 1.0000 3.90000 0.10000 0.00781 3.7374
4 4.5000 8 0.12500000 4.33438 0.8440 6.75 4.38713 1.3000 10.40 4.41563 0.4560 3.65 0.2500 2 4.31875 0.4338 3.47 1.7337 1.0500 4.40000 0.10000 0.00781 4.2343
5 5.5630 8 0.12500000 5.39073 0.9370 7.50 5.44929 1.4063 11.25 5.47863 0.4693 3.75 0.2500 2 5.37511 0.4338 3.47 1.8400 1.1563 5.46300 0.10000 0.00781 5.2907

6 6.6250 8 0.12500000 6.44609 0.9580 7.66 6.50597 1.5125 12.10 6.54063 0.5545 4.44 0.2500 2 6.43047 0.4338 3.47 1.9462 1.2625 6.52500 0.10000 0.00781 6.3460
8 8.6250 8 0.12500000 8.43359 1.0630 8.50 8.50003 1.7125 13.70 8.54063 0.6495 5.20 0.2500 2 8.41797 0.4338 3.47 2.1462 1.4625 8.52500 0.10000 0.00781 8.3335
10 10.7500 8 0.12500000 10.54531 1.2100 9.68 10.62094 1.9250 15.40 10.66563 0.7150 5.72 0.2500 2 10.52969 0.4338 3.47 2.3587 1.6750 10.6500 0.10000 0.00781 10.4453
12 12.7500 8 0.12500000 12.53281 1.3600 10.88 12.61781 2.1250 17.00 12.66563 0.7650 6.12 0.2500 2 12.51719 0.4338 3.47 2.5587 1.8750 12.6500 0.10000 0.00781 12.4328
14 14.0000 8 0.12500000 13.77500 1.5620 12.50 13.87263 2.2500 18.00 13.91563 0.6880 5.50 0.2500 2 13.75938 0.4338 3.47 2.6837 2.0000 13.9000 0.10000 0.00781 13.6749

16 16.0000 8 0.12500000 15.76250 1.8120 14.50 15.87575 2.4500 19.60 15.91563 0.6380 5.10 0.2500 2 15.74688 0.4338 3.47 2.8837 2.2000 15.9000 0.10000 0.00781 15.6624
18 18.0000 8 0.12500000 17.75000 2.0000 16.00 17.87500 2.6500 21.20 17.91563 0.6500 5.20 0.2500 2 17.73438 0.4338 3.47 3.0837 2.4000 17.9000 0.10000 0.00781 17.6499
20 20.0000 8 0.12500000 19.73750 2.1250 17.00 19.87031 2.8500 22.80 19.91563 0.7250 5.80 0.2500 2 19.72188 0.4338 3.47 3.2837 2.6000 19.9000 0.10000 0.00781 19.6374
24 24.0000 8 0.12500000 23.71250 2.3750 19.00 23.86094 3.2500 26.00 23.91563 0.8750 7.00 0.2500 2 23.69688 0.4338 3.47 3.6837 3.0000 23.9000 0.10000 0.00781 23.6124

GENERAL NOTE: The basic dimensions of the American National Standard Taper Pipe Thread are given in inches to four or five decimal places. While this implies a greater degree of
precision than is ordinarily attained, these dimensions are the basis of gage dimensions and are so expressed for the purpose of eliminating errors in computations.
(1) Also length of L1 ring gage and length from gaging notch to small end of L1 plug gage.
(2) Also pitch diameter at gaging notch of L1 plug gage (hand-tight plane).
(3) Also threaded length of L1 plug gage.
(4) Reference dimension.
(5) The length L5 from the end of the pipe determines the plane beyond which the thread form is incomplete at the crest. The next two threads are complete at the root. At this plane,
the cone formed by the crests of the thread intersects the cylinder forming the external surface of the pipe (L5 p L2 − 2P).
(6) Given as information for use in selecting tap drills (see Nonmandatory Appendix B).

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