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May He, who links the minds of all people,

through the apertures of time, with new threads
of knowledge like a garland of flowers, be pleased
to accept this my thread of Eastern thought, offered,
though it be small, with the greatest devotion.
c. F. CLAy, MANAGEll






May it please your Excellency,

The idea of writing this work was first suggested to
me by the Rectorial address which your Excellency delivered
some years ago at a Convocation of the University of Calcutta,
in which you emphasised the special need of the study of Indian
philosophy by Indian students. I shall ever remember with
gratitude the encouragement that I received from the kind
interest that you showed in my work by going through the
manuscript, in the conversations that I had the honour of holding
with you on various occasions, and in your subsequent letters to
me. Your Excellency's honoured name has thus already become
peculiarly connected with the composition of this work. With
your Excellency's kind permission, I therefore wish to take
advantage of this opportunity in associating your Excellency's
name with this volume as a mark of deepest respect and esteem.
The present work is an attem~:Jt to present the thought of
Ancient India at its best. This thought still holds the spirit of
India, and the more it is studied the more do we see that the
problems are often identical with those of European thinkers.
That both East and \Vest should realise each other's tasks
and find that they are often identical is an auspicious omen for
the future. The great work of uniting India with Europe can
only be gradually accomplished through mutual appreciation of
what is best in each country. I shall be very happy if this
humble volume may even in a very small measure aid this
process which is already begun in various ways and may repre-
sent to your Excellency after your return to this country some-
thing of the ancient ideals of India.
I remain, your Excellency,
Loyally and sincerely yours,

The vowels are pronounced almost in the same way

as in Italian, except that the sound of a approaches
that of o in bond or u in but, and a that of a as in army.
The consonants are as in English, except c, chin church;
!, ¢, ~l are cerebrals, to which English t, d, n almost
correspond; t, d, n are pure dentals; kh, gh, ch, fh,
fh, ¢k, tk, dk, ph, bh are the simple sounds plus an
aspiration; rz is the French gn; r is usually pronounced
as ri, and S: ~ as sk.
HE old civilisation of India was a concrete unity of many-
T sided developments in art, architecture, literature, religion,
morals, and science so far as it was understood in those days.
But the most important achievement of Indian thought was
philosophy. It was regarded as the goal of all the highest
practical and theoretical activities, and it indicated the point of
unity amidst all the apparent diversities which the complex
growth of culture over a vast area inhabited by different peoples
produced. It is not in the history of foreign invasions, in the
rise of independent kingdoms at different times, in the empires
of this or that great monarch that the unity of India is to be
sought. It is essentially one of spiritual aspirations and obedience
to the law of the spirit, which were regarded as superior to every-
thing else, and it has outlived all the political changes through
which India passed.
The Greeks, the Huns, the Scythians, the Pathans and the
Moguls who occupied the land and controlled the political
machinery never ruled the minds of the people, for these political
events were like hurricanes or the changes of season, mere
phenomena of a natural or physical order which never affected
the spiritual integrity of Hindu culture. If after a passivity of
some centuries India is again going to become creative it is
mainly on account of this fundamental unity of her progress and
civilisation and not for anything that she may borrow from other
countries. It is therefore indispensably necessary for all those
who wish to appreciate the significance and potentialities of
Indian culture that they should properly understand the history
of Indian philosophical thought which is the nucleus round
which all that is best and highest in India has grown. Much harm
has already been done by the circulation of opinions that the
culture and philosophy of India was dreamy and abstract. It is
therefore very necessary that Indians as well as other peoples
should become more and more acquainted with the true charac-
teristics of the past history of Indian thought and form a correct
estimate of its special features.
But it is not only for the sake of the right understanding of
VIII Preface
India that Indian philosophy should be read, or only as a record
of the past thoughts of India. For most of the problems that
are still debated in modern philosophical thought occurred in
more or less divergent forms to the philosophers of India. Their
discussions, difficulties and solutions when properly grasped in
connection with the problems of our own times may throw light
on the course of the process of the future reconstruction of modern
thought. The discovery of the important features of Indian
philosophical thought, and a due appreciation of their full signi-
ficance, may turn out to be as important to modern philosophy
as the discovery of Sanskrit has been to the investigation of
modern philological researches. It is unfortunate that the task
of re-interpretation and re-valuation of Indian thought has not
yet been undertaken on a comprehensive scale. Sanskritists
also with very few exceptions have neglected this important
field of study, for most of these scholars have been interested
more in mythology, philology, and history than in philosophy.
Much work however has already been done in the way of the
publication of a large number of important texts, and translations
of some of them have also been attempted. But owing to the
presence of many technical terms in advanced Sanskrit philo-
sophical literature, the translations in most cases are hardly in-
telligible to those who are not familiar with the texts themselves.
A work containing some general account of the mutual rela-
tions of the chief systems is necessary for those who intend to
pursue the study of a particular school. This is also necessary
for lay readers interested in philosophy and students of Western
philosophy who have no inclination or time to specialise in any
Indian system, but who are at the same time interested to know
what they can about Indian philosophy. In my two books The
Study of Patanjali and Yoga Philosophy in relation to other Indian
Systems of Thought I have attempted to interpret the Sarrkhya
and Yoga systems both from their inner point of view and from
the point of view of their relation to other Indian systems. The
present attempt deals with the important features of these as also
of all the other systems and seeks to show some of their inner
philosophical relations especially in regard to the history of their
development. I have tried to be as faithful to the original texts
as I could and have always given the Sanskrit or Pali technical
terms for the help of those who want to make this book a guide
Preface IX

for further study. To understand something of these terms is

indeed essential for anyone who wishes to be sure that he is
following the actual course of the thoughts.
In Sanskrit treatises the style of argument and methods of
treating the different topics are altogether different from what
we find in any modern work of philosophy. Materials had there-
fore to be collected from a large number of works on each system
and these have been knit together and given a shape which
is likely to be more intelligible to people unacquainted with
Sanskritic ways of thought. But at the same time I considered
it quite undesirable to put any pressure on Indian thoughts in
order to make them appear as European. This will explain
much of what might appear quaint to a European reader. But
while keeping all the thoughts and expressions of the Indian
thinkers I have tried to arrange them in a systematic whole in a
manner which appeared to me strictly faithful to their clear
indications and suggestions. It is only in very few places that I
have translated some of the Indian terms by terms of English
philosophy, and this I did because it appeared to me that those
were approximately the nearest approach to the Indian sense of
the term. In all other places I have tried to choose words which
have not been made dangerous by the acquirement of technical
senses. This however is difficult, for the words which are used in
philosophy always acquire some sort of technical sense. I would
therefore request my readers to take those words in an unsophisti-
cated sense and associate them with such meanings as are
justified by the passages and contexts in which they are used.
Some of what will appear as obscure in any system may I hope be
removed if it is re-read with care and attention, for unfamiliarity
sometimes stands in the way of right comprehension. But I
may have also missed giving the proper suggestive links in
many places where condensation was inevitable and the systems
themselves have also sometimes insoluble difficulties, for no
system of philosophy is without its dark and uncomfortable
Though I have begun my work from the Vedic and Brah-
mal)ic stage, my treatment of this period has been very slight.
The beginnings of the evolution of philosophical thought, though
they can be traced in the later Vedic hymns, are neither connected
nor systematic.

More is found in the Brahmat:tas, but I do not think it worth

while to elaborate the broken shreds of thought of this epoch.
I could have dealt with the Upani!?ad period more fully, but
many works on the subject have already been published in
Europe and those who wish to go into details will certainly go
to them. I have therefore limited myself to the dominant current
flowing through the earlier U pani!?ads. Notices of other currents
of thought will be given in connection with the treatment of other
systems in the second volume with which they are more intimately
connected. It will be noticed that my treatment of early Bud-
dhism is in some places of an inconclusive character. This is
largely due to the inconclusive character of the texts which were
put into writing long after Buddha in the form of dialogues and
where the precision and directness required in philosophy were
not contemplated. This has given rise to a number of theories
about the interpretations of the philosophical problems of early
Buddhism among modern Buddhist scholars and it is not always
easy to decide one way or the other without running the risk of
being dogmatic; and the scope of my work was also too limited
to allow me to indulge in very elaborate discussions of textual
difficulties. But still I also have in many places formed theories
of my own, whether they are right or wrong it will be for scholars
to judge. I had no space for entering into any polemic, but it
will be found that my interpretations of the systems are different
in some cases from those offered by some European scholars who
have worked on them and I leave it to those who are acquainted
with the literature of the subject to decide which of us may be
in the right. I have not dealt elaborately with the new school of
Logic (Navya-Nyaya) of Bengal, for the simple reason that most
of the contributions of this school consist in the invention of
technical expressions and the emphasis put on the necessity of
strict exactitude and absolute preciseness of logical definitions
and discussions and these are almost untranslatable in intelligible
English. I have however incorporated what important differences
of philosophical points of view I could find in it. Discussions of
a purely technical character could not be very fruitful in a work
like this. The bibliography given of the different Indian systems
in the last six chapters is not exhaustive but consists mostly of
books which have been actually studied or consulted in the
writing of those chapters. Exact references to the pages of the
Preface Xl

texts have generally been given in footnotes in those cases where

a difference of interpretation was anticipated or where it was felt
that a reference to the text would make the matter clearer, or
where the opinions of modern writers have been incorporated.
It gives me the greatest pleasure to acknowledge my deepest
gratefulness to the Hon'ble Maharaja Sir Manindrachandra
Nundy, K.C.I.E. Kashimbazar, Bengal, who has kindly promised
to bear the entire expense of the publication of both volumes
of the present work.
The name of this noble man is almost a household word in
Bengal for the magnanimous gifts that he has made to educational
and other causes. Up till now he has made a total gift of about
£300,000, of which those devoted to education come to about
£200,000. But the man himself is far above the gifts he has
made. His sterling character, universal sympathy and friendship,
his kindness and amiability make him a veritable Bodhisattva-
one of the noblest of men that I have ever seen. Like many
other scholars of Bengal, I am deeply indebted to him for the
encouragement that he has given me in the pursuit of my studies
and researches, and my feelings of attachment and gratefulness
for him are too deep for utterance.
I am much indebted to my esteemed friends Dr E. J. Thomas
of the Cambridge University Library and Mr Douglas Ainslie
for their kindly revising the proofs of this work, in the course
of which they improved my English in many places. To the
former I am also indebted for his attention to the translitera-
tion of a large number of Sanskrit words, and also for the
whole-hearted sympathy and great friendliness with which he
assisted me with his advice on many points of detail, in par-
ticular the exposition of the Buddhist doctrine of the cause of
rebirth owes something of its treatment to repeated discussions
with him.
I also wish to express my gratefulness to my friend Mr
N. K. Siddhanta, M.A., late of the Scottish Churches College, and
Mademoiselle Paule Povie for the kind assistance they have
rendered in preparing the index. My obligations are also due to
the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press for the honour
they have done me in publishing this work.
To the Hon'ble Sir Asutosh Mookerjee, Kt., C.S.I., M.A., D.L.,
D.Sc., Ph.D., the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Calcutta,
Xll Preface
I owe a debt which is far greater than I can express here, especially
for the generous enthusiasm with which he had kindly agreed to
accept this work for publication by the Calcutta University, which
would have materialised if other circumstances had not changed
this arrangement.
To scholars of Indian philosophy who may do me the honour
of reading my book and who may be impressed with its inevit-
able shortcomings and defects, I can only pray in the words of
Pranui?zasiddhti1ltaviruddham atra
Yatkinciduktam ·matimiindyado~tit
M iitsaryyam utstiryya tadtiryyacittii(t
Prasiidam tidlttiya vzsodhayantu 1•

1 May the noble-minded scholars instead of cherishing ill feeling kindly correct

whatever errors have been here committed through the dullness of my intellect in the
way of wrong interpretations and misstatements.
February, I 922.

I The Vedas and their antiquity . . . 10
2 The place of the Vedas in the Hindu mind 10
3 Classification of the Vedic literature I I
4 The Samhitas . I2
5 The Br~hmanas 13
6 The Aral)yakas . 14
7 The :B.g-Veda, its civilization 14
8 The Vedic gods . . I6
9 Polytheism, Henotheism, and Monotheism . . . I7
Io Growth of a Monotheistic tendency ; Prajapati, Visvakarma 19
11 Brahma . . . . . 20
I2 Sacrifice; the First Rudiments of the Law of Karma 2I
I3 Cosmogony-Mythological and_Philosophical.
I4 Eschatology; the Doctrine of Atman
I 5 Conclusion
THE EARLIER UPANI$ADS (700 B.C.-6oo n.c.)
I The place of the Upani!iiads in Vedic literature . . 28
2 The names of the Upani!?ads; Non-Brahmanic influence 30
3 Brahmal)aS and the Early U pani!iiads 31
4 The meaning of the word U pani!iiad . . 38
5 The composition and growth of diverse Upani!jads 38
6 Revival of U pani!iiad studies in modern times . 39
7 The Upani!?ads and their interpretations . . . 4I
8 The quest after Brahman: the struggle and the failures . 42
9 Unki!_owability of Brahman and the Negative Method 44
10 The Atman doctrine . . 45
I I Place of Brahman in the U pani!jads . 48
12 The World 51
13 The World-Soul . . 52
14 The Theory of Causation . 52
I 5 Doctrine of Transmigration 53
16 Emancipation 58
I In what sense is a History of Indian Philosophy possible? 62
2 Growth of the Philosophic Literature 65
3 The Indian systems of Philosophy . 67
4 Some fundamental points of agreement 71
I The Karma theory . 71
2 The Doctri1ze of flfukti . 74
3 The Doctrine of Soul . . . . . . • 75
5 The Pessimistic Attitude towards the World and the Optimistic
F~thintheend 75
6 Unity in Indian Sadhana (philosophical, religious and ethical
endeavours) 77
XIV Contents

I The State of Philosophy in India before Buddha 78
2 Buddha : his Life 81
3 Early Buddhist Literature . . . . . 82
4 The Doctrine of Causal Connection of early Buddhism 84
5 The Khandhas . 93
6 Avijja and Asava 99
7 Sila and Samadhi 100
8 Kamma 1o6
9 Upani~ads and Buddhism 109
10 The Schools of Theravada Buddhism 112
II Mahayanism . . . 125
12 The Tathata Philosophy qf Asvagho~a (8oA.D.) 129
13 The Madhyamika or the Sunyavada school-Nihilism . . 138
14 Uncompromising Idealism or the School of Vijnana vada Buddhism I45
15 Sautrantika theory of Perception 151
I6 Sautrantika theory of Inference I 55
I7 The Doctrine of Momentariness 158
18 The Doctrine of Momentariness and the Doctrine of Causal
Efficiency (Arthakriyakaritva) . I63
19 Some Ontological Problems on which the Different Indian Systems
diverged 164
20 Brief Survey of the Evolution of Buddhist Thought 166

I The Origin of J ainism I69
2 Two Sects of Jainism . . . . . 170
3 The Canonical and other Literature of the J a ins 171
4 Some General Characteristics of the J ains . 172
5 Life of Mahavira . . . . . . 173
6 The Fundamental Ideas of Jaina Ontology . . 173
7 The Doctrine of Relative Pluralism (Anekantavada) 175
8 The Doctrine of Nayas . 176
9 The Doctrine of Syadvada 179
10 Knowledge, its value for us 181
I I Theory of Perception 183
I2 Non-Perceptual knowledge 185
13 Knowledge as Revelation . 186
14 The Jivas 188
IS Karma ~heory . I90
I6 Karma, Asrava and Nirjara 192
17 Pudgala . . . . I95
18 Dharma, Adharma, Akasa 197
I<) Kala and Samaya . 198
20 J a ina Cosmography . 199
21 Jaina Yoga . . 199
22 J a ina Atheism 203
23 Mok~a (emancipation) 207
Contents XV

I A Review . . . . . . 208
2 The Germs of Saipkhya in the U pani~ads 2I I
3 Sarpkhya and Yoga Literature. 2I2
4 An Early School of Sarpkhya . . . . . 2I3
5 Saipkhya karika, Sarpkhya siitra, Vacaspati Misra and Vijfiana
Bhiksu . . 222
6 Yoga and Patafijali . . . . . . ·. . 226
7 The Saipkhya and the Yoga doctrine of Soul or Puru~a . 238
8 Thought and .:\latter. 24I
9 Feelings, the Ultimate Substances 242
10 The Gunas . 243
I I Prakrti and its evolution . . . . . . . 24 5
I2 Pralaya and the disturbance of the Prakrti Equilibrium . 247
I3 Mahat and Ahamkara 248
q. The Tanmatras and the ParamaQ.US . . 2; I
I5 Principle of Causation and Conservation of Energy 2 54
I6 Change as the formation of new collocations . . 255
I 7 Causation as Satkaryavada (the theory that the effect potentially
exists before it is generated by the movement of the cause) 257
I8 Saipkhya Atheism and Yoga Theism 258
I9 Buddhi and Purusa . . . . 259
20 The Cognitive Pr~cess and some characteristics of Citta 26I
2I Sorrow and its Dissolution 264
22 Citta . . . . . . 268
23 Yoga Purificatory Practices (Parikarma) . 270
24 The Yoga Meditation 271

I Criticism of Buddhism and Sarpkhya from the Nyaya standpoint 274
2 Nyaya and Vaise~ika siitras . . . . . 276
3 Does Vaise~ika represent an old school of Mimarpsa? 280
4 Philosophy in the Vaise~ika siitras . 285
5 Philosophy in the N yaya siitras . . . 294
6 Philosophy of Nyaya siitras and Vaise~ika siitras 301
7 The Vaise~ika and Nyaya Literature . . . 305
8 The main doctrine of the Nyaya-Vaise~ika Philosophy . . . 310
9 The six Padarthas: Dravya, GuQa, Karma, Samanya, Vise~a, Sama- 3I3
vaya . 3I3
10 The Theory of Causation . . . . 3I9
I I Dissolution (Pralaya) and _Creation (Sr~ti) • 323
I2 Proof of the Existence of ISvara . . 325
I3 The Nyaya-Vaise~ika Physics . . 326
q The Origin of Knowledge (PramaQa) 330
I 5 The fou~ PramaiJas of N yaya 332
I6 PerceptiOn (Pratyak~a) . 333
I 7 Inference . 343
I8 U pamana and Sabda . 354
I9 Negation in Nyaya-Vaise~ika • . . . . . • . 355
20 The necessity of the Acquirement of debating devices for the seeker
of Salvation . . . . . . . . . . .
2I The Doctrine of Soul
22 ISvara and Salvation
XVl Contents


I A Comparative Review .
2 The Mlmamsa Literature . . . . . . . . .
3 The Paratab-pramaQya doctrine of Nyaya and the Svatal)-pramaQya
doctrine of Mlmamsa . . . . 372
4 The place of Sense-organs!n Perceptior:. . 375
5 Indeterminate and Determmate Perception . 378
6 Some Ontological Problems connected with the Doctrine of Per-
ception . . . . 379
7 The Nature of Knowledge 382
8 The Psychology of Illusion 384
9 Inference . . . 387
IO U pamfma, Arthapatti 39I
I1 Sabda-pramaQa . . 394
12 The PramaQ.a of Non-perception (anupalabdhi) 397
I3 Self, Salvation, and God . . . . 399
14 Mlmarpsa as Philosophy and Mlmarpsa as Ritualism 403


I Comprehension of the Philosophical Issues more essential than the

Dialectic of Controversy . . 406
2 The philosophical situation : a Review . 408
3 Vedanta Literature . 418
4 Vedanta in G'!u<;lapada . 420
5 Vedanta and Sai1kara (788-820 A.D.) 429
6 The main idea of the Vedanta philosophy 439
7 In what sense is the world-appearance false? . 443
8 The nature of the world-appearance, phenomena 445
9 The Definition of Ajfiana (nescience) 452
10 Ajfiana established by Perception and Inference . 454
I1 Locus and Object of Ajfiana, Aharpkara and Antal)karaQa 457
12 Anirvacyavada and the Vedanta dialectic 46I
I3 The Theory of Causation . . . 465
I4 Yedanta theo_!y of Perception and Inference . 470
I5 Atman, ]Iva, Isvara, Ekajlvavada and Dr!iitisr!iitivada 474
I6 Ved~mta theory of Illusion . . . . 485
I7 Vedanta Ethics and Vedanta Emancipation 489
18 Vedanta and other Indian systems 492

INDEX . 495

THE achievements of the ancient Indians in the field of philosophy

are but very imperfectly known to the world at large, and it is
unfortunate that the condition is no better even in India. There
is a small body of Hindu scholars and ascetics living a retired
life in solitude, who are well acquainted with the subject, but they
do not know English and are not used to modern ways of thinking,
and the idea that they ought to write books in vernaculars in
order to popularize the subject does not appeal to them. Through
the activity of various learned bodies and private individuals both
in Europe and in India large numbers of philosophical works in
Sanskrit and Pali have been published, as well as translations of
a few of them, but there has been as yet little systematic attempt
on the part of scholars to study them and judge their value. There
are hundreds of Sanskrit works on most of the systems of Indian
thought and scarcely a hundredth part of them has been trans-
lated. Indian modes of expression, entailing difficult technical
philosophical terms are so different from those of European
thought, that they can hardly ever be accurately translated. It
is therefore very difficult for a person unacquainted with Sanskrit
to understand Indian philosophical thought in its true bearing
from translations. Pali is a much easier language than Sanskrit,
but a knowledge of Pali is helpful in understanding only the
earliest school of Buddhism, when it was in its semi-philosophical
stage. Sanskrit is generally regarded as a difficult language. But
no one from an acquaintance with Vedic or ordinary literary
Sanskrit can have any idea of the difficulty of the logical and
abstruse parts of Sanskrit philosophical literature. A man who
can easily understand the Vedas, the Upani~ads, the Purar;tas, the
Law Books and the literary works, and is also well acquainted with
European philosophical thought, may find it literally impossible
to understand even small portions of a work of advanced Indian
logic, or the dialectical Vedanta. This is due to two reasons, the
use of technical terms and of great condensation in expression,
and the hidden allusions to doctrines of other systems. The
2 I ntroducto1y [cH.
tendency to conceiving philosophical problems in a clear and un-
ambiguous manner is an important feature of Sanskrit thought, but
from the ninth century onwards, the habit of using clear, definite,
and precise expressions, began to develop ina very striking manner,
and as a result ofthat a large number of technical terms began to be
invented. These terms are seldom properly explained, and it is
presupposed that the reader who wants to read the works should
have a knowledge of them. Any one in olden times who took to the
study of any system of philosophy, had to do so with a teacher, who
explained those terms to him. The teacher himself had got it from
his teacher, and he from his. There was no tendency to popularize
philosophy, for the idea then prevalent was that only the chosen
few who had otherwise shown their fitness, deserved to become
fit students (adhikiiri) of philosophy, under the direction of a
teacher. Only those who had the grit and high moral strength
to devote their whole life to the true understanding of philosophy
and the rebuilding of life in accordance with the high truths of
philosophy were allowed to study it.
Another difficulty which a beginner will meet is this, that
sometimes the same technical terms are used in extremely
different senses in different systems. The student must know the
meaning of each technical term with reference to the system in
which it occurs, and no dictionary will enlighten him much about
the matter 1• He will have to pick them up as he advances and
finds them used. Allusions to the doctrines of other systems and
their refutations during the discussions of similar doctrines in any
particular system of thought are often very puzzling even to a
well-equipped reader; for he cannot be expected to know all the
doctrines of other systems without going through them, and so
it often becomes difficult to follow the series of answers and
refutations which are poured forth in the course of these discus-
sions. There are two important compendiums in Sanskrit giving
a summary of some of the principal systems of Indian thought,
viz. the Sarvadarsanasmt1g1·aha, and the Sarfdarsanasamuccaya of
Haribhadra with the commentary ofGul)aratna; but the former is
very sketchy and can throw very little light on the understanding
of the ontological or epistemological doctrines of any of the
systems. It has been translated by Cowell and Gough, but I
1 Recently a very ahlc Sanskrit dictionary of technical philosophical terms called

Nyayakosa has been prepared by l\1. M. Bhimacarya Jhalkikar, Bombay, Govt. Press.
Introductory 3
am afraid the translation may not be found very intelligible.
Gul)aratna'scommentaryisexcellentso far as Jainism is concerned,
and it sometimes gives interesting information about other
systems, and also supplies us with some short bibliographical
notices, but it seldom goes on to explain the epistemological or
ontological doctrines or discussions which are so necessary for the
right understanding of any of the advanced systems of Indian
thought. Thus in the absence of a book which could give us in
brief the main epistemological, ontological, and psychological
positions of the Indian thinkers, it is difficult even for a good
Sanskrit scholar to follow the advanced philosophical literature,
even though he may be acquainted with many of the technical
philosophical terms. I have spoken enough about the difficulties
of studying Indian philosophy, but if once a person can get him-
self used to the technical terms and the general positions of the
different Indian thinkers and their modes of expression, he can
master the whole by patient toil. The technical terms, which are
a source of difficulty at the beginning, are of inestimable value in
helping us to understand the precise and definite meaning of the
writers who used them, and the chances of misinterpreting or
misunderstanding them are reduced to a minimum. It is I think
well-known that avoidance of technical terms has often rendered
philosophical works unduly verbose, and liable to misinterpre-
tation. The art of clear writing is indeed a rare virtue and every
philosopher cannot expect to have it. But when technical ex-
pressions are properly formed, even a bad writer can make himself
understood. In the early days of Buddhist philosophy in the
Pali literature, this difficulty is greatly felt. There are some
technical terms here which are still very elastic and their repeti-
tion in different places in more or less different senses heighten
the difficulty of understanding the real meaning intended to be
But is it necessary that a history of Indian philosophy should
be written? There are some people who think that the Indians
never rose beyond the stage of simple faith and that therefore they
cannot have any philosophy at all in the proper sense of the term.
Thus Professor Frank Thilly of the Cornell University says in
his History ofPhilosophy\" A universal history of philosophy would
include the philosophies of all peoples. Not all peoples, however
New York, 1914, p. 3·
4 Introductory [cH.
have produced real systems of thought, and the speculations of
only a few can be said to have had a history. Many do not rise
beyond the mythological stage. Even the theories of Oriental
peoples, the Hindus, Egyptians, Chinese, consist, in the main, of
mythological and ethical doctrines, and are not thoroughgoing
systems of thought: they are shot through with poetry and faith.
We shall, therefore, limit ourselves to the study of the Western
countries, and begin with the philosophy of the ancient Greeks,
on whose culture our own civilization in part, rests." There are
doubtless many other people who hold such uninformed and
untrue beliefs, which only show their ignorance of Indian matters.
It is not necessary to say anything in order to refute these views,
for what follows will I hope show the falsity of their beliefs. If
they are not satisfied, and want to know more definitely and
elaborately about the contents of the different systems, I am afraid
they will have to go to the originals referred to in the biblio-
graphical notices of the chapters.
There is another opinion, that the time has not yet come for
an attempt to write a history of Indian philosophy. Two
different reasons are given from two different points of view. It
is said that the field of Indian philosophy is so vast, and such a
vast literature exists on each of the systems, that it is not possible
for anyone to collect his materials directly from the original
sources, before separate accounts are prepared by specialists
working in each of the particular systems. There is some truth
in this objection, but although in some of the important systems
the literature that exists is exceedingly vast, yet many of them
are more or less repetitions of the same subjects, and a judicious
selection of twenty or thirty important works on each of the
systems could certainly be made, which would give a fairly correct
exposition. In my own undertaking in this direction I have
always drawn directly from the original texts, and have always
tried to collect my materials from those sources in which they
appear at their best. My space has been very limited and I have
chosen the features which appeared to me to be the most
important. I had to leave out many discussions of difficult
problems and diverse important bearings of each of the systems
to many interesting aspects of philosophy. This I hope may be
excused in a history of philosophy which does not aim at com-
pleteness. There are indeed many defects and shortcomings, and
Introductory 5
these would have been much less in the case of a writer abler
than the present one. At any rate it may be hoped that the
imperfections of the present attempt will be a stimulus to those
whose better and more competent efforts will supersede it. No
attempt ought to be called impossible on account of its imper-
In the second place it is said that the Indians had no proper
and accurate historical records and biographies and it is therefore
impossible to write a history of Indian philosophy. This objection
is also partially valid. But this defect does not affect us so much
as one would at first sight suppose; for, though the dates of the
earlier beginnings are very obscure, yet, in later times, we are in
a position to affirm some dates and to point out priority and
posteriority in the case of other thinkers. As most of the systems
developed side by side through many centuries their mutual
relations also developed, and these could be well observed. The
special nature of this development has been touched on in the
fourth chapter. Most of the systems had very early beginnings
and a continuous course of development through the succeeding
centuries, and it is not possible to take the state of the philosophy
of a particular system at a particular time and contrast it with
the state of that system at a later time; for the later state did not
supersede the previous state, but only showed a more coherent
form of it, which was generally true to the original system but
was more determinate. Evolution through history has in Western
countries often brought forth the development of more coherent
types of philosophic thought, but in India, though the types
remained the same, their development through history made them
more and more coherent and determinate. Most of the parts
were probably existent in the earlier stages, but they were in an
undifferentiated state; through the criticism and conflict of the
different schools existing side by side the parts of each of the
systems of thought became more and more differentiated, deter-
minate, and coherent. In some cases this development has been
almost imperceptible, and in many cases the earlier forms have
been lost, or so inadequately expressed that nothing definite
could be made out of them. Wherever such a differentiation
could be made in the interests of philosophy, I have tried to do
it. But I have never considered it desirable that the philosophical
interest should be subordinated to the chronological. It is no
6 Introductory [cH.
doubt true that more definite chronological information would be
a very desirable thing, yet I am of opinion that the little
chronological data we have give us a fair amount of help in form-
ing a general notion about the growth and development of the
different systems by mutual association and conflict. If the con-
dition of the development of philosophy in India had been the
same as in Europe, definite chronological knowledge would be
considered much more indispensable. For, when one system
supersedes another, it is indispensably necessary that we should
know which preceded and which succeeded. But when the systems
are developing side by side, and when we are getting them in
their richer and better forms, the interest with regard to the
conditions, nature and environment of their early origin has rather
a historical than a philosophical interest. I have tried as best
I could to form certain general notions as regards the earlier
stages of some of the systems, but though the various features of
these systems at these stages in detail may not be ascertainable,
yet this, I think, could never be considered as invalidating the
whole programme. Moreover, even if we knew definitely the
correct dates of the thinkers of the same system we could not
treat them separately, as is done in European philosophy, without
unnecessarily repeating the same thing twenty times over; for
they all dealt with the same system, and tried to bring out the
same type of thought in more and more determinate forms.
The earliest literature of India is the Vedas. These consist
mostly of hymns in praise of nature gods, such as fire, wind, etc.
Excepting in some of the hymns of the later parts of the work
(probably about 1000 B.C.), there is not much philosophy in them
in our sense of the term. It is here that we first find intensely
interesting philosophical questions of a more or less cosmological
character expressed in terms of poetry and imagination. In the
later Vedic works called the Brahmat:tas and theArat:J.yakaswritten
mostly in prose, which followed the Vedic hymns, there are two
tendencies, viz. one that sought to establish the magical forms of
ritualistic worship, and the other which indulged in speculative
thinking through crude generalizations. This latter tendency was
indeed much feebler than the former, and it might appear that
the ritualistic tendency had actually swallowed up what little of
philosophy the later parts of the Vedic hymns were trying to
express, but there are unmistakable marks that this tendency
Introductory 7
existed and worked. Next to this come certain treatises written
in prose and verse called the U pani~ads, which contain various
sorts of philosophical thoughts mostly monistic or singularistic
but also some pluralistic and dualistic ones. These are not
reasoned statements, but utterances of truths intuitively perceived
or felt as unquestionably real and indubitable, and carrying great
force, vigour, and persuasiveness with them. It is very probable
that many of the earliest parts of this literature are as old as
500 B.C. to 700 B.C. Buddhist philosophy began with the Buddha
from some time about 500 B.C. There is reason to believe that
Buddhist philosophy continued to develop in India in one or
other of its vigorous forms till some time about the tenth or
eleventh century A.D. The earliest beginnings of the other Indian
systems of thought are also to be sought chiefly between the age
of the Buddha to about 200 B.C. J aina philosophy was probably
prior to the Buddha. But except in its earlier days, when it came
in conflict with the doctrines of the Buddha, it does not seem to
me that the Jaina thought came much in contact with other
systems of Hindu thought. Excepting in some forms of Vai~I).ava
thought in later times, J aina thought is seldom alluded to by
the Hindu writers or later Buddhists, though some Jains like
Haribhadra and Gul).aratna tried to refute the Hindu and Buddhist
systems. The non-aggressive nature of their religion and ideal
may to a certain extent explain it, but there may be other
reasons too which it is difficult for us to guess. It is interesting
to note that, though there have been some dissensions amongst
the Jains about dogmas and creeds, Jaina philosophy has not
split into many schools of thought more or less differing from one
another as Buddhist thought did.
The first volume of this work will contain Buddhist and Jaina
philosophy and the six systems of Hindu thought. These six sys-
tems of orthodox Hindu thought are the Sarpkbya, the Yoga, the
N yaya, the Vais~ika, the Mimarpsa (generally known as Purva
Mimarpsa), and the Vedanta (known also as Uttara Mimarpsa).
Of these what is differently known as Sa£!1khya and Xoga are but
different schools of one system. The Vaise~ika and the N yay a in
later times became so mixed up that, though in early times the
similarity of the former with Mimarpsa was greater than that with
N yaya, they came to be regarded as fundamentally almost the
same systems. N yay a and V aise~ika have therefore been treated
8 Introductory [cH.
together. In addition to these systems some theistic systems began
to grow prominent from the ninth century A.D. They also probably
had their early beginnings at the time of the Upani~ads. But at
that time their interest was probably concentrated on problems
of morality and religion. It is not improbable that these were
associated with certain metaphysical theories also, but no works
treating them in a systematic way are now available. One of
their most important early works is the Bkagavadgitii. This book
is rightly regarded as one of the greatest masterpieces of Hindu
thought. It is written in verse, and deals with moral, religious,
and metaphysical problems, in a loose form. It is its lack of
system and method which gives it its peculiar charm more akin
to the poetry of the U pani~ads than to the dialectical and syste-
matic Hindu thought. From the ninth century onwards attempts
were made to supplement these loose theistic ideas which were
floating about and forming integral parts of religious creeds, by
metaphysical theories. Theism is often dualistic and pluralistic,
and so are all these systems, which are known as different schools
of Vai~l).ava philosophy. Most of the Vai!?l).ava thinkers wished
to show that their systems were taught in the U pani~ads, and thus
wrote commentaries thereon to prove their interpretations, and
also wrote commentaries on the Brahmasiitra, the classical ex-
position of the philosophy of the U pani~ads. In addition to the
works of these Vai!?l).ava thinkers there sprang up another class
of theistic works which were of a more eclectic nature. These
also had their beginnings in periods as old as the U pani~ads.
They are known as the Saiva and Tantra thought, and are dealt
with in the second volume of this work.
\Ve thus see that the earliest beginnings of most systems of
Hindu thought can be traced to some time between 6oo B.C. to
100 or 200 B.C. It is extremely difficult to say anything about
the relative priority of the systems with any degree of certainty.
Some conjectural attempts have been made in this work with
regard to some of the systems, but how far they are correct, it
will be for our readers to judge. Moreover during the earliest
manifestation of a system some crude outlines only are traceable.
As time went on the systems of thought began to develop side
by side. Most of them were taught from the time in which they
were first conceived to about the seventeenth century A.D. in an
unbroken chain of teachers and pupils. Even now each system
of Hindu thought has its own adherents, though few people now
Introductory 9
care to write any new works upon them. In the history of the
growth of any system of Hindu thought we find that as time went
on, and as new problems were suggested, each system tried to
answer them consistently with its own doctrines. The order in
which we have taken the philosophical systems could not be
strictly a chronological one. Thus though it is possible that the
earliest speculations of some form of Sarpkhya, Yoga, and
Mlmarpsa were prior to Buddhism yet they have been treated
after Buddhism and Jainism, because the elaborate works of these
systems which we now possess are later than Buddhism. In my
opinion the Vaise~ika system is also probably pre-Buddhistic,
but it has been treated later, partly on account of its association
with Nyaya, and partly on account of the fact that all its com-
mentaries are of a much later date. It seems to me almost certain
that enormous quantities of old philosophical literature have been
lost, which if found could have been of use to us in showing the
stages of the early growth of the systems and their mutual
relations. But as they are not available we have to be satisfied
with what remains. The original sources from which I have drawn
my materials have all been indicated in the brief accounts of the
literature of each system which I have put in before beginning
the study of any particular system of thought.
In my interpretations I have always tried to follow the original
sources as accurately as I could. This has sometimes led to old
and unfamiliar modes of expression, but this course seemed to me
to be preferable to the adoption of European modes of thought
for the expression of Indian ideas. But even in spite of this
striking similarities to many of the modern philosophical doctrines
and ideas will doubtless be noticed. This only proves that the
human mind follows more or less the same modes of rational
thought. I have never tried to compare any phase of Indian
thought with European, for this is beyond the scope of my present
attempt, but if I may be allowed to express my own conviction,
I might say that many of the philosophical doctrines of European
philosophy are essentially the same as those found in Indian
philosophy. The main difference is often the difference of the
point of view from which the same problems appeared in such a
variety of forms in the two countries. My own view with regard
to the net value of Indian philosophical development will be ex-
pressed in the concluding chapter of the second volume of the
present work.

The Vedas and their antiquity.

THE sacred books of India, the Vedas, are generally believed
to be the earliest literary record of the Indo-European race. It
is indeed difficult to say when the earliest portions of these com-
positions came into existence. Many shrewd guesses have been
offered, but none of them can be proved to be incontestably true.
Max Muller supposed the date to be 1200 B.C., Haug 2400 B.C.
and Bal Gailgadhar Tilak 4000 B.C. The ancient Hindus seldom
kept any historical record of their literary, religious or political
achievements. The Vedas were handed down from mouth to
mouth from a period of unknown antiquity; and the Hindus
generally believed that they were never composed by men. It was
therefore generally supposed that either they were taught by God
to the sages, or that they were of themselves revealed to the sages
who were the "seers" (nzantradr~!ii) of the hymns. Thus we find
that when some time had elapsed after the composition of the
Vedas, people had come to look upon them not only as very old,
but so old that they had, theoretically at least, no beginning in
time, though they were believed to have been revealed at some
unknown remote period at the beginning of each creation.

The place of the Vedas in the Hindu mind.

When the Vedas were composed, there was probably no
system of writing prevalent in India. But such was the scrupulous
zeal of the Brahmins, who got the whole Vedic literature by
heart by hearing it from their preceptors, that it has been trans-
mitted most faithfully to us through the course of the last 3000
years or more with little or no interpolations at all. The religious
history of India had suffered considerable changes in the latter
periods, since the time of the Vedic civilization, but such was
the reverence paid to the Vedas that they had ever remained as
the highest religious authority for all sections of the Hindus at
all times. Even at this day all the obligatory duties of the Hindus
at birth, marriage, death, etc., are performed according to the old
CH. n] Classificat£on of the Vedic literature I I

Vedic ritual. The prayers that a Brahmin now says three times
a day are the same selections of Vedic verses as were used as
prayer verses two or three thousand years ago. A little insight
into the life of an ordinary Hindu of the present day will show
that the system of image-worship is one that has been grafted
upon his life, the regular obligatory duties of which are ordered
according to the old Vedic rites. Thus an orthodox Brahmin
can dispense with image-worship if he likes, but not so with his
daily Vedic prayers or other obligatory ceremonies. Even at
this day there are persons who bestow immense sums of money
for the performance and teaching of Vedic sacrifices and rituals.
Most of the Sanskrit literatures that flourished after the Vedas
base upon them their own validity, and appeal to them as
authority. Systems of Hindu philosophy not only own their alle-
giance to the Vedas, but the adherents of each one of them would
often quarrel with others and maintain its superiority by trying
to prove that it and it alone was the faithful follower of the
Vedas and represented correctly their views. The laws which
regulate the social, legal, domestic and religious customs and
rites of the Hindus even to the present day are said to be but
mere systematized memories of old Vedic teachings, and are
held to be obligatory on their authority. Even under British
administration, in the inheritance of property, adoption, and in
such other legal transactions, Hindu Law is followed, and this
claims to draw its authority from the Vedas. To enter into
details is unnecessary. But suffice it to say that the Vedas, far
from being regarded as a dead literature of the past, are still
looked upon as the origin and source of almost all literatures
except purely secular poetry and drama. Thus in short we may
say that in spite of the many changes that time has wrought,
the orthodox Hindu life may still be regarded in the main as an
adumbration of the Vedic life, which had never ceased to shed
its light all through the past.

Classification of the Vedic literature.

A beginner who is introduced for the first time to the study
of later Sanskrit literature is likely to appear somewhat confused
when he meets with authoritative texts of diverse purport and
subjects having the same generic name" Veda" or "Sruti" (from
sru to hear); for Veda in its wider sense is not the name of any
12 The Vedas, Brahnza1Jas and their Philosophy [ CH.
particular book, but of the literature of a particular epoch ex-
tending over a long period, say two thousand years or so. As
this literature represents the total achievements of the Indian
people in different directions for such a long period, it must of
necessity be of a diversified character. If we roughly classify
this huge literature from the points of view of age, language, and
subject matter, we can point out four different types, namely the
Sarphita or collection of verses (sam together, hita put), Brah-
maryas, Araryyakas (" forest treatises") and the U pani~ads. All
these literatures, both prose and verse, were looked upon as so
holy that in early times it was thought almost a sacrilege to write
them; they were therefore learnt by heart by the Brahmins from
the mouth of their preceptors and were hence called sruti (liter-
ally anything heard) 1 •

The Sa1phitas.
There are four collections or Sarphitas, namely Rg-Veda,
Sarna-Veda, Yajur-Veda and Atharva-Veda. Of these the Rg-
Veda is probably the earliest. The Sarna-Veda has practically
no independent value, for it consists of stanzas taken (excepting
only 75) entirely from the Rg-Veda, which were meant to be
sung to certain fixed melodies, and may thus be called the book
of chants. The Yajur-Veda however contains in addition to the
verses taken from the Rg-Veda many original prose formulas.
The arrangement of the verses of the Sarna-Veda is solely with
reference to their place and use in the Soma sacrifice; the con-
tents of the Yajur- Veda are arranged in the order in which the
verses were actually employed in the various religious sacrifices.
It is therefore called the Veda ofYajus-sacrificial prayers. These
may be contrasted with the arrangement in the Rg-Veda in this,
that there the verses are generally arranged in accordance with
the gods who are adored in them. Thus, for example, first we get
all the poems addressed to Agni or the Fire-god, then all those
to the god Indra and so on. The fourth collection, the Atharva-
Veda, probably attained its present form considerably later than
the I~g- Veda. In spirit, however, as Professor Macdonell says,
"it is not only entirely different from the Rigveda but represents a
much more primitive stage of thought. \;yhile the Rigveda deals
almost exclusively with the higher gods as conceived by a com-
1 Pal)ini, m. iii. 94·
u] The Brahma11as 13

parativelyadvanced and refined sacerdotal class,theAtharva- Veda

is, in the main a book of spells and incantations appealing to the
demon world, and teems with notions about witchcraft current
among the lower grades of the population, and derived from an
immemorial antiquity. These two, thus complementary to each
other in contents are obviously the most important of the four
Vedas 1."
The Brahma9as 2 •
After the Sarphitas there grew up the theological treatises
called the Brahmat:J.as, which were of a distinctly different literary
type. They are written in prose, and explain the sacred signi-
ficance of the different rituals to those who are not already
familiar with them. "They reflect," says Professor Macdonell,
"the spirit of an age in which all intellectual activity is concen-
trated on the sacrifice, describing its ceremonies, discussing its
value, speculating on its origin and significance." These works
are full of dogmatic assertions, fanciful symbolism and specu-
lations of an unbounded imagination in the field of sacrificial
details. The sacrificial ceremonials were probably never so
elaborate at the time when the early hymns were composed.
But when the collections of hymns were being handed down from
generation to generation the ceremonials became more and more
complicated. Thus there came about the necessity of the dis-
tribution of the different sacrificial functions among several distinct
classes of priests. We may assume that this was a period when
the caste system was becoming established, and when the only
thing which could engage wise and religious minds was sacrifice
and its elaborate rituals. Free speculative thinking was thus
subordinated to the service of the sacrifice, and the result was
the production of the most fanciful sacramental and symbolic
1A. A. Macdonell's History if Sanskrit Literature, p. 31.
2Weber (Hist. Ind. Lit., p. 11, note) says that the word Brahma~Ja signifies "that
which relates to prayer brahman." Max MUller (S. B. E. 1. p. lxvi) says that Brah-
mal}a meant "originally the sayings of Brahmans, whether in the general sense of
priests, or in the more special sense of Brahman-priests." Eggeling (S. B E. XII. In trod.
p. xxii) says that the Brahmal}aS were so called "probably either because they were
intended for the instruction and guidance of priests (brahman) generally; or because
they were, for the most part, the authoritative utterances of such as were thoroughly
versed in Vedic and sacrificial lore and competent to act as Brahmans or superintend-
ing priests." But in view of the fact that the Brahmal}as were also supposed to be as
much revealed as the Vedas, the present writer thinks that Weber's view is the correct
14 The Vedas, Brahma~zas and their Philosophy [cH.
system, unparalleled anywhere but among the Gnostics. It is
now generally believed that the close of the Brahmat:J.a period
was not later than 500 B.C.

The Ara9yakas.
As a further development of the Brahmat:J.as however we get
the Arat)yakas or forest treatises. These works were probably
composed for old men who had retired into the forest and were
thus unable to perform elaborate sacrifices requiring a multitude
of accessories and articles which could not be procured in forests.
In these, meditations on certain symbols were supposed to be of
great merit, and they gradually began to supplant the sacrifices
as being of a superior order. It is here that we find that amongst
a certain section of intelligent people the ritualistic ideas began
to give way, and philosophic speculations about the nature of
truth became gradually substituted in their place. To take an
illustration from the beginning of the Brhadara9yaka we find
that instead of the actual performance of the horse sacrifice
(asvamedha) there are directions for meditating upon the dawn
( U,fas) as the head of the horse, the sun as the eye of the horse,
the air as its life, and so on. This is indeed a distinct advance-
ment of the claims of speculation or meditation over the actual
performance of the complicated ceremonials of sacrifice. The
growth of the subjective speculation, as being capable of bringing
the highest good, gradually resulted in the supersession of Vedic
ritualism and the establishment of the claims of philosophic
meditation and self-knowledge as the highest goal of life. Thus
we find that the Arat)yaka age was a period during which free
thinking tried gradually to shake off the shackles of ritualism
which had fettered it for a long time. It was thus that the
Aral)yakas could pave the way for the Upani~ads, revive the
germs of philosophic speculation in the Vedas, and develop them
in a manner which made the U pani~ads the source of all philo-
sophy that arose in the world of Hindu thought.

The I_<g- Veda, its civilization.

The hymns of the I~g-Veda are neither the productions of a
single hand nor do they probably belong to any single age. They
were composed probably at different periods by different sages,
and it is not improbable that some of them were composed
n] The J.?g- Veda, its czv£lzzat£on
before the Aryan people entered the plains of India. They were
handed down from mouth to mouth and gradually swelled through
the new additions that were made by the poets of succeeding
generations. It was when the collection had increased to a very
considerable extent that it was probably arranged in the present
form, or in some other previous forms to which the present
arrangement owes its origin. They therefore reflect the civilization
of the Aryan people at different periods of antiquity before and
after they had come to India. This unique monument of a long
vanished age is of great aesthetic value, and contains much that is
genuine poetry. It enables us to get an estimate of the primitive
society which produced it-the oldest book of the Aryan race.
The principal means of sustenance were cattle-keeping and the
cultivation of the soil with plough and harrow, mattock and hoe,
and watering the ground when necessary with artificial canals.
''The chief food consists," as Kaegi says, "together with bread,
of various preparations of milk, cakes of flour and butter, many
sorts of vegetables and fruits; meat cooked on the spits or in pots,
is little used, and was probably eaten only at the great feasts and
family gatherings. Drinking plays throughout a much more im-
portant part than eating 1." The wood-worker built war-chariots
and wagons, as also more delicate carved works and artistic cups.
Metal-workers, smiths and .potters continued their trade. The
women understood the plaiting of mats, weaving and sewing;
they manufactured the wool of the sheep into clothing for men
and covering for animals. The group of individuals forming a
tribe was the highest political unit; each of the different families
forming a tribe was under the sway of the father or the head of
the family. Kingship was probably hereditary and in some cases
electoral. Kingship was nowhere absolute, but limited by the
will of the people. Most developed ideas of justice, right and
law, were present in the country. Thus Kaegi says, "the hymns
strongly prove how deeply the prominent minds in the people
were persuaded that the eternal ordinances of the rulers of the
world were as inviolable in mental and moral matters as in the
realm of nature, and that every wrong act, even the unconscious,
was punished and the sin expiated 2.'' Thus it is only right and
proper to think that the Aryans had attained a pretty high degree

1 The Ri'gveda, by Kaegi, 1886 eclition, p. 13. 2 Ibid. p. 18.

16 The Vedas, Brahma1JaS and the£r Philosophy [cH.
of civilization, but nowhere was the sincere spirit of the Aryans
more manifested than in religion, which was the most essential and
dominant feature of almost all the hymns, except a few secular
ones. Thus Kaegi says, "The whole significance of the Rigveda
in reference to the general history of religion, as has repeatedly
been pointed out in modern times, rests upon this, that it presents
to us the development of religious conceptions from the earliest
beginnings to the deepest apprehension of the godhead and its
relation to man 1."

The Vedic Gods.

The hymns of the ~g- Veda were almost all composed in
praise of the gods. The social and other materials are of secondary
importance, as these references had only to be mentioned inci-
dentally in giving vent to their feelings of devotion to the god.
The gods here are however personalities presiding over the diverse
powers of nature or forming their very essence. They have
therefore no definite, systematic and separate characters like the
Greek gods or the gods of the later Indian mythical works, the
Puraryas. The powers of nature such as the storm, the rain, the
thunder, are closely associated with one another, and the gods
associated with them are also similar in character. The same
epithets are attributed to different gods and it is only in a few
specific qualities that they differ from one another. In the later
mythological compositions of the Puraryas the gods lost their
character as hypostatic powers of nature, and thus became actual
personalities and characters having their tales of joy and sorrow
like the mortal here below. The Vedic gods may be contrasted
with them in this, that they are of an impersonal nature, as the
characters they display are mostly but expressions of the powers
of nature. To take an example, the fire or Agni is described, as
Kaegi has it, as one that "lies concealed in the softer wood, as
in a cham her, until, called forth by the rubbing in the early
morning hour, he suddenly springs forth in gleaming brightness.
The sacrificer takes and lays him on the wood. When the priests
pour melted butter upon him, he leaps up crackling and neighing
like a horse-he whom men love to see increasing like their own
prosperity. They wonder at him, when, decking himself with

1 The Rigvedtr, by Kaegi, p. 26.

n] Polytheism, Henothe£sm and Monotheism
changing colors like a suitor, equally beautiful on all sides, he
presents to all sides his front.
All-searching is his beam, the gleaming of his light,
His, the all-beautiful, of beauteous face and glance,
The changing shimmer like that floats upon the stream,
So Agni's rays gleam over bright and never cease 1."
R. V. I. I43· 3·
They would describe the wind (Vata) and adore him and say
"In what place was he born, and from whence comes he?
The vital breath of gods, the world's great offspring,
The God where'er he will moves at his pleasure :
His rushing sound we hear-what his appearance, no one 2."
R. V. X. 168. 3, 4·
It was the forces of nature and her manifestations, on earth
here, the atmosphere around and above us, or in the Heaven
beyond the vault of the sky that excited the devotion and
imagination of the Vedic poets. Thus with the exception of a
few abstract gods of whom we shall presently speak and some
dual divinities, the gods may be roughly classified as the terres-
trial, atmospheric, and celestial.

Polytheism, Henotheism and Monotheism.

The plurality of the Vedic gods may lead a superficial enquirer
to think the faith of the Vedic people polytheistic. But an in-
telligent reader will find here neither polytheism nor monotheism
but a simple primitive stage of belief to which both of these may
be said to owe their origin. The gods here do not preserve their
proper places as in a polytheistic faith, but each one of them
shrinks into insignificance or shines as supreme according as it is
the object of adoration or not. The Vedic poets were the children
of nature. Every natural phenomenon excited their wonder,
admiration or veneration. The poet is struck with wonder that
"the rough red cow gives soft white milk.'' The appearance or
the setting of the sun sends a thrill into the minds of the Vedic
sage and with wonder-gazing\
eyes he exclaims:
"Undropped beneath, not fastened firm, how comes it
That downward turned he falls not downward?
The guide of his ascending path,-who saw it 1 ?" R. V. IV. I 3· 5·
The sages wonder how '' the sparkling waters of all rivers flow
into one ocean without ever filling it." The minds of the Vedic
1 2
The Ri'gveda, by Kaegi, p. 35· Ibid. p. 38.
I 8 The Vedas, Brahma1JaS and their Ph-ilosophy [en.
people as we find in the hymns were highly impressionable and
fresh. At this stage the time was not ripe enough for them to
accord a consistent and well-defined existence to the multitude
of gods nor to universalize them in a monotheistic creed. They
hypostatized unconsciously any force of nature that overawed
them or filled them with gratefulness and joy by its beneficent or
aesthetic character, and adored it. The deity which moved the de-
votion or admiration of their mind was the most supreme for the
time. This peculiar trait of the Vedic hymns Max M tiller has called
Henotheism or Kathenotheism : "a belief in single gods, each in turn
standing out as the highest. And since the gods are thought of
as specially ruling in their own spheres, the singers, in their special
concerns and desires, call most of all on that god to whom they
ascribe the most power in the matter,-to whose department if I
maysayso,theirwish belongs. This god alone is present to the mind
of the suppliant; with him for the time being is associated every-
thing that can be said of a divine being;-he is the highest, the only
god, before whom all others disappear, there being in this, however,
no offence or depreciation of any other god 1." "Against this theory
it has been urged," as Macdonell rightly says in his Vedic Myth-
ology2, "that Vedic deities are not represented' as independent of
all the rest,' since no religion brings its gods into more frequent
and varied juxtaposition and combination, and that even the
mightiest gods of the Veda are made dependent on others. Thus
Varurya and Siirya are subordinate to lndra {I. 101), Varurya and
the Asvins submit to the power of Vi~ryu ( 1. I 56).... Even when a
god is spoken of as unique or chief (eka), as is natural enough in
laudations, such statements lose their temporarily monotheistic
force, through the modifications or corrections supplied by the con-
text or even by the same verse 3." " Henotheism is therefore an
appearance," says Macdonell, "rather than a reality, an appearance
produced by the indefiniteness due to undeveloped anthropo-
morphism, by the lack of any Vedic god occupying the position
of a Zeus as the constant head of the pantheon, by the natural
tendency of the priest or singer in extolling a particular god to
exaggerate his greatness and to ignore other gods, and by the
The Rigveda, by Kaegi, p. 27.
See Ibid. p. 33· See also Arrowsmith's note on it for other references to Reno-
1 Macdonell's Vedic l'rlythology, pp. 16, 17.
n] Growth of a Monotheistic tendency 19

growing belief in the unity of the gods (cf. the refrain of 3, 35)
each of whom might be regarded as a type of the divine 1." But
whether we call it Henotheism or the mere temporary exaggera-
tion of the powers of the deity in question, it is evident that this
stage can neither be properly called polytheistic nor monotheistic,
but one which had a tendency towards them both, although it
was not sufficiently developed to be identified with either of them.
The tendency towards extreme exaggeration could be called a
monotheistic bias in germ, whereas the correlation of different
deities as independent of one another and yet existing side by side
was a tendency towards polytheism.
Growth of a Monotheistic tendency; Prajapati, Visvakarma.
This tendency towards extolling a god as the greatest and
highest gradually brought forth the conception of a supreme
Lord of all beings {Prajapati), not by a process of conscious
generalization but as a necessary stage of development of the mind,
able to imagine a deity as the repository of the highest moral and
physical power, though its direct manifestation cannot be per-
ceived. Thus the epithet Prajapati or the Lord of beings, which
was originally an epithet for other deities, came to be recognized
as a separate deity, the highest and the greatest. Thus it is said
in R. V. x. 121 2 :
In the beginning rose Hiral)yagarbha,
Born as the only lord of all existence.
This earth he settled firm and heaven established :
What god shall we adore with our oblations ?
Who gives us breath, who gives us strength, whose bidding
All creatures must obey, the bright gods even;
Whose shade is death, whose shadow life immortal :
What god shall we adore with our oblations?
Who by his might alone became the monarch
Of all that breathes, of all that wakes or slumbers,
Of all, both man and beast, the lord eternal :
What god shall we adore with our oblations?
Whose might and majesty these snowy mountains,
The ocean and the distant stream exhibit ;
Whose arms extended are these spreading regions :
What god shall we adore with our oblations ?
Who made the heavens bright, the earth enduring,
Who fixed the firmament, the heaven of heavens;
Who measured out the air's extended spaces:
What god shall we adore with our oblations?
Macdgnell's Vedz"c Mythology, p. 17. 2 The Rigveda, by Kaegi, pp. 88, 89.
20 The Vedas, Brahma1faS and their Philosophy [ CH.
Similar attributes are also ascribed to the deity Visvakarma
(All-creator )I. He is said to be father and procreator of all beings,
though himself uncreated. He generated the primitive waters.
It is to him that the sage says,
Who is our father, our creator, maker,
Who every place doth know and every creature,
By whom alone to gods their names were given,
To him all other creatures go to ask him 2• R. V. x. 82. 3·

The conception of Brahman which has been the highest glory
for the Vedanta philosophy of later days had hardly emerged in
the ~g- Veda from the associations of the sacrificial mind. The
meanings that Sayat)a the celebrated commentator of the Vedas
gives of the word as collected by Haug are: (a) food, food offering,
(b) the chant of the sama-singer, (c) magical formula or text,
(d) duly completed ceremonies, (e) the chant and sacrificial gift
together, (f) the r<?citation of the hotr priest, (g) great. Roth
says that it also means "the devotion which manifests itself as
longing and satisfaction of the soul and reaches forth to the
gods." But it is only in the Satapatha Brahmal)a that the con-
ception of Brahman has acquired a great significance as the
supreme principle which is the moving force behind the gods.
Thus the Satapatha says," Verily in the beginning this (universe)
was the Brahman (neut.). It created the gods; and, having
created the gods, it made them ascend these worlds: Agni this
(terrestrial) world, Vayu the air, and Siirya the sky.... Then the
Brahman itself went up to the sphere beyond. Having gone up
to the sphere beyond, it considered, 'How can I descend again
into these worlds?' It then descended again by means of these
two, Form and N arne. Whatever has a name, that is name; and
that again which has no name and which one knows by its form,
' this is (of a certain) form,' that is form : as far as there are Form
and Name so far, indeed, extends this (universe). These indeed
are the two great forces of Brahman; and, verily, he who knows
these two great forces of Brahman becomes himself a great force 8•
In another place Brahman is said to be the ultimate thing in the
Universe and is identified with Prajapati, Puru!?a and Pral)a
1 See The Ri'gveda, by Kacgi, p. 89, and also Muir'sSa11skrit Texts, vol. IV. pp. 5-11.
2 Kaegi's translation.
8 See Eggeling's translation of Satapatha Brahmal)a S.B.E. vol. xuv. pp. 27, z8.
n] Sacrifice; the First Rudiments ofthe Law of Karma 21

(the vital air 1). In another place Brahman is described as being

the Svayambhii (self-born) performing austerities, who offered
his own self in the creatures and the creatures in his own self,
and thus compassed supremacy, sovereignty and lordship over
all creatures 2• The conception of the supreme man (Puru!?a) in
the Rg-Veda also supposes that the supreme man pervades the
world with only a fourth part of Himself, whereas the remaining
three parts transcend to a region beyond. He is at once the
present, past and future 8•
Sacrifice; the First Rudiments of the Law of Karma.
It will however be wrong to suppose that these monotheistic
tendencies were gradually supplanting the polytheistic sacrifices.
On the other hand, the complications of ritualism were gradually
growing in their elaborate details. The direct result of this growth
contributed however to relegate the gods to a relatively unim-
portant position, and to raise the dignity of the magicar charac-
teristics of the sacrifice as an institution which could give the
desired fruits of themselves. The offerings at a sacrifice were not
dictated by a devotion with which we are familiar under Christian
or Vai!?t:tava influence. The sacrifice taken as a whole is con-
ceived as Haug notes "to be a kind of machinery in which every
piece must tally with the other," the slightest discrepancy in the
performance of even a minute ritualistic detail, say -in the pouring
of the melted butter on the fire, or the proper placing of utensils
employed in the sacrifice, or even the misplacing of a mere straw
contrary to the injunctions was sufficient to spoil the whole
sacrifice with whatsoever earnestness it might be performed.
Even if a word was mispronounced the most dreadful results
might follow. Thus when T va!?tr performed a sacrifice for the
production of a demon who would be able to kill his enemy
Indra, owing to the mistaken accent of a single word the object
was reversed and the demon produced was killed by Indra. But if
the sacrifice could be duly performed down to the minutest
detail, there was no power which could arrest or delay the fruition
- of the object. Thus the objects of a sacrifice were fulfilled not
by the grace of the gods, but as a natural result of the sacrifice.
The performance of the rituals invariably produced certain
mystic or magical results by virtue of which the object desired
1 SeeS. B. E. XLIII. pp. 59, 6o, 400 and XLIV. p. 409.
2 See Ibid. XLIV. p. 418. 3 R. V. x. 90, Puru~a Siikta.
22 The Vedas, Brahma1Jas and their Philosophy [ CH.
by the sacrificer was fulfilled in due course like the fulfilment of
a natural law in the physical world. The sacrifice was believed
to have existed from eternity like the Vedas. The creation of
the world itself was even regarded as the fruit of a sacrifice per-
formed by the supreme Being. It exists as Haug says "as an
invisible thing at all times and is like the latent power of elec-
tricity in an electrifying machine, requiring only the operation
of a suitable apparatus in order to be elicited." The sacrifice is
not offered to a god with a view to propitiate him or to obtain
from him welfare on earth or bliss in Heaven; these rewards are
directly produced by the sacrifice itself through the correct per-
formance of complicated and interconnected ceremonies which
constitute the sacrifice. Though in each sacrifice certain gods
were invoked and received the offerings, the gods themselves
were but instruments in bringing about the sacrifice or in com-
pleting the course of mystical ceremonies composing it. Sacrifice
is thus regarded as possessing a mystical potency superior even to
the gods, who it is sometimes stated attained to their divine rank
by means of sacrifice. Sacrifice was regarded as almost the only
kind of duty, and it was also called karma or kriya (action) and
the unalterable law was, that these mystical ceremonies for good
or for bad, moral or immoral (for there were many kinds of
sacrifices which were performed for injuring one's enemies or
gaining worldly prosperity or supremacy at the cost of others)
were destined to produce their effects. It is well to note here that
the first recognition of a cosmic order or law prevailing in nature
under the guardianship of the highest gods is to be found in the
use of the word ~ta (literally the course of things). This word
was also used, as Macdonell observes, to denote the " 'order'
in the moral world as truth and 'right' and in the religious
world as sacrifice or' rite 1 ' '' and its unalterable law of producing
effects. It is interesting to note in this connection that it is here
that we find the first germs of the law of karma, which exercises
such a dominating control over Indian thought up to the present
day. Thus we find the simple faith and devotion of the Vedic
hymns on one hand being supplanted by the growth of a complex
system of sacrificial rites, and on the other bending their course
towards a monotheistic or philosophic knowledge of the ultimate
reality of the universe.
1 Macdonell's Vedic Mythology, p. 11.
n] Cosmogony-Mythological and philosophical 23

Cosmogony-Mythological and philosophical.

The cosmogony of the ~g- Veda may be looked at from two
aspects, the mythological and the philosophical. The mythological
aspect has in general two currents, as Professor Macdonell says,
"The one regards the universe as the result of mechanical pro-
duction, the work of carpenter's and joiner's skill; the other
represents it as the result of natural generation 1." Thus in the
~g- Veda we find that the poet in one place says, " what was
the wood and what was the tree out of which they built heaven
and earth 2 ?" The answer given to this question in Taittiriya-
Brahmat:ta is "Brahman the wood and Brahman the tree from
which the heaven and earth were made 3." Heaven and Earth are
s~metimes described as having been supported with posts 4• They
are also sometimes spoken of as universal parents, and parentage
is sometimes attributed to Aditi and Dak~a.
Under this philosophical aspect the semi-pantheistic Man-
hymn5 attracts our notice. The supreme man as we have already
noticed above is there said to be the whole universe, whatever
has been and shall be; he is the lord of immortality who has become
diffused everywhere among things animate and inanimate, and
all beings came out of him; from his navel came the atmosphere;
from his head arose the sky; from his feet came the earth; from
his ear the four quarters. Again there are other hymns in which
the Sun is called the soul (iitman) of all that is movable and
all that is immovable 6• There are also statements to the effect
that the Being is one, though it is called by many names by the
sages'. The supreme being is sometimes extolled as the supreme
Lord of the world called the golden egg (Hirat:tyagarbhaa). In
some passages it is said " Brahmat:taspati blew forth these births
like a blacksmith. In the earliest age of the gods, the existent
sprang from the non-existent. In the first age of the gods, the
existent sprang from the non-existent: thereafter the regions
sprang, thereafter, from Uttanapada 9." The most remarkable and
sublime hymn in which the first germs of philosophic speculation
1 Macdonell's Vedic Mythology, p. 11.
2 R. V. x. 81. 4· 3 Taitt. Br. II. 8. 9· 6.
4 Macdonell's Vedic Mythology, p. II; also R. V. II. 15 and IV. 56.
11 R. V. x. 90· 6 R. V.I. 115.
7 R. V.I. 164. 46. a R. V. x. 121.
s Muir's translation ofR. V. x. 72; Muir's Sanskrit Texts, vol. v. p. 48.
24 The Vedas, Briihma1JaS and their Ph-ilosophy [ CH.
with regard to the wonderful mystery of the origin of the world
are found is the I 29th hymn of R. V. X.
1.Then there was neither being nor not-being.
The atmosphere was not, nor sky above it.
What covered all? and where? by what protected?
Was there the fathomless abyss of waters?
2. Then neither death nor deathless existed;
Of day and night there was yet no distinction.
Alone that one breathed calmly, self-supported,
Other than It was none, nor aught above It.
3· Darkness there was at first in darkness hidden;
The universe was undistinguished water.
That which in void and emptiness lay hidden
Alone by power of fervor was developed.
4· Then for the first time there arose desire,
Which was the primal germ of mind, within it.
And sages, searching in their heart, discovered
In Nothing the connecting bond of Being.

6. \Vho is it knows? Who here can tell us surely

From what and how this universe has risen?
And whether not till after it the gods lived?
Who then can know from what it has arisen?
7· The source from which this universe has risen,
And whether it was made, or uncreated,
He only knows, who from the highest heaven
Rules, the all-seeing lord-or does not He know 1 ?
The earliest commentary on this is probably a passage in the
Satapatha Brahmar:ta (X. 5· 3· I) which says that" in the beginning
this (universe) was as it were neither non-existent nor existent;
in the beginning this (universe) was as it were, existed and did
not exist: there was then only that Mind. Wherefore it has been
declared by the Rishi (~g-Veda x. I29~ 1), 'There was then neither
the non-existent nor the existent' for Mind was, as it were, neither
existent nor non-existent. This Mind when created, wished to
become manifest,-more defined, more substantial: it sought after
a self (a body); it practised austerity: it acquired consistency 2."
In the Atharva-Veda also we find it stated that all forms of the
universe were comprehended within the god Skambha 3•
Thus we find that even in the period of the Vedas there sprang
forth such a philosophic yearning, at least among some who could
1 The Ri'gveda, by Kaegi, p. 90. R. V. x. 129.
See Eggeling's translation of .S. B., S. B. E. vol. XLIIl. pp. 37·h 375·
3 A. v. X. 7. I o.
n] Eschatology; the Doctrz'ne of Atman
question whether this universe was at all a creation or not, which
could think of the origin of the world as being enveloped in the
mystery of a primal non-differentiation of being and non-being;
and which could think that it was the primal One which by its
inherent fervour gave rise to the desire of a creation as the first
manifestation of the germ of mind ,from which the universe sprang
forth through a series of mysterious gradual processes. In the
Brahmal)as, however, we find that the cosmogonic view generally
requires the agency of a creator, who is not however always the
starting point, and we find that the theory of evolution is com-
bined with the theory of creation, so that Prajapati is sometimes
spoken of as the creator while at other times the creator is said
to have floated in the primeval water as a cosmic golden egg.

Eschatology; the Doctrine of Atman.

There seems to be a belief in the Vedas that the soul could
be separated from the body in states of swoon, and that it could
exist after death, though we do not find there any trace of the
doctrine of transmigration in a developed form. In the Satapatha
Brahmal)a it is said that those who do not perform rites with
correct knowledge are born again after death and suffer death
again. In a hymn of the Rg-Veda(x. 58) the soul (manas) of a man
apparently unconscious is invited to come back to him from the
trees, herbs, the sky, the sun, etc. In many of the hymns there
is also the belief in the existence of another world, where the
highest material joys are attained as a result of the performance
of the sacrifices and also in a hell of darkness underneath
where the evil-doers are punished. In the Satapatha Brahmal)a
we find that the dead pass between two fires which burn the evil-
doers, but let the good go oy 1 ; it is also said there that everyone
is born again after death, is weighed in a balance, and receives
reward or punishment according as his works are good or bad.
It is easy to see that scattered ideas like these with regard to
the destiny of the soul of man according to the sacrifice that he
·performs or other good or bad deeds form the first rudiments .of
the later doctrine of metempsychosis. The idea that man enjoys
or suffers, either in another world or by being born in this world
according to his good or bad deeds, is the first beginning of the
moral idea, though in the Brahmanic days the good deeds were
1 See S. B. 1. 9· 3, and also Macdonell's Vedic Mythology, pp. 166, 167.
26 The Vedas, BriihmatJaS and their Philosophy [ CH.
more often of the nature of sacrificial duties than ordinary good
works. These ideas of the possibilities of a necessary connection
of the enjoyments and sorrows of a man with his good and bad
works when combined with the notion of an inviolable law or
order, which we have already seen was gradually growing with
the conception of rta, and the unalterable law which produces
the effects of sacrificial works, led to the Law of Karma and the
doctrine of transmigration. The words which denote soul in the
~g- Veda are manas, iitman and asu. The word iitma1z however
which became famous in later Indian thought is generally used
to mean vital breath. Manas is regarded as the seat of thought
and emotion, and it seems to be regarded, as Macdonell says, as
dwelling in the heart 1• It is however difficult to understand how
atman as vital breath, or as a separable part of man going out of
the dead man came to be regarded as the ultimate essence or
reality in man and the universe. There is however at least one
passage in the ~g- Veda where the poet penetrating deeper and
deeper passes from the vital breath (asu) to the blood, and thence
to atman as the inmost self of the world ; " \Vho has seen how
the first-born, being the Bone-possessing (the shaped world), was
born from the Boneless (the shapeless)? where was the vital
breath, the blood, the Self (atman) of the world? Who went to
ask him that knows iP?" In Taittirlya AraJ].yaka 1. 23, however,
it is said that Prajapati after having created his self (as the world)
with his own self entered into it. In Taittiriya BrahmaJ].a the
atman is called omnipresent, and it is said that he who knows
him is no more stained by evil deeds. Thus we find that in the
pre-U pani~ad Vedic literature atman probably was first used to
denote" vital breath" in man, then the self of the world, and then
the self in man. It is from this last stage that we find the traces
of a growing tendency to looking at the self of man as the omni-
present supreme principle of the universe, the knowledge of which
makes a man sinless and pure.
Looking at the advancement of thought in the ~g- Veda we
find first that a fabric of thought was gradually growing which
not only looked upon the universe as a correlation of parts or a
1 Macdonell's Vedic JV!ythology, p. 166 and R. V. VIII. 89.
11R. V.I. 164. 4 and Deussen's article on Atman in Encyclopaedia of Religion and
n] Conclus-ion
construction made of them, but sought to explain it as having
emanated from one great being who is sometimes described as
one with the universe and surpassing it, and at other times as
being separate from it; the agnostic spirit which is the mother
of philosophic thought is seen at times to be so bold as to express
doubts even on the most fundamental questions of creation-"Who
knows whether this world was ever created or not?" Secondly,
the growth of sacrifices has helped to establish the unalterable
nature of the law by which the (sacrificial) actions produced their
effects of themselves. It also lessened the importance of deities
as being the supreme masters of the world and our fate, and the
tendency of henotheism gradually diminished their multiple
character and advanced the monotheistic tendency in some
quarters. Thirdly, the soul of man is described as being separable
from his body and subject to suffering and enjoyment in another
world according to his good or bad deeds; the doctrine that the
soul of man could go to plants, etc., or that it could again be re-
born on earth, is also hinted at in certain passages, and this may
be regarded as sowing the first seeds of the later doctrine of
transmigration. The self (iitman) is spoken of in one place as the
essence of the world, and when we trace the idea in the BrahmaJ!aS
and the Aral)yakas we see that atman has begun to mean the
supreme essence in man as well as in the universe, and has thus
approached the great Atman doctrine of the Upani~ads. 1
THE EARLIER UPANI$ADS 1• (7oo B.c.-6oo B.c.)

The place of the Upani~ads in Vedic literature.

THOUGH it is generally held that the U pani!?ads are usually
attached as appendices to the Aral)yakas which are again attached
to the BrahmaJ!aS, yet it cannot be said that their distinction as
separate treatises is always observed. Thus we find in some cases
that subjects which we should expect to be discussed in a Brahmal)a
are introduced into the Aral)yakas and the Aral)yaka materials
are sometimes fused into the great bulk of Upani!?ad teaching.
This shows that these three literatures gradually grew up in one
1 There are about 112 Upani~ads which have been published by the "Nirl)aya-

Sagara" Press, Bombay, I9I7· These are I isa, 2 Kena, 3 Ka!ha, 4 Prasna, 5 Mul)-
9aka, 6 Mal)9iikya, 7 Taittir'iya, 8 Aitareya, 9 Chandogya, 10 Brhadaral)yaka,
1 I Svetasvatara, I 2 Kau~Haki, I 3 Maitreyi, I 4 Kaivalya, I 5 Jabala, 16 Brahma-
bindu, I7 Ha~psa, I8 Arul)ika, J9 Garbha, 20 Narayal)a, 2I Naraya!Ja, 22 Para-
maha~psa, 23 Brahma, 24 Amrtanada, 25 Atharvasiras, 26 Atharvasikha, 27 Mai-
trayal)'i, 28 Brhajjabala, 29 Nrsirphapiirvatapin'i, 30 Nrsi~phottaratapini, 31 Kalag-
nirudra, 32 Subala, 33 K~urika, 34 Yantrika, 35 Sarvasara, 36 Niralamba, 37 Su-
karahasya, 38 Vajrasiicika, 39 Tejobindu, 40 Nadabindu, 4I Dhyanabindu, 42 Brah-
mavidya, 43 Yogatattva, 44 Atmabodha, 45 Naradaparivrajaka, 46 Trisikhibrahmal)a,
47 Sita, 48 Vogacii9ama!li, 49 Nirval)a, so Mal)dalabrahma!Ja, 51 Dak~il)amurtti,
52 Sarabha, 53 Skanda, 54 Tripadvibhiitimahanarayal)a, 55 Advayataraka, s6 Rama-
rahasya, 57 IUmapiirvatapini, :;8 Ramottaratapini, 59 Vasudeva, 6o Mudgala,
6I Sal)9ilya, 62 Paitigala, 63 Bhik~uka, 64 Maha, 65 Sariraka, 66 Yoga.Sikha,
67 Turiyatita, 68 Sa~pnyasa, 69 Paramaha~psaparivrajaka, 70 Ak~amala, 71 Avyakta,
72 Ekak~ara, 73 Annapftrna, 74 Siirya, 75 Ak~i, 76 Adhyatma, 77 Ku~J9ika, 78 Sa-
vitri, 79 Atman, 8o Pasupatabrahma, 8I Parabrahma, 82 Avadhiita, 83 Tripuratapini,
84 Devi, 85 Tripura, 86 Ka!harudra, 87 Bhavana, 88 Rudrahrdaya, 89 Yogakul)9ali,
90 Bhasmajabala, 91 Rudrak~ajabala, 92 Gal)apati, 93 Jabaladar5ana, 94 Tarasara,
95 Mahavakya, 96 Paficabrahma, 97 Pral)agnihotra, 98 Gopalapiirvatapini, 99 Gopa-
Iottaratapini, 100 Kr~l)a, 1oi Yajfiavalkya, 102 Varaha, 103 Sa!hyayaniya, 104 Ha-
yagr'iva, 105 Dattatreya, Io6 Garu9a, 107 Kalisantaral)a, 108 Jabali, 109 Sau-
bhagyalak~mi, I 10 Sarasvatirahasya, 1 I I Bahvrca, I I2 Muktika.
The collection of U pani~ads translated by Dara shiko, Aurangzeb's brother, contained
50 Upani~ads. The r.Iuktika Upani~arl gives a list of I08 Upani~ads. With the exception
of the first 13 Upani~ads most of them are of more or less later date. The Upani~ds
dealt with in this chapter are the earlier ones. Amongst the later ones there are some
which repeat the purport of these, there are others which deal with the Saiva, Sakta,
the Yoga and the Vai~l)ava doctrines. These will be referred to in connection with the
cansideration of those systems in Volume II. The later Upani~ads which only repeat the
purport of those dealt with in this chapter do not require further mention. Some of
the later V pani~ads were composed even as late as the fourteenth or the.fifteenth century·
CH. In] The place of the Upani~ads in Vedic lzterature 29
process of development and they were probably regarded as parts
of one literature, in spite of the differences in their subject-matter.
Deussen supposes that the principle of this division was to be
found in this, that the BrahmaJ].as were intended for the house-
holders, the AraJ].yakas for those who in their old age withdrew
into the solitude of the forests and the U pani~ads for those who
renounced the world to attain ultimate salvation by meditation.
Whatever might be said about these literary classifications the
ancient philosophers of India looked upon the Upani!?ads as being
of an entirely different type from the rest of the Vedic literature
as dictating the path of kno\vledge (Jiliiua-miirga) as opposed
to the path of works (karma-miirga) which forms the content
of the latter. It is not out of place here to mention that the
orthodox Hindu view holds that whatever may be written in the
Veda is to be interpreted as commandments to perform certain
actions (vidhi) or prohibitions against committing certain others
(nifedha). Even the stories or episodes are to be so interpreted
that the real objects of thei1 insertion might appear as only to
praise the performa11ce of the commandments and to blame the
commission of the prohibitions. No person has any right to argue
why any particular Vedic commandment is to be followed, for no
reason can ever discover that, and it is only because reason fails
to find out why a certain Vedic act leads to a certain effect that
the Vedas have been revealed as commandments and prohibitions
to show the true path of happiness. The Vedic teaching belongs
therefore to that of the Karma-marga or the performance of Vedic
duties of sacrifice, etc. The U pani!?ads however do not require
the performance of any action, but only reveal the ultimate truth
and reality, a knowledge of which at once emancipates a man.
Readers of Hindu philosophy are aware that there is a very strong
controversy on this point between the adherents of the Vedanta
( Upani~ads) and those of the Veda. For the latter seek in analogy
to the other parts of the Vedic literature to establish the principle
that the U pani~ads should not be regarded as an exception, but
that they should also be so interpreted that they might also be
held out as commending the performance of duties; but the
former dissociate the Upani~ads from the rest of the Vedic litera-
ture and assert that they do not make the slightest reference to
any Vedic duties, but only delineate the ultimate reality which
reveals the highest knowledge in the minds of the deserving.
30 The E artier Upanz~ads [cH.
Sankara the most eminent exponent of the U pani~ads holds that
they are meant for such superior men who are already above
worldly or heavenly prosperities, and for whom the Vedic duties
have ceased to have any attraction. Wheresoever there may be
such a deserving person, be he a student, a householder or an
ascetic, for him the Upani~ads have been revealed for his ultimate
emancipation and the ~r~ .-knt>Wledge. Those who perform the
Vedic dut~~):>elor\g to··a_ stage inferior to those who no longer
care for the fruits of the Vedic duties but are eager for final
emancipation, and it is the latter who alone are fit to hear the
Upani~ads 1 •

The names of the Upani~ads; Non-Brahmanic influence.

The U pani~ads are also known by another name Vedanta, as
they are believed to be the last portions of the Vedas ( veda-anta,
end); it is by this name that the philosophy of the Upani~ads,
the Vedanta philosophy, is so familiar to us. A modern student
knows that in language the U pani!?ads approach the classical
Sanskrit; the ideas preached also show that they are the culmina-
tion of the intellectual achievement of a great epoch. As they
thus formed the concluding parts of the Vedas they retained their
Vedic names which they took from the name of the different
schools or branches ( siikhii) among which the Vedas were studied 2•
Thus the Upani~ads attached to the BrahmaJ].as of the Aitareya
and Kau!?Itaki schools are called respectively Aitareya and
Kau!?Itaki Upani~ads. Those of the Tal)c;lins and Talavakaras of
the Sama-veda are called the Chandogya and Talavakara (or
Kena) U pani~ads. Those of the Taittirlya school of the Yajurveda
1 This is what is called the difference of fitness (adhikiiribheda). Those who perform

the sacrifices are not fit to hear the Upani~ads and those who are fit to hear the Upa-
ni~ds have no longer any necessity to perform the sacrificial duties.
2 When the SalJlhita texts had become substantially fixed, they were committed

to memory in different parts of the country and transmitted from teacher to pupil
along with directions for the practical performance of sacrificial duties. The latter
formed the matter of prose. compositions, the Brahmal_las. These however were
gradually liable to diverse kinds of modifications according to the special tendencies
and needs of the people among which they were recited. Thus after a time there
occurred a great divergence in the readings of the texts of the Brahmal)aS even of the
same Veda among different people. These different schools were known by the name
of particular Sakhas (e.g. Aitareya, Kau~itaki) with which the Brahmal)as were asso-
ciated or named. According to the divergence of the Brahmar:~as of the different
Sakhas there occurred the divergences of content and the length of the Upani~ads
associated with them.
III] Brahma~as and the Early Upanz~ads 31
form the Taittirlya and Mahanarayal).a, of the Ka!ha school
the Kathaka, of the Maitrayal).l school the 1\Iaitrayal)l. The
Brhadaral).yaka U pani~ad forms part of the Satapatha Brahmar:ta
of the Vajasaneyi schools. The Isa Upani~ad also belongs to the
latter school. But the school to which the Svetasvatara belongs
cannot be traced, and has probably been lost. The presump-
tion with regard to these U pani~ads is that they represent the
enlightened views of the particular schools among which they
flourished, and under whose names they passed. A large number
of U pani~ads of a comparatively later age were attached to the
Atharva-Veda, most of which were named not according to the
Vedic schools but according to the subject-matter with which
they dealP.
It may not be out of place here to mention that from the
frequent episodes in the Upani~ads in which the Brahmins are
described as having gone to the K~attriyas for the highest know-
ledge of philosophy, as well as from the disparateness of the
U pani~ad teachings from that of the general doctrines of the
Brahmar:tas and from the allusions to the existence of philo-
sophical speculations amongst the people in Pali works, it may be
inferred that among the K~attriyas in general there existed earnest
philosophic enquiries which must be regarded as having exerted
an important influence in the formation of the U pani~ad doctrines.
There is thus some probability in the supposition that though the
U pani~ads are found directly incorporated with the Brahmar:tas
it was not the production of the growth of Brahmanic dogmas
alone, but that non-Brahmanic thought as well must have either
set the U pani~ad doctrines afoot, or have rendered fruitful assist-
ance to their formulation and cultivation, though they achieved
their culmination in the hands of the Brahmins.

Brahmal)aS and the Early U pani~ads.

The passage of the Indian mind from the Brahmanic to the
U pani~ad thought is probably the most remarkable event in the
·history of philosophic thought. We know that in the later Vedic
hymns some monotheistic conceptions of great excellence were
developed, but these differ in their nature from the absolutism of
the U pani~ads as much as the Ptolemaic and the Copernic~n
Garbha Upani~d, Atman Upani~d, Pra.Sna Upani§ad, etc. There were however
some exceptions such as the l\HiQgiikya, Jiibala, Paiilgala, Saunaka, etc.
32 The E artier Upanz~ads [cH.
systems in astronomy. The direct translation of Visvakarman or
Hiral).yagarbha into the atman and the Brahman of the Upani-
~ads seems to me to be very improbable, though I am quite willing
to admit that these conceptions were swallowed up by the atman
doctrine when it had developed to a proper extent. Throughout
the earlier U pani~ads no mention is to be found of Visvakarman,
Hiral).yagarbha or Brahmal).aspati and no reference of such a
nature is to be found as can justify us in connecting the Upani~ad
ideas with those conceptions•. The word puru~a no doubt occurs
frequently in the U pani~ads, but the sense and the association
that come along with it are widely different from that of the
puru~a of the Puru~asiikta of the Rg-Veda.
When the Rg-Veda describes Visvakarman it describes him
as a creator from outside, a controller of mundane events, to whom
they pray for worldly benefits. "What was the position, which
and whence was the principle, from which the all-seeing Visvakar-
man produced the earth, and disclosed the sky by his might? The
one god, who has on every side eyes, on every side a face, on every
side arms, on every side feet, when producing the sky and earth,
shapes them with his arms and with his wings.... Do thou, Visva-
karman,grant to thy friends those thy abodes which are the highest,
and the lowest, an~ the middle ... may a generous son remain here
to us 2 " ; again in R.V.x.82 we find "Visvakarman is wise, energetic,
the creator, the disposer, and the highest object of intuition.... He
who is our father, our creator, disposer, who knows all spheres and
creatures, who alone assigns to the gods their names, to him the
other creatures resort for instruction3." Again about H iral).yagarbha
we find in R.V. I. 121, "Hirat)yagarbha arose in the beginning;
born, he was the one lord of things existing. He established the
earth and this sky ; to what god shall we offer our oblation ? ...
May he not injure us, he who is the generator of the earth, who
ruling by fixed ordinances, produced the heavens, who produced
the great and brilliant waters !-to what god, etc.? Prajapati, no
other than thou is lord over all these created things: may we
obtain that, through desire of which we have invoked thee; may we
become masters of riches".'' Speaking of the puru~a the Rg-Veda
1 The name ViSvakarma appears in Svet. IV. 17. Hiral)yagarbha appears in Svet.
111.4and IV. 1 '2, but only as the first created being. The phrase Sarviihammiini Hiral)-
yagarbha which Deussen refers to occurs only in the later Nrsitpl). 9· The word Brah-
mal)aspati does not occur at all in the Upani~ads.
Muir's Sanskrit Texis, vol. IV. pp. 6, 7· 3 Ibid. p. 7· 4 ibid. pp. 16, 17.
III J How did the Upanz~ads originate f 33
says" Purusha has a thousand heads ... a thousand eyes, and a thou-
sand feet. On every side enveloping the earth he transcended (it]
by a space of ten fingers .... He formed those aerial creatures, and
the animals, both wild and tame!," etc. Even that famous hymn
(R.V. X. 129) which begins with ''There was then neither being
nor non-being, there was no air nor sky above" ends with saying
"From whence this creation came into being, whether it was
created or not-he who is in the highest sky, its ruler, probably
knows or does not know."
In the U pani!?ads however, the position is entirely changed,
and the centre of interest there is not in a creator from outside
but in the self: the natural development of the monotheistic posi-
tion of the Vedas could have grown into some form of developed
theism, but not into the doctrine that the self was the only reality
and that everything else was far below it. There is no relation
here of the worshipper and the worshipped and no prayers are
offered to it, but the whole quest is of the highest truth, and the true
self of man is discovered as the greatest reality. This change of
philosophical position seems to me to be a matter of great interest.
This change of the mind from the objective to the subjective does
not carry with it in the U pani~ads any elaborate philosophical
discussions, or subtle analysis of mind. It comes there as a matter
of direct perception, and the conviction with which the truth has
been grasped cannot fail to impress the readers. That out of the
apparently meaningless speculations of the Brahmar:tas this doc-
trine could have developed, might indeed appear to be too im-
probable to be believed.
On the strength of the stories of Balaki Gargya and Ajatasatru
(Brh. 11. I), Svetaketu and Pravahar:ta Jaibali (Cha. v. 3 and Brh.
VI. 2) and Arur:ti and Asvapati Kaikeya (Cha. v. I 1) Garbe thinks
"that it can be proven that the Brahman's profoundest wisdom, the
doctrine of All-one, which has exercised an unmistakable influence
on the intellectual life even of our time, did not have its origin
in the circle of Brahmans at all 2 " and that "it took its rise in
the ranks of the warrior caste 3." This if true would of course
lead the development of the U pani~ads away from the influence
of the Veda, Brahmal)aS and the Arar:tyakas. But do the facts
prove this? Let us briefly examine the evidences that Garbe him-
1 Muir's Sanskrit Texts, vol. v. pp. 368, 371.
2 Garbe's article, "Hindu lllonism," p. 68. 3 Ibid. p. 78.
34 The Earlier Upani~ads [cH.
self has produced. In the story of Balaki Gargya and Ajatasatru
(Brh. 11. I) referred to by him, Balaki Gargya is a boastful man
who wants to teach the K~attriya Ajatasatru the true Brahman,
but fails and then wants it to be taught by him. To this
Ajatasatru replies (following Garbe's own translation) "it is
contrary to the natural order that a Brahman receive instructioru
from a warrior and expect the latter to declare the Brahman to
him 1." Does this not imply that in the natural order of things a
Brahmin always taught the knowledge of Brahman to the
K~attriyas, and that it was unusual to find a Brahmin asking a
K~attriya aboutthe true knowledge of Brahman? At the beginning
of the conversation, Ajatasatru had promised to pay Balaki one
thousand coins if he could tell him about Brahman, since all people
used to run to Janaka to speak about Brahman 2• The second
story of Svetaketu and Pravahat;a Jaibali seems to be fairly con-
clusive with regard to the fact that the transmigration doctrines,
the way of the gods (devayii11a) and the way of the fathers
(pitryiilla) had originated among the K~attriyas, but it is without
any relevancy with regard to the origin of the superior knowledge
of Brahman as the true self.
The third story of Arm;i and Asvapati Kaikeya (Cha. v. I I)
is hardly more convincing, for here five Brahmins wishing to
know what the Brahman and the self were, went to U ddalaka
.Arm;i; but as he did not know sufficiently about it he accompanied
them to the K~attriya king Asvapati Kaikeya who was studying
the subject. But Asvapati ends the conversation by giving them
certain instructions about the fire doctrine ( vais·viinara agni) and
the import of its sacrifices. He does not say anything about the
true self as Brahman. We ought also to consider that there are
only the few exceptional cases where K~attriya kings were in-
structing the Brahmins. But in all other cases the Brahmins were
discussing and instructing the atman knowledge. I am thus led
to think that Garbe owing to his bitterness of feeling against the
Brahmins as expressed in the earlier part of the essay had been
too hasty in his judgment. The opinion of Garbe seems to have
been shared to some extent by Winternitz also, and the references
given by him to the U pani~ad passages are also the same as we
1 Garbe's article, "Hindu Monism," p. 74·
Brh. 11., compare also Brh. IV. 3, how Yajfiavalkya speaks to Janaka about the
III] A ra1Jyakas and the Upa1u~ads 35
just examined 1• The truth seems to me to be this, that the
K~attriyas and even some women took interest in the religio-
philosophical quest manifested in the U pani~ads. The enquirers
were so eager that either in receiving the instruction of Brahman
or in imparting it to others, they had no considerations of sex and
birth 2 ; and there seems to be no definite evidence for thinking
that the U pani~ad philosophy originated among the K~attriyas
or that the germs of its growth could not be traced in the
Brahmal).as and the Aral).yakas which were the productions of
the Brahmins.
The change of the Brahmar:ta into the Aral).yaka thought is
signified by a transference of values from the actual sacrifices to
their symbolic representations and meditations which were re-
garded as being productive of various earthly benefits. Thus we
find in the Brhadaral).yaka (I. 1) that instead of a horse sacrifice
the visible universe is to be conceived as a horse and meditated
upon as such. The dawn is the head of the horse, the sun is the
eye, wind is its life, fire is its mouth and the year is its soul, and so
on. \Vhat is the horse that grazes in the field and to what good
can its sacrifice lead? This moving universe is the horse which is
most significant to the mind, and the meditation of it as such is
the most suitable substitute of the sacrifice of the horse, the mere
animal. Thought-activity as meditation, is here taking the place
of an external worship in the form of sacrifices. The material
substances and the most elaborate and accurate sacrificial rituals
lost their value and bare meditations took their place. Side
by side with the ritualistic sacrifices of the generality of the
Brahmins, was springing up a system where thinking and sym-
bolic meditations were taking the place of gross matter and
action involved in sacrifices. These symbols were not only
chosen from the external world as the sun, the wind, etc., from
the body of man, his various vital functions and the senses, but
even arbitrary alphabets were taken up and it was believed that
the meditation of these as the highest and the greatest was pro-
ductive of great beneficial results. Sacrifice in itself was losing
value in the eyes of these men and diverse mystical significances
and imports were beginning to be considered as their real truth 3 •
1 Winternitz's Geschichte der indischen Litteratur, 1. pp. 197 ff.
The story of l\laitreyi and Yajfiavalkya (Brh. II. 4) and that of Satyakiima son of
Jabiilii and his teacher (Chii. IV. 4). a Chii. v. 11.
The Earlier Upani~ads [en.
The Uktha (verse) of Rg-Veda was identified in the Aitareya
A raJ! yak a under several allegorical forms with the Pral)a I, the
Udgltha of the Samaveda was identified with Om, PraJ!a, sun and
eye ; in Chandogya II. the Saman was identified with Om, rain,
water, seasons, PraJ!a, etc., in Chandogya III. 16-17 man was
identified with sacrifice; his hunger, thirst, sorrow, with initia-
tion; laughing, eating, etc., with the utterance of the Mantras;
and asceticism, gift, sincerity, restraint from injury, truth, with
sacrificial fees (dak~i~zii). The gifted mind of these cultured Vedic
Indians was anxious to come to some unity, but logical precision
of thought had not developed, and as a result of that we find in the
AraJ!yakas the most grotesque and fanciful unifications of things
which to our eyes have little or no connection. Any kind of instru-
mentality in producing an effect was often considered as pure
identity. Thus in Ait. A raJ!. II. 1. 3 we find "Then comes the origin
of food. The seed of Prajapati are the gods. The seed of the gods
is rain. The seed of rain is herbs. The seed of herbs is food. The
seed of food is seed. The seed of seed is creatures. The seed of
creatures is the heart. The seed of the heart is the mind. The seed
of the mind is speech. The seed of speech is action. The act done
is this man the abode of Brahman 2."
The word Brahman according to SayaJ!a meant mantras
(magical verses), the ceremonies, the hotr priest, the great.
Hillebrandt points out that it is spoken of in R.V. as being new,
"as not having hitherto existed," and as "coming into being from
the fathers." It originates from the seat of the Rta, springs forth
at the sound of the sacrifice, begins really to exist when the soma
juice is pressed and the hymns are recited at the savana rite,
endures with the help of the gods even in battle, and soma is its
guardian (R.V. VIII. 37· I, VIII. 69. 9, VI. 23. 5, I. 47· 2, VII. 22. 9,
VI. 52. 3, etc.). On the strength of these Hillebrandt justifies the
conjecture of Haug that it signifies a mysterious power which can
be called forth by various ceremonies, and his definition of it, as
the magical force which is derived from the orderly cooperation of
the hymns, the chants and the sacrificial gifts 8 • I am disposed to
think that this meaning is closely connected with the meaning as
we find it in many passages in the A. raJ! yak as and the U pani~ads.
The meaning in many of these seems to be midway between
1 Ait. AraQ. JI. 1-3. 2 Keith's Translation of Aitareya Arm;tyaka.
8 llillcbrandt's article on :Brahman, E. R. E.
A ra1Jyakas a1ld the Upanz~ads 37
"magical force" and "great," transition between which is
rather easy. Even when the sacrifices began to be replaced by
meditations, the old belief in the power of the sacrifices still
remained, and as a result of that we find that in many passages
of the Upani!;iads people are thinking of meditating upon this
great force "Brahman" as being identified with diverse symbols,
natural objects, parts and functions of the body.
\Vhen the main interest of sacrifice was transferred from its
actual performance in the external world to certain forms of
meditation, we find that the understanding of particular allegories
of sacrifice having a relation to particular kinds of bodily functions
was regarded as Brahman, without a knowledge of which nothing
could be obtained. The fact that these allegorical interpretations
of the Paiidignividya are so much referred to in the U pani~ads
as a secret doctrine, shows that some people came to think that
the real efficacy of sacrifices depended upon such meditations.
When the sages rose to the culminating conception, that he is
really ignorant who thinks the gods to be different from him, they
thought that as each man was nourished by many beasts, so the
gods were nourished by each man, and as it is unpleasant for a
man if any of his beasts are taken away, so it is unpleasant for
the gods that men should know this great truth 1•
In the Kena we find it indicated that all the powers of
the gods such as that of Agni (fire) to burn, Vayu (wind) to
blow, depended upon Brahman, and that it is through Brahman
that all the gods and all the senses of man could work. The
whole process of Upani~ad thought shows that the magic power
of sacrifices as associated with Rta (unalterable law) was being
abstracted from the sacrifices and conceived as the supreme power.
There are many stories ~n the U pani~ads of the search after the
nature of this great power the Brahman, which was at first only
imperfectly realized. They identified it with the dominating power
of the natural objects of wonder, the sun, the moon, etc. with
bodily and mental functions and with various symbolical re-
presentations, and deluded themselves for a time with the idea
that these were satisfactory. But as these were gradually found
inadequate, they came to the final solution, and the doctrine of
the inner self of man as being the highest truth the Brahman
Brh. I. 4-· 10.
The E arli'er Upanz~ads [cH.
The meaning of the word U panil?ad.
The word U pani~ad is derived from the root sad with the prefix
ni (to sit), and Max Muller says that the word originally meant the
act of sitting down near a teacher and of submissively listening to
him. In his introduction to the Upani~ads he says, ''The history
and the genius of the Sanskrit language leave little doubt that
U pani!?ad meant originally session, particular! y a session consisting
of pupils, assembled at a respectful distance round their teacher 1."
Deussen points out that the word means"secret''or"secret instruc-
tion," and this is borne out by many of the passages of the Upani-
!?ads themselves. Max M iiller also agrees that the word was used
in this sense in the U pani!?ads 2• There we find that great injunc-
tions of secrecy are to be observed for the communication of the
doctrines, and it is said that it should only be given to a student
or pupil who by his supreme moral restraint and noble desires
proves himself deserving to hear them. Sailkara however, the
great Indian exponent of the U pani!?ads, derives the word from
the root sad to destroy and supposes that it is so called because it
destroys inborn ignorance and leads to salvation by revealing the
right knowledge. But if we compare the many texts in which the
word U pani!?ad occurs in the U pani!?ads themselves it seems that
Deussen's meaning is fully justified 3•

The composition and growth of diverse Upanil?ads.

The oldest Upani~ads are written in prose. Next to these we
have some in verses very similar to those that are to be found in
classical Sanskrit. As is easy to see, the older the U pani~ad the
more archaic is it in its language. The earliest U pani!?ads have
an almost mysterious forcefulness in their expressions at least to
Indian ears. They are simple, pithy and penetrate to the heart.
We can read and read them over again without getting tired.
The lines are always as fresh as ever. As such they have a charm
apart from the value of the ideas they intend to convey. The word
Upani~ad was used, as we have seen, in the sense of "secret
doctrine or instruction" ; the U pani~ad teachings were also in-
tended to be conveyed in strictest secrecy to earnest enquirers of
high morals and superior self-restraint for the purpose of achieving
1 Max M i.iller's Translation o/ the Upanishads, S. B. E. vol. I. p. lxxxi.
2 S. B. E. vol. 1. p. lxxxiii.
3 Deussen's Philosophy of the Upanishads, pp. Jo-15.
III] Rev£val of Upanz"~ad studies 39
emancipation. It was thus that the Upani~ad style of expression,
when it once came into use, came to possess the greatest charm and
attraction for earnest religious people; and as a result of that we
find that even when other forms of prose and verse had been
adapted for the Sanskrit language, the U pani~ad form of com-
position had not stopped. Thus though the earliest U pani!?ads
were compiled by 500 B.C., they continued to be written even so
late as the spread of Mahommedan influence in India. The
earliest and most important are probably those that have been
commented upon by Sankara namely Brhadaral)yaka, Chandogya,
Aitareya, Taittirlya, Isa, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mm)<;laka and
Mal)<;liikya 1• It is important to note in this connection that the
separate Upani!?ads differ much from one another with regard to
their content and methods of exposition. Thus while some of
them are busy laying great stress upon the monistic doctrine of
the self as the only reality, there are others which lay stress upon
the practice of Yoga, asceticism, the cult of Siva, of Vi!?I)U and
the philosophy or anatomy of the body, and may thus be
respectively called the Yoga, Saiva, Vi~I)U and Sarlra Upani~ads.
These in all make up the number to one hundred and eight.

Revival of U pani~ad studies in modern times.

How the Upani!?ads came to be introduced into Europe is an
interesting story. Dara Shiko the eldest son of the Emperor
Shah Jahan heard of the Upani!?ads during his stay in Kashmir
in 1640. He invited several Pandits from Benares to Delhi, who
undertook the work of translating them into Persian. In 1775
Anquetil Duperron, the discoverer of the Zend-A vesta, received
a manuscript of it presented to him by his friend Le Gentil, the
French resident in Faizabad at the court of Shuja-uddaulah.
Anquetil translated it into Latin which was published in 1801-
I 802. This translation though largely unintelligible was read by
Schopenhauer with great enthusiasm. It had, as Schopenhauer
himself admits, profoundly influenced his philosophy. Thus he
1 Deussen supposes that Kau~ltaki is also one of the earliest. Max Muller and

Schroeder think that MaitriiyaQI also belongs to the earliest group, whereas Deussen
counts it as a comparatively later production. Winternitz divides the U pani~ads into
four periods. In the first period he includes Brhadaral)yaka, Chandogya, Taittiriya,
Aitareya, Kau~itaki and Kena. In the second he includes Kii!haka, isa, Svetasvatara,
MuQ<;iaka, Mahanariiyal)a, and in the third period he includes Prasna, MaitriiyaQi and
Mal)9iikya. The rest of the U pani~ds he includes in the fourth period.
The Earlier Upani~ads [cu.
writes in the preface to his Welt als Wille und Vorstellung 1 ,
"And if, indeed, in addition to this he is a partaker of the benefit
conferred by the Vedas, the access to which, opened to us through
the Upanishads, is in my eyes the greatest advantage which this
still young century en joys over previous ones, because I believe
that the influence of the Sanskrit literature will penetrate not less
deeply than did the revival of Greek literature in the fifteenth
century: if, I say, the reader has also already received and
assimilated the sacred, primitive Indian wisdom, then is he best
of all prepared to hear what I have to say to him .... I might ex-
press the opinion that each one of the individual and disconnected
aphorisms which make up the Upanishads may be deduced as
a consequence from the thought I am going to impart, though
the converse, that my thought is to be found in the Upanishads
is by no means the case." Again, "How does every line display
its firm,definite,and throughout harmonious meaning! From every
sentence deep, original, and sublime thoughts arise, and the whole
is pervaded by a high and holy and earnest spirit .... In the whole
world there is no study, except that of the originals, so beneficial
and so elevating as that of the Oupanikhat. It has been the solace
of my life, it will be the solace of my death! 2 " Through Schopen-
hauer the study of the U pani~ads attracted much attention in
Germany and with the growth of a general interest in the study
of Sanskrit, they found their way into other parts of Europe as
The study of the U pani!?ads has however gained a great
impetus by the earnest attempts of our Ram Mohan Roy who
not only translated them into Bengali, Hindi and English and
published them at his own expense, but founded the Brahma
Samaj in Bengal, the main religious doctrines of which were
derived directly from the U pani~ads.

1 Translation by Haldane and Kemp, vol. I. pp. xii and xiii.

z Max Mi.iller says in his introduction to the Upanishads (S. B. E. I. p. lxii; see
also pp. lx, hi) "that Schopenhauer should have spoken of the Upanishads as 'pro-
ducts of the highest wisdom' ... that he should have placed the pantheism there taught
high above the pantheism of Bruno, Malehranche, Spinoza and Scotus Erigena, as
brought to light again at Oxford in r68r, may perhaps secure a more considerate
reception for those relics of ancient wisdom than anything that I could say in their
111] The Upanz~ads and their interpretations

The Upani~ads and their interpretations.

Before entering into the philosophy of the U pani~ads it may
be worth while to say a few words as to the reason why diverse
and even contradictory explanations as to the real import of the
Upani~ads had been offered by the great Indian scholars of past
times. The Upani~ads, as we have seen, formed the concluding
portion of the revealed Vedic literature, and were thus called the
Vedanta. It was almost universally believed by the Hindus that
the highest truths could only be found in the revelation of the
Vedas. Reason was regarded generally as occupying a compara-
tively subservient place, and its proper use was to be found in its
judicious employment in getting out the real meaning of the
apparently conflicting ideas of the Vedas. The highest know-
ledge of ultimate truth and reality was thus regarded as having
been once for all declared in the Upani~ads. Reason had only to
unravel it in the light of experience. It is important that readers
of Hindu philosophy should bear in mind the contrast that it
presents to the ruling idea of the modern world that new truths
are discovered by reason and experience every day, and even in
those cases where the old truths remain, they change their hue
and character every day, and that in matters of ultimate truths no
finality can ever be achieved; we are to be content only with as
much as comes before the purview of our reason and experience
at the time. It was therefore thought to be extremely audacious
that any person howsoever learned and brilliant he might be
should have any right to say anything regarding the highest
truths simply on the authority of his own opinion or the reasons
that he might offer. In order to make himself heard it was neces-
sary for him to show from the texts of the U pani~ads that they
supported him, and that their purport was also the same. Thus
it was that most schools of Hindu philosophy found it one of their
principal duties to interpret the U pani~ads in order to show that
they alone represented the true Vedanta doctrines. Any one
who should feel himself persuaded by the interpretations of any
particular school might say that in following that school he was
following the Vedanta.
The difficulty of assuring oneself that any interpretation is
absolutely the right one is enhanced by the fact that germs of
diverse kinds of thoughts are found scattered over the U pani~ads
The Earlier Upanz~ads [cH.
which are not worked out in a systematic manner. Thus each
interpreter in his turn made the texts favourable to his own
doctrines prominent and brought them to the forefront, and tried
to repress others or explain them away. But comparing the
various systems of U pani!?ad interpretation we find that the in-
terpretation offered by Sailkara very largely represents the view
of the general body of the earlier U pani~ad doctrines, though
there are some which distinctly foreshadow the doctrines of other
systems, but in a crude and germinal form. It is thus that Vedanta
is generally associated with the interpretation of Sailkara and
Sailkara's system of thought is called the Vedanta system, though
there are many other systems which put forth their claim as repre-
senting the true Vedanta doctrines.
Under these circumstances it is necessary that a modern in-
terpreter of the U pani!?ads should turn a deaf ear to the absolute
claims of these exponents, and look upon the U pani!?ads not as
a systematic treatise but as a repository of diverse currents of
thought-the melting pot in which all later philosophic ideas were
still in a state of fusion, though the monistic doctrine of Sailkara,
or rather an approach thereto, may be regarded as the purport of
by far the largest majority of the texts. It will be better that a
modern interpreter should not agree to the claims of the ancients
that all the U pani~ads represent a connected system, but take the
texts independently and separately and determine their meanings,
though keeping an attentive eye on the context in which they
appear. It is in this way alone that we can detect the germs of
the thoughts of other Indian systems in the U pani!?ads, and thus
find in them the earliest records of those tendencies of thoughts.

The quest after Brahman: the struggle and the failures.

The fundamental idea which runs through the early Upani!?ads

is that underlying the exterior world of change there is an un-
changeable reality which is identical with that which underlies
the essence in man 1• If we look at Greek philosophy in Par-
men ides or Plato or at modern philosophy in Kant, we find the
same tendency towards glorifying one unspeakable entity as the
reality or the essence. I have said above that the U pani!?ads are
1 Brh. IV. 4 . 5, 22.
111] The Quest after B1'ahnzan 43
no systematic treatises of a single hand, but are rather collations
or compilations of floating monologues, dialogues or anecdotes.
There are no doubt here and there simple discussions but there
is no pedantry or gymnastics of logic. Even the most casual
reader cannot but be struck with the earnestness and enthusiasm
of the sages. They run from place to place with great eagerness
in search of a teacher competent to instruct them about the nature
of Brahman. \Vhere is Brahman? \Vhat is his nature?
We have noticed that during the closing period of the Sa£!1hita
there were people who had risen to the conception of a single
creator and controller of the universe, variously called Prajapati,
Visvakarman, Puru~a, Brahmat:taspati and Brahman. But this
divine controller was yet only a deity. The search as to the
nature of this deity began in the U pani~ads. Many visible objects
of nature such as the sun or the wind on one hand and the various
psychological functions in man were tried, but none could render
satisfaction to the great ideal that had been aroused. The sages
in the Upani!?ads had already started with the idea that there was
a supreme controller or essence presiding over man and the
universe. But what was its nature? Could it be identified with
any of the deities of Nature, was it a new deity or was it no deity
at all? The U pani!?ads present to us the history of this quest and
the results that were achieved.
When we look merely to this quest we find that we have not
yet gone out of the Araryyaka ideas and of symbolic (pratika)
forms of worship. Prii1Ja (vital breath) was regarded as the most
essential function for the life of man, and many anecdotes are
related to show that it is superior to the other organs, such as the
eye or ear, and that on it all other functions depend. This
recognition of the superiority of prat:ta brings us to the meditations
on prat:ta as Brahman as leading to the most beneficial results.
So also we find that owing to the presence of the exalting
characters of omnipresence and eternality iikiisa (space) is
meditated upon as Brahman. So also manas and Aditya (sun)
·are meditated upon as Brahman. Again side by side with the
visible material representation of Brahman as the pervading Vayu,
or the sun and the immaterial representation as akasa, manas or
prat:ta, we find also the various kinds of meditations as substitutes
for actual sacrifice. Thus it is that there was an earnest quest
after the discovery of Brahman. We find a stratum of thought
44 The Earlier Upanz~ads [cH.
which shows that the sages were still blinded by the old ritualistic
associations, and though meditation had taken the place of sacrifice
yet this was hardly adequate for the highest attainment of
Next to the failure of the meditations we have to notice the
history of the search after Brahman in which the sages sought to
identify Brahman with the presiding deity of the sun, moon,
lightning, ether, wind, fire, water, etc., and failed; for none of
these could satisfy the ideal they cherished of Brahman. It is
indeed needless here to multiply these examples, for they are
tiresome not only in this summary treatment but in the original
as well. They are of value only in this that they indicate how
toilsome was the process by which the old ritualistic associations
could be got rid of; what struggles and failures the sages had to
undergo before they reached a knowledge of the true nature of

Unknowability of Brahman and the Negative Method.

It is indeed true that the magical element involved in the
discharge of sacrificial duties lingered for a while in the symbolic
worship of Brahman in which He was conceived almost as a deity.
The minds of the Vedic poets so long accustomed to worship
deities of visible manifestation could not easily dispense with the
idea of seeking after a positive and definite content of Brahman.
They tried some of the sublime powers of nature and also many
symbols, but these could not render ultimate satisfaction. They
did not know what the Brahman was like, for they had only a
dim and dreamy vision of it in the deep craving of their souls
which could not be translated into permanent terms. But this
was enough to lead them on to the goal, for they could not be
satisfied with anything short of the highest.
They found that by whatever means they tried to give a
positive and definite content of the ultimate reality, the Brahman,
they failed. Positive definitions were impossible. They could not
point out what the Brahman was like in order to give an utterance
to that which was unutterable, they could only say that it was not
like aught that we find in experience. Yajfiavalkya said "He
the atman is not this, nor this (neti 11eti). He is inconceivable,
for he cannot be conceived, unchangeable, for he is not changed,
untouched, for nothing touches him; he cannot suffer by a stroke
111] The Negat£ve Method and the Atman doctrine 45
of the sword, he cannot suffer any injury 1.'' He is asat, non-being,
for the being which Brahman is, is not to be understood as such
being as is known to us by experience; yet he is being, for he alone
is supremely real, for the universe subsists by him. We ourselves
are but he, and yet we know not what he is. \Vhatever we can
experience, whatever we can express, is limited, but he is the
unlimited, the basis of all. "That which is inaudible, intangible,
invisible, indestructible, which cannot be tasted, nor smelt, eternal,
without beginning or end, greater than the great (malta!), the fixed.
He who knows it is released from the jaws of death 2.'' Space, time
and causality do not appertain to him, for he at once forms their
essence and transcends them. He is the infinite and the vast, yet
the smallest of the small, at once here as there, there as here; no
characterisation of him is possible, otherwise than by the denial
to him of all empirical attributes, relations and definitions. He
is independent of all limitations of space, time, and cause which
rules all that is objectively presented, and therefore the empirical
universe. When Bahva was questioned by Va~kali, he expounded
the nature of Brahman to him by maintaining silence-"Teach
me," said Va~kali, "most reverent sir, the nature of Brahman."
Bahva however remained silent. But when the question was put
forth a second or third time he answered," I teach you indeed but
you do not understand; the Atman is silence 3." The way to in-
dicate it is thus by neti neti, it is not this, it is not this. We
cannot describe it by any positive content which is always limited
by conceptual thought.

The Atman doctrine.

The sum and substance of the U pani~ad teaching. is involved
in the equation Atman=Brahman. We have already seen that the
word Atman was used in the Rg-Veda to denote on the one hand
the ultimate essence of the universe, and on the other the vital
breath in man. Later on in the U pani~ads we see that the word
Brahman is generally used in the former sense, while the word
·Atman is reserved to denote the inmost essence in man, and the
1 Brh. IV. 5· 15. Deussen, Max Miiller and Roer have all misinterpreted this
passage; asito has been interpreted as an adjective or participle, though no evidence
has ever been adduced; it is evidently the ablative of asi, a sword.
2 Ka!ha Ill. 1 5·
3 Sankara on Brahmasutra, 111. 2. 17, and also Deussen, Philosophy of the Upani-
shads, p. 156.
The Earlier Upanz~ads [cu.
U pani~ads are emphatic in their declaration that the two are one
and the same. But what is the inmost essence of man? The self
of man involves an ambiguity, as it is used in a variety of senses.
Thus so far as man consists of the essence of food (i.e. the physical
parts of man) he is called amzamaya. But behind the sheath of
this body there is the other self consisting of the vital breath
which is called the self as vital breath (prii~zamaya titman).
Behind this again there is the other self "consisting of will" called
the manomaya iitman. This again contains within it the self
"consisting of consciousness" called the vijiiiinamaya iitmall. But
behind it we come to the final essence the self as pure bliss (the
iinandamaya iitman). The texts say: "Truly he is the rapture;
for whoever gets this rapture becomes blissful. For who could
live, who could breathe if this space (iikiisa) was not bliss? For
it is he who behaves as bliss. For whoever in that Invisible, Self-
surpassing, Unspeakable, Supportless finds fearless support, he
really becomes fearless. But whoever finds even a slight difference,
between himself and this Atman there is fear for him 1."
Again in another place we find that Prajapati said: "The self
(litman) which is free from sin, free from old age, from death and
grief, from hunger and thirst, whose desires are true, whose cogita-
tions are true, that is to be searched for, that is to be enquired;
he gets all his desires and all worlds who knows that self2." The
gods and the demons on hearing of this sent Indra and Virocana
respectively as their representatives to enquire of this self from
Prajapati. He agreed to teach them, and asked them to look
into a vessel of water and tell him how much of self they could
find. They answered: "We see, this our whole self, even to the
hair, and to the nails." And he said, "Well, that is the self, that
is the deathless and the fearless, that is the Brahman.'' They went
away pleased, but Prajapati thought, "There they go away,
without having discovered, without having realized the self."
Virocana came away with the conviction that the body was the
self; but Indra did not return back to the gods, he was afraid and
pestered with doubts and came back to Prajapati and said, ''just
as the self becomes decorated when the body is decorated, well-
dressed when the body is well-dressed, well-cleaned when the
body is well-cleaned, even so that image self will be blind when
the body is blind, injured in one eye when the body is injured in
one eye, and mutilated when the body is mutilated, and it perishes
1 Taitt. 11. 7· 2 Chii.. VIII. 7· I.
III) A bnan as changeless 47
when the body perishes, therefore I can see no good in this theory."
Prajapati then gave him a higher instruction about the self, and
said, "He who goes about enjoying dreams, he is the self, this
is the deathless, the fearless, this is Brahman." Indra departed
but was again disturbed with doubts, and was afraid and came
back and said "that though the dream self does not become blind
when the body is blind, or injured in one eye when the body is
so injured and is not affected by its defects, and is not killed by
its destruction, but yet it is as if it was overwhelmed, as if it suffered
and as if it wept-in this I see no good." Prajapati gave a still
higher instruction: "When a man, fast asleep, in total contentment,
does not know any dreams, this is the self, this is the deathless,
the fearless, this is Brahman." Indra departed but was again
filled with doubts on the way, and returned again and said "the
self in deep sleep does not know himself, that I am this, nor does
he know any other existing objects. He is destroyed and lost.
I see no good in this." And now Prajapati after having given a
course of successively higher instructions as self as the body, as
the self in dreams and as the self in deep dreamless sleep, and
having found that the enquirer in each case could find out that this
was not the ultimate truth about the self that he was seeking,
ultimately gave him the ultimate and final instruction about the
full truth about the self, and said "this body is the support of the
deathless and the bodiless sel( The self as embodied is affected
by pleasure and pain, the self when associated with the body can-
not get rid of pleasure and pain, but pleasure and pain do not
touch the bodiless selfl."
As the anecdote shows, they sought such a constant and un-
changeable essence in man as was beyond the limits of any change.
This inmost essence has sometimes been described as pure subject-
object-less consciousness, the reality, and the bliss. He is the
seer of all seeing, the hearer of all hearing and the knower of all
knowledge. He sees but is not seen, hears but is not heard, knows
but is not known. He is the light of all lights. He is like a lump
of salt, with no inner or outer, which consists through and through
entirely of savour; as in truth this At man has no inner or outer,
but consists through and through entirely of knowledge. Bliss is
not an attribute of it but it is bliss itsel( The state of Brahman
is thus likened unto the state of dreamless sleep. And he who
has reached this bliss is beyond any fear. It is dearer to us than
1 Cha. VIII. j-1'2.
The Earlier Upanz~ads [cH.
son, brother, wife, or husband, wealth or prosperity. It is for it
and by it that things appear dear to us. It is the dearest par
~xcellence, our inmost At man. All limitation is fraught with pain;
it is the infinite alone that is the highest bliss. When a man
receives this rapture, then is he full of bliss; for who could breathe,
who live, if that bliss had not filled this void (aktisa)? It is he
who behaves as bliss. For when a man finds his peace, his fearless
support in that invisible, supportless, inexpressible, unspeakable
one, then has he attained peace.

Place of Brahman in the U pani~ads.

There is the atman not in man alone but in all objects of the
universe, the sun, the moon, the world; and Brahman is this atman.
There is nothing outside the atman, and therefore there is no
plurality at all. As from a lump of clay all that is made of clay
is known, as from an ingot of black iron all that is made of
black iron is known, so when this atman the Brahman is known
everything else is known. The essence in man and the essence
of the universe are one and the same, and it is Brahman.
Now a question may arise as to what may be called the nature
of the phenomenal world of colour, sound, taste, and smell. But
we must also remember that the U pani~ads do not represent so
much a conceptional system of philosophy as visions of the seers
who are possessed by the spirit of this Brahman. They do not
notice even the contradiction between the Brahman as unity and
nature in its diversity. When the empirical aspect of diversity
attracts their notice, they affirm it and yet declare that it is all
Brahman. From Brahman it has come forth and to it will it
return. He has himself created it out of himself and then entered
into it as its inner controller (a1ltaryamin). Here is thus a glaring
dualistic trait of the world of matter and Brahman as its controller,
though in other places we find it asserted most emphatically that
these are but names and forms, and when Brahman is known
everything else is known. No attempts at reconciliation are made
for the sake of the consistency of conceptual utterance, as
Sarikara the great professor of Vedanta does by explaining away
the dualistic text3. The universe is said to be a reality, but the
real in it is Brahman alone. It is on account of Brahman that
the fire burns and the wind blows. He is the active principle in
the entire universe, and yet the most passive and unmoved. The
III] Brahman £n the Upanz~ads 49
world is his body, yet he is the soul within. "He creates all,
wills all, smells all, tastes all, he has pervaded all, silent and un-
affected•". He is below, above, in the back, in front, in the south
and in the north, he is all this 2• "These rivers in the east and
in the west originating from the ocean, return back into it and
become the ocean themselves, though they do not know that they
are so. So also all these people coming into being from the Being
do not know that they have come from the Being.... That which
is the subtlest that is the self, that is all this, the truth, that self
thou art 0 Svetaketu 3.'' "Brahman," as Deussen points out,
"was regarded as the cause antecedent in time, and the universe
as the effect proceeding from it; the inner dependence of the
universe on Brahman and its essential identity with him was
represented as a creation of the universe by and out of Brahman."
Thus it is said in Mury<;l. 1. 1. 7:
A<E a spider ejects and retracts (the threads),
As the plants shoot forth on the earth,
As the hairs on the head and body of the living man,
So from the imperishable all that is here.
As the sparks from the well-kindled fire,
In nature akin to it, spring forth in their thousands,
So, my dear sir, from the imperishable
Living beings of many kinds go forth,
And again return into him 4 •
Yet this world princi pie is the dearest to us and the highest
teaching of the Upani~ads is "That art thou."
Again the growth of the doctrine that Brahman is the "inner
controller" in all the parts and forces of nature and of mankind as
the atman thereof, and that all the effects of the universe are the
result of his commands which no one can outstep, ga\·e rise to a
theistic current of thought in which Brahman is held as standing
aloof as God and controlling the world. It is by his ordaining, it
is said, that the sun and moon are held together, and the sky and
earth stand held together 5• God and soul are distinguished again
in the famous verse of Svetasvatara 6 :
Two bright-feathered bosom friends
Flit around one and the same tree;
One of them tastes the sweet berries,
The other without eating merely gazes down.
1 Chii. III. q. 4· 2 Ibid. VII. 25. J; also MuQ<;]aka n. '2. 11. 8 Chii. VI. ro.
4 Deussen's translation in Philosophy of the Upanishads, p. 104. 5 Brh. III. 8. r.
6 Svetiisvatara IV. 6, and MuQ<;]aka 111. r. 1, also Deussen's translation in Philosophy

if the Upanishads, p. 177.

50 The Ea·rlier Upani~ads [en.
But in spite of this apparent theistic tendency and the occa-
sional use of the word !sa or !sana, there seems to be no doubt
that theism in its true sense was never prominent, and this acknow-
ledgement of a supreme Lord was also an offshoot of the exalted
position of the atman as the supreme principle. Thus we read in
Kau~itaki U pani~ad 3· 9, "He is not great by good deeds nor low
by evil deeds, but it is he makes one do good deeds whom he
wants to raise, and makes him commit bad deeds whom he wants
to lower down. He is the protector of the universe, he is the
master of the world and the lord of all; he is my soul (iitman)."
Thus the lord in spite of his greatness is still my ~oul. There are
again other passages which regard Brahman as being at once
immanent and transcendent. Thus it is said that there is that
eternally existing tree whose roots grow upward and whose
branches grow downward. All the universes are supported in it
and no one can transcend it. This is that," ... from its fear the fire
burns, the sun shines, and from its fear lndra, Vayu and Death
the fifth (with the other two) run on 1."
If we overlook the different shades in the development of the
conception of Brahman in the U pani~ads and look to the main
currents, we find that the strongest current of thought which has
found expression in the majority of the texts is this that the
Atman or the Brahman is the only reality and that besides this
everything else is unreal. The other current of thought which is
to be found in many of the texts is the pantheistic creed that
identifies the universe with the Atman or Brahman. The third
current is that of theism which looks upon Brahman as the Lord
controlling the world. It is because these ideas were still in the
melting pot, in which none of them were systematically worked
out, that the later exponents of Vedanta, Satikara, Rarnanuja,
and others quarrelled over the meanings of texts in order to
develop a consistent systematic philosophy out of them. Thus it
is that the doctrine of Maya which is slightly hinted at once in
Brhadaral)yaka and thrice in Svetasvatara, becomes the founda-
tion of Sailkara's philosophy of the Vedanta in which Brahman
alone is real and all else beside him is unreal 2•

1 Ka~ha 11. 6. 1 and 3· 2 Brh. n. 5· 19, Svet. 1. 10, IV. 9• 10.

III] The World

The World.
We have already seen that the universe has come out of
Brahman, has its essence in Brahman, and will also return back
to it. But in spite of its existence as Brahman its character as
represented to experience could not be denied. Sarikara held
that the U pani~ads referred to the external world and accorded
a reality to it consciously with the purpose of treating it as merely
relatively real, which will eventually appear as unreal as soon
as the ultimate truth, the Brahman, is known. This however
remains to be modified to this extent that the sages had not
probably any conscious purpose of according a relative reality to
the phenomenal world, but in spite of regarding Brahman as the
highest reality they could not ignore the claims of the exterior
world, and had to accord a reality to it. The inconsistency of this
reality of the phenomenal world with the ultimate and only
reality of Brahman was attempted to be reconciled by holding
that this world is not beside him but it has come out of him, it
is maintained in him and it will return back to him.
The world is sometimes spoken of in its twofold aspect, the
organic and the inorganic. All organic things, whether plants,
animals or men, have souls 1• Brahman desiring to be many created
fire (teJas), water (ap) and earth (kfiti). Then the self-existent
Brahman entered into these three, and it is by their combination
that all other bodies are formed 2• So all other things are produced
as a result of an alloying or compounding of the parts of these three
together. In this theory of the threefold division of the primitive
elements lies the earliest germ of the later distinction (especially
in the Sarpkhya school) of pure infinitesimal substances(tanmatra)
and gross elements, and the theory that each gross substance is
composed of the atoms of the primary elements. And in Prasna
IV. 8 we find the gross elements distinguished from their subtler
natures, e.g. earth (Prtlzivi), and the subtler state of earth
(prtlzivlmatra). In the Taittiriya, II. 1, however, ether (tikasa)
is also described as proceeding from Brahman, and the other
elements, air, fire, water, and earth, are described as each pro-
ceeding directly from the one which directly preceded it.

1 Cha. vi. 11. l! ibid. VI. '2, 3, 4·

The E arlz"er Upanz~ads [cH.
The World-Soul.
The conception of a world-soul related to the universe as the
soul of man to his body is found for the first time in R.V. X. I2I. I,
where he is said to have sprung forth as the firstborn of creation
from the primeval waters. This being has twice been referred
to in the Svetasvatara, in III. 4 and IV. I 2. It is indeed very strange
that this being is not referred to in any of the earlier U pani~ads.
In the two passages in which he has been spoken of, his mythical
character is apparent. He is regarded as one of the earlier
products in the process of cosmic creation, but his importance
from the point of view of the development of the theory of
Brahman or Atman is almost nothing. The fact that neither the
Puru~a, nor the Visvakarma, nor the Hiral)yagarbha played an
important part in the earlier development of the U pani~ads
leads me to think_ that the U pani~ad doctrines were not directly
developed from the monotheistic tendencies of the later ~g- Veda
speculations. The passages in Svetasvatara ckarly show how from
the supreme eminence that he had in R.V. X. I2I, Hiral)yagarbha
had been brought to the level of one of the created beings. Deussen
in explaining the philosophical significance of the H iral)yagarbha
doctrine of the U pani~ads says that the" entire objective universe is
possible only in so far as it is sustained by a knowing subject. This
subject as a sustainer of the objective universe is manifested in
all individual objects but is by no means identical with them. For
the individual objects pass away but the objective universe con-
tinues to exist without them; there exists therefore the eternal
knowing subject also (hira~zyagarbha) by whom it is sustained.
Space and time are derived from this subject. It is itself accord-
ingly not in space and does not belong to time, and therefore
from an empirical point of view it is in general non-existent; it
has no empirical but only a metaphysical reality 1." This however
seems to me to be wholly irrelevant, since the Hiraryyagarbha
doctrine cannot be supposed to have any philosophical importance
in the U pani~ads.
The Theory of Causation.
There was practically no systematic theory of causation in the
U pani~ads. Sailkara, the later exponent of Vedanta philosophy,
always tried to show that the U pani~ads looked upon the cause
Deussen's Philosophy of the Upallishads, p. 201.
III] Transmigrat£on 53
as mere ground of change which though unchanged in itself in
reality had only an appearance of suffering change. This he did
on the strength of a series of examples in the Chandogya
Upani~ad (VI. I) in which the material cause, e.g. the clay, is
spoken of as the only reality in all its transformations as the pot,
the jug or the plate. It is said that though there are so many
diversities of appearance that one is called the plate, the other the
pot, and the other the jug, yet these are only empty distinctions of
name and form, for the only thing real in them is the earth which
in its essence remains ever the same whether you call it the pot,
plate, or jug. So it is that the ultimate cause, the unchangeable
Brahman, remains ever constant, though it may appear to suffer
change as the manifold world outside. This world is thus only
an unsubstantial appearance, a mirage imposed upon Brahman,
the real par excellence.
It seems however that though such a view may be regarded
as having been expounded in the U pani!?ads in an imperfect
manner, there is also side by side the other view which looks
upon the effect as the product of a real change wrought in the
cause itself through the action and combination of the elements
of diversity in it. Thus when the different objects of nature have
been spoken of in one place as the product of the combination
of the three elements fire, water and earth, the effect signifies a real
change produced by their compounding. This is in germ (as we
shall see hereafter) the Pariryama theory of causation advocated
by the SaJ:!lkhya school 1•

Doctrine of Transmigration.
When the Vedic people witnessed the burning of a dead body
they supposed that the eye of the man went to the sun, his breath
to the wind, his speech to the fire, his limbs to the different parts
of the universe. They also believed as we have already seen in
the recompense of good and bad actions in worlds other than our
own, and though we hear of such things as the passage of the
human soul into trees, etc., the tendency towards transmigration
had but little developed at the time.
In the U pani!?ads however we find a clear development in
the direction of transmigration in two distinct stages. In the one
the Vedic idea of a recompense in the other world is combined with
1 Cha. vr. z-4•
54 The E a1'lz"er Upan~ads [cH.
the doctrine of transmigration, whereas in the other the doctrine
of transmigration comes to the forefront in supersession of the
idea of a recompense in the other world. Thus it is said that
those who performed charitable deeds or such public works as the
digging of wells, etc., follow after death the way of the fathers
(pitryiina), in which the soul after death enters first into smoke,
then into night, the dark half of the month, etc., and at last reaches
the moon; after a residence there as long as the remnant of his
good deeds remains he descends again through ether, wind, smoke,
mist, cloud, rain, herbage, food and seed, and through the assimi-
lation of food by man he enters the womb of the mother and is
born again. Here we see that the soul had not only a recompense
in the world of the moon, but was re-born again in this world 1 •
The other way is the way of gods (devayiina), meant for those
who cultivate faith and asceticism (tapas). These souls at death
enter successively into flame, day, bright half of the month, bright
half of the year, sun, moon, lightning, and then finally into
Brahman never to return. Deussen says that "the meaning of
the whole is that the soul on the way of the gods reaches regions
of ever-increasing light, in which is concentrated all that is bright
and radiant as stations on the way to Brahman the 'light of
lights'" (jyoti~'ii1!l jyoti[z) 2•
The other line of thought is a direct reference to the doctrine
of transmigration unmixed with the idea of reaping the fruits of
his deeds (karma) by passing through the other worlds and with-
out reference to the doctrine of the ways of the fathers and gods,
the Yanas. Thus Yajnavalkya says, "when the soul becomes
weak (apparent weakness owing to the weakness of the body with
which it is associated) and falls into a swoon as it were, these senses
go towards it. It (Soul) takes these light particles within itself and
centres itself only in the heart. Thus when the person in the eye
turns back, then the soul cannot know colour; (the senses) become
one( with him); (people about him)say he does not see; (the senses)
become one (with him), he does not smell, (the senses) become
one (with him), he does not taste, (the senses) become one (with
him), he does not speak, (the senses) become one (with him), he
does not hear, (the senses) become one (with him), he does not
think, (the senses) become one with him, he does not touch, (the
senses) become one with him, he does not know, they say. The
1 Chii. v. ro. 2
Deussen's Philosophy of the Upanishads, p. 335·
III] Transmi'gration 55
tip of his heart shines and by that shining this soul goes out.
When he goes out either through the eye, the head, or by any
other part of the body, the vital function (prii~za) follows and all
the senses follow the vital function (prii~za) in coming out. He
is then with determinate consciousness and as such he comes
out. Knowledge, the deeds as well as previous experience (Pra.Jiia)
accompany him. Just as a caterpillar going to the end of a blade
of grass, by undertaking a separate movement collects itself, so
this self after destroying this body, removing ignorance, by a
separate movement collects itself. Just as a goldsmith taking a
small bit of ·gold, gives to it a newer and fairer form, so the soul
after destroying this body and removing ignorance fashions a
newer and fairer form as of the Pitrs, the Gandharvas, the gods,
of Prajapati or Brahma or of any other being.... As he acts and
behaves so he becomes, good by good deeds, bad by bad deeds,
virtuous by virtuous deeds and vicious by vice. The man .is full
of desires. As he desires so he wills, as he wills so he works, as
the work is done so it happens. There is also a verse, being
attached to that he wants to gain by karma that to which he
was attached. Having reaped the full fruit (lit. gone to the
end) of the karma that he does here, he returns back to this
world for doing karma 1 • So it is the case with those who have
desires. He who has no desires, who had no desires, who has
freed himself from all desires, is satisfied in his desires and in
himself, his senses do not go out. He being Brahma attains
Brahmahood. Thus the verse says, when all the desires that are
in his heart are got rid of, the mortal becomes immortal and
attains Brahma here" (Brh. IV. iv. 1-7).
A close consideration of the above passage shows that the
self itself destroyed the body and built up a newer and fairer
frame by its own activity when it reached the end of the present
life. At the time of death, the self collected within itself all
senses and faculties and after death all its previous knowledge,
work and experience accompanied him. The falling off of the
body at the time of death is only for the building of a newer
body either in this world or in the other worlds. The self which
thus takes rebirth is regarded as an aggregation of diverse cate-
gories. Thus it is said that "he is of the essence of understanding,
1 It is possible that there is a vague and obscure reference here to the doctrine that

the fruits of our deeds are reaped in other worlds.

The Earlier Upanz~ads [cH.
of the vital function, of the visual sense, of the auditory sense, of
the essence of the five elements (which would make up the
physical body in accordance with its needs) or the essence of de-
sires, of the essence of restraint of desires, of the essence of anger, of
the essence of turning off from all anger, of the essence of dharma,
of the essence of adharma, of the essence of all that is this
(manifest) and that is that (unmanifest or latent)" (Brh. IV. iv. 5).
The self that undergoes rebirth is thus a unity not only of moral
and psychological tendencies, but also of all the elements which
compose the physical world. The whole process of his changes
follows from this nature of his ; for whatever he desires, he wills
and whatever he wills he acts, and in accordance with his acts
the fruit happens. The whole logic of the genesis of karma and
its fruits is held up within him, for he is a unity of the moral
and psychological tendencies on the one hand and elements of
the physical world on the other.
The self that undergoes rebirth being a combination of diverse
psychological and moral tendencies and the physical elements
holds within itself the principle of all its transformations. The
root of all this is the desire of the self and the consequent fruition
of it through will and act. \Vhen the self continues to desire and
act, it reaps the fruit and comes again to this world for performing
acts. This world is generally regarded as the field for perform-
ing karma, whereas other worlds are regarded as places where the
fruits of karma are reaped by those born as celestial beings. But
there is no emphasis in the U pani~ads on this point. "'rhe Pitryana
theory is not indeed given up, but it seems only to form a part
in the larger scheme of rebirth in other worlds and sometimes in
this world too. All the course of these rebirths is effected by the
self itself by its own desires, and if it ceases to desire, it suffers no
rebirth and becomes immortal. The most distinctive feature of
this doctrine is this, that it refers to desires as the cause of rebirth
and not karma. Karma only comes as the connecting link between
desires and rebirth-for it is said that whatever a man desires he
wills, and whatever he wills he acts.
Thus it is said in another place" he who knowingly desires is
born by his desires in those places (accordingly), but for him whose
desires have been fulfilled and who has realized himself, all his
desires vanish here" ( M lli)Q II I. 2. 2 ). This destruction of desires
is effected by the right knowledge of the self. " He who knows
III] Transmz"gration 57
his self as ' I am the person' for what wish and for what desire
will he trouble the body, ... even being here if we know it, well if
we do not, what a great destruction" (Brh. IV. iv. 12 and 14). ''In
former times the wise men did not desire sons, thinking what
shall we do with sons since this our self is the universe" (Brh. IV.
iv. 22). None of the complexities of the karma doctrine which
we find later on in more recent developments of Hindu thought
can be found in the U pani~ads. The whole scheme is worked
out on the principle of desire (kama) and karma only serves as
the link between it and the actual effects desired and willed by
the person.
It is interesting to note in this connection that consistently
with the idea that desires (kama) led to rebirth, we find that
in some Upani~ads the discharge of the semen in the womb of a
woman as a result of desires is considered as the first birth of
man, and the birth of the son as the second birth and the birth
elsewhere after death is regarded as the third birth. Thus it is
said, "It is in man that there comes first the embryo, which is
but the semen which is produced as the essence of all parts of
his body and which holds itself within itself, and when it is put
in a woman, that is his first birth. That embryo then becomes
part of the woman's self like any part of her body ; it therefore
does not hurt her; she protects and develops the embryo within
hersel( As she protects (the embryo) so she also should be
protected. It is the woman who bears the embryo (before birth)
but when after birth the father takes care of the son always, he
is taking care only of himself, for it is through sons alone that
the continuity of the existence of people can be maintained. This
is his second birth. He makes this self of his a representative
for performing all the virtuous deeds. The other self of his after
realizing himself and attaining age goes away and when going
away he is born again that is his third birth" (Aitareya, II. 1-4) 1•
No special emphasis is given in the U pani~ads to the sex-desire
or the desire for a son; for, being called kama, whatever was the
desire for a son was the same as the desire for money and the
desire for money was the same as any other worldly desire (Brh.
rv. iv. 22), and hence sex-desires stand on the same plane as any
other desire.
1 See also Kau~itaki, 11. r 5·
The Earlier Upani~ads [cH.
The doctrine which next attracts our attention in this connec-
tion is that of emancipation (muktz). Already we know that the
doctrine of Devayana held that those who were faithful and per-
formed asceticism (tapas) went by the way of the gods through
successive stages never to return to the world and suffer rebirth.
This could be contrasted with the way of the fathers (pitryiina)
where the dead were for a time recompensed in another world and
then had to suffer rebirth. Thus we find that those who are faith-
ful and perform sraddlzii had a distinctly different type of goal from
those who performed ordinary virtues, such as those of a general
altruistic nature. This distinction attains its fullest development
in the doctrine of emancipation. Emancipation or Mukti means
in the Upani~ads the state of infiniteness that a man attains
when he knows his own self and thus becomes Brahman. The
ceaseless course of transmigration is only for those who are
ignorant. The wise man however who has divested himself of all
passions and knows himself to be Brahman, at once becomes
Brahman and no bondage of any kind can ever affect him.
He who beholds that loftiest and deepest,
For him the fetters of the heart break asunder,
For him all doubts are solved,
And his works become nothingness 1•
The knowledge of the self reveals the fact that all our passions
and antipathies, all our limitations of experience, all that is
ignoble and small in us, all that is transient and finite in us is
false. \Ve "do not know" but are" pure knowledge'' ourselves.
We are not limited by anything, for we are the infinite; we do
not suffer death, for we are immortal. Emancipation thus is not
a new acquisition, product, an effect, or result of any action, but
it always exists as the Truth of our nature. We are always
emancipated and always free. We do not seem to be so and
seem to suffer rebirth and thousands of other troubles only because
we do not know the true nature of our sel( Thus it is that the
true knowledge of self does not lead to emancipation but is
emancipation itself. All sufferings and limitations are true only
so long as we do not know our self. Emancipation is the natural
and only goal of man simply because it represents the true nature
and essence of man. It is the realization of our own nature that
1 Deussen's Philosophy of the Upanishads, p. 352.
111] Emancipation 59
is called emancipation. Since we are all already and always in
our own true nature and as such emancipated, the only thing
necessary for us is to know that we are so. Self-knowledge is there-
fore the only desideratum which can wipe off all false knowledge,
all illusions of death and rebirth. The story is told in the Ka~ha
U pani~ad that V ama, the lord of death, promised N aciketas,
the son of Gautama, to grant him three boons at his choice.
N aciketas, knowing that his father Gautama was offended with
him, said, " 0 death let Gautama be pleased in mind and forget
his anger against me." This being granted Naciketas asked the
second boon that the fire by which heaven is gained should be
made known to him. This also being granted N aciketas said,
u There is this enquiry, some say the soul exists after the death

of man; others say it does not exist. This I should like to know
instructed by thee. This is my third boon." Varna said, " It was
inquired of old, even by the gods ; for it is not easy to under-
stand it. Subtle is its nature, choose another boon. Do not
compel me to this." Naciketas said," Even by the gods was it
inquired before, and even thou 0 Death sayest that it is not easy
to understand it, but there is no other speaker to be found like
thee. There is no other boon like this." V am a said," Choose sons
and grandsons who may live a hundred years, choose herds of
cattle ; choose elephants and gold and horses ; choose the wide
expanded earth, and live thyself as many years as thou wishest.
Or if thou knowest a boon like this choose it together with wealth
and far-extending life. Be a king on the wide earth. I will make
thee the enjoyer of all desires. All those desires that are difficult
to gain in the world of mortals, all those ask thou at thy pleasure;
those fair nymphs with their chariots, with their musical instru-
ments; the like of them are not to be gained by men. I will give
them to thee, but do not ask the question regarding death."
Naciketas replied, u All those enjoyments are of to-morrow and
they only weaken the senses. All life is short, with thee the
dance and song. Man cannot be satisfied with wealth, we could
obtain wealth, as long as we did not reach you we live only as
l<;mg as thou pleasest. The boon which I choose I have said."
Varna said, " One thing is good, another is pleasant. Blessed is
he who takes the good, but he who chooses the pleasant loses
the object of man. But thou considering the objects of desire,
hast abandoned them. These two, ignorance (whose object is
6o The Earlier Upani~ads [en.
what is pleasant) and knowledge (whose object is what is good),
are known to be far asunder, and to lead to different goals.
Believing that this world exists and not the other, the careless
youth is subject to my sway. That knowledge which thou hast
asked is not to be obtained by argument. I know worldly hap-
piness is transient for that firm one is not to be obtained by what
is not firm. The wise by concentrating on the soul, knowing him
whom it is hard to behold, leaves both grief and joy. Thee
0 N aciketas, I believe to be like a house whose door is open to
Brahman. Brahman is deathless, whoever knows him obtains
whatever he wishes. The wise man is not born; he does not die;
he is not produced from anywhere. Unborn, eternal, the soul is
not slain, though the body is slain; subtler than what is subtle,
greater than what is great, sitting it goes far, lying it goes every-
where. Thinking the soul as unbodily among bodies, firm among
fleeting things, the wise man casts off all grief. The soul cannot
be gained by eloquence, by understanding, or by learning. It
can be obtained by him alone whom it chooses. To him it reveals
its own nature 1.'' So long as the Self identifies itself with its desires,
he wills and acts according to them and reaps the fruits in the
present and in future lives. But when he comes to know the
highest truth about himself, that he is the highest essence and prin-
ciple of the universe, the immortal and the infinite, he ceases to have
desires, and receding from all desires realizes the ultimate truth
of himself in his own infinitude. Man is as it were the epitome
of the universe and he holds within himself the fine constituents
of the gross body (annamaya ko~a), the vital functions (prlitJa-
maya kofa) of life, the will and desire (manomaya) and the
thoughts and ideas ( vifiiiinamaya), and so long as he keeps him-
self in these spheres and passes through a series of experiences
in the present life and in other lives to come, these experiences
are willed by him and in that sense created by him. He suffers
pleasures and pains, disease and death. But if he retires from
these into his true unchangeable being, he is in a state where he
· is one with his experience and there is no change and no move-
ment. What this state is cannot be explained by the use of
concepts. One could only indicate it by pointing out that it is
not any of those concepts found in ordinary knowledge; it is not
1 Ka~ha 11. The translation is not continuous. There are some parts in the extract

which may be differently interpreted.

111] Emancipation 61

whatever one knows as this and this (neti neti). In this infinite
and true self there is no difference, no diversity, no meum and
tzmm. It is like an ocean in which all our phenomenal existence
will dissolve like salt in water. "Just as a lump of salt when put
in water will disappear in it and it cannot be taken out separately
but in whatever portion of water we taste we find the salt, so,
Maitreyi, does this great reality infinite and limitless consisting
only of pure intelligence manifesting itself in all these (phenomenal
existences) vanish in them and there is then no phenomenal know-
ledge" (Brh. II. 4· I 2 ). The true self manifests itself in all the
processes of our phenomenal existences, but ultimately when it
retires back to itself, it can no longer be found in them. It is a
state of absolute infinitude of pure intelligence, pure being, and
pure blessedness.

In what Sense is a History of Indian Philosophy possible ?

IT is hardly possible to attempt a history of Indian philosophy
in the manner in which the histories of European philosophy have
been written. In Europe from the earliest times, thinkers came
one after another and offered their independent speculations
on philosophy. The work of a modern historian consists in
chronologically arranging these views and in commenting upon
the influence of one school upon another or upon the general
change from time to time in the tides and currents of philosophy.
Here in India, however, the principal systems of philosophy had
their beginning in times of which we have but scanty record, and
it is hardly possible to say correctly at what time they began,
or to compute the influence that led to the fotlndation of so many
divergent systems at so early a period, for in all probability these
were formulated just after the earliest U pani!?ads had been com-
posed or arranged.
The systematic treatises were written in short and pregnant
half-sentences (sittras) which did not elaborate the subject in
detail, but served only to hold before the reader the lost threads
of memory of elaborate disquisitions with which he was already
thoroughly acquainted. It seems, therefore, that these pithy half-
sentences were like lecture hints, intended for those who had had
direct elaborate oral instructions on the subject. It is indeed
difficult to guess from the sutras the extent of their significance,
or how far the discussions which they gave rise to in later days were
originally intended by them. The sutras of the Vedanta system,
known as the Sariraka-sutras or Brahma-sutras of Badarayar:ta
for example were of so ambiguous a nature that they gave rise
to more than half a dozen divergent interpretations, each one
of which claimed to be the only faithful one. Such was the high
esteem and respect in which these writers of the sutras were held
by later writers that whenever they had any new speculations to
CH. IV] Schools of Philosophy
offer, these were reconciled with the doctrines of one or other of
the existing systems, and put down as faithful interpretations of
the system fn the form of commentaries. Such was the hold of
these systems upon scholars that all the orthodox teachers since
the foundation of the systems of philosophy belonged to one or
other of these schools. Their pupils were thus naturally brought
up in accordance with the views of their teachers. All the in-
dependence of their thinking was limited and enchained by the
faith of the. school to which they were attached. Instead of
producing a succession of free-lance thinkers having their own
systems to propound and establish, India had brought forth
schools of pupils who carried the traditionary views of particular
systems from generation to generation, who explained and ex-
pounded them, and defended them against the attacks of other
rival schools which they constantly attacked in order to establish
the superiority of the system to which they adhered. To take an
example, the N yaya system of philosophy consisting of a number
of half-sentences or sutras is attributed to Gautama, also called
Ak~apada. The earliest commentary on these sutras, called the
Vtitsytiyana bhti~ya, was written by Vatsyayana. This work was
sharply criticized by the Buddhist Diti.naga, and to answer these
criticisms Udyotakara wrote a commentary on this commentary
called the BluiVJavtitti'ka 1• As time went on the original force
of this work was lost, and it failed to maintain the old dignity of
the school. At this Vacaspati Misra wrote a commentary called
Vtirttika-ttitparyatikti on this second commentary, where he tried
to refute all objections against the N yay a system made by other
rival schools and particularly by the Buddhists. This commentary,
called Nytiya-ttitparyafikti, had another commentary called Nytiya-
ttitparyafikti-parisuddhi written by the great U dayana. This
commentary had another commentary called Nytiya-nibandka-
praktisa written by Varddhamana the son of the illustrious
Gari.gesa. This again had another commentary called Varddka-
mtinendu upon it by Padmanabha Misra, and this again had
another named Nyiiya-ttitparyama~ujana by Sai1kara Misra. The
nar:nes of Vatsyayana, Vacaspati, and Udayana are indeed very
great, but even they contented themselves by writing com-
mentaries on commentaries, and did not try to formulate any
1 I have preferred to spell Diimaga after Vacaspati's Tiitparyatikii (p. 1) and not
Dignaga as it is generally spelt.
64 Observations on Systems of Indian Philosophy [cH.
original system. Even Sankara, probably the greatest man of
India after Buddha, spent his life in writing commentaries on the
Brahma-siUras, the U pani~ads, and the Bhagavadgitti.
As a system passed on it had to meet unexpected opponents
and troublesome criticisms for which it was not in the least pre-
pared. Its adherents had therefore to use all their ingenuity and
subtlety in support of their own positions, and to discover the
defects of the rival schools that attacked them. A system as it was
originally formulated in the sutras had probably but few problems
to solve, but as it fought its way in the teeth of opposition of
other schools, it had to offer consistent opinions on other problems
in which the original views were more or less involved but to
which no attention had been given before.
The contributions of the successive commentators served to
make each system more and more complete in all its parts, and
stronger and stronger to enable it to hold its own successfully
against the opposition and attacks of the rival schools. A system
in the sutras is weak and shapeless as a newborn babe, but if
we take it along with its developments down to the beginning
of the seventeenth century it appears as a fully developed man
strong and harmonious in all its limbs. It is therefore not possible
to write any history of successive philosophies of India, but it is
necessary that each system should be studied and interpreted in
all the growth it has acquired through the successive ages of
history from its conflicts with the rival systems as one whole 1•
In the history of Indian philosophy we have no place for systems
which had their importance only so long as they lived and were
then forgotten or remembered only as targets of criticism. Each
system grew and developed by the uutiring energy of its adherents
through all the successive ages of history, and a history of this
growth is a history of its conflicts. No study of any Indian system
is therefore adequate unless it is taken throughout all the growth
it attained by the work of its champions, the commentators whose
selfless toil for it had kept it living through the ages of history.
1 In the case of some systems it is indeed possible to suggest one or two earlier

phases of the system, but this principle cannot be carried all through, for the supple-
mentary information and arguments given by the later commentators often appear as
harmonious elaborations of the earlier writings and are very seldom in conflict with them.
Growth of the Philosophic Literature

Growth of the Philosophic Literature.

It is difficult to say how the systems were originally formulated,
and what were the influences that led to it. We know that a
spirit of philosophic enquiry had already begun in the days of the
earliest Upani!?ads. The spirit of that enquiry was that the final
essence or truth was the atman, that a search after it was our
highest duty, and that until we are ultimately merged in it we
can only feel this truth and remain uncontented with everything
else and say that it is not the truth we want, it is not the truth we
want (neti neti). Philosophical enquires were however continuing
in circles other than those of the U pani~ads. Thus the Buddha
who closely followed the early U pani!?ad period, spoke of and enu-
merated sixty-two kinds of heresies!, and these can hardly be
traced in the U pani~ads. The J aina activities were also probably
going on contemporaneously but in the U pani!?ads no reference
to these can be found. We may thus reasonably suppose that there
were different forms of philosophic enquiry in spheres other than
those of the U pani!?ad sages, of which we have but scanty records.
It seems probable that the Hindu systems of thought originated
among the sages who though attached chiefly to the U pani!?ad
circles used to take note of the discussions and views of the antago-
nistic and heretical philosophic circles. In the assemblies of these
sages and their pupils, the views of the heretical circles were prob-
ably discussed and refuted. So it continued probably for some time
when some illustrious member of the assembly such as Gautama
or Kat)ada collected the purport of these discussions on various
topics and problems, filled up many of the missing links, classified
and arranged these in the form of a system of philosophy and
recorded it in sutras. These sutras were intended probably for
people who had attended the elaborate oral discussions and thus
could easily follow the meaning of the suggestive phrases con-
tained in the aphorisms. The sutras thus contain sometimes
allusions to the views of the rival schools and indicate the way in
which they could be refuted. The commentators were possessed
of the general drift of the different discussions alluded to and
conveyed from generation to generation through an unbroken
chain of succession of teachers and pupils. They were however
free to supplement these traditionary explanations with their own
1 Brahmajiila-sutta, Digha, I. p. 12 ff.
66 Observations on Systems of Indian Philo.sophy [en.
views or to modify and even suppress such of the traditionary
views with which they did not agree or which they found it diffi-
cult to maintain. Brilliant oppositions from the opposing schools
often made it necessary for them to offer solutions to new problems
unthought of before, but put forward by some illustrious adherent
of a rival school. In order to reconcile these new solutions with
the other parts of the system, the commentators never hesitated to
offer such slight modifications of the doctrines as could harmonize
them into a complete whole. These elaborations or modifications
generally developed the traditionary system, but did not effect any
serious change in the system as expounded by the older teachers,
for the new exponents always bound themselves to the explana-
tions of the older teachers and never contradicted them. They
would only interpret them to suit their own ideas, or say new things
only in those cases where the older teachers had remained silent.
It is not therefore possible to describe the growth of any system
by treating the contributions of the individual commentators sepa-
rately. This would only mean unnecessary repetition. Except
when there is a specially new development, the system is to be
interpreted on the basis of the joint work of the commentators
treating their contributions as forming one whole.
The fact that each system had to contena with other rival
systems in order to hold its own has left its permanent mark
upon all the philosophic literatures of India which are always
written in the form of disputes, where the writer is supposed to
be always faced with objections from rival schools to whatever
he has got to say. At each step he supposes certain objections
put forth against him which he answers, and points out the defects
of the objector or shows that the objection itself is ill founded. It
is thus through interminable byways of objections, counter-objec-
tions and their answers that the writer can wend his way to his
destination. Most often the objections of the rival schools are
referred to in so brief a manner that those only who know the
views can catch them. To add to these difficulties the Sanskrit
style of most of the commentaries is so condensed and different
from literary Sanskrit, and aims so much at precision and brevity,
leading to the use of technical words current in the diverse systems,
that a study of these becomes often impossible without the aid
of an expert preceptor; it is difficult therefore for all who are not
widely read in all the different systems to follow any advanced
Different Types of Literature
work of any particular system, as the deliberations of that par-
ticular system are expressed in such close interconnection with
the views of other systems that these can hardly be understood
without them. Each system of India has grown (at least in
particular epochs) in relation to and in opposition to the growth
of other systems ofthought,and to be a thorough student of Indian
philosophy one should study all the systems in their mutual
opposition and relation from the earliest times to a period at
which they ceased to grow and came to a stop-a purpose for
which a work like the present one may only be regarded as
forming a preliminary introduction.
Besides the sutras and their commentaries there are also in-
dependent treatises on the systems in verse called kiirikiis, which
try to summarize the important topics of any system in a succinct
manner; the Sii1!lkhya kiirikti may be mentioned as a work of this
kind. In addition to these there were also long dissertations,
commentaries, or general observations on any system written in
verses called the varttikas; the Slokaviirttika, of Kumarila or the
Vtirttika of Suresvara may be mentioned as examples. All these
of course had their commentaries to explain them. In addition
to these there were also advanced treatises on the systems in prose
in which the writers either nominally followed some selected
sutras or proceeded independently of them. Of the former class
the Nyiiyamafzjar'i of Jayanta may be mentioned as an example
and of the latter the PraJastaptida bhii~ya, the Advaitasiddlzi of
Madhusudana Sarasvatl or the Vedii11ta-paribhii~ti of Dharmara-
jadhvarindra. The more remarkable of these treatises were of a
masterly nature in which the writers represented the systems they
adhered to in a highly forcible and logical manner by dint of
their own great mental powers and genius. These also had their
commentaries to explain and elaborate them. The period of the
growth of the philosophic literatures of India begins from about
soo B.C. (about the time of the Buddha) and practically ends in
the later half of the seventeenth century, though even now some
minor publications are seen to come out.

The Indian Systems of Philosophy.

The Hindus classify the systems of philosophy into two classes,
namely, the niistika and the tistika. The nastika (11a asti "it is
not") views are those which neither regard the Vedas as infallible
68 Observat£ons on Systems of Indian Philosophy [cH.
nor try to establish their own validity on their authority. These are
principally three in number, the Buddhist, Jaina and the Carvaka.
The astika-mata or orthodox schools are six in number, SaJ?1khya,
Yoga, Vedanta, Mimarpsa, Nyaya and Vaise~ika, generally known
as the six systems (~atfdarsa1la 1 ).
The Sarpkhya is ascribed to a mythical Kapila, but the
earliest works on the subject are probably now lost. The Yoga
system is attributed to Patafijali and the original sutras are called
the Piitaftjala Yoga siUras. The general metaphysical position
of these two systems with regard to soul, nature, cosmology and
the final goal is almost the same, and the difference lies in this
that the Yoga system acknowledges a god (livara) as distinct
from Atman and lays much importance on certain mystical
practices (commonly known as Yoga practices) for the achieve-
ment of liberation, whereas the SaJ.Ilkhya denies the existence of
Isvara and thinks that sincere philosophic thought and culture
are sufficient to produce the true conviction of the truth and
thereby bring about liberation. It is probable that the system
of Sarpkhya associated with Kapila and the Yoga system
associated with Patafljali are but two divergent modifications of
an original Sarpkhya school, of which we now get only references
here and there. These systems therefore though generally counted
as two should more properly be looked upon as two different
schools of the same Sarpkhya system-one may be called the
Kapila Sarpkhya and the other Patafljala Sarpkhya.
The Purva MimaJ.Ilsa (from the root man to think-rational
conclusions) cannot properly be spoken of as a system of philo-
sophy. It is a systematized code of principles in accordance with
which the Vedic texts are to be interpreted for purposes of sacrifices.
I The word "darsana'' in the sense of true philosophic knowledge has its earliest

use in the Vaiie#ka sutras of KaQada (IX. ii. I 3) which I consider as pre-Buddhistic.
The Buddhist pi!akas (.4-oo B.c.) called the heretical opinions "di{!hi" (Sanskrit-drl?!i
from the same root drs from which darsana is formed). Haribhadra (fifth century A.D.)
uses the word Darsana in the sense of systems of philosophy (sarvadarsanaviicyo'
rthalj-.$a(fdarsanasamuccaya 1.). Ratnakirtti (end of the tenth century A.D.) uses the
word also in the same sense (" Yadi niima darsane darsane niiniiprakiiram sattvalak-
~a~zam uktamasti." K~a!zabhaizgasiddhiin Six Buddldst N;•iiya tracts, p. 20). Madhava
(I 331 A. D.) calls his Compendium of all systems of philosophy, Sarvadarsanasar?tgraha.
The word "mata" (opinion or view) was also freely used in quoting the views of other
systems. llut there is no word to denote 'philosophers' in the technical sense. The
Buddhists used to call those who held heretical views "tairthika." The words" siddha,"
"jiliinin," etc. do not denote philosophers in the modern sense, they are used rather in
the sense of" seers" or "perfects."
IV] Purva Mzmanzsa
The Vedic texts were used as mantras (incantations) for sacrifices,
and people often disputed as to the relation of words in a
sentence or their mutual relative importance with reference to the
general drift of the sentence. There were also differences of view
with regard to the meaning of a sentence, the use to which it may
be applied as a mantra, its relative importance or the exact
nature of its connection with other similar sentences in a complex
Vedic context. The Mlmarpsa formulated some principles accord-
ing to which one could arrive at rational and uniform solutions
for all these difficulties. Preliminary to these its main objects, it
indulges in speculations with regard to the external world, soul,
perception, inference, the validity of the Vedas, or the like, for in
order that a man might perform sacrifices with mantras, a definite
order of the universe and its relation to man or the position and
nature of the mantras of the Veda must be demonstrated and
established. Though its interest in such abstract speculations is
but secondary yet it briefly discusses these in order to prepare a
rational ground for its doctrine of the mantras and their practical
utility for man. It is only so far as there are these preliminary
discussions in the Mlmarpsa that it may be called a system of
philosophy. Its principles and maxims for the interpretation of
the import of words and sentences have a legal value even to this
day. The siitras of Mlmarpsa are attributed to Jaimini, and Sahara
wrote a bha~ya upon it. The two great names in the history of
Mlmarpsa literature after Jaimini and Sahara are Kumarila Bhana
and his pupil Prabhakara, who criticized the opinions of his master
so much, that the master used to call him guru (master) in sarcasm,
and to this day his opinions pass as guru-mata, whereas the views
of Kumarila BhaHa pass as bhaf!a-mata 1• It may not be out of
place to mention here that Hindu Law (smrti) accepts without
any reservation the maxims and principles settled and formulated
by the Mlmarpsa.
1 There is a story that Kumarila could not understand the meaning of a Sanskrit

sentence "Atra tunoktam tatriipinoktam iti paunaruktam" (hence spoken twice).

Tu1Zoktam phonetically admits of two combinations, tu noktam (but not said) and tuna
uktam (said by the particle tu) and tatrlipi noktam as tatra api na uktam (not said also
there) and tatra apinii uktam (said there by the particle api). Under the first inter-
pretation the sentence would mean, "Not spoken here, not spoken there, it is thus spoken
twice." This puzzled Kumarila, when Prabhakara taking the second meaning pointed
out to him that the meaning was ''here it is indicated by tu and there by api, and so it is
indicated twice." Kumarila was so pleased that he called his pupil "Guru" (master)
at this.
70 Observations on Systems of Indian Philosophy [ CH.
The Vedanta sft!ras, also called Uttara Mimarpsa, written by
Badarayal)a, otherwise known as the Brahma-siUras, form the
original authoritative work of Vedanta. The word Vedanta means
"end of the Veda," i.e. the U pani~ads, and the Vedanta szttras are
so called as they are but a summarized statement of the general
views of the U pani~ads. This work is divided into four books or
adhyayas and each adhyaya is divided into four padas or chapters.
The first four sutras of the work commonly known as Catu!zsutri
are (1) How to ask about Brahman, (2) From whom proceed birth
and decay, (3) This is because from him the Vedas have come forth,
(4) This is shown by the harmonious testimony of the Upani~ads.
The whole of the first chapter of the second book is devoted to
justifying the position of the Vedanta against the attacks of the
rival schools. The second chapter of the second book is busy in
dealing blows at rival systems. All the other parts of the book are
devoted to settling the disputed interpretations of a number of in-
dividual U pani~ad texts. The really philosophical portion of the
work is thus limited to the first four sutras and the first and second
chapters of the second book. The other portions are like com-
mentaries to the U pani~ads, which however contain many theo-
logical views of the system. The first commentary of the Brahma-
szttra was probably written by Baudhayana, which however is not
available now. The earliest commentary that is now found is that
of the great Sankara. His interpretations of the Brahma-sittras
together with all the commentaries and other works that follow
his views are popularly known as Vedanta philosophy, though
this philosophy ought more properly to be called Visuddhadvaita-
vada school of Vedanta philosophy (i.e. the Vedanta philosophy
of the school of absolute monism). Variant forms of dualistic
philosophy as represented by the Vai~I)avas, Saivas, Ramayatas,
etc., also claim to express the original purport of the Brahma
sutras. We thus find that apostles of dualistic creeds such as
Ramanuja, Vallabha, Madhva, Srikal)tha, Baladeva, etc., have
written independent commentaries on the Brah11ta-siUra to show
that the philosophy as elaborated by themselves is the view of
the U pani~ads and as summarized in the Brahma-sutras. These
differed largely and often vehemently attacked Sankara's inter-
pretations of the same sutras. These systems as expounded by
them also pass by the name of Vedanta as these are also claimed
to be the real interpretations intended by the Vedanta (U pani~ads)
Some Points of Agreement 71
and the Vedanta siitras. Of these the system of Ramanuja has
great philosophical importance.
The Nyiiya sfttras attributed to Gautama, called also Ak!?apada,
and the Vaise#ka siitras attributed to Kal)ada, called also Uliika,
represent the same system for all practical purposes. They are
in later times considered to differ only in a few points of minor
importance. So far as the siitras are concerned the Nyiiya siUras
lay particular stress on the cultivation of logic as an art, while
the Vmse~ika siUras deal mostly with metaphysics and physics.
In addition to these six systems, the Tantras had also philoso-
phies of their own, which however may generally be looked upon
largely as modifications of the Sarpkhya and Vedanta systems,
though their own contributions are also noteworthy.

Some fundamental Points of Agreement.

I. The Karma Theory.
1t is, however, remarkable that with the exception of the
Carvaka materialists all the other systems agree on some funda-
mental points of importance. The systems of philosophy in India
were not stirred up merely by the speculative demands of the
human mind which has a natural inclination for indulging in
abstract thought, but by a deep craving after the realization of
the religious purpose of life. It is surprising to note that the
postulates, aims and conditions for such a realization were found
to be identical in all the conflicting systems. Whatever may be
their differences of opinion in other matters, so far as the general
postulates for the realization of the transcendent state, the summum
bo11um of life, were concerned, all the systems were practically in
thorough agreement. It may be worth while to note some of them
at this stage.
First, the theory of Karma and rebirth. All the Indian systems
agree in believing that whatever action is done by an individual
leaves behind it some sort of potency which has the power to
ordain for him joy or sorrow in the future according as it is good
or bad. When the fruits of the actions are such that they cannot
be enjoyed in the present life or in a human life, the individual
has to take another birth as a man or any other being in order to
suffer them.
The Vedic belief that the mantras uttered in the correct accent
at the sacrifices with the proper observance of all ritualistic
72 Observations on Systems of Indian Philosoohy [ CH.
details, exactly according to the directions without the slightest
error even in the smallest trifle, had something like a magical
virtue automatically to produce the desired object immediately
or after a lapse of time, was probably the earliest form of the
Karma doctrine. It postulates a semi-conscious belief that certain
mystical actions can produce at a distant time certain effects
without the ordinary process of the instrumentality of visible
agents of ordinary cause and effect. When the sacrifice is per-
formed, the action leaves such an unseen magical virtue, called
the adr~!a (the unseen) or the apiirva (new), that by it the desired
object will be achieved in a mysterious manner, for the modus
operand£ of the apzerva is unknown. There is also the notion
prevalent in the Sarphitas, as we have already noticed, that he
who commits wicked deeds suffers in another world, whereas he
who performs good deeds enjoys the highest· materia.! pleasures.
These were probably associated with the conception of rta, the
inviolable order of things. Thus these are probably the elements
which built up the Karma theory which we find pretty well
established but not emphasized in the U pani~ads, where it is said
that according to good or bad actions men will have good or bad
births. ·
To notice other relevant points in connection with the Karma
doctrine as established in the astika systems we find that it was
believed that the unseen (adr~{a) potency of the action generally
required some time before it could be fit for giving the doer the
merited punishment or enjoyment. These would often accumulate
and prepare the items of suffering and enjoyment for the doer in
his next life. Only the fruits of those actions which are extremely
wicked or particularly good could be reaped in this life. The
nature of the next birth of a man is determined by the nature of
pleasurable or painful experiences that have been made ready for
him by his maturing actions of this life. If the experiences deter-
mined for him by his action are such that they are possible to be
realized in the life of a goat, the man will die and be born as a
goat. As there is no ultimate beginning in time of this world
process, so there is no time at which any person first began his
actions or experiences. Man has had an infinite number of past
lives of the most varied nature, and the instincts of each kind of
life exist dormant in the life of every individual, and thus when-
ever he has any particular birth as this or that animal or man,
IV] Theory of Karma 73
the special instincts of that life (technically called vtisanti) come
forth. In accordance with these vasanas the person passes through
the painful or pleasurable experiences as determined for him by
his action. The length of life is also determined by the number
and duration of experiences as preordained by the fructifying
actions of his past life. When once certain actions become fit for
giving certain experiences, these cannot be avoided, but those
actions which have not matured are uprooted once for all if the
person attains true knowledge as advocated by philosophy. But
even such an emancipated (mukta) person has to pass through
the pleasurable or painful experiences ordained for him by the
actions just ripened for giving their fruits. There are four kinds
of actions, white or virtuous (sukla), black or wicked (kr~1Ja),
white-black or partly virtuous and partly vicious (sukla-kr~'Ja) as
most of our actions are, neither black nor white (asuklakr~?Ja),
i.e. those acts of self-renunciation or meditation which are not
associated with any desires for the fruit. It is only when a person
can so restrain himself as to perform only the last kind of action
that he ceases to accumulate any new karma for giving fresh fruits.
He has thus only to enjoy the fruits of his previous karmas which
have ripened for giving fruits. If in the meantime he attains true
knowledge, all his past accumulated actions become destroyed,
and as his acts are only of the asuklakr!?Da type no fresh karma
for ripening is accumulated, and thus he becomes divested of all
karma after enjoying the fruits of the ripened karmas alone.
The Jains think that through the actions of body, speech
and mind a kind of subtle matter technically called karma is pro-
duced. The passions of a man act like a viscous substance that
attracts this karma matter, which thus pours into the soul and
sticks to it. The karma matter thus accumulated round the soul
during the infinite number of past lives is technically called kar-
masarira, which encircles the soul as it passes on from birth to birth.
This karma matter sticking to the soul gradually ripens and ex-
hausts itself in ordaining the sufferance of pains or the enjoyment
of pleasures for the individual. \Vhile some karma matter is being
expended in this way, other karma matters are accumulating by
his activities, and thus keep him in a continuous process of
suffering and enjoyment. The karma matter thus accumulated
in the soul produces a kind of coloration called lesyii, such as
white, black, etc., which marks the character of the soul. The
74 Observations o1z Systems of Indian Philosophy [cH.
idea of the sukla and kr~Qa karmas of the Yoga system was pro-
bably suggested by the Jaina view. But when a man is free from
passions, and acts in strict compliance with the rules of conduct,
his actions produce karma which lasts but for a moment and is
then annihilated. Every karma that the sage has previously
earned has its predestined limits within which it must take effect
and be purged away. But when by contemplation and the strict
adherence to the five great vows, no new karma is generated, and
when all the karmas are exhausted the worldly existence of the
person rapidly draws towards its end. Thus in the last stage of
contemplation, all karma being annihilated, and all activities
having ceased, the soul leaves the body and goes up to the top
of the universe, where the liberated souls stay for ever.
Buddhism also contributes some new traits to the karma
theory which however being intimately connected with their
metaphysics will be treated later on.

2. Tlze Doctrine of Mukti.

Not only do the Indian systems agree as to the cause of the
inequalities in the share of sufferings and enjoyments in the case
of different persons, and the manner in which the cycle of births
and rebirths has been kept going from beginningless time, on the
basis of the mysterious connection of one's actions with the
happenings of the world, but they also agree in believing that
this beginningless chain of karma and its fruits, of births and re-
births, this running on from beginningless time has somewhere
its end. This end was not to be attained at some distant time or
in some distant kingdom, but was to be sought within us. Karma
leads us to this endless cycle, and if we could divest ourselves of
all such emotions, ideas or desires as lead us to action we should
find within us the actionless self which neither suffers nor enjoys,
neither works nor undergoes rebirth. When the Indians, wearied
by the endless bustle and turmoil of worldly events, sought for and
believed that somewhere a peaceful goal could be found, they
generally hit upon the self of man. The belief that the soul could
be realized in some stage as being permanently divested of all
action, feelings or ideas, led logically to the conclusion that the
connection of the soul with these worldly elements was extraneous,
artificial or even illusory. In its true nature the soul is untouched
by the impurities of our ordinary life, and it is through ignorance
Pessi1nism and Optimism 75
and passion as inherited from the cycle of karma from beginning-
less time that we connect it with these. The realization of this
transcendent state is the goal and final achievement of this endless
cycle of births and rebirths through karma. The Buddhists did
not admit the existence of soul, but recognized that the final
realization of the process of karma is to be found in the ultimate
dissolution called Nirvarya, the nature of which we shall discuss
later on.
3· The Doctrine of Soul.
All the Indian systems except Buddhism admit the existence
of a permanent entity variously called atman, puru!?a or jlva.
As to the exact nature of this soul there are indeed diver-
gences of view. Thus while the Nyaya calls it absolutely
qualityless and characterless, indeterminate unconscious entity,
Satpkhya describes it as being of the nature of pure conscious-
ness, the Vedanta says that it is that fundamental point of unity
implied in pure consciousness (cit), pure bliss (iinanda), and pure
being (sat). But all agree in holding that it is pure and unsullied
in its nature and that all impurities of action or passion do not
form a real part of it. The summum bonum of life is attained
when all impurities are removed and the pure nature of the self
is thoroughly and permanently apprehended and all other ex-
traneous connections with it are absolutely dissociated.

The Pessimistic Attitude towards the World and the

Optimistic Faith in the end.
Though the belief that the world is full of sorrow has not been
equally prominently emphasized in all systems, yet it may be
considered as being shared by all of them. It finds its strongest
utterance in Sarpkhya, Yoga, and Buddhism. This interminable
chain of pleasurable and painful experiences was looked upon as
nearing no peaceful end but embroiling and entangling us in the
meshes of karma, rebirth, and sorrow. What appear as pleasures
are but a mere appearance for the attempt to keep them steady is
painful, there is pain when we lose the pleasures or when we are
anxious to have them. When the pleasures are so much asso-
ciat_ed with pains they are but pains themselves. We are but duped
when we seek pleasures, for they are sure to lead us to pain. All
our experiences are essentially sorrowful and ultimately sorrow-
begetting. Sorrow is the ultimate truth of this process of the
76 Observations on Systems of Indian Philosophy [cH.
world. That which to an ordinary person seems pleasurable
appears to a wise person or to a yogin who has a clearer vision as
painful. The greater the knowledge the higher is the sensitiveness
to sorrow and dissatisfaction with world experiences. The yogin
is like the pupil of the eye to which even the smallest grain of dis-
turbance is unbearable. This sorrow of worldly experiences cannot
be removed by bringing in remedies for each sorrow as it comes,
for the moment it is remedied another sorrow comes in. It cannot
also be avoided by mere inaction or suicide, for we are continually
being forced to action by our nature, and suicide will but lead to
another life of sorrow and rebirth. The only way to get rid of
it is by the culmination of moral greatness and true knowledge
which uproot sorrow once for all. It is our ignorance that the self
is intimately connected with the experiences of life or its pleasures,
that leads us to action and arouses passion in us for the enjoy-
ment of pleasures and other emotions and activities. Through
the highest moral elevation a man may attain absolute dispassion
towards world-experiences and retire in body, mind, and speech
from all worldly concerns. \Vhen the mind is so purified, the self
shines in its true light, and its true nature is rightly conceived.
When this is once done the self can never again be associated
with pas;ion or ignorance. It becomes at this stage ultimately
dissociated from citta which contains within it the root of all
emotions, ideas, and actions. Thus emancipated the self for ever
conquers all sorrow. It is important, however, to note in this
connection that emancipation is not based on a general aversion
to intercourse with the world or on such feelings as a disappointed
person may have, but on the appreciation of the state of mukti
as the supremely blessed one. The details of the pessimistic
creed of each system have developed from the logical necessity
peculiar to each system. There was never the slightest tendency
to shirk the duties of this life, but to rise above them through
right performance and right understanding. It is only when a
man rises to the highest pinnacle of moral glory that he is fit for
aspiring to that realization of selfhood in comparison with which
all worldly things or even the joys of Heaven would not only
shrink into insignificance, but appear in their true character as
sorrowful and loathsome. It is when his mind has thus turned from
all ordinary joys that he can strive towards his ideal of salvation.
In fact it seems to me that a sincere religious craving after some
Unity in Sadhana 77
ideal blessedness and quiet of self-realization is indeed the funda-
mental fact from which not only her philosophy but many of the
complex phenomena of the civilization of India can be logically
deduced. The sorrow around us has no fear for us if we remember
that we are naturally sorrowless and blessed in ourselves. The
pessimistic view loses all terror as it closes in absolute optimistic
confidence in one's own self and the ultimate destiny and goal of

Unity in Indian Sadhana (philosophical, religious

and ethical endeavours).
As might be expected the Indian systems are all agreed upon
the general principles of ethical conduct which must be followed
for the attainment of salvation. That all passions are to be con-
trolled, no injury to life in any form should be done, and that all
desire for pleasures should be checked, are principles which are
almost universally acknowledged. When a man attains a very
high degree of moral greatness he has to strengthen and prepare
his mind for further purifying and steadying it for the attainment
of his ideal; and most of the Indian systems are unanimous with
regard to the means to be em played for the purpose. There are
indeed divergences in certain details or technical names, but the
means to be adopted for purification are almost everywhere essen-
tially the same as those advocated by theY oga system. It is only
in later times that devotion (bhakti) is seen to occupy a more
prominent place specially in Vai~r)ava schools of thought. Thus
it was that though there were many differences among the various
systems, yet their goal of life, their attitude towards the world and
the means for the attainment of the goal (siidhana) being funda-
mentallythesame,therewas a unique unityin the practical sadhana
of almost all the Indian systems. The religious craving has been
universal in India and this uniformity of sadhana has therefore
secured for India a unity in all her aspirations and strivings.

MANY scholars are of opinion that the Sarpkhya and the Yoga
represent the earliest systematic speculations of India. It is also
suggested that Buddhism drew much of its inspiration from them.
It may be that there is some truth in such a view, but the
systematic Sarpkhya and Yoga treatises as we have them had
decidedly been written after Buddhism. Moreover it is well-known
to every student of Hindu philosophy that a conflict with the
Buddhists has largely stimulated philosophic enquiry in most of
the systems of Hindu thought. A knowledge of Buddhism is
therefore indispensable for a right understanding of the different
systems in their mutual relation and opposition to Buddhism. It
seems desirable therefore that I should begin with Buddhism
The State of Philosophy in India before the Buddha.
It is indeed difficult to give a short sketch of the different
philosophical speculations that were prevalent in India before
Buddhism. The doctrines of the U pani~ads are well known, and
these have already been briefly described. But these were not the
only ones. Even in the U pani~ads we find references to diverse
atheistical creeds 1• We find there that the origin of the world
and its processes were sometimes discussed, and some thought
that "time" was the ultimate cause of all, others that all these
had sprung forth by their own nature (svabhava), others that
everything had come forth in accordance with an inexorable
destiny or a fortuitous concourse of accidental happenings, or
through matter combinations in general. References to diverse
kinds of heresies are found in Buddhist literature also, but no
detailed accounts of these views are known. Of the U pani!?ad
type of materialists the two schools of Carvakas (Dhurtta and
Susik~ita) are referred to in later literature, though the time in
which these flourished cannot rightly be discovered 2• But it seems
1 Sveta§vatara, I. '2, kala!; svabhczbo m"yatiryadrcchii bhiitciniyotzil; puru~a iti cintyam.
2 Lokiiyata (literally, that which is found among people in general) seems to have
been the name by which all carvaka doctrines were generally known. See Gul)aratna
on the Lokayatas.
CH. v] Ciirviikas 79
probable however that the allusion to the materialists contained
in the U pani~ads refers to these or to similar schools. The
Carvakas did not believe in the authority of the Vedas or any
other holy scripture. According to them there was no soul. Life
and consciousness were the products of the combination of matter,
just as red colour was the result of mixing up white with
yellow or as the power of intoxication was generated in molasses
(madasakti). There is no after-life, and no reward of actions, as
there is neither virtue nor vice. Life is only for enjoyment. So
long as it lasts it is needless to think of anything else, as every-
thing will end with death, for when at death the body is burnt
to ashes there cannot be any rebirth. They do not believe in
the validity of inference. Nothing is trustworthy but what can
be directly perceived, for it is impossible to determine that the
distribution of the middle term (hetu) has not depended upon
some extraneous condition, the absence of which might destroy
the validity of any particular piece of inference. If in any case
any inference comes to be true, it is only an accidental fact and
there is no certitude about it. They were called Carvaka because
they would only eat but would not accept any other religious or
moral responsibility. The word comes from carv to eat. The
Dhurtta Carvakas held that there was nothing but the four
elements of earth, water, air and fire, and that the body was but the
result of atomic combination. There was no self or soul, no
virtue or vice. The Susik~ita Carvakas held that there was
a soul apart from the body but that it also was destroyed with
the destruction of the body. The original work of the Carvakas
was written in sutras probably by Brhaspati. J ayanta and Gul).ar-
atna quote two sutras from it. Short accounts of this school may be
found in J ayanta's Nyiiyamailjari, Madhava's Sarvadarsanasmtz-
graha and Gul).aratna's Tarkarahasyadipikii. Mahiibhiirata gives
an account of a man called Carvaka meeting Yudhi~thira.
Side by side with the doctrine of the Carvaka materialists we
are reminded of the Ajlvakas of which Makkhali Gosala, probably
a renegade disciple of the Jain saint lVIahavlra and a contemporary
of Buddha and Mahavlra, was the leader. This was a thorough-
going determinism denying the free will of man and his moral
responsibility for any so-called good or evil. The essence of
Makkhali's system is this, that "there is no cause, either proximate
or remote, for the depravity of beings or for their purity. They
8o Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
become so without any cause. Nothing depends either on one's
own efforts or on the efforts of others, in short nothing depends
on any human effort, for there is no such thing as power or energy,
or human exertion. The varying conditions at any time are due
to fate, to their environment and their own nature 1."
Another sophistical school led by Ajita Kesakambali taught
that there was no fruit or result of good or evil deeds; there is no
other world, nor was this one real; nor had parents nor any
former lives any efficacy with respect to this life. Nothing that
we can do prevents any of us alike from being wholly brought to
an end at death 2•
There were thus at least three currents of thought: firstly the
sacrificial Karma by the force of the magical rites of which any
person could attain anything he desired; secondly the Upani~ad
teaching that the Brahman, the self, is the ultimate reality and
being, and all else but name and form which pass away but do
not abide. That which permanently abides without change is the
real and true, and this is sel( Thirdly the nihilistic conceptions
that there is no law, no abiding reality, that everything comes
into being by a fortuitous concourse of circumstances or by some
unknown fate. In each of these schools, philosophy had probably
come to a deadlock. There were the Yoga practices prevalent in
the country and these were accepted partly on the strength of
traditional custom among certain sections, and partly by virtue
of the great spiritual, intellectual and physical power which they
gave to those who performed them. But these had no rational
basis behind them on which they could lean for support. These
were probably then just tending towards being affiliated to the
nebulous Sarpkhya doctrines which had grown up among certain
sections. It was at this juncture that we find Buddha erecting
a new superstructure of thought on altogether original lines which
thenceforth opened up a new avenue of philosophy for all posterity
to come. If the Being of the U pani~ads, the superlatively motion-
less, was the only real, how could it offer scope for further new
speculations, as it had already discarded all other matters of
interest? If everything was due to a reasonless fortuitous con-
course of circumstances, reason could not proceed further in the
direction to create any philosophy of the unreason. The magical
1 Siimaiiiiaphala-sutta, Dfgha, 11. '20. Iloernlc?s article on the Ajivakas, E. R. E.
2 Slimmiiiaphala-sutta, n. 23.
v] Buddha's Life
force of the hocus-pocus of sorcery or sacrifice had but little that
was inviting for philosophy to proceed on. If we thus take into
account the state of Indian philosophic culture before Buddha,
we shall be better able to understand the value of the Buddhistic
contribution to philosophy.

Buddha : his Life.

Gautama the Buddha was born in or about the year 560 B.C.
in the Lumbini Grove near the ancient town of Kapilavastu in
the now dense terai region of Nepal. His father was Suddhodana,
a prince of the Sakya clan, and his mother Queen Mahamaya.
According to the legends it was foretold of him that he would
enter upon the ascetic life when he should see "A decrepit old
man, a diseased man, a dead man, and a monk." His father tried
his best to keep him away from these by marrying him and
surrounding him with luxuries. But on successive occasions,
issuing from the palace, he was confronted by those four
things, which filled him with amazement and distress, and
realizing the impermanence of all earthly things determined to
forsake his home and try if he could to discover some means to
immortality to remove the sufferings of men. He made his "Great
Renunciation" when he was twenty-nine years old. He travelled
on foot to Rajagrha (Rajgir) and thence to Uruvela, where in
company with other five ascetics he entered upon a course of
extreme self-discipline, carrying his austerities to such a length
that his body became utterly emaciated and he fell down sense-
less and was believed to be dead. After six years of this great
struggle he was convinced that the truth was not to be won by
the way of extreme asceticism, and resuming an ordinary course
oflife at last attained absolute and supreme enlightenment. There-
after the Buddha spent a life prolonged over forty-five years in
travelling from place to place and preaching the doctrine to
all who would listen. At the age of over eighty years Buddha
realized that the time drew near for him to die. He then entered
into Dhyana and passing through its successive stages attained
nirvat:-ta I. The vast developments which the system of this great
teacher- underwent in the succeeding centuries in India and in
other countries have not been thoroughly studied, and it will
probably take yet many years more before even the materials for
I .J1Jahiiparinibblinasuttanta, Digha, XVI. 6, 8, 9·
Buddhz"st Phz"losophy [cu.
such a study can be collected. But from what we now possess
it is proved incontestably that it is one of the most wonderful and
subtle productions of human wisdom. It is impossible to over-
estimate the debt that the philosophy, culture and civilization
of India owe to it in all her developments for many succeeding

Early Buddhist Literature.

The Buddhist Pali Scriptures contain three different collections:
the Sutta (relating to the doctrines), the Vinaya (relating to the
discipline of the monks) and the Abhidhamma (relating generally
to the same subjects as the suttas but dealing with them in a
scholastic and technical manner). Scholars of Buddhistic religious
history of modern times have failed as yet to fix any definite dates
for the collection or composition of the different parts of the
aforesaid canonical literature of the Buddhists. The suttas were
however composed before the Abhidhamma and it is very
probable that almost the whole of the canonical works were
completed before 241 B.C., the date of the third council during
the reign of King Asoka. The suttas mainly deal with the doctrine
(Dhamma) of the Buddhistic faith whereas the Vinaya deals
only with the regulations concerning the discipline of the monks.
The subject of the Abhidhamma is mostly the same as that
of the suttas, namely, the interpretation of the Dhamma.
Buddhagho!?a in his introduction to Atthasali1li, the commentary
on the Dhammasanga?zi, says that the Abhidhamma is so called
(abhi and dhamma) because it describes the same Dhammas as are
related in the suttas in a more intensified (dhammatireka) and
specialized (dlzammavisesattlze1la) manner. The Abhidhammas
do not give any new doctrines that are not in the suttas, but
they deal somewhat elaborately with those that are already found
in the suttas. Buddhagho!?a in distinguishing the special features
of the suttas from the Abhidhammas says that the acquirement
of the former leads one to attain meditation (samadhi) whereas
the latter leads one to attain wisdom (paiii/asampadam). The force
of this statement probably lies in this, that the dialogues of the
suttas leave a chastening effect on the mind, the like of which is
not to be found in the A bhidhammas, which busy themselves in
enumerating the Buddhistic doctrines and defining them in a
technical manner, which is more fitted to produce a reasoned
v] Early Buddhist Lz"terature
insight into the doctrines than directly to generate a craving
for following the path of meditation for the extinction of sorrow.
The Abhidhamma known as the KatlzZivatthu differs from the
other Abhidhammas in this, that it attempts to reduce the views
of the heterodox schools to absurdity. The discussions proceed
in the form of questions and answers, and the answers of the
opponents are often shown to be based on contradictory
The suttas contain five groups of collections called the Nikayas.
These are ( 1) Digha Nikiiya, called so on account of the length
of the suttas contained in it; (2) lVIa;jhima Nikiiya (middling
Nikaya), called so on account of the middling extent of the
suttas contained in it; (3) Smttyutta Nikiiya (Nikayas relating
to special meeting!5 ), called sarpyutta on account of their being
delivered owing to the meetings (sm!tyoga) of special persons which
were the occasions for them; (4) Aizguttara Nikiiya, so called be-
cause in each succeeding book of this work the topics of discussion
increase by one 1 ; (S) Khuddaka Nikiiya containing Khuddaka
pafha, Dhammapada, Udiilla, Iti·vuttaka, Sutta Nipiita, Vimiilla-
vatthu, Petavatthu, Theragathii, Therigiithii, Jiitaka, Niddesa,
Patisambhidiimagga, Apadiina, Buddhaval!ZSa, Caryiipz!aka.
The Abhidhammas are Pa!!hiiua, Dhammasanga~zi, Dhiitu-
kathii, Puggalapaiiliatti, Vibha1iga, Y amaka and Kathiivatthu.
There exists also a large commentary literature on diverse parts
of the above works known as atthakatha. The work known as
Jlliliuda Paiiha (questions of King Milinda), of uncertain date, is
of considerable philosophical value.
The doctrines and views incorporated in the above literature
is generally now known as Sthaviravada or Theravada. On the
origin of the name Theravada (the doctrine of the elders) Dipa-
vm!zsa says that since the Theras (elders) met (at the first council)
and collected the doctrines it was known as the Thera V ada 2• It
does not appear that Buddhism as it appears in this Pali litera-
ture developed much since the time ofBuddhagho~a (400 A.D.), the
writer of Visuddhimagga (a compendium of theravada doctrines)
and the commentator of Dighanikiiya, Dhammasaitga?zi, etc.
Hindu philosophy in later times seems to have been influenced
by the later offshoots of the different schools of Buddhism, but
it does not appear that Pali Buddhism had any share in it. I
1 See Buddhagho~a's Atthastilini, p. 25. 2
OIJenberg's Dipavmrzsa, p. 31.
Buddhzst P h£losophy [cH.
have not been able to discover any old Hindu writer who could
be considered as being acquainted with Pali.

The Doctrine of Causal Connection of early Buddhism 1 •

The word Dhamma in the Buddhist scriptures is used generally
in four senses: (I) Scriptural texts, (2) quality (gu~za), (3) cause
(hetze) and (4) unsubstantial and soulless (ni'ssatta ni.Jj"iva'J). Of
these it is the last meaning which is particularly important from
the point of view of Buddhist philosophy. The early Buddhist
philosophy did not accept any fixed entity as determining all
reality; the only things with it were the unsubstantial pheno-
mena and these were called dhammas. The question arises that
if there is no substance or reality how are we to account for the
phenomena? But the phenomena are happening and passing
away and the main point of interest with the Buddha was to find
out " What being what else is," " What happening what else
happens" and " What not being what else is not." The pheno-
mena are happening in a series and we see that there being
certain phenomena there become some others; by the happening
of some events others also are produced. This is called (paficca-
samuppada) dependent origination. But it is difficult to understand
what is the exact nature of this dependence. The question as
Sm!zyutta Nikaya (II. 5) has it with which the Buddha started
before attaining Buddhahood was this: in what miserable condition
are the people! they are born, they decay, they die, pass away
and are born again ; ·and they do not know the path of escape
from this decay, death and misery.
How to know the way to escape from this misery of decay
and death. Then it occurred to him what being there, are decay
and death, depending on what do they come? As he thought
deeply into the root of the matter, it occurred to him that decay
and death can only occur when there is birth (jati), so they depend
1 There are some differences of opinion as to whether one could take the doctrine

of the twelve links of causes as we find it in the Sai!IYU!ta Nikiiya as the earliest
Buddhist view, as Satpyutta does not represent the oldest part of the suttas. But as
this doctrine of the twelve causes became regarded as a fundamental Buddhist doctrine
and as it gives us a start in philosophy I have not thought it fit to enter into conjec-
tural discussions as to the earliest form. Dr E. J. Thomas drew my attention to this tact.
2 AttJzasiilini, p. 38. There are also other senses in which the word is used, as

dham nza -desa11ii where it means religious teaching. The Lmikiivatiira described Dharmma
as gu~wdravyapzervakii dharmm,"i, i.e. Dharmmas are those which are associated as attri-
lmtes and substances.
Doctrine of Causal Connection 85
on birth. What being there, is there birth, on what does birth
depend ? Then it occurred to him that birth could only be if
there were previous existence (bhava) 1• But on what does this
existence depend, or what being there is there bhava. Then it
occurred to him that there could not be existence unless there
were holding fast (upiidana) 2• But on what did upadana depend?
It occurred to him that it was desire (tm:.zha) on which upadana
depended. There can be upadana if there is desire (ta?zhii)'. But
what being there, can there be desire? To this question it
occurred to him that there must be feeling (vedanii) in order that
there may be desire. But on what does vedana depend, or rather
what must be there, that there may be feeling (vedanii)? To this
it occurred to him that there must be a sense-contact (plzassa)
in order that there may be feeling 4• If there should be no sense-
contact there would be no feeling. But on what does sense-
contact depend? It occurred to him that as there are six sense-
contacts, there are the six fields of contact (ayata1la) 5• But on
what do the six ayatanas depend? It occurred to him that
there must be the mind and body (1liimariipa) in order that there
may be the six fields of contacP; but on what does namariipa
depend? It occurred to him that without consciousness ( viiziiiina)
there could be no namariipa 6• But what being there would there
1 This word bhava is interpreted by Candrakirtti in his Madhyamika vrtti, p. 565

(La Vallee Poussin's edition) as the deed which brought about rebirth (putzarbhava-
j'anaka~n karma samutthiipayati kiiyma viicii matzasa ca).
2 Atthasiilitzi, p. 385, upadanantida}hagahai)atp. Candrakirtti in explaining upadana

says that whatever thing a man desires he holds fast to the materials necessary for
attaining it (yatra vastutzi satn~zastasya vastutzo 'rymzaya vi¢hapatziiya upiidiinamupii-
datte tatra tatra priirthayate) . .Miidhyamika vrtti, p. 565.
3 Candrakirtti describes tr~I)a as iisviidatziibhinatzda?ziidhyavasii?zasthiitziidiitmapri-

yarupairviyogo mii bhut, 1zityamaparityago bhavediti, yeyam priirthatzii-the desire

that there may not ever be any separation from those pleasures, etc., which are dear to
us. Ibid. 56 5.
We read also of phassayatana and phassakaya. M. N. n. 261, III. 28o, etc. Can-
drakirtti says that !a¢bhiriiyatatzadviirai!z krtyapral.:zyii!z pravarttatzte praj'iiiiyante.
ta1lniimarupapratyayan.z Ja¢iiyatanamucyate. sacfbhyafciiyatanebhyal; Jafsparfakiiyiilf
pravarttante. llf. v. s6s.
Ayatana means the six senses together with their objects. Ayatana literally is
"Field of operation." Sa!ayatana means six senses as six fields of operation. Candra-
kirtti has iiyatatzadviirai!z.
6 I have followed the translation of Aung in rendering namariipa as mind and body,

Compendium, p. '27 1. This seems to me toLe fairly correct. The four skandhas are called
nama in each birth. These together with riipa (matter) give us namariipa (mind
and body) which being developed render the activities through the six sense-gates
possiblesothat there may be knowledge. Cf.M. V. 564. Govindananda, the commentator
86 Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
be vififiana. Here it occurred to him that in order that there
might be vififiana there must be the conformations (sankluira) 1•
But what being there are there the sankharas? Here it occurred
to him that the sankharas can only be if there is ignorance
(avyja). If avijja could be stopped then the sankharas will be
stopped, and if the sankharas could be stopped vififiana could be
stopped and so on :1.
It is indeed difficult to be definite as to what the Buddha
actually wished to mean by this cycle of dependence of existence
sometimes called Bhavacakra (wheel of existence). Decay and
death (jariimara?ta) could not have happened if there was no
birth 3• This seems to be clear. But at this point the difficulty
begins. We must remember that the t!leory of rebirth was

on Sankara's bha!,?ya on the Brahma-siitras (II- ii. 19), gives a different interpretation of
Namariipa which may probably refer to the Vijfianavada view though we have no means
at hand to verify it. He says-To think the momentary as the permanent is Avidya;
from there come the sarpskaras of attachment, antipathy or anger, and infatuation; from
there the first vijfiana or thought ofthe foetus is produced; from that alayavijfiana, and
the four elements (which are objects of name and are hence called nama) are produced,
and from those are produced the white and black, semen and blood called riipa.
Both Vacaspati and Amalananda agree with Govindananda in holding that nama
signifies the semen and the ovum while riipa means the visible physical body built out
of them. Vijfiafia entered the womb and on account of it namariipa were produced
through the association of previous karma. See Vedi'intakaljJataru, pp. 274, 275· On
the doctrine of the entrance of vijfiafia into the womb compare D. N. II. 63.
1 It is difficult to say what is the exact sense of the word here. The Buddha was

one of the first few earliest thinkers to introduce proper philosophical terms and phraseo-
logy with a distinct philosophical method and he had often to use the same word in
more or less different senses. Some of the philosophical terms at least are therefore
rather elastic when compared with the terms of precise and definite meaning which we find
in later Sanskrit thought. Thus inS. N. III. p. 87, "Smikhatattz abhisaizkharonti,"
sai1khara means that which synthesises the complexes. In the Compendium it is trans-
lated as will, action. Mr Aung thinks that it means the same as karma; it is here used
in a different sense from what we find in the word sankhara khandha (viz. mental
states). 'We get a list of 51 mental states forming sankhara khandh:1 in Dhamma
Sailga1_1i, p. 18, and another different set of 4-0 mental states in Dharmasm!lgraha, p. 6.
In addition to these forty cittasamprayuktasa1flSkiira, it also counts thirteen cittavi-
prayuktasalftskiira. Candrakirtti interprets it as meaning attachment, antipathy and
infatuation, p. 563. Govindananda, the commentator on Sankara's Brahma-sutra (II. ii.
19), also interprets the word in connection with the doctrine of Pratityasamutpada as
attachment, antipathy and infatuation.
2 Sm!zyutta Nikiiya, II. 7-8.
3 Jara and maral).a bring in soka (grief), paridevana (lamentation), dul:Jkha (suffer-

ing), daurmanasya (feeling of wretchedness and miserableness) and upayasa (feeling of

extreme destitution) at the prospect of one's death or the death of other dear ones.
All these make up suffering and are the results of jati (birth). 111. V. (H. T. S. p. 208).
Saiikara in his bha!jya counted all the terms from jara, separately. The whole series
is to be taken as representing the entirety of dul.1khaskandha.
v] Theory of Rebirth
enunciated in the Upani!?ads. The Brhadarar:tyaka says that just
as an insect going to the end of a leaf of grass by a new effort
collects itself in another so does the soul coming to the end of
this life collect itself in another. This life thus presupposes
another existence. So far as I remember there has seldom been
before or after Buddha any serious attempt to prove or disprove
the doctrine of rebirth 1• All schools of philosophy except the
Carvakas believed in it and so little is known to us of the Car-
vaka siitras that it is difficult to say what they did to refute this
doctrine. The Buddha also accepts it as a fact and does not
criticize it. This life therefore comes only as one which had an
infinite number of lives before, and which except in the case of
a few emancipated ones would have an infinite number of them
in the future. It was strongly believed by all people, and the
Buddha also, when he came to think to what our present birth
might be due, had to fall back upon another existence (blzava).
If bhava means karma which brings rebirth as Candrakirtti takes
it to mean, then it would mean that the present birth could only
take place on account of the works of a previous existence which
determined it. Here also we are reminded of the Upani!?ad note
"as a man does so will he be born" ( Yat karma kurute tadabki-
sampadyate, Brh. IV. iv. s). Candrakirtti's interpretation of"bhava"
as Karma (punarblzavaj[makam karma) seems to me to suit
better than "existence." The word was probably used rather
loosely for kammablzava. The word bhava is not found in the
earlier U pani!?ads and was used in the Pali scriptures for the
first time as a philosophical term. But on what does this
bhava depend? There could not have been a previous existence
if people had not betaken themselves to things or works they
desired. This betaking oneself to actions or things in accord-
ance with desire is called upadana. In the U pani!;>ads we read,
"whatever one betakes himself to, so does he work" ( Yatkratur-
bhavati tatkarmma kurute, Rrh. IV. iv. 5). As this betaking to
the thing depends upon desire (tr-F~ui), it is said that in order
that there may be upadana there must be taJ!ha. In the U pani-
!?ads also we read "vVhatever one desires so does he betake
himself to" (sa yatlzakiimo blzavati tatkraturblza'l'ati). Neither
the word upadana nor tr!?J!a (the Sanskrit word corresponding
The attempts to prove the doctrine of rebirth in the Hindu philosophical work£
such as the Nyaya, etc., are slight and inadequate.
88 Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
to tar:tha) is found in the earlier U pani!?ads, but the ideas contained
in them are similar to the words "kratu" and "kiima." Desire
(twzhii) is then said to depend on feeling or sense-contact.
Sense-contact presupposes the six senses as fields of operation 1•
These six senses or operating fields would again presuppose the
whole psychosis of the man (the body and the mind together)
called namarupa. We are familiar with this word in the U pani-
!?ads but there it is used in the sense of determinate forms and
names as distinguished from the indeterminate indefinable
reality 2• Buddhagho!?a in the Visuddhimagga says that by
" N arne" are meant the three groups beginning with sensation
(i.e. sensation, perception and the predisposition); by "Form"
the four elements and form derivative from the four elements 3•
He further says that name by itself can produce physical changes,
such as eating, drinking, making movements or the like. So form
also cannot produce any of those changes by itself. But like
the cripple and the blind they mutually help one another and
effectuate the changes'. But there exists no heap or collection
of material for the production of N arne and Form; "but just as
when a lute is played upon, there is no previous store of sound;
and when the sound comes into existence it does not come from
any such store; and when it ceases, it does not go to any of the
cardinal or intermediate points of the compass; .. .in exactly the
same way all the elements of being both those with form and
those without, come into existence after having previously been
non-existent and having come into existence pass away 5." Nama-
rupa taken in this sense will not mean the whole of mind and
body, but only the sense functions and the body which are found
to operate in the six doors of sense (sa{iiyetmza). If we take
namarupa in this sense, we can see that it may be said to depend
upon the vififiana (consciousness). Consciousness has been com-
pared in the Milinda Patzlza with a watchman at the middle of

The word ayatana is found in many places in the earlier Upani~ads in the sense
of" field or place," Cha. I. s. Brh. III. 9· 10, but ~a<;Iayatana does not occur.
Candrakirtti interprets nama as Vedaniidayo'nlpi~zafcatviiraf.z skmzdhiistatra tatra
bhave niimaymztiti niima. saha rupaskandhena ca 11iima rzlpam ceti niimarz"tpamucyate.
The four skandhas in each specific birth act as name. These together with rii.pa make
namartlpa. llf. v. s64.
3 Warren's Buddhism in Translations, p. I84.

~ Ibid. p. 185, Visuddhimagga, Ch. XVII.

11 Ibid. pp. I8S-I86, Visuddhimagga, Ch. XVII.
v] Theory of Consciousness 8g
the cross-roads beholding all that come from any direction 1• Bud-
dhagho!?a in the A tthasiilini also says that consciousness means
that which thinks its object. If we are to define its characteristics
we must say that it knows (vi.fiinana), goes in advance (pubbmi-
gama), connects (sandhiina), and stands on namariipa (niimariipa-
pada!!hiinam). When the consciousness gets a door, at a place
the objects of sense are discerned (iirammana-vibhiivana!!hiine)
and it goes first as the precursor. When a visual object is seen
by the eye it is known only by the consciousness, and when the
dhammas are made the objects of (mind) mana, it is known only
by the consciousness 2• Buddhagho!?a also refers here to the passage
in the Mi'linda Pafzha we have just referred to. He further goes
on to say that when states of consciousness rise one after another,
they leave no gap between the previous state and the later and
consciousness therefore appears as connected. vVhen there are the
aggregates of the five khandhas it is lost ; but there are the four
aggregates as namariipa, it stands on nama and therefore it is
said that it stands on namariipa. He further asks, Is this con-
sciousness the same as the previous consciousness or different
from it? He answers that it is the same. Just so, the sun shows
itself with all its colours, etc., but he is not different from those
in truth; and it is said that just when the sun rises, its collected
heat and yellow colour also rise then, but it does not mean that
the sun is different from these. So the citta or consciousness
takes the phenomena of contact, etc., and cognizes them. So
though it is the same as they are yet in a sense it is different
from them 3•
To go back to the chain of twelve causes, we find that jati
(birth) is the cause of decay and death,.fariimara~za, etc. Jati is
the appearance of the body or the totality of the five skandhas 4 •
Coming to bhava which determines jati, I cannot think of any
better rational explanation of bhava, than that I have already
1Warren's Buddhism in Translations, p. 182. llfi/i1Ula Paiiha (62 8 ).
2Atthasiilini, p. I I2.
3 Ibid. p. 1 I 3· Yathii hi rupiidini upadaya paiiiiattii suriyiidayo na atthato rupii-

dihi aiiiie honti ten' eva yasmin samaye suriyo udeti tasmin samaye tassa te}ii·saiz.
khiitam ropa'!l piti eva1_n vuccamiine pi na ropiidihi aiiiio sur£yo 1tiima atthi. Tatlui
cittam phassiidayo dhamme upiidiiya paiiiiapiyati. A tthato pan' ettha tehi aiiiiam eva.
Tena yasmin samaye cittam uppanna'!l hoti eka1ftsuz eva tasmi1z samaye phassiidihi
atthato aiiiiad eva hoti ti.
4 "Jiitirdehajanma paiicaskandhasanmdiiya!z," Govindananda's Ratnaprablzii on

Sa~1kara's bha~ya, 11. ii. I9·

90 Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
suggested, namely, the works (karma) which produce the birth•.·
Upadana is an advanced tr~r:ta leading to positive clinging 11• It
is produced by tr!?r:ta (desire) which again is the result of vedana
(pleasure and pain). But this vedana is of course vedana with
ignorance (avidyii), for an Arhat may have also vedana but as
he has no avidya, the vedana cannot produce tr~r:ta in turn. On
its development it immediately passes into upadana. Vedana
means pleasurable, painful or indifferent feeling. On the one
side it leads to tr!?l)a (desire) and on the other it is produced by
sense-contact (sparsa). Prof. De Ia Vallee Poussin says that
Srilabha distinguishes three processes in the production of
vedana. Thus first there is the contact between the sense and
the object ; then there is the knowledge of the object, and then
there is the vedana. Depending on M a;}hima Nikiiya, iii. 242,
Poussin gives the other opinion that just as in the case of two
sticks heat takes place simultaneously with rubbing, so here also
vedana takes place simultaneously with sparsa for they are
"produits par un meme complexe de causes (siimagri) 3 ."
Sparsa is produced by !?a~ayatana, !;)a<;layatana by namariipa,
and namariipa by vijflana, and is said to descend in the womb
of the mother and produce the five skandhas as namariipa, out
of which the six senses are specialized.
Vijflana in this connection probably means the principle or
germ of consciousness in the womb of the mother upholding the
five elements of the new body there. It is the product of the
past karmas (saitkhiira) of the dying man and of his past
consciousness too.
\Ve sometimes find that the Buddhists believed that the last
thoughts of the dying man determined the nature of his next
1 Govindananda in his R atnaprabha on Sankara 's bha~ya, II. ii. 1 9• explains." bha va"

as that from which anything becomes, as merit and demerit (dharmiidi). See also
Vibhanga, p. 137 and \;Varren's Buddhism in Translations, p. 201. Mr Aung says in
Abhidhammatthasangaha, p. 189, that bhavo includes kammabhavo (the active side of
an existence) and upapattibhavo (the passive side). And the commentators say that
bhava is a contraction of" kammabhava '' or Karma-becoming i.e. karmic activity.
2 Prof. De Ia Vallee Poussin in his Thtorie des Douze Causes, p. 26, says that

Siilistambhasutra explains the word "upadana" as "tpjl_lavaipulya" or hyper-tr~1.1a

and Candrakirtti also gives the same meaning, .llf. V. (B. T. S. p. 210). Govindananda
explains ''upadiina" as pravrtti (movement) generated by tr~l.lii (desire), i.e. the active
tendency in pursuance of desire. But if upadana means "support" it would denote all
the five skandhas. Thus llladhyamaka vrtti says upiidt.znam pmicaskandhalak[m:zam ...
paiicoptidii1laska1ldhiikhyam upiidtinam. .iii. V. XXVII. 6.
3 Poussin's Thtorie des Douze Causes, p. 23.
v] Consciousness and Rebirth 91
birth 1• The manner in which the vijflana produced in the womb
is determined by the past vijfiana of the previous existence is
according to some authorities of the nature of a reflected image,
like the transmission of learning from the teacher to the disciple,
like the lighting of a lamp from another lamp or like the impress
of a stamp on wax. As all the skandhas are changing in life,
so death also is but a similar change ; there is no great break,
but the same uniform sort of destruction and coming into being.
New skandhas are produced as simultaneously as the two scale
pans of a balance rise up and fall, in the same manner as a lamp
is lighted or an image is reflected. At the death of the man the
vijflana resulting from his previous karmas and vijflanas enters
into the womb of that mother (animal, man or the gods) in which
the next skandhas are to be matured. This vijflana thus forms
the principle of the new life. It is in this vijflana that name
(niinza) and form (riipa) become associated.
The vijflana is indeed a direct product of the sarpskaras and
the sort of birth in which vijflana should bring down (niimayati)
the new existence (upapatti) is determined by the sarpskaras 2, for
in reality the happening of death (marwzablzava) and the instil-
lation of the vijflana as the beginning of the new life (upapatti-
bhava) cannot be simultaneous, but the latter succeeds just at
the next moment, and it is to signify this close succession that
they are said to be simultaneous. If the vijflana had not entered
the womb then no namarupa could have appeared 3•
This chain of twelve causes extends over three lives. Thus
avidya and sarpskara of the past life produce the vijflana, nama-
1 The deities of the gardens, the woods, the trees and the plants, finding the
master of the house, Citta, ill said "make your resolution, 'May I be a cakravartti
king in a next existence,'" Smtzyutta, IV. 303.
~ "sa cediinmzdavifiiiinm.n miitu!.zkuk#m niivaknzmeta, na tat kala!am kalalatviiya
sannivartteta," iii. v. 55'2· Compare Caraka, Siirira, III. 5-8, where he speaks of a
"upapaduka sattva" which connects the soul with body and by the absence of which
the character is changed, the senses become affected and life ceases, when it is in a
pure condition one can remember even the previous births; character, purity, antipathy,
memory, fear, energy, all mental qualities are produced out of it. Just as a chariot is
made by the combination of many elements, so is the foetus.
3 Madhyamaka vrtti (B. T. S. 202-203). Poussin quotes from Digha, 11. 63, "si le

vijtiana ne rlescendait pas dans le sein maternel Ia namarupa s'y constituerait-il? "
Govinrlananda on Sankara's commentary on the Brahma-szetras (11. ii. 19) says that the
first consciousness (vijfiana) of the foetus is produced by the sarp.skaras of the previous
birth, and from that the four elements (which he calls nama) and from that the white
and red, semen and ovum, and the first stage of the foetus (kalala-budbudiivastha) is
92 Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
rupa, ~ac;layatana, sparsa, vedana, tr~l)a, upadana and the bhava
(leading to another life) of the present actual life. This bhava
produces the jati and jaramarar:ta of the next life 1•
It is interesting to note that these twelve links in the chain
extending in three sections over three lives are all but the
manifestations of sorrow to the bringing in of which they natur-
ally determine one another. Thus Abhidhammattlzasangaha
says "each of these twelve terms is a factor. For the composite
term 'sorrow,' etc. is only meant to show incidental consequences
of birth. Again when ' ignorance ' and 'the actions of the
mind' have been taken into account, craving Ur~?zii), grasping
(upiidiina) and (karma) becoming (bhava) are implicitly ac-
counted for also. In the same manner when craving, grasping
and (karma) becoming have been taken into account, ignorance
and the actions of the mind are (implicitly) accounted for, also;
and when birth, decay, and death are taken into account, even
the fivefold fruit, to wit (rebirth}, consciousness, and the rest are
accounted for. And thus :
Five causes in the Past and Now a fivefold ' fruit.'
Five causes Now and yet to come a fivefold 'fruit' make up
the Twenty Modes, the Three Connections (1. sankhara and
viflflana, 2. vedana and tal)ha, 3· bhava and jati) and the four
groups (one causal group in the Past, one resultant group in the
Present, one causal group in the Present and one resultant
group in the Future, each group consisting of five modes) 2."
These twelve interdependent links (dviidasaizga) represent
the paticcasam u ppada (pratityasamutpiida) doctrines (dependent
origination ) 3 which are themselves but sorrow and lead to cycles
of sorrow. The term paticcasamuppada or pratityasamutpada
has been differently interpreted in later Buddhist literature'.
1 This explanation probably cannot be found in the early Pali texts; but Buddha-
gho~a mentions it in Sumaizga!aviliisini on l¥Iahiinidiina suttanta. We find it also in
Abhidhammatthasmigaha, VIII. 3· Ignorance and the actions of the mind belong to
the past; "birth," "decay and death" to the future; the intermediate eight to the
present. It is styled as trikar:tc).aka (having three branches) in Abhidhamzako!a, III.
'lo-'24· Two in the past branch, two in the future and eight in the middle "sa
pratitynsamutpiido dviida!iiizgastrikii~zrfakaf.z pi'irviipariintayordve dve madhye~tau."
Aung and Mrs Rhys Davids' translation of Abhidhammatthasaizgaha, pp. 189-190.
s The twelve links are not always constant. Thus in the list given in the Dialogues
of the Buddha, II. '23 f., avijja and sankhara have been omitted and the start has been
made with consciousness, and it has been said that "Cognition turns back from name
and form; it goes not beyond."
'M. V. P· sf.
v] Avi;j"a in Patzccasamuppada 93
Samutpada means appearance or arising (priidurbkiiva) and pra-
tltya means after getting (prati+i+ya); combining the two we
find, arising after getting (something). The elements, depending
on which there is some kind of arising, are called hetu (cause) and
paccaya (ground). These two words however are often used in
the same sense and are interchangeable. But paccaya is also
used in a specific sense. Thus when it is said that avijja is the
paccaya of sankhara it is meant that avijja is the ground (!hiti)
of the origin of the sankharas, is the ground of their movement,
of the instrument through which they stand (ninzitta!!hiti), of
their ayuhana (conglomeration), of their interconnection, of their
intelligibility, of their conjoint arising, of their function as cause
and of their function as the ground with reference to those which
are determined by them. Avijja in all these nine ways is
the ground of sankhara both in the past and also in the future,
though avijja itself is determined in its turn by other grounds 1•
When we take the hetu aspect of the causal chain, we cannot
think of anything else but succession, but when we take the
paccaya aspect we can have a better vision into the nature of the
cause as ground. Thus when avijja is said to be the ground
of the sankharas in the nine ways mentioned above, it seems
reasonable to think that the sankharas were in some sense
regarded as special manifestations of avijja 2 • But as this point
was not further developed in the early Buddhist texts it would
be unwise to proceed further with it.

The Khandhas.
The word khandha (Skr. skandha) means the trunk of a tree
and is generally used to mean group or aggregate 3• \Ve have
seen that Buddha said that there was no atman (soul). He said
that when people held that they found the much spoken of soul,
they really only found the five khandhas together or any one of
them. The khandhas are aggregates of bodily and psychical
states which are immediate with us and are divided into five
1 See Pa!isambhidtzmagga, vol. I. p. so; see also lllajjhima Nikiiya, 1. 67, saiz-
khiirii ... avijjt1nidt"ilu1 avi]jiisamudayii avi]'jtl}iitikii avi]jtipablzavii.
2 In the Yoga derivation of asmita (egoism), raga (attachment), dve~a (antipathy)

and abbinivda (self love) from avidya we find also that all the five are regarded as the
five special stages of the growth of avidya (paiicaparvii avid;tii).
3 The word skandha is used in Chandogya, II. 23 {trayo dlzarnzaska11dluil_z yaj1ial_z
adhyayanam dtznam) in the sense of branches and in almost the same sense in ::\Iaitri,
94 Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
classes: (1) riipa (four elements, the body, the senses), sense
data, etc., (2) vedana (feeling-pleasurable, painful and in-
different), (3) safifla (conceptual knowledge), (4) sarikhara (syn-
thetic mental states and the synthetic functioning of compound
sense-affections, compound feelings and compound concepts),
(5) viflfiana (consciousness) 1 •
All these states rise depending one upon the other (pa!z"cca-
samuppmzna) and when a man says that he perceives the self he
only deludes himself, for he only perceives one or more of these.
The word riipa in riipakhandha stands for matter and material
qualities, the senses, and the sense data 2• But "riipa" is also
used in the sense of pure organic affections or states of mind
as we find in the Khmzdha Yamaka, 1. p. 16, and also in Sm!l-
yutta NikiiJ'a, III. 86. Rupaskandha according to Dlzarma-
-smtzgraha means the aggregate of five senses, the five sensations,
and the implicatory communications associated in sense per-
ceptions (viji'iapti).
The elaborate discussion of Dlzammasaizga?Zi begins by defin-
ing rupa as "cattaro ca ma/uiblziitii catunnanca mahiibhittanam
upiidiiJ'a riipam" (the four mahabhiitas or elements and that
proceeding from the grasping of that is called riipa) 3• Buddha-
gho!?a explains it by saying that riipa means the four maha-
bhutas and those which arise depending (nissiiya) on them as
a modification of them. In the riipa the six senses including
their affections are also included. In explaining why the four
elements are called mahabhutas, Buddhagho!?a says : "Just as a
magician (mii.:viikiira) makes the water which is not hard appear
as hard, makes the stone which is not gold appear as gold;
just as he himself though not a ghost nor a bird makes himself
appear as a ghost or a bird, so these elements though not them-
selves blue make themselves appear as blue (nilam upiidii nipam),
not yellow, red, or white make themselves appear as yellow, red
or white (odatam upiidiiriipam), so on account of their similarity
to the appearances created by the magician they are called
mahabhuta '."
In the Smtzyutta NikiiJ1a we find that the Buddha says, "0
Bhikkhus it is called rupam because it manifests (riipyati); how
1 Sm!zyulla .'\"ikciya, 111. 86, etc.
2 Abhidhammatthasmigaha, J.P. T. S. 1884, p. 27 ff.
Dhammasmiga~zi, pp. 124-179· 4
Atthaslili1li, p. 299·
v] Theory of Matter 95
does it manifest? It manifests as cold, and as heat, as hunger and
as thirst, it manifests as the touch of gnats, mosquitos, wind, the
sun and the snake; it manifests, therefore it is called riipa •."
If we take the somewhat conflicting passages referred to above
for our consideration and try to combine them so as to understand
what is meant by riipa, I think we find that that which mani-
fested itself to the senses and organs was called riipa. No dis-
tinction seems to have been made between the sense-data as
colours, smells, etc., as existing in the physical world and their
appearance as sensations. They were only numerically different
and the appearance of the sensations was dependent upon the
sense-data and the senses but the sense-data and the sensations
were " riipa." Under certain conditions the sense-data were fol-
lowed by the sensations. Buddhism did not probably start with
the same kind of division of matter and mind as we now do.
And it may not be out of place to mention that such an opposi-
tion and duality were found neither in the U pani~ads nor in the
Sarpkhya system which is regarded by some as pre-Buddhistic.
The four elements manifested themselves in certain forms and
were therefore called riipa; the forms of affection that appeared
were also called riipa; many other mental states or features
which appeared with them were also called riipa 2• The ayatanas
or the senses were also called riipa 3• The mahabhiitas or four
elements were themselves but changing manifestations, and they
together with all that appeared in association with them were
called riipa and formed the riipa khandha (the classes of sense-
materials, sense-data, senses and sensations).
In Sm?zyutta Nikiiya (III. 101) it is said that "the four
mahabhiitas were the hetu and the paccaya for the communica-
tion of the riipakkhandha (rupakklzandlzassa parzfziipaniiya). Con-
tact (sense-contact, phassa) is the cause of the communication of
feelings (vedanii); sense-contact was also the hetu and paccaya
for the communication of the safifiakkhandha; sense-contact is
also the hetu and paccaya for the communication of the sankhara-
kkhandha. But namariipa is the hetu and the paccaya for the
communication of the vififianakkhandha.'' Thus not only feelings
arise on account of the sense-contact but safifia and satl.khara
also arise therefrom. Safifia is that where specific knowing or
1 Sm!zyutta Niktzya, 111. 86. 2 Khandlzayamaka.
3 Dhammasmiga1.zi, p. 1 24 ff.
g6 Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
conceiving takes place. This is the stage where the specific dis-
tinctive knowledge as the yellow or the red takes place.
Mrs Rhys Davids writing on safifia says: "In editing the
second book of the Abhidhamma pitaka I found a classification
distinguishing between saflfia as cognitive assimilation on occasion
of sense, and safifia as cognitive assimilation of ideas by way of
naming. The former is called perception of resistance, or opposi-
tion (patigha-saiiitii). This, writes Buddhagho~a, is perception on
occasion of sight, hearing, etc., when consciousness is aware of the
impact of impressions; of external things as different, we might
say. The latter is called perception of the equivalent word or
name (ad/tivachtinii-safifzii) and is exercised by the sensus com-
11lUnis (mano), when e.g. 'one is seated ... and asks another who
is thoughtful: "What are you thinking of?" one perceives through
his speech.' Thus there are two stages of safifia-consciousness,
1. contemplating sense-impressions, 2. ability to know what they
are by naming 1.''
About sailkhara we read in Sa1!ZY1ttta Nikiiya (III. 87) that it
is called sailkhara because it synthesises (abhisankharonti), it ·is
that which conglomerated rupa as rupa, conglomerated safifia
as safifia, sankhara as sailkhara and consciousness ( viruziina)
as consciousness. It is called sarikhara because it synthesises
the conglomerated (sa1ikhatam abhisankharonti). It is thus a
synthetic function which synthesises the passive rupa, safifia,
sailkhara and vinfiana elements. The fact that we hear of 52
satikhara states and also that the sankhara exercises its syn-
thetic activity on the conglomerated elements in it, goes to show
that probably the word satikhara is used in two senses, as mental
states and as synthetic activity.
Viflnana or consciousness meant according to Buddhagho!?a,
as we have already seen in the previous section, both the stage
at which the intellectual process started and also the final
resulting consciousness.
Buddhagho~a in explainingthe processofBuddhist psychology
says that "consciousness(citta)first comes into touch (phassa) with
its object (liramma~za) and thereafter feeling, conception (smllili)
and volition (cetmu"i) come in. This contact is like the pillars of
a palace, and the rest are but the superstructure built upon it
(dabbasambhiirasadisii). But it should not be thought that contact
1 Buddhist Psydzology, pp. 49, 50.
v] Theory of Sense-contact 97
is the beginning of the psychological processes, for in one whole
consciousness (ekacittasmi1!l) it cannot be said that this comes
first and that comes after, so we can take contact in association
with feeling (vedanii), conceiving (saiziia) or volition (cetanii);
it is itself an immaterial state but yet since it comprehends
objects it is called contact." "There is no impinging on one side
of the object (as in physical contact), nevertheless contact causes
consciousness and object to be in collision, as visible object and
visual organs, sound and hearing; thus impact is itsfunction; or
it has impact as its essential property in the sense of attainment,
owing to the impact of the physical basis with the mental object.
For it is said in the Commentary :-((contact in the four planes of
existence is never without the characteristic of touch with the
object; but the function of impact takes place in the five doors.
For to sense, or five-door contact, is given the name 'having the
characteristic of touch' as well as 'having the function of impact.'
But to contact in the mind-door there is only the characteristic
of touch, but not the function of impact. And then this Sutta is
quoted 'As if, sire, two rams were to fight, one ram to represent
the eye, the second the visible object, and their collision contact.
And as if, sire, two cymbals were to strike against each other, or
two hands were to clap against each other; one hand would
represent the eye, the second the visible object and their collision
contact. Thus contact has the characteristic of touch and the
function of impact~'. Contact is the manifestation of the union
of the three (the object, the consciousness and the sense) and its
effect is feeling (vedanii); though it is generated by the objects
it is felt in the consciousness and its chief feature is experiencing
(anublzava) the taste of the object. As regards enjoying the
taste of an object, the remaining associated states enjoy it only
partially. Of contact there is (the function of) the mere touching,
of perception the mere noting or perceiving, of volition the mere
coordinating, of consciousness the mere cognizing. But feeling
alone, through governance, proficiency, mastery, enjoys the taste
of an object. For feeling is like the king, the remaining states
are like the cook. As the cook, when he has prepared food of
diverse .tastes, puts it in a basket, seals it, takes it to the king,
breaks the seal, opens the basket, takes the best of all the soup
and curries, puts them in a dish, swallows (a portion) to find out
1 Atthasc'ili1li, p. 108; translation, pp. I.lj-q~.
Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
whether they are faulty or not and afterwards offers the food of
various excellent tastes to the king, and the king, being lord,
expert, and master, eats whatever he likes, even so the mere tasting
of the food by the cook is like the partial enjoyment of the object
by the remaining states, and as the cook tastes a portion of the
food, so the remaining states enjoy a portion of the object, and
as the king, being lord, expert and master, eats the meal according
to his pleasure so feeling being lord expert, and master, enjoys
the taste of the object and therefore it is said that enjoyment or
experience is its function I."
The special feature of sai1fia is said to be the recognizing
(paccablzifziza) by means of a sign (abhiiiiianena). According to
another ex planation, a recognition takes place by the inclusion
of the totality (of aspects)-sabbasaizgahikavasella. The work of
volition (cetmzii) is said to be coordination or binding together
(ablzismzdahana). "Volition is exceedingly energetic and makes
a double effort, a double exertion. Hence the Ancients said
'Volition is like the nature of a landowner, a cultivator who taking
fifty-five strong men, went down to the fields to reap. He was
exceedingly energetic and exceedingly strenuous; he doubled his
strength and said "Take your sickles" and so forth, pointed out
the portion to be reaped, offered them drink, food, scent, flowers,
etc., and took an equal share of the work.' The simile should be
thus applied: volition is like the cultivator, the fifty-five moral
states which arise as factors of consciousness are like the fifty-five
strong men; like the time of doubling strength, doubling effort
by the cultivator is the doubled strength, doubled effort of
volition as regards activity in moral and immoral acts 2." It
seems that probably the active side operating in sailkhara was
separately designated as cetana (volition).
"\Vhen one says 'I,' what he does is that he refers either to
all the khandhas combined or any one of them and deludes him-
self that that was 'I.' Just as one could not say that the
fragrance of the lotus belonged to the petals, the colour or the
pollen, so one could not say that the rupa was 'I' or that the
vedana was 'I' or any of the other khandhas was '1.' There is
nowhere to be found in the khandhas ' I am 3 '."

I Atthaslilini, pp. 109-110; translation, pp. 145-I.t-6.

2 /hid. p. 11 1 ; translation, pp. LJ.7-I.J.8.
3 Sm!')'lllla Nikt"iya, 111. 130.
v] Ignorance 99

Avijja and Asava.

As to the question how the avijja (ignorance) first started
there can be no answer, for we could never say that either
ignorance or desire for existence ever has any beginning 1• Its
fruition is seen in the cycle of existence and the sorrow that comes
in its train, and it comes and goes with them all. Thus as we
can never say that it has any beginning, it determines the elements
which bring about cycles of existence and is itself determined by
certain others. This mutual determination can only take place
in and through the changing series of dependent phenomena, for
there is nothing which can be said to have any absolute priority
in time or stability. It is said that it is through the coming into
being of the asavas or depravities that the avijja came into
being, and that through the destruction of the depravities (iisava)
the avijja was destroyed 2• These asavas are classified in the
Dhammasaizga~zi as kamasava, bhavasava, ditthasava and avij-
jasava. Kamasava means desire, attachment, pleasure, and thirst
after the qualities associated with the senses; bhavasava means
desire, attachment and will for existence or birth; ditthasava
means the holding of heretical views, such as, the world is eternal
or non-eternal, or that the world will come to an end or will not
come to an end, or that the body and the soul are one or are
different; avijjasava means the ignorance of sorrow, its cause, its
extinction and its means of extinction. Dhammasaizga?zi adds
four more supplementary ones, viz. ignorance about the nature of
anterior mental khandhas, posterior mental khandhas, anterior
and posterior together, and their mutual dependence 3• Kamasava
and bhavasava can as Buddhagho~a says be counted as one, for
they are both but depravities due to attachmf"nt 4•
1 Warren's Buddhism ill Translations ( v'isuddhimaf{ga, chap. XVII.), P· 175·
2 AI. N. I. p. 5-J.· Childers translates "iisava" as "depravities" and Mrs Rhys
Davids as "intoxicants." The word" iisava" in Skr. means" old wine." It is derived
from "su" to produce by Buddhagho~a and the meaning that he gives to it is "cira
piiriviisika{!hena" {on account of its heing stored up for a long time like wine). They
work through the eye and the mind and continue to produce all beings up to Indra.
As those wines which are kept long are called "iisavas" so these are also called
iisavas for remaining a long time. The other alternative that Buddhagho~a gives is
that they are called iisava on account of their producing sa~psiiradukkha (sorrows of
the world), .-ltthascilini, p. -t-8. Contrast it with J aina iisrava (flowing in of karma
matter). Finding it difficult to translate it in one word after Buddhagho~a, I have
translated it as "depravities," after Childers.
3 See Dhammasmiga~zi, p. 195· 4 Buddhagho~a's A tthasiilini, p. 3 7 1.
100 Buddhist Philosophy [cu.
The ditthasavas by clouding the mind with false metaphysical
views stand in the way of one's adopting the true Buddhistic doc-
trines. The kamasavas stand in the way of one's entering into
the way of Nirvarya (aniigamimagga) and the bhavasavas and
avijjasavas stand in the way of one's attaining arhattva or final
emancipation. When the Majjhima Nzkaya says that from the
rise of the asavas avijja rises, it evidently counts avijja there as
in some sense separate from the other asavas, such as those of
attachment and desire of existence which veil the true know-
ledge about sorrow.
The afflictions (kilcsas) do not differ much from the asavas
for they are but the specific passions in forms ordinarily familiar
to us, such as covetousness (lobha), anger or hatred (dosa),
infatuation (moha), arrogance, pride or vanity (mana), heresy
(di!!lzi), doubt or uncertainty (viciki'cclzii), idleness (thiJZa), boast-
fulness (udhacca), shamelessness (ahirika) and hardness of heart
(a1lottapa); these kilesas proceed directly as a result of the asavas.
In spite of these varieties they are often counted as three (lobha,
dosa, moha) and these together are called kilesa. They are
associated with the vedanakkhandha, saflflakkhandha, sailkharak-
khandha and viflflanakkhandha. From these arise the three kinds
of actions, of speech, of body, and of mind 1 •

Sila and Samadhi.

We are intertwined all through outside and inside by the
tangles of desire (ta?zhii Ja!ii), and the only way by which these
may be loosened is by the practicP. of right discipline (sila), con-
centration (samiidlzi) and wisdom (paizilii). Slla briefly means
the desisting from committing all sinful deeds (sabbapiipassa
akara!lam). With slla therefore the first start has to be made,
for by it one ceases to do all actions prompted by bad desires
and thereby removes the inrush of dangers and disturbances.
This serves to remove the kilesas, and therefore the proper per-
formance of the slla would lead one to the first two successive
stages of sainthood, viz. the sotapannabhava (the stage in which
one is put in the right current) and the sakadagamibhava (the
stage when one has on1y one more birth to undergo). Sa mad hi
is a more advanced effort, for by it all the old roots of the old
kilesas are destroyed and the tat~ha or desire is removed and
1 Dlwmmasmiga~zi, p. 180.
v] Right Conduct 101

by it one is led to the more advanced states of a saint. It

directly brings in panna (true wisdom) and by panna the saint
achieves final emancipation and becomes what is called an
arhat!. \Visdom (paiifui) is right knowledge about the four
ariya saccas, viz. sorrow, its cause, its destruction and its cause
of destruction.
Slla means those particular volitions and mental states, etc.
by which a man who desists from committing sinful actions
maintains himself on the right path. Slla thus means 1. right
volition (cetanii), 2. the associated mental states (cetasi'ka),
3· mental control (sm!zvara) and 4· the actual non-transgression
(in body and speech) of the course of conduct already in the mind
by the preceding three silas called avltikkama. Sarpvara is
spoken of as being of five kinds. 1. Pa~imokkhasarpvara (the
control which saves him who abides by it), 2. Satisarpvara (the
control of mindfulness), 3· Nanasarpvara (the control of know-
ledge), 4· Khantisarpvara (the control of patience), 5· Viriya-
sarpvara (the control of active self-restraint). Patimokkha-
sarpvara means all self-control in general. Satisarpvara means
the mindfulness by which one can bring in the right and good
associations when using one's cognitive senses. Even when
looking at any tempting object he will by virtue of his mindful-
ness (sati) control himself from being tempted by avoiding to
think of its tempting side and by thinking on such aspects of it
as may lead in the right direction. Khantisarpvara is that by
which one can remain unperturbed in heat and cold. By the
proper adherence to slla all our bodily, mental and vocal activities
(kamma) are duly systematized, organized, stabilized (samiidhii-
nanz, upadlziira?ZaJ!l, pati!!hii) 2•
The sage who adopts the full course should also follow a
number of healthy monastic rules with reference to dress, sitting,
dining, etc., which are called the dhutangas or pure disciplinary
parts 3• The practice of slla and the dhuta1l.gas help the sage to
adopt the course of samadhi. Samadhi as we have seen means
the concentration of the mind bent on right endeavours (kusala-
cittekaggata samadlzi(z) together with its states upon one parti-
cular object (ekiirammwza) so that they may completely cease to
shift and change (sammii ca avikklzipamiinii)_,.
1 Visuddhimag<6a Nidtimidikathii. 2
Visuddhimagga-silauiddeso, pp. 7 and 8-
3 Vis11ddhimagga, 11. 4 Visuddhimagga, pp. 8-t--85.
102 Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
The man who has practised slla must train his mind first
in particular ways, so that it may be possible for him to acquire
the chief concentration of meditation called jhana (fixed and
steady meditation). Thes~ preliminary endeavours of the mind
for the acquirement of jhanasamadhi eventually lead to it
and are called upacara samadhi (preliminary samadhi) as dis-
tinguished from the jhanasamadhi called the appanasamadhi
(achieved samadhi)l. Thus as a preparatory measure, firstly he
has to train his mind continually to view with disgust the appe-
titive desires for eating and drinking (iihiire pa{ikkiilasafulii) by
emphasizing in the mind the various troubles that are associated
in seeking food and drink and their ultimate loathsome trans-
formations as various nauseating bodily elements. When a man
continually habituates himself to emphasize the disgusting
associations of food and drink, he ceases to have any attach-
ment to them and simply takes them as an unavoidable evil,
only awaiting the day when the final dissolution of all sorrows
will come 2 • Secondly he has to habituate his mind to the idea
that all the parts of our body are made up of the four elements,
k~iti (earth), ap (water), tejas (fire) and wind (air), like the carcase
of a cow at the butcher's shop. This is technically called catu-
dhatuvavatthanabhavana (the meditation of the body as being
made up of the four elements) 3 • Thirdly he has to habituate his
mind to think again and again (auussati) about the virtues or
greatness of the Buddha, the sai'lgha (the monks following the
Buddha), the gods and the law (dhamma) of the Buddha, about
the good effects of slla, and the making of gifts (ciigiimtssati),
about the nature of death (mara?liitzussat!") and about the deep
nature and qualities of the final extinction of all phenomena
(upasanuimtssati) 4 •
As it is not possible for me to enter into details, I follow what appears to me to
he the main line of division showing the interconnection of -jhana (Skr. dhy,zna) with
its accessory stages called parikammas ( Visttddhimag~a, pp. Ss f.).
2 Visuddhimagga, pp. 341-347; mark the intense pessimistic attitude, "Imaii ca

pana iihiire pa(iku/asaiiflii'!,l anuyullassa bhikkhu~zo rasalmfhiiya cittam ja!iliyati,

ja!iku!(ati, pa!iz•a((a/i J. so, kanliiranitthara~za{(hiko viya puttamat!lSGT?l viga/amaclo
iihiirat!l iihiireti yiivad eva dukkhassa ni(!hara1Ja//hiiya," p. 3-1-7· The mind of him who
inspires himself with this supreme disgust to all food, becomes free from all desires for
palatable tastes, and turns its back to them and Aies off from them. As a means of
getting rid of all sorrow he takes his food without any attachment as one would eat
the flesh of his own son to sustain himself in crossing a forest.
3 4
Visuddhi11urJ.:ga, pp. 34i-3jO. Visuddhima.l{ga, pp. 197-294·
v] Jvleditatiou 103

Advancing further from the preliminary meditations or pre-

parations called the upacara samadhi we come to those other
sources of concentration and meditation called the appanasamadhi
which directly lead to the achievement of the highest samadhi.
The processes of purification and strengthening of the mind
continue in this stage also, but these represent the last attempts
which lead the mind to its final goal Nibbana. In the first part
of this stage the sage has to go to the cremation grounds and
notice the diverse horrifying changes of the human carcases and
think how nauseating, loathsome, unsightly and impure they are,
and from this he will turn his mind to the living human bodies
and convince himself that they being in essence the same as the
dead carcases are as loathsome as they 1• This is called asubhakam-
matthana or the endeavour to perceive the impurity of our bodies.
He should think of the anatomical parts and constituents of the
body as well as their processes, and this will help him to enter
into the first jhana by leading his mind away from his body.
This is called the kayagatasati or the continual mindfulness
about the nature of the body 2• As an aid to concentration the
sage should sit in a quiet place and fix his mind on the inhaling
(passiisa) and the exhaling (iissiisa) of his breath, so that instead
of breathing in a more or less unconscious manner he may be
aware whether he is breathing quickly or slowly; he ought to
mark it definitely by counting numbers, so that by fixing his
mind on the numbers counted he may fix his mind on the whole
process of inhalation and exhalation in all stages of its course.
This is called the anapanasati or the mindfulness of inhalation
and exhalation 3 •
Next to this we come to Brahmavihara, the fourfold medi-
tation of metta (universal friendship), karuJ!a (universal pity).
mudita (happiness in the prosperity and happiness of all) and
upekkha (indifference to any kind of preferment of oneself, his
friend, enemy or a third party). In order to habituate oneself to
the meditation on universal friendship, one should start with think-
ing how he should himself like to root out all misery and become
happy, how he should himself like to avoid death and live cheer-
fully, and then pass over to the idea that other beings would also
have the same desires. He should thus habituate himself to think
that his friends, his enemies, and all those with whom he is not
1 2 3
Visttddhimagga, VI. Ibid. pp. 239-266. Ibid. pp. 266-z92.
104 Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
connected might all live and become happy. He should fix himself
to such an extent in this meditation that he would not find any
difference between the happiness or safety of himself and of others.
He should never become angry with any person. Should he at any
time feel himself offended on account of the injuries inflicted on
him by his enemies, he should think of the futility of doubling
his sadness by becoming sorry or vexed on that account. He
should think that if he should allow himself to be affected by
anger, he would spoil all his sila which he was so carefully prac-
ttsmg. If anyone has done a vile action by inflicting injury,
should he himself also do the same by being angry at it? If he
were finding fault with others for being angry, could he himself
indulge in anger? Moreover he should think that all the dhammas
are momentary (kha1Jikattii) ; that there no longer existed the
khandhas which had inflicted the injury, and moreover the inflic-
tion of any injury being only a joint product, the man who was
injured was himself an indispensable element in the production
of the infliction as much as the man who inflicted the injury, and
there could not thus be any special reason for making him re-
sponsible and of being angry with him. If even after thinking
in this way the anger does not subside, he should think that by
indulging in anger he could only bring mischief on himself through
his bad deeds, and he should further think that the other man
by being angry was only producing mischief to himself but not
to him. By thinking in these ways the sage would be able to
free his mind from anger against his enemies and establish him-
self in an attitude of universal friendship 1• This is called the
metta-bhavana. In the meditation of universal pity (karu1p'i)
also one should sympathize with the sorrows of his friends and
foes alike. The sage being more keen-sighted will feel pity for
those who are apparently leading a happy life, but are neither
acquiring merits nor endeavouring to proceed on the way to
N ibbana, for they are to suffer innumerable lives of sorrow 2 •
We next come to the jhanas with the help of material things
as objects of concentration called the Kasit)am. These objects of
concentration may either be earth, water, fire, wind, blue colour,
yellow colour, red colour, white colour, light or limited space
(paricchimuikiisa). Thus the sage may take a brown ball of earth
and concentrate his mind upon it as an earth ball, sometimes
1 Visudd/zimagga, pp. '295-3 q.
v] Meditation 105

with eyes open and sometimes with eyes shut. When he finds
that even in shutting his eyes he can visualize the object in his
mind, he may leave off the object and retire to another place to
concentrate upon the image of the earth ball in his mind.
In the first stages of the first meditation (patlzamam jlu'inam)
the mind is concentrated on the object in the way of understanding
it with its form and name and of comprehending it with its diverse
relations. This state of concentration is called vitakka (discursive
meditation). The next stage of the first meditation is that in
which the mind does not move in the object in relational terms
but becomes fixed and settled in it and penetrates into it without
any quivering. This state is called vicara (steadily moving). The
first stage vitakka has been compared in Buddhagho~a's Vi'sud-
dlzimagga to the flying of a kite with its wings flapping, whereas
the second stage is compared to its flying in a sweep without the
least quiver of its wings. These two stages are associated with
a buoyant exaltation (pitt) and a steady inward bliss called sukha 1
instilling the mind. The formation of this first jhana roots out
five ties of avijja, kamacchando (dallying with desires), vyapado
(hatred), thinamiddham (sloth and torpor), uddhaccakukkuccam
(pride and restlessness), and vicikiccha (doubt). The five elements
of which this jhana is constituted are vitakka, vicara, piti, sukham
and ekaggata (one pointedness).
When the sage masters the first jhana he finds it defective
and wants to enter into the second meditation (dutiyam jluinam),
where there is neither any vitakka nor vicara of the first jhana,
but the mind is in one unruffled state (ekodibhiivam). It is a
much steadier state and does not possess the movement which
characterized the vitakka and the vicara stages of the first jhana
and is therefore a very placid state (vitakka-viciirakkhoblza-
z•iralte1}a ativiya aca/atii suppasmmatii ca). It is however associ-
ated with pl:ti, sukha and ekaggata as the first jhana was.
When the second jhana is mastered the sage becomes disin-
clined towards the enjoyment of the plti of that stage and becomes
indifferent to them (upekklzako). A sage in this stage sees the
objects but is neither pleased nor displeased. At this stage all
the asavas of the sage become loosened (klti?ziisava). The
enjoyment of sukha however still remains in the stage and the
1 'Where there is piti there is sukha, but where there is sukha there may not

necessarily be piti. Visuddhimagga, p. 145·

106 BuddhZ:Iit Philosophy [cH.
mind if not properly and carefully watched would like sometimes
to turn back to the enjoyment of plti again. The two character-
istics of this jhana are sukha and ekaggata. It should however
be noted that though there is the feeling of highest sukha here,
the mind is not only not attached to it but is indifferent to it
(atimadlmrasu!..·he s11khapiiramippatte pi tatiyajj'hii1ze upel~khako,
Jla tattha sukhiibhisallgena iikatftfhiyati)I. The earth ball (paflzavz)
is however still the object of the jhana.
In the fourth or the last jhana both the sukha (happiness) and
the dukkha (misery) vanish away and all the roots of attachment
and antipathies are destroyed. This state is characterized by
supreme and absolute indifference (upckkhii) which was slowly
growing in all the various stages of the jhanas. The characteris-
tics of this jhana are therefore upekkha and ekaggata. \Vith the
mastery of this jhana comes final perfection and total extinction
of the citta called cetovimutti, and the sage becomes thereby an
arhat2. There is no further production of the khandhas, no reb_irth,
and there is the absolute cessation of all sorrows and sufferings-
In the Katha (II. 6) Varna says that "a fool who is blinded
with the infatuation of riches does not believe in a future life; he
thinks that only this life exists and not any other, and thus he
comes again and again within my grasp." In the Dlgha N ikaya
also we read how Payasi was trying to give his reasons in support
of his belief that "Neither is there any other world, nor are there
beings, reborn otherwise than from parents, nor is there fruit or
result of deeds well done or ill done 3.'' Some of his arguments
were that neither the vicious nor the virtuous return to tell us
that they suffered or enjoyed happiness in the other world, that
if the virtuous had a better life in store, and if they believed
in it, they would certainly commit suicide in order to get it at
the earliest opportunity, that in spite of taking the best precau-
tions we do not find at the time of the death of any person that
his soul goes out, or that his body weighs less on account of
the departure of his soul, and so on. Kassapa refutes his argu-
ments with apt illustrations. But in spite of a few agnostics of
1 Visuddhimagga, p. 163.
2 )}fa/Jhima Nikiiya, 1. p. 296, and Visuddhima.F;ga, pp. I6j-J68.
3 Dialogzus tifth~ Buddha, II. p. 349; D. N. II. pp. 3Ii ff.
v] Deeds and Desires 107

Payasi's type, we have every reason to believe that the doctrine

of rebirth in other worlds and in this was often spoken of in the
U pani~ads and taken as an accepted fact by the Buddha. In
the JIIilinda Paiiha, we find ~agasena saying "it is through a
difference in their karma that men are not all alike, but some
long lived, some short lived, some healthy and some sickly, some
handsome and some ugly, some powerful and some weak, some
rich and some poor, some of high degree and some of low
degree, some wise and some foolish 1." \Ve have seen in the
third chapter that the same sort of views was enunciated by the
U pani~ad sages.
But karma could produce its effect in this life or any
other life only when there were covetousness, antipathy and in-
fatuation. But "when a man's deeds are performed without
covetousness, arise without covetousness and are occasioned with-
out covetousness, then inasmuch as covetousness is gone these
deeds are abandoned, uprooted, pulled out of the ground like a
palmyra tree and become non-existent and not liable to spring
up again in the future 2." Karma by itself without craving (ta~zlzii)
is incapable of bearing good or bad fruits. Thus we read in the
Maltiisati'pa!!hiina sutta, "even this craving, potent for rebirth,
that is accompanied by lust and self-indulgence, seeking satis-
faction now here, now there, to wit, the craving for the life of
sense, the craving for becoming (renewed life) and the craving
for not becoming (for no new rebirth)S." "Craving for things
visible, craving for things audible, craving for things that may
be smelt, tasted, touched, for things in memory recalled. These
are the things in this world that are dear, that are pleasant.
There does craving take its rise, there does it dwell-'.'' Pre-occu-
pation and deliberation of sensual gratification giving rise to
craving is the reason why sorrow comes. .L\nd this is the first
arya satya (noble truth).
The cessation of sorrow can only happen with "the utter
cessation of and disenchantment about that very craving, giving
it up, renouncing it and emancipation from ifi."
\Vhen the desire or craving (ta?tlui) has once ceased the
sage becomes an arhat, and the deeds that he may do after
that will bear no fruit. An arhat cannot have any good or bad
1 \Vanen's Buddhism i1z Tramlations, p. 21 :;. 2 Ibid. pp. 2 16-21 i.
3 Dialogues if the Buddha, II. p. 340. 4 Ibid. p. 341. 5 Ibid. p. 3-P·
108 Buddhist Philosophy [cu.
fruits of whatever he does. For it is through desire that karma
finds its scope of giving fruit. With the cessation of desire all
ignorance, antipathy and grasping cease and consequently there
is nothing which can determine rebirth. An arhat may suffer the
effects of the deeds done by him in some previous birth just as
l\1oggallana did, but in spite of the remnants of his past karma
an arhat was an emancipated man on account of the cessation of
his desire 1 •
Kammas are said to be of three kinds, of body, speech and
mind (kiiyika, 'l!iicika and -miinasika). The root of this kamma
is however volition (cetanii) and the states associated with it2. If
a man wishing to kill animals goes out into the forest in search of
them, but cannot get any of them there even after a long search,
his misconduct is not a bodily one, for he could not actually
commit the deed with his body. So if he gives an order for com-
mitting a similar mi~deed, and if it is not actually carried out
with the body, it would be a misdeed by speech ( viicika) and not
by the body. But the merest bad thought or ill will alone whether
carried into effect or not would be a kamma of the mind (mii1za-
sika)3. But the mental kamma must be present as the root of
all bodily and vocal kammas, for if this is absent, as in the case
of an arhat, there cannot be any kammas at all for him.
Kammas are divided from the point of view of effects into
four classes, viz. ( 1) those which are bad and produce impurity,
(2) those which are good and productive of purity, (3) those
which are partly good and partly bad and thus productive of
both purity and impurity, (4) those which are neither good nor
bad and productive neither of purity nor of impurity, but which
contribute to the destruction of kammas 4•
Final extinction of sorrow (nibbiina) takes place as the natural
result of the destruction of desires. Scholars of Buddhism have
tried to discover the meaning of this ultimate happening, and
various interpretations have been offered. Professor De Ia Vallee
Poussin has pointed out that in the Pali texts Nibbana has
sometimes been represented as a happy state, as pure annihila-
tion, as an inconceivable existence or as a changeless state 5•
1 See Aathii<laltku and Warren's Buddhism in Tmnslations, pp. '2'21 ff.
2 3 See Atthastlli11t, p. 90. 4 See Atthasiilinl, p. 89.
Atthastllint, p. 88.
Prof. De Ia Vallee Poussin's article in the E. R. E. on Nirval)a. See also
Cu/lavagga, IX. i. 4; Mrs Rhys Davids's Pmbm if the early Buddhists, I. and 11.,
Introduction, p. xxxvii; ./Jrgha, II. ·,5; Udt.ina, VIII.; Sm!zyutta, III. 109.
v] N£bbiina 109

Mr Schrader, in discussing Nibbana in Pali Text Society Journal,

1905, says that the Buddha held that those who sought to become
identified after death with the soul of the world as infinite space
(tikiisa) or consciousness (viii:iiii1la) attained to a state in which
they had a corresponding feeling of infiniteness without having
really lost their individuality. This latter interpretation of
Nibbana seems to me to be very new and quite against the spirit
of the Buddhistic texts. It seems to me to be a hopeless task
to explain Nibbana in terms of worldly experience, and there
is no way in which we can better indicate it than by saying that
it is a cessation of all sorrow; the stage at which all worldly
experiences have ceased can hardly be described either as positive
or negative. \Vhether we exist in some form eternally or do not
exist is not a proper Buddhistic question, for it is a heresy to
think of a Tathagata as existing eternally (JtiJvata) or not-
existing (afiifvata) or whether he is existing as well as not
existing or whether he is neither existing nor non-existing. Any
one who seeks to discuss whether Nibbana is either a positive
and eternal state or a mere state of non-existence or annihilation,
takes a view which has been discarded in Buddhism as heretical.
It is true that we in modern times are not satisfied with it, for
we want to know what it all means. But it is not possible to
give any answer since Buddhism regarded all these questions as
Later Buddhistic writers like N agarjuna and Candraklrtti
took advantage of this attitude of early Buddhism and inter-
preted it as meaning the non-essential character of all existence.
Nothing existed, and therefore any question regarding the exist-
ence or non-existence of anything would be meaningless. There
is no difference between the wordly stage (sm!zsiira) and N ibbana,
for as all appearances are non-essential, they never existed during
the saf!Isara so that they could not be annihilated in N ibbana.

U panhz;ads and Buddhism.

The U pani~ads had discovered that the true self was ananda
(bliss}~. We could suppose that early Buddhism tacitly pre-
supposes some such idea. It was probably thought that if there was
the self (attti) it must be bliss. The Upani~ads had asserted that
the self (iitma1z) was indestructible and eternal 2• If we are allowed
1 Tait. II. 5· 2 Brh. IV. 5· q. Katha. v. 13.
I IO Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
to make explicit what was implicit in early Buddhism we could
conceive it as holding that if there was the self it must be bliss,
because it was eternal. This causal connection has not indeed
been anywhere definitely pronounced in the U pani!?ads, but he
who carefully reads the U pani~ads cannot but think that the
reason why the U pani~ads speak of the self as bliss is that it is
eternal. But the converse statement that what was not eternal
was sorrow does not appear to be emphasized clearly in the
U pani~ads. The important postulate of the Buddha is that that
which is changing is sorrow, and whatever is sorrow is not selfl.
The point at which Buddhism parted from the U pani!?ads lies
in the experiences of the sel£ The U pani~ads doubtless con-
sidered that there were many experiences which we often iden-
tify with self, but which are impermanent. But the belief is
found in the U pani~ads that there was associated with these a
permanent part as well, and that it was this permanent essence
which was the true and unchangeable self, the blissful. They con-
sidered that this permanent self as pure bliss could not be defined
as this, but could only be indicated as not this, not this (neti
1teti)2. But the early Pali scriptures hold that we could nowhere
find out such a permanent essence, any constant self, in our
changing experiences. All were but changing phenomena and
therefore sorrow and therefore non-self, and what was non-self
was not mine, neither I belonged to it, nor did it belong to me
as my self3.
The true self was with the U pani!?ads a matter of tran-
scendental experience as it were, for they said that it could not
be described in terms of anything, but could only be pointed out
as "there," behind all the changing mental categories. The
Buddha looked into the mind and saw that it did not exist. But
how was it that the existence of this self was so widely spoken
of as demonstrated in experience? To this the reply of the
Buddha was that what people perceived there when they said
that they perceived the self was but the mental experiences
either individually or together. The ignorant ordinary man did
not know the noble truths and was not trained in the way of wise
men, and considered himself to be endowed ,..,·ith form (riipa)
or found the forms in his self or the self in the forms. He
1 Sm!l)'UIIa Niktiya, 111. pp. 4~-45 ff.
:: Sec Brh. IV. iv. Chandogya, VIII. 7-12. 3 Sm!l)'tltla Niktlya, 111. ~5·
v] Upau:i~ads and Buddhisnz I I I

experienced the thought (of the moment) as it were the self or ex-
perienced himself as being endowed with thought, or the thought
in the self or the self in the thought. It is these kinds of experi-
ences that he considered as the perception of the selfl.
The U pani~ads did not try to establish any school of discipline
or systematic thought. They revealed throughout the dawn of an
experience of an immutable Reality as the self of man, as the only
abiding truth behind all changes. But Buddhism holds that this
immutable self of man is a delusion and a false knowledge.
The first postulate of the system is that impermanence is sorrow.
Ignorance about sorrow, ignorance about the way it originates,
ignorance about the nature of the extinction of sorrow, and ignor-
ance about the means of bringing about this extinction represent
the fourfold ignorance (avijj"iip. The avidya, which is equivalent
to the Pali word avijja, occurs in the U pani~ads also, but there
it means ignorance about the atman doctrine, and it is sometimes
contrasted with vidya or true knowledge about the self (iitmanY..
With the U pani~ads the highest truth was the permanent self,
the bliss, but with the Buddha there was nothing permanent; and
all was change; and all change and impermanence was sorrow"'.
This is, then, the cardinal truth of Buddhism, and ignorance con-
cerning it in the above fourfold ways represented the fourfold
ignorance which stood in the way of the right comprehension of
the fourfold cardinal truths (iiri'ya .sacca)-sorrow, cause of the
origination of sorrow, extinction of sorrow, and the means thereto.
There is no Brahman or supreme permanent reality and no
self, and this ignorance does not belong to any ego or self as we
may ordinarily be led to suppose.
Thus it is said in the risuddhimagga "inasmuch however
as ignorance is empty of stability from being subject to a coming
into existence and a disappearing from existence ... and is empty
of a self-determining Ego from being subject to dependence,-
... or in other words inasmuch as ignorance is not an Ego, and
similarly with reference to Karma and the rest-therefore is it
to be understood of the wheel of existence that it is empty with
a twelvefold emptiness 5."
Sa!!lYUlta Niktiya, III. 46.
1 2 11/ajjhima Niktiya, I. p. 54·
:t Cha.
1. 1. 10. Brh. IV. 3· 20. There are some passages where vidya and avidya
have been used in a different and rather obscure sense, isa 9-r1.
4 A1ig. Nikt?J'a, III. 85.
5 Warren's Budtillism ill Translations ( Visuddhimagga, chap. XVII.), p. 17 5·
112 Buddhist Philosophy [ Cll~

The Schools of Theravada Buddhism.

There is reason to believe that the oral instructions of the
Buddha were not collected until a few centuries after his death.
Serious quarrels arose amongst his disciples 1or rather amongst
the successive generations of the disciples of his disciples about
his doctrines and other monastic rules which he had enjoined
upon his followers. Thus we find that when the council of V esali
decided against the Vrjin monks, called also the Vajjiputtakas,
they in their turn held another great meeting (Mahasailgha) and
came to their own decisions about certain monastic rules and thus
came to be called as the Mahasailghikas 1• According to Vasu-
mitra as translated by V assilief, the Mahasailghikas seceded in
400 B.C. and during the next one hundred years they gave rise
first to the three schools Ekavyavaharikas, Lokottaravadins, and
Kukkulikas and after that the Bahusrutlyas. In the course of the
next one hundred years, other schools rose out of it namely the
Prajflaptivadins, Caittikas, Aparasailas and Uttarasailas. The
Theravada or the Sthaviravada school which had convened the
council of Vesali developed during the second and first century B.C.
into a number of schools, viz. the Haimavatas, Dharmaguptikas,
Mahlsasakas, Kasyaplyas, Sankrantikas (more well known as
Sautrantikas)and the Vatsiputtrlyas which latter was again split up
into the Dharmottarlyas, Bhadrayanlyas, Sammittyas and Chan-
nagarikas. The main branch of the Theravada school was from
the second century downwards known as the Hetuvadins or
Sarvastivadins 2• The ltfahiibodlzi.l,aJttsa identifies the Theravada
school with the Vibhajjavadins. The commentator of the Kathii-
vatthu who probably lived according to Mrs Rhys Davids some-
time in the fifth century A.D. mentions a few other schools of
Buddhists. But of all these Buddhist schools we know very little.
Vasumitra (100 A.D.) gives us some very meagre accounts of
1 The .Mahiiva'!zsa differs from Dipaval!zsa in holding that the Vajjiputtakas did

not develop into the Mahasanghikas, but it was the Mahasanghikas who first seceded
while the Vajjiputtakas seceded independently of them. The .Mahiibodhivm!zsa, which
according to Professor Geiger was composed 975 A.D.-IoooA.D., follows the Maha·
varpsa in holding the Mahasanghikas to be the first seceders and Vajjiputtakas to have
seceded independently.
Vasumitra confuses the council of Vesali with the third council of Pii!aliputra. See
introduction to translation of Kathiivatthu by Mrs Rhys Davids.
l! For other accounts of the schism see 1\lr Aung and .Mrs Rhys Davids's translation
of Kathiivatthu, pp. xxxvi-xlv.
v] Schools of Buddhisnz 113

certain schools, of the Mahasailghikas, Lokottaravadins, Ekavya-

vaharikas, Kukkulikas, Prajfiaptivadins and Sarvastivadins, but
these accounts deal more with subsidiary matters of little philo-
sophical importance. Some of the points of interest are (1) that the
Mahasailghikas were said to believe that the body was filled with
mind (citta) which was represented as sitting, (2) that the Prajflap-
tivadins held that there was no agent in man, that there was no
untimely death, for it was caused by the previous deeds of man,
(3) that the Sarvastivadins believed that everything existed. From
the discussions found in the Kathiivatthu also we may know the
views of some of the schools on some points which are not always
devoid of philosophical interest. But there is nothing to be found
by which we can properly know the philosophy of these schools. It
is quite possible however that these so-called schools of Buddhism
were not so many different systems but only differed from one
another on some points of dogma or practice which were con-
sidered as being of sufficient interest to them, but which to us now
appear to be quite trifling. But as we do not know any of their
literatures, it is better not to make any unwarrantable surmises.
These schools are however not very important for a history of later
Indian Philosophy, for none of them are even referred to in any
of the systems of Hindu thought. The only schools of Buddhism
with which other schools of philosophical thought came in direct
contact, are the Sarvastivadins including the Sautrantikas and
the Vaibha~ikas, the Y ogacara or the Vijfianavadins and the
Madhyamikas or the Siinyavadins. We do not know which of the
diverse smaller schools were taken up into these four great schools,
the Sautrantika, Vaibha~ika, Y ogacara and the Madhyamika
schools. But as these schools were most important in relation
to the development of the different systems in Hindu thought,
it is best that we should set ourselves to gather what we can
about these systems of Buddhistic thought.
When the Hindu writers refer to the Buddhist doctrine in
general terms such as "the Buddhists say" without calling
them the Vijftanavadins or the Yogacaras and the Siinyavadins,
they often refer to the Sarvastivadins by which they mean
both the Sautrantikas and the Vaibha~ikas, ignoring the differ-
ence that exists between these two schools. It is well· to
mention that there is hardly any evidence to prove that the
Hindu writers were acquainted with the Theravada doctrines
I 14 Buddhist Philosophy [ CII.

as expressed in the Pali works. The Vaibha!?ikas and the Sau-

trantikas have been more or less associated with each other. Thus
the Abhidharmakosasiistra ofVasubandhu who was a Vaibha!?ika
was commented upon by Yasomitra who was a Sautrantika. The
difference between the Vaibha!?ikas and the Sautrantikas that
attracted the notice of the Hindu writers was this, that the former
believed that external objects were directly perceived, whereas
the latter believed that the existence of the external objects could
only be inferred from our diversified knowledge 1• Gul)aratna
(fourteenth century A.D.) in his commentary Tarkarahasyadipikii
on $a¢darsanasam.uccaya says that the Vaibha!?ika was but another
name of the Aryasammitiya school. According to Gul)aratna the
Vaibha!?ikas held that things existed for iour ~ntS, -the
moment of producfion, the momerrrof e~ the nl(}ment of
aecay and the moment of anmfiiTation. It has b~ pomted m:rL
in Vasubandhu's Abhidharmakosa that the Vaibha!?ikas believed
these to be four kinds of forces which by coming in combination
with the permanent essence of an entity produced its imperma-
nent manifestations in life (see Pro( Stcherbatsky's translation
of Yasomitra on Abhidharmakosa karikii, v. 25). The self called
pudgala also possessed those characteristics. Knowledge was
formless and was produced along with its object by the very
same conditions (arthasahabhiisi ekasamagryadhi1la!z). The Sau-
trantikas according to Gur:taratna held that there was no soul but
only the five skandhas. These skandhas transmigrated. The past,
the future, annihilation, dependence on cause, akasa and pudgala
are but names ( sa1[1Ji1iimiitram ), mere assertions ( pratijrzamiitram ),
mere limitations (samvrtamiitram) and mere phenomena (vJ1a-
vahiiramatram). By pudgala they meant that which other people
called eternal and all-pervasive soul. External objects are never
directly perceived but are only inferred as existing for explaining
the diversity of knowledge. Definite cognitions are valid; all
compounded things are momentary (k~a~zika!z. sarvasmtzskarii!z).

1 Madhavacarya's Sarvadarsanasa'!1graha, chapter 11 • .Sastradipikii, the discussions

on Pratyak~a, Amalananda's commentary (on Bhiimati) Vedt11llaka!pataru, p. 286,
"vaibluifikas;'a bahyo'rthal; prat;,akfalf, sautriintikas;'a jiiiinagatiikiiravaicitr;'e'!
anumqal;." The nature of the inference of the Sautranttkas is shown thus by Amala-
nanda ( 124j-126o A. o.) ";'e yasmin satyapi kiidiicitkiil; te tadati1·iktapek!ii/;" (those
(i.e. cognitions) which in spite of certain unvaried conditions are of unaccounted
di\·ersity must depend on other things in addition to these, i.e. the external objects)
Vedt"intal~a!pataru, p. 289.
v] Schools of Buddh£snz 115

The atoms of colour, taste, smell and touch, and cognition are
being destroyed every moment. The meanings of words always
imply the negations of all other things, excepting that which is
intended to be signified by that word (anyiipoka!z sabdiirtha!z).
Salvation (mok.fa) comes as the result of the destruction of the
process of knowledge through continual medjtation that there
is no soul 1•
One of the main differences between the Vibhajjavadins, Sau-
trantikas and the Vaibha~ikas or the Sarvastivadins appears to
refer to the notion of time which is a subject of great interest
with Buddhist philosophy. Thus A bhid/zarmakosa (v. 24 ... )
describes the Sarvastivadins as those who maintain the universal
existence of everything past, present and future. The Vibhajja-
vadins are those "who maintain that the present elements and
those among the past that have not yet produced their fruition,
are existent, but they deny the existence of the future ones and
of those among the past that have already produced fruition."
There were four branches of this school represented by Dhar-
matrata, Gho~a, Vasumitra and Buddhadeva. Dharmatrata main-
tained that when an element enters different times, its existence
changes but not its essence, just as when milk is changed into curd
or a golden vessel is broken, the form of the existence changes
though the essence remains the same. Gho~a held that " when
an element appears at different times, the past one retains its
past aspects without being severed from its future and present
aspects, the present likewise retains its present aspect without
completely losing its past and future aspects," just as a man in
passionate love with a woman does not lose his capacity to love
other women though he is not actually in love with them. V asu-
mitra held that an entity is called present, past and future accord-
ing as it produces its efficiency, ceases to produce after having
once produced it or has not yet begun to produce it. Buddha-
deva maintained the view that just as the same woman may
be called mother, daughter, wife, so the same entity may be
called present, past or future in accordance with its relation to the
preceding or the succeeding moment.
All-these schools are in some sense Sarvastivadins, for they
maintain universal existence. But the Vaibha~ika finds them all
defective excepting the view of Vasumitra. For Dharmatrata's
Gur;aratna's Tarkarahasyadipikti, pp. 46-47.
I 16 Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
view is only a veiled Sarpkhya doctrine; that of Gho!?a is a
confusion of the notion of time, since it presupposes the co-
existence of all the aspects of an entity at the same time, and
that of Buddhadeva is also an impossible situation, since it would
suppose that all the three times were found together and included
in one of them. The Vaibha!?ika finds himself in agreement
with Vasumitra's view and holds that the difference in time
depends upon the difference of the function of an entity ; at the
time when an entity does not actually produce its function it is
future; when it produces it, it becomes present; when after having
produced it, it stops, it becomes past; there is a real existence
of the past and the future as much as of the present. He thinks
that if the past did not exist and assert some efficiency it could
not have been the object of my knowledge, and deeds done in
past times could not have produced its effects in the present
time. The Sautrantika however thought that the Vaibha!?ika's
doctrine would imply the heretical doctrine of eternal existence,
for according to them the stuff remained the same and the time-
difference appeared in it. The true view according to him was,
that there was no difference between the efficiency of an entity,
the entity and the time of its appearance. Entities appeared
from non-existence, existed for a moment and again ceased to
exist. He objected to the Vaibha!?ika view that the past is to
be regarded as existent because it exerts efficiency in bringing
about the present on the ground that in that case there should
be no difference between the past and the present, since both
exerted efficiency. If a distinction is made between past, present
and future efficiency by a second grade of efficiencies, then we
should have to continue it and thus have a vicious infinite. \Ve
can know non-existent entities as much as we can know existent
ones, and hence our knowledge of the past does not imply
that the past is exerting any efficiency. If a distinction is
made between an efficiency and an entity, then the reason why
efficiency started at any particular time and ceased at another
would be inexplicable. Once you admit that there is no dif-
ference between efficiency and the entity, you at once find that
there is no time at all and the efficiency, the entity and the
moment are all one and the same. When we remember a thing
of the past we do not know it as existing in the past, but in the
same way in which we knew it when it was present. \Ne are
v] Vasubandhu and the Vats:zputtr'iyas 117

never attracted to past passions as the Vaibha!?ika suggests, but

past passions leave residues which become the causes of new
passions of the present moment 1•
Again we can have a glimpse of the respective positions of
the Vatsiputtriyas and the Sarvastivadins as represented by
Vasubandhu if we attend to the discussion on the subject of
the existence of soul in Abh£dharmakosa. The argument of
V asubandhu against the existence of soul is this, that though
it is true that the sense organs may be regarded as a deter-
mining cause of perception, no such cause can be found which
may render the inference of the existence of soul necessary.
If soul actually exists, it must have an essence of its own and
must be something different from the elements or entities of a
personal life. Moreover, such an eternal, uncaused and un-
changing being would be without any practical efficiency (artlla-
kriyiikiiritva) which alone determines or proves existence. The
soul can thus be said to have a mere nominal existence as a
mere object of current usage. There is no soul, but there are
only the elements of a personal life. But the Vatsiputtriya
school held that just as fire could not be said to be either the
same as the burning wood or as different from it, and yet it is
separate from it, so the soul is an individual (pudgala) which has
a separate existence, though we could not say that it was
altogether different from the elements of a personal life or the
same as these. It exists as being conditioned by the elements
of personal life, but it cannot further be defined. But its existence
cannot be denied, for wherever there is an activity, there must
be an agent (e.g. Devadatta walks). To be conscious is likewise
an action, hence the agent who is conscious must also exist.
To this Vasubandhu replies that Devadatta (the name of a
person) does not represent an unity. "It is only an unbroken
continuity of momentary forces (flashing into existence), which
simple people believe to be a unity and to which they give the
name Devadatta. Their belief that Devadatta moves is con-
ditioned, and is based on an analogy with their own experience,
but their own continuity of life consists in constantly moving
from one place to another. This movement, though regarded as
1 I am indebted for the above account to the unpublished translation from Tibetan

of a small portion of Abhidharmakofa by my esteemed friend Prof. Th. Stcherbatsky

of Petrograd. I am grateful to him that he allowed me to utilize it.
118 Buddhzst Philosophy [cH.
belonging to a permanent entity, is but a series of new produc-
tions in different places, just as the expressions 'fire moves,'
'sound spreads' have the meaning of continuities (of new pro-
ductions in new places). They likewise use the words 'Devadatta
cognises' in order to express the fact that a cognition (takes place
in the present moment) which has a cause (in the former moments,
these former moments coming in close succession being called
The problem of memory also does not bring any difficulty,
for the stream of consciousness being one throughout, it produces
its recollections when connected with a previous knowledge of
the remembered object under certain conditions of attention,
etc., and absence of distractive factors, such as bodily pains or
violent emotions. No agent is required in the phenomena of
memory. The cause of recollection is a suitable state of mind
and nothing else. When the Buddha told his birth stories saying
that he was such and such in such and such a life, he only
meant that his past and his present belonged to one and the
same lineage of momentary existences. Just as when we say
" this same fire which had been consuming that has reached this
object," we know that the fire is not identical at any two
moments, but yet we overlook the difference and say that it is
the same fire. Again, what we call an individual can only be
known by descriptions such as "this venerable man, having this
name, of such a caste, of such a family, of such an age, eating
such food, finding pleasure or displeasure in such things, of such
an age, the man who after a life of such length, will pass away
having reached an age." Only so much description can be
understood, but we have never a direct acquaintance with the
individual ; all that is perceived are the momentary elements of
sensations, images, feelings, etc., and these happening at the
former moments exert a pressure on the later ones. The in-
dividual is thus only a fiction, a mere nominal existence, a mere
thing of description and not of acquaintance; it cannot be
grasped either by the senses or by the action of pure intellect.
This becomes evident when we judge it by analogies from other
fields. Thus whenever we use any common noun, e.g. milk, we
sometimes falsely think that there is such an entity as milk, but
what really exists is only certain momentary colours, tastes, etc.,
fictitiously unified as milk; and "just as milk and water are
v] Sabbattkivadins I 19

conventional names (for a set of independent elements) for some

colour, smell (taste and touch) taken together, so is the designa-
tion 'individual' but a common name for the different elements
of which it is composed."
The reason why the Buddha declined to decide the question
whether the " living being is identical with the body or not" is
just because there did not exist any living being as "individual,"
as is generally supposed. He did not declare that the living
being did not exist, because in that case the questioner would
have thought that the continuity of the elements of a life was
also denied. In truth the "living being'' is only a conventional
name for a set of constantly changing elements 1•
The only book of the Sammitlyas known to us and that by
name only is the Sammitiyasiistra translated into Chinese between
350 A.D. to 431 A.D.; the original Sanskrit works are however
probably lost2.
The Vaibha~ikas are identified with the Sarvastivadins who
according to Dipava1!tSa v. 47, as pointed out by Takakusu,
branched off from the MahiSasakas, who in their turn had
separated from the Theravada school.
From the K atltiivatthu we know ( 1) that the Sabbatthivadins
believed that everything existed, (2) that the dawn of right attain-
ment was not a momentary flash of insight but by a gradual
process, (3) that consciousness or even samadhi was nothing but

1 This account is based on the translation of A~(amakofasthiinmzibaddhal} pudgala-

Vi1Zifcayal}, a special appendix to the eighth chapter of Abhidharmakofa, by Prof. Th.

Stcherbatsky, Bulletin de l'Acadbnie des Scimces de Russi'e, 1919.
2 Professor De la Vallee Poussin has collected some of the points of this doctrine

in an article on the Sammitiyas in the E. R. E. He there says that in the Abhidhar-

makoiavyiikhya the Sammitiyas have been identified with the Vatsiputtriyas and that
many of its texts were admitted by the Vaibha~ikas of a later age. Some of their views
are as follows: (r) An arhat in possession of nirval).a can fall away; (2) there is an
intermediate state between death and rebirth called antarabhava; (3) merit accrues not
only by gift (tyaganvaya) but also by the fact of the actual use and advantage reaped
by the man to whom the thing was given (paribhogiinvaya pu1;1ya); (4-) not only
abstention from evil deeds but a declaration of intention to that end produces merit
by itself alone; (5) they believe in a pudgala {soul) as distinct from the skandhas from
which it can be said to be either different or non-different. "The pudgala cannot be
said to be transitory (mzitya) like the skandhas since it transmigrates laying down
the burden (skandhas) shouldering a new burden; it cannot be said to be permanent,
since it is made of transitory constituents." This pudgala doctrine of the Sammitiyas
as sketched by Professor De Ia Vallee Poussin is not in full agreement with the
pudgala doctrine of the Sammitiyas as sketched by Gul).aratna which we have noticed
120 Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
a flux and (4) that an arhat (saint) may fall away 1 • The Sab-
batthivadins or Sarvastivadins have a vast Abhidharma literature
still existing in Chinese translations which is different from the
Abhidharma of the Theravada school which we have already
mentioned 2• These are 1. fi/tinaprastluzna Siistra of Katyayani-
puttra which passed by the name of M alui Viblzii~ii from which
the Sabbatthivadins who followed it are called Vaibha!?ikas 3 • This
work is said to have been given a literary form by Asvagho~a.
2. Dlzarmaskmzdlza by Sariputtra. 3· Dluitukiiya by Plirl).a.
4· Pra;iiaptisiistra by Maudgalyayana. s. V i;iliinaktiya by De-
vak!?ema 6. Saiigitiparyyii;'a by Sariputtra and Prakara?tafiida
by Vasumitra. Vasubandhu (420 A.D.-500 A.D.) wrote a work on
the Vaibha!?ika 4 system in verses (kiirikti) known as the Abhidlzar-
makosa, to which he appended a commentary of his own which
passes by the name Ablzidlzarma Kosabhii~ya in which he pointed
out some of the defects of the Vaibha~ika school from the Sau-
trantika point of view 5• This work was commented upon by
Vasumitra and Gm)amati and later on by Ya.Somitra who was
himself a Sautrantika and called his work Abhidlzarmakosa
vyiik!tyii ; Saiighabhadra a contemporary of Vasubandhu wrote
Samayapradipa and Nyiiyiinustira (Chinese translations of which
are available) on strict Vaibha!?ika lines. We hear also of other
Vaibha~ika writers such as Dharmatrata, Gho~aka, Vasumitra
and Bhadanta, the writer of Smtzyuktiiblzidlzarmasiistra and M a-
hiivib!tti~a. Dit'maga(480A.D.), the celebrated logician, a Vaibha!?ika
or a Sautrantika and reputed to be a pupil of Vasubandhu, wrote
his famous work Pramti?tasamuccaya in which he established
Buddhist logic and refuted many of the views of Vatsyayana
the celebrated commentator of the Nyaya siitras; but we regret
1 See Mrs Rhys Davids's translation Katlziivatthu, p. xix, and Sections 1. 6, 7;
II.9 and XI. 6.
ll:lahavyutpatti gives two names for Sarvastivada, viz. Miilasarvastivada and luy-
yasarvastivada. ltsing (671-695 A.D.) speaks of Aryyamidasarvastivada and Mltlasar-
vastivada. In his time he found it prevailing in Magadha, Guzrat, Sind, S. India,
E. India. Takakusu says (P. T. S. 1904-1905) that Paramartha, in his life of Vasu-
bandhu, says that it was propagated from Kashmere to Middle India by Vasubhadra,
who studied it there.
3 Takakusu says (P. T. S. 1904-1905) that Katyayaniputtra's work was probably

a compilation from other Vibha!?as which existed before the Chinese translations and
Vibha!?a texts dated 383 A.D.
4 See Takakusu's article J. R. A. S. 1905.
11 The Sautrantikas did not regard the Abhidharmas of the Vaibha~ikas as authentic

and laid stress on the suttanla doctrines as given in the Suttapi!aka.

v] S abbatthivadins 121

to say that none of the above works are available in Sanskrit,

nor have they been retranslated from Chinese or Tibetan into
any of the modern European or Indian languages.
The Japanese scholar Mr Yamakami Sagen, late lecturer at
Calcutta University, describes the doctrine of the Sabbatthivadins
from the Chinese versions of the Abhidltarmakosa, lVIahtiviblzii-
~iisiistra, etc., rather elaborately 1• The following is a short sketch,
which is borrowed mainly from the accounts given by Mr Sagen.
The Sabbatthivadins admitted the five skandhas, twelve
ayatanas, eighteen dhatus, the three asarpskrta dharmas of
pratisarpkhyanirodha apratisarpkhyanirodha and akasa, and the
saxpskrta dharmas (things composite and interdependent) of riipa
(matter), citta (mind), caitta (mental) and cittaviprayukta (non-
mental)2. All effects are produced by the coming together
(saxpskrta) of a number of causes. The five skandhas, and the
riipa, citta, etc., are thus called sarpskrta dharmas (composite
things or collocations-samblu/yakiiri). The riipa dharmas are
eleven in number, one citta dharma, 46 caitta dharmas and 14
cittaviprayukta saxpskara dharmas(non-mental composite things);
adding to these the three asarpskrta dharmas we have the seventy-
five dharmas. Riipa is that which has the capacity to obstruct the
sense organs. Matter is regarded as the collective organism or
collocation, consisting of the fourfold substratum of colour, smell,
taste and contact. The unit possessing this fourfold substratum
is known as paramat:tu, which is the minutest form of riipa. It
cannot be pierced through or picked up or thrown away. It is
indivisible, unanalysable, invisible, inaudible, untastable and in-
tangible. But yet it is not permanent, but is like a momentary
flash into being. The simple atoms are called dravyaparamii?JU
and the compound ones sm!zghataparamai:Jzt. In the words of
Prof. Stcherbatsky "the universal elements of matter are mani-
fested in their actions or functions. They are consequently more
energies than substances." The organs of sense are also regarded
as modifications of atomic matter. Seven such paramat:tus com-
bine together to form an at:Ju, and it is in this combined form
only that they become perceptible. The combination takes
place in the form of a cluster having one atom at the centre and
1 Systems of Buddlzistic Thought, published by the Calcutta University.
2 Sankara in his meagre sketch of the doctrine of the Sarvastivadins in his bha~ya
on the Brahma-sutras II. 2 notices some of the categories mentioned by Sagen.
122 Buddh£st Ph£losoph_y LcH.
others around it. The point which must be remembered in con-
nection with the conception of matter is this, that the qualities
of all the mahabhutas are inherent in the paramaryus. The special
characteristics of roughness (which naturally belongs to earth),
viscousness (which naturally belongs to water), heat (belonging
to fire), movableness (belonging to wind), combine together to
form each of the elements ; the difference between the different
elements consists only in this, that in each of them its own special
characteristics were predominant and active, and other charac-
teristics though present remained only in a potential form. The
mutual resistance of material things is due to the quality of
earth or the solidness inherent in them; the mutual attraction of
things is due to moisture or the quality of water, and so forth.
The four elements are to be observed from three aspects, namely,
(1) as things, (2) from the point of view of their natures (such as
activity, moisture, etc.), and (3) function (such as dlzrti or attrac-
tion, smtzgralza or cohesion, pakti or chemical heat, and vyiilzana
or clustering and collecting). These combine together naturally
by other conditions or causes. The main point of distinction
between the Vaibha~ika Sarvastivadins and other forms of Bud-
dhism is this, that here the five skandhas and matter are re-
garded as permanent and eternal; they are said to be momentary
only in the sense that they are changing their phases constantly,
owing to their constant change of combination. Avidya is not
regarded here as a link in the chain of the causal series of
pratltyasamutpada ; nor is it ignorance of any particular in-
dividual, but is rather identical with " moha" or delusion and
represents the ultimate state of immaterial dharmas. Avidya,
which through sarrskara, etc., produces namarupa in the case of
a particular individual, is not his avidya in the present existence
but the avidya of his past existence bearing fruit in the present
"The cause never perishes but only changes its name, when
it becomes an effect, having changed its state." For example,
day becomes jar, having changed its state; and in this case the
name clay is lost and the name jar arises 1• The Sarvastivadins
allowed simultaneousness between cause and effect only in the
case of composite things (saJ!lprayukta ltetu) and in the case of
Sogen's quotation from Kumiirajiva's Chinese version of Aryyadeva's commentary
on the ll!t.zdhJ'amika ft1stra (chapter xx. Kii.rika 9).
v] Sabbatthz"vadins 123

the interaction of mental and material things. The substratum

of "vijnana" or "consciousness'' is regarded as permanent and
the aggregate of the five senses (i1Zdriyas) is called the perceiver.
It must be remembered that the indriyas being material had a
permanent substratum, and their aggregate had therefore also a
substratum formed of them.
The sense of sight grasps the four main colours of blue. yellow,
red, white, and their combinations, as also the visual forms of
appearance (smtzsthiilla) of long, short, round, square, high, low,
straight, and crooked. The sense of touch (kaJ'endriya) has for
its object the four elements and the qualities of smoothness,
roughness, lightness, heaviness, cold, hunger and thirst. These
qualities represent the feelings generated in sentient beings by
the objects of touch, hunger, thirst, etc., and are also counted
under it, as they are the organic effects produced by a touch
which excites the physical frame at a time when the energy of
wind becomes active in our body and predominates over other
energies ; so also the feeling of thirst is caused by a touch which
excites the physical frame when the energy of the element of fire
becomes active and predominates over the other energies. The
indriyas (senses) can after grasping the external objects arouse
thought (vijiliina); each of the five senses is an agent without
which none of the five vijfianas would become capable of per-
ceiving an external object. The essence of the senses is entirely
material. Each sense has two subdivisions, namely, the principal
sense and the auxiliary sense. The substratum of the principal
senses consists of a combination of paramaifUS, which are ex-
tremely pure and minute, while the substratum of the latter is
the flesh, made of grosser materials. The five senses differ from
one another with respect to the manner and form of their respec-
tive atomic combinations. In all sense-acts, whenever an act is
performed and an idea is impressed, a latent energy is impressed
on our person which is designated as avijnapti rlipa. It is called
rupa because it is a result or effect of rupa-contact ; it is called
avijnapti because it is latent and unconscious; this latent energy
is bound sooner or later to express itself in karma effects and is
the only bridge which connects the cause and the effect of karma
done by body or speech. Karma in this school is considered
as twofold, namely, that as thought (ceta1la karma) and that as
activity (caitasika karma). This last, again, is of two kinds, viz.
124 Buddkist Ph-ilosophy [cH.
that due to body-motion (kiiyika karma) and speech (viicika
karma). Both these may again be latent (avi.fiiapti) and patent
( vi.f,iapti), giving us the kayika-vijftapti karma, kayikavijftapti
karma, vacika-vijnapti karma and vacikavijnapti karma. Avijnapti
rupa and avijfiapti karma are what we should call in modern
phraseology sub-conscious ideas, feelings and activity. Corre-
sponding to each conscious sensation, feeling, thought or activity
there is another similar sub-conscious state which expresses itself
in future thoughts and actions; as these are not directly known but
are similar to those which are known, they are called avijftapti.
The mind, says Vasubandhu, is called cittam, because it
wills (cetati), manas because it thinks (ma1lvate) and vijflana
because it discriminates (m"rdisati). The discrimination may be
of three kinds: ( 1) svabhava nirdesa (natural perceptual discrimi-
nation), (2) prayoga nirdesa (actual discrimination as present,
past and future), and (3) anusmrti nirdesa (reminiscent discrimi-
nation referring only to the past). The senses only possess the
svabhii.va 1zirdesa, the other two belong exclusively to manovijnana
Each of the vijnanas as associated with its specific sense dis-
criminates its particular object and perceives its general charac-
teristics; the six vijnanas combine to form what is known as the
Vijflanaskandha, which is presided over by mind (mano). There
are forty-six caitta sarpskrta dharmas. Of the three asarpskrta
dharmas akasa (ether) is in essence the freedom from obstruction,
establishing it as a permanent omnipresent immaterial substance
(niriipakhya, non-riipa). The second asarpskrta dharma, aprati-
sarpkhya nirodha, means the non-perception of dharmas caused
by the absence of pratyayas or conditions. Thus when I fix my
attention on one thing, other things are not seen then, not because
they are non-existent but because the conditions which would
have made them visible were absent. The third asarpskrta
dharma, pratisarpkhya nirodha, is the final deliverance from
bondage. Its essential characteristic is everlastingness. These
are called asarpskrta because being of the nature of negation
they are non-collocative and hence have no production or dis-
solution. The eightfold noble path which leads to this state
consists of right views, right aspirations, right speech, right con-
duct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right rapture 1•
1 M r Sogen mentions the name of another Buddhist Hinayana thinker (about
250 A. o.), I Iarivarman, who founded a school known as Satyasiddhi school, which
v] llfahayanz"snz 125

It is difficult to say precisely at what time Mahayanism took
its rise. But there is reason to think that as the Mahasari.ghikas
separated themselves from the Theravadins probably some time in
400 B.C. and split themselves up into eight different schools, those
elements of thoughts and ideas which in later days came to be
labelled as Mahayana were gradually on the way to taking their
first inception. \Ve hear in about 100 A.D. of a number of works
which are regarded as various :Mahayana siitras, some of which
are probably as old as at least 100 B.C. (if not earlier) and others
as late as 300 or 400 A.D. 1• These Mahayanasiitras, also called
the Vaipulyasiitras, are generally all in the form of instructions
given by the Buddha. Nothing is known about their authors or
compilers, but they are all written in some form of Sanskrit and
were probably written by those who seceded from the Theravada
The word Hinayana refers to the schools of Theravada, and
as such it is contrasted with Mahayana. The words are generally
translated as small vehicle (hina= small,yana=vehicle) and great
vehicle (malui =great, yiina =vehicle). But this translation by
no means expresses what is meant by Mahayana and Hina-
yana11. Asari.ga (480 A.D.) in his Mahiiyiinaszttriilmtzkara gives
propounded the same sort of doctrines as those preached by Nagarjuna. None of his
works are available in Sanskrit and I have never come across any allusion to his name
by Sanskrit writers.
1 Quotations and references to many of these siitras are found in Candrakirtti's com-

mentary on the Miidhyamika kiirikiis of Nagarjuna; some of these are the following:
Af{asiihaS1·ikiiprajiiiipiiramitii (translated into Chinese 164 A.D.-167 A.D.), Satasiihas-
rikiiprajiiiipiiramitii, Gaganagaiija, Samiidhisutra, Tathiigatagultyasi'Ura, Drtfhiidhyii-
fayasaiicodaniisutra, Dhyiiyitamu~{isutra, PitiiputrasamiigamasiUra, Jl.lahiiyiinasutra,
Miiradamanasutra, Ratnaku{asutra, Ratnaciitjtzpariprcchiisutra, Ratnameghasutra,
Ratnariifisutra, Ratniikarasutra, Rii~{rapiilaparzfr.cchiisiUra, Lmikiivatiirasutra,
Lalitavistarasutra, Vajracchedikiisutra, Vimalakirttinirdefasutra, SiilistambhasiUra,
Samiidhirajasutra, Sukhiivativyuha, Suvan:zaprabhiisasutra, Saddharmapu~ujarika
(translated into Chinese A.D. 255), Amitiiyurdhyiinasutra, Hastikiikhyas1~tra, etc.
2 The word Yana is generally translated as vehicle, but a consideration of numerous

contexts in which the word occurs seems to suggest that it means career or course or
way, rather than vehicle (La/itavistara, pp. 25, 38; Prajiiiipiiramitii, pp. 24, 319;
Samiidltirtijasutra, p. 1 ; K aru1JiiPtt1Jdarika, p. 67; Lmikiivatiiramtra, pp. 68, 1 o8, 13 2 ).
The word Yana is as old as the Upani~ds where we read of Devayana and Pitryana.
There is no reason why this word should be taken in a different sense. We hear in
Laitkiivatiira of Sravakayana (career of the Sravakas or the Theravadin Buddhists),
Pratyekabuddhayana (the career of saints before the coming of the Buddha), Buddha
yana (career of the Buddhas), Ekayana (one career), Devayana (career of the gods),
126 Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
us the reason why one school was called Hinayana whereas the
other, which he professed, was called Mahayana. He says that,
considered from the point of view of the ultimate goal of religion,
the instructions, attempts, realization, and time, the Hinayana
occupies a lower and smaller place than the other called Maha
(great) Yana, and hence it is branded as Hina (small, or low).
This brings us to one of the fundamental points of distinction
between Hinayana and Mahayana. The ultimate good of an
adherent of the Hinayana is to attain his own nirva1fa or salva-
tion, whereas the ultimate goal of those who professed the Maha-
yana creed was not to seek their own salvation but to seek the
salvation of all beings. So the Hinayana goal was lower, and in
consequence of that the instructions that its followers received,
the attempts they undertook, and the results they achieved were
narrower than that of the Mahayana adherents. A Hinayana man
had only a short business in attaining his own salvation, and this
could be done in three lives, whereas a Mahayana adherent was
prepared to work for infinite time in helping all beings to attain
salvation. So the Hinayana adherents required only a short period
of work and may from that point of view also be called kina, or
This point, though important from the point of view of the
difference in the creed of the two schools, is not so from the point
of view of philosophy. But there is another trait of the Maha-
yanists which distinguishes them from the Hinayanists from the
philosophical point of view. The Mahayanists believed that all
things were of a non-essential and indefinable character and
void at bottom, whereas the Hinayanists only believed in the
impermanence of all things, but did not proceed further than
It is sometimes erroneously thought that Nagarjuna first
preached the doctrine of Sunyavada (essencelessness or voidness
of all appearance), but in reality almost all the Mahayana siitras
either definitely preach this doctrine or allude to it. Thus if we
take some of those siitras which were in all probability earlier than
N agarjuna, we find that the doctrine which N agarjuna expounded

Brahmayana (career of becoming a Brahmii), Tathiigatayana (career of a Tathagata).

In one place Lmikiivattlra says that ordinarily distinctiun is made between the three
careers and one career and no career, hut these distinctions are only for the ignorant
(Lmikiivalt"ira, p. 68).
v] Mahi'iyiina Philosophy 127

with all the rigour of his powerful dialectic was quietly accepted
as an indisputable truth. Thus we find Subhuti saying to
the Buddha that vedana (feeling), sarpjfta (concepts) and the
sarpskaras (conformations) are all maya (illusion) 1• All the
skandhas, dhatus (elements) and ayatanas are void and absolute
cessation. The highest knowledge of everything as pure void
is not different from the skandhas, dhatus and ayatanas, and this
absolute cessation of dharmas is regarded as the highest know-
ledge (pra;i!iipiiramitii) 2• Everything being void there is in reality
no process and no cessation. The truth is neither eternal (Siisvata)
nor non-eternal (astisvata) but pure void. It should be the object
of a saint's endeavour to put himself in the" thatness" ( tathatii) and
consider all things as void. The saint (bodhisattva) has to estab-
lish himself in all the virtues (ptiramita), benevolence (diilla-
piiramitti), the virtue of character (Silapiiramitti), the virtue of
forbearance (kfiilltipiiramitii), the virtue of tenacity and strength
( vlryyapiiramitti) and the virtue of meditation (dltyiinaptira-
mitti). The saint (bodlzisattva) is firmly determined that he will
help an infinite number of souls to attain nirval)a. In reality,
however, there are no beings, there is no bondage, no salva-
tion ; and the saint knows it but too well, yet he is not afraid
of this high truth, but proceeds on his career of attaining for
all illusory beings illusory emancipation from illusory bondage.
The saint is actuated with that feeling and proceeds in his
work on the strength of his paramitas, though in reality there
is no one who is to attain salvation in reality and no one who
is to help him to attain its. The true prajflaparamita is the
absolute cessation of all appearance (ya(t amtpalambha(t sarva-
dharmtil}iim sa praj1iiiptiramitii ityucyate)·J.
The Mahayana doctrine has developed on two lines, viz. that
of Sunyavada or the Madhyamika doctrine and Vijflanavada.
The difference between Sunyavada and Vijfianavada (the theory
that there is only the appearance of phenomena of consciousness)
is not fundamental, but is rather one of method. Both of them
agree in holding that there is no truth in anything, everything
is only passing appearance akin to dream or magic. But
while the Sunyavadins were more busy in showing this indefin-
ableness of all phenomena, the Vijflanavadins, tacitly accepting
1 Af{asiihasrikiiprajlit'ipiiramiltz, p. 16. 2
Ibid. p. 177.
3 Ibid. p. 21. 4
Ibid. p. 177.
128 Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
the truth preached by the Siinyavadins, interested themselves in
explaining the phenomena of consciousness by their theory of
beginningless illusory root-ideas or instincts of the mind ( vasa11a).
Asvagho~a (100 A.D.) seems to have been the greatest teacher
of a new type of idealism (vijliiinaviida) known as the Tathata
philosophy. Trusting in Suzuki's identification of a quotation in
Asvagho~a's Sraddhotpiidasiistra as being made from Laizkiiva-
tiirasiitra, we should think of the Laizkiivatiirasftlra as being one
of the early works of the Vijflanavadinsi. The greatest later writer
of the Vijflanavada school was Asanga (400 A.D.), to whom are
attributed the Saptadasablzfmti sittra, M aluiyiina sftlra, Upadesa,
M alziiyiinasamparigralza siistra, Yogiiciirabhitmi siistra and
111ahiiyii~tasfttriilm!tkiira. None of these works excepting the
last one is available to readers who have no access to the
Chinese and Tibetan manuscripts, as the Sanskrit originals are
in all probability lost. The Vijflanavada school is known to
Hindu writers by another name also, viz. Y ogacara, and it does
not seem an improbable supposition that Asanga's Yogiiciira-
bhiimi siistra was responsible for the new name. Vasubandhu,
a younger brother of Asanga, was, as Paramartha (499-569) tells
us, at first a liberal Sarvastivadin, but was converted to Vijfla-
navada, late in his life, by Asa1iga. Thus Vasubandhu, who
wrote in his early life the great standard work of the Sarvasti-
vadins, Ablzidharmakosa, devoted himself in his later life to Vijna-
navada2. He is said to have commented upon a number of
Mahayana siitras, such asAvatmtzsaka, Nirvii?za, Saddharmapu?t-
tfarika, Prajiiiipiiramitii, Vimalakirtti and Srimiiliisi1?zltamida, and
compiled some Mahayana siitras, such as Vijiziinamiitrasiddlzi,
Ratnatraya, etc. The school of Vijflanavada continued for at
least a century or two after V asu bandhu, but we are not in
possession of any work of great fame of this school after him.
We have already noticed that the Siinyavada formed the fun-
damental principle of all schools of Mahayana. The most powerful
exponent of this doctrine was Nagarjuna (100 A.D.), a brief account
of whose system will be given in its proper place. Nagarjuna's
karikas (verses) were commented upon by Aryyadeva, a disciple
of his, Kumarajiva (383 A.D.), Buddhapalita and Candrakirtti
(550 A.D.). Aryyadeva in addition to this commentary wrote at
1 I >r S. C. VidyaLhiishana thinks that La/zkiivatiira belongs to about 300 A. D.
2 Takakusu's "A study of the Paramartha's life of Vasubandhu, "J. R. A. S. 1905.
Aryyadeva's Philosophy 129

least three other books, viz. Catu(zsataka, H astabiilaprakara?ta-

vrtti and Cittavisuddltiprakara?za 1• In the small work called
H astabiilaprakara?zav_rtti .Aryyadeva says that whatever depends
for its existence on anything else may be proved to be illusory;
all our notions of external objects depend on space perceptions
and notions of part and whole and should therefore be regarded
as mere appearance. Knowing therefore that all that is depen-
dent on others for establishing itself is illusory, no wise man
should feel attachment or antipathy towards these mere phe-
nomenal appearances. In his Cittavisuddlziprakara?za he says
that just as a crystal appears to be coloured, catching the reflec-
tion of a coloured object, even so the mind though in itself
colourless appears to show diverse colours by coloration of ima-
gination (vikalpa). In reality the mind (citta) without a touch
of imagination (kalpmui) in it is the pure reality.
It does not seem however that the Siinyavadins could produce
any great writers after Candrakirtti. References to Siinyavada
show that it was a living philosophy amongst the Hindu writers
until the time of the great Mimarpsa authority Kumarila who
flourished in the eighth century; but in later times the Siinyavadins
were no longer occupying the position of strong and active dis-

The Tathata Philosophy of Asvagho~a (So A.D.) 2•

Asvagho!?a was the son of a Brahmin named Sairphaguhya
who spent his early days in travelling over the different parts of
India and defeating the Buddhists in open debates. He was pro-
bably converted to Buddhism by Parsva who was an important
person in the third Buddhist Council promoted, according to
some authorities, by the King of Kashmere and according to other
authorities by Pul)yayasas 3•
1 Aryyadeva's Hastabiilaprakara~zaz,rtti has been reclaimed by Dr F. \V. Thomas.

Fragmentary portions of his Cittavisuddhiprakara~za were published by Mahiimahopiid-

hyaya Haraprasiida sastri in the Bengal Asiatic Society's journal, 1898.
The above section is based onl the Awakming of Faith, an English trans-
lation by Suzuki of the Chinese version of .5raddhotpiida1iistra by Asvagho~a, the
Sanskrit original of which appears to have been lost. Suzuki has brought forward a
mass of evidence to show that Asvagho~a was a contemporary of Kani~ka.
3 Taraniitha says that he was converted by Aryadeva, a disciple of Niigarjun~

Geschichte des Buddhisnms, German translation by Schiefner, pp. 84-85. See Suzuki's
Awakening of Faith, pp. 24-32. Asvagho~ wrote the Buddhacaritaktivya, of great
poetical excellence, and the .Jlfahii!al!lkiiraliistra. He \'lias also a musician and had
IJO Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
He held that in the soul two aspects may be distinguished
-the aspect as thatness ( bhzttatathatii) and the aspect as the cycle
of birth and death (sm!zsiira). The soul as bhiitatathata means
the oneness of the totality of all things (dharmadhtitu). Its essen-
tial nature is uncreate and external. All things simply on account
of the beginningless traces of the incipient and unconscious
memory of our past experiences of many previous lives (smrti)
appear under the forms of individuation I. If we could overcome
this smrti "the signs of individuation would disappear and there
would be no trace of a world of objects." "All things in their
fundamental nature are not nameable or explicable. They can-
not be adequately expressed in any form of language. They
possess absolute sameness (samatii). They are subject neither to
transformation nor to destruction. They are nothing but one soul"
-thatness (bhittatathatii). This "thatness" has no attribute and
it can only be somehow pointed out in speech as "thatness."
As soon as you understand that when the totality of existence is
spQken of or thought of, there is neither that which speaks nor
that which is spoken of, there is neither that which thinks nor
that which is thought of, "this is the stage of thatness." This
bhiitatathata is neither that which is existence, nor that which is
non-existence, nor that which is at once existence and non-
existence, nor that which is not at once existence and non-exist-
ence; it is neither that which is plurality, nor that \vhich is
at once unity and plurality, nor that which is not at once unity
and plurality. It is a negative concept in the sense that it is
beyond all that is conditional and yet it is a positive concept
in the sense that it holds all within it. It cannot be compre-
hended by any kind of particularization or distinction. It is
only by transcending the range of our intellectual categories of
the comprehension of the limited range of finite phenomena that
we can get a glimpse of it. It cannot be comprehended by the
particularizing consciousness of all beings, and we thus may call
it negation, .. siinyata," in this sense. The truth is that which

invented a musical instrument called Wistavara that he might by that means convert the
people of the city. "Its melody was classical, mournful, and melodious, inducing the
audience to ponder on the misery, emptiness, and non-atmanness oflife." Suzuki, p. 35·
I I have ventured to translate "smrti" in the sense of \'asanii in preference to
Suzuki's "confused subjectivity" becaus~ smrti in the sense of viisanii is not unfamiliar
to the readers of such Buddhist works as La~ikiivatiira. The word "subjectivity"
seems to be too European a term to be used as a word to represent the Buddhist sense.
v] A fvagho~a' s A bsolutisnz 131

subjectively does not exist by itself, that the negation (Sienyatii) is

also void (Simya) in its nature, that neither that which is negated
nor that which negates is an independent entity. It is the pure
soul that manifests itself as eternal, permanent, immutable, and
completely holds all things within it. On that account it may be
called affirmation. Rut yet there is no trace of affirmation in it,
because it is not the product of the creative instinctive memory
(smrtz) of conceptual thought and the only way of grasping the
truth-the thatness, is by transcending all conceptual creations.
"The soul as birth and death (smtzsiira) comes forth from
the Tathagata womb (tathtigatagarbha), the ultimate reality.
But the immortal and the mortal coincide with each other.
Though they are not identical they are not duality either. Thus
when the absolute soul assumes a relative aspect by its self-
affirmation it is called the all-conserving mind (iilayavijiziina).
It embraces two principles, (1) enlightenment, (2) non-enlighten-
ment. Enlightenment is the perfection of the mind when it is
free from the corruptions of the creative instinctive incipient
memory (smrti). It penetrates all and is the unity of all (dharma-
dhiitu). That is to say, it is the universal dharmakaya of all
Tathagatas constituting the ultimate foundation of existence.
"\Vhen it is said that all consciousness starts from this funda-
mental truth, it should not be thought that consciousness had any
real origin, for it was merely phenomenal existence-a mere ima-
ginary creation of the perceivers under the influence of the
delusive smrti. The multitude of people (bahujmza) are said to be
lacking in enlightenment, because ignorance (m.,id_yti) prevails
there from all eternity, because there is a constant succession of
smrti (past confused memory working as instinct) from which
they have never been emancipated. But when they are divested
of this smrti they can then recognize that no states of mentation,
viz. their appearance, presence, change and disappearance, have
any reality. They are neither in a temporal nor in a spatial relation
with the one soul, for they are not self-existent.
"This high enlightenment shows itself imperfectly in our cor-
rupted phenomenal experience as prajna (wisdom) and karma
(incomprehensible activity of life). By pure wisdom we under-
stand that when one, by virtue of the perfuming power of dharma,
disciplines himself truthfully (i.e. according to the dharma) and
accomplishes meritorious deeds, the mind (i.e. the tilaym.,i;iltina)
132 Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
which implicates itself with birth and death will be broken down
and the modes of the evolving consciousness will be annulled, and
the pure and the genuine wisdom of the Dharmakaya will manifest
itself. Though all modes of consciousness and mentation are
mere products of ignorance, ignorance in its ultimate nature is
identical and non-identical with enlightenment; and therefore
ignorance is in one sense destructible, though in another sense
it is indestructible. This may be illustrated by the simile of the
water and the waves which are stirred up in the ocean. Here
the water can be said to be both identical and non-identical
with the waves. The waves are stirred up by the wind, but the
water remains the same. When the wind ceases the motion of
the waves subsides, but the water remains the same. Likewise
when the mind of all creatures, which in its own nature is pure and
clean, is stirred up by the wind of ignorance (avidyii), the waves
of mentality (viji!iina) make their appearance. These three (i.e.
the mind, ignorance, and mentality) however have no existence,
and they are neither unity nor plurality. When the ignorance is
annihilated, the awakened mentality is tranquillized, whilst the
essence of the wisdom remains unmolested." The truth or the
enlightenment "is absolutely unobtainable by any modes of rela-
tivity or by any outward signs of enlightenment. All events in
the phenomenal world are reflected in enlightenment, so that they
neither pass out of it, nor enter into it, and they neither disappear
nor are destroyed." It is for ever cut off from the hindrances both
affectional (klesii'vara~za) and intellectual (j'ileyiivara~za), as well
as from the mind (i.e. iilayavijliana) which implicates itself with
birth and death, since it is in its true nature clean, pure, eternal,
calm, and immutable. The truth again is such that it transforms
and unfolds itself wherever conditions are favourable in the form
of a tathagata or in some other forms, in order that all beings
may be induced thereby to bring their virtue to maturity.
"Non-elightenment has no existence of its own aside from its
relation with enlightenment a priori." But enlightenment a priori
is spoken of only in contrast to non-enlightenment, and as non-
enlightenment is a non-entity, true enlightenment in turn loses
its significance too. They are distinguished only in mutua) rela-
tion as enlightenment or non-enlightenment. The manifestations
of non-enlightenment are made in three ways: ( 1) as a disturb-
ance of the mind (iilayavfjFuina), by the avidyakarma (ignorant
v] Theory o/ world-construction 133
action), producing misery (du(lkha); (2) by the appearance of an
ego or of a perceiver; and (3) by the creation of an external world
which does not exist in itself, independent of the perceiver. Con-
ditioned by the unreal external world six kinds of phenomena
arise in succession. The first phenomenon is intelligence (sensa-
tion); being affected by the external world the mind becomes
conscious of the difference between the agreeable and the disagree-
able. The second phenomenon is succession. Following upon
intelligence, memory retains the sensations, agreeable as well
as disagreeable, in a continuous succession of subjective states.
The third phenomenon is clinging. Through the retention and
succession of sensations, agreeable as well as disagreeable, there
arises the desire of clinging. The fourth phenomenon is an attach-
ment to names or ideas (smtl)iia), etc. By clinging the mind
hypostatizes all names whereby to give definitions to all things.
The fifth phenomenon is the performance of deeds (karma). On
account of attachment to names, etc., there arise all the variations
of deeds, productive of individuality. "The sixth phenomenon
is the suffering due to the fetter of deeds. Through deeds suffering
arises in which the mind finds itself entangled and curtailed of
its freedom." All these phenomena have thus sprung forth through
The relation between this truth and avidya is in one sense
a mere identity and may be illustrated by the simile of all kinds
of pottery which though different are all made of the same clay•.
Likewise the undefiled (aniisrava) and ignorance (a·vidyii) and
their various transient forms all come from one and the same
entity. Therefore Buddha teaches that all beings are from all
eternity abiding in NirvaJ!a.
It is by the touch of ignorance (avidya) that this truth assumes
all the phenomenal forms of existence.
In the all-conserving mind (alayavi_j1iiina) ignorance manifests
itself; and from non-enlightenment starts that which sees, that
which represents, that which apprehends an objective world, and
that which constantly particularizes. This is called ego (manas).
Five different names are given to the ego (according to its dif-
ferent m-odes of operation). The first name is activity-conscious-
ness (karmavi_j1iana) in the sense that through the agency of
ignorance an unenlightened mind begins to be disturbed (or
1 Compare Chandogya, VI. 1. 4·
134 Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
awakened). The second name is evolving-consciousness (pravrtti-
vi.fiui1la} in the sense that when the mind is disturbed, there
evolves that which sees an external world. The third name is
representation-consciousness in the sense that the ego (manas)
represents (or reflects) an external world. As a clean mirror
reflects the images of all description, it is even so with the repre-
sentation-consciousness. \Vhen it is confronted, for instance, with
the objects of the five senses, it represents them instantaneously
and without effort. The fourth is particularization-consciousness,
in the sense that it discriminates between different things defiled
as well as pure. The fifth name is succession-consciousness, in the
sense that continuously directed by the awakening consciousness
of attention (manaskiira) it (manas) retains all experiences and
never loses or suffers the destruction of any karma, good as well
as evil, which had been sown in the past, and \vhose retribution,
painful or agreeable, it never fails to mature, be it in the present
or in the future, and also in the sense that it unconsciously
recollects things gone by and in imagination anticipates things
to come. Therefore the three domains (kiimaloka, domain of
feeling-riipaloka, domain of bodily existence-ariipaloka, domain
of incorporeality) are nothing but the self manifestation of the
mind (i.e. iilaya'llijiltina which is practically identical with bhuta-
tatltatii). Since all things, owing the principle of their existence
to the mind (tilaya'l•ijfziiua), are produced by smrti, all the modes
of particularization are the self-particularizations of the mind. The
mind in itself (or the soul) being however free from all attributes
is not differentiated. Therefore we come to the conclusion that
all things and conditions in the phenomenal world, hypostatized
and established only through ignorance (avidj'ii) and memory
(smrtz), have no more reality than the images in a mirror. They
arise simply from the ideality of a particularizing mind. When
the mind is disturbed, the multiplicity of things is produced; but
when the mind is quieted, the multiplicity of things disappears.
By ego-consciousness (manovijiti'ina) we mean the ignorant mind
which by its succession-consciousness clings to the conception of
I and Not-1 and misapprehends the nature of the six objects of
sense. The ego-consciousness is also called separation-conscious-
ness, because it is nourished by the perfuming influence of the
prejudices (asrava), inteilectual as well as affectional. Thus believ-
ing in the external world produced by memory, the mind becomes
v] Theory of Good and Evil 135
oblivious of the principle of sameness (samatii} that underlies all
things which are one and perfectly calm and tranquil and show no
sign of becoming.
Non-enlightenment is the raison d'etre of sarpsara. When
this is annihilated the conditions-the external world-are also
annihilated and with them the state of an interrelated mind is also
annihilated. But this annihilation does not mean the annihilation
of the mind but of its modes only. It becomes calm like an un-
ruffled sea when all winds which were disturbing it and producing
the waves have been annihilated.
In describing the relation of the interaction of avidya (ignor-
ance), karmavijnana (activity-consciousness-the subjective mind),
vi~aya (external world-represented by the senses) and the tathata
(suchness), Asvagho~a says that there is an interperfuming of
these elements. Thus Asvagho~a says, ''By perfuming we mean
that while our worldly clothes (viz. those which we wear) have no
odour of their own, neither offensive nor agreeable, they can yet
acquire one or the other odour according to the nature of the sub-
stance with which they are perfumed. Suchness (tatltatii) is likewise
a pure dharma free from all defilements caused by the perfuming
power of ignorance. On the other hand ignorance has nothing to
do with purity. Nevertheless we speak of its being able to do the
work of purity because it in its turn is perfumed by suchness.
Determined by suchness ignorance becomes the raiso1l d'etre of
all forms of defilement. And this ignorance perfumes suchness
and produces smrti. This smrti in its turn perfumes ignorance.
On account of this (reciprocal) perfuming, the truth is misunder-
stood. On account of its being misunderstood an external world
of subjectivity appears. Further, on account of the perfuming
power of memory, various modes of individuation are produced.
And by clinging to them various deeds are done, and we suffer
as the result miseries mentally as well as bodily." Again "such-
ness perfumes ignorance, and in consequence of this perfuming
the individual in subjectivity is caused to loathe the misery of
birth and death and to seek after the blessing of NirvaJ!a. This
longing and loathing on the part of the subjective mind in turn
perfumes suchness. On account of this perfuming influence we
are enabled to believe that we are in possession within ourselves
of suchness whose essential nature is pure and immaculate; and
we also recognize that all phenomena in the world are nothing
136 Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
but the illusory manifestations of the mind (iilayavijilana) and
have no reality of their own. Since we thus rightly understand
the truth, we can practise the means of liberation, can perform
those actions which are in accordance with the dharma. We
should neither particularize, nor cling to objects of desire. By
virtue of this discipline and habituation during the lapse of innu-
merable asat1khyeyakalpas 1 we get ignorance annihilated. As
ignorance is thus annihilated, the mind (iilaJ'avijiiiina) is no longer
disturbed, so as to be subject to individuation. As the mind is no
longer disturbed, the particularization of the surrounding world
is annihilated. When in this wise the principle and the condition
of defilement, their products, and the mental disturbances are all
annihilated, it is said that we attain Nirvarya and that various
spontaneous displays of activity are accomplished." The Nirvarya
of the tathata philosophy is not nothingness, but tathata (suchness
or thatness) in its purity unassociated with any kind of disturbance
which produces all the diversity of experience.
To the question that if all beings are uniformly in possession
of suchness and are therefore equally perfumed by it, how is it
that there are some who do not believe in it, while others do,
Asvagho~a's reply is that though all beings are uniformly in
possession of suchness, the intensity of ignorance and the prin-
ciple of individuation, that work from all eternity, vary in such
manifold grades as to outnumber the sands of the Ganges, and
hence the difference. There is an inherent perfuming principle
in one's own being which, embtaced and protected by the love
(maitri) and compassion (karut.~ii) of all Buddhas and Bodhisatt-
vas, is caused to loathe the misery of birth and death, to believe
in nirvarya, to cultivate the root of merit (ku.Sa!amiUa), to habit-
uate oneself to it and to bring it to maturity. In consequence
of this, one is enabled to see all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and, re-
ceiving instructions from them, is benefited,gladdened and induced
to practise good deeds, etc., till one can attain to Buddhahood and
enter into Nirvarya. This implies that all beings have such perfum-
ing power in them that they may be affected by the good wishes
of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for leading them to the path
of virtue, and thus it is that sometimes hearing the Bodhisattvas
and sometimes seeing them," all beings thereby acquire (spiritual)
benefits (hitatii)" and "entering into the samadhi of purity, they
Technical name fur a very vast period of time.
v] Theory o.f Good and E vi! 137
destroy hindrances wherever they are met with and obtain all-
penetrating insight that enables them to become conscious of
the absolute oneness (samatli) of the universe (sarvaloka) and to
see innumerable Buddhas and Bodhisattvas."
There is a difference between the perfuming which is not in
unison with suchness, as in the case of sravakas (theravadin
monks), pratyekabuddhas and the novice bodhisattvas, who only
continue their religious discipline but do not attain to the state
of non-particularization in unison with the essence of suchness.
But those bodhisattvas whose perfuming is already in unison with
suchness attain to the state of non-particularization and allow
themselves to be influenced only by the power of the dharma.
The incessant perfuming of the defiled dharma (ignorance from
all eternity) works on, but when one attains to Buddhahood one
at once puts an end to it. The perfuming of the pure dharma
(i.e. such ness) however works on to eternity without any interrup-
tion. For this suchness or thatness is the effulgence of great
wisdom, the universal illumination of the dharmadhatu (universe),
the true and adequate knowledge, the mind pure and clean in its
own nature, the eternal, the blessed, the self-regulating and the
pure, the tranquil, the inimitable and the free, and this is called
the tathagatagarbha or the dharmakaya. It may be objected that
since thatness or suchness has been described as being without
characteristics, it is now a contradiction to speak of it as embracing
all merits, but it is held, that in spite of its embracing all merits,
it is free in its nature from all forms of distinction, because all
objects in the world are of one and the same taste; and being
of one reality they have nothing to do with the modes of par-
ticularization or of dualistic character. "Though all things in their
(metaphysical) origin come from the soul alone and in truth are
free from particularization, yet on account of non-enlightenment
there originates a subjective mind (iilayavijiiiina) that becomes
conscious of an external world." This is called ignorance or
avidya. Nevertheless the pure essence of the mind is perfectly
pure and there is no awakening of ignorance in it. Hence we assign
to suchness this quality, the effulgence of great wisdom. It is
called universal illumination, because there is nothing for it to
illumine. This perfuming of such ness therefore continues for ever,
though the stage of the perfuming of avidya comes to an end with
the Buddhas when they attain to nirval)a. All Buddhas while at
Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
the stage of discipline feel a deep compassion (malziikaruwi) for all
beings, practise all virtues (piiramitas) and many other meritorious
deeds, treat others as their own selves, and wish to work out a
universal salvation of mankind in ages to come, through limitless
numbers of kalpas, recognize truthfully and adequately the
principle of equality (samatii) among people; and do not cling
to the individual existence of a sentient being. This is what is
meant by the activity of tathata. The main idea of this tathata
philosophy seems to be this, that this transcendent "thatness" is
at once the quintessence of all thought and activity; as avidya veils
it or perfumes it, the world-appearance springs forth, but as the
pure thatness also perfumes the avidya there is a striving for the
good as well. As the stage of avidya is passed its luminous
character shines forth, for it is the ultimate truth which only
illusorily appeared as the many of the world.
This doctrine seems to be more in agreement with the view
of an absolute unchangeable reality as the ultimate truth than
that of the nihilistic idealism of Lmikiivatiira. Considering the
fact that Asvagho~a was a learned Brahmin scholar in his early
life, it is easy to guess that there was much Upani~ad influence in
this interpretation of Buddhism, which compares so favourably
with the Vedanta as interpreted by Sarikara. The Lmikiivatara
admitted a reality only as a make-believe to attract the Tairthikas
(heretics) who had a prejudice in favour of an unchangeable self
(iitman). But Asvagho!?a plainly admitted an unspeakable reality
as the ultimate truth. Nagarjuna's Madhyamika doctrines which
eclipsed the profound philosophy of Asvagho~a seem to be more
faithful to the traditional Buddhist creed and to the Vijftanavada
creed of Buddhism as explained in the Lmikiivatiira 1•
The Madhyamika or the Sunyavada schooL-Nihilism.
Candraklrtti, the commentator ofNagarjuna's verses known as
"lll"iidhyamika ktirikii," in explaining the doctrine of dependent
origination (pratltyasamutpiida) as described by Nagarjuna starts
with two interpretations of the word. According to one the word
pratityasamutpacla means the origination (utpiida) of the non-
existent (ablzava) depending on (pratitya) reasons and causes
As I have no access to the Chinese translation of Asvagho~a's Sraddhotpiida
/it"istra, I had to depend entirely on SuL.uki's expressions as they appear in his trar:s-
v] Prat:Ztyasa?JZutpada 139
(hetupratyaya). According to the other interpretation pratltya
means each and every destructible individual and pratltyasamut-
pada means the origination of each and every destructible in-
dividual. But he disapproves of both these meanings. The
second meaning does not suit the context in which the Pali
Scriptures generally speak of pratltyasamutpada (e.g. cak~u(z
pratltya riipii1!i ca utpadJ'allle cak~urvijiiiinam) for it does not
mean the origination of each and every destructible individual,
but the originating of specific individual phenomena (e.g. per-
ception of form by the operation in connection with the eye)
depending upon certain specific conditions.
The first meaning also is equally unsuitable. Thus for example
if we take the case of any origination, e.g. that of the visual per-
cept, we see that there cannot be any contact between visual
knowledge and physical sense, the eye, and so it would not be
intelligible that the former should depend upon the latter. If we
interpret the maxim of pratityasamutpada as this happening that
happens, that would not explain any specific origination. All
origination is false, for a thing can neither originate by itself nor
by others, nor by a co-operation of both nor without any reason.
For if a thing exists already it cannot originate again by itsel(
To suppose that it is originated by others would also mean
that the origination was of a thing already existing. If again
without any further qualification it is said that depending on
one the other comes into being, then depending on anything any
other thing could come into being-from light we could have dark-
ness! Since a thing could not originate from itself or by others,
it could not also be originated by a combination of both of them
together. A thing also could not originate \Vithout any cause,
for then all things could come into being at all times. It is there-
fore to be acknowledged that wherever the Buddha spoke of this
so-called dependent origination (pratftyasamutpiida) it v.·as re-
ferred to as illusory manifestations appearing to intellects and
senses stricken with ignorance. This dependent origination is
not thus a real law, but only an appearance due to ignorance
(avidyii). The only thing which is not lost (amo~adharma) is
nirvai)a; but all other forms of knowledge and phenomena
(smtzskiiras) are false and are lost with their appearances (sarva-
smtzskiiriiJca mr~iiuzo~adharmii~ta(z ).
It is sometimes objected to this doctrine that if all appear-
Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
ances are false, then they do not exist at all. There are then no
good or bad works and no cycle of existence, and if such is the
case, then it may be argued that no philosophical discussion
should be attempted. But the reply to such an objection is that the
nihilistic doctrine is engaged in destroying the misplaced con-
fidence of the people that things are true. Those who are really
wise do not find anything either false or true, for to them clearly
they do not exist at all and they do not trouble themselves with
the question of their truth or falsehood. For him who knows thus
there are neither works nor cycles of births (smtlsiira) and also he
does not trouble himself about the existence or non-existence of
any of the appearances. Thus it is said in the Ratnakutasutra that
howsoever carefully one may search one cannot discover conscious-
ness (citta); what cannot be perceived cannot be said to exist,
and what does not exist is neither past, nor future, nor present, and
as such it cannot be said to have any nature at all; and that which
has no nature is subject neither to origination nor to extinction.
He who through his false knowledge (viparyyiisa) does not com-
prehend the falsehood of all appearances, but thinks them to be
real, works and suffers the cycles of rebirth (sm!1siira). Like all
illusions, though false these appearances can produce all the harm
of rebirth and sorrow.
It may again be objected that if there is nothing true
according to the nihilists (Sfmya'iJiidins), then their statement that
there is no origination or extinction is also not true. Candraklrtti
in replying to this says that with sunyavadins the truth is absolute
silence. When the Sunyavadin sages argue, they only accept for
the moment what other people regard as reasons, and deal with
them in their own manner to help them to come to a right
comprehension of all appearances. It is of no use to say, in spite
of all arguments tending to show the falsehood of all appearances,
that they are testified by our experience, for the whole thing that
we call ''our experience'' is but false illusion inasmuch as these
phenomena have no true essence.
When the doctrine of pratltyasamutpada is described as "this
being that is," what is really meant is that things can only be
indicated as mere appearances one after another, for they have
no essence or true nature. Nihilism (Siinya'LJtida) also means just
this. The true meaning of pratltyasamutpada or sunyavada is
this, that there is no truth, no essence in all phenomena that
v] Essencelessness
appear 1 • As the phenomena have no essence they are neither
produced nor destroyed; they really neither come nor go. They
are merely the appearance of maya or illusion. The void (srmya)
does not mean pure negation, for that is relative to some kind of
position. It simply means that none of the appearances have any
intrinsic nature of their own (ni!zsvabluivatvam).
The Madhyamaka or Sunya system does not hold that any-
thing has any essence or nature (svabhii'va) of its own; even
heat cannot be said to be the essence of fire; for both the heat
and the fire are the result of the combination of many conditions,
and what depends on many conditions cannot be said to be the
nature or essence of the thing. That alone may be said to be the
true essence or nature of anything which does not depend on
anything else, and since no such essence or nature can be pointed
out which stands independently by itself we cannot say that it
exists. If a thing has no essence or existence of its own, we can-
not affirm the essence of other things to it (parabhiiva). If we
cannot affirm anything of anything as positive, we cannot conse-
quently assert anything of anything as negative. If anyone first
believes in things positive and afterwards discovers that they are
not so, he no doubt thus takes his stand on a negation (abltii'va),
but in reality since we cannot speak of anything positive, we can-
not speak of anything negative either 2•
It is again objected that we nevertheless yerceive a process
going on. To this the Madhyamaka reply is that a pro<:_ess of
cf1ange could not t>e-a"ffirmed of things that are permane~t. But we
can lfar-dly speak of a process with reference to momentary things;
for those which are momentary are destroyed the next moment
after they appear, and so there is nothing which can continue to
justify a process. That which appears as being neither comes
from anywhere nor goes anywhere, and that which appears as de-
stroyed also does not come from anywhere nor go anywhere,
and so a process ( Sal!tsiira) cannot be affirmed of them. It cannot
be that when the second moment arose, the first moment had
suffered a change in the process, for it was not the same as the
second, as there is no so-called cause-effect connection. In fact
there being no relation between the two, the temporal determina-
tion as prior and later is wrong. The supposition that there is a
self which suffers changes is also not valid, for howsoever we
1 2
See lrliidhyamikavrtti (B.T.S.), p. so. Ibid. pp. 93-1oo.
Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
may search we find the five skandhas but no sel( Moreover if
the soul is a unity it cannot undergo any process or progression,
for that would presuppose that the soul abandons one character
and takes up another at the same identical moment which is
But then again the question arises that if there is no process,
and no cycle of worldly existence of thousands of afflictions, what
is then the nirval)a which is described as the final extinction of
all afflictions (klesa)? To this the Madhyamaka reply is that it does
not agree to such a definition of nirval)a. N irval)a on the Madhya-
maka theory is the absence of the essence of all phenomena, that
which cannot be conceived either as anything which has ceased
or as anything which is produced (aniruddham a11utpannam). In
nirvat)a all phenomena are lost; we say that the phenomena cease
to exist in nirval)a, but like the illusory snake in the rope they
never existed 2• Nirvat)a cannot be any positive thing or any sort
of state of being (bhiiva), for all positive states or things are joint
products of combined causes (smrzskrta) and are liable to decay
and destruction. Neither can it be a negative existence, for since
we cannot speak of any positive existence, we cannot speak of a
negative existence either. The appearances or the phenomena are
communicated as being in a state of change and process coming
one after another, but beyond that no essence, existence, or truth
can be affirmed of them. Phenomena sometimes appear to be
produced and sometimes to be destroyed, but they cannot be
determined as existent or non-existent. Nirval)a is merely the
cessation of the seeming phenomenal flow (prapafzcapravytti). It
cannot therefore be designated either as positive or as negative for
these conceptions belong to phenomena (na ciipravrttimiitram
bhiivabluiveti parikalpitum piir;'Yate evam 1za bhii'Ziiibltiiva1lir-
Vii1Jam, M.V. 197). In this state there is nothing which is known,
and even the knowledge that the phenomena have ceased to
appear is not found. Even the Buddha himself is a phenomenon,
a mirage or a dream, and so are all his teachings 3•
It is easy to see that in this system there cannot exist any
bondage or emancipation; all phenomena are like shadows, like
the mirage, the dream, the maya, and the magic without any real
nature (m"J.zsvabhiiva). It is mere false knowledge to suppose that
1 See .IV/iidhyamikavrtti (B.T.S.), pp. 2
IOI-I02. Ibid. p. •9-l·
3 Ibid. pp. 162 and 201.
v] Causal conditions 143
one is trying to win a real nirval)a 1• It is this false egoism that
is to be considered as avidya. \\'hen considered deeply it is found
that there is not even the slightest trace of any positive existence.
Thus it is seen that if there were no ignorance (avidyii), there
would have been no conformations (sm!zskiiras), and if there were
no conformations there would have been no consciousness, and so
on; but it cannot be said of the ignorance "I am generating the
sarpskaras," and it can be said of the sarpskaras "we are being
produced by the avidya." But there being avidya, there come the
sarpskaras and so on with other categories too. This character of
the pratltyasamutpada is known as the coming of the consequent
depending on an antecedent reason (hetiipanibandha).
It can be viewed from another aspect, namely that of depend-
ence on conglomeration or combination (pratyayopatziballdha).
It is by the combination (samaviiya) of the four elements, space
(akiisa) and consciousness (vijizii1ta) that a man is made. It is
due to earth (p_rthivi) that the body becomes solid, it is due to
water that there is fat in the body, it is due to fire that there is
digestion, it is due to wind that there is respiration; it is due
to akasa that there is porosity, and it is due to vijnana that
there is mind-consciousness. It is by their mutual combination
that we find a man as he is. But none of these elements think
that they have done any of the functions that are considered to be
allotted to them. None of these are real substances or beings or
souls. It is by ignorance that these are thought of as existents and
attachment is generated for them. Through ignorance thus come
the sarpskaras, consisting of attachment, antipathy and thought-
lessness (raga, dve~a, moha); from these proceed the vijnana and
the four skandhas. These with the four elements bring about name
and form (1liimariipa), from these proceed the senses (~acfiiyatana),
from the coming together of those three comes contact (sparsa);
from that feelings, from that comes desire (tr~'!ii) and so on.
These flow on like the stream of a river, but there is no essence
or truth behind them all or as the ground of them all 2• The
phenomena therefore cannot be said to be either existent or
non-existent, and no truth can be affirmed of either eternalism
(Siisvataviida) or nihilism (ucchedaviida), and it is for this reason
1See .~.lfiidhyamikavrtti (B.T.S.), pp. IOI-Io8.
Ibid. pp. 209-2 I r, quoted from Siilistambhasiilra. Vacaspatimisra also quotes
this passage in his Bhtimati on Sankara's Brahma-.,lltra.
144 Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
that this doctrine is called the middle doctrine (madhyamaka) 1 •
Existence and non-existence have only a relative truth (sam-
vrtisatya) in them, as in all phenomena, but there is no true
reality (pm"amiirt/zasatya) in them or anything else. Morality
plays as high a part in this nihilistic system as it does in any
other Indian system. I quote below some stanzas from Nagar-
juna's Sulz_rllekha as translated by Wenzel (P.T.S. 1886) from
the Tibetan translation.
6. Knowing that riches are unstable and void (asizra) give according to
the moral precepts, to Bhikshus, Brahmins, the poor and friends for there is
no better friend than giving.
7· Exhibit morality (Sila) faultless and sublime, unmixed and spotless,
for morality is the supporting ground of all eminence, as the earth is of the
moving and immovable.
8. Exercise the imponderable, transcendental virtues of charity, morality,
patience, energy, meditation, and likewise wisdom, in order that, having
reached the farther shore of the sea of existence, you may become a Jina
9· View as enemies, avarice (matsaryya), deceit (Safhya), duplicity (maya),
lust, indolence (kausidya), pride (mana), greed (raga), hatred (dve!a) and
pride (mada) concerning family, figure, glory, youth, or power.
15. Since nothing is so difficult of attainment as patience, open no door
for anger ; the Buddha has pronounced that he who renounces anger shall
attain the degree of an anagamin (a saint who never suffers rebirth).
21. Do not look after another's wife; but if you see her, regard her,
according to age, like your mother, daughter or sister.
24. Of him who has conquered the unstable, ever moving objects of the
six senses and him who has overcome the mass of his enemies in battle, the
wise praise the first as the greater hero.
29. Thou who knowest the world, be equanimous against the eight worldly
conditions, gain and loss, happiness and suffering, fame and dishonour, blame
and praise, for they are not objects for your thoughts.
37· But one (a woman) that is gentle as a sister, winning as a friend,
careful of your well being as a mother, obedient as a servant her (you must)
honour as the guardian god(dess) of the family.
40. Always perfectly meditate on (turn your thoughts to) kindness, pity,
joy and indifference; then if you do not obtain a higher degree you (certainly)
will obtain the happiness of Brahman's world (brahma·llihiira).
41. By the four dhyanas completely abandoning desire (kama), reflection
(vicara), joy (Pritt"), and happiness and pain (sukha, dufikha) you will obtain
as fruit the lot of a Brahman.
49· If you say "I am not the form, you thereby will understand I am
not endowed with form, I do not dwell in form, the form does not dwell in me ;
and in like manner you will understand the ,·oidness of the other four aggre-
50. The aggregates do not arise from desire, nor from time, nor from
1 See llfiidhyamikavrtti (B.T.S.), p. 160.
v] Vifiianavada 145
nature (jJrakrti), not from themselves (svabhiivat), nor from the Lord (i1vara),
nor yet are they without cause; know that they arise from ignorance (avidya)
and desire (trp:za).
51. Know that attachment to religious ceremonies (Jilabratapartimarsa),
wrong views (mithyadr!!i) and doubt (vicikitsti) are the three fetters.
53· Steadily instruct yourself (more and more) in the highest morality,
the highest wisdom and the highest thought, for the hundred and fifty one
rules (of the pratimok!a) are combined perfectly in these three.
58. Because thus (as demonstrated) all this is unstable (anitya) without
substance (anatma) without help (aiara~a) without protector (analiza) and
without abode (asthii1za) thou 0 Lord of men must become discontented with
this worthless (astira) kadali-tree of the orb.
104. If a fire were to seize your head or your dress you would extinguish
and subdue it, even then endeavour to annihilate desire, for there is no other
higher necessity than this.
105. By morality, knowledge and contemplation, attain the spotless dig-
nity of the quieting and the subduing nirval)a not subject to age, death or
decay, devoid of earth, water, fire, wind, sun and moon.
107. \Vhere there is no wisdom (jJrajliii) there is also no contemplation
(dhyana), where there is no contemplation there is also no wisdom; but know
that for him who possesses these two the sea of existence is like a grove.

Uncompromising Idealism or the School

of Vijnanavada Buddhism.
The school of Buddhist philosophy known as the Vijfianavada
or Y ogacara has often been referred to by such prominent teachers
of Hindu thought as Kumarila and Sari.kara. It agrees to a great
extent with the Sunyavadins whom we have already described.
All the dharmas (qualities and substances) are but imaginary
constructions of ignorant minds. There is no movement in the
so-called external world as we suppose, for it does not exist. We
construct it ourselves and then are ourselves deluded that it exists
by itself (nirmmitapratimo!ti) 1• There are two functions involved
in our consciousness, viz. that which holds the perceptions (khyiiti
vij1ziina), and that which orders them by imaginary constructions
(vastuprativikalpaviJiiiina). The two functions however mutually
determine each other and cannot be separately distinguished
(ablzinnalak~a!ze mzyonya!tetuke). These functions are set to work
on account of the beginningless instinctive tendencies inherent
in them. in relation to the world of appearance (aniidikiila-pra-
pafzca-viisanii!tetukaiica) 2•
All sense knowledge can be stopped only when the diverse
1 Lmikiivatiirasiitra, pp. 2
'21-'2'2. Ibid. p. 44·
D. 10
Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
unmanifested instincts of imagination are stopped (ablzuta-
parikalpa-vasanii-vaicitra-1u.rodha)1. All our phenomenal know-
ledge is without any essence or truth (ui(tsvabhiiva) and is but a
creation of maya, a mirage or a dream. There is nothing which
may be called external, but all is the imaginary creation of the
mind (svacitta), which has been accustomed to create imaginary
appearances from beginning less time. This mind by whose move-
ment these creations take place as subject and object has no
appearance in itself and is thus without any origination, existence
andextinction(utpiidasthitibhaizgava1Jj"am)and is called the alaya-
vijilana. The reason why this alayavijfiana itself is said to be
without origination, existence, and extinction is probably this,
that it is always a hypothetical state which merely explains all
the phenomenal states that appear, and therefore it has no exist-
ence in the sense in which the term is used and we could not
affirm any special essence of it.
We do not realize that all visible phenomena are of nothing
external but of our own mind (svacitta), and there is also the begin-
ningless tendency for believing and creating a phenomenal world
of appearance. There is also the nature of knowledge (which
takes things as the perceiver and the perceived) and there is also
the instinct in the mind to experience diverse forms. On account
of these four reasons there are produced in the alayavijnana (mind)
the ripples of our sense experiences (pravrttivij1ziina) as in a lake,
and these are manifested as sense experiences. All the five skan-
dhas called paiicavij11iillaktiya thus appear in a proper synthetic
form. None of the phenomenal knowledge that appears is either
identical or different from the alayavijfiana just as the waves can-
not be said to be either identical or different from the ocean. As
the ocean dances on in waves so the citta or the alayavijfiana
is also dancing as it were in its diverse operations (v,rtti). As
citta it collects all movements (karma) within it, as manas it
synthesizes (vidltiyate) and as vijfiana it constructs the fivefold
perceptions (vijilancn vijiimitz' drsyam kalpate pmicabhil_t) 2•
It is only due to maya (illusion) that the phenomena appear
in their twofold aspect as subject and object. This must always
be regarded as an appearance (samvrtisatyatii) whereas in the real
aspect we could never say whether they existed (bluiva) or did not
1 2
Lmikiivatiiraszltra, p. 44· Ibid. pp. 50-55·
Asanga's ./Jiahiiyi'inasiUriilal!lktzra, pp. sS-59·
v] Vifnanavada and Vedi"inta 147
All phenomena both being and non-being are illusory (sada-
santa!z mayopama!z). When we look deeply into them we find that
there is an absolute negation of all appearances, including even
all negations, for they are also appearances. This would make the
ultimate truth positive. But this is not so, for it is that in which
the positive and negative are one and the same (blzavabltavasa-
manata)1. Such a state which is complete in itself and has no
name and no substance had been described in the Lankavatara-
sutra as thatness (tatkatar. This state is also described in another
place in the Lankavatara as voidness (.Siinyata) which is one and
has no origination and no essence 3• In another place it is also
designated as tathagatagarbha 4•
It may be supposed that this doctrine of an unqualified
ultimate truth comes near to the Vedantic atman or Brahman
like the tathata doctrine of Asvagho~a; and we find in Lanka-
vatara that Ravm:m asks the Buddha " How can you say that
your doctrine of tathagatagarbha was not the same as the atman
doctrine of the other schools of philosophers, for those heretics
also consider the atman as eternal, agent, unqualified, all-per-
vading and uuchanged?" To this the Buddha is found to reply
thus-" Our doctrine is not the same as the doctrine of those
heretics; it is in consideration of the fact that the instruction
of a philosophy which considered that there was no soul or sub-
stance in anything (1zairiitmya) would frighten the disciples, that
I say that all things are in reality the tathagatagarbha. This
should not be regarded as atman. Just as a lump of clay is made
into various shapes, so it is the non-essential nature of all
phenomena and their freedom from all characteristics (sarvavikal-
palak~a~tavinivrttam) that is variously described as the garbha
or the nairatmya ( essencelessness ). This explanation of tathaga-
tagarbha as the ultimate truth and reality is given in order to
attract to our creed those heretics who are superstitiously inclined
to believe in the atman doctrine 5."
So far as the appearance of the phenomena was concerned
the idealistic Buddhists ( vijiianavadi11s) agreed to the doctrine of
pratltyasamutpada with certain modifications. There was with
them an external pratityasamutpada just as it appeared in the
1 Asailga's JV/ahtiyiinasiitrlilal!lkiira, p. 65.
2 Lmikiivatiirasiitra, p. 70. 3 Ibid. p. 78.
4 Ibid. p. So. 5 Ibid. pp. So-81.
Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
objective aspect and an internal pratltyasamutpada. The external
pratltyasamutpada (dependent origination) is represented in the
way in which material things (e.g. a jug) came into being by the
co-operation of diverse elements-the lump of clay, the potter,
the wheel, etc. The internal (iidlzyiitmika) pratityasamutpada
was represented by avidya, tr~t:ta, karma, the skandhas, and the
ayatanaS produced OUt Of them I.
Our understanding is composed of two categories called the
pravicayabuddlzi and the vikalpalak~a1Jagralziibhin£vesaprati~(hii­
pikabuddlzi. The pravicayabuddhi is that which always seeks to
take things in either of the following four ways, that they are
either this or the other (ekatviinyatva); either both or not both
(ubhayiinubhaya), either are or are not (astinast£), either eternal
or non-eternal (nityii1litya). But in reality none of these can be
affirmed of the phenomena. The second category consists of that
habit of the mind by virtue of which it constructs diversities and
arranges them (created in their turn by its own constructive activity
-parikalpa) in a logical order of diverse relations of subject and
predicate, causal and other relations. He who knows the nature
of these two categories of the mind knows that there is no external
world of matter and that they are all experienced only in the
mind. There is no water, but it is the sense construction of
smoothness (s11eha) that constructs the water as an external sub-
stance; it is the sense construction of activity or energy that
constructs the external substance of fire; it is the sense construc-
tion of movement that constructs the external substance of air.
In this way through the false habit of taking the unreal as the
real (mitlzyiisatyiiblti1livesa) five skandhas appear. If these were
to appear all together, we could not speak of any kind of causal
relations, and if they appeared in succession there could be
no connection between them, as there is nothing to bind them
together. In reality there is nothing which is produced or
destroyed, it is only our constructive imagination that builds up
things as perceived with all their relations, and ourselves as per-
ceivers. It is simply a convention (vyavalziira) to speak of things
as known 2• Whatever we designate by speech is mere speech-
construction (vagvikalpa) and unreal. In speech one could not
speak of anything without relating things in some kind of causal

ILmikiiz,atiirasutra, p. 85.
2Lmikiivatiirasiltra, p. 87, compare the term "vyavaharika" as used of the pheno-
menal and the conventional world in almost the same sense by Sankara.
v] Void1less of all phenonzena 149
relation, but none of these characters may be said to be true;
the real truth (paramiirtlta) can never be referred to by such
speech -construction.
The nothingness (Sfmyata) of things may be viewed from
seven aspects-( 1) that they are always interdependent, and hence
have no special characteristics by themselves, and as they cannot
be determined in themselves they cannot be determined in terms
of others, for, their own nature being undetermined, a reference
to an "other'' is also undetermined, and hence they are all in-
definable (lak~a~ta.Siinyatii); (2) that they have no positive essence
( bhiivasvabhiivasfmyatii), since they spring up from a natural non-
existence (svabhiiviibhiivotpatti); (3) that they are of an unknown
type of non-existence (apracaritasii1Zyatii), since all the skandhas
vanish in the nirvat:ta; (4) that they appear phenomenally as con-
nected though non-existent (pracaritasfmyata), for their skandhas
have no reality in themselves nor are they related to others, but
yet they appear to be somehow causally connected; (5) that none
of the things can be described as having any definite nature,
they are all undemonstrable by language ( 1Zirabltilapya.Srmyatii) ;
(6) that there cannot be any knowledge about them except that
which is brought about by the long-standing defects of desires
which pollute all our vision; (7) that things are also non-existent
in the sense that we affirm them to be in a particular place and
time in which they are not (itaretarasiinyatii).
There is thus only non-existence, which again is neither eternal
nor destructible, and the world is but a dream and a maya ; the
two kinds of negation (nirodha) are akasa (space) and nirvat:ta;
things which are neither existent nor non-existent are only
imagined to be existent by fools.
This view apparently comes into conflict with the doctrine of
this school, that the reality is called the tathagatagarbha (the
womb of all that is merged in thatness) and all the phenomenal
appearances of the clusters (ska1Zdhas), elements (dltiitus), and
fields of sense operation (iiyatanas) only serve to veil it with
impurities, and this would bring it nearer to the assumption of a
universal soul as the reality. But the Lmikii·vatiira attempts to
explain away this conflict by suggesting that the reference to
the tathagatagarbha as the reality is only a sort of false bait to
attract those who are afraid of listening to the nairatmya (non-
soul) doctrine 1•
1 Lmiktivatarasutra, p. So.
Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
The Bodhisattvas may attain their highest by the fourfold
knowledge of (I) s'lJacittadrsyablziivanii, ( 2) utpiidastlzitibhanga-
vivaryj"anatti, ( 3) btihyablttivabltii:vopalak~a?jatti and (4) s·vapra-
tyaryyajfiii-;ziidhigamiibhinnalak~a?jatii. The first means that all
things are but creations of the imagination of one's mind. The
second means that as things have no essence there is no origina-
tion, existence or destruction. The third means that one should
know the distinctive sense in which all external things are said
either to be existent or non-existent, for their existence is merely
like the mirage which is produced by the beginningless desire
( viisanii) of creating and perceiving the manifold. This brings us
to the fourth one, which means the right comprehension of the
nature of all things.
The four dhyanas spoken of in the Lankiivatiira seem to be
different from those which have been described in connection with
the Theravada Buddhism. These dhyanas are called (I) biilo-
paciirika, (2) artlzapravicaya, (3) tathatiilambana and (4) tathii-
gata. The first one is said to be that practised by the sravakas
and the pratyekabuddhas. It consists in concentrating upon the
doctrine that there is no soul (pudgalanairiitmya), and that every-
thing is transitory, miserable and impure. \Vhen considering all
things in this way from beginning to end the sage advances on
till all conceptual knowing ceases (iism!z}fiiinirodhiit); we have
what is called the valopacarika dhyana (the meditation for be-
The second is the advanced state where not only there is
full consciousness that there is no self, but there is also the com-
prehension that neither these nor the doctrines of other heretics
may be said to exist, and that there is none of the dharmas that
appears. This is called the arthapravicayadltyii1la, for the sage
concentrates here on the subject of thoroughly seeking out (pra-
vicaya) the nature of all things (artlta).
The third dhyana, that in which the mind realizes that the
thought that there is no self nor that there are the appearances,
is itself the result of imagination and thus lapses into the thatness
(tathatii). This dhyana is called tathatiilambmta, because it has for
its object tathata or thatness.
The last or the fourth dhyana is that in which the lapse of
the mind into the state of thatness is such that the nothingness
and incomprehensibility of all phenomena is perfectly realized;
v] Ultimate goal
and nirval)a is that in which all root desires ( viisami) manifesting
themselves in knowledge are destroyed and the mind with know-
ledge and perceptions, making false creations, ceases to work. This
cannot be called death, for it will not have any rebirth and it can-
not be called destruction, for only compounded things (smtzsk_rta)
suffer destruction, so that it is different from either death or
destruction. This nirval)a is different from that of the sravakas
and the pratyekabuddhas for they are satisfied to call that state
nirval)a, in which by the knowledge of the general characteristics
of all things (transitoriness and misery) they are not attached to
things and cease to make erroneous judgments 1•
Thus we see that there is no cause (in the sense of ground)
of all these phenomena as other heretics maintain. When it is
said that the world is maya or illusion, what is meant to be
emphasized is this, that there is no cause, no ground. The pheno-
mena that seem to originate, stay, and be destroyed are mere
constructions of tainted imagination, and the tathata or thatness
is nothing but the turning away of this constructive activity or
nature of the imagination (vikalpa) tainted with the associations
of beginningless root desires (vasanii) 2• The tathata has no
separate reality from illusion, but it is illusion itself when the
course of the construction of illusion has ceased. It is therefore
also spoken of as that which is cut off or detached from the mind
(cittavimukta), for here there is no construction of imagination
(sarvakalpmziiviralzitam ) 3•

Sautrantika Theory of Perception.

Dharmottara (847 A.D.), a commentator of Dharmakirtti's 4
(about 635 A.D.) Nyayabindu, a Sautrantika logical and episte-
mological work, describes right knowledge (samyagjiialla} as an
invariable antecedent to the accomplishment of all that a man
1 Lmikiivatiirasutra, p. 100. 2 Ibid. p. 109.
3This account of the Vijfianavada school is collected mainly from Laiikiivatiira·
sutra, as no other authentic work of the Vijfianavada school is available. Hindu
accounts and criticisms of this school may be had in such books as Kumarila's Sloka
viirttika or Sankara's bha~ya, n. ii, etc. Asanga's !Vlalziiyiinasutriilal?lkiira deals more
with tht; duties concerning the career of a saint (Bodhisattz·a} than with the metaphysics
of the system.
4 Dharmaklrtti calls himself an adherent of Vijfianavada in his Santiiniintara-

siddhi, a treatise on solipsism, but his Jllyiiyabindu seems rightly to have been considered
by the author of Nyiiyabindu!ikii!ippani (p. 19) as being written from the Sautrantika
point of view.
Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
desires to have (samyagjFuinaprervika sarvapuru~arthasiddht")l.
When on proceeding, in accordance with the presentation of any
knowledge, we get a thing as presented by it we call it right
knowledge. Right knowledge is thus the knowledge by which one
can practically acquire the thing he wants to acquire (arthiidhi-
gati). The process of knowledge, therefore, starts with the per-
ceptual presentation and ends with the attainment of the thing
represented by it and the fulfilment of the practical need by it
(arthiidhigamat samiipta(t pramii!tavyiiptira(t). Thus there are
three moments in the perceptual acquirement of knowledge:
(1) the presentation, (2) our prompting in accordance with it,
and (3) the final realization of the object in accordance with
our endeavour following the direction of knowledge. Inference
is also to be called right knowledge, as it also serves our practical
need by representing the presence of objects in certain connec-
tions and helping us to realize them. In perception this presen-
tation is direct, while in inference this is brought about indirectly
through the li1l.ga (reason). Knowledge is sought by men for the
realization of their ends, and the subject of knowledge is dis-
cussed in philosophical works only because knowledge is sought
by men. Any knowledge, therefore, which will not lead us to
the realization of the object represented by it could not be called
right knowledge. All illusory perceptions, therefore, such as the
perception of a white conch-shell as yellow or dream perceptions,
are not right knowledge, since they do not lead to the realization
of such objects as are presented by them. It is true no doubt
that since all objects are momentary, the object which was per-
ceived at the moment of perception was not the same as that
which was realized at a later moment. But the series of existents
which started with the first perception of a blue object finds itself
realized by the realization of other existents of the same series
(uiladau ya eva satttiina(t paricchimto 1tilajiiiinena sa eva tena
pnipita(t toltl uila;iiiinam pramii~zam) 2•
When it is said that right knowledge is an invariable ante-
cedent of the realization of any desirable thing or the retarding
of any undesirable thing, it must be noted that it is not meant
Brief extracts from the opinions of two other commentators of Nyii;,abi~tdu,
Vinitadeva and Santabhadra (seventh century), are found in Nyiiyabi1ldu{il.:ii{ippani,
a commentary of Nyii),abi1ldu{ikii of Dharmmottara, hut their texts are not available
lu us.
2 Nyiiyabi1llltt{ikti{ippa~ti, p. 11.
v] Theory of Perception 1 53

that right knowledge is directly the cause of it; for, with the rise
of any right perception, t]lere is _a memory of Qast experienc_~.
desire is aroused, through desire an endeavour in accordance with
it is launched, and as a result of that there is realization of the
object of desire. Thus, looked at from this point of view, right
knowledge is not directly the cause of the realization of the object.
Right knowledge of course directly indicates the presentation, the
object of desire, but so far as the object is a mere presentation it
is not a subject of enquiry. It becomes a subject of enquiry only in
connection with our achieving the object presented by perception.
Perception (pratyak~a) has been defined by Dharmakirtti as
a presentation, which is generated by the objects alone, unasso-
ciated by any names or relations (kalpanii) and which is not
erroneous (kalpaniipocfhamablzriintam)I. This definition does not
indeed represent the actual nature (svanipa) of perception, but only
shows the condition which must be fulfilled in order that anything
may be valid perception. What is meant by saying that a per-
ception is not erroneous is simply this, that it will be such that
if one engages himself in an endeavour in accordance with it,
he will not be baffled in the object which was presented to him
by his perception (tasmiidgriihye arthe vastztnlpe yadaviparyastam
tadabhriintamiha veditavyam ). It is said that a right perception
could not be associated with names (kalpami or abhiliipa). This
qualification is added only with a view of leaving out all that is not
directly generated by the object. A name is given to a thing
only when it is associated in the mind, through memory, as being
the same as perceived before. This cannot, therefore, be regarded
as being produced by the object of perception. The senses present
the objects by coming in contact with them, and the objects also
must of necessity allow themselves to be presented as they are
when they are in contact with the proper senses. But the work
of recognition or giving names is not what is directly produced
by the objects themselves, for this involves the unification of
previous experiences, and this is certainly not what is presented
1 The definition first given in the Pramii!Jasamuccaya (not available in Sanskrit) of

Diimaga (soo A.D.) was "Kalpaniipocjham." According to Dharmakirtti it is the in-

determinate knowledge (m"rvikalpa jiiiina) consisting only of the copy of the object
presented to the senses that constitutes the valid element presented to perception.
The determinate knowledge (savikalpa jliiina), as formed by the conceptual activity of
the mind identifying the object with what has been experienced before, cannot be
regarded as truly representing what is really presented to the senses.
154 Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
to the sense (piirvad?'~!iiparadr~!anciirthamekikurvadvijiziznam­
asannilzitmn~ayam prervad1;'~!asyizsa1z1zihitatviit). In all illusory
perceptions it is the sense which is affected either by extraneous
or by inherent physiological causes. If the senses are not per-
verted they are bound to present the object correctly. Perception
thus means the correct presentation through the senses of an
object in its own uniqueness as containing only those features
which are its and its alone (svalak~a~zam). The validity of know-
ledge consists in the sameness that it has with the objects presented
by it (artheua salza yatsaritpyam sadrsyamasya j1ianasya tatpra-
ma~zamilza). But the objection here is that if our percept is only
similar to the external object then this similarity is a thing which
is different from the presentation, and thus perception becomes
invalid. But the similarity is not different from the percept which
appears as being similar to the object. It is by virtue of their
sameness that we refer to the object by the percept ( taditi sizrzlpyam
tasya vaiizt) and our perception of the object becomes possible.
It is because we have an awareness of blueness that we speak of
having perceived a blue object. The relation, however, between
the notion of similarity of the perception with the blue object and
the indefinite awareness of blue in perception is not one of
causation but of a determinant and a determinate (vyavasthapya-
vyavasthiipakablzizve1la). Thus it is the same cognition which in
one form stands as signifying the similarity with the object of
perception and is in another indefinite form the awareness as the
percept (tata ekasya vastzma(z kilicidrzlpam pramii1Jam ki1icitpra-
miz1zaphalam na 'Z'irudlzyate). It is on account of this similarity
with the object that a cognition can be a determinant of the
definite awareness (vyavastlzizpanalzeturhi sizriipyam), so that by
the determinate we know the determinant and thus by the
similarity of the sense-datum with the object (pra11ui?za) we come
to think that our awareness has this particular form as "blue"
(pramti?taplzala). If this sameness between the knowledge and its
object was not felt we could not have spoken of the object from
the awareness (siiriipyamanublziitam vya-z,astlziipanalzetu(z). The
object generates an awareness similar to itself, and it is this
correspondence that can lead us to the realization of the object
so presented by right knowledge 1•
1 See also pp. 340 and 409. It is unfortunate that, excepting the Nyiiyabindu,

Nyiiyabi1lllutikii, Nytryabindu{ikii(ippani(St Petersburg, 1909), no other works dealing

with this interesting doctrine of perception are available to us. Nyiiyabindu is probably
v] Inference ISS

Sautrantika theory of Inference 1 •

According to the Sautrantika doctrine of Buddhism as de-
scribed by Dharmakirtti and Dharmmottara which is probably the
only account of systematic Buddhist logic that is now available to
us in Sanskrit, inference (anzwuina) is divided into two classes,
called svarthanumana (inferential knowledge attained by a person
arguing in his own mind or judgments), and pararthanumana (in-
ference through the help of articulated propositions for convincing
others in a debate). The validity of inference depended, like the
validity of perception, on copying the actually existing facts of
the external world. Inference copied external realities as much
as perception did; just as the validity of the immediate perception
of blue depends upon its similarity to the external blue thing
perceived, so the validity of the inference of a blue thing also,
so far as it is knowledge, depends upon its resemblance to the
external fact thus inferred (siiriipyavasaddhi tamzilapratitiriipam
The reason by which an inference is made should be such
that it may be present only in those cases where the thing to
be inferred exists, and absent in every case where it does not
exist. It is only when the reason is tested by both these joint
conditions that an unfailing connection (pratibandha) between
the reason and the thing to be inferred can be established. It is
not enough that the reason should be present in all cases where
the thing to be inferred exists and absent where it does not
exist, but it is necessary that it should be present only in the
above case. This law (niyama) is essential for establishing
the unfailing condition necessary for inference 2• This unfailing
natural connection (svablziivapratibaJZdha) is found in two types

one of the earliest works in which we hear of the doctrine of arthakriyiikiin'tva (practical
fulfilment of our desire as a criterion of right knowledge). Later on it was regarded
as a criterion of existence, as Ratnakirtti's works and the profuse references by Hindu
writers to the Buddhistic doctrines prove. The word arthakriyii is found in Candra-
kirtti's commentary on Nagarjuna and also in such early works as Lalitavistara (pointed
out to_me by Dr E. J. Thomas of the Cambridge University Library) but the word
has no philosophical significance there.
As the Pramii!Jasamuccaya of Diimaga is not available in Sanskrit, we can hardly
know anything of developed Buddhist logic except what can be got from the Nyiiya-
bindu{ikii of Dhannmottara.
tasmlit niyama7Jatoreviinvayavyatirekayol; prayogal; karttavyal; yena pratibatzdho
gamyeta siidha11yasa siidhyena. Nyiiyabindu{ikii, p. 'l-J.
Buddhz"st P hz"losophy [cu.
of cases. The first is that where the nature of the reason is con-
tained in the thing to be inferred as a part of its nature, i.e. where
the reason stands for a species of which the thing to be inferred
is a genus; thus a stupid person living in a place full of tall pines
may come to think that pines are called trees because they are
tall and it may be useful to point out to him that even a small
pine plant is a tree because it is pine; the quality of pineness
forms a part of the essence of treeness, for the former being
a species is contained in the latter as a genus; the nature of the
species being identical with the nature of the genus, one could
infer the latter from the former but not vice versa; this is called
the unfailing natural connection of identity of nature (tiidiitmya).
The second is that where the cause is inferred from the effect
which stands as the reason of the former. Thus from the smoke
the fire which has produced it may be inferred. The ground of
these inferences is that reason is naturally indissolubly connected
with the thing to be inferred, and unless this is the case, no
inference is warrantable.
This natural indissoluble connection (svabhiivapratibandha),
be it of the nature of identity of essence of the species in the
genus or inseparable connection of the effect with the cause, is
the ground of all inference 1 • The svabhavapratibandha deter-
mines the inseparability of connection (avi1llibhavaniyama) and
the inference is made not through a series of premisses but
directly by the linga (reason) which has the inseparable con-
The second type of inference known as pararthanumana
agrees with svarthanumana in all essential characteristics; the
main difference between the two is this, that in the case of
pararthanumana, the inferential process has to be put verbally in
Pandit Ratnakarasanti, probably of the ninth or the tenth cen-
tury A.D., wrote a paper named Antarvyiiptisamarthalla in which
na hi yo yatra svabhiive11a na pratibaddhafz sa tam apratibaddhavi~ayamavaJya­
meva na vyabhicaratiti nasti tayoravyabhicarani'yamah. Nyiiyabi11du{ikii, p. 29.
The inseparable connection determining inference is only possible when the
linga satisfies the three following conditions, viz. ( 1) pak~asattva (existence of the
linga in the palq;a-the thing about which something is inferred); (z) sapak~sattva
(existence of the linga in those cases where the siidhya or probandum existed), and
(3) vipak!?iisattva (its non-existence in all those places where the sadhya did not exist).
The Buddhists admitted three propositions in a syllogism, e.g. The hill has fire, because
it has smoke, like a kitchen but unlike a lake.
v] Inference 157
he tried to show that the concomitance is not between those
cases which possess the liilga or reason with the cases which
possess the sadhya (probandum) but between that which has the
characteristics of the liilga with that which has the characteristics
of the sadhya (probandum); or in other words the concomitance
is not between the places containing the smoke such as kitchen,
etc., and the places containing fire but between that which has the
characteristic of the liilga, viz. the smoke, and that which has the
characteristic of the sadhya, viz. the fire. This view of the nature
of concomitance is known as inner concomitance (antarvyiipti),
whereas the former, viz. the concomitance between the thing
possessing liilga and that possessing sadhya, is known as outer
concomitance (bahirvyapti) and generally accepted by the Nyaya
school of thought. This antarvyapti doctrine of concomitance is
indeed a later Buddhist doctrine.
It may not be out of place here to remark that evidences of
some form of Buddhist logic probably go back at least as early
as the Kathiivattlm (200 B.C.). Thus Aung on the evidence of
the Yamaka points out that Buddhist logic at the time of Asoka
"was conversant with the distribution of terms" and the process
of conversion. He further points out that the logical premisses
such as the udaharaJ!a ( Yo yo aggimii so so dhiemava-whatever is
fiery is smoky), the upanayana (ayam pabbato dluemavii-this
hill is smoky) and the niggama ( tasmiidayam aggimii-therefore
that is fiery) were also known. (Aung further sums up the
method of the arguments which are found in the Katlziivatthu as
"Adherent. Is A B? (thiipattii).
Opponent. Yes.
Adherent. Is CD? (piipanii).
Opponent. No.
Adherent. But if A be B then (you should have said) Cis D.
That B can be affirmed of A but D of Cis false.
Hence your first answer is refuted.")
The antecedent of the hypothetical major premiss is termed
thapana, because the opponent's position, A is B, is conditionally
established for the purpose of refutation.
The consequent of the hypothetical major premiss is termed
papana because it is got from the antecedent. And the con-
Buddh£st P h£/osophy [cu.
elusion is termed ropal)a because the regulation is placed on the
opponent. Next:
" If D be derived of C.
Then B should have been derived of A.
But you affirmed B of A.
(therefore) That B can be affirmed of A but not of D or Cis
This is the pa!iloma, inverse or indirect method, as contrasted
with the former or direct method, anuloma. In both methods the
consequent is derived. But if we reverse the hypothetical major
in the latter method we get
If A is B C is D.
But A is B.
Therefore C is D.
By this indirect method the opponent's second answer is re-
established 1."

The Doctrine of Momentariness.

Ratnakirtti (950 A.D.) sought to prove the momentariness of
all existence (sattva), first, by the concomitance discovered by the
method of agreement in presence (mzvaya'l'Yiipti), and then by the
method of difference by proving that the production of effects
could not be justified on the assumption of things being per-
manent and hence accepting the doctrine of momentariness
as the only alternative. Existence is defined as the capacity of
producing anything (arthaknyiikiiritva). The form of the first
type of argument by anvayavyapti may be given thus: "\Vhat-
ever exists is momentary, by virtue of its existence, as for example
the jug; all things about the momentariness of which we are dis-
cussing are existents and are therefore momentary." It cannot
be said that the jug which has been chosen as an example of an
existent is not momentary; for the jug is producing certain
effects at the present moment; and it cannot be held that these
are all identical in the past and the future or that it is producing
no effect at all in the past and future, for the first is impossible,
for those which are done now could not be done again in the
future; the second is impossible, for if it has any capacity to
1 See introduction to the translation of Aathiivatthu (Poi11ts of Coutroversy) by

Mrs Rhys Davids.

v] Momentariness 159
produce effects it must not cease doing so, as in that case one
might as well expect that there should not be any effect even at
the present moment. Whatever has the capacity of producing
anything at any time must of necessity do it. So if it does pro-
duce at one moment and does not produce at another, this
contradiction will prove the supposition that the things were
different at the different moments. If it is held that the nature
of production varies at different moments, then also the thing at
those two moments must be different, for a thing could not have
in it two contradictory capacities.
Since the jug does not produce at the present moment the
work of the past and the future moments, it cannot evidently do
so, and hence is not identical with the jug in the past and in the
future, for the fact that the jug has the capacity and has not the
capacity as well, proves that it is not the same jug at the two
moments (Saktiisaktasvabkiivatayii pratik~a?tam bkeda(z). The
capacity of producing effects (arthaknyiisakti), which is but the
other name of existence, is universally concomitant with momen-
tariness (k~a?Jikatvavyiipta).
The N yaya school of philosophy objects to this view and says
that the capacity of anything cannot be known until the effect
produced is known, and if capacity to produce effects be regarded
as existence or being, then the being or existence of the effect
cannot be known, until that has produced another effect and
that another ad i11jinitum. Since there can be no being that has
not capacity of producing effects, and as this capacity can
demonstrate itself only in an infinite chain, it will be impossible
to know any being or to affirm the capacity of producing effects
as the definition of existence. Moreover if all things were
momentary there would be no permanent perceiver to observe
the change, and there being nothing fixed there could hardly be
any means even of taking to any kind of inference. To this
Ratnakirtti replies that capacity (siimart/zya) cannot be denied,
for it is demonstrated even in making the denial. The observation
of any concomitance in agreement in presence, or agreement in
absence, does not require any permanent observer, for under
certain conditions of agreement there is the knowledge of the
concomitance of agreement in presence, and in other conditions
there is the knowledge of the concomitance in absence. This
knowledge of concomitance atthe succeeding moment holds within
160 Buddhist Phz"losophy [cH.
itself the experience of the conditions of the preceding moment,
and this alone is what we find and not any permanent observer.
The Buddhist definition of being or existence (sativa) is
indeed capacity, and we arrived at this when it was observed that
in all proved cases capacity was all that could be defined of
being;-seed was but the capacity of producing shoots, and
even if this capacity should require further capacity to produce
effects, the fact which has been perceived still remains, viz. that
the existence of seeds is nothing but the capacity of producing
the shoots and thus there is no vicious infinite 1• Though things are
momentary, yet we could have concomitance between things only
so long as their apparent forms are not different (atadrzepa-
paravrttayoreva siidhyasiidhmzayo!z pratyak~e~za vyiipti'graha~ziit).
The vyapti or concomitance of any two things (e.g. the fire and
the smoke) is based on extreme similarity and not on identity.
Another objection raised against the doctrine of momentariness
is this, that a cause (e.g. seed) must wait for a number of other
collocations of earth, water, etc., before it can produce the effect
(e.g. the shoots) and hence the doctrine must fail. To this Ratna-
kirtti replies that the seed does not exist before and produce the
effect when joined by other collocations, but such is the special
effectiveness of a particular seed-moment. that it produces both
the collocations or conditions as well as the effect, the shoot.
How a special seed-moment became endowed with such special
effectiveness is to be sought in other causal moments which
preceded it, and on which it was dependent. Ratnakirtti wishes to
draw attention to the fact that as one perceptual moment reveals
a number of objects, so one causal moment may produce a number
of effects. Thus he says that the inference thdt whatever has
being is momentary is valid and free from any fallacy.
It is not important to enlarge upon the second part of
Ratnakirtti's arguments in which he tries to show that the pro-
duction of effects could not be explained if we did not suppose
1 The distinction between vicious and harmless infinites was known to the Indians

at least as early as the sixth or the seventh century. Jayanta quotes a passage which
differentiates the two clearly (Nyayamaiijari, p. 22):
'' mulak~atikarimii lmrallavasthii1!l hi du~a~zam.
miilasiddhatt tvanuyiipi niinavasthii niviiryate."
The infinite regress that has to be gone through in order to arrive at the root
matter awaiting to be solved destroys the root and is hence vicious, whereas if the
root is saved there is no harm in a regress though one may not be willing to have it.
v] M onzentariness
all things to be momentary, for this is more an attempt to refute
the doctrines of N yay a than an elaboration of the Buddhist
The doctrine of momentariness ought to be a direct corollary
of the Buddhist metaphysics. But it is curious that though all
dharmas were regarded as changing, the fact that they were all
strictly momentary (k~a?zika-i.e. existing only for one moment)
'".:as not emphasized in early Pali literature. Asvagho~a in his
Sraddhotptidasiistra speaks of all skandhas as k~al)ika (Suzuki's
translation, p. 105). Buddhagho~a also speaks of the meditation
of the khandhas as khal)ika in his Visuddhimagga. But from the
seventh century A.D. till the tenth century this doctrine together
with the doctrine of arthakriyakaritva received great attention at
the hands of the Sautrantikas and the Vaibha~ikas. All the
N yay a and Vedanta literature of this period is full of refutations
and criticisms of these doctrines. The only Buddhist account
available of the doctrine of momentariness is from the pen of
Ratnakirtti. Some of the general features of his argument in
favour of the view have been given above. Elaborate accounts of it
may be found in any of the important N yaya works of this period
such as Nyayamafz_jari, Ttitparyyafikii of Vacaspati Misra, etc.
Buddhism did not at any time believe anything to be per-
manent. \Vith the development of this doctrine they gave great
emphasis to this point. Things came to view at one moment and
the next moment they were destroyed. \Vhatever is existent is
momentary. It is said that our notion of permanence is derived
from the notion of permanence of ourselves, but Buddhism denied
the existence of any such permanent selves. \Vhat appears as
self is but the bundle of ideas, emotions, and active tendencies
manifesting at any particular moment. The next moment these
dissolve, and new bundles determined by the preceding ones
appear and so on. The present thought is thus the only thinker.
Apart from the emotions, ideas, and active tendencies, we cannot
discover any separate self or soul. It is the combined product of
these ideas, emotions, etc., that yield the illusory appearance of
self at ~ny moment. The consciousness of self is the resultant pro-
duct as it were of the combination of ideas, emotions, etc., at any
particular moment. As these ideas, emotions, etc., change every
moment there is no such thing as a permanent sel(
The fact that I remember that I have been existing for
Buddhist Philosophy [en.
a long time past does not prove that a permanent self has been
existing for such a long period. \Vhen I say this is that book, I
perceive the book with my eye at the present moment, but that
"this book" is the same as "that book" (i.e. the book arising in
memory), cannot be perceived by the senses. It is evident
that the "that book" of memory refers to a book seen in the
past, whereas "this book " refers to the book which is before
my eyes. The feeling of identity which is adduced to prove per-
manence is thus due to a confusion between an object of memory
referring to a past and different object with the object as perceived
at the present moment by the senses 1• This is true not only of
all recognition of identity at~d permanence of external objects but
also of the perception of the identity of self, for the perception of
self-identity results from the confusion of certain ideas or emotions
arising in memory with similar ideas of the present moment. But
since memory points to an object of past perception, and the per-
ception to another object of the present moment, identity cannot
be proved by a confusion of the two. Every moment all objects
of the world are suffering dissolution and destruction, but yet
things appear to persist, and destruction cannot often be noticed.
Our hair and nails grow and are cut, but yet we think that we
have the same hair and nail that we had before, in place of old
hairs new ones similar to them have sprung forth, and they leave
the impression as if the old ones were persisting. So it is that
though things are destroyed every moment, others similar to
these often rise into being and are destroyed the next moment
and so on, and these similar things succeeding in a series produce
the impression that it is one and the same thing which has been
persisting through all the passing moments 2• Just as the flame
of a candle is changing every moment and yet it seems to us as
if we have been perceiving the same flame all the while, so
all our bodies, our ideas, emotions, etc., all external objects
around us are being destroyed every moment, and new ones are
being generated at every succeeding moment, but so long as the
objects of the succeeding moments are similar to those of the
preceding moments, it appears to us that things have remained
the same and no destruction has taken place.
1 See pratyaLhijfiii.nirii.sa of the Buddhists, Jl.'yiiyamaiijari, V.S. Series, pp. 449• etc.
2 See Tad.:arahasyadzpikii of Gul}aratna, p. 30, and also Nyiiyamaiijari, V.S.
edition, p. 450.
v] Causa! Efficiency

The Doctrine of Momentariness and the Doctrine

of Causal Efficiency (Arthakriyakaritva).
It appears that a thing or a phenomenon may be defined from
the Buddhist point of view as being the combination of diverse
characteristics 1• What we call a thing is but a conglomeration of
diverse characteristics which are found to affect, determine or
influence other conglomerations appearing as sentient or as
inanimate bodies. So long as the characteristics forming the
elements of any conglomeration remain perfectly the same, the
conglomeration may be said to be the same. As soon as any of
these characteristics is supplanted by any other new characteristic,
the conglomeration is to be called a new one 2• Existence or
being of things means the work that any conglomeration does or
the influence that it exerts on other conglomerations. This in
Sanskrit is called artlzakriyiikiiritva which literally translated
means-the power of performing actions and purposes of some
kind 3• The criterion of existence or being is the performance of
certain specific actions, or rather existence means that a certain
effect has been produced in some way (causal efficiency). That
which has produced such an effect is then called existent or sat.
Any change in the effect thus produced means a corresponding
change of existence. Now, that selfsame definite specific effect
1 Compare llfilindapaliha, II. 1. 1 -The Chariot Simile.
2 Compare Tarkaralzasyadipikii of Gul)aratna, A. S.'s edition, pp. 24, 28 and
Nj•t'i)•amaiijari, V.S. edition, pp. 445, etc., and also the paper on K~a~zabhmiga­
siddhi by Ratnakirtti in Six Buddhist Nyiiya tracts.
3 This meaning of the word "arthakriyakaritva" is different from the meaning of
the word as we found in the section "sautrantika theory of perception." But we find
the development of this meaning both in Ratnakirtti as well as in Nyaya writers who
referred to this doctrine. With Vinitadeva (seventh century A. D.) the word "arthakriytz-
siddhi" meant the fulfilment of any need such as the cooking of rice by fire (artha-
fabdma praycjanamucyate puru~asya praycjana1!l diiruptzkiidi tasya siddhilf ni~pattilf­
the word artha means need; the need of man such as cooking by logs, etc. ; siddhi of
that, means accomplishment). With Dharmottara who flourished about a century and
a half later arthasiddhi means action (amt~!hiti) with reference to undesirable and
desirable objects (heyopadeyiirtlzavi~ayii). But with Ratnakirtti (950 A.D.) the word
arthakr~Ytikiiritva has an entirely different sense. It means with him efficiency of
producing any action or event, and as such it is regarded as the characteristic definition
of existen<;e (sativa). Thus he says in his K~a~zabhmigasiddhi, pp. 20, 21, that though
in different philosophies there are different definitions of existence or being, he will
open his argument with the universally accepted definition of existence as arthakriyii-
kiiritva (efficiency of causing any action or event). Whenever Hindu writers after
Ratnakirtti refer to the Buddhist doctrine of arthakriyakiin"tva they usually refer to this
doctrine in Ratnakirtti's sense.
Buddhist Philosophy [cH.
which is produced now was never produced before, and cannot
be repeated in the future, for that identical effect which is once
produced cannot be produced again. So the effects produced in
us by objects at different moments of time may be similar but
cannot be identical. Each moment is associated with a new effect
and each new effect thus produced means in each case the coming
into being of a correspondingly new existence of things. If things
were permanent there would be no reason why they should be
performing different effects at different points of time. Any
difference in the effect produced, whether due to the thing itself
or its combination with other accessories, justifies us in asserting
that the thing has changed and a new one has come in its place.
The existence of a jug for example is known by the power it
has of forcing itself upon our minds; if it had no such power
then we could not have said that it existed. We can have no
notion of the meaning of existence other than the impression
produced on us; this impression is nothing else but the power
exerted by things on us, for there is no reason why one should
hold that beyond such powers as are associated with the pro-
duction of impressions or effects there should be some other
permanent entity to which the power adhered, and which existed
even when the power was not exerted. We perceive the power
of producing effects and define each unit of such power as
amounting to a unit of existence. And as there would be
different units of power at different moments, there should also
be as many new existences, i.e. existents must be regarded as
momentary, existing at each moment that exerts a new power.
This definition of existence naturally brings in the doctrine of
momentariness shown by Ratnakirtti.

Some Ontological Problems on which the

Different Indian Systems Diverged.
We cannot close our examination of Buddhist philosophy
without briefly referring to its views on some ontological problems
which were favourite subjects of discussion in almost all philo-
sophical circles of India. These are in brief: (1) the relation of
cause and effect, (2) the relation of the whole (avayavf) and the
part (avayava), (3) the relation of generality (siimanya) to the
specific individuals, (4) the relation of attributes or qualities and
the substance and the problem of the relation of inherence, (5) the
v] Ontological Problenzs
relation of power (sakti) to the power-possessor (saktiman). Thus
on the relation of cause and effect, Sankara held that cause alone
was permanent, real, and all effects as such were but impermanent
illusions due to ignorance, Sarpkhya held that there was no
difference between cause and effect, except that the former was
only the earlier stage which when transformed through certain
changes became the effect. The history of any causal activity is
the history of the transformation of the cause into the effects.
Buddhism holds everything to be momentary, so neither cause nor
effect can abide. One is called the effect because its momentary
existence has been determined by the destruction of its momen-
tary antecedent called the cause. There is no permanent reality
which undergoes the change, but one change is determined by
another and this determination is nothing more than "that
happening, this happened." On the relation of parts to whole,
Buddhism does not believe in the existence of wholes. According
to it, it is the parts which illusorily appear as the whole, the
individual atoms rise into being and die the next moment and
thus there is no such thing as "whole 1." The Buddhists hold again
that there are no universals, for it is the individuals alone which
come and go. There are my five fingers as individuals but there
is no such thing as fingerness (aizgulitva) as the abstract universal
of the fingers. On the relation of attributes and substance we
know that the Sautrantika Buddhists did not believe in the exist-
ence of any substance apart from its attributes; what we call a
substance is but a unit capable of producing a unit of sensation.
In the external world there are as many individual simple units
(atoms) as there are points of sensations. Corresponding to each
unit of sensation there is a separate simple unit in the objective
world. Our perception of a thing is thus the perception of the
assemblage of these sensations. In the objective world also there
are no substances but atoms or reals, each representing a unit of
sensation, force or attribute, rising into being and dying the next
moment. Buddhism thus denies the existence of any such rela-
tion as that of inherence (samavtiya) in which relation the attri-
butes are said to exist in the substance, for since there are no
separate substances there is no necessity for admitting the relation
of inherence. Following the same logic Buddhism also does not
1 See Ava;,avininikara1Ja, Six Buddhist Nyiiya tracts, Bibliotheca Indica, Calcutta,
166 Buddhist Phzlosophy [cH.
believe in the existence of a power-possessor separate from the

Brief survey of the evolution of Buddhist Thought.

In the earliest period of Buddhism more attention was paid
to the four noble truths than to systematic metaphysics. \Vhat
was sorrow, what was the cause of sorrow, what was the cessation
of sorrow and what could lead to it ? The doctrine of paficcasa-
'lmtppada was offered only to explain how sorrow came in and
not with a view to the solving of a metaphysical problem. The
discussion of ultimate metaphysical problems, such as whether
the world was eternal or non-eternal, or whether a Tathagata
existed after death or not, were considered as heresies in early
Buddhism. Great emphasis was laid on slla, samadhi and pafifia
and the doctrine that there was no soul. The Abhidhammas
hardly give us any new philosophy which was not contained in
the Suttas. They only elaborated the materials of the suttas with
enumerations and definitions. \Vith the evolution of Mahayana
scriptures from some time about 200 B.C. the doctrine of the non-
essentialness and voidness of all dlzammas began to be preached.
This doctrine, which was taken up and elaborated by Nagarjuna,
Aryyadeva, Kumarajiva and Candrakirtti, is more or less a co-
rollary from the older doctrine of Buddhism. If one could not
say whether the world was eternal or non-eternal, or whether a
Tathagata existed or did not exist after death, and if there was
no permanent soul and all the dhammas were changing, the only
legitimate way of thinking about all things appeared to be to
think of them as mere void and non-essential appearances. These
appearances appear as being mutually related but apart from
their appearance they have no other essence, no being or reality.
The Tathata doctrine which was preached by Asvagho~a oscillated
between the position of this absolute non-essentialness of all
dhammas and the Brahminic idea that something existed as the
background of all these non-essential dhammas. This he called
tathata, but he could not consistently say that any such per-
manent entity could exist. The Vijfianavada doctrine which also
took its rise at this time appears to me to be a mixture of the
Sunyavada doctrine and the Tathata doctrine; but when carefully
examined it seems to be nothing but Sunyavada, with an attempt
at explaining all the observed phenomena. If everything was
v] Buddhzst Schools
non-essential howdid it originate? Vijfianavada proposes to give an
answer,and says that these phenomena are all but ideas of the mind
generated by the beginningless vasana (desire) of the mind. The
difficulty which is felt with regard to the Tathata doctrine that
there must be some reality which is generating all these ideas
appearing as phenomena, is the same as that in the Vijfianavada
doctrine. The Vijfianavadins could not admit the existence of such
a reality, but yet their doctrines led them to it. They could not
properly solve the difficulty, and admitted that their doctrine was
some sort of a compromise with the Brahminical doctrines of
heresy, but they said that this was a compromise to make the
doctrine intelligible to the heretics; in truth however the reality
assumed in the doctrine was also non-essential. The Vijfianavada
literature that is available to us is very scanty and from that we
are not in a position to judge what answers Vijfianavada could give
on the point. These three doctrines developed almost about the
same time and the difficulty of conceiving sunya (void), tathata,
(thatness) and the alayavijfiana of Vijfianavada is more or less
the same.
The Tathata doctrine of Asvagho~a practically ceased with
him. But the Sunyavada and the Vijfianavada doctrines which
originated probably about 200 B.C. continued to develop probably
till the eighth century A.D. Vigorous disputes with Sunyavada
doctrines are rarely made in any independent work of Hindu
philosophy, after Kumarila and Sankara. From the third or
the fourth century A.D. some Buddhists took to the study of
systematic logic and began to criticize the doctrine of the Hindu
logicians. Dinnaga the Buddhist logician (500 A.D.) probably
started these hostile criticisms by trying to refute the doctrines
of the great Hindu logician Vatsyayana, in his Pramat:Ia-
samuccaya. In association with this logical activity we find the
activity of two other schools of Buddhism, viz. the Sarvastivadins
(known also as V aibha~ikas) and the Sautrantikas. Both the
Vaibha~ikas and the Sautrantikas accepted the existence of the
external world, and they were generally in conflict with the
Hindu schools of thought Nyaya-Vaise~ika and Sarpkhya which
also admitted the existence of the external world. Vasubandhu
(42o-5oo A.D.) was one of the most illustrious names of this school.
We have from this time forth a number of great Buddhist
thinkers such as Yasomitra (commentator ofVasubandhu's work),
168 Buddhist Philosophy [ Cll. V

Dharmmakirtti (writer of Nyayabindu 635 A.D.), Vinitadeva and

Santabhadra (commentators of Nyayabindu), Dharmmottara
(commentator of Nyayabindu 847 A.D.}, Ratnakirtti (950 A.D.),
Pary<;lita Asoka, and Ratnakara Santi, some of whose contributious
have been published in the Six Budd/list Nyiiya Tracts, published
in Calcutta in the Bibli'otlzeca Indica series. These Buddhist
writers were mainly interested in discussions regarding the nature
of perception, inference, the doctrine of momentariness, and
the doctrine of causal efficiency (arthakriyiikiiritva) as demon-
strating the nature of existence. On the negative side they were
interested in denying the ontological theories of Nyaya and
Sarpkhya with regard to the nature of class-concepts, negation,
relation of whole and part, connotation of terms, etc. These
problems hardly attracted any notice in the non-Sautrantika and
non- Vaibha~ika schools of Buddhism of earlier times. They of
course agreed with the earlier Buddhists in denying the existence
of a permanent soul, but this they did with the help of their
doctrine of causal efficiency. The points of disagreement between
Hindu thought up to Sari.kara (8oo A.D.) and Buddhist thought
till the time of Sati.kara consisted mainly in the denial by the
Buddhists of a permanent soul and the permanent external world.
For Hindu thought was more or less realistic, and even the
Vedanta of Sari.kara admitted the existence of the permanent
external world in some sense. \Vith Sari.kara the forms of the
external world were no doubt illusory, but they all had a per-
manent background in the Brahman, which was the only reality
behind all mental and the physical phenomena. The Sautrantikas
admitted the existence of the external world and so their quarrel
with N yaya and Sarpkhya was with regard to their doctrine
of momentariness; their denial of soul and their views on the
different ontological problems were in accordance with their
doctrine of momentariness. After the twelfth century we do not
hear much of any new disputes with the Buddhists. From this
time the disputes were mainly between the different systems of
Hindu philosophers, viz. Nyaya, the Vedanta of the school of
Sari.kara and the Theistic Vedanta of Ramanuja, Madhva, etc.

The Origin of J ainism.

NOTWITHSTANDING the radical differences in their philosophical
notions J ainism and Buddhism, which were originally both orders
of monks outside the pale of Brahmanism, present some re-
semblance in outward appearance, and some European scholars
who became acquainted with Jainism through inadequate samples
of J aina literature easily persuaded themselves that it was an off-
shoot of Buddhism, and even Indians unacquainted with J aina
literature are often found to commit the same mistake. But it
has now been proved beyond doubt that this idea is wrong
and J ainism is at least as old as Buddhism. The oldest Buddhist
works frequently mention the J ains as a rival sect, under their
old name Nigantha and their leader Nataputta Varddhamana
Mahavira, the last prophet of the J ains. The canonical books of
the J ains mention as contemporaries of Mahavira the same kings
as reigned during Buddha's career.
Thus Mahavira was a contemporary of Buddha, but unlike
Buddha he was neither the author of the religion nor the founder
of the sect, but a monk who having espoused the J aina creed
afterwards became the seer and the last prophet (Tirthankara) of
J ainism 1• His predecessor Parsva, the last Tirthankara but one,
is said to have died 2 50 years before Mahavira, while Parsva's
predecessor Ari!?tanemi is said to have died 84,000 years before
Mahavira's Nirvarya. The story in Uttaradhyaya~tasiUra that a
disciple of Parsva met a disciple of Mahavira and brought about
the union of the old J ainism and that propounded by Mahavira
seems to suggest that this Parsva was probably a historical person.
According to the belief of the orthodox J ains, the J aina religion
is eternal, and it has been revealed again and again in every one
of the endless succeeding periods of the world by innumerable
Tirthankaras. In the present period the first Tirthankara was
~~abha and the last, the 24th, was V ardhamana Mahavira. All
See Jacobi's article on Jainism, E. R. E.
170 The Jaina Philosophy [cH.
Tirthailkaras have reached mok!?a at their death, and they
neither care for nor have any influence on worldly affairs, but yet
they are regarded as "Gods" by the J ains a_nd are worshipped 1

Two Sects of Jainism 2 •

There are two main sects of Jains, Svetambaras (wearers of
white cloths) and Digambaras (the naked). They are generally
agreed on all the fundamental principles of J ainism. The tenets
peculiar to the Digam baras are firstly that perfect saints such as
the Tirthankaras live without food, secondly that the embryo of
Mahavira was not removed from the womb of Devananda to that
of Trisala as the Svetambaras contend, thirdly that a monk
who owns any property and wears clothes cannot reach Mok~a,
fourthly that no woman can reach Mok~a 3• The Digambaras
deny the canonical works of the Svetambaras and assert that
these had been lost immediately after Mahavira. The origin of
the Digambaras is attributed to Sivabhuti (A.D. 83) by the
Svetam baras as due to a schism in the old Svetambara church,
of which there had already been previous to that seven other
schisms. The Digambaras in their turn deny this, and say that
they themselves alone have preserved the original practices, and
that under Bhadrabahu, the eighth sage after Mahavira, the last
Tirthankara, there rose the sect of Ardhaphalakas with laxer
principles, from which developed the present sect of Svetam baras
(A.D. So). The Digambaras having separated in early times
from the Svetambaras developed peculiar religious ceremonies of
their own, and have a different ecclesiastical and literary history,
though there is practically no difference about the main creed.
It may not be out of place here to mention that the Sanskrit
works of the Digambaras go back to a greater antiquity than
those of the Svetambaras, if we except the canonical books of
the latter. It may be noted in this connection that there developed
in later times about 84 different schools of J ainism differing from
one another only in minute details of conduct. These were called
gacchas, and the most important of these is the Kharatara Gaccha,
which had split into many minor gacchas. Both sects of J ains have
1 See "Digumbara Jaill Icono,r;raphy (1. A, xxxii [ 1903] p. 459" of J. Burgess, and

BUhler's "Specimens of Jina sculptures from Mathura," in Epigraphica Indica, II.

pp. 311 etc. See also Jacobi's article on Jainism, E. R. E.
2 See Jacobi's article on Jainism, E. R. E.
8 See Gul)aratna's commentary on Jainism in $cujdarfa1lasamuccaya.
VI] J auza Literature 171

preserved a list of the succession of their teachers from Mahavira

(sthavt"ra·;_,ali, pat!iivali, gurvavalz) and also many legends about
them such as those in the Kalpaszitra, the Parzsz'f!a-parvall of
Hemacandra, etc.

The Canonical and other Literature of the jains.

According to the Jains there were originally two kinds of
sacred books, the fourteen Purvas and the eleven Angas. The
Purvas continued to be transmitted for some time but were
gradually lost. The works known as the eleven Angas are now
the oldest parts of the existing Jain canon. The names of these
are Acara, Szitrakrta, Sthana, Samaviiya Blzagavati, ]ruitadhar-
makathas, Upasakada.Sas, A ntakrtada.Siis A Jzuttaraupapatikada.Sas,
Pra.Sna'i'Yakara?za, Vipiika. In addition to these therearethetwelve
Upiingasi, the ten Prakir?zas 2, six Chedaszttras 3, Nandi and Amt-
yogadviira and four lllztlaszttras ( Uttariidhyayana, Ava.Syaka,
Dasavaikalika, and Pi?ztfaniryukti). The Digambaras however
assert that these original works have all been lost, and that the
present works which pass by the old names are spurious. The
original language of these according to the Jains was Ardhama-
gadhi, but these suffered attempts at modernization and it is best
to call the language of the sacred texts Jaina Prakrit and that
of the later works Jaina Mahara~tri. A large literature of glosses
and commentaries has grown up round the sacred texts. And
besides these, the Jains possess separate works, which contain
systematic expositions of their faith in Prakrit and Sanskrit.
Many commentaries have also been written upon these indepen-
dent treatises. One of the oldest of these treatises is U masvati's
Tattviirthiidhigamaszltra (I -8 5 A.D.). Some of the most important
later Jaina works on which this chapter is based are Vise~ava­
syakabhii~ya, Jaina Tarkaviirttika, with the commentary of
Santyacaryya, Dravyasmtzgraha of Nemicandra (I I 50 A.D.),
Syiidvadamaiifari of Malli~ena (I292 A.D.), Nyiiyiivatara of
Siddhasena Divakara (533 A.D.), Parik~amukhasiitralaghuvrtti of
Anantaviryya ( I039 A.D.), Prameyakamalamarta?ztfa of Prabha-
Aupapiitika, RiijapraJniya, Jiviibhigama, Praj'iiiipanii, fambudvipaprajiiapti,
Candraprajiiapti, Siiryaprajiiapti, Nirayiivali, Kalpiivata'!zsikii, Pu~pi'kii, Pu~paci'ilikii,
2 Catu!zSara?Za, Sm!zstiira, Aturapratyiikhyiina, Bhaktliparij'iiii, Tm;zdulavaiyiili,

Ca?Zt/iivija, Dn;endrastava, Ga~ziv[ja, .JI,Iahiipratyiikhyfma, Virastava.

3 NiSitha, 11IahiiniSitha, Vyavahiira, DaJasrutaskandha, Brhatkalpa, Paiicakalpa.
172 The Jaina Philosophy [cH.

candra (825 A.D.), Yogasastra ofHemacandra(Io88-I 172A.D.),and

Pramii?zmzayatattvalokalm?zkiira of Deva Siiri (1o86-1 169 A.D.).
I am indebted for these dates to Vidyabhii~a:r:ta's Indian Logic.
It may here be mentioned that the J ains also possess a secular
literature of their own in poetry and prose, both Sanskrit and
Prakrit. There are also many moral tales (e.g. Samaraicca-kaha,
Upamitabhavaprapafica-katha in Prakrit, and the Yasastilaka of
Somadeva and Dhanapala's Ti/akammifar'i); J a ina Sanskrit poems
both in the Pural)a and Kavya style and hymns in Prakrit and
Sanskrit are also very numerous. There are also many J aina
dramas. The J aina authors have also contributed many works,
original treatises as well as commentaries, to the scientific litera-
ture of India in its various branches: grammar, biography,metrics,
poetics, philosophy, etc. The contributions of the J ains to logic
deserve special notice 1•

Some General Characteristics of the J ains.

The J ains exist only in India and their number is a little less
than a million and a hal£ The Digambaras are found chiefly in
Southern India but also in the North, in the North-western pro-
vinces, Eastern Rajputana and the Punjab. The head-quarters of
the Svetambaras are in Gujarat and Western Rajputana, but they
are to be found also all over Northern and Central India.
The outfit of a monk, as Jacobi describes it, is restricted to
bare necessaries, and these he must beg-clothes, a blanket,analms-
bowl, a stick, a broom to sweep the ground, a piece of cloth to cover
his mouth when speaking lest insects should enter it 2• The outfit of
nuns is the same except that they have additional clothes. The
Digambaras have a similar outfit, but keep no clothes, use brooms
of peacock's feathers or hairs of the tail of a cow (camara) 3• The
monks shave the head or remove the hair by plucking it out. The
latter method of getting rid of the hair is to be preferred, and is
regarded sometimes as an essential rite. The duties of monks
are very hard. They should sleep only three hours and spend
the rest of the time in repenting of and expiating sins, meditating,
studying, begging alms (in the afternoon), and careful inspection of
their clothes and other things for the removal of insects. The lay-
men should try to approach the ideal of conduct of the monks
1 See Jacobi's article on Jainism, E. R. E. 2 See Jacohi, loc. cit.
:: See ..'ia{ldarfa11asamuccaya, chapter IV.
VI] .!VIahiivfra 173

by taking upon themselves particular vows, and the monks are

required to deliver sermons and explain the sacred texts in
the upasrayas (separate buildings for monks like the Buddhist
viharas). The principle of extreme carefulness not to destroy any
living being has been in monastic life carried out to its very
last consequences, and has shaped the conduct of the laity in a
great measure. No layman will intentionally kill any living being,
not even an insect, however troublesome. He will remove it care-
fully without hurting it. The principle of not hurting any living
being thus bars them from many professions such as agriculture,
etc., and has thrust them into commerce 1•

Life of Mahavira.
Mahavira, the last prophet of the J ains, was a K~attriya of
the Jnata clan and a native of Vaisali (modern Besarh, 27 miles
north ofPatna). He was the second son of Siddhartha and Trisala.
The Svetambaras maintain that the embryo of the Tirthankara
which first entered the womb of the Brahmin lady Devananda
was then transferred to the worn b of TriSala. This story the
Digambaras do not believe as we have already seen. His parents
were the worshippers of Parsva and gave him the name Varddha-
mana (Vira or Mahavira). He married Yasoda and had a daughter
by her. In his thirtieth year his parents died and with the per-
mission of his brother N andivardhana he became a monk. After
twelve years of self-mortification and meditation he attained
omniscience (keva!a, c( bodhi of the Buddhists). He lived to
preach for forty-two years more, and attained mok!?a (emanci-
pation) some years before Buddha in about 480 B.C. 2•

The Fundamental Ideas of J a ina Ontology.

A thing (such as clay) is seen to assume various shapes and
to und_ergo diverse changes (such as the form of a jug, or
pan, etc.), and we have seen that the Chandogya Upani~ad held
that since in all changes the clay-matter remained permanent,
that alone was true, whereas the changes of form and state
were-but appearances, the nature of which cannot be rationally
1 See Jacobi's article on Jainism, E. R. E.
2 See Hoernle's translation of Uviisagadasao, Jacobi, loc. cit., and Hoernie's article
on the Ajivakas, E. R. E. The Svetambaras, however, say that this date was 527 B.c.,
and the Digambaras place it eighteen years later.
174 The J aina P hzlosophy [cH.
demonstrated or explained. The unchangeable substance (e.g.
the clay-matter) alone is true, and the changing forms are mere
illusions of the senses, mere objects of name (mima-riipa) 1• What
we call tangibility, visibility, or other sense-qualities, have no real
existence, for they are always changing, and are like mere phan-
toms of which no conception can be made by the light of reason.
The Buddhists hold that changing qualities can alone be per-
ceived and that there is no unchanging substance behind them.
What we perceive as clay is but some specific quality, what we
perceive as jug is also some quality. Apart from these qualities
we do not perceive any qualitiless substance, which the U pan-
i~ads regard as permanent and unchangeable. The permanent
and unchangeable substance is thus a mere fiction of ignorance,
as there are only the passing collocations of qualities. Qualities
do not imply that there are substances to which they adhere,
for the so-called pure substance does not exist, as it can neither
be perceived by the senses nor inferred. There are only the
momentary passing qualities. We should regard each change of
quality as a new existence.
The Jains we know were the contemporaries of Buddha and
possibly of some of the Upani~ads too, and they had also a solu-
tion to offer. They held that it was not true that substance
alone was true and qualities were mere false and illusory ap-
pearances. Further it was not true as the Buddhists said that
there was no permanent substance but merely the change of
passing qualities, for both these represent two extreme views
and are contrary to experience. Both of them, however, contain
some elements of truth but not the whole truth as given in
experience. Experience shows that in all changes there are
three elements: (I) that some collocations of qualities appear
to remain unchanged; (2) that some new qualities are generated;
(3) that some old qualities are destroyed. It is true that qualities
of things are changing every minute, but all qualities are not
changing. Thus when a jug is made, it means that the clay-lump
has been destroyed, a jug has been generated and the clay is
permanent, i.e. all production means that some old qualities have
been lost, some new ones brought in, and there is some part in
it which is permanent The clay has become lost in some form,
has generated itself in another, and remained permanent in still
1 See Chandogya, VI. 1.
VI] Relative Plurali's1n 175
another form. It is by virtue of these unchanged qualities that a
thing is said to be permanent though undergoing change. Thus
when a lump of gold is turned into a rod or a ring, all the specific
qualities which come under the connotation of the word "gold''
are seen to continue, though the forms are successively changed,
and with each such change some of its qualities are lost and some
new ones are acquired. Such being the case, the truth comes to
this, that there is always a permanent entity as represented by the
permanence of such qualities as lead us to call it a substance in
spite of all its diverse changes. The nature of being (sat) then is
neither the absolutely unchangeable, nor the momentary changing
qualities or existences, but involves them both. Being then, as is
testified by experience, is that which involves a permanent unit,
which is incessantly every moment losing some qualities and
gaining new ones. The notion of being involves a permanent
(dhruva) accession of some new qualities (utpiida) and loss of
some old qualities (vyaya) 1• The solution of Jainism is thus a re-
conciliation of the two extremes of Vedantism and Buddhism on
grounds of common-sense experience.

The Doctrine of Relative Pluralism (anekantavada).

This conception of being as the union of the permanent and
change brings us naturally to the doctrine of Anekantavada or
what we may call relative pluralism as against the extreme abso-.
lutism of the Upani~ads and the pluralism of the Buddhists.
The Jains regarded all things as mzekanta (na-ekiillta), or in
other words they held that nothing could be affirmed absolutely,
as all affirmations were true only under certain conditions and
limitations. Thus speaking of a gold jug, we see that its exist-
ence as a ~ubstance (dravya) is of the nature of a collocation
of_i!,toms and not as any other substance such as space (iikiisa),
i.e. a gold jug is a dra'l'Ya only in one sense of the term and
not in every sense; ~it is a drtn'Ya in the sense that it is a
_collocation of atoms and not a dravya_ in the sense of space or
time (kiila). It is thus both a dravya and not a dravya at one
and t~me time. Again it is atomic in the sense that it is a
composite of earth-atoms and not atomic in the sense that it is
1 See Tattvartltiidhigamasutra, and Gui).aratna's treatment of J ainism in -$tufdar-

The Jai'na Philosophy [cH.
not a composite of water-atoms. Again it is a composite of earth-
atoms only in the sense that gold is a metallic modification of
earth, and not any other modification of earth as clay or stone.
Its being constituted of metal-atoms is again true in the sense
that it is made up of gold-atoms and not of iron-atoms. It
is made up again of gold-atoms in the sense of melted and un-
sullied gold and not as gold in the natural condition. It is again
made up of such unsullied and melted gold as has been hammered
and shaped by the goldsmith Devadatta and not by Yajnadatta.
Its being made up of atoms conditioned as above is again only
true in the sense that the collocation has been shaped as a jug
and not as a pot and so on. Thus proceeding in a similar manner
the Jains say that all affirmations are true of a thing only in a
certain limited sense. All things (vastu) thus possess an infinite
number of qualities (anantadltarmiitmaka1!z vastu), each of which
can only be affirmed in a particular sense. Such an ordinary thing
as a jug will be found to be the object of an infinite number of
affirmations and the possessor of an infinite number of qualities
from infinite points of view, which are all true in certain restricted
senses and not absolutely 1• Thus in the positive relation riches
cannot be affirmed of poverty but in the negative relation such
an affirmation is possible as when we say "the poor man has no
riches." The poor man possesses riches not in a positive but in
a negative way. Thus in some relation or other anything may be
affirmed of any other thing, and again in other relations the very
same thing cannot be affirmed of it. The different standpoints
from which things (though possessed of infinite determinations)
can be spoken of as possessing this or that quality or as ap-
pearing in relation to this or that, are technically called naya 2•

The Doctrine of Nayas.

In framing judgments about things there are two ways open
to us, firstly we may notice the manifold qualities and character-
istics of anything but view them as unified in the thing; thus when
we say "this is a book" we do not look at its characteristic
qualities as being different from it, but rather the qualities or
characteristics are perceived as having no separate existence from
1 See Gm:mratna on Jainamata in ~f)atjdarfa1lasamuccaya, pp. 21 1, etc., and also

2 See Tatlviirlhiidhigamasiitra, and Vift'!tivafyaka bhti~ya, pp. 895-923.
Standpoints ofJudgment 177
the thing. Secondly we may notice the qualities separately and
regard the thing as a mere non-existent fiction ( cf. the Buddhist
view); thus I may speak of the different qualities of the book
separately and hold that the qualities of things are alone percep-
tible and the book apart from these cannot be found. These two
points of view are respectively called dravya1Zayaand paryaya11aya 1•
The dravyanaya again shows itself in three forms, and paryaya-
naya in four forms, of which the first form only is important for
our purposes, the other three being important rather from the
point of view of grammar and language had better be omitted
here. The three nayas under dravyanaya are called naigama-naya,
sarpgraha-naya and vyavahara-naya.
When we speak of a thing from a purely common sense point
of view, we do not make our ideas clear or precise. Thus I may
hold a book in my hand and when asked whether my hands are
empty, I may say, no, I have something in my hand, or I may say,
I have a book in my hand. It is evident that in the first answer
I looked at the book from the widest and most general point of
view as a "thing," whereas in the second I looked at it in its
special existence as a book. Again I may be reading a page of
a book, and I may say I am reading a book, but in reality I was
reading only one of the pages of the book. I may be scribbling
on loose sheets, and may say this is my book on Jaina philosophy,
whereas in reality there were no books but merely some loose
sheets. This looking at things from the loose common sense view,.
in which we do not consider them from the point of view of their
most general characteristic as "being'' or as any of their special
characteristics, but simply as they appear at first sight, is techni-
cally called the naigama standpoint. This empirical view probably
proceeds on the assumption that a thing possesses the most
general as well as the most special qualities, and hence we may
lay stress on any one of these at any time and ignore the other
ones. This is the point of view from which according to the
Jains the Nyaya and Vaise~ika schools interpret experience.
Sarpgraha-naya is the looking at things merely from the
most general point of view. Thus we may speak of all individual
things from their most general and fundamental aspect as "being."
This according to the Jains is the Vedanta way of looking at
SJ tidviidamaii.fari, Pl-l· I7I-I73·
The J a ina Philosophy [cu.
The vyavahara-naya standpoint holds that the real essence
of things is to be regarded from the point of view of actual prac-
tical experience of the thing, which unifies within it some general
as well as some special traits, which has been existing from past
times and remain in the future, but yet suffer trifling changes
all the while, changes which are serviceable to us in a thousand
ways. Thus a "book" has no doubt some general traits, shared
by all books, but it has some special traits as well. Its atoms are
continually suffering some displacement and rearrangement, but
yet it has been existing as a book for some time past and will
exist for some time in the future as well. All these characteristics,
go to make up the essence of the "book" of our everyday ex-
perience, and none of these can be separated and held up as being
the concept of a "book." This according to the Jains is the
Saf!lkhya way of looking at things.
The first view of paryaya-naya called .1JitSiUra is the Buddhist
view which does not believe in the existence of the thing in the
past or in the future, but holds that a thing is a mere conglomera-
tion of characteristics which may be said to produce effects at
any given moment. At each new moment there are new colloca-
tions of new qualities and it is these which may be regarded as
the true essence of our notion of things 1•
The nayas as we have already said are but points of view, or
aspects of looking at things, and as such are infinite in number.
The above four represent only a broad classification of these. The
Ja ins hold that the N yaya-Vaise!;iika, the Vedanta, the Saf!lkhya,
and the Buddhist,. have each tried to interpret and systematize
experience from one of the above four points of view~ and each re-
gards the interpretation from his point of view as be(.1g absolutely
true to the exclusion of all other points of view. This is their error
(nayabhasa), for each standpoint represents only one of the many
points of view from which a thing can be looked at. The affirma-
, tions from any point of view are thus true in a limited sense and
under limited conditions. Infinite numbers of affirmations may
be made of things from infinite points of view. Affirmations or
judgments according to any naya or standpoint cannot therefore
. be absolute, for even contrary affirmations of the very selfsame
t The other standpoints of paryaya-naya, which represent grammatical and lin-
guistic points of view, are fabcla-1taya, samabhiriitjha-naya, and evambhiUa-naya. See
Viftfiiva1yaka bhiifya, pp. 895-923.
VI] Syadvada 179
things may be held to be true from other points of view. The
truth of each affirmation is thus only conditional, and incon-
ceivable from the absolute point of view. To guarantee correctness
therefore each affirmation should be preceded by the phrase syiit
(may be). This will indicate that the affirmation is only relative, 1
made somehow, from some point of view and under some reser-
vations and not in any sense absolute. There is no judgment
which is absolutely true, and no judgment which is absolutely
false. All judgments are true in some sense and false in another.
This brings us to the famous J aina doctrine of Syadvada I.

The Doctrine of Syadvada.

The doctrine of Syadvada holds that since the most contrary
characteristics of infinite variety may be associated with a thing,
affirmation made from whatever standpoint (naya) cannot be re-
garded as absolute. All affirmations are true (in some syiidasti or
"may be it is" sense); all affirmations are false in some sense;
all affirmations are indefinite or inconceivable in some sense
(syiidavaktavya); all affirmations are true as well as false in some
sense (syiidasti syiinniisti) ; all affirmations are true as well as in-
definite (syiidasti ciivaktavyafca); all affirmations are false as well
as indefinite; all affirmations are true and false and indefinite in
some sense (syiidasti syii11niisti syiidavaktavyasca). Thus we may
say "the jug is" or the jug has being, but it is more correct to
say explicitly that "may be (syat) that the jug is," otherwise if
"being" here is taken absolutely of any and every kind of being,
it might also mean that there is a lump of clay or a pillar, or a
cloth or any other thing. The existence here is limited and defined
by the form of the jug. "The jug is" does not mean absolute
existence but a limited kind of existence as determined by the
form of the jug, "The jug is" thus means that a limited kind of
existence, namely the jug-existence is affirmed and not existence
in general in the absolute or unlimited sense, for then the sentence
''the jug is" might as well mean "the clay is," "the tree is," "the
cloth is," etc. Again the existence of the jug is determined by the
negation of all other things in the world; each quality or charac-
teristic (such as red colour) of the jug is apprehended and defined
by the negation of all the infinite varieties (such as black, blue,
golden), etc., of its class, and it is by the combined negation of all
I See Vileftivalyaka bha1ya, pp. 895, etc., and Syiidviidamaiij'ari, pp. 1 jo, etc.
180 The Jaina Philosophy [cH.
the infinite number of characteristics or qualities other than those
constituting the jug that a jug may be apprehended or defined.
What we call the being of the jug is thus the non-heing of all the
rest except itsel( Thus though looked at from one point of view
the judgment "the jug is" may mean affirmation of being, looked
at from another point of view it means an affirmation of non-being
(of all other objects). Thus of the judgment'' the jug is" one may
say, may be it is an affirmation of being (syadasti), may be it is a
negation of being (syiinnasti); or I may proceed in quite another
way and say that "the jug is" means "this jug is here," which
naturally indicates that "this jug is not there" and thus the judg-
ment "the jug is" (i.e. is here) also means that "the jug is not
there," and so we see that the affirmation of the being of the jug
is true only of this place and false of another, and this justifies us
in saying that "may be that in some sense the jug is," and "may
be in some sense that the jug is not.'' Combining these two
aspects we may say that in some sense "may be that the jug is,"
and in some sense "may be that the jug is not.'' We understood
here that if we put emphasis on the side of the characteristics
constituting being, we may say "the jug is,'' but if we put emphasis
on the other side, we may as well say "the jug is not." Both the
affirmations hold good of the jug according as the emphasis is
put on either side. But if without emphasis on either side we try
to comprehend the two opposite and contradictory judgments
regarding the jug, we see that the nature of the jug or of the ex-
istence of the jug is indefinite, unspeakable and inconceivable-
avakta1.1ya, for how can we affirm both being and non-being of
the same thing, and yet such is the nature of things that we cannot
but do it. Thus all affirmations are true, are not true, are both
true and untrue, and are thus unspeakable, inconceivable, and
indefinite. Combining these four again we derive another three,
(1) that in some sense it may be that the jug is, and (2) is yet
unspeakable, or (3) that the jug is not and is unspeakable, or
finally that the jug is, is not, and is unspeakable. Thus the J ains
hold that no affirmation, or judgment, is absolute in its nature, each
is true in its own limited sense only, and for each one of them any
of the above seven alternatives (technically called saptablzang'i)
holds good 1• The Jains say that other Indian systems each from
its own point of view asserts itself to be the absolute and the only
1 See .Syiidviidamatij'arf, with Hemacandra's commentary, pp. 166, etc.
Relativity ofJudgn?ents
point of view. They do not perceive that the nature of reality
is such that the truth of any assertion is merely conditional,
and holds good only in certain conditions, circumstances, or
senses (upiidhi). It is thus impossible to make any affirmation,
which is universally and absolutely valid. For a contrary or
contradictory affirmation will always be found to hold good of
any judgment in some sense or other. As all reality is partly
permanent and partly exposed to change of the form of losing
and gaining old and new qualities, and is thus relatively perma-
nent and changeful, so all our affirmations regarding truth are also
only relatively valid and invalid. Being, non-being and indefinite,
the three categories of logic, are all equally available in some sense
or other in all their permutations for any and every kind of
judgment. There is no universal and absolute position or negation,
and all judgments are valid only conditionally. The relation of
the naya doctrine with the syadvada doctrine is therefore this, that
for any judgment according to any and every naya there are as
many alternatives as are indicated by syadvada. The validity of
such a judgment is therefore only conditional. If this is borne
in mind when making any judgment according to any naya,
the naya is rightly used. If, however, the judgments are made ab-
solutely according to any particular naya without any reference to
other nayas as required by the syadvada doctrine the nayas are
wrongly used as in the case of other systems, and then such
judgments are false and should therefore be called false nayas
(nayiibhiisa) 1•
Knowledge, its value for us.
The Buddhist Dharmottara in his commentary on Nyayabindu
says that people who are anxious to fulfil some purpose or end in
which they are interested, value the knowledge which helps them
to attain that purpose. It is because knowledge is thus found
to be useful and sought by men that philosophy takes upon it the
task of examining the nature of true knowledge (samyagjliii1za or
pramii?Ja). The main test of true knowledge is that it helps us
to attain our purpose. The J ains also are in general agreement
with the above view of knowledge of the Buddhists 2• They also
1 The earliest mention of the doctrine of syadvada and saptabhati.gi probably occurs

in Bhadrabahu's (433-357 B.c.) commentary SiUrakrtiiizganiryukti.

2 See Pramii1Ja-naya-/a//viilokiilat!lkiira (Benares), p. 26; also Parik~ii-mukha­

su/ra-vrtti (Asiatic Society), ch. 1.

The J a ina Philosophy [cH.
say that knowledge is not to be valued for its own sake. The
validity (pramti?}ya) of anything consists in this, that it directly
helps us to get what is good for us and to avoid what is bad
for us. Knowledge alone has this capacity, for by it we can
adapt ourselves to our environments and try to acquire what
is good for us and avoid what is bad 1 • The conditions that
lead to the production of such knowledge (such as the presence
of full light and proximity to the eye in the case of seeing an
object by visual perception) have but little relevancy in this con-
nection. For we are not concerned with how a cognition is
produced, as it can be of no help to us in serving our purposes.
It is enough for us to know that external objects under certain
conditions assume such a special fitness (yogyata) that we can
have knowledge of them. We have no guarantee that they
generate knowledge in us, for we are only aware that under
certain conditions we know a thing, whereas under other con-
ditions we do not know it 2• The enquiry as to the nature of the
special fitness of things which makes knowledge of them pos-
sible does not concern us. Those conditions which confer such
a special fitness on things as to render them perceivable have but
little to do with us; for our purposes which consist only in the
acquirement of good and avoidance of evil, can only be served by
knowledge and not by those conditions of external objects.
Knowledge reveals our own self as a knowing subject as well
as the objects that are known by us. We have no reason to
suppose (like the Buddhists) that all knowledge by perception of
external objects is in the first instance indefinite and indeterminate,
and that all our determinate notions of form, colour, size and other
characteristics of the thing are not directly given in our perceptual
experience, but are derived only by imagination (utpn:k~a), and
that therefore true perceptual knowledge only certifies the validity
of the indefinite and indeterminate crude sense data (nirvikalpa
jilana). Experience shows that true knowledge on the one hand
reveals us as subjects or knowers, and on the other hand gives
a correct sketch of the external objects in all the diversity of
their characteristics. It is for this reason that knowledge is our
immediate and most prominent means of serving our purposes.
Pramii!za-1zaya-tattviiloktllai!Zkiira, p. 26.
See I'czrik!ii-mukha-.sUtra, II. 9· and its vrtti, and also the concluding vrtti of
ch. 11.
VI] Knowledge
Of course knowledge cannot directly and immediately bring to
us the good we want, but since it faithfully communicates to us
the nature of the objects around us, it renders our actions for the
attainment of good and the avoidance of evil, possible; for if
knowledge did not possess these functions, this would have been
impossible. The validity of knowledge thus consists in this, that
it is the most direct, immediate, and indispensable means for
serving our purposes. So long as any knowledge is uncontra-
dicted it should be held as true. False knowledge is that
which represents things in relations in which they do not exist.
When a rope in a badly lighted place gives rise to the illusion of
a snake, the illusion consists in taking the rope to be a snake, i.e.
perceiving a snake where it does not exist. Snakes exist and
ropes also exist, there is no untruth in that!. The error thus con-
sists in this, that the snake is perceived where the rope exists.
The perception of a snake under relations and environments in
which it was not then existing is what is meant by error here.
What was at first perceived as a snake was later on contradicted
and thus found false. Falsehood therefore consists in the mis-
representation of objective facts in experience. True knowledge~
therefore is that which gives such a correct and faithful repre-
sentation of its object as is never afterwards found to be contra-
dicted. Thus knowledge when imparted directly in association
with the organs in sense-perception is very clear, vivid, and
distinct, and is called perceptional (pratyak~a); when attained
otherwise the knowledge is not so clear and vivid and is then
called non-perceptional (parok~a 2 ).

Theory of Perception.
The main difference of the Jains from the Buddhists in the
theory of perception lies, as we have already seen, in this, that the
Jains think that perception (pratyak~a) reveals to us the external
objects just as they are with most of their diverse characteristics of
colour, form, etc., and also in this, that knowledge arises in the soul
1 Illusion consists in attributing such spatial, temporal or other kinds of relations

to the objects of our judgment as do not actually exist, but the objects themselves
actually exist in other relations. \Vben I mistake the rope for the snake, the snake
actually exists though its relationing with the " this " as " this is a snake " does not
exist, for the snake is not the rope. This illusion is thus called satkhyiiti or misrelationing
of existents (sat).
2 See Jaina-tarka-viirttika of Siddhasena, ch. I., and vrtti by Santyacarya,

PramaJ;tanayatattvalokalarpkara, ch. 1., Pariksii-mukha-sutra-vrfti, ch. 1.

The J a ina Philosophy [cH.
from within it as if by removing a veil which had been covering it
before. Objects are also not mere forms of knowledge (as the Vi-
jfianavadin Buddhist thinks)but are actually existing. Knowledge
of external objects by perception is gained through the senses.
The exterior physical sense such as the eye must be distinguished
from the invisible faculty or power of vision of the soul, which
alone deserves the name of sense. We have five such cognitive
senses. But the Jains think that since by our experience we are
only aware of five kinds of sense knowledge corresponding to the
five senses, it is better to say that it is the "self" which gains of
itself those different kinds of sense-knowledge in association with
those exterior senses as if by removal of a covering, on account
of the existence of which the knowledge could not reveal itself
before. The process of external perception does not thus involve
the exercise of any separate and distinct sense, though the rise
of the sense-knowledge in the soul takes place in association with
the particular sense-organ such as eye, etc. The soul is in touch
with all parts of the body, and visual knowledge is that knowledge
which is generated in the soul through that part of it which is
associated with, or is in touch with the eye. To take an example,
I look before me and see a rose. Before looking at it the know-
ledge of rose was in me, but only in a covered condition, and
hence could not get itself manifested. The act of looking at th~
rose means that such a fitness has come into the rose and into
myself that the rose is made visible, and the veil over my know-
ledge of rose is removed. \Vhen visual knowledge arises, this
happens in association with the eye; I say that I see through
the visual sense, whereas in reality experience shows that I have
only a knowledge of the visual type (associated with eye). As
experience does not reveal the separate senses, it is unwarrantable
to assert that they have an existence apart from the sel( Pro-
ceeding in a similar way the Jains discard the separate existence
of manas (mind-organ) also, for manas also is not given in ex-
perience, and the hypothesis of its existence is unnecessary, as
self alone can serve its purpose 1• Perception of an object means
1 Tanna i1zdriyam bhautikam kim tu iitmii ca indrijam ... amepahatacak~uriididde~u

eva iiima11af;. karmak~ayo pafamasten iisthagitagaviik~atulyiin i cak~ uriidhzi upakaraiJ iini.

Jaina- Viittika- Vrtti, H. p. 98. In many places, however, the five senses, such as
eye, ear, etc., are mentioned as senses, and living beings are often classified according
to the number of senses they possess. (See l'ramii~zamimcii!ISc1. See also Tattz•iirthc1-
d!zh;amasutra, ch. II. etc.) Uut this is with reference to the sense organs. The denial
VI] Non-perceptual Knowledge
that the veil of ignorance upon the "self" regarding the object has
been removed. Inwardly this removal is determined by the
karma of the individual, outwardly it is determined by the pre-
sence of the object of perception, light, the capacity of the sense
organs, and such other conditions. Contrary to the Buddhists
and many other Indian systems, the Jains denied the existence
of any nirvikalpa (indeterminate) stage preceding the final savi-
kalpa (determinate) stage of perception. There was a direct
revelation of objects from within and no indeterminate sense-
materials were necessary for the development of determinate
perceptions. We must contrast this with the Buddhists who
regarded that the first stage consisting of the presentation of in-,
determinate sense materials was the only valid part of perception.
The determinate stage with them is the result of the application
of mental categories, such as imagination, memory, etc., and hence
does not truly represent the presentative parti.

Non-Perceptual Knowledge.
Non-perceptual knowledge (parok~a) differs from pratyak~a
in this, that it does not give us so vivid a picture of objects as the
latter. Since the Ja ins do not admit that the senses had any func-
tion in determining the cognitions of the soul, the only distinction
they could draw behveen perception and other forms of knowledge
was that the knowledge of the former kind (perception) gave us
clearer features and characteristics of objects than the latter.
Parok!?a thus includes inference, recognition, implication, memory,
etc.; and this knowledge is decidedly less vivid than perception.
Regarding inference, the J ains hold that it is unnecessary to
have five propositions, such as: (I) "the hill is fiery," ( 2) ''because
of smoke," (3) "wherever there is smoke there is fire, such as the
kitchen," (4) "this hill is smoky," (5) "therefore it is fiery," called
respectively pratijliii, lzetu, drs!iinta, upa11aya and ni'gamana, ex-
cept for the purpose of explicitness. It is only the first two
propositions which actually enter into the inferential process
(Prameyakamalamiirta?z¢a, pp. 108, 109). When we make an
of separate senses is with reference to admitting them as entities or capacities having
a distinct and separate category of existence from the soul. The sense organs are like
windows for the soul to look out. They cannot thus modify the sense-knowledge
which rises in the soul by inward determination; for it is already existent in it; the
perceptual process only means that the veil which was observing it is removed.
1 Prame;,akamalamiirta~uja, pp. 8-1 1.
186 The Jaina Philosophy [cH.
inference we do not proceed through the five propositions as
above. They who know that the reason is inseparably connected
with the probandum either as coexistence (sahabhava) or as in-
variable antecedence (kramabhiiva) will from the mere statement
of the existence of the reason (e.g. smoke) in the hill jump to the
conclusion that the hill has got fire. A syllogism consisting of
five propositions is rather for explaining the matter to a child
than for representing the actual state of the mind in making an
inference 1•
As regards proof by testimony the Jains do not admit the
authority of the Vedas, but believe that the Jaina scriptures give
us right knowledge, for these are the utterances of persons who
have lived a worldly life but afterwards by right actions and
right knowledge have conquered all passions and removed all
ignorance 2•

Knowledge as Revelation.
The Buddhists had affirmed that the proof of the existence of
anything depended upon the effect that it could produce on us.
That which could produce any effect on us was existent, and that
1 As regards concomitance (vyiiptz) some of the J a ina logicians like the Buddhists

prefer antarvyiipti (between smoke and fire) to bahirvyapti (the place containing smoke
with the place containing fire). They also divide inference into two classes, sviirthii-
numiina for one's own self and pariirthiinumiina for convincing others. It may not
be out of place to note that the earliest J a ina view as maintained by Bhadrabahu in his
Dasavaikalikaniryukti was in favour of ten propositions for making an inference;
( 1) Pratifiiii (e.g. non-injury to life is the greatest virtue), ( 2) Pratijiiiivibhakti (non-in-
jury to life is the greatest virtue according to J a ina scriptures), (3) Hetu (because those
who adhere to non-injury are loved by gods and it is meritorious to do them honour),
(4) Hetu vibhakti (those who do so are the only persons who can live in the highest
places of virtue), (5) Vipakfa (but even by doing injury one may prosper and even by
reviling J a ina scriptures one may attain merit as is the case with Brahmins), (6) Vipak!a
prali!edha (it is not so, it is impossible that those who despise Jaina scriptmes should
be loved by gods or should deserve honour), (7) Drf!iinta (the Arhats take food from
householders as they do not like to cook themselves for fear of killing insects), (8) Ai-
aizkii (hut the sins of the householders should touch the arhats, for they cook for them),
(9) Asankiipralifedha (this cannot be, for the arhats go to certain houses unexpectedly,
so it could not be said that the cooking was undertaken for them), (ro) Naigamana
(non-injury is therefore the greatest virtue) (Vidyabhit~al)a's Indian Logic). These are
persuasive statements which are often actually adopted in a discussion, but from a
formal point of view many of these are irrelevant. When Vatsyayana in his .Nyaya-
sutrablul!ya, I. I. 32, says that Gautama introduced the doctrine of five propositions as
against the doctrine of ten propositions as held by other logicians, he probably had
this J aina view in his mind.
SeeJainatarkaviirttika, and Parik~iimukhasutravrtti, and ~acjdarfanasamuccaya
with Gul)aratna on Jainism.
VI] Theory of Be£ng
which could not non-existent. In fact production of effect was
with them the only definition of existence (being). Theoretically
each unit of effect being different from any other unit of effect,
they supposed that there was a succession of different units of
effect or, what is the same thing, acknowledged a succession of
new substances every moment. All things were thus momentary.
The Jains urged that the reason why the production of effect
may be regarded as the only proof of being is that we can assert
only that thing the existence of which is indicated by a corre-
sponding experience. When we have a unit of experience we
suppose the existence of the object as its ground. This being so,
the theoretical analysis of the Buddhists that each unit of effect
produced in us is not exactly the same at each new point of time,
and that therefore all things are momentary, is fallacious; for ex-
perience shows that not all of an object is found to be changing
every moment; some part of it (e.g. gold in a gold ornament) is
found to remain permanent while other parts (e.g. its form as ear-
rings or bangles) are seen to undergo change. How in the face
of such an experience can we assert that the whole thing vanishes
every moment and that new things are being renewed at each
succeeding moment? Hence leaving aside mere abstract and
unfounded speculations, if we look to experience we find that the
conception of being or existence in- olves a notion of permanence
associated with change-paryaya (acquirement of new qualities
and the loss of old ones). The Jains hold that the defects of other
systems lie in this, that they interpret experience only from one
particular standpoint (naya) whereas they alone carefully weigh
experience from all points of view and acquiesce in the truths
indicated by it, not absolutely but under proper reservations and
limitations. The Jains hold' that in formulating the doctrine of
arthakriyiikiiritva the Buddhists at first showed signs of starting
on their enquiry on the evidence of experience, but soon they
became one-sided in their analysis and indulged in unwarrantable
abstract speculations which went directly against experience.
Thus if we go by experience we can neither reject the self nor
the ex_ternal world as some Buddhists did. Knowledge which
reveals to us the clear-cut features of the external world certifies
at the same time that such knowledge is part and parcel of myself
as the subject. Knowledge is thus felt to be an expression of my
own sel( We do not perceive in experience that knowledge
188 The J a ina Philosophy [cH.
in us is generated by the external world, but there is in us the
rise of knowledge and of certain objects made known to us by it.
The rise of knowledge is thus only parallel to certain objective
collocations of things which somehow have the special fitness
that they and they alone are perceived at that particular mometlt.
Looked at from this point of view all our experiences are centred
in ourselves, for determined somehow, our experiences come to us
as modifications of our own self. Knowledge being a character
of the self, it shows itself as manifestations of the self independent
of the senses. No distinction should be made between a conscious
and an unconscious element in knowledge as Sarpkhya does. Nor
should knowledge be regarded as a copy of the objects which it
reveals, as the Sautrantikas think, for then by copying the materi-
ality of the object, knowledge would itself become material.
Knowledge should thus be regarded as a formless quality of the
self revealing all objects by itself. But the Mimarpsa view that the
validity (priimii~rya) of all knowledge is proved by knowledge it-
self (svata!fpriimii~l)'a) is wrong. Both logically and psychologically
the validity of knowledge depends upon outward correspondence
(sm!zvada) with facts. But in those cases where by previous
knowledge of correspondence a right belief has been produced
there may be a psychological ascertainment of validity without
reference to objective facts (priimii?ryamutpattau parata eva
jiiaptau svakarye ca S'lJata{z paratasca abhyasiinabhyasiipek,faya) 1•
The objective world exists as it is certified by experience. But
that it generates knowledge in us is an unwarrantable hypo-
thesis, for knowledge appears as a revelation of our own self. This
brings us to a consideration of J aina metaphysics.

The jivas.
The Jains say that experience shows that all things may be
divided into the living (}iva) and the non-living (ajiva). The
principle of life is entirely distinct from the body, and it is most
erroneous to think that life is either the product or the property
of the body 2• It is on account of this life-principle that the body
appears to be living This principle is the soul. The soul is
directly perceived (by introspection) just as the external things
are. It is not a mere symbolical object indicated by a phrase or
Prameyakamalamiirta~uja, pp. 38-4-3·
See Jaina Viirttika, p. 6o.
VI] Souls
a description. This is directly against the view of the great
Mimarpsa authority Prabhakara I. The soul in its pure state is
possessed of infinite perception (a1Zanta-darsa11a), infinite know-
ledge (ananta-_j71iina), infinite bliss (a1la1lta-sukha) and infinite
power (ananta-virya) 2• It is all perfect. Ordinarily however, with
the exception of a few released pure souls (mukta-_jiva), all the
other jivas (smtzsiirin) have all their purity and power covered with
a thin veil of karma matter which has been accumulating in them
from beginningless time. These souls are infinite in number. They
are substances and are eternal. They in reality occupy innumer-
able space-points in our mundane world (lokiikiisa), have a limited
size (-madhyama-parimii'!la) and are neither all-pervasive (vibhu)
nor atomic (a~u); it is on account of this that jiva is called
jiviistikaya. The word astikaya means anything that occupies
space or has some pervasiveness; but these souls expand and
contract themselves according to the dimensions of the body
which they occupy at any time (bigger in the elephant and
smaller in the ant life). It is well to remember that according to
the J ains the soul occupies the whole of the body in which it
lives, so that from the tip of the hair to the nail of the foot,
wherever there may be any cause of sensation, it can at once feel
it. The manner in which the soul occupies the body is often ex-
plained as being similar to the manner in which a lamp illumines
the whole room though remaining in one corner of the room. The
Jains divide the jivas according to the number of sense-organs
they possess. The lowest class consists of plants, which possess
only the sense-organ of touch. The next higher class is that
of worms, which possess two sense-organs of touch and taste.
Next come the ants, etc., which possess touch, taste, and smell.
The next higher one that of bees, etc., possessing vision in
addition to touch, taste, and smell. The vertebrates possess all
the five sense-organs. The higher animals among these, namely
men, denizens of hell, and the gods possess in addition to these
an inner. sense-organ namely 1Jza1zas by virtue of which they are
I See Prameyakamaiamiirta~zda, p. 33·
The Jains distinguish between darfana andj1ziina. Darsana is the knowledge of
things without their details, e.g. I see a cloth. Jfiana means the knowledge of details,
e.g. I not only see the cloth, but know to whom it belongs, of what quality it is,
where it was prepared, etc. In all cognition we have first darsan:!l and then jfiana.
The pure souls possess infinite general perception of all things as well as infinite
knowledge of all things in all their details.
190 The jaina Phz"losophy [cH.
called rational (sa1tt/lii1l) while the lower animals have no reason
and are called asmtzJilin.
Proceeding towards the lowest animal we find that the Jains
regard all the four elements (earth, water, air, fire) as being ani-
mated by souls. Thus particles of earth, etc., are the bodies of
souls, called earth-lives, etc. These we may call elementary lives;
they live and die and are born again in another elementary body.
These elementary lives are either gross or subtle; in the latter case
they are invisible. The last class of one-organ lives are plants.
Of some plants each is the body of one soul only; but of other
plants, each is an aggregation of embodied souls, which have all
the functions of life such as respiration and nutrition in common.
Plants in which only one soul is embodied are always gross; they
exist in the habitable part of the world only. But those plants
of which each is a colony of plant lives may also be subtle and
invisible, and in that case they are distributed all over the world.
The whole universe is full of minute beings called nigodas; they
are groups of infinite number of souls forming very small clusters,
having respiration and nutrition in common and experiencing ex-
treme pains. The whole space of the world is closely packed with
them like a box filled with powder. The nigodas furnish the supply
of souls in place of those that have reached Mok~a. But an
infinitesimally small fraction of one single nigoda has sufficed to
replace the vacancy caused in the world by the Nirvarya of all the
souls that have been liberated from beginningless past down to
the present. Thus it is evident the sarpsara will never be empty
of living beings. Those of the 1li'godas who long for development
come out and contiune their course of progress through successive
stages 1•
Karma Theory.
It is on account of their merits or demerits that the jfvas are
born as gods, men, animals, or denizens of hell. We have already
noticed in Chapter I I I that the cause of the embodiment of soul
is the presence in it of karma matter. The natural perfections of
the pure soul are sullied by the different kinds of karma matter.
Those which obscure right knowledge of details (_jiialla) are
called _jFuiniivara1Jiya, those which obscure right perception
(dar.Sana) as in sleep are called dar.Smziivarmfiya, those which
1 See Jacobi's article on Jainism, E. R. E., and Lokaprakiifa, VI. pp. 31 ff.
VI] Eftects of Karma
obscure the bliss-nature of the soul and thus produce pleasure and
pain are vedaniya, and those which obscure the right attitude of the
soul towards faith and right conduct mohaniya 1• In addition to
these four kinds of karma there are other four kinds of karma which
determine (r) the length of life in any birth, (2) the peculiar body
with its general and special qualities and faculties, (3) the nation-
ality, caste,family, social standing, etc., (4) the inborn energy of the
soul by the obstruction of which it prevents the doing of a good
action when there is a desire to do it. These are respectively called
(I) iiyu~ka karma, ( 2) nama karma, (3) gotra karma, (4) mztariiya
karma. By our actions of mind, speech and body, we are con-
tinually producing certain subtle karma matter which in the first
instance is called bhava karma, which transforms itself into dravya
karma and pours itself into the soul and sticks there by coming
into contact with the passions (ka~aya) of the soul. These act like
viscous substances in retaining the in pouring karma matter. This
matter acts in eight different ways and it is accordingly divided
into eight classes, as we have already noticed. This karma is the
cause of bondage and sorrow. According as good or bad karma
matter sticks to the soul it gets itself coloured respectively as
golden, lotus-pink, white and black, blue and grey and they are
called the lesyas. The feelings generated by the accumulation of
the karma-matter are called bhava-leiya and the actual coloration
of the soul by it is called dravya-leiya. According as any karma
matter has been generated by good, bad, or indifferent actions, it
gives us pleasure, pain, or feeling of indifference. Even the know-
ledge that we are constantly getting by perception, inference, etc.,
is but the result of the effect of karmas in accordance with which
the particular kind of veil which was obscuring any particular kind
of knowledge is removed at any time and we have a knowledge
of a corresponding nature. By our own karmas the veils over our
knowledge, feeling, etc., are so removed that we have just that
kind of knowledge and feeling that we deserved t~ have. All
knowledge, feeling, etc.:a,re thus- m one sei1se generated from
within, the external objects which are ordinarily said to be
generating them all being but mere coexistent external con-
1 The Jains acknowledge five kinds of knowledge: (1) matijiiiina (ordinary cog-
nition), (2) fruti (testimony), (3) avadhi (supernatural cognition), (4-) malla/.zjJaryaya
(thought-reading), (5) kevala-Jiiiina (omniscience).
The Jaina Philosophy [cH.
After the effect of a particular karma matter (karma-varga?zti)
is once produced, it is discharged and purged from off the soul.
This process of purging off the karmas is called nit:)'arii. If no
new karma matter should accumulate then, the gradual purging
off of the karmas might make the soul free of karma matter, but as
it is, while some karma matter is being purged off, other karma
matter is continually pouring in, and thus the purging and
binding processes continuing simultaneously force the soul to
continue its mundane cycle of existence, transmigration, and re-
birth. After the death of each individual his soul, together with
its karmic body (karma~zafarlra), goes in a few moments to the
place of its new birth and there assumes a new body, expanding
or contracting in accordance with the dimensions of the latter.
In the ordinary course karma takes effect and produces its
proper results, and at such a stage the soul is said to be in the
audayika state. By proper efforts karma may however be pre-
vented from taking effect, though it still continues to exist, and
this is said to be the aupafamika state of the soul. When karma
is not only prevented from operating but is annihilated, the soul
is said to be in the k~iiyika state, and it is from this state that
Mok~a is attained. There is, however, a fourth state of ordinary
good men with whom some karma is annihilated, some neutralized,
and some active (k~aJ'opafamika) 1 •

Karma, Asrava and Nirjara.

It is on account of karma that the souls have to suffer all
the experiences of this world process, including births and re-
births in diverse spheres of life as gods, men or animals, or insects.
The karmas are certain sorts of infra-atomic particles of matter
(karma-·varga~zii). The influx of these karma particles into the
soul is called asrava in Jainism. These karmas are produced by
body, mind, and speech. The asravas represent the channels or
modes through which the karmas enter the soul, just like the
channels through which water enters into a pond. But the Jains
distinguish between the channels and the karmas which actually
1 The stages through which a developing soul passes are technically called gu?ta-

sthiinas which are fourteen in number. The first three stages represent the growth of
faith in Jainism, the next five stages are those in which all the passions are controlled,
in the next four stages the ascetic practises yoga and destroys all his karmas, at the
thirteenth stage he is divested of all karmas hut he still practises yoga and at the
fourteenth st.1.ge he attains liberation (see Dravyasarpgrahavrtti, 13th verse).
Influx of Karma 193
enter through those channels. Thus they distinguish two kinds
of asravas, bhavasrava and karmasrava. Bhavasrava means the
thought activities of the soul through which or on account of
which the karma particles enter the souP. Thus Nemicandra
says that bhavasrava is that kind of change in the soul (which
is the contrary to what can destroy the karmasrava), by which
the karmas enter the soul 2• Karmasrava, however, means the
actual entrance of the karma matter into the soul. These
bhavasravas are in general of five kinds, namely delusion
(mithyatva), want of control (avirati), inadvertence (pramada),
the activities of body, mind and speech (yoga) and the pas-
sions (ka~iiyas). Delusion again is of five kinds, namely ekt"i11ta
(a false belief unknowingly accepted and uncritically followed),
~~iparlta (uncertainty as to the exact nature of truth), viuaya
(retention of a belief knowing it to be false, due to old habit),
saJtt.Saya (doubt as to right or wrong) and aj1tiilla (want of any
belief due to the want of application of reasoning powers).
Avirati is again of five kinds, injury (hil?zsii), falsehood (mzrta),
stealing (cauryya), incontinence (abrahma), and desire to have
things which one does not already possess (parigrahakiiJik~t"i).
Pramada or inadvertence is again of five kinds, namely bad con-
versation (vikatha), passions (ka~aya), bad use of the five senses
(indriya), sleep (11idra), attachment (raga) 3•
Coming to dravyasrava we find that it means that actual in-
flux of karma which affects the soul in eight different manners
in accordance with which these karmas are classed into eight
different kinds, namely jfianavararyiya, darsanavarat)iya, veda-
niya, mohaniya, ayu, nama, gotra and antaraya. These actual
influxes take place only as a result of the bhavasrava or the re-
prehensible thought activities, or changes (pari?tama) of the soul.
The states of thought which condition the coming in of the karmas
is called bhavabandha and the actual bondage of the soul by the
actual impure connections of the karmas is technically called
dravyabandha. It is on account of bhavabandha that the actual
connection between the karmas and the soul can take place 4• The
actual c~nnections of the karmas with the soul are like the sticking-
1 Dravyasa'!zgralza, Sl. 29.
Nemicandra's commentary on Dravyasa'!zgraha, Sl. 29, edited by S.C. Ghoshal,
Arrah, 1917.
3 See N emicandra's commentary on Sl. 30.
4 Nemicandra on 31, and Vardhamii1zapurii~za XVI. 4-4• quoted hy Ghoshal.
194 The Ja·ina Philosophy [ CII

of dust on the body of a person who is besmeared all over with

oil. Thus Gul)aratna says: "The influx of karma means the
contact of the particles of karma matter, in accordance with the
particular kind of karma, with the soul, just like the sticking of
dust on the body of a person besmeared with oil. In all parts of
the soul there being infinite number of karma atoms it becomes
so completely covered with them that in some sense when looked
at from that point of view the soul is sometimes regarded as a
material body during its sarpsara stage 1.'' From one point of
view the bondage of karma is only of Pwtya and papa (good
and bad karmas) 2 • From another this bondage is of four kinds,
according to the nature of karma (prak_rti), duration of bondage
(stltiti), intensity (amtbltiiga) and extension (pradeia). The
nature of karma refers to the eight classes of karma already
mentioned, namely the j fianavarat~Iya karma which obscures the
infinite knowledge of the soul of all things in detail, darsana-
varai)Iya karma which obscures the infinite general knowledge
of the soul, vedaniya karma which produces the feelings of
pleasure and pain in the soul, mohaniya karma, which so in-
fatuates souls that they fail to distinguish what is right from
what is wrong, ayu karma, which determines the tenure of any
particular life, nama karma which gives them personalities, gotra
karma which brings about a particular kind of social surrounding
for the soul and antaraya karma which tends to oppose the per-
formance of right actions by the soul. The duration of the stay
of any karma in the soul is called sthiti. Again a karma may be
intense, middling or mild, and this indicates the third principle
of division, anubhaga. Pradesa refers to the different parts of
the soul to which the karma particles attach themselves. The
duration of stay of any karma and its varying intensity are due
to the nature of the ka!;)ayas or passions of the soul, whereas the
different classification of karmas as jnanavaral)iya, etc., are due to
the nature of specific contact of the soul with karma matter 3•
Corresponding to the two modes of inrush of karmas (bhava-
srava and dravyasrava) are two kinds of control opposing this
inrush, by actual thought modification of a contrary nature and
by the actual stoppage of the inrush of karma particles, and
these are respectively called bhavasarpvara and dravyasarpvara 4•
1 See Gul)aratna, p. 181. 2 Ibid. 3 Nemicandra, 33·
4 Varddhamtlnapur.l~za, XVI. 6i-68, and Dravyasat!zgrahavrtti, Sl. 35·
VI] Self-control 195
The bhavasaqwaras are ( 1) the vows of non-injury, truthfulness,
abstinence from stealing, sex -control, and non-acceptance of objects
of desire, (2) samitis consisting of the use of trodden tracks in order
to avoid injury to insects (irya), gentle and holy talk \bha~a), re-
ceiving proper alms (e~atza), etc., (3) guptis or restraints of body,
speech and mind, (4) dharmas consisting of habits of forgive-
ness, humility, straightforwardness, truth, cleanliness, restraint,
penance, abandonment, indifference to any kind of gain or loss,
and supreme sex-control t, (5) a11uprek~a consisting of meditation
about the transient character of the world, about our helplessness
without the truth, about the cycles of world-existence, about our
own responsibilities for our good and bad actions, about the
difference between the soul and the non-soul, about the unclean-
liness of our body and all that is associated with it, about the in-
flux of karma and its stoppage and the destruction of those
karmas which have already entered the soul, about soul, matter
and the substance of the universe, about the difficulty of attaining
true knowledge, faith, and conduct, and auout the essential prin-
ciples of the world 2, (6) the pari~ahaj'aya consisting of the con-
quering of all kinds of physical troubles of heat, cold, etc., and
of feelings of discomforts of various kinds, (7) caritra or right
Next to this we come to nirjara or the purging off of the
karmas or rather their destruction. This nirjara also is of two
kinds, bhavanirjara and dravyanirjara. Bhavanirjara means that
change in the soul by virtue of which the karma particles are
destroyed. Dravyanirjara means the actual destruction of these
karma particles either by the reaping of their effects or by
penances before their time of fruition, called savipaka and avipaka
nirjaras respectively. When all the karmas are destroyed mok~a
or liberation is effected.

The aj'iva (non-living) is divided into pudgalastikaya, dharma
stiktiya, adharmastikaya, tiktisastikaya, kala, pu1;1ya, papa. The
word pudgala means matter 3, and it is called astikaya itl the
sense that it occupies space. Pudgala is made up of atoms
1Taltviirth,zdhi'gamasutra. 2 Ibid.
This is entirely different from the Buddhist sense. With the Buddhists pudgala
means an individual or a person.
The Jaina Philosophy [cH.
which are without size and eternal. Matter may exist in two
states, gross (such as things we see around us), and subtle (such
as the karma matter which sullies the soul). All material things
are ultimately produced by the combination of atoms. The
smallest indivisible particle of matter is called an atom (a?zu).
The atoms are all eternal and they all have touch, taste, smell,
and colour. The formation of different substances is due to the
different geometrical, spherical or cubical modes of the combi-
nation of the atoms, to the diverse modes of their inner arrange-
ment and to the existence of different degrees of inter-atomic
space (gha?Zapratarabhede?Za). Some combinations take place by
simple mutual contact at two points (J'ugmapradesa) whereas
in others the atoms are only held together by the points of at-
tractive force (oja(tpradesa) (Prajlitipa1topiingasiitra, pp. 10-12).
Two atoms form a compound (skmzdha), when the one is viscous
and the other dry or both are of different degrees of viscosity or
dryness. It must be noted that while the Buddhists thought that
there was no actual contact between the atoms the Jains regarded
the contact as essential and as testified by experience. These
compounds combine with other compounds and thus produce
the gross things of the world. They are, however, liable to
constant change (pari~ztima) by which they lose some of their
old qualities (gu~zas) and acquire new ones. There are four
elements, earth, water, air, and fire, and the atoms of all these
are alike in character. The perception of grossness however
is not an error which is imposed upon the perception of the
atoms by our mind (as the Buddhists think) nor is it due to the
perception of atoms scattered spatially lengthwise and breadthwise
(as the Sarpkhya-Yoga supposes), but it is due to the accession of
a similar property of grossness, blueness or hardness in the com-
bined atoms, so that such knowledge is generated in us as is given
in the perception of a gross, blue, or a hard thing. \Vhen a thing
appears as blue, what happens is this, that the atoms there have
all acquired the property of blueness and on the removal of the
darsanavarar)lya and jftanavarar)lya veil, there arises in the soul
the perception and knowledge of that blue thing~ This sameness
(samii1za-rupatti) of the accession of a quality in an aggregate of
atoms by virtue of which it appears as one object (e.g. a cow)
is technically called tiryaksiimii1lya. This samanya or generality
is thus neither an imposition of the mind nor an abstract entity
VI] Dhanna 197
(as maintained by the Naiyayikas) but represents only the ac-
cession of similar qualities by a similar development of qualities
of atoms forming an aggregate. So long as this similarity of
qualities continues we perceive the thing to be the same and
to continue for some length of time. \Vhen we think of a thing
to be permanent, we do so by referring to this sameness in the
developing tendencies of an aggregate of atoms resulting in the
relative permanence of similar qualities in them. According to
the Jains things are not momentary and in spite of the loss of
some old qualities and the accession of other ones, the thing as
a whole may remain more or less the same for some time. This
sameness of qualities in time is technically called iirdhvasiimiinya 1•
If the atoms are looked at from the point of view of the change
and accession of new qualities, they may be regarded as liable to
destruction, but if they are looked at from the point of view of
substance (dravya) they are eternal.

Dharma, Adharma, Akasa.

The conception of dharma and adharma in Jainism is
absolutely different from what they mean in other systems of
Indian philosophy. Dharma is devoid of taste, touch, smell,
sound and colour; it is conterminous with the mundane universe
(lokiikiisa) and pervades every part of it. The term astikiiya
is therefore applied to it. It is the principle of motion, the ac-
companying circumstance or cause which makes motion possible,
like water to a moving fish. The water is a passive condition
or circumstance of the movement of a fish, i.e. it ·is indifferent
or passive (udiisina) and not an active or solicitous (preraka)
cause. The water cannot compel a fish at rest to move; but if
the fish wants to move, water is then the necessary help to its
motion. Dharma cannot make the soul or matter move ; but
if they are to move, they cannot do so without the presence of
dharma. Hence at the extremity of the mundane world (loka)
in the region of the liberated souls, there being no dharma, the
liberated souls attain perfect rest. They cannot move there
because there is not the necessary motion-element, dharma 2•
Adharma is also regarded as a similar pervasive entity which
1 See Prameyakamalamiirla!Jtfa, pp. 136-143; Jainatarkavtirttika, p. 106.
2 Dravyasa'!tgrahavrtti, 1 7-20.
198 The Jaina Philosophy [cH.
helps jivas and pudgalas to keep themselves at rest. No substance
could move if there were no dharma, or could remain at rest if
there were no adharma. The necessity of admitting these two
categories seems probably to have been felt by the Jains on
account of their notion that the inner activity of the jlva or the
atoms required for its exterior realization the help of some other
extraneous entity, without which this could not have been trans-
formed into actual exterior motion. Moreover since the jlvas
were regarded as having activity inherent in them they would be
found to be moving even at the time of liberation (mok~a), which
was undesirable; thus it was conceived that actual motion required
for its fulfilment the help of an extraneous entity which was absent
in the region of the liberated souls.
The category of akasa is that subtle entity which pervades
the mundane universe (loka) and the transcendent region of
liberated souls (atoka) which allows the subsistence of all other
substances such as dharma, adharma, jiva, pudgala. It is not a
mere negation and absence of veil or obstruction, or mere empti-
ness, but a positive entity which helps other things to inter-
penetrate it. On account of its pervasive character it is called
aktisastikiiya 1•

Kala and Samaya.

Time (kala) in reality consists of those innumerable particles
which never mix with one another, but which help the happening
of the modification or accession of new qualities and the change
of qualities of the atoms. Kala does not bring about the changes
of qualities, in things, but just as akasa helps interpenetration
and dharma motion, so also kala helps the action of the transfor-
mation of new qualities in things. Time perceived as moments,
hours, days, etc., is called samaya. This is the appearance of the
unchangeable kala in so many forms. Kala thus not only aids
the modifications of other things, but also allows its own modifi-
cations as moments, hours, etc. It is thus a dravya (substance),
and the moments, hours, etc., are its paryayas. The unit of samaya
is the time required by an atom to traverse a unit of space by a
slow movement.
Dravyasa'!'grahavrtti, 19.
VI] Rules of Conduct 199

jaina Cosmogr~phy.

According to the J ains, the world is eternal, without beginning

or end. Loka is that place in which happiness and misery are expe-
rienced as results of virtue and vice. It is composed of three parts,
ftrdhva (where the gods reside), madlzya (this world of ours), and
adho (where the denizens of hell reside). The mundane universe
(lokiikiisa) is pervaded with dharma which makes all movement
possible. Beyond the lokakasa there is no dharma and therefore
no movement, but only space (iikiisa). Surrounding this lokakasa
are three layers of air. The perfected soul rising straight over
the urdhvaloka goes to the top of this lokakasa and (there being
no dharma) remains motionless there.

jaina Yoga.
Yoga according to Jainism is the cause of mok!';)a (salvation).
This yoga consists of jfiana (knowledge of reality as it is), sraddha
(faith in the teachings of the Jinas), and caritra (cessation from
doing all that is evil). This caritra consists of ahil!lSii (not
taking any life even by mistake or unmindfulness), srmrta
(speaking in such a way as is true, good and pleasing), asteya
(not taking anything which has not been given), brahmacaryya
(abandoning lust for all kinds of objects, in mind, speech and
body), and apari'gralla (abandoning attachment for all things) 1•
These strict rules of conduct only apply to ascetics who are bent
on attaining perfection. The standard proposed for the ordinary
householders is fairly workable. Thus it is said by Hemacandra,
that ordinary householders should earn money honestly, should
follow the customs of good people, should marry a good girl from
a good family, should follow the customs of the country and so
forth. These are just what we should expect from any good and
1 Certain external rules of conduct are also called caritra. These are: lry_vii (to

go by the path already trodden by others and illuminated by the sun's rays, so that
proper precaution may be taken while walking to prevent oneself from treading on
insects, etc., which may be lying on the way), bht1~ii (to speak well and pleasantly
to all beings), ija~za (to beg alms in the proper monastic manner), di'inasamiti (to
inspect carefully the seats avoiding all transgressions when taking or giving anything),
utsargasamiti (to take care that bodily refuse may not be thrown in such a way as to
injure any being), manogupti (to remove all false thoughts, to remain satisfied within
oneself, and hold all people to be the same in mind), viiggupti (absolute silence), and
kiiyagupti (absolute steadiness and fixity of the body). Five other kinds of caritra are
counted in Dravyasm!zp-ahavrtti 35·
200 The J a ina Philosophy [cH.
honest householder of the present day. Great stress is laid upon
the virtues of ahirpsa, sunrta, asteya and brahmacaryya, but the
root of all these is ahirpsa. The virtues of sunrta, asteya and
brahmacaryya are made to follow directly as secondary corrol-
laries of ahirpsa. Ahirpsa may thus be generalized as the funda-
mental ethical virtue of Jainism; judgment on all actions may be
passed in accordance with the standard of ahirrsa ; sunrta, asteya
and brahmacaryya are regarded as virtues as their transgression
leads to hirpsa (injury to beings). A milder form of the practice
of these virtues is expected from ordinary householders and this
is called anubrata (small vows). But those who are struggling
for the attainment of emancipation must practise these virtues
according to the highest and strictest standard, and this is called
mahabrata (great vows). Thus for example brahmacaryya for a
householder according to the anubrata standard would be mere
cessation from adultery, whereas according to mahabrata it would
be absolute abstention from sex-thoughts, sex-words and sex-
acts. Ahirpsa according to a householder, according to anubrata,
would require abstinence from killing any animals, but according
to mahavrata it would entail all the rigour and carefulness to
prevent oneself from being the cause of any kind of injury to
any living being in any way.
Many other minor duties are imposed upon householders, all
of which are based upon the cardinal virtue of ahirpsa. These
are (1) di'gvirati (to carry out activities within a restricted area
and thereby desist from injuring living beings in different places),
(2) bhogopablzoganui1la (to desist from drinking liquors, taking
flesh, butter, honey, figs, certain other kinds of plants, fruits, and
vegetables, to observe certain other kinds of restrictions regarding
time and place of taking meals), (3) auartltada~uja consisting of
(a) apadhyii1Ul (cessation from inflicting any bodily injuries,
killing of one's enemies, etc.), (b) piipopadda (desisting from
advising people to take to agriculture which leads to the killing
of so many insects), (c) hil!Zsopakari'diina (desisting from giving
implements of agriculture to people which will lead to the injury
of insects), (d) pramiidiicara!za (to desist from attending musical
parties, theatres, or reading sex-literature,gambling,etc.), (4) Sikfii-
padabrata consisting of (a) siimayikabrata (to try to treat all
beings equally), (b) desiivakaSikabrata (gradually to practise the
digvirati'brata more and more extensively), (c) pofadhabrata
Rules of Conduct 201

(certain other kinds of restriction), (d) atitltism!zvibhiigabrata (to

make gifts to guests). All transgressions of these virtues, called
aticiira, should be carefully avoided.
All perception, wisdom, and morals belong to the soul, and to
know the soul as possessing these is the right knowledge of the
soul. All sorrows proceeding out of want of self-knowledge can
be removed only by true self-knowledge. The soul in itself is
pure intelligence, and it becomes endowed with the body only on
account of its karma. When by meditation, all the karmas are
burnt (dhyiiniignidagdhakarma) the self becomes purified. The
soul is itself the sarp.sara (the cycle of rebirths) when it is over-
powered by the four ka~ayas (passions) and the senses. The four
ka~ayas are krodlta (anger), ma1la (vanity and pride), maya
(insincerity and the tendency to dupe others), and lobha (greed).
These ka~ayas cannot be removed except by a control of the
senses ; and self-control alone leads to the purity of the mind
( mana(lsuddhi). Without the control of the mind no one can
proceed in the path of yoga. All our acts become controlled when
the mind is controlled, so those who seek emancipation should
make every effort to control the mind. No kind of asceticism
(tapas) can be of any good until the mind is purified. All attach-
ment and antipathy (riigadve~a) can be removed only by the
purification of the mind. It is by attachment and antipathy that
man loses his independence. It is thus necessary for the yogin
(sage) that he should be free from them and become independent
in the real sense of the term. \Vhen a man learns to look upon
all beings with equality (samatva) he can effect such a conquest
over raga and dve~a as one could never do even by the strictest
asceticism through millions of years. In order to effect this
samatva towards all, we should take to the following kinds of
meditation (bhiivanii):
We should think of the transitoriness (anit_vatii) of all things,
that what a thing was in the morning, it is not at mid-day,
what it was at mid-day it is not at night ; for all things are
transitory and changing. Our body, all our objects of pleasure,
wealth and youth all are fleeting like dreams, or cotton particles
in a whirlwind.
All, even the gods, are subject to death. All our relatives will
by their works fall a prey to death. This world is thus full of
misery and there is nothing which can support us in it. Thus in
202 The Jaina Philosophy [cH.
whatever way we look for anything, on which we can depend, we
find that it fails us. This is called asarat)abhavana (the meditation
of helplessness).
Some are born in this world, some suffer, some reap the fruits
of the karma done in another life. We are all different from one
another by our surroundings, karma, by our separate bodies and
by all other gifts which each of us severally enjoy. To meditate
on these aspects is called ekatvabhavana and anyatvabhavana.
To think that the body is made up of defiled things, the flesh,
blood, and bones, and is therefore impure is called asucibhavana
(meditation of the impurity of the body).
To think that if the mind is purified by the thoughts of uni-
versal friendship and compassion and the passions are removed,
then only will good (Subha) accrue to me, but if on the contrary
I commit sinful deeds and transgress the virtues, then all evil
will befall me, is called asravabhavana (meditation of the be-
falling of evil). By the control of the asrava (inrush of karma)
comes the sarpvara (cessation of the influx of karma) and the
destruction of the karmas already accumulated leads to nirjara
(decay and destruction of karma matter).
Again one should think that the practice of the ten dharmas
(virtues) of self control (sa1!zyama), truthfulness (sitn_rta), purity
(Sauca), chastity (brahma), absolute want of greed (akiiicanatii),
asceticism (tapas), forbearance, patience (k~iinti), mildness
(miirdava), sincerity (.~futii), and freedom or emancipation from
all sins (mukti) can alone help us in the achievement of the
highest goal. These are the only supports to which we can
look. It is these which uphold the world-order. This is called
Again one should think of the Jaina cosmology and also
of the nature of the influence of karma in producing all the
diverse conditions of men. These two are called lokabluivanii
and bodhibluivanii.
When by the continual practice of the above thoughts man
becomes unattached to all things and adopts equality to all beings,
and becomes disinclined to all \Vorldly enjoyments, then with a
mind full of peace he gets rid of all passions, and then he should
take to the performance of dhyana or meditation by deep concen-
tration. The samatva or perfect equality of the mind and dhyana
are interdependent, so that without dhyana there is no samatva
VI] A nti-thezstic Arguments 203

and without samatva there is no dhyana. In order to make the

mind steady by dhyana one should think of maitri (universal
friendship),pramoda (the habit of emphasizing the good sides of
men), karu~zii (universal compassion) and miidlzyastlta (indifference
to the wickedness of people, i.e. the habit of not taking any
note of sinners). The J aina dhyana consists in concentrating
the mind on the syllables of the J aina prayer phrases. The
dhyana however as we have seen is only practised as an aid to
making the mind steady and perfectly equal and undisturbed
towards all things. Emancipation comes only as the result of the
final extinction of the karma materials. J aina yoga is thus a com-
plete course of moral discipline which leads to the purification
of the mind and is hence different from the traditional Hindu
yoga of Patafijali or even of the Buddhists 1•

jaina Atheism 2•
The N aiyayikas assert that as the world is of the nature of
an effect, it must have been created by an intelligent agent and
this agent is Isvara (God). To this the Jain replies," What does
the Naiyayika mean when he says that the world is of the nature
of an effect"? Does he mean by "effect," ( 1) that which is made
up of parts (siivayava), or, (2) the coinherence of the causes of a
non-existent thing, or, (3) that which is regarded by anyone as
having been made, or, (4) that which is liable to change (vikiirit-
vam). Again, what is meant by being "made up of parts"? If it
means existence in parts, then the class-concepts (siimiinya)
existing in the parts should also be regarded as effects, and hence
destructible, but these the N aiyayikas regard as being partless and
eternal. If it means "that which has parts," then even "space"
(iikiisa) has to be regarded as "effect," but the Naiyayika regards
it as eternal.
Again "effect" cannot mean "coinherence of the causes of a
thing which were previously non-existent," for in that case one
could not speak of the world as an effect, for the atoms of the
elements of earth, etc., are regarded as eternal.
Again if ''effect" means "that which is regarded by anyone as
Yogaliistra, by Hemacandra, edited by Windisch, in Zeitsch1·ift der Deutschm
Alorg. Gesel!schafl, Leipsig, 1874, and DraVJ'aSaf!Zgraha, edited by Ghoshal, I9Ii.
See Gu~;mratna's Tarkarahasyadipikt1.
204 The J a ina Philosophy [en.
ha~ing been made," then it would apply even to space, for when
a man digs the ground he thinks that he has made new space in
the hollow which he dug.
If it means "that which is liable to change," then one could
suppose that God was also liable to change and he would require
another creator to create him and he another, and so on ad
iufinitum. Moreover, if God creates he cannot but be liable to
change with reference to his creative activity.
Moreover, we know that those things which happen at some
time and do not happen at other times are regarded as "effects."
But the world as a whole exists always. If it is argued that things
contained within it such as trees, plants, etc., are "effects," then
that would apply even to this hypothetical God, for, his will and
thought must be diversely operating at diverse times and these
are contained in him. He also becomes a created being by virtue
of that. And even atoms would be "effects," for they also undergo
changes of colour by heat.
Let us grant for the sake of argument that the world as a
whole is an "effect." And every effect has a cause, and so the
world as a whole has a cause. But this does not mean that the
cause is an intelligent one, as God is supposed to be. If it is
argued that he is regarded as intelligent on the analogy of human
causation then he might also be regarded as imperfect as human
beings. If it is held that the world as a whole is not exactly
an effect of the type of effects produced by human beings
but is similar to those, this will lead to no inference. Because
water-vapour is similar to smoke, nobody will be justified in
inferring fire from water-vapour, as he would do from smoke.
If it is said that this is so different an effect that from it the
inference is possible, though nobody has ever been seen to pro-
duce such an effect, well then, one could also infer on seeing
old houses ruined in course of time that these ruins were pro-
duced by intelligent agents. For these are also effects of which
we do not kno\v of any intelligent agent, for both are effects,
and the invisibility of the agent is present in both cases. If it is
said that the world is such that we have a sense that it has been
made by some one, then the question will be, whether you infer
the agency of God from this sense or infer the sense of its having
been made from the fact of its being made by God, and you have
a vicious circle (tlli)'Oilyiisraya).
VI] Anti-theistic A rgunzents
Again, even if we should grant that the world was created by
an agent, then such an agent should have a body, for we have
never seen any intelligent creator without a body. If it is held
that we should consider the general condition of agency only,
namely, that the agent is intelligent, the objection will be that
this is impossible, for agency is always associated with some kind
of body. If you take the instances of other kinds of effects such
as the shoots of corn growing in the fields, it will be found that
these had no intelligent agents behind them to create them. If it
is said that these are also made by God, then you have an
argument in a circle (cakraka), for this was the very matter which
you sought to prove.
Let it be granted for the sake of argument that God exists.
Does his mere abstract existence produce the world? Well, in
that case, the abstract existence of a potter may also create the
world, for the abstract existence is the same in both cases. Does
he produce the world by knowledge and will? \Veil, that is im-
possible, for there cannot be any knowledge and will without a
body. Does he produce the world by physical movement or any
other kind of movement? In any case that is impossible, for there
cannot be any movement without a body. If you suppose that
he is omniscient, you may do so, but that does not prove that
he can be all-creator.
Let us again grant for the sake of argument that a bodiless
God can create the world by his will and activity. Did he take
to creation through a personal whim? In that case there would
be no natural laws and order in the world. Did he take to it
in accordance with the moral and immoral actions of men? Then
he is guided by a moral order and is not independent. Is it
through mercy that he took to creation? Well then, we suppose
there should have been only happiness in the world and nothing
else. If it is said that it is by the past actions of men that they
suffer pains and enjoy pleasure, and if men are led to do vicious
actions by past deeds which work like blind destiny, then such
a blind destiny (ad.r~ta) might take the place of God. If He took
to creation as mere play, then he must be a child who did things
without a purpose. If it was due to his desire of punishing certain
people and favouring others, then he must harbour favouritism
on behalf of some and hatred against others. If the creation took
place simply through his own nature, then, what is the good of
206 The Jaina Phzlosophy [cH.
admitting him at all ? You may rather say that the world came
into being out of its own nature.
It is preposterous to suppose that one God without the help
of any instruments or other accessories of any kind, could create
this world. This is against all experience.
Admitting for the sake of argument that such a God exists,
you could never justify the adjectives with which you wish to
qualify him. Thus you say that he is eternal. But since he has
no body, he must be of the nature of intelligence and will.
But this nature must have changed in diverse forms for the pro-
duction of diverse kinds of worldly things, which are of so varied
a nature. If there were no change in his knowledge and will, then
there could not have been diverse kinds of creation and de-
struction. Destruction and creation cannot be the result of one
unchangeable will and knowledge. Moreover it is the character
of knowledge to change, if the word is used in the sense in which
knowledge is applied to human beings, and surely we are not
aware of any other kind of knowledge. You say that God is
omniscient, but it is difficult to suppose how he can have any
knowledge at all, for as he has no organs he cannot have any
perception, and since he cannot have any perception he cannot
have any inference either. If it is said that without the supposi-
tion of a God the variety of the world would be inexplicable, this
also is not true, for this implication would only be justified if
there were no other hypothesis left. But there are other supposi-
tions also. Even without an omniscient God you could explain
all things merely by the doctrine of moral order or the law of
karma. If there were one God, there could be a society of Gods
too. You say that if there were many Gods, then there would be
quarrels and differences of opinion. This is like the story of
a miser who for fear of incurring expenses left all his sons and
wife and retired into the forest. When even ants and bees can
co-operate together and act harmoniously, the supposition that if
there were many Gods they would have fallen out, would indicate
that in spite of all the virtues that you ascribe to God you think
his nature to be quite unreliable, if not vicious. Thus in which-
ever way one tries to justify the existence of God he finds that it
is absolutely a hopeless task. The best way then is to dispense
with the supposition altogether 1•
1 See ._r.;arft!arsanasamuccaya, Gu1.1aratna on Jainism, pp. 115-124-.
VI] E mancipati01z 207

Mok~a (emancipation).
The motive which leads a man to strive for release (mok~a) is
the avoidance of pain and the attainment of happiness, for the
state of mukti is the state of the soul in pure happiness. It is
also a state of pure and infinite knowledge (alla1ltajiiiina) and infi-
nite perception (mumtadarsana). In the sarpsara state on account
of the karma veils this purity is sullied, and the veils are only worn
out imperfectly and thus reveal this and that object at this and
that time as ordinary knowledge (mati), testimony (sruta), super-
natural cognition, as in trance or hypnotism (avadlzi), and direct
knowledge of the thoughts of others or thought reading (mmza!z-
paryiiya). In the state of release however there is omniscience
(kevala-jiiaJZa) and all things are simultaneously known to the
perfect (kevalin) as they are. In the sarpsara stage the soul always
acquires new qualities, and thus suffers a continual change though
remaining the same in substance. But in the emancipated stage
the changes that a soul suffers are all exactly the same, and thus
it is that at this stage the soul appears to be the same in substance
as well as in its qualities of infinite knowledge, etc., the change
meaning in this state only the repetition of the same qualities.
It may not be out of place to mention here that though the
karmas of man are constantly determining him in various ways
yet there is in him infinite capacity or power for right action
(anantavirya), so that karma can never subdue this freedom and
infinite capacity, though this may be suppressed from time to time
by the influence of karma. It is thus that by an exercise of this
power man can overcome all karma and become finally liberated.
If man had not this anantavirya in him he might have been eter-
nally under the sway of the accumulated karma which secured
his bondage (balldlta). But since man is the repository of this
indomitable power the karmas can only throw obstacles and
produce sufferings, but can never prevent him from attaining his
highest good.

A Review.
THE examination of the two ancient Nastika schools of
Buddhism and 1ainism of two different types ought to convince
us that serious philosophical speculations were indulged in, in
circles other than those of the U pani~ad sages. That certain
practices known as Yoga were generally prevalent amongst the
wise seems very probable, for these are not only alluded to in some
of the U pani~ads but were accepted by the two nastika schools
of Buddhism and 1ainism. Whether we look at them from the
point of view of ethics or metaphysics, the two N astika schools
appear to have arisen out of a reaction against the sacrificial
disciplines of the Brahma:r:tas. Both these systems originated with
the K!?attriyas and were marked by a strong aversion against the
taking of animal life, and against the doctrine of offering animals
at the sacrifices.
The doctrine of the sacrifices supposed that a suitable com-
bination of rites, rituals, and articles of sacrifice had the magical
power of producing the desired effect-a shower of rain, the
birth of a son, the routing of a huge army, etc. The sacrifices
were enjoined generally not so much for any moral elevation, as
for the achievement of objects of practical welfare. The Vedas
were the eternal revelations which were competent so to dictate
a detailed procedure, that we could by following it proceed on a
certain course of action and refrain from other injurious courses
in such a manner that we might obtain the objects we desired
by the accurate performance of any sacrifice. If we are to define
truth in accordance with the philosophy of such a ritualistic
culture we might say that, that alone is true, in accordance with
which we may realize our objects in the world about us; the truth
of Vedic injunctions is shown by the practical attainment of our
1 This chapter is based on my Study 4 Patanjali, published by the Calcutta

University, anrl my Yoga philosophy in relation to otlzer Indian Systems of thought,

awaiting publication with the same authority. The system has been treated in detail in
those two works.
CH.vn] Buddhi's1n and J ai'ni'sm 209

objects. Truth cannot be determined a pn"ori but depends upon

the test of experience 1•
It is interesting to notice that Buddhism and Jainism though
probably born out of a reactionary movement against this artificial
creed, yet could not but be influenced by some of its fundamental
principles which, whether distinctly formulated or not, were at
least tacitly implied in all sacrificial performances. Thus we see
that Buddhism regarded all production and destruction as being
due to the assemblage of conditions, and defined truth as that
which could produce any effect. But to such a logical extreme
did the Buddhists carry these doctrines that they ended in
formulating the doctrine of absolute momentariness 2• Turning
to the Jains we find that they also regarded the value of know-
ledge as consisting in the help that it offers in securing what is
good for us and avoiding what is evil; truth gives us such an
account of things that on proceeding according to its directions
we may verify it by actual experience. Proceeding on a correct
estimate of things we may easily avail ourselves of what is good
and avoid what is bad. The Jains also believed that changes
were produced by the assemblage of conditions, but they did not
carry this doctrine to its logical extreme. There was change in
the world as well as permanence. The Buddhists had gone so
far that they had even denied the existence of any permanent
soul. The Jains said that no ultimate, one-sided and absolute
view of things could be taken, and held that not only the happening
of events was conditional, but even all our jqdgments, are true
only in a limited sense. This is indeed true for common sense,
which we acknowledge as superior to mere a priori abstrac-
tions, which lead to absolute and one-sided conclusions. By the
assemblage of conditions, old qualities in things disappeared, new
qualities came in, and a part remained permanent. But this
common-sense view, though in agreement with our ordinary
experience, could not satisfy our inner a priori demands for
finding out ultimate truth, which was true not relatively but
absolutely. \Vhen asked whether anything was true, J ainism
1 The philosophy of the Vedas as formulated by the Mimarpsa of Kumarih and

Prabhakara holds the opposite view. Truth according to them is determined a priori
while error is determined by experience.
2 Historically the doctrine of momentariness is probably prior to the doctrine of

a1·thakriyiikaritva. But the later Buddhists sought to prove that momentariness was
the logical result of the doctrine of arthakriyiikiirilz'a.
210 The Kapila and the Pata'izjala Sa1?zkhya [en.
would answer, "yes, this is true from this point of view, but
untrue from that point of view, while that is also true from such
a point of view and untrue from another." Rut such an answer
cannot satisfy the mind which seeks to reach a definite pro-
nouncement, an absolute judgment.
The main departure of the systems of 1ainism and Buddhism
from the sacrificial creed consisted in this, that they tried to formu-
, late a theory of the universe, the reality and the position of sentient
beings and more particularly of man. The sacrificial creed was
busy with individual rituals and sacrifices, and cared for principles
or maxims only so far as they were of use for the actual perform-
ances of sacrifices. Again action with the new systems did not mean
sacrifice but any general action that we always perform. Actions
were here considered bad or good according as they brought
about our moral elevation or not. The followers of the sacrificial
creed refrained from untruth not so much from a sense of personal
degradation, but because the Vedas had dictated that untruth
should not be spoken, and the Vedas must be obeyed. The
sacrificial creed wanted more and more happiness here or in the
other world. The systems of Buddhist and 1ain philosophy turned
their backs upon ordinary happiness and wanted an ultimate and
unchangeable state where all pains and sorrows were for ever
dissolved (Buddhism) or where infinite happiness, ever unshaken,
was realized. A course of right conduct to be followed merely for
the moral elevation of the person had no place in the sacrificial
creed, for with i~ a course of right conduct could be followed
only if it was so dictated in the Vedas. Karma and the fruit of
karma (karmaphala) only meant the karma of sacrifice and its
fruits-temporary happiness, such as was produced as the fruit
of sacrifices; knowledge with them meant only the knowledge of
sacrifice and of the dictates of the Vedas. In the systems how-
ever, karma, karmaphala, happiness, knowledge, all these were
taken in their widest and most universal sense. Happiness or
absolute extinction of sorrow was still the goal, but this was no
narrow sacrificial happiness but infinite and unchangeable happi-
ness or destruction of sorrow; karma was still the way, but not
sacrificial karma, for it meant all moral and immoral actions
performed by us; knowledge here meant the knowledge of truth
or reality and not the knowledge of sacrifice.
Such an advance had however already begun in the Upa-
vn] Sii'J'!Zkhya £n the Upan£~ads 211

ni~ads which had anticipated the new systems in all these

directions. The pioneers of these new systems probably drew
their suggestions both from the sacrificial creed and from the
U pani~ads, and built their systems independently by their own
rational thinking. But if the suggestions of the U pani~ads were
thus utilized by heretics who denied the authority of the Vedas,
it was natural to expect that we should find in the Hindu camp
such germs of rational thinking as might indicate an attempt to
harmonize the suggestions of the U pani~ads and of the sacrificial
creed in such a manner as might lead to the construction of a con-
sistent and well-worked system of thought. Our expectations are
indeed fulfilled in the Sarpkhya philosophy, germs of which may
be discovered in the U pani~ads.
The Germs of Sarp.khya in the Upani~ads.
It is indeed true that in the Upani~ads there is a large number
of texts that describe the ultimate reality as the Brahman, the
infinite, knowledge, bliss, and speak of all else as mere changing
forms and names. The word Brahman originally meant in the
earliest Vedic literature, mantra, duly performed sacrifice, and
also the power of sacrifice which could bring about the desired re-
sult~. In many passages of the U pani~ads this Brahman appears
as the universal and supreme principle from which all others de-
rived their powers. Such a Brahman is sought for in many passages
for personal gain or welfare. But through a gradual process 0f
development the conception of Brahman reached a superior level
in which the reality and truth of the world are tacitly ignored,
and the One, the infinite, knowledge, the real is regarded as the
only Truth. This type of thought gradually developed into the
monistic Vedanta as explained by Sankara. But there was
another line of thought which was developing alongside of it,
which regarded the world as having a reality and as being made
up of water, fire, and earth. There are also passages in Sveta-
svatara and particularly in Maitrayat;l from which it appears
that the Sarpkhya line of thought had considerably developed, and
many of its technical terms were already in use 2• But the date
of Maitrayat;l has not yet been definitely settled, and the details
1 See Hillebrandt's article, "Brahman'' (E. R. E.).
2 Ka!ha III. 10, v. 7· Sveta. v. 7, 8, 12, IV. s, I. 3· This has been dealt with in
detail in my Yoga Philosophy in relation to other bzdian Systems of Thought, in the first
212 The Kap£la and the Patanjala Sii'J!zkhya [cH.
found there are also not such that we can form a distinct notion
of the Sarpkhya thought as it developed in the U pani~ads. It is
not improbable that at this stage of development it also gave
some suggestions to Buddhism or 1ainism, but the Sarpkhya-Yoga
philosophy as we now get it is a system in which are found all
the results of Buddhism and 1ainism in such a manner that it
unites the doctrine of permanence of the U pani~ads with the
doctrine of momentariness of the Buddhists and the doctrine of
relativism of the 1ains.

Sarp.khya and Yoga Literature.

The main exposition of the system of Sarpkhya and Yoga in
this section has been based on the Sii1ttkhya kiirikii, the SiiJtt-
khya sutras, and the Yoga szttras of Patafijali with their commen-
taries and sub-commentaries. The SiiJtzklzya kiirikii (about
200 A.D.) was written by Isvarakr~J:ta. The account of Sarpkhya
given by Caraka (78 A.D.) represents probably an earlier school and
this has been treated separately. Vacaspati Misra (ninth century
A.D.) wrote a commentary on it known as Tattvakaumudi. But
before him Gam;Japada and Raja wrote commentaries on the
Sii1tzkhya kiirika 1• N arayar:tatlrtha wrote his Candrikii on Gam;Ja-
pada's commentary. The Smtzklzya siltras which have been com-
mented on by Vijfiana Bhik~u (called Pravacanabhti~ya) of the
sixteenth century seems to be a work of some unknown author
after the ninth century. Aniruddha of the latter half of the
fifteenth century was the first man to write a commentary on the
Sii1ttkhya siitras. Vijfiana Bhik~u wrote also another elementary
work on Sarpkhya known as Siilttkhyasiira. Another short work
of late origin is Tattvasamiisa (probably fourteenth century). Two
other works on Sarpkhya, viz. Slmananda's SiiJttkhyatattvavivecana
and Bhavagal)esa's SiiJttklzyatattvayiithiirth;,adipana (both later
than Vijfianabhik~u) of real philosophical value have also been
freely consulted. Patar1jali's Yoga siitra (not earlier than 147 B.C.)
was commented on by Vyasa (400 A.D.) and Vyasa's bha~ya
commented on by Vacaspati Misra is called Tattvavaisiiradi,
by Vijnana Bhik~u Yogaviirttika, by Bhoja in the tenth century
Bhojavrtti, and by Nagesa (seventeenth century) Chayiivyizklzyii.
I I suppose that Raja's commentary on the Aarikii was the same as Riijaviirttika
quoted by Vacaspati. Raja's commentary on the Aarikii has been referred to by
Jayanta in his Nyiiyamafijari, p. 109. This book is probably now lost.
vn] Sii'J!zkhya in Caraka 213

Amongst the modern works to which I owe an obligation I may

mention the two treatises Mechanical,physical and clzemical theories
of the A ncz'ent Hindus and the Positive Sciences oftlze Ancient Hindus
by Dr B. N. Seal and my two works on Yoga Study ofP atanjali pub-
lished by the Calcutta University, and Yoga Philosoplzy ill relatioJl,
to other Indian SystemsofTizoughtwhich is shortly to be published,
and my Natural Pltilosoplzy of the Ancient Hindus, awaiting publi-
cation with the Calcutta University.
Gm:taratna mentions two other authoritative Sarpkhya works,
viz. 1lfiifharabha~ya and A treyatantra. Of these the second is
probably the same as Caraka's treatment of Sarpkhya, for we know
that the sage Atri is the speaker in Caraka's work and for that it
was called A treyasmtzlzita or A treyatantra. Nothing is known
of the fofat!tarabhii~ya 1 •

An Early School of Saf!1khya.

It is important for the history of Sarpkhya philosophy that
Caraka's treatment of it, which so far as I know has never been
dealt with in any of the modern studies of Sarpkhya, should
be brought before the notice of the students of this philosophy.
According to Caraka there are six elements (dhatus), viz. the
five elements such as akasa, vayu etc. and cetana, called also
puru~a. From other points of view, the categories may be said to
be twenty-four only, viz. the ten senses (five cognitive and five
conative), manas, the five objects of senses and the eightfold
prakrti tprakrti, mahat, aharpkara and the five elements ) 2• The
manas works through the senses. It is atomic and its existence
is proved by the fact that in spite of the existence of the senses
there cannot be any knowledge unless manas is in touch with
them. There are two movements of manas as indeterminate
sensing (ztha) and conceiving( vicara) before definite understanding
(buddhi) arises. Each of the five senses is the product of the
combination of five elements but the auditory sense is made with
a preponderance of akasa, the sense of touch with a preponderance
1 Readers unacquainted with Sarpkhya-Yoga may omit the following three sections

at the time of first reading.

2 Puru!ja is here excluded from the list. Cakrapal).i, the commentator, says that
the prakrti and puru!ja both being unmanifested, the two together have been counted
as one. Prak[!ivyatiriktaiicodiisi1laf!l puru{amazryaktatvasiidharmyiit avyaktiiyiim
prakrtiiveva prak{ipya avyaktafahdmai'va grh1J.iiti. Harinatha Vi~arada's edition of
Caraka, Siirira, p. 4·
214 The Kapila and the Pata1ijala Sii'J!zkhya [en.
of air, the visual sense with a preponderance of light, the taste with
a preponderance of water and the sense of smell with a preponder-
ance of earth. Caraka does not mention the tanmatras at all 1• The
conglomeration of the sense-objects (iudri'yiirtlta) or gross matter,
the ten senses, manas, the five subtle bhiitas and prakrt~, mahat
and aharpkara taking place through rajas make up what we call
man. \Vhen the sattva is at its height this conglomeration ceases.
All karma, the fruit of karma, cognition, pleasure, pain, ignorance,
life and death belongs to this conglomeration. But there is also
the puru~a, for had it not been so there would be no birth, death,
bondage, or salvation. If the atman were not regarded as cause,
all illuminations of cognition would be without any reason. If a
permanent self were not recognized, then for the work of one
others would be responsible. This puru~a, called also paramiitman,
is beginningless and it has no cause beyond itself. The self is in
itself without consciousness. Consciousness can only come to it
through its connection with the sense organs and manas. By
ignorance, will,antipathy, and work, this conglomeration of puru~a
and the other elements takes place. Knowledge, feeling, or action,
cannot be produced without this combination. All positive effects
are due to conglomerations of causes and not by a single cause, but
all destruction comes naturally and without cause. That which
is eternal is never the product of anything. Caraka identifies the
avyakta part of prakrti with puru~a as forming one category.
The vikara or evolutionary products of prakrti are called k!?etra,
whereas the avyakta part of prakrti is regarded as the k~etrajila
(avyaktamasya k~etrasya k~etrajfiam.r~ayo vidult). This avyakta
and cetana are one and the same entity. From this unmanifested
prakrti or cetana is derived the buddhi, and from the buddhi is
derived the ego (alzm!tkiira) and from the aharpkara the five
elements and the senses are produced, and when this production
is complete, we say that creation has taken place. At the time
of pralaya (periodical cosmic dissolution) all the evolutes return
back to prakrti, and thus become unmanifest with it, whereas at the
time of a new creation from the puru~a the unmanifest (avyakta),
all the manifested forms-the evolutes of buddhi, aharpkara, etc.-
1 But some sort of subtle matter, different from gross matter, is referred to as
forming part of prakrti which is regarded as having eight elements in it (prakrtifcii·
~!adlliitukl), viz. avyakta, mahat, aha1pkara, and five other elements. In addition to these
elements forming part of the prakrti we hear of indriyartha, the five sense objects
which have evolved out of the prakrti.
vn] Sa1?zkhya in Caraka 215

appear 1• This cycle of births or rebirths or of dissolution and

new creation acts through the influence of rajas and tamas, and
so those who can get rid of these two will never again suffer this
revolution in a cycle. The manas can only become active in asso-
ciation with the self, which is the real agent. This self of itself takes
rebirth in all kinds of lives according to its own wish, undeter-
mined by anyone else. It works according to its own free will
and reaps the fruits of its karma. Though all the souls are pervasive,
yet they can only perceive in particular bodies where they are
associated with their own specific senses. All pleasures and pains
are felt by the conglomeration (nisi), and not by the atman pre-
siding over it. From the enjoyment and suffering of pleasure and
pain comes desire (tr~1Jii) consisting of wish and antipathy, and
from desire again comes pleasure and pain. Mok!?a means complete
cessation of pleasure and pain, arising through the association
of the self with the man as, the sense, and sense-objects. If the
manas is settled steadily in the self, it is the state of yoga when
there is neither pleasure nor pain. When true knowledge dawns
that "all are produced by causes, are transitory, rise of them-
selves, but are not produced by the self and are sorrow, and do
not belong to me the self," the self transcends all. This is the last
renunciation when all affections and knowledge become finally
extinct. There remains no indication of any positive existence
of the self at this time, and the self can no longer be perceived 2•
It is the state of Brahman. Those who know Brahman call this
state the Brahman, which is eternal and absolutely devoid of any
characteristic. This state is spoken of by the Sarpkhyas as their
goal, and also that of the Yogins. \Vhen rajas and tamas are
rooted out and the karma of the past whose fruits have to be
enjoyed are exhausted, and there is no new karma and new birth,
This passage has been differently explained in a commentary previous to Cakra-
pal).i as meaning that at the time of death these resolve back into the prakrti-the
puru!ja-and at the time of rebirth they become manifest again. See Cakrapal)i on
sarira, I. 46.
Though this state is called brahmabhi1ta, it is not in any sense like the Brahman
of Vedanta which is of the nature of pure being, pure intelligence and pure bliss. This
indescribable state is more like absolute annihilation without any sign of existence
(alakfm:zam), resembling Nagarjuna's Nirval)a. Thus Caraka writes :-tasmi'!zfcarama-
sannyiise samulii!zsarvavedanii!l asa'!tJiiiijiiiillavijiiiinii nivrttiJ?t yiintyafqata!z. ata!l·
paraJtz brallmabllitto blnltiitmii nopalabllyate ni!lsrta!z sarvabhiivebhya!l cihtza?!l yasya
na vid;·ate. gatirbrahmavidii'!l bralulla tacciikfaramalakfa~zam. Caraka, Siirira 1.
216 The Kapila and the Pataiijala Sa1?zkhya [cu.
the state of mok~:;a comes about. Various kinds of moral en-
deavours in the shape of association with good people, abandoning
of desires, determined attempts at discovering the truth with fixed
attention, are spoken of as indispensable means. Truth (tattva)
thus discovered _should be recalled again and again 1 and this will
ultimately effect the disunion of the body with the self. As the
self is avyakta (unmanifested) and has no specific nature or
character, this state can only be described as absolute cessation
( mok~e nivrttirni!de~ii).
The main features of the Sarpkhya doctrine as given by Caraka
are thus: 1. Puru~a is the state of avyakta. 2. By a conglomera-
of this avyakta with its later products a conglomeration is formed
which generates the so-called living being. 3· The tanmatras are
not mentioned. 4· Rajas and tamas represent the bad states of
the mind and sattva the good ones. 5· The ultimate state of
emancipation is either absolute annihilation or characterless abso-
lute existence and it is spoken of as the Brahman state; there is
no consciousness in this state, for consciousness is due to the con-
glomeration of the self with its evolutes, buddhi, aharpkara etc.
6. The senses are formed of matter (blzautika).
This account of Sarpkhya agrees with the system of Sarpkhya
propounded by Pancasikha (who is said to be the direct pupil of
Asuri the pupil of Kapila, the founder of the system) in the
Mahabharata XII. 219. Paficasikha of course does not describe
the system as elaborately as Caraka does. But even from what
little he says it may be supposed that the system of Sarpkhya
he sketches is the same as that of Caraka 2• Paficasikha speaks
of the ultimate truth as being avyakta (a term applied in all
Sarpkhya literature to prakrti) in the state of puru~a (puru~ii­
vastlzamavyaktam). If man is the product of a mere combination
of the different elements, then one may assume that all ceases
with death. Caraka in answer to such an objection introduces a
discussion, in which he tries to establish the existence of a self as
the postulate of all our duties and sense of moral responsibility.
The same discussion occurs in Paficasikha also, and the proofs
1 Four causes are spoken of here as being causes of memory: (1) Thinking of the
cause leads to the remembering of the effect, (2) by similarity, (3) by opposite things,
and (4) Ly acute attempt to remember.
2 Some European scholars have experienced great difficulty in accepting Pafi-

casikha's doctrine as a genuine Satpkhya doctrine. This may probably be due to the
fact that the Sarpkhya doctrines sketched in Caraka did not attract their notice.
vn] Sii1fzkhya of Paiicafikha and Caraka 217

for the existence of the self are also the same. Like Caraka again
Pancasikha also says that all consciousness is due to the conditions
of the conglomeration of our physical body mind,-and the
element of "cetas." They are mutually independent, and by such
independence carry on the process of life and work. None of the
phenomena produced by such a conglomeration are self. All our
suffering comes in because we think these to be the self. Mok~a
is realized when we can practise absolute renunciation of these
phenomena. The guryas described by Paficasikha are the different
kinds of good and bad qualities of the mind as Caraka has it.
The state of the conglomeration is spoken of as the k~etra, as
Caraka says, and there is no annihilation or eternality; and the
last state is described as being like that when all rivers lose
themselves in the ocean and it is called alinga (without any
characteristic)-a term reserved for prakrti in later Sarpkhya.
This state is attainable by the doctrine of ultimate renuncia-
tion which is also called the doctrine of complete destruction
( sanzyagbadha ).
Guryaratna (fourteenth century A.D.), a commentator of $a¢-
darsmzasamuccaya, mentions two schools of Sarpkhya, the
Maulikya (original) and the Uttara or (later) 1• Of these the
doctrine of the Maulikya Sarpkhya is said to be that which
believed that there was a separate pradhana for each atman
(maulikyasii1[lkhyti lzytitmtinamiitmiinam prati prtlzak pradlztinam
vadanti). This seems to be a reference to the Sarpkhya doctrine
I have just sketched. I am therefore disposed to think that this
represents the earliest systematic doctrine of Sarpkhya.
In Jtiahtibhtirata XII. 3 1 8 three schools of Sarpkhya are
mentioned, viz. those who admitted twenty-four categories (the
school I have sketched above), those who admitted twenty-
five (the well-known orthodox Sarpkhya system) and those who
admitted twenty-six categories. This last school admitted a
supreme being in addition to puru~a and this was the twenty-sixth
principle. This agrees with the orthodox Yoga system and the
form of Sarpkhya advocated in the M alzablzarata. The schools of
Sarpkhya of twenty-four and twenty-five categories are here
denounced as unsatisfactory. Doctrines similar to the school of
Sarpkhya we have sketched above are referred to in some of the

1 Gul)aratna's Tarkarahasyadipikii, p. 99·

218 The Kapila and the Piitafijala Sa??Zkhya [cH.
other chapters of the Mahiibhiirata (XII. 203, 204). The self
apart from the body is described as the moon of the new moon
day; it is said that as Rahu (the shadow on the sun during an
eclipse) cannot be seen apart from the sun, so the self cannot be
seen apart from the body. The selfs (Sariri?ta!z) are spoken of as
manifesting from prakrti.
We do not know anything about A.suri the direct disciple
of Kapil a 1• But it seems probable that the system of Sarpkhya
we have sketched here which appears in fundamentally the same
form in the 111ahiiblziirata and has been attributed there to Pafi-
casikha is probably the earliest form of Sarpkhya available to us
in a systematic form. Not only does GmJaratna's reference to the
school of Maulikya Sarpkhya justify it, but the fact that Caraka
(78 A.D.) does not refer to the Sarpkhya as described by Isvarak-
f~J!a and referred to in other parts of M ahiibhiirata is a definite
proof that Isvarakr~l!a's Sarpkhya is a later modification, which
was either non-existent in Caraka's time or was not regarded as
an authoritative old Sarpkhya view.
Wassilief says quoting Tibetan sources that Vindhyavasin al-
tered the Sarpkhya according to his own views 2• Takakusu thinks
that Vindhyavasin was a title oflsvarakr~J!a 3 and Garbe holds that
the date of lsvarakr~l!a was about 100 A.D. It seems to be a very
plausible view that lsvarakr~J!a was indebted for his karikas to
another work, which was probably written in a style different
from what he employs. The seventh verse of his Kiirikii seems to
be in purport the same as a passage which is found quoted in the
1 A verse attributed to Asuri is quoted by Gm;aratna (Tarkarahasyadipikii, p. IO.J.)·
The purport of this verse is that when buddhi is transformed in a particular manner,
it (puru~a) has experience. It is like the reflection of the moon in transparent water.
Vassilief's Buddhismus, p. '2-J.O.
Takakusu's "A study of Paramartha's life of Vasubandhu," J. R. A. S., 1905.
This identification by Takakusu, however, appears to be extremely doubtful, for
GuQaratna mentions isvarakr~Qa and Vindhyavasin as two different authorities ( Tarka-
rahasyadipika, pp. 102 and 104)· The verse quoted from Vindhyavasin (p. IO.J.) in
anu~~ubh metre cannot be traced as belonging to isvarakr~Qa. It appears that isvara-
kn•Da wrote two books; one is the Siimkhya kiirikii and another an independent work
on S:'ilpkhya, a line from which, quoted by Gm;aratna, stands as follows:
"Pratim"yatadh;•avasiiya!t srotriidisamuttha adhyak~am" (p. 108).
If Vacaspati's interpretation of the classification of anumana in his Tattvakaumudi
be considered to be a correct explanation of Siil?tkhya kiirikii then Isvarakr~Qa must be
a different person from Vindhyavasin whose views on anumana as referred to in
Slokaviirttika, p. 393, are altogether different. But Vacaspati's own statement in the
Tiitparyya{ikii (pp. 109 and 131) shows that his treatment there was not faithful.
vn] lsvarakrr;;ta' s Sa1?Zkhya 219

Mahabhiilj'a of Patafijali the grammarian (147 B.C.) 1• The subject

of the two passages are the enumeration of reasons which frustrate
visual perception. This however is not a doctrine concerned with
the strictly technical part of Saqtkhya, and it is just possible
that the book from which Patafijali quoted the passage, and which
was probably paraphrased in the Arya metre by Isvarakr~rya
was not a Saqtkhya book at all. But though the subject of the
verse is not one of the strictly technical parts of Saqtkhya, yet
since such an enumeration is not seen in any other system of
Indian philosophy, and as it has some special bearing as a safe-
guard against certain objections against the Saqtkhya doctrine of
prakrti, the natural and plausible supposition is that it was the
verse of a Saqtkhya book which was paraphrased by Isvarakpjrya.
The earliest descriptions of a Saqtkhya which agrees with
Isvarakr~rya's Saqtkhya (but with an addition of ISvara) are to be
found in Patafijali's Yoga siitras and in the Jl;fahabharata; but we
are pretty certain that the Saqtkhya of Caraka we have sketched
here was known to Patafijali, for in Yoga siitra I. 19 a reference is
made to a view of Saqtkhya similar to this.
From the point of view of history of philosophy the Saqtkhya
of Caraka and Paficasikha is very important; for it shows a
transitional stage of thought between the U pani~ad ideas and
the orthodox Saqtkhya doctrine as represented by Isvarakr~rya.
On the one hand its doctrine that the senses are material, and
that effects are produced only as a result of collocations, and that
the puru~a is unconscious, brings it in close relation with Nyaya,
and on the other its connections with Buddhism seem to be nearer
than the orthodox Saqtkhya.
We hear of a $a~{itmztrasastra as being one of the oldest Saqt-
khya works. This is described in the Ahirbudh11ya Smtzlzitii as
containing two books of thirty-two and twenty-eight chapters 2•
A quotation from Rajavarttika (a work about which there is no
definite information) in Vacaspati Misra's commentary on the
Sii1tzkhya kari'ka(72) says that it was called the S~!itantra because
it dealt with the existence of prakrti, its oneness, its difference
from puru~as, its purposefulness for puru~as, the multiplicity of
puru~as, connection and separation from puru~as, the evolution of

1 Pataiijali's Mahabha~ya, IV. I. 3· Atisalmz"kar~adativipmkar~iit murttyantam-

vyavadhiiniit tamasavrtatviit indriyadaurvalyiidatijwamiidat, etc. (Benares edition.)

2 Ahirbudhnya Saltlhita, pp. 108, 110.
220 The Kapila and the Patanjala Siif!Zkhya [cH.
the categories, the inactivity of the puru!?as and the fivevi'paryyayas,
nine tu~fi's, the defects of organs of twenty-eight kinds, and the
eight siddhis 1•
But the content of the $a~fi'tantra as given in Alzirbudhnya
Smtthitiiis different from it, and itappearsfrom it that theSarpkhya
of the $a~fitantra referred to in the Ahi'rbudlmya Smtzhitii was of
a theistic character resembling the doctrine of the Paficaratra
Vai!?l).avas and the Alzirbudlmya Smrzlzitii says that Kapila's
theory of Sarpkhya was a Vai~l).ava one. Vijfiana Bhik!?u, the
greatest expounder of Sarpkhya, says in many places of his work
Vi_;i'liiniim_rtaBha~ya thatSarpkhya was originally theistic, and that
the atheistic Sarpkhya is only a prau¢kiviida (an exaggerated
attempt to show that no supposition of Isvara is necessary to
explain the world process) though the JJfahiibhiirata points out
that the difference between Sarpkhya and Yoga is this, that the
former is atheistic, while the latter is theistic. The discrepancy
between the two accounts of $a~fi'tantra suggests that the original
$a~fitantra as referred to in the AIU:rbudlmya Smttlzitii was sub-
sequently revised and considerably changed. This supposition is
corroborated by the fact that Gul).aratna does not mention among
the important Sarpkhya works $a~fitantra but $a~{i"tantroddhiira
1 The doctrine of the viparyyaya, tu!{i, defects of organs, and the siddhi are men-

tioned in the Karika of Isvarakr~l)a, but I have omitted them in my account of

Sarpkhya as these have little philosophical importance. The viparyyaya (false know-
ledge) are five, viz. avidya (ignorance), asmita (egoism), raga (attachment), dve~a (anti-
pathy), abhinive5a (self-love), which are also called tamo, moha, mahamoha, tamisra,
and andhatamisra. These are of nine kinds of tu~~i, such as the idea that no exertion
is necessary, since prakrti will herself bring our salvation (ambhas), that it is not
necessary to meditate, for it is enough if we renounce the householder's life (salila),
that there is no hurry, salvation will come in time (megha), that salvation will be
worked out by fate (bhagya), and the contentment leading to renunciation proceeding
from five kinds of causes, e.g. the troubles of earning (para), the troubles of protecting
the earned money (supara), the natural waste of things earned by enjoyment (para-
para), increase of desires leading to greater disappointments (anuttamambhas), all gain
leads to the injury of others (uttamambhas). This renunciation proceeds from external
considerations with those who consider prakrti and its evolutes as the self. The
siddhis or ways of success are eight in number, viz. (1) reading of scriptures (tara),
(2) enquiry into their meaning (sutara), (3) proper reasoning (taratara), (4) corrobo-
rating one's own ideas with the ideas of the teachers and other workers of the same
field {ramyaka), (5) clearance of the mind by long-continued practice (sadiimudita).
The three other siddhis called pramoda, mudita, and modamana lead directly to the
separation of the prak~ti from the puru~a. The twenty-eight sense defects are the
eleven defects of the eleven senses and seventeen kinds of defects of the understanding
corresponding to the absence of siddhis and the presence of tu~!is. The viparyyayas,
tu~!is and the defects of the organs are hindrances in the way of the achievement of
the Sarpkhya goal.
vn] Changes £n the Sa1!zkhya doctrine 221

(revised edition of $a~fitantra) 1 • Probably the earlier $a~titantra

was lost even before Vacaspati's time.
""f- If we believe the $a~titantra referred to in the Ahirbudluzya
Sa1rzhitii to be in all essential parts the same work which was
composed by Kapila and based faithfully on his teachings, then it
has to be assumed that Kapila's Sarpkhya was theistic 2• It seems
probable that his disciple Asuri tried to popularise it. But it seems
that a great change occurred when Paficasikha the disciple of
Asuri came to deal with it. For we know that his doctrine
differed from the traditional one in many important respects. It
is said in Sa1tzkhya kiirikii (70) that the literature was divided by
him into many parts (tena bahudhiikrtam tantram). The exact
meaning of this reference is difficult to guess. It might mean that
the original $a~fz"tantra was rewritten by him in various treatises.
It is a well-known fact that most of the schools of Vai~l).avas
accepted the form of cosmology which is the same in most essen-
tial parts as the Sarpkhya cosmology. This justifies the assump-
tion that Kapila's doctrine was probably theistic. But there are
a few other points of difference between the Kapila and the
Pataftjala Sarpkhya (Yoga). The only supposition that may
be ventured is that Paficasikha probably modified Kapila's
work in an atheistic way and passed it as Kapila's work. If this
supposition is held reasonable, then we have three strata of
Sarpkhya, first a theistic one, the details of which are lost, but
which is kept in a modified form by the Patafijala school of Sarp-
khya, second an atheistic one as represented by Paficasikha, and
a third atheistic modification as the orthodox Sarpkhya system.
An important change in the Sarpkhya doctrine seems to have
been introduced by Vijfiana Bhik~u (sixteenth century A.D.) by his
treatment of gul).as as types of reals. I have myself accepted this
interpretation of Sarpkhya as the most rational and philosophical
one, and have therefore followed it in giving a connected system
of the accepted Kapila and the Patafijala school of Sarpkhya. But
it must be pointed out that originally the notion of gul).aS was
applied to different types of good and bad mental states, and then
they were supposed in some mysterious way by mutual increase
and decrease to form the objective world on the one hand and the
1 Tarkarahasyadfpika, p. 109.
2 eva?!l ~atjvimfaka'!z pnihul; farframih mii1zava!; Sti'f!zkhyam Saf!Zkhytitmakatvticca
kapiladiblzirucyate. Jl,fatsyapura1Ja, IV. 28.
222 The Kapila and the Pata1zjala Sii1fzkhya [cH.
totality of human psychosis on the other. A systematic explana-
nation of the guryas was attempted in two different lines by
Vijfiana Bhik~u and the Vai~ryava writer Venkata 1• As the Yoga
philosophy compiled by Patafijali and commented on by Vyasa,
Vacaspati and Vijt1ana Bhik~u, agree with the Sarpkhya doctrine
as explained by Vacaspati and Vijftana Bhik~u in most points I
have preferred to call them the Kapila and the Patafijala schools
of Sarpkhya and have treated them together-a principle which
was followed by Haribhadra in his $a¢darsanasamuccaya.
The other important Sarpkhya teachers mentioned by Gauc;la-
pada are San aka, Sananda, Sanatana and Voc;lhu. Nothing is
J{nown about their historicity or doctrines.

SaiJlkhya karika, Satpkhya siitra, Vacaspati Misra and

Vijnana Bhikl?u.
A word of explanation is necessary as regards my inter-
pretation of the Sarpkhya-Yoga system. The Siitttkhya kiirikii is
the oldest Sarpkhya text on which we have commentaries by
later writers. The Siil?Zklzya siltra was not referred to by any
writer until it was commented upon by Aniruddha (fifteenth
century A.D.). Even Guryaratna of the fourteenth century A.D. who
made allusions to a number of Sarpkhya works, did not make any
reference to the SiiJtzklzya siitra, and no other writer who is known
to have flourished before Guryaratna seems to have made any
reference to the SiiJtzkhya siitra. The natural conclusion therefore
is that these siitras were probably written some time after
the fourteenth century. But there is no positive evidence to
prove that it was so late a work as the fifteenth century. It is
said at the end of the SiiJ?zkhya kiirikii of Isvarakr~Da that the
karikas give an exposition of the Sarpkhya doctrine excluding
the refutations of the doctrines of other people and excluding the
parables attached to the original Sarpkhya works-the $a~{itmz­
trasiistra. The Siiltzklzya siitras contain refutations of other doc-
trines and also a number of parables. It is not improbable that
these were collected from some earlier Sarpkhya work which is
now lost to us. It may be that it was done from some later edition
of the $a~{itantrasiistra ( Sa~fita1ltroddlziira as mentioned by
1 Venka~a's philosop'hv will be dealt with in the second volume of the present
vn] 223

Gut)aratna), but this is a mere conjecture. There is no reason to

suppose that the Sarpkhya doctrine found in the siitras differs in
any important way from the Sarpkhya doctrine as found in the
Sii1?zkhya ktirikti. The only point of importance is this, that the
Sii1!tkhya sittras hold that when the U pani~ads spoke of one ab-
solute pure intelligence they meant to speak of unity as involved
in the class of intelligent puru~as as distinct from the class of
the guryas. As all puru!;)as were of the nature of pure intelligence,
they were spoken of in the U pani~ads as one, for they all form
the category or class of pure intelligence, and hence may in some
sense be regarded as one. This compromise cannot be found in
the Sti'f!lkhya kiirikti. This is, however, a case of omission and not
of difference. Vijfiana Bhik~u, the commentator of the Sii1!Z-
kll)'a sittra, was more inclined to theistic Sarpkhya or Yoga than
to atheistic Sarpkhya. This is proved by his own remarks in
his Sti1?tkhyapravacmzabha~ya, Yogavtirttika, and Vijizaniim_rta-
bhiisya (an independent commentary on the Brahmasiitras of
Badarayat)a on theistic Sarpkhya lines). Vijfiana Bhik~u's own
view could not properly be called a thorough Yoga view, for he
agreed more with the views of the Sarpkhya doctrine of the
Puraryas, where both the diverse puru~as and the prakrti are said
to be merged in the end in Isvara, by whose will the creative
process again began in the prakrti at the end of each pralaya.
He could not avoid the distinctively atheistic arguments of the
Sli1?tklzya sittras, but he remarked that these were used only with
a view to showing that the Sarpkhya system gave such a rational
explanation that even without the intervention of an Isvara it could
explain all facts. Vijfiana Bhik~u in his interpretation of Sarpkhya
differed on many points from those of Vacaspati, and it is difficult
to say who is right. Vijfiana Bhik~u has this advantage that
he has boldly tried to give interpretations on some difficult points
on which Vacaspati remained silent. I refer principally to the
nature of the conception of the gut)aS, which I believe is the most
important thing in Sarpkhya. Viji'iana Bhik~u described the
gut)aS as reals or super-subtle substances, but Vacaspati and
GaU<;lapada (the other commentator of the Sti1tzkhya kiirikti)
remained silent on the point. There is nothing, however, in their
interpretations which would militate against the interpretation of
Vijfiana Bhik~u, but yet while they were silent as to any definite
explanations regarding the nature of the gut)as, Bhik~u definitely
224 The Kapila and the Patanjala Sii??Zkhya · [cH.
came forward with a very satisfactory and rational interpretation
of their nature.
Since no definite explanation of the gm;as is found in any
other work before Bhik!?u, it is quite probable that this matter
may not have been definitely worked out before. Neither Caraka
nor the fofa!tiibhiirata explains the nature of the gut)as. But
Bhik!?u's interpretation suits exceedingly well all that is known
of the manifestations and the workings of the gul!as in all early
documents. I have therefore accepted the interpretation of Bhik~u
in giving my account of the nature of the gul!as. The Kiirikii
speaks of the gul!as as being of the nature of pleasure, pain, and
dullness (sattva, rajas and tamas). It also describes sattva as
being light and illuminating, rajas as of the nature of ener.gy and
causing motion, and tamas as heavy and obstructing. Vacaspati
merely paraphrases this statement of theKarikii but does not enter
into any further explanations. Bhik!?u's interpretation fits in well
with all that is known of the gut)as, though it is quite possible
that this view might not have been known before, and when the
original Sarpkhya doctrine was formulated there was a real vague-
ness as to the conception of the gut! as.
There are some other points in which Bhik~u's interpretation
differs from that of Vacaspati. The most important of these may
be mentioned here. The first is the nature of the connection of
the buddhi states with the puru!?a. Vacaspati holds that there is
no contact (sm!zyoga) of any buddhi state with the puru~a but that
a reflection of the puru!?a is caught in the state of buddhi by
virtue of which the buddhi state becomes intelligized and trans-
formed into consciousness. Rut this view is open to the objection
that it does not explain how the puru!?a can be said to be the
experiencer of the conscious states of the buddhi, for its reflection
in the buddhi is merely an image, and there cannot be an ex-
perience (blzoga) on the basis of that image alone without any
actual connection of the puru!?a with the buddhi. The answer of
Vacaspati Misra is that there is no contact of the two in space
and time, but that their proximity (samzidlzi) means only a specific
kind of fitness (yogyata) by virtue of which the puru~a, though it
remains aloof, is yet felt to be united and identified in the buddhi,
and as a result of that the states of the buddhi appear as ascribed
to a person. Vijftana Bhik~u differs from Vacaspati and says that
if such a special kind of fitness be admitted, then there is no
vn] Interpretations of Bhik~u and Vacaspati 225

reason why puru~a should be deprived of such a fitness at the time

of emancipation, and thus there would be no emancipation at all,
for the fitness being in the puru~a, he could not be divested of it,
and he would continue to enjoy the experiences represented in
the buddhi for ever. Vijftana Bhik~u thus holds that there is a
real contact of the puru~a with the buddhi state in any cognitive
state. Such a contact of the puru~a and the buddhi does not
necessarily mean that the former will be liable to change on
account of it, for contact and change are not synonymous. Change
means the rise of new qualities. It is the buddhi which suffers
changes, and when these changes are reflected in the puru~a, there
is the notion of a person or experiencer in the puru~a, and when
the puru~a is reflected back in the buddhi the buddhi state appears
as a conscious state. The second, is the difference between
Vacaspati and Bhik~u as regards the nature of the perceptual
process. Bhik~u thinks that the senses can directly perceive the
determinate qualities of things without any intervention of man as,
whereas Vacaspati ascribes to manas the power of arranging the
sense-data in a definite order and of making the indeterminate
sense-data determinate. With him the first stage of cognition is
the stage when indeterminate sense materials are first presented, at
the next stage there is assimilation, differentiation, and association
by which the indeterminate materials are ordered and classified
by the activity of manas called sarpkalpa which coordinates the
indeterminate sense materials into determinate perceptual and
conceptual forms as class notions with particular characteristics.
Bhik~u who supposes that the determinate character of things is
directly perceived by the senses has necessarily to assign a sub-
ordinate position to manas as being only the faculty of desire,
doubt, and imagination.
It may not be out of place to mention here that there are
one or two passages in Vacaspati's commentary on the Sa1?zklzya
kiirikii which seem to suggest that he considered the ego (ahm!l-
ktira) as producing the subjective series of the senses and the
objective series of the external world by a sort of desire or will,
but he did not work out this doctrine, and it is therefore not
necessary to enlarge upon it. There is also a difference of view
with regard to the evolution of the tanmatras from the mahat;
for contrary to the view of T/ytisabha~ya and Vijftana Bhik~u etc.
Vacaspati holds that from the mahat there was aharpkara and
226 The Kapila a1ld the Patanjala SiiJ?zkhya [cH.
from aharpkara the tanmatras 1• Vijfiana Bhik-?u however holds that
both the separation of aharpkara and the evolution ofthetanmatras
take place in the mahat, and as this appeared to me to be more
reasonable, I have followed this interpretation. There are some
other minor points of difference about the Yoga doctrines between
Vacaspati and Bhik-?u which are not of much philosophical
Yoga and Patanjali.
The word yoga occurs in the Rg-Veda in various senses such
as yoking or harnessing, achieving the unachieved, connection,
and the like. The sense of yoking is not so frequent as the
other senses; but it is nevertheless true that the word was
used in this sense in Rg-Veda and in such later Vedic works as
the Satapatha Brahmat!a and the Brhadarat!yaka U pani!?ad 2 • The
word has another derivative'' yugya" in later Sanskrit literature 3 •
vVith the growth of religious and philosophical ideas in the
Rg-Veda, we find that the religious austerities were generally very
much valued. Tapas (asceticism) and brahmacarya (the holy vow
of celibacy and life-long study) were regarded as greatest virtues
and considered as being productive of the highest power 4•
As these ideas of asceticism and self-control grew the force
of the flying passions was felt to be as uncontrollable as that of
a spirited steed, and thus the word yoga which was originally
applied to the control of steeds began to be applied to the control
of the senses 5•
In Pat!ini's time the word yoga had attained its technical
meaning, and he distinguished this root "yuj samiidhau" (yuj
in the sense of concentration) from "yujir yoge" (root yujir in
the sense of connecting). Yz~j in the first sense is seldom used as
a verb. It is more or less an imaginary root for the etymological
derivation of the word yoga 6 •
1 See my Study of Patmzjali, p. 6oft.
Compare R.V. I. 34· 9/VII. 67. 8/III. 27. II/X. 30. II/X. I I4. 9/IV. '24. 4/I. 5·
3/I. 30. 7 ; Satapatha Brahmal)a I 4· 7. 1. 1 1.
3 It is probably an old word of the Aryan stock; compare German Joch, A.S.

geoc, Latin jugum.

4 See Chandogya 111. 17. 4; B!·h. I. '2. 6; Brh. 111. 8. Io; Taitt. I. 9· I/111. '2. Ifill.

3· 1; Taitt. Brah. II. '2. 3· .~; R.V. x. 129; Satap. Brah. XI. 5· 8. I.
6 Kapm III. 4, indriyii~ti hayliniihuf:z vi~ay,ue~ugocariin. The senses are the horses
and whatever they grasp are their objects. Maitr. 2. 6. fi..arme?Zdriyti?tyasya hayii!:z
the conative senses are its horses.
6 Vz~:;-yal.z is used from the root of yz~jir yoge and not from yuja samiidhau. A con-

sideration of Piil).ini's rule "Tadas;•a brahmamryam," v. i. 94 shows that not only

vn] A 1tti'quity o.f Yoga 227

In the Bhagavadglta, we find that the word yoga has been

used not only in conformity with the root "yu.f-samtidlzau" but
also with "yu.fir yoge." This has been the source of some confu-
sion to the readers of the Bhagavadgita. "Yogin" in the sense
of a person who has lost himself in meditation is there regarded
with extreme veneration. One of the main features of the use of
this word lies in this that the Bhagavadgita tried to mark out a
middle path between the austere discipline of meditative abstrac-
tion on the one hand and the course of duties of sacrificial action
of a Vedic worshipper in the life of a new type of Yogin (evidently
from yu.fir yoge) on the other, who should combine in himself the
best parts of the two paths, devote himself to his duties, and yet
abstract himself from all selfish motives associated with desires.
Kautilya in his Artlzasiistra when enumerating the philosophic
sciences of study names Sarpkhya, Yoga, and Lokayata. The
oldest Buddhist siitras {e.g. the Satipatthiina sutta) are fully
familiar with the stages of Yoga concentration. We may thus
infer that self-concentration and Yoga had developed as a tech-
nical method of mystic absorption some time before the Buddha.
As regards the connection of Yoga with SaiTlkhya, as we find
it in the Yoga siitras of Patafijali, it is indeed difficult to come to
any definite conclusion. The science of breath had attracted
notice in many of the earlier U pani~ads, though there had not
probably developed any systematic form of pral)ayama (a system
of breath control) of the Yoga system. It is only when we
come to Maitrayal)i that we find that the Yoga method had at-
tained a systematic development. The other two U pani~ads in
which the Yoga ideas can be traced are the Svetasvatara and
the Katha. It is indeed curious to notice that these three
U pani~ads of Kr~rya Yajurveda, where we find reference to Yoga
methods, are the only ones where we find clear references also to
the Sarp.khya tenets, though the SaiTlkhya and Yoga ideas do not
appear there as related to each other or associated as parts of
the same system. But there is a remarkable passage in the
lVIaitrayal!i in the conversation between Sakyayana and Brhad
ratha where we find that the SaiTlkhya metaphysics was offered

different kinds of asceticism and rigour which passed by the name of brahmacarya
were prevalent in the country at the time (Pa1.1ini as Goldstticker has proved is pre-
buddhistic), but associated with these had grown up a definite system of mental
discipline which passed by the name of Yoga.
228 The Kapila and the Patanjala Sa1!zkhya [cH.
in some quarters to explain the validity of the Yoga processes,
and it seems therefore that the association and grafting of the
Sarpkhya metaphysics on the Yoga system as its basis, was the
work of the followers of this school of ideas which was subsequently
systematized by Patafijali. Thus Sakyayana says: ''Here some
say it is the gut:J.a which through the differences of nature goes
into bondage to the will, and that deliverance takes place when
the fault of the will has been removed, because he sees by the
mind; and all that we call desire, imagination, doubt, belief, un-
belief, certainty, uncertainty, shame, thought, fear, all that is but
mind. Carried along by the waves of the qualities darkened in
his imagination, unstable, fickle, crippled, full of desires, vacil-
lating he enters into belief, believing I am he, this is mine, and
he binds his self by his self as a bird with a net. Therefore, a
man being possessed of will, imagination and belief is a slave,
but he who is the opposite is free. For this reason let a man
stand free from will, imagination and belief-this is the sign of
liberty, this is the path that leads to Brahman, this is the opening
of the door, and through it he will go to the other shore of dark-
ness. All desires are there fulfilled. And for this, they quote a
verse: 'When the five instruments of knowledge stand still together
with the mind, and when the intellect does not move, that is called
the highest state 1. ' "
An examination of such Yoga U pani~ads as Sal)9ilya, Yoga-
tattva, Dhyanabindu, Harpsa, Amrtanada, Varaha, Mat:J.9ala
Brahmat:J.a, N adabindu, and Yogakut:J.9ali, shows that the Yoga
practices had undergone diverse changes. in diverse schools, but
none of these show any predilection for the Sarpkhya. Thus the
Yoga practices grew in accordance with the doctrines of the
1 Vatsyayana, however, in his bha~ya on .Njii;'a siltra, I. i. 29, distinguishes

Siirpkhya from Yoga in the following way: The Sarpkhya holds that nothing can
come into being nor be destroyed, there cannot be any change in the pure intelligence
(1ziratisayiil_z cetaniil:z). All changes are due to changes in the body, the senses, the
manas and the objects. Yoga holds that all creation is due to the karma of the puru~a.
Do~ (passions) and the pravrtti (action) are the cause of karma. The intelligences
or souls (cetanaJ are associated with qualities. Non-being can come into being and
what is produced may be destroyed. The last view is indeed quite different from
the Yoga of Vyiisabhiif)'a. It is closer to Nyaya in its doctrines. If Viitsyayana's
statement is correct, it would appear that the doctrine of there being a moral purpose
in creation was borrowed by Siirpkhya from Yoga. Udyotakara's remarks on the same
siitra clo not indicate a difference but an agreement between SiiT)lkhya and Yoga on the
doctrine of the indriyas being "ahhautilm." Curiously enough Vatsyayana quotes a
passage from Vyiisahhii!ya, I II. 1.~. in his hhii~ya, 1. ii. 6, and criticizes it as self-con-
tradictory (vintddha).
vn] Patai'ij'ali, a Compiler 229

Saivas and Saktas and assumed a peculiar form as the Mantra-

yoga; they grew in another direction as the Hathayoga which
was supposed to produce mystic and magical feats through
constant practices of elaborate nervous exercises, which were also
associated with healing and other supernatural powers. The
Y ogatattva U pani~ad says that there are four kinds of yoga, the
:Mantra Yoga, Laya Yoga, Hathayogaand Rajayoga 1• I nsomecases
we find that there was a great attempt even to associate Vedantism
with these mystic practices. The influence of these practices in
the development of Tantra and other modes of worship was also
very great, but we have to leave out these from our present
consideration as they have little philosophic importance and as
they are not connected with our present endeavour.
Of the Patafi jala school of Sarpkhya, which forms the subject of
the Yoga with which we are now dealing, Patafijali was probably
the most notable person for he not only collected the different
forms of Yoga practices, and gleaned the diverse ideas which
were or could be associated with the Yoga, but grafted them all
on the Sarpkhya metaphysics, and gave them the form in which
they have been handed down to us. Vacaspati and Vijfiana
Bhik~u, the two great commentators on the Vyiisabhii,Jya, agree
with us in holding that Patafijali was not the founder of the Yoga,
but an editor. Analytic study of the sutras also brings the con-
viction that the sutras do not show any original attempt, but a
masterly and systematic compilation which was also supple-
mented by fitting contributions. The systematic manner also
in which the first three chapters are written by way of definition
and classification shows that the materials were already in
existence and that Patai'ijali only systematized them. There was
no missionizing zeal, no attempt to overthrow the doctrines of
other systems, except as far as they might come in, by way of
explaining the system. Patafijali is not even anxious to establish
the system, but he is only engaged in systematizing the facts
as he had them. Most of the criticisms against the Buddhists
occur in the last chapter. The doctrines of the Yoga are
described in the first three chapters, and this part is separated
from the last chapter where the views of the Buddhists are
1 The Yoga writer Jaigi~vya wrote" Dhiirmziifiistra" which dealt with Yoga more

in the fashion of Tantra than that given by Pataiijali. He mentions different places
in the body (e.g. heart, throat, tip of the nose, palate, forehead, centre of the brain)
which are centres of memory where concentration is to be made. See Vacaspati's
Tiitparyafikii or Vatsyayana's bha~ya on Nyiiya siitra, 111. ii. 43·
230 The Kapila and the Patalijala Sa"?zkhya [en.
criticized; the putting of an "iti" (the word to denote the conclu-
sion of any work) at the end of the third chapter is evidently to
denote the conclusion of his Yoga compilation. There is of course
another " £ti" at the end of the fourth chapter to denote the
conclusion of the whole work. The most legitimate hypothesis
seems to be that the last chapter is a subsequent addition by a
hand other than that of Patafijali who was anxious to supply
some new links of argument which were felt to be necessary for
the strengthening of the Yoga position from an internal point of
view, as well as for securing the strength of the Yoga from the
supposed attacks of Buddhist metaphysics. There is also a
marked change (due either to its supplementary character or
to the manipulation of a foreign hand) in the style of the last
chapter as compared with the style of the other three.
The siitras, 30-34, of the last chapter seem to repeat what
has already been said in the second chapter and some of the
topics introduced are ·such that they could well have been
dealt with in a more relevant manner in connection with similar
discussions in the preceding chapters. The extent of this chapter
is also disproportionately small, as it contains only 34 siitras,
whereas the average number of siitras in other chapters is between
We have now to meet the vexed question of the probable date
of this famous Yoga author Patafijali. Weber had tried to con-
nect him with Kapya Patarpchala of Satapatha BrahmaJ!a 1 ; in
Katyayana's Viirttika we get the name Patafijali which is ex-
plained by later commentators as patmzta[t aiijalaya(l yasmai (for
whom the hands are folded as a mark of reverence), but it is indeed
difficult to come to any conclusion merely from the similarity of
names. There is however another theory which identifies the
writer of the great commentary on Pat)ini called the JIIahii-
bhii~ya with the Patafijali of the Yoga siitra. This theory has been
accepted by many western scholars probably on the strength of
some Indian ·commentators who identified the two Patafijalis.
Of these one is the writer of the Pataiija/icarita (Ramabhadra
Dlk~ita) who could not have flourished earlier than the eighteenth
century. The other is that cited in Sivarama's commentary on
Viisa'i.Jadattil which Aufrccht assigns to the eighteenth century.
The other two are king Bhoja of Dhar and CakrapaJ!idatta,
WcLer's IIistorJ' of India11 Literature, p. 223 n.
vn] I de1ltity of Pataiijali 231

the commentator of Caraka, who belonged to the eleventh

century A.D. Thus Cakraparyi says that he adores the Ahipati
(mythical serpent chief) who removed the defects of mind, speech
and body by his Piitaiijala mahiibhii~ya and the revision of
Caraka. Bhoja says : "Victory be to the luminous words of
that illustrious sovereign RaJ!aratigamalla who by composing his
grammar, by writing his commentary on the Patafljala and by
producing a treatise on medicine called Riijamrgiinka has like the
lord of the holder of serpents removed defilement from speech,
mind and body." The adoration hymn of Vyasa (which is con-
sidered to be an interpolation even by orthodox scholars) is also
based upon the same tradition. It is not impossible therefore that
the later Indian commentators might have made some confusion
between the three Patafljalis, the grammarian, the Yoga editor,
and the medical writer to whom is ascribed the book known as
Piitaiijalatantra, and who has been quoted by Sivadasa in his
commentary on Cakradatta in connection with the heating of
Professor J. H. \Voods of Harvard University is therefore
in a way justified in his unwillingness to identify the gram-
marian and the Yoga editor on the slender evidence of these
commentators. It is indeed curious to notice that the great
commentators of the grammar school such as Bhartrhari, Kaiy-
yata, Vamana, Jayaditya, N agesa, etc. are silent on this point.
This is indeed a point against the identification of the two
Patafijalis by some Yoga and medical commentators of a later
age. And if other proofs are available which go against such
an identification, we could not think the grammarian and the
Yoga writer to be the same person.
Let us now see if Patafijali's grammatical work contains any-
thing which may lead us to think that he was not the same
person as the writer on Yoga. Professor Woods supposes that the
philosophic concept of substance (dra'ZJya) of the two Patafljalis
differs and therefore they cannot be identified. He holds that
dravya is described in f)iisabha~ya in one place as being the
unity of species and qualities (siimanyavise~iitmaka), whereas
the ltfahiibhii~ya holds that a dravya denotes a genus and also
specific qualities according as the emphasis or stress is laid on
either side. I fail to see how these ideas are totally antago-
nistic. Moreover, we know that these two views were held by
232 The Kapila and the Pata-l'ijala Sii"?zkhya [cH.
Vya9i and Vajapyayana (Vya9i holding that words denoted
qualities or dravya and Vajapyayana holding that words denoted
species 1). Even Pal)ini had these two different ideas in "j'iityiikhyii-
yiimekasmiu bahuvacauamanyatarasyiim," and "sarzlpiinameka-
se.famekavibhaktau," and Patanjali the writer of the Mahiibltii.fya
only combined these two views. This does not show that he
opposes the view of Vyiisabltii,fya, though we must remember
that even if he did, that would not prove anything with regard
to the writer of the siitras. Moreover, when we read that dravya
is spoken of in the M ahabha,fya as that object which is the
specific kind of the conglomeration of its parts, just as a cow is
of its tail, hoofs, horns, etc.-"yat sasnaliiizgulakakudakhura-
vz'fii?tyartltanlpam," we are reminded of its similarity with
"ayutasiddhiivayavabhediiuugata!t samiiha!t dravyam" (a con-
glomeration of interrelated parts is called dravya) in the Vyiisa-
bhii,fya. So far as I have examined the ll1alu1bhii,fya I have
not been able to discover anything there which can warrant us
in holding that the two Patafijalis cannot be identified. There
are no doubt many apparent divergences of view, but even
in these it is only the traditional views of the old grammarians
that are exposed and reconciled, and it would be very un-
warrantable for us to judge anything about the personal views
of the grammarian from them. I am also convinced that the
writer of the .11lahiibhii,fya knew most of the important points of
the Sarpkhya-Yoga metaphysics; as a few examples I may refer
to the gurya theory (I. 2. 64, 4· I. 3 ), the Sarp khy:a dictum of ex
nihilo nihil fit (I. I. s6), the ideas of time (2. 2. 5, 3· 2. I23), the
idea of the return of similars into similars ( 1. 1. 50), the idea of
change vikiira as production of new qualities gu1Jautariidhiina
(5. 1. 2, 5. I. 3) and the distinction of indriya and Buddhi (3. 3· I 33).
\Ve may add to it that the M ahiibhii,fya agrees with the Yoga
view as regards the Sphotavada, which is not held in common
by any other school of Indian philosophy. There is also this
external similarity, that unlike any other work they both begin
their works in a similar manner (atha yogii?tusiisauam and atha
siibdiimtJiisauam)-" now begins the compilation of the instruc-
tions on Yoga" (Yoga siUra)-and "now begins the compilation
of the instructions of words" (lvlalziibhii,fya).
It may further be noticed in this connection that the arguments
Patafijali's 11/ahlibhcifYa, 1. 2. 6.,_.
vn] Kitab Patanj'al 233
which Professor Woods has adduced to assign the date of the
Yoga siUra between 300 and 500 A.D. are not at all conclusive,
as they stand on a weak basis; for firstly if the two Patafijalis
cannot be identified, it does not follow that the editor of the
Yoga should necessarily be made later; secondly, the supposed
Buddhist! reference is found in the fourth chapter which, as I
have shown above, is a later interpolation; thirdly, even if they
were written by Patafijali it cannot be inferred that because
Vacaspati describes the opposite school as being of the Vijfiana-
vadi type, we are to infer that the sutras refer to Vasubandhu or
even to Nagarjuna, for such ideas as have been refuted in the sutras
had been developing long before the time of N agarjuna.
Thus we see that though the tradition of later commentators
may not be accepted as a sufficient ground to identify the two
Patafijalis, we cannot discover anything from a comparative
critical study of the Yoga sittras and the text of the Malzii-
bhti~J'a, which can lead us to say that the writer of the Yoga
szttras flourished at a later date than the other Patafijali.
Postponing our views about the time of Patai'ijali the Yoga
editor, I regret I have to increase the confusion by introducing
the other work Kitiib Patanj'al, of which Alberuni speaks, for
our consideration. Alberuni considers this work as a very famous
one and he translates it along with another book called Sanka
(Sarpkhya) ascribed to Kapila. This book was written in the
form of dialogue between master and pupil, and it is certain that
this book was not the present Yoga szttra of Patafijali, though it
had the same aim as the latter, namely the search for liberation
and for the union of the soul with the object of its meditation.
The book was called by Alberuni Kitab Piitmzj'al, which is to
be translated as the book of Patafijala, because in another place,
speaking of its author, he puts in a Persian phrase which when
translated stands as "the author of the book of Patanjal." It
had also an elaborate commentary from which Alberuni quotes
many extracts, though he does not tell us the author's name. It
treats of God, soul, bondage, karma, salvation, etc., as we find in
the Yoga siUra, but the manner in which these are described (so

1 It is important to notice that the most important Buddhist reference nacaika-

.cittatmztram vastu tadapramti1Jakam tada kim syiit (Iv. 16) was probably a line of the
Vyiisabhii!ya, as Bhoja, who had consulted many commentaries as he says in the
preface, does not count it as a sf1tra.
234 The Kapila and the Pataiijala Sa1?zkhya [cH.
far as can be judged from the copious extracts supplied by
Alberuni) shows that these ideas had undergone some change
from what we find in the Yoga sutra. Following the idea of God
in Alberuni we find that he retains his character as a timeless
emancipated being, but he speaks, hands over the Vedas and
shows the way to Yoga and inspires men in such a way that they
could obtain by cogitation what he bestowed on them. The name
of God proves his existence, for there cannot exist anything of
which the name existed, but not the thing. The soul perceives
him and thought comprehends his qualities. Meditation is iden-
tical with worshipping him exclusively, and by practising it
uninterruptedly the individual comes into supreme absorption
with him and beatitude is obtained 1•
The idea of soul is the same as we find in the Yoga szttra.
The idea of metempsychosis is also the same. He speaks of the
eight siddhis (miraculous powers) at the first stage of meditation
on the unity of God. Then follow the other four stages of medi-
tation corresponding to the four stages we have as in the Yoga
siUra. He gives four kinds of ways for the achievement of salvation,
of which the first is the abltyasa (habit) of Patafijali, and the
object of this abhyasa is unity with God 2• The second stands
for vairagya: the third is the worship of God with a view to seek
his favour in the attainment of salvation (cf. Yoga sittra, I. 23 and
I. 29). The fourth is a new introduction, namely that of rasa-
yana or alchemy. As regards liberation the view is almost the
same as in the Yoga siitra, II. 25 and IV. 34, but the liberated
state is spoken of in one place as absorption in God or being
one with him. The Brahman is conceived as an iirddkvamula
aviiksiikha asvattka (a tree with roots upwards and branches
below), after the Upani!?ad fashion, the upper root is pure
Brahman, the trunk is Veda, the branches are the different
doctrines and schools, its leaves are the different modes of inter-
pretation. Its nourishment comes from the three forces ; the
1 cr. Yoga siitra I. '23-'29 and II. I, 45· The Ytlga siilras speak of fsvara (God)

as an eternally emancipated puru~a, omniscient, and the teacher of all past teachers.
By meditating on him many of the obstacles such as illness, etc., which stand in the
way of Voga practice are removed. I Ie is regarded as one of the alternative objects
of concentration. The commentator Vyasa notes that he is the best object, for being
drawn towards the Yogin hy his concentration He so wills that he can easily attain
concentration and through it salvation. No argumt:nt is given in the Yoga siitras of
the existence of God.
2 Cf. Yoga JI. 1.
vn] Pataiijal£ of Kitiib Piitanjal 235
object of the worshipper is to leave the tree and go back to the
The difference of this system from that of the Yoga siUra is :
( 1) the conception of God has risen here to such an importance
that he has become the only object of meditation, and absorption
in him is the goal; (2) the importance of the yama 1 and the
niyama has been reduced to the minimum; (3) the value of the
Yoga discipline as a separate means of salvation apart from any
connection with God as we find in the Yoga siitra has been lost
sight of; (4) liberation and Yoga are defined as absorption in
God; (5) the introduction of Brahman ; (6) the very significance
of Yoga as control of mental states (cittavrttinirodlta) is lost
sight of, and (7) rasayana (alchemy) is introduced as one of the
means of salvation.
From this we can fairly assume that this was a new modi-
fication of the Yoga doctrine on the basis of Patafijali's Yoga
siitra in the direction of Vedanta and Tantra, and as such it
probably stands as the transition link through which the Yoga
doctrine of the siitras entered into a new channel in such a way
that it could be easily assimilated from there by later develop-
ments of Vedanta, Tantra and Saiva doctrines 2 • As the author
mentions rasayana as a means of salvation, it is very probable
that he flourished after Nagarjuna and was probably the same
person who wrote Piitaii.fala ta1ttra, who has been quoted by
Sivadasa in connection with alchemical matters and spoken of
by Nagesa as "Carake PatanjaliJ:l." \Ve can also assume with some
degree of probability that it is with reference to this man that
Cakraparyi and Bhoja made the confusion of identifying him with
the writer of the Mahiibhii,fya. It is also very probable that Cakra-
paryi by his line "piitaii.falamahiiblzii~yacarakapratism!zskrtai(t"
refers to this work which was called "Pataiijala." The commen-
tator of this work gives some description of the lokas, dvipas and
the sagaras, which runs counter to the descriptions given in the
Vyiisabhii~ya, III. 26, and from this we can infer that it was pro-
bably written at a time when the Vjllisabltii,fya was not written
or had not attained any great sanctity or authority. Alberuni

1 Alberuni, in his account of the hook of Sii.f!lkhya, gives a list of commandments

which practically is the same as yama and niyama, but it is said that through them
one cannot attain salvation.
2 Cf. the account of PaJupatadarialla in Sarvadar.fanasa'!1graha.
2J6 The Kapila and the Piitanjala Sil:l?zkhya [cH.
also described the book as being very famous at the time, and
Bhoja and Cakrapal)i also probably confused him with Pataftjali
the grammarian ; from this we can fairly assume that this book
of Patafijali was probably written by some other Pataftjali within
the first 300 or 400 years of the Christian era; and it may not
be improbable that \vhen Vyiisablul.~ya quotes in III. 44 as "it£
Pataftjali}:l,'' he refers to this Pataftjali.
The conception of Yoga as we meet it in the Maitrayal)a
U pani~ad consisted of six angas or accessories, namely pral)a-
yama, pratyahara, dhyana, dharal)a, tarka and samadhi 1• Com-
paring this list with that of the list in the Yoga szltras we find
that two new elements have been added, and tarka has been
replaced by asana. Now from the account of the sixty-two
heresies given in the Brahmaja/a sutta we know that there were
people who either from meditation of three degrees or through
logic and reasoning had come to believe that both the external
world as a \vhole and individual souls were eternal. From the
association of this last mentioned logical school with the Samadhi
or Dhyana school as belonging to one class of thinkers called
sasvatavada, and from the inclusion of tarka as an ati.ga in
samadhi, we can fairly assume that the last of the angas given in
Maitrayat~I U pani~ad represents the oldest list of the Yoga doc-
trine, when the Sarpkhya and the Yoga were in a process of being
grafted on each other, and when the Sarpkhya method of dis-
cussion did not stand as a method independent of the Yoga. The
substitution of asana for tarka in the list of Pataftjali shows that
the Yoga had developed a method separate from the Sarpkhya.
The introduction of ahirpsa (non-injury), satya (truthfulness),
asteya (want of stealing), brahmacaryya (sex-control), aparigraha
(want of greed) as yama and sauca (purity), santo~a (content-
ment) as niyama, as a system of morality without which Yoga is
deemed impossible (for the first time in the sutras), probably
marks the period when the disputes between the Hindus and the
Buddhists had not become so keen. The introduction of maitr1,
karur~a. mudita, upek~a is also equally significant, as we do not
find them mentioned in such a prominent form in any other
literature of the Hindus dealing with the subject of emancipa-
tion. Beginning from the .Aciirii1igasittra, Uttariidhyaymzasiitra,
1 prii~uiyiimalf pratyiihiiral.z dhyiinam dhiira1Jti tarkal.z samiidlzi(z !a(la1iga ityttcyate

yoga/.z (1\faitr. 6. 8).

vu] Yoga and Buddhi's11z 237
the SiUrakrtiingasutra, etc., and passing through Umasvati's Tat-
tviirthiidhi'gamasiUra to Hemacandra's Yogafiistra we find that
the ] ains had been founding their Yoga discipline mainly on the
basis of a system of morality indicated by the yamas, and the
opinion expressed in Alberuni's Piitanjal that these cannot give
salvation marks the divergence of the Hindus in later days from
the ] ains. Another important characteristic of Yoga is its
thoroughly pessimistic tone. Its treatment of sorrow in connec-
tion with the statement of the scope and ideal of Yoga is the
same as that of the four sacred truths of the Buddhists, namely
suffering, origin of suffering, the removal of suffering, and of the
path to the removal of suffering 1• Again, the metaphysics of the
sarpsara (rebirth) cycle in connection with sorrow, origination,
decease, rebirth, etc. is described with a remarkable degree of
similarity with the cycle of causes as described in early Buddhism.
Avidya is placed at the head of the group; yet this avidya should
not be confused with the Vedanta avidya of Sai1kara, as it is an
avidya of the Buddhist type; it is not a cosmic power of illusion
nor anything like a mysterious original sin, but it is within the
range of earthly tangible reality. Yoga avidya is the ignorance
of the four sacred truths, as we have in the siitra "ani'tyiifucidu!t-
khiiniitmasu nityafucidu!zkhatmaklzyiitiravidyii" (II. 5).
The ground of our existing is our will to live (ablli1li'vefa).
"This is our besetting sin that we will to be, that we will to be
ourselves, that we fondly will our being to blend with other kinds
of existence and extend. The negation of the will to be, cuts
off being for us at least 2." This is true as much of Buddhism as
of the Yoga abhinivesa, which is a term coined and used in the
Yoga for the first time to suit the Buddhist idea, and which has
never been accepted, so far as I know, in any other Hindu
literature in this sense. My sole aim in pointing out these things
in this section is to show that the Yoga s1/tras proper (first three
chapters) were composed at a time when the later forms of
Buddhism had not developed, and when the quarrels between
the Hindus and the Buddhists and ] ains had not reached such
1 Yoga sutra, 11. Is, I 6, I 7. Yathiicikitsiifiistraf!Z caturvyuhaf!Z rogo rogahdu[z

iirogymtz bhaifajyamiti evamidamapi fiistram catun'}'zthameva; tadyathii salflStira!;,

sai!ZSiirahetu!z mok!a!z mokfopiiya!z; du[zkhabahula!z saf!Zsiiro hqa!z, pradhiinapurufayo!z
saltzyogo heyalzetu!z, sai!IYOgasyiityantiki nivrttirhiina'!z hanopliya!z samyagdarfanam,
Vyiisabht'ifya, II. I 5
2 Oldenberg's Buddhism 1 •
Tlte K apila and the Piitaiijala Sa1!zkhya [cH.
a stage that they would not like to borrow from one another.
As this can only be held true of earlier Buddhism I am disposed
to think that the date of the first three chapters of the Yoga
siUras must be placed about the second century B.C. Since there
is no evidence which can stand in the way of identifying the
grammarian Pataftjali with the Yoga writer, I believe we may
take them as being identical 1•

The Sarpkhya and the Yoga Doctrine of Soul or Puru~a.

The Sarpkhya philosophy as we have it now admits two prin-

ciples, souls and prakrti, the root principle of matter. Souls are
many, like the 1aina souls, but they are without parts and qualities.
They do not contract or expand according as they occupy a
smaller or a larger body, but are always all-pervasive, and are
not contained in the bodies in which they are manifested. But
the relation between body or rather the mind associated with it
and soul is such that whatever mental phenomena happen in the
mind are interpreted as the experience of its soul. The souls are
many, and had it not been so (the Sarpkhya argues) with the
birth of one all would have been born and with the death of one
all would have died 2•
The exact nature of soul is however very difficult of compre-
hension, and yet it is exactly this which one must thoroughly
grasp in order to understand the Sarpkhya philosophy. Unlike
the 1aina soul possessing anantajnii1za, anantadarsana, a1lanta-
sukha, and a1la1lta'ZJlryya, the Sarpkhya soul is described as being
devoid of any and every characteristic; but its nature is abso-
lute pure consciousness (cit). The Sarpkhya view differs from
the Vedanta, firstly in this that it does not consider the soul to
be of the nature of pure intelligence and bliss (iina11da) 3• Bliss
with Sarpkhya is but another name for pleasure and as such it
belongs to prakrti and does not constitute the nature of soul;
secondly, according to Vedanta the individual souls (/i'va) are

1 See S. N. Das Gupta, Yoga Philosophy in relation to other I11diall systems if

thought, cb. 11. The most important point in favour of this identification seems to be
that both the Palafijalis as against the other Indian systems admitted the doctrine of
spho{a which was denied t:ven Ly Saq1khya. On the doctrine of Spho!a see my Study
of Patcmjali, Appendix 1.
2 Karikii, 1H.

3 Sec Citsukha's Tatlvapradipikii, IV.

vn] A nalys£s of Knowledge 239
but illusory manifestations of one soul or pure consciousness the
Brahman, but according to SaJTlkhya they are all real and many.
The most interesting feature of SaJTlkhya as of Vedanta is
the analysis of knowledge. SaJTlkhya holds that our knowledge
of things are mere ideational pictures or images. External things
are indeed material, but the sense data and images of the mind,
the coming and going of which is called knowledge, are also in
some sense matter-stuff, since they are limited in their nature
like the external things. The sense-data and images come and go,
they are often the prototypes, or photographs of external things,
and as such ought to be considered as in some sense material,
but the matter of which these are composed is the subtlest.
These images of the mind could not have appeared as conscious,
if there were no separate principles of consciousness in connec-
tion with which the whole conscious plane could be interpreted
as the experience of a person 1• \Ve know that the U pani~ads
consider the soul or atman as pure and infinite consciousness,
distinct from the forrns of knowledge, the ideas, and the images.
In our ordinary ways of mental analysis we do not detect that
beneath the forms of knowledge there is some other principle
which has no change, no form, but which is like a light which
illumines the mute, pictorial forms which the mind assumes.
The self is nothing but this light. \Ve all speak of our "self"
but we have no mental picture of the self as we have of other
things, yet in all our knowledge we seem to know our self. The
Jains had said that the soul was veiled by karma matter, and
every act of knowledge meant only the partial removal of the
veil. SaJTlkhya says that the self cannot be found as an image
of knowledge, but that is because it is a distinct, transcendent
principle, whose real nature as such is behind or beyond the subtle
matter of knowledge. Our cognitions, so far as they are mere forms
or images, are merely compositions or complexes of subtle mind-
substance, and thus are like a sheet of painted canvas immersed
in darkness; as the canvas gets prints from outside and moves,
the pictures appear one by one before the light and are illu-
minated. So it is with our knowledge. The special characteristic
of self is that it is like a light, without which all knowledge would
be blind. Form and motion are the characteristics of matter, and
1 Tattakaumudi, 5 ; Yogaviirttika, IV. 2 2; Vijiiiiniimrtabhc'ifya, p. 74-; logaviirttika
and Tattvavaifc'iracli, I. 4, 11. 6, 18, 20; Vj•iisabhiifya, 1. 6, 7.
The Kapila and the Pataiijala Sa1?zkhya [cH.
so far as knowledge is mere limited form and movement it is the
same as matter; but there is some other principle which enlivens
these knowledge-forms, by virtue of which they become con-
scious. This principle of consciousness (cit) cannot indeed be
separately perceived per se, but the presence of this principle in
all our forms of knowledge is distinctly indicated by inference.
This principle of consciousness has no motion, no form, no quality,
no impurity 1• The movement of the knowledge-stuff takes place
in relation to it, so that it is illuminated as consciousness by it,
and produces the appearance of itself as undergoing all changes
of knowledge and experiences of pleasure and pain. Each item
of knowledge so far as it is an image or a picture of some sort is
but a subtle knowledge-stuff which has been illumined by the
principle of consciousness, but so far as each item of knowledge
carries with it the awakening or the enlivening of consciousness,
it is the manifestation of the principle of consciousness. Know-
ledge-revelation is not the unveiling or revelation of a particular
part of the self, as the Jains supposed, but it is a revelation of
the self only so far as knowledge is pure awakening, pure en-
livening, pure consciousness. So far as the content of knowledge
or the image is concerned, it is not the revelation of self but is
the blind knowledge-stuff.
The Buddhists had analysed knowledge into its diverse con-
stituent parts, and had held that the coming together of these
brought about the conscious states. This coming together was
to them the point of the illusory notion of self, since this unity
or coming together was not a permanent thing but a momentary
collocation. With Sarpkhya however the self, the pure cit, is
neither illusory nor an abstraction; it is concrete but transcen-
dent. Coming into touch with it gives unity to all the movements
of the knowledge-composites of subtle stuff, which would otherwise
have remained aimless and unintelligent. It is by coming into
connection with this principle of intelligence that they are inter-
preted as the systematic and coherent experience of a person, and
may thus be said to be intelligized. Intelligizing means the ex-
pression and interpretation of the events or the happenings of

1 It is important to note that Satpkhya has two terms to denote the two aspects

involved in knowledge, viz. the relating element of awareness as such (tit), and the
content (buddhi) which is the form of the mind-stuff representing the sense-data and
the image. Cognition takes place by the reflection of the former in the latter.
vn] The Stuff of Thought and Matter
knowledge in connection with a person, so as to make them a
system of experience. This principle of intelligence is called
puru~a. There is a separate puru~a in Saf!lkhya for each indi-
vidual, and it is of the nature of pure intelligence. The Vedanta
atman however is different from the Sarpkhya puru~a in this that
it is one and is of the nature of pure intelligence, pure being,
and pure bliss. It alone is the reality and by illusory maya it
appears as many.
Thought and Matter.
A question naturally arises, that if the knowledge forms are
made up of some sort of stuff as the objective forms of matter
are, why then should the puru~a illuminate it and not external
material objects. The answer that Sarpkhya gives is that the
knowledge-complexes are certainly different from external ob-
jects in this, that they are far subtler and have a preponderance
of a special quality of plasticity and translucence (sattva), which
resembles the light of puru~a, and is thus fit for reflecting and
absorbing the light of the puru~a. The two principal character-
istics of external gross matter are mass and energy. But it
has also the other characteristic of allowing itself to be photo-
graphed by our mind; this thought-photograph of matter has
again the special privilege of being so translucent as to be able
to catch the reflection of the cit-the super-translucent transcen-
dent principle of intelligence. The fundamental characteristic
of external gross matter is its mass; energy is common to
both gross matter and the subtle thought-stuff. But mass is
at its lowest minimum in thought-stuff, whereas the capacity
of translucence, or what may be otherwise designated as the
intelligence-stuff, is at its highest in thought-stuff. But if the
gross matter had none of the characteristics of translucence that
thought possesses, it could not have made itself an object of
thought; for thought transforms itself into the shape, colour,
and other characteristics of the thing which has been made its
object. Thought could not have copied the matter, if the matter
did not possess some of the essential substances of which the
copy was made up. But this plastic entity (sattva) which is
so predominant in thought is at its lowest limit of subordination
in matter. Similarly mass is not noticed in thought, but some
such notions as are associated with mass may be discernible in
The Kapila and the Pataizfala Siif!zkhya [cH.
thought; thus the images of thought are limited, separate, have
movement, and have more or less clear cut forms. The images
do not extend in space, but they can represent space. The trans-
lucent and plastic element of thought (sativa) in association with
movement (rajas) would have resulted in a simultaneous revelation
of all objects; it is on account of mass or tendency of obstruction
(tamas) that knowledge proceeds from image to image and dis-
closes things in a successive manner. The buddhi (thought-stuff)
holds within it all knowledge immersed as it were in utter dark-
ness, and actual knowledge comes before our view as though
by the removal of the darkness or veil, by the reflection of the
light of the puru~a. This characteristic of knowledge, that all its
stores are hidden as if lost at any moment, and only one picture
or idea comes at a time to the arena of revelation, demonstrates
that in knowledge there is a factor of obstruction which manifests
itself in its full actuality in gross matter as mass. Thus both
thought and gross matter are made up of three elements, a
plasticity of intelligence-stuff (sattva), energy-stuff (rajas), and
mass-stuff (ta·mas), or the factor of obstruction. Of these the last
two are predominant in gross matter and the first two in thought.

Feelings, the Ultimate Substances 1•

Another question that arises in this connection is the position
of feeling in such an analysis of thought and matter. Sarpkhya
holds that the three characteristic constituents that we have
analyzed just now are feeling substances. Feeling is the most
interesting side of our consciousness. It is in our feelings that
we think of our thoughts as being parts of ourselves. If we
should analyze any percept into the crude and undeveloped
sensations of which it is composed at the first moment of its
appearance, it comes more as a shock than as an image, and
we find that it is felt more as a feeling mass than as an image.
Even in our ordinary life the elements which precede an act of
knowledge are probably mere feelings. As we go lower down
the scale of evolution the automatic actions and relations of
matter are concomitant with crude manifestations of feeling
which never rise to the level of knowledge. The lower the scale
of evolution the less is the keenness of feeling, till at last there
comes a stage where matter-complexes do not give rise to feeling
1 Karikti, I z, with Gau<:lpii.da and Nii.rii.ya~mtirtha.
vn] The Gu1Jas
reactions but to mere physical reactions. Feelings thus mark
the earliest track of consciousness, whether we look at it from the
point of view of evolution or of the genesis of consciousness in
ordinary life. \Vhat we call matter- complexes become at a certain
stage feeling-complexes and what we call feeling-complexes at
a certain stage of descent sink into mere matter-complexes with
matter reaction. The feelings are therefore the things-in-them-
selves, the ultimate substances of which consciousness and gross
matter are made up. Ordinarily a difficulty might be felt in
taking feelings to be the ultimate substances of which gross
matter and thought are made up; for we are more accustomed
to take feelings as being merely subjective, but if we remember
the Sarpkhya analysis, we find that it holds that thought and
matter are but two different modifications of certain subtle sub-
stances which are in essence but three types of feeling entities.
The three principal characteristics of thought and matter that we
have noticed in the preceding section are but the manifestations
of three types of feeling substances. There is the class of feelings
that we call the sorrowful, there is another class of feelings that
we call pleasurable, and there is still another class which is neither
sorrowful nor pleasurable, but is one of ignorance, depression
(v#iida) or dullness. Thus corresponding to these three types of
manifestations as pleasure, pain, and dullness, and materially as
shining (prakasa), energy (pravrtti), obstruction (11iyama), there
are three types of feeling-substances which must be regarded as
the ultimate things which make up all the diverse kinds of gross
matter and thought by their varying modifications.

The Gul}aS 1 •
These three types of ultimate subtle entities are technically
called gu~za in Sarpkhya philosophy. Gurya in Sanskrit has three
meanings, namely (1) quality, (2) rope, (3) not primary. These
entities, however, are substances and not mere qualities. But it
may be mentioned in this connection that in Sarpkhya philosophy
there is no separate existence of qualities; it holds that each
and every unit of quality is but a unit of substance. What
we call quality is but a particular manifestation or appearance
of a subtle entity. Things do not possess quality, but quality
1 Yogaviirttika, II. 18; Bhavagal)da's Tattvayiithiirthyadipa1za, PP· 1-3; Vijiiii-
niimrtabhii~ya, p. Ioo; Tatlvakaumudi, 13; also Gau<;fapii.da and NarayaQatirtha, 13.
244 The Kapila and the Pataiifala Sii1f-zkhya [cH.
signifies merely the manner in which a substance reacts ; any
object we see seems to possess many qualities, but the Sarpkhya
holds that corresponding to each and every new unit of quality,
however fine and subtle it may be, there is a corresponding
subtle entity, the reaction of which is interpreted by us as a
quality. This is true not only of qualities of external objects
but also of mental qualities as well. These ultimate entities
were thus called guryas probably to suggest that they are the
entities which by their various modifications manifest them-
selves as guryas or qualities. These subtle entities may also be
called guryas in the sense of ropes because they are like ropes
by which the soul is chained down as if it were to thought and
matter. These may also be called guryas as things of secondary
importance, because though permanent and indestructible, they
continually suffer modifications and changes by their mutual
groupings and re-groupings, and thus not primarily and unalter-
ably constant like the souls (purztfa). Moreover the object of the
world process being the enjoyment and salvation of the puru.!?as,
the matter-principle could not naturally be regarded as being of
primary importance. But in whatever senses we may be inclined
to justify the name gul)a as applied to these subtle entities, it
should be borne in mind that they are substantive entities or
subtle substances and not abstract qualities. These gui)aS are
infinite in number, but in accordance with their three main char-
acteristics as described above they have been arranged in three
classes or types called sativa (intelligence-stuff), rajas (energy-
stuff) and lamas (mass-stuff). An infinite number of subtle sub-
stances which agree in certain characteristics of self-shining or
plasticity are called the sattva-gu~zas and those which behave as
units of activity are called the rajo-gu1JaS and those which behave
as factors of obstruction, mass or materiality are called tamo-gu~zas.
These subtle gul)a substances are united in different proportions
(e.g. a larger number of sattva substances with a lesser number of
rajas or tamas, or a larger number of tamas substances with a
smaller number of rajas and sattva substances and so on in
varying proportions), and as a result of this, different substances
with different qualities come into being. Though attached to one
another when united in different proportions, they mutually act
and react upon one another, and thus by their combined resultant
produce new characters, qualities and substances. There is how-
vn] Prakrti as E quilibriu1n of Gu1Jas 245
ever one and only one stage in which the gul}as are not com-
pounded in varying proportions. In this state each of the gul}a
substances is opposed by each of the other gul}a substances, and
thus by their equal mutual opposition create an equilibrium, in
which none of the characters of the gul)as manifest themselves.
This is a state which is so absolutely devoid of all characteristics
that it is absolutely incoherent, indeterminate, and indefinite. It
is a qualitiless simple homogeneity. It is a state of being which
is as it were non-being. This state of the mutual equilibrium
of the gul)as is called prakrtP. This is a state which cannot be
said either to exist or to non-exist for it serves no purpose, but
it is hypothetically the mother of all things. This is however the
earliest stage, by the breaking of which, later on, all modifications
take place.
Prakrti and its Evolution.
Sarpkhya believes that before this world came into being there
was such a state of dissolution-a state in which the gul}a com-
pounds had disintegrated into a state of disunion and had by their
mutual opposition produced an equilibrium the prakrti. Then
later on disturbance arose in the prakrti, and as a result of that a
process of unequal aggregation of the gul}as in varying proportions
took place, which brought forth the creation of the manifold.
Prakrti, the state of perfect homogeneity and incoherence of the
gm~as, thus gradually evolved and became more and more deter-
minate, differentiated, heterogeneous, and coherent. The gul}as are
always uniting, separating, and uniting again 2• Varying qualities
of essence, energy, and mass in varied groupings act on one another
and through their mutual interaction and interdependence evolve
from the indefinite or qualitatively indeterminate the definite or
qualitatively determinate. And though co-operating to produce
the world of effects, these diverse moments with diverse tendencies
never coalesce. Thus in the phenomenal product whatever energy
there is is due to the element of rajas and rajas alone; all matter,
resistance, stability, is due to tamas,and all conscious manifestation
to sattva. The particular gul}a which happens to be predominant
in any phenomenon becomes manifest in that phenomenon and
others become latent, though their presence is inferred by their
Yogavczrttika, 11. 19, and Pravacanabhii{ya, I. 61.
:: Kaumudi, 13-16; Tattvavaifczradi, II. zo, IV. 13, q.; also Yogaviirttika, IV. 13, 14.
The Kapi!a and the Pataiija/a Sii1'[tkhya [cH.
effect. Thus, for example, in a body at rest mass is patent, energy
latent and potentiality of conscious manifestation sublatent. In a
moving body, the rajas is predominant (kinetic) and the mass is
partially overcome. All these transformations of the groupings of
the gut)as in different proportions presuppose the state of prakrti
as the starting point. It is at this stage that the tendencies to
conscious manifestation, as well as the powers of doing work, are
exactly counterbalanced by the resistance of inertia or mass,
and the process of cosmic evolution is at rest. When this equi-
librium is once destroyed, it is supposed that out of a natural
affinity of all the sattva reals for themselves, of rajas reals for other
reals of their type, of tamas reals for others of their type, there
arises an unequal aggregation of sattva, rajas, or tamas at differ-
ent moments. When one gut)a is preponderant in any particular
collocation, the others are co-operant. This evolutionary series
beginning from the first disturbance of the prakrti to the final
transformation as the world-order, is subject to "a definite law
which it cannot overstep." In the words of Dr B. N. Seal 1 , "the pro-
cess of evolution consists in the development of the differentiated
( vai~amya) within the undifferentiated (siimytivasthii) of the deter-
minate (vise~a) within the indeterminate (avise~a) of the coherent
(yutasiddha) within the incoherent (ayutasiddha). The order of
succession is neither from parts to whole nor from whole to the
parts, but ever from a relatively less differentiated, less deter-
minate, less coherent whole to a relatively more differentiated,
more determinate, more coherent whole." The meaning of such
an evolution is this, that all the changes and modifications in
the shape of the evolving collocations of gut)a reals take place
within the body of the prakrti. Prakrti consisting of the in-
finite reals is infinite, and that it has been disturbed does not
mean that the whole of it has been disturbed and upset, or
that the totality of the gut)as in the prakrti has been unhinged
from a state of equilibrium. It means rather that a very vast
number of gut)aS constituting the worlds of thought and matter
has been upset. These gm;as once thrown out of balance begin to
group themselves together first in one form, then in another, then
in another, and so on. But such a change in the formation of
aggregates should not be thought to take place in such a way
that the later aggregates appear in supersession of the former ones,
so that when the former comes into being the latter ceases to exist.
Dr B. N. Seal's Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus, 1915, p. 7·
vn] Prakrti and its Evolution 247
For the truth is that one stage is produced after another; this
second stage is the result of a new aggregation of some of the
reals of the first stage. This deficiency of the reals of the first
stage which had gone forth to form the new aggregate as the
second stage is made good by a refilling from the prakrti. So also,
as the third stage of aggregation takes place from out of the reals
of the second stage, the deficiency of the reals of the second stage
is made good by a refilling from the first stage and that of the
first stage from the prakrti. Thus by a succession of refillings the
process of evolution proceeds, till we come to its last limit, where
there is no real evolution of new substance, but mere chemical
and physical changes of qualities in things which had already
evolved. Evolution (tattviintarapari?ziima) in Sarp.khya means the
development of categories of existence and not mere changes of
qualities of substances (physical, chemical, biological or mental).
Thus each of the stages of evolution remains as a permanent
category of being, and offers scope to the more and more differ-
entiated and coherent groupings of the succeeding stages. Thus
it is said that the evolutionary process is regarded as a differen-
tiation of new stages as integrated in previous stages (smttsrs!a-

Pralaya and the disturbance of the Prakrti Equilibrium.

But how or rather why prakrti should be disturbed is the most
knotty point in Sarp.khya. It is postulated that the prakrti or the
sum-total of the gul)as is so connected with the puru~as, and there
is such an inherent teleology or blind purpose in the lifeless prakrti,
that all its evolution and transformations take place for the sake
of the diverse puru~as, to serve the enjoyment of pleasures and
sufferance of pain through experiences, and finally leading them
to absolute freedom or rnukti. A return of this manifold world
into the quiescent state (pralaya) of prakrti takes place when the
karmas of all puru!?as collectively require that there should be
such a temporary cessation of all experience. At such a moment
the gul)a compounds are gradually broken, and there is a backward
movement (pratisafzcara) till everything is reduced to the gul)as in
their elementary disintegrated state when their mutual opposition
brings about their equilibrium. This equilibrium however is not a
mere passive state, but one of utmost tension; there is intense
activity, but the activity here does not lead to the generation of
new things and qualities ( visadrsa-pari~ziima); this course of new
The Kapila and the Pataiijala Sii1fzkhya [cH.
production being suspended, the activity here repeats the same
state (sadrsa-pari?Jiima) of equilibrium, so that there is no change
or new production. The state of pralaya thus is not a suspension
of the teleology or purpose of the gul)as, or an absolute break of
the course of gul)a evolution; for the state of pralaya, since it
has been generated to fulfil the demands of the accumulated
karmas of puru~as, and since there is still the activity of the
gul)as in keeping themselves in a state of suspended production,
is also a stage of the sarpsara cycle. The state of m ukti (libera-
tion) is of course quite different, for in that stage the movement
of the gul)as ceases for ever with reference to the liberated soul.
But still the question remains, what breaks the state of equilibrium?
The Sarp.khya answer is that it is due to the transcendental (non-
mechanical) influence of the puru~a 1 • This influence of the puru!?a
again, if it means anything, means that there is inherent in the
gul)as a teleology that all their movements or modifications should
take place in such a way that these may serve the purposes of the
puru~as. Thus when the karmas of the puru~as had demanded
that there should be a suspension of all experience, for a period
there was a pralaya. At the end of it, it is the same inherent pur-
pose of the prakrti that wakes it up for the formation of a suitable
world for the experiences of the puru~as by which its quiescent
state is disturbed. This is but another way of looking at the
inherent teleology of the prakrti, which demands that a state of
pralaya should cease and a state of world-framing activity should
begin. Since there is a purpose in the gul)as which brought
them to a state of equilibrium, the state of equilibrium also pre-
supposes that it also may be broken up again when the purpose
so demands. Thus the inherent purpose of the prakrti brought
about the state of pralaya and then broke it up for the creative
work again, and it is this natural change in the prakrti that may
be regarded from another point of view as the transcendental
influence of the puru~as.

Mahat and Aharpkara.

The first evolute of the prakrti is generated by a preponderance
of the sattva (intelligence-stuff). This is indeed the earliest state
from which all the rest of the world has sprung forth; and it is a
state in which the stuff of sattva predominates. It thus holds
1 The Yoga answer is of course different. It believes that the di~turhance of the

equilibrium of the prakrti for new creation takes place by the will of Jsvara (God).
vn] Evolution of fi-1ahat 249
within it the minds (buddhz) of all puru~as which were lost in the
prakrti during the pralaya. The very first work of the evolution
of prakrti to serve the puru~as is thus manifested by the separating
out of the old buddhis or minds (of the puru~as) which hold within
themselves the old specific ignorance (a·vidyti) inherent in them
with reference to each puru~a with which any particular buddhi
is associated from beginningless time before the pralaya. This
state of evolution consisting of all the collected minds (buddhi)
of all the puru~as is therefore called buddhitattva. It is a state
which holds or comprehends within it the buddhis of all indi-
viduals. The individual buddhis of individual puru~as are on one
hand integrated with the buddhitattva and on the other associated
with their specific puru~as. When some buddhis once begin to
be separated from the prakrti, other buddhi evolutions take
place. In other words, we are to understand that once the trans-
formation of buddhis is effected for the service of the puru~as,
all the other direct transformations that take place from the
prakrti take the same line, i.e. a preponderance of sattva being
once created by the bringing out of some buddhis, other trans-
formations of prakrti that follow them have also the sattva pre-
ponderance, which thus have exactly the same composition as the
first buddhis. Thus the first transformation from prakrti becomes
buddhi-transformation. This stage of buddhis may thus be re-
garded as the most universal stage, which comprehends within it
all the buddhis of individuals and potentially all the matter of
which the gross world is formed. Looked at from this point of
view it has the widest and most universal existence comprising
all creation, and is thus called malta! (the great one). It is called
liliga (sign), as the other later existences or evolutes give us the
ground of inferring its existence, and as such must be distin-
guished from the prakrti which is called alinga, i.e. of which no
linga or characteristic may be affirmed.
This mahat-tattva being once produced, further modifications
begin to take place in three lines by three different kinds of
undulations representing the sattva preponderance, rajas pre-
ponderance and tamas preponderance. This state when the mahat
is disturbed by the three parallel tendencies of a preponderance of
tamas, rajas and sattva is called ahmtzkiira, and the above three
tendencies are respectively called ttimasika alza1ltkiira or blziitiidi,
riij'asika or taij'asa aha1!lkiira, and vaiktirika ahm?tktira. The raja-
sika aharp.kara cannot mark a new preponderance by itself; it only
The Kap£la and the Pata1z_jala Sii??zkhya [cH.
helps (sahakiin") the transformations of the sattva preponderance
and the tamas preponderance. The development of the former
preponderance, as is easy to see, is only the assumption of a more
and more determinate character of the buddhi, for we remember
that buddhi itself has been the resulting transformation of a sattva
preponderance. Further development with the help of rajas on
the line of sattva development could only take place when the
buddhi as mind determined itself in specific ways. The first
development of the buddhi on this line is called stittvika or vaz-
ktirika ahmtzkiira. This aharp.kara represents the development
in buddhi to produce a consciousness-stuff as I or rather "mine,"
and must thus be distinguished from the first stage as buddhi, the
function of which is a mere understanding and general datum as
The ego or aharp.kara (abhimiilla-dravya) is the specific expres-
sion of the general consciousness which takes experience as mine.
The function of the ego is therefore called abhimtina (self-asser-
tion). From this again come the five cognitive senses of vision,
touch, smell, taste, and hearing, the five conative senses of speech,
handling, foot-movement, the ejective sense and the generative
sense; the prti~zas (bio-motor force) which help both conation and
cognition are but aspects of buddhi-movement as life. The indi-
vidual aharp.karas and senses are related to the individual buddhis
by the developing sattva determinations from which they had come
into being. Each buddhi with its own group of aharp.kara (ego)
and sense-evolutes thus forms a microcosm separate from similar
other buddhis with their associated groups. So far therefore as
knowledge is subject to sense-influence and the ego, it is different
for each individual, but so far as a general mind (kiira?ta buddhi)
apart from sense knowledge is concerned, there is a community of
all buddhis in the buddhitattva. Even there however each buddhi
is separated from other buddhis by its own peculiarly associated
ignorance (avidyii). The buddhi and its sattva evolutes of aharp.-
kara and the senses are so related that though they are different
from buddhi in their functions, they are all comprehended in the
buddhi, and mark only its gradual differentiations and modes. We
must again remember in this connection the doctrine of refilling,
for as buddhi exhausts its part in giving rise to aharp.kara, the de-
ficiency of budd hi is made good by prakrti; again as aharp.kara
partially exhausts itself in generating sense-faculties, the defi-
vn] Evolution of I n.fra-atoms
ciency is made good by a refilling from the buddhi. Thus the
change and wastage of each of the stadia are always made good
and kept constant by a constant refilling from each higher state
and finally from prakrti.

The Tanmatras and the ParamaQus 1 •

The other tendency, namely that of tamas, has to be helped
by the liberated rajas of aharpkara, in order to make itself pre-
ponderant, and this state in which the tamas succeeds in over-
coming the sattva side which was so preponderant in the buddhi,
is called bkiitiidi. From this bhiitadi with the help of rajas are
generated the tanmatras, the immediately preceding causes of the
gross elements. The bhiitadi thus represents only the intermediate
stage through which the differentiations and regroupings of tamas
reals in the mahat proceed for the generation of the tanmatras.
There has been some controversy between Sarpkhya and Yoga
as to whether the tanmatras are generated from the mahat or from
aharp.kara. The situation becomes intelligible if we remember that
evolution here does not mean coming out or emanation, but in-
creasing differentiation in integration within the evolving whole.
Thus the regroupings of tamas reals marks the differentiation
which takes place within the mahat but through its stage as
bhiitadi. Bhiitadi is absolutely homogeneous and inert, devoid
of all physical and chemical characters except quantum or mass.
The second stadium tanmatra represents subtle matter, vibratory,
impingent, radiant, instinct with potential energy. These "poten-
tials" arise from the unequal aggregation of the original mass-units
in different proportions and collocations with an unequal distribu-
tion of the original energy (rajas). The tanmatras possess some-
thing more than quantum of mass and energy; they possess
physical characters, some of them penetrability, others powers of
impact or pressure, others radiant heat, others again capability of
viscous and cohesive attraction 2•
In intimate relation with those physical characters they also
possess the potentials of the energies represented by sound, touch,
colour, taste, and smell ; but, being subtle matter, they are devoid
1 I have accepted in this section and in the next many of the translations of Sanskrit

terms and expressions of Dr Seal and am largely indebted to him for his illuminating
exposition of this subject as given in Ray's Hindu Chemistry. The credit of explaining
Sarpkhya physics in the light of the text belongs entirely to him.
2 Dr Seal's Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus.
The Kapila and the Pataiijala Sii"!lkhya [cu.
of the peculiar forms which these "potentials" assume in particles
of gross matter like the atoms and their aggregates. In other
words, the potentials lodged in subtle matter must undergo peculiar
transformations by new groupings or collocations before they can
act as sensory stimuli as gross matter, though in the minutest
particles thereof the sensory stimuli may be infra-sensible (atin-
dri'ya but not anudbhiUa) 1•
Of the tanmatras the sabda or tiktisa tanmatra (the sound-
potential) is first generated directly from the bhutadi. Next
comes the sparsa or the vayu tmzmiitra (touch-potential) which is
generated by the union of a unit of tamas from bhutadi with the
akasa tanmatra. The nlpa tammitra (colour-potential) is generated
similarly by the accretion of a unit of tamas from bhutadi; the
rasa tanmatra (taste-potential) or the ap tamniitra is also similarly
formed. This ap tanmatra again by its union with a unit of tamas
from bhutadi produces the ga11dlza tanmiitra (smell-potential) or
the k#ti' ta11miitra 2• The difference of tanmatras or infra-atomic
units and atoms (parama~zu) is this, that the tanmatras have only
the potential power of affecting our senses, which must be grouped
and regrouped in a particular form to constitute a new existence
as atoms before they can have the power of affecting our senses.
It is important in this connection to point out that the classifica-
tion of all gross objects as k!?iti, ap, tejas, marut and vyoman is
not based upon a chemical analysis, but from the points of view
of the five senses through which knowledge of them could be
brought home to us. Each of our senses can only apprehend a
particular quality and thus five different ultimate substances are
said to exist corresponding to the five qualities which may be
grasped by the five senses. In accordance with the existence of
these five elements, the existence of the five potential states or
tanmatras was also conceived to exist as the ground of the five
gross forms.
The five classes of atoms are generated from the tanmatras as
follows: the sound-potential, with accretion of rudiment matter
from blultadi' generates the akasa-atom. The touch-potentials com-
bine with the vibratory particles (sound-potential) to generate the
Dr Seal's Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus.
There were various ways in which the genesis of tanmiitras and atoms were ex-
plained in literatures other than Sat}lkhya; for some account of it see Dr Seal's Positive
Sci'mces of the Ancient Ili11dus.
vn] Evolution of Atoms 2 53

vayu-atom. The light-and-heat potentials combine with touch-

potentials and sound-potentials to produce the tejas-atom. The
taste-potentials combine with light-and-heat potentials, touch-
potentials and sound-potentials to generate the ap-atom and the
smell-potentials combine with the preceding potentials to generate
the earth-atom. The akasa-atom possesses penetrability, the vayu-
atom impact or mechanical pressure, the tejas-atom radiant heat
and light, the ap-atom viscous attraction and the earth-atom
cohesive attraction. The akasa we have seen forms the transition
link from the bhiitadi to the tanmatra and from the tanmatra to
the atomic production; it therefore deserves a special notice at
this stage. Sarpkhya distinguishes between a karal).a-akasa and
karyakasa. The karal).a-akasa (non-atomic and all-pervasive)
is the formless tamas-the mass in prakrti or bhutadi; it is
indeed all-pervasive, and is not a mere negation, a mere un-
occupiedness (ii'l'ara~ziibhiiva) or vacuum 1 • \Vhen energy is first
associated with this tamas element it gives rise to the sound-
potential; the atomic akasa is the result of the integration of the
original mass-units from bhiitadi with this sound-potential (Sabda
tannziitra). Such an akasa-atom is called the karyakasa; it is
formed everywhere and held up in the original karal).a akasa as
the medium for the development of vayu atoms. Being atomic
it occupies limited space.
The aharpkara and the five tanmatras are technically called
avise~a or indeterminate, for further determinations or differentia-
tions of them for the formation of newer categories of existence
are· possible. The eleven senses and the five atoms are called
vise~a, i.e. determinate, for they cannot further be so determined
as to form a new category of existence. It is thus that the course
of evolution which started in the prakrti reaches its furthest limit
in the production of the 5enses on the one side and the atoms
on the other. Changes no doubt take place in bodies having
atomic constitution, but these changes are changes of quality due
to spatial changes in the position of the atoms or to the intro-
duction of new atoms and their re-arrangement. But these are
not such that a newer category of existence could be formed by
them which was substantially different from the combined atoms.
Dr B. N. Seal in describing this akasa says "Akasa corresponds in some respects
to the ether of the physicists and in others to what may be called proto-atom (protyle)."
Ray's History ofHi1Zdu Chemistry, p. 88.
254 The Kapila and the Patafijala Sii??zkhya [cu.
The changes that take place in the atomic constitution of things
certainly deserve to be noticed. But before we go on to this, it
will be better to enquire about the principle of causation accord-
ing to which the Sarpkhya-Yoga evolution should be compre-
hended or interpreted.

Principle of Causation and Conservation of Energy 1 •

The question is raised, how can the prakrti supply the de-
ficiences made in its evolutes by the formation of other evolutes
from them? When from mahat some tanmatras have evolved, or
when from the tanmatras some atoms have evolved, how can the
deficiency in mahat and the tanmatras be made good by the
Or again, what is the principle that guides the transformations
that take place in the atomic stage when one gross body, say milk,
changes into curd, and so on? Sarpkhya says that "as the total
energy remains the same while the world is constantly evolving,
cause and effect are only more or less evolved forms of the same
ultimate Energy. The sum of effects exists in the sum of causes
in a potential form. The grouping or collocation alone changes,
and this brings on the manifestation of the latent powers of the
gut:tas, but without creation of anything new. What is called the
(material) cause is only the power which is efficient in the pro-
duction or rather the vehicle of the power. This power is the
unmanifested (or potential) form of the Energy set free (udbhiUa-
vrtti) in the effect. But the concomitant conditions are necessary
to call forth the so-called material cause into activity 2." The
appearance of an effect (such as the manifestation of the figure
of the statue in the marble block by the causal efficiency of the
sculptor's art) is only its passage from potentiality to actuality
and the concomitant conditions (sahakiiri-sakti) or efficient cause
(nimitta-kiira~za, such as the sculptor's art) is a sort of mechanical
help or instrumental help to this passage or the transition 3 • The
refilling from prakrti thus means nothing more than this, that
by the inherent teleology of the prakrti, the reals there are so
collocated as to be transformed into mahat as those of the mahat
have been collocated to form the bhutadi or the tanmatras.

I VyiisabhiiJya and Yogaviirttika, IV. 3 ; Tattvavaifiiradi, IV. 3·

2 Ray, History of Hindu Chemistry, p. 72. 8Ibid. p. 73•
vn] Conservat£on of Energy and Change 2 55

Yoga however explains this more vividly on the basis of

transformation of the liberated potential energy. The sum of
material causes potentially contains the energy manifested in the
sum of effects. When the effectuating condition is added to the
sum of material conditions in a given collocation, all that happens
is that a stimulus is imparted which removes the arrest, disturbs
the relatively stable equilibrium, and brings on a liberation of
energy together with a fresh collocation (gu~zasannivelaviie~a).
As the owner of an adjacent field in transferring water from one
field to another of the same or lower level has only to remove
the obstructing mud barriers, whereupon the water flows of itself
to the other field, so when the efficient or instrumental causes
(such as the sculptor's art) remove the barrier inherent in any
collocation against its transformation into any other collocation,
the energy from that collocation flows out in a corresponding
manner and determines the collocation. Thus for example the
energy which collocated the milk-atoms to form milk was in a
state of arrest in the milk state. If by heat or other causes this
barrier is removed, the energy naturally changes direction in a
corresponding manner and collocates the atoms accordingly for
the formation of curd. So also as soon as the barriers are removed
from the prakrti, guided by the constant will of Isvara, the reals
in equilibrium in the state of prakrti leave their state of arrest
and evolve themselves into mahat, etc.

Change as the formation of new collocations.

It is easy to see from what we have already said that any
collocation of atoms forming a thing could not change its form,
unless the barrier inherent or caused by the formation of the
present collocation could be removed by some other extraneous
instrumental cause. All gross things are formed by the colloca-
tion of the five atoms of k~iti, ap, tejas, marut, and vyoman. The
difference between one thing and another is simply this, that its
collocation of atoms or the arrangement or grouping of atoms
is different from that in another. The formation of a collocation
has an inherent barrier against any change, which keeps that
collocation in a state of equilibrium, and it is easy to see that
these barriers exist in infinite directions in which all the other
infinite objects of the world exist. From whichever side the barrier
is removed, the energy flows in that direction and helps the
The Kapila and the Pata11ja!a Sii'?zkhya [cH.
formation of a corresponding object. Provided the suitable barriers
could be removed, anything could be changed into any other thing.
And it is believed that the Y ogins can acquire the powers by
which they can remove any barriers, and thus make anything out of
any other thing. But generally in the normal course of events the
line of evolution follows "a definite law which cannot be over-
stepped" (pari?tiimakrammziyama) or in other words there are
some natural barriers which cannot be removed, and thus the
evolutionary course has to take a path to the exclusion of those
lines where the barriers could not be removed. Thus saffron grows
in countries like Kashmere and not in Bengal, this is limitation of
countries (ddiipabandha); certain kinds of paddy grow in the rainy
season only, this is limitation of season or time (kiiliipabandha);
deer cannot beget men, this is limitation by form (iikiiriipabandlza);
curd can come out of milk, this is the limitation of causes (ui1nit-
tiipabmzdha). The evolutionary course can thus follow only that
path which is not barricaded by any of these limitations or natural
obstructions 1 •
Change is taking place everywhere, from the smallest and least
to the highest. Atoms and reals are continually vibrating and
changing places in any and every object. At each moment the
whole universe is undergoing change, and the collocation of atoms
at any moment is different from what it was at the previous
moment. When these changes are perceivable, they are perceived
as dharmapari~ziima or changes of dharma or quality; but per-
ceived or unperceived the changes are continually going on. This
change of appearance may be viewed from another aspect by
virtue of which we may call it present or past, and old or new,
and these are respectively called the lak~m:.zapari~ziima and avasthii-
pari~ziima. At every moment every object of the world is under-
going evolution or change, change as past, present and future,
as new, old or unborn. \Vhen any change is in a potential state
we call it future, when manifested present, when it becomes sub-
latent again it is said to be past. Thus it is that the potential,
manifest, and sub-latent changes of a thing are called future,
present and pasP.
1 Vyiisabhii!ya, Tattvavaifiiradi and Yogaz•iirttika, 111. I 4·
It is well to note in this connection that Sal}lkhya-yoga does not admit the exist-
ence of time as an independent entity like the Nyaya-Vai~e!§ika. Time represents the
order of moments in which the mind grasps the phenomenal changes. It is hence a
construction of the mind (budtlhi-1linJul~ta). The time required by an atom to move
vn] Theory of Causation 257

Causation as Satkaryavada (the theory that· the effect paten·

tially exists before it is generated by the movement of
the cause).
The above consideration brings us to an important aspect of
the Sarpkhya view of causation as satkiiryaviida. Sarpkhya holds
that there can be no production of a thing previously non-existent;
causation means the appearance or manifestation of a quality due
to certain changes of collocations in the causes which were already
held in them in a potential form. Production of effect only means
an internal change of the arrangement of atoms in the cause, and
this exists in it in a potential form, and just a little loosening of
the barrier which was standing in the way of the happening of
such a change of arrangement will produce the desired new col-
location-the effect. This doctrine is called satkiiryaviida, i.e.
that the karya or effect is sat or existent even before the causal
operation to produce the effect was launched. The oil exists in
the sesamum, the statue in the stone, the curd in the milk. The
causal operation (kiirakavyiipiira) only renders that manifest
(iivirbhztta) which was formerly in an unmanifested condition
(tirohita) 1•
The Buddhists also believed in change, as much as Sarpkhya
did, but with them there was no background to the change;
every change was thus absolutely a new one, and when it was
past, the next moment the change was lost absolutely. There
were only the passing dharmas or manifestations of forms and
qualities, but there was no permanent underlying dharma or sub-
stance. Sarpkhya also holds in the continual change of dharmas,
but it also holds that these dharmas represent only the conditions
of the permanent reals. The conditions and collocations of the reals
change constantly, but the reals themselves are unchangeable.
The effect according to the Buddhists was non-existent, it came
into being for a moment and was lost. On account of this theory
of causation and also on account of their doctrine of siinya, they
were called vai11iisikas (nihilists) by the Vedantins. This doctrine
is therefore contrasted to Sarpkhya doctrine as asatkiiryaviida.
its own measure of space is called a moment (k,ra~a) or one unit of time. Vijfiana
Bhikl?U regards one unit movement of the gul)as or reals as a moment. When by
true wisdom the gul)as are perceived as they are both the illusory notions of time and
space vanish. Vyiisabhii,rya, Tattvavaifiiradi, and Yogaviirtti'ka, III. 52 and III. r.~·
1 Tattvakaumudi, 9·
The Kapila and the Patanjala Sii1?zkhya [cH.
The Jain view holds that both these views are relatively true and
that from one point of view satkaryavada is true and from another
asatkaryavada. The Sarp.khya view that the cause is continually
transforming itself into its effects is technically called pari?Jiima-
'l}(ida as against the Vedanta view called the vivarttaviida: that
cause remains ever the same, and what we call effects are but
illusory impositions of mere unreal appearance of name and form
-mere Maya 1•

Sarpkhya Atheism and Yoga Theism.

Granted that the interchange of the positions of the infinite
number of reals produce all the world and its transformations;
whence comes this fixed order of the universe, the fixed order of
cause and effect, the fixed order of the so-called barriers which
prevent the transformation of any cause into any effect or the
first disturbance of the equilibrium of the prakrti? Sarp.khya
denies the existence oflsvara(God) or any other exterior influence,
and holds that there is an inherent tendency in these reals which
guides all their movements. This tendency or teleology demands
that the movements of the reals should be in such a manner that
they may render some service to the souls either in the direction
of enjoyment or salvation. It is by the natural course of such a
tendency that prakrti is disturbed, and the gur:tas develop on two
lines-on the mental plane, citta or mind comprising the sense
faculties, and on the objective plane as material objects; and it is
in fulfilment of the demands of this tendency that on the one
hand take place subjective experiences as the changes of the
buddhi and on the other the infinite modes of the changes of ob-
jective things. It is this tendency to be of service to the puru!?as
(puru~iirtlwtii) that guides all the movements of the reals, restrains
all disorder, renders the world a fit object of experience, and
finally rouses them to turn back from the world and seek to attain
liberation from the association of prakrti and its gratuitous service,
which causes us all this trouble of sarp.sara.
Yoga here asks, how the blind tendency of the non-intelligent
Both the Vedanta and the Sa1pkhya theories of causation are sometimes loosely
called satkiiryyaviida. But correctly speaking as some discerning commentators have
pointed out, the Vedanta theory of causation should be called satkaral)avada for ac-
cording to it the kara~za (cause) alone exists (sat) and all kiiryyas (effects) are illusory
appearances of the k:irm_1a; hut accorrling to S:i111khya the karyya exists in a potential
state in the karal)a and is hence always exi~ting and real.
vn] Yoga Theism 259
prakrti can bring forth this order and harmony of the universe,
how can it determine what course of evolution will be of the best
service to the puru!?as, how can it remove its own barriers and
lend itself to the evolutionary process from the state of prakrti
equilibrium? How too can this blind tendency so regulate the
evolutionary order that all men must suffer pains according to
their bad karmas, and happiness according to their good ones?
There must be some intelligent Being who should help the course
of evolution in such a way that this system of order and harmony
may be attained. This Being is Isvara. Isvara is a puru~a who
had never been subject to ignorance, afflictions, or passions. His
body is of pure sattva quality which can never be touched by
ignorance. He is all knowledge and all powerful. He has a per-
manent wish that those barriers in the course of the evolution of
the reals by which the evolution of the gm;as may best serve the
double interest of the puru!?a's experience (bhoga) and liberation
(apavarga) should be removed. It is according to this perma-
nent will of Isvara that the proper barriers are removed and the
gm;as follow naturally an intelligent course of evolution for the
service of the best interests of the puru!?as. Isvara has not created
the prakrti; he only disturbs the equilibrium of the prakrti in its
quiescent state, and later on helps it to follow an intelligent order
by which the fruits of karma are properly distributed and the order
of the world is brought about. This acknowledgement of Isvara
in Yoga and its denial by Sarpkhya marks the main theoretic
difference between the two according to which the Yoga and
Sarpkhya are distinguished as Sesvara Sarpkhya (Sarpkhya with
Isvara) and NiriSvara Sarpkhya (Atheistic Sarpkhyap.

Buddhi and Puru~a.

The question again arises that though puru~a is pure intel-

ligence, the gm:ms are non-intelligent subtle substances, how
can the latter come into touch with the former? Moreover,
the puru~a is pure inactive intelligence without any touch of
impurity and what service or need can such a puru!?a have of
the gm;as? This difficulty is anticipated by Sarpkhya, which has
already made room for its answer by assuming that one class of
the gm;as called sattva is such that it resembles the purity and
the intelligence of the puru!?a to a very high degree, so much so
1 Tattvavaifaradi, IV. 3; Yogavarttika, I. 2-J; and Pravacanabliifya, v. 1-12.
260 The Kapila and the Piitaiijala Sii7?zkhya [cH.
that it can reflect the intelligence of the puru~a, and thus render
its non-intelligent transformations to appear as if they were in-
telligent. Thus all our thoughts and other emotional or volitional
operations are really the non-intelligent transformations of the
buddhi or citta having a large sattva preponderance; but by virtue
of the reflection of the puru!?a in the buddhi, these appear as if
they are intelligent. The self (puru!?a) according to Sarpkhya-
y oga is not directly demonstrated by self-consciousness. Its
existence is a matter of inference on teleological grounds and
grounds of moral responsibility. The self cannot be directly
noticed as being separate from the buddhi modifications. Through
beginningless ignorance there is a confusion and the changing
states of budd hi are regarded as conscious. These buddhi changes
are further so associated with the reflection of the puru~a in the
buddhi that they are interpreted as the experiences of the puru!?a.
This association of the buddhi with the reflection of the puru~a
in the buddhi has such a special fitness (yogyata) that it is inter-
preted as the experience of the puru!?a. This explanation of
Vacaspati of the situation is objected to by Vijnana Bhik!?u.
Vijnana Bhik!?u says that the association of the buddhi with the
image of the puru~a cannot give us the notion of a real person
who undergoes the experiences. It is to be supposed therefore
that when the budd hi is intelligized by the reflection of the puru!?a,
it is then superimposed upon the puru~a, and we have the notion
of an abiding person who experiences 1• Whatever may be the
explanation, it seems that the union of the budd hi with the puru~a
is somewhat mystical. As a result of this reflection of cit on
buddhi and the superimposition of the buddhi the puru!?a cannot
realize that the transformations of the buddhi are not its own.
Buddhi resembles puru!?a in transparency, and the puru!?a fails to
differentiate itself from the modifications of the buddhi, and as
a result of this non-distinction the puru~a becomes bound down
to the buddhi, always failing to recognize the truth that the
buddhi and its transformations are wholly alien to it. This non-
distinction of puru~a from budd hi which is itself a mode of budd hi
is what is meant by avidyii (non-knowledge) in Sarpkhya, and is
the root of all experience and all misery 2•
1 Tattvavaifiiradi and Yo,.t;aviirttika, I. 4·
2 This indicates the nature of the analysis of illusion with Sfupkhya. It is the
non-apprehension of the distinction of two things (e.g. the snake and the rope) that
vn] Ignorance and Illusion
Yoga holds a slightly different view and supposes that the
puru!?a not only fails to distinguish the difference between it-
self and the buddhi but positively takes the transformations of
budd hi as its own. It is no non-perception of the difference
but positively false knowledge, that we take the puru!?a to be
that which it is not (anyatlu1khyati). It takes the changing,
impure, sorrowful, and objective prakrti or buddhi to be the
changeless, pure, happiness-begetting subject. It wrongly thinks
buddhi to be the self and regards it as pure, permanent and
capable of giving us happiness. This is the avidya of Yoga.
A buddhi associated with a puru!?a is dominated by such an
avidya, and when birth after birth the same buddhi is associated
with the same puru~a, it cannot easily get rid of this avidya.
If in the meantime pralaya takes place, the buddhi is submerged
in the prakrti, and the avidya also sleeps with it. When at the
beginning of the next creation the individual buddhis associated
with the puru~as emerge, the old avidyas also become manifest
by virtue of it and the buddhis associate themselves with the
puru~as to which they were attached before the pralaya. Thus
proceeds the course of sarpsara. When the a vidya of a person
is rooted out by the rise of true knowledge, the buddhi fails to
attach itself to the puru~a and is forever dissociated from it, and
this is the state of mukti.
The Cognitive Process and some characteristics of Citta.
It has been said that buddhi and the internal objects have
evolved in order to giving scope to the experience of the puru!:'a.
What is the process of this experience? Sarpkhya (as explained
by Vacaspati) holds that through the senses the buddhi comes
into touch with external objects. At the first moment of this
touch there is an indeterminate consciousness in which the parti-
culars of the thing cannot be noticed. This is called nirvikalpa
pratyak~a (indeterminate perception). At the next moment by
the function of the sa1!zkalpa (synthesis) and vikalpa (abstraction
or imagination) of manas (mind-organ) the thing is perceived in
all its determinate character; the manas differentiates, integrates,
and associates the sense-data received through the senses, and
is the cause of illusion; it is therefore called the akhycl!i (non·apprehension) theory of
illusion which must be distinguished from the anyathiikhyiiti (misapprehension) theory
of illusion of Yoga which consists in positively misapprehending one (e.g. the rope)
for the other (e.g. snake). Yogaviirttika, 1. 8.
The Kapila and the Piitaiijala Sii1!zkhya [cH.
thus generates the determinate perception, which when intelligized
by the puru!?a and associated with it becomes interpreted as the
experience of the person. The action of the senses, aharp.kara,
and buddhi, may take place sometimes successively and at other
times as in cases of sudden fear simultaneously. Vijnana Bhik~u
differs from this view of Vacaspati, and denies the synthetic
activity of the mind-organ (manas), and says that the buddhi
directly comes into touch with the objects through the senses.
At the first moment of touch the perception is indeterminate,
but at the second moment it becomes clear and determinate 1 •
It is evident that on this view the importance of manas is reduced
to a minimum and it is regarded as being only the faculty of de-
sire, doubt and imagination.
Buddhi, including aharp.kara and the senses, often called citta
in Yoga, is always incessantly suffering changes like the flame
of a lamp; it is made up of a large preponderance of the pure
sattva substances, and is constantly moulding itself from one con-
tent to another. These images by the dual reflection of budd hi
and puru~a are constantly becoming ·conscious, and are being
interpreted as the experiences of a person. The existence of the
puru~a is to be postulated for explaining the illumination of con-
sciousness and for explaining experience and moral endeavour.
The buddhi is spread all over the body, as it were, for it is by its
functions that the life of the body is kept up; for the Sarp.khya
does not admit any separate pral}a vayu (vital breath) to keep the
body living. What are called vii;'lls (bio-motor force) in Vedanta
are but the different modes of operation of this category of
buddhi, which acts all through the body and by its diverse move-
ments performs the life-functions and sense-funG:tions of the body.

1 As the contact of the buddhi with the external objects takes place through the

senses, the sense-data of colours, etc., are modified by the senses if they are defective.
The spatial qualities of things are however perceived by the senses directly, but the
time-order is a scheme of the citta or the buddhi. Generally speaking Yoga holds
that the external objects are faithfully copied by the budd hi in which they are reflected,
like trees in a lake :
'' tasmi1!1fca darpa~te spl.iire samastii vastudrHaya!.z
im{istiil.z pratibimbanti sarasiva ta!adnmtiil.z." Yog.zviirttil.-a, 1. 4·
The huddhi assumes the form of the object which is reflected on it hy the senses,
or rather the mind flows out through· the senses to the external objects and assumes
their forms: "indri'yii~IJ'eva pra~uili'kii cittasal1cara~ta1{tiirga!.z tai'f.z sal!l)'tifJ'a tadgola-
kadz,iirii biihyavaslu#iparaktasya ci'ttas;tendriyastihityc1taiviirthiikiiral_t. pari~ziimo
bhaz•ati." Yogaviirttika, 1. vi. i· Contrast Tattvakaumudi, 27 and 30.
vn] Instinct a1td Desire
Apart from the perceptions and the life-functions, buddhi, or
rather citta as Yoga describes it, contains within it the root im-
pressions (sm!zskiiras) and the tastes and instincts or tendencies
of all past lives (viisanii) 1• These sarp.skaras are revived under suit-
able associations. Every man had had infinite numbers of births in
their past lives as man and as some animal. In all these lives the
same citta was always following him. The citta has thus collected
within itself the instincts and tendencies of all those different
animal lives. It is knotted with these vasanas like a net. If a man
passes into a dog life by rebirth, the vasanas of a dog life, which
the man must have had in some of his previous infinite number of
births, are revived, and the man's tendencies become like those of
a dog. He forgets the experiences of his previous life and becomes
attached to enjoyment in the manner of a dog. It is by the revival
of the vasana suitable to each particular birth that there cannot be
any collision such as might have occurred if the instincts and
tendencies of a previous dog-life were active when any one was
born as man.
The sarp.skaras represent the root impressions by which any
habit of life that man has lived through, or any pleasure in
which he took delight for some time, or any passions which were

I The word sarpskara is used by PaQini who probably preceded Budrlha in three
different senses: {I) improving a thing as distinguished from generating a new quality
(Sata utkarfiidhiilla'fl sa'!zskiira!z, Kasika on PaQini, VI. ii. 16), (2) conglomeration
or aggregation, and (3) adornment (PaQini, VI. i. I3i• 1 38). In the Pi!akas the word
sa1ikhara is used in various senses such as constructing, preparing, perfecting, embel-
lishing, aggregation, matter, karma, the skandhas (collected by Childers). In fact
sankhara stands for almost anything of which impt:rmanence could be predicated.
But in spite of so many diversities of meaning I venture to suggest that the meaning
of aggregation (samaviiya of PaQini} is prominent. The word sat!Zskaroti is used in
Kau~itaki, II. 6, Chandogya, IV. xvi. 2, 3, 4, viii. 8, 5, and BrhadaraQyaka, VI. iii. 1,
in the sense of improving. I have not yet come across any literary use of the second
meaning in Sanskrit. The meaning of sal}'lskara in Hindu philosophy is altogether
different. It means the impressions (which exist sub-consciously in the mind) of the
objects experienced. All our experiences whether cognitive, emotional or conative
exist in sub-conscious states and may under suitable conditions be reproduced as
memory (smrti}. The word vasana (Yoga sutra, IV. '2-J) seems to be a later word. The
earlier U pani~ads do not mention it and so far as I know it is not mentioned in the Pali
pi!akas. Abhidhiinappadipikii of ~loggallana mentions .it, and it occurs in the l\luktika
U pani~ad. It comes from rhe root .. vas" to stay. It is often loosely used in the sense
of sai!lSkara, and in Vyiisabhiifya they are identified in IV. 9· But vasana generally
refers to the tendencies of past lives most of which lie dormant in the mind. Only those
appear which can find scope in this life. But sarpskaras are the sub-conscious states
which are being constantly generated by experience. Vasanas are innate sal}'lskaras not
acquired in this life. See Vyiisabhiifya, Tattviivaiiiiradi and Yoga'llt'irttika, II. I 3·
The Kapila and the Piitanjala Sii1?zkhya [cH.
engrossing to him, tend to be revived, for though these might
not now be experienced, yet the fact that they were experienced
before has so moulded and given shape to the citta that the
citta will try to reproduce them by its own nature even without
any such effort on our part. To safeguard against the revival of
any undesirable idea or tendency it is therefore necessary that its
roots as already left in the citta in the form of sarpskaras should
be eradicated completely by the formation of the habit of a con-
trary tendency, which if made sufficiently strong will by its own
sarpskara naturally stop the revival of the previous undesirable
Apart from these the citta possesses volitional activity (ce~{a)
by which the conative senses are brought into relation to their
objects. There is also the reserved potent power (Saktz) of citta,
by which it can restrain itself and change its courses or continue
to persist in any one direction. These characteristics are involved
in the very essence of citta, and form the groundwork of the Yoga
method of practice, which consists in steadying a particular state
of mind to the exclusion of others.
Merit or demerit (pu?fya, papa) also is imbedded in the citta
as its tendencies, regulating the mode of its movements, and
giving pleasures and pains in accordance with it.

Sorrow and its Dissolution 1 •

Sarpkhya and the Yoga, like the Buddhists, hold that all
experience is sorrowful. Tamas, we know, represents the pain
substance. As tamas must be present in some degree in all com-
binations, all intellectual operations are fraught with some degree
of painful feeling. Moreover even in states of temporary pleasure,
we had sorrow at the previous moment when we had solicited
it, and we have sorrow even when we enjoy it, for we have the
fear that we may lose it. The sum total of sorrows is thus much
greater than the pleasures, and the pleasures only strengthen the
keenness of the sorrow. The wiser the man the greater is his
capacity of realizing that the world and our experiences are all full
of sorrow. For unless a man is convinced of this great truth that
all is sorrow, and that temporary pleasures, whether generated by
ordinary worldly experience or by enjoying heavenly experiences
through the performance of Vedic sacrifices, are quite unable to
1 Tat/vavailtiradl and Yogava1·ttil:a, 11. 15, and Tattvakaumudl, 1.
vn] Sorrow and its Dissolution
eradicate the roots of sorrow, he will not be anxious for mukti or
the final uprooting of pains. A man must feel that all pleasures
lead to sorrow, and that the ordinary ways of removing
sorrows by seeking enjoyment cannot remove them ultimately;
he must turn his back on the pleasures of the world and on the
pleasures of paradise. The performances of sacrifices according
to the Vedic rites may indeed give happiness, but as these involve
the sacrifice of animals they must involve some sins and hence also
some pains. Thus the performance of these cannot be regarded
as desirable. It is when a man ceases from seeking pleasures
that he thinks how best he can eradicate the roots of sorrow.
Philosophy shows how extensive is sorrow, why sorrow comes,
what is the way to uproot it, and what is the state when it is
uprooted. The man who has resolved to uproot sorrow turns to
philosophy to find out the means of doing it.
The way of eradicating the root of sorrow is thus the practical
-enquiry of the Sarpkhya philosophy 1• All experiences are sorrow.
Therefore some means must be discovered by which all experi-
ences may be shut out for ever. Death cannot bring it, for after
death we shall have rebirth. So long as citta (mind) and puru!?a
are associated with each other, the sufferings will continue.
Citta must be dissociated from puru!?a. Citta or buddhi, Sarp-
khya says, is associated with puru!?a because of the non-dis-
tinction of itself from buddhi 2• It is necessary therefore that in
buddhi we should be able to generate the true conception of the
nature of puru!?a ; when this true conception of puru!?a arises in
the buddhi it feels itself to be different, and distinct, from and
·quite unrelated to puru!?a, and thus ignorance is destroyed. As
a result of that, buddhi turns its back on puru!?a and can no
longer bind it to its experiences, which are all irrevocably con-
nected with sorrow, and thus the puru!?a remains in its true
form. This according to Sarpkhya philosophy is alone adequate
to bring about the liberation of the puru!?a. Prakrti which was
leading us through cycles of experiences from birth to birth, fulfils
its final purpose when this true knowledge arises differentiating
1 Yoga puts it in a slightly modified form. Its object is the cessation of the rebirth-

process which is so much associated with sorrow (du!.zkhabahulalf sat?uiira(z heya!J).

2 The word citta is a Yoga term. It is so called because it is the repository of all

sub-conscious states. Saipkhya generally uses the word buddhi. Both the words mean
the same substance, the mind, but they emphasize its two different functions. Buddhi
means intellection.
266 The Kapila and the Patanjala Sii1?zkhya [cH.
puru~a from prakrti. This final purpose being attained the
prakrti can never again bind the puru~a with reference to whom
this right knowledge was generated ; for other puru~as however
the bondage remains as before, and they continue their experi-
ences from one birth to another in an endless cycle.
Yoga, however, thinks that mere philosophy is not sufficient.
In order to bring about liberation it is not enough that a true
knowledge differentiating puru~a and buddhi should arise, but it
is necessary that all the old habits of experience of buddhi, all
its sarpskaras should be once for all destroyed never to be revived
again. At this stage the budd hi is transformed into its purest
state, reflecting steadily the true nature of the puru~a. This is
the kevala (oneness) state of existence after which (all sarpskaras,
all avidya being altogether uprooted) the citta is impotent any
longer to hold on to the puru!:'a, and like a stone hurled from a
mountain top, gravitates back into the prakrti 1 • To destroy the
old sarpskaras, knowledge alone not being sufficient, a graduated
course of practice is necessary. This graduated practice should
be so arranged that by generating the practice of living higher
and better modes of life, and steadying the mind on its subtler
states, the habits of ordinary life may be removed. As the yogin
advances he has to give up what he had adopted as good and
try for that which is still better. Continuing thus he reaches the
state when the budd hi is in its ultimate perfection and purity.
At this stage the buddhi assumes the form of the puru~a, and
final liberation takes place.
Karmas in Yoga are divided into four classes: ( 1) sukla or
white (pu1!ya, those that produce happiness), (2) krp!a or black
(piipa, those that produce sorrow), (3) sukla-k.r~?ta (pu~zya-piipa,
most of our ordinary actions are partly virtuous and partly vicious
as they involve, if not anything else, at least the death of many
insects), (4) asukliikr~?ta (those inner acts of self-abnegation, and
meditation which are devoid of any fruits as pleasures or pains).
All external actions involve some sins, for it is difficult to work
in the world and avoid taking the lives of insects:?. All karmas

Both SaiJlkhya and Yoga speak of this emancipated state as r..-ai'l•alya (alone-ness),
the former because all sorrows have been absolute!y uprooted, never to grow up again
and the latter because at this state puru~a remains for ever alone without any associa-
tion with buddhi, see SiiJ!zklzya kiirikii, 68 and Yoga s1Uras, IV. 34·
2 Vyiisabhii!ya and Tattvavai.<iiradi, 1 v. 7.
vn] Modes of fg1loraJtce
proceed from the five-fold afflictions (klefas), namely avidyii,
asmitii, riiga, dve~a and abhi11ivefa.
vVe have already noticed what was meant by avidya. It con-
sists generally in ascribing intelligence to buddhi, in thinking it
as permanent and leading to happiness. This false knowledge
while remaining in this form further manifests itself in the other
four forms of asmita, etc. Asmita means the thinking of worldly
objects and our experiences as really belonging to us-the
sense of "mine" or "I'' to things that really are the qualities or
transformations of the guryas. Raga means the consequent attach-
ment to pleasures and things. Dve~a means aversion or antipathy
to unpleasant things. Abhinivesa is the desire for life or love of
life-the will to be. \Ve proceed to work because we think our
experiences to be our own, our body to be our own, our family
to be our own, our possessions to be our own; because we are
attached to these ; because we feel great antipathy against any
mischief that might befall them, and also because we love our
life and always try to preserve it against any mischief. These all
proceed, as is easy to see, from their root avidya, "·hich consists
in the false identification of buddhi with puru~a. These five,
avidya, asmita, raga, dve~a and abhinivesa, permeate our buddhi,
and lead us to perform karma and to suffer. These together
with the performed karmas which lie inherent in the buddhi as
a particular mode of it transmigrate with the buddhi from birth
to birth, and it is hard to get rid of them 1• The karma in the
aspect in which it lies in the buddhi as a mode or modification of
it is called karmiifaya (the bed of karma for the puru~a to lie in).
\Ve perform a karma actuated by the vicious tendencies (klcsa) of
the buddhi. The karma when thus performed leaves its stain or
modification on the buddhi, and it is so ordained according to the
teleology of the prakrti and the removal of obstacles in the course
of its evolution in accordance with it by the permanent will of
Isvara that each vicious action brings sufferance and a virtuous
one pleasure.
The karmas performed in the present life will generally ac-
cumulate, and when the time for giving their fruits comes, such
a life is ordained for the person, such a body is made ready for
him according to the evolution of prakrti as shall make it possible
for him to suffer or enjoy the fruits thereo( The karma of the
1 Vyiisablziifya and Tattvavaifiiradi, 11. 3-9.
268 The Kapila and the Pataiz.fala Sii1!zkhya [cH.
present life thus determines the particular kind of future birth
(as this or that animal or man), the period of life (tiyu~) and the
painful or pleasurable experiences (bhoga) destined for that life.
Exceedingly good actions and extremely bad actions often pro-
duce their effects in this life. It may also happen that a man has
done certain bad actions, for the realization of the fruits of which
he requires a dog-life and good actions for the fruits of which
he requires a man-life. In such cases the good action may remain
in abeyance and the man may suffer the pains of a dog-life first
and then be born again as a man to en joy the fruits of his good
actions. But if we can remove ignorance and the other afflictions,
all his previous unfulfilled karmas are for ever lost and cannot
again be revived. He has of course to suffer the fruits of those
karmas which have already ripened. This is thejivanmukti stage,
when the sage has attained true knowledge and is yet suffering
mundane life in order to experience the karmas that have already
ripened ( ti~{hati smtzskaravastit cakrablzramivaddh.rtasarirafz ).
The word Yoga which was formerly used in Vedic literature
in the sense of the restraint of the senses is used by Patafijali in
his Yoga sutra in the sense of the partial or full restraint or
steadying of the states of citta. Some sort of concentration may
be brought about by violent passions, as when fighting against
a mortal enemy, or even by an ignorant attachment or instinct.
The citta which has the concentration of the former type is called
k#'pta (wild) and of the latter type pramziqha (ignorant). There
is another kind of citta, as with all ordinary people, in which
concentration is only possible for a time, the mind remaining
steady on one thing for a short time leaves that off and clings to
another thing and so on. This is called the vik~ipta (unsteady)
stage of mind (cittablzztmi). As distinguished from these there is
an advanced stage of citta in which it can concentrate steadily on
an object for a long time. This is the ekagra (one-pointed) stage.
There is a still further advanced stage in which the citta processes
are absolutely stopped. This happens immediately before mukti,
and is called the nirodha (cessation) state of citta. The purpose of
Yoga is to achieve the conditions of the last two stages of citta.
The cittas have five processes ( v.rtti), ( 1) pramii~za 1 (valid
1 Satpkhya holds that both validity anti invalidity of any cognition depend upon

the cognitive state itself and not on correspondence with external facts or objects
(svata~ priimii~zyal!l svata~ apriimti~TYa'!z). The contribution of SaTJtkhya to the doc-
vn] Tendencies of Good and Evil
cognitive states such as are generated by perception, inference
and scriptural testimony), (2) viparyaya (false knowledge, illusion,
etc.), (3) vikalpa (abstraction, construction and different kinds of
imagination), (4) nidrii (sleep, is a vacant state of mind, in which
tamas tends to predominate), (5) smrti (memory).
These states of mind (v_rtti) comprise our inner experience.
When they lead us towards sarpsara into the course of passions
and their satisfactions, they are said to be kli~ta (afflicted or
leading to affliction); when they lead us towards liberation, they
are called akli~ta (unafflicted). To whichever side we go, towards
sarpsara or towards mukti, we have to make use of our states of
mind; the states which are bad often alternate with good states,
and whichever state should tend towards our final good (libera-
tion) must be regarded as good.
This draws attention to that important characteristic of citta,
that it sometimes tends towards good (i.e. liberation) and some-
times towards bad (sarpsara). It is like a river, as the Vyiisa-
bhii~ya says, which flows both ways, towards sin and towards the
good. The teleology of prakrti requires that it should produce
in man the sarpsara as well as the liberation tendency.
Thus in accordance with it in the midst of many bad thoughts
and bad habits there come good moral will and good thoughts,
and in the midst of good thoughts and habits come also bad
thoughts and vicious tendencies. The will to be good is therefore
never lost in man, as it is an innate tendency in him which is
as strong as his desire to enjoy pleasures. This point is rather
remarkable, for it gives us the key of Yoga ethics and shows that
our desire of liberation is not actuated by any hedonistic attraction
for happiness or even removal of pain, but by an innate tendency
of the mind to follow the path of liberation I. Removal of pains
trine of inference is not definitely known. What little Vacaspati says on the subject has
been borrowed from Vatsyayana such as the putvavat, !ejavat and siimiinyatodrf!a types
of inference, and these may better be consulted in our chapter on Nyaya or in the Tiitpar-
ya!ikii of Vacaspati. Sarpkhya inference was probably from particular to particular on
the ground of seven kinds of relations according to which they had seven kinds of in-
ference '' miitriinimittasa'!zyogivirodhisahaciiribhil;. Svasvtimibadhyaghiittidyail; siit?Z-
khytinii'!z saptadhiinumii" ( Tiitpatya!ikii, p. 109). Sarpkhya definition of inference as
given by Udyotakara {I. I. v) is "sambandhiidekasmtit pratyakjiicche~asiddhira1Zumii­
I Sarpkhya however makes the absolute and complete destruction of three kinds

of sorrows, iidhyiitmika (generated internally by the illness of the body or the unsatis-
fied passions of the mind), tidhibhautika (generated externally by the injuries inflicted
by other men, beasts, etc.) and adhidaivika (generated by the injuries inflicted by demons
and ghosts) the object of all our endeavours (purutiirlha).
270 The Kapila and the Pi'ita1'ljala Si'i1?tkhya [cH.
is of course the concomitant effect of following such a course, but
still the motive to follow this path is a natural and irresistible
tendency of the mind. Man has power (Sakti) stored up in his
citta, and he has to use it in such a way that this tendency may
gradually grow stronger and stronger and ultimately uproot the
other. He must succeed in this, since prakrti wants liberation for
her final realization 1•

Yoga Purificatory Practices (Parikarma).

The purpose of Yoga meditation is to steady the mind on
the gradually advancing stages of thoughts towards liberation,
so that vicious tendencies may gradually be more and more
weakened and at last disappear altogether. But before the mind
can be fit for this lofty meditation, it is necessary that it should
be purged of ordinary impurities. Thus the intending yogin
should practise absolute non-injury to all living beings (ahiu;sii),
absolute and strict truthfulness (satya), non-stealing (asteya),
absolute sexual restraint (brahmacarya) and the acceptance of
nothing but that which is absolutely necessary (aparigraha).
These are collectively called yama. Again side by side with these
abstinences one must also practise external cleanliness by ablu-
tions and inner cleanliness of the mind, contentment of mind, the
habit of bearing all privations of heat and cold, or keeping the
body unmoved and remaining silent in speech (tapas), the study
of philosophy (svadhyiiya) and meditation on Isvara (lsvara-
pra~zidltiilla ). These are collectively called niyamas. To these are
also to be added certain other moral disciplines such as pratipak~a­
bhii'llallii, maitri, kant?lii, muditii and upek~ii. Pratipak~a-bhavana
means that whenever a bad thought (e.g. selfish motive) may
come one should practise the opposite good thought (self-
sacrifice); so that the bad thoughts may not find any scope.
Most of our vices are originated by our unfriendly relations
with our fellow-beings. To remove these the practice of mere
abstinence may not be sufficient, and therefore one should
habituate the mind to keep itself in positive good relations with
our fellow-beings. The practice of maitri means to think of
all beings as friends. If we continually habituate ourselves to
think this, we can never be displeased with them. So too one
should practise karUI)<l or kindly feeling for sufferers, mudita
See my "Yoga Psychology," Quest, October, 1921.
vn] Yoga Meditation 271

or a feeling of happiness for the good of all beings, and upek~a

or a feeling of equanimity and indifference for the vices of others.
The last one indicates that the yogin should not take any note
of the vices of vicious men.
When the mind becomes disinclined to all worldly pleasures
(vairiigya) and to all such as are promised in heaven by the per-
formances of Vedic sacrifices, and the mind purged of its dross
and made fit for the practice of Yoga meditation, the yogin may
attain liberation by a constant practice (abhyiisa) attended with
faith, confidence (Sraddlzii), strength of purpose and execution
( virya) and wisdom (praj1iii) attained at each advance.

The Yoga Meditation.

When the mind has become pure the chances of its being
ruffled by external disturbances are greatly reduced. At such
a stage the yogin takes a firm posture (iisana) and fixes his mind
on any object he chooses. It is, however, preferable that he should
fix it on Isvara, for in that case Isvara being pleased removes
many of the obstacles in his path, and it becomes easier for
him to attain success. But of course he makes his own choice,
and can choose anything he likes for the unifying concentration
(samiidhi) of his mind. There are four states of this unifying
concentration namely vitarka, viciira, iinanda and asmita. Of
these vitarka and vicara have each two varieties, savitarka, nir'iJi-
tarka,saviciira,1lirviciira1. When the mind concentrates on objects,
remembering their names and qualities, it is called the savitarka
stage; when on the five tanmatras with a remembrance of their
qualities it is called savicara, and when it is one with the tan-
matras without any notion of their qualities it is called nirvicara.
Higher than these are the ananda and the asmita states. In the
ananda state the mind concentrates on the buddhi with its func-
tions of the senses causing pleasure. In the asmita stage buddhi
concentrates on pure substance as divested of all modifica-
tions. In all these stages there are objects on which the mind
consciously concentrates, these are therefore called the sampraj1ziita
(with knowledge of objects) types of samadhi. Next to this comes
the last stage of samadhi called the asampra;iziita or nirodha
samadhi, in which the mind is without any object. By remaining
1 Vacaspati, however, thinks that ananda and asmita have also two other varieties,

which is denied by Bhik~u.

The Kapila and the Pataiijala Siil?zkhya [en.
long in this stage the old potencies (saf!1skaras) or impressions
due to the continued experience of worldly events tending towards
the objective world or towards any process of experiencing inner
thinking are destroyed by the production of a strong habit of the
nirodha state. At this stage dawns the true knowledge, when the
buddhi becomes as pure as the puru!?a, and after that the citta not
being able to bind the puru~a any longer returns back to prakrti.
In order to practise this concentration one has to see that
there may be no disturbance, and the yogin should select a
quiet place on a hill or in a forest. One of the main obstacles
is, however, to be found in our constant respiratory action. This
has to be stopped by the practice of pni?ziiyiima. Pral}ayama
consists in taking in breath, keeping it for a while and then
giving it up. \Vith practice one may retain breath steadily for
hours, days, months and even years. When there is no need
of taking in breath or giving it out, and it can be retained
steady for a long time, one of the main obstacles is removed.
The process of practising concentration is begun by sitting
in a steady posture, holding the breath by pral}ayama, excluding
all other thoughts, and fixing the mind on any object (dhiira'l}ti).
At first it is difficult to fix steadily on any object, and the same
thought has to be repeated constantly in the mind, this is called
dhyii11a. After sufficient practice in dhyana the mind attains the
power of making itself steady; at this stage it becomes one
with its object and there is no change or repetition. There is
no consciousness of subject, object or thinking, but the mind
becomes steady and one with the object of thought. This is called
samadhi 1• We have already described the six stages of samadhi.
As the yogin acquires strength in one stage of samadhi, he passes
on to a still higher stage and so on. As he progresses onwards
he attains miraculous powers (vibh11ti) and his faith and hope
in the practice increase. Miraculous powers bring with them
many temptations, but the yogin is firm of purpose and even
though the position of Indra is offered to him he does not relax.
His wisdom (prajfia) also increases at each step. Prajfia know-
ledge is as clear as perception, but while perception is limited to

1 It should be noted that the word samiidhi cannot properly be translated either

by "concentration" or by "meditation." It means that peculiar kind of concentra-

tion in the \' oga sense by which the mind becomes one with its object and there is no
movement of the mind into its passing states.
vn] U7isdom and Enzancipation
certain gross things and certain gross qualities 1 prajfia has no
such limitations, penetrating into the subtlest things, the tan-
matras, the gul)aS, and perceiving clearly and vividly all their
subtle conditions and qualities 2• As the potencies (smtzskara) of the
prajfia wisdom grow in strength the potencies of ordinary know-
ledge are rooted out, and the yogin continues to remain always
in his prajfia wisdom. It is a peculiarity of this praji1a that it
leads a man towards liberation and cannot bind him to sarpsara.
The final prajfias which lead to liberation are of seven kinds~
namely, ( 1) I have known the world, the object of suffering and
misery, I have nothing more to know of it. (2) The grounds and
roots of sarpsara have been thoroughly uprooted, nothing more
of it remains to be uprooted. (3) Removal has become a fact of
direct cognition by inhibitive trance. (4) The means of knowledge
in the shape of a discrimination of puru~a from prakrti has been
understood. The other three are not psychological but are rather
metaphysical processes associated with the situation. They are
as follows: (5) The double purpose of buddhi experience and
emancipation (bhoga and apavarga) has been realized. (6) The
strong gravitating tendency of the disintegrated gul)aS drives
them into prakrti like heavy stones dropped from high hill tops.
(7) The buddhi disintegrated into its constituents the gul)aS
become merged in the prakrti and remain there for ever. The
puru~a having passed beyond the bondage of the gul)aS shines
forth in its pure intelligence. There is no bliss or happiness in
this Sarpkhya-Yoga mukti, for all feeling belongs to prakrti. It
is thus a state of pure intelligence. What the Sarpkhya tries to
achieve through knowledge, Yoga achieves through the perfected
discipline of the will and psychological control of the mental
1 The limitations which baffie perception are counted in the Kiirikii as follows :

Extreme remoteness (e.g. a lark high up in the sky), extreme proximity (e.g. collyrium
inside the eye), loss of sense-organ (e.g. a blind man), want of attention, extreme
smallness of the object (e.g. atoms), obstruction by other intervening objects (e.g. by
walls), presence of superior lights (the star cannot be seen in daylight), being mixed
up with other things of its own kind (e.g. water thrown into a lake).
Though all things are but the modifications of gut;as yet the real nature of the
gm;as is never revealed by the sense-knowledge. \Vhat appears to the senses are but
illusory characteristics like those of magic (maya) :
" ;.,·u~u1niil!l parama'!z rzipam 1la dr~{ipathamruhati
Yattu dts!z"patham prliptam tmzmiiyeva sutucchakam."
Vyiisabhii~ya, IY. r 3·
The real nature of the gm;as is thus revealed only hy prajiiii.

Criticism of Buddhism and Satpkhya from the

Nyaya standpoint.
THE Buddhists had upset all common sense convictions of
substance and attribute, cause and effect, and permanence of
things, on the ground that all collocations are momentary;
each_ group of collocations exhausts itself in giving rise to
another group and that to another and so on. But if a col-
location representing milk generates the collocation of curd
it is said to be due to a joint action of the elements forming
the cause-collocation and the modus operandi is unintelligible;
the elements composing the cause-collocation cannot separately
generate the elements composing the effect-collocation, for on
such a supposition it becomes hard to maintain the doctrine
of momentariness as the individual and separate exercise of in-
fluence on the part of the cause-elements and their coordination
and manifestation as effect cannot but take more than one moment.
The supposition that the whole of the effect-collocation is the
result of the joint action of the elements of cause-collocation is
against our universal uncontradicted experience that specific
elements constituting the cause (e.g. the whiteness of milk) are
the cause of other corresponding elements of the effect (e.g. the
whiteness of the curd); and we could not say that the hardness,
blackness, and other properties of the atoms of iron in a lump
state should not be regarded as the cause of similar qualities in
the iron ball, for this is against the testimony of experience.
Mo~eover there would be no difference between material (upiidana,
e.g. clay of the jug), instrumental and concomitant causes (nimitta
and salzakari, such as the potter, and the wheel, the stick etc. in
forming the jug), for the causes jointly produce the effect, and
there was no room for distinguishing the material and the instru-
mental causes, as such.
Again at the very moment in which a cause-collocation is
brought into being, it cannot exert its influence to produce its
CH. VIII] C riticisnt of Sii:'!zkhya
effect-collocation. Thus after coming into being it would take the
cause-collocation at least another moment to exercise its influence
to produce the effect. How can the thing which is destroyed the
moment after it is born produce any effect? The truth is that
causal elements remain and when they are properly collocated
the effect is produced. Ordinary experience also shows that we
perceive things as existing from a past time. • The past time is
perceived by us as past, the present as present and the future as
future and things are perceived as existing from a past time on-
The Sarpkhya assumption that effects are but the actualized
states of the potential cause, and that the causal entity holds
within it all the future series of effects, and that thus the effect is
already existent even before the causal movement for the pro-
duction of the effect, is also baseless. Sarpkhya says that the
oil was already existent in the sesamum and not in the stone, and
that it is thus that oil can be got from sesamum and not from the
stone. The action of the instrumental cause with them consists
only in actualizing or manifesting what was already existent in
a potential form in the cause. This is all nonsense. A lump of
clay is called the cause and the jug the effect; of what good is it
to say that the jug exists in the clay since with clay we can never
carry water? A jug is made out of clay, but clay is not a jug.
What is meant by saying that the jug was unmanifested or was
in a potential state before, and that it has now become manifest
or actual? What does potential state mean? The potential state
of the jug is not the same as its actual state; thus the actual state
of the jug must be admitted as non-existent before. If it is
meant that the jug is made up of the same parts (the atoms) of
which the clay is made up, of course we admit it, but this does
not mean that the jug was existent in the atoms of the lump
of clay. The potency inherent in the clay by virtue of which it
can expose itself to the influence of other agents, such as the
potter, for being transformed into a jug is not the same as the
effect, the jug. Had it been so, then we should rather have said
that the jug came out of the jug. The assumption of Sarpkhya
that the substance and attribute have the same reality is also
against all experience, for we all perceive that movement and
attribute belong to substance and not to attribute. Again
Sarpkhya holds a preposterous doctrine that buddhi is different
The Nyliya- Vaise~z"ka Philosophy [cH.
from intelligence. It is absolutely unmeaning to call buddhi non-
intelligent. Again what is the good of all this fictitious fuss that
the qualities of buddhi are reflected on puru~a and then again on
buddhi. Evidently in all our experience we find that the soul
(iitman) knows, feels and wills, and it is difficult to understand why
Sarpkhya does not accept this patent fact and declare that know-
ledge, feeling, and willing, all belonged to buddhi. Then again in
order to explain experience it brought forth a theory of double
reflection. Again Sarpkhya prakrti is non-intelligent, and where
is the guarantee that she (prakrti) will not bind the wise again
and will emancipate him once for all ? Why did the puru~a be-
come bound down? Prakrti is being utilized for enjoyment by
the infinite number of puru~as, and she is no delicate girl (as
Sarpkhya supposes) who will leave the presence of the puru~a
ashamed as soon as her real nature is discovered. Again pleasure
(sukha), sorrow (du[tk!ta) and a blinding feeling through ignorance
(moha) are but the feeling-experiences of the soul, and with what
impudence could Sarpkhya think of these as material substances?
Again their cosmology of a mahat, aharpkara, the tanmatras,
is all a series of assumptions never testified by experience nor
by reason. They are all a series of hopeless and foolish blunders.
The phenomena of experience thus call for a new careful recon-
struction in the light of reason and experience such as cannot
be found in other systems. (See Nyiiyamm/jari, pp. 452-466
and 490-496.)

Nyaya and Vaise~ika siitras.

It is very probable that the earliest beginnings of Nyaya are
to be found in the disputations and debates amongst scholars
trying to find out the right meanings of the Vedic texts for use
in sacrifices and also in those disputations which took place be-
tween the adherents of different schools of thought trying to
defeat one another. I suppose that such disputations occurred in
the days of the U pani~ads, and the art of disputation was regarded
even then as a subject of study, and it probably passed then by
the name of viikoviil.ya. Mr Bodas has pointed out that Apastamba
who according to Biihler lived before the third century B.C. used the
word Nyaya in the sense of Mimarpsa 1• The word Nyayaderived
1 Apastamba, trans. by Biihler, Introduction, p. XXVII., and Bodas's article on the
1/iston·cal Sm·vty if lmliall Logic in the Bombay l:ranch of J.R.A.S., vol. XIX.
VIII] The Science o.f Nyaya 277
from the root 1zi is sometimes explained as that by which sentences
and words could be interpreted as having one particular meaning
and not another, and on the strength of this even Vedic accents of
words (which indicate the meaning of compound words by pointing
out the particular kind of compound in which the words entered
into combination) were called Nyaya•. Pro(Jacobion the strength
of Kau!ilya's enumeration of the vidyii (sciences) as Anvlk~iki
(the science of testing the perceptual and scriptural knowledge
by further scrutiny), trayi (the three Vedas), viirttii (the sciences
of agriculture, cattle keeping etc.), and da~ujaniti (polity), and the
enumeration of the philosophies as Sarpkhya, Yoga, Lokayata
and Anvik~iki, supposes that the Nyiiya siUra was not in existence
in Kautilya's time 300 B.C.) 2• Kautilya's reference to Nyaya as
Anvik~iki only suggests that the word Nyaya was not a familiar
name for Anvik~iki in Kau!ilya's time. He seems to misunderstand
Vatsyayana in thinking that Vatsyayana distinguishes Nyaya
from the Anvik~iki in holding that while the latter only means
the science of logic the former means logic as well as metaphysics.
What appears from Vatsyayana's statement in NJ'tiya s11tra 1. i. r
is this that he points out that the science which was known in his
time as Nyaya was the same as was referred to as Anvik~iki by
Kau!ilya. He distinctly identifies N yayavidya with Anvik~iki,
but justifies the separate enumeration of certain logical categories
such as smtlsaya (doubt) etc., though these were already contained
within the first two terms pramiil}a (means of cognition) and
prameya (objects of cognition), by holding that unless these its
special and separate branches (p_rthakprasthana) were treated,
Nyayavidya would simply become metaphysics (adh;'atmavidyti)
like the U pani~ads. The old meaning of N yay a as the means of de-
termining the right meaning or the right thing is also agreed upon
by Vatsyayana and is sanctioned by Vacaspati in his Nyiiyaviirt-
tikatiitparya!ikii I. i. 1). He compares the meaning of the word
N yaya (pramii~zairarthaparlk~a!zam-to scrutinize an object by
means of logical proof) with the etymological meaning of the word
anvik!?iki(to scrutinize anything after it has been known by percep-
tion and scriptures). Vatsyayana of course points out that so far as
this logical side of N yaya is concerned it has the widest scope for
1 Kalidasa's Kumiirasambhava "Ud_l{hiito pra~zavo yiisiim nyiiyaistribhirudira~zam, ••

also Mallinatha's gloss on it.

2 Prof. Jacobi's "The earlyhistoryof lndimz Philosophy," hzdimz Antiquary, 1918.
The Nyaya- Vaise~ika Philosophy [cH.
itself as it includes all beings, all their actions, and all the sciences 1•
He quotes Kautilya to show that in this capacity Nyaya is like
light illumining all sciences and is the means of all works. In its
capacity as dealing with the truths of metaphysics it may show the
way to salvation. I do not dispute Prof. Jacobi's main point that
the metaphysical portion of the work was a later addition, for this
seems to me to be a very probable view. In fact Vatsyayana him-
self designates the logical portion as a prthakprasthana (separate
branch). But I do not find that any statement of Vatsyayana or
Kautilya can justify us in concluding that this addition was made
after Kautilya. Vatsyayana has no doubt put more stress on the
importance of the logical side of the work, but the reason of that
seems to be quite obvious, for the importance of metaphysics or
adhylilmavidyii was acknowledged by all. But the importance of
the mere logical side would not appeal to most people. None of
the dharmasastras (religious scriptures) or the Vedas would lend
any support to it, and Vatsyayana had to seek the support of
Kautilya in the matter as the last resource. The fact that Kau-
tilya was not satisfied by counting Anvik~iki as one of the four
vidyas but also named it as one of the philosophies side by side
with Sarpkhya seems to lead to the presumption that probably
even in Kautilya's time Nyaya was composed of two branches,
one as adhyatmavidya and another as a science of logic or rather
of debate. This combination is on the fa(e of it loose and external,
and it is not improbable that the metaphysical portion was added
to increase the popularity of the logical part, which by itself might
not attract sufficient attention. Mahamahopadhyaya Haraprasada
Sastri in an article in the Jourllal of the Bengal Asiatic Society
1905 says that as Vacaspati made two attempts to collect the
Nyiiya siitras,one asNyiiyasilci and the other asNyaJ'asfttroddhiira,
it seems that even in Vacaspati's time he was not certain as to
the authenticity of many of the Nyiiya siitras. He further points
out that there are unmistakable signs that many of the siitras
were interpolated, and relates the Buddhist tradition from China
and Japan that Mirok mingled Nyaya and Yoga. He also
1 Yaza prayulda!.z pra·varttate tat pra;•qj{mam (that by which one is led to act is

called p1·ayoj£mam); ;•amartham abhipsa1t jilziisan vd karma drabhate te11iine11a sarve

frii~zina/J Sar'l'll~li kanllii~zi sarvdfca vid.J'ii/J 'l'J'tljfii/J tadiifraycifca 1/)'fl)'ll/J pravarttate
(all those which one tries to have or to fly from are called prayojana, therefore all
beings, all their actions, ami all sciences, are included within prayoj:ma, and all these
depend on Nyaya). Vatsyiiya1la bluiJya, 1. i. 1.
VIII] Date o.f the Nyaya .siltra.s 279
thinks that the siitras underwent two additions, one at the hands
of some Buddhists and another at the hands of some Hindu who
put in Hindu arguments against the Buddhist ones. These
suggestions of this learned scholar seem to be very probable, but
we have no clue by which we can ascertain the time when such
additions were made. The fact that there are unmistakable proofs
of the interpolation of many of the sutras makes the fixing of
the date of the original part of the Nyiiya siitras still more diffi-
cult, for the Buddhist references can hardly be of any help, and
Prof. Jacobi's attempt to fix the date of the Nyiiya siUras on the
basis of references to Sunyavada naturally loses its value; except
on the supposition that all references to Sunyavada must be later
than Nagarjuna, which is not correct, since the lliahiiyiina sfttras
written before Nagarjuna also held the Sunyavada doctrine.
The late Dr S. C. Vidyabhu~at)a in J.R.A.S. 1918 thinks
that the earlier part of N yaya was written by Gautama about
5 so B.C. whereas the Nyiiya siitras of Ak~apada were written
about 1 so A.D. and says that the use of the word Nyaya in the
sense of logic in lliahiibhtirata I. I. 67, I. 70. 42-SI, must be
regarded as interpolations. He, however, does not give any
reasons in support of his assumption. It appears from his treatment
of the subject that the fixing of the date of Ak~apada was made
to fit in somehow with his idea that Ak~apada wrote his 1Vyiiya
siitras under the influence of Aristotle-a supposition which does
not require serious refutation, at least so far as Dr Vidyabhii!?at)a
has proved it. Thus after all this discussion we have not advanced
a step towards the ascertainment of the date of the original part
of the Nyaya. Goldstiicker says that both Patanjali ( 140 B.C.)
and Katyayana (fourth century B.c.) knew the Nyt'iya siUras 1• We
know that Kautilya knew the Nyaya in some form as Anvik~iki
in 300 B.C., and on the strength of this we may venture to say
that the N yay a existed in some form as early as the fourth
century B.C. But there are other reasons which lead me to think
that at least some of the present sutras were written some time
in the second century A.D. Bodas points out that BadarayaJ!a's
sutras make allusions to the Vaise!?ika doctrines and not to Nyaya.
On this ground he thinks that VaiJe#ka sittras were written be-
fore Badarayat)a's Braluna-siUras, whereas the Nyiiya siitras were
written later. Candrakanta Tarkalarpkara also contends in his
Goldstticker's Pii?ti1li, p. 157.
The Nyaya- Vaife~ika Philosophy [ CII.

edition ofVaise~ika that the Vaise~ika siUras were earlier than the
N yaya. It seems to me to be perfectly certain that the Vaise~ika
siUras were written before Caraka (8o A.D.); for he not only quotes
one of the Vaz~!e~ika siUras, but the whole foundation of his medical
physics is based on the Vaise~ika physics 1• The Lmikiivatiira
siUra (which as it was quoted. by Asvagho~a is earlier than
8o A.D.) also makes allusions to the atomic doctrine. There are
other weightier grounds, as we shall see later on, for supposing
that the Vaz~!e#ka siitras are probably pre-Buddhistic 2•
It is certain that even the logical part of the present Nyiiya
siUras was preceded by previous speculations on the subject by
thinkers of other schools. Thus in commenting on I. i. 32 in which
the sli.tra states that a syllogism consists of five premisses(avayava)
Vatsyayana says that this sutra was written to refute the views
of those who held that there should be ten premisses 3• The
Vazse#ka sfttras also give us some of the earliest types of inference,
which do not show any acquaintance with the technic of the Nyaya
doctrine of inference".

Does Vaise~ika represent an Old School of Mimarpsa?

The Vaise~ika is so much associated with Nyaya by tradition
that it seems at first sight quite unlikely that it could be supposed
to represent an old school ofMimarpsa, older than that represented
in the lllimiilttsii siitras. But a closer inspection of the Vazse#ka
siitras seems to confirm such a supposition in a very remarkable
way. We have seen in the previous section that Caraka quotes
a Vaise#ka siUra. An examination of Caraka's Siitrasthiina (I.
35-38) leaves us convinced that the writer of the verses had some
compendium of Vaise~ika such as that of the Bhii~·iipariccheda
before him. Caraka siitra or kiirikti (1. i. 36) says that the gul)as
are those which have been enumerated such as heaviness, etc.,
cognition, and those which begin with the guQa "para" (univer-
sality) and end with "prayatna" (effort) together with the sense-
qualities (siirthii). It seems that this is a reference to some well-
known enumeration. But this enumeration is not to be found
in the Vai~!e~ika siltra (I. i. 6) which leaves out the six guQas,
Caraka, Sii.rira, 39·
2 See the next section.
3 Vatsyayana's Bha~ya on the Nyiiya siitras, 1. i. 32. This is undoubtedly a reference

to the Jaina view as found in Da.(avaikiilikalliryukti as noted before.

4 Nyii;'a stltra 1. i. s, and Vaife!ika sii/ras IX. ii. 1-2, 4-5, and Ill. i. 8-17.
VIII] A nti'quity o.f Vaife~i'ka

heaviness (gurutva), liquidity(dravatva),oiliness(sneha), elasticity

(smtzskiira), merit (dharma) and demerit (adltarma); in one part
of the si.itra the enumeration begins with "para" (universality)
and ends in "prayatna;' but buddhi (cognition) comes within
the enumeration beginning from para and ending in prayatna,
whereas in Caraka buddhi does not form part of the list and is
separately enumerated. This leads me to suppose that Caraka's
siitra was written at a time when the six gul)as left out in the
Vaise~ika enumeration had come to be counted as gul)as, and
compendiums had been made in which these were enumerated.
Bhii~iiparicclteda (a later Vaise~ika compendium}, is a compilation
from some very old karikas which are referred to by Visvanatha
as being collected from "atismtzk#ptacira1ltmzoktibhi!z "-(from
very ancient aphorisms•); Caraka's definition of samanya and
vise~a shows that they had not then been counted as separate
categories as in later N yaya- Vaise~ika doctrines; but though
slightly different it is quite in keeping with the sort of definition
one finds in the Vaise#ka siitra that samanya (generality) and
vise~a are relative to each other 2• Caraka's siitras were therefore
probably written at a time when the Vaise~ika doctrines were
undergoing changes, and well-known compendiums were begin-
ning to be written on them.
The Vaise#ka szttras seem to be ignorant of the Buddhist
doctrines. In their discussions on the existence of soul, there is
no reference to any view as to non-existence of soul, but the
argument turned on the point as to whether the self is to be an
object of inference or revealed to us by our notion of" 1." There
is also no other reference to any other systems except to some
Mimarpsa doctrines and occasionally to Sarpkhya. There is no
reason to suppose that the Mimarpsa doctrines referred to allude
to the 1Ylimii1ttsii siitras of Jaimini. The manner in which the
nature of inference has been treated shows that the N yay a
phraseology of "piirvavat" and "se~avat" was not known. Vazse-
#ka sittras in more than one place refer to time as the ultimate
cause 3 • We know that the Svetasvatara Upani~ad refers to those
who regard time as the cause of all things, but in none of the
1 Professor Vanamali Vedantatirtha's article in J. A. S. B., 1908.
2 Caraka (1. I. 33) says that samanya is that which produces unity and viSe~a is

that which separates. V. S. 11. ii. 7· Samanya and vise~a depend upon our mode of
thinking (as united or as separate).
3 Vaife~ika siitra (11. ii. 9 and v. ii. 26).
The Nyaya-Vaife~ika Philosophy [cH.
systems that we have can we trace any upholding of this ancient
view 1• These considerations as well as the general style of the
work and the methods of discussion lead me to think that these
siitras are probably the oldest that we have and in all probability
are pre-Buddhistic.
The Va£se~ika szltra begins with the statement that its object
is to explain virtue, "dharma." This is we know the manifest duty
of Mimarpsa and we know that unlike any other system Jaimini
begins his lVlimiil!ZSii szttras by defining "dharma." This at first
seems irrelevant to the main purpose of Vaise~ika, viz., the de-
scription of the nature of padartha 2• He then defines dharma as
that which gives prosperity and ultimate good (ni(.z.Sreyasa) and
says that the Veda must be regarded as valid, since it can dictate
this. He ends his book with the remarks that those injunctions
(of Vedic deeds) which are performed for ordinary human motives
bestow prosperity even though their efficacy is not known to us
through our ordinary experience, and in this matter the Veda must
be regarded as the authority which dictates those acts 3 • The fact
that the Vaise~ika begins with a promise to describe dharma and
after describing the nature of substances, qualities and actions
and also the adN!a (unknown virtue) due to dharma (merit
accruing from the performance of Vedic deeds) by which many
of our unexplained experiences may be explained, ends his book
by saying that those Vedic works which are not seen to produce
any direct effect, will produce prosperity through adr!?ta, shows
that Kat) ada's method of explaining dharma has been by showing
that physical phenomena involving substances, qualities, and
actions can only be explained up to a certain extent while a
good number cannot be explained at all except on the as-
sumption of adr~ta (unseen virtue) produced by dharma. The

I Svetasvatara 1. i. '2.
2 I remember a verse quoted in an old commentary of the Kaliipa vyiikara~za, in
which it is said that the description of the six categories by Kal)ada in his Vaifqika
sutras, after having proposed to describe the nature of dharma, is as irrelevant as to
proceed towards the sea while intending to go to the mountain Ilimavat (Himalaya).
"Dhanllat!l vyiikhyt"itukiimasya !a{padt"i1·thopavar~za1lll1!1 Himavadgmztukiimasya siiga·
:l The siitra " Tadvaca11iid ii11uulyas_va priimtl'l.tyam (1. i. 3 and x. ii. 9) has been
explained by Upaskiira as meaning "The Veda being the word of lsvara (God) must
he regarded as valid," but since there is no mention of" Isvara" anywhere in the text
this is simply reading the later Nyaya ideas into the Vaise~ika. Sfttra x. ii. 8 is only
a repetition of VI. ii. 1.
VIIIj Antiquity o.f Vaife~ika

description of the categories of substance is not irrelevant, but

is the means of proving that our ordinary experience of these
cannot explain many facts which are only to be explained on
the supposition of adr~ta proceeding out of the performance
of Vedic deeds. In V. i. I 5 the movement of needles towards
magnets, in v. ii. 7 the circulation of water in plant bodies,
v. ii. I 3 and IV. ii. 7 the upward motion of fire, the side motion
of air, the combining movement of atoms (by which all com-
binations have taken place), and the original movement of the
mind are said to be due to adr~ta. In v. ii. I7 the movement
of the soul after death, its taking hold of other bodies, the
assimilation of food and drink and other kinds of contact (the
movement and development of the foetus as enumerated in
Upaskiira) are said to be due to adr~ta. Salvation (mok~a) is
said to be produced by the annihilation of adr~ta leading to the
annihilation of all contacts and non-production of rebirths.
Vaise~ika marks the distinction between the dr~ta (experienced)
and the adr~ta. All the categories that he describes are founded
on dr~ta (experience) and those unexplained by known experi-
ence are due to adr~ta. These are the acts on which depend all
life-process of animals and plants, the continuation of atoms or
the construction of the worlds, natural motion of fire and air,
death and rebirth (vr. ii. I 5) and even the physical phenomena
by which our fortunes are affected in some way or other (V. ii. 2),
in fact all with which we are vitally interested in philosophy.
Kat:Iada's philosophy gives only some facts of experience regarding
substances, qualities and actions, leaving all the graver issues of
metaphysics to adr!:'ta. But what leads to adr~ta? In answer to
this, Kat:Iada does not speak of good or bad or virtuous or
sinful deeds, but of Vedic works, such as holy ablutions (sniina),
fasting, holy student life (brahmacarya), remaining at the house
of the teacher (guruku/aviisa), retired forest life (vii1laprastlza),
sacrifice (yajfza), gifts (dana), certain kinds of sacrificial sprink-
Eng and rules of performing sacrificial works according to the
prescribed time of the stars, the prescribed hymns (mantras)
(VI. ii. 2 ).
He described what is pure and what is impure food, pure
food being that which is sacrificially purified (vr. ii. 5) the con-
trary being impure; and he says that the taking of pure food
leads to prosperity through adr~ta. He also described how
The Nyaya- Vaife~ika Philosophy [cH.
feelings of attachment to things are also generated by adr!?ta.
Throughout almost the whole of VI. i Kal)ada is busy in showing
the special conditions of making gifts and receiving them. A refer-
ence to our chapter on Mlmarpsa will show that the later Mlmarpsa
writers agreed with theN yay a- Vaise~ika doctrines in most of their
views regarding substance, qualities, etc. Some of the main points
in which Mlmarpsa differs from N yaya- Vaise~ika are (I) self-
validity of the Vedas, (2) the eternality of the Vedas, (3) disbelief
in any creator or god, (4) eternality of sound (sabda), (S) (accord-
ing to Kumarila) direct perception of self in the notion of the ego.
Of these the first and the second points do not form any subject
of discussion in the Vaise!:'ika. But as no Isvara is mentioned,
and as all adr~ta depends upon the authority of the Vedas, we
may assume that Vaise!?ika had no dispute with Mlmarpsa. The
fact that there is no reference to any dissension is probably due
to the fact that really none had taken place at the time of the
Vaife~ika sittras. It is probable that Kal)ada believed that the
Vedas were written by some persons superior to us (II. i. IS, VI. i.
1-2). But the fact that there is no reference to any conflict with
Mlmarpsa suggests that the doctrine that the Vedas were never
written by anyone was formulated at a later period, whereas in
the days of the Vaife#ka sittras, the view was probably what is
represented in the Vaife~ika siitras. As there is no reference to
Isvara and as adr~ta proceeding out of the performance of actions
in accordance with Vedic injunctions is made the cause of all
atomic movements, we can very well assume that Vaise~ika was
as atheistic or non-theistic as the later Mlmarpsa philosophers.
As regards the eternality of sound, which in later days was one
of the main points of quarrel between the N yaya- Vaise~ika and
the Mlmarpsa, we find that in 11. ii. 2 5-32, Kat)ada gives reasons
in favour of the non-eternality of sound, but after that from II. ii. 33
till the end of the chapter he closes the argument in favour of the
eternality of sound, which is the distinctive Mlmarpsa view as we
know from the later Mimarpsa writers 1• Next comes the question
of the proof of the existence of sel( The traditional N yay a view is
1 The last two concluding siitras II. ii. 36 anrl 37 are in my opinion wrongly inter-
preted hy Sai1kara Misra in his Upaskiira (11. ii. 36 by adding an "api" to the siitra
and thereby changing the issue, and 11. ii. 37 by misreading the phonetic combination
"saf!1khyahhava" as satpkhya and bhava instead of sat11khya and abhava, which in
my opinion is the right combination here) in favour of the non-eternality of sound as
we fmd in the later Nyi:"tya-Vaise~ika view.
VIII] Philosophy in the Vaife~ika silb·as
that the self is supposed to exist because it must be inferred as the
seat of the qualities of pleasure, pain, cognition, etc. Traditionally
this is regarded as the Vaise~ika view as well. But in Vaise~ika
III. ii. 4 the existence of soul is first inferred by reason of its
activity and the existence of pleasure, pain, etc., in III. ii. 6-7 this
inference is challenged by saying that we do not perceive that the
activity, etc. belongs to the soul and not to the body and so no
certainty can be arrived at by inference, and in III. ii. 8 it is
suggested that therefore the existence of soul is to be accepted
on the authority of the scriptures (tigama). To this the final
Vaise~i.ka conclusion is given that we can directly perceive the self
in our feeling as "I" (alzam), and we have therefore not to depend
on the scriptures for the proof of the existence of the self, and thus
the inference of the existence of the self is only an additional
proof of what we already find in perception as "I" (aham) (III. ii.
I o- I 8, also I X. i. I I ).
These considerations lead me to think that the Vaise~ika
represented a school of Mlmarpsa thought which supplemented
a metaphysics to strengthen the grounds of the Vedas.

Philosophy in the Vaise~ika siitras.

The Vai.fe~ika sfttras begin with the ostensible purpose of ex-
plaining virtue (dharma) (1. i. I) and dharma according to it is
that by which prosperity (abll)'udaya) and salvation (JZi!zsrcyasa)
are attained. Then it goes on to say that the validity of the
Vedas depends on the fact that it leads us to prosperity and
salvation. Then it turns back to the second siitra and says that
salvation comes as the result of real knowledge, produced by
special excellence of dharma, of the characteristic features of
the categories of substance (drm.rya), quality (gu~za), class con-
cept (sama11ya), particularity (vise~a), and inherence (sama·Z.laya)l.
The dravyas are earth, water, fire, air, ether, time, space, soul,
and mind. The gm)as are colour, taste, odour, touch, number,
measure, separations, contact, disjoining, quality of belonging to
high genus or to species 2• Action (karma) means upward move-
1 Upaskiim notes that vise~a here refers to the ultimate differences of things and
not to species. A special doctrine of this system is this, that each of the indivisible
atoms of even the same element has specific features of difference.
2 Here the well known qualities of heaviness (gurutva), liquidity (dravat1•a), oili-

ness (smha), elasticity (sal!zskiira), merit (dharma), and demerit (adharma) ha\·e been
altogether omitted. These are all counted in later Vaise~ika commentaries and com-
286 The Nyaya- Vaise~ika Philosophy [cH.
ment,downward movement, contraction, expansion and horizontal
movement. The three common qualities of dravya,gut)a and karma
are that they are existent, non-eternal, substantive, effect, cause,
and possess generality and particularity. Dravya produces other
dravyas and the gm~as other guJ!aS. But karma is not necessarily
produced by karma. Dravya does not destroy either its cause or
its effect, but the guJ!aS are destroyed both by the cause and by
the effect. Karma is destroyed by karma. Dravya possesses
karma and gul!a and is regarded as the material (samaviiyi) cause.
GuJ!aS inhere in dravya, cannot possess further guJ!as, and are
not by themselves the cause of contact or disjoining. K~rma is
devoid of guJ!a, cannot remain at one time in more than one
object, inheres in dravya alone, and is an independent cause of
contact or disjoining. Dravya is the material cause (samavayi)
of (derivative) dravyas, guJ!a, and karma; gul!a is also the non-
material cause (asamavtiyi) of dravya, guJ!a and karma. Karma
is the general cause of contact, disjoining, and inertia in motion
(vega). Karma is not the cause of dravya. For dravya may be
produced even without karma 1• Dravya is the general effect of
dravya. Karma is dissimilar to guJ!a in this that it does not pro-
duce karma. The numbers two, three, etc., separateness, contact
and disjoining are effected by more than one dravya. Each karma
not being connected with more than one thing is not produced
by more than one thing 2• A dravya is the result of many con-
tacts (of the atoms). One colour may be the result of many
colours. Upward movement is the result of heaviness, effort and
contact. Contact and disjoining are also the result of karma. In
denying the causality of karma it is meant that karma is not the
cause of dravya and karma 3•
In the second chapter of the first book Kat:~ada first says that
if there is no cause, there is no effect, but there may be the cause
even though there may not be the effect. He next says that
genus (siinuinya) and species (vise~a) are relative to the under-

pencliums. It must be noted that "gu~a" in \'aise~ika means qualities and not subtle
reals or substances as in Sarpkhya-Yoga. Gul)a in Vaise~ika would be akin to what
Yoga would call dharma.
1 It is only when the karya ceases that dravya is produced. See Upaskiira 1. i. 22.

2 If karma is related to more than one thing, then with the movement of one we
should have felt that two or more things were moving.
3 It must he noted that "karma" in this sense is quite different from the more

extensive use uf karma as meritorious or vicious action which is the cause of rebirth.
VIII] Philosophy in the Vaise~ika siltras
standing; being (bhiiva) indicates continuity only and is hence
only a genus. The universals of substance, quality and action
may be both genus and species, but vise~a as constituting the ulti-
mate differences (of atoms) exists (independent of any percipient).
In connection with this he says that the ultimate genus is being
(sattii) in virtue of which things appear as existent; all other
genera may only relatively be regarded as relative genera or
species. Being must be regarded as a separate category, since it
is different from dravya, gul)a and karma, and yet exists in them,
and has no genus or species. It gives us the notion that some-
thing is and must be regarded as a category existing as one
identical entity in all dravya, gul).a, and karma, for in its uni-
versal nature as being it has no special characteristics in the
different objects in which it inheres. The specific universals of
thingness (dravya!'va), qualitiness (gu~zatva) or actionness (kar-
matva) are also categories which are separate from universal being
(bhiiva or sattii) for they also have no separate genus or species
and yet may be distinguished from one another, but bhava or
being was the same in all.
In the first chapter of the second book Kal)ada deals with
substances. Earth possesses colour, tast~, smell, and touch; water,
colour, taste, touch, liquidity, and smoothness (slli'gdha); fire,
colour and touch; air, touch; but none of these qualities can be
found in ether (iikiisa). Liquidity is a special quality of water
because butter, lac, wax, lead, iron, silver, gold, become liquids
only when they are heated, while water is naturally liquid itselfl.
Though air cannot be seen, yet its existence can be inferred by
touch, just as the existence of the genus of cows may be inferred
from the characteristics of horns, tails, etc. Since this thing in-
ferred from touch possesses motion and quality, and does not
itself inhere in any other substance, it is a substance ( dravya)
and is eternaJ2. The inference of air is of the type of inference
of imperceptible things from certain known characteristics
called siimiinyato dr~!a. The name of air "viiyu" is derived
from the scriptures. The existence of others different from us
has (asmadvi'si'#iiniiltl) to be admitted for accounting for the

I It should be noted that mercury is not mentioned. This is important for mercury
was known at a time later than Caraka.
2 Substance is that which possesses quality and action. It should be noted that
the word "adrml)'alve11a" in II. i. 13 has been interpreted by me as "adrav;,avatlvetza."
288 The Nyaya- Vaile~ika Philosophy [cu.
gtvmg of names to things (sm!t}iiiikarma). Because we find
that the giving of names is already in usage (and not invented
by us) 1• On account of the fact that movements rest only in
one thing, the phenomenon that a thing can enter into any un-
occupied space, would not lead us to infer the existence of akasa
(ether). Akasa has to be admitted as the hypothetical substance
in which the quality of sound inheres, because, since sound (a
quality) is not the characteristic of things which can be touched,
there must be some substance of which it is a quality. And this
substance is akasa. It is a substance and eternal like air. As
being is one so akasa is one 2•
In the second chapter of the second book Kal)ada tries to
prove that smell is a special characteristic of earth, heat of fire,
and coldness of water. Time is defined as that which gives the
notion of youth in the young, simultaneity, and quickness. It is
one like being. Time is the cause of all non-eternal things, be-
cause the notion of time is absent in eternal things. Space
supplies the notion that this is so far away from this or so much
nearer to this. Like being it is one. One space appears to have
diverse inter-space relations in connection with the motion of the
sun. As a preliminary to discussing the problem whether sound
is eternal or not, he discusses the notion of doubt, which arises
when a thing is seen in a general way, but the particular features
coming under it are not seen, either when these are only remem-
bered, or when some such attribute is seen which resembles some
other attribute seen before, or when a thing is seen in one way
but appears in another, or when what is seen is not definitely
grasped, whether rightly seen or not. He then discusses the ques-
tion whether sound is eternal or non-eternal and gives his reasons
to show that it is non-eternal, but concludes the discussion with
a number of other reasons proving that it is eternal.
The first chapter of the third book is entirely devoted to the
inference of the existence of soul from the fact that there must
be some substance in \vhich knowledge produced by the contact
of the senses and their object in heres.
The knowledge of sense-objects (i1ldri'yiirtlta) is the reason by
1 I have differed from Upasl.:iira in interpreting "sm!l}iitzkarma" in II. i. 18, 19 as
a genitive compound while Upaskiira makes it a dvamlva compound. Upaskara's
interpretation seems to be far-fetched. He wants to twist it into an argument for the
existence of ( ;Oll.
2 This interpretation is according to Sai1kara l\lisra's Upasl.:iira.
VIII] Ph£/osophy £n the Vaife~£ka siltras
which we can infer the existence of something different from the
senses and the objects which appear in connection with them. The
types of inferences referred to are ( 1) inference of non-existence of
some things from the existence of some things, ( 2) of the existence
of some things from the non-existence of some things, (3) of the
existence of some things from the existence _of others. In all
these cases inference is possible only when the two are known to
be connected with each other (prasiddhipiirvakatvat apadeiasya) 1 ~
When such a connection does not exist or is doubtful, we have
anapadesa (fallacious middle) and sandigdha (doubtful middle)~
thus, it is a horse because it has a horn, or it is a cow because it
has a horn are examples of fallacious reason. The inference of
soul from the cognition produced by the contact of soul, senses
and objects is not fallacious in the above way. The inference of
the existence of the soul in others may be made in a similar way
in which the existence of one's own soul is inferred 2, i.e. by virtue
of the existence of movement and cessation of movement. In the
second chapter it is said that the fact that there is cognition only
when there is contact between the self, the senses and the objects
proves that there is manas (mind), and this manas is a substance
and eternal, and this can be proved because there is no simul-
taneity of production of efforts and various kinds of cognition; it
may also be inferred that this manas is one (with each person).
The soul may be inferred from inhalation, exhalation, twinkling
of the eye, life, the movement of the mind, the sense-affections
pleasure, pain, will, antipathy, and effort. That it is a substance
and eternal can be proved after the manner of vayu. An objector
is supposed to say that since when I see a man I do not see his
soul, the inference of the soul is of the type of siimiinyatodr~!a
inference, i.e., from the perceived signs of pleasure, pain, cog-
nition to infer an unknown entity to which they belong, but
that this was the self could not be affirmed. So the existence of
soul has to be admitted on the strength of the scriptures. But
the Vaise~ika reply is that since there is nothing else but self to
which the expression "I" may be applied, there is no need of
falling back on the scriptures for the existence of the soul. But
1 In connection with this there is a short reference to the methods of fallacy in

which Gautama's terminology does not appear. There is no generalised statement, but
specific types of inference are only pointed out as the basis.
2 The forms of inference used show that Kal)ada was probably not aware of
Gautama's terminology.
The Nyaya- Vaife~ika Philosophy [cH.
then it is said that if the self is directly perceived in such ex-
periences as" I am Yajfiadatta" or" I am Devadatta," what is the
good of turning to inference? The reply to this is that inference
lending its aid to the same existence only strengthens the con-
viction. \Vhen we say that Devadatta goes or Yajnadatta goes,
there comes the doubt whether by Devadatta or Yajnadatta the
body alone is meant; but the doubt is removed when we think
that the notion of" I'' refers to the self and not to anything else.
As there is no difference regarding the production of pleasure,
pain, and cognition, the soul is one in all. But yet it is many
by special limitations as individuals and this is also proved on
the strength of the scriptures 1 •
In the first chapter of the fourth book it is said that that
which is existent, but yet has no cause, should be considered
eternal (11itya). It can be inferred by its effect, for the effect can
only take place because of the cause. vVhen we speak of any-
thing as non-eternal, it is only a negation of the eternal, so that
also proves that there is something eternal. The non-eternal
is ignorance (avidyii)2. Colour is visible in a thing which is great
(malzat) and compounded. Air ('lliiyu) is not perceived to have
colour, though it is great and made up of parts, because it has not
the actuality of colour (riipasmtzskiira-i.e. in air there is only
coiour in its unmanifested form) in it Colour is thus visible only
when there is colour with special qualifications and conditions 3 • In
this way the cognition of taste, smell, and touch is also explained.
Number,measure,separateness,contact, and disjoining, the quality
of belonging to a higher or lower class, action, all these as they
abide in things possessing colour are visible to the eye. The
number etc. of those which have no colour are not perceived by the
eye. But the notion of being and also of genus of quality (gul)atva)

1 I have differed here from the meaning given in Upasktira. I think the three
siitras "Sukhadu!zkhaj11dnamjpatt;•avifefiidekiitmyam," "vyaz•asthato niimi," and" :.!as-
trasiimarthytlt ca" originally meant that the self was one, though for the sake of many
limitations, and also because of the need of the performance of acts enjoined by the
scriptures, they are regarded as many.
2 l have differed here also in my meaning from the Upaskara, which regards this

siitra "am"dyii" to mean that we do not know of any reasons which lead to the non-
cterr.ality of the atoms.
3 This is what is meant in the later distinctions of udbhutarupavattva and amtd-

bhutariipavattva. The word Slli?Hkiim in Vai~el?ika has many senses. It means inertia,
elasticity, collection (samaviiya), production (udbhava) and not being overcome (aJZ,zb-
hibhava). For the last three senses see Upaskiira IY. i. 'i·
VIII] P h£losophy £n the Va£fe~ika sutras
are perceived by all the senses (just as colour, taste, smell, touch,
and sound are perceived by one sense, cognition, pleasure, pain,
etc. by the manas and number etc. by the visual and the tactile
sense) 1•
In the second chapter of the fourth book it is said that the
earth, etc. exist in three forms, body, sense, and objects. There
cannot be any compounding of the five elements or even of the
three, but the atoms of different elements may combine when one
of them acts as the central radicle (upa#ambltaka). Bodies are of
two kinds, those produced from ovaries and those which are other-
wise produced by the combination of the atoms in accordance
with special kinds of dharma. All combinations of atoms are due
to special kinds of dharmas. Such super-mundane bodies are to
be admitted for explaining the fact that things must have been
given names by beings having such super-mundane bodies, and
also on account of the authority of the Vedas.
In the first chapter of the fifth book action (karma) is dis-
cussed. Taking the example of threshing the corn, it is said
that the movement of the hand is due to its contact with the
soul in a state of effort, and the movement of the flail is due
to its contact with the hand. But in the case of the uprising of
the flail in the threshing pot due to impact the movement is
not due to contact with the hands, and so the uplifting of the
hand in touch with the flail is not due to its contact with the
soul; for it is due to the impact of the flail. On account of
heaviness (gztrutva) the flail will fall when not held by the hand.
Things may have an upward or side motion by specially directed
motions (nodanavise.ra) which are generated by special kinds of
efforts. Even without effort the body may move during sleep.
The movement of needles towards magnets is due to an unknown
cause (atf.r#akara?taka). The arrow first acquires motion by
specially directed movement, and then on account of its inertia
(vegasanzskilra) keeps on moving and when that ceases it falls
down through heaviness.
The second chapter abounds with extremely crude explana-
1 This portion has been taken from the Upaskiira of Sm1kara Mi~ra on the Vaife-
jika sutras of KaQada. It must be noted here that the notion of number according to
Vai~e~ika is due to mental relativity or oscillation (apek!t'ibuddhijanya). But this mental
relativity can only start when the thing having number is either seen or touched; and it
is in this sense that notion of number is said to depend on the visual or the tactual
The Nyaya- Vaise~zka Philosophy [cH.
tions of certain physical phenomena which have no philosophical
importance. All the special phenomena of nature are explained
as being due to unknown cause (adn!akiiritam) and no ex-
planation is given as to the nature of this unknown (adr~!a).
It is however said that with the absence of adr~!a there is no con-
tact of body with soul, and thus there is no rebirth, and therefore
mok~a (salvation); pleasure and pain are due to contact of the
self, manas, senses and objects. Yoga is that in which the mind
is in contact with the self alone, by which the former becomes
steady and there is no pain in the body. Time, space, akasa are
regarded as inactive.
The whole of the sixth book is devoted to showing that gifts
are made to proper persons not through sympathy but on account
of the injunction of the scriptures, the enumeration of certain
Vedic performances, which brings in adr~ta, purification and im-
purities of things, how passions are often generated by adr~!a,
how dharma and adharma lead to birth and death and how mok-?a
takes place as a result of the work of the soul.
In the seventh book it is said that the qualities in eternal
things are eternal and in non-eternal things non-eternal. The
change of qualities produced by heat in earth has its beginning
in the cause (the atoms). Atomic size is invisible while great size
is visible. Visibility is due to a thing's being made up of many
causes 1, but the atom is therefore different from those that have
great size. The same thing may be called great and small rela-
tively at the same time. In accordance with at)utva (atomic) and
mahattva (great) there are also the notions of small and big. The
eternal size of parimaJJtfala (round) belongs to the atoms. Akasa
and atman are called mahi'i1Z or paramamahan (the supremely
great or all-pervasive); since manas is not of the great measure
it is of atomic size. Space and time are also considered as being
of the measure "supremely great" (paramamahat). Atomic size
(parimat:1<;lala) belonging to the atoms and the mind (manas) and
the supremely great size belonging to space, time, soul and ether
( akasa) are regarded as eternal.
In the second chapter of the seventh book it is said that unity
and separateness are to be admitted as entities distinct from
other qualities. There is no number in movement and quality;
the appearance of number in them is false. Cause and effect are
1 I have differed from the l'paskiira in the interpretation of this si"1tra.
VIII] Philosophy in the Vaife~ika siUras 293
neither one, nor have they distinctive separateness (ekaprthaktva).
The notion of unity is the cause of the notion of duality, etc.
Contact may be due to the action of one or two things, or the
effect of another contact and so is disjoining. There is neither
contact nor disjoining in cause and effect since they do not exist
independently (yutasiddhyabluivat). In the eighth book it is said
that soul and manas are not perceptible, and that in the ap-
prehension of qualities, action, generality, and particularity
perception is due to their contact with the thing. Earth is the
cause of perception of smell, and water, fire, and air are the
cause of taste, colour and touch t. In the ninth book negation is
described; non-existence (asat) is defined as that to which
neither action nor quality can be attributed. Even existent things
may become non-existent and that which is existent in one
way may be non-existent in another; but there is another kind
of non-existence which is different from the above kinds of
existence and non-existence 2• All negation can be directly per-
ceived through the help of the memory which keeps before the
mind the thing to which the negation applies. Allusion is also
made in this connection to the special perceptual powers of the
yogins (sages attaining mystical powers through Yoga practices).
In the second chapter the nature of hetu (reason) or the
middle term is described. It is said that anything connected
with any other thing, as effect, cause, as in contact, or as con-
trary or as inseparably connected, will serve as liti.ga (reason).
The main point is the notion ''this is associated with this," or
''these two are related as cause and effect," and since this may
also be produced through premisses, there may be a formal syllo-
gism from propositions fulfilling the above condition. Verbal
cognition comes without inference. False knowledge (avidyii) is
due to the defect of the senses or non-observation and mal-
observation due to wrong expectant impressions. The opposite
of this is true knowledge (vidya). In the tenth it is said that
pleasure and pain are not cognitions, since they are not related to
doubt and certainty.
I Upaskiira here explains that it is intended that the senses are produced by those
specific elements, but this cannot be found in the siitras.
II In the previous three kinds of non·existence, pragabhtiva (negation before pro-
duction), dhva'!lsii/Jhiiva {negation after destruction), and anyonyabluiva {mutual
negation of each other in each other), have been described. The fourth one is siimiin-
yabhiiva (general negation).
294 The Nyaya- Vaise~ika Philosophy [cH.
A dravya may be caused by the inhering of the effect in it, for
because of its contact with another thing the effect is produced.
Karma (motion) is also a cause since it inheres in the cause. Con-
tact is also a cause since it inheres in the cause. A contact which
inheres in the cause of the cause and thereby helps the production
of the effect is also a cause. The special quality of the heat of
fire is also a cause.
Works according to the injunctions of the scriptures since they
have no visible effect are the cause of prosperity, and because the
Vedas direct them, they have validity.

Philosophy in the Nyaya sutras 1•

The Nyaya siitras begin with an enumeration of the sixteen
subjects, viz. means of right knowledge (pramii~za), object of right
knowledge (prameya), doubt (sm!z.Saya}, purpose (prayojana), il-
lustrative instances (dr~!tinta), accepted conclusions (siddhii11ta),
premisses (avayava), argumentation (tarka), ascertainment (1Zir-
?zaya), debates ('viida), disputations (jalpa}, destructive criticisms
(vi!a1Jdii}, falJacy (hetviibhiisa), quibble (chala), refutations (jati),
points of opponent's defeat (1Zigrahasthii1Za), and hold that by a
thorough knowledge of these the highest good (11i(lsreyasa), is
attained. In the second siitra it is said that salvation (apavarga)
is attained by the successive disappearance of false knowledge
(mithyiijiliina), defects (do~a), endeavours (pravrtti}, birth (jan-
ma), and ultimately of sorrow. Then the means of proof are said
to be of four kinds, perception (pratyak~a}, inference (anumiina),
analogy (upamiina}, and testimony (Sabda). Perception is defined
as uncontradicted determinate knowledge unassociated with names
proceeding out of sense contact with objects. Inference is of three
kinds, from cause to effect (prervavat), effect to cause (Se~avat),
and inference from common characteristics (siimii11yato dr~!a).
U pamana is the knowing of anything by similarity with any well-
known thing.
Sabda is defined as the testimony of reliable authority (apta) 2•
This is a brief summary of the doctrines found in Nyiiya siitras, supplemented
here and there with the views of Vatsyayana, the commentator. This follows the
order of the siitras, and tries to present their ideas with as little additions from those
of later clay Nyaya as possible. The general treatment of N yaya- Vai~e~ika expounds
the two systems in the light of later writers and commentators.
2 It is curious to notice that Vatsyayana says that an arya, a r~i or a mleccha

(foreigner), may be an apta (reliable authority).

VIII] Philosophy £1z the Nyaya sutras 295
Such a testimony may tell us about things which may be ex-
perienced and which are beyond experience. Objects of know-
ledge are said to be self (iitmatz), body, senses, sense-objects,
understanding (buddhi), mind (manas), endeavour (pravrtti), re-
births, enjoyment of pleasure and suffering of pain, sorrow and
salvation. Desire, antipathy, effort (prayatlla), pleasure, pain, and
knowledge indicate the existence of the self. Body is that which
upholds movement, the senses and the rise of pleasure and pain
as arising out of the contact of sense with sense-objects 1 ; the five
senses are derived from the five elements, such as prthivl, ap,
tejas, vayu and akasa; smell, taste, colour, touch, and sound are
the qualities of the above five elements, and these are also the
objects of the senses. The fact that many cognitions cannot
occur at any one moment indicates the existence of mind (mmzas).
Endeavour means what is done by speech, understanding, and
body. Do~as (attachment, antipathy, etc.) are those which lead
men to virtue and vice. Pain is that which causes suffering 2 •
Ultimate cessation from pain is called apavarga 3• Doubt arises
when through confusion of similar qualities or conflicting opinions
etc., one wants to settle one of the two alternatives. That for
attaining which, or for giving up which one sets himself to work
is called prayojatza.
Illustrative example (dr#iinta) is that on which both the
common man and the expert (parik~aka) hold the same opinion.
Established texts or conclusions (siddhiinta) are of four kinds,
viz. ( 1) those which are accepted by all schools of thought called
the sarvatantrasiddhiinta; (2) those which are held by one school
or similar schools but opposed by others called the pratitantra-
siddhiinta; (3) those which being accepted other conclusions will
also naturally follow called adhikara~zasiddlziinta; (4) those of the
opponent's views which are uncritically granted by a debater, who
proceeds then to refute the consequences that follow and thereby
show his own special skill and bring the opponent's intellect to
disrepute (abhyztpagamasiddlziinta) 4 • The premisses are five:
1 Here I have followed Vatsyayana's meaning.
2 Vatsyayana comments here that when one finds all things full of misery, he
wishes to avoid misery, and finding birth to be associated with pain becomes unattached
and thus is emancipated.
3 Vatsyayana wants to emphasize that there is no bliss in salvation, but only
cessation from pain.
4 I have followed Vatsyayana's interpretation here.
The Nya;,a- Vaise~ika Philosophy [ CII.

(1) pratijilii (the first enunciation of the thing to be proved);

(2) ltetu (the reason which establishes the conclusion on the
strength of the similarity of the case in hand with known exam-
ples or negative instances); (3) udiiltara~ta (positive or negative
illustrative instances); (4) upanaya (corroboration by the instance);
(5) nigamana (to reach the conclusion which has been proved).
Then come the definitions of tarka, nirryaya, vada, jalpa, vitary<;la,
the fallacies (hetvabhasa ), chala, jati, and nigrahasthana, which
have been enumerated in the first sutra.
The second book deals with the refutations of objections
against the means of right knowledge (pramat)a). In refutation
of certain objections against the possibility of the happening
of doubt, which held that doubt could not happen, since there
was always a difference between the two things regarding which
doubt arose, it is held that doubt arises when the special dif-
ferentiating characteristics between the two things are not noted.
Certain objectors, probably the Buddhists, are supposed to object
to the validity of the pramal)a in general and particularly of
perceptions on the ground that if they were generated before
the sense-object contact, they could not be due to the latter,
and if they are produced after the sense-object contact, they
could not establish the nature of the objects, and if the two
happened together then there would be no notion of succession
in our cognitions. To this the Nyaya reply is that if there were
no means of right knowledge, then there would be no means of
knowledge by means of which the objector would refute all
means of right knowledge; if the objector presumes to have any
means of valid knowledge then he cannot say that there are no
means of valid knowledge at all. Just as from the diverse kinds
of sounds of different musical instruments, one can infer the pre-
vious existence of those different kinds of musical instruments,
so from our knowledge of objects we can infer the previous exist-
ence of those objects of knowledge 1•
The same things (e.g. the senses, etc.) which are regarded as
instruments of right knowledge with reference to the right cog-
nition of other things may themselves be the objects of right
1 Yathtipa.(ciitsiddhena fabdena piirvasiddham iitodyamammtiyate sddhyam ca dto-

dyam siidhanam ca fabdaf.z a11tarhite h_vtitodye svannta(z. anumii11am bhavatiti, vi!lti

11iidyate ve!luiJ piiryyate iti svanavife~et_ta iitodymJife~am pratipadyate tathii purvasid-
dham upalabdhiv~ayam pakiitsiddhma upalabclhihelullli pratipadyate. Vatsyiiya11a
bhtifya, 11. i. 15.
VIIIj Philosophy i'n the Nyaya siltras 297
knowledge. There are no hard and fast limits that those which
are instruments of knowledge should always be treated as mere
instruments, for they themselves may be objects of right know-
ledge. The means of right knowledge (pramarya) do not require
other sets of means for revealing them, for they like the light of
a lamp in revealing the objects of right knowledge reveal them-
selves as well.
Coming to the question of the correctness of the definition
of perception, it is held that the definition includes the contact
of the soul with the mind 1• Then it is said that though we per-
ceive only parts of things, yet since there is a whole, the per-
ception of the part will naturally refer to the whole. Since we
can pull and draw things wholes exist, and the whole is not
merely the parts collected together, for were it so one could
say that we "perceived the ultimate parts or the atoms 2• Some
objectors hold that since there may be a plurality of causes it is
wrong to infer particular causes from particular effects. To this
the Nyaya answer is that there is always such a difference in the
specific nature of each effect that if properly observed each par-
ticular effect will lead us to a correct inference of its own par-
ticular cause 3 • In refuting those who object to the existence of
time on the ground of relativity, it is said that if the present time
did not exist, then no perception of it would have been possible.
The past and future also exist, for otherwise we should not have
perceived things as being done in the past or as going to be
done in the future. The validity of analogy (upamii11a) as a
means of knowledge and the validity of the Vedas is then proved.
The four pramaryas of perception, inference, analogy, and scripture
1 Here the sidras, 11. i. '20-'28, are probably later interpolations to answer criticisms,

not against the Nyaya doctrine of perception, but against the wording of the definition
of perception as given in the Nyiiya siUm, II. i. 4·
This is a refutation of the doctrines of the Buddhists, who rejected the e1:istence
of wholes (avayavi). On this subject a later Buddhist monograph by PaQ~ita Asoka
(9th century A.D.), Avayavini1iikara~za in Six Buddhist Nyaya Tracts, may be re-
ferred to.
3 Pte1"Vodakavifi#am khalu varfodakan fighrataram srotasd bahutaraphenapha!a-

par1Jakiis{hiidivahanaiicopalabhamti1la~ piirt}atvena, nadyd upari vnto deva ityanu-

minoti nodakabrddhimat1·e~za. Vatsyiiyana bhdfya, 11. 1. 38. The inference that there
has been rain up the river is not made merely from seeing the rise of water, but from
the rainwater augmenting the previous water of the river and carrying with its current
large quantities of foam, fruits, leaves, wood, etc. These characteristics, associated
with the rise of water, mark it as a special kind of rise of water, which can only be
due to the happening of rain up the river.
The Nyaya- Vaise~ika Philosophy [cH.
are quite sufficient and it is needless to accept arthapatti (impli-
cation), aitihya (tradition), sambhava (when a thing is understood
in terms of higher measure the lower measure contained in it is
also understood-if we know that there is a bushel of corn any-
where we understand that the same contains eight gallons of
corn as well) and abhava (non-existence) as separate pramaryas
for the tradition is included in verbal testimony and arthapatti,
sambhava and abhava are included within inference.
The validity of these as pramai)as is recognized, but they are
said to be included in the four pramaryas mentioned before. The
theory of the eternity of sound is then refuted and the non-
eternity proved in great detail. The meaning of words is said to
refer to class-notions (;'titi), individuals (VJ'akti), and the specific
position of the limbs (akrti), by which the class notion is mani-
fested. Class (jatz) is defined as that which produces the notion
of sameness (samiinaprasaviitmika jati'[t).
The third book begins with the proofs for the existence of
the self or atman. It is said that each of the senses is associated
with its own specific object, but there must exist some other entity
in us which gathered together the different sense-cognitions and
produced the perception of the total object as distinguished from
the separate sense-perceptions. If there were no self then there
would be no sin in injuring the bodies of men; again if there
were no permanent self, no one would be able to recognize
things as having seen them before; the two images produced by
the eyes in visual perception could not also have been united
together as one visual perception of the things•; moreover if
there were no permanent cognizer then by the sight of a sour
fruit one coutd not be reminded of its sour taste. If conscious-
ness belonged to the senses only, then there would be no recogni-
tion, for the experience of one could not be recognized by another.
If it is said that the unity of sensations could as well be effected
by manas (mind), then the manas would serve the same purpose
as self and it would only be a quarrel over a name, for this
entity the knower would require some instrument by which it
would co-ordinate the sensations and cognize; unless man as is
admitted as a separate instrument of the soul, then though the
sense perceptions could be explained as being the work of the
1 According to Vatsyayana, in the two eyes we have two rlifferent senses. Udyo-
takara, howe;:vcr, thinks that there is one visual sense which works in both eyes.
VIII] Philosophy in the Nyaya siUras 299
senses, yet imagining, thinking, etc., could not be explained.
Another argument for the admission of soul is this, that infants
show signs of pleasure and pain in quite early stages of infancy
and this could not be due to anything but similar experiences in
previous lives. Moreover every creature is born with some desires,
and no one is seen to be born without desires. All attachments
and desires are due to previous experiences, and therefore it is
argued that desires in infants are due to their experience in
previous existences.
The body is made up of the k~iti element. The visual sense
is material and so also are all other senses 1• Incidentally the
view held by some that the skin is the only organ of sensation
is also refuted. The earth possesses four qualities, water three,
fire two, air one, and ether one, but the sense of smell, taste, eye,
and touch which are made respectively by the four elements of
earth, etc., can only grasp the distinctive features of the elements
of which they are made. Thus though the organ of smell is made
by earth which contains four qualities, it can only grasp the dis-
tinctive quality of earth, viz. smell.
Against the Sarpkhya distinction of buddhi (cognition) and
cit (pure intelligence) it is said that there is no difference between
the buddhi and cit. We do not find in our consciousness two
elements of a phenomenal and a non-phenomenal consciousness,
but only one, by whichever name it may be called. The Sarpkhya
epistemology that the anta}:lkararya assumes diverse forms in
cognitive acts is also denied, and these are explained on the sup-
position of contacts of manas with the senses, atman and external
objects. The Buddhist objection against the Satpkhya explana-
tion that the antalfkararyas catch reflection from the external
world just as a crystal does from the coloured objects that may
lie near it, that there were really momentary productions of
crystals and no permanent crystal catching different reflections at
different times is refuted by Nyaya; for it says that it cannot be
said that all creations are momentary, but it can only be agreed to
in those cases where momentariness was actually experienced.
In the case of the transformation of milk into curd there is no
coming in of new qualities and disappearance of old ones, but
It is well to remember that Sa111khya did not believe that the senses were con·
stituted of the gross elements. But the Sa111khya-Yoga view represented in .4treya-
Sat!zhitii ( Caraka) regarded the senses as bhautika or constituted of the gross elements.
JOO The Nyaya- Vaife~ika Philosophy [cH.
the old milk is destroyed and the curd originates anew. The
contact of manas with soul (iitma?Z) takes place within the body
and not in that part of atman which is outside the body; know-
ledge belongs to the self and not to the senses or the object for
even when they are destroyed knowledge remains. New cogni-
tions destroy the old ones. No two recollections can be simul-
taneous. Desire and antipathy also belong to the soul. None of
these can belong either to the body or to the mind (manas).
Manas cannot be conscious for it is dependent upon self. Again
if it was conscious then the actions done by it would have to be
borne by the self and one cannot reap the fruits of the actions of
another. The causes of recollection on the part of self are given
as follows: (I) attention, (2) context, (3) repetition, (4) sign,
(5) association, (6) likeness, (7) association of the possessor
and the possessed or master and servant, or things which
are generally seen to follow each other, (8) separation (as of
husband and wife), (9) simpler employment, ( IO) opposition,
(I I) excess, (I 2) that from which anything can be got, (I 3) cover
and covered, (I4) pleasure and pain causing memory of that
which caused them, (I5) fear, (16) entreaty, (I7) action such
as that of the chariot reminding the charioteer, (I 8) affection,
(I9) merit and demerit!. It is said that knowledge does not belong
to body, and then the question of the production of the body as
due to adr~ta is described. Salvation (apavarga) is effected by
the manas being permanenly separated from the soul (atman)
through the destruction of karma.
In the fourth book in course of the examination of do~a
(defects), it is said that moha (ignorance), is at the root of all
other defects such as raga (attachment) and dve!?a (antipathy).
As against the Buddhist view that a thing could be produced by
destruction, it is said that destruction is only a stage in the
process of origination. lsvara is regarded as the cause of the
production of effects of deeds performed by men's efforts, for
man is not always found to attain success according to his efforts.
A reference is made to the doctrine of those who say that all
things have come into being by no-cause (animitta), for then
no-cause would be the cause, which is impossible.
The doctrine of some that all things are eternal is next refuted
on the ground that we always see things produced and destroyed.
1 Nyiiya siitra 111. ii. ~4·
VIII] Caraka, Nyaya and Vaife~ika JOI

The doctrine of the nihilistic Buddhists (sunyavadin Bauddhas)

that all things are what they are by virtue of their relations to
other things, and that of other Buddhists who hold that there are
merely the qualities and parts but no substances or wholes, are
then refuted. The fruits of karmas are regarded as being like
the fruits of trees which take some time before they can ripen.
Even though there may be pleasures here and there, birth means
sorrow for men, for even the man who enjoys pleasure is tor-
mented by many sorrows, and sometimes one mistakes pains for
pleasures. As there is no sorrow in the man who is in deep dream-
less sleep, so there is no affliction (klesa) in the man who attains
apavarga (salvation ) 1• \Nhen once this state is attained all efforts
(pravrtti) cease for ever, for though efforts were beginningless
with us they were all due to attachment, antipathy, etc. Then
there are short discussions regarding the way in which egoism
(altaJ?tkiira) ceases with the knowledge of the true causes of de-
fects (do~a); about the nature of whole and parts and about the
nature of atoms (a?tus) which cannot further be divided. A dis-
cussion is then introduced against the doctrine of the Vijnana-
vadins that nothing can be regarded as having any reality when
separated from thoughts. Incidentally Yoga is mentioned as
leading to right knowledge.
The whole of the fifth book which seems to be a later addition
is devoted to the enumeration of different kinds of refutations
(ni'grahasthiina) and futilities (jciti).
Caraka, N yay a siitras and Vaise~ika siitras.
When we compare the Nyaya siUras with the Vaisefika
sittras we find that in the former two or three different streams
of purposes have met, whereas the latter is much more homo-
geneous. The large amount of materials relating to debates
treated as a practical art for defeating an opponent would lead
one to suppose that it was probably originally compiled from
some other existing treatises which were used by Hindus and
Buddhists alike for rendering themselves fit to hold their own in
debates with their opponents 2• This assumption is justified when
1 Vatsyayana notes that this is the salvation ofhim who has known Brahman, rv.i. 63.
t A reference to the Suvar~aprabhtisa sii/ra shows that the Buddhist missionaries
used to get certain preparations for improving their voice in order to be able to argue
with force, and they took t0 the worship of Sarasvati (goddess of learning), who they
supposed would help them in bringing readily before their mind all the information
and ideas of which they stood so much in need at the time of debates.
302 The Nyiiya- Vaife~ika Philosophy [cu.
we compare the futilities ( jati) quibbles (chala), etc., relating to
disputations as found in the NJ'tlJ'a szltra with those that are
found in the medical work of Caraka (78 A.D.), 111. viii. There
are no other works in early Sanskrit literature, excepting the
NyiiJ'a szltra and Caraka-sm!zltitii which have treated of these
matters. Caraka's description of some of the categories (e.g.
dr~tanta, prayojana, pratijfia and vitar:t9a) follows very closely
the definitions given of those in the Nyaya sittras. There are
others such as the definitions of jalpa, chala, nigrahasthana, etc.,
where the definitions of two authorities differ more. There are
some other logical categories mentioned in Caraka (e.g. pra-
lif{ltiipana, jijfuisii, ·vyavasa;'a, viikyadofa, vakyapraSa1!lSa, upa-
la11zblta, parilziira, abltyamtjfia, etc.) which are not found in the
NyiiJ'a sittra 1• Again, the various types of futilities (jati) and points
of opponent's refutation (11igrahasthana) mentioned in the Nyii)'a
szj_tra are not found in Caraka. There are some terms which are
found in slightly variant forms in the two works, e.g. aupamya in
Caraka, upamana in Nyaya siitra, arthiipatti in Nyiiya siitra and
artlzaprapti in Caraka. Caraka does not seem to know anything
about the Nyaya work on this subject, and it is plain that the
treatment of these terms of disputations in the Caraka is much
simpler and less technical than what we find in the Nyaya sz"j_tras.
If we leave out the varieties of jati and nigrahasthana of the
fifth book, there is on the whole a great agreement between the
treatment ofCaraka and that of the Nyilya siitras. It seems there-
fore in a high degree probable that both Caraka and the Nyaya
szJtras were indebted for their treatment of these terms of dispu-
tation to some other earlier work. Of these, Caraka's compilation
was earlier, whereas the compilation of the Nyaya sfttras repre-
sents a later work when a hotter atmosphere of disputations had
necessitated the use of more technical terms which are embodied
in this work, but which were not contained in the earlier work.
It does not seem therefore that this part of the work could have
been earlier than the second century A.D. Another stream flowing
through the NyiiJ'a sittras is that of a polemic against the doctrines
which could be attributed to the Sautrantika Buddhists, the
Vijiianavada Buddhists, the nihilists, the Saq1khya, the Carvaka,
and some other unknown schools of thought to which we find no
1 Like Vaise~ika, Caraka does not know the threefold division of inference (ame-
1/llilltl)as piirvaz,at, fe~a;•at and siimtill)'atod;~!a.
VIII] Nyaya siltras and Vaife~ika siitras 303
further allusion elsewhere. The Vaise~ika sutras as we have already
seen had argued only against the Mlmarpsa, and ultimately agreed
with them on most points. The dispute with Mlmarpsa in the
1Vyaya sutras is the same as in the Vaise~ika over the question
of the doctrine of the eternality of sound. The question of the
self-validity of knowledge (svatalf priimii?Jyaviida) and the akhyati
doctrine of illusion of the Mlmarpsists, which form the two chief
points of discussion between later l\tllmarpsa and later N yaya,
are never alluded to in the Nyaya sittras. The advocacy of Yoga
methods (Nyaya sutras, IV. ii. 38-42 and 46) seems also to be
an alien element; these are not found in V aise~ika and are not in
keeping with the general tendency of the Nyaya siUras, and the
Japanese tradition that lVlirok added them later on as Mahamaho-
padhyaya Haraprasada Sastrl has pointed out 1 is not improbable.
The Vaise~ika siUras, III. i. 18 and III. ii. 1, describe per-
ceptional knowledge as produced by the close proximity of the
self (atman), the senses and the objects of sense, and they
also adhere to the doctrine, that colour can only be perceived
under special conditions of sa11zskiira (conglomeration etc.).
The reason for inferring the existence of manas from the non-
simultaneity (ayaugapadya) of knowledge and efforts is almost
the same with Vaise~ika as with Nyaya. The Nyiiya sutras
give a more technical definition of perception, but do not bring
in the questions of sarpskara or udbhiitariipavattva which Vai-
se~ika does. On the question of inference Nyaya gives three
classifications as piirvavat, se~avat and samanyatodr~ta, but no
definition. The Vaz"se#ka sittras do not know of these classifica-
tions, and give only particular types or instances of inference
(V. S. III. i. 7-17, IX. ii. 1-2, 4--5). Inference is said to be made
when a thing is in contact with another, or when it is in a relation
of inherence in it, or when it inheres in a third thing; one kind
of effect may lead to the inference of another kind of effect, and
so on. These are but mere collections of specific instances of infer-
ence without reaching a general theory. The doctrine of vyapti
(concomitance of hetu (reason) and siidhya(probandum)) which be-
came so important in later Nyaya has never been properly formu-
lated either in the Nyaya sittras or in the Vaise~ika. Vai'.fc~ika
siUra, III. i. 24, no doubt assumes the knowledge of concomitance
between hetu and sadhya (prasz"ddhipiirvakatviit apadesasya),
1 J.A.S.B. 1905.
304 The Nyaya-Vaise~ika Philosophy [cH.
but the technical vyapti is not known, and the connotation of
the term prasiddhipzlrvakatva of Vaise~ika seems to be more
loose than the term vytipti as we know it in the later Nyaya. The
Vaisefika siUras do not count scriptures (Sabda) as a separate
pramat:Ja, but they tacitly admit the great validity of the Vedas.
With Nytiya szttras sabda as a pramat:Ja applies not only to the
Vedas, but to the testimony of any trustworthy person, and
Vatsyayana says that trustworthy persons may be of three
kinds .rfi, tirya and mleccha (foreigners). Upamana which is
regarded as a means of right cognition in Nyaya is not even
referred to in the Vaisefika siitras. The Nyiiya szttras know of
other pramat:Jas, such as arthiipatti, sambhava and aiti'hya, but
include them within the pramat:Jas admitted by them, but the
Vaisefika siUras do not seem to know them at all 1• The Vaise-
fika szttras believe in the perception of negation (abhava) through
the perception of the locus to which such negation refers (IX. i.
1-10). The Nyaya siUras (II. ii. 1, 2, 7-12) consider that abhava as
non-existence or negation can be perceived; when one asks another
to "bring the clothes which are not marked,'' he finds that marks
are absent in some clothes and brings them ; so it is argued that
absence or non-existence can be directly perceived 2• Though
there is thus an agreement between the Nyaya and the Vaisefika
siitras about the acceptance of abhava as being due to perception,
yet their method of handling the matter is different. The Nyiiya
siUras say nothing about the categories of dravya, gzu:za, karma,
visefa and samaviiya which form the main subjects of Vaise~ka
discussions 3• The Nyaya siitras take much pains to prove the
materiality of the senses. But this question does not seem to have
been important with Vaise~ika. The slight reference to this
question in VIII. ii. 5-6 can hardly be regarded as sufficient.
The Vaisefika siUras do not mention the name of" Isvara,"whereas
the Nyaya siUras try to prove his existence on eschatological
grounds. The reasons given in support of the existence of self
in the Nyaya sfttras are mainly on the ground of the unity of
sense-cognitions and the phenomenon of recognition, whereas the
1 The only old authority which knows these pramaQ.as is Caraka. But he also gives

an interpretation of sambhava which is different from Nyaya and calls arthiipatti

arthapriipti (Caraka III. viii.).
2 The details of this example are taken from Vatsyayana's commentary.
3 The Nyiiya sii/ra no doubt incidentally gives a definition of jati as "samiinapra-

savfztmihiijatiiJ '' p1. ii. 71).

VIII] Nyaya sutras and Vaife~ika sutras
Vaise!?ika lays its main emphasis on self-consciousness as a fact
of knowledge. Both the Nyaya and the Vaise#ka siitras admit
the existence of atoms, but all the details of the doctrine of
atomic structure in later Nyaya-Vaise~ika are absent there. The
Vaise!?ika calls salvation tzi(tireyasa or mok~a and the N yaya
apavarga. Mok~a with Vaise~ika is the permanent cessation of
connection with body; the apavarga with Nyaya is cessation of
pain 1• In later times the main points of difference between the
Vaise~ika and N yay a are said to lie with regard to theory of the
notion of number, changes of colour in the molecules by heat, etc.
Thus the former admitted a special procedure of the mind by which
cognitions of number arose in the mind (e.g. at the first moment
there is the sense contact with an object, then the notion of one-
ness, then from a sense of relativeness-apek~abuddhi-notion
of two, then a notion of two-ness, and then the notion of two
things); again, the doctrine of pilupaka (changes of qualities by
heat are produced in atoms and not in molecules as Nyaya held)
was held by Vaise~ika, which the Naiyayikas did not admit 2• But
as the Nyiiya sftlras are silent on these points, it is not possible to
say that such were really the differences between early N yay a and
early Vaise~ika. These differences may be said to hold between
the later interpreters of Vaise~ika and the later interpreters of
N yay a. The Vaise~ika as we find it in the commentary of
Prasastapada (probably sixth century A.D.), and the Nyaya from
the time of U dyotakara have come to be treated as almost
the same system with slight variations only. I have therefore
preferred to treat them together. The main presentation of the
N yaya-Vaise!?ika philosophy in this chapter is that which is found
from the sixth century onwards.

The Vaise~ika and Nyaya Literature.

It is difficult to ascertain definitely the date of the Vaise~ika
sutras by Kar:tada, also called Auliikya the son of Uluka, though
there is every reason to suppose it to be pre-Buddhistic. It
1 Professor Vanamiili Vedantatirtha quotes a passage from Sa'!zk[epafatikaraja;•a,
XVI. 68-69 in f.A.S.B., 1905, and another passage from aNyayawriter Bhasarvajfia,
pp. 39-41, inJ.A.S.B., 1914, to show that the old Naiyayikas con!>idered that there
was an element of happiness (sukha) in the state of mukti (salvation) which the Vaise-
~ikas denied. No evidence in support of this opinion is found in the Nyaya or the
Vaifepka sutras, unless the cessation of pain with Nyaya is interpreted as meaning the
presence of some sort of bliss or happiness.
2 See Madhava's Sm-vadarfanasai!IJ'"Yaha-Aulilkyadarfana.
J06 The Nyaya- Vaise~ika Philosophy [cH.
appears from the V ayu purana that he was born in Prabhasa near
Dvaraka, and was the disciple of Somasarma. The time of
Prasastapada who wrote a bha~ya (commentary) of the Vaisc-
~i'ka siUras cannot also unfortunately be ascertained. The pecu-
liarity of Prasastapada's bha~ya is this that unlike other bha~yas
(which first give brief explanations of the text of the sutras and
then continue to elaborate independent explanations by explain-
ing the first brief comments), it does not follow the sutras but
is an independent dissertation based on their main contents•.
There were two other bha~yas on the V aise#ka siUras, namely
Rava~za-b/za~ya and Bharadvtija-vrtt£, but these are now probably
lost. References to the former are found in K irm:ztivalibhtiskara
of Padmanabha Misra and also in Ratnaprabhti 2. 2. I I. Four
commentaries were written on this bha~ya, namely Vyomavati by
Vyomasekharacarya, Nytiyakandali by Sridhara, K i'rm_ztivali by
Udayana (984 A.D.) and Lilavatiby Srivatsacarya. In addition to
these JagadiSa Bhattacarya of N avadvipa and Sailkara Misra wrote
two other commentaries on the Prasastaptida-bhii.ifa, namely
Blzii.[yasttkti' and Katpida-ralzasya. Sankara Misra (1425 A.D.)
also wrote a commentary on the Vaise#ka siitras called the
Upaskara. Of these Nyaya-kaudali of Sridhara on account of its
simplicity of style and elaborate nature of exposition is probably
the best for a modern student of Vaise~ika. Its author was a
native of the village of Bhurisr~ti in Bengal (Ra<;Iha). His father's
name was Baladeva and mother's name was Acchoka and he
wrote his work in 913 Saka era (990 A.D.) as he himself writes
at the end of his work.
The Nyiiya sittra was written by Ak!?apada or Gautama, and
the earliest commentary on it written by Vatsyayana is known
as the V iitsyaya11a-blza.rya. The date of Vatsyayana has not

1 The bha!?ya of Prasastapada can hardly be called a bhii!t'ya (elaborate commen-

tary). He himself makes no such claim and calls his work a compendium of the
properties of the categories (Padiir/hadharmasat!zgraha). He takes the categories of
dravya, gu~za, karma, siimiinya, 7Jifefa and samaviiya in order and without raising any
discussions plainly narrates what he has got to say on them. Some of the doctrines
which are important in later Nyaya-Vaise!?ika discussions, such as the doctrine of
creation and dissolution, doctrine of number, the theory that the number of atoms
contributes to the atomic measure of the molecules, the doctrine of pilupaka in con-
nection with the transformation of colours by heat occur in his narration for the tirst
time as the Vaifefika siilras are silent on these points. It is difficult to ascertain his
date definitely; he is the earliest writer on Vaise!?ika available to us after KaQada
and it is not improbable that he lived in the sth or 6th century A.D.
VIII] Nyaya L ite·rature
been definitely settled, but there is reason to believe that he lived
some time in the beginning of the fourth century A.D. Jacobi
places him in 300 A.D. Udyotakara (about 635 A.D.) wrote a
Vtirttika on Vatsyayana's bha~ya to establish the Nyaya views
and to refute the criticisms of the Buddhist logician Diimaga
(about 500 A.D.) in his Pramii?tasamuccaya. Vacaspatimisra
(840 A.D.) wrote a sub-commentary on the Nytiyavarttika of
Udyotakara called Nyayavtirttikatiitparya{ika in order to make
clear the right meanings ofUdyotakara's Viirttika which was sink-
ing in the mud as it were through numerous other bad writings
(dustarakunibandhapankamagniiuam). Udayana (984 A.D.) wrote
a sub-commentary on the Tatparya!ika called Tiitparya{ikii-
parisuddhi. Varddhamana (1225 A.D.) wrote a sub-commentary
on that called the Nyiiyanibandhaprakiisa. Padmanabha wrote
a sub-commentary on that called Varddhamanendu and Sankara
Misra (1425 A.D.) wrote a sub-commentary on that called the
Nyayatiitparyama?z¢ana. In the seventeenth century Visvanatha
wrote an independent short commentary known as Vz~~vanatha-
7.J_rtti, on the Nyaya szttra, and Radhamohana wrote a separate
commentary on the Nyiiya sietras known as Nyiiyasutravivarwza.
In addition to these works on the Nyaya sfttras many other
independent works of great philosophical value have been written
on the N yay a system. The most important of these in medieval
times is the Nytiyamaiijari of Jayanta (880 A.D.), who flourished
shortly after Vacaspatimisra. J ayanta chooses some of the Nyaya
siUras for interpretation, but he discusses the Nyaya views quite
independently, and criticizes the views of other systems of Indian
thought of his time. It is far more comprehensive than Vacaspati's
Tatparya!ikii, and its style is most delightfully lucid. Another
important work is Udayana's Kusumaiijali in which he tries to
prove the existence of Isvara (God). This work ought to be read
with its commentary Prakiisa by Varddhamana ( 1225 A.D.) and its
sub-commentary M akarmzda by Rucidatta ( 127 5 A.D.). U dayana's
A tmatattvaviveka is a polemical work against the Buddhists, in
which he tries to establish the N yaya doctrine of soul. In addition
to these we have a number of useful works on Nyaya in later
times. Of these the following deserve special mention in connec-
tion with the present work. Bhii~iipariccheda by Visvanatha with
its commentaries Muktiivall, Dinakari and Riimarudri, Tarka-
samgralza with J'{yiiymzir?wya, Tarkablzii~ii of Kesava Misra with
The NJ'iiya- Vaife~ika Philosophy [en.
the commentary Nyayapradipa, Saptapadiirtlzi of Sivaditya,
Tiirk£karak~li of Varadaraja with the commentary Nz~ka?z!aka of
Mallinatha, Nyiiyasara of Madhava Deva of the city of Dhara
and iVyayas£ddluintama1/jari of J anaklnatha Bhattacarya with
the Nyayamanjarisara by Yadavacarya, and Nyayasiddhautadipa
of Sasadhara with Prabha by Se!?anantacarya.
The new school of Nyaya philosophy known as Navya-Nyaya
began with Gangesa U padhyaya of Mithila, about 1200 A.D.
Gangesa wrote only on the four pramat:las admitted by theN yaya,
viz.pratyak!;'a,anumana,upamana,and sabda,and not on any of the
topics of N yaya metaphysics. But it so happened that his dis-
cussionsonanumana(inference)attracted unusuallygreatattention
in Navadvlpa (Bengal), and large numbers of commentaries and
commentaries of commentaries were written on the anumana
portion of his work T attvac£utama1j£, and many independent
treatises on sabda and anumana were also written by the scholars
of Bengal, which became thenceforth for some centuries the home
of N yaya studies. The commentaries of Raghunatha Siromat:li
(1500 A.D.), Mathura Bhanacarya (158oA.D.), Gadadhara Bhana-
carya (1650A.D.) and JagadiSa Bhattacarya (1 590 A.D.), commen-
taries on Siromat:li's commentary on Tattvac£utiimani, had been
very widely read in Bengal. The new school of N yaya became the
most important study in Navadvlpa and there appeared a series
of thinkers who produced an extensive literature on the subject I.
The contribution was not in the direction of metaphysics, theology,
ethics, or religion, but consisted mainly in developing a system
of linguistic notations to specify accurately and precisely any
concept or its relation with other concepts 2•
Thus for example when they wished to define precisely the
nature of the concomitance of one concept with another (e.g. smoke
and fire), they would so specify the relation that the exact nature
of the concomitance should be clearly expressed, and that there
should be no confusion or ambiguity. Close subtle analytic
thinking and the development of a system of highly technical
1 From the latter half of the twelfth century to the third quarter of the sixteenth

century the new school of Nyaya was started in Mithila (Behar); but from the fifteenth
to the seventeenth century Bengal became pre-eminently the home of Nyaya studies.
See Mr Cakravartti's paper,J. A. S.B. 1915. I am indebted to it for some of the
dates mentioned in this section.
2 lfvart1numii1za of Raghunatha as well as his Padiirlhatattvaniriipa~za are, how-

ever, notable exceptions.

VIII] Nyaya L £terature
expressions mark the development of this literature. The technical
expressions invented by this school were thus generally accepted
even by other systems of thought, wherever the need of accurate
and subtle thinking was felt. But from the time that Sanskrit
ceased to be the vehicle of philosophical thinking in India the
importance of this literature has gradually lost ground, and it
can hardly be hoped that it will ever regain its old position by
attracting enthusiastic students in large numbers.
I cannot close this chapter without mentioning the fact that
so far as the logical portion of the N yay a system is concerned,
though Ak~apada was the first to write a comprehensive account
of it, the J ains and Buddhists in medieval times had indepen-
dently worked at this subject and had criticized the Nyaya ac-
count of logic and made valuable contributions. In J aina logic
Da.!.~avaikalika1liryukti of Bhadrabahu (357 B.C.), Umasvati's
Tattvarthadhigama sittra, Nyayavatara of Siddhasena Divakara
(533 A.D.) Mar:tikya Nandi's (8oo A.D.) Parik~amukha siUra, and
Pranzii~zanayatattvalokiilal!Zka1"'a of Deva Suri (I I 59 A.D.) and
Prameyakamalamarta?t¢a of Prabhacandra deserve special notice.
PramaJJasamuccaya and Nyayapravesa of Diimaga ( 500 A.D.),
Pramli1Javarttika karika and Nyayabi1ldu of Dharmaklrtti
(650 A.D.) with the commentary of Dharmottara are the most
interesting of the Buddhist works on systematic logic 1• The
diverse points of difference between the Hindu, Jain and
Buddhist logic require to be dealt with in a separate work on
Indian logic and can hardly be treated within the compass of the
present volume.
It is interesting to notice that between the atsyayana v
bh1i,fya and the Udyotakara's Varttika no Hindu work on logic
of importance seems to have been written: it appears that the
science of logic in this period was in the hands of the J ains and
the Buddhists; and it was Diimaga's criticism of Hindu N yaya
that roused U dyotakara to write the Varttika. The Buddhist and
the Jain method of treating logic separately from metaphysics
as an independent study was not accepted by the Hindus till we
come to Gailgesa, and there is probably only one Hindu work of
importance on Nyaya in the Buddhist style namely N_yayasara
of Bhasarvaji'ia. Other older Hindu works generally treated of
1 See Indiat~ Logic Mediroal School, by Dr S. C. Vidyabhii~al)a, for a biblio-
graphy of Jain and Buddhist Logic.
310 The Nyaya- Vaife~ika Philosophy [cH.
inference only along with metaphysical and other points of N yay a

The main doctrine of the Nyaya-Vaise~ika Philosophy 2 •

The N yay a- Vaise~ika having dismissed the doctrine of mo-
mentariness took a common-sense view of things, and held that
things remain permanent until suitable collocations so arrange
themselves that the thing can be destroyed. Thus the jug con-
tinues to remain a jug unless or until it is broken to pieces by
the stroke of a stick. Things exist not because they can produce
an impression on us, or serve my purposes either directly or
through knowledge, as the Buddhists suppose, but because exist-
ence is one of their characteristics. If I or you or any other perceiver
did not exist, the things would continue to exist all the same.
Whether they produce any effect on us or on their surrounding
environments is immaterial. Existence is the most general
characteristic of things, and it is on account of this that things
are testified by experience to be existing.
As the Nyaya-Vaise~ikas depended solely on experience and
on valid reasons, they dismissed the Sarpkhya cosmology, but
accepted the atomic doctrine of the four elements (bhiUas), earth
(k,fili), water (ap), fire (tejas), and air (marut). These atoms are
eternal; the fifth substance (akasa) is all pervasive and eternal.
It is regarded as the cause of propagating sound; though all-
pervading and thus in touch with the ears of all persons, it mani-
fests sound only in the ear-drum, as it is only there that it shows
itself as a sense-organ and manifests such sounds as the man de-
serves to hear by reason of his merit and demerit. Thus a deaf
man though he has the akasa as his sense of hearing, cannot hear
on account of his demerit which impedes the faculty of that sense
organ 3• In addition to these they admitted the existence of time
(kala) as extending from the past through the present to the
1 Almost all the books on Nyii.ya and Vai~e~ika referred to have been consulted in

the writing of this chapter. Those who want to be acquainted with a fuller bibliography
of the new school of logic should refer to the paper called "The History of Navya
Nyaya in Bengal," by Mr Cakravartti inJ. A. S. B. 1915.
2 I have treated Nyaya and Vai~e~ika as the same system. Whatever may have been

their original differences, they are regarded since about 6oo A.D. as being in complete
agreement except in some minor points. The views of one system are often supple-
mented hy those of the other. The original character of the two systems has already
been treated.
~ See Nyiiyaka1ltlali, PP· 59-64.
VIII] Metaphysz"cal Categorz"es 311

endless futurity before us. Had there been no time we could

have no knowledge of it and there would be nothing to account
for our time-notions associated with all changes. The Sarpkhya
did not admit the existence of any real time; to them the unit
of kala is regarded as the time taken by an atom to traverse its
own unit of space. It has no existence separate from the atoms
and their movements. The appearance of kala as a separate entity
is a creation of our buddhi (buddlzi11ir11ui~za) as it represents the
order or mode in which the buddhi records its perceptions. But
kala in N yaya- Vaise~ika is regarded as a substance existing by
itsel( In accordance with the changes of things it reveals itself
as past, present, and future. Sarpkhya regarded it as past, present,
and future, as being the modes of the constitution of the things
in its different manifesting stages of evolution (adkvan). The
astronomers regarded it as being due to the motion of the planets.
These must all be contrasted with the Nyaya-Vaise~ika con-
ception of kala which is regarded as an all-pervading, partless
substance which appears as many in association with the changes
related to itl.
The seventh substance is relative space (dik). It is that sub-
stance by virtue of which things are perceived as being on the
right, left, east, west, upwards and downwards; kala like dik is
also one. But yet tradition has given us varieties of it in the eight
directions and in the upper and lower 2• The eighth substance is
the soul (atman) which is all-pervading. There are separate atmans
for each person; the qualities of knowledge, feelings of pleasure
and pain, desire, etc. belong to iitman. Manas (mind) is the ninth
substance. It is atomic in size and the vehicle of memory; all affec-
tions of the soul such as knowing, feeling, and willing, are generated
by the connection of manas with soul, the senses and the objects.
It is the intermediate link which connects the soul with the senses,
and thereby produces the affections of knowledge, feeling, or
willing. \Vith each single connection of soul with manas we have
a separate affection of the soul, and thus our intellectual experience
is conducted in a series, one coming after another and not simul-
taneously. Over and above all these we have Isvara. The definition
See Nyayakandali, pp. 64--66, and Nyiiyamaiifari, pp. 136-139· The Vaife#ka
szttras regarded time as the cause of things which suffer change but denied it of things
which are eternal.
See Nyiiyaka11dali, pp. 66-69, and Nyiiyamaiifari, p. qo.
312 The Nyaya- Va£fe~ika Philosophy [cH.
of substance consists in this, that it is independent by itself, whereas
the other things such as quality (gu?Ja), action (karma), sameness
or generality (samiiuya), speciality or specific individuality ( vise~a)
and the relation of inherence (samaviiya) cannot show themselves
without the help of substance (dravya). Dravya is thus the place
of rest (asraya) on which all the others depend (asrta). Dravya,
gul)a, karma, samanya, vise~a, and samavaya are the six original
entities of which all things in the world are made up 1• When a
man through some special merit, by the cultivation of reason and
a thorough knowledge of the fallacies and pitfalls in the way
of right thinking, comes to know the respective characteristics
and differences of the above entities, he ceases to have any
passions and to work in accordance with their promptings and
attains a conviction of the nature of self, and is liberated 2• The
N yaya- Vaise~ika is a pluralistic system which neither tries to
reduce the diversity of experience to any universal principle, nor
dismisses patent facts of experience on the strength of the de-
mands of the logical coherence of mere abstract thought. The
entities it admits are taken directly from experience. The under-
lying principle is that at the root of each kind of perception there
must be something to which the perception is due. It classified the
percepts and concepts of experience into several ultimate types
or categories (padartlza), and held that the notion of each type
was due to the presence of that entity. These types are six in
number-dravya, gut:J.a, etc. If we take a percept "I see a red
book," the book appears to be an independent entity on which
rests the concept of "redness " and "oneness," and we thus call the
book a substance (dravya); dravya is thus defined as that which
has the characteristic of a dravya (dravyat'lm). So also gul)a and
karma. In the subdivision of different kinds of dravya also the
same principle of classification is followed. In contrasting it with
Sarpkhya or Buddhism we see that for each unit of sensation (say
1 Abhiiva (negation) as dependent on bhava (position) is mentioned in the Vaifejika

sutra_;. Later Nyaya writers such as Udayana include abhiiva as a separate category,
but Sridhara a contemporary of Udayana rightly remarks that abhava was not counted
hy Prasastapada as it was dependent on bhava-''abhiivasya Prthaganupadefaf:t
bhiivapiiratantryiil na tvabhiiviit." N;'tlyakandali, p. 6, and Lakfa1Jiivali, p. 2.
" Tattvato }1iiilefu biihyiidhyiitmikefu vifayqu dofadar.faniit viraktasya samihii.

11ivrttau iitma;iiasya tadarthiini karmii~ryakurvataf:t tatparityiigasiidhmzlilti fn4tismr-

tyuditiini asa1ika!pitaphaliini upt1dadii1lasya iilmajJitlllamabhyasyataf:t prakrf!anivart-
takadharmopacaye sati paripakviitmnj1iii1rasyiilyantikafarimviJ'Ogasya bhiiviit." Ibid.
P· 7·
VIII] Category of Quality
whiteness) the latter would admit a corresponding real, but
Nyaya-Vaise~ika would collect "all whiteness" under the name
of "the quality of white colour" which the atom possessed 1• They
-only regarded as a separate entity what represented an ultimate
mode of thought. They did not enquire whether such notions
·could be regarded as the modification of some other notion or
not; but whenever they found that there were some experiences
which were similar and universal, they classed them as separate
entities or categories.

The six Padarthas : Dravya, Gul)a, Karma, Samanya,

Vise~a, Samavaya.

Of the six classes of entities or categories (padiirtha) we have

already given some account of dravya!. Let us now turn to
the others. Of the qualities (gu~za) the first one called riipa
(colour) is that which can be apprehended by the eye alone
and not by any other sense. The colours are white, blue,
yellow, red, green, brown and variegated (citra). Colours are
found only in k!;'iti, ap and tejas. The colours of ap and tejas are
permanent (nitya), but the colour of k~iti changes when heat
is applied, and this, Srldhara holds, is due to the fact that
heat changes the atomic structure of k~iti (earth) and thus the
old constitution of the substance being destroyed, its old colour
is also destroyed, and a new one is generated. Riipa is the general
name for the specific individual colours. There is the genus rii-
patva (colourness), and the riipa gut:la (quality) is that on which
rests this genus; riipa is not itself a genus and can be appre-
hended by the eye.
The second is rasa (taste), that quality of things which can be
apprehended only by the tongue ; these are sweet, sour, pungent
(kafu), astringent (ka-raya) and bitter (tikta). Only k~iti and ap
have taste. The natural taste of ap is sweetness. Rasa like
riipa also denotes the genus rasatva, and rasa as quality must
be distinguished from rasa as genus, though both of them are
apprehended by the tongue.
The third is gandha (odour), that quality which can be ap-
prehended by the nose alone. It belongs to k~iti alone. Water
1 The reference is to Sautrantika Buddhism, "yo yo viruddhiidhyiisavii1t 1tiisiiv~­
ka(z." See Pal)r;lita~oka's Avayavini1"iikara1Ja, Six Buddhist Nyiiya tracts.
2 The word "padartha" literally means denotations of words.
The Nyaya- Vaise~ika Philosophy [en.
or air is apprehended as having odour on account of the presence
of earth materials.
The fourth is sparsa (touch), that quality which can be ap-
prehended only by the skin. There are three kinds of touch, cold,
hot, neither hot nor cold. Sparsa belongs to k~iti; ap, tejas, and
vayu. The fifth sabda (sound) is an attribute of akasa. Had there
been no akasa there would have been no sound.
The sixth is saipkhya (number), that entity of quality belonging
to things by virtue of which we can count them as one, two, three,
etc. The conception of numbers two, three, etc. is due to a relative
oscillatory state of the mind (apek~iibudd/U:); thus when there are
two jugs before my eyes, I have the notion-This is one jug and
that is another jug. This is called apek~abuddhi; then in the
two jugs there arises the quality of twoness (dvil'ua) and then an
indeterminate perception (nirvikalpa-dvitva-gzu:za) of dvitva in us
and then the determinate perceptions that there are the two jugs.
The conceptions of other numbers as well as of many arise in a
similar manner 1 •
The seventh is parimiti (measure), that entity of quality in
things by virtue of which we perceive them as great or small and
speak of them as such. The measure of the partless atoms is
called parima?z¢ala parimii~za ; it is eternal, and it cannot gene-
rate the measure of any other thing. Its measure is its own abso-
lutely; when two atoms generate a dyad (dvymptka) it is not
the measure of the atom that generates the aryu (atomic) and
the hrasva (small) measure of the dyad molecule (dvym;uka),
for then the size (pan"mli?za) of it would have been still smaller
than the measure of the atom (parimawfala), whereas the
measure of the dyat)Uka is of a different kind, namely the
small (lzras'iJa) 2 • Of course two atoms generate a dyad, but
then the number (saipkhya) of the atom should be regarded as
bringing forth a new kind of measure, namely the small (lzrasva)
measure in the dyads. So again when three dyads (dyat:mka)
compose a tryal).uka the number and not the measure "small"
This is distinctively a Vaise~ika view introduced by Prasastapada. Nyaya seems
to be silent on this matter. See Sankara Misra's Upaskiira, VII. ii. 8.
2 It should be noted that the atomic measure appears in two forms as eternal as in

'' paramaQus" and non-eternal as in the dvya,_mka. The parimal)~lala parima~m is thus
a variety of aQuparimal)a. The al)uparimal)a and the hrasvaparimal)a represent the
two dimensions of the measure of dvyal)ukas as mahat and dirgha are with reference
to tryar:mkas. See Nyayakamb.zli, p. I.H·
VIII] The Quality of Measure
(hrasva) of the dyad is the cause of the measure "great" (mahat)
of the tryat:J.uka. But when we come to the region of these gross
tryat:J.ukas we find that the "great" measure of the tryat:lukas is
the cause of the measure of other grosser bodies com posed by
them. For as many tryat:lukas constitute a gross body, so much
bigger does the thing become. Thus the cumulation of the trya-
t:J.Ukas of mahat parimat:la makes things of still more mahat pari-
mat:J.a. The measure of tryar)ukas is not only regarded as mahat
but also as dirgha (long) and this dirgha parimar)a has to be ad-
mitted as coexisting with mahat parimat:la but not identical, for
things not only appear as great but also as long (dirgha). Here
we find that the accumulation of tryat:J.ukas means the accumula-
tion of "great" (mahat) and "long" (dirglza) parimat:J.a, and hence
the thing generated happens to possess a measure which is greater
and longer than the individual atoms which composed them.
Now the hrasva parimat:la of the dyads is not regarded as having
a lower degree of greatness or length but as a separate and distinct
type of measure which is called small (hrasva). As accumulation
of grossness, greatness or length, generates still more greatness,
grossness and length in its effect, so an accumulation of the
hrasva (small) parimat:la ought to generate still more hrasva
parimat:\a, and we should expect that if the hrasva measure of
the dyads was the cause of the measure of the tryaryukas, the
tryat:lukas should be even smaller than the dyat:lukas. So also if
the atomic and circular (par£ma~z¢ala) size of the atoms is re-
garded as generating by their measure the measure of the dya-
t:\Ukas, then the measure of the dyat:lukas ought to be more atomic
than the atoms. The atomic, small, and great measures should
not be regarded as representing successively bigger measures pro-
duced by the mere cumulation of measures, but each should be
regarded as a measure absolutely distinct, different from or foreign
to the other measure. It is therefore held that if grossness in the
cause generates still more greatness in the effect, the smallness
and the parimat:l9ala measure of the dyads and atoms ought to
generate still more smallness and subtleness in their effect.
But since the dyads and the tryat:luka molecules are seen to
be constituted of atoms and dyads respectively, and yet are
not found to share the measure of their causes, it is to be argued
that the measures of the atoms and dyads do not generate the
measure of their effects, but it is their mmzber which is the cause
316 The Nyaya- Va£fe~ika Philosophy [cH.
of the measure of the latter. This explains at~uparimarya, hras\-a
parimarya, mahat parimarya, and dlrg!1a parimarya. The parimarya
of akasa, kala, dik and atman which are regarded as all-pervasive,
is said to be paramamahat (absolutely large). The parimaryas
of the atoms, akasa, kala, dik, manas, and atman are regarded
as eternal (nz"tya). All other kinds of parimat~as as belonging to
non-eternal things are regarded as non-eternal.
The eighth is Prthaktva (mutual difference or separateness of
things), that entity or quality in things by virtue of which things
appear as different (e.g. this is different from that). Difference is
perceived by us as a positive notion and not as a mere negation
sue~} as this jug is not this pot.
The ninth is sm!zyoga (connection), that entity of gurya by
virtue of which things appear to us as connected.
The tenth is vibhtiga (separation), that entity of gurya which
destroys the connection or contact of things.
The eleventh and twelfth guryas, paratva and aparatva, give
rise in us to the perceptions of long time and short time, remote
and near.
The other guryas such as buddhi (knowledge ),sukha (happiness),
du(tklta (sorrow), z"cchti (will), d~'e.fa (antipathy or hatred) and
yaflza (effort) can occur only with reference to soul.
The characteristic of guru tva (heaviness) is that by virtue of
which things fall to the ground. The gllrya of sneha (oiliness)
belongs to water. The gurya of sm?zskara is of three kinds, ( 1) vega
(velocity) which keeps a thing moving in different directions,
( 2) sthiti-sthtipaka (elasticity) on account of which a gross thing
tries to get back its old state even though disturbed, (3) bhti-
vmzti is that quality of atman by which things are constantly
practised or by which things experienced are remembered and
recognized 1• Dharma is the quality the presence of which enables
the soul to enjoy happiness or to attain salvation2• Adhanna is
1 Pra~astapada says that bhavana is a special characteristic of the soul, contrary to

intoxication, sorrow and knowledge, by which things seen, heard and felt are remem-
bered and recognized. Through unexpectedness (as the sight of a camel for a man of
South India), repetition (as in studies, art etc.) and intensity of interest, the sa~pskara
hecomes particularly strong. See Nyiiyakandali, p. 267. Kal)ada however is silent
on these points. I Ie only says that by a special kind of contact of the mind with soul
and also by the sa~pskara, memory (smrti) is produced (IX. 2. 6).
Pra~astapiida speaks of dharma (merit) as being a quality of the soul. Thereupon
Sriclhara points out that this view does not admit that dharma is a power of karma (na
karmasiimarth;•am). Sacrifice etc. cannot be dharma for these actions being momentary
VIII] Category of Universality
the opposite quality, the presence of which in the soul leads a
man to suffer. Adr~!c or destiny is that unknown quality of
things and of the soul which brings about the cosmic order, and
arranges it for the experience of the souls in accordance with
their merits or demerits.
Karma means movement ; it is the third thing which must
be held to be as irreducible a reality as dravya or gm_.a. There
are five kinds of movement, (1) upward, (2) downward, (3) con-
traction, (4) expansion, (5} movement in general. All kinds of
karmas rest on substances just as the guryas do, and cause the
things to which they belong to move.
Siimiinya is the fourth category. It means the genus, or aspect
of generality or sameness that we notice in things. Thus in spite
of the difference of colour between one cow and another, both of
them are found to have such a sameness that we call them cows.
In spite of all diversity in all objects around us, they are all
perceived as sat or existing. This sat or existence is thus a same-
ness, which is found to exist in all the three things, dravya, gm~a,
and karma. This sameness is called siimiinya or j(iti, and it is
regarded as a separate thing which rests on dravya, gurya, or
karma. This highest genus salta (being) is called parajiiti (highest
universal), the other intermediate jatis are called aparajtiti (lower
universals), such as the genus of dravya, of karma, or of gurya, or
still more intermediate jatis such as gotvajiiti (the genus cow),
nilatvajiiti (the genus blue). The intermediate jatis or genera
sometimes appear to have a special aspect as a species, such as
pasutva (animal jati) and go tva (the cow jati); here however
gotva appears as a species, yet it is in reality nothing but a jati.
The aspect as species has no separate existence. It is jati which
from one aspect appears as genus and from another as species.
they cannot generate the effects which are only to be reaped at a future time. If the
action is destroyed its power (siimarthya) cannot last. So dharma is to be admitted
as a quality generated in the self by certain courses of conduct which produce happi-
ness for him when helped by certain other conditions of time, place, etc. Faith
(fraddhii), non-injury, doing good to all beings, truthfulness, non-stealing, sex-control,
sincerity, control of anger, ablutions, taking of pure food, devotion to particular gods,
fasting, strict adherence to scriptural duties, and the performance of duties assigned
to each caste and stage of life, are enumerated by Prasastapada as producing dharma.
The person who strictly adheres to these duties and the yamas and niyamas (cf.
Patafijali's Yoga) and attains Yoga by a meditation on the six padarthas attains a
dharma which brings liberation (mok,m). Sridhara refers to the Sa!Jlkhya-Yoga
account of the method of attaining salvation (Nyii;'akandali, pp. 272-28o). See also
Vallabha's N,yliyaliliivati, pp. 74-75. (Bombay, 1915.)
318 The Nyaya- Vaife~zka Philosophy [cH.
This jati or siimiinya thus must be regarded as having a separate
independent reality though it is existent in dravya, gurya and
karma. The Buddhists denied the existence of any indepen-
dent reality of samanya, but said that the sameness as cow
was really but the negation of all non-cows (apoha). The per-
ception of cow realizes the negation of all non-cows and this
is represented in consciousness as the sameness as cow. He who
should regard this sameness to be a separate and independent
reality perceived in experience might also discover two horns
on his own head 1 • The Nyaya-Vaise~ika said that negation
of non-cows is a negative perception, whereas the sameness per-
ceived as cow is a positive perception, which cannot be explained
by the aforesaid pegation theory~o_f the _Buddhists. Samanya has
thus to be admitted to have a separate reality. All perception as
sameness of a thing is due to the presence of this thing in that
object 1• This jati is eternal or non-destructible; for even with
the destruction of individuals comprehended within the jati, the
latter is not destroyed 2•
Through vise~a things are perceived as diverse. No single
sensation that we receive from the external world probably agrees
with any other sensation, and this difference must be due to the
existence of some specific differences amongst the atoms them-
selves. The specific difference existing in the atoms, emancipated
souls and minds must be regarded as eternally existing, and it

1 The Buddhist PaQditasoka says that there is no single thing running through

different individuals (e.g. cooks) by virtue of which the samanya could be established.
For if it did exist then we could have known it simply by seeing any cook without
any reference to his action of cooking by virtue of which the notion of generality is
fom1ed. If there is a similarity between the action of cooks that cannot establish
jati in the cooks, for the similarity applies to other things, viz. the action of the
cooks. If the specific individualities of a cow should require one common factor to
hold them together, then these should require another and that another, and we have
a regressus ad infinitum. Whatever being perceptible is not perceived is non-existent
(yadyadupalabdhilak~a~zapraptam sannopalabhyate tattadasat). Samanya is such,
therefore samanya is non-existent. No samanya can be admitted to exist as an
entity. But it is only as a result of the impressions of past experiences of existence
and non-existence that this notion is formed and transferred erroneously to external
objects. Apart from this no samanya can be pointed out as being externally per-
ceptihle-.Sii:mauyadii~a~adikprasiiritii-in Six Buddhist Nyiiya Tracts. The Vedanta
also does not think that either by perception or by inference we can know jati as a
separate substance. So it di);cards jati. See Vediintaparibhii~ii, .Sikhiima~i and Afa1Ji-
prahhii, pp. 69-i L See also Srihaq;a's Khm;rjanakha~ufakhiidya, pp. 1079-1086.
2 Similarity (.<adrlya) is not regarded as a separate category, for it is defined as

identity in difference (tadbhimzatvt: sati tadg1ztabhiiJ'Odharmavattvam).

VIII] Category of Inherence 319
is on account of its presence that atoms appear as different to the
yogins who can perceive them.
Samavaya, the inseparable relation of inherence, is a relation
by virtue of which two different things such as substance and
attribute, substance and karma, substance and samanya, karal)a
(cause) and karya (effect), atoms and vise~a. appear so unified
that they represent one whole, or one identical inseparable reality.
This peculiar relation of inseparable inherence is the cause why
substance, action, and attribute, cause and effect, and jati in sub-
stance and attribute appear as indissolubly connected as if they
are one and the same thing. Sarpyoga or contact may take place
between two things of the same nature which exist as disconnected
and may later on be connected (yutasiddha), such as when I put
my pen on the table. The pen and the table are both substances
and were disconnected; the sarpyoga relation is the gul).a by
virtue of which they appear to be connected for a while. Sarna vaya
however makes absolutely different things such as dravya and
gut) a and karma or karat) a and karya (clay and jug) appear as
one inseparable whole (ayutasiddha). This relation is thus a
separate and independent category. This is not regarded as
many like sarpyogas (contact) but as one and eternal because
it has no cause. This or that object (e.g. jug) may be destroyed
but the samavaya relation which was never brought into being
by anybody always remains 1 •
These six things are called the six padarthas or independent
realities experienced in perception and expressed in language.

The Theory of Causation.

The N yay a-V aise~ika in most of its speculations took that
view of things which finds expression in our language, and which
we tacitly assume as true in all our ordinary experience. Thus
1 The Vecliinta does not admit the existence of the relation of samavaya as sub-

sisting between two different entities (e.g. substance and qualities). Thus Sar1kara
says (Brahma-sutrabhiiV'a II. ii. 13) that if a samavaya relation is to be admitted to
connect two different things, then another samavaya would be necessary to connect
it with either of the two entities that it intended to connect, and that another,
and so there will be a vicious infinite (anavasthii). Nyaya, however, would not re-
gard it as vicious at all. It is well to rememLer that the Indian systems acknow-
ledge two kinds of anavastha-priimii~ziki (valid infinite, as in case of the question of
tht; seed and the tree, or of the avidya and the passions), and another apriimii~ziki
anavasthii (vicious infinite) as when the admission of anything involves an infinite chain
before it can be completed.
J20 The Nyiiya- Vaife!ika Philosophy [cH.
they admitted dravya, gurya, karma and samanya. Vise~a they
had to admit as the ultimate peculiarities of atoms, for they did
not admit that things were continually changing their qualities,
and that everything could be produced out of everything by a
change of the collocation or arrangement of the constituting atoms.
In the production of the effect too they did not admit that the
effect was potentially pre-existent in the cause. They held that
the material cause (e.g. clay) had some power within it, and the
accessory and other instrumental causes (such as the stick, the
wheel etc.) had other powers; the collocation of these two de-
stroyed the cause, and produced the effect which was not existent
before but was newly produced. This is what is called the
doctrine of asatktiryaviida. This is just the opposite of the
Sarpkhya axiom, that what is existent cannot be destroyed (nti-
bhtivo vidyate sata!t} and that the non-existent could never be
produced (niisato vidyate bhiiva!t). The objection to this view is
that if what is non-existent is produced, then even such im-
possible things as the hare's horn could also be produced. The
Nyaya-Vaise~ika answer is that the view is not that anything
that is non-existent can be produced, but that which is produced
was non-existent!.
It is held by Mimarpsa that an unseen power resides in the
cause which produces the effect. To this Nyaya objects that this
is neither a matter of observation nor of legitimate hypothesis, for
there is no reason to suppose that there is any transcendental
operation in causal movement as this can be satisfactorily ex-
plained by molecular movement (parispanda). There is nothing
except the invariable time relation ( antecedence and sequence)
between the cause and the effect, but the mere invariableness of
an antecedent does not suffice f-o make it the cause of what
succeeds; it must be an unconditional antecedent as well (anya-
tlzasiddhisftnyasya ni'yattipiirvavarttitti). Unconditionality and in-
variability are indispensable for kiiryakiirm:za-bhtiva or cause and
effect relation. For example, the non-essential or adventitious
accompaniments of an invariable antecedent may also be invari-
able antecedents; but they are not unconditional, only collateral
or indirect. In other words their antecedence is conditional
upon something else {1la sviitautrye~za). The potter's stick is an
unconditional invariable antecedent of the jar; but the colour
1\yiiyamaiijari, p. 49f·
VIII] Doctrine of Causation 321

of a stick or its texture or size, or any other accompaniment

or accident which does not contribute to the work done, is
not an unconditional antecedent, and must not therefore be
regarded as a cause. Similarly the co-effects of the invari-
able antecedents or what enters into the production of their
co-effects may themselves be invariable antecedents; but they
are not unconditional, being themselves conditioned by those
of the antecedents of which they are effects. For example, the
sound produced by the stick or by the potter's wheel invariably
precedes the jar but it is a co-effect; and akasa (ether) as the
substrate and vayu (air) as the vehicle of the sound enter into
the production of this co-effect, but these are no unconditional
antecedents, and must therefore be rejected in an enumera-
tion of conditions or causes of the jar. The conditions of the
conditions should also be rejected; the invariable antecedent
of the potter (who is an invariable antecedent of the jar),
the potter's father, does not stand in a causal relation to the
potter's handiwork. In fact the antecedence must not only be
unconditionally invariable, but must also be immediate. Finally
all seemingly invariable antecedents which may be dispensed with
or left out are not unconditional and cannot therefore be regarded
as causal conditions. Thus Dr Seal in describing it rightly
remarks," In the end, the discrimination of what is necessary to
complete the sum of causes from what is dependent, collateral,
secondary, superfluous, or inert (i.e. of the relevant from the
irrelevant factors), must depend on the test of expenditure of
energy. This test the N yaya would accept only in the sense of
an operation analysable into molar or molecular motion (paris-
pmzda eva bhautiko vyiipiira{t karotyartha(z atlndriyastu vyii-
paro 11iisti. Jayanta's Manjari Ahnika I), but would emphatically
reject, if it is advanced in support of the notion of a mysterious
causal power or efficiency (Sakti)I." With Nyaya all energy is
necessarily kinetic. This is a peculiarity of Nyaya-its insisting
that the effect is only the sum or resultant of the operations
of the different causal conditions-that these operations are of
the nature of motion or kinetic, in other words it firmly holds
to the view that causation is a case of expenditure of energy,
i.e. a redistribution of motion, but at the same time absolutely
repudiates the Sarpkhya conception of power or productive
Dr P. C. Ray's Hiudu Chemistry, 1909, pp. 249-250.
322 The Nyaya- Vaife~ika ,Philosophy [cH.
efficiency as metaphysical or transcendental (atindriya) and finds
nothing in the cause other than unconditional invariable com-
plements of operative conditions (kiirm:za-sii'magri), and nothing
in the effect other than the consequent phenomenon which results
from the joint operations of the antecedent conditions 1• Certain
general conditions such as relative space (dz"k), time (kiila), the will
of Isvara, destiny (adr~!a) are regarded as the common cause of all
effects (kiiryatva-prayojaka). Those are called siidharmJa-kiirm:za
(common cause) as distinguished from the specific causes which
determine the specific effects which are called astidhiira11a kiira1Ja.
It may not be out of place here to notice that N yay a while
repudiating transcendental power (Saktz") in the mechanism of
nature and natural causation, does not deny the existence of
metaphysical conditions like merit (dlzarma), which constitutes
a system of moral ends that fulfil themselves through the
mechanical systems and order of nature.
The causal relation then like the relation of genus to species,
is a natural relation of concomitance, which can be ascertained
only by the uniform and uninterrupted experience of agreement in
presence and agreement in absence, and not by a deduction from
a certain a pr£orz" principle like that of causality or identity of
essence 2•
The material cause such as the clay is technically called the
~amaviiyi-kiira1Ja of the jug. Samavaya means as we have seen
an intimate, inseparable relation of inherence. A karaQa is called
samavayi when its materials are found inseparably connected
with the materials of the effect. Asamavayi-kararya is that which
produces its characteristics in the effect through the medium of
the samavayi or material cause, e.g. the clay is not the cause of
the colour of the jug but the colour of the clay is the cause of the
colour of the jug. The colour of the clay which exists in the clay
in inseparable relation is the cause of the colour of the jug. This
colour of the clay is thus called the asamavayi cause of the jug.
Any quality (gu1;1a) or movement which existing in the samavaya
cause in the samavaya relation determines the characteristics of
the effect is called the asamavayi-kararya. The instrumental
Dr P. C. Ray's Eiinclu Chemistry, 1909, pp. 249-250.
2 See for this portion Dr B. N. Seal's Positive Scimces of the Ancient Hindus,
pp. 263-266. Sarvadar.fa~tasaJ!l!J'Ytlha on Buddhism. N;'czyamaiijari, Bhii~ii-pariccheda,
with Jllu/.:tii71flli and Di1zakari, and Tarkasm!ll{raha. The doctrine of Anyathasiddhi
was sy!-.tematically developed from the time of Gailgesa.
VIIIj Dissolution and C1"'eation
nimitta and accessory (saltaktiri) causes are those which help the
material cause to produce the effect. Thus the potter, the wheel
and the stick may be regarded as the nimitta and the sahakari
causes of the effect.
We know that the Nyaya-Vaise~ika regards the effect as non-
existent, before the operation of the cause in producing it, but it
holds that the gul).aS in the cause are the causes of the gul).as in
the effect, e.g. the black colour of the clay is the cause of the
black colour of the effect, except in cases where heat comes as an
extraneous cause to generate other qualities; thus when a clay
jug is burnt, on account of the heat we get red colour, though the
colour of the original clay and the jug was black. Another im-
portant exception is to be found in the case of the production of
the parimaJ).aS of dvyal).ukas and trasarel).US which are not pro-
duced by the parimaJ).aS of an al).U or a dyal).uka, but by their
number as we have already seen.

Dissolution (Pralaya) and Creation (Sr~ti).

The docrine of pralaya is accepted by all the Hindu systems

except the M1marpsa 1• According to the Nyaya-Vaise~ika view
lsvara wishing to give some respite or rest to all living beings
desires to bring about dissolution (smtzhtireccho bhavati). Simul-
taneously with it the adr~ta force residing in all the souls and
forming bodies, senses, and the gross elements, ceases to act
(sakti-pratibandha). As a result of this no further bodies, senses,
or other products come into being. Then for the bringing about
of the dissolution of all produced things (by the desire of lsvara)
the separation of the atoms commences and thus all combinations
as bodies or senses are disintegrated; so all earth is reduced to
the disintegrated atomic state, then all ap, then all tejas and then
all vayu. These disintegrated atoms and the souls associated
with dharma, adharma and past impressions (sm!zsktira) remain
suspended in their own inanimate condition. For we know that
souls in their natural condition are lifeless and knowledgeless,
non-intelligent entities. It is only when these are connected
with bodies that they possess knowledge through the activity of
manas. In the state of pralaya owing to the adr!?ta of souls the
1 The doctrine of pralaya and Sf!?!i is found only in later Nyaya-Vaise!?ika works,

but the siitras of both the systt:ms seem to be silent on the matter.
The Nyaya- Vaise~ika Ph£/osophy [cH.
atoms do not conglomerate. It is not an act of cruelty on the
part of Isvara that he brings about dissolution, for he does it to
give some rest to the sufferings of the living beings.
At the time of creation, Isvara wishes to create and this desire
of Isvara works in all the souls as adr~ta. This one eternal
desire of Isvara under certain conditions of time (e.g. of pralaya)
as accessory causes (salzakiiri) helps the disintegration of atoms
and at other times (e.g. that of creation) the constructive process
of integration and unification of atoms for the world-creation.
When it acts in a specific capacity in the diverse souls it is called
adr~ta. At the time of dissolution the creative function of this
adg;ta is suspended and at the time of creation it finds full play.
At the time of creation action first begins in the vayu atoms by
the kinetic function of this adr~ta, by the contact of the souls
with the atoms. By such action the air atoms come in contact
with one another and the dvyaryukas are formed and then in a
similar way the tryaryukas are formed, and thus vayu originates.
After vayu, the ap is formed by the conglomeration of water
atoms, and then the tejas atoms conglomerate and then the earth
atoms. When the four elements are thus conglomerated in the
gross form, the god Brahma and all the worlds are created by
Isvara and Brahma is directed by Isvara to do the rest of the
work. Brahma thus arranges for the enjoyment and suffering of
the fruits of diverse kinds of karma, good or bad. Isvara brings
about this creation not for any selfish purpose but for the good
of all beings. Even here sorrows have their place that they
may lead men to turn from worldly attachment and try for
the attainment of the highest good, mukti. Moreover Isvara
arranges for the enjoyment of pleasures and the suffering of
pains according to the merits and demerits of men, just as in
our ordinary experience we find that a master awards prizes
or punishments according to good or bad deeds 1 • Many Nyaya
books do not speak of the appointment of a Brahma as de-
puty for supervision of the due disposal of the fruits of karma
according to merit or demerit. It is also held that pralaya and
creation were brought about in accordance with the karma of
men, or that it may be due to a mere play (lila) of Isvara.
Isvara is one, for if there were many Isvaras they might quarrel.
The will of Isvara not only brings about dissolution and creation,
1 See Nyt'iyakandali, pp. 48-54·
VIII] Proof of the Existence of God
but also acts always among us in a general way, for without it
our karmas could not ripen, and the consequent disposal of
pleasures and sorrows to us and a corresponding change in the
exterior world in the form of order or harmony could not happen.
The exterior world is in perfect harmony with men's actions.
Their merits and demerits and all its changes and modifications
take place in accordance with merits and demerits. This desire
(iccha) of Isvara may thus be compared with the iccha of Isvara
as we find it in the Yoga system.

Proof of the Existence of Isvara.

Sarpkhya asserts that the teleology of the prakrti is suffi-
cient to explain all order and arrangement of the cosmos. The
M 1marpsakas, the Carvakas, the Buddhists and the J ains all
deny the existence of Isvara (God). Nyaya believes that Isvara
has fashioned this universe by his will out of the ever-existing
atoms. For every effect (e.g. a jug) must have its cause. If
this be so, then this world with all its order and arrangement
must also be due to the agency of some cause, and this cause is
Isvara. This world is not momentary as the Buddhists suppose,
but is permanent as atoms, is also an effect so far as it is a
collocation of atoms and is made up of parts like all other in-
dividual objects (e.g. jug, etc.), which we call effects. The world
being an effect like any other effect must have a cause like any
other effect. The objection made against this view is that such
effects as we ordinarily perceive may be said to have agents
as their causes but this manifest world with mountains, rivers,
oceans etc. is so utterly different in form from ordinary effects
that we notice every day, that the law that every effect must have
a cause cannot be said to hold good in the present case. The
answer that Nyaya gives is that the concomitance between two
things must be taken in its general aspect neglecting the specific
peculiarities of each case of observed concomitance. Thus I had
seen many cases of the concomitance of smoke with fire, and had
thence formed the notion that "wherever there is smoke there is
fire"; but if I had only observed small puffs of smoke and small
fires, could I say that only small quantities of smoke could lead
us to the inference of fire, and could I hold that therefore large
volumes of smoke from the burning of a forest should not be
sufficient reason for us to infer the existence of fire in the forest?
326 The Nyaya- Vaife~ika Philosophy [cH.
Thus our conclusion should not be that only smaller effects
are preceded by their causes, but that all effects are invariably
and unconditionally preceded by causes. This world therefore
being an effect must be preceded by a cause, and this cause is
Isvara. This cause we cannot see, because Isvara has no visible
body, not because he does not exist. It is sometimes said that
we see every day that shoots come out of seeds and they are
not produced by any agent. To such an objection the Nyaya
answer is that even they are created by God, for they are also
effects. That we do not see any one to fashion them is not
because there is no maker of them, but because the creator can-
not be seen. If the objector could distinctly prove that there was
no invisible maker shaping these shoots, then only could he point
to it as a case of contradiction. But so long as this is not done
it is still only a doubtful case of enquiry and it is therefore legiti-
mate for us to infer that since all effects have a cause, the shoots
as well as the manifest world being effects must have a cause.
This cause is Isvara. He has infinite knowledge and is all merciful.
At the beginning of creation He created the Vedas. He is like our
father who is always engaged in doing us good 1•
The Nyaya-Vaise~ika Physics.
The four kinds of atoms are earth, water, fire, and air atoms.
These have mass, number, weight, fluidity (or hardness}, vis-
cosity (or its opposite), velocity, characteristic potential colour,
taste, smell, or touch, not produced by the chemical operation of
heat. Akasa (space) is absolutely inert and structure-less being
only as the substratum of sound, which is supposed to travel
wave-like in the manifesting medium of air. Atomic combina-
tion is only possible with the four elements. Atoms cannot
exist in an uncombined condition in the creation stage; atmo-
spheric air however consists of atoms in an uncombined state.
Two atoms combine to form a binary molecule (dvym.:zuka). Two,
three, four, or five dvyal)ukas form themselves into grosser mole-
cules of tryar~uka, catura:l)uka, etc. 2 Though this was the generally
current view, there was also another view as has been pointed out
by Dr B. N. Seal in his Positi·lle Sciences of the A tzcie11t Hindus, that
the "atoms have also an inherent tendency to unite," and that
See Jayanta's Nyiiyczmaiijarf, pp. 190-204, and Udayana's J..."usumiiiijali with
Frakii.(a and lfvariimmu'ina of Raghuniitha.
Kact.idt tribhiriirabhyate iti trya~ml.:amityuryate, kadiicit caturbhiriirabhyate
kadt'iat paiicabhiriti yathe!!at!l kalpa11e'i. .NJ•clyakmzdali, p. 32.
VIII] Molecular Changes
they do so in twos, threes, or fours, "either by the atoms falling into
groups of threes, fours, etc. directly, or by the successive addition
of one atom to each preceding aggregate 1." Of course the atoms
are regarded as possessed of an incessant vibratory motion. It
must however be noted in this connection that behind this
physical explanation ofthe union of atoms there is the adr~ta, the
will of Isvara, which gives the direction of all such unions in har-
mony with the principle of a "moral government of the universe,"
so that only such things are produced as can be arranged for the
due disposal of the effects of karma. "An elementary substance
thus produced by primary atomic combination may however suffer
qualitative changes under the influence of heat (piikajotpatti)."
The impact of heat corpuscles decomposes a dvya:r:mka into the
atoms and transforms the characters of the atoms determining
them all in the same way. The heat particles continuing to im-
pinge reunite the atoms so transformed to form binary or other
molecules in different orders or arrangements, which account for
the specific characters or qualities finally produced. The Vaise!?ika
holds that there is first a disintegration into simple atoms, then
change of atomic qualities, and then the final re-combination,
under the influence of heat. This doctrine is called the doctrine
of pilupiika (heating of atoms). Nyaya on the other hand thinks
that no disintegration into atoms is necessary for change of quali-
ties, but it is the molecules which assume new characters under the
influence of heat. Heat thus according to Nyaya directly affects
the characters of the molecules and changes their qualities with-
out effecting a change in the atoms. N yaya holds that the
heat-corpuscles penetrate into the porous body of the object and
thereby produce the change of colour. The object as a whole is
not disintegrated into atoms and then reconstituted again, for
such a procedure is never experienced by observation. This is
called the doctrine of pi!harapiika (heating of molecules). This
is one of the few points of difference between the later Nyaya
and Vaise~ika systems 2 •
Chemical compounds of atoms may take place between the
1 Utpala's commentary on Brhatsamhitii 1. 7.
2 See Dr B. N. Seal in P. C. Ray's Hindu Chemistry, pp. I9o-191, Nyiiyamaiijari,
p. 438, and Udyotakara's Viirttika. There is very little indication in the Nyaya and
Vai!e#ka sutras that they had any of those differences indicated here. Though there
are slight indications of these matters in the Vai!e#ka siUras (vu. 1), the Nyaya
sutras are almost silent upon the matter. A systematic development of the theory
of creation and atomic combinations appear to have taken place after Vatsyayana.
The Nyiiya- Vaife~ika Philosophy [en.
atoms of the same bhii.ta or of many bhii.tas. According to the
N yaya view there are no differences in the atoms of the same
bhii.ta, and all differences of quality and characteristics of the
compound of the same bhii.ta are due only to diverse collocations
of those atoms. Thus Udyotakara says (III. i. 4) that there is no
difference between the atom of a barley seed and paddy seed,
since these are all but atoms of earth. Under the continued impact
of heat particles the atoms take new characters. It is heat and
heat alone that can cause the transformations of colours, tastes
etc. in the original bhii.ta atoms. The change of these physical
characters depends on the colours etc. of the constituent substances
in contact, on the intensity or degree of heat and also on the
species of tejas corpuscles that impinge on the atoms. Heat breaks
bodies in contact into atoms, transforms their qualities, and forms
separate bodies with them.
Prasastapada (the commentator of Vaise!?ika) holds that in
the higher compounds of the same bhii.ta the transformation takes
place (under internal heat) in the constituent atoms of the com-
pound molecules, atoms specially determined as the compound
and not in the original atoms of the bhii.ta entering into the com-
position of the compound. Thus when milk is turned into curd,
the transformation as curd takes place in the atoms determined
as milk in the milk molecule, and it is not necessary that the
milk molecule should be disintegrated into the atoms of the
original bhuta of which the milk is a modification. The change
as curd thus takes place in the milk atom, and the milk molecule
has not to be disintegrated into k~iti or ap atoms. So again in
the fertilized ovum, the germ and the ovum substances, which in
the Vaise!?ika view are both isomeric modes of earth (with accom-
paniments of other bhii.tas) are broken up into homogeneous earth
atoms, and it is these that chemically combine under the animal
heat and biomotor force vayu to form the germ (kalala). But
when the germ plasm develops, deriving its nutrition from the
blood of the mother, the animal heat breaks up the molecules of
the germ plasm into its constituent atoms, i.e. atoms specifically
determined which by their grouping formed the germ plasm.
These germ-plasm atoms chemically combine with the atoms of
the food constituents and thus produce cells and tissues•. This
atomic contact is called iirambhal.:a-smtzyoga.
! See Dr B. N. Seal's Positive Sciences, pp. 104-108, and Nyiiyakandali, pp. 33-3·h
"Saririiramblze paramiinava roa kiira?_zam na fukra-fonitasaunijxUalf kriyiiviblziigti-
VIII] Molecular Cha11ges a11d Heat 329
In the case of poly-bhautik or bi-bhautik compounds there is
another kind of contact called upa~famblla. Thus in the case of
such compounds as oils, fats, and fruit juices, the earth atoms
cannot combine with one another unless they are surrounded by
the water atoms which congregate round the former, and by the
infra-atomic forces thus set up the earth atoms take peculiar
qualities under the impact of heat corpuscles. Other compounds
are also possible where the ap, tejas, or the vayu atoms form the
inner radicle and earth atoms dynamically surround them (e.g.
gold, which is the tejas atom with the earth atoms as the sur-
rounding upa~tambhaka). Solutions (of earth substances in ap)
are regarded as physical mixtures.
Udayana points out that the solar heat is the source of all the
stores of heat required for chemical change. But there are
differences in the modes of the action of heat; and the kind of
contact with heat-corpuscles, or the kind of heat with chemical
action which transforms colours, is supposed to differ from what
transforms flavour or taste.
Heat and light rays are supposed to consist of indefinitely
small particles which dart forth or radiate in all directions recti-
lineally with inconceivable velocity. Heat may penetrate through
the interatomic space as in the case of the conduction of heat, as
when water boils in a pot put on the fire; in cases of transparency
light rays penetrate through the inter-atomic spaces with pari-
spanda of the nature of deflection or refraction (tiryag-gamana).
In other cases heat rays may impinge on the atoms and rebound
back-which explains reflection. Lastly heat may strike the
atoms in a peculiar way, so as to break up their grouping, transform
the physico-chemical characters of the atoms, and again recom-
bine them, all by means of continual impact with inconceivable
velocity, an operation which explains all cases of chemical
combination 1• Govardhana a later N yaya writer says that paka
means the combination of different kinds of heat. The heat that

dinyiiyena tayorviniife sati utpannapakajai(z paramiii;Zttbhiriirambhiit, na ca fukrafonita-

paratlu11:zunii'!l kakidvife~a!z piirtlzivatviivife!iil•... Pitu!z fukra'!z miitu(z fonita'!l tayos
sannipiitiinantarar!z Ja!lzaninalasambandhiit fukra-fonitiirambhake~u paramii~zu~u
purmriipiidiviniife samii~J.agu~ziintarotpattau dvya~;Zukiidikrame~ta kalalafarirotpatti!z
tatriinta!zkaraiJ.apravefo ... tatra miituriilziiraraso miitrayii sar!tkriimate, adrHavafiittatra
punary"a!hariinalasambandhiit kalalii1·ambhakaparamii'..zu~u kriyiivibhiigiidinyiiyena
kalalafarire nQ!!e samzetpa1znapakaj'ai!z kalaliiramblzakaparamti~zubhiradrHavafiid
upajiitakriyairiihiiraparamii~mbhi(z saha sambhiiya faririintaramiirablzyate."
See Dr Seal's Positive Sciences tif the Hindus.
330 The Nyizya- Va£fe~ika P h£/osophy [cH.
changes the colour of a fruit is different from that which generates
or changes the taste. Even when the colour and taste remain the
~arne a particular kind of heat may change the smell. When
grass eaten by cows is broken up into atoms special kinds of
heat-light rays change its old taste, colour, touch and smell into
such forms as those that belong to milk 1•
In the Nyaya- Vaise~ika system all action of matter on matter
is thus resolved into motion. Conscious activity (prayat1za) is
distinguished from all forms of motion as against the Sa£!1khya
doctrine which considered everything other than puru~a (in-
telligence) to arise in the course of cosmic evolution and therefore
to be subject to vibratory motion.

The Origin of Knowledge (Pramal).a).

The manner in which knowledge originates is one of the
most favourite topics of discussion in Indian philosophy. We
have already seen that Saf!1khya-Yoga explained it by supposing
that the buddhi (place of consciousness) assumed the form of the
object of perception, and that the buddhi so transformed was
then intelligized by the reflection of the pure intelligence or puru~a.
The Jains regarded the origin of any knowledge as being due to
a withdrawal of a veil of karma which was covering the all-
intelligence of the self.
N yay a- Vaise~ika regarded all effects as being due to the as-
semblage of certain collocations which unconditionally, invariably,
and immediately preceded these effects. Thatcollocation (samagri)
which produced knowlege involved certain non-intelligent as well
as intelligent elements and through their conjoint action un-
contradicted and determinate knowledge was produced, and this
collocation is thus called pramar:ta or the determining cause of the
origin of knowledge 2• None of the separate elements composing
Govardhana's Nyayabodhini on Tarkasat!zgraha, pp. 9• 10.
"Avyablzicari1_zimasandigdhiirtlzopalabdlzit!l vidadlzati bodlzabodlzasvablzava stima-
gri pramii~ram." Nyayamaiijari, p. 12. Udyotakara however defined "pramal)a"
as upalabdhihetu (cause of knowledge). This view does not go against Jayanta's view
which I have followed, but it emphasizes the side of vyapara or movement of the
senses, etc. by virtue of which the objects come in contact with them and knowledge
is produced. Thus Vacaspati says: "siddlzamilldriyiidi, asiddhaiica tatsmznikarjtidi
7'Yiipiirayammtpiidayan kara~w eva caritiirtha!z kar~zm!t tvi11driyczdi tatsamzikarjiidi vii
lltinyatra caritartlwmiti siik!c1dupalabdhiiveva plltl!e vyapriyate." Tiitparya!ikii, p. 15.
Thus it is the action of the senses as pramal)a which is the direct cause of the pro-
duction of knowledge, but as this production could not have taken place without the
VIII] N atu1'e of Pra1nii1,;ta 331
the causal collocation can be called the primary cause; it is only
their joint collocation that can be said to determine the effect, for
sometimes the absence of a single element composing the causal
collocation is sufficient to stop the production of the effect. Of
course the collocation or combination is not an entity separated
from the collocated or combined things. But in any case it is the
preceding collocations that combine to produce the effect jointly.
These involve not only intellectual elements (e.g. indeterminate
cognition as qualification (vise!?al)a) in determinate perceptions,
the knowledge of liilga in inference, the seeing of similar things in
upamana, the hearing of sound in sabda) but also the assemblage
of such physical things (e.g. proximity of the object of perception,
capacity of the sense, light, etc.), which are all indispensable for
the origin of knowledge. The cognitive and physical elements
all co-operate in the same plane, combine together and produce
further determinate knowledge. It is this capacity of the colloca-
tions that is called pramar).a.
N yaya argues that in the Sarpkhya view knowledge origi-
nates by the transcendent influence of puru~a on a particular
state of buddhi; this is quite unintelligible, for knowledge does
not belong to buddhi as it is non-intelligent, though it contains
within it the content and the form of the concept or the percept
(knowledge). The puru!?a to whom the knowledge belongs, how-
ever, neither knows, nor feels, neither conceives nor perceives, as
it always remains in its own transcendental purity. If the trans-
cendental contact of the puru!?a with buddhi is but a mere sem-
blance or appearance or illusion, then the Sarpkhya has to admit
that there is no real knowledge according to them. All knowledge
is false. And since all knowledge is false, the Sarpkhyists have
precious little whe~ewith to explain the origin of right knowledge.
There are again some Buddhists who advocate the doctrine
that simultaneously with the generation of an object there is the
knowledge corresponding to it, and that corresponding to the
rise of any knowledge there is the rise of the object of it. Neither
is the knowledge generated by the object nor the object by the
knowledge; but there is a sort of simultaneous parallelism. It is
evident that this view does not explain why knowledge should

subject and the object, they also are to be regarded as causes in some sense. "Pramiilt-
prameyayof.z pramii~ze caritiirtltatvallta,·aritiirthatz'at!l pramii~tas;•a tasmiit ladeva pha-
lahetuf.z. Pranuurprameye tu phaloddefma pmvrtte iti taddhetu katlzaiicit." Ibid.p.16.
332 The Nyaya- Vaife~ika Philosophy [cH.
express or manifest its object. If knowledge and the object are
both but corresponding points in a parallel series, whence comes
this correspondence? Why should knowledge illuminate the
object. The doctrine of the Vijnana vadins, that it is knowledge
alone that shows itself both as knowledge and as its object, is also
irrational, for how can knowledge divide itself as subject and ob-
ject in such a manner that knowledge as object should require
the knowledge as subject to illuminate it? If this be the case we
might again expect that knowledge as knowledge should also
require another knowledge to manifest it and this another, and so
on ad i11ji11itum. Again if pramal}a be defined as priipa?za (capacity
of being realized) then also it would not hold, for all things being
momentary according to the Buddhists, the thing known cannot
be realized, so there would be nothing which could be called
pramana. These views moreover do not explain the origin of
knowledge. Knowledge is thus to be regarded as an effect like
any other effect, and its origin or production occurs in the same
way as any other effect, namely by the joint collocation of causes
intellectual and physical•. There is no transcendent element
involved in the production of knowledge, but it is a production
on the same plane as that in which many physical phenome,na
are produced 2•
The four Pramal}as of N yaya.
We know that the Carvakas admitted perception (pratyak~a)
alone as the valid source of knowledge. The Buddhists and the
Vaise~ika admitted two sources, pratyak~a and inference (anu-
miina)3. Sarpkhya added sabda (testimony) as the third source;
1 See Nyiiyamaiijari, pp. 12-26.
Discussing the question of the validity of knowledge Gaflge5a, a later naiyayika
of great fame, says that it is derived as a result of our inference from the correspondence
of the perception of a thing with the activity which prompted us to realize it. That
which leads us to successful activity is valid and the opposite invalid. When I am sure
that if I work in accordance with the perception of an object I shall be successful, I
call it valid knowledge. Tattvacintt1ma~zi, K. TarkavagiSa's edition, Priimii?tyaviida.
The Vaife!ika sz/tras tacitly admit the Vedas as a pramal)a. The view that
Vaise~ika only admitted two pramal)as, perception and inference, is traditionally ac-
cepted, "pratJ'ak!ameka'!JCiirviikiif.l ka~u'idasugatau punaf.l anumanafica tacciipi, etc."
l'rasastapada divides all cognition (buddhi) as vidyii (right knowledge) and avidyii
(ignorance). Under avidyii he counts sa'!daJ'a (doubt or uncertainty), viparyaya
(illusion or error), mzadhyavasiiya (want of definite knowledge, thus when a man who
had never seen a mango, sees it for the first time, he wonders what it may be) and svapna
(drt:am). Right knowledge (vidyti) is of four kinds, perception, inference, memory and
the supernatural knowledge of the sages (ar!a). Interpreting the Vaife!ika siitras 1. i. 3•
VIII] Percept-ion 333
Nyaya adds a fourth, upamil?Za (analogy). The principle on which
the four-fold division of pramaryas depends is that the causal
collocation which generates the knowledge as well as the nature
or characteristic kind of knowledge in each of the four cases is
different. The same thing which appears to us as the object of
our perception, may become the object of inference or sabda
(testimony), but the manner or mode of manifestation of know-
ledge being different in each case, and the manner or conditions
producing knowledge being different in each case, it is to be
admitted that inference and sabda are different pramaryas, though
they point to the same object indicated by the perception. Nyaya
thus objects to the incorporation of sabda (testimony) or upamana
within inference, on the ground that since the mode of produc-
tion of knowledge is different, these are to be held as different
pramary as 1 •

Perception (Pratyak~a).

The naiyayikas admitted only the five cognitive senses which

they believed to be composed of one or other of the five elements.
These senses could each come in contact with the special charac-
teristic of that element of which they were composed. Thus the
ear could perceive sound, because sound was the attribute of
akasa, of which the auditory sense, the ear, was made up. The
eye could send forth rays to receive the colour, etc., of things.
Thus the cognitive senses can only manifest their specific objects
by going over to them and thereby coming in contact with them.
The conative senses (viik,pii?zi,piida,piryu, and upastha)recognized
in Sarpkhya as separate senses are not recognized here as such
for the functions of these so-called senses are discharged by the
general motor functions of the body.
Perception is defined as that right knowledge generated by the
contact of the senses with the object, devoid of doubt and error
not associated with any other simultaneous sound cognition (such
VI. i. 1, and VI. i. 3, to mean that the validity of the Vedas depends upon the trust-
worthy character of their author, he does not consider scriptures as valid in themselves.
Their validity is only derived by inference from the tmstworthy character of their author.
Arthiipatti (implication) and anupalabdhi (non-perception) are also classed as inference
and upamiina (analogy) and aitihya (tradition) are regarded as being the same as faith
in trustworthy persons and hence cases of inference.
I Siimagribhedii/ phalabhediicca pramii1Jabheda/_l
A 11ye eva hi siimagriphale pratyakfali1igayo/_l
Anye eva ca siimagripha!e fabdopamii1layo/_l. Nyiiyamaiijari, p. 33·
334 The Nyiiya- Va£fe~£ka P h£/osophy [cH.
as the name of the object as heard from a person uttering it, just
at the time when the object is seen) or name association, and de-
terminate1. If when we see a cow, a man says here is a cow, the
knowledge of the sound as associated with the percept cannot be
counted as perception but as sound-knowledge (Sabda-pramii!za).
That right knowledge which is generated directly by the contact
of the senses with the object is said to be the product of the
perceptual process. Perception may be divided as indeterminate
(nirvikalpa) and (savikalpa) determinate. _Indeterminate percep-
tion is that in which the thing is taken at the very first moment of
perception in which it appears without any association with name.
Determinate perception takes place after the indeterminate stage
is just passed; it reveals things as being endowed with all charac-
teristics and qualities and names just as we find in all our concrete
experience. Indeterminate perception reveals the things with their
characteristics and universals, but at this stage there being no
association of name it is more or less indistinct. When once the
names are connected with the percept it forms the determinate
perception of a thing called savikalpa-pratyak~a. If at the time
of having the perception of a thing of which the name is not known
to me anybody utters its name then the hearing of that should
be regarded as a separate auditory name perception. Only that
product is said to constitute nirvikalpa perception which results
from the perceiving process of the contact of the senses with
the object. Of this nirvikalpa (indeterminate) perception it is
held by the later naiyayikas that we are not conscious of it
directly, but yet it has to be admitted as a necessary first
stage without which the determinate consciousness could not
arise. The indeterminate perception is regarded as the first stage
in the process of perception. At the second stage it joins the
other conditions of perception in producing the determinate per-
ception. The contact of the sense with the object is regarded
as being of six kinds: (I) contact with the dravya (thing) called
saJTlyoga, (2) contact with the gui)aS (qualities) through the thing
(sm?zyukta-samaviiya) in which they inhere in samavaya (insepar-
able) relation, (3) contact with the gul)as (such as colour etc.) in
the generic character as universals of those qualities, e.g. colourness
(rupatva), which inhere in the gur)aS in the samavaya relation.
1 Gangda, a later naiyayika of great reputation, describes perception as immediate

a warcness (prat;,akfas;'a siil~fiill.·iiritvam lal.·!a~la/11 ).

VIII] Sense-contact and Percept£on 335
This species of contact is called saf!}yukta-samaveta-samavaya,
for the eye is in contact with the thing, in the thing the colour
is in samavaya relation, and in the specific colour there is the
colour universal or the generic character of colour in samavaya
relation. (4) There is another kind of contact called samavaya
by which sounds are said to be perceived by the ear. The auditory
sense is akasa and the sound exists in akasa in the samavaya
relation, and thus the auditory sense can perceive sound in a pe-
culiar kind of contact called samaveta-samavaya. (5) The generic
character of sound as the universal of sound (sabdatva) is perceived
by the kind of contact known as samaveta-samavaya. (6) There is
another kind of contact by which negation (abhava) is perceived,
namely saf!Iyukta vise~arya (as qualifying contact). This is so
called because the eye perceives only the empty space which is
qualified by the absence of an object and through it the negation.
Thus I see that there is no jug here on the ground. My eye in
this case is in touch with the ground and the absence of the jug
is only a kind of quality of the ground which is perceived along
with the perception of the empty ground. It will thus be seen
that N yaya admits not only the substances and qualities but all
kinds of relations as real and existing and as being directly
apprehended by perception (so far as they are directly presented).
The most important thing about the Nyaya-Vaise!?ika theory
oJ perceptl.on is this that the whole process beginning from the
contact of the sense with the object to the distinct and clear per-
ception of the thing, sometimes involving the appreciation of its
usefulness or harmfulness, is regarded as the process of percep-
tion and its result perception. The self, the mind, the senses and
the objects are the main factors by the particular kinds of contact
between which perceptual knowledge is produced. All know-
ledge is indeed arthaprakasa, revelation of objects, and it is called
perception when the sense factors are the instruments of its
production and the knowledge produced is of the objects with
which the senses are in contact. The contact of the senses with
the objects is not in any sense metaphorical but actual. Not
only in the case of touch and taste are the senses in contact with
the objects, but in the cases of sight, hearing and smell as well.
The senses according to Nyaya-Vaise!?ikaare material andwehave
seen that the system does not admit of any other kind of trans-
cendental (atindrzja) power (Saktz) than that of actual vibratory
336 The Nyaya- Vaife~ika Philosophy [cH.
movement which is within the purview of sense-cognition 1•
The production of knowledge is thus no transcendental occur-
rence, but is one which is similar to the effects produced by
the conglomeration and movements of physical causes. When
I perceive an orange, my visual or the tactual sense is in touch
not only with its specific colour, or hardness, but also with the
universals associated with them in a relation of inherence and also
with the object itself of which the colour etc. are predicated. The
result of this sense-contact at the first stage is called tilocana-
]iiiina (sense-cognition) and as a result of that there is roused the
memory of its previous taste and a sense of pleasurable character
(sukhasiidlzanatvasmrti) and as a result of that I perceive the
orange before me to have a certain pleasure-giving character 2•
It is urged that this appreciation of the orange as a pleasurable
object should also be regarded as a direct result of perception
through the action of the memory operating as a concomitant
cause (sahakari). I perceive the orange with the eye and under-
stand the pleasure it will give, by the mind, and thereupon
understand by the mind that it is a pleasurable object. So though
this perception results immediately by the operation of the mind,
yet since it could only happen in association with sense-contact,
it must be considered as a subsidiary effect of sense-contact and
hence regarded as visual perception. Whatever may be the succes-
sive intermediary processes, if the knowledge is a result of sense-
contact and if it appertains to the object with which the sense is
in contact, we should regard it as a result of the perceptual pro-
cess. Sense-contact with the object is thus the primary and indis-
pensable condition of all perceptions and not only can the senses
be in contact with the objects, their qualities, and the universals
associated with them but also with negation. A perception is
erroneous when it presents an object in a character which it does
not possess (atasmi1tzstaditz) and right knowledge (pramii) is that
which presents an object with a character which it really has
Na khalvatindnyii faktirasmiibhirupagamyate
yayii saha na kiiryyasya sambandhajiiiinasambhava!z.
Nyiiyamaiijari, p. 69.
Sukhiidi manasii buddhvii kapitthiidi ca cak~u~ii
lasya kara~zatii tatra manasaiviivagamyate ...
.. . Sambandhagraha~zakiile yattatkapitthiidivi~ayamak~ajam
jfiiinam tadupiideyiidijJiiinaphalamiti bhii~;·akrtafatasi sthitam
Nyiiyamaiijari, pp. 69-70; see also pp. 66-7 I.
VIII] Nature of Illusion 337
(tadvati tatprakiirakiinubhava) In all cases of perceptual illu-

sion the sense is in real contact with the right object, but it is
only on account of the presence of certain other conditions that
it is associated with wrong characteristics or misapprehended as
a different object. Thus when the sun's rays are perceived in a
desert and misapprehended as a stream, at the first indeterminate
stage the visual sense is in real contact with the rays and thus
far there is no illusion so far as the contact with a real object is
concerned, but at the second determinate stage it is owing to the
similarity of certain of its characteristics with those of a stream
that it is misapprehended as a stream 2 • Jayanta observes that on
account of the presence of the defect of the organs or the rousing
of the memory of similar objects, the object with which the sense
is in contact hides its own characteristics and appears with the
characteristics of other objects and this is what is meant by
illusion 3• In the case of mental delusions however there is no
sense-contact with any object and the rousing of irrelevant
memories is sufficient to produce illusory notions 4• This doctrine
of illusion is known as viparitakhyiiti or a1lyathiikhyiiti. What
existed in the mind appeared as the object before us (hrdaye
parisplzurato'rthasya balziravabhiisanam ) 5 • Later V aise!?ika as
interpreted by Prasastapada and Sridhara is in full agreement
with Nyaya in this doctrine of illusion (bhranza or as Vaise~ika
calls it viparyaya) that the object of illusion is always the right
thing with which the sense is in contact and that the illusion
consists in the imposition of wrong characteristics 6•
I have pointed out above that N yay a divided perception into
two classes as nirvikalpa (indeterminate) and savikalpa (deter-
minate) according as it is an earlier or a later stage. Vacaspati
says, that at the first stage perception reveals an object as a
particular; the perception of an orange at this avikalpika or 1lir-
vikalpika stage gives us indeed all its colour, form, and also the
universal of orangeness associated with it, but it does not reveal
See Udyotakara's N.yiiyaz•iirttika, p. 37, and Gai1gda's Tattz·acilltiima'l}i, p. 401,
Bibliotheca I1Zdica.
2 "bzdr~1'e~zalocya maricin ucciiz,acamucm/ato uirvikalpetta g:hitllii pafcattatro-
paghiitado!iil z•iparyyeti, savikalpako'sya pratyayo bhriinto jiiyate tasmiidvij1iiinasya
vvabhiciiro tziirthasya, V iicaspati's Tiitparyatikii," p. 87.
3 Nyiiyanzatijari, p. 88. 4
Ibid. pp. 89 and 184. 5 Ibid. p. 184.
6 Nyayakatzdali, pp. 1 77-181, "Suktisal!lYuktmmdriye?Ja do!asahakiiri?Jii rajata-

sa'..nskiirasacivma siidrf;•amamtrzmdhatli fuktikavi!ayo raj'atiidlzyavasiiya!z krta!z."

The Nyaya- Vaise~ika Philosophy [cH.
it in a subject-predicate relation as when I say "this is an orange."
The avikalpika stage thus reveals the universal associated with
the particular, but as there is no association of name at this stage,
the universal and the particular are taken in one sweep and not
as terms of relation as subject and predicate or substance and
attribuie (jatyiidisvarzlpiivagiilti na tu jatyiidinii1!t mitlzo vise.fa~ta­
vise,fyabhiiviivagiihitiyavat)1. He thinks that such a stage, when
the object is only seen but not associated with name or a subject-
predicate relation, can be distinguished in perception not only in
the case of infants or dumb persons that do not know the names
of things, but also in the case of all ordinary persons, for the
association of the names and relations could be distinguished
as occurring at a succeeding stage 2• Srldhara, in explaining the
Vaise~ika view, seems to be largely in agreement with the above
view of Vacaspati. Thus Srldhara says that in the nirvikalpa stage
not only the universals were perceived but the differences as well.
But as at this stage there is no memory of other things, there is no
manifest differentiation and unification such as can only result
by comparison. But the differences and the universals as they
are in the thing are perceived, only they are not consciously
ordered as "different from this" or "similar to this," which can
only take place at the savikalpa stage 3• Vacaspati did not
bring in the question of comparison with others, but had only
spoken of the determinate notion of the thing in definite subject-
predicate relation in association with names. The later Nyaya
writers however, following Gati.gesa, hold an altogether dif-
ferent opinion on the subject. With them nirvikalpa knowledge
means the knowledge of mere predication without any associa-
tion with the subject or the thing to which the predicate refers.
But such a knowledge is never testified by experience. The nir-
vikalpa stage is thus a logical stage in the development of per-
ceptual cognition and not a psychological stage. They would
1 Tiitparya(ikli, p. 82, also ibid. p. 91, "prathamamiilocito'rthal} slimiitz;•avife,w-
2 Ibid. p. 84, "ta.mziidvyutpamzasyiipi tziimadheyasmara~ziiya piit-vallze!ilavyo vi-

naiva tziimadheyamarthapratyayaf}."
3 Nyiiyakandali, p. 189 ff., "alai} savikalpakamicchatii nil-vikalpakamapye!ilavyam,

tacca na sc1miitzyamcllram grh~ziiti bhedruyiipi pratihhiisatztit tzlipi svalak!a~amiitmm

siimii1lytikiirasyiipi saT!lVedaniit vyaktya11taradarfa11e pratisatzdlziinlicca, kintu stimifn·
yam vife!ai2cobhayamapi grh~ulli yadi paramida1!1 siimiinyamayam vife!aiJ ityeva1!l
vivicya tza pratyeti rwstvantariinusandhiinavirahiil, j>i?rdtintariinuvrttigraha~iitldlzi
siimiinym!z vivicyate, vyiivtttt:f{raha~iulvile!oyamiti viveka!z."
VIII] Indeterminate Perception 339
not like to dispense with it for they think that it is impossible
to have the knowledge of a thing as qualified by a predicate or a
quality, without previously knowing the quality or the predicate
( visi~tavaisi~tyajfuinam prati hi vise~a?zatiivacclzedakaprakiira1!Z
jiiiillaJtz kiira?za1tt) 1• So, before any determinate knowledge such
as'' I see a cow," "this is a cow" or "a·cow" can arise it must
be preceded by an indeterminate stage presenting only the
indeterminate, unrelated, predicative quality as nirvikalpa, un-
connected with universality or any other relations (jatyiidiyo-
janiirahita1!Z 'Z•aiiz"~!J'allavagiilzi ni~prakarakam 1lirvikalpaka1?Z ) 2•
But this stage is never psychologically experienced (atlndriya)
and it is only a logical necessity arising out of their synthetic
conception of a proposition as being the relationing of a pre-
dicate with a subject. Thus Visvanatha says in his Siddhanta-
muktavali, "the cognition which does not involve relationing
cannot be perceptual for the perception is of the form 'I know
the jug'; here the knowledge is related to the self, the knower,
the jug again is related to knowledge and the definite content of
jugness is related to the jug. It is this content which forms the
predicative quality (vise~a?zatiivacclzedaka) of the predicate 'jug'
which is related to knowledge. \Ve cannot therefore have the
knowledge of the jug without having the knowledge of the pre-
dicative quality, the content 3." But in order that the knowledge
of the jug could be rendered possible, there must be a stage at
which the universal or the pure predication should be known
and this is the nirvikalpa stage, the admission of which though
not testified by experience is after all logically indispensably
necessary. In the proposition "It is a cow," the cow is an
universal, and this must be intuited directly before it could be
related to the particular with which it is associated.
But both the old and the new schools of N yaya and Vai-
se!?ika admitted the validity of the savikalpa perception which
the Buddhists denied. Things are not of the nature of momentary
particulars, but they are endowed with class-characters or uni-
versals and thus our knowledge of universals as revealed by the
perception of objects is not erroneous and is directly produced
by objects. The Buddhists hold that the error of savikalpa per-
ception consists in the attribution ofjati(universal),gur:ta (quality),
1 Tattvacintiima~zi, p. 81-z. 2 Ibid. p. 809.
3 Siddhiintamuktiivali on Bhiifiipariccheda karikii, 58.
340 The Nyaya- Vaise~ika Philosophy [cu.
kriya (action), nama (name), and dravya (substance) to things 1 •
The universal and that of which the universal is predicated are
not different but are the same identical entity. Thus the predi-
cation of an universal in the savikalpa perception involves the
false creation of a difference where there was none. So also the
quality is not different from the substance and to speak of a
thing as qualified is thus an error similar to the former. The
same remark applies to action, for motion is not something dif-
ferent from that which moves. But name is completely different
from the thing and yet the name and the thing are identified,
and again the percept "man with a stick" is regarded as if it
was a single thing or substance, though "man" and "stick" are
altogether different and there is no unity between them. Now
as regards the first three objections it is a question of the dif-
ference of the Nyaya ontological position with that of the Bud-
dhists, for we know that N yaya and Vaise~ika believe jati, guDa
and kriya to be different from substance and therefore the pre-
dicating of them of substance as different categories related to it
at the determinate stage of perception cannot be regarded as
erroneous. As to the fourth objection Vacaspati replies that the
memory of the name of the thing roused by its sight cannot make
the perception erroneous. The fact that memory operates cannot
in any way vitiate perception. The fact that name is not asso-
ciated until the second stage through the joint action of memory
is easily explained, for the operation of memory was necessary in
order to bring about the association. But so long as it is borne in
mind that the name is not identical with the thing but is only asso-
ciated with it as being the same as was previously acquired, there
cannot be any objection to the association of the name. But the
Buddhists further object that there is no reast:n why one should
identify a thing seen at the present moment as being that which
was seen before, for this identity is never the object of visual
perception. To this Vacaspati says that through the help of
memory or past impressions (smtzskara) this can be considered
as being directly the object of perception, for whatever may be
the concomitant causes when the main cause of sense-contact is

1 Nyliyamaiijari, pp. 93-100, "Panra caite kalpami bhavanti jatikalpa1zii, gu?,takal-

panii, kriyiikalpanii, niimakalpmzii dravyakalpatzii ceti, tiifca kvaddabhede'pi bhedakal·
paniit kvaczcca hhedc'pyabhedakalpmtiit kalpanii ucya11te." See Dharma.kirtti 's theory of
Perception, pp. 151-4. See also pp. 409-410 of this book.
VIII] T1"anscendental Contact 341
present, this perception of identity should be regarded as an
effect of it. But the Buddhists still emphasize the point that an
object of past experience refers to a past time and place and
is not experienced now and cannot therefore be identified with
an object which is experienced at the present moment. It
has to be admitted that Vacaspati's answer is not very satis-
factory for it leads ultimately to the testimony of direct percep-
tion which was challenged by the Buddhists 1• It is easy to see
that early N yaya- Vaise~ika could not dismiss the savikalpa per-
ception as invalid for it was the same as the nirvikalpa and
differed from it only in this, that a name was associated with
the thing of perception at this stage. As it admits a gradual
development of perception as the progressive effects of causal
operations continued through the contacts of the mind with the
self and the object under the influence of various intellectual
(e.g. memory) and physical (e.g. light rays) concomitant causes,
it does not, like Vedanta, require that right perception should only
give knowledge which was not previously acquired. The varia-
tion as well as production of knowledge in the soul depends upon
the variety of causal collocations.
Mind according to Nyaya is regarded as a separate sense
and can come in contact with pleasure, pain, desire, antipathy
and will. The later N yaya writers speak of three other kinds
of contact of a transcendental nature called siimii?Zyalak.fa?ta,
jiiiinalak.fa!za and yogaja (miraculous). The contact samanyalak-
~at:ta is that by virtue of which by coming in contact with a
particular we are transcendentally (alauk£/w) in contact with all
the particulars (in a general way) of which the correspond-
ing universal may be predicated. Thus when I see smoke and
through it my sense is in contact with the universal associated
with smoke my visual sense is in transcendental contact with all
smoke in general. Jfianalak~at:ta contact is that by virtue of which
we can associate the perceptions of other senses when perceiving
by any one sense. Thus when we are looking at a piece of
sandal wood our visual sense is in touch with its colour only,
but still we perceive it to be fragrant without any direct contact
of the object with the organ of smell. The sort of transcendental
contact (alauk£ka sannikar.fa) by virtue of which this is rendered

Tt.uparya{ikii, pp. 88-95·
342 The Nyaya- Vaife~ika Philosophy [cH.
possible is called ji'ianalak~aJ!a. But the knowledge acquired by
these two contacts is not counted as perception 1•
Pleasures and pains (suklza and du(tklta) are held by Nyaya
to be different from knowledge (ji'iana). For knowledge interprets,
conceives or illumines things, but sukha etc. are never found to
appear as behaving in that character. On the other hand we feel
that we grasp them after having some knowledge. They cannot
be self-revealing, for even knowledge is not so; if it were so, then
that experience which generates sukha in one should have gene-
rated the same kind of feeling in others, or in other words it should
have manifested its nature as sukha to all; and this does not
happen, for the same thing which generates sukha in one might
not do so in others. Moreover even admitting for argument's
sake that it is knowledge itself that appears as pleasure and pain,
it is evident that there must be some differences between the
pleasurable and painful experiences that make them so different,
and this difference is due to the fact that knowledge in one case
was associated with sukha and in another case with du}:lkha.
This shows that sukha and du}:lkha are not themselves knowledge.
Such is the course of things that sukha and du}:lkha are generated
by the collocation of certain conditions,and are manifested through
or in association with other objects either in direct perception or
in memory. They are thus the qualities which are generated in
the self as a result of causal operation. It should however be
remembered that merit and demerit act as concomitant causes
in their production.
The yogins are believed to have the pratyak~a of the most
distant things beyond our senses; they can acquire this power
by gradually increasing their powers of concentration and per-
ceive the subtlest and most distant objects directly by their
mind. Even we ourselves may at some time have the notions
of future events which come to be true, e.g. sometimes I may
have the intuition that "To-morrow my brother will come,"

1 Siddhiintamuktiivali on Kii1·ikii 6.~ and 6~. \Ve must remember that Gangesa

discarded the definition of perception as given in the Nyii)'G siitra which we have dis-
cussed above, and held that perception should be defined as that cognition which has
the special class-character of direct apprehension. He thinks that the old definition
of perception as the cognition generated by sense-contact involves a vicious circle
( TattvacintiimaiJi, pp. 538-546). Sense-contact is still regarded by him as the cause of
perception, but it should not Le included in the definition. He agrees to the six kinds
of contact described first by Udyotakara as mentioned above.
VIII] Inference 343
and this may happen to be true. This is called pratibhana-
jfiana, which is also to be regarded as a pratyak~a directly
by the mind. This is of course different from the other form
of perception called manasa-pratyak~a, by which memories of
past perceptions by other senses are associated with a percept
visualized at the present moment; thus we see a rose and per-
ceive that it is fragrant ; the fragrance is not perceived by the
eye, but the manas perceives it directly and associates the visual
percept with it. According to Vedanta this acquired perception
is only a case of inference. The pratibha-pratyak~a however is
that which is with reference to the happening of a future event.
\Vhen a cognition is produced, it is produced only as an objective
cognition, e.g. This is a pot, but after this it is again related to
the self by the mind as " I know this pot." This is effected by
the mind again coming in contact for reperception of the cogni-
tion which had already been generated in the soul. This second
reperception is called anuvyavasaya, and all practical work can
proceed as a result of this anuvyavasaya 1•

Inference (ammuina) is the second means of proof (pramat:la)
and the most valuable contribution that Nyaya has made has
been on this subject. It consists in making an assertion about a
thing on the strength of the mark or linga which is associated
with it, as when finding smoke rising from a hill we remember
that since smoke cannot be without fire, there must also be fire
in yonder hill. In an example like this smoke is technically
called linga, or hetu. That about which the assertion has been
made (the hill in this example) is called pak!?a, and the term
"fire" is called sadhya. To make a correct inference it is
necessary that the hetu or linga must be present in the pak~a,
I This later N yaya doctrine that the cognition of self in association with cognition is

produced at a later moment must be contrasted with the trzputipratyak1a doctrine of

Prabhakara, which holds that the object, knower and knowledge are all given simul-
taneously in knowledge. Vyavasaya (determinate cognition), according to Gai1ge5a,
gives us only the cognition of the object, but the cognition that I am aware of this
object or cognition is a different functioning succeeding the former one and is called
anu (after) vyavasaya (cognition), "idamahat!l jiitziimiti vyavastrye 11a bhiisate tad-
bodhake1zdriyasannikarfiibhiiviit ki1llvidat!zvifayakajiiii1latvaviiif{asya jiiiillasya vai-
iiftyamiitmani bhiisate; tza ca svaprakiiie vyavastrye tiidrim!z svasya vaiii1{ya'.n bhii-
situmarhati, piirvaJ!Z viie1a~zasya tasytl_jiiiimll, tasmiididamahm!z janiimiti na vyavastrya!J
kintu anzevyavasiiyah." Tattvacintiima~u, p. 795·
344 The Nyiiya- Vazse~z"ka Philosophy [cH.
and in all other known objects similar to the pak~a in having the
sadhya in it (sapak~a-satta), i.e., which are known to possess the
sadhya (possessing fire in the present example). The linga must
not be present in any such object as does not possess the
sadhya (vipak~a-vyiivrtti absent from vipak~a or that which does
not possess the sadhya). The inferred assertion should not be
such that it is invalidated by direct perception (pratyak~a) or
the testimony of the sastra (abadltita-vi~ayatva). The linga
should not be such that by it an inference in the opposite way
could also be possible (asat-pratipak~a). The violation of any
one of these conditions would spoil the certitude of the hetu
as determining the inference, and thus would only make the
hetu fallacious, or what is technically called hetvabhasa or
seeming hetu by which no correct inference could be made.
Thus the inference that sound is eternal because it is visible
is fallacious, for visibility is a quality which sound (here the
pak~a) does not possess 1• This hetvabhasa is technically
called asiddlza-hetu. Again, hetvabhasa of the second type,
technically called vintddha-lutu, may be exemplified in the case
that sound is eternal, since it is created; the hetu "being
created" is present in the opposite of sadhya (vipak~a), namely
non-eternality, for we know that non-eternality is a quality
which belongs to all created things. A fallacy of the third type,
technically called anaika1ttika-hetu, is found in the case that
sound is eternal, since it is an object of knowledge. Now" being
an object of knowledge'' (prameyatva) is here the hetu, but it is
present in things eternal (i.e. things possessing sadhya), as well
as in things that are not eternal (i.e. which do not possess the
sadhya), and therefore 'the concomitance of the hetu with the
sadhya is not absolute (anaikiiutika). A fallacy of the fourth
type, technically called kiikityayiipadi#a, may be found in the
example-fire is not hot, since it is created like a jug, etc.
Here pratyak~a shows that fire is hot, and hence the hetu is
fallacious. The fifth fallacy, called prakara1Jasama, is to be
found in cases where opposite hetus are available at the same
time for opposite conclusions, e.g. sound like a jug is non-
1 It should be borne in mind that Nyaya did not believe in the doctrine of the
eternality of sound, which the Mima111sa did. Eternality of sound meant with Mimarpsa
the theory that sounds existed as eternal indestructible entities, and they were only
manifested in our ears under certain conditions, e.g. the stroke of a drum or a
parti.cular kind of movement of the vocal muscles.
vrn] Nyaya and Buddhis11z on Causation 345
eternal, since no eternal qualities are found in it, and sound like
akasa is eternal, since no non-eternal qualities are found in it.
The Buddhists held in answer to the objections raised against
inference by the Carvakas, that inferential arguments are
valid, because they are arguments on the principle of the uni-
formity of nature in two relations, viz. tiidiitmya (essential
identity) and tadutpatti (succession in a relation of cause and
effect). Tadatmya is a relation of genus and species and not
of causation ; thus we know that all pines are trees, and infer
that this is a tree since it is a pine; tree and pine are related
to each other as genus and species, and the co-inherence of
the generic qualities of a tree with the specific characters of a
pine tree may be viewed as a relation of essential identity
(tiidiitmya). The relation of tadutpatti is that of uniformity of
succession of cause and effect, e.g. of smoke to fire.
N yaya holds that inference is made because of the invariable
association (11iyama) of the liilga or hetu (the concomitance of
which with the sadhya has been safeguarded by the five conditions
noted above) with the sadhya, and not because of such specific
relations as tadatmya or tadutpatti. If it is held that the
inference that it is a tree because it is a pine is due to the
essential identity of tree and pine, then the opposite argument
that it is a pine because it is a tree ought to be valid as well;
for if it were a case of identity it ought to be the same both
ways. If in answer to this it is said that the characteristics of a
pine are associated with those of a tree and not those of a tree with
those of a pine, then certainly the argument is not due to essen-
tial identity, but to the invariable association of the liil.ga (mark)
with the liilgin (the possessor of liilga), otherwise called niyama.
The argument from tadutpatti (association as cause and effect)
is also really due to invariable association, for it explains the
case of the inference of the type of cause and effect as well as of
other types of inference, where the association as cause and
effect is not available (e.g. from sunset the rise of stars is
inferred). Thus it is that the invariable concomitance of the
liilga with the liilgin, as safeguarded by the conditions noted
above, is what leads us to make a valid inference 1•
\Ve percei\·ed in many cases that a linga (e.g. smoke) was
associated with a lingin (fire), and had thence formed the notion
1 See /lr'jtiiyamaiijari on anumii.na.
The Nyaya- Vaife~ika Philosophy [cH.
that wherever thete was smoke there was fire. Now when we
perceived that there was smoke in yonder hill, we remembered
the concomitance ( vyiipti) of smoke and fire which we had
observed before, and then since there was smoke in the hill,
which was known to us to be inseparably connected with fire, we
concluded that there was fire in the hill. The discovery of the
liilga (smoke) in the hill as associated with the memory of its
concomitance with fire (trtiya-liizga-pariimarsa) is thus the cause
(mzumitikara~za or mm1niina) of the inference (ammziti). The con-
comitance of smoke with fire is technically called vyiipti. \Vhen
this refers to the concomitance of cases containing smoke with
those having fire, it is called bahirvyiipti; and when it refers to the
conviction of the concomitance of smoke with fire, without any
relation to the circumstances under which the concomitance was
observed, it is called antarvyiipti. The Buddhists since they did
not admit the notions of generality, etc. preferred antarvyapti
view of concomitance to bahirvyapti as a means of inference 1•
Now the question arises that since the validity of an inference
will depend mainly on the validity of the concomitance of sign
(hetu) with the signate (siidhya), how are we to assure ourselves in
each case that the process of ascertaining the concomitance (vyiip-
tigraha) had been correct, and the observation of concomitance
had been valid. The Mimarpsa school held, as we shall see in
the next chapter, that if we had no knowledge of any such case
in which there was smoke but no fire, and if in all the cases
I knew I had perceived that wherever there was smoke there
was fire, I could enunciate the concomitance of smoke with fire
But Nyaya holds that it is not enough that in all cases where
there is smoke there should be fire, but it is necessary that in
all those cases where there is no fire there should not be any
smoke, i.e. not only every case of the existence of smoke should
be a case of the existence of fire, but every case of absence of fire
should be a case of absence of smoke. The former is technically
called artvayavyiipti and the latter 'l'Yatirekaz'Yiipti. But even this
is not enough. Thus there may have been an ass sitting, in a
hundred cases where I had seen smoke, and there might have
been a hundred cases where there was neither ass nor smoke, but
it cannot be asserted from it that there is any relation of concomi-
1 See A111arvyiiplisamarlhana, hy Ratniikarasiinti in the Six Buddhist Nyiiya Tracts,

Bibliotheca Indica, 1910.

VIII] Invariable Uncondz"tional Conconzita1zce 347
tance, or of cause and effect between the ass and the smoke. It
may be that one might never have observed smoke without an
antecedent ass, or an ass without the smoke following it, but even
that is not enough. If it were such that we had so experienced in
a very large number of cases that the introduction of the ass
produced the smoke, and that even when all the antecedents re-
mained the same, the disappearance of the ass was immediately
followed by the disappearance of smoke (yasmin sati bhavanam
yato vinii 1za bhavananz iti bhfiyodarfanm!L, Nyiiyamaiijari,
p. I 22 ), then only could we say that there was any relation of
concomitance (vyiipti) between the ass and the smoke 1 • But of
course it might be that what we concluded to be the hetu by the
above observations of anvaya-vyatireka might not be a real hetu,
and there might be some other condition (upiidhi) associated
with the hetu which was the real hetu. Thus we know that fire
in green wood (iirdrendhana) produced smoke, but one might
doubt that it was not the fire in the green wood that pro-
duced smoke, but there was some hidden demon who did it.
But there would be no end of such doubts, and if we indulged
in them, all our work endeavour and practical activities would
have to be dispensed with (vyiighiita). Thus such doubts as
lead us to the suspension of all work should not disturb or
unsettle the notion of vyapti or concomitance at which we
had arrived by careful observation and consideration 2• The
Buddhists and the naiyayikas generally agreed as to the method
of forming the notion of concomitance or vyapti (vyiiptigralta),
but the former tried to assert that the validity of such a con-
comitance always depended on a relation of cause and effect
or of identity of essence, whereas N yay a held that neither the
relations of cause and effect, nor that of essential identity of
genus and species, exhausted the field of inference, and there was
quite a number of other types of inference which could not be
brought under either of them (e.g. the rise of the moon and the
tide of the ocean). A natural fixed order that certain things hap-
pening other things would happen could certainly exist, even
without the supposition of an identity of essence.
But sometimes it happens that different kinds of causes often
have the same kind of effect, and in such cases it is difficult to
1 See Tiitparya!ikii on anumana and vyaptigraha.
2 Tiitparyafikii on vyaptigraha, and Tattvacintiima~zi of Gangda on vyaptigraha.
The Nyaya- Vaife~ika Philosophy [cH.
infer the particular cause from the effect. N yaya holds how-
ever that though different causes are often found to produce
the same effect, yet there must be some difference between one
effect and another. If each effect is taken by itself with its
other attendant circumstances and peculiarities, it will be found
that it may then be possible to distinguish it from similar other
effects. Thus a flood in the street may be due either to a heavy
downpour of rain immediately before, or to the rise in the water
of the river close by, but if observed carefully the flooding of
the street due to rain will be found to have such special traits
that it could be distinguished from a similar flooding due to the
rise of water in the river. Thus from the flooding of the street
of a special type, as demonstrated by its other attendant circum-
stances, the special manner in which the water flows by small
rivulets or in sheets, will enable us to infer that the flood was
due to rains and not to the rise of water in the river. Thus we
see that N yaya relied on empirical induction based on uniform
and uninterrupted agreement in nature, whereas the Buddhists
assumed a prion· principles of causality or identity of essence.
It may not be out of place here to mention that in later Nyaya
works great emphasis is laid on the necessity of getting ourselves
assured that there was no such upadhi (condition) associated with
the hetu on account of which the concomitance happened, but
that the hetu was unconditionally associated with the sadhya in
a relation of inseparable concomitance. Thus all fire does not pro-
duce smoke; fire must be associated with green wood in order to
produce smoke. Green wood is thus the necessary condition
(upadhi)" without which no smoke could be produced. It is on
account of this condition that fire is associated with smoke; and
so we cannot say that there is smoke because there is fire. But in
the concomitance of smoke with fire there is no condition, and so
in every case of smoke there is fire. In order to be assured of the
validity of vyapti, it is necessary that we must be assured that
there should be nothing associated with the hetu which con-
ditioned the concomitance, and this must be settled by wide
experience (bhzeyodar§ana).
Prasastapada in defining inference as the "knowledge of that
(e.g. fire) associated with the reason (e.g. smoke) by the sight of
the reason" described a valid reason (li1iga) as that which is con-
nected with the object of inference (auumcya) and which exists
wherever the object of inference exists and is absent in all cases
VIII] Prasastapiida's Interpretation o/ I1iference 349
where it does not exist. This is indeed the same as the N yay a
qualifications of pak~asattva, sapak~asattva and vi'pak~iisattva of
a valid reason (hetu). Prasastapada further quotes a verse to say
that this is the same as what Kasyapa (believed to be the family
name of Karyada) said. Karyada says that we can infer a cause
from the effect, the effect from the cause, or we can infer one
thing by another when they are mutually connected, or in op-
position or in a relation of inherence (IX. ii. I and III. i. g). \Ve
can infer by a reason because it is duly associated (prasiddhipiir-
vakatva) with the object of inference. What this association was
according to Kat)ada can also be understood for he tells us (III.
i. 1 5) that where there is no proper association, the reason (hetu)
is either non-existent in the object to be inferred or it has no
concomitance with it (aprasi'ddha) or it has a doubtful existence
(smzdigdha). Thus if I say this ass is a horse because it has
horns it is fallacious, for neither the horse nor the ass has horns.
Again if I say it is a cow because it has horns, it is fallacious, for
there is no concomitance between horns and a cow, and though
a cow may have a horn, all that have horns are not cows. The
first fallacy is a combination of pak!?asattva and sapak~asattva,
for not only the present pak!?a (the ass) had no horns, but no
horses had any horns, and the second is a case of vipak~asattva,
for those which are not cows (e.g. buffaloes) have also horns. Thus,
it seems that when Prasastapada says that he is giving us the view
of Karyada he is faithful to it. Prasastapada says that wherever
there is smoke there is fire, if there is no fire there is no smoke.
When one knows this concomitance and unerringly perceives the
smoke, he remembers the concomitance and feels certain that
there is fire. But with regard to Karyada's enumeration of types of
inference such as "a cause is inferred from its effect, or an effect
from the cause," etc., Prasastapada holds that these are not the
only types of inference, but are only some examples for showing
the general nature of inference. Inference merely shows a connec-
tion such that from this that can be inferred. He then divides
inference into two classes, dr~ta (from the experienced charac-
teristics of one member of a class to another member of the same
class), and samanyato dr!:'ta. Dr~ta (perceived resemblance) is
that where the previously known case and the inferred case is
exactly of the same class. Thus as an example of it we can point
out that by perceiving that only a cow has a hanging mass of
flesh on its neck (sasna), I can whenever I see the same hanging
350 The Nyiiya- Vaise~ika Philosophy [cH.
mass of flesh at the neck of an animal infer that it is a cow. But
when on the strength of a common quality the inference is ex-
tended to a different class of objects, it is called samanyato dr!?ta.
Thus on perceiving that the work of the peasants is rewarded
with a good harvest I may infer that the work of the priests,
namely the performance of sacrifices, will also be rewarded with
the objects for which they are performed (i.e. the attainment of
heaven). When the conclusion to which one has arrived (svani-
scitiirtha) is expressed in five premisses for convincing others
who are either in doubt, or in error or are simply ignorant, then
the inference is called pararthanumana. We know that the distinc-
tion of svarthanumana (inference for oneself) and pararthanumana
(inference for others) was made by the Jains and Buddhists.
Prasastapada does not make a sharp distinction of two classes
of inference, but he seems to mean that what one infers, it can be
conveyed to others by means of five premisses in which case it is
called pararthanumana. But this need not be considered as an
entirely new innovation of Prasastapada, for in IX. 2, Karyada
himself definitely alludes to this distinction (asyedmtz kiirJryakiira-
'!tasambandhasciivayaviidbhavati). The five premisses which are
called in N yaya prati;izii, hetu dr~!iillla, upanaya, and nigammza
are called in Vaise~ika prati;ilii, apadesa, nidarsana, amesandhiina,
and pratyiimmiya. Karyada however does not mention the name
of any of these premisses excepting the second "apadesa."
Pratijfta is of course the same as we have in Nyaya, and the term
nidarsana is very similar to N yay a dr~tanta, but the last two are
entirely different. Nidarsana may be of two kinds,(I) agreement
in presence (e.g. that which has motion is a substance as is seen
in the case of an arrow), (2) agreement in absence (e.g. what is not
a substance has no motion as is seen in the case of the universal
being 1 ). He also points out cases of the fallacy of the example
1 Dr Vidyabhii~al)a says that "An example before the time of Dignaga served as

a mere familiar case which was cited to help the understanding of the listener, e.g. The
hill is fiery; because it has smoke; like a kitchen (example). Asanga made the ex-
ample more serviceable to reasoning, but Dignaga converted it into a universal
proposition, that is a proposition expressive of the universal or inseparable connection
between the middle term and the major term, e.g. The hill is fiery ; because it has
smoke; all that has smoke is fiery as a kitchen" (bzdimz Lo._r:ric, pp. 95, 96). It is of
course true that Vatsyayana had an imperfect example as "like a kitchen" (fabdaf:z
utptzttidharmakatviidmzityalf sthii/yiidivat, 1. i. 36), but Prasastapada has it in the
proper form. Whether Prasastapada borrowed it from Diimaga or Diimaga from
l'ra5astapada cannot be easily settled.
VIII] Doctrine of Conconzitance 351
(1zidarsaniibhiisa). Prasastapada's contribution thus seems to con-
sist of the enumeration of the five premisses and the fallacy of
the nidarsana, but the names of the last two premisses are so
different from what are current in other systems that it is reason-
able to suppose that he collected them from some other traditional
Vaise!?ika work which is now lost to us. It however definitely
indicates that the study of the problem of inference was being
pursued in Vaise!?ika circles independently of N yaya. There is
no reason however to suppose that Prasastapada borrowed any-
thing from Diimaga as Professor Stcherbatsky or Keith supposes,
for, as I have shown above, most of Prasastapada's apparent in-
novations are all definitely alluded to by Kar:tada himself, and
Professor Keith has not discussed this alternative. On the
question of the fallacies of nidarsana, unless it is definitely proved
that Diimaga preceded Prasastapada, there is no reason whatever
to suppose that the latter borrowed it from the former 1•
The nature and ascertainment of concomitance is the most
important part of inference. Vatsyayana says that an inference
can be made by the sight of the liti.ga (reason or middle) through
the memory of the connection between the middle and the major
previously perceived. Udyotakara raises the question whether it
is the present perception of the middle or the memory of the
connection of the middle with the major that should be regarded
as leading to inference. His answer is that both these lead to
inference, but that which immediately leads to inference is /i,iga-
pariimarsa, i.e. the present perception of the middle in the minor
associated with the memory of its connection with the major, for
inference does not immediately follow the memory of the con-
nection, but the present perception of the middle associated with
the memory of the connection (sm_rtya1lugrhito lziigapariimarso).
But he is silent with regard to the nature of concomitance.
U dyotakara's criticisms of Dirinaga as shown by Vacaspati have
no reference to this point. The doctrine of tiidiitmya and tadut-
patti was therefore in all probability a new contribution to
Buddhist logic by Dharmakirtti. Dharmakirtti's contention was
that the root principle of the connection between the middle and
the major was that the former was either identical in essence
with the latter or its effect and that unless this was grasped a
mere collection of positive or negative instances will not give us
1 Prasastapada's bha~ya with Nyayakandali, pp. 2oo-255.
352 The Nyaya- Va£se~£ka Ph£/osophy [cH.
the desired connection 1• Vacaspati in his refutation of this view
says that the cause-effect relation cannot be determined as a
separate relation. If causality means invariable immediate ante-
cedence such that there being fire there is smoke and there being
no fire there is no smoke, then it cannot be ascertained with
perfect satisfaction, for there is no proof that in each case the
smoke was caused by fire and not by an invisible demon. Unless
it can be ascertained that there was no invisible element as-
sociated, it cannot be said that the smoke was immediately
preceded by fire and fire alone. Again accepting for the sake of
argument that causality can be determined, then also cause is
known to precede the effect and therefore the perception of smoke
can only lead us to infer the presence of fire at a preceding time
and not contemporaneously with it. Moreover there are many
cases where inference is possible, but there is no relation of cause
and effect or of identity of essence (e.g. the sunrise of this
morning by the sunrise of yesterday morning). In the case of
identity of essence (tiidiitmya as in the case of the pine and the
tree) also there cannot be any inference, for one thing has to be
inferred by another, but if they are identical there cannot be any
inference. The nature of concomitance therefore cannot be de-
scribed in either of these ways. Some things (e.g. smoke) are
naturally connected with some other things (e.g. fire) and when
such is the case, though we may not know any further about the
nature of this connection, we may infer the latter from the former
and not vice versa, for fire is connected with smoke only under
certain conditions (e.g. green wood). It may be argued that there
may always be certain unknown conditions which may vitiate
the validity of inference. To this Vacaspati's answer is that if
even after observing a large number of cases and careful search
such conditions (upiidhi) cannot be discovered, we have to take
it for granted that they do not exist and that there is a natural
connection between the middle and the major. The later
Buddhists introduced the method of Paiicakiira?ti in order to
determine effectively the causal relation. These five conditions
determining the causal relation are (I) neither the cause nor the
effect is perceived, (2) the cause is perceived, (3) in immediate
succession the effect is perceived, (4) the cause disappears, (5) in
1 A.aryyakiira~znbhiiviidv,i svabh,iviidz•a niyiinzakiit aviniibhtivamj,amo' darfmziimta

na darfaniit. Tiitparya{l-kii, p. 105.

VIII] Classification of Inference 353
immediate succession the effect disappears. But this method
cannot guarantee the infallibility of the determination of cause
and effect relation ; and if by the assumption of a cause-effect
relation no higher degree of certainty is available, it is better
to accept a natural relation without limiting it to a cause-effect
relation 1•
In early N yaya books three kinds of inference are described,
namely purvavat, se~avat, and samanyato-dr!?ta. Purvavat is the
inference of effects from causes, e.g. that of impending rain from
heavy dark clouds; se!;iavat is the inference of causes from effects,
e.g. that of rain from the rise of water in the river; samanyato-
dr!?ta refers to the inference in all cases other than those of
cause and effect, e.g. the inference of the sour taste of the
tamarind from its form and colour. 1.Vyiiyamai/jari mentions
another form of anumana, namely parise!;iamana (reductio ad
absurdum), which consists in asserting anything (e.g. conscious-
ness) of any other thing (e.g. atman), because it was already
definitely found out that consciousness was not produced in any
other part of man. Since consciousness could not belong to
anything else, it must belong to soul of necessity. In spite of
these variant forms they are all however of one kind, namely
that of the inference of the probandum (siidhya) by virtue of the
unconditional and invariable concomitance of the hetu, called
the vyapti-niyama. In the new school of Nyaya (N"avya-Nyaya)
a formal distinction of three kinds of inference occupies an
important place, namely anvayavyatireki, kevalanvayi, and
kevalavyatireki. Anvayavyatireki is that inference where the
vyapti has been observed by a combination of a large number of
instances of agreement in presence and agreement in absence,
as in the case of the concomitance of smoke and fire (wherever
there is smoke there is fire (anvaya), and where there is no fire,
there is no smoke (vyatircka)). An inference could be for one's
own self (sviirthiinumiina) or for the sake of convincing others
(pariirthiinumiina). In the latter case, when it was necessary that
an inference should be put explicitly in an unambiguous manner,
five propositions (avayavas) were regarded as necessary, namely
pratijfia (e.g. the hill is fiery), hetu (since it has smoke), uda-
harar:ta (where there is smoke there is fire, as in the kitchen),
upanaya (this hill has smoke), nigamana (therefore it has got
1 Viitsyayal)a's bhat>ya, Udyotakara's Viirttika and Tiitpary)'a{ikii, I. i. 5·
354 The Nyi1J'a- Vaise~ika Philosophy [cH.
fire). Kevalanvayi is that type of inference, the vyapti of which
could not be based on any negative instance, as in the case
"this object has a name, since it is an object of knowledge
(t.dmtz, viicymfl prmneJ'atvat)." Now no such case is known which
is not an object of knowledge; we cannot therefore know of any
case where there was no object of knowledge (prameyatva) and
no name (viicyatva); the vyapti here has therefore to be based
necessarily on cases of agreement-wherever there is prame-
yatva or an object of knowledge, there is vacyatva or name.
The third form of kevalavyatireki is that where positive in-
stances in agreement cannot be found, such as in the case of the
inference that earth differs from other elements in possessing
the specific quality of smell, since all that does not differ from
other elements is not earth, such as water; here it is evident
that there cannot be any positive instance of agreement and the
concomitance has to be taken from negative instances. There
is only one instance, which is exactly the proposition of our
inference-earth differs from other elements, since it has the
special qualities of earth. This inference could be of use only in
those cases where we had to infer anything by reason of such
special traits of it as was possessed by it and it alone.

U pam ana and Sabda.

The third pramat:ta, which is admitted by N yay a and not by
Vaise~ika, is upamiina, and consists in associating a thing un-
known before with its name by virtue of its similarity with some
other known thing. Thus a man of the city who has never
seen a wild ox ( gavaya) goes to the forest, asks a forester-
" what is gavaya?" and the forester replies-" oh, you do not
know it, it is just like a cow"; after hearing this from the
forester he travels on, and on seeing a gavaya and finding it to
be similar to a cow he forms the opinion that this is a gavaya.
This knowing an hitherto unknown thing by virtue of its
similarity to a known thing is called upamiina. If some forester
had pointed out a gavaya to a man of the city and had told him
that it was called a gavaya, then also the man would have
known the animal by the name gavaya, but then this would
have been due to testimony (sabda-prama!za). The knowledge is
said to be generated by the upamana process when the associa-
tion of the unknown animal with its name is made by the observer
VIII] Upamana and Sabda 355
on the strength of the experience of the similarity of the un-
known animal to a known one. The naiyayikas are thorough
realists, and as such they do not regard the observation of
similarity as being due to any subjective process of the mind.
Similarity is indeed perceived by the visual sense but yet the
association of the name in accordance with the perception of
similarity and the instruction received is a separate act and is
called upamana 1•
Sabda-pramarya or testimony is the right knowledge which
we derive from the utterances of infallible and absolutely truthful
persons. All knowledge derived from the Vedas is valid, for the
Vedas were uttered by Isvara himsel( The Vedas give us
right knowledge not of itself, but because they came out as the
utterances of the infallible Isvara. The Vaise!?ikas did not admit
sabda as a separate pramarya, but they sought to establish the
validity of testimony (Sabda) on the strength of inference (anu-
miti) on the ground of its being the utterance of an infallible
person. But as I have said before, this explanation is hardly
corroborated by the Vaise!?ika sutras, which tacitly admit the
validity of the scriptures on its own authority. But anyhow this
was how Vaise!?ika was interpreted in later times.
Negation in Nyaya-Vaise~ika.
The problem of negation or non-existence (abluiva) is of great
interest in Indian philosophy. In this section we can describe its
nature only from the point of view of perceptibility. Kumarila 2
1 See Nyiiyamaiijarf on upamana. The oldest N yaya view was that the instruction

given by the forester by virtue of which the association of the name "wild ox" to the
strange animal was possible was itself "upamana." \Vhen Prasastapada held that upa~
mana should be treated as a case of testimony (iiptavacana), he had probably this inter-
pretation in view. But Udyotakara and Vacaspati hold that it was not by the instruction
alone of the forester that the association of the name " wild ox" was made, but there
was the perception of similarity, and the memory of the instruction of the forester too.
So it is the perception of similarity with the other two factors as accessories that lead
us to this association called upamana. \Vhat VatsyayaQ.a meant is not very clear, but
Diimaga supposes that according to him the result of upamana was the knowledge of
similarity or the knowledge of a thing having similarity. Vacaspati of course holds that
he has correctly interpreted VatsyayaQ.a's intention. It is however definite that upamana
means the associating of a name to a new object (samiikhyiisambandhapratipattirupamii-
1ziirthal;, Vatsyayar.m). Jayanta points out that it is the preception of similarity which
directly leads to the association of the name and hence the instruction of the forester
cannot be regarded as the direct cause and consequently it cannot be classed under
testimony (fabda). See Prasastapada and Nyiiyakandalf, pp. 220-22, VatsyayaQ.a,
Udyotakara, Vacaspati and Jayanta on Upamiina.
2 See Kumarila's treatment of abhava in the Slokaviirttika, pp. 4i3-491.
The Nyaya- Vaise~ika Philosophy [cH.
and his followers, whose philosophy we shall deal with in the
next chapter, hold that negation (abhiiva) appears as an intuition
(miinam) with reference to the object negated where there are no
means of ordinary cognition(pramii~za) leading to prove the exist-
ence (satpar£cchedakam) of that thing. They held that the notion
"it is not existent" cannot be due to perception, for there is no
contact here with sense and object. It is true indeed that when
we turn our eyes (e.g. in the case of the perception of the non-
existence of a jug) to the ground, we see both the ground and
the non-existence of a jug, and when we shut them we can see
neither the jug nor the ground, and therefore it could be urged
that if we called the ground visually perceptible, we could say
the same with regard to the non-existence of the jug. But even
then since in the case of the perception of the jug there is sense-
contact, which is absent in the other case, we could never say
that both are grasped by perception. \Ve see the ground and
remember the jug (which is absent) and thus in the mind rises
the notion of non-existence which has no reference at all to visual
perception. A man may be sitting in a place where there were
no tigers, but he might not then be aware of their non-existence
at the time, since he did not think of them, but when later on he
is asked in the evening if there were any tigers at the place where
he was sitting in the morning, he then thinks and becomes aware
of the non-existence of tigers there in the morning, even
without perceiving the place and without any operation of the
memory of the non-existence of tigers. There is no question of
there being any inference in the rise of our notion of non-existence,
for it is not preceded by any notion of concomitance of any kind,
and neither the ground nor the non-perception of the jug could
be regarded as a reason (linga), for the non-perception of the jug
is related to the jug and not to the negation of the jug, and no
concomitance is known between the non-perception of the jug and
its non-existence, and when the question of the concomitance of
non-perception with non-existence is brought in, the same diffi-
cultyabout the notion of non-existence (abhiiva) which was sought
to be explained will recur again. Negation is therefore to be
admitted as cognized by a separate and independent process
of knowledge. Nyaya however says that the perception of
non-existence (e.g. there is no jug here) is a unitary perception
of one whole, just as any perception of positive existence (e.g.
VIII] fi[i1niil?ZSii vi'ew of Negati'on 357
there is a jug on the ground) is. Both the knowledge of the
ground as well as the knowledge of the non-existence of the jug
arise there by the same kind of action of the visual organ, and
there is therefore no reason why the knowledge of the ground
should be said to be due to perception, whereas the knowledge of
the negation of the jug on the ground should be said to be due
to a separate process of knowledge. The non-existence of the jug
is taken in the same act as the ground is perceived. The principle
that in order to perceive a thing one should have sense-contact
with it, applies only to positive existents and not to negation or
non-existence. Negation or non-existence can be cognized even
without any sense-contact. Non-existence is not a positive sub-
stance, and hence there cannot be any question here of sense-
contact. It may be urged that if no sense-contact is required
in apprehending negation, one could as well apprehend negation
or non-existence of other places which are far away from him.
To this the reply is that to apprehend negation it is necessary
that the place where it exists must be perceived. We know a
thing and its quality to be different, and yet the quality can only
be taken in association with the thing and it is so in this case as
well. We can apprehend non-existence only through the appre-
hension of its locus. In the case when non-existence is said to
be apprehended later on it is really no later apprehension of non-
existence but a memory of non-existence (e.g. of jug) perceived
before along with the perception of the locus of non-existence
(e.g. ground). Negation or non-existence (abhii·va) can thus, ac-
cording to N yaya, generate its cognition just as any positive
existence can do. Negation is not mere negativity or mere
vacuous absence, but is what generates the cognition "is not,"
as position (bhii'va) is what generates the cognition "it is."
The Buddhists deny the existence of negation. They hold
that when a negation is apprehended, it is apprehended with
specific time and space conditions (e.g. this is not here now);
but in spite of such an apprehension, we could never think
that negation could thus be associated with the~1 in any
relation. There is also no relation between the negation and its
pratiyogi (thing negated-e.g. jug in the negation of jug), for
when there is the pratiyogi there is no negation, and when there
is the negation there is no pratiyogi. There is not even the
relation of opposition ( virodha), for we could have admitted it, if
The Nyaya- Vaz"se~ika Philosophy [cH.
the negation of the jug existed before and opposed the jug,
for how can the negation of the jug oppose the jug, without
effecting anything at all? Again, it may be asked whether nega-
tion is to be regarded as a positive being or becoming or of the
nature of not becoming or non-being. In the first alternative it
will be like any other positive existents, and in the second case it
will be permanent and eternal, and it cannot be related to this or
that particular negation. There are however many kinds of non-
perception, e.g. (I) svabhavanupalabdhi (natural non-perception-
there is no jug because none is perceived); (2) karat)anupalabdhi
(non-perception of cause-there is no smoke here, since there is
no fire); (3) vyapakanupalabdhi (non-perception of the species-
there is no pine here, since there is no tree); (4) karyanupalabdhi
(non-perception of effects-there are not the causes of smoke here,
since there is no smoke); (5) svabhavaviruddhopalabdhi (percep-
tion of contradictory natures-there is no cold touch here because
of fire); (6) viruddhakaryopalabdhi (perception of contradictory
effects-there is no cold touch here because of smoke); (7) virud-
dhavyaptopalabdhi (opposite concomitance-past is not of neces-
sity destructible, since it depends on other causes); ( 8) karyya vi-
ruddhopalabdhi (opposition of effects-there is not here the causes
which can give cold since there is fire); (9) vyapakaviruddhopa-
labdhi (opposite concomitants-there is no touch of snow here,
because of fire); (I o) kararya viruddhopalabdhi (opposite causes-
there is no shivering through cold here, since he is near the fire);
(I I) kararyaviruddhakaryyopalabdhi (effects of opposite causes-
this place is not occupied by men of shivering sensations for it
is full of smoke 1 ).
There is no doubt that in the above ways we speak of nega-
tion, but that does not prove that there is any reason for the
cognition of negation (heturniibhiivasamvida!t). All that we can
say is this that there are certain situations which justify the use
(yogyatti) of negative appellations. But this situation or yogyata
is positive in character. What we all speak of in ordinary usage
as non-perception is of the nature of perception of some sort.
Perception of negation thus does not prove the existence of
negation, but only shows that there are certain positive percep-
tions which are only interpreted in that way. It is the positive
perception of the ground where the visible jug is absent that
See Nytlpzbindu, p. I I, and NJ't'iyamaiijari, pp. 53-7.
VIII] Nyaya 'l'iew of .}legation 359
leads us to speak of having perceived the negation of the jug
(anupalambha[t abhtivmtz vyavaharayati) 1 •
The Nyaya reply against this is that the perception of positive
existents is as much a fact as the perception of negation, and we
have no right to say that the former alone is valid. It is said
that the non-perception of jug on the ground is but the percep-
tion of the ground without the jug. But is this being without
the jug identical with the ground or different? If identical then
it is the same as the ground, and we shall expect to have it even
when the jug is there. If different then the quarrel is only over
the name, for whatever you may call it, it is admitted to be a
distinct category. If some difference is noted between the ground
with the jug, and the ground without it, then call it "ground,
without the jugness" or "the negation of jug," it does not matter
much, for a distinct category has anyhow been admitted. N ega-
tion is apprehended by perception as much as any positive
existent is; the nature of the objects of perception only are dif-
ferent; just as even in the perception of positive sense-objects
there are such diversities as colour, taste, etc. The relation of
negation with space and time with which it appears associated is
the relation that subsists between the qualified and the quality
(11ise~ya vz"se~m:.za). The relation between the negation and its
pratiyogi is one of opposition, in the sense that where the one is
the other is not. The Vaise#ka siUra (IX. i. 6) seems to take abhava
in a similar way as Kumarila the Mlmarpsist does, though the
commentators have tried to explain it away 2• In Vaise~ika the
four kinds of negation are enumerated as (1) priigabhava (the
negation preceding the production of an object-e.g. of the jug
before it is made by the potter); (2) dhvm!zsabhtiva (the negation
following the destruction of an object-as of the jug after it is
destroyed by the stroke of a stick); (3) anyml)'iibhiiva (mutual
negation-e.g. in the cow there is the negation of the horse and

1 See 1Vyiiyabindu{ikii, pp. 34- ff., and also Nycryamaiifari, pp. 48--63.
Prasastapada says that as the pro·luction of an effect is the sign of the existence
of the cause, so the non-production of it is the sign of its non-existence. Sridhara in
commenting upon it says that the non-preception of a sensible object is the sign (liliga)
of its non-existence. But evidently he is not satisfied with the view for he says that
non-existence is also directly perceived by the senses (bhtivavad abhiivo'pilldriyagra-
ha~zayogya~) and that there is an actual sense-contact with non-existence which is the
collocating cause of the preception of non-existence (abhiivmdriyasamzikar1o'Pi abhii-
vagraha~asiimagri), Nj'cryakandali, pp. 225-30.
The Nyaya- Vaise~ika Phz"losophy [cH.
in the horse that of the cow); (4) atyantiibltiiva (a negation which
always exists-e.g. even when there is a jug here, its negation in
other places is not destroyed) 1 •

The necessity of the Acquirement of debating devices

for the seeker of Salvation.
It is probable that the N yaya philosophy arose in an atmo-
sphere of continued disputes and debates; as a consequence
of this we find here many terms related to debates which we do
not notice in any other system of Indian philosophy. These are
tarka, 11ir~zaya, viida, jalpa, vitawfii, hetviib!tiisa, c!tala, jati and
Tarka means deliberation on an unknown thing to discern
its real nature; it thus consists of seeking reasons in favour of
some supposition to the exclusion of other suppositions; it is not
inference, but merely an oscillation of the mind to come to a right
conclusion. vVhen there is doubt (sa11zsaya) about the specific
nature of anything we have to take to tarka. Nin:mya means the
conclusion to which we arrive as a result of tarka. When two
opposite parties dispute over their respective theses, such as the
doctrines that there is or is not an atman, in which each of them
tries to prove his own thesis with reasons, each of the theses is
called a viida. Jalpa means a dispute in which the disputants
give wrangling rejoinders in order to defeat their respective op-
ponents. A jalpa is called a vita~ujii when it is only a destructive
criticism which seeks to refute the opponent's doctrine without
seeking to establish or formulate any new doctrine. Hetvabhasas
are those which appear as hetus but are really not so. Nyiiya
siitras enumerate five fallacies (!tctviibhiisas) of the middle (hetu):
savyab/ticii1~a (erratic), 7.-'i'rudd!ta (contradictory), prakara~zasama
(tautology), siid!tyasama (unproved reason) and kiiliitita (inop-
portune). Savyabhicara is that where the same reason may prove
opposite conclusions (e.g. sound is eternal because it is intangible
like the atoms which are eternal, and sound is non-eternal because
it is intangible like cognitions which are non-eternal); viruddha
is that where the reason opposes the premiss to be proved (e.g. a
jug is eternal, because it is produced); prakarat)asama is that
1 The £1octrine of negation, its function and value with reference to diverse logical

problems, have many diverse aspects, and it is impossible to do them justice in a small
section like this.
VIII] Fallacies
where the reason repeats the thesis to be proved in another form
(e.g. sound is non-eternal because it has not the quality of
eternality); sadhyasama is that where the reason itself requires
to be proved (e.g. shadow is a substance because it has motion,
but it remains to be proved whether shadows have motion or not);
kalatlta is a false analogy where the reason fails because it does not
tally with the example in point of time. Thus one may argue that
sound is eternal because it is the result of contact (stick and the
drum) like colour which is also a result of contact of light and
the object and is eternal. Here the fallacy lies in this, that colour
is simultaneous with the contact of light which shows what was
already there and only manifested by the light, whereas in the
case of sound it is produced immediately after the contact of the
stick and drum and is hence a product and hence non-eternal.
The later Nyaya works divide savyabhicara into three classes,
(I) sadhararya or common (e.g. the mountain is fiery because it is
an object of knowledge, but even a lake which is opposed to fire
is also an object of knowledge), (2) asadhararya or too restricted
(e.g. sound is eternal because it has the nature of sound ; this
cannot be a reason for the nature of sound exists only in the
sound and nowhere else), and (3) anupasarpharin or unsubsuming
(e.g. everything is non -eternal, because they are all objects of
knowledge ; here the fallacy lies in this, that no instance can be
found which is not an object of knowledge and an opposite con-
clusion may also be drawn). The fallacy satpratipak~a is that in
which there is a contrary reason which may prove the opposite
conclusion (e.g. sound is eternal because it is audible, sound is
non-eternal because it is an effect). The fallacy asiddha (unreal)
is of three kinds (I) asrayiisiddha (the lotus of the sky is fragrant
because it is like other lotuses; now there cannot be any lotus in
the sky), (2) s-z,ariipiisiddha (sound is a quality because it is
visible; but sound has no visibility), (3) -zryapyatviisiddha is that
where the concomitance between the middle and the consequence
is not invariable and inevitable; there is smoke in the hill because
there is fire; but there may be fire without the smoke as in a red
hot iron ball, it is only green-wood fire that is invariably associated
with smoke. The fallacy biidhita is that which pretends to prove
a thesis which is against direct experience, e.g. fire is not hot
because it is a substance. \Ve have already enumerated the
fallacies counted by Vaise~ika. Contrary to N yaya practice
The Nyaya- Vaise~ika Philosophy [cH.
Prasastapada counts the fallacies of the example. Diimaga also
counted fallacies of example (e.g. sound is eternal, because it is
incorporeal, that which is incorporeal is eternal as the atoms ;
but atoms are not incorporeal) and Dharmaklrtti counted also the
fallacies of the pak!:'a (minor); but Nyaya rightly considers that
the fallacies of the middle if avoided will completely safeguard
inference and that these are mere repetitions. Chala means the
intentional misinterpretation of the opponent's arguments for the
purpose of defeating him. Jati consists in the drawing of contra-
dictory conclusions, the rais;ing of false issues or the like with
the deliberate intention of defeating an opponent. Nigrahasthana
means the exposure of the opponent's argument as involving
self-contradiction, inconsistency or the like, by which his defeat is
conclusively proved before the people to the glory of the victorious
opponent. As to the utility of the description of so many debating
tricks by which an opponent might be defeated in a metaphysical
work, the aim of which ought to be to direct the ways that lead to
emancipation, it is said by J ayanta in his .lVyiiyamaiijari that these
had to be resorted to as a protective measure against arrogant
disputants who often tried to humiliate a teacher before his pupils.
If the teacher could not silence the opponent, the faith of the
pupils in him would be shaken and great disorder would follow,
and it was therefore deemed necessary that he who was plodding
onward for the attainment of mok!?a should acquire these devices
for the protection of his own faith and that of his pupils. A know-
ledge of these has therefore been enjoined in the Nya;'a siitra as
being necessary for the attainment of salvation I.

The doctrine of Soul.

Dhurtta Carvakas denied the existence of soul and regarded
consciousness and life as products of bodily changes; there were
other Carvakas called Susik!?ita Carvakas who admitted the
existence of soul but thought that it was destroyed at death.
The Buddhists also denied the existence of any permanent self.
The naiyayikas ascertained all the categories of metaphysics
mainly by such inference as was corroborated by experience.
They argued that since consciousness, pleasures, pains, willing,
etc. could not belong to our body or the senses, there must be
I See Ny,-iyamaiijari, pp. ~86-659, and Tiirkikarak.[ii of Varadaraja and Ni[-
ka~r!aka of !\:1allinatha, pp. 1~5 ff.
VIII] Doctr£ne of Soul
some entity to which they belonged; the existence of the self
is not proved according to N yaya merely by the notion of our
self-consciousness, as in the case of Mimarpsa, for Nyaya holds
that we cannot depend upon such a perception, for it may
be erroneous. It often happens that I say that I am white or
I am black, but it is evident that such a perception cannot
be relied upon, for the self cannot have any colour. So we
cannot safely depend on our self-consciousness as upon the
inference that the self has to be admitted as that entity to
which consciousness, emotion, etc. adhere when they are pro-
duced as a result of collocations. Never has the production of
atman been experienced, nor has it been found to suffer any
destruction like the body, so the soul must be eternal. It is not
located in any part of the body, but is all-pervading, i.e. exists at
the same time in all places ( 'l'ibhu), and does not travel with
the body but exists everywhere at the same time. But though
atman is thus disconnected from the body, yet its actions are
seen in the body because it is with the help of the collocation
of bodily limbs, etc. that action in the self can be manifested
or produced. It is unconscious in itself and acquires conscious-
ness as a result of suitable collocations 1 •
Even at birth children show signs of pleasure by their different
facial features, and this could not be due to anything else than
the memory of the past experiences in past lives of pleasures and
pains. Moreover the inequalities in the distribution of pleasures
and pains and of successes and failures prove that these must be
due to the different kinds of good and bad action that men per-
formed in their past lives. Since the inequality of the world
must have some reasons behind it, it is better to admit karma as
the determining factor than to leave it to irresponsible chance.

Isvara and Salvation.

N yay a seeks to establish the existence of Isvara on the
basis of inference. We know that the Jains, the Sarpkhya and
the Buddhists did not believe jn the existence of Isvara and
offered many antitheistic arguments. Nyaya wanted to refute
these and prove the existence of Isvara by an inference of the
samanyato-dr!?ta type.
1 .fiianasamaviiyanibandhanamevatmanafcetayitrtvam, &c. See N)'tiyamaiijari,
PP· 432 ff.
The Nyirya- Vaife~ika Philosophy [cH.
The J ains and other atheists held that though things in the
world have production and decay, the world as a whole was never
produced, and it was never therefore an effect. In contrast to
this view the Nyaya holds that the world as a whole is also an
effect like any other effect. Many geological changes and land-
slips occur, and from these destructive operations proceeding in
nature it may be assumed that this world is not eternal but a
result of production. But even if this is not admitted by the
atheists they can in no way deny the arrangement and order of
the universe. But they would argue that there was certainly a
difference between the order and arrangement of human produc-
tions (e.g. a jug) and the order and arrangement of the universe;
and therefore from the order and arrangement(sannivesa-vi.fi~!atii)
of the universe it could not be argued that the universe was
produced by a creator; for, it is from the sort of order and
arrangement that is found in human productions that a creator
or producer could be inferred. To this, Nyaya answers that the
concomitance is to be taken between the "order and arrangement"
in a general sense and "the existence of a creator" and not with
specific cases of'' order and arrangement," for each specific case
may have some such peculiarity in which it differs from similar
other specific cases ; thus the fire in the kitchen is not the same
kind of fire as we find in a forest fire, but yet we are to disregard
the specific individual peculiarities of fire in each case and con-
sider the concomitance of fire in general with smoke in general.
So here, we have to consider the concomitance of "order and
arrangement" in general with "the existence of a creator," and
thus though the order and arrangement of the world may be
different from the order and arrangement of things produced by
man, yet an inference from it for the existence of a creator would
not be inadmissible. The objection that even now we see many
effects (e.g. trees) which are daily shooting forth from the ground
without any creator being found to produce them, does not hold,
for it can never be proved that the plants are not actually created
by a creator. The inference therefore stands that the world has
a creator, since it is an effect and has order and arrangement in
its construction. Everything that is an effect and has an order
and arrangement has a creator, like the jug. The world is an
effect and has order and arrangement and has therefore a creator.
Just as the potter knows all the purposes of the jug that he makes,
VIII] God and Salvation
so Isvara knows all the purposes of this wide universe and is thus
omniscient. He knows all things always and therefore does not
require memory; all things are perceived by him directly without
any intervention of any internal sense such as manas, etc. He is
always happy. His will is eternal, and in accordance with the
karma of men the same will produces dissolution, creates, or
protects the world, in the order by which each man reaps the
results of his own deeds. As our self which is in itself bodiless
can by its will produce changes in our body and through it in
the external world, so Isvara also can by his will create the
universe though he has no body. Some, however, say that if any
association of body with Isvara is indispensable for our con-
ception of him, the atoms may as well be regarded as his body,
so that just as by the will of our self changes and movement of
our body take place, so also by his will changes and movements
are produced in the atoms 1•
The naiyayikas in common with most other systems of Indian
philosophy believed that the world was full of sorrow and that
the small bits of pleasure only served to intensify the force of
sorrow. To a wise person therefore everything is sorrow (sarvm!z
du{zklta1!l v£·uekina{z); the wise therefore is never attached to the
so-called pleasures of life which only lead us to further sorrows.
The bondage of the world is due to false knowledge (m£thya-
jfzana) which consists in thinking as my own self that which
is not my self, namely body, senses, manas, feelings and know-
ledge; when once the true knowledge of the six padarthas and
as Nyaya says, of the proofs (pramii?ta), the objects of knowledge
(prameya), and of the other logical categories of inference is
attained, false knowledge is destroyed. False knowledge can
be removed by constant thinking of its opposite (pratipak~a­
bhavmza), namely the true estimates of things. Thus when any
pleasure attracts us, we are to think that this is in reality but
pain, and thus the right knowledge about it will dawn and it
will never attract us again. Thus it is that with the destruction
of false knowledge our attachment or antipathy to things and
ignorance about them (collectively called do~a, cf. the klesa of
Patanjali) are also destroyed.
With the destruction of attachment actions (pra'l·rtt£) for the
1 See Nyiiyamaiijari, pp. 190-204, ifvariimulliilla of Raghunatha Siromal).i and
Udayana's Kusumiiiijali.
366 The Nyiiya- Vaise~ika Philosophy [ CH. VIII

fulfilment of desires cease and with it rebirth ceases and with

it sorrow ceases. Without false knowledge and attachment,
actions cannot produce the bondage of karma that leads to the
production of body and its experiences. With the cessation of
sorrow there is emancipation in which the self is divested of all
its qualities (consciousness, feeling, willing, etc.) and remains
in its own inert state. The state of mukti according to N yaya-
Vaise~ika is neither a state of pure knowledge nor of bliss but a
state of perfect qualitilessness, in which the self remains in itself in
its own purity. It is the negative state of absolute painlessness
in mukti that is sometimes spoken of as being a state of absolute
happiness (iina11da), though really speaking the state of mukti
can never be a state of happiness. It is a passive state of self in
its original and natural purity unassociated with pleasure, pain,
knowledge, willing, etc. 1•
Nyiiyamaiijari, pp. 499-533·

A Comparative Review.
THE Nyaya-Vaise~ika philosophy looked at experience from
a purely common sense point of view and did not work with any
such monistic tendency that the ultimate conceptions of our
common sense experience should be considered as coming out of
an original universal (e.g. prakrti of the Sarpkhya). Space, time,
the four elements, soul, etc. convey the impression that they are sub-
stantive entities or substances. vVhat is perceived of the material
things as qualities such as colour, taste, etc. is regarded as so many
entities which have distinct and separate existence but which
manifest themselves in connection with the substances. So also
karma or action is supposed to be a separate entity, and even
the class notions are perceived as separate entities inhering in
substances. Knowledge (jiiiina) which illuminates all things is
regarded only as a quality belonging to soul, just as there are
other qualities of material objects. Causation is viewed merely
as the collocation of conditions. The genesis of knowledge is
also viewed as similar in nature to the production of any other
physical eyent. Thus just as by the collocation of certain physical
circumstances a jug and its qualities are produced, so by the
combination and respective contacts of the soul, mind, sense, and
the objects of sense, knowledge (jiiii11a) is produced. Soul with
Nyaya is an inert unconscious entity in which knowledge, etc.
inhere. The relation between a substance and its quality, action,
class notion, etc. has also to be admitted as a separate entity, as
without it the different entities being without any principle of
relation would naturally fail to give us a philosophic construction.
Sarpkhya had conceived of a principle which consisted of an
infinite number of reals of three different types, which by their
combination were conceived to be able to produce all substances,
qualities, actions, etc. No difference was acknowledged to exist
between substances, qualities and actions, and it was conceived
1 On the meaning of the word Mimarpsa see Chapter IV.
MlnziilfZSii Philosophy [cH.
that these were but so many aspects of a combination of the three
types of reals in different proportions. The reals contained within
them the rudiments of all developments of matter, knowledge,
willing, feelings, etc. As combinations of reals changed incessantly
and new phenomena of matter and mind were manifested, collo-
cations did not bring about any new thing but brought about a
phenomenon which was already there in its causes in another
form. What we call knowledge or thought ordinarily, is with them
merely a form of subtle illuminating matter-stuff. Sarpkhya holds
however that there is a transcendent entity as pure conscious-
ness and that by some kind of transcendent reflection or contact
this pure consciousness transforms the bare translucent thought-
matter into conscious thought or experience of a person.
But this hypothesis of a pure self, as essentially distinct and
separate from knowledge as ordinarily understood, can hardly
be demonstrated in our common sense experience; and this has
been pointed out by the Nyaya school in a very strong and
emphatic manner. Even Sarpkhya did not try to prove that the
existence of its transcendent puru~a could be demonstrated in
experience, and it had to attempt to support its hypothesis of the
existence of a transcendent self on the ground of the need of
a permanent entity as a fixed object, to which the passing states
of knowledge could cling, and on grounds of moral struggle
towards virtue and emancipation. Sarpkhya had first supposed
knowledge to be merely a combination of changing reals, and
then had as a matter of necessity to admit a fixed principle as
puru~a (pure transcendent consciousness). The self is thus here
in some sense an object of inference to fill up the gap left by
the inadequate analysis of consciousness (buddlzi) as being non-
intelligent and incessantly changing.
Nyaya fared no better, for it also had to demonstrate self
on the ground that since knowledge existed it was a quality,
and therefore must inhere in some substance. This hypothesis
is again based upon another uncritical assumption that substances
and attributes were entirely separate, and that it was the nature
of the latter to inhere in the former, and also that knowledge was
a quality requiring (similarly with other attributes) a substance
in which to inhere. None of them could take their stand upon
the self-conscious nature of our ordinary thought and draw their
conclusions on the strength of the direct evidence of this self-
IX] Nyaya and Mzmii1fZSii
conscious thought. Of course it is true that Sarpkhya had ap-
proached nearer to this view than N yaya, but it had separated
the content of knowledge and its essence so irrevocably that it
threatened to break the integrity of thought in a manner quite
unwarranted by common sense experience, which does not seem
to reveal this dual element in thought. Anyhow the unification
of the content of thought and its essence had to be made, and this
could not be done except by what may be regarded as a make-
shift-a transcendent illusion running on from beginningless
time. These difficulties occurred because Sarpkhya soared to a
region which was not directly illuminated by the light of common
sense experience. The Nyaya position is of course much worse
as a metaphysical solution, for it did not indeed try to solve any-
thing, but only gave us a schedule of inferential results which could
not be tested by experience, and which were based ultimately on
a one-sided and uncritical assumption. It is an uncritical common
sense experience that substances are different from qualities and
actions, and that the latter inhere in the former. To base the
whole of metaphysics on such a tender and fragile experience is,
to say the least, building on a weak foundation. It was necessary
that the importance of the self-revealing thought must be brought
to the forefront, its evidence should be collected and trusted, and
an account of experience should be given according to its verdict.
No construction of metaphysics can ever satisfy us which ignores
the direct immediate convictions of self-conscious thought. It is
a relief to find that a movement of philosophy in this direction
is ushered in by the Mimarpsa system. The Jliimii1ttsii sfttras
were written by Jaimini and the commentary (bhii~ya) on it was
written by Sahara. But the systematic elaboration of it was made
by Kumarila, who preceded the great Sailkaracarya, and a disciple
of Kumarila, Prabhakara.

The Mimaf!lsa Literature.

It is difficult to say how the sacrificial system of worship grew
in India in the Brahmal).aS. This system once set up gradually
began to develop into a net-work of elaborate rituals, the details
of which were probably taken note of by the priests. As some
generations passed and the sacrifices spread over larger tracts of
India and grew up into more and more elaborate details, the old
rules and regulations began to be collected probably as tradition
370 M:ZmiiJ?tsii Philosophy [cH.
had it, and this it seems gave rise to the smrti literature. Dis-
cussions and doubts became more common about the many
intricacies of the sacrificial rituals, and regular rational enquiries
into them were begun in different circles by different scholars and
priests. These represent the beginnings of Mimarpsa (lit. at-
tempts at rational enquiry), and it is probable that there were
different schools of this thought. That 1aimini's lVlimiil!ZSii siitras
(which are with us the foundations ofMimarpsa)are only a compre-
hensive and systematic compilation of one school is evident from
the references he gives to the views in different matters of other
preceding writers who dealt with the subject. These works are not
available now, and we cannot say how much of what 1aimini has
written is his original work and how much of it borrowed. But it
may be said with some degree of confidence that it was deemed so
masterly a work at least of one school that it has survived all other
attempts that were made before him. 1aimini's Mimii7ttsii sfttras
were probably written about 200 B.C. and are now the ground work
of the Mimarpsa system. Commentaries were written on it by
various persons such as Bhartrmitra (alluded to in Nytiyaratniikara
verse 10 of Slokaviirttika), Bhavadasa (Prati.fiiasittra 63), Hari and
U pavar~a (mentioned in Stistradipikti). It is probable that at least
some of these preceded Sahara, the writer of the famous com-
mentary known as the ~·abara-bltii~ya. It is difficult to say any-
thing about the time in which he flourished. Dr Ganganatha
1ha would have him about 57 B.C. on the evidence of a current
verse which speaks of King Vikramaditya as being the son
of Sabarasvamin by a K~attriya wife. This bha~ya of Sahara
is the basis of the later Mimarpsa works. It was commented
upon by an unknown person alluded to as Varttikakara by
Prabhakara and merely referred to as "yathahul)" (as they say)
by Kumarila. Dr Gai1ganatha 1ha says that Prabhakara's com-
mentary Brlzati on the Saba1'a-blzii~ya was based upon the work
of this Varttikakara. This Brlzati of Prabhakara had another
commentary on it-IJ..fuvimiilii by Salikanatha Misra, who also
wrote a compendium on the Prabhakara interpretation of MI-
marpsa called Prakara?zapailcikii. Tradition says that Prab-
hakara (often referred to as Nibandhakara), whose views are
often alluded to as "gurumata," was a pupil of Kumarila. Ku-
marila Bhana, who is traditionally believed to be the senior con-
temporary of Sarikara (788 A.D.), wrote his celebrated independent
IX] Mznzanzsa Literature 371
exposttwn of Sahar-a's bha~ya in three parts known as Sloka-
viirttika (dealing only with the philosophical portion of Sahara's
work as contained in the first chapter of the first book known as
Tarkapada), Tantraviirttika (dealing with the remaining three
chapters of the first book, the second and the third book) and
Tup{ikii (containing brief notes on the remaining nine books) 1•
Kumarila is referred to by his later followers as Bhatta, Bhatta-
pada, and Varttikakara. The next great Mimarpsa scholar and
follower of Kumarila was Maryc;lana Misra, the author of Vidhi-
viveka, Mi11Ziiltzsiinukramwzi and the commentator of Ta1ztra-
viirttika, who became later on converted by Sati.kara to Vedantism.
Parthasarathi Misra (about ninth century A.D.) wrote his Siistradi-
pikii, Tantraratna, and Nyiiyaratnamiilii following the footprints
of Kumarila. Amongst the numerous other followers of Kumarila,
the names of Sucarita Misra the author of Kiisikii and Somesvara
the author of Nyiiyasudhii deserve special notice. Ramakr~rya
Bhatta wrote an excellent commentary on the Tarkapiida of Siis-
tradipikii called the Yuktisnelzapiira~zi-siddlziilzta-candn"kii and
So~anatha wrote his Jllayzlklzamiilikii on the remaining chapters
of Siistradipikii. Other important current Mimarpsa works which
deserve notice are such as Nyiiyamiiliivistara of Madhava, Subo-
dlzini, .llfimii1!Zsiibiilaprakiisa of Sati.kara Bhatta, Nyiiyakwtikii of
Vacaspati Misra, lJfimiiltzsiipan"bhii~a by Kr!?l)ayajvan, Mimii1?Zsii-
nyiiyaprakiisa by Anantadeva, Gaga Bhatta's Blza{facintiima~zi,
etc. Most of the books mentioned here have been consulted in the
writing of this chapter. The importance of the Mimarpsa litera-
ture for a Hindu is indeed great. For not only are all Vedic duties
to be performed according to its maxims, but even the smrti
literatures which regulate the daily duties, ceremonials and rituals
of Hindus even at the present day are all guided and explained
by them. The legal side of the smrtis consisting of inheritance,
proprietary rights, adoption, etc. which guide Hindu civil life even
under the British administration is explained according to the
Mimarpsa maxims. Its relations to the Vedanta philosophy will
be briefly indicated in the next chapter. Its relations with N yaya-
Vaise~ika have also been pointed out in various places of this
chapter. The views of the two schools of Mimarpsa as propounded
by Prabhakara and Kumarila on all the important topics have
1 Mahamahopadhyaya Haraprasada Sastri says, in his introduction to Six Buddhist
Nyiiya Tracts, that" Kumarila preceded Sankara by two generations."
372 Mzmii1!zsii Philosophy [cH.
also been pointed out. Prabhakara's views however could not
win many followers in later times, but while living it is said that
he was regarded by Kumarila as a very strong rivaP. Hardly
any new contribution has been made to the Mimarpsa philosophy
after Kumarila and Prabhakara. The .111imii1!lSii siUras deal mostly
with the principles of the interpretation of the Vedic texts in
connection with sacrifices, and very little of philosophy can be
gleaned out of them. Sahara's contributions are also slight and
vague. Varttikakara's views also can only be gathered from the
references to them by Kumarila and Prabhakara. What we know
of Mimarpsa philosophy consists of their views and theirs alone.
It did not develop any further after them. Works written on the
subject in later times were but of a purely expository nature. I do
not know of any work on Mimarpsa written in English except
the excellent one by Dr Gailganatha Jha on the Prabhakara
Mimarpsa to which I have frequently referred.
The Paratal)-pramaiJya doctrine of Nyaya and the
Svatal)-pramaQya doctrine of Mimarpsa.
The doctrine of the self-validity of knowledge (svata!z-
priimii?tya) forms the cornerstone on which the whole structure
of the Mimarpsa philosophy is based. Validity means the certi-
tude of truth. The Mimarpsa philosophy asserts that all know-
ledge excepting the action of remembering (smrti) or memory is
valid in itself, for it itself certifies its own truth, and neither
depends on any other extraneous condition nor on any other
knowledge for its validity. But Nyaya holds that this self-
validity of knowledge is a question which requires an explanation.
It is true that under certain conditions a piece of knowledge
is produced in us, but what is meant by saying that this
knowledge is a proof of its own truth? When we perceive
anything as blue, it is the direct result of visual contact, and this
visual contact cannot certify that the knowledge generated is
true, as the visual contact is not in any touch with the knowledge
1 There is a story that Kumarila, not being able to convert Prabhakara, his own

pupil, to his views, attempted a trick and pretended that he was dead. His disciples
then asked Prabhakara whether his burial rites should be performed according to
Kumarila's views or Prabhakara's. Prabhakara said that his own views were erroneous,
but these were held by him only to rouse up Kumarila's pointed attacks, whereas
Kumarila's views were the right ones. Kumarila then rose up and said that Prabhakara
was defeated, hut the latter said he was not defeated so long as he was alive. But
this has of course no historic value.
IX J Object£ons aga£nst the Seif-val£d£ty of K1zowledge 37 3
it has conditioned. Moreover, knowledge is a mental affair and
how can it certify the objective truth of its representation? In
other words, how can my perception "a blue thing" guarantee
that what is subjectively perceived as blue is really so objectively
as well? After my perception of anything as blue we do not
have any such perception that what I have perceived as blue
is really so. So this so-called self-validity of knowledge cannot
be testified or justified by any perception. We can only be cer-
tain that knowledge has been produced by the perceptual act, but
there is nothing in this knowledge or its revelation of its object
from which we can infer that the perception is also objectively
valid or true. If the production of any knowledge should certify
its validity then there would be no invalidity, no illusory know-
ledge, and following our perception of even a mirage we should
never come to grief. But we are disappointed often in our per-
ceptions, and this proves that when we practically follow the
directions of our perception we are undecided as to its validity,
which can only be ascertained by the correspondence of the per-
ception with what we find later on in practical experience. Again,
every piece· of knowledge is the result of certain causal colloca-
tions, and as such depends upon them for its production, and
hence cannot be said to rise without depending on anything else.
It is meaningless to speak of the validity of knowledge, for
validity always refers to objective realization of our desires and
attempts proceeding in accordance with our knowledge. People
only declare their knowledge invalid when proceeding practically
in accordance with it they are disappointed. The perception of
a mirage is called invalid when proceeding in accordance with
our perception we do not find anything that can serve the pur-
poses of water (e.g. drinking, bathing). The validity or truth of
knowledge is thus the attainment by practical experience of the
object and the fulfilment of all our purposes from it (arthakriyti-
jiztina or phalajfuina) just as perception or knowledge repre-
sented them to the perceiver. There is thus no self-validity of
knowledge (svata!z-prtimii?t.Ya), but validity is ascertained by
sa1!lvtida or agreement with the objective facts of experience•.
It is easy to see that this N yay a objection is based on the
supposition that knowledge is generated by certain objective
collocations of conditions, and that knowledge so produced can
1 See Nyiiyamaiijari, pp. 16o-173·
374 Mznzii1?ZSii Philosophy [cH.
only be tested by its agreement with objective facts. But this
theory of knowledge is merely an hypothesis; for it can never be
experienced that knowledge is the product of any collocations;
we have a perception and immediately we become aware of cer-
tain objective things; knowledge reveals to us the facts of the
objective world and this is experienced by us always. But that
the objective world generates knowledge in us is only an hypothesis
which can hardly be demonstrated by experience. It is the supreme
prerogative of knowledge that it reveals all other things. It is not a
phenomenon like any other phenomenon of the world. When we
say that knowledge has been produced in us by the external
collocations, we just take a perverse point ofview which is un-
warranted by experience; knowledge only photographs the
objective phenomena for us; but there is nothing to show that
knowledge has been generated by these phenomena. This is
only a theory which applies the ordinary conceptions of causation
to knowledge and this is evidently unwarrantable. Knowledge is
not like any other phenomena for it stands above them and
interprets or illumines them all. There can be no validity in
things, for truth applies to knowledge and knowledge alone. What
we call agreement with facts by practical experience is but the
agreement of previous knowledge with later knowledge; for ob-
jective facts never come to us directly, they are always taken
on the evidence of knowledge, and they have no other certainty
than what is bestowed on them by knowledge. There arise in-
deed different kinds of knowledge revealing different things, but
these latter do not on that account generate the former, for this
is never experienced; we are never aware of any objective fact
before it is revealed by knowledge. Why knowledge makes
different kinds of revelations is indeed more than we can say, for
experience only shows that knowledge reveals objective facts and
not why it does so. The rise of knowledge is never perceived by
us to be dependent on any objective fact, for all objective facts
are dependent on it for its revelation or illumination. This is
what is said to be the self-validity (svata[t-priimii?l.J!a) of know-
ledge in its production (utpatti). As soon as knowledge is pro-
duced, objects are revealed to us; there is no intermediate link
between the rise of knowledge and the revelation of objects on
which knowledge depends for producing its action of revealing
or illuminating them. Thus knowledge is not only independent
IX] Self-validity of Know ledge 375
of anything else in its own rise but in its own action as well
(svakiiryakara?te svata!z priimii?l)'al!t jiia1zasya). Whenever there
is any knowledge it carries with it the impression that it is
certain and valid, and we are naturally thus prompted to work
(prav_rtti) according to its direction. There is no indecision in
our mind at the time of the rise of knowledge as to the correct-
ness of knowledge ; but just as knowledge rises, it carries with
it the certainty of its revelation, presence, or action. But in cases
of illusory perception other perceptions or cognitions dawn which
carry with them the notion that our original knowledge was not
valid. Thus though the invalidity of any knowledge may appear
to us by later experience, and in accordance with which we
reject our former knowledge, yet when the knowledge first revealed
itself to us it carried with it the conviction of certainty which
goaded us on to work according to its indication. Whenever a man
works according to his knowledge, he does so with the conviction
that his knowledge is valid, and not in a passive or uncertain temper
of mind. This is what Mimarpsa means when it says that the
validity of knowledge appears immediately with its rise, though
its invalidity may be derived from later experience or some other
data (;izii11asya pnimii?tyam S'ZJata!z apnimii?tya1!l parata!z). Know-
ledge attained is proved invalid when later on a contradictory
experience (biidhaka;iliina) comes in or when our organs etc. are
known to be faulty and defective (kara?zado~aj1ziina). It is from
these that knowledge appearing as valid is invalidated; when
we take all necessary care to look for these and yet find them
not, we must think that they do not exist. Thus the validity of
knowledge certified at the moment of its production need not
be doubted unnecessarily when even after enquiry we do not find
any defect in sense or any contradiction in later experience. All
knowledge except memory is thus regarded as valid independently
by itself as a general rule, unless it is invalidated later on. Memory
is excluded because the phenomenon of memory depends upon
a previous experience, and its existing latent impressions, and
cannot thus be regarded as arising independently by itself.

The place of sense organs in perception.

We have just said that knowledge arises by itself and that it
could not have been generated by sense-contact. If this be so,
the diversity of perceptions is however left unexplained. But in
Mznzii1?ZSii Philosophy [cH.
face of the N yaya philosophy explaining all perceptions on the
ground of diverse sense-contact the Mima1psa probably could not
afford to remain silent on such an important point. It therefore
accepted the N yay a view of sense-contact as a condition of know-
ledge with slight modifications, and yet held their doctrine of
svatal).-pramal)ya. It does not appear to have been conscious of
a conflict between these two different principles of the production
of knowledge. Evidently the point of view from which it looked
at it was that the fact that there were the senses and contacts
of them with the objects, or such special capacities in them by
virtue of which the things could be perceived, was with us a
matter of inference. Their actions in producing the knowledge
are never experienced at the time of the rise of knowledge, but
when the knowledge arises we argue that such and such senses
must have acted. The only case where knowledge is found to
be dependent on anything else seems to be the case where one
knowledge is found to depend on a previous experience or know-
ledge as in the case of memory. In other cases the dependence
of the rise of knowledge on anything else cannot be felt, for the
physical collocations conditioning knowledge are not felt to be
operating before the rise of knowledge, and these are only in-
ferred later on in accordance with the nature and characteristic
of knowledge. We always have our first start in knowledge
which is directly experienced from which we may proceed later
on to the operation and nature of objective facts in relation to it.
Thus it is that though contact of the senses with the objects
may later on be imagined to be the conditioning factor, yet the
rise of knowledge as well as our notion of its validity strikes us
as original, underived, immediate, and first-hand.
Prabhakara gives us a sketch as to how the existence of
the senses may be inferred. Thus our cognitions of objects are
phenomena which are not all the same, and do not happen always
in the same manner ,for these vary differently at different moments;
the cognitions of course take place in the soul which may thus
be regarded as the material cause (samaviiyikiira~ta); but there
must be some such movements or other specific associations
(asamaviiyikiira~ta) which render the production of this or
that specific cognition possible. The immaterial causes subsist
either in the cause of the material cause (e.g. in the case of the
colouring of a white piece of cloth, the colour of the yarns which
IX] Sense-contact and Perceptz"o1t 377
is the cause of the colour in the cloth subsists in the yarns which
form the material cause of the cloth) or in the material cause it-
self (e.g. in the case of a new form of smell being produced in a
substance by fire-contact, this contact, which is the immaterial
cause of the smell, subsists in that substance itself which is put
in the fire and in which the smell is produced). The soul is
eternal and has no other cause, and it has to be assumed that
the immaterial cause required for the rise of a cognition must
inhere in the soul, and hence must be a quality. Then again
accepting the Nyaya conclusions we know that the rise of qualities
in an eternal thing can only take place by contact with some
other substances. Now cognition being a quality which the soul
acquires would naturally require the contact of such substances.
Since there is nothing to show that such substances inhere in
other substances they are also to be taken as eternal. There are
three eternal substances, time, space, and atoms. But time and
space being all-pervasive the soul is always in contact with them.
Contact with these therefore cannot explain the occasional rise
of different cognitions. This contact must then be of some kind
of atom which resides in the body ensouled by the cognizing soul.
This atom may be called manas (mind). This manas alone by
itself brings about cognitions, pleasure, pain, desire, aversion,
effort, etc. The manas however by itself is found to be devoid
of any such qualities as colour, smell, etc., and as such cannot
lead the soul to experience or cognize these qualities; hence
it stands in need of such other organs as may be characterized
by these qualities; for the cognition of colour, the mind will
need the aid of an organ of which colour is the characteristic
quality; for the cognition of smell, an organ having the odorous
characteristic and so on with touch, taste, vision. Now we know
that the organ which has colour for its distinctive feature must
be one composed of tejas or light, as colour is a feature of light,
and this proves the existence of the organ, the eye-for the cogni-
tion of colour; in a similar manner the existence of the earthly
organ (organ of smell), the aqueous organ (organ of taste), the
akasic organ (organ of sound) and the airy organ (organ of
touch) may be demonstrated. But without manas none of these
organs is found to be effective. Four necessary contacts have
to be admitted, (I) of the sense organs with the object, (2) of the
sense organs with the qualities of the object, (3) of the manas
M2mli1?zsii Philosophy [cH.
with the sense organs, and (4) of the manas with the soul. The
objects of perception are of three kinds,( 1) substances,(2) qualities,
(3) jati or class. The material substances are tangible objects of
earth, fire, water, air in large dimensions (for in their fine atomic
states they cannot be perceived). The qualities are colour, taste,
smell, touch, number, dimension, separateness, conjunction, dis-
junction, priority, posteriority, pleasure, pain, desire, aversion, and
effort 1 •
It may not be out of place here to mention in conclusion that
Kumarila Bhana was rather undecided as to the nature of the
senses or of their contact with the objects. Thus he says that
the senses may be conceived either as certain functions or
activities, or as entities having the capacity of revealing things
without coming into actual contact with them, or that they might
be entities which actually come in contact with their objects 2, and
he prefers this last view as being more satisfactory.

Indeterminate and determinate perception.

There are two kinds of perception in two stages, the first
stage is called nirvikalpa (indeterminate) and the second savikalpa
(determinate). The nirvikalpa perception of a thing is its per-
ception at the first moment of the association of the senses and
their objects. Thus Kumarila says that the cognition that appears
first is a mere iilocmza or simple perception, called non-determinate
pertaining to the object itself pure and simple, and resembling
the cognitions that the new-born infant has of things around
himself. In this cognition neither the genus nor the differentia is
presented to consciousness; all that is present there is the
individual wherein these two subsist. This view of indeterminate
perception may seem in some sense to resemble the Buddhist
view which defines it as being merely the specific individuality
(svalak~a1Ja) and regards it as being the only valid element in
perception, whereas all the rest are conceived as being imaginary
See Prakara~zapmicikii, pp. 52 etc., and Dr Gmiganatha Jha's Prabhiikarami-
miif!lSii, pp. 35 etc.
Slokaviirllika, see Pratyakfasiif1·a, 40 etc., and N;'ii;•araluiikara on it. It may be
noted in this connection that Sarp.khya-Voga did not think like Nyaya that the senses
actually went out to meet the objects (priipyakiirilva) but held that there was a special
kind of functioning (vrlli) by virtue of which the senses could grasp even such distant
objects as the sun and the stars. It is the functioning of the sense that reached the
objects. The nature of this vrtti is not further clearly explained and Parthasarathi objects
to it as being almost a different category (tallviinlara).
IX] Indeterminate and Deternzinate Perception 379
impositions. But both Kumarila and Prabhakara think that both
the genus and the differentia are perceived in the indeterminate
stage, but these do not manifest themselves to us only because
we do not remember the other things in relation to which, or in
contrast to which, the percept has to show its character as genus or
differentia; a thing can be cognized as an "individual" only in
comparison with other things from which it differs in certain well-
defined characters; and it can be apprehended as belonging to a
class only when it is found to possess certain characteristic features
in common with some other things; so we see that as other things
are not presented to consciousness through memory, the percept
at the indeterminate stage cannot be fully apprehended as an
individual belonging to a class, though the data constituting the
characteristic of the thing as a genus and its differentia are per-
ceived at the indeterminate stage 1 • So long as other things are not
remembered these data cannot manifest themselves properly, and
hence the perception of the thing remains indeterminate at the first
stage of perception. At the second stage the self by its past im-
pressions brings the present perception in relation to past ones
and realizes its character as involving universal and particular. It
is thus apparent that the difference between the indeterminate
and the determinate perception is this, that in the latter case
memory of other things creeps in, but this association of memory
in the determinate perception refers to those other objects of .
memory and not to the percept. It is also held that though the
determinate perception is based upon the indeterminate one, yet
since the former also apprehends certain such factors as did not
enter into the indeterminate perception, it is to be regarded as
a valid cognition. Kumarila also agrees with Prabhakara in
holding both the indeterminate and the determinate perception
valid 2•

Some Ontological Problems connected with the

Doctrine of Perception.
The perception of the class (jiiti) of a percept in relation to
other things may thus be regarded in the main as a difference
between determinate and indeterminate perceptions. The pro-
blems of jati and avayavavayav1 (part and whole notion) were
1 Compare this with the Vai~e~ika view as interpreted by Sridhara.
2 See Prakara'!apancikii and ~iistradipikli.
Mimii1!zsii Philosophy [cH.
the subjects of hot di"spute in Indian philosophy. Before enter-
ing into discussion about jati, Prabhakara first introduced the
problem of avayava (part) and avayavi (whole). He argues as
an exponent of svatalf-pramal)yavada that the proof of the true
existence of anything must ultimately rest on our own con-
sciousness, and what is distinctly recognized in consciousness
must be admitted to have its existence established. Following
this canon Prabhakara says that gross objects as a whole exist,
since they are so perceived. The subtle atoms are the material
cause and their connection ( sattzyoga) is the immaterial cause
(asm1zavliyikara~za), and it is the latter which renders the whole
altogether different from the parts of which it is composed; and
it is not necessary that all the parts should be perceived before the
whole is perceived. Kumarila holds that it is due to the point of
view from which we look at a thing that we call it a separate
whole or only a conglomeration of parts. In reality they are iden-
tical, but when we lay stress on the notion of parts, the thing
appears to be a conglomeration of them, and when we look at it
from the point of view of the unity appearing as a whole, the thing
appears to be a whole of which there are parts (see Slokaviirttika,
Vanaviida) 1•
Jati, though incorporating the idea of having many units within
one, is different from the conception of whole in this, that it resides
in its entirety in each individual constituting that jati ( vyiisajya-
1 According to Sarpkhya· Yoga a thing is regarded as the unity of the universal and

the particular (siimiillyavifeJasamudiiyo dravyam, VyiisabhiiJya, 111. 44); for there is no

other separate entity which is different from them both in which they would inhere
as Nyaya holds. Conglomerations can be of two kinds, namely those in which the parts
exist at a distance from one another (e.g. a forest), and those in which they exist close to-
gether (nirantarii hi tadavayavii!!), and it is this latter combination (ayutasiddhiivayava)
which is called a dravya, but here also there is no separate whole distinct from the parts;
it is the parts connected in a particular way and having no perceptible space between
them that is called a thing or a whole. The Buddhists as PaQditasoka has shown did
not believe in any whole (avayavJ) ; it is the atoms which in connection with one
another appeared as a whole occupying space (paramli~zava eva hi pararupadefapari-
hiire~zotpamziif; parasparasahittl avabhiisamiinii defavitii1lava1lto bhavanti). The whole
is thus a mere appearance and nota reality (seeAvayaviniriikara~ra,SixBuddhistNyaya
Tracts). Nyaya however held that the atoms were partless (niravayava) and hence it
would be wrong to say that when we see an object we see the atoms. The existence
of a whole as diflcrent from the parts which belong to it is directly experienced and
there is no valid reason against it :
'' aduJtakara~todbhutamaniivi1·bhutabiidhakam
asa1zdigdalica vijiiiinam kat ham mithyeti kathyate."
Nyii)'amalijari, pp. 550 ff.
IX] Jati a1ld Sa1navaya
vrtti), but the establishment of the existence of wholes refutes the
argument that jati should be denied, because it involves the concep-
tion of a whole (class) consisting of many parts (individuals). The
class character or jati exists because it is distinctly perceived by
us in the individuals included in any particular class. It is eternal
in the sense that it continues to exist in other individuals, even
when one of the individuals ceases to exist. When a new in-
dividual of that class (e.g. cow class) comes into being, a new
relation of inherence is generated by which the individual is
brought into relation with the class-character existing in other
individuals; for inherence (samaviiya) according to Prabhakara
is not an eternal entity but an entity which is both produced
and not produced according as the thing in which it exists is
non-eternal or eternal, and it is not regarded as one as Nyaya
holds, but as many, according as there is the infinite number of
things in which it exists. When any individual is destroyed, the
class-character does not go elsewhere, nor subsist in that in-
dividual, nor is itself destroyed, but it is only the inherence of
class-character with that individual that ceases to exist. With
the destruction of an individual or its production it is a new
relation of inherence that is destroyed or produced. But the class-
character or jati has no separate existence apart from the indi vi-
duals as Nyaya supposes. Apprehension of jati is essentially
the apprehension of the class-character of a thing in relation to
other similar things of that class by the perception of the common
characteristics. But Prabhakara would not admit the existence of
a highest genus satta (being) as acknowledged by N yay a. He
argues that the existence of class-character is apprehended be-
cause we find that the individuals of a class possess some common
characteristic possessed by all the heterogeneous and disparate
things of the world as can give rise to the conception of a separate
jati as satta, as demanded by the naiyayikas. That all things are
said to be sat (existing) is more or less a word or a name without
the corresponding apprehension of a common quality. Our ex-
perience always gives us concrete existing individuals, but we
can never experience such a highest genus as pure existence or
being, as it has no concrete form which may be perceived. When
we speak of a thing as sat, we do not mean that it is possessed
of any such class-characters as satta (being) ; what we mean
is simply that the individual has its specific existence or svarii-
Mimii??zsii Ph£/osophy [cH.
pasattii. Thus the N yaya view of perception as taking only the
thing in its pure being apart from qualities, etc. (sanmiitra-vi~ayam
pratyak~m!z) is made untenable by Prabhakara, as according to
him the thing is perceived direct with all its qualities. According
to Kumarila however jati is not something different from the
individuals comprehended by it and it is directly perceived.
Kumarila's view of jati is thus similar to that held by Sarrkhya,
namely that when we look at an individual from one point of
view (jati as identical with the individual), it is the individual that
lays its stress upon our consciousness and the notion of jati be-
comes latent, but when we look at it from another point of view
(the individual as identical with jati) it is the jati which presents
itselfto consciousness, and the aspect as individual becomes latent.
The apprehension as jati or as individual is thus only a matter
of different points of view or angles of vision from which we look
at a thing. Quite in harmony with the conception of jati, Kumarila
holds that the relation of inherence is not anything which is dis-
tinct from the things themselves in which it is supposed to exist,
but only a particular aspect or phase of the things themselves
(Slokaviirttika, Pratyak~asiitra, 149, I 50, abhediit samaviiyo'stu
svantpam dharmadharmi~zo!z), Kumarila agrees with Prabhakara
that jati is perceived by the senses (tatraikabuddhinirgriillJiii
It is not out of place to mention that on the evidence of
Prabhakara we find that the category of vise~a admitted by the
Kat].ada school is not accepted as a separate category by the
l\1Imarrsa on the ground that the differentiation of eternal
things from one another, for which the category of vise~a is
admitted, may very well be effected on the basis of the ordinary
qualities of these things. The quality of prthaktva or specific
differences in atoms, as inferred by the difference of things they
constitute, can very well serve the purposes of vise~a.

The nature of knowledge.

All knowledge involves the knower, the known object, and the
knowledge at the same identical moment. All knowledge whether
perceptual, inferential or of any other kind must necessarily reveal
the self or the knower directly. Thus as in all knowledge the self
is directly and immediately perceived, all knowledge may be re-
ganled as perception from the point of view of self. The division
IX] Self-revealing Character of Know ledge
of the pramaQas as pratyak~a (perception), anumana (inference),
etc. is from the point of view of the objects of knowledge with
reference to the varying modes in which they are brought within
the purviewofknowledge. Theselfitselfhowever has no illumining
or revealing powers, for then even in deep sleep we could have
knowledge, for the self is present even then, as is proved by the
remembrance of dreams. It is knowledge (sm?zvid) that reveals
by its very appearance both the self, the knower, and the objects.
It is generally argued against the self-illuminative character of
knowledge that all cognitions are of the forms of the objects they
are said to reveal; and if they have the same form we may rather
say that they have the same identical reality too. The Mimarpsa
answer to these objections is this, that if the cognition and the
cognized were not different from one another, they could not
have been felt as such, and we could not have felt that it is
by cognition that we apprehend the cognized objects. The
cognition (sa1tzvedana) of a person simply means that such a
special kind of quality (dharma) has been manifested in the
self by virtue of which his active operation with reference to
a certain object is favoured or determined, and the object of cog-
nition is that with reference to which the active operation of the
self has been induced. Cognitions are not indeed absolutely form-
less, for they have the cognitional character by which things are
illumined and manifested. Cognition has no other character than
this, that it illumines and reveals objects. The things only are
believed to have forms and only such forms as knowledge reveal
to us about them. Even the dream cognition is with reference to
objects that were perceived previously, and of which the im-
pressions were left in the mind and were aroused by the
unseen agency (adr~!a). Dream cognition is thus only a kind of
remembrance of that which was previously experienced. Only
such of the impressions of cognized objects are roused in dreams
as can beget just that amount of pleasurable or painful experience,
in accordance with the operation of adr~!a, as the person deserves
to have in accordance with his previous merit or demerit.
The Prabhakara Mimarpsa, in refuting the arguments of those
who hold that our cognitions of objects are themselves cognized
by some other cognition, says that this is not possible, since we
do not experience any such double cognition and also because it
would lead us to a regrcssus ad injillitum, for if a second cognition
Mzmii1?zsa Philosophy [cH.
is necessary to interpret the first, then that would require a third
and so on. If a cognition could be the object of another cognition,
then it could not be self-valid. The cognition is not of course un-
known to us, but that is of course because it is self-cognized, and
reveals itself to us the moment it reveals its objects. From the
illumination of objects also we can infer the presence of this self-
cognizing knowledge. But it is only its presence that is inferred
and not the cognition itself, for inference can only indicate the
presence of an object and not in th~ form in which it can be
apprehended by perception (pratyak~a). Prabhakara draws a
subtle distinction between perceptuality (smtzvedyatva) and being
object of knowledge (prameyatva). A thing can only be appre-
hended (smztvedyate) by perception, whereas inference can only
indicate the presence of an object without apprehending the
object itsel( Our cognition cannot be apprehended by any other
cognition. Inference can only indicate the presence or existence
of knowledge but cannot apprehend the cognition itselfl.
Kumarila also agrees with Prabhakara in holding that per-
ception is never the object of another perception and that it ends
in the direct apprehensibility of the object of perception. But he
says that every perception involves a relationship between the
perceiver and the perceived, wherein the perceiver behaves as
the agent whose activity in grasping the object is known as cog-
nition. This is indeed different from the Prabhakara view, that
in one manifestation of knowledge the knower, the known, and
the knowledge, are simultaneously illuminated (the doctrine of
tri'pu!ipratyak~a) 2 •

The Psychology of Illusion.

The question however arises that if all apprehensions are
valid, how are we to account for illusory perceptions which cannot
be regarded as valid? The problem of illusory perception and
its psychology is a very favourite topic of discussion in Indian
philosophy. Omitting the theory of illusion of the Jains called
satkhyiiti which we have described before, and of the Vedantists,
which we shall describe in the next chapter, there are three
different theories of illusion, viz. (1) iitmakhyiiti, (2) viparltakhyiiti
or anyathiikhyiiti, and (3) akhyiiti of the Mrma£!1sa school. The
I See Prabhiikaramimiit!fsii, by Dr Gaiiganatha Jha.
2 /oc. cit. pp. 26-28.
IX] Buddhist and Nyaya Doctrine o_f Illusion
viparltakhyati or anyathakhyati theory of illusion is accepted by
the N yay a, V aise~ika and the Yoga, the akhyati theory by
M:tmarrsa and Sarrkhya and the atmakhyati by the Buddhists.
The commonest example of illusion in Indian philosophy is
the illusory appearance of a piece of broken conch-shell as a piece
of silver. That such an ill us ion occurs is a fact which is experienced
by all and agreed to by all. The differences of view are with regard
to its cause or its psychology. The idealistic Buddhists who deny
the existence of the external world and think that there are only
the forms of knowledge, generated by the accumulated karma of
past lives, hold that just as in the case of a correct perception, so
also in the case of illusory perception it is the flow of knowledge
which must be held responsible. The flow of knowledge on account
of the peculiarities of its own collocating conditions generates
sometimes what we call right perception and sometimes wrong
perception or illusion. On this view nothing depends upon the so-
called external data. For they do not exist, and even if they did
exist, why should the same data sometimes bring about the right
perception and sometimes the illusion? The flow of knowledge
creates both the percept and the perceiver and unites them. This
is true both in the case of correct perception and illusory per-
ception. N yaya objects to the above view, and says that if
knowledge irrespective of any external condition imposes upon
itself the knower and the illusory percept, then the perception
ought to be of the form "I am silver" and not "this is silver."
Moreover this theory stands refuted, as it is based upon a false
hypothesis that it is the inner knowledge which appears as coming
from outside and that the external as such does not exist.
The viparltakhyati or the anyathakhyati theory supposes that
the illusion takes place because on account of malobservation we
do not note the peculiar traits of the conch-shell as distinguished
from the silver, and at the same time by the glow etc. of the
conch-shell unconsciously the silver which I had seen elsewhere
is remembered and the object before me is taken as silver. In
illusion the object before us with which our eye is associated is
not conch-shell, for the traits peculiar to it not being grasped, it
is merely an object. The silver is not utterly non-existent, for it
exists elsewhere and it is the memory of it as experienced before
that creates confusion and leads us to think of the conch-shell as
silver. This school agrees with the akhyati school that the fact
Mznzii1!zsa Philosophy [cH.
that I remember silver is not taken note of at the time of
illusion. But it holds that the mere non-distinction is not enough
to account for the phenomenon of illusion, for there is a definite
positive aspect associated with it, viz. the false identification of
silver (seen elsewhere) with the conch-shell before us.
The akhyati theory of MimalTlsa holds that since the special
peculiarities of the conch-shell are not noticed, it is erroneous
to say that we identify or cognize positively the conch-shell as
the silver (perceived elsewhere), for the conch-shell is not cog-
nized at all. What happens here is simply this, that only the
features common to conch-shell and silver being noticed, the per-
ceiver fails to apprehend the difference between these two things,
and this gives rise to the cognition of silver. Owing to a certain
weakness of the mind the remembrance of silver roused by the
common features of the conch-shell and silver is not apprehended,
and the fact that it is only a memory of silver seen in some past
time that has appeared before him is not perceived; and it is as
a result of this non-apprehension of the difference between the
silver remembered and the present conch-shell that the illusion
takes place. Thus, though the illusory perception partakes of a
dual character of remembrance and apprehension, and as such is
different from the ordinary valid perception (which is wholly a
matter of direct apprehension) of real silver before us, yet as the
difference between the remembrance of silver and the sight of
the present object is not apprehended, the illusory perception
appears at the moment of its production to be as valid as a real
valid perception. Both give rise to the same kind of activity on
the part of the agent, for in illusory perception the perceiver
would be as eager to stoop and pick up the thing as in the case
of a real perception. Kumarila agrees with this view as expounded
by Prabhakara, and further says that the illusory judgment is as
valid to the cognizor at the time that he has the cognition as any
real judgment could be. If subsequent experience rejects it, that
does not matter, for it is admitted in MimalTlsa that when later
experience finds out the defects of any perception it can invalidate
the original perception which was self-valid at the time of its
production 1 • It is easy to see that the MimalTlsa had to adopt
this view of illusion to maintain the doctrine that all cognition
at the moment of its production is valid. The akhyati theory
1 See Prakara~zapaiicikii, .S·astradipikii, and Slokaviirttika, si"ttra 2.
IX] Inference
tries to establish the view that the illusion is not due to any
positive wrong knowledge, but to a mere negative factor of non-
apprehension due to certain weakness of mind. So it is that
though illusion is the result, yet the cognition so far as it is cog-
nition, is made up of two elements, the present perception and
memory, both of which are true so far as they are individually
present to us, and the cognition itself has all the characteristics of
any other valid knowledge, for the mark of the validity of a cogni-
tion is its power to prompt us to action. In doubtful cognitions also,
as in the case" Is this a post or a man?" what is actually perceived
is some tall object and thus far it is valid too. But when this
perception gives rise to two different kinds of remembrance (of
the pillar and the man), doubt comes in. So the element of ap-
prehension involved in doubtful cognitions should be regarded
as self-valid as any other cognition.

Sahara says that when a certain fixed or permanent relation
has been known to exist between two things, we can have the
idea of one thing when the other one is perceived, and this kind
of knowledge is called inference. Kumarila on the basis of this
tries to show that inference is only possible when we notice
that in a large number of cases two things (e.g. smoke and fire)
subsist together in a third thing (e.g. kitchen, etc.) in some inde-
pendent relation, i.e. when their coexistence does not depend
upon any other eliminable condition or factor. It is also neces-
sary that the two things (smoke and fire) coexisting in a third
thing should be so experienced that all cases of the existence of
one thing should also be cases involving the existence of the
other, but the cases of the existence of one thing (e.g. fire),
though including all the cases of the existence of the other
(smoke), may have yet a more extensive sphere where the latter
(smoke) may not exist. \Vhen once a permanent relation, whether
it be a case of coexistence (as in the case of the contiguity of
the constellation of Krttika with Rohit:J.I, where, by the rise of the
former the early rise of the latter may be inferred), or a case of
identity (as in the relation between a genus and its species), or
a case of cause and effect or otherwise between two things and
a third thing which had been apprehended in a large number of
cases, is perceived, they fuse together in the mind as forming
lriinzii:l!ZSii Philosophy [cH.
one whole, and as a result of that when the existence of the
one (e.g. smoke) in a thing (hill) is noticed, we can infer the
existence of the thing (hill) with its counterpart (fire). In all
such cases the thing (e.g. fire) which has a sphere extending
beyond that in which the other (e.g. smoke) can exist is called
gamya or vyiipaka and the other (e.g. smoke) VJ'iipya or gamaka
and it is only by the presence of gamaka in a thing (e.g. hill,
the pak!?a) that the other counterpart the gamya (fire) may be
inferred. The general proposition, universal coexistence of the
gamaka with the gamya (e.g. wherever there is smoke there is
fire) cannot be the cause of inference, for it is itself a case
of inference. Inference involves the memory of a permanent
relation subsisting between two things (e.g. smoke and fire) in a
third thing (e.g. kitchen); but the third thing is remembered only
in a general way that the coexisting things must have a place
where they are found associated. It is by virtue of such a memory
that the direct perception of a basis (e.g. hill) with the gamaka
thing (e.g. smoke) in it would naturally bring to my mind that
the same basis (hill) must contain the gamya (i.e. fire) also.
Every case of inference thus proceeds directly from a perception
and not from any universal general proposition. Kumarila holds
that the inference gives us the minor as associated with the major
and not of the major alone, i.e. of the fiery mountain and not of
fire. Thus inference gives us a new knowledge, for though it was
known in a general way that the possessor of smoke is the pos-
sessor of fire, yet the case of the mountain was not anticipated
and the inference of the fiery mountain is thus a distinctly new
knowledge (desakiiliidhikyiidyuktamagrlzitagriihitvam anumiina-
sya, Nyayaratnakara, p. 363) 1• It should also be noted that in
forming the notion of the permanent relation between two things,
a third thing in which these two subsist is always remembered
and for the conception of this permanent relation it is enough
that in the large number of cases whc;re the concomitance was
noted there was no knowledge of any case where the concomit-
ance failed, and it is not indispensable that the negative instances
in which the absence of the gamya or vyapaka was marked by an
1 It is important to note that it is not unlikely that Kumarila was indebted to

Diimaga for this; for Diimaga's main contention is that ''it is not fire, nor the con-
nection between it and the hill, but it is the fiery hill that is inferred" for otherwise
inference would give us no new knowledge (see Vidyal>hii~al)a's India11. Logic, p. 8;
and Tiilparya{ikii, p. 120.
IX] Inference
absence of the gamaka or vyapya, should also be noted, for a
knowledge of such a negative relation is not indispensable for
the forming of the notion of the permanent relation 1• The ex-
perience of a large number of particular cases in which any two
things were found to coexist together in another thing in some
relation associated with the non-perception of any case of failure
creates an expectancy in us of inferring the presence of the
gamya in that thing in which the gamaka is perceived to exist
in exactly the same relation 2• In those cases where the circle of
the existence of the gamya coincides with the circle of the exist-
ence of the gamaka, each of them becomes a gamaka for the other.
It is clear that this form of inference not only includes all cases
of cause and effect, of genus and species but also all cases of
coexistence as well.
The question arises that if no inference is possible without
a memory of the permanent relation, is not the self-validity
of inference destroyed on that account, for memory is not re-
garded as self-valid. To this Kumarila's answer is that memory
is not invalid, but it has not the status of pramal)a, as it does
not bring to us a new knowledge. But inference involves the
acquirement of a new knowledge in this, that though the coex-
istence of two things in another was known in a number of cases,
yet in the present case a new case of the existence of the gamya
in a thing is known from the perception of the existence of the
gamaka and this knowledge is gained by a means which is not
perception, for it is only the gamaka that is seen and not the
gamya. If the gamya is also seen it is no inference at all.
As regards the number of propositions necessary for the ex-
plicit statement of the process of inference for convincing others
(piiriirtluinumiina) both Kumarila and Prabhakara hold that three
premisses are quite sufficient for inference. Thus the first three
premisses pratijfia, hetu and dr!?tanta may quite serve the purpose
of an anumana.
There are two kinds of anumana according to Kumarila
viz. pratyak!?atodr~tasambandha and samanyatodr!?tasambandha.
The former is that kind of inference where the permanent
1 Kumarila strongly opposes a Buddhist view that concomitance (vyapti) is ascer-

tained only by the negative instances and not by the positive ones.
2 " tasmiidanavagate'pi sarvatriinvaye sarvatafca zyatireke bahufalf siihityiivagama-

miitriideva vyabhiciiriidarfanasaniithiidanumiinotpattiraizgikartavyalf. '' Nyiiyaratnii-

kara, p. -z88.
390 Mznzii7!zsii Philosophy [cH.
relation between two concrete things, as in the case of smoke and
fire, has been noticed. The latter is that kind of inference where
the permanent relation is observed not between two concrete
things but between two general notions, as in the case of move-
ment and change of place, e.g. the perceived cases where there is
change of place there is also motion involved with it; so from the
change of place of the sun its motion is inferred and it is held
that this general notion is directly perceived like all universals 1 •
Prabhakara recognizes the need of forming the notion of the
permanent relation, but he does not lay any stress on the fact
that this permanent relation between two things (fire and smoke)
is taken in connection with a third thing in which they both
subsist. He says that the notion of the permanent relation be-
tween two things is the main point, whereas in all other associa-
tions of time and place the things in which these two subsist
together are taken only as adjuncts to qualify the two things
(e.g. fire and smoke). It is also necessary to recognize the fact that
though the concomitance of smoke in fire is only conditional, the
concomitance of the fire in smoke is unconditional and abso-
lute2. \Vhen such a conviction is firmly rooted in the mind that
the concept of the presence of smoke involves the concept of the
presence of fire, the inference of fire is made as soon as any
smoke is seen. Prabhakara counts separately the fallacies of the
minor (pak~iibhiisa), of the enunciation (prati_jfiablzasa) and of
the example (d!--~!antabiLiisa) along with the fallacies of the middle
and this seems to indicate that the Mlmatpsa logic was not alto-
gether free from Buddhist influence. The cognition of smoke
includes within itself the cognition of fire also, and thus there
would be nothing left unknown to be cognized by the inferential
cognition. But this objection has little force with Prabhakara,
for he does not admit that a pramarya should necessarily bring
us any new knowledge, for pramarya is simply defined as "appre-
hension." So though the inferential cognition always pertains to
things already known it is yet regarded by him as a pramal)a,
since it is in any case no doubt an apprehension.
1 See .Siokaviirttika, N;•.ryaratni'ikara, Strstradipil:li, Yuktisnehapiira~;~i, Siddhan-

tacandrikii on anumiina.
2 On the subject of the means of assuring oneself that there is no condition (upiidhi)

which may vitiate the inference, Prabhakara has nothing new to tell us. He says that
where even after careful enquiry in a large number of cases the condition cannot he
discovered we must say that it does not exist (praya!lulzanviiyamii~u aupiidhikatva-
llavagamiit, see Frakara~zapaiicikli, p. 71 ).
IX] Upanzii1za and A rthapatti 391

U pam ana, Arthapatti.

Analogy (upamana) is accepted by Mimatpsa in a sense which
is different from that in which N yaya took it. The man who
has seen a cow (go) goes to the forest and sees a wild ox
(gavaya), and apprehends the similarity of the gavaya with
the go, and then cognizes the similarity of the go (which is not
within the limits of his perception then) with the gavaya. The
cognition of this similarity of the gavaya in the go, as it follows
directly from the perception of the similarity of the go in the
gavaya, is called upamana (analogy). It is regarded as a sepa-
rate pramar:ta, because by it we can apprehend the similarity
existing in a thing which is not perceived at the moment. It is
not mer~ remembrance, for at the time the go was seen the
gavaya was not seen, and hence the similarity also was not seen,
and what was not seen could not be remembered. The difference
of Prabhakara and Kumarila on this point is that while the
latter regards similarity as only a quality consisting in the fact
of more than one object having the same set of qualities, the
former regards it as a distinct category.
Arthiipatti (implication) is a new pramal)a which is admitted
by the Mimatpsa. Thus when we know that a person Devadatta
is alive and perceive that he is not in the house, we cannot re-
concile these two facts, viz. his remaining alive and his not being
in the house without presuming his existence somewhere outside
the house, and this method of cognizing the existence of Deva-
datta outside the house is called arthiipatti (presumption or
The exact psychological analysis of the mind in this artha-
patti cognition is a matter on which Prabhakara and Kumarila
disagree. Prabhakara holds that when a man knows that Deva-
datta habitually resides in his house but yet does not find him
there, his knowledge that Devadatta is living (though acquired
previously by some other means of proof) is made doubtful, and
the cause of this doubt is that he does not find Devadatta at his
house. The absence of Devadatta from the house is not the cause
of implication, but it throws into doubt the very existence of Deva-
datta, and thus forces us to imagine that Devadatta must remain
somewhere outside. That can only be found by implication,
without the hypothesis of which the doubt cannot be removed.
The mere absence of Devadatta from the house is not enough for
392 Mz77tiiJ?tsii Philosophy [cH.
making the presumption that he is outside the house, for he
might also be dead. But I know that Devadatta was living and
also that he was not at home; this perception of his absence from
home creates a doubt as regards my first knowledge that he is
living, and it is for the removal of this doubt that there creeps in
the presumption that he must be living somewhere else. The
perception of the absence of Devadatta through the intermediate
link of a doubt passes into the notion of a presumption that he
must then remain somewhere else. In inference there is no ele-
ment of doubt, for it is only \vhen the smoke is perceived to exist
beyond the least element of doubt that the inference of the fire
is possible, but in presumption the perceived non-existence in the
house leads to the presumption of an external existence only
when it has thrO\vn the fact of the man's being alive into doubt
and uncertainty 1•
Kumarila however objects to this explanation of Prabhakara,
and says that if the fact that Devadatta is living is made doubt-
ful by the absence of Devadatta at his house, then the doubt
may as well be removed by the supposition that Devadatta is
dead, for it does not follow that the doubt with regard to the life
of Devadatta should necessarily be resolved by the supposition
of his being outside the house. Doubt can only be removed
when the cause or the root of doubt is removed, and it does not
follow that because Devadatta is not in the house therefore he is
living. I fit was already known that Devadatta \vas living and his
absence from the house creates the doubt, how then can the very
fact which created the doubt remove the doubt? The cause of
doubt cannot be the cause of its removal too. The real procedure
of the presumption is quite the other way. The doubt about
the life of Devadatta being removed by previous knowledge or
by some other means, we may presume that he must be outside
the house when he is found absent from the house. So there can-
not be any doubt about the life of Devadatta. It is the certainty
of his life associated with the perception of his absence from the
house that leads us to the presumption of his external existence.
There is an opposition between the life of Devadatta and his
absence from the house, and the mind cannot come to rest without
the presumption of his external existence. The mind oscillates
between two contradictory poles both of which it accepts but
See Prakara~rapancikii, pp. 113-115.
IX] A rthapatti 393
cannot reconcile, and as a result of that finds an outlet and a re-
conciliation in the presumption that the existence of Devadatta
must be found outside the house.
Well then, if that be so, inference may as well be interpreted
as presumption. For if we say that we know that wherever there
is smoke there is fire, and then perceive that there is smoke
in the hill, but no fire, then the existence of the smoke becomes
irreconcilable, or the universal proposition of the concomitance
of smoke with fire becomes false, and hence the presumption
that there is fire in the hill. This would have been all right if
the universal concomitance of smoke with fire could be known
otherwise than by inference. But this is not so, for the concomit-
ance was seen only in individual cases, and from that came the
inference that wherever there is smoke there is fire. It cannot
be said that the concomitance perceived in individual cases suf-
fered any contradiction without the presumption of the unive~sal
proposition (wherever there is smoke there is fire); thus artha-
patti is of no avail here and inference has to be accepted. Now
when it is proved that there are cases where the purpose of in-
ference cannot be served by arthapatti, the validity of inference
as a means of proof becomes established. That b~ing done we
admit that the knowledge of the fire in the hill may come to us
either by inference or by arthapatti.
So inference also cannot serve the purpose of arthapatti, for
in inference also it is the hetu (reason) which is known first, and
later on from that the sadhya (what is to be proved); both of
them however cannot be apprehended at the same moment, and
it is exactly this that distinguishes arthapatti from anumana.
For arthapatti takes place where, without the presumption of
Devadatta's external existence, the absence from the house of
Devadatta who is living cannot be comprehended. IfDevadatta is
living he must exist inside or outside the house. The mind cannot
swallow a contradiction, and hence without presuming the external
existence of Devadatta even the perceived non-existence cannot
be comprehended. It is thus that the contradiction is resolved by
presuming his existence outside the house. Arthapatti is thus
the result of arthanupapatti or the contradiction of the present
perception with a previously acquired certain knowledge.
It is by this arthapattipramal)a that we have to admit that
there is a special potency in seeds by which they produce the
394 M'imii:1'fZSii P h£/osophy [cH.
shoots, and that a special potency is believed to exist in sacrifices
by which these can lead the sacrificer to Heaven or some such
beneficent state of existence.

Sabda pramai)a.
Sabda or word is regarded as a separate means of proof by
most of the recognized Indian systems of thought excepting the
Jaina, Buddhist, Carvaka and Vaise~ika. A discussion on this
topic however has but little philosophical value and I have there-
fore omitted to give any attention to it in connection with the
Nyaya, and the Sarpkhya-Yoga systems. The validity and au-
thority of the Vedas were acknowledged by all Hindu writers and
they had wordy battles over it with the Buddhists who denied
it. Some sought to establish this authority on the supposition
that they were the word of God, while others, particularly the
Mimarpsists strove to prove that they were not written by any-
one, and had no beginning in time nor end and were eternal.
Their authority was not derived from the authority of any
trustworthy person or God. Their words are valid in themselves.
Evidently a discussion on these matters has but little value with
us, though it was a very favourite theme of debate in the old
days of India. It was in fact the most important subject for
Mimarpsa, for the Mimli1?tsa sittras were written for the purpose
of laying down canons for a right interpretation of the Vedas.
The slight extent to which it has dealt with its own epistemo-
logical doctrines has been due solely to their laying the foun-
dation of its structure of interpretative maxims, and not to
writing philosophy for its own sake. It does not dwell so much
upon salvation as other systems do, but seeks to serve as a
rational compendium of maxims with the help of which the
Vedas may be rightly understood and the sacrifices rightly per-
formed. But a brief examination of the doctrine of word (Sabda)
as a means of proof cannot be dispensed with in connection with
Mlmarpsa as it is its very soul.
Sabda (word) as a pramal)a means the knowledge that we
get about things (not within the purview of our perception) from
relevant sentences by understanding the meaning of the words of
which they are made up. These sentences may be of two kinds,
viz. those uttered by men and those which belong to the Vedas.
The first becomes a valid means of knowledge when it is not
IX] Sabda Pra11zii1Ja 395
uttered by untrustworthy persons and the second is valid in
itself. The meanings of words are of course known to us
before, and cannot therefore be counted as a means of proof;
but the meanings of sentences involving a knowledge of the
relations of words cannot be known by any other acknowledged
means of proof, and it is for this that we have to accept sabda
as a separate means of proof. Even if it is admitted that the
validity of any sentence may be inferred on the ground of its
being uttered by a trustworthy person, yet that would not
explain how we understand the meanings of sentences, for when
even the name or person of a writer or speaker is not known,
we have no difficulty in understanding the meaning of any
Prabhakara thinks that all sounds are in the form of letters,
or are understandable as combinations of letters. The constituent
letters of a word however cannot yield any meaning, and are
thus to be regarded as elements of auditory perception which
serve as a means for understanding the meaning of a word. The
reason of our apprehension of the meaning of any word is to be
found in a separate potency existing in the letters by which the
denotation of the word may be comprehended. The percep-
tion of each letter-sound vanishes the moment it is uttered, but
leaves behind an impression which combines with the impressions
of the successively dying perceptions of letters, and this brings
about the whole word which contains the potency of bringing
about the comprehension of a certain meaning. If even on hearing
a word the meaning cannot be comprehended, it has to be ad-
mitted that the hearer lacks certain auxiliaries necessary for the
purpose. As the potency of the word originates from the separate
potencies of the letters, it has to be admitted that the latter is
the direct cause of verbal cognition. Both Prabhakara and
Kumarila agree on this point.
Another peculiar doctrine expounded here is that all words
have natural denotative powers by which they themselves out of
their own nature refer to certain objects irrespective of their corn-
prehension or non-comprehension by the hearer. The hearer will
not understand the meaning unless it is known to him that the
word in question is expressive of such and such a meaning,
but the word was all along competent to denote that meaning
and it is the hearer's knowledge of that fact that helps him to
Mznza1?zsa Philosophy [cH.
understand the meaning of a word. Mlmarpsa does not think
that the association of a particular meaning with a word is due
to conventions among people who introduce and give meanings
to the words•. \Vords are thus acknowledged to be denotative
of themselves. It is only about proper names that convention
is admitted to be the cause of denotation. It is easy to see
the bearing of this doctrine on the self-validity of the Vedic
commandments, by the performance of which such results would
arise as could not have been predicted by any other person.
Again all words are believed to be eternally existent; but though
they are ever present some manifestive agency is required by
which they are manifested to us. This manifestive agency con-
sists of the effort put forth by the man who pronounces the
word. N yaya thinks that this effort of pronouncing is the cause
that produces the word while Mlmarpsa thinks that it only mani-
fests to the hearer the ever-existing word.
The process by which according to Prabhakara the meanings
of words are acquired may be exemplified thus: a senior com-
mands a junior to bring a cow and to bind a horse, and the
child on noticing the action of the junior in obedience to the
senior's commands comes to understand the meaning of "cow"
and " horse." Thus according to him the meanings of words can
only be known from words occuring in injunctive sentences; he
deduces from this the conclusion that words must denote things
only as related to the other factors of the injunction (anvitiibhid-
hiina viida), and no word can be comprehended as having any
denotation when taken apart from such a sentence. This doctrine
holds that each word yields its meaning only as being generally
related to other factors or only as a part of an injunctive sentence,
thus the word giim. accusative case of go (cow) means that it is
intended that something is to be done with the cow or the bovine
genus, and it appears only as connected with a specific kind of
action, viz. bringing in the sentence giim iiuaya-bring the cow.
Kumarila however thinks that words independently express
separate meanings which are subsequently combined into a sen-
tence expressing one connected idea (abhihitiillvayaviida). Thus
in giim iinaya, according to Kumarila, gam means the bovine
class in the accusative character and iinaya independently means
1 According to Nyaya God created all words and associated them with their

IX] Non..perception 397
bring; these two are then combined into the meaning" bring the
cow." But on the former theory the word gam means that it is
connected with some kind of action, and the particular sentence
only shows what the special kind of action is, as in the above
sentence it appears as associated with bringing, but it cannot
have any meaning separately by itself. This theory of Kumarila
which is also the N yaya theory is called abhihitanvayavada 1•
Lastly according to Prabhakara it is only the Veda that can
be called sabda-pramarya, and only those sentences of it which
contain injunctions (such as, perform this sacrifice in this way
with these things). In all other cases the validity of words is
only inferred on the ground of the trustworthy character of the
speaker. But Kumarila considers the words of all trustworthy
persons as sabda-pramarya.

The Prama:r:ta of Non-perception (anupalabdhi).

In addition to the above pramaryas Kumarila admits a fifth
kind of pramarya, viz. anupalabdhi for the perception of the non-
existence of a thing. Kumarila argues that the non-existence of
a thing (e.g. there is no jug in this room) cannot be perceived
by the senses, for there is nothing with which the senses could
come into contact in order to perceive the non-existence. Some
people prefer to explain this non-perception as a case of anum ana.
They say that wherever there is the existence of a visible object
there is the vision of it by a perceiver. When there is no vision
of a visible object, there is no existence of it also. But it is easy
to see that such an inference presupposes the perception of want
of vision and want of existence, but how these non-perceptions
are to be accounted for is exactly the point to be solved. How
can the perception ofwantofvisionorwantofexistence begrasped?
It is for this that we have to admit a separate mode of pramarya
namely anupalabdhi.
All things exist in places either in a positive (sadriipa) or in
a negative relation (asadriipa), and it is only in the former case
1 See Prabhiikaramimiit!zsii by Dr Ganganatha Jba and S. N. Dasgupta's Study of

Patanj'ali, appendix. It may be noted in this connection that Mimal}1sa did not favour
the Spho!a doctrine of sound which consists in the belief that apart from the momentary
sounds of letters composing a word, there was a complete word form which was mani-
fested (spho!a) but not created by the passing sounds of the syllables. The work of
the syllable sounds is only to project this word-manifestation. See Vacaspati's Tattva-
bindu, Slokaviirttika and Prakaral_tapaiicikii. For the doctrine of anvitabhidhana see
Salikanatha's Vakyiirthamatrkavrtti.
JJ[inzii'l?ZSii P hz"losophy [cH.
that they come within the purview of the senses, while in the
latter case the perception of the negative existence can only be
had by a separate mode of the movement of the mind which we
designate as a separate pramal).a as anupalabdhi. Prabhakara
holds that non-perception of a visible object in a place is only the
perception of the empty place, and that therefore there is no need
of admitting a separate pramal).a as anupalabdhi. For what is
meant by empty space? If it is necessary that for the perception
of the non-existence of jug there should be absolutely empty
space before us, then if the place be occupied by a stone we ought
not to perceive the non-existence of the jug, inasmuch as the
place is not absolutely empty. If empty space is defined as that
which is not associated with the jug, then the category of negation
is practically admitted as a separate entity. If the perception of
empty space is defined as the perception of space at the moment
which we associated with a want of knowledge about the jug, then
also want of knowledge as a separate entity has to be accepted,
which amounts to the same thing as the admission of the want or
negation of the jug. Whatever attempt may be made to explain
the notion of negation by any positive conception, it will at best
be an attempt to shift negation from the objective field to know-
ledge, or in other words to substitute for the place of the external
absence of a thing an associated want of knowledge about the
thing (in spite of its being a visible object) and this naturally ends
in failure, for negation as a separate category has to be admitted
either in the field of knowledge or in the external world. N ega-
tion or abhava as a separate category has anyhow to be admitted.
It is said that at the first moment only the ground is seen without
any knowledge of the jug or its negation, and then at the next
moment comes the comprehension of the non-existence of the jug
But this also means that the moment of the perception of the
ground is associated with the want of knowledge of the jug or
its negation. But this comes to the same thing as the admission
of negation as a separate category, for what other meaning can
there be in the perception of" only the ground" if it is not meant
that it (the perception of the ground) is associated with or quali-
fied by the want of knowledge of the jug? For the perception of
the ground cannot generate the notion of the non-existence of
the jug, since even where there is a jug the ground is perceived.
The qualifying phrase that "only the ground is perceived" be-
IX] Self 399
comes meaningless, if things whose presence is excluded are not
specified as negative conditions qualifying the perception of the
ground. And this would require that we had already the notion
of negation in us, which appeared to us of itself in a special
manner unaccountable by other means of proof. It should also
be noted that non-perception of a sensible object generates the
notion of negation immediately and not through other negations,
and this is true not only of things of the present moment but also
of the memory of past perceptions of non-existence, as when we
remember that there was no jug here. Anupalabdhi is thus a
separate pramar:ta by which the absence or want of a sensible
object-the negation of a thing-can be comprehended.

Self, Salvation, God.

Mimarpsa has to accept the existence of soul, for without it
who would perform the Vedic commandments, and what would
be the meaning of those Vedic texts which speak of men as per-
forming sacrifices and going to Heaven thereby? The soul is
thus regarded as something entirely distinct from the body, the
sense organs, and budd hi; it is eternal, omnipresent, and many,
one in each body. Prabhakara thinks that it is manifested to us in
all cognitions. Indeed he makes this also a proof for the existence
of self as a separate entity from the body, for had it not been so,
why should we have the notion of self-persistence in all our cog-
nitions-even in those where there is no perception of the body?
Kumarila however differs from Prabhakara about this analysis of
the consciousness of self in our cognitions, and says that even
though we may not have any notion of the parts of our body or
their specific combination, yet the notion of ourselves as embodied
beings always appears in all our cognitions. Moreover in our
cognitions of external objects we are not always conscious of the
self as the knower; so it is not correct to say that self is different
from the body on the ground that the consciousness of self is
present in all our cognitions, and that the body is not cognized in
many of our cognitions. But the true reason for admitting that
the self is different from the body is this, that movement or
willing, knowledge, pleasure, pain, etc., cannot be attributed to
the body, for though the body exists at death these cannot then be
found. So it has to be admitted that they must belong to some
other entity owing to the association with which the body ap ..
400 Mzmii??Zsii P hzlosophy [cu.
pears to be endowed with movement etc. Moreover knowledge,
feeling, etc. though apparent to the perceiver, are not yet per-
ceived by others as other qualities of the body, as colour etc.,
are perceived by other men. It is a general law of causation
that the qualities of the constituent elements (in the cause) impart
themselves to the effect, but the earth atoms of which the body
is made up do not contain the qualities of knowledge etc., and
this also corroborates the inference of a separate entity as the
vehicle of knowledge etc. The objection is sometimes raised that
if the soul is omnipresent how can it be called an agent or a
mover? But Mimarpsa does not admit that movement means
atomic motion, for the princi pie of movement is the energy which
moves the atoms, and this is possessed by the omnipresent soul.
It is by the energy imparted by it to the body that the latter
moves. So it is that though the soul does not move it is called an
agent on account of the fact that it causes the movement of
the body. The self must also be understood as being different
from the senses, for even when one loses some of the senses
he continues to perceive his self all the same as persisting all
The question now arises, how is self cognized? Prabhakara
holds that the self as cognizer is never cognized apart from the
cognized object, nor is the object ever cognized without the cog-
nizer entering into the cognition as a necessary factor. Both the
self and the object shine forth in the self-luminous knowledge in
what we have already described as triputi-pratyak!?a (perception
as three-together). It is not the soul which is self-illumined but
knowledge; so it is knowledge which illumines both the self and
the object in one operation. But just as in the case of a man
who walks, the action of walking rests upon the walker, yet he is
regarded as the agent of the work and not as the object, so in the
case of the operation of knowledge, though it affects the self, yet
it appears as the agent and not as the object. Cognition is not
soul, but the soul is manifested in cognition as its substratum,
and appears in it as the cognitive element "I'' which is inseparable
from all cognitions. In deep sleep therefore when no object is
cognized the self also is not cognized.
Kumarila however thinks that the soul which is distinct from
the body is perceived by a mental perception (miitzasa-pratyak~a)
as the substratum of the notion of" I," or in other words the self
perceives itself by mental perception, and the perception of its
IX] Co1Zscious1Zess of Self 401

own nature shines forth in consciousness as the u I." The objec-

tion that the self cannot itself be both subject and object to its
own operation does not hold, for it applies equally to Prabhakara's
theory in which knowledge reveals the self as its object and yet
considers it as the subject of the operation. The analogy of
linguistic usage that though the walking affects the walker yet
he is the agent, cannot be regarded as an escape from this charge,
for the usage of language is not philosophical analysis. Though
at the time of the cognition of objects the self is cognized, yet it
does not appear as the knower of the knowledge of objects, but
reveals itself as an object of a separate mental perception which
is distinct from the knowledge of objects. The self is no doubt
known as the substratum of " I," but the knowledge of this self
does not reveal itself necessarily with the cognition of objects,
nor does the self show itself as the knower of all knowledge of
objects, but the self is apprehended by a separate mental intuition
which we represent as the" 1." The self does not reveal itself as
the knower but as an object of a separate intuitive process of the
mind. This is indeed different from Prabhakara's analysis, who
regarded the cognition of self as inseparable from the object-
cognition, both being the result of the illumination of knowledge.
Kumarila agrees with Prabhakara however in holding that soul
is not self-illuminating (svayamprakiisa), for then even in deep
sleep the soul should have manifested itself; but there is no such
manifestation then, and the state of deep sleep appears as an
unconscious state. There is also no bliss in deep sleep, for had
it been so people would not have regretted that they had missed
sensual enjoyments by untimely sleep. The expression that
" I slept in bliss" signifies only that no misery was felt. 1\:'Ioreover
the opposite representation of the deep sleep state is also found
when a man on rising from sleep says "I slept so long with-
out knowing anything not even my own self." The self is not
atomic, since we can simultaneously feel a sensation in the head
as well as in the leg. The Jaina theory that it is of the size of
the body which contracts and expands according to the body it .
occupies is unacceptable. It is better therefore that the soul should
be regarded as all-pervading as described in the Vedas. This
self must also be different in different persons for otherwise their
individual experiences of objects and of pleasure and pain cannot
be explained 1•
1 See Slokaviirttika, atmavada Stistra-dipikii, atmavada and mok~vada.
402 Mznzii'l?zsa Philosophy [cH.
Kumarila considered the self to be merely the potency of
knowledge (j11anasakti) 1• Cognitions of things were generated
by the activity of the manas and the other senses. This self
itself can only be cognized by mental perception. Or at the
time of salvation there being none of the senses nor the manas
the self remains in pure existence as the potency of knowledge
without any actual expression or manifestation. So the state of
salvation is the state in which the self remains devoid of any
of its characteristic qualities such as pleasure, pain, knowledge,
willing, etc., for the self itself is not knowledge nor is it bliss
or ananda as Vedanta supposes; but these are generated in it by
its energy and the operation of the senses. The self being divested
of all its senses at that time, remains as a mere potency of the
energy of knowledge, a mere existence. This view of salvation
is accepted in the main by Prabhakara also.
Salvation is brought about when a man enjoys and suffers
the fruits of his good and bad actions and thereby exhausts them
and stops the further generation of new effects by refraining from
the performance of kamya-karmas (sacrifices etc. performed for
the attainment of certain beneficent results) and guarantees
himself against the evil effects of sin by assiduously performing
the nitya-karmas (such as the sandhya prayers etc., by the per-
formance of which there is no benefit but the non-performance
of which produces sins). This state is characterized by the
dissolution of the body and the non-production of any further
body or rebirth.
Mlmatpsa does not admit the existence of any God as the
creator and destroyer of the universe. Though the universe is
made up of parts, yet there is no reason to suppose that the
universe had ever any beginning in time, or that any God created
it. Every day animals and men are coming into being by the
action of the parents without the operation of any God. Neither
is it necessary as Nyaya supposes that dharma and adharma
should have a supervisor, for these belong to the performer and
1 It may be mentioned in this connection that unlike Nyaya Mimarpsa did not

consider all activity as being only ofthe nature of molecular vibration (parispanda). It
admitted the existence of energy (.fakti) as a separate category which manifested itself
in actual movements. The self being considered as a sakti can move the body and
yet remain unmoved itself. Manifestation of action only means the relationing of the
energy with a thing. Nyaya strongly opposes this doctrine of a non-sensible (atindriya)
energy and seeks to explain all action by actual molecular motion.
IX] Mzmii'J?ZSii and Nyaya- Va£se~£ka
no one can have any knowledge of them. Moreover there cannot
be any contact (sm?tyoga) or inherence (samavaya) of dharma
and adharma with God that he might supervise them; he cannot
have any tools or body wherewith to fashion the world like
the carpenter. Moreover he could have no motive to create the
wo,rld either as a merciful or as a cruel act. For when in the
beginning there were no beings towards whom should he be
actuated with a feeling of mercy? Moreover he would himself
require a creator to create him. So there is no God, no creator,
no creation, no dissolution or pralaya. The world has ever been
running the same, without any new creation or dissolution, Sf!?!i
or pralaya.

Mimarpsa as philosophy and Mimarpsa as ritualism.

From what we have said before it will be easy to see that
Mimarpsa agrees in the main with Vaise~ika about the existence
of the categories of things such as the five elements, the qualities,
riipa, rasa, etc. Kumarila's differences on the points of jati,
samavaya, etc. and Prabhakara's peculiarities have also been
mentioned before. On some of these points it appears that
Kumarila was influenced by Sarpkhya thought rather than by
Nyaya. Sarpkhya and Vaise!?ika are the only Hindu systems which
have tried to construct a physics as a part of their metaphysics;
other systems have generally followed them or have differed from
them only on minor matters. The physics of Prabhakara and
Kumarila have thus but little importance, as they agree in
general with the Vaise!?ika view. In fact they were justified in not
laying any special stress on this part, because for the performance
of sacrifices the common-sense view of Nyaya-Vaise!?ika about
the world was most suitable.
The main difference of Mimarpsa with Nyaya consists of the
theory of knowledge. The former was required to prove that the
Veda was self-valid and that it did not derive its validity from
God, and also that it was not necessary to test its validity by any
other means. To do this it began by trying to establish the self-
validity of all knowledge. This would secure for the Veda the
advantage that as soon as its orders or injunctions were com-
municated to us they would appear to us as valid knowledge, and
there being nothing to contradict them later on there would be
nothing in the world which could render the Vedic injunctions
Mz1nii7?Zsii P hz"losophy [cH.
invalid. The other pramaryas such as perception, inference, etc.
were described, firstly to indicate that they could not show to us
how dharma could be acquired, for dharma was not an existing
thing which could be perceived by the other pramaryas, but
a thing which could only be produced by acting according to
the injunctions of the Vedas. For the knowledge of dhar,ma
and adharma therefore the sabdapramarya of the Veda was our
only source. Secondly it was necessary that we should have a
knowledge of the different means of cognition, as without them
it would be difficult to discuss and verify the meanings of de-
batable Vedic sentences. The doctrine of creation and dissolution
which is recognized by all other Hindu systems could not be
acknowledged by the Mimarpsa as it would have endangered the
eternality of the Vedas. Even God had to be dispensed with on
that account.
The Veda is defined as the collection of Mantras and Brah-
maryas (also called the vidltis or injunctive sentences). There are
three classes of injunctions (I) apurva-vidhi, (2) niyama-vidhi, and
(3) parisat1khya-vidhi. Apurva-vidhi is an order which enjoins
something not otherwise known, e.g. the grains should be washed
(we could not know that this part of the duty was necessary for the
sacrifice except by the above injunction). Niyama-vidhi is that
where when a thing could have been done in a number of ways,
an order is made by the Veda which restricts us to following
some definite alternative (e.g. though the chaff from the corn
could be separated even by the nails, the order that "corn should
be threshed" restricts us to the alternative of threshing as the
only course acceptable for the sacrifice). In the niyama-vidhi
that which is ordered is already known as possible but only as
an alternative, and the vidhi insists upon one of these methods as
the only one. In apurva-vidhi the thing to be done would have
remained undone and unknown had it not been for the vidhi.
In parisankhya-vidhi all that is enjoined is already known but
not necessarily as possible alternatives. A certain mantra "I take
up the rein'' (imam ag_rblt1lii1!t ra.fanii1!Z) which could be used in
a number of cases should not however be used at the time of
holding the reins of an ass.
There arc three main principles of interpreting the Vedic
sentences. (I) When some sentences are such that connectively
they yield a meaning but not individually, then they should be
IX] V£dhzs and A rthavadas
taken together connectively as a whole. (2) If the separate sen-
tences can however yield meanings separately by themselves they
should not be connected together. (3) In the case of certain
sentences which are incomplete suitable words from the context
of immediately preceding sentences are to be supplied .
• The vidhis properly interpreted are the main source of dharma.
The mantras which are generally hymns in praise of some deities
or powers are to be taken as being for the specification of the
deity to whom the libation is to be offered. It should be re-
membered that as dharma can only be acquired by following
the injunctions of the Vedas they should all be interpreted as
giving us injunctions. Anything therefore found in the Vedas
which cannot be connected with the injunctive orders as forming
part of them is to be regarded as untrustworthy or at best inex-
pressive. Thus it is that those sentences in the Vedas which
describe existing things merely or praise some deed of injunction
(called the arthavtidas) should be interpreted as forming part
of a vidhi-vakya (injunction) or be rejected altogether. Even
those expressions which give reasons for the performance of
certain actions are to be treated as mere arthavadas and inter-
preted as praising injunctions. For Vedas have value only as
mandates by the performance of which dharma may be acquired.
When a sacrifice is performed according to the injunctions of
the Vedas, a capacity which did not exist before and whose ex-
istence is proved by the authority of the scriptures is generated
either in the action or in the agent. This capacity or positive
force called apzerva produces in time the beneficient results of the
sacrifice (e.g. leads the performer to Heaven). This apiirva is like
a potency or faculty in the agent which abides in him until the
desired results follow 1•
It is needless to dilate upon these, for the voluminous works
of Sahara and Kumarila make an elaborate research into the
nature of sacrifices, rituals, and other relevant matters in great
detail, which anyhow can have but little interest for a student
of philosophy.
1 See Dr Gm1ganatha Jha's Prabhiikaramimiil!lSii and Madhava's Nyayamiilti-


Comprehension of the philosophical Issues more essential

than the Dialectic of controversy.
PRAMAJ::IA in Sanskrit signifies the means and the movement
by which knowledge is acquired, pramiitii means the subject or
the knower who cognizes, pramii the result of pramarya-right
knowledge, prameya the object of knowedge, and prii1mi?zya the
validity of knowledge acquired. The validity of knowledge is
sometimes used in the sense of the faithfulness of knowledge to
its object, and sometimes in the sense of an inner notion of
validity in the mind of the subject-the knower (that his percep-
tions are true), which moves him to work in accordance with
his perceptions to adapt himself to his environment for the
attainment of pleasurable and the avoidance of painful things.
The question wherein consists the pramaryya of knowledge has
not only an epistemological and psychological bearing but a
metaphysical one also. It contains on one side a theory of know-
ledge based on an analysis of psychological experience, and on
the other indicates a metaphysical situation consistent with the
theory of knowledge. All the different schools tried to justify
a theory of knowledge by an appeal to the analysis and inter-
pretation of experience which the others sometimes ignored or
sometimes regarded as unimportant. The thinkers of different
schools were accustomed often to meet together and defeat one
another in actual debates, and the result of these debates was fre-
quently very important in determining the prestige of any school
of thought. If a Buddhist for example could defeat a great N yay a
or Mlmarpsa thinker in a great public debate attended by many
learned scholars from different parts of the country, his fame at
once spread all over the country and he could probably secure a
large number of followers on the spot. Extensive tours of disputa-
tion were often undertaken by great masters all over the country
for the purpose of defeating the teachers of the opposite schools
and of securing adherents to their own. These debates were there-
fore not generally conducted merely in a passionless philosophical
CH. x] Old Methods of Controversy
mood with the object of arriving at the truth but in order to
inflict a defeat on opponents and to establish the ascendency of
some particular school of thought. It was often a sense of personal
victory and of the victory of the school of thought to which the
debater adhered that led him to pursue the debate. Advanced
Sanskrit philosophical works give us a picture of the attitude
of mind of these debaters and we find that most of these
debates attempt to criticize the different schools of thinkers by
exposing their inconsistencies and self-contradictions by close
dialectical reasoning, anticipating the answers of the opponent,
asking him to define his statements, and ultimately proving that
his theory was inconsistent, led to contradictions, and was opposed
to the testimony of experience. In reading an advanced work on
Indian philosophy in the original, a student has to pass through an
interminable series of dialectic arguments, and negative criticisms
(to thwart opponents) sometimes called vita?ztfii, before he can
come to the root of the quarrel, the real philosophical diver-
gence. All the resources of the arts of controversy find full play
for silencing the opponent before the final philosophical answer
is given. But to a modern student of philosophy, who belongs to
no party and is consequently indifferent to the respective victory
of either side, the most important thing is the comprehension of
the different aspects from which the problem of the theory of
knowledge and its associated metaphysical theory was looked at
by the philosophers, and also a clear understanding of the de-
ficiency of each view, the value of the mutual criticisms, the specu-
lations on the experience of each school, their analysis, and their
net contribution to philosophy. \Vith Vedanta we come to an
end of the present volume, and it may not be out of place here
to make a brief survey of the main conflicting theories from the
point of view of the theory of knowledge, in order to indicate the
position of the Vedanta of the Sankara school in the field of
Indian philosophy so far as we have traversed it. I shall there-
fore now try to lay before my readers the solution of the theory
of knowledge (pramii?zaviida) reached by some of the main
schools of thought. Their relations to the solution offered by
the Sankara Vedanta will also be dealt with, as we shall attempt
to sketch the views of the Vedanta later on in this chapter.
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.

The philosophical situation. A Review.

Before dealing with the Vedanta system it seems advisable
to review the general attitude of the schools already discussed to
the main philosophical and epistemological questions which de-
termine the position of the Vedanta as taught by Sankara and
his school.
The Sautrantika Buddhist says that in all his affairs man is
concerned with the fulfilment of his ends and desires (puru~iirtlta}.
This however cannot be done without right knowledge (sm,nyag-
jiiana) which rightly represents things to men. Knowledge is said
to be right when we can get things just as we perceived them.
So far as mere representation or illumination of objects is con-
cerned, it is a patent fact that we all have knowledge, and therefore
this does not deserve criticism or examination. Our enquiry about
knowledge is thus restricted to its aspect of later verification or
contradiction in experience, for we are all concerned to know how
far our perceptions of things which invariably precede all our
actions can be trusted as rightly indicating what we want to get
in our practical experience (arthapriipakatva). The perception is
right (abhrii1l,ta non-illusory) when following its representation we
can get in the external world such things as were represented by
it (sm!zviidakatva). That perception alone can be right which is
generated by the object and not merely supplied by our imagina-
tion. When I say "this is the cow I had seen," what I see is the
object with the brown colour, horns, feet, etc., but the fact that
this is called cow, or that this is existing from a past time, is
not perceived by the visual sense, as this is not generated by
the visual object. For all things are momentary, and that which
I see now never existed before so as to be invested with this
or that permanent name. This association of name and per-
manence to objects perceived is called kalpanii or abhiltipa.
Our perception is correct only so far as it is without the abhilapa
association (kalpaniiporfha), for though this is taken as a part of
our perceptual experience it is not derived from the object, and
hence its association with the object is an evident error. The
object as unassociated with name-the nirvikalpa-is thus what
is perceived. As a result of the pratyak~a the manovijnana or
thought and mental perception of pleasure and pain is also
determined. At one moment perception reveals the object as an
x] Dhar1nakirtti's View of Objects of Perception
object of knowledge (grahya), and by the fact of the rise of such
a percept, at another moment it appears as a thing realizable
or attainable in the external world. The special features of the
object undefinable in themselves as being what they are in
themselves (svalak~a?ta) are what is actually perceived (pra-
tyak~avi~aya)1. The pramii?taphala (result of perception) is the
1 There is a difference of opinion about the meaning of the word " svalakl?ai).a "

of Dharmakirtti between my esteemed friend Professor Stcherbatsky of Petrograd

and myself. He maintains that Dharmakirtti held that the content of the presentative
element at the moment of perception was almost totally empty. Thus he writes to me,
"According to your interpretation svalak~al).a means-the object (or idea with Vijfia-
navadin) from which ev.:rything past and everything future has been elimiuated, this
I do not deny at all. But I maintain that if everything past and future has been taken
away, what remains? The present and the present is a k{a~za i.e. nothing.... The
reverse of k~al).a is a k~al).asa~ptana or simply sarptana and in every sa~ptana there is
a synthesis ekibhava of moments past and future, produced by the intellect (buddhi =
niscaya = kalpana = adhyavasaya) .... There is in the perception of a jug something
(a k~al).a of sense knowledge) which we must distinguish from the idea of a jug
(which is always a sa~ptana, always vikalpita), and if you take the idea away in a strict
unconditional sense, no knowledge remains: k~anasya jfianena prapayitumasakyatvat.
This is absolutely the Kantian teaching about Synthesis of Apprehension. Accordingly
pratyak!ja is a trmzscendmtal source of knowledge, because practically speaking it gives
no knowledge at all. This pramii~za is asatkalpa. Kant says that without the elements
of intuition (=sense-knowledge=pratyak~a=kalpanapO<_lha) our cognitions would be
empty and without the elements of intellect (kalpana= buddhi=synthesis=ekibhava)
they would be blind. Empirically both are always combined. This is exactly the
theory of Dharmakirtti. He is a Vijfianavadi as I understand, because he maintains
the cognizability of ideas (vijiiana) alone, but the reality is an incognizable foundation
of our knowledge; he admits, it is bahya, it is artha, it is arthakriyak~at:Ja = svalak!jal).a;
that is the reason for which he sometimes is called Sautrantika and this school is some-
times called Sautranta-vijfianavada, as opposed to the Vijfianavada of Asvagho!ja and
Aryasanga, which had no elaborate theory of cognition. If the jug as it exists in our
representation were the svalak!jal).a and paramarthasat, what would remain of Vijfiana-
vada? But there is the perception of the jug as opposed to the pure idea of a jug
(suddha kalpana), an element of reality, the sensational k!jal)a, which i;; communicated
to us by sense knowledge. Kant's' thing in itself' is also a k~al)a and also an element
of sense knowledge of pure sense as opposed to pure reaso1l, Dharmakirtti has also
fuddhii kalpanti and fuddham pratyak{am . ... And very interesting is the opposition
between pratyak~a and anumana, the first moves from k~at:Ja to satptana and the second
from sa~ptana to k~al)a, that is the reason that although bhranta the anumana is never-
theless pramal).a because through it we indirectly also reach k~al)a, the arthakriyak~al).a.
It is bhranta directly and pramal).a indirectly; pratyak~a is pramal)a directly and bhranta
(asatkalpa) indirectly ...." So far as the passages to which Professor Stcherbatsky refers
are concerned, I am in full agreement with him. But I think that he pushes the
interpretation too far on Kantian lines. When I perceive "this is blue," the perception
consists of two parts, the actual presentative element of sense-knowledge (svalak{a~;ta)
and the affirmation (nifca;,a). So far we are in complete agreement. But Professor
Stcherbatsky says that this sense-knowledge is a k!jal)a (moment) and is nothing. I also
hold that it is a k~at:Ja, but it is nothing only in the sense that it is not the same as
the notion involving affirmation such as "this is blue." The affirmative process
occurring at the succeeding moments is determined by the presentative element of the
4IO The Sa1ikara School of Vedanta [cH.
ideational concept and power that such knowledge has of showing
the means which being followed the thing can be got (yena krtena
artha!z priipito bhavati). PramaQ.a then is the similarity of the
knowledge with the object by which it is generated, by which we
assure ourselves that this is our knowledge of the object as it is
perceived, and are thus led to attain it by practical experience.
Yet this later stage is pramavaphala and not pramaQ.a which
consists merely in the vision of the thing (devoid of other asso-
ciations), and which determines the attitude of the perceiver to-
wards the perceived object. The pramava therefore only refers
to the newly-acquired knowledge (anadhigattidhigantr) as this is
of use to the perceiver in determining his relations with the ob-
jective world. This account of perception leaves out the real
epistemological question as to how the knowledge is generated
by the external world, or what it is in itsel( It only looks to
the correctness or faithfulness of the perception to the object and
its value for us in the practical realization of our ends. The
question of the relation of the external world with knowledge as
determining the latter is regarded as unimportant.
first moment (pratyak{abalotpan1la N. T., p. 20) but this presentative element divested
from the product of the affirmative process of the succeeding moments is not character-
less, though we cannot express its character; as soon as we try to express it, names and
other ideas consisting of affirmation are associated and these did not form a part of the
presentative element. Its own character is said to be its own specific nature (svalak{a~a).
But what is this specific nature? Dharmaklrtti's answer on this point is that by specific
nature he means those specific characteristics of the object which appear clear when
the object is near and hazy when it is at a distance (yasyiirthasya samzidhiiniisannidhii-
niibhyiim jiiiinapratibhiisabhedastat svalak{a~za111 N ., p. 1 and N. T., p. 16). Sense-
knowledge thus gives us the specific characteristics of the object, and this has the same
form as the object itself; it is the appearance of the ''blue" in its specific character
in the mind and when this is associated by the affirmative or ideational process, the
result is the concept or idea'' this is blue" (1lilasarzlpal!l pratyak{amanubhiiyamiina1!1
nilabodhariipamavasthiipyate ... nilasiiriiPJ•amasya pramii~am nilavikalpa11arupa'!z
tvasya pramii~zaphalam, N. T. p. 22). At the first moment there is the appearance
of the blue (nilmzirbhasal!l hi vijiiiinam, N. T. 19) and this is direct acquaintance
(yatkilicit arthasya siik{iitkiirijliiinam tatprafJ•ak{amucyate, N. T. 7) and this is real
(paramiirthasat) and valid. This blue sensation is different from the idea " this is
blue" (nilabodha, N. T. 22) which is the result of the former (pramal).aphala) through
the association of the affirmative process (adhJ•avasiiya) and is regarded as invalid for
it contains elements other than what were presented to the sense, and is a vika!pa-
pratyaya. In my opinion svalal:{a~a therefore means pure sensation of the moment
presenting the specific features of the object and with Dharmakirtti this is the only
thing which is valid in perception and vikalpapratyaya or pramanaphala is the idea
or concept which follows it. But though the latter is a product of the former, yet,
being the construction of succeeding moments, it cannot give us the pure stage of the
first moment of sensation-presentation (k{a~zasya priipayitumafakyatviit, N. T. 16).
N. T. =Nyiiyabindu{ikii, N =Nyiiyabindtt (Peterson's edition).
x] Yogacara Epistcnzology 411

The Y ogacaras or idealistic Buddhists take their cue from

the above-mentioned Sautrantika Buddhists, and say that since
we can come into touch with knowledge and knowledge alone,
what is the use of admitting an external world of objects as the
data of sensation determining our knowledge? You say that
sensations are copies of the external world, but why should you
say that they copy, and not that they alone exist? \Ve never come
into touch with objects in themselves; these can only be grasped
by us simultaneously with knowledge of them, they must there-
fore be the same as knowledge (salwpalambhmziyamiit abhedo
1zilataddhiyo(l); for it is in and through knowledge that ex-
ternal objects can appear to us, and without knowledge we
are not in touch with the so-called external objects. So it is
knowledge which is self-apparent in itself, that projects itself in
such a manner as to appear as referring to other external ob-
jects. We all acknowledge that in dreams there are no ex-
ternal objects, but even there we have knowledge. The question
why then if there are no external objects, there should be so
much diversity in the forms of knowledge, is not better solved
by the assumption of an external world; for in such an assump-
tion, the external objects have to be admitted as possessing the
infinitely diverse powers of diversely affecting and determining
our knowledge; that being so, it may rather be said that in
the beginningless series of flowing knowledge, preceding know-
ledge-moments by virtue of their inherent specific qualities de-
termine the succeeding knowledge-moments. Thus knowledge
alone exists; the projection of an external word is an illusion of
knowledge brought about by beginningless potencies of desire
(viisanii) associated with it. The preceding knowledge determines
the succeeding one and that another and so on. Knowledge,
pleasure, pain, etc. are not qualities requiring a permanent entity
as soul in which they may inhere, but are the various forms
in which knowledge appears. Even the cognition, "I perceive a
blue thing," is but a form of knowledge, and this is often errone-
ously interpreted as referring to a permanent knower. Though
the cognitions are all passing and momentary, yet so long as
the series continues to be the same, as in the case of one person,
say Devadatta, the phenomena of memory, recognition, etc. can
happen in the succeeding moments, for these are evidently illusory
cognitions, so far as they refer to the permanence of the objects
412 The Sankara School o.f Vedanta [cH.
believed to have been perceived before, for things or know-
ledge-moments, whatever they may be, are destroyed the next
moment after their birth. There is no permanent entity as per-
ceiver or knower, but the knowledge-moments are at once the
knowledge, the knower and the known. This thoroughgoing
idealism brushes off all references to an objective field of ex-
perience, interprets the verdict of knowledge as involving a knower
and the known as mere illusory appearance, and considers the
flow of knowledge as a self-determining series in successive
objective forms as the only truth. The Hindu schools of thought,
N yaya, Sarpkhya, and the Mimarpsa, accept the duality of soul
and matter, and attempt to explain the relation between the
two. \Vith the Hindu writers it was not the practical utility of
knowledge that was the only important thing, but the nature of
knowledge and the manner in which it came into being were also
enquired after and considered important.
Pramal)a is defined by N yaya as the collocation of instruments
by which unerring and indubitable knowledge comes into being.
The collocation of instruments which brings about definite know-
ledge consists partly of consciousness (bodlza) and partly of ma-
terial factors (bodhiibodhasvabhiiva). Thus in perception the
proper contact of the visual sense with the object (e.g. jug} first
brings about a non-intelligent, non-apprehensible indeterminate
consciousness (nirvikalpa) as the jugness (gltajatva) and this later
on combining with the remaining other collocations of sense-
contact etc. produces the determinate consciousness: this is a jug.
The existence of this indeterminate state of consciousness as a
factor in bringing about the determinate consciousness, cannot of
course be perceived, but its existence can be inferred from the
fact that if the perceiver were not already in possession of the
qualifying factor (viJe~anajfui11a as jugness) he could not have
comprehended the qualified object (visz~fabuddhi) the jug (i.e.
the object which possesses jugness). In inference (mzumii~ta)
knowledge of the lit1ga takes part, and in upamana the sight
of similarity with other material conglomerations. In the case
of the Buddhists knowledge itself was regarded as pramal)a;
even by those who admitted the existence of the objective world,
right knowledge was called pramal)a, because it was of the same
form as the external objects it represented, and it was by the form
of the knowledge (e.g. blue) that we could apprehend that the
xJ NyZiya Epistenzology
external object was also blue. Knowledge does not determine the
external world but simply enforces our convictions about the ex-
ternal world. So far as knowledge leads us to form our convictions
of the external world it is pramal)a, and so far as it determines our
attitude towards the external world it is pramal)aphala. The
question how knowledge is generated had little importance with
them, but how with knowledge we could form convictions of
the external world was the most important thing. Knowledge
was called pramal)a, because it was the means by which we
could form convictions (adhyavasiiya) about the external world.
Nyaya sought to answer the question how knowledge was
generated in us, but could not understand that knowledge was not
a mere phenomenon like any other objective phenomenon, but
thought that though as a gul)a (quality) it was external like other
gul)aS, yet it was associated with our self as a result of colloca-
tions like any other happening in the material world. Pramal)a
does not necessarily bring to us new knowledge (anad/zi'gatiidhi-
gan~r) as the Buddhists demanded, but whensoever there were
collocations of pramarya, knowledge was produced, no matter
whether the object was previously unknown or known. Even the
knowledge of known things may be repeated if there be suitable
collocations. Knowledge like any other physical effect is pro-
duced whenever the cause of it namely the pramal)a collocation
is present. Categories which are merely mental such as class
(siimii1lya), inherence (sa11W'l-'iiJ'a), etc., were considered as having
as much independent existence as the atoms of the four elements.
The phenomenon of the rise of knowledge in the soul was thus
conceived to be as much a phenomenon as the turning of the
colour of the jug by fire from black to red. The element of
indeterminate consciousness was believed to be combining with
the sense contact, the object, etc. to produce the determinate con-
sciousness. There was no other subtler form of movement than
the molecular. Such a movement brought about by a certain
collocation of things ended in a certain result (phala). Jiiana
(knowledge) was thus the result of certain united collocations
(samagri) and their movements (e.g. contact of manas with soul,
of manas with the senses, of the senses with the object, etc.). This
confusion renders it impossible to understand the real philo-
sophical distinction between knowledge and an external event
of the objective world. Nyaya thus fails to explain the cause
The Sa1ikara School of Vedanta [cH.
of the origin of knowledge, and its true relations with the objective
world. Pleasure, pain, willing, etc. were regarded as qualities
which belonged to the soul, and the soul itself was regarded
as a qualitiless entity which could not be apprehended directly
but was inferred as that in which the qualities of jnana, sukha
(pleasure), etc. inhered. Qualities had independent existence
as much as substances, but when any new substances were
produced, the qualities rushed forward and inhered in them. It
is very probable that in N yaya the cultivation of the art of in-
ference was originally pre-eminent and metaphysics was deduced
later by an application of the inferential method which gave
the introspective method but little scope for its application,
so that inference came in to explain even perception (e.g. this is
a jug since it has jugness) and the testimony of personal psycho-
logical experience was taken only as a supplement to corroborate
the results arrived at by inference and was not used to criticize it 1•
Sarpkhya understood the difference between knowledge and
material events. But so far as knowledge consisted in being the
copy of external things, it could not be absolutely different from
the objects themselves; it was even then an invisible translucent
sort of thing, devoid of weight and grossness such as the external
objects possessed. But the fact that it copies those gross objects
makes it evident that knowledge had essentially the same sub-
stances though in a subtler form as that of which the objects were
made. But though the matter of knowledge, which assumed the
form of the objects with which it came in touch, was probably
thus a subtler combination of the same elementary substances
of which matter was made up, yet there was in it another ele-
ment, viz. intelligence, which at once distinguished it as utterly
different from material combinations. This element of intel-
ligence is indeed different from the substances or content of
the knowledge itself, for the element of intelligence is like a
stationary light, "the self," which illuminates the crowding,
bustling knowledge which is incessantly changing its form in
accordance with the objects with which it comes in touch. This
light of intelligence is the same that finds its manifestation in
consciousness as the "I," the changeless entity amidst all the
fluctuations of the changeful procession of knowledge. How this
element of light which is foreign to the substance of knowledge
1 See Nyiiyamaii.fari on pramaQa.
x] Sii1?zkhya Epi:Stenzology
relates itself to knowledge, and how knowledge itself takes it up
into itself and appears as conscious, is the most difficult point
of the Sarpkhya epistemology and metaphysics. The substance
of knowledge copies the external world, and this copy-shape of
knowledge is again intelligized by the pure intelligence (purzt~a)
when it appears as conscious. The forming of the buddhi-shape
of knowledge is thus the pramal)a (instrument and process of
knowledge) and the validity or invalidity of any of these shapes
is criticized by the later shapes of knowledge and not by the
external objects (svata{z-prii11tti?t)'a and svata!z-aprtimii~l)'a). The
pramal)a however can lead to a prama or right knowledge only
when it is intelligized by the puru~a. The puru~a comes in touch
with buddhi not by the ordinary means of physical contact but
by what may be called an inexplicable transcendental contact.
It is the transcendental influence of puru~a that sets in motion
the original prakrti in Sarpkhya metaphysics, and it is the same
transcendent touch (call it yogyata according to Vacaspati or
sarpyoga according to Bhik-?u) of the transcendent entity of
puru-?a that transforms the non-intelligent states of buddhi into
consciousness. The Vijflanavadin Buddhist did not make any
distinction between the pure consciousness and its forms (iiktira)
and did not therefore agree that the akara of knowledge was
due to its copying the objects. Sarpkhya was however a realist
who admitted the external world and regarded the forms as
all due to copying, all stamped as such upon a translucent sub-
stance (satt'va) which could assume the shape of the objects.
But Sarpkhya was also transcendentalist in this, that it did not
think like Nyaya that the akara of knowledge was all that know-
ledge had to show; it held that there was a transcendent element
which shone forth in knowledge and made it conscious. With
Nyaya there was no distinction between the shaped buddhi and
the intelligence, and that being so consciousness was almost like
a physical event. With Sarpkhya however so far as the content
and the shape manifested in consciousness were concerned it was
indeed a physical event, but so far as the pure intelligizing element
of consciousness was concerned it was a wholly transcendent
affair beyond the scope and province of physics. The rise of
consciousness was thus at once both transcendent and physical.
The Mlmarpsist Prabhakara agreed with N yaya in general
as regards the way in which the objective world and sense con-
The Sanka1'a School of Vedanta [cH.
tact induced knowledge in us. But it regarded knowledge as a
unique phenomenon which at once revealed itself, the knower
and the known. \Ve are not concerned with physical colloca-
tions, for whatever these may be it is knowledge which reveals
things-the direct apprehension that should be called the pra-
mal).a. Pramal).a in this sense is the same as pramiti or prama,
the phenomenon of apprehension. Pramal).a may also indeed
mean the collocations so far as they induce the prama. For
prama or right knowledge is never produced, it always exists,
but it manifests itself differently under different circumstances.
The validity of knowledge means the conviction or the specific
attitude that is generated in us with reference to the objective
world. This validity is manifested with the rise of knowledge,
and it does not await the verdict of any later experience in the
objective field (smtzviidin). Knowledge as nirvikalpa (indeter-
minate) means the whole knowledge of the object and not merely
a non-sensible hypothetical indeterminate class-notion as Nyaya
holds. The savikalpa (determinate) knowledge only re-establishes
the knowledge thus formed by relating it with other objects as
represented by memory 1•
Prabhakara rejected the Sa1pkhya conception of a dual element
in consciousness as involving a transcendent intelligence (cit) and
a material part, the buddhi; but it regarded consciousness as an
unique thing which by itself in one flash represented both the
knower and the known. The validity of knowledge did not depend
upon its faithfulness in reproducing or indicating (pradarsakatva)
external objects, but upon the force that all direct apprehension
(anubkitti) has of prompting us to action in the external world;
knowledge is thus a complete and independent unit in all its
self-revealing aspects. But what the knowledge was in itself apart
from its self-revealing character Prabhakara did not enquire.
Kumarila declared that jfiana (knowledge) was a movement
brought about by the activity of the self which resulted in pro-
ducing consciousness (jfuitatii) of objective things. Jnan a itself
cannot be perceived, but can only be inferred as the movement
necessary for producing the jfiatata or consciousness of things.
Movement with Kumarila was not a mere atomic vibration, but
was a non-sensuous transcendent operation of which vibration
1 Siirpkhya considered nirvikalpa as the dim knowledge of the first moment of

consciousness, which, when it became clear at the next moment, was called savikalpa.
x] Episte11zology of Kunzarila
was sometimes the result. Jflana was a movement and not the
result of causal operation as N yaya supposed. N yay a would
not also admit any movement on the part of the self, but it
would hold that when the self is possessed of certain qualities,
such as desire, etc., it becomes an instrument for the accom-
plishment of a physical movement. Kumarila accords the same
self-validity to knowledge that Prabhakara gives. Later know-
ledge by experience is not endowed with any special quality
which should decide as to the validity of the knowledge of the
previous movement. For what is called saipvadi or later testimony
of experience is but later knowledge and nothing more 1• The
self is not revealed in the knowledge of external objects, but we
can know it by a mental perception of self-consciousness. It is
the movement of this self in presence of certain collocating cir-
cumstances leading to cognition of things that is called jflana 2•
Here Kumarila distinguishes knowledge as movement from know-
ledge as objective consciousness. Knowledge as movement was
beyond sense perception and could only be inferred.
Th_e i~ealistic tend~ncy _o~ Vijflanavada Bud~hi:m, Sa1pk~ya,
andMtmaipsawas mamfest m ttsattemptatestabhshmgtheumque
character of knowledge as being that with which alone we are in.
touch. But Vijnanavada denied the external world, and thereby
did violence to the testimony of knowledge. Sa1pkhya admitted
the external world but created a gulf between the content of know-
ledge and pure intelligence; Prabhakara ignored this difference, 1
and was satisfied with the introspective assertion that knowledge
was such a unique thing that it revealed with itself, the knower and J

the known; Kumarila however admitted a transcendent element

of movement as being the cause of our objective consciousness,
but regarded this as being separate from self. But the question
remained unsolved as to why, in spite of the unique character of
knowledge, knowledge could relate itself to the world of objects,
how far the world of external objects or of knowledge could be
regarded as absolutely true. Hitherto judgments were only re-
lative, either referring to one's being prompted to the objective
world, to the faithfulness of the representation of objects, the
suitability of fulfilling our requirements, or to verification by later
See Nyayara!lzamiilii, svatal)-pramaQya-nirQaya.
I .
See Nyii;'amaiijarf on PramaQa, SlokmJiirttika on Pratyak~a, and Gaga Bha!!a's

Bha{{aci1ltiimm;i on Pratyak~a.
The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
uncontradicted experience. But no enquiry was made whether
any absolute judgments about the ultimate truth of knowledge
and matter could be made at all. That which appeared was re-
garded as the real. But the question was not asked, whether
there was anything which could be regarded as absolute truth,
the basis of all appearance, and the unchangeable reality. This
philosophical enquiry had the most wonderful charm for the
Hindu mind.

Vedanta Literature.
It is difficult to ascertain the time when the Brahma-siUras
were written, but since they contain a refutation of almost all the
other Indian systems, even of the Siinyavada Buddhism (of course
according to Sankara's interpretation), they cannot have been
written very early. I think it may not be far from the truth in
supposing that they were written some time in the second century
B.C. About the period 780 A.D. Gau~apada revived the monistic
teaching of the U pani~ads by his commentary on the Mal)<;liikya
Upani~ad in verse called 111ii~t¢ftkyakiirikii. His disciple Govinda
was the teacher of Saii.kara (788-820 A.D.). Sankara's com-
mentary on the Bralzma-sittras is the root from which sprang
forth a host of commentaries and studies on V edantism of great
originality, vigour, and philosophic insight. Thus Anandagiri, a
disciple of Sankara, wrote a commentary called Nyiiyanz"r~zaya,
and Govindananda wrote another commentary named Rat1la-
prabhii. Vacaspati Misra, who flourished about 841 A.D., wrote
another commentary on it called the Bhiimati. Amalananda
(1247-1260A.D.) wrote his Kalpataru on it, and Apyayadlk~ita
( 15 so A.D.) son of Railgarajadhvarlndra of Kaficl wrote his Kalpa-
taruparimala on the Kalpataru. Another disciple of Satikara,
Padmapada, also called Sanandana, wrote a commentary on it
known as Pailcapiidz"kii. From the manner in which the book is
begun one would expect that it was to be a running commentary
on the whole of Sari.kara's bha~ya, but it ends abruptly at the
end of the fourth siitra. Madhava (1350), in his Said:aravija;'a,
recites an interesting story about it. He says that Suresvara re-
ceived Sai1kara's permission to write a viirttika on the bha~ya.
But other pupils objected to Sar'lkara that since Suresvara was
formerly a great Mimarpsist(Mai)(Jana Misra was called Suresvara
after his conversion to Vedantism) he was not competent to write
x] Vedanta Literature
a good viirttika on the bha~ya. Suresvara, disappointed, wrote
a treatise called Nai~karmyasiddhi. Padmapada wrote a pka
but this was burnt in his uncle's house. Satikara, who had once
seen it, recited it from memory and Padmapada wrote it down.
Prakasatman (1200) wrote a commentary on Padmapada's Pai"i-
capiidikii known as Paiicapiidikiivivara?za. Akhary<;lananda wrote
his Tattvadipana, and the famous Nrsiiphasrama Muni (1500)
wrote his Vivara?zabhiivaprakiisikii on it. Amalananda and
Vidyasagara also wrote commentaries on Paiicapiidikii, named
Pafzcapiidikiidarpa?ta and Paiicapiidikii!ikii respectively, but
the Paiicapiidikiivivara?za had by far the greatest reputation.
Vidyaral).ya who is generally identified by some with Mad-
ha va ( I 3 50) wrote his famous work Vi·vara~zaprameyasm!zgraha 1,
elaborating the ideas of Pai/capiidikiivivara?za; Vidyaral).ya
wrote also another excellent work named fivamnuktiviveka on
the Vedanta doctrine of emancipation. Suresvara's (800 A.D.)
excellent work Naz~karmyasiddhi is probably the earliest inde-
pendent treatise on Satl.kara's philosophy as expressed in his
bha~ya. It has been commented upon by Jftanottama Misra.
Vidyararyya also wrote another work of great merit known as
PaiicadaSi, which is a very popular and illuminating treatise in
verse on Vedanta. Another important work written in verse on
the main teachings of Sai\kara's bha!?ya is Sm!zk~epasiiriraka,
written by Sarvajftatma Muni (900 A.D.). This has also been
commented upon by Ramatlrtha. Srlhar~a (1 190 A.D.) wrote
his Kha?ttfanakha?ufakhiidya, the most celebrated work on the
Vedanta dialectic. Citsukha, who probably flourished shortly
after Srlhar~a, wrote a commentary on it, and also wrote an
independent work on Vedanta dialectic known as Tattvadipikii
which has also a commentary called Naya11aprasiidi1zi written
by Pratyagrupa. Satikara Misra and Raghunatha also wrote
commentaries on K ha?ttfauakha?ztfakltiid;1a. A work on V e-
danta epistemology and the principal topics of Vedanta of
great originality and merit known as Vcdii11tapariblui~ii was
written by Dharmarajadhvarindra (about 1550 A.D.). His son
Ramakr!?nadhvarin wrote his Sikhii1Jta?zi on it and Amaradasa his
Ma?ziprablui. The Veda?Ztapan"bhii~ii with these two commen-
taries forms an excellent exposition of some of the fundamental
principles of Vedanta. Another work of supreme importance
1 See Narasit11hacarya's article in the Indian A1ztiquary, 1916.
The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
(though probably the last great work on Vedanta) is the
Advaitasiddhi of Madhusiidana Sarasvati who followed Dharma-
rajadhvarindra. This has three commentaries known as Gautja-
brahmii1zmzdi, Vi!!halesopadhyii)'i and S iddhivyiikhyii. Sadananda
Vyasa wrote also a summary of it known as Advaitasiddhi'sid-
dha1ltasiira. Sadananda wrote also an excellent elementary work
named Vedantasara which has also two commentaries Subodhini
and Vidvallmanoraiijiui. TheA dvaitabrahmasiddhi of Sadananda
Yati though much inferior to Advaitasiddh£ is important, as it
touches on many points of Vedanta interest which are not dealt
with in other Vedanta works. The Nyayamakaranda of Ananda-
bodha Bhattarakacaryya treats of the doctrines of illusion very
well, as also some other important points of Vedanta interest.
Vedii1ltasiddhiintamuktavali of Prakasananda discusses many of
the subtle points regarding the nature of ajfiana and its relations
to cit, the doctrine of d_r~!isr~!ivada, etc., with great clearness.
Siddhii11talesa by Apyayadlk~ita is very important as a summary
of the divergent views of different writers on many points of
interest. Vcdiintatattvadipikii and Siddhiintatattva are also good
as well as deep in their general summary of the Vedanta system.
Bhedadhikkiira of N rsiiphasrama Muni also is to be regarded as
an important work on the Vedanta dialectic.
The above is only a list of some of the most important Ve-
danta works on which the present chapter has been based.

Vedanta in Gau<;Iapada.
It is useless I think to attempt to bring out the meaning of
the Vedanta thought as contained in the Bralzma-siUras without
making any reference to the commentary of Sari.kara or any
other commentator. There is reason to believe that the Brahma-
s'iUras were first commented upon by some Vai!?l)ava writers who
held some form of modified dualism 1• There have been more
than a half dozen Vai!?l)ava commentators of the Brahma-sittras
who not only differed from Sari.kara's interpretation, but also
differed largely amongst themselves in accordance with the
different degrees of stress they laid on the different aspects of
their dualistic creeds. Every one of them claimed that his inter-
pretation was the only one that was faithful to the siitras and to
1 This point will be dealt with in the 2nd volume, when I shall deal with the

!'ystems expounded by the Vai~Qava commentators of the Brahma-siit?·as.

x] Date of the Brah1na-szttras 421

the U pani~ads. Should I attempt to give an interpretation

myself and claim that to be the right one, it would be only
just one additional view. But however that may be, I am
myself inclined to believe that the dualistic interpretations of the
B1·ahma-siet1·as were probably more faithful to the siitras than the
interpretations of Satikara.
The Srimadbhagavadgitii, which itself was a work of the
Ekanti (singularistic) Vai~l)avas, mentions the B1·ahma-szttras as
having the same purport as its own, giving cogent reasons 1 •
Professor Jacobi in discussing the date of the phiiosophical
siitras of the Hindus has shown that the references to Buddhism
found in the Brahma-szttras are not with regard to the Vijiiana-
vada of Vasubandhu, but with regard to the Siinyavada, but here-
gards the com position of the B1·ahma-siU1·as to be later than Nagar-
juna. I agree with the late DrS. C. Vidyabhii~hana in holding that
both the Yogacara system and the system of Nagarjuna evolved
from the P1·ajiliipii1·amitii 2• Nagarjuna's merit consisted in the
dialectical form of his arguments in support of Siinyavada; but so
far as the essentials of Sunyavada are concerned I believe that the
Tathata philosophy of Asvagho~a and the philosophy of the P1·a-
jliiipii1·am.ita contained no less. There is no reason to suppose that
the works of Nagarjuna were better known to the Hindu writers
than the 111aluiyiina sfttras. Even in such later times as that of
Vacaspati Misra, we find him quoting a passage of the Salistambha
sittra to give an account of the Buddhist doctrine of pratltya-
samutpada3. We could interpret any reference to Sunyavada as
pointing to Nagarjuna only if his special phraseology or dialectical
methods were referred to in any way. On the other hand, the
reference in the Blzagavadgita to the Brahma-sittras clearly points
out a date prior to that of Nagarjuna; though we may be slow
to believe such an early date as has been assigned to the Bhaga-
vadgitii by Telang, yet I suppose that its date could safely be
placed so far back as the first half of the first century B.C. or the
last part of the second century B.C. The Bralzma-silb·as could
thus be placed slightly earlier than the date of the Blzagavadgitii.
1 " Brahmasiitrapadaiscaiva hetumadbhirviniscita}:t " Bhagavadgftii. The proofs
in support of the view that the Bhagavadgitii is a Vai~l).ava work will be discussed
in the znd volume of the present work in the section on Bhagavadgitii and its philo-
2 Indian Antiquary, 1915.

3 See Viicaspati Misra's Bhamati on Sankara's bhiisya on Brakma-sutra, 11. ii.

422 The SaJikara School of Vedanta [en.
I do not know of any evidence that would come in conflict with
this supposition. The fact that we do not know of any Hindu
writer who held such monistic views as GaU<;:lapada or Satikara,
and who interpreted the Brahma-siitras in accordance with those
monistic ideas, when combined with the fact that the dualists
had been writing commentaries on the Brahma-siitras, goes to
show that the Brakma-siitras were originally regarded as an
authoritative work of the dualists. This also explains the fact that
the Bhagavadgitii, the canonical work of the Ekanti Vai~l).avas,
should refer to it. I do not know of any Hindu writer previous
to GaU<;:lapada who attempted to give an exposition of the
monistic doctrine (apart from the Upani~ads), either by writing
a commentary as did Sailkara, or by writing an independent
work as did Gauc;lapada. I am inclined to think therefore that
as the pure monism of the U pani~ads was not worked out in a
coherent manner for the formation of a monistic system, it
was dealt with by people who had sympathies with some form
of dualism which was already developing in the later days of
the U pani~ads, as evidenced by the dualistic tendencies of such
U pani~ads as the Svetasvatara, and the iike. The epic Sarrkhya
was also the result of this dualistic development.
It seems that Badarayal).a, the writer of the Brahma-szttras,
was probably more a theist, than an absolutist like his commen-
tator Sai1kara. GaU<;lapada seems to be the most important
man, after the U pani~ad sages, who revived the monistic .ten-
dencies of the U pani~ads in a bold and clear form and tried to
formulate them in a systematic manner. It seems very signi-
ficant that no other karikas on the Upani:;ads were interpreted,
except the JJ!lii?ufiikyakiirikii by Gauc;lapada, who did not him-
self make any reference to any other writer of the monistic
school, not even Badarayal).a. Sati.kara himself makes the con-
fession that the absolutist (advaita) creed was recovered from
the Vedas by Gauc;lapada. Thus at the conclusion of his com-
mentary on GaU<;lapada's karika, he says that "he adores by
falling at the feet of that great guru (teacher) the adored of his
adored, who on finding all the people sinking in the ocean made
dreadful by the crocodiles of rebirth, out of kindness for all
people, by churning the great ocean of the Veda by his great
churning rod of wisdom recovered what lay deep in the heart
of the Veda, and is hardly attainable even by the immortal
x] Gautjapada and Buddh£s1n .,..,
4 -.)
gods 1." It seems particularly significant that Sarikara should
credit Gam;lapada and not Badarayal).a with recovering the
Upani~ad creed. Gau<;lapada was the teacher of Govinda, the
teacher of Sati.kara; but he was probably living when Sati.kara
was a student, for Sati.kara says that he was directly influenced by
his great wisdom, and also speaks of the learning, self-control
and modesty of the other pupils of Gau<;lapada 2• There is some
dispute about the date of Sankara, but accepting the date pro-
posed by Bhal).qarkar, Pathak and Deussen, we may consider
it to be 788 A.D. 3, and suppose that in order to be able to teach
Sati.kara, Gau<;lapada must have been living till at least 800 A.D.
Gau<;lapada thus flourished after all the great Buddhist
teachers Asvagho~a, Nagarjuna, Asailga and Vasubandhu; and
I believe that there is sufficient evidence in his karikas for thinking
that he was possibly himself a Buddhist, and considered that
the teachings of the Upani~ads tallied with those of Buddha.
Thus at the beginning of the fourth chapter of his karikas he
says that he adores that great man ( dvipadiim varam )who by know-
ledge as wide as the sky realized (sambuddka) that all appearances
(dltanna) were like the vacuous sky (gaganopamam 4 ). He then
goes on to say that he adores him who has dictated (desita)
that the touch of untouch (aspar.fayoga-probably referring to
Nirval}a) was the good that produced happiness to all beings,
and that he was neither in disagreement with this doctrine nor
found any contradiction in it (aviviida(t aviruddka.fca). Some
disputants hold that coming into being is of existents, whereas
others quarrelling with them hold that being (jiita) is of non-
existents (abhiUasya); there are others who quarrel with them
and say that neither the existents nor non-existents are liable to
being and there is one non-coming-into-being (adva;•amajatim).
He agrees with those who hold that there is no coming into
being 5• In IV. 19 of his karika he again says that the Buddhas
have shown that there was no coming into being in any way
( sarvathii Buddlwirajiiti(t paridipita(l ).
1Sankara's bhii~ya on Gau~Iapada's karika, Anandasrama edition, p. 2 q.
2Anandasrama edition of Sari.kara's Lha~ya on Gau~lapiida's karika, p. 21.
3 Telang wishes to put Sankara's date somewhere in the 8th century, and Yeitka-
tesvara would have him in 8os A.D.-897 A.D., as he did not believe that Sari.kara could
have lived only for 32 years. J. R. A. S. 1916.
4 Compare Lmikavatczra, p. 29, Kathm!l ca ga.r;;mzopamam.
5 Gauc)apada's kiirika, IV. 2, ~-
The Sa1ikara School of Vedanta [cH.
Again, in IV. 42 he says that it was for those realists (vastu-
vadi), who since they found things and could deal with them and
were afraid of non-being, that the Buddhas had spoken of
origination (jiiti). In IV. 90 he refers to agrayiiua which we
know to be a name of JVIakii;'ana. Again, in IV. 98 and 99
he says that all appearances are pure and vacuous by nature.
These the Buddhas, the emancipated one (mukta) and the leaders
know first. It was not said by the Buddha that all appearances
(dharma) were knowledge. He then closes the karikas with an
adoration which in all probability also refers to the Buddha 1•
Gau<;lapada's work is divided into four chapters: (I) .Agama
(scripture), (2) Vaitathya (unreality), (3) Advaita (unity), (4) Ala-
tasanti (the extinction of the burning coal). The first chapter is
more in the way of explaining the Mal)<;liikya Upani~ad by
virtue of which the entire work is known as M ii?ztfzlkyakiirikii.
The second, third, and fourth chapters are the constructive parts
of GaU<;lapada's work, not particularly connected with the Mal)-
<;liikya U pani~ad.
In the first chapter Gau<;lapada begins with the three ap-
parent manifestations of the self: (I) as the experiencer of the
external world while we are awake (vi.§va or ·vaisvii11ara iitmii),
(2) as the experiencer in the dream state (taijasa iitmii), (3) as the
experiencer in deep sleep (su~upti), called the priijiia when there
is no determinate knowledge, but pure consciousness and pure
bliss (iinanda). He who knows these three as one is never
attached to his experiences. GaU<;lapada then enumerates some
theories of creation: some think that the world has proceeded
as a creation from the pral)a (vital activity), others consider
creation as an expansion (vibhzlti) of that cause from which it has
proceeded; others imagine that creation is like dream (s1Japna)
and magic (miiyii); others, that creation proceeds simply by the
will of the Lord; others that it proceeds from time; others that it
is for the enjoyment of the Lord (bkogii1~tkam) or for his play only
(kri{liirtham), for such is the nature (svabhtiva) of the Lord, that
he creates, but he cannot have any longing, as all his desires are
in a state of fulfilment.
1 Gau~lapii.da's karika, rv. 100. In my translation I have not followed Sai1kara,

for he has I think tried his level best to explain away even the most obvious references
to Buddha and Buddhism in GaU<_lapii.da's karikii.. I have, therefore, drawn my meaning
directly as Gauc_lapii.da's kii.rikii.s seemed to indicate. I have followed the same principle
in giving the short exposition of Gau~lapada's philosophy below.
x] Gazufapada's Phz"losophy
GaU<;lapada does not indicate his preference one way or the
other, but describes the fourth state of the self as unseen (adr~ta),
unrelationable (avyavakiiryam), ungraspable (agnihyam.), inde-
finable (alak~a?za), unthinkable (acint_)'am), unspeakable (av;'a-
padesya), the essence as oneness with the self (ekiitmapratya-
yasiira), as the extinction of the appearance (prapaiicopasama),
the quiescent (Siintam), the good (Sivam), the one (advaita) 1• The
world-appearance (prapai/ca) would have ceased if it had existed,
but all this duality is mere maya (magic or illusion), the one
is the ultimately real (paramarthata!z). In the second chapter
Gau<;lapada says that what is meant by calling the world a
dream is that all existence is unreal. That which neither exists
in the beginning nor in the end cannot be said to exist in the
present. Being like unreal it appears as real. The appearance
has a beginning and an end and is therefore false. In dreams
things are imagined internally, and in the experience that we
have when we are awake things are imagined as if existing out-
side, but both of them are but illusory creations of the sel£
What is perceived in the mind is perceived as existing at the
moment of perception only; external objects are supposed to
have two moments of existence (namely before they are per-
ceived, and when they begin to be perceived), but this is all mere
imagination. That which is unmanifested in the mind and that
which appears as distinct and manifest outside are all imaginary
productions in association with the sense faculties. There is first
the imagination of a perceiver or soul (ji·lla) and then along with
it the imaginary creations of diverse inner states and the external
world. Just as in darkness the rope is imagined to be a snake,
so the self is also imagined by its own illusion in diverse forms.
There is neither any production nor any destruction (na nirodho,
1za cotpattif.z), there is no one who is enchained, no one who is
striving, no one who wants to be released:!. Imagination finds
itself realized in the non-existent existents and also in the sense
1 Compare in ~agarjuna's first karika the idea of prapaiicopafamam fivam.

A 1zirodhanzametpiidamanucchedamafiifvatam a1tekiirthamand1ziirthamaniiganzama11i1·-
gamam ya!J pratityasamutpiidanz prapaiicopafamam fi'l•am defaJ•iimii.ra sambuddhastam
vande vadatiimvaram. Compare also Nagarjuna's Chapter on Nirva~zaparik[d, Pilrvo-
palambhopafamal.z prapaiicopafamal} fiva!z na kvacit kasyacit kafcit dharmmo bud-
dhmadt!fitaf.z. So far as I know the Buddhists Wt:re the first to use the words prapaJi·
copataman fivam.
2 Compare Nagarjuna's karika, "anirodhamanutpadam" in 11-Iadh;•amikac.•rtti,

B. T. S., p. 3·
The Sankara School of Vediinta · [cH
of unity; all imagination either as the many or the one (ad-l'aya)
is false ; it is only the oneness (ad-vayatii) that is good. There
is no many, nor are things different or non-different (11a niinedam
.. .1la p_rtltag niip_rtltak) 1• The sages who have transcended attach-
ment, fear, and anger and have gone beyond the depths of the
Vedas have perceived it as the imaginationless cessation of all
appearance (nz"rvikalpa~t prapai'icopasama!t), the one 2•
In the third chapter Gau<;lapada says that truth is like the
void (iikiisa) which is falsely conceived as taking part in birth
and death, coming and going and as existing in all bodies ; but
howsoever it be conceived, it is all the while not different from
akasa. All things that appear as compounded are but dreams
(svap11a) and maya (magic). Duality is a distinction imposed
upon the one (advaita) by maya. The truth is immortal, it cannot
therefore by its own nature suffer change. It has no birth. All
birth and death, all this manifold is but the result of an imposi-
tion of maya upon it 3• One mind appears as many in the dream,
so also in the waking state one appears as many, but when the
mind activity of the Togins (sages) is stopped arises this fearless
state, the extinction of all sorrow, final cessation. Thinking every-
thing to be misery (duftkham sarvam mwsm_rtya) one should stop
all desires and enjoyments, and thinking that nothing has any
birth he should not see any production at all. He should awaken
the mind (citta) into its final dissolution (laya) and pacify it
when distracted; he should not move it towards diverse objects
when it stops. He should not taste any pleasure (sukltam) and by
wisdom remain unattached, by strong effort making it motionless
and still. When he neither passes into dissolution nor into dis-
traction; when there is no sign, no appearance that is the perfect
Brahman. \Vhen there is no object of knowledge to come into
being, the unproduced is then called the omniscent (sar'ZJaji'ia).
In the fourth chapter, called the Alatasanti,Gau<)apada further
1 Compare illiidhyamikal..·,lrikii, B. T. S., p. 3• anekiirtham mzii1ziirtham, etc.
2 Compare LaJikiivati'irasftlra, p. 7R, Advayiisamsiiraparinirva~zavatsarvadhar­
mii!.z tasmfU tarhi mahiimate SzmyatiiJmtpiidiiffvayanil;svabhiivalak~a~ze yoga!.z kara-
~nyaf.z ; also 8, 46, Yaduta svacittavi~ayavikalpadr~tJ'i'inavabodhaniit vzjiianii1ziim
svadttadr.(yamiilriinavaliire~la mahiimale viila/Jtlhagjmziif.z bhiiviib/z,1vasvabhiivapara-
miirthadNtidvavm'tldino hhaz•anti.
3 Compare. Nagarjuna's karil<a, B. T. S., p. 196, Akiifam safm't'igaiica ba11-

dhyiiyiif.z putra eva ca asantafciibhivy•yyante tatlzcibhiivma l..·alpanli, with Gau<;Iapada's

karika, 111. '28, Asato mtlyay.-z janma tatvato JZaiva jiiyate bmzdhyiiputro 1za tat/vena
mayiiya viipi jiiyate.
x] Gazufapada' s Philosophy
describes this final state 1• All the dharmas (appearances) are
\~ithout death or decay 2• Gau9apada then follows a dialectical
form of argument which reminds us of :Nagarjuna. Gam;lapada
continues thus: Those who regard kararya (cause) as the karyya
(effect in a potential form) cannot consider the cause as truly
unproduced (aja), for it suffers production; how can it be called
eternal and yet changing? If it is said that things come into
being from that which has no production, there is no example
with which such a case may be illustrated. :Nor can we con-
sider that anything is born from that which has itself suffered
production. How again can one come to a right conclusion
about the regressus ad illfinitum, of cause and effect (helle
and phala)? \Vithout reference to the effect there is no cause,
and without reference to cause there is no effect. Nothing is born
either by itself or through others; call it either being, non-
being, or being-non-being, nothing suffers any birth, neither the
cause nor the effect is produced out of its own nature (svablzii-
vata!t), and thus that which has no beginning anywhere cannot
be said to have a production. All experience (praJilapti) is
dependent on reasons, for otherwise both would vanish, and there
would be none of the afflictions (smtzklesa) that we suffer. When
we look at all things in a connected manner they seem to be
dependent, but when we look at them from the point of view of
reality or truth the reasons cease to be reasons. The mind (citta)
does not come in touch with objects and thereby manifest
them, for since things do not exist they are not different from
their manifestations in knowledge. It is not in any particular
case that the mind produces the manifestations of objects while
they do not exist so that it could be said to be an error, for in
present, past, and future the mind never comes in touch with
objects which only appear by reason of their diverse manifesta-
tions. Therefore neither the mind nor the objects seen by it are
ever produced. Those who perceive them to suffer production are
really traversing the reason of vacuity (khe), for all production
is but false imposition on the vacuity. Since the unborn is
perceived as being born, the essence then is the absence of
1 The very name Alatasanti is absolutely Buddhistic. Compare Nagarjuna's

karika, B. T. S., p. 206, where he quotes a verse from the Sataka.

2 The use of the word dharma in the sense of appearance or entity is peculiarly

Buddhistic. The Hindu sense is that given by Jaimini, "Codanalak"al)ah arthah,

dharma h." Dharma is determined by the injunctions of the Vedas.
The Sankara School of Vedanta LcH.
production, for it being of the nature of absence of production it
could never change its nature. Everything has a beginning and
an end and is therefore false. The existence of all things is like
a magical or illusory elephant (mayahasti) and exists only as far
as it merely appears or is related to experience. There is thus
the appearance of production, movement and things, but the one
knowledge (vijiia1la) is the unborn, unmoved, the unthingness
(avastutva), the cessation (siitztam). As the movement of
burning charcoal is perceived as straight or curved, so it is the
movement (spandita) of consciousness that appears as the per-
ceiving and the perceived. All the attributes (e.g. straight or
curved) are imposed upon the charcoal fire, though in reality it
does not possess them ; so also all the appearances are -im-
posed upon consciousness, though in reality they do not possess
them. vVe could never indicate any kind of causal relation
between the consciousness and its appearance, which are there-
fore to be demonstrated as unthinkable (acintya). A thing
(dravya) is the cause of a thing (dravya), and that which is not
a thing may be the cause of that which is not a thing, but all
the appearances are neither things nor those which are not
things, so neither are appearances produced from the mind
(citta), nor is the mind produced by appearances. So long as
one thinks of cause and effect he has to suffer the cycle of
existence (sm?zsiira), but when that notion ceases there is no
sarpsara. All things are regarded as being produced from a
relative point of view only (sm?zv_rtz), there is therefore nothing
permanent (siiJvata). Again, no existent things are produced,
hence there cannot be any destruction (uccheda). Appearances
(dlzarma) are produced only apparently, not in reality; their
coming into being is like maya, and that maya again does not
exist. All appearances are like shoots of magic coming out of
seeds of magic and are not therefore neither eternal nor destruc-
tible. As in dreams, or in magic, men are born and die, so are all
appearances. That which appears as existing from an imaginary
relative point of view (kalpita SaJ!ZV_rti) is not so in reality (para-
miirtlza ), for the existence depending on others, as shown in all
relative appearance, is after all not a real existence. That things
exist, do not exist, do exist and not exist, and neither exist nor
not exist; that they are moving or steady, or none of those, are
but thoughts with which fools are deluded.
x] Vedanta and Sa1ikara
It is so obvious that these doctrines are borrowed from the
Madhyamika doctrines, as found in the N agarjuna's karikas and
the Vijnanavada doctrines, as found in Laizkiivatiira, that it is
needless to attempt to prove it. Gauc;lapada assimilated all the
Buddhist Sunyavada and Vijnanavada teachings, and thought that
these held good of the ultimate truth preached by the U pani~ads.
It is immaterial whether he was a Hindu or a Buddhist, so long
as we are sure that he had the highest respect for the Buddha and
for the teachings which he believed to be his. Gauc;lapada took
the smallest Upani~ads to comment upon, probably because he
wished to give his opinions unrestricted by the textual limita-
tions of the bigger ones. His main emphasis is on the truth
that he realized to be perfect. He only incidentally suggested
th_at the great Buddhist truth of indefinable and unspeakable
vijfiana or vacuity would hold good of the highest atman of the
Upani~ads, and thus laid the foundation of a revival of the
Upani~ad studies on Buddhist lines. How far the Upani~ads
guaranteed in detail the truth of Gauc;lapada's views it was left
for his disciple, the great Satikara, to examine and explain.

Vedanta and Sankara (788-820 A.D.).

Vedanta philosophy is the philosophy which claims to be
the exposition of the philosophy taught in the U pani!:'ads and
summarized in the Bralzma-sittras ofBadarayal)a. The Upani~ads
form the last part of the Veda literature, and its philosophy is
therefore also called sometimes the Uttara-Mimarpsa or the
Mimarpsa (decision) of the later part of the Vedas as distinguished
from the Mimarpsa of the previous part of the Vedas and the
Brahmat:~as as incorporated in the Pitr'i}amimiil!lsii siUras of
Jaimini. Though these Bralzma-sfetras were differently interpreted
by different exponents, the views expressed in the earliest com-
mentary on them now available, written by Sankaracarya, have
attained wonderful celebrity, both on account of the subtle and
deep ideas it contains, and also on account of the association of the
illustrious personality of Satikara. So great is the influence of the
philosophy propounded by Sankara and elaborated by his illus-
trious followers, that whenever we speak of the Vedanta philosophy
we mean the philosophy that was propounded by Sankara. If
other expositions are intended the names of the exponents have
to be mentioned(e.g.Ramanuja-mata,Vallabha-mata,etc.). In this
430 The Sahkara School of Vedanta [en.
chapter we shall limit ourselves to the exposition of the Vedanta
philosophy as elaborated by Satikara and his followers. In San-
kara's work (the commentaries on the Brahma-siitra and the ten
Upani~ads) many ideas have been briefly incorporated which as
found in Sankara do not appear to be sufficiently clear, but are
more intelligible as elaborated by his followers. It is therefore
better to take up the Vedanta system, not as we find it in Sankara,
but as elaborated by his followers, all of whom openly declare
that they are true to their master's philosophy.
For the other Hindu systems of thought, the sutras (jaimini
szttra, Nyiiya sittra, etc.) are the only original treatises, and no
foundation other than these is available. In the case of the
Vedanta however the original source is the U pani!?ads, and
the sutras are but an extremely condensed summary in a
systematic form. Satikara did not claim to be the inventor or
expounder of an original system, but interpreted the sutras
and the U pani~ads in order to show that there existed a connected
and systematic philosophy in the U pani~ads which was also
enunciated in the sutras of Badarayal)a. The U pani!?ads were a
part of the Vedas and were thus regarded as infallible by the
Hindus. If Sankara could only show that his exposition of them
was the right one, then his philosophy being founded upon the
highest authority would be accepted by all Hindus. The most
formidable opponents in the way of accomplishing his task were
the Mimarpsists, who held that the Vedas did not preach any
philosophy, for whatever there was in the Vedas was to be
interpreted as issuing commands to us for performing this or
that action. They held that if the U pani~ads spoke of Brahman
and demonstrated the nature of its pure essence, these were mere
exaggerations intended to put the commandment of performing
some kind of worship of Brahman into a more attractive form.
Sa1'lkara could not deny that the purport of the Vedas as found
in the Brahma~as was explicitly of a mandatory nature as de-
clared by the Mimarpsa, but he sought to prove that such could
not be the purport of the U pani~ads, which spoke of the truest
and the highest knowledge of the Absolute by which the wise
could attain salvation. He said that in the karmaka~<;ia-the
(sacrificial injunctions) Brahma~as of the Vedas-the purport of
the Vedas was certainly of a mandatory nature, as it was intended
fur ordinary people who were anxious for this or that pleasure,
x] Saizkara and the Upani~ads 431
and were never actuated by any desire of knowing the absolute
truth, but the Upani!?ads, which were intended for the wise who
had controlled their senses and become disinclined to all earthly
joys, demonstrated the one Absolute, Unchangeable, Brahman
as the only Truth of the universe. The two parts of the Vedas
were intended for two classes of persons. Sankara thus did not
begin by formulating a philosophy of his own by logical and
psychological analysis, induction, and deduction. He tried to show
by textual comparison of the different U pani!?ads, and by refer-
ence to the content of passages in the U pani~ads, that they
were concerned in demonstrating the nature of Brahman (as he
understood it) as their ultimate end. He had thus to show that
the uncontradicted testimony of all the U pani!?ads was in favour
of the view which he held. He had to explain all doubtful and
apparently conflicting texts, and also to show that none of the
texts referred to the doctrines of mahat, prakrti, etc. of the
Sarpkhya. He had also to interpret the few scattered ideas
about physics, cosmology, eschatology, etc. that are found in the
Upani!?ads consistently with the Brahman philosophy. In order
to show that the philosophy of the Upani!?ads as he expounded it
was a consistent system, he had to remove all the objections that
his opponents could make regarding the Brahman philosophy, to
criticize the philosophies of all other schools, to prove them to
be self-contradictory, and to show that any interpretation of the
U pani!?ads, other than that which he gave, was inconsistent and
wrong. This he did not only in his bha!?ya on the Braluna-sittras
but also in his commentaries on the Upani!;>ads. Logic with him
had a subordinate place, as its main value for us was the aid
which it lent to consistent interpretations of the purport of the
U pani!?ad texts, and to persuading the mind to accept the un-
contradicted testimony of the U pani!;>ads as the absolute truth.
His disciples followed him in all, and moreover showed in great
detail that the Brahman philosophy was never contradicted
either in perceptual experience or in rational thought, and that
all the realistic categories which N yaya and other systems
had put forth were self-contradictory and erroneous. They also
supplemented his philosophy by constructing a Vedanta epistem-
ology, and by rethinking elaborately the relation of the maya,
the Brahman, and the world of appearance and other relevant
topics. Many problems of great philosophical interest which
432 The Sa1ikara School of Vedanta [cH.
had been left out or slightly touched by Sankara were discussed
fully by his followers. But it should always be remembered that
philosophical reasonings and criticisms are always to be taken
as but aids for convincing our intellect and strengthening our
faith in the truth revealed in the U pani!?ads. The true work of
logic is to adapt the mind to accept them. Logic used for upset-
ting the instructions of the Upani!?ads is logic gone astray. Many
lives ofSankaracarya were written in Sanskrit such as the Sankara-
dig,vijaya, Sankara-vijaya-viliisa, Smikara-jaya, etc. It is regarded
as almost certain that he was born between 700 and 8oo A.D. in
the Malabar country in the Deccan. His father Sivaguru was
a Yajurvedi Brahmin of the Taittiriya branch. Many miracles
are related of Sankara, and he is believed to have been the
incarnation of Siva. He turned ascetic in his eighth year and
became the disciple of Govinda, a renowned sage then residing in
a mountain cell on the banks of the Narbuda. He then came over
to Benares and thence went to Badarikasrama. It is said that
he wrote his illustrious bha!?ya on the Bralzma-sfttra in his twelfth
year. Later on he also wrote his commentaries on ten Upani!?ads.
He returned to Benares, and from this time forth he decided to
travel all over India in order to defeat the adherents of other
schools of thought in open debate. It is said that he first went to
meet Kumarila, but Kumarila was then at the point of death, and
he advised him to meet Kumarila's disciple. He defeated Mat:~9ana
and converted him into an ascetic follower of his own. He then
travelled in various places, and defeating his opponents everywhere
he established his Vedanta philosophy, which from that time forth
acquired a dominant influence in moulding the religious life of
Sankara carried on the work of his teacher Gauc;lapada and
by writing commentaries on the ten Upani~ads and the Brall1na-
sittras tried to prove, that the absolutist creed was the one which
was intended to be preached in the Upani~ads and the Brall1na-
siUras1. Throughout his commentary on the Bralmza-sittras,
there is ample evidence that he was contending against some
other rival interpretations of a dualistic tendency which held
that the Upani~ads partly favoured the Sarpkhya cosmology
1 The main works of Sankara are his commentaries (bh~ya) on the ten U pani~ads
(i~a, Kena, Ka!ha, Pra~na, Mm:lCJaka, Mal')~liikya, Aitareya, Taittiriya, Brhadaral')-
yaka, and Chandogya), and on the Brahma-sidra.
xJ Brahma-siitra 433
of the existence of prakf1:i. That these were actual textual in-
terpretations of the Brahma-siUras is proved by the fact that
Satikara in some places tries to show that these textual con-
structions were faulty 1 • In one place he says that others (re-
ferring according to Vacaspati to the Mimarpsa) and some of
us (referring probably to those who interpreted the sutras and
the Upani~ads from the Vedanta point of view) think that the
soul is permanent. It is to refute all those who were opposed
to the right doctrine of perceiving everything as the unity
of the self (iitmaikatva) that this Sariraka commentary of
mine is being attempted 2 • Ramanuja, in the introductory por-
tion of his bha~ya on the Bralmza-siUra, says that the views of
Bodhayana who wrote an elaborate commentary on the Brahma-
sutra were summarized by previous teachers, and that he was
following this Bodhayana bha~ya in writing his commentary. In
the Vediirthasm?zgralza of Ramanuja mention is made of Bodha-
yana, Tanka, Guhadeva, K.apardin, Bharuci as Vedantic authorities,
and Dravi<;lacaryya is referred to as the "bha!?yakara" commen-
tator. In Chandogya III. x. 4, where the U pani~ad cosmology
appeared to be different from the Vi.nzupurii?za cosmology, Sati-
kara refers to an explanation offered on the point by one whom
he calls "acaryya" (atrokta(zparilziira!z iiairyyai!z) and Anandagiri
says that "acaryya" there refers to Dravic;lacaryya. This Dravi<;l-
acaryya is known to us from Ramanuja's statement as being a
commentator of the dualistic school, and we have evidence here
that he had written a commentary on the Chandogya U pani!?ad.
A study of the extant commentaries on the Braluna-siUras of
Badarayai)a by the adherents of different schools of thought
leaves us convinced that these sutras were regarded by all as
condensations of the teachings of the U pani~ads. The differences
of opinion were with regard to the meaning of these sutras and
the Upani!?ad texts to which references were made by them
in each particular case. The Bralzma-siitra is divided into four
adhyayas or books, and each of these is divided into four chapters
or padas. Each of these contains a number of topics of discussion
(adhikara?Za) which are composed of a number of sutras, which
raise the point at issue, the points that lead to doubt and un-
certainty, and the considerations that should lead one to favour
1 See note on p. 432.
2 Sankara's bha~ya on the Brahma-sidras, 1. iii. 19.
434 The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
a particular conclusion. As explained by Sankara, most of these
sutras except the first four and the first two chapters of the
second book are devoted to the textual interpretations of the
Upani~ad passages. Sankara's method of explaining the abso-
lutist Vedanta creed does not consist in proving the Vedanta to
be a consistent system of metaphysics, complete in all parts, but
in so interpreting the U pani!?ad texts as to show that they all agree
in holding the Brahman to be the self and that alone to be the
only truth. In Chapter I of Book II Sankara tries to answer
some of the objectio~s that may be made from the Sarpkhya
point of view against his absolutist creed and to show that some
apparent difficulties of the absolutist doctrine did not present
any real difficulty. In Chapter II of Book II he tries to refute
the Sarpkhya, Yoga, N yaya- Vaise~ika, the Buddhist, Jaina, Bha-
gavata and Saiva systems of thought. These two chapters and
his commentaries on the first four sutras contain the main points
of his system. The rest of the work is mainly occupied in show-
ing that the conclusion of the sutras was always in strict agree-
ment with the u pani~ad doctrines. Reason with Sat1kara never r

occupied the premier position; its value was considered only

secondary, only so far as it helped one to the right understanding
of the revealed scriptures, the U pani!?ads. The ultimate truth can-
not be known by reason alone. What one debater shows to be
reasonable a more expert debater shows to be false, and what he
shows to be right is again proved to be false by another debater.
So there is no final certainty to which we can arrive by logic
and argument alone. The ultimate truth can thus only be found
in the U pani!?ads; reason, discrimination and judgment are all to
be used only with a view to the discovery of the real purport
of the U pani!?ads. From his own position Sat1kara was not thus
bound to vindicate the position of the Vedanta as a thoroughly
rational system of metaphysics. For its truth did not depend on
its rationality but on the authority of the Upani!?ads. But what
was true could not contradict experience. If therefore Sankara's
interpretation of the U pani~ads was true, then it would not con-
tradict experience. Sati.kara was therefore bound to show that
his interpretation was rational and did not contradict experience.
If he could show that his interpretation was the only interpreta-
tion that was faithful to the U pani~ads, and that its apparent
contradictions with experience could in some way be explained,
x] Sankara's Interpretation 435
he considered that he had nothing more to do. He was not writing
a philosophy in the modern sense of the term, but giving us the
whole truth as taught and revealed in the U pani~ads and not
simply a system spun by a clever thinker, which may erroneously
appear to be quite reasonable, Ultimate validity does not belong
to reason but to the scriptures.
He started with the premise that whatever may be the reason
it is a fact that all experience starts and moves in an error which
identifies the self with the body, the senses, or the objects of the
senses. All cognitive acts presuppose this illusory identification,
for without it the pure self can never behave as a phenomenal
knower or perceiver, and without such a perceiver there would
be no cognitive act. Sankara does not try to prove philosophi-
cally the existence of the pure self as distinct from all other
things, for he is satisfied in showing that the U pani~ads describe
the pure self unattached to any kind of impurity as the ultimate
truth. This with him is a matter to which no exception can be
taken, for it is so revealed in the U pani!?ads. This point being
granted, the next point is that our experience is always based
upon an identification of the self with the body, the senses, etc. and
the imposition of all phenomenal qualities of pleasure, pain, etc.
upon the self; and this with Satikara is a beginningless illusion.
All this had been said by Gauc;lapada. Sankara accepted Gau<;la-
pada's conclusions, but did not develop his dialectic for a positive
proof of his thesis. He made use of the dialectic only for the
refutation of other systems of thought. This being done he
thought that he had nothing more to do than to show that his
idea was in agreement with the teachings of the Upani~ads. He
showed that the U pani!?ads held that the pure self as pure being,
pure intelligence and pure bliss was the ultimate truth. This
being accepted the world as it appears could not be real. It must
be a mere magic show of illusion or maya. Sankara never tries
to prove that the world is maya, but accepts it as indisputable.
For, if the self is what is ultimately real, the necessary con-
clusion is that all else is mere illusion or maya. He had thus to
quarrel on one side with the Mimarp.sa realists and on the other
with the Sarp.khya realists, both of whom accepted the validity
of the scriptures, but interpreted them in their own way. The
Mimarp.sists held that everything that is said in the Vedas is to be
interpreted as requiring us to perform particular kinds of action,
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
or to desist from doing certain other kinds. This would mean that
the U pani~ads being a part of the Veda should also be interpreted
as containing injunctions for the performance of certain kinds of
actions. The description of Brahman in the U pani~ads does not
therefore represent a simple statement of the nature of Brahman,
but it implies that the Brahman should be meditated upon as
possessing the particular nature described there, i.e. Brahman
should be meditated upon as being an entity which possesses a
nature which is identical with our self; such a procedure would
then lead to benefichl results to the man who so meditates.
Sankara could not agree to such a view. For his main point was
that the U pani~ads revealed the highest truth as the Brahman.
No meditation or worship or action of any kind was required;
but one reached absolute wisdom and emancipation when
the truth dawned on him that the Brahman or self was the
ultimate reality. The teachings of the other parts of the Vedas,
the karmakal).<;la (those dealing with the injunctions relating
to the performance of duties and actions), were intended for in-
ferior types of aspirants, whereas the teachings of the U pani~ads,
the jfianakal).<;la (those which declare the nature of ultimate
truth and reality), were intended only for superior aspirants who
had transcended the limits of sacrificial duties and actions, and
who had no desire for any earthly blessing or for any heavenly
joy. Throughout his commentary on the Bhagavadgitii Sankara
tried to demonstrate that those who should follow the injunc-
tions of the Veda and perform Vedic deeds, such as sacrifices,
etc., belonged to a lower order. So long as they remained in
that order they had no right to follow the higher teachings of
the U pani~ads. They were but karmins (performers of scriptural
duties). \Vhen they succeeded in purging their minds of all
desires which led them to the performance of the Vedic injunc-
tions, the field of karmamarga (the path of duties), and wanted
to know the truth alone, they entered the jfianamarga (the way
of wisdom) and had no duties to perform. The study of Vedanta
was thus reserved for advanced persons who were no longer
inclined to the ordinary joys of life but wanted complete
emancipation. The qualifications necessary for a man intending
to study the Vedanta are ( 1) discerning knowledge about what is
eternal and what is transitory (n£tyii11£tyavastuv£veka), (2) disin-
clination to the enjoyment of the pleasures of this world or of
x] Sankara's Interpretation 437
the after world (ihiimutraphalabhogaviriiga), (3) attainment of
peace, self-restraint, renunciation, patience, deep concentration
and faith (Samadamiidisiidhanasampat) and desire for salvation
(mumuk~utva). The person who had these qualifications should
study the U pani~ads, and as soon as he became convinced of the
truth about the identity of the self and the Brahman he attained
emancipation. \Vhen once a man realized that the self alone
was the reality and all else was maya, all injunctions ceased to
have any force with him. Thus, the path of duties (karma) and
the path of wisdom (jiiii11a) were intended for different classes of
persons or adhikarins. There could be no joint performance of
Vedic duties and the seeking of the highest truth as taught in
the Upani~ads (j1iii1la-karma-samuccayiibhiivaft). As against the
dualists he tried to show that the U pani~ads never favoured any
kind of dualistic interpretations. The main difference between
the Vedanta as expounded by Gau<;lapada and as explained by
Sankara consists in this, that Sankara tried as best he could to
dissociate the distinctive Buddhist traits found in the exposition
of the former and to formulate the philosophy as a direct
interpretation of the older U pani!?ad texts. In this he achieved
remarkable success. He was no doubt regarded by some as a
hidden Buddhist (pracchmwa Bauddha ), but his influence on
Hindu thought and religion became so great that he was re-
garded in later times as being almost a divine person or an
incarnation. His immediate disciples. the disciples of his dis-
ciples, and those who adhered to his doctrine in the succeeding
generations, tried to build a rational basis for his system in a
much stronger way than Sankara did. Our treatment ofSankara's
philosophy has been based on the interpretations of Vedanta
thought, as offered by these followers of Sankara. These inter-
pretations are nowhere in conflict with Sankara's doctrines, but
the questions and problems which Satl.kara did not raise have
been raised and discussed by his followers, and without these one
could not treat Vedanta as a complete and coherent system of
metaphysics .. As these will be discussed in the later sections,
we may close this with a short description of some of the main
features of the Vedanta thought as explained by Sankara.
Brahman according to Sailkara is "the cause from which
(proceeds) the origin or subsistence and dissolution of this world
which is extended in names and forms, which includes many
The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
agents and enjoyers, which contains the fruit of works specially
determined according to space, time, and cause, a world which is
formed after an arrangement inconceivable even by the (imagina-
tion of the) mind 1." The reasons that Sailkara adduces for the
existence of Brahman may be considered to be threefold: ( 1) The
world must have been produced as the modification of some-
thing, but in the U pani!?ads all other things have been spoken of
as having been originated from something other than Brahman,
so Brahman is the cause from which the world has sprung into
being, but we could not think that Brahman itself originated from
something else, for then we should have a regressus ad infinitum
(anavasthii). (2) The world is so orderly that it could not have
come forth from a non-intelligent source. The intelligent source
then from which this world has come into being is Brahman.
(3) This Brahman is the immediate consciousness (siik~i) which
shines as the self, as well as through the objects of cognition
which the self knows. It is thus the essence of us all, the self,
and hence it remains undenied even when one tries to deny it,
for even in the denial it shows itself forth. It is the self of us all
and is hence ever present to us in all our cognitions.
Brahman according to Sati.kara is the identity of pure intelli-
gence, pure being, and pure blessedness. Brahman is the self of
us all. So long as we are in our ordinary waking life, we are
identifying the self with thousands of illusory things, with all that
we call'' I" or mine, but when in dreamless sleep we are absolutely
without any touch of these phenomenal notions the nature of our
true state as pure blessedness is partially realized. The individual
self as it appears is but an appearance only, while the real truth
is the true self which is one for all, as pure intelligence, pure
blessedness, and pure being.
All creation is illusory maya. But accepting it as maya, it
may be conceived that God {Isvara) created the world as a. mere
sport; from the true point of view there is no Isvara who creates
the world, but in the sense in which the world exists, and we all
exist as separate individuals, we can affirm the existence of
Isvara, as engaged in creating and maintaining the world. In
reality all creation is illusory and so the creator also is illusory.
Brahman, the self, is at once the material cause (upiidii?ta-kiira?ta)
as well as the efficient cause (nimitta-kiira?ta) of the world.
1 Sa1ikara's commentary, 1. i. 2. See also Deussen's System of the Vedanta.
x] Main idea of the Vedanta 439
There is no difference between the cause and the effect, and the
effect is but an illusory imposition on the cause-a mere illusion
of name and form. We may mould clay into plates and jugs and
call them by so many different names, but it cannot be admitted
that they are by that fact anything more than clay; their trans-
formations as plates and jugs are only appearances of name and
form (JUimariipa). This world, inasmuch as it is but an effect
imposed upon the Brahman, is only phenomenally existent
(vyavahiirz"ka) as mere objects of name and form (1Uimariipa), but
the cause, the Brahman, is alone the true reality (piiramiirthika) 1•

The main idea of the Vedanta philosophy.

The main idea of the advaita (non-dualistic) Vedanta philo-
sophy as taught by the Sati.kara school is this, that the ultimate
and absolute truth is the self, which is one, though appearing as
many in different individuals. The world also as apart from
us the individuals has no reality and has no other truth
to show than this self. All other events, mental or physical,
are but passing appearances, while the only absolute and un-
changeable truth underlying them all is the self. \Vhile other
systems investigated the pramal).as only to examine how far
they could determine the objective truth of things or our at-
titude in practical life towards them, Vedanta sought to reach
beneath the surface of appearances, and enquired after the final
and ultimate truth underlying the microcosm and the macro-
cosm, the subject and the object. The famous instruction of
Svetaketu, the most important Vedanta text (mahiiviikya) says,
''That art thou, 0 Svetaketu." This comprehension of my self
as the ultimate truth is the highest knowledge, for when this
knowledge is once produced, our cognition of world-appearances
will automatically cease. Unless the mind is chastened and purged
of all passions and desires, the soul cannot comprehend this
truth; but when this is once done, and the soul is anxious for
salvation by a knowledge of the highest truth, the preceptor
instructs him, "That art thou.'' At once he becomes the truth
itself, which is at once identical with pure bliss and pure intelli-
gence; all ordinary notions and cognitions of diversity and of the
1 All that is important in Sankara's commentary of the Brahma-siUras has been
excellently systematised by Deussen in his System of the Vedanta; it is therefore un-
necessary for me to give any long account of this part. Most of what follows has been
taken from the writings of his followers.
440 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
many cease; there is no duality, no notion of mine and thine; the
vast illusion of this world process is extinct in him, and he shines
forth as the one, the truth, the Brahman. All Hindu systems be-
lieved that when man attained salvation, he became divested of all
world-consciousness, or of all consciousness of himself and his in-
terests, and was thus reduced to his own original purity untouched
by all sensations, perceptions, feelings and willing, but there the
idea was this that when man had no bonds of karma and no desire
and attachment with the world and had known the nature of
his self as absolutely free and unattached to the world and his
own psychosis, he became emancipated from the world and all
his connections with the world ceased, though the world continued
as ever the same with others. The external world was a reality
with them; the unreality or illusion consisted in want of true
knowledge about the real nature of the self, on account of which
the self foolishly identified itself with world-experiences, worldly
joys and world-events, and performed good and bad works ac-
cordingly. The force of accumulated karmas led him to undergo
the experiences brought about by them. \Vhile reaping the fruits
of past karmas he, as ignorant as ever of his own self, worked
again under the delusion of a false relationship between himself
and the world, and so the world process ran on. Mukti (salvation)
meant the dissociation of the self from the subjective psychosis
and the world. This condition of the pure state of self was re-
garded as an unconscious one by N yaya- Vaise~ika and Mimarpsa,
and as a state of pure intelligence by Sarpkhya and Yoga. But
with Vedanta the case is different, for it held that the world as
such has no real existence at all, but is only an illusory imagina-
tion which lasts till the moment when true knowledge is acquired.
As soon as we come to know that the one truth is the self, the
Brahman, all our illusory perceptions representing the world as
a field of experience cease. This happens not because the con-
nections of the self with the world cease, but because the appear-
ance of the world process does not represent the ultimate and
highest truth about it. All our notions about the abiding
diversified world (lasting though they may be from beginningless
time) are false in the sense that they do not represent the real
truth about it. We not only do not know what we ourselves
really are, but do not also know what the world about us is.
W c take our ordinary experiences of the world as representing
x] World-appearance as I llus£on 441
it correctly, and proceed on our career of daily activity. It is no
doubt true that these experiences show us an established order
having its own laws, but this does not represent the real truth.
They are true only in a relative sense, so long as they appear to
be so; for the moment the real truth about them and the self is
comprehended all world-appearances become unreal, and that one
truth, the Brahman, pure being, bliss, intelligence, shines forth as
the absolute-the only truth in world and man. The world-ap-
pearance as experienced by us is thus often likened to the
illusory perception of silver in a conch-shell; for the moment
the perception appears to be true and .;he man runs to pick
it up, as if the conch-shell were a real piece of silver; but
as soon as he finds out the truth that this is only a piece of
conch-shell, he turns his back on it and is no longer deluded
by the appearance or again attracted towards it. The illusion
o( silver is inexplicable in itself, for it was true for all pur-
poses so long as it persisted, but when true knowledge was
acquired, it forthwith vanished. This world-appearance will also
vanish when the true knowledge of reality dawns. When false
knowledge is once found to be false it cannot return again.
The U pani~ads tell us that he who sees the many here is
doomed. The one, the Brahman, alone is true; all else is but
delusion of name and form. Other systems believed that even
after emancipation, the world would continue as it is, that
there was nothing illusory in it, but I could not have any
knowledge of it because of the absence of the instruments by
the processes of which knowledge was generated. The Sarr-
khya puru~a cannot know the world when the buddhi-stuff
is dissociated from it and merged in the prakrti, the Mlmarp.sa
and the N yaya soul is also incapable of knowing the world
after emancipation, as it is then dissociated from manas. But
the Vedanta position is quite distinct here. We cannot know
the world, for when the right knowledge dawns, the percep-
tion of this world-appearance proves itself to be false to the
person who has witnessed the truth, the Brahman. An illusion
cannot last when the truth is known; what is truth is known to
us, but what is illusion is undemonstrable, unspeakable, and
indefinite. The illusion runs on from beginningless time; we do
not know how it is related to truth, the Brahman, but we know
that when the truth is once known the false knowledge of this
442 The Sa1ikara School of Vedii1Zta [cH.
world-appearance disappears once for all. No intermediate link
is necessary to effect it, no mechanical dissociation of buddhi or
manas, but just as by finding out the glittering piece to be a conch-
shell the illusory perception of silver is destroyed, so this illusory
perception of world-appearance is also destroyed by a true
knowledge of the reality, the Brahman. The U pani~ads held
that reality or truth was one, and there was "no many" anywhere,
and Sankara explained it by adding that the" many" was merely
an illusion, and hence did not exist in reality and was bound
to disappear when the truth was known. The world-appearance
is maya (illusion). T.his is what Sankara emphasizes in ex-
pounding his constructive system of the U pani!?ad doctrine.
The question is sometimes asked, how the maya becomes asso-
ciated with Brahman. But Vedanta thinks this question illegiti-
mate, for this association did not begin in time either with
reference to the cosmos or with reference to individual persons.
In fact there is no real association, for the creation of illusion
does not affect the unchangeable truth. Maya or illusion is no
real entity, it is only false knowledge (avidyii) that makes the
appearance, which vanishes when the reality is grasped and found.
Maya or avidya has an apparent existence only so long as it
lasts, but the moment the truth is known it is dissolved. It is
not a real entity in association with which a real world-appear-
ance has been brought into permanent existence, for it only has
existence so long as we are deluded by it (priititika-sattii).
Maya therefore is a category which baffles the ordinary logical
division of existence and non-existence and the principle of ex-
cluded middle. For the maya can neither be said to be "is" nor
"is not" (tattvii1lyat1Jiibhyiim mzirvaca11iyii). It cannot be said that
such a logical category does not exist, for all our dream and
illusory cognitions demonstrate it to us. They exist as they are
perceived, but they do not exist since they have no other inde-
pendent existence than the fact of their perception. If it has any
creative function, that function is as illusive as its own nature, for
the creation only lasts so long as the error lasts. Brahman, the
truth, is not in any way sullied or affected by association with
maya, for there can be no association of the real with the empty,
the maya, the illusory. It is no real association but a mere
x] Nature of "iVorld-appearance 443

In what sense is the world-appearance false?

The world is said to be false-a mere product of maya. The
falsehood of this world-appearance has been explained as in-
volved in the category of the indefinite which is neither sat "is"
nor asat "is not." Here the opposition of the "is" and "is not"
is solved by the category of time. The world-appearance is "is
not," since it does not continue to manifest itself in all times, and
has its manifestation up to the moment that the right knowledge
dawns. It is not therefore "is not" in the sense that a "castle in
the air" or a hare's horn is "is not," for these are called tuccha,
the absolutely non-existent. The world-appearance is said to be
"is" or existing, since it appears to be so for the time the state of
ignorance persists in us. Since it exists for a time it is sat (is),
but since it does not exist for all times it is asat (is not). This
is the appearance, the falsehood of the world-appearance (jagat-
prapaiica) that it is neither sat nor asat in an absolute sense. Or
rather it may also be said in another way that the falsehood of
the world-appearance consists in this, that though it appears to
be the reality or an expression or manifestation of the reality, the
being, sat, yet when the reality is once rightly comprehended, it
will be manifest that the world never existed, does not exist,
and will never exist again. This is just what we find in an illusory
perception; when once the truth is found out that it is a conch-
shell, we say that the silver, though it appeared at the time of
illusory perception to be what we saw before us as "this" (this
is silver), yet it never existed before, does not now exist, and
will never exist again. In the case of the illusory perception of
silver, the "this" (pointing to a thing before me) ·appeared as
silver; in the case of the world-appearance, it is the being (sat),
the Brahman, that appears as the world; but as in the case when
the "this" before us is found to be a piece of conch-shell, the
silver is at once dismissed as having had no existence in the "this"
before us, so when the Brahman, the being, the reality, is once
directly realized, the conviction comes that the world never
existed. The negation of the world-appearance however has no
separate existence other than the comprehension of the identity
of the real. The fact that the real is realized is the same as that
the world-appearance is negated. The negation here involved
refers both to the thing negated (the world-appearance) and the
444 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
negation itself, and hence it cannot be contended that when the
conviction of the negation of the world is also regarded as false
(for if the negation is not false then it remains as an entity different
from Brahman and hence the unqualified monism fails), then this
reinstates the reality of the world-appearance; for negation of the
world-appearance is as much false as the world-appearance itself,
and hence on the realization of the truth the negative thesis,
that the world-appearance does not exist, includes the negation
also as a manifestation of world-appearance, and hence the only
thing left is the realized identity of the truth, the being. The
peculiarity of this illusion of world-appearance is this, that it
appears as consistent with or inlaid in the being (sat) though it
is not there. This of course is dissolved when right knowledge
dawns. This indeed brings home to us the truth that the world-
appearance is an appearance which is different from what we
know as real (sadvilak~a~za); for the real is known to us as
that which is proved by the pramaryas, and which will never
again be falsified by later experience or other means of proof.
A thing is said to be true only so long as it is not contradicted;
but since at the dawn of right knowledge this world-appearance
will be found to be false and non-existing, it cannot be regarded
as real 1• Thus Brahman alone is true, and the world-appearance
is false; falsehood and truth are not contrary entities such
that the negation or the falsehood of falsehood will mean truth.
The world-appearance is a whole and in referring to it the
negation refers also to itself as a part of the world-appearance
and hence not only is the positive world-appearance false, but
the falsehood itself is also false; when the world-appearance is
contradicted at the dawn of right knowledge, the falsehood itself
is also contradicted.
Brahman differs from all other things in this that it is self-
luminous (svaprakasa) and has no form; it cannot therefore be the
object of any other consciousness that grasps it. All other things,
ideas, emotions, etc., in contrast to it are called d_rsya (objects of
consciousness), while it is the dra~fii (the pure consciousness com-
prehending all objects). As soon as anything is comprehended as
an expression of a mental state (vrtti), it is said to have a form and
it becomes dp5ya, and this is the characteristic of all objects of
consciousness that they cannot reveal themselves apart from being
manifested as objects of consciousness through a mental state.
1 See Advaitasuldhi, Mi'thyiitva1zirukti.
x] Brahma1t and the Appeara1lce 445
Brahman also, so long as it is understood as a meaning of the
U pani~ad text, is not in its true nature; it is only when it shines
forth as apart from the associations of any form that it is svaprakasa
and dra~ta. The knowledge of the pure Brahman is devoid of any
form or mode. The notion of drsyatva (objectivity) carries with
it also the notion of jatfatva (materiality) or its nature as non-
consciousness (ajiliinatva) and non-selfness (aniitmatva) which
consists in the want of self-luminosity of objects of consciousness.
The relation of consciousness (jfiiina) to its objects cannot be
regarded as real but as mere illusory impositions, for as we shall
see later, it is not possible to determine the relation between
knowledge and its forms. Just as the silver-appearance of the
conch-shell is not its own natural appearance, so the forms in
which consciousness shows itself are not its own natural essence.
In the state of emancipation when supreme bliss (anauda) shines
forth, the ananda is not an object or form of the illuminating
consciousness, but it is the illumination itself. \Vhenever there
is a form associated with co.;-sciousness, it is an extraneous illusory
imposition on the pure consciousness. These forms are different
from the essence of consciousness, not only in this that they
depend on consciousness for their expression and are themselves
but objects of consciousness, but also in this that they are all
finite determinations (pan"cc/u"mza), wherea~ consciousness, the
abiding essence, is everywhere present without any limit what-
soever. The forms of the object such as cow, jug, etc. are limited
in themselves in what they are, but through them all the pure
being runs by virtue of which we say that the cow is, the jug is,
the pot is. Apart from this pure being running through all the
individual appearances, there is no other class (jat£) such as
cowness or jugness, but it is on this pure being that different
individual forms are illusorily imposed (ghafiidikam sadarthe-
kalpitam, pratyekam tadanubz"ddhatvcna pratiyamiinatvat). So
this world-appearance which is essentially different from the
Brahman, the being which forms the material cause on which it
is imposed, is false (upadanan£~fhatyantabhiivapratijogitvalak­
~a1}am£tlzyiitvas£ddlz£~z-as Citsukha has it).

The nature of the world-appearance, phenomena.

The world-appearance is not however so illusory as the per-
ception of silver in the conch-shell, for the latter type of worldly
illusions is called priitibhasz"ka, as they are contradicted by other
The Sa1ikara School of Vedanta [cH.
later experiences, whereas the illusion of world-appearance is never
contradicted in this worldly stage and is thus called vyavaluir£ka
(from vyavahiira, practice, i.e. that on which is based all our
practical movements). So long as the right knowledge of the
Brahman as the only reality does not dawn, the world-appearance
runs on in an orderly manner uncontradicted by the accumulated
experience of all men, and as such it must be held to be true.
It is only because there comes such a stage in which the world-
appearance ceases to manifest itself that we have to say that from
the ultimate and absolute point of view the world-appearance is
false and unreal. As iigainst this doctrine of the Vedanta it is
sometimes asked how, as we see the reality (sattva) before us,
we can deny that it has truth. To this the Vedanta answers
that the notion of reality cannot be derived from the senses, nor
can it be defined as that which is the content of right knowledge,
for we cannot have any conception of right knowledge without
a conception of reality, and no conception of reality without a
conception of right knowledge. The conception of reality com-
prehends within it the notions of unalterability, absoluteness, and
independence, which cannot be had directly from experience,
as this gives only an appearance but cannot certify its truth.
Judged from this point of view it will be evident that the true
reality in all our experience is the one self-luminous flash of
consciousness which is all through identical with itself in all its
manifestations of appearance. Our present experience of the
world-appearance cannot in any way guarantee that it will not
be contradicted at some later stage. What really persists in all
experience is the being (sat) and not its forms. This being that
is associated with all our experience is not a universal genus nor
merely the individual appearance of the moment, but it is the
being, the truth which forms the substratum of all objective events
and appearances (ekenaiva sarviimegatena sarvatra satpratiti(t).
Things are not existent because they possess the genus of being
(sat) as Nyaya supposes, but they are so because they are them-
selves but appearance imposed on one identical being as the basis
and ground of all experience. Being is thus said to be the basis
(adhi~!ltiina) on which the illusions appear. This being is not
different with different things but one in all appearances. Our
perceptions of the world-appearance could have been taken as a
guarantee of their reality, if the reality which is supposed of them
x] World-appea1/ance not ult£1nately true 447
could-be perceived by the senses, and if inference and sruti (scrip-
tures) did not point the other way. Perception can of course in-
validate inference, but it can do so only when its own validity
has been ascertained in an undoubted and uncontested manner.
But this is not the case with our perceptions of the world-ap-
pearance, for our present perceptions cannot prove that these
will never be contradicted in future, and inference and sruti are
also against it. The mere fact that I perceive the world-appearance
cannot prove that what I perceive is true or real, if it is contradicted
by inference. We all perceive the sun to be small, but our per-
ception in this case is contradicted by it~ference and we have
hence to admit that our perceptions are erroneous. We depend
(upaji'ltja) indeed for all our transactions on perception, but such
dependence cannot prove that that on which we depend is ab-
solutely valid. Validity or reality can only be ascertained by
proper examination and enquiry (parik~ii), which may convince
us that there is no error in it. True it is that by the universal
testimony of our contemporaries and by the practical fruition and
realization of our endeavours in the external world, it is proved
beyond doubt that the world-appearance before us is a reality.
But this sort of examination and enquiry cannot prove to us with
any degree of satisfaction that the world-appearance will never
be contradicted at any time or at any stage. The Vedanta also
admits that our examination and enquiry prove to us that the
world-appearance now exists as it appears; it only denies that it
cannot continue to exist for all times, and a time will come when
to the emancipated person the world-appearance will cease to
exist. The experience, observation, and practical utility of the
objects as perceived by us cannot prove to us that these will
never be contradicted at any future time. Our perception of the
world-appearance cannot therefore disprove the Vedanta inference
that the world-appearance is false, and it will demonstrate itself
to be so at the time when the right knowledge of Brahman as
one dawns in us. The testimony of the U pani-?ads also contradicts
the perception which grasps the world-appearance in its manifold
Moreover we are led to think that the world-appearance is
false, for it is not possible for us to discover any true relation
between the consciousness (d_rk) and the objects of consciousness
(drsya). Consciousness must be admitted to have some kind of
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
connection with the objects which it illumines, for had it not been
so there could be any knowledge at any time irrespective of its
connections with the objects. But it is not possible to imagine
any kind of connection between consciousness and its objects, for
it can neither be contact (sa'J!zyoga) nor inherence (samavaya);
and apart from these two kinds of connections we know of no
other. We say that things are the objects of our consciousness,
but what is meant by it is illldeed difficult to define. It cannot
be that objectivity of consciousness means that a special effect
like the jnataUi of Mimarpsa is' produced upon the object, for such
an effect is not admi~ib1e or perceivable in any way; nor can
objectivity also mean any practical purpose (of being useful to us)
associated with the object as Prabhakara thinks, for there are
many things which are the objects of our consciousne~s but not
considered as useful (e.g. the sky). Objectivity also cannot mean
that the thing is the object of the thought-movement (jiiana-
kii.ra?w) involved in knowledge, for this can only be with reference
to objects present to the perceiver, and cannot apply to objects
of past time about which one may be conscious, for if the thing is
not present how can it be made an object of thought-movement?
Objectivity further cannot mean that the things project their own
forms on the knowledge and are hence called objects, for though
this may apply in the case of perception, it cannot be true of
inference, where the object of con-sciousness is far away and does
not mould consciousness after its own form. Thus in whatever
way we may try to conceive manifold things existirig separately
and becoming objects of consciousness we fail. We have also
seen that it is difficult to conceive of any kind of relation sub-
sisting between objects and consciousness, and hence it has to be
admitted that the imposition of the world-appearance is after all
nothing but illusory.
Now though all things are but illusory impositions on con-
sciousness yet for the illumination of specific objects it is admitted
even by Vedanta that this can only take place through specific
sense-contact and particular mental states (v.rtt-i) or modes; but
if that be so why not rather admit that this can take place
even on the assumption of the absolute reality of the manifold
external world without? The answer that the Vedanta gives to
such a question is this, that the phenomenon of illumination has
not to undergo any gradual process, for it is the work of one
x] Consc£ousness as I llunz£nat£on 449
flash like the work of the light of a lamp in removing darkness;
so it is not possible that the external reality should have to
pass through any process before consciousness could arise; what
happens is simply this, that the reality (sat) which subsists in all
things as the same identical one reveals the object as soon as its
veil is removed by association with the vrtti (mental mould or
state). It is like a light which directly and immediately illuminates
everything with which it comes into relation. Such an illumina-
tion of objects by its underlying reality would have been con-
tinuous if there were no veils or covers, but that is not so as the
reality is hidden by the veil of a jnana (nescience). This veil is
removed as soon as the light of consciousness shines through a
mental mould or vrtti, and as soon as it is removed the thing
shines forth. Even before the formation of the vrtti the illusory
impositions on the reality had still been continuing objectively,
but it could not be revealed as it was hidden by ajnana which is
removed by the action of the corresponding vrtti ; and as soon as
the veil is removed the thing shines forth in its true light. The
action of the senses, eye, etc. serves but to modify the vrtti of the
mind, and the vrtti of the mind once formed, the corresponding
ajflana veil which was covering the corresponding specific part of
the world-appearance is removed, and the illumination of the
object which was already present, being divested of the veil, shows
itself forth. The illusory creations were there, but they could not
be manifested on account of the veil of nescience. As soon as the
veil is removed by the action of the vrtti the light of reality shows
the corresponding illusory creations. So consciousness in itself
is the ever-shining light of reality which is never generated but
ever exists; errors of perception (e.g. silver in the conch-shell)
take place not because the do~a consisting of the defect of the
eye, the glaze of the object and such other elements that con-
tributed to the illusion, generated the knowledge, but because it
generated a wrong vrtti. It is because- of the generation of the
wrong vrtti that the manifestation is illusory. In the illusion
"this is silver" as when we mistake the conch-shell for the silver,
it is the cit, consciousness or reality as underlying the object
represented to us by "this" or "idam" that is the basis (adhi.~{hiina)
of the illusion of silver. The cause of error is our nescience or
non-cognition (ajfui?Za) of it in the form of the conch-shell, whereas
the right knowledge is the cognition of it as conch-shell. The
450 The Saizkara School oj Vedanta [cH.
basis is not in the content of my knowledge as manifested in my
mental state (vrtti), so that the illusion is not of the form
that the "knowledge is silver" but of "this is silver." Objective
phenomena as such have reality as their basis, whereas the ex-
pression of illumination of them as states of knowledge is made
through the cit being manifested through the mental mould or
states. Without the vrtti there is no illuminating knowledge.
Phenomenal creations are there in the world moving about as
shadowy forms on the unchangeable basis of one cit or reality,
but this basis, this light of reality, can only manifest these forms
when the veil of nescience covering them is temporarily removed
by their coming in touch with a mental mould or mind-modifica-
tion ( vrtti). It is sometimes said that since all illumination of
knowledge must be through the mental states there is no other
entity of pure consciousness apart from what is manifested
through the states. This Vedanta does not admit, for it holds
that it is necessary that before the operation of the mental
states can begin to interpret reality, reality must already be
there and this reality is nothing but pure consciousness. Had
there been no reality apart from the manifesting states of know-
ledge, the validity of knowledge would also cease; so it has to
be admitted that there is the one eternal self-luminous reality
untouched by the characteristics of the mental states, which are
material and suffer origination and destruction. It is this self-
luminous consciousness that seems to assume diverse forms
in connection with diverse kinds of associations or limitations
(upiidhi). It manifests aJiiti?Za (nescience) and hence does not by
itself remove the ajfiana, except when it is reflected through any
specific kind of v~tti. There is of course no difference, no inner
and outer varieties between the reality, the pure consciousness
which is the essence, the basis and the ground of all phenomenal
appearances of the objective world, and the consciousness that
manifests itself through the mental states. There is only one
identical pure consciousness or reality, which is at once the basis
of the phenomena as well as their interpreter by a reflection
through the mental states or vrttis.
The phenomena or objects called the drsya can only be de-
termined in their various forms anu manifestations but not as
to their ultimate reality; there is no existence as an entity of
any relation such as sal}1yoga (contact) or samavaya (inherence)
x J Brahman, the ground of Illusory Impos£t£ons 45 I
between them and the pure consciousness called the drk ; for the
truth is this, that the drk (perceiver) and the drsya (perceived)
have one identical reality; the forms of phenomena are but
illusory creations on it.
It is sometimes objected that in the ordinary psychological
illusion such as "this is silver," the knowledge of "this" as a thing
is only of a general and indefinite nature, for it is perceived
as a thing but its special characteristics as a conch-shell are not
noticed, and thus the illusion is possible. But in Brahman or pure
consciousness there are neither definite nor indefinite charac-
teristics of any kind, and hence it cannot be the ground of any
illusion as the piece of conch-shell perceived indefinitely as a mere
"this, can be. The answer of Vedanta is that when the Brahman
stands as the ground (adhi~{hii1Za) of the world-appearance its
characteristic as sat or real only is manifested, whereas its special
character as pure and infinite bliss is never noticed; or rather it
may be said that the illusion of world-appearance is possible
because the Brahman in its true and correct nature is never re-
vealed to us in our objective consciousness; when I say" the jug is,"
the "isness," or "being," does not shine in its purity, but only as
a characteristic of the jug-form, and this is the root of the illusion.
In all our experiences only the aspect of Brahman as real shines
forth in association with the manifold objects, and therefore the
Brahman in its true nature being unknown the illusion is made
possible. It is again objected that since the world-appearance
can serve all practical purposes, it must be considered as real and
not illusory. But the Vedanta points out that even by illusory
perceptions practical effects are seen to take place ; the illusory
perception of a snake in a rope causes all the fear that a real snake
could do; even in dreams we feel happy and sad, and dreams
may be so bad as to affect or incapacitate the actual physical
functions and organs of a man. So it is that the past impressions
imbedded in us continuing from beginningless time are sufficient
to account for our illusory notions, just as the impressions pro-
duced in actual waking life account for the dream creations.
According to the good or bad deeds that a man has done in
previous lives and according to the impressions or potencies
(saJ?zskiira) of his past lives each man has a particular kind of
world-experience for himself ar:d the impressions of one cannot
affect the formation of the illusory experience of the other. But
452 The Saitkara School of Vedanta [en.
the experience of the world-appearance is not wholly a subjective
creation for each individual, for even before his cognition the
phenomena of world-appearance were running in some unknow-
able state of existe.nce (sveua adhyastasya smtzskiirasya viyadiid-
yadhyiisaj(makatvopapatte{z tatpratlt.J'abltavepi tadadhytisasya piir-
vam sattviit k_rtsttasyiipz" vyavahiirikapadartlzasya ajiiatasattvii-
olzyupagamtit). It is again sometimes objected that illusion is
produced by malobserved similarity between the ground (adh£-
~!luina) and the illusory notion as silver in "this is silver," but
no such similarity is found between the Brahman and the world-
appearance. To this Vedanta says that similarity is not an in-
dispensable factor in the production of an illusion (e.g. when a
white conch is perceived as yellow owing to the defect of the eye
through the influence of bile or p£tta). Similarity helps the pro-
duction of illusion by rousing up the potencies of past impressions
or memories ; but this rousing of past memories may as well be
done by a~r~(a-the unseen power of our past good or bad deeds.
In ordinary illusion some defect is necessary but the illusion of
this world-appearance is beginningless, and hence it awaits no
other do~a (defect) than the avidya (nescience) which constitutes
the appearance. Here avidya is the only do~a and Brahman is the
only adhi!?~hana or ground. Had there not been the Brahman, the
self-luminous as the adhi~~hana, the illusory creations could not
have been manifested at all. The cause of the direct perception
of illusion is the direct but indefinite perception of the adhi~~hana.
Hence where the adhi~~hana is hidden by the veil of avidya, the
association with mental states becomes necessary for removing
the veil and manifesting thereby the self-luminous adhi~thana.
.As soon as the adhi~~hana, the ground, the reality, the blissful
self-luminous Brahman is completely realized the illusions dis-
appear. The disappearance of the phenomena means nothing
more than the realization of the self-luminous Brahman.

The Definition of Ajnana (nescience).

Ajflana the cause of all illusions is defined as that which is
beginningless, yet positive and removable by knowledge (antidi-
bltti'l'antpatve sati jiliiuanivartyatvm!z). Though it manifests itself
in all ordinary things (veiled by it before they become objects of
perception) which have a beginning in time, yet it itself has no
beginning, for it is associated with the pure consciousness which
x] Nature of A jiiiina 453
is beginningless. Again though it has been described as positive
(bhavariipa) it can very well constitute the essence of negation
(abhiiva) too, for the positivity (bltavatva) does not mean here the
opposite of abhava (negation) but notes merely its difference from
abhava (abltiiva-'l'ilak~a~tatvamiitram vivak~£tam). Ajfiana is not
a positive entity (bhava) like any other positive entity, but it is
called positive simply because it is not a mere negation (abhti1•a).
It is a category which is believed neither to be positive in the
ordinary sense nor negative, but a third one which is different
both from position as well as from negation. It is sometimes
objected that ajfiana is a mere illusory imagination of the moment
caused by defect (do~a) and hence it cannot be beginningless
(aniidi); but Vedanta holds that the fact that it is an imagination
or rather imposition, does not necessarily mean that it is merely
a temporary notion produced by the defects; for it could have
been said to be a temporary product of the moment if the ground
as well as the illusory creation associated with it came into being
for the moment, but this is not the case here, as the cit, the
ground of illusion, is ever-present and the ajfiana therefore being
ever associated with it is also beginningless. The ajfiana is the
indefinite which is veiling everything, and as such is different
from the definite or the positive and the negative. Though it is
beginningless yet it can be removed by knowledge, for to have
a beginning or not to have it does not in any way determine
·whether the thing is subject to dissolution or not for the dis-
solution of a thing depends upon the presence of the thing which
can cause it; and it is a fact that when knowledge comes the
illusion is destroyed; it does not matter whether the cause which
produced the illusion was beginningless or not. Some Vedantists
however define ajfiana as the substance constituting illusion, and
say that though it is not a positive entity yet it may be regarded
as forming the substance of the illusion; it is not necessary that
only a positive entity should be the matter of any thing, for what
is necessary for the notion of a material cause (upada!la) is this,
that it should continue or persist as the same in all changes of
effects. It is not true that only what is positive can persist in
and through the effects which are produced in the time process.
Illusion is unreal and it is not unnatural that the ajfiana which
also is unreal should be the cause of it.
454 The Sa1ikara School of Vedanta [ CII.

Ajfiana established by Perception and Inference.

Ajftana defined as the indefinite which is neither positive nor
negative is also directly experienced by us in such perceptions
as "I do not know, or I do not know myself or anybody else,"
or "I do not know what you say," or more particularly" I had
been sleeping so long happily and did not know anything." Such
perceptions point to an object which has no definite characteristics,
and which cannot properly be said to be either positive or negative.
It may be objected that the perception " I do not know" is not
the perception of the indefinite, the ajftana, but merely the nega-
tion of knowledge. To this Vedanta says that had it been the
perception of a negation merely, then the negation must have
been associated with the specific object to which it applied.
A negation must imply the thing negatived; in fact negation
generally appears as a substantive with the object of negation
as a qualifying character specifying the nature of the negation.
But the perception" I do not know or I had no knowledge" does
not involve the negation of any particular knowledge of any
specific object, but the knowledge of an indefinite objectless
ignorance. Such an indefinite ajftana is positive in the sense that
it is certainly not negative, but this positive indefinite is not positive
in the same sense in which other definite entities are called positive,
for it is merely the characterless, passive indefinite showing itself
in our experience. If negation meant only a general negation,
and if the perception of negation meant in each case the per-
ception of a general negation, then even where there is a jug on
the ground, one should perceive the negation of the jug on the
ground, for the general negation in relation to other things is there.
Thus negation of a thing cannot mean the general notion of the
negation of all specific things; similarly a general negation with-
out any specific object to which it might apply cannot manifest
itself to consciousness; the notion of a general negation of know-
ledge is thus opposed to any and every knowledge, so that if the
latter is present the former cannot be, but the perception " I do
not know " can persist, even though many individual objects be
known to us. Thus instead of saying that the perception of" I do
not know" is the perception of a special kind of negation, it is
rather better to say that it is the perception of a different category
namely the indefinite, the ajnana. It is our common experience
x] A jiiana not Negation 455
that after experiencing the indefinite (ajliiina) of a specific type
we launch forth in our endeavours to remove it. So it has to be
admitted that the perception of the indefinite is different from the
perception of mere negation. The character of our perceiving
consciousness (siik~i) is such that both the root ajfiana as well
as its diverse forms with reference to particular objects as repre-
sented in mental states (vrtti-jftiina), are comprehended by it.
Of course when the vrttiji'iana about a thing as in ordinary
perceptions of objects comes in, the aji'iana with regard to it is
temporarily removed, for the vrttijnana is opposed to the ajnana.
But so far as our own perceiving consciousness (siik~i-caitanya)
is conceived it can comprehend both the ajfiana and the jnana
(knowledge) of things. It is thus often said that all things show
themselves to the perceiving consciousness either as known or
as unknown. Thus the perceiving consciousness comprehends all
positives either as indefinite aji'iana or as states of knowledge
or as specific kinds of ajfiana or ignorance, but it is unable to
comp~ehend a negation, for negation (abltiiva) is not a perception,
but merely the absence of perception (anupalabdhi). Thus when
I say I do not know this, I perceive the indefinite in consciousness
with reference to that thing, and this is not the pe~ception of a
negation of the thing. An objection is sometimes raised from
the Nyaya point of view that since without the knowledge of a
qualification (vzse~ana) the qualified thing (visi~!a) cannot be
known, the indefinite about an object cannot be present in con-
sciousness without the object being known first. To this Vedanta
replies that the maxim that the qualification must be known
before the qualified thing is known is groundless, for we can as
well perceive the thing first and then its qualification. It is not
out of place here to say that negation is not a separate entity,
but is only a peculiar mode of the manifestation of the positive.
Even the naiyayikas would agree that in the expression "there
is no negation of a jug here," no separate negation can be accepted,
for the jug is already present before us. As there are distinctions
and differences in positive entities by illusory impositions, so
negations are also distinguished by similar illusory impositions
and appear as the negation of jug, negation of cloth, etc.; so all
distinctions between negations are unnecessary, and it may be
accepted that negation like position is one which appears as many
on account of illusory distinctions and impositions. Thus the
The Sa1ikara School of Vedanta [en.
content of negation being itself positive, there is no reason to
object that such perceptions as '' I do not know" refer to the
perception of an indefinite ajnana in consciousness. So also the
perception " I do not know what you say " is not the perceptiun
of negation, for this would require that the hearer should know
first what was said by the speaker, and if this is so then it is
impossible to say "I do not know what you say."
So also the cognition " I was sleeping long and did not
know anything" has to be admitted as referring to the perception
of the indefinite during sleep. It is not true as some say that
during sleep there is no perception, but what appears to the
awakened man as " I did not know anything so long" is only an
inference; for, it is not possible to infer from the pleasant and
active state of the senses in the awakened state that the activity
had ceased in the sleep state and that since he had no object of
knowledge then, he could not know anything; for there is no
invariable concomitance between the pleasant and active state of
the senses and the absence of objects of knowledge in the im-
mediately preceding state. During sleep there is a mental state
of the form of the indefinite, and during the awakened state it is
by the impression (sm!zsktira) of the aforesaid mental state of
ajnana that one remembers that state and says that "I did not
perceive anything so long." The indefinite (ajiilina) perceived in
consciousness is more fundamental and general than the mere
negation of knowledge (jfziiniibhava) and the two are so connected
that though the latter may not be felt, yet it can be inferred from
the perception of the indefinite. The indefinite though not definite
is thus a positive content different from negation and is perceived as
such in direct and immediate consciousness both in the awakened
state as well as in the sleeping state.
The presence of this ajfiana may also be inferred from the
manner in which knowledge of objects is revealed in consciousness,
as this always takes place in bringing a thing into consciousness
which was not known or rather known as indefinite before we
say "I did not know it before, but I know it now." My present
knowledge of the thing thus involves the removal of an indefinite
which was veiling it before and positing it in consciousness, just
as the first streak of light in utter darkness manifests itself by
removing the darkncss 1 • Apart from such an inference its exist-
1 See Paiicapiidi/.:iivivarw_za, Tattvadipaua, and Advaitasiddhi.
x] Locus of Ajiiiina 457
ence is also indicated by the fact that the infinite bliss of Brahman
does not show itself in its complete and limitless aspect. If there
was no ajfiana to obstruct, it would surely have manifested itself
in its fullness. Again had it not been for this ajfiana there would
have been no illusion. It is the ajfiana that constitutes the sub-
stance of the illusion; for there is nothing else that can be regarded
as constituting its substance; certainly Brahman could not, as it
, is unchangeable. This ajfiana is manifested by the perceiving
consciousness (siik#) and not by the pure consciousness. The
perceiving consciousness is nothing but pure intelligence which
reflects itself in the states of avidya (ignorance).

Locus and Object of Ajnana, Ahal!lkara, and Antal).karai)a.

This ajfiana rests on the pure cit or intelligence. This cit or
Brahman is of the nature of pure illumination, but yet it is not
opposed to the ajfiana or the indefinite. The cit becomes opposed
to the ajfiana and destroys it only when it is reflected through the
mental states (vrtti). The ajfiana thus rests on the pure cit and not
on the cit as associated with such illusory impositions as go to
produce the notion of ego "aham." or the individual soul. Vacaspati
Misra however holds that the ajfiana does not rest on the pure cit
but on the jiva (individual soul). Madhava reconciles this view of
Vacaspati with the above view, and says that the ajfiana may be
regarded as resting on the jiva or individual soul from this point of
view that the obstruction of the pure cit is with reference to the jiva
( Cimniitriisritam aj'fuinam j'ivapak~apiititviit jzvtisritam ucyate
Vivaral)aprameya, p. 48). The feeling " I do not know'' seems
however to indicate that the ajfiana is with reference to the per-
ceiving self in association with its feeling as ego or "I"; but this
is not so ; such an appearance however is caused on account of
the close association of ajfiana with antal).karal)a (mind) both of
which are in essence the same (see Vivaral)aprameyasarpgraha,
p. 48).
The ajfiana however does not only rest on the cit, but it has
the cit as its vi~aya or object too, i.e. its manifestations are
with reference to the self-luminous cit. The self-luminous cit is
thus the entity on which the veiling action of the ajfiana is noticed;
the veiling action is manifested not by destroying the self-luminous
character, nor by stopping a future course of luminous career on
the part of the cit, nor by stopping its relations with the vi~aya,
The Saizkara School of Veda1tta [cH.
but by causing such an appearance that the self-luminous cit
seems so to behave that we seem to think that it is not or it does
not shine (niisti 1la prakiisate z"ti 'Z')'avahiira!z) or rather there is no
appearance of its shining or luminosity. To say that Brahman is
hidden by the ajfiana means nothing more than this, that it is
such (tadyogyatii) that the ajflana can so relate itself with it that
it appears to be hidden as in the state of deep sleep and other
states of ajftana-consciousness in experience. Ajftana is thus
considered to have both its locus and object in the pure cit. It
is opposed to the states of consciousness, for these at once dispel
it. The action of this ajfiana is thus on the light of the reality
which it obstructs for us, so long as the obstruction is not dissolved
by the states of consciousness. This obstruction of the cit is not
only with regard to its character as pure limitless consciousness
but also with regard to its character as pure and infinite bliss;
so it is that though we do not experience the indefinite in our
pleasurable feelings, yet its presence as obstructing the pure cit
is indicated by the fact that the full infinite bliss constituting the
essence of Brahman is obstructed; and as a result of that there
is only an incomplete manifestation of the bliss in our phenomenal
experiences of pleasure. The ajftana is one, but it seems to obstruct
the pure cit in various aspects or modes, with regard to which it
may be said that the ajfiana has many states as constituting the
individual experiences of the indefinite with reference to the
diverse individual objects of experience. These states of ajftana
are technically called tulajftana or avasthajftana. Any state of
consciousness (vrttijfiana) removes a manifestation of the ajfiana
as tulajfiana and reveals itself as the knowledge of an object.
The most important action of this ajftana as obstructing the
pure cit, and as creating an illusory phenomenon is demonstrated
in the notion of the ego or aharpkara. This notion of aharpkara
is a union of the true self, the pure consciousness and other
associations, such as the body, the continued past experiences, etc.;
it is the self-luminous characterless Brahman that is found ob-
structed in the notion of the ego as the repository of a thousand
limitations, characters, and associations. This illusory creation of
the notion of the ego runs on from beginningless time, each set
of previous false impositions determining the succeeding set of
impositions and so on. This blending of the unreal associations
held up in the mind (allta!Lkara?w) with the real, the false with
x] Mzmli1?zsa and Nyaya ObJections 459
the true, that is at the root of illusion. It is the antal)karal)a taken
as the self-luminous self that reflects itself in the cit as the notion
of the ego. Just as when we say that the iron ball (red hot) burns,
there are two entities of the ball and the fire fused into one, so
here also when I say " I perceive" there are two distinct elements
of the self as consciousness and the mind or antal)karal)a fused
into one. The part or aspect associated with sorrow, materiality,
and changefulness represents the antal)karal)a, whereas that which
appears as the unchangeable perceiving consciousness is the sel(
J'hus the notion of ego contains two parts, one real and the other
We remember that this is distinctly that which Prabhakara
sought to repudiate. Prabhakara did not consider the self to be
self-luminous, and held that such is the threefold nature of
thought (tripu!i), that it at once reveals the knowledge, the
object of knowledge, and the sel( He further said that the
analogy of the red-hot iron ball did not hold, for the iron ball
and the fire are separately experienced, but the self and the
antal).karal)a are never separately experienced, and we can
never say that these two are really different and only have an
illusory appearance of a seeming unity. Perception (mmbhava)
is like a light which illuminates both the object and the self, and
like it does not require the assistance of anything else for the
fulfilling of its purpose. But the Vedanta object~ to this saying
that according to Prabhakara's supposition it is impossible to
discover any relation between the self and the knowledge. If
knowledge can be regarded as revealing itself, the self may as
well be held to be self-luminous; the self and the kno~ledge
are indeed one and the same. Kumarila thinks this thought
(amtbltava) to be a movement, Nyaya and Prabhakara as a
quality of the self!. But if it were a movement like other move-
ments,it could not affect itself as illumination. Ifitwereasubstance
and atomic in size, it would only manifest a small portion of
a thing, if all-pervasive then it wbuld illuminate everything,
if of medium size it would depend on its parts for its own
1 According to Nyaya the iitman is conscious only through association with con-

sciousness, but it is not consciousness (cit). Consciousness is associated with it only

as a result of suitable collocations. Thus Nyiiyanzaiijari in refuting the doctrine of
self-luminosity (svaprakiifa) says (p. 432)
sacetanafcitii yogiittadyogma vinii jatJa!z
niirthiivabhiisiidatzyaddhi caitanya1!1 niima manmaJ;.e.
The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
constitution and not on the sel( If it is regarded as a quality
of the self as the light is of the lamp, then also it has necessarily
to be supposed that it was produced by the self, for from what
else could it be produced? Thus it is to be admitted that the
self, the atman, is the self-luminous entity. No one doubts any
of his knowledge, whether it is he who sees or anybody else.
The self is thus the same as vijfiana, the pure consciousness,
which is always of itself self-luminous•.
Again, though consciousness is continuous in all stages,
waking or sleeping, yet aharpkara is absent during deep sleep.
It is true that on waking from deep sleep one feels " I slept
happily and did not know anything": yet what happens is this,
that during deep sleep the anta}:lkaral)a and the aharpkara arc
altogether submerged in the ajfiana, and there are only the
ajfiana and the self; on waking, this aharpkara as a state of
antal:)karl)a is again generated, and then it associates the per-
ception of the ajftana in the sleep and originates the perception
"I did not know anything." This aharpkara which is a mode
(vrttz) of the anta}:lkaral)a is thus constituted by avidya, and is
manifested as jfianasakti (power of knowledge) and kriyasakti
(power of work). This kriyasakti of the ahatTlkara is illusorily
imposed upon the self, and as a result of that the self appears to
be an active agent in knowing and willing. The aharpkara
itself is regarded, as we have already seen, as a mode or vrtti of
the anta}:lkarat:ta, and as such the aharpkara of a past period can
now be associated; but even then the vrtti of antal:)karal)a,
ahaiTlkara, may be regarded as only the active side or aspect of.
the anta}:lkaral)a. The same anta}:lkaral)a is called manas in its
capacity as doubt, buddhi in its capacity as achieving certainty of
knowledge, and citta in its capacity as remembering 2• When the
pure cit shines forth in association with this anta}:lkaral)a, it is
called a jlva. It is clear from the above account that the ajfiana
is not a mere nothing, but is the principle of the phenomena. But
it cannot stand alone, without the principle of the real to support
it (iisra;'a); its own nature as the aji'iana or indefinite is perceived
directly by the pure consciousness; its movements as originating
the phenomena remain indefinite in themselves, the real as under-

1 See Nyiiyamakarmzda, pp. 130-140, Citsukha and Vivara~zaprameyasar!zgraha,

PP· 53-58.
2 See Vedtinta-paribhii!ii, p. 88, Bombay edition.
x] I ndeji1zable Cha·racter of World-appearance
lying these phenomenal movements can only manifest itself
through these which hide it, when corresponding states arise in
the antal)karal).a, and the light of the real shines forth through
these states. The antal)karal).a of which aharpkara is a moment,
is itself a beginningless system of ajnana-phenomena containing
within it the associations and impressions of past phenomena as
merit, demerit, instincts, etc. from a beginningless time when the
jlva or individual soul began his career.

Anirvacyavada and the Vedanta Dialectic.

\Ve have already seen that the indefinite ajnana could be
experienced in direct perception and according to Vedanta there
are only two categories. The category of the real, the self-
luminous Brahman, and the category of the indefinite. The latter
has for its ground the world-appearance, and is the principle by
which the one unchangeable Brahman is falsely manifested in all
the diversity of the manifold world. But this indefinite which is
different from the category of the positive and the negative, has
only a relative existence and will ultimately vanish, when the
true knowledge of the Brahman dawns. Nothing however can
be known about the nature of this indefinite except its character
as indefinite. That all the phenomena of the world, the fixed
order of events, the infinite variety of world-forms and names,
all these are originated by this avidya, ajfiana or maya is indeed
hardly comprehensible. If it is indefinite nescience, how can all
these well-defined forms of world-existence come out of it? It is
said to exist onlyrelatively,and to have only a temporary existence
beside the permanent infinite reality. To take such a principle
and to derive from it the mind, matter, and indeed everything
else except the pure self-luminous Brahman, would hardly
appeal to our reason. If this system of world-order were only
seeming appearance, with no other element of truth in it except
pure being, then it would be indefensible in the light of reascn.
It has been proved that whatever notions we have about the
objective world are all self-contradictory, and thus groundless and
false. If they have all proceeded from the indefinite they must
show this character when exposed to discerning criticism. All
categories have to be shown to be so hopelessly confused and to
be without any conceivable notion that though apparent before
us yet they crumble into indefiniteness as soon as they are
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
examined, and one cannot make any such assertion about them as
that they are or that they are not. Such negative criticisms of our
fundamental notions about the world-order were undertaken by
Srihar!?a and his commentator and follower Citsukha. It is im-
possible within the limits of this chapter to give a complete
account of their criticisms of our various notions of reality.
I shall give here only one example.
Let us take the examination of the notion of difference
(bheda) from Kha~ztja1lakha?ltfakhiidya. Four explanations are
possible of the notion of difference : (I) the difference may be
perceived as appearing in its own characteristics in our ex-
perience (svariipa-bheda) as Prabhakara thinks; (2) the. difference
between two things is nothing but the absence of one in the other
(anyollyiibhiiva), as some Naiyayikas and Bhat!as think; (3) dif-
ference means divergence of characteristics (vaidharmya) as the
Vaise!?ikas speak of it; (4) difference may· be a separate quality
in itself like the prthaktva quality of Nyaya. Taking the first
alternative, we see that it is said that the jug and the cloth
represent in themselves by their very form and existence their
mutual difference from each other. But if by perceiving the
cloth we perceive only its difference from the jug as the charac-
teristic of the cloth, then the jug also must have penetrated
into the form of the cloth, otherwise- how could we perceive
in the cloth its characteristics as the difference from the jug?
i.e. if difference is a thing which can be directly perceived by
the senses, then as difference would naturally mean difference
from something else, it is expected that something else such
as jug, etc. from which the difference is perceived must also
be perceived directly in the perception of the cloth. But if
the perception of difference between two things has penetrated
together in the same identical perception, then the self-contra-
diction becomes apparent. Difference as an entity is not what
we perceive in the cloth, for difference means difference from
something else, and if that thing from which the difference is
perceived is not perceived, then how can the difference as an
entity be perceived? If it is said that the cloth itself represents
its difference from the jug, and that this is indicated by the jug,
then we may ask, what is the nature of the jug? If the differeace
from the cloth be the very nature of the jug, then the cloth
itself is also involved in the nature of the jug. If it is said that
x] Category of Diffe1"ence
the jug only indicates that it is a term from which difference
is intended to be conveyed, then that also becomes impossible,
for how can we imagine that there is a term which is inde-
pendent of any association of its difference from other things,
and is yet a term which establishes the notion of difference? If
it is a term of difference, it cannot be independent of its relation
to other things from which it is differentiated. If its difference
from the cloth is a quality of the jug, then also the old difficulty
comes in, for its difference from the cloth would involve the
doth also in itself; and if the cloth is involved in the nature of
the jug as its quality, then by the same manner the jug would
also be the character of the cloth, and hence not difference but
identity results. Moreover, if a cloth is perceived as a character
of the jug, the two will appear to be hanging one over the other,
but this is never so experienced by us. Moreover, it is difficult to
ascertain if qualities have any relation with things; if they have
not, then absence of relation being the same everywhere every-
thing might be the quality of everything. If there is a relation
between these two, then that relation would require another
relation to relate itself with that relation, and that would again
require another relation and that another, and so on. Again, it
may be said that when the jug, etc. are seen without reference
to other things, they appear as jug, etc., but when they are
viewed with reference to cloth, etc. they appear as difference.
But this cannot be so, for the perception as jug is entirely
different from the perception of difference. It should also be
noted that the notion of difference is also different from the
notions of both the jug and the cloth. It is one thing to say
that there are jug and cloth, and quite another thing to say
that the jug is different from the cloth. Thus a jug cannot appear
as difference, though it may be viewed with reference to cloth.·
The notion of a jug does not require the notions of other things
for its manifestation. Moreover, when I say the jug is different
from the cloth, I never mean that difference is an entity which is
the same as the jug or the cloth; what I mean is that the
difference of the cloth from the jug has its limits in the jug, and
not merely that the notion of cloth has a reference to jug. This
shows that difference cannot be the characteristic nature of the ·
thing perceived.
Again, in the second alternative where difference of two
The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
things is defined as the absence of each thing in the other, we
find that if difference in jug and cloth means that the jug is not
in the cloth or that cloth is not in jug, then also the same
difficulty arises ; for when I say that the absence or negation of
jug in the cloth is its difference from the jug, then also the
residence of the absence of jug in the cloth would require
that the jug also resides in the cloth, and this would reduce
difference to identity. If it is said that the absence of jug in the
cloth is not a separate thing, but is rather the identical cloth
itself, then also their difference as mutual exclusion cannot be
explained. If this mutual negation (anyonyablziiva) is explained
as the mere absence of jugness in the cloth and of clothness in
the jug, then also a difficulty arises; for there is no such quality
in jugness or clothness that they may be mutually excluded;
and there is no such quality in them that they can be treated as
identical, and so when it is said that there is no jugness in cloth
we might as well say that there is no clothness in cloth, for
clothness and jugness are one and the same, and hence absence
of jugness in the cloth would amount to the absence of clothness
in the cloth which is self-contradictory. Taking again the third
alternative we see that if difference means divergence of charac-
teristics (vaidharmya), then the question arises whether the
vaidharmya or divergence as existing in jug has such a divergence
as can distinguish it from the divergence existing in the cloth; if
the answer is in the affirmative then we require a series of endless
vaidharmyas progressing ad iuji12itum. If the answer is in the
negative then there being no divergence between the two diver-
gences they become identical, and hence divergence of character-
istics as such ceases to exist. If it is said that the natural forms of
things are difference in themselves, for each of them excludes the
other, then apart from the differences-the natural forms-the
things are reduced to formlessness(ni~svarupata). If natural forms
(svarupa) mean special natural forms (svanlpa-vise.fa) then as the
special natural forms or characteristics only represent difference,
the natural forms of the things as apart from the special ones
would appear to be identical. So also it may be proved that there
is no such quality as prthaktva (separateness) which can explain
differences of things, for there also the questions would arise as
to whether separateness exists in different things or similar ones
or whether separateness is identical with the thing in which it
exists or not, and so forth.
x] Dialectical A rgu1nents
The earliest beginnings of this method of subtle analysis and
dialectic in Indian philosophy are found in the opening chapters
of Kathii:vattlm. In the great Jllahiiblta~ya on Pal).ini by Patafijali
also we find some traces of it. But N agarjuna was the man who
took it up in right earnest and systematically cultivated it in all
its subtle and abstruse issues and counter-issues in order to prove
that everything that appeared as a fixed order or system was
non-existent, for all were unspeakable, indescribable and self-
contradictory, and thus everything being discarded there was
only the void (Srmya). Sailkara partially utilized this method in
his refutations of N yay a and the Buddhist systems; but Srlhar!?a
again revived and developed it in a striking manner, and after
having criticized the most important notions and concepts of our
everyday life, which are often backed by the N yaya system, sought
to prove that nothing in the world can be defined, and that we
cannot ascertain whether a thing is or is not. The refutations of
all possible definitions that the N yay a could give necessarily led
to the conclusion that the things sought to be defined did not
exist though they appeared to do so; the Vedantic contention
was that this is exactly as it should be, for the indefinite ajfiana
produces only appearances which when exposed to reason show
that no consistent notions of them can be formed, or in other
words the world-appearance, the phenomena of maya or ajfiana,
are indefinable or anirvacanlya. This great work of Srihar!?a
was followed by Tattvadipikii of Citsukha, in which he generally
followed Srihar!?a and sometimes supplemented him with the
addition of criticisms of certain new concepts. The method of
Vedanta thus followed on one side the method of Sunyavada in
annulling all the concepts of world-appearance and on the other
Vijfianavada Buddhism in proving the self-illuminating character
of knowledge and ultimately established the self as the only self-
luminous ultimate reality.

The Theory of Causation.

The Vedanta philosophy looked at the constantly changing
phenomena of the world-appearance and sought to discover the
root whence proceeded the endless series of events and effects.
The theory that effects were altogether new productions caused
by the invariable unconditional and immediately preceding ante-
cedents, as well as the theory that it was the cause which evolved
The Sa1ika1'a School of Vedanta [cH.
and by its transformations produced the effect, are considered
insufficient to explain the problem which the Vedanta had before
it. Certain collocations invariably and unconditionally preceded
certain effects, but this cannot explain how the previous set of
phenomena could be regarded as producing the succeeding set.
In fact the concept of causation and production had in it
something quite undefinable and inexplicable. Our enquiry
after the cause is an enquiry after a more fundamental and
primary form of the truth of a thing than what appears at the
present moment when we wished to know what was the cause of
the jug, what we sought was a simpler form of which the effect
was only a more complex form of manifestation, what is the
ground, the root, out of which the effect has come forth? If
apart from such an enquiry we take the pictorial representation
of the causal phenomena in which some collocations being in-
variably present at an antecedent point of time, the effect springs
forth into being, we find that we are just where we were before,
and are unable to penetrate into the logic of the affair. The
Nyaya definition of cause and effect may be of use to us in a
general way in associating certain groups of things of a particular
kind with certain other phenomena happening at a succeeding
moment as being relevant pairs of which one being present the
other also has a probability of being present, but can do nothing
more than this. It does not answer our question as to the nature
of cause. Antecedence in time is regarded in this view as an indis-
pensable condition for the cause. But time, according to Nyaya,
is one continuous entity; succession of time can only be con-
ceived as antecedence and consequence of phenomena, and these
again involve succession; thus the notions of succession of time
and of the antecedence and consequence of time being mutually
dependent upon each other (aJZ:}'011:Jitiiraya) neither of these can
be conceived independently. Another important condition is
invariability. But what does that mean? If it means invariable
antecedence, then even an ass which is invariably present as
an antecedent to the smoke rising from the washerman's
house, must be regarded as the cause of the smoke 1• If it means
such an antecedence as contributes to the happening of the effect,
it becomes again difficult to understand anything about its contri-
1 Asses are used in carrying soiled linen in India. Asses are always present when
water is boiled for washing in the laundry.
x] Theory of Causation
· buting to the effect, for the only intelligible thing is the antece-
dence and nothing more. If invariability means the existence of
that at the presence of which the effect comes into being, then also
it fails, for there may be the seed but no shoot, for the mere presence
of the seed will not suffice to produce the effect, the shoot. If it
is said that a cause can produce an effect only when it is asso-
ciated with its accessory factors, then also the question remains
the same, for we have not understood what is meant by cause.
Again when the same effect is often seen to be produced by a
plurality of causes, the cause cannot be defined as that which
happening the effect happens and failing the effect fails. It cannot
also be said that in spite of the plurality of causes, each particular
cause is so associated with its own particular kind of effect that
from a special kind of cause we can without fail get a special
kind of effect ( cf. Vatsyayana and Nyiiyamaiijari), for out of the
same clay different effects come forth namely the jug, the plate,
etc. Again if cause is defined as the collocation of factors, then
the question arises as to what is meant by this collocation; does
it mean the factors themselves or something else above them? On
the former supposition the scattered factors being always present
in the universe there should always be the effect; if it means
something else above the specific factors, then that something al-
ways existing, there should always be the effect. Nor can colloca-
tion (siimagri) be defined as the last movement of the causes
immediately succeeding which the effect comes into being, for the
relation of movement with the collocating cause is incomprehen-
sible. Moreover if movement is defined as that which produces
the effect, the very conception of causation which was required
to be proved is taken for granted. The idea of necessity involved
in the causal conception that a cause is that which must produce
its effect is also equally undefinable, inexplicable, and logically
inconceivable. Thus in whatsoever way we may seek to find out
the real nature of the causal principle from the interminable
series of cause-effect phenomena we fail. All the characteristics
of the effects are indescribable and indefinable ajnana of maya,
and in whatever way we may try to conceive these phenomena in
themselves or in relation to one another we fail, for they are all
carved out of the indefinite and are illogical and illusory, and
some day will vanish for ever. The true cause is thus the pure
being, the reality which is unshakable in itself, the ground upon
The Saizkara School of Vedii1lta [cH.
-.which all appearances being imposed they appear as real. The
true cause is thus the unchangeable being which persists through
all experience, and the effect-phenomena are but impositions upon
it of ajfiana or avidya. It is thus the clay, the permanent, that
is regarded as the cause of all clay-phenomena as jug, plates,
etc. All the various modes in which the clay appears are mere
appearances, unreal, indefinable, and so illusory. The one truth
is the clay. So in all world-phenomena the one truth is
being, the Brahman, and all the phenomena that are being
imposed on it are but illusory forms and names. This is what
is called the satkiiryaviida or more properly the satkilra?zavtida
of the Vedanta, that the cause alone is true and ever existing,
and phenomena in themselves are false. There is only this
much truth in them, that all are imposed on the reality or being
which alone is true. This appearance of the one cause the
being, as the unreal many of the phenomena is what is called
the vivarttaviida as distinguished from the sii1tzkhyayogapari1Jti-
maviida, in which the effect is regarded as the real develop-
ment of the cause in its potential state. When the effect has a
different kind of being from the cause it is ca1led vivartta but
when the effect has the same kind of _being as the cause it is called
pariw?ma ( kiira?zasvalak~a?Ziillyathiiblu'iva(l pari?ztima(z tadvilak-
~a?/0 vivartta!t or vastunastatsanzatttiko'11yathtiblztiva(z pari1Jiima!z
tad-vi~amasattiika(l vivartta(z). Vedanta has as much to object
against the N yay a as against the parit:~ama theory of causation
of the Sarpkhya; for movement, development, form, potentiality,
and actuality-all these are indefinable and inconceivable in the
light of reason; they cannot explain causation but only restate
things and phenomena as they appear in the world. In reality
however though phenomena are not identical with the cause,
they can never be defined except in terms of the cause ( Tada-
bhedam vinaiva tadvyatireke?za dun.'acam kiiryyam 'l/ivartta!z).
This being the relation of cause and effect or Brahman and the
world, the different followers of Sankara Vedanta in explaining
the cause of the world-appearance sometimes lay stress on the
maya, ajfiana or avidya, sometimes on the Brahman, and some-
times on them both. Thus Sarvajfiatmamuni, the writer of
Saizk~epa-siiriraka and his followers think that the pure Brahman
should be regarded as the causal substance (upiidii11a) of the
world-appearance, whereas Prakasatman Akhal)c;lananda, and
.x] Maya and Av£dya
Madhava hold that Brahman in association with maya, i.e. th~
maya-reflected form of Brahman as Isvara should be regarded
as the cause of the world-appearance. The world-appearance
is an evolution or parit)ama of the maya as located in Isvara,
whereas Isvara (God) is the vivartta causal matter. Others
however make a distinction between maya as the cosmical factor
of illusion and avidya as the manifestation of the same entity
in the individual or jiva. They hold that though the world-
appearance may be said to be produced by the maya yet the
mind etc. associated with the individual are produced by the
avidya with the jiva or the individual as the causal matter
(upiidiina). Others hold that since it is the individual to whom
both Isvara and the world-appearance are manifested, it is better
rather to think that these are all manifestations of the j1va in
association with his avidya or ajfiana. Others however hold that
since in the world-appearance we find in one aspect pure being
and in another materiality etc., both Brahman and maya are to
be regarded as the cause, Brahman as the permanent causal
matter, upadana and maya as the entity evolving in parit)ama.
Vacaspati Misra thinks that Brahman is the permanent cause of
the world-appearance through maya as associated with j1va.
Maya is thus only a sahakari or instrument as it were, b)' which
the one Brahman appears in the eye of the j1va as the manifold
world of appearance. Prakasananda holds however in his Sid-
dhiinta Mukttivali that Brahman itself is pure and absolutely un-
affected even as illusory appearance, and is not even the causal
matter of the world-appearance. Everything that we see in the
phenomenal world, the whole field of world-appearance, is the
product of maya, which is both the instrumental and the upadana
(causal matter) of the world-illusion. But whatever these diver-
gences of view may be, it is clear that they do not in any way affect
the principal Vedanta text that the only unchangeable cause is
the Brahman, whereas all else, the effect-phenomena, have only
a temporary existence as indefinable illusion. The word maya
was used in the ~g-Veda in the sense of supernatural power and
wonderful skill, and the idea of an inherent mystery underlying
it was gradually emphasized in the Atharva Veda, and it began
to be used in the sense of magic or illusion. In the Brhadarat)yaka,
Prasna, and Svetasvatara U pani~ads the word means magic. It
is not out of place here to mention that in the older U pani~ads
470 The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
the word maya occurs only once in the Brhadarar:tyaka and once
only in the Prasna. In early Pali Buddhist writings it occurs
only in the sense of deception or deceitful conduct. Buddhagho~a
uses it in the sense of magical power. In Nagarjuna and the Lan-
kavatara it has acquired the sense of illusion. In Sankara the
word maya is used in the sense of illusion, both as a principle
of creation as a sakti (power) or accessory cause, and as the
phenomenal creation itself, as the illusion of world-appearance.
It may also be mentioned here that Gauc;Iapada the teacher
of Satikara's teacher Govinda worked out a system with the help
of the maya doctrine. The U pani~ads are permeated with the
spirit of an earnest enquiry after absolute truth. They do not
pay any attention towards explaining the world-appearance or
enquiring into its relations with absolute truth. Gauc;Iapada asserts
clearly and probably for the first time among Hindu thinkers, that
the world does not exist in reality, that it is maya, and not reality.
When the highest truth is realized maya is not removed, for it is
not a thing, but the whole world-illusion is dissolved into its own
airy nothing never to recur again. It was Gauc;Iapada who compared
the world-appearance with dream appearances, and held that ob-
jects seen in the waking world are unreal, because they are capable
of being seen like objects seen in a dream, which are false and
unreal. The atman says Gauc;Iapada is at once the cognizer and
the cognized, the world subsists in the atman through maya.
As atman alone is real and all duality an illusion, it necessarily
follows that all experience is also illusory. Sankara expounded
this doctrine in his elaborate commentaries on the U pani-?ads
and the Brahma-siitra, but he seems to me to have done little
more than making explicit the doctrine of maya. Some of his
followers however examined and thought over the concept of
maya and brought out in bold relief its character as the indefin-
able thereby substantially contributing to the development of
the Vedanta philosophy.

Vedanta theory of Perception and Inference 1 •

Pramarya is the means that leads to right knowledge. If
memory is intended to be excluded from the definition then
Dharmarajarlhvarindra and his son Ramakr!?I)a worked out a complete scheme
of the theory of Vedantic perception and inference. This is in complete agreement with
the general Vedanta metaphysics. The early Vedantists were more interested in
Theory of Perception 471
pramal)a is to be defined as the means that leads to such right
knowledge as has not already been acquired. Right knowledge
(prama) in Vedanta is the knowledge of an object which has not
been found contradicted (abadhitartlta'l.lz~aya;ilallatva). Except
when specially expressed otherwise, pram a is generally considered
as being excludent of memory and applies to previously unac-
quired (anadhigata) and uncontradicted knowledge. Objections
are sometimes raised that when we are looking at a thing for a
few minutes, the perception of the thing in all the successive
moments after the first refers to the image of the thing acquired
in the previous moments. To this the reply is that the Vedanta
considers that so long as a different mental state does not arise,
any mental state is not to be considered as momentary but as
·remaining ever the same. So long as we continue to perceive
one thing there is no reason to suppose that there has been a
series of mental states. So there is no question as to the know-
ledge of the succeeding moments being referred to the know-
ledge of the preceding moments, for so long as any mental
state has any one thing for its object it is to be considered as
having remained unchanged all through the series of moments.
There is of course this difference between the same percept of a
previous and a later moment following in succession, that fresh
elements of time are being perceived as prior and later, though
the content of the mental state so far as the object is concerned
remains unchanged. This time element is perceived by the senses
though the content of the mental state may remain undisturbed.
When I see the same book for two seconds, my mental state
representing the book is not changed every second, and hence
there can be no such suppositioJZ that I am having separate mental
states in succession each of which is a repetition of the previous
one, for so long as the general content of the mental state remains
the same there is no reason for supposing that there has been any
change in the mental state. The mental state thus remains the
same so long as the content is not changed, but though it remains
the same it can note the change in the time elements as extraneous
demonstrating the illusory nature of the world of appearance, and did not work out a
logical theory. It may be incidentally mentioned that in the theory of inference as
worked out by Dharmarii.jii.dhvarindra he was largely indebted to the Mimii.J!lsa school
of thought. In recognizing arthapatti, upamana sabda and anupalabdhi also Dharma-
riijadhvarindra accepted the l\llmii.rpsii. vie\v. The Vedantins, previous to Dharmarii.-
jadhvarindra, had also tacitly followed the Mimii.I11Sii. in these matters.
The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
addition. All our uncontradicted knowledge of the objects of the
external world should be regarded as right knowledge until the
absolute is realized.
When the anta}:lkaral)a (mind) comes in contact with the
external objects through the senses and becomes transformed as
it were into their forms, it is said that the anta}:lkaral)a has
been transformed into a state (vrtti) 1• As soon as the anta}:lka-
rai).a has assumed the shape or form of the object of its know-
ledge, the ignorance (ajiliina) with reference to that object is
removed, and thereupon the steady light of the pure conscious-
ness (cit) shows the object which was so long hidden by
ignorance. The appearance or the perception of an object
is thus the self-shining of the cit through a vrtti of a form
resembling an object of knowledge. This therefore pre-sup-
poses that by the action of ajflana, pure consciousness or being
is in a state of diverse kinds of modifications. In spite of
the cit underlying all this diversified objective world which is
but the transformation of ignorance (ajfiana), the former cannot
manifest itself by itself, for the creations being of ignorance
they are but sustained by modifications of ignorance. The
diversified objects of the world are but transformations of
the principle of ajil.ana which is neither real nor unreal. It
is the nature of ajfiana that it veils its own creations. _Thus
on each of the objects created by the ajfiana by its creating
( vik~epa) capacity there is a veil by its veiling (iivara?za) capacity.
But when any object comes in direct touch with anta}:lkaral)a
through the senses the anta}:lkaral).a becomes transformed into
the form of the object, and this leads to the removal of the veil
on that particular ajfiana form-the object, and as the self-
shining cit is shining through the particular ajfiana state, we
have what is called the perception of the thing. Though there is
in reality no such distinction as the inner and the outer yet the
ajfiana has created such illusory distinctions as individual souls
and the external world of objects the distinctions of time, space,
1 Vedanta does not regard manas (mind) as a sense (indriya). The same antaJ:l-

karal)a, according to its diverse functions, is called manas, buddhi, aharpkara, and
citta. In its functions as doubt it is called manas, as originating definite cognitions it
is called Luddhi. As presenting the notion of an ego in consciousness aharpkiira, and
as producing memory citta. These four represent the different modifications or states
(vrtti) of the same entity (which in itself is but a special kind of modification of
ajfiana as antaJ:lkaraJ}a).
x] Inference 473
etc. and veiled these forms. Perception leads to the tern porary
and the partial breaking of the veil over specific ajr1ana forms
so that there is a temporary union of the cit as underlying the
subject and the object through the broken veil. Perception on
the subjective side is thus defined as the union or undifferentia-
tion (abheda) of the subjective consciousness with the objective
consciousness comprehending the sensible objects through the
sped fie mental states ( tattadindri'yayogyavi~aytivacchi1lnacaitanyti­
bhimzatvam tattadiiktiravi~aytivacchiunajfzti1lasya tattadamse pra-
tyak~atvam). This union in perception means that the objective
has at that moment no separate existence from the subjective
consciousness of the perceiver. The consciousness manifesting
through the anta}:lkarat)a is called jivasak~i.
Inference (anumtina), according to Vedanta, is made by our
notion of concomitance ( vytiptijiitina) between two things, acting
through specific past impressions (sm!tsktira). Thus when I see
smoke on a hill, my previous notion of the concomitance of smoke
with fire becomes roused as a subconscious impression, and I
infer that there is fire on the hill. My knowledge of the hill and
the smoke is by direct perception. The notion of concomitance
revived in the subconscious only establishes the connection be-
tween the smoke and the fire. The notion of concomitance is
generated by the perception of two things together, when no
case of the failure of concomitance is known ( vyablziciirtijlitina)
regarding the subject. The notion of concomitance being alto-
gether subjective, the Vedantist does not emphasize the necessity
of perceiving the concomitance in a large number of cases (bhii.-
yodarsanam sakrddarsmzam veti vise~o 1ztidara?1iya(z). Vedanta is
not anxious to establish any material validity for the inference,
but only subjective and formal validity. A single perception of
concomitance may in certain cases generate the notion of the
concomitance of one thing with another when no contradictory
instance is known. It is immaterial with the Vedanta whether this
concomitance is experienced in one case or in hundreds of cases.
The method of agreement in presence is the only form of con-
comitance (anvayavytipti) that the Vedanta allows. So the
Vedanta discards all the other kinds of inference that N yaya
supported, viz. anvaya'uyatircki (by joining agreement in pre-
sence with agreement in absence), kevalti1zva;'i (by universal agree-
ment where no test could be applied of agreement in absence) and
474 The Sa1ikara School of Vedanta [cH.
kevalavyat£reki (by universal agreement in absence). Vedanta
advocates three premisses, viz. (1) pratijila (the hill is fiery);
(2) lzetu (because it has smoke) and (3) d_rstiinta (as in the
kitchen) instead of the five propositions that N ya ya maintained 1•
Since one case of concomitance is regarded by Vedanta as
being sufficient for making an inference it holds that seeing the
one case of appearance (silver in the conch-shell) to be false,
we can in fer that all things (except Brahman) are false ( Brah-
mabh£mtam sarvam m£thyii Brahmabhin1latviit yedevam tadevam
yatlzii suktirfipyam). First premiss (pratij1zii) all else excepting
Brahman is false; second premiss (hetu) since all is different from
Brahman; third premiss (dr~!iinta) whatever is so is so as the
silver in the conch 2•

Atman, ]iva, Isvara, Ekajivavada and Dr~tisr~tivada.

We have many times spoken of truth or reality as self-
luminous (svaym?tpraktisa). But what does this mean? Vedanta
defines it as that which is never the object of a knowing act but
is yet immediate and direct with us (avedyatve sati aparok~avya­
vahiirayogyatvam). Self-luminosity thus means the capacity of
being ever present in all our acts of consciousness without in any
way being an object of consciousness. Whenever anything is
described as an object of consciousness, its character as constitu-
ting its knowability is a quality, which may or may not be present
in it, or may be present at one time and absent at another.
This makes it dependent on some other such entity which can
produce it or manifest it. Pure consciousness differs from all its
objects in this that it is never dependent on anything else for
its manifestation, but manifests all other ~bjects such as the jug,
the cloth, etc. If consciousness should require another conscious-
ness to manifest it, then that might again require another, and
that another, and so on ad injillitum (allavasthti). If conscious-
ness did not manifest itself at the time of the object-manifestation,
then even on seeing or knowing a thing one might doubt if he
had seen or known it. It is thus to be admitted that conscious-
ness (anubhitti) manifests itself and thereby maintains the ap-
1 Vedanta would have either pratijfia, hetu and udaharaQa, or udaharaQa, upanaya
and nigamana, and not all the five of Nyaya, viz. pratijfia, hetu, udaharaQa, upanaya
and nigamana.
2 Vedantic notions of the pramaQa of upamana, arthapatti, sabda and anupalaLdhi,

being similar to the mimaf!lSa view, do not require to be treated here separately.
x] A tma1l and jzva 475
pearance of all our world experience. This goes directly against
the jftatata theory of Kumarila that consciousness was not im-
mediate but was only inferable from the manifesting quality
(jiiiitatii) of objects when they are known in consciousness.
Now Vedanta says that this self-luminous pure consciousness
is the same as the sel( For it is only self which is not the object
of any knowledge and is yet immediate and ever present in
consciousness. No one doubts about his own self, because it
is of itself manifested along with all states of knowledge. The
self itself is the revealer of all objects of knowledge, but is
never itself the object of knowledge, for what appears as the
perceiving of self as object of knowledge is but association
comprehended under the term ahaf!1kara (ego). The real self is
identical with the pure manifesting unity of all consciousness.
This real self called the atman is not the same as the j1va or
individual soul, which passes through the diverse experiences
of worldly life. Isvara also must be distinguished from this
highest atman or Brahman. We have already seen that many
Vedantists draw a distinction between maya and avidya. Maya
is that aspect of ajftana by which only the best attributes
are projected, whereas avidya is that aspect by which impure
qualities are projected. In the former aspect the functions are
more of a creative, generative (vikfepa) type, whereas in the latter
veiling (iivara?za) characteristics are most prominent. The rela-
tion of the cit or pure intelligence, the highest self, with maya and
avidya (also called ajftana)was believed respectively to explain the
phenomenal Isvara and the phenomenal j1va or individual. This
relation is conceived in two ways, namely as upadhi or pratibim ba,
and avaccheda. The conception of pratibimba or reflection is
like the reflection of the sun in the water where the image,
though it has the same brilliance as the sun, yet undergoes
the effect of the impurity and movements of the water. The
sun remains ever the same in its purity untouched by the
impurities from which the image sun suffers. The sun may
be the same but it may be reflected in different kinds of
water and yield different kinds of images possessing different
characteristics and changes which though unreal yet phenome-
nally have all the appearance of reality. The other conception
of the relation is that when we speak of akasa (space) in the jug
or of akasa in the room. The akasa in reality does not suffer
The Saitka1~a School of Vedanta [cH.
any modification in being within the jug or within the room. In
reality it is all-pervasive and is neither limited (avachinna)
within the jug or the room, but is yet conceived as being limited
by the jug or by the room. So long as the jug remains, the
akasa limited within it will remain as separate from the akasa
limited within the room.
Of the Vedantists who accept the reflection analogy the fol-
lowers of N rsirphasrama think that when the pure cit is reflected
in the maya, ISvara is phenomenally produced, and when in the
avidya the individual or jiva. Sarvajfiatma however does not
distinguish between the maya and the avidya, and thinks that
when the cit is reflected in the avidya in its total aspect as cause,
we get Isvara, and when reflected in the antaJ:tkarat:Ja-a product
of the avidya-we have jiva or individual soul.
}Iva or individual means the self in association with the ego
and other personal experiences, i.e. phenomenal self, which feels,
suffers and is affected by world-experiences. In jiva also three
stages are distinguished; thus when during deep sleep the antal).-
kara1fa is submerged, the self perceives merely the ajfiana and the
jiva in this state is called prajfia or anandamaya. In the dream-
state the self is in association with a subtle body and is called
taijasa. In the awakened state the self as associated with a
subtle and gross body is called visva. So also the self in its pure
state is called Brahman, when associated with maya it is called
Isvara, when associated with the fine subtle element of matter as
controlling them, it is called hirat:Jyagarbha; when with the gross
elements as the ruler or controller of them it is called vira~
The jiva in itself as limited by its avidya is often spoken of
as paramarthika (real), when manifested through the sense and
the ego in the waking states as vyavaharika (phenomenal), and
when in the dream states as dream-self, pratibha-?ika (illusory).
Prakasatma and his followers think that since ajfiana is one
there cannot be two separate reflections such as jiva and Isvara;
but it is better to admit that jiva is the image of Isvara in the
ajfUina. The totality of Brahma-cit in association with maya is
Isvara, and this when again reflected through the ajfiana gives
us the jiva. The manifestation of the jiva is in the anta}:lkaral!a
as states of knowledge. The jiva thus in reality is Isvara and
apart from jfva and Isvara there is no other separate existence of
x] E kajiva Doctrine 477
Brahma-caitanya. }Iva being the image of Isvara is thus de-
pendent on him, but when the limitations of jiva are removed
by right knowledge, the jiva is the same Brahman it always was.
Those who prefer to conceive the relation as being of the
avaccheda type hold that reflection (pratibim ba) is only possible
of things which have colour, and therefore jiva is cit limited (avac-
chinna) by the antal)karat:ta (mind). Isvara is that which is be-
yond it; the diversity of antal)karat:tas accounts for the diYersity
of the jivas. It is easy however to see that these discussions are
not of much fruit from the point of view of philosophy in deter-
mining or comprehending the relation of Isvara and jiva. In the
Vedanta system I~vara has but little importance, for he is but a
phenomenal being; he may be better, purer, and much more
powerful than we, but yet he is as much phenomenal as any of
us. The highest truth is the self, the reality, the Brahman, and
both jiva and Isvara are but illusory impositions on it. Some
Vedantists hold that there is but one jiva and one body, and
that all the world as well as all the jivas in it are merely his
imagmmgs. These dream jivas and the dream world will
continue so long as that super-jiva continues to undergo his
experiences ; the world-appearance and all of us imaginary
individuals, run our course and salvation is as much imaginary
salvation as our world-experience is an imaginary experience of
the imaginary jivas. The cosmic jiva is alone the awakened jiva
and all the rest are but his imaginings. This is known as the
d~~trine of ekajiva (one-soul).
The opposite of this doctrine is the theory held by some
Vedantists that there are many individuals and the world-appear-
ance has no permanent illusion for all people, but each person
creates for himself his own illusion, and there is no objective
datum which forms the common ground for the illusory percep-
tion of all people; just as when ten persons see in the darkness a
rope and having the illusion of a snake there, run away, and
agree in their individual perceptions that they have all seen
the same snake, though each really had his own illusion and
there was no snake at all. According to this view the illusory
perception of each happens for him subjectively and has no
corresponding objective phenomena as its ground. This must
be distinguished from the normal Vedanta view which holds
that objectively phenomena are also happening, but that these
The Sa1ika1"'a School of Vedanta [cH.
are illusory only in the sense that they will not last permanently
and have thus only a temporary and relative existence in com-
parison with the truth or reality which is ever the same constant
and unchangeable entity in all our perceptions and in all world-
appearance. According to the other view phenomena are not
objectively existent but are only subjectively imagined; so that
the jug I see had no existence before I happened to have the
perception that there was the jug; as soon as the jug illusion
occurred to me I said that there was the jug, but it did not exist
before. As soon as I had the perception there was the illusion,
and there was no other reality apart from the illusion. It is there-
fore called the theory of dr!?~isr~~ivada, i.e. the theory that the
subjective perception is the creating of the objects and that there
are no other objective phenomena apart from subjective per-
ceptions. In the normal Vedanta view however the objects of
the world are existent as phenomena by the sense-contact with
which the subjective perceptions are created. The objective
phenomena in themselves are of course but modifications of ajfiana,
but still these phenomena of the ajfiana are there as the common
ground for the experience of all. This therefore has an objec-
tive epistemology whereas the dr~~isr~tivada has no proper
epistemology, for the experiences of each person are determined
by his own subjective avidya and previous impressions as modi-
fications of the avidya. The dr~~ispHivada theory approaches
nearest to the Vijfianavada Buddhism, only with this difference
that while Buddhism does not admit of any permanent being
Vedanta admits the Brahman, the permanent unchangeable
reality as the only truth, whereas the illusory and momentary
perceptions are but impositions on it.
The mental and physical phenomena are alike in this, that
both are modifications of ajfiana. It is indeed difficult to
comprehend the nature of ajfiana, though its pr~sence in con-
sciousness can be perceived, and though by dialectic criticism
all our most well-founded notions seem to vanish away and
become self-contradictory and indefinable. Vedanta explains
the reason of this difficulty as due to the fact that all these
indefinable forms and names can only be experienced as modes
of the real, the self-luminous. Our innate error which we con-
tinue from beginningless time consists in this, that the real in
its full complete light is ever hidden from us, and the glimpse
x] Indefinable Nature of Aj1ziina 479
that we get of it is always through manifestations of forms
and names; these phenomenal forms and names are undefinable,
incomprehensible, and unknowable in themselves, but under
certain conditions they are manifested by the self-luminous real,
and at the time they are so manifested they seem to have a
positive being which is undeniable. This positive being is only
the highest being, the real which appears as the being of those forms
and names. A lump of clay may be moulded into a plate or a
cup, but the plate-form or the cup-form has no existence or being
apart from the being of the clay; it is the being of the clay that
is imposed on the diverse forms which also then seem to have
being in themselves. Our illusion thus consists in mutually mis-
attributing the characteristics of the unreal forms-the modes of
ajfiana and the real being. As this illusion is the mode of all our
experience and its very essence, it is indeed difficult for us to
conceive of the Brahman as apart from the modes of ajfiana.
Moreov~r such is the nature of ajfianas that they are knowable
only by a false identification of them with the self-luminous
Brahman or atman. Being as such is the highest truth, the
Brahman. The ajfiana states are not non-being in the sense of
nothing of pure negation (abhiiva), but in the sense that they are
not being. Being that is the self-luminous illuminates non-being,
the ajfiana, and this illumination means nothing more than a
false identification of being with non-being. The forms of ajfiana
if they are to be known must be associated with pure conscious-
ness, and this association means an illusion, superimposition, and
mutual misattribution. But apart from pure consciousness these
cannot be manifested or known, for it is pure consciousness alone
that is self-luminous. Thus when we try to know the ajfiana
states in themselves as apart from the atman we fall in a dilemma,
for knowledge means illusory superimposition or illusion, and
when it is not knowledge they evidently cannot be known. Thus
apart from its being a factor in our illusory experience no other
kind of its existence is known to us. If ajfiana had been a non-
entity altogether it could never come at all, if it were a positive
entity then it would never cease to be; the ajfiana thus is a
mysterious category midway between being and non-being and
indefinable in every way; and it is on account of this that it is
called tattvii1lyatvtibhyiim anirviicya or undefinable and undeter-
minable either as real or unreal. It is real in the sense that it is
The Saizka1~a School of Vedanta [cH.
a necessary postulate of our phenomenal experience and unreal
in its own nature, for apart from its connection with consciousness
it is incomprehensible and undefinable. Its forms even while they
are manifested in consciousness are self-contradictory and ·in-
comprehensible as to their real nature or mutual relation, and
comprehensible only so far as they are manifested in conscious-
ness, but apart from these no rational conception of them can be
formed. Thus it is impossible to say anything about the ajfiana
(for no knowledge of it is possible) save so far as manifested in
consciousness and depending on this the Dr~tisr!?tivadins asserted
that our experience was inexplicably produced under the influence
of avidya and that beyond that no objective common ground
could be admitted. But though this has the general. assent of
Vedanta and is irrefutable in itself, still for the sake of explain-
ing our common sense view (pratikarmavyavasathii) we may
think that we have an objective world before us as the common
field of experience. We can also imagine a scheme of things and
operations by which the phenomenon of our experience may be
interpreted in the light of the Vedanta metaphysics.
The subject can be conceived in three forms: firstly as the
atman, the one highest reality, secondly as jlva or the atman as
limited by its psychosis, when the psychosis is not differentiated
from the atman, but atman is regarded as identical with the psy-
chosis thus appearing as a living and knowing being,asjivasak;Si or
perceiving consciousness, or the aspect in which the jlva compre-
hends, knows, or experiences; thirdly the an ta}:lkarat:Ja psychosis or
mind which is an inner centre or bundle of avidya manifesta-
tions, just as the outer world objects are exterior centres ·of
avidya phenomena or objective entities. The antal)karat:Ja is not
only the avidya capable of supplying all forms to our present ex-
periences, but it also contains all the tendencies and modes of
past impressions of experience in this life or in past lives. The
anta}:lkarat:Ja is always turning the various avidya modes of it into
the jlvasak~i (jlva in its aspect as illuminating mental states), and
these are also immediately manifested, made known, and trans-
formed into experience. These avidya states of the antal)karat:Ja
are called its vrttis or states. The specific peculiarity of the vrtti-
ajnanas is this that only in these forms can they be superimposed
upon pure consciousness, and thus be interpreted as states of con-
sciousness and have their indefiniteness or cover removed. The
x] Perception a1ld Objective Existence
forms of ajfiana remain as indefinite and hidden or veiled only
so long as they do not come into relation to these vrttis of anta}:l-
karai)a, for the ajfiana can be destroyed by the cit only in the
form of a vrtti, while in all other forms the ajfiana veils the cit
from manifestation. The removal of ajfiana-vrttis of the antal:t-
karal)a or the manifestation of vrtti-jfi.ana is nothing but this, that
the antal:tkarai)a states of avidya are the only states of ajfiana
which can be superimposed upon the self-luminous atman
(adh;,iisa, false attribution). The objective world consists of the
avidya phenomena with the self as its background. Its objectivity
consists in this that avidya in this form cannot be superimposed
on the self-luminous cit but exists only as veiling the cit. These
avidya phenomena may be regarded as many and diverse, but in
all these forms they serve only to veil the cit and are beyond con-
sciousness. It is only when they come in contact with the avidya
phenomena as anta}:lkarai)a states that they coalesce with the
avidya states and render themselves objects of consciousness or
have their veil of avararya removed. It is thus assumed that in
ordinary perceptions of objects such as jug, etc. the anta}:lkararya
goes out of the man's body (.fariramadhyat) and coming in
touch with the jug becomes transformed into the same form,
and as soon as this transformation takes place the cit which
is always steadily shining illuminates the jug-form or the jug.
The jug phenomena in the objective world could not be mani-
fested (though these were taking place on the background of
the same self-luminous Brahman or at man as forms of the highest
truth of my subjective consciousness) because the ajfiana pheno-
mena in these forms serve to veil their illuminator, the self-lumin-
ous. It was only by coming into contact with these phenomena
that the anta}:lkarai)a could be transformed into corresponding
states and that the illumination dawned which at once revealed
the anta}:lkarai)a states and the objects with which these states or
vrttis had coalesced. The consciousness manifested through the
vrttis alone has the power of removing the ajfiana veiling the
cit. Of course there are no actual distinctions of inner or outer,
or the cit within me and the cit without me. These are only of
appearance and due to avidya. And it is only from the point of
view of appearance that we suppose that knowledge of objects
·can only dawn when the inner cit and the outer cit unite together
through the antal)karai)avrtti, which makes the external objects
The Sa1ikara School of Vedanta [cH.
translucent as it were by its own translucence, removes the ajfiana
which was veiling the external self-luminous cit and reveals the
object phenomena by the very union of the cit as ·reflected
through it and the cit as underlying the object phenomena. The
pratyak!?a-prama or right knowledge by perception is the cit, the
pure consciousness, reflected through the vrtti and identical with
the cit as the background of the object phenomena revealed by
it. From the relative point of view we may thus distinguish three
consciousnesses: (I) consciousness as the background of objec-
tive phe1.:10mena, (2) consciousness as the background of the j"iva
or pramata, the individual, (3) consciousness reflected in the vrtti
of the antal).karat:Ja; when these three unite perception is effected.
Prama or right knowledge means in Vedanta the acquire-
ment of such new knowledge as has not been contradicted by
experience (abiid/Lita). There is thus no absolute definition of
truth. A knowledge acquired can be said to be true only so long
as it is not contradicted. Thus the world appearance though it
is very true now, may be rendered false, when this is contradicted
by right knowledge of Brahman as the one reality. Thus the.
knowledge of the world appearance is true now, but not true
absolutely. The only absolute truth is the pure consciousness
which is never contradicted in any experience at any time. The
truth of our world-knowledge is thus to be tested by finding out
whether it will be contradicted at any stage of world experience
or not. That which is not contradicted by later experience is to
be regarded as true, for all world knowledge as a whole will be
contradicted when Brahma-knowledge is realized.
The inner experiences of pleasure and pain also are gene-
rated by a false identification of antal)karat:ta transformations as
pleasure or pain with the self, by virtue of which are gene-
rated the perceptions, "I am happy," or "I am sorry." In con-
tinuous perception of anything for a certain time as an object
or as pleasure, etc. the mental state or vrtti is said to last in the
same way all the while so long as any other new form is not
taken up by the antal).karat_Ia for the acquirement of any new
knowledge. In such cases \vhen I infer that there is fire on the
hill that I see, the hill is an object of perception, for the antal)-
karat_Ia vrtti is one with it, but that there is fire in it is a matter
of inference, for the antal_1karat_1a vrtti cannot be in touch with the
fire; so in the same experience there may be two modes of
x] Perception
mental modification, as perception in seeing the hill, and as
inference in inferring the fire in the hill. In cases of acquired
perception, as when on seeing sandal wood I think that it is
odoriferous sandal wood, it is pure perception so far as the sandal
wood is concerned, it is inference or memory so far as I assert it
to be odoriferous. Vedanta does not admit the existence of the
relation called samaviiya (inherence) or jatz" (class notion); and
so does not distinguish perception as a class as distinct from the
other class called inference, and holds that both perception and
inference are but different modes of the transformations of the
antaJ:tkaral)a reflecting the cit in the corresponding vrttis. The
perception is thus nothing but the cit manifestation in the antal:t-
karal)a vrtti transformed into the form of an object with which it is
in contact. Perception in its objective aspect is the identity of
the cit underlying the object with the subject, and perception in
the subjective aspect is regarded as the identity of the subjective
cit with the objective cit. This identity of course means that
through the vrtti the same reality subsisting in the object and
the subject is realized, whereas in inference the thing to be in-
ferred, being away from contact with antal:tkaral)a, has apparently
a different reality from that manifested in the states of conscious-
ness. Thus perception is regarded as the mental state represent-
ing the same identical reality in the object and the subject by
antal:tkaral)a contact, and it is held that the knowledge produced
by words (e.g. this is the same Devadatta) referring identically
to the same thing which is seen (e.g. when I see Devadatta
before me another man says this is Devadatta, and the know-
ledge produced by "this is Devadatta" though a verbal (Siibda)
knowledge is to be regarded as perception, for the antal:tkaral)a
vrtti is the same) is to be regarded as perception or pratyak.~a.
The content of these words (this is Devadatta) being the same
as the perception,and there being no new relationing knowledge as
represented in the proposition "this is Devadatta" involving the
unity of two terms "this" and "Devadatta" with a copula, but
only the indication of one whole as Devadatta under visual per-
ception already experienced, the knowledge proceeding from
''this is Devadatta" is regarded as an example of nirvikalpa
knowledge. So on the occasion of the rise of Brahma-conscious-
ness when the preceptor instructs "thou art Brahman '' the
knowledge proceeding from the sentence is not savikalpa, for
The Saizka1'a School of Vedanta [cH.
though grammatically there are two ideas and a copula, yet
from the point of view of intrinsic significance (tiitparya) one
identical reality only is indicated. Vedanta does not distinguish
nirvikalpa and savikalpa in visual perception, but only in sabda
perception as in cases referred to above. In all such cases the
condition for nirvikalpa is that the notion conveyed by the
sentence should be one whole or one identical reality, whereas
in savikalpa perception we have a combination of different
ideas as in the sentence, "the king's man is coming" (riij'apuru~a
agacchati). Here no identical reality is signified, but what is
signified is the combination of two or three different concepts 1 •
It is not out of place to mention in this connection that
Vedanta admits all the six pramal)aS of Kumarila and con-
siders like Mimarpsa that all knowledge is self-valid (svata!z-
pramii1:ta). But prama has not the same meaning in Vedanta
as in Mimarpsa. There as we remember prama meant the
knowledge which goaded one to practical action and as such
all knowledge was prama, until practical experience showed the
course of action in accordance with which it was found to be
contradicted. In Vedanta however there is no reference to action,
but prama means only uncontradicted cognition. To the definition
of self-validity as given by Mimarpsa Vedanta adds another
objective qualification, that such knowledge can have svatal)-
pramal)ya as is not vitiated by the presence of any do~a (cause
of error, such as defect of senses or the like). Vedanta of course
does not think like Nyaya that positive conditions (e.g. cor-
respondence, etc.) are necessary for the validity of knowledge,
nor does it divest knowledge of all qualifications like the
Mimarpsists, for whom all knowledge is self-valid as such. It
adopts a middle course and holds that absence of do~a is a neces-
sary condition for the self-validity of knowledge. It is clear that
this is a compromise, for whenever an external condition has to
be admitted, the knowledge cannot be regarded as self-valid,
but Vedanta says that as it requires only a negative condition
for the absence of do~a, the objection does not apply to it, and it
holds that if it depended on the presence of any positive con-
dition for proving the validity of knowledge like the Nyaya,
then only its theory of self-validity would have been damaged.
But since it wants only a negative condition, no blame can be
I See ~ edii1llaparibhii~ii and Sikhiima1Ji.
x] Theory of Illusion
attributed to its theory of self-validity. Vedanta was bound to
follow this slippery middle course, for it could not say that the
pure cit reflected in consciousness could require anything else
for establishing its validity, nor could it say that all phenomenal
forms of knowledge were also all valid, for then the world-
appearance would come to be valid ; so it held that know-
ledge could be regarded as valid only when there was no do~a
present; thus from the absolute point of view all world-know-
ledge was false and had no validity, because there was the
avidya-do~a, and in the ordinary sphere also that knowledge was
valid in which there was no do~a. Validity (pramat:tya) with
Mlmarpsa meant the capacity that knowledge has to goad us to
practical action in accordance \vith it, but with Vedanta it meant
correctness to facts and want of contradiction. The absence of
do~a being guaranteed there is nothing which can vitiate the
correctness of knowledge 1•

Vedanta Theory of Illusion.

\Ve have already seen that the l\ilmarpsists had asserted that
all knowledge was true simply because it was knowledge (yath-
iirtha!z sarve viviidaspadibhittii!z pratyayiift pratyayatviit). Even
illusions were explained by them as being non-perception of the
distinction between the thing perceived (e.g. the conch-shell), and
the thing remembered (e.g. silver). But Vedanta objects to this,
and asks how there can be non-distinction between a thing which
is clearly perceived and a thing which is remembered? If it is
said that it is merely a non-perception of the non-association (i.e.
non-perception of the fact that this is not connected with silver),
then also it cannot be, for then it is on either side mere negation,
and negation withMimarpsa is nothing but the bare presence of the
locus of negation (e.g. negation of jug on the ground is nothing but
the bare presence of the ground), or in other words non-percep-
tion of the non-association of "silver" and "this" means barely
and merely the "silver" and "this." Even admitting for argu-
ment's sake that the distinction between two things or two ideas
is not perceived, yet merely from such a negative aspect no one
could be tempted to move forward to action (such as stoop-
ing down to pick up a piece of illusory silver). It is positive
1 See Vedlintaparibhiifti, Sikhiima~i, Ma~iprabhii and Citsukha on svatal).pra-

The Saizkara School of Vedanta [en.
conviction or perception that can lead a man to actual practical
movement. If again it is said that it is the general and imperfect
perception of a thing (which has not been properly differentiated
and comprehended) before me, which by the memory of silver
appears to be like true silver before me and this generates the
movement for picking it up, then this also is objectionable. For
the appearance of the similarity with real silver cannot lead us
to behave with the thing before me as if it were real silver. Thus
I may perceive that gavaya (wild ox) is similar to cow, but despite
this similarity I am not tempted to behave with the gavaya as
if it were a cow. Thus in whatever way the Mimarpsa position
may be defined it fails 1• Vedanta thinks that the illusion is
not merely subjective, but that there is actually a phenomenon
of illusion as there are phenomena of actual external objects;
the difference in the two cases consists in this, that the illusion
is generated by the do~a or defect of the senses etc., whereas the
phenomena of external objects are not due to such specific do~as.
The process of illusory perception in Vedanta may be described
thus. First by the contact of the senses vitiated by do~as a
mental state as "thisness" with reference to the thing before me
is generated; then in the thing as "this" and in the mental state
of the form of that "this" the cit is reflected. Then the avidya
(nescience) associated with the cit is disturbed by the presence
of the do~a, and this disturbance along with the impression of
silver remembered through similarity is transformed into the
appearance of silver. There is thus an objective illusory silver
appearance, as well as a similar transformation of the mental state
generated by its contact with the illusory silver. These two trans-
formations, the silver state of the mind and external phenomenal
illusory silver state, are manifested by the perceiving consciousness
(siik#caitanya). There are thus here two phenomenal transforma-
tions, one in the avidya states forming the illusory objective silver
phenomenon, and another in the antal)karat~a-vrtti or mind state.
But in spite of there being two distinct and separate phenomena,
their object being the same as the "this" in perception, we have
one knowledge of illusion. The special feature of this theory of
illusion is that an indefinable (a11in,acaniya-khyiiti) illusory silver
is created in every case where an illusory perception of silver
occurs. There arc three orders of reality in Vedanta, namely the
I See Vivara~a-prameya·Sat?tgraha anu Nyiiyamakaranda on akhyati refutation.
x] Nature of Illusion
piiranuirthika or absolute, 'l'Yavahiirika or practical ordinary
experience, and priitibhiisika, illusory. The first one represents
the absolute truth; the other two are false impressions due
to do~a. The difference between vyavaharika and pratibhasika
is that the do!?a of the vyavaharika perception is neither dis-
covered nor removed until salvation, whereas the do!?a of the
pratibhasika reality which occurs in many extraneous forms (such
as defect of the senses, sleep, etc.) is perceived in the world of
our ordinary experience, and thus the pratibhasika experience
lasts for a much shorter period than the vyavaharika. But just
as the vyavaharika world is regarded as phenomenal modifica-
tions of the ajfiana, as apart from our subjective experience and
even before it, so the illusion (e.g. of silver in the conch-shell) is
also regarded as a modification of avidya, an undefinable creation
of the object of illusion, by the agency of the do!?a. Thus in the
case of the illusion of silver in the conch-shell, indefinable silver
is created by the do!?a in association with the senses, which is
called the creation of an indefinable (anirvacaniya) silver of illu-
sion. Here the cit underlying the conch-shell remains the same
but the avidya of antalfkaral).a suffers modifications (pari?ziima)
on account of do~a, and thus gives rise to the illusory creation.
The illusory silver is thus vi·zrartta (appearance) from the point
of view of the cit and parit:~ama from the point of view of
avidya, for the difference between vivartta and parit:~ama is, that
in the former the transformations have a different reality from
the cause (cit is different from the appearance imposed on it),
while in the latter case the transformations have the same reality
as the transforming entity (appearance of silver has the same
stuff as the avidya whose transformations it is). But now a
difficulty arises that if the illusory perception of silver is due to
a coalescing of the cit underlying the antalfkaral).a-vrtti as modi-
fied by do~a and the object-cit as underlying the "this" before
me (in the illusion of "this is silver"), then I ought to have the
experience that "I am silver" like "I am happy" and not that
"this is silver"; the answer is, that as the coalescing takes place
in connection with my previous notion as "this," the form of
the knowledge also is "this is sih·er," whereas in the notion
"I am happy," the notion of happiness takes place in connec-
tion with a previous vrtti of "1." Thus though the coalescing
of the two "cits" is the same in both cases, yet in one ca~e the
The Sa1ikara School of Vedanta [cH.
knowledge takes the form of "I am," and in another as "this is"
according as the previous impression is "I" or "this." In dreams
also the dream perceptions are the same as the illusory percep-
tion of silver in the conch-shell. There the illusory creations are
generated through the defects of sleep, and these creations are
imposed upon the cit. The dream experiences cannot be regarded
merely as memory-products, for the perception in dream is in the
form that "I see that I ride in the air on chariots, etc." and not
that" I remember the chariots." In the dream state all the senses
are inactive, and therefore there is no separate objective cit there,
but the whole dream experience with all characteristics of space,
time, objects, etc. is imposed upon the cit. The objection that
since the imposition is on the pure cit the imposition ought to
last even in waking stages, and that the dream experiences ought
to continue even in waking life, does not hold; for in the waking
stages the anta}:lkarat:ta is being constantly transformed into dif-
ferent states on the expiry of the defects of sleep, etc., which were
causing the dream cognitions. This is called 1z.ivrtti (negation)
as distinguished from biidha (cessation). The illusory creation of
dream experiences may still be there on the pure cit, but these
cannot be experienced any longer, for there being no do!?a of
sleep the antal)karat:ta is active and suffering modifications in
accordance with the objects presented before us. This is what is
called nivrtti, for though the illusion is there I cannot experience
it, whereas badha or cessation occurs when the illusory creation
ceases, as when on finding out the real nature of the conch-shell
the illusion of silver ceases, and we feel that this is not silver, this
was not and will not be silver. \Vhen the conch-shell is perceived
as silver, the silver is felt as a reality, but this feeling of reality
was not an illusory creation, though the silver was an objective
illusory creation; for the reality in the sukti (conch-shell) is trans-
ferred and felt as belonging to the illusion of silver imposed upon
it. Here we see that the illusion of silver has two different kinds
of illusion comprehended in it. One is the creation of an inde-
finable silver (a1Zirvacani)'a-rafatotpattz) and the other is the attri-
bution of the reality belonging to the conch-shell to the illusory
silver imposed upon it, by which we feel at the time of the illu-
sion that it is a reality. This is no doubt the mzyathiikhyiiti
form of illusion as advocated by Nyaya. Vedanta admits that
when two things (e.g. red flower and crystal) are both present
x] Vedanta Ethics
before my senses, and I attribute the quality of one to the other
by illusion (e.g._the illusion that the crystal is red), then the illusion
is of the form of anyathakhyati; but if one of the things is not
present before my senses and the other is, then the illusion is not
of the anyathakhyati type, but of the anirvacaniyakhyati type.
Vedanta could not avoid the former type of illusion, for it be-
lieved that all appearance of reality in the world-appearance
was really derived from the reality of Brahman, which was self-
luminous in all our experiences. The world appearance is an
illusory creation, but the sense of reality that it carries with it
·is a misattribution (anyathakhyati) of the characteristic of the
Brahman to it, for Brahman alone is the true and the real, which
manifests itself as the reality of all our illusory world-experience,
just as it is the reality of sukti that gives to the appearance of
silver its reality.

Vedanta Ethics and Vedanta Emancipation.

Vedanta says that when a duly qualified man takes to the
study of Vedanta and is instructed by the preceptor-'' Thou
art that (Brahman)," he attains the emancipating knowledge,
and the world-appearance becomes for him false and illusory.
The qualifications necessary for the study of Vedanta are (I)
that the person having studied all the Vedas with the proper
accessories, such as grammar, lexicon etc. is in full possession of
the knowledge of the Vedas,(2)that either in this life or in another,
he must have performed only the obligatory Vedic duties (such
as daily prayer, etc. called nz"tya-karma) and occasionally obli-
gatory duty (such as the birth ceremony at the birth of a son,
called naimittika-karma) and must have avoided all actions for
the fulfilment of selfish desires (kiinzya-karmas, such as the
performance of sacrifices for going to Heaven) and all pro-
hibited actions (e.g. murder, etc. nz~iddha-karma) in such a
way that his mind is purged of all good and bad actions (no
karma is generated by the nitya and naimittika-karma, and as
he has not performed the kamya and prohibited karmas, he has
acquired no new karma). When he has thus properly purified
his mind and is in possession of the four virtues or means of
fitting the mind for Vedanta instruction (called sadhana) he
can regard himself as properly qualified for the Vedanta in-
struction. These virtues are (I) knowledge of what is eternal
490 The Saizka·ra School o.f Vedanta [cu.
and what is transient, (2) disinclination to enjoyments of this
life and of the heavenly life after death, (3) extreme distaste for
all enjoyments, and anxiety for attaining the means of right know-
ledge, (4) control over the senses by which these are restrained
from everything but that which aids the attainment of right
knowledge (dama), (a) having restrained them, the attainment
of such power that these senses may not again be tempted to-
wards worldly enjoyments (uparati), (b) power ofbearing extremes
of heat, cold, etc., (c) employment of mind towards the at-
tainment of right knowledge, (d) faith in the instructor and
Upani!?ads; (5) strong desire to attain salvation. A man pos-
sessing the above qualities should try to understand correctly
the true purport of the U pani~ads (called srava?za), and by
arguments in favour of the purport of the U pani!?ads to
strengthen his conviction as stated in the U pani~ads (called
ma11a11a) and then by 1zididhyiisa11a (meditation) which includes
all the Yoga processes of concentration, try to realize the truth
as one. Vedanta therefore in ethics covers the ground of
Yoga ; but while for Yoga emancipation proceeds from under-
standing the difference between puru!?a and prakrti, with Vedanta
salvation comes by the dawn of right knowledge that Brahman
alone is the true reality, his own selfl. Mimarpsa asserts that the
Vedas do not declare the knowledge of one Brahman to be the
supreme goal, but holds that all persons should act in accord-
ance with the Vedic injunctions for the attainment of good
and the removal of evil. But Vedanta holds that though the
purport of the earlier Vedas is as Mimarpsa has it, yet this
is meant only for ordinary people, whereas for the elect the
goal is clearly as the Upani!?ads indicate it, namely the attain-
ment of the highest knowledge. The performance of Vedic
duties is intended only for ordinary men, but yet it was
believed by many (e.g. Vacaspati Misra and his followers) that
due performance of Vedic duties helped a man to acquire a
great keenness for the attainment of right knowledge; others
believed (e.g. Prakasatma and his followers) that it served to
bring about suitable opportunities by securing good preceptors,
etc. and to remove many obstacles from the way so that it be-
came easier for a person to attain the desired right knowledge.
In the acquirement of ordinary knowledge the ajfianas re-
1 See Vediintasiira ancl .Advaitabrahmasiddhi.
x] E nzancipatio1l 491
moved are only smaller states of ajflana, whereas when the
Brahma-knowledge dawns the ajfiana as a whole is removed.
Brahma-knowledge at the stage of its first rise is itself also a
state of knowledge, but such is its special strength that when
this knowledge once dawns, even the state of knowledge which
at first reflects it (and which being a state is itself ajflana modi-
fication) is destroyed by it. The state itself being destroyed,
only the pure infinite and unlimited Brahman shines forth in its
own true light. Thus it is said that just as fire riding on a piece
of wood would burn the whole city and after that would burn
the very same wood, so in the last state of mind the Brahma-
knowledge would destroy all the illusory world-appearance and
at last destroy even that final state 1 •
The mukti stage is one in which the pure light of Brahman
as the identity of pure intelligence, being and complete bliss
shines forth in its unique glory, and all the rest vanishes as
illusory nothing. As all being of the world-appearance is but
limited manifestations of that one being, so all pleasures also
are but limited manifestations of that supreme bliss, a taste
of which we all can get in deep dreamless sleep. The being
of Brahman however is not an abstraction from all existent
beings as the sattti (being as class notion) of the naiyayika, but
the concrete, the real, which in its aspect as pure consciousness
and puf'e bliss is always identical with itsel( Being (sat) is pure
bliss and pure consciousness. What becomes of the avidya during
mukti (emancipation) is as difficult for one to answer as the
question, how the avidya came forth and stayed during the world-
appearance. It is best to remember that the category of the
indefinite avidya is indefinite as regards its origin, manifestation
and destruction. Vedanta however believes that even when the
true knowledge has once been attained, the body may last for a
while, if the individual's previously ripened karmas demand it.
Thus the emancipated person may walk about and behave like
an ordinary sage, but yet he is emancipated and can no longer
acquire any new karma. As soon as the fruits due to his ripe
karmas are en joyed and exhausted, the sage loses his body and
there will never be any other birth for him, for the dawn of
perfect knowledge has burnt up for him all budding karmas of
beginningless previous lives, and he is no longer subject to any
1 Siddhc'in/aleia.
492 The Saizkara School of Vedlinta [cH.
of the illusions subjective or objective which could make any
knowledge, action, or feeling possible for him. Such a man is
called ji1/anmukta, i.e. emancipated while living. For him all
world-appearance has ceased. He is the one light burning alone
in himself where everything else has vanished for ever from the
stage 1•
Vedanta and other Indian Systems.
Vedanta is distinctly antagonistic to Nyaya, and most of
its powerful dialectic criticism is generally directed against it.
Sankara himself had begun it by showing contradictions and
inconsistencies in many of the N yay a conceptions, such as the
theory of causation, conception of the atom, the relation of sama-
vaya, the conception of jati, etc.2 His followers carried it to still
greater lengths as is fully demonstrated by the labours of Srihar~a,
Citsukha, Madhusudana, etc. It was opposed to Mimarpsa so
far as this admitted the N yaya- Vaise~ika categories, but agreed
with it generally as regards the pramal).as of anumana, upamiti,
arthapatti, sabda, and anupalabdhi. It also found a great sup-
porter in Mimarpsa with its doctrine of the self-validity and self-
manifesting power of knowledge. But it differed from Mimarpsa
in the field of practical duties and entered into many elaborate
discussions to prove that the duties of the Vedas referred only to
ordinary men, whereas men of higher order had no Vedic duties
to perform but were to rise above them and attain the highest
knowledge, and that a man should perform the Vedic duties
only so long as he was not fit for Vedanta instruction and
With Sarpkhya and Yoga the relation of Vedanta seems to
be very close. We have already seen that Vedanta had accepted
all the special means of self-purification, meditation, etc., that
were advocated by Yoga. The main difference between Vedanta
and Sarpkhya was this that Sarpkhya believed that the stuff of
which the world consisted was a reality side by side with the
puru~as. In later times Vedanta had compromised so far with
Sarpkhya that it also sometimes described maya as being made
up of sattva, rajas, and tamas. Vedanta also held that according
to these three characteristics were formed diverse modifications
1 See Fancadafi.
2 See Sai1kara's refutation of Nyaya, Smikara-bhiifya, 11. ii.
x] Vediinta and other Systems 493
of the maya. Thus Isvara is believed to possess a mind of pure
sattva alone. But sattva, rajas and tamas were accepted in
Vedanta in the sense of tendencies and not as reals as Sarpkhya
held it. Moreover, in spite of all modifications that maya was
believed to pass through as the stuff of the world-appearance, it
was indefinable and indefinite, and in its nature different from
what we understand as positive or negative. It was an unsub-
stantial nothing, a magic entity which had its being only so long
as it appeared. Prakrti also was indefinable or rather undemon-
strable as regards its own essential nature apart from its mani-
festation, but even then it was believed to be a combination of
positive reals. It was undefinable because so long as the reals
composing it did not combine, no demonstrable qualities belonged
to it with which it could be defined. Maya however was unde-
monstrable, indefinite, and indefinable in all forms; it was a
separate category of the indefinite. Sarpkhya believed in the
personal individuality of souls, while for Vedanta there was only
one soul or self, which appeared as many by virtue of the maya
transformations. There was an adhyasa or illusion in Sarpkhya
as well as in Vedanta; but in the former the illusion was due
to a mere non-distinction between prakrti and puru!?a or mere
misattribution of characters or identities, but in Vedanta there
was not only misattribution, but a false and altogether inde-
finable creation. Causation with Sarpkhya meant real transforma-
tion, but with Vedanta all transformation was mere appearance.
Though there were so many differences, it is however easy to
see that probably at the time of the origin of the two systems
during the Upani~ad period each was built up from very similar
ideas which differed only in tendencies that gradually manifested
themselves into the present divergences of the two systems.
Though Sankara laboured hard to prove that the Sarpkhya
view could not be found in the Upani~ads, we can hardly be
convinced by his interpretations and arguments. The more
he argues, the more we are led to suspect that the Sarpkhya
thought had its origin in the U pani~ads. Sankara and his
followers borrowed much of their dialectic form of criticism from
the Buddhists. His Brahman was very much like the sunya
of Nagarjuna. It is difficult indeed to distinguish between
pure being and pure non-being as a category. The debts of
Sankara to the self-luminosity of the Vijnanavada Buddhism
494 The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH. X
can hardly be overestimated. There seems to be much truth
in the accusations against Sankara by Vijfiana Bhik~u and
others that he was a hidden Buddhist himself. I am led to
think that Sankara's philosophy is largely a compound of
Vijfianavada and Siinyavada Buddhism with the Upani~ad
notion of the permanence of self superadded.
abtulhita, 4S2 adhva11, 311
abtldhitavijayatva, 3·H adhyaz•asiiya, 40911., 41011., 413
abiidhitiirthavifayajliii11atva, 471 adhytisa, 4S1, 493
abhautika, 22811. adhytUma, 2S11.
abhiiva, 13S, 141, 2S411., 29S, .~04-, 31211., adhyiitmmJidyii, 277, 27S
335• 355• 356, 359• 453• 455 Adhyiiyas, 70, 433
abhava-vilakfa~zatvamtltram, 453 Aditi, 23
abhiive11driyasam1ikarfo, 35911. adrf!a, 72, 205, 2S2, 2S3, 284-, 292, 317,
abhiivo'pi11dn"yagraha~rayof{yal:z, 359n. 322, 323, 324, 327, 383, 425, 452
Abhidha»zma, S2, S3, 166 adrf!aktzra~aka, 291
Abhidhamma Pi!aka, 96 adrf!aktiri'tam, 292
Abhidhammatthasaizgaha, 9011., 92, 94n. advaita, 422, 424, 425, 4-26, 439
Abhidharmakofa, 1 I 5, 117, 1 19 tl., I 20, A dvaitabrahmasiddhi, 4 20, 490 11.
121, uS; onpa{iccasamuppiida, 9211. Advaitasiddhi, 67,420, 444"·• 4561l •
.rlbhidharmakofabhiifya, 120 Advaitasiddhisiddhtintastira, 420
Abhidharma literature, 120 adZJaya, 426
Abhidharmakosaiiistra, I 14 adva;•amajtUim, 423
AbhidharmakofaVJ'tzkhyii, 11911., 120 advayatii, 426
Abhidhii11appadipikii, 26311. Advayattiraka, 2S 11.
abhihitiinvayaviida, 396, 397 Affiiction, 301
abhiliipa, I 53, 40S Affiictions, 259
abhimiina, 250 Aggregate, 9.i• 94• I23, 327
abhimtina·dravya, 250 Aggregates, S9, 144-• 252
abhiuivefa, 9311., 22011., 237,267 Aggregation, 24-5, 247, 25I, 26311.
abhi11nalak!a!ze a11yonyahetuke, I45 Agni, 12, 16, 17, 37
abhiil1iii11ena, 9S Agnostics, 106
abhisa11t!aha11a, 9S agraytzna, 4 24
abhismikharonti, 96 agriihyam, 4 25
abhriinta, 40S agrhitagrtzhitvam, 3SS
abhztta-pan"kalpa- viismzii- vaicitra- 11iro- aham, 2S 5, .f-5 7
dha, q6 ahal!lkti1·a, 213, 214, 216, 225, 226, 24S,
abhiitasya, 423 2-f-9• 250, 253, 262, 276, 301, 4-57• 45S,
abhymwjilii, 302 460, 461
abhyiisa, 234, 27I ahi'!zsii, 200, 236, 270
abhyudaya, 2S5 Ahipati, 231
abhJ•upagamasiddhiinta, 295 Alzirbudh11ya Sa1fzhitii, 219, 220, 221
abrahma, I93 ahirika, 100
Absolutism, 175 Aitareya, 28n., 30, 39• 57, 43211.
Acchokii, 306 Aitareya-Ara~ryaka, 36
acintya, 428 Aitareya school, 30
acintyam, 425 ai!ihya1 29S, 304, 333 n.
Actual, 275 a;a, 427
adharma, :;6, 197, I9S, 2S1, 2S511., 292, Ajatasatru, 33· 34
3I6, 323, 403, 404 ajiitil}, 423
adlzarmiistikaya, 195 Ajitakesakambali, So
adhikara~zasiddhtinta, 295 aji·m, ISS, 195
adhikiiribheda, 3011. ajiliina, 193, H9• 450, .f-52, 453, 4:;4-,
adhikiiri, 2 455, 456, 457, .f-58, 460, .f-61, 465, 4-67,
adhij!hiina, 446, 449, -f-51, 452 468, 469, 472, 481, .f.S7, 491
adhivaca11ii sm'iliii, 96 ajiliina-consciousnt·ss, -4-58
adho, 199 ajJiiiJZa-phenomena, 461
1 The words are arranged in the order of the English alphabet. Sanskrit and Pali
technical terms and words are in small italics ; names of books are in italics with a
capital. English words and other names arc in RCJman with a capital. Letters with
diacritical marks come after ordinary ones. Rut throughout the body of the book the
names of Vedic works are in Roman with a capital, as a mark of respect for their
supposed revealed character.
ajiiiinas, 490 anirviicyaz1iida, 46I
a}iiiinatva, 445 anitya, I I9 n., I45
ajiilina-vrttz", 481 atzityatii, 201
a}iilitasallviibhyz~pagamiU, 452 antzamaya, 46
Akhai;JsJananda, ·P9 amzamaya kofa, 6o
akhyiitz~ 261 n., 303, 384, 385, 386,486 n. Annapi~r~ii, 28 n.
akiiicanatii, 202 Annihilation, Io8, I09, I I4, 135, 283
aklij{a, 269 anottapa, Ioo
A kfamiilli, 28 n. Anquetil Duperron, 39
Ak~apada, 63, 71, 279, 306, 309 anrta, I93
Ak#, 28n. anta~kara~a, 299, 457• 458, 460, 461,
alakfa~a, 425 472, 48I' 482, 483, 487, 488
alakfa~tam, 2 15 n. anta~kara~a vrtti, 481, 482, 483, 486,
alauki/.:a, 341 487
alaukika samzikarfa, 341 .AntakrtadaJiis, Iji
aliitalii1zti, 424, 426 antariibhava, I I9 n.
Alberuni, 233, 234, 235, 237 antariiya, 193
Alchemy, 235 antariiya-karma, 191
aliizga, 217, 249 antarvyiipti, I 57, 186, 346
aloka, 198 Antarvyiiptisamartha1za, I 56, 346 n.
Amalananda, 86n., 114n., 418, 419 antaryiimin, 48
Amaradasa, 419 Antecedent, 465, 466
ambhas, 220 n. anu, I96
Amitiiyurdlzyiinasutra, I'l5 n. anubhava, 97, 459
amofadlzarma, 139 anubhiiga, I 94
Amrtanada, 28 n., 228 anu/JhiUi, 4I6
anablzibhava, 290 n. anubrata, 200
anadhigata, 471 anudbhuta, 252
anadhigatiidlti'gantr, 410, 413 anudbhutarupavatl7ia, 290 n.
anadhyavasiiya, 332 n. anumiina, I 55, 302 n., 308, 343• 346, 353•
anaikantika-hetu, 344 383,389, 390 11 •• 393· 397· 4091Z-, 412,
anantadarfmza, 189, 207, 238 492
Anantadeva, 371 anumeya, 348
anantadlzarmlitmakam vastu, 176 anumiti, 346, 355
anatztajiiiina, 189, 207, 238 anumitikara~a, 346
mzantasukha, 189, 238 anupalabdhi, 333 n., 397• 398, 399• 455,
atza1ztaz'irya, 171, 189, 207, 238 47I, 492
auapadefa, 289 anupalambha~, 359
anarthadanda, 200 anupasaf!Zhiirin, 36 I
Anatomica:1; 103 miga, 236
aJzavastlzii, r6o n., 438 angas, I71
a11avastha (apramii~iki), 319 n. angulitva, 165
anavasthli (pramli~ziki), 319 1z. Aizguttara Nikiiya, 83, 111 n.
aniidi, 453 a~u, 189, 30I, 3I4, 323
aniidibhiivarupatve sati jiiiinanivartya- a~uparimii~a, 3I41t., 3I6
tvam, 452 a1zuprekfii, I95
a1ziidikiila-prapaiica-viisaniihetukaiica, 145 anusandhiina, 350
anliglimi magga, 1oo anusmrti nirdefa, I '24
aniisrava, I 33 anussati, I 02
attiitha, I 45 anuf{hiti, 163 n.
mzlitma, 145 anu${ubh, 2 I 8 n.
aniitmatva, 445 anuttamiimbhas, 220 n.
andhatiimisra, 220 n. AnuttaraupapiitikadaJiis, 171
ane klinta, I 75 anuvyavasliya, 343
anekii1ztaviida, 1 75 A nuyogadviira, I 7 1
a1zekiirthamaniiniirtham, 426 n. anvaya, 353
animitta, 300 anvaya-VJ'•Ztireka, 34 7
u1lirodhamanutpiidam, 425 11. anvayavyatireki, 3!'3
Aniruddha, 212, 222 anvayavyiipti, ISS, 346
aniruddham anutpmuzam, 142 anvitiibhidhiinaviida, 396
anirvacaniya, 487 anyathakhytiti, 26I, 384, 385, 488, 489
anirvaraniyakhyiiti, 486, 489 anyathiisiddhi, 322 n.
a~tirvacam)'araiatopatti, 488 a1zyathlisiddhifunyasya, 320
Index 497
anyatvabhiivanii, 202 asadrupa, 397
anyiipoha!;, 1 1 5 asamaviiyi, 322
anyonyiiblziiva, 293 n., 359• 462, 464 asamaviiyi-kiira1Ja, 322, 376, 380
mzyonyiifraya, 204, 466 asamprajiiiita, 2 7 1
ap, sr, 252, 255· 295· 310,313, 3I4, 323, asa'!z}ilin, 190
324, 328, 329 aSal!lSkrta, I 24
apadiina, 8 3 asa'!zskrta dharmas, I2I, 124
apadefa, 289, 303, 350 Asanga, 125, 128, I46n., I..J.i 1z., 151 n.,
apadlzyiina, 200 350 ll., 423
aparajati, 3 r 7 asa1ikhyeyakalpas, 136
aparafailas, 1 12 asat, 45, 293, 443
aparatva, 316 asalkalpa, 409 n.
apangraha, 199, 236, 270 asatkiiryaviida, 257, 258, 320
ap-atom, 253 asatpratipak!a, 344
apavarga, 259, 273, 294, 295, 300, 301, asiidhara~za, 361
305 asiidhiira1_za-kiira~za, 322
apek!iibuddhi, 305, 3I..J. asiira, l..J.4• I..J.5
apek!iibuddhi}anya, 291 n. asiisvata, 109
Aphorisms, 65 Asceticism, 36, 58, 8r, 201, 226
api, 28411. Ascetics, 1, 199
apoha, 318 asi, 45 1z.
appaniisamadhi, 102, 103 asiddlza, 361
apracaritafzlnyatii, I..J.9 asiddha-hetu, 3H
aprasiddha, 349 asito, 45 n.
apratisa'!zkhycznirodha, 12 I asmadvifz){iiniim, 287
apriimii1;1ya1!l para/a!;, 3i5 asmitii, 93n., 22on., 267,271
ap tanmiitra, 252 asparfayoga, 423
apurva, 72, 405 Assimilation, 225
apurva-vidhi, 404 Association, 225
Apyayadik~ita, 418, 420 asteya, 199, 2oo, 236, 270
Ardhamagadhi, 1 7 1 asthiina. 145
Ardhaphalakas, r 70 astikiiya, 189, 195, 197
arhat, 90, 101, 106, 107, 120 asti-niisti, I -1-8
arhattva, roo asu, 26
Aristotle, 279 asubhakamma{{hiina, 103
Ari~tanemi, 169 afara~za, 145
Arrah, 193 n. afaranabhaz·anii, 202
Arrangement, 364 Asoka, 82, r 51
Arrowsmith, I 8 n. a.Mfvata, 1 2;
art/w, 150, I63 n., 409 n. afuklakn1.1a, i 3, 266
arthal; priipital;, .po Asvagho~a, 120, 128, I'29, 135, 136, 138,
arthakriyii, 155 n. I47, 161, r66, 167, 280, 409n., 421,
arthakriycif,-itlna, 373 423; ethics of, 136, 137; ignorance
arthakriyiikiirilva, 117, 158, 161, I68, 187, and truth, I 3 2; ignorance-manifesta-
209 n. ; changes of meaning of, I 55 n. ; tions of, 133, 134; perfuming theory,
Nyaya-objections to, I 59; development I 35 ; soul as sa1!zsiira, 1 31 ; soul as
of the meaning of, 163 n. that-ness, 130
arthakriyiik!a~za, 409 1z. Afvamedha, q
arthakriyiisiddhi, 163 n. Asvapati-kaikeya, 33, 34
arthakriyiifakti, I 59 afvattlza, 234
arthaprakiiSa, 335 Asvins, I8
arthapravicaya, 1 so Astamakofasthana11ibaddhah pudgalavi-
arthapriipakatva, 408 ·;zifcayal;. 119 n. .
arthapriipti, 302 A!{asiilzasrikii praJiiiipiiramitii, I251Z.,
arthasahabhiisi, 1 1 4 117 n.
arthasiddhi, 163 n. atadrupaparavrttayoreva, r 6o
Arthafiistra, 227 atasmi'!zstaditi, 336
arthavada, 405 AtharvaHkhii, 28 n.
arthiidhigati, 152 Atharvafiras, 28n.
arthiinupapatti, 393 Atharva- Veda, 12, 13, 24, 31, 469; com-
arthiipatti, 298, 302, 304, 333 n., 391, plementary to l]g- Veda, I 3
393· 471, 492 Atheism, 258
arupa/oka, I 34 Atheistic, 220, 221, 223
Aryan people, 1 5 Atheistic Sa111khya, 2 59
aticiira, 20 1 avyakta, 2 I 4• 2 I6
atisaf!zk#ptacirantanoktibhilj, 28 I avyapadefya, 425
atithisaf!Zvibhiigabrata, 20 I avyavahii1yam, 425
atindriya, 252, 322, 335, 339 Awakening of Faith, I29 n.
Atom, 492 ayaugapadya, 303
Atomic, 2I3, 253, 254, 323, 40I, 416; ayutasiddha, 246, 3I9
combination, 326, 327; doctrine, 280; ayutasiddhiivayava, 380 n.
measure, 3o6 11., 3I4 11.; size, 292; ayutasiddhiivayavabhediinugatal;, 2 3 '!
structure, 305, 3I3 rf_ciira, I7I
Atoms, 115, Izl, I65, 175, rg6, 20-4-, Aciiriiitgasiitra, 236
252, 253· 255· 256, 29I, 292, 297· iicii1Jia, 433
305, 3o6n., 3II, 314, 3I5, 3I6, 3I8, iidhibhautika, 269 n.
3I9, 320, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, iidhidaivika, 269 n.
328, 329, 362, 377· 380, .J-00 ii__dhyiitmika, 148, 269 n.
Atri, 2I3 Aditya, 43
attii, I09 iigama, 285, 424
altha kathii, 83 ii__hiire pa(ikulasmiiiii, 102
Atthasiilini, 82, 84 11., 85 n., 8g, 94, Ajivaka, 79• 8o n., 173 n.
97 n., 98 n., Io8 n. iikiira, 4 I 5
Attributes, I65 iikiirapabandha, 256
atyantiibhiiva, 360 iikii!a, 43, 46, 48, 5I, I09 1 114, I24, I43 1
audayika, I92 I49• I75• I97• rg8, 199, 203, 2I3, 253,
Aufrecht, 230 287, 288, 292, 295, 3IO, 3I4, 3I6, 321,
Auliikya dar!ana, 305 326, 333, 335, 426; atom, 252, 253
Aung, 85 n., 86 n., go 11., 9211., I I2 n., iikii!a tamniitra, 252
I 57 iikii!iistikiiya, I95o Ig8
aupamya, 302 akrti, 298
A upapiitika, I 7I n. iilayavij.iiiina, 86n., I3I, I32, I36, I37•
aupa!amika, I92 q6, I6j
Aurangzeb, 28 n. iilocana, 3 78
avadhi, I9I n., 207 iilocana-fiiiina, 336
Avadhuta, 28 n. l!._nanda, 75, rog, 238, 27I, 366, 424, 445
avaktavya, I So ~nandabodha Bhagarakacarya, 420
avasthiijiiiina, 458 Anandagiri, 418, 433
avasthiipari~iima, 256 l!:_na11damaya iitman, 46
avastutva, 4 28 Anandasrama, 423 n.
Avatamsaka, I28 ii1zaya, 396
avayava, I64, 28o, 29-4-, 353, 38o iiniipiinasati, I03
avayaviivayavi, 379 ii_nvik#ki, 277, 278, 279
Avayaviniriikara1Ja, I 6 5 n., 297 u., 3 I 3 n., Apastamba, 276
38on. tipta, 294
avayavi, I64, 297 n., 380 iiptavacana, 355 11.
aviik!iikha, 234 iirambhaka-sal!l)'Oga, 328
avidyii, 86 n., 90, 9 I, 93 n., I I I, I 22, iiramma~ta, 96
131, I32, I33· I34· I37· I38, I39· 143· ii__ramma~1a-vibhiivanat{hiine, 89
I45• I 48, 22011., 237, 249, 250, 26o, AraQyakas, 6, I2, q, 27, 28, 29, 33• 35•
26I, 266, 267, 290, 293, 31911., 33211., 43; character of, I 4; composition of,
442, 452, 457· 460, 468, 469, 481, 486, q ; fanciful unifications in, 36; rela-
487, 491 tion of, to U pani~ads, I 4
avidyiido~a, 48 5 ardrendhana, 34 7
avidyiikarma, I 32 l!:_riya sacca, IOI, I 1 I
avijjii, 86, 92 n., 93o I05, I I I ; and the .J\ruQi, 33, 34
iisavas, 99; as beginningless, 99 Aru~ika, 28 n.
avijjiisava, 99, IOO ii_rya, 294 n., 304
avijiiapti, I24 Aryadeva, I22 n., I28, I66; his doctrine,
avijiiaptikarma, I24 I29
avijliaptirupa, 123, 124 ~ryamiilasarvastivada, 120 n.
avikalpika, 337, 338 ~ryasammitlya, I I4
aviniibhiivaniyama, I 56, 352 ll. Aryasarvastivada, I2o n.
avipiika, I95 qrya satya, 1 07
avirati, 19 3 ~rya, 219
avi!e~a. 246, 253 Aryasai1ga, 409 11.
aviviida!.z aviruddhafca, 423 iir~a, 33 2 11.
avitikkama, I o I iisaJ!t}iiiinirodhiit, 1 so
Index 499
dsana, 2 36, 2 7 1 Bengali, 40
dsava, 99, Ioo, I05; meaning of, 99 1z. Besarh, I73
dsrava, 99 n., I34, I92, 193 Bhadanta, I 20
dsrm!abhiivanii, 202 :Bhadrabahu, Ijo, r81 11., I861l., 309
dssiisa, I03 Bhadrayanikas, 112
dstika, 67 Bhagavadgitii, 8, 64, 227, 421, .pz, 436
astika-mata, six classes of, 68 Bhagavati, 1 7 1
~stika systems, karma doctrine of, 72 Bhaktiiparijiiii, I 71 n.
Asuri, 216, ZI8, 221 bhakti, 77
iifaizkii, I86 n. Bhandarkar, 423
iifaizkii-pratijedha, I86 n. Bharadviija-vrtti, 306
afraya, 3I2, 460 :Bhartrhari, 23 I
afrayiisiddha, 36 I Bhartrmitra, 370
af.rta, 312 Bhasmajiibiila, z8 n.
Atmabodha, 28 n. Bha!{acintiima1Ji, 37 I, 4I 7
iitmaika!7.Ja, 433 bha!!a-mata, 69
dtmakhyiiti 384, 385 bhautika, 2 16, 299 n.
iitman, 23, z6, 27, 32, 45• 52, 65, 68, 75• bhava, 85, 87, 89, 90 n., 92; meaning of,
93• III, I38, f47• 2f4, 2I5, 217, 276, 85 n.; meaning of, discussed, 90 n.
292, 295, 298, 300, 303, 3I I, 316, 353, bhavacakra, 86
36o, 429, 459 n., 46o, 470, 48I; as Bhavadasa, 370
vital breath, 26 bhaviisava, 99, 100
J{_tman, 28 n., 3 I 11. Bhaga vata, 434
Atmatattvavi7Jeka, 307 bhiigya, 2 20 n.
iitmaviida, 40I n. Bhiimati, Iqn., I431z., 418, 42I 11.
d{odya, 296 n. Bharuci, 433
A_treya-saf!Zhitii, 213 Bhasarvajiia, 305 n., 309
A_treya-saf!Zhitii ( Caraka), 299 1z. bhii~ii, 195, I99 n.
./!_treyatmztra, 213 Bhii~iipariccheda, z8o, 281, 307, 322 n.,
Aturapratyiikhyiina, I 7 I 1z. 3391l·
dvara~a, 472, 481 bhav•a, 86 1z., 89 n., 90 n., 306, 369, 4 I 8,
iipara~iibhiiva, 253 4 1 9· .J32, 433
Avafyaka, I7I bhii~yakiira, 433
avirbhuta, 257 Bhii~yasukti, 306
iiyatana, 85, 88n., 95, IZI, I27, 149 Bhii~ya viirltika, 63
ayatanadvarail}, 85 n. Bha~tas, 462
iiyuhana, 93 bhiiva, I42, q6, 287, 3I2 n., 357
iiyu-karma, 194 blziivabandha, 193
iiyu~, z68 bhiiva-karma, I9I
iiyu!ka-karma, I9I bhiiva-lefyii, I 9 I
bhiiva11a, 28 n., zoi, 3I6
Badarika~rama, 432 bhiivanifjarii, I95
bahiravabhiisanam, 337 bhiivapiirata?Ztryiit, 3I2 n.
bahirvyiipti, I 57, I86 n., 346 bhavariipa, 453
bahudhiikrlam tantram, 2 2 I bhiivasat!l'l•ara, I94• I95
bahujana; I 3 I bhavasvabhavafzlnyatii, I 49
Bahu~rutiyas, I I 2 bhavatva, 453
Bahvrca, 28 n. bhiiviibhavasamii1zatii, I 4 7
Baladeva, 70, 306 BhavagaQ.e~, ZIZ, 243 n.
bandha, 207 bhiiviisrava, I93• I94
Baudhayana, 70 bheda, 462
BadarayaQ.a, 70, 223, 279, 422, 423, 429, Bhedadhikkiira, 4 zo
430, 433 bhedakalpana, 340 n.
biidha, 488 Bhik~u, 224, 27I n., 4I5
biidhita, 36 I Bhik~uka, 28 n.
Ba.hva, 45 bhoga, 224, 259, z68, 273
biihya, 409 n. bhogiirtham, 4 24
biihyabhiiviibhiivopalak~a~atii, I 50 bhogopabhogamiina, zoo
Balaki Gargya, 33, 34 Bhoja, 212, 230, 233 n., 235, 236
biilopaciirika, I so bhrama, 337
Behar, 308 11. Bhfuisr~!i, 306
Benares, 39, I8I n., 432 bhiUa, 328
Bengal, 4o, 256, 306, 308 bhutas, zq, 3Io
Bengal Asiatic .Society'sjou1·nal, I29 11. bhutatathatii, I3o, I34
soo Index
bhiitiidi, 249· 25I, 253 iilman as supreme essence in, 27 ;
bhuyodarfana, 347, 348 character of, I3; composition of, I3;
Bi-bhautik, 329 creation and evolution theory com-
Bibliotheca Indica, 3:H 11., 346 n. bined in, 25 ; development of, into
Birth, 84, 89; determined by last thought, Upani~ads, 3I; karma doctrine of, 72;
90 meaning of, I 3 n.
Blessedness, 6I Br~hmaQa thought, transition of, into
Bodas, 276, 279 AraQyaka thought, 35
bodha, 4I2 Brahmanism, I69
bodlziibodlzasvabhiiva, 4 I 2 Breath, 272
Bodhayana, 433 British, 1 I, 37I
Bodlziiyana bhti~ya, 433 Bruno, 40n.
bodlzi, I 73 BrhadaraQyaka, 14, 28 n., 31, 33, 34 n.,
bodhibhiivanii, 202 35• 3711., 39, 42 n., 45 n., 49n., so, 55,
bodhisattva, I27, ISO, ISI 11. 56, 57, 6I, 88 n., 110 n., I I In., 226,
Bodhisattvas, I 36, I 3 7 263 n., 432n., 469, 470; rebirth in, 87
Bombay, 2n., z8n., 3I7n. Brhadratha, 227
brahmabhuta, 215 n. Brha;j"iibiila, 28 n.
Brahmabindu, 28 n. Brhaspati, 79
brahmacarya, I99• 200, 226, 227 n., 236, Brl~ati, 3 70
270, 283 Brhatkalpa, I 7 I n.
Brahmahood, 55 Brhatsal!zhi'tii, 327 n.
Brahmajiilamtta, 65 n., 236 Buddha, 7, 64, 65, 67, 79, 8o, 84, 86,
Brahma-knowledge, 49I 86 n., 93, 94• I02, I07, I09, 110, 112,
Brahman, 20, 2I, 23, 28 n., 32, 34, 35, I 18, I I9, 125, 127, I33, I42, I44, I47,
3fi, 43, 52, 54, 55, 58, 6o, 8o, I I I, 144, I69, I73• 174,227, 263n.; his life, 8I
I68, 202, 2I I, 215, 228, 234, 235,239, Buddlzacaritakiivya, I 29 n.
30I n., 430, 43I, 434• 436, 437• 438, Buddhadeva, I I 5, I I6
440, 443· 444· 445· 446, 447· 45I, 452, Buddhagho~a, 82, 83, 92 n., 94, ¢, 99,
457· 458, 46I, 468, 469, 48I, 482, IOS, I6I, 470; his view of name and
483, 489, 49I; as highest bliss, 48; form, 88 ; his view of viiYiiina, 89;
as immanent and transcendent, so; on theory of perception, 97
as ordainer, 49; as si)ence, 45; as su- Buddhahood, 84, I36, I37
preme principle in Satapatha, 20; as Buddhapalita, I 28
the cause of all, 48; as ultimate cause, Buddhas, I36, I37• 424
53; dualistic conception of, 48; equi- Buddhavm!zsa, 83
valent to iitma1z, 45; identified with Buddhayana, I 25 n.
natural objects, 44; instruction of Praja- buddhi, 2I3, 2I4, 2I6, 2I8 n., 224, 225,
pati on, 46; meanings of, 20; negative 240 n.' 242, 249• 251' zs8, 259· z6o,
method of knowing, 44; positive defi- 261, 262, 263, z6s, z66, 267, 27 I, 273,
nition of, impossiLle, 44; powers of 275, 276, 28I, 295, 299, 3I I, 3I6,
gods depended on, 3 7 ; powers of 330, 33I, 332 n., 368, 399• 415, 416,
natural objects depended on, 3 7; priest, 460
I31z.; quest after, 42; suhstitutes of, buddhi-1zinmi~za, 256 n., 3 I I
inadequate, 43; transition of the mean- buddhinifcaya, 409 n.
ing of, 37; three currents of thought Buddhism, I, 9, 74• 75, 78, 83, 95, 108,
regarding, 50; universe created out of, 110, III, I2 9 , I 38, I 55 , I6I, I6 5 , 168,
49; unknowability of, 44 I69, I75• 208, 209, 212, 219, 237n.,
BrahmaQaspati, 23, 32, 43 23~, 274, 312, 322 n., 417, 465; iit-
Brahma Samaj, 40 makh;'clti theory of illusion, 38 5; causa-
Brahma-sutra, 45 n., 86n., 9I n., l.f.3 n., tion as tiidiitmya and tadutpatti, 345;
430, 432, 470 criticism of momentariness by Nyaya,
Brahmasub·as, 62, 64, 70, I2I n., 223, 274; criticism of the uirvikalpa per-
279· 4I8,420, 42I, 422,429, 43'•433· ception of Nyaya, 339 ff.; currents of
439 n.; Vai~Qava commentaries of, ~ thought prior to, 8o; denial of the
Brahma-siitrabhii~ya, 3 I 9 n. existence of negation, 357 ff.; denial
Brahmavidyii, 28 n. of wholes, 38011.; Dharmakirtti's con-
brahmavidyii, .H n. tribution to the theory of concomi-
brahmavi/ziira, I o 3, 144 tance, 35I ; Dii1naga's doctrine of
Brahmayana, I26n. universal proposition and inference,
Brahma, I z6n., 324 350 n.; Di1inaga's view of the new
Brahmins, 10, I I, I2, 31, 35 knowledgeacquired by inference, 388n.;
HrahmaQas, 6, 12, 13, 1311., 25, 27, 28, doctrine of matter, 95; doctnne of
21), 30, 3'· 33· 35. 208, 404, 429; momentariness, I 58; doctrine of non-
Index SOl
self, I6I ff.; doctrine of momentariness 339, 340, 341, 345• 34-6, H7• 348, 350,
and the doctrine of causal efficiency, 352, 357, 362, 363, 38on., 385, 411,
163ff.; doctrine of paiicakiira~i as 4I3
determining cause-effect relation, re- buddhuattva, 249, 2~o
futed by Vacaspati, 352; doctrine of Bulletin de l' A cadlmie des Scietzces de
tiidiitmya and tadutpatti as grounds of Russie, 1 I9 n.
inference refuted by Vacaspati, 352; Burgess, J ., I 70 n.
epistemology of the Sautrantikas, 4-08 ff.; BUhler, I7on., 276
evolution of thought in, I66; heretical
schools prior to, 79; identity and re- caitasikakarma, I23
cognition, I62; influence on Mimarpsa caitta, I 2 I .
logic, 388, 390; nature of existence, caittadhanna, I 2 I
I63; no-soul doctrine in, 93; onto- caittasamskrla dharmas, I 2-J
logical problems, I64ff.; relation of caittika.S, 1 i 2
substance and quality, 164; relation of cakrabhramivaddhrta!ariral;, 268
universals and particulars, I64; relation Cakradatta, 23I
of the whole and the part, I 64-; relation cakraka, 205
of cause and effect, I64; relation of CakrapaQ.i, 2I3 n., 23I, 235, 236
inherence, I65; relation of power to CakrapaQ.idatta, 230
the power-possessor, I65; relation to cakravartti, 9I n.
U pani~ads, 8o; schools, rise of, I I 2 ; Cakravartti, Mr, 308 n.
sense-data and sensations in, 95; state Calcutta, 165 n., I68
of philosophy prior to, 78 ; the khandha- Calcutta University, I2I, 2o81z., 213
doctrine, 93 ; Theravada schools, I I 2 ; Cam bridge, 1!'i 5 n.
views on siimiinya, 3 I 8 n. ; vyiipti by Candrakanta Tarkiilarpkara, 279
negative instances, 389 1z.; Y ogacara Candrakirti, 85 n., 86 n., 87, 9on., 109,
epistemology, 4I Iff. 125n., I28, 129, I38, 140, I66; his
Buddhism (early), avijjii in, 99; causal interpretation of nama, 88 n.
connection, 84; definition of samadhi, Candraprajnapti, 17 I n.
101; four noble truths, IOI ; import- ca,zdrikii, 2I 2
ance of feeling, 97; kamma, classifica- Ca~Jtfiivija, I 7 1 n.
tion of, Io8; kamma, the doctrine of, Capacity, 159, I6o
1o6; karma and desire, Io8; khan- Caraka, 91 n., 2I2, 2I3, 2I6, 2I7, 2I8,
dhas as "1," 98; kilesas in, Ioo; 2 I9, 224, 23 I, 28o, 281, 287 n., 302,
meditation in, stages of, IOS; medita- 304- n. ; his view of soul, 91 n. ; system
tion of human body as impure, I03 ; of Sarpkhya in, 2 I 4
meditation of universal friendship, pity Caraka kiirikii, 280
etc., I03; nivvii~Ja and heresy in, 109; Caraka sa'!zhitii, 302
nivviit_za, theory of, Io8; no-selfdoctrine, Caraka, fiirira, 280 n.
contrasted with Upani~ad self-doctrine, Carake Patafijali~, 235
I Io; objects of concentration, Io4; carv, 79
pessimism in, I02 n.; preparatory Caryiipt!!Zka, 83
measures for meditation, I02; science Categories, 28I, 283, 287, 3I2, 3I3, 365,
of breath, I03; sense-contact theory 4I3, 46I, 492
in, 97 ; sila and samiidhi in, Ioo; Category, 3I7, 378 n., 398, 44-2,4-4-3, 493
theory of cognition in, 96; Upani~ads, catudhiituvavatthtinablziivanii, I 02
relation with, I09; volition in, 98 caltt/;.sutri, 70
Buddhism in Translatio1zs, 88 1z., 89 n., catul;.fara~za, I 7I n.
90 n., 991z., I07 n., I08 n., 11 I n. catu!;.fataka, 129
Buddhi'smus, 2I8n. catura~zuka, 326
Buddhist, I3on., I61, 163, 169, I77• I78, cauryya, I93
230, 233· 237. 278, 299· 300, 378, Causal activity, I65; collocations, 34-1;
389 n., 390, 394• 4-06, ·t-23• 429, 434, efficiency, I63, I68; movement, 320
437, 465; canonical works, 82; council, Causation, 466, 468 ; as real change,
I29; doctrines, 28I; literature, 78, 82, 53
92; logic, no, ISS• 157, 309; mis- Cause, 326
sionaries, 30 1 n. ; philosophy, 3, 7, 84-, Cause-collocation, 274-, 27:0
qs, I64, 21o; psychology, 96, 96n. ciigii1mssati, I02
Buddhistic, 81, 4 2 7 n. ; doctrines, 82, eli mara, I 72
Ioo; texts, I09 ciiritra, 195, I99
Buddhists, 7, 68, 681z., 75, 112, I29, I47• Carvaka, 68, 7 I, 87, 302
I67, I 73 , I 74 , I82, I8 5, I86, I87, I96, Carvakas, 78, 79·325,332•34-5• 362, 394-;
203, 229, 240 n., 257, 274, 279, 296, philosophy of, 79
30I, 307, 309, 3IO, 3I8, 3'35, 33I, 332, Central India, I72
502 Index
U~{ii, 264 399· 400, 4I2, 4I5, 416, 4I7, 428,
cetana karma, I 23 438, .£44! 445._ 447• 448, 449• 450.
cetanii, 96, 97• 98, Ioi, 1o8, 2I3, 2I4, 4SI, 454· 455· 456, 457· 458, 400,
228n. 472, 48I, 48~ 485, 49I
cetas, 2I7 Consciousness-stuff, 250
cetasika, I o I Copernican, 3I
cetati, I24 Cornell University, 3
cetovimutti, I o6 Cosmology, 22I, 276
chala, 294, 296, 302, 36o, 362 Cosmos, 325
Channagarikas, 112 Cowell,2
Chiindogya, 28 n., 30, 33• 3411., 3511., 36, Craving, 107
39, 46 n., 47 n., 49n., 5 In., 53, 54 n., Creation, 2o6, 324, 326
88n., IIOil., IIIn., I33n., 173, I741z., Creator, 326, 364
226n., 263n., 432n., 433 Cullavagga, Io8n.
Chiiyiivyiikhyii, 2 I 2
Chedasuf1·as, I 7 I dabbasambhiirasadisii, 96
Childers, 9911., 26311. Dak~a, 23
China, 278 dak!i~zii, 36
Chinese, 4• I 19, 122 n., I25 11., 128, 13811. Dak~i~ziim(/,rtti, 28 n.
Chinese translations, I2o dama, 490
Christian, 2 I da~ujaniti, 277
dnmiitrii.fritam ajiiiinam, 457 dar.fana, I89, I9o; meaning of, 68 11.
cit, 75, 238, 240, 241, z6o, 299, 416, dar.faniivara~1iya, I90, I93• I96
450, 453· 457. 458, 47'2, 481, 482, 486, dar.fa1llivara~riya karma, I94
487, 48~ Dasgupta, S. N ., 397 n.
citra, 313 Da.fasrutaskandha, I 7 I n.
Citsukha, 23811., 445, 462, 465, -4-85 1l., Da.favaikalika, I 7 I
492 Da.favaikiili'kaniryukti, I86 n., 280 n.,
citta, 76, 89, 9I n., 96, Io6, I I3, I'2I, 309
124, I'29, I40, I46, 258, '200, '26I, 262, Dattatreya, 28 11.
262 n., 263, 264, 265, 266, 268, 269, daurmanasya, 86 n.
272, 4'26, 427, 4'28, 400 dana, 283
cittabhiimi, 268 dtinapiiramitii, I 2 7
cittadharma, 12 I dtinasamiti, I99 n.
cittasamprayuktasal!tskiira, 86 11. Darashiko, 281z., 39
cittavimukta, I 51 Death, so, 58, 59, 84, Io3, 201
dttavi'prayukta, I 2 I Debate, 4o6, 407
ci'ttaviprayuktasa??1Skiira, 86 n. Deccan, 432
cittaviprayuktasa?!zskaradharma, I 2 I Delhi, 39
cittavi.fuddhiprakara~za, I 29 Demerit, 264, 28I, 3I7, 324, 325, 342
cittavrttinirodlza, 235 Desire, Io8, 225, 228, 295, 299, 300, 3I I,
codaniilak~a~zaiJ artlzaf.z, 427 11. 325, 4I I
Co-effects, 32 I de.fiipabandha, 256
Collocation, 255, 256, 257, 274, 320, de.ftivakii.fikabrata, 200
330, 33I, 33'2, 34'2, 4I2, 4I3, 416, 467 de.fi'ta, 423
Collocations, I6o, 363, 367, 374, 466 Determinate, I85, 225, 261, 262, 337,
Commentaries, 63, 67, 285 n., 308, 422, 379, 4I2, 413, 4I6, 424; cognition,
470; their method of treatment, 66 343 n.; perception, 33I, 334• 378
Commentary, 70, 306, 309, 433 Deussen, 26 n., 29, 31 n., 38, 39 n.,
Commentators, 64, 65; elaborations made 4511., 4911., 52, 581z., 423, 438n.,
by, 66 439 11 •
Compendium, 85 n., 8611. Devadatta, 117, 118, I76, 290, 39I, 392,
Compendiums, 2 393, .JI I, 483
Compound concepts, 94; feelings, 94 Devaksema, 1 20
Concentration, Io3, 104, 105, 227, 23-4-1t., Devananda, I 70, I 73
268, 2jl, '272, 342, 437• 490 Deva Sttri, I72, 309
Concomitance, 157, IS9• I6o, 308, 322, devaytl.lla, 34, 54• 58, I 25 n.
325, 344· 345· 346, 347•348, 349·35I, Dev.:ndrastava, 1 7 I 11.
352, 353, 354, 356, 358, 364, 388, Devi, 28n.
389 n., 39°• 393, 456 dlzamma, 82, Io2; different meanings of,
Conformations, 86 84
Conglomeration, 163 dhammadesanii, 84 n.
Consciousness, 94, I61, 2I4, 239, 240, Dhammapada, 83
243, 353, 366, 368, 378, 379, 38o, dhammas, IO.J, 166
Index 503
Dhammasanga~zi, 82, 83, 94• 95 11., 99, di{{/zi, 68 11., IOO
lOOn. Divergence, 464
dhammavisesatthma, 82 Digha, So 11., 8I n., 91 11., Io8 n.
dhammiitireka, 82 Digha Nikiiya, 83, Io6
Dhanapala, 172 DlpavaJ!lsa, 83 n., I 12 n., I I9
d/zarma, 56, I22, 131, 136, I37 1 I..J.5 1 161, dirgha, 3I..J.11., 315
195, I97, I98, 202, 256, 257, 281, 282, dirghaparimii~za, 316
285,28611., 29I, 292, 3I6,316n., 3Ijn., do~a. Ioo, 29..,., 3oo, 3oi, 365, 452, 453,
322, 323, 383, 403, 40..J., 405, 423, 424, 484, 486, 487
42711., 41~; meaning of, 8411. do~as, 228 n., 295
dharmadhiitu, 130, 131, I37 Doubt, 225, 262, 294, 295
Dharmaguptikas, 1 I2 dra~{ii, 444• H5
dharmakiiya, 132, 137 dravatva, 280, 28511.
Dharmakirti, ISI, 155,168,309, 34on., Dravit;lacii.rya, 433
351,362, 409n., 41on.; theory of in· dravya, I75• 197, I98, 231,232, 285, 286,
ference, 155 ff.; theory of perception, 287, 294,304, 3o6n., 3I2.JI3, 317, 3I8,
151 ff. 320, 334· 340, 380 11.' .p8
dharmapari~iima, 256 drazryabandha, 193
Dharmarajadhvarlndra, 67, 419, 420, dravyakalpanii, 340 n.
47011., 471 dravya karma, 19 I
Dharmasat!zgraha, 86 11., 94 dravyalefyii, 191
dharmaskandha, I20 dravyanaya, 1 i7
dharmasviikhyiitatiibhiivat1ii, 202 dravyanit:jarii, I95
dharmaJiistras, 278 dravyaparamii~zu, 1 z 1
Dharmatrata, 115, 120 Dravyasm!zgraha, lji, 193 11., 20311.
dharmiistikiiya, I95 Dravyasa'!1grahavrtti, 19211., I94 n.,
Dharmottara, I 51, 152n., 153n., 154· I 55. I9i n., 198 11., 199 11.
16311., 168, I81, 309 dravyasm!zvara, 194
Dharmottarlyas, 112 dravyatva, 287, 312
Dhar, 230, 308 draz'Yiisrava, 194
dhiira~1ii, 272 Dream, 425, 442, 451, 470, 488
Dhara~ii1iistra, 229 11. Drrfhiidhyii1ayasaiicodaniisiitra, 12 5 11.
dhiitu, 121, 127, I..J.9, 2I3 drk. H7. 450
Dhiitukathii, 83 drs, 68n.
Dhiitukiiya, 120 drfya, 444, Hi• ..J.SO, 451
dhruva, I75 drfyatva, H5
dhrti, I22 dt~{a, 3-t9
Dhiirtta Carvakas, 78, 79, 362 dutanta, I 85, 186 11., 294, 295, 302, 350,
dhittangas, Ioi 389
dhvat!zsiibhiiva, 293 n., 359 dfi{iintiibhiisa, 390
dlzyiina, 81, I021z., I..J.S• ISO, 202, 203, dr~!i, 68 n.
'l36, 272 drHisr~tiviida, 420
Dhyiinabindu, 28 n., 228 dul;kha, 86 11., Io6, 133, 276, 316, 342,
dhyiinaparamitii, 12 7 426
dhyiiniignidagdhakarma, 201 dul;khabahulal; saJ!Zsiinzlf heyaJ;, 265 n.
Dhyiiyitamu~{i siitra, 125 n. dulfkham vivekilla};, 365
Dialectic, 407, 435, 492 duhkhaskandha, 86 n.
Dialectical, 421 du~tarakzmibandhapmikamag11ii11iim, 307
Dialogues of the Buddha, 92 n., Io611., dutiyamjhiinam, 105
I0711. dvat1d'i'a, 28811.
Difference, 462, 463, 464 dviidasii1iga, 92
Differentiation, 225 Dvaraka, 306
Digambaras, I 70, 172 dve~a, 9311., I..J.3• 144, 22011.,267,316
Digambara Jain Iconography, I 70 n. dvipadiim varam, 423
Digniiga, 350 n. dzritva, 3I..J.
digvirati, 200 dvipas, 235
dzgviratibrata, 200 dvya~zuka, 3l..J.• 323, 324, 326, 327
dik, 311, 316, 322 Dyads, 314, 315
Dinakari, 307, 322 n.
Diimaga, 6 3, 120, I 55 11., I 67, 307, 309, Earth, 23
35011., 351' 355 n., 362, 388 n. Earth ball, 104, 106
Disputes, 66 Eastern Rajputana, 172
Dissolution, 324 East India, 12011.
di{{htisava, 99, 100 Effect, 164, 165, 325, 326, 331, 332, 345•
34i· 34.8, 349· 35911., 364, 400, 427, gagmzopamam, 423
439· 465, 466, 467, 468 gamaka, 388, 389
Effect-collocation, 274, 275 gamya, 388, 389
Efficiency, I I6 gandha, 313
Eggeling, I 3 n., 20 n., 24 n. Gandharvas, 55
Ego, I I I, 133, I 34, 225, 4-58 gandlza tanmiitra, 252
Egoism, 30I Ganges, 136
Egyptians, 4 Gaii.ganatha Jhii, Dr, 384 n.
eka, I8 Gaii.gda, 63, 308, 309, 322 n., 332 1t.,
ekacittasmil!z, 97 334- n., 338, 342 n., 343 n., 347 n.
ekaggatii, I05, I06 Ga~zapati, 28 n.
ekafr.thaktva, 293 Ga~1ivija, I 7I n.
ekasiimagryadlzina!.z, I I 4 Garbe, 33, 34• 2I8
ekatvabhiivanii, 202 Garbha, 28n., 3I n.
ekatvii11) afva, I 48
1 Garuda, 28 n.
Ekavyavaharikas, I 12, I 13 Gaur/abrahmiinmzdi, 420
ekayiina, I 2 5 n. Gauc)apada, 2I2, 222, 223, 242n., 243 n.,
ekiigra, 268 418, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 429,
Ekiik1ara, 28 11. 435·437
ekiinta, I93 Gautama, 59· 63, 65, 7I, 8I, 186 n., 279,
Ekanti, 42I, 422 289 n., 306
ekiiramma7Ja, IOI gavaya, 354• 39I' 486
ekiitmapratyayasiira, 425 Gaga Bhaga, 371, 4I7 n.
ekibhiiva, 4-0911. gam, 396, 397
ekodibhiivam, I05 Geiger, II2 11.
Emancipation, IOI, I07, I27, 20I, 203, Genus, 156, 285, 286, 287, 3I3, 3I7, 345·
225, 236, 273· 362, 366, 4I9, 436, 378, 379· 389
441, HS• 490; as optimism, 76 Germany, 40
Embryo, 57 Geschichte der i11dischen Litteratur, 35 n.
Empirical induction, 348 Geschichte des Buddhismus, 129n.
Encyclopaedia if Religion and Ethics, ghanapratarabhedena, I96
26 11., 36 n., Son., I08 n., I I9 n., gha{atva, 412
I69n., IjOn., I7211., 173n., 1901t., Ghoshal, S. C., I93 n., 203 11.
2II n. Gho!§a, II 5, 116
Energy, 255, 251, 253, 254, 321 Ghosaka, I 20
Energy·stuff, 242, 244 Gift; 36
English, 40 Gnostics, 14
Epi'graph£ca Indica, 170 n. ![O, 39I, 396
Epistemological, 2, 3, 406, 408, 4I0 God, Io, 17, 49• 204-, 205, 206, 233, 234,
Epistemology, 299, 4I5, 4I9, 43I 288, 325, 326, 394• 396n., 399• 403,404
Equilibrium, 245, 246, 248, 255, 258, 259 Goldstiicker, 22711, 279
Eschatological, 304 Gopiilapurvatiip£11i, 28 u.
Essential identity, 345 Gopiilottartiipini, 28 11.
e~a7Ja, 195 gotra, I93
Eternal, 290, 292 gotra-karma, 19I, I94
Europe, I, 6, 40, 62 gotva, 3Ii
European, 1, 6, 9• I2I, 13011., I69; gotvajati, 31 7
philosophy, 62 Gough, 2
evambhuta-naya, I 78 n. Govardhana, 329, 330 n.
Evolution, 225, 245, 246, 24-7, 259, 311 Govinda, 4I8, 423, 432
Evolutionary course, 256; process, 259 Govindananda, 85 11., 861z., 8911., 90 1z.,
Existence, I 64, I 68; Buddhist definition 9111., 419
of, 160 griilzya, 409
Greek gods, I6
Faizabad, 39 Greek literature, 4-0
Fallacies, 3 I 2, 390 Greek philosophy, 42
Fallacy, 36 I Greeks, 4
Feeling-substances, 24-3 Guhadeva, 433
Flame, 162 Gujarat, I20n., I72
Forces of Nature adored, 17 gu~za, 84-, 196, 2I7, 221, 222, 223, 224,
228, 244-• 24-5· 2-t-6, 258, 259· 273.
Gacchas, 1 70 27311., 28o, 28I, 285, 286, 287, 304-,
Gadadhara BhaHiiciirya, 308 30611., 3I2, 3'3· 316, 317, 318, 320,
Gaganagaiij'a, 125 11. 322, 334-• 339· 4I3
Index sos
gu~zaka!pana, 340 n. Hindu Chemistry, 25I n., 321, 322 n.,
Gm;tamati, I 20 327 n.
GuQaratna, 2, 3, 7, 78n., 79, I q, 1 IS n., Hindu monism, 33 n., 34 n.
II91Z., I62n., I63n., I70n., I75n., Hindus, 4, 10, 11, 41, 67,236,237, 30I,
I 76 1z., I 86 tz., 194 n., 203 n., 206 n., 309, 37 I • 430
2I3, 2I7, 2I8, 220, 222, 223 IliraQyagarbha, 23,32,52; hymn in praise
Gm;tas, 3 2 3 of, 19
gu~asa1znivefavife!a, 2 55 Historical Survey if bzdian Logic, 2 76 n.
gm;zasthanas, I92 n. Hist01-y if Hindtt Chemistry, 254 n.
gu~atva, 287, 290 History of Indian Literature, 13 n.,
gut;tantaradhii1la, 232 23011.
gupti, I95 History of Indian Philosophy, attempt
gttru, 69, 422 possible, 4; chronological data, 6; de-
guruku!avasa, 283 velopment, 5; different from history of
guru-mata, 69, 3 70 ; story relating to, 69 n. European philosophy, 6; method of
gurutva, 28I, 285n., 29I, 316 study, 64
Gurvavali, I 7 I History of Sanskrit Literature, I 3 n.
hita, I2
Haimavatas, I I 2 hitata, I36
Haldane, 40 n. Hoemle, 8o tz., I73 n.
Hamsa, 28n., 228 hotr, 36
Haribhadra, 2, 7, 68tz., 222 hrasva, 314, 3 I 5
Harinatha Vi~arada, 2 I 3 n. hrasvaparima~a, 3I4 n., 3I5
Harivarman, I 24 n. hymns, 283
Harvard University, 23I Hyper-tp;;Qa, 90 1z.
Hastaba!aprakara~avrtti, 1 29 Hypothetical, 157, I58
Hastikiikhyasft!ra, I 25 n.
Ha!hayoga, 229 iccha, 3I6, 325
Haug, 10, 20, 2I, 22, 36 idam, 449
Hayagriva, 28n. Idealism, I 28
Heaven, I7, 23, 76, 394• 399, 405 Identity, I6o, I62; of essence, 322, 347,
Hemacandra, 172, 180 n., 199, 203 n., 352
'237 Ignorance, 59, 74, 111, I32, I33, 134,
Henotheism, I7, I8, 19 I3~ I39• 143, 259, 267, 268, 276,
Heresies, 65, 78, 236 300, 365, 455· 457· 472
Heresy, 109 ihiimutraphalabhogaviraga, 43 7
Heretical opinions, 68 Illusion, qo, 146, 237, 26o n., 26I n.,
Heretics, 138, 150, I5I, 167 269, 303, 33I, 332 n., 337• 384, 385,
Heterodox, 83 386, 4II, 420, 440, 44I, 446, 450,
hetu, 79• 84, 93, 95• 185, I861z., 293, 296, 451, 452, 453· 457· 459· 469, 485,
303, 343· 344· 345· 346, 347· 348, 349• 486, 488, 489, 493
350, 353· 389, 393· 427 Illusory, I27, I29, I391 I42, I47• I6I,
hetttpratyaya, 139 I68, 240, 25711., 373, 375, 385, 386,
Hetuvadins, I I 2 412, 425, 435· 439· 440, 443· -t-45·
hetttvibhakti, 1861z. 448, 449· 45I. 452, 453· 455· 458,
heti'tpatzibandha, 143 467, -t-68, 470, 472, 488, 489, 491
hetvabhasa, 294, 296, 344-• 360 Illusory perception, I52
heyopadeyarthavi!aya, I63 tz. Images, 262
Hillebrandt, 36, 2I I n. Imagination, 225, 269
Himavat, 282 n. Imagining, 299
Himalaya, 282 n. Immaterial cause, 376, 380
hi1!zsa, I9 3 , 2oo Immortal, 58
hit.nsopakaridana, 200 Impermanence, I z6
Hinayana, I24 1z., I25, I26 Implication, I85, 391
Hindi, 40 Implicatory communications, 94
Hindu, I, 7, 8, I4, 29, 57• 84, I5I n., Indefinable, 429, 467, 468, 487, 493
155 n., I631z., 279, 309, 323, 394• 422, lndetem1inate, I85, 2I3, 225, 245, 261,
429,430, 440; law, 11,69; Nyaya, 309; 262, 331, 334• 339• 378, 379• 412,
philosophy, 41, 167; philosophy- 4I3, 416
mythological, 4; philosophy-not in- India, 1, 5, 6, 7• Io, 15, 46, 47• 50, 62,
fluenced by Pali Buddhism, 83; schools 63, 6-t-. 66, 67, 77· 78, 8I, I64, I72,
of thought, 4I2; six systems ofthought, 394
7; thinkers, 470; thought, 78, I I3 1 bzdian A tztiquary, I 70 n., 2 77 n., 4 I 9 n.
1 4t'; writers, 129; yoga, 203 Indian ideas, similarity with European
so6 Index
ideas, 9 ; languages, 1 21 ; logic, 172, Jabala, z8n., 31 n., 35n.
309, 350, 388 n.; Medieval School, Jabaladarfana, 28 n.
309 n. ; mind, 3 I Jt1bali', 28 n.
Indian philosophy, 62, 67, 113, 197, 232, Jacobi, Prof., 169 n., 170 n., 172, 17311.,
355, 360, 380, 385, 407, 465; associa- 19011., 277, 278, 279, 307, 421
tion and conflict of systems in, 6 ; jacfatva, 445
difficulties, 3 ; historical records, 5 ; Jagadisa Bha!!iicarya, 306, 308
history of, 3, 5 ; later stages, 5, 6 ; jagatprapanca, 443
method of treatment different, 62 ; not J aigi!?avya, 229 n.
popularised, 1 ; not translatable, I ; Jaimini, 69, 281, 282, 369, 370, 427,
optimism of, 76 ; order of systems of, 42 9
9; texts published, 1 Jaimi'ni sutra, 430
Indians, I, 3, 74• 160 n., 169 Jain, 79· '258, 309
Indian, scholars, 4I; system, 64, 144; Jaina, 65, 68, 74, z8on., 394• 401, 434;
thinkers, 3 ; thought, 22 ; wisdom, literature, I 69; logic, 309; logicians,
40 186 n. ; Maharii!?!ri, I 7 I ; philosophy,
Indian systems, 75, 180, I85, 394, 418; 2 1o; prakrit, I 7 I; religion, I69 ;
karma theory, general account of, 7 I ; scriptures, 186
pessimistic attitude of, 75; points of fainatarkaviirtika, I7I, 183n., 184n.,
agreement between, 7 1, 77 186 1z., 188 n., I 97 n.
Individual, 117, 118, 119, 122 Jainism, 3, 9, 175, I9'2, 208, 209, 212;
Indo-European, 10 atheism in, 203 ff.; classification of
lndra, I8, 21, 272 karma, 19I; cosmography, 199; di-
indriya, 123, 18411., 193, 228n., 472 vision of living beings, I89; doctrine
indri'yiirtha, 214, 288 of emancipation, 207 ; doctrine of
Inertia, 246 karma, 190ff.; doctrine of matter,
Inference, 155, 156, 159, 160, 185, 269, I95ff.; doctrine of nayas, I76; doc-
'280, '285, '287, '289, '293· '297· '298, 303, trine of ten propositions, I86 11.; doc-
308, 331, 332, 333• 343• 3H• 345, 346, trine of senses, I 84n.; doctrine of
347· 348, 350, 35I, 35'2, 353. 354, 355· syiidviida, I 79; doctrine of universals,
356, 360, 363, 364, 376, 384, 387, 388, I 96, I 97 ; ethics of, I 99 ff.; its ontology,
389, 390, 393· 404, 4I'2, 414· 447· -1-54· I 73 ff. ; literature of, 1 7 1 ; monks in,
456, 470, 482, 483; (Buddhist), con- I7'2i nature of knowledge, t8df.;
ditions of concomitance, I 56 nature of substance, I 74; non-per-
Infiniteness, 58 ceptual knowledge, I85; origin of,
Infinite regress, I6o n. I69; relative pluralism, I 75 ff.; rela-
Infinitude, 6 I tivity of judgments, 179ff.; sects of,
Inherence, 165, 285, 3I'2, 3I9, 336, 349, I 70; soul-theory, I 88 ff.; standpoints
38I, 38'2, 40~ 450, 483 of judgment, I 77 ; theory of being,
Injunction, 396, 397, 403, 404, 405, 430, I87; theory of illusion, 183, 183 11.;
436, 43 7' 490 theory of perception, I83 ff.; validity
Inorganic, 5 I of knowledge, I88; yoga, 199
Instrumental cause, 274 Jains, 7, 73, I70, I72, I73• 174, I75•
Intelligence, 6I I76, Ii7, 180, I84, I8f', 186, I97•
Intelligence-stuff, 24I, 244, '248 198, '209, 21'2, '240, 309, 3'25, 330·350,
Invariability, 320 363, 364; some characteristics of, 172
Invariable, 32I, 322, 352, 465, 466 jalpa, 294, 296, 302, 360
lsomaric, 328 Jambudvipaprajilapti, I7I n.
i~a1Ja, 199 11. Janaka, 34
itaretarafunyatli, 149 janma, 294
iti, '230 Japan, 278
Iti'vuttaka, 83 Japanese, 303
Itsing, I'201l. jarii, 86 JZ.
i!J't1, I95• 199 n. jaramara~za, 86, 89, 9'2
f!ii, 28 n., 31, 39, so, 11 I n., 432 n. Jayanta, 67, 79• I6o n., 307, 32I, 326 n.,
ISii.na, so 330 n., 337• 355 n., 362
ifvara, 68, I45, 203, 220, 223, 234n., Jayaditya, 231
248n., 255,258,259,267,271, 282n., J ii.nakinatha Bha!!iicarya, 308
'28.j., 300, 304, 307, 311, 3'2'2, 323, 324, jata, 423
3'25, 3'26, 3'27, 35~36~ 365•438,469, Jiitaka, 83
- 493 j'iiti, 84, 89, 9'2, '294.''296, '298, 30I, 30'2,
ISvarak~Qa, '21'2, '2I8, 219, '2'2'2 30412·, 317, 3I8, 319, 339· 360, 36'2,
iivara-prm;idhiina, 270 378, 379, 38o, 38I, 382, 403, 424, 445,
ifvariinumana, 308 n., 326 n., 365 n. 483, 49'2
jatikalpanii, 340 11 Kantian, 409 11.
;atirindriyagocara, 382 Kal)ada, 65, 68 n., 71, 282, 28-1-, -z86,
;atyadt"n!arupiivagiihi, 338 287, 288, 289n., 29In., 305, 3I6n.,
Jhalkikar, Bhimacarya, 2 n. 349• 350, 35 I, 382
Jha Ganganatha, Dr, 370, 372, 378 n., Km;iida-Rahasya, 306
397 n., 405 n. kapardin, 433
jhana, IO'Z, I03, I04, I05, 1o6; pre- Kapila, 68, 'ZI6, 218, no, 'Z'ZI, 222, 233
paratory measures for, I02 Kapilavastu, 81
jhana-samiidhi, IO'Z kara~ado!aJiiana, 3 75
jijiiasa, 302 karma, 54• 55, 56, 57, 72, 7-1-• 75• So,
jina, I 44, I 99 86n., 87, 90, 9on., 91, 107, ro8, III,
jiva, 75, I88, 189, I98, 238, 425, 457• I'Z3, 131, I33· I48, I9'Z, I93· 194· I95·
461, 469, 48'2 1202, 203, 'ZOO, 207, 210, 214, 215,
iivanmukta, 492 H8n., 233, 248, -z66, 267, -z68, 285,
jivanmukti, 268 286, '287, '291, 294· 300, 301, 304,
Jivanmuktiviveka, 4I9 3o6n., 3I'Z, 3I3, 3161z., 317, 3I8,
fivabhigama, I 7I n. 3I9, 3'20, 3'24, 3'27, 330, 363, 366, 440;
;iviistikc'iya, I 89 different kinds of, 73; Jaina view of,
jiiana, 189 n., I90, I99• 367, 4I3, •P4• 73; matter, 73, 991z., 190, 191, I92,
4I6, 417, 437. 445· 455 I93• 239; Yoga-view and Jaina-view
jfiana-karma-samuccayabhiivaf.z, 43 7 compared, 74; marga, 29; varga1Ja,
jiianaka~uja, 436 I9'Z
jiiiina-kara~a, 448 karmakii1Jifa,430, 436
jiia1zalak~a1Ja, 341, 34 'Z karmaphala, 2 I o
jiitzna-marga, 29, 436 karmas, 201, 259, 3 25, 491
Jiianaprasthana Jastra, I 20 karmasiimarthyam, 3 I 6 n.
jiianaJakti, 402, 400 karmatva, 287
jiianasamavayanibandhanam, 363 karmavijiiana, I 33, I 35
jiicinabhciva, 456 karmiisrava, 193
jiianavara~iya, I9o, I93• 196 karmasaya, 267
jiianavara~ziya karma, I94 Karmins, 436
jiianin, 68 n. kant~, 103, I04, I36, 203, 236, 270
Jiianottama Misra, 419 Karu~pm;zdarika, I 25 n.
Jfiata clan, 173 Kashmere, 39, I'ZOtz., 256
fiiiitadharmakathas, 17 I kasil;tam, I04
jiiatata, 416, 448 Kassapa, I06
jiieyiivara~za, I 3 2 ka!iiya, 191, I93• 201, 3I3
Journal tif the Bengal Asiatic Society, 278, Kathiivatthu, 83, I o8 n., II 2, II 3, 1 I 9,
276n., 279 I 20 n., 157, 158 n., 465
Journal tif the Royal Asiatic Society, Kathenotheism, I8
'Z8I n., 303n., 308n., 3IOIZ. Katha, -z8n., 39, 45n., 59• 6on., Io6,
jyoti!af!l jyoti/.z, 54 211 n., 226n., 227, 432n.; school, 3I
Ka{harudra, 28 n.
Kaegi, I!j, I6, I 7 1z., 18 I9 n., 20 11., ka{u, 3I3
'Z4n· kaumudi, 245 11.
kaivalya, -zSn., -z66n. kausidya, 144
Kaiyya~a, 23I Ka.t!itald, 28 n., 30, 39 n., so, 57 11.,
kala/a, 328 26 3 n.; school, 30
kalala-budbudavastha, 9I n. Kau~ilya, 227, 277, 278, 279
Kaliipa Vyakara1Ja, 28211. kala, I75• I95· I98, 3Io, 31I, 3I6, 322
Kalisantarana, 28 n. Kiiliipziru.dra, 28 11.
kalpana, 129, I53• 408, 40911. kaliipabandha, 256
kalpaniipotjha, 408, 409 n. kalatita, 300
kalpanapoifhamabhrantam, I 53 kiiliityayiipadi#a, 344
kalpas, 138 Kalidasa, 2 77 n.
kalpasutra, I 7 I kama, 57, 88, 14-4
Kalpataru, 418 kiimacchmzda, I05
Kalpataruparimala, 4 I 8 kiimaloka, I 34
.Kalpavalaf!Zsika, I 7 I n. kamiisava, 99• I oo
kalpita sattzvrti, 4 -z8 kamya-karma, 489
kamma, Ioi, I06 Kaiicl, 4 I8
kammabhava, 87, 90 n. Kapila Sarpkhya, 68
Kani!?ka, 1 29 n. Kapya Patarpchala, 2 30
Kant, 4'l karakavyapara, 257
so8 Index
kara~za, 258 n., 3I9, 322, 427 kratu, 88
karaiJa-akafa, 2 53 kriya, 34o
kara~za-buddlzi, 250 kriyiikalpana, 340 n.
karaJJa-samagri, 322 kriya1akti, 46o
kara~zasvala~a~Jifnyathabhava[z, 468 kritjiirtham, 4 24
kiira~zaviruddlzakaryyopalabdlzi, 358 krodlza, 20 I
kara~zaviruddhopalabdlzi, 358 ktfiJa, 28 n., 73, 74, 266
kara?tti1tupalabdhi, 358 Ktf?ta yajurveda, 227
karika, 67, 224, 273 n., 342 n., 423 Kr~Qayajvan, 3 7 I
karmafarira, 73 Krttika, 387
kiirma~zafarira, I92 kfa~Ja, 25 7 n., 409 n.
karya, 257, 258n., 286n., 319,427 K[a~zabhaizgasiddlzi, I63 n.
karJ'akaraJJa-bhiiva, 3 20 kfa~zasat,nlana, 409 n.
karyakara~zabhiivadva, 352 n. kfaiJasya prapayitumafakyatvat, 410 H.
kiiryatva-prayojaka, 32 2 kfa~Jika, I 6 I
karyaviruddhopalabdlzi, 358 kfa~Jikatvavyiipta, I 59
karyaka1a, 2 53 kfa~Jz'ka!z, 1 • 4
kiiryanupalabdlti, 358 K~attriya, 34, 35, I 73, 208
Ka1ika, 263 n., 3 71 k[anti, 202
Kasyapa, 349 kfantipiiramita, 12 7
Kasyapiyas, 1 I2 k[ayika, I 92
Katyayana, 230, 279 k[iiyopafamika, 192
Katyayaniputtra, 120 k[etra, 214, 217
Kii{lzaka, 3 I k[elrajiia, 2 I 4
Kavya, I72 k[ipta, 268
kayagatasati, I03 k[ifi, 51, 252, 255. 3IO, 3I3, 314, 328
kiiyagupti, I99 n. K[urikii, 28 n.
kiiyendriya, 1 2 3 Kukkulikas, 1 12, 113
kayika, Io8 Kumarajiva, I22 n., I28, I66
kayikakarma, I 24 Kumarasambhava, 27711.
kiiyikavijiiapti karma, I24 Kumarila, 67, 69, 129, 145, I51 H., I67,
Keith, Prof., 36n., 35I 209n., 284, 355• 359• 369, 370, 37I,
Kemp, 4011. 372, 378, 379· 380, 382, 384, 386, 387,
Kena, 28 n., 30, 37• 39• 432 n. 388, 389, 39I, 392, 395· 396, 397· 399·
Kesava Misra, 307 400, 401, 402, 403, 405, 4I6, 417, 432,
kevala, I73• 266 459. 484
kevalajiiana, I9I n., 207 KuJJ¢ika, 28 n.
kevalavyatireki, 353 Kusumaiijali, 307, 326n., 365H.
kevalanvayi, 353, 354 kuJalamiila, I36
kevalin, 207
khmzdha, 89, 93, 95, I04, Io6, 16I lakfa?tapari~zama, 256
Klta11dlza Yamaka, 94, 95 n. lak[a~JaSii1lyatii, I49
khantisamvara, IOI Lak[a~Jiivali, 3 I 2 n.
Klza~zablimiga siddhi, 68 n. Laitkavatiira, 84n., I25n., I26n., 128,
Is.ha~ufanakhawfakhiidya, 3I81z., 4I9, 462 I3on., I38, I45n., I46n., I47, I48n.,
klzaJJikatta, Io4 I49• 150, I5I n., 'Z8o, 423, 426 n., 429,
Kharatara Gacchas, I 70 470
kite, 427 laya, 426
klzz~ziisava, 105 layayoga, 229
Klzuddaka nikaya, 83 Le Gentil, 39
Klmddaka piiflta, 83 Leipsig, 203 n.
kh) ifli vi.Jiitlna, I45
leJyii, 73• 19I
kilesas, 100 Liberation, 273, 3I7n.
Kinetic, 246 Life-functions, 262
Kira~zavali, 306 li1iga, I 52, I 56, I 57, 249, 293 n., 331,
Kira~ziivalibhaskara, 306 343· 344• 345· 348, 35I, 356, 359·
Kitah Piitaiijal, 233 4I2
kleJa, 142, 267, 301, 365 li1iga-parifmarsa, 35 I
kle1avara~za, I 32 liizgin, 345
kli[{a, 269 liltz, 32 4
Knowledge as movement, 4I6 Liliivati, 306
Knowledge-moments, 4 I 1, 4 I 2; -stuff, loblza, Ioo, 20I
240 Logic, I72, 277
kramablzava, 186 loka, 197, I98, I99
lokabhiivanii, '20'2 Mahayanists, 126
LokaprakiiJa, 190 n. Mahisasakas, 112, 1 I 9
lokas, 235 Mahommedan, 39
lokiikiisa, 189, 197, I99 liiaitriiyat.zi, 28n., 31, 39n., '211, 227,
Lokayata, 78 n.,227, 277 '236
Lokottaravadins, 112 frfaitreyi, 28 n.
Lumbini Grove, 81 Maitreyi, 35 n., 61
maitrf, 93n., 136, 203, '2'26 n., 236, 270
Macdonell, 12, I3 "·• 18, I9n., '2'2, 23, JIIIajjhima Nikiiya, 83, 93 n., 99 n., 100,
25n., 26 n. I II n.
mada, 144 Major, 351
mada1akti, 79 .11/akaranda, 307
Madhusiidana, 492 Makkhali GosaJa, 79
Madhusiidana Sarasvati, 67, 420 Malabar, 432
Madhva, 70, 168 Malebranche, 40 n.
madhya, 199 Mallinatha, 2 77 n., 308, 362 n.
madhyamaka, its meaning, I 44 Malli~ena, 1 7 1
Madhyamaka philosophy, I38 man, 68
madhyama-parimii1Ja, I 89 Man, as universe, 23
Magadha, I 20 n. mana!zparyiiya, 191 n., 207
Magic, 127, I4'2, 424, 426, 428, 435, mana!z1uddhi, '201
469 manana, 490
Magical, So, 229; force, 37; verses, mmzas, 25, 26, -1-3• I33• q6, I89, '2I3,
36 '214, '215, '2'25, '261, '26'2, '289, '291, '29'2,
mahat, 45• 213, 225, '2'26, 248, 249, '254• '295• 298, 300, 303, 31 I, 316, 365, 377•
255, 276, 290, 314n., 315, 43I 378, 402, 4'3• 460, 472 n.
mahatparimii~za, 31 5 manaskiira, 134
mahat-tatlva, 249 mano, 89, 96, 1 '2..j.
frlahii, 28 n. manogupti, I 99 1z.
Jlllahiibhiirata, 79• '2I6, '2I7, '2I8, 219, mmzomaya, 6o
'2'24, '279 manomaya iitman, 46
JIIIahiibhii~ya, '2!9, 230, '23I, 232, 233, mmzovijiiiina, I 24, 134, 408
'235· 465 mantra, 2 1 1
mahiibhuta, 94, 95• 122 mantradrastii, 10
Jl[ahiibodhivamsa, 1 I '2 malltras, 3·6, 69, 7I, 283, 404, 40:;
mahiibrata, '200 mantrayoga, 229
mahiikaru1_zii, 138 manvate, 124
Jlllahiilamkiira1iistra, I'29 n. M andalabrahmana, '2 8 n., '2 28
Maham:iya, 8I l\'lru)~iana Misra,"37I, 418, 432
mahiimoha, 220 n. JVa?ziprabhii, 318n., 419, 485n.
mahan, 292 marana, 86 11.
JIIIahiiniiraya1Ja, 3 I, 39 n. mara~zabhava, 9I
.11Iahii1lidiina suttmzta, 92 n. mara1Jiinussati, 102
JIIIahiiniJitha, 1 7 1 n. marut, 252, 255, 3IO
Mahiiparinibbiinasuttanta, 8I n. Mass-stuff, 242, 244
.111ahiipratyiiklzyiina, 17 1 11. mala, 68n .
Mahasangha, 1• 2 Material cause, 27-1-, 286, 322, 323, 376,
Mahasanghikas, 112, 113, 125 377. 44!i. 453
JIIIahiisalipa{!ltlina Sutta, 107 Mathura Bhat!acarya, 308
JIIIahiiviikya, '28n. mali, 207
mahiiviikya, 439 matijiiiina, 191 n.
Jlllahiivibhii~ii, I '70 Matter, 196
Mahavira, 79, 169, I 70, ! 7 I ; his life, Maudgalyana, I 20
•73 Maulikya Sarpkhya, 2 17, 218
Mahiivyutpatti, I20 n. Max Muller, Io, I31z., I8, 38, 39n.,
Mahayana, I25, 166, 424; its differ- 40n., 45n.
ence from Hinayana, 1 26; literature, Mayz"ikhamiilikii, 371
125 n.; meaning of, I'25 Madhava, 681z., 79, 305 n., 371, 405 n.,
Mahiiyii1zasamparigraha1iistra, 1 28 418, -1-'9· 457. 469
Mahiiyiinasz"itriilmttkiira, I'2fi, I'28, I46n., Madhava Deva, 308
147n., 15In. Madhavacarya, 114 n.
Mahayana siitras, 125, 128, 279, 4'2I; miidhyamika, 127, 138, 429
their doctrine, I'27 11--Iiidhyamika kiirikii, I'25 n., 138, 426 n.
Mahayanism, 125 Madhyamikas, I I 3
510 Index
Madhyamika vrtti, 8s n., 86n., 88 n., systems, 367 ff. ; conceptions of jtiti
9on., 9In., 1411t., 142n., I43n., and avayavin, 379 ff.; conception of
I44n., 42S n. fakti, 402 n.; consciousness of self,
11/adhyamikaftistra, 122 n. how attained, Kumarila and Prab-
mtidhyastha, 203 hakara, 400 ff.; denial of spho{a,
mana, Ioo, 144, 20I 397 n.; doctrine of samavtiya, 38 I ;
mtinam, 356 epistemology of Kumarila, 416 ff.;
mtinasa-pratyakfa, 343, 400 epistemology of Prabhakara, 415 ff.;
mallasika, 108 general account of, 69; indeterminate
Ma?tdiikya, 28 n., 31 n., 39• 418, 424, and determinate perception, 378 ff.;
4321t. inference, 387 ff.; influence of Buddhist
11fa~ufukya karikti, 418, 422 logic on Mimarpsa logic, 388, 390 ;
MaQikya Nandi, 309 Kumarila and Prabhakara, 372;
l'vlaradamanasutra, I 2 s n. Kumarila's view of self-luminosity,
mtirdava, 202 459; legal value of, 69; literature,
mtitsaryya, I 44 369ff.; non-perception, 397 ff.; Nyaya
Ma{lzarabhiiJya, 2 I3 objections against the self-validity of
maya, so, I'27, J41, I4'2, 144• I46, I49· knowledge, 372 ff.; perception, sense-
lSI, 201, 2.p, '2S8, 273 n., 424, 426, organs and sense-contact, 3 7s If.; Prab-
431, 435· 437· 438, 442, 443· 46I, 465, hakara's doctrine of perception con-
467, 468, 469, 470, 49'2, 493 trasted with that of Nyaya, 343 n.;
mayiihasti, 428 Prabhakara's view of self-luminosity,
mtiytikara, 94 4S9; Sabda pramal).a, 394 ff. ; self,
11/echanical, Physical and Chemical 399 If. ; self as j1ianafakti, 402 ; self-
T!uon"es of the Ancient Hindus, 213 revealing character of knowledge,
Meditation, I03, Io4, Io5, 115, I6I, I73• 382 ff.; self-validity of knowledge,
201, 202, 227, 234, 235, 3I7 n. 3 73 ff.; upamtina and arthtipatti, 39 Iff.;
megha, 220 n. vidhis, 40-1 ff.; view of negation, 3SS ff.
Memory, I85, 269, 3I61z., 340; causes of, Mimd1flstibtilapraktifa, 37 I
216n. 11fimtif!tstinukramaJ_ti, 3 71
Mental perception, 400 Jlfimtif!tSti-nytiya-praktifa, 37 I
Mercury, 287 n. Mimlif!tstipanbhtiJti, 37 1
Merit, 264, 28I, 3I2, 3I7, 324, 32s, 342 Mimdf!lSti sutras, 28o, 28I, 282, '285. 370,
Metaphysical, 406 372, 394
Metaphysics, I6I, I66, 403, 4I4, 4IS Mimarpsist, 3S9
Metempsychosis, 25, 234 mleccha, 294 n., 304
mettti, I03 modamtina, 21.0 n.
mettabha7Janti, Io4 Moggallana, Io8, 263 n.
Middle, 3SI, 362 moha, Ioo, 122, 143, 220 n., 276, 300
Middle India, I?.O n. mohaniya, I 9 I, I 93
Milinda, 83 mohaniya karma, I94
Mili11dapaiiha, 83, 88, 89, Io7, I63 n. mokJa, us, I7o, 173, I9o, I92, I9S• I98,
Mindfulness, Ioi, I03 I99• 207, 2IS, 2I6, 217,283,305, 317n.
Mind stuff, 240 n. mokfavtida, 40I n.
Minor, 351, 362 mokfe ?livrttirnil_zfeJti, 2 I6
Mirok, 278, 303 Molar, 32I
Misery, 29S n. Molecular motion, 32 I
Mithila, 3o8 Molecules, 327
mithyadrfti, 145 Momentariness, IS8, I6r, I64, I68, 209,
mit!zytij11tina, 294, 365 212
mithytisatyabhim"vefa, I 48 Momentary, I04, I q, f4I, IS2, I 59• I6o,
mithyatva, 193 I6S, 174, I87, 274, 299, 316 n., 325,
mithyiitvanirukti, 44411. 332, 339, 408, 47 I
11Iimii??Zsti, 7, 9, 68, I'29, I88: 189, 209 n., Monk, 172, I73
276, 28o, ?.8I, 284, 303, 320, 323, Monotheism, 17
343 n., 3H n., 346, 3S7o 363, 367, Monotheistic, 33
369, 370, 37I, 372, 37S· 376, 38'2, Mudgala, 28 n.
383, 385, 386, 390, 391, 394· 396, 4oo, mudita, 103, 220 n., 236, 270
403, 404, 406, 4I2, 417, 4'29, 430, 433· Muir, ?.on., 23 n., 32 n., 33 n.
435· 440,448,471, 484•485, 486,490, mukta, 73
491; agreement with Nyaya Vai~~ika, mukta-jiva, I 89
403; akhyii!i theory of illusion, 386; Muktavali, 307, 322 n.
an71l"tahhidhii1zavada and abhihitiinva- mukti, s8, 20'2, '248, 26I, 269, 273· 30S n.,
yaviida, 395 ; comparison with other 324, 366, 424, 440, 49I; general ac-
Index 511

count of, 74; general agreement of New York, 3 n.

Indian systems in, 74 ni, 38
Muktika, 28 n., 263 n. Nibandhakara, 370
mumuk~utva, 437 nidar!ana, 350, 351
Mut;r.faka, 28 n., 39, 49, 56, 432 nidar!aniibhtisa, 351
Miila Sarvastivada, 120 Niddesa, 83
Mitlasutras, I 7 I nididhyiisalla, 490
Mystic, 229 nidrti, I93, 269
nigama1za, 185, 296, 350, 353
na asti, 67 Nigantha, I69
Naciketas, 59, 6o niggama, 1 57
na·ektinta, 1 75 nigodas, I 90
ltaigamana, I86 n. nigrahasthii.na, 294, 296, 30I, 302, 360,
naigamanaya, I 77 362
1zaimittika-karma, 489 Nihilism, I 38, 143
nairiitmya, I 4 7, 149 Nihilistic, So; doctrine, 140
Nai~karmyasiddhi, 4I9 ni!.zsvabhiiva, q2, 146
Naiyayika, 197, 203, 305, 332 n., 333, ni!.zsvabhiivatvam, 14I
347· 355. 362, 365, 381, 462, 49I ni!.zsvarupatii, 464
N andivardhana, 1 73 ni!.z!reyasa, 282, 285, 294, 305
na nirodho na cotpatti!.z, 425 Nikaya, 83
Narasil:phacarya, 4I9 n. 1zimitta, 27 4• 3 23
N arbuda, 43 2 nimitta-kiira~za, 25-t-• 438
Natural Philosophy ofthe Ancient Hindus, nimitta{(hiti, 93
2I3 nimittiipabandha, 256
Nature, 43 nirabhilapya!unyatii, I-t-9
Navadvipa, 306, 308 nirati!ayii!.z cetanii!.z, 228 1z.
Navya-Nyaya, 3o8, 353 niravayava, 380 n.
_naya, 176, I79• 187 Nirayiivali, I 7 I n.
Nayanaprasiidini, 419 Nirti/amba, 28 n.
nayiibhiisa, 178, 18I nirdi!ati, 124
Niidabindu, 28 n., 228 NiriSvara Sarpkhya, 259
Nagasena, I07 nirjarii, 192, I95
Niigarjuna, 109, 125 n., 126, 128, 129 n., nirmmitapratimohi, I-t-S
I38, 144, 155 n., I66, 2I5 n., 233, 235, nin..zaya, 294, 296, 360
279• 421, -t-23, 425 n., 427, 429, 465, Nin:1aya-Sagara, 28 n.
470, 493; essencelessness of all things, 1zirodha, 149, 268, 272
14 I ; ethics of, 1 H; his doctrine that nirodha samiidhi, 27 I
nothing exists, I4o; Nirvar;1a in, q2; Nirvar;1a, 28n., 75• 8I, Ioo, 119"·• 126,
pratityasamutpiida in, 139, I -t-3 127, 128, .!.JJ,. I35. 136, 139· f-t-2, I-t-3.
Nage5a, 212, 231, 235 f-t-5, 14-9, 151, I69, 190, 215 n., 423
ntima, 86 n., 9I, 193, 340 Nirviit;aparik~ti, 425 1Z.
ntimakalpanti, 340 n. nirviciira, 27 I
nama-karma, I9I, 194 1zirvikalpa, 334• 337• 378, 408, 412, 416,
niimarupa, 85, 86 n., 88, 89, 90, 122, -t-83, 484
174, 439 ~tirvikalpa-dvitva-gut;a, 314
ntimarupa-padatfhiinam, 89 1tirvikalpa!.zprapaiicopa!ama!.z, 4 26
niimayati, 9 I 1tirvikalpajiiiina, I 53 n., I 82
Nandi, I7I nirvzkalpaka, 339
Niiradaparivriijaka, 28 n. ~tirtJikalpa pratyak~a, 26I
Niiriiyat;a, 28 n. nirvikalpikii, 33 7
N arayal}.atirtha, 2 I 2, 24 2 n. nirvitarka, 2 7 I
ntisti na prakii!ate, 458 nissatta nijjiva, 84
niistika, 67, 68, 208 nissiiya, 94
Nataputta Varddhamana Mahavira, 169 nifcaya, 409 tz.
Negation, 147, 293, 304, 316, 3I8, 335, Ni!rtha, I 7 I 11.
336, 355· 356, 357. 358, 359· 398, niiedha, 29
399· 444· 453· 454· 455. 456, -t-6-t-, m"fiddha-karma, 489
485, 48~ Ni~ka~z{aka, 308, 362 11.
Negative, 461 mt;,a, 290, 3 I 6
Nemicanrlra, I7I, I93• 194n. 1zitya-karma, 489
Nepal, 81 nityiim"tya, 148
nescience, ·H9• 450, 452, 461 nityiinityavastuviveka, 436
tzeti neti, 4·h 45, 61, 65, I 10 niv!'tti, 488
512 Index
1zivvii~za, I03, 104, Io6, I08, 109 Nyayasiddhantamaiijari, 308
niyama, r 55, 235, 270, 3I7 n., 345 Nyaya siici, 278
niyama-vidhi, 404 Nyiiyasudhii, 37I
niyatiipiirz;avartti'ti'i, 320 Nyiiya sittra, 228 n., 229 n., 277, 297 n.,
ni, 277 300 n., 302, 306, 307, 342 n., 362,
1zilabodha, 4IO 1z. 430
nilatvajiiti, 31 7 Nyiiya siltrabhii~ya, I 86 n.
uirupakhya, I 24 Nyiiyasiitras, 71,120,276,278,279,294,
Noble path, 124 301, 303, 305, 327 n., 360
nodanavise~a, 291 Nyiiyaszttravivara~za, 307
Non-existence, 356, 357 Nyiiyasiitroddhiira, 2 78
Non-perception, 26I, 356, 358, 359, 397, Nyiiyatiitparyama~ufana, 63, 307
4-85 Nyiiyatiitparyafikiipari1uddhi, 6 3
North-western Province, I 72 Nyaya-Vaise~ika, I67, I78, 2561z., 28I,
NrsiJ!lhapurvatapini, 28 n., 32 n. 284-, 29411., 305, 3IO, 311, 3I2, 313,
N rsiiJlhasrama M uni, 4 I 9· 4 20 318, 319, 320, 323, 326, 330, 335· 341,
Number, 29I, 292, 305, 306 n., 3I5 355, 366, 367, 37I, 4-03,492; antiquity
Nyaya, 7, 9, 63, 68, 75, 87 n., I57, 159, of the Vaise#ka sittras, 280 ff.; argu-
161, r68, 177,219, 269n., 274,276,277, ment from order and arrangement, in
278, 279· 280, 294· 296, 297· 299· 303, favour of the existence of God, 363 ff.;
304-, 305, 307, 308, 309, 310, 312 n., arguments against the Buddhist doctrine
320, 321, 325, 326, 327,328,331, 332, of causation as tiidatmya and tadutpatti,
333· 335· 337· 338, 339. 340, 343· 34-5 ff.; atomic combination, 326; Bud-
34-4 n., 346, 347, 34-8, 349• 350, 3!\3, dhist criticism of mrvikalpa and Vacas-
354· 356. 360, 361, 362, 363, 364-, 367, pati's answer, 339 ff.; Caraka and the
368, 369, 372, 373· 376, 377· 3781t., Nyiiyasiitras, 302; causes of recol-
380, 381, 382, 385, 39I, 394• 396 n., lection, 300 ; causation as invariable
397· 403, 4-06, 4-I2, 4•3· 4-'4· 4I5, 416, antecedence, 32I ; causation as mole-
417,4-31, 4-34•440, 44-6, 455· 4-59·462, cular motion, 3 2 1; causation as opera-
465, 4-66, 41:>4, 488, 492; nature of the tive conditions, 322; classification of
self, 459n.; notion of time, 466 inference, 353 ff.; classification of nega-
Nyiiyabimlu, I51, 152u., 15411., I55n., tion, 359; conception of wholes, 380 n.;
168, 181, 309, 358 11., 410 1l. criticism of momentariness, 274; criti-
Nyayabindufika, I 52 n., I54n., I55n., cism of the Sa111khya and the Buddhist
I 5611., 359 1Z., 4IO IZ. view of pramaQa, 33I ff.; criticism of
Nyiiyabinduffkatippani, I5I n., I 52 n., Sa111k hya satkiiryaviida, etc., 2 75 ff. ;
I 54 n. criticism of the theory of causation by
Nyayabodhini, 330 n. Vedanta, 466; debating devices and
Nyiiyakandali, 306, 3IO n., 311 n., 312 n., fallacies, 360 ff.; discussion on the
314-11., 316n., 317n., 324n., 32611., meaning of upamiina, 355n.; discussion
328 n., 337 n., 338 Jt., 35 I u., 355 n., on the siitras, 276 ff.; doctrine of dis-
359 11 · solution, 323; doctrine of inference,
Nyliyaka~zika, 37 I 343 ff.; doctrine of illusion, 337; doc-
Nyiiyako1a. 2 u. trine of paratal;priimii~zya, 372 ff.; doc-
Nyiiyaliliivati, 317 n. trine of perception, 333 ; doctrine of
Nyiiyamakaranda, 4 20, 486 soul, 362 ff.; doctrine of substance
Nyiiyama1ijari, 67, 79, 16on., 161, I621z., {dravya), 31off.; doctrine of upamiina
I63n., 2I 2 n., 276, 307, 311 n., 320, and Jabda, 354- ff.; doctrine of vyiipti,
321, 322 1Z., 326, 327 1Z., 330 1Z., 332 1l., 345 ff.; epistemology, 4- I 2 ff. ; erroneous
336, 337 n., 340 lt., 345 n., 347• 353• perception, 336; fallacies of hetu, 344 ;
35511., 358n., 359 n., 362, 362 n., 363, five premisses of Prasastapada, 350;
365 n., 366n., 373n., 38on., 4-14n., formation of radicles, 329; four kinds
417 1z., 459 n., 467 of pramal)as, 332 ff.; Gailge5a's defi-
Nyiiyamaiijarisiira, 308 nition of perception, 3341z., 342 n.;
Nytiyamiiliivistara, 37 I, 405 n. general epistemological situation as
Nyaymzibandhaprakil1a, 63, 307 compared with 1\HmaiJlsa, 367 ; indeter-
Nyiiya11ir~aya, 307, 418 minate and determinate perception,
Nyiiyapradipa, 308 334; inference from effects to causes,
Nyiiyapravesa, 309 297 ; inference of a creator, 3 25 ff.;
Nyizyaral1zamiilii, 37 I, 417 n. literature, 307 ff.; merits and demerits
Nytiyaratniikara, 370, 378n., 388, 389n., operating as teleological causes of
390n. atomic combination, 323 ff.; MimaiJlsa
Nyiiyasiira, 308, 309 doctrine of negation, 355 ff.; miracu-
Nyayasiddhti1ztadipa, 308 lous, intuitive and mental perception,
342 ff.; modes of atomic combination Omniscience, 1 73
at the time of creation, 324; mode of Ontological, 2, 3, 340
operation of heat-light rays, 329; mode Oral discussions, 6 5
of sense-contact as contrasted with that Order, 364
of Satpkhya-yoga, 378 n.; molecular Organic, 51
changes and heat, 327 ff.; nature of Organic affections, 94
pleasure and pain, 34 2 ; notion of time Oriental, 34
compared with the Satpkhya notion of Oupanikhat, 40
time, 311; Nyaya inference of cause, Ovum, 328
297 n.; object of Nyaya studies, 277 ff.; Oxford, 40 n.
philosophy of the Vaife!ika sutras,
285 ff.; pramii1:za as collocation and paccabhiiiiiii, 98
causal operation, 330; Prasastapada's paccaya, 93• 95
classification of cognition, 332 n.; padiirtha, 282, 312, 313, 31711·, 319,
Pra5astapada's classification of sviir- 365
thiinumtina and pariirthiiltutniina, 350; Padarthadharmasa'!zgraha, 3o6 n.
Pra5astapada's doctrine of example Padiirthatattvaniriipa~za, 30811.
compared with that of Dii1naga, Padmanabha 1\Iisra, 63, 306, 307
350 n.; Pra5astapada's interpretation of Padmapada, 4 18, ·P9
KaQada's doctrine of inference, 348 ff.; Paiizgala, 28 n., 31 n.
Prasastapada's view of atomic com bina- pak!a, I s6 n., 343· 344• 349• 362, 388
tion, 328; principle on which thecate- pak!asattva, I s6 ll., 349
gories are admitted, 312; relations pak!iibhtisa, 390
directly apprehended by perception, pakti, 122
335 ; salvation through knowledge, Paiicadaii, 419, 4 92 n.
365 ff.; samaviiyi and asamavtiyi Paiicakalpa, 1 7 1 11.
ktirm:za, 322; science of Nyaya (nyiiya paiicakiirm:zi, 352
vidyii), 2 77 ff.; self compared with Paiicaptidikii, 4 18, 4 19
Sarpkhya and Mimarpsa, 368; sense- Paiicapiidikiidarpa~za, 419
contact and perception, 335 ff.; six Paiicapiidikii!ikii, 419
kinds of sense-contact, 334; theory of Paiicapiidikiivivara?,za, 4 19, 456 n.
anuvyavasiiya contrasted wtth the tri- Paficaratra Vai!?Qavas, 220
pufipratyak!a doctrine of Prabhakara, Paficasikha, 216, 217, 219, 221
343• 343 n.; transcendental contact, paiicavijiiiinaktiya, 146
341; transmission of qualities from paiiciigllividyii. 3 7
causes to effects, 323; unconditional paiiiiii, 100, 101, 166
concomitance and induction, 347 ff.; paiiiiiisampadam, 82
Vacaspati's refutation of identity of PaQ~litaAsoka, 168, 297n., 31311., 318n.,
essence and causality as being grou~ds 38on.
of inference, 352; Vacaspati, Sri- para, 22on., 28o, 281
dhara and Gai1gda on indeterminate parabhiiva, q I
perception, 337 ff.; Vais~ika an old Parabrahma, 2811.
school of Mimaf!lsa, 282 ff.; Vatsya- parajtiti, 31 7
yana, Udyotakara, Vacaspati, Dii1naga Paramaha1!zsa, 28 n.
and Dharmakirtti on the doctrine of Paramahm!zsaparivriijaka, 28 11.
concomitance, 351 ff.; view of motion paramamahat, 292, 316
contrasted with Satpkhya, 330; view paramamahiin, 292
of negation, 359; view of perception paramii?,zava, 380 n.
contrasted with that of Prabhakara, paramii?,tu, 121, 122, 123, 25 I, 252, 31411.
343 n.; view of siimiinya contrasted Paramartha, 12on., 128,149, 218n.,;428
with that of the Buddhists, 318 11.; paramtirthasat, 409 n., 410 n.
viparitakhyiiti theory of illusion, 385; paramiirthasattti, 144
will of God and teleology, 324 ff. paramiirlhata[z, 425
Nyayavtirttika, 307, 33 7 n. paramiitman, 214
Nyiiyaviirttikatiitparya!ikii, 63, 277, 307 parataf.z-jJriimii~l)'a, 3i2
nyiiyavidyii, 2 77 paratva, 31tl
lVyiiytinusiira, 120 pariipara, 220 n.
.J.Vyiiyiivatiira, I 7 I, 309 pariirthiinumiina, 155, 156, 186 n., 3EO,
iiiinasa'!zvara, 101 353. 389
paribhogiinvaya pu~zya, 11911.
odiitam, 94 paricchimza, 445
ojal:zpradeia, 196 paricchinntiktifa, 104
Oldenburg, 83 n., 237 "· paridevanti, 86 n.
Om, 36 parigrahiikiiizk!ii, 193
parihiira, 302 piita1'ijalamahiibhii[yacarakaprati'sa1!zskr-
parikalpa, I48 tai[z, 235
parikamma, 102 n. Patafijala Sarpkhya, 68, 2 21
pari'karma, 2 70 Patafijala school, 229
parima?ttfala, 292 Pataiijalatantra, 23I, 235
parinza?ttfala parimii~za, 3I4 Patafijala Yoga sutras, 68
pari'mii?ta, 315, 3I6, 323 Patimokkhasarpvara, IOI
pari'miti', 3I4 Pa~hak, 423
pari?tiima, 53, I93• I96, 468, 487 Payasi, 1o6, I07
pari?tiimakramaniyama, 256 Perception, 269, 297, 298, 3I8, 332, 333,
pari~maviida, 2 s8 334, 335, 336, 340, 34I, 342, 344• etc.
parisaitkhyii-vidhi, 404 Perfuming, 137; influence, I34, 135;
parispanda, 320, 32I, 329 power, I3I
parise[amiina, 353 Persian, 23-3
Parisij{aparvan, I7 1 Pessimism, 76
pari[ahajaya, I95 Pessimistic, 237
parik[aka, 295 Petavatthu, 83
parik[ii, 447 Petrograd, 40912.
Parik[iimukhasutra, I82 n., 309 phala, 4I3, 427
Pariksiimukhasutrav~·tti, 17I, I8I n., phalajiiiina, 373
I83 n., I86n. · phassa, 85, 95, 96
Parmenides, 42 phassakiiya, 8 5 1z.
parok[a, 183, I85 phassiiyatana, 85 n.
Part, r6s Phenomena, 84, 89, I 10, I27, I28, I33•
Parthasarathi Mi~ra, 3 7I, 3 78 n. I39t I40, 141, 142, I43, I44, I4'i, I47•
paryii;•a, 187, I98 150, lSI, I66, I67, 168, 217, 276, 282,
paryiiyanaya, 177, I78 '29'2, 332, 368, 373· 411, 450, 45I, 452,
passiisa, 103 460, 465, 466, 467, 468, 481, 482, 486
pa1utva, 3 1 7 Phenomenal, 435, 450, 458, 46I, 484
Patafijali, 68, 203, 2I2, 2I9, 222, 227, Philosophic literatures, 66 ; different
228, 229, 230, 232, 233· 234· 236, classes of, 67; growth of, 65
238, 268, 279, 317n., 365, 4 6s; his Philosophy of the Upanishads, 32 11., 38n.,
rlate and identification, 2 30 ff. ; his 45 n., 49 n., 5411., 58 n.
relation with yoga, 226 ff. Physical characters, 328
Pataiijalicarita, 2 30 Physics, 403
pathama1!l jhiinam, IOS pilupiika, 305, 3o6n., 327
Patna, I73 Pi~zdaniryukti, I 7I
pa{havi, 106 Pitaputrasamiigamasutra, 125 n.
pa{iccasamuppanna, 94 Pitrs. 55
pa{icca.ramuppiida, 84, 166; as manifesta- pitryiina, 34· 54· s6, s8, 1'25 n.
tion of sorrow, 92 ; extending over pitta, 452
three lives, 92 pi{akas, 68 n., 263 n.
pa{ighasaiiiiii, 96 pzfharapiika, 327
pa{iloma, IS8 piti, 105, Io6
Patisambhidamagga, 83, 93n. Plato, 42
Pa{{iivali, I 7 1 Pluralism, 175
pada, 70, 333, 433 Poly-bhautik, 329
paka, 329 Polytheism, I7
piikajotpatti, 327 Positive Sciences o/ the Ancient Hindus,
Pali, 3, 82, 84, 87, 92 n., Io8, III, II4, 213, 246n., 25I n., 3221z., 326, 328n.
139, 263 n., 470; literature, I6I po[adhabrata, 200
Pii?ti, 333 Potencies, 272, 273
Pal)ini, I 211., 226, 227 n., 230, 232, 263 n., Potential, 254, 255, 258 n., 275, 468
279n., 465 Potentials, 2:.2
papa, 195, 264, 266 Poussin, De la Vallee, 85 n., 90, 9I n.,
papant"i, IS 7 Io8, II9 n.
papopadeJa, 2oo Prababa1;1a J aibali, 33, 34
paramiirthika, 439• 487 Prabhii, 308
piiramitii, 127, 138 Prabhacandra, 17I, 309
Par~va, I29, 169, I73 Prabhakara, 69, 189, 209 n., 369, 370,
Pii1upatabrahma, 28 n. 371,372,376, 379· 380,382,384,386,
Pii1upatadar1ana, 2 35 n. 389, 390, 391, 392, 395· 396, 397· 398,
Patafijala, 233, 235 399· 400, 40I, 402, 403, 4I5, 416, 4I7,
Piitaiijala mahiibhc'i[ya, '2 31 448, 459
PrabhiikaramimiiT(lsii, 378 n., 384 n., prasiddhipurvakatvat, 289, 303
397 n., 405 n. Pra5astapiida, 305, 3o6, 31'2 n., 314 n.,
Prabhasa, 306 316 n., 317 n., 328, 33'2 n., 337• 348,
pracchamza Bauddha, 437 349• 350, 35 I, 355 n., 359 n., 36'2
pradar!akatva, 416 Prafastapada-bhii[ya, 67, 306
prade!a, 194 Prafna, 28 n., 3 In., 39, 43'2, 470
pradhiina, '2 1 7 Prafnavyiikara1Ja, 17 1
Pmjapati, 19, 20, 26, 32, 36, 43, 46, 47, pratibandha, I 55
55 pratibhiinajiiiina, 343
prajiiapti, 4'27 pratijiiii, 185, r861Z., 296, 302, 350, 353•
Prajiiaptisiistra, 120 389
Prajiiaptiviidins, 11'2, 113 pratzjiiiibhiisa, 390
prajiiii, 55, 131, 145, '27I 0 '2j'2, '273• pratijiiiimiitram, 114
4'24 Pratijiiiisutra, 370
Prajiiiipanii, 1 7 I n. pratijiiiivibhakti, 186 n.
Prajfiiipanopiiizgasutra, 196 pratipak[abhiivanii, 270, 365
Prajiiapiiramitii, I '2 7, 128, 4 2 1 pratisaT?zkhyam·rodha, 1 2 1, 1 '2 4
Prakara1Japaiicikii, 370, 378 n., 379 n., pratisaiicara, '247
386 n., 390 n., 39'2 n., 397 n. pratijfhiipanii, 302
Prakara1Japada, I'20 pratitmztraszddhii~tta, '295
prakara1Jasama, 344, 360 pratiyogi, 357
prakiifa, '243• 307, 326 n. pratika, 43
Prakasananda, 4'20, 469 pratitya, 93• 138, 139
Prakasatman, 4I9, 490 pratityasamutpada, 86n., 92, 122, 138,
Prakasatman AkhaQ<;].ananda, 468 139, 143, 147, 4'21; meaning of, 93
Prakir1Jas, 1 7 I pratyabhijfiiiniriisa, 16'2 n.
prakrti, 145, 194, 213, 214, 216, 217, 218, Pratyagn1pa, 419
'219, '2'20 1Z., '2'23, '238, '245, '246, '247, pratyak[a, 153, 183, '294• 308, 33'2, 333•
'249· '250, '2~I, '2fi3· '2fi4· '255. '258, '259· 34'2, 343· 3H• 383, 384, 409n., 4I7 n.
'261, '265, '266, '267, '269, '270, '27'2, '2i3· pratyak[abalotpanna, 410 n.
'276, 3'2~ 367,415, 43I, 433•441, 49~ pratyak[a-pramii, 48'2
493 Pratyak[asutra, 378 n., 38'2
praflrtzscii[fadhiitukf, '2 14 n. pratyak[atodrf!asambandha, 389
pralaya, '214, '2'23, '247, '248, '261, 323, pratyak[aVi[ayatva, 409
3'24, 403 pratyayas, I'24
pramii, 336, 4o6, 415,416,471, 48'2, 484 pratyayopanibandha, 143
pramiida, 193 praf)•iihiira, '2 36
pramiidiicara1Ja, '200 pratytimniiya, 350
pramii1Ja, I54• '268, 277, '294• 296, 298, pratyekabuddha, 137, 150, 151
304, 330, 331, 33'2, 333· 343· 354· 355. Pratyekabuddhayiina, 1'25 n.
356, 365, 390, 391, 394· 397, 398, 399, prau¢hiviida, '2'20
404, 4o6, 409 n., 410, 4I'2, 413, 414 n., Pravacanabhii[ya, '21'2, '245 n., 2591Z.
415, 4I6, 417 n., 444, 470, 484, 49'2 pravicayabzeddhi, 148
pramii~zabhedalf, 333 n. pravrtti, 90n., '2'28 n., '243, '294• 295,
pramil1Jairarthaparik[a1Jam, '2 i7 301' j6fi, 3i 5
Pramii~za-Mimiif!ZSii, 184 n. pravrttivi;iiiina, 134, 146
Pramii1Janayatattviilokiilaf!lkiira, 17'2, prayatna, '28o, '281, 295, 330
181 n., 18'2 n., 183 n., 309 prayoga 11irde!a, 1'24
pramii~zaplzala, 1 54• 409, 4 I o, 4 I 3 prayojana, 278 11., '294• 295, 302
Pramii1Jasamuccaya, 1'20, 153 n., 155 tz., priidurbhiiva, 93
167, 307, 309 pragabhiiva, 293 n., 359
pramii1Javiida, 407 Prakrit, 171, Ij'2
Pramii1JaViirtti'kakarikii, 309 priimii1Jya, 182, I88, 4o6, 485
pramiitii, 406, 48'2 priimti1Jyaviida, 33'2 n.
prameya, 277, '294• 365, 406 Priil)a, '20, 36, 43• 55, '250, 424
Prameyakamalamiirta1J¢a, 171, 185, prii1Jamaya Iitman, 46
188 n., 189 n., I97 n., 309 frli1Jamaya ka[a, 6o
prameyatva, 344, 354, 384 prii1javtiyu, '26'2
pramoda, 203, '2'20 n. Priil}iig11ihotra, '28 n.
pramii¢ha, '268 prii1Jiiyiima, '22j, 236, '27'2
prapaiica, 425 priipa?ta, 33'2
prapaiicapravrtti, 14'2 prapyakiiritva, 378 n.
prapaiicopafama, 425 priitibha-pratyak[a, 343
prasiddhipurvakatva, 304, 349 priitibhiisika, 445, 487
Priitimok!a, 145 Ratnaku{asutra, 1251z., 140
Priititika-sattii, 442 Ratnameghasiltra, 12511.
Preceptor, 66 Ratnaprabha, 89n., 9on., 306, 418
Premisses, 28o, 293, 295 Ratnariifisutra, 125 11.
preraka, 197 Ratniikaraszttra, 125 n.
Presumption, 392, 393 Ratnakarasanti, 156, I 68, 346 n.
priti, 144 Ray, Dr P. C., 251 n., 25411., 32I n.,
Probandum, 157 322 n., 327 11.
Propositions, I s6 n. Ray Rammohan, 40
fr.lhakprasthii1za, 277, 278 Ra<:]ha, 306
fr.lhaktva, 316, 382, 464 raga, I43• 144· 193· 220 11., 26j, 300
fr.thivi, 51, I 43, 295 riigadve!a, 201
prthivimiitra, 5 I Rahu, 218
Psychological, 273, 338, 406, 451; pro- Rajagaha, 8I
cesses, 97 Rajamrganka, 231
Psychosis, 88, 2 22 Riijaprafniya, 17 I n.
Ptolemaic, 3 I riijasika ahm!zkiira, 249
pubbangama, 89 Riijavlirttika, 219
pudgala, I q, 117, 119 n., I95• 198; Rajayoga, 229
Buddhist, I95 n. Raja, 2I2
pudgalanairiitlll)'a, I 50 Rajgir, 8I
pudgaliistikc?ya, I95 Ramabhadra Dik~ita, 230
Puggalapaiiiiatti, 83 Ramakr~l).a, 371, 470 n.
Punjab, I72 Ramakr~Q.adhvarin, 419
pu?Zya, I95, 26.4-o 266 Riimapurvatapini, 281z.
pu~zya-piipa, 266 Riimarahasya, 28 11.
PuQ.yayaSa.s, 129 Ramarudri, 307
Pural).a, 1, I6, I72, 223; gods of the, 16 Ramatirtha, 4 19
puru!a, 20, 2I, 32, 33, 43, 52, 75, 213, Ramanuja, so, 70, 7 I, I68, 433
214-o 216, '219, 223, 224, 225, 22811., Ramanuja-mata, 429
23411., 241, 242, 244· 247· 248, 249• Ramayatas, 70
258, 259· 260, 262, 265, 266, 267, 272, Ramottaratapini, 28 n.
273· 2j6, 330, 33I, 368, 415, 441, 490• Rastavara, 130 n.
-493 n'ifi, 2I 5
puru!iirtha, 269 n., 408 Rii!{rapalapariprcchiistttra, 12511.
puru!iirthatii, 2 58 Raval).a, 147
PltrU!a-szlkta, 2I n., 32 Riiva~za-bhii!ya, 306
puru,fiivasthamavyaktam, 2I6 Reality, I I I, 4I8, 428, 442, 443, 446,
Pu!paallikii, I 71 n. 448, 449• 458, 462, 465, 467, 468, 4/0,
Pu,rpikcz, I 7 I n. 486, 487, 488, 489, 490
Piul).a, 120 Reals, 223, 258, 259, 368
Purva-Mimarpsa, 7, 68, 429 Rebirth, 55, s6, 58, 59, 71, 75, 86, 1o6,
Purvas, I7I 107, Io8, I 4o, 2oi, 21 5, 263, 26 5,283,
purvavat, 269 n., 281, 294, 302 n., 303, 286 11., 292, 366, 422; Buddhistic com-
353 pared with U pani~adic, 87
Recognition, I85
Quest, 270n. Relative pluralism, I 7 5
Rhys Davids, Mrs, 92 n., 96, 99 n.,
Radical, 291 Io8n., II2, 12on., I58n.
Raghnnatha Siromal).i, 326 11., Right knowledge, 296, 297, 47I
~6s n., 419 Rishi, 24
ra;as, 214, 21,5, 224, 242, 244, 245, 246, Rohi?Zi, 387
249· '250, 2SI, 492, 493 ropat.:za, I s8
rajo-gu1,:za, 244 Roth, 20
ramyaka, 22on. Raer, 4 s n.
Rangarajadhvarindra, 4 18 Rucidatta, 307
Ral).arailgamalla, 23I Rudrahrdaya, 28n.
rasa, 3 I 3, 403 Rwiriik!a)iibiila, 28 n.
rasa tanmiitra, 252 nlpa, 8sn., 88n., 9I, 94, 95, 96, IIo,
rasiiyana, 235 I 2 I, 3 I 3, 403
raiallii?!l, 404 rupadhm·mas, I 2 I
Ratnacutfiiparifr.uhiisutra, I 25 n. rupa-khandha, 95 ; meaning of, 94
H.atnakirti, 68n., 1551z., I58, 159, 16o, rii.paloka, 1 34
I61, 16311., 164, 168 riipasa'!lskcira, 290
1·upa tanmiitra, -zs-z Samayapradrpa, 1 'ZO
rupatva, 3 13, 334 samiidhtiltam, 101
ljg-Veda, I'Z, 14, 16, lj, 19, 'ZO, 'ZI, '23, samiidhi, 8-z, 100, 101, IO,l, 136, r66,
-z4, -z6, 3-z, 36, 45, s-z, -z-z6, 469 'Zjl, 'Z7'Z
rjusutra, I 78 samiidhiriijasutra, 125 1t.
?iutii, 'ZO'Z Samadhi school, -z36
.(?juvimalii, 370 Samiidhisutra, 125 n .
}:{~abha, 169 samiikhyiisambandhapratipattil;, 355 n.
t~i, '294 n., 304 sama1zaprasaviitmikii ;iUilf, -z98, 304 11.
rta, 36, 37• 7-z; (order), -z-z, -z6; Law of samiina-rupata, 196
Karma derived from, -z6 sambhava, -z98, 304
sambhuJ'akiiri, 1 2 1
sabbasaizgahikavasena, 98 sambuddha, 4'23
Sabbatthivadins, 119, I'lo, I'Z I; their samiti, 195
doctrine, 1'Z 1 ; their doctrine of matter, Sammitiyas, 1 r-z, 119; their doctrines,
I 'ZI 119n-
Sacrifice, 81, -zo8, 316 n., 397; creation Sammittyafiistra, 119
due to, 'l'Z; eternal, n; fruits of. not samprajiiata, 2 7 1
gifts of gods, 'Z I; has a mystical po- samprayukta hetu, 12 2
tency, 'Z'Z; magical character of, 'Z r; samutptida, 93
minute ritualistic details of, 'Z 1 ; not samyagbadha, 217
propitiatory, -z 'Z samyagjiiana, 151, 181, 408
Sacrifices, 71, -z64, -z76, 369, 37-z, 489; samyag7iianapiirvikii sarvapuru~iirtha-
as karma and law, 'Z'Z; replaced by siddhi, 152
meditations, 37 siidhana, 77, 489
Sacrificial, -zo9, 'Z 11, 369, 3 jo, 436 siidhiira~za, 361
sad, 38 siidhiiraiJa-kara~za, 3'22
sadasantal; miiyopamii/;, 147 siidhya, 1561t., 157· 303, 343. 344· 345·
sadiimudita, 'Z'ZO n. 346, 353· 393
Sad:inanda Vy:isa, 4'ZO siidlzyasama, 360
Sad:inanda Vati, .po siidrfya, 318 1t.
Saddharmapu~darika, 1'25 n., 1-z8 siigaras, -235
sadrupa, 397 siik~iitkiirijiiiinam, 410 1t.
sadr!a-paril;tiima, -z48 siikfiilkiiritvam, 334 1t.
sadvilak!a1Ja, 4H sak!z", 438, 455· 457
Sage, 105, 107 siik!z"cailanya, 45 5, 486
sahabhava, 186 s~magri, 90, 330, 4 I 3· 467
sahakiiri, -zso, '274• 3'23, 3'24, 336, 469 saman, 36
sahakiiri-fakti, 'Zf>4 Samaveda, 1-z, 30, 36
sahopalambhaniyamiit abhedonilataddhi- Siimaiiiiaphala-sutta, Son.
yoJ;, 411 siimarthya, 159, 317 1t.
Saiiphaguhya, 1'29 siimayikabrata, zoo
Saint, 101 siimiinya, r64, 196, -zo3, 281, 285, -z86,
Sainthood, Ioo 3o6n., 31-z, 313, 317, 318, 319, 320,
sakadiigiimibhiiva, 1oo 4'3
salila, -z-zo n. Siimiinyadilfa~zadikprasiirz"t,i, 3 18 11.
salt, 61 Siimrnyalakfa~za, 341
Salvation, 77, 115, 1-z6, '234 n., '235. 300, siimtinyatodrf!a, -z69n., -z87, -z89, -z94,
301, 305, 316, 3177t., 363, 399· 40'2, 302 n., 303, 349• 350, 353, 36.l
440• 487. 490 siimiin} 1atodn{asamba~tdha, 389
sa{iiyatana, 85 n., 88 siimiinyavifefasanmdiiyo, 380 n.
sam, I'Z siimtinyavifefiibnaka, '231
samabhinltjlza-naya, 178 n. siimiinyiibhiiva, '293 n.
Samaraicca-kahii, 17'Z siimyiivasthii, -z46
samatii, 130, 135, 137, 138 sa,!zghataparamii1Ju, 1 2 1
samatva, 'ZOI, -zo-z, 'Z03 sa'!zgraha, 1 'Z 2
samaviiya, 143, 165, 171, -z63 n., -z8s, sm!z~rahmtaya, 17 i
-z9o n., 304, 306 n., 31-z, 313, 319, sar!zhiireccho, 323
3'Z'Z, 334· 335. 381, 403, 413, 448, Sa1phita, 12, 13, 3on., 43, 72
450, 483, 49'2 Sa1!Zjiiii, I 'Z 7, I 33
samaviiyi, -z86 sa'!ifiiiikarma, -z88
samaviiyi-kara~za, 3'Z'Z, 376 sa'!yiiiimiitram, 114
samaveta-samaviiya, 335 sa'!zjiii1t, 190
samaya, 198 sa1_nkalpa, 2 2 5
sa'!zkhyiibhiiva, 284 n. Sai:tghabhadra, I2o
samklda, 4 27 Sanginpa~yiiya, I2o
Sa~?lk~epafmil:arajaya, 305 11. satikhiira, 86, 90, 92 n., 93, 94• 96, 263 n.;
Sa'!zk~epafiiriraka, 4 I 9, 468 discussion of the meaning of, 86 n. ;
Sm!mytisa, 28 n. meaning of, 96
Sal!lSiira, 109, I30, I3I, I35, I40, I4I, smikhiirakkhandha, 8611., 95, 100
201, 2 37 , 248, 258, 261, 269 , 27 3, Sai:tkrantikas, I I 2
428 saiiiiii, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98; different stages
Sat!zsiira-dukkha, 99 n. of, 96
Sa?!lStinn, I89 saiiiiiikkhandha, 95, Ioo
samskaroti, 263 n. sapak~asattii, 3H
sa~zskiira, 86n., 9I, 122, 263, 264, 273, sapak~asattva, I 56 n., 349
28I, 285 n., 290 n., 303, 3I6, 323, 340, saptabhangi, I So, 1 8 I n.
45I, 456 Saptadafabhiimisutra, I 28
SDf!lSkiiras, I 27, I39• I43• 266, 272 Saptapadiirthi, 308
sm.nskrta, I'ZI, I42, ISI Sarasvati, 30I n.
samskrtadharmas, I 2 I Sarasvatirahasya, 28 n.
sa~zsr~taviveka, 247 Sarvadarfanasattzgraha, '2, 68 n., 79,
Sa'!zstiira, I 7 1 11. J I4 n., 235 n., 305 n., 322 11.
smtzsthiina, 123 Sarvadarfanaviicyo'rthaf.z, 68 n.
sa'!zfaya, I93• 277, 294, 33211., 360 sarvajiia, 426
saf!Ztiina, 409 Sarvajfiatmamuni, 4I9, 468
samvara, IOI, 202 sarvakalpaniiviralzitam, I 51
sa?!zviida, I 88, 3 7 3 sat"Valoka, 13 7
samviidakatva, 408 sarvasaf!Zskiira/.z, 114
sa?nvtidi, 4 I 6, 4 I 7 Sarvasiira, 2 8 n.
sa;!zvedana, 383 sarvatantrasiddhiinta, 295
sat!zvedyatva, 384 sarvavikalpalak~a~zavi12i'l'rttam, 14 7
sat!zvid, 383 Sarvaharnmani HiraQyagarbha, 32 11.
sat!zvrtamiitram, I 14 Sarvastivada, 120 n.
smtzvrti, 4 2 s Sarvastivadins, 112, II3, 115, II7, 119,
sa'!zvrtz"satya, I44 I20, 122, 128, 167; their theory of the
sattzvrtisatyatii, I46 senses, I 2 3; their doctrine of karTJw,
sa'!zyama, 202 1 2 4 ; their doctrine of mind, 1 2 4
SD'!lYOga, 83, 224,316, 3I9, 33·h 380, 403, sat, 75• 163, 175, I8J1t., 257, 258 n.,
4 I 5, 448, 450 317, 381, 443· 44~ 446, 449· 491
SDI!zyukta-samaviiya, 334 sati, 101
sat?zyukta-samaveta-samaviiya, 335 Satipatfhiina sutta, 227
smtzyuktavife~at;za, 335 satisamvara, I o I
Sm!zyuktiibhidharmafiistra, I 20 satkiirat;zavii.la, 258 n., 468
Sa'!zyutta Nikiiya, 83, 84, 9 I 11., 94, 95, 96, satkiiryaviida, 257, 258, 468
98 n., I08 11., IIO 11., I I I n. satkhyiiti, I 83 n., 38-t
Sanaka, 222 satparicchedakam, 356
Sananda, 22 2 satpratipak~a, 36 I
Sanandana, 4I8 sattii, 287, 317, 38I, 49I
Sanatana, 222 sattva, I58, t6o, I631z., 224, 24I, 242,
smzdhii1za, 89 244, 245, 246, 248, 249, 250, 259, 4I5,
sand~~dha, 289, 349 446, 492, 493
sanmiitra-vi~ayam pratyak{am, 382 sattva-gu~za, 244
samzidhiiniisannidhiiniibhyiim )1iiinaprati- satya, 236, 270
bhiisabhedah, 4I0 n. Satyakama, 35 12.
sannidhi, 224 Satyasiddhi school, I 24 n.
sannivda-vifi~tatii, 364 Saubhiigyalak~mi, 28 11.
Sanskrit, 66, 86n., II9, I'2I, I25, I28, Sautranta-vijfianavada, 409 n.
I53n., ISS• I7o, I7I, 172, 309, 406, Sautrantika, II 6, I 20, I 51, I 6 I, I 68,
407 ; language, 38, 39 ; literature, 40, I88, 302, 313 n., 408, 40912., 411;
J02 Buddhists, I 65 ; notion of time in,
Sanskrit Philosophy, technical and ab- I I6; theory of inference, I 55 ff.; theory
struse, I of perception, I 5 I
Smzskrit Texts, 20 n., 23 n., 32 n., Sautrantikas, II'Z, 113, IIS, 167; dis-
33 n. tinguished from the Vaibhasikas, I 14 ;
Smztii11iintarasiddhi, 1 5 I n. their philosophy according to GuQa-
sanlo~a, 236 ratna, 114
smigha, IO'Z Javmza, 36
savictira, 27 I process, 26 I ff.; pessimism of, 264 ff.;
savika!pa, 334, 337• 338, 340. 378, 4I6, punt!a doctrine, 238 ff.; obstructions
483, 484 of perception, 273 11.; relation with
savikalpa_j'iilina, I 53 11. Buddhism and Jainism, 208 ff.; Saf!ZS-
savikalpapratyak!a, 261, 334 kiira and viismzii, 26311.; self and mind,
Sa'lJZ"piika, 195 259ff.; self compared with Nyaya and
savitarka, 27I l\IimaJ:!1sa, 368; states and tendencies
savyabhictira, 360 of citta (mind) 268 ff.; theory of causa-
SaJ:!1khya, 7, 9, 51, 53, 68, ii, 75, 78, tion, 25 7; Vatsayana's distinction of,
8o, 95, 116, I65, I67, I68, I78, I88, 228 11.; view of motion contrasted with
211, 2I2, 213, 216, 2I7, 2I8, 219, 220, Nyaya, 330; wisdom and emancipation,
221, 222, 223, 227, 228, 229, 233· 273
235 n., 236, 237• 238, 239• 241, 243• sii1!tkhyayogapari~ziimavlida, 468
244• 257. 258, 259· 261, 262, '264, Sanka, 233
265, 2681t., 273, 274• 275· 276, 277, Sariputtra, I 20
28I, 284n., 299· 302, 311, 3I2, 3I4, siirthti, 2~0
32I, 325, 330, 33I, 363, 367, 368, slirupyam, IS4
369, 382, 385, 403· 412, 4I4, 4I5, StiSitii, 349
4I6, 417, 422, 432, 434• 435• 440, siisvata, 109
468, 492, 493 ; an early school, 2 13 ff. ; stittvika aha1_nkiira, 250
axiom, 320; discussion of the different savayava, 20 3
schools of, 2 18 ff. ; discussions on Siivitri, 28 n.
Stif!Zkhya ktirikti, Stit!zkhya szttra, Vaca- Saya~a, 2o, 36
spati and Bhik~u, 222 ff.; distinguished Schiefner, 129 n.
from yoga, 68 ; relation with the Schools of philosophy, 6 3
U pani~ads, 2 11 ; theory of viparyyaya, Schopenhauer, 39, 40
etc., 220 n. Schrader, I09
Siif!tkhya ktin"kti, 67, 212, 2I8n., 2I9, Schroeder, 3911.
221, 222, 223, 266n. Scotus Erigena, 40 n.
Stit!zkhyapravacanabhii!ya, 223 Seal, B. N., 2I3, 246, 25I tz., 2531z.,
Siif!zkhyasiira, 211. 32I, 322 n., 326, 327 ll., 328 n.
Siit..nkhya sutra, 212, 222 Secret doctrine, 38
Siil_nkhyatattvavivecmta, 2 1 2 Seers, 68n.
Sti'!zkhyatattvayiithiirthyadipana, 2 I 2 Self, 33· 34· 55· 58, 6o, 6I, 76, I 10, III,
Sal!lkhya-Yoga, I96, 232,254, 256n., 26o, I6I, I62, 187, 215, 217, 218, 239, 240,
266n., 273, 286n., 3I7n., 329, 378n., 26o, 261, 285, 290, 295, 298, 300, 303,
394; analysis of knowledge, 239 ff.; 312, 3I7IZ., 330,335, 343 11 ·• 362,363,
atheism and theism, 258 ff.; causation 365, 366, 368, 383, 399· 400, 40I, 402,
as conservation of energy, 254 ff.; 4I3, 414• 416, 4I7, 424, 425, 433· 434·
causation contrasted with Vedanta, 435· 43i· 438, 458, 46o, 465, 482, 490,
258 n.; conception of time, 256 n.; 494; and death, 55 ; as a com pound of
conception of thought and matter, the khmtdhas, 94; as found in dreams,
24I ff.; conception of wholes (avayavi), 4 7 ; as in deep sleep, 4 7 ; doctrine of
380 11.; criticism of satkiiryaviida etc., sheaths of, 46
27 5 ff.; development of infra-atoms and Self-conscious, 368, 369
atoms, 25 I ff.; dissolution and creation, Self-consciousness, 363, 417
247ff.; doctrine of validity of know- Self-knowledge, 59
ledge and inference, 268 11.; episte- Self-luminosity, 493
mology, 4I4 ff.; evolution of the cate- Seli-luminous, 444• 446, 450, 452, 458,
gories, 248ff.; feelings as ultimate sub- 459, 46o,461,482, 487
stances, 242 ff.; fruits of karma, 267; Self-modification, 1 73
general epistemological situation as Self-restraint, IOI
compared with MimaJ:!1sa, 367 ff.; in· Self-revealing, 369, 416
discemible nature of gm;zas, 273 1z.; Self-valid, 384, 386, 387, 403
meaning of gu~ta, 243; means of up- Self-validity, 372, 373• 3i4• 389,396, 483,
rooting sorrow in, 265ff.; meditation, 484
2 7 I ff.; methods of discipline, 2 jO; Sensation, I65, 312, 3I8, 411
modes of ignorance, 267 ; mode of Sense-affections, 94
sense-contact as contrasted with that Sense-contact, 336, 34211.
of Nyaya, 378 n.; nature of evolu- Sense-data, 94• 239, 240 n., 262 11.
tionary change, 255 ff.; nature of Sense-functions, 262
illusion,26on.; natureofprakrti, 245ff.; Sense-materials, 225
nature of subconscious mind, 263ff.; Senses, 94
nature of the gu~as, 244; perceptual Sensus commztnis, 96
520 Index
Separateness, 293 ~pecimms o/ .fai1la sculptw·es from Ma-
Sdvara Sa111khya, 259 thura, 1 70 n.
Sex-desire, 57 spho!a, 238 11., 397 n.
Shah Jahan, 39 spho!aviida, 232
Shuja-uddaulah, 39 Spider, 49
siddha, 68 n. Spinoza, 40 n.
Siddhasena, I8 3 11. Stf!z", 323, 403
Siddhasena Divakara, 17 1, 309 Stcherbatsky, Prof., I 14, 117 n., r 19n.,
siddhiinta, 29·h 295 I21, 351,40911.
Siddhantaca11d1ika, 390 n. sthaviravtzda, 83, I 12
Siddhiintalda, 420, 49I n. Sthaviriivali, 171
Siddlziintamuktiivali, 339• 3391z., 342 11., Stlzii1za, I 71
469 sthiti, I9 4
Siddht1ntatatt7Ja, 4 20 sthiti-sthiipaka, 316
Siddhartha, I73 Study if Patanjali, 2o8n., 2I3, 226 11.,
siddhi, r63 n., 220 238 n., 397 n.
siddhis, 234 Study of Sanskrit, 40
Siddhivylikhyii, 420 Subiila, 28 n.
Similarity (.Nyaya), 318n. Sub-Commentary, 307
Sindh, 12on. Sub-conscious, 124, 263 1t.
Six Buddhist Nyiiya Tracts, 68 u., Subhttti, I27
I63 tz., I65 n., I68, 297 11., 3 r 3 11., Subodhi11i, 3 7 I, 4 20
3 18 n., 346 n., 3 7 I n., 380 n. Substance, I65, 174, 175, 285, 287 n.,
Simananda. 2 I 2 288, 319, 367, 368
sua., 28n. · Substances, 223, 367, 378
Skambha, 24 Sucarita Misra, 37 I
Ska11da, 2 8 11. Suddhodana, 81
skandha, 89, 93, 149, I96; in Chandogya, Suffering, 207, 237, 324
93 11 · Suhrllekha, 144
skandhas, 85 n., 88 11., 114, 119n., 121, sukha, 105, I06, 276, 3051z., ;p6, 342,
I22, I27, I42, 143• I46, I48, I6I, 414
26311· suklza du~zkha, I 44
smrti, 69, 130, 13I, 134· 263 11., 269, sttkham, 426
316n., 370, 371, 372 suklzaslidha11atvasmrti, 336
sniina, 283 Sukhiivativyulza, I25 11.
snelza, 148, 28I, 285, 3I6 Sunzmigalaviliisini, 92 n.
mi'gdha, 287 Sun, 23
Sogen Yamakami, I2I, I22 1z., 1241t. supara, 220 1l.
Soma, 36 Suresvara, 67, 4r8, 419
Somadeva, I 72 szlnrta, I99• 200, 202
Somanatha, 37 I Sttrya, 18, 20, 281z.
Somasarma, 306 Suryaprajiiapti, I 7 I 11.
Somesvara, 3 7 1 Susik~ita Carvakas, 78, 79• 362
Sophistical, 8o SUfU}ti, 424
Sorcery, 81 sutiira, 22011.
Sorrow, 75, 76, 107, 108, 1 ro, II r, 140, szetra, 280, 281, 28411., 285, 292 n., 294,
I66, 19I, 201, 210, 237, 264, 265, 266, 296
295,30I, 324, 366, 426, 459; as ulti- Szltrakrta, I 71
mate truth, 75 Szetrakrtii1iganiryukti, 18I n.
sotaja1111abhiiva, I oo Sutrakrtii1igaszetra, 237
Soul, 25, 26, 74, 75• 93• I 14, 115, 117, szetras, 62, 64, 67, 69, 70, 7I, 79, 233,
166, 168, I84, I88, I91, 192, 193, 194• 236, 278, 279, 29311., 294• 297 11., 306,
201, 207, 234· 276, 281, 28.fi, 288,289, 430, 433; as lecture-hints, 62; de-
292, 299· 300,307, 311,316,317,363, veloped by commentators, 64 ; how
367, 376, 377. 378, 399· 400, 4I3, 414, they were written, 65; traditionally
425, 439• 457, 461; general account explained, 63
of, 75 SiUrastht1na, 280
Souls, 197, 238, 244, 323, 324, 472, 493 Sutta, 82
South India, 12011., 31611. Sutta Nipiita, 83
Southern India, 172 Suttapi'!aka, I 20 11.
spa11dita, 4 2 8 suttas, 82, 83, I66
sparfa, 90, 92, I43, 314 Suvan;aprabhiisa szltra, 125 11., 30I n.
sparfa tanmiitra, 252 Suzuki, 128, I291l., I3011., I38n., I6I
Species, 156, 285, 287, 317, 345, 389 Svabhliva, 78, 4 2-f.
Index 521

svabhiivanit·defa, I 2-J fakti, 165, 264-, 270, 321, 322, 335

svablu'iva pratibandha, 155, 156 faktimiin, 165
svablu'ivatal;, 4-27 faktipratibandha, 323
svabhiivavirzeddhopalabdhi, 3:;8 famadamiidzsiidhansampat, 4-37
svablziiviibhiivotpatti, I 4-9 Sankara, 30, 38, 39· {2, 4-5 n., {8, so. sr.
svabhc'iviimepalabdhi, .~58 52, 64, 70, 86 n., 89 n., 90 11., 91 1z.,
svablu'iviit, I 4-5 121 n., 143 n., qs, q8n., 151 n., 165,
svacitta, 14-6 167, 168, '211, 237• 319~'•t 370, 371,
svacittadrfyablu'ivanii, 1 :;o 37I n., 407, 418, 420, 421, 421 n., .J2.~,
svalak~a~a, 378, 4-09, .po n. 429, 4-JO, 4-31, 4-32, 433t 4-34, 437, 4-3~•
S7.:alak~m;zanz, I 54 . 465, 470, 492, 493· -+94
svanifcitiirtha, 350 ~mikara-blzli~ya, 492 n.
svapna, 332 1z., 4-24, .p6 ~a1ikara Bhatta, 37 1
svaprakiiJa, 4H• 4-4-5• 4-59 tz. Sptikara-digvijaJ•a, 43 2
svapratyiiryyajiiiiniidhigamiiblzintzalak!a - ~aizkara-jaya, 4-3 2
?;tatii, 150 Sailkara Misra, 63, 284 n., 288 n., 291 n.,
svariipa, 153, 464- • 306, 307, •P9
svarupa-blz.·da, 46'2 ~ankara Vedanta, 4-68
svariipasattii, 382 S_aizkara-vijaya, 418
svarupavife!a, 464 Satikara-vijaya-viliisa, 43 2
svarupiisidaha, 361 ~a1ikaracarya, 369
svata!z apramtl!zya, -z68 n., 41 5 Sarabha, 2 8 1z.
svata!zpramii~1ya, 188, 268 n., 372, 373, fariramadlzycU, 48I
374-,375, 376, 4-15, 484, 4-851t. faririnah, 2 18
svatal.z-priima~zya-nir?;taya, 4-17 n. ~asadha~a, 308
svatal;pt·iimc'i?;tyaviida, 303, 380 .5_ataka, 4-27 n.
Svayambhii, 21 Satapatha Brlilzma~za, 20 11., '2-J, 25, 31,
svayamprakiiJa, .JOI 226, 230; creation in, 24-; doctrine of
sviidlzyiiya, 2 70 • rebirth in, 25
sviirtlziimemiina, 155, I86n., 350, 353 Satasiilzasrikiiprajiiiipiiramitii, 1 '2 5 n.
sviita~ttrye?;ta, 3 20 ~auca, 202, 236
syiitlasti, 1 79• I 8o ~a unaka, 31 11.
syiidasti-ciivaktavyafca, 1 79 ~akha, 30; origin of the, 30 n.
syiidasti-syiimziisti, 179 Siikta, 2811., 228
syiidasti-syiimziisti-syiidavaktavyafca, 179 $akya, 81
syiidavaktavya, I 79 Sakyayana, 228
syiidviida, 1 8 I ~alikanatha Misra, 370, 397 n.
Syczdviidamaiijari, 17 1, 177 n., 179 n., ~alistambhasiUra, 9on., 1251Z., l43"·• 4-21
18on. ~antabhadra, 152 1z., 168
syii~tniisti, 180 ~tl1ttanz, 425, 4-28
syilt, 179 ~antyacaryya, 1 7 1
Syllogism, 156 1Z., I86, '293 .5_ii7;tqilya, 28 n., 228
Symbolic meditations, 35 -~ilrira, 39, 91 1z.
Synthesis, 261 .5_liriraka, 28 1z., 433
Synthetic activity, 262 Siiriraka-sietras, 62
System of the Vedlitzta, 4-38 n., 439 n. fijslra, 344
Systems, 66 Siistradipikc1, 1141Z., 370, 371, 37911.,
Systems of Buddhistic Thought, 121 n. , 386 n., 390 n., 401 n.
Systems of Philosophy, general accounts Sastri Haraprasada, 129 n., 278, 30.~.
of, 68 ff. ; interrelated, 67 ; two classes 3711Z.
of, 67 ftlivata, 127, 4-28
~ahara, 69, 369, 370, 371, 372, 387, 405 fiiJvataviida, I 43• 2 36
iabara-blzarya, 370 f~zthya, IH
Sabarasvamin, 370 Sc1flzyiiyaniya, 28 n.
fabda, 284-, 294, 304, 308, 314-, 331, 332, ~e~avat, 2691z., 281, 294, 302 n., 303, 353
333· 354-· 355· 394• 483, 484•492 ~e~anantacarya, 308
fabdanaya, 1781z. Sikhiima~zi, 31811., 419, 484 n., 485
fabdapramti?;ta, 334, 354, 39-+• 397• 40-J Hk~apadabrata, 200
fabda-tanmiitra, 252, 253 Siva, 39, 432
fabdatva, 335 $ivabhiiti, 1 70
1abdi.1nu1iisanam, 232 Sivadasa, 231, 235
Saiva, 39, 70, 228, 235, 4-34 ~ivaguru, 432
Saiva Thought, 8, 28 n. Sivam, 425
faktiifaktasvablziivatayii, 1 59 Sivarama, 230
522 Index
Sivaditya, 308 Talavakaras, 30
.fila, 144, 166, (sila) IOO, I0'2, 104; and Talavakiira Upmziiad, 30
sainthood, IOO; what it consists of, lamas, 21 s, 224, 242, '244• 246, '249• 252,
IOJ '264, '269, 49'2, 493
sflabratapariimarfa, 145 tami'srii, 220 n.
Slokavtlrttika, 67, ISI n., 218 n., 355 n., tamo, 22on.
370, 37I, 37811., 380, 382, 38611., tamo-gu~a, '244
39on., 397 n., 40I n., 4I7 n. tm1matra, 51, 214, 216, 225, zz6, 251,
foka, 86n. '253· '254· '271, '273· '2j6
fraddht'i, s8, 199· '27I, 317 n. !antra, 71, 229, 235
Sraddhotpiida fiistra, 128, 1381z., 161 Tantraral1za, 37 I
.frava~za, 490 Tantra thought, 8
friivaka, 125 n., 137, 150, 151 Tantraviirttika, 371
$ravakayana, 125 n. Ta~ufulavaiyiilf, 1 71 n.
Sridhara, 306, 312, 313, 316 n., 3I7 1z., ta~hii, 85, 87, 88, Io7
• 337, 338, 359 n., 37911. ta~hii-j'a{ii, 1 oo
~nhar~a, 4I9, 462, 465, 492 tapas, 54• s8, '201, '20'2, '2'26, '270
~nkaJ)~ha, 70 tarka, 294, 296, 360
~rilabha, 90 Tarkabhtiiii, 307
5_rinzadbhagavadgitii, 4 2 I Tarkapiida, 37 I
Srfmiiliisimhantida, 1 28 Tarkarahasyadipikii, 79, 1 14, I I 5 n.,
Srivatsacarya, 306 162 n., 163 n., 20311., 217 n., 218 n.
fru, I I Tarkasa'!1graha, 307, 322, 330 n.
fruta, 207 Tarkavagisa, K., 332 n.
fruti, 11, 12, 19111., 447 tathatii, 127, 128, 135, 136, 138, 147,
fubha, '20'2 •so, 166, 167, 421; philosophy, 129ff.
fztddham pratyakiam, 409 n. tathatlilambana, 1 so
f!tddhiikalpm1ii, 409 n. Tathtigata, 126n., 150, 166
Sukarahasya, 28 n. Tathiigatagarbha, 131, 137, 147, 149
fukla, 73, 74, z66 Tathiiga/aguhyasietra, 125 n.
fukla-kn~a, 73, z66 Tathagatayana, 126n.
lukti, 488, 489 tatprakiirakiinubhava, 33 7
Hmya, 131, 141, 167, 257, 465, 493 tattva, '2I6
Hmyatti, 130, 13I, 147, 149 Tattvabindu, 397 n.
Simyavada, 126, 127, 129, 140, 166, 167, Taltvacintiima~i, 308, 332 n., 337 n.,
'279• 418, 4'21, 4'29, 46s, 494; com- 339 n., 3421z., 343 n., 347 n.
. pared with Vijiianavada, 127 Tattvadrpana, 419, 456 n .
Siinyavadin, 113, 127, 128, I29, I40, 145, Tattvadipikti, 419, 465
. 30I Tattvakaumudi, 212, 239n., 243n.,
~vetaketu, 33• 34, 49, 439 257 n., 262 n., z64n.
~vetambaras, 170, I 72, 17 3 Tattvapradipikii, 2381z.
Svetii1vatara, z8n., 31, 32 11., 39 11., 49, Tattvasamiisa, 2 1 z
so, 52, 7811., 211, 227, 281, 282 n., Tattvavaifiiradf, 212, 239n., 245n.,
4'2'2, 469 '25411., zs6n., '257n., '2591l., '263n.,
iatfayatana, 90, 92, 143 z64 n., z66 n., 267 11.
iatfdarfana, 68 Tattvayiithtirthyadrpana, 243 1z.
-~atjdarfanasamuccaya, z, 68 n., I 14, tattvtzntara, 378 n.
17on., 17'211-, I/511-, 17611., 18611., tattviintarapari~uzma, 247
zo6n., 217, 222 tattvtinyatviibhyiim anirvacaniya, 44'2
.)'af{itantra, '2'20, '2'21 Tattviirthtidhigamasiitra, I 7 1, I 75 n.,
._t:;a!{itantrafiistra, 219, 222 176n., I84n., 1951t., 237,309
.')aitz"tantroddhiira, '220, 222 tiidtitmya, I 56, 345, 351, 35'2
tt'imasika ahm!tktira, 249
tadutpatti, 345• 351 Tai)~lins, 30
tadyogyatii, 458 tiira, '2'20 n.
tazjasa aha1!tkiira, 249 Taranatha, 1 29 n.
taijasa tltmii, 424 Tarasiira, z8 n.
tairthika, 68n., 138 tiiratiira, '220 11.
Taittiriya, z8n., 31, 39· 46n., 51, '2 z6n., 7izrkikarakiii, 362 n., 308
43'211. - !tltparpa, 484
Taitti'riya Ara~yaka, z6 Tiitparya{ikti, 63n., 161, 2181z., '2'29n.,
Taittiriya Brtihma~za, 23, z6, 226 11. z6911., 33on., 33711., 338n., 347n.,
Taittiriya school, 30 35'211., 3S3n., 388n.
Takakusu, 119, 12on., I'281l., 218 Tatparya{ikiiparifuddhi, 307
Teachers, traditional transmission from, trtzya-liliga-pariimarla, 346
2, 8 tucclza, 443
Technical, 66, 77, 304, 308, 309 tuliijiiiina, 458
Technical terms, different in meaning, Turiyiitita, 28 11.
invented, 2 ; elastic in Pali Buddhism, 3 tu~(i, 220
tejas, 51, 252, 255, 295, 310, 313, 314, Tvagr. 21
323, 329, 377 tyfigiinvaya, 119 11.
t~'/as-atom, 253 Tanka, 433
Tejobindu, 28 n. (hiipami, 1 5 i
Telang, .pi, 42311. (hiti, 93
Teleology, 247• 248, 254, 258, 267, 269, Tuprikii, 371
32 5
Testimony, 332, 333 ubhayiinubkaya, 1 4 8
The Early History of Indian Philosophy, ucckeda, 4 28
277 n. ucckedavt1da, 143
The History of Navya Nyizya in Bengal, Udayana, 63,306, 307, 312 n., 326n., 329,
310n. 365 n.
Theism, 33, so, 258 udfihara~za, I 57, 296, 353
Theistic, 220, 221, 223 Udana, 83, Io8 n.
Theistic systems, 8 ttdiisina, I 97
Theragiithii, 83 udbkava, 290 1z.
Theravada, 83, 112, 113, 119, 120, 125, udbkutariipavattva, 290 n., 303
150 udbkutavrtti, 25 4
Theravadins, 125 uddlzaccakukkuccam, 105
Tlze Rigveda, 1 5 n., 18, 19 n., 20 n., Udgitha, 36
24n. udhacca, 100
Thengiithii, 83 Udyotakara, 63, 22811., 269 n., 298 11.,
Thtorie des Douze Causes, 90 n. 305, 307, 309, 327 n., 328, 330 n.,
Thilly, Frank, 3 337 n., 342 n., 351, 353 1Z., 355 n.
thina, 100 Uktha, 36
thinamiddham, 105 Uliika, 7 I, 305
Thomas, E. J., 84 n., 155 n. Umasvati, I j l , 237, 309
Thomas, F. \V., 1291t. Unconditional, 321, 322, 465
Thought-photograph, 241 Unconditionality, 320
Thought-stuff, 241, 242 Universals, 165
Tibetan, 121, 128, 144• 218 U nmanifested, 2 75
tikta, 313 upadirasamiidhi, I02, I03
Tilak, Bal Gm'lgadhar, 1 o Upadda, 128
Tilakamaiijari, 172 upadkiira1Jam, IOI
Time, 311 upajivya, 44 7
tirohita, 257 upalabdkiketu, 330 n.
Tirthankara, 169, 170, 173 upalambka, 302
tiryag-Kamana, 3 29 upamiina, 294, 297, 302, 304, 308, 333,
tirya/.:siimii1zya, 196 354· 355· 391, 412
Traditionary explanations, 65 upamt1na labda, 471
Transcendental contact, 341; power , 335 Upamitabkavaprapaiicakathii, 1 7 2
Transcendent influence, 331 upamiti, 492
Translati01z of A itareya A raJJyaka, 36 1z. upanaya, 185, 296, 350, 353
Translation of the Upani~ads, 38 11. upanayana, 1 f. 7
Tmnsmigration, 26, 27, 53, 54• 55, 57• 58 Upani!?ad, 418, 422, 433, 434, 436, 441,
trasaru.zu, 323 445, 494 ; causation in, 173; meaning
trayi, 277 of the word, 38
trikiiJJrfaka, 92 n. Upani!jads, 1, 7, 8, 12, q, 27, 28, 29, 30,
Tript1dvibhiUimakii1liiniya~za, 28 11. 64, 6s, 70, 72, 79, So, 87, 88, to;, 1 Io,
Tripurii, 28 n. III, 125n., I74• 175,208, 2Io, 211,
Tripuriitiipini, 28 n. 212, 223, 227, 234, 239, 263 n., 276,
tnpu(i, 459 421, 423, 429, 430, 43I, 432, 437· 438,
tripu(ipratyak~a, 343 n., 384, 400 442, 447• 470, 490, 493, etc.; accident
TriSa.la, • 70, 1 73 as cause, 78; age of the, 39; Atharva-
Trisikhibrahmana, 28 11. veda, 31 ; atheistic creeds referred to
trya~zuka, 314, 315, 324, 326 in, 78; circles of philosophy outside of,
lrf1Jii, 85 n., 87, 90, 92, 143, 145, 148, 65 ; composition of, 38 ; creation in,
215 ~ 1 ; desire as cause of re-birth, 56;
tr~1Jii-vazpulya, 9011. different classes of, 39 ; doctrine of
self, 1 to; doctrine of transmigration, l[viisagadasiio, I 73 11.
53 ; duty of a modern interpretor of, Uha, 'li3
42; emancipation in, s8ff.; interpreta- iirdhva, I 99
tions of, 41 ; karma-doctrine in, com- urdh1•a/oka, I 99
pared with Buddhistic, 107; k!;iattriya urdhvamiila, 234
influence on, 31; matter-combinations iirdhvasiimi'inJ'a, I97
as cause, 78; matter produced by com-
pounding, 51 ; nature as cause, 78; Vaihha~ika, 116,117, I61, I68; literature,
names of, according to subjects, 3 1 ; I20; notion of time in, I I6
not a systematic philosophy, 48; place Vaibha!;iikas, I I3, I q, I I5, I 19, Izo,
in Vedic literature, 28; revival of, 39; I67; their philosophy according to
self as aggregation of categories, 56 ; Gul)aratna, I I 4
self as highest truth, 6o; self as know- Vaibhasika Sarvastivadins, their difference
ledge, 58 ; self unchangeable, 6o; self from "other Buddhists, I 22
as unity of moral, psychological and vaidharmya, 462, 464
physical elements, 56; subtler elements vaikiirika ahm!zkiira, 249, 250
in, 51; superior to reason, 41; theory vainiifika, 257
of karma, 55 ; three kinds of birth, 57 ; Vaipulyasiitras, I 2 5
time as cause, 78; two theories of vairii(ya, 2 7 I
causation, 53; vidyii and avidya, mean- Vaisali, I 73
ing of, 111; wise man becomes Brah- Vaise!}ika, 7, 9• 68, 177, z8o, z8I, 283,
man, 58; world as field of karma, s6; 285, 289, 290, 302 n., 303, 304, 305,
world in, 51; world-soul, 52 314 n., 327, 328, 332, 337• 338, 339·
upapatti, 9 I 340, 350, 35I, 354. 355. 359· 361,
upapiidukasattva, 9 I n. 379 n., 385, 394· 403, 434· 440, 462
uparati, 490 Vaife~ika szltras, 68 n., 7 I, 276, 2 79, 280,
upasamlinussati, I02 28I, 282, 284, 285, 29I, 301, 303,305,
Upaskiira, 282 11., 283, 284 n., 285 n., 306, 3I2 n., 327 n., 332 n., 355, 359
286 n., z88n., 29011-., 291 n., 292 n., vaifviinara agni, 34
293 n., 306, 3I4 n. vai!viinara iitmii, 4 24
upastha, 333 vai~amya, 246
upa~{ambha, 329 Vai!}t)ava, 8, 21, 28n., 70, 77, 22 I, 420,
upa~{ambhaka, 29I 422
U pa var!;'a, 3 70 vaitathya, 4 24
uplidlina, 85, 87, 90, 92, 274, 453, 468, Vajjiputtakas, I I 2
469 Vajracchedikiisiitra, I251l·
upiidiina-kiira~za, 438 Vajraszlcikli, 28 n.
upiidiinmzi~{hiityantiibhiivaprati'yogitva- Validity, z68 tz..
lak~a~zamithyiitvasiddhil;, 445 Vallabha, 70, 3 I 7 n.
upiidariipam, 94 V allabha-mata, 4 29
upadhi, I81, 34-7, 348, 352, 390, 450 Vanaviida, 380
Upiingas, I 7 I V aradaraja, 308, 362 n.
Upiisakadaftis, I 7I Variiha, 28 11., 228
ztpiifrayas, I 73 Varddhamana, 63, I73• 307
upiiyiisa, ~6 n. Varddhamiina-pura~ta, I93 11., I94 n.
upekkhii, I03, 106 Varddhamii1Zmdu, 63, 307
upekkhako, 105 Varul)a, I8
upek~ii, 2 36, 2 70, 27 I vas, 26311.
Uruvela, 8I Vassilief, 112, 2I8u.
U!;ias, I4 vastu, 176
Utpala, 327 n. vastunastatsamattiiko' nyathlibhiivaf; pari-
utpatti, 374 ~ziimaf; tadvifamasattiikal; vi11arttal;,
utplida, I 38, I 75 468
utpcidasthitibhmigavmjjam, 146 vastuprativikalpavijiiiina, I 45
utpiidasthitibhaizgavi'var;j"anata, 150 vastuvadi, 4 z4
utprek~a, I82 Vasubandhu, II4, 117, I20, I24, I'28,
utsargasamiti, I99 n. I67, 2I8 n., 233, 42I, 423; soul-
tttlamiimbhas, 220 n. doctrine criticised by, I 17
Uttariidhyayana, 1 7 I Vasubhadra, Izon.
UttariidhyaymzasiUra, 169, 236 Vasumitra, I I2, I 15, 1 I6, I20
Uttara Mima•psa, 7, 70, 429 V a!jkali, 45
U ttaraSa.ilas, 1 12 Vacaspati, 63, 86u., I43n., I6I, 212,
U ttara Sa111 khya, 2 I 7 218n., 2I9, 22I, 222, 223, 224, 225,
Uttanapada, 23 229, 233, z6o, z6I, 262, z69n., 27I 11.,
?.j7, '278, 307, 330!1., 337· 338, 340, tltmm1 and jh·a, 47S; Iitman a"i self-
34I, 351,3S'2, 3SS 1'··37I, 3971l.,.p:;, luminous, 460; Brahman as the adhi-
.p8, 42111., 433, 4!'7• 469, 490; his ~!hiina of illusion, 451; cessation of
differences with Bhik!ju, 223 ff. illusion as biidha and 11ivrtti, 488; cit
viicika, I o8 not opposed to aj1iiina, 4S.7; conscious-
viidkakarma, I 24 ness as illumination. 449; controversy
viicikavijiiaptikarma, 1 24 of the schools, 406; creation of an
viicyatva, 354 illusory object, 487; criticism of the
viida, 294, 296, 360 Nyaya doctrine of causa.tion, 466; de-
viiggupti, 1 99 11. finition of aj1iiina, 4ti'2 ff.; definition of
viigvikalpa, I 48 perception, 473; dialectic, 419, 420,
Vajapyayana, 232 461; dialectical arguments, 465; dif-
Vajasaneyi school, 31 ferent kinds of illusion, 487 ; discussions
viik, 333 with Kumarila and Prabhakara on the
viikoviikya, 276 nature of self-luminosity of knowledge,
viikyado~a, 302 4S9; doctrine of duties, 489; doctrine
viikyapraiat!lsii, 302 of inference, 473; doctrine ofjivasiik~i,
Vakyt1rthamatrkavrtti, 397 n. 480; dualistic interpretations of, 70;
Vamana, '23I ekajfva doctrine, 477; epistemology of
vii11aprastha, 283 Kumarila, 4I6 ff.; epistemology of
viirttii, 277 Prabhakara Mimarpsa, 415 ff.; episte-
Varttika,67, 230,307,309,32711., 35311., mology of the Sautrantika Buddhists,
4I8, 4I9 408 ff.; examination of the category of
Varttikakara, 3 72 difference, 462 ff.; existence of the
Varttikakarapada, 3 70 objective world, 480; function of vrtti-
Viirttika·tiitparya{ikii, 63 jiiiina in perception, 481 ; general ac-
vasanii, 73• I?.8, I3011., 150, 151, 167, count of, 70; history of the doctrine of
'263, 411 miiyii, 469-470; indefinable character
Vasavadatta, 230 of the world-appearance, 461; indefin-
Vi'isudeva, 28 11. able nature of aJi1iina, 479; literature,
Vata, 17 418 ff.; locus and objects of ajiitlna,
Vatsiputtriya, II 2, 11 7, 1I 9 n.; doctrine 4!'7 ff.; miiyii and avidyli, 469, 47S.
of soul of, 11 7 4 76 ; methods of controversy, 407;
Vatsyayana, 63, 120, I67, 186u., 22911., nature of ahat!zkara, 458, 46o; nature
269 1z., 277, 278, 28o, 294 n., 295 n., of mztal_zkara~ta, 460; nature of eman-
296 n., 298 n., 301 11., 304, 307, cipation, 49I ; nature of livara, 476;
3'27 11·• 3SO, 351, 3S3 1'·• 3SS n., 467; nature of perception, 483; nature of
his distinction of Sarpkhya and Yoga, pramii, 482; necessary qualifications,
?.'2811. 489; nirvikalpa perception, 483 ;
Viitsyiiyana bhii!ya, 63, 297 n., 306, 309 Nyaya epistemology, 412 ff.; objections
viiytt, 20, 37, 43, so, 7.I3, 262, 287, 289, against the view that world-appearance
290, 29S· 3'21, 323, 3'24, 3'28, 3'29 is illusion, 4S I ; dr~tisnti doctrine, 478;
viiyu·atom, 2S3 perception of ajiiana in the sleeping
Viiyu purii~a, 306 state, 456; philosophy, 70; pratibimba,
vi!yu tamniitra, ?.S?. avaccheda and upiidhi, 47 5; refutation
Veda, 397• 422, 436; literature, 429 of the l\Iimarpsa theory of illusion, 48!';
vedanli, 85, 90, 92, 94, 95, 97, 127 relation with other systems, 492 ff.;
vedaniikkhandha, 100 relation with Vedic duties, 490; Sarp-
vedanfya, I91, 193 khya epistemology, 414 ff.; self-validity
veda11iya karma, 194 of knowledge, 484; Sa1ikara, theBrah-
Vedanta, I, 7• 2o, 29, 30, 4I, 42, 48, so, ma-sutras and the Upani~ads, 429 ff.;
52, 62, 68, 7I, 75, 138, I6I, I68, 177, similarity not essential for illusion, 452;
I78, ?.II, ?.IS 11., 235, 237, 238, 239, theory of causation, 46s ff.; theory of
'241, ?.S8, 3I911., 34I, 343• 37I, 402, illusion, 486 ff.; theory of perception,
407, 4o8, 419, 420, 429, 430, 43I, 432, 470 ff.; three functions of the subject,
436, 439· 447• 448, 450, 4SI, 452, 453· 480; three stages of jiva, 4 76; views
4S4• 45S. 4S9• 461, 466, 468, 470, 4JI, on samaviiya, 3 I 9 11.; vivartta and pari-
47211., 482, 483, 486, 488, 489, 492; ~liima, 468; vrtti and consciousness,
ajiiiina as the material cause of illusion, 449, 450; world-appearance not a sub-
453 ; aj11iina and vrttijiitina, 48I ; iective creation, 452; Yogacara episte-
ajiiiina established by perception and mology.
inference, 4S4 ff.; ajiiiina not negation, Vedt111takalpataru, 86 n., 1 q n.
455; anirviicyaviida, 461 ff.; antal_zka- Vedt11ltapan'bkii~ii, 67, 31811., 419, 46o n.,
ra~a and its vrttis, 472j iitman, 474; 484, 48S n.
Vedt1ntasiira, 420, 490 Jt. vibhtt, 189, 363
Vediintasiddhtintamukttivali, 4 20 vibhztti, 272, 424
Vedanta sutras, 70, 71 ; as interpretations Vibratory, 327
of U pani~ad texts, 70 viciira, I05, I44• 213, 27I
Vediintatattvadipikii, 420 vicikicchii, Ioo, 105
Vedantatirtha Vanamali, Prof., 281 n., vicikitsii, I 45
305"· Vicious infinite, 16o, 3I9 n.
Vedantic, 433· 465 vidhi, 29, 404, 405
Vedantins, 257 vidhi-viikya, 405
Vedantism, 175, 229, 371, 418 vidhiviveka, 3 7 1
Vediirthasm!zgraha, 433 vidhiyate, I46
Vedas, I, 6, 11, 13, I4, 20, 24, 25, Vidvamnanoraiijini, 4 20
40, 67, 69, 1~6, 208, 209 n., 234, vidyci, III, 277, 278, 293, 332 n.
27~ 278, 282, 284, 285, 29I, 294, Vidyabhii~al)a, DrS. C., I28n., 172, 279,
297, 304, 326, 333 n., 355, 394• 40I, 309 n., 350 n., 388 11., 4ZJ
403, 404, 405, 426, 430, 431, 435· Vidyaral)ya, 4I9
489; allegiance of Hindu philosophy vihiiras, I73
to, 1 I; iitman in the, 26; authorship vijiinana, 89
of, IO; bearing of, to Hindu law, I 1; vijiiapti, 94• I 24
classification of, I2; doctrine of karma, vijiiiina, 86 n., 90, 9I n., 123, I24, I32,
210; earliest record, 10; idea of I43• q6, 40911.,428, 46o; determining
morality, 2 IO; influence of, on later niimaropa, 9I; in relation to skandhas,
thought, Io; learnt by hearing, 10; 91 ; meaning of, in Sanskrit works, 86 n.
monotheistic tendency in, I9; trans- Vijfiana Bhik~u, 212, 220, 221, 222, 223,
migration not developed in, 53 225, 226, 229, 257 n., 260, 262, 494;
Vedic, I, 6, Io, I 1, I4, 264, 265, 292, his differences with Vacaspati, 223 ff.
396, 404, 436 ; belief in another world, Vijniinakiiya, I 20
25; belief in punishment of evildoers, vijiiiinamaya, 6o
25; commandments do not depend on vi_;i'iiinamaya iitman, 46
reason, 29 ; conception of manas as Vij1'iiinamiifrasiddhi, 128
seat of thought, 26 ; conception of the vij1'it1naskandha, 124
origin of the world, 25 ; cosmogony Vijfianavada, 86 n., I2j, I28, I45, I66,
(mythological), 23; cosmogony (philo- I67, 302, 4I7, 4'21, 429, 465, 493· 494;
sophical), 23 ; creation hymn, 24 ; aspects of nothingness, 149; Bodhi-
doctrine of iitman, 25; doctrine that sattva doctrine, I 50; categories of the
soul could be separated, 25; duties, understanding, I 48; consciousness, two
different from U pani~ads, 29 ; escha- functions of, 145 ; doctrine of dhyiina,
tology, 25; law of karma, 21; moral I 50; doctrine of essencelessness, 14 7 ;
idea, 25; obligatory ceremonies, I 1 ; doctrine of illusion (miiyii), 147; nir-
sacrifices and rituals, I 1 ; teaching as Vtina-doctrine, I 51 ; doctrine of nai-
karma-miirga, 29 riitmya and tathiigatagm·bha, I49;
Vedic duties, 37I, 437, 489, 490, 492; doctrine of pratityasamutpada, I48;
for inferior persons, 30 doctrine that all things are mental
Vedic gods, 16 ; contrasted with Greek creations, I46; its literature, I28
gods, 16; contrasted with Pural)a gods, Vijiianavadin, 113, I27, 128, I47• I67,
16; have no fixed leader, I8; instru- I84, 233, 30I, 332, 409 n., 4I5
ments of sacrifice, 22 Vijt'itiniimrta bha1ya, 220, 223, 239 n.,
Vedic hymns, 18, 22, 3I; two tendencies, 2 43n.
6 ; different irom the U pani~ads, 31 vikalpa, I29, I5I, z6I, 269
Vedic literature, 41, 211, 268 vikalpalak~a~agrahcibhiniveiaprati!{hapi-
Vedic mytlzology, 18n., I9n., 22 n., 23n., kiibuddhi, I 48
25n., 26n. vikalpapratyaya, 4Io n.
Vedic sacrifices, 27I vikalpita, 409 n.
Vedic texts, 68, 69, 276, 372, 399 vikatha, 193
vega, 286, 316 vikara, 232
vegasat!zskiira, 291 vikiiritvam, 203
Venkata, 222 Vikramaditya, 370
Venkatdvara, 423 vik!epa, 472
Vesali, II2 vik!ipta, 268
vibhii..r::a, 3 I6 Vimalakirti, I 28
Vibhajjavadins, I 12, 1I 5 ; schools of, Vimalakirtinirddasutra, I 25 n.
1 I 5 ; their notion of time, 1 I 5 Vimtinavatthu, 83
Vibhmiga, 83, 90 n. Vinaya, 82
Vibhiifii, 120 n. vinaya, I93
Vindhyavasin, 2I8 Vr!?Jidafas, I71 n.
Viniladeva, 152 11., 163 11., 168 vrtti, q6, 268, 269, 378 n., 444· 448,
vitiiiana, 85, 86, 9·h 96, I09 449· 450, 457· 460, 472, 481, 482,
viti1ianakkha1Zdlza, 100 483
vipakfa, I86 n., 3H vrttijliiina, 455· 458, 48I
vipakfa·prati!edha, I 86 n. vyakti, 298
vi'pakfa·vyavrtti, 344 vyatireka, 353
vipakfdSattva, (56 n. 349
I vyatirekavyapti, 346
viparita, I 93 vyavahiira, I 48, I 71 n., 446
viparitakhyati, 337, 384, 385 vyavahiiramiUram, I 14
viparyaya, 220, 269, 332 n., 337 vyavahiira1laya, I77, I78
viparyyasa, 140 vyavaharika, 148 n., 439, 446, 487
Vipaka, I7I vyavasaya, 302, 343 n.
viriyasa'!lvara, I o 1 vyavasthapyavyavasthiipakahhii7Jena, I 54
Virocana, 46 vyaya, 175
virodha, 357 Vya9-i, 232
viruddha, 300 vyaghiUa, 34 7
viruddhakaryopalabdhi, 358 vyapaka, 388
viruddhavyaptopalabdhi, 358 vyiipakaviruddhopalahdhi, 35 8
visadrfapari~ma, 247 v;•apakanupalahdhi, 358
Visibility, 292 vyapado, Io5
Visuddhimagga, 83, 88, 99 n., 10I1Z., vyapara, 330 n.
I02 n., 103 n., I0411., 105, 106 n., I I 11 vyiipti, I6o, I86 n., 303, 304, 346, 347•
161 348, 354· 389"·
visefa, 246, 253, 285, 286, 287, 304, vyiiptigraha, 346, 347
3o6n., 3I2, 3I3, 3I8, 3I9, 320, 382 vyapti-niyama, 353
visefm;za, 33I, 455 vyapya, 388, 389
visefa?_Zaj1iana, 4 I 2 vyapyatvasiddha, 36I
visefa?_Zatavacchedaka, 339 Vyasa, 2I2, 222,231,23411.
visefa'.zatavacchedakaprakarm!z, 339 Vyasahhii!ya, 225, 229, 23I, 232, 233 n.,
visefm;zavifefyabhavavagiihi, 338 235, 236, 237 n., 239"·• 254 n., 256 n.,
ViiefiivaJyakahhiii)Ia, I 7 I, 176 n., 178 n., 257 n., 263 n., 266 n., 267 n., 269,
I791Z· 2731t., 38on.
vife!yavisefa~, 359 vyasaj;•avrtti, 38o n.
vifif!a, 455 vyoman, 252, 255
vifz"!!abuddhi, 4I2 Vyomasekhariicarya, 306
vi1i~!avaifi!!yajtianam, 339 Vyomavati, 3o6
Visuddhadvaitavada, 70 vyuhana, I 2 2
vifva, 424
Visvakarma, 19, 20, 32, 43• 52 Warren, 88 n., 89 n., 90 n., 99 n., I07 n.,
Visvanatha, 281, 307, 339 1o8n., I 1 In.
Vifvanatha·vrtti, 307 Weber, I3 n., 230
vi!aya, 135, 457 Welt als Wille und V orstellung, 40
vi!iida, 243
Vigm, 18, 39 Wenzel, 144.
Vip:zupura?_Za, 433 West, 3
vitakka, 105 \Vestern, 4, 5
vita?_Zfja, 294, 296, 302, 36o, 407 Western Rajputana, I72
vitarka, 2 71 Whole, 165
Vi!{halefopiidlzyayi, 420 Windisch, 203 n.
Vivara?_Zabhavaprakiifika, 4 I 9 Winternitz, 34, 35 n., 39 n.
Vivara~prameya, 45 7 Woods, Prof., 231, 233
Vivara?_Zaprameyasat!zgraha, 4I9, 45 7, \Vorld-appearance, 441, 4-42, 44-3, 446,
486n. 447. 44-9· 45'· 452, 46I, 468, 469, 470,
vivartta, 468, 487 489, 491
vivarttaviida, 258, 468 \Vorld-soul, its mythical character, 52
Virastava, I 7 I 11.
virya, 27I yajiia, 283
viryaparamitii, I 2 7 Yajiiadatta, Ij6, 290
Vodhu, 222 Yajur· Veda, I 2, 30
Void, 127 yama, 59• 106,235,236,270, 317n.
Voidness, I26, I47• I66 yamaka, 83, I57
Vows, 74 Yantrikii, 28 n.
Vrjin, 112 Yaiastilaka, 172
Yasoda, 173 Yoga sutra, 219, 230, 233, 234, 235,
Yasomitra, 114, 120, I67 2631Z., 268
yatna, 3I6 Yoga sii.tras, 2I2, 236, 237, 238, 26611.
yathiirthii(z pmtyayii!z, 485 V oga system, 77
Yadaviiciirya, 308 Yogafiistra, I72, 203 11., 237
Yajfiavalkya, 28n., 34n., 35 n., 44, 54 Yogafikhii, 281Z.
yiitza, 54• I251z., I26 Yogatattva, 28n., 228
Yoga, 7, 9, 281z., 39• 68, 74, 75• 78, 8o, Yoga Upani!iiads, 228
93n., 19211., I93• I99• 20I, 203,208, Yogaviirttika, 212,:223, 239n., 24311.,
2I5, 2I7, 220, 221, 222, 223, 226, 24511., 25411., 256n., 257n., 259n.,
228, 229, 23~ 234· 23fu 236, 237· 261 1z., 262 n., 26 3 n., 264 n.
248n., 255, 2fi 9 , 261, 262, 263, 26 4 , Yogii.cii.ra, 113, I28, 145, 411, 421
265 n., 266, 268, 273· 277, 278, 292, yogiinufiisanam, 232
293, 30I, 303, 31711., 325, 385, 434• yogin, 76, 215, 227, 234n., 256, 266,
440, 490, 492 ; compilation of the 270, 271,272, 273· 293· 342; 426
SJttras, 229 ff.; different types of, 228; yogyatii, I82, 224, 26o, 358, 415
it~ early origin, 227; its meaning, 226; yo yo aggimii so so dhzlmavii, I 57
its relation with Buddhism, 236 ff.; Yudhi!ii!hira, 79
pessimism in, 76; the school mentioned yugmapradefa, I 96
by Alberuni, 233 ff. yugya, 226
Yogacaryiibhumifiistra, I 28 yuj, 226
Yoga compilation, 230 yuj samiidhau, 226, 22 7
Yogacurfiima~zi, 28 n. yujir yoge, 226, 227
Yoga discipline, 235, 237 Yuktimehapura~zi, 390 n.
Yoga editor, 231, 233 Yuktimehapura~zi- siddhibzta • candrikii,
Yoga ethics, 269 371
~vogaja, 34 I yutasiddha, 246, 319
Yogaku~zrfali, 28n., 228 yutasiddhyabhiiviit, 293
Yoga meditation, 270, 271
Yoga philosophy in relation to other Indian Zeitschrift dt?r Deutschm liiorg. Gesell-
systems o/ thought, 203n., 2I 111., 213, schaft, 203 11.
23812. Zend-Avesta, 39
Yoga Psychology, 270 n. Zeus, I8





London Office: Bentley House, N.W. I
American Branch: New York
.-\gents for Canada, India, and Pakistan: Macmillan

First printed 1932

Reprinted 1952

First printed in Great Britain at the University Press, Cambridge

Reprinted by offset-litho by Percy Lund Humphries fS Co. Ltd
INE years have passed away since the first volume of this work
N was published, and the present volume has been in the press for
more than two years. During the last seven years bad health has been
responsible for many interruptions. In the first volume manu-
scripts were sparingly used, but in the present work numerous
unpublished and almost unknown manuscripts have been referred
to. Thesecouldnotbecollected easily, and it took time to read them;
many of them were old and moth-eaten and it was not often easy to
decipher the handwriting. It has not always been possible, how-
ever, to give an elaborate account of the content of all these manu-
scripts, for in many cases they contained no new matter and had
therefore only been mentioned by name, a fact which could be ascer-
tained only after long and patient study, since records of them
were previously unknown. A considerable delay was also caused
in the writing of this volume by the fact that large portions of
what will appear in the third volume had to be compiled before
the manuscripts had left the author's hands. In any event, the
author offers his sincere apologies for the delay.
The manuscript of the third volume has made good progress
and, barring illness and other accidents, will soon be sent to
press. This volume will contain a fairly elaborate account of the
principal dualistic and pluralistic systems, such as the philosophy
of the Paiica-riitra, Bhaskara, Yamuna, Ramanuja and his followers,
l\1adhva and his followers, the Bhiigavata-purli1Ja and the Gaudiya
school of Vai~I).avism. The fourth and the fifth volumes will
deal with the philosophy of Vallabha and some other lesser known
schools of Vai~Q.avism, the philosophy of the Pural).as, Tantras, the
different schools of Saivas, Saktas, Indian Aesthetics, the philo-
sophy of right and law and the religious systems that have found
their expression in some of the leading vernaculars of India.
A new impression of the first volume is now in the press. The
present volume contains four chapters on Sankara Vedanta, the
1\Iedi~al Speculations of the Ancient Hindus, and the Philosophy
of the Yoga-viisi~tha and the Bhagavad-gitii. A good deal of the
Sankara Vedanta, especially in regard to its controversy with
vi Preface
Bhaskara, Ramanuja, Madhva and their followers, still remains to
be treated in the third volume.
A word of explanation may be needed with regard to the inclusion
in a work on Indian philosophy of the speculations of the Indian
medical schools. Biology has recently played a great part in liberating
philosophy from its old-world ideas. In ancient India, Biology had
not grown into a separate science; whatever biological ideas were
current in India were mixed up with medical, osteological and
physiological speculations, the only branches of study in ancient
India which may be regarded as constituting an experimental
science. It was therefore thought that a comprehensive work on
the history of Indian philosophy would be sadly defective without
a chapter on these speculations, which introduce also some dis-
tinctly new ethical and eschatological concepts and a view of life
which is wholly original. The biological notions of growth, de-
velopment and heredity of these schools are no less interesting, and
their relations to the logical categories ofNyaya are very instructive.
No attempt has been made to draw any comparisons or contrasts
with Western philosophy, since in a work of this type it would
most likely have been misleading and would have obscured the
real philosophical issues. The study here presented is strictly
faithful to the original Sanskrit texts within the limits of the
present writer's capacities. Often the ground covered has been
wholly new and the materials have been obtained by a direct and
first-hand study of all available texts and manuscripts. Nevertheless
some sources, containing, possibly, valuable materials, inevitably
remain unconsulted, for many new manuscripts will be discovered
in future, and our knowledge of Indian philosophy must advance
but slowly. In spite of the greatest care, errors of interpretation,
exposition and expression may have crept in and for these the
author craves the indulgence of sympathetic readers.
Since the publication of the first volume of the present work,
many treatises on Indian philosophy have appeared in India and
elsewhere. But it has not been possible to refer to many of these.
The present attempt is mainly intended to give an exposition of
Indian thought strictly on the basis of the original texts and
commentaries, and not to eradicate false views by indulging in
controversy; and, since the author takes upon himself the responsi-
bility of all the interpretations of the texts that he has used, and since
Preface Vll

he has drawn his materials mostly from them, it has seldom been
possible to refer to the efforts of his fellow-workers in the field.
Occasionally, however, he has had to discuss and sometimes to bor-
row the views of other writers in the assessment of chronological
facts, and he also expresses his indebtedness to such other writers
who have worked upon some of the special problems of Indian
thought. It has been suggested to him that it would have been better
if the views of other writers had been fully criticized, but however
that may be, such criticism has been considered as beyond the
scope of this work, which, as at present planned, will cover some
JOOO pages when completed.
The chronological views regarding the antiquity of the Gita may
appear heretical, but it is hoped that they may be deemed ex-
cusable, for this is an age of toleration, and they are not more
heretical than the views of many distinguished writers on Indian
chronology. In the chapter on the Gita, some repetition of the
same views in different contexts was inevitable on account of the
looseness of the structure of the Gita, which is an ethico-religious
treatise and not a system of philosophy. This, however, has been
studiously avoided in the other chapters. Neither the Yoga-viisiftha
nor the Gitii are systematic works on philosophy, and yet no
treatment of Indian philosophy can legitimately ignore their
claims. For in a country where philosophy and religion have
been inseparably associated, the value of such writings as breathe
the spirit of philosophy cannot be over-estimated, and no history
of Indian philosophy worth the name can do without them.
I have no words sufficient to express my gratitude to my
esteemed friend, Dr F. W. Thomas, Boden Professor of Sanskrit,
Oxford, who went through the proofs in two of their stages
and thus co-operated with me in the trouble of correcting
them. I fear that in spite of our joint efforts many errors have
escaped our eyes, but had it not been for his kind help the
imperfections of the book would have been greater. I must similarly
thank my friend, Mr Douglas Ainstie, for help with the proofs.
l\tly thanks are also due to my pupils, Dr M. Eleade (Bucharest),
Mr Janakiballabh Bhattacharyya, 1\I.A., and my other friends,
Messrs Satkari 1\tlookerjee, NI.A., Durgacharan Chatterjee, JVI.A.,
Srish Chandra Das Gupta, lVI.A., and my daughter, Miss Maitreyi
Devi, for the assistance they rendered me in getting the manuscript
Vlll Preface
ready for the press, inserting diacritical marks, comparing the
references and the like, and also in arranging the index cards. But
as none of them had the whole charge of any of these tasks, and
as their help was only of an occasional nature, the responsibility
for imperfections belongs to the author and not to them.

Calcutta, 1931
I The World-Appearance I
2 Thought and its Object in Buddhism and in Vedanta IJ
3 Sailkara's Defence of Vedanta; Philosophy of Badarayat;ta and
Bhartrprapaiica 36
4 Teachers and Pupils in Vedanta 46
s Vedanta Doctrine of Soul and the Buddhist Doctrine of Soullessness 58
6 Vedantic Cosmology 73
7 Sailkara and his School 77
8 Mat;t<;lana, Suresvara and VisvarUpa 82
9 Mal).<;lana (A.D. 8oo) . 87
IO Suresvara (A.D. 8oo) 98
II Padmapada (A.D. 82o) I02
I2 Vacaspati Misra (A.D. 84o) Io6
I3 Sarvajiiatma Muni (A.D. 900) III
I4 Anandabodha Yati (eleventh or twelfth century A.D.) u6
IS jV/ahii-vidyii and the Development of Logical Formalism • u8
I6 Vedanta Dialectic of Srihar~a (A.D. I ISO) . I2S
I7 Application of the Dialectic to the Different Categories and Concepts I33
I8 Citsukha's Interpretations of the Concepts of Sailkara Vedanta (A.D.
I220) I47
I9 The Dialectic of Nagarjuna and the Vedanta Dialectic I63
20 Dialectical Criticisms of Santarak~ita and Kamalasila (A.D. 76o) as
forerunners of Vedanta Dialectics I7I
(a) Criticisms of Sarpkhya Pari1)iima Doctrine I7 I
(b) Criticism of Isvara I76
(c) Refutation of the Soul Theory I78
(d) Refutation of the Mimarpsa Theory of the Self I79
(e) Refutation of the Sarpkhya View of the Self I8I
(f) Refutation of the Upani~ad View of the Self I8I
(g) Refutation of the Theory of the Persistence of Existing Entities . I 82
(h) Refutation of Criticisms of the Non-permanency of Entities I8S
(i) Refutation of the Nyaya Vaise~ika Categories I87
2I Dialectic of Sailkara and Anandajiiana I89
22 Philosophy of the Prakatiirtha-vivara1)a (A.D. I200) I96
23 Vimuktatman (A.D. I2oo) • I98
24 Ramadvaya (A.D. I3oo) 204
2S Vidyarat;tya (A.D. I3SO) 2I4
26 Nrsirphasrama Muni (A.D. ISOO) 2I6
27 Appaya Dik~ita (A.D. ISSO) 2I8
28 Prakasananda (A.D. ISSO-I6oo) . 220
29 Madhusiidana Sarasvati (A.D. Isoo) 22S
X Contents



I Yoga-viisi1tha 228
2 The Ultimate Entity • 232
3 Origination 235
4 Karma, Manas and the Categories • 237
5 The World-Appearance 240
6 Nature of Agency Kartrtva) and the Illusion of World Creation • 242
7 The Stage of the Saint (Jivan-mukta) • 245
8 Energy of Free-will (Pauru1a) 252
9 Prii1J.a and its Control • 256
IO Stages of Progress 264
I I Methods of Right Conduct 267
I2 Yoga-viisi1tha, Sailkara Vedanta and Buddhist Vijfianavada • 268



I Ayur-veda and the Atharva- Veda 273

2 Bones in the Atlzarva- Veda and Ayur-veda • 284
3 Organs in the Atharva- Veda and Ayur-veda 288
4 Practice of Medicine in the Atharva- Veda 293
5 The Foetus and the Subtle Body 302
6 Foetal Development • 3I2
7 Growth and Disease • 3I9
8 Viiyu, Pitta and Kapha 325
9 Head and Heart 340
IO The Circulatory and the Nervous System • 344
1I The Nervous System of the Tantras 352
I2 The Theory of Rosas and their Chemistry 357
I3 The Psychological Views and other Ontological Categories 366
I4 Logical Speculations and Terms relating to Academic Dispute 373
15 Did Logic Originate in the Discussions of Ayur-veda Physicians? 392
I6 Ayur-veda Ethics • 402
I7 Springs of Action in the Caraka-sa'tflhitii 4Il
I 8 Good Life in Caraka . 4I8
I9 Ayur-veda Literature • 423
Contents xi


I The Gftii Literature • 437
2 Gitii and Yoga . • 443
3 Sarpkhya and Yoga in the Gitii- • 455
4 Sarpkhya Philosophy in the Gitii • 461
5 A vyakta and Brahman • 470
6 Conception of Sacrificial Duties in the Gltii • 479
7 Sense-control in the Gitii . 488
8 The Ethics of the Gitii and the Buddhist Ethics • 493
9 Analysis of Action • SIS
IO Eschatology SI7
II God and Man • • 523
I2 Vi~~u, Vasudeva and Kn~a • 535
I3 Bhagavata and the Bhagavad-gltii • 545

INDEX • 553

THE treatment of the school of Sankara Vedanta in the preceding

chapter may be considered fairly sufficient for all ordinary pur-
poses. But the reputation of this school of thought stands so high,
and so many people are interested in it, that it was pointed out to
me that it would be desirable to go into a little more detailed study
of it. An additional justification for such a suggestion is to be
found in the regrettable fact that, though numerous elementary
and half-informed treatises have been published both in this
country and in Europe, I do not know of any systematic study of
the system in any of the modern languages of Europe or Asia
which has been based on a first-hand study of the works of the
great thinkers of this school who followed Sankara and developed
his system in a remarkably recondite manner. The comparatively
small compass of this chapter in a History of Indian Philosophy
cannot be expected to fulfil adequately such a demand; but still it
may be expected that an attempt to bring out some of these
materials by some amount of detailed study will be excusable,
though it may seem slightly to disturb the general plan of this work.

The World-Appearance.
The U pani~ads, called also the Vedanta, contain passages which
indicate very different lines of thought, theistic, pantheistic, of
self as the only ultimate reality, creationism, etc. The works of
those commentators who wrote commentaries on the Upani~ads
before Sankara and tried to interpret them on the supposition that
there was one uniform, systematic, dogmatic philosophy in them
are now practically all lost, and all that we can know of them is
contained in the meagre references that are found in Sankara's
commentario.!s or the works of other, later, commentators. As an
example I may refer to Bhartrprapafica, who tried to give a realistic
interpretation of the Brhad-iira7Jyaka Upan#ad by treating the
world and souls as real emanations from God or Brahman 1 •
Fragments of Bhartrprapaiica from the writings of Sankara and his com-
mentator Anandajiiana and from Suresvara's Viirttika have been collected by
Prof. Hiriyanna, Mysore, in a short paper read at the Third Oriental Conference
in Madras in 1924, published in Madras in 1925.
2 The Sa1ikara School of Vedanta [cH.
Sankara inherited from his predecessors the opinion that the
Upani!?ads teach us one consistent systematic philosophy, but,
being under the influence of Gau9apada, differed from them
on the nature of this philosophy, which he propounded so elabo-
rately in all his commentaries on the Upani~:;ads and the Brahma-
The main thesis of Sankara, as has already been pointed out
in the preceding chapter, consists of the view that Brahman alone
is the ultimate reality, while everything else is false. He was
interested in proving that this philosophy was preached in the
Upani~ads; but in the Upani!?ads there are many passages which
are clearly of a theistic and dualistic purport, and no amount of
linguistic trickery could convincingly show that these could yield
a meaning which would support Sankara's thesis. Sankara there-
fore introduces the distinction of a common-sense view (vyiiva-
hiirika) and a philosophic view (piiramiirthika), and explains the
Upani!?ads on the supposition that, while there are some passages
in them which describe things from a purely philosophic point of
view, there are many others which speak of thing~ only from a
common-sense dualistic view of a real world, real souls and a real
God as creator. Sankara has applied this method of interpretation
not only in his commentary on the Upani~ads, but also in his
commentary on the Brahma-stitra. Judging by the siltras alone,
it does not seem to me that the Brahma-siltra supports the
philosophical doctrine of Sankara, and there are some siltras which
Sankara himself interpreted in a dualistic manner. He was never
afraid of indulging in realistic interpretations; for he could easily get
out of the difficulty by asserting that all the realistic conceptions
found in the sutras or in the U pani~ad passages were merely an
estimate of things from the common-sense point of view. Though
on the basis of Sailkara's own statements, as well as those of his
later commentators and other adherents of his school, there is
hardly any room for doubt regarding the meaning and force of
Sankara's philosophy, yet at least one Indian scholar has sought
to prove that Sankara's philosophy was realistic 1 . That there was
some amount of realism in Sankara is proved by his own con-
fession, when he criticizes the uncompromising Buddhistic idealists
(vzjiiiina-viidins) or the so-called Buddhistic nihilists (silnya-viidins).
Advaita Philosophy by K. Vidyaratna, published by the Calcutta Univer-
sity Press, 1924.
XI] Jrhe Tflorld-i1ppearance 3
I have already discussed in a general way in what sense according
to the Vedanta, from the point of view of the Sankara school of
Vedanta as interpreted by his later adherents, the world is an
illusion. But in the present section I propose to discuss Sankara's
own statements, as well as the statements of some of his important
followers, on the subject of the nature of world-illusion. This is
one of the most important points of the Sankara school of
philosophy and needs a discussion in some detail.
But before I take it up, I am naturally reminded of the views
of Buddhist idealism and the so-called Buddhistic nihilism, and it
seems desirable that Sankara's doctrine of illusion should be treated
in connection with the doctrines of illusion in those systems of
Buddhistic thought which preceded Sankara. Taking the Sunya-
viida theory of Nagarjuna and Candrakirti, we see that they also
introduced the distinction between limited truth and absolute
truth. Thus Nagarjuna says in his Madhyamika-sutras that the
Buddhas preach their philosophy on the basis of two kinds of truth,
truth as veiled by ignorance and depending on common-sense pre-
suppositions and judgments (sa1{lvrti-satya) and truth as unqualified
and ultimate (paramiirtha-satya )1. The word sal!lvrti literally means
"closed." Candrakirti explains smpvrti as meaning "closing on
all sides" and says that it is ignorance (ajiiiina) which is denoted
by the term sal!lvrti here, because it covers the truth of all things 2 •
In this sense the whole of the world of our experience of causes
and effects, which we perceive and of which we speak, presents an
appearance which is hidden by ignorance. This world is not con-
tradicted in our world-experience; but, as each and every entity
of this world is produced by other things or entities, and they
again by others, and as we cannot specify the nature of each one
of them without referring to others which produced them or from
which they originated, and tracing those again to other causes and

dve satye samupiisritya buddhiiniirrz dharma-desanii

loka-sa1Jlvrti-satya1Jl ca satya1Jl ca paramiirthatal;..
Miidhyamilw-sutra, XXIV. 8, p. 492, B.B. edition.
Ajiiiinm.n hi samantiit sarva-padiirtha-tattviivacchiidaniit S01JW!lir ity ucyate.
Ibid. Candrakirti however gives two other meanings of the word sartzvrti, which
do not seem to be so closely connected with the etymology. In the first of the
two meanings sat_nvrti means interdependent origination or pratUya-samutpiida,
and in the second it means the conventional world of common-sense, which can
be expressed or indicated by speech and language and which we are supposed
to know and refer to in all our experiences involving the knower and the known-
sa1Jlvrtil;. sa1Jlketo lolw-vyavahiiral;., sa ca abhidhiiniiblzidheya-jiiiina-jiieyiidilak-
4 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
so on, it is not possible to assert anything as to the nature or
characteristic (svabhiiva) of anything as it is. Things are known to
us only as being the result of the combination of many entities or as
product complexes. Nothing is produced of itself, and so the pro-
ducts are never by themselves self-existent, but exist only through
the coming together of different entities. That which has any namre
of its own cannot owe its origination to other complexes, and so there
is nothing in our world-experience which has a nature of its own.
The apparent reality of the world has therefore the mysterious veil
of ignorance over it, and it is this veil of ignorance which is referred
to by the term loka-sa1J1vrta. This is spoken of also as tathya-Sa1J1vrti
(real ignorance), as distinguished from mithyii-sa1J1vrti (false ignor-
ance), properly used of the ordinary illusions and hallucinations
of magic, mirage reflections, etc. 1 Those appearances which are
due to sense-defects or other causes and are therefore contradicted
in experience are called mithya-Sa1J1vrta, because their falsehood is
discovered in experience. The falsehood of the world-appearances,
however, can be realized only when their real nature (paramiirtha-
rupa) as a succession of essenceless products of causal complexes
is properly understood. The world holds good and remains un-
contradicted and has all the appearance of reality in all our practical
experiences, and it is only when it is understood that these pheno-
mena have no nature of their own that they are considered false.
All teachings in philosophy take for granted the world-appearances,
subjective and objective, and try to give a rational analysis and
estimate of them; and it is only through an experience of these
world-phenomena and a rational understanding of them that one
realizes their truth as being a mere flow of causes and effects devoid
of essence. The appearance of the world as reality is therefore true
only in a limited manner during the period when the veil of ignor-
ance is not removed from our eyes; and this is signified by
designating the truth (satya) of the world as only loka-sa1J1'D!la.
This world-appearance is however relatively true when compared
with the ordinary illusions of perception (when, e.g., a piece of
rope is perceived as a snake, or when one sees a mirage in a desert).
But a question arises-if the world-appearance has no essence
of its own, how is it that it appears to have one, or how is it
that the world-phenomena appear at all? To such a question
Nagarjuna's answer is that the appearance of the world is like the
Bodhi-caryiivatiira-pafijikii, p. 353, Biblotheca Indica Series, 1902.
XI) Jrhe H!orld-~ppearance 5
appearance of mirages or dreams, which have no reality of their
own, but still present an objective appearance of reality 1 . The
world is not a mere nothing, like a lotus of the sky or the hare's
horn, which are simply non-existent (avidyamiina). Thus there is
not only the ultimate truth (paramiirtha); there is also the relative
truth of the phenomenal world (loka-smpvrti-satya); there are,
further, the sense-illusions, hallucinations and the like which are.
contradicted in ordinary experience (aloka-sa'!lvrta or mithyii-
sa'!lvrta), and also that which is merely non-existent, like the hare's
horn. The error (viparyiisa) of world-appearance is considered as
being of four kinds, viz. the consideration of the momentary as
eternal, the consideration of the painful as being pleasurable, the
consideration of the unholy as holy, and of that which has no soul
as having a soul 2 • And this error is due to ignorance (avidyii).
Candrakirti quotes a passage from the Arya-drt}hiisaya-pariprcchii,
in which it is said that, just as a man may see in a dream that he
is spending the night with the wife of the king, and, suddenly
realizing that he is discovered, tries to fly for fear of his life
(thus perceiving the presence of a woman, where there is none), so
we are always falling into the error of asserting that we have per-
ceived the manifold world-appearance where there is none 3 •
Such analogies of error naturally suggest the supposition that
there must be some reality which is mistaken as some other thing;
but, as has already been explained, the Buddhists emphasized the
fact that, in dreams, the illusory appearances were no doubt objec-
tively known as objective presentations of which we had previously
become aware--experiences through which we pass, though there
is no reality on which these appearances rest or are imposed. It
was here that Sankara differed. Thus, in his introduction to the
commentary on the Brahma-sutra he says that the essence of all
illusory perception is that one thing is mistaken for another, that
the qualities, characteristics or attributes of one thing are taken
for the qualities, characteristics or attributes of another. Illusion
IS defined as the false appearance in some object of something

.lvliidhyamika-sutra, xxm. 8.
Iha catviiro viparyiisii ucyante: tadyathii pratik~atJa-vinliiini skandha-
paiicake yo nityam iti griihal; sa viparyiisal; . .. dul.zkhiitmake skandha-paiicake yab
sukham iti f.,iparzto griihal; so 'paro viparyiisal.z, ... iariram aiuci-svabhii'l.:attz tatra
yo iucitvena griihal; sa viparyiisal;, ... paiica-skandhattz niriitmakattz tasmin ya
iitma-griihab aniitmani iitmiibhzniveial; sa viparyiisal;. Candrakirti's commentary
on ibid. XXIII. 13. Compare it with the Yoga-sutra, II. 5, Anandasrama Series.
Candrakirti's commentary on the Miidhyamika-sutra, XXIII. 13.
6 The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
experienced before, resembling a memory image. It is explained by
some as being the false affirmation of the characteristics of one thing
in regard to another; others explain it as an error due to the non-
apprehension of the difference between that which is wrongly
apprehended and the misapprehended object which the former is
wrongly supposed to be; others think that, when one thing is
misapprehended as another, the illusion consists in the fancying of
the former entity as being endowed with strange characteristics
(viparita-dharmatva); but in all these different ways of analysis
illusion fundamentally is nothing but the false appearance of
one thing with the characteristics of another. So also it may be
that a conch-shell appears as silver or that one moon appears as
two moons 1 • Sankara then suggests that, since the universal self
(pratyag-iitman) is felt through our feeling of "I" and since it is
immediate in all experience (aparok~a), it is not absolutely un-
related and unindicated (avi~aya) in experience, and consequently
it is quite possible that the non-self (aniitman) and its character-
istics may be illusorily imposed upon the universal self. This
illusory imposition of the non-self and its characteristics on the
universal self is called nescience (avidyii).
In his commentary on Gau9apada's Karikii, 1. 17, Sankara says
that, when a piece of rope falsely appears as a snake, this is merely
false imposition or appearance, not existence. The illusory appear-
ance of the snake did not really bring into existence a snake,
which later on became non-existent when right knowledge super-
vened. It was a mere illusion, and the rope-snake had no existence
at alJ2. Sankara in commenting on Gau9apada's Kiirikii explains
with approval Gau9apada's view that the world of common ex-
perience is as illusory as a dream. Dreams are false; for in a dream
a man may have the experience of going to distant places, and yet,
when he wakes up, he finds that he has been asleep for a few
seconds only, and has not moved a foot from his bed. The dream
experiences are therefore false, because they are contradicted by
the waking experiences. But the waking experiences, being similar
to dream experiences, are equally false. For both sets of ex-
periences involve the duality of subject and object, and are therefore
Sankara's Adhyiisa-bhii~ya on the Brahma-<ifitra, Nirl)aya-Sagara Press,
Bombay, 1904.
Ra_jjviirrz sarpa iva kalpitatviit na tu sa T-·idyate . .. na hi rajjviirrz bhriinti-
buddhyii kalpita!z sarpo vid_vamiina!z san vivekato niv•rtta!z; tathedarrz prapmi-
ciikhya'!l miiyii-miitram. Gau<;lapada's Kiirikii, 1. 17, Anandasrama Series.
XI) The World-Appearance 7
fundamentally more or less the same: so that, if one of them is
false, the other also is false. The world-experience is like other
well-known instances of illusion-the mirage, for example. Since
it had no existence in the beginning, and will not have any existence
in the end, neither can it have existence in the intervening period
of appearance. The objection that our waking experiences fulfil
practical purposes and have thus associated with them the prag-
matic test of truth, which is absent in the case of dream experiences,
is invalid; for the pragmatic tests of the waking experiences may
well be contradicted by dream experiences ; a man who goes
to sleep after a sumptuous feast may well dream that he has been
starving for days together. Both our inner world of mind and its
experiences and the outer objective world are thus false creations 1 •
But GauQapada and Sankara differ from the Siinyavadin Buddhists
in this-that they think that even false creations must have some
basis in truth. If a rope appears as a snake, the false creation of
the snake has some basis in the truth of the rope: there could
not be false creations and false appearances without any firm basis
of truth (iispada) underlying them 2 • Nagarjuna, it will be re-
membered, tried to prove the falsity of all appearances on the
ground of their being interdependent and not having anything
which could be pointed out as their own nature. The dialectic
being applicable to all appearances, there was nothing left which
was not relative and interdependent, nothing which was self-
evident by nature and which was intelligible by itself without
reference to anything else. It is this interdependence and relativity
of all appearances that was called "nothingness, or sunyatii by
Nagarjuna. There was nothing which could be affirmed of anything
independently by itself without reference to something else; nothing
therefore could be conceived as having any essence by itself.
All appearances were therefore only interdependent phantom crea-
tions; and it was precisely this interdependence that proved the
essencelessness of their natures. There was no basis of truth any-
where. There was nothing which had any essence. But neither
Sankara nor GauQapada appears to have tried to show why the
inner world of thoughts, ideas, emotions, volitions and the outer
world of objects should be considered as being illusory appearances.
Sankara's commentary on Gaw;lapih.la's Kiirikii, 11. 1-12.
Na hi niriispadii raJju-sarpa-mrgatn7Jikiidaya!z kvacit upalabhya11te. Ibid.
I. 6.
8 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
Their main point seems to consist in a dogmatic statement that
all appearances or experiences are false just as dream experi-
ences are false. The imperfect analogy of waking experiences
is made into an argument, and the entire manifold of appearances
is declared to be false. But it is urged at the same time that these
false creations must have some basis of truth; the changing ap-
pearances must have some unchanging basis on which they are
imposed-and this basis is the self (iitman), or Brahman, which is
the only thing that is permanent, unchanging and real. This self
is the being of pure intelligence, which is one identical unit,
negating all differences and duality (visuddha-vijiiapti-miitra-sattii-
dvaya-rupe1Ja )1. Just as the false creation of " snake " appears in the
case of the" rope," so all such judgments as" I am happy,"" I am
unhappy," "I am ignorant," "I am born," "I am old," "I am
with a body," "I perceive," etc., are all merely false predications
associated with the self; they are all false, changing and illusory
predications, and it is only the self which remains permanent
through all such judgments. The self is entirely different from all
such predications; it is self-luminous and self-manifesting, shining
independently by itself.
By applying the dialectic of mutual interdependence, pratitya-
samutpiida, Nagarjuna tried to prove that there was nothing which
could be pointed out as the essence of anything as it is; but he
did not explain how the appearances which were nothing more
than phantom creations came to be what they were. How did
the world-appearance of essenceless interdependent phenomena
show itself? Sankara did not try to prove with a keen logical
dialectic that the world-appearance was false: he simply took it
for granted, since the Upani!?ads proclaimed Brahman as the
ultimate reality. But how did the world-appearance manifest itself?
Sankara does not seem to go deeply into this question and simply
passes it over in asserting that this world-appearance is all due
to ignorance (avidyii); it could not be spoken of as either existing
or non-existing; it was merely illusory, like the conch-shell silver.
But Padmapada, who wrote the commentary known as Paiica-piidikii
on the first four sutras of Sankara's commentary on the Brahma-
sutras, says that the precise meaning of the term "false conception "
(mithyii-jFiiina) in Sankara's introduction to his commentary on the
Brahma-sutras is that there is a force or power or potency (saktz) of
1 Gaudapada's Kiirikii, II. 17.
XI] The World-Appearance 9
nescience which constitutes materiality (jatjiitmikii avidyii-saktil;),
and that it is this potency which transforms itself into the stuff
(upiidiina) of the world-appearance 1 • It is well to remember in
this connection that, according to Sankara's philosophy, it is not
only the objective world that constitutes the world of appearance,
but also the subjective world of all experiences and predicates that
may be associated with the self. Thus, when one says "1," this
ego-hood is analysed as involving two parts-the one, pure in-
telligence or pure consciousness; and the other, the concept of
subjectivity, which is illuminated, expressed or manifested by the
underlying pure intelligence with which it is falsely associated.
The concept of subjectivity stands here as materiality, or objec-
tivity, which is made to float up by the power of pure intelligence,
thus causing the judgment "I am" or "I am a man 2 ." This
avidyii-sakti, or power of avidyii, subsists in the pure self and, on
the one hand, arrests the revelation of its true nature as Brahman,
and, on the other hand, transforms itself into the various
concepts associated with the psychological self of our ordinary
experience 3 • The illusion consists in the association of the psycho-
logical qualities of thinking, feeling, willing, etc. with the trans-
cendent or universal self (pratyak-citi). These psychological deter-
minations are all mutually connected with one another. Thus, to
be able to enjoy pleasures, one must first act; one can only act
when one has attachments, antipathies and desires, and one can
have attachments and desires only when one has experienced joys
and sorrows-so these psychological determinations in a beginning-
less cycle are always naturally associated with the transcendent
self-luminous self4 •
It should be clear from the foregoing discussion that, as
Padmapada or Prakasatman explains, ajiiiina or nescience is
some kind of indefinable stuff out of the transformations of which
subjective psychological experiences and the world of objects have
come into being. This ajiiiina is not the ajiiiina of the Buddhists,
i.e. a wrong notion or misconception, and this adhyiisa, or illusion,
Paiica-piidikii, p. 4, the Vizianagram Sanskrit Series, 1891.
asmat-pratyaye yo 'nidam-a1Jlsas cid-eka-rasal;. tasmi7J1S tad-bala-nirbhiisita-
tayii lak~a~zato yu~mad-arthasya manu~yiiblzimiinasya sambhedaiviivabhiisal;. sa
eva adhyiisal;.. Ibid. p. 3·
atal;. sii pratyak-citi brahma-svarupiivabhiismJl pratibadhniiti aha7J1kiiriid-
y-atad-rupa-pratibhiisa-nimitta7J1 ca bhavati. Ibid. p. 5.
Prakasatman's Paiica-piidikii-vi·varm;a, p. ro, the Vizianagram Sanskrit
Series, 1 892.
10 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
is not the v£paryaya of Nagarjuna; for here it is a positive power
or stuff. Thus Prakasatman argues that all effects have at their
back some cause, which forms their stuff or material; the world-
appearance, being also an effect, must have some stuff out of which
it has evolved or was made up; and ajiiiina, lying in the trans-
cendent self as a separate power, is such a material cause 1 • This
av£dya-potency in the transcendent self is positive in its nature.
This positive ajiiiina is directly perceived in such immediate per-
ceptions as "I do not know myself or others," and can also be
inferred or comprehended by implication 2 • The fact that ajfliina
or av£dyii is spoken of as a power inherent in the transcendent self
shows that it is dependent thereon ; avidyii is not, however, a power,
but a substance or entity which has certain powers by which it
transforms itself into the cosmic appearances, subjective and ob-
jective; yet it is called a power, or sakti' because of its dependence
(para-tantratii} on the transcendent self, and it is in consideration
of the entire dependence of avidyii and its transformations on the
self that the self is regarded as the material cause of all effects-
the cosmic appearances of the world and the mind 3 • The self thus
not only holds the ajfiiina within it as a dependent function,
but in spite of its self-luminosity it can be reacted upon by the
ajfliina with its manifold powers in such a way that it can be
veiled by this ajfliina and made the underlying basis of all world-
appearances of ajiiiina-transformations 4 •
Appaya Dik~ita, referring in his Siddhiinta-le$a to the view of
the writer of the Padiirtha-tattva, summarizes the matter thus:
Brahman and Maya form together the material cause ( ubhayam
upiidiinam), and hence it is that in the world-appearance there are
two distinct characteristics, "being" (salta} from Brahman and
materiality (jaljya) from 1\rlaya. Brahman is the cause, as the
unchanging basis of the Iviaya, which is the cause as being the
sarva1Jl ca l?aryam sopiidiina1Jl bhiiva-kiiryatviit ghatiidivad ity anumiiniit
... tasman mithyiirtha-taj-jnaniitmaka1Jl mithyii-bhi"itam adhyasam upiidiina-
kiira1}12-siipek~am ... mithyii-jnanam eva adhyiisopiidiinam. Panca-piidikii-vivara1Ja,
pp. I 1-12.
Ibid. p. 13.
saktir ity iitma-para-tmztratayii iitmana!z sarva-kiiryopiidiinasya nirvor;lh-
rtvam. Ibid. p. 13. Atma-kara7Jatva-nir•vor;lhrt·vad iitma-para-tantratvii ca sakti-
matyam api sakti-sabda upaciirital;. Akhar:H;lananda Muni's Tattva-dipana,
p. 65, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Book Depot, Benares, 1902.
atalz svaprakiise 'pi iitmani vicitra-sakti-bhiiva-riipiividyii-prayuktam iiva-
ra1Ja'f!Z durapah1}avam. Ramananda Sarasvati's Vivara1Jopanyiisa, p. 16, Chow-
khamba Sanskrit Book Depot, Benares, 1901.
XI] The fVorld-Appearance II

stuff that actually undergoes transformation 1 . Vacaspati lVIisra

also conceives Brahman, jointly with its avidya, to be the material
cause of the world (av£dya-sahita-brahmopadanam) 2 • In his adora-
tion hymn at the beginning of his Bhamati he describes Brahman
as being in association with its companion, the indefinable a·vidya,
the unchanging cause of the entire objective universe 3 • Sarva-
jfiatma Muni, however, does not wish to give maya the same degree
of co-operation in the production of the world-appearance as
Brahman, and considers the latter to be the real material cause of
the world through the instrumentality of Maya; for Brahman,
being absolutely changeless, cannot by itself be considered as cause,
so that, when Brahman is spoken of as cause, this can only be in a
remote and modified sense (upalak~a1Ja), through the instrumen-
tality of maya 4 • The author of the Siddhanta-muktavali is referred
to by Appaya Dik~ita as holding that it is the maya and maya alone
that forms the stuff of the world-appearance; and that Brahman
is not in any way the material cause of the universe, but that it is
only the basis of the subsistence of maya and is only from that
point of view spoken of as being the material cause 5 •
It is clear that the above differences of view regarding the
nature of the relation between maya and the self or Brahman in
the production of the world-appearance are mere scholastic dis-
putes over words or modes of expression, and have but little
philosophical significance. As has already been said, these ques-
tions do not seem to have arisen in Sankara's mind. He did not
think it worth while to explain anything definitely regarding the
nature of av£dya and its relation with Brahman, and the part that
it played in supplying the material stuff of the universe. The world
was an illusion, and Brahman was the basis of truth on which these
illusions appeared; for even illusions required something on which
they could appear. He never faced squarely the difficulties that
are naturally connected with the theory, and was not therefore
concerned to explain the definite relation of maya to Brahman
in connection with the production of the phantom show of the
universe. The natural objection against such views is that the term
Siddhiinta-leia, p. 12, V.S. Series, 1890.
Bhiimafl on Sankara's Bhii~ya, 1. 1. 2, Nirt:Jaya-Sagara Press, 1904.
? Anirvii.cyiividyii-ddtaya-sacivasya prabhm:ato ·vivartii yasyaite •ciyad-anila-

tejnb-a·vanaya!z. ibid. p. 1.
~ Sa'f!lk~epa-iiiriraka, 1. 333, 334, Bhaii Sastri's edition.
Siddhiinta-le§a, p. 13, V.S. Series, 1890.
12 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
avidyii (formed by compounding the negative particle a and
vidyii "knowledge") may mean either absence of knowledge ( vidyii-
bhiival;) or false knowledge (mithya-jiiiinam); and in neither of these
meanings can it be supposed to behave as the material cause or
substance-stuff of anything; for a false knowledge cannot be a
substance out of which other things are made 1 • The answer given
by Anandabodha Bhattaraka to such an objection is that this avidyii
is not a psychological ignorance, but a special technical category,
which is beginningless and indefinable (aniidy-anirviicyiividyii.Sra-
ya~ziit). The acceptance of such a category is a hypothesis which
one is justified in holding as valid, since it explains the facts.
Effects must have some cause behind them, and a mere instru-
mental cause cannot explain the origination of the substratum of
the effect; again, effects which are not true cannot have for their
material cause (upadiina-kiira1Ja) that which is true, nor can they
have for their material cause that which is absolutely non-existent.
So, since the material cause of the world can neither be true nor
be anything which is absolutely non-existent, the hypothesis is
naturally forced upon the Vedantists that the material cause of
this false world-appearance is an entity which is neither existent
nor non-existent 2 • Anandabodha in his Pramii1}a-miilii quotes ap-
provingly from the Brahma-tattva-samlk~ii ofVacaspati to show that
avidyii is called avidyii or nescience because it is a hypothetic
category which is neither "is" nor "is not," and is therefore
unintelligible; avidyii signifies particularly the unintelligibility of
this category 3 • Anandabodha points out that the acceptance of
avidyii is merely the logical consequence of indicating some
possible cause of the world-appearance-considering the nature
of the world-appearance as it is, its cause can only be something
which neither is nor is not; but what we understand by such
a category, we cannot say; it is plainly unintelligible; the logical
requirements of such a category merely indicate that that which is
the material cause of this false world-appearance cannot be re-
garded either as existing or as non-existing; but this does not

avidyii hi vidyabhavo mithya-jiiiiiWl!l vii na cobhaya1Jl lwsya cit samavayi-
kiirm.zam adravyatviit. Anandabodha's ~Vyiiya-makaranda, p. 122, Chowkhamba
Sanskrit Book Depot, Benares, 1901.
Ibid. pp. 122-124.
3 sad-asad-ublzayiinubhayiidi-prakiirai?z anirvacanfyatvam eva hy avidyiiniim

avidyiitvam. Brahma-tattva-samfk~ii as quoted in Pramii'l}a-miilii, p. 10, Chow-

khamba Sanskrit Book Depot, Benares, I9C7.
x1] Thought and its Object in Buddhism and Vedanta 13
make this concept either intelligible or consistent1 • The concept
of avidyii is thus plainly unintelligible and inconsistent.

Thought and its Object in Buddhism and in Vedanta.

The Vedanta takes a twofold view of things; the first view refers
to ultimate reality and the second to appearance. This ultimate
reality is pure intelligence, as identical with pure bliss and pure
being. This is called ultimately real in the sense that it is regarded
as changeless. By pure intelligence the Vedanta does not mean the
ordinary cognitional states; for these have a subjective and an
objective content which are extraneous to them. This pure in-
telligence is pure immediacy, identical with the fact of revelation
found in all our conscious states. Our apprehensions of objects
are in some sense events involving both a subjective and an ob-
jective content ; but their special feature in every case is a revelatory
inwardness or immediacy which is non-temporal and changeless.
The fact that we see, hear, feel, touch, think, remember is equi-
valent to saying that there are various kinds of cognizings. But
what is the nature of this cognizing? Is it an act or a fact? When
I see a blue colour, there is a blue object, there is a peculiar
revelation of an appearance as blue and a revelation of the "I"
as perceiver. The revelation is such that it is both a revelation of
a certain character as blue and of a certain thing called the blue
object. When a revelation occurs in perception, it is one and
it reveals both the object and its appearance in a certain
character as blue. The revelation is not the product of a certain
relation which happens to subsist at any time between the
character-appearance and the object; for both the character-
appearance as blue and the object are given in revelation. The
revelation is self-evident and stands unique by itself. Whether I see,
or hear, or feel, or change, the fact remains that there is some sort
of an awareness which does not change. Awareness is ever present
by itself and does not undergo the changes that its contents undergo.
I may remember that I had seen a blue object five minutes pre-
viously; but, when I do this, what I perceive is the image of a blue
object, with certain temporal and spatial relations, which arises or
V ailak~m:zya-viico-yuktir hi pratiyogi-nirupm;iid yauktikatva-prakatana-
phalii na tv evarrz-rilpatiiyiil; siimaiijasya-sampiidaniiya ity avociima. Pramii1}a-
miilii, p. 10.
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
becomes revealed; but the revelation itself cannot be revealed
again. I may be conscious, but I cannot be conscious of con-
sciousness. For consciousness as such, though ever present in its
immediacy, cannot become an object of any other consciousness.
There cannot be any such thing as the awareness of an awareness
or the awareness of the awareness of an awareness, though we may
multiply such phrases in language at our pleasure. When I re-
member that I have been to Trinity College this morning, that
only means that I have an image of the way across the commons,
through Church Street and Trinity Street; my movements through
them are temporally pushed backward, but all this is a revelation
as image at the present moment and not a revelation of a past
revelation. I cannot say that this present image in any way reveals
that particular image as the object of the present revelation. But
the former revelation could not be held to be distinct from the
present one; for distinction is always based on content and not on
revelation. Revelation as such is identical and, since this is so, one
revelation cannot be the object of another. It is incorrect to say
that "A is A" means that one A becomes itself over again. It is
owing to the limitations of grammatical terminology that identity
is thus described. Identity thus understood is different from what
we understand by identity as a relation. Identity understood as a
relation presupposes some difference or otherness and thus is not
self-contained. And it is because it is not self-contained that it
can be called a relation. When it is said that A is identical with A,
it means that on all the various occasions or contents in which
A appeared it always signified the same thing, or that it had the
same shape or that it was the same first letter of the English
alphabet. Identity in this sense is a function of thought not
existing by itself, but in relation to a sense of opponency or other-
ness. But revelation has no otherness in it; it is absolutely ubi-
quitous and homogeneous. But the identity of revelation of which
we are speaking does not mean that the revelation signifies the
same thing amidst a diversity of contents: it is simply the one
essence identical in itself and devoid of any numerical or other
kinds of difference. It is absolutely free from" now" and" then,"
"here" and "there," "such " or" not such" and "this" or" that."
Consciousness of the self-shining self taken in this way cannot be
regarded as the relation of an appearance to an object, but it is
the fact of the revelation or the entity of the self. If we conceive
xi] Thought and its Object in Buddhism and Vedanta 15
of revelation in this way, it is an error to make any distinction in
revelation as the revelation of the past or the revelation of the
present moment. For moments are revealed as objects are re-
vealed; they do not constitute revelation or form any part of it.
This revelation is identical with the self-shining self to which
everything else has to be related in order to be known.
"Is cognizing an act or a fact?" Before this can be answered
the point to be made clear is what is meant by cognizing. If we
ignore the aspect of revelation and speak of mental states which
can be looked at from the point of view of temporal or qualitative
change of character, we must speak of them as acts or events. If
we look at any mental state as possessing certain characters and
relations to its objects, we have to speak of these aspects. But, if
we look at cognizing from the point of view of its ultimate truth
and reality as revelation, we cannot call it either an act or a fact;
for, as revelation, it is unique and unchangeable in itself. All
relations and characters are revealed in it, it is self-evident and
is at once in and beyond them all. Whether we dream or w?ke,
whether we experience an. illusion or a truth, revelation is always
there. When we look at our mental states, we find that they are
always changing, but this is so only with reference to the contents.
Apart from this there is a continuity in our conscious life. By
this continuity the Vedanta apprehends not any sort of coherence
in our ideas, but the fact of the permanence of revelation. It
may be asked what remains of revelation, if the mental states are
taken away. This question is not admissible; for the mental states
do not form part of revelation; they are rendered conscious by
coming into relation with revelation. This category is the ultimate
reality. It is not self or subject in the sense in which self or ego
is ordinarily understood. For what is ordinarily understood as the
ego or the '' I" is as much a content of the perception of the
moment as any other objective content. It is not impossible that
any particular objective content may be revealed at any time
without the corresponding "I perceive" being explicitly revealed
at the same time. The notion of ego or " I " does not refer to an
everlasting abiding independent self or person; for this notion is
as changing as any other objective content. The " I" has no definite
real content as referring to an existing entity, but is only
a particular mode of mind which is often associated, as a
relatively abiding content, with other changing contents of the
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
mind. As such, it is as changeable as is any other object. "I know
this" only means that there is a revelation which at one sweep
reveals both the " this" and the " I." So far as the revelation
appears as revealing the "this" and the "1," it is manifested in
a subjective mental state having a particular conscious centre
different from other similar centres. But, since revelation cannot
in reality be individuated, all that we may say about "I" or
"mine,"" thou" or" thine," falls outside it. They are all contents,
having some indefinite existence of their own and revealed by this
principle of revelation under certain conditions. This principle of
revelation thus has a reality in quite a different sense from that
which is used to designate the existence of any other object. All
other objects are dependent upon this principle of revelation for
their manifestation, and their nature or essence, out of connection
with it, cannot be defined or described. They are not self-evident,
but are only expressed by coming into some sort of relation
with this principle. We have already seen that this principle
cannot be either subjective or objective. For all considera-
tions of subject or object fall outside it and do not in any
way qualify it, but are only revealed by it. There are thus two
principles, the principle of revelation and all that which is re-
vealed by it. The principle of revelation is one; for there is nothing
else like it; it alone is real in the highest and truest sense. It is
absolute in the sense that there is no growth, decay, evolution or
change in it, and it is perfectly complete in itself. It is infinite in
the sense that no finitude can form part of it, though through it all
finitude is being constantly revealed. It is all-pervading in the
sense that no spatial or temporal limits can be said to affect it in
any way, though all these are being constantly revealed by it. It is
neither in my head nor in my body nor in the space before me;
but yet there is nowhere that it is not. It has sometimes been
designated as the" Self" or iitman, but only in the sense of denoting
its nature as the supreme essence and transcendent reality of all-
the Brahman.
Apart from this principle of revelation, all else is constituted
of a substanceless indefinable stuff called maya. In some schools
of Sati.kara Vedanta it is said that all is pure and simple illusion,
that things exist only when they are perceived and dissolve into
nothingness as soon as we cease to perceive them ; this school has
been designated the Drfti-snti school, a doctrine which has been
x1] Thought and its Object in Buddhism and Vedanta 17
briefly explained in the tenth chapter of the present work 1 • One of
the most important texts of this school is the Siddhiinta-muktiivalz by
Prakasananda 2 • Prakasananda seems to have taken his inspiration
from the Yoga-vasi~tha, and he denied the existence of things when
they are not perceived (ajfiiita-sattviinabhyupagama). He tried to
show that there were no grounds for holding that external objects
existed even when they were not perceived or that external objects
had a reality independent of their perceptions. Examining the
capacity of perception as a proof to establish this difference be-
tween perception and its object, he argued that, since the difference
between the awareness and its object was a quality of the awareness,
the awareness itself was not competent to grasp this quality in the
object, as it was one of the constituents of the complex quality
involving a difference of the awareness and its object; to assert
the contrary would be ·a fallacy of self-dependence (iitmiisrayatva).
If the apprehended difference is a complex, such as "difference-
between-awareness-and-its-object," and if this complex is a quality
which is apprehended as existing in the object, it has to be assumed
that, in order that the nature of awareness may be realized, vindi-
cated or established, it must depend upon itself involved as a con-
stituent in the complex "difference-between-awareness-and-its-
object" directly and immediately-which comes to the same thing
as saying that awareness becomes aware of itself by being aware
of itself; this is impossible and is called the logical fallacy of self-
A History of Indian Philosophy, vel. 1. pp. 477-478, by S. N. Dasgupta,
published by the Cambridge University Press, 1922.
Prakasananda refers to the arguments of Prakasatman's (A.D. 1200) Paiica-
piidikii-vivarm;aand Sarvajfiatma Muni's (A.D. 900) Sa'f!lk~epa-siirlraka and refers
approvingly to Sure8vara, the author of the Nai~karmya-siddhi. Appaya Dik!?ita
(A.D.162o) refers to PrakasanandainhisSiddhiinta-leia (pp. 13, 72). Nana Dik~ita,
a follower of the school ofPrakasananda and author of the Siddhiinta-mpikii, in a
commentary on the Siddhiinta-muktiivall, gives a list of Vedanta teachers. In this
list he mentions the names of Prakasanuhhavananda, Nrsirpha and Raghavendra
Yati. Venis thinks (see The Pandit, 1890, pp.487-490) that Prakasanubhavais the
same as Prakasatman and Nrsirpha the same as Nrsirphasrama Muni, who is
said to have converted Appaya Dik!?ita to Sankara Vedanta, and thinks that
Prakasananda lived in the last quarter of the sixteenth century, being wedged
in between Nrsirpha and Appaya. Though it would be difficult to settle his
time so precisely and definitely, yet it would not be wrong to suppose that he
lived sometime towards the latter half of the sixteenth centurv. Prakasananda's
doctrine of DH!i-sn# is apparently unknown to the earlier V~dantic works and
even the Vediinta-pan"bhii~ii, a work of the early sixteenth century, ~oes not
seem to be aware of him, and it appears that the earliest mention of his name can
be traced only to Appaya, who lived in the sixteenth and the seventeenth
centuries. Prakasananda mav thus be believed to have lived in the latter half of
the sixteenth century. ·
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
dependence 1 • If it is held that the complex quality ("difference-
of-awareness-from-the-object") is directly perceived in the ob-
ject through the senses, then it has to be assumed that the
said complex quality existed in the object even before the pro-
duction of the awareness, and this would involve the impossible
supposition that the complex quality of which the awareness was
a constituent was already present even before such an awareness
had already come into being. If perception or direct awareness
cannot be said to prove the difference between the awareness and
its object, there can be no inference which may be supposed to
do it. For such an inference has to take form thus-" the object is
different from its own awareness, because it is associated with
entirely different kinds of qualities or characteristics 2 . , But ho,v
could it be known that the object has qualities of an entirely
different character from its awareness, since a difference between
an awareness and its object was contested and could not be proved
by perception or any other means? Prakasananda further says that
the argument by implication (arthiipatti), that awareness involves
the acceptance of something different from the awareness of
which the awareness is affirmed, because there cannot be any know-
ledge without a corresponding object, is invalid. In proving the
invalidity of the supposition that knowledge necessarily implies an
object, Prakasananda raises the question whether such an impli-
cation of an object as conditioning knowledge refers to the pro-
duction (utpatti) of know ledge, its persistence (sthiti) or its secondary
cognition. As regards the first alternative Prakasananda says that
according to the Vedanta consciousness is ever-existent and is
never a product; and, even if it is regarded as a product, the
process of cognition can itself be regarded as a sufficient cause
for its production. It can by no means be urged that the
presence of an external object is in all cases necessary for the
production of knowledge; for, though it is arguable that in
perception an object is necessary, no one will suggest that an
external object is to be considered necessary in the production of
inferential knowledge-a fact which shows that the presence of
an external object is not indispensable for the production of know-
ledge as such. As regards the persistence of knowledge it is said
Siddhiinta-muktiivall, as printed in the Pandit, 1889, pp. 247-249.
vimato vi~ayalz sva-vi~aya-jiiiiniid bhidyate tad-viruddha-dharmiiirayatviit.
Ibid. p. 252.
xi] Thought and its Object in Buddhism and Vedanta 19
that awareness has not the object that it knows for its locus or sub-
stance (iiSraya), in such a way that the absence of the object, as apart
from the awareness, would make it impossible for the awareness to
persist; and, if knowledge is supposed to be persisting in anything,
that something would not be a cognized object, but the cognizer
itself-as in the Nyaya view, where knowledge is regarded as an
attribute of the self and the self is then regarded as the substance
or locus (iiSraya) of knowledge. Since again cognition and its
object do not exist in the same space or in the same time (this is
proved by the possibility of our knowing a past or a future object),
there cannot be any such concomitance between the two that it
would be right for any one to infer the external presence of an
object because of there being a subjective cognition or awareness.
So he argues that there is no proof that cognition and cognized
objects are different.
In the above account of Prakasananda's views it is clear that
he does not attempt to give any positive proof in support of his
thesis that the world-appearance and all objects contained in it
have no existence while they are not perceived or that the being
of all objects cognized is their percipi. He only tries to show that
it cannot be logically established that awareness of blue and blue
are two different objects; or, in other words, that it cannot be
proved that the cognized object is different from its cognition.
It could not legitimately be held that awareness (p1·atitz) was
different from its object (pratyetavya). The whole universe, as we
perceive it, is nothing but cognition without there being any object
corresponding to it. As dreams are nothing but mere awareness,
without there being any real objects behind them which manifest
themselves in different ways of awareness and their objects, so
also is the world of awaking consciousness 1 • The world has thus
no independent substratum, but is mere cognition or mere aware-
ness (vijfiiina-miitra or bhiiva-miitra).
This scheme of Vedanta philosophy is surprisingly similar
to the idealism of Vasubandhu (A.D. z8o-36o), as taught in his
Vi1Jlsatikii with a short commentary of his own and in his Tri1Jlsikii
with a commentary by Sthiramati 2 • According to this idealism
pratyetavya-pratltyoi ca bhedal;. priimiivikal;. kutab
pratzti-miitram evaitad blziiti viiva1Jl cariicaram
jiiiina-jiieya-prabhedena yathii sviipna1Jl pratfyate
vijiiiina-miitram evaitat tatlzii jiigrac cariicaram.
Siddhiinta-muktiivali, p.258.
Vijiiapti-miitratii-siddlzi, containing two treatises, Vi1Jlsatikii and Tri1Jliikii,
20 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.

(vi_j1Iiina-'Viida) ofVasubandhu all appearances are but transforma-

tions of the principle of consciousness by its inherent movement,
and none of our cognitions are produced by any external objects
which to us seem to be existing outside. of us and generating our
ideas. Just as in dreams one experiences different objects at
different places and countries without there being any objective
existence of them, or as in dreams many people may come together
and perform various actions, so what seems to be a real world of
facts and external objects may well be explained as a mere creation
of the principle of intelligence without any objective basis at all.
All that we know as subjective or objective is mere ideation
(vijnapti) and there is no substantive reality, or entity corre-
sponding to it; but that does not mean that pure non-conceptual
(anabhilapyeniitmanii) thought, which the saints realize, is also
false 1 . It is possible that the awareness of anything may become
the object of a further awareness, and that of another; but in all
such cases where the awarenesses are significant ( arthavail) there
is no entity or reality represented by them; this, however,
should not be interpreted as a denial of the principle of intelligence
or pure knowledge as such. Vasubandhu then undertakes to show
that the perceptual evidence of the existence of the objective world
cannot be trusted. He says that, taking visual perception as an
example, \ve may ask ourselves if the objects of the visual perception
are one as a whole or many as atoms. They cannot be mere wholes,
since wholes would imply parts; they cannot be of the nature of
atoms, since such atoms are not separately perceived; they cannot
be of the nature of combinations of atoms, since the existence of
atoms cannot be proved 2 • For, if six atoms combine from six sides,
that implies that the atoms have parts; if however six atoms
combine with one another at one identical point, that would mean
that the combined group would not have a size larger than that
of one atom and would therefore be invisible. Again, if the objects
of awareness and perception were only wholes, then succession
and sequence would be inexplicable, and our perception of separate
and distinct things would remain unaccountable. So they have
Paris, 1925. It seems probable that V asubandhu flourished in A.D. 280-360 rather
than in A.D. 420-500 as held by me in the first volume of the present work. See
B. Bhattacharya's foreword to the Tattva-smJlgraha.
yo biilair dhiirmii1Jii1Jl svabhiivo griihya-griihakiidil; parikalpital; lena kalpiten-
iitmanii te~ii1Jl nairiitmya7Jz na tv anabhiliipyeniitmanii yo buddhiiniiTJZ vi~aya iti.
Commentary on ViTJiiatikii, p. 6.
Napi te sa7J1hatii vi~ayz-bhavanti, yasmiit paramii1Jur eka'IJl dravya1Jl na
sidhyati. Ibid. p. 7·
xr] Thought and its Object in Buddhism and Vedanta 2!

no real objective existence, though perception leads us to believe

that they have. People are dreaming of the world of objects in the
sleep of the sub-conscious habit of false imaginative construction
(vitatha-vikalpiibhylisa-vlisanli-nidrayli), and in their dreams they
construct the objective world; it is only when they become
awake with the transcendent indeterminate knowledge (lolwttara-
nirvikalpa-jiilina-liibhiit prabuddho bhavati) that they find the
world-construction to be as false as the dream-construction
of diverse appearances. In such a view there is no objective
material world, and our cognitions are not influenced by external
objects; how then are our minds influenced by good instructions
and associations? and, since none of us have any real physical
bodies, how can one kill another? Vasubandhu explains this by
the theory that the thought-currents of one person can sometimes
determine the thought-currents of another. Thus the idea of
killing of a certain type may produce such a disturbance of the
vital powers of another as to produce a cessation of the continuity
of the thought-processes, which is called death 1 • So also the good
ideas of one may influence the ideas of another for good.
In the Tri'f!Zsikli of Vasubandhu and its commentary by Sthir-
amati this idealism is more clearly explained. It is said that both the
soul (or the knower) and all that it knows as subjective ideas ot as ex-
ternal objects existing outside of us are but transformations of pure
intelligence (vijiilina-parir.zlima). The transformation (parir.zlima)
of pure intelligence means the production of an effect different
from that of the causal moment simultaneously with the cessation
of the causal moment 2 • There is neither externality nor subjectivity
in pure intelligence, but these are imposed upon it (vijiilina-s'l.-'arflpe
parikalpita eva iitmii dharmlis ca). All erroneous impositions imply
that there must be some entity which is mistaken for something
else; there cannot be erroneous impositions on mere vacuity; so
it has to be admitted that these erroneous impositions of various
kinds of external characteristics, self, etc. have been made upon
the transformations of pure intelligence 3 • Both Vasubandhu and
Sthiramati repudiate the suggestion of those extreme idealists who
para-vijnapti-viie~iidhipatytit pare~ii'!l fi·vitendr~va-t:irodhitzl kiicit 'l'ihiyii
utpadyate yayii sablzaga-satztati-vicchedakhya1{l mara~am bhavati. Commentary
on Vi'!liatikii, p. 1 o.
kiiratza-ksatza-nirodha-sama-kalah kiirana-ksana-·vilaksana-kan:asva iitma-
liibha!z pari~a1;Ul~. Sthiramati's com~entary on. Tri'!liika: p: 16. - -
3 upacarasya ca niriidhiirasyiisambhaviid avasya'Jl vijniina-pari~ltimo ·castuto

'sty upaf?antm.yo yatra iitma-dharmopactira!z pravartate. Ibid. Compare Sai1kara's

commentary on Gau9apada's Karikii, "na hi nirii.rpadii mrgatn~lihiidayal;.."
22 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
deny also the reality of pure intelligence on grounds of inter-
dependence or relativity (sa'!lvrti)l. Vasubandhu holds that pure
consciousness (vijiiapti-miitratii) is the ultimate reality. This ulti-
mate consciousness is a permanent entity, which by its inherent
power (saktz) undergoes threefold transformations as the inherent
indeterminate inner change (vipiika), which again produces the
two other kinds of transformations as the inner psychoses of mental
operations (manana) and as the perception of the so-called external
sensibles (vi~aya-vijiiapti). The apprehension of all appearances or
characterized entities (dharma) as cognized objects and that of
selves as cognizers, the duality of perceivers and the perceived,
are due to the threefold transformations of vipiika, manana and
v#aya-vi.fiiapti. The ultimate consciousness (vijiiapti-miitra) which
suffers all these modifications is called iilaya-vijiiiina in its modified
transformations, because it is the repository of all experiences.
The ultimate principle of consciousness is regarded as absolutely
permanent in itself and is consequently also of the nature of pure
happiness (sukha); for what is not eternal is painful, and this, being
eternal, is happy 2 • When a saint's mind becomes fixed (prati~thita)
in this pure consciousness (vijiiapti-mlitra), the tendency to dual
thought of the subjective and the objective (grlihya-grlihaklinufaya)
ceases and there dawns the pure indeterminate (nir-~·ikalpa) and
transcendent (lokottara) consciousness. It is a state in which the
ultimate pure consciousness returns from its transformations and
rests in itself. It is divested of all afflictions (klesa) or touch of vicious
tendencies and is therefore called aniisrava. It is unthinkable and
undemonstrable,because it is, on the one hand, pure self-conscious-
ness (pratylitma-vedya) and omniscience (sarvajiiatii), as it is divested
of all limitations (ii~·aratza), and, on the other hand, it is unique
in itself 3 • This pure consciousness is called the container of the
seed of all (sarva-blja), and, when its first indeterminate and inde-
finable transformations rouse the psychosis-transformations and
Thus Laizkiivatiira, one of the most important works on Buddhistic
idealism, denies the real transformation of the pure intelligence or iilaya-vijfiiina.
See Laizkiivatiira, p. 46, published by the Otani University Press, Kyoto, 1923.
dhruvo nityatviid ak~ayatayii; sukho nityatviid eva yad anitya1{l tad dubkham
ayartz ca nitya iti asmiit sukhab. Sthiramati's commentary on Trirtdikii, p. 44·
Jllaya-vijiiiina in this ultimate state of pure consciousness ( vijfiapti-miitratii)
is called the cause (dhiitu) of all virtues, and, being the ultimate state in which
the dharmas or characterized appearances have lost alJ their limitations it is
called the dharma-kiiya of the Buddha (mahii-munib bhumi-piiramitiidi-bhiiva-
nayii klefa-jfieyiivarm;a-prahii1}iit . .. sarva-dharma-vibhutva-liibhatas ca dlzarma-
kiiya ity ucyate). Ibid.
xi] Thought and its Object in Buddhism and Vedanta 23
also the transformations as sense-perceptions, these mutually act
and react against one another, and thus the different series rise
again and again and mutually determine one another. These trans-
formations are like waves and ripples on the ocean, where each is
as much the product of others as well as the generator of others 1 •
In this view thought (vijfiiina) is regarded as a real substance,
and its transformations are also regarded as real; and it is these
transformations that are manifested as the selves and the charac-
terized appearances 2 • The first type of transformations, called
vipiika, is in a way the ground of the other two transformations,
which contain the indeterminate materials out of which the mani-
festations of the other two transformations appear. But, as has
already been pointed out, these three different types of trans-
formations again mutually determine one another. The vipiika
transformations contain within them the seeds of the constructive
instincts ( vikalpa-viisanii) of the selves as cognizers, the constructive
instincts of colours, sounds, etc., the substantive basis (iisraya) of
the attribution of these twofold constructive instincts, as well as
the sense-faculties and the localization of space-determinations
(sthiina-vijiiapti or bhajana-loka-sannivesa-vijiiaptz). They are also
associated in another mode with sense-modifications involving the
triune of the sense (indriya), sense-object (vi~aya) and cognition
(and each of these triunes is again associated with a characteristic
affective tone corresponding to the effective tones of the other
two members of the triune in a one-to-one relation), attention
(manaskiira), discrimination (sa'!ljiiii), volition (cetanii) and feeling
( vedanii) 3 • The vipiika transformations have no determinate or
limited forms (aparicchinniilambaniikiira), and there are here no
tac ca varttate srotasaughavat. Ibid. p. 21.
avasya'f!l vijiiiina-pari~ziirno vastuto 'sty upagantavy oyatratmadharmopaciirab

pravarttate. Ibid. p. 16.

3 Feeling(vedana) is distinguished here as painful,pleasurable and as the basic

entity which is neither painful nor pleasurable, which is feeling per se (vedana
anubhava-svablzavii sa punar vi$ayasya ahladaka-paritiipaka-tadubhaya-kara-
vivil~ta-s·variipa-siik$iitkarm:za-bhedtit). This feeling per se must be distinguished
again from the non-pleasurable-painful feeling existing along with the two other
varieties, the painful and the pleasurable. Here the vipiika transformations are
regarded as evolving the basic entity of feeling, and it is therefore undifferentiated
in it as pleasure or pain and is hence called "feeling as indifference (upek$ii)"
and undifferentiated (avyiikrta). The differentiation of feeling as pleasurable or
as painful takes place only as a further determination of the basic entity of feeling
evolved in the v:ipiika transformations of good and bad deeds (Subhiisubha-
karma-vipaka). Good and bad (Subhasubha) are to be distinguished from moral
and immoral as potential and actual determinations of virtuous and vicious
The Sankara School of Vedanta [en.
actualized emotional states of attachment, antipathy or the like,
which are associated with the actual pleasurable or painful feelings.
The vi'piika transformations thus give us the basic concept of mind
and its principal functions with all the potentialities of determinate
subject-object consciousness and its processes. There are here the
constructive tendencies of selves as perceivers, the objective con-
structive tendencies of colours, sounds, etc., the sense-faculties,
etc., attention, feeling, discrimination, volition and sense-func-
tioning. But none of these have any determinate and actualized
forms. The second grade of transformations, called manana,
represents the actual evolution of mora1 and immoral emotions;
it is here that the mind is set in motion by the ignorant references
to the mental elements as the self, and from this ignorance about
the self is engendered self-love (iitma-sneha) and egoism (iitma-
miina). These references are again associated with the fivefold
universal categories of sense-functioning, feeling, attention, voli-
tion and discrimination. Then comes the third grade of trans-
formations, which is associated with the fiv~fold universal cate-
gories together with the special manifestations of concrete sense-
perceptions and the various kinds of intellectual states and moral
and immoral mental states, such as desire (chandal.z) for different
kinds of sense-experiences, decisions (adhimok~a) in conclusions
firmly established by perceptions, reasoning, etc., memory, attentive
reflection (samiidhz), wisdom (prajiiii), faith and firm will for the
good (sraddhii}, shamefulness (hri) for the bad, etc. The term
iilaya-vi.fiiiina is given to all these three types of transformations,
hut there is underneath it, as the permanent passive ground, the
eternal and unchangeable pure thought ('1.-'ijiiapti-miitratii).
It may be pointed out here that in this system of philosophy
the eternal and unchangeable thought-substance undergoes by
virtue of its inner dynamic three different orders of superficial
changes, which are compared to constantly changing streams and
waves. The first of these represents the basic change which later
determines all subjective and objective possibilities; the second
starts the process of the psychosis by the original ignorance and
false attribution of self-hood to non-self elements, self-love and
egoism; and in the third grade we have all the concrete mental
and extra-mental facts. The fundamental categories which make
the possibility of mind, mental processes and the extra-mental
relations, are evolved in the first stage of transformations; and these
x1] Thought and its Object in Buddhism and Vedanta 25
abide through the other two stages of transformations and become
more and more complex and concrete in course of their association
with the categories of the other transformations. In analysing the
knowledge situation Vasubandhu does not hold that our awareness
of blue is only a modification of the "awareness," but he thinks
that an awareness has always two relations, a relation with the
subject or the knower (griihaka-graha) and a relation with the object
which is known (griihya-graha). Blue as an object is essential for
making an awareness of blue possible; for the awareness is not
blue, but we have an awareness of the blue. But Vasubandhu
argues that this psychological necessity is due to a projection of
objectivity as a necessary function of determinate thought, and it
does not at all follow that this implies that there are real external
objects existing outside of it and generating the aw;1reness as
external agent. Psychological objectivity does not imply onto-
logical objectivity. It is argued that, if the agency of objective
entities in the production of sense-knowledge be admitted, there
could not be any case where sense-knowledge could be admitted to
be produced without the operation of the objective entities; but,
since in dreams and illusions such sense-knowledge is universally
regarded as being produced without the causal operation of such
objective entities, no causal operation can be conceded to the
objective entities for the production of sense-knowledge.
Sankara, in attempting to refute the Buddhist idealism in his
commentary on the Brahma-siltra, 11. ii. 28, seems to refer to a
school of idealism which is the same as that described by
Santarak~ita in his Tattva-sa1{lgraha (commented upon by Kama-
la8ila), but largely different from that described in Vasubandhu's
Tri1{lsikii. The positive arguments against the impossibility of an
external world constituted by partless atoms are the same 1 • But
1 Vacaspati, however, in his Bhamati commentary, 11. ii. 28, introduces some

new points. He says that spatial extension, as perceived in visual perception,

cannot be due to the perception of partless atoms. Nor can it be said that the
colour particles produced in uninterrupted succession generate the notion of
spatial extension, though there is no spatial extension in the individual atom;
for it is not possible that the groups of colour particles are not interrupted by
taste, smell and the tactual particles. So it has to be admitted that the colour
particles are at some distance from one another and are interrupted by other
particles, and that the continuous appearance of colour in spatial distribution
is a false appearance, like the appearance of continuous trees from a distance con-
stituting a forest (gandha-rasa-sparsa-paramti7JV-antarita hi te rupa-paramii~ravo
na nirantarii/.z; tasmiid iiriit siintare~u vrk~e~u eka-ghana-pratyayavad e~a sthala-
pratyayal.z paramii7Ju~u siintare~u bhriinta eva).
z6 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
it is further argued on behalf of the Buddhist idealists that the
awareness of a pillar, the awareness of a wall or of a jug or of a
piece of cloth, implies that these individual awarenesses are mutually
different in nature among themselves; and that consequently
the apparent differences among objects are but differences among
the ideas; and that therefore the objects are of the same nature
as the particular ideas by which we are supposed to know them;
and, if that be so, the hypothesis of an external world of objects
becomes unnecessary. Moreover the fact that both the idea of the
object and the object are taken at one and the same moment proves
that both the object and the idea are identical, just as the illusory
second moon perceived simultaneously with the moon is identical
with it 1 . When one of them is not perceived the other also is not
perceived. If they were by nature separate and different, there
would be no reason why there should be such a uniform and
invariable relation between them. The reason for the diversity of
our ideas is to be sought not in the diversity of external objects
which are ordinarily supposed to produce them, but in the be-
ginningless diversity of the instinctive sub-conscious roots (viis ana)
which produce all our ideas in the waking state, just as they produce
dreams during sleep ; as dreams are admitted by all to be produced
without any external objects, so are all ideas produced without
any external real objects; for as ideas the dream ideas are just the
same as the waking ideas. But in both cases there are the in-
stinctive sub-conscious roots (·viisanii), without which no ideas,
·whether in the dream state or in the waking state, can be produced;
so these, being invariably present in all cases of production of ideas,
are the cause of all ideas 2 •
1 This simile is adduced by Vacaspati probably from a quotation from

Diimaga-sahopalambha-niyamiid abhedo nlla-tad-dhiyo(l bhedai ca bhrtinti-

'l-'ijiiiiuair drsyetendiiv iviidvaye.
Since both the blue and the idea of the blue are taken at the same moment,
they are one and the same; for any two things which are taken simultaneously
are identical. As one moon appears as two in an illusory manner, so the dif-
ference benvecn the idea and the object is also perceived only illusorily. This
argument of sahopalambha-niyama is absent in Vasubandhu's Vitrtiatikii and
Vacaspati summarizes in this connection the inference of the Sautrantikas
for the existence of an external world of objects as the causes of the corre-
sponding ideas. The argument of the Sautrantikas runs thus: When, the old
causes remaining the same, there is a new effect, that new effect must be due
to a new cause. Now, though it should be admitted that in the passing series of
inner consciousness each particular moment generates the succeeding one, and
that this power of productivity is called vasana (tat-pravrtti-vijiiana-janana-iak-
x1] Thought and its Object in Buddhism and Vedanta 27
Sankara in refuting the above position says that such a view
is untenable because it contradicts our experienc~, which always
distinguishes the subject and the object from the awareness.
vVe are directly aware of our sense-contact with external objects
which we perceive, and the object of awareness and the awareness
are not one and the same. Our awareness itself shows that it is
different from its object. The awareness of a pillar is not the same
as a pillar, but a pillar is only an object of the awareness of a
pillar. Even in denying external objects, the Buddhist idealists
have to say that what is knowable only within appears as if it was
existing outside 1 • Sankara argues thus: if externality is absolutely
non-existent, how can any sense-cognition appear as external?
Vi~Q.umitra cannot appear as the son of a barren woman. Again,
the fact that an idea has the same form as its object does not imply
that there are no objects; on the other hand, if there were no
objects, how could any idea have the same form as its corresponding
object? Again, the maxim that any two things which are taken
simultaneously are identical is false; for, if the object and its
awareness are comprehended at the same moment, the very fact
that one is taken along with the other shows that they cannot be
identical. Moreover, we find that in all our awarenesses of blue
or yellow, a jug or a wall, it is the qualifying or predicative factors
of objects of knowledge that differ; awareness as such remains
just the same. The objects of knowledge are like so many ex-
traneous qualities attributed to knowledge, just as whiteness or
blackness may be attributed to a cow; so whether one perceives
blue or red or yellow, that signifies that the difference of
perception involves a difference in objects and not in the
awareness itself. So the awareness, being one, is naturally different
from the objects, which are many; and, since the objects are many,
tir viisanii), and that its tendency to effectuate itself is called its power of fruition
(paripiika), even then it would be difficult to understand how each particular
moment should have a power altogether different from other moments; for, since
there is nothing else to change the character of the moments, each moment is
just as much a moment as any other. So it has to be admitted that there are
other things which make one moment different in its power of effectuation from
any other; and these are the external objects.
Sankara says yad antar-jiieya-rupa1Jz tad bahirvad avabhiisate. This seems
to be a quotation from Diimaga. Dinnaga's verse, as quoted by Kamalasila in
his commentary on the Tattva-sa1Jlgraha, verses 2082-2084, runs as follows:
yad antar-jiieya-rr1pa1Jl tu bahirvad avabhiisate
so 'rtho vijiiiina-rilpatviit tat-praiyayatayiipi ca.
This shows that Sankara had Dinnaga in his mind when he attempted to
refute the Buddhist idealists.
28 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
they are different from the one, the awareness. The awareness is
one and it is different from the objects, which are many 1 • l\1oreover,
the argument that the appearance of world objects may be ex-
plained on the analogy of dreams is also invalid; for there is a
great difference between our knowledge of dreams and of worldly
objects-dreams are contradicted by the waking experience, but
the waking experiences are never found contradicted.
It is curious to note here the contradictions in Sankara 's own
statements. It has been already pointed out that he himself in his
commentary on Gau4apada's Kiirikii built a powerful argument for
the non-existence of all objects of waking experience on the analogy
of the non-existence of the objects of dream experience. Santarak-
~ita (A.D. 705) and Kamalasila (A.D. 728) in refuting a position
similar to that of the view of Sankara-that consciousness is one
and unchangeable and that all objects are changing, but that the
change of objects does not imply any change of the consciousness
itself-argue that, had this been so, then that would imply that all
sensibles of different kinds of colours, sounds, etc. were known at
one and the same time, since the consciousness that would reveal
those objects is constant and unchangeable 2 • Kamalasila there-
fore holds that consciousness is not unchangeable and one, but
that there are only the changeable ideas of the sensibles and each
idea is different from the other which follows it in time. Sankara's
view that consciousness is only one and that it is only the objects
that are many seems to be based on a separation due to an
arbitrary abstraction. If the commentary on Gau4apada's Kiirikii
be admitted to be a work of Sankara, then it 'may be urged that
Sankara's views had undergone a change when he was writing the
commentary on the Brahma-siltra; for in the commentary on
Gau4apada 's Kiirikii he seems again and again to emphasize the
view that the objects perceived in waking experience are as false
and as non-existent as objects of dream experience. His only
realism there consisted in the assertion that the world was but the
result of a false illusory imposition on the real Brahman, since
d?.•tibhyti'!l ca bheda ekasya siddho bhavati ekasmac ca dvayo!z; tasmtid
artha-jiianayor bhedafz. Sankara's Bha~ya, n. ii. 28, NirQaya-Sagara Press.
Bombay, 1904.
tad yadi nityaika-jiiana-pratibhasatmaka ami iabdadaya!z syus tada "licitras-
taratJa-pratibhasavat sakrd eva pratibhaseran; tat-pratibhastitmakasya jiianasya
sarvada vasthitatvat. Kamalasila's commentary on the Tatt'va-sa1Jlgraha,
sl. 331. Gaekwad's Oriental Series, 1926.
Neither Santarak~ita nor Kamalasila seems to be familiar with Sankara.
xi] Thought and its Object in Buddhism and Vedanta 29
illusions such as mirage, etc. must have some underlying basis
upon ,vhich they are imposed. But in the commentary on the
Bralzma-siltra the world of objects and sensibles is seen to have
an existence of some sort outside individual thought. Vacaspati in
his Bhiimatl commentary distinguishes the position of Sankara
from that of Buddhist idealism by saying that the Vedanta holds
that the" blue" is not an idea of the form of blue, but" the blue" is
merely the inexplicable and indefinable object 1 .
In discussing the views of Vasubandhu in the Vi1J1satikii and
Tri1J1Sikii it has been pointed out that Vasubandhu did not try to
repudiate the objectivity of the objects of awareness, but he re-
pudiated the idea that objects of awareness existed outside of
thought and produced the different kinds of awareness. His idea
seems to have been that the sensibles are made up of thought-
stuff and, though they are the psychological objects of awareness,
they do not exist outside of thought and determine the different
ideas that we have of them. But both the sensibles and their ideas
are determined by some inner lav; of thought, which determines
the nature and methods of the whole process of the growth and
development of the psychosis, and which determines not only its
cognitional character, but also its moral and emotional character. All
the arguments of Sankara in which he emphasizes the psychological
duality of awareness and its object would have no force against
Vasubandhu, as Vasubandhu admits it himself and holds that
"blue" (nzla) is different from the idea of blue; the blue is an
object (iilambana) and the idea of the blue is an awareness. Ac-
cording to him thought splits itself into subject and object; the
idea therefore expresses itself as a subject-object awareness. The
subject and the object are as much products of thought as the idea
itself; the fact that he considers the blue to be thought does not
mean that he denies the objectivity of the blue or that the only
existence of the blue is the blue-idea. The blue is objectively
present before the idea of blue as a presentation, just as there is the
subject to perceive it, but this objectivity does not imply that the
blue is somewhere outside thought in the space outside; for even
space-locations are thought-products, and so there is no sense in
attributing the sensibles of presentation to the outside world. The
sensibles are objects of awareness, but they are not the excitants
1 na hi brahma-viidino nlliidyiikiirii1Jl vittim abhyupagacchmzti, kintu anir-

vacanlya1Jl nlliiditi. Bhiimati, 11. ii. 28.

30 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
of the corresponding awareness. It does not seem that Sankara
says anything to refute such a view. Sankara's position in the
commentary on Gauc;iapada's Kiirikii seems to have been the same
sort of view as that of Dinnaga, which he takes so much pains to
refute in the Brahma-siitra-bhii~ya, and as such it was opp<lsed
to the view of Nagarjuna that there must be some essence or reality
on which the illusory impositions are made. But in the Brahma-
sutra-bhii~ya he maintains the view that the objective world, as it
appears to our consciousness, is present before it objectively and
independently-only its ultimate nature is inexplicable. The
difference of the objects from the awareness and their inde-
pendent existence and activity have been accepted by most of
the later Vedanta teachers of the Sankara school; and it is well
known that in sense-perception the need of the mind-contact with
the object of perception through the specific sense is considered
indispensable 1 .
Prakasatman (A.D. 1200) in his Paiica-piidikii-vivarm:za raises this
point and says that the great difference between the Mahayanists
and the Vedantins consists in the fact that the former hold that
the objects (vi~aya) have neither any separat~ existence nor any
independent purpose or action to fulfil as distinguished from the
momentary ideas, while the latter hold that, though the objects are
in essence identical with the one pure consciousness, yet they can
fulfil independent purposes or functions and have separate, abiding
and uncontradicted existences 2 • Both Padmapada and Prakasatman
argue that, since the awareness remains the same while there is
a constant variation of its objects, and therefore that which
remains constant (anuvrtta) and that which changes (vyiivrtta)
cannot be considered identical, the object cannot be regarded
as being only a modification of the idea 3 • It is suggested that the
Buddhist idealist urges that, if the object (e.g. blue) is different
from the awareness, it cannot be revealed in it, and, if the blue
can be revealed in the awareness, at that moment all the other
things of the world might as well be revealed; for there is no such
See Vediinta-paribhii~ii, ch. 1, Srivenkatesvar Press, Bombay, 191 I.
2 tattva-darsinas tu advitzyiit Sa'f!lvedaniit abhede 'pi vi~ayasya bhedeniipi artha-
kriyii-siimarthya-sattva'f!l sthiiyitva'f!l ciibiidhitam astiti vadanti. Paiica-piidikii-vi-
vara~a. p. 73. In addition to this work Prakasatman also wrote two inde-
pendent commentaries on Brahma-sutra called Siirzraka-mzmli'f!lSii-nyiiya-sa'f!l-
graha and Laukika-nyiiya-muktiivalz.
anuvrttasya vyiivrttiin na bhedo 'nuvrttatviid iikiisa-ghatiidivat. Paiica-
piidikii-vivara~a. p. 73·
xi] Thought and its Object in Buddhism and Vedanta 31
specific relation with the blue that the blue alone should appear
in consciousness at that moment. If it is urged that the blue
produces the awareness of the blue, then what would be the
function of the visual organ? It is better, therefore, the Buddhist
suggests, to admit a natural and unique relation of identity of the
idea and the object 1 • The Vedantist objects to this and says that
such a supposition cannot be true, since we perceive that the subject,
object and the idea are not one and the same. To such an objection
the Buddhist is supposed to reply that these three do not form a
complex unity, but arise at three successive moments of time, and
then by virtue of their potency or root-impression a complex of
the three appears; and this complex should not therefore be inter-
preted as being due to a relationing of three distinct entities 2 •
Thus the fact that " I perceive blue" is not to be interpreted as a
conscious relationing of" I," "the blue" and the awareness, but
as an ideation arising at one particular point of time, involving all
the three constituents in it. Such a supposition is necessary, be-
cause all appearances are momentary, and because the relationing
of the three as three independent entities would necessarily be
impossible without the lapse of some time for their operation of
relationing. The theory of momentariness naturally leads us to the
above supposition, that what appears as relationing is nothing but
one momentary flash, which has the above three as its constituent
elements; so the Buddhist is supposed to admit that, psychologic-
tasmiit sviibhiivikiisiidhara1Jiibhedasambandhiid eva vijfiiine nilam avabhiisate.
Pa1}ca-piidil~ii-vivara1Ja, p. 74·
Arguing from a similar point of view, Santarak!?ita and Kamalasila urge that,
if the object was not identical with the awareness, there must be some im-
mutable law why they should appear simultaneously. This law according to the
Buddhists could only be either of identity (tiidiitmya) or of causality as invariability
of production (tad-utpatti). The first alternative is what the Buddhists here are
contending for as against the Vedantists. There cannot be the law of causality
here; for there cannot be any operation of the law of causality as production
between two entities which are simultaneous. Tatt'm-sal!lgraha and Pafijikii,
20JO, 20JI.
tad viisanii-sameta-samanantl'ra-pratyaya-samutthal!l sankalaniitmakal!l pra-
tyayiintaram etan neha sambandhiigamafz. Padmapada's (A.D. 820) Pafica-piidikii,
p. 25. This work exerted the greatest influence on the development of Vedantic
thought for about six or seven centuries, and several commentaries were written
on it. Most important of these are Prakasatman's Pa1icapiidikii-vivara1Ja, Pafi-
ca-piidikiidhyiisa-bhii~ya-vyiikhyii, Pafica-piidikii-siistra-darpa1J.a by Amrt:ananda,
Tattva-dipana by Amrtanandanatha, and also a commentary by Anandaptin;ta
Yati. Prakasatman's commentary on it, called Paiicapiidikii-vivara1Ja, was com-
mented upon by Akhaf)gananda Muni in his Tattva-dipana, by Ramananda
Sarasvati in his Vivara1Jopanyiisa, and by N rsirp.hasrama in his Pafica-piidikii-
32 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
ally, the awareness and its object seem to be different, but such
a psychological appearance can at best be considered as a mental
illusion or fiction; for logically the Buddhist cannot admit that a
momentary appearance could subsist long enough to have the
possibility of being relationed to the self and the awareness, as
in " I know the blue " ; and, if the blue was not considered to be
identical with awareness, there would remain no way to explain
the possibility of the appearance of the blue in the awareness 1 •
Padmapada points out that the main point with the Buddhists is
the doctrine of causal efficiency (artha-kriyii-kiiritva), or the maxim
that that alone exists which can prove its existence by effecting
some purpose or action. They hold further that this criterion of
existence can be satisfied only if all existents are momentary and
if all things are momentary; the only epistemological view that
can consistently be accepted is the identity of the awareness and
the object. The main reason why only momentary existents can
satisfy the criterion of causal efficiency is that, if the existents were
not assumed to be momentary, they could not effect any purpose
or action 2 • Padmapada urges in refutation of this that, if causal
efficiency means the productivity of its own awareness (sva-vifaya-
jiiiina-jananam), then an awareness or idea has no existence; for it
jiiiinii-jananiid asallak~m.zatvam}, and the awareness of one cannot be
known by others except by inference, which again would not be
direct cognition 3 • If causal efficiency means the production of
another moment, then the last moment, having no other moment
to produce, would itself be non-existent; and, if the last moment
is proved to be non-existent, then by turns all the other moments
would be non-existent. Existence is a nature of things; and even
when a thing remains silent after an operation it does not on that
account cease to exist4 • On such a basis Prakasatman points out
1 niinubhavam iisritya smrzvedaniid abhinna1,.n nllarrz bruma/:z kintu vi}niinena

nllasya pratibhiisiinyathiinupapattyii; k~m;ikasya tv iigantuka-sambandhiibhiive . ..

pratibhiisa eva na syiit. Paiica-piidikii-vivarm;a, p. 74·
2 See the first volume of this work, pp. I63-164, where the reasons in

justification of the doctrine are briefly stated.

3 Padmapada derives the possibility of one's being aware of an awareness,

which however hardly appears to be convincing. He thinks that an awareness,

being of the nature of light, does not stand in need of any other light to illuminate
it. na ca sat.nvit sarrzvido vifaya/:z samvid-iitmanii bhediibhiiviit pradipasyeva
pradipiintaram. Paiica-piidikii, p. 27.
' niirtha-kriyii-kiiritva-lak~a7Ja1.n sattvarrz kintu sviibhiivikam iti sakrt kiiryya1{l
krtvii tu~7Jlmbhutasycipi sthiiyina/:z sattvarrz na vimdhyate. Paiica-piidikii-•civara7Ja,
p. 8o.
x1] Thought and its Object in Buddhism and Vedanta 33
that the supposed three notions of "I," "awareness" and the
object are really not three distinct notions appearing as one on
account of their similarity, but all the three are joined together in
one identical subject-object-awareness which does not involve the
three successive stages which the Buddhists suppose. This identity
is proved by the fact that they are recognized (pratyabhijiiii) to be
so. We are, again, all conscious of our own identity, that we persist
in all our changing states of consciousness, and that, though our
ideas are continually changing with the changing objects, we remain
unchanged all the same; and this shows that in knowing ourselves
as pure awareness we are successively connected with the changing
objects. But the question arises who is to be convinced of this
identity, a notion of which can be produced only by a relationing
of the previous existence (through sub-conscious impressions of
memory) to the existence of the present moment; and this
cannot be done by the Vedantic self, which is pure self-revealing
consciousness that cannot further be made an object of any
other conscious state; for it is unchangeable, indestructible, and
there cannot be in it a consciousness of relationing between a past
state and a present state through the sub-conscious impressions of
memory 1 • The mere persistence of the same consciousness is not
the recognition of identity; for the recognition of identity would
be a relation uniting the past as past with the present as present;
and, since there is no one to perceive the relation of identity, the
appearance of identity is false. The Vedantic answer to such an
objection is that, though the pure consciousness cannot behave as
an individual, yet the same consciousness associated with mind
(antal;karm.za-viS~ta) may behave as an individual who can
recognize his own identity as well as that of others. The mind
is associated with the sub-conscious impressions of a felt ego
(aharrzvrtti-sa1J1skiira-sahitam), due to the experience of the self as
associated with a past time; being responsible for the experience of
the self as associated with the present time, it produces the notion
of the identity of the self as persisting both in the past and in the
present. A natural objection against such an explanation is that,
since the Vedanta does not admit that one awareness can be the
object of another awareness, the revival of a past awareness is
purviinubhava-sm.nskiira-sahitiid idiini1Jltana-vastu-pramiti-kiira~ziij jiitam
ekasya kiila-dvaya-sa1Jlbandha-vi~ayaka1Jl pratyak$a-jiiiina1Jl pratyabhijiiii iti cet,
na tarhi iitmani sii sambhavati . .. vijiiiina-svabhii'vasya hy iitmanalz . . .jiiiiniinta-
riigamyatviit. . • Paiica-piidika-vivara1Ja, p. 7 5.
34 The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
impossible, without which recognition of identity would be im-
possible. The answer of the Vedantist is that, just as an idea is
remembered through its sub-conscious impressions, so, though
recognition of identity was absent in the preceding moment, yet
it could arise through the operation of the sub-conscious im-
pressions at a later moment 1 . According to the Vedanta the pure
consciousness is the only unchanging substance underlying; it is
this consciousness associated with mind (antal;zkara7Ja) that behaves
as the knower or the subject, and it is the same consciousness
associated with the previous and later time that appears as the
objective self with which the identity is felt and which is known
to be identical with the knower-the mind-associated conscious-
ness. Vv' e all have notions of self-identity and we feel it as "I am
the sarne"; and the only way in which this can be explained is on
the basis of the fact that consciousness, though one and universal,
can yet be supposed to perform diverse functions by virtue of the
diverse nature of its associations, by which it seems to transform
itself as the knower and the thousand varieties of relations and
objects which it knows. The main point which is to be noted in
connection with this realization of the identity of the self is that
the previous experience and its memory prove that the self existed
in the past; but how are we to prove that what existed is also existing
at the present moment? Knowledge of identity of the self is some-
thing different from the experience of self in the past and in the
present. But the process consists in this, that the two experiences
manifest the self as one identical entity which persisted through
both the experiences, and this new experience makes the self known
in the aforesaid relation of identity. Again, when I remember a
past experience, it is the self as associated with that experience that
is remembered; so it is the self as associated with the different
time relations that is apprehended in an experience of the identity
of self.
From all these discussions one thing that comes out clearly is
that according to the Sankara Vedanta, as explained by the Vivara7Ja
school of Padmapada and his followers, the sense-data and the
objects have an existence independent of their being perceived;
and there is also the mind called antal;zkara7Ja, which operates in
its own way for the apprehension of this or that object. Are objects
already there and presented to the pure consciousness through the
Paiica-piidika-vivara~za, p. 76.
xr] Thought and its Object in Buddhism and Vedanta 35
mind? But what then are the objects? and the Sankarite's answer
is that they in themselves are unspeakable and indescribable. It
is easy to notice the difference of such a view from that of the
Buddhistic idealism of Dinnaga or the Laizkavatiira on the one hand
and that of Vasubandhu in his Tri7Jlsika on the other. For in the
case of the former there were no objects independent of their being
perceived, and in the case of the latter the objects are trans-
formations of a thought-principle and are as such objective to
the subject which apprehends them. Both the subject and the
object are grounded in the higher and superior principle, the
principle of thought. This grounding implies that this principle
of thought and its transformations are responsible for both the
subject and the object, as regards material and also as regards form.
According to the Sankara Vedanta, however, the stuff of world-
objects, mind, the senses and all their activities, functionings and
the like are but modifications of miiyii, which is indescribable
(anirviicya) in itself, but which is always related to pure con-
sciousness as its underlying principle, and which in its forms as
material objects hides from the view and is made self-conscious
by the illuminating flash of the underlying principle of pure con-
sciousness in its forms as intellectual states or ideas. As already
described, the Siinyavadins also admitted the objective existence
of all things and appearances; but, as these did not stand the test
of criticism, considered them as being essenceless (ni/:zsvabhiiva).
The only difference that one can make out between this doctrine
of essencelessness and the doctrine of indescribableness of the
Sankara school is that this "indescribable" is yet regarded as an
indescribable something, as some stuff which undergoes changes and
which has transformed itself into all the objects of the world. The
idealism of the Sankara Vedanta does not believe in the sahopalam-
bha-niyama of the Buddhist idealists, that to exist is to be perceived.
The world is there even if it be not perceived by the individual;
it has an objective existence quite independent of my ideas and
sensations; but, though independent of my sensations or ideas, it
is not independent of consciousness, with which it is associated
and on which it is dependent. This consciousness is not ordinary
psy.:;hological thought, but it is the principle that underlies all
conscious thought. This pure thought is independent and self-
revealing, because in all conscious thought the consciousness
shines by itself; all else is manifested by this consciousness and
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
when considered apart from it, is inconceivable and unmeaning.
This independent and uncontradicted self-shiningness constitutes
being (abiidhita-svaya1{l-prakiisataiva asya sattii) 1 • All being is
pure consciousness, and all appearance hangs on it as something
which is expressed by a reference to it and apart from which
it has no conceivable status or meaning. This is so not only
epistemologically or logically, but also ontologically. The object-
forms of the world are there as transformations of the indescribable
stuff of miiyii, which is not" being," but dependent on" being";
but they can only be expressed when they are reflected in mental
states and presented as ideas. Analogies of wor1d objects with
dream objects or illusions can therefore be taken only as popular
examples to n1ake the conception of miiyii popularly intelligible;
and this gives the Vedantic idealism its unique position.

Sailkara's Defence of Vedanta; Philosophy of BadarayaQa

and Bhartrprapafica.
Sankara 's defensive arguments consisted in the refutation of
the objections that may be made against the Vedantic conception
of the world. The first objection anticipated is that from the
followers of Sarpkhya philosophy. Thus it is urged that the effect
must be largely of the same nature as the cause. Brahman, which
is believed to be intelligent (cetana) and pure (suddha), could not
be the cause of a world which is unintelligent (jatja and acetana)
and impure (asuddha). And it is only because the world is so
different in nature from the intelligent spirits that it can be useful
to them. Two things which are identical in their nature can hardly
be of any use to each other-two lamps cannot be illuminating to
each other. So it is only by being different from the intelligent
spirits that the world can best serve them and exist for them.
Sankara's answer to this objection is that it is not true that the
effect should in every way be similar to the cause-there are
instances of inanimate hair and nails growing from living beings,
and of living insects growing out of inanimate objects like cow-
dung. Nor can it be denied that there is at least some similarity
between Brahman and the world in this, that both have being.
It cannot be urged that, because Brahman is intelligent, the
world also should be intelligent; for there is no reason for such
Vacaspati Misra's Bhiimau, p. 13, Nin,1aya-Sagara edition, 1904.
XI] Sankara's Defence of Vedanta 37
an expectation. The converse of it also has not been found to be
true-it has not been found that what is unintelligent has been
known to have been derived from a source other than Brahman 1 •
The whole point of this argument seems to lie in the fact that,
since the Upani!?ads assert that Brahman is the cause of the world,
the apparent incompatibility of the production of an impure and
unintelligent world from the intelligent and pure Brahman has to
be explained away; for such ultimate truths can be discovered not
by reason, but by the testimony of the U pani!?ads. Another objec-
tion supposed to be raised by Sarp.khya against Vedanta is that at
the time of dissolution (pralaya), when the world of effects will
dissolve back into Brahman the cause, the impurities of the worldly
state might also make the causal state of Brahmahood impure.
Sankara refutes it by pointing out two sets of instances in which
the effects do not affect the causal state when they return to it.
Of these, one set of instances is to be found in those cases where
articles of gold, silver, etc. are melted back into their original
material states as unformed gold and silver, and are not seen to
affect them with their specific peculiarities as formed articles. The
other instance is to be found in the manifestation of magic by a
magician. The magical creations of a magician are controlled by
him and, when they vanish in this way, they cannot in any way
affect the magician himself; for the magical creations have no
reality. So also a dreamer is not affected by his dreams when he
is awake. So the reality is one which remains altogether un-
touched by the changing states. The appearance of this reality
as all the changing states is mere false show (miiyii-miitram), like
the appearance of a rope as a snake. Again, as a man may in
deep sleep pass into a state where there is no trace of his mundane
experiences and may yet, when he becomes awake, resume his
normal vocation in life, so after the dissolution of the world into
its causal state there may again be the same kind of creation as
there was before the dissolution. So there can be no objection
that the world of impure effects will affect the pure state of
Brahman at the time of dissolution or that there could be no
creation after dissolution.
These arguments of Sankara in answer to a supposed objection
kirrz hi yac caitanyeniinan'Litatp tad abrahma-prakrtika7fz dr~tmn iti brahma-
viidinarrz praty udiihriyeta samastasya vastujiitasya bralzma-prakrtikatviibhyu-
pagamiit. Sankara's Bhiirya, n. i. 6.
The Saizkara School of Vedanta (cH.
that the world of effects, impure and unintelligent as it is, could
not have been the product of pure and intelligent Brahman are
not only weak but rather uncalled for. If the world of effects
is mere miiyii and magic and has no essence (vastutva), the best
course for him was to rush straight to his own view of effects as
having no substantiality or essence and not to adopt the pari1Jiima
view of real transformations of causes into effects to show that
the effects could be largely dissimilar from their causes. Had
he started with the reply that the effects had no real existence
and that they were merely magical creations and a false show,
the objection that the impure world could not come out of pure
Brahman would have at once fallen to the ground; for such an
objection would have validity only with those who believed in the
real transformations of effects from causes, and not with a philo-
sopher like Sankara, who did not believe in the reality of effects
at all. Instead of doing that he proceeded to give examples of the
realistic return of golden articles into gold in order to show that
the peculiar defects or other characteristics of the effect cannot
affect the purity of the cause. Side by side with this he gives another
instance, how magical creations may vanish without affecting the
nature of the magician. This example, however, does not at all
fit in with the context, and it is surprising how Sankara failed
to see that, if his examples of realistic transformations were to hold
good, his example of the magic and the magician would be quite
out of place. If the pari1Jiima view of causation is to be adopted,
the vivaria view is to be given up. It seems however that Sankara
here was obliged to take refuge in such a confusion of issues by
introducing stealthily an example of the vivarta view of unreality
of effects in the commentary on sutras which could only yield a
realistic interpretation. The sutras here seem to be so convincingly
realistic that the ultimate reply to the suggested incompatibility of
the production of effects dissimilar from their causes is found in
the fact that the U pani~ads hold that this impure and unintelligent
world had come out of Brahman; and that, since the Upani~ads
assert it, no objection can be raised against it on grounds of reason.
In the next section the theory of realistic transformation of
causes is further supported by the sutra which asserts that in spite
of the identity of effects with their cause their plurality or diversity
may also be explained on the analogy of many popular illustrations.
Thus, though the waves are identical with the sea, yet they have
XI] Sankara' s Defence of Vedanta 39
an existence in their plurality and diversity as well. Here also
Sankara has to follow the implication of the siltra in his interpre-
tation. He, however, in concluding his commentary on this siltra,
says that the world is not a result of any real transformation of
Brahman as effect; Brahman alone exists, but yet, when Brahman
is under the conditioning phenomena of a world-creation, there is
room for apparent diversity and plurality. It may be pointed out,
however, that such a supplementary explanation is wholly incom-
patible with the general meaning of the rule, which is decidedly
in favour of a realistic transformation. It is unfortunate that here
also Sankara does not give any reason for his supplementary
remark, which is not in keeping with the general spirit of the
siltra and the interpretation which he himself gave of it.
In the next section the siltras seem plainly to assert the identity
of cause and effect, "because of the possibility of the effect, because
the cause exists, because the effect exists in the cause and is due
to an elaboration of the cause and also for other reasons and the
testimony of the Upani!?ads." Such a meaning is quite in keeping
with the general meaning of the previous sections. Sankara, however,
interprets the siitra as meaning that it is Brahman, the cause, which
alone is true. There cannot therefore be any real transformation
of causes into effects. The omniscience of Brahman and His heing
the creator of the world have thus only a limited validity; for they
depend upon the relative reality of the world. From the absolute
point of view therefore there is no Isvara who is the omniscient
creator of the world 1 . Sankara supports this generally on the ground
of the testimony of some Upani!?ad texts (e.g. mrttiketyeva satyam,
etc.). He however introduces an argument in support of the
sat-kiirya-viida theory, or the theory that the effect is already
existent in the cause. This theory is indeed common both to the
pari1Jiima view of real transformation and the vh·arta view, in
t\vo different ways. It is curious however that he should support
the sat-kiirya-'l·iida theory on parhziima lines, as against the genera-
tive view of a-sat-kiirya-'l'tl.da of the Nyaya, but not on vivaria
lines, "\vhere effects are treated as non-existent and false. Thus he
1 kfita-stlw-bwhmiitma-viidinah ekaf1.laihiintviit l.~itrlsitavvabluiv:alz ·l.~vmr'l­

luirm;a-pratiJilii-virodha iti at; 1u;; avidyiitmak~-niillw-rfipa-hija-vyiik;lrtl~liipek­

~mnit sar'i'ajiiat'l'fi.S}'a. Sankara's Bhtin•a on Rraltma-siltra. II. i. 14.
na hittvikam ais1·aryym!l sarvajiial'l!Wfi ca brahmm;ab ldntv avidyoptidhilwm
iti tadiiirayam pratiji-.ui-siltram, tattvtisraya1!l tu tad mwnyatva-sfitram. Bhlimatl
on the above Blui,~ya.
The Sa1ikara School of Vedanta [cH.
says that the fact that curd is produced from milk and not from
mud shows that there is some such intimate relation of curd with
milk which it has not with anything else. This intimate relation con-
sists in the special power or capacity (Saktz) in the cause (e.g. the
milk), which can produce the special effect (e.g. the curd). This
power is the very essence of the cause, and the very essence of this
power is the effect itself. If a power determines the nature of the
effect, it must be already existent in the cause as the essence of the
effect. Arguing against the Nyaya view that the cause is different
from the effect~ though they are mutually connected in an insepar-
able relation of inherence (sama·ciiya), he says that, if such a
samaviiya is deemed necessary to connect the cause with the effect,
then this also may require a further something to connect the
samaviiya with the cause or the effect and that another and that
another ad infinitum. If it is urged that samaviiya, being a rela-
tion, does not require any further relation to connect it with anything
else, it may well be asked in reply how "conjunction" (smpyoga),
which is also regarded as a relation, should require the relation
of inherence (samm:iiya) to connect it with the objects which are in
conjunction (sa1Jlyogin). The conception of samaviiya connecting
substances with their qualities is unnecessary; for the latter always
appear identified with the former (tiidiitmya-pratUi). If the effect,
say a whole, is supposed to be existing in the cause, the parts, it
must exist in them all taken together or in each of the separate parts.
If the whole exist only in the totality of the parts, then, since all the
parts cannot be assembled together, the whole as such would be in-
visible. If the whole exist in the parts in parts, then one has to
conceive other parts of the whole different from its constituent
parts; and, if the same questions be again repeated, these parts
should have other parts and these others; and thus there would
be a vicious infinite. If the whole exists wholly in each of the
parts at the same time, then tl;lere would be many wholes. If it
exists successively in each of the parts, then the whole would at
one time be existent only in one part, and so at that time the
functions of the whole would be absent in the other parts. If it
is said that, just as a class-concept (e.g. cow) exists wholly in each
of the individuals and yet is not many, so a whole may also be
wholly existent in each of the parts, it may well be replied that
the experience of wholes is not like the experience of class-concepts.
The class-concept of cow is realized in each and every cow; but
XI] Sankara' s Defence of Vedanta
a whole is not realized in each and every part. Again, if the effect
is non-existent before its production, then, production being an
action, such an action would have nothing as its agent, which is
impossible-for, since the effect is non-existent before its pro-
duction, it could not be the agent of its production; and, since
being non-existent, it cannot be the agent of its production, such a
production would be either itself non-existent or would be without
any agent. If, however, production is not defined as an action, but as
a relationing of an effect with its cause (svakiira~a-sattii-samaviiya),
then also it may be objected that a relation is only possible when
there are two terms which are related, and, since the effect is as yet
non-existent, it cannot be related to its cause.
But, if the effect is already existent, what then is the necessity
of the causal operation (kiiraka-vyiipiira)? The answer to such a
question is to be found in the view that the effect is but an elabora-
tion of the cause into its effect. Just as a man may sit with
his limbs collected together or stretched out and yet would be
considered the same man, so an effect also is to be regarded as an
expansion of the cause and as such identical with it. The effect is
thus only a transformed state of the cause; and hence the causal
operation is necessary for bringing about this transformation; but
in spite of such a transformation the effect is not already existing
in the cause as its potency or power.
There are seven other smaller sections. In the first of these
the objection that, if the world is a direct product of the intelligent
Brahman, there is no reason why such an intelligent being should
create a world which is full of misery and is a prison-house to
himself, is easily answered by pointing out that the transcendent
creator is far above the mundane spirits that suffer misery in the
prison-house of the world. Here also Sankara adds as a supple-
mentary note the remark that, since there is no real creation and
the whole world is but a magical appearance, no such objection
that the creator should not have created an undesirable world for
its own suffering is valid. But the sz1tras gave him no occasion
for such a remark; so that indeed, as was the case with the
previous sections, here also his miiyii theory is not in keeping even
with his general interpretation of the siltras, and his remarks have
to be appended as a note which hangs loosely and which does not
appear to have any relevancy to the general meaning and purport
of the siltras.
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
In the next section an objection is raised that Brahman cannot
without the help of any other accessory agents create the world;
the reply to such an objection is found in the fact that Brahman
has all powers in Himself and can as such create the world out of
Himself without the help of anything else.
In the next section an objection is raised that, if the world is a
transformation of Brahman, then, since Brahman is partless, the
transformation must apply to the whole of Brahman; for a partial
transformation is possible only when the substance which is under-
going the transformation has parts. A reply to such an objection
is to be found in the analogy of the human self, which is in itself
formless and, though transforming itself into various kinds of
dream experiences, yet remains unchanged and unaffected as a
whole by such transformations. Moreover, such objections may
be levelled against the objectors themselves ; for Sa:rp.khya also
admits the transformation of the formless prakrti.
In another section it is urged that, since Brahman is complete
in Himself, there is no reason why He should create this great
world, when He has nothing to gain by it. The reply is based on
the analogy of play, where one has nothing to gain and yet one is
pleased to indulge in it. So Brahman also creates the world by His
ltlii or play. Sankara, however, never forgets to sing his old song
of the miiyii theory, however irrelevant it may be, with regard to
the purpose of the sutras, which he himself could not avoid
following. Thus in this section, after interpreting the siltra as
attributing the world-creation to God's playful activity, he remarks
that it ought not to be forgotten that all the world-creation is but
a fanciful appearance due to nescience and that the ultimate reality
is the identity of the self and Brahman.
The above discussion seems to prove convincingly that
Radarayal).a's philosophy was some kind of bhediibheda-viida or a
theory of transcendence and immanence of God (Brahman)-even
in the light of Sankara 's own commentary. He believed that the
world was the product of a real transformation of Brahman, or
rather of His powers and energies (saktz). God Himself was not
exhausted by such a transformation and always remained as the
master creator who by His play created the world and who could
by His own powers create the world without any extraneous
assistance. The world was thus a real transformation of God's
powers, while He Himself, though remaining immanent in the
XI) Philosophy of Biidariiyar;a and Bhartrprapaiica 43
world through His powers, transcended it at the same time, and
remained as its controller, and punished or rewarded the created
mundane souls in accordance with their bad and good deeds.
The doctrine of bhediibheda-·ciida is certainly prior to Sankara,
as it is the dominant view of most of the purii7Jas. It seems
probable also that Bhartrprapafica refers to Bodhayana. who is
referred to as vrttikiira by Ramanuja, and as 'L'rttikiira and Upa'L'ar~a
by Sankara, and to Drami<;lacarya, referred to by Sankara and
Ramanuja; all held some form of bhediibheda doctrine 1 • Bhartrpra-
pafica has been referred to by Sankara in his commentary on the
Brhadiira7Jyaka Upan#ad; and Anandajfiana, in his commentary
on Sankara's commentary, gives a number of extracts from
Bhartrprapafica's Bhii~ya on the Brhadiira7Jyaka Upan#ad. Prof.
l\1. Hiriyanna collected these fragments in a paper read before the
Third Oriental Congress in l\Iadras, 1924, and there he describes
Bhartrprapafica's philosophy as follows. The doctrine of Bhartr-
prapafica is monism, and it is of the bhediibheda type. The relation
between Brahman and the fiva, as that between Brahman and the
world, is one of identity in difference. An implication of this view
is that both the jlva and the physical world evolve out of Brahman,
so that the doctrine may be described as Brahma-pari7Jiima-viida.
On the spiritual side Brahman is transformed into the antaryiimin
and the fiva; on the physical side into a<L-yakta, sutra, viriij and
devatii, which are all cosmic; and jati and pi1J¢a, which are not
1 Prof. S. Kuppusvami Sastri, in an article read before the Third Oriental

Conference, quotes a passage from Venkata's Tattva-tikO. on Ram~nuja's com-

mentary on the Brahma-srl.tras, in which he says that Upavar~a is a name of
Bodhayana-vrttikarasya Bodhiiyanasyai·l:a hi Upavar~a iti syan nama-Pro-
ceedings of the Third Oriental Conference, lV1adras, 1924. The commentators on
Sankara's Bha~ya say that, when he refers to Vrttikara in 1. i. 9, 1. i. 23, 1. ii. 23
and III. iii. 53, he refers to Upa,·ar~a by name. From the views of Upavar!?a
referred to in these siitras it appears that UpaYar~a believed in the theory of
jiiO.na-karma-samuccaya, held also by Bhaskara (an adherent of the bhediibheda
theory), Ramanuja and others, but vehemently opposed by Sankara, who wanted
to repudiate the idea of his opponents that the performance of sacrificial and
Vedic duties could be conceived as a preliminary preparation for making oneself
fit for Brahma-knowledge.
References to Drami9.acarya's commentary on the Chiindogya Upani~adare
made by Anandagiri in his commentary on Sankara's commentary on the Chan-
dogya Upani~ad. In the commentary of San·ajfilitma Muni's Sm,zk~epa-siirzraka,
m. 217-227, by Nrsirphasrama, the Vakyakara referred to bySan·aji'iatma 1\1 uni as
Atreya has been identified with Brahmanandin or Tanka and the bha~yakara
(a quotation from ·whose BhiiD·a appears in Smph~epa-siirlraka, 111. 2.21. "antar-
gu~zii bhaga•vatl paradevateti," is referred to as a quotation from Dramic,lacarya
in Ramanuja's Vediirtha-sa'f!zgraha, p. 138, Pandit edition) is identified with
Dramidaclina, who wrote a commentary on Brahmanandin's Clu"iudogyo-
44 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.

cosmic. These are the avasthas or modes of Brahman, and re-

present the eight classes into which the variety of the universe
may be divided. They are again classified into three rasis, para-
miitma-riiSi, jiva-riiSi and milrttiimilrtta-riiSi, which correspond to
the triple subject-matter of Religion and Philosophy, viz. God,
soul and matter. Bhartrprapaiica recognized what is known as
pramii!la-samuccaya, by which it follows that the testimony of
common experience is quite as valid as that of the Veda. The
former vouches for the reality of variety and the latter for that of
unity (as taught in the Upani!?ads). Hence the ultimate truth is
dvaitiidvaita. Mo~a, or life's end, is conceived as being achieved
in two stages-the first leading to apavarga, where sarrzsiira is
overcome through the overcoming of asaizga; and the second
leading to Brahmahood through the dispelling of avidyii. This
means of reaching either stage is jiiiina-karma-samuccaya, which
is a corollary on the practical side to pramii!la-samuccaya on the
theoretical side.
It is indeed difficult to say what were the exact characteristics
of Badarayal).a 's bhediibheda doctrine of Vcdanta; but there is very
little doubt that it was some special type of bhediibheda doctrine,
and, as has already been repeatedly pointed out, even Sankara's
own commentary (if we exclude only his parenthetic remarks, which
are often inconsistent with the general drift of his own commentary
and the context of the siltras, as well as with their purpose and
meaning, so far as it can be made out from such a context) shows
that it was so. If, however, it is contended that this view of real
transformation is only from a relative point of view (vyavahiirika),
then there must at least be one siltra where the absolute (piira-
miirthika) point of view is given; but no such siltra has been dis-
covered even by Sankara himself. If experience always shows the
causal transformation to be real, then how is one to know that in
the ultimate point of view all effects are false and unreal? If,
however, it is contended that there is a real transformation
(pari!liima) of the miiyii stuff, whereas Brahman remains always
unchanged, and if miiyii is regarded as the power(sakti) of Brahman,
how then can the sakti of Brahman as well as its transformations
be regarded as unreal and false, while the possessor of the sakti (or
the saktimat, Brahman) is regarded as real and absolute? There
is a great diversity of opinion on this point among the Vedantic
writers of the Sankara school. Thus Appaya Dik!?ita in his Sid-
dhiinta-lesa refers to the author of Padiirtha-nir!laya as saying that
XI) Vivaria and Paril;iima in Vedanta 45
Brahman and miiyii are both material causes of the world-appear-
ance-Brahman the vivaria cause, and miiyii the pari7Jii.ma cause.
Others are said to find a definition of causation intermediate
between vivaria and pari7Jii.ma by defining material cause as that
which can produce effects which are not different from itself (svii-
bhinna-kiirya janakaivam upiidiinatvam). The world is identical with
Brahman inasmuch as it has being, and it is identical with nescience
inasmuch as it has its characteristics of materiality and change. So
from two different points of view both Brahman and miiyii are the
cause of the world. Vacaspati Misra holds that miiyii is only an acces-
sory cause (sahakiiri), whereas Brahman is the real vivaria cause 1 •
The author of the Siddhiinia-mukiiivali, Prakasananda, however,
thinks that it is the miiyii energy (miiyii-sakii) which is the material
cause of the world and not Brahman. Brahman is unchangeable
and is the support of miiyii; and is thus the cause of the world in
a remote sense. Sarvajiiatma Muni, however, believes Brahman
alone to be the vivaria cause, and miiyii to be only an instrument
for the purpose 2 • The difficulty that many of the siliras of
BadarayaQa give us a pari7Jii.ma view of causation was realized by
Sarvajiiatma .:\Iuni, who tried to explain it away by suggesting that
the pari7Jiima theory was discussed approvingly in the sfitras only
because this theory was nearest to the vivaria, and by initiating
people to the pari7Jiima theory it would be easier to lead them to
the vivaria theory, as hinted in sut1·a 11. i. 143 • This explanation
could have some probability, if the arrangement of the siltras was
1 Vacaspati Mjsra flourished in about A.D. 840. In addition to his Bluimatz

commentary on the Brahma-sutra he wrote many other works and commentaries

on other systems of philosophy. His important \Vorks are: Tattva-bindu, Tattva-
vaiiaradl (yoga), Tattva-samik~ii Brahma-siddhi-{ikii, Nyiiya-lw1Jikii on Vidhi-
viveka, N yiiya-tattviiloka, N yiiya-ratna-tlkii, Nyciya-viir ttika- tiitparya-tlkii,
Brahma-tattva-sa1{lhitoddipanl, Yukti-dipikii (Siil!lkhya), Sii1{lklzya-tattva-
kaumudi, Vediinta-tattva-kaumudi.
2 He lived about A.D. 900 during the reign of King Manukuladitya and was

a pupil of Devesvara.
3 vivarta-viidasya hi pilrva-bhumir
vediinta-viide pari~ziima-viidaft
vyavasthite 'smin pari1Jiima-viide
svaya1{l samiiyiiti vh·arta-viidaft.
Sa1{lk~epa-siirlraka, n. 61.
upiiyam iitisthati pi"irvam uccair
upeyam iiPIU1fl janatii yathaiva
irutir munindroi ca vivarta-siddhyai
vikiira-viida1{l vadatas tathaiva. Ibid. II. 62.
vikiira-viida1{l Kapiliidi-pak~am
upetya viidena tu siitra-kiiraft
irutis ca sa1{ljalpati piirvabhumau
stlzitvii vivarta-pratipiidaniiya. Ibid. 11. 64.
The Sankara School of J..7 edanta [cH.
such as to support the view that the pari1Jlima view was intro-
duced only to prepare the reader's mind for the vivarta view,
which was ultimately definitely approved as the true view; but it
has been shown that the content of almost all the siltras of n. i.
consistently support the pari1Jiima view, and that even the siltra
n. i. 14 cannot be explained as holding the vivarta view of
causation as the right one, since the other siltras of the same
section have been explained by Sailkara himself on the pari1Jiima
view; and, if the content be taken into consideration, this sutra also
has to be explained on the pari1_liima view of bhediibheda type.

Teachers and Pupils in Vedanta.

The central emphasis of Sailkara's philosophy of the Upani~ads
and the Brahma-siltra is on Brahman, the self-revealed identity of
pure consciousness, bliss and being, which does not await the
performance of any of the obligatory Vedic duties for its realiza-
tion. A right realization of such U pani!?ad texts as "That art
thou," instilled by the right teacher, is by itself sufficient to dispel
all the false illusions of world-appearance. This, however, was
directly against the MimaiJlsa view of the obligatoriness of certain
duties, and Sankara and his followers had to fight hard on this
point with the MimaiJlsakas. Different l\1imaiJlSa writers empha-
sized in different ways the necessity of the association of duties with
Brahma-wisdom; and a brief reference to some of these has been
made in the section on Suresvara. Another question arose re-
garding the nature of the obligation of listening to the unity texts
(e.g. "that art thou") of the Vedanta; and later Vedanta writers
have understood it differently. Thus the author of the Prakatlirtha,
who probably flourished in the twelfth century, holds that it is
only by virtue of the mandate of the Upani~ads (such as "thou
shouldst listen to these texts, understand the meaning and medi-
tate") that one learns for the first time that one ought to listen
to the Vedanta texts-a view which is technically called apilrva-
vidhi. Others, however, think that people might themselves
engage in reading all kinds of texts in their attempts to attain
salvation and that they might go on the wrong track; and it is just
to draw them on to the right path, viz. that of listening to the
unity texts of the U pani!?ads, that the U pani!?ads direct men to
listen to the unity texts--this view is technically called niyama-vidhi.
XI] Teachers and Pupils in Vedanta 47
The followers of Sarvajfiatma Muni, however, maintain that there
can in no sense be a duty in regard to the attainment of wisdom of
Brahma-knowledge, and the force of the duty lies in enjoining the
holding of discussions for the clarification of one's understanding;
and the meaning of the obligatory sentence "thou shouldst listen
to" means that one should hold proper discussions for the clarifi-
cation of his intellect. Other followers of Suresvara, however, think
that the force of the obligation lies in directing the student of
Vedanta steadily to realize the truth of the Vedanta textswithoutany
interruption; and this view is technically called parisa'flkhyii-vidhi.
Vacaspati l\1isra and his followers, however, think that no obliga-
tion of duties is implied in these commands; they are simply put
in the form of commands in order to show the great in1portance
of listening to Vedanta texts and holding discussions on them, as
a means of advancement in the Vedantic course of progress.
But the central philosophical problem of the Vedanta is the
conception of Brahman-the nature of its causality, its relation
with miiyii and the phenomenal world of world-appearance, and
with individual persons. Satikara's own writings do not always
manifest the same uniform and clear answer; and many passages
in different parts of his work show tendencies which could be
more or less diversely interpreted, though of course the general
scheme was always more or less well-defined. Appaya Dik~ita
notes in the beginning of his Siddhiinta-lesa that the ancients were
more concerned with the fundamental problem of the identity
of the self and the Brahman, and neglected to explain clearly
the order of phenomenal appearance; and that therefore many
divergent views have sprung up on the subject. Thus shortly after
Sankara's death we have four important teachers, Suresvara and
his pupil Sarvajfiatma Muni, Padmapada and Vacaspati Misra,
who represent three distinct tendencies in the monistic interpre-
tation of the Vedanta. Suresvara and his pupil Sarvajiiatma lVIuni
held that miiyii was only an instrument (dviira), through which
the one Brahman appeared as many, and had its real nature hidden
from the gaze of its individual appearances as individual persons.
In this view miiyii was hardly recognized as a substance, though it
was regarded as positive; and it was held that miiyii had, both for
its object and its support, the Brahman. It is the pure Brahman
that is the real cause underlying all appearances, and the miiyii
only hangs on it like a veil of illusion which makes this one thing
The Sankara School of Vedanta [CH.
appear as many unreal appearances. It is easy to see that this
view ignores altogether the importance of giving philosophical
explanations of phenomenal appearance, and is only concerned to
emphasize the reality of Brahman as the only truth. Vacaspati's
view gives a little more substantiality to miiyii in the sense that
he holds that miiyii is coexistent with Brahman, as an accessory
through the operation of which the creation of world-appearance
is possible; miiyii hides the Brahman as its object, but it rests on
individual persons, who are again dependent on mayii, and miiyii on
them, in a beginningless cycle. The world-appearance is not mere
subjective ideas or sensations, but it has an objective existence,
though the nature of its existence is inexplicable and inde-
scribable; and at the time of dissolution of the world (or pralaya)
its constitutive stuff, psychical and physical, will remain hidden
in av£dyii, to be revived again at the time of the next world-
appearance, otherwise called creation. But the third view, namely
that of Padmapada, gives miiyii a little more substantiality, re-
garding it as the stuff which contains the double activity or power
of cognitive activity and vibratory activity, one determining the
psychical process and the other the physical process, and regarding
Brahman in association with miiyii, with these two powers as
lsvara, as the root cause of the world. But the roots of a very
thoroughgoing subjective idealism also may be traced even in the
writings of Sankara himself. Thus in the Brhadara7Jyaka-bhii~ya he
says that, leaving aside theories of limitation (avaccheda) or reflec-
tion (pratibimba), it may be pointed out that, as the son of Kunti
is the same as Radheya, so it is the Brahman that appears as
individual persons through beginningless avidyii; the individual
persons so formed again delusively create the world-appearance
through their own avidya. It will be pointed out in a later section
that MaQ.9ana also elaborated the same tendency shortly after
Sankara in the ninth century. Thus in the same century we
have four distinct lines of Vedantic development, which began to
expand through the later centuries in the writers that followed one
or the other of these schools; and some additional tendencies also
developed. The tenth century seems to have been very barren in
the field of the Vedanta, and, excepting probably Jiianottama IV1isra,
who wrote a commentary on Suresvara's Varttika, no writer of great
reputation is known to us to have lived in this period. In other
fields of philosophical development also this century was more or
XI) Teachers and Pupils in Vedanta 49
less barren, and, excepting Udayana and Sridhara in Nyaya-
Vaise~ika, Utpala in Astronomy and Abhinavagupta in Saivism,
probably no other persons of great reputation ~an be mentioned.
There were, however, a few Buddhistic writers of repute in this
period, such as Candragomin (junior) of Rajshahi, the author of
Nyiiya-loka-siddhi, Prajiiakara Gupta of Vikramasila, author of
Pramii1Ja-viirtikiilmikiira and Salzopalambha-niScaya, Acarya J etari
of Rajshahi, the author of Hetu-tattvopade~a, Dharma-dharmi-
viniscaya and Balavatiira-tarka, Jina, the author of Prama7Ja-
vartikiilaizkara-fikii, Ratnakirti, the author of the Apoha-siddhi,
K~a7Ja-bhaizga-siddhi and Sthira-siddhi-du~a1Ja, and Ratna Vajra,
the author of the Yukti-prayoga. The eleventh century also does
not seem to have been very fruitful for Vedanta philosophy. The
only author of great reputation seems to have been Anandabodha
Bhattarakacarya, who appears to have lived probably in the latter
half of the eleventh century and the first half of the twelfth century.
The mahavidyii syllogisms of Kularka PaQ.<;\ita, however, probably
began from some time in the eleventh century, and these were often
referred to for refutation by Vedantic writers till the fourteenth
century, as will be pointed out in a later section. But it is certain
that quite a large number of Vedantic writers must have worked on
the Vedanta before Anandabodha, although we cannot properly
trace them now. Anandabodha says in his Nyaya-makaranda that
his work was a compilation (sa1[lgraha) from a large number of
Vedantic monographs (nibandha-pu~piiiijalz). Citsukha in his com-
mentary on the Nyaya-makaranda points out (p. 346) that Ananda-
bodha was refuting a view of the author of the Brahma-prakiisika.
According to Govindananda's statement in his Ratna-prabhii,
p. 3 I I, Amalananda of the thirteenth century refuted a view of
the author of the Prakatartha. The author of the Prakatartha may
thus be believed to have lived either in the eleventh or in the
twelfth century. It was a commentary on Sankara's Bha~ya, and
its full name was Sarlraka-bhii~ya-prakatiirtha; and Anandajfiana
(called also Janardana) wrote his Tattviiloka on the linesofVedantic
interpretation of this work. l\h Tripathi says in his introduction
to the Tarka-sartzgraha that a copy of this work is available in
Tekka l\latha; hut the present writer had the good fortune of
goir.g through it from a manuscript in the Adyar Library, and
a short account of its philosophical views is given below in a
separate section. In the Siddhanta-lesa of Appaya Dik!?ita we
so The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
hear of a commentary on it called Prakatiirtha-vivara'!la. But,
though Anandajfiana wrote his Tattviiloka on the lines of the
Prakatiirtha, yet the general views of Anandajfiana were not
the same as those of the author thereof; Anandajfiana's position
was very much like that of Sarvajfiatma lVIuni, and he did not
admit many ajfiiinas, nor did he admit any difference between
miiyii and avidyii. But the author of the Prakatiirtha,so far as can be
judged from references to him in the Siddhiinta-lda,gave a separate
place to the antal.zkara'!las of individual persons and thought that,
just as the jzvas could be cognizers through the reflection of pure
intelligence in the anta/.zkara'!la states, so Isvara is omniscient by
knowing everything through miiyii modifications. The views of
the au thor of the Prakatiirtha regarding the nature of vidhi have
already been noted. But the way in which Anandajfiana refers to
the Prakafii;tha in J\!lu'!ll]aka, p. 32, and Kena, p. 23, shows that
he was either the author of the Prakatiirtha or had written
some commentary to it. But he could not have been the author of
this work, since he refers to it as the model on which his Tattviiloka
was written; so it seems very probable that he had written a
commentary to it. But it is surprising that Anandajfiana, who
wrote commentaries on most of the important commentaries of
Sankara, should also trouble himself to write another commentary
on the Prakatiirtha, which is itself a commentary on Sankara's
commentary. It may be surmised, therefore, that he had some
special reasons for respecting it, and it may have been the work of
some eminent teacher of his or of someone in his parental line.
However it may be, it is quite unlikely that the work should have
been written later than the middle of the twelfth century 1 •
It is probable that Gangapur1 Bhattaraka also lived earlier than
Anandabodha, as Citsukha points out. Gangapur1 must then have
lived either towards the latter part of the tenth century or the first
half of the eleventh century. It is not improbable that he may
have been a senior contemporary of Anandabodha. His work,
Padiirtha-tattva-niT1:zaya, was commented on by Anandajfiana. Ac-
cording to him both miiyii and Brahman are to be regarded as the
cause of the world. All kinds of world-phenomena exist, and being
may therefore be attributed to them; and being is the same what-
ever may be the nature of things that exist. Brahman is thus the
changeless cause in the world or the vivarta-kiira'!la; but all the
See Tripathi's introduction to the Tarlw-saf!Zgraha.
XI] Teachers and Pupils in Vedanta
changing contents or individual existents must also be regarded
as products of the transfonnation of some substance, and in this
sense miiyii is to be regarded as the pari1Jiimi-kiira1Ja of the world.
Thus the world has Brahman as its vivarta-kiira1Ja and miiyii as its
pari1Jiimi-kiira1Ja. The world manifests both aspects, the aspect of
changeless being and that of changing materiality; so both miiyii
and Brahman form the material cause of the world in two different
ways ( Brahma miiyii ca ity ubhayopiidiinam; sattva-jiitjya-rupobhaya-
dharmiinugaty-upapattis ca). Tarka-viveka and Siddhiinta-viveka
are the names of two chapters of this book, giving a summary
of Vaise~ika and Vedanta philosophy respectively. The view of
Gangapuri in the Padiirtha-tattva-nin_zaya just referred to seems
to have been definitely rejected by Anandabodha in his Pramii1Ja-
miilii, p. 16.
When Kularka had started the mahii-vidyii syllogisms, and great
Nyaya authors such as Jayanta and Udayana in the ninth and tenth
centuries had been vigorously introducing logical methods in philo-
sophy and were trying to define all that is knowable, the Vedantic
doctrine that all that is knowable is indefinable was probably
losing its hold; and it is probable that works like Anandabodha's
Pramii1Ja-miilii and Nyiiya-dtpiivalt in the eleventh century or in the
early part of the twelfth century were weakly attempting to hold
fast to the Vedantic position on logical grounds. It was Sriha~a
who in the third quarter of the twelfth century for the first time
attempted to refute the entire logical apparatus of the Naiyayikas.
Srihar!?a's work was carried on in Citsukha's Tattva-pradzpikii in
the early part of the thirteenth century, by Anandajiiana in the
latter part of the same century in his Tarka-SaYflg1·aha and by
Nrsirrhasrama l\!Iuni in hisBheda-dhikkiira in the sixteenth century.
On the last-named a pupil, NarayaQ-asrama, wrote his Bheda-
dhikkiira-satkriyii, and this had a sub-commentary, called Bheda-
dhikkiira-satkriyojjvalii. The beginnings of the dialectical argu-
ments can be traced to Sankara and further back to the great
Buddhist writers, Nagarjuna, Aryadeva, Candrakirti, etc. Interest
in these dialectical arguments was continuously kept up by com-
mentaries written on these works all through the later centuries.
The names of these commentators have been mentioned in the
sections on Srihar~a, Citsukha and Anandajiiana.
Moreover, the lines of Vedanta interpretation which started
with Suresvara, Padmapada and Vacaspati were vigorously
The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
continued in commentaries and in independent works through-
out the later centuries. Thus in the middle of the thirteenth
century Vacaspati 's Bhiimatf was commented on by Amalananda
in his Kalpa-taru; and this Kalpa-taru was again commented on by
Appaya Dik!?ita in the latter part of the sixteenth century and the
first quarter of the seventeenth century, and by Lak!?minrsirpha
in his Abhoga towards the end of the seventeenth century or the
beginning of the eighteenth 1 •
Padmapada's Paiica-piidikii was commented on by Prakasatman
in the thirteenth century in his Paiica-piidikii-vivara7Ja, by AkhaQ-
c.lananda in the fourteenth century in his Tattva-dipana, by Vidya-
raQya in the same century in his Vivara1}a-prameya-sa1Jlgraha, by
AnandapiirQa and Nrsirpha in the sixteenth century and by
Rama Tirtha in the seventeenth century 2 • The line of Suresvara
also continued in the summary of his great Viirttika (called Viirt-
tika-siira) by VidyaraQya and its commentaries, and also in the
commentaries on the Sa1Jl~epa-siiriraka from the sixteenth cen-
tury onwards. Many independent works were also written by
persons holding more or less the same kinds of views as Sarvaj-
iiatma Muni 3 • The philosophy of dHti-snfi-viida Vedanta, which
was probably started by MaQc.lana, had doubtless some adherents
too; but we do not meet with any notable writer on this line,
except Prakasananda in the sixteenth century and his pupil Nana
Dik~ita. The Vediinta-kaumudi is an important work which is

1 Allala Suri, son of Trivikramacarya, wrote a commentary on the Bhiimatl,

called the Bhiimatl-tilaka.

Samyagbodhendra Sarpyamin, pupil of GirviiQ.endra (A.D. 1450), wrote a
summary of the main contents of the Paiica-piidikii-vivaratza in six chapters (var-
tzaka), and this work is called by two names, Advaita-bhi4atza and Vivaratza-
prameya-sa1fl!Iraha. There are again two other commentaries on Prakasatman's
Paiica-piidika-vit.:aratza: the Riju-vivaratza by Vi~Q.ubhana, son of Janardana
Sarvajiia and pupil of SvamindrapiJ.rQ.a, and the Tfkii-ratna by AnandapiJ.rQ.a.
The Riiu-vit-·aratza had again another commentary on it, called the Trayyanta-
bhiiva-pradzpikii, by Ramananda, pupil of Bharati Tirtha.
There are, however, two other commentaries on the Pafica-piidikii called
Paiica-piidikii-vyiikhyii (by an _author whose name is not definitely known) and
the Prabandha-pariiodhini by Atmasvarupa, pupil of Nrsirphasvarupa. Dharma-
rayadhvarindra also wrote a commentary on Pafica-piidikii, called the Paiica-
Apart from the two published commentaries on the Smpktepa-siirfraka, there
is another work called the Sa1flktepa-siirlraka-sambandhokti by V edananda,
pupil of Vedadhyak~a-bhagavat-pujyapada, in which the author tries to show the
mutual relation of the verses of it as yielding a consistent meaning. Nrsirpha-
srama also wrote a commentary on the Sa1flk~epa-siirlraka, called the Tattva-
bodhinl. One Sarvajnatma Bhagavat wrote a small Vedantic work, called Paiica-
praluiyii; but it is not probable that he is the same as Sarvajiiatma Muni.
XI) Teachers and Pupils in Vedanta 53
referred to by Appaya Dik!?ita in his Siddhiinta-lesa. In this work
the omniscience of Brahman consists in the fact that the pure con-
sciousness as Brahman manifests all that exists either as actually
transformed or as potentially transformed, as future, or as latently
transformed, as the past in the miiyii; and it is the Paramesvara
who manifests Himself as the underlying consciousness (siilqin) in
individual persons, manifesting the ajiiiina transformations in them,
and also their potential ajiiiina in dreamless sleep. Many other
important Vedanta views of an original character are expressed in
this book. This work of Ramadvaya has been found by the present
writer in the Govt. Oriental MSS. Library, Madras, and a separate
section has been devoted to its philosophy. From references in
it to followers of Madhva it may be assumed that the Vediinta-
kaumudz was written probably in the fourteenth century.
From the fourteenth century, however, we have a large number
of Vedanta writers in all the succeeding centuries; but with the
notable exception of Prakasananda, Madhusudana Sarasvati in his
Advaita-siddhi (in which he tried to refute the objections of Vyasa
Tirtha against the monistic Vedanta in the sixteenth century) and
probably Vidyara:gya's Vivara7Ja-prameya-Sa1Jlgraha and Dhar-
marajadhvarindra's Paribhii~ii, and its Sikhiima!Ji commentary by
Ramakr!?:ga, there are few writers who can be said to reveal any
great originality in Vedantic interpretations. Most of the writers of
this later period were good compilers, who revered all sorts of past
Vedantic ideas and collected them in well-arranged forms in their
works. The influence of the Pmica-piidikii-vi'l'ara7Ja, however, is very
strong in most of these writers, and the Vivara7Ja school of thought
probably played the most important part in Vedantic thought
throughout all this period.
These Vedantic writers grew up in particular circles inspired
by particular teachers, whose works were carried on either in their
own families or among their pupils; a few examples may make this
clear. Thus Jagannathasrama was a great teacher of south India in
the latter half of the fifteenth century; he had a pupil in N rsirph-
asrama, one of the most reputed teachers of Vedanta in the early
half of the sixteenth century. He was generally inspired on the one
hand by the Vivara7Ja and on the other by Srihar!?a and Citsukha
and SarvajfHitma Muni: ht: wrote a number of Vedanta works,
such as Advaita-dzpikii (his pupil, Naraya:gasrama, wrote a com-
mentary called Advaita-dipikii-vivara7Ja on it}, Advaita-pafica-
54 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
ratna, Advaita-bodha-dlpikii, Advaita-ratna-ko~a, Tattva-bodhini, a
commentary on the Saf!Z}qepa-siiriraka, Tattva-viveka (which had
two commentaries, Tattva-viveka-dipana of Narayat:lasrama and
Tattva-·civecana of Agnihotra, pupil of Jiianendra Sarasvati), Paii-
ca-piidikii-'l)ivara7Ja-prakaSikii, Bheda-dhikkiira, Adv.mita-ratna-vyii-
khyiina (a commentary on l\fallanarodiya's Advaita-ratna), and
Vediinta-tattva-vi'l:eka. The fact that he could write commentaries
both on Sarvajfiatma lVIuni's work and also on the Vivara7Ja, and
also write a Bheda-dhikkiira (a work on dialectic Vedanta on the
lines of Sriha~a's dialectical work) shows the syncretistic ten-
dencies of the age, in which the individual differences within the
school were all accepted as different views of one Vedanta, and in
which people were more interested in Vedanta as a whole and felt
no hesitation in accepting all the Vedantic ideas in their works.
Nrsiqlhasrama had a pupil Dharmarajadhvarindra, who wrote a
Vediinta-paribhii~ii, a commentary called Tarka-cut;liima7Ji on the
Tatt'l:a-cintiima7Ji of Gangesa, and also on the Nyaya-siddhiinta-
dipa of Sasadhara Acarya, and a commentary on the Paiica-piidikii
of Padmapada. His son and pupil Ramakn;:ga Dik~ita wrote a com-
mentary on the first, called Vediinta-Sikhiima7Ji; and Amaradasa,
the pupil of Brahmavijfiana, wrote another commentary on this
Sikhiima7Ji of Ramakr~Qa1 . Ramak~t:la had also written a com-
mentary on Rucidatta's Tattva-cintiimm;i-prakiisa, called Nyiiya-
Sikhiimm:zi, and a commentary on the Vediinta-siira. Other authors,
such as Kasinatha Sastrin and Brahmendra Sarasvati, had also
written separate works bearing the name Vediinta-pm·ibhii~ii after
the Vediinta-paribhii~ii of Dharmaraja in the seventeenth century.
Under the sphere of Nrsirpha's influence, but in the Saiva and
lVIImarpsaka familyofRangarajaAdhvarin,was hom Appaya Dik~ita,
who became one of the most reputed teachers of the sixteenth and
the seventeenth centuries. His works have all been noted in the
section devoted to him. He again was a teacher of Bhattoji Dik~ita,
who in addition to many works on grammar, law and ritual (st{lrtz)
wrote two important works on Vedanta, called Tattva-kaustubha
and Vediinta-tattva-dipana-vyiikhyii, the latter a commentary on
the commentary, Tattva-viveka-dlpana, of Narayat:lasrama (a pupil
of Nrsi111hasrama) on the latter's work, Vediinta-tnttva-vi·z:eka.
This Narayal)asrama had also written another commentary on
Petta Dik~ita, son of Narayal)a Dik~ita, also wrote a commentary on
the Vedanta-paribht1~ii, called Vediinta-paribha~ii-prakiiSikii.
XI] Teachers and Pupils in Vedanta 55
N rsi~phasrama's Bheda-dhikkiira, called Bheda-dhikkiira-satkriyii;
and later on in the eighteenth century another commentary was
written on Nrsi~pha's Bheda-dhikkara, called Advaita-candrikii, by
Narasi~pha Bhatta, pupil of Ramabhadrasrama and Nagesvara in
the eighteenth century. Bhattoji Dilq;ita's son Bhanuji Dik~ita was
a commentator on the Amara-ko~a (Vyiikhyii-sudhii or Subodhinl).
Bhattoji was, however, a pupil not only of Appaya, but also of
Nrsi~phasrama Muni. Bhattoji's younger brother and pupil, Rail-
goji Bhana, wrote two works, the Advaita-cintiima1}i and the Ad-
vaita-siistra-siiroddhiira, more or less on the same lines, containing
a refutation of Vaise~ika categories, a determination of the nature
of the self, a determination of the nature of ajiiiina and the nature of
the doctrine of reflection, proofs of the falsity of world-appearance
and an exposition of the nature of Brahman and how Brahmahood
is to be attained. His son Kol).<;la Rhana was mainly a grammarian,
who wrote also on Vaise~ika. Again Madhusiidana Sarasvati, who
,was a pupil of Visvesvara Sarasvati (pupil of Sarvajfia Visvesa
and pupil's pupil of Govinda Sarasvati), lived in the early half
of the sixteenth century and was probably under the influence of
N rsi~phasrama, who is reputed to have defeated Madhusiidana
Sarasvati's teacher, l\1adhava Sarasvati. Madhusiidana had at
least three pupils, Puru~ottama, who wrote on IVIadhusiidana's
commentary the Siddhiinta-tattva-bindu a commentary called
Siddhiinta-tattva-bindu-tzkii 1 ; the others were Balabhadra and
Se~agovinda (the latter of whom wrote a commentary on Sati.kara's
Sarva-darsana-siddhiinta-saf!Zgraha, called Sarva-siddhiinta-raha-
sya-tikii). Again Sadananda, the author of the Vediinta-siira, one
of the most popular and well-read syncretistic works on Vedanta,
was a contemporary of N rsi~phasrama; N rsi~pha Sarasvati wrote
in I 588 a commentary thereon, called Subodhinl. Devendra,
the author of the SviinubhUti-prakiisa, was also a contemporary of
N rsi~phasrama. It has already been pointed out that Prakasananda
was probably a contemporary of Nrsi~phasrama, though he
does not seem to have been under his influence. This shows how
some of the foremost Vedanta writers of the sixteenth and seven-
teenth centuries grew up together in a Vedantic circle, many of
whom were directly or indirectly under the influence of N rsi~p­
hasrama and Appaya Dik!?ita.
Brahmananda wrote on the Siddhiinta-bindu another commentary, called
The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
Passing to another circle of writers, we see that Bhaskara
Dik~ita, who lived in tPe latter half of the seventeenth century,
wrote a commentary, Ratna-tillikii, on the Siddhiinta-siddhiifijana of
his teacher Kr~Q.ananda. The Siddhiinta-siddhiifijana is an excellent
syncretistic work on Vedanta, which contains most of the im-
portant Vedanta doctrines regarding the difference of dharma-viciira
and brahma-viciira, the relation of Mimarp.sa theories of commands,
and the need of Brahma-knowledge; it introduces many Mimarp.sa
subjects and treats of their relations to many relevant Vedanta
topics. It also introduces elaborate discussions on the nature of
knowledge and ignorance. It seems, however, to be largely free from
the influence of the Vivara7Ja, and it does not enter into theories
of perception or the nature of the antal:zkara1Ja and its vrtti.
It is thus very different from most of the works produced in the
sixteenth century in the circles of Nrsirp.ha or Appaya. Kr~Q.ananda
lived probably in the middle of the seventeenth century. He had
for teacher Ramabhadrananda; and Ramabhadrananda was taught
by Svayarp.prakasananda, the author of the Vediinta-naya-bhu~a1Ja,
a commentary on the Brahma-siltra on the lines of Vacaspati Misra's
Bhiimatt. This Svayarp.prakasa must be distinguished from the
other Svayarp.prakasa, probably of the same century, who was a
pupil of Kaivalyananda Yogindra and the author of the Rasiibhi-
vyafijikii, a commentary of Ad~·aita-makaranda of Lak~midhara
Kavi. Ramabhadrananda had as his teacher Ramananda Sarasvati,
the author of the Vediinta-siddhiinta-candrikii, on which a commen-
tary was written by Gangadharendra Sarasvati (A.D. 1826), pupil of
Ramacandra Sarasvati and pupil's pupil of Sarvajiia Sarasvati, and
author of the Sii1Jlriijya-siddhi with its commentary, the Kaivalya-
kalpadruma. Prakasananda was a pupil of Advaitananda, author of
the Brahma-vidyiibhara1Ja, a commentary on Sankara's Siiriraka-
bhii~ya-Advaitananda was a disciple of Ramatirtha, author of the
Anvaya-prakii!ikii (a commentary on the Sa1!llqepa-siiriraka of
Sarvajiiatma l\1uni) and a disciple of Kr~I).atirtha, a contemporary
of Jagannathasrama, the teacher of Nrsiip.hasrama. Ramatirtha's
Anvaya-prakiisikii shows an acquaintance with Madhusiidana's
Advaita-siddhi; and he may thus be considered to have lived in the
middle of the seventeenth century. Svayarp.prakasananda, again, had
for pupil Mahadevananda, or V edantin Mahadeva, the author of
the Advaita-dntii-kaustubha or Tattviinusandhiina. It seems very
clear that these writers of the seventeenth and the early eighteenth
XII Teachers and Pupils in Vedanta 57
centuries flourished in a different circle of Vedantic ideas, where
the views of Vacaspati, Suresvara and Sarvajfiatma 1.V1uni had
greater influence than the authors of the Vivara'!la school of
Vedanta. Another important syncretistic Vedanta writer is Sada-
nanda Kasmiraka, author of the Advaita-brahma-siddhi, who lived in
the early part of the eighteenth century. The Advaita-brahma-siddhi
is an excellent summary of all the most important Vedanta doc-
trines, written in an easy style and explaining the chief features of
the Vedantic doctrines in the different schools of Advaita teachers.
Narahari's Bodha-siira may be mentioned as one of the important
products of the late eighteenth century 1 .
The sort of relationship of teachers and students in particular
circles that has been pointed out holds good of the earlier authors
also, though it is difficult to trace them as well as can be done in
the later years, since many of the earlier books are now missing
and the footprints of older traditions are becoming more and more
faint. Thus it may be pointed out that Vidyara:t:lya was a con-
temporary of Amalananda in the fourteenth century, as both of them
A number of other important Vedanta works, written mostly during the
seventeenth to nineteenth centuries, may also be mentioned. Thus Lokanatha,
son of Sarvajii.anarayarya and grandson of Nrsiq1hasrama, wrote a metrical work
in three chapters refuting the views of the dualists, called Advaita-muktii-
siira with a commentary on it called Kiinti; Brahmananda Sarasvati wrote
the Advaita-siddhiinta-vidyotana; Gopalananda Sarasvati, pupil of Yo_gananda,
wrote the Akhm:uJiitma-prakiiSikii; Harihara Param~haq1sa, pupil of Sivarama,
pupil of Visvdvarasrama, wrote the Anubha·va-·ciliisa, and early in the nineteenth
century Samin, a pupil of Brahmananda, wrote a big work in twelve chapters,
called Brahmiinanda-viliisa. In this connection it may not be out of place to
mention the names of some important works of Vedanta dialectics in refutation
of oth~r systems of philosophical views more or less on the lines of those dialec-
tical writings which have been noticed in the present volume. Thus Ananda-
pu ·rya (A.D. 16oo), who commented on Srihar~a's Kha~uJana-khm:uJa-khiidya, wrote
the Nyiiya-candrikii in four chapters, refuting the views of the Nyaya, Mimliq1sa
and Vaise~ika; Anandanubhava, pupil of Narayarya Jyotisha, who lived probably
in the same century, wrote a similar work, called Padiirtha-t{1ttva-nirtzaya;
}fianaghana, who probably lived in the thirteenth century, wrote an elaborate
dialectical work in thirty-three chapters (pralzara1Ja), called Tattva-suddhi;
Srinivasa Yajvan, who probably lived in the sixte:>nth century, wrote the Vtidii-
vall in twenty-six chapters in refutation of Visi~ta<.lvaita and Dvaita views;
Bhavanisari.kara also wrote a similar dialectical work, called Siddhiinta-dipikii.
As examples of semi-popular Vedanta works of a syncretistic type, such works
as the Tattva-bodha of Vasude\'endra, the Gu1Ja-traya-vi·veka of Svayaq1prakasa
Yogindra, the Jagan-mithyiitva-dtpikii of Ramendra Yogin, the Ananda-dlpa of
the Sviitma-yoga-pradipa by Yogisvara (which had a commentary by Amarananda)
and the Ved£1nta-hrdaya (on the lines of the Yoga-vr1si~tha and Gau~la­
p;ida) by Varada Pary<;!ita may be mentioned. This latter work was probably later
than Prakasananda's Vedii.nta-siddhiinta-muktiivali, which followed the same line
of thought.
ss The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
were pupils of Sailkarananda and Anubhavananda respectively;
these in turn were both pupils of Anandatman. Sailkarananda
was the author of the Gitii-tiitparya-bodhini and of a number of
comm.entaries on the various Upani~ads, and alsu of a summary
of the Upani~ads, called Upanifad-ratna. Amalananda, however,
had as teacher not only Anubhavananda, but also Sukhaprakasa
1\Iuni, who again was a disciple of Citsukha, himself a disciple of
Gau9e8vara Acarya (called also }fianottama).

Vedanta Doctrine of Soul and the Buddhist

Doctrine of Soullessness.
One of the most important points of Sailkara's criticism of
Buddhism is directed against its denial of a permanent soul which
could unite the different psychological constituents or could behave
as the enjoyer of experiences and the controller of all thoughts
and actions.
The Buddhists argue that for the production of sense-cognition,
as the awareness of a colour or sound, what is required in addition
to the sense-data of colours, etc. is the corresponding sense-
faculties, while the existence of a soul cannot be deemed indispens-
ahle for the purpose 1 • Vasubandhu argues that what is experienced
is the sense-data and the psychological elements in groups called
skandhas. \Vhat one calls self (iitman) cannot be anything more
than a n1ere apparent cognitional existence (prajiiapti-sat) of what
in reality is but a conglomeration of psychological elements. Had
the apparent self been something as different from the psycho-
logical elements as colours are from sounds, it would then be
regarded as an individual (pudgala); but, if its difference from these
psychological elements be of the same nature as the difference of
the constituents of milk from the appearance of milk, then the self
could be admitted only to have a cognitional existence (prajiiapti-
sat)2. The self has, in fact, only a cognitional appearance of
separateness from the psychological elements; just as, though
1 The arguments here followed are those of Vasubandhu, as found in his

A.blzidharma-koia, and are based on Prof. Stcherbatsky's translation of the ap-

pendix to ch. viii of that work, called the Pudgala-viniicaya, and Ya8omitra's
commentary in manuscript from Nepal, borrowed from Visvabhaniti, Santini-
ketan, Bengal.
2 yadi yathii rupiidi/:l iabdiider bhiiviintaram abhipreyate pudgala iti abhyu-

pagato blzavati blzinna-/ak~a7JOf!& lzi rfipaf!& sabdiid ityiidi k~lriidivat samudii.yas cet
prajfiaptita/:l. Abhidharma-kosa-vyiikh:va, Visvabharati MS. p. 337.
XI) Soul in T7 ediinta and Buddhism 59
milk appears to have a separate existence from the proper com-
bination of its constituent elements, yet it is in reality nothing
more than a definite kind of combination of its constituent
elements, so the self is nothing more than a certain conglomeration
of the psychological elements (skandha), though it may appear to
have a separate and independent existence. The Vatsiputriyas,
however, think that the individual is something different from the
skandhas or psychological entities, as its nature is different from
the nature of them. The Vatsiputriyas deny the existence of a
permanent soul, but believe in momentary individuals (pudgala)
as a category separate and distinct from the skandhas. Just as fire
is something different from the fuel that conditioned it, so the
name "individual" (pudgala) is given to something conditioned
by the skandhas at a given moment in a personallife 1 • Vasuban-
dhu, however, argues against the acceptance of such an individual
and says that there is no meaning in accepting such an individual.
Rain and sun have no effects on rriere vacuous space, they are of
use only to the skin; if the individual is, like the skin, a deter-
miner of the value of experiences, then it must be accepted as
external; if it is like vacuous space, then no purpose is fulfilled
by accepting it 2 • The Vatsiputriyas, however, thought that, just as
the fuel conditioned the fire, so the personal elements conditioned
the individual. By this conditioning the Vatsiputriyas meant that
the personal elements were some sort of a coexisting support 3 •
'Vhat is meant by saying that the pudgala is conditioned by the
personal elements is that, when the skandhas or psychological
elements are present, the pudgala is also present there 4 • But
Vasubandhu urges that a mere conditioning of this kind is not
sufficient to establish the cognitional existence of an individual;
for even colour is conditioned by the visual sense, light and
attention in such a way that, these being present, there is the
perception of light; but can anybody on that ground consider the
1 Stcherbatsky's translation of the Pudgala-uiniicaya, Bulletin de l'Academie

des Sciences de Russie, p. 830.

The exacttextofVasubandhu,as translated from Tibetan in a note, runs thus:
grhua-pratyutpanniibhyantara-skandham upiidiiya pudgala-prajiiaptib. Ibid. p. 953.
2 ViitsiputriyiitJii1Jl tirthika-dntib prasajyate nifprayojanatva1Jl ca

varfiita-piibhyii1Jl kirrz vyomnai carmat}y-asti tayob phalam

carmopamai cet sa nityab khatulyas ced asatphala!z.
MS. of Yasomitra's commentary, p. 338.
3 iisraya-bhutab saha-bhutas ca. Ibid.
4 rilpasyiipi prajiiaptir vakta•vyii cakfur-iidifu satsu tasyopalambhiit, tiini cak-

fUr-iidfny upiidiiya riipam prajiiiipyate. Ibid.

6o The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.

existence of colour to be a cognitional one? And would cognitional

entities deserve to be enumerated as separate categories? Again it
may be asked, if such an individual exists, how is it experienced?
For, if it be experienced by any of the senses, it must be a sense-
datum: for the senses can grasp only their appropriate sense-data,
and the individual is no sense-datum. Therefore, just as milk is
nothing but the colJected sense-data of colour, taste, etc., so also
the so-called individual is nothing more than the conglomerated
psychological elements 1 • The Vatsiputriyas argue that, since the
psychological elements, the sense-data, etc., are the causes of our
experience of the individual, the individual cannot be regarded as
being identical with these causal elements which are responsible
for their experience; if it were so, then even light, eye, attention,
etc., which are causes of the experience of the sense-data, would
have to be regarded as being identical in nature with the indi-
vidual2. But it is not so maintained; the sense-datum of sounds and
colours is always regarded as being different from the individual,
and one always distinguishes an individual from a sense-datum and
says "this is sound," "this is colour" and "this is individual 3 ." But
the individual is not felt to be as distinct from the psychological
elements as colour is from sound. The principle of ditierence or
distinctness consists in nothing but a difference of moments; a
colour is- different from a sound because it is experienced at a
different moment, while the psychological elements and the indi-
vidual are not experienced at different moments 4 • But it is argued
in reply that, as the sense-data and the individual are neither
different nor identical (ratio essendi), so their cognition also is
neither different nor identical in experience (ratio cognoscendz) 5 •
But Vasubandhu says that, if such a view is taken in this case, then
it might as well be taken in all cases wherever there is any con-
glomeration6. Moreover, the separate senses are all limited to their
special fields, and the mind which acts with them is also limited
yathii rilpiidiny e•l.'a samastiini samuditiini k~lram iti udakam iti vii prajfiiipyate,
tathii skandhiii ca samastii pudgala iti praji1iipyate, iti siddham. MS. of Yaso-
mitra's commentary, p. 339 A.
yathii rilpam pudgalopalabdheb kiira7Ja't!l bhavati sa ca tebhyo 'nyo na
vaktavyafz iiloka-cak~ur-manaskiirii api rilpopalabdhe}:z kiira7Ja1!1 bhavati tad api
tad-abhinna-svabhiiva}:z pudgala}:z priipnoti. Ibid. 3 Ibid. p. 339 B.
svalak$a1Jiid api kfa1Jiintaram anyad ity udiihiiryam. Ibid.
yathii rilpa-pudgalayor anyiinanyatvam avaktavyam e'VO"f!l tadupalabdhyor
api anyiinanyatvam avaktavyam. Ibid.
yo 'ya'f!l siddhiintab pudgala eva vaktavya}:z so 'yam bhidyate sa'f!ZSkrtam
api avaktavyam iti krtvii. Ibid.
XI] Soul in Vedanta and Buddhism 61
to the data supplied by them; there is, therefore, no way in which
the so-called individual can be experienced. In the Ajita sermon
Buddha is supposed to say: "A visual consciousness depends upon
the organ of sight and a visible object. When these three (object,
sense organ and consciousness) combine, a sensation is produced.
It is accompanied by a feeling, a representation and a volition.
Only so much is meant, when we are speaking of a human being.
To these (five sets of elements) different names are given, such
as a sentient being, a man, Manu's progeny, a son of Manu, a
child, an individual, a life, a soul. If with respect to them the
expression is used 'he sees the object with his own eyes,' it is false
imputation (there being in reality nobody possessing eyes of his
own). In common life such expressions with respect to them are
current as 'that is the name of this venerable man, he belongs to
such a caste and such a family, he eats such food, this pleases him,
he has reached such an age, he has lived so many years, he has
died at such an age.' These 0 brethren ! accordingly are mere
words, mere conventional designations.
'Expressions are they, (but not truth)!
Real elements have no duration :
Vitality makes them combine
In mutually dependent apparitions 1 . ' "
The Vatsiputriyas however refer to the Bhiira-hiira-siltra, in
which Buddha is supposed to say: "0 brethren, I shall explain unto
you the burden (of iife ), and moreover I shall explain the taking up
of the burden, the laying aside of it and who the carrier is .... What
is the burden? All the five aggregates of elements-the substrates
of personal life. What is meant by the taking up of the burden?
The force of craving for a continuous life, accompanied by pas-
sionate desires, the rejoicing at many an object. What is the laying
aside of the burden? It is the wholesale rejection of this craving
for a continuation of life, accompanied as it is by passionate desires
and rejoicings at many an object, the getting rid of it in every
circumstance, its extinction, its end, its suppression, an aversion
to if, its restraint, its disappearance. Who is the carrier? We must
answer: it is the individual, i.e. 'this venerable man having this
name, of such a caste, of such a family, eating such food, finding
pleasure or displeasure at such things, of such an age, who after a
1 Stcherbatsky's translation in Bulletin de l' Acadbnie des Sciences de Russie.
6z The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
life of such length will pass away having reached such an age 1 . ' "
But V asubandhu points out that the carrier of the burden is not
to be supposed to be some eternal soul or real individual. It is
the momentary group of elements of the preceding moment that
is designated as the burden, and the immediately succeeding one
tb.e carrier of the burden (bhiira-hara) 2 •
The Vatsiputriyas again argue that activity implies an active
agent, and, since knowing is an action, it also implies the knower
who knows,just as the walking of Devadatta implies a Devadatta
who walks. But Vasubandhu's reply to such a contention is that
there is nowhere such a unity. There is no individual like Devadatta:
what we call Devadatta is but a conglomeration of elements. "The
light of a lamp is a common metaphorical designation for an un-
interrupted production of a series of flashing flames. When this
production changes its place, we say that the light has moved.
Similarly consciousness is a conventional name for a chain of
conscious moments. When it changes its place (i.e. appears in
co-ordination with another objective element), we say that it ap-
prehends that object. And in the same way we speak about the
existence of material elements. \Ve say matter 'is produced,' 'it
exists'; but there is no difference between existence and the
element which does exist. The same applies to consciousness
(there is nothing that cognizes) apart from the evanescent flashing
of consciousness itself) 3 ."
It is easy to see that the analysis of consciousness offered by the
Vedanta philosophy of the Sankara school is entirely different from
this. The Vedanta holds that the fact of consciousness is entirely
different from everything else. So long as the assemblage of the
physical or physiological conditions antecedent to the rise of any
cognition, as for instance, the presence of illumination, sense-
object contact, etc., is being prepared, there is no knowledge, and
it is only at a particular n1oment that the cognition of an object
arises. This cognition is in its nature so much different from each
and all the elements constituting the so-called assemblage of con-
ditions, that it cannot in any sense be regarded as the product of
Stcherbatsky's translation.
Y asomitra points out that there is no carrier of the burden different from
the collection of the skandhas-bharadanavan na skandhebhyo 'rthantara-bhutal.z
pudgala ity arthal.z. Abhidharma-kosa-vyakhya, Visvabharati MS.
3 Stcherbatsky's translation in Bulletin de l'Academie des Sciences de Russie,

pp. 938-939·
XI) Soul in Vedanta and Buddhism
any collocation of conditions. Consciousness thus, not being a
product of anything and not being further analysable into any
constituents, cannot also be regarded as a momentary flashing.
Uncaused and unproduced, it is eternal, infinite and unlimited.
The main point in which consciousness differs from everything
else is the fact of its self-revelation. There is no complexity in
consciousness. It is extremely simple, and its only essence or
characteristic is pure self-revelation. The so-called momentary
flashing of consciousness is not due to the fact that it is
momentary, that it rises into being and is then destroyed the
next moment, but to the fact that the objects that are revealed
by it are reflected through it from time to time. But the conscious-
ness is always steady and unchangeable in itself. The immediacy
(aparok~atva) of this consciousness is proved by the fact that, though
everything else is manifested by coming in touch with it, it itself
is never expressed, indicated or manifested by inference or by
any other process, but is always self-manifested and self-revealed.
All objects become directly revealed to us as soon as they come in
touch with it. Consciousness (sa'l(lvid) is one. It is neither identical
with its objects nor on the same plane with them as a constituent
element in a collocation of them and consciousness. The objects
of consciousness or all that is manifested in consciousness come
in touch with consciousness and themselves appear as conscious-
ness. This appearance is such that, when they come in touch
with consciousness, they themselves flash forth as consciousness,
though that operation is nothing but a false appearance of the non-
conscious objects and mental states in the light of consciousness,
as being identical with it. But the intrinsic difference between
consciousness and its objects is that the former is universal (pratyak)
and constant (anuvrtta), while the latter are particular (ap1·atyak)
and alternating (vyiivrtta). The awarenesses of a book, a table, etc.
appear to be different not because these are different flashings of
knowledge, but because of the changing association of conscious-
ness with these objects. The objects do not come into being with
the flashings of their awareness, but they have their separate
existence and spheres of operation 1 • Consciousness is one and
unchanging; it is only when the objects get associated with it that
1 tattva-daril tu nityam advitzyarrz v~iiiiinarrz vi~ayiis ca tatriidhyastiib Prthag-

artha-kriyii-samarthiis te~iiTfl ciibiidhitarrz sthiiyitvam astui vadati. Vivara7Ja-

prameya-sa'f!ZI!Taha, p. 74, the Vizianagram Sanskrit Series, Benares, 1893.
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
they appear in consciousness and as identical with it in such a way
that the flashing of an object in consciousness appears as the
flashing of the consciousness itself. It is through an illusion that
the object of consciousness and consciousness appear to be welded
together into such an integrated whole, that their mutual difference
escapes our notice, and that the object of consciousness, which is
only like an extraneous colour applied to consciousness, does not
appear different or extraneous to it, but as a specific mode of the
consciousness itself. Thus what appear as but different aware-
nesses, as book-cognition, table-cognition, are not in reality
different awarenesses, but one unchangeable consciousness suc-
cessively associated with ever-changing objects which falsely appear
to be integrated with it and give rise to the appearance that quali-
tatively different kinds of consciousness are flashing forth from
moment to moment. Consciousness cannot be regarded as momen-
tary. For, had it been so, it would have appeared different at every
different moment. If it is urged that, though different conscious-
nesses are arising at each different moment, yet on account of
extreme similarity this is not noticed; then it may be replied that,
if there is difference between the two consciousnesses of two
successive moments, then such difference must be grasped either
by a different consciousness or by the same consciousness. In the
first alternative the third awareness, which grasps the first two
awarenesses and their difference, must either be identical with
them, and in that case the difference between the three awarenesses
would vanish; or it may be different from them, and in that case,
if another awareness be required to comprehend their difference
and that requires another and so on, there would be a vicious
infinite. If the difference be itself said to be identical with the
nature of the consciousness (sartzvit-svarupa-bhuto bhedal;), and if
there is nothing to apprehend this difference, then the non-
appearance of the difference implies the non-appearance of the
consciousness itself; for by hypothesis the difference has been held
to be identical with the consciousness itself. The non-appearance of
difference, implying the non-appearance of consciousness, would
mean utter blindness. The difference between the awareness of
one moment and another cannot thus either be logically proved,
or realized in experience, which always testifies to the unity of
awareness through all moments of its appearance. It may be held
that the appearance of unity is erroneous, and that, as such, it
XI] Recognition in Vedanta and Buddhism
presumes that the awarenesses are similar; for without such a
similarity there could not have been the erroneous appearance of
unity. But, unless the difference of the awarenesses and their
similarity be previously proved, there is nothing which can even
suggest that the appearance of unity is erroneous 1 • It cannot be
urged that, if the existence of difference and similarity between the
awarenesses of two different moments can be proved to be false,
then only can the appearance of unity be proved to be true; for the
appearance of unity is primary and directly proved by experience.
Its evidence can be challenged only jf the existence of difference
between the awarenesses and their similarity be otherwise proved.
The unity of awareness is a recognition of the identity of the
awarenesses (pratyabhijiiii), which is self-evident.
It has also been pointed out that the Buddhists give a different
analysis of the fact of recognition. They hold that perception
reveals the existence of things at the moment of perception,
whereas recognition involves the supposition of their existence
through a period of past time, and this cannot be apprehended
by perception, which is limited to the present moment only. If it
is suggested that recognition is due to present perception as asso-
ciated with the impressions (sa1(lskiira) of previous experience,
then such a recognition of identity would not prove the identity
of the self as" I am he "-for in the self-luminous self there cannot
be any impressions. The mere consciousness as the flash cannot
prove any identity; for that is limited to the present moment and
cannot refer to past experience and unite it with the experience
of the present moment. The Buddhists on their side deny the
existence of recognition as the perception of identity, and think
that it is in reality not one but two concepts-" I" and "that"-
and not a separate experience of the identity of the self as per-
sisting through time. To this the Vedantic reply is that, though
there cannot be any impressions in the self as pure consciousness,
yet the self as associated with the mind (antal:zkarar.za) can well
have impressions (sa1(lskiira), and so recognition is possible 2 • But
it may be objected that the complex of the self and mind would
then be playing the double role of knower and the known; for it
is the mind containing the impressions and the self that together
Vivaratza-prameya-sa1'[lgraha, p. 76.
kevale cidiitmani janya-jfiiina-tat-sa'!zskiirayor asambhave 'py antabkarmJa-
visine tat-sambhaviid ukta-pratyabhijfiii ki'!l na syiit. Ibid. p. 76.
66 The Saiikara School of Vedanta [cH.
play the part of the recognizer, and it is exactly those impressions
together with the self that form the content of recognition also-
and hence in this view the agent and the object have to be regarded
as one. But in reply to this VidyaraJ).ya Muni urges that all systems
of philosophy infer the existence of soul as different from the
body; and, as such an inference is made by the self, the self is thus
both the agent and the object of such inferences. VidyaraJ).ya says
that it may further be urged that the recognizer is constituted of
the self in association with the mind, whereas the recognized entity
is constituted of the self as qualified by past and present time 1 •
Thus the recognition of self-identity does not strictly involve the
fact of the oneness of the agent and its object. If it is urged that,
since recognition of identity of self involves two concepts, it also
involves two moments, then the assertion that all knowledge is
momentary also involves two concepts, for momentariness cannot
be regarded as being identical with knowledge. The complexity
of a concept does not mean that it is not one but two different
concepts occurring at two different moments. If such a maxim is
accepted, then the theory that all knowledge is momentary cannot
be admitted as one concept, but two concepts occurring at two
moments; and hence momentariness cannot be ascribed to know-
ledge, as is done by the Buddhists. Nor can it be supposed, in
accordance 'vith the Prabhakara view, that the existence of the
permanent "this self" is admitted merely on the strength of the
recognizing notion of "self-identity"; for the self which abides
through the past and exists in the present cannot be said to depend
on a momentary concept of recognition of self-identity. The notion
of self-identity is only a momentary notion, which lasts only at the
present time; and hence the real and abiding self cannot owe its
reality or existence merely to a psychological notion of the moment.
Again, if it is argued that memory, such as "I had an
awareness of a book," shows that the self was existing at the past
time when the book was perceived, it may be replied that such
memory and previous experience may prove the past existence of
the self, but it cannot prove that the self that was existing in the
past is identical with the self that is now experiencing. The mere
existence of self at two moments of time does not prove that the
self had persisted through the intervening times. Two notions of
antabkara~a-viiinatayaiviitmanab pratyabhijiiiitrtvaiJl purviipara-kiila-vi-
si~!atayii ca pratyabhijiieyatvam. Vivara~a-prameya-sa'!lgraha, p. 77.
XI] Recognition in Vedanta and Buddhism
two different times cannot serve to explain the idea of recognition,
which presupposes the notion of persistence. If it were held that
the two notions produce the notion of self-persistence through the
notion of recognition, then that would mean that the Buddhist
admits that one can recognize himself as "I am he." It cannot
be said that, since the self itself cannot be perceived, there is no
possibility of the perception of the identity of the self through
recognition; for, when one remembers " I had an experience," that
very remembrance proves that the self was perceived. Though at
the time when one remembers it the self at the time of such memory
is felt as the perceiver and not as the object of that self-perception,
yet at the time of the previous experience which is now being
remembered the self must have been itself the object of the per-
ception. If it is argued that it is only the past awareness that is
the object of memory and this awareness, when remef!lbered, ex-
presses the self as its cognizer, then to this it may be replied that
since at the time of remembering there is no longer the past
awareness, the cognizer on whom this awareness had to rest itself
is also absent. It is only when an awareness reveals itself that ·it
also reveals the cognizer on whom it rests; but, if an awareness is
remembered, then the awareness which is remembered is only
made an object of present awareness which is self-revealed. But
the past awareness which is supposed to be remembered is past
and lost and, as such, it neither requires a cognizer on which it
has to rest nor actually reveals such a cognizer. It is only the
self-revealed cognition that also immediately reveals the cognizer
with its own revelation. But, when a cognition is mediated through
memory, its cognizer is not manifested with its remembrance 1
So the self which experienced an awareness in the past can be
referred to only through the mediation of memory. So, when the
Prabhakaras hold that the existence of the self is realized through
such a complex notion as "I am he," it has to be admitted that
it is only through the process of recognition (pratyabhifiiii) that
the persistence of the self is established. The main point that
VidyaraQ.ya Muni urges in his Vivarm:za-prameya-sa'!lgraha is that
the fact of recognition or the experience of self-identity cannot be
explained by any assumption of two separate concepts, such as the
memory of a past cognition or cognizer and the present awareness.
svayarrzprakiisamiinarrz hi sal!lvedanam iisrayarrz siidhayati na tu smrti-
vitayatayii para-prakiisyam. Vivarat.za-prameya-sarrzgraha, p. 78.
68 The Saizkara School of Vedanta (CH.
We all feel that our selves are persisting through time and that I
who experienced pleasure yesterday and I who am experiencing new
pleasures to-day are identical; and the only theory by which this
notion of self-persistence or self-identity can be explained is by
supposing that the self exists ·and persists through time. The
Buddhist attempts at explaining this notion of self-identity by the
supposition of the operation of two separate concepts are wholly
inadequate, as has already been shown. The perception of self-
identity can therefore be explained only on the basis of a per-
manently existing self.
Again, the existence of self i3 not to be argued merely through
the inference that cognition, will and feeling presuppose some entity
to which they belong and that it is this entity that is called self; for,
if that were the case, then no one would be able to distinguish his
own self from that of others. For, if the self is only an entity
which has to be presupposed as the possessor of cognition, will,
etc., then how does one recognize one's own cognition of things as
differing from that of others? What is it that distinguishes my
experience from that of others? l\Iy self must be immediately
perceived by me in order that I may relate any experience to myself.
So the self must be admitted as being self-manifested in all ex-
perience; without admitting the self to be self-luminous in all
experience the difference between an experience as being my
own and as belonging to others could not be explained. It may
be objected by some that the self is not self-luminous by itself,
but only because, in self-consciousness, the self is an object of
the cognizing operation (sarrzvit-karma). But this is hardly valid;
for the self is not only cognized as an object of self-consciousness,
but also in itself in all cognitional operations. The self cannot be
also regarded as being manifested by ideas or percepts. It is not
true that the cognition of the self occurs after the cognition of the
book or at any different time from it. For it is true that the
cognition of the self and that of the book take place at the same
point of time; for the same awareness cannot comprehend two
different kinds of objects at the same time. If this was done at
different points of time, then that would not explain our ex-
perience-" I have known this." For such a notion implies a
relation between the knower and the known; and, if the knower
and the known were grasped in knowledge at two different points
of time, there is nothing which could unite them together in the
xr] Self-luminosity of the Self
same act of knowledge. It is also wrong to maintain that the self
is manifested only as the upholder of ideas; for the self is mani-
fested in the knowing operation itself. So, since the self cannot be
regarded as being either the upholder or cognizer of ideas or their
object, there is but one way in which it can be considered as self-
manifesting or self-revealing (sva-prakiisa). The immediacy of the
self is thus its self-revealing and self-manifesting nature. The
existence of self is thus proved by the self-luminous nature of the
self. The self is the cognizer of the objects only in the sense that
under certain conditions of the operation of the mind there is the
mind-object contact through a particular sense, and, as the result
thereof, these objects appear in consciousness by a strange illusion;
so also ideas of the mind, concepts, volitions and emotions appear
in consciousness and themselves appear as conscious states, as if
consciousness was their natural and normal character, though in
reality they are only illusorily imposed upon the consciousness-
the self-luminous self.
Anandabodha Bhattarakadirya, from whom VidyaraQya often
borrows his arguments, says that the self-luminosity of the self has
to be admitted, because it cannot be determined as being mani-
fested by anything else. The self cannot be regarded as being
perceived by a mental perception (miinasa pratyak~a); for that
would involve the supposition that the self is the object of its
own operation; for cognition is at any rate a function of the self.
The functions of cognition belonging to the self cannot affect the
self itself 1 • The Vedanta has also to fight against the Prabhakara
view which regards cognition as manifesting the object and the
self along with itself, as against its own view that it is the self
which is identical with knowledge and which is self-manifesting.
Anandabodha thus objects to the Prabhakara view, that it is the
object-cognition which expresses both the self and the not-self,
and holds that the self cannot be regarded as an object of awareness.
Anandabodha points out that it may be enunciated as a universal
proposition that what is manifested by cognition must necessarily
be an object of cognition, and that therefore, if the self is not an
object of cognition, it is not manifested by cognition 2 • Therefore
the self or the cognizer is not manifested by cognition; for, like
tatlzii sati sviidhiira-vijiiii:na-vrtti-vyiipyat·viid iitmanal.z karmatve sviitmani
vrtti-virodhiid iti briinwl.z. Nyiiya-makaranda, p. 13 I.
Ibid. pp. 134-135·
70 The Saizkara School of Vedanta (CH.
cognition, it is self-manifested and immediate without being an
object of cognition 1 •
The self-luminosity of cognition is argued by Anandabodha.
He says that, if it is held that cognition does not manifest itself,
though it manifests its objects, it may be replied that, if it were so,
then at the time when an object is cognized the cognizer would have
doubted if he had any cognition at the time or not. If anyone is
asked whether he has seen a certain person or not, he is sure about
his own knowledge that he has seen him and never doubts it. It is
therefore certain that, when an object is revealed by any cognition,
the cognition is itself revealed as well. If it is argued that such a
cognition is revealed by some other cognition, then it might require
some other cognition and that another and so on ad infinitum;
and thus there is a vicious infinite. Nor can it be held that there
is some other mental cognition (occurring either simultaneously
with the awareness of the object or at a later moment) by which
the awareness of the awareness of the object is further cognized.
For from the same mind-contact there cannot be two different
awarenesses of the type discussed. If at a later moment, then, there
is mind-activity, cessation of one mind-contact, and again another
mind-activity and the rise of another mind-contact, that would
imply many intervening moments, and thus the cognition which is
supposed to cognize an awareness of an object would take place at
a much later moment, when the awareness which it has to reveal is
already passed. It has therefore to be admitted that cognition is itself
self-luminous and that, while manifesting other objects, it manifests
itself also. The objection raised is thatthe self or the cognition cannot
affect itself by its own functioning (vrttz); the reply is that cognition
is like light and has no intervening operation by which it affects
itself or its objects. Just as light removes darkness, helps the
operation of the eye and illuminates the object and manifests itself
all in one moment without any intervening operation of any other
light, so cognition also in one flash manifests itself and its objects,
and there is no functioning of it by which it has to affect itself.
This cognition cannot be described as being mere momentary
flashes, on the ground that, when there is the blue awareness, there
is not the yellow awareness; for apart from the blue awareness, the
Sa'f!lveditii na Sa'f!lvid-adhlna-prakiisatz Sa'f!lvit-karmatiim antaret:za aparok-
~atviitSa'f!lvedanavat. Nyiiya-makaranda, p. 135· This argument is borrowed
verbatim by VidyiiraQya in his Vivarat:za-prameya-smpgraha, p. 85.
Self as pure Consciousness 71
yellow awareness or the white awareness there is also the natural
basic awareness or consciousness, which cannot be denied. It
would be wrong to say that there are only the particular aware-
nesses which appear and vanish from moment to moment; for, had
there been only a series of particular awarenesses, then there would
be nothing by which their differences could be realized. Each
awareness in the series would be of a particular and definite char-
acter, and, as it passed away, would give place to another, and that
again to another, so that there would be no way of distinguishing
one awareness from another; for according to the theory under
discussion there is no consciousness except the passing awarenesses,
and thus there would be no \vay by which their differences
could be noticed; for, even though the object of awareness,
such as blue and yellow, differed amongst themselves, that would
fail to explain how the difference of a blue awareness and a yellow
awareness could be apprehended. So the best would be to admit
the self to be of the nature of pure consciousness.
It will appear from the above discussion that the Vedanta had
to refute three opponents in establishing its doctrine that the self
is of the nature of pure consciousness and that it is permanent
and not momentary. The first opponent \vas the Buddhist, who
believed neither in the existence of the self nor in the nature of any
pure permanent consciousness. The Buddhist objection that there
was no permanent self could be well warded off by the Vedanta
by appealing to the verdict of our notion of self-identity-which
could not be explained on the Buddhist method by the supposition
of two separate notions of a past "that self" and the present
"I am." Nor can consciousness be regarded as being nothing
more than a series of passing ideas or particular awarenesses; for
on such a theory it would be impossible to explain how we can
react upon our mental states and note their differences. Conscious-
ness has thus to be admitted as permanent. Against the second
opponent, the Naiyayika, the Vedanta urges that the self is not
the inferred object to which awarenesses, volitions or feelings
belong, but is directly and immediately intuited. For, had it
not been so, how could one distinguish his own experiences as his
own and as different from those of others? The internalness of
my own experiences shows that they are directly intuited as my
own, and not merely supposed as belonging to some self who was
the possessor of his experiences. For inference cannot reveal the
The Sankara School of Vedanta (cH.

internalness of any cognition or feeling. Against the third opponent,

the Mima111saka, the Vedanta urges that the self-revealing character
belongs to the self which is identical with thought-as against
the Mima111sa view, that thought as a self-revealing entity revealed
the self and the objects as different from it. The identity of
the self and thought and the self-revealing character of it are also
urged; and it is shown by a variety of dialectical reasoning that
such a supposition is the only reasonable alternative that is left
to us.
This self as pure consciousness is absolutely impersonal, un-
limited and infinite. In order to make it possible that this one self
should appear as many individuals and as God, it is supposed that
it manifests itself differently through the veil of miiyii. Thus,
according to the Siddlziinta-lesa, it is said in the Prakatiirtha-
vivarar;a that, when this pure consciousness is reflected through the
beginningless, indescribable miiyii, it is called Isvara or God. But,
when it is reflected through the limited parts of miiyii containing
powers of veiling and of diverse creation (called avidyii), there
are the manifestations of individual souls or jzvas. It is again said
in the Tattva-viveka of Nrsi111hasrama that, when this pure con-
sciousness is reflected through the pure sattva qualities, as domi-
nating over other impure parts of prakrti, there is the manifestation
of God. Whereas, when the pure consciousness is reflected through
the impure parts of rajas and tamas, as dominating over the sattva
part of prakrti (called also avidyii), there are the manifestations
of the individual selves or jz1-·as. The same prakrti in its two aspects,
as predominating in sattva and as predominating in rajas and
tamas, goes by the name of miiyii and avidyii and forms the con-
ditioning factors (upiidhz) of the pure consciousness, which on
account of the different characters of the conditioning factors of
miiyii and avidyii appear as the omniscient God and the ignorant
individual souls. Sarvajiiatma :.\1uni thinks that, when the pure
consciousness is reflected through m:idyii, it is called Isvara, and,
when it is reflected through mind (anta~zkarar;a), it is calledjzva.
These various methods of accounting for the origin of indi-
vidual selves and God have but little philosophical significance.
But they go to show that the principal interest of the Vedanta lies
in establishing the supreme reality of a transcendental principle of
pure consciousness, which, though always untouched and un-
attached in its own nature, is yet the underlying principle which
XI] Vediintic Cosmology 73
can explain all the facts of the enlivening and enlightening of all
our conscious experiences. All that is limited, be it an individual
self or an individual object of awareness, is in some sense or other
an illusory imposition of the modification of a non-conscious
principle on the principle of consciousness. The Vedanta is both
unwilling and incapable of explaining the nature of the world-
process in all its details, in which philosophy and science are
equally interested. Its only interest is to prove that the world-
process presupposes the existence of a principle of pure conscious-
ness which is absolutely and ultimately real, as it is immediate
and intuitive. Reality means what is not determined by anything
else; and in this sense pure consciousness is the only reality-and
all else is indescribable-neither real nor unreal; and the Vedanta
is not interested to discover what may be its nature.

Vedantic Cosmology.
From what has been said above it is evident that maya
(also called avidyii or ajiiiina) is in itself an indefinable
mysterious stuff, which has not merely a psychological existence,
but also an ontological existence as well. It is this ajfiiina which
on the one hand forms on the subjective plane the mind and the
senses (the self alone being Brahman and ultimately real), and on
the other hand, on the objective plane, the whole of the objective
universe. This ajiiiina has two powers, the power of veiling or
covering (iivara~a) and the power of creation (vik§epa). The power
of veiling, though small, like a little cloud veiling the sun with a
diameter of millions of miles, may, in spite of its limited nature,
cover up the infinite, unchangeable self byveilingitsself-luminosity
as cognizer. The veiling of the self means veiling the shining
unchangeable self-perception of the self, as infinite, eternal and
limitless, pure consciousness, which as an effect of such veiling
appears as limited, bound to sense-cognitions and sense-enjoy-
ments and functioning as individual selves 1 . It is through this
covering power of ajiiiina that the self appears as an agent and an
enjoyer of pleasures and pains and subject to ignorant fears of
rebirth, like the illusory perception of a piece of rope in darkness as
a snake. Just as through the creative power of ignorance a piece of
vastuto 'jiiiinasyiitmiichiidakatviibhiive 'pi pramiitr-buddhimiitriichiidakatvena
ajiiiinasyiitmiichiidakatvam upaciiriid ucyate. Subodhinl on Vediinta-siira, p. 13,
Nirl)aya-Sagara Press, Bombay, 1916.
74 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
rope, the real nature of which is hidden from view, appears as a
snake, so does ignorance by its creative power create on the hidden
self the manifold world-appearance. As the ajtiiina is supposed to
veil by its veiling power (iivara~za-saktz) only the self-cognizing
and self-revealing aspect of the self, the other aspect of the self as
pure being is left open as the basis on which the entire world-
appearance is created by the creative power thereof. The pure
consciousness, veiled as it is by ajiiiina with its two powers, can
be regarded as an important causal agent (nimitta), when its nature
as pure consciousness forming the basis of the creation of the world-
appearance is emphasized; it can be regarded as the material cause,
when the emphasis is put on its covering part, the afiiiina. It is
like a spider, which, so far as it weaves its web, can be regarded as
a causal agent, and, so far as it supplies from its own body the
materials of the web, can be regarded as the material cause of the
web, when its body aspect is emphasized. The creative powers
(vik~epa-saklz) of ajfiiina are characterized as being threefold, after
the manner of Sarp.khya prakrli, as sattva, rajas and lamas. With
the pure consciousness as the basis and with the associated creative
power of ajfiiina predominating in lamas, space (iikiiSa) is first
produced; from iikiisa comes air, from air fire, from fire water, from
water earth. It is these elements in their fine and uncompounded
state that in the Sarp.khya and the Pural}as are called lan-miilras.
It is out of these that the grosser materials are evolved as also the
subtle bodies 1 • The subtle bodies are made up of seventeen parts,
As to how the suhtle elements are combined for the production of grosser
elements there are two different theories, viz. the tnvrt-lwra~za and the paiicl-
kara1Ja. The trivrt-karm;a means that fire, water and earth (as subtle elements)
are each divided into two halves, thus producing two equal parts of each; then
the three half parts of the three subtle elements are again each divided into two
hah-es, thus producing two quarter parts of each. Then the original first half of
each element is combined with the two quarters of other two elements. Thus
each element has half of itself with two quarter parts of other two elements.
Vacaspati and Amalananda prefer tri·crt-karu1Ja to paiici-lwral}Q; for they think
that there is no point in admitting that air and iikiisa have also parts of other
clements integrated in them, and the Vedic texts speak of tri'l·rt-kara1)a and not of
paiic1-kara1Ja. The paiki-kara1Ja theory holds that the five subtle elements are
divided firstly into two halves, and then one of the two halves of these five
elements is divided again into four parts, and then the first half of each subtle
element is combined with the one-f<,urth of each half of all the other elements
excepting the element of which there is the full half as a constituent. Thus each
element is made up of one-half of itself, and the other half of it is constituted of
the one-fourth of each of the other elements (i.e. one-eighth of each of the
other four elements), and thus each element has at least some part of other
elements integrated into it. This view is supported by the Vediinta-paribhiifii
and its Sillhiima1)i commentary, p. 363.
XI] Vediintic Cosmology 75
excluding the subtle elements, and are called suk~ma-sartra or
liftga-sarira. This subtle body is composed of the five cognitive
senses, the five conative senses, the five viiyus or biomotor activities,
buddhi (intellect) and manas, together with the five subtle elements
in tanmatric forms. The five cognitive senses, the auditory, tactile,
visual, gustatory and olfactory senses, are derived from the sativa
parts of the five elements, iikiisa, viiyu, agni, ap and prthivt
respectively. Buddhi, or intellect, means the mental state of
determination or affirmation (niJcayiitmikii antal:zkarm:za-vrttz).
ll.fanas means the two mental functions of vikalpa and saftkalpa
or of saftkalpa alone resulting in doubt 1 • The function of mind
(citta) and the function of egoism (ahattzkiira) are included in
buddhi and manas 2 • They are all produced from the sattva
parts of the five elements and are therefore elemental. Though
they are elemental, yet, since they are produced from the
compounded sattva parts of all the elements, they have the re-
vealing function displayed in their cognitive operations. Buddhi
with the cognitive senses is called the sheath of knowledge
(vijfiiinamaya-ko~a). Manas with the cognitive senses is called the
sheath of manas (manomaya-ko~a). It is the self as associated with
the vijfiiinamaya-ko~a that feels itself as the agent, enjoyer, happy
or unhappy, the individual self (jtva) that passes through worldly
experience and rebirth. The conative senses are produced from
the rajas parts of the five elements. The five viiyus or biomotor
activities are called Prii7Ja or the breathing activity, Udiina or the
upward activity and Samiina or the digestive activity. There are
some who add another five viiyus such as the Naga, the vomiting
Apiina troyiines activity, Kiirma, the reflex activity of opening the
eyelids, Krkala, the activity of coughing, Devadatta, the activity of
yawning, and Dhanaiijaya, the nourishing activity. These prii1Jas
1 The Vediinta-silra speaks of sankalpa and vikalpa, and this is explained

by the Subodhinl as meaning doubt. See Vediinta-siira and Subodhinl, p. 17. The
Vediinta-paribhii~ii and its commentators speak of safzlwlpa as being the only
unction of manas, but it means "doubt." See pp. 88-89 and 358.
smara1)iikiira-vrttimad untal;kara1)a1Jz cittam (Vediinta-paribhii~ii-1\Ia~zi­
prabhii, p. 89). anayor eva cittiihat!lkiirayor antarbhiivalz (Vediinta-siira, p. 17).
But the Vediinta-paribhii~ii says that manas, buddhi, aha1flkiira and citta, all four,
constitute the inner organ {anta{lkara1)a). See Vediinta-paribhii,~ii, p. 88. The
Vediinta-siira however does not count four functions buddhi, manas, citta,
aha'f!lkiira; citta and aha1Jzkiira are regarded as the same as buddhi and manas.
Thus according to the Vediinta-siira there are only two categories. But since
the Vediinta-paribhii~ii only mentions buddhi and manas as constituents of the
subtle body, one need not think that there is ultimately any difference between
it and the Vediinta-siira.
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
together with the cognitive senses form the active sheath of prii1_Za
(prii1_Zamaya-ko~a). Of these three sheaths, the vijiiiinamaya, mano-
maya and prii1_Zamaya, the v~fiiiinamaya sheath plays the part of the
active agent (kartr-rupal;); the manomaya is the source of all desires
and volition, and is therefore regarded as having an instrum~ntal
function; the prii1_Zamaya sheath represents the motor functions.
These three sheaths make up together the subtle body or the
su~ma-sarira. HiraQ.yagarbha (also called Sutriitmii or prii1Ja) is
the god who presides over the combined subtle bodies of all living
beings. Individually each subtle body is supposed to belong to
every being. These three sheaths, involving as they do all the sub-
conscious impressions from which our conscious experience is de-
rived, are therefore called a dream (jitgrad-viisaniimayatviit svapna).
The process of the formation of the gross elements from the
subtle parts of the elements is technically called paiiclkara1_la. It
consists in a compounding of the elements in which one half of
each rudimentary element is mixed with the eighth part of each
other rudimentary element. It is through such a process of com-
pounding that each element possesses some of the properties of
the other elements. The entire universe consists of seven upper
worlds (Bhul;, Bhuval:z, Svar, Alahar, Janal;, Tapa~z and Satyam ),
seven lower worlds (Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Rasiitala, Taliitala,
Mahiitala and Piitiila) and all the gross bodies of all living beings.
There is a cosmic deity who presides over the combined
physical bodies of all beings, and this deity is called Virat. There
is also the person, the individual who presides over each one of
the bodies, and, in this aspect, the individual is called Visva.
The ajniina as constituting antal;kara1_la or mind, involving the
operative functions of buddhi and manas, is always associated
with the self; it is by the difference of these anta~zkara1_las that one
self appears as many individual selves, and it is through the states
of these antal;kara1_las that the veil over the self and the objects
are removed, and as a result of this there is the cognition of objects.
The anta!:zkara1_la is situated within the body, which it thoroughly
pervades. It is made up of the saft:va parts of the five rudimentary
elements, and, being extremely transparent, comes into touch with
the sense objects through the specific senses and assumes their
forms. It being a material stuff, there is one part inside the body,
another part in touch with the sense-objects, and a third part
between the two and connected with them both as one whole.
XI] Sankara and his School 77
The interior part of the antal:zkara1Ja is the ego or the agent. The
intervening part has the action of knowledge, called also vrtti-jiiiina.
The third part, which at the time of cognition is transformed into
the form of the sense-objects, has the function of making them
manifested in knowledge as its objects. The antal:zkara1}a of three
parts being transparent, pure consciousness can well be manifested
in it. Though pure consciousness is one, yet it manifests the three
different parts of the anta!:zkarar.za in three different ways, as the
cognizer (pramiitr), cognitive operation (pramiir.za) and the cogni-
tion, or the percept (pramitt). In each of the three cases the
reality is the part of the pure consciousness, as it expresses itself
through the three different modifications of the antal:zkarar.za. The
sense-objects in themselves are but the veiled pure consciousness,
brahman, as forming their substance. The difference between the
individual consciousness (jzva-caitanya) and the brahman-con-
sciousness (brahma-caitanya) is that the former represents pure
consciousness, as conditioned by or as reflected through the antal:z-
kara1Ja, while the latter is the unentangled infinite consciousness, on
the basis of which all the cosmic creations of miiyii are made. The
covering of avidyii, for the breaking of which the operation of the
antal:zkara1Ja is deemed necessary, is of two kinds, viz. subjective
ignorance and objective ignorance. When I say that I do not know
a book, that implies subjective ignorance as signified by" I do not
know," and objective ignorance as referring to the book. The
removal of the first is a precondition of all kinds of knowledge,
perceptual or inferential, while the second is removed only in
perceptual knowledge. It is diverse in kind according to the form
and content of the sense-objects; and each perceptual cognition
removes only one specific ignorance, through which the particular
cognition arise31.

Sarikara and his School.

It is difficult to say exactly how many books were written by
Sankara himself. There is little doubt that quite a number of
books attributed to Sailkara were not written by him. I give
here a list of those books that seem to me to be his genuine
works, though it is extremely difficult to be absolutely certain.
See Madhusiidana Sarasvati's Siddhiinta-bindu, I?P· 132-150; and Brah-
mananda Sarasvati's Nyiiya-ratniivalz, pp. 132-150, Srividya Press, Kumba-
konam, 1893.
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
I have chosen only those works which have been commented on
by other writers, since this shows that these have the strength
of tradition behind them to support their authenticity. The most
important works of Sankara are his commentaries on the ten
Upani~ads, lsii, Kena, Katha, Praina, Mwpjaka, Mii1;ll}iikya,
Aitareya, Taittiriya, Chiindogya and Brhad-iira7Jyaka and the
Siirlraka-mlmiil[lSii-bhii~ya. The main reasons why a number of
works which probably were not written by him were attributed
to him seem to be twofold; first, because there was another writer
of the same name, i.e. Sankaracarya, and second, the tendency of
Indian writers to increase the dignity of later works by attributing
them to great writers of the past. The attribution of all the
PuraQas to Vyasa illustrates this very clearly. Sankara's lsopani~ad­
bh~ya has one commentary by Anandajfiana and another, Dzpikii,
by the other Sankara Acarya. His Kenopani~ad-bh~ya has two
commentaries, Kenopani~ad-bh~ya-vivara7Ja and a commentary by
Anandajiiana. The Kiithakopani~ad-bh~ya has two commentaries,
by Anand.ajiiana and by Balagopala Yogindra. The Prasnopani~ad­
bh~ya has two commentaries, by Anandajiiana and NarayaQendra
Sarasvati. The Mu7Jl}akopani~ad-bh~ya has two commentaries,
by Anandajfiana and AbhinavanarayaQendra Sarasvati. The
Mii1Jrjz7kyopani~ad-bhii~ya has two commentaries, by Anandajfiana
and ;\1athuranatha Sukla, and a summary, called Mii1;ll}ilkyopan#ad-
bhii~yiirtha-sa1J1graha, by Raghavananda. The Aitareyopani~ad­
bhii~ya has six commentaries, by Anandajfiana, AbhinavanarayaQa,
N rsimha Acarya, Balakp?Qadasa, Jiianamrta Yati, and Visvesvara
Tirtha. The Taittirlyopanifad-bhii~ya seems to have only one
commentary on it, by Anandajiiana. The Chiindogyopani~adhas two
commentaries, called Bhii~ya-fippana, and a commentary by Anan-
dajiiana. The Brhad-iira7Jyakopanifad-bh~ya has a commentary
by Anandajiiana and a big independent work on it by Suresvara,
called Brhad-iira1}yakopani~ad-bhii~ya-viirttika, or simpJy Viirttika,
which has also a number of commentaries; these have been noticed
in the section on Suresvara. His Aparok~iinubhava has four commen-
taries, by Sailkara Acarya, by Balagopala, by CaQ<).e8vara Varman
(Anubhava-dlpikii), and by VidyaraQya. His commentary on Gau<Ja-
pada's l\Jii7;Zl}ilkya-kiirikii, called Gauljapiidlya-bhii~ya or Agama-
siistra-'l_,·ivara7Ja, has two commentaries, one by Suddhananda and
one by Anandajfiana. HisAtma-jfiiinopadesa has two commentaries,
by Anandajfiana and by PiirQananda Tirtha; the Eka-sloka has a
Xlj Sa1ikara and his School 79
commentary called Tattva-dzpana, by Svayarpprakasa Yati; no com-
mentary however is attributed to the Viveka-cudiima"!li, which seems
to be genuinely attributed to Sankara; the Atma-bodha has at least
five commentaries, by Advayananda, Bhasurananda, Bodhendra
(Bhii'l)a-prakiiSika), l\tiadhusudana Sarasvati and RamanandaTirtha;
The Atmiiniitma-viveka has at least four commentaries, by Padma-
pada, Pun~ananda Tirtha, SayaQa and Svayarpprakasa Y ati. The
Atmopadesa-vidhi is said to have a commentary by Ananda-
jfiana; the Ananda-laharz has about twenty-four commentaries, by
Appaya Dik~ita, Kaviraja, Kr~Qa Acarya (Maii}u-bhii~i"!li), Kesava-
bhana, Kaivalyasrama (Saubhiigya-vardhinz), Gangahari (Tattva-
dzpikii), Gangadhara, Gopirama, Gopikanta Sarvabhauma(Ananda-
laharz-tarz), Jagadisa?, Jagannatha Paficanana, Narasirpha,Brahma-
nanda (Bhiiviirtha-dzpikii), Malia Bhatta, Mahadeva Vidyavagisa,
lVIahadeva Vaidya, Ramacandra, Ramabhadra, Ramananda Tirtha,
Lak~midhara Desika and Visvambhara and SrikaQtha Bhana and
another called Vidvan-manoramii. The Upadesa-siihasrz has at
least four commentaries, by Anandajfiana, by Rama Tirtha (Pada-
yojanikii), Bodha-vidhi by a pupil of Vidyadhaman, and by Sankara-
carya. His Cid-iinanda-stava-riija, called also Cid-iinanda-dasaSlokz
or simply Dasa-slokz, has also a number of commentaries and sub-
commentaries, such as the Siddhiinta-tattva-bindu by Madhusii-
dana Sarasvati; Madhusudana's commentary was commented on
by a number of persons, such as Narayal)a Yati (Laghu-flkii),
Puru!?ottama Sarasvati ( Siddhiinta-bindu-sandzpana), PiirQananda
Sarasvati (Tattva-viveka), Gau<;la Brahmananda Sarasvati (Sid-
dhiinta-bindu-nyiiya-ratniivalz), by Saccidananda and Sivalala Bar-
man. Gau<;la Brahmananda's commentary, Siddhiinta-bindu-nyiiya-
ratniivali, was further commented on by Kr~Qakanta (Siddhiinta-
nyiiya-ratna-pradipikii). Sali.kara's Drg-drsya-prakara"!la was com-
mented on by Ramacandra Tirtha; his Paiidkara"!la-prakriyii has
again a number of commentaries-that by Suresvara is Paiid-
kara"!la-viirttika, and this has a further commentary, called Paiicl-
kara"!la-vii.rttikiibhara"!la, by AbhinavanarayaJ)endra Sarasvati, pupil
of J fianendra Sarasvati. Other commentaries on the Paiidkara"!la-
prakriyii are Paiidkara"!la-bhiiva-prakiiSikii, Paiidkara1}a-fikii-
tattva-candrikii, Paiidkara"!la-tiitparya-candrikii and Paiicikarm;a-
vivara"!la by Anandajfiana, Paiidkara"!la-vivarm;a by Svayal[l-
prakasa Yati and by Prajfianananda, and a sub-commentary called
Tattva-candrikii. Sankara also commented on the Bhagavad-
8o The Sankara School of Vedanta (CH.
gitii; this commentary has been examined in the chapter on the
Bhagavad-gitii in the present volume. His Laghu-viikya-vrtti
has a commentary called Pu~piiiijali, and another, called Laghu-
viikya-vrtti-prakiisikii, by Ramananda Sarasvati; his Viikya-vrtti
has a commentary by Anandajfiana, and another commentary,
called Viikya-vrtti-prakiiSikii, by Visvesvara Pal)gita. He start5 his
Viikya-vrtti in the same manner as isvarakr~l)a starts his Siif!Zkhya-
kiirikii, namely by stating that, suffering from the threefold sorrows
of life, the pupil approaches a good teacher for instruction regarding
the ways in which he may be liberated from them. Suresvara in his
1Vai~karmya-siddhi also starts in the same manner and thus gives
a practical turn to the study of philosophy, a procedure which one
does not find in his Brahma-sutra-bhii~ya. The answer, of course, is
the same as that given in so many other places, that one is liberated
only by the proper realization of the U pani!?ad texts that declare
the unity of the self with Brahman. He then goes on to show that
all external things and all that is called mind or mental or psychical
is extraneous to self, which is of the nature of pure consciousness;
he also declares here that the effects of one's deeds are disposed
by God (lsvara), the superior illusory form of Brahman, and not
by the mysterious power of apurva admitted by the l\1ima:rrsists.
He concludes this short work of fifty-three verses by insisting on the
fact that, though the unity texts (advaita-sruti) of the U pani!?ads,
such as" that (Brahman) art thou," may have a verbal construction
that implies some kind of duality, yet their main force is in the direct
and immediate apperception of the pure self without any intel-
lectual process as implied by relations of identity. The Viikya-vrtti
is thus conceived differently from the Aparok~iinubhuti, where yoga
processes of posture and breath-regulations are described, as being
helpful for the realization of the true nature of self. This may, of
course, give rise to some doubts regarding the true authorship of
the Aparok~iinubhuti, though it may be explained as being due to
the different stages of the development of Sailkara's own mind;
divergences of attitude are also noticeable in his thoroughgoing
idealism in his commentary on Gau<Japada's Kiirikii, where the
waking life is regarded as being exactly the same as dream life, and
external objects are deemed to have no existence whatsoever,
being absolutely like dream-perceptions-as contrasted with his
Siirzraka-mzmii1JlSii-bhii~ya, where external objects are considered
to have an indescribable existence, very different from dream-
XI] Sankara and his School
creations. The Upadesa-siihasrt, which in its nineteen chapters
contains only six hundred and seventy-five stanzas, is more in a line
with the Vakya-vrtti, and, though the well-known Vedanta topics
are all slightly touched upon, greater emphasis is laid on the proper
realization of the Vedantic unity texts, such as" that art thou," as
means to the attainment of Brahmahood. There are also a number
of short poems and hymns attributed to Sankaracarya, such as the
Advaitiinubhuti, Atma-bodha, Tattvopadesa, Prautjhanubhuti, etc.,
some of which are undoubtedly his, while there are many others
which may not be so; but in the absence of further evidence
it is difficult to come to any decisive conclusion 1 • These hymns
do not contain any additional philosophical materials, but are
intended to stir up a religious fervour and emotion in favour
of the monistic faith. In some cases, however, the commentators
have found an excuse for extracting from them Vedantic doctrines
which cannot be said to follow directly from them. As an illustra-
tion of this, it may be pointed out that out of the ten slvkas of
Sankara Madhusudana made a big commentary, and Brahmananda
Sarasvati wrote another big commentary on that of Madhusudana
and elaborated many of the complex doctrines of the Vedanta
which have but little direct bearing upon the verses themselves.
But Sankara's most important work is the Brahma-sutra-bhiijya,.
which was commented on by Vacaspati Misra in the ninth century,.
Anandajfiana in the thirteenth, and Govindananda in the four-
teenth century. Commentaries on Vacaspati's commentary will be
noticed in the section on Vacaspati l\1.isra. SubrahmaJ)ya wrote a
verse summary of Sankara's commentary which he callsBhiijyiirtha-
nyaya-miilii; and Bharati Tirtha wrote also the V aiyasika-nyaya-
miilii, in which he tried to deal with the general arguments of
the Brahma-sutra on the lines of Sankara 's commentary. Many
other persons, such as Vaidyanatha Dik~ita, Devarama Bhatta, etc.,
also wrote topical summaries of the main lines of the general
arguments of the Brahma-siUra on the lines of Sankara's com-
mentary, called 1Vyaya-miilii or Adhikara~Ja-miilii. But many other
persons were inspired by Sankara's commentary (or by the com-
nlentaries of Vacaspati Misra and other great writers of the Sankara
school) and under the name of independent commentaries on the
Brahma-!;iltra merely repeated what was contained in these. Thus
The Atrna-bodha was commented upon by Padmapada in his commentary
Atma-bodha-vyiikhyiina, called also Vediinta-siira.
Dll 6
82 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
Amalananda wrote his Sastra-darpa1J.a imitating the main lines of
Vacaspati's commentary on Sankara's commentary; and Svayarp.-
prakasa also wrote his Vediinta-naya-bhu~a1J.a, in which for the most
part he summarized the views of Vacaspati 's Bhiimati commentary.
Hari Dik~ita wrote his Brahma-siltra-vrtti, Sankadinanda his
Brahma-siltra-dzpikii and Brahmananda his Vediinta-siltra-muktii-
valt as independent interpretations of the Brahma-siltra, but these
were all written mainly on the lines of Sankara's own commentary,
supplementing it with additional Vedantic ideas that had been
developed after Sankara by the philosophers of his school of
thought or explaining Sankara's Bh~ya 1 •

MaQqana, Suresvara and Visvariipa.

General tradition has always identified lVlai).Q.ana \vith Suresvara
and Visvariipa; and Col. G. A. Jacob in his introduction to the
second edition of the ]\lai~karmya-siddhi seems willing to believe
this tradition. The tradition probably started from Vidyaral).ya's
Sankara-dig-vijaya, where lVlai).Q.ana is spoken of as being named
not only Umbeka, but also Visvariipa (vnr. 63). He further says
in x. 4 of the same work that, when lVlai).Q.ana became a follower
of Sankara, he received from him the name Suresvara. But the
Sankara-dig-vijaya is a mythical biography, and it is certainly very
risky to believe any of its statements, unless corroborated by
other reliable evidences. There is little doubt that Suresvara was
Some of these commentaries are: Bralzma-sfitra-bhii~yiirtha-sa'1{lgralza by
Brahmananda Yati, pupil of Visvesvarananda, Brahma-satriirtha-dlpikii by
Venkata, son of Gauri and Siva, Brahma-sfitra-vrtti (called also 1\llitak~arii)
by Annam BhaHa, and Brahma-sfitra-bhii~ya-vyiikhyii (called also Vidyii-srl) by
J i'ianottama Bhattaraka, pupil of J iianaghana. The peculiarity of this last work
is that it is the only commentary on the eka-jlva-viida line that the present writer
could trace. In addition to these some more commentaries may be mentioned,
such as Brahma-siltra-vrtti by Dharma Bhaga, pupil of Ramacandrarya and
pupil's pupil of Mukundasrama, Sfitra-bhii~ya-vyiikhyiina (called also Brahma-
vidyii-bharaQ.a) by Advaitananda, pupil of Ramananda and pupil's pupil of
Brahmananda, Brahma-siltra-bhii~ya-vyiikhyii (called also Nyiiya-rak~ii-matzi) by
Appaya Dik!;>ita, Brahma-tattva-prakiiSikii (which is different from an earlier
treatise called Brahma-prakiisikii) by Sadasivendra Sarasvati, Brahma-siltro-
panyiisa by Ramesvara Bharati, by a pupil of Ramananda, Sarlraka-mlmii'1{lsii-
siltra-siddhiinta-kaumudl by Subrahmat;1ya Agnicin Makhindra, Vediinta-kaustu-
bha by Sitarama; none of which seem to be earlier than the sixteenth century.
But Ananyanubhava, the teacher of Prakasatman (A.D. 1200), seems to have
written another commentary, called Siirlraka-nyiiya-matzimiilii. Prakasatman
himself also wrote a metrical summary of the main contents of Sankara 's Bhii~ya
called Siirzraka-mlmii1[lSii-nyiiya-sarpgraha, and Kfl]t;liinubhuti, in much later
times, wrote a similar metrical summary, called Siirzraka-mimii1[lSii-sa'1{lgraha.
xr] 1Vfa1Jt}ana, Suresvara and Visvarupa
the author of a Viirttika, or commentary in verse, on Sankara's
Brhad-iira'l}yaka Upani~ad (which was also summarized by Vidya-
raQ.ya in a work called Viirttilw-siira, which latter was further
commented on by Mahe5vara Tirtha in his commentary, called the
Laghu-sa1{lgraha). The Viirttika of Suresvara was commented on
by at least two commentators, Anandagiri in his Siistra-prakiisikii
and Anandapiirl).a in his 1Vyiiya-kalpa-latil~ii. In a commentary
on the PariiSara-smrti published in the Bib. Ind. series (p. 51) a
quotation from this Viirttika is attributed to Visvarilpa; but this
commentary is a late work, and in all probability it relied on
Vidyaral).ya's testimony that Visvariipa and Suresvara were identi-
cally the same person. VidyaraQ.ya also, in his Vivara1}a-prameya-
sa1J1graha, p. 92, quotes a passage from Suresvara's Viirttika (Iv. 8),
attributing it to Visvariipa. But in another passage of the Vivara1}a-
prameya-sa1{lgraha (p. 224) he refers to a Vedanta doctrine, attri-
buting it to the author of the Brahma-siddhi. But the work has not
yet been published, and its n1anuscripts are very scarce: the pre-
sent writer had the good fortune to obtain one. A fairly detailed
examination of the philosophy of this work will be given in
a separate section. The Brahma-siddhi is an important work, and
it· was commented on by Vacaspati in his Tattva-samik~ii, by
AnandapiirQ.a in his Brahma-siddhi-vyiikhyii-ratna, by Sankhap5Q.i
in his Brahma-siddhi-tikii, and by Citsukha in his Abhipraya-
prakiiSikii. But only the latter two works are available in manu-
scripts. Many important works however refer to the Brahma-siddhi
and its views generally as coming from the author of Brahma-siddhi
(Brahma-siddhi-kiira). But in none of these references, so far as
it is known to the present writer, has the author of Brahma-siddhi
been referred to as Suresvara. The Brahma-siddlzi was written in
verse and prose, since two quotations from it in Citsukha's Tattva-
pradzpikii (p. 38r, NirQ.aya-Sagara Press) and Nyiiya-km;zikii (p. 8o)
are in verse, while there are other references, such as Tattva-
pradipikii (p. 140) and elsewhere, which are in prose. There is,
however, little doubt that the Brahma-siddhi was written by
MaQ.9ana or MaQ.9ana l\1isra; for both Sridhara in his 1Vyiiya-
kandalt (p. 218) and Citsukha in his Tattva-pradzpikii (p. 140) refer
to Mal).~ana as the author of the Brahma-siddhi. Of these the evi-
dence of Sridhara, who belonged to the middle of the tenth century,
ought to be considered very reliable, as he lived within a hundred
years of the death of MaQ.9ana; whoever MaQ.9ana may have been,
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cu.
since he lived after Saiikara (A.D. 820), he could not have flourished
very much earlier than the middle of the ninth century. It is,
therefore, definitely known that the Nai~karmya-siddhi and the
Varttika were written by Suresvara, and the Brahma-siddhi by
Mal).Q.ana. The question regarding the idtrntity of these two persons
may be settled, if the views or opinions of the Brahma-siddhi can
be compared or contrasted with the views of the Nai{karmya-
siddhi or the Varttika. From the few quotations that can be
traced in the writings of the various writers who refer to it it is
possible to come to some fairly decisive conclusions 1 .
Of all passages the most important is that quoted from the
Brahma-siddhi in the Vivara'l}a-prameya-sa'l{lgraha (p. 224). It is said
there that according to the author of the Brahma-siddhi it is the
individual persons (jiva/:z, in the plural) who by their own individual
ignorance (svavidyaya) create for themselves on the changeless
Brahman the false world-appearance. Neither in itself, nor with
the maya, or as reflection in maya, is Brahman the cause of
the world (Brahma na jagat-kara1Jam). The appearances then are
but creations of individual ignorance, anci individual false ex-
periences of the world have therefore no objective basis. The
agreement of individual experiences is due to similarity of illu-
sions in different persons who are suffering under the delusive
effects of the same kinds of ignorance; this may thus be compared
with the delusive experience of two moons by a number of persons.
Not all persons experience the same world; their delusive ex-
periences are similar, but the objective basis of their experience
is not the same (sa'l{l·vadas tu bahu-pur~avagata-dvitiya-candravat
sadrsyad upapadyate). If this account is correct, as may well be
supposed, then 1\Ial).Q.ana Misra may be regarded as the originator
of the V edantic doctrine of d!fti-snti-vada, which was in later times
so forcefully formulated by Prakasananda. Again, in Prakasatman's
Pafica-padika-vivara1Ja (p. 32), it is held that according to the author
of the Brahma-siddhi both maya and avidya are nothing but false
experiences (avidya maya mithya-pratyaya iti). About the function
A copy of the manuscript of the Brahma-siddhi and its commentary was
consulted by me in the Adyar and the Govt. Sanskrit MSS. Libraries after the
above section had been written, and a thorough examination of its contents,
I am happy to say, corroborates the above surmises. The Brahma-siddhi is
expected to be shortly published by Prof. Kuppusvami Sastri, and I con-
sulted the tarka-pada of it in proof by the kind courtesy of Prof. Sastri in
l\lladras in December 1928. A separate section has been devoted to the
philosophy of Ma~9ana's Brahma-siddhi.
XI] Ma1Jtfana, Suresvara and Visvarupa ss
of knowledge as removing doubts he is said to hold the view (as
reported in the Nyiiya-kandali, p. 218) that doubt regarding the
validity of what is known is removed by knowledge itself. In the
Nyiiya-km;:ikii (p. 8o) it is said that l\IaQ.<;lana held that reality mani-
fests itself in unlimited conceptions of unity or universality, whereas
differences appear only as a result of limited experience. Again,
in the Laghu-candrikii (p. 112, Kumbakonam edition) l\1aQ.<;lana
is introduced in the course of a discussion regarding the nature of
the dispersion of ignorance and its relation to Brahma-knowledge
or Brahmahood. According to Sankara, as interpreted by many of
his followers, including Suresvara, the dissolution of ignorance
(avidyii-nivrtti) is not a negation, since negation as a separate cate-
gory has no existence. So dissolution of ignorance means only Brah-
man. But according to lVlal).<;lana there is no harm in admitting the
existence of such a negation as the cessation of ignorance; for the
monism of Brahman means that there is only one positive entity.
It has no reference to negations, i.e. the negation of duality only
means the negation of all positive entities other than Brahman
(bhiiviidvaita). The existence of such a negation as the cessation
of ignorance does not hurt the monistic creed. Again, Sarvajiiatma
Muni in his Sa1J1k~epa-siiriraka(n. 174) says that ignorance ( avidyii)
is supported (iisraya) in pure consciousness (cin-miitriisrita-vi~ayam
ajiiiinam),and that, even wherefrom the context of Sankara's Bhii~ya
it may appear as if he was speaking of the individual person (jiva)
as being the support of ajiiiina, it has to be interpreted in this sense.
Objections of l\1al)<;lana, therefore, to such a view, viz. that ignorance
rests with the individuals, are not to be given any consideration;
for Mal)<;lana's Yiews lead to quite different conclusions (parihrtya
1l1arpjana-viical; tad dhy anyathii prasthitam) 1 . The commentator of
the Sa1J1k~epa-siiriraka, Ramatirtha Svamin, also, in commenting on
the passage referred to, contrasts the above view of MaQ.<;lana with
that of Suresvara, who according to him is referred to by an adjective
bahu-sruta in the Sa1J1k~epa-siiriraka text, and who is reported to
have been in agreement with the views of Sarvajiiatma Muni, as
against the views of Mal). <;lana. Now many of these views which have
been attributed to Mal)<;lana are not shared by Suresvara, as will
appear from what will be said below concerning him. It does not
therefore appear that l\1al)<;lana Misra and Suresvara were the same
1 l\'lr Hiriyanna, in ].R.A.S. 1923, mentions this point as well as the point

concerning avidyii-nivrtti in l\lar;J9ana's view as admission of negation.

86 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
person. But, if VidyaraJ).ya, who knows so much about the views
of MaJ).(_lana, had identified them in the Sankara-dig-vijaya, that
might lead one to pause. Now Mr Hiriyanna seems to have removed
this difficulty for us by his short note in J.R.A.S. 1924, where he
pojnts out that Vidyaral).ya in his Vlirttika-slira refers to the author
of the Brahma-siddhi as a different authority from the author of
the Viirttika, viz. Suresvara. Now, if VidyaraJ).ya, the author of the
Vlirttika-slira, knew that l\lal).(_fana, the author of the Brahma-siddhi,
was not the same person as Suresvara, he could not have identified
them in his Sankara-dig-vijaya. This naturally leads one to suspect
that the Vidyaral).ya who was the author of the Vivarm:za-prameya-
Sa1Jlgraha and the Viirttika-slira was not the same Vidyaral).ya
as the author of Sankara-dig-vijaya. Another consideration also
leads one to think that VidyaraJ).ya (the author of the Vivaratza-
prameya-Sa1Jlgraha) could not have written the Sankara-dig-vijaya.
Anandatman had t\vo disciples, Anubhavananda and Saii.kara-
nanda. Anuhhavananda had as his disciple Amalananda, and
Saii.karananda had Vidyaral).ya as his disciple. So Amalananda
may be taken as a contemporary of Vidyaral).ya. Now Amalananda
had another teacher in Sukhaprakasa, who had Citsukha as his
teacher. Thus Citsukha may be taken to be a contemporary of the
grand teacher ( parama-guru), Anandatman, of Vidyaral).ya. If this
was the case, he could not have written in his Sankara-dig-vijaya
(xnr. 5) that Citsukha, who lived several centuries after Padmapada,
was a disciple of Padmapada. It may therefore be safely asserted
that the author of the Sankara-dig-vijaya was not the author of
the Vivarm:za-prameya-sat{lgraha. Now, if this is so, our reliance on
the author of the Vivarm:za-prameya-sat{lgraha cannot be considered
to be risky and unsafe. But on p. 92 of the Vivara'!la-prameya-
sat{lgraha a passage from the Viirttika of Suresvara (1v. 8) is
attributed to Visvariipa Acarya. It may therefore be concluded that
Mal). (_lana, the author of the Brahma-siddhi, was not the same person
as Sure8vara, unless we suppose that l\1al).(_lana was not only a
Mima:rpsa writer, but also a Vedanta writer of great repute and
that his conversion by Saii.kara meant only that he changed some
of his Vedantic views and accepted those of Saii.kara, and it was
at this stage that he was called Suresvara. On this theory his
Brahma-siddhi was probably written before his conversion to
Saii.kara's views. It seems likely that this theory may be correct,
and that the author of the Vidhi-viveka was also the author of the
XI] .lVIar;4ana
Brahma-siddhi; for the passage of the Brahma-siddhi quoted by
Vacaspati in his 1\yiiya-ka~zikii is quoted in a manner which
suggests that in all probability the author of the Vidhi-viveka was
also the author of the Brahma-siddhi. It may also be concluded
that in all probability Visvarupa was the same person as Suresvara,
though on this subject no references of value are known to the
present writer other than by the author of the Vivara~a-prameya­

Mal)4ana (A.D. Boo).

MaJ).Q.ana l\lisra's Brahma-siddlzi with the commentary of San-
khapal,li is available in manuscript, and 1\!Iahamahopadhyaya Kup-
pusvami Sastri of .:\Iadras is expected soon to bring out a critical
edition of this important work. Through the courtesy of Mahama-
hopadhyaya Kuppusvami Sastri the present writer had an oppor-
tunity of going through the proofs of the Brahma-siddhi and through
the courtesy of Mr C. Kunhan Raja, the Honorary Director
of the Adyar Library, he was able also to utilize the manuscript
of Sankhapal,li's commentary1 • The Brahma-siddhi is in four
chapters, Brahma-kii~uja, Tarka-kii~uja, Niyoga-kii~ga, and Siddhi-
kii~z¢a, in the form of verses (kiirikii) and long annotations (vrtti).
That Mai).Q.ana must have been a contemporary of Sankara is
evident from the fact that, though he quotes some writers who
flourished before Sankara, such as Sahara, Kumarila or Vyasa, the
author of the Yoga-sutra-bh~ya, and makes profuse references to
the Upani~ad texts, he never refers to any writer who flourished
after Sankara 2 • Vacaspati also wrote a commentary, called Tattva-
samtk~ii, on ~lai).Q.ana's Brahma-siddhi; but unfortunately this
text, so far as is known to the present writer, has not yet been

1 Citsukha, the pupil of Jnanottama, also wrote a commentary on it, called

Abh£priiya-pmkiis£kii, almost the whole of which, except some portions at the

beginning, is available in the Government Oriental 1\Ianuscript Library, R.
No. 3853. Anandapilrrya also wrote a commentary on the Brahma-sz"ddhi, called
2 1\Iar:H;lana's other works are Bhiivanii-viveka, Vidhi-viveka, Vihhrama-viveka

and Sphota-siddhi. Of these the Vz"dhi-viveka was commented upon by Vacaspati

Misra in his Nyiiya-km::tikii, and the Sphota-sz"ddh£ was commented upon by the
son of Bhavadasa, who had also written a commentary, called Tattva-vibhii'l'anii,
on Vacaspati Misra's Tattva-bindu. The commentary on the Splwta-siddhi is
called Gopiilika. MaQ~ana's Viblzrmna-viveka is a small work devoted to the dis-
cussion of the four theories of i!lusion (khyiiti), iitma-khyiiti, asat-khyiiti, an_vathii-
khyiit£ and akhyiiti. Up till now only his Bhiivanii-"Z-'iveka and Vidhi-·vi·veka have
been published.
88 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.

discovered. In the Brahma-kiit;u)a chapter Mal). <;lana discusses the

nature of Brahman; in the Tarka-kiil}r)a he tries to prove that
we cannot perceive "difference" through perception and that
therefore one should not think of interpreting the Upani~ad texts
on dualistic lines on the ground that perception reveals difference.
In the third chapter, the Niyoga-kiil}r)a, he tries to refute the
l\Iimaq1sa view that the Upani~ad texts are to be interpreted in
accordance with the Mimaq1sa principle of interpretation, that
all Vedic texts command us to engage in some kind of action
or to restrain ourselves from certain other kinds of action. This
is by far the longest chapter of the book. The fourth chapter,
the Siddhi-kiil}r)a, is the shortest: Mal). <;lana says here that the
V pani~ad texts show that the manifold world of appearance does
not exist at all and that its apparent existence is due to the
a·vidyii of jiva.
In the Brahma-kiil}(la the most important Vedantic concepts
are explained by l\1al).<;iana according to his own view. He first
introduces the problem of the subject (dra~tr) and the object
(drsya) and says that it is only by abolishing the apparent duality
of subject and object that the fact of experience can be explained.
For, if there was any real duality of subject and object, that duality
could not be bridged over and no relation between the two could
be established; if, on the other hand, there is only the subject,
then all things that are perceived can best be explained as being
illusory creations imposed on self, the only reality1 • Proceeding
further with the same argument, he says that attempts have been
made to bring about this subject-object relation through the theory
of the operation of an intermediary mind (antal;kara1J.a); but
whatever may be the nature of this intermediary, the pure un-
changeable intelligence, the self or the subject, could not change
with its varying changes in accordance with its connection with
different objects; if it is held that the self does not undergo any
transformation or change, but there is only the appearance of a
transformation through its reflection in the antal;karm;za, then it is
plainly admitted that objects are not in reality perceived and that
there is only an appearance of perception. If objects are not
perceived in reality, it is wrong to think that they have a separate
ekatva eviiya'!l dra~!r-drsya-bhiivo 'vakalpate, dra~tur eva cid-iitmanal; tathii
tathii vipari~iimiid vivartaniid vii; niiniitve tu vivikta-svabhiivayor asmhsnta-
paraspara-svarfipayor asambaddhayol; kidrso dra~tr-dr$ya-bhiivab. Kuppusvami
Sastri's edition of Brahma-siddhi, p. 7· (In the press.)
XI] Ma1J4ana
and independent existence from the selfl. Just as the very same
man sees his own image in the mirror to be different from him and
to exist outside of him as an object, so the same self appears as
all the diverse objects outside of it. It is difficult to conceive how
one could admit the existence of external objects outside the pure
intelligence (cit); for in that case it would be impossible to relate
the two 2 •
According to lVIaJ).(_lana avidyii is called miiyii, or false appearance,
because it is neither a characteristic (sva-bhiiva) of Brahman nor
different from it, neither existent nor non-existent. If it was the
characteristic of anything, then, whether one with that or different
from it, it would be real and could not therefore be called avidyii;
if it was absolutely non-existent, it would be like the lotus of
the sky and would have no practical bearing in experience (na
vyavahiira-bzjam) such as avidyii has; it has thus to be admitted
that avidyii is indescribable or unspeakable (anirvacanlyii) 3 •
According to MaQ.(_lana avidyii belongs to the individual souls
(ji·va). He admits that there is an inconsistency in such a view;
but he thinks that, avidyii being itself an inconsistent category,
there is no wonder that its relation with jlva should also be in con-
ekiintal,zkara?Za-sa'!lkriintiiv asty eva sambandha iti cet, na, cite!; suddhatviid
apari?Ziimiid aprati-sa'!lkramiic ca; drsyii buddhil; citi-sannidhes chiiyaya ·vivartata iti
ced atha keya7J1. tac chiiyatii? a-tad-iitmanal.z tad-avabhiisal,z; na tarhi paramiirthatu
drsya7J1. drsyate, paramiirthatas ca drsyamiina7JI. dra~tr-vyatiriktam asti iti dur-
bha'l}am. Ibid. gankhapal)i in commenting on this discards the view that objects
pass through the sense-channels and become superimposed on the anta~zkara1)a or
durbha')am and thereby become related to the pure intelligence of the self and
objectified : na tll spha{ikopame cetasi indriya-pra?Ziili-sa'!lllriintiiniim arthiiniirJl
tatraiva sarJlkriintena iitma-caitanyena sambaddhiinarJl tad-driyatvarJl gha{i~yate.
Adyar MS. p. 75·
It may not be out of place to point out in this connection that the theory of
Padmapada, Prakasatman, as developed later on by Dharmarajadhvarindra,
which held that the mind (antal;kara1J.a) becomes superimposed on external objects
in perception, was in all probability borrowed from the Sarnkhya doctrine of
cic-chii.yiipatti in pe1·ception, which was somehow forced into Sankara's loose
epistemological doctrines and worked out as a systematic epistemological theory.
The fact that MaQ.Qana discards this epistemological doctrine shows, on the
one hand, that he did not admit it to be a right interpretation of Sankara and
may, on the other hand, he regarded as a criticism of the contemporary inter-
pretation of Padmapada. But probably the reply of that school would be that,
though they admitted extra-individual reality of objects, they did not admit the
reality of objects outside of pure intelligence (cit).
2 tathii hi darpat;~a-tala-stham iitmlina1!l ·vibhalaam iviitmanal.z pratyeti; cites tu

vibhaktam asa'!lsnfa1Jl tayii cetyata iti dur-avagamyam. Ibid. _

8 Ibid. p. 9· It may not be out of place here to point out that Anandabodha's

argument in his Nyiiya-makaranda regarding the unspeakable nature of avidyii,

which has been treated in a later section of thi-; chapter, is based on this argument
of Mai)Qana.
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cu.
sistent and unexplainable. The inconsistency of the relationship of
avidyii with the jivas arises as follows : the jivas are essentially
identical with Brahman, and the diversity of jtvas is due to
imagination (kalpanii); but this imagination cannot be of Brahman,
since Brahman is devoid of all imagination ( tasyii vidyiitmanalj, kal-
panii-sunyatviit) ; it cannot be the imagination of the jtvas, since the
jivas themselves are regarded as being the product of imagination 1 •
Two solutions may be proposed regarding this difficulty, firstly,
that the word miiyii implies what is inconsistent; had it been a
consistent and explainable concept, it would be reality and not
miiyii 2 • Secondly, it may be said that from avidyii come the jivas
and from the jivas comes the avidyii, and that this cycle is begin-
ningless and therefore there is no ultimate beginning either of the
jivas or of the avidyii 3 • This view is held by those who think that
avidyii is not the material cause of the world : these are technically
called avidyopiidiina-bheda-viidins. It is through this avidyii that the
jivas suffer the cycle of births and rebirths, and this avidyii is
natural to the jivas, since the jivas themselves are the products of
avidyii 4 • And it is through listening to the Vedantic texts, right
thinking, meditation, etc. that true knowledge dawns and the
avidyii is destroyed; it was through this avidyii that the jivas were
separated from Brahman ; with its destruction they attain Brahma-
In defining the nature of Brahman as pure bliss Sailkhapal).i the
commentator raises some very interesting discussions. He starts
by criticizing the negative definition of happiness as cessation of
pain or as a positive mental state qualified by such a negative
condition 6 • He says that there are indeed negative pleasures which
are enjoyed as negation of pain (e.g. a plunge into cold water
is an escape from the painful heat); but he holds that there are
cases where pleasures and pains are experienced simultaneously
itaretariisraya prasaitgiit kalpaniidhino hi
jzt•a vibhiiga/:1, jlt:iisrayii kalpanii. Ibid. p. 10.
2 anupapadymniiniirthaiva hi miiyii; upapadyamiiniirthatve yathiirtha-bhiiviin

na m(/yii sytlt. Ibid.

anaditvan netaretariisrayattJa-do~ah. Ibid.
na hi jzve~u nisarga-jii vidyiisti, avidyaiva hi naisargiki, iigantukyii vidyiiyiih
pravilaya/:1. Ibid. pp. 11-12.
avidyayaiva tu brahmm:w jzvo vibhakta/:1, tan-nivrttau brahma-svarilpam eva
bhavati, yathii gha!iidi-bhede tad-iikiisam pariiuddham paramiikaiam eva bhavati.
Ibid. .
dubkha nivrttir 'Cii tad-visi~!iitmopalabdhir vii sukham astu, sarvathii sukha?Jl
nama na dharmiintaram asti. Adyar .MS. of the Sankhapal)i commentary, p. 18.
XI] Ma1pjana
and not as negation of each other. A man may feel painful heat in
the upper part of his body and yet feel the lower part of his body
delightfully cool and thus experience pleasure and pain simul-
taneously (sukha-dul;khe yugapaj janyete). Again, according to the
scriptures there is unmixed pain in Hell, and this shows that pain
need not necessarily be relative. Again, there are many cases (e.g.
in the smelling of a delightful odour of camphor) where it cannot
be denied that we have an experience of positive pleasure 1 •
Sankhapal).i then refutes the theory of pain as unsatisfied desire
and happiness as satisfaction or annulment of desires (vi~aya­
priipli1Jl vinii klima eva dul;kham atal; tan-nivrttir eva sukham
bhavz~yati) by holding that positive experiences of happiness are
possible even when one has not desired them 2 • An objection
to this is that experience of pleasures satisfies the natural,
but temporarily inactive, desires in a sub-conscious or potential
condition 3 • Again, certain experiences produce more pleasures in
some than in others, and this is obviously due to the fact that one
had more latent desires to be fulfilled than the other. In reply to
these objections Sankhapal).i points out that, even if a thing is
much desired, yet, if it is secured after much trouble, it does not
satisfy one so much as a pleasure which comes easily. If pleasure
is defined as removal of desires, then one should feel happy before
the pleasurable experience or after the pleasurable experience, when
all traces of the desires are wiped out, but not at the time of
enjoying the pleasurable experience; for the desires are not wholly
extinct at that time. Even at the time of enjoying the satisfaction
of most earnest desires one may feel pain. So it is to be admitted
that pleasure is not a relative concept which owes its origin to the
sublation of desires, but that it is a positive concept which has its
existence even before the desires are sublated 4 • If negation of
desires be defined as happiness, then even disinclination to food
through bilious attacks is to be called happiness 5 • So it is to be
admitted that positive pleasures are in the first instance experienced
and then are desired. The theory that pains and pleasures are
relative and that without pain there can be no experience of
pleasure and that there can be no experience of pain without an
1 Ibid. pp. 20, 21. 2 Ibid. p. 22.
sahajo hi riigal.z sarva-pmrzsiim asti sa tu 'L'i~aya-'L'ise~e7Ja iivir-bhavati. Ibid.
p. 2J.
' atal.z kiima-nivrttel; prag-bhii'L'i sukhu-vastu-bhutam enavyam. Ibid. p. 27.
Ibid. p. 25.
92 The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
experience of pleasure is false and consequently the Vedantic view
is that the state of emancipation as Brahmahood may well be
described as an experience of positive pure bliss 1 .
Sankara in his commentary on the Brahma-siitra and in his
commentaries on some of the Upani~ads and the Miil}t].ukya-
kiirikii had employed some elements of dialectical criticism, the
principles of which had long been introduced in well-developed
forms by the Buddhists. The names of the three great dialecticians,
Srihar~a, Anandajfiana and Citsukha, of the Sankara school, are
well known, and proper notice has been taken of them in this
chapter. But among the disciples of Sankara the man who really
started the dialectical forms of argument, who was second to none
in his dialectical powers and who influenced all other dialecticians of
the Sankaraschool,Anandabodha, Srihar~a,Anandajiiana, Citsukha,
Nrsirphasrama and others, was l.Vla"Q.<;lana. MaQ.<;lana's great dia-
lectical achievement is found in his refutation of the perception of
difference (bheda) in the Tarka-kiil}t].a chapter of his Brahma-siddhi.
The argument arose as follows: the category of difference
(bheda) is revealed in perception, and, if this is so, the reality of
difference cannot be denied, and therefore the Upani~ad texts
should not be interpreted in such a way as to annul the reality
of "difference." Against such a view-point lVIaQ.c;lana undertakes
to prove that "difference," whether as a quality or character-
istic of things or as an independent entity, is never experienced
by perception (pratyak~a) 2 • He starts by saying that perception
yields three possible alternatives, viz. ( 1) that it manifests a
positive object, (2) that it presents differences from other objects,
(3) that it both manifests a positive object and distinguishes it
from other objects 3 • In the third alternative there may again be
three other alternatives, viz. (i) simultaneous presentation of the
positive object and its distinction from others, (ii) first the pre-
sentation of the positive object and then the presentation of the
difference, (iii) first the presentation of the difference and then
the presentation of the positive object 4 • If by perception difference5
yadi dul.zkhii-bhiitml.z sukha1Jl syiit tatal.z syiid evam bhiiviintare tu sukhe
dul.zkhiibhiive ca tathii syiid eva. Ibid. p. 161.
This discussion runs from page 44 of the Brahma-siddhi (in the press) to
the end of the second chapter.
8 tatra pratyak~e trayal.z kalpii}.z, vastu-svariipa-siddhil.z vast·v-antarasya vya-

vacchedal.z ubhayarrt vii. Brahma-siddhi, II.

ubhayasminn api traividhyam, yaugapadyam, vyavaccheda-piirvako vidhi}.z,
vidhi-purvako vyavacchedal.z. Ibid.
XIj Ma1Jljana 93
from other objects are experienced, or if it manifests both the object
and its differences, then it has to be admitted that "difference" is
presented in perception; but, if it can be proved that only positive
objects are presented in perception, unassociated with any pre-
sentation of difference, then it has to be admitted that the notion
of difference is not conveyed to us by perception, and in that case
the verdict of the Upani~ads that reality is one and that no diversity
can be real is not contradicted by perceptual experience. Now
follows the argument.
Perception does not reveal merely the difference, nor does it
first reveal the difference and then the positive object, nor both
of them simultaneously; for the positive object must first be
revealed, before any difference can be manifested. Difference
must concern itself in a relation between two positive objects,
e.g. the cow is different from the horse, or there is no jug here.
The negation involved in the notion of difference can have no
bearing without that which is negated or that of which it is
negated, and both these are positive in their notion. The negation
of a chimerical entity (e.g. the lotus of the sky) is to be inter-
preted as negation of a false relation of its constituents, which
are positive in themselves (e.g. both the lotus and the sky are
existents, the incompatibility is due to their relationing, and it is
such a relation between these two positive entities that is denied),
or as denying the objective existence of such entities, which can
be imagined only as a mental idea1 • If the category of difference
distinguishes two objects from one another, the objects between
which the difference is manifested must first be known. Again, it
cannot be held that perception, after revealing the positive object,
reveals also its difference from other objects; for perception is
one unique process of cognition, and there are no two moments
in it such that it should first reveal the object with which there is
present sense-contact and then reveal other objects which are not
at that moment in contact with sense, as also the difference between
the two 2 • In the case of the discovery of one's own illusion, such
as "this is not silver, but conch-shell," only the latter knowledge
is perceptual, and this knowledge refers to and negates after the
previous knowledge of the object as silver has been negated. It was
1 kutasdn nimittad buddhau labdha-rupa1Jam bahir n#edha!z kriyate.
Brahma-siddhi, II.
kramal.z samgacchate yuktya naika-viji'iana-karma1Jol.z
na sannihita-ja1Jl tac ra tadanyiimarsi jayate. Ibid. n. Kiirika 3·
94 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.

only when the presented object was perceived as "this before"

that it was denied as being the silver for which it was taken, and
when it was thus negated there was the perception of the conch-
shell. There is no negative concept without there first being a
positive concept; but it does not therefore follow that a positive
concept cannot be preceded by a negative concept 1 • This is
therefore not a case where there are two moments in one unique
perception, but there are here different cognitive experiences 2 •
Again, there is a view (Buddhist) that it is by the power or
potency of the indeterminate cognition of an object that both the
positive determinate cognition and its difference from others are
produced. Though the positive and the negative are two cognitions,
ye.t, since they are both derived from the indeterminate cognition,
it can well be said that by one positive experience we may also
have its difference from others also manifested (eka-vidhir eva anya-
vyavacchedal} )3 • Against such a view 1\1al).9ana urges that one
positive experience cannot also reveal its differences from all other
kinds of possible and impossible objects. A colour perceived at
a particular time and particular place may negate another colour
at that particular place and time, but it cannot negate the presence
of taste properties at that particular place and time ; but, if the very
perception of a colour should negate everything else which is not
that colour, then these taste properties would also be negated, and,
since this is not possible, it has to be admitted that perception of
a positive entity does not necessarily involve as a result of that
very process the negation of all other entities.
There is again a view that things are by their very nature different
from one another (prakrtyai'l)a bhinnii bhiiviil}), and thus, when by
perception an object is experienced, its difference from other
objects is also grasped by that very act. In reply to this objection
Mal).9ana says that things cannot be of the nature of differences ;
firstly, in that case all objects would be of the nature of difference,
and hence there would be no difference among them; secondly, as
1 pfirva-vijiiiina-vihite rajatiidau "idam" iti ca sannihitiirtha-siimiinye ni~edlw

vidhi-piirva eva, iuktikii-siddhis tu virodhi-ni~edha-purva ucyate; vidhi-pll.rvatii

ca niyamena ni~edhasyocyate, na vidher ni~edha-purvakatii ni#dhyate. Brahma-
siddhi, II. Kiirikii 3·
2 na ca tatra eka-jiiiinasya kramavad-vyiipiirata ubhaya-rilpasya utpattelz. Ibid.
3 nzlasya nirvikalpaka-darianasya yat siimarthya'!l niyataika-kiirm;atva'!l tena

aniidi-viisanii-vasiit pratibhiisita'!l janitam ida'!l nedam iti vika!po bhiivabhii-

va-vyavahiiram pravartayati... satya'!l jilii.na-dvayam ida1Jl savikalpaka1Jl tu
nirvikalpaka'!l tayor mula-bhilta'!l tat pratyak~a,. tatra ca eka-vidhir eva anya-
vyavaccheda iti brilma iti. Sankhapal)i's commentary, ibid.
XI] Ma~u!ana 95
"difference" has no form, the objects themselves would be
formless; thirdly, difference being essentially of the nature of
negation, the objects themselves would be of the nature of negation;
fourthly, since difference involves duality or plurality in its concept,
no object could be regarded as one; a thing cannot be regarded as
both one and many 1 . In reply to this the objector says that a thing
is of the nature of difference only in relation to others (pariipeh~al!l
vastuno bheda-s·vablziival; niitmiipek~am ), but not in relation to
itself. In reply to this objection 1.\lal)<;iana says that things which
have been produced by their own causes cannot stand in need of
a relation to other entities for their existence; all relationing is
mental and as such depends on persons who conceive the things,
and so relationing cannot be a constituent of objective things 2 •
If relationing with other things constituted their essence, then
each thing would depend on others-they would depend on one
another for their existence (itaretariiJraya-prasaizgiit). In reply to
this it may be urged that differences are different, corresponding
to each and every oppositional term, and that each object has a
different specific nature in accordance with the different other
objects with which it may be in a relation of opposition; but, if
this is so, then objects are not produced solely by their own causes;
for, if differences are regarded as their constituent essences, these
essences should vary in accordance with every object with which
a thing may be opposed. In reply to this it is urged by the objector
that, though an object is produced by its own causes, yet its nature
as differences appears in relation to other objects with which
it is held in opposition. 1\lal)Qana rejoins that on such a view
it would be difficult to understand the meaning and function
of this oppositional relation (apek~ii); for it does not produce the
object, which is produced by its own causes, and it has no causal
efficiency and it is also not experienced, except as associated
with the other objects (niiniipe~a-pratiyoginii~n bhedalj, pratiyate).
Difference also cannot be regarded as being of the essence of
oppositional relation ; it is only when there is an oppositional re-
lation between objects already experienced that difference manifests

na bhedo vastuno rilpatp tad-abha·va-prasailgata[l

ariip~a ca bhinnatva1{l vastzmo niivakalpate.
Brahma-siddhi, II. 5·
2 niipek~ii nama kascid 'l.JaStu-dharmo yena vastuni vyavasthiipyeran, na khalu

sva-hetu-priipitodaye~u sva-bhii·va-vyavasthite~u vastu~u sva-bhiiva-sthitaye vastv-

antariipeklii yujyate. Ibid. n. 6, vrtti.
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
itself. Relations are internal and are experienced in the minds
of those who perceive and conceive 1 • But it is further objected
to this that concepts like father and son are both relational and
obviously externally constitutive. To this Mal)<;lana's reply is that
these two concepts are not based on relation, but on the notion
of production ; that which produces is the father and that which is
produced is the son. Similarly also the notions of long and short
depend upon the one occupying greater or less space at the time
of measurement and not on relations as constituting their essence.
In reply to this the objector says that, if relations are not regarded
as ultimate, and if they are derived from different kinds of actions,
then on the same ground the existence of differences may also be
admitted. If there were no different kinds of things, it would not
be possible to explain different kinds of actions. But MaJ)Q.ana's
reply is that the so-called differences may be but differences in
name; the burning activity of the same fire is described sometimes
as burning and sometimes as cooking. In the Vedanta view it is held
that all the so-called varied kinds of actions appear in one object,
the Brahman, and so the objection that varied kinds of actions
necessarily imply the existence of difference in the agents which
produce them is not valid. Again, the difficulty in the case of the
Buddhist is in its own way none the less; for according to him all
appearances are momentary, and, if this be so, how does he explain
the similarities of effects that we notice? It can be according
to them only on the basis of an illusory notion of the sameness
of causes; so, if the Buddhist can explain our experience of similarity
on the false appearance of sameness of causes, the Vedantist may
also in his tum explain all appearances of diversity through
illusory notions of difference, and there is thus no necessity of
admitting the reality of differences in order to explain our notions of
difference in experience 2 • Others again argue that the world must
be a world of diversity, as the various objects of our experience
serve our various purposes, and it is impossible that one and the
same thing should serve different purposes. But this objection is
not valid, because even the self-same thing can serve diverse
purposes; the same fire can burn, illuminate and cook. There is no
objection to there being a number of limited (avacchinna) qualities
pauru~eyfmapek$iim na vastv anuvartate, ato na vastu-svabhiiva!z. Ibid.
atha nir-anvaya-vinasiiniim api kalpanii-vi~ayiid abhediit kiiryasJla tulyatii
hama tarhi bhedad eva kalpanii-vi~ayiit kiiryiibheda-siddher muljhii kii.Ta'I,.Ul-
bheda-kalpanii. Ibid.
XI] Ma1J4ana 97
or characters in the self-same thing. It is sometimes urged that
things are different from one another because of their divergent
powers (e.g. milk is different from sesamum because curd is
produced from milk and not from sesamum); but divergence of
powers is like divergence of qualities, and, just as the same fire
may have two different kinds of powers or qualities, namely, that
of burning and cooking, so the same entity may at different
moments both possess and not possess a power, and this does
not in the least imply a divergence or difference of entity. It is
a great mystery that the one self-same thing should have such
a special efficiency (siimarthyiitisaya) that it can be the basis of
innumerable divergent appearances. As one entity is supposed
to possess many divergent powers, so one self-same entity may
on the same principle be regarded as the cause of divergent
Again; it is held by some that "difference" consists in the
negation of one entity in another. Such negations, it may be
replied, cannot be indefinite in their nature; for then negations of
all things in all places would make them empty. If, however,
specific negations are implied with reference to determinate
entities, then, since the character of these entities, as different from
one another, depends on these implied negations, and since these
implied negations can operate only when there are these different
entities, they depend mutually upon one another (itaretariisraya)
and cannot therefore hold their own. Again, it cannot be said that
the notion of" difference" arises out of the operation of perceptual
processes like determinate perception (occurring as the culmination
of the perceptual process); for there is no proof whatsoever that
"difference," as apart from· ~utual negation, can be definitely
experienced. Again, if unity of all things as "existents" (sat) was
not realized in experience, it would be difficult to explain how one
could recognize the sameness of things. This sameness or unity of
things is by far the most fundamental of experiences, and it is first
manifested as indeterminate experience, which later on transforms
itself into various notions of difference 1 • In this connection
MaJ).c.lana also takes great pains in refuting the view that things
are twofold in their nature, both unity and difference, and also

1 pratyekam anubiddhatviid abhedena mr~a matafl

bhedo yathii tarangii1]iim bhediid bhedal; kaliivatal;.
Brahma-siddhi, II. Karikii 3 1.
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
the Jaina view that unity and difference are both true in their own
respective ways. But it is not necessary to enter into these details.
The main point in his refutation of the category of difference
consists in this, that he shows that it is inconceivable and dia-
lectically monstrous to suppose that the category of difference can
be experienced through perception and that it is philosophically
more convenient to suppose that there is but one thing which
through ignorance yields the various notions of difference than to
suppose that there are in reality the infinite agreements of unity
and difference just as they are experienced in perception 1 •
In the third chapter of the Brahma-siddhi, called the Niyoga-
kii1J¢a, l\lal)9ana refutes the l\'limarpsa view that the Vedantic texts
are to be interpreted in accordance with the :;\limarpsa canon of
interpretation, viz. that Vedic texts imply either a command or a
prohibition. But, as this discussion is not of much philosophical
importance, it is not desirable to enter into it. In the fourth
chapter, called the Siddhi-l~ii1;¢a, :\lal).9ana reiterates the view that
the chief import of the U pani~ad texts consists in showing that the
manifold world of appearance does not exist and that its mani-
festation is due to the ignorance (a~·idyii) of the individual souls
(fi~·a). The sort of ultimate reality that is described in the Upani~ad
texts is entirely different from all that we see around us, and it
is as propounding this great truth, which cannot be known by
ordinary experience, that the Upani~ads are regarded as the only
source from which knowledge of Brahman can be obtained.

Suresvara (A.n. 8oo).

Suresvara's chief works are the ]\la4karmya-siddhi and Brhad-
iira1Jyakopani~ad-bhii~ya-viirttika. The N a#karmya-siddlzi has at
least five commentaries, such as the Bhiiva-tattva-prakiisikii by
Citsukha, which is based on Jiianottama's Candrikii. This Candrikii
is thus the earliest commentary on the 1\~ai~karmya-siddhi. It is
difficult to determine Jiianottama's date. In the concluding verses of
this commentary the two names Satyabodha and J iianottama occur;
and Mr Hiriyanna points out in his introduction to theNai~karmya­
siddhi that these two names also occur in the Sarvajiia-pitha of Con-
jeeveram, to which he claims to have belonged as teacher and pupil,
ekasyaiviistu mahimii yan niineva prakiisate
liighaviin na tu bhimziiniim yac cakiisaty abhinnavat.
Brahma-siddhi, 11. Kiirilul. 32.
XI] Suresvara 99
and according to the list of teachers of that lVIatha J fianottama was
the fourth from Sankara. This would place J fianottama at a very
early date; if, however, the concluding verses are not his, but in-
serted by someone else, then of course they give no clue to his date
except the fact that he must have lived before Citsukha, since
Citsukha's commentary was based on Jfianottama's commentary
Candrikii. Another commentary is the Vidyii-surabhi of }t1anamrta,
the pupil of Uttamamrta; another is the 1\rai~karmya-siddhi­
vivarat}a of Akhilatman, pupil of Dasarathapriya; and there is also
another commentary, called Siiriirtha, by Ramadatta, which is of
comparatively recent date.
Suresvara's Nai~karmya-siddhi is divided into four chapters.
The first chapter deals with discussions regarding the relation of
Vedic duties to the attainment of Yedantic wisdom. Avidyii is
here defined as the non-perception in one's experience of the
ultimate oneness of the self: through this rebirths take place, and
it is the destruction of this ignorance which is emancipation (tan-
niiso mul?.tir iitmana~z). The l\limarp.sists think that, if one ceases
to perform actions due to desire (kiimya-lwrma) and prohibited
actions, then the actions which have already accumulated will
naturally exhaust themselves in time by yielding fruits, and so, since
the obligatory duties do not produce any new karma, and since no
other new karmas accumulate, the person will naturally be emanci-
pated from kaTma. There is, however, in the Vedas no injunction
in favour of the attainment of right knowledge. So one should
attain emancipation through the performance of the Vedic duties
alone. As against this l\Hmarp.sa view Suresvara maintains that
emancipation has nothing to do with the performance of actions.
Performance of Vedic duties may have an indirect and remote
bearing, in the way of purifying one's mind, but it has certainly
no direct bearing on the attainment of salvation. Sures,·ara states
a view attributed to Brahmadatta in the ridyii-~urabhi commentary,
that ignorance is not removed merely by the knowledge of the
identity of oneself with Brahman, as propounded in Vedanta texts,
but through long and continuous meditation on the same. So the
right apprehension of the U pani~adic passages on the identity of
the Brahman and the individual does not immediately produce
salvation; one has to continue to meditate for a long time on
such ideas of identity; and all the time one has to perform all
one's obligatory duties, since, if one ceased to perfonn them, this
100 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
would be a transgression of one's duties and would naturally produce
sins, and hence one would not be able to obtain emancipation.
So knowledge must be combined with the performance of duties
(jiiiina-karma-samuccaya), which is vehemently opposed by Sailkara.
Another view which occurs also in the Viirttika, and is there referred
to by the commentator Anandajfiana as being that of MaJ).gana,
is that, as the knowledge derived from the Vedantic texts is verbal
and conceptual, it cannot of itself lead to Brahma-knowledge,
but, when these texts are continually repeated, they produce
a knowledge of Brahman as a mysterious effect by just the same
kind of process as gives rise to the mysterious effects of sacrificial
or other Vedic duties. The Viirttika refers to various schools
among the adherents of the joint operation of knowledge and
of duties (jiiiina-karma-samuccaya), some regarding jiiiina as
being the more important, others regarding karma as more im-
portant, and still others regarding them both as being equally
important, thus giving rise to three different schools of jiiiina-
karma-samuccaya. Suresvara tries to refute all these views by
saying that true knowledge and emancipation are one and the
same thing, and that it does not in the least require the per-
formance of any kind of Vedic duties. Suresvara also refutes
the doctrine of the joint necessity of karma and jiiiina on the view
of those modified dualists, like Bhartrprapafica, who thought that
reality was a unity in differences, so that the doctrine of differences
was as true as that of unity, anc that, therefore, duties have to be
performed even in the emancipated state, because, the differences
being also real, the necessity of duties cannot be ignored at any
stage of progress, even in the emancipated state, though true
knowledge is also necessary for the realization of truth as unity.
Suresvara's refutation of this view is based upon two considera-
tions, viz. that the conception of reality as being both unity and
difference is self-contradictory, and that, when the oneness is
realized through true knowledge and the sense of otherness and
differences is removed, it is not possible that any duties can be
performed at that stage; for the performance of duties implies
experience of duality and difference 1 •
The second chapter of the N a#karmya-siddhi is devoted to the
exposition of the- nature of self-realization, as won through the
proper interpretation of the unity texts of the Upanh:;ads by a
See also Prof. Hiriyanna's introduction to his edition of the Nai1karmya-siddhi.
XI] Suresvara 101

proper teacher. The experience of the ego and all its associated
experiences of attachment, antipathy, etc., vanish with the dawn
of true self-knowledge of unity. The notion of ego is a changeful
and extraneous element, and hence outside the element of pure
consciousness. All manifestations of duality are due to the dis-
tracting effects of the antal;karm:za. When true knowledge dawns,
the self together with all that is objectivity in knowledge vanishes.
All the illusory appearances are due to the imposition of ajiiiina on
the pure self, which, however, cannot thereby disturb the unper-
turbed unity of this pure self. It is the antal;karm:za, or the intellect,
that suffers all modifications in the cognitive operations; the
underlying pure consciousness remains undisturbed all the same.
Yet this non-self which appears as mind, intellect, and its objects
is not a substantive entity like the prakrti of the Sarpkhya; for its
appearance is due merely to ignorance and delusion. This world-
appearance is only a product of nescience (ajiiiina) or false and
indescribable illusion on the self, and is no real product of any real
substance as the Sarpkhya holds. Thus it is that the whole of the
world-appearance vanishes like the illusory silver in the conch-shell
as soon as truth is realized.
In the third chapter Suresvara discusses the nature of ajiiiina, its
relation with the self, and the manner of its dissolution. There are
two entities, the self and the non-self; now the non-self, being itself
a product of ajiiiina (nescience or ignorance), cannot be regarded
as its support or object; so the ajiiiina has for its support and object
the pure self or Brahman; the ignorance of the self is also in regard
to itself, since there is no other object regarding which ignorance is
possible-the entire field of objective appearance being regarded
as the product of ignorance itself. It is the ignorance of the real
nature of the self that transforms itself into all that is subjective
and objective, the intellect and its objects. It is thus clear that
according to Suresvara, unlike Vacaspati Misra and lVfal)<;iana, the
avidyii is based not upon individual persons(jtva), but upon the pure
intelligence itself. It is this ignorance which, being connected and
based upon the pure self, produces the appearances of individual
persons and their subjective and objective experiences. This ajiiiina,
as mere ignorance, is experienced in deep dreamless sleep, when all
its modifications and appearances shrink within it and it is ex-
perienced in itself as pure ignorance, which again in the waking
state manifests itself in the whole series of experiences. It is easy to
102 The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
see that this view of the relation of ajiiiina to pure intelligence is
different from the idealism preached by lV1aQ<;lana, as noticed in the
previous section. An objection is raised that, if the ego were as much
an extraneous product of ajiiiina as the so-called external objects,
then the ego should have appeared not as a subject, but as an object
like other external or internal objects (e.g. pleasure, pain, etc.). To
this Suresvara replies that, when the antal;kara1Ja or mind is trans-
formed into the form of the external objects, then, in order to give
subjectivity to it, the category of the ego (aharrzkiira) is produced
to associate objective experiences with particular subjective centres,
and then through the reflection of the pure intelligence by way of
this category of the ego the objective experience, as associated with
this category of the ego, appears as subjective experience. The
category of the ego, being immediately and intimatsly related to
the pure intelligence, itself appears as the knower, and the objec-
tivity of the ego is not apparent, just as in burning wood the fire
and that which it burns cannot be separated. It is only when the
pure intelligence is reflected through the ajiiiina product of the
category of the ego that the notion of subjectivity applies to it,
and all that is associated 'vith it is experienced as the "this," the
object, though in reality the ego is itself as much an object as the
objects themselves. All this false experience, however, is destroyed
in the realization of Brahman, when Vedantic texts of unity are
realized. In the third chapter of the Nai~karmya-siddhi the central
ideas of the other three chapters are recapitulated. In the Viirttika
Suresvara discusses the very same problems in a much more
elaborate manner, but it is not useful for our present purposes to
enter into these details.

Padmapada (A.D. 82o).

Padmapada is universally reputed to be a direct disciple of
Sankaracarya, and, since the manner of his own salutation to
Sankaracarya confirms this tradition, and since no facts are known
that can contradict such a view, it may safely be assumed that he
was a younger contemporary of Sankaracarya. There are many tradi-
tional stories about him and his relations with Sankaracarya; but,
since their truth cannot be attested by reliable evidence, it is not
possible to pronounce any judgment on them. Only two works are
attributed to him, viz. the Paiica-piidikli, which is a commentary on
XI] Padmaptida 103
Sankara's commentary on the first four sutras of the Brahma-sutra
and Sankara's introduction to his commentary known as theadhyiisa
and the sambhiivanii-bhii~ya, and the Atma-bodlza-'l'Yiikhyiina, called
also Vediinta-siira. This Paiica-piidikii is one of the most important
of the Vedanta works known to us. It was commented on by
Prakasa tman (A.D. 1 zoo) in his Pai1ca-piidikii-vivara1Ja 1 . The Paiica-
piidikii-'l.:ivara1Ja was further commented on by Akhal)<;iananda
(A.D. 1350), a pupil of Anandagiri, in his Tattva-dzpana. 4t\..nanda-
piirl)a (A.D. 16oo), who wrote his Vidyii-siigarl commentary on
Srihar!?a's Kha1J¢ana-kha~uja-khiidya and also a commentary on the
Mahii-'l·idyii-vi¢ambana, wrote a commentary on the Paiica-piidikiP.
N rsirp.hasrama also wrote a commentary on the Paiica-piidikii-
vivara1Ja, called thePaFica-piidikii-vivara1Ja-prakiiSikii, and Srikf~l)a
also wrote one on the Paiica-piidikii-vivara1Ja. Aufrecht refers to
another commentary by Amalananda as Paiica-piidikii-siistra-dar-
pa1Ja; but this is undoubtedly a mistake for his Siistra-darpa1Ja,
which is noticed below. Amalananda was a follower of the
Vacaspati line and not of the line of Padmapada and Prakasatman.
Ramananda Sarasvati, a pupil of Govindananda, the author of the
Ratna-prabhii commentary on the Siitikara-bhii~ya, wrote his
Vivara1Jopanyiisa (a summary of the main theses of the Vivara1Ja)
as a commentary on Sankara 's Blzii~ya; but this was strictly on
the lines of the Paiica -piidikii-'l:i'l·ara~w, though it was not a direct
commentary thereon. Vidyaral)ya also wrote a separate monograph,
called Vi'l·ara1Ja-prameya-sm!zgraha, in which he interpreted the
Vedantic doctrines on the lines of the Paiica-piidikii-vi'L•ara1Ja. Of
all these the Vi'L·m·a1Jopanyiisa of Ramananda Sarasvati was probably
the last important work on the Vi'l.Jara~za line; for Ramananda's
teacher Govindananda, the pupil of Gopala Sarasvati and the
pupil's pupil of Sivarama, refers in his Ratna-prabhii commentary
to Jagannathasrama's commentary on the Siitikara-bhii~ya, called
the Bhii~ya-dlpikii, and also to Anandagiri's commentary as
"vrddhiih," p. 5 (Nirl)aya-Sagara Press, 1904). Jagannatha was the
teacher of N rsirp.hasrama; Govindananda must therefore have
lived towards the end of the sixteenth century. Ramananda may
1 Prakasatman also wrote a metrical summary of Sal)kara's Bha~ya and a work

called Sabda-nin.zaya, in which he tried to prove the claims of scriptural testi-

mony as valid cognition.
2 As Mr Telang points out in his introduction to the Mahii-'l.:idyii-vitf.ambana,

it seems that AnandapGrl)a lived after Sankara Misra (A.D. 1529), as is seen
from his criticism of his reading of a passage of the Kha1Jtf.ana-kha1)t/.a-khiidya,
p. s86 {Chowkhamba).
The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
therefore be placed in the early part of the seventeenth century.
Govindananda himself also in his Ratna-prabhii commentary
followed the Vivara7Ja line of interpretation, and he refers to
Prakasatman with great respect as PrakiiSiitma-fri-cara7Jaib (Ratna-
prabhii, p. 3).
Padmapada's method of treatment, as interpreted by Prakas-
atman, has been taken in the first and the second volumes of the
present work as the guide to the exposition of the Vedanta. It is not
therefore necessary that much should be said in separate sections re-
garding the Vedantic doctrines of these two great teachers. But still
a few words on Padmapada's philosophy may with advantage be
read separately. Padrnapada says that miiyii, avyiikrta, prakrti,
agraha7Ja, avyakta, tamab, kiira7Ja, laya, sakti, mahiisupti, nidrii,
kfara and iikiisa are the terms which are used in older literature as
synonymous with avidyii. It is this entity that obstructs the
pure and independently self-revealing nature of Brahman, and
thus, standing as the painted canvas (citra-bhitti) of ignorance
(avidyii), deeds (karma) and past impressions of knowledge (piirva-
prajiiii-Sa1Jlskiira) produce the individual persons (jivatviipiidika).
Undergoing its peculiar transformations with God as its support,
it manifests itself as the two powers of knowledge and activity
(vijiiiina-kri'yii-sakti-dvaylifraya) and functions as the doer of all
actions and the enjoyer of all experiences (kartrtva-bhoktrtvaikii-
dhiirai.J). In association with the pure unchangeable light of Brah-
man it is the complex of these transformations which appears
as the immediate ego (aha'f!lkiira). It is through the association
with this ego that the pure self is falsely regarded as the enjoyer
of experiences. This transformation is called antai.Jkara7Ja, manas,
buddhi and the ego or the ego-feeler (aha1Jl-pratyayin) on the side
of its cognitive activity, while on the vibratory side of its activity
(spanda-saktyii), it is called prii1Ja or biomotor functions. The asso-
ciation of the ego with the pure litman, like the association of the
redness of a japii flower with a crystal, is a complex (granthi) which
manifests the dual characteristics of activity of the avidyii stuff
and the consciousness of the pure self (sa1Jlbhinnobhaya-riipatviit).
On the question as to whether avidyii has for both support
(lisraya) and object (vi~aya) Brahman Padmapada's own attitude
does not seem to be very clear. He only says that avidyii mani-
fests itself in the individual person (jiva) by obstructing the
real nature of the Brahman as pure self-luminosity and that the
XI] Padmapiida 105

Brahman by its limitation (avaccheda) through beginningless avidyii

is the cause of the appearance of infinite individual persons. But
Prakasatman introduces a long discussion, trying to prove that
Brahman is both the support and the object of avidyii as against
the view of Vacaspati Misra that avidyii has the Brahman as its
object and the jzva as its support (iisraya). This is thus one of the
fundamental points of difference between the Vivaratta line of
interpretation and the interpretation of the Vacaspati line. In this
Prakasatman agrees with the view of Suresvara and his pupil
Sarvajfiatman, though, as will be noticed, Sarvajfiatman draws
some nice distinctions which are not noticed by Suresvara.
Padmapada draws a distinction between two meanings of false-
hood (mithyii), viz. falsehood as simple negation (apahnava-vacana)
and falsehood as the unspeakable and indescribable (anirvacani-
yatii-vacana). It is probably he who of all the interpreters first
described ajfiiina or avidyii as being of a material nature (jatfiitmikii)
and of the nature of a power (jatfiitmikii avidyii-saktz), and inter-
preted Sankara's phrase "mithyii-jniina-nimittal:z" as meaning that
it is this material power of ajfiiina that is the constitutive or the
material cause of the world-appearance. Prakasatman, however,
el~borates the conception further in his attempts to give proofs in
support of the view that avidyii is something positive (bhiiva-rilpa).
These proofs have been repeatedly given by many other later
writers, and have already been dealt with in the first volume of the
present work. Padmapada is also probably the first to attempt an
explanation of the process of Vedantic perception which was later
on elaborated by Prakasatman and later writers, and his views were
all collected and systematized in the exposition of the Vediinta-
paribh~ii of Dharmaraja Adhvarindra in the sixteenth century.
Describing this process, Padmapada says that, as a result of the
cognitive activity of the ego, the objects with which that is con-
cerned become connected with it, and, as a result of that, certain
changes are produced in it, and it is these changes that constitute
the subject-object relation of knowledge (jniitur jfieya-sambandhal:z).
The antal:zkaratta, or psychical frame of mind, can lead to the limited
expression of the pure consciousness only so far as it is associated
with its object. The perceptual experience of immediacy (aparok~a)
of objects means nothing more than the expression of the pure
consciousness through the changing states of the antal:zkara1Ja. The
ego thus becomes a perceiver (pramiitr) through its connection
106 The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
with the underlying consciousness. Prakasatrnan, however, elab-
orates it by supposing that the antal.zkarm.za goes out to the
objective spatial positions, and assumes the spatial form of the
objects perceived. Hence what Padmapada conceived merely as
the change of the antal.zkarm.za states through the varying relation
of the anta}.zkarm:za with its objects, is interpreted in the definite
meaning of this relation as being nothing more than spatial super-
position of the anta}.zkarm.za on its objects. In inference, however,
there is no immediate knowledge, as this is mediated through
relations with the reason (linga). Knowledge however would mean
both mediate and immediate knowledge; for it is defined as being
the manifestation of the object (artha-prakiisa).
On the subject of the causality of Brahman Padmapada says
that that on which the world-appearance is manifested, the
Brahman, is the cause of the world. On this point Prakasatman
offers three alternative views, viz. ( 1) that, like two twisted threads
in a rope, miiyii and Brahman are together the joint cause of the
world, (z) that that which has miiyii as its power is the cause,
and (3) that the Brahman which has miiyii supported on it is the
cause of the world, but in all these the ultimate causality rests with
Brahman, since miiyii is dependent thereon. Brahman is sanw-jiia
(omniscient) in the sense that it manifests all that is associated with
it, and it is the Brahman that thr.;mgh its miiyii appears as the world
of experience. The doctrines of avaccheda-viida and pratibimba-
viida explained in the first volume of the present work are also
at least as old as Padmapada 's Paiica-piidikii, and both Padmapada
and Prakasatman seem to support the reflection theory (prati-
bimba-viida), the theory that the jzva is but a reflected image of
Brahman 1 •

Vacaspati Niisra (A.D. 84o).

Vacaspati 1\Iisra, the celebrated author of a commentary called
Bhiimatlon Sankara's commentary ,is the author of a Tattva-samik~ii,
a commentary on l\.Jat:l<;iana's Brahma-siddhi; he also commented
on the Sii1J1l~hya-kiirikii, Vidhi-viveka, Nyiiya-viirttika, and he was
See volume 1, pp. 475, 476. These two doctrines were probably present
in germinal forms as early as the ninth century. But gradually more and more
attention seems to have been paid to them. Appaya Dik~ita gives a fairly good
summary of these two doctrines in the Parimala, pp. 335-343, Sri Val)i
Vila sa Press, Srirangam, without committing either himself or Vacaspati to any
one of these views.
XI] V iicaspati Misra 107

the author of a number of other works. In his Nyiiya-sucini-

bandhahe gives his date as 898(vasv-mika-vasu-vatsare), which in all
probability has to be understood as of the Vikrama-sarpvat, and con-
sequently he can safely be placed in A.D. 842. In his commentary
called Bhiimati he offers salutation to l\Iartal).<;la-tilaka-svamin,
which has been understood to refer to his teacher. But Amala-
nanda in commenting thereon rightly points out that this word is a
compound of the two names l\1artal).<;la and Tilakasvamin, belong-
ing to gods adored with a view to the fruition of one's actions.
Tilakasvamin is referred to in Yiijiiavalkya, I. 294 as a god, and the
Jl:Iitiik~arii explains it as being the name of the god Karttikeya or
Skanda. U dayana, however, in his Nyiiya-viirttika-tiitparya-pari-
suddhi (p. 9), a commentary on Vacaspati's Tiitparya-tzkii, refers
to one Trilocana as being the teacher of Vacaspati, and Vardhamana
in his commentary on it, called Nyiiya-nibandha-prakiiSa, con-
firms this: Vacaspati himself also refers to Trilocanaguru, whom he
followed in interpreting the word vyavasiiya (Nyiiya-sutra, 1. i. 4)
as determinate knowledge (savikalpa) 1 • It is however interesting
to note that in the Nyiiya-km:zikii (verse 3) he refers to the author of
the Nyiiya-maiijari (in all probability Jayanta) as his teacher (vidyii-
taru)2. Vacaspati says at the end of his Bhiimati commentary that
he wrote that work when the great king Nrga was reigning. This
king, so far as the present writer is aware, has not yet been histori-
cally traced. Bhiimati was Vacaspati's last great work; for in the
colophon at the end of the Bhiimatl he says that he had already
written his Nyiiya-km:zikii, Tatl'i.,'a-samzk~ii, Tauva-bindu and other
works on Nyaya, Sarpkhya and Yoga.
Vacaspati's Vedantic works are Bhiimatl and Tatt·va-samik~ii
(on Brahma-siddhi). The last work has not yet been published.
Aufrecht, referring to his work, Tattva-bindu, says that it is a
Vedanta work. This is however a mistake, as the work deals with
the sphota doctrines of sound, and has nothing to do with Vedanta.
In the absence of Vacaspati's Tattva-samik~ii, which has not been
published, and manuscripts of which have become extremely
scarce, it is difficult to give an entirely satisfactory account of the
special features of Vacaspati's view of Vedanta. But his Bhiimati
yathiimiinai'Jl yathii-vastu vyiikhyiitam idam rdriam.
Nyiiya-viirttika-tiitparya-tlkii, p. 87. Benares, 1898.
ajiiiina-timira-iamanli'Jl nyiiya-maiijaTli'Jl ruciriim
prasavitre prabhavitre vidyii-tarave namo gurave.
Nyiiya-ka1Jikii, introductory verse.
108 The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
commentary is a great work, and it is possible to collect from it
some of the main features of his views. As to the method of
Vacaspati 's commentary, he always tries to explain the text as
faithfully as he can, keeping himself in the background and direct-
ing his great knowledge of the subject to the elucidation of the
problems which directly arise from the texts and to explaining
the allusions and contexts of thoughts, objections and ideas of
other schools of thought referred to in the text. The Bhiimati
commentary on Sankara's Bhiifya is a very important one, and
it had a number of important sub-commentaries. The most
important and earliest of these is the Vediinta-kalpa-taru of
Amalananda (A.D. 1247-126o), on which Appaya Dik!?ita (about
A.D. r6oo) wrote another commentary called V:ediinta-kalpa
taru-parimala 1 • The Vedanta-kalpa-taru was also commented on
by Lak~minrsirpha, author of the Tarka-dipika, son of KoQ<;ia-
bhatta and grandson of Railgoji Bhana, towards the end of
the seventeenth century, and this commentary is called Abhoga.
The Abhoga commentary is largely inspired by the Vedanta-
kalpa-taru-parimala, though in many cases it differs from and
criticizes it. In addition to these there are also other commentaries
on the Bhamati, such as the Bhiimati-tilaka, the Bhamati-vilasa,
the Bhiimati-vyakhyii by Sriranganatha and another commentary
on the Vediinta-kalpa-taru, by Vaidyanatha PayaguQQ.a, called the
Vediinta-kalpa- taru-maiijari.
Vacaspati defines truth and reality as immediate self-revelation
(sva-prakasata) which is never contradicted (abadhita). Only the
pure self can be said to be in this sense ultimately real. He thus
definitely rejects the definition of reality as the participation of the
class-concept of being, as the Naiyayikas hold, or capacity of doing
work (artha-kriyii-kiiritva), as the Buddhists hold. He admits two
kinds of ajfiiina, as psychological and as forming the material cause
of the mind and the inner psychical nature of man or as the material
world outside. Thus he says in his commentary on the Saizkara-
1 Amalananda also wrote another work, called Sastra-darpm;a, in which,

taking the different topics (adhikarm;zas) of the Brahma-sfltras, he tried to give a

plain and simple general explanation of the whole topic without entering into
much discussion on the interpretations of the different sfitras on the topic. These
general lectures on the adhikararzas of the Brahma-siltras did not, however, reveal
any originality of views on the part of Amalananda, but were based on Vacas-
pati's interpretation, and were but reflections of his views, as Amalananda
himself admits in the second verse of the Sastra-darparza (Vilcaspati-mati-vimbi-
tam adarsam prtirabhe vimalam)-Sri Val)i Vilasa Press, I 9 I 3, Srirangam, Madras.
XI] Viicaspati Misra
bhii~ya, I. iii. 30, that at the time of the great dissolution (mahii-
pralaya) all products of avidyii, such as the psychical frame
(antal)karm.za), cease to have any functions of their own, but
are not on account of that destroyed; they are at that time merged
in the indescribable avidyii, their root cause, and abide there
as potential capacities (suk~meya sakti-rupe1_la) together with the
wrong impressions and psychological tendencies of illusion. When
the state of mahii-pralaya is at an end, moved by the will of God,
they come out like the limbs of a tortoise or like the rejuvenation
during rains of the bodies of frogs which have remained inert and
lifeless all the year round, and then, being associated with their
proper tendencies and impressions, they assume their particular
names and forms as of old before the mahii-pralaya. Though
all creation takes place through God's will, yet God's will is also
determined by the conditions of karma and the impressions pro-
duced by it. This statement proves that he believed in avidyii
as an objective entity of an indescribable nature (anirviicyii
avidyii), into which all world-products disappear during the
mahii-pralaya and out of which they reappear in the end and
become associated with psychological ignorance and wrong im-
pressions which had also disappeared into it at the time of the
mahii-pralaya. Avidyii thus described resembles very much the
prakrti of Yoga, into which all the world-products disappear
during a mahii-pralaya together with the fivefold avidyii and their
impressions, which at the time of creation become associated with
their own proper buddhis. In the very adoration hymn of the
Bhiimati Vacaspati speaks of avidyii being twofold (avidyii-
dvitaya), and says that all appearances originate from Brahman
in association with or with the accessory cause (sahakiiri-kiira1_la)
of the two avidyiis (avidyii-dvitaya-sacivasya). In explaining this
passage Amalananda points out that this refers to two avidyiis, one
as a beginningless positive entity and the other as the preceding
series of beginningless false impressions (anyii purviipurva-bhrama-
sa'f!lskiirab). There is thus one aspect of avidyii which forms the
material stuff of the appearances; but the appearances could not
have been appearances if they were not illusorily identified with
the immediate and pure self-revelation (sva-prakiisii cit). Each
individual person (jiva) confuses and misapprehends his psychical
frame and mental experiences as intelligent in themselves, and
it is by such an illusory confusion that these psychical states
110 The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
attain any meaning as appearances; for otherwise these appearances
could not have been expressed at all. But how does the person
come in, since the concept of a person itself presupposes the very
confusion which it is supposed to make? To this Vacaspati's reply
is that the appearance of the personality is due to a previous false
confusion, and that to another previous false confusion (cf. Mal}-
<Jana). So each false confusion has for its cause a previous false
confusion, and that another false confusion and so on in a beginning-
less series. It is only through such a beginningless series of confusions
that all the later states of confusion are to be explained. Thus
on the one hand the avidyii operates in the individual person, the
jlva, as its locus or support (asraya), and on the other hand it
has the Brahman or pure self-revealing intelligence as its object
(v~aya), which it obscures and through which it makes its false
appearances to be expressed, thereby giving them a false semblance
of reality, whereby all the world-appearances seem to be manifes-
tations of reality1 • It is easy to see how this view differs from the view
of the Satflk~epa-siirlraka of Sarvajfiatma Muni; for in the opinion
of the latter, the Brahman is both the support (iisraya) and the
object (vi~aya) of ajiiiina, which means that the illusion does not
belong to the individual person, but is of a transcendental character.
It is not the individual person as such (fiva), but the pure intelli-
gence that shines through each individual person (pratyak-cit),
that is both obscured and diversified into a manifold of appearances
in a transcendental manner. In Vacaspati's view, however, the
illusion is a psychological one for which the individual person is
responsible, and it is caused through a beginningless chain of
illusions or confusions, where each succeeding illusory experience
is explained by a previous illusory mode of experience, and that by
another and so on. The content of the illusory experiences is also
derived from the indescribable avidyii, which is made to appear as
real by their association with Brahman, the ultimately real and
self-revealing Being. The illusory appearances, as they are, cannot
be described as being existent or non-existent; for, though they
seem to have their individual existences, they are always negated
by other existences, and none of them have that kind of reality
which can be said to defy all negation and contradiction; and it
is only such uncontradicted self-revelation that can be said to be
1 It is in the latter view that Vacaspati differs from MaJ)c;lana, on whose

Brahma-siddhi he wrote his Tattva-samzk~ii..

XI] Sarvajiiiitma Muni III

ultimately real. The unreality of world-appearances consists in the

fact that they are negated and contradicted; and yet they are not
absolutely non-existent like a hare's horn, since, had they been so,
they could not have been experienced at all. So in spite of the fact
that the appearances are made out of avidyii, they have so far
as any modified existence can be ascribed to them, the Brahman
as their underlying ground, and it is for this reason that Brahman
is to be regarded as the ultimate cause of the world. As soon as
this Brahman is realized, the appearances vanish; for the root of
all appearances is their illusory confusion with reality, the Brahman.
In the Bhiimati commentary on Sailkara's commentary, n. ii. 28,
Vacaspati points out that according to the Sailkara Vedanta the
objects of knowledge are themselves indescribable in their nature
(anirvacaniya1Jl niliidi) and not mere mental ideas (na hi brahma-
viidino niliidy-iikiirii1Jl vittim abhyupagacchanti kintu anirvacaniya1Jl
niliidi). The external objects therefore are already existent
outside of the perceiver, only their nature and stuff are inde-
scribable and irrational (anirviicya). Our perceptions therefore
refer always to such objects as their excitants or producers, and
they are not of the nature of pure sensations or ideas generated
from within, without the aid of such external objects.

Sarvajnatma Muni (A.D. goo).

Sarvajfiatma lVIuni was a disciple of Suresvaracarya, the direct
disciple of Sankara, to whom at the beginning of his work Sa'f!lk-
~epa-siiriraka he offers salutation by the name Devesvara, the word
being a synonym of the word sura in Suresvara. The identification of
Devesvara with Suresvara is made by Rama Tirtha, the commentator
on the Sa'f!lk~epa-siirzraka, and this identification does not come
into conflict with anything else that is known about Sarvajfiatma
l\luni either from the text of his work or from other references to
him in general. It is said that his other name was Nityabodhacarya.
The exact date of neither Suresvara n3r · Sarvajfiatma can be
definitely determined. l\Ir Pandit in his introduction to the Gautja-
vaho expresses the view that, since Bhavabhuti was a pupil of
Kumarila, Kumarila must have lived in the middle of the seventh
century, and, since Sankara was a contemporary of Kumarila (on the
testimony of the Sankara-dig-viJaya), he must have lived either in
the seventh century or in the first half of the eighth century. In the
112 The Satikara School of Vedanta [cH.
first volume of the present work Sailkara was placed between A.D.
78o-82o. The arguments of Mr Pandit do not raise any new point
for consideration. His theory that Bhavabhuti was a pupil of Kuma-
rila is based on the evidence of two manuscripts, where, at the end of
an act of the Miilatl-Miidhava, it is said that the work was written
by a pupil of Kumarila. This evidence, as I have noticed elsewhere,
is very slender. The tradition that Sankara was a contemporary of
Kumarila, based as it is only on the testimony of the Sankara-dig-
vijaya, cannot be seriously believed. All that can be said is that
Kumarila probably lived not long before Sailkara, if one can infer
this from the fact that Sailkara does not make any reference to
Kumarila. Hence there seems to be no reason why the traditionally
accepted view that Sankara was born in Sarp.vat 844, or A.D. 788,
or Kali age 3889, should be given up 1 • Taking the approximate
date of Sankara's death to be about A.D. 820 and taking into con-
sideration that Suresvara, the teacher of Sarvajfiatman, occupied
his high pontifical position for a long time, the supposition that
Sarvajfiatman lived in A.D. 900 may not be very far wrong. More-
over, this does not come into conflict with the fact that Vacaspati,
who probably wrote his earlier work the Nyiiya-silc't-nibandha in
A.D. 842, also wrote his commentary on l\.1aQc)ana's Brahma-siddhi
when Suresvara was occupying the pontifical position.
Sarvajfiatma lVIuni was thus probably a younger contemporary
of Vacaspati lVIisra. In his Sarrz~epa-siirzraka he tries to describe
the fundamental problems of the Vedanta philosophy, as explained
by Sankara. This work, which is probably the only work of his
that is known to us, is divided into four chapters, written in verses
of different metres. It contains. in the first chapter 563 verses,
in the second 248, in the third 365 and in the fourth 63. In the
first chapter of the work he maintains that pure Brahman is the
ultimate cause of everything through the instrumentality (dviira)
of ajiiiina. The ajiiiina, which rests on (iiSraya) the pure self and
operates on it as its object (vi~aya), covers its real nature (iicchiidya)
and creates delusory appearances (vi~ipatz), thereby producing
the threefold appearances of God (lsvara), soul (jiva) and the
world. This ajiiiina has no independent existence, and its effects
are seen only through the pure self (cid-iitman) as its ground and
object, and its creations are all false. The pure self is directly
perceived in the state of dreamless sleep as being· of the nature
See Jlrya-vidyii-sudhii-kara, pp. 226, 227.
XI] Sarvajiiiilma J.1luni 113

of pure bliss and happiness without the slightest touch of sorrow;

and pure bliss can only be defined as that which is the ultimate
end and not under any circumstances a means to anything else;
such is also the pure self, which cannot be regarded as being a
means to anything else; moreover, there is the fact that everyone
always desires his self as the ultimate object of attainment which
he loves above anything else. Such an infinite love and such an
ultimate end cannot be this limited self, which is referred to as the
agent of our ordinary actions and the sufferer in the daily concerns
of life. The intuitive perception of the seers of the Upani!?ads also
confirms the truth of the self as pure bliss and the infinite. The
illusory impositions on the otht·r hand are limited appearances
of the subject and the object which merely contribute to the
possibility of false attribution and cannot therefore be real (na
viistava'f!l tat). 'Vhen the Brahman is associated with ajiiiina there
are two false entities, viz. the ajiliina and the Brahman as asso-
ciated with the ajiiiina; but this does not imply that the pure
Brahman, which underlies all these false associations, is itself also
false, since this might lead to the criticism that, everything being
false, there is no reality at all, as some of the Buddhists contend.
A distinction is drawn here between iidlziira and adhi#hiina. The
pure Brahman that underlies all appearances is the true adlzi-
~thiina (ground), while the Brahman as modified by the false ajiziina
is a false iidlziira or a false object to which the false appearances
directly refer. All illusory appearances are similarly experienced.
Thus in ·the experience "I perceive this piece of silver" (in the
case of the false appearance of a piece of conch-shell as silver) the
silvery character or the false appearance of the silver is associated
with the "this" element before the perceiver, and the "this"
element in its turn, as the false object, becomes associated with
the false silver as the" this silver." But, though the objectivity
of the false silver as the "this" before the perceiver is false, the
"this" of the true object of the conch-shell is not false. It is the
above kind of double imposition of the false appearance on the
object and of the false object on the false appearance that is known
as paraspariidhyiisa. It is only the false object that appears in the
illusory appearance and the real object lies untouched. The inner
psychical frame (anta/:zkarm;a) to a certain extent on account of
its translucent character resembles pure Brahman, and on account
of this similarity it is often mistaken for the pure self and the pure
Dll 8
114 The Satikara School of Vedanta [cH.
self is mistaken for the antal:zkarm:za. It may be contended that there
could be no antal:zkarar.za without the illusory imposition, and so it
could not itself explain the nature of illusion. The reply given to
such an objection is that the illusory imposition and its conse-
quences are beginningless and there is no point of time to
which one could assign its beginning. Hence, though the present
illusion may be said to have taken its start with the antal:zkarar_za, the
antal;karar.za is itself the product of a previous imposition, and that
of a previous antal:zkarar_za, and so on without a beginning. Just as
in the illusion of the silver in the conch-shell, though there is the
piece of conch-shell actually existing, yet it is not separately seen,
and all that is seen to exist is the unreal silver, so the real Brahman
exists as the ground, though the world during the time of its ap-
pearance is felt to be the only existing thing and the Brahman is
not felt to be existent separately from it. Yet this ajfliina has no
real existence and exists only for the ignorant. It can only be
removed when the true knowledge of Brahman dawns, and it is
only through the testimony of the Upani!?ads that this knowledge
can dawn; for there is no other means of insight into the nature of
Brahman. Truth again is defined not as that which is amenable
to proof, but as that which can be independently and directly felt.
The aj1iiina, again, is defined as being positive in its nature (bhiiva-
rupam) and, though it rests on the pure Brahman, yet, like butter
in contact with fire, it also at its touch under certain circumstances
melts away. The positive character of ajiiiina is felt in the world
in its materiality and in ourselves as our ignorance. The real ground
cause, however, according to the testimony of the Upani!?ads, is
the pure Brahman, and the ajiiiina is only the instrument or the
means by which it can become the cause of all appearances; but,
ajiiiina not being itself in any way the material cause of the world,
SarvajfHitman strongly holds that Brahman in association and
jointly with ajtiiina cannot be regarded as the material cause of
the world. The ajiiiina is only a secondary means, without which
the transformation of appearances is indeed not possible, but which
has no share in the ultimate cause that underlies them. He definitely
denies that Brahman could be proved by any inference to the effect
that that which is the cause of the production, existence and dis-
solution of the world is Brahman, since the nature of Brahman
can be understood only by the testimony of the scriptures. He
indulges in long discussions in order to show how the Upanif?ads
XI] Sarvajiiiitma Muni 115

can lead to a direct and immediate apprehension of reality as

The second chapter of the book is devoted mainly to the further
elucidation of these doctrines. In that chapter Sarvajiiatma l\'luni
tries to show the difference of the Vedanta view from the Buddhist,
which difference lies mainly in the fact that, in spite of the doctrine
of illusion, the Vedanta admits the ultimate reality to be Brahman,
which is not admitted by the Buddhists. He also shows how the
experiences of waking life may be compared with those of dreams.
He then tries to show that neither perception nor other means of
proof can prove the reality of the world-appearance and criticizes
the philosophic views of the Sarp.khya, Nyaya and other systems.
He further clarifies his doctrine of the relation of Brahman to ajiiiina
and points out that the association of ajiiiina is not with the one
pure Brahman, nor with individual souls, but with the pure light of
Brahman, which shines as the basis and ground of individual souls
(pratyaktva); for it is only in connection with this that the ajiiiina
appears and is perceived. When with the dawn of right knowledge
pure Brahman as one is realized, the ajiiiina is not felt. It is only
in the light of Brahman as underlying the individual souls that the
ajiiiina is perceived, as when one says," I do not know what you
say" ; so it is neither the individual soul nor the pure one which is
Brahman, but the pure light as it reveals itself through each and
every individual soul 1 • The true light of Brahman is always
there, and emancipation means nothing more than the destruction
of the ajiiiina. In the third chapter Sarvajiiatman describes the
ways (siidhana) by which one should try to destroy this ajiiiina and
prepare oneself for this result and for the final Brahma knowledge.
In the last chapter he describes the nature of emancipation and
the attainment of Brahmahood.
The Sarrzk~epa-siiriraka was commented upon by a number of
distinguished writers, none of whom seem to be very old. Thus
Nrsirp.hasrama wrote a commentary called Tattva-bodhinl, Puru-
~ottama Dikf?ita wrote another called Subodhini, Raghavananda
another called Vidyamrta-var#1Jl, Visvadeva another called Sid-
dhiinta-dtpa, on which Rama Tirtha, pupil of Kr~J)a Tirtha,
1 niijiiiinam advayasamiiirayam i~tam eva1JZ
niidvaita-vastu-v#aya1Jl niiitek~a1Jiiniim
niinanda-nitya-vi~ayiisrayam i~tam etat
Sa1Jlk~epa-iiirlraka, 11. 2 I I.
116 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
based his commentary Anvayiirtha-prakiiSikii. Madhusiidana Sara-
svati also wrote another commentary, called Sa~nk~epa-siiriraka­
Anandabodha Yati.
Anandabodha is a great name in the school of Sankara Vedanta.
He lived probably in the eleventh or the twelfth century 1 • He
refers to Vacaspati's Tattva-samik~ii and criticizes, but without
mentioning his name, Sarvajiiatman's vie\\ of the interpretation of
the nature of self as pure bliss. He wrote at least three works on
Sankara Vedanta, viz. 1Vyaya-makaranda, Nyiiya-dipiivali and
Pramiir_za-miilii. Of these the Nyaya-makaranda was commented
upon hy Citsukha and his pupil Sukhaprakasa in works called
1\'yiiya-makaranda-flkii and !vyiiya-makaranda-vivecanf. Sukha-
prakasa also wrote a commentary on the Nyiiya-dipiivall, called
.Yyiiya-dipci'l·ali-tiitparya-flkii. Anubhutisvariipa Acarya (late thir-
teenth century), the teacher of Anandajfiana, also wrote commen-
taries on all the three works of Anandabodha. Anandabodha does
not pretend to have made any original contribution and says that
he collected his materials from other works which existed in his
time 2 • He starts his 1Vyaya-makaranda with the thesis that the
apparent difference of different selves is false, since not only do
the· Upani:::;ads hold this doctrine, but it is also intelligible on
grounds of reason that the apparent multiplicity of selves can
be t:xplained on an imaginary supposition of diversity (kiilpanika-
puru~a-bheda), even though in reality there is but one soul.
Arguing on the fact that even the illusory supposition of an
imaginary diversity may explain all appearances of diversity,
Anandabodha tries to refute the argument of the Sii:qzkhya-kiirikii
that the diversity of souls is proved by the fact that with the birth
and death of some there is not birth or death of others. Having
refuted the plurality of subjects in his own way, he turns to the
refutation of plurality of objects. He holds that difference (bheda)
cannot be perceived by sense-perception, since difference cannot
be perceived without perceiving both the object and all else
from which it differs. It cannot be said that first the object is
perceived and then the difference; for perception will naturally
_ Mr Tripathi in his introduction to AnandajfHina's Tarka-saT{lgraha gives
Anandabodha's date as A.D. 1200.
N iinii-nibandha-kusuma-prabhaviivadata-
nyiiyiipadeia-makaranda-kadamba e~a.
Nyiiya-makaranda, p. 359·
XI] Anandabodha lrati
cease with awareness of its object, and there is no way in which
it can operate for the comprehension of difference; neither can it
be held that the comprehension of difference can in any way be
regarded as simultaneous with the perception of the sensibles.
Nor is it possible that, when two sensibles are perceived at two
different points of time, there could be any way in which their
difference could be perceived; for the two sensibles cannot be
perceived at one and the same time. It cannot, again, be said that
the perception of any sensible, say blue, involves with it the per-
ception of all that is not blue, the yellow, the white, the red, etc.;
for in that case the perception of any sensible would involve the
perception of all other objects of the world. The negation of the
difference of an entity does not mean anything more than the
actual position of it. It is not, however, right to hold that all positive
entities are of the nature of differences; for this is directly against
all experience. If differences are perceived as positive entities,
then to comprehend their differences further differences would be
required, and there would thus be a vicious infinite. l\!Ioreover,
differences, being negative in their nature, cannot be regarded as
capable of being perceived as positive sensibles. Whether differ-
ence is taken as a subject or a predicate in the form "the
difference of the jug from the pillar," or "the jug is different from
the pillar," in either case there is comprehension of an earlier and
more primitive difference between the two objects, on the basis of
which the category of difference is realized.
Anandabodha then discusses the different theories of error held
by the Nyaya, l\1imarpsa, Buddhism, etc. and supports the anirva-
canlya theory of error 1 • In this connection he records his view as to
why nescience (avidyii) has to be admitted as the cause of world-
appearanc.e. He points out that the variety and multiplicity of
world-appearance cannot be explained without the assumption of
a cause which forms its substance. Since this world-appearance
is unreal, it cannot come out of a substance that is real, nor can it
come out of something absolutely non-existent and unreal, since
such a thing evidently could not be the cause of anything; hence,
since the cause of world-appearance cannot be either real or unreal,
it must have for its cause something which is neither real nor
unreal, and the neither-real-nor-unreal entity is avidyii 2 •
1 See the first volume of the present work, ch. x, p. 485.
2 Nyiiya-makaranda, pp. 122, 123.
118 The Satikara School of Vedanta [cH.
He next proceeds to prove the doctrine that the self is of the
nature of pure consciousness (iitmana~ samvid-rupatva). This he
does, firstly, by stating the view that awareness in revealing itself
reveals also immediately its objects, and secondly, by arguing that
even though objects of awareness may be varying, there is still
the unvarying consciousness which continues the same even when
there is no object. If there were only the series of awarenesses
arising and ceasing and if there were constant and persistent
awarenesses abiding all the time, how could one note the difference
between one awareness and another, between blue and yellow?
Referring to avidyii, he justifies the view of its being supported
on Brahman, because avidyii, being indefinable in its nature, i.e.
being neither negative nor positive, there can be no objection to its
being regarded as supported on Brahman. Moreover, Brahman can
only be regarded as omniscient in its association with avidyii,sinceall
relations are of the nature of avidyii and there cannot be any omni-
science without a knowledge of the relations. In his Nyiiya-dtpavali
he tries by inference to prove the falsity of the world-appearance
on the analogy of the falsity of the illusory silver. His method of
treatment is more or less the same as the treatment in the Advaita-
siddhi of Madhusiidana Sarasvati at a much later period. There
is practically nothing new in his Pramii7Ja-miilii. It is a small work
of about twenty-five pages, and one can recognize here the argu-
ments of the Nyaya-makaranda in a somewhat different form and
with a different emphasis. Most of Anandabodha's arguments were
borrowed by the later writers of the Vedanta school. Vyasatirtha
of the Madhva school of Vedanta collected most of the standard
Vedanta arguments from Anandabodha and Prakasatman for re-
futation in his Nyiiyiimrta, and these were again refuted by
Madhusiidana's great work, the Advaita-siddhi, and these refuted in
their turn in Rama Tirtha's Nyiiyamrta-tarailgi1Ji. The history
of this controversy will be dealt with in the third volume of the
present work.

Maha-vidya and the Development of Logical Formalism.

The Buddhists had taken to the use of the dialectic method
of logical discussions even from the time of Nagarjuna. But this
was by no means limited to the Buddhists. The Naiyayikas had
also adopted these methods, as is well illustrated by the writings
x1] Mahii-vidyii and Development of Logical Formalism 119
of Vatsyayana, Uddyotakara, Vacaspati, Udayana and others.
Sankara himself had utilized this method in the refutation of
Buddhistic, Jaina, Vaise~ika and other systems of Indian philo-
sophy. But, though these writers largely adopted the dialectic
methods of Nagarjuna's arguments, there seems to be little attempt
on their part to develop the purely formal side of Nagarjuna's
logical arguments, viz. the attempt to formulate definitions with
the strictest formal rigour and to offer criticisms with that over-
emphasis of formalism and scholasticism which attained their cul-
mination in the writings of later Nyaya writers such as Raghunatha
Siromal).i, Jagadisa Bhattacarya, Mathuranatha Bhanacarya and
Gadadhara Bhattacarya. It is generally believed that such methods
of overstrained logical formalism were first started by Gangesa
Upadhyaya of l\1ithila early in the thirteenth century. But the
truth seems to be that this method of logical formalism was
steadily growing among certain writers from as early as the tenth
and eleventh centuries. One notable instance of it is the formu-
lation of the mahii-vidyii modes of syllogism by Kularka Pal).~ita
in the eleventh century. There is practically no reference to this
mahii-vidyii syllogism earlier than Srihar~a (A.D. 1187)1. References
to this syllogism are found in the writings of Citsukha Acarya
(A.D. 1220), Amalananda, called also Vyasasrama (A.D. 1247),
Anandajfiana (A.D. 1260), Veilkata (A.D. 1369), Se!?a San'lgadhara
(A.D. 1450) and others 2. The mahii-vidyii syllogisms were started
probably some time in the eleventh century, and they continued
to be referred to or refuted by writers till the fifteenth century,
though it is curious to notice that they were not mentioned by
Gangesa or any of his followers, such as Raghunatha, Jagadisa
and others, in their discussions on the nature of kevaliinvayi types
of inference.

1 gandhe gandhiintara-prasaiijikii na ca yuktir asti; tadastitve vii kii no hiinil.z;

tasyii apy asmiibhil_z khm:uJanlyatviit. Srihar!?a 's Khm:uf.ana-kha~uja-khiidya, p. 1181,

Chowkhamba edition.
2 athavii ayam glzatal_z etadgha!iinyatve sati vedyatviinadhikarm;iinya-padiir-

hatviit pafavad ity-iidimahiividyii-prayogair api vedyatva-siddlzir apy ahaniyii.-

CitsukhaAcarya's Tattva-pradipikii,p. 13,also p. 304. Thecommentator Pratyag-
rupa-bhagavan mentions Kularka Par:u;lita by name. eva'f!l. sarvii ma/zavidyiis tac-
chiiyii viinye prayogiil_z khmpjanlyii iti.-Amalanan_9a's Vediinta-kalpa-taru, p. 304
(Benar~s, 1895). sarviisv eva mahiividyiisu, etc.-Anandaji'Hina's Tarka-SO'f!l.graha,
p. 22. Also Venkata's Nyiiya-parisuddhi, pp. 125, 126, 273-276, etc., and
Tattva-muktii-kaliipa with Sarviirtha-siddhi, pp. 478, 485, 486-491. Mr M. R.
Telang has collected all the above references to mahii-vidyii in his introduction
to the ll!ahii-vidyii-vifjambana, Gaekwad's Oriental Series, Baroda, 1920.
120 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
In all probability mahii-·cidyii syllogisms were first started by
Kularka PaQ.<;iita in his Dasa-slokz-mahii-vidyii-sutra containing
sixteen different types of definitions for sixteen different types
of mahii-vidyii syllogisms. Assuming that Kularka PaQ<;iita, the
founder of mahii-vidyii syllogisms, flourished in the eleventh
century, it may well be suggested that many other writers had
written on this subject before Vadindra refuted them in the first
quarter of the thirteenth century. Not only does Vadindra refer
to the arguments of previous writers in support of mahii-vidyii and
in refutation of it in his A1ahii-vidyii-•virjambana, but Bhuvana-
sundara Siiri also in his commentary on the Mahii-vidyii-virjambana
refers to other critics of mahii-vidyii. Recently two different com-
mentaries have been discovered on mahii-vidyii, by Puru~ottama­
vana and PiirQ.aprajfia. Veilkata in his Nyiiya-parisuddhi refers to
the Mahii-vidyii, the Miina-manohara and the Pramiir.za-mafijari,
and Srinivasa in his commentary Nyaya-siira on the Nyiiya-pari-
suddhi describes them as works which deal with roundabout
syllogisms (vakriinumiina)l. This shows that for four or five
centuries mahii-vidyii syllogisms were in certain quarters supported
and refuted from the eleventh century to the sixteenth century.
It is well known that the great l\1ima:rpsa writers, such as
Kumarila Bhatta and his followers, believed in the doctrine of the
eternity of sounds, while the followers of the Nyaya and Vaise~ika,
called also Yaugacaryas, regarded sound as non-eternal (anitya).
"A1ahii-vidyii modes were special modes of syllogism, invented prob-
ably by Kularka PaQ<;lita for refuting the 1\Iimarp.sa arguments of
the eternity of sounds and proving the non-eternity of sounds. If
these modes of syllogism could be regarded as valid, they would
also have other kinds of application for the proving or disproving
of other theories and doctrines. The special feature of the mahii-
vidyii syllogisms consisted in their attempt to prove a thesis by
the kevaliinvayi method. Ordinarily concomitance (vyiiptz) con-
sists in the existence of the reason (hetu) in association with the
probandum and its non-existence in all places where the pro-
bandum is absent (siidlzyiibhiivavad-avrttitvam). But the kevaliin-
vayi form of inference which is admitted by the Naiyayikas applies
to those cases where the probandum is so universal that there is
no case where it is absent, and consequently it cannot have a
reason (hetu) whose concomitance with it can be determined by
See M. R. Telang's introduction to the Mahii-vidyii-vitjambana.
xi] J.lfaht1-vidyii and Development of Log1cal Formalism I2I

its non-existence in all cases where the probandum is absent and

its existence in all cases where the probandum is present. Thus in
the proposition, "This is describable or nameable (idam abhi-
dheyam) because it is knowable (prameyatviit)," both the pro-
bandum and the reason are so universal that there is no case where
their concomitance can be tested bynegative instances. Mahii-vidyii
syllogisms were forms of kevaliinvayi inference of this type, and
there were sixteen different varieties of it which had this advantage
associated with them, that, they being kez·aliinvayi fonns of
syllogism, it was not easy to criticize them by pointing out defects
or lapses of concomitance of the reason and the probandum, as no
negative instances are available in their case. In order to make it
possible that a kevaliinvayi form of syllogism should be applicable
for affirming the non-eternity of sound, Kularka tried to formulate
propositions in sixteen different ways so that on kevaliin·vayi lines
such an affirmation might be made about a subject that by virtue
of it the non-eternity of sound should follow necessarily as
the only consequence, other possible alternatives being ruled
out. It is this indirect approach of inference that has been by
the critics of mahii-vidyii styled roundabout syllogism. Thus
mahii-vidyii has been defined as that method of syllogism by which
a specific probandum which it is desired to prove by the joint
method of agreement and difference (3, anvaya-vyatireki-siidhya-
viSe~al!l viidy-abhimatam siidhayati)is proved by the necessary impli-
cation of the existence of a particular probandum in a particular
subject (2, pa~e vyapaka-pratltya-paryavasiina-baliit), affirmed by
the existence of hetu in the subject on kevaliinvayi lines (I, kevaliin-
vayini vyiipake pravartamiino hetul;z ). In other words, a reason which
exists in a probandum inseparably ·abiding in a subject (pak~a)
without failure (proposition I) proves (siidhayati), by virtue of the
fact, that such an unfailing existence of that probandum in that
subject in that way is only possible under one supposition (pro-
position 2), namely, the affirmation of another probandum in
another subject (e.g. the affirmation of the probandum "non-
eternity" to the.subject "sound"), which is generally sought to be
proved by the direct method of agreement and difference (pro-
position 3). This may be understood by following a typical mahii-
vidyii syllogism. Thus it is said that by reason of knowability
(meyat·va) as such the self, dissociated from the relations of all
eternal and non-eternal qualities of all other objects excepting
122 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.

sound, is related to a non-eternal entity (iitmii sabdetariinitya-nitya-

yavrttitviinadlzikara1Jiinitya-vrtti-dharmaviin meyatviid ghatavat).
Now by the qualifying adjunct of" self" the self is dissociated from
all qualities that it shares with all other eternal and non-eternal
objects excepting sound, and the consequence is that it is left only
with some kind of non-eternal quality in relation with sound, as
this was left out of consideration in the qualifying adjunct, which
did not take sound within its purview. Since many relations are
also on the Nyaya view treated as qualities, such a non-eternal
relation of the self to sound may be their mutual difference or
their mutual negation (anyonyabhiiva). Now, if the self, which is
incontestably admitted to be eternal, has such a non-eternal quality
or relation to sound, then this can only be under one supposition,
viz. that sound is non-eternal. But, since all other non-eternal
relations that the self may have to other non-eternal objects,
and all other eternal relations that it may have to other eternal
objects, and all other such relations that it may have to all
eternal and non-eternal objects jointly, except sound, have already
been taken out of consideration by the qualifying phrase, the in-
separable and unfailing non-eternal quality that the self may have,
in the absence of any negative instances, is in relation to sound;
but, if it has a non-eternal quality in relation to sound, then this
can be so only under one supposition, viz. that sound is itself
non-eternal; for the self is incontestably known as eternal. This
indirect and roundabout method of syllogism is known as mahii-
vidyii. It is needless to multiply examples to illustrate all the
sixteen types of propositions of maha-vidyii syllogism, as they are
all formed on the same principle with slight variations.
Vadindra in his Mahii-vidyii-vi¢ambana refuted these types of
syllogism as false, and it is not known that any one else tried to
revive them by refuting Vadindra's criticisms. Vadindra styles
himself in the colophon at the end of the first chapter of
his M ahii-vidyii-vi¢ambana ''IIara-kinkara-nyiiyiiciirya-parama-
pa1J¢ita-bhatta-viidindra," and in the concluding verse of his work
refers to Yogisvara as his preceptor. The above epithets of Hara-
kiilkara, nyiiyiiclirya, etc. do not show however what his real name
was. l\1r Telang points out in his introduction to the Mahii-vidyii-
vi¢ambana that his pupil Bhana Raghava in his commentary on
Bhasarvajfia's Nyiiya-siira, called Nyiiya-siira-viciira, refers to him
by the name l\1ahadeva. Vadindra's real name, then, was Mahadeva,
xi] Mahii-vidyii and Development of Logical Formalism 123
and the rest of the epithets were his titles. Bhatta Raghava says that
the name of Vadindra's father was Saranga. Bhatta Raghava gives
his own date in the Saka era. The sentence however is liable to two dif-
ferent constructions, giving us two different dates, viz.A.D. 1252 and
13 52. But, judging from the fact that Vadindra was a religious coun-
sellor of King Srisirrha (also called Sin ghana), who reigned in Deva-
giri A.D. I2I0-1247, and that in all probability he lived before
Venkata (A.D. 1267-1369), who refers to his Mahii-vidyii-virjambana,
lVIr Telang suggests that we should take A.D. 1252 to be the date of
Bhatta Raghava; and, since he was a pupil of Vadindra, one may
deduct about 27 years from his date and fix Vadindra's date as
A.D. 1225. l\Ir Telang points out that such a date would agree with
the view that he was a religious counsellor of King Srisirrha.
Vadindra refers to Udayana (A.D. 984) and Sivaditya l\1isra
(A.D. 975-1025). l\ir Telang also refers to two other works of
Vadindra, viz. Rasa-sara and Km:ziida-sutra-nibandha, and argues
from allusions contained in Vadindra's J\;fahii-vidyii-virjambana
that he must have written other works in refutation of mahii-vidyii.
Vadindra 's M ahii-vidyii-virjambana consists of three chapters. In the
first chapter he gives an exposition of the mahii-'l:idyii syllogisms; the
second and third chapters are devoted to the refutation of these syllo-
gisms. Vadindra's Mahii-vidyii-virjambana has two commentaries,
one called M ahii-vidyii-virjambana-?-yiikhyiina, by Anandaplirl)a
(A.D. 16oo), and the other, called Vyiikhyiina-dipikii, by Bhuvana-
sundara Suri (A.D. 1400). In addition to these Bhuvanasundara
Suri also wrote a small work called the Laghu-mahii-vidyii-virjam-
bana and a commentary, M ahii-vidya-vivarm:za-#ppana, on a
Mahii-vidyii-dasaSlokt-vivarm:za by an unknown author.
The main points of Vadindra's criticisms may briefly be stated
as follows: He says that it is not possible that there should be a
proper reason (hetu) which has no negative instances (kevaliinvayi-
hetor eva nirvaktum asakyatviit). It is difficult to prove that any
particular quality should exist everywhere and that there should
not be any instance or case where it does not occur. In the third
chapter he shows that not only is it not possible to have kevaliinvayi
hetus, but that even in arguments on the basis of such ke1-·aliinvayi
hetu there would be great scope for fallacies of self-contradiction
(sva-vyiighiita) and fallacies of illicit distribution of the middle term
(anaikiintikatva) and the like. He also shows how all these fallacies
apply to all the mahii-vidyii syllogisms invented by Kularka Pal)<;lita.
124 The Saizkara School oj Vedanta [cH.

It is needless for our present purposes to enter into any elaborate

logical discussion of Vadindra; for the present digression on
mahli-vidyii syllogisms is introduced here only to show that
scholastic logicisms were not first introduced by Snha~a, but
had already come into fashion a few centuries before him,
though Snha~a was undoubtedly the most prominent of those
who sought to apply these scholastic methods in philosophy.
It will thus be seen that the fashion of emphasizing the em-
ployment of logical formalism as a method in philosophy was
inherited by the N aiyayikas and V edantists alike from Buddhists
like Nagarjuna, Aryadeva and others in the third and the fourth
centuries and their later successors in the fifth, sixth and seventh
centuries. But during the eighth, ninth and tenth centuries one
notices a steady development on this side in the works of prominent
Nyaya writers such as Vatsyayana, Uddyotakara, Vacaspati lVIisra
and Udayana and Vedantic authors such as the great master
Sankaracarya, Vacaspati Misra and Anandabodha Yati. But the
school of abstract and dry formalism may be said to have properly
begun with Kularka Pat:!<;lita, or the authors of the Mlina-manohara
and Pramii'l}a-mafijar'i in the latter part of the eleventh century, and
to have been carried on in the works of a number of other writers,
until we come to Gangesa of the early thirteenth century, \vho
enlivened it with the subtleties of his acute mind by the introduction
of the new concepts of avacclzedakatli, which may be regarded as a
new turning point after vylipti. This work was further carried
on extremely elaborately by his later successors, the great writers
of this new school of logic (navya-nyliya), Raghunatha Siromal)i,
Jagadisa Bhattacarya, Gadadhara Bhattacarya and others. On the
Vedanta side this formalism was carried on by Snhar!?a (A.D. I 187),
Citsukha of about A.D. 1220 (of whom Vadindra was a contem-
porary), Anandajiiana or Anandagiri of about A.D. 1260 and through
a number of minor writers until we come to N rsirrhasrama
and Madhusiidana Sarasvati of the seventeenth century. It may
be surmised that formal criticisms of Srihar!?a were probably
largely responsible for a new awakening in the N aiyayikas, who
began to direct their entire attention to a perfecting of their
definitions and discussions on strict lines of formal accuracy and
preciseness to the utter neglect of the collection of new data, new
experiences or the investigation of new problems or new lines of
enquiry, which is so essential for the development of true philo-
XI] Vedanta Dialectic of Srzlzar~a 125

sophy. But, when once they started perfecting the purely logical
appliances and began to employ them successfully in debates, it
became essential for all Vedantists also to master the ways of this
new formalism for the defence of their old views, with utter
neglect of new creations in philosophy. Thus in the growth of
the history of the dialectic of logical formalism in the Vedanta
system of thought it is found that during the eighth, ninth,
tenth and eleventh centuries the element of formalism was
at its lowest and the controversies of the Vedanta with the
Buddhists, l\limarpsists and Naiyayikas were based largely on the
analysis of experience from the Vedantic standpoint and its general
approach to philosophy. But in the twelfth and the thirteenth
centuries the controversy was largely v;ith the Nyaya and Vaise!}ika
and dominated by considerations of logical formalism above every-
thing else. Criticisms became for the most part nothing more than
criticisms of Nyaya and Vaise~ika definitions. Parallel to this a
new force was gradually growing during these centuries in the
writings of Ramanuja and his followers, and in the succeeding
centuries the followers of l\ladhva, the great Vai~J)ava writer, began
to criticize the V edantists (of the Sankara school) very strongly.
It is found therefore that from the thirteenth or fourteenth century
the Vedantic attack was largely directed against the followers of
Ramanuja and 1\lladhva. A history of this controversy will be given
in the third and fourth volumes of the present work. But the
method of logical formalism had attained such an importance by
this time that, though the Vai!?J)avas brought in many new con-
siderations and points of view in philosophy, the method of logical
formalism never lost its high place in dialectic discussions.

Vedanta Dialectic of Srihar~a (A.D. nso).

Srihar!?a flourished probably during the middle of the twelfth
century A.D. Udayana, the great Nyaya writer, lived towards the
end of the tenth century, as is evident from the colophon of his
Lak~a1}iivali 1 • Srihar~a often refutes the definitions of U dayana,
and therefore must have flourished after him. Again, the great
logician Gangesa of 1\:lithila refers to Srihar!?a and refutes his

tarkiimbarii:izka( 906 )pramite~v atUe~u sakiintata?z

var~esudayanas cakre subodhii'!llak~at;ziivalim.
Lak~at;ziivali, p. 72, Surendralal Gosvamin's edition, Benares, 1900.
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
views, and, since Gati.gesa lived in A.D. 1200, Srihar!?a must have
lived before that date. Accordingly Srihar!?a was after Udayana
and before Gati.gesa, i.e. between the tenth and twelfth centuries
A.D. At the end of his book he refers to himself as honoured by
the King of Kanauj (Kiinyalwbjesvara). It is probable that this
king may be Jayacandra of Kanauj, who was dethroned about
A.D. 1195 1 • In his poetical work .lvai§adha-carita he mentions at
the end of the several chapters many works of his, such as Ar~ava­
var~ana, Gau{iorviSa-kula-prasasti, Nava-siihasiiizka-carita, Vijaya-
prasasti, Siva-sakti-siddhi, Sthairya-viciira~a, Chandal:z-prasasti,
and also lsvariibhisandhi and Paficanalzya kiivyat.. The fact that
he wrote a work eulogizing the race of the kings of Gau<;ia leads
one to suspect that he may have been one of the five Brahmans
invited by Adisura of Bengal from Kanauj in the early part of
the eleventh century, in which case Srihar!?a would have to be
placed at that time, and cannot be associated with J ayacandra,
who was dethroned in A.D. 1195. Srihar~a's most important philo-
sophical contribution was the Kha'(l{iana-kha'(l{ia-khiidya (lit. "the
sweets of refutation"), in which he attempts to refute all defini-
tions of the Nyaya system intended to justify the reality of the
categories of experience and tries to show that the world and
all world-experiences are purely phenomenal and have no reality
behind them. The only reality is the self-luminous Brahman of pure
consciousness 3 • His polemic is against the Nyaya, which holds that
1 Anandapun:ta in his commentary on the Khm;ufana-khm;ufa-J:hiidya, called

Khm.ujana-phakkikii, explains Kanyakubjdvara as Kasiraja, i.e. King of Kasi or

Ben ares.
2 None of these however are available.
3 Srihar~a at the end of this work speaks of having purposely made it ex-

tremely knotty here and there, so that no one could understand its difficulties
easily except when explained by the teacher. Thus he says:
grantha-granthir iha kvacit kvacid api nyiisi prayatniin maya
priijiiammanya-manii hatlzena pafhitlmiismin khala!z khelatu,
sraddhiiriiddha-gurul;z slathzkrta-drl}ha-granthil;z samiisiidayat
tv etat-tarkarasormmi-majjana sukhe~v iisaiijana'!l sajjanal;z.
Klzm;ufana-khm;rtja-klziidya, p. 1341. Chowkhamba Sanskrit Book Depot,
Benares, 1914.
Several commentaries have been written on this celebrated work by various
people, e.g. Khm;tjana-mm;rfjana by Paramananda, Khm;rfjana-ma1Jljana by
Bhavanatha, Dzdlziti by Raghunatha SiromaQi, Prakiisa by Vardhamana, Vidyii-
bhara1Jl by VidyabharaQa, Vidyii-siigarl by Vidyasagara, Kha1Jfjana-flkii by
Padmanabha PaQ<;iita, Jinanda-vardhana by Sankara Misra, Srt-darpa1Ja by
Subhankara, Kha1J4ana-mahii-tarka by Caritrasirpha, Kha1Jf/ana-kha1Jljana by
Pragalbha Misra, Si~ya-lzitai#1Jf by Padmanabha, Kha1Jtfana-kufhiira by Goku-
lanatha Upadhyaya. At least one refutation of it was attempted by the Naiya-
yikas, as is evidenced by the work of a later Vacaspati (A.D. 1350) from Bengal,
called Klza1Jljanoddlziira.
XI) Vedanta Dialectic of Srlhar~a 127

whatever is known has a well-defined real existence, and Srihar!?a's

main point is to prove that all that is known is indefinable and
unreal, being only of a phenomenal nature and having only a relative
existence based on practical modes of acceptance, customs and
conventions. But, though his chief polemic is against the Nyaya, yet,
since his criticisms are almost wholly of a destructive nature like
those of Nagarjuna, they could be used, with modifications, no less
effectively against any other system. Those who criticize with the
object of establishing positive definitions would object only to
certain definitions or views of other schools; but both Srihafl?a
and the nihilists are interested in the refutation of all definitions
as such, and therefore his dialectic would be valid against all views
and definitions of other systems 1 •
He starts with the proposition that none of our awarenesses
ever stand in need of being further known or are capable of being
the objects of any further act of knowledge. The difference of
the Vedanta from the idealistic Buddhists consists in this, that
the latter hold that everything is unreal and indefinable, not even
excepting cognitions (vij"fiiina); while the Vedanta makes an excep-
tion of cognitions and holds that all the world, excepting knowledge
or awareness, is indefinable either as existent or non-existent
(sad-asadbhyii1Jl vilak~m;am) and is unreal 2 • This indefinableness is
in the nature of all things in the world and all experiences (meya-
svabhiiviinugiiminyiim anirvacanlyatii), and no amount of in-
genuity or scholarship can succeed in defining the nature of that
which has no definable nature or existence. Srihar!?a undertakes to
show that all definitions of things or categories put forward by the
Nyaya writers are absolutely hollow and faulty even according to
the canons of logical discussions and definitions accepted by the
Naiyayika; and, if no definition can stand or be supported, it
necessarily follows that there can be no definitions, or, in other
words, that ho definitions of the phenomenal world are possible
and that the world of phenomena and all our so-called experiences
Srihar~a himself admits the similarity of his criticisms to those of Nagarjuna
and says: " tatlzii hi yadi darsane~U Silnya-viidtinirvacanzya-pak~ayor asrayatJG'f!Z
tada tiivad ama~ii'f!Z nir-biidhaiva siirva-pathinatii," etc. KhatJif.ana-khatJtfa-
khiidya, pp. 229-230, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Book Depot, Benares, 1914.
By the idealistic Buddhists Sriha~~ here means the idealism of the
Lankiivatiira, from which he quotes the following verse:
buddhyii ·vivicyamiiniinii'tJl svabhiivo niivadhiiryate
ato nirabhilapyiis te nissvabhiiviis ca deSitii/.z.
Lankiivatiira-satra, p. 287, Otani University Press, 1923.
The Sa1ikara School of Vedanta [cH.
of it are indefinable. So the Vedantist can say that the unreality
of the world is proved. It is useless for any one to attempt to find
out what is true hy resorting to arguments; for the arguments can
be proved to be false even by the canons on \Vhich they are based.
If anyone, however, says that the arguments of Srihar~a are open
to the same objection and are not true, then that would only
establish his own contention. For Srihar~a does not believe in
the reality of his arguments and enters into them without any
assumption of their reality or unreality. It can be contended
that it is not possible to argue without first admitting the reality
of the arguments. But such reality cannot be established without
first employing the pramiiiJaS or valid means of proof; and the
employment of the pramii~zas would require further arguments,
and theSt further employment of the pramii~ws and so on until
we have vicious infinite regress. If, however, the very arguments
employed in accordance with the canons of the opponents to
destroy their dd1nitions he regarded as false, this would mean that
the opponents reject their own canons, so that the Vedantic argu-
ments in refuting their position would be effective. The Vedanta
is here interested only in destroying the definitions and positions
of the opponents; and so, unless the opponents are successful in
defending their own positions against the attacks of the Vedanta,
the Vedanta point of view is not refuted. So the manifold world
of our experience is indefinable, and the one Brahman is absolutely
and ultimately real.
Regarding the proof that may be demanded of the ultimate
oneness Srihar~a says that the very demand proves that the idea of
ultimate oneness already exists, since, if the idea were not realized,
no one could think of asking fora proof of it. Now, if it is admitted
that the idea of absolute oneness is realized (pratUa), then the
question arises whether such realization is right knowledge (pramii)
or error (apramii). If it is a right idea, then, whatever may have
produced it, this right idea is to be regarded as valid proof. If such
an idea is false, one cannot legitimately ask the Vedantist to adduce
any proofs to demonstrate what is false. It may be urged that,
though the Naiyayika considers it false, it is regarded by the
Vedantist as true and hence the Vedantist may be called upon to
prove that the way in which or the means of proof through which he
came to have his idea was true. This, however, the Vedantistwould
readily deny; for, even though the idea of the absolute onenes3 may
XI) Vedanta Dialectic of Srzhar~a 129

be right, yet the way in which one happened to come by this idea
may be wrong. There may be a fire on a hill; but yet, if one infers
the existence of such a fire from fog appearing as smoke, then such
an inference is false, even though the idea of the fire may itself
be right. Leaving aside the discussion of the propriety of such
demands on the part of the opponents, the Vedantist says that
the Upani~adic texts demonstrate the truth of the ultimate oneness
of reality.
The ultimate oneness of all things, taught in the Upani~ad texts,
cannot be said to be negatived by our perceptual experience of
"many." For our perception deals with individual-things of the
moment and therefore cannot apply to all things of the past,
present, and future and establish the fact of their all being different
from one another. Perception applies to the experience of the
immediate present and is therefore not competent to contradict the
universal proposition of the oneness of all things, as taught by the
Upani~ads. Again, as Snhar~a says, in our perception of the things
of experience we do not realize the differences of the perceptual
objects from ourselves, but the differences among the objects
themselves. The self-revelation of knowledge also fails to show its
difference from all objects of the world. The difference, again, of the
perceived objects from all other things is not revealed in the nature
of the perceived objects themselves as svarupa-bheda, or difference
as being of the nature of the objects which are differenced-if that
were the case, then the false and erroneous perception of silver
would also at once manifest its difference from the object (the
conch-shell) on which the false silver is imposed. In this way
Srihar~a tried to prove that the purport of non-duality, as asserted
in the Vedic texts, is not contradicted by any other, stronger,
proof. Most of these arguments, being of a verbal nature, may
better here be dropped. The main stress seems to rest on the
idea that the immediate differences between the things perceived
do not in the least suggest or imply that they, in their essence
or in their totality, could not ultimately, as a result of our pro-
gressive and better knowledge of things, be considered as one
identical reality (as is asserted in the Upani~ads). If perception
cannot prove anything, inferences by themselves cannot stand
alone or contradict the non-duality taught in the Upani~ads. In
our world of phenomenal experience our minds are always im-
pressed with the concept of difference; but Srihar~a says that the
130 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
mere existence of an idea does not prove its reality. Words
can give rise to ideas relating even to absolutely non-existing
Again, the concept of" difference" can hardly be defined. If it
lies involved within the essential nature of all things that differ,
then difference would be identical with the nature of the things
that differ. If difference were different from the things that differ,
then it would be necessary to find out some way of establishing a
relation between "difference" and the things that differ, and this
might require another connection, and that another, and so we
should have a vicious endless series. He says that "difference"
may be looked upon from a number of possible points of view.
Firstly, "difference" is supposed to be of the nature of things.
But a "difference" which is of the nature of the things which
differ must involve them all in one; for there cannot be any
difference without referring to the things from which there is
difference. If by" book" we mean its difference from table, then
the table has to enter into the nature of the book, and that would
mean the identity of the table and the book. There is no meaning
in speaking of" difference" as being the thing, when such differ-
ences can only be determined by a reference to other things. If
"difference" be the nature of a thing, such a nature cannot be in
need of being determined by other things. One thing, say a book,
is realized as being different from a table-the nature of the
difference may here be described as being "the quality of being
distinguished from a table"; but "the quality of being distin-
guished" would have no meaning or locus standi, unless "the table"
were also taken with it. If anyone says that a book is identical with
"the quality of being distinguished from," then this will in-
variably include "the table" also within the essence of the book,
as "the table " is a constituent of the complex quality "to be dis-
tinguished from," which necessarily means " to be distinguished
from a table." So on this view also" the table" and all other things
which could be distinguished from the book are involved in the
very essence of all things-a conclusion which contradicts the very
concept of difference. It may also be pointed out that the concept
of difference is entirely extraneous to the concept of things as they
are understood or perceived. The notion of "difference" is itself
different from the notion of the book and the table, whether jointly
or separately. The joint notion of the book and the table is different
XI] Vedanta Dialectic of Srlhar$a 131

from the notion that" the book differs from the table." For under-
standing the nature of a book it is not necessary that one should
understand previously its difference from a table. l\Ioreover, even
though the notion of difference may in some sense be said to lead
to our apprehension of individual things, the apprehension of such
individual things does not carry with it the idea that it is on account
of such difference that the individual things are perceived. It is
through similarity or resemblance between two things-say be-
tween a wild cow (gavaya) and the domestic cow (go)-that a man
can recognize an animal as a wild cow; but yet, when he so con-
siders an animal as a wild cow, he does not invariably because
of such a resemblance to a cow think the animal to be a wild
cow. The mental decision regarding an animal as a cow or a wild
cow takes place immediately without any direct participation of
the cause which produced it. So, even though the notion of differ-
ence may be admitted to be responsible for our apprehension of
the different individual things, an apprehension of an individual
thing does not involve as a constituent any notion of difference.
It is therefore wrong to think that things are of the nature of
In another view, wherein difference is interpreted as "mental
negation" or "otherness" (anyonyiibhiiva), this "otherness" (say
of the book from the table) is explained as being the negation of
the identity of one with the other. When one says that the book is
other than the table, what is meant is that identity of the book with
the table is denied. Srihar~a here raises the objection that, if the
identity of the book with the table was absolutely chimerical, like the
hare's horn, such a denial of identity would be absolutely meaning-
less. It cannot, again, be suggested that this mental negation, or
negation as otherness, means the denial of one class-concept in
respect of another (e.g. that of book on the table); for there is in
these class-concepts no such special characteristic (dharma) by
virtue of which one could be denied of the other or they could be
distinguished from each other, since the Naiyayika, against whom
Srihar~a's arguments are directed, does not admit that class-con-
cepts possess any distinguishing qualities. In the absence of such
distinguishing qualities they may be regarded as identical: but in
that case the denial of one class-concept (say of the table) would
involve the denial of the class-concept of the thing itself (e.g. the
book), since the class-concepts of the book and the table, not having
IJ2 The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
any distinguishing qualities, are identical; and, further, through
mental denial both the book and the table would be devoid of the
class-concepts of book and table, and so there would be no way of
distinguishing one thing from another, book from table. It is easy
to see therefore that there is no way of making a special case re-
garding negation as otherness (anyonyiibhiiva). Again, if difference
is regarded as the possession of opposite characters (vaidharmya),
then also it may be asked whether the opposite characters have
further opposite characters to distinguish them from one another,
and these again others, and so there is a vicious infinite; if these
are supposed to stop anywhere, then the final characters at that
stage, not having any further opposite characters to distinguish
them, would be identical, and hence all opposite characters in the
backward series would be meaningless and all things would be
identical. If on the contrary it is admitted at the very first stage
that opposite or differing characters have no differing characters to
distinguish them from one another, then the characters will be
identical. Again, it may be asked whether these distinguishing
characters are themselves different fron1 the objects which possess
them or not. If they are different, one may again ask concerning
the opposing characters which lead to this difference and then again
about other opposing characters of these, and so on. If these
infinite differences were to hold good, they could not arrive in less
than infinite time, whereas the object is finite and limited in time.
If, again, they came all at once, there would be such a disorderly
medley of these infinite differences that there would be no way of
determining their respective substrates and their orderly successive
dependence on one another. And, since in the series the earlier
terms of difference can only be established by the establishment
of the later terms of difference, the forward movement in search
of the later terms of difference, in support of the earlier terms
of difference, makes these earlier terms of difference un-
It cannot, therefore, be said that our perception of differences
has any such intrinsic validity that it can contradict the ultimate
unity taught in the Upani~ad texts. Sriha~a does not deny that
we perceive seeming differences in all things, but he denies their
1 prathama-bhediisvlkiira-prayojanasya bheda-vyavahiiriider dvitfya-bhediid

eva siddhefz prathama-bhedo vyarthafz syiid eva, dvitfya-bhediidi-prayojanasya

trtzya-bhediidinaiva siddhefz so pi vyarthafz syiit. Vidyii-siigan on Kha1J4ana-
khm;uj.a-khiidya, p. 206. Chowkhamba Sanskrit Book Depot, Benares, 1914.
XI) Application of Dialectic to Different Categories 133
ultimate validity, since he considers them to be due to avidyii or
nescience alone 1 .
The chief method of Srihar~a's dialectic depends upon the
assumption that the reality of the things that one defines depends
upon the unimpeachable character of the definitions; but all
definitions are faulty, as they involve the fallacy of argument in a
circle (cakraka), and hence there is no way in which the real nature
of things can be demonstrated or defined. Our world of experience
consists of knower, known and knowledge; if a knower is defined
as the possessor of knowledge, knowledge can only be understood
by a reference to the knower; the known, again, can be understood
only by a reference to knowledge and the knower, and so there is
a circle of relativity which defies all attempts at giving an inde-
pendent definition of any of these things. It is mainly this rela-
tivity that in specific forms baffles all attempts at definition of
all categories.

Application of the Dialectic to the Different Categories

and Concepts.
Srihar~a first takes for his criticism the definitions of right
cognition. Assuming the definition of right cognition to be the
direct apprehension of the real nature of things, he first urges that
such a definition is faulty, since, if one accidentally guesses rightly
certain things hidden under a cover and not perceived, or makes
a right inference from faulty data or by fallacious methods, though
the awareness may be right, it cannot be called right cognition 2 •
It is urged that cognition, in order to be valid, must be produced
through unerring instruments; here, however, is a case of chance
guesses which may sometimes be right without being produced by
unerring instruments of senses. Nor can correspondence of the
cognition with its object (yathiirthiinubhava~z pramii) be regarded
as a proper definition of right cognition. Such correspondence can
be defined as meaning either that which represents the reality of
the object itself or similarity to the object. The real nature of
na vayaf!l bhedasya san.:athaivasattvam abhyupagacchiima!z, kit!l nama na
paramiirthikat!l sattvaf!l; avidya-vidyamiinatVaf!l tu tadlyam #yata eva. Khatz-
4ana-khatz(la-khiidya, p. 214.
E.g. when a man rightly guesses the number of shells closed in another
man's hand, or when one makes a false inference of fire on a hill from a fog
looking like smoke from a distance and there is fire on the hill by chance-his
judgment may be right though his inference may be false.
1 34 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.

an object is indeterminable, and so correspondence of awareness

with the object may rather be defined as similarity of the former
to the latter. If this similarity means that the awareness must
have such a character as is possessed by the object (jiiana-
vi~ayikrtena rupe7Ja sadrsyam), then this is clearly impossible; for
qualities that belong to the object cannot belong to the awareness
-there may be an awareness of two white hard marbles, but the
awareness is neither two, nor white, nor hard 1 • It may be urged
that the correspondence consists in this, that the whiteness etc.
belong to the object as qualities possessed by it, whereas they
belong to awareness as being qualities which it reveals 2 • But that
would not hold good in the case of illusory perception of silver
in a conch-shell; the awareness of" before me" in the perception
of "before me the silver" has to be admitted as being a right
cognition. If this is admitted to be a right cognition, then it
was meaningless to define right cognition as true correspondence;
it might as well have been defined as mere cognition, since all
cognition would have some object to which it referred and so far as
that only was concerned all cognitions would be valid. If, however,
entire correspondence of thought and object be urged, then partial
correspondence like the above can hardly be considered satisfactory.
But, if entire correspondence is considered indispensable, then the
correctness of the partial correspondence has to be ignored, whereas
it is admitted by the Naiyayika that, so far as reference to an object
is concerned, all cognitions are valid; only the nature of cognition
may be disputed as to right or wrong, when we are considering the
correspondence of the nature of the object and the nature charac-
terized by the awareness of the object. If entire correspondence
with the object is not assured, then cognition of an object with
imperfect or partial correspondence, due to obstructive circum-
stances, has also to be rejected as false. Again, since the
correspondence always refers to the character, form or appearance
of the thing, all our affirmations regarding the objects to which the
characters are supposed to belong would be false.
Referring to Udayana's definition of right cognition as samyak
paricchitti, or proper discernment, Srihar~a says that the word
1 dvau ghatau suklav ityatra riipa-sa,khyiidi-samaviiyitva, na jiiiinasya

gut}atviid atal; prakiisamiina-ruper;a artha-siidriya'tfl jiiiinasya niisti-asti ca tasya

jiiiinasya tatra gha{ayol:z pramiitvam. Vidyii-siigarz on KhatJtf.ana, p. 398.
arthasya hi yathii samaviiyiid riipa1fl vise~at}lbhavati tathii vi~ayabhiiviij
jiiiinasyiipi tad-vise~atJam bhavaty eva. Khat}t/.ana, p. 399·
xi] Application of Dialectic to Different Categories 135
"samyak" (proper) is meaningless; for, if samyak means "entire,"
then the definition is useless, since it is impossible to see all the
visible and invisible constituent parts of a thing, and no one but
an omniscient being could perceive a thing with all its characters,
properties or qualities. If right discernment means the discern-
ment of an object with its special distinguishing features, this again
is unintelligible; for even in wrong cognition, say of conch-shell
as silver, the perceiver seems to perceive the distinguishing marks
of silver in the conch-shell. The whole point lies in the difficulty
of judging whether the distinguishing marks observed are real or
not, and there is no way of determining this. If, again, the dis-
tinguishing features be described as being those characteristics
without the perception of which there can be no certain knowledge
and the perception of which ensures right cognition, then it may
well be pointed out that it is impossible to discover any feature of
any cognition of which one can be positively certain that it is not
wrong. A dreamer confuses all sorts of characters and appearances
and conceives them all to be right. It may be urged that in the
case of right perception the object is perceived with its special
distinguishing features, as in the case of the true perception of
silver, whereas in the case of the false perception of silver in the
conch-shell no such distinguishing features are observed. But
even in this case it would be difficult to define the essential nature
of the distinguishing features; for, if any kind of distinguishing
feature would do, then in the case of the false perception of silver
in the conch-shell the distinguishing feature of being before the
eyes is also possessed by the conch-shell. If all the particular
distinguishing features are insisted on, then there will be endless
distinguishing features, and it would be impossible to make any
definition which would include them all. The certitude of a cogni-
tion which contradicts a previous wrong cognition would often be
liable to the same objection as the wrong cognition itself, since
the nature of the special distinguishing features which would
establish its validity cannot be established by any definition of
right knowledge.
Arguing against the definition of right cognition as "appre-
hension which is not incorrect or not defective" (avyabhiciiri
anubhava/:t), Srihar~a says that "not incorrect" or "not defective"
cannot mean that the cognition must exist only at the time when
the object exists; for then inferential cognition, which often refers
The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
to past and future things, would be false. Neither can it mean
that the cognition coexists in space with its objects; nor can it
mean that the right cognition is similar to its object in all respects,
since cognition is so different in nature from the object that it is
not possible that there should be any case in which it would be
similar thereto in all respects. And, if the view that an awareness
and its object are one and the same be accepted, then this would
apply even to those cases where one object is wrongly perceived
as another; and hence the word "avyabhiciiri" is not sufficient to
distinguish right knowledge from wrong cognition.
Arguing against the Buddhist definition of right cognition as
''an apprehension which is not incompatible (avisa'l{lviidi) with the
object known," Srihar~a tries to refute the definition in all the
possible senses of incompatibility of cognition with object which
determines wrong knowledge. If the definition is supposed to
restrict right cognition to cognition which is cognized by another
cognition as being in agreement with its object, then a wrong
cognition, repeated successively through a number of moments
and found to be in agreement with its object through all the
successive moments until it is contradicted, would also have to
be admitted as right, because in this case the previous cognition
is certified by the cognition of the succeeding moments. If, again,
right cognition is defined as a cognition the incompatibility of
which with its object is not realized by any other cognition, then
also there are difficulties in the way. For even a wrong cognition
may for some time be not contradicted by any other cognition.
l\1oreover, the vision of the conch-shell by the normal eye as
white may be contradicted by the later vision by the jaundiced
eye as yellow. If it is urged that the contradiction must be by
a faultless later cognition, then it may be pointed out that,
if there had been any way of defining faultless cognition, the
definition of right cognition would have been very easy. On
the other hand, unless right cognition is properly defined,
there is no meaning in speaking of faulty or wrong cognition. If
right cognition is defined as a cognition which has causal efficiency,
that in fact is not a proper definition; for even the wrong
cognition of a snake might cause fear and even death. If it is urged
that the causal efficiency must be exercised by the object in the
same form in which it is perceived, then it is very difficult to
ascertain this; and there may be a false cognition of causal effi-
XI] Application of Dialectic to Different Categories 137
ciency also; hence it would be very difficult to ascertain the nature
of right cognition on the basis of causal efficiency. Srihar~a points
out again that in a similar way Dharmakirti's definition of right
cognition as enabling one to attain the object (artha-priipakat'l-'a) is
also unintelligible, since it is difficult to determine which object can
be actually attained and which not, and the notion that the thing
may be attained as it is perceived may be present even in the case
of the wrong perception of silver in the conch-shell. If right
cognition is defined as cognition which is not contradicted, then
it may be asked whether the absence of contradiction is at the
time of perception only, in which case even the wrong perception
of silver in the conch-shell would be a right cognition, since it is
uncontradicted at least at the time when the illusion is produced.
If it is urged that a right cognition is that which is not contradicted
at any time, then we are not in a position to assert the rightness
of any cognition; for it is impossible to be certain that any par-
ticular cognition will never at any time be contradicted.
After showing that it is impossible to define right cognition
(pramii) Srihar!?a tries to show that it is impossible to define the
idea of instruments (kara7Ja) or their operative action ('~-yiipiira)
as involved in the idea of instruments of cognition (pramii7Ja).
Srihar~a attempts to show that instrumentality as an agent cannot
be separately conceived as having an independent existence, since it
is difficult to determine its separate existence. It would be a long
tale to go into all the details of this discussion as set forth by
Srihar~a, and for our present purposes it is enough to know that
Srihar~a refuted the concept of "instrumentality" as a separate
agent, both as popularly conceived or as conceived in Sanskrit
grammar. He also discusses a number of alternative meanings
which could be attributed to the concept of" kara7Ja," or instru-
ment, and shows that none of these meanings can be satisfactorily
justified 1 •
In refuting the definition of perception he introduces a long
discussion showing the uselessness of defining perception as an
instrument of right knowledge. Perception is defined in the Nyaya
as cognition which arises through the contact of a particular sense
with its object; but it is impossible to know whether any cognition
has originated from sense-contact, since the fact of the production
Among many other definitions Srihar!;>a also refutes the definition of kara7Ja
as given by Uddyotakara-" yadvan eva karoti tat karm;am." Khm:uj.ana, p. so6.
The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
of knowledge from sense-contact cannot itself be directly perceived
or known by any other means. Since in perception the senses
are in contact on the one hand with the self and on the other
hand with the external objects, Srihar~a urges by a series of argu-
ments that, unless the specific object with which the sense is in
contact is mentioned in each case, it would be difficult to formulate
a definition of perception in such a way that it would imply only
the revelation of the external object and not the self, which is as
much in contact with the sense as is the object. Again, the specifi-
cation of the object in the case of each perception would make it
particular, and this would defeat the purposes of definition, which
can only apply to universal concepts. Arguing against a possible
definition of perception as immediateness, Srihar~a supposes that,
if perception reveals some specific quality of the object as its per-
manent attribute, then, in order that this quality may be cognized,
there ought to be another attribute, and this would presuppose
another attribute, and so there would be an infinite regress; and,
if at any stage of the infinite regress it is supposed that no further
attribute is necessary, then this involves the omission of the preced-
ing determining attributes, until the possibility of the perception
is also negatived. If this immediateness be explained as a cognition
produced by the instrumentality of the sense-organs, this again is
unintelligible; for the instrumentality of sense-organs is incom-
prehensible. Srihar~a takes a number of alternative definitions of
perceptions and tries to refute them all more or less in the same
way, mostly by pointing out verbal faults in the formulation of the
Citsukha Acarya, a commentator on Srihar~a's Khar.z{fana-
khar.z¢a-khiidya, offers a refutation of the definition of perception
in a much more condensed form. He points out that the definition
of perception by Ak~apada as an uncontradicted cognition arising
out of sense-contact with the object is unintelligible. How can we
know that a cognition would not be contradicted? It cannot be
known from a knowledge of the faultlessness of the collocating cir-
cumstances, since the faultlessness can be known only if there is no
contradiction, and hence faultlessness cannot be known previously
and independently, and the collocating circumstances would con-
tain many elements which are unperceivable. It is also impossible
to say whether any experience will for ever remain uncontradicted.
Nor can it again be urged that right cognition is that which can
xr] Application of Dialectic to Different Categories 139
produce an effort on the part of the perceiver (pravrtti-siimarthya);
for even an illusory knowledge can produce an effort on the part
of the perceiver who is deceived by it. Mere achievement of the
result is no test for the rightness of the cognition; for a man may
see the lustre of a gem and think it to be a gem and really get the
gem, yet it cannot be doubted that his apprehension of the ray of
the gem as the gem was erroneous 1 • In the case of the perception
of stars and planets there is no chance of any actual attainment of
those objects, and yet there is no reason to deny the validity of
the cognitions.
Passing over the more or less verbal arguments of Srihar~a in
refutation of the definitions of inference (anumiina) as liizga-parii-
marsa or the realization of the presence in the minor term (pak~a,
e.g. the mountain) of a reason or probans (liizga, e.g. smoke) which
is always concomitant with the major term (siidhya, e.g. fire), or as
invariable concomitance of the probans with the probandum or the
major term (siidhya, e.g. fire), and its other slightly modified
varieties, I pass on to his criticism of the nature of concomitance
(vyiipti), which is at the root of the notion of inference. It is urged
that the universal relationship of invariable concomitance required
in vyiipti cannot be established unless the invariable concomitance
of all the individuals involved in a class be known, which is
impossible. The Naiyayika holds that the mind by a sort of
mental contact with class-concepts or universals, called siimiinya-
pratyiisatti, may affirm of all individuals of a class without actually
experiencing all the individuals. It is in this way that, perceiving
the invariable concomitance of smoke and fire in a large number of
cases, one understands the invariable concomitance of smoke with
fire by experiencing a sort of mental contact with the class-concept
"smoke" when perceiving smoke on a distant hill. Srihar~a argues
in refutation of such an interpretation that, if all individual smoke
may be known in such a way by a mental contact with class-con-
cepts, then by a mental contact with the class-concept "knowable"
we might know all individual knowables and thus be omniscient as
well. A thing is knowable only as an individual with its specific
qualities as such, and therefore to know a thing as a knowable
would involve the knowledge of all such specific qualities; for the

1 drsyate hi mm;i-prabhiiyiirJz ma1Ji-buddhyii pravartamiinasya ma1Ji-priiptel:z

pravrtti-siimarthyarJZ na ciivyabhiciiritvam. Tattva-pradipikii, p. 218. NirQaya-

Sagara Press, Bombay, 1915.
The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
class-concept" knowable" would involve all individuals which have
a specific knowable character. It may be urged that knowability is
one single character, and that things may be otherwise completely
different and may yet be one so far as knowability is concerned, and
hence the things may remain wholly unknown in their diversity of
characters and may yet be known so far as they are merely know-
able. To this Srihar~a answers that the class-concept "knowable"
would involve all knowables and so even the diversity of characters
would be involved within the meaning of the tenn "knowable."
Again, assuming for the sake of argument that it is possible
to have a mental contact with class-concepts through individuals,
how can the invariable concomitance itself be observed? If our
senses could by themselves observe such relations of concomitance,
then there would be no possibility of mistakes in the observation
of such concomitance. But such mistakes are committed and
corrected by later experience, and there is no way in which one
can account for the mistake in the sense-judgment. Again, if this
invariable concomitance be defined as aviniibhiiva, which means
that when one is absent the other is also absent, such a definition
is faulty; for it may apply to those cases where there is no real
invariable concomitance. Thus there is no real concomitance be-
tween "earth" and "possibility of being cut"; yet in iikiisa there
is absence of earth and also the absence of "possibility of being
cut." If it is urged that concomitance cannot be determined by a
single instance of the absence of one tallying with the absence of
the other, it must be proved that universally in all instances of the
absence of the one, e.g. the fire, there is also the ab!,'ence of the
other, e.g. the smoke. But it is as difficult to ascertain such uni-
versal absence as it is to ascertain universal concomitance. Again,
if this concomitance be defined as the impossibility of the presence
of the middle term, the reason or the probans, where the major
term or the probandum is also absent, then also it may be said that
it is not possible to determine such an impossibility either by sense-
knowledge or by any other means.
Now tarka or eliminatory consideration in judging of possi-
bilities cannot be considered as establishing invariable concomi-
tance; for all arguments are based on invariable concomitance, and
such an assumption would lead to a vicious mutual interdepend-
ence. The great logician Udayana objects to this and says that, if
invariable concomitance between smoke and fire be denied, then
XI] Application of Dialectic to Different Categories 141

there are strong arguments (tarka) against such a denial (badhakas

tarkal:z ), namely, that, if smoke is not regarded as concomitant
with fire, then smoke would either exist without any cause or not
exist at all, which is impossible. But Srihar~a says that there is
room for an alternative proposition which Udayana misses, namely,
that smoke is due to some cause other than fire. It may be that
there are smokes which are not caused by fire. How can one be
sure that all smokes are caused by fire? There may be differences
in these two classes of fire which remain unnoticed by us, and so
there is always room for the supposition that any particular smoke
may not be caused by fire, and such doubts would make inference
impossible. Udayana had however contended that, if you entertain
the doubt, with regard to a future case, that it is possible that there
may be a case in which the concomitance may be found wrong,
then the possibility of such a doubt (sankii) must be supported by
inference, and the admission of this would involve the admission of
inference. If such an exaggerated doubt be considered illegitimate,
there is no obstruction in the way of inference. Doubts can be enter-
tained only so long as such entertainment of doubts is compatible
with practical life. Doubts which make our daily life impossible are
illegitimate. Every day one finds that food appeases hunger, and,
if in spite of that one begins to doubt whether on any particular day
when he is hungry he should take food or not, then life would
be impossible 1 . Srihar~a, however, replies to this contention by
twis~ing the words of Udayana's own karikii, in which he says that,
so long as there is doubt, inference is invalid; if there is no doubt,
this can only be when the invalidity of the inference has been
made manifest, and until such invalidity is found there will always
be doubts. Hence the argument of possibilities (tarka) can never
remove doubts 2 •
Srihar~a also objects to the definition of "invariable concomi-
tance" as a natural relation (sviibhavikal:z sambandha/:z). He rejects
the term "natural relation" and says that invariable concomitance
saizkii ced anumiisty eva
na cec chaizkii tatastariim
vyiighiitiivadhir iisaizkii
tarkah saizkiivadhir matah.
Kusumiiiijali, III, 7· Chowkhamba Sanskrit Bo~k Depot, Benares, 1912.
2 vyiighiito yadi sankiisti
na cec chaizkii tatastariim
vyiighiitiivadhir iisaizkii
tarkab saizkiivadhib kutab.
Khm.uj.ana-khat:uJa-khiidya, p. 693.
The Sankara School of Vedanta (CH.
would not be justifiable in any of its possible meanings, such as
(i) depending on the nature of the related (sambandhi-svabhiiva-
srita), (ii) produced by the nature of the related (sambandhi-sva-
bhiiva-janya), (iii) not different from the nature constituting there-
latedness, since, as these would be too wide and would apply even
to those things which are not invariable concomitants, e.g. all that
is earthen can be scratched with an iron needle. Though in some
cases earthen objects may be scratched with an iron needle, not all
earthen objects can be so scratched. He further refutes the defini-
tion of invariable concomitance as a relation not depending upon
conditional circumstances (upiidhz). Without entering into the
details of Sriharf_)a's argument it may be pointed out that it rests
very largely on his contention that conditionality of relations can-
not be determined without knowledge of the nature of invariable
concomitance and also that invariable concomitance cannot be
determined without a previous determination of the conditionality
of relations.
Sriharf_)a's brief refutation of analogy, implication and testimony,
as also his refutation of the definitions of the different fallacies of
inference, are not of much importance from a philosophical point
of view, and need not be detailed here.
Turning now to Srihar~a's refutation of the Nyaya categories,
we note that he begins with the refutation of "being" or positivity
(bhiivatva). He says that being cannot be defined as being existent
in itself, since non-being is also existent in itself; we can with as
much right speak of being as existing as of non-being as existing;
both non-being and being may stand as grammatical nominatives
of the verb "exists." Again, each existing thing being unique in
itself, there is no common quality, such as" existence" or" being,"
which is possessed by them all. Again, "being" is as much a
negation of "non-being" as "non-being" of "being"; hence
"being" cannot be defined as that which is not a negation of
anything. Negation is a mere form of speech, and both being and
non-being may be expressed in a negative form.
Turning to the category of non-being (abhiiva), Sriharf}a says
that it cannot be defined as negation of anything; for being may
as well be interpreted as a negation of non-being as non-being of
being (bhiiviibhiivayor dvayor api paraspara-pratihfepiitmakatviit).
Nor again can non-being be defined as that which opposes being;
for not all non-being is opposed to atl being (e.g. in" there is no jug
xi] Application of Dialectic to Different Categories 143
on the ground" the absence of jug does not oppose the ground in
respect of which the jug is denied); if non-being opposes some
existent things, then that does not differentiate negation; for there
are many existent things which are opposed to one another (e.g.
the horse and the bull).
In refuting the Nyaya definition of substance (dravya) as that
which is the support of qualities, Srihar~a says that even qualities
appear to have numeral and other qualities (e.g. we speak of two
or three colours, of a colour being deep or Jight, mixed or primary
-and colour is regarded as quality). If it is urged that this is a
mistake, then the appearance of the so-called substances as being
endowed with qualities may also be regarded as equally erroneous.
Again, what is meant by defining substance as the support (asraya)
of qualities? Since qualities may subsist in the class-concept of
quality (gu~Jalva), the class-concept of quality ought to be regarded
as substance according to the definition. It may be urged that a
substance is that in which the qualities inhere. But what would
be the meaning here of the particle "in"? How would one dis-
tinguish the false appearance, to a jaundiced eye, of yellowness in
a white conch-shell and the real appearance of whiteness in the
conch-shell? Unless the falsity of the appearance of yellow in the
conch-shell is realized, there can be no difference between the one
case and the other. Again, substance cannot be defined as th~
inhering or the material cause (samavayi-kiira7Ja), since it is not
possible to know which is the inhering cause and which is not; for
number is counted as a quality, and colour also is counted as a
quality, and yet one specifies colours by numbers, as one, two, or
many colours.
Furthermore, the Nyaya definition of quality as that which has
a genus and is devoid of qualities is unintelligible; for the defini-
tion involves the concept of quality, which is sought to be defined.
Moreover, as pointed out above, even qualities, such as colours,
have numeral qualities; for we speak of one, two or many colours.
It is only by holding to this appearance of qualities endowed with
numeral qualities that the definition of quality can be made to stand,
and it is again on the strength of the definition of quality that such
appearances are to be rejected as false. If colours are known as
qualities in consideration of other reasons, then these, being en-
dowed with numeral qualities, could not for that very reason be
called qualities; for qualities belong according to definition only to
The Sankara School of Vedanta [CH.
substances. Even the numerals themselves are endowed with the
quality of separateness. So there would not be a single instance
that the Naiyayika could point to as an example of quality.
Speaking of relations, Srihar~a points out that, if relation is to
be conceived as something subsisting in a thing, then its meaning
is unintelligible. The meaning of relation as "in" or" herein" is
not at all clear; for the notion of something being a container
(iidhiira) is dependent on the notion of the concept of "in" or
"herein," and that concept again depends on the notion of a
container, and there is no other notion which can explain either of
the concepts independently. The container cannot be supposed to
be an inhering cause; for in that case such examples as "there is
a grape in this vessel " or "the absence of horns in a hare" would
be unexplainable. He then takes a number of possible meanings
which can be given to the notion of a container; but these, not
being philosophically important, are omitted here. He also deals
with the impossibility of defining the nature of the subject-object
relation (v#aya-vi~ayi-bhiiva) of knowledge.
In refuting the definition of cause Srihar~a says that cause
cannot be defined as immediate antecedence; for immediate antece-
dence can be ascribed only to the causal operation, which is always
an intervening factor between the cause and the effect. If, on
the theory that what (e.g. the causal operation) belongs to a thing
(e.g. the cause) cannot be considered as a factor which stands
between it (cause) and that which follows it (effect), the causal
operation be not regarded as a separate and independent factor, then
even the cause of the cause would have to be regarded as one with
the cause and therefore cause. But, if it is urged that, since the
cause of the cause is not an operation, it cannot be regarded as
being one with the cause, one may well ask the opponent to define
the meaning of operation. If the opponent should define it as that
factor without which the cause cannot produce the effect, then the
accessory circumstances and common and abiding conditions, such
as the natural laws, space, and so forth, without which an effect
cannot be produced, are also to be regarded as operation, which
is impossible. Further, "operation" cannot be qualified as being
itself produced by the cause; for it is the meaning of the concept
of cause that has still to be explained and defined. If, again, cause
is defined as the antecedence of that which is other than the not-
cause, then this again would be faulty; for one cannot understand
xi] Application of Dialectic to Different Categories 145
the "not-cause" of the definition without understanding what is
the nature of cause, and vice-versa. l\1oreover, space, being a per-
manent substance, is always present as a not-cause of anything,
and is yet regarded as the cause of sound. If, again, cause is defined
as that which is present when the effect is present and absent when
the effect is absent, this would not explain the causality of space,
which is never known to be absent. If, again, cause is defined as
invariable antecedence, then permanent substances such as space
are to be regarded as the sole causes of effects. If, however, in-
variable antecedence be understood to mean unconditional ante-
cedence, then two coexistent entities such as the taste and the
colour of an earthen pot which is being burnt must mutually be
the cause of the colour and the taste of the burnt earthen pot; for
neither does the colour condition taste, nor does the taste condition
colour. l\1oreover, if mere invariable antecedents be regarded as
cause, then the invariably preceding symptoms of a disease are to
be regarded as the cause of the disease on account of their in-
variable antecedence. Again, causality cannot be regarded as a
specific character or quality belonging to certain things, which
quality can be directly perceived by us as existing in things. Thus
we may perceive the stick of the potter's wheel to be the cause
of the particular jugs produced by it, but it is not possible to
perceive causality as a general quality of a stick or of any other
thing. If causality existed only with reference to things in general,
then it would be impossible to conceive of the production of
individual things, and it would not be possible for anyone to know
which particular cause would produce a particular effect. On the
other hand, it is not possible to perceive by the senses that an
individual thing is the cause of a number of individual effects; for
until these individual effects are actually produced it is not possible
to perceive them, since perception involves sense-contact as its
necessary condition. It is not necessary for our present purposes
to enter into all the different possible concepts of cause which
Sr1haJ1?a seeks to refute : the above examination is expected to
give a fairly comprehensive idea of the methods of Srlhar~a's
refutation of the category of cause.
Nor is it possible within the limited range of the present work
to give a full account of all the different alternative defences of the
vanous categories accepted in Nyaya philosophy, or of all the
vanous ways in which Srlhar~a sought to refute them in his
DII 10
The Sankara School of Vedanta (CH.
Kha1Jt}.ana-kha1Jf!a-khiidya. I have therefore attempted to give here
only some specimens of the more important parts of his dialectical
argument. The chief defect of Srihar~a's criticisms is that they
often tend to grow into verbal sophisms, and lay greater stress on
the faults of expression of the opponent's definitions and do not do
him the justice of liberally dealing with his general ideas. It is easy
to see how these refutations of the verbal definitions of the Nyaya
roused the defensive spirit of the Naiyayikas into re-stating their
definitions with proper qualificatory phrases and adjuncts, by which
they avoided the loopholes left in their former definitions for the
attack of Srihar~a and other critics. In one sense, therefore, the
criticisms of Sriha~a and some of his followers had done a great
disservice to the development of later Nyaya thought; for, unlike
the older Nyaya thinkers, later Nyaya writers, like Gangesa,
Raghunatha and others, were mainly occupied in inventing suitable
qualificatory adjuncts and phrases by which they could define their
categories in such a way that the undesirable applications and
issues of their definitions, as pointed out by the criticisms of their
opponents, could be avoided. If these criticisms had mainly been
directed towards the defects of Nyaya thought, later writers would
not have been forced to take the course of developing verbal ex-
pressions at the expense of philosophical profundity and acuteness.
Srihar~a may therefore be said to be the first great writer who is
responsible indirectly for the growth of verbalism in later Nyaya
Another defect of Srihar~a's criticisms is that he mainly limits
himself to criticizing the definitions of Nyaya categories and does
not deal so fully with the general ideas involved in such categories
of thought. It ought, however, in all fairness to Srihar!?a to be said
that, though he took the Nyaya definitions as the main objective
of his criticisms, yet in dealing with the various alternative varia-
tions and points of view of such definitions he often gives an
exhaustive treatment of the problems involved in the discussion.
But in many cases his omissions become very glaring. Thus, for
example, in his treatment of relations he only tries to refute the
definitions of relation as container and contained, as inherence, and
as subject-object relation of cognitions, and leaves out many other
varieties of relation which might well have been dealt with. Another
characteristic feature of his refutation is, as has already been
pointed out, that he has only a destructive point of view and is
xi] Citsukha's Interpretations of Vedanta Concepts 147

not prepared to undertake the responsibility of defining any

position from his own point of view. He delights in showing that
none of the world-appearances can be defined in any way, and that
thus, being indescribable, they are all false. But incapacity to define
or describe anything in some particular way cannot mean that the
thing is false. Srihar!?a did not and could not show that the ways
of definition which he attempted to refute were the only ways of
defining the different categories. They could probably be defined in
other and better ways, and even those definitions which he refuted
could be bettered and improved by using suitable qualificatory
phrases. He did not attempt to show that the concepts involved
in the categories were fraught with such contradictions that, in
whatever way one might try to define, one could not escape from
those inner contradictions, which were inherent in the very nature
of the concepts themselves. Instead of that he turned his attention
to the actual formal definitions which had been put forward by the
Nyaya and sometimes by Prabhakara and tried to show that these
definitions were faulty. To show that particular definitions are
wrong is not to show that the things defined are wrong. It is, no
doubt, true that the refutation of certain definitions involves the
refutation of the concepts involved in those definitions; but the
refutation of the particular way of presentation of the concept does
not mean that the concept itself is impossible. In order to show
the latter, a particular concept has to be analysed on the basis of
its own occurrences, and the inconsistencies involved in such an
analysis have to be shown.

Citsukha's Interpretations of the Concepts of

Sankara Vedanta.
Citsukha (about A.D. 1220), a commentator on Srihar!?a, had all
Srihar!?a's powers of acute dialectical thought, but he not only
furnishes, like Srihar~a, a concise refutation of the Nyaya categories,
but also, in his Tattva-pradipika, commented on by Pratyagbha-
gavan (A.D. 1400) in his Nayana-prasadini 1 , gives us a very acute
Citsukha, a pupil of Gau<;ldvara Acarya, called also Jnanottama, wrote
a commentary on ..\nandabodha Bhattarakacarya's Nyiiya-makaranda and also
on Srihar~a's Khat:uJana-khat:uJa-khiidya and an independent work called Tatt'L·a-
pradipikii or Cit-sukhf, on which the study of the present section is based. In
this work he quotes Udayana, Uddyotakara, Kumarila, Padmapada, Vallabha
(Lrliivatl), Salikanatha, Suresvara, Sivaditya, Kularka PaQ<;lita and Sridhara
The Sankara School of Vedanta (CH.
analysis and interpretation of some of the most important concepts
of Sailkara Vedanta. He is not only a protector of the Advaita
doctrine of the Vedanta, but also an interpreter of the Vedantic con-
cepts1. The work is written in four chapters. In the first chapter
Citsukha deals with the interpretation of the Vedanta concepts of
self-revelation (sva-prakasa), the nature of self as consciousness
(iitmanal;z sa'f!lvid-rupatva), the nature of ignorance as darkness, the
nature of falsity (mithyiitva), the nature of nescience (avidyii), the
nature of the truth of all ideas (sarva-pratyayiiniim yathii""thatvam),
the nature of illusions, etc. In the second chapter he refutes the
Nyaya categories of difference, separateness, quality, action, class-
concepts, specific particulars (viSe~a), the relation of inherence
(samaviiya), perception, doubt, illusion, memory, inference, in-
variable concomitance (vyiiptz), induction (vyiipti-graha), existence
of the reason in the minor term (pak~a-dharmatii), reason (hetu),
analogy (upamiina), implication, being, non-being, duality, measure,
causality, time, space, etc. In the third chapter, the smallest of the
book, he deals with the possibility of the realization of Brahman
and the nature of release through knowledge. In the fourth chapter,
which is much smaller than the first two, he deals with the nature
of the ultimate state of emancipation.
Citsukha starts with a formal definition of the most funda-
mental concept of the Vedanta, namely the concept of self-reve-
lation or self-illumination (sva-prakiisa). Both Padmapada and
Prakasatman in the Pafica-padikii and Paiica-piidika-vivara1Ja had
distinguished the self from the ego as self-revelation or self-illumi-
(Nyiiya-kandatz). In addition to these he also wrote a commentary on the
Brahma-sutra-bhfi$ya of Sankara, called Bhii~·a-bhih·a-prakiisikii, Viy;ara~a­
tiitparya-dtpikii, a commentary on the Pramii~a- miilii of Anandabodha, a com-
mentary on Mar:tc;lana's Brahma-siddhi, called Abhipriiya-prakiisikii, and an index
to the adhikara~as of the Brahma-sfitra, called Adhikara~a-mafijarl. His teacher
}fianottama wrote two works on Vedanta, called Nyiiya-sudhii and ]niina-
siddhi; but he seems to have been a different person from the J fianottama who
wrote a commentary on Suresvara's Nai~karmya-siddhi; for the latter was a
householder (as he styles himself with a householder's title, miira), and an
inhabitant of the village of Mangala in the Cola country, while the former was
an ascetic and a preceptor of the King of Gauc;la, as Citsukha describes him in
his colophon to his Tattva-pradtpikii. He is also said to have written the Brahma-
stuti, Virr;zu-puriitJa-{lkii, f)ag-darsa~a-sa1Jlgraha-vrtti, Adhikaratza-saizgati (a work
explaining the inter-relation of the topics of the Brahma-sutra) and a com-
mentary on the Nai~karmya- siddhi, called the Nai~karmya-siddhi-ttkii or the
Bhiiva-tattva-prakiisikii. His pupil Sukhaprakasa wrote a work on the topics
of the Brahma-siitra, called Adhikarat_!a-ratna-miilii.
Thus Pandita Harinatha Sarma in his Sanskrit introduction to the Tattva-
pradtpikii or Cit~sukhlspeaks of this work as advaita-siddhiinta-rak~ako 'py advaita-
siddhiinta-prakiisako vyutpiidakal ca.
xi] Citsukha's Interpretations of Vedanta Concepts 149
nation (svayam-prakiisa). Thus Prakasatman says that consciousness
(saiJlvid) is self-revealing and that its self-revelation is not due to
any other self-revealing cause 1 . It is on account of this natural
self-revelation of consciousness that its objects also appear as self-
revealing2. Padmapada also says the same thing, when he states that
the self is of the nature of pure self-revealing consciousness; when
this consciousness appears in connection with other objects and
manifests them, it is called experience (anubhava), and, when it is
by itself, it is called the self or iitman 3 • But Citsukha was probably
the first to give a formal definition of the nature of this self-
Citsukha defines it as that which is entitled to be called
immediate ( aparolqa-vyavahiira-yogya), though it is not an object
of any cognition or any cognizing activity (avedyatve 'pi) 4 • It may
be objected that desires, feelings, etc. also are not objects of any
cognition and yet are entitled to be regarded as immediate, and
hence the definition might as well apply to them; for the object of
cognition has a separate objective existence, and by a mind-object
contact the mind is transformed into the form of the object, and
thereby the one consciousness, which was apparently split up into
two forms as the object-consciousness which appeared as material
objects and the subject-consciousness which appeared as the
cognizer, is again restored to its unity by the super-imposition of
the subjective form on the objective form, and the object-form is
revealed in consciousness as a jug or a book. But in the case of
our experience of our will or our feelings these have no existence
separate from our own mind and hence are not cognized in the
same way as external objects are cognized. According to Vedanta
epistemology these subjective experiences of will, emotions, etc.
are different mental constituents, forms or states, which, being
directly and illusorily imposed upon the self-revealing conscious-
ness, become experienced. These subjective states are therefore
not cognized in the same way as external objects. But, since the
Sa1Jl'Vedana1Jl tu svayam-prakiisa eva na prakiisiintara-hetul:z. Paiica-piidikii-
vivara:tJa, p. 52.
tasmiid anubhaval:z sajiitiya-prakiisiintara-nirapek~al:z prakiisamiina eva 'l·i~aye
prakiisiidi-vyavahiira-nimittm_n bhavitmil arhati avyavadhiinena t-#aye pralulsii-
di-'l•yavahiira-nimittatviit. Ibid.
tasmiit cit-svabhiit-•a et-•iitmii tena tena prameya-bhedena upadhzyamiino 'nubha-
viibhidhiinlyaka1Jllablzate avivak#topiidlzir iitmiidi-sabdail;. Paiica-piidikii, p. 10.
" avedyatve saty aparok~a-vyavaluira-yogyatt•a1Jl svayam-pral?iisa-la~a~wm.
Cit-suklzl, p. 9·
The Sankara School of Vedanta [CH.
experience of these states is possible only through a process of
illusory imposition, they are not entitled to be called immediate 1 •
So, though they appear as immediate, they have no proper
yogyatii, or, in other words, they are not entitled to be called
immediate. But in the true sense even external objects are but
illusory impositions on the self-revealing consciousness, and hence
they also cannot be said to be entitled to be called immediate.
There is therefore no meaning in trying to distinguish the self-
revealing consciousness as one which is not an object of cognition;
for on the Vedanta theory there is nothing which is entitled to be
called immediate, and hence the phrase avedyatve (not being an
object of cognition) is unnecessary as a special distinguishing
feature of the self-revealing consciousness; the epithet "imme-
diate" is therefore also unnecessary. To such an objection Citsukha's
reply is that the experience of external objects is only in the last
stage of world-dissolution and Brahmahood found non-immediate
and illusory, and, since in all our ordinary stages of experience the
experience of world-objects is immediate, the epithet avedyatva
successfully distinguishes self-revealing consciousness from all
cognitions of external objects which are entitled to be called im-
mediate and are to be excluded from the range of self-revealing con-
sciousness only by being objects of cognition. In the field of ordinary
experience the perceived world-objects are found to be entitled to
be called immediate no less than the self-revealing conscious-
ness, and it is only because they are objects of cognition that they
can be distinguished from the self-revealing consciousness.
The main argument in favour of the admission of the category
of independent self-revealing consciousness is that, unless an in-
dependent self-revealing consciousness is admitted, there would
be a vicious series in the process preceding the rise of any cog-
nition; for, if the pure experience of self-revealing consciousness
has to be further subjected to another process before it can be
understood, then that also might require another process, and that
another, and so there would be an unending series. Moreover,
that the pure experience is self-revealing is proved by the very
fact of the experience itself; for no one doubts his own ex-
perience or stands in need of any further corroboration or con-
firmation as to whether he experienced or not. It may be objected
1 aved_val'L'e 'pi niiparok~a-vyavahiira-yogyatii te~iim, adhyastatayaiva te~ii1Jl
siddhel;. Cit-sukhi, p. 10. Nin;taya-Sagara Press, Bombay, 1915.
xr] Citsukha's Interpretations of Vedanta Concepts 151

that it is well known that we may be aware of our awareness of

anything (anu-·vyavasaya), and in such a case the self-revealing
consciousness may become further cognized. Citsukha's reply to
this is that, when one perceives a jug, there is the mental activity,
then a cessation of that activity, then a further starting of new
activity and then the knowledge that I know the jug, or rather I
know that I know the jug-and hence such a cognition cannot be
said to be directly and immediately cognizing the first awareness,
which could not have stayed through so many moments 1 • Again,
since neither the senses nor the external objects can of themselves
produce the self-revelation of knowledge, if knowledge were not
admitted as self-revealing, the whole world would be blind and
there would be no self-revelation. When one knows that he knows
a book or a jug, it is the cognized object that is known and not
the awareness that is cognized; there can be no awareness of
awareness, but only of the cognized object 2 • If the previous aware-
ness could be made the object of subsequent awareness, then this
would amount to an admission of the possibility of the self being
known by the self (svasyapi svena vedyatviipiitiit)-a theory which
would accord not with the Vedanta idealismt but with the
Buddhistic. It is true, no doubt, that the pure self-revealing con-
sciousness shows itself only on the occasion of a mental state; but
its difference from other cognitive states lies in the fact that it has
no form or object, and hence, though it may be focussed by a
mental state, yet it stands on a different footing from the objects
illuminated by it.
The next point that Citsukha urges is that the self is of the
nature of pure self-revealing consciousness (atmanal:z sartZvid-
rupatva). This is, of course, no new contribution by Citsukha, since
this view had been maintained in the U pani~ads and repeated by
Sankara, Padmapada, Prakasatman and others. Citsukha says that,
like knowledge, the self also is immediately revealed or experienced
without itself being the object of any cognizing activity or cognition,
and therefore the self is also of the nature of knowledge. No one
doubts about his own self; for the self always stands directly and
1 glzata-jfiiinodaya-samaye manasi kriyii tato v.:iblziigas tatab purva-sa1Jl}'Oga-·d-

niisas lata uttara-sa1Jlyogotpattis tato jiiiiniintaram iti aneka-k~at}a-vilambena utpa-

dyamiinasya ji'iiinasya aparok~atayii piir'l•a-jfiiina-griihakatviinupapattel;. Cit-
sukhi, p. 17.
2 vidito ghata ity atra anuvyavasiiyena gha{asyai'l.'a 'l.'iditat'l.·am m:aslyate na

tu ·vittefz. Ibid. p. 18.

The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
immediately self-revealed. Self and knowledge being identical, there
is no relation between the two save that of identity (jiiiiniitmano"lt
sambandhasyai·va abhiiviit).
Citsukha defines falsity (mithyiitva) as the non-existence of a
thing in that which is considered to be its cause 1 . He shows this by
pointing out that a whole, if it is to exist anywhere, must exist in
the parts of which it is made, and, if it does not exist even there,
it does not exist anywhere and is false. It is, however, evident that
a whole cannot exist in the parts, since, being a whole, it cannot
be in the parts 2 • Another argument adduced by Citsukha for the
falsity of the world-appearance is that it is impossible that there
should be any relation between the self-revealing consciousness,
the knmver (drk), and the objects which are cognized (drsya).
Knowledge cannot be said to arise through sense-contact; for in
the illusory perception of silver there is the false perception of
silver without any actual sense-contact with silver. A reference to
subject-object relation ('l.,'i~aya-vi~ayi-bhiiva) cannot explain it, since
the idea of subject-object relation is itself obscure and unexplain-
able. Arguing as to the impossibility of properly explaining the
subject-object relation (vi~aya-vi~ayi-bhiiva) in knowledge, Citsukha
says that it cannot be held that the subject-object relation means
that knowledge produces some change in the object (vi~aya) and
that the knower produces such a change. For what may be the
nature of such a change? If it be described as jiiatatii, or the
character of being known, how can such a character be by my
knowledge at the present moment generated as a positive quality
in an object which has now ceased to exist? If such a quality can
be produced even in past objects, then there would be no fixed law
according to which such qualities should be produced. Nor can
such a relationship be explained on a pragmatic basis by a re-
ference to actual physical practical action with reference to objects
that we know or the internal volitions or emotions associated with
our knowledge of things. For in picking up a piece of silver that
we see in front of us we may quite unknowingly be drawing with it
the dross contained in the silver, and hence the fact of the physical
sarve~iim api bhiiviiniim iisrayatvena smtzmate
pratiyogitvam atyantiibhiiVarJl prati mNiitmatii. Cit-sukhl, p. 39.
Some of these definitions of falsity are collected in Madhusiidana's Advaita-
siddhi, a work composed much later than the Cit-sukhl.
arJZSina~z sva,_nsa-giityantiibhii'l:asya pratiyoginalz arJZsitviid itariirJZnva . ..
vimata!z pata!z etat-tantu-ni~!hiityantiib}uiva-pratiyogl avayavitviit pa!iintaravat.
Cit-sukhl, pp. 40, 41.
x1] Citsukha's Interpretations of Vedanta Concepts 153
drawing of the dross cannot on that ground alone make it an object
of my knowledge, and hence the subject-object relation of know-
ledge cannot be defined as a mere physical action following cognition.
The internal mental states of volition and the etnotions associated
with knowledge belong to the knower and have nothing to do with
the object of knowledge. If, however, it is urged that objectivity
consists in the fact that whatever is known appears in conscious-
ness, the question arises, what does this appearing in consciousness
mean? It cannot mean that consciousness is the container and the
object is contained in it; for, consciousness being internal and the
object external, the object cannot be contained in it. It cannot be
a mere undefined relatedness ; for in that case the object may as
well be considered subject and the subject, object. If objectivity
be defined as that which can induce knoY~ ledge, then even the
senses, the light and other accessories which help the rise of
knowledge may as well be regarded as objects. Object cannot be
defined as that to which knowledge owes its particular form; for,
knowledge being identical with its form, all that helps the rise of
knowledge, the senses, light, etc., may as well be regarded as
objects. So, in whatever way one may try to conceive the nature
of the subject-object relation, he will be disappointed.
Citsukha follows the traditional view of nescience (ajfiiina) as
a positive entity without beginning which disappears with the rise
of true knowledge 1 . Nescience is different from the conception of
positivity as well as of negativity, yet it is called only positive
because of the fact that it is not negative 2 • Ignorance or nescience
is described as a positive state and not a mere negation of know-
ledge; and so it is said that the rise of right knowledge of any
object in a person destroys the positive entity of ignorance with
reference to that object and that this ignorance is something
different from what one would understand by negation of right
knowledge 3 • Citsukha says that the positive character of ignorance
becomes apparentwhen we say that"We donotknowwhetherwhat
you say is true." Here there is the right knowledge of the fact that
1aniidi-bhiiva-rupa7JZ yad-vijfiiinena viliyate tad ajfiiinam iti priijfia-lak~a7Jam
sa7[lpracak~ate aniiditve sati bhiiva-rupa7JZ vijfiiina-niriisyam ajfiiinam iti lak~a7Jaf!l
iha vivak#tam. Cit-sukhi, p. 57·
bhiivabhiiva-vilak~a7Jasya ajfiiinasya abhiiva-vila~at}atva-miilre7Ja bhiivatvo-
pacdriit. Ibid.
vigfta1Jl Deva-datta-ni~tha-pramtit}a-jfidna1Jl Devadatta-ni,~!ha-pramabhiivii­
tiriktanadernivarttaka1Jl pramii7Jatviid Yajfiadattiidigata-pramd7Ja-jfiiinavad ity
anumiinam. Ibid. p. s8.
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
what is said is known, but it is not known whether what is said is
valid 1 • Here also there is a positive knowledge of ignorance of fact,
which is not the same as mere absence of knowledge. Such an
ignorance, however, is not experienced through sense-contact or
sense-processes, but directly by the self-revealing consciousness-
the siik#n. Just before the rise of right knowledge about an object
there is ignorance (ajiiiina), and the object, as qualified by such
an ignorance, is experienced as being unknown. All things are the
objects of the inner unmoved intuitive consciousness either as
known or as unknown 2 • Our reference to deep dreamless sleep as
a state in which we did not know anything (na kit{lcid-avedi~am) is
also referred to as a positive experience of ignorance in the dream-
less state.
One of the chief tenets of Vedanta epistemology lies in the
supposition that a presentation of the false is a fact of experience.
The opposite view is that of Prabhakara, that the false is never
presented in experience and that falsehood consists in the wrong
construction imposed upon experience by the mind, which fails to
note the actual want of association between two things which are
falsely associated as one. According to this theory all illusion
consists of a false association or a false relationing of two things
which are not presented in experience as related. This false asso-
ciation is not due to an active operation of the mind, but to a
failure to note that no such association was actually presented in
experience (asat{lSargiigraha). According to Prabhakara, the great
Mima:rpsa authority, the false is never presented in experience, nor
is the false experience due to an arbitrary positive activity of wrong
construction of the mind, but merely to a failure to note certain
distinctions presented in experience. On account of such a failure
things which are distinct are not observed as distinct, and hence
things which are distinct and different are falsely associated as one,
and the conch-shell is thus regarded as silver. But here there is
no false presentation in experience. \Vhatever is known is true;
falsehood is due to omissions of knowledge and failure in noting
Citsukha objects to this view and urges that such an explanation
tvadukte 'rthe pramiit;a-jniina'Jl mama niisti ity asya vis#ta-v#aya-jfiiinasya
pramiitviit. Cit-sukhl, p. 59·
asman-mate ajfiiinasya sii~i-siddlzatayii pramiit;iibodhyatviit, pramii7Ja-jfiiino-
dayiit priik-kiileajiiiina'Jl tad-vise#to 'rthal.z siik#-siddhal.z ajiiiita ity anuviida gocaral;
.. . sarva'Jl vastu jiiiitatayii ajiiiitatayii vii siik#-caitanyasya vi~ayal.z. Ibid. p. 6o.
xr] Citsukha's Interpretations of Vedanta Concepts ISS
can never explain all cases of false apprehension. Take the pro-
position, "There are false apprehensions and false presentations";
if this proposition is admitted to be correct, then Prabhakara's
contention is false; if it is admitted to be false, then here is a false
proposition, the falsehood of which is not due to a failure to note
differences. If the falsity of all propositions be said to be due to
a failure to note differences, then it would be hard to find out any
true proposition or true experience. On the analogy of our false
experience of the everchanging flame of a lamp as the same identical
one all cases of true recognition might no less be regarded as false,
and therefore all inferences would be doubtful. All cases of real
and true association could be explained as being due to a failure
to note differences. There could be no case in which one could
assure himself that he was dealing with a real association and
not a failure to apprehend the absence of association (asa1Jlsargii-
graha). Citsukha therefore contends that it is too much to expect
that all cases of false knowledge can be explained as being due to
a mere non-apprehension of difference, since it is quite reasonable
to suppose that false knowledge is produced by defective senses
which oppose the rise of true knowledge and positively induce
false appearance 1 • Thus in the case of the illusory perception
of conch-shell as silver it is the conch-shell that appears as a
piece of silver. But what is the nature of the presentation that
forms the object (iilambana) of false perception? It cannot be
regarded as absolutely non-existent (asat), since that which is abso-
lutely non-existent cannot be the object of even a false perception,
and moreover it cannot through such a perception (e.g. the tendency
of a man to pick up the piece of silver, which is but a false per-
ception of a piece of conch-shell) induce a practical movement on
the part of the perceiver. Neither can it be regarded as ex is tent ;
for the later experience contradicts the previous false perception,
and one says that there is no silver at the present time and there
was no silver in the past-it was only the conch-shell that appeared
as silver. Therefore the false presentation, though it serves all the
purposes of a perceptual object, cannot be described either as
existent or as non-existent, and it is precisely this character that
constitutes the indefinable nature ( anirvacanlyatii) of all illusions 2 •
1 tatlui do~ii~ziim api yathiirtha-jiiiina-pmtibandhakatvam ayathiirtha-jiiiina-

janakat'l:a1'fl ca ki1!l na syiit. Cit-suhhz, p. 66.

pratyeka1Jl sad asatt'l:iibhyii1!l 'Liciira-padmfit!l na yad giihate tad anirviicyam
iihur •cediinta-vedina~z. Ibid. p. 79-
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
It is unnecessary to deal with the other doctrines of Vedanta
which Citsukha describes, since there is nothing new in them and
they have already been described in chapter x of volume 1 of this
work. It is therefore desirable to pass on to his dialectic criticism of
the Nyaya categories. It will suffice, however, to give only a few of
these criticisms, as they mostly refer to the refutation of such kinds
of categories as are discussed in Srihan?a's great work Khm:uJana-
kha1J¢a-khadya, and it would be tedious to follow the refutation of
the same kinds of categories by two different writers, though the
arguments of Citsukha are in many cases new and different from
those given by Srihar!?a. Citsukha's general approach to such refu-
tations is also slightly different from that of Srihar!?a. For, unlike
Srihar!?a, Citsukha dealt with the principal propositions of the
Vedanta, and his refutations of the Nyaya categories were not
intended so much to show that they were inexplicable or indefinable
as to show that they were false appearances, and that the pure self-
revealing Brahman was the only reality and truth.
Thus, in refuting time (kala), Citsukha says that time cannot
be perceived either by the visual sense or by the tactual sense, nor
can it be apprehended by the mind (manas), as the mind only
operates in association with the external senses. Moreover, since
there are no perceptual data, it cannot be inferred. The notions of
before and after, succession and simultaneity, quickness and dura-
tion, cannot by themselves indicate the nature of time as it is in
itself. It may be urged that, since the solar vibrations can only be
associated with human bodies and worldly things, making them
appear as young or old only through some other agency such as
days, months, etc., such an agency, which brings about the con-
nection of solar vibrations with worldly things, is called time 1 . To
this Citsukha replies that, since the self itself can be regarded as
the cause of the manifestation of time in events and things in
accordance with the varying conditions of their appearance, it is
unnecessary to suppose the existence of a new category called time.
Again, it cannot be said that the notions of before and after have
time as their material cause; for the validity of these notions is
challenged by the Vedantist. They may be regarded as the im-
1 tarm:zi-parispanda-vise~ii1Jii1.n yuva-sthavira-saririidi-pitJ4e~u miisiidi-vicitra-
buddhi-janana-dviiret}a tad-upahite~ paratviiparatviidi-buddhi-janakatVaf!l na ca
tair asatp,baddhiinii7JZ tatra buddhi-janakatvm!J, na ca siik~iit sambandho ravi-
parispandiiniitp, pit}qair asti atab tat-satp,bandhakatayii kascid a~tadravya-vilak~a1JO
dravya-visefab SVikartavya!z, tasya ca kiila iti sa1Jljnii. (This is Vallabha's view
oftime.) Nayana-prasiidin1 commentary on Cit-sukhl, p. 321, by Pratyak-svarupa-
bhagavat. Nin;taya-Sagara Press, Bombay, 1915.
xi] Citsukha's Interpretations of Vedanta Concepts 157
pressions produced by a greater or lesser quantity of solar vibra-
tions. There is therefore no necessity to admit time as a separate
category, since its apprehension can be explained on the basis of
our known data of experience. From considerations of some data
relative space (dik) has to be discarded; for relative space cannot
be perceived by the senses or inferred for want of data of ex-
perience. Both time and relative space originate from a sense of
relativity (apek~ii-buddhi), and, given that sense of relativity, the
mind can in association with our experience of bodily movements
form the notion of relative space. It is therefore unnecessary
to admit the existence of relative space as a separate category.
In refuting the atomic theory of the Vaise!?ikas Citsukha says
that there is no ground for admitting the Vaise!?ika atoms. If these
atoms are to be admitted on the ground that all things are to be
conceived as being divisible into smaller and smaller parts, then
the same may apply to the atoms as well. If it is urged that one
must stop somewhere, that the atoms are therefore regarded as
the last state, and are uniform in size and not further divisible,
then the specks of dust that are seen in the windows when the
sun is shining (called irasareJJus) may equally be regarded as the
last stage of divisible size. If it is contended that, since these are
visible, they have parts and cannot therefore be considered as
indivisible, it may be said in reply that, since the Nyaya writers
admit that the atoms can be perceived by the yogins, visibility of
the trasare?IUS could not be put forward as a reason why they could
not be regarded as indivisible. Moreover, if the atoms were partless,
how could they be admitted to combine to produce the grosser
material forms? Again, it is not indispensable that atoms should
combine to form bigger particles or make grosser appearances
possible; for, like threads in a sheet, many particles may make gross
appearances possible even without combining. Citsukha then re-
peats Sankara's refutation of the concept of wholes and parts,
saying that, if the wholes are different from the parts, then they
must be in the parts or they would not be there; if they are not
in the parts, it would be difficult to maintain that the wholes were
made of parts; if they are in the parts, they must be either wholly
or partly in them; if they are wholly in the parts, then there would
be many such wholes, or in each part the whole would be found;
and, if they are partly in the parts, then the same difficulty of wholes
and parts would appear.
Again, the concept of contact (smJlyoga) is also inexplicable. It
The Sankara- School of Vedanta [cH.
cannot be defined as the coming together of any two things which
are not in contact (apraptayol; priiptil; sat!lyogal;); for, until one
knows the meaning of the concept of contact, one cannot under-
stand the meaning of the phrase "not in contact." If it is defined
as the coming together of two things which are unrelated, then
contact (sat!lyoga) would include even the relation of inherence,
such as that which exists between a piece of cloth and the threads.
If it is defined as a relation which is produced in time and is
transitory (anityal; sambandhal; janyatva-viSe#to vii), then cases of
beginningless contact would not be included, and even the pos-
session of an article by purchase would have to be included as
contact, since this relation of possession is also produced in time.
It cannot be objected that "possession" is not a relation, since a
relation to be such must be between two things; for, if the objection
were valid, the relation between substance and quality would not
be a relation, since quality and substance exist together, and there
are no two separate things which can be related. If the objector
means that the relation must be between two terms, then there
are two terms here also, namely, the article possessed and the
possessor. Moreover, if contact is defined as relation which does
not connect two things in their entirety (avyiipya-vrttitva-viSe~ito),
then again it would be wrong, since in the case of partless entities
the relation of contact cannot connect the parts, as they have no
parts. Citsukha refutes the concept of separation (vibhiiga) on the
same lines and passes over to the refutation of number, as two,
three and the like.
Citsukha urges that there is no necessity of admitting the
existence of two, three, etc. as separate numbers, since what we per-
ceive is but the one thing, and then by a sense of oscillation and
mutual reference (apekfii-buddhz) we associate them together and
form the notions of two, three, etc. These numbers therefore do
not exist separately and independently, but are imaginatively pro-
duced by mental oscillation and association from the experience of
single objects. There is therefore no necessity of thinking that the
numbers, two, three, etc., are actually produced. We simply deal
with the notions of two, three, etc. on the strength of our powers
of mental association 1 .
1 iiropita-dvitva-tritviidi-viie#taikatva-samuccayiilambanii buddhir dvitviidi-

janiketi eel; na; tathiibhutiiyii eva buddher dvitviidi-vyavahiira-janakatvopapattau

dvitviidy-utpiidakatva-kalpanii-vaiyarthyiit. N ayana-prasiidinl, p. 300.
xi] Citsukha's Interpretations of Vedanta Concepts 159
Citsukha then refutes the notion of class-concept (jiiti) on the
ground that it cannot be proved either by perception or by in-
ference. The question is what exactly is meant by class-concept.
If it is said that, when in perceiving one individual animal we have
the notion of a cow, and in perceiving other individual animals also
we have the same notion of cow, there is jiiti, then it may be replied
that this does not necessarily imply the admission of a separate
class-concept of cow; for, just as one individual had certain
peculiarities which entitled it to be called a cow, so the other
individuals had their peculiarities which entitled them to be called
cows. We see reflections of the moon in different places and call
each of them the moon. What constitutes the essentials of the
concept of cow? It is difficult to formulate one universal charac-
teristic of cows; if one such characteristic could be found, then
there would be no necessity of admitting the class-concept of cow.
For it would then be an individual characteristic, and one would
recognize it as a cow everywhere, and there would be no necessity
of admitting a separate class-concept. If one admits a class-concept,
one has to point out some trait or quality as that which indicates
the class-concept. Then again one could not get at this trait or
quality independently of the class-concept or at the class-concept
independently of it, and this mutual dependence would make the
definition of either of them impossible. Even if one admits the
class-concept, one has to show what constitutes the essentials of it
in each case, and, if such essentials have to be found in each case,
then those essentials would be a sufficient justification for knowing
a cow as cow and a horse as horse: what then is the good of
admitting a class-concept? Again, even if a class-concept be ad-
mitted, it is difficult to see how it can be conceived to be related
to the individuals. It cannot be a relation of contact, identity,
inherence or any other kind of relation existing anywhere. If all
class-concepts existed everywhere, there would be a medley of all
class-concepts together, and all things would be everywhere. Again.,
if it is held that the class-concept of cow exists only in the existing
cows, then how does it jump to a new cow when it is born? Nor
has the class-concept any parts, so as to be partly here and partly
there. If each class-concept of cow were wholly existent in each
of the individual cows, then there would be a number of class-
concepts; and, if each class-concept of cow were spread out over
all the individual cows, then, unless all the individual cows were
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
brought together, one could not have the notion of any class-
Speaking of the refutation of cause (kiirm;a), Citsukha says that
cause cannot be defined as mere antecedence (purva-kiila-bhavitva);
for then the ass which is always found in the house of a washerman
and on the back of which the washerman carries his clothes might
be regarded as a thing antecedent to the smoky fire kindled in the
washerman's house and thus as a cause of fire. If this antecedence
be further qualified as that which is present in all cases of the
presence of the effect and absent in all cases of the absence of the
effect, then also the washerman's ass may be considered to satisfy
the conditions of such an antecedence with reference to the fire
in the washerman's house (when the washerman is away from the
house with his ass, the fire in the washerman's house is also absent,
and it is again kindled when he returns to his house with his
ass). If" unconditionality" (ananyathii-siddha) is further added as
a qualifying condition of antecedence, even then the ass and the
common abiding elements such as space, ether and the like may
be regarded as causes of the fire. If it be argued that the ass is
present only because of the presence of other conditioning factors,
the same may be said of seeds, earth, water, etc., which are all
however regarded as being causes for tfie production of the shoots
of plants. If objection be raised against the possibility of ether
(al~asa) being regarded as the cause of smoke on the ground of its
being a common, abiding and all-pervasive element, then the same
argument ought to stand as an objection against the soul (which
is an all-pervasive entity) being regarded on the Nyaya view as the
cause of the production of pleasure and pain. The cause cannot
be defined as that which being there the effect follows; for
then a seed cannot be regarded as the cause of the shoot of the
plant, since the shoots cannot be produced from seeds without the
help of other co-operating factors, such as earth, water, light, air,
etc. Cause, again, cannot be defined as that which being present in
the midst of the co-operating factors or even accessories (sahakiiri),
the effect follows; for an irrelevant thing, like an ass, may be present
among a number of co-operating circumstances, but this would
not justify anybody calling an irrelevant thing a cause. Moreover,
such a definition would not apply to those cases where by the joint
operation of many co-operating entities the effect is produced.
Furthermore, unless the cause can be properly defined, there is
x1] Citsukha's Interpretations of Vedanta Concepts 161

no way of defining the co-operating conditions. Nor can a cause be

defined as that which being there the effect follows, and which
not being there there is no effect (sati bhiivo 'saty abhiiva eva); for
such a maxim is invalidated by the plurality of causes (fire may
be produced by rubbing two pieces of wood, by striking hard
against a flint, or by a lens). It may be urged that there are
differences in each kind of fire produced by the different agencies:
to which it may be replied that, even if there were any such
difference, it is impossible to know it by observation. Even when
differences are noticeable, such differences do not necessarily imply
that the different effects belong to different classes; for the differ-
ences might well be due to various attendant circumstances. Again,
a cause cannot be defined as a collocation of things, since such a
collocation may well be one of irrelevant things. A cause cannot
be defined as a collocation of different causes, since it has not so
far been possible to define what is meant by" cause." The phrase
"collocation of causes" will therefore be meaningless. Moreover, it
may be asked whether a collocation of causes (siimagrz) be something
different from the causes, or identical \vith thetn. If the former
alternative be accepted, then effects would follow from individual
causes as well, and the supposition of a collocation of causes as
producing the effects would be uncalled-for. If the latter alternative
be accepted, then, since the individuals are the causes of the col-
location, the individuals being there, there is always the colloca-
tion and so always the e-ffect, which is absurd. Again, what does
this collocation of causes mean? It cannot mean occurrence in the
same time or place; for, there being no sameness of time and place
for time and place respectively, they themselves would be without
any cause. Again, it cannot be said that, if the existence of cause be
not admitted, then things, being causeless, would be non-existent;
for the Nyaya holds that there are eternal substances such as atoms,
souls, etc., which have no cause.
Since cause cannot be defined, neither can effect (kiirya) be
satisfactorily defined, as the conception of effect always depends
upon the notion of cause.
In refuting the conception of substance (dravya) Citsukha says
that a substance can be defined only as being that in which the
qualities inhere. But, since even qualities are seen to have qualities
and a substance is believed by the Naiyayikas to be without any
quality at the moment of its origination, such a definition cannot
162 The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
properly distinguish or define a substance. If a substance be
defined in a roundabout way as that in which there is no presence
of the absolute negation of possessing qualities (gutJavattviity-
antiibhiiviinadhikaratJatii), then also it may be objected that such
a definition would make us regard even negation (abhiiva) as a
quality, since the absence of the negation of qualities, being itself
a negation, cannot exist in a negation 1 • It may again be asked
whether the absence of the negation of qualities refers to the
negation of a number of qualities or the negation of all qualities;
in either case it is wrong. For in the first case a substance, which
contains only some qualities and does not possess others, would
not be called a substance, and in the latter case it would be
difficult to find anything that cannot be called a substance; for
where is the substance which lacks all qualities? The fact also
remains that even such a roundabout definition cannot distin-
guish a substance from a quality; for even qualities have the
numerical qualities and the qualities of separateness 2 • If it is
argued that, if qualities are admitted to have further qualities,
there will be a vicious infinite, it may be said in reply that the
charge of vicious infinite cannot be made, since the qualities
of number and separateness cannot be said to have any
further qualities. Substances, again, have nothing in common
by virtue of which they could be regarded as coming under the
class-concept of substances 3 • Gold and mud and trees are all
regarded as substances, but there is nothing common in them
by virtue of which one can think that gold is the same as
mud or tree; therefore it cannot be admitted that in the sub-
stances one finds any characteristic which remains the same in
them all 4 •
Referring to qualities (gutJa), Citsukha deals with the definition
of gutJa in the VaiSe#ka-bhiirya ofPrasastapada. There Prasastapada
defines gu'l}a as that which inheres in a substance, is associated
with the class-concept of substance, is itself without any quality
1 tatraiva atyantiibhave'tivyiipte/:l; sopi hi gut~avattviityantiibhiivas tasyiidhi-
karat~am svasya svasminnavrtte/:l. Cit-sukhz, p. 176.
2 asminnapi vakra-lak~at~e gut~iid#u api Sa1J'lkhyii-prthaktva-gut~ayo/:l pr.atzte/:l
katha1J'l niitivyiipti/:l. Ibid. p. 177.
8 .jatim abhyupagacchatii tajjiiti-vyaiijaka1Jl ki1J'lcid-ava$yam abhyupeyam na ca

tannirupat~am susakam. Ibid. p. 178.

dravya1J'l dravyam iti anugata-pratyaya/:l pramiit~ariz iti cenna suvart~am­
upalabhya mrttikiim-upalabhyamiinasya laukikasya tad eveda7J'l dravyam iti
pratyayii-bhiiviit parl/qakiit~ii1Jl ciinugata-pratyaye vipratipatte!J. Ibid. p. 179.
XI] Dialectic of Niigiirjuna and Vedanta Dialectic
and which has no motion (ni~kriya) 1 • But the definition of a
quality cannot involve the phrase "without a quality"; for quality
is still to be defined. Again, unless the gu1}a is properly defined,
its difference from motion is not known, and so the phrase
"which has no motion" is meaningless. The class-concept of
quality, again, can be determined only when the general character
of qualities is known and the nature of class-concepts also is
determined. Hence, from whatever point of view one may look
at the question, it is impossible to define qualities.
It is needless now to multiply examples of such refutation by
Citsukha. It will appear from what has been adduced that Citsukha
enters into detail concerning most concepts of particular categories
and tries to show their intrinsic impossibility. In some cases, how-
ever, he was not equal to the task and remained content with criti-
cizing the definitions given by the Naiyayikas. But it may be well
to point out here that, though Srihar!?a and Citsukha carried out an
elaborate scheme of a critique of the different categories in order to
show that the definitions of these categories, as given by the Nyaya,
are impossible, yet neither of them can be regarded as the originator
of the application of the dialectic method in the Vedanta. Sankara
himself had started it in his refutation of the Nyaya and other
systems in his commentary on the Vediinta-siltras, 11. I I.

The Dialectic of Nagarjuna and the Vedanta Dialectic.

The dialectic of Srihar!?a was a protest against the realistic
definitions of the Nyaya-Vaise!?ika, which supposed that all that was
knowable was also definable. It aimed at refuting these definitions
in order to prove that the natures of all things are indefinable, as
their existence and nature are all involved in miiyii. The only reality
is Brahman. That it is easy to pick holes in all definitions was
taught long ago by Nagarjuna, and in that sense (except for a
tendency to find faults of a purely verbal nature in Nyaya defini-
tions) Srihar~a's method was a continuation of Nagarjuna's, and
an application of it to the actual definitions of the Nyaya-Vaise!?ika.
But the most important part of Nagarjuna's method was de-
liberately ignored by Srihar!?a and his followers, who made no
attempt to refute Nagarjuna's conclusions. Nagarjuna's main
thesis is that all things are relative and hence indefinable in
riipiidiniitJZ gu7)iiniitJZ sarve~ii'tJZ gu7)atviibhisambandho dravyii.5ritatva1!l
nirgu7)atva'f!l ni~kriyatvam. Prasastapiida-bhti~ya, p. 94, The Vizianagram
Sanskrit Series, Benares, 1895·
I I-2
The Sankara School of Vedanta [en.
themselves, and so there is no way of discovering their essences;
and, since their essences are not only indefinable and indescribable,
but incomprehensible as well, they cannot be said to possess any
essences of their own. Nagarjuna was followed by Aryadeva, a
Ceylonese by birth, who wrote a separate work on the same subject
in 400 verses. For about two centuries after this the doctrines
of Nagarjuna lay dormant, as is evidenced by the fact that Buddha-
gho~a of the fourth century A.D. does not refer to them. During
the Gupta empire, in the fifth century A.o.,Asailgaand Vasubandhu
flourished. In the sixth century A.D the relativist philosophy
of Nagarjuna again flourished in the hands of Buddhapalita, of
Valabhi in Surat, and of Bhavya, or Bhavaviveka, of Orissa. The
school of Bhavya was called l\!Iadhyamika-Sautrantika on account
of his supplementing Nagarjuna's arguments with special argu-
ments of his own. At this time the Yogacara school of Mahayana
monism developed in the north, and the aim of this school was
to show that for the true knowledge of the one consciousness
(vijfilina) all logical arguments were futile. Al1 logical arguments
showed only their own inconsistency 1 • It seems very probable
that Srihar~a was inspired by these Y ogacara authors, and their
relativist allies from Nagarjuna to Bhavya, and Candrakirti, the
master commentator on Nagarjuna'sMiidhyamika-klirikii. Buddha-
palita sought to prove that the apprehension and realization of the
idealistic monism cannot be made by any logical argument, since all
logic is futile and inconsistent, while Bhavaviveka sought to estab-
lish his idealistic monism by logical arguments. Candrakirti finally
supported Buddhapalita's scheme as against the scheme of Bhava-
viveka and tried to prove the futility of all logical arguments. It was
this lVIadhyamika scheme of Candrakirti that finally was utilized
in Tibet and Mongolia for the realization of idealistic monism.
In taking up his refutation of the various categories of being
Nagarjuna begins with the examination of causation. Causation
in the non-Buddhistic systems of philosophy is regarded as being
production from the inner changes of some permanent or abiding
stuff or through the conglomeration (siimagrl) of several factors
or through some factors operating upon an unchangeable and
abiding stuff. But Nagarjuna denies not only that anything is
ever produced, but also that it is ever produced in any one of
the above ways. Buddhapalita holds that things cannot arise
1 The Conception of Buddhist NirviitJa, pp. 66-67. Published by the Academy

of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Leningrad, 1927.

XI) Dialectic of N iigiirjuna and Vedanta Dialectic
of themselves, since, if they are already existing, there is no
meaning in their being produced; if things that are existing are
regarded as capable of being produced again, then things would
eternally continue to be produced. Bhavaviveka, criticizing
Buddhapalita, says that the refutation of Buddhapalita should
have been supplemented with reasons and examples and that his
refutation would imply the undesirable thesis that, if things are
not produced of themselves, they must be produced by other
factors. But Candrakirti objects to this criticism of Bhavaviveka
and says that the burden of proof in establishing the identity of
cause and effect lies with the opponents, the Sarpkhyists, who hold
that view. There is no meaning in the production of what already
exists, and, if that which is existent has to be produced again, and
that again, there will be an infinite regress. It is unnecessary to
give any new argument to refute the Sarpkhya sat-kiirya-viida view;
it is enough to point out the inconsistency of the Sarpkhya view.
Thus Aryadeva says that the Madhyamika view has no thesis of
its own which it seeks to establish, since it does not believe in the
reality or unreality of anything or in the combination of reality
and unreality 1 • This was exactly the point of view that was taken
by Sriha~a. Srihar!?a says that the Vedantists have no view of
their own regarding the things of the world and the various cate-
gories involved in them. Therefore there was no way in which
the Vedanta view could be attacked. The Vedanta, however, is free
to find fault with other views, and, when once this is done and the
inconsistencies of other positions are pointed out, its business is
finished; for it has no view of its own to establish. Nagarjuna
writes in his Vigraha-vyiivartanz thus:

When I have these (of my own to prove),

I can commit mistakes just for the sake (of proving);
But I have none. I cannot be accused (of being inconsistent).
If I did (really) cognize some (separate) things,
I could then make an affirmation or a denial
Upon the basis of these things perceived or (inferred).
But these (separate) things do not exist for me.
Therefore I cannot be assailed on such a basis 2 •
sad asat sad-asac ceti yasya pak~o na vidyate
upiilambhas cire1Jc"ipi tasya vakturtZ na sakyate.
Miidhyamika-vrtti, p. 16.
anyat pratltya yadi nama paro 'bhavi~yat
jiiyeta tarhi bahula/:l sikhino 'ndhakiiral;z
sarvasya janma ca bhavet khalu sarvatas ca
tulyam paratvam akhile 'janake 'pi yasmiit. Ibid. p. 36.
166 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
Candrakirti thus emphasizes the fact that it is not possible for
the Madhyamikas to offer new arguments or new examples in
criticizing any view, since they have no view of their own to support.
They cannot even prove their own affirmations, and, if their affirma-
tions contain any thesis, they quarrel with it also themselves. So
the Madhyamika scheme of criticism consists only in finding fault
with all theses, whatever they may be, and in replying to the
counter-charges so far as inconsistencies can be found in the
opponents' theses and methods, but not in adducing any new
arguments or any new counter-theses, since the Madhyamikas have
no theses of their own. In an argument one can only follow the
principles that one admits; no one can be defeated by arguments
carried on on the basis of principles admitted only by his opponents.
Things are not produced by any conglomeration of foreign
factors or causes; for, were it so, there would be no law of such
productionand<l.nythingmightcomefromanyother thing, e.g. dark-
ness from light 1 . And, if a thing cannot be produced out of itself
or out of others, it cannot be produced by a combination of then1
both. Again, the world could not have sprung into being without
any cause (ahetutal;).
The Buddhist logicians try to controvert this view by pointing
out that, whatever a view may be, it must be established by proper
proof. So, in order to prove the thesis that all existents are un-
produced, the l\1adhyamikas must give some proofs, and this would
involve a further specification of the nature of such proofs and a
specification of the number of valid proofs admitted by them. But,
if the thesis that "all existents are unproved" is a mere assertion
without any proof to support it, then any number of counter-
assertions may be made for which no proof need be shown ; and,
if proofs are not required in one case, they cannot be required in
the other. So one could with equal validity assert that all existents
are real and are produced from causes. The Madhyamika answer
to such an objection, as formulated by Candrakirti, is that the
l\'ladhyamika has no thesis of his own and so the question whether
his thesis is supported by valid proof or not is as meaningless as
the question regarding the smallness or the greatness of a mule's
horn. Since there is no thesis, the Madhyamika has nothing to
Miidhyamika-vrtti, p. 36. See also Stcherbatsky's The Conception of
Buddhist Nirviif)a, to which the author is indebted for the translation and some
of the materials of the last two paragraphs.
XI] Dialectic of Niigiirjuna and Vedanta Dialectic
say regarding the nature of valid proofs (pramiir.za) or their number.
But it may well be asked why, if the Madhyamika has no thesis
of his own, should he hold the proposition that all existents are
unproduced (sarve bhiivli anutpanniil:z)? To this the l\1adhyamika
replies that such propositions appear as definite views only to
ordinary people, not to the wise. The proper attitude for the wise
is always to remain silent. They impart instruction only from a
popular point of view to those who want to listen to them. Their
arguments are not their own or those which they believe to be
right, but only such as would appeal to their hearers.
It is not out of place here to mention that the Madhyamika
school wishes to keep the phenomenal and the real or the transcen-
dental views wide apart. In the phenomenal view things are ad-
mitted to be as they are perceived, and their relations are also
conceived as real. It is interesting to refer to the discussion of
Candrakirti with Diimaga regarding the nature of sense-percep-
tions. While Dinnaga urges that a thing is what it is in itself
(sva-lak~ar.za), Candrakirti holds that, since relations are also per-
ceived to be true, things are relational as well. Phenomenally
substances exist as well as their qualities. The "thing in itself" of
Dinnaga was as much a relative concept as the relational things
that are popularly perceived as true; that being so, it is meaningless
to define perception as being only the thing in itself. Candrakirti
thus does not think that any good can be done by criticizing the
realistic logic of the Naiyayikas, since, so far as popular perceptions
or conceptions go, the Nyaya logic is quite competent to deal with
them and give an account of them. There is~ phenomenal reality
and order which is true for the man in the street and on which all
our linguistic and other usages are based. Dinnaga, in defining
perception, restricts it to the unique thing in itself (sva-lak~ar.za)
and thinks that all associations of quality and relations are ex-
traneous to perceptions and should be included under imagination
or inference. This however does violence to our ordinary experience
and yet serves no better purpose; for the definition of perception
as given by Dinnaga is not from the transcendental point of view.
If that is so, why not accept the realistic conceptions of the
Nyaya school, which fit in with the popular experience? This
reminds us of the attitude of the Vedantists, who on the one
hand accepted the view-point of popular experience and regarded
all things as having a real objective existence, and on the other
r68 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
hand considered them as false and unreal from the transcendental
point of view of ultimate reality. The attitude of the Vedantists
on this point seems to have been directly inspired by that of the
Madhyamikas. The attempts of Srihaq;a to refute the realistic
definitions of the Nyaya were intended to show that the definitions
of the Nyaya could not be regarded as absolute and true, as the
Naiyayikas used to think. But, while the Madhyamikas, who had
no view-points of their own to support, could leave the field of
experience absolutely undisturbed and allow the realistic defini-
tions of the Nyaya to explain the popular experience in any way
they liked, the Vedanta had a thesis of its own, namely, that the
self-luminous Brahman was the only reality and that it was
through it that everything else was manifested. The Vedanta there-
fore could not agree with Nyaya interpretations of experience and
their definitions. But, as the Vedanta was unable to give the
manifold world-appearance a footing in reality, it regarded it as
somehow existing by itself and invented a theory of perception by
which it could be considered as being manifested by coming in
touch with Brahman and being illusorily imposed on it.
Continuing the discussion on the nature of causation, Nagar-
juna and Candrakirti hold that collocations of causal conditions
which are different from the effect cannot produce the effect, as is
held by the Hinayana Buddhists; for, since the effect is not per-
ceived in those causal conditions, it cannot be produced out of
them, and, if it is already existent in them, its production becomes
useless. Production of anything out of some foreign or extraneous
causes implies that it is related to them, and this relation must
mean that it was in some way existent in them. The main principle
which Nagarjuna employs in refuting the idea of causation or
production in various ways is that, if a thing exists, it cannot be
produced, and, if it does not exist, it cannot be produced at all.
That which has no essence in itself cannot be caused by anything
else, and, having no essence in itself, it cannot be the cause of
anything else 1 •
Nagarjuna similarly examines the concepts of going and coming
and says that the action of going is not to be found in the space
traversed, nor is it to be found in that which is not traversed; and
apart from the space traversed and not traversed there cannot be
any action of going. If it is urged that going is neither in the space
1 Miidhyamika-vrtti, p. 90, I. 6.
XI] Dialectic of Niigiirjuna and Vedanta Dialectic
traversed nor in the space untraversed, but in the person who
continues to go, since going is in him in whom there is the effort of
going, then this again cannot be right. For, if the action of going
is to be associated with the person who goes, it cannot be asso-
ciated with the space traversed. One action cannot be connected
with both; and, unless some space is gone over, there cannot be
a goer. If going is in the goer alone, then even without going one
could be called a goer, which is impossible. If both the goer and
the space traversed have to be associated with going, then there
must be two actions and not one; and, if there are two actions, that
implies that there are also two agents. It may be urged that the
movement of going is associated with the goer and that therefore
going belongs to the goer; but, if there is no going without the goer
and if there is no goer without going, how can going be associated
with the goer at all? Again, in the proposition "the goer goes"
(gantii gacchati) there is only one action of going, and that is
satisfied by the verb " goes " ; what separate " going" is there
by virtue of association with which a "goer" can be so called?
and, since there are no two actions of going, there cannot be a goer.
Again, the movement of going cannot even be begun; for, when
there is the motion of going, there is no beginning and when there
is no motion of going, there cannot be any beginning. Again, it
cannot be urged that "going" must exist, since its opposite, "re-
maining at rest" (sthiti), exists; for who is at rest? The goer
cannot be at rest, since no one can be a goer unless he goes; he who
is not a goer, being already at rest, cannot be the agent of another
action of being at rest. If the goer and going be regarded as
identical, then there would be neither verb nor agent. So there is
no reality in going. " Going" stands here for any kind of passage
or becoming, and the refutation of "going" implies the refutation
of all kinds of passage (ni~kar~m;a) as well. If seeds passed into the
state of shoots ( ailkura), then they would be seeds and not shoots;
the shoots neither are seeds nor are different from them; yet, the
seeds being there, there are the shoots. A pea is from another pea,
yet no pea becomes another pea. A pea is neither in another
pea nor different from it. It is as one may see in a mirror the
beautiful face of a woman and feel attracted hy it and run after
her, though the face never passed into the mirror and there was
no human face in the reflected image. Just as the essenceless
reflected image of a woman's face may rouse attachment in fools,
The Sankara School of Vedanta [en.
so are world-appearances the causes of our delusion and attach-
It is needless to multiply examples and describe elaborately
Nagarjuna's method of applying his dialectic to the refutation of
the various Buddhistic and other categories. But from what has
been said it may be possible to compare or contrast Nagarjuna's
dialectic with that of Sriharl?a. Neither Nagarjuna nor Sriharl?a is
interested to give any rational explanation of the world-process,
nor are they interested to give a scientific reconstruction of our
world-experience. They are agreed in discarding the validity of
world-experience as such. But, while Nagarjuna had no thesis of
his own to uphold, Srihar~a sought to establish the validity and
ultimate reality of Brahman. But, it does not appear that he ever
properly tried to apply his own dialectic to his thesis and attempted
to show that the definition of Brahman could stand the test of the
criticism of his own dialectic. Both Nagarjuna and Sriha~a were,
however, agreed in the view that there was no theory of the recon-
struction of world-appearance which could be supported as valid.
But, while Sriharl?a attacked only the definitions of the Nyaya,
Nagarjuna mainly attacked the accepted Buddhistic categories and
also some other relevant categories which were directly connected
with them. But the entire efforts of Sriharl?a were directed to
showing that the definitions of the Nyaya were faulty and that
there was no way in which the Nyaya could define its categories
properly. From the fact that the Nyaya could not define its
categories he rushed to the conclusion that they were intrinsically
indefinable and that therefore the world-appearance which was
measured and scanned in terms of those categories was also false.
Nagarjuna's methods differ considerably from those of Sriha~a in
this, that the concepts which he criticized were shown by him to
have been intrinsically based and constructed on notions which
had no essential nature of their own, but were understood only
in relation to others. No concept revealed any intrinsic nature of
its own, and one could understand a concept only through another,
and that again through the former or through another, and so on.
The entire world-appearance would thus be based on relative
conceptions and be false. Nagarjuna's criticisms are, however,
largely of an a priori nature, and do not treat the concepts in
a concrete manner and are not based on the testimony of .our
psychological experience. The oppositions shown are therefore
x1] Dialectical criticisms of Siintarak$ita and Kamalaftla 171
very often of an abstract nature and occasionally degenerate into
verbalism. But as a rule they are based on the fundamentally
relative nature of our experience. They are never half so elaborate
as the criticisms of Srihar~a; but at the same time they are funda-
mentally more convincing and more direct than the elaborate
roundabout logical subtleties of Srihar~a's dialectic. It cannot be
denied that, based on the dialectical methods of Nagarjuna,
Buddhapalita and Candrakirti, Srihar~a's criticisms, following an
altogether different plan of approach, show wonderful powers of
logical subtlety and finesse, though the total effect can hardly be
regarded as an advance from the strictly philosophical point of
view, while the frequent verbalism of many of his criticisms is a
discredit to his whole venture.

Dialectical criticisms of Santarak~ita and Kamalasila

(A.D. 76o) as forerunners of Vedanta Dialectics.

(a) Criticisms of the Siirrzkhya Pari1;1iima Doctrine.

In tracing the history of the dialectical ways of thinking in the
Vedanta it has been pointed out in the previous sections that the
influence of Nagarjuna and Candrakirti on Sailkara and some of
his followers, such as Srihar~a, Citsukha and others, was very great.
It has also been pointed out that not only Nagarjuna and Candra-
kirti, but many other Buddhist writers, had taken to critical and
dialectical ways of discussion. The criticism of the different schools
of Indian thought, as contained in Santarak~ita's Tattva-sarrzgraha
with Kamalasila's commentary Pafijikii, is a remarkable instance
of this. Santarak~ita lived in the first half of the eighth century
A.D., and Kamala8Ila was probably his junior contemporary. They
refuted the views of Kambalasvatara, a follower of the Lokayata
school, the Buddhist Vasumitra (A.D. 1oo), Dharmatrata (A.D. 1oo),
Gho~aka (A.D. 15o), Buddhadeva (A.D. zoo), the Naiyayika Vatsya-
yana (A.D. 3oo), the Mimaq1sist Sabarasv~min (A.D. 300), the
Saq1khyist Vindhyasvamin (A.D. 3oo), the Buddhist Sanghabhadra
(A.D. 350), Vasubandhu (A.D. 350), the Saq1khyist lsvarakr~~a
(A.D. 390), the Buddhist Dinnaga (A.D. 4oo), the Jaina Acaryasuri
(A.D. 478), the Saqlkhyist Mathara Acarya (A.D. soo), the Naiyayika
Uddyotakara (A.D. 6oo), the rhetorician Bhamaha (A.D. 64o), the
Buddhist Dharmakirti (A.D. 65o), the grammarian-philosopher
Bhartrhari (A.D. 6so), the l\limaq1sist Kumarila Bhana (A.D. 68o),
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
the Jaina Subhagupta (A.D. 700), the Buddhist Yugasena (A.D. 700),
the Naiyayika Aviddhakari).a (A.D. 7oo), Sankarasvamin (A.D. 7oo),
Pra8astamati (A.D. 700), Bhavivikta (A.D. 700), theJainaPatrasvamin
(A.D. 700), Ahrika (A.D. 700), Sumati (A.D. 700), and the Mimatpsist
Uveyaka (A.D. 700)1. It is not possible here, of course, to enter into
a complete analysis of all the criticisms of the different philosophers
by Santarak!?ita and Kamala8ila; yet some of the important points
of these criticisms may be noted in order to show the nature
and importance of this work, which also reveals the nature of
the critical thinking that prevailed among the Buddhists before
Sankara and by which Sankara and his followers, like Srihar!?a,
Citsukha or Anandajfiana, were in all probability greatly in-
In criticizing the Saq1khya views they say that, if the effects,
the evolutes, be identical with the cause, the pradhiina, why should
they be produced from the pradhiina? If they are identical, then the
evolutes themselves might be regarded as cause or the pradhiina
as effect. The ordinary way of determining causality is invariable
antecedence, and that is avowedly not available here. The idea of
pari1}iima, which means identity in diversity, the causal scheme
of the Saq1khya, is also inadmissible; for, if it is urged that any
entity changes into diverse forms, it may be asked whether the
nature of the causal entity also changes or does not change. If
it does not change, then the causal and the effect states should
abide together in the later product, which is impossible; if it
changes, then there is nothing that remains as a permanent
cause; for this would only mean that a previous state is arrested
and a new state is produced. If it is urged that causal trans-
formation means the assumption of new qualities, it may be
asked whether such qualities are different from the causal sub-
stance or not; if they are, then the occurrence of new qualities
cannot entitle one to hold the view that the causal substance is
undergoing transformations (pari'l}iima). If the changing qualities
and the causal substance are identical, then the first part of the
argument would reappear. Again, the very arguments that are
given in favour of the sat-karya-viida (existence of the effect in the
cause) could be turned against it. Thus, if curds, etc. already exist
These dates are collected from Dr B. Bhattacharya's foreword to the Tattva-
sa1Jlgraha. The present author, though he thinks that many of these dates are
generally approximately correct, yet, since he cannot spare the room for proper
discussions, does not take responsibility for them.
xr] Dialectical criticisms of Siintara/eyita and Kamalasila 173
in the nature of the milk, then what is the meaning of their being
produced from it? If there is no idea of production, there is no
idea of causality. If it is urged that the effects are potentially
existent in the cause, and causal operations only actualize them,
then it is admitted that the effects are actually non-existent in the
cause, and we have to admit in the cause some specific character-
istic, brought about by the causal operation, on account of the
absence of which the effects remained in the potential state in the
cause, and that the causal operations which actualize the effects
produce some specific determinations in the cause, in consequence
of which the effect, which was non-existent before, is actualized;
this would mean that what was non-existent could be produced,
which would be against the sat-kiirya-viida theory. In the light of
the above criticisms, since according to the sat-kiirya-viida theory
causal productions are impossible, the arguments of Sarpkhya in
favour of sat-kiirya-viida, that only particular kinds of effects are
produced from particular kinds of causes, are also inadmissible.
Again, according to Sarpkhya, nothing ought to be capable of
being definitely asserted, since according to the sat-kiirya-viida
theory doubts and errors are always existent as a modification
of either buddhi, manas or caitanya. Again, the application
of all Sarpkhya arguments might be regarded as futile, since all
arguments are intended to arrive at decisive conclusions; but de-
cisive conclusions, being effects, are already existent. If, however,
it is contended that decisive conclusions were not existent before,
but were produced by the application of arguments, then there is
production of what was non-existent, and thus the sat-kiirya-viida
theory fails. If it is urged that, though the decisive conclusion
(niscaya) is already existent before the application of the argumen-
tative premises, yet it may be regarded as being manifested by the
application of those premises, the Sarpkhyist may be asked to define
what he means by such manifestation (abhivyaktt). This manifes-
tation may mean either some new characteristic or some knowledge
or the withdrawal of some obscuration to the comprehension. In
the first alternative, it may again be asked whether this new
character (svabhiiviitilaya) that is generated by the application of
the premises is different from the decisive conclusion itself or
identical with it. If it is identical, there is no meaning in its
introduction; if it is different, no relation is admissible between
these two, since any attempt to introduce a relation between
1 74 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
two unrelated entities would launch us into a vicious infinite
(anavasthii). It cannot mean the rise of the knowledge about that
particular object for the manifestation of which the premises are
applied; for, according to the sat-kiirya-~~ada theory, that know-
ledge is already there. Again, it cannot mean the removal of the
obscuration of knowledge; for, if there is obscuration, that also
must be ever-existent. As a matter of fact, the whole of the
teachings of Sal!lkhya philosophy directed to the rise of true
knowledge ought to be false, for true knowledge is ever-existent,
and therefore there ought to be no bondage, and therefore all
persons should always remain emancipated. Again, if there is any
false knowledge, it could not be destroyed, and therefore there
could be no emancipation.
Santarak~ita and Kamala8ila then urge that, though the above
refutation of the sat-kiirya-~·iida ought naturally to prove the a-sat-
kiirya-viida (the production of that which did not exist before)
doctrine,yet a few words may be said in reply to the Sa~pkhya refuta-
tion of a-sat-kiirya-viida. Thus the argument that that which is non-
existent has no form (nairupya) and therefore cannot be produced is
false; for the operation of production represents itself the character
of the thing that is being produced. As the Satkaryavadins think that
out of the same three gutzas different kinds of effects may be pro-
duced according to causal collocations, so here also, according to the
law of different kinds of causal forces (karatza-sakti-pratiniyamiit),
different kinds of non-existing effects come into being. It is
meaningless to hold that the limitation of causal forces is to be
found in the pre-existence of effects; for, in reality, it is on account
of the varying capacities of the causal forces that the various effects
of the causes are produced. The production of various effects is
thus solely due to the diverse nature of the causal forces that
produce them. The law of causal forces is thus ultimately funda-
mental. The name a-sat-kiirya-viida, however, is a misnomer; for
certainly there is no such non-existent entity which comes into
being 1 • Production in reality means nothing more than the charac-
teristic of the moment only, divested from all associations of a
previous and a succeeding point of time 2 • The meaning of a-sat-
karya-viida is that an entity called the effect is seen immediately
na hy asan-niima kiiicid asti yad utpattim iiviset, kintu kiilpaniko 'ya1Jl vyava-
hiiro yad asad utpadyata iti yiivat. Tattva-sa1JlKraha-paiijikii, p. 33·
vastilnii1Jl purviipara-ko#-sflnya-k~m.za-miitriivasthiiy'i svabhiiva eva utpiida!J
ity ucyate. Ibid.
xi] Dialectical criticisms of Santarak#ta and Kamalasila 175
after a particular causal operation; and it certainly did not exist
before this second moment, since, if it did exist at the first moment
of the causal operation, it would have been perceived; it is therefore
said that the effect did not exist before; but this should not be
interpreted to mean that the Buddhists believed in the non-existing
existence of the effect, which suddenly came into being after the
causal operation.
Refuting the other Sa~pkhya doctrines, Santarak~ita and
Kamalasila point out that, if an effect (e.g. curd) is said to exist in
the cause (e.g. milk), it cannot do so in the actual form of the
effect, since then milk would have tasted as curd. If it is said to
exist in the form of a special capacity or potency (saktz), then the
existence of the effect in the cause is naturally denied; for it is the
potency of the effect that exists in the cause and not the effect
itself. Again, the Sa:rpkhyists believe that all sensible things are
of the nature of pleasure and pain; this, however, is obviously im-
possible, since only conscious states can be regarded as pleasurable
or painful. There is no sense at all in describing material things as
of the nature of pleasure or pain. Again, if objective material
things were themselves pleasurable or painful, then the fact that
the same objects may appear pleasurable to some and painful to
others would be unexplainable. If, however, it is held that even
pleasurable objects may appear painful to someone, on account of
his particular state of mind or bad destiny, then the objects them-
selves cannot be pleasurable or painful. Again, if objects are re-
garded as being made up of three gu'!las, there is no reason for
admitting one eternal prakrti as the source of them all. If causes
are similar to effects, then from the fact that the world of objects
is many and limited and non-eternal one ought to suppose that
the cause of the objects also should be many, limited and non-
eternal. It is sometimes held that, as all earthen things are produced
from one earth, so all objects are produced from one prakrti; but
this also is a fallacious argument, since all earthen things are
produced not out of ol).e lump of earth, but from different lumps.
Thus, though it may be inferred that the world of effects must
have its causes, this cannot lead us to infer that there is one such
cause as the prakrti of the Sarpkhyists.
The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.

(b) Criticism of lsvara.

One of the chief arguments of the Naiyayika theists in favour
of the existence of God is based on the fact that the specific forms
and shapes of the different objects in the world cannot be explained
except on the supposition of an intelligent organizer or shaper.
To this Santarak~ita and Kamala8Ila reply that we perceive only
the different kinds of visual and tactile sensibles and that there
are no further shaped wholes or so-called objects, which men
fancy themselves to be perceiving. It is meaningless to think that
the visual sensibles and tactile sensibles go together to form one
whole object. When people say that it is the same coloured object,
seen in the day, that we touched in the night when we did not
see it, they are wrong; for colour sensibles or sense-data are entirely
different kinds of entities from tactile sense-data, and it is meaning-
less to say that it is the same object or whole which has both
the colour and tactile characteristics. If two colour sensibles, say
yellow and blue, are different, then still more different are the
colour sensibles and the tactile ones. What exist therefore are not
wholes having colour and tactile characters, but only discrete
elements of colour and tactile sense-data; the combining of them
into wholes is due only to false imagination. There are no objects
which can be perceived by the two senses; there is no proof
that it is one identical object that is perceived by the eye as well
as touched. There exist therefore only loose and discrete sense-
data. There being thus no shaped wholes, the supposition of the
existence of God as shaper and organizer is inadmissible. The
mere fact that there are the effects cannot lead to the inference
that there is one intelligent creator and organizer, since a causal
inference cannot be made from mere similarity of any description;
there must be a law of unconditional and invariable connection
(pratibandha). The argument that, since jugs, etc. are made by an
intelligent potter, so trees, etc. must also have been made by
an intelligent creator, is faulty; for trees, etc., are so different
in nature from jugs, etc., that it is wrong to make any assertion
from the former to the latter. The general Buddhist arguments
against the existence of any eternal entity will also apply against
the existence of any eternal God. The argument that, since a state
of arrest breaks up into a state of motion or production in all
natural phenomena, there must be an intelligent creator, is wrong;
x1] Dialectical criticisms of Santarak#ta and Kamalastla 177
for there is no state of arrest in nature; all things in the world
are momentary. Again, if things are happening in succession, at
intervals, through the operation of a causal agent, then God also
must be operating at intervals and, by the arguments of the
opponents themselves, He must have another being to guide
His operations, and that another, and that another, and there
would thus be a vicious infinite. If God had been the creator,
then everything would have sprung into being all at once. He
ought not to depend on accessory assistance; for, He being the
creator of all such accessory circumstances, they could not render
Him any assistance in His creation. Again, if it is urged that the
above argument does not hold, because God only creates when He
wishes, then it may be replied that, since God's will is regarded
as eternal and one, the old objection of simultaneous production
holds good. l\1oreover, since God is eternal and since His will
depends only on Him and Him alone, His will cannot be transitory.
Now, if He and His will be always present, and yet at the moment
of the production of any particular phenomenon all other pheno-
mena are not produced, then those phenomena cannot be regarded
as being caused by God or by His will. Again, even if for argu-
ment's sake it may be granted that all natural objects, such as
trees, hills, etc., presuppose intelligent creators, there is no argu-
ment for supposing that one intelligent creator is the cause of all
diverse natural objects and phenomena. Therefore there is no
argument in favour of the existence of one omniscient creator.
The arguments urged in refutation of prakrti and Isvara would
also apply against the Patafijala-Sarp.khya, which admits the joint
causality of Isvara and pralqt£; for here also, prakrti and Isvara
being eternal causes, one would expect to have simultaneous pro-
duction of all effects. If it is urged that the three gu~ws behave
as accessory causes \vith reference to God's operation, then also
it may be asked whether at the time of productive activity (sarga)
the activity of dissolution or of maintenance (sthiti) may also be
expected to be operated, or whether at the time of dissolution,
there might be productive operation as well. If it is urged that,
though all kinds of forces are existent in prakrti, yet it is only
those that become operative that take effect, it may be objected
that some other kind of cause has to be admitted for making some
powers of prakrti operative, while others are inoperative, and this
would introduce a third factor; thus the joint causality of purzt~a
The Saizkara School of Vedanta [CH.
and prakrti is also easily refuted. Again, the view that God
produces the world through kindness is also false; for, had it been
so, the world would not have been so full of misery. Again, there
being before creation no beings, God could not feel kindness to non-
existent beings. He would not have destroyed the world had He
been so kind; if He created and destroyed the world in accordance
with the good or bad deeds, then He would not be independent.
HadHebeenindependent,Hewouldnothave allowed Himself to be
influenced by the consequences of bad deeds in producing misery in
the world.· If He created the world out of mere playful instincts,
then these playful instincts would be superior to Him. If He
derived much enjoyment from His productive and destructive play,
then, if He were able, He would have created and destroyed the
world simultaneously. If He is not capable of creating and de-
stroying the world simultaneously, then there is no reason to
suppose that He would be able to do it at intervals. If it is urged
that the world was produced naturally by His own existence, then
there would be simultaneous production. If it is objected that,
just as spiders, though they naturally go on producing webs, yet
do not produce them all at once, so God also may be producing
the world gradually and not all at once, it may then be pointed
out that the analogy of spider's webs is false, since the spider does
not naturally produce webs, but only through greed for eating
insects, and its activities are determined by such motives. God,
however, is One who can have only one uniform motive. If it is
urged that creation flows from God unconsciously, as it were, it
may readily be objected that a being who creates such a great
universe without any intelligent purpose would indeed be very

(c) Refutation of the Soul Theory.

The Nyaya view of the soul, that our thoughts must have a
knower and that our desires and feelings must have some entity
in which they may inhere and that this entity is soul and that it is
the existence of this one soul that explains the fact of the unity of
all our conscious states as the experience of one individual, is
objected to by Santarak~ita and Kamalasila. They hold that no
thought or knowledge requires any further knower for its illumina-
tion; if it had been so, there would be a vicious infinite. Again,
desires, feelings, etc., are not like material objects, which would
XI] Dialectical criticisms of Siintarak#ta and Kamalasila 179
require a receptacle in which they might be placed. The so-called
unity of consciousness is due to a false unifying imagination of
the momentary ones as one. It is also well known that different
entities may be regarded as combined on account of their fulfilling
the same kinds of functions. It is knowledge in its aspect of ego
that is often described as the self, though there is no objective
entity corresponding to ic It is sometimes argued that the existence
of the soul is proved by the fact that a man is living only so
long as his vital currents are connected with the soul, and that
he dies when they are disconnected from it; but this is false, since,
unless the existence of soul be proved, the supposition of its con-
nection with vital currents as determining life is untenable. Some,
however, say that the self is directly perceived in experience; if it
had not been, there would not have been such diversity of opinion
about its existence. The sense of ego cannot be said to refer to
the self; for the sense of ego is not eternal, as it is supposed to be.
On the other hand, it refers sometimes to our body (as when I say,
"I am white"), sometimes to the senses (as when I say, "I am
deaf"), and sometimes to intellectual states. It cannot be said that
its reference to body or to senses is only indirect; for no other per-
manent and direct realization of its nature is found in experience.
Feelings, desires, etc., also often arise in succession and cannot
therefore be regarded as inhering in a permanent self. The con-
clusion is that, as all material objects are soulless, so also are human
beings. The supposed eternal ·soul is so different from the body
that it cannot be conceived how one can help the other or even be
related to it. Thus there is hardly any argument in favour of the
soul theory of the Nyaya and Vaise~ika.
(d) Refutation of the Mzmiirrzsii Theory of the Self.
Kumarila believed that, though the nature of the self as pure
consciousness was eternal and unchangeable, yet it passed through
various changing phases of other feeling and volitional states. That
the self was of the nature of pure consciousness was proved by
the fact that it perceives itself to be knower in the past and in
the present. So the existence of the self is proved by the fact of
self-consciousness. To this Santarak~ita and KamalaSila reply that,
if the self is regarded as one eternal consciousness, then know-
ledge or the knowing faculty (buddhi) ought also to be regarded
as similarly one and eternal; but seemingly Kumarila does not
180 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
consider buddhi to be such. If the knowing faculty be regarded as
eternal and one, how are the varying states of cognition, such as
colour-cognition, taste-cognition, etc., to be explained? If it is
urged that, though the knowing faculty is one, yet (just as a fire,
though it has always a capacity of burning, yet burns only when
combustible substances are put in it) it only passes through
various kinds of perception according as various kinds of objects
are presented to it; or, just as a mirror, though it has always the
power of reflecting, yet only reflects when the objects are presented
to it, so the selves are eternally conscious and yet operate only in
connection with their specific bodies and grasp the various kinds of
sense-data, and all cognitions are forged from them( selves). If the
change of cognitions is due to the changing operations of the senses
and the sense-objects, then such a cognizing faculty cannot be
regarded as eternal and one. If the knowing faculty is to be re-
garded as eternal owing to an experience of continuity of conscious-
ness, then how can one explain the variety of cognitions? If it is
urged that the variety of cognitions is due to the assumption by the
cognizing faculty of various forms of objects, then how can one
explain the experience of the variety of cognitions in hallucinations,
when there are no objects? Moreover the Mimatp.sist does not
think that the cognizing faculty assumes the forms of the objects
cognized, but believes that cognition reveals the objects in the
objective world and the cognizing faculty has itself no forms
(niriikiirii buddhil;). The fact that there may be cognitions without
a corresponding real objective presentation proves that our cogni-
tions are subjective and self-revealed and that they do not reveal
objective entities. If it is urged that the knowing faculty has always
the power of revealing all things, then sound-cognition would be
the same as colour-cognition. The analogy of fire is also false, since
there is not one fire that is constant; the analogy of the reflecting
mirror is also false, since there is really no reflection in the mirror
itself; one can see a reflection in a mirror at a particular angle,
the mirror therefore is only an apparatus for producing an illusory
cognition. Again, the buddhi cannot be compared to a mirror as
an apparatus for producing illusory images; for then some other
buddhi would be necessary for perceiving illusory images. Again,
if the self is regarded as one and eternal, then it cannot pass through
the varying feeling and volitional states. If these states are not
entirely different from the self, then their changes would imply
the change of the self; and again, if they are entirely different from
xi] Dialectical criticistns of Santarak$ita and Kamalasila I 8 I
the self, how should their change affect the self? Again, if these
states all belong to the self and it is urged that it is when the
pleasurable state is submerged in the nature of the common self,
that the painful state may arise, it may be pointed out in objection
that, if the pleasurable states could be submerged in the nature of
the self in identity with itself, then they would be identical with
the nature of the self. It is also wrong to suppose that the sense of
self-consciousness refers to a really existing entity corresponding
to it. It has in reality no specific object to refer to as the self. It
may therefore be safely asserted that the existence of the self is
not proved by the evidence of self-consciousness.

(e) Refutation of the Siil{lkhya View of the Self.

Against the Sarpkhya view of the self it is pointed out that
the Sarpkhya regards the self as pure consciousness, one and
eternal, and that, as such, it ought not to be able to enjoy diverse
kinds of experiences. If it is held that enjoyment, etc., all belong to
buddhi and the puru~a only enjoys the reflections in the buddhi,
it may well be objected that if the reflections in the buddhi are
identical with puru~a, then with their change the pur~a also
undergoes a change; and if they are different, the pur~a cannot
be considered to be their enjoyer. Again, if the pralqti concen-
trates all its activities for the enjoyment of the purzt~a, how can
it be regarded as unconscious? Again, if all actions and deeds
belong to buddhi, and if buddhi be different from pur~a, why
should the puru~a suffer for what is done by the buddhi? If,
again, the nature of puru~a cannot be affected by the varying
states of pleasure and pain, then it cannot be regarded as an en-
joyer; and, if it could be affected, it would itself be changeable.

(f) The Refutation of the Upani~ad View of the Self.

The U pani!?adic thinkers hold that it is one eternal conscious-
ness that illusorily appears as all objects, and that there is in reality
no perceiver and perceived, but only one eternal consciousness.
Against this view it is urged by Santarak!?ita and Kamala8ila that,
apart from the individual cognitions of colour, taste, etc., no
eternal, unchangeable consciousness is experienced. If one eternal
consciousness is the one reality, then there cannot be a distinction
of false knowledge and right knowledge, bondage and emancipa-
tion. There being only one reality, there is no right knowledge
which need be attained.
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cR.

(g) Refutation of the Theory of the Persistence of

Existing Entities.
Santarak~ita and Kamalaslla point out that the Naiyayikas
divide existing entities into two classes, as produced (krtaka)
and unproduced (a-krtaka), and they hold that those which are
produced are destructible. The Vatslputriyas also similarly divide
existing entities into momentary (e.g. ideas, sound, flame, etc.)
and non-momentary (e.g. earth, sky, etc.). On this point Santa-
rak~ita and Kamalaslla urge that whatever is produced is momen-
tary, since the destructibility of momentary things does not de-
pend on any cause excepting the fact that they are produced; for,
had the destructibility of such entities depended on conditions
or causes other than the fact of their being produced, then the
premise that whatever is produced is necessarily destructible would
be false. The N aiyayika view, therefore, that produced entities
depend for their destruction on other conditions, is false. If pro-
duced entities do not depend for their destruction on any other
condition or cause than the fact of their being produced, then they
must be destroyed the moment they are produced, or in other
words they are momentary. Moreover, destruction, being nega-
tion, is not a positive entity and is absolutely contentless, and only
positive entities depend on other conditions or causes for their
production. Destruction, being negation, is not produced by any
conditions or causes like a positive entity. Destruction therefore
is not generated by any separate causal apparatus, but the very
causes that lead to the production of an entity lead also to its
destruction the next moment. Destructibility being a necessary
characteristic of productibility, destruction cannot need the inter-
ference of any causes. It has also been stated above that destruc-
tion is pure negation and has therefore no characteristics which
have to be generated by any positive set of causes or conditions 1 •
1 The word k$m:tika, which is translated as "momentary," is, according to
Santarak~ita, a technical term. The character in an entity of dying immediately
after production, is technically called k$a7Ja, and whatever has this quality is
called k$aTJika (utpiidiiniintara-viniisi-svabhiivo vastunaft k$a1Ja ucyate, sa yas:yiisti
sa k$aTJika iti. Tatt'l:a-sarrzgraha, p. 142); k$a1Ja therefore does not mean time-
moment. It means the character of dying immediately after being produced.
The objection of Uddyotakara that what only stays for a moment of time (k$a7Ja)
cannot be called k$a?Jika, because at the expiry of the moment nothing remains
which can be characterized as momentary, is therefore inadmissible. There is,
howe,·er, no entity separate from the momentary character, and the use of the
term k$aTJika, which grammatically distinguishes the possessor of the momentary
character from the momentary character itself, is due only to verbal license.
x1] Dialectical criticisms of Siintarak$ita and Kamalaslla 18 3
Kumalasila and Santarak!?ita urge that existence (satt·l'a) can he
affirmed only of those entities which are capable of serving a purpose
(artha-kriyii-samarthii). They urge that entities can only serve a
purpose, if they are momentary. Entities that persist cannot serve
any purpose and therefore cannot have any existence. In order to
prove their thesis they enter into the following argument. If any
purpose is to be served, then that can be either in succession
or simultaneously, and no middle alternative is possible. If an
existing entity persists in time, then all its effects ought to come
about simultaneously; for, the complete cause being there, the
effects must also be there, and there is no reason why the effects
should happen in succession; but it is well known in experience
that effects happen only in succession and not simultaneously. If,
however, it is objected that even a persisting entity can perform
actions in succession owing to its association with successive acces-
sories (k1·ami1:zal.z sahakiiri7Jal.z), then one may well enquire as to
the nature of the assistance given by the successive accessories to
the persisting entity in the production of the effect; is it by pro-
ducing a special modification (atisayiidhiina) of the persisting cause
or by independent working in consonance with the productive
action of the persisting entity? In the first alternative, the special
modification may be either identical with or different from the
nature of the persisting entity, and both these alternatives are
impossible; for, if it is identical, then, since the effect follows in
consequence of the special modification of the accessories, it is the
element of this special modification that is to be regarded as the
cause of the effect, and not the persisting entity. If it is again urged
that the effect is due to the association of the special modification
with the persisting entity, then it would be impossible to define
the nature of such association; for an association may be either of
identity or of productivity (tiidiitmya and tad-utpattz), and neither
of them is possible in the present case, since the special modification
is recognized as being different from the persisting entity and is
acknowledged by assumption to be produced by the accessories.
Again, such association cannot be regarded as being of the nature
of samaviiya; for this special modification, being of the nature of
an additional assistance (upakiira), cannot be regarded as being of
the nature of inseparable inherence (samaviiya). If this special
modification be regarded as being neither of the nature of an
additional assistance (upakiira) nor of the nature of an essence
The Sa1ikara School of Vedanta [CH.
identical with the persisting entity, and if it is still regarded as being
associated with the persisting entity in a relation of samaviiya, then
anything in the world could be regarded as being in the samaviiya
relation with anything else. In the other alternative, in which it
is maintained that the persisting entity awaits only the independent
working of the accessories, it may well be asked whether the causal
nature of the persisting entity is the same together with the totality
of the accessories as it is without them? In the former case, the
accessories would also be persistent. In the latter case, the per-
sisting entity can no longer be regarded as persisting.
Regarding the objection of Bhadanta Y ogasena, that the same
difficulties would arise in the assumption of entities as momentary,
Santarak!?ita and Kamala8Ila reply that in their view the accessories
behave in two ways, firstly, as independent co-operation (ekiirtha-
kriyii-kiiritii) and, secondly, as mutual help (parasparopakiiritii).
Thus in the first moment the different accessory-units are only
independently co-operant, since, in one moment, their mutual
actions cannot help one another; but in the second moment, the
effects may be regarded as being of a joint nature, and therefore
mutually determining one another, in the production of the effect
of the third moment. In this view, though each entity operates
independently, yet none of their operations are irrelevant. They
are all being· produced and determined by the respective causes
and conditions in a beginningless series.
The objection against the momentariness of all things on the
ground that things are perceived and recognized to be the same,
and as persisting, is not a valid one. For the fact of persistence
cannot be perceived by the senses and must be regarded as due
to false imagination. All recognition is due to the operation of
memory, which is almost universally recognized as invalid for
purposes of right knowledge. On this point it may be argued that
in recognition, if the entity now perceived be the same as the entity
perceived at a previous time, then how can a cognition in the past
comprehend an entity of the present time? If they are held to be
different, then it is acknowledged that the entities perceived as the
same in recognition are not really the same. The objector's argu-
ment that, since things pass by the same name, they must be
persistent is invalid; for it is well knmvn that even in ordinary per-
ception, where a flame is known to be destroyed every moment,
and produced anew, it is still said in common verbal usage to be
xi] Dialectical criticisms of Santarak~ita and KamalasUa 185
the same flame. Thus all existing things must be regarded as

(h) Refutation of Criticisms of the Non-permanency

of Entities.
It is objected by the Naiyayikas and others that, if things are
momentary, then the theory of karma would fail; for how can it
be understood that the deeds be performed by one, and the fruits
reaped by another? How, again, can it be understood that a momen-
tary cause which does not abide till the rise of the effect should
produce the same? Again, if objects are momentary, how can they
be perceived by the eye? The phenomena of recognition would
also be inexplicable, as there would be no permanent perceiver
who would identify the present and the past as being one. How,
again, would the phenomenon of bondage and of emancipation
apply to a non-permanent being? In reply to this Santarak~ita
and Kamalaslla say that, just as a seed by means of its invariable
power produces the shoots, without being superintended by any
conscious agent, so the inner states of a man may generate other
states, without being superintended by any permanent conscious
agent; the formula ( dharma-Sa'f[lketa) for all production is, "this
happening, that happens"; "this being produced, that is pro-
duced." It is through ignorance that a man cannot discern that
all subsequent states are determined by the natural forces of the
preceding ones and thinks of himself as performing this or that
action or as striving for emancipation. The true nature of things
cannot be determined by the illusory experience of ignorant people.
It is sometimes objected that the parts of a seed attain a due
constitution by assimilating nutritive elements at the second stage,
and then again at the third stage attain a new constitution by further
accretion of new nutritive elements, and that therefore it cannot
be held that the parts of the seed are entirely destroyed at the
second stage. To this the reply of Santarak~ita is that in the second
moment the effect is produced in dependence on the undestroyed
causal efficiency of the first causal moment; so that the effect
is produced by the causal efficiency of the first moment, when
the cause is not destroyed. The cause however perishes in the
second moment; for, once the cause has produced the effect, it
cannot be producing it again and again; if it did, there would be
a vicious infinite. It must therefore be admitted that the causal
186 The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
efficiency of the cause ceases immediately after production 1 • The
view that the effect is produced simultaneously with the cause (saha-
bhuta1[l kiiryam) is unreasonable, since the cause cannot produce
the effect before it is itself produced; again, it cannot produce after
it is itself produced; for then the effect also has to be acknowledged
to be of the same nature as the cause; but at the same moment it
can have no scope for its efficiency. Thus the cause and effect
cannot be produced simultaneously. There is no necessity also for
admitting a causal operation (vyiipiira), as separate and distinct
from the cause. Invariable antecedence is the only qualification
of cause 2 • If a causal operation has to be admitted for connecting
the cause with the effect, then that would require another opera-
tion, and that another, and there would be a vicious infinite. If
the causal operation is admitted to be able to generate the effect
independently by itself, so can the cause be also admitted to be
able to produce the effect. The objection that, if antecedence be ad-
mitted to be alone the determinant of causality, then the fact, that
a thing is smelled after it is seen may also lead one to infer that colour
is the cause of smell, is invalid, for the Buddhists have no objection
to regarding colour as an accessory cause of smell. It must also be
remembered that the Buddhists do not regard mere antecedence
as the definition of cause, but invariable and necessary ante-
cedence3. Again, no difficulty need be experienced in perception,
if the objects are admitted to be momentary; for ideas may be
considered to have forms akin to the objects, or to be formless, but
revealing the objects. In either case the ideas are produced by
their causes, and the momentariness or permanence of objects has
nothing to do with their determination 4 • There are in reality no
agent and no enjoyer, but only the series of passing mental pheno-
mena. Causality consists in the determination of the succeeding
states by the previous ones. The objection of Uddyotakara, that, if
the mind is momentary, it cannot be modified (viisanii) by deeds
(karma), is invalid; for, in the Buddhist view, this modification
1 The Vaibha!?ikas are spoken of by Santarak!?ita as holding the view that

the effect is produced at the third moment. In this view the effect is produced
by the destroyed cause.
idam eva hi kiiryasya kiirm:ziipek~ii yat tad-anantara-blziivitvam. Tattva-
sa1pgraha, p. 177.
na hi vayam iinantarya-miitra1Jl kiirya-kiira1JO.-bhiiviidhigati-nibandhana1Jl
.• . yasyaiviinantara1Jl yad bhavati tat tasya kiirm:zam i~ate. Ibid. p. 180.
c Santarak!?ita and Kamalasila are Buddhists who style themselves niriikiira-
XI] Dialectical criticisms of Siintarak#ta and Kamalaslla 187
(viisanii) means nothing more than the production of a new mental
state of a modified nature. There is again no permanent perceiver
who remembers and recognizes; it is only when in a particular series
of conscious states, on account of the strength of a particular
perception, such particularly modified mental states are generated
as may be said to contain seeds of memory, that memory is possible.
The Buddhists also do not consider that there is one person
who suffers bondage and is liberated; they think that bondage
means nothing more than the production of painful states due to
ignorance (avidyii) and other mental causes, and that liberation
also means nothing more than purity of the mental states due
to cessation of ignorance through right knowledge.

(i) Refutation of the Nyiiya VaiSe~ika Categories.

Santarak~ita and Kamalasila attempt to refute the categories of
substance (dravya) with its subdivisions, quality (gu~za), action
(karma), generality, or class concepts (siimiinya), specific pecu-
liarities (vise~a), relation of inherence (samaviiya), and the conno-
tation and denotation of words (sabdiirtha). This refutation may
briefly be set out here.
Speaking against the eternity of atoms, they hold that, since no
special excellence can be produced in eternal entities, no conditions
or collocations of any kind can produce any change in the nature
of the atoms; thus, the atoms being always the same in nature,
all objects should be produced from them either at once, or not
at all. The mere fact that no cause of atoms is known is no ground
for thinking that they are causeless. Again, substance, as different
from characters and qualities, is never perceived. The refutation
of wholes (avayavt), which has already been effected, also goes
against the acceptance of substantive wholes, and so the four
substances earth water air and fire which are ordinarily re-
garded as subst~ntive~wholes made, up of atoms-also stand
refuted. Again, it is not easy to prove the existence of separate
and independent time and space entities; for spatial and temporal
determinations may well be explained as mental modifications due,
like other facts of experience, to their specific causes. The Buddhists
of course accept the existence of manas as an instrument separate
from the sense-organs, hut they do not admit its existence as an
eternal and single entity.
The refutation of substances implies the refutation of gu!las,
188 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cR.
which are supposed to be dependent on substances. If the sub-
stances do not exist, there can also be no relation of inherence, in
which relation the gu'l}aS are supposed to exist in substances. There
is, again, no meaning in acknowledging colours, etc., as different
from the atoms in which they are supposed to exist. The per-
ception of numbers also ought to be regarded as due to mental
modifications associated with particular cognitions. There is no
reason for holding that numbers should stand as separate qualities.
In a similar manner Santarak~ita and Kamala8Ila proceed with the
refutation of the other Nyaya qualities.
Proceeding with the refutation of action (karma), they hold that,
if all things are admitted to be momentary, then action cannot be
attributed to them; for action, involving as it does successive
separation of parts and association of contact-points, implies many
moments for its execution. If things are admitted to be persistent
or eternal, then also movement cannot be explained. If things are
admitted to be always moving, then they will be in motion while
they are perceived to be at rest, which is impossible. If things
are at rest by nature, there cannot be any vibratory movement in
them. The main principle involved in the refutation of gu'l}aS and
karmas consists in the fact that the gut:zas and karmas are regarded
by the Buddhists as being identical with the particular sense-data
cognized. It is wrong, in their view, to analyse the sense-data as
substances having qualities and motion as different categories in-
hering in them. 'Vhatever may be the substance, that is also the
quality which is supposed to be inhering in it, as also the motion
which it is supposed to execute.
Regarding the refutation of class-concepts the main drift of
Buddhist argument is that, though the perception of class-natures
may be supposed to be due to some cause, yet it is wrong to
assume the existence of eternal class-nature existing constantly
in all the changing and diverse individual members of a class.
For, howsoever we may try to explain it, it is difficult to see
how one thing can remain constantly the same, though all the
individual members in which it is supposed to exist are constantly
. changing. If class-natures are said to inhere owing to specific
qualities, e.g. cooking in the cook, then also it may be objected
that, since the operation of cooking is different in each case, there
is no one character "cooking" by virtue of which the class-nature
of cook is admissible. Moreover, a cook is called a cook even when
XI] Dialectic of Sankara and Anandajiiiina
he is not cooking. Considerations like these should lead aHy
thinking person to deny the existence of eternal class-natures.
Regarding the refutation of specific qualities (vise~a) it is held
that, if yogins can perceive the ultimate specific qualities as dif-
ferent from one another, they might equally perceive the atoms to
be different from one another; if the atoms cannot be perceived
as different except through some other properties, then the same
may be required of the specific properties themselves.
Regarding the refutation of samaviiya, or relation of inherence,
the Buddhist objects mainly to the admission of a permanent
samaviiya relation, though all the individuals in which this relation
may be supposed to exist should be changing or perishing. It is a
false supposition that the relation of inherence, such as that of the
cloth in the thread, is ever felt to be, as if the one (e.g. the cloth)
was existing in the other (threads), as the Naiyayikas suppose.

Dialectic of Sailkara and Anandajiiana.

It is well known that Sankaracarya in his commentary on the
Brahma-siltra, 11. ii 11-17, criticizes the atomic theory of the
Vaise!?ikas. His first thesis is that the production of an effect
different in nature from the cause, as in the case of the production
of the impure world from pure Brahman, can be justified on the
analogy of even the critics of the Vedanta, the Vaise!?ikas. The
Vaise!?ikas hold that in the production of the dvy-ar.zuka (containing
two atoms) from the paramii1JU (single atom) and of the catur-a7Juka
(containing four atoms) from the dvy-ar.zuka, all other qualities of
the paramar.zu and the dvy-ar.zuka are transferred to the dvy-ar.zuka
and catur-ar.zuka respectively, excepting the specific measures of
piirimii~ujalya (specific atomic measure) and ar.zu-hrasva (specific
measure of the dyads), which are peculiar to paramii1JU and d7)Y-
a7Juka respectively. Thus, though all other qualities of paramii1JUS
pass over to dvy-a1}ukas produced by their combination, yet the
specific parimar.zflalya measure of the paramiir.zus does not pass to
the dvy-ar.zukas, which are of the ar.zu-hrasva parimii7Ja. So also,
though all the qualities of dvy-ar.zulws would pass on to the catur-
m:zukas made out of their combination, yet their own specific
m:zu-hrasva parima1Ja would not pass on to the catur-a7Jukas, which
are possessed of their own measure, viz. the mahat parimii1Ja,
uncaused by the parimli1Ja of the dvy-a1Julws. This shows that the
The Saitkara School of Vedanta [CH.
Vaise~ikas believe that the parimii~;ujalya measure(parimii:r.za) of the
paramii1JUS may produce an altogether different measure in their
product, the d1ry-m;ukas, and so the a1Ju-hrasva measure of the
dvy-a1Jukas may produce an altogether different measure in their
product, the catur-m:zukas, viz. the mahat parimii1Ja. On this
analogy it may be contended that the Vaise~ikas have nothing
to object to in the production of an altogether different effect (viz.
the impure world) from an altogether different cause, the pure
Brahman. If it is urged that the measure of the paramii1JU cannot
pass on to the dvy-a1Juka only because its passage is rendered im-
possible by the taking possession of it by an opposite quality (the
a1Ju-hrasva parimii1Ja), then a similar reply may be given in the case
of the difference between the world and Brahman. Moreover,
since, according to the Vaise~ika theory, all products remain for
a moment without qualities, there is no reason why, when the
dvy-a1Juka was produced, the piirimii1J4alya measure should not
pass on to it. At that moment, since the parimii1Jt}alya measure
did not pass on to it as did the other qualities, it follows, not that
the passing of the piirimii1Jt}alya measure is opposed by the other
parimiir.za, but that it naturally did not pass on to it. Again, it
cannot be objected that the analogy of dissimilarity of qualities
(gu1Ja) cannot be cited in support of the dissimilarity of substances.
Sankara's second thesis is that the Vaise~ika view that atoms
combine is wrong, because, since the atoms are partless, and since
combination implies contact and contact implies parts which come
in contact, there cannot be any combination of atoms. More-
over, since before creation there is no one who can make an effort,
and since the contact of atoms cannot be effected without effort,
and since the selves, being unconscious at that time, cannot them-
selves make any effort, it is impossible to account for the activity
without which the contact of the atoms would also be impossible.
So the atoms cannot combine, for want of the effort needed for such
a contact. Sankara's third point is that the relation of samaviiya
upheld by the Vaise~ikas cannot be admitted; for, if to unite two
different objects the relation of samaviiya is needed, then samaviiya,
being itself different from them, would require another samaviiya
to connect itself with them, and that another, and that another,
and so on ad infinitum. If the relation of contact requires a further
relation of samaviiya to connect it with the objects irt contact, there
is no reason why samaviiya should not require some other relation
XI) Dialectic of Sankara and .iinandajiiiina
in its turn. Again, if the atoms are regarded as always operative
and combining, then there can be no dissolution (pralaya), and,
if they are always disintegrating, then creation would be impossible.
Again, since the atoms possess the qualities of colour, etc., they
must be the product of some simpler causes, just as other objects
having qualities are made up of simpler entities. l\1oreover, it is
not right to suppose that, since we have the idea of non-eternality,
this must imply eternality and that therefore the atoms must be
eternal; for, even though it implies the existence of etemality, it
does not imply that the atoms should be eternal, since there is such
an eternal thing as Brahman. Again, the fact that the cause of the
destruction of the atoms is not known does not imply that they
are eternal; for mere ignorance of the ways of destruction does
not imply eternality. Again, the Vaise~ikas are wrong in speaking
of six different categories and yet hold that all the five other
categories depend on substance for their existence or manifesta-
tion. A substance and its quality do not appear to be as different
as two substances. A substance appears black or white, and this
implies that the qualities are at bottom identical with the substance
(dravyiitmakatii gu1Jasya). It cannot, moreover, be urged that the
dependence of other categories on substance consists in their in-
separableness (ayuta-siddhatva) from it. This inseparableness can-
not be inseparableness of space; for, when threads constitute as their
product a piece of cloth, then the threads and the cloth cannot be
regarded as having the same space, yet, being cause and effect,
they are to be regarded as ayuta-siddha, or inseparable; and yet the
whiteness of the cloth is not regarded as abiding in the threads. If
inseparableness means inseparableness of time, then the two horns
of a bull, which exist at the same time, should also be regarded as
inseparable; and, if inseparableness means inseparableness of char-
acter or sameness of character, then quality cannot be regarded
as being different from substance. Again, since the cause exists
prior to the effect, it cannot be regarded as inseparable from the
cause, and yet it is asserted by the Vaise~ikas that their relation is
one of samaviiya, since they are inseparable in their nature.
Sankara, however, seldom indulges in logical dialectic like the
above, and there are only a few rare instances in which he attacks
his opponents from a purely logical point of view. But even here
he does not so much criticize the definitions of the Vaise~ikas as
point out the general logical and metaphysical confusions that
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
result from some of the important Vaise!?ika theories. It is easy
to note the difference of a criticism like this from the criticism
of Srihar!?a in his Khm:uJana-khaT}t]a-khiidya, where he uses all the
power of his dialectical subtleties to demolish the cherished
principles of pure logic as formulated by the Nyaya logicians.
It is not a criticism of certain doctrines in support of others, but
it is a criticism which aims at destroying the possibility of logical
or perceptual knowledge as a whole. It does not touch any specific
metaphysical views, but it denies the power of perception and
inference to give us right knowledge, and it supposes that it
achieves its purpose by proving that the Nyaya modes of definition
of perception and inference are faulty and self-contradictory.
Citsukha's attempts are more positive; for he criticizes not only
the Nyaya categories of logic, but also the categories of Vaise!?ika
metaphysics, and makes some positive and important statements,
too, about the Vedanta doctrine itself. Anandajfiana's Tarka-
sa'f[lgraha is another important work of negative criticism of the
Vaise~ika categories and in that sense a continuation on a more
elaborate scale of Citsukha's criticisms of the Vaise!?ika categories.
The importance of the Vaise~ika was gradually increasing, as it was
gradually more and more adopted by Vai~J).ava realistic writers,
such as 1\!Iadhva and his followers, and it was supposed that a
refutation of the Vaise~ika would also imply a refutation of the
dualistic writers who draw their chief support from Vaise!?ika
physics and metaphysics.
Anandajfiana, also called Anandagiri, was probably a native of
Gujarat and lived in the middle of the thirteenth century. Mr
Tripathi points out in his introduction to Anandajfiana's Tarka-
Sa'f[lgraha that Anandajfiana was a spiritual head of the Dvaraka
monastery of Sankara, of which Suresvaracarya was the first
teacher. He was a pupil of two teachers, Anubhutisvariipacarya
and Suddhananda. Anubhutisvariipacarya wrote five works, viz.
(I) a grammatical work called Siirasvata-prakriyii, (2) a commentary
on Sankara's commentary on Gau<;lapada's Mii1}t}ilkya-kiirikii,
(3) a commentary on Anandabodha Yati'sNyiiya-makaranda,called
Nyiiya-makaranda-sa'f[lgraha, (4) a commentary, called Candrikii,
on Anandabodha's Nyiiya-dzpiivalt, and (5) another commentary,
called Nibandha, on Anandabodha's Pramii1}a-miilii. Nothing is
known about his other teacher, Suddhananda, who is different
from the other Suddhananda, the teacher of Svayamprakasa of the
XI] Dialectic of Sankara and Anandajiiiina 1 93

seventeenth century, author of the Advaita-makaranda-tlkii. One of

the most distinguished of Anandagiri's pupils was AkhaD-<_H:inanda,
author of the Tatt~,a-dipana, a commentary on Prakasatman's
Pafica-piidikii-vivarm;a, as he refers to him as 5rimad-iinanda-
sailiihva-paiiciisya1Jl satala1Jl bhaje in the fourth verse of his Tattva-
dzpana. Anandagiri wrote a large number of works, which are mostly
commentaries. Of these his lsiiz,•iisya-bha~ya-tippmya, Kenopani~ad­
bhii~ya-tippm;a, Viikya-vivara~za-Z-'Yiikhya, Kat/wpani~ad-bha~ya­
tfkii, 111Utpjaka-bha~ya-vyiiMzyiina, 111ii~ujukya-Gaul)apiidiya-bha~ya­
vyiikhyii, Taittirlya-bhii~ya-tippm;a, Chiindogya-bhii~ya-tzkii, Tait-
tirzya-bhii~ya-viirttika-tlkii, Siistra-prakiisikii, Brhad-iirmyyalw-
bhii~a-viirttika-tzkii, Brhad-iira~yaka-bha~ya-tzka, Siirzraka-
bha~ya-tikii (called also Nyiiya-nir~zaya), Gztii-bha~ya-z,·ivecana,
Paiiclkara~a-vivaratJa, with a commentary called Tattz,•a-candrika
by Rama Tirtha, a pupil of J agannathasrama (latter part of the
fifteenth century), and Tarka-sattzgraha have already been printed.
But some of his other works, such as Upadesa-siihasrz-viz,Iti,
Vakya-vrtti-tzkii, Atma-jriiinopadesa-fikii, Svariipa-nin;aya- fikii,
Tripurl-prakara~a-flkii, P adiirtha-tattva-nir_JJaya-vivara~a and
Tattviiloka, still remain to be printed. It will thus be seen
that almost all his works are but commentaries on Sailkara's
commentaries and other vvorks. The Tarka-sarpgraha and
Tattviiloka (attributed to "Janardana," which was probably the
name of Anandagiri when he was a householder) seem to be his
only two independent works 1 • Of these the manuscript of the
second work, in which he refutes the doctrines of many other
philosophers, including Bhaskara's pari~ziima doctrines, has, un-
fortunately, not been available to the present writer. The Tarka-
sa~ngraha is devoted almost wholly to a detailed refutation of the
Vaise~ika philosophy. The book is divided into three chapters. In
the first chapter, dealing with the criticism of substances ( dravya),
he starts with a refutation of the concepts of duality, reality
(tattva), existence (sattva), non-existence, positivity (bhiiz,·a) and
negativity (abhiiva). Anandojfiana then passes on to a refutation of
the definition of substance and its division into nine kinds
(according to the Vaise~ika philosophy). He then criticizes the first
substance, earth, and its diverse forms, as atoms (paramii~u) and
molecules(dvya~uka),anditsgrosserformsand their modified states,
See Mr Tripathi's introduction to his edition of the Tarlw-sa'Jlgraha,
Baroda, 1917.
DII 13
1 94 The Saizkara School of Vedanta [cH.
as bodies, senses and sense-objects, and continues to criticize the
other substances such as water, fire, air, and the theory of creation
and dissolution, iikiisa, time, space, self (iitman) and manas. In the
second chapter he goes on to the criticism of qualities (gu?fa),
such as colour (rupa), taste (rasa), smell (gandha), touch (sparsa),
the effects of heat on the transformations of objects through mole-
cular or atomic changes (pzlu-piika and pithara-piika), number
(sankhyii}, measure (parimii?fa), separateness (prthaktva), con tact
(sat!lyoga), separation (vibhiiga), the nature of knowledge, illusion
and dreams, the nature of right knowledge and its means (pramii?fa
and pramii}, perception (pratyak$a), inference (anumiina), con-
comitance (vyiipti), reason (hetu), fallacies (hetv iibhiisa), examples
(dr~tiinta), discussions, disputations and wranglings, testimony of
the scriptures (iigama), analogy (upamiina), memory, pleasure,
pain, will, antipathy (dve~a), effort (prayatna), heaviness, liquidity
(dravatva), virtue, vice, etc. In the third chapter he refutes the
notion of action, class-concept or universality (jiiti), the relation
of inherence (samaviiya) and different kinds of negation. The
thesis designed to be proved in all these refutations is the same as
that of Srlhar~a or Citsukha, viz. that in whatsoever manner the
Vaise~ikas have attempted to divide, classify or define the world
of appearances they have failed.
The conclusion at which he arrives after this long series of
criticisms and refutations reminds us of Anandabodha's conclu-
sions in his Nyiiya-makaranda, on which a commentary was written
by his teacher Anubhiitisvariipa Acarya, to which reference has
already been made when Anandabodha's views were under dis-
cussion. Thus Anandajiiana says that an illusory imposition cannot
be regarded as existent (sat); for, since it is non-existent in the sub-
stratum (adhi$thiina) of its appearance, it cannot be existent any-
where else. Neither can it be regarded as absolutely non-existent
(atyantiisat); for, had it been so, it would not have appeared as
immediately perceived (aparok~a-p1·atui-virodhiit); nor can it be
regarded as existent and non-existent in the same object. The only
alternative left is that the illusory imposition is indescribable in its
nature 1 . This indescribability ( anirviicyatva) means that, in which-
ever way one may try to describe it, it is found that none of those
ways can be affirmed of it or, in other words, that it is indescribable
1 piiriie~yiid anirviicyam iiropyam upagamyatii1{l sattviidinii1{l prakiiriir;zii1{l

priig-ukta-nyiiya-biidhaniit. Tarka-sa1Jigraha, p. 135·

XI) Dialectic of Sankara and Anandajfiana 195
in each and every one of those ways 1 • Now, since all appearances
must have something for their cause and since that which is not
a real thing cannot have a real thing as its material cause (na ca
avastuno vastu upiidiinam upapadyate), and, since they are all in-
describable in their nature, their cause must also be of that nature,
the nescience of the substratum 2 •
He then asserts that this nescience (ajfiiina), which is the material
out of which all appearances take their form, is associated with
Brahman; for Brahman could not be regarded as omniscient or the
knower of all (sarva-jfia} without its association with ajfiiina, which
is the material stuff of the all (the knower, the means of knowledge,
the objects and their relations) 3 • Everything else that appears
except the one reality, the self, the Brahman, is the product of
this aJiiiina. This one ajiiiina then can explain the infinite kinds of
appearances, and there is not the slightest necessity of admitting
a number of ajfiiinas in order to explain the diversity or the plurality
of appearances. The many selves are thus but appearances pro-
duced by this one ajfiiina in association with Brahman 4 • It is the
one ajFiiina that is responsible for appearances of the dream state as
well as of the waking state. It is the one ajfiiina which produces all
kinds of diversity by its diversity of functions or modes of opera-
tion. If there is only one reality, which through one ajiiiina appears
in all diverse forms of appearances, how is the phenomenon of
self-consciousness or self-recognition to be explained? To this
difficulty Anandajiiana's reply is that both the perceiving and the
perceived self are but false appearances in the antal;kara7Ja (an
aji1iina product), and that it does not in any way infect the one
true self with any kind of activity. Thus there is the one Brahman
and there is one beginningless, indescribable ajiiiina in connection
with it, which is the cause of all the infinitely diverse appearances
through which the former appears impure and suffers bondage,
as it were, and again appears liberated, as it were, through the
yena yena prakiiret;~a paro nirvaktum icchati
tena teniitmanii 'yogas tad-anirviicyatii matii. Tarka-sarp.graha, p. 136.
2 tasmiid rupyiidi-kiiryasyanirviicyatviit tad-upiidiinam api adhi~thiiniijiiiinam

upiideyam. Ibid. p. 137.

3 pramii~ataf;. sarvajiiatve 'pi pramiitrtvasya pramii~a-prameya-sambandhasya

ciijiiiina-sambandham antaret;liisiddhef;. tasmin ajiiiinavattvam avaS)Iam iisrayita-

vyam anyathii sarvajiiatviiyogiit. Ibid. pp. 137, 138.
' ekas tiivad iitmii dvayor api iivayof;. sampratipanno 'sti, tasya sviijiiiiniid eva
aviviida-siddhiid ekasmiid atiriktarp. sarvam pratibhiiti; . .. samastasyaiva bheda-
bhiinasyiipiiramiirthikasyaikajiiiina-siimarthyiid eva sambhaviin niijiiiina-bhede
hetur asti. Ibid. pp. 138, 139.
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
realization of the V edantic truth of the real nature of the selfl. In
fact there is neither bondage nor emancipation.
In view of the above it may be suggested that Anandajfiana is
following the same line of interpretation of the relation of ajiiana
to Brahman whith was upheld by Vacaspati and Anandabodha.
Anandajfiana's position as an interpreter of Sankara's philosophy
is evident from the number of able commentaries which he wrote
on the commentaries of Sankara and also from the references
made to him by later writers. Mr Tripathi collects the names
of some of these writers, as Prajfianananda, Se~a Sarilgadhara,
Vadivagisvara, Vadindra, Ramananda Sarasvati, Sadananda
Kasmiraka (A.D. 1547), Kr~t:lananda (A.D. 165o), lVIahesvara
Tirtha (A.D. 1650) and others.

Philosophy of the Prakatartha-vivaral)a (A.D. 1200).

The Prakatartha-vivarm:za (as the writer himself calls it in the

colophon of the work-priirabhyate vivarm:za1Jl prakatiirtham etat)
is an important commentary still in manuscript on Sankara's
commentary on the Brahma-siltra, which the present writer
had an opportunity of going through from a copy in the Adyar
Library, Madras, through the kind courtesy of the Lihrarian,
Mr T. R. Chintamani, who is intending to bring out an edition.
The author, however, does not anywhere in the work reveal his
own name and the references which can be found in other
works are all to its name as Prakatar or to the author of the
Prakatartha (prakatiirtha-kiira), and not to the author's personal
name 2 • This work has been referred to by Anandajfiana, of
the thirteenth century (Mw:zt}aka, p. 32; Kena, p. 23; Ananda-
srama editions A.D. 1918 and 1917), and it may well be supposed
that the author of the work lived in the latter half of the twelfth
1 Advitlyam iitma-tattvam, tatra ca aniidy anirviicyam ekam ajiiiinam ananta-

bheda-pratibhiina-nidiinam, tatas ciinekiirtha-kalu#tam iitma-tattvam baddham

iviinubhuyamiinam, vediinta-viikyottha-tattva-siik~iitkiira-pariikrta-sakiiryiijiiiina1Jl
muktam iva bhiiti; paramiirthato na bandho na muktir iti sakaryiijiiiina-nivrtty-
upalak#tam paripiir't)am iitma-tattvam eva parama-puru~iirtha-rupa'f!l sidhyati.
Tarka-sa1Jlgraha, p. 141.
2 The colophon of the work runs as follows :

jiiiitviipi yasya bahu-kiilam acintanena

vyiikhyiitum ak~amatayii paritiipi ceta/:l
tasyopatiipa-hara1Jiiya mayeha bhii~ye
priirabhyate vivara1Jat1l prakatiirtham etat.
MS. No. I, 38. 27, Govt. MSS. Library, Madras.
XI] Philosophy of the Prakatartha-vivara1Ja 1 97
century. He certainly preceded Ramadvaya, the author of the
Vedanta-kaumudt, who not only refers to the Prakatartha, but
has been largely influenced in many of his conceptions by the
argument of this work 1 • The author of the latter holds that the
indefinable maya in association with pure consciousness (cin-
miitra-sambandhint) is the mother of all existence (bhUta-prakrti).
Through the reflection of pure consciousness in maya is produced
lsvara (God), and by a transformation of Him there arises the
creator Brahma, and it is by the reflection of the pure consciousness
in the infinite parts of this Brahma that there arise the infinite
number of individual souls through the veiling and creating
functions of the maya. Maya or aji'iana is not negation, but
a positive material cause, just as the earth is of the jug (ajiiana'!l
nabhava upadanatvan mrdvat). But, being of the nature of veiling
(avararzatvat) and being destructible through right knowledge
(prakasa-heyatvat), it cannot be known as it is: still it may
well be regarded as the positive cause of all illusions 2 • The well-
known Vedantic term svaprakasa is defined in the Prakatartha as
illumination without the cognition of its own idea (sva-sa1{lvin-
nairapek~erza sphurarzam). The self is to be regarded as self-
revealing; for without such a supposition the revelation of the self
would be inexplicable 3 • The author of the Prakatartha then criticizes
the Kumarila view of cognition as being a subjective act, inferable
from the fact of a particular awareness, as also the Nyaya- Vaise~ika
and Prabhakara views of knowledge as an illumination of the object
inhering in the subject (atma-sama'viiyt vi~aya-prakaso jiianam), and
the Bhaskara view of knowledge as merely a particular kind of
activity of the self; and he ultimately holds the view that the mind
or manas is a substance with a preponderance of sattva, which has
an illuminating nature, and that it is this manaswhich, being helped
by the moral destiny(adHtadi-sahakrtam), arrives at the place where
the objects stand like a long ray of light and comes in contact with
it, and then as a result thereof pure consciousness is reflected upon
the object, and this leads to its cognition. Perceptual cognition, thus
defined, would be a mental transformation which can excite the
Vediinta-kaumudl, MS. transcript copy, p. 99·
iivaral}atviit prakiisa-heyatviid vii tamovat-svaril.pel}a pramii~za-yogyatve 'py

abhiiva-vyiiv_rtti-bhrama-kiira1Jalviidi-dharma-visi~!asya priimiil}ilzatva'f!l na viru-

dhyate. MS. p. 12.
iitmti sva-prakiisas tato 'nyathii'nupapadyamiinatve sati
praktisamtinatvtin na ya evarJl na sa evwrz yathii kumblzal;. Praka{iirtha MS.
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
revelation of an object (manal.z-paritJii:mal.z samvid-vyaiijako jiiiinam) 1 •
In the case of inference, however, the transformation of manas
takes place without any actual touch with the objects; and there is
therefore no direct excitation revealing the object; for the manas
there,beingin direct touch with the reason or the /inga,isprevented
from being in contact with the object that is inferred. There is
here not an operation by which the knowledge of the object can be
directly revealed, but only such a transformation of the manas
that a rise of the idea about the object may not be obstructed 2 •
The author of the Prakatiirtha accepted the distinction between
miiyii and a_jiiiina as conditioning lsvara and jiva.

Vimuktatman (A.D. 12oo).

Vimuktatman, a disciple of Avyayatman Bhagavat Pujyapada,
wrote his l~ta-siddhi probably not later than the early years of the
thirteenth century. He is quoted and referred to by l\1adhusudana
in his Advaita-siddhi and by Ramadvaya in his Vediinta-kaumudi
of the fourteenth century. It was commented upon by Jfianottama,
the teacher of Citsukha, and this commentary is called l~ta­
siddlzi-·vyiiklzyii or l~ta-siddhi-'l:£vara1Ja. For reasons stated else-
where J fianottama could not have flourished later than the latter
half of the thirteenth century. Vimuktatman wrote also another
work, called Pramii1JQ-vrtti-nir1}aya, to which he refers in his
l~ta-siddhi (MS. p. 72). The work has not yet been published,
and the manuscript from the Adyar Library, which is a transcript
copy of a manuscript of the NaQ.uvil l\1atham, Cochin State, and
which has been available to the present writer, is very fragmentary
in many parts; so much so, that it is often extremely difficult to
follow properly the meaning of the discussions. The work is
divided into eight chapters, and is devoted in a very large
part to discussions relating to the analysis of illusions in the
Vedanta school and in the other schools of philosophy. This work
is to be regarded as one of the four traditional Siddhis, such as the
Brahma-siddhi by MaQ.Q.ana, the }la#karmya-siddhi by Suresvara,
MS. p. 54·
2 upalabdha-sambandhiirthii kiire1J.a pari'(Ultam mano
'niivabhiisa-vyavrtti-miitraphalam, na tu sa'f{lvid-vyaiijakam
liitgadi-samvid-vyavadhiina-pratibandhiit. MS. p. 54·
It is easy to see how Dhannarajadhvarindra elaborated his Vedantic theory of
perception and inference with these and other data wor!l-,~d out by his pre-
decessors. ·
xr] Vimuktiitman 1 99
the l#a-siddhi by Vimuktatman and the Advaita-siddhi by
Madhusiidana. Hitherto only the Nai~karmya-siddhi and the
Advaita-siddhi have been published. The Brahma-siddhi is expected
to be published soon in Madras; but as yet the present writer is
not aware of any venture regarding this important work.
The work begins with the interpretation of a salutation made
by the author, in which he offers his adoration to that birthless,
incognizable, infinite intuitive consciousness of the nature of self-
joy which is the canvas on which the illusory world-appearance
has been painted. Thus he starts the discussion regarding the
nature of the ultimate reality as pure intuitive consciousness
(anubhiltz). Nothing can be beginningless and eternal, except pure
consciousness. The atoms are often regarded as beginningless;
but, since they have colours and other sense-properties, they
are like other objects of nature, and they have parts also, as
without them no combination of atoms would be possible.
Only that can be indivisible which is partless and beginning-
less, and it is only the intuitive consciousness that can be said
to be so. The difference between consciousness and other objects
is this, that, while the latter can be described as the "this"
or the object, the former is clearly not such. But, though this
difference is generally accepted, dialectical reasoning shows that
the two are not intrinsically different. There cannot logically be
any difference between the perceiving principle (drk) and the
perceived (drsya); for the former is unperceived (adrsyatviit).
No difference can be realized between a perceived and an un-
perceived entity; for all difference relates two cognized entities.
But it may be argued that, though the perceiver may not be
cognized, yet he is self-luminous, and therefore the notion of
difference ought to be manifested. A reply to this objection
involves a consideration regarding the nature of difference. If
difference were of the nature of the entities that differed, then
difference should not be dependent on a reference to another (na
svarilpa-dntil:z prati-yogy-apek~ii). The difference has thus to be
regarded as a characteristic (dharma) different from the nature of
the differing entities and cognized by a distinct knowing process
like colours, tastes, etc. 1 But this view also is not correct, since it
is difficult to admit ''difference" as an entity different from the
tasmiit kathaiicit bhinno jiiiiniintara-gamyo riipa-rasiidivad bhedo 'hhyupeyafl.
Adyar f5.ta-siddhi MS. p. S·
200 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
differing entities ; for such a difference would involve another dif-
ference by which it is known, and that another and that another,
we should have an infinite regress; and the same objection applies to
the admission of mutual negation as a separate entity. This being
so, it is difficult to imagine how "difference" or mutual negation
between the perceiver and the perceived can be cognized ; for it is
impossible that there should be any other cognition by which this
"difference," or mutual negation which has the perceiver as one
of its alterna6ng poles, could be perceived 1 • Moreover, the self-
luminous perceiving power is always present, and it is impossible
that it could be negated-a condition without which neither
difference nor negation could be possible. Moreover, if it is
admitted that such a difference is cognized, then that very fact
proves that it is not a characteristic of the perceiving self. If this
difference is admitted to be self-luminous, then it would not await
a reference to another, which is a condition for all notions of
difference or mutual negation. Therefore, "difference" or" mutual
negation" cannot be established, either as the essence of the
perceiving self or as its characteristics ; and as there is no other
way in which this difference can be conceived, it is clear that there
is no difference between the perceiving self and its characteristics.
Again, negation is defined as the non-perception of a perceivable
thing; but the perceiving self is of the very nature of perception,
and its non-perception would be impossible. Admitting for the
sake of argument that the perceiving self could be negated, how
could there be any knowledge of such a negation? for without the
self there could be no perception, as it is itself of the nature of
perception. So the notion of the negation of the perceiving self
cannot be anything but illusion. Thus the perceiving self and the
perceived (drk and drsya) cannot be differentiated from each other.
The difficulty, however, arises that, if the perceiving self and the
perceived were identical, then the infinite limitations and differences
that are characteristic of the perceived would also be character-
istic of the perceiver; and there are the further objections to such
a supposition that it is against all ordinary usage and experience.
It may be argued that the two are identical, since they are both

eva'f!l ca sati na drg-drsyayor bhedo dr~tum sakyal:z

niipy anyonyiibhiival:z na hi drsab svaya'f!l dnteb
prati-yogy-ape~a-dr~fy-antara-dr$yarrz rupiintara'f!l sva'f!l
samasti svayarrt dn#tva-hiiniit. MS. p. 6.
XI) Vimuktiitman 201

experienced simultaneously (sahopalambha-niyamiit); but the reply

is that, as two are experienced and not one, they cannot be
regarded as identical, for in the very experience of the two
their difference is also manifested 1 • In spite of such obvious
contradiction of experience one could not venture to affirm the
identity of the perceiver and the perceived 2 • The maxim of
identity of the perceiver and the perceived because of simultaneous
perception cannot be regarded as true; for, firstly, the perceiver is
never a cognized object, and the perceived is never self-luminous,
secondly, the perceiver is always self-revealing, but not so the
perceived, and, thirdly, though the "perceived" cannot be re-
vealed without the perceiver, the latter is always self-revealed.
There is thus plainly no simultaneity of the perceiver and the
perceived. \Vhen a perceived object A is illuminated in con-
sciousness, the other objects B, C, D, etc. are not illuminated, and,
when the perceived object B is illuminated, A is not illuminated,
but the consciousness (samvid) is always self-illuminated; so no
consciousness can be regarded as being always qualified by a
particular objective content; for, had it been so, that particular
content would always have stood self-revealed 3 • Moreover, each
particular cognition (e.g. awareness of blue) is momentary and
self-revealed and, as such, cannot be the object of any other cog-
nition; and, if any particular awareness could be the object of any
other awareness, then it would not be awareness, but a mere object,
like a jug or a book. There is thus an intrinsic difference between
awareness and the object, and so the perceiver, as pure awareness,
cannot be identified with its object 4 • It has already been pointed
out that the perceiver and the perceived cannot be regarded as
different, and now it is shown that they cannot be regarded as
identical. There is another alternative, viz. that they may be both
identical and different (which is the bhediibheda view of Bhaskara
and Ramanuja and others), and Vimuktatman tries to show that
this alternative is also impossible and that the perceiver and the
abhede salza-bhiiniiyogiid dvayor hi salza-bhiinam na ekasyaiva na hi drsaiva
drk salza bhami bhavatiipy ucyate, niipi drsyenaiva driyarJl saha bhiitfti kintu
drg-drsyayofz saha bhiinam ucyate atas tayor bhedo bhiity eva. MS. p. 25.
tasmiit sarva-vyavahiim-lopa-prasaizgiin na bhedo drg-dr$yaofz. Ibid.
kirJl vidyud-vise#tatii nama sarJlvidafz svaritpam uta sarJlvedyasya, yadi
sam•oida!z siipi bhiity eva sarJlvid-bhiiniit sa1Jlvedya-svarfipa1Jl cet . tadii bhiiniin na
sarJlvido bhiinam. Ibid. p. 27.
asarJlvedyaiva sarJlvit samvedyarJl ciisarJlvid eva, atafz sarJlvedyasya ghata-
sukhiidefz sarJlvidas ciibheda-gandho 'pi na pramii?Javiin. Ibid. p. 31.
202 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
perceived cannot be regarded as being both identical and different.
The upholder of the bhediibheda view is supposed to say that,
though the perceiver and the perceived cannot, as such, be regarded
as identical, yet they may be regarded as one in their nature as
Brahman. But in reply to this it may be urged that, if they are
both one and identical with Brahman, there would be no difference
between them. If it is argued that their identity with Brahman
is in another form, then also the question arises whether their
forms as perceiver and perceived are identical with the form in
which they are identical with Brahman; and no one is aware of any
form of the perceiver and the perceived other than their forms
as such, and therefore it cannot be admitted that in spite of their
difference they have any form in which they are one and identical.
If again it is objected that it is quite possible that an identical
entity should have two different forms, then also the question
arises whether these forms are one, different or both identical with
that entity and different. In the first alternative the forms would
not be different ; in the second they would not be one with the
entity. Moreover, if any part of the entity be identical with any par-
ticular form, it cannot also be identical with other forms ; for then
these different forms would not be different from one another ;
and, if again the forms are identical with the entity, how can
one distinguish the entity (riipin) from the forms (riipa)? In the
third alternative the question arises whether the entity is identical
with one particular form of it and different from other forms, or
whether it is both identical with the same form and different.
In the first case each fom1 would have two forms, and these again
other two forms in which they are identical and different, and these
other two forms, and so on, and we should have infinite regress :
and the same kind of infinite regress would appear in the relation
between the entity and its forms. For these and similar reasons
it is impossible to hold that the perceiver and the perceived are
different as such and yet one and identical as Brahman.
If the manifold world is neither different nor identical nor
both different and identical with the perceiver, what then is its
status? The perceiver is indeed the same as pure perception
and pure bliss, and, if it is neither identical nor different nor
both identical with the manifold world and different, the manifold
world must necessarily be unsubstantial (avastu); for, if it had any
substantiality, it might have been related in one of the above three
XI] Vimuktiitman 203

ways of relation. But, if it is unsubstantial, then none of the above

objections would apply. But it may again be objected that, if the
world were unsubstantial, then both our common experience and
our practical dealing with this world would be contradicted. To
this Vimuktatman's reply is that, since the world is admitted to be
made up of miiyii (miiyii-nirmitatviibhyupagamiit), and since the
effects of miiyii canot be regarded either as substantial or as un-
substantial, none of the above objections would be applicable to
this view. Since the manifold world is not a substance, its admission
cannot disturb the monistic view, and, since it is not unsubstantial,
the facts of experience may also be justified 1 • As an instance
of such an appearance which is neither vastu (substance) nor
avastu, one may refer to dream-appearances, which are not regarded
as unreal because of their nature as neither substance nor not-
substance, but because they are contradicted in experience. Just
as a canvas is neither the material of the picture painted on it
nor a constituent of the picture, and just as the picture cannot be
regarded as being a modification of the canvas in the same way as
a jug is a modification of clay, or as a change of quality, like the
redness in ripe mangoes, and just as the canvas was there before
the painting, and just as it would remain even if the painting
were washed away, whereas the painting would not be there without
the canvas, so the pure consciousness also is related to this world-
appearance, which is but a painting of miiyii on it 2 •
Miiyii is unspeakable and indescribable (an£rvacanzyii), not as
different from both being and non-being, but as involving the
characters of both being and non-being. It is thus regarded as a
power of ignorance (av£dyii-saktt) which is the material cause of all
objects of perception otherwise called matter (sarva-jatjopiidiina-
bhutii). But, just as fire springing from bamboos may burn up
the same bamboos even to their very roots, so Brahma-knowledge,
which is itself a product of ignorance and its processes, destroys
the self-same ignorance from which it was produced and its
processes and at last itself subsides and leaves the Brahman to

prapaficasya vastutviibhiiviin niidvaita-honib avastutviibhiiviic ca pratyak$iidy-
apriimii1)yam· apy-ukta-do$iihhiiviit. MS. p. 64.
yatha citrasya bhittib siik.iiit nopiidiinam niipi saha.ill'f!l citTaT[l tasyiih niipy-
avasthiintara'!l mrda iva gha!iidib niipi gu't)iintariigama/:l iimrasyeva raktatiidi/:l na
ciisyiih janmiidis citriit priig ardhll'f!l ca bhiiviit, yady api bhitti'!l vinii citra'!' na
bhati tathiipi na sii citra'!' vina bhiiti ity evam-iidy-anubhUtir bhitti-jagac-citrayor
yojyam. Ibid. p. 73.
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.

shine in its own radiance 1 • The functions of the pramii:l:zas, which

are all mere processes of ignorance, ajfiiina or avidyli, consist only
in the removal of obstructions veiling the illumination of the self-
luminous consciousness, just as the digging of a well means the
removal of all earth that was obstructing the omnipresent likiila
or space; the pramli1JaS have thus no function of manifesting the
self-luminous consciousness, and only remove the veiling ajiilina 2 •
So Brahma-knowledge also means the removal of the last rem-
nants of ajfiiina, after which Brahma-knowledge as conceptual
knowledge, being the last vestige of ajfiiina, also ceases of itself.
This cessation of ajiilina is as unspeakable as ajiiiina itself.
Unlike Mal).<;iana, Vimuktatman does not consider avidyli to be
merely subjective, but regards it as being both subjective and
objective, involving within it not only all phenomena, but all
their mutual relations and also the relation with which it is
supposed to be related to the pure consciousness, which is in reality
beyond all relations. Vimuktatman devotes a large part of his work
to the criticism of the different kinds of theories of illusion (khyiitt),
and more particularly to the criticism of anyathakhyiiti. These
contain many new and important points; but, as the essential
features of these theories of illusion and their criticisms have
already been dealt with in the tenth chapter of the first volume, it is
not desirable to enter into these fresh criticisms of Vimuktatman,
which do not involve any new point of view in Vedantic inter-
pretation. He also deals with some of the principal Vedantic topics
of discussion, such as the nature of bondage, emancipation, and
the reconciliation of the pluralistic experience of practical life
with the monistic doctrine of the Vedanta; but, as there are not
here any strikingly new modes of approach, these may be left
out in the present work.

Ramadvaya (A.n. IJoo).

Ramadvaya, a pupil of Advayasrama, wrote an important work,
called Vediinta-kaumudz, in four chapters, in which he discussed in
a polemical way many Vedantic problems while dealing with the
subject matter of Sankara's commentary on the first four topics
of the Brahma-sutra. The work has not yet been published ;
but at least one manuscript of it is available in the Government
1 2
MS. p. 137. Ibid. p. 143.
XI] Riimiidvaya 205

Oriental Manuscript Library, Madras: this through the kindness

of the Curator the present author had the opportunity of utilizing.
Ramadvaya also wrote a commentary on his Vediinta-kaumudi,
called Vediinta-kaumudi-vyiikhyiina, a manuscript of the first
chapter of which has been available to the present writer in the
library of the Calcutta Asiatic Society. These are probably the
only manuscripts of this work known till now. The date of the
writing of the copy of the Vediinta-kaumudi-vyiikhyiina is given
by the copyist Se!?anrsirpha as A.D. 1512. It is therefore certain
that the work cannot have been written later than the fifteenth
century. Ramadvaya in the course of his discussions refers to
many noted authors on Nyaya and Vedanta, none of whom are
later than the thirteenth century. Vimuktatman, author of the
l~ta-siddhi, has been placed by the present author in the early half
of the thirteenth century; but Ramadvaya always refers to him
approvingly, as if his views were largely guided by his; he also
in his Vediinta-kaumudi-vyiikhyiina (MS. p. 14) refers to
Janardana, which is Anandajfiana's name as a householder; but
J anardana lived in the middle of the thirteenth century; it seems
therefore probable that Ramadvaya lived in the first half of the
fourteenth century.
In the enunciation of the Vedantic theory of perception and
inference Ramadvaya seems to have been very much under the
influence of the views of the author of the Prakatiirtha; for, though
he does not refer to his name in this connection, he repeats
his very phrases with a slight elaboration 1 • Just as the cloudless
sky covers itself with clouds and assumes various forms, so the
pure consciousness veils itself with the indefinable a'l;idya and
appears in diverse limited forms. It is this consciousness that
forms the real ground of all that is known. Just as a spark of fire
cannot manifest itself as fire if there are no fuels as its condition,
so the pure consciousness, which is the underlying reality of all
objects, cannot illuminate them if there are not the proper conditions
to help it in its work 2 • Such a conditioning factor is found in
See Vediinta-kaumudi, MS. transcript copy, pp. 36 and 47·
Ramadvaya refers here to the dahariidhikarm:za of Sankara's commentary
on the Brahma-siitra, presumably to I. 3, 19, where Sankara refers to the supposed
distinction between the individual soul (jfva) and Brahman. Here Sailkara says
that his commentary is directed towards the regulation of those views, both
outside and inside the circle of Upani!?adic interpreters, which regard individual
souls as real (apare tu viidinal;z piiramiirthikam eva jaivarJl rupam zti manyante
asmadiyiis ca kecit). Such a view militates against the correct understanding of
206 The Sankara School of Vedanta [CH.
manas, which is of the stuff of pure sattva: on the occasion of
sense-object contact this manas, being propelled by the moral
destiny (adHfiidi-kfUbdha1fl), transforms itself into the form of a
long ray reaching to the object itself1 . The pure consciousness, as
conditioned or limited by the antal:zkarm:za (antal:zkarm:ziivacchinna1fl
caitanya1fl), does by such a process remove its veil of avidyii, (though
in its limited condition as individual soul this avidyii formed its
own body), and the object also being in contact with it is mani-
fested by the same process. The two manifestations of the subject
and the object, having taken place in the same process (vrttz) there,
are joined together in the same cognition as "this object is known
by me " (vrtter ubhayasa1fllagnatvlic ca tad-abhivyakta-caitanya-
syiipi tathiitvena mayedam viditam iti sa'f{lSle~a-pratyaya/:z) ; and, as
its other effect, the consciousness limited by the antal:zkarar;a,
transformed into the form of the process (vrtti) of right knowledge
(pramii), appears as the cognizer (vrtti-lak~ar;a-pramlisrayiintal:z­
karar;livacchimzas tat-pramlitetyapi vyapadiJyate) 2 • The object also
attains a new status in being manifested and is thus known as
the object (karma-kiirakiibhivyakta1fl ca tat prakasiitmanli phala-
vyapadeJa-bhiik). In reality it is the underlying consciousness that
manifests the 'l'!iti transformation of the antal:zkarar;a; but, as it is
illusorily identified with the antal:zkarar;a (antal:zkarar;a-caitanyayor
aikyiidhyiisiit), like fire and iron in the heated iron, it is also
identified with the vrtti transformation of the antal;karar;a, and,
as the vrtti becomes superimposed on the object, by manifesting
the 'l'!fti it also manifests the object, and thus apart from the
subjective illumination as awareness, there is also the objective fact
of an illumination of the object (eva1fl vrtti-vyafijakam api taptii-
yal:z-Pi1Jt}a-nyliyena tad-ekatam ivapta1fl vrttivad-vi~aya-prakatyat­
mana sampadyate) 3 • The moments in the cognitive process in
perception according to Ramadvaya may thus be described. The
the self as the only reality which through avidyii manifests itself as individual
souls and with its removal reveals itself in its real nature in right knowledge as
parameivara, just as an illusory snake shows itself as a piece of rope. Parameivara,
the eternal unchangeable and upholding consciousness, is the one reality which,
like a magician, appears as many through avidyii. There is no consciousness
other than this (eka eva parameivaral,z kutastha-nityo vijiiana-dhiitur avidyayii-
miiyayii miiyavivad anekadhii vibhavyate niinyo vijiiiina-dhatur asti).
This passage seems to be borrowed directly from the Prakatiirtha, as may be
inferred from their verbal agreement. But it may well be that both the Vediinta-
kaumudl and the Prakatartha borrowed it from the Paiica-piidika-vivara't)a.
Vedanta-haumudl, MS. transcript copy, p. 36.
Ibid. p. 37•
XI] Riimiidvaya 207

sense-object contact offers an occasion for the moral destiny

(adr~ta) to stir up the anta}.zkara7Ja, and, as a result thereof, the
anta}.zkara7Ja or mind is transformed into a particular state called
'l,'rtti. The pure consciousness underlying the anta}.zkara7Jawas lying
dormant and veiled, as it were, and, as soon as there is a transfor-
mation of the anta}.zkara7Ja into a 'l,'rtti, the consciousness brightens
up and overcomes for the moment the veil that was covering it.
The vrtti thus no longer veils the underlying consciousness, but
serves as a transparent transmitter of the light of consciousness to
the object on which the 'l,'rtti is superimposed, and, as a result
thereof, the object has an objective manifestation, separate from
the brightening up of consciousness at the first moment of the
'l'rtti transformation. Now, since the vrtti joins up the subjective
brightening up of consciousness and the objective illumination of
the object, these two are joined up (sartz.Sle~a-pratyaya) and this
results in the cognition "this object is known by me "; and out
of this cognition it is possible to differentiate the knower as the
underlying consciousness, as limited by the anta}.zkara7Ja as trans-
formed into the vrtti, and the known as that which has been
objectively illuminated. In the Vediinta-paribhii!ii we hear of
three consciousnesses (caitanya), the pramiitr-caitanya (the con-
sciousness conditioned by the anta}.zkara7Ja), the pramii7Ja-caitanya
(the same consciousness conditioned by the vrtti of the anta}.zkara7Ja ),
and the vi~aya-caitanya (the same consciousness conditioned by
the object). According to this perception (pratyak~a) can be
characterized either from the point of view of cognition (jfiiina-
gata-pratya~atva) or from the point of view of the object, both
being regarded as two distinct phases, cognitional and objective,
of the same perceptual revelation. From the point of view of
cognition it is defined as the non-distinction (abheda) of the
pramii1Ja-caitanya from the v#aya-caitanya through spatial super-
imposition of the vrtti on the object. Perception from the point
of view of the object (vifaya-gata-pratyak~atva) is defined as the
non-distinction of the object from the pramiitr-caitanya or the
perceiver, which is consciousness conditioned by the anta}.zkara7Ja.
This latter view, viz. the definition of perception from the point of
view of the object as the non-distinction of the object from the
consciousness as limited by anta}.zkara7Ja (ghatiider anta}.zkara7Jiiva-
cchinna-caitanyiibheda}.z), is open to the serious objection that really
the non-distinction of the object (or the consciousness conditioned
208 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
by the antal;karm:za-antaljkarm;livacchinna-caitanya) but with the
cognition (pramli'l}a-caitanya or vrtti-caitanya); for the cognition
or the 'l,•rtti intervenes between the object and the perceiver, and
the object is in immediate contact with the vrtti and not with the
perceiver (antaljkara7Jlivacchinna-caita1lya). That this is so is also
admitted by Dharmaraja Adhvarindra, son of Ramakr~~a Adhvarin,
in his Sikhli-ma1Ji commentary on the Vedlinta-paribhii~li 1 • But he
tries to justify Dharmaraja Adhvarindra by pointing out that he was
forced to define 'Ci~aya-gata-pratyak~atva as non-distinction of the
object from the subject, since this view was taken in Prakasatman's
Vivara7Ja and also in other traditional works on Vedanta 2 • This
however seems to be an error. For the passage of the Vivara7Ja to
which reference is made here expounds an entirely different view3 •
It says there that the perceptibility of the object consists in
its directly and immediately qualifying the cognitional state or
sense-knowledge (sm{lvid)~. That other traditional Vedantic inter-
preters entirely disagreed with the view of Dharmaraja Adhvarindra
is also evident from the account of the analysis of the perceptual
process given by Ramadvaya. Ramadvaya says, as has just been
pointed out, that it is the illuminated cognitive process, or the
·vrtti, that has the subject and the object at its two poles and
thus unites the subject and the object in the complex subject-
predicate form "this is known by me." The object is thus
illuminated by the 'Crtti, and it is not directly with the subject, but
with the "-'rtti, that the object is united. Dharmaraja Adhvarindra
himself raises an objection against his interpretation, that it might
be urged, if in perception there was non-distinction of the
object from the subject, then in perceiving an object, e.g. a book,
one should feel" I am the book," and not "I perceive the book";
in reply to such an objection he says that in the perceptual process
1 yad vii yogyatve sati vifaya-caitanyiibhinna-pramiit;a-caitanya-vifayatvarp

gha!iider v#ayasya pratyakfatva'f!l tathiipi vifayasyiiparokfalva'f!l samvida-

bhediit iti vivaraQ.e tatra tatra ca sii1Jlpradiiyikaifz pramiitrabhedasyaiva v#aya-
pratyakfa-lakia1)atveniibhidhiiniid evarp uktarp. Sikhii-ma1)i on Vediinta-pari-
bhiifii, p. 75, Bombay, 1911, Venkatesvara Press.
2 Ibid.
3 Tasmiid avyavadhiinena sa'f!lvid-upiidhitayiiparokfatii vi1ayasya. Panca-
piidikii-vivara1J.a, p. so, Benares, 1892.
It should be noted here that SG'f!lvid means cognitional idea or sense-
knowledge and not the perceiver (antafzkara1J.iivacchinna-caitanya), as the author
of the Sikhiimm;zi says. Thus Akhat:l~ananda in his Tattva-dipana commentary
explains the word SG'f!lvid as sa'f!lvic-chabdena indriyiirtha-samprayoga-ja-jniinasya
vivak#tatviit. Tattva-dipana, p. 194, Benares, 1902.
XI] Riimiidvaya
there is only a non-distinction between the consciousness underlying
the object and the consciousness underlying the perceiver, and this
non-distinction, being non-relational, does not imply the assertion
of a relation of identity resulting in the notion " I am the book" 1 •
This is undoubtedly so, but it is hardly an answer to the objection
that has been raised. It is true that the object and the subject are
both but impositions of avidyii on one distinctionless pure con-
sciousness; but that fact can hardly be taken as an explanation of
the various modes of experiences of the complex world of subject-
object experience. The difference of the Vedanticviewof perception,
as expounded in the Paiica-piidikii-vivarar;a, from the Buddhist
idealism (vijiiiina-viida) consists in this, that, while the Buddhists
did not accord any independent status to objects as outside the
ideas or percepts, the Vedanta accepted the independent mani-
festation of the objects in perception in the external world 2 • There
is thus a distinction between visional percept and the object; but
there is also a direct and immediate connection between them, and
it is this immediate relationship of the object to its awareness
that constitutes the perceptivity of the object (avyavadhiinena
samvid-upiidhitii aparok~atii vi§ayasya-Vivarar;a, p. so). The
object is revealed in perception only as an object of awareness,
whereas the awareness and the subject reveal themselves directly
and immediately and not as an object of any further intuition or
inference (prameyarrz karmatvena aparok~am pramiitr-pramiU punar
aparok~e eva kevalarrz na karmatayii) 3 •
The views of the Vediinta-kaumudz, however, cannot be regarded
as original in any sense, since they are only a reflection of the ex-
position of the subject in Padmapada's Paiica-piidikii and Praka-
satman's Paiica-piidika-vivarar;a. The development of the whole
theory of perception may be attributed to the Paiica-piidikii-
vivarar;a, since all the essential points of the perceptual theory can
be traced in that work. Thus it holds that all the world objects
are veiled by avidyii; that, as the antal:zkarar;a is transformed into
states by superimposition on objects, it is illuminated by the
underlying consciousness; and that through the spatial contact with
the objects the veil of the objects is removed by these antal:z-
karar;a transformations; there are thus two illuminations, namely
Vediinta-paribhii~ii, pp. 76, 77•
na ca vijiiiiniibhediid eva iiparok~yam avabhiisate
2 bahi~tvasyiipi rajatiider
iiparok~yiit. Paiica-piidikii-vivaratJa, p. so.
Paiica-piidikii, p. 17, Benares, 1891.
210 The Sankara School of Vedanta [CH.
of the antaJ.zkara7Ja transformations (called vrtti in the Vediinta-
kaumudt, and Vediinta-paribhii~ii and pure consciousness); to
the question that, if there were unity of the consciousness
underlying the object and the coqsciousness underlying the antalj-
kara7Ja (i.e. the subject) and the consciousness underlying the
antal:zkara7Ja modification (or vrtti), there would be nothing to
explain the duality in perception (e.g. "I perceive the book," and
not " I am the book," and it is only the latter form that could
be expected from the unity of the three consciousnesses), Praka-
satman's reply is that, since the unity of the object-consciousness
with the anta~zkara~w-consciousness (subject) is effected through
the modification or the 't:riti of the antaJ.zkara7Ja and, since the
antal:zkara7Ja is one with its vrtti, the vrtti operation is rightly
attributed to the antaljkara7Ja as its agent, and this is illuminated
by the consciousness underlying the antaljkarm;a resulting in the
perception of the knower as distinguished from the illumination
of object to which the operation of the vrtti is directed in spatial
superimposition-the difference between the subject and the
object in perception is thus due to the difference in the mode or
the condition of the 1.:rtti with reference to the subject and the
object 1 • This is exactly the interpretation of the Vediinta-kaumudz,
and it has been pointed out above that the explanations of the
Vediinta-pariblzii~ii are largely different therefrom and are in all
probability inexact. As this unity is effected between individual
subjects (consciousness limited by specific anta?zkara7Jas) and
individual objects (consciousness limited by specific a'l;idyii
materials constituting the objects) through the vrtti, it can result
only in revelation of a particular subject and a particular object
and not in the revelation of all subjects and all objects 2 • This has
been elaborated into the view that there is an infinite number of
ajtliina-veils, and that each cognitive illumination removes only one
ajiiiina corresponding to the illumination of one object 3 • But this
also is not an original contribution of Ramadvaya, since it was
also propounded by his predecessor Anandajfiana in his Tarka-
See Paiica-piidikii-vivara7Ja, p. 70, and Tattva-dipana, pp. 256-259,
Benares, 1902.
etat pramiitr-caitanyiibhinnatayaiva abhivyaktarJl tad vi~aya-caitanyarJl na
pramiitr-antara-caitanyiibhedena abhivyaktam alo na sarve~iim avabhiisyatvam.
Paiica-piidikii-vivara7Ja, p. 71.
3 yiivantijiiiiniini tiivanti sva-tantrii1Ji para-tantrii1Ji vii ajiiiiniini tato na dofafz.

Vediinta-kaumudi, MS. copy, p. 43·

XI] Riimiidvaya 211

sa1Jlgraha and by others 1 • The upshot of the whole discussion is that

on the occasion of a cognitive operation of the mind both the mind
and the cognitive operation become enlivened and illuminated by
the indwelling pure consciousness as subject-consciousness and
awareness, and through contact with this cognitive operation the
object also becomes revealed not as a mere content of awareness,
but as an objective fact shining forth in the external world.
Cognition of objects is thus not a mere quality of the self as knower,
as the N yaya holds, nor is there any immediate contact of the self with
the object (the contact being only through the cognitive operation);
the cognition is also not to be regarded as unperceived movement,
modification or transformation of the self which may be inferred
from the fact of the enlightenment of the object (jiiiitatii), as
Kumarila held, nor is the illumination of the object to be regarded
mere form of awareness without there being a corresponding as a
objective entity (vifayiibhivyaktir nii.ma vijiiiine tad-akiirollekha-
miitra1Jl na bahir-aizga-rilpasya vijiiiiniibhivyiiptil;z), as is held by the
Buddhist subjective idealists. The cognitive operation before its
contact with the object is a mere undifferentiated awareness, having
only an objective reference and devoid of all specifications of sense
characters, which later on assumes the sense characteristics in
accordance with the object with which it comes in contact. It
must be noted, however, that the cognitive operation is not an
abstract idea, but an active transformation of a real sattva stuff, the
mind (antal;zkara1Jll) 2 • Since in the continuous perception of the
same object we have only a rapid succession of cognitive acts, each
1 The theory is that there is an infinite number of the ajfiiina-veils; as soon

as there is the vrtti-object contact, the veil is removed and the object is illu-
minated; the next moment there is again an ajiziina-veil covering the object, and
again there is the vrtti-object contact, and again illumination of the object, and
thus there is very quick succession of veils and their removals, as the perception
of the object continues in time. On account of the rapidity of this succession
it is not possible to notice it (vrtti-vijfiiinasya siivayavatviic ca hriisa-da$iiyii1J1-
dlpa-jviiliiyii iva tamo 'ntara1J1- mohiintaram iivaritum vi~aya,_ pravartate tato
'pi kramamii1Ja1J1- k~a1Jiintare siimagry-anusiire7Ja vijfiiiniintara1J1- vi~ay ivara7Ja-
bhangenaiva sva-kiirya1J1- karoti, tathii sarvii1Jy api atisaighryiit tu jfiiina-bhedavad
iivara1Jiintara1J1- na la~yate. Vediinta-kaumudl, MS. copy, p. 46). This view of
the Vediinta-kaumudl is different from the view of the V ediinta-paribhii~ii, which
holds that in the case of continuous perception of the same object there are not
different successive awarenesses, but there is one unchanged continuous vrtti
and not different vrttis removing different ajiiiinas (kin ca siddhiinte dhiirii-
viihika-buddhi-sthale na jfiiinii-bhedab kintu yiiviid ghata-sphura7Jam tiivad
ghatiikiiriintal;kara7Ja-vrttir ekaiva na tu niinii vrtteb sva-virodhi-vrtty-utpatti-
parya1)tG'f!l sthiiyitviibhyupagamiit. Vediinta-parib~ii, pp. 26, 27, Bombay, 191 1).
atal; siivayava-sattviitmakam antal;kara7Jam eva anudbhuta-rilpa-sparsam
adrsyam aspr$ya1J1- ca vi~ayiikiire7Ja pari1Jamate. V ediinta-kaumudt, MS. copy, p. 42.
212 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
dispelling an intellectual darkness enfolding the object before its
illumination, there is no separate perception of time as an entity
standing apart from the objects ; perception of time is but
the perception of the succession of cognitive acts, and what is
regarded as the present time is that in which the successive time-
moments have been fused together into one concrete duration: it
is this concrete duration, which is in reality but a fusion of mo-
mentary cognitive acts and awarenesses, that is designated as the
present time 1 • According to Ramadvaya the definition of per-
ception would not therefore include the present time as a separate
element over and above the object as a separate datum of per-
ception; for his view denies time as an objective entity and regards
it only as a mode of cognitive process.
Ramadvaya's definition of right knowledge is also different
from that of Dharmaraja Adhvarindra. Ramadvaya defines right
knowledge (pramii) as experience which does not wrongly represent
its object (yathiirthiinubhavab pramii), and he defines the instru-
Inent of right knowledge as that which leads to it 2 • Verbally this
definitionisentirelydifferent from that of Dharmaraja Adhvarindra,
with whom the two conditions of pramii or right knowledge are
that it should not be acquaintance with what was already known
(anadhigata) and that it should be uncontradicted 3 • The latter
condition, however, seems to point only to a verbal difference from
Ramadvaya's definition; but it may really mean very much more
than a verbal difference. For, though want of contradiction
(Dharmaraja Adhvarindra's condition) and want of wrong repre-
sentation (Ramadvaya's condition) may mean the same thing, yet
in the former case the definition of truth becomes more subjective
than in the latter case; for want of wrong representation refers to
an objective correspondence and objective certainty. An awareness
may wrongly represent an object, but yet may not be found
contradicted in the personal history of one or even many observers.
Such a definition of truth becomes very relative, since its limits are
not fixed by correspondence with its object. Considering the fact
na kiilafz pratya~a-gocarafz ... stambhiidir eva priig-abhiiva-nivrtti-pradhva,_-
siinutpatti-rupo vartamiinal; tad-avacchinalz kiilo 'pi vartamiinafz sa ca tathii-
vidho 'neka-jiiiina-siidhiira~ eva, na caitiivatii jiiiina-yaugapadyiipattil; suksma-
kiiliipe~ayii kra.,a-sambhaviit, na ca sukjma-kiilopiidluniim apratltil} kiirya-
kramettaiva unnlyamiinatviit. Vediinta-kaumudi, MS. copy, pp. 2o-22.
Ibid. p. 16.
tatra smrti-vyiivrttam pramiitvam anadhigatiibiidhitiirtha-fl#aya-jiiiinatvam.
Vediinta-parib/zi4ii, p. 20.
XI] Ramiidvaya 213

that the Vedanta speaks of a real spatial superimposition of the

modification of the antal:zkarm:za (which is its cognitive operation) on
the object, a Vedanta definition of truth might well be expected to
be realistic and not subjectivistic or relativistic. The idealism of
the Vedanta rests content in the view that, however realistic these
cognitive relations to objects may be, they are impositions and
appearances which have as their ultimate ground one changeless
consciousness. The definition of pramii by Ramadvaya as an
awareness which does not give a wrong representation (yathiirthii-
nubhava) of objects could not be-found faulty because of the fact
that according to the Vedanta all dual experience of the world was
false; for, though it was ultimately so, for all practical purposes
it had a real existence, and Ramadvaya refers to the l~ta-siddhi to
justify his view on this point.
As to the other point, viz. that a pramii must always be that
which acquaints us with what is unknown before (anadhigata),
Ramadvaya definitely repudiates such a suggestion 1 • He says that
it often happens that we perceive things that we perceived before,
and this makes recognition possible, and, if we deny that these are
cases of right knowledge, we shall have to exclude much that is
universally acknowledged as right knowledge. Also it cannot be
conceived how in the case of the continuous perception of an
object there can be new qualities accruing to the object, so as to
justify the validity of the consciousness as right knowledge at every
moment; nor can it be said that the sense-organs after producing
the right knowledge of an object (which lasts for some time and
is not momentary) may cease to operate until a new awareness
is produced. There is therefore no justification for introducing
anadhigatat'l:a as a condition of perception. Turning to the difference
between perception and inference, Ramadvaya says that in inference
the inferred object does not form a datum and there is no direct
and immediate contact of the antal:zkarm:za with the inferred object
(e.g. fire). In inference the antal:zkara~a is in touch only with the
reason ortheli1iga(e.g.smoke), and through this there arises (li1igiidi-
bala-labdhiikiirollekha-miilre1Ja) an idea in the mind (e.g. regarding
the existence of fire) which is called inference 2 •
ajiiata-jiiiipana7Jl pramii~am iti tad asiiram. Vediinta-kaumuth, MS. copy,
p. 18.
Ibid. p. 47· One of the earliest explanations of the Vedantic view of
inference occurs in the Prakatiirtha-vivara~a, to which the Vediinta-kaumudi
is in all probability indebted.
214 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
On the subject of the self-validitY of knowledge (svatal;z-
priimiit)ya) Ramadvaya does not, like Dharmarajadhvarindra,
include the absence of defects (do~abhiiva) in the definition of
svatal;z-priimiit_lya. It may well be remembered that Dharmaraja
Adhvarindra defines validity {priimii'l}ya) of knowledge as an aware-
ness that characterizes an object as it is ( tadvati tat-prakiiraka-
jiiiinatvam), while self-validity (svatal;z-priimii'l}ya) is defined as the
acceptance by the underlyiug sak# consciousness of this validity in
accordance with the exact modes of the awareness (of which the
validity is affirmed), and in accordance with the exact objective con-
ditions of the awareness, in absence of any defects 1 • Ramadvaya,
however, closely follows Kumarila's view of the self-validity of
knowledge and defines it as that which, being produced by the
actual data of that cognition, does not contain any element which
is derived from other sources 2 • Later knowledge of the presence
of any defects or distorting elements may invalidate any cognition;
but, so long as such defects are not known, each cognition is
valid of itself for reasons similar to those held by Kumarila and
already discussed 3 • In this connection Ramadvaya points out that
our cognitions are entirely internal phenomena and are not in
touch with objects, and that, though the objects are revealed
outside, yet it is through our own internal conditions, merit and
demerit, that they may be perceived by us 4 •

Vidyaral)ya (A.o. 1350).

In addition to the Sarva-darsana-sa't{lgraha Madhava wrote two
works on the Sati.kara Vedanta system, viz. Vivarat_la-prameya-
sa't{lgraha and PaiicadaJz; and also Jzvan-mukti-vi·veka. Of these
the former is an independent study of Prakasatman's Paiica-piidika-
vivara1_2a, in which l\:Iadhava elaborates the latter's arguments in his
own way. His other work, Paiicadasl, is a popular compendium
in verse. Both these works attained great celebrity on account of
do~iibhiive sati yiivat-s•viisraya-griihaka-siimagri-griihyatvam; sviiirayo vrtti-
jniinam, tad-griihakaT!l siik#-jiiiinam teniipi vrtti-jiiiine grhyamii1}e tad-gata-
priimii1]yam api grhyate. Vediinta-paribhii~ii, pp. 336, 337·
vij1iiina-siimagri-janyatve sati yat tad-anya-janyatvaT!l tad-abhiivasyaiva
svatastvokty-angikiiriit. Vediinta-kaumudi, MS. copy, p. 52.
jiiaptiivapi jiiiina-jiiiipaka-siimagri-miitra-jfiiipyatva'!Z svatastvam. Ibid. p. 61.
A History of Indian Philosophy, vol. I, Cambridge, 1922, pp. 372-375.
priikafyena yuktasyiipi tasya na sarvair viditatvaT!l sva-prakiisam api
priikafyaT!l kasyacid eviidr~ta-yogiit sphurati na gu1}atve jfiiinasya kathancid
artha-yogafz samastiti. Vediinta-kaumudi, MS. copy, pp. 67, 68.
xr] Vidyiirar;ya 215

their clear and forcible style and diction. VidyaraQ.ya is reputed

to be the same as Madhava, brother of SayaQ.a, the great Vedic
commentator. He was a pupil of Sailkarananda, who had written
some works of minor importance on the Upani!?ads 1 •
VidyaraQ.ya in his Paficadmi repeats the Vivara'!Za view of the
Vedanta, that, whether in our awakened state or in our dreams or
in our dreamless condition, there is no moment when there is no
consciousness; for even in dreamless sleep there must be some
consciousness, as is evident from the later remembrance of the ex-
perience of the dreamless state. The light of consciousness is thus
itself ever present without any change or flickering of any kind.
It should therefore be regarded as ultimately real. It is self-
luminous and neither rises nor sets 2 • This self is pure bliss, because
nothing is so much loved by us as our own selves. If the nature
of self had been unobscured, we could not have found any enjoy-
ment in sense-objects. It is only because the self is largely obscured
to us that we do not rest content with self-realization and crave
for other pleasures from sense-objects. Miiyii is the cause of this
obscuration, and it is described as that power by which can be
produced the manifold world-appearance. This power (sakti),
cannot be regarded either as absolutely real or as unreal.
It is, however, associated only with a part of Brahman and
not with the whole of it, and it is only in association with a part
of Brahman that it transforms itself into the various elements and
their modifications. All objects of the world are thus but a complex
of Brahman and miiyii. The existence or being of all things is the
Brahman, and all that appears identified with being is the miiyii
part. Jlfiiyii as the power of Brahman regulates all relation and
order of the universe. In association with the intelligence of
Brahman this behaves as an intelligent power which is responsible
for the orderliness of all qualities of things, their inter-relations
and interactions 3 . He compares the world-appearance to a painting,
where the white canvas stands for the pure Brahman, the white
paste for the inner controller (antaryiimin), the dark colour for the
dispenser of the crude elements (sutriitman) and the coloration for
Bharatitirtha and his teacher Vidyatirtha also were teachers of VidyaraQ.ya.
VidyaraQ.ya thus seems to have had three teachers, Bharati Tirtha, Vidya Tirtha
and Sarikarananda.
nodeti niistamety ekii SG1Jl'Vid e~ii svayam-prabhii. PaiicadaSi, I. 7, Basumati
edition, Calcutta, 1907.
saktir asty aisvarl kiicit sarva-vastu-niyiimikii. 38. . .. cic-chiiyiivesata?z
saktis cetaneva vibhiiti sii. 40. Ibid. III.
216 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
the dispenser of the concrete elemental world (virat), and all the
figures that are manifested thereon are the living beings and other
objects of the world. It is Brahman that, being reflected through
the maya, assumes the diverse forms and characters. The false
appearance of individual selves is due to the false identification
of subjectivity-a product of maya-with the underlying pure
consciousness-Brahman. Vidyaral}.ya then goes on to describe
the usual topics of the Vedanta, which have already been dealt
with. The chief and important feature of Vidyaral}.ya's Paiicadasi
is the continual repetition of the well-established Vedantic prin-
ciples in a clear, popular and attractive way, which is very helpful
to those who wish to initiate their minds into the Vedantic ways
of self-realization 1 • His Vivaral}a-prameya-sarrzgraha is a more
scholarly work; but, as it is of the nature of an elaboration of the
ideas contained in Paiica-padika-vivara1Ja, which has generally been
followed as the main guide in the account of Vedanta given in this
and the preceding chapter, and there being but few ideas which
can be considered as an original contribution of Vidyaral}.ya to the
development of Vedantic thought, no separate account of its con-
tents need be given here 2 • The Jt'van-mukti-viveka, the substance
of which has already been utilized in section 17 of chapter x,
volume 1 of the present work, is an ethical treatise, covering more
or less the same ground as the Nai~karmya-siddhi of Suresvara.

Nrsirphasrama Muni (A.n-: xsoo).

Nrsirp.hasrama Muni (A.D. 1500) was a pupil of Girval}.endra
Sarasvati and Jagannathasrama and teacher of Narayal}.asrama, who
wrote a commentary on his Bheda-dhikkara. He wrote many works,
Ad-vaita-vada, Bheda-dhikkara, Vacarambha!la, Vedanta-tattva-
viveka, and commentaries on the Sarrzk~epa-sariraka and Paiica-
There are four commentaries on the Paiicadas'i:-Tattva-bodhini, Vrtti-
prabhiikara by Niscaladasa Svamin, Tiitparya-bodhinl by Ramakp:;:r:ta and
another commentary by Sadananda. It is traditionally believed that the Paiica-
da.~i was written jointly by Vidyara:r:tya and Bharati Tirtha. Niscaladasa Svamin
points out in his Vrtti-prabhiikara that Vidyara:r:tya was author of the first ten
chapters of the Paiicadasi and Bharati Tirtha of the other five. Ramakr!?:r:ta,
however, in the beginning of his comme:1tary on the seventh chapter, attributes
that chapter to Bharati Tirtha, and this fits in with the other tradition that the first
six chapters were written by Vidyara:r:tya and the other nine by Bharatitirtha.
He also wrote another work on the Vivara~a, called Vivarm;zopanyiisa, which
is referred to by Appaya Dik~ita in his Siddhiinta-leia, p. 68- Vivaratzopanyase
XI] Nrsirrzhaframa Muni 217

piidikii-vivara1Ja, called Tattva-bodhini and Paiica-piidikii-vivara1Ja-

prakiisikii. Nrsirphasrama was very well reputed among his con-
temporaries, but it does not seem that he introduced any new ideas
into the Vedanta. He is more interested in emphasizing the fact
of the identity of Brahman with the self and the illusory character
of the world-appearance than in investigating the nature and con-
stitution of miiyii and the way in which it can be regarded as the
material stuff of world-appearance. He defines the falsehood of
world-appearance as its non-existence in the locus in which it
appears (pratipannopiidhiiv abhiiva-prati'yogi'tva ) 1 • When a piece of
conch-shell appears to be silver, the silver appears to be existent
and real (sat), but silver cannot be the same as being or existence
(na tiivad rajata-svaruparrz sat). So also, when we take the world-
appearance as existent, the world-appearance cannot be identical
with being or existence; its apparent identification with these is thus
necessarily false 2 • So also the appearance of subjectivity or egoistic
characters in the self-luminous self is false, because the two are
entirely different and cannot be identified. Nrsirphasrama, however,
cannot show by logical arguments or by a reference to experience
that subjectivity or egoism (aharrzkiira, which he also calls antal;-
kara1_2a or mind) is different from self, and he relies on the texts of
the Upani!?ads to prove this point, which is of fundamental im-
portance for the Vedanta thesis. In explaining the nature of the
perceptual process he gives us the same sort of account as is given
by his pupil Dharmaraja Adhvarindra in his Vediinta-paribhii~ii, as
described in the tenth chapter in the first volume of this work 3 •
He considers the self to be bliss itself (sukha-rupa) and does not
admit that there is any difference between the self and bliss (sa
ciitmii sukhiin na bhi'dyate) 4 • His definition of ajiiiina is the same
as that of Citsukha, viz. that it is a beginningless constitutive cause,
which is removable by true knowledge 5 • There is thus practically
1 Vediinta-tattva-viveka, p. 12. The Pandit, vol. xxv,May 1903. This work has
two important commentaries, viz. Tattva-viveka-dipana, and one called Tattva-
viveka-dlpana-vyiikhyii by Bhattoji.
Vediinta-tattva-viveka, p. 15.
:yadii antafzkarm;a-vrttyii ghatiivacchinna1Jl caitanyam upadhzyate tadii
antafzkarm;ii•vacchinna-ghatiivacchinna-caitanyayor vastuta ekatve 'py upiidhi-
bhediid bhinnayor abhedopiidhi-sambandhena aikyiid bhavaty abheda ity antalzkara-
1Jiivacchinna-caitanyasya vi~ayiibhinna-tad-adhi~thiina-caitanyasyiibheda-siddhy­
artham vrtter nirgamana'f!l viicyam. Ibid. p. 22.
' Ibid. p. 29.
5 aniidy upiidiinatve sati jiiiina-nivartyam ajiiiinam, nikhila-prapaiicopadana-

brahma-gocaram eva ajiiiinam. Ibid. p. 43.

218 The Sankara School of Vediinta [cH.
no new line of argument in his presentation of the Vedanta. On
the side of dialectical arguments, in his attempts to refute" differ-·
ence" (bheda) in his Bheda-dhikkara he was anticipated by his great
predecessors Srihar~a and Citsukha.

Appaya Dikl?ita1 (A.D. 1550).

Appaya Dik~ita lived probably in the middle of the sixteenth
century, as he refers to N rsiip.hasrama lVIuni, who lived early in
that century. He was a great scholar, well-read in many branches
of Sanskrit learning, and wrote a large number of works on
many subjects. His grandfather was Acarya Dik~ita, who is said
to have been famous for his scholarship from the Himalayas to
the south point of India: the name of his father was Rangaraja
l\[akhindra (or simply Raja lVIakhindra). There is, however,
nothing very noteworthy in his Vedantic doctrines. For, in spite
of his scholarship, he was only a good compiler and not an original
thinker, and on many occasions where he had opportunities of
giving original views he contents himself with the views of others.
It is sometimes said that he had two different religious views at two
different periods of his life, Saiva and the Vedanta. But of this one
cannot be certain; for he was such an all-round scholar that the
fact that he wrote a Saiva commentary and a Vedantic commentary
need not lead to the supposition that he changed his faith. In the
beginning of his commentary Sivarka-mm:zi-dt.pil?a on Srika:t).tha's
Saiva commentary to the Brahma-sutra he says that, though the
right interpretation of the Brahma-siUra is the monistic interpre-
tation, as attempted by Sankara and others, yet the desire for
attaining this right wisdom of oneness (advaita-'vasana) arises only
through the grace of Siva, and it is for this reason that Vyasa in
his Brahma-sutra tried to establish the superiority of the qualified
Brahman Siva as interpreted by Srika:t).~hacarya. This sho\vs that
even while writing his commentary on Srika:t).tha's Sai'l:a-bhii~ya
he had not lost respect for the monistic interpretations of Sankara,
and he was somehow able to reconcile in his mind the Saiva
doctrine of qualified Brahman (sagU1:za-brahma) as Siva with the
Sankara doctrine of unqualified pure Brahman. It is possible,
1 He was also called Appayya Dik!?ita and Avadhani Yajva, and he studied

Logic (tarka) with Yajfiesvara Makhindra. See colophon to Appaya Dik~ita,s

commentary on the Nyiiya-siddhiinta-maiijarl of Janakinatha, called Nyiiya-
siddhiinta-maiijari-vyiikhyiina (MS.).
XI] Appaya Dzk#ta 2I9
however, that his sympathies with the monistic Vedanta, which
at the beginning were only lukewarm, deepened with age. He
says in his Siviirka-matzi-dtpika that he lived in the reign of King
Cinnabomma (whose land-grant inscriptions date from Sadasiva,
maharaja of Vijayanagara, A.D. I566 to I575; vide Hultzsch, S.l.
Inscriptions, vol. I), under whose orders he wrote the Siviirka-
ma~zi-dzpikii commentary on Srikal).tha's commentary. His grandson
Nilakal).tha Dik!?ita says in his Siva-liliirtza~·a that Appaya Dik!?ita
lived to the good old age of seventy-two. In the Oriental Historical
1Hanuscripts catalogued by Taylor, vol. 11, it is related that at
the request of the Pal).<;iya king Tirumalai N ayaka he came to the
Pal).<;iya country in A.D. I626 to settle certain disputes between the
Saivas and the Vai!?I).avas. Kalahasti-saral).a-Sivananda Yogindra,
in his commentary on the Atmiirpa1Ja-stava, gives the date of
Appaya Dik!?ita's birth as Kali age 4654, or A.D. I 554, as pointed
out by lVIahamahopadhyaya Kuppusvami Sastri in his Sanskrit
introduction to the Siva-liliir7Java. Since he lived seventy-two
years, he must have died some time in I 626, the very year when
he came to the Pal).gya country. He had for his pupil Bhattoji
Dik!?ita, as is indicated by his own statement in the Tantra-
siddhiinta-dipikii by the latter author. Bhattoji Dik!?ita must there-
fore have been a junior contemporary of Appaya Dik!?ita, as
is also evidenced by his other statement in his Tattva-kaustubha
that he wrote this work at the request of King Keladi-Venkatendra,
who reigned from I604 to I626 (vide Hultzsch's second volume
of Reports on Sanskrit Manuscripts)!.
It is said that Appaya Dik!?ita wrote about four hundred
works. Some of them may be mentioned here: Advaita-nir!laya,
Catur-mata-siira-sa't{lgraha (containing in the first chapter, called
Nyiiya-muktii~·ali, a brief summary of the doctrines of Madhva,
in the second chapter, called Naya-mayukha-miilika, the doctrines
of Ramanuja, in the third chapter the decisive conclusions from
the point of view of Srikal).tha's commentary called Naya-ma1Ji-
miilii and in the fourth chapter, called Naya-maiijari, decisive
conclusions in accordance with the views of Sankaracarya); Tattva-
muktiivali, a work on Vedanta; Vyiikara7Ja-viida-nak~atra-miilii,
a work on grammar; Purvottara-mimii't{lsii-viida-nak~atra-miilii
(containing various separate topics of discussion in Mimarp.sa and
See Mahamahopadhyaya Kuppusvami Sastri's introduction to the Sh•a-
llliiT1)ava, Srirangam, I 9 I I •
220 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
Vedanta); Nyiiya-rak~ii-mat}i, a commentary on the Brahma-sfltra
following the monistic lines of Sankara; Vediinta-kalpa-taru-
parimala, a commentary on Amalananda's Vediinta-kalpa-taru,
a commentary on Vacaspati's Bhiimati commentary; Siddhiinta-
leJa-saiJlgraha, a collection of the views of different philosophers
of the monistic school of Sankara on some of the most important
points of the Vedanta, without any attempt at harmonizing them or
showing his own preference by reasoned arguments,and comprising
a number of commentaries by Acyutakr!?I}.ananda Tirtha ( KHt.Zii-
la'f!lkiira), Gangadharendra Sarasvati ( Siddhiinta-bindu-sikara),
Ramacandra Yajvan (Gurf,hiirtha-prakiisa), Visvanatha Tirtha,
Dharmaya Dik!?ita and others; Siviirka-mat_li-dlpikii, a com-
mentary on Srika:t}.tha's Saiva-bhii~ya on the Brahma-siltra; Siva-
kart}iimrta; Siva-tattva-viveka; Siva-puriit_la-tiimasatva-khat_lrf,ana;
Siviidvaita-nirt}aya; Siviinanda-lahari-candrikii, a commentary on
Sankara's Siviinanda-lahari; Siviircana-candrikii; Sivotkar~a-can­
drikii; Sivotkar~a-maiijari; Saiva-kalpa-druma; Siddhiinta-ratnii-
kara; Madhva-mukha-bhanga, an attempt to show that Madhva's
interpretation of the Brahma-sutra is not in accordance with the
meaning of the texts of the U pani!?ads ; Riimiinuja-mata-khat_lrf,ana;
Riimiiyat_la-tiitparya-nirt_laya; Riimiiyat_la-tiitparya-sarrzgraha; Rii-
miiyat_la-bhiirata-siira-sarrzgraha ; Riimliyat}a-siira ; Riimiiyat_la-siira-
satJlgraha; Riimiiyat_la-siira-stava; ll-1imii1J1siidhikarat_la-miilii Upa-
krama-pariikrama, a short Mimarpsa work; Dharma-mimiirrzsii-
paribhii~ii; Niima-sarrzgraha-miilikii; Vidhi-rasiiyana; Vidhi-rasii-
yanopajivani; Vrtti-vlirttika, a short work on the threefold mean-
ings of words; Kuvalayiinanda, a work on rhetoric on which no less
than ten commentaries have been written; Citra-mimii1J1Sii, a work on
rhetoric; Jayolliisa-nidhi, a commentary on the Bhiiga'l)ata-puriit_la;
Yiidaviibhyudaya-tikii, a commentary on Venkata's Yiida'l-'ii-
bhyudaya; a commentary on the Prabodha-candrodaya niitaka, etc.

Prakasananda (A.D. I550-I6oo).

It has been pointed out that the Vedanta doctrine of monism
as preached by Sankara could not shake off its apparent duality in
association with miiyii, which in the hands of the later followers
of Sankara gradually thickened into a positive stuff through the
evolution or transformation of which all the phenomena of world-
appearance could be explained. The Vedantists held that this miiyii,
XI) Prakiisiinanda 221

though it adhered to Brahman and spread its magical creations

thereon, \vas unspeakable, indescribable, indefinable, changeable
and unthinkable and was thus entirely different from the self-
revealing, unchangeable Brahman. The charge of dualism against
such a system of philosophy could be dodged by the teachers of
Vedanta only by holding that, since Brahman was the ultimate reality,
maya ,,·as unreal and illusory, and hence the charge of duality
would be false. But when one considers that maya is regarded as
positive and as the stuff of the transformations of world-appearance,
it is hardly intelligible how it can be kept out of consideration
as having no kind of existence at all. The positive character of
maya as being the stuff of all world-appearance has to be given
up, if the strictly monistic doctrine is to be consistently kept.
Almost all the followers of Sankara had, however, been inter-
preting their master's views in such a way that the positive exist-
ence of an objective world with its infinite varieties as the ground
of perceptual presentation was never denied. The whole course of
the development of Vedanta doctrine in the hands of these Vedanta
teachers began to crystallize compactly in the view that, since the
variety and multiplicity of world-appearance cannot be explained
by the pure changeless Brahman, an indefinable stuff, the maya,
has necessarily to be admitted as the ground of this world.
Prakasananda was probably the first who tried to explain Vedanta
from a purely sensationalistic view-point of idealism and denied
the objective existence of any stuff. The existence of objects is
nothing more than their perception (dntz). The central doctrine of
Prakasananda has already been briefly described in chapter x,
section 15, of volume I of the present work, and his analysis of the
nature of perceptual cognition has already been referred to in a
preceding section of the present chapter.
Speaking on the subject of the causality of Brahman, he says
that the attribution of causality to Brahman cannot be regarded
as strictly correct; for ordinarily causality implies the dual relation
of cause and effect; since there is nothing else but Brahman, it
cannot, under the circumstances, be called a cause. Nescience
(avidya), again, cannot be called a cause of the world; for causality
is based upon the false notion of duality, which is itself the out-
come of nescience. The theory of cause and effect thus lies outside
the scope of the Vedanta (karya-kiira'l}a-vadasya vediinta-bahir-
bhutatvat). When in reply to the question, "what is the cause of
222 The Sankara School of Vedanta [CH.
the world?" it is said that nescience (ajfiana-literally, want of
knowledge) is the cause, the respondent simply wants to obviate the
awkward silence. The nature of this nescience cannot, however,
be proved by any of the pramil1JaS; for it is like darkness and the
pramil1Jas or the valid ways of cognition are like light, and it is
impossible to perceive darkness by light. Nescience is that which
cannot be known except through something else, by its relation
to something else, and it is inexplicable in itself, yet beginningless
and positive. It will be futile for any one to try to understand it
as it is in itself. Nescience is proved by one's own consciousness:
so it is useless to ask how nescience is proved. Yet it is destroyed
when the identity of the self with the immediately presented
Brahman is realized. The destruction of nescience cannot mean
its cessation together with its products, as Prakasatman holds in
the Vivara1Ja; for such a definition would not apply, whether
taken simply or jointly. Prakasananda, therefore, defines it as the
conviction, following the realization of the underlying ground, that
the appearance which was illusorily imposed on it did not exist.
This view is different from the anyatha-khyati view, that the sur-
mised appearance was elsewhere and not on the ground on which
it was imposed; for here, when the underlying ground is imme-
diately intuited, the false appearance absolutely vanishes, and it
is felt that it was not there, it is not anywhere, and it will not be
anywhere; and it is this conviction that is technically called badha.
The indefinability of nescience is its negation on the ground on
which it appears (pratipannopadhau ni~edha-pratiyogitvam). This
negation of all else excepting Brahman has thus two forms; in one
form it is negation and in another form this negation, being in-
cluded within " all else except Brahman," is itself an illusory
imposition, and this latter form thus is itself contradicted and
negated by its former form. Thus it would be wrong to argue that,
since this negation remains after the realization of Brahman, it
would not itself be negated, and hence it would be a dual principle
existing side by side with Brahman 1 •
True knowledge is opposed to false knowledge in such a way
1 Brahmm:zy adhyasyamiina'I'Jl sarva'I'Jl kiilatraye niistftiniicayasya asti riipadva-

yam ekam biidhiitmakam aparam adhyasyamiinatva'I'Jl; tatra adhyasJ amiinatvena

riipe?Ja sva-v#ayatvam; biidhatvena vi~ayitvam iti niitmiiiraya ity arthab tathii ca
niidvaita-kfatiQ.. Compare also Bhiimati on Adhyiisa-bhii~a. Nana Dik~ita seems
to have borrowed his whole argument from the Bhiimati. See his commentary
on the Siddhiinta-muktiivalz. The Pandit, 1890, p. 108.
This idea, however, is not by any means a new contribution of Prakasananda.
Thus Citsukhawrites thesame thing in his Tattva-dipikii(alsocalled Pratyak-tatt-
XI] Prakiisiinanda 223

that, when the former dawns, the latter is dispelled altogether. An

objection is sometimes raised that, if this be so, then the person
who has realized Brahma knowledge will cease to have a bodily
existence; for bodily existence is based on illusion and all illusion
must vanish when true knowledge dawns. And, if this is so, there
will be no competent Vedanta teacher. To this Prakasananda
replies that, even though the Vedanta teacher may be himself an
illusory production, he may all the same lead any one to the true
path, just as the Vedas, which are themselves but illusory products,
may lead any one to the right path 1 •
On the subject of the nature of the self as pure bliss (iinanda)
he differs from Sarvajfiatma Muni 's view that what is meant by
the statement that the self is of the nature of pure bliss is that there
is entire absence of all sorrows or negation of bliss in the self.
Bliss, according to Sarvajfiatma Muni, thus means the absence
of the negation of bliss (an-iinanda-vyavrtti-miitram iinandatvam) 2 •
He differs also from the view of Prakasatman that iinanda, or bliss,
means the substance which appears as blissful, since it is the object
that we really desire. Prakasatman holds that it is the self on
which the character of blissfulness is imposed. The self is called
blissful, because it is the ground of the appearance of blissfulness.
What people consider of value and desire is not the blissfulness,
but that which is blissful. Prakasananda holds that this view is not
correct, since the self appears not only as blissful, but also as pain-
ful, and it would therefore be as right to call the self blissful as
to call it painful. Moreover, not the object of blissfulness, which
in itself is dissociated from blissfulness, is called blissful, but that
which is endowed with bliss is called blissful (viSi~tasyaiva iinanda-
padiirthatviit)3. If blissfulness is not a natural character of the self,
it cannot be called blissful because it happens to be the ground on
which blissfulness is illusorily imposed. So Prakasananda holds
that the self is naturally of a blissful character.
Prakasananda raises the question regarding the beholder of the
va-pradipikii), p. 39, as follows: "sarve~iim api bhiiviiniim iisrayatvena sammate
pratiyogitvam atyantiibhiivam ·prati mr~iitmatii," which is the same as prati-
pannopiidhau ni~edha-pmtiyogitvam. Compare also Vediinta-paribhiifii, pp. 219
and 220, mithyiitva1Jl ca sviisrayatveniibhimata-yiivanni~!hiityantiibhiiva-prati­
yogitvam. In later times Madhusudana freely used this definition in his
1 kalpito 'pyupade#ii syiid yathii-siistrarrz samiidiiet
na ciivinigamo do~o 'vidyiivattvena nin:zayiit.
The Pandit, 1890, p. 16o.
Sa1Jlk~epa-siirzmka, 1. 1. 174.
Siddhiinta-muktiivau. The Pandit, 1890, p. 215.
The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
experienced duality and says that it is Brahman who has this
experience of duality; but, though Brahman alone exists, yet there
is no actual modification or transformation (pari'!liima) of Brahman
into all its experiences, since such a view would be open to the ob-
jections brought against the alternative assumptions of the whole
of Brahman or a part of it, and both of them would land us in
impossible consequences. The vivaria view holds that the effect
has no reality apart from the underlying ground or substance. So
vivarta really means oneness with the substance, and it virtually
denies all else that may appear to be growing out of this one sub-
stance. The false perception of world-appearance thus consists in
the appearance of all kinds of characters in Brahman, which is
absolutely characterless (nifprakarikayal; saprakarakatvena bhaval;).
Since the self and its cognition are identical and since there is
nothing else but this self, there is no meaning in saying that the
Vedanta admits the vivarta view of causation; for, strictly speaking,
there is no causation at all (vi~·artasya biila-vyutpatti-prayojana-
taya)1. If anything existed apart from self, then the Vedantic
monism would be disturbed. If one looks at maya in accordance
with the texts of the Vedas, miiyii will appear to be an absolutely
fictitious non-entity (tuccha), like the hare's horn; if an attempt is
made to interpret it logically, it is indefinable (anirvacaniya),
though common people would always think of it as being real
(viistavi)2 • Prakasananda thus preaches the extreme view of the
Vedanta, that there is no kind of objectivity that can be attributed
to the world, that miiyii is absolutely non-existent, that our ideas
have no objective substratum to which they correspond, that the
self is the one and only ultimate reality, and that there is no
causation or creation of the world. In this view he has often to
fight with Sarvajfiatma Muni, Prakasatman, and with others who
developed a more realistic conception of miiyii transformation; but
it was he who, developing probably on the lines of IVlaQ.<;iana, tried
for the first time to give a consistent presentation of the Vedanta
from the most thorough-going idealistic point of view. In the
colophon of his work he says that the essence of the Vedanta as

biiliin prati vivarto 'ya'!l brahmatzab saka[a1Jl jagat

avivarttitam iinandam iisthitiib krtinal;z sadii.
The Pandit, 1890, p. 326.
tucchiinirvacaniyii ca viistavl cety asau tridhii
jiieyii miiyii tribhir bodhaib irauta-yauktika-laukikail;z.
Ibid. p. 420.
XI] Madhusudana Sarasvafi 225

preached by him is unknown to his contemporaries and that it

was he who first thoroughly expounded this doctrine of philo-
sophy1. Prakasananda wrote many other works in addition to his
Siddhiinta-muktiivali, such as Tiirii-bhakti-taraizgi1Jl, Manoramii
tantra-riija-tlka, Mahii-lak!;ml-paddhati and Sn-vidyii-paddhati,
and this shows that, though a thoroughgoing Vedantist, he was
religiously attached to tantra forms of worship. Nana Dik!?ita
wrote a commentary on the Muktiivali, called Siddhanta-pradtpikii,
at a time when different countries of India had become pervaded
by the disciples and disciples of the disciples of Prakasananda 2 •

Madhusudana Sarasvati (A.D. 15oo)s.

Madhusiidana Sarasvati, who was a pupil of Visvesvara Saras-
vati and teacher of Puru!?ottama Sarasvati, in all probability
flourished in the first half of the sixteenth century. His chief
works are Vediinta-kalpa-latika, Advaita-siddhi, Advaita-maiijari,
Advaita- ratna- rak!Ja1Ja, Atma- bodha- fikii, Ananda- mandiikinl,
Bhagavad- gztii- gurjhiirtha- dtpika, Bhagavad- bhakti- rasiiyana,
Bhiigavata- purii1Ja- prathama- Sloka- vyiikhyii, Veda- stuti- ttkii,.
Sii1J¢ilya-sfitra-ttka, Siistra-siddhiinta-leia- fikii, Sa1Jlk!Jepa-siirlraka-
sara-sa1Jlgraha, Siddhiinta- tattva-bindu, H ari-lllii-vyiikhyii. His
most important work, however, is his Advaita-siddhi, in which he
tries to refute the objections raised in Vyasatirtha's Nyiiyiimrta 4
vediinta-sara-sarvasvam ajiieyam adhuniitanaib
ase~et~a mayokta'!l tat pur~ottama-yatnatal;.. .
The Pandit, 1890, p. 4:z8.
yacch#ya-si$ya-sandoha-vyiiptii bharata-bhumayal;.
vande tam yatibhir va:ndya7!z Prakaslinandam "iroaram.
Ibid. p. 488.
Ramajiia PaQ<;leya in his edition of .Madhusudana's Vediinta-kalpa-latika
suggests that he was a Bengali by birth. His pupil Puruf?Ottama Sarasvati in his
commentary on the Siddhanta-bindu-f"ikii refers to Balabhadra Bhanacarya as a
favourite pupil of his, and PaQ<;leya argues that, since Bhattacarya is a Bengali
surname and since his favourite pupil was a Bengali, he also must have been
a Bengali. It is also pointed out that in a family genealogy (Kula-paiijika) of
Kotalipara of Faridpur, Bengal, Madhusudana's father is said to have been
Pramodapurandara Acarya, who had four sons-Srinatha Cu<;lamaQ.i, Yada-
vananda Nyayacarya, Kamalajanayana and Vagisa Gosvamin. Some of the
important details of Madhusudana's philosophical dialectics will be taken up
in the treatment of the philosophy of Madhva and his followers in the third
volume of the present work in connection with Madhusudana's discussions with
The Advaita-siddhi has three commentaries, Advaita-siddhy-upanyiisa,
Brhat-{ika, and Laghu-candrika, by Brahmananda Sarasvati.
Dll 15
226 The Sankara School of Vedanta [cH.
against the monistic Vedanta of Sankara and his followers.
l\1aterials from this book have already been utilized in sections 6,
7, 8, 9 and 10 of the tenth chapter of the present work. More will
be utilized in the third volume in connection with the controversy
between Vyasatirtha and Madhusudana, which is the subject-
matter of Advaita-siddhi. l\ladhusudana's Siddhiinta-bindu does
not contain anything of importance, excepting that he gives a con-
nected account of the perceptual process, already dealt with in the
tenth chapter and also in the section'' Vedantic Cosmology" of the
present volume. His Advaita-ratna-rak~a1_la deals with such subjects
as the validity of the Upani~ads: the Upani~ads do not admit
duality; perception does not prove the reality of duality; the
duality involved in mutual negation is false; indeterminate know-
ledge does not admit duality; duality cannot be proved by any
valid means of proof, and so forth. There is practically nothing
new in the work, as it only repeats some of the important arguments
of the bigger work Advaita-siddhi and tries to refute the view of
dualists like the followers of Madhva, with whom l\1adhusudana
was in constant controversy. It is unnecessary, therefore, for our
present purposes to enter into any of the details of this work. It is,
however, interesting to note that, though he was such a confirmed
monist in his philosophy, he was a theist in his religion and
followed the path of bhakti, or devotion, as is evidenced by his
numerous works promulgating the bhakti creed. These works,
however, have nothing to do with the philosophy of the Vedanta,
with which we are concerned in the present chapter .l\1adhusudana's
Vediinta-kalpa-latikii was written earlier than his Advaita-siddhi
and his commentary on the .lVIahimna~z stotra 1 • Ramajfia Pal)<;ieya
points out in his introduction to the Vediinta-kalpa-latikii that
the Advaita-siddhi contains a reference to his Gitii-nibandhana;
the Gitii-nibandhana and the Srimad-bhiigavata-tzkii contain refer-
ences to his Bhakti-rasiiyana, and the Bhakti-rasiiyana refers to the
Vediinta-kalpa-latikii; and this shows that the Vediinta-kalpa-latikii
was written prior to all these works. The Advaita-ratna-ra~a1_la
refers to the Advaita-siddhi and may therefore be regarded as a much
later work. There is nothing particularly new in the Vediinta-kalpa-
latikii that deserves special mention as a contribution to Vedantic
thought. The special feature of the work consists in the frequent
He refers to the Vedtlnta-kalpa-latikii and Siddhiinta-bindu in his Advaita-
siddhi, p. 537 (NirQ.aya-Sagara edition). See also Mahimnal.z-stotra-tfkii, p. 5·
XI] ]}1adhusiidana Sarasvati 227

brief summaries of doctrines of other systems of Indian philosophy

and contrasts them with important Vedanta views. The first
problem discussed is the nature of emancipation (mo/qa) and the
ways of realizing it: Madhusiidana attempts to prove that it
is only the Vedantic concept of salvation that can appeal to men,
all other views being unsatisfactory and invalid. But it does not
seem that he does proper justice to other views. Thus, for example,
in refuting the Sarpkhya view of salvation he says that, since the
Sarpkhya thinks that what is existent cannot be destroyed, sorrow,
being an existent entity, cannot be destroyed, so there cannot be
any emancipation from sorrow. This is an evident misrepresenta-
tion of the Sarpkhya; for with the Sarpkhya the destruction of
sorrow in emancipation means that the buddhi, a product of prakrti
which is the source of all sorrow, ceases in emancipation to have
any contact with purzt~a, and hence, even though sorrow may not be
destroyed, there is no inconsistency in having emancipation from
sorrow. It is unnecessary for our present purposes, however, to
multiply examples of misrepresentation by lV[adhusiidana of the
views of other systems of thought in regard to the same problem.
In the course of the discussions he describes negation (abhiiva)
also as being made up of the stuff of nescience, which, like other
things, makes its appearance in connection with pure consciousness.
He next introduces a discussion of the nature of self-knowledge,
and then, since Brahma knowledge can be attained only through
the U pani!?adic propositions of identity, he passes over to the dis-
cussion of import of propositions and the doctrines of abhihitiin-
vaya-viida, anvitiibhidhiina-viida and the like. He then treats of the
destruction of nescience. He concludes the work with a discussion
of the substantial nature of the senses. Thus the mind-organ is said
to be made up of five elements, whereas other senses are regarded
as being constituted of one element only. iVlanas is said to pervade
the whole of the body and not to be atomic, as the N aiyayikas
hold. Finally, l\1adhusiidana returns again to the problem of
emancipation, and holds that it is the self freed from nescience
that should be regarded as the real nature of emancipation.
THE philosophical elements in the various Purai)aS will be taken
in a later volume. The Yoga-vasi~tha-Riimiiya1Ja may be included
among the purii1Jas, but it is devoid of the general characteristics
of the purii1Jiis and is throughout occupied with discussions of
Vedantic problems of a radically monistic type, resembling the
Vedantic doctrines as interpreted by Sankara. This extensive
philosophical poem, which contains twenty-three thousand seven
hundred and thirty-four verses (ignoring possible differences in
different manuscripts or editions) and is thus very much larger
than the Srlmad-bhagavad-gua, is a unique work. The philosophical
view with which it is concerned, and which it is never tired of
reiterating, is so much like the view of Sankara and of Vijfianavada
Buddhism, that its claim to treatment immediately after Sankara
seems to me to be particularly strong. l\1oreover, the various inter-
pretations of the Vediinta-sutra which will follow are so much
opposed to Sankara's views as to make it hard to find a suitable
place for a treatment like that of the Yoga-viisi~tha unless it is
taken up immediately after the chapter dealing with Sankara.
The work begins with a story. A certain Brahmin went to the
hermitage of the sage Agastya and asked him whether knowledge
or work was the direct cause of salvation (mok§a-siidhana). Agastya
replied that, as a bird flies with its two wings, so a man can attain
the highest (paramaf!l padaf!l) only through knowledge and work.
To illustrate this idea he narrates a story in which Karui).ya, the
son of Agnivesya, having returned from the teacher's house after
the completion of his studies, remained silent and did no work.
When he was asked for the reason of this attitude of his, he
said that he was perplexed over the question as to whether the
action of a man in accordance with scriptural injunction was or
was not more fitted for the attainment of his highest than follow-
ing a course of self-abnegation and desirelessness (tyiiga-miitra).
On hearing this question of Karul)ya Agnivesya told him that
he could answer his question only by narrating a story, after
hearing which he might decide as he chose. A heavenly damsel
(apsarii/:z), Suruci by name, sitting on one of the peaks of the
CH. xn] Introduction of the Theme 229

Himalayas, once saw a messenger of Indra flying through the sky.

She asked him where he was going. In reply he said that a certain
king, Ari!?tanemi by name, having given his kingdom to his son
and having become free from all passions, was performing a course
of asceticism (tapas), and that he had had to go to him on duty and
was returning from him. The damsel wanted to know in detail
what happened there between the messenger and the king. The
messenger replied that he was asked by lndra to take a well-
decorated chariot and bring the king in it to heaven, but while
doing so he was asked by the king to describe the advantages and
defects of heaven, on hearing which he would make up his mind
whether he would like to go there or not. In heaven, he was
answered, people enjoyed superior, medium and inferior pleasures
according as their merits were superior, medium or inferior: when
they had exhausted their merits by enjoyment, they were reborn
again on earth, and during their stay there they were subject to
mutual jealousy on account of the inequality of their enjoyments.
On hearing this the king had refused to go to heaven, and, when
this was reported to lndra, he was very much surprised and he
asked the messenger to carry the king to Valmiki's hermitage and
make Valmiki acquainted with the king's refusal to enjoy the fruits
of heaven and request him to give him proper instructions for the
attainment of right knowledge, leading to emancipation (mok~a).
When this was done, the king asked Valmiki how he might attain
mok~a, and Valmiki in reply wished to narrate the dialogue of
Vasi!?tha and Rama (VaJiftha-rama-smpvada) on the subject.
Valmiki said that, when he had finished the story of Rama-
the work properly known as Ramayatza-and taught it to Bhara-
dvaja, Bharadvaja recited it once to Brahma (the god), and he,
being pleased, wished to confer a boon on him. Bharadvaja in
reply said that he would like to receive such instructions as would
enable people to escape from sorrow. Brahma told him to apply
to Valmiki and went himself to him (Valmiki), accompanied by
Bharadvaja, and asked him not to cease working until he finished
describing the entire character of Rama, by listening to which
people will be saved from the dangers of the world. \Vhen Brahma
disappeared from the hermitage after giving this instruction,
Bharadvaja also asked Valmiki to describe how Rama and his wife,
brother and followers behaved in this sorrowful and dangerous
world and lived in sorrowless tranquillity.
230 The Philosophy of the Yoga-viisi~tha [cH.
In answer to the above question Valmiki replied that Rama,
after finishing his studies, went out on his travels to see the various
places of pilgrimage and hermitages. On his return, however, he
looked very sad every day and would not tell anyone the cause
of his sorrow. King Dasaratha, Rama's father, became very much
concerned about Rama's sadness and asked Vasieytha if he knew
what might be the cause of it. At this time the sage Visvamitra
also visited the city of Ayodhya to invite Rama to kill the demons.
Rama's dejected mental state at this time created much anxiety,
and Visvamitra asked him the cause of his dejection.
Rama said in reply that a new enquiry had come into his mind
and had made him averse from all enjoyments. There is no happi-
ness in this world, people are hom to die and they die to be hom
again. Everything is impermanent (asthira) in this world. All
existent things are unconnected (bhiivii/:z ...parasparam asanginab).
They are collected and associated together only by our mental
imagination (mana/:z-kalpanayii). The world of enjoyment is created
by the mind (manal:z), and this mind itself appears to be non-
existent. Everything is like a mirage.
Vasi!?tha then explained the nature of the world-appearance,
and it is this answer which forms the content of the book. When
Valmiki narrated this dialogue of Va8i!?tha and Rama, king Ariey-
tanemi found himself enlightened, and the damsel was also pleased
and dismissed the heavenly messenger. Karul)ya, on hearing all
this from his father Agnivesya, felt as if he realized the ultimate
truth and thought that, since he realized the philosophical truth,
and since work and passivity mean the same, it was his clear duty to
followthecustomarydutiesoflife. When Agastyafinished narrating
the story, the Brahmin Sutikeyl)a felt himself enlightened.
There is at least one point which may be considered as a very
clear indication of later date, much later than would be implied by
the claim that the work was written by the author of the Riimiiya'!la.
It contains a sloka which may be noted as almost identical with
a verse of Kalidasa's Kumiira-sa1Jlbhava 1 • It may, in my opinion,
be almost unhesitatingly assumed that the author borrowed it
from Kalidasa, and it is true, as is generally supposed, that Kalidasa
1 Yoga-viisi~!ha, III. 16. so:
atha tiim atimiitra-vihvalii'l[l
sakrpiikasabhavii sarasvatl
iaphari'Jl hrada-so~a-vihvaliir[z
prathamii vn#r iviinvakampata.
xn] The Yoga-vtisi~tha Literature 2)1

lived in the fifth century A.D. The author of the Yoga-viisi~tha,

whoever he may have been, flourished at least some time after
Kalidasa. It may also be assumed that the interval between
Kalidasa's time and that of the author of the Yoga-'Diisi~tha had
been long enough to establish Kalidasa's reputation as a poet.
There is another fact which deserves consideration in this con-
nection. In spite of the fact that the views of the Yoga-viisi~tha
and Sankara 's interpretation of Vedanta have important points of
agreement neither of them refers to the other. Again, the views
of the Yoga-'l'iis#tha so much resemble those of the idealistic school
of Buddhists, that the whole work seems to he a Brahmanic modifi-
cation of idealistic Buddhism. One other important instance can
be given of such a tendency to assimilate Buddhistic idealism
and modify it on Brahmanic lines, viz. the writings of GauQa-
pada and Sankara. I am therefore inclined to think that the author
of the Yoga-viisi#ha was probably a contemporary of GauQapada
or Sankara, about A.D. 8oo or a century anterior to them.
The work contains six books, or prakara7Jas, namely, V airiigya,
Alumuk~u-vyavahiira, Utpatti, Sthiti, Upasama and Nirvii7Ja. It is
known also by the names of Ar~a-Riimiiya7Ja,_1fiiina-viisi~tha, Jt!lahii-
Riimiiya7Ja, Viisi~tha-Riimiiya7Ja or Viisi~tha. Several commen-
taries have been written on it. Of these commentaries I am par-
ticularly indebted to the Tiitparya-prakiisa of Anandabodhendra.
The Yoga-viis#tha is throughout a philosophical work, in the
form of popular lectures, and the same idea is often repeated
again and again in various kinds of expressions and poetical
imagery. But the writer seems to have been endowed with ex-
traordinary poetical gifts. Almost every verse is full of the finest
poetical imagery; the choice of words is exceedingly pleasing to
the ear, and they often produce the effect of interesting us more
by their poetical value than by the extremely idealistic thought
which they are intended to convey.
The Yoga-viisi~tha had a number of commentaries, and it was
also summarized in verse by some writers whose works also had com-
mentaries written upon them. Thus Advayaral)ya, son of Narahari,
wrote a commentary on it, cal1ed Viisi~tlza-Riimiiya7Ja-candrikii.
Anandabodhendra Sarasvati, pupil of Gangadharendra Sarasvati
of the nineteenth century, wrote the Tiitparya-prakiisa. Gangadha-
rendra also is said to have written a commentary of the same
name. Ramadeva and Sadananda also wrote two commentaries on
2J2 The Philosophy of the Yoga-viisi~tha [cH.
the work, and in addition to these there is another commentary,
called Yoga-vlisi~tha-tiitparya-Sa1{tlfraha, and another commentary,
the Pada-candrikii, was written by Madhava Sarasvati. The names
of some of its summaries areBrhad-yoga-vasinha, Laghu-jiiiina-viisi-
~tha, Yoga-viisi~tha-slokii/.z and Yoga-vlis#tha-Sa1f1~epa by Gau<Ja
Abhinanda of the ninth century, Yoga-viisi~tha-siira or Jiiiina-siira,
Yoga-viisi~tha-siira-Sa'f!lgraha and Viis#tha-siira or Viis#tha-siira-
gutjhiirthii by Ramananda Tirtha, pupil of Advaitananda. The
Yoga-viis#tha-Sa'f!l~epa of Gau<Ja Abhinanda had a commentary
by Atmasukha, called Candrikii, and another called Sa1f1Siira-
tara~z, by Mumma<Jideva. The Yoga-viisinha-siira also had two
commentaries by Piirl)ananda and Mahidhara. Mr Sivaprasad
Bhattacarya in an article on the Yoga-vlis#tha- Riimiiya~a in the
Proceedings of the Madras Oriental Conference of 1924 says that the
Mok~opiiya-siira, which is another name for the Yoga-•ciis#tha-siira,
was written by an Abhinanda who is not to be confused with
Gau<Ja Abhinanda. But he misses the fact that Gau<Ja Abhinanda
had also written another summary of it, called Yoga-vasinha-
SarJl~epa. Incidentally this also refutes his view that the Yoga-
vlis#tha is to be placed between the tenth and the twelfth centuries.
For, if a summary of it was written by Gau<Ja Abhinanda of the
ninth century, the Yoga-'lJiis#tha must have been written at least
in the eighth century. The date of the Yoga-vlis#tha may thus be
regarded as being the seventh or the eighth century.

The Ultimate Entity.

The third book of the Yoga-vlis#tha deals with ongmation
(utpatti). All bondage (bandha) is due to the existence of the per-
ceptible universe (drsya), and it is the main thesis of this work that it
does not exist. At the time of each dissolution the entire universe of
appearance is destroyed, like dreams in deep sleep (s~uptz). What
is left is deep and static (stimita-gambhira), neither light nor dark-
ness, indescribable and unmanifested (aniikhyam anabhivyaktam),
but a somehow existent entity. This entity manifests itself as
another (svayam anya ivollasan); and through this dynamic aspect it
appears as the ever-active mind (manas)-like moving ripples from
the motionless ocean. But in reality whatever appears as the diver-
sified universe is altogether non-existent; for, if it was existent,
xn] The Ultimate Entity 233
it could not cease under any circumstances 1 • It does not exist at
all. The ultimate indefinite and indescribable entity, which is pure
extinction (nirvii!la-miitra), or pure intelligence (paro bodhai.J),
remains always in itself and does not really suffer any transforma-
tions or modifications. Out of the first movement of this entity
arises ego (svatii), which, in spite of its appearance, is in reality no-
thing but the ultimate entity. Gradually, by a series of movements
(spanda) like waves in the air, there springs forth the entire world-
appearance. The ultimate entity is a mere entity of pure conceiving
or imagining (sarrzkalpa-pur~a) 2 • The Muni held that what appears
before us is due to the imagination of manas, like dreamland or
fairyland (yathii sarrzkalpa-nagararrz yathii gandharva-pattanam).
There is nothing in essence except that ultimate entity, and
whatever else appears does not exist at all-it is all mere mental
creations, proceeding out of the substanceless, essenceless mental
creations of the ultimate entity. It is only by the realization
that this world-appearance has no possibility of existence that the
false notion of ourselves as knowers ceases, and, though the false
appearance may continue as such, there is emancipation (mok~a).
This manas, however, by whose mental creations everything
springs forth in appearance, has no proper form, it is merely a
name, mere nothingness 3 • It does not exist outside or subjec-
tively inside us; it is like the vacuity surrounding tis everywhere.
That anything has come out of it is merely like the production of
a mirage stream. All characteristics of forms and existence are like
momentary imaginations. Whatever appears and seems to have
existence is nothing but manas, though this manas itself is merely
a hypothetical starting-point, having no actual reality. For the
manas is not different from the dreams of appearance and cannot
be separated from them, just as one cannot separate liquidity from
water or movement from air. Manas is thus nothing but the
hypothetical entity from which all the dreams of appearance pro-
ceed, though these dreams and manas are merely the same and
Yoga-viisi~tha, III. 3·
sarve~ii7Jlbhuta-jiitiinii'f(l sa1Jlsiira-vyavahiiri1:ziim
prathamo 'sau pratispandas citta-deha!z svatodaya!z
asmiit pilrviit pratispandiid ananyaitat-svarflpi1;ti
iya1Jl pravisrtii sr~!i!z spanda-sr~!ir iviiniliit.
III. 3· 14, 15.
riimiisya manaso ri7pa'f!l na ki'f(lcid api drsyate
niima-miitriid rte vyomno yathii sflnya-jatjiikrteb.
III. 4· 38.
2 34 The Philosophy of the Yoga-viisi~tha [cH.

lt lS impossible to distinguish between them 1 • Avidyii, sarrzsrti,

dtta, manas, bandha, mala, tamas are thus but synonyms for the
same concept2 • It is the perceiver that appears as the perceived,
and it is but the perceptions that appear as the perceiver and
the perceived. The state of emancipation is the cessation of this
world-appearance. There is in reality no perceiver, perceived or
perceptions, no vacuity (sunya), no matter, no spirit or conscious-
ness, but pure cessation or pure negation, and this is what we mean
by Brahman 3 . Its nature is that of pure cessation (siinta),andit is this
that the Sarpkhyists call puru~a, the Vedantins call" Brahman,"
the idealistic Buddhists call "pure idea" (vijfiiina-miitra) and the
nihilists" pure essencelessness" (sunya) 4 • It is of the nature of pure
annihilation and cessation, pervading the inner and the outer
world 5 • It is described as that essencelessness (sunya) which does
not appear to be so, and in which lies the ground and being of the
essenceless world-appearance (yasmin sunyalfl jagat sthitam), and
which, in spite of all creations, is essenceless 6 • The illusory world-
appearance has to be considered as absolutely non-existent, like
the water of the mirage or the son of a barren woman. The ultimate
entity is thus neither existent nor non-existent and is both statical
and dynamical (spandiispandiitmaka)1; it is indescribable and un-
nameable (kimapy avyapadeiiitmii) and neither being nor non-
being nor being-non-being, neither statical being nor becoming
(na hhiivo bha·vanarrz na ca). The similarity of the philosophy of
the Yoga-viisz~tha to the idealistic philosophy of the Laitkiivatiira-
sutra is so definite and deep that the subject does not require any
elaborate discussion and the readers are referred to the philosophy
of the Lafzkii·vatiira in the first volume of the present work. On
Vedanta lines it is very similar to Prakasananda's interpretation
of the Vedanta in later times, called dr~ti-suti-viida, which can
probably be traced at least as far back as Gauqapada or Mar:H;lana.
Prakasatman refers to the Yoga-viisijtha as one of his main
pur1Je Pilr1Jat!l prasarati sante siinta'f!l vyavasthitam
vyomany evodita'l!l 'l-yoma brahma1)i brahma ti.ithati
na drs·yam asti sad-rupa'f!l na dr~tii na ca darsana'f!l
na sunya'l!l na jatfa'f!l no cic chiintam evedam iitatam.
III. 4· 69, 70.
2 3 4
III. 4· 46. III. 5· 6-7. niisa-rupo viniisiitmii. m. 5· 16.
5 6 7
III. 7· 22. III. 9· 59· III. 9· 49·
xn] Origination 235

The world as such never existed in the past, nor exists now,
nor will exist hereafter; so it has no production or destruction in
any real sense 1 • But yet there is the appearance, and its genesis
has somehow to be accounted for. The ultimate entity is, of course,
of the nature of pure cessation (santa), as described above. The
order of moments leading to the manifestation of the world-
appearance can be described in this way: At first there is some-
thing like a self-reflecting thought in the ultimate entity, producing
some indescribable objectivity which gives rise to an egohood.
Thus, on a further movement, which is akin to thought, is produced
a state which can be described as a self-thinking entity, which
is clear pure intelligence, in which everything may be reflected.
It is only this entity that can be called conscious intelligence
(cit). As the thought-activity becomes more and more concrete
(ghana-sa1{lvedana), other conditions of soul (jiva) arise out of it.
At this stage it forgets, as it were, its subject-objectless ultimate
state, and desires to flow out of itself as a pure essence of creative
movement (bhavana-matra-sara). The first objectivity is aka/a,
manifested as pure vacuity. At this moment arise the ego (aha1{lta)
and time (kala). This creation is, however, in no sense real. and is
nothing but the seeming appearances of the self-conscious move-
ment (sva-Sa1{lvedana-matrakam) of the ultimate being. All the
network of being is non-existent, and has only an appearance of
existing. Thought (sa1{lvit), which at this moment is like the aka/a
and the ego and which is the seed (bija) of all the conceivings
of thought (bhavana), formulates by its movement air 2 • Again,
bandhyii-putra-vyoma-bane yathii na stafz kadiicana
jagad-iidy akhila1Jl drsya1Jl tathii niisti kadiicana
na cotpanna1Jl na ca dhva'lJlSi yat kiliidau na vidyate
utpatti/:l krdrsl tasya nasa-sabdasya ka kathii. m. 11. 4, S·
mana[z sa'tflpadyate lola1Jl kalanii-kalanonmukham;
kalayantl manaT:z saktir iidau bhiivayati kfat)iit.
iikiisa-bhiivaniimacchiim iabda-bija-rasonmukhlm;
tatas lii1Jl ghanalii'tfl jiiia1Jl ghana-spanda -kramiin manafz.
IV. 44· 16, 17.
A comparison of numerous passages like these shows that each mental
creation is the result of a creative thought-movement called bhii'lJanii, and each
successive movement in the chain of a succession of developing creative move-
ments is said to be ghana, or concrete_ Ghana ha<> been paraphrased in the Tatparya-
prakiisa as accretion (upacaya). Bhiiviina is the same as spanda; as the result of
each thought-movement, there was thought-accretion (ghana), and corresponding
to each ghana there was a semi-statical creation, and foJlowing each ghana there
was a spanda (ghana-spanda-kramlit) _
The Philosophy of the Yoga-viisi~tha [cH.
following the iikiisa moment and from it as a more concrete state
(ghanzbhuya), comes forth the sound-potential (kha-tan-miitra). This
sound-potential is the root of the production of all the Vedas, with
their words, sentences and valid means of proof. Gradually the
conceivings of the other tan-miitras of sparsa, tejas, rasa and gandha
follow, and from them the entire objective world, which has no
other reality than the fact that they are conceptions of the
self-conscious thought 1 • The stages then are, that in the state of
equilibrium (sama) of the ultimate indescribable entity called the
Brahman, which, though pure consciousness in essence, is in an un-
manifested state, there first arises an objectivity (cetyatva) through
its self-directed self-consciousness of the objectivity inherent
in it (satas cetylif!Zsa-cetaniit); next arises the soul, where there
is objective consciousness only through the touch or connection
of objectivity (cetya-sar!',yoga-cetaniit) instead of the self-directed
consciousness of objectivity inherent in itself. Then comes the
illusory notion of subjectivity, through \vhich the soul thinks that it
is only the conscious subject and as such is different from the object
(cetyailw-paratii-vaJiit). This moment naturally leads to the state of
the subjective ego, which conceives actively (buddhitviikalana1J1),
and it is this conceiving activity which leads to the objective con-
ceptions of the different tan-miitras and the world-appearance.
These are alJ, however, ideal creations, and as such have no reality
apart from their being as mere appearance. Since their nature is
purely conceptual (vikalpa), they cannot be real at any time. All
that appears as existent does so only as a result of the conceptual
activity of thought. Through its desire, "I shall see," there comes
the appearance of the two hollows of the eye, and similarly in the
case of touch, smell, hearing and taste. There is no single soul,
far less an infinite number of them. It is by the all-powerful
conceptual activity of Brahman that there arises the appearance of
so many centres of subjective thought, as the souls (jzvas). In
reality, however, the jzvas have no other existence than the con-
ceptualizing activity which produces their appearance. There is
no materiality or form: these are nothing but the self-flashings
of thought (citta-camatkiira).
Manas, according to this theory, is nothing but that function
of pure consciousness through which it posits out of itself an object
of itself. Here the pure conscious part may be called the spiritual
1 III. 12.
xn] Karma, Manas and the Categories 237
part and its objectivity aspect the material part 1 • In its objectivity
also the cit perceives nothing but itself, though it appears to per-
ceive something other than itself (svam evanyatayli drstva), and
this objectivity takes its first start with the rise of egohood
But to the most important question, namely, how the original
equilibrium is disturbed and how the present development of the
conceptual creation has come about, the answer given in the
Yoga-vlis~tha is that it is by pure accident (klikataliya-yogena)
that such a course of events took place. It is indeed disappointing
that such a wonderful creation of world-appearance should have
ultimately to depend on accident for its origin 2 • It is considered
irrelevant to enquire into the possibility of some other cause of
the ultimate cause, the Brahman 3 •

Karma, Manas and the Categories.

Karma in this view is nothing but the activity of the manas.
The active states of manas are again determined by their preceding
moments and may in their turn be considered as determining the
succeeding moments. \Vhen any particular state determines any
succeeding state, it may be considered as an agent, or kartli; but,
as this state is determined by the activity of the previous state,
otherwise called the karma, it may be said that the karma generates
the karta, the kartii by its activity again produces karma, so that
karma and karla are mutually determinative. As in the case of
the seed coming from the tree and the tree coming from the
seed, the cycle proceeds on from kartli to karma and from karma
to karla, and no ultimate priority can be affirmed of any one of
them 4 • But, if this is so, then the responsibility of karma ceases;
the root desire (vasanli) through which a man is born also makes
him suffer or enjoy in accordance with it; but, if karla and karma
spring forth together, then a particular birth ought not to be de-
termined by the karma of previous birth, and this would mean
cito yac cetya-kalana1'J1 tan-manasttJam udiihrtam
cid-bhiigo 'triijarjo bhiigo jiitf,yam atra hi cetyatii. III. 91. 37.
III. 96. 15, IV. 54· 7·
Brahmatzalz kara1Ja1'J1 lli'.n syiid iti vaktu1'J1 na yujyate
svabhiivo nirvise~atviit paro vaktu1Jl na }'llJ}'ate. IV. 18. 22.
yathii karma ca kartii Ctl paryiiye7Jeha sa1Jtgatau
karma7Jii kriyate kartii kartrii karma pra7Jlyate
bfjiinkuriidivan-nyiiyo loka-vedokta eva salz. m. 95· 19, 20.
The Philosophy of the Yoga-vds#tha [cH.
that man's enjoyment and sorrow did not depend on his karma.
In answer to such a question, raised by Rarnacandra, Vasi~tha says
that karma is due not to iitman, but to manas. It is the mental
movement which constitutes karma. When first the category of
manas rises into being from Brahman, lwrma also begins from that
moment, and, as a result thereof, the soul and the body associated
with it are supposed to be manifested. Karma and manas are in one
sense the same. In this world the movement generated by action
(kri'yii-spanda) is called karma, and, as it is by the movement of
manas that all effects take place, and the bodies with all their
associated sufferings or enjoyments are produced, so even the
body, which is associated with physical, external karma, is in reality
nothing but the manas and its activity. Manas is essentially of the
nature of karma, or activity, and the cessation of activity means the
destruction of manas ( karma-niiSe mano-niiSalz )1. As heat cannot
be separated from fire or blackness from collyrium, so movement
and activity cannot be separated from manas. If one ceases, the
other also necessarily ceases. ~fanas means that activity which
subsists between being and non-being and induces being
through non-being: it is essentially dynamic in its nature and
passes by the name of manas. It is by the activity of manas that
the subject-objectless pure consciousness assumes the form of a
self-conscious ego. A1anas thus consists of this constantly positing
activity (ekiinta-kalanalz). The seed of karma is to be sought in the
activity of manas (karma-bijarrz manalz-spanda), and the actions
(kriyii) which follow are indeed very diverse. It is the synthetic
function (tad-anusandhatte) of manas that is called the functioning
of the conative senses, hy which all actions are performed, and
it is for this reason that karma is nothing but manas. Manas,
buddhi, aha'flkiira, citta, karma, kalpanii, sarrzsrti, viisanii, vidyii,
prayatna, smrti, indriya, prakrti, miiyii and kriyii are different
only in name, and they create confusion by these varied names;
in reality, however, they signify the same cone !pt, namely, the
active functioning of manas or citta. These different names are
current only because they lay stress on the different aspects of
the same active functioning. They do not mean different entities,
but only different moments, stages or aspects. Thus the first
moment of self-conscious activity leading in different directions
is called manas. When, after such oscillating movement, there is
III. 95·
xn] Karma, Manas and the Categories 239
the position of either of the alternatives, as" the thus," it is ca11ed
buddhi. When by the false notions of associations of body and
soul there is the feeling of a concrete individual as" 1," it is called
aha'f!lkiira. When there is reflective thought associated with the
memory of the past and the anticipations of the future, it is called
citta. When the activity is taken in its actual form as motion or
action towards any point, it is called karma. When, leaving its
self-contained state, it desires anything, we have kalpanii. When
the citta turns itself to anything previously seen or unseen, as being
previously experienced, we have what is called memory (smrtz).
When certain impressions are produced in a very subtle, subdued
form, dominating all other inclinations, as if certain attractions or
repulsions to certain things were really experienced, we have the
root inclinations (viisanii). In the realization that there is such a
thing as self-knowledge, and that there is also such a thing as the
false and illusory world-appearance, we have what is called right
knowledge (vidyii). When the true knowledge is forgotten and the
impressions of the false world-appearance gain ground, we have
what are called the impure states (mala). The functions of the five
kinds of cognition pledse us and are called the senses (indriya). As
all world-appearance has its origin and ground in the highest self,
it is called the origin (prakrti). As the true state can neither be
called existent nor non-existent, and as it gives rise to all kinds of
appearance, it is called illusion (miiyii) 1 • Thus it is the same ap-
pearance which goes by the various names of jiva, nzanas, citta
and buddhi2 •
One of the peculiarities of this work is that it is not a philo-
sophical treatise of the ordinary type, but its main purpose lies in
the attempt to create a firm conviction on the part of its readers, by
repeating the same idea in various ways by means of stories and
elaborate descriptions often abounding in the richest poetical
imagery of undeniably high aesthetic value, hardly inferior to that
of the greatest Sanskrit poet, Kalidasa.
1 III. 96. 17-31.
Jlva ity ucyate loke mana ity api kathyate
cittam ity ucyate saiva buddhir ity ucyate tathti.
III. 96. 34·
The Philosophy of the Y oga-viisi~tha [CH.

The World-Appearance.
The Yoga-'lJiis#tha is never tired of repeating that this world is
like a hare's horn, a forest in the sky, or a lotus in the sky. The state
of Brahman is higher than the state of manas. It is by becoming
manas that Brahman transforms itself into thought-activity and
thus produces the seeming changeful appearances. But Brahman in
itself cannot have anything else (brahma-tattve 'nyatii niistz). But,
though there is this change into manas, and through it the production
of the world-appearance, yet such a change is not real, but illusory;
for during all the time when this change makes its appearance
and seems to stay, Brahman remains shut up within itself, change-
less and unchangeable. All objective appearance is thus nothing
but identically the same as the Brahman, and all that appears
has simply no existence. The seer never transforms himself into
objectivity, but remains simply identical with himself in all ap-
pearances of objectivity. But the question arises, how, if the world-
appearance is nothing but the illusory creative conception of manas,
can the order of the world-appearance be explained? The natural
answer to such a question in this system is that the seeming
correspondence and agreement depend upon the similarity of the
imaginary products in certain spheres, and also upon accident. It
is by accident that certain dream series correspond with certain
other dream series 1 • But in reality they are all empty dream con-
structions of one manas. It is by the dream desires that physical
objects gradually come to be considered as persistent objects
existing outside of us. But, though during the continuance of the
dreams they appear to be real, they are all the while nothing but
mere dream conceptions. The self-alienation by which the pure
consciousness constructs the dream conception is such that, though
it always remains identical with itself, yet it seems to posit itself as
its other, and as diversified by space, time, action and substance
( de$a-kiila-kriyii-dravyai!z).
The d;fference between the ordinary waking state and the
dream state consists in this, that the former is considered by us as
associated with permanent convictions (sthira-pratyaya), whereas
the latter is generally thought to have no permanent basis.
Any experience which persists, whether it be dream or not,
1 melanam api svakiya-parakfya-svapniinii1Jl daiviit kvacit sa1]'lviidavat sviintafz-

kalpaniitmakam eva. Yoga-viisi..~tha-tiitparya-prakiisa, IV. 18. 46.

XII] The JVorld-Appearance
comes to be regarded as permanent, whereas, if even our waking
conceptions come to be regarded as changeful, they lose their
validity as representing permanent objects, and our faith in them
becomes shaken. If the dream experiences persisted in time and
the waking experiences were momentary, then the waking state
would be considered as a dream and the dream experiences would
be considered as ordinary experiences in the dream state. It is
only with the coming of the waking state that there is a break of
the dream experiences, and it is then that the latter are contra-
dicted and therefore regarded as false. But so long as the dream
experiences lasted in the dream state, we did not consider them
to be false; for during that time those dream experiences appeared
somehow to be permanent and therefore real. There is thus no
difference between dream states and waking states except this,
that the latter are relatively persistent, continuous and per-
manent (sthira), while the former are changeful and impermanent
(asthira) 1 •
There is within us a principle of pure consciousness, which
is also the vital principle (jtva-dhiitu), vitality (vtrya), and body
heat (tejas). In the active condition, when the body is associated
with manas, action and speech, the vital principle moves through
the body, and on account of this all sorts of knowledge arise, and
the illusion of world-appearance inherent in it is manifested as
coming from outside through the various sense apertures. This
being of a steady and fixed character is called the waking state
(jiigrat). The su~upta, or deep sleep state, is that in which the body
is not disturbed by the movement of the manas, action or speech.
The vital principle remains still in itself, in a potential state without
any external manifestation, as the oil remains in the sesamum
(taila-Sa1Jlvid yathii tile) 2 • When the vital principle (jtva-dhiitu) is
very much disturbed, we have experiences of the dream state.
Whenever the manas strongly identifies itself with any of its
concepts, it appears to itself as that concept, just as an iron ball
in fire becomes itself like fire. It is the manas that is both the
perceiver (puru~a) and the perceived universe (visva-rilpatii) 3 •

jiigrat-svapna-dasii-bhedo na sthiriisthirate vinii

samal:z sadaiva sarvatra samasto 'nubhavo 'nayol:z
svapno 'pi svapna-samaye sthairyiijjiigrattvam rcchati
asthairyiit jagrad eviiste svapnas tadrsa-bodhatal;z.
IV. 19. II, 12.
2 3
IV. 19. 23. IV. 20. 4·
DU 16
The Philosophy of the Yoga-vasi~tha [cH.
The followers of the SaJ11khya consider manas to be pure con-
sciousness ; they have also explained their doctrines in other de-
tails, and they think that emancipation cannot be attained by any
way other than that which the SaJ11khya suggests. The followers of
the Vedanta also consider that emancipation is attained if one
understands that all this world is Brahman and if there is self-control
and cessation of desires together with this knowledge, and that this is
the only way of salvation. The Vijiianavadins (Idealistic Buddhists)
think that, provided there is complete self-control and cessation of
all sense desires, one may attain emancipation, if he understands
that the world-appearance is nothing but his own illusion. Thus
each systen1 of thought thinks too much of its own false methods
of salvation (svair eva niyama-bhramail;.), springing from the tradi-
tional wrong notions. But the truth underlying all these concep-
tions is that manas is the root of all creations. There is nothing
intrinsically pleasurable or painful, sweet or bitter, cold or hot,
and such appearances arise only through the habitual creations of
the mind. When one believes and thinks with strong faith in any
particular manner, he begins to perceive things in that particular
manner during that particular time 1 •

Nature of Agency (Kartrtva) and the Illusion of

World Creation.
Whenever we ascribe agency (kartrtva) to any person in respect
of deeds producing pleasure or pain, or deeds requiring strenuous
exercise of will-power, as those of the Yoga discipline, we do it
wrongly; for agency consists in the grasp of will and resolution, and
so it is·an internal determination of the mind, of the nature of domi-
nant and instinctive desires and inclinations (viisanabhidhanafz ) 2 •
The inner movement of feeling in the person towards the enjoyment
of experiences takes place in accordance with these fixed desires or
inclinations leading him to specific forms of enjoyment. All enjoy-
ment is thus a natural consequence of our nature and character as
active agents. Since all active agency (kartrtva} consists in the
najiienehu padiirthe~u rupam ekam udiryate
dr<Jha-bhiivanayii ceto yad yathii bhiivayaty alam
tat tat-phala'f!l tad-iikiira'f!l tiitJat-kiila'f!l prapaiyati.
na tad asti na yat satya'!l na tad asti na yan mnii.
IV. 21. 56, 57·
yohyantara-sthiiyiil;z manovrtter nislayal;z upiideyatii-pratyayo viisaniibhidhii-
natatkartrtva-sabdenocyate. IV. 38. 2.
xn] Nature of Agency and Illusion of World Creation 243
inner effort of will, the enjoyment following such an inner exercise
of will is nothing but the feeling modifications of the mind follow-
ing the lead of the active exercise of the will. All action or active
agency is thus associated with root inclinations (viisanii), and is
thus possible only for those who do not know the truth and have
their minds full of the root inclinations. But those who have no
viisanii cannot be said to have the nature of active agents or of
enjoying anything. Their minds are no doubt always active and
they are active all the time; but, as they have no viisanii, they are
not attached to fruit, and there is the movement without any
attachment. \Vhatever is done by manas is done, and what is not
done by it is not done; so it is the manas that is the active agent,
and not the body; the world has appeared from the mind (citta or
manas), is of the essence of manas, and is upheld in manas. Every-
thing is but a mental creation and has no other existence.
Ultimately, everything comes from Brahman ; for that is the
source of all powers, and therefore all powers (saktayaJ;,) are seen
in Brahman-existence, non-existence, unity, duality and multi-
plicity all proceed from Brahman. The citta, or mind, has evolved
out of pure consciousness (cit) or Brahman, as has already been
mentioned, and it is through the latter that all power of action
(karma), root desires (viisanii), and all mental modifications appear.
But, if everything has proceeded from Brahman, how is it that the
world-appearance happens to be so different from its source, the
Brahman? When anything comes out of any other thing, it is
naturally expected to be similar thereto in substance. If, therefore,
the world-appearance has sprung forth from Brahman, it ought to
be similar in nature thereto; but Brahman is sorrowless, while the
world-appearance is full of sorrow; how is this to be explained?
To such a question the answer is, that to a person who has a
perfect realization of the nature of the world-appearance, as being
a mere conceptual creation from the Brahman and having no
existence at all, there is no sorrow in this world-appearance nor
any such quality which is different from Brahman. Only in the
eyes of a person who has not the complete realization does this
difference between the world-appearance and Brahman seem to
be so great, and the mere notion of the identity of Brahman and
the universe, without its complete realization, may lead to all sorts
of mischief. On this account instruction in the identity of the
Brahman and the world-appearance should never be g1ven to
The Philosophy of the Yoga-viis#tha [cH.
anyone whose mind has not been properly purified by the essential
virtues of self-control and disinclination to worldly pleasures 1 • As
in magic (indrajiila), non-existent things are produced and existent
things are destroyed, a jug becomes a cloth, and a cloth becomes
a jug, and all sorts of wonderful sights are shown, though none of
these appearances have the slightest essence of their own ; so is
the entire world-appearance produced out of the imagination of
the mind. There is no active agent (kartr) and no one enjoyer
(bhoktr) of the pleasures and sorrows of the world, and there is
no destruction whatsoever 2 •
Though the ultimate state is the indescribable Brahman or cit,
yet it is from manas that all creation and destruction from cycle
to cycle take their start. At the beginning of each so-called
creation the creative movement of manas energy is roused. At
the very first the outflow of this manas energy in the direction
of a conceptual creation means an accumulation of energy in manas,
called ghana, which is a sort of statical aspect of the dy~amical
energy (spanda). At the next stage there is a combination of this
statical state of energy with the next outflow of energy, and the
result is the stabilized accretion of energy of the second order; this
is again followed by another outflow of energy, and that leads to
the formation of the stabilized energy of the third order, and so on.
The course of thought-creation is thus through the interaction of
the actualized energy of thought with the active forms of the energy
of thought, which join together, at each successive outflow from
the supreme fund of potential energy. Thus it is said that the first
creative movement of manas manifests itself as the iikiisa creation,
and that, as a result of this creative outflow of energy, there is an
accretion of energy in manas; at this moment there is another
outflow (spanda) or movement on the part of manas, as modified
by the accretion of energy of the previous state, and this outflow
of manas thus modified is the creation of air. The outflow of this
second order, again, modifies manas by its accretion, and there is
a third outflow of energy of the manas as modified by the previous
accretion, and so on. This process of the modification of energy
by the outflow of the manas modified at each stage by the accretion
of the outflow of energy at each of the preceding states is called
iidau Jama- dama-priiyair gu7;1ail;z Ji~a'!' vi.Jodhayet
paJciit sarvam ida'!' brahma suddhas tvam iti bodhayet.
IV. 39• 23.
niitra kascit kartii na bhoktii na viniiSam eti. IV. 39· 41.
xu] The Stage of the Saint 245
ghana-spanda-krama 1 • The creation of all the so-called tan-miitras
(subtle states) of akasa, viiyu, tejas, ap and k#ti takes place in this
order, and afterwards that of the aharrzkiira and buddhi, and thus
of the subtle body (pury-aftaka); thereafter the cosmic body of
Brahman is formed and developed in accordance with the root desire
(vasana) inherent in monas. Thus here we have first the akasa
tan-miitra, then the vayu tan-miitra from the akasa tan-matra plus
the outflow of energy, then, from the akasa tan-miitra plus the
vayu tan-miitra plus the outflow of energy of the third order, tejas
tan-miitra, and so on. Then, after the tan-miitra, the aharrzkiira and
the buddhi, we have the subtle body of eight constituents (five
tan-miitras, aharrzkiira, buddhi and the root manas), called the
pury-a~taka of Brahma. From this develops the body of Brahma,
and from the creative imagination of Brahma we have the grosser
materials and all the rest of the world-appearance. But all this is
pure mental creation, and hence unreal, and so also are all the
scriptures, gods and goddesses and all else that passes as real.

The Stage of the Saint (Jivan-mukta).

Emancipation (muktz) in this system can be attained in the
lifetime of a person or after his death ; in the former case it is
called sa-deha-muktata, or jtvan-muktata. The jivan-mukta state is
that in which the saint has ceased to have any desires (apagatai-
~atJaiJ), as if he were in a state of deep sleep (su~uptavat). He is
self-contained and thinks as if nothing existed. He has always an
inward eye, even though he may be perceiving all things with his
external eye and using his limbs in all directions. He does not
wait for the future, nor remain in the present, nor remember the
past. Though sleeping, he is awake and, though awake, he is asleep.
He may be doing all kinds of actions externally, though he remains
altogether unaffected by them internally. He internally renounces
all actions, and does not desire anything for himself. He is full of
bliss and happiness, and therefore appears to ordinary eyes to
be an ordinary happy man; but in reality, though he may be doing
all kinds of things, he has not the delusion of being himself an active
agent (tyakta-kartrtva-vibhramal;). He has no antipathy, grief,
emotions, or outbursts of pleasure. He is quite neutral to all who
IV. 44· IJ-JO.
The Philosophy of the Yoga-vasi~tha [cH.
do him ill or well; he shows sympathetic interest in each person
in his own way; he plays with a child, is serious with an old man,
an enjoyable companion to a young man, sympathetic with the
sorrows of a suffering man. He is wise and pleasant and loving to
all with whom he comes in contact. He is not interested in his
own virtuous deeds, enjoyments, sins, in bondage or emancipation.
He has a true philosophic knowledge of the essence and nature of
all phenomena, and, being firm in his convictions, he remains
neutral to all kinds of happenings, good, bad, or indifferent. But
from the descriptions it appears that this indifference on the part
of a saint does not make him an exclusive and unnatural man;
for, though unaffected in every way within himself, he can take
part in the enjoyment of others, he can play like a child and can
sympathize with the sorrows of sufferers 1 .
Jlvan-mukti, or emancipation while living, is considered by
Sankara also as a possible state, though he does not seem to have
used the term in his works. Thus, on the basis of Chandogya,
VI. 14. 2, he says that knowledge destroys only those actions
which have not already begun to yield their fruits; those actions
which have already begun to yield fruits cannot be destroyed by
true knowledge, and so it is not possible for anyone to escape
from their effects, good or bad; and it has to be admitted that
even after the dawning of true knowledge the body remains
until the effects of the actions which have already begun to yield
fruits are exhausted by enjoyment or suffering. In explaining such
a condition Sankara gives two analogies: (I) as a potter's wheel
goes on revolving when the vessel that it was forming is completed,
so the body, which was necessary till the attainment of true know-
ledge, may continue to exist for some time even after the rise of
knowledge; (2) as, when a man through some eye-disease sees
two moons instead of one, he continues to do so even when he is
convinced that there are not two moons but one, so, even when the
saint is firmly convinced of the unreality of the world-appearance, he
may still continue to have the illusion of world-appearance, though
internally he may remain unaffected by it 2 • Of the Upani~ads
only the later JI,Iuktika Upani~ad, which seems to have drawn
its inspiration from the Yoga-vus#tha, mentions the word jivan-
mukta, meaning those saints who live till their fruit-yielding
1 v. 77·
Sankara's Siiriraka-bhii~a or the Brahma-sutra, Iv. i. 15, 19.
XII] The Stage of the Saint 247
actions (priirahdha-karma) are exhausted 1 • But, though the word
is not mentioned, the idea seems to be pretty old.
The conception of sthita-prajila in the Srimad-bhaga'Dad-gitii
reminds us of the state of a jlvan-mukta saint. A sthita-prajiia (man
of steady wisdom) has no desires, but is contented in himself, has
no attachment, fear or anger, is not perturbed by sorrow nor longs
for pleasure, and is absolutely devoid of all likes and dislikes. Like
a tortoise within its shell, he draws himself away from the sense-
objects2. This conception of the Srimad-bhagavad-gltii is referred to
in the Yoga-'l·iisi~tha, which gives a summary of it in its own way 3 •
But it seems as if the conception of the saint in the Yoga-viisi~tha
has this advantage over the other, that here the saint, though
absolutely unaffected by all pleasures and sufferings, by virtue and
vice, is yet not absolutely cut off from us; for, though he has no
interest in his own good, he can show enjoyment in the enjoyment
of others and sympathy with the sufferings of others; he can be
as gay as a child when with children, and as serious as any philo-
sopher when with philosophers or old men. The Srimad-bhaga-
vad-gitii, though it does not deny such qualities to a saint, yet does
not mention them either, and seems to lay stress on the aspect
of the passivity and neutral character of the saint; whereas the
Yoga-viis#tha, as we have already said, lays equal stress on both
these special features of a saint. He is absolutely unattached to
anything, but is not cut off from society and can seemingly take
part in everything without losing his mental balance in any way.
The Gitii, of course, always recommends even the unattached
saint to join in all kinds of good actions; but what one misses
there is the taking of a full and proper interest in life along
with all others, though the saint is internally absolutely unaffected
by all that he may do.
The saint in the Yoga-viisi~tha not only pcrfonns his own
actions in an unattached manner, but to all appearance mixes with
the sorrows and joys of others.
The question whether a saint is above the tyranny of the
effects of his own deeds was also raised in Buddhist quarters.
Thus we find in the Kathii-vatthu that a discussion is raised as
to whether a saint can be killed before his proper time of death,
and it is said that no one can attain nirvii'!la without enjoying the
Muktika Upani~ad, 1. 42, also II. 33, 35, 76.
Srlmad-bhagm:ad-gltii., II. 55-58. 3
Yoga-vii.si~tha, VI. 52-58.
The Philosophy of the Yoga-viis#fha [cH.
fruits of accumulated intentional deeds 1 • A story is told in the
Dhamma-pada commentary (the date of which, according to E. W.
Burlingame, is about A.D. 450), how the great saint Moggallana
was torn in pieces by thieves, and his bones were pounded until
they were as small as grains of rice; such a miserable death of such
a great saint naturally raised doubts among his disciples, and these
were explained by Buddha, who said that this was due to the crime
of parricide, which lVIoggallana had committed in some previous
birth ; even though he had attained sainthood (arhattva) in that
life, he could not escape suffering the effect of his misdeeds, which
were on the point of bearing fruit 2 • This would naturally imply
the view that sainthood does not necessarily mean destruction of
the body, but that even after the attainment of sainthood the body
may continue to exist for the suffering of the effects of such actions
as are on the point of bearing fruit.
The different Indian systems are, however, not all agreed re-
garding the possibility· of the jzvan-mukta state. Thus, according
to the Nyaya, apavarga, or emancipation, occurs only when the
soul is absolutely dissociated from all the nine kinds of qualities
{will, antipathy, pleasure, pain, knowledge, effort, virtue, vice and
rooted instincts). Unless such a dissociation actually occurs, there
cannot be emancipation; and it is easy to see that this cannot
happen except after death, and so emancipation during the period
while the body remains is not possible 3 • The point is noticed by
Vatsyayana in a discussion on Nyiiya-siitra, IV. 2. 42-45, where
he raises the question of the possibility of knowledge of external
objects through the senses and denies it by declaring that in
emancipation (apavarga) the soul is dissociated from the body
and all the senses, and hence there is no possibility of knowledge;
and that with the extinction of all knowledge there is also ulti-
mate and absolute destruction of pain 4 • The Vaise~ika holds the
same view on the subject. Thus Srihar~a says that, when through
right knowledge (paramiirtha-darsana) all merit ceases, then the
1 Kathii-vatthu, XVII. 2.
Buddhist Legends by E. \V. Burlingame, vol. 11. p. 304. The same legend
is repeated in the introduction to Jiitaka 522.
3 tad evam na•viiniim iitma-gU7;ziinii'!l nirmfilocchedo 'pavarga!z
tad evedam ukta'!l bhavati tad-atyanta-viyogo 'pavarga(l.
Nyiiya-maiijarz, p. so8.
yasmiit sarva-du!zkha-b'ija'!l sarl'a-du!zkhiiyatana'!l ciipavarge
vichidyate tasmiit sarve7Ja du!zkhena vimukti!z
apavargo no nirb'ija'!z niriiyatanaf!Z ca du!zkham utpadyate.
Vatsyayana on Nyiiya-siitra, IV. 2. 43·
XII] The Stage of the Saint 249
soul, being devoid of the seeds of merit and demerit, which produce
the body and the senses, etc., and the present body having been
destroyed by the exhaustive enjoyment of the fruits of merit and
demerit, and there being no further production of any new body
by reason of the destruction of all the seeds of karma, there is
absolute cessation of the production of body, like the extinction
of fire by the burning up of all the fuel; and such an eternal non-
production of body is called mok!a (emancipation) 1 •
Prabhakara seems to hold a similar view. Thus Salikanatha, in
explaining the Prabhakara view in his Prakarm:za-paiicikii, says that
emancipation means the absolute and ultimate destruction of the
body, due to the total exhaustion of merit and demerit 2 • The
difficulty is raised that it is not possible to exhaust by enjoyment
or suffering the fruits of all the karmas accumulated since be-
ginningless time; he who, being averse to worldly sorrows and all
pleasures which are mixed with traces of sorrow, works for emanci-
pation, desists from committing the actions prohibited by Vedic
injunctions, which produce sins, exhausts by enjoyment and
suffering the good and bad fruits of previous actions, attains true
knowledge, and is equipped with the moral qualities of passionless
tranquillity, self-restraint and absolute sex-control, exhausts in the
end all the potencies of his karmas (nil;se~a-karmiiSaya) and attains
emancipation 3 • This view, however, no doubt has reference to a very
advanced state in this life, when no further karma is accumulating;
but it does not call this state mok!a during life; for mok~a,
according to this view, is absolute and ultimate non-production
of body.
The Siit'(lkhya-kiirikii, however, holds that, when true knowledge
is attained (samyagjiiiiniidhigama), and when in consequence none
of the karmas of undetermined fruition (aniyata-vipiika), accumu-
lated through beginningless time, are able to ripen for bearing
fruit, the body may still continue to remain simply by the inertia,
as it were, of the old avidyii; just as even after the potter has
ceased to operate the potter's wheel may continue to move as a
yathii dagdhendhanasyiinalasyopaiamal:z punar anutpiida eva7!Z punal:z iari-
riinutpiido mo'klal:z. Nyiiya-kandali, p. 283.
Prasastapiida also writes: tadii nirodhiit nirbijasyiitmanal:z saririidi-nivrttil:z
punal:z iaririidy-anutpattau dagdhendhaniinalavad upasamo mokfa iti. Praiastapiida-
bhiiJyb, p. 282.
iityantikas tu dehocchedo nil:ziefa-dharmiidharma-parikfaya-nibandhano mokfa
iti. Prakarm;za-paiicikii, p. 156.
Ibid. p. I57·
The Philosophy of the Y oga-viisi~tha [cH.
result of the momentum which it has acquired (cakra-bhramivad
dhrta-sartral; }1 .
The word jtvan-mukta is not used either in the Kiirikii or
in the Tattva-kaumudt or in the Tattva-vibhiikara. The Sii'f!lkhya-
siltra, however, uses the term and justifies it on the same grounds
as does Vacaspati 2 • The Sii'f!lkhya-siltra, more particularly the
Pravacana-bhii~ya, raises the threefold conception of manda-viveka
(feeble discrimination), madhya-'Di'l'eka (middle discrimination),
and viveka-nifpatti (finished discrimination) 3 • The stage of manda-
viveka is that in which the enquirer has not attained the desired
discrimination of the difference between prakrtz' and puru~a, but is
endeavouring to attain it; the madhya-viveka stage is the state of
the jtvan-mukta. But this is an asamp1·ajiiiita state, i.e. a state in
which there is still subject-object knowledge and a full conscious
discrimination. The last stage, 'l'iveka-n#patt£, is an asamprajiiiita
state in which there is no subject-object knowledge, and therefore
there cannot in this stage be any reflection of pleasure or sorrow
(due to the fructifying karma-priirabdha-karma} on the puru~a.
TheYoga also agrees with the general conclusion of the Sarp.khya
on the subject. A man who nears the state of emancipation ceases
to have doubts about the nature of the self, and begins to re-live
the nature of his own self and to discriminate himself as being
entirely different from his psychosis (sattva); but, as a result of
the persistence of some decayed roots of old impressions and
instincts, there may, in the intervals of the flow of true discrimi-
native knowledge, emerge other ordinary cognitive states, such
as "I am," "mine," "I know," "I do not know"; yet, in-
asmuch as the roots of the old impressions have already been
burnt, these occasional ordinary cognitive states cannot produce
further new impressions. The general impressions of cognition
(jiiiina-Sa'f!lskiira), however, remain until the final destruction
of citta. The point here is that, the roots in the world of sub-
conscious impressions being destroyed, and the occasional appear:-
ance of ordinary cognitive states being but remnants produced
by some of the old impressions, the roots of which have already
Sii1!:khya-kiirikii, 67, 68. The Tattva-kaumudi here essays to base its remarks
on Chiindogya, VI. 14. 2, as Sail.kara did in his bhii~ya on the Brahma-siltra. The
Tattva-vibhiikara of Varpsidhara 1\iisra, in commenting on Vacaspati's Tott"L·a-
kaumudl, quotes Mu7Jt/.al<a Upani!ad, 11. 2. 8, and also Snmad-bhagavad-gztii, IV.
37, for its .support. Compare Yoga-viisi!{ha: ghanii na viisanii yasya punar-
2 3
Sii.,khya-siltra, III. 77-83. Ibid. III. 77, 78.
XII] The Stage of the Saint
been burnt, these occasional ordinary cognitive states are like
passing shadows which have no basis anywhere; they cannot,
therefore, produce any further impressions and thus cannot be
a cause of bondage to the saint. \Vith the advance of this state
the sage ceases to have inclinations even towards his processes of
concentration, and there is only discriminative knowledge; this
state of samiidhi is called dharma-megha. At this stage all the roots
of ignorance and other afflictions become absolutely destroyed,
and in such a state the sage, though living (jivann eva), becomes
emancipated (virnukta). The next stage is, of course, the state of
absolute emancipation (kaivalya), when the citta returns back to
prakrti, never to find the puru~a again 1 •
Among later writers Vidyaral).ya wrote on this subject a treatise
which he called Jivan-mukti-viveka 2 • It is divided into five chapters.
In the first he deals with the authorities who support ji'L•an-mukti;
in the second, with the nature of the destruction of instinctive root
inclinations (viisanii); in the third, with the destruction of manas
(mano-niisa); in the fourth, with the final object for which jivan-
mukti is sought; and in the fifth, with the nature and characteristics
of those saints who have attained jivan-mukti by wisdom and right
knowledge (vidvat-Sa1Jlnyiisa), and have virtually renounced the
world, though living. The work is more a textual compilation
from various sources than an acute philosophical work examining
the subject on its own merits. The writer seems to have derived
his main inspiration from the Yoga-viis#tha, though he refers
to relevant passages in several other works, such as Brhad-
iiral}yaka Upan#ad, 1l1aitreyi-briihma1}a, Kahola-briihmal}a, Siirira-
briihmal}a, Jabiila-briihmal}a, Katha-valll, Gitii, Blziiga'L·ata, Brhas-
pati-smrti, S1lta-sa1Jlhitii, Gaw;fa-piida-kiirika, Sankara-bh~ya,
Brahma-siltra, Paiica-piidiJ:ii, V#1}u-purl!1Ja, Taittirlya-brahma1Ja,
Yoga-sutra, 1Vai~karmya-siddhi, Kaz~Uaki, Paiicadasi, Antaryiimi-
briihma1}a, Jtyiisa-bhii~ya, Brahma-upan#ad, the works of Yama,
Parasara, Bodhayana, Medhatithi, Visvarupa Acarya, etc.
Disinclination, to passions and desires (viraktz) is, according
to him, of two kinds, intense (tivra) and very intense (tivratara).
Yoga-siltra and Vyiisa-bha~ya, IV. 29-32.
This VidyaraQya seems to be later than the VidyaraQya who wrote the
Paiicadail, as quotations from the chapter Brahmtinanda of the Paficadai'l are
found in it (chap. n, pp. 195, 196, Chowkhamba edition). So my identification
of the VidyaraQya of the Paficadail with the writer of Jlvan-mukti-viveka in the
first volume (p. 419) of the present work seems to be erroneous.
The Philosophy of the Yoga-viisi~tha [cH.
Intense ·virakti is that in which the person does not desire anything
in this life, whereas very intense virakti is that in which the person
ceases to have any desires for all future lives 1 • VidyaraQya takes
great pains to prove, by reference to various scriptural texts, that
there are these two distinct classes of renunciation (sannyiisin),
though one might develop into the other 2 • As regards the nature
of jzvan-mukti, VidyaraQya follows the view of the Yoga-viisi~tha,
though he supports it by other scriptural quotations. On the subject
of bodiless emancipation (videha-mukti) also he refers to passages
from the Yoga-viisi~tha. Jzvan-mukti is the direct result of the
cessation of all instinctive root desires (viisanii-~aya), the dawning
of right knowledge (tattva-jiiiina), and the destruction of manas
(mano-nii1a). Vidyaral).ya, however, holds that on account of steady
right knowledge even the seeming appearance of passions and
attachment cannot do any harm to a jzvan-mukta, just as the bite
of a snake whose fangs have been drawn cannot do him any harm.
Thus he gives the example of Yajfiavalkya, who killed Sakalya by
cursing and yet did not suffer on that account, because he was
already a jl·van-mukta, firm in his knowledge of the unreality of
the world. So his anger was not real anger, rooted in instinctive
passions, but a mere appearance (iibhiisa) of it 3 •

Energy of Free-will (Pauru~a).

One of the special features of the Yoga-viisi~tha is the special

emphasis that it lays upon free-will and its immense possi-
bilities, and its power of overruling the limitations and bondage of
past karmas. Pauru~a is defined in the Yoga-viis#!ha as mental and
physical exertions made in properly advised ways (siidhupad#ta-
1 If the ascetic has ordinary desires he is called ha'T[lSa; if he desires emancipa-

tion, he is called parama-ha'T[lSa. The course of their conduct is described in the

Pariisara-smrti, ]l•van-mukti-viveka, 1. 1 1. \Vhen a man renounces the world for
the attainment of right knowledge, it is called vivid#ii-sa1[lnyiisa (renunciation for
thirst of knowledge), as distinguished from ·vidt:at-sa1Jznyiisa (renunciation of the
wise) in the case of those who have already attained right knowledge. The latter
kind of sa1[lnyiisa is with reference to those who are jlvan-mukta.
2 It is pointed out by Vidyaral)ya that the ArutJikopani~ad describes the

conduct and character of vividi~ii.-sa1[lnyiisa, in which one is asked to have a staff,

one loin-cloth and to repeat the Aral)yakas and the Upani!?ads only, and the
Parama-ha1!f.Sopani~at describes the conduct and character of vidvat-sa1[lnyiisa, in
which no such repetition of the Upanil?ads is held necessary, since such a person
is fixed and steady in his Brahma knowledge. This makes the difference between
the final stages of the two kinds of renunciation (JlVan-mukti-viveka, 1. 2o-24).
3 Jl·van-mukti-viveka, pp. 183-186.
XII) Energy of Free-will 253
miirgeya), since only such actions can succeed 1 • If a person desires
anything and works accordingly in the proper way, he is certain to
attain it, if he does not turn back in midway 2 • Pauru~a is of two
kinds, of the past life (priii?.tana) and of this life (aihz"ka), and the
past pauru~a can be overcome by the present pauru~a 3 • The karma
of past life and the karma of this life are thus always in conflict
with each other, and one or the other gains ground according to
their respective strength. Not only so, but the endeavours of any
individual may be in conflict with the opposing endeavours of
other persons, and of these two also that which is stronger wins 4 •
By strong and firm resolution and effort of will the endeavours of
this life can conquer the effect of past deeds. The idea that one
is being led in a particular way by the influence of past karmas
has to be shaken off from the mind; for the efforts of the past life
are certainly not stronger than the visible efforts of the moment.
All efforts have indeed to be made in accordance with the
direction of the scriptures (siistra). There is, of course, always a
limit beyond which human endeavours are not possible, and there-
fore it is necessary that proper economy of endeavours should be
observed by following the directions of the scriptures, by cultivating
the company of good friends, and by adhering to right conduct,
since mere random endeavours or endeavours on a wrong line cannot
be expected to produce good results 5 • If one exerts his will and
directs his efforts in the proper way, he is bound to be successful.
There is nothing like destiny (daiva ), standing as a separate force:
it has .a continuity with the power of other actions performed
in this life, so that it is possible by superior exertions to destroy
the power of the actions of previous lives, which would have
led to many evil results. Whenever a great effort is made or
a great energy is exerted, there is victory. The whole question,
whether the daiva of the past life or the pauru~a of this life will
win, depends upon the relative strength of the two, and any part of
the daz"va which becomes weaker than the efforts of the present life
siidhi1padif!a-miirgn;a yan marw-'izga-vicef#tam
tat paurufa1Jl tat saphalam anyad unmatta-ce1#tam.
l'oga-viisiftha, II. 4· 11.
yo yam artha1[l priirthayate tad-artha1[l cehate kramiit
avasya1[l sa tam iipnoti na ced ardhiin ni•oartate.
Ibid. II. 4· I 2.
Ibid. II. 4· 17. ' Ibid. ll. 5· 5, 7·
5 sa ca sac-chiistra-sat-saizga-sad-iiciirair nija1[l phala1[l
dadiitfti svabhiivo 'yam anyathii niirtha-siddhaye.
Ibid. II. 5· 25-
2 54 The Philosophy of the Yoga-viisi§tha [cH.
in a contrary direction is natura1ly annulled. It is only he who
thinks that destiny must lead him on, and consequently does not
strive properly to overcome the evil destiny, that becomes like an
animal at the mercy of destiny or God, which may take him to
heaven or to hell. The object of all endeavours and efforts in this
life is to destroy the power of the so-called destiny. or daiva, and
to exert oneself to his utmost to attain the supreme end of life.
The Yoga-viisi~tha not only holds that pauru~a can conquer and
annul daiva, but it even goes to the extreme of denying daiva and
calling it a nwre fiction, that, properly speaking, does not exist at all.
Thus it is said that endeavours and efforts manifest themselves as
the movement of thought (sa1Jlv£t-spanda), the movement of manas
( manab-spanda), and the movement of the senses (a£ndr£ya). Thought
movement is followed by movement of the psychosis or ceias;
the body moves accordingly, and there is also a corresponding
enjoyment or suffering. If this view is true, then daiva is never
seen anywhere. Properly speaking, there is no da£va, and wherever
any achievement is possible, it is always by continual strenuous effort
of will, standing on its mvn account, or exercised in accordance
with the siistra or with the directions of a teacher1 . It is for all
of us to exert ourselves for good and to withdraw our minds from
evil. By all the pramii1Jf!-S at our disposal it is found that nothing
but the firm exercise of will and effort achieves its end, and that
nothing is effected by pure daiva; it is only by the effort of eating
that there is the satisfaction of hunger, it is only hy the effort of
the vocal organs that speech is effected, and it is only by the effort
of the legs and corresponding muscles that one can walk. So
everything is effected by personal efforts, when directed with the
aid of the siistra and proper advisers or teachers. What passes as
daiva is a mere fiction; no one has ever experienced it, and it cannot
be used by any of the senses; and the nature of efforts being
essentially vibratory (spr;znda), one can never expect such move-
ment from the formless, insensible, so-called daiva, which is only
imagined and can never be proved. Visible efforts are all tangible
and open to immediate perception; and, even if it is admitted
that daiva exists, how can this supposed formless (amurta) entity
come 1n contact with it? It is only fools who conceive the

siistrato gurutas caiva svatas ceti tri-siddhaya~z

sarvatra purUfiirthasya na daivasya kadiicana.
Yoga-viis#tha, II. 7· 11.
XII] Energy of Free-will 255
existence of dai·va, and depend on it, and are ruined, whereas those
who are heroes, who are learned and wise, always attain their
highest by their free-will and endeavour 1 •
Rama points out to Vasi~tha in n. 9 that dai-va is fairly well
accepted amongst all people, and asks how, if it did not exist, did
it come to be accepted, and what does it mean after all? In answer
to this V a.Si~tha says that, when any endeavour (paur~a) comes to
fruition or is baffied, and a good or a had result is gained, people
speak of it as being daiva. There is no daiva, it is mere vacuity,
and it can neither help nor obstruct anyone in any way. At the
time of taking any step people have a particular idea, a particular
resolution; there may be success or failure as the result of opera-
tion in a particular way, and the whole thing is referred to by
ordinary people as being due to daiva, which is a mere name, a
mere consolatory word. The instinctive root inclinations (viisanii)
of a prior state become transformed intn karma. A man works in
accordance with his viisanii and by viisanii gets what he wants.
Viisanii and karma are, therefore, more or less like the potential
and actual states of the same entity. Daiva is but another name
for the km·mas performed with strong desire for fruit, karma thus
being the same as viisanii, and viisanii being the same as manas,
and manas being the same as the agent or the person (pur~a); so
daiva does not exist as an entity separate from the puru~a, and
they are all merely synonyms for the same indescribable entity
(durniscaya). Whatever the manas strives to do is done by itself,
which is the same as being done by daiva. There are always in
manas two distinct groups of viisaniis, operating towards the good
and towards the evil, and it is our clear duty to rouse the former
against the latter, so that the latter may be overcome and dominated
by the former. But, since man is by essence a free source of active
energy, it is meaningless to say that he could be determined by
anything but himself; if it is held that any other entity could
determine him, the question arises, what other thing would de-
termine that entity, and what else that entity, and there would
thus be an endless vicious regression2 • Man is thus a free source

mutjhai/:1 praka/pita1Jl daiVa1Jl tat-pariis te k~a)'a1Jl gatii/:1,

priijiiiis tu pauru~iirthena padam uttamatii'!l gatii./:1,.
Yoga-viis#tha, II. 8. t6.
anyas tVii1Jl cetayati cet ta1Jl cetayati ko 'parab
ka ima1Jl cctayet tasmii.d anavasthii. na vii.stavl.
Ibid. II. 9· 29.
The Philosophy of the Yoga-viisi~tha (CH.
of activity, and that which appears to be limiting his activity is
but one side of him, which he can overcome by rousing up his
virtuous side. This view of puru~tl-kara and karma seems to be
rather unique in Indian literature.

Pral).a and its Control.

The mind (citta), which naturally transforms itself into its
states (vrtti), does so for two reasons, which are said to be like its
two seeds. One of these is the vibration (parispanda) of pra1Ja,
and the other, strong and deep-rooted desires and inclinations
which construct (dr¢ha-bhavana) 1 • When the pra1Ja vibrates and is
on the point of passing through the nerves (nafji-saf!ZSparsanodyata),
then there appears the mind full of its thought processes (sa'f!Zveda-
namaya). But when the pra1Ja lies dormant in the hollow of the
veins (sira-sara1Jz"-kotare), then there is no manifestation of mind,
and its processes and the cognitive functions do not operate 2 • It is
the vibration of the pra1Ja (pra1Ja-spanda) that manifests itself
through the citta and causes the world-appearance out of nothing.
The cessation of the vibration of pra1Ja means cessation of all
cognitive functions. As a result of the vibration of pra1Ja, the
cognitive function is set in motion like a top ('Dita). As a top spins
round in the yard when struck, so, roused by the vibration of
pra1Ja, knowledge is manifested; and in order to stop the course
of knowledge, it is necessary that the cause of knowledge should
be· first attacked. When the citta remains awake to the inner sense,
while shut to all extraneous cognitive activities, we have the
highest state. For the cessation of citta the yogins control pra1Ja
through pra1Jayama (breath-regulation) and meditation (dhyana),
in accordance with proper instructions 3 •
Again, there is a very intimate relation between viisana and
pra1Ja-spanda, such that vasana is created and stimulated into
activity, prll1Ja-spanda, and prll1Ja-spanda is set in motion through
vasana. When by strong ideation and without any proper delibera-
tion of the past and the present, things are conceived to be one's
own-the body, the senses, the ego and the like-we have what is
Yoga-viisi~tha, v. 91. 14.
2 I have translated Sirii as veins, though I am not properly authorized to
do it. For the difference between veins and arteries does not seem to have
been known.
Yoga-viis#!ha, v. 91. 2o-27.
xn] Prii1Ja and its Control 2 57

called viisanii. Those who have not the proper wisdom always
believe in the representations of the ideations of viisanii without
any hesitation and consider them to be true; and, since both the
viisanii and the prii1Ja-spanda are the ground and cause of the
manifestations of citta, the cessation of one promptly leads to the
cessation of the other. The two are connected with each other in
the relation of seed and shoot (bljiinkuravat); from prli1Ja-spanda
there is viisanii, and from viisanii there is prii1Ja-spanda. The object
of knowledge is inherent in the knowledge itself, and so with the
cessation of knowledge the object of knowledge also ceases 1 •
As a description of prii1Ja we find in the Y oga-viisiftha that it is
said to be vibratory activity (spanda-saktt) situated in the upper part
of the body, while apiina is the vibratory activity in the lower part
of the body. There is a natural prii1Jliyiima going on in the body
in waking states as well as in sleep. The mental outgoing tendency
of the prli1Jas from the cavity of the heart is called recaka, and the
drawing in of the prli1Jas (dviidasiingult) by the apiina activity is
called puraka. The interval between the cessation of one effort of
apiina and the rise of the effort of prii1Ja is the stage of kumbhaka.
Bhusm._19a, the venerable old crow who was enjoying an excep-
tionally long life, is supposed to instruct Vasi~tha in VI. 24 on the
subject of prii1Ja. He compares the body to a house with the ego
(aha'f!lklira) as the householder. It is supposed to be supported
by pillars of three kinds 2 , provided with nine doors (seven aper-
tures in the head and two below), tightly fitted with the tendons
(sniiyu) as fastening materials and cemented with blood, flesh and
fat. On the two sides of it there are the two niit}is, £tja and p£ngalii,
lying passive and unmanifested (nimil£te). There is also a machine
(yantra) of bone and flesh (asthi-mliJ!lsa-maya) in the shape of three
double lotuses (padma-yugma-traya) having pipes attached to them
running both upwards and downwards and with their petals closing
upon oneanother(anyonya-m£lat-komala-saddala). When it is slowly
samula1[l naryata}.z k#pra1[l mula-cchediid iva druma}.z.
sa1Jlvida1[l viddhi sa1Jlvedya1Jl bija1Jl dhiratayii vinii
na sa1Jlbhavati sa1[lVedya1[l taila-hinas tilo yathii
na bahir niintare ki1Jlcil sa1JlVedya1[l vidyate Prthak.
Yoga-viisiftha, v. 91. 66 and 67.
tri-prakiira-mahii-sthil7Jam, VI. 24. 14. The commentator explains the three
kinds of pillars as referring to the three primal entities of Indian medicine--
vii.yu (air),pitta (bile) and kapha (phlegm)-viita-pitta-kapha-lak~a7Ja-tri-prakiirii
mahiinta}.z sthu'l}ii vi~tambha-kiif.thiini yasya. I am myself inclined to take the
three kinds of pillars as referring to the bony structure of three parts of the body-
the skull, the trunk, and the legs.
DII 17
The Philosophy of the Yoga-viisi~tha [cH.
filled with air, the petals move, and by the movement of the petals
the air increases. Thus increased, the air, passing upwards and
downwards through different places, is differently named as prii:l}a,
apiina, samiina, etc. It is in the threefold machinery of the lotus
of the heart (hrt-padma-yantra-tritaye) that all the prii'l}a forces
operate and spread forth upwards and downwards like the rays
from the moon's disc. They go out, return, repulse and draw
and circulate. Located in the heart, the air is called prii'l}a: it is
through its power that there is the movement of the eyes, the opera-
tion of the tactual sense, breathing through the nose, digesting of
food and the power of speech 1 • The prii'l}a current of air stands
for exhalation (recaka) and the apiina for inhalation (puraka), and
the moment of respite between the two operations is called kum-
bhaka; consequently, if the prli1:za and apiina can be made to cease
there is an unbroken continuity of kumblzaka. But all the functions
of the prii!W, as well as the upholding of the body, are ultimately
due to the movement of citta 2 • Though in its movement in the
body the prii'l}a is associated with air currents, still it is in reality
nothing but the vibratory activity proceeding out of the thought-
activity, and these two act and react upon each other, so that, if
the vibratory activity of the body be made to cease, the thought-
activity will automatically cease, and vice-versa. Thus through
spanda-nirodha we have prii1_1a-nirodha and through prii'l}a-nirodlza
we havespanda-nirodha. In the Yoga-viisi#ha, III. 13. 31, viiyu is
said to be nothing but a vibratory entity (spandateyat sa tad viiyul;).
In Y. 78 it is said that citta and movement are in reality one
and the same, and are therefore altogether inseparable, like the
snow and its whiteness, and consequently with the destruction of
one the other is also destroyed. There are two ways of destroying
the citta, one by Yoga, consisting of the cessation of mental states,
and the other by right knowledge. As water enters through the
crevices of the earth, so air (viita) tnoves in the body through the
niitjzs and is called prii1Ja. It is this priil}a air which, on account of
its diverse functions and works, is differently named as apiina, etc.
1 Yoga-viisi~tha, VI. 24. It is curious to note in this connection that in the

whole literature ~f the Ayur-Yeda there is probably no passage where there is such
a clear description of the respiratory process. Pupphusa, or lungs, are mentioned
only by name in Susruta-sa1[lhitii, but none of their functions and modes of
operation are at all mentioned. It is probable that the discovery of the
respiratory functions of the lungs was made by a school of thought different
from that of the medical school.
Ibid. VI. zs. 61-74·
xn] Prii1Ja and its Control 259
But it is identical with citta. From the movement of prll1Ja there
is the movement of citta, and from that there is knowledge (samvid).
As regards the control of the movement of prii1Ja, the Yoga-vasinha
advises several alternatives. Thus it holds that through concen-
trating one's mind on one subject, or through fixed habits of long
inhalation associated with meditation, or through exhaustive ex-
halation, or the practice of not taking breath and maintaining
kumbhaka, or through stopping the inner respiratory passage by
attaching the tip of the tongue to the uvula 1 , or, again, through
concentration of the mind or thoughts on the point between the
two brows, there dawns all of a sudden the right knowledge and
the consequent cessation of prii1Ja activities 2 •
Professor 1\Iacdonell, writing on prii'l}a in the Ved£c Index,
vol. n, says," prii'l}a, properly denoting' breath,' is a term of wide
and vague significance in Vedic literature." In the narrow sense
prii'l}a denotes one of the vital airs, of which five are usually
enumerated, viz. prii1Ja, apiina, vyiina, udiina and samiina. The
exact sense of each of these breaths, when all are mentioned, cannot
be determined. The word prli1Ja has sometimes merely the general
sense of breath, even when opposed to apiina. But its proper sense
is beyond question "breathing forth,'' "expiration." But, though
in a few cases the word may have been used for "breath" in its
remote sense, the general meaning of the word in the Upani!?ads
is not air current, but some sort of biomotor force, energy or
vitality often causing these air currents 3 • It would be tedious to
refer to the large number of relevant Upani~ad texts and to try
to ascertain after suitable discussion their exact significance in each
tiilu-mala-gatii:rrz yatniij jihvayiikramya ghanfikiim
firdhva-randhra-gate prii7Je priit)a-spando nirudhyate.
Yoga-viis#tha, v. 78. 25.
It is important to notice in this connection that most of the forms of prii7Ja-
yiima as herein described, except the hatha-yoga process of arresting the inner
air passage by the tongue, otherwise known as khecarl-mfidrii, are the same as
described in the sfitras of Patail.jali and the bhii~ya of Vyasa; and this fact has
also been pointed out by the commentator Anandabodhendra Bhik!?u in his
commentary on the above.
Difference between prii7Ja and viiyu, Aitareya, II. 4; the niisikya prii7Ja, I. 4·
Relation of prii7Ja to other functions, Kautitaki, 11. 5; prii7Ja as life, II. 8;
prii7Ja connected with vayu, II. 12; prii7Ja as the most important function of
life, II. 14; prii7Ja as consciousness, 111. 2. Distinction of niisikya and mukhya
prii7Ja, Chiindogya, II. 1-9; the function of the five viiyus, III. 3-5; prii7Ja as the
result of food, I. 8. 4; of water, VI. 5· 2, VI. 6. 5, VI. 7· 6; priiiJa connected with
iitman, as everything else connected with prii7Ja, like spokes of a wheel, Brhad-
iira7Jyaka, II. s. 15; prii~za as strength, ibid. v. 14. 4; prii7Ja as force running
through the su~um7Jii nerve, ]}faitrl, VI. 21 ; etc.
260 The Philosophy of the Yoga-vdsiftha [cH.
case. The best way to proceed therefore is to refer to the earliest
traditional meaning of the word, as accepted by the highest Hindu
authorities. I refer to the Vediinta-sutra of Badarayal)a, which may
be supposed to be the earliest research into the doctrines discussed
in the Upani~ads. Thus the Vediinta-sutra, II. 4· 9 (na viiyu-kriye
J>rthag upadesiit), speaking of what may be the nature of priir:za, says
that it is neither air current (viiyu) nor action (kriya), since priir:za
has been considered as different from air and action (in the
Upani~ads). Sailkara, commenting on this, says that from such
passages as yalz priir:zab sa e~a viiyulz paiica 'vidhalz priir:zo piino vyiina
udiinalz samanalz (what is priil}a is ~iiyu and it is fivefold, priir:za,
apiina, vyiina, udiina,samiina), it may be supposed that vayu (air)
is priir:za, but it is not so, since in Chiindogya, 111. 18. 4, it is stated
that they are different. Again, it is not the action of the senses,
as the Sarpkhya supposes; for it is regarded as different from the
senses in Mu1J¢aka, II. 1. 3· The passage which identifies viiyu with
priil}a is intended to prove that it is the nature of viiyu that has
transformed itself into the entity known as priil}a (just as the
human body itself may be regarded as a modification or trans-
formation of k#ti, earth). It is not viiyu, but, as Vacaspati says,
"viiyu-bheda," which Amalananda explains in his Vediinta-kalpa-
taru as viiyolz paril}iima-rupa-karya-vise~alz, i.e. it is a particular
evolutionary product of the category of viiyu. Sankara's own state-
ment is equally explicit on the point. He says, "viiyur eviiyam
adhyiitmam iipannalz paiica-vyuho vise~iitmaniivat#thamiinalz priir:zo
nama bhar:zyate na tattviintara'f!l niipi viiyu-miitram," i.e. it is viiyu
which, having transformed itself into the body, differentiates
itself into a group of five that is called viiyu; priil}a is not alto-
gether a different category, nor simply air. In explaining the
nature of priitza in 11. 4· 10-12, Sankara says that priir:za is not as in-
dependent as jzva (soul), but performs everything on its behalf, like
a prime minister (riija-mantrivaj jzvasya sarviirtha-karal}atvena
upakaral}a-bhuto na svatantralz). Priil}a is not an instrument like
the senses, which operate only in relation to particular objects; for,
as is said in Chiindogya, v. 1. 6, 7, Brhad-iirar:zyaka, IV. 3· 12 and
Brhad-iiral}yaka, 1. 3· 19, when all the senses leave the body the
priil}a continues to operate. It is that by the functioning of which
the existence of the soul in the body, or life (jzva-sthitz), and the
passage of the jzva out of the body, or death (jivotkriintz), are
possible. The five viiyus are the five functionings of this vital
XII] Prt17Ja and its Control
principle, just as the fivefold mental states of right knowledge,
illusion, imagination (vikalpa), sleep and memory are the different
states of the mind. Vacaspati, in commenting on Vediinta-siltra,
II. 4· 11, says that it is the cause which upholds the body and the
senses (dehendriya-vidhiira7Ja-kiira7Ja1Jl prii1JaJ.z), though it must be
remembered that it has still other functions over and above the
upholding of the body and the senses (na kevala1JZ sarlrendriya-
dhiira1Jam asya kiiryam, Vacaspati, ibid.). In Vediinta-siltra, II.
4· 13, it is described as being atomic (a1Ju), which is explained
by Sailkara as" subtle" (suk~ma), on account of its pervading the
whole body by its fivefold functionings. Vacaspati in explaining it
says that it is called "atomic" only in a derivative figurative sense
(upacaryate) and only on account of its inaccessible or indefinable
character (duradhigamatii), though pervading the whole body.
Govindananda, in commenting upon Vediinta-siltra, II. 4· 9, says
that priil}a is a vibratory activity which upholds the process of life
and it has no other direct operation than that (parispanda-rupa-
prii7Janiinukillatviid aviintara-vyiipiiriibhiiviit). This seems to be
something like biomotor or life force. With reference to the
relation of prii7Ja to the motor organs or faculties of speech, etc.,
Sankara says that their vibratory activity is derived from prii1Ja
( viig-iidi~u parispanda-liibhasya prii1Jiiyattatvam, II. 4· 19). There are
some passages in the Vediinta-sutra which may lead us to think
that the five viiyus may mean air currents, but that it is not so is
evident from the fact that the substance of the prii1Ja is not air (etat
prii7Jiidi-paizcakam iikiisiidi-gata-rajo-'1JlSebhyo militebhya utpadyate),
and the rajas element is said to be produced from the five bhutas,
and the prii1Jas are called kriyiitmaka, or consisting of activity.
Rama Tirtha, commenting on the above passage of the Vediinta-
siira, says that it is an evolutionary product of the essence of viiyu
and the other bhutas, but it is not in any sense the external air
which performs certain physiological functions in the body ( tathii
mukhya-prii1JO 'pi viiyor biihyasya siltriitmakasya vikiiro na siirfra-
madhye nabhovad vrtti-liibha~miitreya avasthito biihya-viiyur eva) 1 •
Having proved that in Vedanta prii1Ja or any of the five viiyus means
biomotor force and not air current, I propose now to turn to the
The Sarpkhya-Yoga differs from the Vedanta in rejecting the
view that the prii7Ja is in any sense an evolutionary product of the
1 Vidvan-mano-ra1ijanl, p. 105, Jacob's edition, Bombay, 1916.
The Philosophy of the Yoga-vdsi~tha [cH.
nature of vayu. Thus VijfH1nabhik~u in his Vijiianamrta-bhii!ya
on Vedanta-sutra, II. 4· 10, says that pratza is called viiyu because
it is self-active like the latter (svatafz kriyavattvena ubhayoi.J, priitta-
viiyvofz sajatyiit). Again, in II. 4· 9, he says that priitta is neither air
nor the upward or downward air current (mukhya-pra1JO na vayu!J
napi siir:Zrasya urdhv-adho-vgamana-la~a1Jii vayu-kriya).
What is pra7Ja, then, according to Sarp.khya-Yoga? It is
mahat-tattva, which is evolved from prakrti, which is called buddhi
with reference to its intellective power and priitta with reference
to its power as activity. The so-called five viiyus are the different
functionings of the mahat-tattva (siimanya-kiirya-sadhiiratza'!l yat
kiiratza'!l mahat-tattva'!l tasyaiva vrtti-bhediifz pratziipaniidayafz; see
Vijiianiimrta-bhii~ya, II. 4· I I). Again, referring to Sii'!lkhya-kiirikii,
29, we find that the five vayus are spoken of as the common func-
tioning of buddhi, aha'!lkiira and manas, and Vacaspati says that
the five viiyus are their life. This means that the three, buddhi,
aha'!lkiira and manas, are each energizing, in their own way, and
it is the joint operation of these energies that is called the fivefold
priitta which upholds the body. Thus in this view also pratta is
biomotor force and no air current. The special feature of this
view is that this biomotor force is in essence a mental energy
consisting of the specific functionings of buddhi, aha'!lkiira and
manas 1 • It is due to the evolutionary activity of antafzkara7Ja.
In support of this view the Sa'!lkhya-pravacana-bhaVJa, II. 3 I,
Vyiisa-bhiiVJa, 111. 39, Vacaspati's Tattva-vaisiiradt, Bhik!?u's Yoga-
varttika, and Nagesa's Chiiya-vyiikhyii thereon may be referred
to. It is true, no doubt, that sometimes inspiration and expiration
of external air are also called priitta; but that is because in inspira-
tion and expiration the function of priitta is active or it vibrates. It
is thus the entity which moves and not mere motion that is called
priitta 2 • Ramanuja agrees with Sailkara in holding that pratta is
not air (vayu), but a transformation of the nature of air. But it
should be noted that this modification of air is such a modification
as can only be known by Yoga methods 3 •
The Vaise~ika, however, holds that it is the external air which
Gau<;lapada's bhiifya on the SaT[lkhya-kiirikii, 29 compares the action of
prii7Ja to the movement of birds enclosed in a cage which moves the cage:
compare Sailkara's reference to Vediinta-sutra, II. 4· 9·
Riimiinuja-bhiifya on Vediinta-sutra, II. 4· 8.
See the Tattva-muktii-kaliipa, 53-55, and also Riimiinuja-bhiiDJa and Sruta-
prakiilikii, II. 4· z-zs.
XII] PrtilJa and its Control
according to its place in the body performs various physiological
functions 1 • The medical authorities also support the view that
viiyu is a sort of driving and upholding power. Thus the Bhiiva-
prakiisa describes 'viiyu as follows: It takes quickly the do~as,
dhiitus and the malas from one place to another, is subtle, com-
posed of rajo-gu1}a; is dry, cold, light and moving. By its move-
ment it produces all energy, reg1 ~ates inspiration and expiration
and generates all movement and action, and by upholding the
keenness of the senses and the dhiitus holds together the heat,
senses and the mind 2 • Vahata in his A#ii1iga-Sa1Jlgraha also regards
viiyu as the one cause of all body movements, and there is nothing
to suggest that he meant air currents 3 • The long description of
Caraka (r. 12), as will be noticed in the next chapter, seems to
suggest that he considered the viiyu as the constructive and
destructive force of the universe, and as fulfilling the same kinds of
functions inside the body as well. It is not only a physical force
regulating the physiological functions of the body, but is also the
mover and controller of the mind in all its operations, as knowing,
feeling and willing. Susruta holds that it is in itself avyakta
(unmanifested or unknowable), and that only its actions as
operating in the body are manifested (avyakto vyakta-karmii ca).
In the Yoga-viisi#ha, as we have already seen above, prii1}a or
viiyu is defined as that entity which vibrates (spandate yat sa tad
viiyu/:t, III. 1 3) and it has no other reality than vibration. Prii1Ja itself
is, again, nothing but the movement of the intellect as ahaf!lkiira 4 •
Prii1}a is essentially of the nature of vibration (spanda), and
mind is but a form of prii1}a energy, and so by the control of the
mind the five viiyus are controlled 5 • The Saiva authorities also
agree with the view that prii1}a is identical with cognitive activity,
which passes through the nii{lls (nerves) and maintains all the body
movement and the movement of the senses. Thus K~emaraja says
that it is the cognitive force which passes in the form of prii1Ja
through the nii¢ls, and he refers to Bhana Kallata as also holding
the same view, and prii1Ja is definitely spoken of by him as force
(kutila-viihini prii1}a-sakti/:t) 6 • Sivopadhyaya in his Vivrti on the
Nyiiya-kandall of Sridhara, p. 48.
Bhiiva-prakiisa, Sen's edition, Calcutta, p. 47·
Vahata's A~!iiilga-sa1Jlgraha and the commentary by Indu, Trichur, 1914,
pp. 1]8, 212.
Yoga-viisi~tha, III. 14. 5
Ibid. v. 13, 78.
Siva-sutra-vim.ariinl, III. 43, 44·
The Philosophy of the Yoga-vasi~tha [cH.
Vijfiana-bhairava also describes priir;za as force (sakti), and the
Vijfiiina-bhat"rava itself does the same 1 • Bhatta Ananda in his
Vz}fiiina-kaumudi describes priir;za as a functioning of the mind
Stages of Progress.
It has been already said that the study of philosophy and
association with saintly characters are the principal means with
which a beginner has to set out on his toil for the attainment of
salvation. In the first stage (prathamii bhumikii) the enquirer has to
increase his wisdom by study and association with saintly persons.
The second stage is the stage of critical thinking ( vicara~;zii); the
third is that of the mental practice of dissociation from all passions,
etc. (asaflga-bhiivanii); the fourth stage (vilapani) is that in which
through a right understanding of the nature of truth the world-ap-
pearance shows itself to be false; the fifth stage is that in which the
saint is in a state of pure knowledge and bliss (suddha-sa1Jlvit-mayii-
nanda-rupa). This stage is that of the jtvan-mukta, in which the
saint may be said to be half-asleep and half-awake (ardha-supta-
prabuddha). The sixth stage is that in which the saint is in a state
of pure bliss; it is a state which is more like that of deep dreamless
sleep (su~upta-sadrsa-sthitz). The seventh stage is the last transcen-
dental state (turyiitzta), which cannot be experienced by any saint
while he is living. Of these the first three stages are called the
waking state (jagrat), the fourth stage is called the dream state
(svapna), the fifth stage is called the dreamless (su~upta) state, the
sixth stage is an unconscious state called the turya, and the seventh
stage is called the turyiitita 3 •
Desire (icchii) is at the root of all our troubles. It is like a mad
elephant rushing through our system and trying to destroy it.
The senses are like its young, and the instinctive root inclinations
(viisanii) are like its flow of ichor. It can only be conquered by
the close application of patience (dhairya). Desire means the
imaginations of the mind, such as "let this happen to me," and
this is also called saflkalpa. The proper way to stop this sort of
imagining is to cease by sheer force of will from hoping or desiring
in this manner, and for this one has to forget his memory; for
Vijiiiina-bhairava and Vivrti, verse 67.
See the N_viiya-kandalf of Sridhara, p. 48, and also Dinakari and RiimarUdrf
on the Siddhiinta-muktiivalf on Bhiilii-parichcheda, p. 44·
3 Yoga-viis#tha, VI. 120.
xn] Stages of Progress
so long as memory continues such hopes and desires cannot be
stopped. The last stage, when all movement has ceased (aspanda)
and all thoughts and imaginations have ceased, is a state of un-
consciousness (avedanam) 1 • Yoga is also defined as the ultimate
state of unconsciousness (avedana), the eternal state when every-
thing else has ceased 2 • In this state citta is destroyed, and one is
reduced to the ultimate entity of consciousness; and thus, being
free of all relations and differentiations of subject and object,
one has no knowledge in this state, though it is characterized as
bodhiitmaka (identical with consciousness). This last state is indeed
absolutely indescribable (avyapadesya), though it is variously de-
scribed as the state of Brahman, Siva, or the realization of the
distinction of prakrti and puru~a 3 • The Yoga-viisiftha, however,
describes this state not as being.essentially one of bliss, but as a state
of unconsciousness unthinkable and indescribable. It is only the
fifth state that manifests itself as being of the nature of iinanda;
the sixth state is one of unconsciousness, which, it seems, can
somehow be grasped; but the seventh is absolutely transcendental
and indescribable.
The division of the progressive process into seven stages
naturally reminds one of the seven stages of prajfiii (wisdom) in
Pataiijali's Yoga-sutra and Vyiisa-bhii§ya. The seven stages of
prajiiii are there divided into two parts, the first containing four
and the second three. Of these the four are psychological and the
three are ontological, showing the stages of the disintegration of
dtta before its final destruction or citta-vimukti4 • Here also the
first four stages, ending with viliipanl, are psychological, whereas
the last three stages represent the advance of the evolution of dtta
towards its final disruption. But, apart from this, it does not seem
that there is any one to one correspondence of the prajfiii states
of the Yoga-v~tha with those of Pataiijali. The Yoga-viisiftha
occasionally mentions the name Yoga as denoting the highest state
and defines it as the ultimate state of unconsciousness (avedana1Jl
v-idur yogam) or as the cessation of the poisonous effects of desire 5 .
In the first half of the sixth book, chapter 125, the ultimate state
is described as the state of universal negation (sarviipahnava).
Existence of citta is pain, and its destruction bliss; the destruction
1 Yoga-viisqfha, VI. 126. 3
z Ibid. VI. 126. 99· Ibid. VI. 126. 71-'72.
' See my A History of Indian Philosophy, vol. I, Cambridge, 1922, p. 273.
Icchti-vqa-viktirasya viyoga1Jl yoga-ntimakam. Yoga-vtisq{ha, VI. 37· I; also
ibid. VI. 126. 99·
The Philosophy of the Yoga-vas#tha [cH.
of citta by cessation of knowledge-a state of neither pain nor
pleasure nor any intermediate state-a state as feelingless as that
of the stone (Pi:i!iitzavat-samam), is the ultimate state aimed at 1 •
Karma, according to the Yoga-vii.si$tha, is nothing but thought-
activity manifesting itself as subject-object knowledge. Abandon-
ment of karma therefore means nothing short of abandonment of
thought-activity or the process of knowledge 2 • Cessation of karma
thus means the annihilation of knowledge. The stirring of karma
or activity of thought is without any cause; but it is due to this
activity that the ego and all other objects of thought come into
being·; the goal of all our endeavours should be the destruction of
all knowledge, the unconscious, stone-like knowledgeless state 3 •
As there are seven progressive stages, so there are also seven
kinds of beings according to the weakness or strength of their
viisaniis. There are svapna-jiigara, saizkalpa-jiigara, kevala-
jiigrat-sthita, ciriij-jiigrat-sthita, ghana-jiigrat-sthita, jiigrat-svapna
and /qitza-jagaraka. Svapna-jiigara (dream -awake) persons are those
who in some past state of existence realized in dream experience all
our present states of being and worked as dream persons (~vapna­
nara). The commentator in trying to explain this says that it is not
impossible; for everything is present everywhere in the spirit, so it is
possible that we, as dream persons of their dream experience,should
be present in their minds in their viisanii forms ( tad-antal;-karatze
viisaniitmanii sthitii/;) 4 • As both past and present have no existence
except in thought, time is in thought reversible, so that our exist-
ence at a time future to theirs does not necessarily prevent their
having an experience of us in dreams. For the limitations of time
and space do not hold for thought, and as elements in thought
everything exists everywhere (sarva1Jl sarvatra vidyate) 5 • By dreams
these persons may experience changes of life and even attain to
final emancipation. The second class, the saizkalpa-jiigaras, are those
who without sleeping can by mere imagination continue to con-
ceive all sorts of activities and existences, and may ultimately
attain emancipation. The third class, the kevala-jiigaras, are those
who are born in this life for the first time. When such beings pass
1 This turlyiitlta stage should not be confused with the sixth stage of su~pti,

which is often described as a stage of pure bliss.

sarve$ii'!l karma'l)iim eva1fl vedana1fl bljam uttamam
svarupa1fl cetayitviintas tata/:t spanda/:t pravartate.
Yoga-vasinha, vi. I I. 2. 26.
3 Ibid. 111. IS. I6. ' Ibid. vi. 2. so. 9· Tiitparya-prakiisa. 6 Ibid.
xn] Methods of Right Conduct
through more than one life, they are called cira-jiigaras. Such
beings, on account of their sins, may be born as trees, etc., in
which case they are called ghana-jiigaras. Those of such beings
suffering rebirth who by study and good association attain right
knowledge are called jiigrat-svapna-sthita; and finally, those that
have reached the turya state of deliverance are called k#-1Ja-jiigaraka.
Bondage (bandha), according to the Yoga-viisi~tha, remains so
long as our knowledge has an object associated with it, and de-
liverance (mo~a) is realized when knowledge is absolutely and
ultimately dissociated from all objects and remains in its tran-
scendent purity, having neither an object nor a subject 1 •

Methods of Right Conduct.

The Yoga-viisi#ha does not enjoin severe asceticism or the
ordinary kinds of religious gifts, ablutions or the like for the realiza-
tion of our highest ends, which can only be achieved by the control
of attachment (raga), antipathy (dve~a), ignorance (tarnal;), anger
(krodha), pride (mada), and jealousy (miitsarya), followed by the
right apprehension of the nature of reality 2 • So long as the mind
is not chastened by the clearing out of all evil passions, the per-
formance of religious observances leads only to pride and vanity
and does not produce any good. The essential duty of an enquirer
consists in energetic exertion for the achievement of the highest
end, for which he must read the right sort of scriptures (sac-chiistra)
and associate with good men 3 • He should somehow continue his
living and abandon even the slightest desire of enjoyment (bhoga-
gandham parityajet), and should continue critical thinking (viciira).
On the question whether knowledge or work,jiiiina or karma, is to
be accepted for the achievement of the highest end, the Yoga-
viis#tha does not, like Sankara, think that the two cannot jointly
be taken up, but on the contrary emphatically says that, just as
jiiiinasya jiieyatiipattir bandha ity abhidhlyate
tasyaiva jiieyatii-siintir mok~a ity abhidhlyate.
Yoga-viis#fha, VI. II. 190. I.
sva-paurtlla-prayatnena vivekena vikiiJinii
sa devo jiiiiyate riima na tapal;z-sniina-karmabhil;z.
Ibid. III. 6. 9·
a Good men are defined in the Y oga-viisi~tha as follows :
dese yattJ sujana-priiyii lokiil;z siidhu1Jl praca~ate
sa visi~tal;z sa siidhul;z syiit tattt prayatnena satttJrayet.
Ibid. III. 6. 20.
268 The Philosophy of the Y oga-viisi~tha [cH.
a bird flies with its two wings, so an enquirer can reach his goal
through the joint operation of knowledge and work 1 •
The main object of the enquirer being the destruction of citta,
all his endeavours should be directed towards the uprooting of
instinctive root inclinations (viisanii), which are the very substance
and root of the citta. The realization of the truth (tattva-jiiiina), the
destruction of the viisaniis and the destruction of the citta all mean
the same identical state and are interdependent on one another,
so that none of them can be attained without the other. So, aban-
doning the desire for enjoyment, one has to try for these three
together; and for this one has to control one's desires on one hand
and practise breath-control (prii!Ja-nirodhena) on the other; and
these two would thus jointly co-operate steadily towards the final
goal. Such an advancement is naturally slow, but this progress,
provided it is steady, is to be preferred to any violent efforts to
hasten (hatha) the result 2 • Great stress is also laid on the necessity
of self-criticism as a means of loosening the bonds of desire and
the false illusions of world-appearance and realizing the dissocia-
tion from attachment (asanga) 3 •

Yoga-vasi~tha, Sailkara Vedanta and Buddhist

To a superficial reader the idealism of the Yoga-viisz~tha may
appear to be identical with the Vedanta as interpreted by Sankara;
and in some of the later Vedanta works of the Sankara school, such
as the Jivan-mukti-viveka, etc., so large a number of questions dealt
with in the Yoga-viisi~tha occur that one does not readily imagine
that there may be any difference between this idealism and that
of Sankara. This point therefore needs some discussion.
The main features of Sankara's idealism consist in the doctrine
that the self-manifested subject-objectless intelligence forms the
ultimate and unchangeable substance of both the mind (antal:zka-
ra!Ja) and the external world. Whatever there is of change and
mutation is outside of this Intelligence, which is also the Reality.
But, nevertheless, changes are found associated with this reality
or Brahman, such as the external forms of objects and the diverse
mental states. These are mutable and have therefore a different
kind of indescribable existence from Brahman; but still they are
1 2
Yoga-viisinha, 1. I. 7, 8. Ibid. v. 92. I Ibid. v. 93·
XII] Buddhist and Vedanta Idealism
somehow essentially of a positive nature 1 • Sankara's idealism does
not allow him to deny the existence of external objects as apart
from perceiving minds, and he does not adhere t0 the doctrine of
esse est percipi. Thus he severely criticizes the views of the Buddhist
idealists, who refuse to believe in the existence of external objects
as apart from the thoughts which seem to represent them. Some
of these arguments are of great philosophical interest and remind
one of similar arguments put forth by a contemporary British
Neo-realist in refutation of Idealism.
The Buddhists there are made to argue as follows: When two
entities are invariably perceived simultaneously they are identical ;
now knowledge and its objects are perceived simultaneously;
therefore the objects are identical with their percepts. Our ideas
have nothing in the external world to which they correspond, and
their existence during dreams, when the sense-organs are uni-
versally agreed to be inoperative, shows that for the appearance of
ideas the operation of the sense-organs, indispensable for estab-
lishing connection with the so-called external world, is unneces-
sary. If it is asked how, if there are no external objects, can the
diversity of percepts be explained, the answer is that such diversity
may be due to the force of viisaniis or the special capacity of the
particular moment associated with the cognition 2 • If the so-called
external objects are said to possess different special capacities
which would account for the· diversity of percepts, the successive
moments of the mental order may also be considered as possessing
special distinctive capacities which would account for the diversity
of percepts generated by those cognition moments. In dreams it
is these diverse cognition moments which produce diversity of
Sankara, in relating the above argument of the Buddhist idealist,
says that external objects are directly perceived in all our per-
ceptions, and how then can they be denied? In answer to this,
if it is held that there is no object for the percepts excepting the
sensations, or that the existence of anything consists in its being
perceived, that can be refuted by pointing to the fact that the inde-
pendent existence of the objects of perception, as apart from their
being perceived, can be known from the perception itself, since the
1 See the account of Sankara Vedanta in my A History of Indian Philosophy,
vol. Cambridge, 1922, chapter x.
2 Kasyacid eva jiiiina- kja7J.asya sa tiidrsalz siimarthyiitisayo viisanii-pari1Jiimalz.

Bhiimatr, u. 1 I. 28.
The Philosophy of the Y oga-viis#tha [CH.
perceiving of an object is not the object itself; it is always felt that
the perception of the blue is different from the blue which is
perceived; the blue stands forth as the object of perception and
the two can never be identical. This is universally felt and acknow-
ledged, and the Buddhist idealist, even while trying to refute it,
admits it in a way, since he says that what is inner perception appears
as if it exists outside of us, externally. If externality as such never
existed, how could there be an appearance of it in consciousness?
When all experiences testify to this difference between knowledge
and its object, the inner mental world of thoughts and ideas and
the external world of objects, how can such a difference be denied?
You may see a jug or remember it: the mental operation in these
two cases varies, but the object remains the same 1 •
The above argument of Sankara against Buddhist idealism
conclusively proves that he admitted the independent existence of
objects, which did not owe their existence to anybody's knowing
them. External objects had an existence different from and inde-
pendent of the existence of the diversity of our ideas or percepts.
But the idealism of the Yoga-vasi~tha is more like the doctrine of
the Buddhist idealists than the idealism of Sankara. For according
to the Yoga-vasi#ha it is only ideas that have some sort of existence.
Apart from ideas or percepts there is no physical or external world
having a separate or independent existence. Esse est percipi is the
doctrine of the Yoga-vasi#ha, while Sankara most emphatically
refutes such a doctrine. A. later exposition of Vedanta by Prakas-
ananda, known as Veda. ·l-siddhanta-muktavalz, seems to derive
its inspiration from the Yoga-vasz~tha in its exposition of Vedanta
on lines similar to the idealism of the Yoga-vasiftha, by denying the
existence of objects not perceived (ajiiata-sattvanabhyupagama) 2 •
Prakasananda disputes the ordinarily accepted view that cognition
of objects arises out of the contact of senses with objects; for
objects for him exist only so long as they are perceived, i.e. there
is no independent external existence of objects apart from their
perception. All objects have only perceptual existence (pratUzka-
sattva). Both Prakasananda and the Yoga-vasi#ha deny the
existence of objects when they are not perceived, while Sankara
not only admits their existence, but also holds that they exist in
the same form in which they are known ; and this amounts vir-
tually to the admission that our knowing an object does not add
Sankara's bhiiDJa on the Brahma-sutra, 11. 2. 28.
11 Siddhiinta-muktiivall. See The Pandit, new series, vol. XI, pp. 129-139.
xu] Buddhist and Vedanta Idealism
anything to it or modify it to any extent, except that it becomes
known to us through knowledge. Things are what they are, even
though they may not be perceived. This is in a way realism. The
idealism of Sankara's Vedanta consists in this, that he held that
the Brahman is the immanent self within us, which transcends all
changeful experience and is also ultimate reality underlying all
objects perceived outside of us in the external world. \Vhatever
forms and characters there are in our experience, internal as well
as external, have an indescribable and indefinite nature which
passes by the name of miiyii 1 • Sankara Vedanta takes it for granted
that that alone is real which is unchangeable; what is changeful,
though it is positive, is therefore unreal. The world is only unreal
in that special sense; miiyii belongs to a category different from
affirmation and negation, namely the category of the indefinite.
The relation of the real, the Brahman, to this miiyii in
Sailkara Vedanta is therefore as indefinite as the miiyii; the real
is the unchangeable, but how the changeful forms and characters
become associated with it or what is their origin or what is their
essence, Sankara is not in a position to tell us. The Yoga-viisiftha
however holds that formless and characterless entity is the ultimate
truth; it is said to be the Brahman, cit, or void (sunya); but,
whatever it may be, it is this characterless entity which is the
ultimate truth. This ultimate entity is associated with an energy
of movement, by virtue of which it can reveal all the diverse forms
of appearances. The relation between the appearances and the
reality is not external, indefinite and indescribable, as it is to
Sankara, but the appearances, which are but the unreal and
illusory manifestations of the reality, are produced by the opera-
tion of this inner activity of the characterless spirit, which is in
itself nothing but a subject-objectless pure consciousness. But this
inner and immanent movement does not seem to have any dia-
lectic of its own, and no definite formula of the method of its
operation for its productions can be given; the imaginary shapes
of ideas and objects, which have nothing but a mere perceptual
existence, are due not to a definite order, but to accident or chance
(kiikatiiltya). Such a conception is indeed very barren, and it is
here that the system of the Y oga-viisi~tha is particularly defective.
Another important defect of the system is that it does not either
criticize knowledge or admit its validity, and the characterless
entity which forms its absolute is never revealed in experience.
1 See my A History of l11dian Philosophy, vol. I, ch. x.
The Philosophy of the Yoga-viisi~tha (CH. XII

With Sankara the case is different; for he holds that this absolute
Brahman is also the self which is present in every experience and is
immediate and self-revealed. But the absolute of the Yoga-viis#tha
is characterless and beyond experience. The state of final emancipa-
tion, the seventh stage, is not a stage of bliss, like the Brahmahood
of the Vedanta, but a state of characterlessness and vacuity almost.
In several places in the work it is said that this ultimate state is
differently described by various systems as Brahman, distinction
of pra/qti and puru~a, pure vijiiana and void (sunya), while in truth
it is nothing but a characterless entity. Its state of mukti (emanci-
pation) is therefore described, as we have already seen above, as
pii~ii1Javat or like a stone, which strongly reminds us of the
Vaise~ika view of mukti. On the practical side it lays great stress
on pauru~a, or exertion of free-will and energy, it emphatically
denies daiva as having the power of weakening pauru~a or even
exerting a superior dominating force, and it gives us a new view
of karma as meaning only thought-activity. As against Sankara, it
holds that knowledge (jiiana) and karma may be combined together,
and that they are not for two different classes of people, but are
both indispensable for each and every right-minded enquirer. The
principal practical means for the achievement of the highest end of
the Yoga-viis#tha are the study of philosophical scripture, asso-
ciation with good men and self-criticism. It denounces external
religious observances without the right spiritual exertions as being
worse than useless. Its doctrine of esse est percipi and that no
experiences have any objective validity outside of themselves, that
there are no external objects to which they correspond and that
all are but forms of knowledge, reminds us very strongly of
what this system owes to VijfHinavada Buddhism. But, while an
important Vijfianavada work like the Lankavatiira-siltra tries to
explain through its various categories the origin of the various
appearances in knowledge, no such attempt is made in the Yoga-
vasi~tha, where it is left to chance. It is curious that in the Sanskrit
account of Vijfianavada by Hindu writers, such as Vacaspati and
others, these important contributions of the system are never re-
ferred to either for the descriptive interpretation of the system or
for its refutation. While there are thus unmistakable influences of
Vijfianavada and Gau<;lapada on the Yoga-viisiftha, it seems to have
developed in close association with the Saiva, as its doctrine of spanda,
or immanent activity, so clearly shows. This point will, however,
be more fully discussed in my treatment of Saiva philosophy.

IT may be urged that the speculations of the thinkers of the

medical schools do not deserve to be recorded in a History of
Indian Philosophy. But the force of such an objection will lose
much in strength if it is remembered that medicine was the most
important of all the physical sciences which were cultivated in
ancient India, was directly and intimately connected with the
Sarpkhya and Vaise!?ika physics and was probably the origin of the
logical speculations subsequently codified in the Nyiiya-sutras 1 •
The literature contains, moreover, many other interesting ethical
instructions and reveals a view of life which differs considerably
from that found in works on philosophy; further, it treats of many
other interesting details which throw a flood of light on the scholastic
methods of Indian thinkers. Those, again, who are aware of the
great importance of Hat}la Yoga or Tantra physiology or anatomy
in relation to some of the Yoga practices of those schools will no
doubt be interested to know for purposes of comparison or con~
trast the speculations of the medical schools on kindred points of
interest. Their speculations regarding embryology, heredity and
other such points of general enquiry are likely to prove interesting
even to a student of pure philosophy.

Ayur-veda and the Atharva-Veda.

Susruta says that Ayur-veda (the science of life) is an upiiizga
of the Atharva- Veda and originally consisted of Ioo,ooo verses
in one thousand chapters and was composed by Brahma before
he created all beings (Susruta-sa1Jlhitii, 1. 1. 5). What upiiizga
exactly means in this connection cannot easily be satisfactorily
explained. l)alhat;a (A.D. 1 100) in explaining the word in his
Nibandha-Sa'f!lgraha, says that an upiiizga is a smaller aizga (part)-
" aizgam eva alpatviid upiiizgam." Thus, while hands and legs are
regarded as aizgas, the toes or the palms of the hands are called
upiiizga. The Atharva- Veda contains six thousand verses and about
1 The system of Satp.khya philosophy taught in Caraka-sa'l!lhitii, IV. I, has

already been described in the first volume of the present work, pp. 2IJ-2I7.
Speculations in the Medical Schools (cH.

one thousand prose lines. If the Ayur-veda originally contained

Ioo,ooo verses, it cannot be called an upatJga of the Atharva-Veda,
if upiit;zga is to mean a small appendage, as l)alha:r;ta explains it.
For, far from being a small appendage, it was more than ten times
as extensive as the Atharva- Veda. Caraka, in discussing the nature
of Ayur-veda, says that there was never a time when life did
not exist or when intelligent people did not exist, and so there
were always plenty of people who knew about life, and there
were always medicines which acted on the human body according
to the principles which we find enumerated in the Ayur-veda.
Ayur-veda was not produced at any time out of nothing, but
there was always a continuity of the science of life; when we
hear of its being produced, it can only be with reference to a
beginning of the comprehension of its principles by some original
thinker or the initiation of a new course of instruction at the
hands of a gifted teacher. The science of life has always been in
existence, and there have always been people who understood it in
their own way; it is only with reference to its first systematized
comprehension or instruction that it may be said to have a be-
ginning1. Again, Caraka distinguishes Ayur-veda as a distinct Veda,
which is superior to the other Vedas because it gives us life, which
is the basis of all other enjoyments or benefits, whether they be of
this world or of another2 • Vagbhata, the elder, speaks of Ayur-veda
not as an upiit;zga, but as an upaveda of the Atharva- Veda 3 • The
Mahii-bhiirata, 11. II. 33, speaks of upaveda, and Nilaka:r;ttha, ex-
plaining this, says that there are four upavedas, Ayur-veda, Dhanur-
veda, GiindharvaandArtha-siistra. Brahma-vaivarta, a later puriit;za,
says that after creating the J3.k, Yajus, Sarna and Atharva Brahma
created the Ayur-veda as the fifth Veda 4 • Roth has a quotation in
his Wiirterbuch to the effect that Brahma taught Ayur-veda, which
was a vediiizga, in all its eight parts 5 •
1 Caraka, 1. 30. 24. This passage seems to be at variance with Caraka, 1. 1. 6;

for it supposes that diseases also existed always, while Caraka, 1. 1. 6 supposes
that diseases broke out at a certain point of time. Is it an addition by the reviser
··a Caraka, I. 1. 42 and Jfyur-tJeda-dipikii of CakrapaQ.i on it.
3 A~tiinga-saTMJTaha, 1. 1. 8. Gopatha-Briihma1)a, 1. 10, however, mentions

five vedas, viz. Sarpa-veda, PiSiica-veda, Asura-veda, Itihiisa-veda and Purii'l)a-

veda, probably in the sense of upaveda, but Ayur-veda is not mentioned in this
f. Brahma-vaivarta-purii1)a, I. 16. 9, 10.
6 Brahmii vediingam ~tiingam iiyur-vedam abhii~ata. This quotation, which

occurs in the Worter.buch in connection with the word iiyur-veda, could not
XIII] Ayur-veda and the Atharva-Veda 275
We thus find that Ayur-veda was regarded by some as a Veda
superior to the other Vedas and respected by their followers as a
fifth Veda, as an upaveda of the Atharva-Veda, as an independent
upaveda, as an upiiizga of the Atharva- Veda and lastly as a vediiizga.
All that can be understood from these conflicting references is
that it was traditionally believed that there was a Veda known as
Ayur-veda which was almost co-existent with the other Vedas, was
entitled to great respect, and was associated with the Atharva- Veda
in a special way. It seems, however, that the nature of this asso-
ciation consisted in the fact that both of them dealt with the curing
of diseases and the attainment of long life; the one principally by
incantations and charms, and the other by medicines. What Susruta
understands by calling Ayur-veda an upiiizga of the Atharva- Veda
is probably nothing more than this. Both the Atharva- Veda and
Ayur-veda dealt with the curing of diseases, and this generally
linked them together in the popular mind, and, the former being
the holier of the two, on account of its religious value, the latter
was associated with it as its literary accessory·. Darila Bhatta, in
commenting upon Kausika-siltra, 25. 2, gives us a hint as to what
may have been the points of contact and of difference between
Ayur-veda and the Atharva- Veda. Thus he says that there are two
kinds of diseases; those that are produced by unwholesome diet,
and those produced by sins and transgressions. The Ayur-veda
was made for curing the former, and the Atharvan practices for the
latter 1 • Caraka himself counts penance (priiyas-citta) as a name of
medicine (bhe~aja) and CakrapaQ.i, in commenting on this, says that
as priiyas-citta removes the diseases produced by sins, so medicines
(bhe~aja) also remove diseases, and thus priiyas-citta is synonymous
with bhe~aja2.
But what is this Ayur-veda? We now possess only the
treatises of Caraka and Susruta, as modified and supplemented by
later revisers. But Susruta tells us that Brahma had originally
produced the Ayur-veda, which contained Ioo,ooo verses spread
over one thousand chapters, and then, finding the people weak
in intelligence and short-lived, later on divided it into eight subjects,
be verified owing to some omission in the reference. It should be noted that
vedi.iilga is generally used to mean the six aizgas, viz. Si~i.i, Kalpa, Vyiikara~a,
Chandas, Jyoti~ and Nirukta.
dvi-praki.iri.i vyi.idhaya/:t i.ihi.ira-nimittii a$ubhanimittiiJ ceti; tatra i.ihi.ira-
samutthi.ini.i1Jl. va#amya i.iyurveda1J1. cakiira adharma-samutthi.ini.i1Jl. tu si.istramidam
ucyate. Darila's comment on Kausika-siltra, 25. 2.
2 Caraka, VI. I. 3 and Ayur-veda-dipiki.i, ibid.

Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
viz. surgery (salya), treatment of diseases of the head (siiliikya),
treatment of ordinary diseases (kiiya-cikitsii), the processes of
counteracting the influences of evil spirits (bhuta-vidyii), treatment
of child diseases (kaumiira-bhrtya), antidotes to poisons (agada-
tantra), the science of rejuvenating the body (rasiiyana) and the
science of acquiring sex-strength (viijtkarm:za) 1 • The statement of
Susruta that Ayur-veda was originally a great work in which the
later subdivisions of its eight different kinds of studies were not
differentiated seems to be fairly trustworthy. The fact that Ayur-
veda is called an upiiizga, an upaveda, or a vediiizga also points to its
existence in some state during the period when the Vedic literature
was being composed. We hear of compendiums of medicine as early
as the Priitisiikhyas 2 • It is curious, however, that nowhere in the
U pani!?ads or the Vedas does the name" Ayur-veda" occur, though
different branches of study are mentioned in the former 3 • The
A!?tanga Ayur-veda is, however, mentioned in the Mahii-bhiirata,
and the three constituents (dhiitu), viiyu (wind), pitta (bile) and
Slepnan (mucus), are also mentioned; there is reference to a theory
that by these three the body is sustained and that by their decay the
body decays (etail:z /eyz'l}ais ca k~zyate), and Kr!?I)atreya is alluded to as
being the founder of medical science (cikitsitam) 4 • One of the earliest
systematic mentions of medicines unmixed with incantations and
charms is to be found in the Mahii-vagga of the Vinaya-Pitaka,
where the Buddha is prescribing medicines for his disciples 5 •
These medicines are of a simple nature, but they bear undeniable
marks of methodical arrangement. We are also told there of a
surgeon, named Akasagotto, who made surgical operations (sattha-
kamma) on fistula (bhagandara). In Rockhill's Life of the Buddha
we hear of Jivaka as having studied medicine in the Taxila U niver-
Susruta-sa1Jzhitii, I. I. s-<J.
2 R.V. Priitisiildzya, I6. 54 (55), mentioned by Bloomfield in The Atharva-
Veda and Gopatha-Briihmm;a, p. 10. The name of the medical work mentioned
is Subhe$aja.
3 IJ.g-veda'IJl bhagavo 'dhyemi Yajur-veda'f!l siima-vedam iitharvm.za$ caturtham

itihiisa-purii1Ja'f!l paiicama'f!l vediinii'IJl vedam pitrya'f!l riiSi'f!l daivatp nidhi'f!l viiko-

viikyam ekiiyanaTJl deva vidyii'IJl brahma-vidyii'IJl bhilta-vidyii'IJl kjattra-vidyii'lf'
nak$atra-vidyii1Jl sarpa-deva-jana-vidyii'lf', Chiindogya, VII. I. 2. Of these
bhilta- vidyii is counted as one of the eight tantras of Ayur-veda, as we find it in
the Susruta-samhitii or elsewhere.
Mahii-bharata,II.II. 25, x11.342. 86, 87, XII. 210.21. Kp?Qiitreyais referred
to in Caraka-sa1Jlhitii, VI. IS. I29, and CakrapaQ.i, commenting on this, sa~s that
Kp_;l).iitreya and Atreya are two authorities who are different from Atreya
Punarvasu, the great teacher of the Caraka-sa,hitii.
5 Vinaya-Pitaka, Mahii-vagga, VI. I-I4.
XIII] Ayur-veda and the Atharva-Veda 277
sity under Atreya 1 • That even at the time of the Atharva-Veda
there were hundreds of physicians and an elaborate pharmacopreia,
treating diseases with drugs, is indicated by a mantra therein which
extols the virtues of amulets, and speaks of their powers as being
equal to thousands of medicines employed by thousands of medical
practitioners 2 • Thus it can hardly be denied that the practice of
medicine was in full swing even at the time of the Atharva- Veda;
and, though we have no other proofs in support of the view that
there existed a literature on the treatment of diseases, known by
the name of Ayur-veda, in which the different branches, which
developed in later times, were all in an undifferentiated condition,
yet we have no evidence which can lead us to disbelieve Susruta,
when he alludes definitely to such a literature. The Caraka-Sa'f!lhitii
also alludes to the existence of a beginningless traditional continuity
of Ayur-veda, under which term he includes life, the constancy
of the qualities of medical herbs, diet, etc., and their effects on
the human body and the intelligent enquirer. The early works
that are now available to us, viz. the Caraka-sa'f!lhitii and Su.Sruta-
SarJlhitii, are both known as tantras 3 • Even Agnivesa's work
(Agnivesa-sarJlhitii), which Caraka revised and which was available
at the time of Cakrapal)i, was a tantra. What then was the Ayur-
veda, which has been variously described as a fifth Veda or an
upaveda, if not a literature distinctly separate from the tantras
now available to us 4 ? It seems probable, therefore, that such a
literature existed, that the systematized works of Agnivesa and
others superseded it and that, as a consequence, it cameultimatelyto
be lost. Caraka, however, uses the word'' Ayur-veda" in the general
sense of" science oflife." Life is divided by Caraka into four kinds,
viz. sukha (happy), dul:zkha (unhappy), hila (good) and ahita (bad).
Sukham iiyul:z is a life which is not affected by bodily or mental
diseases, is endowed with vigour, strength, energy, vitality, activity
and is full of all sorts of enjoyments and successes. The opposite
of this is the asukham iiyul_z. Hitam iiyul:z is the life of a person
who is always willing to do good to all beings, never steals others'
property, is truthful, self-controlled, self-restrained and works
Rockhill's Life of the Buddha, p. 65.
2 Atharva-veda, II. 9· 3. sata7Jl hy asya bh#ajab- sahasram uta Vlrudhab-.
3 Gurv-iijfiii-liibhiinantara7Jl etat-tantra-karat;~a7Jl. Cakrapa~i's Ayur-veda-
dipikii, 1. 1. 1 ; also Caraka-sa7Jlhitii, I. 1. 52.
' Cakrapa~i quotes the Agnivesa-sa7Jlhitii in his Ayur-veda-dlpikii, VI. 3·
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
with careful consideration, does not transgress the moral injunc-
tions, takes to virtue and to enjoyment with equal zeal, honours
revered persons, is charitable and does what is beneficial to
this world and to the other. The opposite of this is called ahita.
The object of the science of life is to teach what is conducive to
all these four kinds of life and also to determine the length of such
a life 1 .
But, if Ayur-veda means" science of life," what is its connection
with the Atharva-Veda? We find in the Caraka-Sa1Jlhitii that
a physician should particularly be attached (bhaktir iidesyii) to the
Atharva-Veda. The Atharva-Veda deals with the treatment of
diseases (cikitsii) by advising the propitiatory rites (svastyayana),
offerings (bali), auspicious oblations (maizgala-homa), penances
(niyama), purificatory rites (priiyas-citta),fasting (upaviisa) and in-
cantations (mantra) 2 • Cakrapat:ti, in commenting on this, says that,
since it is advised that physicians should be attached totheAthan:a-
Veda, it comes to this, that the Atharva-Veda becomes Ayur-veda
(Atharva-vedasya iiyurvedatvam uktattZ bhavatt). The Atharva-
Veda, no doubt, deals with different kinds of subjects, and so Ayur-
veda is to be considered as being only a part of the Atharva-Veda
(Atharva-vedaikadesa eva iiyur-vedal;). Viewed in the light of
CakrapaQ.i's interpretation, it seems that the school of medical
teaching to which Caraka belonged was most intimately connected
with the A tharva- Veda. This is further corroborated by a com-
parison of the system of bones found in the Caraka-sa1Jlhitii with
that of the Atharva-Veda. Susruta himself remarks that, while he
considers the number of bones in the human body to be three
hundred, the adherents of the Vedas hold them to be three hun-
dred and sixty; and this is exactly the number counted by Caraka 3 •
The Atharva-Veda does not count the bones; but there are with
regard to the description of bones some very important points in
1 Cm·aka, 1. 1. 40 and I. 30. zo-23:
hitiihita'IJl sukha'IJl dul.zkham iiyus tasya hitiihita'IJl
miina1Jl ca tac ca yatroktam iiyur-vedal.z sa ucyate.
In I. 30. 20 the derivation of Ayur-veda is given as iiyur vedayati iti iiyur-vedal.z,
i.e. that which instructs us about life. Susruta suggests two alternative deri-
vations-iiyur asmin vidyate anena vii iiyur vindatity iiyur-vedal.z, i.e. that by which
life is known or examined, or that by which life is attained. Su1ruta-Sa7Jlhitii,
I. I. '4·
2 Caraka, 1. 30. 20.
Tn1Ji sa~a~thiiny asthi-satiini veda-viidino bhii~ante; salya-tantre tu tri1JY eva
satiini. Susruta-Sa'IJlhitii, III. 5· I8. Trl'IJi ~a~thiini satiiny asthnii'IJl saha danta-
nakhena. Caraka-sa'!Jlhitii, IV. 7. 6.
XIII] Ayur-veda and the Atharva-Veda 279
which the school to which Caraka belonged was in agreement with
the Atharva-Veda, and not with Susruta. Dr Hoernle, who has
carefully discussed the whole question, thus remarks: "A really
important circumstance is that the Atharvic system shares with the
Charakiyan one of the most striking points in which the latter
differs from the system of Susruta, namely, the assumption of a
central facial bone in the structure of the skull. It may be added
that the Atharvic term prati~thii for the base of the long bones
obviously agrees with the Charakiyan term adhi~thiina and widely
differs from the Susrutiyan kurca 1 ." The Satapatha-briihma1Ja,
which, as Dr Hoernle has pointed out, shows an acquaintance
with both the schools to which Caraka and Susruta respectively
belonged, counts, however, 360 bones, as Caraka did 2 • The word
veda-viidino in Susruta-sa1{lhitii, 111. 5· 18 does not mean the fol-
lowers of Ayur-veda as distinguished from the Vedas, as J!alhaJ)a
interprets it, but is literally true in the sense that it gives us the
view which is shared by Caraka with the Atharva-Veda, the
Satapatha-briihma1Ja, the legal literature and the purii1}as, which
according to all orthodox estimates derive their validity from
the Vedas. If this agreement of the Vedic ideas with those of the
Atreya school of medicine, as represented by Caraka, be viewed
together with the identification by the latter of Ayur-Veda with
Atharva- Veda, it may be not unreasonable to suppose that the
Atreya school, as represented by Caraka, developed from the
Atharva- Veda. This does not preclude the possibility of there being
an Ayur-veda of another school, to which Susruta refers and from
which, through the teachings of a series of teachers, the Sufruta-
Sa1(lhitii developed. This literature probably tried to win the respect
of the people by associating itself. with the Atharva- Veda, and
by characterizing itself as an upiinga of the Atharva- Veda 3 •
Jayanta argues that the validity of the Vedas depends on the
fact that they have been composed by an absolutely trustworthy
A. F. Rudolf Hoernle's Studies in the Medicine of Ancient India, p. 113.
2 Ibid. pp. 105-Io6. See also Satapatha-briihma1Ja, x. 5· 4· 12, also XII. 3· 2.
3 and 4, xn. 2. 4· 9-14, VIII. 6. 2. 7 and 10. The Yiijfiavalkya-Dharma-siistra,
Vip:zu-smrti, Vi~1}u-dharmottara and Agni-Purii1Ja also enumerate the bones of the
human body in agreement with Caraka as 360. The source of the last three
was probably the first ( Yiijfiavalkya-Dharma-siistra), as has been suggested by
Dr Hoernle in his Studies in the Medicine of Ancient India, pp. 40-46. But none
of these non-medical recensions are of an early date: probably they are not earlier
than the third or the fourth century A.D.
3 The word upiiilga may have been used, however, in the sense that it was a

supplementary work haYing the same scope as the Atharva- Veda.

280 Speculations in the Medical Schools [CH.
person (iipta). As an analogy he refers to Ayur-veda, the validity
of which is due to the fact that it has been composed by trust-
worthy persons (iipta). That the medical instructions of the Ayur-
veda are regarded as valid is due to the fact that they are the
instructions of trustworthy persons (yato yatriiptaviidatra'f!l tatra
priimii'l}yam iti vyiiptir grhyate). But it may be argued that the
validity of Ayur-veda is not because it has for its author trustworthy
persons, but because its instructions can be verified by experience
(nanviiyur-vediidau priimii?zya'f!l pratyak~iidi-sa'f!lviidiit pratipanna'f!l
niipta-priimii1}yiit). Jayanta in reply says that the validity of Ayur-
veda is due to the fact of its being composed by trustworthy
persons; and it can be also verified by experience. He argues also
that the very large number of medicines, their combinations and
applications, are of such an infinite variety that it would be
absolutely impossible for any one man to know them by employing
the experimental methods of agreement and difference. It is only
because the medical authorities are almost omniscient in their
knowledge of things that they can display such superhuman
knowledge regarding diseases and their cures, which can be taken
only on trust on their authority. His attempts at refuting the view
that medical discoveries may have been carried on by the applica-
tions of the experimental methods of agreement and difference and
then accumulated through long ages are very weak and need not
be considered here.
The fourth Veda, known as the Atharva-Veda or the Brahma-
Veda, deals mainly with curatives and charms 1 • There is no reason
to suppose that the composition of this Veda was later than even
the earliest ~g- Vedic hymns; for never, probably, in the history
Some of the sacred texts speak of four Vedas and some of three Vedas, e.g.
"asya mahato bhiztasya ni[lSvasitam etad rg-vedoyajur-veda/:t siima-vedo 'tharviin-
girasa/:t," Brh. II. 4· 10 speaks of four Vedas; again" Yam nayas trayz-viflo vidu/:t
rca/:tsiimiiniyajil1Jlp," Taittirzya-briihmatza,I.II. 1. z6speaks of three Vedas. Sayal).a
refers to the Mzmii1Jlsii-siltra, II. 1. 37 "ie~e Yaju~z-iabda/:t" and says that all the
other Vedas which are neither ~k nor Sarna are Yaju~ (SayaQa's Upodghiita to
the Atharva- Veda, p. 4, Bombay edition, 1895). According to this interpretation
the Atharva-Veda is entitled to be included within Yaju~. and this explains the
references to the three Vedas. The Atharva- Veda is referred to in the Gopatha-
Briihma7J.a, II. z6 as Brahma-Veda, and two different reasons are adduced.
Firstly, it is said that the Atharva- Veda was produced by the ascetic penances
of Brahman; secondly it is suggested in the Gopatha-Brahmii1}a that all Atharval).ic
hymns are curative (bhe~aja), and whatever is curative is immortal, and whatever
is immortal is Brahman-" Ye 'tharvii1Jas tad bhe~aja'f!l, yad bhe~aja1Jl tad amrta'f!l,
yad amrta'IJl tad Brahma." Gopatha-briihma7J.a, III. 4· See also Nyiiya-maiijari,
pp. zso-z6I.
XIII] Ayur-veda and the Atharva-Veda 281

of India was there any time when people did not take to charms
and incantations for curing diseases or repelling calamities and
injuring enemies. The IJ.g- Veda itself may be regarded in a large
measure as a special development of such magic rites. The hold
of the Atharval)ic charms on the mind of the people was prob-
ably very strong, since they had occasion to use them in all
their daily concerns. Even now, when the J3.g-Vedic sacrifices
have become extremely rare, the use of Atharval)ic charms and of
their descendants, the Tantric charms of comparatively later times,
is very common amongst all classes of Hindus. A very large part
of the income of the priestly class is derived from the performance
of auspicious rites (svastyayana), purificatory penances (priiyas-
citta), and oblations (homa) for curing chronic and serious illnesses,
winning a law-suit, alleviating sufferings, securing a male issue
to the family, cursing an enemy, and the like. Amulets are used
almost as freely as they were three or four thousand years ago, and
snake-charms and charms for dog-bite and others are still things
which the medical people find it difficult to combat. Faith in the
mysterious powers of occult rites and charms forms an essential
feature of the popular Hindu mind and it oftentimes takes the
place of religion in the ordinary Hindu household. It may there-
fore be presumed that a good number of Atharval)ic hymns
were current when most of the J3.g-Vedic hymns were not yet
composed. By the time, however, that the Atharva- Veda was
compiled in its present form some new hymns were incorporated
with it, the philosophic character of which does not tally with the
outlook of the majority of the hymns. The Atharva- Veda, as
Sayal)a points out in the introduction to his commentary, was
indispensable to kings for warding off their enemies and securing
many other advantages, and the royal priests had to be versed in
the Atharval)ic practices. These practices were mostly for the
alleviation of the troubles of an ordinary householder, and ac-
cordingly the Grhya-sutras draw largely from them. The oldest
name of the Atharva- Veda is Atharviingirasal;, and this generally
suggested a twofold division of it into hymns attributed to Atharvan
and others attributed to Angiras; the former dealt with the holy
(santa), promoting of welfare (pau~tika) and the curatives ( bhe~ajiini),
and the latter with offensive rites for molesting an enemy {iibhi-
ciirika), also called terrible (ghora). The purposes which the Athar-
val)ic charms were supposed to fulfil were numerous. These may
Speculations in the Medical Schools (CH.
be briefly summed up in accordance with the KauSika-sutra as
follows: quickening of intelligence, accomplishment of the virtues
of a Brahmacarin (religious student); acquisition of villages,
cities, fortresses and kingdoms, of cattle, riches, food grains,
children, wives, elephants, horses, chariots, etc.; production of
unanimity (aikamatya) and contentment among the people;
frightening the elephants of enemies, winning a battle, warding
off all kinds of weapons, stupefying, frightening and ruining the
enemy army, encouraging and protecting one's own army, knowing
the future result of a battle, winning the minds of generals and chief
persons, throwing a charmed snare, sword, or string into the fields
where the enemy army may be moving, ascending a chariot for
winning a battle, charming all instruments of war music, killing
enemies, winning back a lost city demolished by the enemy;
performing the coronation ceremony, expiating sins, cursing,
strengthening cows, procuring prosperity; amulets for promoting
welfare, agriculture, the conditions of bulls, bringing about various
household properties, making a new-built house auspicious, letting
loose a bull (as a part of the general rites-Jriiddha), performing
the rites of the harvesting month of Agrahayal).a (the middle of
November to the middle of December); securing curatives for
various otherwise incurable diseases produced by the sins of past
life; curing all diseases generally, Fever, Cholera, and Diabetes;
stopping the flow of blood from wounds caused by injuries from
weapons, preventing epileptic fits and possession by the different
species of evil spirits, such as the bhuta, pisiica, Brahma-riik~asa,
etc.; curing viita, pitta and Sle~man, heart diseases, Jaundice,
white leprosy, different kinds of Fever, Pthisis, Dropsy; curing
worms in cows and horses, providing antidotes against all kinds
of poisons, supplying curatives for the diseases of the head, eyes,
nose, ears, tongue, neck and inflammation of the neck; warding
off the evil effects of a Brahmin's curse; arranging women's
rites for securing sons, securing easy delivery and the welfare of
the foetus; securing prosperity, appeasing a king's anger, know-
ledge of future success or failure; stopping too much rain
and thunder, winning in debates and stopping brawls, making
rivers flow according to one's wish, securing rain, winning in
gambling, securing the welfare of cattle and horses, securing large
gains in trade, stopping inauspicious marks in women, performing
auspicious rites for a new house, removing the sins of prohibited
XIII] Ayur-veda and the Atharva-Jl.eda
acceptance of gifts and prohibited priestly services; preventing bad
dreams, removing the evil effects of unlucky stars under whose
influence an infant may have been born, paying off debts, removing
the evils of bad omens, molesting an enemy; counteracting the
molesting influence of the charms of an enemy, performing aus-
picious rites, securing long life, performing the ceremonies at birth,
naming, tonsure, the wearing of holy thread, marriage, etc.; per-
forming funeral rites, warding off calamities due to the disturbance
of nature, such as rain of dust, blood, etc., the appearance
of yak~as, riik~asas, etc., earthquakes, the appearance of comets,
and eclipses of the sun and moon.
The above long list of advantages which can be secured by the
performance of Atharval).ic rites gives us a picture of the time when
these AtharvaQ.ic charms were used. Whether all these functions
were discovered when first the Atharval).ic verses were composed
is more than can be definitely ascertained. At present the evidence
we possess is limited to that supplied by the KauSika-siitra. Ac-
cording to the Indian tradition accepted by Sayal).a the compila-
tion of the Atharva- Veda was current in nine different collections,
the readings of which differed more or less from one another. These
different recensions, or siikhiis, were Paippalada, TaQ.<Ja, MaQ.<Ja,
Saunakiya, Jajala, Jalada, Brahmavada, Devadacia, and Caral).a-
vaidya. Of these only the Paippalada and Saunakiya recensions
are available. The Paippalada recension exists only in a single un-
published Tiibingen n1anuscript first discovered by Roth 1 • It
has been edited in facsimile and partly also in print. The Sauna-
kiya recension is what is now available in print. The Saunakiya
school has the Gopatha-briihmat.:za as its Brahmal).a and five
sutra works, viz. Kaui-ika, Va'itiina, Nak~atra-kalpa, Ang-irasa-
kalpa and Sant£-kalpa 2 ; these are also known as the five kalpas
(paiica-kalpa). Of these the Kaui-ika-siitra is probably the earliest
and most important, since all the other four depend upon it3 •
The Na~atra-kalpa and Santi-kalpa are more or less of an astro-
logical character. No manuscript of the Angirasa-kalpa seems to
be available; but from the brief notice of Sayal).a it appears to
1 Der Atharvaveda in Kashmir by Roth.
2 The Kauiika-siltra is also known as Sa,hitii-vidhi and Sa1flhitii-kalpa. The
three kalpas, Nak~atra, Angirasa and Santi, are actually Pariiinas.
3 'tatra Sakalyena sa1flhitii-mantriit;ii1!' Siintika-pa~fikiid#u karmasu viniyoga~

vidhiiniit samhitii-vidhir nama Kauiikam sutram; tad eva itarair upajlvyatviit.

Upodhghiita.of SayaQ.a to the Atharva-Veda, p."25.
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
have been a manual for molesting one's enemies (abhiciira-karma).
The V aitiina-siitra dealt with some sacrificial and ritualistic details.
The Kausika-siitra was commented on by Darila, Ke8ava, Bhadra
and Rudra. The existence of the Caral).a-vaidya (wandering medical
practitioners) siikhii reveals to us the particular siikhii of the
Atlzar'va- Veda, which probably formed the old Ayur-veda of the
Atreya-Caraka school, who identified the Athar~,a- Veda with
Ayur-veda. The suggestion, contained in the word Ciirm:za-vaidya,
that the medical practitioners of those days went about from place
to place, and that the sufferers on hearing of the arrival of such
persons approached them, and sought their help, is interesting1 .

Bones in the Atharva- Veda and Ayur-veda.

The main interest of the present chapter is in that part of the
Atharva- Veda which deals with curative instructions, and for this
the KauSika-siltra has to be taken as the principal guide. Let us
first start with the anatomical features of the Atharva- Veda 2 • The
bones counted are as follows: 1. heels (piir~r,zz, in the dual number,
in the two feet) 3 ; 2. ankle-bones (gulphau in the dual number) 4 ;
Is it likely that the word Caraka (literally, a wanderer) had anything to do
with the itinerant character of Caraka's profession as a medical practitioner?
Hymns 11. 33 and x. 2 are particularly important in this connection.
Caraka also counts one piir~t;i for each foot. Hoernle (Studies in the Medicine
of Ancient India, p. 1 28) remarks on the fact, that Caraka means the backward
and downward projections of the os calcis, that is, that portion of it which can
be superficially seen and felt, and is popularly known as the heel. The same
may be the case with the Atharva- Veda. Susruta probably knew the real nature
of it as a cluster (ktlrca); for in Sarlra-sthiina VI he speaks of the astragalus as
kzlrca-iiras, or head of the cluster, but he counts the piir~t;i separately. Hoernle
suggests that by piirHti Susruta meant the os calcis, and probably did not
think that it was a member of the tarsal cluster (kurca). It is curious that
Vagbhata I makes a strange confusion by attributing one piir~1Ji to each hand
(A~tiiilga-sa1Jl!Jraha, II. 5; also Hoernle, pp. 91-96).
Gulpha means the distal processes of the two bones of the leg, known as the
malleoli. As counted by Caraka and also by Susruta, there are four gulphas. See
Hoernle's comment on Susruta's division, Hoernle, pp. 81, 82, 102-104. Susruta,
III. v. 19, has" tala-ktlrca-gulpha-saiJliritiini daia," which J)alhar;~.a explains as tala
(5 ialiilliis and the one bone to which they are attached)-6 bones, lulrca-2 bones,
gulpha-z bones. Hoernle misinterpreted OalhaJ).a, and, supposing that he spoke
of two kurcas and two gulphas in the same leg, pointed out a number of incon-
sistencies and suggested a different reading of the Susruta text. His translation
of valaya as "ornament" in this connection is also hardly correct; "l.:alaya prob-
ably means "circular." Following J)alhar:ta, it is possible that the interpretation
is that there are two bones in one cluster (kurca) in each leg, and the two bones
form one circular bone (valayiisthi) of one gulpha for each leg. If this is accepted,
much of what Hoernle has said on the point loses its value and becomes hyper-
critical. There are two gulphas, or one in each leg, according as the constituent
pieces, or the one whole valayiisthi, is referred to. On my interpretation Susruta
XIII) Bones in the Atharva-Veda and Ayur-veda z8s
3· digits (aizgulayab in the plural number)!; 4· metacarpal and
metatarsal bones (ucchlaizkhau in the dual number, i.e. of the
hands and feet) 2 ; 5· base (prat#thii) 3 ; 6. the knee-caps (a~thlvantau
in the dual) 4 ; 7. the knee-joints (jiinunob sandhi) 5 ; 8. the shanks
(jaizghe in the dual) 6 ; 9· the pelvic cavity (Sro!li in the dual) 7 ;
10. the thigh bones (ilril in the dual) 8 ; 11. the breast bones

knew of only two bones as forming the kurca, and there is no passage in Susruta
to show that he knew of more. The os calcis would be the piirp:~i, the astragalus,
the kurca-siras, the two malleoli bones and the two gulpha bones.
Both Caraka and Susruta count sixty of these phalanges {pa1Ji-padiiizguli),
whereas their actual number is fifty-six only.
3 Caraka counts these metacarpal and metatarsal bones (pii1Ji-piida-saliika) as

twenty, the actual number. Susruta collects them under tala, a special term used
by him. His combined tala-kilrca-gulpha includes all the bones of the hand and
foot excluding the anguli bones (phalanges).
Caraka uses the term pii1Ji-pada-saliikiidhi~!hiina, Yajfiavalkya, sthiina, and
Susruta, kurca. Caraka seems to count it as one bone. Kurca means a network
of (1) flesh (mii1llSa), (2) sirii, (3) sniiyu, (4) bones (miimsa-Sirii-sniiyv-asthi-jiiliini).
All these four kinds of network exist in the two joints of the hands and feet.
Hoernle remarks that in the Atharva- Veda a~thlvat and janu are synony-
mous; but the text, x. 2. 2, seems clearly to enumerate them separately. The
~!hivat is probably the patella bone. Caraka uses the terms jiinu and kapiilikii,
probably for the knee-cap (patella) and the elbow pan (kapiilikii). Kapiilikii
means a small shal1ow basin, and this analogy suits the construction of the elbow
pan. Susruta uses the term kr7.rpara (elbow pan), not in the ordinary list of
bones in Sarlra, v. 19, but at the time of counting the manna in ibid. VI. 25.
This seems to be different from a~thzvat (patella).
The tibia and the fibula in the leg. Caraka, Bhela, Susruta and Vagbhata I
describe this organ rightly as consisting of two bones. The Atharva-Vedajustly
describes the figure made bv them as being a fourfold frame having its ends
closely connected together (catu~fayatfl yuj'yate sa'I'Jlhitiintam). The corresponding
two bones of the fore-arm (aratni)-radius and ulna-are correctly counted by
Caraka. Curiously enough, Susruta does not refer to them in the bone-list. The
biihu is not enumerated in this connection.
7 Caraka speaks of two bones in the pelvic cavity, viz. the os innominatum on

both sides. Modern anatomists think that each os innominatum is composed

of three different bones: ilium, the upper portion, ischium, the lower part,
and the pubis, the portion joined to the other innominate bone. The ilium and
ischium, however, though they are two bones in the body of an infant, become
fused together as one bone in adult life, and from this point of view the counting
of ilium and ischium as one bone is justifiable. In addition to these a separate
bhagiisthi is counted by Caraka. He probably considered (as Hoernle suggests)
the sacrum and coccyx to be one bone which formed a part of the vertebral column.
By bhagiisthi he probably meant the pubic bone; for CakrapaQi, commenting
upon bhagiisthi, describes it as" abhimukha'I'Jl kafi-sandhiina-kiiraka'lfJ tiryag-asthi"
(the cross bone which binds together the haunch bones in front). Susruta,
however, counts five bones: four in the guda, bhaga, nitamba and one in the trika.
Nitamba corresponds to the two sro1}i-phalaka of Caraka, bhaga to the bhagiisthi,
or pubic bone, guda to the coccyx and trika to the triangular bone sacrum.
Susruta's main difference from Caraka is this, that, while the latter counts the
sacrum and coccyx as one bone forming part of the vertebral column, the former
considers them as two bones and as separate from the vertebral column. Vagbhata
takes trika and guda as one bone, but separates it from the vertebral column.
8 Caraka, Susruta and Vagbhata I count it correctly as one bone in each leg.

Caraka calls it ilru-nalaka.

286 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
(uras)l; 12. thewindpipe(grzviib in theplural) 2 ; 13. thebreast(stanau
in the dual) 3 ; 14. the shoulder-blade (kaphoif.au in the dual) 4 ; 15. the
shoulder-bones (skandhiin in the plural)5 ; 16. the backbone (pr~tfb

1 Caraka counts fourteen bones in the breast. Indian anatomists counted

cartilages as new bones (taru~a asthi). There are altogether ten costal cartilages
on either side of the sternum. But the eighth, ninth and tenth cartilages are
attached to the seventh. So, if the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth cartilages
are considered as a single bone, there are altogether seven bones on either side
of the sternum. This gives us the total number of fourteen which Caraka counts.
The sternum was not counted by Caraka separately. With him this was the
result of the continuation of the costal cartilages attached to one another without
a break. Su8ruta and Vagbhata I curiously count eight bones in the breast, and
this can hardly be accounted for. Hoernle's fancied restoration of the ten of
Susruta does not appear to be proved. Yajiiavalkya, however, counts seventeen,
i.e. adds the sternum and the eighth costal cartilage on either side to Caraka's
fourteen bones, which included these three. Hoemle supposes that Yajiia-
valkya's number was the real reading in Susruta; but his argument is hardly
The windpipe is composed of four parts, viz. larynx, trachea, and two
bronchi. It is again not a bone, but a cartilage; but it is yet counted as a bone
by the Indian anatomists, e.g. Caraka calls it "jatru" and Susruta "kat.ztha-
natfr,." Hoernle has successfully shown that the wordjatru was used in medical
books as synonymous with windpipe or neck generally. Hoernle says that
originally the word denoted cartilaginous portions of the neck and breast (the
windpipe and the costal cartilages), as we read in the Satapatha-briihmat,za:
"tasmiid imii ubhayatra pariavo baddhii/:l kikasiisu ca jatrUiU" (the ribs are
fastened at either end, exteriorly to the thoracic vertebrae and interiorly to the
costal cartilages-jatru). In medical works it means the cartilaginous portion
of the neck, i.e. the windpipe (Caraka), and hence is applied either to the neck
generally or to the sterno-clavicular articulation at the base of the neck (Susruta).
It is only as late as the sixth or seventh century A.D. that, owing to a misinter-
pretation of the anatomical terms sandhi and a1f1Sa, it was made to mean clavicle.
See Hoernle's Studies in the Medicine of Ancient India, p. r68.
3 "Parivayos catur-vi7[liati/:l piirsvayos tiivanti caiva sthalakiini tiivanti caiva

sthiilakiirbudiini," i.e. there are twenty-four bones in the piiriva (ribs), twenty-
four sthiilakas (sockets), and twenty-four sthiilakiirbudas (tubercles). Susruta
speaks of there being thirty-six ribs on either side. A rib consists of a shaft
and a head;" at the point of junction of these two parts there is a tubercle which
articulates with the transverse process of corresponding vertebrae, and probably
this tubercle is arbuda. '' There are, no doubt, twenty-four ribs. The sthalakas and
arbudas cannot properly be counted as separate bones; but, even if they are
counted, the total number ought to be 68 bones, as Hoernle points out, and not
72, since the two lowest have no tubercles.
' Kaphotja probably means scapula or shoulder-blade. Caraka uses the
word a1f1Sa-phalaka. Caraka uses two other terms, a~aka (collar-bone) and a1f1Sa.
This word a7Jlsa seems to be a wrong reading, as Hoernle points out; for in
reality there are only two bones, the scapula and the collar-bone. But could it
not mean the acromion process of the scapula? Though Susruta omits the
shoulder-blade in the counting of bones in Siirfra, v. (for this term is ak~aka­
saT[ljiie), yet he distinctly names a1f1Sa-phalaka in Sarfra, VI. 27, and describes
it as triangular (trika-sa7Jlbaddhe); and this term has been erroneously interpreted
as grfvaya a1f1Sa-dvayasya ca yal;l saT[lyogas sa trika/:l by (>alhaJ).a. The junction
of the collar-bone with the neck cannot be called trika.
6 Caraka counts fifteen bones in the neck. According to modern anatomists

there are, however, only seven. He probably counted the transverse processes
XIII] Bones in the Atharva-Veda and Ayur-veda
in the plural) 1 ; 17. the collar-bones (a1J1SaU in the dual) 2 ; 18. the
brow (laliita); 19. the central facial bone (kakii/ikii) 3 ; 20. the pile
of the jaw (hanu-citya) 4 ; 21. the cranium with ten1ples (kapiilam) 5 •
and got the number fourteen, to which he added the vertebrae as constituting
one single bone.
Susruta counts nine bones. The seventh bone contains spinous and transverse
processes and was probably therefore counted by him as three bones, which,
together with the other six, made the total number nine.
Caraka counts forty-three bones in the vertebral column <Pr~tha-gatiistlzi),
while the actual number is only twenty-six. Each bone consists of four parts,
viz. the body, the spinous process, and the two transverse processes, and Caraka
counts them all as four bones. Susruta considers the body and the spinous
process as one and the two transverse processes as two; thus for the four bones
of Caraka, Susruta has three. In Caraka the body and the spinous process of
the twelve thoracic vertebrae make the number twenty-four; the five lumbar
vertebrae (body+ spine+ two transverses) make twenty. He adds to this the
sacrum and the coccyx as one pelvic bone, thus making the number forty-five;
with Susruta we have twelve thoracic vertebrae, six lumbar vertebrae, twelve
transverses, i.e. thirty bones. The word klkasa (A.V. II. 33· 2) means the whole of
the spinal column, anukya (A.V. II. 33· 2) means the thoracic portion of the
spine, and udara the abdominal portion.
Both Caraka and Susruta call this ak~aka and count it correctly as two
bones. Cakrapal)..i describes it as" ak1a-vivak1akau jatru-sandhel:z kflakau" (they
are called ak~aka because they are like two beams-the fastening-pegs of the
junction of the neck-bones).
Susruta further speaks of a7JlSa-Pltha (the glenoid cavity into which the head
of the humerus is inserted) as a samudga (casket) bone. The joint of each of the
anal bones, the pubic bone and the hip bone (nitamba) is also described by him
as a samudga. This is the "acetabulum, or cotyloid cavity, in which the head
of the femur, is lodged" (Suiruta, Siirira, v. 27, a7JlSa-Pltha-guda-bhaga-nitambe1U
Laliita is probably the two superciliary ridges at the eye-brow and kaluJpkii
the lower portion, comprising the body of the superior maxillary together with
the molar and nasal bones. Caraka counts the two molar {gat;fja-kilfa), the two
nasal, and the two superciliary ridges at the eye-brows as forming one continuous
bone (ekiisthi niisikii-gat;fja-kuta-laliitam).
According to Caraka, the lower jaw only is counted as a separate bone
(eka7fL hanv-asthi), and the two attachments are counted as two bones (dve
hanu-mula-bandhane). Susruta, however, counts the upper and the lower jaws as
two bones (hanvor dve). Though actually each of these bones consists of two
bones, they are so fused together that they may be considered as one, as was
done by Susruta. Caraka did not count the upper jaw, so he counted the sockets
of the teeth (dantolilkhala) and the hard palate (tiil~Jiaka). Susruta's counting of
the upper hanu did not include the palatine process; so he also counts the tiilu
(eka7fL tiiluni).
6 Sankha is the term denoting the temples, of which both Caraka and

Susruta count two. Caraka counts four cranial bones (catviiri siralz-kapiiliini) and
Susruta six (Sirasi 1at). The brain-case consists of eight bones. Of these two are
inside and hence not open to view from outside. So there are only six bones
which are externally visible. Of these the temporal bones have already been
counted as sankha, thus leaving a remainder of four bones. Susruta divides the
frontal, parietal and occipital bones into two halves and considers them as
separate bones, and he thus gets the number six. Both the frontal and occipital
are really each composed of two bones, which become fused in later life.
Though the author has often differed from Dr Hoemle, yet he is highly in-
debted to his scholarly explanations and criticisms in writing out this particular
section of this chapter.
z88 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.

Organs in the Atharva-Veda and Ayur-veda.

We have no proofs through which we could assert that the writer
of the Atharva- Veda verse knew the number of the different bones
to which he refers; but it does not seem possible that the references
made to bones could have been possible without a careful study
of the human skeleton. Whether this was done by some crude
forms of dissection or by a study of the skeletons of dead bodies
in a state of decay is more than can be decided. Many of the organs
are also mentioned, such as the heart (hrdaya), the lungs (kloma)l,
the gall-bladder (halikr1Ja) 2 , the kidneys (matsniibhyiim) 3 , the liver
(yakna), the spleen (plthan), the stomach and the smaller intestine
(antrebhya/:z), the rectum and the portion above it (gudiibhya]:z), the
1 Caraka counts kloma as an organ near the heart, but he does not count

pupphusa. In another place (Cikitsii, xvn. 34) he speaks of kloma as one of the
organs connected with hiccough (hrdaya'I'Jl kloma kat.ztha'I'Jl ca tiiluka'I'Jl ca samiisritii
mrdvz sa ~udra-hikveti nrva'I'Jl siidhyii prakzrtitii}. Cakrapa~ describes it as
pipiisii-sthiina (seat of thirst). But, whatever that may be, since Caraka considers
its importance in connection with hiccough, and, since he does not mention
pupphusa (lungs-Mahci-vyutpatti, 100), kloma must mean with him the one
organ of the two lungs. Susruta speaks of pupphusa as being on the left side
and kloma as being on the right. Since the two lungs vary in size, it is quite
possible that Susruta called the left lung pupphusa and the right one kloma.
Vagbhata I follows Susruta. The Atharva- Veda, Caraka, Susruta, Vagbhata
and other authorities use the word in the singular, but in Brhad-iiravyaka, 1. the
word kloma is used in the plural number; and Sankara, in commenting on this,
says that, though it is one organ, it is always used in the plural (nitya-bahu-va-
caniinta). This, however, is evidently erroneous, as all the authorities use the
word in the singular. His description of it as being located on the left of the
heart (yakrc ca klomiinai ca hrdayasyiidhastiid dak#t.zottarau mii'I'JlSa-khat.zf.jau, Br.
1. 1, commentary of Salikara) is against the verdict of Susruta, who places it on
the same side of the heart as the liver. The Bhiiva-prakiisa describe& it as the root
of the veins, where water is borne or secreted. That kloma was an organ which
formed a member of the system of respiratory organs IS further proved by its
being often associated with the other organs of the neighbourhood, such as the
throat (kavtha) and the root of the palate (tiilu-mula). Thus Caraka says," udaka-
vahiinii'I'Jl srotasii'I'Jl tiilu-mula'I'Jl kloma ca .. • . Jihvii-tiilv-o~tha-kavtha-kloma-io~am
•• . dr~tvii" (Vimiina, v. 10). Sarrigadhara, I. v. 45, however, describes it as a gland
of watery secretions near the liver (jala-viihi-iira-mula'I'Jl trp:tii-l:chiidanaka'I'Jl
2 This word does not occur in the medical literature. SayaQa describes it as

"etat-sarrzjiiakiit tat-Sa'I'Jlbandhiit mii'I'JlSa-pivr/a-viie~iit." This, however, is quite

useless for identification. Weber thinks that it may mean "gall" (lndische
Studien, 13, 206). Macdonell considers it to be "some particular intestine"
(Vedic Index, vol. u, p. soo).
3 SayaQa paraphrases matsniibhyiim as vrkyiibhyiim. Caraka's reading is
vukka. SayaQa gives an alternative explanation: "matsniibhyiim ubhaya-piirsva-
sa'!lhandhiibhyii'I'Jl vrkyiibhyii'I'Jl tat-samlpa-stha-pittiidhiira-piitriibhyiim." If this
explanation is accepted, then matsnii would mean the two sacs of pitta (bile) near
the kidneys. The two mats1ll'h in this explanation would probably be the gall
bladder and the pancreas, which latter, on account of its secretions, was probably
considered as another pittiidhiira.
xnr] Organs in the Atharva-Veda and Ayur-veda
larger intestine (vani:lithu, explained by Sayaf).a as sthaviriintra), the
abdomen (udara), the colon (pliiSi)\ the umbilicus (niibhi), the
marrow (majjabhyab), the veins (sniivabhyab) and the arteries
(dhamanibhya/_1.)2. Thus we see that almost all the important organs
reported in the later Atreya-Caraka school or the Susruta school
were known to the composers of the Atharvaf).ic hymns 3 •
Bolling raises the point whether the Atharva- Veda people knew
the difference between the sira and the dlzamani, and says, "The
apparent distinction between veins and arteries in 1. I 7. 3 is offset
by the occurrence of the same words in vn. 35· 2 with the more
general sense of 'internal canals' meaning entrails, vagina, etc.-
showing how vague were the ideas held with regard to such
subjects 4 ." But this is not correct; for there is nothing in r. I 7. 3
which suggests a knowledge of the distinction between veins and
arteries in the modern sense of the terms, such as is not found in
VII. 35· 2. The sukta 1. I7 is a charm for stopping the flow of
blood from an injury or too much hemorrhage of women.
A handful of street-dust was to be thrown on the injured part
and the hymn was to be uttered. In 1. I7· 1 it is said," ]""hose hiriis
(veins?) wearing red garment (or the receptacles of blood) of
woman which are constantly flowing should remain dispirited, like
daughters without a brother 5 ." SayaQa, in explaining the next
verse, r. 17. 2, says that it is a prayer to dhamanis. This verse runs
as follows: "Thou (Sayaf).a says 'thou Sira') of the lower part,
remain (i.e. 'cease from letting out blood,' as Sayaf).a says), so
thou of the upper part remain, so thou of the middle part, so thou
1 Pliisi is paraphrased by SayaQa as "bahu-cchidriin mala-piitriit" (the vessel

of the excreta with many holes). These holes are probably the orifices of the
glands inside the colon (mala-p(/.tra). The Satapatlza-briihma'l}a, XII. 9· 1. 3
enumerates all these organs as being sacred to certain gods and sacrificial
instruments-hrdayam eviisyaindrab pur(}(f<isal;, yakrt sii'Litral;, klomii t•iiru'f.la!z,
matme e'L'iisyiis·vatthmrz ca piitram audumbarm.n ca pittm_n naiyagrodlzam antrii~zi
stlzii/yalz f!Uda upiisayani syena-piitre pfllzlisandi niiblzi}.z kumblzo 'L'atli~!lzulz pfiisi!z
scl.tatnnul. tad yat sii bahudlzii vitnz~lll bhavati tasmiit plaiir bahudlul. u'krtta!r.
Vasti, or bladder, is regarded as the place where the urine collects (A.V. I. J. 6).
2 Sayat.la says that snii<t'a means here the smaller Siras and dhamanr the thicker

ones (the arteries)-silhsmafz iiriilz sniiva-sabdena uryante dhamani-sabdena

sthuliilz (A.V. 11. 33).
3 A.V. x. 9 shows that probably dissection of animals was also practised.

l\Iost of the organs of a cow are mentioned. Along with the organs of human
beings mentioned ahoYe two other organs are mentioned, viz. the pericardium
(puritat) and the bronchial tubes (saha-ka~tfhilui). A.V. x. 9· 15.
4 Enryclopaedia of Rcli;Jiun and Ethirs, "Diseases and m~dicine: Vedic.".
5 Sayal)a paraphrases hira as sirii and describes it as a canal (mi~/t) for carrymg

blood (rajo-vahana-ml..jya!z), and the epithet" lohita-viisasa!t" as either" wearing

red garment" or" red," or" the rcceptadc of blood" (rudhirafya nh'll.sa-bhutii,:.l.
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
small, so thou the big dhamani1 ." In the third verse both the
hiriis and dhamanis are mentioned. "These in the middle were
formerly (letting out blood) among a hundred dhamanis and
thousands of hiras (and after that) all the other (niit}is) were playing
with (others which have ceased from letting out blood) 2 ." Hymn
VII. 35 is for stopping the issue of a woman who is an enemy. The
third verse says, " I close with a stone the apertures of a hundred
hiriis and a thousand dhamanis." Sayal)a, in explaining this verse,
says that the hiriis are fine niit}ts inside the ovary (garbha-
dharm:ziirtham antar-avasthitii}; suk~mii yii niit}ya};) and the dhamanis
the thicker uiit}ts round the ovary for keeping it steady (garbhii-
sayasya ava~ta1Jlbhikii bahya sthula yii nat}yal;). The only point of
difference between this verse and those of I. I 7 is that here siriis
are said to be a hundred and dhamanis a thousand, whereas in the
latter, the dhamanis were said to be a hundred and the Siras a
thousand. But, if Sayal)a's interpretation is accepted, the dhamanis
still appear as the bigger channels and the siriis as the finer ones.
Niit}i seems to have been the general name of channels. But
nowhere in the Atharva- Veda is there any passage which suggests
that the distinction between veins and arteries in the modern sense
of the terms was known at the time. In A.V. 1. 3· 6 we hear of two
niit}ls called gavinyau for carrying the urine from the kidneys to
the bladder 3 • The gods of the eight quarters and other gods are
said to have produced the foetus and, together with the god of de-
livery (Sii~a), facilitated birth by loosening the bonds of the womb 4 •
1 The previous verse referred to siriis as letting out blood, whereas this verse

refers to dhamanis as performing the same function. Sayat].a also freely para-
phrases dhamani as sirii (mahl mahatl sthulatarii dhamanil;z sirii t#thiid it ti$thaty
eva, anena prayoge1Ja nivrtta-rudhira-sriivii avat#thatiim).
Here both the dhamani and the hirii are enumerated. Sayat].a here says
that dhamanis are the important niifjls in the heart (hrdaya-gatiiniim pradhiina-
niifj'iniim), and hiriis or siras are branch niif)fs (Sirii~iitp sakhii-nii¢iniim). The
number of dhamanis, as here given, is a hundred and thus almost agrees with
the number of niifjis in the heart given in the Katha Upani~ad, VI. 16 (Satatp
caikii ca hrdayasya niifjyal;z).
The Praina Upani!ad, III. 6 also speaks of a hundred naf)fs, of which there
are thousands of branches.
antrebhyo vinirgatasya miltrasya miltriisaya-priipti-siidhane piiriva-dvaya-
sthe niifjyau gavlnyau ity ucyete. SayaJ).a's Bhiil)la. In 1. 11. 5 two niifjis called
gavlnikii are referred to and are described by SayaJ).a as being the two
niif)fs on the two sides of the vagina controlling delivery (gavlnike yonel;z
piiriva-vartinyau nirgamana-pratibandhike nii{iyau-SayaJ).a). In one passage
(A.V. 11. 12. 7) eight dhamanis called manya are mentioned, and SayaJ).a says
that they are near the neck. A niif)f called sikatiivat'f, on which strangury
depends, is mentioned in A.V. I. 17. 4·
Another goddess of delivery, Sii!?iiJ).i, is also invoked.
XIII] Organs in the Atharva-Veda and Ayur-veda
The term jariiyu is used in the sense of placenta, which is said to
have no intimate connection with the flesh and marrow, so that
when it falls down it is eaten by the dogs and the body is in no
way hurt. A reference is found to a first aid to delivery in ex-
panding the sides of the vagina and pressing the two gavinil~ii
niil}is 1 • The sniivas (tendons) are also mentioned along with dha-
manis, and Sayal).a explains them as finer siras (Suksmiilz siriih
sniiva-sabdena ucyante). The division of dhamanis, Siriis and sniivas
thus seems to have been based on their relative fineness: the
thicker channels (niil}is) were called dhammzis, the finer ones were
called siriis and the still finer ones sniivas. Their general functions
were considered more or less the same, though these probably
differed according to the place in the body where they were
situated and the organs with which they were associated. It
seems to have been recognized that there was a general flow of
the liquid ele1nents of the body. This probably corresponds to the
notion of srotas, as we get it in the Caraka-Sa'f!lhitii, and which will
be dealt with later on. Thus A.V. x. 2. I I says, "who stored in him
floods turned in all directions moving diverse and formed to flow
in rivers, quick (tivrii), rosy (aru~ii), red (lohini), and copper dark
(tiimra-dhilmrii), running all ways in a man upward and down-
ward? " This clearly refers to the diverse currents of various liquid
elements in the body. The semen, again, is conceived as the thread
of life which is being spun out2 • The intimate relation between the
heart and the brain seems to have been dimly apprehended. Thus
it is said, "together with his needle hath Atharvan sewn his head
and heart3 ." The theory of the viiyus, which we find in all later
literature, is alluded to, and the prii~a, apiina, vyiina and samiina
are mentioned 4 • It is however difficult to guess what these prii~a,
apiina, etc. exactly meant. In another passage of the Atharva-
Veda we hear of nine prii~as (nava prii~iin navabhil; sa'f!lmimite),
and in another seven prii~as are mentioned 5 • In another passage
1 vi te bhinadmi vi yoni1JZ vi gavlnike. A.V. 1. 11. 5.
Ko asmin reto nyadadhiit tantur iitayatiim iti (Who put the semen in him,
saying, Let the thread of life be spun out? A.V. x. 2. 17).
1Vfurdhiinam asya sa'!Zs'fvyiitharvii hrdaya1Jl ca yat (A.V. x. 2. 26). See
also Griffith's translations.
' Ko asmin prii1Jam avayat ko apiinarrz vyiinam u samiinam asmin ko deve 'dhi
sisriiya puru~e (\Vho has woven prii1Ja, apiina, vyiina and samiina into him and
which deity is controlling him? A.V. x. 2. 13).
Sapta prii1Jiin a~tau manyas (or majjfias) tii1]'ls te vrlciimi brahma1Jii (A.V. 11.
12. 7). The Taittinya-briihma1Ja, I. 2. 3· 3 refers to seven prii1Jas, sapta vai

292 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
we hear of a lotus with nine gates (nava-dviirarp.) and covered
with the three gu~as 1 • This is a very familiar word in later
Sanskrit literature, as referring to the nine doors of the senses,
and the comparison of the heart with a lotus is also very common.
But one of the most interesting points about the passage is that
it seems to be a direct reference to the gu~a theory, which re-
ceived its elaborate exposition at the hands of the later Saf[lkhya
writers: it is probably the earliest reference to that theory. As
we have stated above, the real functions of the prii~a, etc. were
not properly understood; prii~a was considered as vital power or
life and it was believed to be beyond injury and fear. It was as
immortal as the earth and the sky, the day and the night, the sun
and the moon, the Brahmai)as and the K~attriyas, truth and false-
hood, the past and the future 2 • A prayer is made to prii~a and
apiina for protection from death (p1·ii~iipiinau mrtyor mli piilll1Jt
S'Diihii) 3 • In A. V. III. 6. 8 manas and citta are separately mentioned
and SayaJ).a explains manas as meaning antal;kara~a, or inner
organ, and citta as a particular state of the manas (mano-vrtti-
vise~e~a), as thought 4 • H~re also the heart is the seat of conscious-
ness. Thus in a prayer in III. 26. 6 it is said," 0 i\1itra and VaruJ).a,
take away the thinking povver (citta) from the heart (hrt) of this
woman and, making her incapable of judg1nent, bring her under
my controP." The ojas with which we are familiar in later medical
works of Caraka and others is mentioned in A.V. II. 18, where
izrsa~yiih prii~iih. Again a rf'ference to the seven senses is found in A.V. x. 2. 6:
ka!z sapta khiini vitatarda ilr$a~zi. In A.V. xv. IS. 16. 17 seven kinds of pt·ii~a.
apiina and vydna are described. These seem to serve cosmic functions. The
seven prd~zas are agni, liditya, candramatz, pavamana, dpa~t, paiava!z and prajtilz.
The seven apiinas are paur~umuzsr, ll${akii, amiiviisyti, iraddhii, dik$ii, yajiia and
dak~i~zii. The seven kinds of vyiina are blulmi, autarih$llf!l, dyau!z, nak$alrii~i,
rtu'L·a~z, (Jrtaviilz and Sll1Jl1.latsariib.
prupf.arzlw1JZ tzava-dt.'iirmtz tribhir gu~zebhir ii'i:rtalJz
tasmin yad ya~lsam (ltmwrvat tad 'l.'ai Br.lhma-'l!ido vidufz.
(Those who know Brahman know that being to be the self which resides in the
lotus rlowcr of nine gates cmrercd by the three gm..zas. A.V. X. 8. 43.) The niit/.is
uja, piitgalii and SU$Wtt~za, which figure so much in the later Tantric works, do
not appear in the Atharva- Veda. No reference to priil;.ztiyiima appears in the
~ A.V. 11. IS.
Ibid. 11. 16. 1. Prii~za and apiina are asked in another passage to enter a
man as bulls enter a cow-shed. Sayar;Ja calls pra~1a, apiiua "sariras-dharaka"
(A.V. III. II. s). They are also asked not to leave the body, but to bear the limbs
till old age (m. 11. 6).
A1anas and citta are also separately counted in A.V. III. 6. 8.
:; The word dttinafz is sometimes used to mean men of the same ways of
thinking (cittilla~z samilna-citta-yuhlll~l-Siiyar;Ja. A.V. m. IJ. s).
XIII) Practice of Medicine in the Atharva- Veda 2 93

Agni is described as being ojas and is asked to give ojas to the

worshipper 1•

Practice of Medicine in the Atharva- Veda.

As we have said above, there is evidence to show that even at
the time of the Atharva- Veda the practice of pure medicine by
professional medical men had already been going on. Thus the
verse II. 9· 3, as explained by SayaJ).a, says that there were hundreds
of medical practitioners (sala'f!l hy asya bhi~ajaM and thousands of
herbs (sahasram uta 1-'irudhal;), but what can be done by these can
be effected by binding an amulet with the particular charm of this
verse 2• Again (II. 9· 5), the Atharvan who binds the amulet is
described as the best of all good doctors (subhi~aktama). In VI. 68. 2
Prajapati, who appears in the Atreya-Caraka school as the original
teacher of Ayur-veda and who learnt the science from Brahma, is
asked to treat (with medicine) a boy for the attainment of long
life3 • In the Kausika-siUra a disease is called liizgi, i.e. that which
has the symptoms (linga), and medicine (bhai~ajya) as that which
destroys it (upatiipa). Darila remarks that this upatiipa-karma
refers not only to the disease, but also to the symptoms, i.e. a
bhaz~ajya is that which destroys the disease and its symptoms4 • In
the Atharva- Veda itself only a few medicines are mentioned, such
as _jangifja (xix. 34 and 35), gulgulu (XIX. 38), ku~tha (XIX. 39) and
sata-viira (XIX. 36), and these are all to be .used as amulets for pro-
tection not only from certain diseases, but also from the witchcraft
(krtyii) of enemies. The effect of these herbs was of the same
miraculous nature as that of mere charms or incantations. They
did not operate in the manner in which the medicines prescribed
1 Ojo' sy ojo me diil.z sviilui (A.V. 11. XVIII. 1). Sayat:ta, in explaining ojal.z,
says," ojal.z sarzra-sthiti-kiirm;am a~tamo dhiitufz." He quotes a passage as being
spoken by the teachers (iiciiryail.z): "ksetrajiiasya tad ojas tu kevaliisraya i~yate
yathii snehal.z pradipasya yathiibhram asani-tvi~afz" (Just as the lamp depends on
the oil and the lightning on the clouds so the oja}:t depends on the k~hetra-jna
(self) alone).
2 Sata'!l yii bhe~ajiini te sahasrarJz sa1Jlgatiini ca
sre~tham iisriiva-bhe~aja'!l vasi~thmrz roga-tliisanam.
(Oh sick per:;on! you may have applied hundreds or thousands of medicinal
herbs; but this charm is the best specific for stopping hemorrhage. A.V. VI. 45. 2.)
Here also, as in 11. 9· 3, the utterance of the charm is considered to be more
efficacious than the application of other herbs and medicines. \Vater was often
applied for washing the sores (v1. 57. 2).
Cikitsatu Prajiipatir dirghiiyutviiya cak~ase (vi. 68. 2).
4 Darila's comment on the Kausika-sUtra, 25. 2.
294 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cu.
in the ordinary medical literature acted, but in a supernatural way.
In most of the hymns which appear as pure charms the KauJika-
sutra directs the application of various medicines either internally
or as amulets. The praise of Atharvan as physician par excellence
and of the charms as being superior to all other medicines pre-
scribed by other physicians seems to indicate a period when most
of these Atharval).ic charms were used as a system of treatment
which was competing with the practice of ordinary physicians with
the medicinal herbs. The period of the Kausika-siltra was probably
one when the value of the medicinal herbs was being more and
more realized and they were being administered along with the
usuai Atharval).ic charms. This was probably a stage of recon-
ciliation between the drug system and the charm system. The
special hymns dedicated to the praise of certain herbs, such as
jang£tja, ku~tha, etc., show that the ordinary medical virtues of
herbs were being interpreted on the miraculous lines in which the
charms operated. On the other hand, the drug school also came
under the influence of the Atharva- Veda and came to regard it
as the source of their earliest authority. Even the later medical
literature could not altogether free itself from a faith in the
efficacy of charms and in the miraculous powers of medicine
operating in a supernatural and non-medical manner. Thus
Caraka, VI. I. 39 directs that the herbs should be plucked according
to the proper rites (yathli-vidhz), and Cakrapal).i explains this by
saying that the worship of gods and other auspicious rites have to
be performed (mafzgala-devatlircanlidi-purvaka1Jt); in VI. 1. 77 a
compound of herbs is advised, which, along with many other
virtues, had the power of making a person invisible to all beings
(adrsyo bhutlinli1Jt bhavati) ; miraculous powers are ascribed to the
fruit lima/aka (Emblic l\1yrobalan), such as that, if a man lives
among cows for a year, drinking nothing but milk, in perfect sense-
control and continence and meditating the holy gliyatrl verse,
and if at the end of the year on a proper lunar day in the month
of Pau~a (January), Magha (February), or Phalguna (March), after
fasting for three days, he should enter an lima/aka garden and,
climbing upon a tree full of big fruits, should hold them and
repeat (japan) the name of Brahman till the lima/aka attains im-
mortalizing virtues, then, for that moment, immortality resides in
the lima/aka ; and, if he should eat those limalakas, then the goddess
Sri, the incarnation of the Vedas, appears in person to him (svaya7Jt
XIII] Practice of Medicine in the Atharva-Veda 295
ciisyopat#thanti srlr vedaviikya-riipi1Ji, VI. 3· 6). In VI. I. 8o it is
said that the rasiiyana medicines not only procure long life, but, if
they are taken in accordance with proper rites (yathii-vidhz), a man
attains the immortal Brahman. Again in VI. 1. 3 the word priiyaJ-
citta (purificatory penance) is considered to have the same meaning
as aUfadha or bhe~aja. The word bhe~aja in the Atharva-Veda
meant a charm or an amulet which could remove diseases and
their symptoms, and though in later medical literature the
word is more commonly used to denote herbs and minerals,
either simple or compounded, the older meaning was not aban-
doned1. The system of simple herbs or minerals, which existed
independently of the Atharva- Veda, became thus intimately con-
nected with the system of charm specifics of the Atharva- Veda;
whatever antagonism may have before existed between the two
systems vanished, and Ayur-veda can1e to be treated as a part of
the Atharva- Veda 2 • Prajapati and Indra, the mythical physicians
of the Atharva- Veda, came to be regarded in the Atreya-Caraka
school as the earliest teachers of Ayur-veda 3 •
Bloomfield arranges the contents of the Atharv(l- Veda in
fourteen classes: I. Charms to cure diseases and possession by
demons (bhai~ajyiini); 2. Prayers for long life andhealth(iiYUfYiiTJi);
3· Imprecations against demons, sorcerers and enemies (iibhiciiri-
1 The A.V. terms are bhe~ajam (remedy), bhe~afi (the herbs), and bhe~ajll;
(waters). The term bhai~aj'ya appears only in the Kausika and other siltras and
BrahmaQas. Bloomfield says that the existence of such charms and practices
is guaranteed moreover at least as early as the Indo-Iranian (Aryan) period by
the stems bae~aza and bae~azya (maiithra bae~aza and bae~azya; haoma bae~azya),
and by the pre-eminent position of water and plants in all prayers for health
and long life. Adalbert Kuhn has pointed out some interesting and striking re-
semblances between Teutonic and Vedic medical charms, especially in connection
with cures for worms and fractures. These may perhaps be mere anthropological
coincidences, due to the similar mental endowment of the two peoples. But it
is no less likely that some of these folk-notions had crystallized in prehistoric times,
and that these parallels reflect the continuation of a crude Indo-European folk-
lore that had survived among the Teutons and Hindus. See Bloomfield's The
Atharva- Veda and Gopatha-Briihmarza, p. s8, and Kuhn's Zeitschrijt fur
vergleichende Sprachjorschung, XIII. pp. 49-74 and 113-157·
The Atharva- Veda itself speaks (XIX. 34· 7) of herbs which were current in
ancient times and medicines which were new, and praises the herb jangitja as
being better than them all--na tvii purva o~adhayo na tvii taranti yii navii!.z.
A.V. VI. 68. 2-Cikitsatuprajiipatir dfrghiiyutviiya ca~ase; ibid. XIX. 35· I -
lndrasya nama grhrzanto r~ayal} jaitgir.Ja'l!l dadan (The r#s gave jangitja, uttering
the name of Indra). This line probably sl!_ggested the story in the Caraka-saf!Zhitii,
that Indra first instructed the r~!S in Ayur-veda. See ibid. XI. VIII. 23-yan
miitall rathakrltam amrtaf!Z veda bhe~ajaf!Z tad indro apsu priivesayat tad iipo datta
bheyajam. The immortalizing medicine which Matali (the charioteer of lndra)
bought by selling the chariot was thrown into the waters by Indra, the master of
the chariot. Rivers, give us back that medicine!
Speculations t"n the Medt"cal Schools [cu.
kiini and krtyii-pratiharm:ziinz); 4· Charms pertaining to women
(stri-karmii1Ji); 5· Charms to secure harmony, influence in the
assembly, and the like (saumanasyiinz); 6. Charms pertaining to
royalty (riija-karmiiiJz); 7. Prayers and imprecations in the interest
of Brahmins; 8. Charms to secure property and freedom from
danger (pau~fikiinz); 9· Charms in expiation of sin and defilement
(priiyascittiinz); IO. Cosmogonic and theosophic hymns; I I. Ritual-
istic and general hymns; I 2. The books dealing with individual
themes (books IJ-I8); IJ. The twentieth book; I4. The kuntiipa
hymns 1 ; of these we have here to deal briefly with 1, 2, 3, 4 and 9,
more or less in the order in which they appear in the Atharva- Veda.
A.V. 1. 2 is a charm against fever (jvara), diarrhoea (atisiira),
diabetes (atimiltra), glandular sores (niil}i-vra'(la); a string made of
muiiJa grass is to be tied, the mud from a field or ant-hill is to be
drunk, clarified butter is to be applied and the holes of the anus
and penis and the mouth of the sore are to be aerated with a
leather bladder and the charm is to be chanted. The disease iisriiva,
mentioned in this hymn, is explained by SayaJ).a as meaniag diabetes
(miltriitisiira) 2 • I. 3 is a charm against stoppage of urine and stool
(mutra-puri~a-nirodlza). Along with a chanting of the hymn the
patient is to be made to drink either earth from a rat's hole
(mfi:liika-mrttikii), a putikii plant, curd, or saw-dust from old wood,
or he is to ride an elephant or a horse, or to throw an arrow; a fine
iron needle was to be passed through the urinal canal. This is
probably the earliest stage of what developed in later times as
the ·oasti-kriyii3 • I. 7 and I. 8 are charms for driving av·:ay evil
spirits,yiitudhiinas and kimidins, when a man is possessed by them.
I. IO is a charm for dropsy (jalodara): a jugful of water con-
tllining grass, etc. is to he sprinkled over the body of the patient.
1. 1 I is a charm for securing easy delivery. I. I 2 is a charm for
all diseases arising from disturbance of viita, pitta and Sle~man­
fat, honey and clarified butter or oil have to be drunk. Head-
disease (slr~aktz) and cough (kiisa) are specially mentioned. I. I7
1 !\lr llloomfield's The Atharva-Veda and Gopatha-Briihma1)a, p~ 57·
2 131oomfield says that iisriiva means atlsiira or diarrhoea (ibid. p. 59). The
same physical applications for the same diseases are directed in A.V. 11. 3·
rfsriiva denotes any disease which is associated with any kind of diseased ejection.
Thus in 11. 3· 2 SayaQa says that iisriiva means atisiiriitimutra-niiljl-vra1)iidaya~l.
Pra te bhinadmi mehana7!1 vartra1f1. veiantyii iva evii te matra1f1. mucyatiim
bahir biil iti sarvakam (I open your urinal path like a canal through which the
waters rush. So may the urine come out with a whizzing sound-A.V. f. 3· 7).
All the verses of the hymn ask the urine to come out with a whizzing sound.
XIII] Practice of Medicine in the Atharva-Veda 2 97

is a charm for stopping blood from an injury of the veins or

arteries or for stopping too much hemorrhage of women. In the
case of injuries a handful of street-dust is to be thrown on the
place of injury or a bandage is to be tied with sticky mud 1 . 1. 22
is a charm against heart-disease and jaundice-hairs of a red cow
are to be drunk with water and a piece of a red cow's skin is to
be tied as an amulet. It is prayed that the red colour of the sun
and the red cow may come to the patient's body and the yellow
colour due to jaundice may go to birds of yellow colour. 1. 23,
which mentions kiliisa or ku#ha (white leprosy) of the bone, flesh
and skin and the disease by which hairs are turned grey (palita),
is a charm against these 2 • The white parts are to be rubbed with
an ointment made of cow-dung, bhrnga-riija, haridrii indravaru1Ji
and nilikii until they appear red. The black medicines applied
are asked to turn the white parts black. I. 2 5 is a charm against
takman, or fever-the patient has to be sprinkled with the water
in which a red-hot iron axe has been immersed. The descrip-
tion shows that it was of the malarial type; it came with cold
(Sita) and a burning sensation (Soci). Three types of this fever
are described: that which came the next day (anyedyul:z), the
second day (ubhayedyul:z), or the third day (trtiyaka) 3 • It was also
assoc;iated with yellow, probably because it produced jaundice.
II. 9 and 10 are charms against hereditary (k~etriya) diseases,
leprosy, dyspepsia, etc. 1 Amulets of arjuna wood, barley, sesamum
,and its flower had also to be tied when the charm was uttered 5 •
II. 31 is a charm against various diseases due to worms. The priest,
when uttering this charm, should hold street-dust in his left hand
and press it with his right hand and throw it on the patient. There
are visible and invisible worms; some of them are called algmpju
and others saluna; they are generated in the intestines, head and
is alsCl a charm for the same purpose.
:i:V. 12
VI. 135-137 is also a charm for strengthening the roots of the hair. Kiika-
miici with bhrnga-riija has to be drunk.
Namaft sUiiya takmane namo rilrtiya soci~e kr1Jomi
yo anyedyur ubhayedyur abhyeti trttyakiiya namo astu takmane.
See also A.V. VII. 123. 10, where the third-day fever, fourth-day fever and
irregular fevers are referred to.
' The word k~etrfya has been irregularly derived in PaQini's rule, v. 2. 92
(k$etriyac parak$etre cikitsya"ft}. Commentaries like the Kiisika and the Pada-
mafijarz suggest one of its meanings to be "curable in the body of another
birth, (janmiintara-sarlre cikitsyab}, that is, incurable. I, however, prefer the
meaning"hereditary," as given hy SayaQa in his commentary on A.V. II. 10. 1,
as being more fitting and reasonable.
Yak$man is also counted as a k~etrzya disease (n. 10. 6).
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cu.
heels; they go about through the body by diverse ways and cannot
be killed even with various kinds of herbs. They sometimes reside
in the hills and forests and in herbs and animals, and they enter
into our system through sores in the body and through various
kinds of food and drink 1 • II. 33 is a charm for removing yakpnan
from all parts of the body. III. 7. I is a charm for removing all
hereditary (leyetriya) diseases; the horn of a deer is to be used as
an amulet. III. II is a charm against phthisis (riija-ya/eyman)-
particularly when it is generated by too much sex-indulgence; the
patient is to eat rotten fish 2 . IV. 4 is a charm for attaining virility-
the roots of the kapittha tree boiled in milk are to be drunk when
the charm is uttered. IV. 6 and 7 are charms against vegetable
poisoning-the essence of the krmuka tree is to be drunk. v. 4 is a
charm against fever ( takman) and phthisis; the patient is to take the
herb kzqtha with butter when the charm is uttered 3 • v. 1 I is a
charm against fever 4 • v. 23 is a charm against worms-the patient
is given the juice of the twenty kinds of roots 5 . VI. I 5 is a charm
for eye-diseases; the patient has to take various kinds of vegetable
leaves fried in oil, particularly the mustard plant 6 • VI. 20 is a
charm against bilious fever (szqmi~o jvarasya); it is said to produce
a great burning sensation, delirium and jaundice. VI. 2I is a charm
for increasing the hair-the hair is to be sprinkled with a decoction
of various herbs. VI. 23 is a charm against heart-disease, dropsy
and jaundice. VI. 25 is a charm for inflammation of the glands
of the neck (gm.uja-miilii)1. VI. 8 5 is a charm against consumption
(riijay-ak!man); VI. 90 for colic pain (Sula) 8 ; VI. 105 for cough and
11. 31. s. I have adopted Sayat)a's interpretation.
vn. 78 is also a charm for inflammation of the neck (ga1)r.ja-miilii) and
phthisis (yak~ma).
3 Ku~tha was believed to be good for the head and the eyes (v. 4· 10).
Gandhara Mahav~a. Mufijaviin, and particularly Balhika (Balkh), were
regarded as the home of fever; so also the country of Anga and Magadha. It
was accompanied by cold (sita) and shivering (rura[z). It was often attended with
cough (kiisa) and consumption (valiisa). It attacked sometimes on the third or
fourth day, in summer or in autumn (Siirada), or continued all through the year.
This is one of the few cases where a large number of roots were com-
pounded together and used as medicine along with the charms.
Some of the other plants are alastilii, siliiiijiilii, nfliigalasiilii.
Also vn. 78, where apacit appears as a name for the inflammation of the
neck (gala-ga1J.r.Ja). Three different types of the disease are described. Apacit is
at first harmless, but when it grows, it continues more to secrete its discharges,
like boils on the joints. These boils grow on the neck, the back, the thigh-joint
and the anus. See further VI. 83, where conch-shell is to be rubbed and applied.
VIII. 83 is also a charm for it. Blood had to be sucked off the inflamed parts
by a leech or an iguana (grha-godhikii).
A piece of iron is to be tied as an amulet.
XIII] Practice o.f Medicine in the Atharva-Veda 299
other such diseases due to phlegm (s/e~mii) ; VI. I 09 for diseases of
the rheumatic type (viita-vyiidhi 1 ). VI. I27 is a cham1 for abscess
(vidradha), phlegmatic diseases (valiisa) and erysipelatous inflam-
mation (visarpa). Various kinds of visarpa in different parts of the
body are referred to. Heart-disease and phthisis are also men-
tioned2. There are said to be a hundred kinds of death (mrtyu)
(A.V. VIII. 5· 7), which are explained by Sayal).a as meaning
diseases such as fever, head-disease, etc. Several diseases are men-
tioned in IX. I 8-first the diseases of the head, Sir~akti, Sir~iimaya,
kan..za-sula and visalpaka, by which secretions of bad smell come
out from the ear and the mouth, then fever proceeding from head
troubles with shivering and cracking sensations in the limbs.
Takman, the dreaded autumnal fever, is so described. Then comes
consumption; then come valiisa, kiihiibiiha of the abdomen, diseases
of kloma, the abdomen, navel and heart, diseases of the spine, the
ribs, the eyes, the intestines. the visalpa, vidradha, wind-diseases
('oiitikiira), alaji and diseases of the leg, knee, pelvis, veins and head.
Bolling, in his article on diseases and medicine (Vedic) in the
Encyclopaedia ofReligion and Ethics, makes the following remark con-
cerning the theory of the origin of diseases. "To be noted however
is the fact that the Hindu theory of the constitution of the body
of three elements, bile, phlegm and wind, does not appear in early
Atharvan texts. Viiti-krta-niiSani of VI. 44· 3 cannot be urged as
proof to the contrary, as it means, not destructive of (diseases) pro-
duced by the wind in the body (viiti-krta-niisani), but destructive
of that which has been made into wind. Evidently, from its asso-
ciation with diarrhoea, it refers to wind in the intestines." This
does not seem to me to be correct. The phrase which Bolling quotes
is indeed of doubtful meaning; SayaQ.a takes it as being composed
of two words, viiti (healer by aeration) and krta-niiSani (destroyer
of evil deeds which brought about the disease). But, however
that may be, there are other passages on the subject, which Bolling
seems to have missed. Thus in 1. I2. 3 diseases are divided into
three classes, viz. those produced by water, by wind, and those
which are dry-yo abhrajii viitajii yai ca s~mal..z 3 • The phlegm of
the later medical writers was also considered watery, and the word
Pippali is also to be taken along with the utterance of the charm. It is
regarded as the medicine for all attacked by the diseases of the wind (viitf-
krtasya bhe~ajzm). It is also said to cure madness (k#ptasya bhe~ajfm).
Cipudru is a medicine for valiisa. Cipudrur abhicak~m;zam (vi. 127. 2).
3 Compare also viittkiirasya (IX. IJ. 20).
300 Speculations in the Medical Schools [en.
abhraja probably suggests the. origin of the theory of phlegm,
as being one of the upholders and destroyers of the body. The
word 'lJlitaja means, very plainly, diseases produced by wind, and
the pitta, or bile, which in later medical literature is regarded as
a form of fire, is very well described here as su~ma, or dry. Again
in VI. 109 we have pippalf as viitt-krtasya bhefajfm. The context
shows that the diseases which are referred to as being curable by
pippali are those which are considered as being produced by wind
in later literature; for "madness" (~ipta) is mentioned as a
viitt-krta disease. The word su~ma comes from the root "su~," to
dry up, and in slightly modified forms is used to mean a "drying
up," "burning," "strength," and "fiery." In one place at least
it is used to describe the extremely burning sensation of delirious
bilious fever, which is said to be burning like fire 1 . l\1y own
conclusion therefore is that at least some AtharvaQ.ic people had
thought of a threefold classification of all diseases, viz. those pro-
duced by wind, those by \Vater, and those by fire, or those which
are dry and burning. This corresponds to the later classification
of all diseases as being due to the three do~as, wind (vayu), phlegm
(kapha or S!e~ma) and bile (pitta). Apart from the ordinary diseases,
many were the cases of possession by demons and evil spirits, of
which we have quite a large number. Some of the prominent ones
are Yatudhiina, Kimzdin, Pisaca, Pisaci, Aml'l)ii, Dvayavin, Rak~a~,
1lJagundi, Ali~nsa, Fatsapa, Palala, Anupalala, Sarku, Koka,
ll1alimluca, Palifaka, Va·vrivasas, Asre~a, f!.k~agrlva, Pramzlin,
Dun;ama, Sunamii, Kuk#la, Kusula, Kakubha, Srima, Araya,
Karuma, Khalaja, Sakadluimaja, Uru1_1rja, Afatmata, Kumbham~ka,
Sayaka, J.Yagnaka, Taizgak•a, Pavinasa, Gandharva, Brahmagraha,
etc. 2 Some of the diseases with their troublous symptoms
were (poetically) personified, and diseases which often went to-
gether were described as being related as brothers and sisters.
Diseases due to worms were well known, in the case of both men
VI. 20. 4· For other references where the word su~ma occurs in more or
less modified forms see I. 12. 3, III. 9· 3, IV. 4· 3, IV. 4· 4, v. 2. 4, v. 20. 2, VI. 6s. I,
VI. 73· 2, IX. I. 10, 20, IX. 4· 22, etc.
See 1. 28. 35, 11. 9, II. 14, VIII. 6. The last passage contains a good descrip-
tion of some of these beings. There were some good spirits which fought with
evil ones and favoured men, such as Piri.ga, who preserved the babe at birth and
chased the amorous Gandharvas as wind chases cloud. VIII. 6. 19, 25 says that
sometimes the higher gods are also found to bring diseases. Thus Takman was
the son of Varur:ta (vi. 96. 2) and he produced dropsy (1. 10. 1-4, n. 10. I,
Iv. 16. 7, etc.). Parjanya (rain-god) produced diarrhoea, and Agni produced
fever, headache and cough.
XIII] Practice of 1\Jedicine in the Atharva-Veda 301

and of cattle. There were also the diseases due to sorcery, which
played a very important part as an offensive measure in Vedic
India. l\'Iany of the diseases were also known to be hereditary
(k~etriya). From the names of the diseases mentioned above it
will be found that most of the diseases noted by Caraka existed
in the Vedic age.
The view-point from which the Vedic people looked at diseases
seems to have always distinguished the different diseases from their
symptoms. Thus the fever was that which produced shivering,
cold, burning sensation, and the like, i.e. the diagnosis was mainly
symptomatic. In addition to the charms and amulets, and the
herbs which were to be internally taken, water was considered to
possess great medica.l and life-giving properties. There are many
hymns which prai"e these qualities of water 1 • The medicinal pro-
perties of herbs were often regarded as being due to water, which
formed their essence. Charms for snake poisons and herbs which
were considered to be their antidotes were in use. Scanty
references to diseases and their cures are found sparsely scattered
in other ~g- Vedic texts and Brahmal)as. But nothing in these
appears to indicate any advance on the Athar-Da- Veda 2 in medical
kno\vledge. Apart from these curatives there were also the already
mentioned charms, amulets and medicines for securing long
life and increasing virility, corresponding to the Rasiiyana and
the Viiji-kara1_la chapters of Caraka and other medical works. We
cannot leave this section without pointing to the fact that, though
most diseases and many remedies were known, nothing in the way
of nidiina, or causes of diseases, is specified. The fact that there
existed a threefold classification of diseases, viz. abhraja, viitaja and
su~ma, should not be interpreted to mean that the Vedic people
had any knowledge of the disturbance of these clements operating
as nidiinas as they were understood in later medical literature. The
three important causes of diseases were evil deeds, the sorcery of
enemies, and possession by evil spirits or the anger of certain gods.
apsu antar amrtam apsu bhqajam (There is immortality and medicine in
\Vater-I. 4- 4). See also I. 5· 6, 33, II. 3, III. 7· 5, IV. 33, VI. 24. 92, VI. 24-. 2, etc.
For a brief survey of these J3..g- V edtc and other texts see Bolling's article
"Disease and :-.. Iedicine (Vedic)" in Encyclopaedia of Reli'gion and Ethics.
302 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.

The Foetus and the Subtle Body.

A human body is regarded by Caraka as a modification of the
five elements, ether, air, fire, water and earth, and it is also the
seat of consciousness (cetanii) 1 • The semen itself is made of the
four elements, air, fire, water and earth; ether is not a constituent
of it, but becomes connected with it as soon as it issues forth,
since iikiisa or antariksa (ether) is all-pervading. The semen that
is ejected and passes into the ovary is constituted of equal parts of
air, fire, water and earth; the ether becomes mixed with it in the
ovary; for iikiisa itself is omnipresent and has no movement of
its own 2 ; the semen is the product of six kinds of fluids (rasa).
But the foetus cannot be produced simply by the union of the
semen of the father and the blood (so~ita) of the mother. Such
a union can produce the foetus only when the iitman with its
subtle body, constituted of air, fire, water and earth, and manas
(mind-the organ involved in all perception and thought), be-
comes connected with it by means of its karma . .The four
elements constituting the subtle body of the iitman, being the
general causes of all productions, do not contribute to the essential
bodily features of the child 3 • The elements that contribute to
the general features are, (1) the mother's part-the blood, (2) the
father's part-the semen, (3) the karma of each individual; the
part played by the assimilated food-juice of the mother need
not be counted separately, as it is determined by the karma
of the individual. The mental traits are determined by the
state of mind of the individual in its previous birth. Thus, if
the previous state of life was that of a god, the mind of the child

garbhas tu khalu antarik§a viiyv-agni-toya-bhii.mi-vikiiras cetaniidhi~thiina­
blzutal;z. Caraka, IV. 4· 6.
viiyv-agni-bhumy-ab-gu1)a-piidavat tat ~atjbhyo rasebhyal:z prabhiivaJ ca tasya.
Caraka, IV. 2. 4· iikiisa7'{l tu yady-api sukre piiiica-bhautike 'sti tathiipi na puru~a­
sarlriin nirgatya garbhasaya7'{l gacchati, kintu bhuta-catu~fayam eva kriyiivad yiiti
iikiisa7'{l tu vyapakam eva tatriigatena sukre1)a Sa1flbaddha7'{l bhavati. Cakrapai:ll's
Ayur-veda-dlpikii, IV. 2.4. Susruta however considers $ukra (semen) as possessing
the qualities of soma, and iirtava (blood) as possessing the qualities of fire. He says,
however, that particles of the other bhutas (earth, air and ether, as l)alhal)a
enumerates them) are separately associated with them (saumya'!l sukram iirtavam
iigneyam itare~iim apy atra bhii.tiinii7'{l siinnidhya7'{l asty a1)Unii vise~eya parasparo-
pakiiriit pariinugrahiit paraspariinupravesac ca-Susruta, Ill. J. 1), and they
mutually co-operate together for the production of the foetus.
yiini tv iitmani suk~mii1)i bhatiini iitivahika-rupii1)i tiini sarva-siidhiira1)atvena
avise~a-siidriya-kiira1)iinlti neha boddhavyani. Cakrapai:ll's Ayur-veda-dlpikii,
IV. 2. 23-27.
XIII) The Foetus and the Subtle Body 3°3
will be pure and vigorous, whereas, if it was that of an animal,
it will be impure and dulP. When a man dies, his soul, together
with his subtle body, composed of the four elements, air, fire,
water and earth, in a subtle state and manas, passes invisibly into
a particular womb on account of its karma, and then, when it
comes into connection with the combined semen and blood of the
father and mother, the foetus begins to develop 2 • The semen and
blood can, however, operate as causes of the production of the
body only when they come into connection ·with the subtle body
transferred from the previous body of a dying being 3 • Susruta
(III. 1. 16) says that the very subtle eternal conscious principles
are manifested (abhivyajyate) when the blood and semen are in
union (parama-silk~miis cetaniivantal; siisvatii lohita-retasal.z sanni-
piite~v abhivya:fyante). But later on (III. 3. 4) this statement is
modified in such a way as to agree with Caraka's account; for
there it is said that the soul comes into contact with the combined
semen and blood along with its subtle elemental body (bhiUiitmanii).
In another passage a somewhat different statement is found
(Susruta, III. 4· 3). Here it is said that the materials of the de-
veloping foetus are agni, soma, sattva, rajas, tamas, the five senses,
and the hhutiitmii-all these contribute to the life of the foetus
and are also called the prii1JaS (life ) 4 • :Qalhal).a, in explaining this,
says that the agni (fire) spoken of here is the heat-power which
manifests itself in the fivefold functionings of digestion (piicaka),
viz. brightening of the skin (bhriijaka), the faculty of vision
Te~ii7'fl vlse~iid balavanti yiini
bhavanti miitii-pitr-karma-jiini
tiini vyavasyet sadrsatva-liizga1JZ
satva'f!l yathiinii.kam api vyavasyet.
Caraka, IV. 2. 27.
Anuka7'{l priiktaniivyavahitii deha-jiitis tena yathiinukatJZ
iti yo deva-sanriid avyavadhiineniigatya bhavati sa
det.'a-satvo bhiivati, etc. CakrapaQ.i, IV. 2. 23-27.
bhu.tais caturbhil; sahital;z su-su~air
mano-javo deham upaiti dehiit
karmiit-makatviin na tu tasya drsyii1fl
divya7'{l vinii rjarsanam asti rii.Pa1'fl. Caraka, IV. 2. 3·
yady api sukra-rajasl kiira7Je, tathiipi yadaiviitiviihikatJZ su~ma-bhuta-rii.pa­
sarira7'{l priipnutal;z, tadaiva te sarlra'f!l janayata{z, niinyadii. Cakrapa:Q.i, IV.
2. J6.
This bhuiiitmii, i.e. the subtle body together with the soul presiding over
it, is called by Susruta karma-puru~a. Medical treatment is of this karma-pur~a
and his body (sa e~a karma-puru~al; cikitsiidhikrtai;-Susruta, III. 1. 16). Susruta
(I. 1. 21) again says," paiica-mahiibhuta-sariri-samaviiya?z purUfa ity ucyate; tasmin
knyii so 'dhi~!hiinam." (In this science, the term puru~a is applied to the unity
of five elements and the self (sarlrl), and this is the object of medical treatment.)
Speculations in the Medical Schools [CH.
(iilocaka), coloration of the blood, the intellectual operations and
the heat operations involved in the formation and work of the
different constituent elements (dhiitu), such as chyle, blood, etc.;
the soma is the root-power of all watery elements, such as mucu8,
chyle, semen, etc., and of the sense of taste; viiyu represents that
which operates as the fivefold life-functionings of prli!UJ, apiina,
samiina, udiina, and vyiina. I)alhal).a says further that sativa, rajas
and tamas refer to manas, the mind-organ, which is a product of
their combined evolution. The five senses contribute to life by
their cognitive functionings. The first passage seemed to indicate
that life was manifested as a result of the union of semen and
blood ; the second passage considered the connection of the soul
with its subtle body (bhutiitmii) necessary for evolving the semen-
blood into life. The third passage introduces, in addition to these,
the five senses, sativa, rajas, and tamas, and the place of semen-
blood is taken up by the three root-powers of agni, and viiyu.
These three powers are more or less of a hypothetical nature,
absorbing within them a number of functionings and body-consti-
tuents. The reason for these three views in the three successive
chapters cannot be satisfactorily explained, except on the supposi-
tion that Susruta's work underwent three different revisions at
three different times. Vagbhata the elder says that the moment
the semen and the blood are united, the life principle (jiva), being
moved by manas (mano-javena), tainted, as the latter is, with the
afflictions (klesa) of attachn1ent, etc., comes in touch with it 1 •
The doctrine of a subtle body, as referred to in the medical works,
may suitably be compared with the Sa1p.khya view. Cakrapal)i him-
self, in explaining Caraka-smphitii, IV. 2. 36, says that this doctrine
of a subtle body (iitiviihika sarira) is described in the iigama, and by
iigama the Sa1p.khya agama is to be understood (tena iigamiid eva
siirrtkhya-dariana-rupiid iitiviihika-saririit). The Siirrtkhya-kiirikii 39
speaks of a subtle body (suk~ma deha) and the body inherited from
1 gate puriil:ze rajasi nave '-casthite suddhe garbhasyiisaye miirge ca bzfiitmanii

suklam avikrtam avikrtena vtiyunti preritam anyaii ca mahii-bhiltair anugatam

iirtavena abhimiirchitam anvak~am eva riigiidi-kleia-vasiinuvartina sva-karma-
coditenamano-jm..Jenajzveniibhisa1JlSNfmJlgarbhiisayam upayati. A~tiinga-sa1Jlgraha,
n. 2. Indu, in explaining this, says, "bzfiitmanti garbha-kiira1Ja-mahii-bhUta-
s•vabhiivena . .. siik~ma-svarfipai!z manas-sahaciiribhis tanmiitrtikhyair mahii-bhutair
anugata1Jl strz-k~etra-priiptyti karma-vasiid iirta•oena misrl bhUtam anva~a'f!l misrl-
bhiiva-hzna-kalam eva . .. mano-javena jz·veniibhisa1fZSr~tam priipta-sa1Jlyoga1Jl
garbhaiaya1Jl iuklam upayiiti." His further explanations of the nature of
applications of the jz?..Ja show that he looked up Pataiijali's Yo,;a-siitras for the
details of avidyii, etc., and the other kleias.
XIII] The Foetus and the Subtle Body
the parents. The silk~ma continues to exist till salvation is attained,
and at each birth it receives a new body and at each death it leaves
it. It is constituted of mahat, aha1Jlkiira, the eleven senses and the
five tan-miitras. On account of its association with the buddhi,
which bears the impress of virtue, vice, and other intellectual
defects and accomplishments, it becomes itself associated with
these, just as a cloth obtains fragrance through its connection with
campak flowers of sweet odour; and hence it suffers successive
rebirths, till the buddhi becomes dissociated from it by the attain-
ment of true discriminative knowledge. The necessity of admitting
a subtle body is said to lie in the fact that the buddhi, with the
aha1Jlkiira and the senses, cannot exist without a supporting body;
so in the interval between one death and another birth the buddhi,
etc. require a supporting body, and the subtle body is this sup-
port1. In the Sii1JZkhya-pravacana-bh~ya, v. 103, it is said that this
subtle body is like a little tapering thing no bigger than a thumb,
and that yet it pervades the whole body, just as a little flame
pervades a whole room by its rays 2 • The Vyiisa-bh~ya, in
refuting the Sarp.khya view, says that according to it the citta
(mind), like the rays of a lamp in a jug or in a palace, contracts
and dilates according as the body that it occupies is bigger or
smaller3 • Vacaspati, in explaining the Yoga view as expounded by
Vyiisa, says that in the Sarp.khya view the citta is such that it
cannot, ~imply by contraction and expansion, leave any body at
death and occupy another body without intermediate relationship
with a subtle body (iitiviihika-sarira). But, if the citta cannot itself
leave a body and occupy another, how can it connect itself with
a subtle body at the time of death? If this is to be done through
another body, and that through another, then we are led to a
vicious infinite. If it is argued that the citta is connected with such
a subtle body from beginningless time, then the reply is that such
a subtle body has never been perceived by anyone (na khalu etad
adhyak~a-gocara1Jl); nor can it be regarded as indispensably neces-
sary through inference, since theYoga view can explain the situation
without the hypothesis of any such body. The citta is all-pervading,
Sli'f!lkhya-tattva-kaumudi, 39, 40, 41.
2yathli dipasya sarva-grha-vyapitve 'pi kalika-kliratva1Jl . .. tathaiva liriga-
dehasya deha-vyapitve 'py angunha-parimli1)atvam. Satrzkhya-pravacana-bhli~a,
8 ghata-priisiida-pradipa-kalpa1fl sarikoca-vikii.Si cittam sanra-parimlit:,ziikiira-

miitram ity apare pratipanniil;. Vyiisa-bhii~a on Patai'ijali's Yoga-sutras, IV. 10.

DU 20
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
and each soul is associated with a separate citta. Each citta connects
itself with a particular body by virtue of the fact that its manifes-
tations (vrtti) are seen in that body. Thus the manifestations of
the all-pervading citta of a soul cease to appear in its dying body
and become operative in a new body that is born. Thus there is
no necessity of admitting a subtle body (iitiviihikatva'f!l tasya na
mnyiimahe) 1 •
The Vaise~ika also declines to believe in the existence of a
subtle body, and assigns to it no place in the development of the
foetus. The development of the foetus is thus described by
Sridhara in his Nyiiya-kandali 2 : "After the union of the father's
semen and the mother's blood there is set up in the atoms consti-
tuting them a change through the heat of the womb, such that their
old colour, form, etc. become destroyed and new similar qualities
are produced; and in this way, through the successive formation of
dyads and triads, the body of the foetus develops; and, when such
a body is formed, there enters into it the mind (antal.zkara7Ja), which
could not have entered in the semen-blood stage, since the mind
requires a body to support it (na tu sukra-so1Jitiivasthiiyii'f!l sari-
riiSrayatviin manasal.z). Small quantities of food-juice of the mother
go to nourish it. Then, through the unseen power (adrfta), the
foetus is disintegrated by the heat in the womb into the state of
atoms, and atoms of new qualities, together with those of the
food-juice, conglomerate together to form a new body." According
to this view the subtle body and the mind have nothing to do
with the formation and development of the foetus. Heat is the
main agent responsible for all disintegration and re-combination
involved in the process of the formation of the foetus.
The Nyaya does not seem to have considered this as an im-
portant question, and it also denies the existence of a subtle body.
The soul, according to the Nyaya, is all-pervading, and the Mahii-
bhiirata passage quoted above, in which Yama draws out the purufa
1 Vacaspati's Tattva-vaiiiiradi, IV. 10. Reference is made to Mahii-bhiirata,

III. 296. 17, aizgu~tha-miitrampuru~a'T{l n;·scakar~a yamo baliit. Vacaspati says that
puru~a is not a physical thing and hence it cannot be drawn out of the body.
It must therefore be interpreted in a remote sense as referring to the cessation
of manifestation of citta in the dying body (na ciisya ni~kar~alz sambhavati,
ity aupaciiriko vyiikhyeyas tathii ca cites cittasya ca tatra tatra vrtty-abhii'l:a eva
ni~ kar~iirthalz).
The Sii'T{lkhya-pravacana-bhii~ya, v. 103, says that the thumb-like puru~a
referred to in Mahii-bhiirata, III. 296. 17, which Yama drew from the body of
.Satyavan, has the size of the subtle body (liizga-deha).
:! Nyiiya-kandali, Vizianagram Sanskrit series, 1895, p. 33·
XIII] The Foetus and the Subtle Body 307
of the size of a thumb, has, according to Nyaya, to be explained
away 1 • In rebirth it is only the all-pervading soul which becomes
connected with a particular body (ya eva dehiintara-Saf!Zgamo 'sya,
tam eva taj-jfiiil;-para-lokam iihulz) 2 •
Candrakirti gives us an account of the Buddhist view from the
Sali-stamba-siltra 3 • The foetus is produced by the combination
of the six constituents (~a7pJii1JZ dhiitunii1Jl samaviiyiit). That which
consolidates (sa1JZSle~a) the body is called earth (prthi·vi-dhiitu);
that which digests the food and drink of the body is called fire
( tejo-dhiitu); that which produces inhalation and exhalation is called
air (viiyu-dhiitu); that which produces the pores of the body
(antal;-sa~iryam) is called ether (iikiiSa-dhiitu); that by which
knowledge is produced is called the vijiiiina-dhiitu. It is by the
combination of them all that a body is produced (sarve~ii1JZ sama-
viiyiit kiiyasyotpattir bhavatt). The seed of vijfiiina produces the
germ of name and form (niima-1·upiinkura) by combination with
many other diverse causes. The foetus is thus produced of itself,
not by another, nor by both itself and another, nor by god, nor
by time, nor by nature, nor by one cause, nor by no cause, but
by the combination of the mother's and the father's parts at the
proper season 4 • The combination of father's and mother's parts
gives us the five dhiitus, which operate together when they are in
combination with the sixth dhiitu, the vijfiiina.
The view that the foetus is the result of the joint effect of the
six dhiitus reminds us of a similar expression in Caraka, IV. 3· Caraka
gives there a summary of the discussions amongst various sages
on the subject of the causes of the formation and develop1nent of the
foetus: where there is a union between a man with effective semen
and a woman with no defect of organ, ovary and blood, if at the
time of the union of the semen and blood the soul comes in touch
with it through the mind, then the foetus begins to develop 5 • When
it is taken care of by proper nourishment, etc., then at the right time
ta.~miin na lzrt-pur.u}arike yiivad-avasthiinam iitmanalz ata eva aizgu~tha­
miitra1Jl puru~a1Jl n£scakar~a baliid yama iti Vyiisa-vacanam evam-param
avagantavyam (Jayanta's Nyiiya-mafijari, p. 469).
Ibid. p. 473·
8 1W.adhyamika-vrtti (Bibliotheca Buddhica), pp. s6o-61.
Ibid. p. s67.
In the Vaise~ika also the all-pervading iitman comes into touch with the
foetus through the manas; but the difference is this, that here the manas is an
operative factor causing the development of the foetus, whereas there the manas
goes to the foetus when through the influence of body-heat it has already de-
veloped into a body.
J08 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cu.
the child is born, and the whole development is due to the com-
bined effect of all the elements mentioned above (samudayiid e1iirrz
blziiviiniim). The foetus is born of elements from the mother
and the father, the self, the proper hygienic care of the parents'
bodies (siitmya) and the food-juice; and there is also operant
with these the sattva or manas, which is an intermediate vehicle
serving to connect the soul with a former body when it leaves
one (aupapiiduka) 1 • Bharadvaja said that none of these causes can
be considered as valid; for, in spite of the union of the parents,
it often happens that they remain childless ; the self cannot pro-
duce the self; for, if it did, did it produce itself after being born
or without being born? In both cases it is ,impossible for it to
produce itself. Moreover, if the self had the power of producing
itself, it would not have cared to take birth in undesirable
places and with defective powers, as sometimes happens. Again,
proper hygienic habits cannot be regarded as the cause; for
there are many who have these, but have no children, and
there are many who have not these, but have children. If it
was due to food-juice, then all people would have got children.
Again, it is not true that the sattva issuing forth from one body
connects itself with another; for, if it were so, we should all have
remembered the events of our past life. So none of the above
causes can be regarded as valid. To this Atreya replied that it is
by the combined effect of all the above elements that a child is
produced, and not by any one of them scparately 2 • This idea is
again repeated in IV. 3· 20, where it is said that just as a medical
room (kutiigiirartt vartuliikiirarrz grhartt jaintiika-sveda-pratipaditam
-CakrapaQ.i) is made up of various kinds of things, or just as a
chariot is made up of a collection of its various parts, so is the
foetus made up of the combination of various entities which con-
tribute to the fprmation of the embryo and its development (niinii-
vidhiiniirrz garbha-kiirii1Jiit[l blziiviiniirrz samudayiid abhinirvartate) 3 •
The idea of such a combined effect of causes as leading to the
production of a perfect whole seems to have a peculiar Buddhistic
ring about it.
Bharadvaja, in opposing the above statement of Atreya, asks
what, if the foetus is the product of a number of combined causes,
Caraka-satp.hitii!.. IV. 3. 3.
2 neti bhagaviin Atreyafz. sarvebhya ebhyo bhiivebhyafz samuditebhyo garbho
'bhinirvartate. Ibid. IV. 3. II.
Ibid. IV. 3· 20.
XIII] The Foetus and the Subtle Body
is the definite order in which they co-operate together to produce
the various parts (katham aya1Jl sandhiyate)? Again, how is it
that a child born of a woman is a human child and not that of
any other animal? If, again, man is born out of man, why is not
the son of a stupid person stupid, of a blind man blind, and of
a madman mad? Moreover, if it is argued that the self perceives
by the eye colours, by the ear sounds, by the smell odours, by
the organ of taste the different tastes, and feels by the skin the
different sensations of touch, and for that reason the child does not
inherit the qualities of the father, then it has to be admitted that
the soul can have knowledge only when there are senses and is
devoid of it when there are no senses; in that case the soul is not un-
changeable, but is liable to change (yatra caitad ubhaya1Jl sambhavati
jiiatvam ajiiatva1Jl ca sa-vikiiras ciitmii)l. If .the soul perceives the
objects of sense through the activity of the senses, such as per-
ceiving and the like, then it cannot know anything when it has
no senses, and, when it is unconscious, it cannot be the cause of the
body-movements or of any of its other activities and consequently
cannot be called the soul, iitman. It is therefore simple nonsense
to say that the soul perceives colours, etc. by its senses.
To this Atreya replies that there are four kinds of beings,
viz. those born from ovaries, eggs, sweat and vegetables. Beings
in each class exist in an innumerable diversity of forms 2 • The
forms that the foetus-producing elements (garbha-karii bhiivii/:z)
assume depend upon the form of the body where they assemble.
Just as gold, silver, copper, lead, etc. assume the form of any
mould in which they are poured, so, when the foetus-producing
elements assemble in a particular body, the foetus takes that par-
ticular form. But a man is not infected with the defect or disease
of his father, unless it be so bad or chronic as to have affected his
semen. Each of our limbs and organs had their germs in the
semen of the father, and, when the disease or defect of the father
is so deep-rooted as to have affected (upatiipa) the germ part of
any particular organ in the seed, then the child produced out of
the semen is born defective in that limb; but, if the defect or
disease of the father is so superficial that his semen remains
unaffected, then the disease or defect is not inherited by the son.
The child does not owe sense-organs to his parents; he alone is
responsible for the goodness or badness of his sense-organs ; for
1 2
Caraka-stlT{lhitii, IV. 3· 21. Ibid. IV. 3· 22, 23.
JIO Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
these are born from his own self (litma-jiinindriyli1Jz). The presence
or absence of the sense-organs is due to his own destiny or the fruits
of karma (dai•aa). So there is no definite law that the sons of
idiots or men with defective senses should necessarily be born
idiots or be otherwise defective 1 • The self (iitman) is conscious only
when the sense-organs exist. The self is never without the sattva
or the mind-organ, and through it there is always some kind of
consciousness in the self2 • The self, as the agent, cannot without
the sense-organs have any knowledge of the external world leading
to practical work; no practical action for which several accessories
are required can be performed unless these are present; a potter
who knows how to make a jug cannot succeed in making it
unless he has the organs with which to make it3 • The fact that
the self has consciousness even when the senses do not operate
is well illustrated by our dream-knowledge when the senses lie
inoperative 4 • Atreya further says that, when the senses are com-
pletely restrained and the manas, or mind-organ, is also re-
strained and concentrated in the self, one can have knowledge
of all things even without the activity of the senses 5 • The self is
thus of itself the knower and the agent.
This view of Caraka, as interpreted by Cakrapal).i, seems to be
somewhat new. For the self is neither pure intelligence, like the
pU1·u~a of the Sarpkhya-yoga, nor the unity of being, intelligence and
bliss, like that of the Vedanta. Here the soul is the knower by
virtue of its constant association with manas. In this, however, we
are nearer to the Nyaya- Vaise~ika view. But in the Nyaya-Vaise!?ika
view the soul is not always in contact with manas and is not always
conscious. The manas in that view is atomic. The view that the
1 Caraka-smphitii, IV. 3. 25.
Ibid. IV. 3· 26, na hy-asattva"tz kadiicid iitmii sattva-viSe~iic copalabhyate
jfiiina-vise~a"tz. Cakrapani, in commenting on this, says that our knowledge of the
external world is due to the operation of the sense-organs in association with
the mind-organ. If these sense-organs do not exist, we cannot have any know-
ledge of the external world, but the internal organ of mind is always associated
with the self: so the knowledge which is due to this mind-organ is ever present
in the self (yat tu kevala-mano-janyam iitma-jiiii.narrz, tad bhavaty eva sarvadii). It
seems that both sattva and manas are used to denote the mind-organ.
The word kiirya-jfianam in Caraka-sarrzhitii, IV. 3· 27, has been explained by
Cakrapal).i as kiirya-pravrtti-janaka-biihya-v#aya-jiiiinam. The knowledge that
the self has when it has no sense-organs operating in association with the mind
has no object (nirvi~aya); in other words, this knowledge which the self always
has is formless.
Ibid. IV. 3· 31.
viniipindriyaib samiidhi-baliid eva yasmiit sarvajno bhavati; tasmii.j jna-sva-
bhiiva eva nirindriyo 'py iitmii (Cakrapal)i's Caraka-tiitparya-pkii, IV. 3· 28-29).
XIII] The Foetus and the· Subtle Body JII

soul has always a formless consciousness has undoubtedly a

Vedantic or Sarpkhyaic tinge; but the other details evidently
separate this view from the accepted interpretations of these
schools. The theory of the soul, however, as here indicated comes
as a digression and will have to be discussed more adequately later
On the subject of the existence of subtle bodies we have already
quoted the views of different Indian schools of philosophy for the
purpose of suggesting comparisons or contrasts with the views of
Caraka. Before concluding this section reference must be made
to the Vedanta views with regard to the nature of subtle bodies.
According to the Vedanta, as interpreted by Satikara, the subtle
body is constituted of five particles of the elements of matter
(bhuta-suk~mail;), with which are also associated the five viiyus,
prii'!la, apiina, etc. 1 Those who perform good deeds go to the
region of the moon, and those who commit sins suffer in the
kingdom of Yama and then are again born in this world 2 • Those
who, as a reward of their good deeds, go to the kingdom of the
moon and afterwards practically exhaust the whole of their fund
of virtue and consequently cannot stay there any longer, begin
their downward journey to this earth. They pass through iikiisa,
air, smoke and cloud and then are showered on the ground with
the rains and absorbed by the plants and again taken into the
systems of persons who eat them, and again discharged as semen
into the wombs of their wives and are reborn again. In the
kingdom of the moon they had watery bodies (candra-ma'!ltfale yad
am-mayam sarzram upabhogiirtham iirabdham) for the enjoyment
available in that kingdom; and, when they exhaust their good deeds
through enjoyment and can no longer hold that body, they get a
body which is like iikiisa and are thus driven by the air and come
into association with smoke and cloud. At this stage, and even
when they are absorbed into the body of plants, they neither enjoy
pleasure nor suffer pain. A difference must be made between the
condition of those who are endowed with plant-bodies as a punish-
ment for their misdeeds and those who pass through the plant-
bodies merely as stations on their way to rebirth. In the case of
the former the plant life is a life of enjoyment and sorrow, whereas
in the case of the latter there is neither enjoyment nor sorrow.
The Bhii~ya of Sankara on the Brahma-sutra, III. i. 1-7.
Ibid. III. i. IJ.
JI2 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
Even when the plant-bodies are chewed and powdered the souls
residing in them as stations of passage do not suffer pain ; for
they are only in contact with these plant-bodies (candra-ma7Jifala-
skhal£tiinii1Jl vrihy iidi-sa1Jlile1a-mlitTa1Jl tad-bhiival:z) 1 •
We thus see that it is only the Sarpkhya and the Vedanta that
agree to the existence of a subtle body and are thus in accord with
the view of Caraka. But Caraka is more in agreement with the
Vedanta in the sense that, while according to the Sarpkhya it is the
tan-miitras which constitute the subtle body, it is the fine particles
of the gross elements of matter that constitute the subtle bodies in
the case both of the Vedanta and of Caraka. The soul in one atomic
moment becomes associated successively with iikiiia, air, light,
heat, water, and earth (and not in any other order) at the time
of its entrance into the womb 2 •
Foetal Development3 •
When the different elements of matter in conjunction with the
subtle body are associated with the self, they have the appearance of
a little lump of mucus (kheta-bhilta) with all its limbs undifferentiated
and undeveloped to such an extent that they may as well be said
Bhii~a of Sankara, III. i. 25, also III. i. 22-27.
Caraka-sa'f!l.hitii, IV. 4· 8. CakrapaQi, commenting on this, says that there is
no special reason why the order of acceptance of gross elements should be from
subtler to grosser; it has to be admitted only on the evidence of the scriptures-
ayarrz ca bhuta-graha1}a-krama iigama-siddha eva niitra yuktis tathii-vidhii
8 In the Garbha Upani~ad, the date of which is unknown, there is a descrip-

tion of foetal development. Its main points of interest may thus be summarized:
the hard parts of the body are earth, the liquid parts are water, that which is
hot (u~1}a) is heat-light (tejalz), that which moves about is viiyu, that which is
vacuous is iikiisa. The body is further said to depend on six tastes (la4-iiiraya),
sweet (madhura), acid (am/a), salt (lava1}a), bitter (tikta), hot (katu) and pungent
(k~iiya), and it is made up of seven dhiitus of chyle (rasa), blood (sol}ita) and
flesh (mil'f!l.sa). From the six kinds of rasa comes the so1}ita, from s01)ita comes
miirrzsa, from mii'f!l.sa comes fat (medas), from it the tendons (sniiyu), from the
sniiyu bones (asthi), from the bones the marrow (majjii), from the marrow the
semen (sukra). By the second night after the union of semen and blood the
foetus is of the form of a round lump called kala/a, at the eighth night it is of
the form of a vesicle called budbuda, after a fortnight it assumes the form of a
spheroid, pi1)tja; in two months the head appears, in three months the feet,
in four months the abdomen, heels and the pelvic portions appear, in the fifth
month the spine appears, in the sixth month the mouth, nose, eyes and ears
develop; in the seventh month the foetus becomes endowed with life Ulvena
sarrzyukto bhavatt), in the eighth month it becomes fully developed. By an excess
of semen over blood a male child is produced, by the excess of blood a female
child is produced, when the two are equal a hermaphrodite is produced. When
air somehow enters and divides the semen into two, twins are produced. If the
minds of the parents are disturbed (vyiikulita-miinasa/:z), the issue becomes either
blind or lame or dwarf. In the ninth month, when the foetus is well developed
XIII] Foetal Development 31 3
not to exist as to exist. Susruta remarks that the two main con-
stituents of the body, semen and blood, are respectively made up
of the watery element of the moon (saumya) and the fiery element
(iigneya); the other elements in atomic particles are also associated
with them, and all these mutually help one another and co-operate
together for the formation of the body 1 • Susruta further goes on
to say that at the union of female and male the heat (tejal;z)
generated rouses the viiyu, and through the coming together of
heat and air the semen is discharged 2 • Caraka,however, thinks that
the cause of discharge of semen is joy (har~a) 3 • The semen is not
produced from the body, but remains in all parts of the body,and
it is the joy which causes the discharge and the entrance of the
semen into the uterus 4 • Thus he says that, being ejected by the
self as joy (har~a-bhuteniitmanodiritas ciidh~thitas ca), the semen
constituent or the seed, having come out of the man's body, be-
comes combined with the menstrual product (iirtava) in the uterus
(garbhiiSaya) after it has entrance thereinto through the proper
channel (udtena pathii). According to Susruta the ejected semen
enters into the female organ (yonim abhiprapadyate) and comes into
association there with the menstrual product 5 • At that very moment,
the soul with its subtl~ body comes into association with it and
thus becomes associated with the material characteristics of sattva,
with all its organs, it remembers its previous birth and knows its good and
bad deeds and repents that, on account of its previous karma, it is suffering the
pains of the life of a foetus, and resolves that, if it can once come out, it will
follow the Sa~pkhya-yoga discipline. But as soon as the child is born it comes
into connection with V aiP.Zava viiyu and forgets all its previous births and
resolutions. A body is called sarzra, because three fires reside in it (frayante),
viz. the ko#hiigni, darsaniigni and jfiiiniigni. The ko~fhiigni digests all kinds of
food and drink, by the darsaniigni forms and colours are perceived, by the
jiiiiniigni one performs good and bad deeds. This Upanil?ad counts the cranial
bones as being fourt the vital spots (marman) as being 107, the joints as 18o, the
tissues (sniiyu) as 109, the siriis, or veins, as 700, the marrow places as soo, and
the bones as 300.
Suiruta-sa1{lhitii, III. 3· 3·
Ibid. 111. 3· 4, Nin;taya-Sagara edition, 1915. l)alhaQa, commenting on this,
says, "sukha-la~a1Ja-vyiiyiimajo~ma-viuna1JI. vidrutam aniliic cyutam."
Caraka-sa1{lhitii, IV. 4· 7·
" CakrapaQi, commenting on Caraka-sa1{lhitii, IV. 4· 7, says that "niifzgebhyab
Su.kram utpadyate kintu sukra-rupatayaiva vyajyate," i.e. the semen is not pro-
duced from the different parts of the body, but it exists as it is and is only mani-
fested in a visible form after a particular operation (Su5ruta, 111. 3· 4).
As l)alhaQa interprets this, the female organ here means the uterus; thus
l)alhaQa says, "yones tritlyiivartiivasthita-garbhaiayyiim pratipadyate," i.e. the
semen enters into the third chamber of the female organ, the place of the
foetus. The uterus is probably considered here as the third chamber, the preceding
two being probably the vulva and the vagina.
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
rajas and tamas, and godly (deva), demonic (asura), and other
characteristics. Caraka, referring to the question of the association
of the soul with the material elements, says that this is due to
the operation of the soul acting through the mind-organ (sattva-
kara~za)1. Cakrapai).i, in commenting on the above passage, says
that the self (iitman) is inactive; activity is however attributed to
the soul on account of the operative mind-organ which is asso-
ciated with it. This, however, seems to be a compromise on the
part of CakrapaQ.i with the views of the traditional Sa111khya
philosophy, which holds the soul to be absolutely inactive; but the
text of the Caraka-sa'!lhita does not here say anything on the
inactivity of the soul; for Caraka describes the soul as active
(pravartate) as agent (kartr) and as universal performer (visva-
karman), and the sativa is described here only as an organ of the
soul (sattva-kara1Ja).
In the first month, the foetus has a jel1y-like form ·(kalala} 2 ;
in the second month, the material constituents of the body having
undergone a chemical change (abhi'prapacyamana) due to the action
of cold, heat and air (sito~miinilai/:z), the foetus becomes hard
(ghana). If it is the foetus of a male child, it is spherical (pi1_1tja);
if it is of a female child, it is elliptical (pesi); if it is of a herma-
phrodite, it is like the half of a solid sphere (arbuda) 3 • In the
third month five special eminences are seen, as also the slight
differentiation of limbs. In the fourth month the differentiation
of the limbs is much more definite and well n1anifested; and owing
to the manifestation of the heart of the foetus the entity of con-
sciousne~s becomes also manifested, since the heart is the special
seat of consciousness; so from the fourth month the foetus mani-
fests a desire for the object:;; of the senses. In the fifth month the
consciousness becomes more awakened ; in the sixth intelligence
begins to develop; in the seventh the division and differentiation of
Sattva-kara~w gu~a-J(ra/un,:riiya pravartate-Camka-sarp}zitii, IV. 4· 8.
Cakra.pal).i rightly points out that gu~a here means material elements which
possess qualities--gu!Javmzti bhiltiini. The word gu~a is used in all these passages
in the sense of material entity or blzfita. Though gu!Ja means a quality and
f(tt~zin a substance, yet the \·icw adopted here ignores the difference between
qualities and substances, and gu~za, the ordinary word for quality, stands here
for substance (gw,:ra-gu7Ji1lor abhedopaciiriit-Cakrapar)i, ibid.).
2 J)alhal).a explains kala/a as sinf(hiina-prakhyam.
On the meanings of the words jJesz and arbuda there is a difference of
opinion between l)alhal).a and Gayi. Thus Gayi says that pest means quadrangular
(catur-asra) and arbuda means the form of the bud of a silk cotton tree (sii/mali-
XIII] Foetal Development
limbs become complete; in the eighth, the vital element (ojas) still
remains unsettled, and so, if a child is born at this time, it becomes
short -lived 1 •
Caraka, in ·describing the part played by different material
elements in the fonnation of the body, says that from the element
iikiisa are formed sound, the organ of hearing, lightness (liighava),
subtleness of structure (sauk~mya) and porosity (vireka); from 'Dliyu
(air) are formed the sensation of touch, the organ of touch, rough-
ness, power of movement, the disposition of the constituent elements
(dhiitu-vyuhana), and bodily efforts; from fire, vision, the organ of
vision,digestion,heat,etc.; from water, the sensation of taste and the
taste-organ, cold, softness, smoothness and watery characteristics;
from earth, smell, organ of smell, heaviness, steadiness and hard-
ness. The parts of the body which are thus formed fron1 different
material elements grow and develop with the accession of those
eleP.lents from which they have grown 2 • As the whole world is
made up of five elements (bhuta), so the human body is also made
up of five elements 3 • Caraka maintains that the senses and all
other litnbs of the body which grow before birth make their
appearance simultaneously in the third month~. \Vhen, in the third
month, the sense-organs grow, there grow in the heart feelings and
desires. In the fourth month the foetus becomes hard, in the fifth
it gets more flesh and blood, in the sixth there is greater develop-
ment of strength and colour, in the seventh it becomes complete
with all its limbs, and in the eighth month there is a constant
exchange (,f vital power (ojas) between the mother and the foetus.
The foetus being not yet perfectly developed, the vital fluid passes
from the mother to the foetus; but, since the latter cannot retain
it, it returns to the mother 5 • Cakrapal)i, commenting on this,
says that such an exchange is only possible because the foetus
1 Susruta-sa,zhitii, III. 3· 30.
Caraka-sarp.hitii, IV. 4· 12.
a evam ayarp. loka-sammita]J puru~al:z-yiivanto hi loke bhiiva-viSeliis tiivantab
puru~e, yiivantab puru~e tiivanto loke (Caraka-sa,hitii, IV. 4· 13). In ibid. IV. 3,
it is said that the foetus gets its skin, blood, flesh, fat, navel, heart, kloma, spleen,
liver, kidneys, bladder, colon, stomach, the larger intestines, and the upper and the
lower rectum from the mother, and its hair, beard, nails, teeth, bones, veins
and semen from the father; but, however this may be, it is certain that the
development of all these organs is really due to the assimilation of the five
elements of matter. So the development ofthe humal) foetus is, like the develop-
ment of all other things in the world, due to the accretion of material elements.
" Ibid. IV. 4· 14.
6 miitur ojo garbha'!l gacchaati yad ucyate, tad-garbhauja eva miitr-sambaddha'!l

san miitroja iti vyapadisyate. CakrapaQi, IV. 4· 24.

Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
is still undeveloped, and the foetus, being associated with the
mother, serves also as the mother's vital power (ojas); for other-
wise, if the ojas went out altogether from the mother, she could
not live.
There is a good deal of divergence of opinion as regards the
order of the appearance of the different limbs of the foetus. Two
different schools of quarrelling authorities are referred to by Caraka
and Susruta. Thus, according to Kumara8iras and Saunaka the
head appears first, because it is the seat of the senses; according
to Kankayana, the physician of Balhika, and Krtavirya the heart
appears first, because according to Krtavirya (as reported in
Susruta) this is the seat of consciousness (cetanii) and of buddhi
and manas; according to Bhadrakapya (as reported by Caraka) the
navel come!;) first, since this is the place where food is stored, and
according to Parasara (as reported in Susruta), because the whole
body grows from there. According to Bhadra Saunaka (as re-
ported by Caraka) the smaller intestine and the larger intestine
(pakviiSaya) appear first, since this is the seat of air (miirutiidhi-
~thiinat'lJiit); according to Ba<Jisa (as reported by Caraka) the hands
and feet come out first, because these are the principal organs,
and according to 1\'larkal).<;ieya (as reported by Susruta), because
they are the main roots of all efforts (tan-mulatviic ce~tiiyii}.z) ; ac-
cording to Vaideha Janaka (as reported by Caraka) the senses
appear first, for they are the seats of understanding (buddhy-adhi~­
thiina); according to Marici (as reported by Caraka) it is not
possible to say which part of the body develops first, because it
cannot be seen by anyone (parok~atviid acintyam) ; according to
Subhuti Gautama (as reporttJ by Susruta) the middle part of the
body (madhya-sarfra) appears first, since the development of other
parts of the body is dependent on it (tan-nt"baddhatviit sarva-giitra-
sambhavasya); according to Dhanvantari (as reported by both
Caraka and Susruta) all the parts of the body begin to develop
together (yugapat sarviiflgiibhinirvrtti), though on account of their
fineness and more or less undifferentiated character such develop-
ment may not be properly noticed, as with the parts of a growing
bamboo-shoot or a mango fruit(garbhasyasilk~matviin nopalabhyante
varrzsiinkuravat cilta-phalavac ca) 1 • Just as the juicy parts and the
stone, which are undifferentiated in a green mango at its early
stages, are all found clearly developed and differentiated when it
1 Su$ruta-sa,hitii, III. 3· 32 and Caraka-sa,mitii, IV. 6. 21.
XIII) Foetal Development
is ripe, so, when the human foetus is even in the early stages of
development, all its undifferentiated parts are already developing
there pari passu, though on account of their fineness of structure
and growth they cannot then be distinguished.
Referring to the early process of the growth of the foetus,
Susruta says that, as the semen and blood undergo chemical changes
through heat, seven different layers of skin (kala) are successively
produced, like the creamy layers (santiinikii} formed in milk. The first
layer,one-eighteenth of a paddy seed (dhiinya) in thickness, is called
avabhiisini; the second, one-sixteenth of a paddy seed, lohitii; the
third, one-twelfth of a paddy seed, $veta; the fourth, one-eighth, is
called tiimrii; the fifth, one-fifth, 1.1edini; the sixth, of the size of a
paddy seed, rohi1Ji; the seventh, of the size of two paddy seeds,
mii'f!lsa-dharii. All these seven layers of skin come to about six
paddy seeds, or roughly one inch. This is said to hold good only
in those places of the body which are fleshy. Apart from these
seven kaliis of skin there are also seven kaliis between the different
dhiitus. A dhiitu (from the root dhii, to hold) is that which supports
or sustains the body, such as chyle (rasa), blood (rakta), flesh
(mii'f!lsa), fat (medas), bone (asthz), marrow (majjii), semen (sukra)
and the last vital fluid (ojas). Lymph (kapha), bile (pitta) and
excreta (purqa) have also to be counted as dhiitus. These kaliis,
however, are not visible; their existence is inferred from the
fact that the different dhiitus must have separate places allotted to
them, and the kaliis are supposed to divide the layer of one dhiitu
from another and are covered with lymph and tissues (sniiyu) 1 • In
the first kala, known as the mii'f!lsa-dharii, the veins, tissues, etc. of
the flesh are found; in the second, the rakta-dharii, is found the
blood inside the flesh; in the third, called the medo-dharii, there is
the fat which is found in the abdomen and also between the smaller
bones 2 • The fourth kala is the sle~ma-dharii, which exists in the
joints; the fifth is the puri~a-dharli, which exists in the intestine
(pakviiSaya) and separates the excreta; the sixth and the seventh
are the pitta-dharii and the sukra-dharii.
Susruta thinks that the liver and spleen are produced from
1 The kala is defined by Vrddha-Vagbhata as yas tu dhiitv dsayiintarefU kledo

'vat#thate yathiisvam upnabhir vipakvafz. sniiyu-slepna-jarayu-cchannal;z kiiJtha iva

siiro dhiitu-siira-se1ol 'patviit kalii-SaTflji'iafz. (A1tiiriga-sa7f'l!Taha, Siirfra, v).
2 The fat inside the smaller bones is called medas, whereas that inside the

larger ones is called majjii, or marrow, and the fat of pure flesh only is called
vapa, or fat.
JI8 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
blood, pupphusa (lungs) from the froth of blood, and utztfuka (a
gland in the colon?) from the dirt of blood (sor.Jita-kitta-prabhava).
The best parts (prasiida) of blood and lymph are acted upon by
bile, and viiyu works in association therewith; by this process the
entrails, rectum and bladder are produced; and, when the heating
process goes on in the abdomen, the tongue is produced, as the
essence of lymph, blood and flesh. The air, being associated with
heat, enters the flesh and changes the currents, the muscles (pesl}
are differentiated, and by the oily part of fat the viiyu produces
the veins (sira) and tissues (sniiyu). From the essential part of
blood and fat the kidneys (vrkka) are produced, from the essential
part of flesh, blood, lymph and fat the testicles, and from the
essence of blood and lymph the heart, which is the centre of the
dhamanis through which flows the current of life (priir}a-vahii).
Underneath the heart on the left side there are the spleen and the
pupphusa, and on the right side the liver and the kloma (right
lung?), and this is particularly the place of consciousness. At the
time of sleep, when it is covered with Sle~man having a super-
abundance of tamas, the heart remains contracted.
The foetus grows through the chyle of the mother and also
through the inflation of the body of the foetus by air 1 • The navel
of the body is the heating centre (jyotil;.-sthiina), and the air, starting
from here, continues to inflate the body.
It must be borne in mind that a foetus is the product of several
causes operating jointly. A defect of any particular limb at birth
is due to some defect in that part of one or more of the operating
causes through the influence of which that particular limb was
produced. The cause of foetal development is not a question
of organs or limbs which were absolutely non-existent: they
already existed, in the potential form, in the causes operating
jointly. The joint causes did not produce something absolutely
new, but their joint operation helped to actualize all that was
already inherent in them. Of all the joint causes the self remains
unchanged in all changes of the body. The changes of pleasure
and pain or such other characteristics as are considered to be due
to the soul are really due either to sattva or manas, or to the body 2 •
Cakrapal)i, commenting on this, says that the fact that a soul may
SuJruta-sa?flhita, III. 4· 57.
nir-vikaral:z paras tv atmii sarva-bhfitiinii1]l m·rvile~a-sattva-sanrayos tu vise5iid
viSe5opalabdhil:z. Caraka-sarphitii, IV. 4· 34·
XIII] Growth and Disease
take its birth as this or that animal does not imply that the soul is
liable to change (paramiitma-vikiirii na bhavantz) ; for such a change
is due to the excessive preponderance of sattva, rajas or lamas,
which are in reality due to virtue and vice, which in themselves
are but the characteristics of mind (sattva-rajas-tamal;-prabalatii-
rilpa-vikiiraja-manojanya-dharmiidharma-janyiiny eva) 1 •
There are three kinds of morbid elements (do~a) of the body,
viz. viita, pitta and sle~man, and two morbid elements which affect
the mind (sattva), viz. rajas and tamas. By the disorder of the
first three the body becomes diseased, and by that of the second
two the mind becomes affected. These, however, will be dealt with
more fully later on.

Growth and Disease.

The three elements, viiyu, pitta and kapha, are counted both
as constituents (dhiitus) and as do~as, or morbid elements. Dhiitus
are those elements which uphold the body. The body is the con-
glomeration (samudiiya) of the modification of five bhutas, or
elements, and it works properly so long as these elements are in
proper proportions (sama-yoga-viihin) in the body 2 • The modifica-
tions of the five elements which co-operate together to uphold
the body are called dhiitus. When one or more of the dhiitus
fall off or exceed the proper quantity (dhiitu-vai~amya), one or
more dhiitus may be in excess or deficient either in partial ten-
dencies or in entirety (akiirtsnyena prakrtyii ca). It has to be
noted that, as CakrapaQ.i explains, not every kind of excess
or deficiency of dhiitus produces dhiitu-vai~amya, or disturbance
of the equilibrium of the dhiitus: it is only when such deficiency
or excess produces affections of the body that it is called
dhiitu-vai~amya. That amount of excess or deficient;y which does
not produce trouble or affection of the body is called the normal
measure of the dhiitus (priikrta-miina) 3 • It is indeed obvious that
such a definition of prakrta-miina and dhiitu-va#amya involves a
vicious circle, since the normal measure or priikrta-miina of dhiitus
is said to be that which exists when there is no trouble or affection,
and dhiitu-va(r;amya is that which exists when there is trouble
1 CakrapaQ.i's commentary, Caraka, IV. 4·
2 Caraka-sarrzhitii, 1v.6.4. CakrapaQ.i, in commenting on the word sama-yoga-
viihin, explains sama as meaning ucita-pramiit;a (proper quantity).
3 etad eva dhiitilniif!t priikrta-miina'!l yad a•vikiira-kiiri, Cakrapal).i's comment

on Caraka-sarrzhitii, IV. 6. 4·
320 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
in the body; the trouble or affection of the body has thus to
be defined in terms of dhiitu-vaifamya. The only escape from
this charge is that dhiitu-vaifamya and disease are synonymous,
and the priikrta-miina of dhiitus is the same as health. When the
dhiitus are in their normal measure, there canno,t be any va~amya,
except of a local nature, as when, for example, the pitta existing in
its own proper measure is somehow carried by viiyu to a part
of the body and there is consequently a local excess. Whatever
leads ~o the increase of any particular dhiitu automatically leads
also to the decrease of other dhiitus which are opposed to it. Things
having the same sort of composition as a particular bodily dhiitu
increase it, and things having a different composition decrease it
(siimiinyam ekatva-kararrz vise~as tu Prthaktva-krt) 1 • The normal
health of a man is but another name for his dhiitu-siimya; a man
is said to be unhealthy, or to be in a state of dhiitu-va#amya, when
symptmns of disease (vikiira) are seen. Slight variations of the
due proportion of dhiitu do not entitle us to call them instances of
dhiitu-vai~amya unless there is vikiira or symptoms of it externally
expressed. The daily course of a healthy man ought to be such
that the equilibrium of dhiitus may be properly maintained. The
sole aim of Ayur-veda is to advise diet, medicines, and a course of
behaviour, such that, if they are properly followed, a normally
healthy person may maintain the balance of his dhiitus and a man
who has lost the equilibrium of his dhiitus may regain it. The aim
of Ayur-veda is thus to advise men how to secure dhiitu-siimya
(dhiitu-siimya-kriyii coktii tantrasyiisya prayojanam) 2 •
If a normally healthy man wishes to keep his health at its
normal level, he has to take things of different tastes, so that there
may not be an excess of any particular kind of substance in the
body. Diseases are caused through the excessive, deficient, and
wrongful administration of sense-objects, the climatic charac-
teristics of heat and cold, and the misuse of intelligence 3 • Thus
the sight of objects with powerful light, the hearing of loud sounds
like the roaring of thunder, the sn1elling of very strong odours,
too much eating, the touching of too much cold or heat or too
much bathing or massage are examples Gf atiyoga, or excessive
association with sense-objects. Not to see, hear, smell, taste or
1 2
Caraka-sa1!J}zitii, I. I. 44· Ibid. I. I. 52.
8 kiila-buddhlndriyiirthiinii'J!l yogo mithyii na ciiti ca
dvayiiSrayiitJii'J!l vyiidhlnii'J!l tri-vidho hetu-sa'J!lgrahalz.
Jbid. I. I. 53·
XIII] Growth and Disease 321

touch at all would be ayoga, or deficient association with sense-

objects. To see objects very near the eye, at a very great distance,
or to see frightful, hideous, unpleasant and disturbing sights, would
be examples of the improper use (mithyii-yoga) of the visual sense.
To hear grating and unpleasant sounds would be examples of the
improper use of the ear; to smell bad and nauseating odours would
be examples of mithyii-yoga of the nose; to eat together different
kinds of things, which in their combination are so opposed as to
be unhealthy, is an example of the improper use of the tongue;
to be exposed to sudden heat and cold are examples of the im-
proper use of touch 1 • Similarly, all activities of speech, mind and
body, when they are performed to an excessive degree, or not
performed at all, or performed in an undesirable or unhealthy
manner, are to be considered respectively as examples of atiyoga,
ayoga and mithyii-yoga of the effort of speech, mind and body
(viifz-manal:z-sarira-pra·crttz) 2 • But these are all due to the misuse of
intelligence (prajfiiipariidha). vVhen a particular season manifests
its special characteristics of heat, cold or rains to an excessive
degree or to a very deficient degree or in a very irregular or
unnatural manner, we have what are called atiyoga, ayoga and
mithyii-yoga of time (kiila)S. But the misuse of intelligence, or
prajr1iipm·iidha, is at the root of all excessive, deficient or wrongful
association with sense-objects 4 ; for, when proper things are not
taken at the proper time or proper things are not done at the
proper time, it is all misuse of intelligence and is therefore included
under prajfiapariidha. When certain sinful deeds are performed by
praj11apariidha, and, by the sins (adharma) associated with those
deeds, which become efficient only after a certain lapse of time,
illness is produced, the real cause of the illness is primarily
adharma or its root cause, prajiiiipariidha; kala, or time, however,
may still be regarded in some sense as the cause through which
the adharma is matured and becomes productive.
The principle of growth and decay is involved in the maxim
Caraka-sa'!lhitii, 1. 11. 37.
Ibid. I. I I. 39. 40. Cakrapa:Q.i says that this includes sinful deeds which
produce illness and unhappiness, siirira-miinasika-·viicanika-karma-mithyii-yo-
genaivii-dharmotpiidiiviintara-vyiipiiret;.aiviidharma-janyiitlii1JZ vikiiriit;.iim kriya-
Three seasons only are mentioned, Sito~ma-•oar~a-lak~at;.iib pu11ar heman-
ta-f(rl~ma-var~iil_z. Ibid. 1. I 1. 42.
Thus Cakrapat)i, commenting on this, says," buddhy-apariidhasyaiva indri-
yiirthatiyogiidi-hetutviit." Ibid. I. 1. 53.
DII 21
322 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
that the different constituents of the body grow when articles
of food having similar constituents are taken, and that they
decay when articles of food having opposite qualities are taken
( evam eva sarva-dhiitu-gm:ziinii1Jl siimiinya-yogiid vrddhz'r vz'par-
yayiidd hriisaiJ)l. Thus, flesh increases by the intake of flesh, so
does blood by taking blood, fat by fat, bones by cartilages, marrow
by marrow, semen by semen and a foetus by eggs 2 • But the prin-
ciple applies not only to the same kind of substances as taken in
the above example, but also to substances having largely similar
qualities, just as the seminal fluid may be increased by taking milk
and butter (samiina-gm:za-bhuyz'#hiiniim anyaprakrttniim apy-iihiira-
vz'kiiriir;iim upayogaiJ) 3 • The ordinary conditions of growth always
hold good, namely, proper age of growth, nature, proper diet and
absence of those circumstances that retard growth. The assimila-
tion of food is effected by heat which digests, air which collects
together all things for the action of heat, water which softens, fat
which makes the food smooth, and time which helps the process
of digestion 4 • As any particular food is digested and changed, it
becomes assimilated into the body. The hard parts of the food
form the hard parts of the body and the liquid parts form the
liquid parts such as blood and the like; and unhealthy food, i.e.
food which has qualities opposed to the natural qualities of the
body, has a disintegrating influence on the body.
As regards the growth of the body through the essence of the
food-juice, there are two different views summed up by Cakrapal).i
(1. 28. 3). Some say that the chyle is transformed into blood, and
the blood into flesh, and so forth. As regards the method of this
transformation, some say that, just as the whole milk is changed
into curd, so the whole chyle is transformed into blood, while
others say that this transformation is somewhat like the circula-
tion in irrigation (kedari-kulyii-nyiiya). The rasa (chyle) produced as
a result of the digestive process, coming into association with rasa
as the body-constituent (dhiitu-rilpa-rasa), increases it to a certain
extent; another part of the rasa, having the same colour and smell
as blood, goes to blood and increases it, and another part similarly
goes to flesh and increases it; and the same process takes place
with reference to its increasing fat, etc. Here the whole circula-

1 Caraka-sG.7{lhitii, 1. I. 43 and 44, also IV 6. 9 and particularly IV. 6. IO.

2 Ibid. IV. 6. IO. Cakrapal)i explains iima-garbha as atpja.
8 Ibid. IV. 6. 11. ' Ibid. IV. 6. 14 and IS.
XIII] Growth and Disease 323
tion begins by the entrance of the entire chyle into the constituent
rasa (rasa-dhiitu); in passing through some part remains in the rasa
and increases it, the unabsorbed part passes into blood, and what
is unabsorbed there passes into flesh and so on to the other higher
constituents of bones, marrow and semen 1 • But others think that,
just as in a farm-house pigeons of different descriptions sit together
(khale kapota-nyiiya), so not all the digested food-juice passes
through the channel of the rasa-dlziitu, but different parts of it pass
through different channels from the very first stage. That part of
it which nourishes rasa enters into the channel of its circulation,
that part of it which nourishes the blood goes directly into that,
and so on. But there is generally this time limitation, that the part
which nourishes the blood enters into it only when the part which
nourishes rasa-dhiitu has been absorbed in it; so again the part
which enters into flesh can only do so when the part which
nourishes blood has been absorbed in it. Thus the circulatory
system is different from the very beginning; and yet the nourish-
lnent of blood takes place later than that of rasa, the nourishment
of flesh later than that of blood, and so on (rasiid rakta'f!l tato
miif!Zsam ityiider ayam arthal:z yad rasa-pu~ti-kiiliid uttara-kiila'f!l
rakta'f!l jiiyate, etc.). The upholders of the last view maintain that
the other theory cannot properly explain how a nourishing diet
(vr~ya), such as milk, can immediately increase the seminal fluid,
and that, if it had to follow the lengthy process of passing through
all the circulatory systems, it could not do its part so quickly; but
on the second theory, milk through its special quality (prabhiiva)
can be immediately associated with the seminal fluid and there-
by increase it 2 • But Cakrapal).i remarks that the earlier theory
(kediirl-kulyii) is as good as the later one. For on that view
also it might be held that by milk its special quality (prabhiiva)
There are two kinds of rasa, called dhiitu-rasa and po~aka-rasa. See
Cakrapa~i's comment on Caraka-sa'!lhitii, VI. IS. I4 and IS.
pari~riima-pak~e. vr!)la-prayogasya raktiidi-riipiipatti-krame1)iiticire1)a sukra1[l
bhavattti; ~IriidayaJ ca sadya eva vr~Yii drsyante, khale-kapota-pak~e tu vnyotpanno
rasa~ prabhiiviic chfghram eva Jukre?Ja sa1[Zbaddha~ san tat-pu~tim karotiti yuktam
(Cakrapa~i on Caraka-sa'!lhitii, I. 28. 3). Elsewhere (ibid. VI. IS. 32) it is said
that those articles of food which stimulate semen (vnya) are, according to some
authorities, changed into semen in six days and nights, whereas in the ordinary
course, as is said in Susruta, it takes a month for the transformation of ordinary
articles of food into semen. But Caraka does not favour any time limitation
and urges that, just as the movement of a wheel depends upon the energy spent
on it, so the time that a particular food takes for getting itself transformed into
semen or into any other dhiitu depends upon the nature of the food and the
powers of digestion.
324 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cu.
passed quickly through the various stages and became associated
with the seminal fluid. Nor can it be said that according to the
first theory every case of impurity of rasa (rasa-du~ti) is also a
case of impurity of blood (rakta-du~ti), as is argued; for not the
whole of rasa is transformed into blood, but only a part of it. So
the rasa part may be impure, but still the part that goes to form
blood may be pure; thus both theories are equally strong, and
nothing can be said in favour of either. In Caraka-sa'f!lhitii, VI. 15.
I4 and IS, it is said that from rasa there is rakta (blood), from
rakta flesh, from flesh fat, from fat bones, from bones marrow,
from marrow semen. The two theories above referred to deal with
the supposed ways in which such transformations occur.
In addition to the seven dhiitus, or body-constituents, spoken
of above there are ten upa-dhiitus, which are counted by Bhoja as
sirii, sniiyu, ovarial blood and the seven layers of skin 1 . Caraka
says in VI. I 5. I 5 that fron1 1'asa is also produced milk, and from
milk ovarial blood; again, the thick tissues or ligaments (ka~ujarii)
and siriis are produced from blood, and from flesh are pro_duced fat
(·vasii) and the six layers of skin, and from fat (medas) are produced
the five tissues. The chyle, or rasa, becomes tinged with red by the
heat of bile. The blood, again, being worked upon by viiyu and
heat, becomes steady and white, and is called fat (medas). The
bones are a conglomeration of earth, heat and air and therefore,
though produced from flesh and fat, are hard. They are made
porous by 'l'iiJU running through them, and the pores are filled in
by fat, which is called marrow. From the oily parts of marrow,
again, semen is produced. Just as water percolates through the
pores of a new earthen jug, the semen percolates through the pores
of the bones, and there is also a flow of this seminal fluid through
the body by way of its own ducts. By the rousing of desires and sex
joy and by the heat of the sex act the semen oozes out and collects
in the testes, from which it is ultimately liberated through its
proper channel 2 •
1 Cakrapa:.:ti on Caraka-sartzhitii, VI. IS. 14- and IS, a quotation from Bhoja.
Ojas is counted as an upa-dhiitu.
2 Caraka-sa7[zhitii, VI. rs. 22-29.
XIII] 17ayu, Pitta and Kapha 325

Vayu, Pitta and Kapha.

The qualities of the body are briefly of two kinds, those which
make the system foul, the mala, and those which sustain and
purify the body, the prasiida. Thus in the pores of the body are
formed many undesirable bodily growths which seek egress; some
constituents of the body, such as blood, are often turned into pus;
the viiyu (air), pitta (bile) and kapha (phlegm or lymph) may
become less or more than their normal measure (prakupita), and
there are other entities which, existing in the body, tend to weaken
or destroy it; these are all called malas. Others which go towards
the sustenance and the growth of the body are called prasiida 1 •
But viiyu,pitta and kapha are primarily responsible for all kinds
of morbidities of the body, and they are therefore called do~a. It
must, however, be noted that the viiyu, pitta and kapha and all
other malas, so long as they remain in their proper measure
(svamiina), do not pollute or weaken the body or produce diseases.
So even malas like viiyu, pitta and kapha, or sweat, urine, etc., are
called dhiitus, or body-constituents, so long as they do not ex-
ceed their proper measure, and thus instead of weakening the body
they serve to sustain it. Both the mala-dhiitus and the prasiida-
dhiitus in their proper measure co-operate together in sustaining
the body 2 • When various kinds of healthy food and drink are
exposed in the stomach to the internal fire of the digestive organs,
they become digested by heat. The essential part of the digested
food is the chyle (rasa), and the impurities which are left out and
cannot be assimilated into the body as its constituents are called
kitta or mala. From this kitta are produced sweat, urine, excreta,
vayu, pitta, Sle~man and the dirt of ear, eye, nose, mouth and of
the holes of the hairs of the body, the hair, beard, hair of the
body, nails, etc. 3 The impurity of food is excreta and urine, that
of rasa is phlegm (kapha), that of flesh bile (pitta) and that of fat
(medas) sweat4 • This view of viiyu, pitta and kapha seems to
indicate that these are secretions, waste-products (kitta), like
the other \'taste-products of the body. But the theory of waste-
products is that, when they are in their proper measure, they serve
to sustain the body and perform important functions, but, when
Caraka-sa'!lhitii, IV. 6. 17.
evmrt rasa-malau sva-pramii~uivasthitav iisrayasya sama-dhiitor dhiitu-siim-
yam anuvartayatal.z (ibid. 1. 28. 3).
Ibid. I. 28. 3- ' Ibid. VI. rs. 30.
Speculations in the Medical Schools (CH.
they exceed the proper limit or become less than their proper
measure, they pollute the body and may ultimately break it. But
of all waste-products viiyu, pitta and kapha are regarded as being
fundamentally the most important entities, and they sustain the
work of the body by their mutual co-operation in proper measure,
and destroy it by the disturbance of balance due to the rise or fall
of one, two or all three of them.
As has already been said, the body is composed of certain
constituents, such as rasa and rakta. The food and drink which we
take go to nourish the different dhiitus. Not all the food and drink
that we take, however, can be absorbed into the system, and conse-
quently certain waste-products are left 1 • The question arises, what
is it that sustains the system or breaks it? It has already been
noticed that the due proportion of the dhiitus is what constitutes
the health of the body. This due proportion, however, must, as is
easy to see, depend on the proper absorption of food and drink in
such a way that each of the dhiitus may have its due share and
that only, neither less nor more. It is also necessary that there
should be a due functioning of the causes of waste or accretion,
working in a manner conducive to the preservation of the proper
proportion of the constituents with reference to themselves and
the entire system. Deficiency or excess of waste-products is there-
fore an invariable concomitant of all disturbances of the balance
of dhiitus, and hence the deficiency or excess of waste-products
is regarded as the cause of all dhiitu-vai~amya. So long as the
waste-products are not in deficiency or excess, they are the agents
which constitute the main working of the system and may them-
selves be therefore regarded as dhiitus. It is when there is excess
or deficiency of one or more of them that they oppose in various
ways the general process of that working of the system and are
to be regarded as do~as or polluting agents. There are various
waste-products of the body; but of all these viiyu,pitta and kapha
are regarded as the three most important, being at the root of
all growth and decay of the body, its health and disease. Thus
1 Sarngadhara (Iv. 5) counts seven visible waste-products which are different

from the three malas referred to here as vayu, pitta and kapha. These are (r) the
watery secretions from tongue, eyes and cheeks, (2) the colouring pitta, (3) the
dirt of ears, tongue, teeth, armpits and penis, (4) the nails, (5) the dirt of the
eyes, (6) the glossy appearance of the face, (7) the eruptions which come out in
youth, and beards. Ra«;ihamalla, in commenting on this, refers to Caraka-sa7{lhitii,
VI. 15. 29-30, in support of the above passage of Sanigadhara. Most of the malas
are chidra-malas, or impurities of the openings.
XIII] Vayu, Pitta and Kapha 327
Atreya says in answer to Kapyavaca's remarks in the learned dis-
cussions of the assembly of the sages, "In one sense you have
all spoken correctly; but none of your judgments are absolutely
true. Just as it is necessary that religious duties (dharma), wealth
(artha) and desires (kiima) should all be equally attended to, or
just as the three seasons of winter, summer and rains all go in
a definite order, so all the three, viita, pitta and Sle~man or kapha,
when they are in their natural state of equilibrium, contribute to
the efficiency of all the sense-organs, the strength, colour and
health of the body, and endow a man with long life. But, when
they are disturbed, they produce opposite results and ultimately
break the whole balance of the system and destroy it 1 ." There is
one important point to which the notice of the reader should par-
ticularly be drawn. I have sometimes translated mala as" polluting
agents or impurities" and sometimes as "waste-products," and
naturally this may cause confusion. The term mala has reference
to the production of diseases 2 • Kitta means waste-products or
secretions, and these may be called mala when they are in such
proportions as to cause diseases. vVhen, however, a mala is in such
proportions that it does not produce any disease, it is not a mala
proper but a mala-dhiitu (nirbiidha-kariin maliidzn prasii1{lde smhcak~­
mahe)3. In another passage of Caraka (1. z8. 3), which has been
referred to above, it is said that out of the digested food and drink
there are produced rasa and kitta (secretion) called mala ( tatriihiira-
prasiidiikhya-rasa~l kiftal!l ca maliikhyam abhinirvartate), and out of
this kz#q is produced sweat, urine, excreta, viiyu,pitta and Sle~man.
These malas are also dhiitus, inasmuch as they sustain the body as
much as the other dhiitus, rasa or 1·akta, etc. do, so long as they
are in their proper proportions and balance ( te sarva eva dhiitavo
maliikhyii/:l prasiidiikhyiis ca) 4 • Vagbhata, however, takes a different
view of this subject. He separates the do~a, dhiitu and mala and
speaks of them as being the roots of the body. Thus he says that
viiyu sustains the body, contributing energy (utsiiha), exhalation
(ucchviisa), inspiration (ni/:lsviisa), mental and bodily movement
(ce#ii), ejective forces (·vega-pravartana); pitta helps the body by
1 Caraka-sa'l'flhitii, 1. 12. 13.
tatra mala-bhfitiis te ye ianrasya biidhakarii/.1 syulz. Caraka-sa'l'flhitii, IV. 6. 17.
Cakrapiir:ti on Caraka-sa'l'flhitii. Compare Siirizgadhara, IV. 8: viiyub pitla1Jl
kapho do~ii dhiitavai ca malii matiib, i.e. viiyu, pitta and kapha are known as do~a,
dhiitu and mala.
Also eva'l'fl rasa-malau sva-pramii~ziivasthitav iifrayasya sama-dhiitor dhiitu-
siimyam anuvartayatab (Caraka-sa'f!lhitii, 1. 28. 3).
Speculations in the 1V!edical Schools [cH.
digestive function, heat, the function of sight, imagination (medhii),
power of understanding (dhi), courage (saurya), softness of the
body; and Sle~man, by steadiness, smoothness, by serving to unite
the joints, etc. The functions of the seven dhiitus, beginning with
rasa, are said to be the giving of satisfaction through the proper
functioning of the senses (prt;~ana or rasa), the contribution of
vitality (jivana), the production of oiliness (sneha), the supporting
of the burden (dhiira~a) of the bones (astht), the filling up of bone
cavities (pura~a or majjii) and productivity (garbhotpiida of /ukra);
of males it is said that the excreta has the power of holding the
body, while urine ejects the surplus water and sweat holds it back 1 •
The elder Vagbhata distinguishes the dhiitus from viiyu, pitta and
lwpha by calling the latter do~a (polluting agents) and the former
du~ya {the constituents which are polluted). He further definitely
denies that the malas of dhiitus could be the cause of disease. He
thus tries to explain away this view (that of Caraka as referred to
above) as being aupaciirika, i.e. a metaphorical statement 2 • The
body, according to him, is a joint product of do~a, dhiitu and
mala 3 • Indu, the con1mentator on the A~tiiizga-sa1J1graha, however,
emphasizes one important characteristic of the do$aS when he says
that the dynamic which sets the dhiitus in motion (do~ebhya eva
dhiitilnii~n pra·vrtti~z) is derived from the do~ as, and the circulation
chemical activities, oiliness, hardness, etc. of the chyle (rasa) are
derived from them 4 • Owing to the predominance of one or other
of the do~as from the earliest period, when the foetus begins to
develop, the child is said to possess the special features of one
or other of the do~as and is accordingly called viita-prakrti, pitta-
prakrti or sle:"ma-prakrti. Vagbhata further says that disease is not
dhiitu-'l•ai~amya, but do~a-·cai$mnya, and the equilibrium of do$aS or
do~a-siimya is health. A disease, on this view, is the disturbance
of do~as, and, as do$as arc entities independent of the dhiitus,
the disturbance of do~as may not necessarily mean the dis-
turbance of dhiitus 5 • In another passage the elder Vagbhata says
A~tiiilga-hrdaya, 1. 11.
tajjiin ity-upaciiret)a tan iilmr ghrta-diiha•vat
rasiidisthe~u do~e~u ·vyiidhayas sambhavanti ye.
AHiiilga-smrzgraha, 1. I.
lndu, the commentator on the A~tii1iga-S01Jl.(!raha, puts it as sarzra1Jl ca do1a-
dhiitu-mala-samudiiyal.z (1. 1).
tathii ca dhiitu-po~iiya rasasya valuma-piika-sneha-kiithinyiidi do~a­
prasiida-labhyam eva (ibid.).
Ayur-veda is closely associated with the Sarp.khya and Nyaya-Vaise~ika,
which alone deal with some sort of phy::.ics in Indian philosophy. It is pointed
XIII] V iiyu, Pitta and Kapha
that, as the manifold universe is nothing but a modification of the
gu'!las, so all diseases are but modifications of the three do~as, or,
as in the ocean waves, billows and foam are seen which are in
reality the same as the ocean, so all the different diseases are
nothing but the three do~as 1 • The elder Vagbhata uses also in
another place the simile of the three gu'!las with reference to the
three do~as. Thus he says," As the three gu'!las co-operate together
for the production of the world in all its diversity, in spite of the
mutual opposition that exists among themselves, so the three do~m~
also co-operate together, in spite of natural opposition, for the pro-
duction of the diverse diseases 2 ." In the treatment of the bone
system the present writer agrees with Dr Hoernle that Vagbhata
always attempted to bring about a reconciliation between Caraka
and Susruta by explaining away the unadjustable views of one or
the other. Here also the same tendency is seen. Thus, on the one
hand, he explained away as being metaphorical (aupaciiriki) the
expressed views of Caraka that the dhiitu-malas are the do~as. On
the other hand, he followed the statements of the Uttara-tantra
that the three do~as, the dhiitus, excreta and urine sustain a man's
body. He further follows the Uttara-tantra in holding that the three
do~as are the three gm;as (bhinnii do~iis trayo gU1Jii/;). I)alhal).a
identifies z·iiyu with rajas, pitta with sativa and kapha with tamas 3 •
In the Siltra-sthiina Susruta mentions blood (sorzita) as having
the same status as viiyu, pitta and kapha and holds that the body
out by Narasirp.ha Kaviraja (a writer from the south) in his Vivarm;za-siddlziinta-
cintiimm:zi (the only manuscript of which is in possession of the present writer)
that acco:-ding to Sarp.khya it is the do~a transforming itself from a state of
equilibrium to a state of unbalanced preponderance of any of them that is
to be called a disease (vai~amya-siimyiivasthii-bhinniivasthii-viSe~avad do~atvarJl
rogat'l.Jam). The Naiyayikas, however, hold that disease is a separate entity or
substance, which is produced by do~a, but which is not itself a do,w (dravyatve
sati do,w-bhinna-do~a-janyatVa1Jl rogatvam). So a disease is different from its
symptoms or effects. Narasirp.ha further holds that, since Caraka speaks of
diseases as being fiery (agneya) and aerial (viiyavya), he tacitly accepts the
diseases as separate substances. That Caraka sometimes describes a disea:;e
as being dhiitu-vai~amya is to be explained as due to the fact that, since
dhiitu-vai~amyas produce diseases, they are themselves also called diseases in a
remote sense (yat tu C arakena dhiitu-vai~amyasya rogatvam uhtatJl tat te~iiTfl tathii-
vidha-dubkha-kartrtviid aupaciirikam. Vivarava-siddhiinta-cintiimm;li, MS. p. 3).
A~tiiilga-satJlgraha, I. 22.
iirambhakarJl virodhe 'pi mitho yadyadguva-trayam
viivasya dr~tatJlyugapad vyiidher do~a-traya'Jl tathii (ibid. I. 21).
rajo-bhuy#tho miirutal.z, rajo hi pravartaka'Jl sarva-bhiiViinii'Jl pittarJl sattvot-
katatJl/aghu-prakiilakatviit, rajo-yukta'!l vii ity eke kaphas tamo-bahulalz, guru-prii-
varm;iitmakatviid ity iihur bhi~ajafz. Yady evam tat katharJl kapha-pralqtike purJlsi
sattva-gw;.opapannatii pathitii, ucyate, guva-dvitayam api kaphejiiiitavya'l!l sattva-
tamo-bahulii iipa (Oalhal)a on Susruta, Uttara-tantra, 66. 9).
330 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
depends on food and drink as well as on the various combinations
of viiyu,pitta, kapha and s01:zita in health and disease. :QalhaQa, in
commenting on this, says that, Susruta's work being principally a
treatise on surgery, its author holds that blood with all its impurities
plays an important part in producing disturbances in all wounds 1 •
Susruta further speaks of viita, pitta and sle§man as the causes of
the formation of the body (deha-sambhava-hetavafz). The viita, pitta
and kapha, situated in the lower, middle and upper parts of the
body, are like three pillars which support the body, and blood also
co-operates with them in the same work. :QalhaiJ.a remarks that
v.:iita, pitta and kapha are concomitant causes, working in co-
operation with semen and blood 2 • Susruta further derives viita
from the root vii, to move, pitta from tap, to heat, and sle~man
from sli~, to connect together. The Sutra-sthiina of Susruta com-
pares kapha, pitta and viiyu with the moon (soma), the sun
(surya) and air (anila) but not with the three gutyas, as is found
in the supplementary book, called the Uttara-tantra. In discussing
the nature of pitta, he says that pitta is the fire in the body and
there is no other fire but pitta in the body. Pitta has all the
qualities of fire, and so, when it diminishes, articles of food with
fiery qualities serve to increase it, and, when it increases, articles
of food with cooling properties serve to diminish it. Pitta, according
to Susruta, is situated between the stomach (iimiisaya) and the
smaller intestines (pakviisaya), and it cooks all food and drink and
separates the chyle on the one hand, and the excreta, urine, etc.
on the other. Being situated in the above place, between the
stomach and the smaller intestines (tatra-stham eva), by its own
power (iitma-saktyii) it works in other pitta centres of the body
and by its heating work (agni-karma) sets up the proper activities
at those places. In its function of cooking it is called piicaka, in
its function in the liver and spleen, as supplying the colouring
matter of blood, it is called "colouring" (raiijaka), in its function
in the heart it serves intellectual purposes (siidhaka), in its function
in the eyes it is called "perceiving," or locaka, in its function of
giving a glossy appearance to the skin it is called bhriijaka. It is
hot, liquid and blue or yellow, possesses bad smell, and after
1 etad dhi salya-tantram, salya-tantre ca vra~w.fz pradhiina-bhiitafz vra~e ca
dt7~ye~umadhye raktasya priidhiinyam iti S01Jitopiidiinam (ibid.). Susruta also uses
the word do~a to mean pus (ptiya) (I. 5· 12).
Susruta, I. 21. 3 and 4· J)alhat:ta, commenting on this, writes:" iukriirtaviidi
sahakiiritayii deha-janakii abhipretiiJ.z."
XIII] Vayu, Pitta and Kapha 33 1
passing through unhealthy digestive actions tastes sour. Coming
to Sle~man, Susruta says that the stomach is its natural place;
being watery, it flows down\vards and neutralizes the bile-heat,
which otherwise would have destroyed the whole body by its ex-
cessive heat. Being in iimiisaya, it works in the other centres of
Sle~man, such as the heart, the tongue, the throat, the head
and in all the joints of the body. The place of viiyu is the pelvic
regions and the rectum (srm:zi-guda-Sa1Jlsraya); the main place of the
blood, which is counted as do~a by Susruta, is regarded as being the
liver and the spleen 1 • I have noticed above, that in the /ltharva-
Veda mention is found of three kinds of diseases, the airy (viitaja),
the dry (s~ma) and the wet (abhraja) 2 • In the Caraka-samhitii
1-'iita, pitta and lwpha are regarded as being produced from kitta,
or secretions. They are thus regarded here as being of the nature
of internal waste-products of unassimilated food-juice at the
different stages of its assimilation, as chyle, flesh, etc., which have
important physiologicai functions to perform for the preservation
of the process of the growth of the body, when they are in due
proportions, and they break up the body when they are in undue
proportions. What exactly ki!ta means is difficult to determine. It
may mean merely the part of the food-juice unassimilated as chyle,
or the part of it unassimilated as blood, and so forth; or it may
mean such unassimilated products, together with the secretions
from the respective dhiitus, which absorb the substantial part
of the food-juice and throw off some of its impurities into the
unabsorbed material; this at least is what kitta ought to mean,
if it is interpreted as dhiitu-mala, or impurities of dhiitus. These
secretions and waste-products form the source of most of the con-
structive and destructive forces of the body. The watery character
of kapha and the fiery character of pitta are not ignored; but their
essence or substance is considered to be secretive, or of the nature
of waste-product. Susruta, however, does not seem to refer to
this secretive aspect, but he seems to have grasped the essential
physiological activity of the body as being of the nature of digestive
operation and the distribution of the heat and the products of
digestion; and the analogy of cooking, as requiring fire, water and
air, seems to have been well before his mind. Susruta also seems to
Susruta-saf!Zhitii, I. 11. 8-16.
Ye abhrajii viitajii yai ca iupno (Atharva- Veda, I. 12. 3); again, agner iviisya
dahata eti SU~mitza/; (ibid. VI. 20. 4).
332 Speculations in the 111edical Schools [cH.

have leant more towards the view of the physiological operations

of the body as being due to elemental activities, the food-juice
taking the place of earth and the other three principles being fire
(pitta), water (Sle~man) and air (viita). The reason why the prin-
ciples of the body are here regarded as being transformations
of fire, water and air is not explained by Susruta. The supple-
mentary Uttara-tantra, however, thinks that they are the three
gm;as. Vagbhata, always fond of taking a middle course in his
endeavour to reconcile the different attempts to grasp the prin-
ciples under discussion, holds that they are comparable to the
three gu1JaS, because, though opposed to one another, they also
co-operate together; and, because diseases are but modifications of
the do~as, he further thinks that do~as, dhiitus and dhiitu-malas
are quite different entities; but he is unable to give any definite
idea as to what these do~as are. The person who seems to have
had the most definite conception of the do~as was Caraka. In the
Uttara-tantra and by Vagbhata the Saq1khya analogy of the gu1Jas
seems to have had a very distracting influence, and, instead of
trying to find out the true physiological position of the do~as, these
writers explain away the difficulty by a vague reference to the
Saq1khya gu1Jas.
Let us now return to Caraka. By him viiyu is described as
being dry (ru~a), cold (SUa), light (laghu), subtle (siik~a), moving
(cala), scattering everything else in different directions (visada) and
rough (khara)l. It is neutralized in the body by those things which
have opposite qualities. In the healthy constructive process the
·viiyu is said to perform physiological functions as follows: it
sustains the machinery of the body (tantra-yantra-dhara~z), it mani-
fests itself as priina, udana, sam ana and apiina and is the generator
of diverse kinds of efforts; it is the force which controls (niyantii)
the mind from all undesirables and directs (pra1Jelii) it to all that
is desirable, is the cause of the employment of the sense-organs,
is the carrier of the stimulation of sense-objects, collects together
1 Caraka-sa1Jzhitii, 1. 1. 58. Cakrapat;~i, in commenting on this, says that, though
viiyu is described as neither hot nor cold according to the Vaise~ika philosophy,
yet, since it is found to increase by cold and decrease by heat, it is regarded
as cold. Of course, when connected with pitta it is found to be hot, but that is
on account of its association with the heat of pitta (yoga-viihitviit}. In the
Vata-kala-kaliya chapter (1. 12. 4), six qualities of viita are mentioned; silk~ma is
not mentioned, however, and, in place of cala, diiru7Ja is mentioned. Cakrapat;~i
says that diiru7Ja means the same as cala. In the same chapter (1. 12. 7) viiyu
is qualified as su#ra-kara, i.e. that which makes holes.
XIII] Vayu, Pitta and Kapha 333
the dhatus of the body, harmonizes the functions of the body
as one whole, is the mover of speech, is the cause of touch and
sounds, as also of the corresponding sense-organs, the root of joy
and mental energy, the air for the digestive fire, the healer of
morbidities, the ejecter of extraneous dirts, the operating agent for
all kinds of circulation, the framer of the shape of the foetus, and
is, in short, identical with the continuity of life (iiyu~o 'nuvrtti-
pratyaya-bhuta). When it is in undue proportions, it brings about
all sorts of troubles, weakens the strength, colour, happiness and
life, makes the mind sad, weakens the functions of the sense-organs,
causes malformations of the foetus, produces diseases and all
emotions of fear, grief, delirium, etc., and arrests the functions of
the prii~ws.
It is interesting to note how Vayorvida describes the cosmic
functions of air as the upholding of the earth, causing the burning
of fire, the uniform mot~on of the planets and stars, the production
of clouds, the showering of rains, the flow of rivers, the shaping of
flowers and fruits, the shooting out of plants, the formation of the
seasons, the formation of the strata of minerals, the production of
the power of seeds to produce shoots, the growing up of crops, etc .I
In the same discussion 1\llarici considers fire to be contained in the
pitta and productive of all good and bad qualities, digestion and
indigestion, vision and blindness, courage and fear, anger, joy,
ignorance, etc., according as it is in equilibrium or is disturbed.
Kapya maintains that soma, contained in Sle~man, produces all
good and bad qualities, such as firmness and looseness of the
body, fatness, leanness, energy and idleness, virility and impotence,
knowledge and ignorance, etc. 2
These discussions seem to indicate that before Atreya's treatise
was written attempts were made to explain the physiological func-
tions of the body in health and disease by referring them to the
operation of one operative principle. The Chiindogya Upan#ad
speaks of earth, water and fire as being world-principles of con-
struction: the different viiyus were known as early as the Atharva-
Veda, and vayu is regarded in many of the Upani~ads as the prin-
ciple of life. It seems fairly certain that the theory of 'Diita, pitta
and kapha is a later development of the view which regarded air
(pavana), fire (dahana) and water (toya) as the fundamental con-
stitutive principles of the body. Thus Susruta refers to this view
1 Caraka-saTflhitii, I. 12. 8. 2
Ibid. 1. u. I I and I2.
334 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.

in 111. 4· 8o: "Some say that the constitution (prakrtz) of the human
body is elemental (bhautikz), the three constitutive elements being
air, fire and water 1 ." The advance of the medical schools of thought
over these speculations and over others which consider the body
to be a product of one bhuta or of many bhiltas is to be sought
in this, that, besides allowing the material causes (upadiina) of
the body to be the dhiitus, they emphasized the necessity of ad-
mitting one or more inherent dynamic principles for the develop-
ment and decay of the body. This explains how viita, pitta and
kapha are regarded both as dhatu and as do1a, as prakrti and as
vikrti. Thus Caraka says, as has already been mentioned, that
from the time of the formation of the foetus the viita, pitta and
kapha are working, but in more or less diverse ways and in diverse
systems, with equal viiyu, pitta, mala and kapha (sama-pittanila-
kapha) or different degrees of predominance of them as viitala,
pittala and sle~mala 2 • Men of the Sle~ala type are generally
healthy, whereas viitala and pittala persons are always of indifferent
health. Later on, when there is a disease with the predominance
of that dofa which is predominant in man's constitution from his
birth, the newly collected do1a produces morbidity on the lines on
which the predominating do~a of his constitution is working ; but this
newly collected do~a does not augment the corresponding original
do~a. The original dofa is never increased, and, whatever may be
the predominance of a dofa due to any disease, the constitutional
condition of the do~as remains the same. Thus a vlita-pra.krti
person does not become Slefma-prakrti or pitta-prakrti, and vice-
versa. The dofaS which are constitutional always remain as the
prakrtim iha narti7Jiim bhautikiT!l kecid iihul}
pavana-dahana-toyail} kirtitiis tiis tu tisral;.
Susruta, 111. 4· 8o.
2 Caraka refers to a view that there are none who may be regarded as

sama-viita-pitta-Sle~man (or having equal viita, pitta and sle~man). Since all men
take various kinds of diet (•vi~amiihiiropayogitviit), they must be either viita-
prakrti, pitta-prakrti, or sle~ma-prallrti. Against this Caraka says that sama-viita-
pitta-sle~man is the same thing as health or freedom from disease (aroga). All
medicines are applied for attaining this end, and there cannot be any doubt
that such a state exists. Again, the terms viita-prakrti, pitta-prakrti and sle~ma­
prakrti are incorrect; for prakrti means health. What they mean by viita-prakrti is
that viita is quantitatively predominant (iidhikya-bhiiviit sii do~a-prakrtir ucyate),
and quantitative predominance is the same as vikiira; so the proper terms are
vatala, pittala, etc. When a viitala person takes things which increase vlita, his
viita increases at once; but when he takes things which increase pitta or Jlepnan,
these do not increase in him as rapidly as viita does. So in the case of a pittala
person pitta increases rapidly when articles which increase pitta are taken, and
so with regard to Sle~an (Caraka-saTflhitii, III. 6. 14-18).
XIII] V iiyu, Pitta and Kapha 335
constant part engaged in their physiological operations. The later
accretion of the do~as or their deficiency has a separate course of
action in producing diseases, and there is no interchange between
these later collections of do~as or their deficiency and the con-
stitutional constant parts of the do~as known as prakrti1 • The only
sense (as CakrapaQ.i says) in which a do~a is related to a consti-
tutional (prakrti) do~a is that a do~a grows strong in a system in
which a corresponding do~a is constitutionally predominant, and it
grows weaker when the opposite is the case 2 • It is not out of place
in this connection to say that, though the do~as are mutually op-
posed to one another, they do not always neutralize one another,
and it is possible for them to grow simultaneously violent in a
system. In the six seasons of rains (var~ii), autumn (Sarat), late
autumn (hemanta), winter (sita), spring (vasanta) and summer
(gri~ma) there is an alternate collection (cay a), disturbance (prakopa)
and lowering down (prasama) of the three do~as, pitta, sle~man
and viiyu respectively. Thus, for example, in the rains (var~ii)
there is collection of pitta, in the autumn (sarat) there is dis-
turbance of pitta, in the harvesting season (hemanta) there is
lowering of pitta and collection of Sle~man, in the summer
there is collection of viita, and so forth 3 • Contrasting the
functions of the do~as in the normal (prakrtz) and abnormal
(vikrtz) states, Caraka says that in the normal state the heat of
1 Ibid. 1. 7. 38-41. The passage prakrti-sthaTfl yadii pittaTfl miirutal) slepna1Ja~z
k~aye (I. 17. 45) is often referred to in support of the view that the new accretions
of do~as affect the prakrti-do~as. But Cakrapar:ti explains it differently. He says
that a disease may be caused by a do~a which is not in excess of the constant
constitutional quantity (prakrti-miina) by virtue of the fact that it may be carried
from one part of the body to another and thereby may produce a local accretion
or excess, though the total quantity of do~a may not be in excess.
samiinii1rz hi prakrtiTfl priipya do~a/:l pravrddha-balo bha.vati, asamiiniiTfl tu
priipya tathii balaviin na syiit (Cakrapar:ti on Caraka-saTflhitii, I. 17. 62).
Ibid. 1. 17. 112. See also Cakrapar:ti's comments on these . .l)alhar:ta, in com-
menting on Susruta-saTflhitii, 1. 21. 18, says that saizcaya of do~as means aggre-
gation or accumulation in general (dehe 'tirupii'lJ!ddhis caya~z); prakopa of do~as
means that the accumulated do~as are spread through the system (vilayana-rupii
<t•rddhi/:l prakopal)). The external signs of the caya of viita are fullness of the
stomach and want of motions; of pitta yellowish appearance and reduction of heat
(mando~1Jalii); of kapha heaviness of the limbs and feeling of laziness. In all cases
of caya there is a feeling of aversion to causes which increase the particular do~a
of which there has been caya (caya-kiira1Ja-vidve~as ca). The stage of caya is the
first stage of operation in the growth and prevention of diseases. If the do~as
can be removed or neutralized at this stage, there is no further disease. The
usual indication of the disturbance (prakopa) of viiyu is disorders of the stomach;
of pitta, acidity, thirst and burning; of kapha, aversion to food, palpitation
(hrdayotkleda), etc. The prakopa of blood (so1}ita) is always due to the prakopa
of viita, pitta or kapha. This is the second stage of the progress of diseases. The
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
pitta occasions digestion; slepnan is strength and vitality, and
viiyu is the source of all activities and the life of all living beings;
but in the abnormal state pitta produces ~any diseases; Slepnan
is the dirt of the system and the cause of many troubles, and viita
also produces many diseases and ultimately death. The places
(sthiiniini) at which the affections of viita, pitta and kapha are
mostly found are thus described by Caraka: of viita the bladder,
rectum, waist and the bones of the leg, but the smaller intestine
(pakvii.Saya) is its particular place of affection; of pitta sweat,
blood and the stomach, of which the last is the most important; of
sle~man the chest, head, neck, the joints, stomach and fat, of which
the chest is the most important. There are eighty affections of
'l-'iita, forty of pitta and twenty of Slepnmz 1 • But in each of these
various affections of viita, pitt a and Slepnan the special features
and characteristics of the corresponding dosas are found. Thus
Caraka in 1. 20. 12-23 describes certain symptoms as leading to
a diagnosis of the disease as being due to the disturbance of ~·iita,
pitta or kapha. But a question may arise as to what may con-
sistently with this view be considered to be the nature of viiyu,pitta
and kapha. Are they only hypothetical entities, standing as symbols
of a number of symptoms without any real existence? In such
an interpretation reality would belong to the symptoms, and
the agents of morbidity, or the do~as, would only be convenient
symbols for col1ecting certain groups of these symptoms under
one name. Wherever there is one particular set of symptoms, it is
to be considered that there is disturbance of viiyu; wherever there
is another set of symptoms, there is disturbance of pitta, and so
third stage is called prasiira. At this stage there is something like a fermentation
of the do~as (paryupta-ki'l}'l'odaka-pi~!a-samaviiya iva). This is moved about by
vayu, which though inanimate, is the cause of all motor activities. When a
large quantity of water accumulates at any place, it breaks the embankment and
flows down and joins on its way with other streams and flows on all sides; so
the do~as also flow, sometimes alone, sometimes two conjointly, and sometimes
all together. In the whole body, in the half of it, or in whatever part the fer-
mented do~as spread, there the symptoms of diseases are showered down, as
it were, like water from the clouds (do~o vikiira'f{Z nabhasi meghm1at tatra •var~ati).
When one do~a, e.g. viiyu, spreads itself in the natural place of another do~a,
e.g. pitta, the remedy of the latter will remove the former (viiyo!z pitta-sthii1la-
gatasya pittavat pratlkiiral:t). The difference between prakopa and prasiira is
thus described by .Oalhar:ta: just as when butter is first stirred up, it moves a
little; this slight movement is like prakopa; but, when it is continuously and
violently stirred to flow out, in froths and foams, it may then be called prasiira
(Susruta-sa1Jlhitii, I. 21. 18-32). The fourth stage is when the purva-rupa is
seen, and the fifth stage is the stage of rupa or vyiidhi (disease) (ibid. 38, 39).
1 Caraka-sa1Jlhitii, I. 20. II.
XIII] V ayu, Pitta and Kapha 337
forth. But there are serious objections against such an inter-
pretation. For, as we have shown above, there are many passages
where these do~as are described as secretions and waste-products,
which in their normal proportions sustain and build the body
and in undue proportions produce diseases and may ultimately
break up the system. These passages could not be satisfactorily
explained upon the above interpretation. 1\tloreover, there are
many passages which describe pitta and kapha as entities having
a particular colour and material consistency, and it is also said that
there are particular places in the body where they collect, and
this would be impossible upon the interpretation that they are
not real entities, but hypothetical, having only a methodological
value as being no more than convenient symbols for a collective
grasp of different symptoms 1 •
The attribution of a certain number of specific qualities to the
do~as is due to a belief that the qualities of effects are due to the
qualities of causes. So, from the diverse qualities of our bodies
considered as effects, the causes were also considered as having
those qualities from which those of the effects were derived. Thus,
in connection with the description of the qualities of viita, Caraka
says that on account of the qualities of rauk~ya the bodies of those
having congenital vii.ta tendency are rough, lean and small, and
1 The secretory character of these do~as is amply indicated by such passages

as those which regard viita, pitta and ile~man as requiring some space in the
stomach for digesting the food materials, e.g. ekaT!l punar viita-pitta-sle~m:ziim
(ibid. III. 2. 3); Sle~a hi snigdha-sla~'f}a-mrdu-madhura-siira-siindra-manda­
stimita-guru-ftta-vijjaliicchal} (Sle~an is smooth, pleasing, soft, sweet, substantial,
compact, inert, benumbed, heavy, cold, moist and transparent--ibid. 111. 8. 14.
7. 5) ; pittam ~1Ja7fl ttkroaT!l dravaTfl visram amla'Y{t kafukaTfl ca (pitta is hot, sharp
and liquid, and possesses bad odour, and is acid and pungent and bitter--ibid.
111. 8. 14. 7· 6); viitas tu rilk~a-laghu-cala-bahu-ftghra-ftta-par~a-visadal} (viita is
rough, light, moving, manifold, quick; cold, coarse and scattering--ibid. III.
8. 14. 7· 7)·
It must, however, be noted that the translation I have given of some of these
words cannot be regarded as satisfactory; for in the translation I could only give
one sense of a word, which in the original Sanskrit has been used in a variety of
senses which the word has. Thus, for example, I have translated ril~a as" rough."
But it also means" slim,"" lean,"" having insomnia," or (of a voice) "broken,"
and so forth. There is no English synonym which would have so many senses.
Mahamahopadhyaya Kaviraj Gar:tanatha Sen, of Calcutta, tries to divide the
do~as into two classes, invisible (sak~ma) and visible (sthala)-Siddhiinta-nidana,
pp. 9-11. But though such a distinction can doubtless be made, it has not been
so distinguished in the medical literature, as it is of little value from the medical
point of view; it also does not help us to understand the real nature of the do~as.
The nature and the functions of the do~as do not depend in the least on their
visibility or invisibility, nor can the visible do~a be regarded as always the
product of the invisible one.
Dll 22
~peculations in the J.\11edical Schools [cH.
the voices of such people are rough, weak, grating, slow and
broken, and they cannot sleep well (jiigaruka); again, on account
of the quality of lightness of viiyu, the movements of a man with
congenital viita tendency would be light and quick, and so would
be all his efforts, eating, speech, and so forth. It is easy to see
that the resemblance of the qualities of viiyu to the qualities of
the body is remote; yet, si~ce the special features and characteristics
of one's body were considered as being due to one or the other of
the body-building agents, these characteristics of the body were
through remote similarity referred to them.
There is another point to be noted in connection with the
enumeration of the qualities of the do~as. The disturbance of a do~a
does not necessarily mean that all its qualities have been exhibited
in full strength; it is possible that one or more of the qualities of a
do~a may run to excess, leaving others intact. Thus viiyu is said to
possess the qualities of ruk~a, laghu, cala, bahu, stghra, sua, etc.,
and it is possible that in any particular case the sUa quality may
run to excess, leaving others undisturbed, or so may slta and ruk~a,
or sita, ruk~a and laghu, and so forth. Hence it is the business of
the physician not only to discover \Vhich do~a has run to excess,
but also to examine which qualities of which do~a have run to
excess. The qualities of do~as are variable, i.e. it is possible that a
do{•a in its state of disturbance will remain a do~a, and yet have
some of its qualities increased and others decreased. The nature of
the disturbance of a do~a is determined by the nature of the dis-
turbance of the qualities involved (a'f!lSlif!Zsa-vikalpa)l. The natural
inference from such a theory is that, since the entities having
this or that quality are but component parts of a do~w, a do~a
cannot be regarded as a whole homogeneous in all its parts. On
this view a do~a appears to be a particular kind of secretion which
is a mixture of a number of different secretions having different
qualities, but which operate together on the same lines. When a
particular do~a is in a healthy order, its component entities are in
certain definite proportions both with regard to themselves and to
1 Caraka-saT[lhitii, 11. 1. 10. 4· CakrapaQ.i, in commenting on this, says:" tatra
do~ii?Jiim UTflSiimsa-vikalpo yatlzii-viite prakiipite ,pi kadiicid viitasya sUiiT[lio balaviin
bhavati, kadiicillaghv-a7fZsal;l, kadiicid riik~ii'l!lia(l kadiicillaghu-ruk~ii'!lial;l." The
do~a or do~as which become prominently disturbed in a system are called
anubandhya, and the do~a or do~as which at the time of diseases are not primarily
disturbed are called anubandha. V{hcn three of the do~as are jointly disturbed,
it is calledsannipiita, and when two are so disturbed it is called sa7fZSarga (ibid.m.
6. II).
XIII] V ayu, Pitta and Kapha 339
the total do~a. But, when it is disturbed, some of the component
secretions may increase L1 undue proportions, while others may
remain in the normal state; of course, the quantity of the whole
do~a may also increase or decrease. A do~a such as kapha or pitta
should therefore be regarded as a name for a collection of secre-
tions rather than one secretion of a homogeneous character. It
will be easily seen that, on taking into consideration the com-
parative strengths of the different components of a do~a and the
relative strengths of the other components of other do~as and the
relative strengths and proportions of each of the do~as amongst
themselves, the number of combinations is innumerable, and the
diseases proceeding from such combinations are also innumerable.
The whole system of Caraka's treatment depends upon the ascer-
tainment of the nature of these affections; the names of diseases
are intended to be tnere collective appellations of a number of
affections of a particular type 1 .
One further point which ought to be noted with regard to the
constructive and destructive operations of vii.yu, pitta and kaplza
is that they are independent agents which work in unison with a
man's karma and also in unison with a man's mind. The opera-
tions of the mind and the operations of the body, as performed by
. vayu,p£tta and kapha on the materials of the dhii.tus, rasa, rakta,
etc., run parallel to each other; for both follow the order of human
karma, but neither of them is determined by the other, though
they correspond to each other closely. This psycho-physical
parallelism is suggested throughout Caraka's system. Caraka, in
trying to formulate it, says: "siirlram api satvam anuvidhzyate
SafVa1Jl ca Siirlram" (the mind COrresponds to the body and the
body to the mind). It may be remembered in this connection that
the ultimate cause of all dhiitu-'cai~mU_l'a or ahhi'glziita (bodily in-
juries through accidents, a fall and the like) is foolish action (prajfiii.-
pariidha). Again viita, pitta and kapha are found to perform
not only physical operations, but also intellectual operations of
various kinds. But all intellectual operations belong properly to
mind. \Vhat is meant by attributing intellectual functions to viiyu,
p£tta and kapha seems to be a sort of psycho-physical parallelism,
mind corresponding to body, body corresponding to mind, and
both corresponding to karma.
1 yad viitiirabdhatviidi-jfiiinam eva kiirm:zam rogii1Jii7fl cikitsiiyiim upakiiri;

niima-jiiiina7Jl tu vyavahiira-miitra-prayojaniirtham (Cakrapal)i on Caraka-

saTflhitii, I. 18. 53).
Speculations in the Medical Schools [CH.

Head and Heart 1 •

The most vital centres of the body are the head, the heart and
the pelvis (vastz). The prli7Jas, i.e. the vital currents, and all the
senses are said to depend (sritii/;l) on the head 2 • The difference
between head (sir~a) and brain (masti§ka) was known as early as
the Atharva-Veda. Thus in A.V. x. 2. 6 the word sir~a is used in
the sense of" head," and in verses 8 and 26 of the same hymn the
word masti§ka is used in the sense of "brain 3 . " Head-disease is
also mentioned in the Atharva- Veda, I. 12. 3, as sir~akti. The brain-
matter is called mastulunga in Caraka-sa1J'lhitii, VIII. 9· 101; the
word masti~ka is used in the same chapter in the sense of brain-
matter (vni. 9· 8o), as has also been explained by CakrapaQ.i 4 •
The passage from Caraka, VIII. 9· 4, quoted above shows that at
least Dr<J.habala considered the head to be the centre of the senses
and all sense currents and life currents. Cakrapa:Q.i, in commenting
upon this passage, says that, though the currents of sensation and
life pass through other parts of the body as well, yet they are
particularly connected with the head (sirasi visefetza prabaddhiim),
because, when there is an injury to the head, they are also injured.
According to Caraka and Dr<J.habala all the senses are particularly
connected with the head, as well as the p1·iitzas, but the heart is
regarded as the vital centre of the p1·iitzas, as well as of the man as,
as I shall point out later on. Bhela, who is as old as Caraka,
considers the brain to be the centre of the manas, a view which
is, so far as I know, almost unique in the field of Sanskrit
1 The different names of the heart in Caraka-sa'f{Zhitii are mahat, artha,

hrdaya (1. 30. 3).

Cakrapa1.1i, however, explains it as sritii iva sritiifz, i.e." as if they depended
on" (1. 17. 12), because, when the head is hurt, all the senses are hurt. It is said
in ibid. VI. 26. I that there are one hundred and seven vital centres (marma),
and of these the three most important are the head, the heart and the pelvis.
Also in VIII. 9· 16, hrdi murdhni ca vastau ca nnui'l'fl prii?Jiib prati~thitii~z. In
VIII. 9· 4 it is distinctly said that all the senses and the currents of senses and
prii1Ja are dependent on the head as the rays of the sun are dependent on the
sun-sirasi indriyii1Ji indriya-prii?Ja-vahiini ca srotii1'[lSi suryam iva gabhastayafz
• 3 "Which was that god who (produced) his brain, his forehead, his hindhead
(kakli#ka), who first his skull, who, having gathered a gathering in man's jaw,
ascended to heaven" (A.V. x. 2. 8). "Atharvan, having sewed together his head
(murdhlinam) and also his heart, aloft from the brain the purifying one sent
(them) forth, out of the head" (ibid. 26). (Whitney's translation, Harvard
oriental series.)
Masti~ka'l'fl firo-majja. Cakrapal.li, vm. 9· So of Caraka-sa'f{Zhitii. The word
masti~ka is sometimes, though rarely, used in the sense of head, as in the passage
quoted by Cakrapa1.1i in vm. 9· So--mast#ke '~tiingulam patfam.
XIII] Head and Heart 34 1
literature. He says that manas, which is the highest of all senses
(sarvendriya-param), has its seat between the head and the palate
(siras-tiilv-antara-gatam). Being situated there, it knows all the
sense-objects (v#ayiin indriyii?Ziim) and the tastes which come near
it (rasadikan samzpa-sthan). The original cause of manas and the
energy of all the senses and the cause of all feelings and judgments
(buddlzz), the citta, is situated in the heart. The citta is also the
cause of all motor functions and activities, such that those who are
possessed of good cittas follow a good course and those who are
possessed of bad cittas follow a bad course. The manas knows the
citta, and thence proceeds the choice of action; then comes the
understanding, deciding what is worth doing and what is not.
Buddhi, or understanding, is the understanding of certain actions
as good (Subha) and certain others as bad (asubha) 1 • It seems plain
that Bhela distinguishes between manas, citta and buddhi. Of
these manas is entirely different from citta and, so far as can be
made out from Bhela's meagre statements, it is regarded as the
cause of all cognitions and as having its seat in the brain. The citta
was regarded as the cause of all activities, feelings and judgments,
and the heart was regarded as its seat. Buddhi was probably the
determinate understanding and judgment which was but a function
of the citta. Bhela says that the do~as in the brain affect the manas,
and, as a result of this, the heart is affected, and from the affections
of the heart the understanding (buddhi) is affected, and this leads
to madness 2 • In another passage, while describing the different
functions of pitta, Bhela says that there is a special kind of iilocaka
pitta called the cak~ur-vaise#ka, which, by bringing about the
contact of manas with the soul, causes cognition and, transmitting
it to the citta, produces the discriminative visual knowledge
by which different objects are comprehended by the eye. The
1 siras-tiilv-antara-gata1Jl. sarvendriya-para1Jl. mana/:z tatra-stha'tJl tad dhi
vi~ayiin indriyii1Jii1Jt rasiidikiin . .. kiiratJatJt sarva-buddhlnii'tJl citta1Jl. hrdaya-
sa1Jl.srita1Jl kriyiitJiim cetariisii1Jl. ca citta1Jl. sar'l.Jasya kara7Jam. Bhela's chapter on
" Unmiida-cikitsitam." Calcutta University edition, p. 149.
iirdhva'tJl prakupitii do~ii/:z
Siras-tiilv-antare sthitii/:z,
miinasa1Jl. du~ayanty iisu
tatas citta1Jl. vipadyate
citte vyiipadam iipanne
buddhir niisa1J7. niyacchati
tatas tu buddhi-vyiipattau
kiiryiikiirya'tJl na budhyate
eva1Jl. pravartate vyiidhir
unmiido nama diiru1Jal:z. Ibid. p. 149·
342 Speculations in the Medical Schools [CH.
judgmental state, however, is different, and it is produced by a
special kind of iilocaka pitta called the buddhi-vaiSe#ka, which is
situated at the point between the eyebrows, and, being there,
holds together the subtle forms emanating from the self (susuk!miin
arthiin iitma-krtan), associates the data (dhiirayatz), integrates them
with other similar known facts (pratyudiiharati), remembers the
past, and, after producing our knowledge in conceptual and judg-
mental forms, wills for future realization, generates instructive
actions, and is the force which operates in meditation (dhyiina)
and restraint of thoughts (dhiira~zii)l.
Susruta does not state anything of importance concerning
the brain; but there seems to be little doubt that he knew that
particular nerves in the head were connected with particular sense
functions. Thus he says in 111. 6. 28 that there are two nerves (Sirii)
lower down the ears on their back, called 'l'idhurii, which, if cut,
would produce deafness; on both sides of the nasal aperture inside
the nasal organ there are two nerves called phm:za, which, if cut,
would destroy the sensation of smell; at the back of the eyebrows,
below the eyes, there are the nerves called the apiinga, which, if
cut, would produce blindness. All these cognitive nerves meet in
passing at the centre of the eyebrow (srngiitaka )2 • He further says
that the nerves are attached to the brain inside the skull on the
upper part of it (mastakiibhyantaropari#hiit sira-sandhi-sannipiita)
and this place, called the romiivarta, is the supreme superintendent
(adhipatz). Caraka says that the head is the place for the senses.
It cannot be decided whether he took this in any deeper sense
or whether he means simply that the sense-organs of ear, eyes,
nose and taste are situated in the head.
Caraka considers the heart (hrdaya) to be the only seat of
consciousness 3 • The seats of prii~za are said to be the head, throat,
heart, navel, rectum, bladder, the vital fluid ojas, semen, blood
and flesh 4 • In 1. 19. 3 Caraka, however, excludes navel and flesh
and includes the temples (sankha) in their place. It is difficult to
determine what is exactly meant by prii~a here. But in all prob-
ability the word is used here in a general way to denote the vital
parts. In 1. 30. 4 and 5 Caraka says that the whole body with
1 Bhela's chapter on "Puru~a-niscaya," p. 81.
glzrii1)a-srotriik#-jih·vii-santarpatfl1ZiitJZ sirii1)ii'f!l madhye sirii-sannipiitab s_rizgii-
takiini. Susruta-sm{lhitii, 111. 6. 28.
Caralw-sa'f!lhitii, IV. 7. 8, hrdaya'!l cetaniidh#thiinam ekam.
Ibid. 9·
XIII] Head and Heart 343
the four extremities, the trunk, and the head, collectively called
~afj-aizga, knowledge (vijiiiina), the senses, the sense-objects, the
self, manas and the objects bf thought (cintya), are all supported
(sm{lsrita) by the heart, just as a house is supported by pillars and
rafters 1 • It is plain, as Cakrapal).i explains, that the body cannot
subsist in the heart. \Vhat is 1neant is that, when all is well with
the heart, it is well with all the rest. Caraka holds that the manas
and the soul reside in the heart and so also do cognition, pleasure
and pain, not, however, in the sense that the heart is the place
\vhere these reside, but in the sense that they depend on the
heart for their proper functioning; if the heart is wrong, they also
go wrong, if the heart is \veil, they also work well. Just as rafters
are supported by pillars, so are they all supported hy the heart.
But Cakrapal).i does not seem to agree with this view of Caraka,
and he holds that, since the heart is affected by strong thoughts,
pleasure and pain, the mind and the soul actually reside in the
heart and so do pleasure and pain. The self, which is the cause of
all knmvledge of sense-objects and the upholder (dhiirin) of the
system, resides in the heart. It is for this reason that, if a man is
struck in the heart, he swoons away, and, if the heart bursts, he dies.
It is also the place of the supreme vitality (param ojas) 2 • The heart
is also regarded as the place where all consciousness is concen-
trated (tatra caitanya-sar!lgrahal}.). Caraka says that the heart is the
centre of the prii'!la currents (prii'!la-'l·ahiinii1J1 srotasii1J1 hrdaya1J1
mfi.lam, III. 5· 9) and also of the currents of mental activity (II.
7· 3). In the Apasmiira-nidiina (II. 8. 4) Caraka speaks of the
heart as being the supreme place of the inner self (antar-iitmanal}.
sre~tham iiyatanam).
It may not be out of place here to point out that the Taittiriya
Upani~ad (I. 6. 1) also speaks of the heart as being the space where

L Caralw-sm.nhita, 1. 30. 5·
CakraraDi says that the mention of param ojas here proves that Caraka be-
liewd in another, aparam ojas. The total quantity of aparam ojas in the bodv is half
a handful (ardluinjali-parimii~la), while that of param ojas is only eight drops of
a white-red and slightly yellowish liquid in the heart. The dhaman1s of the
heart contain half a handful of aparam ojas, and in the disease known as prameha
(urinary disease) it is this ojas that is wasted; but even with waste of this ojas
a man may live, whereas with the slightest waste of the param ojas a man cannot
live. Ojas ought not to be regarded as the eighth dhiitu; for it only supports
(dluirayati) the body, but does not nourish it. Ojas, however, is sometimes used
also in the sense of rasa (Caraka-sa~nhitii 1. 30. 6, Cakrapat)i's commentary). See
also ibid. 1. 17. 74 and 75 and Cakrapat)i's comment on the same. Qjas is,
however. regarded in the Atharva-Veda, 11. 17, as the eighth dhiitu.
344 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
manomaya pur'U!a, i.e. the mind-person, resides. In many other
Upani~ads the heart is the centre of many niirfis, or channels 1 •
Sati.kara, in explaining Brh. II. I. 19, says that the na¢is or siras,
called hitii, which are developed out of the food-juice and are
272,000 in number, emanate from the heart and spread over the
whole body (puritat) 2 • The buddhi resides in the heart and from
there controls the external senses. Thus, for example, at the time
of hearing in the awakened state the buddhi passes through these
11iirjis to the ear and from there expands the auditory organ and
superintends it. When the buddhi thus expands, we have the
state of awakening, when it contracts, the state of deep sleep

The Circulatory and the Nervous System.

The names sira (also hirii) and dhamani, of two different kinds
of channels in the body, seem to have been distinguished at a period
as early as the Atharva- Veda 3 • The Brhad-iirm:zyaka Upani$ad de-
scribes the hita niirfis of the heart as being as fine as a thousandth
part of a hair, and they are said to carry white, blue, yellow and
green liquids; Sati.kara, commenting on this, says that these various
colours are due to the various combinations of viita, pitta and
S!e~man which the nii¢ts carry 4 • He states that the seventeen
elements (five bhiltas, ten senses, prii'!za and antal;karatJa) of the
subtle body, which is the support of all instinctive desires, abide
1 See Brh. II. I. 19, IV. 2. 2 and 3, IV. 3· 20, IV. 4· 8 and 9; Chiind. VIII. 6. 6;
Katha, VI. 16; Kau~. IV. 19; Mu7Jcf. 11. 2. 6; Maitr'i, Bibliotheca Indica, 1870,
VI. 2I, vn. II; Prasna, 111. 6 and 7.
2 The word purltat r.1eans principally the covering of the heart. But Sankara

takes it here to mean the whole bodv.

3 sata1!l hirii~l sahasra1!l dhamanir uta. Atharva- Veda, VII. 36. 2. Saya:r:m
explains hirii as garbha-dhiirmJiirthatJl antar-avasthitii/:z siik$mii niilj.yal:z and
dltamant as garbhiisayasya avanambhikii sthiilii niiljya/:z. Atharva-Veda, 1. 17.
1, 2, also seems to distinguish hira from dhamanl. In I. I7. 1 the hiriis are
described as being of red garments (lohita-viisasa/:z), which Sayat;1a explains as
lohitasya rudhirasya niviisa-bhfitii hi (the abode of blood) and paraphrases as
rajo-vahana-niicf.ya/:z. It seems, therefore, that the larger ducts were called
dhamants. In 1. 17. 3 the Atharva-Veda speaks of hundreds of dhaman'is and
thousands of hiriis.
4 Brh. IV. 3· 20, with Sankara's commentary. Anandagiri, in commenting on
the same, quotes a passage from Susruta which is substantially the same as
Susruta-sa1!lhitii, 111. 7· 18, to show that those Siras which carry viita are rosy
(arwJa), those which carry pitta are blue, those ·which carry blood are red, and
those which carry sle$man are white:
arU1Jiil:z sirii viita-·cahii nflii!z pitta-vahii[l siriilz
asrg-vahiis tu rohil}yo gauryal.z sle$ma-·vahiih sirii[l.
XIII] The Circulatory and the Nervous System 345
in these niirjls. In Brhad-iirm;yaka, IV. 2. 3 it is said that there is
the finest essence of food-juice inside the cavity of the heart; it is
this essence which, by penetrating into the finest nii{lis, serves to
support the body. It is surrounded by a network of niic}is. From
the heart it rushes upwards through the extremely fine hita nii{lts.
which are rooted in the heart. Chiindogya, VIII. 6. 6 speaks of
101 nii{lis proceeding from the heart, of which one goes towards
the head 1 . In 11lu1J¢. II. 2. 6 it is said that, like spokes in a wheel,
the nii{lls are connected with the heart. Prasna, 111. 6 and 7, how-
ever, says that in the heart there are one hundred nii{lis and in
each of these are twenty-two hundred branches and the vyiina
·viiyu moves through these. The Jl.1aitri Upani~ad mentions the
su~um'l}ii nii¢1 proceeding upwards to the head, through which
there is a flow of prii1}a 2 • None of these passages tell us any-
thing definite about the nii{lls. All that can be understood from
these passages is that they are some kind of ducts, through which
blood and other secretions flow, and many of these are extremely
fine, being about the thousandth part of a hair in breadth. The
na{la, or hollow reed, is described in the ~g- Veda (VIII. 1. 33)
as growing in ponds and in the Atharva- Veda (IV. 19. 1) as being
viir#ka, or "produced in the rains." This word may have some
etymological relation with nii{lt 3 • In another place it is said that
women break na¢a with stones and make mats out of them 4 •
The word nii(ii is also used in the Atharva- Veda in the sense
of "ducts 5 ." In Atharva-Veda, v. 18. 8 the word nii{likii is used
1 This passage is sometimes referred to in later literature to show that the
su~um~u'i 11iirjl, which goes towards the
head, was known as early as the Chiindogya
Upani~ad. See also Katha, VI. 16.
2 Urdhva-gii niitf,z su~um'l}iikhyii prii~za-Sat!lciiri~zl. l'vlaitrl, VI. 21. Sayal).a, in

his commentary on A.V. 1. 17. 3, quotes the following verse:

madhya-sthiiyii/:1 su~um7_uiyiib parva-paftcaka-smttbhm:iil:z
siiklzopasiiklzatiil!l prii{>tii?l Sirii /afl~a-trayiit paYO'f!l
ardha-lak~mn iti priilwb sar'iriirtha-·z:iciirakii[z.
3 Macdonell makes the following remarks in his Vedic Index, vol. I, p. 433:
"Nacja is found in several passages of the l}g- Veda (1. 32, 8; I79, 4; II. 34, 3;
VIII. 6g, 2; x. II, 2; 105, 4) but its sense is still obscure. It is identified by
Pischel (Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandisd1en Gesellsdzaft, 35, 7I7 et seq.;
Vedische Studien, I. r83 et seq.) with Na~la, being explained by him in one
passage (I. 32. 8). Here Caland and Henry, L'Agni~toma, p. 3I3 would read
na!am. See also \Vackernagel, Altindische Gramnwtik, 1. I73, as a reed boat,
which is split, and over which the waters go, etc."
4 yatluJ nmf.a'!l kasipune striyo bhindanty asmanii (Atharva- Veda, VI. 138.

5 In the Atharva- Veda, VI. 138. 4, the niicfts are described as ducts over the
testes, through which the seminal fluid flows: .ve te niiljyau deva-krte yayos ti~thati
vnflYG'f!l tete bhinadmi (I break with a stone upon a stone those two ducts of yours
Speculations in the J\.1edical Schools [cH.
to denote the speech organ (vak). The word dhamani is used
in ~g- Veda, II. 11. 8 and is paraphrased by Saya1:1a as sound
(sabda) and by Macdonell as "reed" or "pipe1 .'' If Sayal).a's
explanations are to be accepted, then in A.V. II. 33· 6 the word
snava means fine siras (suk~ma~z-siral;) and dhaman'i the larger ducts
(dhamani-sabdena sthulal;). In VI. 90. 5 one hundred dhamanls
are said to surround the body of a person suffering from colic or
gout (sula), and Sayal).a paraphrases dhamani here as nO.fjl. In
Chandogya, III. 19. 2, the rivers are said to be dhamanls (ya
dhamanayas ta nafjyal;), and Sankara paraphrases dhamanz as sira.
I have already referred to the use of the word hira in the Atharva-
Veda; the word is also used in the !Jg- Veda 2 •
The above references show that nlifjzs, siriis (or hiras) and
dhamanls were all ducts in the body, but sometimes the nafjzs or
sirlis had also the special sense of finer channels, whereas the
dlwmanis were the larger ducts. I shall now come to Caraka:
it will be found that there was not much advance towards a
proper understanding of the significance of their distinction and
Caraka plainly regards dhamanls, Siras and srotas (secretory
currents) as ducts and thinks that different names are applied to
them on account of their different functions. He says that the
roots of the ten dhaman'is are in the heart. These carry through-
out the body the ojas, by which all people live and without which
they all die. It is the essence by which the foetus is formed,
and which goes to the heart at a later stage, when the heart is
formed; when it is lost, life also ceases to exist; it is the essence
of the body and the seat of the prlit:zas. These ducts are called
dhamanls, because they are filled with chyle from outside; they
are called srotas, because the chyle, etc. which nourish the body
are secreted (srava!IO.l) out of these; and they are called Sira,
made by God over your two testes, through which your semen flows). In
x. 7· 15 and 16, the hollows of the seas are described as niit/.is (samudro yasya
niigyal.z), and so also the interspace of the quarters of the sky (yasya catasral.z
pradiso niiljya?1).
1 "Dhamanl, 'reed,' appears to denote 'pipe' in a passage of the IJ.g- Veda

(II. I 1. 8) and in a citation appearjng in the Nirulua (vi. 24)." Vedic Index,
vol. 1, p. 390. The word sirii is spelt with a palatal "s" in Caraka and with a
dental in the Vedas, and it has therefore been differently spelt in this chapter
in different contexts.
2 t·va1Jt vrtram iisayiina7!Z siriisu maho vajre1Ja si~vapa(t. R.V. 1. 121. 1 I. The

word dhamanl is spelt with a long "i" in Caralw and with a short "i" in the
Atharva- Veda.
xrn] The Circulatory and the Nervous System 347
because they go (sarm;iit sirii/:z) to the different parts of the body 1 •
The ten dhamanfs spread out in manifold branches throughout
the body. In the Caraka-sa1(lhitii srotas means properly the path
through which the successive evolutionary products of the body-
constituents (dhiitus) or other kinds of secretion run and accumu-
late together with elements of their own types 2 • Cakrapal).i explains
it thus: The transformation into blood takes place in connection
with chyle (rasa). The coming together of rasa with blood at a
different part of the body cannot take place without a path of trans-
mission, called srotas. So the transformation of dhiitus takes place
through the function of this path of transmission. So for each
kind of product there is a separate srotas. Viiyu, pitta and kapha
may be said to go about through all the SJ·otas, though there are,
no doubt, special channels for each of the three 3 • Gangadhara,
however, takes the srotas as being the apertures through which
the dhiitus and other waste-products flow 4 • In whatever way it
may be looked at, the srotas is, according to Caraka, nothing but
the duct of the dhamanis. Caraka opposes the view of those who
think that the body is nothing but a collection of srotas, for the
simple reason that the substances which pass through these srotas
and the parts of the body where they are attached are certainly
different from the srotas themselves. There are separate srotas
for the flow of prii~za, water, food-juice, blood, flesh, fat, bony
materials, marrow, semen, urine, excreta and sweat; viita, pitta
and Sle~man, however, flow through the body and all the channels
(sarva-srotii1(lsi ayana-bhutiim). For the supply of materials for the
suprasensual elements of the body, such as manas, etc., the whole
of the living body serves as a channel 5 • The heart is the root of all
dlzmii.nii.d dhamanyal:z sravm;ii.t srolii.1Jtsi sarm:rii.t 4irii./:z. Caraka-saf!Zhitii., 1.
JO. I I. 2 Ibid. III. 5· 3·
3 Do~ii1J.ii.'f!l tu sarva-iarzra-caratvena yathii-sthftla-sroto 'bhidhiine 'pi sarca-
srotii'f!lSY evagamaniirtlwf!Z vak~yante . .. viitiidiniim api pradhii.na bhutiidhamanyafz
santy eva. Cakrapiil).i's comment on ibid.
4 iihiira-pari1Jiima-raso hi srotasii1Jl chidra-rupa1Jl panthiinaf!Z 'l-'inii gantuf!l na

iaknoti, na ca srotas chidra-pathena gamana'f!l dnii tad-uttarottara-dhiitutvena

parit:ramati, etc. Gangadhara's Jalpa-kalpa-taru on ibid.
5 Gangadhara, in commenting on this passage (Caraka-sa'f!thitii, III. 5. 7),
" tadvad atzndriyii~zii'f!l puna/; sattviidiniif!Z kevalaf!Z cetaniivac chanram ayana-b/iil.-
tam adhi~thiina-bhiifll1Jl ca," says, .. mana iitmii srotra-spariana-nayana-rasan'a-
glm'i1J.a-huddhy-ahmikiiriidiniif!l kevalam cetaniit•at sajzt•a'f!l sarzra-sroto 'yana-
bhiitam adhi~thiina-bhfitaf!l ca." There are several passages in Caraka where
we hear of mano-vaha currents (currents carrying manas); if manas, buddhi,
ahaizkii.ra, etc. can all be carried in currents, they must be considered as having
some material spatial existence. These manas, buddhi and ahankiira may be
atlndriya, but they are not on that account non-ph}sical.
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
priir.za channels, i.e. the channels of the prii:l}a viiyu; for viiyu in
general moves through all parts of the body. When these are
affected, there is either too much or too little respiration; the
respiration may be very slow or very quick, and it is attended with
sound and pain. From these signs therefore one can infer that the
priir.za channels have been affected. The source of water channels is
the palate, and the seat of thirst is in the heart (kloma) 1 • When these
are affected, the tongue, palate, lips, throat and kloma become
dried up, and there is great thirst. The stomach is the source of all
currents carrying food, and, when these are affected, there is no
desire for food, but indigestion, vomiting and the like. The heart is
the source, and the ten dhamanis are the paths, of the chyle (rasa)
currents. The liver and spleen are the source of blood currents.
The tendons and skin are the sources of flesh currents. The kidneys
are the sources of fat channels; fat and pelvis, of bone channels; the
bones and joints, of marrow channels; the testes and penis, of
semen channels; the bladder, the pubic and the iliac regions, of
urine channels; the intestines and the rectum, of the excreta
channels, and the fat and pores of hairs, of perspiration channels 2 •
It is curious, however, to note that, in spite of the fact that
here the siriis and dhamanis are regarded as synonymous, their
number is differently counted in IV. 7· 13, where it is said that
there are two hundred dhamanis and seven hundred siriis, and the
finer endings of these are counted as 29,956. It is reasonable to
suppose, in accordance with the suggestions found in the Atharva-
Veda, that, though the dhamanis and Siriis were regarded by Camka
as having the same functions, the former were larger than the
latter 3 • Gangadhara, in commenting on this passage, says that
siriis, dhamanls and srotas are different on account of their being
different in number and of their having different functions and
different appearances. It is well known that a distinction between
Siriis and dhamanis is drawn by Susruta, to which I shall presently
refer, but Caraka positively denies any such distinction; and this
1 Caraka-sm.nhitii, III. 5· 10. CakrapaQ.i explains it (kloma) as hrdaya-stham
pipiisii-sthiinam, and Gangadhara as the point of conjunction between the throat
and the heart (ka'}fhoraso/:1 sandhi!z).
2 The synonyms for srotas given by Caraka are sirii, dhamanl, rasa-viihinl,

nii£/i, panthii, nziirga, Sarlra-chidra, SG7!lV!liiSa1fZV!liini (Open at the root, but

closed at the end), sthiina, asaya and niketa.
There is one passage of Dr9habala (Caraka-sa1flhitii, VI. 29. 23) which
seems to draw a distinction between siriis and dhamanls; for there, as a
symptom of a disease, it is said that the siriis have expanded (iiyiima) and the
dhamanls have become contracted (smikoca).
XIII] The Circulatory and the Nervous System 349
is accepted by his commentator Cakrapai)i also 1 • Gangadhara is
unable to point out any passage in Caraka to prove his opinion or
to state more explicitly what is the difference of functions and
appearances between the dhamanzs and siras. In fact Gangadhara's
remarks are directly borrowed from Sufruta, III. 9· 3, without
acknowledgment, and it is very surprising that he should not know
the difference of views on this point between Caraka and Susruta
and should try to support Caraka by a quotation from Susruta on
the very point on which they materially differ.
Susruta refers to Caraka's view that siras, srotas and dharmanzs
are the same and opposes it, saying that they are different in
appearance, number and functions.:J!alhai)a, in explaining this, says
that the siriis carry viita, pitta, Slefman, blood, etc., and are rosy'
blue, white and red, whereas the dhamanzs that carry sense-im-
pressions of sound, etc. have no distinctive colour, and the srotas
have the same colour as the dhiitus which flow through them.
Again, the principal szriis are torty in number, the principal
dhamanzs twenty-four and the principal srotas twenty-two in
number. The siriis permit us to contract or expand our limbs or
perform other motor functions, and they allow the mind and senses
to operate in their own ways and serve also to fulfil other functions
of moving rapidly (prasyandana), etc., when viiyu works in them.
When pitta flows through the siriis, they appear shining, create
desire for food, increase digestive fire and health. When slepnan
passes through them, they give an oily appearance to the body,
firmness of joints and strength. When blood passes through them,
they become coloured and filled also with the different dhiitus and
produce the sense-cognition of touch. Viiyu, pitta, slepnan and
blood-any one of these may flow through any and every Sirii 2 •
The dhamanzs are more like sensory nerves, since they carry
sensations of sound, colour, taste and smell (sabda-rupa-rasa-
gandha-vahatviidika1J1 dhamanzniim). The srotas carry prii'l}a, food,
water, chyle, blood, flesh and fat 3 • It is on account of their close
proximity, similar functions, fineness (saukfmyiit), and also because
of the fact that they have been referred to in similar terms by older
authorities, that they have sometimes been regarded as perform-
ing the same work, though their functions are really different 4 •
1 na ca Carake Susruta iva dhamani-sirii-srotasiim bhedo t•ivaksitah. Cakra-

pal).i's commentary on Caraka, 111. s. 3· . . .

2 3 l)alhat;ta on ibid. III. 9· 3· 4
Susruta-sa7!Zhitii, m. 7· 8-17. Ibid.
35° Speculations in the Medical Schools (CH.
I)alhai).a, in explaining this, says that, as, when a bundle of grass
is burning, the burning of each separate blade of grass cannot be
perceived on account of their contiguity, so the siriis, dhamants
and srotas are situated so close to one another that it is very difficult
to observe their separate functions and work. Sirii, srotas, miirga,
kha and dhamant are the general names used to denote the canals
or ducts of the body 1 • It is on account of the similarity of action
of all these ducts that their functions are sometimes confused.
The dhamanis start from the navel; ten proceed to the upper
part of the body, ten to the lower part and four crosswise ( tir-
yag-giilz). Those ten which go to the upper part of the body,
branch out, are divided into three classes, and are thirty in number.
Of these there are altogether ten for carrying 'lJiita, pitta, kapha,
s01;zita and rasa, two for each; there are eight for carrying
sabda, riipa, rasa and gandha, two for each; there are two for
the organ of speech, two for making noise (gho~a), as distin-
guished from speech; two for going to sleep, two for being awake;
two for bearing tears, two for carrying milk in women, and it is
the same two dhamanis that carry the semen in men. It is by
these dhamanis that the body on the upper side of the navel (e.g.
sides, back, chest, shoulders, hands, etc.) is held fast to the lower
part. The carrying of viita, etc. is the common quality of all these
Those dhamanis which branch out downwards are thirty in
number. They eject viita, urine, excreta, semen, menstrual blood,
etc. downwards. They are connected with the place of pitta
(pittiisaya), draw downwards the materials not fit for being ab-
sorbed, and nourish the body with the assimilable products of
digestion. The dhamanis connected with the pittiisaya carry the
food-juice throughout the body, as soon as it is digested by the
action of heat, by supplying it to the upper circulatory dhamanis
and through them to the heart, which is designated as the seat
of rasa (rasa-sthiina) 2 • Ten dhamanis carry viita, pitta, Sol}ita,
1 Thus Qalhal).a remarks:
akaslyiivakiisii:nii7JZ dehe niimiini dehinii7JZ
sirtil.z srotti7Jlsi miirgii[l kha7Jl dhamanyab.
2 Susruta, Siirira, IX. 7 and 8; see also :OalhaQ.a's commentary on it. The
apertures of some dhamanis by which the food-juice is circulated through the
body are as fine as lotus fibres, and some grosser than them, as the apertures
of lotus stalks. Thus some dhamanls have very fine apertures, and others grosser
yathii. svabhii.vatab khtini mnziile~u bise~u ca
dhamanlnii1f1 tathii khiini raso yair upaciyate. Ibid. IX. 10.
XIII] The Circulatory and the Nervous System 35 1
kapha and rasa; two, connected with the intestines, carry the
food-juice; two carry water; two are connected with the bladder
for ejecting urine; two are for the production of semen (sukra-
priidur-bhii:va), two for its ejection, and it is these which regulate
the menstrual flow in the case of women; two, connected with
the larger intestines, eject the excreta; there are eight others which
carry perspiration. It is by these dhamanzs that the intestines,
waist, urine, excreta, rectum, bladder and penis are held together.
Each of the other four dhamanls, which go crosswise (tiryag-gab ),
has hundreds and thousands of branches, which, innumerable as
they are, are spread all over the body, like so many windows; their
mouths are at the holes of the hairs, through which perspiration
goes out and which nourish the body with rasa, and through these
the effective principles (vlrya) of oil, watery sprinklings, oint-
ments, etc. enter the body after being acted on by bhriijaka (heat
of the skin)l. It is again these which carry the pleasurable and
painful sense-impressions of touch 2 • The dhamanzs direct the five
senses to the five sense-objects for their cognition. There is the
cognizer ( mantr) and the manas organ; the dhamanz which is con-
nected with manas on one side and the dhamanis which carry the
different sense-impressions on the other make the sense-data
cognized by the self3 • The various sensory and motor dhamanzs
are further named in Susruta, 111. vi. 28. Down below the back
of the ear there are two dhamanzs, called vidhura, which, when
injured, produce deafness; inside the two nostrils there are the
two dhamanzs called pha~w which, when hurt, arrest the sensation
of smell. Below the eyebrows on the two sides of the eye there
are the two dhamanis, called apiinga, which, when hurt, produce
blindness: there are also two other dhamanis, above the eyebrows
and below them, called iivarta, which, when hurt, also produce
blindness. Susruta also speaks in this connection of a place inside
1 Susruta, Siirlra, IX. 7 and 8; see also l)alhaQa's commentary on it.
2 l)alhaQa, in commenting on this passage of Susruta, III. ix. 9, says:" tair eva
mano-'nugatail;z sukhiisukha-rii.paf!l sparsa7J1. karmiitmii grh7Jlte." (It is through
these dhamanls, as connected by manas, that the self, as associated with the subtle
body, receives the pleasurable and painful impressions of touch.)
3 paiiciibhibhii.tiis tv atha paiica-krtval;z
paiicendriya1Jl paiicasu bhiivayanti
paiicendriya7J1. paiicasu bhiivayitvii
paiicatvam iiyiinti viniiia-kiile. Susruta, 111. ix. 11.
l)alhaQa, in commenting on the above, says: "manta hi sar'ire eka eva, mano 'py
ekam eva, tena manasii yaiva dhamanl iabdiidi-·vahiisu dhammti~ abhiprapannii
saiva dhamanl S'l.:a-dharma7J1. griihayati mantiira7J1. niinyeti."
352 Speculations in the Medical Schools [CH.
the skull on the upper part of the brain, where all the Siriis have
met together, as the adhipati superintendent.
In describing the siriis (7oo in number) Susruta says that these
are like so many canals by which the body is watered and by the
contraction and expansion of which the movements of the body
are rendered possible. They start from the navel and branch out
like so many fibres of leaves. The principal Siriis are forty in
number; of these ten are for the circulation of viita, ten for pitta,
ten for kapha and ten for rakta (blood). The siras of viita circu-
lation again branch out into 175 siriis, and the same is the case
with those which circulate pitta, kapha and rakta. We have thus
altogether 700 Siriis. When viita is properly circulated through the
Siriis, it becomes possible for us to move our limbs without ob-
struction and to exercise our intellectual functions. But it should
be noted that, though some Siriis are regarded as mainly circulating
viiyu or pitta or kapha, yet they all, at least to some extent, circulate
all three1 •
There are goo snayus, and these have also holes within them
(su#riib}, and these, as well as the km;ujariis, which ate also but
special kinds of sniiyus, serve to bind the joints of the body, just
as the several pieces of planks are held together in a boat. Susruta
also mentions five hundred muscles. The marmas are vital spots
in flesh, sirii, sniiyu and bones which are particularly the seats of
prii1Ja: when persons are hurt in these places, they may either
lose their lives or suffer various kinds of deformity. The srotas
are again described by Susruta as being ducts, other than sira and
dhamanl, which start from the cavity of the heart and spread out
through the body 2 • These srotas carry the currents of prii1Ja, food-
juice, water, blood, flesh, fat, urine, excreta, semen and menstrual
The Nervous System of the Tantras.
The nerve system of the Tantras, however, is entirely different
from that of the medical systems of Caraka and Susruta. It starts
with the conception of the spinal column (meru-da1Jtfa), which is
regarded as one bone from the bottom of the back to the root of
na hi viita7J1. sirii/:z kiiscin na pitta7J1. keva[atfZ tathii
ile~miinam vii vahanty etii atafz sarvavahii/:z smrtii/:z.
Suiruta, III. vii. 16.
2 Suiruta, Siirlra, IX. 13:
muliit khiid antara7J1. dehe prasrta7J1. tv ablzivahi yat
srotas tad iti vijiieya7J1. iirii-dhamani-varjitam.
XIII] The Nervous System of the Tantras 353
the neck. In the passage inside this spinal column there is a nerve
(niitji}, called su~umtzii, which is again in reality made up of three
niit}ls, su~umtzii, vajrii and citri1Ji 1 • All niit}is start from the root at
the end of the vertebral column, called kii1Jtfa, and they proceed
upwards to the highest cerebral nerve-plexus, called sahasriira, and
are seventy-two thousand in number. The place of the root of
these niitjts (kii1Jtfa) is an inch above the anus and an inch below
the root of the penis. If su~um7Jii is the central nerve of the spinal
cord, then on its extreme right side is the itjii, and then parallel to
it towards the su~umtzii are the giindhiiri, stretching from the corner
of the left eye to the left leg, hasti-jihvii, stretching from the left
eye to the left foot, saizkhin'i, branching on the left, kuhu (the pubic
nerve on the left) and also the viroodarii, the lumbar nerves. On
the extreme left of it is the piilgalii, and between it and the su~umtzii
arc the pil~ii, stretching from below the corner of the right eye to
the abdomen, pasyanti, the auricular branch or the cervical plexus,
sarasvaU and viiratzii (the sacral nerve). The saizkhinl (the auricular
branch or the cervical plexus on the left) goes parallel to the
su~umtzii, but takes a turn in the region of the neck and passes on to
the root of the left ear-holes; in another branch it passes through the
inner side of the region of the forehead, where it gets joined with
the citritzl niitjl and enters into the cerebral region. The su~um~zii
nii{li is a sort of duct inside the spine, which encases within it the
'vajrii niitjl, and that again encases within it the citri1Jl niitjl, which
has within it a fine aperture running all through it, which is the fine
aperture running through the spinal cord 2 • This inner passage
But according to the Tantra-cz""iqiima!li, ~umt;zii is not inside the spinal
column but outside it. Thus it says," tad-biihye tu tayor madhye su~umt;zii vahni-
sa'!lyuta."This,however ,isagainsttheviewof the $at-cakra-nirz""ipa!la, which takes
SfiiUmt;ziito be inside tl.e passage of the spine. According to the Nigama-tattva-
siira-tantra, iqii and piizgalii are both inside the spine, but this isentirelyagainst the
accepted view. Dr Sir B. N. Seal thinks that su~um!lii is the central passage or
channel of the spinal cord and not a separate niiq'i (The Positive Sciences of the
Ancient Hindus, pp. 219, 226, 227). Mr Rele in his The Mysterious Kut;zqalin'i
(PP·3S,J6)thinks that it is anii4'fwhich is situated centrally and passes through the
spinal column (meru-dat;zl/a); but, judging from the fact that it is said to originate
in the sacrum, from which it goes upwards to the base of the skull, where it
joins with the plexus of a thousand nerves called brahma-cakra (cerebrum in the
vault of the skull) and is divided at the level of the lat-ynx (kat;ztha) into anterior
and posterior parts between the two eyebrows (iijfiii-cakra) and the cavity in
the brain (brahma-randhra) respectively, Rele thinks that this SfiiUmt.,lii nii4'f is
nothing but the spinal cord.
Nii4'fisderived by Pun:1ananda Yati,in hiscommentaryon the $at-cakra-nirfi-
Pa!la, from the root naif, to go, as a passage or duct (na¢a gatau iti dhiitor naqyate
gamyate 'nayii padavyii iti nii4'f). Mahamahopadhyaya GaQanatha Sen makes a
D!I 23
354 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
within the citri1:zt niit}l is also called brahma-niit}i; for there is no
further duct or niit}l within the citri'!ll 1 • The SUJUm'!lii thus in all
probability stands for our spinal cord. The sufUm'!lii, however, is
said to take a tum and get connected with the sankhini in the inside
region of the forehead, whence it becomes connected with the
aperture of the sankhinl (saizkhinl-niilam iilambya) and passes to the
cerebral region. All the niitjts are connected with the su~um'!lii.
Ku'!lf!alinl is a name for supreme bodily energy, and, because the
channel of the su~um'!lii, the brahma-niit}i, is the passage through
which this energy flows from the lower part of the trunk to the
regions of the nerve-plexus of the brain, SUfUm'!lii is sometimes
called ku'!lf!alint; but ku'!lf!alinl itself cannot be called a nerve,
and it is distinctly wrong to call it the vagus nerve, as Mr Rele
does 2 • The itjii niit}i on the left side of the su~um'!lii outside the
spine goes upwards to the nasal region, and pingalii follows a
corresponding course on the right side. Other accounts of these
niit}is hold that the it}ii proceeds from the right testicle and the
pingalii from the left testicle and passes on to the left and the right
of the su~um'!lii in a bent form (dhanur-iikiire). The three, however,
meet at the root of the penis, which is thus regarded as the junction
of the three rivers, as it were (triveyt}, viz. of su~um'!lii (compared to
the river Ganga), itja (compared to Yamuna) and pingalii (compared
to Sarasvati}. The two niit}is, itja and pi~galii, are also described
as being like the moon and the sun respectively, and SUJum'!lii as
fire 3 • In addition to these niit}is the Yogi-yiijfiavalkya mentions
the name of another niit}i, called alambu~ii, making the number of
the important niit}ts fourteen, including su~um'!lii and counting
su~um'!lii as one niit}i (i.e. including vajrii and citrit~i}, though the
total number of niitfis is regarded as being seventy-two thousand.
SrikaQ.ada in his Niitfi-vijfilina counts the number of niitfis as
thirty-five millions. But, while the Tantra school, as represented
in the works $at-cakra-nirupa'!la, Jiiiina-sarrzkalini, Yogi-yiijiia-
valkya, etc., regards the niitfis as originating from the nerve-plexus
very serious mistake in his Pratyak~a-siirlraka when he thinks that the niil/J.s are
to be regarded as being without apertures (nlrandhra). They are certainly not so
regarded in the Ayur-veda or in the $at-cakra-nirilpm:.za and its commentaries. In
Yoga and Tantra literature the term niir/J generally supersedes the term sirii of
the medical literature.
1 Sabda-brahma-riipiiyii/:l ku7J4alinyii/:l parama-siva-sannidhi-gamana-patha

riipa-citri7Jl-niitfy-antargata-siinya-bhiiga iti. Purt:Iananda's commentary on $at-

cahra-nirupa7Ja, St. 2.
11 Su~um1Jiiyai ku1J4alinyai. Hatha-yoga-pradfpikii, IV. 64.
~'at-cakra-niriipa7Ja, St. 1 and Yogi-yiijiiavalkya-sa1{lhitii, p. 18.
XIII] The Nervous System of the Tantras 355
lying between the root of the penis and the anus, and while Caraka
regards them as originating from the heart, SrikaQ.ada regards
them as originating from the region of the navel (niibhi-kanda) and
going upwards, downwards and sideways from there. SrikaQ.ada,
however, compromises with the Tantra school by holding that of
these thirty-five millions there are seventy-two thousand niit}is
which may be regarded as gross and are also called dhamanis,
and which carry the sense-qualities of colour, taste, odour, touch
and sound (paiicendriya-gu1}iivahii). There are again seven hundred
niit}is with fine apertures, which carry food-juice by which the body
is nourished. Of these again there are twenty-four which are more
The most important feature of the Tantra school of anatomy
is its theory of nerve-plexuses (cakra). Of these the first is the
iidhiira-cakra, generally translated as sacro-coccygeal plexus. This
plexus is situated between the penis and the anus, and there are
eight elevations on it. It is in touch with the mouth of the su~um7Jii.
In the centre of the plexus there is an elevation called svaympbhu-
liizga, like a fine bud with an aperture at its mouth. There is a
fine thread-like fibre, spiral in its form, attached to the aperture
of the svaympbhu-liilga on one side and the mouth of the s~um7Jii
on the other. This spiral and coiled fibre is called kula-ku7J¢alini;
for it is by the potential mother-energy, as manifested in its move-
ment of a downward pressure of the apiina viiyu and an upward
pressure of the prii7Ja viiyu, that exhalation and inhalation are made
possible and life functions operate. Next comes the sviidh#thiina-
cakra, the sacral plexus, near the root of the penis. Next comes
the lumbar plexus (ma7;1i-pura-cakra), in the region of the
navel. Next is the cardiac plexus (aniihata-cakra or viSuddha-
cakra), in the heart, of twelve branches. Next is the laryngeal and
pharyngeal plexus, at the junction of the spinal cord and the
medulla oblongata, called the bhiirati-sthiina. Next comes the
lalanii-cakra, opposite the uvula. Next to this is the iijiiii-cakra
between the eyebrows, within which is the mana.S-cakra, the centre
of all sense-knowledge and dream-knowledge, and the seat of
manas, the mind-organ. Vijiianabhik~u says in his Yoga-viirttika
that one branch of the su~um7Jii goes upwards from here, which is
the niit}i for carrying the functions of manas and is called nzano-vahii
niit}i; the Jiiiina-sar:tZkalini tantra calls it jiiiina-niit}i. It seems,
therefore, that it is through this niit}i that connection is established
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
between the soul, residing in the brain, and the manas, residing in
the manaJ-cakra. Sati.kara Misra argues in his commentary on
the VaiSepka-siitras, v. 2. 14 and 15, that the niifjis are then1selves
capable of producing tactile impressions; for, had it not been so,
then eating and drinking, as associated with their corresponding
feelings, would not have been possible, as these are effected by the
automatic functions of prii7Ja 1 • Above the ajiiii-cakra comes the
soma-cakra, in the middle of the cerebrum, and finally, in the upper
cerebrum, there is the sahasriira-cakra, the seat of the soul. The
process of Yoga consists in rousing the potential energy located in
the adhiira-cakra, carrying it upwards through the aperture of the
citri1Ji or the brahma-niifji, and bringing it to the brahma-randhra
or the sahasriira. This ku7J¢alini is described as a fine fibre like a
lightning flash (tafjid iva vilasat tantu-rilpa-svariipa), which raises
the question whether this is actually a physical nerve or merely a
potential energy that is to be carried upwards to the upper cere-
brum in the sahasrara-cakra; and it cannot, I think, be yet satis-
factorily explained. But, judging from a wide comparison of the
texts, it seems pretty certain that it is the ku1}f/,ali sakti or the
ku1J¢ali energy which is carried upwards. If the ku7J¢ali energy is
inexhaustible in its nature, the whole discussion as to whether the
iidhiira-cakra is depleted or not or whether the ku1J¢alini herself
rises or her eject, as raised in Sir John's Serpent Power, pp. JOI-J20,
loses its point. How far the cakras can themselves be called nerve-
plexuses is very doubtful, since the nerve-plexuses are all outside
the spinal aperture; but, if the ku7J¢alini is to pass through the
aperture of the citri7Ji niifji and at the same time pass through the
cakras, the cakras or the lotuses (padma) must be inside the spinal
cord. But, supposing that these nerve-plexuses represent the corre-
sponding places of the cakras inside the spinal cord, and also because
it has become customary to refer to the cakras as plexuses, I have
ventured to refer to the cakras as such. But it must be borne in
mind that, as the ku1J¢alini is a mysterious power, so also are the
cakras the mysterious centres in the path of the ascent of the
ku1J¢alini. A nerve-physical interpretation of them as nerve-
plexuses would be very unfaithful to the texts. A more detailed
discussion on these subjects will be found in the treatment of
Tantra philosophy in a later volume of this work. The chief
interest of the present section is only to show that the Tantra
See Dr Sir B. N. Seal's Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus, pp. 222-225.
XIII] The Theory of Rasas and their Chemistry 357
anatomy is entirely different in its conception from the Ayur-veda
anatomy, which has been the subject of our present enquiry.
Another fact of importance also emerges from these considera-
tions, namely, that, though in Dr<Jhabala's supplementary part of
the Siddhi-sthiina the head is associated with sensory consciousness,
Caraka's own part refers to the heart as the central seat of the
soul. But the Tantra school points to the upper cerebrum as the
seat of the soul and regards the spinal cord and its lower end as
being of supreme importance for the vital functions of the body.

The Theory of Rasas and their Chemistry.

The theory of Rasas or tastes plays an important part in
Ayur-veda in the selection of medicines and diet and in diagnosing
diseases and arranging their cures. In 1. 26 of Caraka we hear of a
great meeting of sages in the Caitraratha Forest, attended by
Atreya, Bhadrakapya, Sakunteya, PiirQ.ak!?a Maudgalya, HiraQ.yak!?a
Kausika, Kumarasiras Bharadvaja, Varyovida, the Vaideha king
Nimi, Ba<;lisa and Kankayana, the physician of Balkh, for the
purpose of discussing questions of food and tastes.
Bhadrakapya held that taste, or rasa, was that which could be
perceived by the organ of the tongue and it was one, viz. that of
water. Sakunteya held that there were two rasas, nutritive (upa-
samanlya) and denutritive (chedanlya). PiirQ.ak!?a held that there
were three rasas, upasamanlya, chedanlya and neutral (siidhiira'!la).
HiraQ.yak!?a held that there were four rasas, sweet and good,
sweet and harmful, distasteful and good, distasteful and harmful.
Kumarasiras held that there were five rasas, earthy, watery, fiery,
airy and ethereal (iintarik~a). Varyovida held that there were six
rasas, heavy (guru), light (laghu), cold (Sua), hot (u~'!la), smooth
(snigdha) and dry (ru~a). Nimi held that there were seven rasas,
sweet (madhura), sour (amla), salt (lava'!la), hot (katu), bitter (tikta),
pungent (ka~iiya) and alkaline (k~iira). Ba<;lisa added one more to
these, viz. unmanifested (avyakta), and held that there were eight
rasas. Kankayana held that the rasas were of infinite variety and
could not be counted, on account of the diversity of substances in
which they are located (ii.Sraya), their specific properties as light or
heavy (gu~a), their action in developing or reducing the consti-
tuents of the body (karma) and their diversity as apparent to the
organ of taste. Atreya Punarvasu held that there are six rasas only,
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
sweet (madhura), acid (amla), saline (lava7Ja), hot and pungent
(katu), bitter (tikta) and astringent (kll§iiya). The source (yonz) of
all these rasas is water. Its actions are sedative (upasamana) and
denutritive (chedana), and a basis of equilibrium (siidhiira7Jatva)
of the rasas is reached when those having the above opposite
actions are mixed together. Pleasantness (sviidu) or unpleasantness
(asviidu} of taste depends on liking or disliking. The seats of rasas
are the essences of the five elements (paiica-mahii-bhuta-vikiirii/:z)
modified in accordance with five conditions, viz. (I) specific nature
of the substance (prakrtt); (2) as acted upon by heat or other
agents (vikrtz); (3) association with other things (viciira); (4) the
place in which the substance is grown (desa); (5) the .time at
which it is produced (kiila)l. The gu7;1as of heaviness, lightness,
cold, warm, moisture and dryness belong to the things to which
the rasas belong. The alkaline (leyiira) should not be counted as a
separate rasa, as it is made up of more than one rasa and affects
more than one sense-organ; for it has at least two important rasas
(of "hot and pungent" and "saline") and it affects not only the
organ of taste, but also that of touch, and does not naturally belong
to any substance, but has to be created by artificial processes.
There is p.o such separate rasa which can be called unmanifested
(avyakta). Water is the origin of all rasas; so all rasas may be
considered as existing in an unmanifested state in water, but that
is no reason why we should say that water has a separate taste
called" unmanifested ";moreover, when a substance has two rasas,
one dominant and the other extremely feeble, the feeble rasa may
be regarded as unmanifested ; or, when in a compound of different
rasas, say, of a syrup, a slight hot taste is added, this may be con-
sidered as unmanifested; but certainly there is no rasa to which
the name "unmanifested" (avyakta) could be given. The view
that there is an infinite number of rasas is untenable; for, though
it may be urged that the same rasa may occur differently in different
objects, that would only go to show that there are various grades
of forms of each particular rasa and not prove that with each
variety of a particular rasa the rasa itself is wholly different. Again,
1 Thus mudga (a sort of kidney-bean), which is a bhuta-vikiira, has the rasas

of astringent and sweet and is yet light by nature, though one would expect it
to be heavy on account of its rasas of astringent and sweet. Vikrti is best
exemplified in the case of fried paddy, which is lighter than rice. It is well
known that by composition wholly new properties may be generated in the
product. Medicinal herbs vary in their properties in accordance with the time
of plucking.
xnr] The Theory of Rasas and their Chemistry 359
if different rasas are mixed together, the mixed rasa itself is not
entitled to be counted as a separate rasa; for its qualities are just
as the sum total of the qualities of the different rasas which are
its constituents, and no independent work can be attributed to
this mixed rasa (na sa'!lST#iinii'l!l rasiinii'l!l karmopadiSanti bud-
dhimanta/:z), as in the case of a compound of two or more sub-
stances, as mentioned above (viciira).
Though on account of the predominance of one or the other
of them they are called earthy (piirthiva), watery (iipya), fiery
(iigneya), airy (viiyavya) or ethereal (iikiisiitmaka), yet all substances
are compounded of the five elements. All substances, whether
animate or inanimate, are to be considered as medicines (a~adha),
provided they are applied in the proper way (yukti) and for specific
purposes (artha). A substance can be a medicine only when it is
applied in the proper way and for specific purposes; nothing can
unconditionally be considered a medicine. The medicative in-
fluence is exerted both by virtue of the specific agency of a sub-
stance (dravya-prabhiiva) and by the specific agency of its qualities,
as also by their joint influence 1 . The action of medicines is called
karman, its potency virya, the place where they operate adhi-
karm;a, the time of operation kiila, the mode of operation upiiya,
and the result achieved phala.
As regards the origin of rasas, it is suggested that water
gets mixed with the five elements in the air and also after its fall
on the ground. These rasas nourish the bodies of all plants and
animals. All the five elements are present in all rasas; but in some
rasas some of the elements predominate, and in accordance with
this there are differences among the various rasas. Thus, with
the predominance of soma there is a sweet taste, with the pre-
dominance of earth and fire an acid taste, with water and fire
a saline taste, with air and fire, hot and pungent, with air and
iikiisa, bitter, with air and earth, astringent. The different elements
1 The medicinal effect of substances may be distinguished from the medicinal

effect of qualities, as when by certain stones (ma7;1i) poison may be removed or

by the use of certain amulets certain diseases may be cured. Again, there may
be cases where simply by the application of heat a certain disease may be cured,
irrespective of the substance which possesses heat as its property. It seems that
only the sense-properties and mechanical properties are here counted as gu7Jas;
other kinds of properties were considered as being due to the thing (dravya)
itself. For, in addition to the sense-properties, the twenty qualities, guru,
laghu, sUa, u~~. snigdha, ru/qa, manda, tlk~tJa, sthira, siira, mrdu, ka{hina,
visada, picchila, ilak~tJa, khara, sukpna, sthula, sandra and drava, are counted a~
gutJaS (Caraka-sa1Jlhitii, 1. i. 48; 1. 25. 35; I. 26. 11).
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
which take part in the formation of rasas are said to be instrumental
causes (nimitta-kiira1JD) of the rasas; this explains how, though
fire has no rasa, yet it may help the generation of a particular
rasa 1 • Destiny or unknown cause (adr#a) is, however, the general
cause of such combinations of elements with water.
In the very first chapter of the Caraka-sa'J!Zhitii, substances
(dravya) are counted as being the five elements, viz. iikasa, air,
light, heat, water and earth, together with soul, manas, time and
space. Of these those substances which possess sense-organs are
called animate and those which do npt are called inanimate 2 • The
gutzas are the sense-properties of hearing, touch, colour, taste and
smell, the mechanical and other properties which all elements
have in common, such as heaviness, lightness, cold, heat, and
moisture, dryness, dullness, sharpness, steadiness, mobility, soft-
ness, hardness, motion, slipperiness, smoothness, roughness,
grossness, fineness, thickness, liquidity, etc., and desire, hatred,
pleasure, pain and effort, intelligence (including memory), con-
sciousness, patience, egoism, etc., distance (para), nearness (apara),
combination (yuktz), number, contact, disjunction (vibhiiga),
separateness, measure, inertia (sa'J!ZSkiira) and repetition (abhyiisa).
The definition of substance (dravya) is, that which possesses quality
(gutza) and action (karma) in the relation of inherence and is also
the inseparable material cause (samaviiyi-kiira1Ja) of all effects.
Gutzas are things which are themselves inactive and exist in dravyas
in an inseparable relation of inherence. The gutzas themselves
cannot contain any further gutzas 3 •
The above being the theory of dravya and gutza, the question
arises as to the way in which medicines operate in human bodies.
The most general and obvious way in which the different medic1nes
were classified was by their different tastes, which were considered
primarily to be six in number, as has already been pointed out.
Each of the tastes was considered as being capable of producing
certain good or bad physiological effects. Thus the sweet taste is
1 lha ca kiira1)lltVatfZ bhutiinlitfl rasasya madhuratviidi-visqa eva nimitta-

kiira1)lltvam ucyate. Cakrapill).i on Caraka, I. 26. 38.

11 Caraka-sQ'!lhitii, I. I. 47· Even trees were regarded as being possessed of
senses and therefore animated or cetana. Cakrapal).i says that, since the sun-
flower continues to tum its face towards the sun, it may be regarded as being
possessed of the sense of sight; again, since the lavali (Averrhoa acida) plant
fructifies through hearing the sound of thunder, the plants have auditory
organs, etc.
• Ibid. I. 1. 47, 48 and so, with Cakrapal)i's commentary.
XIII] The Theory of Rasas and their Chemistry
said to increase blood, flesh, fat, marrow, semen, life, to do good to
the six senses, and to produce strength and colour of the body; to
do good to the skin and throat, to destroy pitta, poison and miiruta
(morbidity of air), and to produce moistening, cold and heaviness,
etc. The acid (amla) is said to rouse digestion, develop the body,
and to remove viita; it is light, warm, moist, etc. The saline taste
is digestive; it removes viita, secretes kapha; and it is moist, warm,
etc. And so on with the other tastes. But, of course, all these
qualities cannot belong to the tastes; as has already been pointed
out, the gu7Jas cannot possess further gu7Jas, and the tastes (rasa)
are themselves gu7JaS; so, when certain functions or properties are
attributed to the rasas, they must be considered as belonging
to the substances which possess those specific rasas (rasii iti
rasa-yuktiini dravyii1}i) 1 •
From Susruta's statements it appears that there was a great
difference of opinion regarding the relative prominence of dravya
and its properties 2 • There were some who held that dravya was the
most important, since dravya remained permanent, whereas rasa,
etc. are always changed; so dravya is relatively permanent. Again,
dravya is grasped by the five senses, and not its gu7Jas. The dravya
is also the support of the rasas, etc. All operations have to be done
with the dravya, and the authoritative texts also speak of operations
with the dravyas, and not \vith the rasas; the rasas depend largely
on the nature of the dravyas. Others hold that rasas are the most
important, since it is of them that we become directly aware when
we take our food, and it is said that they remove the various
morbidities of viita, etc. Others hold that the potency (vzrya) of
things is the most important, since it is by their potency that
medicines act 3 • This potency is of two kinds, hot (uP.Za) and cold
(sua); some think that it is of eight kinds, hot (u~7Ja), cold (sUa),
moist (snigdha), dry (ruk~a), moving (visada), slippery (picchila),
soft (mrdu) and sharp (ti~7Ja). Sometimes potency or vzrya over-
comes rasa by its power and makes its own tendencies felt; thus,
though sugar-cane ought to remove viita on account of its sweetness,
it really increases it on account of its being szta-vzrya (of cold
Caraka-sa1[lhitii, 1. 26. 39, CakrapaQi's commentary.
Susruta, Sutra-sthiina,40. 3· Dravya is defined by Susruta as kriyii-guttavat
3 ihau~adha-karmiitti urdhviidho-bhiigobhayabhiiga-sa'1fl$odhana-Sa1[lsamana-
thakara-vilayana-dahana-diiratta-miidana-priittaghna- vi~ a- prasamaniini vlrya-
priidhanyiid bhavanti. Susruta, 1. 40. S·
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
potency)!. Others· say that the rasa, as digested by the stomach
(piika), is most important, since things can produce good or bad
effects only when they are digested. Some hold that each rasa
remains unchanged by digestion, though according to others there
are only three kinds of rasa resulting from digestion or piika, viz.
sweet, acid and hot (katu); whereas Susruta held that there were
only two kinds of rasa resulting from digestion, viz. sweet and hot;
for, in his view, acid was not the result of digestion (amlo vipiiko
niistz). According to Susruta it is the pitta which is turned into
acid. Those objects which have more of earth and water in them
are turned into sweet taste, whereas those which have tejas, air and
· iikiisa as their ingredients are turned into hot taste (katu).
Speaking of the differences of view regarding the relative
importance of dravya, rasa, virya and vipiika, Susruta says that
they are all important, since a medicine produces effects in all
those four ways according to its own nature 2 • The view of Susruta,
as explained by Cakrapa.Q.i in the Bhiinumati, seems to be that
food, drink and medicine are all products of the five mahii-
bhiltas, and rasa, Virya and vi'piika are dependent on the dravya and
are like its potency (saktz), through which it works 3 • Cakrapa.Q.i,
commenting on this in the Bhiinumati, says that even in those cases
where certain rasas are said to remove or increase certain mor-
bidities (do~a) it is only because of their importance that they are
so described; the real agent in all such cases is the dravya, since the
rasa, etc. are always dependent on the dravya. Apart from the
sakti as manifested in rasa, etc., the dravya also operates by itself
in an unthinkable way (acintya), which is also called prabhiiva and
which is comparable with the attractive force exerted by magnets
on iron. The dravya by itself is thus differentiated from its sakti,
and it is said to have a peculiar operative mode of its own, as
distinguished from that of its sakti or potency, as manifested in
rasa, virya or vipiika, and this mode of operation is considered to

1 etiini khalu vfryii1Ji sva-bala-gu7Jotkar~iit rasam abhibhuyiitma-karma

kurvanti. Suiruta, ibid. The vlrya is said to remain both in the dravya and in the
rasa. Thus in Susruta, I. 40. s-8, it is said that, if in those rasas which remove viita
there is dryness (rauk~ya), lightness (liighava) and cold (saitya), then they will
not remove viiyu; so, if in those which remove pitta there is sharpness (taik~7Jya),
heat (au~7Jya) and lightness (laghutii), then they will not remove pitta, and so on.
2 catur7Jiim api samagryam icchanty atra vipaicitafz. Susruta, 1. 40. 13.
8 dravya-Jakti-rupakii rasa-vfrya-vipiikii yathii-yoga1Jl nimitta-kiira7Jalii1f&

samaviiyi-kiira7Jalii1Jl vii bhajanto na kartrtayii vyapadisyante dravya-parii-

dhlnatviit. Bhiinumatf, 1. 40. 13.
XIII] The Theory of Rasas and their Chemistry
be quite unthinkable (acintya) as to the way in "which it operates 1 •
Thus some medicines operate by rasa, some by vipiika, or the rasa
resulting from the digestive operation (e.g. sutzfhi, which, though
hot in taste and hot in vzrya, is sweet after digestive operation),
some by vzrya (e.g. kulattha, though pungent, yet removes viiyu
on account of its hot ·vzrya), some by both rasa and vipiika, some
by dravya-prabhiiva, vzrya and rasa, some by dravya-prabhiiva,
vzrya, rasa and vipiika.
Caraka, however, differs from Susruta in this view of drayva
and rasa, vzrya and vipiika; for, according to him, rasa, vzrya
and vipiika, themselves being gu7Jas, cannot possess further gutzas.
He does not admit a sakti as different from the dravya. Thus in
the case of prabhiiva, while Susruta holds that it is a specific sakti,
or the thing operating in unaccountable ways, Caraka thinks that
this sakti is identical with the thing itself. Thus CakrapaQi in
explaining Caraka-Sa1'{lhitii, I. z6. 72, says," saktir hi svarilpam eva
bhiiviinii1J'l, niitirikta1'{l kincid dharmiintara1'{l bhiiviiniim" (potency
is the nature of things and is no separate property distinct from
them). Vzrya in its general sense means" the potency or power
of medicines to produce effects," and as such includes within it
both rasa and vipiika; but, since these have special names, the term
virya is not applied to them 2 • Apart from this there is special
virya in a technical sense (piiribht4ika). In the view which con-
siders this virya to be of two kinds, snigdha and rilk~a, these are
to be taken as specific characteristics; but in the view which
considers the virya to be of eight kinds, these are to be taken as
a different set of characteristics of dravya or substance 3 • This
virya is believed to be more powerful than rasa, so that, when
the virya and rasa of a thing come into conflict, it is the vzrya
which predominates and not the rasa. ·
Vagbhata junior makes some remarks in support of the name
vzrya, as given to the characteristics which go by that name.
He says that, since the vzrya characteristics of things remain un-
changed even after digestion, and since the things are primarily
1 dravyam iitmanii iaktyii prabhiiviikhyayii do1a1Jl hanti . .. atra dravya-iakti-

kiiryodiihara7Jamyathii kar$aka-maf}ir loha-ialyam iikar1ati. Bhiinumatf, I. 40. 13.

2 tasya piikasya tad-rasasya vipiikasya ca Prthan-nirdeiiin na vlrya-vyavahiiralz

siistre . .. Carake tu siimiinya-vlrya-iabdena te 'pi grhttiifz. Ibid. 1. 40. 5·

8 yadii dvividha1Jl vlryam tadii snigdha-ril~iidlnii1Jl . .. rasiidi-dharmata-
yaiva kiirya-grahaf}a1Jl vak~yati hi madhuro rasafz snigdha ity iidi a~tavidha-Vfrya­
pak1e tu ... balavat-kiirya-kartrtva-vivak~ayii vfryatvam iti sthitifz. Ibid. I. 40.

Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
in use for medical purposes and each of them would include many
substances and rasas, this character justly deserves to be called
virya, or the potency-in-chief for producing medical effects 1 • He
further says that rasa is baffled by vipiika, that rasa and vipiika
can baffle virya, if they work in the same direction, and that they
may all be baffled by prabhiiva. These remarks, however, are
true only in those cases where rasa, virya and vipiika exist in the
same proportion, and it must be borne in mind that some objects
may have rasa of such a predominant type that it may overcome
the vipiika or the vi1ya 2 • As regards the relative priority of virya
and vipiika, Sivadasa in commenting on CakrapaQ.i's Dravya-gutza-
sa,graha says that virya is prior to vipiika; and this would imply
that, as virya can supersede rasa, so vipiika may supersede virya.
If we look back to the earliest history of the development
of Indian medical ideas in the Atharva-Veda, we see that there
were two important classes of medicines, viz. the amulets, ma1}is
and water. Atharva-Veda, 1. 4· 4, 1. 5, 1. 6, 1. 33, VI. 24,-vi. 92, etc.
are all in praise of water as medicine, and water is regarded there
as the source of all rasa or taste. Thus from the earliest times
two different kinds of medicines were used. Of these the amulets
were more or less of a miraculous effect. It was not possible to
judge which kind of amulet or matzi would behave in which way;
their mode of operation was unthinkable (acintya). It is easy to see
that this mode of operation of medicines was what was considered
a prabhiiva by Caraka and Susruta. With them prabhava means
the mysterious operation of a medicine acting in an unaccountable
way, so that, though -two medicines might be exactly similar in
rasa, virya and vipiika, they might behave differently with regard
to their medicinal effects 3 • Such an effect was thus naturally con-
sidered as unthinkable. But the analogy of the old matzis was
fresh in the minds of these medical thinkers when conceiving this
prabhiiva, and it was in reality an extension of that idea to other
unaccountable effects of medicines 4 • As none of the chemical effects
A~tiiilga-hrdaya, 1. 9. 15. 2
Ibid. 1. 28.
rasa-vlrya-vipiikiina1Jl siimiinya1Jl yatra lak~yate vise5a~ karma7J.ii1Jl caiva
prabhiivas tasya ca smrta~. Caraka-sa1Jlhitii, 1. 26. 69. CakrapaQi, in commenting
on this, says," rasiidi-kiiryatvena yan niivadhiirayitU1.n sakyate kiirya1Jl tat pra-
bhiiva-krtam iti silcayati; at a evokla1Jl • prabhiivo 'cintya ucyate' rasa-Vlrya-vipiika-
tayiicintya ity artha~."
" ma7)lnii1Jl dhiira7J.iyiinii1Jl karma yad vividhiitmakat{l, tat-prabhiiva-krta1Jl
te1iim prabhavo 'cintya ucyate. (The various actions of amulets are to be con-
sidered as being due to a prabhiiva which is unthinkable--ibid. 1. 26. 72.)
XIII] The Theory of Rasas and their Chemistry
(in the modern sense) of medicines on human organs were known,
the most obvious way in which the medical effects of herbs, roots,
etc. could be classified was on the basis of taste, and by Caraka and
Susruta we are told the effects of the different rasas on the different
morbidities of the body, viiyu, pitta and kapha. As the main
source of all diseases was unequal increase or decrease of viiyu,
pitta and kapha, a classification which described the rasas in such
a way that one could know which rasa increased or decreased
which of the n1orbidities was particularly useful. But it is
obvious that such a classification, though simple, could not be
universally true; for, though the taste is some indication of the
medici:1al property of any substance, it is not an infallible one.
But no other mode of classification was known; it was supposed
that the taste (rasa) of some substances changed altogether after
digestion and that in such cases the taste which changed after
digestion (piika) would be operative. Cakrapal).i says that in those
cases where the taste on the tongue (rasa) agrees with the taste
as produced after the digestive process, the effect in that direction
becomes very strong, but in the case where the latter differs
from the former the operation of rasa becomes naturally weak,
because the force of the taste produced by the final operation of
the digestive process is naturally strong 1 • Caraka thought that
there were only three rasas as the result of digestion, viz. kafu,
madhura and amla; Susruta rejected the last, as has already
been described. But even this was not sufficient; for there were
many other effects of medicine which could not be explained on
the above suppositions. In explaining this, the theory of virya
was introduced. In addition to taste substances were considered
to possess other properties of heat and cold, as judged by inference,
tactual properties of slipperiness, movement, moisture and dry-
ness, etc., sharpness, etc. as manifested by odour, and these were
supposed to produce effects in supersession of rasa and vipiika. It
was only in the cases where no sensible data of any kind could be
found to indicate the medical properties of the thing that the idea
of prabhiiva was introduced. The chapters in Ayur-veda on dravya
1 CakrapaQ.i on Caraka, 1. 26. 65. CakrapAQ.i points out that the hot (kafu)
taste is at first useful in cleaning the phlegm of the throat, but, since it becomes
sweet after digestion, it acts as a nutrient (vnya). But, except in the case of
such local actions, it is difficult to understand why the rasa which was altered
by digestion should have any such effect as CakrapaQ.i suggests (viparyaye tu
durbalam iti jneyam).
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
and gu!la deal with. the enumeration of prabhiiva and also of rasa,
vipiika and virya wherever there is a divergence among them, as
determined by empirical observation. This is very necessary not
only for the selection of medicines and diet in the cure of diseases,
but also for prevention of diseases. It is well to remember that
many diseases were supposed to arise through eating together things
which are opposed to each other in rasa, vipiika or virya.

The Psychological Views and other Ontological

Caraka in the eighth chapter of the Sutra-sthiina counts the
senses as being five in number. Though both the Sarp.khya and the
Vaise~ika systems, to which Ayur-veda is largely indebted for its
philosophical ideas, admit'manas, or mind-organ, as a separate sense
(indriya), Ayur-veda here differs from them and, as Cakrapal).i says,
separates manas from the ordinary senses by reason of the fact that
it has many functions which are not possessed by any of the other
senses (cakfur-iidibhyo 'dhika-dharma-yogitayii) 1 • Caraka himself,
however, in another place speaks incidentally of a sixth sense
(~a¢-indriya) in connection with the description of sweet taste 2 •
Manas is, however, here described as transcending the senses
(atindriya). Cakrapal)i, in explaining the atzndriya character of
manas, says that it is called atindriya because it is not a cause
of the knowledge of external objects like the other senses. Manas
is, indeed, the direct cause of pleasure and pain, but it is the
superintendent of all the senses (adluffhiiyaka). ~Janas is also
called sattva and cetas. The self is, however, the permanent subject
of all acts of consciousness (cetanii-pratisandhiitii). When the manas
comes into contact with its objects, viz. pleasure or pain or the
objects of thought, and the self makes an effort at grasping these
objects, then there is a movement on the part of man as, by which
it feels pleasure or pain, or thinks the objects of thought, or moves
the sense-organs. Thus, when the self makes an effort and the
objects of pleasure or pain or thought are present, then the manas
turns to these as its objects and moves the senses, and the senses,
guided by it, grasp their respective objects and produce their
1 CakrapaQ.i's commentary on Caraka-smphitii, I. 8. 3·
2 Caraka-smphitii, I. 26. 41, tatra madhuro rasa/:z ••. ~a4 indriya-prasiidanal:z.
xnr] Psychological Views and Ontological Categories 367
The one manas appears as diverse on account of the diversity of
its objects of thought (e.g. the mind may sometimes take religious
thoughts and appear religious and at other times take lustful
thoughts and appear lustful), diversity of sense-objects with which
it is associated (e.g. the mind may grasp colour, smell or sound,
etc.), and diversity of ways of imagination (e.g. "This will do
good to me, or "This will do me harm," etc.). In the same man
the mind may sometimes appear as angry, ignorant or virtuous.
But in reality the manas is one and the same for each person; all
these differences do not appear at the same time with the same
person, as might have been the case if there were many minds for
one and the same person. Moreover, the manas is atomic; for
otherwise many different objects or functions could be performed
by one and the same manas at the same time.
It may be asked, if one and the same manas can show
different kinds of moral propensities, sattva, rajas or tamas, how
can any person be characterized as slittvika, rlijasika or tlimasika?
The answer is that a man is called slittvika, rlijasika or tlimasika
according as predominance of one or other of these gutzas is
observed in that man.
llfanas is supposed to move the senses, which are constituted
of likiiJa, air, light, heat, water and earth; and the seats of the
senses are the physical sockets of the eye, the ear, the nostrils, the
tongue and the skin. The five sense-cognitions are produced
through the contiguity of the senses, the sense-objects, manas
and soul. They are short-lived (k~atzika), but not exactly momen-
tary, as the Buddhists would like to have them 1 • They also are of
determinate nature (niscaylitmikal;). As Cakrapal).i says, it is quite
possible for transitory sense-cognitions to give a determinate report
of their objects. Though all the senses are made up of the five
elements, yet those senses which contain any element in a pre-
ponderating degree were conceived as made up of that element.
The sense that has a particular e~ement in a preponderating degree
is regarded as having by virtue of that a special capacity for
grasping that particular element 2 •
The connection of the body, tne senses, the manas and the self

1 Cakrapal).i's commentary on Caraka-smphitii, I. 8. II. K~atrikii ity iiSutara-

viniisinyab na tu bauddha-siddhiintavad eka-kwJJ.iivasthiiyinyab.
tatra yad-yad-iitmakam indriya1{l viseyiit tat-tad-iitmakam eviirtham anu-
grh1)iiti tat-svabhiiviid vibhutviic ca. (Caraka, I. 8. I4.)
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
is called life (fivita)l. The self is everywhere regarded as the agent
which unites the acts of consciousness (jfiiina-pratisandhiitii).
Cakrapal)i says that, since the body is momentary (sarirasya
kfm;zikatvena), it may be argued that the union of the self with
the body is also momentary. The answer that Cakrapal).i gives to
such an objection is that, though the body is momentary, yet,
since the momentary bodies are repeated in a series, the series as
a whole may be looked upon as one; and, though the union of the
self with each term of the series is momentary, yet, since the series
may be looked upon as one, its union with the self may also be
regarded as one (santiina-vyavasthito 'yam ekatayii ucyate) 2 • In
another place Caraka says that the manas, the self and the body
are connected together like a tripod, on which life rests; if any one
of the components is missing, the unity is broken 3 •
It has already been pointed out that, according to Caraka,
the self is active and that by its activity the mind moves; and
it is by the operation of mind that the senses move. The self
is also regarded as being cetana (conscious). But this consciousness
does not belong to the self in itself, it is attained only by its
connection with the senses through manas 4 • It is, however,
necessary to note that apart from this se]f there is, according to
Caraka, another transcendent self (para}; iitmii), different from the
self which participates in the union of the body and the senses
(which is also technically called the sa1[lyogi-purUfa) 5 • The subtler,
or transcendent, self is unchangeable (nir-vikiira). Knowledge
implies a process and a change, and this self manifests con-
sciousness only in those parts where it becomes associated with
manas and the senses. Thus, though the self is eternal, yet the
rise of consciousness in it is occasional. The unchangeableness
of the self consists in its being able to unite with itself its past and
future states 6 • If the self were not permanent, it could not unite
with itself all its past experiences. The sufferings and enjoyment
1 Caraka, 1. I. 4I. The other synonyms of life are dhiiri, nityaga and
anubandha. Ibid. I. 1. 41.
8 sattvam iitmii sa1"ira1[l ca trayam etat tri-dat:,ujavat
lokas tl~!hati sa1Jlyogiit tatra sarva1Jl prat#!hitam. Ibid. I. 1. 45·
4 idam eva ciitmanas cetanatva1Jl, yad indriya-sa1Jlyoge sati jniina-siilitva1Jl,

na nikr~!asyiitmanai cetanatvam. Cakrapa:Qi on Caraka, I. I . 47·

5 nirvikiirab paras tv iitmii satva-bhuta-gutzendriyaib. Caraka, I. I. 55· tena
sattva-saririitma-melaka-rilpo ya iitma-sabdena ucyate ta1Jl vyiivartayati. Cakra-
pa:Qi on the above.
• nityatva1Jl ciitmanab purviipariivasthiinubhutiirtha-pratisandhiiniit. Cakra-
pa:Qi on Caraka, 1. I. 55·
XIII] Psychological Views and Ontological Categories 369
that affect us should not be attributed to the self, but to manas
(drsyamiina-riigiidi-vikiiras tu manast).
The special feature of this view of self is that it is permanent
and unchangeable; this self seems to hold within it all the indi-
vidual egos which operate in association with their respective senses,
manas and body. It becomes endowed with consciousness only
when it is in association with the senses. Pleasure, pain and the
movements involved in thought-processes are attributed to manas,
though the manas is also considered to derive its activity from the
self. The states of consciousness that are produced are all united
in the self. The self, thus diverted in its subtler aspect from the
senses and manas, is eternal and unchangeable, whereas in its
aspect as associated with manas and the senses it is in the sphere
of change and consciousness. This view is therefore different from
those of the orthodox schools of Indian philosophy.
It is well to note in this connection that the Caraka-Sa'f!zhitii
begins with an enumeration of the Vaise~ika categories, and, though
it often differs from the Vaise~ika view, it seems to take its start
from the Vaise~ika. It enumerates the five elements, manas, time,
space and self as substances (dravya); it enumerates the gu7JaS,
such as the sensible qualities, the mechanical or physical qualities
given in the list beginning with heaviness (gurv iidayal;), intelli-
gence (buddht), and those beginning with remoteness (para) and
ending with effort (prayatna). But what is this gurv iidi list? There
is no such list in the Vaisefika-siitras. Cakrapal).i, however, refers to
an enumeration given in a later chapter (1. 25. 35) by Caraka, where
however these gu7JaS are not enumerated as belonging to all sub-
stances, but only to the food and drink that we take 1 • But the list
referred to as pariidi (beginning with pariidi) prayatniinta (ending in
prayatna) is not to be found anywhere in the Caraka-Sa'f!zhitii. This
may be a reference to the Vaisefika-sutra, 1. 1. 6 2 • But, if this is so,
it leaves out a number of other gu:JJ,as enumerated in the V aiSe§ika-
siitra which were counted there in the pariidi list 3 • Caraka
himself gives a list of gu7JaS beginning with para which includes
some of those gu7Jas included in the V aisefika-siitra already
1 iihiiratvam iihiirasyaikavidham arthiibhediit sa puna/:z ... vi1rtiati-gu7JO guru-
laghu-iuo~7Ja-snigdha-rilk~a-manda-tikroa-sthira-sara-mrdu- kathina- viiada-pic-
chila-ilakroa-khara-sii~a-sthiila-siindra-draviinugamiit. C araka-satflhitii, I. 5 .J 5.
paratviiparatve buddhayal:z sukha-dul.zkhe icchii-dve~au prayatnas ca gu7Jii~z.
Vaiie#ka-siitra, I. 1. 6.
3 riipa-rasa-gandha-ipariii/:z sa1{lkhyii-parimii7}iini PrthaktvatfZ smp.yoga-
vibhiigau paratviiparatve. Ibid.
DII 24
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
referred to and some more. The gu'l}as enumerated are para, apara,
yukti, sa1J1khyii, sa1J'lyoga, vibhiiga, prthaktva, parimii1Ja, sa1J1Skiira,
and abhyiisa 1 • Para means "superiority" or" importance" (pra-
dhiina), apara means "inferiority" or "unimportance" (apra-
dhiina). This importance or unimportance is with reference to
country, time, age, measure, the rasa resulting from digestion
(piika), potency (virya) and taste (rasa). Thus, a dry country is
called para and a marshy one apara; the rains (visarga) of early
and late autumn (sarat and hemanta) are called para, whereas the
season of drought (winter, spring and summer) is called apara;
with reference to piika, virya and rasa, para and apara mean
"suitability" and "unsuitability"-that which is suitable to one is
para and that which is unsuitable to him is apara. Yukti means
proper selection of medicines with reference to certain diseases
(do~iidy-apek~ayii bhe~ajasya samicina-kalpanii} ; sa1J1khyii means
"number"; sa1J1yoga, the mixing up or compounding of two or
more substances; vibhiiga, separation; prthaktva, difference. The
mountains Hirn.alaya and Meru are prthak, because they are
situated in different places and cannot unite; again, even though
a pig and a buffalo may meet together, they always remain different
from each other; and again, in the same class, say in a collection
of peas, each pea is different in identity from the other; in the last
case difference in number constitutes a difference in identity; thus,
wherever there is a numerical difference (anekatii}, there is difference
in identity. Prthaktva thus stands for three kinds of difference,
spatial difference, difference of characters and difference of identity
due to numerical distinction. Parimii1Ja means measurement by
weight, sa1J1Skiira means the production of new qualities and
abhyiisa means habit due to constant practice (satata-kriyii). It
is evident from the above that, though the terms used are the
same as those used by Kal).ada in the V aiSe#ka-sii.tra, yet they are
mostly used in different senses in accordance, probably, with
medical tradition. But this list does not end with prayatna; it
seems therefore that pariidi and prayatniinta stand for two dif-
ferent lists and should not be combined together. We have above
the pariidi list. The prayatniinta is a different list of gu1Jas. It
includes, as Cakrapal).i says, icchii (desire), dve~a (hatred), sukha
Pariiparatve yuktis ca saT{lklzyii saT{lyoga eva ca, vibhiigas ca prthaktvaT{l ca
pariml11Jllm athiipi ca, satpSkiiriibhyiisa ity ete gu1Jiilz jiieyiilz pariidayalz. Caraka-
saT{lhitii, 1. 26. 27-29.
XIII] Psychological Views and Ontological Categories 371
(pleasure), dul:zkha (pain) and prayatna (effort). Prayatna means
that particular quality by the rise of which in the soul the manas
is moved to activity.
Karma (movement) is described as prayatniidi-ce~#tam, i.e.
a movement of the nature of conscious effort; the word iidi in
prayatniidi is explained by Cakrapal).i as meaning "of the nature
of 1 ."
Samaviiya means the relation of inseparable inherence, as in
the case of qualities and substances. Cakrapal).i, in explaining the
nature of samaviiya, says that it is eternal, so that, even when in a
particular case it may disappear, it continues to exist in other cases.
It is never destroyed or created anew, but only its appearance
is or is not manifested in particular cases 2 • In the case of
siimiinya and viSe~a, again, Caraka seems to add a new sense to
the words. In the Vaise~ika systems the word siimiinya means
a class concept; but here it means the concrete things which have
similar constituents or characteristics; and viSe~a, which means in
Vaise~ika ultimate specific properties differentiating one atom from
another, means in Caraka concrete things which have dissimilar
and opposite constituents or characteristics. Siimiinya and viSe~a
thus have a significance quite different from what they have in the
V aiSe#ka-siltras. The principle of siimiinya and vise~a is the main
support of Ayur-veda; for it is the principle which underlies
the application of medicines and the course of diets. Substances
having similar constituents or characteristics will increase each
other, and those having dissimilar constituents or characteristics
will decrease each other. Thus a substance having the character-
istics of viita will increase viita and decrease sle~an, which is
dissimilar to it, and so on. Siimiinya is thus defined as tulyiirtlzatii,
i.e. performing similar purposes. Instead of having only a con-
ceptual value, siimiinya and vise~a are here seen to discharge
a pragmatic work of supreme value for Ayur-veda. As regards
the theory of substances (dravya) also, though Caraka borrowed
the enumeration of categories, Cakrapal).i says that the simpler
bhutas formed parts of the complex ones (bhiltiintariinupravesa),
and in support of this idea he quotes a siltra from the Nyaya-
siltra, which, however, there occurs as an opponent's view, since
the theory of bhiltiinupravesa was not believed in by the Nyaya-
1 iidi-Jabda!J prakiiraviicf. Cakrapal)i's commentary on Caraka-sa1{lhitii, I.
I. 48. 2 Ibid. I. I. 49·
372 Speculations in the Medical Schools (CH.
Vaise~ika school; with that school none of the elements entered
into any other, and their qualities were fixed in themselves.
However, in spite of these modifications, the relation of Nyaya-
Vaise!jiika with Caraka seems to be close. But the detailed descrip-
tion of the school of Sa:rpkhya,in IV. 1 ,as has already been mentioned
and explained in the first volume of the present work, in the
chapter on Sarpkhya, does not seem to have much bearing on the
needs of Ayur-veda; and so the whole chapter does not appear to
fit in with the rest of the work, and it is not referred to in other
parts of the book. It is not improbable that this chapter was
somehow added to the book from some other treatise.
Susruta does not, like Caraka, enumerate the categories of the
Vaise~ika, and his account of Sarpkhya is very faithful to the
traditional account given in lsvarakp:;Q.a's Kiirikii and in the
Sii1Jtkhya-siltra. Having described the Sarpkhya theory, Susruta
says that according to medical science the causes of things are
sixfold, viz. ( 1) nature of things (svabhiiva), (2) God (lsvara),
(3) time (kala), (4) accidental happenings (yadrcchii), (5) destiny
(niyati) and (6) evolution (paritziima)l. As I)alhaQ.a points out,
Susruta has in several places referred to the operation of all these
causes. Thus the formation of the limbs of the body in the foetus-
state is said to be due to nature (svabhiiva) ; God as fire is said to
operate as the digestive fire in the stomach and to help digestion;
time as seasons is said to be the cause of the increase and decrease
of do~as; destiny means virtue and vice, and diseases and recovery
from them are sometimes attributed to these. Jejjata, in com-
menting on Susruta (as reported by I)alhaQ.a), says that all the
above six causes, with the exception of God, are but different
names of prakrti. Gayi, however, thinks that the above six causes
represent the instrumental cause, though prakrti may still be con-
sidered as being the material cause (upiidiina-kiirar;a).
As I)alhaQ.a and Gayi think, there is no reason to suppose that
Susruta described the Sa:rpkhya doctrine; for, immediately after
describing the sixfold causes, he speaks of the elements as being
constituted of the three gur;as, sattva, rajas and lamas. Even the
senses are regarded as being material. Souls are according to Ayur-
veda eternal, though they are limited to their bodies and are not
all-pervasive. They are manifested when the semen and the blood
combine, and it is this bodily self, suffering transmigration owing
1 Suiruta-sm.nhita, III. I. I I.
XIII] Logical Speculations and Terms 373
to virtue and vice (called karma-puru~a), with which medical
science is concerned. When the self is in association with manas,
it has the following qualities: pleasure, pain, desire, hatred,
effort, prii:IJ,a and apiina (the upward current of breath and the
downward force acting in the direction of the rectum), the opening
and closing of the eyelids, the action of the intellect as decision
or buddhi (niscaya), imagination (saf!lkalpa), thought (viciira7Jii),
memory (smrti), scientific knowledge (viJiiiina), energy (adhya-
vasiiya) and sense-cognitions (v#ayopalabdhi). The qualities of
manas are divided into three classes, viz. siittvika, riiJasa and
tiimasa; of these the siittvika ones are kind actions, the desire of
enjoying gradually, mercy, truthfulness, virtue, faith, self-know-
ledge, retentive power (medhii), intelligence (buddhz), self-control
(dhrtz), and sense of duty for the sake of duty (anabh#ang-a); the
riiJasa qualities are suffering, impatience, pride, untruthfulness,
cruelty, boastfulness, conceit (mana), joy, passion and anger; the
tiimasa qualities are dullness, viciousness, want of retentive power,
idleness and sleepiness.

Logical Speculations and Terms relating to

Academic Dispute.
Things are either existent (sat) or non-existent (asat)~ and they
can be investigated by the four pramii7Jas, viz. the testimony of
trusty persons (aptopadesa), perception (pratyak~a), inference
(anumiina) and the coming to a conclusion by a series of syllogisms
of probability (yukti) 1 .
Those whose minds are free from the impurities of raJas and
tam as through the force of their ascetic endeavours, who possess un-
limited knowledge extending through the past, present and future,
are to be considered as trustworthy (iipta). Such persons neither
have any deficiency of knowledge nor would they willingly say
anything untrue. They must be considered as absolutely trusty
(iipta), and their testimony may be regarded as true 2 •
The valid and certain knowledge that arises as the result of
the relation of self, senses, monas and sense-objects is called
"perception." This contact of the sense with the object is re-
garded by CakrapaQi as being of five kinds, viz. ( 1) contact with
the dravya (substance), called sal!lyoga; (z) contact with the gll1:zas
Caraka-sa1Jlhitii, I. I I . 17. z Ibid. I. II. 18, 19.
374 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.

(qualities) through the thing (sa1{Zyukta-samaviiya) in which they

inhere by samaviiya (inseparable) relation; (3) contact with the
gu7Jas (such as colour, etc.) in the generic character as universals
of those qualities, e.g. colouredness (rilpatva), which exist in the
gu7Jas in the samaviiya relation ; this is called sa1Jtyukta-samaveta-
samaviiya since the eye is in contact with the thing and the colour
is in the thing by samaviiya relation, and in the specific colour
there is the universal colour or the generic character of colour by
samaviiya relation; (4) the contact called samaviiya by which sounds
are said to be perceived by the ear: the auditory sense is iikliia,
and the sound exists in iikliia by the samaviiya relation, and thus
the auditory sense can perceive sound by a peculiar kind of contact
called samaveta-samaviiya; (5) the generic character of sound
as the sound universal (sabdatva) is perceived by the kind of
contact known as samaveta-samaviiya. It is only immediately
resulting (tadiitve) cognition of such a contact that is called per-
ception (pratyak~a); for inference, memory, etc. also may come
in as a result of such a cognition at later stages through other
successive processes (piira1Jtparya) .• CakrapaQ.i further notes that
tb.e four kinds of contact spoken of here are the real causes of
the phenomenon of perception; in reality, however, "knowledge
that results as the effect of sense-contact " would be a sufficient
definition of pratyakia; so in the perception of pleasure, though
none of these contacts are necessary, it is regarded as a valid
case of direct perception. Contact with the self is, of course,
necessary for all kinds of cognition 1 • It is easy to see that the
above theory of perception is of the same type as that found in
the Nyaya system. The nir-vikalpa perception is not taken into
consideration ; for there is nothing corresponding to the term
avyapadesya in the Nyiiya-siltra 2 • Inference must be based
on perception, by which the concomitance of the hetu can first
be observed. Inference is of three kinds, viz. from kiirya (effect)
to kiira7Ja (cause), as the inference of cohabitation from pregnancy;
from cause to effect, as the inference of the future production of
1 CakrapaQi on Caraka-sa7[lhitii, I. II. 20.
2 The definition of pratyak~a given in Caraka-sa7[lhitii, I. II. 20, is:
iitmendriya-mano-'rthiinii'!l sannikarsiit pravartate
vyakta tadatve yii buddhib pratyak,a'!l sii nirucyate.
The definition of pratya~a in the Nyiiya-siitra is as follows:
indriyiirtha-sannikar~otpanna'!l jiianam avyapadeJyam
avyabhiciiri vyavasiiyatmaka'!l pratyak,am.
For a discussion thereon see vol. I, pp. 333-343.
XIII] Logical Speculations and Terms 375
fruit from a seed with the other attendant causes, sprinkling with
water and the like; and inference by associations other than that of
cause and effect, as the inference of fire from smoke 1 •
Yukti is not counted as a separate pramli1Ja by any other system
of Indian thought. When our intelligence judges a fact by a complex
weighing in mind of a number of reasons, causes or considerations,
through which one practically attains all that is desirable in life,
as virtue, wealth or fruition of desires, we have what may be called
yukti2 • As CakrapaQi points out, this is not in reality of the nature
of a separate pramii:l}a; but, since it helps pramli1Jas, it is counted
as a pramli1Ja. As an example of yukti, Caraka mentions the fore-
casting of a good or bad harvest from the condition of the ground,
the estimated amount of rains, climatic conditions and the like.
CakrapaQi rightly says that a case like this, where a conclusion is
reached as the combined application of a number of reasonings, is
properly called uha and is current among the people by this name.
It is here counted as a separate pramli1Ja. It is in reality an in-
ference of an effect from causes and, as such, cannot be used at
the present time, and hence it cannot be called tri-kiila, valid in
all the three times, past, present and future, as Caraka says.
The Buddhist, writes Santarak~ita in discussing Caraka's doc-
trine of yukti as a separate pramli1Ja, holds that yukti consists in the
observation that, since, when this happens, that happens, and, since,
when this does not happen, that does not happen, this is the cause
of that. It may be argued that this is not a case of inference, since
there is no proposition equivalent to the proposition with a dntiinta,
or example, in Nyaya inference (e.g. whatever 1s smoky is fiery, as
the kitchen). It is held, as Kamala5ila interprets, that the cause-
effect idea is derived from the idea of" this happening, that hap-
pens," and there is no other idea in the notion of causality; if in any
case any particular example is given, then another example might
be asked for, and after that another, and we should have regressus
pratyak~a-piirva1Jl tri-vidha'!l
tri-kiilat{l ciinum'iyate
vahnir nigiil]ho dhiimena
maithuna'!l garbha-darsaniit.
Evat{l vyavasyanty atftat{l
b'ijiit phalam aniigatat{l
drstvii bljiit phala'f!l jiitam
ihaiva sadrsam budhiib.
Caraka-sa'!lhitii, 1. 11. 21, 22.
buddhib pa$yati yii bhiiviin bahu-kiira'l)a-yogajiin
yuktis tri-kiila sii jiieyii tri-vargab siidhyate yayii. Ibid. I. 11. 25.
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
ad infinitum 1 • These arguments in support of yukti as the conclud-
ing of the cause-eff~ct relation from" this happening, that happens"
relation are refuted by Santarak!?ita and Kamalasila, who point out
that there are no separate cognitive processes which link up the
relation of "this happening, that happens" with the cause-effect
relation, because both these convey the same concept. The cause-
effect relation is the same as "this happening, that happens."
It may be argued that, whenever anything invariably and un-
conditionally happens on the happening of any other thing, then
the two are considered to be related as cause and effect, just as a
jug, etc. are invariably seen to appear after the proper operations
of the potter and his wheels. If this is yukti, then it is not a different
source of knowledge.
CakrapaQ.i, however, points out that these criticisms are all
beside the point, since yukti, according to Caraka, is not kiirya-
kiirarJatii from tad-bhiiva-bhiivitii; it is the arriving at a conclusion
as a result of a series of reasonings. But it is important to note
that in 111. 4· 6 and 7 Caraka speaks of three kinds of pramlirJas,
viz. pratyak~a, anumiina and sabda, and describes anumiina as being
tarka depending on yukti. Tarka is explained by CakrapaQi as
being the knowledge of things which cannot be perceived (tarko
'pratyak~a-jfiiinam), and yukti is here paraphrased by CakrapaQ.i as
the relation of a-vinii-bhiiva. It is said in this connection that a
disease is to be determined by pratyak~a, the medical texts (iipto-
padesa) and inference. But in 111. 8. 6. 33 and 34 Caraka counts
aitihya as iiptopadesa, though ordinarily aitihya is considered in
dr~tiinte 'py ata eva tad-bhiiva-blziivitviit kiiryatii-pratipatti!z, tatriipi
dn!iinto 'nyo 'nve~a7Jzya!z, tatriipy apara ity anavasthii. Kamalasila as quoted by
CakrapaQ.i on Caraka-sa1Jlhitii, 1. 1 1. 25.
Santarak:?ita misrepresents Caraka's view of yukti in a very strange manner.
He says that, when from the fact that in all cases when A is present B is present
and in all cases when A is absent B is also absent one thinks A to be the cause
of B, this is regarded by Caraka as the new pramii1)a of yukti. Santarak:?ita's
exact words are:
asmin sati bhavaty eva na bhavaty asatzti ca
tasmiid ato bhavaty eva yuktir e~ii 'bhidhlyate
pramii1)iintaram eveyam ity iiha carako muni!z
niinumiinam iya1Jl yasmiid drnanto 'tra na labhyate.
Tattva-sa1Jlgraha, p. 482.
This, however, is entirely different from what Caraka says, as is pointed out by
Cakrapar:ti in his commentary on Caraka-sa1Jlhitii. Caraka's idea of yukti is the
logic of probability, i.e. when from a number of events, circumstances, or
observations one comes to regard a particular judgment as probable, it is called
yukti, and, as it is different from inference or any of the other accepted pramiir,ras,
it is to be counted as a separate pramii1)a. So far as I know, this is the only
example of the introduction of the logic of probability in Indian thought.
XIII] Logical Speculations and Terms 377
Indian philosophy as being "tradition" or long-standing popular
belief, different from iiptopadesa; upamiina, under the name of
aupamya, is also referred to.
It may not be out of place here to note that the obstacles to
perception referred to in the Sii'f!Jkhya-kiirikii are all mentioned
here. Thus it is said that even those things which have colour
(rupa) cannot be perceived if they are covered by a veil, or if the
senses are weak, or if the mind is unsettled, or if they are mixed
up in any homogeneous .medium indistinguishable from them,
or when in the case of smaller lights they are overcome by stronger
luminaries, or when they are too fine or too subtle 1 •
Logic was of use with Indian medical men not only in diag-
nosing a disease, but also in the debates which they had with one
another. The rival practitioners often had to show their skill and
learning in debates on occasions of the treatment of illness of rich
patients. The art of carrying on a dispute successfully was con-
sidered an important acquisition among medical practitioners.
Thus we have a whole set of technical terms relating to disputes,
such as are never found in any other literature, excepting the
Nyiiyp-siltra. In the Caraka-sa1J1hitii almost the whole of the chapter
called the "Roga-bhi~ag-jitiya-ttimiina " (III. 8) is devoted to this
purpose. It is well to remember that different kinds of disputes
and fallacies are mentioned in the Nyiiya-sutra, and it will be useful
to refer to these when dealing with similar topics from either the
Caraka-sa'f!Jhitii or the Suiruta-sa1J1hitii.
The four terms referred to in connection with disputes in the
!vyiiya-siltra are tarka, viida, jalpa and vita1}¢ii. Tarka is said to
be the same as uha, and this is explained as a process of reasoning
carried on in one's mind before one can come to any right con-
clusion. It is a name for the subjective weighing of different
alternatives on the occasion of a doubt before a conclusive affirma-
tion or denial (nir'f}aya) is made. Disputes are said to be of three
kinds, viida, jalpa and vita1}¢ii. Viida means a discussion for the
ascertainment of truth, jalpa a dispute in which the main object
is the overthrow of the opponent rightly or wrongly, and vita1}¢ii
a dispute in which attempts are made to discover the faults of
the opponent's thesis without any attempt to offer any alternative
thesis. Viida is thus essentially different in its purpose from jalpa
and vitatz¢ii; for viida is an academical discussion with pupils,
1 Caraka-sa'!lhitii, I. 11. 8.
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
teachers) fellow-stUdents and persons seeking truth solely for the
purpose of arriving at right conclusions, and not for fame or gain1 •
Jalpa, on the other hand, is that dispute which a man carries on
while knowing himself to be in the wrong or unable to defend
himself properly from his opponents except by trickery and other
unfair methods of argument.
Caraka, in 111. 8, says that a medical man should hold discussions
(sambhiiJii) with other medical men. Discussion increases zeal for
knowledge (sartthar~a), clarifies knowledge, increases the power of
speech and of achieving fame, removes doubts in the learning
acquired before and strengthens convictions. In the course of these
discussions many new things may be learnt, and often out of zeal
an opponent will disclose the most cherished secret teachings of his
teachers. These discussions are of two classes, friendly (sandhiiya
sarttbhii~ii) and hostile (vigrhya sarttbhii~ii). A friendly discussion is
held among wise and learned persons who frankly and sincerely
discuss questions and give their views without any fear of being
defeated or of the fallacies of their arguments being exposed. For
in such discussions, even though there may be the fallacies de-
scribed, no one would try to take advantage of the other, no one is
jubilant over the other's defeat and no attempt is made to mis-
interpret or misstate the other's views.
Caraka then proceeds to give instructions as to how one should
behave in an assembly where one has to meet with hostile disputes.
Before engaging oneself in a hostile discussion with an opponent
a man ought carefully to consider whether his opponent is inferior
(para) to him and also the nature of the assembly (pari§at) in which
the discussion is undertaken. A pari~at may be learned (jfiiinavati)
or ignorant (mil{lhii), and these again may be friendly (suhrt),
neutral (udiisfnii), or hostile (pratinivi§tii). When an opponent is to
be judged, he is to be judged from two points of view, intellectual
and moral. Thus, on the one hand, it has to be considered whether
he is learned and wise, whether he remembers the texts and can
reproduce them quickly and has powers of speech, and on the
other hand, whether he is of an irritable temperament, or of a
fearful nature, etc. A man mnst carefully consider whether his
opponent is superior to him in these qualifications or not.
1 viida1Jl ca nin:raya-phaliirthibhir ella sqya-sabrahmaciiri-gurubhib saha v'fta-

riigaib, na khyiiti-labha-rabhasa-prativardhamiina-spardhiinubandha-vidhuriitma-
bhir iirabheta. Nyiiya-maiijarf, p. 594·
XIII] Logical Speculations and Terms 379
No disputes should be undertaken in a hostile assembly; for
even the best arguments might be misinterpreted. In an ignorant,
friendly or neutral assembly it is possible to win a debate by pro-
ceeding tactfully against an opponent who is looked down upon
by famous or otherwise great persons. In beginning conversations
with such persons attempts may be made to puzzle them by
reciting long sutras and to demoralize or stun them, as it were,
by jokes, banter and gestures and by using satirical language.
When a man has to enter into a dispute with his equal, he
should find out the special point in which his opponent is weak
and attack him there and should try to corner him in such positions
as are generally unacceptable to people in general. Caraka then
proceeds to explain a number of technical terms in connection
with such disputes. Like the Nyaya, Caraka divides such hostile
disputes (viida) into two classes,jalpa and vitm:uJii. Pratijfiii is the
enunciation of a thesis which is sought to be proved, e.g. "The
puru~a is eternal." Sthiipanii is the establishing of a thesis by
syllogistic reasonings involving propositions with hetu, dntiinta,
upanaya and nigamana. Thus the above thesis (pratijiiii), "The
punt~a is eternal," is to be supported by a reason (hetu), "because
it is uncreated ";by an example (dntiinta), "The sky is uncreated
and it is eternal"; by a proposition showing the similarity between
the subject of the example and the subject of the thesis (upanaya),
viz. "Just as the iikiisa is uncreated, so the puru~a is also uncreated" ;
and finally by establishing the thesis (nigamana), "Therefore the
puru~a is eternal 1 ."
Pratifthiipanii is the attempt to establish a proposition contrary
to the proposition or the thesis put forth by the opponent. Thus,
when the thesis of the sthapanii is "Pur~a is eternal," the prati-
sthiipanii proposition would be "Puru~a is non-eternal," because
"it is perceivable by the senses," and "The jug which is per-
ceptible to the senses is non-eternal," and" Puru~a is like the jug,"
so "Pur~a is non-eternal."
Caraka defines hetu as "the cause of knowledge" (hetur niima
upalabdhi-kiira7Jam), and the cause of knowledge is the pramal)as of
pratyakJa, anumiina, aitihya and aupamya. The definition of hetu
in the Nyaya-siltra refers only !o the perceived hetu in the
case of inference, through a similarity or dissimilarity to which a
1 It is easy to see that Caraka admitted in a syllogism all the five propositions

that are admitted in the Nyiiya-sutra.

Speculations in the Medical Schools (CH.
relation is established by inference 1 • Here Caraka points out that
a hetu may be either perceived, inferred or found by analogy or
from the scriptures, but, in whichever way it may be found, when
it leads to knowledge, it is called a hetu. Thus, when I say, "The
hill is fiery, because it smokes" (parvato vahnimiin dhumavattviit),
the smoke is the hetu, and it is directly perceived by the eye. But
when I say, "He is ill, because he is of low digestion," the hetu is
not directly perceived, but is only inferred; for the fact of one's
being in low digestion cannot be directly perceived. Again, when
it is said, "Puru~a is eternal, because it is uncreated" (nitya/:l
puru~ab a-krtakatviit), the uncreatedness (a-krtakatva) is the hetu,
but it is neither perceived, nor inferred, but accepted from the
testimony of the scriptures. Again, in the proposition," His face
is most beautiful, because it has been compared \\tith the moon"
(asya mukha1J1 kiintatama1J1 candropamatviit), the fact of being com-
pared with the moon is the hetu and it is known by upa!'lii 2 • Thus
Caraka's definition of hetu does not really come into conflict with
that of Gautama: he only says that a hetu may be discovered
by any of the pramii7JaS, and, by whichever pramii7Ja it may be
discovered, it may be called a hetu, if it is invariably and uncon-
ditionally (a-vinii-bhiiva) associated with the major term (siidhya) 3 •
Caraka then proceeds to describe uttara, which is in purport
the same as the jiiti of the Nyiiya-sutras. When an opponent wants
to prove a thesis on the basis of a similarity of the subject of the
thesis with the hetu, attempts have to be made to upset the thesis
by showing its dissimilarity to the hetu. Thus one may say that
the feeling of cold in a man must be due to his being affected by
snow, dews, or chilly air, because effects arise from causes similar
to them; in reply it may be said that effects are dissimilar from
their causes, since a burning fever may often be an effect of cold 4 •
udiihara7Ja-siidharmyiit siidhya-siidhana1Jl hetub
tathii vaidharmyiit. Nyiiya-sutra, I. J.. 34, 35·
2 See Gangadhara's Jalpa-kalpa-taru, 111. 8. 122.
hetuf cii•viniibhiit-•a-liizga-vacana'l!l yady api, tathiiplha liizga-pragriihakii1Ji
pratyakfiidi-pramii7Jiiny eva yathokta-hetu-millatvena hetu-sabdeniiha.
Cakrapar:ti on Caraka, III. 8. 6. 25.
' siidharmya-vaidharmyiibhyii1{l pratyavasthiina1Jljiitil;. Nyiiya-siltra, I. 2. 18.
There are twenty-four kinds of this jiiti, e.g. (1-2) siidharmya-vaidharmya-sama,
(3-8) utkar~iipakar~a-va77Jyiivar7Jya-vikalpa-siidhya-sama, ( 9-1 o) prapty-apriipti-
sama, (11-12) prasaizga-pratidntanta-sama, (13) anutpatti-sama, (14) Sa1Jlfaya-
sama, (15) prakara7Ja-sama, (16) ahetu-sama, (17) arthiipatti-sama, (18) avise~a­
sama, (19) upapatti-sama, (20) upalabdhi-sama, (21) anupalabdhi-sama, (22) nitya-
sama, (23) anitya-sama, (24) kiirya-sama.
Sadlzarmya-vaidharmya-sama is that in which, when an argument is given on
XIII] Logical Speculations and Terms
The long list of jiitis given in the Nyiiya-siitra and explained
in the commentaries and in the Nyiiya-maiijari is not referred to

the basis of the similarity or dissimilarity to a certain hetu, it is pointed out

that quite the opposite conclusions may be drawn from other points of similarity
or dissimilarity with other hetus. Thus, when it is said, "Sabda is non-eternal,
because it is produced by an effort, and whatever is produced by an effort is
non-eternal, as a jug," it may be answered, "Sabda is eternal, because it is
partless : a partless entity like the iikiiia is found to be eternal ; there is no special
reason why on account of its similarity to a jug sound should be non-eternal,
and not eternal owing to its similarity to iihiiia." An escape from the dilemma
is possible by enquiring as to what may constitute an unconditional and
invariable (avyabhiciiri) similarity.
Utkar~iipakar~a-van;yiivan;ya-vikalpa-siidhya-sama is that in which similarity
is pressed too far. Thus it is urged that, because sound is non-eternal like a jug,
it must also be visible like a jug, and, if it is not so, it cannot be non-eternal
like a jug. Moreover, it may be said that the reason why sound is expected
to be non-eternal like a jug is that the former is produced by an effort
(prayatniintanyaka). But things which are produced by efforts differ in many
of their qualities; thus a cloth is soft, and a jug is hard, though both of them
are produced by effort; so it may be argued that, though iabda is as much a
product of effort as a jug, it may not agree with the jug in being non-eternal.
Moreover, instead of arguing that sound is like a jug, it may as well be
argued that a jug is like sound; so that the status of the jug is as uncertain as
sound itself {yadi yathii ghatas lathii iabda/;l priipta'fl tarhi yathii iabda/;l tathii
ghata iti iabdai ciinityatayii siidhya iti ghato 'pi siidhya eva syiid anyathii hi na tena
tulyo bhavet-Nyiiya-manjan, p. 624). In answer to these kinds of fault-finding
the proper argument is that no similarity should be extended beyond its limits,
and an example (dntiinta) should not be considered to have the same status as
a probandum (siidhya); for an example is that which is already agreed upon
among the disputants and the common people (laukika-pari~akiitJii'fl yasminn
arthe buddhi siimya,. sa dntanta/;l).
Priipty-apriipti-sama is that in which it is urged that, if the hetu and the
probandum are together, they cannot be distinguished from each other; if they
are separate, hetu cannot lead us to the siidhya. The answer to this is that a
hetu can produce an effect either by direct contact (e.g. the rope and the stick
in contact with clay produce a jug) or from a distance (e.g. the iyena sacrifice
can destroy an enemy from a distance).
Prasanga· sama is that in which a reason for the hetu is asked. Thus, if the
character of immediately following an effort {prayatniintariyakatva) is the cause
of non-eternality, what can establish the prayatniintanyakatva of a jug, etc.?
The answer to this is that a reason is necessary only for that which is not directly
experienced as being evident in itself. That a jug immediately follows the efforts
that produce it is directly experienced and does not require any argument or
reason to establish it, as no light is required to see a burning lamp.
Drstiinta-sama is that in which from the same hetu two different conclusions
are s~~-n to result. Thus it may be said that both the jug and iikiiia have
the character of immediately following an effort (e.g. as by digging new space
is produced in underground wells which before the effort of digging were solid
earth without space-kupa-khanana-prayatniinantara'fl tad-upalambhiit-and this
character is therefore to be regarded as prayatniintariyaka); yet, as a jug is
non-eternal and iikiiia eternal, so iabda, though it immediately follows an effort,
is eternal. The answer is that, if such an opposite conclusion is drawn, a separate
hetu has to be given, which is not done in the present case.
If sound is non-eternal, it must possess the character of coming into existence
immediately after an effort that produces it; but how can it possess that character
before being produced or coming into existence? If it cannot at that stage
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
by Caraka ; nor does the technical name of jati find any place in
Caraka's description of it. If these elaborate descriptions of jati

possess that character, it must be eternal, since the cause of its non-eternality is
absent. This objection is called anutpatti-sama. The reply is that, unless the sound
is in existence, its eternality or non-eternality cannot be discussed. If it is
non-existent, of what is the eternality to be affirmed by the opponent?
Again, it may be argued that sabda has prayatniintarzyakatva, and therefore
it may be expected to be non-eternal; it is perceived by the senses, and therefore
it may be expected to be eternal, like so many other sensible objects. This doubt
is called sat{liaya-sama. A doubt remains a doubt only so long as the special
features which remove a doubt are not discovered. Though a man may have
many qualities in common with a post, the doubt cannot remain when the
special features of a man (e.g. his having a head and hands and feet) are known.
Prakarat}a-sama is that in which an entity is equally related to hetus, so that
no one conclusion can properly be drawn. Thus, sound has both prayatniinta-
rlyakatva and niravayavatva (partlessness). Though, according to the first, it
may be said to be non-eternal, according to the second it may be said to be
eternal; so it is eternal. The answer is that the second hetu cannot be pressed
as leading to a conclusion, because the first also is admitted to exist.
Ahetu-sama is the objection that there can be no argument from a hetu; for,
if there is no siidhya (probandum), what is it that the hetu produces? and again,
if there is no hetu before the siidhya, how can the siidhya be produced? So,
as hetu is only a concomitant of siidhya, no inference is possible from it.
The answer is that it is quite possible that from the previously existing hetu
the non-existing siidhya should be produced. Arthiipatti-sama is where, for
example, owing to the fact that sound is partless, it appears to be similar to
iikiisa and hence by implication to be eternal. This is against the previous
thesis that it is non-eternal owing to its being prayatniintarfyaka. AviSe~a-sama
is the objection, that if on account of having the same characteristic of pra-
yatniintarfyakatva, sabda and ghafa are said to be equally non-eternal, then,
owing to all things having the same quality of existence (sattii), they are all the
same. The answer to this is that equality in one respect does not mean equality
in all respects.
Upapatti-sama is where a jug may be expected to be non-eternal owing
to its prayatniintarlyakatva and eternal owing to its being partless like iikiiSa.
Upalabdlzi-sama is where it is urged that, when by a terrible storm a tree
is broken, there is sound which is not the result of any human effort (prayatniinta-
nyakat'l.•a), and yet it is non-eternal; again, lightning is not the result of human
effort, still it is non-eternal. The answer is that the concomitance is between
prayatniintanyakatva and non-eternality and not between non-eternality and
prayatniintarlyakatva; so that all that is produced by human effort is non-
eternal, but not vice-versa. It should also be noted that by prayatniintariyakatva
emphasis is laid on the fact that all things that possess this character are pro-
duced. Anitya-sama is an objection where it is urged, for example, that,
if on account of the similarity of sound to a jug, the former is non-eternal,
then, since in some way or other all things in the world must have some simi-
larity to a jug, all things must be non-eternal. The nitya-sama objection runs
as follows: Is non-eternality in sound non-eternal or eternal? If the latter, then
in order that an eternal quality may abide in it, sound itself must be eternal.
If the former, then on some occasions at least sound must be eternal.
The kiirya-sama objection suggests that prayatntintarlyakatva leads to pro-
duction in two ways, either by bringing into existence that which was
non-existent, or by removing the veil from something which was in a veiled
condition; and it remains undecided what sort of prayatniintarlyakatva applies
to sabda.
The above interpretations are all based on Jayanta's Nyiiya-maiijan.
XIII] Logical Speculations and Terms
were known to Caraka, it is unlikely that he should have passed
them over without referring to them.
An example (dr#iinta) is that on which the common folk and
the learned are of the same opinion, since examples involve facts
which are perceived by all and known to all, e.g. the fire is hot,
water is liquid, the earth is firm. A siddhiinta, or conclusion, is
that to which one could arrive after a searching enquiry and
demonstration by proper reasons. This siddhiinta is of four kinds,
viz. (I) sarva-tantra-siddhiinta, or conclusions accepted by all, e.g.
"There are causes of diseases; there are diseases; curable ones
can be cured,; (2) prati-tantra-siddhiinta, or conclusions which are
not accepted by all, but are limited to particular books or persons:
e.g. some say that there are eight rasas, others say that there are
six; some say that there are five senses, others, that there are six;
(3) adhikara7Ja-siddhiinta, or conclusions which being accepted
or proved, other conclusions also become proved or accepted:
e.g. if it is proved that emancipated souls do not reap the fruits
of kanna, as they are without any desire, then the doctrine of the
suffering of the fruits of karma, emancipation, the existence of
soul and existence after death will have to be considered as refuted;
(4) abhyupagama-siddhiinta, or conclusions which are accepted
only for the sake of an argument, and which are neither examined
critically nor considered as proved 1 •
Sabda is a collection of letters which may be of four kinds, viz.
{I) dr~tiirtha-of experienced purport (e.g. "The do~as lose their
equilibrium through three causes"); (2) adrifiirtha--of unper-
ceivable purport (e.g." There is after-life; there is emancipation");
(3) satya, or truth, that which tallies \Vith facts (e.g. "There is
Ayur-veda ; there are means for curing curable diseases '') ; (4) anrta,
the opposite of truth, untruth 2 • Sm,Jaya, or doubt, occurs with
reference to things about which no certainty is attained. Thus
those who are unhealthy and inactive die soon, whereas those who
are healthy and active live a long life. So there is a doubt whether
in this world death happens timely or untimely. Prayojana, or the
object of action, is that for which anything is begun. Thus one
may think that, if there is untimely death, I shall form healthy
habits and leave off unhealthy habits, so that untimely death may
1 All these siddhdntas occur under the same names in the Nyiiya-sutra,
I. I. 28, 29, 30, 31.
2 The first two divisions, dr~tiirtha and adr~tiirtha, occur in the Nyiiya-sutra,
I. x. 8, sa dvividho dHtiidrnarthatvat.
Speculat-ions in the Med£cal Schools [cH.
not touch me 1 • Sa-vyabhiciira means variability, e.g. "This may
or may not be a medicine for this disease 2 ." Jijiiiisii means ex-
perimenting; a medicine is to be advised after proper experiments
(jijiiiisii). Vyavasiiya means decision (niscaya), e.g. "This is a
disease due to predominance of viiyu; this is the medicine for this
disease." Artha-priipti is the same as the well-known arthiipatti, or
implication, when on making a statement, some other thing which
was not said becomes also stated; it is a case of implication, e.g.
the statement, "This disease cannot be cured by allowing the
patient to take his normal food and drink," implies that it can be
cured by fasting, or, if it is said, "He should not eat during the
day," this means that" He should eat during the night 3 ." Smrzbhava
is the source from which anything springs, e.g. the six dhiitus may
be considered as the sa1Jlbhava of the foetus; wrong diet, of disease;
and right course of treatment, of health.
Anuyojya means a faulty answer which omi~s such details as
should have been given in the answer, e.g. "This disease can be
cured by purificatory action"; such an answer is faulty, as it does
not state whether the purification should be made by vomiting
or purging. Ananuyojya is what is different from anuyojya.
Anuyoga is a question put by a learned man in a discussion as an
enquiry about the reason for a thesis put forward by a learned
colleague: e.g. a learned man says," Puru~a is eternal," and another
learned man asks, ''What is the reason?" Such a question is call~d
anuyoga. A counter-question, such as "What is the reason for
your asking such a question?" is called praty-anuyoga.
Viikya-do~a, or faulty statement, is of five kinds, viz. nyuna,
adhika, anarthaka, apiirthaka and viruddha. Nyuna, or the fault
of omission, is that in which any of the five propositions necessary
for a syllogism is omitted. It may also be applied to those cases in
which, when a statement has to be supported by a number of
1 Prayojana, which means pleasure and pain, is referred to in the Nyiiya-

sutra, I. 1. 1, though it is nowhere critically examined. It is explained by

Vatsyayana as that which goads men to action (yena prayuktalz prat:artate).
Uddyotakara explains it as the realization of pleasure and the fear of pain (sukha-
2 ar.aikiintikalz sa-vyabhiciiralz. Nyiiya-sutra, I. 2. 5· E.g." sound is eternal"

because it is untouchabl"!; but untouchability does not lead to eternality, since

the touchable atoms are eternal, whereas untouchable thoughts are short-
8 CakrapaQ.i says that Caraka does not think that artha-priipti is a separate

pramiif}a; according to him it is a case of inference, and hence is not included

in the list of pramii1Jas.
XIII) Logical Speculations and Terms
reasons, only one is offered and others are omitted, materially
affecting the strength of the support of the original statement. Thus
several reasons are given in support of the eternality of puru~a,
viz. beginninglessness, not being the product of any effort, un-
changeableness, etc. Proposing to give all these reasons, and giving
only one, is an instance of nyuna. Adhika is where, when Ayur-
veda is being discussed, the opponent makes irrelevant references
to learned works on politics or the art of government. It may also
mean cases where words or statements are needlessly repeated.
Such a repetition is of two kinds, verbal repetition and sense
repetition. Verbal repetition is the repetition of the same word,
while the other is the repetition of the sense only, though different
words may be used. Anarthaka and apiirthaka mean the use of
meaningless and unconnected words or expressions. Viruddlza, or
contrary statement, means the making of a statement contrary
to the example ( drf!anta-viruddha) or the accepted conclusion
(siddhiinta), e.g. cold water is hot, for so is fever; or when a
medical man (vaidya) says that medicine does not cure diseases.
Samaya-viruddha is the making of any statement against the
accepted conclusions of any particular sastra. Thus, for example,
if a Mimaf!1saka says that animals should not be sacrificed, it will
be against his accepted doctrine that animals should be sacrificed.
Or, if in any system of philosophy treating of emancipation ( mo~a­
siistra) it be said that injury to living beings is good, then this is
against the accepted tenet of that siistra. Vlikya-praSG'f!lSii is that
kind of statement in which the faults mentioned above in viikya-
do~a do not occur.
Chala means a rejoinder in which the statement of the opponent
is wilfully misinterpreted. It is of two kinds, viik-chala and siimlinya-
chala. The word nava means "nine" as well as "new," and if,
when one says about one's opponent, "This physician is nava-
tantra" (has newly learnt his texts), and the opponent replies,
"I have not nine text-books, I have one text," the other person
objects, "I do not say you have nine texts, I say that you are
navabhyasta-tantra" (have newly learnt the texts), naviibhyasta-
tantra might also mean "read nine times "; and then the opponent
might well say, "I have several times read the texts, and not nine
times, as you say." This is an example of viik-chala.
Again, when a physician says "Medicine cures diseases," the
opponent may take the most general characteristics of the terms
DII 25
Speculations in the Medical Schools (CH.
and say that the above statement comes to this, that an existent
entity cures another existent entity; and, if this is so, then, since
bronchitis exists (san kiisal;) and consumption exists (san k§ayal;),
bronchitis, being an existent entity, must cure another existent
entity, consumption. This is called siimiinya-chala 1 •
Fallacies ( a-hetu) are of three kinds, prakaratJa-sama, sa1Jlsaya-
sama and var!Jya-sama 2 • Prakara7Ja-sama is where that which
Chala is treated in the Nyiiya-sfitra exactly on the same lines as here.
Thus the definition of chala there (1\l..yiiya-sii.tra, 1. 2. xo) is vacana-vighiito 'rtha-
vikalpopapattyii chalam (to attack one's speech by a wilful misinterpretation
of it is chala). This is divided into three classes, viik-chala, siimiinya-chala and
upaciira-chala; of these viik-chala is exactly the same as in Caraka-sai[thitii,
and so also the siimiinya-chala (because a Brahman is well-read in scriptures,
a vriitya (outcast Brahman) is also well-read, because he also is a Brahman in
some sense). Upaciira-chala, which, however, resembles viik-chala, is not men-
tioned in the Caraka-sa1{llzitii. Its definition in the Nyiiya-sii.tra, 1. 2. 14,is dharma-
vikalpa-nirdeie 'rtlza-sad-bhiiva-prati5edha upaciira-chalam (to make one's state-
ment impossible by taking it in one sense, say the primary, when the secondary
one was intended). Thus, if it is said, "This porter is an ass,, it may be objected
that the porter, being a man, cannot at the same time be an ass. Gautama,
however, tentatively raises the objection that chatas should be regarded as three
in number and not two, taking upaciira-chala within siimiinya-chala. This
means a criticism in view of Caraka's division of chala into two classes. For
Gautama argues that, if on account of some similarity upaciira-clzala should be
included within siimiinya-chala, and chalas should be counted as being of two
kinds instead of three, then for the very same reason of similarity chalas may
as well be regarded as being of one kind instead of two. So, in view of the specific
differences that exist between the chalas, they should be regarded as being of
three kinds.
!I Nyiiya-szttra, I. 2. 4, describes the fallacies (hetv-iibhiisa) as of five kinds,
sa-vyabhiciira, viruddha, prakarm;a-sama, siidhya-sama and kiiliitlta.
Sa-'l.Wabhiciira lzetu is that which has no invariable concomitance with the
proband~m, e.g. sound is eternal because it is untouchable, and that which is
touchable is non-eternal, like a jug. But untouchability has no invariable
concomitance with eternality; for an atom is touchable and at the same time
eternal, and thoughts (buddhi) are untouchable and at the same time non-eternal.
Viruddha hetu is where the reason (hetu) demolishes the very theory
on which its security depends, e.g. this changeable world (vikiiro) disappears
(vyakter apaiti), because it is non-eternal (nityatva-prati~edhiit); but, though it
disappears (apeto 'pi), yet it exists (asti), because it is not destructible (viniisa-
prati5edhiit). Now a thing which is non-eternal cannot but be destructible.
Destructibility and eternality cannot abide together.
Prakara1Ja-sama is where two opposite hetus exist in a thing, so that
nothing can be affirmed by either of them. Thus it may be argued with as much
force that" sound is eternal, because it has in it the qualities of eternal things,"
as that "sound is non-eternal, because it has in it the qualities of non-eternal
things,; so no conclusion can be drawn from either of these hetus.
Siidhya-sama is where the hetu itself remains to be proved. Thus in the
argument, "shadow is a substance because it moves," the movability of shadows
is a doubtful point and is itself in need of proof. Does a shadow move like
a man, or is it that because the covering entity moves that at different places the
light is veiled and this gives rise to the formation of shadows at different places?
Kiiliitfta is where the hetus in the case of the accepted example and the
case to be proved vary, because in the latter case the hetu is not properly a
XIII] Logical Speculations and Terms
is given as the hetu. remains to be proved. Thus, when it is said
that, since the self is different from the body, it is eternal, and
because the body is unconscious it is non-eternal, it may be urged
(as by the Carvaka school of philosophers) that both the points,
viz. that the self is different from the body and that the body is
not endowed with consciousness, which are offered as the hetu,
are then1selves to be proved; for according to the Carvakas the
body is endowed with consciousness and is non-etenial. A re-
ference to the footnote below shows that this prakaralJ-a-sama is
different fron1 the prakara'l}a-sama of the Nyiiya-sutra. Sa,daya-
sama is that in which that which is the cause of doubt is offered
as the hetu for a particular conclusion, e.g. This person quotes a
passage from Ayur-veda-is he or is he not a physician? Even a
man who is not a physician might have heard a passage somewhere
and quoted it. Now, therefore, quoting a passage from Ayur-veda
leaves us in doubt as to the man's being a physician or not. If
this itself is offered as the hetu for a particular conclusion and if
it is said, "He is a physician because he has quoted a passage from
Ayur-veda," it becomes a case of sartzsaya-sama. Gautama speaks
of sa'f!daya-sama as an instance of jiiti; but the former is a case
where a doubt is ·not removed because of the fact that the thing
about which anything is affirmed possesses two opposite qualities,
so that no affirmation can be made on the strength of any of these
characteristics. Here, however, sa'f!lsaya-sama is used in the sense
that what is itself doubtful is adduced as the reason for a
particular conclusion.
V ar'l}ya-sama is where an affirmation is made about a thing
on the strength of another affinnation which itself remains to
be proved and is hence in the same condition as the previous
affirmation, e.g. "Buddhi is non-eternal, like sound, as it is un-
touchable, like the latter." But the non-eternality of sound stands
as much in need of proof as that of buddhi, and the former affirma-
tion cannot be made on the basis of the latter. This fallacy is

hetu; for the hetu and siidhya exist in two successive moments and are therefore
not concomitant; but in the former case they are concomitant aml simultaneous,
e.g. sound is eternal, becau!ie it is manifested, like colour, owing to a particular
contact, like light, being manifested by the contact of a stick and a drum, just
as colour is manifested by the contact of ljght with a thing. llut the similarity
fails; for, while colour is manifested simultaneously with the contact of light and
the things, sound is heard at a moment different from that at which actual
contact of the stick and the drum takes place.
Speculations in the 1\-Iedical Schools (cH.
similar to the jati c~lled siidhya-sama and the fallacy siidhya-sama
of Gautama already described in the footnotes to page 386.
AtUa-kiila is that in which that which should be said first is
said later, e.g. the thesis, or pratijiiii, should be stated first and the
conclusion, or nigamana, last; if instead the nigamana is stated first
and the pratijiiii after, then we have the fault of kiiliittta.
Upalambha (criticisn1) is the finding fault with the hetus, also
called a-hetu, as described above, or hetv-iibhiisas. Parihiira (reply)
means the reply given to the objections pointed out by an opponent;
e.g. the self is eternal, since so long as it remains in the body it shows
signs of life, and, when it is away, though the body still remains
the same, yet there is no sign of life; therefore the self is different
from the body and is eternal. Pratijiiii-hiini (to give up one's
thesis) is where, being cornered by the opponent, one is forced to
give up one's original thesis. Thus one may start with the thesis
that purufa is eternal, but, being cornered, one may give it up and
say that purufa is not eternal. Abhyanujiiii (to bring a counter-
charge) is that in which a disputant, instead of refuting the charge
brought against him by his opponent, charges his opponent with
the same defects 1 • Hetv-antara (dodging with a wrong reason) is
where, when tbe cause of some root fact (prakrti) is asked, the
reply refers to the cause of the modifications or manifestations
(1:ikrti) of that root fact 2 • Arthiintara (wrong answer) is where,
when the definition of one thing (e.g. fever) is asked, a definition
of another thing (e.g. diabetes) is given 3 .1\ligraha-sthiina is where,
in a learned assembly, a statement, though thrice repeated, is not
understood by the opponent. Caraka counts among the nigraha-
sthiinas many of the cases which have already been enumerated
and described. Thus he counts pratijilii-hiini, abhyanujfiii, kiiliitita,
a-hetu, nyuna, atirikta, ·vyartha, apiirthaka, punar-ukta, 'l.'iruddha,
hetv-antara, arthiintara 4 •
1 This corresponds to matilnujiiii of the Nyiiya-siltra, v. 1. 42.
2 In Nytiya-sr1trc, v. 2. 6, we hear of a hettJ-antara, but that seems to be
different from this. The significance of hett.1-antara, as it stands there, may be
illustrated as follows. .An adherent of Saq1khya says that all this world of things
is derived from one root cause, because all these are limited and whatever is
limited is derived from one root cause. This may be refuted by pointing out that
there are many limited things which are derived from more than one root cause.
To this the Sarp.khya adherent replies that only those w!uch are associated with
pleasure and pain and ignorance are to be regarded as proceeding from one
root cause; but this .i.s an addition which was not contained in the original thesis.
8 This is also mentioned in the Nyiiya-siltra, v. 2. 7·
fo The nigraha-sthiinos mentioned in the Nyiya-siitra, v. 2. I,arethe following:
pratijiiti-hiini, pratijiiiintara, pratijiia-virodha, pratijiiii-sannyiisa, hetv-antara,
XIII) Logical Speculations and Terms
After this Caraka further describes the ten categories, a know-
ledge of which he thinks is very necessary for a mastery of the
subject-matter of Ayur-veda. These are karm:za (the agent or the
mover}, karm;a (the instrument necessary for an agent to bring
about an effort), karya-yoni (the material c~mse by the modification
of which effects are produced), karya (that for the production of
which the mover makes his effort), kiirya-phala (that for which a
particular effect is intended by the agent), anubandha (the good
or bad result which attaches itself to the doer after the produc-
tion of the effect), desa (place), kala (the seasons, days, etc.),
pravrtti (the effort and the action needed for the production
of the effect) and upaya (the passivity and special aptitude
of the agent, the instrument and the material cause which can
make the effect possible). The physician is the cause (kara!la),
the medicines the instruments (kara!la); the want of equilibrium
of the dhatus the karya-yoni; ~e restoration of the equilibrium
of the dhatus the karya; the happy state of body and 1nind
the kiirya-phala; length of life, anubandha; the place and the
diseased person, desa; the year and the condition of the diseased
person, kala; the efforts of the physician, pravrtti; the qualifi-
cations of the physician, the qualities of the medicine, etc.,
It may be pointed out in this connection that the Uttara-tantra
of Susruta also mentions thirty-two technical terms helpful to
physicians in refuting the statements of hostile critics and in estab-
lishing their own points, which are called tantra-yukti1 • These are
said to be adhikara!la, yoga, padiirtha, hetv-artha, uddesa, nirdesa,
upadda, apadesa, pradesa, a tidesa, apavarja, vakya-se~a, arthiipatti,
viparyaya, prasanga, ekanta, anekanta, purva-pa~a, nin;aya, anu-
mata, vidhiina, anagatiive~a!la, atikriintiivek~a1Ja, saT{lsaya, vyii-
khyana, sva-sa1J1jfia, nirvacana, nidarsana, niyoga, samuccaya, vikalpa
and uhya. But these technical terms are maxims for the interpre-
tation of textual topics, like the maxims of Mimarpsa, and are not
points of dispute or logical categories. It is said that these maxims
are like the sun to a group of lotuses, or like a lamp to a house,
arthiintara, nirarthaka, avijiiiitiirtha, apiirthaka, apriipta-kiila, nyilna, adhika,
punar-ukta, ananubhii$ana, ajniina, apratibhii, vikfepa, matiinujiiii, paryanuyojyo-
pekwt;a, niranuyojyiinuyoga, apa-siddhiinta, hetv-iibhiisa. Many of these, however,
are not mentioned by Caraka.
1 asad-viidi-prayuktiinii'!l viikyiinii'!l prali$edhii1101J'l sva-viikya-siddhir api ca

kriyate tantra-yuktital;z. Susruta-sa'!lhitii, Uttara-tantra, 65. 5·

Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.

for the illumination .or the expression of the subject of discourse 1 •

This remark very much resembles the remark of Vatsyayana that
iinvtkfikt (logic) is like a light to all sciences (pradipab sarva-vi-
dyiiniim). But the difference between tantra-yukti and iinvi/eyiki is
this, that, while the former refers to the laws of thought, the latter
refers to technical modes of expression in medical science in
general and in the Suiruta-sa'f!lhitii in particular. They therefore
refer to the ways of deducing the inner meaning or intention of
the medical texts from their abbreviated forms of expression. Thus,
when one reads in the text," about rasa or do~a," and nothing else
is said, one understands that this style of expression signifies thet
it is an adhikara7Ja (topic of discourse) and that something is going
to be related about rasa or do~a, though it is not explicitly so stated.
Now the maxim (tantra-yuktz) of yoga means that the verb at a
distant part of the sentence may be joined with its relevant ca.,~
in another part of the sentence 2 • The maxim of padartha means
that, when a word having two or more senses is used, ~hen that
meaning alone has to be accepted which suits the previous and
the later contexts. Thus, when it is said in a medical text that we
shall now describe the origin of the Veda, then only Ayur-veda is
to be meant and not J3.g, Yajus or Atharva. The maxim of hetv-artha
illustrates the condition of invisible things by visible and known
examples. Thus it is said that, just as a muddy ball becomes dis-
solved and sticky through water, so do milk and other drugs dissolve
a boil by their application. The maxim of uddela is the method of
briefly touching a subject without going into details. Thus, when
one says "disease" (salya), it means both internal and external
diseases without any kind of specification. The maxim of nirdesa
is the method of describing a thing in detail. The maxim of upadesa
is the method of giving a general instruction. Thus it is said that
one should not sit up at night nor sleep during the day. This is,
however, only a general instruction which has its exceptions. The
yathiimbuia-vanasyiirkab pradi.po vefmano yathii
prabodlzyasya prakiisiirtlzas tatlzii tantrasya yuktayab.
Susruta-sa'T[llzitii, Uttara-tantra, 6s. 7.
tailam pivec ciimrta-valn-nimba-hiT[lSriiblzayii-vrk~aka-pippalibhib
siddlzarn. baliibhyiir{l ca sa-devadiiru hitiiya nityaT{l gala-gm;u!a-roge.
Ibid. 9, 10.
In the above verse it is enjoined that a particular medical decoction is to be
made with a number of drugs which are to be boiled (siddham), and this boiled
decoction has to be drunk (pivet). But the word pivet is in the first line and the
word siddham is in the third line, and it is allowed that these two distant
words may be combined (yoga).
XIII] Logical Speculations and Terms 39 1
maxim of apadesa is the method of showing the reasons of things.
Thus it is said that phlegm (Sle~man) increases through the taking
of sweet things (madhureya sle~mii 'bhivardhate). The maxim of
pradeia is the analogy by which a present difficulty is solved
in the way in which a past difficulty was solved (prakrtasya
atikriintena siidhanam pradesa/:t). Thus it may be said that, since
this has cured Devadatta in this way in the past, it would also cure
Yajiiadatta in a similar way now. The maxim of atidesa is that of
anticipating a future event from a present indication or prognosti-
cation. Thus from the fact of the increase of uprising wind in a
man's system it may be predicted that he will have a specific
bowel-disease (udiivarta). The maxim of apa'varja consists in
allowing exceptions to general directions (e.g. cases of poisoning
should not be fomented, except in the case of poisoning through
the bites of insects). The n1axim of viikya-se~a consists in supplying
an idea suggested by the context, but not expressly mentioned.
Thus when it is said "of the head, hands, feet, sides, back, belly,
heart," it is the whole man that is to be understood though it is
not expressly stated in the context. That which is understood, by
implication, though not directly mentioned, is called the maxim of
arthiipatti. Thus, when a man says "I shall eat rice," it is under-
stood that he is not thirsty, but hungry. The maxim of vipmyaya
is that by virtue of which from a positive or a negative assertion its
contrary is asserted also, e.g. when it is said that those who are lean,
weak and of fearful temperament are difficult to be cured. The
maxim of prasailga is that by virtue of which allusion is made to
things repeatedly described in another chapter. The maxim of
ekiinta allows of affirming a specific action of things unexception-
ably (e.g. madana fruit induces vomiting, i.e. under all circum-
stances). The tnaxim of anekiinta is that by virtue of which one
understands that different opinions prevail on a particular subject.
Thus some teachers think that substances are the most important,
while others think that rasa is so; others, again, think that the
inner essence (virya) is the most important, while still others think
that chemical action through digestion (vipiika) is so. The maxims
of piirva-pak~a and uttara-pak~a allow of discussing a matter in the
form of question and answer. The maxim of anumata is that by
virtue of which it is to be understood that, when the opinion of
other authorities is referred to and not contradicted, it is signified
that it is approved. The maxim of vidhiina is that by virtue of
392 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
which one understands that, when certain descriptions follow
certain enumerations, the former are to be taken in the order in
which the latter are related. The maxim of aniigatiive/qllT}a allows
of leaving certain things for future description and elaboration,
and atikriintiivek~a'l}a permits alluding to things described before
(e.g. it is said in the Sloka-sthiina that this matter will be' de-
scribed in the Cikitsii chapter, and about another matter it may
be said in the Cikitsii chapter that it has been described in the
Sloka-sthiina). The maxim of sarrzsaya allows a way of statement
which may create doubt and confusion in the mind of the reader.
The method of elaborate description is called vyiikhyiina. The
method of using wtlrds in a sense different from what they have in
other literatures is called sva-sarrzjiiii, i.e. technical use (e.g. mithuna
in Ayur-veda means honey and clarified butter). A definition is
called nirvacana. The maxim of nidarsana allows of describing
anything after the analogy of other things. Thus it may be said
that, just as fire in a room grows bigger and bigger with wind,
so does a boil grow with viita, pitta and kapha. Niyoga means a
direction (e.g. "only what is good to the system is to be taken").
Samuccaya means the taking of two or more things together as
having equal value. Vikalpa is the method of giving alternative
or optional directions. Ohya is the maxim by which things which
are apparent from the context can be unders~ood.
It is easy to see that of these thirty-two maxims some are ways
of interpreting ideas, others are ways of interpreting the arrange-
ment and manner of textual words and their connections, while
there are others which are but descriptions of specific peculiarities
of style. The redactor (Nagarjuna) says that he has collected all
these maxims as general principles of textual understanding, and
he calls them sabda-nyiiyiirtha, i.e. the meaning of the maxims of
verbal interpretation.

Did Logic Originate in the Discussions

of Ayur-veda Physicians?
Dr Mahamahopadhyaya Satish Chandra Vidyabhusan in his
History of Indian Logic supposes without adducing any reason that
the Caraka-sarrzhitii gives a summary of the principal doctrines of
Anvlk~iki, possibly as propounded by Medhatithi Gautama. He
further says that the doctrines of Anvik!?iki evidently did not con-
XIII] Identification of Gautama 393
stitute a part of the original A yur-veda of Punarvasu Atreya, and
that these doctrines seem to have been incorporated into the
Caraka-sa'f!lhitii by the redactor Caraka, in whose time they were
widely known and studied. Dr Vidyabhusan's theory is that both
Caraka and Ak~apada borrowed the Nyaya doctrines from lVledha-
tithi Gautama, but, while Caraka accepted them in their crude
forms, Ak~apada pruned the1n thoroughly before they were assimi-
lated in the Nyaya-sutra 1 •
But Dr Vidyabhusan 's Medhatithi Gautama is more or less a
mythical person, and there is no proof that he ever wrote anything,
or that Caraka borrowed anything from a 1\:ledhatithi Gautama,
or that the Nyaya doctrines found in the Caraka-sa'![lhitii were not
contained in the original treatise of Agnivesa, now lost. Dr Vidya-
bhusan refers to the evidence of a number of works, such as the
Kusumiiiijali, Na#adha-carita and Nyaya-sutra-vrtti, which refer
to Gautama as being the founder of Anvik~iki. But none of these
authorities are earlier than the tenth century. He refers a] so to the
authority of the Padma-purii1Ja, Skanda-purli1Ja and Gandharva-
tantra, none of which can be regarded as a work of any considerable
antiquity. Vatsyayana himself refers to Ak~apada as the person to
whom Nyaya (the science of Logic) revealed itself2 • Uddyotakara
also refers to Ak~apada as the utterer of the Nyaya-siistra, and so
also does Vacaspati 3 • There is therefore absolutely no reason why
the original authorship of Nyaya should be attributed to a Gautama,
as against Ak~apada, on evidence which cannot be traced to any
period earlier than the tenth century and which is collected from
Pural)a sources directly contradicted by the earliest Nyaya au-
thorities. The Nyiiya-sastra, therefore, cannot be traced on the
evidence of the earliest Nyaya authorities to any earlier Gautama;
for, had this been so, it would certainly have been mentioned

1 History of Indian Logic, pp. 2~ and 26, by Mahamahopi\dhyi\ya Satish

Chandra Vidyabhusan. Calcutta University, 1921.

11 Yo 'ktapiidam r#1!' nyiiya!l pratyabhiid vadatii1!' vara1f'
tasya Viitsyayana ida1f' bhii$ya-jiitam avartayat.
Viitsyiiyana-bhii$Ya, 2. 24, A.D. 400.
Dr Vidyabhusan's translation of it as "The Nyaya philosophy manifested itself
(in a regular form) before Ak~apada" is inexact.
a yad Akfapiida!l pravaro mumnii7!'
Jamiiya siistra, jagato jagiida.
Nyliya-viirttika of Uddyotakara (A.D. 6oo). Opening lines.
atha bhagavatli Aktapadena nibJreyasa-hetau siistre pra1J.'ite. Nyaya-viirttika-tiit-
parya-tJkli of Vacaspati. Dr Vidyabhusan's translation of the Nyiiya-viirttika
word siistra as "Nyi\yasi\stra in a systematic way, is again inexact.
394 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
by either Vatsyayana, Uddyotakara or Vacaspati. Jayanta also
attributes the elaborate Nyaya work to Ak!?apada and does not
seem to know that thi:; elaborate treatise, the Nyaya-sut1·a, was
based on the teachings of an earlier authority 1 • If any such
authorities were known, they would certainly have been men-
tioned for the dignity and the prestige of the Siistra. Gautama is
an old name, and we find it attached to one of the Rsis of the
lf.g-veda (1. 62. 78. 85; IV. 4); he is mentioned in the S~tapatha­
briihma7Ja (1. 4· I. 10; III. 3· 4· 19, etc.); in the Taittiriya-priitisiikhya
(1. 5), in the .~:4.sva/iiyana-srauta-sutra (1. 3; II. 6, etc.) and in other
similar older works; but nowhere is he spoken of as being the
author of the Nyiiya-siistra. Gautama is also mentioned in the
1l1ahii-bhiirata several times, but nowhere is he referred to as the
author of the Nyaya-siistra. The passage of the Mahii-bhiirata on
which Dr Vidyabhusan bases his theory of a lVIedhatithi Gautama
does not say that l\tledhatithi was the author of Anvlk!?ikl or Nyaya,
nor does it say that l\1edhatithi and Gautama were identical
persons 2 • The name Gautama is a patronymic, and the passage of
the J\;/ahii-bhiirata referred to by Dr Vidyabhusan clearly means
that the highly wise l\1edhatithi of the Gautama race was engaged
in asceticism. This is corroborated by the fact that the passage of
Bhasa referred to by Dr Vidyabhusan mentions .1\tledhatithi as a
teacher of Nyiiya-siistra and does not call him Gautama, nor does
it say that Medhatithi was the originator of Nyaya 3 • Dr Vidya-
hhusan's theory, therefore, of l\1edhatithi Gautama being the
originator of the Nyiiya-siistra falls down like a house of cards. His
identification of l\:Iedhatithi Gautama's birthplace as Mithila, his
ascertainment of his date, his identification of Persian references
to l\Iedhatithi Gautama and his so-styled references to Medhatithi
Gautama in the Anguttara-nikiiya and the Brahma-jiila-sutta are
no less fictitious 4 • The Gautama tradition of Nyaya need not be
followed; but it may incidentally be mentioned that an Atreya
Gautama, who is described as being Sarpkhya (probably in the
sense of wise, philosopher, or learned), is counted in the list of the
Ak~apiida-prat:zzto hi vitato Nyiiya-piidapal;..
Opening lines of the Nyiiya-maiijarz of Jayantabhatta (A.D. 88o).
J1,1edhiitithir mahii-priijfio Gautamas tapasi sthital;.
vimrsya tena kiilena patnyiil;. sa1JlSthyii-vyatikramam.
Mahii-bhiirata, Santi-parva, 265.45, Vangavasi edition.
Medhiitither Nyiiya-siistram (having learnt Nyiiya-siistra from Medhatithi).
Bhasa's Pratimii-niitaka, Act v, p. 79· M. M. Ganapati Sastri's edition.
History of Indian Logic, by Dr Satish Chandra Vidyabhusan, pp. 17-21.
XIII) Ayur-veda a Science of Causes 395
sages who assembled together to discover the causes and remedies
of diseases; side by side with this Atreya, another Atreya is also
mentioned as bhik~u .Atreya 1 • A number of sages are mentioned
in the Caraka-smJlhita as persons who discussed the problem of
the rise of diseases and how they could be removed. Among these
Bharadvaja volunteered to proceed to Indra to learn from him
the science of healing. Indra instructed him in the subject, being
learned in the three subjects of the (hetu) causes (of diseases),
knowledge of the (linga) signs (of diseases) and the knowledge of
medicines. Bharadvaja, having learnt this elaborate science in
three divisions, repeated it to the sages in exactly the same manner
in which he learnt it. After this it is said that Punarvasu taught
Ayur-veda to his six disciples, Agnive8a, Bhela and others. Cakra-
paJ).i, the commentator, says that Punarvasu was the disciple of
Bharadvaja, and quotes as his authority a statement of Harita.
But on this point Caraka himself is silent.
But one thing emerges from this half-mythical account of the
origin of Ayur-veda, viz. that the Ayur-veda was occupied from
the beginning with the investigation of the nature of causes (hetu)
and reasons (linga) for legitimate inferences in connection with
the enquiry into the causes of diseases and the apprehension of
signs or indications of the same. In the Nidana-sthiina of Caraka
eight synonyms for reason (hetu) are given, viz. hetu, nimitta,
iiyatana, kartr, karm:za, pratyaya, samutthiina and nidana. It is
curious enough that the words pratyaya and ayatan.a are used,
which are presumably Buddhistic. The word pratyaya, in the
sense of cause, is hardly found in Indian philosophy, except in
Buddhism. The use of so many terms to denote cause evidently
suggests that before Caraka's redaction there must have been an
extensive literature which had used these words to denote cause.
As a matter of fact, the word pratyaya is hardly ever used in
the Caraka-sa1[thitii to signify cause, though it is counted here as
one of the synonyms of hetu, or cause. The natural implication of
this is that the word pratyaya was used for hetu in some earlier
literature, from which Caraka collected it; so with other words,
such as samutthiina, iiyatana, which are counted in the list as
synonyms for hetu, but are not actually used in the body of the
text. This may lead us to think that the discussion of hetu under
1 Atreyo Gautama!z sii1Jlkhyal;. In this passage Atreya may, however, be
taken as a man separate from the wise Gautama.
Speculations in the Medical Schools [CH.
various names is an old subject in Ayur-veda literature existing
before Caraka, from which Caraka collected them.
We know that Ayur-veda was primarily concerned with three
questions, viz. how diseases originated, how they were known,
and what were their cures. It was in this connection that the
principle of causality was first from a practical necessity applied
in Ayur-veda. Thus, if it is known that a person has been exposed
to sudden cold or has enjoyed a heavy feast, then, since it is known
that cold leads to fever and over-feeding to indigestion, with the
very first symptoms of uneasiness one may at once infer that the
patient is likely to get fever or to have diarrhcea or acute indiges-
tion. Or, if it is known that the patient has a strong diarrhcea,
then it can similarly be inferred that he has eaten indigestible
articles. Thus the two principal kinds of inference which were of
practical use to the Ayur-veda physicians were inference of the
occurrence of a disease from a knowledge of the presence of the
causes of that disease, i.e. from cause to effect, and inference of the
specific kinds of unhygienic irregularity from the specific kind of
disease of the patient, i.e. from the effect to the cause. The other
and third kind of inference is that of inference of disease from its
early prognostications (purva-rupa). CakrapaJ).i, in commenting on
the possibility of inference of specific diseases from their early
specific prognostications, compares it with inference of rain from
an assemblage of dark clouds or of the future rise of the Krttika
constellation frorn the rise of the constellation Rohil)i, which
immediately precedes it. Both these are cases of inference of
future occurrences of causation or coexistence. The prognostica-
tion may, however, be of the nature of an immediately and in-
variably associated antecedent which may drop altogether when
the disease shows itself. Thus before a high fever the hair of the
patient may stand erect; this standing erect of the hair in a specific
manner is neither the cause nor is it coexistent with fever, since it
may vanish when the fever has actually come. It is, however, so
invariably associated with a specific kind of fever that the fever
can be inferred from it 1 • Again, when there is any doubt among
a number of causes as to which may be the real cause of the
disease, the physician has to employ the method of difference or
1 These two kinds of purva-rilpa are thus described by Cakrapat:ti in his

commentary on Caraka-sa'f!lhitii, n. 1. 7: tac ca purva-rupa1f' dvi-vidham ekam

bhiivi- vyiidhy-avyakta -lingam ... dvitlyarrz tu d01a- dui)Ja -sammurchanii -janyam
av-yakta-lingiid anyad eva yathii jvare biila-pradve~a-roma-harfiidi.
XIII] Inductive 1nethods in Ayur-veda 397
the method of concomitant variation for its proper ascertainment.
That similar things produce the same kind of effects and opposite
things produce opposite results are two of the accepted postulates
of the law of siimiinya and 'l-'ise~a in the Caraka-sa1J'lhita 1 • Now,
applying these two principles, it is held that in a case of doubt
as to any kind of irregularity being the cause of any particular
disease it has to be found out by experiment whether the application
of the suspected cause (e.g. cold) increases the disease (e.g. fever);
if it does, and if the application of its opposite (e.g. heat) decreases
the disease, then cold is to be regarded as the cause of the disease.
If the application of any particular kind of element increases an
effect (a particular kind of disease) and the application of its
opposite decreases it, then t~1at particular element may be regarded
as the cause of that effect. Caraka holds that the three methods,
viz. the cause and effect relation (nidana), the method of invariable
prognostication (pilrva-ri1pa) and the method of concomitant
variation (upasaya, \Vhich includes anupa5aya also) are to be
en1ployed either jointly or separately for the ascertainment of
the nature of diseases which have already occurred or which
are going to happen in the near future 2 • Caraka thus urges that
the physician should examine carefully the causes of diseases by
the application of all these methods, so that they may be ascer-
tained from their visible effects. Caraka then goes on to give
examples of a number of diseases and the causes or prognostica-
tions by which their natu~e can be ascertained. He then says that
a disease which is at first only an effect of some other causes
may act as a cause of other diseases and may thus be regarded
both as an effect and as a cause. There is therefore no absolute
difference between a cause and an effect, and that which is a
cause may be an effect and that which is an effect may also in
its turn be a cause. Sometimes a disease may behave as cause
of another disease and then cease to exist itself, whereas again,
one disease may exist side by side with another disease which
it has produced and aggravate its effects. Then, again, a disease
(cause) may produce a disease (effect), and that effect another
effect. Thus one cause may produce one effect as weJl as many
effects, and one effect may be due to one or to many causes, and
1 Caraka-sarrzhitii, I. r. 44·
2 The other two methods of sarrzpriipti and riipa need not be discussed in
this connection.
Speculations in the Medical Schools (CH.
again many causes-may jointly produce many effects. Thus, though
fever, delirium, etc. may all be produced by dryness (ru/qa), yet
under certain circumstances fever alone may be produced by it.
Again, fever may also be produced by the combination of a number
of causes which under other circumstances may produce jointly
a number of diseases. So one entity may be an invariable con-
comitant (liizga) of one event or of many events, and there may also
be a number of invariable concomitants of one event. Thus fever
is the invariable concomitant of hygienic irregularities in general,
and all fevers have heat as their invariable concomitant. From
certain kinds of hygienic irregularities fever can be inferred; but
these can also be associated with a number of other diseases 1 •
Hence it is evident that the determination of the nature of
causes and effects and the inference of facts or events of invariable
concomitance were an indispensable necessity for the Ayur-veda
physicians in connection with the diagnosis of diseases and the
ascertainment of their causes and cures. It was for this reason
that Caraka divided inference into three classes, from causes to
effects, from effects to causes and from the association of other
kinds of invariable concomitants. The Nyiiya-sfitra of A~apada
contains expressions which seem to have been borrowed from
Nagarjuna's Madhyamika-kiirikli and from the Laizkiivatlira-szltra
and the regulations of Buddhistic idealism, and hence it is generally
believed to have been composed in the second or the third century
A.D. 2 In this fundmnental and earliest work of Nyaya philosophy
inference (anumiina) is described as being of three kinds, viz. from
cause to effect (piirvavat), fron1 effect to cause (se~avat), and in-
ference from similarities (slimiinyato-dnta) not comprehended
under the cause-effect relation. Now it is exactly these three forms
of inference that are described in the Caraka-SatJZhitii, and, so
far as is known to the present writer, this is the earliest work
which describes inference in such a systematic manner, and so it

1 See Caraka-sa'f!lhitii, 11. 8. 22-27.

2 H. Ui's The VaiseP,ka Philosophy, p. 16. L. Suali's Filosofia Indiana,
p. 14. Jacobi, article in J.A.O. Sodety, vol. XXXI, p. 29, 191 I.
A commentary on Nagarjuna's Pramii1Ja-?-oidhva1JlSana called Pramii1Ja-
vidhva'f!Hana-sambhiiP,ta-vrtti reproduces Nagarjuna's definition of the cate-
gories, which are the same as the categories enumerated in the first siltra of
Ak~apada's Nyiiya-siltra. But, as Walleser points out in his Life of Niigiirjmra
from Tibetan and Chinese Sources, it is impossible to fix Nagarjuna's date exactly.
He may have lived at any time between the second and the fourth centuries A.D.
So no fruitful result can be attained by considerations of this kind.
XIII] Logical Terms in ~f\lytiya and Ayur-veda 399
may naturally be regarded as the source fron1 which Ak~apada
drew his ideas. Now Caraka's work may be regarded as a revision
of Agnivesa's work, based on Atri's teachings, based on Bhara-
dvaja's instructions. Agnivesa's work is now lost, and it is not
known what exactly were the contributions of Caraka in his re-
vision of Agnivesa's work; but, since we find no work of an
earlier date, Hindu, Buddhist or Jaina, which treats of the logical
subjects found in the Caraka-sa'!lhitii, and since these logical
discussions seem to be inextricably connected with medical dis-
cussions of diagnosis of diseases and the ascertainment of their
causes, it seems very natural to suppose that Caraka got his materials
from Agnivesa, who probably got them from still earlier sources.
Incidentally it may be mentioned that Jayanta, in his J.Vyiiya-
maiijari, discussing the question of the probable sources from
which Ak!?apada drew his materials, suggests that he ptobably
elaborated his work from what he may have gathered from some
other science (Siistriintariibhyasiit); but it is difficult to say whether
by siistriintara Jayanta meant Ayur-veda. The Nyiiya-sutra, how-
ever, expressly justifies the validity of the Vedas on the analogy
of the validity of Ayur-veda, which is a part of the Vedas 1 •
The similarity of the Nyiiya-siltra definition of inference to
Caraka's definition is also very evident; for while the former begins
tat-purvaka'!l tri-vidham (where tat-purvaka1Jl means pratyak~a­
purvaka1Jl), the latter begins pratyak~a-purvaka1Jl tri-vidham tr£-
kiila1Jl. But, while Caraka knows only the three forms of inference,
he has no names for these three types such as are supplied by
Ak!?apada, viz. purvavat (related to purva, the prior, or the cause),
se~avat (related to se~a, the later, or the effect) and siimiinyato-dnta
(from observed similarity in the past, present and future, which is
also emphasized by Caraka in the same n1anner) 2 • From the con-
Mantriiyurveda-priimii1;tyavac ca tat-priimii1_lyam iipta-priimtl1Jyiit.
Nyiiya-siltra, II. 1. 68.
Jayanta enters into a long discussion in his Nyiiya-maiijar'f, trying to prove
that it was through his omniscience that Caraka could write his work and that
he neither discovered the science by inductive methods nor derived it from
previous traditional sources.
Evarrz vyavasyanty alitarrz bijat phalam aniigatarrz
dntvii b'fjiit phala1,.n jiitam ihaiva sadrsarrz budhiil;.
Caraka-sa'l{lhitii, I. 11. 22.
Vatsyayana, in his commentary on the Nyii.ya-sutra, illustrates pi1.rvavat (from
cause to effect) as the inference of rain from the rise of clouds, se~avat (from effect
to cause) as the inference of rain in the uplands from the flooding of the river
in the lower regions and siimii.nyato-d1·na(from similar behaviour) as the inference
of the motion of heavenly bodies from their changes of position in the sky at
Speculations in the Medical Schools [CH.
siderations detailed in the preceding footnote it may well be assumed
that Ak~apada's contribution to the definition of inference consists
in his giving names to the types of floating inference described in
Caraka-sa1Jlhitii. It is not improbable that the Nyiiya-siltra derived
its theory of five propositions, and in fact most of the other logical
doctrines, from Caraka, as there are no earlier works to which these
can be traced 1 • Caraka 's definition of perception as the knowledge
different times. But he also gh·es another meaning of these three terms purvavat,
ie~avat and siimiinyato-dr~fa. He interprets purvavat here as the inference of fire
from smoke "on the analogy of past behaviour of co-presence," ie~avat as the
inference of the fact that sound is quality because it is neither substance nor
action, by the method of residues (ie~a), and siimiinyato-dnta as the inference
of the existence of soul from the existence of desire, which is a quality and as
such requires a substance in which it would inhere. This is not an inference from
similarity of behaviour, but from the similarity of one thing to another (e.g.
that of desire to other qualities), to extend the associations of the latter
(inherence in a substance) to the former (desire), i.e. the inference that desire
must also inhere in a substance.
In the case of the terms purvavat and ie~avat, as these two terms could be
grammatically interpreted in two different ways (with matup suffix in the sense
of possession and vati suffix in the sense of similarity of behaviour), and as the
words purva and ie~a may also be used in two different ways, Vatsyllyana inter-
prets them in two different ways and tries to show that in both these senses
they can be justified as modes of inference. It seems obvious that the names
purvavat, se~avat and siimiinyato-dntf! were given for the first time to the threefold
inference described by Caraka, as this explains the difficulty felt by Vatsyayana
in giving a definite meaning to these terms, as they had no currency either in
traditional or in the contemporaneous literature of Vatsyayana. Uddyotakara,
in his commentary on Vatsyayana, contributes entirely original views on the
subject. He takes Ak!?apiida's sutra, atha tat-purvaka1Jl tri-vidham anumiina1f1
purvavac che~avat siimiinyato-dr~taf!l ca, and splits it up into atha tat-purvaka1J'
tri-·oidham anumiina71z and pun,a•vac che~a?.-'at siimiinyato-dr~ta'!' ca; by the first
tri-vidha he means mference from positive instances (anvayi), from negative
instances (vyatireki) and from both together (am.,aya-·vyatireki). He gives two
possible interpretations of the terms pflrvavat, ie~a·vat and siimiinyato-dnta, one
of which is that purvavat means argument from cause to effect, ie1avat that from
effect to cause and siimiinyato-drna is the inference on the basis of relations other
than causaL The Sii71tkhya-karikii also mentions these kinds of inference. The
Miithara-vrtti again interprets the threefold character of inferences (tri-vidha
anumiina) in two ways; it says, firstly, that tri-vidha means that an inference has
three propositions, and, secondly, that it is of three kinds, viz. purvavat (from
the effect, e.g. flooding of the river, to the inference of the cause, e.g. showers in
the upper region), ie~avat (from part to whole, e.g. tasting a drop of sea-water
to be saline,one infers that the whole sea is saline), and siimiinyato-duta (inference
from general association, e.g. by seeing flowering mangoes in one place one
infers that mangoes may have flourished in other places as well). Curiously
enough, the Miithara-vrtti gives another example of w'imiinyato-drfta which is
very different from the examples of siimiinyato-dr1ta hitherto considered. Thus
it says that, when one says, " It is illuminated outside," another replies, "The
moon must have risen."
1 For more or less fanciful reasons Mr Dhruva suggests that the terms
purvavat and sefavat were borrowed in the Nyiiya-sutra from the Mimii1JZSii-sutra
and that this sfltra must therefore be very old (Proceedings and Transactions of
the First Oriental Conference, Poona, 1922). This argument is invalid for more
XIII] Nature of Ayur-veda /Jiscussions
that arises through the contact of the self, the senses, the mind
and the objects seems very much like an earlier model for Ak~a­
pada's definition of perception, which adds three more qualifi-
cations to make the meaning more complex and precise 1 • The idea
that in the first instance perception is indeterminate (nir-vikalpa
or a-vyapaddya) is a later development and can hardly be traced
in Hindu philosophy earlier than the .lvyaya-siltra2 • The similarity
of the various categories of viida,jalpa, -vitmpjii, clzala,jiiti, nigraha-
sthiina, etc., as enumerated in Caraka, to those of the Nyiiya-
siltra has been duly pointed out in a preceding section. The only
difference between the two sets of enumeration and their elabora-
tion is that Caraka's treatment, being the earlier one, is less full
and less complex than that of Ak~apada.
The fact that physicians in counsel earnestly discussed to-
gether, in order to arrive at right conclusions regarding both
the theoretical causes of diseases and their cures and their actual
practical discernment in individual cases, is abundantly clear from
even a very superficial study of the Caraka-sa1Jlhitii. The entire
work seems to be a collection of discussions of learned physi-
cians with Atri as their chairman. Where differences of opinion
are great, they are all noted, and Atri's own opinion on them is
given, and, where there was more or less unanimity, or where Atri
himself lectured on specific problems, his own opinion alone is
given. It is also related how a good and clever physician is to defeat
his opponents in dispute, not only in a legitimate and scientific
way, but also by sophistic wrangling and unfair logical tricks. It
was a practical necessity for these physicians to earn their bread
in the face of strong competition, and it is easy to see how the
logical tricks of chala, jiiti and nigraha-sthiina developed into a
regular art of debate, not always for the discovery of truth, but
also for gaining the victory over opponents. We hear of debates,
discussions or logical disputes in literature much earlier than the
than one reason. Firstly, grantin,g that the Mimii1]1.Sii-siitra is very old (which
is doubtful), the fact that these two logical terms were borrowed from it does
not show that it must be a very old work; for even a modern work may borrow
its terminology from an older treatise. Secondly, the fact that these three terms
were borrowed from early sources does not show that the theory of tri-vidha
anumiina in the Nyiiya-sutra is either its own contribution or very old. Mr
Dhruva's arguments as to the Miithara-vrtti being subsequent to Vatsyayana's
commentary. are also very weak and do not stand criticism.
1 indriyiirtha-sannikar~otparmam jiiiinam avyapadesyam avyabhicari vyavasii-

yiitmakii'!l pratyak~am. Nyiiya-siitra, 1. 1. 4· •

2 Caraka uses the word vikalpa in n. 1. 10. 4 in the sense of distinction
(bheda) of superiority and inferiority (utkar~a-prakar~a-riipa).
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
Caraka-sa1JZhitii; but nowhere was the acquirement of this art
deemed so much a practical necessity for earning a living as among
the medical men. And, since there is no mention of the develop-
ment of this in any other earlier literature, it is reasonable to
suppose that the art of debate and its other accessories developed
from early times in the traditional medical schools, whence they
are found collected in Caraka's work. The origin of the logical art
of debate in the schools of Ayur-veda is so natural, and the illus-
trations of the modes of dispute and the categories of the art of
debate are so often taken from the medical field, that one has little
reason to suspect that the logical portions of the Caraka-salJZhita
were collected by Caraka from non-medical literature and grafted
into his work.

Ayur-veda Ethics.
The length of the period of a man's lifetime in this iron age (kali-
yuga) of ours is normally fixed at one hundred years. But sinful
actions of great enormity may definitely reduce the normal length
to any extent. Ordinary vicious actions, however, can reduce the
length of life only if the proper physical causes of death, such as
poisoning, diseases and the like, are present. If these physical
causes can be warded off, then a man may continue to live until
the normal length of his life, one hundred years, is reached, when
the body-machine, being worn out by long work, gradually breaks
down . .1\Iedicines may, however, in the case of those who are not
cursed by the commission of sins of great enormity, prolong the
normal length of life. It is here that Caraka and his followers
differ from all other theories of karma that flourished on the soil of
India. The theory is not accepted in any Indian system of thought
except that of Caraka. In spite of the many differences that pre-
vail amongst these theories, ~hey may still be roughly divided into
four classes. Thus there are, first, the paur~a-vadins, such as those
who follow the Yoga-viis#tha school of thought and are idealists of
the extreme type, thinking that all our experiences can be controlled
by a determined effort of the will and that there is no bond of
previous karma, destiny, or fatality which cannot be controlled or
overcome by it. Human will is all-powerful, and by it we can
produce any change of any kind in the development of our future
well-being. There is, again, the view that God alone is responsible
for all our actions;and that He makes those whom He wants to
XIII] Ayur-veda Ethics
raise perform good actions and those whom He wants to take the
downw£lrd path commit sinful deeds. There is also the view that
God rewards or praises us in accordance with our good or bad deeds,
and that we alone are responsible for our actions and free to act
as we choose. There i~ a further view, elaborately dealt with in
Patafijali's Yoga-siltra, that our deeds determine the particular
nature of our birth, the period of our lifetime and the nature of our
enjoyments or sufferings. Ordinarily the fruits of the actions of a
previous birth are reaped in the present birth, and the ripened
fruits of the actions of the present birth determine the nature of the
future birth, period of life and pleasurable or painful experiences,
while the fruits of extremely good or bad actions are reaped in this
life. In none of these theories do we find the sort of common-sense
eclecticism that we find in Caraka. For here it is only the fruits
of extremely bad actions that cannot be arrested by the normal
efforts of good conduct. The fruits of all ordinary actions can be
arrested by normal physical ways of well-balanced conduct, the
administration of proper tnedicines and the like. This implies that
our ordinary non-moral actions in the proper care of health, taking
proper tonics, medicines and the like, can modify or arrest the
ordinary course of the fruition of our karma. Thus, according to
the effects of tny ordinary karma I may have fallen ill; but, if
I take due care, I may avoid such effects and.may still be in good
health. According to other theories the laws of karma are im-
mutable. Only the fruits of unripe karma can be destroyed by
true knowledge. The fruits of ripe karma have to be experienced
in any case, even if tn1e knowledge is attained. The peculiar
features of Caraka's theory consist in this, that he does not intro-
duce this imn1utability of ripe karmas. The effects of all karmas,
excepting those which are extremely strong, can be modified by
an apparently non-moral course of conduct, involving the ob-
servance of the ordinary daily duties of life. Ordinarily the law of
karma .implies the theory of a moral government of the universe
in accordance with the good or bad fruits of one's own karma.
\Ve may be free to act as we choose; but our actions in this life,
excepting those of great enormity, determine the experiences of
our future lives, and so an action in this life cannot ordinarily be
expected to ward off any of the evils of this life which one is
predestined to undergo in accordance with the karma of a previous
birth. Moreover, it is the moral or immoral aspects of an action that
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
determine the actual nature of their good or bad effects, success or
failure. This implies a disbelief in our power of directly controlling
our fortunes by our efforts. The theory of karma thus involves a
belief in the mysterious existence and ripening of the ·sinful and
virtuous elements of our actions, which alone in their course of
maturity produce effects. If the theory that sins bring their punish-
ment, and virtues produce their beneficial effects, of themselves,
is accepted, its logical consequences would lead us to deny the
possibility of mere physical actions modifying the fruition of these
karmas. So the acceptance of the moral properties of actions leads
to the denial of their direct physical consequences. If through my
honest efforts I succeed in attaining a happy state, it is contended
that my success is not due to my present efforts, but it was pre-
destined, as a consequence of the good deeds of my previous birth,
that I should be happy. For, if the fruition was due to my ordinary
efforts, then the theory that all happy or unhappy experiences
are due to the ripening of the karmas of the previous births falls
to the ground. If, on the other hand, all success or failure is due
to our proper or improper efforts, then the capacity of sins or
virtues to produce misery or happiness may naturally be doubted,
and the cases where even our best efforts are attended ·with failure
are not explained. But, if our ordinary efforts cannot effect any-
thing, and if the modes of our experiences, pleasures and sufferings,
and the term of our life are already predestined. then none of our
efforts are of any use in warding off the calamities of this life, and
the purpose of the science of medicine is baffled. In common-sense
ways of belief one refers to "fate" or "destiny" only when the
best efforts fail, and one thinks that, unless there is an absolute
fatality, properly directed efforts are bound to succeed. Caraka's
theory seems to embody such a common-sense view. But the
question arises how, if this is so, can the immutability of the law
of karma be preserved? Caraka thinks that it is only the extremely
good or bad deeds that have this immutable character. All other
effects of ordinary actions can be modified or combated by our
efforts. Virtue and vice are not vague and mysterious principles
in Caraka, and the separation that appears elsewhere between the
moral and the physical sides of an action is not found in his
teaching 1 .
He seems to regard the "good," or the all-round manifold
1 Caraka-samhitii, 111. J. 28-38.
XIII] Ayur-veda Ethics
utility (hita) of an action, as its ultimate test. What a man has to
do before acting is carefully to judge and anticipate the utility of
his action, i.e. to judge whether it will be good for him or not;
if the effects are beneficial for him, he ought to do it, and, if they
are harmful, he ought not to do it 1 • Our ultimate standard of good
actions lies in seeking our own good, and to this end the proper
direction and guidance of our mind and senses are absolutely
necessary. Caraka applies here also his old principle of the golden
mean, and says that the proper means of keeping the mind in
the right path consists in avoiding too much thinking, in not
thinking of revolting subjects, and in keeping the mind active.
Thoughts and ideas are the objects of the mind, and one has to
avoid the atiyoga, mithyii-yoga and a-yoga of a11 thoughts, as just
described. "Self-good," or iitma-hita, which is the end of all our
actions, is described as not only that which gives us pleasure and
supplies the material for our comfort, ease of mind and long life,
but also that which will be beneficial to us in our future life.
Right conduct (sad-vrtta) leads to the health and well-being of
body and mind and secures sense--control (indriya-vijaya).
The three springs of action are our desire for self-preservation
(prii1Jai~a1Jii), our desire for the materials of comfort (dhanai~a1Jii),
and our desire for a happy state of existence in the future life
(paralokai~a1Jii). 'Ve seek our good not only in this life, but also
in the after-life, and these two kinds of self-good are summed
up in our threefold desire-for self-preservation, for the objects
that lead to happiness, and for a blessed after-life. Right con-
duct is not conduct in accordance with the injunctions of the
Vedas, or conduct which leads ultimately to the cessation of all
sorrows through cessation of all desires or through right know-
ledge and the extinction of false knowledge, but is that which
leads to the fulfilment of the three ultimate desires. The cause of
sins is not transgression of the injunctions of the scriptures, but
errors of right judgment or of right thinking (prajniiparadha).
First and foremost is our desire for life, i.e. for health and pro-
longation of life; for life is the precondition of all other good
things. Next to our desire for life is our desire for wealth and
the pursuit of such vocations of life as lead to it. The third is
1 buddhyii samyag ida7Jl mama hitam idam mamiihitam ity m•ek~yiivek~ya kar-

mw:zii7Jl pravrttznii1Jl samyak pratipiidanena ity ahita-lwrma-parityiigena hita-

karmiicara1Jena ca. Cakrapal).i on Caraka, 1. 8. 17.
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
the desire for a blessed after-life. In this connection Caraka intro-
duces a discussion to prove the existence of a future state of
existence. He says that a wise man should not entertain doubts
regarding the existence of a future life, since such doubts might
hinder the performance of right conduct. The mere fact that we
cannot experience its existence with our senses is not a sufficient
negative proof. For there are few things which can be directly
experienced by the senses, and there are many which exist, but are
never experienced by the senses. The very senses with which we
experience other things cannot themselves be subject to sense-
experience1. Even sensible things cannot be perceived if they are
too near or too distant, if they are covered, if the senses are
weak or diseased, if the mind is otherwise engaged, if they are
mixed up with similar things, if their light is overcome by stronger
light, or if they are too small 2 • It is therefore wrong to say that
what is not perceived by the senses does not exist. If, again, it is
argued that the foetus must derive its soul from the parents, then
it may be pointed out that, if the soul of the foetus migrated from
either of the parents, then, since the soul is without parts, it could
not have migrated in parts, and such a total migration would mean
that the parents would be left without any soul and would die.
As the soul could not migrate from the parents to the child, so
neither can the mind nor the intellect be said to have so migrated.
IVloreover, if all life must be derived from the migration of other
souls, then how can insects come into being, as many do, with-
out parent insects 3 ? Consciousness exists as a separate and be-
ginningless entity, and it is not created by anyone else. If, however,
the supreme soul be regarded as its cause, then in that sense it
may be conceived as having been produced therefrom 4 • The
theory of the after-life consists according to Caraka principally in
the view that the soul is existent and uncreated, and that it is
associated with the foetus at a certain stage of its development in
the womb. He also refers to the evidence of rebirth which we
1 yair eva tiivad indriyailz pratya~am upalabhyate tiiny eva santi ciipratyak-

5iit;zi. Caraka, I. I 1. 7.
2 satii1J1 ca riipiit;ziim ati-sannikar5iid ati-viprakar5iid iivarat;ziit karat;za-daurba-

lyiin mano 'navasthiiniit samiiniibhihiiriit abhibhaviid ati-sauk5myiic ca pratyak5iinu-

palabdhilz. Ibid. I I. 8. ·
3 sa1J1Sveda-jiinii1JZ maJakiidinii'f!l tathodbhij-jiinii'f!l gat;z<Jupadiidtnii'f!l cetaniiniim

miitii-pitarau na vidyete tatas te5iim acaitanya'f!l syiin miitii-pitroJ cetana-

kiirat;zayorabhiiviit. Cakrapal).i on Caraka, 11. I I .
On this point Cakrapal).i gives a different interpretation in 1. 11. I3.
XIII] Ayur-veda Ethics
have in the difference of the child from the parents; in the fact
that, though other causes are more or less the same, two children
differ in colour, voice, appearance, intelligence and luck; in
the fact that some are servants, whereas others are their rich
masters; in the fact that some are naturally in good health, while
others are in bad, or are different in the length of life; from the
fact that infants know how to cry, suck, smile or fear without any
previous instruction or experience; that with the same kind of
efforts two persons reap two different kinds of results; that some
are naturally adepts in certain subjects and dull in others; and
that there are at least some who remember their past lives; for
from these facts the only hypothesis that can be made is that these
differences are due to the karma of one's past life, otherwise called
daiva, and that the fruits of the good and bad deeds of this life
will be reaped in another. It has also been pointed out in a
previous section that a child does not owe his or her intellectual
parts to the father or to the mother. These gifts belong to the
soul of the child, and there is therefore no reason to suppose that
the son of an intellectually deficient person will on that account
be necessarily dull. ·
Caraka further urges that the truth of rebirth can be demon-
strated by all possible proofs. He first refers to the verdict of the
Vedas and of the opinions of philosophers, which are written for
the good of the people and are in conformity with the views of
the wise and the virtuous and not in opposition to the opinions
of the Vedas. Such writings always recommend gifts, penances,
sacrifices, truthfulness, non-injury to all living beings and sex-
continence as leading to heavenly happiness and to liberation
(mok~a). The sages say that liberation, or the cessation of rebirth,
is only for those who have completely purged off all mental and
bodily defects. This implies that these sages accepted the theory
of rebirth as true; and there have been other sages who also have
distinctly announced the truth of rebirth. Apart from the testi-
mony of the Vedas and of the sages, even perception (pratyak~a)
also proves the truth of rebirth. Thus it is seen that children
are often very different from their parents, and even from the
same parents the children born are often very different in colour,
voice, frame of body, mental disposition, intelligence and luck, as
described above. The natural inference to be based on these data
directly experienced is that no one can avoid the effects of the
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
deeds he has performed, and that therefore what was performed
in a past birth is indestructible and always follows a man in hi~
present birth as his daiva, or karma, the fruits of which show in
his present life. The deeds of the present birth will again accumu-
late fruits, which will be reaped in the next birth. From the present
fruits of pleasurable or painful experiences their past seeds as past
karma are inferred, and from the present deeds as seeds their
future effects as pleasurable or painful experiences in another birth
are also inferred. Apart from this inference oth~r reasons also
lead to the same condition. Thus the living foetus is produced by
the combination of the six elements, to which connection with the
self from the other world is indispensable; so also fruits can only
be reaped when the actions have been performed and not if
they are not performed-there cannot be shoots without seeds. It
may he noted in this connection that in no other system of Indian
thought has any attempt been made to prove the theory of rebirth
as has here been done. A slight attempt was made in the Nyaya
system to prove the theory on the ground that the crying, sucking
and the natural fear of infants implies previous experience. But
Caraka in a systematic manner takes up many more points and
appeals to the different logical proofs that may be adduced. Again,
we find the nature of the fruits of action (karma) discussed in
the Vyasa-bhiifya on the Yoga-sutra of Patafijali. It is said in the
Y oga-sutra, II. 13, that the karmas of past life determine the par-
ticular birth of the individual in a good or bad or poor or rich
family and the length of life and pleasurable or painful experiences.
But that physical differences of body, colour, voice, temperament,
mental disposition and special intellectual features are also due
to the deeds of the past life seems to be a wholly new idea. It is,
however, interesting to note that, though Caraka attributes the
divergence of intelligence to deeds of the past life, yet he does not
attribute thereto the weakness or the strength of the moral will.
Caraka further refers to the collective evil effects of the mis-
deeds of people living in a particular locality, which may often
lead to the outbreak of epidemics. Speaking of the outbreak of
epidemic diseases, he says that they are due to the pollution of
air and water, and to country and climatic revolutions. The pollu-
tion of air consists in its being unnatural for the season, dull and
motionless, too violent, too dry, too cold, too warm, stormy, of
the nature of whirlwind, too humid, dusty, smoky, impure or of
XIII] Ayur-veda Ethics
bad smell. The pollution of water consists in its being of unnatural
colour, bad smell, bad taste, containing impurities (when devoid
of its natural qualities), which are often avoided by water birds,
and being unpleasant, and having its sources largely dried up.
The pollution of a particular locality occurs when it is infested
with lizards, wild animals, mosquitoes, flies, insects, mice, owls,
predatory birds or jackals, or when it is full of wild creepers, grass,
etc., or when there is a failure of crops, the air smoky, etc. The
pollution of time consists in the happening of unnatural climatic
conditions. The cause of these epidemic conditions is said to be
the demerit (adharma) due to the evil deeds of past life, the com-
mission of which is again due to bad deeds of previous life. When the
chief persons of a country, city or locality transgress the righteous
course and lead the people in an unrighteous manner, the people
also in their conduct continue to grow vicious and sinful. And,
as a result of the misdeeds of the people of the locality, the gods
forsake that place, there is no proper rain, the air, water and the
country as a whole become polluted and epidemics break out.
Thus the misdeeds of a people can, according to Caraka, pollute
the whole region and ultimately ruin it. When a country is ruined
by civil war, then that also is due to the sins of the people, who
are inflated with too much greed, anger, pride and ignorance.
Thus epidemics are caused by the conjoint sins of the people of
a particular region. But even at the time of the outbreak of such
epidemics those who have not committed such bad actions as to
deserve punishment may save themselves by taking proper medi-
cines and by leading a virtuous life. Continuing to establish his
theory that all climatic and other natural evils are due to the
commission of sins or adharma, Caraka says that in ancient times
people were virtuous, of strong and stout physique and extremely
long-lived, and on account of their virtuous ways of living there
were no climatic disturbances, no famines, no failure of crops, no
drought and no pollutions leading to epidemics and diseases.
But at the close of the satya-yuga, through over-eating some
rich men became too fat, and hence they became easily tired, and
hence became lazy, and on account of laziness they acquired the
storing habit (saiicaya), and, through that, the tendency to receive
things from others (parigraha), and, through that, greed (lobha).
In the next, Treta, age, from greed there arose malice, from
malice lying, from lying desire, anger, conceit, antipathy, cruelty.
410 Spec.ulations in the lV!edical Schools [cH.
violence (abhighiita), fear, sorrow and anxiety. Thus in the Treta age
dharma diminished by a quarter, and so the earthly production of
harvest, etc. also diminished by a quarter, and the bodies of living
beings lost their vitality accordingly; their length of life diminished,
and diseases began to grow. So in the Dvapara age there was a
further diminution of the quantities of earthly productions and a
further weakening of human constitution and shortening of the
length of life.
It may be remembered that in Susruta, 111. 1, it is said that
many persons of the medical school of thought had conceived this
world to have come into being either through time (kala), in the
natural process by a blind destiny (niyatz), or through a mere nature
(svabhiiva), accidental concourse of things (yadrccha), or through
evolution (paritzlima) by the will of God; and they called each of
these alternatives the pra}qti, or the origin of the world1 • But the
notion of the Sarp.khya prakrti holds within it all these concepts,
and it is therefore more appropriate to admit one prakrti as the
evolving cause of the world. Gayi, in interpreting this, holds that
prakrti is to be regarded as the evolving material cause, whereas
time, natural process, etc. are to be regarded as instrumental
causes for the world-manifestation. According to Susruta the
selves (kfelra-jiia) are not in the medical school regarded as all-
pervasive (a-sarva-gata), as they are in the Sarp.khya system of
thought. These selves, on account of their virtues or vices, trans-
migrate from one life to another as men or as different animals; for,
though not all-pervasive, they are eternal and are not destroyed
by death. The selves are not to be regarded as self-revealing,
as in Sarp.khya or the Vedanta; but they can be inferred, as
the substance or entity to which the feelings of pleasure and
pain belong, and they are always endowed with consciousness,
though they may not themselves be regarded as of the nature of
pure consciousness. They are cetanavantal.z (endowed with con-
The primary use of prakrti may have been due to the idea of ~n enquiry
regarding the source and origin of the world. Prakrti literally mean!; "source"
or "origin." So the term was probably used in reference to other speculations
regarding the origin of the world before it was technically applied as a Sarpkhya
term. The ideas of svahhiiva, kala, etc. seem to have been combined to form
the technical Sarpkhya concept of prakrti, and two schools of Sarpkhya, the
Kapila and the Pataiijali schools, arose in connection with the dispute as to the
starting of the evolution of prakrti accidentally (yadrcchii) or by the will of God.
The idea of prakrti was reached by combining all the alternative sources of
world-manifestation that were current before, and so they are all conserved in
the notion of prakrti.
XIII] Springs of action in the Caraka-sarrzhitii
sciousness) and not cit-svarupiih (of the nature of consciousness).
They ar~ extremely subtle or fine (parama-silk~ma), and this epithet
is explained by :Qalhai).a as meaning that the selves are as small
as atoms. But, being always endowed with consciousness, they can
also through self-perception (pratya~a) be perceived as existing.
The transmigration of these selves is regulated by the tnerit and
demerit of their deeds. J!alhai).a says that through excessive sins
they are born as anitnals, through an admixture of virtues and sins
they are born as tnen, and through a preponderance of virtues they
are born as gods. But according to Caraka not only is the nature
of transmigration controlled by the good or bad deeds of a man,
but even the productivity of nature, its purity or pollution; and
the thousand and one things in which nature is helpful or harmful
to men are determined by good and bad deeds (dharma and
adharma). Dharma and adharma are therefore regarded as the
most important factors in determining most of the human con-
ditions of life and world-conditions of environment. Such a view
is not opposed to the Sa111khya theory of world-creation; for there
also it is held that the evolution of prakrti is determined by the
good or bad deeds of the selves; but, though implied, yet in no
Sa111khya work is such a clear and specific determination of world-
conditions and world-evolution through the merit and den1erit of
human beings to be found. Freedmn of human \Vill is almost
wholly admitted by Caraka, and, where the fruits of previous
actions are not of a confirmed character, they can be averted or
improved. by our efforts. Our efforts thus have on the one hand
a costnical or universal effect, as detennining the conditions of the
developtnent of the material world, and on the other hand they
determine the fate of the individual. The fruits of our actions
determine our birth, our experiences and tnany intellectual gifts;
but they do not determine the nature of our wi11 or affect its
strength of application in particular directions.

Springs of action in the Cara~a-sarphita.

The chief feature of Caraka's springs of action consists in the

fact that he considers three pritnary desires as the motive causes
of all our actions. These are, as has already been said, the desire
for life, the desire for riches and the desire for future life. In this
Caraka seems to have a view uniquely different from that of most
412 Specu_lations in the Medical Schools [cH.
of the systems of philosophy, which refer to a number of emotions
as the root causes prompting us to action. Thus the Vaise~ika
regards attraction to pleasure and aversion to pain as the cause of
all our actions. Pleasure is defined as being a sort of feeling which
is approved and welcomed and towards which an attraction is
naturally felt. Pleasures, therefore, when they arise, must always
be felt, and there cannot be anything like unfelt pleasures. Apart
from sensory pleasures, Sridhara in his fvyaya-kandali discusses
the existence of other kinds of pleasure, due to the remembering
of past things, or to calmness and contentedness of mind or
self-knowledge. Pleasures are, however, regarded as the fruits of
meritorious deeds (dharma) performed before. Pain, the reverse
of pleasure, may be defined as an experience from which we are
repelled and which is the result of past misdeeds. Desire, as the
wish to have \Vhat is unattained (apriipta-priirthanii), may be either
for the self (s·viirtha) or for others (pm·iirtha). Such desires may be
prompted by any of the following: longing for happiness in heaven
or on earth (l~iima), appetites (abhiliifa), longing for the continua-
tion and recurrence of the enjoyment of pleasurable objects, com-
passion for others (karuf1ii), disinclination to worldly enjoyment
(vairiigya), intention of deceiving others (upadhii), subconscious
motives (bhiiva). Prasastapada, however, distinguishes between
desires for enjoy~ent and desires for work. But he does not
include the positive Buddhist virtues of friendship (maitrl) and a
feeling of happiness in the happiness of others (muditii), and he is
content with only the negative virtue of compassion (karu'!lii). He
also counts anger, malice, suppressed revengefulness (manyu),
jealousy of the good qualities of others ( ak~amii), and envy arising
from a sense of one's inferiority (amar~a). But, in spite of this
elaborate classification, Prasastapada makes in reality two broad
divisions, namely, desires arising from attachment to pleasures, and
those from aversion to pain. Pain is as much a positive feeling as
pleasure and cannot be regarded as mere negation of pleasure.
Though Prasastapada knows that there is such a thing as desire for
work, yet he does not give it any prominent consideration, and the
net result of his classification of the springs of action is that he thinks
that all desires are prompted by attachment to feelings of pleasure
and antipathy to pain. Feelings, therefore, are to be regarded here as
fundamentally determining all desires and through them all actions.
The Naiyayikas think that attachment and antipathy can be
XIII] Springs of action in the Caraka-sa'f!lhitii
traced to a more fundamental root, viz. ignorance or delusion
(moha). Thus Vatsyayana, by tracing attachment or antipathy
to ignorance, tend!.> to intellectualize the psychological basis of
Prasastapada. For moha would mean want of knowledge, and, if
attachment and antipathy be due to want of knowledge, then one
can no longer say that feelings ultin1ately determine our actions, as it
is the absence of right knowledge that is found to be ultimately the
determinant of the rise of all feelings and emotions. Jayanta, how-
ever, in his Nyiiya-maiijari, counts ignorance (moha), attachment
(riiga) and antipathy (dve~a) as being three parallel defects (do~a)
which prompt our efforts 1 • Under attachment he counts sex-
inclination (klima), disinclination to part with that which would
not diminish by sharing with others (matsara), jealousy (sprhii),
inclination towards birth again and again ( trr!lii) and inclination
towards taking forbidden things (lobha). Under dve~a he counts
emotional outbursts of anger with burning bodily conditions,
envy (ir~yii), jealousy at the good qualities of others (asilyii),
injuring others (droha) and concealed malice (manyu). Under
ignorance he counts false knowledge (mithya-jiiiina), perplexity
due to indecision (vicikitsii), sense of false superiority (mada) and
mistakes of judgment (pramiida). But he adds that of the three
defects, riiga, dve~a and moha, moha is the worst, since the
other two arise through it. For it is only the ignorant who are
under the sway of attachment and antipathy. To the objection
that in that case moha ought not to be counted as a defect in itself,
but as the source of the other two defects, Jayanta replies that,
though it is a source of the other two defects, it of itself also leads
people to action and should therefore be counted as a defect in
itself. It is no doubt true that all defects are due to false knowledge
and are removed by right knowledge; yet it would be wrong to
count the defects as being of only one kind of false knowledge
(mithyii-jiiiina) ; for the three defects are psychologically felt to
have three distinctive characteristics. Jayanta, while admitting
that the feelings of attachment or antipathy are due to ignorance,
considers them to be psychologically so important as to be re-
garded as independent springs of action. Thus, while he was
in nominal agreement with Vatsyayana in regarding attachment
and antipathy as being due to moha, he felt their independent
1 Te5ii7!l do$ii1Jii1!l trayo riiSayo bhavanti riigo dve5o moha iti. Nyiiya-mafijar'i,

p. soc.
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
psychological importance and counted them as parallel defects
prompting our efforts.
Patafijali divides all our actions into two classes, vicious (kl#ta)
and virtuous (akl#ta). The virtuous actions are prompted by our
natural propensity towards emancipation, while the vicious ones
are prompted by ignorance (avidyii), egoism· (asmitii), attachment
(raga), antipathy (dve~a) and the will to live (abhinivesa). The
latter four, though of the nature of feeling, are yet regarded as
being only manifestations of the growth and development of
ignorance (avidyii). It is a characteristic peculiarity of the Sarp.khya
philosophy that thoughts and feelings are not regarded there as
being intrinsically different; for the gu1Jas form the materials of
both thoughts and feelings. What is thought in one aspect is
feeling in another. It was on this account that false knowledge
could be considere~ to ~ave developed into the feelings of egoism,
attachment and antipathy, and could be regarded as being of the
same stuff as false knowledge. In the Nyaya psychology, thought
and feelings being considered intrinsically different, a difficulty
was felt in reconciling the fact that, while ignorance could be
regarded as being the cause of the feelings of attachment and anti-
pathy, the latter could not be regarded as being identical with
ignorance (moha). Jayanta, therefore, while he traced raga and
dve~a to moha, ontologically considered them as parallel factors
determining our actions psychologically. In the Sarp.khya-Yoga
metaphysics this difficulty could be obviated; for that school did not
consider feelings to be different from thoughts, since the thoughts
are themselves made up of feeling-stuff; hence even false know-
ledge (avidyii) need not be regarded as being wholly an intellectual
element, since it is itself the product of the feeling-stuff-the gu1Jas.
It is needless to refer in detail to the theories of the springs
of action in other systems of Indian thought. From what has
already been said it would appear that most systems of Indian
Philosophy consider false knowledge to be at the root of all our
worldly activities through the mediation of feelings of attachment,
antipathy and self-love. There is an inherent pessimism in most
systems of Indian thought, which consider that normally we are
all under the evil influence of false knowledge and are all gliding
on the downward path of sins and afflictions. They also consider
that all attachments lead to bondage and slavery to passions, and
thereby lead us away from the path of liberation. Actions are
XIII] Springs of action in the Caraka-sarrzhitii
judged as good or bad according as they lead to liberation or
bondage; their efficacy is in securing the transcendental realization
of the highest truth and the cessation of rebirth, or obscuration of
the nature of reality and exposure to the miseries of rebirth.
But Caraka gives us a scheme of life in which he traces the
springs of all our actions to the three fundamental motives or bio-
logical instincts of life-preservation, worldly desire of acquiring
riches for enjoyment, and other worldly aspirations of self-realiza-
tion. According to him these three fundamental desires sum up
all springs of action. On this view will appears to be more funda-
mental than feeling or know ledge. Caraka does not seem to begin
from the old and stereotyped idea that false knowledge is the
starting-point of the world. His is a scheme of a well-balanced
life which is guided by the harmonious play of these three funda-
mental desires and directed by perfect wisdom and unerring judg-
ment. Evil and mischief creep in through errors of judgment, by
which the harmony of these desires is broken. All kinds of mis-
deeds are traced, not to feelings of attachment or antipathy, but
to errors of judgment or foolishness (prajiiiipariidha). This prajiiii-
pariidha may be con1pared to the moha or avidyii of the Nyaya and
Yoga. But, while the Nyaya and Yoga seem to refer to this molza or
avidyii as a fundamental defect inherent in our mental constitution
and determining its activities as a formative element, Caraka's
prajfiiipariidha is not made to occupy any metaphysical status, but
expresses itself only in the individual lapses of judgment.
Caraka, however, did not dare to come into conflict with the
prevailing ethical and philosophical opinions of his time, and we
find that in Siirzra, 1 he largely accepts the traditional views. He
says there that it is the phenomenal self (bhutiitman or sa1!lyoga-
puru~a) that feels pleasure and pain, and in connection with the
duty of a physician to remove all physical sufferings produced by
diseases he says that the ultimate healing of all pain consists in
the permanent nai~thiki (removal) of pain by the removal of
grasping (upadhii)l. He says there that grasping (upadhii) is itself
sorrowful and the cause of all sorrows. All sorrows can be re-
moved by the removal of all grasping tendencies. Just as a silk-
worm draws out its cocoon thread to its own destruction, so does

Cakrapat)i interprets upadhii as desire (tn1Jii); hut it seems to me that it
would have been more correct to interpret it as the Buddhist upiidiina, or
grasping. Cakrapat)i on Caraka, IV. I. 93·
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
the miserable man of ignorance draw desires and longings from
the objects of sense. He is wise indeed who considers all objects
as fire and withdraws himself from them. With the cessation of all
actions (aniirambha) and dissociation fron1 sense-objects there is no
more fear of being afflicted with sorrows. Sorrows, again, are said
to proceed from four causes, namely, the wrong notion of non-
eternal things (e.g. sense-objects) as eternal (buddhi-vibhra1_nSa), the
want of the power of controlling the n1ind from undesirable courses
(dhrti-viblzrattzsa), forgetfulness of the nature of right knowledge
(smrti-vibhra1_nsa) and the adoption of unhygienic courses (asiitmya-
arthiigama). Prajt1iipariidha is defined here as a wrong action that
is done through the confusion of intelligence and want of self-
control and right knowledge (dhz-dhrti-smrti-vibhra~ta), and this
is supposed to rouse up all maladies and defects (sarva-do~a­
prakopa~za). Some of the offences that may be counted under
prajt1iipariidha are as follows : to set things in motion, to try to
stop moving objects, to let the proper time for doing things pass
by, to begin an action in the wrong manner, not to behave in the
accustomed manner, not to behave modestly and politely, to insult
respected persons, to go about in wrong places or at wrong times,
to take objects which are known to be harmful, not to abide by
the proper course of conduct described in the Caraka-Sa1J1hitii,
1. 1 . 6; the passions of jealousy, vanity, fear, anger, greed, ignorance,
egoism, errors, all actions promp~.ed by these and whatever else
that is prompted by ignorance (moha) and self-ostentation (rajas).
Prajiiiipariidha is further defined as error of judgment (vi~ama­
vijiiiina) and as wrong enterprise (vi~ama-pravartanii), proceeding
out of wrong knowledge or erroneous judgment. It will thus appear
that it is wise to take prajt1iipariidha in the wider sense of error of
judgment or misapplied intelligence, regarding it as the cause of
all kinds of moral depravity, unhealthy and unhygienic habits and
accidental injuries of all kinds. As Caraka admitted the existence
of the self and of rebirth and regarded moral merit (dharma) and
demerit (adharma) as the causes of all human enjoyment and
sufferings, and of the productivity or unproductivity of the ground,
and the hygienic or unhygienic conditions of water, air and the
seasons, he had to include within prajiiiipariidha the causes that led
to vices and sins. The causes of all sorrows are, firstly, wrong
consideration of the non-eternal as eternal and of the injurious as
good; secondly, want of self-control ; and, thirdly, the defect of
XIII) Springs of action in the Caraka-sa'f{lhita
memory (smrti-bhra'f(lsa), through which the right knowledge and
right experience of the past cannot be brought into effect. Thus,
though in a sense Caraka compromises with the traditional schools
of philosophy in including philosophical ignorance or miscon-
ception within prajiiiipariidha, and though he thinks that philo-
sophical ignorance produces sins, yet he takes prajiiiipariidha in
the very wide sense of error of judgment, leading to all kinds of
transgression of laws of health and laws of society and custom,
risky adventures, and all other indiscreet and improper actions.
Prajiiiipariidha, therefore, though it includes the philosophical
moha of the traditional school of philosophy, is yet something
very much more, and is to be taken in the wider sense of error of
judgment. Caraka, no doubt, admits jealousy, vanity, anger, greed,
ignorance (moha), etc., as producing improper action, but he admits
many other causes as well. But the one supreme cause of all these
subsidiary causes is prajiiiipariidha, or error of judgment, taken in
its wide sense. It will not, therefore, be wrong to suppose that,
according to Caraka, all proper actions are undertaken through
the prompting of three fundamental desires, the desire for life,
the desire for wealth and enjoyment, and the desire for spiritual
good. And all improper actions are due to improper under-
standing, confusion of thought, and misdirected intelligence
(prajiiiipariidha). The three fundamental desires, ur1associated \Vith
any error of judgment or lack of understanding, may thus be re-
garded as the root cause of all proper actions. There is, therefore,
nothing wrong in giving full play to the functioning of the three
fundamental desires, so long as there is no misdirected under-
standing and confusion to turn them into the wrong path. Caraka
does not seem to agree with other systems of philosophy in holding
the feelings of attachment and antipathy to be the springs of all
actions. Actions are prompted by the normal active tendencies of
the three fundamental desires, and they become sinful when our
energies are wrongly directed through lack of understanding.
Though Caraka had to compromise with the acknowledged view
of the systems of Indian Philosophy that the cessation of all
sorrows can be only through the cessation of all actions, yet it
seems clear that the course of conduct that he approves consists
in the normal exercise of the three fundamental desires, free from
the commission of any errors of judgment (prajiiiipariidha).
Thus Caraka does not preach the ideal of leaving off desires,
DII 27
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
attachments, feelings and actions of all kinds, nor does he
advocate the Gitii ideal of the performance of duties without
attachment. His is the ideal of living one's life in a manner that
is most conducive to health, long life, and proper enjoyment. Our
only care should be that we do not commit any mistake in eating,
drinking and other actions of life which may directly or indirectly
(through the production of sins) produce diseases and sufferings
or jeopardize our life and enjoyment in any way. This unique
character of Caraka's ethical position is very clearly proved by
the code of conduct, virtues and methods of leading a good life
elaborated by Caraka. He no doubt shows a lip-sympathy with
the ideal of giving up all actions (sannyiisa); but his real sympathies
seem to be with the normal scheme of life, involving normal en-
joyments and fruition of desires. A normal life, according to
Caraka, ought also to be a virtuous life, as vices and sins are the
sources of all sorrows, sufferings and diseases in this life and
the next.

Good Life in Caraka.

It is well worth pointing out at the outset that "good life" in
Caraka means not only an ethically virtuous life, but a life which
is free from diseases, and which is so led that it attains its
normal length. l\1oral life thus means a life that is free from
the defect of prajiiiipariidha. It means wise and prudent life;
for it is only the want of wisdom and prudence that is the
cause of all physical, social, physiological, moral and spiritual
mischiefs. To be a good man, it is not enough that one should
practise the ethical virtues: a man should practise the physical,
physiological and social virtues as well. He must try to live a
healthy and long life, free from diseases and sufferings and free
from reproaches of any kind. It is important to note that Caraka
does not believe in the forced separation of the physical life from
the mental and the moral. Physical diseases are to be cured by
medicines, while mental diseases are to be cured by right and
proper knowledge of things, self-control and self-concentration.
The close interconnection between body and mind was well
known from early times, and even the Mahii-bhiirata (xn. 16) says
that out of the body arise the mental diseases and out of the mind
arise the bodily diseases. Caraka also thinks that a physician should
try to cure not only the bodily diseases but also the mental diseases.
XIII] Good Life in Caraka
The .:.llahii-bhiirata further says in the same chapter that there are
three elements in the body, viz. heat, cold and air; when they
are in a state of equipoise, the body is healthy, and when any one
of them predominates, there is disease. The mind is constituted
of sattva, rajas and tamas; when these are in a state of equipoise,
the mind is in proper order, and when any one of them pre-
dominates, it becomes diseased. Caraka, however, thinks that it is
only when rajas and tamas predominate that the mind gets diseased.
But, whatever these differences may be, it is evident that, when
Caraka speaks of life, he includes both mind and body, and it is
the welfare of both that is the chief concern of the physician.
Caraka's prohibitions and injunctions are therefore based on this
twofold good of body and mind that ought to be aimed at.
Mter speaking of the harmfulness of attempting to control
some of the bodily excretory movements, he recommends the
necessity of attempting to control certain other mental and bodily
tendencies. Thus he forbids all persons to indulge rashly in their
unthinking tendencies to eommit mistakes of mind, speech and
action. A man should also control his passion of greed, and his
feelings of grief, fear, anger, vanity,shamelessness,envy,attachment
and solicitude. He should not speak harshly or talk too much or
use stinging words or lie or speak irrelevantly or untimely. He
should not injure others by his body, indulge in unrestricted-sex-
gratifications, or steal. Injury to living beings (hi1J1sii) is supposed
to produce sins and thereby affects one's longevity. Non-injury
is thus described as being the best way of increasing life (ahi1J1sii
p1·ii7Ja-vardhaniiniim). The man who follows the above right course
of life is called virtuous, and he enjoys wealth, satisfies his desires,
abides by the laws (dharma) of a good life, and is happy. Along
with the proper and well-controlled exercise of the moral func-
tions Caraka advises people to take to well-controlled bodily
exercises (vyiiyiima). When moderately performed, they give light-
ness, power of doing work, steadiness (sthairya) and fortitude
(dul:zkha-sahz~1Jutii). Avoidance of unwise courses and non-com-
mission of errors of judgment (tyiigal:z prajiiiipariidhiiniim), sense-
control, remembrance of past experiences (smrti), due knowledge
of one's own powers, due regard to proper time and place and
good conduct prevent the inrush of mental and bodily diseases;
for it is these which are the essentials of a good life, and a wise
man always does what is good for himself. Caraka further advises
420 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
that one should not keep company with those who are sinful in
character, speech .and mind, or with those who are quarrelsome,
greedy, jealous, crooked, light-minded or fond of speaking ill of
others or cruel or vicious, or with those who associate with one's
enemies. But one should always associate with those who are wise,
learned, aged, with men of character, firmness, self-concentration,
ready experience, with those who know the nature of things and
are full of equanimity, and those who direct us in the right path,
are good to all beings, possess a settled character and are peaceful
and self-contented. In these ways a man should try, on the one
hand, to secure himself against the inrush of mental troubles which
upset one's moral life and, on the other hand, properly to attend
to his bodily welfare by taking the proper kind of food at the
proper time and attending to other details of physical well-being 1 •
The rules of good conduct (sad-vrtta) are described in detail
by Caraka as follows 2 :
A man should respect gods, cows, Brahmat;tas, preceptors
(guru), elderly persons, saints and teachers (iiciirya), hold.auspicious
amulets, bathe twice and clean all the pores of the body and feet
and cut his hair, beard and nails three times in a fortnight. He
should be well-dressed, should always oil his head, ears, nose and
feet, comb his hair, scent himself and smoke (dhuma-pii). He should
recognize others with a pleasant face, help others in difficulties,
perform sacrifices, make gifts, talk delightfully, nicely and for
the good of others, be self-controlled (vasyiitman) and of a
virtuous temperament. He should envy the cause of another's
prosperity in the form of his good character and other causes of
his personal efficiency (hetiiv tr~yu), but should not be jealous of
the fruits of these in the form of a man's prosperity or wealth
(phale nerDJu). He should be of firm decision, fearless, suscep-
tible to the feeling of shame, intelligent, energetic, skilful, of a
forgiving nature, virtuous and a believer (iistika). He should use
umbrellas, sticks, turbans and shoes, and should at the time of
walking look four cubits of ground in front of him; he should
avoid going to impure, unclean and dirty places; he should try to
appease those who are angry, soothe the fears of those who have
become afraid, help the poor, keep his promises, bear harsh words,
be self-controlled, remove the causes of attachments and antipathy
(riiga-d'l•e~a) and behave as the friend of all living beings. Again,
1 See Caraka-sa'!lhitii, I. 7· I Ibid. I. 8.
XIII) Good Life in Caraka 421

one should not tell lies, or take that which belongs to others, should
not commit adultery, or be jealous at other people's wealth, should
not be given to creating enemies, should not commit sins, or do
wrong even to a sinner, or speak about the defects or secrets of
others; should not keep cmnpany with the sinful or with those
who are the king's enemies or with madmen, the mean, wicked, out-
cast, or those who make abortions. One should not climb into bad
vehicles, lie on hard beds, or beds without sheets or pillows,
should not climb steep mountain sides or trees or bathe in fast
flowing rivers with strong currents; one should not go about
places where there are great fires raging, or laugh loudly or yawn
or laugh without covering the face, or pick one's teeth. Again,
one should not break the laws ordained by a large number of
persons, or other laws in general; should not go about at night in
improper places, or make friends with youngsters, old or greedy
people, fools, sinners or eunuchs; one should not be fond of wines,
gambling, prostitutes, divulge secrets, insult others, be proud or
boastful or speak il1 of old people, teachers, kings or assemblages
of persons, or talk too much; one should not turn out relations,
friends or those who know one's secrets. One should attend at the
proper time to every action, should not undertake to do anything
without properly examining it, or be too procrastinating, or be
under the influence of anger and pleasure; one should not be
very down-hearted in afflictions, or too elated in success, or too
disappointed in failures; should practice sex-continence, try to be
wise, make gifts, be friendly and compassionate to all and always
contented. It is needless to continue to enumerate all the qualities,
which would commonly be included within the requisites of a
good life. In this Caraka seems to cut an ahsolutely new way,
and in no other branch of Indian thought can we note such an
assemblage of good qualities of all the different kinds necessary
not only for a virtuous life, but for the healthy and successful
life of a good citizen.
It has already been pointed out that error of judgment or
delusion, in whichever sphere it may be exercised, is the root of
all mischiefs and all troubles. And Caraka demonstrates this by
enumerating in his schedule of good conduct proper behaviour in
all the different concerns and spheres of life. To Caraka the con-
ception of life is not as moral or immoral, but as good (hita) and bad
(ahita). It is true, no doubt, that here and there stray statements are
422 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
found in the Caraka-sa1{lhita which regard the cessation of all
sorrows as the ultimate end of life; but it is obvious that Caraka's
main approach to the subject shows very clearly that, though moral
virtues are always very highly appreciated, yet the non-moral
virtues, such as the proper taking care of the well-being of one's
own body and the observance of social rules and forms of etiquette
or normal prudent behaviour, are regarded as being equally neces-
sary for the maintenance of a good life. Transgressions and
sins are the causes of mental worries, troubles and also of many
mental and physical diseases, and one ought therefore to take
proper care that they may not enter into one's life; and it is said
that the diseases produced by strong sinful acts cannot be cured
by the ordinary means of the application of medicines and the
like, until with the proper period of their sufferings they subside
of themselves. But sins and transgressions are not the only causes
of our desires, accidents and other domestic, social and political
troubles. It is through our imprudent behaviour and conduct,
which are due to error of judgment (prajiiaparadha), as our other
sins and immoral acts are, that all our bodily and mental troubles
happen to us. A good life, which is the ideal of every person, is
a life of peace, contentment and happiness, free from desires and
troubles of all kinds. It is a life of prudence and well-balanced
judgment, where every action is done with due consideration to
its future consequences and where all that may lead to troubles
and difficulties is carefully avoided. It is only such a life that
can claim to be good and can be regarded as ideal. A merely
moral or virtuous life is not our ideal, which must be good in
every respect. Any transgression, be it of the rules of hygiene,
rules of polite society, rules of good citizenship, or any deviation
from the path which prudence or good judgment would recom-
mend to be wise, may disturb the peace of life. A scheme of
good life thus means a wise life, and observance of morality is
but one of the many ways in which wisdom can be shown.
Ayur-veda, or the Science of Life, deals primarily with the ways
in which a life may be good (hita), bad (ahita), happy (sukha) or
unhappy (asukha). A happy life is described as a life undisturbed
by bodily and mental diseases, full of youth and proper strength,
vitality, energy, power of launching new efforts, endowed with
wisdom, knowledge and efficient sense-organs-a life which is full
of all kinds of desirable enjoyments and in which the ventures that
XIII] Ayur-veda Literature
are undertaken are all successful. The opposite of this is what
tnay be called an unhappy life. The happy life thus represents
a life so far as it is happy and enjoyable and so far as it satisfies
us. The good life is the life as it is moulded and developed by our
right conduct. In a way it is the good life that makes a happy life.
They who seek a good life should desist from the sins of taking
other people's possessions and be truthful and self-controlled.
They should perform every action with proper observation, care and
judgment, and should not be hasty or make mistakes by their care-
lessness; they should attend to the attainment of virtue, wealth and
the enjoyments of life without giving undue emphasis to any of
them; they should respect those who are revered, should be learned,
wise and of a peaceful mind and control their tendencies to attach-
ment, anger, jealousy and false pride; they should always make
gifts; they should lead a life of rigour (tapas) and attain wisdom,
self-knowledge or philosophy (adlzyiitma-7-·idal:z), and behave in such
a way that the interests of both the present life on earth and the
life hereafter may be attended to with care and judgment, always
remembering the lessons of past experience 1 • It is now clear that
the ideal of good life in Caraka is not the same as that of the
different systems of philosophy which are technically called the
Science of Liberation (mok~a-siistra). The fundamental idea of a
good life is that a life should be so regulated that the body and
mind may be free from diseases, that it should not run into un-
necessary risks of danger through carelessness, that it should be
virtuous, pure and moral; that it should be a prudent and wise life
which abides by the laws of polite society and of good and loyal
citizens, manifesting keen alertness in thought and execution and
tending constantly to its own good-good for all interests of life,
body, mind and spirit.
Ayur-veda Literature.
The systematic development of Indian· medicine proceeded
primarily on two principal lines, viz. one that of Susruta and the
other that of Caraka. It is said in Susruta 's great work, Susruta-
saJ!lhitii, that Brahma originally composed the Ayur-veda in one hun-
dred verses, divided into one thousand chapters, even before he had
created human beings, and that later on, having regard to the
shortness of human life and the poverty of the human intellect,
1 Caraka-SmJlhitii, I. 30. 22.
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
he divided it into the eight parts, Salya, Siiliikya, etc., alluded to
in a previous section. But this seems to be largely mythical. It is
further said in the same connection in the Susruta-sa1Jlhitii, 1. 1
that the sages Aupadhenava, Vaitaral).a, Aurabhra, Pau~kalavata,
Karavirya, Gopurarak~ita, Susruta and others approached
Dhanvantari or Divodasa, king of Kasi, for medical instruction.
Susruta's work is therefore called a work of the Dhanvantari
school. Though it was revised at a later date by Nagarjuna, yet
Susruta himself is an old writer. A study of the Jatakas shows that
the great physician Atreya, a teacher of Jivaka, lived in Taxila
shortly before Buddha 1 • It has been said in a preceding section
that in the enumeration of bones Susruta shows a knowledge of
Atreya 's system of osteology. Hoernle has further shown in
sections 42, s6, 6o and 61 of his "Osteology," that the Satapatha-
Briihmm;a, which is at least as old as the sixth century B.C., shows
an acquaintance with Susruta's views concerning the counting of
bones. But, since Atreya could not have lived earlier than the sixth
century B.C., and since the Satapatha-Briihmar;a of abou·t the sixth
century B.c. shows an acquaintance with Susruta's views, Hoernle
conjectures that Susruta must have been contemporary with
Atreya's pupil, Agnivesa 2 • But, admitting Hoernle's main conten-
tions to be true, it may be pointed out that by the term veda-
viidinal:z in Susruta-sa11zhitii, III. 5· 18 Susruta may have referred
to authorities earlier than Atreya, from whom Atreya also may
have drawn his materials. On this view, then, the lower limit of
Susruta's death is fixed as the sixth or seventh century B.C., this
being the date of the Satapatha-Briihmar;a, while practically nothing
can be said about the upper limit.
But it is almost certain that the work which now passes by
the name of Susruta-sarrzhitii is not identically the same work that
was composed by this elder Susruta (vrddha Suiruta). J!alhaQa,
who lived probably in the eleventh or the twelfth century, says in
his Nibandha-sa1Jlgraha that Nagarjuna was the reviser of the
Susruta-sarrzhitii 3 ; and the Susruta-sarrzhitii itself contains a supple-
mentary part after the Kalpa-sthiina, called the Uttara-tantra (later
work). In the edition of Susruta by P.lVIuralidhar, of Pharuknagar,
there is a verse at the beginning, which says that that which was
1 Rockhill's Life of Buddha, pp. 65 and 96.
2 Hoernle's Medicine of Ancient India, Part I, "Osteology," pp. 7 and 8.
3 Pratisa'flskartiiplha Niigiirjuna eva. l)alhat:ta's Nibandha-Sa1!llJraha, 1. 1. 1.
XIII] Ayur-veda Literature
so well taught for the good of the people hy the great sage Dhan-
vantari to the good pupil Susruta became famous all over the
world as Susruta-sa~nhitii, and is regarded as the best and the chief
of the threefold~~ yur-veda literature, and that it was strung together
in the form of a hook by no other person than Nagarjuna 1 . Cakra-
pal)i also in his Bhanumatt refers to a reviser (prati'sa7Jzskartr); but
he does not mention his name. Gayadasa's pailjika on Susruta,
Susruta-candrika or l\yaya-candri'ka, has an observation on the
eighth verse of the third chapter of the :.Yidiina-sthiina, in which he
gives a different reading hy Nagarjuna, which is the same as the
present reading of Susruta in the corresponding passage 2 • Again,
Bhatta Narahari in his Ti'ppa~zi on the Astiitiga-hrdaya-sa1Jlhitii,
ca11ed Vagbha ta-kha~uJana-ma~ujana, in discussing murjha-garbha-
nidana, annotates on the reading vasti-d'l·iire ·vipanniiyiih, which
Vagbhata changes in borrowing from Susruta's vastimara-vipamzii-
yiilz (II. R. 14), and says that vasti'-d'0·are is the reading of Nagarjuna 3 •
ThatNagarjuna had the habit of making supplements to his revisions
of works is further testified by the fact that a work called Yoga-
sataka, attributed to Nagarjuna, had also a supplementary chapter,
called Uttara-tantra, in addition to its other chapters, Kiiya-ciki'tsii,
Siiliikya-tantra, Salya-tantra, Vi~a-tantra, Bhutavi'dyii, Kaumilra-
tantra, Rasilyana-tantra and Viljzkarm.za-tantra. This makes it
abundantly clear that what passes as the Susruta-smrzhitii was either
entirely strung together from the traditional teachings of Susruta
or entirely revised and enlarged hy Nagarjuna on the basis of a
nuclear work of Susruta which was available to ~agarjuna. But
was Nagarjuna the only person who revised the Susruta-sa1Jlhitii?
l)alhaJ).a's statement that it was Nagarjuna who was the reviser
of the work (p1·ati'sarrzslwrtapzha Nilgiirjuna eva) is attested hy the
verse of the Muralidhar edition (Niigiirjunenaiva grathi'tii); but
the use of the emphatic word eva in both suggests that there
may have been other editions or revisions of Susruta by other
writers as well. The hopelessly muddled condition of the readings,
Upadi$!ii tu yii sam_,.,~!! Dhanvantari-11wlwr$i1Jtl
Suiruttiya swli$ytlya loklinii'fl hita-vtinchayii
sarvatra bhuvi 'tikhvtitii ntimnti Suiruta-samhitii
Ayur-vedat-raylmadhye sre$fhii miinyii tatl;ottamii
sii ca Niigiirjunenaiva ~:rathitii grantha-rfipata!z.
Niigiirjunas tu pathati; iarlwrii sikatii meho bhasmiikh:yo 'smari-'lwnrtam iti.
In the Nin:taya-Sagara edition of IQI5 this is u. 3· 13, whereas in ]ivananda's
edition it is 11. 3· 8_ See also Dr Cordier's Recentes DecouvertesdeMSS. Medicaux
Sanscrits dans 1'/nde, p. IJ.
ata eva Niigiirjunair vasti-dviira iti patlzyate.
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
chapter-divisions ~nd textual arrangements in the chapters in
different editions of the Susruta-sa1J1hitii is such that there can be no
doubt that from time to time many hands were in operation on
this great work. Nor it is proper to think that the work of revising
Susruta was limited to a pre-Cakrapal).i period. It is possible to
point out at least one case in which it can be almost definitely
proved that a new addition was made to the Susruta-saJ?lhitii
after Cakrapal).i, or the text of Susruta known to J!alhal')a was
not known to Cakrapal).i. Thus, in dealing with the use of catheters
and the processes of introducing medicine through the anus
(vasti-kriyii) in IV. 38, the texts of the Sufruta-sa'!lhitii commented
on by J!alhal).a reveal many interesting details which are untouched
in the chapter on Vasti in the Caraka-saJ?lhitii ( Uttara-vasti, Siddhi-
stlziina, xn). This chapter of the Caraka-saJ?lhitii was an addition
by Dr9habala, who flourished in Kasmira or the Punjab, prob-
ably in the eighth or the ninth century. When Cakrapal).i wrote
his commentary in the eleventh century, he did not make any
reference to the materials found in the Suhuta-Sa1J1hitii, nor did he
introduce them into his own medical compendium, which passes
by the name of Cakradatta. Cakrapal).i knew his Suiruta-saJ?lhitii
well, as he had commented on it himself, and it is extremely un-
likely that, if he had found any interesting particulars concerning
1-·asti-kriyii in his text, he should not have utilized them in his
commentary or in his own medical work. The inference, there-
fore, is almost irresistible that many interesting particulars re-
garding vasti-kriyii, absent in the texts of the Sus1·uta-sa1J1hitii in
the ninth and eleventh centuries, were introduced into it in the
tv.·elfth century. It is difficult, however, to guess which Nagar-
juna was the reviser or editor of the Suiruta-sa1J1hitii; it is very
unlikely that he was the famous Nagarjuna of the Miidhyamika-
kiirikii, the great teacher of Sunyavada; for the accounts of the
life of this Nagarjuna, as known from Chinese and Tibetan
sources, nowhere suggest that he revised or edited the Suiruta-
sa1J1hitii. Alberuni speaks of a Nagarjuna who was born in Dihaka,
near Somanatha (Gujarat), about one hundred years before
himself, i.e. about the middle of the ninth century, and who
had written an excellent work on alchemy, containing the sub-
stance of the whole literature of the subject, which by Alberuni's
time had become very rare. It is not improbable that this
Nagarjuna was the author of the Kak~aputa-tantra, which is
XIII] Ayur-:veda Literature
avowedly written with materials collected fro~ the alchemical
works of various religious communities and which deals with
the eightfold miraculous acquirements (a~ta-siddhi). But Vrnda
in his Siddlza-yoga refers to a formula by Nagarjuna which was
said to have be('n written on a pillar in Pataliputra 1 • This
formula is reproduced by CakrapaQi Datta, Vangasena and by
Nityanatha Siddha in his Rasa-ratniikara. But since Vrnda,
the earliest of these writers, flourished about the eighth or the
ninth century, and since his formula was taken from an in-
scription, it is not improbable that this Nagarjuna flourished a
few centuries before him.
Of the commentaries on the Susruta-Sa'f!lhitii the most im-
portant now current is I)alhaQa's Nibandha-sa'f!lgraha. I)alhaQa
quotes CakrapaQi, of A.D. 1o6o, and is himself quoted by Hemadri,
of A.D. 1260. He therefore flourished between the eleventh and
the thirteenth centuries. It has been pointed out that sufficient
textual changes in the Susruta-sarrzhitii had occurred between Cakra-
paQi and I)alhaQa's time to have taken at least about one hundred
years. I am therefore inclined to think that I)alhaQa lived late in
the twelfth, or early in the thirteenth, century at the court of King
Sahapala Deva. CakrapaQi had also written a commentary on the
Susruta-sa'f!lhitii, called Bhiinumati, the first book of which has been
published by Kaviraj Gangaprasad Sen. Dr Cordier notes that
there is a complete manuscript of this at Benares. Niscala Kara and
SrikaQtha Datta sometimes quote from CakrapaQi's commentary
on the Susruta-smtzhitii. I)alhaQa's commentary is called Nibandlza-
smtzgraha, which means that the book is collected from a number
of commentaries, and he himself says in a colophon at the end of
the Uttara-tantra that th(' physician I)alhal)a, son of Bharata, had
written the work after consulting many other commentaries 2 •
At the beginning of his !\7ibandha-smtzgraha he refers to Jaiyyata,
Gayadasa, Bhaskara's pailjikii, Srimadhava and Brahmadcva. In
his work he further mentions Caraka, Harita, Jatukarl)a, Kasyapa,
Kn?I)atreya, Bhadrasaunaka, Nagarjuna, the two Vagbhatas,
Videha, Hariscandra, llhoja, Karttika Kul)qa and others. I lari-
scandra was a commentator on the Caralw-samhitii. It is curious,
however, that, though I)alha!).a refers to Bhask~ra and Srlmadhava
1Nagarjunena lihhitii stambhe Piitaliputralu, ": 149.
2 Nibandlul.n ballldo 'lfik$Yll 1.midyab Srihhiiraf(/.tmajab
uttara-sthii11am alwmt suspa$fllf!l l)alhm;n hhi$td?.
Concluding verse of l)alhar:m'scomment~uyon Susruta's Uttara-tantra, chap.66.
Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
at the beginning of his commentary, he does not refer to them
in the body of it~ Hoernle, however, is disposed to identify
Bhaskara and Karttika Ku1.1<Ja as one person. Vijayarak~ita and
SrikaQtha Datta, commentators on Madhava's Nidiina, refer to
Karttika Kui)<Ja in connection with their allusions to the Smruta-
sa1J1hitii, but not to Bhaskara. A Patna inscription (E.I.I. 340, 345)
says that King Bhoja had given the title of Vidyapati to Bhaskara
Bhatta. Hoernle thinks that this Bhaskara was the same as Bhaskara
Bhana. Hoernle also suggests that Vrnda Madhava was the same
as Srimadhava referred to by QalhaQa. Madhava in his Siddha-yoga
often modifies Susruta's statements. It may be that these modifi-
cations passed as Madhava's Tippa7Ja. Since Gayadasa and Cakra-
pal).i both refer to Bhoja and do not refer to one another, it may
be that Gayadasa was a contemporary of Cakrapal)i. Hoernle
thinks that the Brahmadeva referred to by QalhaQa was Sribrahma,
the father of Mahesvara, who wrote his Siihasiinka-carita in A.D.
I I I I. Mahesvara refers to Hariscandra as an early ancestor of his.
It is not improbable that this Hariscandra was a commentator on
Caraka. The poet lVIahesvara was himself also a Kaviraja, and
Heramba Sena's Gurjha-bodhaka-sa1{lgraha was largely based on
1\lahesvara's work. Jejjata's commentary passed by the name of
Brhal-laghu-pafijikii; Gayadasa's commentary was called the
Susruta-candrikii or Nyiiya-candrikii and Srimadhava or Madhava-
Kara's Tippa7Ja was called Sloka-viirttika. Gayadasa mentions the
names of Bhoja, Suranandi and Svamidasa. Gayadasa's panjikii has
been discovered only up to the Nidiina-sthiina, containing 3000
grant has. Among other commentators of Susruta we hear the
names of Gomin, A~a<Jhavarman, Jinadasa, Naradanta, ·Gadadhara,
Ba~pacandra, Soma, Govardhana and Prasnanidhana.
It may not be out of place here to mention the fact that the
Sar:pkhya philosophy summed up in the Siirfra-sthiina of Susruta
is decidedly the Sar:pkhya philosophy of Isvarakr~Qa, which, as I
have elsewhere pointed out, is later than the Sar:pkhya philosophy
so elaborately treated in the Caraka-sa1J1hitii 1 • This fact also sug-
g~sts that the revision of Susruta was executed after the composition
of Isvarakr~I)a's work (about A.D. zoo), which agrees with the view
expressed above that the revision of Susruta was the work of Nagar-
juna, who flourished about the fourth or the fifth century A.D.
But it is extremely improbable that the elaborate medical doctrines
1 History of Indian Philosophy, vol. r, pp. 313-322.
XIII] Ayur-veda Literature
of an author who lived at so early a date as the sixth century B.C.
could have remained in a dispersed condition until seven, eight
or nine hundred years later. It is therefore very probable that
the main basis of Susruta's work existed in a codified and well-
arranged form from very early times. The work of the editor or
reviser seems to have consisted in introducing supplements, such
as the Uttara-tantra, and other chapters on relevant occasions. It
does not seem impossible that close critical and comparative
study of a number of published texts of the Susruta-sa1J1hitii
and of unpublished manuscripts may enable a future student to
separate the original from the supplementary parts. The task,
however, is rendered difficult by the fact that additions to the
Susruta-sm!lhitii \Vere probably not limited to one period, as has
already been pointed out above.
It is well known that Atri's medical teachings, as collected by
Agnivda in his Agnivesa-tantra, which existed at least as late as
Cakrapar;i, form the basis of a revised work by Caraka, who is
said to have flourished during the time of Kar;i!?ka, passing by
the name of Caraka-safJ1hitii 1 • It is now also well known that
Caraka did not complete his task, but left it half-finished at a
point in the Cikitsii-sthiina, seventeen chapters of which, together
with the books called Siddhi-sthiina and Kalpa-sthiina, were added
by Kapilabala's son, Dr<;lhabala, of the city ofPaficanada, about the
ninth century A.D. The statement that Dr<;lhabala supplemented the
work in the above way is found in the current texts of the Caraka-
sm.nhitii2. Niscala Kara in his Ratna-prabhii describes him as author
of the Caraka-pariSi~ta, and Cakrapar;i, Vijayarak!?ita and Arur;a-
datta (A.D. 1240), '"·henever they have occasion to quote passages
from his supplementary parts: all refer to Dr<;lhabala as the author.
The city of Paficanada was identified as the Punjab by Dr U. C. Dutt
in his 1llateria A1edica, which identification was accepted by Dr
Cordier and referred to a supposed modem Panjpur ,north of Attock
in the Punjab. There are several Paficanadas in different parts of
India, and one of them is mentioned in the fifty-ninth chapter of
the Kiisi-khm:uJa; Gangadhara in his cominentary identifies this
with Benares, assigning no reason for such identification. Hoernle,
however, thinks that this Paficanada is the modern village of
1 On Caraka's being the court-physician of Km;i~ka see S. LeYi, Notes sur

les lnd'J-Scythes, in Journal Asiatique, pp. 444 sqq.

~ Caraka-sm!thitii, VI. 30 and Siddlzi-sthiina, VII. 8.
430 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
Pantzinor ("five channels" in Kashmir) and holds that Dr9habala
was an inhabitant of this place. There are many passages in Caraka
which the commentators believe to be additions of the Kasmira
recension (Kiismlra-piiJha). Madhava quotes a number of verses
from the third chapter of the sixth section, on fevers, which verses
arc given with the omission of about twenty-four lines. Vijaya-
rak~ita, in his commentary on lVIadhava's lvidiina, says that these
lines belong to the Kasmira recension. Existing manuscripts vary
very much with regard to these lines; for, while some have the lines,
in others they are not found. In the same chapter there are other
passages which are expressly noted by Cakrapa1_1idatta as belonging
to Kasmira recensions, and are not commented upon by him. '"(here
are also other examples. Hoernle points out that Jivananda's edition
of 1877 gives the Kasmira version, while his edition of 1896, as
well as the editions of Gangadhara, the two Sens and Abinas,
have Caraka's original version. 1\tladhava never quotes readings
belonging to the Kasmira recension. Hoemle puts together four
points, viz. that Caraka's work was revised and completed by
Drghabala, that there existed a Kasmira recension of the Caraka-
sa1J1hitii, that Dr9habala calls himself a native of Paiicanada city,
and that there existed a holy place of that name in Kasmira; and
he argues that the so-called Kasmira recension represents the re-
vision of the Caraka-sartzhitii by Dr9habala. Judging from the
fact that l\'Iadhava takes no notice of the readings of the Kasmira
recension, he argues that the latter did not exist in Madhava's
time and that therefore l\Iadhava's date must be anterior to that
of Dr9habala.
But which portions were added to the Caraka-sa1J1hitii by
Drghabala? The obvious assumption is that he added the last
seventeen chapters of the sixth book (Cikitsii} and the seventh and
eighth books 1 • But such an assumption cannot hold good, since
there is a great divergence in the counting of the number of the
chapters in different manuscripts. Thus, while }ivananda's text
marks Arsas, Atisara, Visarpa, l\1adatyaya and Dvivra1_1iya as the
ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth chapters of Cikitsii
and therefore belonging to the original Caraka, Gangadhara's text
asmin saptiidasiidltyii kalpiil;. siddhaya eva ca
niisiidyante 'gnivesasya tantre Carakasa'f!I.Skrte
tiin etiin Kapilaba/a}; se~iin Drtfhabalo 'karot
tantrasyiisya mahiirthasya ptlrm;iirtha'fl yathiiyatham.
VI. JO. 274·
XIII] Ayur-veda Literature 431
calls the ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth chapters
Unmada, Apasmara, K~atak~IQa, Svayathu and Udara. The seven-
teen chapters attributed to Dr<Jhabala have consequently different
titles in the Garigadhara and Jivananda editions. Hoemle has dis-
cussed very critically these textual problems and achieved notable
results in attributing chapters to Caraka or Dr<Jhabala 1 • But it is
needless for us to enter into these discussions.
IVIahamahopadhyaya Kaviraj Ga1.1anatha Sen, merely on the
strength of the fact that the Riija-tarangifll is silent on the matter 2 ,
disputes the traditional Chinese statement that Caraka wa~ the
court-physician of Ka1.1i~ka. There is no ground to believe as
gospel truth a tradition, which cannot be traced to any earlier
authority than Bhoja (eleventh century), that Pataiijali was the
author of a medical work, and that therefore Pataiijali and Caraka
could be identified. His comparisons of some passages from
Caraka (Iv. 1) with some sutras of Pataiijali are hardly relevant
and he finally has to rest for support of this identification on the
evidence of Ramabhadra Dik~ita, a man of the seventeenth or the
eighteenth century, who holds that Pataiijali had written a work
on medicine. He should have known that there were more
Pataiijalis than one, and that the alchemist and medical Pataiijali
was an entirely different person from Pataiijali, the grammarian.
The most important commentary now completely available to
us is the Ayur-veda-dzpikii, or Caraka-tiitparya-tzkii, of CakrapaQi-
datta. Another important commentary is the Caraka-paiijikii by
Svamikumara. He was a Buddhist in faith, and he refers to the
commentator Hariscandra. The Caraka-tattva-pradzpika was
written in later times by Sivadasasena, who also wrote the Tattva-
candrikii, a commentary on Cakradatta. We hear also of other
commentaries on Caraka by Ba~pacandra or Vapyacandra, Isana-
deva, Isvarasena, Vakulakara, Jinadasa, Munidasa, Govardhana,
Sandhyakara, Jaya nandi and the Caraka-candrikii of Gayadasa.
Among other ancient treatises we may mention the Kiisyapa-
sarrzhitii, discovered in KathmaQQii, a medical dialogue between
Kasyapa, the teacher and Bhargava, the student. It is interesting
to note that it has some verses (lVIS., pp. 105-110) which are
identical with part of the fifth chapter of the first book of Caraka.
There is another important manuscript, called Bhiiradviija-
:J.R.A.S., 1908 and 1909.
Pratyak~a-siirzram, introduction.
432 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
sa1[thitii, which contains within it a small work called Bhesaja-
kalpa, a commentary by Venkate8a 1 • Agnive8a's original work,
the Agnivesa-sa'f!lhitii, which was the basis of Caraka's revision,
was available at least up to the time of Cakrapat).i; Vijayarak~ita
and Srikai)thadatta also quote from it 2 • Jatiikari)a's work also
existed till the time of the same writers, as they occasionally quote
from Jatukan;a-sarJZhitii 3 • The PariiSara-sarJZhitii and K~iirapii1Ji­
Sa1Jlhitii were also available down to Srikai)thadatta's, or even down
to Sivadasa's, time. The Hiirita-SarJZhitii (different from the printed
and more modem .text) was also available from the time of
Cakrapai)i and Vijayarak~ita, as is evident from the quotations
from it in their works. Bhela's work, called Bhela-SarJZhitii, has
already been published by the University of Calcutta. It may be
remembered that Agnivesa, Bhela, J atiikan;a, Parasara, Harita
and K~arapai)i were all fellow-students in medicine, reading with
the same teacher, A.treya-Punarvasu; Agnivesa, being the most
intelligent of them all, wrote his work first, but Bhela and his
other fellow-students also wrote independent treati_ses, which
were read before the assembly of medical scholars and approved by
them. Another work of the same school, called Kharm;ada-sarJZhitii,
and also a ViSviimitra-SarJZhitii, both of which are not now available,
are utilized by CakrapaQi and other writers in their commentaries.
The name sarJZhitii, however, is no guarantee of the antiquity of
these texts, for the junior Vagbhata's work is also called A~!iiilga­
hrdaya-SarJZhitii. We have further a manuscript called V araruci-
SarJZhitii, by Vararuci, and a Siddha-siira-SarJZhitii by Ravigupta,
son of Durgagupta, which are of comparatively recent date. The
Brahma-vaivarta-purii7Ja refers to a number of early medical works,
such as the Cikitsii-tattva-vijiiiina of Dhanvantari, Cikitsii-darsana
of Divodasa, Cikitsii-kaumudl of Kasiraja, Cikitsii-siira-tantra and
Bhrama-ghna of Asvini, Vaidyaka-sarvasva of Nakula, Vyiidhi-
sindhu-vimardana of Sahadeva, Jiiiiniir1Java of Yama, Jlviidana of
Cyavana, Vaidya-sandeha-bhaiijana of Janaka, Sarva-siira of
Candrasuta, Tantra-siira of Jabala, Vediinga-siira of Jajali, Nidiina
of Paila, Sarva-dhara of Karatha and Dvaidha-niT1}aya-tantra of
See Dr Cordier's Recentes Decouvertes de MSS. Medicaux Sanscrits dans
l'Inde (1898-1902).
See Cakrapal).i's commentary on Caraka-sarphitii, II. 2, also SrikaQtha on
the Siddha-yoga, Jvariidhikii.ra.
3 CakrapaQi's commentary, II. 2 and n. 5, also Srikal).tha on the Nidiina
XIII] Ayur-veda Literature 433
Agastya But nothing is known of these works, and it is difficult
to say if they actually existed.
It is well known that there were two Vagbhatas (sometimes
spelt Vahata). The earlier Vagbhata knew Caraka and Susruta.
It is conjectured by Hoernle and others that the statement of
I-tsing (A.D. 67s-685), that the eight arts formerly existed in eight
books, and that a man had lately epitomized them and made them
into one bundle, and that all physicians in the five parts of India
practised according to that book, alludes to the A~!iiizga-Saf!lgraha
of Vagbhata the elder. In that case Vagbhata I must have flourished
either late in the sixth century or early in the seventh century; for
1-tsing speaks of him as having epitomized the work" lately," and
on the other hand time must be allowed for the circulation of such
a work in the five parts of India. A comparison of Susruta and
Vagbhata I shows that the study of anatomy had almost ceased to
exist in the latter's time. It is very probable that Vagbhata was a
Buddhist. The A:r:fii1iga-Saf!lgraha has a commentary by lndu; but
before Indu there had been other commentators, whose bad ex-
positions were refuted by him 2 •
l\'fadhava, Dnlhabala and Vagbhata II all knew Vagbhata I.
lV1adhava mentions him by name and occasionally quotes from
him both in the Siddha-yoga and in the Nidiina, and so also does
Dnlhabala 3 • Hoernle has shown that Dnlhabala's 96 diseases of
the eye are based on Vagbhata's 94· Vagbhata II towards the end
of the Uttara-sthiina of his A~tiiizga-hrdaya-saf!Zhitii definitely ex-
presses his debt to Vagbhata I. But they must all have flourished
before Cakrapal)i, who often refers to Dglhabala and Vagbhata II.
If, as Hoernle has shown, l\Iadhava was anterior to Dp;lhabala, he
also must necessarily have flourished before Cakrapal)i. Hoernle 's
argument that l\1adhava flourished before Dglhabala rests upon
the fact that Susruta counts 76 kinds of eye-diseases, while
Vagbhata I has 94· Dp;lhabala accepts Vagbhata I 's 94 eye-diseases
with the addition of two more, added by l\Iadhava, making his list
come to 96. ~1adhava had accepted Susruta's 76 eye-diseases and
It is curious to notice that the Brahma-·vaivarta-puriir:za makes Dhanvantari,
Kasiraja and Divodasa different persons, which is contrary to Susruta's state-
ment noted above.
Durvyiihhyii-·vi~a-suptasya Viiha{asyiismad-ulltaya!z smlfu sa1Jl·citti-dayinyas
sad-iigama-pari~krtii. lndu's commentary, 1. 1.
3 Siddha-yoga, 1. 27, A~!iinga-sa'!lgraha, II. 1, Nidiina, II. 22 and 23, Sa1Jl-
gmha, 1. 266, Caralw-sa1Jlhitii (Jivananda, 1896), Cikitsita-sthiina, xvr. 31,
Sa'!tgraha, 11. 26. Again, Cikitsita-sthiina, XVI. 53, etc., Sa1Jlgraha, 11. 27, etc.
DII 28
434 Speculations in the Medical Schools [cH.
added two of his own 1 • The second point in Hoemle's argument
is that Madhava in his quotations from Caraka always omits the
passages marked by Vijayarak~ita as Kasmira readings, which
Hoerp.le identifies with the revision work of Dnlhabala. These
arguments of Hoernle appear very inconclusive; for, if the
so-called Kasmira recension can be identified with Dr<Jhabala's
revision, both Dr<;ihabala's Kasmira nativity and his posteriority
to Madhava can be proved; but this proposition has not been
proved. On the other hand, CakrapaQi alludes to a Dr<;ihabala
satpskara side by side with a Kasmira reading, and this seems
to indicate that the two are not the same 2 • The suggestion of
Madhava's anteriority on the ground that he counts 78 eye-
diseases is rather far-fetched. Madhava's date, therefore, cannot
be definitely settled. Hoernle is probably correct in holding that
Dr<Jhabala is anterior to Vagbhata3 • However, the relative an-
teriority or posteriority of these three writers does not actually
matter very much; for they lived at more or less short intervals
from one another and their dates may roughly be assigned to a
period between the eighth and tenth centuries A.D.
Vagbhata Il's A~fiitiga-hrdaya-sa1Jlhitii has at least five com-
mentaries, viz. by AruQadatta (Sarviitiga-sundarz), Asadhara,
Candracandana (Padiirtha-candrikii), Ramanatha and Hemadri
(Ayur-veda-rasiiyana). Of these Arul_ladatta probably lived in A.D.
1220. l\'Iadhava's Rug-viniScaya, a compendium of pathology, is
one of the most popular works of Indian l\ledicine. It has at least
seven commentaries, viz. by Vijayarak!?ita (Madhu-kosa), Vaidya-
vacaspati (Ataizka-dzpana), Ramanatha Vaidya, Bhavanisahaya,
Naganatha (Nidiina-pradtpa), Gal).esa Bhisaj and the commentary
known as Siddhiinta-candrikii or Vivarm;za-siddhiinta-candrikii,
by Narasirpha Kaviraja 4 • Vijayarak!?ita's commentary, however,
Hoernle thinks that the total number of 76 eye-diseases ordinarily found
in the printed editions of Madhava's Nidii.na is not correct, as they do not
actually tally with the descriptions of the different eye-diseases given by
Madhava and do not include pa~ma-kopa and pak~ma-sii.tii varieties. Hoernle's
"Osteology," p. 13.
Cakra's commentary, 1. 7. 46-so.
3 See Hoernle's "Osteology," pp. 14-16.
Narasirp.ha Kaviraja was the son of Nilakal).tha Bhatta and the pupil of
Ramakr~t:la Bhatta. He seems to have written another medical work, called
Madhu-matl. His Vivara1J.a-siddhii.nta-candrikii., though based on Vijaya's
Madhu-ko~a. is an excellent commentary and contains much that is both
instructive and new. The only manuscript available is probably the one that
belongs to the family library of the author of the present work, who is preparing
an edition of it for publication.
XIII] Ayur-veda Literature 435
closes with the 33rd chapter, and the rest of the work was accom-
plished by Srikal)thadatta, a pupil of Vijayarak~ita. Vrnda (who
may be the same as l\!Iadhava) wrote a Siddha-yoga, a book of
medical formulas, well known among tnedical writers.
In connection with this brief account of Indian medical
works the Nava-nlfaka, and the other mutilated medical treatises
which have been discovered in Central Asia and which go by the
name of "Bower manuscript," cannot be omitted. This manu-
script is written on birch leaves in Gupta characters and is
probably as old as the fifth century A.D. It is a Buddhist work,
containing many medical formulas taken from Caraka, Susruta
and other unknown writers. It will, however, be understood that
an elaborate discussion of chronology or an exhaustive account
of Indian medical works would be out of place in a work like
the present.· The Ayur-veda literature, and particularly that part
which deals with medical formulas and recipes, medical lexicons
and the like, is vast. Aufrecht's catalogue contains the names
of about 1500 manuscript texts, most of which have not yet
been published, and there are many other manuscripts not
mentioned in Aufrecht's catalogue. Among the books now
much in use may be mentioned the works of San\gadhara, of the
fourte~nth century, Sivadasa's commentary on Cakrapal)i, of the
fifteenth century, anrl the Bhiiva-prakiisa of Bhavamisra, of the
sixteenth. Vailgasena's work is also fairly common. Among ana-
tomical texts Bhoja's work and Bhaskara Bhatta's Sarzra-padminz
deserve mention. The Aupadhenava-tantra, Pau~kaliivata-tantra,
V aitarm.za-tantra and Bhoja-tantra are alluded to by Qalhat).a.
The Bhiiluki-tantra and Kapila-tantra are mentioned by Cakrapal)i
in hisBhiinumatl commentary. So much for the anatomical treatises.
Videha-tantra, 1Vimi-tantra, Kiinkiiyana-tantra, Satyaki-tantra,
Kariila-tantra and Krf~liilreya-tantra on eye-diseases are alluded
to in Srikarnha's commentary on Madhava's Nidiina. The Saunaka-
tantra on eye-diseases is named in the commentaries of Cakrapal)i
and Qalhal).a. The Jtvaka-tantra, Parvataka-tantra and Bandhaka-
tantra are alluded to by Qalhai)a as works on midwifery. The
Hira1}yiik~ya-tantra on the same subject is named by Srikal).tha,
whereas the Kasyapa-sat{lhitii and Alambiiyana-sa1Jlhitii are cited
by Srikal).~ha on toxicology. The Usanas-sa1Jlhitii, Sanaka-smrzhitii,
Lii!yiiyana-sa1Jlhitii are also mentioned as works on toxicology.
Among some of the other important Tantras may be mentioned
Speculations in the Medical Schools (CH. XIII

Nagarjuna's Yoga-sataka, containing the eight regular divisions of

Indian Medicine, and Nagarjuna's Jiva-sutra and Bhe~aja-kalpa, all
of which were translated into Tibetan. Three works on the A#iiilga-
hrdaya, called A#iiilga-hrdaya-niima-vaiduryaka-bhii~a, Padiir-
tha-candrikii-prabhiisa-niima, A~tiiizga-hrdaya-vrtti and V aidyakii-
~tiinga-hrdaya-vrtter bhe~aja-niima-silci, were· also translated into
The Ayur-veda-siltra is a work by Yoganandanatha, published
with a commentary by the same author in the M ysore University
Sanskrit series in 1922, with an introduction by Dr Shama Sastry.
It is rightly pointed out in the introduction that this is a very
modern work, written after the Bhiiva-prakasa, probably in the
sixteenth century. It contains sixteen chapters and is an attempt
to connect Ayur-veda with Patafijali's Yoga system. It endeavours
to show how different kinds of food increase the sattva, 1·ajas and
tamas qualities and how yoga practices, fasting and the like, in-
fluence the conditions of the body. Its contribution, whether as· a
work of Ayur-veda or as a work of philosophy, is rather slight. It
shows a tendency to connect Yoga with Ayur-veda, while the Vtra-
si'!lhiivalokita is a work which tries to connect astrology with the

The Gita Literature.

THE Gztii is regarded by almost all sections of the Hindus as one
of the most sacred religious works, and a large number of commen-
taries have been written on it by the adherents of different schools
of thought, each of which explained the GUii in its own favour.
Sarikara 's bhii~ya is probably the earliest commentary now available;
but from references and discussions found therein there seems to
be little doubt that there were previous commentaries which he
wished to refute.
Sankara in his interpretation of the Gttii seeks principally to
emphasize the dogma that right knowledge can never be com-
bined with Vedic duties or the duties recommended by the legal
scriptures. If through ignorance, or through attachment, a man
continues to perform the Vedic duties, and if, as a result of s~cri­
fices, gifts and tapas (religious austerities), his mind becomes pure
and he acquires the right knowledge regarding the nature of the
ultimate reality-that the passive Brahman is the all-and then,
when all reasons for the performance of actions have ceased for
him, still continues to perform the prescribed duties just like
common men and to encourage others to behave in a similar
manner, then such actions are inconsistent with right knowledge.
\Vhen a man performs actions without desire or motive, they
cannot be considered as karma at all. He alone may be said to be
performing karma, or duties, who has any interest in them. But
the wise man, who has no interest in his karma, cannot be said
to be performing karma in the proper sense of the term, though
to all outward appearances he may be acting exactly like an
ordinary man. Therefore the main thesis of the Gztii, according
to Satikara, is that liberation can come only through right know-
ledge and not through knowledge combined with the performance
of duties. Sankara maintains that all duties hold good for us only
in the stage of ignorance and not in the stage of wisdom. \Vhen
once the right knowledge of identity with Brahman dawns and
ignorance ceases, all notions of duality, which are presupposed by
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii (CH.
the performance of actions and responsibility for them, cease 1 • In
interpreting GUii, III. I, Sailkara criticizes the opinions of some
previous commentators, who held that obligatory duties cannot be
given up even when true wisdom is attained. In reply he alludes
to legal scriptures (smrti-siistra), and asserts that the mere non-
performance of any duties, however obligatory, cannot lead to
evil results, since non-performance is a mere negation and of
mere negation no positive results can come out. The evil effects
of the non-performance of obligatory duties can happen only to
those who have not given up all their actions ( a-Sa1Jtnyiisi-v~ayatviit
pratyaviiya-priiptel.z). But those who have attained true wisdom
and have consequently given up all their actions transcend the
sphere of duties and of the obligatory injunctions of the Vedas,
and the legal scriptures cannot affect them at all. The perform-
ance of duties cannot by itself lead to liberation; but it leads
gradually to the attainment of purity of mind (sattva-suddht)
and through this helps the dawning of the right knowledge,
with which all duties cease 2 • In a very lengthy discussion on
the interpretation of Gitii, XVIII. 67, Sailkara tries to prove that
all duties presuppose the multiplicity of the world of appearance,
which is due to ignorance or nescience, and therefore the sage who
has attained the right knowledge of Brahman, the only reality, has
no duties to perform. Final liberation is thus produced, not by
true knowledge along with the performance of duties, but by
true knowledge alone. The wise man has no duties of any kind.
Satikara's interpretation of the Gitii presupposes that the Gitii holds
the same philosophical doctrine that he does. His method of inter-
pretation is based not so much on a comparison of textual passages,
as simply on the strength of the reasonableness of the exposition
of a view which can be consistently held according to his Vedanta
philosophy, and which he ascribes to the Gztii. The view taken in
the present exposition of the Gitii philosophy is diametrically
opposite to that of Sailkara. It has been repeatedly pointed out
that the Gztii "asserts that even the wise man should perform his
allotted duties, though he may have nothing to gain by the per-
formance of such duties. Even God Himself as Kr~.n).a, though
He had no unsatisfied cravings, passions or desires of any kind,
Sail.kara's interpretation of the Gitii, n. 69. Yogasrama edition, Benares,
Ibid. III. 4·
XIV] The Gitii Literature 439
performed His self-imposed duties in order to set an example
to all and to illustrate the fact that even the wise man should
perform his prescribed duties 1 .
Anandajiiana wrote a commentary on Sankara's Bhagavad-gltii-
blzii~~ya, called Bhaga·vad-gltii-bhii~ya-vivara'l}a, and Ramananda
wrote another commentary on that of Sankara, called Bhagavad-gitii-
bhii~ya-'Lyiikhyii. He is also said to have written another work on
the Gltii, called GUiisaya. After Sankara there seems to have been
some pause. \Ve have two commentaries, one in prose and one in
verse, by two persons of the same name, Yamunadirya. The
Yamunacarya who was the author of a prose commentary is
certainly, though a viSi~tiid~~aita-viidin, not the celebrated Yamuna,
the teacher of Ramanuja. His commentary, which has been pub-
lished by the Sudarsana Press, Conjeeveram, is very simple, con-
sisting mainly of a mere paraphrase of the Gltii verses. He thinks
that the first six chapters of the Gttii deal with the nature of true
knowledge of God as a means to devotion, the second six with the
nature of God as attainable by devotion and adoration, and the
third six repeat the same subjects for a further clearing up of the
problems involved.
Yamuna, the great teacher of Ramanuja, who is said to have
been born in A.D. 906, summarized the subject-matter of the Gttii in
a few verses called Gitiirtha-sarrzgraha, on which Nigamanta l\1aha-
desika wrote a commentary known as Gitiirtha-sarrzgraha-ra/qii.
This also was commented on by Varavara Muni, of the fourteenth
century, in a commentary called Gttiirtha-sarrzgraha-dtpikii, pub-
lished by the Sudarsana Press, Conjeeveram. Another commentary,
called Bhagavad-gttiirtha-sa'f!lgraha-flkii, by Pratyak!?adevayatha-
carya, is mentioned by Aufrecht. Yamuna says that the object
of the Guii is to establish the fact that Naraya1_1a is the highest
Brahman, attained only by devotion (bhaktz), which is achieved
through caste duties (n·a-dharma), right knowledge and disinclina-
tion to worldly pleasures (vairiigya). Tt is said that the first six
chapters of the Gitii describe the process of attaining self-know-
ledge by self-concentration (yoga) through knowledge and action
along with self-subordination to God, the performance of all
actions for God and detachment from all other things. Nigamanta
~lahadesika notes that karma may lead to self-realization either in-
directly, through the production of knowledge, or directly by itself.
1 Gua, 111. zz.
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitd (CH.
From the seventh to the twelfth chapters the processes of the
attainment of devotion (bhakti-yoga) by knowle<;lge and by actions
are described, and it is held that the true nature of God can
be realized only by such devotion. From the thirteenth to the
eighteenth chapters, the nature of pradhiina, of puru~a, of the
manifested world and of the supreme lord are described and dis-
tinguished along with the nature of action, of knowledge and of
devotion. Yamuna then goes on to describe the contents of the
chapters of the Gitii one by one. Thus he says that in the second
chapter the nature of the saint of imperturbable wisdom (sthita-dhi)
is described. Such right knowledge can be achieved only by a
knowledge of the self as immortal and the habit of performing
one's duties in an unattached manner. In the third chapter it is
said that a man should perform his duties for the preservation of
the social order (loka-ra~ii) without attachment, leaving the fruits
of all his actions to God, and considering at the same time that
the gUTJas are the real agents of actions and that it is wrong to
pride oneself upon their performance. The fourth chapter de-
scribes the nature of God, how one should learn to look upon
actions as implying no action (on account of unattachment), the
different kinds of duties and the glory of knowledge. The fifth
describes the advantages and the diverse modes of the path of
duties and also the nature of the state of realization of Brahman.
The sixth describes the nature of yoga practice, four kinds of
yogins, the methods of yoga, the nature of yoga realization and the
ultimate superiority of yoga as cmnmunion with God. The seventh
describes the reality of God, how His nature is often veiled from us
by prakrti or the gu1Jas, how one should seek protection from God,
the nature of the different kinds of devotees, and the superiority
of the truly enlightened person. The eighth describes the lordly
power of God and the reality of His nature as the unchanged and
the unchangeable; it also describes the duties of those who seek
protection in God and the nature of the true wisdom. The ninth
describes the glory of God and His superiority even when He
incarnates Himself as man, and the nature of devotional com-
munion. The tenth describes the infinite number of God's noble
qualities and the dependence of all things on Him, for initiating
and increasing devotion. The eleventh describes how the true
nature of God can be perceived, and demonstrates that it is only
through devotion that God can be known or attained. The twelfth
XIV] The Guii Literature 44 1
describes the superiority of devotion, methods of attaining devotion,
and different kinds of devotion; it is also held that God is highly
pleased by the devotion of His devotees. The thirteenth describes
the nature of the body, the purification of the self for self-realization,
the cause of bondage and right discrimination. The fourteenth
describes how the nature of an action is determined by the ties
of gu~za, how the gw;as may be made to cease from influencing
us, and how God alone is the root of all the ways of the self's
future destiny. The fifteenth describes how the supreme lord is
different from the pure selves, as well as from selves in association
with non-selves, on account of his all-pervasiveness and his nature
as upholder and lord. The sixteenth describes the division of
beings into godly and demoniac and also the privileged position
of the scriptures as the authority for laying the solid foundation
of knowledge of the true nature of our duties. The seventeenth
distinguishes unscriptural things from scriptural. The eighteenth
describes how God alone should be regarded as the ultimate agent
of all actions, and states the necessity of purity and the nature of
the effects of one's deeds. According to Yamuna karma-yoga, or
the path of duties, consists of religious austerities, pilgrimage, gifts
and sacrifices; jiiiina-yoga, or the path of knowledge, consists of
self-control and purity of mind; bhakti-yoga,or the path of devotion,
consists in the meditation of God, inspired by an excess of joy in
the communion with the divine. All these three paths mutually
lead to one another. All three are essentially of the nature- of the
worship of God, and, whether regarded as obligatory or occasional,
are helpful for discovering the true nature of one's self. When
by self-realization ignorance is wholly removed, and when a man
attains superior devotion to God, he is received into God.
Ramanuja, the celebrated Vai~I).ava teacher and interpreter of
the Brahma-siltra, who is said to have been born in A.D. 1017,
wrote a commentary on the Gitii on visi#iidvaita lines, viz. monism
qualified as theism. Venkatanatha, called also Vedantacarya, wrote
a sub-commentary thereon, called Tiitparya-candrikii. Ramanuja
generally followed the lines of interpretation suggested in the brief
summary by his teacher Yamuna. On the question of the im-
perativeness of caste duties Ramanuja says that the Gitii holds
that the duties allotted to each caste must be performed, since the
scriptures are the commands of God and no one can transgress
His orders; so the duties prescribed by the scriptures as obligatory
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita (CH.
are compulsory for all. The duties have, therefore, to be performed
without desire for their fruits and purely because they are the
injunctions of the scriptures (eka-siistriirthatayii anu~theyam). It
is only when duties performed simply to please God, and as
adoration of Him, have destroyed all impurities of the mind, and
when the senses have become controlled, that a man becomes fit
for the path of wisdom. A man can never at any stage of his
progress forsake the duty of worshipping God, and it is only
through such adoration of God that the sins accumulating in him
from beginningless time are gradually washed away and he can
become pure and fit for the path of knowledge 1 • In interpreting
111. 8 Ramanuja says that the path of duties (karma-yoga) is
superior to the path of knowledge (jiiiina-yoga). The path of
duties naturally leads to self-knowledge; so self-knowledge is also
included within its scope. The path of knowledge alone cannot
lead us anywhere; for without work even the body cannot be made
to live. Even those who adhere to the path of knowledge must
perform the obligatory and occasional (nitya-naimittika) duties,
and it is through the development of this course that one can
attain self-realization by duty alone. The path of duties is to
be followed until self-realization (iitmiivalokana) and, through it,
emancipation are obtained. But the chief duty of a man is to be
attached to God with supreme devotion.
Madhvacarya, or . .:~_nandatirtha, who lived in the first three-
quarters of the thirteenth century, wrote a commentary on the
Bhagavad-gitii, called Gitii-bhii~ya, commented on by Jayatirtha in
his Prameya-dtpil~ii, and also a separate monograph interpreting the
main purport of the Gitii, called Bhagavad-gitii-tiitparya-nir"'}aya,
commented on by J ayatirtha in his Nyiiya-dzpikii. His main em-
phasis was on the fact that God is different from everything else,
and that the only way of attaining our highest goal is through
devotion (bhaktz) as love and attachment (sn~ha). In the course
of his interpretation he also introduced long discussions in
refutation of the monistic theory of Sankara. Since everything
is dominated by the will of Hari the Lord, no one ought to
feel any attachment to mundane things. Duties are to be per-
formed by all. Kr~I).abhatta Vidyadhiraja, the sixth disciple from
Anabhismrzhita-phalma kevala-parama-puru~iiriidhana-rupeyiinu#hitena kar-
11za7Jii vidhvasta-mano-malo 'vyiikulendriyo jiiiina-ni~thiiyiim adhikamti. Rama-
nuja's commentary on the Gitii, III. 3· See also ibid. III. 4· Gujarati Press,
Bombay, 1908.
XIVj Gua and Yoga 443
lVIadhva, who lived in the first quarter of the fourteenth century,
wrote a commentary on the Gttii, called Gztii-fikii. Raghavendra
Svamin, who lived in the seventeenth century and was a pupil
of Sudhindra Yati, wrote three works on the Gztii, called Gitii-
'l'ivrti, Gitiirtha-saf!tgraha and Gttiirtha-vi'l'al'a1Ja. Commentaries
were also written by Vallabhacarya, Vijfianabhikl?u, Kesava Bhatta
of the Nimbarka school (called Gitii-tatt'l'a-prakiiSikii), Afijaneya
(called Hanumad-bhii~ya), Kalyal)a Bhatta (called Rasika-rafijinz),
Jagaddhara (called Bhagavad-gztii-pradzpa), Jayarama (called Gitii-
siiriirtha-Sa'f!lgraha), Baladeva Vidyabhu~al)a (called GUii-blzu~a1Ja­
bhii~ya), Madhusudana (called Guq_ha.rtha-dzpikii), Brahn1ananda
Giri, l\Iathuranatha (called Bhagavad-gitii-prakiisa), Dattatreya
(called Prabodha-candrikii), Ramakr~l)a, IVlukundadasa, Rama-
narayal)a, Visvesvara, Sankarananda, Sivadayalu Sridharasvamin
(called Subodhinz), Sadananda Vyasa (called Bhiiva-prakiisa),
Suryapan<;lita (Paramiirtha-prapii), Nilakal)tha (called Bhiiva-
dtpikii), and also from the Saiva point of view by Rajanaka and
Ramakal)tha (called Sarvato-bhadra). Many other works were also
written on the general purport of the Gitii, such as Bhaga·vad-
gitiirtha-sa'f!lgraha by Abhinavagupta and Nrsiqilia Thakkura,
Bhagavad-gitiirtha-siira by Gokulacandra, Bhagavad-gitii-lak-
~iibhara1Ja by Vadiraja, Bhagavad-gitii-siira by Kaivalyananda
Sarasvati, Bhagavad-gitii-siira-sa'f!lgraha by N arahari and Bha-
gavad-gitii-hetu-nir1}aya by Vitthala Dik~ita. 1V1ost of these com-
mentaries are written either from the point of view of Sankara's
bhii~ya, repeating the same ideas in other language, or from the
Vai~l)ava point of view, approving of the hold of normal duties
of men in all stages of life and sometimes differing only in the
conception of God and His relation with men. These can claim
but little originality either of argument or of opinions, and so may
well be left out of detailed consideration for our present purposes.

Gita and Yoga.

\Vhoever may have written the Gitii, it seems very probable
that he was not acquainted with the technical sense of yoga as the
cessation of mental states (citta-vrtti-nirodha), as used by Patafijali
in his Yoga-sutra, 1. I. I have elsewhere shown that there are
three roots, yujir yoge and yuj samiidhau, i.e. the rootyujir, to join,
and the root yuj in the sense of cessation of mental states or one-
444 The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gttii [cH.
pointedness, and yuj sarrzyamane, i.e. yuj in the sense of controlling.
In the Gitii the word yoga appears to have been used in many
senses, which may seem to be unconnected with one another; yet
it may not be quite impossible to discover relations among them.
The primary sense of the word yoga in the Gitii is derived from
the root yujir yoge or yuj, to join, with which is connected in a
negative way the root yuj in the sense of controlling or restricting
anything to that to which it is joined. Joining, as it means contact
with something, also implies disjunction from some other thing.
When a particular type of mental outlook or scheme of action is
recommended, we find the word buddhi-yoga used, which simply
means that one has intimately to associate oneself with a particular
type of wisdom or mental outlook. Similarly, when the word
karma-yoga is used, it simply means that one has to associate
oneself with the obligatoriness of the performance of duties. Again,
the word yoga is used in the sense of fixing one's mind either on
the self (iitman) or on God. It is clear that in all these varying
senses the dominant sense is that of "joining." But such a joining
implies also a disjunction, and the fundamental and indispensable
disjunction implied is dissociation from all desires for pleasures
and fruits of action (phala-tyiiga). For this reason cases are not
rare where yoga is used to mean cessation of desires for the fruits
of action. Thus, in the Gitii, VI. 2, it is said, "What is called
cessation (of desires for the fruits of action) is what you should
know, 0 Pal)<;iava, as Yoga: without renouncing one's desires
( na hy asarrznyasta-sankalpa) one cannot be a yogin 1 ." The reason
why this negative concept of cessation of desires should be regarded
as yoga is that without such a renunciation of desires no higher
kind of union is possible. But even such a dissociation from the
fruits of desires (which in a way also means sarrzyamana, or self-
control) is to be supplemented by the performance of duties at the
preliminary stages; and it is only in the higher stages, when one is
fixed in yoga (yogiirut}ha), that meditative peace (sama) can be
recommended. Unless and until one succeeds in conquering all
attachments to sense-objects and actions and in giving up all
desires for fruits of actions, one cannot be fixed in yoga. It is by
our attempts at the performance of our duties, trying all the time
1 Asa1{lnyasto 'parityakta~z phala-vi~ayafz saizkalpo 'hhisandhir yena so 'sa1{lnyas-

ta-saizkalpafz. Sankara's commentary, VI. 2. Na sa1{lnyastafz phala-saizkalpo yena.

Sridhara'~ commentary on the above. Yogasrama edition, Benares, 1919.
XIV] Guii and Yoga 445
to keep the mind clear from motives of pleasure and enjoyment,
that we gradually succeed in elevating it to a plane at which it
would be natural to it to desist from all motives of self-interest,
pleasure and enjoyment. It is at this stage that a man can be
called fixed in yoga or yogarur;lha. This naturally involves a con-
flict between the higher self and the lower, or rather between
the real self and the false; for, while the lower self always
inclines to pathological and prudential motives, to motives of
self-interest and pleasure, it has yet within it the higher ideal,
which is to raise it up. Man is both a friend and a foe to him-
self; if he follows the path of his natural inclinations and the
temptations of sense-enjoyment, he takes the downward path of
evil, and is an enemy to his own higher interests; whereas it is
his clear duty to raise himself up, to strive that he may not sink
down but may elevate himself to a plane of detachment from
all sense-pleasures. The duality involved in this conception of
a friend and a foe, of conqueror and conquered, of an uplifting
power and a gravitating spirit, naturally involves a distinction
between a higher self (paramatman) and a lower self (atman). It
is only when this higher self conquers the lower that a self is a
friend to itself. In a man who has failed to conquer his own
passions and self-attachments the self is its own enemy. The
implication, however, is that the lower self, though it gravitates
towards evil, has yet inherent in it the power of self-elevation.
This power of self-elevation is not something extraneous, but
abides in the self, and the Gua is emphatic in its command," Thou
shouldst raise thyself and not allow thyself to sink down; for the
self is its own friend and its foe as welP."
It is only when the self thus conquers its lower tendencies
and rises to a higher plane that it comes into touch with the
higher self (paramatman). The higher self always remains as
an ideal of elevation. The yoga activity of the self thus consists,
on the one hand, in the efforts by which the yogin dissociates
himself from the sense-attachments towards which he was naturally
gravitating, and on the other hand, in the efforts by which he tries
to elevate himself and to come into touch with the higher self.
At the first stage a man performs his duties in accordance with
the injunctions of the sastras; then he performs his duties and
tries to dissociate himself from all motiyes of self-interest and
1 VI. 5·
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gztii [cH.
enjoyment, and at the next stage he succeeds in conquering these
lower motives and is in touch with the higher self. Even at this
stage he may still continue to perform his duties, merely for the
sake of duty, or he may devote himself to meditative concentration
and union with the higher self or with God. Thus the Gitii says
that the person who has conquered himself and is at peace with
himself is in touch with paramiitman. Such a person is a true
philosopher; for he not only knows the truths, but is happy in the
inner realization and direct intuitive apperception of such truths;
he is unshakable in himself; having conquered his senses, he
attaches the same value to gold and to stones; he is the same to
friends and to enemies, to the virtuous as to the sinful; he is in
union (with paramiitman) and is called a yogin 1 • The fact that the
word yogin is derived here from the root yuj, to join, is evident
from a number of passages where the verb yuj is used in this
connection 2 •
The GUii advises a yogin who thus wants to unite himself
with pm·amiitman, or God, in a mt"ditative union, to lead a lonely
life, controlling his mind and body, desiring nothing and accepting
nothing 3 • The yogin should seat himself on level ground, in a
clean place, and, being firm on his threefold seat composed of
kusa grass, a leopard skin and soft linen, he should control his
thoughts, senses and movements, make his mind one-pointed in
(}od (tatra), gather himself up in union, and thus purify himself4 •
The yogin should eat neither· too much nor too little, should
neither sleep too much, nor dispense with sleep. He should thus
1 Yukta ity ucyate yogi sama-lo5{iisma-kaiicanal;l, VI. 8. Sankara, however, splits

it up into two independent sentences, as follows: ya idrso yuktal;l samiihita iti sa

ucyate kathyate; sa yogl sama-lo5{iisma-kaiicanal;l. Sridhara, again, takes a quite
different view and thinks it to be a definition of the yogiirutfha state and believes
yukta to mean yogiirfujluz, which in my opinion is unjustifiable. My interpre-
tation is simpler and more direct than either of these and can be justified by a
reference to the context in VI. 7 and VI. 10.
2 Yogi :yufijua satatam iitmiina1Jl rahasi sthital;l. Ibid. VI. 10.
Upavisyiisane yu1ijyad yogam ii.tma-visuddhaye. VI. 12.
Yukta iisfta mat-paral;l. VI. 14·
Ywijann eva1Jl sadiitmiina1Jz yogi 11iyata-miinasal;l. VI. 15, etc.
3 Ekakl yata-cittiitmii niriisir aparigrahal;l. VI. 10. The word iitmii in yata-

czttiitmii is used in the sense of body (deha), according to Sankara, Sridhara

and others.
4 Both Sankara and Sridhara make tatra an adjective to tisane. Such an

adjective to tisane would not only be superfluous, but would also leave ekiigram
without an object. The verb yufijyiit, literally meaning "should link up,, is
interpreted by Sridhara as "should practise," apparently without any justifica-
tion (vi. 12).
XIV] Gila and Y'oga 447
lead the middle course of life and avoid extremes. This avoidance
of extren1es is very unlil'e the process of yoga advised by Patafijali.
Patafijali's course of yoga formulates a method by which the yogzn
can gradually habituate himself to a condition of life in which
he can ultimately dispenfe with food and drink altogether and
desist from all movements of body and mind. The object of a yogin
in making his mind one-pointed is ultimately to destroy the mind.
According to Patafijali the advancement of a yogin has but one
object before it, viz. the cessation of all movements of mind
(citta-·vrtti-nirodha). Since this absolute cessation cannot be effected
without stopping all movements of the body, desires and passions
are to be uprooted, not only because they would make the mind fly
to different objects, but also because they would necessitate move-
nlents of the body, which would again disturb the mind. The
yogin therefore has to practise a twofold control of movements of
body and mind. He has to habituate himself to dispensing with
the necessity of food and drink, to make himself used to all kinds
of privations and climatic inconveniences of heat and cold and
ultimately to prepare himself for the stoppage of all kinds of bodily
movements. But, since this cannot be successfully done so long
as one inhales and exhales, he has to practise prii1_liiyiima for abso-
lute breath-control, anrl not for hours or days, but for months
and years. l\Ioral elevation is regarded as indispensable in yoga
only because without absolute and perfect cessation of all desires
and passions the movements of the body and mind could not be
absolutely stopped. The yogin, ho\vever, has not only to cut off
all new causes of disturbance leading to movements of body and
mind, but also to practise one-pointedness of n1ind on subtler
and subtler objects, so that as a result thereof the sub-conscious
forces of the mind can also be destroyed. Thus, on the one hand,
the mind should be made to starve by taking care that no new
sense-data and no new percepts, concepts, thoughts, ideas or
emotions be presented to it, and, on the other hand, steps are to be
taken to make the mind one-pointed, by which all that it had
apprehended before, which formed the great storehouse of the
sub-conscious, is destroyed. The mind, thus pumped out on both
sides, becomes absolutely empty and is destroyed. The ideal of
Patanjali's Yoga is absolute extremism, consisting in absolute
stoppage of all functions of body and mind.
TheGUii,on the other hand,prescribes the golden middle course
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gttii [CH.
of moderate food, drink, sleep, movements of the body and activity
in general. The object of the yogin in the Guii is not the absolute
destruction of mind, but to bring the mind or the ordinary self
into communion with the higher self or God. To the yogin who
practises meditation the Gitii advises steadiness of posture; thus
it says that the yogin should hold his body, head and shoulders
straight, and, being unmoved and fixed in his posture, should
avoid looking to either side and fix his eyes on the tip of his nose.
The Gitii is, of course, aware of the proce~- of breath-control
and prii1Jiiyiima; but, curiously enough, it does not speak of it
in its sixth chapter on dhyiina-yoga, where almost the whole
chapter is devoted to yoga practice and the conduct of yogins. In
the fifth chapter, v. 27, it is said that all sense-movements and
control of life-movements (prii1Ja-karmii1Jt) are like oblations to the
fire of self-control. In the two obscure verses of the same chapter,
v. 29 and 30, it is said that there are some who offer an oblation
of prii1Ja to apiina and of apiina to prii1Ja and thus, stopping the
movement of inhalation and exhalation (prii1Jiipiina-gati ruddhvli),
perform the prli1Jiiyiima, while there are others who, taking a low
diet, offer an oblation of prli'l}a to prli1Ja. Such actions on the part
of these people are described as being different kinds of sacrifices,
or yafiia, and the people who perform them are called yajiia-vida/.t
(those who know the science of sacrifice), and not yogin. It is
difficult to understand the exact tneaning of offering an oblation
of prii1Ja to prii1Ja or of prli1Ja to apiiua and of calling this sacrifice.
The interpretations of Sailkara, Sridhara and others give us but
little help in this matter. They do not tell us why it should be
called a yajiia or how an oblation of prii1Ja to prli1Ja can be made,
and they do not even try to give a synonym for juhvati (offer
oblation) used in this connection. It seems to me, however, that
there is probably a reference to the mystical substitution-medita-
tions (pratikopiisanii) which were used as substitutes for sacrifices
and are referred to in the Upani~ads. Thus in the Maitri Upani~ad,
VI. 9, we find that Brahman is to be meditated upon as the
ego, and in this connection, oblations of the five viiyus to fire with
such mantras as prii'l}iiya sviihii, apiiniiya sviihli, etc. are recom-
mended. It is easy to imagine that, in a later process of development,
for the actual offering of oblations to fire was substituted a certain
process of breath-control, which still retained the old phraseology
of the offering of oblations in a sacrifice. If this interpretation is
XIV] GUii and Yoga 449
accepted, it will indicate how processes of breath-control became
in many cases associated with substitution-meditations of the
Vedic type 1 . The development of processes of breath-control
in connection with substitution-meditations does not seem to
be unnatural at all, and, as a matter of fact, the practice of
prii1y1iyiima in connection with such substitution-meditations is
definitely indicated in the 1llaitri Upani~ad, VI. 18. The movement
of inhalation and exhalation was known to be the cause of all
body-heat, including the heat of digestive processes, and Kr~l}a is
supposed to say in the Gztii, xv. 14, "As fire I remain in the body
of living beings and in association with priil}a and apiina I digest
four kinds of food and drink." The author of the Guii, however,
seems to have been well aware that the prii1Ja and apiina breaths
passing through the nose could be properly balanced (samau), or
that the prii1Ja viiyu could be concentrated between the two eye-
brows or in the head (miirdhni) 2 • It is difficult to say what is
exactly meant by taking the prii1Ja in the head or between the
eyebrows. There seems to have been a belief in the Atharva-siras
Upani~ad and also in the Atharva-sikhii Upani~ad that the prii1Ja
could he driven upwards, or that such priil}a, being in the head,
could protect it 3 • Manu also speaks of the prii1JaS of young
men rushing upwards when old men approached them. But,
whatever may be meant, it is certain that neither the balancing
of prii1Ja and apiina nor the concentrating of prii1Ja in the
head or between the eyebrows is a phrase of Patafijali, the Yoga
In describing the course of a yogin in the sixth chapter the
Gitii advises that the yogin should lead the austere life of a Brahma-
dirin, withdraw his mind from all mundane interests and think
only of God, dedicate all his actions to Him and try to live in
communion with Him (yukta iisita). This gives to his soul peace,
through which he loses his individuality in God and abides in Him
See Hindu Mysticism, by S. N. Dasgupta, Chicago, 1927, pp. 18-20.
prii'l}apiinau samau hrtvii niisiibhyantara-ciiri'l}au, v. 27. The phrase samau
krtvii is left unexplained here by Sankara. Sridhara explains it as "having sus-
pended the movement of prii'l}a and apana"--prii'l}iipiiniiv iirddhviidho-gati-
nirodlzena samau krtvii kumbhaka'f!l krtvii. It is difficult, however, to say what is
exadly meant by concentrating the prii'l}a •CJiiyu between the two eyebrows,
bhruvor madhye prii'l}am iivesya samyak (VIII. xo). Neither Sankara nor Sridhara
gives us any assistance here. In murdhny cldhiiyiitmanal.z prii'l}am iisthito yoga-
dlzclrn'l}iim (vm. 12) milrdhni is paraphrased by Sridhara as bhruvor madhye, or
"between the eyebrows."
Atharva-Siras, 4 and 6 and Atharva-sikhii, 1.
DII 29
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gua [cH.
in the bliss of self-effacement 1 • A yogin can be said to be in union
(with God) when he concentrates his mind on his own higher
self and is absolutely unattached to all desires. By his efforts
towards such a union (yoga-sevayii) he restrains his mind from
all other objects and, perceiving his self in himself, remains in
peace and contentment. At this higher state the yogin enjoys
absolute bliss (sukham iityantikam), transcending all sense-pleasures
by his pure reason, and, being thus fixed in God, he is never
shaken away from Him. Such a yog£n forsakes all his desires and
controls all his senses by his mind, and, whenever the mind itself
seeks to fly away to different objects, he tries to control it and fix
it on his own self. Patiently holding his mind fixed in his self,
he tries to desist from all kinds of thought and gradually habituates
himself to shaking off attachments to sense-attractions. At this
stage of union the yogin feels that he has attained his highest,
and thus even the greatest mundane sorrows cannot affect him
in the least. Yoga is thus sometimes defined as the negation of
the possibility of all association with sorrows2 • One can attain
such a state only by persistent and self-confident efforts and
without being depressed by preliminary failures. When a yogin
attains this union with himself or with God, he is like the
motionless flame of a lamp in a still place, undisturbed by all
attractions and unruffled by all passions3 • The yogin who attains
this highest state of union with himself or witlJ. God is said to
be in touch with Brahman or to attain Brahmahood, and it is
emphatically asserted that he is filled with ecstatic joy. Being in
1 siinti1'fl nirviitza-paramii7Jl mat-Sa7JlSlhiim adhigacchati, VI. xs. The Gitii uses
the words siinti and nirvii1Ja to indicate the bliss of the person who abides in
God. Both these words, and particularly the word nirviitza, have a definite
significance in Buddhism. But the Gltii seems to be quite unacquainted with
the Buddhistic sense of the word. I have therefore ventured to translate the
word nirvii1Ja as "bliss of self-effacement." The word is primarily used in the
sense of "extinguishing a light," and this directly leads to the Buddhistic sense
of the absolute destruction of the skandhas. But the word nirvana is also used
from very early times in the sense of "relief from sufferings·, and "satis-
faction." Thus the Mahii-bhiirata, with which the Gitii is traditionally associated,
uses it in this sense in III. 10438:
sa pltvii sitala7Jl toya7Jl pipiisiirtto mahi-pati/:z;
nirvii1Jam agamad dmmiin susukhl ciibhavat tadii.
Again, in the Afahii-bhiirata, xu. 7150 and 13014, nirvii~ is described as being
highest bliss (parama7JZ sukham), and it is also associated with siinti, or peace,
as it is in the above passage-siinli7JZ nirviitza-paramii7Jl. InMaha-bhiirata, VI.1079,
and in another place it is called a "state of the highest Brahman" (parama1,.n
brahma-ibid. XII. 13239).
2 la7Jl vidyiid du/:zkha-sa7Jlyoga-viyoga'lfl yoga-sa7Jljiiitam, VI. 23.
3 Yathii dipo niviita-stho nengate sopamii smrtii, VI. 19.
XIV] Gitii and Yoga 45 1
union with God, he perceives himself in all things, and all things
in himself; for, being in union with God, he in one way identifies
himself with God, and perceives God in all things and all things
in God. Yet it is no mere abstract pantheism that is indicated
here; for such a view is directly in opposition to the main tenets
of the Gttii, so often repeated in diverse contexts. It is a mystical
state, in which, on the one hand, the yogin finds himself identified
with God and in communion with Him, and, on the other hand,
does not cease to have relations with the beings of the world, to
whom he gives the same consideration as to himself. He does
not prefer his own happiness to the happiness of others, nor
does he consider his own misery and suffering as greater or more
important or more worthy of prevention than those of others.
Being in communion with God, he still regards Him as the master
whom he adores, as the supreme Lord who pervades all things and
holds them in Himself. By his communion with God the yogin
transcends his lower and smaller self and discovers his greater self
in God, not only as the supreme ideal of his highest efforts, but
also as the highest of all realities. As soon as the yogin can detach
himself from his lower self of passions and desires, he uplifts
himself to a higher universe, where the distinction of meum and
teum, mine and thine, ceases and the interest of the individual
loses its personal limitations and becomes enlarged and universal-
ized and identified with the interests of all living beings. Looked
at from this point of view, yoga is sometimes defined in the Gttii
as the outlook of equality (samatva) 1 •
In the Gitii the word yoga has not attained any definite
technical sense, as it did in Pataiijali's Yoga-siltra, and, in con-
sequence, there is not one definition of yoga, but many. Thus
yoga is used in the sense of karma-yoga, or the duty of performance
of actions, in v. 1, and it is distinguished from the sii1flkhya path,
or the path of knowledge, in 11. 39· The word karma-yoga is men-
tioned in III. 3 as the path of the yogins, and it is referred to in
III. 7, v. 2 and XIII. 24. The word buddhi-yoga is also used at least
three times, in II. 49, x. 10 and XVIII. 57, and the bhakti-yoga
also is used at least once, in XIV. 26. The one meaning of yoga that
suits all these different contexts seems to be" association." It has
already been said that this primary meaning of the word is the
central idea of yoga in the Gitii. One of the main teachings of
1 samatva'!l yoga ucyate, 11. 48.
452 The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
the Gttii is that duties should be performed, and it is this obli-
gatoriness of the performance of duties that in the Gttii is under-
stood by karma-yoga. But, if such duties are performed from
motiv~s of self-interest or gain or pleasure, the performance could
not lead to any higher end. It is advised, therefore, that they
should be performed without any motive of gain or pleasure.
So the proper way in which a man should perform his duties,
and at the same time keep himself clean and untarnished by the
good and bad results, the pleasures and sorrows, the praise and
blame proceeding out of his own deeds, is to make himself de-
tached from all desires for the fruits of actions. To keep oneself
detached from the desires for the fruits of actions is therefore the
real art (kausala) of performing one's duties; for it is only in this
way that a man can make himself fit for the higher union with
God or his own higher self. Here, then, we have a definition of
yoga as the art of performing one's duties (yoga/:z karmasu kausalam
-II. so). The art of performing one's duties, e.g. the art of keeping
oneself unattached, cannot however be called yoga on its own
account; it is probably so-called only because it is the indis-
pensable step towards the attainment of the real yoga, or union
with God. It is clear, therefore, that the word yoga has a gradual
evolution _to a higher and higher meaning, based no doubt on the
primary root-meaning of" association."
It is important to note in this connection that the process of
prii1Jiiyiima, regarded as indispensable in Patafijali's Yoga, is not
considered so necessary either for karma-yoga, buddhi-yoga, or for
the higher kind of yoga, e.g. communion with God. It has already
been mentioned that the reference to prii1Jiiyiima is found only in
connection with some kinds of s11bstitution-meditations which have
nothing to do with the main concept of yoga in the Gitii. The
expression samiidhi is used thrice in the noun form in the Gitii, in
11. 44, 53 and 54, and three times in the verb form, in vi. 7, XII. 9
and XVII. I I; but the verb forms are not used in the technical sense
of Patafijali, but in the simple root-meaning of sam+ ii +v dhii,
"to give" or "to place" (arpm;a or sthiipana). In two cases
(n. 44 and 53) where the word samiidhi is used as a noun it has
been interpreted by both Sankara and Sridhara as meaning the
object in which the mind is placed or to which it is directed for
communion, viz. God 1 • The author of the Gitii is well aware of
In 11. 44, however, Sankara considers this object of mind to be antalzkara1Ja
XIV] GUii and Yoga 453
the moral conflict in man and thinks that it is only by our efforts
to come into touch with our higher self that the littlcnes~ of
passions and desires for fruits of actions and the preference of
our smaller self-interests can he transcended. For, once man is
in touch \vith his highest, he is in touch with God. He has then
a broader and higher vision of man and his place in nature, and
so he identifies himself with God and finds that he has no special
interest of his own to serve. The low and the high, the sinful
and the virtuous, are the same in his eyes; he perceives God
in all things and all things in God, and it is this state of com-
munion that is the real yoga of the Gitii; and it is because in this
state all inequalities of race, creed, position, virtue and vice, high
and low vanish, that this superior realization of universal equality
is also called yoga. Not only is this union with God called yoga,
but God Himself is called Yogesvara, or the Lord of communion.
As a result of this union, the yogin enjoys supreme bliss and
ecstatic joy, and is free from the least touch of sorrow or pain;
and this absolute freedom from pain or the state of bliss, being
itself a result of yoga, is also called yoga. From the above survey
it is clear that the yoga of the Gitii is quite different from the
yoga of Pataiijali, and it does not seetn at all probable that the
Gltii was aware of Pataiijali's yoga or the technical terms used by
him 1 .
The treatment of yoga in the Gitii is also entirely different from
its treatment in almost all the Upani!:;lads. The Katlw Upani~ad
speaks of sense-control as being yoga; hut sense-control in the
Gitii is only a preliminary to yoga and not itself yoga. l\Iost of
the yoga processes described in the other Upani~ads either speak
of yoga with six accessories (~ar.j-atiga yoga) or of yoga with eight
accessories (a~tiinga-yoga), more or less after the manner of
Pataiijali. They introduce elaborate details not only of breath-
control or prii!liiyiima, but also of the nervous system of the body,
ir.Jii, pingalii and su~wm:zii, the nerve plexus, muliidhiira and other
similar objects, after the manner of the later works on the $at-
or buddhi. But Sridhara considers this object to be God, and in 11. 53 Sai1l~ara
anJ Sridhara are unanimous that the object, or the support of the union or
communion of the mind, is God.
1 pasya me ·yogam aisvaram, IX. s, etii'!l v.:ibhuti'!l yoga'!' ra, x. 7· In the
above two passages the word yoga seems to have a different meaning, as it is
used there in the sense of miraculous powers; but even there the commentators
S-..r1kara and Sridhara take it to mean .. association" (yukti) and interpret
aisvara1Jt yoga1!J as "associati~cm of miraculous powers."
454 The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii .[cH.
cakra system. Thus the Amrta-niida enumerates after the manner
of Pataiijali the six accessories of yoga as restraint (pratyiihiira),
concentration (dhyiina), breath-control (prii~iiyiima), fixation (dhii-
rm:zii), reasoning (tarka) and meditative absorption (samiidhz), and
describes the final object of yoga as ultimate loneliness of the self
(kaivalya). The Amrta-bindu believes in an all-pervading Brahman
as the only reality, and thinks that, since mind is the cause of all
bondage and liberation, the best course for a yogin to adopt is to
deprive the mind of all its objects and thus to stop the activity
of the mind, and thereby to destroy it, and bring about Brahma-
hood. Brahman is described here as being absolutely indeter-
minate, uninferable, infinite and beginningless. The K~urika
merely describes prii~iiyiima, dhyiina, dhiira~ii and samiidhi in
association with the nerves, su~um~ii, pingalii, etc. and the nerve
plexuses. The Tejo-bindu is a Vedantic Upani!?ad of the ultra-
monistic type, and what it calls yoga is only the way of realizing
the nature of Brahman as one and as pure consciousness and
the falsity of everything else. It speaks of this yoga as being
of fifteen accessories (paftca-dasiifzga yoga). These are yama
(sense-control through the knowledge that all is Brahman), niyama
(repetition of the same kinds of thoughts and the avoidance of
dissimilar ones), tyiiga (giving up of the world-appearance through
the realization of Brahman), silence, a solitary place, the proper
posture, steadiness of mind, making the body straight and erect,
perceiving the world as Brahman (drk-sthiti), cessation of all states
and breath-control (prii~a-smrzyamana), perceiving all objects of
the mind as Brahman (pratyiihiira), fixing the mind always on
Brahman (dhiira~ii), self-meditation and the realization of oneself as
Brahman. This is, however, a scheme of yoga quite different from
that of Pataiijali, as well as from that of the Gitii. The TriJikha-
briihmm:za speaks of a yoga with eight accessories (a~tiifzga-yoga),
where the eight accessories, though the same in name as the eight
accessories of Pataiijali, are in reality different therefrom. Thus
yama here means want of attachment (vairiigya), niyama means
attachment to the ultimate reality (anuraktil.z pare tattve), iisana
means indifference to all things,prii~a-sa,.yamana means the reali-
zation of the falsity of the world,pratyiihiira means the inwardness
of the mind, dhiira~ii means the motionlessness of the mind,
dhyiina means thinking of oneself as pure consciousness, and
samiidhi means forgetfulness of dhyiinas. Yet it again includes
XIV) Stif!Zkhya and Yoga in the Gitii 455
within its yama and ni'yama almost all the virtues referred to by
Pataiijali. It also speaks of a number of postures after the hatha-
yoga fashion, and of the movement of priir.za in the nerve plexuses,
the ways of purifying the nerves and the processes of bfeath-control.
The object of yoga is here also the destruction of mind and the
attainment of kaivalya. The Darsana gives an affiiilga-yoga with
yama, ni'yama, iisana,priir.ziiyiima, pratyiihiira, dhiirar.zii, dhyiina and-
samiidhi more or less after the fashion of Pataiijali, with a supple-
mentary treatment of nerves (nii{ii) and the movement of the priir.za
and other viiyus in them. The final object of yoga here is the attain-
ment of Brahmahood and the comprehension of the world as miiyii
and unreal. The Dhyiina-bindu describes the self as the essential
link of all things, like the fragrance in flowers or the thread in a
garland or the oil in sesamum. It describes a iatJ-anga yoga with
iisana, priir.za-sa'f{lrodha, pratyiihiira, dhiirar.zii, dhyiina and samiidhi.
It also describes the four cakras or nerve plexuses, and speaks of
the awakening of the serpent power (kur.z{ialini) and the practice of
the mudriis. It speaks further of the balancing or unifying of priir.za
and apiina as leading to yoga 1 • The object of this yoga is the
attainment of the transcendent state of liberation or the realization
of the paramiitman. It is useless to refer to other U pani!?ads; for
what has already been said will be enough to show clearly that
the idea of Yoga in the Gttii is entirely different from that in
the Yoga Upani~ads, most of which are of comparatively late
date and are presumably linked up with traditions different from
that of the Gitii.

Sarpkhya and Yoga in the Gita.

In the Gttii Sarp.khya and Yoga are sometimes distinguished
from each other as two different paths, and sometimes they
are identified. But though the Gitii is generally based on the
doctrines of the gut.zas, prakrti and its derivatives, yet the word
Sii'f{lkhya is used here in the sense of the path of knowledge or
of philosophic wisdom. Thus in the Gitii, II. 39, the path of
knowledge is distinguished from that of performance of duties.
Lord Kr!?r:ta says there that he has just described the wisdom of
Sarp.khya and he is going to describe the wisdom of Yoga. This
Tadrl. prii1Jiipiinayor aikya'!l krt'l.•ii; see Dhyiina-bindu, 93-5 (Adyar LibraPy
edition, 1920). This seems to be similar to prii'}ii.piinau samau krtvii of the Gtta.
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita [cH.
seems to give us a clue to what is meant by Sarpkhya wisdom.
This wisdom, however, seems to be nothing more than elabora-
tion of the doctrine of the immortality of soul and the associated
doctrine of rebirth, and also the doctrine that, howsoever the body
might be affected and suffer changes of birth, growth and destruc-
tion, the self is absolutely unaffected by all these changes; the self
cannot be cut or burned; it is eternal, all-pervasive, unchangeable,
indescribable and unthinkable. In another passage of the Gttii,
XIII. 2 5, it is said that there are others who perceive the self in
accordance with sii'f{lkhya-yoga; and Sankara explains this passage
to mean that sii'f{lkhya-yoga means the realization of the self as
being absolutely different from the three gUtJas, sattva, rajas and
lamas. If this is Sarpkhya, the meaning of the word yoga in this
passage (anye sii'f{lkhyena yogena) is not explained. Sankara does
not expound the meaning of the word yoga, but explains the word
sii'f{lkhya and says that this sii'f{lkhya is yoga, which seems to be
an evasion. Sridhara follows Sankara's interpretation of sii'f{lkhya,
but finds it difficult to swallow his identification of sii'f{lkhya with
yoga, and he interprets yoga here as the yoga (of Patafijali) with eight
accessories, but does not explain how this a~!iiizga-yoga can be
identified with sii'f{lkhya. It is, no doubt, true that in the imme-
diately preceding verse it is said that, howsoever a man may
behave, if he knows the proper nature of puru~a and of the prakrt£
and the gu7J.as, he is never born again; but there is no reason to
suppose that the phrase sii'f{lkhyena yogena refers to the wisdom
recommended in the preceding verse; for this verse summarizes
different paths of self-realization and says that there are some
who perceive the self in the self through the self, by meditation,
others by sii'f{lkhya-yoga and others by karma-yoga. In another
passage it is said that the Sii'f{lkhyas follow the path of knowledge
(jiiiina-yoga), while the Yogins follow the path of duties (Gttii,
III. 3). If the word yoga means" association," as it does in various
contexts, then sii'f{lkhya and sii'f{lkhya-yoga would mean more or
less the same thing; for sii'f{lkhya-yoga would only mean asso-
ciation with sii'f{lkhya, and the phrase sii'f{lkhyena yogena might
rnean either association with sii'f{lkhya or the union of sii'f{lkhya.
It has already been said that, following the indications of the Gttii,
11. 39, Sii'f{lkhya should mean the realization of the true nature of
the self as immortal, all-pervasive, unchangeable and infinite. It
has also been pointed out that it is such a true realization of the
XIV] Siir[lkhya and l 7 oga in the Gitii 457
self, with its corresponding moral elevation, that leads to the true
communion of the self with the higher self or God. Thus this
meaning of sii'f!lkhya on the one hand distinguishes the path of
sii'f!lkhya from the path of yoga as a path of performance of duties,
and at the same time identifies the path of sii'f!lkhya with the path
of yoga as communion with God. Thus we find that the Gitii,
v. 4-, 5, says that "fools only think Sarp.khya and Yoga to be dif-
ferent,not so wise men," since, accepting either of them, one attains
the fruit of them both. The goal reached by the followers of
Sarp.khya is also reached by the Yog£ns; he who perceives Sii1J1khya
and Yoga to be the same perceives them in the right perspective.
In these passages sii'f!lkhya and yoga seem from the context to refer
respectively to karma-sannyiisa and karma-yoga. Sii'f!lkhya here
can only in a secondary way mean the renunciation of the fruits
of one's actions (karma-sannyiisa). The person who realizes the
true nature of his self, and knows that the self is unchangeable and
infinite, cannot feel himself attached to the fruits of his actions
and cannot be affected by ordinary mundane desires and cravings.
As in the case of the different uses of the word yoga, so here also
the word sii'f!lkhya, which primarily means "true knowledge," is
also used to mean " renunciation " ; and since karma-yoga means
the performance of one's duties in a spirit of renunciation, sii1J1khya
and yoga mean practically the same thing and are therefore
identified here; and they are both regarded as leading to the same
results. This would be so, even if yoga were used to denote
"communion''; for the idea of performance of one's duties has
almost always communion with God as 'its indispensable correlate.
Thus in the two passages immediately following the identification
of sii'f!lkhya and yoga we find the Gitii (v. 6, 7) saying that
without karma-yoga it is hard to renounce karma; and the person
who takes the path of karma-yoga speedily attains Brahman. The
person who thus through karma-yoga comes into union (with
Brahman) is pure in spirit and self-controlled, and, having
identified himself with the universal spirit in all beings, he is
not affected by his deeds.
One thing that emerges from the above discussion is that there
is no proof that the word sii'f!lkhya in the Gitii means the discern-
ment of the difference of prakrti and the gu~as from puru~a, as
Sailkara in one place suggests (Gttii, XIII. 25), or that it refers
to the cosmology and ontology of prakrti, the gu~as and their
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
evolutes of the traditional Kapila-Sarp.khya. The philosophy of
the gutJas and the doctrine of puru~a were, no doubt, known to the
Gitii; but nowhere is this philosophy called sii:qzkhya. Sii'f{lkhya jn
the Gitii means true knowledge (tattva-jiiiina) or self-knowledge
(iitma-bodha). Saii.kara, commenting on the Gitii, XVIII. 13,
interprets Sii'f{lkhya to mean vediinta, though in verse XIII.
25 he interprets the word as meaning the discernment of the
difference between the gutzas and the puru~a, which would
decidedly identify the Sii'f{lkhya of the Gitii with the Kapila-
The Mahii-bhiirata also refers to sii'f{lkhya and yoga in several
places. But in almost all places sii'f{lkhya means either the
traditional school of Kapila-Sarp.khya or some other school of
Sarp.khya, more or less similar to it: yoga also most often refers
either to the yoga of Patafijali or some earlier forms of it. In
one place are found passages identifying Sii'f{lkhya and yoga, which
agree almost word for word with similar passages of the Gitii 1 •
But it does not seem that the Sii'f{lkhya or the yoga referred to
in the Mahii-bhiirata has anything to do with the idea of Sii'f{lkhya
or yoga in the Gztii. As has already been pointed out, the yoga in
the Gitii means the dedication to God and renunciation of the
fruits of one's karma and being in communion with Him as the
supreme Lord pervading the universe. The chapter of the Mahii-
bhiirata just referred to speaks of turning back the senses into the
manas and of turning the manas into aha'f{lkiira and aha'f{lkiira into
buddhi and buddhi into prakrti, thus finishing with prakrti and
its evolutes and meditating upon pure puru~a. It is clear that this
system of yoga is definitely associated with the Kapila school of
Sarp.khya. In the Mahii-bhiirata, xn. 306, the predominant feature
of yoga is said to be dhyiina, and the latter is said to consist of
concentration of mind (ekiigratii ca manasal}) and breath-control
(prii!Jiiyiima). It is said that the yogin should stop the functions
of his senses by his mind, and the movement of his mind by his
reason (buddht), and in this stage he is said to be linked up (yukta)
and is like a motionless flame in a still place2 • This passage
naturally reminds one of the description of dhyiina-yoga in the
GUii, VI. 11-13, 16-19 and 25,26; but the fundamental idea of yoga,
yad eva yogii/:z paiyanti tat siiJ!Zkhyair api driyate ekaJ!Z siiJ!Zkhyaiz ca yogaiz
cayal:z paiyati sa tattva-vit. lvlahii-bhiirata, vn. 316. 4· Compare the Gitii, v. 5·
Cf. the Gitii, VI. 19, yathii dipo niviita-stha/:l, etc.
XIV) Siirrzkhya and Yoga in the Gitii 459
as the dedication of the fruits of actions to God and communion
with Him, is absent here.
It is needless to point out here that the yoga of the Gltii is in
no way connected with the yoga of Buddhism. In Buddhism the
sage first practises sila, or sense-control and mind-control, and thus
prepares himself for a course of stabilization or fixation of the
mind (samiidhiina, upadhiira1}a, patifthii). This samiidhi means the
concentration of the mind on right endeavours and of its states
upon one particular object (ekiirammana), so that they may com-
pletely cease to shift and change (sammii ca avikkhi'ppamiinii). The
sage has first to train his mind to view with disgust the appetitive
desires for food and drink and their ultimate loathsome trans-
formations as various nauseating bodily elements. \Vhen a man
habituates himself to emphasizing the disgusting associations of food
and drink, he ceases to have any attachment to them and simply
takes them as an unavoidable evil, only awaiting the day when the
final dissolution of all sorrows will come. Secondly, the sage has
to habituate his mind to the idea that all his members are made up
of the four elements, earth, water, fire and wind, like the carcass of
a cow at the butcher's shop. Thirdly, he has to habituate his mind
to thinking again and again (anussatt) about the virtues or greatness
of the Buddha, the Sangha, the gods and the law of the Buddha,
about the good effects uf stla and the making of gifts (ciigiinussatt),
about the nature of death (mara1Jiinussati) and about the deep
nature and qualities of the final extinction of all phenomena
(upasamiinussatz). He has also to pass through various purificatory
processes. He has to go to the cremation grounds and notice
the diverse horrifying changes of human carcasses and think
how nauseating, loathsome, unsightly and impure they are; from
this he will turn his mind to living human bodies and con-
vince himself that they, being in essence the same as dead car-
casses, are as loathsome as the latter. He should think of the
anatomical parts and constituents of the body as well as of their
processes, and this will help him to enter into the first jhiina, or
meditation, by leading his mind away from his body. As an aid to
concentration the sage should sit in a quiet place and fix his mind
on the inhaling (passiisa) and the exhaling (assiisa) of his breath,
so that, instead of breathing in a more or less unconscious manner,
he may be aware whether he is breathing quickly or slowly; he
ought to mark this definitely by counting numbers, so that by
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gUii [cH.

fixing his mind on the numbers counted he may realize the

whole process of inhalation and exhalation in all stages of its
course. Next to this we come to brahma-vihara, the fourfold medi-
tation of mettii. (universal friendship), karU1:zii (universal pity),
muditii (happiness in the prosperity and happiness of all) and
upekkhii (indifference to any kind of preferment of oneself, one's
friend, enemy or a third party). In order to habituate himself
to meditation on universal friendship, a man should start with
thinking how he would himself like to root out all misery and
become happy, how he would himself like to avoid death and live
cheerfully, and then pass over to the idea that other beings would
"lso have the same desires. He should thus habituate himself to
thinking that his friends, his enemies and all those with whom he
is not connected might all live and become happy. He should fix
himself to such an extent in this meditation that he should not
find any difference between the happiness or safety of himself
and that of others. Coming to jhiinas, we find that the objects
of concentration may be earth, water, fire, wind, colours, etc. In
the first stage of concentration on an object there is compre-
hension of the name and form of the object; at the next stage the
relational movement ceases, and the mind penetrates into the object
without any quivering. In the next two stages there is a buoyant
exaltation and a steady inward bliss, and, as a result of the one-
pointedness which is the culminating effect of the progressive
meditation, there is the final release of the mind (ceto-vimuttz)-
the Nibbiiiza.
It is easy to see that, though Patafijali's yoga is under a deep
debt of obligation to this Buddhist yoga, the yoga of the Gua is
unacquainted therewith. The pessimism which fills the Buddhist
yoga is seen to affect not only the outlook of Patafijali's yoga,
but also most of the later Hindu modes of thought, in the form
of the advisability of reflecting on the repulsive sides of things
(pratipa~a-bhavanii) which are seemingly attractive 1 • The ideas
of universal friendship, etc. were also taken over by Patafijali
and later on passed into Hindu works. The methods of concen-
tration on various ordinary objects also seem to be quite unlike
what we find in the Gitii. The Gitii is devoid of any tinge of
pessimism such as we find in the Buddhist yoga. It does not
anywhere recommend the habit of brooding over the repulsive
See Nyiiya-maiijari, Vairiigya-sataka, Siinti-sataka.
XIV] Siil!lkhya Philosophy in the Gua
aspects of all things, so as to fill our minds with a feeling of disgust
for all worldly things. It does not rise to the ideal of regarding
all beings as friends or to that of universal compassion. Its
sole aim is to teach the way of reaching the state of equanimity,
in which the saint has no preferences, likes and dislikes-where
the diiTerence between the sinner and the virtuous, the self and
the not-self has vanished. The idea of yoga as self-surrendering
union with God and self-surrendering performance of one's duties
is the special feature which is absent in Buddhism. This self-
surrender in God, however, occurs in Patafijali's yoga, but it is
hardly in keeping with the technical meaning of the word yoga, as
the suspension of all mental states. The idea appears only once in
Pataiijali's sutras, and the entire method of yoga practices, as de-
scribed in the later chapters, seems to take no notice of it. It seems
highly probable, therefore, that in Pataiijali's sutras the idea was
borrowed from the Gua, where this self-surrender to God and
union with Him is defined as yoga and is the central idea which
the Gua is not tired of repeating again and again.
We have thus completely failed to trace the idea of the Gua
to any of the different sources where the subject of yoga is dealt
with, such as the Yoga Upani~ads, Patafijali's Yoga-siltras, Buddhist
Yoga, or the 1\iaha-bhiirata. It is only in the Paiica-riitra works
that the Gitii meaning of yoga as self-surrender to God is found.
Thus Ahirbudhnya-smphitii describes yoga as the worship of the
heart (hrdayiiriidhana}, the offering of an oblation (havil}) of oneself
to God or self-surrender to God (bhagavate iitma-samarpa1Jam},
and yoga is defined as the linking up (smJlyoga) of the lower self
(jtviitman) with the higher self (paramiitman)l. It seems, therefore,
safe to suggest that the idea of yoga in the Gua has the same
traditional source as in the Paiica-riitra works.

Saipkhya Philosophy in the Gita.

It has been said before that there is no proof that the word
sli'f!lkhya in the Gitii means the traditional Sarpkhya philosophy;
yet the old philosophy of prakrti and puru~a forms the basis of
the philosophy of the Gua. This philosophy may be summarized
as follows:
1 The Ahirbudlmya-sa1Jlhitii, of course, introduces many observations about

the nerves (nti{li) and the vtiyu.f, which probably became associated with the
Panca-rtitra tradition in later times.
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gua [cH.
Prakrti is called mahad brahma (the great Brahma or the great
multiplier as procreatress) in the Gita, XIV. 3 1 • It is said there
that this prakrti is described as being like the female part, which
God charges with His energy for the creation of the universe.
Wherever any living beings may be born, the great Brahman or
prakrti is to be considered as the female part and God as the
father and fertilizer. Three types of qualities are supposed to be
produced from prakrti (gU1;ta~t prakrti-sambhaviil) )2 • These are
satt·va, rajas and tamas, which bind the immortal self in its
corporeal body. Of these, sattva, on account of its purity, is
illuminating and untroubling (aniimayam, which Sridhara explains
as nirupadravam or siiutam), and consequently, on account of these
two qualities, binds the self with the attachment for knowledge
(jiiiina-smigena) and the attachment for pleasure (sukha-sangena).
It is said that there are no living beings on earth, or gods in the
heavens, who are not pervaded by the three gw:zas produced from
the pralqti3 • Since the gu1JaS are produced from the prakrti through
the fertilization of God's energy in prakrti, they may be said to
be produced by God, though God always transcends them. The
quality of sattva, as has been said above, associates the self with
the attachments for pleasure and knowledge. The quality of 1·ajas
moves to action and arises from desire and attachment {tn~;tii­
sanga-samudbhavam), through which it binds the self with ego-
istic attachments for action. The quality of lamas overcomes the
illumination of knowledge and leads to many errors. Tamas, being
a product of ignorance, blinds all living beings and binds t~em
down with carelessness, idleness and sleep. These three qualities
predominate differently at different times. _Thus, sometimes the
quality of sattva predominates over rajas and tamas, and such a
time is characterized by the rise of knowledge in the mind through
all the different sense-gates; when rajas dominates satt·va and
tamas, the mind is characterized by greed, efforts and endeavours
for different kinds of action and the rise of passions, emotions and
desires; when tamas predominates over sattva and rajas, there is
ignorance, lethargy, errors, delusions and false beliefs.
The different categories are avyakta, or the undifferentiated
mama yonir mahad brahma tasmin garbha1Jl da,dhiimy a ham. fiV. 3. I have
interpreted mahad brahma as prakrti, following Sridhara and other commen-
tators. Sankara surreptitiously introduces the word miiya between mama and
yoni and changes the whole meaning.
2 Gita, XIV. 5· 3 Ibid. XVIII. 40.
XIV] Siil!lkhya Philosophy in the Guii
prakrti,buddhi (intellect),aha1_nkara (egohooq), manas (mind-organ)
and the ten senses, cognitive and conative. l~lmzas is higher and
subtler than the senses, and buddhi is higher than the manas, and
there is that (probably self) which transcends buddhi. 1llanas is
regarded as the superintendent of the different senses; it dominates
them and through them enjoys the sense-objects. The relation
between the buddhi and aha1_nkara is nowhere definitely stated.
In addition to these, there is the category of the five elements
(mahabhilta)l. It is difficult to say whether these categories were
regarded in the Gita as being the products of prakrti or as sepa-
rately existing categories. It is curious that they are nowhere
mentioned in the Gita as being products of prakrti, which they are
in Sarpkhya, but on the other hand, the five elements, mmzas,
aha1_nkara and buddhi are regarded as being the eightfold nature
(prakrti) of God 2 • It is also said that God has two different kinds
of nature, a lower and a higher; the eightfold nature just referred
to represents the lower nature of God, whereas His higher nature
consists of the collective universe of life and spirit 3 • The gu1Jas
are noticed in relation to prakrti in III. 5, 27, 29, XIII. 21, XIV. 5,
XVIII. 40, and in all these places the gu1JaS are described as
being produced from prakrti, though the categories are never said
to be produced from prakrti. In the Gzta, IX. 10, however, it
is said that prakrti produces all that is moving and all that is
static through the superintendence of God. The word prakrti is
used in at least two different senses, as a primary and ultimate
category and as a nature of God's being. It is quite possible that
the primary meaning of prakrti in the Gita is God's nature; the
other meaning of prakrti, as an ultimate principle from which the
gu1Jas are produced, is simply the hypostatization of God's nature.
The whole group consisting of pleasure, pain, aversion, volition,
consciousness, the eleven senses, the mind-organ, the five elements,
egohood, intellect (buddhi), the undifferentiated (avyakta, meaning
prakrti existing, probably, as the sub-conscious mind) power of
holding the senses and the power of holding together the diverse
mental functions (sa1_nghata) with their modifications and changes,
is called kfetra. In another place the body alone is called kfelra 4 •
It seems, therefore, that the word kfelra signifies in its broader
sense not only the body, but also the entire mental plane, involving
1 2
Gltii, III. 42, XIII. 6 and 7, xv. 9· Ibid. VII. 4·
3 4
Ibid. Vll. 5· XIII. 2.
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gttii [cH.
the diverse mental functions, powers, capabilities, and also the
undifferentiated sub-conscious element. In this connection it may
be pointed out that leyetra is a term which is specially reserved to
denote the complex of body and mind, exclusive of the living
principle of the self, which is called leyetra-jiia, or the knower of
the k~etra, or k~etrin, the possessor of the k~et1·a or the body-mind
complex. It is said that, just as the sun illuminates this whole
world, so does the !?~etrin illuminate the whole k~etra 1 •
It will be remembered that it is said in the Gitii that God has
two different natures, one the complex whole of the five elements,
ahm.nkiira, buddhi, etc., and the other the collective whole of life
and spirit (fiva-bhuta). It will also be remembered that, by the
fertilization of God's power in prakrti, the gut}as, or the charac-
teristic qualities, which pervade all that is living, come into being.
The gu1Jas, therefore, as diverse dynamic tendencies or charac-
teristic qualities, pervade the entire psychosis-complex of aha7Jz-
kiira, buddhi, the senses, consciousness, etc., which represents the
mental side of the k~et1·a. K~etra-jiia, or the k~etrin, is in all prob-
ability the same as puru~a, an all-pervading principle as subtle as
iikiiSa (space), which, though it is omnipresent, remains untouched
by any of the qualities of the body, in which it manifests itself.
It is difficult to say what, according to the Gitii, prakrti is in itself,
before the fertilization of God's energy. It does not seem that
prakrti can be regarded as being identical with God. It appears
more to be like an ultimate principle coexistent with God and
intimately connected with Him. There is, however, no passage in
the Gttii by which the lower prakrti of God, consisting of thecate-
gories, etc., can be identified with prakrti; for prakrti is always
associated with the gu1Jas and their production. Again, it is
nowhere said in the Gttii that the categories aha1JZkiira, senses,
etc., are in any way the products of the gu1JaS; the word gut}a
seems to imply only the enjoyable, emotional and moral or immoral
qualities. It is these gll1;as which move us to all kinds of action,
produce attachments and desires, make us enjoy or suffer, and
associate us with virtues and vices. Prakrti is regarded as the
mother-source from which all the knowable, enjoyable, and
dynamic qualities of experience, referred to as being generated
by the successive preponderance of the gu1JaS, are produced. The
categories of the psychosis and the five elements, which form the
Gua., xm. 34·
XIV] Siirrzkhya Philosophy in the Guii
mental ground, do not, therefore, seem to be products of the gm;as
or the prakrti. They seem to constitute a group by themselves,
which is referred to as being a lower nature of God, side by side
with His higher nature as life and spirit. K~etra is a complex of
both the gm;a elements of experience and the complex categories
of body and mind. There seem, therefore, to be three different
principles, the aparii prakrti (the lower nature), parii prakrti or
puru~a, and prakrti. Prakrti produces the gm;as, which constitute
experience-stuff; the aparii prakrti holds within itself the material
world of the five elements and their modifications as our bodies,
the senses and the mind-categories. It seems very probable, there-
fore, that a later development of Sarpkhya combined these two
prakrtis as one, and held that the gu1JaS produced not only the
stuff of our experience, but also all the mind-categories, the senses,
etc., and the five gross elements and their modifications. The gu1Jas,
the::-efore, are not the products of prakrti, but they themselves con-
stitute prakrti, when in a state of equilibrium. In the Gztii prakrti
can only produce the gu1Jas through the fertilizing energy of God;
they do not constitute the prakrti, when in a state of equilibrium.
It is hard to realize the connection between the aparii prakrti and
the prakrti and the gu1Jas. The connection, however, can be imagined
to take place through the medium of God, who is the fertilizer and
upholder of them both. There seems to be hut one puru~a, as the
all-pervading fundamental life-principle which animates all bodies
and enjoys and suffers by its association with its experiences,
remaining at the same time unaffected and untouched by the
effects of the gu1Jas. This naturally presumes that there is also
a higher and a lower puru~a, of which the former is always un-
attached to and unaffected by the gu1Jas, whereas the lower pw·u~a,
which is different in different bodies, is always associated with
the prakrti and its gu1Jas and is continually affected by their
operations. Thus it is said that the puru~a, being in prakrti, enjoys
the gu1Jas of prakrti and this is the cause of its rebirth in good or
bad bodies 1 • There is also in this body the higher puru~a (puru~al;
para/;), which is also called paramiitman, being the passive per-
ceiver, thinker, upholder, enjoyer and the great lord 2 • The word
puru~a is used in the Guii in four distinct senses, firstly, in the

1 Gftii, XIII. 21.

upadra~tiinumantii ca bhartii bhoktii maheivarab
paramiitmeti ciipy ukto dehe 'smin puru~ab parab. Ibid. xm. ;3.
D II 30
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita [cH.
sense of puru~ottama, or God 1 ; secondly, in the sense of a person 2 ;
and the Gttii distinctly speaks of the two other puru~as as k~ara
(changeable) and ak~ara (unchangeable). The leyara is all living
beings, whereas the ak~ara is changeless. It is this higher self
( uttamal} pur~ab ), different from the other puru~a and called also
paramatman, that pervades the three worlds and upholds them
as tbeir deathless God 3 • God, however, transcends both the leyara
pu1·u~a and the aleyara puru~a and is therefore called puru~ottama 4 •
Both prakrti and the paramatman puru~a are beginningless. The
paramiitman puru~a, being changeless and beyond the sphere of the
gul}as, is neither the agent of anything nor affected by the gu1Jas,
though it rtsides in the body. Prakrti is regarded as the ground
through which all causes, effects, and their agents are determined. It
is the fundamental principle of all dynamic operations, motivations
and actions, whereas puru~a is regarded as the principle which
makes all experiences of joys and sorrows possible 5 • The param-
iitman puru~a, therefore, though all-pervasive, yet exists in each
individual, being untouched by its experiences of joy, sorrow and
attachment, as its higher self. It is only the lower self that goes
through the experiences and is ahvays under the influence of the
gu1Jas. Any attempts that may be made to rise above the sphere
of the gu1Jas, above attachments and desires, above pleasures and
pains, mean the subordination of the lower self to the pure and
deathless higher self. Every attempt in this direction implies a
temporary communion (yoga) with the higher self. It has already
been pointed out that the GUii recognizes a con~ict between the
higher and the lower selves and advises us to raise the lower self by
the higher self. In all our moral efforts there is always an upward
and a downward pull by the higher puru~a on the one side, and the
gu1Jas on the other; yet the higher puru~a does not itself make the
pulls. The energy of the downward pull is derived from the gu1Jas
and exerted by the lower self. In all these efforts the higher self
stands as the unperturbed ideal of equanimity, steadiness, unchange-
ableness in good or evil, joys or sorrows. The presence of this
superior self is sometimes intuited by self-meditation, sometimes
through philosophic knowledge, and sometimes by our moral
saniitanas tva1{Z puru~o mato me. Gitii, XI. I8.
tvam iidi-deva!z puru~a!z puriitJa!z. Ibid. XI. 38.
For puru~ottama see ibid. VIII. I, X. IS, XI. 3, XV. I8 and XV. I9.
2 3
Ibid. 11. IS, II. 2I, II. 6o, III. 4, etc. Ibid. xv. I6 and I7.
4 11 Ibid. xm. 20.
Ibid. xv. IS and I8.
XIV] Siirtzkhya Philosophy in the Gztii
efforts to perform our duties without attachment and without
desires 1 • Each moral effort to perform our allotted duties without
attachment means also a temporary communion (yoga) with the
higher self or with God. A true philosophic knowledge, by which
all actions are known to be due to the operations of the prakrti
and its gur.zas and which realizes the unattached nature of the true
self, the philosophic analysis of action and the relation between
God, the higher self, the lower self, and the prakrti, and any
devotional realization of the nature of God and dedication of all
action to Him, and the experience of the supreme bliss of living
in communion with Him, mean a communion with the higher self
or God, and are therefore yoga.
It is easy to notice here the beginnings of a system of thought
which in the hands of other thinkers might well be developed into
the traditional school of Sarpkhya philosophy. It has already been
pointed out that the two prakrtis naturally suggested the idea of
unifying them into the one prakrti of the Sarpkhya. The higher
and the lower puru~as, where the latter enjoys and suffers, while
the former remains unchanged and unperturbed amidst all the
experiences of joy and sorrow on the part of the latter, naturally
remind one of the Upani!?adic simile of the two birds in the
same tree, of whom the one eats tasteful fruits while the
other remains contented without them 2 • The Gttii does not
seem to explain clearly the nature of the exact relation between
the higher puru~a and the lower puru~a. It does not definitely
state whether the lower puru~a is one or many, or describe its
exact ontological states. It is easy to see how any attempt that
would aim at harmonizing these two apparently loosely-connected
puru~as into one self-consistent and intelligible concept 1night
naturally end in the theory of infinite, pure, all-pervasive puru~as
and make the lower puru~a the product of a false and illusory
mutual reflection of prakrti and puru~a. The Guii uses the word
miiyii in three passages (vn. 14 and 15, XVIII. 61); but it seems
to be used there in the sense of an inscrutable power or ignorance,
and not in that of illusory or magical creation. The idea that
the world or any of the mental or spiritual categories could
be merely an illusory appearance seems never to have been

dhyiineniitmani paiymlti hecid iitmiinam iitmatzii

anye siil?lhhyena yogena kanna-yogena ciipare. Gltii, XIII. 25.
J-!u1pj.alw, III. I. I and Svetiiivatara, 4· 6.
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
contemplated in the Gitii. It is not, therefore, conceivable that the
lower, or the k~ara, puru~a might be mere illusory creation, accepted
as a necessary postulate to explain the facts of our undeniable
daily experience. But it is difficult to say how this k~etra-jiia
puru~a can have a separate existence from the para puru~a (which
is absolutely free from the gut;zas), as enjoying the gul}as of prakrti,
unless the former be somehow regarded as the result of the func-
tioning of the latter. Such a view would naturally support a theory
that would regard the lower puru~a as being only the para puru~a
as imaged or reflected in the gu'l}as. The para purzt~a, existing by
itself, free from the influence of the gutzas, is in its purity. But
even without losing its unattached character and its lonely purity
it may somehow be imaged in the gu'l}as and play the part of the
phenomenal self, the jiva or the lower puru~a, enjoying the gutzas
of prakrti and having the superior puru~a as its ultimate ground.
It cannot be denied that the Gttii theory of puru~a is much looser
than the later Sarpkhya theory; but it has the advantage of being
more elastic, as it serves better to explain the contact of the lower
puru~a with the higher and thereby charges the former with the
spirit of a higher ideal.
The qualities of sativa, rajas and tamas were regarded as the
universal characteristics of all kinds of mental tendencies, and all
actions were held to be prompted by specific kinds of sattva, rajas
or tamas. Mental tendencies were also designated accordingly as
siittvika, riijasa or tiimasa. Thus religious inclinations (sraddhii) are
also described as being of a threefold nature. Those who are of
siittvika nature worship the gods, those who are of riijasa nature
worship the ya~as and the rak~as and those who are of tiimasa
nature worship ghosts and demons. Those who, prompted by
vanity, desires and attachments, perform violent ascetic penances
unauthorized by the scriptures and thereby starve and trouble their
body and spirit, are really demoniac in their temperament. Again,
siittvika sacrifices are those performed solely out of reverence for
the scriptural injunctions and from a pure sense of duty, without
any desire or motive for any other kind of worldly or heavenly
good. Again, riijasa sacrifices are those which are performed for
the realization of some benefits or good results or for the satis-
faction of some vanity or pride. Tiimasa sacrifices are those which
are performed without proper faith, with improper ceremonials,
transgressing Vedic injunctions. Again, tapas also is described as
XIV] Siil{lkhya Philosophy in the Gltii
being threefold, as of body (Siirira), of speech (viinmaya) and of
mind (miinasa). Adoration of gods, Brahmins, teachers and wise
men, sincerity and purity, sex-continence and non-injury are
known as physical or bodily tapas. To speak in a manner that
would be truthful, attractive, and conducive to good and would not
be harmful in any way, and to study in the regular and proper
way are regarded as the tapas of speech (viin-maya tapas). Mental
(miinasa) tapas consists of sincerity of mind, friendliness of spirit,
thoughtfulness and mental control, self-control and purity of mind.
The above threefold tapas performed without any attachment for a
reward is called siittvika tapas. But tapas performed out of vanity,
or for the sake of higher position, respectability in society, or
appreciation from people, is ·called riijasa-such a tapas can lead
only to unsteady and transient results. Again, the tapas which
is performed for the destruction of others by ignorant self-mortifi-
cation is called tiimasa tapas. Gifts, again, are called siittvika when
they are made to proper persons (holy Brahmins) on auspicious
occasions, and in holy places, merely out of sense of duty. Gifts
are called riijasa when they are made as a return for the good done
to the performer, for gaining future rewards, or made unwillingly.
Again, gifts are called tiimasa when they are made slightingly, to
improper persons, in unholy places, and in ordinary places. Those
who desire liberation perform sacrifices and tapas and make gifts
without aiming at the attainment of any mundane or heavenly
benefits. Knowledge also is regarded as siittvika, rajas a and tiimasa.
Siitt·vika wisdom consists in looking for unity and diversity and in
realizing one unchangeable reality in the apparent diversity of
living beings. Riijasa knowledge consists in the scientific appre-
hension of things or living beings as diverse in kind, character
and number. Tiimasa knowledge consists in narrow and untrue
beliefs which are satisfied to consider a little thing as the whole and
entire truth through sheer dogmatism, and unreasonable delusion
or attachment. An action is called siitt·c.:ika when it is performed
without any desire for a reward, without attachment and \Vithout
aversion. It is called riijasa when it is performed with elaborate
endeavours and efforts, out of pride and vanity, for the satis-
faction of one's desires. It is called tiimasa when it is undertaken
out of ignorance and without proper judgment :lf one's own
capacities, and when it leads to waste of energy, harm and injury.
An agent (kartr) is called siittvika when he is free from attachment
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
and vanity and absolutely unruffled in success and failure, per-
severing and energetic. Again, an agent is called riijasa if he acts
out of motives of self-interest, is impure, is filled with sorrow or
joy in failure or success, and injures others. An agent is called
tiimasa if he is careless, haughty, thoughtless, deceptive, arrogant,
idle, procrastinating and melancholic. Understanding (buddhz) is
said to be siittvika when it grasps how a man has to set himself in
the path of virtue, how to refrain from vice, what ought and what
ought not to be done, of what one has to be afraid and how to be
fearless, what is bondage, and what is liberation. Riijasa under-
standing is that by which one wrongly grasps the nature of virtue
and vice, and of right and wrong conduct. Tiimasa understanding
is that which takes vice as virtue and out of ignorance perceives all
things wrongly. That mental hold (dhrli) is called siittvika which
by unfailing communion holds together the sense-functions and bio-
motor and mind activities. That happiness which in the beginning
appears to he painful, but which is in the end as sweet as nectar,
and which is the direct result of gaiety of mind, is called siittvika
sukha. The happiness arising out of sense-object contact, which in
the beginning is as attractive as nectar, but in the end is as painful
as poison, is riijasa. That happiness which arises out of sleep,
idleness and errors, and blinds one in the beginning and in the
end, is called liimasa. So also the food which increases life, facili-
tates mind-function, increases powers of enjoyment, makes one
healthy and strong, and is sweet, resistible and delightful is liked by
the siitt·vika people. That food is liked by riijasa people which is
hot, sour, salt, dry and causes pain and brings on diseases. The food
which is impure, tasteless, old and rotten is liked by liimasa people.
All this goes to show that the gu7Jas, sattva, rajas and lamas, are
determinants of the tendencies of, or rather the stuff of, the moral
and immoral, pleasurable and painful planes or characteristics
of our experience. Sattva represents the moral and supermoral
planes, rajas the ordinary mixed and normal plane, and lamas the
inferior and immoral characteristics of our experience.

Avyakta and Brahman.

The word avyakla is primarily used in the Guii in the st:nse
of" the unmanifested." Etymologically the word consists of two
parts, the negative particle a meaning "negation," and vyakla
meaning "manifested," "differentiated" or "revealed." In this
XIV) Avyakta and Brahman 47 1
sense the word is used as an adjective. There is another use
of the word in the neuter gender (avyaktam), in the sense of
a category. As an illustration of the first sense, one may refer
to the Gttii, 11. 25 or VIII. 21. Thus in II. 25 the self is described
as the unmanifested; unthinkable and unchangeable. In the
U pani~ads, however, it is very unusual to characterize the self as
avyakta or unmanifested; for the self there is pure conscious-
ness and self-manifested. In all later Vedantic works the seif is
described as anubhuti-svabhiiva, or as being always immediately
intuited. But in the Gua the most prominent characteristic of the
self is that it is changeless and deathless; next to this, it is un-
manifested and unthinkable. But it does not seem that the Gitii
describes the self as pure consciousness. Not only does it charac-
terize the self as avyakta or unmanifested, but it does not seem
anywhere to refer to it as a self-conscious principle. The word
cetanii, which probably means consciousness, is described in the
Gua as being a part of the changeable k~etra, and not the k~etra­
jiia1. It may naturally be asked how, if the self was not a conscious
principle, could it be described as k~etra-jfla (that which knows
the k~etra)? But it may well be replied that the self here is calJed
k~etra-jfla only in relation to its k~et1·a, and the implication would
be that the self becomes a conscious principle not by virtue of
its own inherent principle of consciousness, but by virtue of the
principle of consciousness reflected or offered to it by the complex
entity of the k~et1·a. The k~etra contains within it the conscious
principle known as cetanii, and it is by virtue of its association
with the self that the self appears as k~etra-jfla or the knower.
It may not be out of place here to mention that the term lqetra
is never found in the Upani~ads in the technical sense in which
it is used in the Gua. The term lqetra-jfla, however, appears in
Svetiisvatara, VI. 16 and Maitriiya'l}a, n. 5 in the sense of puru~a,
as in the Giiii. The term k~etra, however, as used in the Gttii, has
more or less the same sense that it has in Caraka's account of
Sarp.khya in the Caraka-sa1{lhitii, III. I. 61-63. In Caraka, however,
avyakta is excluded from the complex constituent k~etra, though
in the Gitii it is included within the constituents of kfelra. Caraka
again considers avyakta (by which term he means both the Sa111khya
prakrti and the puru~a) as k~etra-jiia, whereas the Gftii takes only
the puru~a as k~etra-jiia. The puru~a of the Gitii is further
1 Gltii, XIII. 7·
472 The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
characterized as the life-principle (fiva-bhilta, vn. 5 and xv. 7) by
which the whole world is upheld. The Gttii does not, however, de-
scribe in what particular way the life~prindple upholds the world. In
Caraka's account also the iitman is referred to as the life-principle,
and it is held there that it is the principle which holds together the
buddhi, the senses, the mind and the objects-it is also the prin-
ciple for which good, bad, pleasure, pain, bondage, liberation, and
in fact the whole world-process happens. In the Caraka-sa1J1hitii
puru~a is regarded as cetanii-dhiitu, or the upholder of conscious-
ness; yet it is not regarded as conscious by itself. Consciousness
only comes to it as a result of the joint operation of manas, the
senses, the objects, etc. In the Gitii puru~a is not regarded as the
cetanii-dhiitu, but cetanii or consciousness is regarded as being a
constituent of the k~ttra over which the puru~a presides. Thus
knowledge can accrue to puru~a as k~etra-jiia, only in association
with its ksetra. It may well be supposed that puru~a as k~etra-jiia
and as a life-principle upholds the constituents of the k~etra, and
it is probable that the puru~a's position as a cognizer or knower de-
pends upon this intimate association between itself and the k~etra.
Another relevant point is suggested along with the considera-
tions of the nature of the puru~a as the cognizer, namely, the
consideration of the nature of puru~a as an agent (kartr). It will
be pointed out in another section that the fruition of actions is
rendered possible by the combined operations of adhi#hiina, kartr,
kiirm;a, ce#ii and daiva, and this doctrine has been regarded as
being a Sarpkhya doctrine, though it has been interpreted by
Sankara as being a Vedantic view. But hoth Sarpkhya and the
Vedanta theories are explicitly of the sat-kiirya-viida type. Accord-
ing to the sat-kii1ya-viida of the traditional Sarpkhya philosophy
the fruition of actions is the natural result of a course of unfolding
evolution, consisting in the actualization of what was already
potentially present. On the Vedantic sat-kiirya-viida view all
oper.ations are hut mere appearances, and the cause alone is true.
Neither of these doctrines would seem to approve of a theory of
causation which would imply that anything could be the result of
the joint operation of a number of factors. That whiCh is not cannot
he produced by the joint operation of a collocation of causes. It
may he remembered, however, that the Gitii explicitly formulates
the basic principle of sat-kiirya-viida, that what exists cannot be
destroyed and that what does not exist cannot come into being.
XIV] Avyakta and Brahman 473
This principle was applied for proving the deathless character of
the self. It is bound to strike anyone as very surprising that the
Gltii should accept the sat-kiirya-viida doctrine in establishing the
immortality of the self and should assume the a-sat-kiirya-·viida
doctrine regarding the production of action. It is curious, however,
to note that a similar view regarding the production of action is
to he found in Caraka's account of Sarp.khya, where it is said that
all actions are produced as a result of a collocation of causes-
that actions are the results of the collocation of other entities with
the agent (kartr)l.
The word avyakta is also used in the sense of" unknowability"
or "disappearance" in the Gltii, 11. 28, where it is said that the
beginnings of all beings are invisible and unknown; it is only in
the middle that they are known, and in death also they dis-
appear and become unknown. But the word avyakta in the neuter
gender means a category which is a part of God Himself and from
which all the manifested manifold world has come into being.
This avyakta is also referred to as a prakrti or nature of God,
which, under His superintendence, produces the moving and the
unmoved-the entire universe 2 • But God Himself is sometimes
referred to as being avyakta (probably because He cannot be
grasped by any of our senses), as an existence superior to the
avyakta, which is described as a part of His nature, and as a category
from which all things have come into being 3 • This avyakta which
is identical with God is also called ak~ara, or the immortal,
and is regarded as the last resort of all beings who attain their
highest and most perfect realization. Thus there is a superior
m.:yakta, which represents the highest essence of God, and an
inferior a1.,yakta, from which the world is produced. Side by side
with these two avyaktas there is also the prakrti, which is some-
times described as a coexistent principle and as the miiyli or the
blinding power of God, from which the gu~as are produced.
The word "Brahman" is used in at least two or three different
senses. Thus in one sense it means prakrti, from which the gu~as
are produced. In another sense it is used as an essential nature of
God. In another sense it means the Vedas. Thus in the Gitii,
I Caraka-saT{lhitii, IV. I. 54·
Gua, IX. 10, mayiidhyak~et:~a prakrtil; suyate sacariicaram.
3 Ibid. VIII. 20 and VIII. 21; also IX. 4, where it is said, "All
the world is
pervaded over by me in my form as avyakta; all things and all living beings are
in me, but I am not exhausted in them."
474 The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gua [cH.
III. IS, it is sai~ that the sacrificial duties are derived from Brahman
(Vedas). Brahman is derived from the eternal; therefore the omni-
present Brahman is always established in the sacrifices 1 • The idea
here is that, since the Vedas have sprung from the eternal Brahman,
its eternal and omnipresent character is transmitted to the sacrifices
also. The word "omnipresent" (sarva-gata) is probably used in
reference to the sacrifices on account of the .diverse and manifold
ways in which the sacrifices are supposed to benefit those who
perform them. In the Gitii, IV. 32, also the word" Brahman" in
Brahmm:zo mukhe is used to denote the Vedas. But in IV. 24 and 25,
where it is said that all sacrifices are to be made with the Brahman
as the object and that .the sacrificial materials, sacrificial fire, etc.
are to be looked upon as being Brahman, the word " Brahman" is
in all probability used in the sense of God 2 • In v. 6, IO, I9 also
the word " Brahman " is used in the sense of God or Isvara; and
in most of the other cases the word is used in the sense of God.
But according to the Gitii the personal God as Is.vara is the
supreme principle, and Brahman, in the sense of a qualityless, un-
differentiated ultimate principle as taught in the Upanil?ads, is a
principle which, though great in itself and representing the ulti-
mate essence of God, is nevertheless upheld by the personal God
or lsvara. Thus, though in VIII. 3 and x. I 2 Brahman is referred to
as the differenceless ultimate principle, yet in XIV. 27 it is said
that God is the support of even this ultimate principle, Brahman.
In many places we also hear of the attainment of Brahmahood
(brahma-bhuta, v. 24, VI. 27, XVIII. 54, or brahma-bhuya, XIV. 26),
and also of the attainment of the ultimate bliss of Brahman
(Brahma-nirvii7:za, n. 72, v. 24, 25, 26). The word brahma-bhuta
does not in the Gitii mean the differenceless merging into one-
ness, as in the Vedanta of Sarikara. It is wrong to think that
the term " Brahman" is always used in the same sense in which
Sarikara used it. The word "Brahman" is used in the sense of
an ultimate differenceless principle in the Upanil?ads, and the
U panil?ads were apprized by all systems of Hindu thought as
the repository of all sacred knowledge. Most systems regarded
the attainment of a changeless eternal state as the final goal of
realization. As an illustration, I may refer to the account of
Gua, 111. 15.
2 Sridhara, in interpreting this verse (IV. 24), explains it by saying, tad evam
parameivariiriidhana-lak~a1}a7Jl kar,na jiitina-hetutvena bandhakatvtibhiivtid akar-
XIV] Avyakta and Brahman 475
Sarp.khya given by Caraka, in which it is said that, when a man
gives up all attachment and mental and physical actions, all
feelings and knowledge ultimately and absolutely cease. At this
stage he is reduced to Brahmahood (brahma-bhuta), and the self
is no longer manifested. It is a stage which is beyond all existence
and which has no connotation, characteristic or mark 1 • This state
is almost like a state of annihilation, and yet it is described as
a state of Brahmahood. The word "Brahman" was appropriated
from the Upani~ads and was used to denote an ultimate superior
state of realization, the exact nature of which differed with the
different systems. In the Gztii also we find the word "Brahman"
signifying a high state of self-realization in which, through a com-
plete detachment from all passions, a man is self-contented within
himself and his mind is in a perfect state of equilibrium. In the
Gitii, v. 19, Brahman is defined as the faultless state of equilibrium
(nirdoia1Jl hi sama1Jl brahma), and in all the verses of that context
the sage who is in a state of equanimity and equilibrium through
detachment and passionlessness is said to be by virtue thereof in
Brahman; for Brahman means a state of equanimity. In the Gitii,
XIII. 13, Brahman is described as the ultimate object of knowledge,
which is beginningless, and cannot be said to be either existent or
non-existent (na sat tan niisad ucyate). It is said that this Brah111:an
has His hands and feet, eyes, head, mouth and ears everywhere
in the world, and that He envelopes all. He is without senses,
but He illuminates all sense-qualities; Himself unattached and the
upholder of all, beyond the gu1Jas, He is also the enjoyer of the
gu1Jas. He is both inside and outside of all living beings, of all
that is moving and that is unmoved. He is both near and far, but
unknowable on account of His subtle nature. Being one in many,
yet appearing as many, the upholder of all living beings, the
devourer and overpowerer of all, He is the light of all light,
beyond all darkness, He is both knowledge and the object .of
knowledge, residing in the heart of all. It is easy to see that the
whole concept of Brahman, as herein stated, is directly borrowed
from the Upani~ads. Towards the end of this chapter it said is
that he who perceives the many living beings as being in one, and
realizes everything as an emanation or elaboration from that,
becomes Brahman. But in the next chapter Kr~:r:ta as God says,
nibsrtab sarva-bhiivebhyas cihna1Jl yasya na vidyate.
Caraka-saT[lhitii, IV. 1. 153.
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitti [cH.
"I am the upholder of the immortal and imperishable Brahman of
absolute bliss and of the eternal dharma." In the Gftii, XIV. 26, it
is said that "he who worships me unflinchingly through devotion,
transcends all gm;as and becomes Brahman." It has just been re-
marked that the Gua recognizes two different kinds of avyaktas.
It is the lower avyakta nature of God which has manifested itself
as the universe; but there is a higher avyakta, which is beyond it
as the eternal and unchangeable basis of all. It seems very prob-
able, therefore, that Brahman is identical with this higher a·vyakta.
But, though this higher a'l'Yakta is regarded as the highest essence
of God, yet, together with the lower ll'Z,')Jakta and the selves, it is
upheld in the super-personality of God.
The question whether the Gitii is a Sa111khya or a Vedanta
work, or originally a Sa111khya work which was later on revised,
changed, or enlarged from a Vedanta point of view, need not be
elaborately discussed here. For, if the interpretation of the Gitii,
as given herein, be accepted, then it will be evident that the Gztii
is neither a Sa111khya work nor a Vedanta work. It has been
pointed out that the word sii1J1khya, in the Gitii, does not mean the
traditional Sa111khya philosophy, as found in Isvarakp:;t:ta's Kiirikii.
Hut there are, no doubt, here the scattered elements of an older
philosophy, from which not only the Sa111khya of lsvarakr~t:ta
or the .._';a#i-tantra (of which IsYarakr~t:ta's work was a summary)
developed, but even its earlier version, as found in Caraka's
account, could be considered to have developed. There is no doubt
that the Gitii's account of Sarpkhya differs materially from the
Sa111khya of the $a~{i-tantra or of lsvarakr~t~a, from the Sa111khya
of Caraka, from the Sa111khya of Paiicasikha in the A1ahii-bhiirata
and from the SaJTlkhya of Pataiijali and the Vyiisa-bhii~ya. Ordi-
narily the Sarpkhya of Pataiijali is described as a theistic Sarpkhya
(sei-vara-siirrzkhya); but the lsvara of Patafijali is but loosely attached
to the system of Sa111khya thought as expounded in Yoga. The
lsvara there appears only as a supernormal, perfect being, who
by his permanent will removes the barriers in the path of the
evolution of prakrti in accordance with the law of karma. He thus
merely helps the fulfilment of the teleology of the blind prakrti.
But in the Gitii both the puru{;as and the root of the cosmic nature
are hut parts of God, the super-person (puru~ottama). The prakrti,
from which the gutzas which have only subjectivistic characteristics
are derived, is described as the miiyii power of God, or like a
XIV] Avyakta and Brahman 477
consort to Him, who, being fertilized by His energies, produces
the gu1_las. The difference of the philosophy of the Gitii from the
various schools of Sa111khya is very evident. Instead of the one
prakrti of Sa111khya we have here the three prakrtis of God. The
gu1_las here are subjectivistic or psychical, and not cosmical. It is
because the Gitii admits a prakrti which produces the subjectivistic
gu1_las by which the puru~as are bound with ties of attachment to
their experiences, that such a prakrti could fitly be described as
gu1_lamayi miiyii (miiyii consisting of gu1_las). The puru$as, again,
though they are many, are on the whole but emanations from
a specific prakrti (divine nature) of God. The puru~as are not
stated in the Guii to be of the nature of pure intelligence, as
in the Sa111khya; but the cognizing element of consciousness
( cetanii) is derived from another prakrti of God, which is associated
with the puru~a. It has also been pointed out that the Gitii admits
the sat-kiirya-viida doctrine with reference to immortality of the self,
but not with reference to the fruition of actions or the rise of
consciousness. The Sa111khya category of tan-miitra is missing in
the Gitii, and the general teleology of the prakrti of the Sa111khya
is replaced by the super-person of God, who by his will gives a
unity and a purpose to all the different elements that are upheld
within Him. Both the Sa111khya of Kapila and that of Patafijali
aim at securing, either through knowledge or through Yoga
practices, the final loneliness of the translucent puru$as. The
Gitii, however, is anxious to secure the saintly equanimity and
a perfect, unperturbed nature by the practice of detachment of
the mind from passions and desires. \Vhen such a saintly equa-
nimity and self-contentedness is achieved, the sage is said to be
in a state of liberation from the bondage of gu1_la-attachments, or
to be in a state of Brahmahood in God. The philosophy of the
Gitii thus differs materially from the traditional Sa111khya philo-
sophy on almost every point. On some minor points (e.g. the absence
of tan-miitras, the nature of the production of knowledge and
action, etc.) the Gttii philosophy has some similarities with the
account of the Sa111khya given in the Caraka-smphitii, IV. I, as
already described in the first volume of this work 1 •
The question whether the Gitii was written under a Vedan tic
influence cannot be answered, unless one understands what is
exactly meant by this Vedan tic influence; if by V edan tic influence
1 A History of Indian Philosophy, vol. I, 1922, pp. 213-222.
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gttii [cH.
one means the influence of the Upani~ads, then the Gila must
plainly be admitted to have borrowed very freely from the
Upani~ads, which from the earliest times had been revered for
their wisdom. If, however, by Vedantic influence one means the
philosophy of Vedanta as taught by Sankara and his followers,
then it must be said that the Gita philosophy is largely different
therefrom. It has already been pointed out that, though Brahman
is often described in U pani!?adic language as the highest essence
of God, it is in reality a part of the super-personality of God. The
Gua, moreover, does not assert anywhere that Brahman is the
only reality and all else that appears is false and unreal. The word
maya is, no doubt, used in the Gila in three passages; but its
meaning is not what Sankara ascribes to it in his famous inter-
pretation of Vedantic thought. Thus in the Gitii, vn. 14, maya is
described as being of the nature of gu'!las, and it is said that he
who clings to God escapes the grip of the maya or of the gu'!las.
In the Gttii, VII. I 5, the word maya is also probably used in the
same sense, since it is said that it is ignorant and sinful men who,
through demoniac ideas, lose their right wisdom under the in-
fluence of miiya and do not cling to God. In all probability,
here also miiyii means the influence of rajas and lamas; for it
has been repeatedly said in the Gttii that demoniac tendencies
are generated under the preponderating influence of rajas and
lamas. In the Gita, XVIII. 61, it is said that God resides in the
heart of all living beings and moves them by maya, like dolls
on a machine. It has been pointed out that the psychical ten-
dencies and moral or immoral propensities which move all men
to action are produced under the influence of the gu'!las, and that
God is the ultimate generator of the gu'!las from the prakrti. The
miiyii, therefore, may well be taken here to mean gu'!las, as in the
Gitii, VII. 14. Sndhara takes it to mean the power of God. The
gu'!las are, no doubt, in a remote sense, powers of God. But
Sankara's paraphrasing of it as deception (chadmanii) is quite
inappropriate. Thus it is evident that the Gita does not know the
view that the world may be regarded as a manifestation of mayii
or illusion. It has also been pointed out that the word" Brahman"
is used in the Gila in the sense of the Vedas, of faultless
equanimity, of supreme essence and of prakrti, which shows that
it had no such crystallized technical sense as in the philosophy of
Sankara. The word had in the Gttii all the looseness of Upani!?adic
XIV] Conception of Sacrificial Duties in the Gltii 479
usage. In the Gftii the word avidyii, so famous in Sankara's
philosophy of the Vedanta, is nowhere used. The word ajiiiina
is used several times (v. 15, 16; x. 11; XIII. 11; XIV. 8, 16, 17;
XVI. 4); but it has no special technical sense in any of these passages.
It has the sense of "ignorance" or "misconception," which is
produced by lamas (ajiiiinal!l tamasa}_t phalam, XIV. 16) and which
in its tum produces lamas (lamas tv ajfiiina-jal!l viddhi, XIV. 8).

Conception of Sacrificial Duties in the Gita.

The Vedic view of the obligatoriness of certain kinds of sacri-
fices or substitution-meditations permeated almost all forms of
Hindu thought, excepting the Vedanta philosophy as interpreted
by Sankara. The conception of the obligatoriness of duties finds its
btst expression in the analysis of ·vidhi in the l\1imarpsa philosophy.
Vidhi means the injunctions of the Vedas, such as,'' Thou should'st
perform such and such sacrifices"; sometimes these are condi-
tional, such as," Those who wish to attain Heaven should perform
such and such sacrifices"; sometimes they are unconditional, such
as," Thou should'st say the three prayers." The force of this ·vidhi,
or injunction, is differently interpreted in the different schools
of l\limarpsa. Kumarila, the celebrated commentator, in inter-
preting Jaimini's definition of dharma, or virtue, as a desirable
end (artha) or good which is enjoined by the Vedic commands
(codanii-lak~m;o 'rtho dharma}_t, Mzmiil!ISii-sutra, 1. 1), says that
it is the performance of the Vedic injunctions, sacrifices, etc.
(yiigiidi}_t) that should be called our duty. The definition of virtue,
then, involves the notion that only such a desired end (on account
of the pain associated with it not exceeding the associated pleasure)
as is enjoined by Vedic commands is called dharma. The sacrifices
enjoined by the Vedas are called dharma, because these would in
future produce pleasurable experiences. So one's abstention from
actions prohibited by Vedic commands is also called dharma, as
by this means one can avoid the undesirable effects and sufferings
of punishments as a result of transgressing those commands. Such
sacrifices, however, are ultimately regarded as artha, or desired
ends, because they produce pleasurable experiences. The im-
perative of Vedic commands is supposed to operate in a twofold
manner, firstly, as initiating a volitional tendency in obedience
to the verbal command (Siihdl bhiivanii), and, secondly, in releasing
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii (cH.
the will to the actual performance of the act enjoined by the
command (iirthz bhiivanii). The propulsion of verbal commands
is not like any physical propulsion; such a propulsion only arises
as a result of one's comprehension of the fact that the per-
formance of the acts enjoined will lead to beneficial results,
and it naturally moves one to perform those acts out of self-
interest1. So of the twofold propulsion (bhiivanii) implied in a
Vedic imperative the propulsio:: to act, as communicated by the
verbal command, is called siibdz bhiivanii; and this is followed by
the actual efforts of the person for the performance of the act 2 •
The prescriptive of the command (vidhi) is comprehended directly
from the imperative suffix (lin) of the verb, even before the meaning
of the verb is realized. If this is so, it is contended that the im-
perative, as it is communicated by the command, is a pure con-
tentless form of command. This contention is admitted by the
Bhatta school, which thinks that, though in the first stage we have
communication of the contentless pure form of the imperative, yet
at the successive stages the contentless form of duty is naturally
supplemented by a more direct reference to the concrete context,
as denoted by the verb with which the suffix is associated. So the
process of the propulsion of bhiivanii, though it starts at the first
instance with the communication of a pure con tentless form, passes,
by reason of its own necessity and the incapacity of a contentless
form of duty to stand by itself, gradually through more and more
concrete stages to the actual comprehension of the duty implied
by the concrete meaning of the associated verb 3 • So the com-
munication of the contentless duty and its association with the
concrete verbal meaning are not two different meanings, but are
adr~fe tu vi~aye Jreya~-siidhaniidhigama~ sabdaika-nibandhana iti tad-adhi-
gamopiiya~ sabda eva pravartak~; ata eva sabdo 'pi na SVarilpa-miitTeQa pra-
vartako viiyv-iidi-tulyatva-prasairgiit; ... arthapratftim upajanayata~ sabdasya pra-
vartakatvam. Nyiiya-mafijari, p. 342. The Vizianagram Sanskrit Series, Benares,
2 Liir-iide~ sabdasya na pratlti-janana-miitre vyiipiira~ kintu purufa-pravrttiiv

api; sa cii:yam liir-iidi-vyiipiira~ sabda-bhiivanii-niimadheyo vidhir ity ucyate sa eva

ca pravartaka~ ... yo bhavana-kriya-kartr-v#aya~ prayojaka-vyiipiira~ puru~a-stho
yatra bhavana-kriyiiyii~ kartii svargiidikarmatii1Jl iipadyate so 'rtha-bhiivanii-sab-
dena ucyate. Ibid. p. 343·
Y ady apy a1Jlsair asa1JlSP!~1ii1Jl vidhi~ sprsati bhiivaniim
tathiipy asaktito niisau tan-miitre paryavasyati
anuffheye hi vifaye vidhi~ pu1JlSii1fl pravartaka~
a1JlSa-trayeQa ciipilrt;tii1Jl niinuti~fhati bhiivaniim
tasmiit prakriinta-rupo 'pi vidhis tiivat pratlkfate
yiivad yogyatvam iipanna bhavana'nyanapek#1J.l. Ibid. p. 344·
XIV) Conception of Sacrificial Duties in the Gttii
rather the prolongation of one process of communication, just as
cooking includes all the different associated acts of putting the pan
on the fire, lighting the fire, and the like 1 • These two bhlivaniis,
therefore, mean nothing more than the reasoning of the will and
its translation into definite channels of activity, as the performance
of the sacrifice, etc., and vidhi here means simply the prompting or
the propulsion (vylipliralz prerm:zli-rupalz) ; and it is such prompting
that initiates in the performer the will, which is later on translated
into concrete action.
Another Mimal!lsa view objects to this theory of dual bhlivanli
and asserts that the suffix lin involves the notion of an order to
work (prerm:za), as if the relation of the Vedas to us were one of
master and servant, and that the Vedic vidhi as expressed in the lin
suffix conveys the command (praifJ!a-praijayolz sambandhalz). The
vidhi goads us to work, and, being goaded by it, we tum to work.
It does not physically compel us to act; but the feeling we
have from it that we have been ordered to act constitutes the
driving power. The knowledge of vidhi thus drives us to our
Vedic duties. When a man hears the command, he feels that he
has been commanded and then he sets to work. This setting
to work is quite a different operation from the relation of the
command and the commanded, and comes after it. The essence
of a Vedic sentence is this command or niyoga. A man who
has formerly tasted the benefits of certain things or the pleasures
they produced naturally intends to have them again; here also
there is a peculiar mental experience of eagerness, desire or in-
tention (likuta), which goads him on to obey the Vedic commands.
This akuta is a purely subjective experience and cannot, therefore,
be experienced by others, though one can always infer its existence
from the very fact that, unless it were felt in the mind, no one
would feel himself goaded to work 2 • Niyoga, or a prompting to
work (prerm:za), is the sense of all vidhis, and this rouses in us the
intention of working in accordance with the command. The actual
performance of an action is a mere counterpart of the intention
(likuta), that is subjectively felt as roused by the niyoga or the
Y athii hi sthiily-adhisraym:ziit prahhrtyii niriikiiizk~audana-ni$patter ekaiveya1fl
piika-kriyii saliliivaseka-tm:u;luliivapana-darvl-vighattaniisriiva~iidy-aneka-k~a~a­
samudiiya-svabhiivii tathii prathama-pada-jiiiiniit prahhrti iiniriikii~a-viikyiirtha­
paricchediid ekaiveya't!l iii.bdl pramiti/:z. Nyiiya-maiijarl, p. 345·
Ayam api bhautika-vyiipiira-hetur iitmiikilta-vise~o na pramii~iintara-vedyo
bhavati na ca na vedyate tat-Sa'f!lvedane sati ce~tii yadvanta'f!l dntvii tasyiipi tiidrk-
prera~ii'vagamo 'numfyate. Ibid. p. 348.
DII 31
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
driving power of the vidhi. This view differs from the view of
Kumarila in this, that it does not suppose that the propulsion
of the Vedic command takes effect in a twofold bhiivanii, through
the whole process of th_e conception and the materialization of the
action in accordance with the Vedic commands. The force of the
command is exhausted in prompting us to action and arousing in
us the inward resolution (likuta) to obey the command. The actual
performance of the action comes as a natural consequence (artha).
The force of the vidhi has a field of application only when our
ordinary inclinations do not naturally lead us to the performance
of action. Vidhi, therefore, operates merely as a law of command
which has to be obeyed for the sake of the law alone, and it is
this psychological factor of inward resolution to obey the law that
leads to the performance of action.
Mal).<;iana, in his Vidhi-viveka, discusses the diverse views on
the significance of vidhi. He interprets vidhi as a specific kind
of prompting (pravartanii). He distinguishes the inner volitional
intention of attaining an end and its translation into active effort
leading to muscular movements of the body. Pravartanii here
means the inner volitional direction of the mind towards the
performance of the action, as well as actual nervous changes which
are associated with it 1 • The command of the Vedas naturally
brings with it a sense of duty or of" oughtness" (kartavyatii), and
it is this sense of kartavyatii that impels people to action without
any reference to the advantages and benefits that may be reaped
by such actions. The psychological state associated with such a
feeling of "oughtness" is said to be of the nature of instincts
(pratibhii). It is through an instinctive stimulus to work, proceed-
ing from the sense of" oughtness," that the action is performed.
The Nyaya doctrine differs from the above view of vidhi as a
categorically imperative order and holds that the prompting of the
Vedic commands derives its force from our desire for the attainment
of the benefits that we might reap if we acted in accordance with
them. So the ultimate motive of the action is the attainment of
pleasure or the avoidance of pain, and it is only with a view to
attaining the desired ends that one is prompted to follow the Vedic
1 Bhava-dharma eva kascit samfhita-siidhaniinugu'!lo v.•yiipiira-padiirtha/:z; tad

yathii iitmano buddhy-iidi-janana-pravrttasya manal:z-sa'!lyoga evii'ya'!l bhiiva-

dharmab tadvad atriipi spandas_ tad-itaro vii bhiiva-dharma/:z prav.•rtti-jananii'-
nukillatayii vyiipiira-vise~al:z pravartanii. Vacaspati's Nyiiya-ka'!lika on Vidlri-
viveka, pp. 243, 244·
XIV] Conception of Sacrificial Duties in the Gitii
commands and perform the sacrifices. In this view, therefore, the
prompting, or prera1_Zii, has not in it that self-evident call of the
pure imperative or the rousing of the volitional tendency through
the influence of the imperative; the prompting felt is due only to
the rise of desires for the end.
Most of the above interpretations of vidhi are of much later
date than the Gitii. No systematic discussion of the nature of
vidhi which can be regarded as contemporaneous with or prior to
the date of the Gitii is now available. But even these latter-day
explanations are useful in understanding the significance of
the force of the notion of the imperative in the Gitii. It IS
clear from the above discussion that the notion of the impera-
tive of vidhi cannot be called moral in our sense of the term,
as has been done in a recent work on Hindu Ethics 1 • For the
imperative of vidhi is limited to the injunctions of the Vedas,
which are by no means coextensive with our general notion of
morality. According to the Mlmarpsa schools just described virtue
(dharma) consists in obedience to Vedic injunctions. Whatever
may be enjoined by the Vedas is to be considered as virtue, what-
ever is prohibited by the Vedas is evil and sin, and all other
things which are neither enjoined by the Vedas nor prohibited
by them are neutral, i.e. neither virtuous nor vicious 2 • The term
dharma is therefore limited to actions enjoined by the Vedas, even
though such actions may in some cases be associated with evil
consequences leading to punishments due to the transgression of
some other Vedic commands. The categorical imperative here
implied is scriptural and therefore wholly external. The virtuous
character of actions does not depend on their intrinsic nature,
but on the external qualification of being enjoined by the Vedas.
S. K. l\1aitra's Hindu Ethics, written under Dr Seal's close personal
supervision and guidance.
Kumarila holds that even those !'acrifices which are performed for the
killing of one's enemies are right, because they are also enjoined by the Vedas.
Prabhakara, however, contends that, since these are performed only out of the
natural evil propensities of men, their performance cannot be regarded as being
due to a sense of duty associated with obedience to the injunctions of the Vedas.
Kumarila thus contends that, though the Syena sacrifice is attended with evil
consequences, yet, since the performer is only concerned with his duty in
connection with the Vedic commands, he is not concerned with the evil conse-
quences; and it is on account of one's obedience to the Vedic injunctions that
it is called right, though the injury to living beings that it may involve will
bring about its punishment all the same. Sarp.khya and some Nyaya writers,
however, would condemn the Syena sacrifice on account of the injury to living
beings that it involves.
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gttii [cH.
Whatever is not enjoined in the Vedas or not prohibited in them
is simply neutral. It is clear, therefore, that the term dharma can
be translated as "virtue" only in a technical sense, and the words
" moral " and " immoral " in our sense have nothing to do with
the concept of dharma or adharma.
The Gltii distinguishes between two kinds of motives for the
performance of sacrifices. The first motive is that of greed and
self-interest, and the second is a sense of duty. The Gitii is aware
of that kind of motive for the performance which corresponds to
the Nyaya interpretation of Vedic vidhis and also to the general
Mimarp.sa interpretation of vidhi as engendering a sense of duty.
Thus it denounces those fools who follow the Vedic doctrines and
do not believe in anything else ; they are full of desires and eager
to attain Heaven, they take to those actions which lead to rebirth
and the enjoyment of mundane pleasures. People who are thus
filled with greed and desires, and perform sacrifices for the attain-
ment of earthly goods, move in an inferior plane and are not
qualified for the higher scheme of life of devotion to God with
right resolution 1 • The Vedas are said to be under the influence of
mundane hankerings and desires, and it is through passions and
antipathies, through desires and aversions, that people perform the
Vedic sacrifices and think that there is nothing greater than these.
O:ne should therefore transcend the sphere of Vedic sacrifices
performed out of motives of self-interest. But the Gitii is not
against the performance of Vedic sacrifices, if inspired by a sheer
regard for the duty of performing sacrifices. Anyone who looks to
his own personal gain and advantages in performing the sacrifices,
and is only eager to attain his pleasurable ends, is an inferior type
· of man; the sacrifices should therefore be performed without any
personal attachment, out of regard for the sacred duty of the
performance. Prajapati created sacrifices along with the creation
of men and said, "The sacrifices will be for your good-you
should help the gods by your sacrifices, and the gods will in their
1 Vyavasiiyiitmikii buddhil; samiidhau na vidhiyate. Guii, II. 44· The word

samiidhau is explained by Sridhara as follows: samiidhis cittaikiigryarJZ, para-

mesvariibhimukhatvam iti yiivat; tasmin niscayiitmikii buddhis tu na vidluyate.
Samiidhi is thus used here to mean one-pointedness of mind to God. But
Sankara gives a very curious interpretation of the word samiidhi, as meaning
mind (antal;lkarar;za or buddhi), which is hardly justifiable. Thus he says, samii-
dhzyate 'smin puru~opabhogiiya sarvam iti samiidhir antal;lkarar;zarJZ buddhil;l. The
word vyavasiiyiitmikii is interpreted by commentators on 11. 41 and II. 44 as
meaning niicayiitmikii (involving correct decision through proper pramiir;zas or
proof). -I prefer, however, to take the word to mean "right resolution."
XIV] Conception of Sacrificial Duties in the Gztii
turn help you to grow and prosper. He who lives for himself
without offering oblations to the gods and supporting them
thereby is misappropriating the share that belongs to the gods."
This view of the Gitii is different from that of the later
Mima111sa, which probably had a much earlier tradition. Thus
Kumarila held that the final justification of Vedic sacrifices or of
dharma was that it satisfied our needs and produced happiness-
it was artha. The sacrifices were, no doubt, performed out of
regard for the law of Vedic commands; but that represented only
the psychological side of the question. The external ground for
the performance of Vedic sacrifices was that it produced happiness
for the performer and satisfied his desires by securing for him the
objects of desire. It was in dependence on such a view that the
Nyaya sought to settle the motive of all Vedic sacrifices. The
N aiyayikas believed that the Vedic observances not only secured
for us all desired objects, but that this was also the motive
for which the sacrifices were performed. The Gitii was well
aware of this view, which it denounces. The Gztii admitted
that the sacrifices produced the good of the world, but its whole
outlook was different; for the Gitii looked upon the sacrifices
as being bonds of union between gods and men. The sacrifices
improved the mutual good-will, and it was by the sacrifices that
the gods were helped, and they in their turn helped men, and so
both men and the gods prospered. Through sacrifices there was
rain, and by rain the food-grains grew and men lived on the food-
grains. So the sacrifices were looked upon as being sources not
so much of individual good as of public good. He who looks to
the sacrifices as leading to the satisfaction of his selfish interests
is surely an inferior person. But those who do not perform the
sacrifices are equally wicked. The Vedas have sprung forth from
the deathless eternal, and sacrifices spring from the Vedas, and it
is thus that the deathless, all-pervading Brahman is established
in the sacrifices 1 • The implied belief of the Gitii was that the
prosperity of the people depended on the fertility of the soil, and
that this again depended upon the falling of rains, and that the
rains depended on the grace of gods, and that the gods could live
prosperously only .if the sacrifices were performed; the sacrifices
were derived from the Vedas, the Vedas from the all-pervading
Brahman, and the Brahman again forms the main content of the
1 Gltii, III. IS.
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
Vedas. Thus there was a complete cycle from Brahman to sacri-
fices, from sacrifices to the good of the gods and from the good
of the gods to the good and prosperity of the people. Everyone
is bound to continue the process of this cycle, and he who
breaks it is a sinful and selfish man, who is not worth the life he
leads 1 • Thus the ideal of the Gftii is to be distinguished from the
ideal of the Mimarpsa in this, that, while the latter aimed at indi-
vidual good, the former aimed at common good, and, while the
latter conceived the Vedic commands to be the motives of their
action, the former valued the ideal of performing the sacrifices in
obedience to the law of continuing the process of the cycle of
sacrifices, by which the world of gods and of men was maintained
in its proper state of prosperity. When a man works for the
sacrifices, such works cannot bind him to their fruits; it is only
when works are performed from motives of self-interest that they
can bind people to their good and bad fruits 2 •
The word dharma in the Gitii does not mean what Jaimini
understood by the term, viz. a desirable end or good enjoined by
the sacrifices (codanii-lak~ano 'rtho dharma/:1.). The word seems to
be used in the Gitii primarily in the sense of an unalterable cus-
tomary order of class-duties or caste-duties and the general
approved course of conduct for the people, and also in the sense
of prescribed schemes of conduct. This meaning of dharma as
"old customary order" is probably the oldest meaning of the word,
as it is also found in the Atharva- Veda, I8. 3· I (dharma'f!l purii-
1Jam anupiilayanti)3. Macdonell, in referring to Maitriiya1Ja, IV. I 9,
Kiithaka, XXXI. 7 and Taittirzya, III. 2. 8. I 1, points out that bodily
defects (bad nails and discoloured teeth) and marrying a younger
daughter while her elder sister is ,unmarried are coupled with
murder, though not treated as equal to it, and that there is no dis-
tinction in principle between real crimes and what are now regarded
as fanciful bodily defects or infringements of merely conventional
practices. In the Satapatha-briihma1_la, XIV. 4· 2. 26, also we find
dharma for a K~attriya 4 is illustrated as being the characteristic
duties of a K~attriya. The central meaning of the word dharma in
the Gitii is therefore the oldest Vedic meaning of the word, "'hich is
1 2
Gztii, III. 16. Ibid. Ill. 9·
dharma, dharman are the regular words, the latter in the IJ.g-veda and both
later, for" law" or" custom." See Macdonell's Vedic Index, p. 390.
' tad etat k~attrasya ~attra'f!l yad dharma/; tasmiid dharmiit parn'f!l niisti.
Dr Albrecht Weber's edition, Leipzig, 1924.
XIV] Conception of Sacrificial Duties in the Gua
a much earlier meaning than the latter-day technical meaning of the
word as it is found in i\'IImfupsa. Dharma does not in the Gitii mean
sacrifices (yajiia) or external advantages, as it does in Mimarpsa,
but the order of conventional practices involving specific caste-
divisions and caste-duties. Accordingly, the performance of
sacrifices is dharma for those whose allotted duties are sacrifices.
Adultery is in the Vedas a vice, as being transgression of dharma,
and this is also referred to as such (dharme n~te, I. 39) in the
Gitii. In the Gitii, II. 7, Arjuna is said to be puzzled and con-
fused regarding his duty as a K!?attriya and the sinful course
of injuring the lives of his relations (dharma-Sa'f!lmiitjha-cetiil;).
The confusion of dharma and adharma is also referred to in XVIII.
31 and 32. In the Gitii, IV. 7 and 8, the word dharma is used
in the sense of the established order of things and conventionally
accepted customs and practices. In II. 40 the way of performing
one's duties without regard to pleasures or sorrows is described
as a particular and specific kind of dharma (asya dharmasya),
distinguished from dharma in general.
The yajfia (sacrifice) is said to be of various kinds, e.g. that
in which oblations are offered to the gods is called daiva-yajfia;
this is distinguished from brahma-yajfia, in which one dedicates
oneself to Brahman, where Brahman is the offerer, offering and
the fire of oblations, and in which,by dedicating oneself to Brahman,
one is lost in Brahman 1 • Then sense-control, again, is described as
a kind of yajfia, and it is said that in the fire of the senses the
sense-objects are offered as libations and the senses themselves are
offered as libations in the fire of sense-control; all the sense-
functions and vital functions are also offered as libations in
the fire of sense-control lighted up by reason. Five kinds of
sacrifices (yajfia) are distinguished, viz. the yajfia with actual
materials of libation, called dravya-yajfia, the yajfia of asceticism
or self-control,called tapo-yajfia, the yajiia of union or communion,
called yoga-yajfia, the yajiia of scriptural studies, called sviidhyiiya-
yajfia, and the yajiia of knowledge or wisdom, called jfiiina-yajfia 2 •
It is easy to see that the extension of the application of the term
yajfia from the actual material sacrifice to other widely divergent
methods of self-advancement is a natural result of the extension of
the concept of sacrifice to whatever tended towards self-advance-
ment. The term yajfia had high and holy associations, and the
1 2 Ibid. 26-28; see also 29 and
Guii, IV. 24 and 25. IV. 30.
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita [cH.
newly discovered systems of religious endeavours and endeavours
for self-advancement came to be regarded as but a new kind of
yajiia, just as the substitution-meditations (pratikopiisanii) were
also regarded as being but new forms of yajiia. Thus, while
thought advanced and newer modes of self-realization began to
develop, the older term of yajiia came to be extended to these
new types of religious discipline on account of the high veneration
in which the older institution was held.
But, whatever may be the different senses in which the term
yajiia is used in the Gitii, the word dharma has not here the
technical sense of the Mimarpsa. The Gitii recommends the per-
formance of sacrifices to the Brahmins and fighting to the K~at­
triyas, and thus aims at continuity of conventional practices which
it regards as dharma. But at the same time it denounces the
performance of actions from desire, or passions or any kind of
selfish interest. A man should regard his customary duties as his
dharma and should perform them without any idea of the fulfil-
ment of any of his own desires. When a man performs karma from
a sense of disinterested duty, his karma is no longer a bondage to
him. The Gua does not, on the one hand, follow the old karma-
ideal, that one should perform sacrifices in order to secure earthly
and heavenly advantages, nor does it follow, on the other hand,
the ideal of the Vedanta or of other systems of philosophy that
require us to abandon our desires and control our passions with a
view to cleansing the mind entirely of impurities, so as to transcend
the sphere of duties and realize the wisdom of the oneness of the
spirit. The Gitii holds that a man should attain the true wisdom,
purge his mind of all its desires, but at the same time perform
his customary duties and be faithful to his own dharma. There
should be no impelling force other than regard and reverence for
his own inner law of duty with reference to his own dharma of
conventional and customary practices or the duties prescribed by
the siistra.

Sense-control in the Gita.

The uncontrollability of the senses was realized in the Katha
Upan4ad, where the senses are compared with horses. The Gitii
says that, when the mind is led on by fleeting sense-attractions,
the man loses all his wisdom, just as a boat swings to and fro
in deep waters in a strong gale. Even in the case of the wise
XIV) Sense-control in the GUii
man, in spite of his efforts to keep himself steady, the troubled
senses might lead the mind astray. By continually brooding over
sense-objects one becomes attached to them; out of such attach-
ments there arise desires, out of desires there arises anger, out of
anger blindness of passions, through such blindness there is lapse
of memory, by such lapse of memory a man's intelligence is
destroyed, and as a result of that he himself is destroyed 1 • Man
is naturally inclined towards the path of evil, and in spite of
his efforts to restrain himself he tends towards the downward
path. Each particular sense has its own specific attachments and
antipathies, and attachment (raga) and antipathy are the two
enemies. The Gzta again and again proclaims the evil effects of
desires and attachments (kama), anger (krodha) and greed (lobha)
as the three gates of Hell, being that which veils wisdom as smoke
veils fire, as impurities sully a mirror or as the foetus is covered
by the womb 2 • Arjuna is made to refer to Kr!?Qa the difficulty of
controlling the senses. Thus he says, "My mind, 0 Kp~Qa, is
violent, troubled ~nd changeful; it is as difficult to control it as
it is to control the winds 3 ." True yoga can never be attained
unless and until the senses are controlled.
The Pali work Dhamma-pada is also filled with similar ideas
regarding the control of attachments and anger. Thus it says," He
has abused me, beaten me, worsted me, robbed me-those who
dwell not upon such thoughts are freed from hate. Never does
hatred cease by hating, but hatred ceases by love; this is the
ancient law .... As the wind brings down a weak tree, so l\1ara
ovenvhelms him who lives looking for pleasures, has his senses
uncontrolled, or is immoderate in his food, slothful and effeminate .
... As rain breaks through an ill-thatched house, so passion will
break through an undisciplined mind 4 ." Again, speaking of mind,
it says, "As an arrow-maker levels his arrow, so a wise man levels
his trembling, unsteady mind, which it is difficult to guard and
hold back .... Let the wise man guard his mind, incomprehensible,
subtle, capricious though it is. Blessed is the guarded mind 5 ."
Again, "Not nakedness, nor matted hair, not dirt, nor fastings,
not lying on earth, nor ashes, nor ascetic postures, none of these
things purify a man who is not free from desires 6 ." Again," From
1 2 3
Gltii, n. 6o, 62, 63. Ibid. 111. 34, 37-39; XVI. 21. VI. 34·
4 Dhamma-pada (Poona, 1923), 1. 4, 5, 7, 13. 6 Ibid. III. 36, 38.
Ibid. x. 141.
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
attachment (p£yato) comes grief, from attachment comes fear; he
who is free from attachment knows neither grief nor fear. From
affection (pemato) come grief and fear. He who is free from
affection knows neither grief nor fear. From lust (ratz) come
grief and fear. He who is free from affection knows neither grief
nor fear. From lust (kama) come grief and fear. He who is free
from lust knows neither grief nor fear. From desire ( tatzhii) come
grief and fear. He who is free from desire knows neither grief
nor fear 1 ."
It is clear from the above that both the Gitii and the Dhamma-
pada praise sense-control and consider desires, attachments, anger
and grief as great enemies. But the treatment of the Gitii differs
from that of the Dhamma-pada in this, that, while in the Dhamma-
pada there is a course of separate lessons or moral instructions on
diverse subjects, the Gitii deals with sense-control as a means to
the attainment of peace, contentment and desirelessness, which
enables a man to dedicate all his actions to God and follow the
conventional courses of duties without looking for anything in
them for himself. The Gitii knows that the senses, mind and
intellect are the seats of all attachments and antipathies, and that
it is through the senses and the mind that these can stupefy a
man and make his knowledge blind 2 • All the sense-affections of
cold and heat, pleasure and sorrow, are mere changes of our
sensibility, are mere touches of feeling which are transitory and
should therefore be quietly bome 3 • It is only by controlling
the senses that the demon of desire, which distorts all ordinary
and philosophic knowledge, can be destroyed. But it is very hard
to stifle this demon of desire, which always appears in new
forms. It is only when a man can realize within himse]f the
great being which transcends our intellect that he can control
his lower self with his higher self and uproot his desires. The self
is its own friend as well as its own foe, and one should always
try to uplift oneself and not allow oneself to sink down. The chief
aim of all sense-control is to make a man's thoughts steady, so
that he can link himself up in communion with God 4 •
The senses in the Gitii are regarded as drawing the mind along
with them. The senses are continually changing and fleeting, and
they make the mind also changeful and fleeting; and, as a result of
1 Dhamma-pada, XVI. 212-216. 2 Gitii, III. 40.
3 Ibid. 11. 14. 4
Ibid. II. 61; III. 41, 43; VI. _c;, 6.
XIV) Sense-control in the Gitii
that, the mind, like a boat at sea before a strong wind, is driven
to and fro, and steadiness of thought and wisdom (prajfiii} are
destroyed. The word prajfiii is used in the Gztii in the sense of
thought or wisdom or mental inclinations in general. It is used
in a more or less similar sense in the Brhad-iirm;yaka Upani~ad,
IV. 4· 21, and in a somewhat different sense in the Jl,;fa1pj:ukya
Upani~ad, 7. But the sense in which Pataiijali uses the word is
entirely different from that in whtch it is used in the Guii or the
Upani~ads. Pataiijali uses the word in the technical sense of a
specific type of mystical cognition arising out of the steady fixing
of the mind on an object, and speaks of seven stages of such prajfiii
corresponding to the stages of yoga ascension. Prajfiii in the Gztii
means, as has just been said, thought or mental inclination. It does
not mean jfiiina, or ordinary cognition, or vijiiiina as higher wisdom;
it means knowledge in its volitional aspect. It is not the kriyiikhya-
jfiiina, as moral discipline of yama, niyama, etc., of the Paiica-riitra
work Jayiikhya-sa1{lhitii. It means an intellectual outlook, as in-
tegrally connected with, and determining, the mental bent or
inclination. When the mind follows the mad dance of the senses
after their objects, the intellectual background of the mind deter-
mining its direction, the prajfiii is also upset. Unless the prajfiii
is fixed, the mind cannot proceed undisturbed in its prescribed
fixed course. So the central object of controlling the senses is the
securing of the steadiness of this prajfiii (vase hi yasyendriyii1}i
tasya prajfiii prat#thitii-II. 57). Prajfiii and dhi are two words
which seem to be in the Gztii synonymous, and they both mean
mental inclination. This mental inclination probably involves both
an intellectual outlook, and a corresponding volitional tendency.
Sense-control makes this prajfiii steady, and the Guii abounds in
praise of the sthita-priijfia and sthita-dhi, i.e. of one who has
mental inclination or thoughts fixed and steady 1 • Sense-attach-
ments are formed by continual association with sense-objects, and
attachment begets desire, desire begets anger, and so on. Thus all
the vices spring from sense-attachments. And the person who
indulges in sense-gratifications is rushed along by the passions.
So, just as a tortoise collects within itself all its limbs, so the
person who restrains his senses from the sense-objects has his
mind steady and fixed. The direct result of sense-control is thus
steadiness of will, and of mental inclinations or mind (prajfiii).
II. 54-56.
492 The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii (CH.
The person who has his prajfiii fixed is not troubled in sorrows and
is not eager to gain pleasures, he has no attachment, no fear and
no anger 1 • He is indifferent in prosperity and in adversity and
neither desires anything nor shuns anything 2 • He alone can obtain
peace who, like the sea receiving all the rivers in it, absorbs all his
desires within himself; not so the man who is always busy in
satisfying his desires. The man who has given up all his desires
and is unattached to anything is not bound to anything, has no
vanity and attains true peace. When a man can purge his mind of
attachments and antipathies and can take to sense-objects after
purifying his senses and keeping them in full control, he attains
contentment (prasiida). When such contentment is attained, all
sorrows vanish and his mind becomes fixed (buddhil:z paryavati-
~thate)3. Thus sense-control, on the one hand, makes the mind
unruffled, fixed, at peace with itself and filled with contentment,
and on the other hand, by making the mind steady and fixed, it
makes communion with God possible. Sense-control is the indis-
pensable precondition of communion with God; when once this
has been attained, it is possible to link oneself with God by con-
tinued efforts 4 • Thus sense-control, by producing steadiness of the
will and thought, results in contentment and peace on the one
hand, and on the other makes the mind fit for entering into
communion with God.
One thing that strikes us in reading the Gttii is that the object
of sense-control in the Gitii is not the attainment of a state of
emancipated oneness or the absolute cessation of all mental pro-
cesses, but the more intelligible and common-sense ideal of the
attainment of steadiness of mind, contentment and the power of
entering into touch with God. This view of the object of self-
control is therefore entirely different from that praised in the
philosophic systems of Patafijali and others. The Gitii wants us
to control our senses and mind and to approach sense-objects
with such a controlled mind and senses, because it is by this means
alone that we can perform our duties with a peaceful and contented
mind and turn to God with a clean and unruffled heart 5 • The
main emphasis of this sense-control is not on the mere external
control of volitional activities and the control of motor propensities
Gua., II. s6. 2
Ibid. II. 57·
Ibid. II. 65; see also
11. 58, 64, 68, 70, 71. ' Ibid. VI. 36.
5 riiga-dve~a-vimuktais tu v#ayiin indriyais caran
iitma-vasyair vidheyiitmii prasiidam adhigacchati. Ibid. II: 64.
x1v] The Ethics of the Gitii and the Buddhist Ethics 493

in accordance with the direction of passions and appetites, but on

the inner control of the mind behind these active senses. When a
person controls only his physical activities, and yet continues to
brood over the attractions of sense, he is in reality false in his
conduct (mithyiiciira). Real self-control does not mean only the
cessation of the external operations of the senses, but also the
control of the mind. Not only should a man cease from committing
actions out of greed and desire for sense-gratification, but his mind
should be absolutely clean, absolutely clear of all impurities of
sense-desires. Mere suspension of physical action without a
corresponding control of mind and cessation from harbouring
passions and desires is a vicious course 1 •

The Ethics of the Gita and the Buddhist Ethics.

The subject of sense-control naturally reminds one of Bud-
dhism. In the Vedic religion performance of sacrifices was
considered as the primary duty. Virtue and vice consisted in
obedience or disobedience to Vedic injunctions. It has been
pointed out that these injunctions implied a sort of categorical
imperative and communicated a sense of vidhi as law, a command
which must be obeyed. But this law was no inner law of the spirit
within, but a mere external law, which ought not to be confused
with morality in the modern sense of the term. Its sphere was
almost wholly ritualistic, and, though it occasionally included such
commands as" One should not injure anyone" (mii h£1J1syiit), yet
in certain sacrifices which were aimed at injuring one's enemies
operations which would lead to such results would have the
imperative of a Vedic command, though the injury to human
beings would be attended with its necessary punishment. Again,
though in later Saf!lkhya commentaries and compendiums it is
said that all kinds of injuries to living beings bring their punish-
ment, yet it is doubtful if the Vedic injunction "Thou shouldst
not injure" really applied to all living beings, as there would be
but few sacrifices where animals were not killed. The Upani~ads,
however, start an absolut . . ly new line by the substitution of
meditations and self-knowledge for sacrificial actions. In the
1 Cf. Dhamma-pada, 1. 2. All phenomena have mind as their precursor, are
dependent upon mind and are made up of mind. If a man speaks or acts with
a pure mind, happiness accompanies him, just as a shadow follows a man
494 The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-guii [cH.
primary stage of U pani~adic thoughts a conviction was growing
that instead of the sacrificial performances one could go through
a set form of meditations, identifying in thought certain objects
with certain other objects (e.g. the dawn as the horse of horse-
sacrifice) or even with symbolic syllables, OM and the like. In
the more developed stage of U pani~adic culture a new conviction
arose in the search after the highest and the ultimate truth, and
the knowledge of Brahman as the highest essence in man and
nature is put forwar·l as the greatest wisdom and the final realiza-
tion of truth and reality, than which nothing higher could be
conceived. There are but few moral precepts in the Upani~ads,
and the whole subject of moral conflict and moral efforts is
almost silently dropped or passes unemphasized. In the Taittirzya
Upam."~ad, 1. II, the teacher is supposed to give a course of moral
instruction to his pupil after teaching him the Vedas-Tell the
truth, be virtuous, do not give up the study of the Vedas; after
presenting the teacher with the stipulated honorarium (at the con-
clusion of his studies) the pupil should (marry and) continue the
line of his fami]y. He should not deviate from truth or from virtue
(dharma) or from good. He should not cease doing good to others,
from study and teaching. He should be respectful to his parents
and teachers and perform such actions as are unimpeachable. He
should follow only good conduct and not bad. He should make
gifts with faith (Jraddhii), not with indifference, with dignity,
from a sense of shame, through fear and through knowledge. If
there should be any doubt regarding his c\.•urse of duty or conduct,
then he should proceed to act in the way in which the wisest
Brahmins behaved. But few Upani~ads give such moral precepts,
and there is very little in the U pani~ads in the way of describing
a course of moral behaviour or of emphasizing the fact that man
can attain his best only by trying to become great through moral
efforts. The Upani~ads occupy themselves almost wholly with
mystic meditations and with the philosophic wisdom of self-
knowledge. Yet the ideas of self-control, peace and cessation of
desires, endurance and concentration are referred to in Brhad-
iirm;,yaka, IV. 4· 23, as a necessary condition for the realization of
the self within us 1 . In Katha, VI. II, the control of the senses
(indriya-dhiira1J.a) is referred to as yoga, and in JJJu1J.tf.aka·, 111. 2. 2,
iiinto diinta uporatas titik1ub samiihito bhutviitmany eva iitmiinam paiyati.
Brh. 1v. 4· 23.
XIV] The Ethics of the Gitii and the Buddhist Ethics 495
it is said that he who consciously desires the objects of desire is
again and again born through desires; but even in this world all
desires vanish for him who is self-realized in himself and is self-
satisfied 1 • The idea that the path of wisdom is different from the
path of desires was also known, and it was felt that he who sought
wisdom (·n£dyiibhzpsita) was not drawn by many desires 2 •
The point to be discussed in this connection is whether
the centr~l idea of the Gitii, namely, sense-control and more
particularly the control of desires and attachments, is derived
from the Upani~ads or from Buddhism. It has been pointed out
that the Upani~ads do not emphasize the subject of moral conflict
and mvral endeavours so much as the nature of truth and reality
as Brahman, the ultimate essence of man and the manifold ap-
pearance of the world. Yet the idea of the necessity of sense-
control and the control of desires, the settling of the mind in peace
and contentment, is the necessary precondition for fitness for
Vedic knowledge. Thus Sankara, the celebrated commentator on
the Upani~ads, in commenting on Brahma-sutra, 1. I. I, says that
a man is fit for an enquiry after Brahman only when he knows
how to distinguish what is permanent from what is transitory
(nityiin£tya-vastu-viveka), and when he has no attachment to the
enjoyment of the fruits of his actions either as mundane pleasures
or as heavenly joys (ihiimutra-phala-bhoga-viriiga). The necessary
qualifications which entitle a man to make such an enquiry are
disinclination of the mind for worldly joys (sama), possession of
proper control and command over the mind, by which it may be
turned to philosophy (dama), power of endurance (v#aya-titik~ii),
cessation of all kinds of duties (uparatz), and faith in the philo-
sophical conception of truth and reality (tattva-sraddhii). It may
be supposed, therefore, that the Upani~ads presuppose a high
degree of moral development in the way of self-control and dis-
inclination to worldly and heavenly joys. Detachment from sense-
affections is one of the most dominant ideas of the Gitii, and the
idea of IVIU1JrJaka, III. 2. 2, referred to above, is re-echoed in the
Gitii, 11. 70, where it is said that, just as the waters are absorbed
in the calm sea (though paured in continually by the rivers), so
the person in whom all desires are absorbed attains peace, and
1 kiimiin ya~ kiimayate manyamiinal; sa kiimabhir jiiyate tatra tatra paryiipta-

kiimasya krtiitmanas tu ihaiva sarve praviliyanti kiimiil;. MU1:ujaka, 111. 2. 2.

Ka;ha, II. 4·
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
not the :man who indulges in desires. The Gztii, of course, again
and again emphasizes the necessity of uprooting attachments to
pleasures and antipathy to pains and of controlling desires (klima);
but, though the U pani!?ads do not emphasize this idea so frequently,
yet the idea is there, and it seems very probable that the Gitii drew
it from the Upani!?ads. Hindu tradition also refers to the Upani~ads
as the source of the Gitii. Thus the Gitii-miihiitmya describes the
Upani~ads as the cows from which Kg;Q.a, the cowherd boy, drew
the Gitii as milk 1 •
But the similarity of Buddhist ethical ideas to those of the
Gitii is also immense, and, had it not been for the fact that ideas
which may be regarded as peculiarly Buddhistic are almost entirely
absent from the Gztii, it might well have been contended that the
Gitii derived its ideas of controlling desires and uprooting attach-
ment from Buddhism. Tachibana collects a long list of Buddhist
vices as follows2:
ailganarrz, impurity, lust, Sn. 517.
ahaitkiiro, selfishness, egoism, A. 1. 132; M. III. 18, 32.
mamaitkaro, desire, A. 1. 132; M. III. 18, 32.
mamiiyitaJ?l, selfishness, S.N. 466.
mamattarrz, grasping, egoism, S.N. 872, 951.
apekhii, desire, longing, affection, S.N. 38; Dh. 345·
icchii, wish, desire, covetousness.
ejii, desire, lust, greed, craving, S.N. 751; It. 92.
iisii, desire, longing, S.N. 634, 794, 864; Dh. 397.
pipiisii, thirst.
esii, esanii, wish, desire, thirst, Dh. 335·
iikiiitkhii, desire, longing, Tha. 20.
kiFicanarrz, attachment, S.N. 949; Dh. zoo.
gantho, bond, tie, S.N. 798; Dh. 211.
iidiina-gantho, the tied knot of attachment, S.N. 794·
giddhi, greed, desire, Sn. 328; M. 1. 360, 362.
gedlzo, greed, desire, Sn. 65, 152.
gahanarrz, entanglement, Dh. 394·
giiho, seizing, attachment.
jiilin'i, snare, desire, lust, Dh. 18o; A. II. 211.
pariggaho, attachment, Mahiinid. 57·
chando, wish, desire, intention, S.N. 171, 203, etc.
jatii, desire, lust, S.N. 1. 13; V.M. 1.
jigirrzsanatii, covetousness, desire for, Vibhaitga, 353·
nijigirrzsanatii, covetousness, V.M. 1. 23.
ta'!lhii, tasinii, lust, unsatisfied desire, passion.
1 Sarvopani$ado giivo dogdhii gopiila-nandanal:z.
The Ethics of Buddhism, by S. Tachibana, p. 73·
XIV] The Ethics of the Gua and the Buddhist Ethics 497
upiidiinam, clinging, attachment, Dh. II. s8, III. 230.
pa1Jidhi, wish, aspiration, Sn. 8oi.
pihii, de.sire, envy, Tha. I218.
pematfl, affection, love, A. III. 249.
bandho, thong, bondage, attachment, Sn. 623; Dh. 344·
bandhana'f!l, bond, fetter, attachment, Sn. S22, S32; Dh. 34S·
nibandho, binding, attachment, S. II. 17.
·vinibandhanam, bondage, desire, Sn. I6.
anubandho, bondage, affection, desire, M. III. 170; Jt. 9I.
upanibandlw, fastening, attachment, V.M. I. 23S·
paribandho, Com. on Thi. p. 242.
riigo, human passion, evil, desire, lust, passim.
siiriigo, siirajjanii, siirajjitattam, affection, passion, Mahiinid. 242.
rati, lust, attachment, Dh. 27.
manoratho, desire, wish (?).
ruci, desire, inclination, Sn. 781.
abhiliiso, desire, longing, wish, Com. on Peta-vattu, IS4·
liilasii, ardent desire(?).
iilayo, longing, desire, lust, Sn. 53S, 635; Dh. 411.
lohho, covetousness, desire, cupidity, Sn. 367 ; Dh. 248.
lobhanam, greed, Tha. 343.
lubhanii, lobhitattam, do. (?).
·vana'f!l, desire, lust, Sn. II3I; Dh. 284, 344·
vanatho, love, lust, Dh. 283, 284.
ttivesanam, clinging to, attachment, Sn. 470, 8oi.
smigo, fetter, bond, attachment, Sn. 473, 79I; Dh. 397·
iisatti, attachment, hanging on, clinging, Sn. 777; Vin. II. 156;
s. I. 2I2.
visattikii, poison, desire, Sn. 333; Dh. I8o.
santhava'f!l, friendship, attachment, Sn. 207, 245; Dh. 27.
ussado, desire(?), Sn. SIS, 783, 78s.
sneho, sineho, affection, lust, desire, Sn. 209, 943; Dh. 28s.
iisayo, abode, intention, inclination, V.H. I. I40.
anusayo, inclination, desire, A. 1. I32; Sn. 14, 369, S45·
sibbanl, desire(?), Sn. 1040.
kodho, anger, wrath, Sn. 1. 24s, 362, 868, 928; Dh. 221-3; It. 4,
I2, I09·
kopo, anger, ill-will, ill-temper, Sn. 6.
iighiito, anger, ill-will, hatred, malice, D. 1. 3, 3I; S. 1. 179.
pa#gho, wrath, hatred, Sum. I I 6.
doso, anger, hatred, passim.
viddeso, enmity, hatred ( ?).
dhumo, anger(?), Sn. 460.
upaniiho, enmity, Sn. 116.
vyiipiido, wish to injure, hatred, fury, Sum. 21 I; It. II 1.
anabhiraddhi, anger, wrath, rage, D. 1. 3·
vera'f!l, wrath, anger, hatred, sin, Sn. ISO; Dh. 3-5, 201.
virodho, opposition. enmity ( ?).
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
roso, anger ( ?).
rosanam, anger ( ?).
vyii.ro~a1_lam, anger, Sn. 148.
aiiiiii.~am, ignorance, It. 62.
moho, fainting, ignorance, folly, passim.
mohanam, ignorance, S.N. 399, 772.
aviJ."jii., ignorance, error, passion.
It is interesting to note that three vices, covetousness, hatred
and ignorance, and covetousness particularly, appear under dif-
ferent names and their extirpation is again and again emphasized
in diverse ways. These three, ignorance, covetousness and hatred or
antipathy, are the roots of all evils. There are, of course, sitnpler
commandments, such as not to take life, not to steal, not to commit
adultery, not to tell a lie, and not to take intoxicating drinks, and
of these stealing gold, drinking liquors, dishonouringone's teacher's
hed, and killing a Brahmin are also prohibited in the Chii.ndogya
Upani~ad, v. 10. 9-10 1 . But, while the Chii.ndogya only prohibits
killing Brahmins, the Buddha prohibited taking the life of any
living being. But all these vices, and others opposed to the atthmiga-
sila and dasa-kusala-kamma, are included within covetousness,
ignorance and hatred. The Gitli bases its ethics mainly on the
necessity of getting rid of attachment and desires from which
proceeds greed and frustration of which produces anger. But,
while in Buddhism ignorance (avidyii.) is considered as the source
of all evil, the Gitii. does not even mention the word. In the
twelvefold chain of causality in Buddhism it is held that out of
ignorance (avij}ii.) come the conformations (saizkhiira), out of the
conformations consciousness (viiiiiiina), out of consciousness mind
and body (nii.ma-rilpa), out of mind and body come the six fields
of contact (ii.yatana), out of the six fields of contact comes sense-
contact, out of sense-contact comes feeling, out of feeling come
desires (ta1}hii.), out of desires comes the holding fast to things
(upii.dii.na), out of the holding fast to things comes existence
(bhava), out of existence comes birth (jii.ti), and from birth
come old age, decay and death. If ignorance, or avijjii, is stopped,
1 There is another list of eightfold prohibitions called atthaftgiislla; these

are not to take life, not to take what is not given, to abstain from sex-relations,
to abstain from falsehood, from drinking liquors, from eating at forbidden
times, from dancing and music and from beautifying one's '1ody by perfumes,
garlands, etc. There is also another list called dasa-kusala-kamma, such as not to
take life, not to take what is not given, not to commit adultery, not to tell a lie,
not to slander, not to abuse or talk foolishly, not to be covetous, malicious and
xrv] The Ethics of the Gitii and the Buddhist Ethics 499
then the whole cycle stops. But, though in this causal cycle
ignorance and desires are far apart, yet psychologically desires
proceed immediately from ignorance, and a frustration of desires
produces anger, hatred, etc. In the Gua the start is taken directly
from attachment and desires (kiima). The Buddhist word lNnii
(tanhii) is seldom mentioned in the Gitii; whereas the U pani!?adic
word kama takes its place as signifying desires. The Gua is not
a philosophical work which endeavours to search deepl) into the
causes of attachments, nor does it seek to give any practical course
of advice as to how one should get rid of attachment. The Vedanta
system of thought, as interpreted by Sarikara, traces the origin of
the world with all its evils to ignorance or nescience ( avidyii),
as an indefinable principle; the Yoga traces all our phenomenal
experience to five afflictions, ignorance, attachment, antipathy,
egoism and self-love, and the last four to the first, which is
the fountain-head of all evil afflictions. In the Gua there is no
such attempt to trace attachment, etc. to some other higher
principle. The word ajiiiina (ignorance) is used in the Gitii about
six or eight times in the sense of ignorance; but this "ignorance"
does not mean any metaphysical principle or the ultimate starting-
point of a causal chain, and is used simply in the sense of false
knowledge or ignorance, as opposed to true knowledge of things
as they are. Thus in one place it is said that true knowledge of
things is obscured by ignorance, and that this is the cause of all
delusion 1 • Again, it is said that to those who by true knowledge
(of God) destroy their own ignorance (ajiiiina) true knowledge
reveals the highest reality (tat param), like the sun 2 • In another
place jiiiina and ajiiiina are both defined. Jiiiina is defined as
unvacillating and abiding self-knowledge and true knowledge
by which truth and reality are apprehended, and all that is
different from this is called ajFiiina 3 • Ajiiiina is stated elsewhere
to be the result of lamas, and in two other places lamas is said to
be the product of ajiiiina 4 • In another place it is said that people
are blinded by ignorance (ajiiiina), thinking, "I am rich, I am
an aristocrat, who else is there like me? I shall perform sacrifices
make gifts and enjoy 5 ." In another place ignorance is said to
ajiiiineniit•rtmJzjiiiinarfl lena muhyantijantava?z. v. 15.
2 jiliinena tu tad-ajiiiinur_n ye~iim niiiita7JZ iitmana!z. v. x6.
3 adhyiitma-jfiiina-nityatva7f1 talft'a-jiiiiniirlha-durianam etaj-jiiiinam iti prol~­
tam ajiiiinam yad ato 'nyathii. Gitii, XIII.@ II
1 lbld. XIV. 16, 17; X. I I; XIV. 8. :; Ibid. v. 16.
soo The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gttii [cH.
produce doubts (sa7Jzsaya), and the Gitii lecture of Krg1a is sup-
posed to dispel the delusion of Arjuna, produced by ignorance 1 •
This shows that, though the word ajiiiina is used in a variety of
contexts, either as ordinary ignorance or ignorance of true and
absolute philosophic knowledge, it is never referred to as being
the source of attachment or desires. This need not be interpreted
to mean that the Gitii was opposed to the view that attachments
and desires were produced from ignorance; but it seems at least to
imply that the Gitii was not interested to trace the origin of attach-
ments and desires and was satisfied to take their existence for
granted and urged the necessity of their extirpation for peace and
equanimity of mind. Buddhist Hinayana ethics and practical
discipline are constituted of moral discipline (Sila), concentration
(samiidhi) and wisdom (paniiii). The lila consisted in the per-
formance of good conduct (caritta) and desisting (viiritta) from
certain other kinds of prohibited action. Sila means those par-
ticular volitions and mental states, etc. by which a man who
desists from committing sinful actions maintains himself on the
right path. SUa thus means (I) right volition (cetanii), (2) the
associated mental states (cetasika), (3) mental control (sa7Jzvara),
and (4) the actual non-transgression (in body and speech) of the
course of conduct already in the mind by way of the preceding three
silas, called avitikkama. Sm.nvara is spoken of as being of five kinds,
viz. (I) piifimokkha-sal!lvara (the control which saves him who
abides by it), (2) sati-sa7Jzvara(the control of mindfulness),(3) iiiina-
saf!lvara (the control of knowledge), (4) khanti-sa7Jzvara (the control
of patience) and (5) viriya-sa7Jzvara (the control of active restraint).
Patimokkha-sa~nvara means all self-control in general. Sati-saf!lvara
means the mindfulness by which one can bring in the right and
good associations, when using one's cognitive senses. Even when
looking at any tempting object, a man will, by virtue of his mindful-
ness (satz), control himself from being tempted by not thinking
of its tempting side and by thinking on such aspects of it as may
lead in the right direction. Khanti-sa7Jzvara is that by which one
can remain unperturbed in heat and cold. By the proper adherence
to sila all our bodily, mental and vocal activities (kamma) are duly
systematized, organized and stabilized (samiidhiinam, upadhiira1Jam,
patittha). The practice of szla is for the practice of jhiina (medita-
tion). As a preparatory measure thereto, a man must train himself
Gztii, IV. 42; XVIII. 72.
xrv] The Ethics of the Guii and the Buddhist Ethics 501

continually to view with disgust the appetitive desires for eating

and drinking (iihiire pafikula-saiiiiii} by emphasizing in the mind the
various troubles that are associated with seeking food and drink
and their ultimate loathsome transformations as various nauseating
bodily elements. He must habituate his mind to the idea that all
the parts of our body are made up of the four elements, viz.
k~iti (earth), ap (water), etc. He should also think of the good
effects of sila, the making of gifts, of the nature of death and of the
deep nature and qualities of the final extinction of all phenomena,
and should practise bralzma-vihiira, as the fourfold meditation of
universal friendship, universal pity, happiness in the prosperity
and happiness of all, and indifference to any kind of preferment
for himself, his friend, his enemy or a third party 1 •
The Gltii does not enter into any of these disciplinary
measures. It does not make a programme of universal altruism or
hold that one should live only for others, as is done in Mahayana
ethics, or of the virtues of patience, energy for all that is good
(~·irya as kusalotsiiha), meditation and true knowledge of the
essencelessness of all things. The person who takes the vow of
saintly life takes the vow of living for the good of others, for
which he should be prepared to sacrifice all that is good for him.
His vow does not limit him to doing good to his co-religionists or
to any particular sects, but applies to all human beings, irrespective
of caste, creed or race, and not only to human beings, but to all
living beings. :Vlahayana ethical works like the Bodhi-caryiivatiira-
pa1Ijikii or Sik~ii-samuccaya do not deal merely with doctrines
or theories, but largely with practical instructions for becoming
a Buddhist saint. They treat of the practical difficulties in the path
of a saint's career and give practical advice regarding the way in
which he may avoid temptations, keep himself in the straight
path of duty, and gradually elevate himself to higher and higher
The Gitii is neither a practical guide-book of moral efforts
nor a philosophical treatise discussing the origin of immoral
tendencies and tracing them to certain metaphysical principles as
their sources; but, starting from the ordinary frailties of attach-
ment and desires, it tries to show how one can lead a normal life
of duties and responsibilities and yet be in peace and contentment
in a state of equanimity and in communion with God. The Gitii
1 See A History of Indian Philosophy, by S. N. Dasgupta, vol. 1, p. IOJ.
502 The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
has its setting in the great battle of the Mahii-bhiirata. Kr!?Qa
is represented as being an incarnation of God, and he is also the
charioteer of his friend and relation, Arjuna, the great PaQ<;lava
hero. The PaQ<;lava hero was a K!?attriya by birth, and he had come
to the great battle-field of Kuruk!?etra to fight his cousin and
opponent King Duryodhana, who had assembled great warriors,
all of whom were relations of Arjuna, leading mighty armies. In
the nrst chapter of the Guo. a description is given of the two
armies which faced each other in the holy field (dharma-k~etra)
of Kuruk!?etra. In the second chapter Arjuna is represented as
feeling dejected at the idea of having to fight with his relations
and of eventually killing them. He says that it was better to
beg from door to door than to kill his respected relations. Kr!?Qa
strongly objects to this attitude of Arjuna and says that the
soul is immortal and it is impossible to kill anyone. But, apart
from this metaphysical point of view, even from the ordinary
point of view a K!?attriya ought to fight, because it is his duty
to do so, and there is nothing nobler for a K!?attriya than to
fight. The fundamental idea -of the Gitii is that a man should
always follow his own caste-duties, which are his own proper
duties, or sva-dharma. Even if his own proper duties are of an
inferior type, it is much better for him to cleave to them than to
turn to other people's duties which he could well perform. It is
even better to die cleaving to one's caste-duties, than to turn to
the duties fixed for other people, which only do him harm 1 .
The caste-duties of Brahmins, K~attriyas, Vaisyas and Siidras
are fixed in accordance with their natural qualities. Thus sense-
control, control over mind, power of endurance, purity, patienct;,
sincerity, knowledge of worldly things and philosophic wisdom
are the natural qualities of a Brahmin. Heroism, bravery, patience,
skill, not to fly from battle, making of gifts and lordliness are
the natural duties of a K~attriya. Agriculture, tending of cattle
and trade are the natural duties of a Siidra. A man can
attain his highest only by performing the specific duties of his
own caste. God pervades this world, and it is He who moves all
beings to work. A man can best realize himself by adoring God
and by the performance of his own specific caste-duties. No sin
can come to a man who performs his own caste-duties. Even if
one's caste-duties were sinful or wrong, it would not be wrong
Gitti, III. 35·
x1v] The Ethics of the Gitii and the Buddhist Ethics 503

for a man to perform them ; for, as there is smoke in every fire, so

there is some wrong thing or other in all our actions 1 • Arjuna is
thus urged to follow his caste-duty as a K~attriya and to fight his
enemies in the battle-field. If he killed his enemies, then he would
be the master of the kingdom; if he himself was killed, then since
he had performed the duties of a K~attriya, he would go to Heaven.
If he did not engage himself in that fight, which was his duty, he
would not only lose his reputation, but would also transgress his
own dharma.
Such an instruction naturally evokes the objection that war
necessarily implies injury to living beings; but in reply to such
an objection Kr~l).a says that the proper way of performing actions
is to dissociate one's mind from attachment; when one can perform
an action with a mind free from attachment, greed and selfishness,
from a pure sense of duty, the evil effects of such action cannot
affect the performer. The evil effects of any action can affect the
performer when in performing an action he has a motive of his own
to fulfil. But, if he does not seek anything for himself, if he is not
overjoyed in pleasures, or miserable in pains, his works cannot
affect him. A man should therefore surrender all his desires for
selfish ends and dedicate all his actions to God and be in com-
munion with Him, and yet continue to perform the normal duties
of his caste and situation of life. So long as we have our bodies,
the necessity of our own nature will drive us to work. So it is
impossible for us to give up all work. To give up work can be
significant only if it means the giving up of all desires for the fruits
of such actions. If the fruits of actions are given up, then the
actions can no longer bind us to them. That brings us in return
peace and contentment, and the saint who has thus attained a per-
fect equanimity of mind is firm and unshaken in his true wisdom,
and nothing can sway him to and fro. One may seek to attain
this state either by philosophic wisdom or by devotion to God,
and it is the latter path which is easier. God, by His grace, helps
the devotee to purge his mind of all impurities, and so by His
grace a man can dissociate his mind from all motives of greed and
selfishness and be in communion with Him; he can thus perform
his duties, as fixed for him by his caste or his custom, without
looking forward to any reward or gain.
The Gztii ideal of conduct differs from the sacrificial ideal of
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita [cH.
conduct in this, that sacrifices are not to be performed for any
ulterior end of heavenly bliss or any other mundane benefits, but
merely from a sense of duty, because sacrifices are enjoined in the
scriptures to be performed by Brahmins; and they must therefore
be performed from a pure sense of duty. The Gitii ideal of ethics
differs from that preached in the systems of philosophy like the
Vedanta or the Yoga of Patafijali in this, that, while the aim
of these systems was to transcend the sphere of actions and
duties, to rise to a stage in which one could give up all one's
activities, mental or physical, the ideal of the Gitii was decidedly
an ideal of work. The Gitii, as has already been pointed out,
does not advocate a course of extremism in anything. However
elevated a man may be, he must perform his normal caste-duties
and duties of customary morality 1 . The Gitii is absolutely devoid
of the note of pessimism which is associated with early Buddhism.
The lila, samiidhi and paiiiiii of Buddhism have, no doubt, in the
Gitii their counterparts in the training of a man to disinclination
for joys and attachments, to concentration on God and the firm
and steady fixation of will and intelligence; but the significance of
these in the Gitii is entirely different from that which they have
in Buddhism. The Gitii does not expound a course of approved
conduct and prohibitions, since, so far as these are concerned, one's
actions are to be guided by the code of caste-duties or duties of
customary morality. What is required of a man is that he should
cleanse his mind from the impurities of attachment. desires and
cravings. The samiidhi of the Gitii is not a mere concentration of
the mind on some object, but communion with God, and the
wisdom, or prajiiii, of the Gitii is no realization of any philosophic
truth, but a fixed and unperturbed state of the mind, where the
will and intellect remain unshaken in one's course of duty, clear
of all consequences and free from all attachments, and in a state
of equanimity which cannot be shaken or disturbed by pleasures
or sorrows.
It may naturally be asked in this connection, what is the general
standpoint of Hindu Ethics? The Hindu social system is based
on a system of fourfold division of castes. The Gitii says that God
Himself created the fourfold division of castes into Brahmins,
Kf?attriyas, Vaisyas and Siidras, a division based on characteristic
1 Sankara, of course, is in entire disagreement with this interpretation of the
GJtii, as will be discussed in a later section.
x1v] The Ethics of the Guii and the Buddhist Ethics 505
qualities and specific duties. Over and above this caste division
and its corresponding privileges, duties and responsibilities, there
is also a division of the stages of life into that of Brahma-ciirin-
student, grha-stha-householder, viina-prastha-retired in a forest,
and bhik~u-mendicant, and each of these had its own prescribed
duties. The duties of Hindu ethical life consisted primarily of the
prescribed caste-duties and the specific duties of the different
stages of life, and this is known as var'l}iisrama-dharma. Over and
above this there were also certain duties which were common to
all, called the siidhiira'l}a-dharmas. Thus Manu mentions steadiness
(dhairya), forgiveness (k~amii), self-control (dama), non-stealing
(cawyab~iiva), purity (sauca), sense-control (indri'ya-nigraha),
wisdom (dhz), learning (vidyii), truthfulness (satya) and control of
anger (akrodha) as examples of siidhiira'l}a-dharma. Prasastapada
mentions faith in religious duties (dharma-haddhii), non-injury
(ahil[lsii), doing good to living beings (bhuta-hitatva), truthfulness
(satya-vacana), non-stealing (asteya), sex-continence (brahma-
carya), sincerity of mind (anupadhii), control of anger (krodha-
vwjana), cleanliness and ablutions (abhi~ecana), taking of pure food
(Suci-dravya-sevana), devotion to Vedic gods (-ciSi~ta-devatii-bhakti),
and watchfulness in avoiding transgressions (apramiida). The
caste-duties must be distinguished from these common duties.
Thus sacrifices, study and gifts are common to all the three higher
castes, Brahmins, K~attriyas and Vaisyas. The specific duties of
a Brahmin are acceptance of gifts, teaching, sacrifices and so forth;
the specific duties of a K~attriya are protection of the people,
punishing the wicked, not to retreat from battles and other
specific tasks; the duties of a Vaisya are buying, selling, agri-
culture, breeding and rearing of cattle, and the specific duties of a
Vaisya. The duties of a Siidra are to serve the three higher castes 1 •
Regarding the relation between var'l}a-dharma and siidhiira'l}a-
dharma, a modern writer says that "the siidhiira'l}a-dharmas con-
stitute the foundation of the var'l}iisrama-dharmas, the limits
within which the latter are to be observed and obeyed. For
1 The Gitii, however, counts self-control (sama), control over the mind

(dama), purity (sauca), forgiving nature (k~iinti), sincerity (iirjava), knowledge

(jiiiina), wisdom (vijiiiina) and faith (iistik:ya) as the natural qualities of Brahmins.
The duties of K~attriyas are heroism (saurya), smartness (tejas), power of en-
durance (dh!ti), skill (diik~ya), not to fly in hattie (yuddhe ciipy apaliiyana),
making of gifts (diina) and power of controlling others (zsvara-bhiiva). The
natural duties of Vaisyas are agriculture, rearing of cows and trade. Gztii,
XVIII. 42-44•
so6 The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-guii [cH.
example, the Brahmin in performing religious sacrifice must not
appropriate another's property, non-appropriation being one of
the common and universal duties. In this way he serves his own
community as well as subserves (though in a negative way) the
common good of the community-and so, in an _indirect way,
serves the common good of humanity. Thus the individual of a
specific community who observes the duties of his class does
not serve his own community merely, but also and in the same
process all other communities according to their deserts and needs,
and in this way the whole of humanity itself. This, it will be seen,
is also the view of Plato, whose virtue of justice is the common
good which is to be realized by each class through its specific
duties; but this is to be distinguished from the common good
which constitutes the object of the sii.dhiira'l}a-dharmas of the Hindu
classification. The end in these common and universal duties is
not the common well-being, which is being correctly realized in
specific communities, but the common good as the precondition
and foundation of the latter; it is not the good which is common-
in-the-individual, but common-as-the-prius-of-the-individual.
Hence the siidhiira~za duties are obligatory equally for all indi-
viduals, irrespective of their social position or individual capacity1 ."
The statement that the common good (siidhiira'l}a-dharma) could
be regarded as the precondition of the specific caste-duties implies
that, if the latter came into conflict with the former, then the former
should prevail. This is, however, inexact; for there is hardly any
instance where, in case of a conflict, the siidhat·a'l}a-dharma, or the
common duties, had a greater force. Thus, for example, non-injury
to living beings was a common duty; but sacrifices implied the killing
of animals, and it was the clear duty of the Brahmins to perform
sacrifices. War implied the taking of an immense number of human
lives; but it was the duty of a K~attriya not to turn away from a
hattie-field, and in pursuance of his obligatory duty as a K~attriya
he had to fight. Turning to traditional accounts, we find in the
Riimiiya'l}a that Sambiika was a Siidra saint {mum) who was per-
forming ascetic penances in a forest. This was a transgression of
caste-duties; for a Siidra could not perform tapas, which only the
higher caste people were allowed to undertake, and hence the
performance of tapas by the Siidra saint Sambiika was regarded
1 Ethics of the Hindus, by S. K. Maitra under Dr Seal's close personal

supervision and guidance, pp. 3-4.

xrv] The Ethics of the Gua and the Buddhist Ethics 507
as adharma (vice); and, as a result of this adharma, there was a
calamity in the kingdom of Rama in the form of the death of an
infant son of a Brahmin. King Rama went out in his chariot and
beheaded Sambiika for transgressing his caste-duties. Instances
could be multiplied to show that, when there \Vas a conflict between
the caste-duties and the common duties, it was the former that
had the greater force. The common duties had their force only
when they were not in conflict with the caste-duties. The Gitii is
itself an example of how the caste-duties had preference over
common duties. In spite of the fact that Arjuna was extremely
unwilling to take the lives of his near and dear kinsmen in the
battle of Kuruk~etra Kr~t).a tried his best to dissuade him from
his disinclination to fight and pointed out to him that it was
his clear duty, as a K~attriya, to fight. It seems therefore very
proper to hold that the common duties had only a general applica-
tion, and that the specific caste-duties superseded them, whenever
the two were in conflict.
The Gitii does not raise the problem of common duties, as its
synthesis of nivrtti (cessation from work) and pravrtti (tending to
work) makes it unnecessary to introduce the advocacy of the
common duties; for its instruction to take to work with a mind
completely detached from all feelings and motives of self-seeking,
pleasure-seeking and self-interest elevates its scheme of work to
a higher sphere, which would not be in need of the practice of
any select scheme of virtues.
The theory of the Gitii that, if actions are performed with
an unattached mind, then their defects cannot touch the per-
former, distinctly implies that the goodness or badness of an
action does not depend upon the external effects of the action, but
upon the inner motive of action. If there is no motive of pleasure
or self-gain, then the action performed cannot bind the performer;
for it is only the bond of desires and self-love that really makes an
action one's own and makes one reap its good or bad fruits.
~1orality from this point of view becomes wholly subjective, and
the special feature of the Gitii is that it tends to make all actions
non-moral by cutting away the bonds that connect an action with
its performer. In such circumstances the more logical course
would be that of Sankara, who would hold a man who is free
from desires and attachment to be above morality, above duties
and above responsibilities. The Gitii, however, would not advocate
soB The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
the objective nivrtti, or cessation of work; its whole aim is to
effect subjective nivrtti, or detachment from desires. It would not
allow anyone to desist from his prescribed objective duties; but,
whatever might be the nature of these duties, since they were
performed without any motive of gain, pleasure or self-interest,
they would be absolutely without fruit for the performer, who,
in his perfect equanimity of mind, would transcend all his actions
and their effects. If Arjuna fought and killed hundreds of his
kinsmen out of a sense of his caste-duty, then, howsoever harmful
his actions might be, they would not affect him. Yudhi~thira,
however, contemplated an expiation of the sin of killing his kins-
men by repentance, gifts, asceticism, pilgrimage, etc., which shows
the other view, which was prevalent in the lliahii-bhiirata period,
that, when the performance of caste-duties led to such an injury
to human lives, the sinful effects of such actions could be expiated
by such means 1 • Yudhi~thira maintained that of asceticism (tapas),
the giving up of all duties (tyiiga), and the final knowledge of the
ultimate truth (avadhi), the second is better than the first and the
third is better than the second. He therefore thought that the
best course was to take to an ascetic life and give up all duties
and responsibilities, whereas Arjuna held that the best course
for a king would be to take upon himself the normal responsi-
bilities of a kingly life and at the same time remain unattached
to the pleasures of such a life 2 • Regarding also the practice of
the virtues of non-injury, etc., Arjuna maintains that it is wrong
to carry these virtues to extremes. Howsoever a man may live,
whether as an ascetic or as a forester, it is impossible for him to
practise non-injury to all living beings in any extreme degree.
Even in the water that one drinks and the fruits that one eats, even
in breathing and winking many fine and invisible insects are
killed. So the virtue of non-injury, or, for the matter of that, all
kinds of virtue, can be practised only in moderation, and their
injunctions always imply that they can be practised only within
the bounds of a commonsense view of things. Non-injury may
Mahii-bhiirata, XII. 7• 36 and 37·
2 Thus Arjuna says:
asaktab iaktavad gacchan nil;zsango mukta-bandhanab
samatz iatrau ca mitre ca sa vai mukto mahlpate;
to which Yudhi~thira replies :
tapas tyiigo 'vadhir iti niicayas tv e~a dhimatiim
paraspara1Jl jyiiya eyii1Jl yei(i1{l naibireyasl matib.
Ibid. xu. 18. JI and xu. 19. 9·
xrv] The Ethics of the GUii and the Buddhist Ethics 509
be good; but there are cases where non-injury would mean doing
injury. If a tiger enters into a cattle-shed, not to kill the tiger
would amount to killing the cows. So all religious injunctions
are made from the point of view of a practical and well-ordered
maintenance of society and must therefore be obeyed with an eye
to the results that may follow in their practical application. Our
principal object is to maintain properly the process of the social
order and the well-being of the people 1 . It seems clear, then,
that, when the Gitii urges again and again that there is no meaning
in giving up our normal duties, vocation and place in life and its
responsibilities, and that what is expected of us is that we should
tnake our minds unattached, it refers to the view which Yudhi~thira
expresses, that we must give up all our works. The Gitii therefore
repeatedly urges that tyaga does not mean the giving up of all
works, but the mental giving up of the fruits of all actions.
Though the practice of detachment of mind from all desires
and motives of pleasure and enjoyment would necessarily in-
volve the removal of all vices and a natural elevation of the mind
to all that is high and noble, yet the Gitii sometimes denounces
certain types of conduct in very strong terms. Thus, in the sixteenth
chapter, it is said that people who hold a false philosophy and
think that the world is false and, without any basis, deny the
existence of God and hold that there is no other deeper cause of
the origin of life than mere sex-attraction and sex-union, destroy
thenlSelves by their foolishness and indulgence in all kinds of cruel
deeds, and would by their mischievous actions turn the world to
the path of ruin. In their insatiable desires, filled with pride,
vanity and ignorance, they take to wrong and impure courses of
action. They argue too much and think that there is nothing
greater than this world that we live in, and, thinking so, they
indulge in all kinds of pleasures and enjoyments. Tied with bonds
of desire, urged by passions and anger, they accumulate money
in a wrongful manner for the gratification of their sense-desires.
"I have got this to-day," they think, "and enjoy myself; I have
so much hoarded money and I shall have more later on"; "that
enemy has been killed by me, I shall kill other enemies also, I am
Loka-yiitriirtham eveda1Jl dharma-pravacana1Jl krtam
ahi1JlSii siidhu hi1JZSeti sreyiin dharma-parigrahab
niityanta1Jl gutzavat ki1Jlcin na ciipy atyanta-nirgutzam
ubhaya1Jl sarva-kiiryefu drsyate siidhv asiidhu vii.
Mahii-bhiirati, XII. 15. 49 anti so.
510 The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
a lord, I enjoy myself, I am successful, powerful and happy, I
am rich, I have a noble lineage, there is no one like me, I perform
sacrifices, make gifts and enjoy." They get distracted by various
kinds of ideas and desires and, surrounded by nets of ignorance
and delusion and full of attachment for sense-gratifications, they
naturally fall into hell. Proud, arrogant and filled with ~he vanity
of wealth, they perform improperly the so-called sacrifices, as a
demonstration of their pomp and pride. In their egoism, power,
pride, desires and anger they always ignore God, both in them-
selves and in others 1 • The main vices that one should try to
get rid of are thus egoism, too many desires, greed, anger, pride
and vanity, and of these desire and anger are again and again
mentioned as being like the gates of hell 2 •
Among the principal virtues called the divine equipment (dai'l'i
sampat) the Gztii counts fearlessness (abhaya), purity of heart
(sattva-sa1{lluddhi), knowledge of things and proper action in ac-
cordance with it, giving, control of mind, sacrifice, study, tapas,
sincerity (a1java), non-injury (ahi1J1sii), truthfulness (satya), control
of anger (akrodha), renunciation (tyiiga), peacefulness of mind
(Santi), not to backbite (apaisuna), kindness to the suffering (bhiite~u
dayii), not to be greedy (alolupatva), tenderness (miirdava), a feeling
of shame before people in general when a wrong action is done
(hrz), steadiness (acapala), energy (te;as), a forgiving spirit (k~iinti),
patience (dhrti), purity (Sauca), not to think ill of others (adroha),
c.md not to be vain. It is these virtues which liberate our spirits,
whereas vanity, pride, conceit, anger, cruelty and ignorance are
vices which bind and enslave us 3 • The man who loves God should
not hurt any living beings, should be friendly and sympathetic
towards them, and should yet be unattached to all things, should
have no egoism, be the same in sorrows and pleasures and full of
forgivingness for all. He should be firm, self-controlled and always
contented. He should be pure, unattached, the same to all, should
not take to actions from any personal motives, and he has nothing
to fear. He is the same to friends and enemies, in appreciation and
denunciation; he is the same in heat and cold, pleasure, and pain;
he is the same in praise and blame, homeless and always satisfied
with anything and everything; he is always unperturbed and
absolutely unattached to all things 4 • If one carefully goes through
1 Gltii, XVI. 8-18. 2
Ibid. XVI. 2 I.
3 4
Ibid. XVI. I-S· Ibid. XII. IJ-19; see also ibid. XIII. 8-11.
x1v] The Ethics of the Gua and the Buddhist .ft'thics 5I I

the above list of virtues, it appears that the virtues are pre-
eminently of a negative character-one should not be angry, hurt-
ful to others, egoistic, proud or vain, should not do anything with
selfish motives, should not be ruffled by pleasure and pain, heat
and cold and should be absolutely unattached. Of the few positive
virtues, sincerity and purity of heart, a forgiving spirit, tenderness,
friendliness, kindness, alertness and sympathy seem to be most
prominent. The terms maitra (friendliness) and karU1Jii (com-
passion) might naturally suggest the Buddhist virtues so named,
since they do not occur in the U pani~ads 1 • But in the Gltli also they
are mentioned only once, and the general context of the passage
shows that no special emphasis is put on these two virtues. They
do not imply any special kind of meditation of universal friendship
or universal piety or the active performance of friendly and sympa-
thetic deeds for the good of humanity or for the good of living
beings in general. They seem to imply simply the positive friendly
state of the mind that must accompany all successful practice of
non-injury to fellow-beings. The Gitli does not advocate the active
performance of friendliness, but encourages a friendly spirit as a
means of discouraging the tendency to do harm to others. The
life that is most admired in the Gitli is a life of unattachedness,
a life of peace, contentment and perfect equanimity and unper-
turbedness in joys and sorrows. The vices that are denounced are
generally those that proceed from attachment and desires, such as
egoism, pride, vanity, anger, greediness, etc. There is another class
of virtues which are often praised, namely those which imply
purity, sincerity and alertness of mind and st~aightness of conduct.
The negative virtue of sense-control, with its positive counterpart,
the acquirement of the power of directing one's mind in a right
direction, forms the bed-rock of the entire superstructure of the
Guli code of moral and virtuous conduct.
The virtue of sameness (samatva), however, seems to be the
great ideal which the Gitli is never tired of emphasizing again and
again. This sameness can be attained in three different stages:
subjective sameness, or equanimity of mind, or the sameness in
joys and sorrows, praise and blame and in all situations of life;
objective sameness, as regarding all people, good, bad or in-
different, a friend or an enemy, with equal eyes and in the same
The term maitra occurs only once in the Muktikopani~at, 11. 34, and the
Muktika is in all probability one of the later Upani~ads.
512 The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
impartial spirit; and the final stage of the achievement of this
equanimity is the self-realized state when one is absolutely un-
perturbed by all worldly things-a state of transcendence called
gu!liitUa. Thus in the Gttii, II. 15, it is said that he whom sense-
affections and physical troubles cannot affect in any way, who is
unperturbable and the same in joys and sorrows, attains immor-
tality. In II. 38 Kr~IJa asks Arjuna to think of joys and sorrows,
gain and loss, victory and defeat as being the same, and to engage
himself in the fight with such a mind; for, if he did so, no sin wocld
touch him. In II. 47 Kr~IJa says to Arjuna that his business is only
to perform his duties and not to look for the effects of his deeds;
it is wrong to look for the fruits of deeds or to desist from per-
forming one's duties. In II. 48 this sameness in joys and sorrows
is described as yoga, and it is again urged that one should be
unperturbed whether m success or in failure. The same idea is
repeated in n. 55, 56 and 57, where it is said that a true saint
should not be damped in sorrow or elated in joy, and that he
should not be attached to anything and should take happiness or
misery indifferently, without particularly welcoming the former or
regretting the latter. Such a man is absolutely limited to his own
self and is self-satisfied. He is not interested in achieving anything
or in not achieving anything; there is no personal object for him
to attain in the world 1 • To such a man gold and stones, desirables
and undesirables, praise and blame, appreciation and denunciation,
friends and foes are all alike 2 • Such a man makes no distinction
whether between a friend and foe, or between a sinner and a
virtuous man 3 • Such a man knows that pleasures and pains are
welcomed and hated by all and, thinking so, he desires the good
of all and looks upon all as he would upon himself-on a learned
Brahmin of an elevated character, on a cow, an elephant, a dog or
a ca!lt},iila; and the wise behave in the same way 4 • He sees God in
all beings and knows the indestructible and the immortal in all
that is destructible. He who knows that all beings are pervaded
by all, and thus regards them all with an equal eye, does not hurt
his own spiritual nature and thus attains his highest 5 • As the
culmination of this development, there is the state in which a man
transcends all the corporeal and mundane characteristics of the
threefold gUt;as, and, being freed from birth, death, old age and
1 Gitii, III. 17, 18. 2 Ibid. XIV. 24, 25. 3
Ibid. VI. 9·
' Ibid. VI. 31; also v. 18. 5 Ibid. XIII. 28.
xiV] The Ethics of the Gltii and the Buddhist Ethics 513
sorrow, attains immortality. He knows that the worldly qualities
of things, the gu~ws, are extraneous to his own spiritual nature,
and by such thoughts he transcends the sphere of all worldly
qualities and attains Brahmahood 1 •
Apart from the caste-duties and other deeds that are to be
performed without any attachment, the Gitii speaks again and
again of sacrifices, tapas and gifts, as duties which cannot be ignored
at any stage of our spiritual development. It is well worth pointing
out that the Gitii blames the performance of sacrifices either for
the attainment of selfish ends or for making a display of pomp
or pride. The sacrifices are to be performed from a sense of duty
and of public good, since it is only by the help of the sacrifices that
the gods may be expected to bring down heavy showers, through
which crops may grow in plenty. Physical tapas is described as
the adoration of gods. Brahmins, teachers and wise men, as purity,
sincerity, sex-continence and non-injury; tapas in speech is de-
scribed as truthful and unoffending speech, which is both sweet
to hear and for the good of all, and also study; mental tapas is
described as serenity of mind (mana/:t-prasiida), happy temper
(saumyatva), thoughtfulness (mauna), self-control (iitma-vini-
graha) and sincerity of mind; and the higher kind of tapas is
to be performed without any idea of gain or the fulfilment of
any ulterior end 2 • Gifts are to he made to good Brahmins in a
holy place and at an auspicious time, merely from a sense of duty.
This idea that gifts are properly made only when they are made
to good Brahmins at a holy time or place is very much more
limited and restricted than the lVIahayana idea of making gifts for
the good of all, without the slightest restriction of any kind. Thus
i~ is said in the Sik~ii-samuccaya that a Bodhisattva need not be
afraid among tigers and other wild animals in a wild forest, since
the Bodhisattva has given his all for the good of all beings. He
has therefore to think that, if the wild animals should eat him,
this would only mean the giving his body to them, which would be
the fulfilment of his virtue of universal charity. The Bodhisattvas
take the vow of giving away their all in universal charity 3 •
Thus the fundamental teaching of the Guii is to follow caste-
duties without any motive of self-interest or the gratification of
sense-desires. The other general duties of sacrifices, tapas and
1 2
Gttii, XIV. 20, 23, 26. Ibid. XVI. II-17.
Sik~ii-samuccaya, ch. XIX, p. 349·
Dll 33
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
gifts are also to be practised by all and may hence be regarded in
some sense as being equivalent to the siidhiira7Ja-dharmas of the
Vaise~ika and Smrti literature. But, if caste-duties or customary
duties come into conflict with the special duties of non-injury
(ahi1JlSii), then the caste-duties are to be followed in preference.
It does not seem that any of the other special duties or virtues
which are enjoined can come into conflict with the general caste-
duties; for most of these are for the inner moral development,
with which probably no caste-duties can come into conflict. But,
though there is no express mandate of the Gitii on the point, yet
it may be presumed that, should a SG.dra think of performing
sacrifices, tapas or gifts or the study of the Vedas, this would
most certainly be opposed by the Gitii, as it would be against the
prescribed caste-duties. So, though non-injury is one of the
special virtues enjoined by the Gitii, yet, when a K!?attriya kills
his enemies in open and free fight, that fight is itself to be re-
garded as virtuous (dharmya) and there is for the K!?attriya no sin
in the killing of his enemies. If a person dedicates all his actions
to Brahman and performs his duties· without attachment, then
sinfulness in his actions cannot cleave to him, just as water
cannot cleave to the leaves of a lotus plant 1 • On the one hand
the Gitii keeps clear of the ethics of the absolutist and meta-
physical systems by urging the necessity of the performance of
caste and customary duties, and yet enjoins the cultivation of the
great virtues of renunciation, purity, sincerity, non-injury, self-
control, sense-control and want of attachment as much as the
absolutist systems would desire to do; on the other hand, it
does not adopt any of the extreme and rigorous forms of self-
discipline, as the Yoga does, or the practice of the virtues on an
unlimited and universalist scale, as the Buddhists did. It follows
the middle course, strongly emphasizing the necessity of self-
control, sense-control and detachment from all selfish ends and
desires along with the performance of the normal duties. This
detachment from sense-pleasures is to be attained either through
wisdom or, preferably, through devotion to God.
1 Gitii, v. xo.
XIV] Analysis of Action

Analysis of Action.
The consideration of the Gttii ethics naturally brings in the
problem of the analysis of the nature of action, volition and agent.
The principal analysis of volition in Hindu Philosophy is to be
found in the Nyaya- Vaise~ika works. Prasastapada divides animal
activities into two classes, firstly, those that are of a reflex nature
and originate automatically from life-functions (jlvana-purvaka)
and subserve useful ends (kiim api artha-kriyiim) for the organism,
and, secondly, those conscious and voluntary actions that proceed
out of desire or aversion, for the attainment of desirable ends and
the avoidance of undesirable ones. Prabhakara holds that volitional
actions depend on several factors, firstly, a general notion that
something has to be done (kiiryatii-jiiiina), which Gangabhatta in
his Bhii!!a-cintiimar.zi explains as meaning not merely a general
notion that a particular work can be done by the agent, but also the
specific notion that an action must be done by him-a sense which
can proceed only from a belief that the action would be useful to
him and would not be sufficiently harmful to him to dissuade him
from it. Secondly, there must be the belief that the agent has the
power or capacity of performing the action (krti-siidhyatii-jiiiina).
This belief of krti-siidhyatii-jiiiina leads to desire (ciklr~ii}. The
Prabhakaras do not introduce here the important factor that an
action can be desired only if it is conducive to the good of the agent.
Instead of this element they suppose that actions are desired when
the agent identifies himself with the action as one to be accom-
plished by him-an action is desired only as a kind of self-
realization. The Nyaya, however, thinks that the fact that an action
is conducive to good and not productive of serious mischief is an
essential condition of its performance.
The Guii seems to hold that everywhere actions are always
being performed by the gur.zas or characteristic qualities of prakrti,
the primal matter. It is through ignorance and false pride that
one thinks himself to be the agent 1 • In another place it is said
that for the occurrence of an action there are five causes, viz. the
body, the agent, the various sense-organs, the various life-functions
and biomotor activities, and the unknown objective causal ele-
ments or the all-controlling power of God (daiva) 2 • All actions
1 Gua, 111. 27; x1n. 29.
adhi~thiina1Jl tathii kartii karat}a1Jl ca Prthag-vidham
vividhiiS ca Prthak ce~fii daiva7JZ caiviitra paficamam. Ibid. XVIII. 14.

The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gttii [cH.
being due to the combined operation of these five elements, it
would be wrong to think the self or the agent to be the only per-
former of actions. Thus it is said that, this being so, he who thinks
the self alone to be the agent of actions, this wicked-minded person
through his misapplied intelligence does not see things properly 1 •
Whatever actions are performed, right or wrong, whether in body,
speech or mind, have these five factors as their causes 2 • The
philosophy that underlies the ethical position of the Gitii consists
in the fact that, in reality, actions are made to happen primarily
through the movement of the characteristic qualities of prakrt£,
and secondarily, through the collocation of the five factors men-
tioned, among which the self is but one factor only. It is, therefore,
sheer egoism to think that one can, at his own sweet will, undertake
a work or cease from doing works. For the prakrti, or primal
matter, through its later evolutes, the collocation of causes, would
of itself move us to act, and even in spite of the opposition of our
will we are led to perform the very action which we did not want
to perform. So Kr~I).a says to Arjuna that the egoism through
which you would say that you would not fight is mere false
vanity, since the prakrti is bound to lead you to action 3 • A man
is bound by the active tendencies or actions which necessarily
follow directly from his own nature, and there is no escape.
He has to work in spite of the opposition of his will. Prakrti,
or the collocation of the five factors, moves us to work. That
being so, no one can renounce all actions. If renouncing actions
is an impossibility, and if one is bound to act, it is but proper
that one should perform one's normal duties. There are no duties
and no actions which are absolutely faultless, absolutely above all
criticism; so the proper way in which a man should purify his
actions is by purging his mind of all imperfections and impurities
of desires and attachment. But a question may arise how, if all
actions follow necessarily as the product of the five-fold colloca-
tion, a person can determine his actions? The general implication
of the Gitii seems to be that, though the action follows necessarily
as the product of the fivefold collocation, yet the self can give a
direction to these actions ; if a man wishes to dissociate himself
from all attachments and desires by dedicating the fruits of all
his acti.:ms to God and clings to God with such a purpose, God
helps him to attain his noble aim.
1 Gffii, XVIII. 16. 2
Ibid. 3
XVIII. 15. Ibid. XVIII. 59·
XIVj Eschatology

The Gttii is probably the earliest document where a definite
statement is made regarding the imperishable nature of existent
things and the impossibility of that which is non-existent coming
into being. It says that what is non-existent cannot come into
being, and that what exists cannot cease to be. In modern times
we hear of the principle of the conservation of energy and also of
the principle of the conservation of mass. The principle of the
conservation of energy is distinctly referred to in the Vyasa-bhii~ya
· on Pata1ijali-siltra, IV. 3, but the idea of the conservation of mass
does not seem to have been mentioned definitely anywhere. Both
the Vedantist and the Sarpkhyist seem to base their philosophies on
an ontological principle known as sat-kiirya-·viida, which holds that
the effect is already existent in the cause. The Vedanta holds that
the effect as such is a mere appearance and has no true existence;
the cause alone is truly existent. The Sarp.khya, on the other hand,
holds that the effect is but a modification of the causal substance,
and, as such, is not non-existent, but has no existence separate from
the cause; the effect may therefore be said to exist in the cause
before the starting of the causal operation (kiira1Ja-vyiipiira). Both
these systems strongly obj~ct to the Buddhist and N yaya view that
the effect came into being out of non-existence, a doctrine known
as a-sat-karya-'l•iida. Both the Sarp.khya and the Vedanta tried to
prove their theses, but neither of them seems to have realized that
their doctrines are based upon an a priori proposition which is the
basic principle underlying the principle of the conservation of
energy and the conservation of mass, but which is difficult to be
proved by reference to a posteriori illustration. Thus, the Sarp.khya
says that the effect exists in the cause, since, had it not been
so, there would be no reason why certain kinds of effects, e.g.
oil, can be produced only from certain kinds of causes, e.g.
sesamum. That certain kinds of effects are produced only from
certain kinds of causes does not really prove the doctrine of sat-
kii1ya-1.:lida, but only implies it; for the doctrine of sat-kiirya-viida
rests on an a priori principle such as that formulated in the Gttii
-that what exists cannot perish, and that what does not exist
cannot come into being 1 • The Gttii does not try to prove this pro-
position, but takes it as a self-evident principle which no one could
niisato vidyate bhiivo niibhavo vidyate satafz. Gltii, n. 16.
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
challenge. It does not, however, think of applying this prin-
ciple, which underlies the ontological position of the Sa:q1khya
and the Vedanta, in a general way. It seems to apply the principle
only to the nature of self (iitman). Thus it says, "0 Arjuna,
that principle by which everything is pervaded is to be regarded
as deathless; no one can destroy this imperishable one. The bodies
that perish belong to the deathless eternal and unknowable self;
therefore thou shouldst fight. He who thinks the self to be destruc-
tible, and he who thinks it to be the destroyer, do not know that
it can neither destroy nor be destroyed. It is neither born nor
does it die, nor, being once what it is, would it ever be again .... ·
Weapons cannot cut it, fire cannot burn it, water cannot dis-
solve it and air cannot dry it." The immortality of self preached
in the Gitii seems to have been directly borrowed from the
Upani~ads, and the passages that describe it seem to breathe
the spirit of the Upani!?ads not only in idea, but also in the
modes and expressions. The ontological principle that what exists
cannot die and that what is not cannot come into being does not
seem to have been formulated in the Upani~ads. Its formulation
in the Gitii in support of the principle of immortality seems,
therefore, to be a distinct advance on the Upani!?adic philosophy
in this direction.
The first argument urged by KP?I).a to persuade Arjuna to
fight was that the self was immortal and that it was the body only
that could be injured or killed, and that therefore Arjuna need not
feel troubled because he was going to kill his kinsmen in the battle
of Kuruk!?etra. Upon the death of one body the self only changed
to another, in which it was reborn, just as a man changed his old
clothes for new ones. The body is always changing, and even in
youth, middle age and old age, does not remain the same. The
change at death is also a change of body, and so there is no
intrinsic difference between the changes of the body at different
stages of life and the ultimate change that is effected at death,
when the old body is forsaken by the spirit and a new body is
accepted. Our bodies are always changing, and, though the different
stages if\ this growth in childhood, youth and old age represent
comparatively small degrees of change, yet these ought to prepare
our minds to realize the fact that death is also a similar change of
body only and cannot, therefore, affect the unperturbed nature
of the self, which, in spite of all changes of body at successive
XIV] Eschatology
births and rebirths, remains unchanged in itself. When one is born
one must die, and when one dies one must be reborn. Birth
necessarily implies death, and death necessarily implies rebirth.
There is no escape from this continually revolving cycle of birth
and death. From Brahma down to all living creatures there is
a continuous rotation of birth, death and rebirth. In reply to
Arjuna's questions as to what becomes of the man who, after
proceeding a long way on the path of yoga, is somehow through
his failings dislodged from it and dies, Kf!?I).a replies that no good
work can be lost and a man who has been once on the path of
right cannot suffer; so, when a man who was proceeding on the
path of yoga is snatched away by the hand of death, he is born
again in a family of pure and prosperous people or in a family
of wise yogins; and in this new birth he is associated with his
achievements in his last birth and begins anew his onward course
of advancement, and the old practice of the previous birth carries
him onward, without any effort on his part, in his new line of
progress. By his continual efforts through many lives and the
cumulative effects of the right endeavours of each life the yogin
attains his final realization. Ordinarily the life of a man in each
new birth depends upon the desires and ideas that he fixes upon
at the time of his death. But those that think of God, the oldest
instructor, the seer, the smallest of the small, the upholder of aU,
shining like the sun beyond all darkness, and fix their life-forces
between their eyebrows, and control all the gates of their senses and
their mind in their hearts, ultimately attain their highest realiza-
tion in God. From the great Lord, the great unmanifested and
incomprehensible Lord, proceeds the unmanifested (avyakta),
from which come out all manifested things (vyaktayal:z sar•D1i/:l},
and in time again return to it and again evolve out of it. Thus
there are two forms of the unmanifested (avyakta), the un-
manifested out of which all the manifested things come, and the
unmanifested which is the nature of the eternal Lord from whom the
former come 1 • The ideas of de•Da-y1ina and pitr-yana, dak#1,.l1iyana
and uttar1iya1Ja, the black and the white courses as mentioned in
the Upani!?ads, are also referred to in the Gua. Those who go
through smoke in the new-moon fortnight and the later six months
(when the sun is on the south of the equator), and thus ta~e the black
course, return again; but those who take the white course of fire
1 Gnii, v1n. 16-23.
520 The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
in the full-moon fortnight and thP former six months (when the
sun is on the north of the equator) do not t"eturn again 1 • No very
significant meaning can be made out of these doctrines. They
seem to be but the perpetuation of the traditional faiths regarding
the future courses of the dead, as referred to in the Chiindogya
Upani~ad. The Guii, again, speaking of others, says that those
who follow the sacrificial duties of the Vedas enjoy heavenly
pleasures in heaven, and, when their merits are exhausted by the
enjoyments of the good fruits of their actions, they come back to
earth. Those who follow the path of desires and take to religious
duties for the attainment of pleasures must always go to heaven
and come back again-they cannot escape this cycle of going and
coming. Again, in the Gttii, XVI. 19, Kp~l).a says," I make cruel
vicious persons again and again take birth as ferocious animals."
The above summary of the eschatological views of the Gztii
shows that it collects together the various traditionally accepted
views regarding life after death without trying to harmonize
them properly. Firstly, it may be noted that the Gitii believes
in the doctrine of karma. Thus in xv. 2 and in tv 9 it is said
that the \Vorld has grown on the basis of karma, and the GUii
believes that it is the bondage of karma that binds us to this world.
The bondage of karma is due to the existence of attachment,
passions and desires. But what does the bondage of ka1·ma lead
to? The reply to such a question, as given by the Gitii, is that
it leads to rebirth. When one performs actions in accordance
with the Vedic injunctions for the attainment of beneficial fruits,
desire for such fruits and attachment to these desirable fruits is
the bondage of karma, which naturally leads to rebirth. The pro-
position definitely pronounced in the Gitii, that birth necessarily
means death and death necessarily means birth, reminds us of the
first part of the twelvefold causal chain of the Buddha-" What
being, is there death? Birth being, there is death." It has already
been noticed that the attitude of the GUii towards Vedic per-
formances is merely one of toleration and not one of encourage-
ment. These are actions which are prompted by desires and, like
all other actions similarly prompted, they entail with them the
bonds of karma; and, as soon as the happy effects produced by the
merits of these actions are enjoyed and lived through, the per-
formers of these actions come down from heaven to the earth and
XIV] Eschatology 521

are reborn and have to pass through the old ordeal of life. The
idea that, there being birth, there is death, and that, if there is death
there is ·also rebirth, is the same in the Gitii as in Buddhism; but
the Gitii form seems to be very much earlier than the Buddhistic
form ; for the Buddhistic form relates birth and death through a
number of other causal links intimately connected together in an
interdependent cycle, of which the Gitii seems to be entirely
ignorant. The Gitii does not speak of any causal chain, such
as could be conceived to be borrowed from Buddhism. It, of
course, knows that attachment is the root of all vice; but it is only
by implication that we can know that attachment leads to the
bondage of karma and the bondage of karma to rebirth. The main
purpose of the Gitii is not to find out how one can tear asunder
the bonds of karma and stop rebirth, but to prescribe the true
rule of the performance of one's duties. It speaks sometimes, no
doubt, about cutting asunder the bonds of karma and attain-
ing one's highest; but instruction as regards the attainment of
liberation or a description of the evils of this worldly life does
not form any part of the content of the Gua. The Gttii has no
pessimistic tendency. It speaks of the necessary connection of
birth and death not in order to show that life is sorrowful and
not worth living, but to show that there is no cause of regret
in such universal happenings as birth and death. The principal
ideas are, no doubt, those of attachment, karma, birth, death and
rebirth; but the idea of Buddhism is more complex and more
systematized, and is therefore probably a later development at
a time when the Gitii discussions on the subject were known.
The Buddhist doctrine that there is no self and no individual
anywhere is just the opposite of the Gitii doctrine of the immor-
tality of the self.
But the Gitii speaks not only of rebirth, but also of the
two courses, the path of smoke and the path of light, which are
referred to in the Chiindogya Upani~ad 1 • The only difference
between the U pani!?ad account and that of the Gitii is that there
are more details in the Upani~ad than in the Gua. But the ideas
of deva-yiina and pitr-yiina do not seem to fit in quite consistently
with the idea of rebirth on earth. The Gitii, however, combines
the idea of rebirth on earth with the deva-yiina-pitr-yiina idea and
also with the idea of ascent to heaven as an effect of the merits
1 Chiindogya Upani~ad, v. 10.
522 The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gua [cH.

accruing from sacrificial performances. Thus the Guii combines

the different trains of ideas just as it finds them traditionally
accepted, without trying to harmonize them properly. It does not
attempt to discuss the point regarding the power of karma in
determining the nature of rebirths, enjoyments and sufferings.
From some passages {IV. 9 or VI. 4o-45) it might appear that the
bonds of karma produced their effects independently by their own
powers, and that the arrangement of the world is due to the effect
of karma. But there are other passages (xvi. 19) which indicate
that karma does not produce its effects by itself, but that God
rewards or punishes good and bad deeds by arranging good and
bad births associated with joys and sorrows. In the Gitii, v. 15,
it is said that the idea of sins and virtues is due to ignorance,
whereas, if we judge rightly, God does not take cognizance either
of vices or of virtues. Here again there are two contradictory
views of karma : one view ir~. which karma is regarded as the cause
which brings about all inequalities in life, and another view which
does not attribute any value to good or bad actions. The only way
in which the two views can be reconciled in accordance with the
spirit of the Gua is by holding that the Gitii does not believe in
the objective truth of virtue or vice (puT}ya or papa). There is
nothing good or bad in the actions themselves. It is only ignorance
and foolishness that regards them as good or bad; it is only our
desires and attachments which make the actions produce their bad
effects with reference to us, and which render them sinful for us.
Since the actions themselves are neither good nor bad, the per-
formance of even apparently sinful actions, such as the killing of
one's kinsmen on the battle-field, cannot be regarded as sinful, if
they are done from a sense of duty; but the same actions would be
regarded as sinful, if they were performed through attachments or
desires. Looked at from this point of view, the idea of morality
in the Gitii is essentially of a subjective character. But though
morality, virtue and vice, can be regarded from this point of view
as subjective, it is not wholly subjective. For morality does not
depend upon mere subjective conscience or the subjective notions
of good and bad. The caste-duties and other duties of customary
morality are definitely fixed, and no one should transgress them.
The subjectivity of virtue and vice consists in the fact that they
depend entirely on our good or bad actions. If actions are per-
formed from a sense of obedience to scriptural commands, caste-
XIV] God and 111an
duties or duties of customary morality, then such actions, in spite
of their bad consequences, would not be regarded as bad.
Apart from these courses of rebirth and ascent to heaven,
the last and best and ultimate course is described as being libera-
tion, which transcends all that can be achieved by all kinds of
merits attained by sacrifices, gifts or tapas. He who attains this
highest achievement lives in God and is never born again 1 • The
highest realization thus consists in being one with God, by which
one escapes all sorrows. In the Guii liberation (mok§a) means
liberation from old age and death. This liberation can be attained
by true philosophic knowledge of the nature of kfeira, or the
mind-body whole, and the kfeira-jiia, the perceiving selves, or the
nature of what is truly spiritual and what is non-spiritual, and by
clinging to God as one's nearest and dearest2 • This liberation from
old age and death also means liberation from the ties of karma
associated with us through the bonds of attachment, desires, etc.
It does not come of itself, as the natural result of philosophic
knowledge or of devotion to God; but God, as the liberator, grants
it to the wise and to those who cling to Him through devotion 3 •
But whether it be achieved as the result of philosophic knowledge
or as the result of devotion to God, the moral elevation, con-
sisting of dissociation from attachment and the right performance
of duties in an unattached manner, is indispensable.

God and Man.

The earliest and most recondite treatment regarding the nature
and existence of God and His relation to man is to be found in
the Gztii. The starting-point of the Gitii theism may be traced as
far back as the Pur~a-silkta, where it is said that the one quarter
of the purufa has spread out as the cosmic universe and its
living beings, while its other three-quarters are in the immortal
heavens 4 • This passage is repeated in Chiindogya, III. 12. 6 and in
Maitriiym:zi, vi. 4, where it is said that the three-quarter Brahman
sits root upward above (ilrdhva-milla'f!l tripiid Brahma). This idea,
in a slightly modified form, appears in the Katha Upanifad,
vi. I, where it is said that this universe is the eternal Asvattha
2 3
1 Gttii, VIII. 28; IX. 4· Ibid. VII. 29; XIII. 34· Ibid. XVIII. 66.
4 piido 'sya viivii bhutiini
tripiid asyiimrta1Jl divi. Puru~a-sukta.
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitti [CH.
tree which has its root high up and its branches downwards
(urdlzva-mulo 'vak-siikhal;). The Gua borrows this idea and says,
''This is called the eternal Asvattha (pipul tree) with its roots high
up and branches downwards, the leaves of which are the Vedas;
and he who knows this, he knows the Vedas" (xv. 1). Again it is
said," Its branches spread high and low,its leaves of sense-objects
are nourished by the gw:zas, its roots are spread downwards, tied
with the knots of karma, the human world" (xv. 2) ; and in the
next verse, it is said," In this world its true nature is not perceived;
its beginning, its end, and the nature of its subsistence, remain
unknown; it is only by cutting this firmly rooted Asvattha tree
with the strong axe of unattachment (asaizga-sastreya) that one has
to seek that state from which, when once achieved, no one returns."
It is clear from the above three passages that the Gltii has elabo-
rated here the simile of the Asvattha tree of the Katha Upani~ad.
The Gitii accepts this simile of God, but elaborates it by supposing
that these branches have further leaves and other roots, which take
their sap from the ground of human beings, to which they are
attached hy· the knots of karma. This means a duplication of the
Asvattha tree, the main and the subsidiary. The subsidiary one is
an overgrowth, which has proceeded out of the main one and
has to be cut into pieces before one can reach that. The principal
idea underlying this simile throws a flood of light on the Gttii
conception of God, which is an elaboration of the idea of the
Puru~a-szikta passage already referred to. God is not only im-
manent, but transcendent as well. The immanent part, which forms
the cosmic universe, is no illusion or miiyii: it is an .emanation,
a development, from God. The good and the evil, the moral and
the immoral of this world, are all from Him and in Him. The
stuff of this world and its manifestations have their basis, an
essence, in Him, and are upheld by Him. The transcendent part,
which may be said to be the root high up, and the basis of all
that has grown in this lower world, is itself the differenceless
reality-the Brahman. But, though the Brahman is again and
again referred to as the highest abode and the ultimate realization,
the absolute essence, yet God in His super-personality transcends
even Brahman, in the sense that Brahman, however great it may
be, is only a constitutive essence in the complex personality of
God. The cosmic universe, the gw:zas, the puru~as, the mind-
structure composed of huddhi, aha1J1kiira, etc., and the Brahman,
XIV) God and Man 525
are all constituents of God, having their separate functions and
mental relations; but God in His super-personality transcends them
all and upholds them all. There is, however, one important point
in which the Gttii differs from the Upani~ads-this is, its intro-
duction of the idea that God takes birth on earth as man. Thus in
the Gttii, IV. 6 and IV. 7, it is said that "whenever there is a dis-
turbance of dharma and the rise of adharma, I create myself;
though I am unborn, of immortal self and the lord of all beings,
yet by virtue of my own nature (prakrtz) I take birth through my
own miiyii (blinding power of the gutzas)." This doctrine of the
incarnation of God, though not dealt with in any of the purely
speculative systems, yet forms the corner-stone of most systems of
religious philosophy and religion, and the Gttii is probably the
earliest work available to us in which this doctrine is found. The
effect of its introduction and of the dialogue form of the Gltii, in
which the man-god Kr~Da instructs Arjuna in the philosophy of
life and conduct, is that the instruction regarding the personality
of God becomes concrete and living. As will be evident in the
course of this section, the Gitii is not a treatise of systematic
philosophy, but a practical course of introduction to life and
conduct, conveyed by God Himself in the form of Kr~Da to His
devotee, Arjuna. In the Gitii abstract philosophy melts down
to an insight into the nature of practical life and conduct, as
discussed with all the intimacy of the personal relation between
Kr~Da and Arjuna, which suggests a similar personal relation
between God and man. Fm the God in the Gitii is not a God of
abstract philosophy or theology, but a God who could be a man
and be capable of all personal relations.
The all-pervasive nature of God and the fact that He is the
essence and upholder of all things in the world is again and
again in various ways emphasized in the Gitii. Thus Kr~J).a says,
" There is nothing greater than I, all things are held in me,
like pearls in the thread of a pearl garland; I am the liquidity in
water, the light of the sun and the moon, manhood (pauru~a)
in man; good smell in earth, the heat of the sun, intelligence in
the intelligent, heroism in the heroes, strength in the strong, and
I am also the desires which do not transgress the path of virtue 1 ."
Again, it is said that "in my unmanifested (avyakta) form I
pervade the whole world; all beings exist completely in me, but
1 Gltii, VII. ?-II.
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
I am not exhausted in them; yet so do I transcend them that none
of the beings exist in me-l am the upholder of all beings, I do
not exist in them and yet I am their procreator1 ." In both these
passages the riddle of God's relation with man, by which He
exists in us and yet does not exist in us and is not limited by us,
is explained by the fact of the threefold nature of God; there is
a part of Him which has been manifested as inanimate nature and
also as the animate world of living beings. It is with reference to
this all-pervasive nature of God that it is said that "as the air in
the sky pervades the whole world, so are all beings in 'me' (God).
At the end of each cycle (kalpa) all beings enter into my nature
(prakrti'f{l yanti mamikam), and again at the beginning of a cycle I
create them. I create again and again through my nature (prakrtt);
the totality of all living beings is helplessly dependent on prakrti2 ."
The three prakrtis have already been referred to in the previous
sections-prakrti of God as cosmic matter, prakrti as the nature
of God from which all life and spirit have emanated, and prakrti
as maya, or the power of God from which the three gu1Jas have
emanated. It is with reference to the operation of these prakrtis
that the cosmic world and the world of life and spirit may be
said to be existent in God. But there is the other form of God,
as the transcendent Brahman, and, so far as this form is con-
cerned, God transcends the sphere of the universe of matter and
life. But in another aspect of God, in His totality and super-
personality, He remains unexhausted in all, and the creator and
upholder of all, though it is out of a part of Him that the world
has come into being. The aspect of God's identity with, and the
aspect of His transcendence and nature as the father, mother and
supporter of the universe, are not separated in the Gila, and both
the aspects are described often in one and the same passage. Thus
it is said, " I am the father, mother, upholder and grandfather of
this world, and I am the sacred syllable OM, the three Vedas,
~k, Saman and Yajus; I am the sacrifice, the oblations and the
fire, and yet I am the master and the enjoyer of all sacrifices. I am
the final destiny, upholder, matter, the passive illuminator, the
rest, support, friend, the origin, the final dissolution, the place,
the receptacle and the immortal seed. I produce heat and shower,
I destroy and create, I am both death and the deathless, the good
and the bad 3 ." With reference to His transcendent part it is
Gua, Ix. 3-s. 1 Jbid. IX. 6-8. 8 Ibid. IX. 16-19, 24.
XIV] God and Man
said," The sun, the moon and fire do not illuminate it-it is my
final abode, from which, when once achieved, no one returns 1 ."
And again, immediately after, it is said, "It is my part that forms
the eternal soul-principle (jlva-bhuta) in the living, which attracts
the five senses and the man as which lie buried in prakrti, and
which takes the body and goes out of it with the six senses, just
as air takes out fragrance from the flowers 2 ." And then God is
said to be the controlling agent of all operations in this world.
Thus it is said, "By my energy I uphold the world and all
living beings and fill all crops with their specific juices; as fire in
the bodies of living beings, and aided by the biomotor priirw
functions, I digest the four kinds of food; I am the light in the
sun, the moon and fire." Again it is said," I reside in the hearts
of all; knowledge, forgetfulness and memory all come from me;
I alone am to be known by the Vedas; I alone know the Vedas,
and I alone am the author of the Vedanta 3 ." From these examples
it is evident that the Gttii does not know that pantheism and deism
and theism cannot well be jumbled up into one as a consistent
philosophic creed. And it does not attempt to answer any objec-
tions that may be made against the combination of such opposite
views. The Gttii not only asserts that all is God, but it also
again and again repeats that God transcends all and is simul-
taneously transcendent and immanent in the world. The answer
apparently implied in the Gitii to all objections to the apparently
different views of the nature of God is that transcendentalism,
immanentalism and pantheism lose their distinctive and opposite
characters in the melting whole of the super-personality of God.
Sometimes in the same passage, and sometimes in passages of the
same context, the Gitii talks in a pantheistic, a transcendental or
a theistic vein, and this seems to imply that there is no contra-
diction in the different aspects of God as preserver and controller
of the world, as the substance of the world, life and soul, and
as the transcendent substratum underlying them all. In order
to emphasize the fact that all that exists and all that is worthy
of existence or all that has a superlative existence in good or
bad are God's manifestation, the Gitii is never tired of repeating
that whatever is highest, best or even worst in things is God or
1 Gftii, XV. 6.
Ibid. xv. 7 and 8. It is curious that here the word lsvara is used as an
epithet of jlva.
ibid. xv. 8, 12, IJ, 14, IS.
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
God's manifestation. Thus it is said, • I am the gambling of
dice in all deceptive operations, I am victory in all endeavours,
heroism of the heroes and the moral qualities (sattva) of all
moral men (sattvavatiim)"; and after enumerating a number of
such instances Kr~I)a says that, wherever there are special gifts
or powers or excellence of any kind, they are to be regarded
as the special manifestation of God 1 • The idea that God holds
within Himself the entire manifold universe is graphically em-
phasized in a fabulous form, when Kr~Q.a gives Arjuna the
divine eye of wisdom and Arjuna sees K~I)a in his resplendent
divine form, shining as thousands of suns burning together, with
thousands of eyes, faces and ornaments, pervading the heavens
and the earth, with neither beginning nor end, as the great cosmic
person into whose mouths all the great heroes of Kuruk~etra field
had entered, like rivers into the ocean. Kr~I)a, after showing
Arjuna his universal form, says, "I am time (kala), the great
destroyer of the world, and I am engaged in collecting the harvest
of human lives, and all that will die in this great battle of Kuruk-
~etra have already been killed by me; you will be merely an instru-
ment in this great destruction of the mighty battle of Kuruk!?etra.
So you can fight, destroy your enemies, attain fame and enjoy the
sovereignty without any compunction that you have destroyed the
lives of your kinsmen."
The main purport of the Gttii view of God seems to be that
ultimately there is no responsibility for good or evil and that good
and evil, high and low, great and small have all emerged from
God and are upheld in Him. When a man understands the nature
and reality of his own self and its agency, and his relation with
God, both in his transcendent and cosmic nature, and the universe
around him and the gu1Jas of attachment, etc., which bind him to
his worldly desires, he is said to have the true knowledge. There
is no opposition between the path of this true knowledge (jiiiina-
yoga) and the path of duties; for true knowledge supports and is
supported by right performance of duties. The path of knowledge
is praised in the Gttii in several passages. Thus it is said, that just
as fire burns up the wood, so does knowledge reduce all actions
to ashes. There is nothing so pure as knowledge. He who has
true faith is attached to God, and he who has controlled his senses,
attains knowledge~ and having attained it, secures peace. He who
1 Gua, x. 36-41.
XIV) God and Man
is foolish, an unbeliever, and full of doubts, is destroyed. He who
is always doubting has neither this world, nor the other, nor does
he enjoy any happiness. Even the worst sinner can hope to cross
the sea of sins in the boat of knowledge 1 • In the Gztii, IV. 42,
Kp~Q.a says to Arjuna, "Therefore, having destroyed the ignorance
of your heart by the sword of knowledge, and having cut asunder
all doubts, raise yourself up." But what is this knowledge? In
the Gitii, IV. 36, in the same context, this knowledge is defined
to be that view of things by which all beings are perceived in this
self or God. The true knowledge of God destroys all karma in the
sense that he who has perceived and realized the true nature of
all things in God cannot be attached to his passions and desires
as an ignorant man would be. In another passage, already referred
to, it is said that the roots of the worldly Asvattha tree are to be
cut by the sword of unattachment. The confusion into which
Arjuna falls in the Gitii, 111. 1 and 2, regarding the relative excellence
of the path of karma and the path of knowledge is wholly unfounded.
Kr~Q.a points out in the Gttii, 111. 3, that there are two paths, the path
of knowledge and the path of duties (jfiiina-yoga and karma-yoga).
The confusion had arisen from the fact that Kr~J).a had described
the immortality of soul and the undesirability of Vedic actions
done with a motive, and had also asked Arjuna to fight and yet
remain unattached and perform his duty for the sake of duty.
The purpose of the Gitii was to bring about a reconciliation
between these two paths, and to show that the path of knowledge
leads to the path of duties by liberating it from the bonds of
attachment; for all attachment is due to ignorance, and ignorance
is removed by true knowledge. But the true knowledge of God
may be of a twofold nature. One may attain a knowledge of
God in His transcendence as Brahman, and attain the philosophic
wisdom of the foundation of all things in Brahman as the ultimate
substance and source of all manifestation and ·appearance. There
is another way of clinging to God as a super-person, in a personal
relation of intimacy, friendship and dependence. The Gitii admits
that both these ways may lead us to the attainment of our highest
realization. But it is the latter which the Gitii prefers and considers
easier. Thus the Gttii says (xn. 3-5) that those who adore the in-
definable, unchangeable, omnipresent, unthinkable, and the un-
manifested, controlling all their senses, with equal eyes for all
Gltii, IV. 37-41.
530 The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cu.
and engaged in the good of all, by this course attain Him. Those
who fix their mind on the unmanifested (avyakta) find this course
very hard. But those who dedicate all their actions to God and,
clinging to Him as their only support, are devoted to Him in
constant communion, them He saves soon from the sea of death
and rebirth 1 •
The most important point in which the Gua differs from the
Upani~ads is that the Gitii very strongly emphasizes the fact that
the best course for attaining our highest realization is to dedicate
all our actions to God, to cling to Him as our nearest and dearest,
and always to be in communion with Him. The Gitii draws many
of its ideas from the U pani~ads and looks to them with respect.
It accepts the idea of Brahman as a part of the essence of God,
and agrees that those who fix their mind on Brahman as their
ideal also attain the high ideal of realizing God. But this is only
a compromise; for the Gua emphasizes the necessity of a personal
relation with God, whom we can love and adore. The beginning
of our association with God must be made by dedicating the fruits
of all our actions to God, by being a friend of all and sympathetic
to all, by being self-controlled, the same in sorrow or happiness,
self-contented, and in a state of perfect equanimity and equili-
brium. It is through such a moral elevation that a man becomes
apt in steadying his mind on God and ultimately in fixing his mind
on God. In the Gttii Kr~Q.a as God asks Arjuna to give up all
ceremonials or religious courses and to cling to God as the only
protector, and He promises that because of that God will liberate
him 2 • Again, it is said that it is by devotion that a man knows
what God is in reality and, thus knowing Him truly as He is, enters
into Him. It is by seeking entire protection in God that one can
attain his eternal state 3 •
But, though in order to attain the height at which it is possible
to fix one's mind on God, one should first acquire the preliminary
qualification of detaching oneself from the bonds of passions and
desires, yet it is sometimes possible to reverse the situation. The
Gitii thus holds that those whose minds and souls are full of God's
love, who delight in constantly talking and thinking of God and
always adore God with love, are dear to Him, and God, through
His great mercy and kindness, grants them the proper wisdom and
destroys the darkness of their ignorance by the light of knowledge 4 •
1 2
Gitii, xu. 6, 7· Ibid. XVIII. 66. 3
Ibid. XVIII. 55. 62. ' Ibid. X. ()-11.
XIV] God and A-fan 53 1
In the Gitii, XVIII. 57-58, Kr~Qa as God asks Arjuna to leave all
fruits of actions to God and to fill his mind with God, and He
assures him that He will then, by His divine grace, save him
from all sorrows, troubles or difficulties. Again, in IX. 30-32 it is
said that, even if a man is extremely wicked, if he adores God
devotedly, he becomes a saint; for he has adopted the right
course, and he soon becomes religious and attains eternal peace
of mind. Even sinners, women, Vaisyas and Siidras who cling
to God for support, are emancipated. Kr~Qa as God assures Arjuna
that a devotee (bhakta) of God can never be lost 1 • If a Ulan clings
to God, no matter whether he has understood Him rightly or not,
no matter whether he has taken the right course of approaching
Him or not, God accepts him in whichever way he clings to Him.
No one can be lost. In whichever way one may be seeking God, one
is always in God's path 2 • If a man, prompted by diverse desires,
takes to wrong gods, then even unto those gods God grants him
true devotion, with which he follows his worship of those gods,
and, even through such worship, grants him his desires 3 • God
is the Lord of all and the friend of all beings. It is only great-
souled men who with complete constancy of mind worship God,
and with firm devotion repeat the name of God, and, being always
in communion with Him, adore Him with devotion. God is easily
accessible to those who always think of God with inalienable
attachment 4 • In another passage (vn. 16, 17) it is said that there
are four classes of people who adore God: those who are enquiring,
those who are in trouble, those who wish to attain some desired
things, and those who are wise. Of these the wise (jfliinin), who
are always in communion with Him and who are devoted to Him
alone, are superior; the wise are dear to Him and He is dear to
them. In this passage it has been suggested that true wisdom
consists in the habit of living in communion with God and in
being in constant devotion to God. The path of bhakti, or devotion,
is thus praised in the Gttii as being the best. For the Gitii
holds that, even if a man cannot proceed in the normal path of
self-elevation and detach himself from passions and desires and
establish himself in equanimity, he may still, simply by clinging
to God and by firm devotion to Him, bring himself within the
sphere of His grace, and by grace alone acquire true wisdom and
Gitii, IX. Jo-J2. 2 /hid. IV. I I .
3 /bid. VII. 2o-22. ' /bid. IV. 13-15; V. 29; VII. 14.
532 The P~ilosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii (CH.
achieve that moral elevation, with little or no struggle, which is
attained with so much difficulty by others. The path of bhakti is
thus introduced in the Gitii, for the first time, as an independent
path side by side with the path of wisdom and knowledge of the
Upani~ads and with the path of austere self-discipline. Moral
elevation, self-control, etc. are indeed regarded as an indispensable
preliminary to any kind of true self-realization. But the advantage
of the path of devotion (bhakti) consists in this, that, while some
seekers have to work hard on the path of self-control and austere
self-discipline, either by constant practice or by the aid of philo-
sophic wisdom, the devotee makes an easy ascent to a high eleva-
tion-not because he is more energetic and better equipped than
his fellow-workers in other paths, but because he has resigned
himself completely to God; and God, being pleased with his
devotees who cling fast to Him and know nothing else, grants
them wisdom and raises them up through higher and higher stages
of self-elevation, self-realization and bliss. Arjuna treated Kr~l)a,
the incarnation of God on earth, as his friend, and Kr~l)a in the
role of God exhorted him to depend entirely on Him and assured
him that He would liberate him-He was asking him to give up
everything else and cling to Him as his only support. The Gitii
lays down for the first time the comer-stone of the teachings of
the Bhiigavata-purii1Ja and of the later systems of Vai~l)ava thought,
which elaborated the theory of bhakti and described it as the
principal method of self-elevation and self-realization.
Another important feature of the Gitii doctrine of devotion
consists in the fact that, as, on the one hand, God is contemplated
by His devotees in the intimate personal relation of a father,
teacher, master and friend, with a full consciousness of His divinity
and His nature as the substratum and the upholder of the entire
animate and inanimate cosmic universe, so, on the other hand,
the transcendent personality of God is realized not only as the
culmination of spiritual greatness and the ultimate reconciliation
of all relative differences, of high and low, good and bad, but as
the great deity, with a physical, adorable form, whom the devotee
can worship not only mentally and spiritually, but also externally,
with holy offerings of flowers and leaves. The transcendent God
is not only immanent in the universe, but also present before
the devotee in the form of a great deity resplendent with bright-
ness, or in the personal form of the man-god K~l)a, in whom
XIV) God and Man 533
God incarnated Himself. The Gua combines together different
conceptions of God without feeling the necessity of reconciling
the oppositions or contradictions involved in them. It does not
seem to be aware of the philosophical difficulty of combining the
concept of God as the unmanifested, differenceless entity with
the notion of Him as the super-person Who incarnates Himself on
earth in the human form and behaves in the human manner. It
is not aware of the difficulty that, if all good and evil should
have emanated from God, and if there be ultimately no moral re-
sponsibility, and if everything in the world should have the same
place in God, there is no reason why God should trouble to
incarnate Himself as man, when there is a disturbance of the
Vedic dharma. If God is impartial to all, and if He is absolutely
unperturbed, why should He favour the man who clings to Him,
and why, for his sake, overrule the world-order of events and
in his favour suspend the law of karma? It is only by constant
endeavours and practice that one can cut asunder the bonds of
karma. Why should it be made so easy for even a wicked man
who clings to God to release himself from the bonds of attachment
and karma, without any effort on his part? Again, the Gua does
not attempt to reconcile the disparate parts which constitute the
complex super-personality of God. How are the unmanifested or
avyakta part as Brahman, the avyakta part as the cosmic substratum
of the universe, the prakrti part as the producer of the guflaS,
and the prakrti part as the jlvas or individual selves, to be com-
bined and melted together to form a complex personality? If the
unmanifested nature is the ultimate abode (pararrz dhama) of God,
how can God as a person, who cannot be regarded as a mani-
festation of this ultimate reality, be considered to be transcendent?
How can there be a relation between God as a person and His
diverse nature as the cosmic universe, jzva and the guflaS? In a
system like that of Sankara Brahman and Isvara, one and the
many could be combined together in one scheme, by holding
Brahman as real and Isvara and the many as unreal and illusory,
produced by reflection of Brahman in the maya, the principle of
illusoriness. But, howsoever Sankara might interpret the Gua, it
does not seem that it considered Isvara or the world as in the
least degree illusory. In the U pani~ads also the notion of Isvara
and the notion of Brahman are sometimes found side by side. As
regards God as lsvara, the Gua not only does not think him to be
534 The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.

illusory, but considers him the highest truth and reality. Thus
there is no way of escaping from any of the categories of reality-
the two a'l.-yaktas, pral~rti,jiva and the super-personality of Isvara
comprehending and transcending them all. The concepts of
Brahman, jtva, the unmanifested category from which the world
proceeds, and the gU1:zas are all found in the Upani~ads in passages
which are probably mostly unrelated. But the Gitii seems to
take them all together, and to consider them as constituents of
lsvara, which are also upheld by Him in His superior form, in
which He transcends and controls them all. In the Upani~ads the
doctrine of bhakti can hardly be found, though here and there
faint traces of it may be perceived. If the Upani~ads ever speak
of lsvara, it is only to show His great majesty, power and glory,
as the controller and upholder of all. But the Gztii is steeped in
the mystic consciousness of an intimate personal relation with
God, not only as the majestic super-person, but as a friend who
incarnates Himself for the good of man and shares his joys and
sorrows with him, and to whom a man could cling for support in
troubles and difficulties and even appeal for earthly goods. He is the
great teacher, with whom one can associate oneself for acquisition
of wisdom and the light of knowl~dge. But He could be more
than all this. He could be the dearest of the dear and the nearest
of the near, and could be felt as being so intimate, that a man
could live simply for the joy of his love for Him; he could cling
to Him as the one dear friend, his highest goal, and leave every-
thing else for Him; he could consider, in his deep love for Him,
all his other religious duties and works of life as being relatively
unimportant; he could thus constantly talk of Him, think of Him,
and live in Him. This is the path of blzakti or devotion, and the
Gitii assures us that, whatever may be the hindrances and whatever
may be the difficulties, the bhakta (devotee) of God cannot be lost.
It is from the point of view of this mystic consciousness that the
Gitii seems to reconcile the apparently philosophically irreconcilable
elements. The Gitii was probably written at a time when philo-
sophical views had not definitely crystallized into hard-and-fast
systems of thought, and when the distinguishing philosophical
niceties, scholarly disputations, the dictates of argument, had not
come into fashion. The Gitii, therefore, is not to be looked upon as a
properly schemed system of philosophy, but as a manual of right
conduct and right perspective of things in the light of a mystical ap-
proach to God in self-resignation, devotion, friendship and humility.
XIV] V ~1JU, V iisudeva and Kr~1Ja 535

Vi~Qu, Vasudeva and Kr~Qa.

Vi~l).u, Bhagavat, Narayal).a, Hari and Kr~J.la are often used

in a large section of Indian religious literature as synonymous
names of the supreme lord. Of these Vi!?J.lU is an important
god of the ~g- Veda, who is one of the iidityas and who makes
three strides in the sky' probably as he manifests himself in
the eastern horizon, as he rises to the zenith and as he sets in
the west. He is also represented in the ~g- Veda as a great fighter
and an ally of Indra. It is further said that he has two earthly steps
and another higher step which is known only to himself. But in
the ~g- Veda Vi!?I).U is certainly inferior to Indra, with whom he
was often associated, as is evident from such names as lndrii-vip;zu
(R.V. IV. 55· 4; VII. 99· 5; VIII. ro. 2, etc.). According to later
tradition Vi~I)U was the youngest, the twelfth of the iidityas,
though he was superior to them all in good qualities 1 • His three
steps in the Rg-Vedic allusion have been explained in the Nirukta as
referring to the three stages of the sun's progress in the morning,
at midday and at evening. One of the names of Vi~.Qu in the
]J.g- Veda is Si pivi~ta, which Durgacarya explains as "surrounded
with the early rays" (Sipi-satJifiiair biila-rasmibhir iiv#ta)2 • Again,
the sage praises Vi!?I)U in the ]J.g- Veda in the following terms : " I,
a master of hymns and knowing the sacred customs, to-day praise
that name of thine, Sipivi~ta. I, who am weak, glorify thee, who
art mighty and dwellest beyond this world 3 ." All this shows that
Vi~I)U was regarded as the sun, or endowed with the qualities of
the sun. The fact that Vi!?J.lU was regarded as dwelling beyond this
world is probably one of the earliest signs of his gradually in-
creasing superiority. For the next stage one must turn to the
Satapatha-briihmm:za. In 1. 2. 4 of that work it is said that the
demons (asura) and the gods were vying with one another;
the gods were falling behind, and the demons were trying to dis-
tribute the world among themselves; the gods followed them,
making Vi~I)U the sacrifice as their leader ( te yajiiam eva V #tzU1Jl
puraskrtyeyul; ), and desired their own shares; the demons felt
jealous and said that they could give only so much ground as would
Ekiidaias tathii TvaHii dviidaio Vi~~ur ucyate
jaghanyajas tu sarve~iim iidityiinii1JZ gu~iidhika(l.
1t1ahii-bhiirata, 1. 65. 16. Calcutta, Bangavasi Press, second edition, 1908.
Nirukta, v. 9· Bombay edition, 1918.
]Jg-Veda, VII. 100. 5, translated by Dr L. Sarup, quoted in Nirukta,
v. 8.
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii [cH.
be occupied by Vi!?.QU when he lay down, Vi!?.QU being a dwarf
(viimano ha Viwur iisa). The gods felt dissatisfied at this, and
they approached him with various mantras and in consequence
attained the whole world. Again, in XIV. 1 of the same work,
Kuruk~etra is referred to as being the place of the sacrificial per-
formances of the gods, and it is said there that in industry, rigorism
(tapas), faith, etc. Vi~~u was the best of all gods and was regarded
as being superior to them all (tasmiid iihur v~~ur deviinii1Jl
sre~thab), and was himself the sacrifice. Again, in Taittirzya-
Sa1Jlhitii, I. 7· 5· 4, in Viijasaneyi-sa1Jlhitii, I. 30; II. 6. 8; v. 21,
in Atharva- Veda, v. 26. 7; VIII. 5· 10, etc., Vi~.Qu is referred to
as the chief of the gods (Vz~~u-mukhii devii). Again, Vi~.QU as
sacrifice attained unlimited fame. Once he was resting his head
on the end of his bow; and, when some ants, perceiving that,
said, "How should we be rewarded, if we could gnaw the strings
of the bow," the gods said that they would then be rewarded with
food; and so the ants gnawed away the strings, and, as the two
ends of the bow sprang apart, Vi!?.Qu's head was torn from his
body and became the sun 1 • This story not only shows the con-
nection of Vi~.Qu with the sun, but also suggests that the later
story of Kr!?.Qa's being shot with an arrow by an archer originated
from the legend of Vi!?.QU 's being killed by the flying ends of his
bow. The place of Vi!?.QU (V~~u-pada) means the zenith, as the
highest place of the sun, and it is probable that the idea of the
zenith being the place of Vi~l).u led also to the idea that Vi~.QU
had a superior place transcending everything, which was, how-
ever, clearly perceived by the wise. Thus, at the beginning of
the daily prayer-hymns of the Brahmans, known as sandhyii, it is
said that the wise see always that superior place of Vi~~u, like an
open eye in the sky 2 • The word vai~1.1ava is used in the literal
sense of ''belonging to Vi!?.QU '' in the Viijasaneyi-sa1Jlhitii, v. 21,
23, 25, Taittiriya-Sa1Jlhitii, v. 6. 9· 2. 3, Aitareya-briihma~a, III. 38,
Satapatha-briihma~a, I. 1. 4· 9; III. 5· 3· 2, etc.; but the use of
the word in the sense of a sect of religion is not to be found any-
where in the earlier literature. Even the Gztii does not use the
word, and it is not found in any of the earlier U pani!?ads; it can
be traced only in the later parts of the Mahii-bhiirata.
1Satapatha-briihma1)a, XIV. I •
2tad Vi~tJob parama7Jl pada7Jl sadii pasyanti surayab diVlva cak~ur iitatam.
Acamana-mantra of the daily sandhyii prayer-hymn.
XIV] Vi~~u, Vasudeva and Krr!Ja 537
Again, it is well known that the supreme man, or purzt~a, is praised
in very high terms in the man-hymn (Pur~a-silkta) of the ~g- Veda,
x. 90, where it is said that pur~a is all that we see, what is past
and what is future, and that everything has come out of him; the
gods performed sacrifice with him with the oblations of the seasons~
and out of this sacrifice pur~a was first born, and then the gods
and all living beings; the various castes were born out of him; the
sky, the heavens and the earth have all come out of him; he is the
creator and upholder of all; it is by knowing him that one attains
immortality; there is no other way of salvation. It is curious that
there should be a word niiriiya1J,a, similar in meaning (etymologically
nara + phak., born in' the race or lineage of man) to pur~a, which
was also used to mean the supreme being and identified with
pur~a and Vi~J)U. In Satapatha-briihma1Ja, XIV. 3· 4, puru~a
is identified with niiriiya1J,a (purusa1Jl ha niiriiya1Ja1Jl Prajiipatir
uviica). Again, in Satapatha-briihma1Ja, XIII. 6. I, the idea of
the pur~a-silkta is further extended, and the pur~a niiriiya1J,a is
said to have performed the pafica-riitra sacrifice (paiicariitra1Jl ya-
jiia-krqtum) and thereby transcended everything and become every-
thing. This pafica-riitra sacrifice involves the (spiritual) sacrifice of
puru~a (pur~a-medho yajfia-kratur bhavati, XIII. 6. 7). The five
kinds of sacrifice, five kinds of animals, the year with the five kinds
of seasons, the five kinds of indwelling entities (paiica-vidham
adhyiitmam) can all be attained by the paiica-riitra sacrifices.
The sacrifice was continued for five days, and the Vedic habit of
figurative thinking associated each of the days of the sacrifice with
various kinds of desirable things, so that the five-day sacrifice
was considered to lead to many things which are fivefold in
their nature. The reference to the five kinds of indwelling en-
tities soon produced the paiica-riitra doctrine of the manifestation
of God in various modes as the external deity of worship (area),
inner controller (antar-yiimin), as various manifestations of His
lordly power (vibhava), as successive deity-forms in intimate
association as vyilha and as the highest God (para). This idea is
also found in the later Piinca-riitra scriptures, such as Ahirbudhnya-
sa1J1hitii (1. I) and the like, where God is described as having his
highest form along with the vyuha forms. Pur~a is thus identified
with niiriijla1Ja, who, by sacrifice of puru~a (pur~a-medha), became
all this world. The etymological definition of niiriiya1J,a as" one who
has descended from man (nara),'' as herein suggested in accordance
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gitii (CH.
with Pal).ini, IV. 1. 99, is not, however, accepted everywhere. Thus
Manu, I. 10, derives niiriiyat}a from niira, meaning "water," and
ayana, meaning "abode," and niira (water), again, is explained
as "that which has descended from nara," or supreme man 1 •
The Maha-bhiirata, III. 12,952 and 15,819 and XII. IJ,I68, accepts
lVIanu's derivation; but in v. 2568 it says that the supreme God
is called niiriiyat}a because he is also the refuge of men 2 • The
Taittirzya-Arat}yaka, x. 1. 6, identifies niiriiyat}a with Vasudeva
and Vi~l).u 3 • It may be suggested in this connection that even
the Upani~ad doctrine of the self as the supreme reality is prob-
ably a development of this type of ideas which regarded man as
supreme God. The word puru~a is very frequently used in the
Upani~ads in the sense of man, as well as in that of the highest
being or supreme reality. In the Mahii-bhiirata nara and niiriiyat}a
are referred to as being the forms of the supreme lord. Thus
it is said, "The four-faced Brahma, capable of being under-
stood only with the aid of the niruktas, joined his hands and,
addressing Rudra, said, "Let good happen to the three worlds.
Throw down thy weapons, 0 lord of the universe, from desire of
benefiting the universe. That which is indestructible, immutable,
supreme, the origin of the universe, uniform and the supreme
actor, that which transcends all pairs of opposites and is inactive,
has, choosing to be displayed, been pleased to assume this one
blessed form (for, though double, the two represent but one and
the same form). This nara and niiriiyat}a (the displayed forms of
supreme Brahman) have taken birth in the race of dharma. The
foremost of all deities, these two are observers of the highest vows
and endued with the severest penances. Through some reason best
known to Him I myself have sprung from the attribute of His
Grace Eternal, as thou hast; for, though thou hast ever existed since
all the pure creations, thou too hast sprung from His Wrath. With
myself then, these deities and all the great J3..~is, do thou adore
this displayed form of Brahman and let there be peace unto all

iipo niirii iti proktii iipo vai nara-sunava/:t

tii yad asyiiyana1'{Z piirva1'{Z tena niiriiyatzab smrta/:t. Manu, I. IO.
Water is called niira; water is produced from man, and, since he rested in
water in the beginning, he is called niiriiyatza. KullUka, in explaining this, says
that nara, or man, here means the supreme self, or Brahman.
Nariitziim ayaniic ciipi tato niiriiyatzah smrta/:t. Mahii-bhiirata, v. 2568.
Niiriiyatzii}'a vidmahe viisudevii)•a dhzmahi tan 110 Vi~tzub pracodayiit.
Taittinya Aratzyaka, p. 700. Anandasrama Press, Poona, 1898.
XIV] VipJu, Vasudeva and Kr~1Ja 539
the worlds without any delay 1 ." In the succeeding chapter (i.e.
Maha-bharata, Santi-parva, 343) nara and niiriiym:za are described
as being two foremost of sages (r~z) and two ancient deities engaged
in the practice of penances, observing high vows and depending
upon their own selves and transcending the very sun in energy.
The word bhagavat in the sense of blissful and happy is a very
old one and is used in the ~g- Veda, 1. I 64. 40; VII. 41. 4; x. 6o. I 2
and in the Atharva- Veda, 11. IO. 2; v. 31. I I, etc. But in the
Mahii-bhiirata and other such early literature it came to denote
Vi~l).u or Vasudeva, and the word bhagavata denoted the religious
sect which regarded Vi!?l).U as Narayal).a or Vasudeva as their
supreme god. The Pali canonical work Niddesa refers to various
superstitious religious sects, among which it mentions the followers
of Vasudeva, Baladeva, Pul).l).abhadda, Mal).ibhadda, Aggi, Naga,
Suparl).a, Yakkha, Asura, Gandhabba, Maharaja, Canda, Suriya,
Inda, Brahma, dog, crow, cow, etc. It is easy to understand why
a Buddhist work should regard the worship of Vasudeva as being
of a very low type; but at any rate it proves that the worship of
Vasudeva was prevalent during the period when the Niddesa was
codified. Again, in commenting upon Pal).ini, IV. 3· 98 (Vasudeviir-
juniibhyiif!l vun), Patafijali points out that the word Vasudeva here
does not denote the Vasudeva who was the son of Vasudeva of the
K~attriya race of V !"~I). is, since, had it been so, the suffix vuii, which
is absolutely equivalent to vun, could well be by Pal).ini, IV. 3· 99
(gotra-k~attriyakhyebhyo bahula1!z vuii), by which vuii is suffixed
to names of K~attriya race. Patafijali thus holds that the word
Vasudeva is in this rule not used to refer to any K~attriya race, but
is a name of the Lord (saf!ljiza~ii tatra bhagavatab). If Patafijali's
interpretation is to be trusted, for which there is every reason,
Vasudeva as God is to be distinguished from the K~attriya Vasu-
deva, the son of Vasudeva of the race of Vr~I).is. It was well estab-
lished in Pal).ini's time that Vasudeva was God, and that His
followers were called Viisudevaka, for the formation of which word
by the vun suffix Pal).ini had to make the rule (IV. 3. 98). Again,
the Ghosul).c_li inscription in Rajputana, which is written in
Brahmi, an early form of about 200-I50 B.C., contains a reference
to the building of a wall round the temple of Vasudeva and
Satpka~al).a. In the Besnagar inscription of about IOO B.c.
Mahti-bhiirata, Siinti-parva, 342. 124-129. P. C. Roy's translation, Mok$a-
dharma-parva, p. 817. Calcutta.
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gUii (CH.
Heliodorus, son of Diya, describes himself as a great devotee of
Bhagavat (parama-bhagavata), who had erected a pillar bearing
an image of Garu<;la. In the Nanaghat inscription of 100 B.C.
Vasudeva and Satp.ka~al).a appear together as deities to whom
adorations are addressed along with other gods. If the testimony
of Patafijali is accepted, the religious sect of Vasudevas existed be-
fore PaQ.ini. It is generally believed that Patafijali lived in ISO B.c.,
since in course of interpreting a grammatical rule which allowed the"
use of the past tense in reference to famous contemporary events
not witnessed by the speaker he illustrates it by using a past tense
in referring to the Greek invasion of the city of Saketa (aru1Jad
Yavanafz Siiketam); as this event took place in ISO B.C., it is re-
garded as a famous contemporary event not witnessed by Patafi-
jali. Patafijali was the second commentator of PaQ.ini, the first
being Katyayana. Sir R. G. Bhandarkar points out that Patafijali
notices variant readings in Katyayana's Viirttikas, as found in the
texts used by the schools of Bharadvajiyas, Saunagas and others,
some of which might be considered as emendations of the Viirttikas,
though Patafijali's introduction of them by the verb pathanti," they
read," is an indication that he regarded them as different readings 1 •
From this Sir R. G. Bhandarkar argues that between Katyayana
and Patafijali a considerable time must have elapsed, which alone
can explain the existence of the variant readings of Katyayana's text
in Patafijali's time. He therefore agrees with the popular tradition
in regarding PaQ.ini as a contemporary of the Nandas, who preceded
the l\1auryas. Katyayana thus flourished in the first half of the 5th
century B.c. But, as both Goldstiicker and Sir R. G. Bhandarkar have
pointed out, the Viirttika of Katyayana notices many grammatical
forms which are not noticed by PaQ.ini, and this, considering the
great accuracy of Pal).ini as a grammarian, naturally leads to the
supposition that those forms did not exist in his time. Goldstiicker
gives a list of words admitted into Pal).ini's sutras which had gone
out of use by Katyayana's time, and he also shows that some words
which probably did not exist in Pal).ini's time had come to be
used later and are referred to by Katyayana. All this implies that
Pal).ini must have flourished at least two or three hundred years
before Katyayana. The reference to the Vasudeva sect in Pat:tini 's
sutras .naturally suggests its existence before his time. The allusions

Sir R. G. Bhandarkar's Early History of the Deccan, p. 7·
XIV] Vi~~u, V iisudeva and Kr~~a 54 I
to Vasudeva in the inscriptions referred to above can be regarded
as corroborative evidence pointing to the early existence of the
Vasudeva sect, who worshipped Vasudeva or Bhagavat as the
supreme Lord.
Turning to literary references to Vasudeva and Kr~1.1a, we
find the story of Vasudeva, who is also called. by his family name
Kanha and Kesava (probably on account of his bunch of hair), in
the Ghata-jiitaka. The story agrees in some important details with
the usual accounts of Kr~1.1a, though there are some new de-
viations. A reference to the V p~Qi race of K~attriyas is found in
Pa1.1ini, IV. I. I I4 (rfy-andhaka-vrp;zi-kurubhyas ca). The word is
formed by an U7Jiidi suffix, and it literally means "powerful" or
"a great leader 1 ." It also means" heretic" (piifa7JrJa) and one who
is passionately angry (ca7JrJa). It is further used to denote the
Yadava race, and Kr~1.1a is often addressed as Var~1.1eya, and in
the Gltii, x. 37, Kr~1.1a says, "Of the V r~1.1is I am Vasudeva." The
V f~I).is are referred to in Kautilya's Artha-siistra, where the group
of Vr~1.1is (vrp;zi-sangha) is said to have attacked Dvaipayana. The
Ghata-jiitaka also has the story of the curse of Kanha Dvai-
payana as the cause of the destruction of the Vp~Qis. But the
Maha-bhiirata (XVI. I) holds that the curse was pronounced by
Visvamitra, Ka1.1va and Narada upon Samba, the son of Kr~I).a. Two
Vasudevas are mentioned in the Mahii-bhiirata: Vasudeva, the king
of the Paui).9ras, and Vasudeva or Kr~I).a, the brother of Saf!lkar-
~ai).a, and both of them are mentioned as being present in the
great assemblage of kings at the house of King Drupada for the
marriage of Draupadi; it is the latter Vasudeva who is regarded
as God. It is very probable that Vasudeva originally was a name
of the sun and thus became associated with Vi~I).U, who with his
three steps traversed the heavens; and a similarity of Kr~I).a or
Vasudeva to the sun is actually suggested in the Mahii-bhiirata,
XII. 341. 4I, where Narayai).a says, "Being like the sun, I cover
the whole world with my rays, and I am also the sustainer of all
beings and am hence called Vasudeva."
Again, the word Siitvata also is used as a synonym of Vasudeva
or Bhagavata. The word Siitvata in the plural form is a name
of a tribe of the Yadavas, and in the Mahii-bhiirata, vn. 7662, the
phrase Sat'l:atii1J1 vara/.z is used to denote Satyaki, a member of the
Yadava race, though this appellation is applied to Kp}I).a m a
1 Yu.thena vrp;ir ejati, ~g- Veda, I. 10. 2.
542 The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gttii [cH.

large number of places in the Mahii-bharata 1 • In the later Bhiiga-

vata-puriitza (IX. 9· so) it is said that the Satvatas worship Brahman
as Bhagavan and as Vasudeva. In the Mahii-bharata, VI. 66. 41,
Sarpkar~aQ.a is said to have introduced the siitvata rites in wor-
shipping Vasudeva. If Satvata was the name of a race, it is easy tc
imagine that the persons may have had special rites in worshipping
Vasudeva. Yamunacarya, the great teacher of Ramanuja in the
tenth century A.D., says that those who adore God (bhagavat), the
supreme person, with purity (sattva), are called bhiigavata and
siitvata 2 • Yamuna strongly urges that Satvatas are Brahmal).as by
caste, but are attached to Bhagavat as the supreme lord. Yamuna,
however, seems to urge this in strong opposition to the current
view that Satvatas were a low-caste people, who had not the initia-
tion with the holy thread and were an outcast people originated from
the Vaisyas3 • The Satvatas are said to be the fifth low-caste people,
who worship in the temples of Vi~Q.U by the orders of the king,
and are also called Bhagavatas 4 • The Satvatas and Bhagavatas
are those who make their living by worshipping images and are
hence low and disreputable. Yamuna urges that this popular view
about the Bhagavatas and the Satvatas is all incorrect; for, though
there are many Satvatas who make a living by worshipping images,
not all Satvatas and Bhagavatas do so; and there are many among
them who worship Bhagavat, as the supreme person, solely by
personal devotion and attachment.
From Pataiijali's remarks in commenting on PaQ.ini, IV. 3· 98,
it is seen that he believed in the existence of two Vasudevas,
one a leader of the Vf~Q.i race and the other God as Bhagavat.
It has already been pointed out that the name Vasudeva occurs
also in the Ghata-jataka. It may therefore be argued that the
name Vasudeva was an old name, and the evidence of the passage
of the Niddesa, as well as that of Pataiijali, shows that it was a
name of God or Bhagavat. The later explanation of Vasudeva
as " the son of Vasudeva" may therefore be regarded as an
Mahii-blziirata, V. 2581, 3041, 3334, 3360, 4370; IX. 2532, 3502; X. 726;
XII. 1502, 1614, 7533·
a tatai ca sattviid bhagaviin bhajyate yaih para}; pumiin
te siitvatii bhiigavatii ity ucyante dvijottamaih.
Yamuna's Aga~a-priimii!Jya, p. 7. 6.
8 Thus Manu (x. 23) says:
vaiiyiit tu jiiyate vriityiit sudhanviiciirya eva ca
kiiru~ai ca vijanmii ca maitras siitvata eva ca.
paiicamab siitvato nama Viroor iiyatana7p hi sal;
pi1jayed iijiiayii riijiiii7p sa tu bhiigavatab smrtal;. Ibid. p. 8.
XIV] 543
unauthorized surmise. It is very probable that Vasudeva was
worshipped by the race of Yadavas as a tribal hero according to
their own tribal rites and that he was believed to be an incarnation
of Vi~I).U, who was in his turn associated with the sun. Megas-
thenes, in his account of India as he saw it, speaks of the Sourasenoi
-an Indian nation in whose land are two great cities, 1\'lethora and
Kleisobora, through which flows the navigable river Jobares-
as worshipping Heracles. "l\1ethora" in all probability means
Mathura and "Jobares" Jumna. It is probable that Heracles is
Hari, which again is a name of Vasudeva. Again in the Mahii-
bharata, VI. 6 5, Bhi~ma says that he was told hy the ancient sages
that formerly the great supreme person appeared before the
assembly of gods and sages, and Brahma began to adore Him with
folded hands. This great Being, who is there adored as Vasudeva,
had first created out of Himself Sarpkar~al).a, and then Pradyumna,
and from Pradyumna Aniruddha, and it was from Aniruddha
that Brahma was created. This great Being, Vasudeva, incarnated
Himself as the two sages, Nara and Narayai).a. He Himself says
in the JY/aha-bharata, VI. 66, that "as Vasudeva I should be
adored by all and no one should ignore me in my human body" ;
in both these chapters Kr~I).a and Vasudeva are identical, and
in the Gitii Kr~:I).a says that "of the Vr~:I).is I am Vasudeva."
It has also been pointed out that Vasudeva belonged to the
Kanhayana gotra. As Sir R. G. Bhandarkar says, "It is very prob-
able that the identification of Kr~I).a with Vasudeva \vas due to
the similarity of the gotra name with the name of Kr!?I).a 1 ." From
the frequent allusions to Vasudeva in Pataiijali 's commentary
and in the Maha-bhiirata, where he is referred to as the supreme
person, it is very reasonable to suppose that the word is a proper
noun, as the name of a person worshipped as God, and not a mere
patronymic name indicating an origin from a father Vasudeva.
Kr!?:I).a, Janardana, Kesava, Hari, etc. are not Vr~I).i names,
but were used as personal appellations of Vasudeva. Pataiijali
in his commentary on Pal).ini, IV. 3. 98, notes that Vasudeva, as
the name of a K!?attriya king of the race of V f~I).iS, is to be
distinguished from Vasudeva as the name of God. This God, wor-
shipped by the Satvatas according to their family rites, probably
came to be identified with a Vp?l)i king Vasudeva, and some of
the personal characteristics of this king became also personal
1 Sir R. G. Bhandarkar's Vaip_1avism and Saivism, pp. 11-12.
544 The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gua [cH.
characteristics of the god Vasudeva. The word Kp}I).a occurs
several times in the older literature. Thus Kpgta appears as a Vedic
r#, as the composer of ]J.g- Veda, VIII. 74· In the Mahii-bhiirata
Anukrama1J.l Kr~Qa is said to have descended from Ailgiras.
Kp}Qa appears in the Chiindogya Upanifad (III. 17) as the son of
Devaki, as in the Ghata-jiitaka. It is therefore probable that
Vasudeva came to be identified with Kr~Qa, the son of Devaki.
The older conception of Kr~Qa's being a rtvij is found in the
Mahii-bhiirata, and Bhi~ma in the Sabhii-parva speaks of him as
being a rtvij and well-versed in the accessory literature of the
Vedas (vediiizga). It is very probable, as Dr Ray Chaudhury points
out, that Kr~Qa, the son of Devaki, was the same as Vasudeva,
the founder of the Bhagavata system; for he is referred to in
the Ghata-jiitaka as being Kanhayana, or Kanha, which is the
same as Kr~Qa, and as Devaki-putra, and in the Chiindogya
Upan~ad, III. 17. 6, also he is referred to as being Devaki-putra.
In the Ghata-jiitaka Kr~Qa is spoken of as being a warrior,
whereas in the Chiindogya Upan#ad he is a pupil of Ghora
Ailgirasa, who taught him a symbolic sacrifice, in which penances
(tapas), gifts (dana), sincerity (iirjava), non-injury (ahi1Jlsii) and
truthfulness (satya-vacana) may be regarded as sacrificial fees
(dak#1J.ii). The Mahii-bhiirata, II. 317, describes Kr!?Qa both as a
sage who performed long courses of asceticism in Gandhamadana,
Pu~kara and Badari, and as a great warrior. He is also described
in the Malzii-bhiirata as Vasudeva, Devaki-putra and as the chief
of the Satvatas, and his divinity is everywhere acknowledged there ..
But it is not possible to assert definitely that Vasudeva, Kr~Qa the
warrior and Kgn).a the sage were not three different persons, who
in the Mahii-bhiirata were unified and identified, though it is
quite probable that all the different strands of legends refer to
one identical person.
If the three Kr~Qas refer to one individual Kr!?Qa, he must
have lived long before Buddha, as he is alluded to in the Chiindogya,
and his guru Ghora Ailgirasa is also alluded to in the Kaup,taki-
briihma7J.a, xxx. 6 and the Kathaka-Sa1Jlhitii, I. 1, which are pre-
Buddhistic works. Jaina tradition refers to Kr~Qa as being anterior
to Parsvanatha (8I7 B.c.), and on this evidence Dr Ray Chaudhury
thinks that he must have lived long before the closing years of
the ninth century B.c. 1
1 Early History of the Vai~1Java Sect, p. 39·
XIV] Blziigavata and the Bhagavad-gitii 545

Bhagavata and the Bhagavad-gita.

The Jlfahii-bhiirata (xu. 348) associates the Bhagavad-gUii with
the doctrines of the Ekanti- Vai~J).avas. It is said there that the God
Hari (bhaga·viin H ari) always blesses those that are devoted to God
without any idea of gain (ekiintin) and accepts their adorations,
offered in accordance with proper rites (vidhi-prayukta)l. This
ekiinta religion (ekiinta-dharma) is dear to Narayal).a, and those
who adhere to it attain to Hari, as Nilakar)tha, the commentator
on the JJJahii-bhiirata, points out, without passing through the three
stages of Aniruddha, Pradyumna and Sarpkar~al)a. The ekiintin faith
leads to much higher goals than the paths of those that know the
Vedas and lead the lives of ascetics. The principles of this ekiintin
faith were enunciated by the Bhagavat himself in the battle of the
Pal)<;iavas and the Kurus, when Arjuna felt disinclined to fight.
This faith can be traced originally to the Siima-veda. It is said that,
when Narayal)a created Brahma, he gave him this siitvata faith,
and from that time forth, as the 1l1ahii-bhiirata states, there has
been a host of persons who were instructed in this faith and
followed it. It was at a much later stage briefly described in
the Hari-gUii 2 • This faith is very obscure and very difficult to
be practised, and its chief feature is cessation from all kinds of
injury. In some places it is said to recognize one vyulza: in other
places two, and in others three, vyuhas are mentioned. Hari,
however, is the final and absolute reality; he is both the agent,
the action and the cause, as well as the absolute beyond action
(akartii). There are, hov.·ever, but few ekiintins in the world: had the
world been filled with ekiintins, who never injured anyone, were
always engaged in doing good to others and attained self-know-
Ekiintino ni~hiima-bhaktiib, Nilakarytha's commentary on the 1\t/ahii-bhiirata,
XII. 348. 3·
kathito hari-gltiisu samiisa-1·idhi-kalpita?1, Hari-gztii. 53· The traditional
teaching of the Gltii doctrines is represented as ancient in the Gztii itself (IV. 1-3),
where it is said that Bhagayan declared it to Vivasvan, and he related it to Manu,
and l\1anu to Ik~vaku, and so on, until after a long time it was lost; it was again
revived hy Kr~rya in the form of the Bhagavad-gUii. In the 1\fahii-bhiirata, xn.
348, it is said that Sanatkumara learned this doctrine from Narayarya, from him
Prajapati, from him Raibhya and from him Kuk$i. It was then lost. Then again
Brahma learned it from Narayarya, and from him the Barhi~ada sages learned it,
and from them J ye!iJtha. Then again it was lost; then again Brahma learned it from
Narayal).a, and from him Dak~a ]earned it, and from him Vivasvan, and from
Vivasvan Manu, and from l\Ianu Ik~vaku. Thus the tradition of the Bhagavad-
f!llii, as given in the poem itself, taHies with the Mahii-bhiirata account.
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gztii [cH.
ledge, then the golden age, krta yuga, would have come again.
This ekii.nta religion is a faith parallel to that of the Sarpkhya-
yoga, and the devotee who follows it attains Narayal).a as his
ultimate state of liberation. From this description in the Mahli-
bhiirata it seems that the doctrine of the Gitii was believed to be
the ekiintin doctrine originally taught by Narayal).a to Brahma,
Narada and others long before the recital of the Gitii. by K~l).a in
the ll1aha-bhiirata battle. It is further known that it had at least
four or five different schools or variant forms, viz. eka-vyilha, dvi-
vyilha, tri-vyiiha, catur-vyilha and ekiinta, and that it was known
as the Satvata religion.
Yamunacarya in his Agama-priimiil}ya tries to combat a number
of views in which the Bhagavatas were regarded as being in-
ferior to Brahmins, not being allowed to sit and dine with them.
The Satvatas, again, are counted by lVlanu as a low-caste people,
born from outcast Vaisyas and not entitled to the holy thread 1 .
The Satvatas were, of course, regarded as the same as Bhagavatas,
and their chief duties consisted in worshipping for their living in
Vi~I).U temples hy the order of the king 2 • They also repaired or
constructed temples and images for their living, and were there-
fore regarded as outcasts. That the Bhagavatas did in later times
worship images and build images and temples is also evident from
the fact that most of the available Paiica-riitra works are full of
details about image-building and image-worship. The Gttii (IX. 26)
also speaks of adoration with water, flowers and leaves, which
undoubtedly refers to image-worship. Sarpkar~al).a, as the brother
or companion of Kr~l)a, is mentioned in Patafijali's Mahii-bhii~ya
(n. 2. 24) in a verse quoted by him, and in n. 2. 34 he seems to
quote another passage, in which it is related that different kinds
of musical instruments were played in the temple of Dhana-
pati, Rama and Kesava, meaning Balarama, Sarpkar!?al).a and
As Yamuna points out, the opponents of the Bhagavata school
urge that, since the ordinary Brahminic initiation is not deemed
vaiiyiit tu jiiyate vriityiit sudhanviiciirya eva ca
kiiril~as ca vijanmii ca maitralz saivata eva ca. }igama-priimii~ya, p. 8.
pmicamalz siitvato niima V#~or iiyataniitfl hi sa
piijayed iijfiayii riijfiii1[l sa tu bhagavatalz smrtalz. Ibid.
Saizkar~a~a-dvitiyasya bala1p Krroasya ardhitam.
Mahii-bhii1ya, II. 2. 27.
mrdanga-saizkha-pa~viilz Prthaiz nadanti satfZsadi
priisiide dhana-pati-riima-keiaviiniim. Ibid. II. 2. 34·
XIV] Bhiigavata and the Bhagavad-gitii 547
a sufficient qualification for undertaking the worship of Vi~I)U,
and since special and peculiar forms of initiation and ceremonial
performances are necessary, it is clear that the Bhagavata forms
of worship are not Vedic in their origin. The fourteen Hindu
sciences, viz. the six vediingas on Vedic pronunciation (Sik~ii), ritual
(kalpa), grammar (vyiikara7Ja), metre (chandas), astronomy (jyoti~a),
iexicography (nirukta), the four Vedas, 1Vlimaf!1Sa, argumentative
works or philosophy (nyiiya-vistara), the mythologies (purii1Ja) and
rules of conduct (dharma-siistra), do not refer to the Paiica-riitra
scriptures as being counted in their number. So the Bhagavata or
the Paiica-riitra scriptures are of non-Vedic origin. But Yamuna
contends that, since Narayal)a is the supreme god, the Bhagavata
literature, which deals with his worship, must be regarded as having
the same sources as the Vedas; the Bhagavatas also have the same
kind of outer dress as the Brahmins and the same kinds of lineage.
He further contends that, though siitvata means an outcast, yet
siitvata is a different word from siitvata, which means a devotee
of Vi!?I.lU. lYioreover, not all Bhagavatas take to professional
priestly duties and the worshipping of images for their livelihood;
for there are many who worship the images through pure devotion.
It is very easy to see that the above defence of the Bhagavatas, as
put forward by one of their best advocates, Yamunacarya, is very
tame and tends to suggest very strongly that the Bhagavata sect
was non-Vedic in its origin and that image-worship, image-making,
image-repairing and temple-building had their origin in that
particular sect. Yet throughout the entire scriptures of the Paiica-
riitra school there is the universal and uncontested tradition that
it is based on the Vedas. But its difference from the Vedic path
is well known. Yamuna himself refers to a passage (Agama-
priimii1Jya, p. 51) where it is said that Sal)Q.ilya, not being able to
find his desired end (pur~iirtha) in all the four Vedas, produced
this scripture. The GUii itself often describes the selfish aims of
sacrifices, and Kr!?t:la urges Arjuna to rise above the level of the
Vedas. It seems, therefore, that the real connection of the Paika-
riitra literature is to be found in the fact that it originated from
Vasudeva or Vi!?I)U, who is the supreme God from whom the Vedas
themselves were produced. Thus the isvara-sa1J1hitii (1. 24-26)
explains the matter, and states that the Bhagavata literature is
the great root of the Veda tree, and the Vedas themselves are but
trunks of it, and the followers of Yoga are but its branches. Its
The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gua [cH.
main purpose is to propound the superiority of Vasudeva, who is
the root of the universe and identical with the Vedas 1 •
The affinity of this school of thought to the U pani~ad
school becomes apparent when it is considered that Vasudeva
was regarded in this system as the highest Brahman2 • The
three other vyz7has were but subordinate manifestations of him,
after the analogy of prajiiii, virllf, ·viS~·a and taijasa in monistic
Vedanta. Patafijali's Jllaha-bhii§ya does not seem to know of the
four 'l')'l71ws, as it mentions only Vasudeva and Sarp.kar~al).a; and
the Gua knows only Vasudeva. It seems, therefore, that the vyuha
doctrine did not exist at the time of the Gila and that it evolved
gradua1ly in later times. It is seen from a passage of the Jl,iahii-
bharata, already referred to, that there were different variations of
the doctrine and that some accepted one 'l')'illza, others two, others
three and others four. It is very improbable that, if the vyulza
doctrine was known at the time of the Gltii, it should not have
been mentioned therein. For the Gitii \Vas in all probability the
earliest work of the ehiintin school of the Bhagavatas 3 . It is also
interesting in this connection to note that the name Karayar;a is
never mentioned in the Gua, and Vasudeva is only identified with
Vi~r;u, the chief of the adityas. Thus Sir R. G. Bhandarkar says,
"It will be seen that the date of the Bhaga·oad-gua, which contains
mahato ·veda-1:rk~asya miila-blu1to maltiin aym!l
slwndha-bhr1tii n:-iidyiis te siildlii-bhz1tiis ca yogina~l
jagau-miilasya vedasya Viisude·vasya mukhyatalz
pratipiidalwtii siddhii mz1la-vediikhyatii d7;_ijii[l.
I svara-sa1!lhitii, I. 2-4-26.
yasmiit samyak pararrt brahma Viisudl"viikltyam ll'l-)'ayam
asmiid aviipyate Stistriij jiiiina-p:irvet;~a lwrma1Jii.
Pau~kariigama, as quoted in Riimiinuja-bltii~ya, 11. 2. 42.
The Chiindogya Upan#ad (vn. 1. 2) refers also to the study of ekiiyana, as in
the passage 'l:liko-viikyam ekiiyana1!l; ekiiyana is also described as being itself a
Veda in Sriprasna-sa1!lhitii, 11. 38, 39:
vedam ekiiyana1!l niima 7-•ediiniim sirasi sthitam
tad-artlzakam paiica-riitram mokFa-da1J'l tat-kriyiivatiim
yasminn eko mok~a-miirgo vede proktab saniitanab
mad-iiriidhana-rupet;~a tasmiid ekiiyanam bhavet.
See also the article "The Pafica-ratras or Bhagavata-sastra," by Govindacarya
s,·amin, J.R.A.S. 1911.
That the ekiintin faith is the same as the Satvata or the Paiica-riitra faith is
eYident from the following quotation from the Piidma-tmztra, IV. 2. 88:
sz1ris suhrd blziiga7-'atas siitvatab paiica-kiila-vit
ekii1ltikas tan-mayas ca paiica-riitrika ity api.
This faith is also called ekiil'ana, or the path of the One, as is seen from the
following passage from the li'L·ara-sa1!lhitii, 1. 18:
mokFiiyaniiya vai panthii etad-anyo na vidJ•ate
tasmiid ekiiyana1!l niima pravadanti mani#tJab.
XIV) Bhiigavata and the Bhagavad-guii 549
no mention of the 'lyuhas or personified forms, is much earlier
than those of the inscriptions, the Niddesa and Pataiijali, i.e. it was
composed not later than the beginning of the fourth century before
the Christian era; how much earlier it is difficult to say. At the
time when the Gitii was conceived and composed the identification
of Vasudeva with NarayaQ.a had not yet taken place, nor had the
fact of his being an incarnation of Vi~I)U come to be acknowledged,
as appears from the work itself.... Vi~I)U is alluded to as the chief of
the Adityas and not as the supreme being, and Vasudeva was Vi~Q.u
in this sense, as mentioned in chapter x, because the best thing of
a group or class is represented to be his vibhuti or special mani-
festation 1 .''
The date of the Gua has been the subject of long discussions
among scholars, and it is inconvenient for our present purposes
to enter into an elaborate controversy. One of the most extreme
views on the subject is that of Dr Lorinser, who holds that it
was composed after Buddha, and several centuries after the com-
mencement of the Christian era, under the influence of the New
Testament. l\Ir Telang in the introduction to his translation of
the Bhagavad-gltii points out-as has been shown above-that
the Bhagavad-gitii does not know anything that is peculiarly
Buddhistic. Attempt has also been made to prove that the Gitii
not only does not know anything Buddhistic, but that it also
knows neither the accepted Sa:rpkhya philosophy nor the Yoga of
Pataiijali's Yoga-siltra. This, together with some other secondary
considerations noted above, such as the non-identification of Vasu-
deva with Narayal)a and the non-appearance of the 'l.,yuha doctrine,
seems to be a very strong reason for holding the Gua to be in
its general structure pre-Buddhistic. The looseness of its com-
position, however, always made it easy to interpolate occasional
verses. Since there is no other consideration which might lead us
to think that the Gua was written after the Brahma-siitras, the
verse Brahma-siitra-padais caiva hetumadbhir 'lliniscitail; has to be
either treated as an interpolation or interpreted differently. Sankara
also thought that the Brahma-siitra referred to the Gila as an old
sacred writing (smrti), and this tallies with our other considerations
regarding the antiquity of the Gila. The view of Dr Lorinser,
that the Bhaga'l·ad-gttii must have borrowed at least some of its
materials from Christianity, has been pretty successfully refuted by
1 Vai~~;tm:ism and .Saivism, p. IJ.
55° The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gUii [cH.
"l\Ir Telang in the introduction to his translation, and it therefore
need not be here again combated. Dr Ray Chaudhury also has
discussed the problem of the relation of Bhagavatism to Chris-
tianity, and in the discussion nothing has come out which can
definitely make it seem probable that the Bhagavata cult was
indebted to Christianity at any stage of its development; the
possibility of the Guii being indebted to Christianity may be
held to be a mere fancy. It is not necessary here to enter into
any long discussion in refuting Garbe's view that the Gztii was
originally a work on Sarp.khya lines (written in the first half of
the second century B.c.), which was revised on Vedantic lines
and brought to its present form in the second century A.D.; for
I suppose it has been amply proved that, in the light of the
uncontradicted tradition of the 1\Jahii-bhiirata and the Paiica-riitra
literature, the Gztii is to be regarded as a work of the Bhagavata
school, and an internal analysis of the work also shows that the
Gitii is neithei" an ordinary Sarp.khya nor a Vedanta work, but
represents some older system wherein the views of an earlier
school of Sarp.khya are mixed up with Vedantic ideas different
from the Vedanta as interpreted by Sari.kara. The arbitrary and
dogmatic assertion of Garbe, that he could clearly separate the
original part of the Guii from the later additions, need not, to my
mind, be taken seriously. The antiquity of the Bhagavata religion
is~ as pointed out by Tilak, acknowledged by Senart (The Indian
Interpreter, October 1909 and January 1910) and Buhler (Indian
Antiquary, 1894), and the latter says, "The ancient Bhagavata,
Satvata or Pafica-riitra sect, devoted to the worship of Narayat).a and
his deified teacher Kp;n;a Devaki-putra, elates from a period long
anterior to the rise of the Jainas in the eighth century B.c." And
assuredly the Gitii is the earliest available literature of this school.
As regards external evidence, it may be pointed out that the Gltii
is alluded to not only by Kalidasa and Bal).a, but also by Bhasa in
his play Kan:za-bhiira 1 • Tilak also refers to an article by T. G. Kale
in the Vedic Magazine, VII. pp .•528-532, where he points out that
the Bodhiiyana-Grhya-se~a-sutra, II. 22. 9, quotes the Gitii, IX. 26,
1 Tilak quotes this passage on page 574 of his Bhagavad-gltii-rahasya (Bengali

translation of his Marathi work) as follows:

hato 'pi labhate S'f.Jarga1Jl jitvii tu labhate yaJa}_t
ubhe bahumate loke niisti ni~phalatii ra~e.
which repeats the first two lines of the Gftii, 11. 37·
XIVJ Bluiga'l)afa and the Bhagavad-gUti 55 1
and the Bodhiiyana-Pitr-medha-sutra, at the beginning of the third
prasna, quotes another passage of the Guii 1 • Incidentally it may
also be mentioned that the style of the GUii is very archaic; it is
itself called an Upani~ad, and there are many passages in it which
are found in the lsa (Ua, 5, cf. the Bhaga·vad-gitii, XIII. I 5 and
VI. 29), Jiwujalw (iklu1Jtf. 11. r. 2, cf. the Gltii, XIII. 15), Kiithaka
(n. IS, II. I8 and 19 and II. 7, cf. the Gitii, VIII. II; II. 20
and 29) and other Upani~ads. \Ve are thus led to assign to the
Gttii a very early date, and, since there is no definite evidence
to show that it was post- Buddhistic, and since also the GUii
does not contain the slightest reference to anything Buddhistic,
I venture to suggest that it is pre-Buddhistic, however unfashion-
able such a view may appear. An examination of the Gitii from
the point of view of language also shows that it is archaic and largely
un-PaJ)inean. Thus from the root yudh we have yudhya (viii. 7)
for yudhyasva; yat, which is iitmane-pada in PaJ)inean Sanskrit,
is used in parasmai-pada also, as in VI. 36, VII. 3, IX. I4 and
xv. I 1; ram is also used in parasmai-pada in x. 9· The roots kiifzk~,
vraj, vis and itig are used in PaJ)inean Sanskrit in parasmai-pada,
but in the GUii they are all used in iitmane-pada as well-kiifzk~ in
1. 3I, vraj inn. 54, vis in XXIII. 55 and ifzg in VI. 19 and XIV. 23.
Again, the verb ud-vij, which is generally used in iitmane-pada, is
used in parasmai-pada in v. 20; nivasi~yasi is used in XII. 8 for
nivatsyasi, mii suca!J for mii socl/1 in XVI. 5; and the usage of
prasavi~yadhvam in 111. IO is quite ungrammatical. So yamaf:t
sa'!lyamatiim in X. 29 should be yama~1 sa'!lyacchatiim, he sakheti
in XI. 41 is an instance of wrong sandhi, priyiiyiirhasi in XI. 44 is
used for priyiiyii/:t arhasi, seniinlniim in x. 24 is used for seniinyiim 2 •
These linguistic irregularities, though they may not themselves be
regarded as determining anything definitely, may yet be regarded
1 Bodhiiyana-Grh_ya-se~a-sutra:
tad iiha blw.gaviin,
patram pu~pam phala1J1. toya1J1. yo me bhaktyii. prayacchati
tad aham bhakty-up'lhrtam asnii.mi prayatiitmanal;.
Also Bodhii.yana-Pitr-medha-st2tra: yatasya vai manu~yasya dhruvam marm:zam
iti vijiinlyiit tasmii.j jcl.te na prahr~yen mrte ca na vi~ldeta.
Compare the Gltri., jiitasya hi dhruvo mrtyu!z, etc.
N.B. These references are all taken from Tilak's Bhagavad-guii.-rahasya
pp. 574, etc.
For enumeration of more errors of this character see IVlr V. K. Rajwade's
article in the Bhandarkar commemoration volume, from which these have been
552 The Philosophy of the Bhagavad-gtta (CH. XIV

as contributory evidence in favour of the high antiquity of the

Gita. The Gita may have been a work of the Bhagavata school
written long before the composition of the Maha-bha1·ata, and may
have been written on the basis of the Bharata legend, on which
the Maha-bharata was based. It is not improbable that the Gita,
which summarized the older teachings of the Bhagavata school, was
incorporated into the Mahii-bharata, during one of its revisions, by
reason of the sacredness that it had attained at the time.
ahiidhita, 108 acapala, 5 I o
ahiidhita - svaya'!l - praluliataiva asya Acceptance of gift, 505
sattii, 36 Accessories, 160, Il-iJ, 1X4
Abdomen, 289, 353 Accessory causl', 10<), I~(,
ahlwya, 5 I o Accidental happl'nings, 372
abluiva, I42, I6.z, I93, 227 Accretion, 235 11., 32h; of energy,
abheda, 207 244
abhedo nlla-tad-dhiyofz, 26 n. Acetabulum, 287 n. 2
abhiciira-lwrma, 284 acetana, 36
Ahhidharma-kosa, 58 n. Acid, 337 n., 358, 359, 361, 302
Abhidharma-kosa-t•yiikhyii, 58 n., 62 n. Acidity, 335 11.
abhidluiniibhidlzeya- jiiiina-jiieyiidilak- aci11tya, 362-364
$ll~w!z, 3 n. Action, I.f8, 187, 19-l, 241, 360, 403-
abhiglulta, 339, 4IO 405, 412, 42I, 440, 441, .~f17, 4X8,
ahhihitiinvaya-viida, 227 so7, 508, 515, 516
abhiliiso, 497 Active agent, 244
ablzilii$a, 41 2 Active functioning, 238
Abhinanda, 232 Active operation, I 54
Abhinava~upta, 49, 443 Acti\·e restraint, c;oo
Abhinavanarayar:-a, 78 Activity, 238, 256. 341, 368, 369, 481,
Abhina"\ anaraya•::Iendra Sarasvati, 78, 504, 515; of the self, 197
79 Act of knowledge, 6CJ
abhinh·da, 4 q Acts, I5
abhiprapacyamclna, 3 q Actual, 23 11.; data, 214
Abhipriiya-pral~iisikii, 83, 87 11., 148 n. Acyutakp~l~fmanda Tirtha, 220
abhi~ecana, 505 Additional assistancl', 1X3
ahhi?.•J.•ajyate, 303 adharma, 321, .fOCJ, 411, .p6, -t8.f, 4X7,
ahhi·vyakti, 173 507, 525
ab/zraja, 300, JOI, 33 I 11. adlzilw, JX.f, 385, 3X9 11.
abhyanujiiii, 388 adhilwra~za, 108 11., 35<), 390
ahlzyiisa, 360, 370 A.dhilwra~za-maiijarl, qS 11.
abhyupnf.!mna-siddhiinta, 383 Adhikarm:za-mcilii, X 1
Ablutions, 267, 505 Adhilwrm:za-ratna-1/ttlltl, qX n.
Abnormal states, 335 Adhilwra~za-salu:ati, qX 11.
Abode, 497 adhilwra~za-siddlulnta, 3S3
Abscess, 299 adhimiJil~a. 24-
Absence, I9 adhipati, 342, 352
Absolute destruction, 248 adhi~{htina, II3, ICJ.f. 2/'), 472
Absolute oneness, I 28 adhi~!lziiyalw, 366
Absolute truth, 3 adhymHlSllJ'll, 3 7 3
Absolutist, 5 I 4 adl1yiisa, (), 103
Abstract idea, 2I I Adhyiisa-bhii~ya, 6 n., 222 11.
Abstraction, 28 adhyiitma-vidaft, .fZJ
Abuse, 498 n. ad infinitum, 40, 70, J7f'
Academic dispute, 373 Adoration, 439
Academy of Sciences, I64 n. adrolw, s 1 o

1 The words art! arranged in the order of the English alphalwt. :-ianskrit and

Pali technical terms and words are in small italics; names of books ar{' in italics
w~th a capital. English words and other names arc in Homan with a capital.
Letters with diacritical marks come after ordinary ones.
554 Index
adnta, 207, 306, 36o Agniveia-sa'!llzitii, 277, 432
adr~!iidi-I?Fuhdha'!l, zo6 Agnivda-tantra, 429
adr~!iidi-salwl~rtam, 197 Agnivdya, 228, 230
adr~!iirtha, 383 agraha1Jrt, I04
Adultery, 498 1z. Agrahayal)a, z8z
Advaita-hlzil~a1Ja, 52 n. Agriculture, 502, 505
Admita-bodha-dlpilui, 54, 216 alw'f!zkiira, 75, 102, Io4, 2I7, 23~. 239,
Ad-vaita-brahma-siddhi, 57 245. 257. 262, 305, 347. 458, 463,
Advaita-cmzdrikii, 55 404,496,524
Advaita-cintii-kmtstubha, 56 alza'f!zlii, 235, 237
Advaita-cintiima~zi, 55 a-hetu, 386
Ad?.•aita-dlpikii, 53, 2I6 ahetu-sama, 380 n. 4, 382 n.
Advaita-dlpikii-t:i·cara~w, 53 alzetutab, I66
Ad1.•aita-makaranda, s6 alzi'!lsii, 505, 510, 5I4, 544
Advaita-makaranda-tlkii, 193 Ahirbudlmya-sa7Jzhitii, 46I, 537
Adt·aita-maiijarl, 225 alzita, 277, 278, 42I, 422
Advaita-muktii-siira, 57 n. aihika, 253
Advaita-nirl}aya, 2 I9 aikamatya, 282
Advaita-paiica-ratna, 53, 216 aindriya, 2 54
Admita Philosophy, 2 n. Air, 74, I87, I94, 235, 302, 325, 330-
Ad1.•aita-ratna, 54 334,359. 360,362,4I9
Adt•aita-ratna-ko~a, 54 Airy, 357, 359
Ad?.•aita-ratna-rakFa1Ja, 225, 226 Aitareya, 78, 259 n. 3
Advaita-ratna-vyiikhyiina, 54 Aitareya-briihmal}a, 536
Ach-aita-siddlziinta-vidyotmza, 57 n. Aitareyopani~ad-bhii~ya, 78
Ad'l·aita-siddhi, 53. s6, I I8, 198, 199. aitihya, 376, 379
223 n., .us. 226 Ajita, 6I
Ad?.•aita-siddhy-upanyiisa, 225 n. ajiiiina, 3, 9, IO, so, 55, 73, 74, 76,
Advaita-siistra-siiroddlziira, 55 101, 102, 108, IIO, 112, IIJ, 115,
a.:h•aita-sruti, 8o 153. 154. 195. 196, 204, 217, 222,
Adt,aita-viida, 2 I6 389, 479, 499, soo; its nature, de-
adt•aita-viisanii, 218 pendence on self and transformation
Advaitananda, s6, 82 u., 232 into world-appearance, 10; its no-
Ad?.·aitiinubhi'i.ti, 81 tion in Padmapada or Prakasatman
Advancement, 519 different from that of ~agarjuna, 9;
Advayananda, 7Q its transformations, 10, 53; Vacas-
Advayaral)ya, 231 pati's view of its causality, 11
Advayasrama, 204 njnii7la'!l niibhiiva upiidiinatviin mrdvat,
Adyar, 49, 84 n., 87 I97
Affection, 490, 497 ajiiiita-sattviinabhyupagama, I 7, 270
Affections of viita, 336 akartii, 545
Affective tone, 23 Akhai)Qananda, 52, 103, 193
Affirmations, 75, I66, 27I, 387 Akhai)Qananda l\1uni, 10, 31 n.
Afflictions, 22, 304, 4I4, 499 Akha~ujiitma-prakiisikii, 57 n.
agada-tantra, 276 Akhilatman, 99
Agasti, 228, 230 akhyiiti, 87 n.
Agastya, 433 akli~!a, 414
Age, 370 akrodha, 505, 510
Agent, 77, I69, 310, JI4, 358, 368, a-krtaka, 182
44I,469,470, SIS, 5I6 ak~aka-sa'!ljiie, z86 7l. 4
Ag-<.{i, 539 Ak~apada, 393, 394, 398-401
A~-,'lli, 75, 292 fl., 300 n. 2, 303, 304 alaji, 299
Agnihotra, 54 alambuiii, 354
OJ,:11i-karma, 330 alasiilii, 298 n. 6
Agni-Purii~za, 279 n. Alberuni, 426
Agni~tnma, L', 345 n. Alchemy, 426
A~-,'llivda. 393, 395, 399, 424, 429, Alertness, 511; of mind, 511
432 alga1Jcfu, 297
Index 555
All1J1.Sll, 300 Angry, 367
Alkaline, 357, 358 ani/a, 330
All, I95 Animal, 359, 513
Allala Suri, 52 n. Animate, 359, 360
All-pen·ading, 16, 372, 525, 5.26 Aniruddha, 543. 545
All-pervasi,·e, Ioo mzir·vacanlym!l nlliidi, I I I
aloka-SaTfl'l'Tfa, 5 mzir-vacanlyatii. I 55
alolu patva, 5 I o anirvacanlyatii-'l•acmza, I o 5
Alternating, 63 anin:acanlyii, 81), I 17, 203, 224
AlternatiYe, I8, 377 anirviicya. 35, I I I
Altindische Grammatik, 345 n. r.nin•iicyatva, I 94
Amalananda, 52, 57. s8, 74 ll. 86, I03, anirviicyii m•idyii, I 09
I07-I09, I I9, 260 anitya, 22 11., I20
Amaradasa, 54 anitya-sanza, 380 n. 4
Amara-lw~a, 55 aniyata-vipiika. 249
amar~a. 412 Ankle-bones, 284
amiiviisyii, 292 n. Annam Bhatta, 82 n.
AmfVii, 300 Annihilation, 266
amla, 3I.2 n. 3, 357,358, 361 Annotations, 87
Amrtananda, 3I n., 454 anrta, 383
Amulets,277, 281,282,293,294,301, antal:zkara~a-caitanyayor aikyiidhyiisi'it,
:;64 206
amiirta, 254 anta?zkara~as, 34. so, 56, 65, 72, 75 n.,
a1Jlsa, z86 n. 2, 287 76, 77, 88, 89 n., IOI, I04-I06, I09,
a1Jlsa-phalaka, 286 n. 4 I I3, I I4, 2o6-2IO, 217, 268, 292,
aTflSa-pl[ha, 287 n. 2 295, 306, 344, 452, 484 n. I
llTflSiir!zsa-vikalpa, 338 antabkara~za-visi~ta, 33
anabhilapyen(itmanii, 20 anta!zkara~ziivacchinna1Jl caitanyaTfl, 206
anabhiraddhi, 497 anta!z-sau~iryam, 307
anabhi~miga, 373 antarik~aTfl, 292 n.
mzadhigata, 212, 2I3 Antaryiimi-briihma'!la, 25 I
anadhigatatva, 2I3 antaryiimin, 2I5, 537
anaikiintikat·va, 123 Antecedence, I6o, I72
Analogy, 36, 42, 148, I55, 180, 189, Antipathy, 24, IOI, 245, 248, 267,409,
39I; of dreams, 28; of play, 42 4I2-4I4.490,498,499
Analysis, 65; of consciousn{;ss, 62 mztreblzya~z, 288
ananubhii~a!la, 389 n. anubandha, 338 n., 368 n., 389, 497
ananuyojya, 384 anubandhya, 338 n.
ananyathii··siddha, I6o mzubhava, I49
Ananyanubhava, 82 n. Anubhava-dlpikii, 78
anarthaka, 384, 385 Anubhm•a-viliisa, 57 n.
Anatomical texts, 435 -~nubhavananda, s8, 86
Anatomical treatises, 435 anubhmi, I 99
Anatomy, 355, 433 mzubhriti-svahhii?:a, 4 7 I
anm:asthii, I74 Anubhutisvarupacarya, I I6, I92, I94
aniidy-anirviicyiiddyiisraya~uit, 12 anumata, 389, 39I
aniigatiivek~a!lu, 389, 392 anunziina, 139,194,373,376,379,398,
aniilzata-cakra, 355 40I n.
aniikhyam anablzivyaktam, 232 anupadhii, 505
mziimayam, 462 anupalabdhi-sama, 380 n. 4
aniirambha, 4I6 anupasaya, 397
aniisrava, 22 Anupatiila, 300
aniitman, 6 anus, 296, 426
anekatii, 370 anusayo, 497
anekiinta, 389 anutpatti-sama, 380 n. 4
anekiintha, 391 anm.-'rtta, 63
Anger, 267, 333, 373, 409, 492, 4 1J7, Q1lU-'l.')'GVQSll}'ll, I 5 I
499, 509-SII anuyoga, 3 84
anuyojya, 384 a posteriori, 517
mziihya, 2~7 11. 1 Apparatus, 180
Anvaya-pral<iisilui, 56 Apparent reality, 4
tmvaya-vyatirehi, 400 11. Appaya Dik~ita, 10, II, 17, 44, 47, 49,
am:aya - ·vyatireki - siidhya - vise~a7JI. 52-56, 79, 82 n., 106 n., 108, 216 n.,
'l'iidy-ablzimatam siidlzayati, I21 218, 2I9; his date, lineage and
Anvayiirtlw-prahiiSikii, I 16 works, 2I8 ff.
anvayi, 400 n. Appearance, 3, 5, 8, 13, 2o-22, 28,
anvitiibhidhiina-viida, 227 3I, 37, 101, 105, 109, I94, 195,232,
anyatlu'i-hhyiiti, 87 n., 204, 222 235. 236, 239. 252, 371, 438, 517;
anyii pi1r'l•iipurva- bhrama- sa,zskiira/:z, of unity, 65
109 Appetites, 493
anyedyu(t, 297 Appetitive desire, 501
anyonya-milat-lwmala-saddala, 257 Appreciation, 5 12
anynnyiibhiiva, I22, I3I, 132 Apprehension, 22
migam eva alpatt-·iid upiingam, 273 apradhiina, 370
migana1Jl. 496 apramti, 1 28
Angiras, 281, 544 apramiida, sos
A1igirasa-ka/pa, 283 apratibhii, 389 n.
aizgulaya(t, 215 5 apratyak, 63
A1iguttara-nikiiya, 394 apriipta-kiila, 389 n.
mikura, 169 apriipta-priirtlzanii, 412
aiiilii~zmn, 498 apriiptayo/:z priiptil_z S07JI.)'Oga(z, I 58
a~m, 261 a priori, 517
a~m-lzrasva, 189 apsariib, 228
a~m-hras'l'a measure, 190 apz""irva, 8o
al}uhraS'l:a parimiil}a, 189 apiir·va-?.:idhi, 46
aT}~la, 322 n. Ariiya, 300
af>,75. 501 arbuda, 286 11. 3, 314
aparit. 298 fl. 7 arcii, S37
apadcia, 3!59, 39I Ardent desire, 497
apaf.{atai~a~zab, 245 ardha-supta-prabuddha, 264
apalma'l'O-'l'lletma, IOS ardhiinjali-parimii~za, 343 n.
apai.~zma, 51 o Argument, 18, 26 n., 29, 278, 376
apam, 360, 370 arhatatt'l'O, 248
aparam ojas, 3+3 n. Ari~pnemi, 229
aparii prakrti, 465 Arjuna, 487, 489, soo, 502, so7,
aparicchimziilambaniil<iira, 23 so!5, 512, 516, SI8, 525, 529-532,
apamh~a, 6, 63, lOS S4S
aparuk~a-prallli-virodhiit, 194 Armpits, 326 n.
aparoh~ll-'lJJ'a'L·ahiira-yogya, 149 Ar~zava-var7Jana, I26
Aparok~tinublwva, 78 aroga, 334 n.
Aparol<~iinuhhrui. So arpa~za, 452
apa-siddlu'inta, 389 n. Arrogant, 510
Apasmara, 43 I Adas, 430
apa'l·arga, 44, 248 Arteries, 2s6 n., 289, 290
apavmja, 389, 391 artlza, 327, 340, 3S9, 479, 482, 485
apt1na, 25!5-260, 291, 311, 332, 373, artlza-kriyl1-kiiritva, 32, I08
4+~L ++9. 4S5 artlza-kriyii-siimarthya, 18 3
apt'ina 'l:tiyu, 35S artha-kriyii-siimartlzya-sattvam, 30 n.
apc1niiya sviihii, 448 artha-priipakatva, 137
apiiliga, 342, 351 artha-prc1pti, 38+
apiirtlwlw, 384-, 385, 388, 389 n. Artlza-siistra, 274, 541
apekhii. 496 artha'L'atl, 20
apekFi, 9S arthl11ltara, 388, 389 tz.
apek~ti-budJizi, I 57, I S8 arthiipatti, 18, 389, 391
Aperture, 35+ n., 35S, 356 artlziipatti-sama, 380 n. 4, 382 n.
Apolw-s:ddhi, 49 Artificial process, 358
Index 557
AruQadatta, 429, 434 a~tiiizga-yoga, 453-455
aru1pi, 29I, 344 11. a~thlvantau, 285
asamprajiiiita, 250 a~thlvat, z85 n. 4
asa1{lsargiigralza, I 54, I 55 Atala, 76
Asariga, I64 Atharva, 274, 390
asaiz!{a, 268 Atharvan texts, 299
asmiga-bhiivanii, 264 AtharvaQic charms, 28I
asailga-sastre~za, s24 AtharvaQic hymns, 28!)
a-sarva-gata, 4I0 AtharvaQic rites, 283, 294
asat, ISS, 373 Athan•a-sikhii Upani~ad, 449
a-sat-kiirya-viida, 39, 179, 473, 5 I7 Atharva-siras Upani~ad, 449
asat-klzyiiti, 87 n. Atharva-Veda, 273-275, 277-.zSo, 283,
asiitmya-arthiigama, 416 .Z84, 288, 290, 29I, 293-295. 301,
Ascetic, 373; life, so8; postures, 489 331, 340, 343 n., 344-346, 364, 486,
Asceticism, 229, 267, so8 536, 539; as Atharva and Arigiras,
Asiatic Society of Bengal, 20,5 .281 ;.~.yur-veda an upii1iga of it, 273;
asmitii, 414 Ayur-veda its upm:eda, 274; diseases
aspanda, 265 and their symptoms in, 30I ff.;
Aspects, 238 diseases mentioned in, 296 ff.; dis-
Aspiration, 497 tinguishes hirii and dhamanl, 344 n.;
Ass, I6o, 386 n. head and brain in, 340; its bone
Assembly, 378 system critically compared and con-
Assimilation, 33 I trasted with that of Caraka. Susruta,
Associated, 501 Vagbhata, 284 ff.; its contents as
Association, IS, 2I, 25, 34, I56, I6Q, arranged by Bloomfield, 295 ff.; its
183, 188, I95, 239, 32I, 358, 369, principal contents, 281 ff.: its prob-
375.451,452,456, soo able priority to J!.g-·ceda. 280, 281;
asteya, 505 its relation with Ayur-veda, 275; its
asthi, 3 I7, 328 siikhiis, 283 ff.; its theory of viiyus,
astlzi-mii1!fsa-maya, 257 291, 292; on sirii and dhamani,
asthira, 230, 24I 289 ff. ; rivalry between drugs and
asti, 386 n. charms in, 293 ff.; theory of the
Astragalus, 284 n. 3 origin of dise:1ses in, 299 ff.; viiyu,
Astringent, 358, 359 pitta and kapha in, 33 I ; what niir/i
Astrology, 436 means in, 345
Astronomy, 49 Atharca- Veda and Gopatha-Briihmm.:za,
asukha, 422 295 n. I, 296 n. I
asukham iiyu/:1, 277 Athart:aveda in Kashmir, 283 n.
asura, 3 I4, 535, 539 Atharvii1igirasa1J, z8 1
Asura-vtda, 274 n. 3 atidesa, 389, 39I
asfiyii, 4I3 atikriintiive~a1Ja, 389, 392
asviidu, 358 atimiUra, 296
asubha, 341 atirikta, 388
asuddha, ]6 atisayiidhiina, I 83
Asvattha, 524 atiyo!{a, 320, 32I, 405
Asvattha tree, 523, 524 atlndriya, 347, 366
a~takii, 292 atlsiira, 296, 430
a~ta-siddhi, 427 Atlta-kiila, 387
A!?tiiQga Ayur-veda, 276 Atomic, 367; changes, 194; measure,
A~tiinga-hrdaya, 364 n., 436 189; theory, I5I, 189
A~tiinga - hrdaya - niima - vaidiiryaka- Atoms, 20, 25, IS7. 187-~90, 193, I99,
bhii~ya, 436 306,37I
A~tiiilga-hrdaya-sa1!lhitii, 425, 432- Atri, 399, 401, 429
434 Attachment, 24, IOI, 243, 304, 4I2-
A~tiiilga-hrdaya-vrtti, 436 4I4, 489, 490, 497-499. SOl, 503,
A~!iiilga-sa1{lgraha, 263, 274 n. 3, 284 504, 507, 510, 51 I, 513, 514, 5I6,
n. 3, 304 n. I, 3I7 n. I, 328, 329 n., 521-523
433 Attention, 23, 24
sss Index
Attentive reflection, 24 avidyii-dvitaya, 109
Attock, 429 avidyii-dvitaya-sacivasya, 109
Attractions, 239 avidyii miiyii mithyii-pratyaya iti, 84
atyanttisat, 194 avidya-nivrtti, 85
atthanga-slla, 498 avidyii-potency, I o
Auditory organ, 344 avidyii-sahita-brahmopiidiinam, 1 I
Auditory sense, 374 avidyii stuff, 104
Aufrecht, Th., 435, 439 avidyii-sakti, 9, 203
aupacarika, 328, 329 avidyopiidiina-bheda-viidins, 90
Aupadhenava, 424 avijjii, 498
Aupadhenava-tantra, 435 avijfiatartha, 389 n.
aupamya, 377, 379 avinabhava, 140, 376, 38o
aupapiiduka, 308 m:isa'J!lviidi, I 3 6
Aurabhra, 424 avise~a-sama, 380 11. 4, 382 n.
Auricular, 353 avi~aya, 6
Auspicious rites, 281 avitikkama, soo
Austerities, 441 avyabhicari, I36, 381 n.
a~adha, 295 avyabhiciirl anubhavab, 135
au~adhi, 359 avyakta, 43, I04, 263, 357, 358, 462,
aU~IJya, 362 n. 463, 470, 47I, 473. 476, 5I9, 525,
Authenticity, 78 530, 533
Autumn, 335, 370 avyakto vyakta-karma, 263
Autumnal fever, 299 avyapadeiatma, 234
avabhtisinz, 3 I 7 avyapadesya, 265,374,401
avaccheda, I o 5 Avyayatman Bhagavat Pujyapada,
avacchedakata, I 24 I98
avaccheda-vada, Io6 avyiikrta, 23 n., 104
avacchinna, 96 avyapya-vrttitva-visepto, I 58
Avadhani YaJva, 218 n. Awaking consciousness, 19
avadhi, so8 Awareness, I3, 14, I7-20, 25-30, 3 In.,
avastha, 44 3 2, 63-6 5 , 6 7 , 68, 70, 71, 73, 117,
a·vastu, 202, 203 118, 134. 151, 197. 201, 206, 2II,
avayavz, I87 212, 214; of blue, 27
avedanmJl, 265 Ayodhya, 230
a·vedyatva, I49, I so ayoga, 321, 405
avedyatve satyaparok~a- 'V):avahara- ayuta-siddha, 191
yogyatva'J!l, 149 n. ayuta-siddkatva, 191
A verrhoa acida, 360 n. iibhiisa, 252
Aversion, 335, SIS iibhiciirika, 281
Aviddhakarl).a, 172 Abhoga, 52, 108
avidyamana, 5 acarya, 420
avidya, s, 6, 8, 9, I2, I3, 44, 48, so, 72, Acarya Dik!?ita, 218
73, 84, Ss, 88-9o, 98, 99, 104, Acarya Jetari, 49
105, 109-111, II7, uS, I48, 187, Acaryasuri, 171
204-206, 209, 22 I, 234, 249, 304, iicchiidya, 112
414, 4I5, 479, 498, 499; de- adiina-gantho, 496
scribed as sakti by Gam;lapada, 8; adhiira, II3, 144
in neither of its senses can be adhiira-cakra, 355. 356
material cause, 12; its meanings, I 2; Adisura, I 26
nature of its causality according to iidityas, 292 n., 535, 549
Anandabodha, also according to iigama, 304
Vacaspati 's Brahma-tattva-samz~a, Jigama-priimii1Jya, 542 n. 2, 546,
1 2; not psychological ignorance, but -547
special technical category, I 2; Pad- Agama-si!stra-vivarm;za, 78
mapada's interpretation regarding aghiito, 497
the creative power of, 9; so called iigneya, 3I3, 329 n., 359
because of its unintelligibility, 12 iihiire pafikula-saiifia, 501
Index 559
Ahrika, I72 Ananda-vardhana, 126 n.
iijiiii-cakra, 353 11., 355, 356 ~nandanubhuva, 57 n.
iikii1ikyii, 496 Anandasrama, I96
iikiiia, 74, 75, I04, I6o, I94, 204, 235, A.nandatman, s8, 86
244, 302, 3I2, 3I5, 360, 362, 367, iintarik~a, 357
37I, 374. 379 Anvik~iki, 390, 392
iikiiia-dhiitu, 307 Anjaneya, 443
Akasagotto, 276 iipa!1, 292 n.
iikaia tmz-miitra, 245 iipta, 280, 373
iikiiiiitma ka, 3 59 iiptopadda, 373, 376, 377
iikt7.ta, 48 I, 4g2 iipya, 359
iilambana, 29, 155 iirambhakar,z, 329 n.
Alamviiyana-sar,zhitii, 435 iirjava, 505 n., SIO, 544
ii/aya-vijiliina, 22, 24 Ar~a-Riimiiya7Ja, 23 I
iilayo, 497 iirtava, 313
iilocaka, 304, 341 iirtaviil:z, 292 n.
iilocaka-pitta, 342 iirthi bhiivanii, 480
iima-garbha, 322 n. Aru~zikopani~ad, 252 n.
iimalaka, 294 .i\ryadeva, 51, 124, I64, 165
Amalananda, 82 Arya-dr~lhiiiaya-pari'prcchii, 5
iimii.iaya, 330, 33 I .Arya-vidyii-sudhii-kara, 1 I 2 n.
iinanda, 223 iisana, 454, 455
Anandabodha, so, 5 I, 70, 89 n., 92, iismiga, 44
116, II7, 124, I48 n., I94, I96; his iisatti, 497
doctrine ofavidyii probably borrow- iisayo, 497
ed from MaJ!<;Jana, 90; as inspirer iisii, 496
of many later works of Vedanta, I I8; iispada, 7
his date and works, I I 6; his interpre- iisriiva, 296
tation of the nature of the self, I 18; iissiisa, 459
his refutation of" difference," I I6, iistika, 420
I I7; his view of the nature of a·vidyii, iistikya; 505 n.
I I7 Asadhara, 434
Anandabodha Bhattarakacarya, I2, 49, iihaya, I9, 23, 85, 357
69, I47 n. iifraya-bhilta!z, 59 n.
Anandabodhendra, 231 Aire~a, 300
Anandabodhendra Bhik!?u, 259 n. 2 Aivaliiyana-irauta-siltra, 394
Anandabodhendra Sarasvati, 23 I Asvini, 432
Ananda-dzpa, 57 n. A~a<;lhavarman, 428
.Ananda-dlpa-tzkii, 57 n. .Ataizka-dlpana, 434
Anandagiri, 43 n., 83, 103, I24, I92, iitiviihika iar'ira, 305
- I93. 344 Atma-bodha, 79, 81
Anandajfi.ana, In., 43, 49-51, 78-81, .Atma-bodha-vyiikhyiina, 81 n., I03
92, 100, II6, II9, I24, I72, I89, iitma-dharmopaciira!z, 2I n.
192, 194, I96, 205, 210, 439; con·· iitma-jiinlndriyii1Ji, 310
tents of his work Tarka-sar,zgraha, .Atma-jiiiinopadeia, 78
193, 194; his criticism of Nyaya- .Atma-jiiiinopadda-tzkii, 193
Vaise~ika categories, I93, 194; his iitma-khyiiti, 87 n.
interpretation of the indescribable- iitma-miina, 24
ness of world-appearance and ajiiii- iitman, 8. 2I, s8, I49. 194. 238, 302,
na, I94, I95; his teachers, I92; his 307 1l. 5, 309, 3 IO, 405, 444, 445,
works, 193 472, 518
Ananda-laharf, 79 iitmanalz sar,zvid-rilpatva, 118, I48,
Ananda-lahari-tarl, 79 151
Ananda-mandiikini, 225 iitma-samaviiyl vi~aya-pralliiio jiiiinam,
AnandapGrJ!a, 52, 57, 83, 87 n., I03, I97
123, I26 n. iitma-sneha, 24
Anandatirtha, 442 Atmasukha, 232
s6o Index
Atmasvarupa, 52 n. ance of do~as according to seasons,
iitma-saktyii, 330 335; divergent views on the develop-
iitma-vinigralza, 5 I 3 ment of the foetus referred to in
.Atmiiniitma-vi'L·eka, 79 Caraka-sa'l!lhitii, 307, 308; divergent
.Atmiirpm:za-stava, 219 views regarding viiyu as narrated in
iitmiisrayatva, 17 Caraka, 332 ff.; do~a as prakrti, 334;
iitmiivalokana, 442 dravya, rasa, mrya, vipiika, pra-
.Atmupadesa-·vidhi, 79 bhiiva, 362-366; early references to,
Atreya, 277, 308, 310, 327, 333, 395, 276, 277; epidemics caused by col-
424 lective evil effects, 408 ff.; equili-
.Atreya bhik~u, 395 brium of dhiitus, 327; ethical posi-
Atreya-Caraka, 284, 293, 295 tion of Caraka, 418; fallacies, 380 ff.;
Atreya-Caraka school, 289 foetal development in Susruta and
Atreya Gautama, 394 Caraka, its different stages, 313 ff.;
Atreya Punarvasu, 276 n., 357, 432 formation of foetus in Caraka, Sus-
iivarm:za, 22, 73 ruta and Vagbhata, 302-304; free-
iivarm:za-sakti, 74 dom of will in, 4I I; Ayur-veda,
iivarm.zatviit, I97 function of dhamanis in, according to
iivartta, 35I Sl!Sruta, 350 ff.; function of the dif-
iiyatana, 395, 498 ferent ducts, 347 ff.; future life, be-
iiyiima, 348 11. lief in, 406; good, conception of,
Ayur-veda, 258 n., 273-276, 278, 28o, 404, 405 ; good life and happy life,
28g, 293. 295. 320, 328 n., 354 n., 422,423; good life in Caraka, 418 ff.;
357, 365, 366, 37I, 372, 383, 385, good of the body and of the mind,
387, 389, 390, 392, 393. 395. 396, 4 I 8, 4 I 9 ; heart in the lJ pani!?ads
398, 399, 402, 422, 423, 436; an contrasted with, 344; heart the vital
upa·ceda of Atharva-Veda, 274; a centre of the prii1Jas in, 340; hetu-
part of Atharva- Veda, 278; aper- vidyii in Caraka, 395; inference in,
tures of the dhamanls in, 3 so; appli- compared with Nyaya and Sarp-
cation of inductive methods for the khya, 399,400; is beginningless,274;
discovery of cause in Caraka, 396 ff.; its relation with Atharva- Veda, 275;
are •viiyu, pitta and kaplza only its theory of dhiitu-siimya and dhiitu-
hypothetical entities? 336 ff.; as a va#amya, 319 ff.; its unbroken tradi-
science of life, 277; a separate Veda tion, 274; jiiti fallacy, conception
superior to the other Vedas, 274,275; of, compared with Nyaya, 380-382;
a vedii1iga, 274; brain the centre of yukti,misrepresentation by Santarak-
manas in, according to Bhela, 340; ~ita, 376; yukti pramiiiJa of, 37 5;
brain the seat of sensations, 346; yukti pramii1Ja refuted by Santarak-
Caraka school closely associated with ~ita, 375, 376; life, its definition,
Atlwrva- Veda, 278, 279; Caraka's 367; literature, 422 ff., 435; manas
view of niicf"i, sirii, dhaman"i and and the senses, 367; manas, its
srotas as ducts, 346 ff.; categories theory, 366, 367; meaning of ojas in,
of Caraka and Vaise~ika, 369-372; 343 n.; medical discussions in, 378;
causes of things according to Sus- 1lii~/i, sirii and dhamanl as ducts in,
ruta, 372; circulation of dhiitu in 345, 346; natural place of viiyu, pitta
growth, 322, 323; cognitive cur- and kapha, 331, 336; nature of pitta,
rents in, 347; constructive and de- 330, 331; necessity of logical tricks
structive operations of viiyu, pitta in, 401. 402; number of sirii, srotas
and kapha, 339; control of body and dhamanl according to Susruta,
and mind, 419, 420; Drc;lhabala's 349; number of siriis in, according
distinction of siriis and dhamanls' to Susruta, 352; number of sniiyus
348 tl.; dhaman"is in relation to cog- in, according to Susruta, 352; origin
nition according to Susruta, 351 in the knowledge of hetu and linga,
ff.; dhiitu-mala in, 33 I ; different 395; origin of the world, Susruta on,
functions of viiyu, pitta and kapha, 410; param and aparam ojas in, 343;
337, 338; different kinds of ducts in, perception, obstruction of, 377; per-
347; dispute, methods of, 377 ff.; ception theory of, 373, 374; period
disputes, tenns of, 379 ff.; disturb- of life in, 402; possible existence of
a pre-Caraka literature of it, 277; views of the different Upani~ads
prajfiiipariidha, according to Caraka, regarding the niiqzs contrasted with,
416, 417 ;pramiit;zas in, 373; priit.za in, 345; viiyu, pitta and kapha and their
263; principles of growth, 321, 322; operations in the building of the
psychological theories of perception body, 334 ff.; what is its nature?
of Bhela in, 341; psycho-physical 276
parallelism in, according to Caraka, Ayur-veda-dtpika, 274n. 2, 275 n., 302,
339; rasas, their number, 357-359; 431
rasas, their origin, 359, 360; rebirth, Ayur-veda-rasiiyana, 434
nature of, determined by past life, Ayur-veda-sutra, 436
406, 407; rebirth, proofs of, 407, iiyu~o 'nuvrtti-pratyaya-bhrlta, 333
408; relation of head and heart in, iiyu~yiit;zi, 295
343; right conduct, rules of, ac-
cording to Caraka, 420 ff.; sm_nyogi- Backbite, 510
pur~a, its conception, 368; saiicaya Backbone, 286
and prakopa of do~as, 335; scheme Bad, 246; deeds, 411
of life in Caraka, 415; seat of prii~za Badness, 507
according to Caraka, 342 ; secretory Ba<;lisa, 3 I6, 357
character of •m1yu, pitta and kaplw, bae~aza, 295 n. 1
338; self and the body, 368; self bae~azya, 295 n. I
and knowledge, 368; self and manas, bahu-sruta, 8 5
369; self and the transcendent self Balabhadra Bhattacarya, 225 n.
(para~ztltmii), 368; self, in association Baladeva, 539
with manas, 373; self, nature of, ac- Baladeva Vidyabhii~al).a, 443
cording to Susruta, 410; sorrows, Balance, 326
cause of, according to Caraka, .ps, bali, 278
416; soul, conception of, 372; special Balkh, 357
categories in Caraka, 3~9; special bandha, 232, 234, 267
categories in Susruta, 389 tf.; springs Bandhaka-tantra, 435
of action and right conduct in, 405; bandlzanartz, 497
springs of action in Caraka com- bandho,497
pared with those of other systems, Barren woman, 234
411 ff.; substance and qualities, Basic concept of mind, 24
360-362; subtle body and self in Basic entity, 23 n.
Caraka, 310; Susruta and Sarpkhya, Basis, 11, 29; of truth, I I
372; Susruta's distinction of siras Battle, 505
and dhamanls, 348. ff.; Susruta's Battle-field, 522
views regarding brain as the seat of BadarayaQ.a, 45, 26o; his philosophy,
cognitive and conative nerves, 342; 42; his philosophy is some kind of
synonyms for srotas, 348 n.; the com- bhediibheda-viida or immanence in
bination of the do~as in different re- transcendence, 42
lations, 338; the organs in relation bt1dha, 222
to the ducts, 348; theory of dlziitus biidhakas tarkaft, 141
and upa-dhiitus, 3 22-3 24; theory of bti"hu, 285 n. 6, 338
do~a according to Susruta, 329, 330; Balabhadra, 55
theory of the formation of the body, Balagopala, 78
334; theory of karma in, compared Balagopala Yogindra, 78
with other theories of karma, 402- Balakr~Q.adasa, 78
404; theory of mala-dhiitus, 325 ff.; Biiliivatiira-tarka, 49
theory of prabhiiva, 323; three classes Balhika, 298 n. 4, 316
of inference in Caraka, 398, 399; BaQ.a, sso
transgressions (prajfiiipariidha) the Ba~pacandra, 428, 431
obstacle to good life, in Caraka, 421, Beard, 325
422; transmigration determined by Beginninglcss, 12, 195,217, 454; avid-
dharma and adharma, 4I I; ultimate yii, 48; contact, I 58; series, I 84;
healing in, 4I5; upiiizga of Atharva- time, 249
Veda, 273; validity of the Vedas Being, 10, 36, 46, 148, 203, 234, 238,
established through it, 279, 280; 50 I
Being-non-being, 234 Bhiigavata-purii1Ja, 220, 532, 542
Denares, 429 Bhagavata- purii1JQ- prathama- sloka-
Bengal, 126, 225 n. vyiikhyii, 225
Besnagar, 539 Bhagavatism, sso
Bhadanta Yogasena, 184 bhiijana-loka-sannivesa-vijiiapti, 23
Bhadra, 284 Bhiiluki-tmztra, 435
Bhadrakapya, 316, 357 Bhiimatl, I I. 25 n., 29, 36, 52, s6,
Bhadrasaunaka, 427 82, 106-109, I I I , 171, 215 n., 220,
bhaga, :z8s n. 7 222 n., 269 11. 2, 427
bhagandara, 276 Bhiimati-tilaka, 52 n., 108
Bhagavad-bhakti-rasiiyana, 225 Bhiimati-viliisa, 108
Bhagavad-gltii, 79, 442 Bhiimatl-·vyiikhyii, xo8
Bhagavad-gitii-bhii$ya, 439 Bhanuji Dik~ita, 55
Bhagavad-gltii-bhii$ya-vivara~a, 439 Bhiinumatl, 362, 363 n., 425, 435
Bhagavad-gitii-bhii~ya-vyiikhyii, 439 Bhiiradviija-sa'!'lzitii, 43 1
Bhagavad-gltii-guljhiirtha-dlpikii, 225 Bharadvajiyas, 540
Bhagavad-gltii-hetu-nir~aya, 443 bhiira-hiira, 62
Bhagavad-gltii-lak$iibharm:za, 443 Bhiira-hiira-sutra, 61
Bhagavad-gltii-pradlpa, 443 Bharata legend, 552
Bhagavad-gltii-prakiiia, 443 bhiiratf sthiina, 355
Bhagavad-gltii-rahasya, 550, 551 n. 1 Bharati Tirtha, 52 n., 81, 216 n.
Bhagavad-gltiirtha-smJlgraha, 443 Bhargava, 431
Bhagavad-gitiirtha-SaT{lgraha-tlkii, 43 9 Bhasa, 394, 550
Bhagavad-gltiirtha-siira, 443 Bhasarvajna, 122
Bhagavad-gltii-siira, 443 Bhaskara, 43 n., 193, 201, 427, 4.28
Bhagavad-gUii-siira-Sa7J'lgraha, 443 Bhaskara Bhana, 435
Bhagavad-gUii-tiitparya-ni~aya, 442 Bhaskara Dik~ita, 56
Bhagavat, 539-542; and Vi~f.lu, 539, Bhasurananda, 79
540 Bhii1ii-pariccheda, 263 n. 1
bhagiisthi, 285 n. 7 Bhii1ya-bhava-prakiiiikii, 148 n.
bha#ajya, 293, 295 Bhiif)la-dlpikii, 1 OJ
bhakti, 226, 442, 439, 53 I, 53 2, 534 Bhii1ya-#ppana, 78
Bhakti-rasiiya11a, 226 BhiiDJiirtha-nyiiya-miilii, 81
bhaktir iidesyii, 278 Bhiitta-cintiima1Ji, 515
Bhakti-siimiinya-nirupatza, ~25 Bhau Sastri, 11 n.
blzakti-yoga, 440, 441, 451 bhiiva, 193, 412
Bhandarkar, R. G., 540, 543, 548 Bhiiva-dlpikii, 443
Bharadvaja, 229, 308, 395, 399 bhiiva-miitra, 1 9
Bharata, 427 Bhavamisra, 435
Bhartrhari, 171 bhiivanii,235,48o-482
Bhartrprapanca, 1, 36, 43, 44, 1oo; bhiivanii-miitra-siim, 23 5
his philosophy of bhediibheda, 43 Bhiivanii-viveka, 87 11.
Bhattacarya Sivaprasad, 232 Bhiiva-prakiisa, 263, 288 n. 1, 433,
Bhattacharya, B., 20 n., 172 n. 435. 436
Bhatta Ananda, 264 Bhiiva-prakiisikii, 79
Bhana Kallata, 263 bhiiva-rupa, 105, 114
Bhatta Narahari, 425 Bhiiva-iuddhi, 87 n.
Bhatta Raghava, 122, 123 Bhiiva-tattva-prakiiiikii, 98, 148
Bhanoji Dik~ita, 54, 55, 217, 219 bhiivatva, 142
bhautiki, 334 Bhavaviveka, 164, x65
bhava, 498 bhiiviibhiivayor dvayor api paraspara-
Bhavabhuti, 1 1 1, 112 prati~eptitmakatviit, 142
Bhavadasa, 87 n. bhiiviidvaita, 85
BhavaniHha, 126 n. Bhiiviirtha-dipikii, 79
Bhavanisahaya, 434 Bhavivikta, 172
Bhavya, 164 bheda, 92, 116, 218, 401 n.
Bhagavata, 251, 544-547, 552; and the Bheda-dhikkiira, 51, 54, 55, 216,
ekiintins, 545; sect, 545 ff. 218
Bheda-dhikkiira-satkriyii, 51, 55 Bloomfield, 276 n., 295
Bheda-dhikkiira-satkriyojjvalii, 51 Blue, 13, 19, 26, 27, 29, 3o-32, 71,
bhediibheda, 44, 46, 201, 20z; earliest 117, 176, 330, 344; 349; awareness,
references to, 43 ; philosophy of 70,71
Bhartrprapafica, 43 Boastfulness, 373
bhediibheda-viida, 42, 43 Bodha-siira, 57
Bhela, 285 n.6, 340,341, 395, 432; Bodha-vidhi, 79
his psycho-physiological theories, bodhiitmaka, 26 5
340 ff. Bodhayana, 43, 251
Bhela-sm_nhitii, 432 Bodhiiyana-Grhya-ie1a-si"itra, 5 so
bhe~aja, 275, 295, 370 Bodhiiyana-Pitr-medha-sUtra, sso
Bhe~aja-kalpa, 432, 436 Bodhendra, 79
bhe~ajiini, 281 Bodhi-caryii·vatiira-panjikii, 4 n., 501
bhi~u, sos Bodhisattva, 513
Bhi!jma, 543 Bodiless emancipation, 252
bhoga-gandham p( rityajet, 267 Bodily, soo; exercises, 419
Bhoja, 324 n., 427, 428, 435 Body, 248, 261, 320, 325, 327, 331,
Bhoja-tantra, 435 340, 352, 365, 387, 447, 469, 498,
bhoktr, 244 501
Bhrama-ghna, 432 Body-building, 338
bhriijaka, 303, 330, 351 Bolling, 289, 299, 301 n. 2
bhruvor madhye, 449 n. 2 Bond,497
bhrnga-riija, 297 Bondage, 174,181, I87,204,232,24h,
Bhusur:t<_la, 257 252,267,415,470,488,497.520
Bhuval;z, 76 Bone, 278, 279, 317, 324, 348, 352;
Bhuvanasundara Suri, 120, 123 channels, 348
Bhal;z, 76 Bony materials, 347
bhami, 292 n. "Bower Manuscripts," 435
bhiUa, 261, 282, 302 n. 2, 314 n., 315, brahma-bhata, 474, 475
319, 33~. 371 brahma-bhuya, 474
bhma-hitatva, 505 brahma-caitanya, 77
bhzlta-prakrti, 197 br!lhma-cakra, 353 n.
bhuta-su~mail;z, 311 brahma-carya, 505
bhtita-vidyii, 276, 425 Brahmacarin, 282, 449, sos
bhiUa-vikiira, 358 n. Brahmadatta, 99
bhtitiitman, 303, 304, 415 Brahmadeva,427,428
bhtitefU dayii, 510 Brahmagraha, 300
Bibliotheca Indica, 344 n. Brahmahood, 37.SS,8I,92,4S0,475,
Bile, 276,317,325 477. 513
Bilious fever, 298 Brahma-jiila-sutta, 394
Billows, 329 Brahma-knowledge, 43, 47, 56, 8s,
Binding, 497 87, 100, 115, 203, 204, 223, 227,
Biomotor, 261, 515: forces, 75, 259, 252
262; functions, 104 Brahman, 1,2,8, 10, 11,16,28,36-39,
Birth, 498, 512, 519 4I,42,45-48,SI,7 3 ,8o,84,88, 9 o,
Bitter, 242, 337 n., 357, 359 96, 99-102, I04-I06, 110, I 12-I IS,
bzja, 235 118, IZ6, 128, 156, 163, 168, 170,
bljiiilkuravat, 257 1~0, 191, 195. 196, 202, 203, 205,
Blackness, 238 215, 217, 221, 222, 234. 236-238,
Bladder, 289, 290, 336, 348, 351 240, 243-245. 265, 271, 275. 340,
Blame, 512 386, 437. 439. 440, 448, 450, 454.
Blind, 309 473-476, 485, 486, 494. 495. 514,
Biindness, 333, 342 523. 524, 530, 533, 534. 538, 548;
Bliss, 46, 450, 504; of mind. 513 nature of causality, 10, 11
Blissfulness, 223 Brahma na jagat-kiira1Jam, 84
Blood, 282, 298, 304, 307, 313, 317, Brahmanandin, 43 11.
318, 322-324, 329-331, 335, 347, brahma-nii¢i, 354, 356
349, 352, 361, 372; currents, 348 brahman-consciousness, 77
Brahma-nirvii1Ja, 474 Breathing forth, 259
Brahma1Jo mukhe, 4 74 Breath-regulation, 256
Brahma-pari1Jiima-viida, 43 Breeding, 505
Brahma-prakiisikii, 49, 82 n. Broken, 337, 338
brahma-randhra, 353 n., 356 Bronchi, 286 n. 2
Brahma-riik~asa, 282 Bronchial tubes, 289 n. 3
Brahma-siddhi, 83, 84, 86-88, 92, 93, Bronchitis, 386
95, 98, 106, II7, 110 n., 112, I78, Brow, 287
I98, 199 Brhad-iira1Jyaka-bhii~ya-tlkii, I93
Brahma-siddhi-!lkii, 45, 83 Brhad-iira1Jyaka-bhii$ya-viirttika- fikii,
Brahma-siddhi-vyiikhyii-ratna, 83 I93
Brahma-stuti, I48 n. Brhad-iira1Jyaka Upani$ad, I, 73, 78,
Brahma-sutra, 2, 5, 6, 8, 25, 28, 29, 83, 25I, 259 n. 3, 26o, 288 n. I, 344, ,.
43 n., 46, 56, 82, 92, IOJ, I08 n., 345.39I, 394
I48 n., I89, I96, 204, 205, 2I8, 220, Brhad-iira1Jyakopani~ad-bhii~ya, 48, 78
246 n., 250 n., 25I, 39I, 495, 549; Brhad-iira1Jyakopani~ad-bhii~ya-viirt ti-
discussion as to whether it pro- ka,78,98
fesses pure monism or bhediibheda, Brhad-yoga-viis#tluz, 232
44 ff.; does not support Sankara's Brhal-laghu-paiijikii, 428
philosophy, 2 Brhaspati-smrti, 25I
Brahma-siitra-bhii~ya, 30, So, 81, budbuda, 3 12 n. 3
I48 n. Buddha, 22 n., 6I, 276, 424, 459, 498,
Bralzma-sfitra-bhii$ya-vyiikhyii, 82 n. 520
Brahma - sfitra - bhii~yiirtha - sa1Jlgraha, Buddhadeva, 17I
82 n. Buddhagho!?a, I64
Brahma-siitra-dtpikii, 82 Buddhapalita, 164, 165
Brahma-sfitra-·vrtti, 82 Buddhas, 3
Brahma-sutro-pmzyiisa, 82 n. Buddhi, 75, 76, I04, 109, I79-I8I, 238,
Brahma-tattv:a-prakiisikii, 82 n. 239, 245, 262, 305, 34I, 344, 347 n.,
Brahma-tatl"l:a-samlk~ii, I2 369, 373. 386, 387, 458, 463, 464,
Brahma-tattva-saytlhitoddipanl, 45 n. 484 n. I, 524
Brahma-vaivarta, 274, 432, 433 n. Buddhism, 58, 117, 228,450 n. I, 459,
Brahmavada, 283 46I, 495, 498, 504, 52 I; analysis of
Brahma- Veda, 280 n. recognition, 65; and Vedanta on the
brahma-·viciira, 56 notion of self-consciousness and re-
Brahma-vidyii/JhaTa1Ja, 56, 82 n. cognition of identity, 33 ff.; avidyii in,
brahma-v:ihiira, 460, 50I and in Gitii, 498-500; criticisms of the
Brahmavijiiana, 54 concept of God of Nyaya and Yoga,
brahma-yajiia, 487 176-I78; criticism of the Sarp.khya
Brahma, 197, 229, 245, 274, 423, 5I9, pari1Jiima doctrine, I7I ff.; develop-
539, 546 ment of the foetus in the Siili-stam-
Brahmananda Giri, 443 ba·-sutra, 307; ideal life of Mahayana,
Brahmananda Sarasvati, 54, 57 n., 77 n., 50 I; its arguments against the self
79, 81, 82, 251 n., 252 n. as individual entity, 58 ff.; its at-
Brahmiinanda-viliisa, 57 n. tempt to interpret self-identity by
Brahmananda Yati, 82 the assumption of two separate con-
Brahmin Sutik!?Qa, 230 cepts, 68; its criticism of Nyaya-
Brahmopani$al, 25I Vaise!1ika categories, I87 ff.; its criti-
Braiu, 340, 353 n., 356 cism of the V edantic identity of self
Bravery, 502 as shown in memory, 66; its doctrine
BrahmaQas, 292, 295 n. I, 30I, 420 of momentariness and artha-kriyii-
Brahmins,228,469,488,498,5o2,504, kiiritii, I82 ff.; its idealism com-
505-507, 5I2, 5I3, 539 pared with that of Sankara and Yoga-
Breast, 286 viis#tha, 268 ff.; its refutation of
Breath, 259 criticism of the non-permanency of
Breath-control, 268, 444, 447, 448, entities by heretical thinkers, I85 ff.;
455 refutation of the soul theory of
Breathing activity, 7 5 various systems of Indian thought in,
178-181; sz/a in, 500, 501; statUS of ca~ur-vaise#ka, 341
the object in, 35; the Vatsiputriyas cala, 332, 338
doctrine of soul, 59 ff.; Vasubandhu's Caland, W., 345 n.
refutation of the soul theory of the Calcutta University, 2 n.
Vatsiputriyas in, s8 ff.; views, list Camphor, 91
of, in, 496 ff. Canals, 352
Buddhist arguments, 176, 188 Canda, 539
Buddhistic, 119, 151, 170, 395, 521, Candracandana,434
551 Candragomin, 49
Buddhistic idealism, 2, 3, 22 11., 25-27, Candrakirti, 3, 51, 164-168, 171, 307;
29. 30, 35, 205, 270, 398; its ex- and Diimaga, 167
planation of the apparent duality of candramii~z, 292 n.
object and awareness, and the diver- Candrikii, 98, 99, 192, 232
sity of objects, 26; its theory that Canvas, 199
things simultaneous are identical, Ca1Jcfiila, 512
26 n.; that all ideas are due to Car:t<;lesvara Varman, 78
viisaniis, 26 Capacity, 40
Buddhistic nihilism, 2, 3 Caraka, 263, 274, 275, 279, 285 n.,
Buddhist Legends, 248 n. 286 n., 287 n., 292, 301, 302, 304,
Buddhist logicians, 166, 170 307, 312, 314-316, 322 11., 327, 329,
Buddhists, 5, 9, 31, 32, 33, 6s, 67, 332, 334-336, 339. 340, 342, 343.
68, 71, 96, 108, 113, 115, 118, 124, 346, 348, 349, 352, 355-357, 359 n.,
125, 136, 171, 172, 186-189, 269, 360 n., 363-366, 368, 369, 371, 372,
367, 375. 399. 412, 415, 433. 435. 375, 376, 378-380, 38z, 383. 384 n.,
496, 499-SOI, SII, 514, 517, 521; 386 n., 388, 389, 393, 395-397, 399,
deny any being as the ground 400, 401-409, 41I, 415, 417-423,
of world-appearance which is like 427-429, 431-435. 471-473. 475
dreams, 5; their quarrel with Caraka-candrikii, 431
the V edantins regarding the nature Caralw-paiijikii, 43 1
of existence as causal efficiency, Caraka-parisi~Ja, 429
32 Caraka-sm!Lhitii, 273 11., 277, 278, 291,
Buddhist subjective idealists, 211 3021l., 308n., 31011., 31311.,314,
Buddhist writers, 51, 171 315 n., 318 n., 319 n., 323 n., 324,
buddhitviikalanm.n, 236 326 n., 327 n., 33 1, 332 n., 334 n.,
buddhi-vaise#ka, 342 335 n., 336 11., 339 n., 340, 342 n.,
buddhi-vibhra1Jlsa, 416 347, 348 n., 360, 361 n., 363, 366 n.,
buddhi-yoga, 444, 451, 452 367 n., 369, 370 n., 371, 373 n.
buddhy-adhi~thiina, 3 1 6 374 n., 375 n., 376 n., 377, 386 n.,
Bulletin de l'Acadbnie des Sciences de 392, 393, 395, 396 n., 397-4-02, 41 I,
Russie, 59 n., 61 n., 62 n. 416, 422, 426, 427, 429, 47 I, 472,
Burlingame, E. W., 248 473 n., 477
Burning, Q7, 335 n. Caraka-tattva-pradlpikii, 43 1
Buhler, G., sso Caraka-tiitparya-tzkii, 310 n., 431
Cardiac plexus, 355
caitanya, 207 Caritrasirpha, I 26 n.
Caitraratha Forest, 357 caritta, soo
cakra, 355, 455 Cartilages, 286 n., 322
cakra-bhramivad-dhrta-sarlral;, 250 Caste, 501, 503, 505
Cakradatta, 426, 43 I Caste-duty, 486, 487, soz-sos, 507,
Cakrapar:tidatta, 275, 276 n., 277, 302 so8, 5I3, 514
n., 303 n., 304, 308, 310, 312 n., Categorical imperative, 493
313 n., 314, 315, 318, 319 n., 322 n., Category, 12, 15, 24, 146, 147, 157,
323, 324 n., 327 n., 332 n., 335. 163, I70, 187, 191, 237, 366, 369,
338 n., 339 n., 340, 343, 347, 348 n., 372, 389
349· 360 n., 361 n., 362-37 I, 373- Cattle, 301
376, 380 n., 384 n., 395, 396, 405 n., Cattle-shed, 509
406 n., 415 n., 425-428, 430-435 catur-m;uka, 189, 190
Cakra system, 454 Catur-mata-siira-sa1JZgraha, 219
566 Index
cauryiibhiiva, 505 Changing, 189; assoctatwn, 63; con-
Causal, 176, 521; agent, 74, 177; ap- tents, 15; materiality, 51; objects,
paratus, 182; complexes, 4; effi- 33; states, 33
ciency, 32, 95, 136, 137, 185; forces, Channel, 291, 324, 344, 347
174; moment, 185; nature, 184; Character, 15, 18, 27 n., 132, 187,
operation, 25,41, 144, 173, 175, 186, J88
517; state, 37; substance, 172; trans- Character-appearance, 13
formation, 44, 172 Characteristic, 4, 6, 18, 38, 162, 176,
Causality, 31 n., 148, 172, 186, 221, 182,199,200,228,233,25I,37I,512
396; of Brahman, 106; of the world Characterized appearances, 22 n., 23;
due jointly to Brahman and Maya entities, 22
according to Padiirtha-tattva, 10 Characterless entity, 271
Causation, 164, 168 Chariot, 229
Cause, 3, II, 22 n., 38-40, 95, 144, Charm,28o,281,293-299, 301; system,
145, 152, 160, 161, 166, 183, 186, 294
18~. 1<)0, 191, 195. 203, 215, 337. Chandogya, 78, 246, 250 n., 259 n.,
366, 372, 374. 375. 389, 396-3<)8, 260, 276 n., 345, 346, 520
516, 517; and effect, 191; of atoms, Chandugya-bhii~}'a-{ikii, 193
187; of the world, 37; unknown, Chiindog)'a Upan#ad,43 n., 333,344 n.,
360 345 n., 498, 521, 544, 548 n.
Cause-effect, 375, 376 Chiindogya-Upani~ad-viirttika, 43 n.
Causeless, 161, 187 Chayii-vyiikhya, 262
Cavity, 352 chedana, 358
caya, 335 chedanrya, 3 57
caya-kiira'f}a-vidve~a, 335 n. Cheeks, 326 n.
ciigiitzussati, 459 Chemical changes, 3 I-;
CaraJ:ta-vaidya, 283, 284 Chemistry. 357
Carvaka, 387, 402 Chest, 336
Central Asia, 435 chidra-malas, 326 n.
Central ~eat, 357 Chimerical, 13 1
Centres, 16 Chintamani, T. R., 196
Cerebral region, 353, 354 Cholera, 282
Cerebrum, 353 n., 356, 357 Christianity, 550
Ceremonies, 468 Church Street, 14
Cervical plexus, 353 Chyle, 317, 322-324, 328, 330, 331,
Cessation, 21, 234, 242; from work, 348, 349
507; of desires, 444; of work, so8 cic-chiiyiipatti, 89 n.
cena, 327, 472 Cid-ananda-dasaslok1, 79
ce~titam, 371 Cid-iinanda--stava-raja, 79
cetanii, 23, 36, 302, 316, 360 n., 368, cid-iitman, 112
471, 477. 500 cikit5a, 278, 288 n., 392, 430
cetanii-dhiitu, 472 Cikitsii-dariana, 432
cetanii-pratisandhiitii, 366 Cikitsa-kaumudl, 432
cetanii'l-'antal.z, 410 Cikitsii-siira-tantra, 432
cetas, 254, 366 Cikitsii-sthiina, 429
cetasika, 500 Cikitsa-tattva-·l.'ijnana, 43 2
ceto-vimutti, 460 cikitsitam, 276
cetya-sa'!lyoga-cetaniit, 236 cikrr~ii, 5 15
cetyatva, 236 cin-miitra-sambandhinl, 197
Ceylonese, 164 cin-miitriiirita-vi~ayam ajnanam, 85
chadmanii, 478 Cinnabomma, 219
chala, 385, 386 n., 401 cintya, 343
Chandal.z-prasasti, I 26 cira-jiigara, 267
Chandas, 24, 275 n., 496, 547 ciraj-jagrat-sthita, 266
Change, 45 Circular bone, 284 n. 4
Changeable, 16, 221 Circulation, 323
Changeful, 241 Circulatory system, 323
Changeless, II, 13, 240; being, 51 Circumstance, 233
cit, 89, 89 n., 235, 243, 244, 271 Cognitional existence, 58
citra-bhitti, 104 Cognitive activities, 256
Citra-mlmii1f1Sii, 220 Cognitive functions, 256
citri7Jz, 353, 356 Cognitive nerves, 342
citri7Jl niidJ, 354, 356 Cognitive operation, 211
Citsukha, 49-SI, 53. s8, 8J, 86, 8711., Cognitive process, 206
92, u6, 119, 124, 138, 147, 148, 149 Cognitive relation, 213
n., 150 n., 152, 154, 156, 157, r6o- Cognitive senses, 76, soo
I63, 171, 172, 192, 194, 198, 217, Cognitive states, 151, 250, 251
218, 222 n.; awareness of aware- Cognized object, 19, 22
ness impossible, 1so, 15 1 ; his analy- Cognizer, 19, 22, 23, 351
sis of illusion, 155; his criticism of Cognizing, 15; activity, 104, 149;
the atomic theory, 157, I 58; his faculty, 1 8o
criticism of "cause" (kiira7Ja), 160 Coherence, 15
ff.; his criticism of Nyaya categories, Cola country, 148 n.
156; his date and works, 148; his Cold, 242, 301, 320, 321, 332, 337 n.,
definition of self-revealing con- 357, 358, 360, 361, 362 n., 365, 408,
sciousness, 148-1 so; his quarrel 419, 500, 510, 51 I
with Prabhakara on the subject of Colic, 346; pain, 298
illusion, 154 ff.; his refutation of Collar bone, 286 n., 287
the category of time, 156, 157; his Collocating, 138, 160; conditions,
refutation of class-concepts (jiiti), 161
r6o; his refutation of drat•ya, 161, Collocation, 168, 174, 187, 516; of
I 6.z; his refutation of numbers, 158; causes, 161, 472, 473; of things,
his refutation of qualities (gu7Ja), 161
162, 163; his refutation of space, Collyrium, 238
157 ; his treatment of the falsehood Colour, 24, 6o, 181, 186, 188, 191, 194,
of the world-appearance, 152, 153; 199. 289, 327, 330, 355. 360, 367,
his treatment of nescience (ajiiiina), 377; cognition, 180; particles, 25 n.
153 ; main content of his Tattva- Colouredness, 374
pradlpikii, 148 n.; nature of self, 151, Colouring pitta, 326 n.
152 Combination, 189, 360
Citsukha Aciirya, his refutation of the Combinations of atoms, 20
Nyaya definition of perception, 138 Command, 48
cit-svarupiif.z, 411 Commentary, 27 n., 29, 38, 43, 52, 54,
citta, 75, 234, 238, 239, 243, 250, 256, 99, 102, 103, 107, ro8, 196, 219,
258,265,292,305, J06, 341 232, 354 1l.
citta-camatkiira, 236 Commentator, 51, 164
citta-·vimukti, 265 Common duty, sos-so7
citta-vrtti, 264 Common good, so6
cittina!z, 292 n. 5 Common self, 181
Opudru, 299 n. 2 Commonsense, 3; view, 2, so8
Class-concept, 40, ro8, 131, 132, 139, Common well-being, so6
148, 159, 162, 163, 187, 188, 194, Communion, 451, 457-459, 466, 467,
371 470,490,492, sor, SOJ, 504, SJO
Class-duties, 486 Community, so6
Class-nature, 188, 189 Compact, 337 n.
Clavicle, 286 n. 2 Compassion, 511
Cleanliness, 505 Compendium, 214
~tinging .,497 Compilation, 49
Closed, 3 Compilers, 53
Cloth, 189 Complex, 4, 25, 65, 215; quality, 17,
Clouds, 205 18
Coarse, 337 n. Compounding, 370
Coccyx, 285 n., 287 n. Conative senses, 75
Cognition, 18-21, 23, 70, 136, 149, Conceit, 373, 409, 510
153, 18o, 188, 214, 239, 243, 274 Conceive, 254
Cognitional character, 29 Concentration, 460, soo, 504
s68 Index
Concept, 234; of contact, 158 Continuous, 241; appearance, 25 n.;
Conception, 236, 247, 524 perception, 213
Conception of Buddhist Nirvii7Ja, The, Contradiction, 110, 137, 147
164 n., 166 n. Contrary, 17
Concepts of duality, 193 Control, 256, 419; of anger, 505, 510;
Conceptual, :;-.36; activity, 236; crea- of mind, 505, 510
tion, 237, 243, 244 Controller, 215
Conch-sheJl, 6, 101, 114, 134-137. Controversy, 125
155 Cooking, 97, 188, 331
Conclusion, 163, 173, 373, 376-378, Co-operant, 184
383, 387 Co-operation, 11, 326
Concomitance, 19, 121, 140, 141, 194, Cordier, Dr P., 425 n., 427,429
374, 388 n., 397 Co-religionists, 501
Concrete, 25, 235 n.; duration, 212; Coronation ceremony, 282
individual, 239; state, 236 Corporeal, 51 2
Conditional, 142 Correspondence, 134
Conditionality of relations, 142 Cosmic universe, 524
Conditioning knowledge, 18 Cosmic world, 526
Conditions, 16, 182, 184 Costal cartilages, 286 n. 1
Conduct, soo, 503 Cotyloid cavity, 287 n.
Conformations, 498 Cough, 296, 298, 300 n.
Congenital viita, 337 Country, 370
Conglomeration, 164, 166 Courage, 328, 333
Conjeeveram, 98 Course, 519
Conjunction, 40 Covetous, 498, 498 n.
Connection, 355 Covetousness, 497, 498
Connotation, 475 Cow, 159, 420, 509, 512
Conscious, 15, 371; centre, 16; mo- Cranial bones, 287 n.
ments, 62; states, 13, 187 Cranium, 287
Consciousness, 14, 18, 28, 30, 33, 35, Craving, 504
6:z-6s, 69, 71, 72, 148, 149, 153, Creation, 72, 178, 234, 235, 242
164, 199, 201, 2os-2o7, 209, 210, Creationism, 1
213, 215, 222, 234, 271, 310, 314, Creative power, 74
318, 360, 366, 368, 369, 387, 406, Creative thought movement, 235 n.
471, 477, 498, 532; of relationing, Creator, 2, 39, 41, 176, 177
33; pure, 22 Creed, 501
Consequence, 183 Critical thinking, 264
Conservation of energy, 5 17 Criticism, 35, 146, 156, 165, 166, 171,
Constant, 63 192, 204, 388; of qualities, 194
Constituent, 17, 18, 74, 322, 371, 525; Cruelty, 373, 409, 510
elements, 59, 304 Cupidity, 497
Constitution, 334 Curatives, 280
Constitutional, 335 Curator, 205
Constitutive stuff, 48 Curd, 40
Constructive, 331 ; instincts, 23; prin- Cures, 280
ciples, 333; tendencies, 24 Currents of sensation, 340
Consumption, 298, 386 Cursing, 282
Contact, 190,194,360,373,374,381 n.; Customary morality, 504, 523
of atoms, 190 Customs, 127, 489, 503
Contact-points, 188 Cyavana, 432
Container, 22, 144 Cycle, 526
Contemporary, so
Contentless, 182 dahana, 333
Contentment,490,492, 501,503 dahariidhikara7Ja, 205 n.
Content of recognition, 66 daiva, 253-255, 310, 407, 4o8, 472,
Contiguity, 367 515
Continuity, 15, 21; of consciousness, daiva yajiia, 487
18o dai'Vi sampat, 510
dak#1J.ii, 292, 544 507-5I I, 516, 519, 520, 522, 529;
dak#1J.iiyana, 519 bonds of, 268; for life, 405
dama, 495, 505 Desirelessness, 228, 490
Damsel, 229 Desisting, 500
Dancing, 498 n. Destiny, 253, 354, 360, 370, 404, 526
dantolukhala, 287 n. 4 Destroyed cause, I86 n.
darsana, 455 Destructibility, 386 n.
dasa-kusala-kamma, 498 Destructible, 197, 5I2
Dasgupta, S. N., 17, 449 n. 1, 501 11. Destruction, 182, 235, 238; of the
Dasarathapriya, 99 atoms, 191; of citta, 268; of mind,
Dasa-sloki-mahii-vidyii-sfitra, 120 448
Dasa-slokl, 79 Destructive, 33 I; play, 178
Data of experience, 157 deia, 358, 389
Dattatreya, 443 desa-kiila-kri'yii-dravyail.z, 240
Datum of perception, 212 Detached, 452
Days, 156 Detachment, 475
dii~ya, 505 11. Determinant of causality, 186
diina, 505 n., 544 Determinate, 23 ; perception, 97;
Darila, 284, 293 thought, 25
Darila Bhatta, 27 5 Determination, 23 n., 55, 75, 186
diiru'f}a, 332 11. Determine, 23
Death, 248, 299, 336, 498, 501, 512, deva, 3 LJ.
523, 526 Devadatta, 62, 7 5
Deathless, 518, 526 Devagiri, 123
Debate, 377 Devaki, 544
Decay, 498 Devaki-putra, 544
Deccan, Early History of the, 540 Devarama Bhatta, 8I
n. 1 devatii, 43
Decisions, 24, 373, 384 deva-yii11a, 5I9, 521
Decoction, 390 n. Devadada, 283
Deeds, 242, 248 Devendra, 55
Deep sleep, 232 Devesvara, 1 I I
Defeat, 512 Devotee, 532
Defects, 38, 214 Devotion, 439-.HI, 503, 52j, 531,534,
Deficiency, 3I9, 326, 335 547; to Vedic gods, 505
Definition, I27, I36, 143, 145, I59- dhai'rya, 264, 505
I6I, I92 ;of cause, I86 ;of perception, dhamani'(i), 289, 290, 343, 344 n., 346-
137 350, 351 n., 352, 355; its pre-Cara-
deha, 446 11. 3 kian senses discussed, 345, 346
deha-sambhava-hetavab, 330 Dhamma-pada, 248, 489, 490, 493
Dejection, 230 dha11ai~a1J.ii, 405
Delirium, 298, 333 Dhanai1_iaya, 7 5
Deliverance, 267 dhanur-iikiire, 35~
Delivery, 290 n. 3 Dhanur-veda, 274
Delusion, I70, 245, 499, 500, SIO Dhanvantari, 316, 424, 425, 432, 433
Demerit, 249, 409, 4I6 dharma, 21, 22 n., I3I, 199, 327, 4ID-
Demons, 230, 295, 300, 468, 47S, 412, 4I6, 4I9, 479. 483, 484, 486-
535 488,494.503,525,538
Denotation of words, I87 Dlwrma-dlzarmi-'l:iniicaya, 49
Denunciation, 512 dharma-kiiya, 22 n.
Denutritive, 357, 358 Dhannakirti, I37, I7I
Dependence, 10, 529 dharma-ll~etra, 502
Dependent on being, 36 dharma-meglw, 25 I
Desirable, 5 I 2 Dharma-mimii1!lSii-pari'bhii~ii, 220
Desire, 24, 91, 178, 179, 252, 264, Dharmaraja Adhvarindra, 52 n., 53, 54,
324, 360, 370, 373, 375, 409, 41 I, 89 n., 105, I98 n., 208, 212, 2I4, 217
412, 422, 442, 450, 45I, 453. 477, dharma-saTJzketa, I85
484, 488, 495. 498, 501, 503, 504, dharma-siistra, 547
57° Index
dharma-sraddhii, 505 Digits, 285
Dhannatrata, 171 Dihaka, 426
dharma-viciira, 56 dik, 157
Dhannaya Dik~ita, 220 Dinakarl, 264 11.
dharmya,514 Diimaga, 26 n., 27 n., 30, 35, 167, 171;
dhii11ya,317 and Candrakirti, 167
dhiira~a, 328,342,454,455 Direct cognition, 32
dhiirin, 343, 368 n. Direct perception, 374
dhiitu, 22 n., 276, 304, 307, 317, 319, Disciplinary measure, so 1
320, 324-329, 331-333, 343, 347, Discipline, 514
349, 389 Discoveries, 280
dhiitu-mala, 331, 332 Discrimination, 23, 24, 250
dhiitu-rasa, 323 n. Discriminative knowledge, 250, 251,
dhiitu-rupa-rasa, 322 305
dhiitu-siimyam, 327 n. Discussion, 99, 129, 377, 378, 392
dhiitu-vai~amya, 319, 320, 326, 328, Disease, 280, 301, 320, 327-332, 335
329, 339 n., 336 n., 337, 359, 366, 370, 372,
dhiitu-vyfi.hana, 3 I 5 376, 377, 384, 385, 390, 393, 397;
dhl, 328, 505 as modifications of do1as, 329; its
dhz-dhrti-smrti-·vibhra§ta, 416 causes, 320 ff.; its theory according
Dhruva, l\'lr, 400 n. to Sarpkhya and Nyaya, 328, 329 11.
dhruvo, 22 n. Diseases of the legs, 299
dhrti, 373, 470, 505 n., 510 Disgust, 501
dhrti-vibhra1Jlsa, 416 Disinclination, 244, 251, 504
dhilma-pii, 420 Disintegrating, 191, 265, 306
dltumo, 497 Disjunction, 360
dhyiina, 256,342,454,455 Disliking, 358
DIZJ'iilla-bindu, 455 Dispute, 377, 379
dhyii11a-yoga, 448, 458 Dissection, 288
Diabetes, 282, 296 Dissociation, 248, 268, 523
Diagnosis, 301 Dissolution, 37, 109, 177, 191, 194,
Dialectic, 118, 127, 170, 171, 225 tt.; 526; of ignorance, 85
criticism, 156; methods, 119; Na- Distance, 360
garjuna and Vedanta, 163; of Sari- Distasteful, 357
kara, 189; Srihar!1a and Nagarjuna, Distinct entities, 31
163 ff. Distinction, 14, 15, 401 n.
Dialectical, 51, 7 2, 146; arguments, Disturbance, 335
218; criticism, 92; subtleties, 192; Diverse, 367
thought, 147 Diversity, 26, 38, 39, 195, 357, 367;
Diarrhoea, 206, 299, 300 tt. 2 of contents, 14
Diet, 384 Divine equipment, 510
Difference, q., 17, 18, 26 n., 27, 30, Divodasa, 424, 432, 433 n. I
6 3 , 6 5 , 7 6, 88, 9 2, 95-97 , u6, 117, Didhiti, 126 n.
127, 13o-132, 148, 161, 199, 200, dik~ii, 292 n.
202, 209, 210, 370; numerical, 14; Dlpika, 78
of characters, 370; of identity, 370 Doctrine, 227,375, 501, 517, 520,521,
Difference- between - awareness -and- 525
object, 17 Dogs, 291, 512
Difference- of- awareness - from - the- Doing good to living beings, 505
object, 18 Dominant, 358
Different, 28, 64, 358, 359; classes, Dormant, 164
161; effects, 161; measure, 190 dofa,300,319 1 325,327,J28,332,334-
Differentiate, 143 337, 339. 341, 362, 366, 372, 383,
Differentiation, 23 n. 390,413, 497; according to Susruta,
Digestion, 303, 322, 323 n., 336, 361- 329,330
363, 365 n., 370 dofa-prakrti/:z, 334 n.
Digestive fire, 333 dotiibhiiva, 214
Digestive function, 328 Doubt, 141,148,377,383,500
Index 57 1
Dramic.lacarya, 43 dul;zkham, 22 n.
draif!, 88 dubkhiibhiive, 92 n.
drava, 359 n. Dullness, 303, 360, 373, 408
dravya, 187, 193, 359-363, 365, 369, duradhigamatii, 261
371,373 Duration, 156
Dravya-gu7Ja-sa7[lgraha, 364 Durgacarya, 535
dravya-prabhava, 359, 363 Durgagupta, 432
dra•vya-yajiia, 487 durniscaya, 255
dravyiitmakatii gu7Jasya, 191 Dur7_liimii, 300
Dream appearances, 203 Duryodhana, King, 502
Dream conceptions, 240 Dusty, 408
Dream construction, 21, 240 Dutt, Dr U. C., 429
Dream experience, 6, 8, 28, 241, 266 Duty, 373, 438, 439, 442, 444, 445,
Dream ideas, 26 457' 480, 484, 501, 505-508, 520-
Dream knowledge, 310, 355 523
Dreamless sleep, 53, IOI, 154, 215 dfl$ya, 328
Dream life, So Dvaidha-nir7Jaya-tantra, 432
Dream objects, 36 Dvaita, 57 n.
Dream perceptions, So dvaitiidvaita, 44
Dream persons, 266 Dvayii•vin, 300
Dream state, 195, 240 dviidasiinguli, 257
Dreams, 5, 19-21, 25, 26, 194, 269, Dvapara age, 410
270, 283 dviira, 47, II2
Drink, 330, 501 Dvaraka monastery, I 92
droha, 413 dve1a, 267, 370, 413, 414
Dropsy, 282 Dvivraniya, 430
Drought, 370 dvy-a7Juka, 189, 190, 193
Drugs, 277 Dyads, 189, 306
Drug system, 294 dyaub, 292 n.
Drupada, 541 Dying, 182 n.
Dry, 332, 357, 361, 408; country, 370 Dynamical, 234, 238
Dryness, 358, 360, 362 n., 365 Dynamic principle, 334
Drc.ihabala, 348 n., 359, 426, 429-431, l)alhal).a, 273, 277, 279, 286 n. 4, 302
433. 434 n. 2, 303, 313 n. 2., 314 n. 2, 329,
Drc.lhabala sarpskara, 434 330, 336 n., 349, 350, 351 n., 372,
drt/ha-hhiivanii, 256 411' 424-428, 435
V,g-drsya-prakara7Ja, 79
drk. 152, 199 Ear, 325, 326 n.
drk and drsya, zoo Earth, 74, 187, 302, 359, 360, 362,
drk-sthiti, 454 367, 501
drsab adrsyatviit, 199 Earthquake, 283
drsya, 88, 152, 199, 232 Earthy, 357, 359
drsyamiina, 369 Eating, 338, 501
dri!iinta, 194, 375, 378, 381 n., 383 Eclipses, 283
dnfii1lta-sama, 381 n. Ecstatic joy, 450, 453
dri!iinta-•l'imddha, 385 Effect,J, I2,38,39,4I, 145,161,174-
dntartha, 383 176, 183, 184, 186, 190, 329 n.,
dnti. 221 359 n., 360, 374. 396-398, 508, 517
Dri!i-snti. 17 n. Effective tones, 23
Driti-snti school, 16 Effectuation, 27 n.
dri#-sri#-viida, 52, 84, 364 Efficiency, x86, 327
Dual experience, 213 Effort, 248, 253, 254, 360, 369, 371,
Dualistic, 2; writers, 192 373
Duality, 95, IOI, 148, 221, 224, 226, Egg (born from), 309, 322
243 ; of subject and object, 88 Ego, 15, 77, 101, 102, 104, 179, 233,
Ducts, 344 n., 345, 346 235,266,369
dubkha,z17,311 Ego-feeler, 104
dul;zkha-sahiwutii, 419 Egoism, 24, 75, 360, 414, 510, 511
572 Index
Egoistic, 217, 511 Eschatological, 520
ejii, 496 Eschatology, 517
Ejective forces, 327 esse est percipi, 268, 272
elw-jl'l•a-viida, 82 fl. Essence,38,40,129,164,168,236,247.,
Eka-iloka, 78 358
eka-vidhir eva allyavyavacchedal;z, 94 Essenceless, 8,35, 169,233; products, 4
eluinta, 389, 391, 546 Essencelessness, 7, 35, 234
elu'inta-dharma, S45 Essentials, IS9
ekcinta-ha/ana~l, 23~ Established, I9
ekiintiu, S4S Eternal, 24, 63, 73, I21, 179, 18o, 188,
Ekanti-Vai!;'r:tavas, S4S 369, 372, 379, 38o; consciousness,
ekiirammana, 4S9 181; entities, 187; soul, 179; sub-
el<iirtha-kriyci-kiiritii, 184 stances, 161; thing, 191
ekiiyana, 548 n. 3 Eternality, 191, 386 n.
Element, 227, 302, 344, 3s8-36o, 369, Eternity of atoms, 187
372,408, SOI, SIS, SI6 Ether, 302
Elemental, 334; body, 303; world, 21S Ethereal, 3S7, 359
Elephant, s I 2 Ethical ideas, 496
Elevation, S32 Ethics, 500, 501, SI4
Eliminatory, I40 Ethics of Buddhism, The, 496 n. 2
Emanations, I, S24 Ethics of the Hindus, so6 n.
Emancipation, 92, 99, IOO, 115, 148, Ever-existent, I 8
J8I, 185, 204, 227, 229, 234, 242, Evil, 445, 497, 498; effects, 408
24S. 246, 248, 249. 2SI, 266, 383. Evolutes, I72
38s Evolution, 16, 24, 372, 410 n.
Emblic :\lyrobalan, 294 Excitants, 29
Embryology, 273 Excitation, I98
Emotional, 464 Excitement, 409, 4IO
Emotions, I49, 152, 153, 245, 411 Excreta, 317, 325, 327-330, 347, Jso-
Empirical, 366 352; channels, 348
Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Exhalation, 2S8, 449, 4S9, 460
289 n. 4, 299, 301 n. 2 Existence, 26 n., 32, 183, 193, 243,
Endeavour, 2SS 498. Sl7; of the soul, 383
Endurance, 49S, so2, 505 n. Existent, I2, ISS, 194,234,239, 373;
Enemy, 29S, SOl, S09-SII, Sl4· entity, 232
Energy, 244, 327, 333, 373, SIO Existing entity, 181-183
Enjoyable, 464 Experience, 20, 22, 27, 33, 34, 44, 58,
Enjoycr, I8I, I86, s26 66, 68, 72, 7S, 84, 94, IOI, III, 129
Enjoyment, I8I, 229, 238, 246, 368, I38, 149. ISO, I67, I79. 187, 20J,
446.470, S09, S22 266, 270, 271, 280, 368, 404, 46S,
Enmity, 497 468,470,499
Entity, I2, xs, 20, 2I, 3I, 31 n., 68, Experimenting, 384
187, 233, 236 Expiating sins, 282
Entrails, 289 Expiation, 508
Envy, 497 Expiration, 259, 262
Epidemics, 408 External, 271; characteristics, 2I; kar-
Epistemological, 32, 89 n. ma, 238; object, 17, 18, 20, 21, 26,
Epistemologically, 36 27, ISI, 269, 270, 272, 282, 366;
Equanimity, 475, 477, soo, 501, 504, senses, 1s6, 344; sensibles, 22;
so8, SII, SI2, S30, S31; of mind, 511 world, 2S, 26, 26 n., 209, 211, 270
Equilibrium, 236, 237, 327, 329 n., Extinction, 249, 501
333. 3S8, 530 Extra-individual reality, 89 n.
Erroneous, 64; appearance, 6 5; im- Extra-mental, 24
positions, 2I Extreme, so8; idealists, 21
Error, 5, 417; of judgment, 416 Extremism, 504
Eruptions, 326 n. Eye, 32S, 326 n.
Erysipelatous inflammation, 299 Eyebrows, 342, 353 n., 355
esanii, esii, 496 Eye-diseases, 246, 298
Index 573
Fact, 236 Fluids, 302
Factor, 5I6 Foam, 329
Fainting, 498 Foe, 512
Faith, 24, 373, 494, sos, si2 Foetal development, 3 I8; according to
Fallacies, I7, I23, I94, 377, 378, 386, Atreya, 309, 3 IO; divergences of
387 view referred to, 3I6; in the Garbha
Fallacious argument, I75 Upani~ad, 3I2 11.; its processes in
False, 20, 27, 65, I29, I52, ISS, I78, Caraka and Susruta, 317 ff.
I82, 2I3, 217; appearance, 6, 25 n., Foetus, 290, 302, 303, 306-308, 3I4-
96,. 113, I 56, 233; association, I54; 3I7,322, 333,346,384,406,408
cognition, I36; creations, 7, 8; ex- Folklore, 295 n. I
perience, I02, I54, ISS; ignorance, Folk-notions, 295 n. I
4; knowledge, 8, 12, I55, 233, Folly,498
4I4; object, 1 I3; perception, 155, Food, 330,348,349,436, 50I
224; predications, 8; presentations, Food-juice, 308, 33I, 345, 347, 350-
155; relationing, I 54; show, 37, 352, 355
38 Foolishness, 415, 509, 522
Falsehood, I 54, 2 I 7, 498 n.; two mean- Force, 253
ings of, I05 Forehead, 354
Falsity, 152; of the world, 434 Forgiveness, 505, 510
Faridpur, 225 n. Forgiving nature, 505 n.
Fasting, 278, 497 Forgiving spirit, 510, 5II
Fat,3I7,3I8,322,324,325,336,347- Formalism, 119, I24, I25
349, 352, 36I; channel, 348 Formative, 4I5
Fatality, 404 Formless, 254
Fate, 404 Foundation, so6
Fatness, 333 Free-will, 252, 255
Faults of expression, I46 Friend, 510-512
Faulty answer, 384 Friendly, 378, 511
Faulty statement, 384 Friendship, 460, 497, 529, 534
Fear, 333, 492, 510 Frogs, I09
Feeble discrimination, 250 Fruition, 255; of actions, 472
Feeling, 23 n., 24, 7I, 178, I79, 263, Fruits, 333
341, 412, 414, 498; as indifference, Fruit-yielding actions, 246, 247
23 n.; of disgust, 461 Fuel, 249
Feeling-stuff, 4I4 Full-moon, 520
Fellow-being, 5 I I Function, 31, I79, 239, 366, 367, 525;
Fermen.ation, 336 n. of thought, 14
Fetter, 497 Fury, 497
Fever, 282,300,396,398
Fibula, 28 5 n. 6 Gadadhara, 428
Fiery, 357, 359; character, 33I Gadadhara Bhanacarya, I I9, I24
Filosofia Indiana, 398 n. gahana'!l, 496
Fineness, 360 Gain, 503, 508, 5I2
Finished discrimination, 250 gala-guiJt/.a, 298 n.
Finitude, I6 Gall-bladder, 288
Fire, 74, 140, I4I, I6o, I87, I94, 238, gandha, 194, 236, 350
302, 331-334. 359, 526 Gandhabba, 539
Firm will, 24 Gandhamadana, 544
Fistula, 276 Gandharva, 300
Five viiyus, 75 gandharva-pattanam, 233
Fixation of will, 504 Gandharva-tantra, 393
Flame, 182, I84 gantii gacchati, 169
Flashing, 64 gantho, 496
Flesh, 29I, 317, 322, 324, 33I, 342, Gangabhatta, 51 5
347, 349, 352, 36I; currents, 348 Ganga, 354
Flies, 409 Gangadhara, 79, 347-349, 380 n. 2.,
Flowers, 333 429-43I
574 Index
Garigadharendra Sarasvati, s6, 220, 23 I 468, 47o-473. 475-479. 483-488,
Garigahari, 79 490, 492, 495, 496, 498-sos, so?-
Garigapuri Bhattaraka, so, 5 I SI7, 5I9-526, 529, 53I-534, 536,
Garigesa, 54, 125, 126, I46 54I, 545. 546, 548, 549. 55I, 552;
Garigesa Upadhyaya, 119 analysis of how actions are perform-
Gar:tanatha Sen, Mahamahopadhyaya, ed, SIS, SI6; avidyii in and in Bud-
337 n., 353 n. dhism, 498-soo; Asvattha simile of
gm;zcfa-miilii, 298 the Upani~ads, how applied in, 523,
Gar:te8a Bhisaj, 434 524; avyakta, its meanings in,
Garbe, R., 550 470 ff.; Brahman, its meanings in,
garbha-karii bhiivii[z, 309 473 ff.; clinging to God, necessity
Garblza Uparzi~ad, 3I2 n. 3 of, 529, 530; conception of siidhii-
garbhiiiaya, 3 I3 ra1Ja-dharma and vanJa-dharma, 505
garbhotpiida, 328 ff.; conflict between caste-duties
Garland, 498 n., 525 and other duties, 513, 514; conser-
Garm;la, 540 vation of energy principle applied to
Gaw;la, 126 the problem of immortality, 5 I 8;
Gauqa Abhinanda, 232 conservation of energy principle in,
Gau<;la Brahmananda Sarasvati, 79 compared with that of Yoga, Ve-
Gauc.lapada, 2, 7, 21 n., 28, 30, 57 n., danta and Nyaya, 5I7; crude be-
78. 8o, 23I, 234, 262 n. I, 272 ginnings of Sarpkhya in, 467 ff.;
Gaucja-piida-kiirikii, 6, 25 I ethical ideas compared with those of
Gaucjapiidiya-bhii~ya, 78 the Upani~adsandBuddhism,493ff.;
Gaudavaho, 1 I 1 ethics, basis of, 498; God and his
Gau~esvara Acarya, s8 doctrine in, 530 ff.; God, his nature
Gaudorvisa-kula-prasasti, I 26 in,464 ff., 524 ff.; idea of God in, and
Gauri, 82 n. in the Upani~ads, 530; ideal as per-
Gautama, 380, 386 n., 387, 394 formance of sva-dharma in, 50 I, 502;
gavaya, I3I ideal in, compared with the sacri-
gam11ikii, 290 n. 3 ficial and other ideals, 503, 504;
gav'lnyau, 290 ideal of self-surrender, 503; ideal of
Gayadasa, 425, 427, 428, 43 I tapas, 5I3; immortality in, 5I8, 5I9i
Gayi, 372, 4Io · important commentaries on, 443;
giih0,496 interpretation by Madhva, 442; in-
Gandhara, 274-, 298 n. 4 terpretation by Ramanuja, 441, 442;
giindhcln, 353 interpretation by Sarikara, 437, 438;
giiyatn, 294 interpretation by Yamuna, 439; its
gedho, 496 conception of dharma and sacrifices,
Generality, 187 486 ff.; its date, 549 ff.; its differ-
Generator, 23 ence from Mimarpsa, 483 ff.; its
Generic, 374 relation to Sarpkhya, 476,477; its re-
Genesis, 235 lation to Vedanta, 4 77 ff.; karma, re-
ghana, 235 n., 244, 3 I4 birth, and liberation, 520 ff.; I?Jetra
ghana-jiigaras, 267 and k~etra-jiia theory of, 463, 464;
ghana-jiigrat-sthita, 266 meaning of Yoga in, 443 ff.; path of
ghana-sa1fWedana, 235 knowledge and of duty, 528, 529;
ghana-spanda-kramiit, 235 n., 245 performance of duties with unat-
ghanzbhztya, 236 tached mind in, 507 ff.; prakrti,
Ghata-jiitaka, 54 I, 542, 544 puru~a and God in, 464-466; prakr-
ghora, 281 ti-purusa philosophy in, 46I ff.;
Ghosur:t<;li, 539 principal virtues in, 510 ff.; puruJa-
gho~a, 350 silkta conception of God and the
Gho~aka, I7I conception of God in, 524; rebirth
giddhi, 496 and life after death, 5 I9, 520; sattva,
Gifts, 267, 437. 441, 50I, SI3, 5I4 mjas and tamas in, 468 ff.; Sarpkhya,
Girvar:tendra Sarasvati, 52 n., 2I6 its meaning different from that of
Grtii, 25I, 4I8, 437-439, 443-448, classical Sarpkhya in, 457, 458;
450 n. I, 452-455, 457-459, 462- siiytlkJ,ya-yoga, discussion on the
Index 575
meaning of, in. 455-457; sense- Gopala Sarasvati, 103
control in, 488 ff.; sense-control in, Gopalananda Sarasvati, 57 n.
different from that of Buddhism, Gopiilika, 87 n.
490; sense-control in, different from Gopikanta Sarvabhauma, 79
that of Pataiijali, 491, 492; some Gopirama, 79
vicious tendencies denounced in, Gopurarak~ita, 424
509, SIO; standpoint of ethics in, Govardhana, 428, 431
compared with the general stand- Government, 204
point of Hindu ethics, 504 ff.; vir- Govinda Sarasvati, 55
tue of sameness, 511, 512; yoga in, Govindananda, 49, 81, 103, 104, 26I
akin to that of Pafica-riitrayoga,461; Grace, 503
yoga in Patafijali, indebted to yoga Grammarian-philosopher, 171
in, 460, 46I; yoga of, different from Grammatical, I42
that of Patafijali, 451 ff.; yoga of, granthi, 104
different from the Upani~ad yoga, Grass, 350
453 ff.; yoga instructions in, 446 ff.; Grating, 338
yoga, its meaning different from that griihaka-gralza, 25
of Buddhism in, 459, 46o; yogin, his griihya-griihakiinusaya, 22
characteristics, 449, 450; yogin, his Greed, 409, 497, 498, 5IO
relation with God, 450, 45I Greediness, 511
Gltii-bhii~ya, 442 Greedy, 510
Guii-bhii~ya-vivecana, I93 Grief, 247, 333
Gua-bhu~a1Ja-bhii~ya, 443 Griffith, 29I n.
G'itii-nibandhana, 226 grl~ma, 335
Gztiirtha-sa'flgraha, 439, 443 grivii(z, 286
Gltiirtha-satrzgraha-dipikii, 439 Gross, 355
Gztiirtha-vivara1Ja, 443 Grossness, 360
GUii-siiriirtha-satrzgraha, 443 Grounds, 17
Gitiisaya, 439 Growing, 36
Gttii-tattva-prakiiiikii, 443 Growth, 29; of the body, 322
Gttii-tiitparya-bodhini, 58 grha-godhikii, 298 n. 7
Gztii-tzka:. 443 grha-stha, 505
Guii-vivrti, 443 Grhya-sfitras, 28 I
Glandular sores, 296 guda, 28s,n.7
Glenoid cavity, 287 n. 2 gudiibhyalz, 288
go, I3I Gujarat, 192
God, 1, 44, 72, 8o, I I2, I76-I78, 197, gulgulu, 393
229, 254, 372, 402, 403, 410 n., 438- gulpha, 284 n. 4
444, 446, 447. 4S0-453. 457. 459. gulphau, 284
461-467, 473. 474. 476, 477. 484, gu1Ja, I62, 174, 175, 187, 188, 190, 194,
490, 492, 499. SOI-504, 509, 510, 292, 3I4 n., 329, 330, 332, 357, 358,
512, 514-516, 5I9, 522-526, 529, 359 n., 360, 361, 363, 366, 367, 369,
533. 537. 542, 545. 547 370, 372-374. 414, 440, 441, 455-
Goddesses, 245 458, 462, 465-467, 476-478, 512,
God's powers, 42 SIS, 524, 525
God's will, 109 gu1Ja-attachments, 477
Gods, 245, 420, 487 gu1Jamayl miiyii, 477
Going, 169 Gu1Ja-traya-viveka, 57 n.
Gokulacandra, 443 gu1Jatva, 143
Gokulanatha Upadhyaya, 126 n. gzt1Javattviityantiibhii<t•iinadhikara~latii,
Gold, 37, 512 r62
Goldstiicker, Th., 540 gu1Jiitlta, 5 I 2
Gomin, 428 gu1Jin, 314 n. 1
Good, 2I,246,271 ,405; and bad, 23 n.; Gupta empire, 164, 435
deeds, 41 1 ; life, 422 guru, 357, 359 n., 420
Goodness, 507 gurv-iidayab, 3 69
Gopatha-Briihma1Ja, 274 n. 3, 276 n., gurv-iidi, 369
28o n., 283 Gucjha-bodlzaka-satrzgraha, 428
Gut}hartha-dipikii, 443 Heracles, 543
Gut}hiirtha-prakiiia. 220 Heramba Sena, 428
Herb, 298, 358 n., 365
Hair, 325 Heredity, 273
hali/q1Ja, 288 Hermaphrodite, 3 I 2 n. 3
Hallucinations, 5, I8o Hermitage, 229
ha7JlSa, 252 n. Heroism, 502, 505 n., 525
Handful, 343 n. hetiiv ir1yu, 420
hanu-citya, 287 hetu, I2D-I23, I48, I94,374,379,38o,
Hanumad-bhiilya, 443 38I n., 386 n., 387, 388, 395
hanvor dve, 287 n. 4 Hetu-tattvopadesa, 49
Happiness, I I3, 501, SI2, 530 hetv-antara, 388
Happy, 277 ; temper, 5 I 3 hetv-artha, 389, 390
Hara-kinkara, I 22 hetv-iibhiisa, I94, 386 n., 388, 389 n.
Hara - kinkara - nyiiyiiciirya - parama- Higher self, 453, 466
pa~z4ita-bhaua-viidindra, I 22 Himalayas, 2.z9, 370
Hardness, 328, 360 hit{lsii, 4I9
Hare's hom, 5, III, 240 Hindu Ethics, 483, 504; standpoint of,
Hari, 442, 535, 543 504 ff.
Hari Dik~ita, 82 Hindu Mysticism, 449 n. I
haridrii indravaru1Ji, 297 Hindu philosophy, SIS
Hari-gltii, 545 HiraQ.yagarbha, 76
Harihara Paramaharpsa, 57 n. HiraQ.yak~a Kausika, 357
H ari-lzlii-vy_iikhyii, 22 5 Hi1·a1}yiikfya-tantra, 435
Harinatha Sarma, I48 n. hirii, 289, 290, 344, 346
Hariscandra, 427, 43 I Hiriyanna, 1 n., 43, 85 n., 86, 98,
Harmful, 357 100 n.
harfa, 313 History of Indian Logic, 392
hasti-jihvii, 353 History of Indian Philosophy, I, 17,
Hate, 489 265 n. 4, 269 n. I, 27I n. I, 477 n. I,
Hatred, 360, 370, 373, 497-499 50I n.
hatha, 268 History of the Vaif1Java Sect, Early,
Hatha-Yoga, 373, 455 544 n.
Hatha-yoga-pradipikii, 354 n. hitii, 277. 344. 405, 420, 422
havi/:z, 46I hitii niir/is, 345
Harita, 397, 427 Hinayana, 500
Hiirrta-sa1Jlhitii, 432 Hinayana Buddhists, I68
Head, 297,336,340,343 Hoemle, R., 279,284 n. 3, 285 n. 4, 286
Headache, 300 n. 2 n. I, n. 2, n. 3, n. 4, 287 n. 5, 329,
Head disease, 296, 340 424.428-43I,433.434
Health, 330, 384 Holes, 332 n.
Hearing, 236, 360 homa, 28I
Heart, 288, 290 n. 2, 3I6, 340, 344 n., Homogeneous, I4, 377
345t 347. 352, 355 Horns, I9I
Heart diseases, 299 Hostile, 378
Heat, I94, 238, 24I, 320, 321, 325, Hot, 242, 3I2 n., 357-359, 36I-363,
328, 33 I, 358, 360, 362 n., 365, 4I9, 365 n.
500, 510, 511 Householder, 505
Heaven,229, 503,520,523 hriisa/:z, 322
Heaviness, 335 n., 358, 360, 36I, 369 hrf, 24, 5IO
Heavy, 337 n., 357 hrdaya, 288, 340 n.
Heels, 284 hrdaya-stham pipiisii-stlziinam, 348 n.
Heliodorus, 540 hrdayotkleda, 335 n.
Hell, 9I, 489, 5IO hrt, 292
hemanta, 335, 370 hrt-padma-yantr'l-tritaye, 258
hemanta-gri1ma-var1iil:z, 32I n. Hultzsch, E., 2I9
Hemadri, 427, 434 Human body, 278, 302
Hemorrhage, 289; of women, 297 Humanity, 506
Index 577
Human passion, 497 73, 134, I52; products, 223; silver,
Human self, 42 1 18; snake, 206 n.
Humid, 408 Ill-will, 497
Humility, 534 Image, 14, 546
Hunger, 254 Imaginary, 271
Hygienic habits, 308 Imagination, 90, 233, 261, 266, 328,
Hypothesis, 12, 26, 64 367, 373
Hypothetical, 337; entities, 233, 336 Imaginative construction, 21
Immanent, 42, 524; self, 271
icchii, 264, 370, 496 Immediacy, 13, 14, 63, 69, 105
Idea, 26, 30, 3I, I82, I86, 375, soi, Immediate, I49, ISO; antecedence,
5IO, 525 144; contact, 2I I
Ideal, 503, 504; creations, 236 Immediateness, 138
Idealism, I9, 2I, 25, 35, I02, 213, 221, Immoral, 23 n., 464, 478, 484, SOl
256, 268, 270; refutation of, 269 Immortal, 473, 476, 502, 512, S2S,
Idealistic, 231; Buddhism, 231, 234, S26
242; monism, 164; philosophy, 234 Immortality, 294, 456, SI2, 5I3, SI8,
Idealists, 402 521, 537
Ideation, 20, 31 Immutable law, 3 1 n.
Identical, 15, 26, 27, 30, 31 n., 32, Impatience, 373
33. 36, 38, 64, 68, 90, 152, 153. 169, Imperative, 483
172, 173, 183, 184, 202, 224; entity, Imperishable, 476, SI7, 518
34, 202; object, 176; point, 20 Impermanent, 230, 241
Identity, 14, 31, 33, 34, 65, 72, 131, Implication, 18, 148, 384, 521
I 52, 227, 370, 526; as a relation, 14; Importance, 370
function ofthought, 14; in diversity, Impossible, IS9, 169, 188
172; of the awareness, 32, 165; of Impotency, 333
cause and effect, 165; of the self, 34, Imprecations, 295
47, 6s, 67 Impressions, 65, 239, 250
Idleness, 333, 373 Improper use, 321
il/.ii, 257, 292 n., 353, 453 Impure, 36, 37, 38, 303, 408; states,
il}ii niil}i, 354 239
Ignorance, I, 3, 4, 5, 8, 24, 73, 74, Impurities, 327, 503, S04
98, 101, 104, 148, 153. 154. 185, 187, Inactive, 36o
203, 204, 251, 267, 333. 409. 413, Inanimate, 36, 3S9. 360
414, 416, 462, 479, 498-soo, 509, Incantations, 278, 281
510, 522, 529, 530 Incarnation, so2, 525
Ignorant, 367, 378 Inclinations, 23Q, 242, 2S 1, 497
ihiimutra-phala-bhoga-viriiga, 49 5 Incomprehensible, 164
Iliac, 348 Inconsistencies, 166
Ilium, 285 n. 7 Inda, S39
Ill-temper, 497 Indefinability of nescience, 222
Illumination, 62, 178, 204, 210, 211 n., Indefinable, 12, 16, 22, 29, 51, 118,
212 127, 128, IS6, 163, 164, 205, 221,
Illuminator, 526 224, 499, S29; nature, ISS; stuff,
Illusion, 3, 6, 9, 11, 16, 25, 29, 32, 36, 221
47. 64, 69, 101, 110, 114, 148, 194, Indefinite existence, 16
197. 198, 200, 204, 223, 239. 241, Independent co-operation, 184
26I, 524; difference in the theory Independent existence, 59
of, between Nagarjuna and Sankara Indescribable, 3S, 36, 48, 147, 164,
and Gauc.iapada, 7 194. I9S. 203, 221, 232-234. 236,
Illusoriness, S33 265, 271; nature, 109
Illusory, 26, 28, 73, 1o1, 109, 181, 221, Indescribableness, 3S
234, 24o; appearances, 101, 113; Indestructible, 33, 512, S38
character, 217; cognition, 18o; crea- Indeterminable, 134
tion, 468; experience, 185; images, Indeterminate, 22, 401, 454; cognition,
180; impositions, 30, 113, 114, 150, 94; experience, 97; knowledge, 21 ;
194; knowledge, 139; perception, materials, 23
Index, I48 n. Initiation, 547
India, 402 Injunction, 509, 520
Indian anatomists, 286 n. 2 Inner change, 22
Indian Antiquary, 550 Inner consciousness, 26 n.
Indian Interpreter, The, 550 Inner dynamic, 24
Indian literature, 256 Inner law of thought, 29
Indian medical men, 377 Inner psychoses, 22
Indian Medicine, 423, 436 Inner states, I85
Indian philosorhy, I I9, 227, 273, 369, Inoperative, I77, 269
377,395, 4I4, 4I7 ;pessimismin,4I4 Inscriptions, S.l., 2I9
Indian thought, 375, 376 n., 408, 42I Insects, 409
Indifference, 246, 50I Insensible, 254
Indigestion, 348 Inseparable, I9I, 3'74; inherence, I8J,
Indignation, 333, 497 37I
Jndische Studien, 288 n. 2 Inseparableness, I9I; of character,
Indispensable, I 8, 523 I9I; of space, I9I; relation, 36o;
Indistinguishable, 377 relation of inherence, 40
Individual, 33. 58-6o, II5, I3I, I39. Insomnia, 337 n.
I 59, I89, 369; consciousness, 77; Inspiration, 262
good, 485; ignorance, 84; members, Instinctive passions, 252
I88; persons, 84, I09; self, 75; soul, Instinctive subconscious roots, 26
72, 205 n. Instincts, 4I5
Individuality, 449 lnstructions,2I,229,501
Indivisible, I57, I99 Instrument, 45
Indo-Iranian, 295 n. I Instrumental cause, I2, 360, 372,
lndra, 229, 295 n. 3, 304, 328, 433 4IO
indrajiila, 244 Instrumentality, II, II 2
Indrii-v#r.zu, 535 Instruments of cognition, I37
indriya, 23, 238, 239, 366 Intellect, 75, 373, 406
indriya-dhiirar.za, 494 Intellectual, 378; states, I79
indriya-nigraha, 505 Intelligence, 89, 268, 320, 32I, 360,
indriya-vijaya, 405 369,373.375.504, 5I6
Indu, 304, 328, 433 Intelligent, 36, 38
Induction, I48 Intelligible, 36
Indulgence, 509 Intense, 25I
Inequality, 229 Intention, 497
Inert, 337 n. Interdependence, 7, 8, 22
Inertia, 360 Interdependent origination, 3 n.
Inexhaustible, 356 Internal canals, 289
Inexplicable, 20, 29, 48, I56, I58, I85 Internal organ, 3IO n. 2
Inference, I8, 26 n., 32, 63, 66, 68, 72, Interpretation, I, 356
I06, II8, I20, I29, I39, I4I, I48, Intervening, I44
159, I67, I76, I92, I94, I98, 2I3, Intestine, 288, 297, 348, 35I
302, 365, 373-376, 380, 396, 398, Intimate relation, 40
408 Intoxicating drinks, 498
Inferential, 77; cognition, I35; know- Intrinsically, 242
ledge, I8 Intrinsic difference, 20I
Inferior, 378 Introduction, 49
Inferiority, 370, 40I n. Intuitive, 73; consciousness, I54, I99;
Infinite, I6, 63, 73, II3, 454; con- perception, I I3
sciousness, 77; differences, I32; Invalid, I8, I4I, I84, I86
number, 358; regressus, 202; time, Invariability, 3I n.
I32 Invariable, I72, I86; antecedence, I45,
lnflammation,282 I86, 326, 386, 398; concomitance,
Inhalation, 258, 259, 449, 459, 46o I39-I42, I48; connection, I76;
Inherence, 360 power, I85; prognostication, 397
Inherent, 22; movement, 20 Invariably and unconditionally asso-
Inhering cause, I44 ciated, 380
Index 579
Invariably associated, 396 J ayacandra, 126
Invisible, 337 n. Jayanandi, 431
Inward resolution, 482 Jayanta, 51, 107, 279, 28o, 307 11. 1,
Iron age, 402 394, 399, 4I3, 414
Irrelevant, 160 I ayarama, 44 3
Ischium, z8s n. 7 Jayatirtha, 442
itllretariisraya, 97 Jayiikhya-satphitii, 491
itaretariiiraya-prasangiit, 9 s Jayolliisa-nidhi, 220
ltihiisa-veda, 274 n. 3 Jiibiila-briihmat;ta, 251
1-tsing, 433 jiiqya, 10
ir~yii, 413 jiigaruka, 338
lia Upani~ad, 551 jiigrad-viisaniimayatviit svapna, 76
liii, 78 jiigrat, 241, 264
lSiiviisya-bhfiD!a-#ppat;ta, I 93 jiigrat-svapna, 266
liopani~ad-bh{4ya, 78 jiigrat-svapna sthita, 267
lsvara, 39, 48, so, 72, 8o, I I2, 176, Jajala, 283, 432
177, 197, 372, 474, 533; its criti- jiilini, 496
cisms by Kamalasila, 176 ff. Janakinatha, 218 n.
isvara-bhiiva, sos n. jiinu, z8s n. 4
lsvarakr!?r:ta, 8o, 171, 372,·428, 476 jiinuno!z sandm, z8s
livara-satphitii, 547, S48 n. 1 Jiitaka, 248 n., 424
lsvarasena, 431 jiiti, 43. IS9. 194. J8o-J82, 387, 401,
livariibhisandhi, 126 498
l~ta-siddhi, 198, 199, 205, 213 Jealousy, 267
l~ta-siddhi-vivarat;ta, 198 J ejjata, 372, 428
b!a-siddhi-vyiikhyii, 198 jhiina,4s9,46o, soo
jigi1pSanatii, 496
Jackals, 409 jijiiiisii, 384
Jacob, G. A., 82 Jina, 49, so, 72, ?S, 84, 8s, 88-9o,
Jacobi, H., 398 n. 205 n., 235, 236, 239, 304
jaqa, 36 Jinadasa, 428, 431
jaqiitmikii, 105 jiva, 104, 105, 109, IIo, 112
jaqiitmikii avidyii-iakti, lOS jzva-bhuta, 464, 472
J agaddhara, 443 jzva-caitanya, 77
I agadisa, 79 jzva-dhiitu, 241
Jagadisa Bhattacarya, 119, 124 Jivaka, 276, 424
jagan-mithyiitva-dipikii, 57 n. Jivaka-tantra, 435
Jagannatha Paiicanana, 79 jivana, 328
Jagannathasrama, 53, s6, 103, 193, 216 jtvana-purvaka, 515
Jaimini, 479, 486 jzvan-mukta, 24s-247, 250
Jaina, 98, 119, 171, 172, 399, S44, sso jzvan-mukta state, 248
J aiyyata, 427 jfvan-muktatii, 24S
jalada, 283 ]tvan-mukti, 246, 251, 2S2
jalpa, 377-379,401 jivan-mukti-viveka, 214, 216, 2SI,
Jalpa-kalpa-taru, 347 n., 380 n. 2 252 n., 268
Janalz, 76 jivann eva, 2SI
Janardana,49,205, S43 jfva-riiSi, 44
Jaruirdana Sarvajiia, 52 n. jfva-sthiti, z6o
jarighe, 28s ]fva-siltra, 436
jangitja, 293, 294, 295 n. 3 j'ivatviipiidikii, I04
Japan, 294 jiviidana,432
jariiyu, 291 }ivananda, 430, 431
jatru, 286 n. 2 jlviitman, 461
J atiikari.J.a, 427, 432 jivita, 368
Jatukart;ta-satphitii, 432 jivntendriya-virodhinl, 21 n.
jafii, 496 jlvotkriinti, z6o
Jaundice, 282, 297, 298 jiiiina, 100, 272, 491, 499, sos n.
Jaundiced eye, 143 jiiiina-gata-pratyak5atva, 207
sBo Index
Jn!naghana, 82 n. against the non-permanency of en-
jiiiina-kanna-samuccaya, 44, 100 tities answered by, 185 ff.; Yogasena's
jiiiina-niitft, 355 criticisms against the doctrine of
jiiiina-pratisandhiitii, 368 momentariness answered by, 184;
Jiiiina-slUflkalinl, 354, 355 his criticism of the concept of God,
jiiiina-sa'l{lSkiira, 250 176 ff.; his criticism of the concept
Jniina-siira, 232 of lsvara or God, 176 ff.; his treat-
Jiiiina-siddhi, 148 n. ment of the different views of the
Jniinavati, 378 nature of momentariness, 186; his
Jiiana-viisi~!ha, 231 criticism of the doctrine of soul
jiiiina-vi~aylkrtena riipet)a siidrlyam, (Nyaya), 178, 179; his criticism of
134 the soul theory of Kumarila, 179 ff.;
jiiiina-yoga,44I,442,456,487,529 his criticism of the Yoga concept of
Jiianamrta, 99 God, 177 ff.; his doctrine of mo-
Jiianamrta Yati, 78 mentariness, 182 ff.; his refutation
JiiiiniirtJava, 432 of Nyaya- Vais~ika categories, 187
Jiianendra Sarasvati, 54, 79 ff.; his refutation of the SaQlkhya
jniinin, 531 theory of soul, 181; his refutation
Jiianottama, s8, 87 n., 98, 99. 148 n., of the theory of the persistence of
198 entities, 182 ff.; his refutation of the
J iianottama Bhattaraka, 82 n. Upani~ad theory of self, 181; his
Jiianottama Misra, 48 theory of causal efficiency (artha-
jniitatii, 152, 211 kriyii-samarthii), 183 ff.
jiiiitur jiieya-sambandhal:z, 105 Kamalasila and Santarak~ita, their
]obares, 543 criticisms of the SaQlkhya doctrine
Joint causality, 177 of pari~iima, 172 ff.; writers men-
Joint nature, 184 tioned in their work Tattva-sam-
Joint operation, 472 graha and its Paiijikii, 171 .
Joints, 331, 336, 348 Kambalasvatara, 171
Joy, 333, 373, 467, 495, 504, 511, kamma, 500
512 Kanauj, 126
Judgments, 341 Kanha, 541, 544
Jug, 143, 151 Kanhayana, 544
juhvati, 448 Kal).ada, 370
jvara, 296 Ka~ii.da-sutra-nibandha, 123
jyotil:z-sthiina, 318 ka~cjarii, 324, 352
Jyoti~, 275 n. Kal).j~ka, 429 n. 1, 431
j'yoti~a, 547 ka~tha, 353 n.
ka~tha-niitfr, 286 n. 2
Kahola-briihma~a. 251 ka~Jhorasol:z sandhil:z, 348 n.
kaivalya, 251, 454 kapiilam, 287
Kaivalya-kalpadruma, 56 kapiilikii, 285 n. 4
Kaivalyananda Sarasvati, 443 kapha, 257 n. 2, 300, 317, 325-331,
Kaivalyananda Y ogindra, 56 333, 334, 335 n., 336, 337, 339,
Kaivalyasrama, 79 35o-352, 361,365,392
kakii{ikii, 287 kaphofj.a, 286 n. 4
Kak~apufa-tantra, 426 kaphofj.au, 286
Kakubha,300 Kapila, 410 n., 477
kalpa, 275 n., 526, 547 Kapilabala, 429
kalpanii, 90, 238, 239, 312 n., 314, Kapila-Sarpkhya, 458
370 Kapila-tantra, 435
Kalpa-sthiina, 424, 429 kar~a, 389
Kalpa-taru, 52 kar~a-sakti-pratiniyamiit, 174
Kalyal).a Bhatta, 443 Karatha, 432
Kamalajanayana, 225 n. Karavirya, 424
Kamala5ila, 25, 27n., 28, 31n., 171, Kariila-tantra, 435
172, 175, 176, 178, 179, 181-185, karma, 101, 104, 185-188, 237-239,
186 n., 187, 188, 375,376; criticisms 243, 249, 253, 255, 256, 302, 310,
Index 581
339. 357, 359. 360, 37I' 383, 402- kiira1}a, I04, I37, I6o, 374, 389, 395,
404, 408, 437. 439. 488, 52Q-522, 472
524, 533 kiira1}a-~Q1}a-nirodha-sama-kiilafz, 2 In.
karma-blja1Jl mana[z-spanda, 238 kiirQ1}a - k~a1Ja - vila~a1Ja - kiiryasya,
karma-niise mano-niiiafz, 238 2I n.
karma-pu~a, 303 n., 373 kiira1}a-vyiipiira, 5 I 7
karma-sannyiisa, 457 Kiirikii, 2I n., 28, 30, 87, 250, 370
karma-yoga, 44I, 442, 444, 45I, 452, Karttika Kut:t<;la, 427, 428
457. 529 Karttikeya, I07
Karl}a-bhiira, 550 Karut:tya, 228, 230
kanJa-sula, 299 kiirya, I6I,374,389
kartavyatii, 482 kiirya-jiiiinam, 3IO n. 3
kartii, 237, 3I4 kiirya-kiirQ1}atii, 376
kartr, 244, 395, 469, 472, 473 kiirya - kiirQ1}a - viidasya vediinta -
kartrtva, 242 bahir-bhutatviit, 22I
kartrtva-bhoktrtvaikii-dhiirafz, I 04 kiirya-phala, 389
Karuma, 300 kiirya-sama, 380 n. 4, 382 n.
karU1}ii, 4I 2, 460, 5 I I kiiryatii-jiiiina, 5 I 5
k~iiya, 3I2 n., 357, 358 kiirya-yoni, 389
Kathii-vatthu, 247, 248 n. kiisa, 296, 298 n. 4
Katha Upan#ad, 78, 290 n. 2, 344 n., Kiisika, 297 n. 4
345.453.488,494.523,524 Kasi, 424
Katha-vallf, 2 5 I Kiiil-kha1Jt/.a, 429
kathina, 359 n. Kaslnatha Sastrin, 54
Kathopanifad-bhi'ifya-tlkii, I93 Kasiraja, 432, 433 n. I
katu, 3I2 n. 3, 357, 358, 362, 365 n. Kasmira, 434
kaumiira-bhrtya, 276 Kiismlra-piitha, 430
Kaumiira-tantra, 425 Kasyapa, 427
kausala, 452 Kiiiyapa-sa1Jlhitii, 43 I, 435
KauSika-sutra, 27 5, 282-284, 293 Kiithaka, 486, 55I
Kau~ltaki, 25I, 259 n. 3, 283 Kiithaka-sa1Jlhitii, 544
Kau~ltaki-briihmal}a, 544 Kiithakopani~ad-bhiiDJa, 78
Kau$ftaki-Upani~ad, 344 n. Kathmat:t<;lu, 43I
Kautilya, 54I Katyayana, 540
Kaviraj Gangaprasad Sen, 427 Kiiya-cikitsii, 276, 425
Kaviraj Gat:tanatha Sen, 43 I kediirl-kulyii, 323
Kaviraja, 79 Kenopani~ad, 78, I96
kiihiibiiha, 299 Kenopani~ad-bhii~ya, 78
kiikatiilfya, 27I Kenopanifad-bltii$ya-fippana, I93
kiila, I56,235.3I7,32I,358,359,372, Kenopan#ad-bhii~ya-vivara1}a, 78
389, 4IO Kesava-bhatta, 79, 284, 443, 54I, 543
Kalahasti-sarat:ta-Sivananda Yogindra, kevala-jiigaras, 266
2I9 kevala-jiigrat-sthita, 266
kiiliitlta, 386 n., 387 kevaliinvayi, I20, I2I, I23
Kalidasa, 230, 231, 239, 402, 550 kevaliinvayi-hetor eva nirvaktum asak-
kiilpanika-puru~a-bheda, I I 6 yatviit, I23
kiima, 327, 4I2, 4I3, 489, 490, 496, kevaliinvayini vyiipake pravartamiino
499 hetufz, I2I
kiim api-artha kriyiim, 5I5 Kha/aja, 300
kiimya-karma, 99 khale-kapota-nyiiya, 323
kiinti, 57 n. khanti-sa1Jlvara, 500
Kiinyakubjesvara, I 26 Kha1Jtf.ana-kha1}t/.a-khiidya, 57 n., I03,
Kankayana, 3I6,357 119 n., I26, I27, I32, IJ3 n., I34,
Kiinkiiyana-tantra, 435 I4I, I46, I56, I92
kii1}t/.a, 353 Kha1Jtf.ana-kha1Jtf.anam, 126 n.
Kapya, 333 Kha1Jtf.ana-kuthiira, I26 n.
Kapyavaca, 327 Kha1Jt/.ana-mahii-tarka, I 26 n.
kiiraka-vyiipiira,4I Kha1}t/.ana-ma1}t/.anam, 126 n.
s8z Index
Khm;uf.ana-phakkikii, 126 n. Kr~Qatirtha, 56, I I 5
Kha1Jf/.ana-tlkii, 126 n. Krroala,kiira, 220
Kha1Jf/.anoddhiira, 126 n. KnQananda, 196
khara, 332, 359 n. Knr.tanubhuti, 82 n.
Khara1}ada-sa,hitii, 432 Kr~Qiitreya, 276, 427
kha-ta11-miitra, 236 Krroiitreya-tantra, 435
khyiiti, 87 n., 204 krtaka, 182
Kidney, 288, 348 krta-niisanl, 299
Kidney-bean, 358 n. Krtavirya, 316
kiliisa, 297 krta yuga, 546
Kimldin, 296, 300 krti-siidhyatii-jiiiina, 515
Kindness, 511; to the suffering, 510 Krttika, 396
King Ari!!tanemi, 230 krtya, 293
King Dasaratha, 230 k~amii, 505
King KeJadi-Venkatendra, 219 kfa1Ja, 182 n.
King of Gaw;la, 148 n. K~a1Ja-bhaizga-siddhi, 49
King of Kanauj, I 26 kfa1}ika, I82 n., 367
kiiicana7fl, 496 ~a1Jikasya, 32 n.
k#ta,325, 327,331 ~a7:zikatva, 368
kikasiisu, 286 n. 2 ~ara, 104
Kleisobora, 543 kfara pu~a, 468
klesa, 304 K!jatak!jina, 431
klesa-jiieyiivara1Ja, 22 n. K~atriya, 292, 486, 487, 502-507, 514
kli~ta, 414 k~iinti, 505 n., 5 IO
kloma, 288, 318, 348 k~iira, 357, 358, 466
Knowability, I40 K~iirapii1;zi-Sa7[lhitii, 432
Knowable, I40 K!1emaraja, 263
Knower, 34, I52 kJetra, 463-465, 471, 472, 523
Knowing, 263; faculty, 179, I8o kfetra-jiia, 293, 410, 464, 468, 523
Knowledge, 18, 19, 66, I27, 148, I5I- k~etrin, 464
153, 228, 246, 248, 256, 266, 272, ~etriya, 297, 298, 30I
333. 368, 373. 374. 376, 378, 403, k#pta, 300
437, 440, 462, 469, 475, 499, 5oo- k#ti, 245. 501
502, 505 n., 508, 510, 523, 529, 534 kfl1Ja-jiigaraka, 266, 267
Knowledge situation, 25 K~urika, 454
kodho,497 kuhi1,353
Koka, 300 Kuk~ila, 300
KoQ.c;la Bhana, 55, Io8 kula-ku1;zf/.alinl, 3 55
kopo, 497 Kula-paiijikii, 225 n.
Kotalipara, 225 n. kulattha, 363
krami1}a/;l sahakiiri1}a/;l, 183 Kuliirka PaQ<;lita, 49, 51, 119-121, 123,
kriyii, 238, 260 124, 147 n.; introduction of his
kriyiikhya~iiiina,491 Mahii-vidyii syllogisms, 12o-122
kriyii-spanda, 238 Kulluka, 538 n. 1
kriyiitmaka, 261 Kumiira-sa7[lbhava, 230
krodha, 267, 489 Kumiirasira Bharadvaja, 357
krodha-•varjana, 505 Kumiirasiras, 316
Krkala, 75 Kumiirila, 87, III, 112, 120, 147, 171,
k!17luka, 298 179.197.214,479.482,483.485
Kr~Q.a, 438, 449, 455, 489, 500, 502, kumbhaka,257,258
503, 507, 512, 516, 518-520, 525, Kunhan Raja, Dr, 87
529-532, 535. 54I, 543. 544. 546, kuntiipa, 296
547; and Vasudeva, 541 ff. Kuntr, 4B
Kr~Q.a Acarya, 79 kU1}f/.alinl, 354, 356, 455
Kp?Qabhatta Vidyiidhiriija, 442 kwJ4ali energy, 356
K~Qa Devaki-putra, 550 ku1}f/.al;; sakti, 3_56
Kr~Qakiinta, 79 Kuppusvami Sastri, 43 n., 84 n., 87,
Krroa-kutill,ala niitaka, 225 188 n.
Kuruk~etra, 502, 507, 518, 536 Ligaments, 324
Kurus, 545 Light, 70, 153, 332, 357, 36o; of con-
KusumiiiiJali, 141, 393 sciousness, 207
Kusilla, 300 Lightness, 358, 360, 362 n.
kusa grass, 446 Liking, 358
kusalotsiilw, 501 Limitations, 14, 22, 200, 252
ku~tha, 293, 294, 297, 298 Limited forms, 23
Kuvalayiinanda, 220 Limited self, I 13
kilrca, 279, 284 n. 3 Limited truth, 3
kiirca-siras, 284 n. 3 Limitless, 73
Kurma, 75 Linguistic, 167
kilrpara, 285 liiz, 480
liizga, I06, 139, 198, 293, 395, 398
laghu, 332, 338, 357, 359 "· liizga-deha, 306 n. 1
Laghu-candrikii, 85, 225 "· liizga-pariimarsa, 139
Laghu-Jiiiina-·viisi!!ha, 232 liizga-sarlra, 75
Laghu-mahii-·vidyii-vifjambana, 123 liizgadibala-labdhiikiirollekha-miitret]a,
Laghu-sa7!l!Iraha, 83 213
laghutii, 362 n. liizgz, 293
Laghu-tzkii, 79 Lips, 348
Laghu-viikya-vrtti, So Liquid, 337 n.
Laghu-viikya-vrtti-prakii.Sikii, 8o Liquidity, 360
Lak!m;ziivalz, 1 2 5 Liquors, 498
Lak~midhara Desika, 79 Literature, 377
Lak!?midhara Kavi, 56 Liver, 288, 318, 348
Lak!?minrsirpha, 52, 108 Living beings, 36
lalanii-cakra, 355 Lizards, 409
laliifa, 287 lzlii, 42
Laizkiivatiira-sutra, 22 n., 35, 127, 234, Lzliivatz, 147 n.
272, 398 lobha, 409, 413, 489, 497
Larger intestine, 289 lobhana1fZ, 497
Laryngeal plexus, 355 lobhitatta'!l, 497
Larynx, 286 n. 2, 353 n. locaka, 330
Laukika-nyiiya-muktiivali, 30 n. Localization, 23
lavali, 360 n. Locus, I9, 110
lavm;a, 312 n. 3, 357, 358 Locus standi, 130
Law, 493; of causality, 31 n. Logic, 377, 390, 392; of probability,
laya, 104 376 n.
Laziness, 335 Logical, 191, 373; apparatus, 51;
liighava, 315, 362 n. argument, 164; categories, 389; con-
liilasii, 497 sequence, 12 ; dialectic, I 91 ; dis-
Liifyiiyana-Sa'Jzhitii, 435 cussions, 127; disputes, 401; fal-
Lean, 337 n. lacy, 17; formation, 118, 119, 125,
Leanness, 333 129; methods, 51; tricks, 401
Learned, 378 Logically, 19
Learning, 505 lohinz, 29I
Legal literature, 279 lohita-viisasal;, 344 n.
Leprosy, 297 lohitii, 317
Levi, S., 429 n. 1 Lokanatha, 57 n.
Liberation, 187, 414, 415, 437, 438, loka-rak!ii, 440
455.469.470,523,546 loka-sa1fZvrta, 4
Lie, 498 n. loka-sa1fZVrti-satya, 5
Life, 360, 368, 405, 498 n. loka-vyavahiiral;, 3 n.
Life-functions, 515 Lokayata, I 7 I
Life of Niigarjuna from Tibetan and lokottara, 22
Chinese Sources, 398 n. lokottara-nirvikalpa-Jiiiina-liibhiit, 21
Life of the Buddha, 276, 424 n. 1 Longing, 497
Life-principle, 472 Looseness, 333
Lord, 442; of communion, 453 mahii-muni/:z, 22 n.
Lorinser, Dr, 549 mahii-pralaya, 109
Loss, 512 Maharaja, 539
Lotus, 3 s6; in the sky, 5, 240; stalks, lltahii-Riimiiy~a, 23 I
350 n. mahiisupti, 104
Love, 497 lvlahiitala, 76
Lower prakr#, 464 Mahii-vagga, 276
Lower puru§a, 465, 467, 468 Mahii-vidyii, 49. SI, liS, 119-124;
lubhanii, 497 nature of its syllogisms, uo-122;
Lumbar nerve, 353 referred to, defended and criticized
Lumbar plexus, 355 by Nyiiya and V ediinta writers, 1 IS-
Lumbar vertebrae, 287 n. 1 I 20; syllogisms refuted by Vadin-
Lungs, 288, 318 dra, 122-124
Lust, 490, 497 M ahii-vidyii-daiaslokf-vivara~a, 123
Lustful, 367 1klahii-vidyii-vi4ambana, 103, 119 n.,
Lymph, 317, 318, 325 120, 122
M ahii- vidyii- vi4ambana - vyiikhyiina,
Macdonell, A. A., 259, 288 n., 345, 12J
346.486 Mahii-vidyii-vivara~-fippana, 123
mada, 267, 413 Mahavr~a, 298 n. 4
madana, 391 Mahii-vyutpatti, 288 n. 1
Madatyaya, 430 Mahayana, 501, 513
Madhu-kosa, 434 Mahayana monism, 164
Madhu-mati, 434 n. 4 Mahayanists, 30
madhura, 312 n. J, 357, 358 Mahesvara, 428
Madhusudana Sarasvati, 53, 55, 56, Mahesvara Tirtha, 83, 196
77 n., 79, 81, 116, 118, 124, 198, Mahimna/:z Stotra, 226
199, 223 n., 226, 227, 443; his line- Mahidhara, 232
age, date and works, 225, 226; his maitra, 51 I
philosophy in his Vediinta-kalpa- Maitra, s. K., 483 n. I, so6 n.
latikii, 227 lv!aitriiya~a, 471
Madhva, 125, 192, 442, 443 Maitriiya~i, 486, 523
Madhva-mukha-bhaitga, 220 Maitreyi-briihma~a, 251
Madhva school, 118 Maitrl Upan#ad, 259 n., 344 n., 345,
madhya-sanra, 3 16 412,448,449
madhya-viveka, 250 majjii, 317, 328
Madras, 84 n., 87 majjiibhya/:z, 289
Magic, 37, 38, 244; rites, 281 Major term, 139
Magical creations, 37, 38, 467 mala, 234, 239, 325, 327, 328, 334
Magician, 37, 38, 206 n. mala-dhiitu, 325, 327
Magundl, 300 mala-piitra, 289 n. 1
mahad brahma, 462 Malformations, 333
mahat, 305, 340 n. Malice, 497
mahatparimii~a, 189 Malicious, 498 n.
Mahii-bhiirata, 274, 276, 306, 394, Malimluca, 300
418, 419, 450 n., 458, 461, 476, 502, Malia Bhatta, 79
508 n., 535 n., 536, 538, 539, 541- Malleoli, 284 n. 4
546, 548, sso, 552 mamaitlwro, 496
Mahii-bhiirata Anukrama~i, 544 mamattarrz, 496
Mahabharata period, so8 mamiiyitarrz, 496
Mahii-bhii~a. 546, 548 Man,445
mahiibhilta, 362, 463 Mana/:z, 230
Mahadeva, 122 manab-kalpanayii, 230
Mahadeva Vaidya, 79 manal:z - pari~al:z samvid - vyaiijako
Mahadeva Vidyavagisa, 79 jiiiinam, 198
M ahii-lakpna-paddhati, 22 s mana/:z-prasiida, 513
Mahamahopadhyaya Kuppusvami, manal:z-spanda, 254
219 manana, 22, 24
manas, 23, 75, 76, 104, 156, I87, 194, MaQibhadda, 539
I96, 206, 227, 232-234. 236-239. ma1)i-pura-cakra, 355
24I, 243. 244, 246, 255. 262, 292, mara~tiinussati, 459
303, 304, 307 n. 5, 308, 34I, 343, Marbles, I 34
347 n., 35 I n., 355, 356, 358, 36o, marma, 340 n.
366,367-369,371,373.458,463 marman, 313 n.
manasi, 369 ~arrow, 289, 29I, 317, 322, 324, 347,
manas-cakra, 355 348, 361
manda, 359 n. Marshy, 370
manda-viveka, 250 mastakiibhyantaroparinhiit Sirii-sandhi-
~an-god, 525, 532 sanmpiita, 342
~anhood, 525 ~aster, 526
~an-hymn, 537 masti~ka, 340
~anifestation,23,174,235 ;ofmind,256 mast#ka7Jl siro-majjii, 340 n.
Manifests, 5 I mastuluitga, 340
Manifold world, 203 matiinujiiii, 388 n.
mano-javena, 304 ~aterial, IO; cause, 10-12, 45, 51, 74,
manomaya, 76 I I4, I4J, I95, I97, 334, 360, 372,
manomaya-ko~a, 7 5 389, 4Io; objects, I78; power, 105;
manomaya puru~a, 344 staff, II, 76, I95, 217; stuff, 109;
mano-niisa, 25I, 252 things, 175; world, 2I, I08
Manoramii tantra-riija-ttkii, 225 1\tlateriality, 10, 45, 114, 236
manoratho, 497 Materia Medica, 429
mano-vahii, 347 n. ~athuriinatha, 443
mano-vahii-niitft, 355 ~athuriinatha Bhattacarya, I I 9
mantra, 277, 278, 536 Mathuranatha Sukla, 78
mantr, 35I matsara, 413
~anu, 61, 449, 505, 542 n. 3, 546 matsnii, 2~8 n. 3
~anukuladitya, 45 n. matsniibhyiim, 288
~anuscript, 49, 1 I2, 204, 205 ~atter, 44, 3I2, 526
manya, 290 n. 3 matup, 400 n.
manyu, 4I2, 413 matha, 99
mangala-homa, 278 1vfatmata, 300
Jl1aiiju-bhiip1)i, 79 mauna, 5I3
~aQ9ana,52,82-87,96-Io2, IIO,II2, l\1auryas, 540
148 n., I98, 204, 224, 283, 335 n., Maxim, 27, 32, 66,161,389,391, 392;
482; all relations are mental in, of identity, 20I
95, 96 ; Brahma-kii1)t/.a of Brahma- Madhava, 2I4, 2I5,428,433-435
siddhi holds that perception does Madhava Sarasvati, 232
not apprehend diversity of objects, ~adhva-Kara, 428
88, 89; his divergence of view from Madhyamika, 165-I67
Sarvajfiatma ~uni, 85; his identity Miidhyamika-kiirikii, 164, 398, 426
with Suresvara the author of the ~iidhyamika-Sautrantika, I64
Nai~karmya-s·iddhi disproved, 86; /ttliidhyamika-siltra, 3, 5 n.
his refutation of the category of Miidhyamika-vrtti,I6S n., 166n., 168 n.,
difference, 92 ff.; his refutation of 307 n. 3
"difference as negation," 97; his miigha, 294
view of avidyii and miiyii, 89; his mii hi1_nsyiit, 493
view of Brahman as pure bliss, as Miilati-Miidhava, 112
elaborated by SankhaoaQi, 90; re- mii1rzsa, 285, 312 n. 3, 317
ferences to his doctrine by other mii7JlSa-dharii, 3 17
Vedantic writers, 84, 85; the author miina, 373
of Brahma-siddhi, 83; the content of /ttliina-manohara, 120, 124
the Niyoga-kii1)t/.a and Siddhi-kii1)t/.a miinasa, 469
chapters of the Brahma-siddhi of, 98; miinasa pratya~a, 69
the general content of the fourth Mii1)t/.zikya, 78
chapter of his Brahma-siddhi, 87, 88 Mii~zcfukya - Gautjapiidtya - bhii~ya -
ma1)i, 359 n., 364 vyiikhyii, I93
5s6 Index
Mii1J.l}fikya-kiirikli, 78, 92, 192 Menstrual flow, 351
Mii1J.l]ukya-Upan#ad-bhiiDJa, 78 Menstrual product, 313
M ii1J.l}i1kya- U pani~ad- bhiiDJiirtha-sa7p- Mental, 24, soo, 504; causes, 187; con-
graha, 78 tact, 139; control, soo; creation, 233,
Mara, 489 235, 243, 245; diseases, 418; func-
miirdava, 510 tions, 464; inclinations, 491; modifi-
miirga, 348 n., 350 cations, 243; movement, 238; opera-
l\1arici, 316, 333 tions, 22; phenomena, 186; state, 15,
MarkaQ.<;ieya, 3 16 153. I87, 258, soo; tendencies, 468
Martal).<;ia-tilaka-svamin, 107 Mercy, 373
miiruta, 361 Merit, 248, 249, 416
miirutiidhi~{hiinatviit, 3 16 Meru, 370
miitsarya, 267 meru da7J.l}a, 352, 353 n.
Mathara Aclirya, 171 Messenger, 230
Miithara-vrtti. 400 n., 401 n. Metacarpal, 285
miiyii, 10, II, 16, 36, 41, 44, 45, 47, Metaphorical, 329
48, so, 51, 72, 73. 77. 84, 89, 104, Metaphysical, 191, 192, 499, 501, 502,
106, 163, 197, 215, 217, 221, 224, 514
238, 239. 271, 473. 477. 524, 525, Metatarsal, 285
533; alone the cause of the world, Method of interpretation, 2
1 1 ; as an instrumental cause (Brah- Methodological, 337
man being the material cause) ac- Methods, 29, 166
cording to Sarvajiiatma Muni, 11; Methora, 543
differences of view regarding its re- mettii, 460
lation with Brahman, 1 1 ; scholastic meya - svabhiiviinugiimznyiim anirva -
disputes as to the nature of its canlyatii, 127
causality, 11 meyatva, 121
miiyii-miitram, 37 Mice, 409
miiyii-nirmitatviibhyupagamiit, 203 Middle discrimination, 140, 250
miiyii power, 4 76 Migration, 406
miiyii theory, 42 Milk, 59, 6o, 97, 175, 322-324, 350
Measure, 148, 194, 360, 370 Mind, 35 ,76, 15 4 , 156,217,232,243·
Mechanical, 360, 369 256, 331, 339, 355, 367, 368, 377,
medas, 312 n. 3, 317, 324, 325 406, 419, 447. 469, 498, soo-so2,
medhii, 328,373 soB, 512, 530
Medhatithi, 251, 394 Mind activities, 470
Medhatithi Gautama, 393 Mind-associated consciousness, 34
Medical, 358 n., 372, 373, 376, 37~; Mind-body, 523
formulas, 435; herbs, 277, 294; Mind-contact, 70
literature, 295, 300, 301, 354 n.; Mindfulness, soo
practitioners, 277; science, 276; Mind-object contact, 69
system, 352; treatment, 303 n. 4; Mind-organ, 227, 310, 314, 366
writers (later), 299 Mind-person, 344
Medicinal, 359 n. Mind-structure, 524
Medicine, 275, 279, 280, 320, 357, Mineral, 333
359, 360, 363-365, 370, 371, 389, Minor term, 139
403 Miraculous, 294; effect, 364
iWedicine of Ancient India, 424 n. 2 Mirage, 5, 29, 230, 234; stream, 233
Meditation, 90, 256, 259, 447, 460, Mirror, 180
493, 494, 500, 501, 51 I Misconception, 479
Meditative union, 446 Misdeeds, 408
Medium, 229 Misery, 41, 178
medo-dharii, 317 Mitii~arii, 82 n., 107
Medulla oblongata, 355 Mithila, 119, 125, 394
Megasthenes, 543 mithuna, 392
Memory, 24, 148,26I,264,373,374 mithyii, 105
Mendicant, 505 mithyiiciira, 493
Menstrual blood, 350, 352 mithyii-jiiiinam, 8, 12, 413
mithyii-jnana-nimittafz, 105 Morbid elements, 319
mithyii-satJWrta, 4, 5 Morbidities, 325
mithyiitva, 148, 152 Morbidity, 336, 360, 362, 365
mithyii-yoga, 321, 405 Mosquitoes, 409
Mitra, 292 Mother-energy, 355
Mixed rasa, 359 Motion, 163, 360
Mixing up, 370 Motionless, 408
Mimarp.saka, 46, 54, 72, 385 Motor dhamani, 351
Mimarp.sa, 46, 56, 57 n., 86, 88, 98, Motor organs, 261
117, 120, 154. 219, 389, 441, 479, Mouth, 156, 325
483-488, 577; vidhi conception, Movement, 188, 235, 352, 365, 371;
479 ff.; vidhi conception, diverse of thought, 254
views on, 481, 482 Moving, 332, 361
Mimli'f!lsiidhikara7Ja-miilii, 220 mrdu, 359 n., 361
Mfmii1!£Sii-sutra, 280 n., 400 n., 401 n., mrgatn'IJikiidayafz, 21 n.
479 mrtyu, 299
MJmiirp.sii view, 99 Mucus, 276
Mimarp.sists, So, 99, 125, 171, 172, Mudga, 358 n.
180 muditii, 412, 460
Mode of mind, 15 mudriis, 455
Modes of Brahman, 44 mukhya, 259 n. 3
Modification, 22, 25, 30, 101, 183, 186, Muktiivali, 225
210, 215, 233. 243. 372 mukti, 245, 272
Modifications of miiyii, 35 Muktika, 51 1 n.
Moggallana, 248 Muktika-Upani~ad, 246, 247 n., 511 n.
moha,4I3-417,498 l\llukundadasa,443
mohanam, 498 Mukundasrama, 82 n.
Moist, 337 n., 361 Multiplicity, 243
Moistening, 361 Mumma<Jideva, 232
Moisture, 358, 360, 365 Mumuk~-vyavahiira, 23 1
mok~a, 44, 227, 229, 249, 267, 407, Mundane, 512
523 muni, 233. so6
mok~a-siidhana, 228 Munidasa, 431
mok~a-siistra, 385, 423 muiija grass, 296
Molqopiiya-siira, 232 Mufijavan, 298 n. 4
Molecular, 194 Mu~ufaka, 345, 551
Momentariness, 66, 184, 186 Mu7Jf!aka-bhii~ya-vyiikhyiina, 193
1\llomentary, 5, 32, 63, 70, 71, 96, 177, Mu7JI!.aka-Upm1i~ad, so, 78, 250
182, 184-186, 201, 367, 368; ap- 260, 344 n., 345, 494, 495, 551
pearance, 32; cause, 185; character, Mu7Jf!aka-Upan#ad-bhf¥ya, 78
182 n.; existents, 32; flashing, 31, Muralidhar, P., 424
63; ideas, 30; imaginations, 233; Muscles, 254
individuals, 59 Music, 498 n.
1\lloments, 15, 26 n., 27 n., 6o, 65, 151, Mutual dependence, 159
182, 184, 206, 211 n., 236, 238 Mutual help, 184
Mongolia, 164 Mutual interdependence, 140
Monism, 43 Mutual negation, 122, 200, 226
Monistic, 204; interpretation, 218; Mutual reference, 158
type, 228; Vedanta, 219; view, Mutual relations, 204
203 mufjhii, 378
Moon, 6, 26, 330, 525 muliidhiira, 453
Moral, 23 n., 24, 378, 404, 464, 484, murdhni, 449
511, 523; conflict, 453,495; destiny, murttiimurtta-riisi, 44
206, 207; discipline, soo; efforts, miltriitisiira, 296
466, 467; elevation, 447, 457; in- Mysterious centre, 356
junctions, 278; life, 418; precepts, Mysterious Ku7J4alinf, The, 353 n.
494 Mysterious operation, 364
Morality, 522 Mysterious power, 356
5ss Index
Mystic, 534 Na<,iuvil Matham, 198
Mystical cognition, 491 Naga, 75, 539
Mystical state, 451 Naganatha, 434
Nagarjuna, 3, 4, 7, 8, Io, 30, 5I, 119,
natja,345 124, 127, I63-I6 5 , I68, I70, I7I,
Nagnaka, 300 '372, 398, 424-428, 436; his criti-
Nails, 325, 326 n. cism of causation as interpreted by
nairilpya, 174 Bhavya and Candrakirti, 164, 166;
Nai~adha-carita, 126, 393 his criticism of causation contrasted
Na#karmya-siddhi, 17, 8o, 82, 84, 99, with that of the Hinayanists, I68;
100, 102, 148 n .. 198, 199, 216, 251 his criticism of the concept of
Na#karmya-siddhi-tlkii, 148 n. "going," 168 ff.; his distinction of
N aifkarmya-siddhi-vivara1}a, 99 limited truth (sa7{lvrta) and absolute
naifthikf, 415 truth (paramiirtha), 3; his view re-
Naiyayika, 51, 71, Io8, n8, 120, 124, garding production and nature of
127, 128, I31 1 I34 1 I39, 1441 146, things, 41; his main thesis of "no
163, 167, 171, 172, 176, 182, 185, thesis," 163, 164, 166, I67
189, 227, 329, 412 Nagesa, 262
na ki7Jlcid avedifam, 154 Nagesvara, 55
Na~atra-kalpa, 283 niik~atrii1}i, 292 n.
Nakula, 432 niima-rilpa, 498
nalam, 345 n. niima-rilpiinkura, 307
Nara, 537, 543 N iima-sa7Jlgraha-miilikii, 220
Naradanta, 428 Nanii Dik~ita, 17, 52, 222 n., 225
Narahari, 57, 231, 443 niiniipe~a-pratiyoginii7Jl bheda!z pratl-
Narasiq1ha, 79 yate, 95
N arasiq1ha Bhatta, 55 niira, 538
Narasiq1ha Kaviraja, 329 n., 434 niiriiya1}a,439,535,537,539,541,543o
na svarilpa-dr~ti!z prati- yogy- ape~ii, 545, 546, 548, 549; conception of,
199 537.538
Natural forces, I85 NarayaQ.a Dik~ita, 54 n.
Natural quality, 502 NarayaQ.a Jyotisha, 57 n.
Nature, 358 n., 501, 525; of conscious- NarayaQ.a Yati, 79
ness, 64; of knowledge, 194; of NarayaQiisrama, 53, 54, 216
things, 372 NarayaQendra Sarasvati, 78
Nauseating, 501 niisikya, 259 n. 3
nava, 385 iiiina-Sa7Jlvara, 500
nava-dviira7Jl, 292 N eamess, 360
Nava-nltaka, 435 Necessary antecedence, 186
N ava-siihasiHzka-carita, I 26 Neck, 336
nava-tantra, 385 Negation, 85, 91, 95, 97, no, 117, IJI,
naviibhyasta-tantra, 385 IJ2, 143, 162, 182, 194 1 222, 223,
Navel, 318, 342, 350, 352, 355 271, 438
navya-nyiiya, 1 24 Negative, 117,121, ISJ;criticism, 192;
na vyavahiira-bijam, 89 instances, 121; pleasures, 90
Naya-ma1}i-miila, 219 Negativity, 193
Naya-mayfikha-miilikii, 219 Neither-real-nor-unreal, I 17
Nayana-prasiidim, 147, 156 n. Neo-realist, 269
niibhi, 289 Nepal, s8 n.
niihhi-kanda, 355 Nerve-physical, 356
niit/.i, 257,263, 289n., 290, 29I, 344- Nerve-plexus, 353-356, 453, 455
346,348, 353-356; its meaning, 345; Nerves, 256, 342, 356
its number, 345 n., 348; its pre- Nervous system, 344, 352, 453
Carakian senses, 345, 346 Nescience, 6, 9, 45, 101, 117, 148, 153,
niit/.fkii, 345 195. 22I, 222,227,449
niit/.f-sa7JlSparsanodyata, 2 56 Neutral, 357, 378
Niit/.f-vijiiiina, 354 New bones, 286 n. 1
niit/.f-vra7Ja, 296 New moon, 5I9
New Testament, 549 nivasi~yasi, 55 I
Nibandha, I92, 497 nivesanam, 497
nibandha-prqpii.fijali, 49 nivrtti, 507, so8
Nibandha-sa'lflgraha, 273, 424, 427 niyama,278,454.455,491
nibbii7)a, 460 niyama-viddhi, 46
nidarsana, 389, 392 niyantii, 332
Nidiina, 30I, 395, 397, 428, 430, 432, niyati, 372, 4IO
433 niyoga, 392, 48 I
Nidii.na-prampa,434 Niyoga-kii.7Jt/.a, 87, 88, 98
Nidiina-sthiina, 395, 425, 428 n'ila, 29
Niddesa, 539, 542, 549 Nilakar:ttha, 274, 443, 545
nidrii, I04 Nilakar:ttha Bhatta, 434 n. 4
nigamana, 379, 387 Nilakar:ttha Dik~ita, 219
Nigama-tattva-siira-tantra, 353 n. niliigalasiilii, 298 n. 6
Nigamanta Mahadesika, 439 nflikii, 297
nigraha-sthiina, 388, 401 n'irandhra, 354 n.
Nihilists, 127, 234 Non-appropriation, 506
ni~lSvabhiiva, 35 Non-being, 143, 148, 203, 238
nif:zse~a-karmiisaya, 249 Non-Buddhistic, 164
nib,sviisa, 327 Non-distinction, 207-209
nijigi1JlSanatii, 496 Non-eternal, I20-I22, 386 n., 387
Nimbarka school, 443 Non-etemality, I9I
Nimi, 357 Non-existence, 28, 193, 217, 243, 5I7
Nimi-tantra, 435 Non-existent, I2, 28, 32, 4I, III, I20,
nimitta, 74, 395 I2I, IS2, ISS. I6I, 173. I94. 224,
nimitta-kiira7Ja, 360 234. 235. 244, 259. 517
nimflite, 257 Non-existing effects, 174
niranuyojyiinuyoga, 389 n. Non-injury,469,5os,5o6,so8-si 1,514
nirarthaka, 389 n. Non-momentary, 182
niriikiirii buddhib,, I8o Non-moral, 403
niriispadii, 21 n. Non-perception, 200
nirdeia, 389, 390 Non-permanency of entities, 185
nir7)aya, 389 Non-pleasurable-painful, 23 n.
Nirukta, 275 n., 346 n., 535, 547 Non-production, 249
nirvacana, 389, 392 Non-self, 6, 101; elements, 24
nirvii7)a, 23 I, 247, 450 n. 1 Non-stealing, 505
nirvii7)a-miitra, 233 Non-transgression, 500
nir-vikalpa, 22, 374, 401 Normal, 335; duty, 509, SI4, 516;
nir-vikiira, 368 measure, 319; state, 339
Niscaladasa Svamin, 216 n. Nose, 325
Niscala Kara, 427, 429 Nostrils, 367
niscaya, I73. 373, 384 Nothingness, 16
niscayiitmikii, 484 n. 1 Nourishment, 307
niscayiitmikii antabkara7Ja-vrtti, 7 5 Nrga, 107
niscayiitmikiib,, 367 Nrsi111hasvarupa, 52 n.
ni~karfa7Ja, 169 Nrsi111ha Thakkura, 443
nifkriya, I63 Nrsirphasrama Muni, 17, 31, 43 n.,
ni~prakiirikiiyiib saprakiirakatvena bhii- 5I-s6, 57 n., 72, 78, 92, I03, 124,
vab,, 224 216-218; his date and works, 216;
nitamba, 285 n. 7, 287 n. 2 nature of his Vedantic interpreta-
Nityabodha Acarya, 11 I tions, 217
nityaga, 368 n. Number, 158, 162, I88, 360, 370
nitya-naimittika, 442 Numerical, 14; difference, 370; quali-
Nityanatha Siddha, 427 ties, I62
nitya-sama, 380 n. 4, 382 n. Nutrient, 365 n.
nityatva-prati~edhiit, 386 n. Nutritive, 357, 358; elements, I85
nityatviid, 22 n. Nyaya, 19. 40, 51, 57 n., 107, 115, 117,
nityanitya-vastu-viveka, 495 120, 122, 125-127, I37. 143. I46,
Nyaya (cont.) 328,371,372, 515; analysis of voli-
147, 160, 161, 168, 170, 179, 192, tion, 515; criticism of its categories
205, 211, 248, 306, 307, 375. 379. by Sriha~a, 127 ff.; its categories
393, 394, 415, 482, 483 n. 2, 484, criticized by Anandaji'iana, 193, 19-~;
485, 515, 517; its arguments in its categories refuted by Citsukha,
favour of the existence of God criti- 157 ff.; its categories refuted by
cized by Kamalasila, 176 ff.; its idea Kamalasila, 187 ff.; its categories
of emancipation, 248; its theory of refuted by Sankara, 189 ff.
the subtle body, 306; origin of, Nyiiya-viirttika, 106
392 ff.; springs of action in, 412,413 Nyiiya- viirttika- tiitparya - parisuddhi,
Nyaya, categories, 147, 148, 156, 192; 107
definitions, 163; logic, 167; logi- Nyiiya-viirttika-tiitparya-!ikii, 45 n.
cians, 192; perceptions, 168; philo- nyiiya-vistara, 547
sophy, 145, 398; psychology, 414; nyiiyiiciirya, 122
school, 167; system, 374, 408; view, Nyiiyiimrta, 118, 225
178; writers, 124, 127, 146, 157 Nyiiyamrta-tarangi1)f, 118
Nyiiya-candrikii, 57 n., 425, 428 nyuna, 384,385,388,389
Nyiiya-dipiivall, 51, 116, 118, 192
Nyiiya-dlpiivali-tiitparya-!ikii, 116 Object, 17, 19, 25, 27, 29-31, 35, 88,
Nyiiya-dlpikii, 442 358, 367, 401; of awareness, 20, 29,
Nyiiya-kalpa-latikii, 83 209; of consciousness, 64; of know-
Nyiiya-kandall, 83, 85,249 n., 263 n. 1, ledge, 27
306,412 Object-consciousness, 149
Nyiiya-ka1)ikii, 45 n., 83, 85, 87, 107, Objection, 31, 101, 153
482 n. 1 Objective, 21, 22, 24, so8; conscious-
Nyiiya-loka-siddhi, 49 ness, 236; content, 15; entities, 25;
Nyiiya-makaranda, 12, 49, 69 n., 70 n., existence, 21, 149; experience, 102;
89 n., I 16-118, 147 n., 192, 194 ignorance, 77; plane, 73; self, 34;
Nyiiya-makaranda-sa,graha, 192 world, 20, 236
Nyiiya-makaranda-!ikii, 116 Objectively, 236
Nyiiya-makaranda-vivecani, 1 16 Objectivity, 29, 101, 153
Nyiiya-maiijari, 107, 248 n., 278 n., Oblations, 448, 526
307 n. 1, 381, 382 n., 394 n., 399, Obligatoriness, 46
413, 460 n. 1, 480 n. 1 Obligatory duty, 99, so6
Nyiiya-miilii, 81 Observation, 174, 366, 375
Nyiiya-muktiivali, 219 Obstacle, 377
Nyiiya-nibandha-prakiisa, 107 Occasion, 377
Nyiiya-niT1)aya, 193 Occasional, 368
Nyiiya-parisuddhi, 119, 120 Occipital, 287 n. 5
Nyiiya-ra/eyii-ma1)i, 82 n., 220 Ocean waves, 329
Nyiiya-ratna-Jfkii, 45 n. Odour,320, 355,365
Nyiiya-ratniivau, 77 n. Oiliness, 328
Nyiiya-siira, 120, 122 ojas, 293, 315-317, 324 n., 343, 346
N yiiya-siira-viciira, I 22 Old age, 512, 523
N yiiya-siddhiinta-dipa, 54 Older literature, 104
Nyiiya-siddhiinta-maiijan, 218 n. OM, 494,526
Nyiiya-siddhiinta-mafijarf-vyiikhyiina, Omnipresent, 204, 529
218 n. Omniscience, 22, 39, 53
Nyiiya-sudhii, 148 n. Omniscient, so, 118, 177; being, 135;
Nyiiya-sfici-nibandha, 107, 112 God, 72
Nyiiya-siltra, 107, 248, 273, 371, 374, Oneness, 224; of reality, 129
377, 379-38 I, 383 n. I, 386 n., 387, Ontological, 36, 265, 366, 517, 518;
388 n., 393, 394, 398-401 existence, 73; objectivity, 25
Nyiiya-sutra-vrtti, 393 Operation, 144, 177, 198
Nyiiya-siistra, 393, 394 Operative, 177; action, 137; functions,
Nyiiya-sikhiima1)i, 54 76; principle, 333
Nyiiya-tattviiloka, 45 n. Opposite quality, 190
Nyaya-Vaise~ika, 49, 163, 197, JIO, Opposition, 497
Index 59 1
Oppositional relation, 95 pa~e vyiipaka-pratuya-paryavasiina-
Oppositional term, 95 baliit, 121
Organ, 357, 358, 365 pakviiiaya,3I6,317, 330,336
Organism, SIS Palate, 348
Organized, soo Palatine process, 287 n. 4
Organizer, 176 palita, 297
Oriental Hi~torical Manuscripts, 219 Palljaka, 300
Oriental Manuscript Library, 205 Pancreas, z88 n. 3
Origin, 239, 410 n., 526 Pandit, 1711., 217, 222 n., 223 n., 224n.,
Origination, 4, 161, 235; of the sub- 225 n., 270 n.
stratum, 12 Pandit, Mr, 111, II2
Orissa, 164 Panjpur, 429
Orthodox school, 369 panthii, 348 n.
Os calcis, 284 n. 3 Pantheism, 45 I
Oscillating movement, 238 Pantheistic, 1
Oscillation, I s8 Pantzinor village, 429, 430
Os innominatum, 285 n. 7 paiica-dasiiizga yoga, 454
"Osteology," 424, 434 Paiicadasr, 214, 215, 216 n., 251 n.
Otherness, 131, 132 paiica-mahii-bhuta-vikiiriil;z, 3 s8
Oughtness, 482 Paii.canada, 429
Outbursts of pleasure, 245 Paficanallya kiivya, 126
Ovary, 290, 302, 307, 309 Paiica-piidikii, 8, 31 n., 52, 54, 102,
Owls, 409 103, 106, 148, 209, 251
Pada-candrikii, 232, 434 31 n.
Pada-maiijarl, 297 n. 4 Paiica- piidikii- siistra- darpat)a, 3 I n.,
Pada-yojanikii, 79 103
padiirtha, 389, 390 Paiica-piidikii-vivara'l)a, 17, 30, 31 n.,
Padiirtha - candrikii - prabhiisa - nama, 32, 33 n., 34 n., 52, 53, 79, 84, 103,
436 148, 149, 193, 206 n., 208-210 1 214,
Padiirtha-nin:taya, 44 216
Padiirtha-tattva, 10 Paiica-piidikii-vivara'l)a-bhiiva-prakiiSi-
Padiirtha-tattva-nin;.aya, so, S I, 57 n. kii, 31 n.
Padiirtha-tattva-nin:taya-vivara'l)a, I 93 Paiica-piidikii-vivara'l)a-prakiiiikii, 54,
Paddy, 358 n. 103, 217
padma, 356 Paiica-piidikii-vyiikhya, 52 n.
Padmanabha Pai).<;iita, 126 n. Paiica-prakriyii, 52 n.
Padmapada, 8, 9, 30, 3 In., 32, 34, 47, Paiica-riitra, 461, 491, 546, 547,
48, 51, 54, 79, 86, 89 n., 102, Io6, 548 n.
147-149, 151, 209; causality of Paii.casikha, 476
Brahman, 106; his followers, 102, paiica-vidham adhyiitman, 537
103; his view of perception, etc., paiicendriya-gu'l)iivahii, 355
105, 106; meaning of ajiiiina, 104, paiiczkara'l)a, 74 n., 76
105; quarrel with Buddhists re- Paiicikara'l)a-bhiiva-prakiisikii, 79
garding the nature of existence, 32; Paiiclkara'l)a-prakriyii, 79
regarding the nature of self-con- Paiiclkara'l)a-tiitparya-candrikii, 79
sciousness, 33 ff. Paiict.kara'l)a-tlkii-tattva-candrikii, 79
Padma-purii'l)a, 393 Paiiczkara'l)a-viirttika, 79
padma-yugma-traya, 257 Paiiclkara'l)a-viirttikiibhara'l)a, 79
Paila, 432 Paiiclkara'l)a-vivara'l)a, 79, 193
Pain, 175, 181, 203, 242, 248, 343, Paiijikii, 3 I n., 171
360, 366, 369, 371, 373. 412, 463, paiiiiii, soo, 504
470, Sio-SI2 pa'l)idhi, 497
Painful, 23 n., 242 para,36o,369, 370,378
Painting, 203 parab iitmii, 368
Paippalada, 283 paraloka#a'l)ii, 405
pakja, 121, 139 parama-guru, 86
pak~a-dharmatii, 148 parama-ha1Jlsa, 252 n.
592 Index
Parama-hatftSa-Upan#ad, 252 n. Pataiijali, 259 n., 265, 304 n., 403, 408,
parama7Jl pada'J!l, 228 4IO n., 4I4, 431,436,443,447,451-
parama-sulqma, 4I I 455, 458, 460, 461, 476, 477. 491,
Paramananda, I 26 n. 492, 504, 539. 540, 542. 543, 546,
paramiitzu, 189, I9J 548, 549
paramiirtha, 5 Patafijali-sutra, 5 I7
paramiirtha-darsana, 248 Patella bone, 285 n. 4
paramiirtha-prapii, 443 Path of wisdom, 495
paramiirtha-rupa, 4 Pathology, 434
paramiirtha-satya, 3 Patience, J6o, 50o-502,5IO
paramiitman, 445, 446, 455, 46I, 465, Patient, 296
466 patitthii, 459, 500
paramiitma-riisi, 44 pafigho, 497
Paramesvara, 53, 2o6 paurtzamiisz, 292 n.
param ojas, 343 pauru~a, 252-254,272,525
pararrz dhiima, 533 pau~a-viidins, 402
para puru~a, 468 Pau~a, 294
paraspariidhyiisa, I I 3 Pau~kalavata, 424
parasparopakiiritii, I 84 Pau~kaliivata-tantra, 435
para-tantratii, IO pa~#ka, 28I, 296
para-vijfiapti-vise~iidhipatyiit, 21 n. pavamiina, 292 n.
pariidi, 369 pavana, 333
para prakrti, 465 Pamnasa demon, 300
pariirtha, 4I2 piicaka, 303, 330
Parasara, 25 I Piidma-tantra, 548 n. 3
Pariisara-sa'J!lhitii, 432 piika, 362 365, 370
Pariisara-smrti, 83, 252 n. Pal).gava, 502, 545
paribandho, 497 Pal).gya, 2I9
Paribhii~ii, 53 Pal).ini, 297 n., 538-540, 542, 543
Parietal, 287 n. 5 pii'IJi-piida-saliikiidh#thiina, 285 n. 3
pariggaho, 496 piitzi-piidiinguli, 285 n. I
parigraha, 409 papa, 522
parihiira, 388 piiramiirthika, 2, 44
Parimala, Io6 n. piira7Jlparya, 374
paritziima,2I,38,39.44,46, I72, I90, Parasarya, 3 I 6
193, I94, 224, 370, 372, 4IO; cause, piiribhapka, 363
45; doctrine, I7I; view of causation, piirimiitzt;lalya, I89; measure, I90
45 Parsvanatha, 544
paritziimi-kiiratza, 5 I piirft)l, 284
paripiika, 27 n. piirthiva, 359
parisQ7Jlkhyii-vidhi, 47 pf'4atztja, 54I
parispanda, 256 pii§iitzavat-samam, 266
pari~at, 378 Pataii.jala-Sarpkhya, I77
Parjanya, 300 n. 2 piitiila, 76, 300
paro/qatviid acintya7Jl, 316 Patrasvarnin, I72
Particles, I57 Pataliputra, 427
Particular, 63 piifimokkha-sa7JlVara, 500
Partless, I57, 158, 190, I99 Pea, I69
Parts, 40 Peace, 444, 450, 490, 500, 501, 503,
Parvataka-tantra, 435 5II
paryanuyojyope/qatza, 389 n. Peacefulness of mind, 5IO
Passion, 229, 373, 414, 4I9, 45I, 453, Pearl, 525
459, 477, 489, 493. 497. 498, 529, Peculiarities, I59
531 Pelvic bone, 287 n. I
Passionlessness, 47 5 Pelvic cavity, 285
Passive, 24 Pelvis, 340, 348
paiavab, 292 n. pema7Jl, 497
paiyantl, 353 Penances, 539
Index 593
Penis, 296, 326 n. Philosophy, 44, 51, 66, 73, 228, 504,
People, 509 509,517, 525; of BadarayaJ.la, 36
Perceived universe, 241 Phlegm, 299, 300, 325, 365, 391
Perceiver, 22, 67, 135, 139, 155, 2oo- Phlegmatic diseases, 299
202, 209, 234. 341 Physical, 238, 369, 404, 504; diseases,
Perceiving, 330; power, 200; principle, 418; process, 48; propulsion, 48o;
199 sciences, 273; trouble, 512; world,
Perceiving-self, 200 270
Perception, 17, 18, 20, 21, 65, 88, 92, Physician, 277, 278, 328 n., 338, 357,
u6, II7 1 135, 145, 148, 159, 167, 387, 389, 392, 415
x8o, 187, 192, 194, 200, 202, 205, Physiological activity, 331
207, 208, 212, 213, 226, 234, 254, Physiological effects, 360
269, 270, 302, 373. 374. 377. 401, Physiological functions, 261, 263, 331,
407; of identity, 65 333
Percepts, 270 Physiological operations, 332, 335
Perceptual, 77; data, 156; experience, Physiological position, 332
105; knowledge, 77, 192; process, picchila, 359 n., 361
208, 217 pihii, 497
Percipi, 19 Pilgrimage, 230, 441, so8
Performance, 502 Pillar, 26
Perfwnes, 498 n. piizgalii, 257, 292, 353 n., 354, 453,
Pericardium, 284 n. 3 454
Permanence, 186 pi't)tf,a, 43, 312 n., 314
Permanent, 22, 179, 241, 368, 369; pipiisii, 496
consciousness, 71; convictions, 240; pipiisii-sthiina, 288 n. 1
entity, 22; perceiver, 187; self, 71, Pipe, 346
179; subject, 366; substance, 145 pippali, 299 n. I
Persistence, 18, 67; of knowledge, 18 Pischel, R., 345 n.
Persistent, 188, 241 Pisiica, 282, 300
Persisting cause, 183 Pisiica-veda, 274 n. 3
Persisting entity, 183, 184 pitr-yiina, 519, 521
Person, 252, 255, 367 pitta, 257, 276, 282, 296, 300, 317,
Personality, 1 Io, 524 319, 320, 325-337. 339. 341, 344.
Perspiration, 351 ; channels, 348 347. 349. 350, 361, 362, 365, 392,
Pessimism, 414, 504 524; nature of, 330, 331
Pessimistic tendency, 521 pitta-dharii, 317
pen, 314, 318 pittala, 334 n.
Petta Dik~ita, 54 n. pitta-prakrti, 328, 334
phala, 359 pittiisaya, 350
phala-tyiiga, 444 pithara-piika, 194
phale ner~yu, 420 piyato, 490
Phantom show, 1 1 pllu-piika, 194
pha't)0,342,351 Placenta, 291
Pharmacopreia, 277 Planet, 333
Pharyngeal plexus, 355 Plant, 333, 359
Phiilguna, 294 Plato, 506
Phenomena, 177, 501 Playful activity, 42
Phenomenal, 126, 127, 167, 499; Playful instincts, 178
appearance, 48; reality, 167; self, plan, 289
415 Pleasantness, 358
Phenomenon, 374 Pleasing, 337 n.
Philosopher, 38, 446 Pleasurable, 23 n., 242; experience,
Philosophic, 502; analysis, 467; know- 91; state, 181
ledge, 246, 523; truth, 504; view, Pleasure, 68, 175, 247, 248, 343, 360,
2; wisdom, 494 366, 369, 371, 373. 374· 404, 412,
Philosophical, 228, 501 ; development, 452, ~63,487, 504,508-512,520
48; idea, 366; ignorance,417; truth, Pleasure-seeking, 507
230 Plexus, 353 n., 356
594 Index
plihan,288 prajniipariidha, 321, 339, 405, 415-
Pluralistic experience, 204 418,422
Plurality, 38, 39, 95, 161, I95; of prakarat;za, 57 n., 231
causes, I6I Prakarat;za-pancikii, 249
Points of dispute, 389 prakara7Ja-sama,38on., 382n., 386,387
Poison, 359 n., 361, 497 Prakatiirtha-vivaraTJa, 46, 49, so, 72,
Polemic, I26, I27 196-I98, 205, 206, 213; its philo-
Polemical, 204 sophy, dates, etc., 196-I98
Poles, 208 prakiiSa-h~atviit, 197
Politics, 385 Prakasananda, I7-I9, 31 n., 52, S;>,
Polluting agents, 326-328 55, 56, 84, 22I, 223-225, 270; Brah-
Pollution, 4o8, 409 ma and the world in, 224; discus-
Popular belief, 377 sions regarding awareness in, I7-
Positive, 47; cause, 197; entity, 182; I9; discussions regarding subjective
experience, I54; knowledge, 154; idealism in, I7; miiyii in, 224; nature
quality, 152; unity, I53 of ajniina in, 222; nature of iinanda
Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus, in,223; negative dialectics of, 18, I9;
253 n., 356 n. quarrel with Vasubandhu of, 19;
Positivity, I93 theory of causality in, 221-223;
Possession, I58 view-point of his work, 220, 221;
Postures, 455 works of, 225
po~aka-rasa, 323 n. Prakasanubhavananda, 17 n.
Potency, 8, JI, 175, 359, 361-363, Prakasatman, 9, Io, 17, 30, 33, 82, 84,
370 89,10J-1o6, II8,148,I49,151,I9J,
Potency-in-chief, 364 208-2I0, 214, 222-224, 234; his
Potential, 23 n.; ajniina, 53; energy, quarrel with the Buddhists regard-
356 ing nature of objects, 30, 31
Potentialities, 24 Prakiisiitma-Sri-carat;zail;, I04
Potter, 249 prakopa, 335 n.
Potter's wheel, 246 prakrti, 42, 72, 101, 104, 109, 175, 177,
Power, 8, 22, 2IS, 243, Sio; of con- I8I, 238, 239, 250, 258, 265, 272,
trolling others, 505 n.; of produc- 334. 335. 372, 388, 4IO, 440, 455,
tivity, 26 n. 457. 461-465, 467, 473. 477. 478,
Prabandha-parisodhinl, 52 n. 482, SIS, SI6, 525, 526, 533. 534
Prabhakara, 66, 67, 69, I47, I54, ISS, prakrti-do~as. 335 n.
I97, 249, 483, SIS; his analysis of prakrti-miina, 335 n.
illusion, I54; his idea of emanci- prakrti'f!l yiinti miimikiim, 526
pation, 249 pralaya, 37, 48, I9I
prabhiiva, 323,362,364-366 pramii, 128, IJ7, I94, 206, 2I2, 213
Prabodha-candrikii, 443 pramiida, 4IJ
Prabodha-candrodaya niitaka, 220 pramii7Ja, 77, I28, 137, I67, 194, 204,
Practical action, 152 222, 254. 373. 375. 376, 379. 380,
Practical discipline, 500 384 fl.
Practical movement, ISS pramiir;a-caitanya, 207, 208
Practice, 487, 500, SI4 Pramii1Ja-manjan, I 20, I 24
prade/a, 389, J9I Pramii1Ja-miilii, 12, I3, 51, 116, 118,
pradhiina, I72, 370,440 148, 192
Pradyumna, 543, 545 pramii1Ja-samuccaya, 44
Pragalbha Misra, 126 n. Pramiit;za-viirttikiilaizkiira, 49
Pragmatic, 371; basis, 152 Pramii1Ja-viirttikiilaizkiira-!lkii, 49
Praise, 5I2 Pramii1Ja-vidhva1J1.Sana, 398 n.
prai~ya-prai~ayofz sambandha/:z, 481 Pramii1Ja-vidhva1JI.Sana-sambh/4ita-vr-
prajii/:z, 292 n. tti, 398 n.
Prajapati, 484 Pramiit;za-vrtti-nirt;zaya, I 98
prajnapti-sat, s8 pramiitr, 77, 105
prajnii, 24,265,491,504,548 prameha, 343 n.
Prajfiakara Gupta, 49 Pram~a-dfpikii, 442
PrajiianAnanda, 79, 196 pram~atviit, 121
Index 595
pramiti, 77 pratyiitma-ved_va, 22
Pramodapurandara Acarya, 225 n. pratyetavya, I9
pra1J.etii, 332 pratyudiiharati, 342
prasaizga, 389, 391 PraUijhiinubhuti, 81
prasaizga-pratidntiinta-sama, 380 n. 4 Pravacana-bhii~a, 250
prasaizga-sama, 381 n. pravartanii, 482
prasiida, 3I8, 325, 492 pravartate, 3 I4
prasiida-dhiitu, 325 pravrtti, 389, 507
prasiira, 336 n. pravrtti-siimarthya, I30
Prasthiina-bheda, 225 prayatna, 238, 369-37I
prasyandana, 349 prayatniidi, 37I
prasama, 335 prayatniinta, 369, 370
Prasastarnati, I72 prayatniintanyaka, 381 n.
Prasastapada, I62, 249, 412, 4I3, 505, prayatniintarlyakatva, 382 n.
5I5 prayojana, 383, 384 n. I
Prasastapiida-bhii~ya, I6J n. priikrta-miina, 3I9, 320
Prasnanidhana, 428 priiktana, 253
Praina-Upan#ad, 78, 290n., 344 n., priimii1Jya, 214
345 prii1Ja,75.76, 104,258-z6o, 262,291,
Prasna- Upan#ad-bhii~a, 78 292, 303, 311, 332, 3J3, 340, 342,
prathamii-bhfimikii, 264 344,346,347,349,352,356,373,448,
pratibandha, I76 449; as depending on the head, 340;
pratibimba, 48 as vibration, 263 ; as vital parts, 342;
pratibimba-viida, I06 channels of, 347, 348 ; heart the
pratijnii, 379, 387 centre of, 340; history of the mean-
pratijfiii-hiini, 388 ing of, 259 ff.; seat of, according to
pratijniintara, 388 n. Caraka, 342
pratijnii-sannyiisa, 388 n. prii1J.Qi~a1Jii, 405
Pratimii-niifaka, 394 n. prii1Ja-karmii1Ji, 448
pratinivi~tii, 378 prii't}amaya-ko~a, 76
pratipak~a-bhiivanii, 460 prii't}a-nirodha, 258, 268
pratipannopiidhau n#edha- pratiyogit- prii~za-sarrzyamana, 454
vam, 222 prii't}a-spanda, 256, 257
pratipannopiidhiiva-pratiyogitva, 217 prii't}a-vahii, 3 I8
pratisa1{lSkartr, 425 priitJa-vahiiniirrz srotasii7p hrdayarrz mil-
prati~!hii, 279, 285 lam, 343
prat#fhiipanii, 379 prii't}a viiyu, 348, 355
prati-tantra-siddhiinta, 383 prii1Jiipiina-gatl ruddhvii, 448
prattkopiisanii, 448, 488 prii1Jiiyasviihii,448
prattta, I9, 128 prii'l)iiyiima, 256, 257, 447-449, 452-
pratitya-samutpiida, 3 n., 8 455, 458
pratyabhijnii, 33,65,67 priipty-apriipti-sama, 38o n. 4, 38I n.
pratyag iitman, 6 priirabdha-karma, 247, 250
Pratyagbhagavan, 147 Priitisiikhyas, 276
Pratyag-rupa-bhagavan, I I9 n. priitlttka-sattva, 270
pratyak, 63 priiyas-citta, 275, 278, 28I, 295, 296
pratyak-cit, I IO Pre-condition, 405, 506
pratyak-citi, 9 Predatory birds, 409
Pratyak-svarupa-bhagavat, I56 n. Predominance, 367
pratya~a, 92, I94, 207, 373, 374, 376, Preferment, 50I
379, 407, 41 I Preparatory measure, 500
Pratyak~adevayathacarya, 439 prera1Ja, 481
Pratyak~a-siinram, 354 n. Presentation of the false, I54
Pratyak-tattva-pradipikii, 222 n., 223 n. Pride, 267, 373, 409, 509-511
pratyaktva, J: 15 Principle of consciousness, 20, 22
praty-anuyoga, 384 Principle of difference, 6o
pratyaya, 395 Principle of intelligence, 20
pratyiihiira, 454, 45 5 Principle of thought, 3 5
Privilege, 505 PuQQabhadda, 539
prl~ana, 328 pu~ya, 522
Probability, 373 pupphusa, 258 n., 3 I8
Probandum, I20, I2I, I39, I40 Puriil)a, 43, 74, 78, 228, 279, 328,
Probans, 139 547
Proceedings and Trallsactionsof the First Purii~a-veda, 274 n. 3
Oriental Conference, Poona, 400 n. Pure, 36, 303; annihilation, 234;
Proceedings of the Madras Oriental awareness, 33; being, I3; bliss, I3,
Conference, 232 90,113,215, 223; blissfulness, 92;
Process, 256, 377 cessation, 234; consciousness, 22,
Procreator, 525 30, 33-35, 46, 65, 7I-74, 77, IOI,
Product, I3, 1~, 23, 33I; complexes, 4 I05, Il8, I79. I8I, 197. 203-207,
Production, II, I8, 25, 32, 37, 38, 4I, 209, 2II, 227, 235, 236, 238, 241-
62,166, I68,I73,I74,I77, I82,I84, 243; essencelessness, 234; extinc-
I86, 187, I9o, 235, 236; of action, tion, 233; happiness, 22; idea, 234;
473; of knowledge, I8 intelligence, 8, I3, 2I, 22, so, 89 n.,
Prognostication, 396, 397 I02, IIQ, 233, 477; negation, 234;
Prohibitions, 504 thought, 24; vacuity, 235
Projection of objectivity, 25 Purificatory rites, 278
Proof, I28 Purity, 469, 502, 505, 5IO, 5II, 5I3,
Proper discernment, I34 5I4, 542; of heart, 510; of mind,
Proper measure, 325 438,44I
Proper proportion, 327 pur~a, 3I7
Property, 357-360, 365, so6 purl~a-dharii, 3I7
Propulsion, 48I, 482 puntat, 344
Prosperity, 50 I puru~a, I81, 234, 24I, 250, 251, 255,
Protection, 505 265, 272, 379. 380, 385, 388, 440,
Proud, SIO, 511 457, 458, 46I, 465-467, 472, 477,
Pr~tha-gatiisthi, 287 n. I 524, 537
Pr~tih, 286 puru~alz parafz, 465
Prthak, 370 puru~a-kiira, 256
Prthaktva, I94, 370 pu~a-niiriiya~a, 537
Prthivi, 75 PurUfa-niicaya, 342 n.
Psychical frame, IOS PurUfa-sukta, 523, 524, 537
Psychical process, 48 purUfiirtha, 547
Psychological, 108, 265, 366; appear- puru~ottama, 55, 4I6, 466
ance, 32; constituents, 58; duality Puru!}Ottama Dik!}ita, I I 5
of awareness, 29; elements, 58-6o; Puru!}Ottama Sarasvati, 79, 225
entities, 59; existence, 73; experi- Puru!}ottamavana, I20
ence, 170; ignorance, 12, I09; pury-anaka, 245
necessity, 25; objectivity, 25; objects Pus, 325, 330
of awareness, 29; self, 9; thought, PUfpiifijali, So
35 puraka, 257, 258
Psychologically, 3 I PurQaprajiia, I 20
Psycho-physical parallelism, 339 PiirQak!}a Maudgalya, 357
Psychosis, 24, 29, 250, 254, 464 Pur~nanda, 232, 354 n.
Psychosis-transformations, 22 Pliil).ananda Sarasvati, 79
Pthisis, 288, 299 PurQananda Tirtha, 78, 79
Pubic, 348; bone, 285 n. 7; nerve, PurQananda Yati, 353 n.
353 purva, 400 n.
Pubis, 285 n. 7 purva-kiila-bhiivitva, I 6o
Public good, 485 purva-pa~a, 389, 39I
pudgala, 58, 59 purva-prajfiii-sarrzskiira, I04
Pudgala-viniscaya, 58 n., 59 n. purva-ropa, 336 n., 396, 397
punar-ukta, 388, 389 n. purvavat, 398-400
Punan·asu, 395 PUrvottara - mimiimsii- viida- naksatra-
Punarvasu Atreya, 393 miilii, 2I9 . .
Pungent, 337 n., 357-359, 363 pu~a. 353
Index 597
pfitikii, 296 riiga, 267,4I3,4I4,4S9,497
piiya, 330 n. riiga-dve~a, 420
riigiidi, 369
Qualification, 1S6 Raghavananda,7S, IIS
Qualitative change, I 5 Raghavendra Svamin, 443
Qualities, 5, 143, I4S, I52, ISS, I6I, Raghavendra Yati, I7 n.
I62, IS7, 190, 359, 360, 369-374, riija-karmii1Ji, 296
37S, 462, 50 I, 505 n., 5 I5 Raja Makhindra, 21S
Quick, 337 n. riijasa, 367, 373, 46S-47o
Quickness, I56 Riija-taraizgi1}t, 43 I
Rajanaka, 443
Race, 50I riik~asas, 2S3
Radius, 2S5 n. 6 Rama, 229,230,255,507,546
Rage, 497 Ramabhadra, 79
Raghunatha, I46 Ramabhadra Dik~ita, 43 I
Raghunatha Siromai).i, II9, I24, Ramabhadrananda, 56
126 n. Ramabhadrasrama, 55
Rains, 59, J2I, 327, 335, 370 Ramacandra, 79, 23S
rajas, 72, 74, 75, 303, 3I4, 3I9, 329, Ramacandra Tirtha, 79
367, 372,4I9,436.4s6,46S Ramacandra Y ajvan, 220
rajas element, 26I Ramacandrarya, Sz n.
rajo-vahana-niifjyal:z, 344 n. Ramadatta, 99
Rajputana, 539 Ramadeva, 23I
Rajshahi, 49 Ramakai).tha, 443
Rajwade, V. K., 55I n. Ramakr~J.la, 53, 216 n., 443
Rak~a!,z, 300 Ramakr~J.la Adhvarin, zoS
rakta, 3I7, 324, 326, 327, 339, 352 Ramakr~J.la Bhatta, 434 n. 4
rakta-dharii, 3 I7 Ramakp;;Qa Dik~ita, 54
rakta-du~ti. 324 RamanarayaQa, 443
ram, 55I Ramanatha, 57 n., 434
Rangaraja Adhvarin, 54 Ramanatha Vaidya, 434
Rangaraja Makhindra, 21S Riimarfidn, 264 n.
Rangoji Bhatta, 55, 1oS Ramatirtha, 52, s6, 79. S5, II I, 115,
raiijaka, 330 I IS, I9J
rasa, I94, 236, 302, JI2 n. 3, 317,322- Ramadvaya, I97, I9S, 204, 205, zoS,
325, 327, 32S, 339, 343 n., 347, 34S, 2I2-2I4; ajiiiinas as many, 2IO, 21 I;
350, 357-366, 390, 391 continuity of perception through a
rasa-dhiitu, 323 rapid succession ajiiiina covering
rasa-du~ti. 324 and its removal in, 2I I; his date and
Rasa-ratniikara, 427 work, 204, 205; his definition of
Rasa-sara, I 23 right knowledge different from that
rasa-sthiina, 350 of Vediinta-paribhii~ii, 212; his re-
rasa-viihim, 34S n. lation with Paiica-piidikii, 209, 210;
Rasiibhivyaiijikii, 56 his theory of Vedantic perception in
Rasiitala, 76 contrast to that of Vediinta-pari-
rasiiyana, 276, 30I bhii~ii and Sikhiima1}i, 225 ff.; his
Rasiiyana-tantra, 425 view different from that of the
Rasika-raiijint, 443 Vediinta-paribhii~ii on the subject of
rati, 490, 497 the continuity of perception, 211;
Ratnakirti, 49 his view of time, 2 11, 2 I 2 ; move-
Ratna-prabhii, IOJ, I04, 429 ment of vrtti and perception, zoS-
Ratna-tfilikii, 56 2IO; place of anta!,zkara1Ja in per-
Ratna Vajra, 49 ception, zoS-2I2; pure conscious-
rauk~ya, 337, 362 n. ness and perception, 2 I I
Ravigupta, 432 Ramajiia Pai).<;leya, 225 n., 226
Ray Chaudhury, Dr, 544, 550 Ramananda, 52 n., Sz n., 439
Radheya, 4S Ramananda Sarasvati, IO, 3 I n., s6.
Ra<;lhamalla, 326 n. So, IOJ, I96
Ramanandatirtha, 79, 232 Relativity, I 57
FUunanuja,43, I25,20I,2I9,262,439, Rele, 353 n., 354
44I,442, 542 Religion, 525
Riimiinuja-bhii~a, 262 n. 2 Religious, 367, 509, 525; discipline,
Riimiinuja-mata-kha1_ujana, 220 488; duty, 505; endeavours, 488
Riimiiya'l}a, 229, 230, so6 Remoteness, 369
Riimiiya'l}a-bhiirata-siira-sa't[lgraha, 220 Renunciation,252,444,457.458,sio,
Riimiiya'l}a-siira, 220 5I4
Riimiiya'l}a-siira-sa't[lgraha, 220 Repentance, so8
Riimiiya'l}a-siira-stava, 220 Repetition, 3 6o
Riimiiya'l}a-tiitparya-niY'l}aya, 220 Reply, 388
Riimiiya1}a-tiitparya-sa1fll5raha, 220 Reports on Sanskrit Manuscripts, 2I9
Ramendra Yogin, 57 n. Repository, 22
Ramesvara Bharati, 82 n. Repulsions, 239
riisi, 44 Resemblance, 13 I
React, 23 Resolution, 253
Real, 117, I67, 27I; God, 2;ignorance, Respiratory process, 258 n. 1
4; objects, 26; souls, 2; substance, Responsibility, SOl, sos, 507. soB
23; transformation, 38, 39, 44; Result, 376
world, 2, 20 Retentive power, 373
Realism, 27I Revelation, I3-I6, I97
Realistic, I, 2, 2I3; definitions, I63, Reward, 503
I68; interpretation, 38; logic, I67; Rhetoric, 220
transformation, 38, 39, 44 Rhetorician, I7I
Reality, 5, IS, 20, 73, I IS, I65, I8I, Ribs, 286 n. 2
I86, I93, I95, 206 n., 236, 245, z68, Rice, 358 n.
499 Right cognition, I34, 136, I37
Realization, 233, 239, 524 Right conduct, 405, 406, 423
Rearing, 505; of cows, 505 n. Right knowledg(', 99, I53, I8I, I87,
Reason, I20, I2I, I23, I39, I48, I94, I94, 206, 2I2, 2I3, 229, 239, 248,
375 251, 261
Reasoning, 24, 376, 377 Right perception, 135
Rebirths, 75, 90, 305, 407, 465, 52o- Right thinking, 90
523, 530 Right volition, soo
recaka, 257, 258 Ritual, 547
Recentes Decouvertes de MSS. Midi. Ritualistic, 284
caux Sanscrits dans l'Inde, 425 n. Rockhill, W., 276, 277, 424 n. I
Receptacle, I79, 526 roga-bh#ag-jitiya-vimiina, 377
Recognition, 65, 67, I84 rohi'l}l, 3I7, 396
Recognition of identity, 33, 34, 66; in romiivarta, 342
Buddhism and Vedanta, 33 ff. Root, 347, 365; desires, 243; inclina-
Rectum, 288, 318, 331, 336, 348, 35I tions, 243, 255
Red, 27, 344 n., 349 Rooted instincts, 248
Reed, 346 Root-impression, 3 I
Reflection, 50, 55 Rope,7, 37,73, Io6
Refutation, 127, I46, I47, I6o, I88, Rosy, 349
I89, I92; of action, I88 Roth, 274, 283
Relation, IS, 22, 24, 25, 34, 44, 96, I06, Rough, 332, 338
I2I, I44. 146, IS2, 158, I59. I67, Roughness, 360
I73. 19I, 203, 204, 372, 374. 397; ruci, 497
of identity, 34; of inherence, I48, Rudimentary element, 76
IS8, I87-I89; of inseparability, Rudra, 538
I94 Rug-viniscaya, 434
Relationing, 3I rilk~a, 332, 338, 357, 359, 361, 363,
Relationship, I52 398
Relative concept, 9I rilpa, 377
Relative space, 157 rapatva, 374
Relativistic, I64, 2I3; philosophy, I64 rilpin, 202
Index 599
rilra!z, 298 n. 4 samaveta-samaviiya, 374
~-Veda,28I,345,346,394,486, 535, samaya-viruddha, 385
537 sama-yoga-viihin, 3 19
~g-Vedic, 301; hymns, 28o; sacrifices, samiidhiina,459, 500
281 samiidhi, 24, 251,452,454,455,484 n.,
IJ..ju-vivara1}a, 52 n. 500, 504
~k,274.390, 526 samana,75,258,260,291, 332
~k~griva, 300 sambandhi-svabhiiva-janya, 142
r#, 295 n. 3, 394, 539 sambandhi-svabhiiva-Srita, 142
rtava!z, 292 n. sambhiivanii-bhiiO'a, 103
Sameness, 511; in all situations of life,
sabhiiga-santati-vicchediikhya'!l, 21 n. 511; in blame, 511; in joy, 511; in
Sabhii-parva, 544 praise, 51 1 ; in sorrow, 51 1
sac-chiistra, 267 samlclna, 370
Saccidananda, 79 samuccaya, 389, 392
Sacral nerve, 353 samudga, 287
Sacral plexus, 3 55 samutthiina, 395
Sacrifice, 353 n., 437, 441, 448, 473, Samyagbodhendra Sarpyamin, 52 n.
479, 483, 485, 487, 501, 504-506, samyagjfiiiniidhigama, 249
510, 513, 514, 523, 526, 535, 537 samyak, 135
Sacrificial, 43 n., 494; actions, 493; samyak-paricchitti, 1 34
duties, 474, 479; performance, 522 sa'!lbhava, 384
sacro-coccygeal plexus, 355 SO'!lbhii!ii, 378
Sacrum, 285 n., 287 n. SO'!lbhinnobhaya-riipatviit, 104
sad-asadbhyii'!l vila/qa1}am, 127 sa,ghiita. 463
Sadananda, 55,231 sa1'{lgraha, 49
Sadananda Kasmiraka, 57, 196 SatflhaTIO, 378
Sadananda Vyasa, 443 Sa'!lhitii-kalpa, 283 n.
Sadasiva, 219 Sa'!lhitii-vidhi, 283 n.
Sadasivendra Sarasvati, 82 n. SO'I]'ljfiii, 23
sa-deha-muktatii, 245 sa'!lkalpa, 373
sad-vrtta, 405, 420 sa'!lkalpa-nagarO'!l, 233
Sages, 395, 539 sa'!lkalpa-puTU~a, 233
sagu1}a-brahma, 218 Sarpkaq;ar;ta, 539, 542, 543, 545, 546,
sahabhiita'!l kiiryam, 186 548
Sahadeva,432 SO'Tflkhyii, 370
saha-ka'.Zthikii, 289 n. 3 Sa'Tflklepa-siinraka, 11 n., 17, 43 n.,
sahakiiri, 160 45 n., 52, 54, 56, 85, IIQ-II2, 115,
sahakiiri-kiira1}a, 109 216, 223 n.
Sahapala Deva, 427 Sa'fl/qepa-iiirlraka-sambandhokti, 52 n.
sahasriira, 353, 356 S07!llqepa-iiinraka-siira-s07!lgraha, 1 16,
sahasriira-cakra, 3 56 225
sahopalambha-niscaya, 49 Sa'Tflpriipti, 397 n.
sahopalambha-niyama, 26 n., 35 sa1f!Sarga, 338 n.
sahopalambha-niyamiid, 26 n. S01f!Siira, 44
Saint, 247, 420, 501, 5o6 Sa1f!Siira-tara1}f, 232
Saintly persons, 264 sa'Tflskiira, 65, 36o, 370
Saline, 358, 359 S01f!S!li, 234, 238
Salt, 357 sa'flsaya, 383, 389, 392, 500
Salvation, 228, 305 sa'Tflsaya-sama, 380 n., 382 n., 386, 387
sama, 236 SO'fls/ela, 307
sama-dhiitob, 327 n. sa1flslela-pratyaya, 207
sama-pittiinila-kapha, 334 SO'TflVOra, 500
samatva, 451, 511 sa1Jzvatsariifz, 292 n.
sama-·viita-pitta-ilepnan, 334 n. sa'Tflvedanamaya, 256
samaviiya,4o, 148,183,184,187,189- SO'TflVid, 63, 149, 201, 208, 235, 259
191, 194, 371, 374; relation, 374 sa7!Zvit-karma, 68
samaviiyi-kiira1}a, 143, 360 sa1flt,;t-spanda, 254
6oo Index
SaTflvit-svarupa-bhuto bhedaft, 64 ajfiiina in, I I 5 ; commentaries on his
sa1fZvrta, 3 Sa7Jl~epa-siinraka, 115, 116; differ-
Sa1{lVfltlsa1flVTtiini, 348 n. ence of his view with that of Man-
SaTflvrti, 3, 22; as mithyii-sa7Jlvrti and c,lana, 85; his date, I I2; his view ~f
loka-Sa1fZvrti, 4; its meanings, 3 the causality of miiyii, I I ; nature of
sa7Jlvrti-satya, 3 ajfiiina, I I 2; nature of Brahman,
Sa7Jlyamana, 444 I I4; Vedanta and Buddhism in,
sa1{lyoga, 40, IS8, 194, 373 115
sa1{lyoga-puru~a, 415 sarva-pratyayiinii1{l yathiirthatvam,
sa7Jlyoga-vibhiiga, 370 I48
Sa7Jlyogin, 40 Sarva-siddhiinta-rahasya-fikii, 55
sa1{lyogi-purufa, 368 sarva-srotii1{lsi ayana-bhiitiini, 347
sa1{lyukta-samaviiya, 374 sarva-tantra-siddhiinta, 383
Sa1{lyukta-samaveta-samaviiya, 374 Sarvato-bhadra, 443
Sanaka-sa7Jlhilii, 435 Sar•oiiilga-sundan, 434
sandhiiya S07Jlbhiifii, 378 sarviipahnava, 265
sandhi, 286 n. 2 Sarviirtha-siddhi, I I9 n.
Sandhyakara, 43 I sarve bhiivii anutpanniifz, I67
san kiisafz, 386 sarvendriya-param, 34I
san k~ayafz, 386 sat, I94. 373
sannipiita, 338 n. satas cetyii7Jlsa-cetaniit, 236
sannyiisa, 418 satata-kriyii, 370
sannyiisin, 252 sati, soo
santiinikii, 317 sati-sa1{lvara, soo
santhava1Jl, 497 sat-kiirya-viida, 39, I6S, I72-I74, 472,
Sangha,459 473, 477, 5I7; its criticisms by
Sailghabhadra, I7I Kamalasila and Santarak!}ita, I72 ff.
sailgo, 497 sattii, 10
sankalpa, 75, 264 satthakamma, 276
sankalpa-jiigara, 266 sattva, 72, 74, I83, I93, 197, 206, 250,
sankhiira, 498 303, 308, 3I3, 3I9, 329, 366, 367,
sankhyii, I 94 372,4I9,436,4s6,462,468, 542
sankoca, 348 n. sattva-sa7Jlruddhi, SIO
saficaya, 409 sattva stuff, 2 I I
sarar_ziit siriifz, 347 sattva-iuddhi, 438
Sarasvati, 354 satya, 4, 76, 383, sos, SIO
sarasvatl, 353 Satyabodha, 98
sarga, 177 satya-vacana, sos, 544
Sarpa-veda, 274 n. 3 Satyavan, 306 n. I
sarva-bzja, 22 satya-yuga, 409
Sarva-darsana-sm_ngraha, 2I4 Saubhiigya-vardhinl, 79
Sarva-darsana-siddhiinta-sa7Jlgraha, 55 saukfmya, 3IS
Sarva-dhara, 432 sau~yiit, 349
sarva-dofa-prakopar.za, 416 saumanasyiini, 296
sarva-gata, 474 saumya, 3I3
sarva-jarfopiidiina-bhutii, 203 saumyatva, 5I3
sarva-jfia, I06, I95 Saunagas (grammarians), 540
SarvajnanarayaQ.a, 57 n. Sautrlintikas, 26 n.
Sarvajna-pitha, 98 sa-vikalpa, I07
Sarvajna Sarasvati, 56 sa-vyabhiciira, 384, 386 n.
sarvajfiatii, 22 sa-vyabhiciira hetu, 386 n.
Sarvajna Visve8a, 55 siidhaka, 330
Sarvajnatma Bhagavat, 52 n. siidhana, I I 5
Sarvajnatma Muni, I 1, I7, 43 n., 47, siidharmya-vaidharmya-sama, 380 n. 4
50, 52-54, 57, 72, 8 5 , 105, I I0- siidhiirar.za, 357. so6
112, 115, 116, 223, 224; ajfiiina and siidhiirar.za-dharma, sos, so6, 5I4
truth, 114; ajfiiina in relation with siidhiirar.zatva, 358
Brahman, 112 ff.; association of siidhupad#!a-miirger.za, 252, 253
Index 6or
siidhya, I39, 380, 38I n., 388 n. Siityaki-tantra, 435
siidhya-sama, 386 n., 387 Saym:1a, 79, I87, 2I5, 28o n., 28I, 283,
siidhyiibhiivavad-avrttitvam, I 20 288 n., 289, 290, 292, 293, 298 n.,
Siihasiiilka-carita, 428 299, 344 n., 345 n., 346
Saketa (city), 540 Scapula, 286 n. 4
siik# consciousness, 2I4 Scattering, 337 n.
siik#n, 53, I54 Sceptical, 498 n.
Sarna, 274 Scheme of life, 4I5
siimagrf, I6I, I64 Scholastic, I I, I24; logicism, I24
Saman, 526 Scholasticism, I I 9
siimarthyiitisaya, 97 Science, 73; of life, 278
siimiinya, 371, 397 Scriptural command, 522
siimiinya-chala, 385, 386 Scriptural injunction, 228
siimiinya-pratyiisatti, I39 Scriptural text, 252
siimiinyato-dr~!a, 398, 399, 400 n. Scriptures, I I4, 253, 267
Samin, 57 n. Seal, Dr Sir B. N., 356 n., 483 n.,
Sarpkhya, 36, 37, 42, 74, 89 n., Ioi, 506 n.
I07, 115, I65, I72-175, I8I, 227, Seasons, 389
242, 250, 260, 292, 300, 304, 3I2, Seat of consciousness, 302
3 I4, 328 n., 329 n., 332, 372, 388 n., Second moon, 26
394, 4IO, 4I I, 4I4, 45 I, 455-458, Secretions, 288 n., 325,327, 3JI, 337-
46I, 463, 465, 467, 468, 472, 473. 339, 345
475-477, 493. 5I7, 5I8, 549. 550; Secretive aspect, 33 I
arguments, I73; its general criti- Secretory character, 337 n.
cisms by Kamalasila, I75; philo- Secretory currents, 346
sophy, 273 n., 428; physics, 273; Seed, I6o, I85, 235
prakrti, 74; refutation of its soul Seeds of memory, I 87
theory by Kamalasila, I8I; system, Seeming appearances, 235
366 Self, I, 8, I6, 2I, 23, 24, 33, 34, 42, 65,
Sarp.khya and Nyaya, on the theory of 68, 7I, 73. 76, IOI, II2, I48, I52,
do~as, 328, 329 n. I56, I8o, I8I, I94, I97, 206 n., 211,
Sii'l!lkhya-kiirikii, 8o, I06, I I6, 249, 2I5, 2I7, 223, 308-JIO, 343, 35I,
250 n., 262, 304, 377, 400 n. 367-369, 373. 387, 388, 40I, 444-
Sarpkhya pari1Jiima, criticisms of, by 446, 462, 47I, 473. 5I2, 5I6, 5I8,
Santarak!?ita and Kamalasila, I7 I ff. 525
SiiTJzkhya-pravacana-bhii~ya, 262, 305, Self-abnegation, 228
306 n. I Self-alienation, 240
Sii'l!lkhya-sii.tra, 250, 372 Self-cognizing, 74
Sii'l!lkhya-tattva-kaumudf, 45 n., 305 n. Self-conscious, 235; ego, 238
Sarpkhya-Yoga, 26I, 262, JIO, JI3 n., Self-consciousness, 22, 68, I8I, I95,
4I4, 546; its doctrine of subtle body, 236
304, 305; its idea of emancipation, Self-contained, I4; state, 239
249, 25o;prii1Jain, 26I, 262 Self-contentedness, 477
Sarpkhyic, 3 I I Self-contradiction, I23
Sarpkhyist, I65, I7I, I7J, 234, 5I7 Self-control, 242, 244, 277, 373, 44I,
SiiTJzriijya-siddhi, 56 448,493.500,505, 5IJ, 5I4
sandra, 359 n. Self-controlled, 420
siira, 359 n. Self-criticism, 272
siirajjanii, 497 Self-dependence, I7
siirajjitattam, 497 Self-directed, 236; consciousness, 236
Saranga, I 23 Self-dissociated, I2I
Siirasvata-prakriyii, I 92 Self-evident, IJ, I6, 483
siiriigo, 497 Self-flashing, 236
Siiriirtha, 99 Self-gain, 507
siitmya, 308 Self-good, 405
siittvika, 367, 373, 468 Self-hood, 24
Siitvata, 54I-543, 546, 547 Self-identity, 34, 66-68, 7I
Satyaki, 54I Self-illumination, I48
Self-interest, 470, 486, 507, 508, 5I3 Sense-experiences, 24
Selfish interest, 48 5 Sense-faculties, 23, 24, 58
Selfishness, 503 Sense-functioning, 24
Self-knowledge, 227, 239, 373, 437, Sense-gates, 462
442,493.499 Sense-gratification, 5 IO
Self-love, 24, 4I4, 507 Sense-illusions, 5
Self-luminosity, 70, 73, I04 Sense-impressions, 349, 35I
Self-luminous, 8, 65, 68, 70, 126, I68, Sense-knowledge, 25, 208, 355
199-20I, 217; consciousness, 204 Sense-modifications, 23
Self-manifesting, 8, 69 Sense-object, 23, 62, 76, 77, I8o, I94,
Self-meditation, 466 206, 207, 2I5, 320, 32I, 332, 343.
Self-mortifications, 469 35I, 367, 373. 463
Self-ostentation, 416 Sense-organ, I38, I87, 213, 269, 309,
Self-perception, 67, 73 3IO, 315, 327, 332, 333, 358, 360,
Self-persistence, 67, 68 366, 515
Self-realization, 456, 5I5, 532 Sense-perception, 23, 24, 30, I 16, I67
Self-realized state, 512 Sense-pleasure, 5 I4
Self-recognition, 195 Sense-property, I99, 359 n., 360
Self-reflecting, 235 Sense-quality, 355
Self-restrained, 277 Sense-uncontrollability, 488
Self-revealed, I52, I8o, 20I Sensible, 28, 29, 369
Self-revealing, 69, 72, 74, I04, 110, Sensory consciousness, 357
I56, 197, 201, 221; consciousness, Sensory dhamanl, 35I
33. ISO, I52, I54 Sensory nerves, 349
Self-revelation, 63, I09, 110, I29, I48, Sentence, 236
149. lSI Separateness, I48, I62, I94, 360
Self-same, 97 Separation, I94, 370
Self-satisfied, 512 Sequence, 20
Self-seeking, 507 Series, 23, 26 n.
Self-shining, 15 Serpent Power, 356
Self-shiningness, 36 Sesamum, 97
Self-surrendering, 46I sefvara-Sii'f!lkhya, 476
Self-thinking, 235 Sex-attraction, 509
Self-validity, 214; of knowledge, 2I4 Sex-continence, 421, 469, 505, 513
Selling, 505 Sex joy, 324
Semen, 302, 304, 307, 313, 317, 322, Sex-relation, 498 n.
323 n., 330, 347, 352, 36I, 372; Sex-strength, 276
channels, 348 Sex-union, 509
Seminal fluid, 322-324 Shama Sastry, Dr, 436
Semi-statical creation, 235 n. Shamefulness, 24
Senart, E., 550 Sharp, 361
Sensation, 48, 269; of smell, 342 Sharpness, 360, 362 n., 365
Sense, 23, 35, I5I, 153, 194, 239, 254, Sheath of knowledge, 75
26I, 292, 344. 360, 366, 368, 369, Shivering, 294 n., 30I
401,406,489,493 Shoots, I6o, I69
Sense-affections, 512 Shoulder-blade, 286
Sense-attraction, 450, 488 sibbanl, 497
Sense-channels, 89 n. siddham, 390
Sense-cognition, 58, 73, 349, 367, Siddha-siira-sa7JZhitii, 432
373 Siddha-yoga, 427, 428, 433, 435
Sense-contact, 138, 145, I52, 154, 374, siddhiinta, 383, 385
498 Siddhiinta-bindu, 77 n., 226
Sense-control, 453,459,487,490, 49I, Siddhiinta-bindu-nyiiya-ratniivall, 79
502, sos, SII, 514 Siddhiinta-bindu-sandlpana, 79
Sense-data, 34. s8, 6o, I76, I8o, I88, Siddhiinta-bindu-slkara, 220
35I Siddhiinta-bindu-tlkii, 225 n.
Sense-desire, 5I3 Siddhiinta-candrikii, 434
Sense-enjoyments, 73 Siddhiinta-dlpa, I I 5
Siddhiinta-dlpikii, I7, 57 n. smrti-bhra1!lsa, 417
Siddhiinta-lesa, Io, II, I7, 44, 47, 49, smrti-siistra, 438
so, 53, 72, 2I6 n. smrti-vibhra7JZSa, 4I6
Siddhiinta-lesa-sa1Jlgraha, 220 Snake, 7, 37, 74
Siddhiinta-muktiivali, II, I 7, I 8 n., Snake-charms, 28I
222 n., 223 n., 225, 263 n.; its view sniiv.:a, 289, 346
that miiyii alone is the cause of world- sniiyu, 257, 285 n., JI2 n., JI3 n., JI8,
appearance; and Brahman the basis 352
of miiyii, I I sneha, 328,442,497
Siddhiinta-nidiina, 337 n. snigdha, 357, 359 n., 36I, 363
Siddhiinta-nyiiya-ratna-pradlpikii, 79 Social order, 509
Siddhiinta-ratniikara, 220 Society, 509
Siddhiinta-siddhiiiijana, 56 Sockets, 286 n.
Siddhiinta-tattva-bindu, 55, 79, 225 Soft, 337 n., 36I
Siddhiinta-tattva-bindu-{tkii, 55 Softness, 360
Siddhiinta-viveka, 5 I Solar, 145, I48;vibrations, 156, I57
Siddhi-kiit;uja, 87, 88, 98 soma, 303, 330, 333, 359, 428
Siddhi-sthiina, 357, 426, 429 soma-cakra, 356
Significance, 504 Sorcery, 30 I
sikatiivati, 290 n. 3 Sorrow, 249, 295, 3I I, 4I6, 467, 504,
siliifijiilii, 298 n. SII-513, 530
Silver, 37, 113, 135 Soul,44, I78, 236, 248,3oJ,3o6,3o9,
Similarity, I 3 I, I 34 311, 314, 343, 356, 357, 360, 367,
Simile, 26 n., 329 37I, 372,406,530
Simultaneity, IS6 Soul theory (Kumarila), criticized by
Simultaneous,3I n.,388n.; production, Kamala.Sila, 179 ff.
I78 Soul theory (Nyaya), criticized by
Simultaneously, 26, 27, 3I n., I78 Kamala.Sila, 178, I79
Sin, 246, 404, 4.09, 4I4, 422, 442, so8, Sound, 24, 6o, 182, 355, 367, 382 n.,
522 386 n., 387
Sincerity, 469, 502, 505 n., Sio, 511, Sound-cognition, I8o
5I3, 5I4; of mind, 505 Sound-potential, 236
sineho, 497 Sour, 33I, 357
Sinful, 409 Sourasenoi, 543
Sinner, 5I2 Source, 358, 4Io n.
Sitarama, 82 n. South India, 53
Skanda, 107 Space, I68, 194, 36o, 369, 381 n.
Skanda-purii7Ja, 393 Space-determinations, 23
skandha, 58, 59. 286, 450 n. Space-locations, 29
Skeleton, 288 spanda, 235 n., 244, 254, 263
Skill, 502, 505 n. spanda-sakti, 104, 257
Skin, JI7, 324,330, 348,36I, 367 spandiispandiitmaka, 234
Skull, 279, 352, 353 n. sparsa, I94, 236
Slander, 498 n. Spatial, I6; difference, 370; extension,
Sleep, 257, 26I 25 n.
Sleepiness, 373 Special capacity, 175
Slim, 337 Special efficiency, 97
Slipperiness, 360, 365 Special power, 40
Slippery, 36I Specific, 357, 374; agency, 359; caste-
Slow, 338 duty, 506, 507; duty, sos, 506, 514;
Smaller intestine, 336 ignorance, 77; nature, 358; par-
Smaller self, 45 I ticulars, I48; peculiarities, I87;
Smartness, 505 n. purpose, 359; qualities, IJ9, I89;
Smell, I94, 236, 330, 36o, 367 relation, 3 I
Smoky, 16o, 408 Speculation, 373, 4Io n.
Smooth, 337 n., 357 Speech,24I,254,333,338,469;organ,
Smoothness, 328, 360 346
smrti, 54, 238, 239, 373, 514, 549 Sphota-siddhi, 87 n.
Spider, 74, 178 Subhuti Gautama, 316
Spider's webs, 178 Subject, 27, 29, 31, 35, 88
Spinal column, 287 n., 352, 353 Subject-consciousness, 149, 211
Spinal cord, 353, 355-357 Subjective, 22, 24, 180, 187, 204, 377,
Spine, 353 n. so8, 522; act, 197; character, 522;
Spiral, 355 cognition, 19; conscience, 522; ego,
Spirit, 234, 282 236; experiences, 102, 149; ideas,
Spiritual categories, 467 2 1, 48 ; idealism, 48 ; ignorance, 7i ;
Spleen, 288, 348 illumination, 206; mental, 16; same-
Spring, 335, 370 ness, 51 I ; states, 149; thought, 236
Springs of action, 411, 413 Subjectively, 217, 233
sprhii, 4I3 Subjectivistic, 213
srotas, 29I, 346-350, 352 Subjectivity, 9
Stabilized, soo Subject-object awareness, 29, 33
Stage, 236, 238 Subject-object consciousness, 24
stana, 286 Subject-object knowledge, 250,266
Star, 333 Subject-objectless, 235, 238, 271
State, 236, 250; of deep sleep, 245 Subject-object relation, 88, I<'S, 144,
Statical, 234 146, I 52, 153
Stcherbatsky, s8 n., 59 n., 61 n., I66 n. Subodhinl, 55, 73, 75 n., I 15, 443
Steadiness, 328, 360, 4I9, 505, 5 IO; of Subrahmal)ya, 8 I
mind, 492 Subrahmal)ya Agnicin Makhindra,82 n.
Steady, 491 Substance, 19, 47, 51, 117, I43, 158,
Sternum, 286 n. 161, 162, 167, 172, 187, 188, 191,
sthairya, 419 193, 194, 203, 261, 3 s8-36o, 363,
Sthairya-viciira7Ja, 126 369-371, 373
sthaviriintra, 289 Substanceless, 16, 233
sthiilakas, 286 n. 3 Substance-stuff, 12
sthiilakiirbudas, 286 n. 3 Substantial, 337 n.
sthiina-•djiiapti, 23 Substantiality, 38, 48
sthiiniini, 336 Substantive, 187; basis, 23; reality, 20
sthiipana, 452 Substitution-meditation,449, 452,479,
sthiipanii, 379 488
sthira, 241, 359 n. Substratum, 19, I94, I95
Sthiramati, 19, 21, 22 n. Subtle, 332, 377; states, 245
sthira-pratyaya, 240 Subtle body, 75,245,302,306, 351 n.;
Sthira-siddhi-du~a1)a, 49 in Sarpkhya-yoga, Vaise~ika and
sthita-dhi, 440, 49I Nyaya, 304-306; agreement of the
sthita-priij1ia, 247, 491 Vedanta and Caraka, 3I2
sthiti, I8, I69, I77. 231 Subtler, 368
sthiila, 337 n., 359 n. Success, 512
stimita-gambhira, 232 Succession, 20, 156, 179
Stomach, 330, 33I, 336, 362 Successive processes, 374
Stone, SI2 Sudhindra Y ati, 443
Stormy, 408 Suffering, 238,247,368,373,404,479,
Straightness of conduct, 51 1 522
Strength, 327, 336 Sufficient cause, 18
stn-karmii1)i, 296 Sugar-cane, 361
Student, 505 suhrt, 378
Studies in the Medicine of Ancient India, Suitability, 370
279 n., 284 n., 286 n. Suitable, 370
Study, 505, 510, 514 sukha, 22,277,370,422
Stuff, 10; of world-objects, 35 sukha-dul;zkhe yugapaj janyete, 91
Suali, L., 398 n. sukham iiyul;z, 277
Sub-conscious,21, 33, 34; impressions, Sukhaprakasa Muni, s8, 86, I 16, 148 n.
33. 250 sukha-riipa, 217
Subhe~aja, 276 n. sukha-sanga, 462
sublzi~aktama, 293 Sumati, 172
Index 6os
Summer, 327, 335, 370 Sutala, 76
Sun, 330,499,525 su~ma, 305, 332, 337, 359
Suniimii (demon), 300 suk~ma-deha, 304
Suparl_la, 539 suk$ma-sarlra, 75, 76
Superficial changes, 24 sfik~mii?z-Siriilz, 346
Super-imposed, 206 Suryapan<;lita, 443
Super-imposition, I49, 209, 2I3 su.~a. 290
Superior, I78 Su~al).i, 290 n. 4
Superiority, 370, 40I n. Siita-sarphitii, 25 I
Supe:--person, 476, 529, 533 Sutra-bhii$ya-vyiikhyiina, 82 n.
Super-personality, 478, 524, 525 s~ttras, 38, 39. 4I, 44
Support, I43; of miiyii, 45 Sutra-sthiina, 329, 330, 366
Supposition, I 8, 3 I SUtriitman, 76, 2 I 5
Supreme bliss, 453 svabhiiva,4,89, 372,4I0
Supreme essence, I6 svabhiiviitiiaya, I73
sura, III sva-dhanna, 439, 502
Suranandi, 428 svakiirat~a-sattii-samaviiya, 4 I
Surat, I64 sva-lak~a'{la, 167
Suresvaracarya, I n., I7, 46, 48, 5 I, sva-miina, 325
52, 57, 78-8o, 82-87, 98-102, I05, svapna, 264
111, 112, 147 n., I48 n., I92, I98, svapna-jiigara, 266
216; karma and emancipation in, svapna-nara, 266
99; karma andjiiiina, 100; nature of sva-prakiiia, 69, I48, I97
ajiiiina, IOI, I02; nature of self and sva-prakaiatii, 108
self-realization, Ioo, IOI sva-prakiisii cit, I09
Surgery, 276, 330 Svar (world), 76
Suriya, 539 svarilpa-bheda, I 29
susuk~miin, 342 Svarilpa-nirt)aya-tlkii, I93
Susruta, 263, 273, ~75-279, 284 n., sva-sal!ljiiii, 389
285 n., 286 n., 287 n., 302 n., 303 n., sva-sa'l!tvedana-miitrakam, 235
304,3I6,3 I7, 329 n., 330-333, 334n., sva- sa'l!lvin- nairape~etJ.a sphurm;am,
342, 344 n., 348, 349, 350 n., 35I, I97
352, 36I n., 362-365, 372, 389, 410, svastyayana, 278, 281
423-426, 429, 433, 435; his de- svasyiipi svena vedyatviipiitiit, I 5 I
scription of the apertures of the svatalz-priimii~ya, 2I4
dhamanls, 350; his description of the sva-vi~aya-jiiiina-jana.nam, 32
function of the dhamanls, 350 ff.; sva-vyiighiita, I23
on dhiitu-mala, 331; his view re- svaya'l!lbhu-linga, 355
garding the relation of dhamanls to svaya'l!l-Prakiisa, I49
cognition, 35I ff.; his view regard- Svayarpprakasa, 56, 82, I92
ing siriis and dhamanls, 349 ; his Svayarpprakasa Yati, 79
view that the cognitive and cona- Svayarpprakasa Yogindra, 57 n.
tive nerves are attached to the brain, Svayarpprak.asananda, 56
342; his view that iot~ita is a do~a, 329 sviibhiivikalz sambandhalz, I4I
Sufruta-candrikii, 425, 428 sviibhinna- kiirya-janakatvam upiidii-
Sufruta-saTJZhitii, 258 n., 273, 276 n., natvam, 45
277,279,313 n., 3I5 n., 3I8 n., 33I n., sviidh#!hiina-cakra, 355
335 n., 336 n., 342 n., 344 n., 349 n., sviidu, 358
372 n., 377 n., 389 n., 390, 423-429 Svamidasa, 428
Susruta school, 289 Svamikumara, 43 I
Susruta-Siltra-sthiina, 36I n. Svamindraplirl).a, 52 n.
su#riilz, 3 52 Sviinubhuti-prakiisa, 55
SU~Um'{lii, 292, 353-355, 453, 454 sviirtha, 4 I 2
SU~Um'{lii niir}f, 345 Sviitma-yoga-pradlpa, 57 n.
su~upta, 241, 264 sviividyayii, 84
su~upta-sadrsa-sthiti, 264 Sweet, 242, 309, 325, 327, 337 n., 347,
su~uptavat, 245 357-359, 362, 365 n., 366
s~upti, 232, 344 Sweetness, 36I
6o6 index
Syllogism, I 19-I 22, 373 that the world-appearance is mere
Symbolic sacrifice, 544 illusion is dogmatic, as also the
Symbolic syllables, 499 doctrine that the self is the only
Symbols, 337 ground on which all illusions are
Sympathy, 247, 511 imposed, 8; his commentary cannot
Symptoms, 293, 295, 320, 329 n., 336, satisfactorily convince that the sz7tras
337, 348 n. professed unqualified monism, 42;
Syncretist~c, 54; works, 55 his criticism of the atomic theory,
Synonymous, 348 I 89 ff.; his criticism of the theory of
Syrup, 358 samaviiya, I90; his definition of il-
System, 375, 525 lusion, 5, 6; his dialectic arguments,
Systematic study, I 189 ff.; his explanation as to the
Systematized, 500 illusory creation by ignorance: in-
Sabara, 87, I7I terpretation of his explanation by his
sabda, 346, 376, 38I n., 383 other followers, 8; his explanation of
sabda-brahma, 354 n. the causal theory on realistic lines
Sabda-nirpaya, I03 n. as against Nyaya, 39-41; his four
sabda-nyiiyiirtha, 392 important followers and the diver-
sabdatva, 374 gence of their views, 4 7, 48; his
sabdiirtha, I 87 idealism compared with that of Yoga-
saitya, 362 n. viisi~!ha and Buddhist idealism, 268
Saiva, 54, 2I8, 2I9, 443; authorities, ff.; his interpretation of the Brahma-
263; commentary, 218; philosophy, siltra and the U pani~ads as recon-
2j2 ciliation of the pantheistic and dua-
Saiva-bhii~ya, 218, 220 listic tendencies, 2; his interpreta-
Saiva-kalpa-druma, 220 tion of illusion in Gau~apada's Kiiri-
Saivism, 49 kii, 6; his realistic interpretation of
Sakadhtimaje (demon), 300 the Brahma-sz7tras with parenthetic
saktaya~l, 243 reservation, how far justifiable, 39;
sakti. 8, 10, 22, 40, 44. I04, I75. 215, his refutation of Buddhist idealism,
2I8, 362, 363 269, 270; his refutation of Buddhis-
faktimat, 44 tic idealism, 27; his refutation of
iuluna, 297 the charge of the incompatibility of
sulya, 276, 390, 424 the production of the impure world
Salya-tantram, 330 n., 425 from the pure Brahman, 37; his re-
sama, 444. 495. 505 n. futation of the Sarpkhya criticism of
Sambuka, 506, 507 Vedanta, 36, 37; his two different
Sankara, 2, 5-9. I I, 2I, 25, 27-30, 35. analogies regarding the production
37-39.41-44.46,48, 5I,77-?9,8I, of the world from Brahman, 37; his
85-87,89,92,99,Ioo, 102, Io5,Io8, view of the nii(fis and the heart, 344;
III, Il2, II9, I24, I5I, I7I, 172, his views regarding sirii anddhamani,
189, I91, 196, 2I8-221, 228, 23I, 344 fl.; his works and followers,
246, 250, 26o-262, 267, 268, 270, n-82; how far he is justified in
272, 288 n., 311, 344, 346, 437, 438, sometimes taking paripiima analogies
442, 443. 446, 448, 449, 452, 453. and sometimes the view of magical
456-458, 474, 478, 495, 499, 504, creation, 38; originator of Vedanta
507, 533, 549; and some Buddhists dialectics, 163; special nature of his
differ regarding the ontology of dialectic as distinguished from that
illusion, 5; attempts to prove that of Srihar~a and Citsukha, I9I, I92
his philosophy was realistic, 2 ; bhe- Sailkara-bhiiBJa, 1 I, I03, I08, 25I
diibheda interpretation prior to, 43; Sankara-dig-vijaya, 82, 86, I I2
contradicts his own view on ideal- Sankara Misra, I03 n., I26 fl., 356
ism, 28 did not elaborate the exact Sankara school, 3, 30, 44, 62
nature of the causality of avidyii or Sankarasvamin, 172
of Brahman, 1 I ; emphasizes that Sankara Vedanta, I I, 16, 17, 34, 35,
waking experience is as false as III, I48, 214
dream experience in Gau~apada's Sailkara-vijaya, I I I
commentary, 28, 29; his assertion Sankarananda, 82, 86, 2I5,443
smikii, I4I Se~agovinda, 55
sankha, 287 n., 342 Se~anrsirpha, 205
SankhapaQ.i, 83, 87, 89 n., 90, 9I, 94, Se!,>a Sanigadhara, I 19, 196
353. 354 se~avat, 398, 399. 400 fl.
sarat, 335 Sikhiimm;i, 53, 54, 74 n., 208
sar'ira-chidra, 348 n. sik~a. 5 4 7
sanrl, 303 n. 4 Si~ii, 275 n.
Sarku (demon), 300 Si~a-samuccaya, 501, 5I3
Sasadhara Acarya, 54 Singhana, I23
Satapatha-briihmat;a, 279, 286, 289, Sipivi~ta, 535
368,394.424,486,535-537 sirasi ~at, 287 n.
sauca, 505, 510 siras-tiilv-antara-gatam, 34I
Saunaka, 316 sirti, 256, 289, 29I, 3I8, 342, 344, 346,
Saunaka-tantra, 435 348-350, 352, 354
Saunakiya, 283 sirii-sarm;i-kofare, 256
saurya, 328, 370, 505 n. Si~ya-hitai#~u. I 26 n. ,
siibdl bhiivanii, 479. 480 Siva, 82 n., 218, 265
Sakalya, 252 Sivadayalu Sridharasvamin, 443
sakha, 283 Sivadasa, 364, 43I, 432, 435
siikhii-nii.lj'lniim, 290 n. 2 Siva-kar7Jiimrta, 220
Sakunteya, 357 Sivalala Sarman, 79
siiliikya, 276, 424 Siva-lllii71Java, 2I9
Siiliikya-tantra, 425 Siva-purii7Ja-tiimasatva-kha7Jr!atza, 220
Salikanatha, I47 n., 249 Sivarama, 57 n., 103
Siili-stamba-sutra, 307 Siva-sutra-vimarsinl, 263 n.
santa, 234. 235. 28I Siva-sakti-siddhi, I 26
Santarak!,)ita, 25, 28, 3 I n., 58 n.~ I7I. Siva-tattva-viveka, 220
I72, I75, I76, I78, I79, I81-I88, Sivaditya, I47 n.
375, 376; his argument against the Sivaditya Misra, I2J
U pani~adic view similar to that of Siviidvaita-ni71Jaya, 220
Sailkara, 28 Sivananda-lahari, 220
siinti, 450 n., 5 IO ._<;ivananda-lalzari-candrikii, 220
Santi-kalpa, 283 Sivananda Yati, 57 n.
Siinti-sataka, 460 n. I Siviircana-candrikii, 220
Sii7Jf/.ilya-sUtra-!ikti, 225 Siviirka-ma1Ji-dlpikii, 219, 220
siirada, 298 n. Sivopadhyaya, 263
Sanra, 35on., 351 n., 352 n., 415, 469 Sivotkar~a-candrikii, 220
Sanra-brahmm;a, 25 I Sivotkar~a-mafijari, 220
Siinraka-bha~ya, 56, 246 n. sighra, 338
Siiriraka-bhii~ya-prakafiirtha, 49 Sila, 459, 500, 50 I, 504
Siiriraka-bhii~ya-f'lkii, I 93 Strfa, 340
Sariraka-mzmiil!lSii-bha~ya, 56, 78, 8o sir~akti, 296, 299. 340
Siirlraka- mimii1Jlsii- nyiiya - sa1Jlgraha, s"ir$iimaya, 299
30 n., 82 Sita, 332,335, JJ8,J57.359. 36I
Siinraka-mlmii1!1Sii-sa1Jlgraha, 82 n. Sita-virya, 36I
Siinraka - mzmii1JlSii- sfitra - siddhanta- sitOfma-varfa-/ak~aiJiilz, 321 fl.
kaumudl, 82 n. sfto~miinilailz, 314
Siiriraka-nyiiya-ma7Jimiilii, 82 n. ilak~7Ja, 359 n.
Siirtra-padmin'i, 435 sle~ma, 299
Siinra-sthiina, 284 n. sle~ma-dharii, 3 I7
Sarngadhara, 288 n., 326 n., 327 n., sle~mala, 334
435; his view of mala, 326 sle~man, 276, 282, 296, 319, 325, 327,
siistra, 253. 254. 385, 445 328, 330-333, 335, 336, 337 n., 344,
Siistra-darpa7Ja, 82, IOJ, 108 n. 347· 349. 37I, 39I
~<;astra-prakiiSikii, 83, 193 slepna-prakrti, 328, 334
Siistra-siddhiinta-lesa-!ikii, 225 : slermii. 299
siistriintara, 399 sli~. 330
se~a. 4.90 n. ilolw, 230
6o8 Index
Sloka-sthiina, 392 142 ; his refutation of " difference,"
Sloka-viirttika, 428 I 29 ; his refutation of the category of
soci, 297 "difference," 129 ff.; his refutation
sm;zita, 302, 312 n., 329, 330, 335 n., of the definition of cause, 143-145;
350 his refutation of the definition of
sraddhii,292,468,494 perception, 137, 138; his refutation
iriiddha, 282 of the notion of instruments of
Srima (demon), 300 knowledge in, 137; his view that all
Sritii/.l, 340 definitions may be proved false,
Sri, 294 128 ff.; his view that world-appear-
Sribrahma, 428 ances are false because all definitions
Sri-darpm;za, I 26 n. of any of their categories are self-
Sridhara, 49, 147 n., 264 n., 306, 412, contradictory, 147; method of his
444, 446, 449 n., 452, 453 n., 456, dialectic, 133; perception cannot
462, 474. 478, 484 challenge the instruction of the
Srihar~a. 24, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 83, 92, Upanif?ads, 129; precursors of his
IOJ, 119, 124-129, IJI-133, 135, dialectic, KamalasiJa and Santarak-
137-139, 141, 143-147, 163, 164, ~ita, 171 ff.; responsible for the
z68, I7o-172, 192, 194, 218, 248; growth of verbalism in the new
awareness and its object cannot be school ofNyaya, 146 ;similarityofhis
similar, IJ4; Buddhist precursors of dialectic to that of Nagarjuna, 127
pre-Sankara Vedanta dialectic, Ka- Srikal).lida, 354, 355
malasila and Santarak~ita, I7 I ff.; Srikal).tha, 218, 219
compared and contrasted with Na- Srikal).tha Bhatta, 79, 427, 432
garjuna, 170, 171; his assertion of Srikal).tha Datta, 428, 435
indefinability of all appearances is a $rimad-iinanda-iailiihva-panciisya1ft sa-
direct challenge to N ya ya-V aisef?ika, tata1ft bhaje, 193
which thinks that all that is know- Srimad-bhagavad-g'itii, 228, 247, 250
able is definable, 127 ; his criticism Snmad-bhiigavata-tikii, 226
of" being," 142; his criticism of the Srimadhava,427,428
Buddhist definition of right cogni- Srinatha Cu<;lamal).i, 225 n.
tion, 136; his criticism of the defini- Srinivasa, 120
tion of "invariable concomitance," Srinivasa Y ajvan, 57 n.
141, 142; his criticism of the nature Srirailganatha, zo8
of concomitance (vyiipti), 139, 140; Srisirpha, I 23
his criticism of non-being, 142; his Sn-vidyii-paddhati, 225
criticisms often refer to Nyaya irot;zi-guda-Sll1JlSraya, 33 1
definitions rather than to Nyaya sro~'i, 285
thought, 146; his criticism of the iro~li-phalaka, 285 n. 7
N yaya definition of " cause," 144; Sruta-prakiisikii, 262 n.
his criticism of the Nyaya definition S,ngiitaka, 342
of right cognition, I33 ff.; his criti- subha, 341
cism ofthe Nyaya theory of relation, Subhagupta, 172
144; his criticism of the possibility Subhankara, 126 n.
of knowing the class-concepts, 139, Jubhiiiubha, 23 n.
140; his criticism of substance and subhiiiubha-karma-vipiika, 23 n.
quality, 143 ; his criticism of tarka, suci-dravya-sevana, 505
140, 141; his criticism of Udayana, suddha, 36
141; his date, works and followers, suddha-Sa1JlVit-mayii-nanda-rfipa, 264
125, 126; his dialectic compared Suddhananda, 192
with that of Nagarjuna, 163; his sukra, 312 n., 317, 328
dialectic distinguished from that of iukra-dharii, 317
Sankara, 191, 192; his difference sukra-priidur-bhiiva, 3 5 I
with the Madhyamika posttlon, SU'IJ.thf, 363
168; his difference with Vacaspati su#ra-kara, 332 n.
and Mal).<;lana, IOI; his ontologie ~ma, JOO, JOI, 33 I
argument for the existence of Brah- s~mi~o jvarasya, 298
man, 128; his refutation of analogy, Sudra,5o2, 504, so6, 514,531
sula, 298, 346 Tantra school, 354, 355, 357
sunya, 234,27I, 330 Tantra-siddhiinta-dlpikii, 2 I 9
iunyatii, 7 tantra-yantra-dhara~z, 3 32
Sunya-viida, 426 tantra-yukti, 389, 390
Sunya-vada theory, 3 Tailgalva, 300
silnya-viidin, 2, 35 Tanka, 43 n.
Sunya-viidin Buddhists, 7 ta7Jhii,490,496,499
Svayathu, 43 I tapalz,76,229,423,437,469,506,5o8,
svetii, 3I7 5IO, 513, 5I4, 523, 536, 544
Svetiisvatara, 4 7 I tapo-yajiia, 487
iyena sacrifice, 38I n., 483 n. tarka, 140, I4I, 376, 454
~atj-ailga, 343 Tarka-ciirf.iima7Ji, 54
~arf.-anga yoga, 453, 455 Tarka-dlpikii, Io8
~arf.-iisraya, 3 I 2 n. Tarka-kii7Jrf.a, 87,88,92
$arf.-dariatJa-sa1Jlgraha-vrtti, I48 n. Tarka-piida, 84 n.
~arf.-indriya, 366 Tarka-sa1Jlgraha, 49· son., SI, I 16 n.,
$~#-tantra, 476 l19 n., 192, I93, 194 n., 2Io, 211,
$at-cakra-nirupa~ta, 353 n., 354 377
Tarka-viveka, 5 I, 79
Tachibana, 496 tarko 'pratyak~a-jiiiinam, 376
Tactile, I76 taru7.1a asthi, 286 n.
Tactual particles, 25 n. Taste, I8I, 194, I99, 236, 355, 357-
Tactual sense, I 56 360,362-366,370
tad anusandhatte, 238 Taste cognition, I8o
tadiitve, 374 tathya-sa'f!Zvrti, 4
tad-bhava-bhiivitii, 376 tat param, 499
tad-utpatti, I 83 tattva, I93
tadvati tat-prakiiraka-jiiiinatvam, 2I4 Tattva-bindu, 45 n., 87 n., I07
taijasa, 548 Tattva-bodha, 57 n.
taikp;ya, 362 n. Tattva-bodhim, 52 n., 54, 115, 216 n.,
Taittirlya, 78, 486 2I7
Taittirlya-Arm:zyaka, 538 Tattva-candrikii, 79, I93, 43I
Taittinya-bhii~ya-fippm;a, I 93 Tattva-cintiima7.1i, 54
Taittinya-bhii~ya-viirttika-tlkii, I 93 Tattva-cintiima7Ji-prakiiia, 54
Taittirlya-briihma7Ja, 25I, 28on.,29In. Tattva-dlpana, 10, 52, 79, I03, 193,
Taittirlya-priitiiakhya, 3 94 208 n., 210
Taittiriya-sa1Jlhitii, 536 Tattva-dlpikii, 79, 222 n.
Taittirlya Upani~ad, 494 fqttva-jiiiina, 252
Taittinyopani~ad-bhii~ya, 78 Tattva-kaumudl, 250
Taking of pure food, 505 Tattva-kaustubha, 54, 2 19
takman, 298, 299, 300 n. 2 Tattva-muktii-kaliipa, 1 I9 n., 262 n. 3
tala-kurca-gulpha, 285 n. Tattva-muktiivali, 2I9
Taliitala, 76 Tattva-pradlpikii, 51, 83, 119 n., I39,
tamas,72, 74,104,234, 267,30J,304, I47, 148 n.
314, 318, 319, 329, 367, 372, 419, Tattva-samlk~ii,45 n.,83,87, Io6, I07,
436.456,462,468,499 IIOn.,II6
tan-miitras, 74, 236, 245, 305, 477 Tattva-SatJzgraha, 20 n., 25, 27 n., 28 n.,
tanniiiomuktir iitmanalz, 99 31 n., I7I, I72 n., x82 n., x86 1z.
tantra, 276 n., 352 Tattva-sm.ngraha-paiijikii, I74 n.
Tantra anatomy, 356, 357 tattva-sraddhii, 495
Tantra-ciirf.iima7Ji, 353 n. Tattva-iuddhi, 57 n.
Tantra literature, 354 n. tattva-tlkii, 43 n.
Tantra philosophy, 356 Tattva-vaii("iradl, 45 n., 262, 306 n.
Tantra physiology, 273 Tattva-'l.ibhiikara, 250
Tantras, niirf.i-cakras in, 354-356; su- Tattva-vibhiivanii, 8 7 11.
~Um1Jii, its position in, 353, 353 n., Tattva-vivecana, 54
354; system of niiqts in, 352-354 Tattva-vivelw, 54, 72
Tantra-siira, 432 Tattva-Tiveka-dlpana, 54, 217 n.
610 Index
Tattviiloka, 49, so, 193 Thoughtfulness, 513
Tattviinusandhiina, 56 Thought-movement, 235 n., 254
Tattvopadeia, 8 I Thought-principle, 35
Taxila, 276, 424 Thought-processes, 21, 256, 369
Taylor, 219 Thought-stuff, 29
tiidiitmya, 3 I n., 183 Thought-substance, 24
tiidiitmya-pratui, 40 Throat, J3I, 348, 361, 365
tiilu, 287 n. 4 Tibet, I64
ttilu-mula, 288 n. I Tibetan, 59 n., 164
ttilu~aka, 287 n. 4 Tibia, 285 n. 6
tiimasa, 373, 468 Tiger, 509, 513
tiimasika, 367 tikta, 3I2 n. 3, 350, 357, 358
ttimrti, 3 I7 Tilak, 550, 551 n.
Tantric charms, 281 Tilakasvamin, I07
Tal).c;la, 283 Time,68, I48, 156, I57, I07, I94,32I,
Ttirti-bhakti-tarmigitfi, 225 358, 360, 369, 370, 372; and space,
Ttitparyu-bodhini, 216 n. 266
Ttitparya-candrikii, 44 I Tirumalai Nayaka, 219
Ttitparya-praktisa, 23 I, 235 n., 266 tiryag-ga, 351
Tiitparya-!ikti, I07 tl/q1Ja, 359, 361
Teacher, 254, 378, 420, 513, 534 tivratara, 25I
Teaching, 378, 505 tivrii, 291
Technical term, 377 Tongue, 326 n., 331, 348, 367
Teeth, 326 n. Topic, 377
tejas, 236, 24I, 245, 3I2, 313, 362, Tortoise, I09
505 n., 5IO Touch, I94,236,355,358,36o
Tejo-bindu, 454 Toxicology, 435
tejo-dhiitu, 307 toya, 333
Tekka Matha, 49 Trachea, 286 n. 2
Telang, K. T., I22, 123, 549, 550 Trade, 505 n.
Temperament, 378 Tradition, 78, I02, 377
Temples, 287 Tranquillity, 229
Temporal, IS, 16, 342; bones, 287 Transcendence, 5 I 2
n. 5; determinations, 187 Transcendent, 21, 22, 524, 526; re-
Temptation, 50I ality, 16; self, 10, 368; state, 455
Tendons, 348, 50I, 510, 5II, 516 Transcendental, I68; principle, 72
Term, 373 Transformation of Brahman, 42
Terminology, I4 Transformations, 2o-23, 25, 35, 36,
Testicles, 3I8 38, 51, 88, I04, 114, I7I, I77. 198,
Testimony, 39, 114, 170, 373 206, 207, 210, 211, 22I, 224, 232,
Texts, 17 233. 332, 347. 50I
Theist, 226 Transgression, Ioo, 275, 405, 422, 505
Theistic, 1 Transitory, 490
Theology, 525 Transmigration, 372, 4I I
Theory, 357, 501; of creation, I94; Transparent, 337 n.
of momentariness, 3 I ; of pain, 9 I ; trasare1JU, I 57
of perception, I68; of substances, 37 I Trayyanta-bhiiva-pradipikii, 52 11.
Thesis, 19, 2I, 29, I63, I65, 166, I7o, Treta age, 409, 4Io
I83, I89, I94, 232, 387 Triads, 306
Thickness, 360 Trickery, 378
Thing, 359 n., 498, 510 trika, 285 n. 7
Third Oriental Conference, 1 n. trika-sa1{lbaddhe, 286 n. 4
Thirst, 335 n., 348 tri-kiila, 375
Thoracic vertebrae, 286 n., 287 n. I Trilocana, 107
Thought, 23, 189, I91, 236, 266, 302, Trilocanaguru, I07
367, 373.405,4I4 Tri1[liikii, 2I, 22 n., 25, 26 n., 29, 35
Thought-activity, 235, 240, 272 Trinity College, I4
Thought-creation, 235 n., 244 Trinity Street, 14
Index 611
Tripathi, 49. son., I I6, 192, 193 n., 196 Umbilicus, 289
tri-praluim-malzii-sthur;ram, 257 n. 2 Unaffected, 42
Tripurl-prakara1')a-flkii, I 93 Unattached, 510, 511
Trisikha-briihma7Ja, 454 Unattached ness, 511
Triune, 23 Unattachment, 524
trive7Jl, 354 Uncaused, 63
tri-vidha, 401 n. Unchangeable, 24, 33, 42, 45, 63, 73,
Trivikramadirya, 52 n. 164, 179, 206 n., 221, 240, 271, 368,
trivrt-kara7Ja, 74 n. 369, 476; consciousness, 181
Troubles, 501 Uncompounded, 74
True associations, 155 Unconditional, 176
True experience, I 55 Unconditionality, 160
True knowledge, 164, 174, 246, 457 Unconnected, 230
True proposition, 155 Unconscious, 181
True recognition, 155 Unconsciousness, 265
Trunk, 343 Uncontradicted existence, 30
Truth, 3, I 14, 118, 378, 494, 495, 534 Undemonstrable, 22
Truthful, 513 Underlying consciousness, 53, zo6,
Truthfulness, 373, sos, 510 207, 209
trR~ii, 413, 415 n., 499 Undesirable, 5 12
trtlyaka, 297 Undetermined fruition, 249
Tubercles, z86 1z. 3 Undifferentiated, 23 n., 474; aware-
tuccha, 224 ness, 211
tulyiirthatii, 3 71 Unhappy, 277
turya, 264, 267 Unhealthy, 320
turyiitUa, 264, 266 n. Uniform motive, 178
Tlibingen, 283 Unimportance, 370
tyallta-lwrtrtva-vihlzramab, 245 Uninferable, 454
tyiif!a, sos, so8, 510 Unintelligent, 36-38
tyiiga-miitra, 228 Unintelligible, 12, 138, 143
Tippa7Ja, 425, 428 Uninterrupted succession, 25 n.
'Jlkii-ratna, 52 n. Unique, 13, 228; relation, 31
Unity, 8s, 243; of consciousness, 179;
ubhayedyub,, 297 texts, 46, 81
Ubiquitous, 14 Universal, 63, 139, 374; altruism,
ucchlankhau, 285 501 ;characteristic, 159; compassion,
ucchviisa, 327 461; concomitance, 140; duty, so6;
ucitena pathii, 313 friendship, 501, SII; piety, SII;
Udara, 431 pity, 501; self, 6, 9; spirit, 457
udara, 287 n. 1, 289 Universality, 8s, 194
Udayana, 49, 51, 107, II9, 123-126, Universe, I I
134, 140, 141, 147 n.; criticized by Unknowable, 263
Srihan?a on the subject of tarka, 141 Unlimited, 63
udiina, 75, 259, z6o, 332 Unmanifested, 232, 263,357,358,471,
udiislnii, 378 519, 525, 530; state, 236
udiivarta, 391 Unmada, 431
uddeia, 389, 390 Unmiida-cikitsitam, 341 n.
Uddyotakara, 119, 124, 137 n., 147 n., Unnameable, 234
171, 182 n., 186, 384 n., 393, 394, Unperceivable, 138
400n. Unperceived, 199
Ui, H., 398 n. Unperturbed, soo, sro, 512
Ulna, z8s n. 6 Unperturbedness, 51 1
Ultimate, 233, 236; being, 235; caus- Unproduced, 63, 182
ality, ro6; cause, 111, 114, 237; con- Unreal, 127, 271; appearances, 48
sciousness, 22; entity, 232-234; prin- Unreality, 128, 165, 246, 252
ciple, 474; reality, 8, 13, 22, 42, 98, Unreasonable, x86
168, 199,221,271, 454; specific pro- Unrighteous, 409
perties, 371; truth, IS, 494. so8 Unspeakable, 35, 89 n., 203, 204, 221
Unsubstantial, 202, 203 upiidhi, 72, 142
Unsuitable, 370 upiilambha, 388
Unsuitability, 370 upiinga,273, 274,276,279
Untenable, 358 upiiya, 359, 389
Unthinkable, 22, 221, 362-364, 529 upekkhii, 460
Untruthfulness, 373 upek$ii, 23 n.
U7Jiidi, 54 I Upholder, 526
u~l~lulw, 318 Upodghiita, 28o n., 283 n.
Uj>lu·aryate, 26 I Upper worlds, 76
upacaya, 235 ll. uras, 286
upaciira-chala, 386 n. Urinal canal, 296
upadesa, 3~9. 390 Urinary disease, 343
Upadeia-siihasrl, 79, 81 Urine, 325, 327-330, 347, 35o-352
U padesa-siihasri-vi'l.Tti, 193 Uru~uja, 300
upadlzii, 412, 415 ussado, 497
upadlziira~za, 459, soo Usanas-sa1fzlzitii, 435
upa-dhiilu, 324 u~7Ja, 312n., 357,35911.,361
upahiira, 183 Uterus, 313
Upallrama-pariihrama, 220 utlwr~a-prakar~a-rupa, 401 n.
upalabdhi-sama, 380 n., 382 n. utkar$iipakar~a- Var1}yiivar1J.ya-vikalpa-
upalal?,w~w, I I siidhya-sama, 380 n., 38 I tz.
upamii, 3~0 Utpala, 49
upamiina, 148, 377 Utpatti, 231
ufmnaya, 379 utpatti, 232
upaniilzo, 497 utsiiha, 327
upanilwndlw, 497 uttama!z puru~al;, 466
Vpani~<H.1ic, 205 n., 494, 499; simile, Uttamamrta, 99
467 uttara, 380, 391
l lfllllli,wd-ratna, s8 Uttara-sthiina, 433
Upani~ads, I, 2, 8, 37-30, 46, s8, 78, Uttara-tantra, 329, 330, 332, 3~9. 424,
92, 98, 100, II3, 114, II6, 12<), 151, 425, 427, 429
215, 226, 259, 260, 276, 333, 344, Uttara-vasti, 426
448, 453. 455. 47I, 475. 478, 493. uttariiya~za, 519
495, 496, 51 I 1l., SIS, 520, 525, 530, Uveyaka, 172
532, 536, 548, 551; as one consistent Uvula, 259, 355
philosophy borrowed by Sankara iilw, 375, 377
from his predecessors, 2; commen- ilhya, 389, 392
tators before Sankara, I ; ethical firdhva-gii niil]l, 345 n.
ideas in, 494, 495; heart in, 344; firdhva-mula'f!l tripiid Brahma, 523
nature of its philosophy under Gau- firu-nalaka, 285 n. 8
<;lapada's influence, 2; their view of firfi, 285
self criticized by Kamalasila, 181;
their views regarding the niil}is, Vacuity, 21, 234
344 fT. Vacuous space, 59
Upani~ad texts, 8o, 87, 88, 98,132 Vagina, 289, 290 n., 291, 313 n.
upapatti-sama, 3~0 n. 4, 382 n. vahana-piika-snelza, 328 n.
uparati, 495 Vaibha~ikas, 186 n.
upasamiinussati, 459 Vaideha Janaka, 316
Upasama, 231 Vaideha king, 357
upasamana, 358 vaidharmya, 13 2
upasamaniya, 357 vaidya, 385
upasaya, 397 V aidyaka-sarvasva, 432
upatiipa, 293, 309 Vaidyakii$fiiitga - hrdaya - vrtter bhe -
U pavar~a, 43 ~aja-niima-sfici, 436
upaviisa, 278 Vaidyanatha Dik~ita, 81
upm•eda, 274, 276 Vaidyavacaspati, 434
upiidiina, 9, 334,497,498 Vain, SII
upiidiina-kiira~za, 12, 372 vairiigya, 231, 412, 439, 454
Vairiigya-satalw, 460 11. knowledge, 20; arguments of San-
Vaise~ika, SI, ss. 119, I2o, 125, I57. kara for psychological dualitv of
I79. I89-I92, I94. 248, 262, 272, awareness do not apply to Vasu-
302, 307 n., 369, 412, sq.; cate- bandhu, 29; central features of his
gories, 55, I 92; its theory of the philosophy, 24, 25; did not deny
subtle body, 306; philosophy, I93, objectivity of objects of awareness,
332 n., 398 n.; physics, I92, 273; but regarded objects as awarenesses,
springs of action in, 4I2; system, 29; experiences like dreams, 20; his
366, 37I; theory, I90 date, 20 n.; his denial of the doctrine
Vaise#ka-bhii~ya, 162 of pure vacuity, 2I; his idealistic
Vaise#ka-siUras, 356, 369-37I conceptional space, 25; his idealistic
Vaisya, 502, 504, sos, 53I, 542, 546 explanation of physical eYents, 2I;
vai~wnya, 320 his refutation of the atomic theory,
Vai~Dava, I25, I92, 2I9, 44I, 443. 20; his theory of iilaya-vijiiiina, 22;
532 his theory of pure consciousness and
Vai~1_lavism and Saivism, 543 n., 549 n. its power, 22; his theory of thought
Vaitaral)a, 424 transformations, 21; his view of
Vaitara.1Ja-tantra, 435 thought as real substance and its
vaitiina, 283 threefold transformations, 23 ff.; his
V aitiina-sfitra, 284 view that illusory impositions must
Vaiyiisilw-nyiiya-miilii, 8I have an object, 2I; perceptual know-
Vajrii, 353, 354 ledge of the material world not trust-
val?riimuniina, I 20 worthy, 20; salwpalamblw-niyama
Vakulakara, 43 I absent in, 26 n. I; world-construc-
Valabhi, I64 tion as false as dream-construction,
·valaya, 284 n. 4 2I
valayii.sthi, 284 n. 4 Vasumitra, I7I
'lmliisa, 298 n., 299 'L'asv-aizlw-vasu-'l.·atsare, I07
Valid, I2, IS8, I66, I84; means of Vasi~tlza-riima-sm!l'Viida, 229
proof, 236; proofs, I67 'l!asyiitman, 420
Validity, I66, I70 vati, 400 n.
Vallabhacarya, I47 n., 156 n., 443 Vatsapa, 300
Varp.sidhara Misra, 250 n. Vavrviisas, 300
Vll1lll'!l, 497 vii,330
vanatho, 497 Vacaspati 1\lisra, 11, I 2, 25 n., 29,36 n.,
vani~thu, 289 45. 47. 48, SI, 52, s6, 57. 74 n., 8I-
Vanity, 509-511 83, 87, IOI, I03, IOS, I06, I09, III,
Varigasena, 427, 435 I I2, I I6, I I9, I24, I26 n., I96, 220,
Varada PaD<;lita, 57 n. 250, 26o, 262, 272, 305, 306 n., 393,
Vararuci, 432 394; admits jlva as the locus of
Vararuci-saf!llzitii, 432 avidyii and Brahman as its object,
Vardhamana, I07, I26 n. 110; admits two kinds of aj1iiina,
Variability, 384 108; discussions regarding his date
van:za-dharma, 505 and teachers, I07; his account of the
van:zaka, 52 n. Sautrantika view of the existence of
vartJ.iisrama-dharma, 505 the external world, 26 n. 2; his de-
vartJ.ya-sama, 386, 387 finition of truth, 108, I09; his differ-
var~ii, 335 ence with Sarvaji'Hitma lVIuni, no;
Varur:ta, 292, 300 n. 2 his explanation regarding the nature
Varying states, I8o of object, 29; his followers, Io8;
vasanta, 335 his reference to other Buddhistic
Vasi~tha, 229, 257 arguments regarding the falsity of
vasti, 289 n. I, 340, 426 space, 28 n. ; his view of ill us ion, I I o ;
vasti-kriyii, 296, 426 his view of the status of the object
vastu, 203 of knowledge, I I I ; method of his
vastut'L'll, 38 commentary, 108; on the Sarpkhya-
Vasubandhu, I9-21, 25, 26 n., 29, 35, Yoga theory of the subtle body,
s8-6o, 62, 164, I7I; admits pure 305
Viiciirambhm;la, 216 334, 335 n., 336, 337 n., 339, 344,
vada,377.379.401 349, 350, 352, 361, 362 n., 371,
Viidiivali, 57 n. 392
Vadiraja, 443 Viitaja, 300, 301, 331
Vadivagisvara, 196 Viita-kalii-kaliya, 332 n.
Vadindra, 120, 122-124, 196; his date viitala, 334
and works, 122, 123 viita-prakrti, 328, 334
Vagbhata, 274, 284 n. 3, z8s n. 6, viiti, 299
286 n. 1, 288 n. 1, 304, 327, 329, viitlkiira, 299
332, 425, 427, 432-434; diseases as viiti-krta-niisan'i, 299
modifications of do~as, 3 29; his view viiti-krtasya-bhe~ajlm, 300
of do~a, dhiitu and dhiitu-mala, 332; Vatsiputriyas, 59, 6o, 62, 182
his view of do~a, dhiitu and mala, Vatsyayana, 119, 124, 171, 248, 384
327 ff. n. I., 390, 393' 399 n., 400 n., 401 n.,
Vagbhata junior, 363 413
V iigbhata-khm:zr;fana-ma~uJana, 42 5 Vayorvida, 333
Vagisa Gosvamin, 225 n. viiyu, 75, 245, 257 n., 259 n., 260, 262,
Vahata, 263, 433 263, 276, 291, 300, 304, 311, 313,
V iijasaneyi-sa1flhitii, 536 315, 318, 325-331, 33211., 333-336,
·viij'ikara1J.a, 276, 30I 338, 339, 345, 348, 349, 362 n.,
Viijzkara1J.a-tantra, 425 363, 365, 384; according to Caraka,
viik, 346 332 ff.
viik-chala, 385, 386 n. vedanii, 23
'lliikya-do~a, 384, 385 Vedas,44,224,236,274,275,277,279,
Vakyakara, 43 n. .z8o, 294, 333, 390, 405, 407, 438,
·viikya-prasa7JZSii, 385 478, 481, 484, 487, 493. 49•h 514.
viikya-se$a, 389, 391 szo, 524, sz6, 545. 547. 548
V iikya-vivara1J.a-vyiil~hyii, I 9 3 Veda-stuti-flkii, 225
Viikya-vrtti, So, 81 vedaviidina[l, 424
V iikya-vrtti-prakiiiikii, So Vedadhyak~a - bhagavat - pujyapada,
Viikya-vrtti-tzkii, 193 52 n.
Valmiki, 229, 230 Vedananda, 52 n.
viina-prastha, 505 Vedanta, 1, 3. 13, 15, 18, I9, 29, 33,
vii1i-mana[l-sarira-pravrtti, 32 I 34,37.44,47,53,54.S6,S7,69,7I-
•vii1imaya, 469 73, 86, 96, 107, IIS, 118, 124, 125,
Vapyacandra, 431 127, 128, 156, 168, 192, 198, zos,
viira~zii, 353 zo8, 216, 2I7, 220, 223, 224, 227,
'l:iiritta, soo 23I, 234, 242, 261, 271, 310, 311,
viir#ka, 345 410, 438, 472, 474. 476, 478, 479.
Viirttika, 1 n., 48, 52, 78, 83, 84, xoo, 488, 499, 504, 512, SI8, 548, sso;
102 ajiliina and prakrti in, 74; all sub-
Varyovida, 357 jective notions are only contents, and
viisanii, 26, 27 n., 186, 187, 237-239, therefore outside the revelation in,
243, 245, 251, 255-257, 264, 266, 16; analysis of consciousness in, 63
268, 269 ff.; apprehension of objects involving
viisaniibhidhiinab, 242 objective characters, objects and the
viisanii-k~aya, 252 pure immediacy of revelation in, 13;
Vasi!1tha, 230, 231, 238, 255 Anandabodha's arguments in favour
V iisi~!ha-Riimiiym:za, 231 of the self-luminosity of the self
V iis#!ha-Riimiiya~za-candrikii, 231 and its criticism of the Prabhakara
Viis#tha-siira, 232 in, 69, 70; beginnings of the dia-
V iisi~tha-siira-gur;lhiirthii, 23 2 lectical arguments in, s 1 ; Buddhist
viistavl, 224 criticism of the identity of the self
Vasudeva,535,538-s44.548,549;and and its reply in, 66, 67, cognitional
Kr~l).a, 541 ff. revelation not a product in, 13; con-
Viisudevaka, 539 tinuation of the school of Vacaspati
Vasudevendra, 57 n. up to the seventeenth century in, 51,
viita, 258, 282, 296, 319, 327, 330- 52; continuation of the schools of
Suresvara, Padmapada and lVIaQ.Q.ana tent, infinite and non-temporal in,
up to the fourteenth century in, 52, 16; principle of revelation neither
53; continuity of conscious life in, subjective nor objective in, I6;
I 5 ; criticism of Buddhistic analysis quarrel with the Prabhakaras on the
of recognition in, 65; difference be- subject of revelation in, 67; reasons
tween pure intelligence and cog- adduced as to why COh'Tlition cannot
nitional states in, I3; does not admit be cognized in, q.; refutation of the
any relation between the character arguments against the self-luminosity
and the object, but both are mani- of the self in, 68, 69; revelation can-
fested in one simple revelation, I3; not be individuated, I 6; revelation
eleventh century writers in, 49; identical with self in, 15; self-iden-
everything else which is not a prin- tity proved through memory in, 67;
ciple of revelation is miiyii in, I6; seventeenth and eighteenth century
existence of self cannot be proved writers more under the influence of
by inference in, 68 ; existence of self Vacaspati, Surdvara and Sarvaji'iat-
is only proved through its imme- ma than of the Vivara1Ja in, 56. 57;
diacy and self-revelation in, 68, 69; Srihar~a. Citsukha and the nwhii-
general writers after the fourteenth 'l•idyii syllogism of Kularka in, 51;
century greatly under the influence status of the object in, 35; tenth
of the Vivara~w school in, 53; idea century writers in and Buddhism in,
of jlvan-mukti in, 25I; in what sense 48, 49; the evolution of the micro-
CO!-,mizing is an act, in what sense it cosmos and macrocosmos from aj-
is a fact in, I 5;" I" only a particular 1iiina, 74, 75; the self limited by
mode of mind in, I 5; its account of miiyii behaves as individuals anJ as
the anta(!lwmiJa, 75; its account of God in, 72; the theory of trivrt-
the ko~as, 7 5, 76; its account of the kara1J.a and paiici-kanliJa in, 7+;
possibility of recognition, 65, 66; its Vidyarm:rya's analysis of the recog-
account of the universe, 76; its nizer in, 66; Vidyarar:tya 's conten-
account of the 'lYiyus, 75; its central tion that the self-identity cannot be
philosophical problem, 47; its chief explained by the assumption of two
emphasis is on the unity of the self, separate concepts in, 67, 68; writers
72, 73; its conception of identity from the seventeenth to the nine-
differentiated from the ordinary log- teenth century in, 57 n. 1; writers
ical concept of identity, I4; its cos- inspired by Jagannathasramai\irsirp-
mology, 73-77; its diffccence with ha and Appaya in, 55; writers in-
the Mahayanists regarding nature spired by Kr~r:tananda of the seven-
of objects in the Vivarm:za school, 30; teenth century in, 56; writers of the
its theory of the subtle body, 311; sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
its three opponents, Buddhist, Nai- in, 55
yayika and Mimarpsaka, 71, 72; its Vedanta arguments, uS, 128
twofold \Tiew, 13; logical explana- Vedanta dialectic, 125; history of its
tion as regards the nature of identity rise and growth, 12+, 125; malzii-
in, 14; meaning of cognizing in, 15; vidyii syllogisms of Kularka as its
meaning of prii1Ja in, 260, 261; direct precursor in, 124, 125
memory does not indicate aware- Vedanta dialectics, 57 n., 163, I7I;
ness of awareness in, 67; mental forerunners of, 171 ff.
states and revelation in, 15 ; nature Vedanta epistemology, 149, 154.
of ajiiiina and its powers in. 73, 74; Vediinta-hrdaya, 57 11.
nature of the anta/:zlwra1J.a in, 76, 77; Vedanta idealism, 151
nature of the obligatoriness of its Vt'diinta-lwlpa-latihii, 225, 226
study in, 46; no cognition camtot Vediinta-kalpa-taru, 108, 119 11., 260
be cognized again in, 14; notion of Vediinta-kalpa-taru-maiijarl, 108
" I" as content in, 15; possible bor- Vediinta-kalpa-taru-parimala, 1oS, 226
rowing of its theory of perception Vediinta-kaumudl, 52, 53, 197, I98,
from Sarpkhya by Padmapada in, 204-206, 209, 210, 211 n.
89 n.; principle of revelation de- Veda1lta-kaumudi-'L)'iildzy(/na, 205
signated as self or iitman in, I 6; Vediinta-lwustubha, g~ 11.
principle of revelation is self-con- Vediinta-naya-hhfi~a1Ja, sr,, ~2
Vediinta-pariblu'i~ii, 17 11., 30 n., 54, Verbal definitions, 146
74 n., 75 n., 105, 207, 2o8, 209 n., Verbalism, I71
2I 1 n., 217, 223 n. Verbal nature, 163
Vediinta-pariblui~ii-prakiiSilu"i, 54 n. Verbal repetition, 385
Vedanta philosophy, 19, 51, 62, II2 Verbal sophisms, 146
Vediinta-siira, 54, 55,73 n., 75 n., 8111., Verbal usage, I84
IOJ, 26I Vertebrae, 287 11. I
Vt•diinta-siddlziinta-candrikii, 56 Vertebral column, 285 11. I, .287 n. 1,
Vediinta-siddhiinta-muktiivalt, 57 n., 353
270 vibhava, 537
Vediinta-siUra, 228, 260-262 'l>ibhriga, I s8, 194, 360
Vcdiinta-sfilra-nmhtiivali, 82 Vibhrama-vivelw, 87 11.
Vecliinta-silduimm;i, 54 'l•iblulti, 549
V edtinta-tattva-dlpana-v:ytikhyii, 54 Vibration, 256; of the prii7Ja, 256
rTedtlnta-tattva-lwwmuli, 45 II. Vibratory, 254; activity, 257, 258, z61;
Vedtinta-taltva-vi'l'elw, S·h 216, 2I7 n. movement, I88
Vedanta teachers, 17, 30 'l'iclira, 358, 359
Vedanta texts, +7 victlrmJ.tl, 264, 373
Vedanta topics, XI Vice, 194, 248, 305, 373, 487, 493,
Vedanta writers, 55 498, 507, 510, 511, 522
Vedantacarya, 441 'l·icil~ilstl, 4 I 3
Vt:dantic, 3I 11., 52 n., <)2, 3I I; attack, Vicious,22,23,409, 414; endll·ssseries,
I 25; circle, 55; concqlt of salvation, 130; infinite, 40, 70, I 17, 132, 162,
227; conct:pts, 14H; cosmolo~y. 73, 174, 178, 185; infinite regress, 128,
226; development, 48; doctrines, 255
228; idealism, 36; influence, 477, Viciousness, 373
478; interpretation, 49; interpreta- Victory, SI2
tion by Bhartrprapai'ica, 1 ; inter- 'l.1iddt"!O, 497
preters, 208; monism, 224; pro- Videha, 427
blems, 228; self, 33; texts, 90, 98, 'l'l"deha-mukti, 252
<)<), 102; writers, 44, 53 Videha-tantra, 435
Veuantin, 30, 234 vidhiina, 389, 391
Vedantist,I2,JI,96, I24, I25, 128,I57, vidhi, so, 479-483
107, I68, 225, 517 Vidhi-rasiiya11a, 220
vedtt1if?a, 274, 276 V idhi:.rasiiya11opajl'l'anl, 2 20
Vedii1it-:a-stlra, 432 Vidhi-viveka, 45 n., 86, 87, 106, 482
Vedii.rtha-sa1!tgraha, 43 n. 'l'idhura, 3 51
Vedic commands, 479, 48I-4-86 vidhurii, 342
Vedic commentator, 215 vidradha, 299
Vedic dharma, 533 Vidvan-ma11orami"i, 79
Vedic duties, 43 n., 46, 99, IOO, 437 Vid'l•an-mano-raiijmzl, 261 11. 1
Vedic index, 345 n., 346 n., 486 n. 3 vidvat-sm.nnyiisa, 251, 25211.
Veuic India, 301 Vidyabhusan, Dr, 393, 394
Vedic injunctions, 468 'l'idyli, 12, 238, 239. 505
Vedic knowledge, 495 Vidycibhara~ra, 126 n.
Vedic religion, 493 'l'idyiibhltVa 1 I 2
Vedic texts, 74 11., 98, 129 'l'idyiibhlpsita, 495
Vedisdze Studien, 345 n. Vidyadhaman, 79
'l.'ega-pravartmw, :P7 Vidyclmrta-var#7Jl, 1 15
Vegetables (horn from), 309 Vidyarar:tya, 52, 53, 57, 69, 70 11., 78,
Veins, 256, 289, 290, ~p8 82, 83, 86, IOJ, 214, 216, 251, 252;
Venis, 17 11. a fol1ower of the Vivara7Ja view, 215;
Veti.kata, 43 11., 82 11., 119, I2o, I23, his date and works, 214, 216; his
200 idea of ]lvan-muhti, 251 ; his view
Veri.katanatha, 441 that miiyli and Brahman are the
Verikatesa, 432 joint cause of the world-appearance,
vermJz, 497 21 5; the writer of Paficadast and
Verbal cummanu, 4 79 of the ]lvan-mukti-viveka, ::!51 11.
Vidyarar.lya 1\Juni, 66, 67 Vindhyasvamin, I7I
Vidyaratna, K., 2 11. vinibandhanam, 497
Vidyii siiNarl, I03, 126 11., I32, I34 n. 'l'in1iii1la, 498
Vidyii-surabhi, 99 Violent, 408
l 7 idyii-srl, 82 11. viparlfa-dharmat'l.'a, 6
·oidyi:-taru, I07 viparyaya, xo. 381, 39I
Vidyatirtha, 2IS n. viparyiisa, 5; {error), four kinds of, 5
View, 366, 369, 378; of things, I3 vipiika, 22-24, 362-364, 366, 391
Vigorous, 303 'l•iral?ti, 25 I, 252
Vigraha-'l•yii'l'artanl, 165 viriij, 43
'l•z:r;rhya-sm!zhhii~ii, 378 viriit, 21 5, 548
Vijayanagara, 219 virclw, 3 IS
Vijaya-prasasti, 126 Virility, 301, 333
Vijayarak~ita, 428-430, 432, 434, 435 'l'iriya-Sllt!IVllYll, 500
vij1iapti, 20 'l•irodho, 497
'l•ijfiapti-miitratii, 22, 24 Virtue, 194, 248, 305, 373, 404, 493,
Vijiiapti-mlitratii-siddhi, H) n. 508, 5IO, 51 I, 514, 522
'l,jjiiiina, 23, 127, I64, 307, 343, 373, Virtuous, 23, 367, 414, 51 I, 5I2, 514;
491, 505 n. deeds, 246
Vijiiiina-bhairava, 264 'l'iruddlw, 384, 385, 386 n., 388
Vijnanabhikt:'u, 262, 443 viruddha hetu, 386 11.
vijiiiina-dhiitu, 307 visalpa, 299
Vijiiiina-kaumudl, 264 'l'isalpalw, 299
'l•ijiiiina-l~riyii-salai-dvayiisraya, I 04 visarga, 370
'l•ijiiiinamaya, 76 'l'isarpa, 299, 430
'l't}iiiinamaya-ko$a, 75 t•isattikii, 497
•m:iniina-miitra, I<), 22, 234 Visible, I 57, 337 n.; do$a, 337 n.
t#1iiina-pari~u1ma, 2 I Vision, 333
t•z}fiiina-viida, 20, 209, 228, 27:!. Visual, 176; consciousness, 6I; organ,
·mjiiiinn-'l'iidins, 2, 242 31; perception, 20,25 ll.; st·nse, IS6
Vijiiiiniimrta-bhiirJ•a, 262 'L•iSada, 332, 359 n., 361
·vikalpa, 75 n., 236, 2Cn, 389, 392, 'l'ise~a, 148, 187, 1~9. 371,397
401 n. 'l'isi~tn-dl·t·atii-hhal\ti, 505
vikalpa-viisanii, 23 'l·iH${asyai•va iinanda-padiirthatviit, 223
vi lliira, 320. 3 69 Visi~tadvaita, 57 n., 441
Vikrama-sarpvat, 107 ?·iSi,f[t"idvaita-'lJ/idin, 439
Vikramasila, 49 ?•iSuddlw-calu·a, 3 55
'l'ikrti, 334, 335, 358, 386 n., 388 'l•is?•a, 76, 54S
'l'ik~epa, 73, 389 11. Visvahharati, 58 11.
?•ik$epa-sakti, 7 4 Visvadeva, I 15
vih$ipati, I I 2 Visvamhhara, 79
t•ilayana-riipii vrddhil; pralwpa?z, 335 n. Visvanatha Tirtha, 220
t•iliipanl, 264, 265 Visvarupa Acarya, 82, 83, 86, 87, 251
vimukta, 251 vis?·a-rilpatii, 241
Vimuktatman, I98, 199, 201, 203-205; Visvamitra, 230, 54I
criticism of the bhcdiibheda view by, Viivamitra-sa1Jlhitii, 432
20I, 202; criticism of the sahopa- Visvesvara, 443
lambha-niyamiit by, 201; his date and Visvesvara Pa~:t~iita, So
works, 198; his refutation of" differ- Visvesvara Sarasvati, 55
ence," I 99, 200; nature of pure con- Visvesvara Tirtha, 78
sciousness in, 199; tries to prove an Visvdvarananda, 82 n.
intrinsic difference between aware- Visvesvarasrama, 57 n.
ness and its ohject, 201 ; world- t'ifvodarii, 353
appearance like a painting on a vi~ama-pravartanii, 4I6
canvas in, 203 visama-vijiitlna, 416
Vi'T!lsatihii, 19, 20 n., 2I n., 26 n., 29 vi~amiihiiropayogitviit, 334 n.
Vinaya-Pitaka, 276 Vi~a-tantra, 425
viniisa-prati;odhiit, 386 n. Vi$aya, 23, 30, 104, I 10, 11~ 1 152
vi~aya-caitanya, 207 Vomiting, 348
vijaya-gata-pratyak§atva, zo8 vra't)ah, 330 n.
v#aya-titik~ii, 495 Vrddha-Vagbhata, 3I7 n. I
vi~aya-viJnapti, 22 vrddhii};,, I03
vi~aya-vi~ayi-bhiiva, I44, I52 vrddhi, 322
v#ayiin indriyii't]iim, 34I vrkka, 3I8
vi~ayopalabdhi, 373 Vrnda, 427, 435
Vi~Qu, 535, 536, 538, 546-549; and Vp:mis, 539, 541, 543
bhagavat, 539, 540; conception of, vnya, 323, 365 n.
535, 536; conception of, and of vrtti, s6, 70, 87, zo6, 207, 210, zs6,
niiriiya't]a, 537, 538 306
Vi~Qubhatta, 52 n. vrtti-caitanya, 208
Vi~'t]u-dharmottara, 279 n. vrtti-Jniina, 77
Vi~'t]u-mukhii, 536 vrttilliira, 43
Vi~'t]u-pada, 536 Vrtti-prabhiikara, 216 n.
Vi~'t]u-purii't]a, 25I vrtti transformation, 206
V#'t]u-purii1}a-tikii, I48 n. Vrtti-viirttika, 220
V#'tJu-smrti, 279 n. vyakta, 470
Vital centres, 340 vyakter apaiti, 386 n.
Vital currents, I79 vyartha, 388
Vital element, 3I5, 3I6 vyatireki, 400 n.
Vital functions, 357, 487 vyavasiiya, I07, 384
Vitality, 241, 328, 336 vyavasiiyiitmikii, 484 n. I
Vital parts, 342 vyiidhi, 336 n.
Vital powers, 2I Vyiidhi-sindhu-vimardana, 43 2
Vital principle, 24I Vyiikara't)a, 275 n., 547
vita't]qii, 377, 379, 401 Vyiikarm;za-viida-nal?~atra-nuilii, 219
Vitthala Dik~ita, 443 vyiikhyiina, 389, 39:a
Vivara't]ll, 53. 54. 56, IOJ, 208, 201), Vyiillhyiina-dlpikii, 123
216 n., 222; line, 104; school, 34, 53, Vyiikhyii-sudhii, 55
57 vyiikulita-miinasa.~, 3 I 2 n. 3
Vivara~za-prameya-smpgraha, 52, 53, vyiina, 259, 260, 291
63 n., 65 n., 66 n., 67, 70 n., 83, 84, vyiipiido, 497
86, 87, 103, 214, 216 'lryiipiira, 137, 186
T'ivara1_Za-siddhiinta-candrikii, 434 vyiipiirab prera{zii-rupalz, 48I
rri·varm:za-siddhiinta-cinttimm;i, 329 n. 'L'}"iipti, 120, 139, 148, 194
Vi't·ara't)a-tiitparya-dlpikii, 148 n. vyiipti-graha, 148
Vivara1_Zopanytisa, 10, 31 n., 103, 2I6 n. vyiiro~a1}am, 498
Vivara1Jopanyiise Bhtiratmrtha-vaca- Vyasa, 78, 87, 259 n. 2
nam, 216 n. Vyiisa-bhii~ya, 25I, z6z, 265, 305, 408,
vivarta, 38, 39, 224; cause, 45; view, 476, 517
46, 215; view of causation, 224 Vyasatirtha, I 18, 225, 226
vivarta-kiira1_Za, so, 51 Vyasasrama, 119
Vh•eka-cii.dtinza't]i, 79 'L'yiivahiirika, 2, 44
vi·l:eka-ni~patti, 250 vyiivrtta, 63
vividi~ii-smrmyiisa, 252 n. vyiiyiima, 419
Virasi1Jzhti•valokita, 436 vyuha, 545, 546, 548
virya, 241, 351, 359, 36I-366, 370,
39I, SOl \Vackernagel, 345 n.
vita, 256 Waking experiences, 6, 8, 28
Vocal activities, 500 Waking ideas, z6
Vocal organs, 254 Waking life, 8o, I I 5
Void, 272 Waking state, 26, 240, 241, 257
Volition, 23, 24, 71, 152, 153, 463, Walleser, 398 n.
SIS Warm, 358,361,408
Volitional states, 179, 18o Washerman, I6o
Volitional tendency, 479 Waste-products, 325, 327, 33I, 337
Voluntary, SIS Watchfulness, 505
VVater,74,I87,I94.302,33I-334,347, yasmin sunya'!l jagat sthitam, 234
349, 352, 357-360, 362, 364, 367, Yasomitra, 58 n., 62
so1 ; channels, 348 .yathiirthiinubhava, 2 I 3
VVatery, 33I, 357, 359; character, 331 yathiirthiinubhavab, pramii, 13 3, 2 1 2
VVay, us, 367 yathii-vidhi, 294, 295
VVeak, 338 Yaugacaryas, 120
VVealth, 5Io Yadava, 54I, 543
VVeber, Dr Albrecht, 288 n., 486 n. Yadaviibhyudaya, 220
VVell-being, so9 Y iidaviibhyudaya-{ikii, 220
VVhirlwind, 408 Yadavananda Nyayacarya, 225 n.
VVhite, 349; leprosy, 282 Yajftavalkya, I07, 252, 286 n. 1
VVhitney, VV. D., 340 n. Yiijiiavalkya-Dharma-siistra, 279 n.
VVhole, 20, "t-o, I52, I57, I87 Yamunacarya, 43<J-441, 541, 546, 547
VVill, I49, 248, 402, 4I s; force of, 264; yiitudhiinas, 296, 300
to live, 4I4 Yellow, 27, I76, 330; awareness, 70,
VVilling, 263 7I
VVill-power, 242 Yellowness, I43
VVindpipe, 286 Yoga, 107, Io9, 2so, 258, 265, 356,
VVinter, 327, 335, 370 389, 390, 415, 439. 440, 443-445.
VVisdom, 24, 257, 442, 444, 49I, 494, 447. 451-453. 456, 457. 460, 461,
soo, S02,504, sos, 514,530,532 466, 467, 489, 499. 504, 512, 514,
VVise, 378, 531 519, 547; concept of God criticized,
VVish, 497 I77; springs of action in, 414
VVorld, I, 3, 11, SI, 114, 230, 236 yoga-dhiirm:zii, 449 n. 2
VVorld-appearance, I, s, 9-I2, I9, 45, Yoga discipline, 242
46,48,55,74,98, IOI,IOS, 106, IIO, Yoga literature, 354 n.
III, 117, 118, I47, I52, I68, I70, Yoga practices, 273, 436, 440, 44~,
2I5 1 2I7 1 221, 224, 230, 233-236, 477
239-24s, 256, 268 Yoga processes, 453
VV orld -construction, 21 yoga-sevii, 450
VVorld-creation, 39, 42, 242 Yoga-siUra, 5 n., 251, 265, 304 n., 403,
VVorld-experience, 3, 4, I70 408,443.45I,461, 549
VVorldly life, 521 Yoga-sutra-bhii~ya, 87
VVorld-manifestation, 410 n. Yoga system, 436
VVorld-objects, 2I, 28, 36 yoga-sataka, 425, 436
VVorld-order, 533 Yoga Upani~ads, 455, 46I
VVorld-phenomena, so yoga-viihitviit, 332 n.
VVorld-process, 73, I7o Yoga-viirttika, 262, 355
VVorms, 297, 298, 300 Yoga-viis#tha, 17, 57 n., 228, 23011.,
VV orship, 537 231-234. 237. 240, 246, 247. 250 11.,
VVounds, 330 251-254. 259. 263, 264 n., 26S-26~,
VVrath, 497 270-272, 402 n.; citta and move-
VV rong construction, I 54 ment, 258; conception of fivan-
VV rong notion, 9 mukti, 245 ff.; denial of daiva in,
VVrong perception, I37 255; energy and its evolution, 34-3 ff.;
energy and world-appearance, 243 ff.;
yad antar-jiieya-rilp01fl, 27 n. estimate of its philosophy, 271,
yadrcchii, 372, 410 272; free-will and destiny, 253; its
yajna, 292 n., 448, 487, 488 doctrine of priirabdha-kamw, 246,
yajna-vidab,, 448 247; its idealism compared with
Yajii.esvara Makhindra, 2I8 n. that of Prakasananda, 270, 271 ; its
Yajus, 274, 390, s26 idealism compared with that of
Yakkha, 539 Sankara and Buddhist idealism, 268
J·akna, 288 ff.; jivan-mukti and Nyaya eman-
yak~as, 283, 468 cipation, 248; jlvan-mukti and the
ya~man, 297 n. s, 298 Prabhakara idea of emanicpation,
Yama, 25I, 311, 432, 454, 455, 49I 249; jlvmt-mukti and the Sarpkhya
yantm, 257 idea of emancipation, 249, 250; fi-
620 Index
Yoga-viisi$/ha (cont.) Yoga-vas#tha-tiitparya-prakiiSa, 240 n.
van-mukti and the Sarpkhya-yoga Yoga-vdsiltha-tiitparya-smpgraha, 232
idea of emancipation, 249-251 ;jfvan- Yogacara, 164
mukti and Vidyaral)ya's doctrine of Yogananda, 57 n.
jivan-mukti, 251; jivan-mukti com- Yoganandanatha,436
pared with Buddhist sainthood, 247, yogiiriiljha, 444, 445, 446 n.
248; jivan-mukti compared with Yoge$vara, 453
sthita-priijiia, 247; karma, manas Yogins, I89, 256, 440, 444. 446-451,
and the categories, 237-239; nature 454
of kartrtva, 242 ff.; nature of the Yogi-yiijiiavalkya-sa7Jlhitii, 354
work, other works on it and its date, Yogisvara, 57 n., 122
228-232; origination of the world yogyatii, 150
through thought-movement, 235- yoni, 358
237; place of free-will in, 254; prii1Ja yuddhe ciipy apaliiyana, 505 n.
and priir.ziiyiima in, 257 ff.; prii1Ja yudh, 551
vibration and knowledge in, 256; Yudhi~thira, so8, 509
right conduct and final attainment Yugasena, 172
in, 267, 268; stages of progress to- yuj,443.444,446
wards saintliness in, 264 ff.; theory yujir, 443, 444
of spanda, 235-237; ultimate reality yujir yoge, 443, 444
is pure intelligence, 232,233; viisanii yuj samiidhau, 443
and prii1Ja vibration in, 256, 257; yukta, 446 n. 1, 458
world-appearance is entirely mental yukta iislta, 449
creation and absolutely false, 233, yukti, 359, 360, 370, 373, 375, 376
234 Yukti-dipikii, 45 n.
Yoga-viisi$tha-Riimiiya'!fa, 228, 232 Yukti-prayoga, 49
Yoga-viisiuha-sa7Jlk$epa, 232 yuiijyiit, 446 n. 4
Yoga-viisi$tha-siira, 232
Yoga-viisi${ha-siira-sa1Jzgraha, 232 Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenliindi-
Yoga-viisi${ha-slokiib, 232 schen Gesellschaft, 345 n.

Ph.D. (Cal. et Cantab.), D.Litt. (Hon.) (Rome)
F.R.S.L., LE.S.



London Offict> : Ht>n rley I louse, N. w. 1

American Branch: :'\ew York
Agents for Canada. India, and Pakistan: :\lacmillan

First published 1940

Reprinted 1952

First Printed i11 Great Britain at the Uni1·ersity Press, Cambridge

Reprinted by offset-litho by Percy Lund Humphries & Co. Ltd.
To the
who went through great sufferings and hardships all his
life in the cause of the liberation of his countrymen, and
who is still labouring with almost superhuman effort
for the unification of the subcontinent of India, and
who is working with steady devotion and faith for the
establishment of peace at home and among the nations of
the world, the foremost Indian who is piloting the pro-
gress of the country through troubled waters in the most
hazardous period of India's. history, this work is
most respectfully dedicated as a tribute of
personal gratefulness
The second volume of this work was published as long ago as
1932. Among the many reasons which delayed the publication of
this volume, one must count the excessive administrative and
teaching work with which the writer is saddled; his continued
illness; the regrettable failure of one eye through strenuous work,
which often makes him depend on the assistance of others; and
the long distance between the place of publication and Calcutta.
The manuscript of the fourth volume is happily ready.
In writing the present volume the author has taken great trouble
to secure manuscripts which would present a connected account
of the development of theistic philosophy in the South. The texts
that have been published are but few in number and the entire
story cannot be told without constant reference to rare manuscripts
from which alone the data can be collected. So far, no work has been
written which could throw any light on the discovery and inter-
pretation of a connected history of Vai~Q.ava thought. It would
have been well if the Tamil and Telegu works could have been
fruitfully utilized in tracing the history of Vai~Q.avism, not only as
it appeared in Sanskrit but also as it appeared in the vernaculars of
the South. But the author limited himself as far as possible to
Sanskrit data. This limitation was necessary for three reasons: first,
the author was not master of the various vernaculars of South India;
secondly, the inclusion and utilization of such data would have
made the present book greatly exceed its intended scope; and
thirdly, the inclusion of the data from the vernacular literature
would not have contributed materially to the philosophical pro-
blems underlying the theistic speculations dealt with in this work.
Looked at from the strictly philosophical point of view, son1e of the
materials of the present book may be regarded as somewhat out of
place. But, both in the present volume and the volume that will
follow it, it will be impossible to ignore the religious pathology that
is associated with the devotional philosophy which is so predomi-
nant in the South and which so much influenced the minds of
the people not only in the Middle Ages but also in the recent past
and is even now the most important element of Indian religions.
Vlll Preface
Philosophy in India includes not only morality but religion also.
The most characteristic feature of religion is emotion or sentiment
associated with a system of beliefs, and as such in the treatment
of the dominant schools of philosophy that originated in South
India one cannot help emphasizing the important pathological
developments of the sentiment of devotion. The writer hopes,
therefore, that he may be excused both by those who would not
look for any emphasis on the aspect of bhakti or religious senti-
ment and alsc. by those who demand an over-emphasis on the
emotional aspect which forms the essence of the Yai~r:tava religion.
He has tried to steer a middle course in the interest of philosophy,
which, however, in the schools of thought treated herein is so
intimately interwoven with religious sentiment.
The writer has probably exceeded the scope of his treatment in
dealing with the .Arvars, whose writings are in Tamil, but there also
he felt that without referring to the nature of the devotional philo-
sophy of the Arvars the treatment of the philosophy of Ramanuja
and h?s followers would be historically defective. But though the
original materials for a study of the Arvars are in Tamil, yet
fortunately Sanskrit translations of these writings either in manu-
script or in published form are available, on which are almost
whol1y based the accounts given here of these Tamil writers.
The treatment of the Paiicaratra literature offered some dif-
ficulty, as most of these works arc still unpublished; but fortunately
a large volume of this literature was secured by the present writer
in manuscript. Excepting Schrader's work, nothing of any im-
portance has been written on the Paiicaratra School. Though
there are translations of the bhii~ya of Ramanuja, there has been no
treatment of his philosophy as a whole in relation to other great
philosophers of his School. Practically nothing has appeared re-
garding the philosophy of the great thinkers of the Ramanuja
School, such as Yenka~a, 1\leghanadari and others, most of whose
works are still unpublished. Nothing has also been written re-
garding Vijiianabhik!?u's philosophy, and though ~imbarka's
bhii~ya has been translated, no systematic account has yet appeared
of Nimbarka in relation to his followers. The writer had thus to de-
pend almost wholly on a very large mass of published and unpub-
lished manuscript literature in his interpretation and chronological
investigations, which are largely based upon internal evidence;
Preface IX

though, of course, he has always tried to utilize whatever articles

and papers appeared on the subject. The subjects treated are vast
and it is for the scholarly reader to judge whether any success
has been attained in spite of the imperfections which may have
crept in.
Though the monotheistic speculations and the importance of the
doctrine of devotion can be traced even to some of the ~g-veda
hymns and the earlier religious literature such as the Gftii and the
Mahiibhiirata and the Vir!l-upurii!la, yet it is in the traditional songs
of the A.rvars and the later South Indian philosophical writers, be-
ginning from Yamuna and Ramanuja, that we find a special em-
phasis on our emotional relation with God. This emotional relation
of devotion or bhakti differentiated itself in many forms in the ex-
periences and the writings of various Vai~I).ava authors and saints.
It is mainly to the study of these forms as associated with their
philosophical perspectives that the present and the succeeding
volumes have been devoted. From this point of view, the present
and the fourth volumes may be regarded as the philosophy of
theism in India, and this will be partly continued in the treat-
ment of Saiva and Sakta theism of various forms. The fourth
volume will deal with the philosophy of Madhva and his followers
in their bitter relation with the monistic thought of Sankara and his
followers. It will also deal with the theistic philosophy of the
Bhiigavatapurii7Ja and the theistic philosophy of Vallabha and the
followers of Sri Caitanya. Among the theistic philosophers the fol-
lowers of lVIadhva, Jayatlrtha and Vyasatlrtha occupied a great
place as subtle thinkers and dialecticians. In the fifth volume, apart
from the different schools of Saiva and Sakta thinkers, the Tantras,
the philosophy, of grammar, of Hindu Aesthetics, and of Hindu Law
will be dealt with. It is thus expected that with the completion of
the fifth volume the writer will have completed his survey of
Hindu thought so far as it appeared in the Sanskrit language and
thus finish what was begun more than twenty years ago.
A chapter on the C iirviika materialists has been added as an
appendix, since their treatment in the first volume was practically
The writer has a deep debt of gratitude to discharge to Dr F. W.
Thomas-the late Boden Professor of Sanskrit at Oxford, and a
highly esteemed friend of his who, in spite of his various activities,
X Preface
pressure of work and old age, has been a true jiiiinabandhu to
the author, helping him with the manuscript and the proofs,
and offering him valuable suggestions as regards orthography,
punctuation and idiomatic usage. Without this continued assistance
the imperfections of the present work would have been much
more numerous. The author is specially grateful to his wife,
Dr l\1rs Surama Dasgupta, Sastri, l\1.A., Ph.D. (Cal. et Cantab.)
for the continued assistance that he received from her in the
writing of this book and also in reading a large mass of manu-
scripts for the preparation of the work. Considering the author's
great handicap in having only one sound eye it would have been
impossible for him to complete the book without this assistance.
He is also grateful to Dr Satindra Kumar Mukherjee, M.A., Ph.D.,
for the help that he received from him from time to time.

June 1939
I Date of Bhaskara
2 Bhaskara and Sailkara 3
3 The Philosophy of Bhaskara's Bha~ya 6

I Antiquity of the Paiicaratra I2
2 The Position of the Paiicaratra Literature I4
3 The Paiicaratra Literature 2I
4 Philosophy of the :Jayakhya and other Sa'f!lhitii.s 24
s Philosophy of the Ahirbudhnya-sa'f!lhita 34

I The Chronology of the Arvars . 63
2 The Philosophy of the Arvars . 69
3 Ar.vars and Sri-vai~Q.avas on certain points of controversy in religious
dogmas 8s

1 The Ar.agiyas from Nathamuni to Ramanuja 94
2 Ramanuja IOO
3 The Precursors of the Visi~tadvaita Philosophy and the contem-
poraries and pupils of Ramanuja IOS
4 Ramanuja Literature I I4
s The Influence of the A.rvars on the followers of Ramanuja I34

1 Yamuna's doctrine of Soul contrasted with those of others 139
2 God and the World . IS2
3 God according to Ramanuja, Venkatanatha and Lokacarya ISS
4 Visi~tadvaita doctrine of Soul according to Ramanuja and Ven-
katanatha IS9
S Acit or Primeval Matter: the Prakrti and its modifications I 62
xu Contents
1 Sankara and Ramilnuja on the nature of Reality as qualified or un-
qualified I65
2 Refutation of Sankara's avidyii • I75
3 R!milnuja's theory of Illusion-All knowledge is Real 179
4 Failure of theistic proofs . I 89

5 BhAskara and Ramanuja I 92

6 Ontological position of Ramilnuja's Philosophy I95

7 Venkatanatha' s treatment of Pramii')Q :l.O I
8 Venkatanatha's treatment of Doubt . 207
9 Error and Doubt according to V enkataniltha 2 Io
IO Perception in the light of elucidation by the later members of the
Ramilnuja School 220
I I Venkatanatha's treatment of Inference 225
I2 Epistemology of the RAmilnuja School according to MeghanAdari and
others 235
I3 The Doctrine of Self-validity of Knowledge 247
I4 The Ontological categories of the RAmilnuja School according to
Venkatanatha 25:;:
(a) Substance • 25 I
(b) Criticism of the Sarpkhya Inference for Establishing the Existence
of Prakrti 256
(c) Refutation of the Atomic Theory of l\"yiiya in relation to Whole
and Part 262
(d) Criticism of the SArpkhya Theory of Sat-kiirya-viida . 265
(e) Refutation of the Buddhist Doctrine of Momentariness 268
(f) Refutation of the Carvilka criticism against the Doctrine of
Causality 276
(g) The Nature of the Senses according to Venkataniltha 280
(h) The Nature of iikiisa according to Venkataniltha 282
(i) Nature of Time according to Venkataniltha 284
(j) The Nature of Soul according to Venkataniltha 286
(k) The Nature of Emancipation according to Venkataniltha 292
I 5 God in the RAmilnuja School 296
I6 Dialectical criticism against the Sankara School 304
I 7 Meghanildari 346
I 8 Viltsya Varada . 349
I9 RAmilnujacArya II alias VAdi-Harpsa-Nav!mvuda 352
20 RAmilnujadasa alias Mahilcilrya 36I
2I Prapatti Doctrine as expounded in Sr!vacana-bhiijat;za of Lokilcilrya
and Saumya }Amatr Muni's Commentary on it 374
22 Kastiiri-Rangacarya 38 I
23 Saila SrinivAsa 384
24 Rangacarya 395
Contents Xlll

l Teachers and Pupils of the Nimbarka School • 399
2 A General Idea of Nirnbarka's Philosophy
3 Controversy with the Monists by Madhava Mukunda
(a) The Main Thesis and the Ultimate End in Advaita Vedanta are
untenable . 416
(b) Refutation of the Sailkara Theory of Illusion in its various Aspects 422
(c) Refutation of the Sankarite View of Ajniina • 424
4 The PranziiT}as according to Madhava Mukunda . 426
5 Criticism of the views of Ramanuja and Bhaskara 429
6 The Reality of the World . 435
7 V anamali Misra . 440

1 A General Idea of Vijiiana Bhik~u's Philosophy. . 445
2 The Brahman and the World according to Vijiiana-mrta-bha~ya . 454
3 The Individual . 460
4 Brahma-Experience and Experience 465
5 Self-Luminosity and Ignorance 468
6 Relation of Sarpkhya and Vedanta according to Bhik~u . 471
7 Maya and Pradhana . 476
8 Bhik~u's criticism of the Sarpkhya and Yoga 479
9 I ivara-gftii, its Philosophy as expounded by Vijiiana Bhik~u 482

1 Vi~~u Purii~ • 497
2 V iiyu Purii~a • 502
3 ~Yarka~fjeya Purii~a 506
4 Naradfya Pura~a 507
5 Kurma Pura~a • 509

The Lokayata, Nastika and Carvaka 512-550

INDEX • 551

Date of Bhaskara.
UnAYANA, in his Nyiiya-kusumiifijali, speaks of Bhaskara as a
commentator on the Vedanta in accordance with the traditions of
the trida1}l}.a school of Vedanta and as holding the view that
Brahman suffers evolutionary changes 1 . Bhanoji Dik!?ita also, in
his Tattva-viveka-tikii-vivara1}a, speaks of Bhana Bhaskara as
holding the doctrine of difference and non-difference (bhediibheda) 2 •
It is certain, however, that he flourished after Sankara, for, though
he does not mention him by name, yet the way in which he refers
to him makes it almost certain that he wrote his commentary with
the express purpose of refuting some of the cardinal doctrines of
Sankara's commentary on the Brahma-siitra. Thus, at the very be-
ginning of his commentary, he says that it aims at refuting those
who, hiding the real sense of the siitra, have only expressed their
own opinions, and in other places also he speaks in very strong
terms against the commentator who holds the miiyii doctrine and
is a Buddhist in his views 3 • But., though he was opposed to Sankara,
it was only so far as Sankara had introduced the miiyii doctrine,
and only so far as he thought the world had sprung forth not
as a real modification of Brahman, but only through miiyii. For
1 Trida~uJa means " three sticks." According to 1\Ianu it was customary
among some Brahmins to use one stick, and among others, three sticks.
Pandita Vindhvesvari Prasada Dvivedin, in his Sanskrit introduction to
Bhask~r~'s comme~tary on the Brahma-sutra, says that the Vai~Q.ava commen-
tators on the Brahma-sfitra prior to Ramanuja, Tanka, Guhadeva, Bharuci and
Yamunacarya, the teacher of Ramanuja, were all trida~4ins. Such a statement
is indeed very interesting, but unfortunately he does not give us the authority
from which he drew this information.
2 "Bha!fabhiiskaras tu bhedii-bheda-vediinta-siddhiinta-viidc"; Bhattoji Dik-

~?ita's Vediinta-tattva-tlkii-t:ivara~, as quoted by PaQ.<_lita Vindhye8vari Prasada

in his Introduction to Bhaskara's commentary.
sutrii-bhipriiya-saf!Zvrtyii sviibhipriiyii-prakiironiit
vyiikhyiilaf!Z yair idaf!l siistraf!Z vyiikhyeyaf!Z tan-nivrttaye.
Bhaskara's Commentary, p. 1.
Also "ye tu bauddha-matiivalambino miiyii-viidinas te' pi anena nyiiyena siitra-
kiirenai' va 1zirastiih." Ibid. II. 2. 29.
I~ another plac"e Sankara is referred to as explaining views which were really
propounded by the Mahayana Buddhists--vigltaf!Z vicchinna-mulaf!Z miihiiyiinika-
bauddha-giithitaf!l miiyii-viidaf!l vyiivar~yanto lokiin vyiimohayanti. Ibid. 1. 4· 25.
2 The Bluiskara School of Philosoph)· [ul.
both Sankara and Bhaskara would agree in holding that the Brahman
was both the material cause and the instrumental cause (upiidiiml
and nimitta) Sankara \\otJld maintain that this was so only because
there was no otha real category which existed; but he would
strongly urge, as has been explained before, that miiyii, the category
of the indefinite and the unreal, was associated with Brahman in
such a transformation, and that, though the Brahman was sub-
stantially th(· same identical entity as the world, yet the world as it
appears was a miiyii transformation with Brahman inside as the
kernel of truth. But Bhaskara maintained that there was no miiyii,
and that it was the Brahman which, by its own powers, underwent
a real modification; and, as the Paii.caratras also held the same
doctrine in so far as they believed that \·asudeva was both the
material and the instrumental cause of the world, he was in agree-
ment \\ ith the Bhagavatas, and he says that he docs not find any-
thing to be refuted in the Par1caratra doctrine 1• But he differs from
them in regard to their doctrine of the individual souls ha\·ing been
produced from Brahman~ .
.-\gain, though one cannot assert anything very positively, it is
possible that Bhaskara himself belonged to thJt particular sect of
Brahmins who used three sticks as their Brahminic insignia in
preference to one stick, used more generally by other Brahmins;
and so his explanation of the l"ediinta-siilra may rightly be taken as
the view of the tridwz~li Brahmins. For in discussing the point that
fitness for Brahma-knowlcdge docs not mean the giving up of the
religious stages of life (ii~:rama), with their customs and rituals, he
speaks of the maintenance of three sticks as being enjoined by the
~Iadhavacarya, in his .Sa1ikara-7.·zjaya, speaks of a meeting of
Sankara with Bhana Bhaskara, but it is difficult to say how far this
statement is reliable4 • From the fact that Bhaskara refuted Sankara
and was himself referred to by L dayana, it is certain that he
flourished some time hctween the eighth and the tenth centuries.
Pary~iita Yindhydvarl Prasada refers to a copper-plate found by the

l'iisudt"l'a e·va upiidima-kiira~lll1!l jagatn nimitta-kiira~lll'f!l ali It' manyante . ..
tad e/at Sllr7.'ll1!l Sruti-prasiddham e'Vll tasmii1l Pliitra nirukara~ll_\'W!l pasyii.ma!l.
Bhiiskara-blu"i~ya, II. 2 . .p.
2 lhid.
I hid. III. 4· 26, p. 208; sec also Par:H;lita \'imlhycsyari's Introduction.
' .S,ailwra-njaya, X\'. So.
xv] Bhiiskara and Saizkara 3
late Dr Bhawdaji in the l\Iara~ha country, near Nasik, in which it
is stated that one Bhaskara Bhana of the lineage (gotra) of SaQ.<;lilya,
son of Kavicakravarti Trivikrama, who was given the title of
Vidyapati, was the sixth ancestor of Bhaskaracarya of SaQ.<;lilya
lineage, the astronomer and writer of the Siddhanta-siromaQ.i; and
he maintains that this senior Vidyapati Bhaskara Bhana was the
commentator on the Brahma-siitra 1• But, though this may be
possible, yet we have no evidence that it is certain; for, apart from
the similarity of names 2 , it is not definitely known whether this
Vidyapati Bhaskara Bhana ever wrote any commentary on the
Bralzma-siitra. All that we can say, therefore, with any degree of
definiteness, is that Bhaskara flourished at some period between the
middle of the eighth century and the middle of the tenth century,
and most probably in the ninth century, since he does not know
Ramanuja 3 •

Bhaskara and Sankara.

There is a text of the Clzandogya Gpani~ad, VI. 1. 1, which is
treated· from two different points of view by Sankara and Bhaskara
in connection with the interpretation of Brahma-siitra, II. 1. I+4•
Sankara's interpretation of this, as \·acaspati explains it, is that,
when clay is known, all clay-materials are known, not because the
clay-materials are really clay, for they are indeed different. But, if
so, how can we, by knowing one, know the other? Because the clay-
materials do not really exist; they are all, and so indeed are all that
pass as modifications (·cikara), but mere expressions of speech
(vtictirambha7Jam), mere names (ntimdheyam) having no real
Pandita Vindhvesvari Prasada's Introduction.
2 \\" ~ bear of sev~ral Bhaskaras in Sanskrit literature, such as Lokabhaskara,
Srantabhaskara, Haribhaskara, Bhadantabhaskara, Bhaskaramisra, Bhaskara-
sastri, Bhaskaradik~ita, Bhattabhaskara, PaQ.<:fita Bhaskaracarya, Bhattabhas-
karamisra, TrikaQ.<;lamal).<;lana, Laugak~ibhaskara, SaQ.<;lilyabhaskara, Vatsa-
bhaskara, Bhaskaradeva, llhaskaranrsirpha, Bhaskararal).ya, Bhaskaranandanatha,
3 He makes very scanty references to other writers. He speaks of SaQ.<;lilya

as a great author of the Bhagavata school. He refers to the four classes of

Mahesvaras, Pasupata, Saiva, Kapalika and Kathaka-siddhantin, and their
principal work Panciidhyiiyi-siistra; he also refers to the Pancariitrikas, with
whom he is often largely in agreement.
' tad-ananyatvam iirambhal)a-sabdiidibhyab. Brahma-sutra, II. 1. 14.
yathii saumya ekena mrt-piTJtfen asarvat!l mr1Jmayaf!l 't'ijniila'!z syiidviiciiram-
bha1)a7Jl vikiiro niimadheyaf!l mrttike'ty'eva satyaf!l (Ch. VI. 1. 1).
4 The Bhiisl?.ara School of Philosophy [cH.

entities or objects to which they refer, having in fact no existence

at alP.
Bhaskara says that the passage means that clay alone is real, and
the purport of speech depends on two things, the objects and the
facts implied and the names which imply them. The effects (kiirya)
are indeed the basis of all our practical behaviour and conduct, in-
volving the objects and facts implied and the expressions and names
which imply them. How can the cause and effect be identical? The
answer to this is that it is true that it is to the effects that our speech
applies and that these make all practical behaviour possible, but the
effects are in reality but stages of manifestation, modification and
existence of the cause itself. So, from the point of view that the
effects come and go, appear and disappear, whereas the cause re-
mains permanently the same, as the ground of all its real manifesta-
tions, it is said that the cause alone is true-the clay alone is true.
The effect, therefore, is only a state of the cause, and is hence both
identical with it and different from it 2 • The effect, the name (niima-
dheya), is real, and the scriptures also assert this3 .
Bhaskara argues against Sankara as follows: the arguments that
the upholder of miiyii (miiyii'l·iidin) could adduce against those who
believed in the reality of the many, the world, might be adduced
against him also, in so far as he believes in monism (ad'i·aita).
A person who hears the scriptures and philosophizes is at first
under the veil of ignorance (a·vidyii); and, if on account of this
ignorance his knowledge of duality was false, his knowledge of
monism might equally for the same reason be considered as false.
All Brahma-knowledge is false, because it is knowledge, like the
knowledge of the world. It is argued that, just as from the false
knowledge of a dream and of letters there can be true acyui~ition
Bhiimatf, Brahma-siilra, 11. 1. 14. Rahu is a demon which is merely a li\·ing
head with no body, its sole body being its head; but still we use, for comenience
of language, the expression " Rahu 's head" (Riilw!z sirab); similarly clay alone is
real, and what we call clay-n1aterials, jugs, plates, etc., are mere expressions of
speech having no real objects or entities to which they can apply-they simply do
not exist at all-but are mere vikalpa; •viicci kev:alm!l iirablzyate 'l·ikiira-jiilm!l 1W tu
latl'l'alo 'sti yato 1liimadheya-miitrmn etat; . . . yathii riiho~l sira~l. .. sabda-jiiiinii'-
tzupiifl 'l'astu-slinyo ·vikalpa iti; tathii cii'1·astutayii a11rtam 'l'ihira-ji'ifm!l.
't"iig-i11driyasya ubhayam iirambhmJam 't'ikiiro 11iimadhn-am . .. ublzavam
iilambya 't'lig-vya't·ahiira~l pra't•artate ghatena udakam iilzare' ti mr~zmayam ity ~sya
idm!l 't'yiikhyii,am . .. kiira7Jam e'l."a kiiryii-tmanii ghafa't•ad m:ati~tlwte . .. kiira~za­
syii''t·asthii-miitrm!l kiiryar.n 'l'}'atiriktii'vyatirikta,, sukti-rajatm•ad iigmmipiiya-
dlwrmit'l·iic ca a11rtam a11ityam iti ca vyapadisyate. Bhiislwra-blu"i~ya, 11. 1. 1-l.
3 atha 11iima-dheya1_n satyasya satyamiti, etc. Ibid.
xv] Bhtiskara and Saizkara 5
of good and evil or of certain meanings, so from the false knowledge
of words and their meanings, as involved in the knowledge of
monistic texts of the U pani~ads, there may arise right knowledge.
But such an argument is based on false analogy. When from certain
kinds of dreams someone judges that good or evil will come to him,
it is not from nothing that he judges, since he judges from particular
dream experiences; and these dream experiences are facts having
particular characters and features; they are not mere nothing, like
the hare's horn; no one can judge of anything from the hare's horn.
The letters also have certain shapes and forms and arc definitely by
common consent and agreement associated with particular sounds;
it is well known that different letters in different countries may be
used to denote one kind of sound. Again, if from a mistake some-
one experiences fear and dies, it is not from nothing or from some-
thing false that he dies; for he had a real fear, and the fear was the
cause of death and was roused by the memory of a real thing, and
the only unreality about it was that the thing was not present there
at that time. So no example could be given to show that from false
knowledge, or falsehood as such, there could come right knowledge
or the truth. Again, how can the scriptures demonstrate the false-
hood of the world? If all auditory knowledge were false, all lan-
guage would be false, and even the scriptural texts would be non-
Further, what is this" a~·idyii," if it cannot be described? How
can one make anyone understand it? \Vhat nonsense it is to say that
that which manifests itself as all the visible and tangible world of
practical conduct and behaviour cannot itself be described 1 • If it is
beginningless, it must be eternal, and there can be no liberation.
It cannot be both existent and non-existent; for that would be
contradictory. It cannot be mere negation; for, being non-existent,
it could not bring bondage. If it brings bondage, it must be an
entity, and that means a dual existence with Brahman. So the
proposition of the upholder of miiyii is false.
What is true, however, is that, just as milk gets curdled, so it is
God Himself who by His own will and knowledge and omnipotence
transforms Himself into this world. There is no inconsistency in
God's transforming Himself into the world, though He is partless;
yasyiib kiiryam idaf!l krtma'Tl vyavahiiriiya kalpate
nirvaktuf!l sii na iakye' ti vacanaf!Z vacaniir-thakaf!l. Bhiiskara-bhii~ya.
6 The Bhiiskara School of Philosophy [cH.

for He can do so by various kinds of powers, modifying them ac-

cording to His own will. He possesses two powers; by one He has
become the world of enjoyables (bhogya-sakti), and by the other the
individual souls, the enjoyers (bhoktr); but in spite of this modifica-
tion of Himself He remains unchanged in His own purity; for it is
by the manifestation and modification of His po\vers that the modi-
fication of the world as the enjoyable and the enjoyer takes place.
It is just as the sun sends out his rays and collects them back into
himself, but yet remains in himself the samc 1 •

The Philosophy of Bhaskara's Bha~ya.

From what has been said above it is clear that according to

Bhaskara the \vorld of matter and the selves consists only in real"
modifications or transformations (pari~iima) of Brahman's own
nature through His diverse powers. This naturaJly hrings in the
question whether the world and the souls are different from Brahman
or identical \\·ith him. Bhaskara's answer to such a question is that
"ditlerencc" (hheda) has in it the characteristic of identity (abheda-
dharma.{ ca)-thc waves are different from the sea, but arc also
identical with it. The waves are manifestations of the sea's own
powers, and so the same ide.1tical sea appears to be different when
viewed with reference to the manifestations of its powers, though
it is in reality identical \\ ith its powers. So the same identical fire
is different in its powers as it burns or illuminates. So all that is one
is also many, and the one is neither absolute identity nor absolute
differencc2 •
The individual souls arc in reality not different from God; they
are but His parts, as the sparks of fire are the parts of fire; but it is
the peculiarity of these parts of God, the souls, that though one
with Him, they have been under the influence of ignorance, desires
and deeds from beginningless timc 3 . Just as the iikiisa, which is all
the same everywhere; and yet the iikiisa inside a vessel or a house
is not just the same iihiisa as the boundless space, but may in some
Bhiiskara-blu1~.va, 11. 1. 27, also I. 4· 25.
abheda-dharmas ca bhedo yatlui malwdadher abhedab sa et'a tarmir,:t"idy-
iitmanii 'l'artamc1no bheda ity ucyate, na hi tarmigii-dayab pci~t"i~rii-di~u d.rsymrte
tasyaiva tiib saktayab Sakti-saktimatos ca ananyal'L'a1!l anyaf?.'ll1!l Ct1-pa/ak~yate
yathii'gner daluma-prakiismu1-di-saktaya~l .... tasmiit san·m11 ekc"i-1lekc"i-tmakm!l
nii'tyantam abhi,mm!l bhinnm!l 'i.'t"i. Ibid. 11. 1. 18.
Ibid. 1. 4· 21.
xv] The Philosophy of Bhaskara's Bha~ya 7
sense be regarded as a part of it; or just as the same air is seen to
serve different life-functions, as the five prtir.zas, so the individual
souls also may in some sense be regarded as parts of God. It is just
and proper that the scriptures should command the individual souls
to seek knowledge so as to attain liberation; for it is the desire for
the highest soul (paramtitman) or God or Brahman that is the cause
of liberation, and it is the desire for objects of the world that is the
cause of bondage 1 • This soul, in so far as it exists in association with
ignorance, desires and deeds, is atomic in nature; and, just as a drop
of sandal paste may perfume all the place about it, so does the
atomic soul, remaining in one place, animate the whole body. It is
by nature endowed with consciousness, and it is only with reference
to the knowledge of other objects that it has to depend on the pre-
sence of those objects2 • Its seat is in the heart, and through the skin
of the heart it is in touch with the whole body. But, though in a
state of bondage, under the influence of ignorance, etc., it is atomic,
yet it is not ultimately atomic in nature; for it is one with Brahman.
Under the influence of buddhi, aha1J1ktira, the five senses and the
five vtiyus it undergoes the cycle of rebirths. But though this atomic
form and the association with the buddhi, etc., is not essential to the
nature of the soul, yet so long as such a relation exists, the agency of
the soul is in every sense real; but the ultimate source of this agency
is God Himself; for it is God who makes us perform all actions, and
He makes us perform good actions, and it is He who, remaining
within us, controls all our actions.
In all stages of life a man must perform the deeds enjoined by
the scriptures, and he cannot rise at any stage so high that he is
beyond the sphere of the duties of work imposed on him by the
scriptures3 • It is not true, as Sankara says, that those who are fit to

1 riigo lzi paramiitma-vi~ayo yafz sa mukti-lzetufz vi1aya-vi1ayo yafz sa bandlza-

lzetufz. Bluiskara-bhii~ya.
2 Ibid. II. 3· I8, 22, 23-
3 Blziiskara-blziiDJa, 1. I. I. In holding the view that the Bralzma-siitra is
in a sense continuous with the Jl.limiit.nsii-siitra, which the former must follow-
for it is after the periormance of the ritualistic duties that the knowledge of
Brahman can arise, ::md the latter therefore cannot in any stage dispense with the
need for the former-and that the Bralzma-siitras are not intended for any
superior and different class of persons, Bhaskara seems to have followed Upa-
var!?a or Upavar~acarya, to whose commentary on the MimiiTJlSii-siitra he refers
and whom he calls the founder of the school (iiistra-sampradiiya-pravartaka).
Ibid. 1. 1. I, and n. 2. 27. See also 1. 1. 4: iitma-jniinii-dlzikrtasya karmablzir vinii
apavargii-nupapatter jniinena karma samucciyate.
8 The Bhiiskara School of Philosophy [cH.

have the highest knowledge are beyond the duties of life and courses
of ritualistic and other actions enjoined by the scriptures, or that
those for whom these are intended are not fit to have the highest
knowledge; in other words, the statement of Sankara that there
cannot be any combination (samuccaya) of knowledge Cfiiiina) and
necessary ritualistic duties of life (karma) is false. llhaskara admits
that pure lwrma (ritualistic duties) cannot lead us to the highest
perception of the truth, the Brahman; yet knowledge (jtiiina) com-
bined with the regular duties, i.e. jiiiina-samuccita-karma, can lead
us to our highest good, the realization of Brahman. That it is our
duty to attain the knowledge of Brahman is also to he accepted, by
reason of the injunction of the scriptures; for that also is one of the
imperative duties imposed on us by the scriptures-a 'i.·idhi-the
self is to be known (iitmii ·vii are dra~fa'l~vafz, etc.). It is therefore
not true, as Sankara asserted, that what the ritualistic and other
duties imposed on us by the scriptures can do for us is only to make
us fit for the study of Yedanta by purifying us and making us as far
as possible sinless; Bhaskara urges that performance of the duties
imposed on us by the scriptures is as necessary as the attainment
of knowledge for our final liberation.
Bhaskara draws a distinction between cognition (jtiiina) and
consciousness (caitanya), more particularly, self-consciousness
(iitma-caitanya). Cognition with him means the knowleJ.ee of ob-
jective things, and this is a direct experience (anubhm.'a) arising out
of the contact of the sense organ, manas, and the object, the presence
of light and the internal action of the memory and the sub-conscious
impressions (sm!zskiira). Cognition is not an active operation by
itself, but is rather the result of the active operation of the senses in
association with other accessories, such that whenever there is a
collocation of those accessories involving the operation of the senses
there is cognition 1 . Bhaskara is therefore positively against the con-
tention of Kumarila that knowledge is an entity which is not directly
perceived but only inferred as the agent which induces the in-
tellectual operation, but which is not directly known by itself. If an
unperceived entity is to be inferred to explain the cause of the per-
• jiiiina-kriyii-kalpaniiyii'!l pramiiTJii-bhii:viit .. .. iilokmdri_va-mana!z-sm?zskiire~u
hi satsu sa'!l'i'edanam utpadyate iti tad-ablzii'i·e twtpadyate, yadi prmar apara'!l
jiiiina'!l kalpyate tasyiipy anyat tasyiipy anyad ity mzm·astlzii; na ra j'llina-
kriyanumiine lingam asti, smm!edanam iti cen 11a, agrhfta-sambandlwtt:iit. Bhiiskara-
blziisva. 1. 1 1.
xv] The Philosophy of Bhaskara's Bhii~ya 9
ceived intellectual operation, then another entity might be inferred
as the cause of that unperceived entity, and another to explain that
and so on, and we have a vicious infinite (anavasthii). Moreover, no
unperceived entity can be inf(;rred as the cause of the perceived
intellectual operation; for, if it is unperceived, then its relation with
intellectual operation is also unperceived, and how can there be any
inference at all? Thus, cognition is what we directly experience
(anubhava) and there is no unperceived entity which causes it, but
it is the direct result of the joint operation of many accessories.
This objective cognition is entirely different from the subjective
consciousness or self-consciousness; for the latter is eternal and
always present, whereas the former is only occasioned by the col-
locating circumstances. It is easy to see that Bhaskara has a very
distinct epistemological position, which, though similar to Nyaya
so far as the objective cognition is concerned, is yet different there-
from on account of his admission of the ever-present self-con-
sciousness of the soul. It is at the same time different from the
Sailkarite epistemology, for objective cognition is considered by
him not as mere limitation of self-consciousness, but as entirely
different therefrom 1• It may also be noted that, unlike Dhar-
marajadhvarindra, the writer of the Sanskrit epistemological work,
Vediinta-paribhii~ii, Bhaskara considers manas as a sense-organ 2 •
On the subject of the self-validity of knowledge Bhaskara thinks
that the knowledge of truth is always self-valid (svatal:z-pramiir;a),
whereas the knowledge of the false is always attested from outside
(paratal:z pramiit;a) 3 •
As has already been said, Bhaskara does not think that libera-
tion can be attained through knowledge alone; the duties imposed
by the scriptures must always be done along with our attempts to
know Brahman; for there is no contradiction or opposition between
knowledge and performance of the duties enjoined by the scriptures.
There will be no liberation if the duties are forsaken 4 • The state of
salvation is one in which there is a continuous and unbroken con-
sciousness of happiness5 • A liberated soul may associate or not
associate itself with any body or sense as it likes6 • It is as omniscient,
1 kecid iihul:z iitmii pramiiyiim i11driya-dviiropiidhi-nirgama-v#aye1u vartate . •.

tad idam asamyag darsanam; . .. iilokendriyiidibhyo jiiiinam utpadyamiinmp . .•

ciinyad iti yuktam. Bhiiskara-hhii1ya. 2 Ibid. II. 4· 17.
a Ibid. I. 4· 21. " Ibid. III. 4· 26.
II Ibid. IV. 4· 8. tl Ibid. IV. 4· 12.
IO The Blziiskara School of Philosophy [en.
omnipotent and as one with all souls as God Himself!. The attach-
ment (riiga) to Brahman, which is said to be an essential condition
for attaining liberation, is further defined to be worship (samiirii-
dhana) or devotion (blzakti), while bhakti is said to be attendance on
God by meditation (d}zyiiniidinii paricaryii). Blzakti is conceived,
not as any feeling, affection or love of God, as in later Yai~I)ava
literature, but as dlzyiina or meditation 2 • A question may arise as to
what, if Brahman has transformed Himself into the world, is meant
by meditation on Brahman? Does it mean that we are to meditate
on the world? To this Bhaskara's answer is that Brahman is not
exhausted by His transformation into the world, and that what is
really meant by Brahman's being transformed into the world is that
the nature of the world is spiritual. 'The world is a spiritual mani-
festation and a spiritual transformation, and what passes as matter
is in reality spiritual. :\part from Brahman as manifested in the
world, the Brahman with diverse forms, there is also the formless
Brahman (ni~prapaiica brahman}, the Brahman which is transcen-
dent and beyond its own immanent forms, and it is this Brahman
which is to be worshipped. The world with its di\·erse forms also
will, in the end, return to its spiritual source, the formless Brahman,
and nothing of it will he left as the remainder. The material world
is dissoh·ed in the spirit and lost therein, just as a lump of salt is
lost in water3 • This transcendent Brahman that is to be worshipped
is of the nature of pure hein_g and intelligence (sal-lak~ww and
bodha-lak~wza) 4 • lie is also infinite and unlimited. But, though He
is thus characteri~ed as heing, intelligence, and infinite, yet these
terms do not refer to three distinct entities; they are the qualities of
Brahman, the substance, and, like all qualities, they cannot remain
different from their substance; for neither can any substance remain
without its qualities, nor can any qualities remain without their sub-
stance. A substance does not become different hv virtue of its
qual ities 5 •
Bhaskara denies the possibility of liberation during lifetime
(jivan-mukti); for so long as the body remains as a result of the
muhta~zlul.rm.ztl.-tmiinmJI prtl.ptnb tnd·l.'ad ez•a sar'L·a-j1"ia~z san·a-ialai~z. Bllll.skara-
blu"i$ya, IV. 4-· 7.
/hid. III. 2. 2{.
ibid. II. 2. II, IJ, 17. ' Ibid. III. 2. 2J.
na dlzarma-dharmi-blzedcna st•aril.pa-bhcda iti; Till hi !Jll1_!1l-ralzitm!l drcn-yam
asti 1za drm:ya-ralzito gu1_1ab. Ibid. 111. 2. 23.
xv] The Philosophy of Bhiiskara's Bhii~ya II

previous karmas, the duties as~igned to the particular stage of life

(iiframa) to which the man belongs have to be performed; but his
difference from the ordinary man is that, while the ordinary man
thinks himself to be the agent or the doer of all actions, the wise
man never thinks himself to be so. If a man could attain liberation
during lifetime, then he might even know the minds of other people.
Whether in mukti one becomes absolutely relationless (nil;sam-
bandhal;), or whether one becomes omniscient and omnipotent (as
Bhaskara himself urges), it is not possible for one to attain mukti
during one's lifetime, so it is certain that so long as a man lives he
must perform his duties and try to comprehend the nature of God
and attend on Him through meditation, since these only can lead to
liberation after death 1 •
1 Bhiiskara-blzii~ya, III. 4· 26.

Antiquity of the Paiicaratra.

THE Paficaratra doctrines are indeed very old and are associated
with the puru~a-siikta of the B.g-veda, which is, as it were, the foun-
dation stone of all future Yai!?I).ava philosophy. It is said in the
Sata-patha Briihmm;a that ~arayal).a, the great being, wishing to
transcend all other beings and becoming one with them all, saw
the form of sacrifice known as pancaratra, and by performing that
sacrifice attained his purpose 1 . It is probable that the epithets
"punt~o ha niirii_va~za~z" became transformed in later times into the
two r!?is :'\ ara and :'\arayal).a. The passage also implies that :'\arayal).a
was probably a human being who became a transcending divinity
by performing the Pancaratra sacrifice. In the later literature
!vTiiraywza became the highest divinity. Thus Yenka~a Sudhi wrote
a Siddhiinta-ratnii:l'ali in about 19,000 lines to prove by a reference
to scriptural texts that ~arayai)a is the highest god and that all other
gods, Siva, Brahma, Yi~I)U, etc., are subordinate to him 2 • The word
Brahman in the C pani~ads is also supposed in the fourth or the last
chapter of the Siddhiinta-ratnih•ali to refer to :'\arayal).a. In the
Jl.lahiiblulrata (.<;llnti-pan·an, 334-th chapter) we hear of Xara and
Narayal)a themselves worshipping the unchanging Brahman which
is the self in all beings; and yet :'\arayal).a is there spoken of as being
the greatest of all. In the succeeding chapter it is said that there was
a king who was entirely de\·oted to ~arayal)a, and who worshipped
him according to the Sllf'l·ata rites3 • I le was so devoted to ~arayal).a
that he considered all that belonged to him, riches, kingdom, etc.,
as belonging to ~arayal).a. I Ie harboured in his house great saints
versed in the Paficaratra system. \Vhen under the patronage of this
king great saints performed sacrifices, they were unable to have a
vision of the great Lord ~arayal).a, and Brhaspati became angry.
Sata-patha Briilzma')a XIII. 6. 1.
The Siddluznta-ratniivall exists only as a ::\IS. which has not yet been
\Ve have an old Paiicariitra-sa,hitii called the Siitvata-sa,Jzitii, the con-
tents of which will presently be described.
CH. XVI] Antiquity of the Paiicariitra IJ
Other sages then related the story that, though after long penance
they could not perceive God, there was a message from Heaven
that the great Narayal)a was visible only to the inhabitants of
Sveta-dvipa, who were devoid of sense-organs, did not require any
food, and were infused with a monotheistic devotion. The saints were
dazzled by the radiant beauty of these beings, and could not see
them. They then began to practise asceticism and, as a result, these
holy beings became perceivable to them. These beings adored the
ultimate deity by mental japa (muttering God's name in mind)
and made offerings to God. Then there was again a message from
Heaven that, since the saints had perceived the beings of Sveta-
dvipa, they should feel satisfied with that and return home because
the great God could not be perceived except through all-absorbing
devotion. Narada also is said to have seen from a great distance
Sveta-dvipa and its extraordinary inhabitants. Narada then went
to Sveta-dvipa and had a vision of ~arayal)a, whom he adored.
Narayal)a said to him that Vasudeva was the highest changeless
God, from whom came out Sankar~al)a, the lord of all life; from
him came Pradyumna,. called manas, and from Pradyumna came
Aniruddha, the Ego. From Aniruddha came Brahma, who created
the universe. After the pralaya, Sankar!?al)a, Pradyumna and
Aniruddha are successively created from Vasudeva.
There are some U pani!?ads which are generally known as
Vai~l)ava Upani!?ads, and of much later origin than the older
Paficaratra texts. To this group of Upani~ads belong the Avyakto-
pani~ad or A~yakta-nrsi'!llwpmzi~ad, with a commentary of U pani~ad­
brahmayogin, the pupil of Yasudevendra, Kali-santarat.wpani~ad,
Krp;opani~ad, Garutjopani~ad, Gopalatiipaini Upan#ad,Gopiilottara-
tiipani Upani~ad, Tiiriisiiropani~ad, Tri'piid-vibhuti-mahiiniiriiya'l}a
Upani~ad, Dattiitreyopani~ad, 1Viiriiya1}opani~ad, Nrsi'~nha-tiipini
Upani~ad, Nrsi'!lhottara-tiipini Upani'~ad, Riimatapini Upani~ad,
Riimottarottara-tiipini Upani~ad, Riima-rahasya Upani~ad, V iisudevo-
pani'sad, with the commentaries of Upani~ad-brahmayogin. But
these Upani~ads are mostly full of inessential descriptions, ritual-
istic practices- and the muttering of particular mantras. They have
very little connection with the Paficaratra texts and their contents.
Some of them~like the 1Vrsi~nha-tapini, Gopiilatiipani, etc.-have
been utilized in the GauQiya school of Vai~l)avism.
q. The Paiicardtra [cu.

The Position of the Pancaratra Literature.

Yamuna, in his Agama-priimii~zya, discusses the position of the
Pancaratras as follows. It is said that any instruction conveyed
through language can be valid either by itself or through the
strength of the validity of some other proofs. :\o instruction of any
ordinary person can be valid by itself. The special ritualistic pro-
cesses associated with the Pai1caratra cannot be known by percep-
tion or by inference. Only God, whose powers of perception ex-
tend to all objects of the world and which arc without any limita-
tion, can instil the special injunctions of the Pancaratra. The
opponents, however, hold that a perception which has all things
within its sphere can hardly be called perception. :\lorcovcr, the
fact that some things may be bigger than other things docs not
prove that anything which is liable to be greater and less could
necessarily be conceived to extend to a limitless extent 1 • Even if it
be conceived that there is a person whose perception is limitless,
there is nothing to suggest that he should be able to instruct in-
fallibly about the rituals, such as those enjoined in the Pancaratra.
There arc also no iigamas which prescribe the Pancaratra rites. It
cannot he ascertained whether the authors of the Pancaratra works
based them on the teachings of the \"edas or gave their own views
and passed them on as being founded on the \. cdas. If it is argued
that the fact that the Pancaratra, like other texts of Smrti of :\lanu,
etc., exist proves that they must have a common origin in the \" cdas,
that is contradicted by the fact that the Paikaratra doctrines are
repudiated in the smrti texts founded on the \. edas. If it is said
that those who follow the Pancaratra rites arc as good Brahmins as
other Brahmins, and follow the \-edic rites, the opponents assert
that this is not so, since the Pancaratrins may have all the external
marks and appearance of Brahmins, hut yet they arc not so re-
garded in society . .At a social dinner the Urahmins do not sit in the
same line with the Bhiigm:atas or the followers of the Pancaratra.

atha ekasmin siitisaye keniipyanyena niratisayena bhavitm·yam iti iihnst·it
samiina-jiitiyenii'nyeua rzir-atisaya-dasiim adhirii~lht na bhm:itm·_,·am iti:
na tii'L·ad a{!rima~z lwlpal; kalpyate'nupalambhatah
llalzi d!~flll!l sarii•nJdi 'l')'V,le'l'll priipta-t·aibhm·m~l.
Jr:ama-p1l"imc"i~lya, p. J.
xv1] Position of the Paiicarii.tra Literature 15
The very word siitvata indicates a lower caste!, and the words
bhiigavata and siitvata are interchangeable. It is said that a siitvata
of the paiicama caste who by the king's order worships in temples is
called a bhiigavata. As a means of livelihood the satvatas worship
images and live upon offerings for initiation and those made to temple
gods; they do not perform the Vedic duties, and have no relationship
with the· Brahmins, and so they cannot be regarded as Brahmins. It
is also said that even by the sight of a man who takes to worship as
a means of livelihood one is polluted and should be purified by
proper purificatory ceremonies. The Paiicaratra texts are adopted
by the degraded satvatas or the bhagavatas, and these must therefore
be regarded as invalid and non- Vedic. l\Ioreover, if this literature
were founded on the Vedas, there would be no meaning in their
recommendation of special kinds of rituals. It is for this reason
that Badarayal)a also refutes the philosophical theory of the
Paficaratra in the Brahma-sutra.
It may, however, be urged that, though the Paiicaratra injunc-
tions may not tally with the injunctions of Brahminic Smrti litera-
ture, yet such contradictions are not important, as both are based
upon the Vedic texts. Since the validity of the Brahminic Smrti
also is based upon the Vedas, the Paiicaratra has no more necessity
to reconcile its injunctions with that than they have to reconcile
themselves with the Paficaratra.
The question arises as to whether the Yedas are the utterances
of a person or not. The argument in favour of production by a
person is that, since the Vedas are a piece of literary composition,
they must have been uttered by a person. The divine person who
directly perceives the sources of merit or demerit enjoins the same
through his grace by composing the Vedas for the benefit of human
beings. It is admitted, even by the 1\Iimarpsakas, that all worldly
affairs are consequent upon the influence of merit and demerit. So
the divine being who has created the world knows directly the
sources of merit and demerit. The world cannot be produced
directly through the effects of our deeds, and it has to be admitted
that there must be some being who utilizes the effects of our deeds,
producing the world in consonance with them. All the scriptural
1 Thus Manu says:
vais'yiit tu jiiyate vriityiit sudhanviiciirya eva ca
bhiir~as ca nijanghas ca maitra-siitvata eva ca.
Agama-priimii~ya, p. 8.
16 The Paficariitra [cH.
texts also support the admission of such an omnipotent and omni-
scient God. It is this God who, on the one hand, created the Vedas,
directing the people to the performance of such actions as lead them
to mundane and heavenly happiness, and on the other hand created
the Paficaratra literature for the attainment of the highest bliss by
the worship of God and the realization of His nature. There are
some who deny the legitimate inference of a creator from the crea-
tion, and regard the Vedas as an eternally existent composition,
uncreated by any divine being. Even in such a view the reason why
the Vedas and the consonant Smrtis are regarded as valid attests
also the validity of the Paficaratra literature. But, as a matter of
fact, from the Vedas themselves we can know the supreme being
as their composer. The supreme God referred to in the Upani~ads
is none other than V iisude'l'a, and it is He who is the composer of the
Paficaratra. Further, arguments are adduced to show that the ob-
ject of the Vedas is not only to command us to do certain actions or
to prohibit us from doing certain other actions, but also to describe
the nature of the ultimate reality as the divine person. The validity
of the Paficaratra has therefore to be admitted, as it claims for its
source the divine person ~arayaiJa or Vasudeva. Yamuna then
refers to many texts from the Variiha, Liizga and 1\1atsya Purii7Jas
and from the il1anu-sa'!thitii and other smrti texts. In his Puru~a­
nin-IJGJ'a also, Yamuna elaborately discusses the scriptural argu-
ments by which he tries to show that the highest divine person re-
ferred to in the U pani~ads and the PuraiJas is NarayaiJa. This
divine being cannot be the Siva of the Saivas, because the three
classes of the Saivas, the Kapalikas, Kalamukhas and Pasupatas, all
prescribe courses of conduct contradictory to one another, and it is
impossible that they should be recommended by the scriptural
texts. Their ritualistic rites also are manifestly non-Vedic. The
view that they are all deriYed from Rudra does not prove that it is
the same Rudra who is referred to in the Vedic texts. The Rudra
referred to by them may be an entirely different person. He refers
also to the various Pural)as which decry the Saivas. Against the
argument that, if the Paiicaratra doctrines were in consonance with
the Vedas, then one would certainly have discovered the relevant
Vedic texts from which they were derived, Yamuna says that the
Paiicaratra texts were produced by God for the benefit of devotees
who were impatient of following elaborate details described in the
XVI] Position of the Paiicariitra Literature
Vedic literature. It is therefore quite intelligible that the relevant
Yedic texts supporting the Paficaratra texts should not be
discovered. Again, when it is said that Sal).9ilya turned to the
doctrine of bhakti because he found nothing in the four Vedas
suitable for the attainment of his desired end, this should not be
interpreted as implying a lowering of the Vedas; for it simply
means that the desired end as recommended in the Paficaratras is
different from that prescribed in the Vedas. The fact that Pafi-
caratras recommend special ritual ceremonies in addition to the
Vedic ones does not imply that they are non-Vedic; for, unless it is
proved that the Paficaratras are non-Vedic, it cannot be proved that
the additional ceremonies are non-Vedic without implying argu-
ment in a circle. It is also wrong to suppose that the Paficaratra
ceremonies are really antagonistic to all Vedic ceremonies. It is
also wrong to suppose that Badarayal).a refuted the Paficaratra
doctrines; for, had he done so, he would not have recommended
tl1em in the IV/ahiibhiirata. The view of the Paficaratras admitting
the four vyuhas should not be interpreted as the admission of many
gods; for these are manifestations ofVasudeva, the one divine person.
A proper interpretation of Badarayal).a's Brahma-sutras would also
show that they are in support of the Paficaratras and not against them.
Even the most respected persons of society follow all the
Pancaratra instructions in connection with all rituals relating to
image-worship. The arguments of the opponents that the Bhaga-
vatas are not Brahmins are all fallacious, since the Bhagavatas have
the same marks of Brahmahood as all Brahmins. The fact that
.1.\Ianu describes the pmicama caste as siitvata does not prove that
all siitvatas are paiicamas . .1.\Ioreover, the interpretation of the word
siitvata as paiicama by the opponents would be contradictory to
many scriptural texts, where siitvatas are praised. That some
siitvatas live by image-building or temple-building and such other
works relating to the temple does not imply that this is the duty of
all the Bhagavatas. Thus Yamuna, in his Agama-priimiir;ya and
Kiismiriigama-priimii1Jya, tried to prove that the Paficaratras are as
valid as the Vedas, since they are derived from the same source,
viz. the divine Person, N iiriiya1Ja 1 •
The Kasmzriigama is referred to in the Agama-priimii~ya, p. 85, as another
work of Yamuna dealing more or less with the same subject as the Agama-
pramii~ya, of which no MS. has been available to the present writei".
D 111 2
The Paiicariitra [cu.
From the tenth to the seventeenth century the Saivas and the
Srlvai~I}avas lived together in the south, where kings professing
Saivism harassed the Sr1vai~r_1avas and maltreated their temple-
gods, and kings professing Srlvai~I}avism did the same to the Sai,·as
and their temple-gods. It is therefore easy to ima~inc how the
sectarian authors of the two schools were often an\.ious to repudiate
one another. One of the most important and comprehensive of such
works is the .'-,'iddlulnta-ratnii7:ali, written by \"er1kata Sudhl.
\"erikata Sudhl was the disciple of \"erikatan~J.tha. lie was the son
of Srisaila Tatayarya, and was the brother of Sri Saila Srinivasa.
The Siddlulnta-ratnthali is a work of four chapters, containing
over JOO,ooo letters. lie lived in the fourteenth and the fifteenth
centuries, and wrote at least two other works, RaluHJ'll traya-stlra
and Siddluinta-'l:aijayanti.
~Iany treatises were written in which the Paiicaratra doctrines
were summarized. Of these Copalasiiri's l'aiicartltra-rak~ii­
sa'!Igraha seems to be the most important. ( ;opalasuri was the son
of Kr~I}addika and pupil of \"ed~l.ntaramanuja, who was himself the
pupil of Kr!?I}adesika. I lis l'aiicartltra-Hll?~il deals with the various
kinds of rituals described in some of the most important Paiicaratra
It thus seems that the Pai1caratra literature was by many writers
not actually regarded as of \" cdic origin, though among the
Srlvai~I}avas it was regarded as being as authorit:lti\-c as the \"cdas.
It was regarded, along with the Sar~1khya and Yoga, as an accessory
literature to the \"cdas 1 • Yamuna also speaks of it as containing a
brief summary of the teachings of the \"cdas for the easy and im-
mediate usc of those devotees who cannot atford to stud,· the \·ast
\"edic literature. The main subjects of the Paiicaratra literature arc
directions regarding the constructions of temples and images,
Thus \"cilka,an;Jtha, quoting \"yasa, says:
ida,!mwhn-pani$ada'!' catur-'l·cda-sam-am·ittl'!'
scl'!lkhya-ynga-krtclntt•na fltliiuJ-rcltrii-ml-sahditam.
,...,.t'S'l'ClYll-J[imci'!IStl, p. '19.
SornetinU's the Pancaratra is regarded as the root nf the: \"edas, and sometimes
the \"edas arc: rc:gankd a-. the root of the Pancar:aras. Thus \'eilkatanatha m the
aho\·c: context quott·s a passage from \' yasa in which l'aiicaratra is regarded as
the root of the \'t:das-" mahaftJ n·da-n·ksasva multJ-blu4ftJ mtlluln tl\'Wn. '' lie
quotes also another passage in \\hich th~ \·ejas are regarded as the ~oot of the
Pancar~itras-" srutimlllam idll'!' tcmfrll'!l prcUfltl~ltl-kalpa-siitrm·at." In another
passage he speaks of the Pancaratras as the alternatin~ to the \' eJas -" clhihht•
t·cda-mcmtr;i~lll'!l pculca-rcltro-dilt'na t:tl."
XVI] Position of the Paficariitra Literature
descriptions of the various rituals associated with image-worship,
and the rituals, dealing elaborately with the duties of the Srl-
vai~Q.avas and their religious practices, such as initiation, baptism,
aild the holding of religious marks. The practice of image-worship
is manifestly non-Vedic, though there is ample evidence to show
that it was current even in the sixth century B.C. It is difficult for
us to say how this practice originated and which section of Indians
was responsible for it. The conflict between the Vedic people and
the image-worshippers seems to have been a long one; yet we know
that even in the second century B.C. the Bhagavata cult was in a
very living state, not only in South India, but also in Upper India.
The testimony of the Besnagar Column shows how even Greeks
were converted to the Bhagavata religion. The 1\lahii.bhiirata also
speaks of the siitvata rites, according to which Yi~Q.U was wor-
shipped, and it also makes references to the Vyiiha doctrine of the
Paii.caratras. In the 1\'iiriiya~iya section it is suggested that the
home of the Paiicaratra worship is Sveta-dvlpa, from which it may
have migrated to India; but etforts of scholars to determine the
geographical position of Sveta-dvlpa have so far failed.
In the Purii!zas and the smrti literature also the conflict with the
various Brahminic authorities is manifest. Thus, in the Kurma
purii!za, chapter fifteen, it is said that the great sinners, the Paii.-
caratrins, were produced as a result of killing cows in some other
birth, that they are absolutely non- \"edic, and that the literatures
of the Saktas, Saivas and the Paiicaratras are for the delusion of
mankind 1 . That Paii.caratrins were a cursed people is also noticed in
the Pariisara purii~a 2 • They are also strongly denounced in the
vasi~tha-SGf!lhitii, the Siimba-purii~a and the Suta-sa'!lhitii as great
sinners and as absolutely non- \T edic. Another cause of denounce-
ment was that the Paii.caratrins initiated and admitted within their

kiipiilu'!l giiru4o'!l iiikta'!l, bhaira·ca1Jr pi"irt:a-paicima'!l,

paiica-ratra'!l, piiiupata'!l tathiinyiini sahasraia!z.
Karma-puriir:ra, Ch. 1 S·
(As quoted in the Tattva-kaustubha of Dik~ita but in the printed edition of the
B.J. series it occurs in the sixteenth chapter with slight variations.)
The Skanda-purii7Ja also says:
pmicariitrc ca kiipiile, tathii kiilamukeh'pi ca.
iiikte ca dik#tii yfi)'O'!I bhaveta briihmar:riidhamii!z.
dvillya7Jr piiiicariitre ca tmrtre bhiigavate tathii
dik#tiii ca dvijii 11itya'!l bhm_-eyur garhitii harel:z.
(As quoted by Bhanoji Dik~ita in his Tattva-kaustubha, 1\IS. p. 4.)
20 The Pa1icariitra [cH.

sect even women and Sudras. According to the Ah·aliiyana-smrti, no

one but an outcast would therefore accept the marks recommended
by the Pancaratras. In the fourth chapter of the Vrhan-niiradi_va-
puriit.za it is said that even for conversing with the PaficariHrins one
would have to go to the Raurava hell. The same prohihition of
conversing with the Pancaratrins is found in the Kftrma-pural).a,
and it is there held that they should not be invited on occasions of
funeral ceremonies. Hemadri, quoting from the l 'iiJ'll puri'i~za, says
that, if a Brahman is converted into the Paiicaratra religion, he
thereby loses all his Yedic rites. The Litiga-puri'i~w also regards
them as being excommunicated from all religion (san·a-dharma-
valu'~krta ). The Aditya and the Agni-pura~zas are also extremely
strong against those who associate themselves in any way with the
Paficaratrins. The Vi~~u, Satatapa, lliirlta, Bodlulyana and the
Yam a sm!zhittls also are equally strong against the Paikaratrins and
those who associate with them in any way. The Paiicaratrins, how-
ever, seem to be more conciliatory to the members of the orthodox
'/edic sects. They therefore appear to he a minority sect, which had
alwavs to be on the defensive and did not dare revile the orthodox
Vedic people. There are some Pural).as, howe\·er, like the Jlalui-
blul.rata, Blu7gavata and the Vi!r;~u-pura~za, which are strongly in
favour of the Paficaratrins. It is curious, however, to notice that,
while some sections of the Pural).as approve of them, others arc
fanatically against them. The Pural).as that arc specially favourable
to the Pancaratrins are the T'i~~zu, _Varadiya, Bluiga'l·ata, Giirzuja,
Padma and Varaha, which are called the .~'tlft'l'l.ka purtl~ws 1 • So
among the smrtis, the l 'iisi~tha, 1/tl.rlta, Vyiisa, Piiriisara and
Kiisyapa are regarded as the best 2 • The Pranul~w-sm!zgraha takes
up some of the most important doctrines of the Paiicaratrins and
tries to prove their authoritativeness by a reference to the above
Purii~zas and smrtis, and also to the Jlaluiblulrata, the Gitii,
Vi~~zudharmottara, Prajtlpatya-smrti, Itilulsasamuccaya, Harh·m!Iia,
vrddha-manu, Stl~z~lilya-smrti, and the Brahnui~Itja-purii~a.
Thus t~e PramiitJa-sm!rgralza says:
'l'ai~~zavaTJ'lniiradiya'!l ca tathii blziigavalm!l iubluwr
giinuf.m!l ca tatlul. padllla1!l 1"ilriiha'!l sublza-dariane
siitt·l:ikiini puril7Jiini 'i:ij1"ieyiini ca ~a!Prthak.
Ibid. p. q. Tati'L'll-kaustr4bha, I\ IS. p. 1 J.
XVI] Paiicariitra Literature 21

The Paficaratra Literature.

The Paii.caratra literature is somewhat large and only a few
works have been printed. The present writer, however, had the
opportunity of collecting a large number of manuscripts, and an
attempt will here be made to give a brief account of this literature,
which, however, has no philosophical importance. One of the most
important of these sa'f!lhitas is the Siitvata-Sa'f!lhita. The Satvata is
referred to in the !v1ahabhiirata, the Ahirbudhnya-sm!lhita, the
lsvara-samhita and other samhitas. In the Sat'IJata-samhita we find
that the Lord (Bhagavan) pr~mulgates the Paiicaratra~Sastra at the
request of Satpkar~al).a on behalf of the sages 1• It consists of twenty-
five chapters which describe the forms of worshipping Narayal).a in
all His four Vyuha manifestations (vibhava-devata), dress and orna-
ments, other special kinds of worship, the installation of images and
the like. The lsvara-;a'f!lhita says that the Ekayana Veda, the source
of all Vedas, originated with Vasudeva and existed in the earliest
age as the root of all the other Vedas, which were introduced at a
later age and are therefore called the Vikara-veda. When these
rikara-vedas sprang up and people became more and more worldly-
minded, Vasudeva withdrew the Ekayana Veda and revealed it
only to some selected persons, such as Sana, Sanatsujati, Sanaka,
Sanandana, Sanatkumara, Kapila and Sanatana, who were all called
ekantins. Other sages, l\larici, Atri, Angirasa, Pulastya, Pulaha,
Kratu, Vasi~tha and Svayambhuva, learnt this Ekayana from
NarayaQ.a, and on the basis of it the Paii.caratra literature on the one
hand was written, in verse, and the various Dharma-sastras on the
other hand were written by .:\Ianu and other nis. The Paficaratra
works, such as Satvata, Pau~kara, and Jayakhya and other similar
texts, were written at the instance of Satpkar~al).a in accordance with
the fundamental tenets of the Ekayana Veda, which was almost lost
in the later stage. SaQ.c;lilya also learnt the principles of the Ekayana
Veda from Satpkar~al).a and taught them to the rfis. The contents
of the Ekayana Veda, as taught by Narayal).a, are called the Siitvika-
sastra; those Sa~tras which are partly based on the Ekayana Veda
and partly due to the contribution of the sages themselves are called
the Riijasa-Sastra; those which are merely the contribution of
Published at Conjeeveram, 1902.
22 The Paiicariitra [cH.
human beings are called the T iimasa Siistra. The Rajasa Siistra is
of two kinds, the Paiicariitra and the V aikhiinasa. Siih·ata,
Pau~kara and Jayiikhya were probably the earliest Pancaratra
works written by the sages, and of these again the Siitvata is con-
sidered the best, as it consists of a dialogue between the Lord and
The lS7..-•ara-sa'!lhitii consists of twenty-four chapters, of which
sixteen are devoted to ritualistic worship, one to the description of
images, one to initiation, one to meditation, one to mantras, one to
expiation, one to methods of self-control, and one to a description
of the holiness of the Yadava hilP. The chapter on worship is
interspersed with philosophical doctrines which form the basis of
the Srivai~nava philosophy and religion.
The H ayaHr~a-sa'!lhitli consists of four parts; the first part,
called the Prati~tlza-kli~z¢a, consists of forty-two chapters; the
second, the SaT[lkar~al).a, of thirty-seven chapters; the third, the
Linga, of tw~nty chapters; and the fourth, the .S'aura-kii1pja, of
forty-five chapters 2 • All the chapters deal with rituals concerning
the installation of images of various minor gods, the methods of
making images and various other kinds of rituals. The Vi~~u-tatt7..-'a­
Sa7Jthitii consists of thirty-nine chapters, and deals entirely with
rituals of image-worship, ablutions, the holding of Yai~l).ava marks,
purificatory rites, etc. 2 The Parama-sm!zhitii consists of thirty-one
chapters, dealing mainly with a description of the process of crea-
tion, rituals of initiation, and other kinds of worship 3 • In the tenth
chapter, however, it deals with yoga. In this chapter we hear of
jiiiina-yoga and karma-yoga. Jiiiina-yoga is regarded as superior to
karma-yoga, though it may co-exist therewith. Jiiiina-yoga means
partly practical philosophy and the effort to control all sense-
inclinations hy th2t means. It also includes samadlzi, or deep con-
centration, and the practice of prii~ulyiima. The word yoga is here
used in the sense of "joining or attaching oneself to." The man
who practises yoga fixes his mind on God and by deep meditation
detaches himself from all worldly bonds. The idea of karma-yoga
does not appear to he very clear; but in all probability it means
worship of Yi~I).U. The Pariisara sa'!lhita, which was also available
Puhlished at Conjeeveram, 1921.
It has been available to the present writer only in l\IS.
This smJihitii has also been available to the present writer only in ::\IS.
XVI] Paficariitra Literature 23
only in manuscript, consists of eight chapters dealing with the
methods of muttering the name of God.
The Padma-sal!zhitii, consisting of thirty-one chapters, deals
with various kinds of rituals and the chanting of mantras, offerings,
religious festivities and the like 1 . The Paramdvara-sarrzhitii, con-
sisting of fifteen chapters, deals with the meditation on mantras,
sacrifices and methods of ritual and expiation 2 • The Paufkm·a-
sa'!lhitii, which is one of the earliest, consists of forty-three chapters,
and deals with various kinds of image-worship, funeral sacrifices
and also with some philosophical topics 2 • It contains also a special
chapter called Tattva-sal!lhlzyiina, in which certain philosophical
views are discussed. These, however, are not of any special im-
portance and may well be passed over. The Prakiisa-sa'!lhitii con-
sists of two parts. The first part is called Parama-tattva-nin.zaya,
and consists of fifteen chapters; the second, called Para-tattva-
prakiisa, consists of twelve chapters only2 • The .lUahii-sanatkumiira-
sal!lhitii, consisting of four chapters and forty sections in all, deals
entirely with rituals of worship 2 • It is a big work, containing ten
thousand verses. Its four chapters are called Brahma-riitra,
Si1-·a-riitra, lndra-riitra and !Jfi-riitra. The Aniruddha-sal!lhitii-
mahopam~ad contains thirty-four chapters and deals entirely with
descriptions of various rituals, methods of initiation, expiation,
installation of images, the rules regarding the construction of
images, etc. 2 The Kii~yapa-sal!lhitii, consisting of twelve chapters,
deals mainly with poisons and methods of remedy by incantations 2 •
The Vihagendra-sa1J'lhitii deals largely with meditation on mantras
and sacrificial oblations and consists of twenty-four chapters. In
the twelfth chapter it deals extensively with prii!liiyiima, or breath-
control, as a part of the process of worship 2 • The Sudarsana-
sal!lhitii consists of forty-one chapters and deals with meditation on
mantras and expiation of sins. Agastya-sal!lhitii consists of thirty-
two chapters. The Vasiftha contains twenty-four chapters, the
Visviimitra twenty-six chapters and the Vip.zu-sa1J'lhitii thirty chap-
ters. They are all in manus~ripts and deal more or less with the
same s~bject, namely, ritualistic worship. The Vi~!lU-Sa1J'lhitii is,
however, very much under the influence of SaiJ1khya and holds
Puru~a to be all-pervasive. It also invests Puru~a with dynamic
1 It has been available to the present writer only in MS.
2 These works also were available to the present writer only in MS.
The Paiicariitra [cH

activity by reason of which the prakrti passes through evolutionary

changes. The five powers of the five senses are regarded as the
power of Vi~I).U. The power of Vi~I)U has both a gross and a tran-
scendental form. In its transcendental form it is power as con-
sciousness, power as world-force, power as cause, power by which
consciousness grasps its objects and power as omniscience and
omnipotence. These five powers in their transcendental forms con-
stitute the subtle body of God. In the thirtieth chapter the Vi~~u­
sa1J1hitii deals with yoga and its six accessories (~a¢-aizga-yoga), and
shows how the yoga method can be applied for the attainment of
devotion, and calls it Bhiigavata-yoga. It may be noticed that the
description of human souls as all-pervasive is against the Srivai~l).ava
position. The a~tiiizga yoga (yoga with eight accessories) is often
recommended and was often practised by the early adherents of the
Srivai~I)ava faith, as has already been explained. The llliirka~¢eya­
sa1J1hitii consists of thirty-two chapters, speaks of 108 Sa1J1hitiis, and
gives a list of ninety-one sa1J1hitiis 1 • The Vi~vaksena-Sa1J1hitii con-
sists of thirty-one chapters. It is a very old work and has often been
utilized by Ramanuja, Saumya Jamaq· muni and others. The
Hira~1ya-garbha-sa1J1hitii consists of four chapters.

Philosophy of the Jayakhya and other Sarphitas.

The Paiicaratra literature is, indeed, vast, but it has been shown
that most of this literature is full of ritualistic details and that there
is very little of philosophy in it. The only sa1Jzhitiis (so far as they
are available to us) which have some philosophical elements in them
are the Jayiikhya-sa~nhitii, Alzirbudhnya-Sa1J1hitii, Vi~'IJU-Sat!lhitii,
Vilzagendra-sa1J1hitii, Parama-sm!zhitii and Pau~kara-sm?zhitii; of
these the Ahirbudlznya and the Jayiiklzya are the most important.
The Jaya starts with the view that merely by performance of
the sacrifices, making of gifts, study of the Vedas, and expiatory
penances, one cannot attain eternal Heaven or liberation from
bondage. Until we can know the ultimate reality (para-tattva)
which is all-pervasive, eternal, self-realized, pure consciousness,
but which through its own will can take forms, there is no hope of
salvation. This ultimate reality resides in our hearts and is in itself
These are also in l\IS. Schrader enumerates them in his lntrnduction to
Pa iicarlitra.
xv1] Philosophy of the Jayiikhya and other Sarrzhitiis 25
devoid of any qualities (nir-gu~a), though it lies hidden by the
qualities (gu~a-guhya) and is without any name (a-niimaka).
A number of sages approached SaQc;lilya in the mountain of
Gandhamadana with inquiry concerning the manner in which this
ultimate reality may be known. SaQc;lilya in reply said that this
science was very secret and very ancient, and that it could be given
only to true believers who were ardently devoted to their preceptors.
It was originally given to Narada by Vi~l).u. The Lord Vi~l).u is the
object of our approach, but He can be approached only through the
scriptures (Siistra); the Siist1·a can be taught only by a teacher. The
teacher therefore is the first and primary means to the attainment
of the ultimate reality through the instructions of the scriptures.
The Jayiikhya-sarrzhitii then describes the three kinds of crea-
tion, of which the first is called Brahma-sarga, which is of a mytho-
logical character; it is stated that in the beginning Brahma was
created by Vi~I).U and that he, by his own egoism, polluted the
creation which he made and that two demons, l\1adhu and Kaitabha,
produced from two drops of sweat, stole away the Vedas and thus
created great confusion. Yi~I).U fought with them by His physical
energies, but was unsuccessfuL He then fought with them by His
"mantra" energy and thus ultimately destroyed them.
The second creation is that of the evolution of the Sarpkhya
categories. It is said in the Jayiikhya-sarrzhitii that in the pradhiina
the three gu~as exist together in mutual unity. Just as in a lamp the
wick, the oil and the fire act together to form the unity of the lamp,
so the three gu~as also exist together and form the pradhiina.
Though these gu~as are separate, yet in the pradhiina they form an
inseparable unity (bhir.nam ekiitma-lak~a!zam). These gur;as, how-
ever, are separated out from this state of union, and in this order of
separation sattva comes first, then rajas and then lamas. From the
threefold unity of the gu~as the buddlzi-taft'l.;a is evolved, and from
this are produced the three kinds of aha~nkiira, prakiisiitmii,
<t•ikrtyiitmii and bhiitiitmii. From the first kind of aharrzkiira, as
taijasa or as prakiisiitmii, the five cognitive senses and the manas are
produced. From the second kind of aha~nkiira the five conative
senses are evolved. From the aha'!lkii1·a as blziltiitmii the five
bhiita-yoni or sources of elements (otherwise called the five tan-
miitra) are produced, and from these are derived the five gross
elements. The prakrti is unintelligent and material in nature, and
26 The Paiicariitra [cH.
so, as may well he expected, the evolution from prakrti is also
material in nature. The natural question in this connection is: how
can matter begin to produce other material entities? The answer
given to this question is that, though both a paddy seed and a piece
of rice are material hy nature, yet there is productivity in the
former, but not in the latter; so, though the prakrti and its evolutcs
arc both material in nature, yet one is produced out of the other.
The products of the unintelligent prakrti, being suffused with the
glow of the self as pure consciousness, one with Brahman, appear as
being endowed with consciousness 1 • Just as a piece of iron becomes
endowed with magnetic powers, so the prakrti also becomes en-
dowed with intelligence through its association with the intelligent
self in unity with Brahman. 'The question, however, arises how,
since matter and intelligence arc as different from each other as light
from darkness, there can he any association between the unconscious
prakrti and the pure intelligence. 'To this the reply is that the in-
dividual soul (jt'l'a) is a product of a beginninglcss association of
·viisanii with pure consciousness. For the removal of this 'l'iisanii a
certain power emanates from Brahman and, impelled by His will,
so works within the inner microcosm of man that the pure con-
sciousness in the jh·a is ultimately freed from the 'l:iisanii through
the destruction of his karma, and he becomes ultimately one with
Brahman. The karma can hear fruits only when they arc associated
with their receptacle, the 'l'iisanii. The self, or the soul, is brought
into association with the gw;as hy the energy of God, and it can
thereby come to know its own 'l't"isanii, which are non-intelligent hy
nature and a product of the gm.za 2 • So long as the self is in associa-
tion with the covering of miiyii it experiences good and e\·il. The
association of consciousness with matter is thus effected through
the manifestation of a special energy of God by which the self is
made to undergo the various experiences through its association
with miiyii. As soon as the bond is broken, the self as pure con-
sciousness becomes one with Brahman.

cid-ril.pam iitma-tatf?.'G1!Z yad ahlzimz,l'!l bralzma~zi stlzitm!l

tenaitac dmrita'!l hlzi'iti acic cimtw_wrcad d?.,lj'a.
Jayiiklz_va-samlzihi (::\IS.), III. q.
\\"hen this section was written the Jayiihlzya-sa'!zlzitii was not published. It has
since been puhlished in the Gaekwad's oriental series.
miiyiimaye d·l'iiii-dlziire f?U~Z<"i-dlziire tato ja(le
Saktyii SCl'!I)'Ojito hy iilmii 'l'Clty lllmfyiis Cll 'l'llSCllltl!z. /hid. III. 24.
xv1] Philosophy of the Jayiikhya and other Sa1Jlhitiis 27
The third creation is the pure creation (suddha-sarga), in which
God, otherwise called Vasudeva, evolved from out of Himself three
subsidiary agents, Acyuta, Satya and Puru~a, which are in reality
but one with Him and have no different existence. In His form as
Puru~a God behaves as the inner controller of all ordinary gods,
whom He goads and leads to work. And it is in this form that God
works in all human beings bound with the ties of viisanii, and directs
them to such courses as may ultimately lead therr1 to the cessation
of their bondage.
God is pure bliss and self-conscious in Himself. He is the
highest and the ultimate reality beyond all, which is, however,
self-existent and the support of aH other things. He is beginning-
less and infinite and cannot be designated either as existent or
as non-existent (na sat tan niisad ucyate). He is devoid of all
gu'!las, but enjoys the various products of the gu'!las, and exists
both inside and outside us. He is omniscient, all-perceiving, the
Lord of all and all are in Him. He combines in Him all energies,
and is spontaneous in Himself with all His activities. He pervades
all things, but is yet called non-existent because He cannot be per-
ceived by the senses. But, just as the fragrance of flowers can be
intuited directly, so God also can be intuited directly 1 . All things
are included in His existence and He is not limited either in time or
in space. Just as fire exists in a red-hot iron-ball as if it were one
therewith, so does God pervade the whole world. Just as things
that are imaged on a mirror may in one sense be said to be in it and
in another sense to be outside it, so God is in one sense associated
with all sensible qualities and in another sense is unassociated there-
with. God pervades all the conscious and the unconscious entities,
just as the watery juice pervades the whole of the plant 2 • God can-
not be known by arguments or proof. His all-pervading existence
is as unspeakable and undemonstrable as the existence of fire in
wood and butter in milk. He is perceivable only through direct
intuition. Just as logs of wood enter into the fire and are lost in it,
just as rivers lose themselves in the ocean, so do the Yogins enter
into the essence of God. In such circumstances there is differer..ce
between the rivers and the ocean into which they fall, yet the dif-
sva-sarrzvedyarrz tu tad viddhi gandha/.t pu~piidikoyathii.
Jayiikhya-sarrzhitii, IV. 76.
cetanii-cetanii/.t san·e bhma!z sthiivam-jaizgamii/.t
pilritiib parameiena rasenau~adhayo yathii. Ibid. IV. 93·
z8 The Paiicariitra [cH.

ference cannot be perceived 1 • There is thus both a difference be-

tween the waters of the rivers and the ocean and an absence of dif-
ference, even as between the devotees of God and God. The
doctrine here preached is thus a theory of bhediibheda or unity-in-
Brahman is here described as being identical with consciousness,
and all objects of knowledge (jiieya) are regarded as existing inside
the mindt. The true knowledge is unassociated with any qualifica-
tions, and it can rise only through the process of Yogic practice by
those who have learnt to be in union with God 3 •
\Vhen through the grace of God one begins to realize that all the
fruits of actions and all that one does are of the nature of the gu~as
of prakrti, there dawns the spiritual inquiry within one, as to one's
own nature, and as to the nature of the essence of sorrow, and one
approaches the true preceptor. \\t·hen the devotee continues to
think of the never-ending cycle of rebirths and the consequent
miseries of such transitoriness and other afflictions associated with
it, and also undergoes the various bodily disciplines as dictated by
his Gurus, and is initiated into the "mantras," his mind becomes
disinclined to worldly joys and pure like the water in the autumn,
or the sea without any ripple, or like a steady lamp unfluttered by
the wind. \Vhen the pure consciousness dawns in the mind, all
possible objects of knowledge, including the ultimate object of
knowledge, arise in the mind, and the thought and the object be-
come held together as one, and gradually the Supreme knowledge
and cessation that brings "1\'in. :ii~za" are secured. All that is known
is in reality one with the thought itself, though it may appear
different therefrom. This ultimate state is indescribable through
language. It can only be felt and realized intuitively without the
application of logical faculty or of the sense-organs. It can be re-
ferred to only by means of images. It is transcendental by nature,
ultimate and absolutely without any support. It is the mere being
which reveals itself in the joy of the soul. Of the two ways of
sarit-sa7J1ghiid yathii toyam sa'!lpra•vi~!am malw-dadhau
alak~yas co' dake bheda~1 parasmin yoginiiTJI tatlu'i.
Jayiikhya-Sa1!1hitii, IV. I 23.
brahmii-bhiunm!l -cibhor jiiii7la'!l srotum icchiimi tattvatl;b
ye11a sm!!Priipyate jiieyam mlta~!-kara~w-sm!!Slhitam. Ibid. IV. I .
sar'l:o' -pl'idhi-vi7lirmukta7_n jiiii1wm ekii1lla-11innalam
utpadyate hi yuktasya yogiibhyiisat krame~a tat. Ibid. v. 2.
xv1] Philosophy of the Jayakhya and other Sa1Jlhitas 29

Samiidhi which proceed through absorptive emotions (bhiiva-jii)

and the way of the practice of mantras it is the latter that is the more
efficacious. The practice of mantras removes all obstacles to self-
realization produced by miiyii and its products.
In describing the emanation of Acyuta, Satya and Puru~a from
Vasudeva, the Jayiikhya-smtlhitii holds that such an emanation
occurs only naturally and not as a result of a purposive will; and
the three entities, Acyuta, Satya and Puru~a, which evolve out of
Vasudeva, behave as one through rnutual reflections, and in this
subtle form they exist in the heart of men as the operative energy of
God, gradually leading them to their ultimate destination of eman-
cipation and also to the enjoyment of experiences.
The Jayiikhya-sa1flhitii describes knowledge as two-fold, as
sattiikhya (static) and as kri'yiikhya (dynamic). The kriyiikhya-
jiiiina involves the moral disciplines of yama and niyama, and it is
by the continual habit and practice of the kriyiiklzya-jiiiina of yama
and ni'yama that the sattiikhya-jiiiina, or wisdom, may attain its
final fulfilment. The yama and the niyama here consist of the fol-
lowing virtues: purity, sacrifice, penance, study of the Vedas,
absence of cruelty, and ever-present forgiveness, truthfulness, doing
good to all creatures including one's enemies, respect for the pro-
perty of others, control of mind, disinclination of mind to all things
of sensual enjoyment, bestowing gifts upon others according to
one's own power, speaking true and kind words, constancy of mind
to friends and enemies, straightforwardness, sincerity and merciful-
ness to all creatures. The equilibrium of the three gu7Jas is called
Avi'dyii, which may be regarded as the cause of attachment, an-
tipathy and other defects. Atman is the term used to denote the
pure consciousness, as tinged with gw:zas, avidyii and miiyii.
The position described above leads to the view that God
emanates from Himself as His tripartite energy, which forms the
inner microcosm of man. It is by virtue of this energy that the pure
consciousness in man comes into association with his root-instincts
and psychosis in general, by virtue of which the psychical elements,
which are themselves unconscious and material, begin to behave as
intelligent. It is by virtue of such an association that experience be-
comes possible. Ultimately, however, the same indwelling energy
separates the conscious princi pie from the unconscious elements
and thereby produces emancipation, in which the conscious element
JO The Paiicariitra [cH.
of the individual becomes merged in Brahman. The association of
the conscious element with the unconscious psychosis, which has
evolved from pralqti, is not due to a false imaging of the one or the
other, or to an illusion, but to the operative power of the indwelling
energy of God, which exists in us. The individual, called also the
At man, is the praduct of this forced association. \Vhen the complex
element is disassociated from the psychosis and the root-instincts,
it becomes merged in Brahman, of which it is a part and with which
it exists in a state of unity-in-ditlerence. The ditlerence between this
view and that of the .Siil!zkhya is that, though it admits in general
the SaT[lkhya view of e\·olution of the categories from prakrti, yet
it does not admit the theory of Puru~a and the transcendental
illusion of Puru~a and prakrti, which is to be found in the classical
SaT[lkhya of IsYara kr~J).a. There is no reference here to the teleo-
logy in prakrti which causes its evolution, or to the view that the
prakrti is roused to activity by God or by Puru~a. Prakrti is sup-
posed here to possess a natural productive power of evolving the
categories from out of itself.
The Jayiildzya-sm!zhitii speaks of the devotee as a yogin and
holds that there are two '"·ays of arriving at the ultimate goal, one
through absorptive trance, and the other through the practice of
concentration on the mantras. In describing the process of }·oga,
it holds that the yogin must be a man who has his senses within
his absolute control and who is de,·oid of antipathy to all beings.
Full of humility, he should take his seat in a lonely place and con-
tinue the practice of priil'}iiyiima for the control of mind. The three
processes of priit:ztl._viima, viz. pratyiihiira, dhyiina, and dhiirat:zii, are
described. Then, Yoga is stated to be of three kinds, priikrta,
pauru~a and ais1.·arya, the meaning of which is not very clear. It
may, however, be the meditation on prakrti's ultimate principle, or
on Purzt~a, or the Yoga. which is intended for the attainment of
miraculous power. Four kinds of iisanas are described, namely, that
of Parya~nka, Kamala, Bhadra and S'i·astika. The f ogic posture is
also described. The control of the mind, which again is regarded as
the chief aim of yoga, may be of two kinds, namely, of those ten-
dencies of mind which are due to environments and of those that
are constitutional to tlu.:: mind. It is by increasing the satt'L·a
quality of the mind that it can be made to fix itself upon an object.
In another classification we hear of three kinds of yoga, sakala
xv1] Philosophy of the Jayiikhya and other Sa1Jlhitiis 31
ni~kala and Vi~!lu, or sabda, vyoma and sa-vigraha. In the sakala
or the sa-vigraha type of yoga the yogin concentrates his mind on the
gross idol of the deity; and then gradually, as he becomes habi-
tuated, he concentrates his mind on the notion of a glowing circular
disc; then on the dimension of a pea; then on the dimension of a
horse-hair; then on a human hair of the head; then on the human
hair of the body; and as a consequence of the perfection of this
practice the path of the brahma-randhra opens up for him. In the
ni~kala type of yoga the yogin meditates upon the ultimate reality,
with the result that his own essence as Brahman is revealed to him.
The third form consists in the meditation on the mantras, by which
course also the ultimate reality is revealed to the yogin. Through the
process of the yoga the yogin ultimately passes out by the channel
of his brahma-randhra and leaves his body, after which he attains
unity with the ultimate reality, Vasudeva 1 •
In the fourth chapter of the Vi~IJu-Sa'!lhita (l\1anuscript) the
three gu~as are supposed to belong to Prakrti, which, with its
evolutes, is called K~etra, God being called K~etrajiia 2 • The prakrti
and God exist together as it were in union 3 • The prakrti produces
all existences and withdraws them within it in accordance with the
direction or the superintendence of the Puru~at, though it seems to
behave as an independent agent. Puru~a is described as an all-
pervading conscious principle.
The Vi~~u-sarrzhita, after describing the three kinds of egoism
as sattvika, rajasa and tamasa, speaks of the rajasa aharrzkara not
only as evolving the conative senses but also as being the active
principle directing all our cognitive and conative energies. As the
cognitive energy, it behaves both as attention directed to sense-
perception and also to reflection involving synthetic and analytic
activities. The Vi~~u-sarrzhita speaks further of the five powers of
God, by which the Lord, though absolutely qualityless in Himself,
reveals Himself through all the sensible qualities. It is probably in
this way that all the powers of prakrti exist in God, and it is in this
Jayiikhya-sa1Jlhitii, Ch. 33· In Ch. 34 the process of yoga by which the
yogin gradually approaches the stage of the final destruction of his body is
2 kietriikhyii prakrtir jiieyii tad-vit kietra-jiia zivarafz.
Vi~tzu-Sa1Jlhitii, IV.
ubhaya1Jl cedam atyantam abhinnam iva tiitfzati. Ibid.
tan-niyogiit svatantreva sute bhiiviin haraty api. Ibid.
The Paiicariitra [cH.

sense that the k~etra or the prakrti is supposed to be abhinna, or

one with God. These powers are ( 1) l-ic-chakti 1, that is, power of
consciousness, which is the unchangeable ground of all works.
Second is I lis power as the enjoyer, or purzt~a. The third power is
the causal power, manifested as the manifold universe. The fourth
power is the power by which sense-objects are grasped and com-
prehended in knowledge. The fifth power is that which resolves
knowledge into action. The sixth power is the power that reveals
itself as the activity of thought and action 2 • It seems, therefore,
that \vhat has been described above as puru~a, or enjoyer, is not a
separate principle, but the pmver of God; just as prakrti iiself is not
a separate principle, but a manifestation of the power of God.
The process of Bhiiga'l•ata-yoga described in Vip.zu-sm.nhitii con-
sists primarily of a system of bodily and moral control, involving
control of the passions of greed, anger, etc., the habit of meditation
in solitary places, the development of a spirit of dependence on
God, and self-criticism. \Vhen, as a result of this, the mind be-
comes pure and disinclined to worldly things, there arises an in-
tellectual and moral apprehension of the distinction of what is bad
and impure from what is good and pure, whence attachment, or
bhakti, is produced. Through this attachment one becomes self-
contented and loyal to one's highest goal and ultimately attains
true knowledge. The process of prii~ziiyiima, in which various kinds
of meditations are prescribed, is also recommended for attainment
of the ultimate union with God, which is a state of emancipation.
The view here taken of bhakti, or devotion, shows that bhakti is used
here in the simple sense of inclination to worship, and the means to
the fruition of this worship is yoga. The so-c'llled bhakti-school of
the Bhagavatas was so much under the influence of the yoga-system
that a bhakta was required to be a yogin, since bhakti by itself was
not regarded as a su51cient means to the attainment of salvation.
In the tenth chapter of the Parama-sm.nhitii the process of yoga is
described in a conversation between Brahma and Parama. It is said
there that the knowledge attained by yoga is better than any other
cic-chaktib sm-va-hiiryiihdil; kt~tastlza!z parame~t~zy asau
d'Vitiyii tas_•·a yii suktib f>uru~Jkhyiidi-'Villriyii
vis·vii' -khyii ·vi?:idhii-bhiisii trtiyii km u~ul' -tmikii
caturth'f vi~ayaf!Z p1·apya ni·qtty-iillhyii tathii prma!z. Vi~~U-SQ1Jlhitii.
purv£1-jiiiina-kriyii-saktil:z sar1.•iikhyii tasya pwlcaml. Ibid.
tasmiit sarva-prayatnena bhii.kto yogl bhm.xt .~adii. Ibid. Ch. 30.
XVI] Philosophy of the Jayiikhya and other Sa1Jlhitiis 33

kind of knowledge. When deeds are performed without yoga wisdom,

they can hardly bring about the desired fruition. Yoga means the
peaceful union of the mind with any particular object 1 • When the
mind is firmly fixed on the performance of the deed, it is called
karma-yoga 2 • When the mind is unflinchingly fixed on knowledge,
it is called jiiiina-yoga3 • He, however, who clings to the Lord
Vi~I).U in both these ways attains ultimately supreme union with
the highest Lord. Both the jfiiina-yoga and the karma-yoga, as the
moral discipline of yama and niyama on the one hand and vairiigya
(disinclination) and samiidhi on the other, are ultimately supported
in Brahman. It may be remembered that in the Gitii, karma-yoga
means the performance of the scriptural caste-duties without any
desire for their fruits. Here, however, the karma-yoga means yama
and niyama, involving vrata, fasting (upaviisa) and gifts (diina), and
probably also some of the virtues of diverse kinds of self-control.
The term vairiigya means the wisdom by which the senses are made
to desist from their respective objects; and the term samiidhi means
the wisdom by which the mind stays unflinchingly in the Supreme
Lord. When the senses are through vairiigya restrained from their
respective objects, the mind has to be fixed firmly on the Supreme
Lord, and this is called yoga. Through continual practice, as the
vairiigya grows firm, the viisaniis, or the root-instincts and desires,
gradually fall off. It is advised that the yogin should not make any
violent attempt at self-control, but should proceed slowly and
gently, so that he may, through a long course of time, be able to
bring his mind under complete control. He should take proper
hygienic care of himself as regards food and other necessities for
keeping the body sound and should choose a lonely place, free from
all kinds of distractions, for his yoga practice. He should not on any
account indulge in any kind of practice which may be painful to his
body. He should further continue to think that he is dependent on
God and that birth, existence and destruction are things which do
not belong to him. In this way the pure bhakti will rise in his mind,
yat karoti samiidhiina1Jl cittasya vi~aye kvacit
anukulam a-sa1Jlk~obha1Jl sa1Jlyoga iti k!rtyate.
Parama-sa,hitii, Ch. 10 (MS.).
2 yadi karmii1}i badhnanti cittam askhalita'!l naram
karma-yogo bhavaty e~al; sarva-piipa-pratJiiSanal;. Ibid.
yadi tu jniina eviirthe citta'!l badhniiti nirvyathal;
jiiiina-yogal; sa vijfieyal; sarva-siddhi-karal; subhal;. Ibid.
Dill 3
34 Tlze Paiicariitra [cH.

through which he will gradually be able to extract the root of at-

tachment. He should also train himself to think of the evils of
alluring experiences which have not yet been enjoyed, and he
should thus desist from attaching himself to such experiences.
As regards the preference of karma-yoga to jfilina-yoga and 'l'ice
versa, the view maintained here is that there can be no rule as re-
gards the preference. There are some who are temperamentally
fitted for karma-yoga and others for j1Iiina-yoga. Those who arc of
a speciaJ calibre should unite both courses, karma-yoga and j1Iiina-

Philosophy of the Ahirbudhnya-saf!1hita.

In the Ahirbudhnya-sm!zhitii Ahirbudhnya says that after under-
~oing a long course of penance he received from Sarpkaqml}a true
knowledge and that this true knowledge was the science of Sudar-
sana, which is the support of all things in the world 1 • The ultimate
reality is the beginningless, endless and eternal reality, which is
devoid of all names and forms, beyond all speech and mind, the
omnipotent whole which is absolutely changeless. From this
eternal and unchangeable reality there springs a spontaneous idea
or desire (sm!lkalpa). This Idea is not limited by time, space or
substance. Brahman is of the nature of intuition, of pure and
infinite bliss (ni!zsima-sukhiinubha'l·a-lak~a~za), and He resides every-
where and in all beings. He is like the waveless sea. He has none
of the worldly qualities which we find in mundane things. He is
absolutely self-realized and complete in Himself, and cannot be
defined by any expressions such as "this" or "such." He is devoid
of all that is evil or bad and the abode of all that is blissful and good.
The Brahman is known by many names, such as "paramiitman,"
'' iitman," "blzaga·vlin," "viisudeva," "a7.:yakta," "prakrti," '' pra-
dhiina," etc. \\"hen by true knowledge the virtues and sins ac-
cumulated during many lives are destroyed, when the root-instincts
or tendencies called 'l'iisanii are torn asunder and the three gu~zas and
their products cease to bind a person, he directly realizes the nature
of Brahman or the absolute reality, which can neither be described

sudarsmza-s•cariipm!l tat procyamiinm.n nwyii SftlU

srute yatrll' ldziliidhiire SQ'f!lSayiis te na santi 'L"lli.
Ahirbudlmya-sw!llzitii, III. 2. 5·
XVI] Philosophy of the Ahirbudhnya-sarJlhitii 35
nor defined by language as "this" or as "such." The Brahman in-
tuitively perceives all things and is the soul of all, and therefore, the
past, present and the future have all vanished away from Him.
Brahman does not exist therefore in time, as He is beyond time.
Similarly He is beyond all primary and secondary qualities, and yet
he possesses the six qualities. Of the qualities knowledge is re-
garded as the first and the foremost. It is spiritual and self-illumin-
ating; it enters into all things and reflects them, and is eternal. The
essence of Brahman is pure consciousness, and yet He is regarded
as possessing knowledge as a quality 1 • The power(Sakti)ofBrahman
is regarded as that by which He has originated the world2 • The
spontaneous agency (kartrtva) of God is called His majesty
(aifvarya). His strength (bala) is that by virtue of which He is
never fatigued in His untiring exertion. His energy (virya) is that
by virtue of which, being the material cause of the world, He yet
remains unchanged in Himself. His self-sufficiency (tejas) is that
by virtue of which He creates the world by His own unaided efforts.
These five qualities are, however, all regarded as qualities of know-
ledge, and knowledge alone is regarded as the essence of God.
When such a Brahman, which is of the nature of knowledge and is
endowed with all qualities, resolves Himself into the idea of
splitting Himself into the many, it is called Sudaciana.
The powers of all things are in themselves of an unspeakable
nature and cannot exist separately (a-prthak-sthita) from the sub-
stances in which they inhere. They are the potential or subtle
states of the substance itself, which are not perceived separately in
themselves and cannot be defined as "this" or "not this" in any
way, but can only be known from their effects3 • So God has in Him
the power (Sakti) which exists as undifferentiated from Him, as the
moonbeam from the moon. It is spontaneous, and the universe is
but a manifestation of this power. It is called bliss (iinanda), be-

ajarf.a1Jl svii-tma-sa1Jlbodhi nitya1Jl sarvii-vagiihana1Jl

jiiiina1Jl niima gu1JG1Jl priihub prathama1Jl gu1}a-cintakiil;,
svariipa1Jl brahma1}as tac ca gu1Jas ca pariglyate.
Ahirbudhnya-sa1Jlhitii, III. 2. 53·
jagat-prakrti-bhiivo yal;, sii saktib pariklrtitii. Ibid. 2. 57.
saktayal;, sarva-bhiiviiniim acintyii a-prthak-sthitiib
svarllpe naiva drsyante drsyante kiiryatas tu tab
sukpniivasthii hi sii te~ii1Jl sarva-bhiivii-nugiiminl
idantayii vidhiilU1Jl sii na ni~eddhu1Jl ca Jakyate. Ibid. 2, 3·
The Paiicariitra [cH.
cause it does not depend on anything (nirapek~atayananda); it is
eternal (nitya), because it is not limited in time; it is complete
(pu~a), because it is not limited by any form; it manifests itself as
the world and is therefore called Lakpni1 • It contracts itself into
the form of the world and is therefore called KU1:u;lalini; and it is
called Vi~?Ju-sakti because it is the supreme power of God. The
power is in reality different from Brahman; but yet it appears as
one therewith. With this power He is always engaged in an eternal
act of creation, untired, unfatigued, and unaided by any other agent
(satatarrz kurvato jagat) 2 • The power of God manifests itself in two
ways, as static entities such as avyakta, kala and puru~a and as
activity. Sakti, or power of God as activity (kriya), is spontaneous
and of the nature of will and thought resulting in action3 • This is
also called sarrzkalpa, or the Idea, which is irresistible in its move-
ment whereby it produces all material objects and spiritual entities,
such as a~yakta, kala and puru~at. It is this power, which is other-
wise designated as lakpni or vip:zu-sakti, that impels the avyakta
into the course of evolution, and the pu~a to confront the products
of prakrti and run through the experiences. \Vhen it withdraws
these functions from these entities, there is pralaya or dissolution.
It is by the force of this power that at the time of creation the
prakrti as the composite of the three gw:zas is urged into creative
evolution. The association of the puru~a with the prakrti also is
brought about by the same power. This Idea is vibratory by nature
and assumes diverse forms, and thus by its various transformations
produces various categories5 •
In the original state all the manifold world of creation was
asleep, as it were, in an equilibrium in which all the qualities of God
were completely suspended, like the sea when there are no waves
ruffling its breast. This power, which exists in an absolutely static
or suspended state, is pure vacuity or nothingness (sunyat~·a­
riipi?Ji); for it has no manifestation of any kind. It is self-dependent

jagattayii lakn•amii~zii sii lak~nzlr iti glyate. Alzirbudhnya-sa,zhitii, III. 9·
Ibid. II. 59·
sviitmztrya-miila icchii-tnzii prek~ii-riipa~z kriyii-phala!z.
Ibid. III. 30.
umne~o yab susa'1{lkalpa!z sarvatriivyiihatab krtau
avyakta-kiila-PU1Jl-rii.pii"!l cetmziicetmziitnzikiim. Ibid. III. 30, 3 1.
so'ya1Jz sudarsmza1Jz rziinza Sa1Jzkalpalz spandanii-tnzakab
vibhajya bahudhii riipm!Z bhiive bhiive'vati~tbate. Ibid. III. 39·
XVI) Philosophy of the Ahirbudhnya-sarJlhitd 37
and no reason can be assigned as to why it suddenly changes itself
from a potential to an actual state 1• It is one and exists in identity
with the Brahman, or the ultimate reality. It is this power which
creates as its own transformation all categories pure and impure and
all material forms as emanations from out of itself. It manifests
itself as the kriyii, the virya, tejas and the bala of God, mere forms
of its own expression and in all forms of duality as subject and
object, as matter and consciousness, pure and impure, the enjoyer
and the enjoyed, the experiencer and the experienced, and so on.
When it moves in the progressive order, there is the evolutionary
creation; and, when it moves in the inverse order, there is in-
From a pair of two different functions of this power the dif..
ferent forms of pure creation come into being. Thus from know-
ledge (jiitina) and the capacity for unceasing work of never-ending
creation (bala) we have the spiritual form of Sarpka~al).a. From the
function of spontaneous agency (aiJvarya) and the unaffectedness
in spite of change (virya) is generated the spiritual form of Prad-
yumna; and from the power that transforms itself into the world-
forms (Sakti) and the non-dependence on accessories (tejas) is pro-
duced the form as Aniruddha. These three spiritual forms are
called vyilha (conglomeration) because each of them is the resultant
of the conglomeration of a pair of gut_zas. Though the ~wo gut_zas
predominate in each vyiiha, yet each vyiiha possesses the six
qualities (~atf.-gut.za) of the Lord; for these are all but manifestations
of Vi~I).u 2 • Each of these forms existed for 16oo years before the
next form emanated from it, and at the time of the involution also
it took 16oo years for each lower form to pass into the higher form.
Schrader, alluding to the JVIahii-Sanatkumiira-Sa1J2hitii, says:
"Vasudeva creates from His mind the white goddess Santi and to-
gether with her Sarpkar~al).a or Siva; then from the left side of the
latter is born the red goddess Sri, whose son is Pradyumna or
Brahman; the latter, again, creates the yellow Sarasvati and to-

tasya staimitya-rilpa ya saktil; silnyatva-rupi~l

svatantryad eva kasmac cit kvacit sonme~am rcchati
atma-bhilta hi ya saktil; parasya brahma~o hare/;.
Ahirbudhnya-sa1{lhita, v. 3 and 4·
vyapti-matra1{l gu~o' nme~o milrtti-kara iti tridha
catur-atmya-sthitir v#tzor gu~a-vyatikaro-dbhava. Ibid. v. 21.
The P aiicariitra [cH.
gether with her Aniruddha or Puru~ottama, whose Sakti becomes
the black Rati, who is the threefold ]\,/iiyii-kosa. " 1 Schrader
further draws attention to the fact that these couples are all outside
the brahmii1}t;fa and are therefore different in nature from the
mundane gods, such as Siva, etc. The vyuhas are regarded as ful-
filling three different functions, ( 1) the creation, maintenance and
destruction of the world; ( 2) the protection of the mundane beings;
and (3) lending assistance to those devotees who seek to attain the
ultimate emancipation. Sarpkar~al)a exists as the deity superin-
tending all the individual souls and separates them from the
prakrti2 • The second spiritual form superintends the minds (mrmas)
of all beings and gives specific instruction regarding all kinds of
religious performances. He is al5.o responsible for the creation of
all human beings and from among them such beings as have from
the beginning dedicated their all to God and become absolutely
attached to Him 3 • As Aniruddha, he protects the world and leads
men to the ultimate attainment of wisdom. He is also responsible
for the creation of the world, which is an admixture of good and
evil (misra-'l:arga-S!$!i1'!z ca karoti) 4 • These three forms are in reality
but one \vith Vasudeva. Tht>se a'catiiras are thus the pure m:atiiras
of Yi~I)U.
In addition to these there are two other forms of manift>station,
called iivesiivatiira and siik$iid-a'catiira. The former is of two kinds,
svariipiivesa (as in the case of avatiiras like Parasurama, Rama, etc.)
and salay-ii'l'eSa (as the influx of certain special functions or powers
of God, e.g. in the case of Brahma or Siva, who are on special
occasions endowed with certain special powers of God). 'These
secondary ii·vesii·vatiiras are by the will of God produced in the form
of human beings, as Rama, Kr~t:la, in the form of animals, as the
Boar, the Fish and the ~Ian-lion, or even as a tree (the crooked
mango tree in the Dal)<;iaka forest). These forms are not the original
transcendental forms of God, but manifest divine functions
Introduction to the Paiicariitra by Schrader, p. 36.
so'ya'!l samasta-jl'l:iiniim adhi~!hiitrtayii sthita~z
Sll7!lkar~m:zas tu de'l:eSO jagat snfi-maniis tata~l
jz1·a-tattvam adhi~thiiya prakrtes tu vi·cicya tat.
Quoted from Vi~·vaksena-sa'!lhilti from Varavara's commentary on Lokacarya's
Tattva-traya, p. 125.
See quotations from Virvaksena-Sat!lhitii in Tattva-traya, pp. 126, 127.
' lbtd. p. 128.
XVI) Philosophy of the Ahirbudhnya-Sa1Jlhitii 39
through the will of God 1 • The primary forms (sii~iid-avatiira) of
incarnation are derived directly from the part of the Lord just as
a lamp is lighted from another, and they are thus of a transcendent
and non-mundane nature. Those who seek to attain liberation
should worship these transcendent forms, but not the others2 • The
Viivaksena-sa1J1hitii quoted in the Tattva-traya considers Brahman,
Siva, Buddha, Vyasa, Arjuna, Pavaka and Kuvera as inspired per-
sons or iivesiivatiiras who should not be worshipped by those who
seek liberation. Another sa7J1lzitii quoted there includes Rama,
Atreya and Kapila in the list.
Again, from each vyuha three subsidiary vyuhas are said to
appear. Thus from Vasudeva we have, Kesava, Narayal)a, and
l\'ladliava; from Saf!lkar~al)a arise Govinda, Vi~I)u and Mad-
husudana; from Pradyumna arise Trivikrama, Vamana and Sridhara,
and from Aniruddha arise Hr~ikesa, Padmanabha and Damodara.
These are regarded as the deities superintending each month,
representing the twelve suns in each of the riisis. These gods are
conceived for purposes of meditation. In addition to these, thirty-
nine vibhava (manifesting) avataras (incarnations) also are counted
in the Ahirbudlznya-Sa1J1hitii3 • The objects for which these incarna-
tions are made are described by Varavara as, firstly, for giving com-
1 mad-icchayii hi gau7Jatva7p. manu$yatvam ive' cchayii . .. a-priikrta-svii-siidhiir-

a7Ja-vigrahe7Ja saha niigatam . . . gau1Jasya manu$yat,·ii-divad apriikrta-divya-

saf!ZSlhiinam itara-jiitlym_n krtvii avatiira-rupatvii-bhiiviit sva-rupe1JG nii' gatam iti
siddham. Tattva-traya, p. 130.
priidurbhiiviis tu mukhyii ye mad-arrdatviid viie$atal;
ajahat-n•abhiivii vibhavii divyii-priikrta-vigrahiib
mpiid dlpii i"L•otpannii jagato rak$1J.1)iiya te
arcyii eva hi seneia sarrlSrty-uttarar,ziiya te
mukhyii upiisyiib senesa anarcyiin itariin vidulz.
Ibid. p. 131.
3 Ahirbudhnya-sa7p.hitii, p. 46. According to the Vi$vaksena-sarrthitii all the

avatiiras have come straight from Aniruddha or through other avatiiras. Thus
Brahman comes from Aniruddha and from him l\'lahdvara; Hayasir!jla comes
from 1\Iatsya, a manifestation of Kp;>l).a. According to the Padma-tantra, Matsya,
Kurma and Varaha come from Vasudeva, Nrsi111ha, Vamana, Srirama, and
Parasurama from Saqlkar!;lal).a, Balarama from Pradyumna and Kr!;>Qa and Kalki
from Aniruddha (Padma-tantra, 1. 2. 31, etc.). But according to the Lak$mf-
tantra (11. 55) all the "Libhavas come from Aniruddha. There is another kind of
ovatiira, called arcii"L·atiira. The image of Kr!;lQ.a, Nrsiqlha, etc., when duly conse-
crated according to the V ai$7Java rites, becomes possessed with the power of
Vi!;li).U and attains powers and influences which can be experienced by the devotee
( Vi~vaksena-sarrzhitii, quoted in Tatt"L•a-traya). In the aspect in which Aniruddha
controls all beings as their inner controller, he is regarded as the antaryiimy-
a•vatiira. There are thus four kinds of avatiiras, vibhava, iivesa, arcii and antary-
iimin. The thirty-nine vibhava avatiiras are Padmanabha, Dhruva, Ananta,
The Paiicariitra [cH.
panionship in mundane forms to those saints who cannot live with-
out it, and this is the interpretation of the word paritriir.za (protec-
tion) in the Gitii; secondly, for destroying those who are opposed
to the saints; thirdly, for establishing the Vedic religion, the
essence of which is devotion to God 1 •
In the form as antaryiimin, or the inner controller, the Lord
resides in us as the inner controller of the self, and it is through His
impulsion that we commit evil deeds and go to Hell or perform
good deeds and go to Heaven. Thus we cannct in any way escape

Saktyatman, Madhusudana, Vidyi:idhideva, Kapila, Visvarupa, Vihangama,

Kroc;latman, Vac;lavavaktra, Dharma, Vagisvara, Ekan:tavasayin, Kamathdvara,
Varaha, Narasirp.ha, Piyli!?ahararya, Sripati, Kantli.tman, Rahujit, Kalanemighna,
Parijatahara, Lokanatha, Santatman, Dattatreya, Nyagrodhasayin, Ekasrngatanu,
Vamanadeva, Trivikrama, Nara, Narayarya, Hari, Kr~rya, Parasurama, Rama,
Vedavid, Kalkin, Patalasayana. They are of the nature of tejas and are objects of
worship and meditation in their specific forms, as described in the Siitvata-
sa"!lhitii (xn), or in the Ahirbudhya-sa7p.hitii (Lxvl). In the Narayaryiya section of
the Mahiibhiirata Vihangama or Harp.sa, Kamathesvara or Kurma, Ekasrngatanu
or Matsya, Varaha, Nrsirp.ha, Vamana, Parasurama, Rama, Vedavid and Kalkin
are mentioned as the ten avatiiras. The avatiira Kroc;latman, Lokanatha and
Kantatman are sometimes spoken of as Y ajiia Vari:iha, Manu Vaivasvata and
Kama respectively. The latter is sometimes spoken of probably as Dhanvantari
(see Schrader's Paiicararra, p. 45). The twenty-three avatiiras spoken of in the
Bhiigavata-purii')a (1. 3) are all included in the above list. It is, however, doubtful
whether Yagisvara is the same as Hayasir~a. and Santatman as Sanaka or Narada,
as Schrader says. The vibhava-avatiiras mentioned in Rupa's Laghu-bhiigavatii-
"!lrta are mostly included in the above list, though some names appear in slightly
different form. Following the Brahma-sa"!lhitii, Rupa, however, regards Kr~rya
as the real form (svaya'!l-rfipa) of God. According to him, being one with God,
He may have His manifestations in diverse forms. This is called avatiira as
ehiitma-rfipa. This ekiitma-rfipa-avatiira may again be of two kinds, sva-viliisa
and svii-7!Zsa. When th~ avatiira is of the same nature as the Lord in powers and
other qualities, He is called a s•oii'!lsii-vatiira. Thus, Vasudeva is called a sva-
viliisa-avatiira. But when the avatiira has inferior powers, He is called a ivii-"!lia-
avatiira. Sarp.kar~arya, Pradyumna, Aniruddha, Matsya, Kurma, etc., are thus
called svii-"!l~·a-a•vatiira. When God, however, infuses one only with parts of His
qualities, he is called an iiveia-avatiira. Narada, Sanaka, etc., are called iivesa-
avatiiras. The manifestation of the Lord in the above forms for the good of the
world is called avatiira.
pfirvo-kta-·viiva-kiiryii-rthiim a-pfirvii iva cet svayam
dviirii-ntaretJa vii' vil:z-syur avatiiriis tadii smrtii/:z
Laghu-bhiigavatiimrta, p. 22.
The a1!ZSii'f:atiira is sometimes called puru$iivatiira, while the manifestation of
special qualities as in Brahma, Vi~ryu, Siva, etc., is called gutJiivatiiras. The
vibhaviivatiiras are generally regarded as tiliivatiiras; vide also Siitvata-sa7p.hitii,
Ch. IX (77-84) and Ch. xn.
Tattva-traya, p. 138. The word siidhu is here defined as "nirmatsarii/:z
mat-samii.(raya')e pravrttiil:z man-niima-karma-svarfiPii'Jii"!l viiil-manasii-gocaratayii
mad-darsanena vinii iitma-dhiira')a-po1aniidikam alabhamiinii/:z k~a')a-miitra-kiila"!l
kalpa-sahasra"!l manviiniil:z praSithila-sarva-giitrii bhaveyul:z."
XVI) Philosophy of the Ahirbudhnya-sa1Jlhita
from this inner controller. In another of His forms He stays within
our heart as the object of our meditation 1 • Again, when certain
images are made of earth, stone, or metals, and they are properly
installed with proper ceremonials, these are inspired with the pre-
sence of God and with His special powers. These are called
arcavataras, or image-incarnations, for purposes of worship by
which all desirable ends may be achieved. There are thus five kinds
of existence for the Lord: firstly as his absolute state (para),
secondly as vyuha, thirdly as vibhavavatara (primary and secondary),
fourthly as antaryamin, and fifthly as arcavatara2 •
In the Ahirbudhnya-sa'!lhita we hear also that by the power of
sudarsana, or the divine Idea (by the activity of which the vyiiha
forms are produced), a divine location is produced which is of the
nature of knowledge and bliss radiant with its (sudarsana's) glow.
All the experiences that are enjoyed here are blissful in their nature,
and the denizens of this transcendent spiritual world who ex-
perience them are also blissful in their nature, and their bodies are
constituted of knowledge and bliss 3 • The denizens of this world are
souls emancipated in the last cycle. They remain attached, how-
ever, to the form of the deity to which they were attached in the
mundane life4 •
The Lord in the highest form is always associated with His
power (Sakti) Lak~mi or Sri5 • In the Tattva-traya and its com-
mentary by Varavara we hear of three consort deities, Lak~mi,
Bhiimi and Nila. Schrader points out that these deities are
identified (in the Vihagendra-sa'!lhita and in the Sita-upani~ad)
with will (iccha), action (Kriya), and the direct manifesting power
(sak~at-sakti). In the Sita-upani~ad, to which Schrader refers,
Sita is described as the Mahalak~mi which exists in the three forms,
iccha, jiiana and kriya. Sita is there regarded as the power which
exists different from, and as one with, the supreme Lord, consti-
tuting within herself all the conscious and unconscious entities of
the universe. It exists also in three forms as Lak~mi, Bhiimi and
Tattvo-traya, 139, 140.
2 See quotation from Vi~aksena-sa7[lhita quoted in Tattva-traya, p. 122.
suddhii purvodita sr~!ir yii sa vyuha-di-bhedin'f
sudarsana-khyiit sa7[lkalpiit tasya eva prabho-jjvala.
jiiiinanandamay'f styiinii desa-bhava7Jl vrajaty' uta
sa desal:z parama7Jl vyoma nirma[a7fl pu~iit param, etc.
Ahirbudhnya-sa7[lhita, VI. 21-22.
t Ibid. VI. 29. Ibid. \'I. 25.
The Paiicariitra [cH.
Ni:la, as benediction, power, and as the Sun, the ~loon and Fire.
The third form is responsible for the development of all kinds of
vegetation and all temporal determinations 1 •
In the sixth chapter of the Alzirbudlmya-sa'!zlzita the inter-
mediate creation is described. It is said there that the power of
God as the supreme ego is at once one and different from Him. The
Lord cannot exist without His power nor can the power exist with-
out Him. These two are regarded as the ultimate cause of the world.
The manifestations that are revealed as the 'lyiilzas and the 'l·ibhm.·as
are regarded as pure, for through their meditations the yogins attain
their desired enJ~. From the vyiiha and the 'l·iblza'l·a proceed the
impure creation (Suddlzetarii-sr~ti) 2 • Power is of two kinds, i.e.
power as activity, and power as determinants of being or existence
( bhiiti-:,!af<ti). This bhiiti-sakti may be regarded as a moving Idea
(sm!zkalpamayi miirti). The process of activity inherent in it may be
reg:uded as manifesting itself in the form of ideas or concepts
actualizing themselves as modes of reality. The impure creation is
of a threefold nature as puru~a, gu~a and kala (time). Purzt~a is re-
garded as a unity or colony of pairs of males and females of the four
castes, and these four pairs emanate from the mouth, breast, thighs
and legs of Pradyumna. From the forehead, eyebrows, and ears of
Pradyumna also emanate the subtle causal state of time and the
gu~as (siik~ma-kala-gu~ti-'l·astlza). After the emanation of these
entities the work of their growth and development was left to
Aniruddha, who by the fervour of his Yoga evoh·ed the original
element of time in its twofold form as kala and ni'yati. lie also
evolved the original energy as gu~za into the three forms of sativa,

Certain peculiar interpretations of the iccha-sakti, kriya-sakti and siik$iit-
sakti are to be found in the Sitii-upwzi$ad. The Satvata-sm.nhihi (IX. 85) describes
twelve other energies such as
lah$ml!z, pus[ir, daya nidrii, k5ama, kantis sarasratl,
dlzrtir maitrl ratis lU$!ir matir d'L·adasiiml smrtii.
See also Schrader's Introduction to Pancaratra, p. 55· The theory of these
energies is associated with the m:atara theory.
Schrader, on the evidence of Padma-tautra, says that god as para or ulti-
mate is sometimes identified with and sometimes distinguished from the 1.-yiilza
Vasudeva. The para Vasude\·a becomes ?.:yiiha Vasude\·a with His one half and
remains as Narayarya, the creator of the primeval water (maya). Pancaratra,
p. 53·
bhiiti!z suddhetara vip_wb puru$0 dvi-caturmaya!z
sa maminam samiihiiro brahma-ksattriidi-bhediniim.
. . .Ahirbudlmya-sw_nhita, VI. 8-9.
XVI) Philosophy of the Ahirbudhnya-sa'!lhitii 43
rajas and lamas in succession, i.e. the original primeval energy as
gu'!la (called sometimes prakrli in cognate literature) was first
evolved into sativa gu'!la; from it evolved the rajas, and from the
rajas evolved the lamas. This original undevelopedgu'!la produced
from Pradyumna (which, in other words, may be termed prakrli)
receives impregnation from the fervour of Aniruddha, and thereby
evolves itself first into sativa, then into rajas, and then into
lamas. This doctrine can therefore be regarded as sal-kiirya-viida
only in a limited sense; for without this further impregnation from
the fervour of Aniruddha, it could not by itself have produced the
different gu'!las of sativa, rajas and lamas 1 •
Aniruddha, however, was directed by Pradyumna not only to
develop the unconscious power (sakli) but also the puru~a which
exists as it were inside that power, which shows itself as niyali
(destiny) and kala (time). From the unconscious power as destiny
and time evolves first the sativa and from it the rajas and from the
rajas the lamas. According to the V#vaksena-sa1(lhilii, Aniruddha
created Brahma and Brahma created all the men and women of the
four castes 2 •
Buddhi evolves from lamas and from that aha1J1kiira and from
that evolve the five lan-miilras, and also the eleven senses. From
the five lan-miilras the five gross elements are produced, and from
these, all things, which are the modifications of the gross elements.
The word puru~a is used here in a special sense, and not in the
ordinary Sarp.khya sense. Pur~a here signifies a colony of selves,
like cells in a honeycomb3 • These selves are associated with the
beginningless viisaniis or root-impressions. They are but the special
antabstha-pUYU$G'!l sakti'!l tiim iidiiya SfJa-milrti-gii'!l
somvardhayati yogena hy qnirudhalz sva-tejasii.
Ahirbudhnya-sa'!lhitii, VI. 14.
1 The Vi~vaksena-sa'!lhitii criticizes in this connection the Vec!ic people, who

did not believe in the monotheistic God but depended on the Vedic sacrificial
rituals and work for the attainment of Heaven and ultimately fell down to the
course of mundane life (sa7!1Siira) :
trayl-miirge~u ni~t~iitilb phala-tJiide ramanti te
deviidfn eva manviinii na cu miim menire param
tamalz-prtiytis tv ime kecin mama nindii'!l prakurvate
sa'!lliipo'!l kurt.•ate vyagra7!1 veda-vtide~u ni~thitiifz
mti'!l na jiinanti mohena mayi bhakti-pariinmukhiifz
svargii-di~u ramonty ete at.·asiine patanti te.
Tattva-traya, p. 128.
sarvtitmanti'!l sama~[ir yii koso madhu-krtiim iva.
Ahirbudhnya-Sa1fthitii, VI. 33·
44 The Paiicariitra [ Cll.

manifestations (blzuti-bhediil}) of (;od and arc in themselves omni-

scient; hut they arc permeated by a'l-·id_vii (ignorance) and the
affiictions which arc involved in its very nature, through the power
of God acting in consonance with I lis thought-movcment 1. Thc:~c
selves thus rendered impure and finite arc calledji'Z:as, and it is they
who thus suffer bondage and strive for salvation, which they after-
wards attain. The puru~a, being made up of these selves (ji'Z:as),
which are impure, is also partly impure, and is therefore regarded
as both pure and impure (iuddhy-asuddhimaya, YI. 34). This puru~a
contains within it the germs of all human beings, which are called
manus. 'They arc in themselves untouched hy afflictions (klesa) and
the root-impression (iisaya), and are omniscient and impregnated
through and through by God. Their association with au.dyii
through the will of God is therefore external. The germ of the
caste-distinction and distinction as male and female is regarded as
primordial and transcendent (compare puru~w-siikta), and the dis-
tinction is said to exist even in these manus which arc said to he
divided in four pairs. The m·idyii imitates the spiritual movement
of thought, and through it the individual seh es, though pure in
themseh·es, are besmeared with the impurities of root-impressions.
These seh·es remain in the stage of conglomeration or association
through the desire of Yi~z:1u, the Lord, and this stage is called puru~w
(puru~a-padaf". They are made to appear and disappear from the
nature of God. Being a manifestation of I lis own nature, they are
uncreated, eternally exist~ng, entities which are the parts of the
very existence (bhiity-m!ISG~l) of God.
Through the impulse or motivation of the thought-acti,·ity of
God, an energy (sah.ti) is generated from :\niruddha. :\Im·ed again
by the desire of God, the aforesaid mam1s descend into this energy
and remain there as a de,·eloping foetus (ti~~~!~wnti kalalibhiihi~l, n.
45). The energy of Yi~z:1u is of a twofold nature, as dynamic
activity (kr(wikh_va) and as determining being (hluiti), the latter
being the result of the former-3. This dynamic activity is different

iitmano bhi"iti-hhediis te Stlna-jiiiib sar?:ato-mulduib

hlwRm:ac-chakti-mayai'l'll'!' manda-tf'l·riith-hlui'l'ayti
sar'i.·ato'1.·idyayii 'l·iddh~l~l klei~mayii ·'l·asfkrll"ib .
. --1/zirbudhnya-sm!lhitii, VI. 35, 36.
1.·i~~wb sa'!lkalpa-ri"ipn;a sthit'l'lismin pauru~e pade. !hid. \"I. 41.
/.:r('riikhyn yu'yam rmme~ab sa Mu"iti-pari?·artakab. Ibid. \"l. 29.
XVI) Philosophy of the Ahirbudhnya-sa~nhita 45
from God, the possessor of this energy. It is designated variously
Lak~mi and desire (sa1J2kalpa) or free will (svatantrya-mula icchatma).
This will operates as an intellectual visualization (pre~a-riipab
kriya-phalal;), which again produces the other manifestations of
God as avyakta, kala and purzqa. At the time of each creatioa He
associates the avyakta with the evolutionary tendencies, the kala
with its operative movement (kalana) and the puru~a with all kinds
of experiences. At the time of dissolution these powers are with-
In the foetus-like condition of the manus in the energy (Sakti)
of God there exist the entities of gur.za and kala. Through the opera-
tion of the supreme energy or will of God ( V ip_zu-smrzkalpa-codita~z)
there springs up from time-energy (ktila-sakti) the subtle Destiny
(niyati), which represents the universal ordering element (sarva-
niytimakal;). The time andgu~a exist in the womb of the sakti. The
conception of this sakti is thus different from that of prakrti of the
Sarp.khya-Patailjal~ in that the gur.zas are the only root-elements,
and time is conceived as somehow included in the operation of the
gu~as. As the 11iyati is produced from the time-energy, the manus
descend into this category. Later on there springs from niyati, time
(kala) through the will of God, and then the manus descend again
into this category 1 • It has already been said that the kala energy
and gu~a are co-existing clements in the primordial sakti of God.
Now this gu~a-potcntial manifests itself in a course of gradual
emergence through time. As the sattva-gu~a first manifests itself
through time, the manus descend into that category and later on,
with the emergence of rajas from sattva and of tamas from rajas,
they descend into the rajas and the tamas. The emergence of rajas
from sattva and of tamas from rajas is due to the operation of the
will-activity of God (vi~r.zu-sa1J2kalpa-coditiit). Though the will-
dynamic of Vi~Q.U is both immanent and transcendent throughout
the process of succeeding emergents, yet Vi~I).U is regarded as
specially presiding over sattva, Brahma over rajas, and Rudra over
tamas. Tamas is regarded as heavy (guru), agglutinative (vi~tam-
1 In describing the process of dissolution it is said that at one stage the uni-
verse exists only as time (kala). The energy manifested in time (kala-gata-
sakti~z) is called kala, and it is this energy that moves all things or behaves as the
transformer of all things (ase~a-prakalini). Ahirbudhnya-sa'!lhita, IV. 48. Time
is described also as the agent that breaks up all things, just as the violence of
a river breaks its banks: Kalayaty akhila1Jl kalya1Jl nam-kz1la1Jl yatha rayalz.
Ibid. VI. 5 I.
The Paiicariitra [cH.

bhana), delusive (mohana) and statical (apra'l·rttimat); rajas is

always moving and sorrowful; sativa is described as light, trans-
parent and devoid of impurities or defects and pleasurable 1. \Vith
the development of the three gu!las through the will of God, a part
of these gu1}aS attains sameness of character, and this part is the
unity of the three gu!laS (traigu!lya), the equilibrium of gu!laS (gu1}a-
siimya), ignorance (avidyii), nature (svabhiiva), cause (yoni), the
unchangeable (ak~ara), the causeless (ayoni), and the cause as gu1}a
This participation in equal proportions (anyuniinatirikta) of the
gu!las in a state of equilibrium (gu!la-siimya), which is essentially
of the nature of tamas (tamomaya), is called the root (mula) and the
prakrti by the Sarpkhyists, and the manus descending into that
category by gradual stages are known by the names conglomeration
(sama~ti), purzt~a, the cause (yoni), and the unchangeable (kutastha).
The category of time, which is the transforming activity of the
world (jag at a~ saf!Zprakalanom ), associates and dissociates the
puru~a and the prakrti for the production of the effects. The thought
power of God, however, works through the tripartite union of time,
prakrti and the manus, behaving as the material cause, like a lump
of clay, and produces all the categories beginning with mahat to the
gross elements of earth, water, etc. Like water or clay, the prakrti
is the evolutionary or material cause, the puru~a is the unchangeable
category that contributes to the causal operation merely by its con-
tiguity3. The category of time is the internal dynamic pervading the
prakrti and the puru~a. The trinity of prakrti, puru~a and kala is the
basis for the development of all the succeeding categories. In this
satt't·m_rz tatra Laghu s'l:accha'!l gu~za-ri""ipam aniimayam. Ahirbudhnya-smJzhitii,
n. 52; tad etat pracalm!l dubkhm!Z rajal:z sas'l·at prm:rttimat. Ibid. VI. 57; guru
'l·i~[amhlumwn ias't·mz mohmw'!z ciiprm·rttimat. Ibid. \'1. 6o.
sudarsmwmayeuai''L·a sw!zlwlpenii'tra 'l·ai han'b
codyamiine'pi sr~!y-arthm!l pi""irtpl1!l gu~za-yugll'!l tadii
W!ISata(t siimyam iiy.iti 'l:i~~lU-SCl1JZkalpa-coditam. Ibid. \'1. 61-62.
The passage is somewhat obscure, m so far as it is difficult to understand how
the gu~ws become partially (m!zsatab) similar. The idea probably is that, when the
gu~ws are moved forward for creati\·e purposes, some parts of these gw:zas fail to
show their distinctin! features, and show themselves as similar to one another.
In this stage the specific characters of only these e·volving gu~ws are annulled, and
they appear as one with lamas. The proportion of sall'l.:a that appears to be
similar to lamas is also the proportion in which tamas becomes similar to rajas.
payo-mrd-iidi't·at tatra prakrtib pari'}iimi1ll
pumiin apari~ziiml san smmidhiinena kii1a1Jam
kiilal:z pacati tatt'l.·e du prakrti1,n puru~m!Z ca ha. Ibid. \"II. s, 6.
XVI] Philosophy of the Ahirbudhnya-sa1J1hita 47
trinity prakrli is the evolutionary cause that undergoes the trans-
formation, puru~a, though unmoved in itself, is that which by its
very presence gives the occasion for the transformation, and time
is the inner dynamic that behaves as the inner synthetic or struc-
tural cause. But these causes in themselves are not sufficient to
produce the development of the trinity. The trinity is moved to de-
velop on the evolutionary line by the spiritual activity of God.
Puru~a is regarded as the adhi~tluina-kara1}a, kala as the principle
of inner activity, and the spiritual activity of God as the transcendent
and immanent agent in which the causal trinity finds its funda-
mental active principle. As the first stage of such a development
there emerges the category of mahal, which is called by different
names, e.g. vidya, gaub, yavani, briihmi, vadhu, vrddhi, mali,
madhu, akhyali, isvara, and prajnii. According to the prominence
of lamas, sativa and rajas, the category of mahal is known by three
different names, kala, buddhi and pra1}a, in accordance with the
moments in which there are special manifestations of lamas, sativa
and rajas 1 • Gross tin1e as moments, instants or the like, the in-
telligizing activity of thought (buddhi) and the volitional activity
(pra1}a) may also be regarded as the tripartite distinction of malzal2 •
There seems to be a tacit implication here that the activity implied
in both thought and volition is schematized, as it were, through
time. The unity of thought and volition is effected through the
element of time; for time has been regarded as the kalana-karm;a,
or the structural cause. The sativa side of the mahal manifests itself
as virtue (dharma), knowledge (jfiana), disinclination (vairagya),
and all mental powers (aisvarya). The opposite of these is associated
with that moment of mahal which is associated with the manifesta-
tion of lamas.
With the evolution of the mahal the manus descend into it.
From the mahal and in the mahal there spring the senses by which
the objects are perceived as existent or non-existent3 • Again, from
and in the mahal there springs the ahat{lkara through the influence

kiilo buddhis tathii prii1_1a iti tredhii sa glyate

tamal:z-sattva-rajo-bhediit tat-tad-unme$a-sanjiiayii.
Ahirbudhnya-sa'!lhitii, VII. 9·
kiilas tru#-laviidy iitmii buddhir adhyavasiiyinl
prii1}Q/:z prayataniikiira ity' etii mahato bhidiil:z. Ibid. vn. I I.
bodhana1p nama vaidya'!l tadindriya7Jl le$U jiiyate
yeniirthiin adlzyavasyeyul:z sad-asat-pravibhiiginal:z. Ibid. VII. I4.
The Paiicariitra [cH.

of the spiritual energy of God 1• This aha'!zkiira is also called by the

names of abhimiina, prajiipati, abhimantii and boddhii. The ahm!l-
kiira is of three kinds, vaikiirika, taijasa and bhutiidi, in accordance
with the predominance of sattva, rajas or tamas. The aha'!lkiira
manifests itself as will, anger, greed, mind (manas), and desire
( tr~ii). \Vhen the ahm!lkiira is produced, the manus descend into it.
From aha'!lkiira there is then produced the organ of thinking
(cintaniitmakam indr(vam) of the manus called ma11as. It is at this
stage that the manus first become thinking entities. From the tamas
side of aha'!zkiira as hhiitiidi there is produced the sabda-tan-miitra,
from which the iikiisa is produced. Akiisa is associated with the
quality of sabda and gives room for all things. Ahiisa is thus to be
regarded as unoccupied space, which is supposed to he associated
with the quality of sound 2 • \Vith the emergence of iikiisa the manus
descend into that category. From the vaikiirika aha'!lkiira there
spring the organs of hearing and of speech 3 • The manus at this stage
become associated with these senses. Then from the bhutiidi, by
the spiritual desire of God, the touch-potential is produced, and
from this is produced the air ('Z-·iiyu). By the spiritual desire of God
the sense-organ of touch and the active organ of the hand are pro-
duced from the vaikiirika aha~nkiira. At this stage the manus be-
come associated with these two receptive and active senses. From
the bhiitiidi there is then produced the light-heat potential from
which is produced the gross light-heat. Again, from the vaikiirika
aha'!lkiira the visual organ and the active organ of the feet are pro-
duced, and the manus are associated with them. From the bhiitiidi
the taste-potential is produced, and from it is produced water.
Further, from the vaikiirilw aha'!lkiira there is produced the taste-
organ and the sex-organ, and the manus are associated with them.
From the bhutiidi th~re is produced the odour-potential and from
it the earth. Also, from the 'l.'aiklirika aha~nkiira there arises the
cognitive sense of smelling and the active sense of secretion. The
manus at this stage descend into this category through the spiritual
creative desire of God 4 •

1 •cidyayii udare tatriihm!lkrtir nama jiiyate. Ahirbudlmya-sa'!lhitii, VII. 15.

:! sabdai'-ka-wu.zam iikiisam avakiisapradiiyi ca. Ibid. VII. 22.
tadii 'l'CliHiirikiit puna~ srotraf!l Viig iti vijniina-karme-ndriya-yugaf!l munl'.
Jhid. VII. 23-24.
Ibid. VII. 39 • ..J.O.
XVI] Philosophy of the Ahirbudhnya-sa1Jlhitii 49
The process of development herein sketched shows that one
active sense and one cognitive sense arise together with the develop-
ment of each category of matter, and with the final development of
all the categories of matter there develop all the ten senses (cog-
nitive and conative) in pairs. In the chapter on the gradual dissolu-
tion of the categories we see that with the dissolution of each cate-
gory of matter a pair of senses also is dissolved. The implication of
this seems to be that there is at each stage a co-operation of the
material categories and the cognitive and conative senses. The selves
descend into the different categories as they develop in the pro-
gressive order of evolution, and the implication of this probability
is that the selves, having been associated from the beginning with
the evolution of the categories, may easily associate themselves with
the senses and the object of the senses. When all the categories of
matter and the ten senses are developed, there are produced the
function of imagination, energy of will (sa1J1rambha), and the five
prii1_Zas from manas, aha1J1kiira and buddhi; and through their de-
velopment are produced all the elements that may co-operate to-
gether to form the concrete personality 1 . The order followed in the
process of development in evolution was maintained in an inverse
manner at the time of dissolution.
The above-mentioned manus produce in their wives many
children, who are called miinavas. They in their turn produce many
other children who are called the new miinavas, or the new men, in
all the four castes. Those among them who perform their work for
.a hundred y~ars with true discriminative knowledge enter into the
supreme person of Hari. Those, however, who perform their karmas
with motives of reaping their effects pass through rebirths in
consonance with their actions. As has been said before, the manus
may be regarded as the individuated forms of the original kiitastha
puru~a. All thejivas are thus but parts of Vi~Qu's own self-realizing
being (bhuty-a1J1sa). Now the prakrti, which is also called vidyii,
sa'!lkalpai caiva sa7Jlrambha!z priitzii!z pancavidhiis tathii
manaso'ha'!lkrter buddher jiiyante purvam eva tu
eva'!l sampurna-sarvariga!z priitziipiiniidi-sa'!lyutiifz
sarve-ndriya-yutiis tatra dehino manavo mune.
Ahirbudhnya-sa'!lhitii, VII. 42, 43·
Thus from bhutiidi, acting in association with taijasa aha1!fkiira, are produced
successively the five tan-miitras of iabda, sparia, rupa, rasa and gandha, from each
of which in the same order are produced the five bhutas of iikiiia, viiyu, tejas,
ap and Prthivl. Again, from the associated work of taijasa and vaikarika
aha'!lkiira there are produced the five cognitive and conative senses.
Dill 4
so The Paiicardtra [cH.

and which at the time of the creative process showers itself as rain
and produces the food-grains, and which at the beginning of the
dissolution shows itself as a drying force, begins to manifest itself
as showering clouds and produces the food-grains. By consuming
the food thus produced by nature n1en fall from their original state
of perfect knowledge (jfiiina-bhra1J1Sa'f!l prapadyante). At such a
stage the original manus produce the scriptures for the guidance of
those men who have fallen from their original omniscience.
Thence me'l can only attain their highest goal by following the
guidance of the scriptures 1 . It thus appears that the power of
Vi~Qu as consciousness, bliss and action splits itself into t\vofold
form as the realizing activity and the object, called respectively the
bhiivaka and the bhiivya. The former is the thought-activity of the
Lord and the latter is that part of Him which manifests itself as the
object of this activity. This leads to the pure and the impure crea-
tion. The kutastha puru~a of the four manus stands intermediate
between the pure and the impure creation2 • There is nothing what-
soever outside the sphere of the Sudarsana sakti of the Lord.
On the central question of the relation of God with the jivas the
general view of the Paiicaratra, as well as that of the Alzirbudlmya,
seems to be that at the time of dissolution they return to God
and remain in a potential form in Him, but again separate out at the
time of the new creation. At the time of emancipation, however,
they enter into God, never to come out of Him. But though they
enter into Him, they do not become one with Him, but have an
independent existence in Him or enter into the abode of Yi~l)u, the
VaikuJJtlza, which is often regarded as identical with Him. This is
probably a state of what is found in many places described as the
siilokya-mukti. In the fourteenth chapter of the Ahirbudhnya-
sa'f!lhitii mukti is described as the attainment of Godhood (bhaga-
*lJattii-mayi mukti, or vainzava~n tad 'l-'iset padam )3. The means by
tat tu vaidya1Jl paya}; priisya sarve miinava-mana·vii};
jiiiina-bhra1Jlsa1Jl prapadyante sarva-jliii~z svata eva te.
Ahirbudlmya-smtthitii, VII. 61, 62.
Compare this with the Jewish Christian doctrine of the fall of man, as suggested
by Schrader's introduction to the Pancaratra, p. 78.
a'!lsayo}; puru~o madhye ya}; stlzital; sa catur-yugab
iuddhe-tara-maya7Jl 'L·iddhi kil!astha1Jl tm.n mahii-mune. Ibid. VII. 70.
Compare the view of the GaU<J.iya school, which regards the jlva as the tatastlzii
sakti of God, which is between the antarmigii and the 'L'ahirmigii sakti. .
Ibid. XIV. 3, 4 and 41.
XVI] Philosophy of the Ahirbudhnya-sa1{lhitti
which mukti can be attained is said to be a virtuous course of action
without seeking any selfish ends 1 • Thejivas are described as begin-
ningless, infinite, and as pure consciousness and bliss, and as being
largely of the nature of God (bhagavanmaya); but still they are
described as owing their existence to the spiritual energy of God
(bhagavad-bhavital:z sada) 2• This idea is further clarified when it is
said that side by side with the bhiivya and the bhiivaka powers of
God we have a third power called the pu'f!l-sakti, of which we hear
in the Gila as K~etrajiia-sakti and in the Gau~liya school as tatastha
sakti3 • Apart from the three powers of God as creation, mainte-
nance and destruction, He has a fourth and a fifth power called
favour (anugraha) and disfavour (nigraha). The Lord is, of course,
self-realized and has no unachieved end, and has absolutely unim-
peachable independence; but still in His playful activity He acts
like a king just as He wishes4 • This idea of krirjii is repeated in the
Gaurjiya school as lila. All these activities of His are but the dif-
ferent manifestations of His thought-activity called sudarsana. In
His own playful activity as disfavour He covers up the natural con-
dition of the jiva, so that in place of His infinitude, he appears as
atomic, in place of His omnipotence, he can do but little, in place
of His omniscience, He becomes largely ignorant and possesses but
little knowledge. These are the three impurities and the three types
of bondage. Through this covering activity the jiva is afflicted with
ignorance, egoism, attachment, antipathy, etc. Being afflicted by
ignorance and the passions, and being goaded by the tendency to-
wards achieving the desirable and avoiding the undesirable, He
performs actions leading to beneficial and harmful results. He thus
undergoes the cycle of birth and rebirth, and is infested with dif-
ferent kinds of root-instincts (vasana). It is through the power of
this bondage and its requirements that the powers of creation,
maintenance and destruction are roused and made active to arrange
for rewards and punishments in accordance with the karmas of the
jivas. As proceeding from the very playful nature of God, which
precedes time (kala), and is beginningless, the bondage also is said
to be beginningless. The above description of bondage as happening
siidhana7Jl tasya ca prokto dharmo nirabhisandhikal;l.
Ahirbudhnya-sa7Jlhitii, XIV, 4·
Ibid. 3 pu7JZ-sakti/:l kiilamayy anyii pumiin so'yam udirital;l. Ibid. XIV. 10.
sarvair an-anuyojya7JZ tat sviitantrya7JZ divyam zSitu/:l
aviipta-viiva-kiimo'pi kru!ate riijavad vasz. Ibid. XIV. 13.
52 The Paiicariitra [cH.
at some time through a process of fall from original nature is by way
of analysis of the situation. Through the power of God as anugraha,
or grace, God stops the course of karma for a jiva on whose con-
dition of sorrow and suffering He happens to take pity. \Yith the
cessation of the good and bad deeds and their beneficent and harm-
ful results through the grace of God the jiva looks forward to
emancipation and is moved by a feeling of disinclination and begins
to have discriminative knowledge. He then turns to scriptures and
to teachers, follows the course of action dict;Ited by Sarpkhya and
Yoga, and attains the Vedantic knowledge, finally to enter the
ultimate abode of Yi~t:tu.
Lak~mi is regarded as the ultimate eternal power of Yi~t:tu, and
she is also called by the names Gauri, Sarasvati and Dhenu. It is
this supreme power that manifests itself as Sarpkar~al).a, Pradyumna
and Aniruddha. Thus, these separate powers are observable only
when they manifest themselves, but even when they do not mani-
fest themselves they exist in God as His great supreme power
Lak~mi. It is this Lak~mi that is called Brahma, Yi~I).U, or Siva.
The vyakti, avyakti, puru~a and kiila or siiiJlkhya and yoga are all
represented in the Lak~mi. Lak~mi is the ultimate supreme power
into which all the others resolve themselves. As distinct from the
other manifested powers it is often called the fifth power. The
emancipated person enters into this Lak~mi, which is regarded as
the highest abode of Yi~t:tu (para!Jl dhiima or parama~n padam), or
the highest Brahman. This power (sakti) is also regarded as having
an inner feeling of bliss; and yet it is of the nature of bliss, and is
designated as the bhiiva form of Yi~I).U and also as the ujfl:ala
(shining). This sakti is also regarded as discharging the five func-
tions (pmica-krtya-karz) of creation, maintenance, destruction,
grace and disfavour mentioned above. Brahman, as associated with
this sakti, is called the highest Yi~I).U as distinguished from the
lower Yi~I).U, the god of maintenance. This sakti is always in a state
of internal agitation though it may not be observed as such from
outward appearance. This internal agitation and movement are so
subtle that they may appear to be in a state of absolute calmness
like that of the ocean 1 • Thus sakti is also called the miiyii of Yi~l).u 2 •
sadii pratiiyamiinii'pi silk$mair bhiivairalak$aT)ai}_z.
nirvyiipiire1.:a sii bhiiti staimityam iva co' dadhe}_z.
tayai vo'pahita7Jl Brahma nirvikalpa1Jl niraiijanmrz.
Ahirbudhnya-sarrzlu"tii, LI. 49·
mciyii'scarya-karatvena paiica-krtya-karz sadii. Ibid. LI. s8.
XVI) Philosophy of the Ahirbudhnya-sa1Jlhita 53
It is a part of this power that transforms itself as the bhiivya and the
bhiivaka sakti, of which the latter is also known by the name
sudarsana. The bhiivya shows itself as the world, and its objective
import is the world.
The thought-activity by which the concept shows itself in the
ideal and in the objective world as thought and its significance, the
object, is the epitome of the power of Sudarsana. When all the ex-
ternal movement of the objective is ideally grasped in the word, we
have also in it the manifestation of the power of Sudarsana, or the
supreme thought-activity of God. All the causality of the objective
world is but a mode of the manifestation of the Sudarsana power.
Thus not only all the movements of the external world of nature
and the movement implied in speech, but the subjective-objective
movement by which the world is held together in thought and in
speech are the manifestation of the Sudarsana power. All expressions
or manifestations are either in the way of qualities or actions, and
both are manifestations of the Sudarsana power of God. Our words
can signify only these two ways of being. For this reason they refer
only to the Sudarsana, which is attributive to God, but cannot ex-
press the nature of God. Words, therefore, cannot reveal the nature
of God. The word may hold the universe within it as its mystic
symbol and may represent within it all its energies, but, in any case,
though it may engulf within it the whole universe and secure the
merging of the universe in itself and can identify itself with God,
-such identification can only be with the Sudarsana power of God,
and the entrance into God, or the realization of Him through the
word or thought, can only be through the Sudarsana power, which
is a part of Lak~mi. Thus unity with God can only mean union with
Sudarsana, or entrance into Lak~mi 1 •
Adoration (nama~z) means the spontaneous acceptance of the
highest Lord as the master on the part of a man who has achieved
it through a wise enlightenment2 • Superiority (jyiiyiin) consists of
greatness of qualities and existence in earlier time3 • God alone is
superior, and everything else is inferior. The relation between the
latter and the former is that the latter exists for the former or is
dependent on the former. This relation is called (Se~a-se#tii). The
1 Alzirbudhnya-sa1Jzhitii, LI. 69-78.
2 prek~iivatai:z pravrttir yii prahvi-bhiivii-tmikii svatab
uckr~laf!l param uddiiya tan namal.z parigzyate. Ibid. LII. 2.
kiilatu gm;awi caiva prakar~o yatra ti~thati
iabdas ta't{l mukhyayii vrttyii jyiiyiin ity avalambate. Ibid. LII. 4·
54 The Paiicariitra [cH.
relation between the two is that one should be the adorer and the
other the adored (nantr-nanta~'Ya-bhiiva). True adoration is when
such an adoration proceeds naturally as a result of such a relation,
without any other motive or end of any kind-the only idea being
that God is supremely superior to me and I am absolutely inferior
to Him 1 . This process of adoration not only takes the adorer to
God, but also brings God to him. The presence of any motive of
any kind spoils the effectuation of the adoration. This adoration is
the first part of the process of prapatti, or seeking the protection of
God 2 • Now on account of the presence of beginningless root-
impressions (viisanii), and of natural insignificance of power and
association with impurity, man's power of knowledge or wisdom
becomes obstructed; and when a man becomes fully conscious of
such weakness, he acquires the quality of kiirpa1Jya or lowliness.
A feeling or consciousness of one's independence obstructs this
quality of lowliness. The great faith that the supreme God is always
merciful is called the quality of malzii-~·is'l-·iisa. The idea that God is
neutral and bestows His gifts only in proportion to one's deeds
obstructs this quality. The idea that, since He is all-merciful and
all-powerful, He would certainly protect us, produces the quality
of faith in God's prot<:ctive power. The notion that God, being
qualityless, is indifferent to any appeal for protection obstructs this
quality. Acceptance of the Lord as the supreme master whose
commands should on no account be disobeyed produces the quality
of docility (priitikulya-'l-'h·arjana). Service of God in a manner not
prescribed in the scriptures obstructs this quality. The strong re-
solve of the mind to work in accordance with God's wishes, with
the full conviction that the sentient and the non-sentient of the
world are but parts of His nature, produces the quality of sub-
mission. An inimical disposition towards the beings of the world
obstructs this quality. A true adoration (namafz) to God must be
associated with all the aforesaid qualities. 'True adoration must
carry with it the conviction that the sense of possession that we have
in all things, due to beginningless instinctive passions and desires,
is all false, and the adorer should feel that he has neither inde-
pendence nor anything that he may call his own. "::\Iy body, my
upiidhi-rahitenii' ya'!l yena bhiivena cetanab
namati jyiiyase tasmai tad vii namanam uryate.
Ahirbudlznya-SW!Ihitii, LII. 9·
phalepsii tad-·virodhinl. Ibid. LII. 1 5.
XVI] Philosophy of the Ahirbudhnya-sa1Jlhitii 55
riches, my relations do not belong to me, they all belong to God";
such is the conviction that should generate the spirit with which
the adoration should be offered. The adorer should feel that the
process of adoration is the only way through which he can obtain
his highest realization, by offering himself to God and by drawing
God to himself at the same time. The purpose of adoration is thus
the supreme self-abnegation and self-offering to God, leaving no-
thing for oneself. The world comes out of God and yet exists in a
relation of i"'lherence, so that He is both the agent and the material
cause of the world, and the adorer must always be fully conscious
of the greatness of God in all its aspects.
The above doctrine of prapatti, or nyiisa, or sarm.zii-gati, as the
means of winning God's grace, has also been described in Chapter
XXVII and it virtually means the qua!ities just described 1 • sarat_zii-gati
is here defined as prayer for God's help in association with the con-
viction of one's being merged in sin and guilt, together with a belief
in one's ~.bsolute helplessness and a sense of being totally lost with-
out the protecting grace of God 2 • The person who takes to the path
of this prapatti achieves the fruits of all tapas, sacrifices, pilgrimages
and gifts, and attains salvation easily without resorting to any other
methods3. It is further said that 0'1 the part of the devotee following
the path of prapatti all that is necessary is to stick firmly to the
attitude of absolute dependence on God, associated with a sense of
absolute helplessness. He has no efforts to make other than to keep
himself in the prayerful spirit; all the rest is done by God. Prapatti
is thus a upiiya-jiiiina and not a upiiya; for it is a mental attitude
and does not presuppose any action. It is lik\! a boat on which the
pas~enger merely sits, while it is the business of the boatman to
do the rest4 •
sodlui hi veda-viduso vadantv e1tam mahii-mzme
Jn.ukz7lyasya saf!Zkl;lpa!z priitikalv~sya t•arjana1J1.
ra~i~yatl ti t•isviisn goptrva-varm:zarrz tathii.
iitma-1!ik~epa-kiirpm:zye ~a4-vidhii sarm:zii-gatifz.
Ahirbudhnya-sarrzhitii, XXXVII. 27, 28.
aham asmy apariidhiiniim iilayo'kiiicmw' gatifz
tv:am e?"o 'piiyablzz7to me bhave'ti priirtlzanii-matifz.
sarm:ziigatir ity-ukiii sii deve'smin prayujyalii1J1..
/bid. XXXVII. 30, 3 I.
:t /bid. XXXVII. 34 and 35·
atra 11a·ui' ti drnantad upiiya-jiianam eva tu
narer_za krtyam anyat tu nat·ikasye'va taddharefz.
A hirbudhnya-S07Jlhit a.
The Paiicartitra [cH.

Describing the process of pure creation, it is said that at the

time of pralaya all effects are reduced to a dormant state, and there
is no movement of any kind. All the six qualities of the Lord,
namely jiliina, sakti, bala, ai5varya, vlrya and tejas described above,
are in a state of absolute calmness like the sky without a puff of air
in itl. This assemblage of powers in a state of calmness is Lak~ml,
which exists as it were like the very void. From its own spontaneity
it seems to wish to burst forth and turn itself into active opera-
tions. This power of God, though differentiated from Him, may
be regarded as being His very nature. It is only when it thus
comes out in acti~ forms that it can be recognized as power, or
sakti. When embedded in the potential form, it is indistinguish-
able from the Lord Himself. These gu~zas of God should not,
however, he confused with the gu!las of prakrti, which evolve
at a much lower stage in the course of the process of impure
As regards the vyuhas, it is said that Sarpkar~al).a carries in him
the whole universe, as if it were a spot at the parting of the hairs
(tilakiilaka). The universe as it exists in Sarpkar~al)a is still in an
unmanifested form. He is the support of the universe (ase~a­
bhu'Dana-dhara)2. The manus, time and prahrti came out of Prad-
yumna3. It is through the influence of Pradyumna that men are
actuated to perform their work in accordance with the siistras4 •
Aniruddha, also called ::\Iaha-vi~I)u, is the god of power and energy,
and it is through his efforts that the creation and the maintenance
of the world are possible. It is he who makes the world grow5 • It is
through him that the world lives without fear and ultimate sah·ation
is possible. According to Sankara's account Sarpkar~al).a stands for
the individual soul, Pradyumna for manas and Aniruddha for the
Ego (ahat!zkiira) 6 • Such a view is rather rare in the existing Paiica-
ratra literature. In the Virvaksena-saiJlhitii, as quoted in the
Tattva-traya, it is said that Sarpkar~al).a acts as the superintendent
purr;za-stimita-~iitf-gur_zyam asamlrii-m•caro-pamam.
Ahirbudhnya-sa'!lhitii, v. 3·
All the siistras are said to have been produced by Sa111kar~ar;a, and it is in
him that they disappear at the time of pralaya. Ahirbudhnya, LV. 16.
3 4 Ibid. LV. 18. Pradyumna is also called \"ira.
Ibid. VI. 9-12.
There are, however, many conflicting views about these functions of the
different vyuhas. See Lak~ml-tantra, IV. 1 1-:zo, also Virt:aksena-samhitii, as
quoted in the Tattva-traya. ·
Vediinta-siltra, II. :z. 42, Sarikara's commentary.
XVI] Philosophy of the Ahirbudhnya-Sa1Jlhitii 57
of the souls, and Pradyumna is described as manomaya or the mind,
but nothing is said about Aniruddha. In the Laleymi-tantra, VI.
9-14, it is said that Sarpkar~al).a was like the soul, buddhi and manas
and Vasudeva, the playful creative activity. In the V~vaksena­
Sa1fihitii Aniruddha is regarded as the creator of the miira-varga
(pure-impure creation, such as ni'yati), etc., and Sarpkar~al).a is re-
garded as the being who separated the principle of life from nature
and became Pradyumna. But in the Ahi'rbudhnya the difference
between the puru~a and prakrti starts in the Pradyumna stage, and
not in the Sarpkar~al).a stage, and Aniruddha is regarded in the
Ahirbudhnya as the superintendent of the sattva and therethrough
of all that come from it and the manus 1 • According to the Ahi'r-
budhnya Lak~mi is described as the power of God, but according to
U ttara-niiriiyana we have Lak~mi and Bhumi, and according to the
Tattva-traya Lak~mi, Bhumi and Nila. In the Vi'hagendra-
Sa1fihi'tii, 11. 8, these three are regarded as icchii, kri'yii and siileyiit-
sakti of the Devi. In the Sitii-upani'fad also we have the same in-
terpretation, and this is also associated there with V ai'khiinasa
tradition. The Vi'hagendra speaks of the eight saktis of Sudarsana,
kirti, hi, ~·ijayii, sraddhii, smrti, medhii, dhrti and kfamii, and in
the Siitrata-sa1fihi'tii (IX. 85) we hear of the twelve saktis emanating
from the Srivatsa of Vi~Q.U: these are laleymi, pu~#, dayii, nidrii,
/eyamii, kiinti', sarasvatf, dhrti', maitrf, rati, tu~ti and mati.
The Paficaratra is based partly on the Vedic and partly on the
Tantric system 2 • It therefore believes in the esoteric nature of the
mantras. It has already been said that the world has come into
being from the Sudar8ana power; so all the natural, physical and
other kinds of energies and powers of all things in the world are but
manifestation of the Sudarsana. The power of the Sudarsana also
manifests itself in the form of all living beings and of all that is
inanimate, of the course of bondage and also of emancipation.
Whatever is able to produce is to be regarded as the manifestation
of Sudar8ana3 • The mantras are also regarded as the energy of
Ahirbudh,ya-sarrzhitii, VI. 57·
2 veda-tantramayo-dbhuta-niinii-prasavasiilinl. Ibid. VI. 9·
sudarsaniihvayii devf saroa-krtya-karl vibho/;l
tan-mayarrz ·viddhi siimarthyarrz sarvarrz sarva-padiirthaja1Jl
dharmasyiirthasya kiimasya mukter bandha-trayasya ca
yad yat sva-kiirya-siimarthyarrz tat-tat-saudarsanarrz vapul;l.
Ibid. XVI. 4 and 6.
s8 The Paiicariitra [cu.
Viglll as pure consciousness 1 . The first manifestation of this power,
like a long-drawn sound of a bell, is called niida, and it can only he
perceiYed hy the great ~vr~t:ins. The next stage, like a huhhlc on the
ocean, is called hindu. which is the identity of a name and the ob-
jective power denoted by it. The next stage is the evolution of the
objective power (niimy-udaya), which is also called .~·ahda-hrahmmz.
Thus, with the evolution of every alphaht:tic sound there is also
the e\·olution of the ohjccti\-c power of which it is the counterpart.
Ahirhudlmya then goes on to explain the e\·olution of the ditferent
vowel and consonant sounds from the hindu-power. By fourteen
efforts there come the fourteen vowels cmanatinl.! through the
dancin~ of the serpent powL"r ( J..:u~z~lali-.~aldi) of \-i~r:tu:!. By its two-
fold subtle power it heha\·cs as the cause of creation and destruction.
This pm\·er rises in the original locus (miilii-dhiira) and, when it
comes to the stage of the nan:l, it is called pa.(wmti and is perceived
by the :w~£:ins. It then proceeds to the lotus of the heart and then
passes through the throat as the audible sound. The energy of the
vowel sounds passes through the su:Hmmii nti~Ji. In this way the
different consonant sounds arc regarded as the prototypes of dif-
ferent manifestations of world-energy, and these again arc regarded
as the symbols of different kinds of gods or superintendents of
energy-· 3 • .\n assemblage of some of these alphabets in ditfercnt
orders and groups, called abo the lotus or the wheel (cahra), would
stand for the assemblage of ditferent types of complex powers.
The meditation and worship of these cahras would thus he expected
to bring the ohjecti\·c pm\·ers typified hy them under control. The
different gods arc thus associated with the ditfert·nt cahras of
mantras; and by far the largest portion of the Paikar:ltra literature
is dedicated to the description of the rituals associated with these,
the building of corresponding images, and the temples for these
subsidiary deities. The meditation of these mantras is also regarded
as playing diverse protecti,·c functions.
In consonance with the ordinan· method of the TJ.ntric works

siik~iicl 'l'ip.Jn~l kri_nl-saht1b .~wldlw-sm!z1·imuyl P•lrti .

.·llzirhwJim_\"tl-SW!Zizit(i, X\"1. I 0.
This k1 i_\'<i-sakti is also called siimartlzya or yuga or p("iramt'~!hy.l or 11111hattj(H or
mii_\'tl-yoga. /hid. XVI. J2.
rza!l'n1 lm~ulali-.iahtir (ldy~i ·ri,~~zur tzj"rmhhate. Ibid. xn. 55>·
1·i~1111-sakt imaycl t·ar~zii 'l·is~w-~W!lkalpa-jrmhhi lt1~z
aclhis!hi Ill yc:t}ul blulnu·s tatlzc"i llm •1lt' rzis("imay.1. /hid. xv 11. 3.
XVI) Philosophy of the Ahirbudhnya-sa1!lhitii 59
the Ahirbudhnya describes the nervous system of the body. The
root (kii'f}{ia) of all the nerves is said to be at about nine inches above
the penis. It is an egg-shaped place four inches in length and
breadth and made up of fat, flesh, bone and blood. Just two inches
below the penis and about two inches from the anus we have a place
which is called the middle of the body (Sarira-madhya), or simply
the middle (madhya). It is like a quadrilateral figure, which is also
called the iigneya-ma~z{lala. The place of the root of the nii{lis is a] so
called the navel-wheel (niibhi-cakra), which has- twelve spokes.
Round the niibhi-cakra there exists the serpent (ku'f}{iali) with eight
mouths, stopping the aperture called brahma-randhra of the
su~umnii by its body 1 • In the centre of the cakra there are the two
nii{lis called the alambu~a and su~Wn'f}ii. On the different sides of the
su~umnii there are the following niit}is: Kuhu, V aru'f}a, Yasas1,·ini,
Pingalii, Pu~ii, Payas1.:ini, Saran·ati, Smikhini, Giindhiiri, I {Iii,
1/asti-jihvii, ~'ih·odarii. But there arc on the whole 72,000 nii{lls in
the body. Of these, !{Iii, Pi1igalii and su~um'f}ii are the most impor-
tant. Of these, again, su~um'f}ii, which goes to the centre of the brain,
is the most important. As a spider remains inside the meshes of its
thread, so the soul, as associated with prii~za or life-force, exists in-
side this navel-wheel. The SU:fiUm~ii has five openings, of which four
carry blood, while the central aperture is closed by the body of the
Ku~{lali. Other niilis are shorter in size and are connected with the
different parts of the body. The /{Iii and the Pitigalii are regarded as
being like the sun and the moon of the body.
There are ten 'l:iiyus, or bio-motor forces of the body, called
prii~a, apiina, samiina, udana, 'l.Yiilla, niiga, kiirma, krkara, deva-
datta and dhanm1jaya. The prii~a 'l'iiyu remains in the navel-wheel,
but it manifests itself in the regions of the heart, mouth aPd the
nose. The apiina 'ciiyu works in the anus, penis, thighs, the legs, the
belly, the testes, the lumbar region, the intestines, and in fact per-
forms the functions of all the lower region. The vyiina exists be-
tween the eyes and the ears, the toes, nose, throat and the spine.
The udiina works in the hands and the samiina through the body as
a whole, probably discharging the general circulation 2 • The func-
1 Ahirbudlmya-sa'!lhitii, XXXII. 11. This is indeed different from the descrip-

tion found in the Siikta Tantras, according to which the Kur;uf.all exists in the
place down below described as the iarlra-madhya.
2 Ibid. XXXII. 33-37. These locations and functions are different from what

we find in the Ayur- Veda or the Siikta Tantras.

6o The Paiicariitra [cH.

tion of the prii!za is to discharge the work of respiration; that of the

vyiina, to discharge the work of turning about towards a thing or
away from it. The function of the udiina is to raise or lower the body,
that of the samiina, to feed and develop it. The function of eructation
or vomiting is performed by the niiga 'l'iiyu, and de'vadatta produces
sleep and so on. These niifjis are to be purified by inhaling air by the
ifjii for as long as is required to count from I to I6. This breath is to
be held long enough to count from I to 32, and in the interval some
forms of meditation are to be carried on. Then the yogin should inhale
air in the same manner through the pitigalii and hold that also in the
same way. He should then exhale the breath through the lfjii. He
should practise this for three months thrice a day, three times on
each occasion, and thus his nii{lis will be purified and he will be able
to concentrate his mind on the niyus all over his body. In the pro-
cess of the priil}iiylima he should inhale air through the hjii long
enough to count from I to I 6. 'Then the breath is to be retained
as long as possible, and the specific mantra is to be meditated upon;
and then the breath is to be exhaled out by the pi1igalii for the time
necessary to count from I to I 6. Again, he has to inhale through the
Pingalii, retain the breath and exhale through the ltjii. Gradually the
period of retention of the breath called kumbhaka is to be increased.
He has to practise the prii~uiyiima sixteen times in course of the
day. This is called the process of prli~liiyiima. As a result of this,
he may enter the stage of samiidhi, by which he may attain all
sorts of miraculous powers, just as one may by the meditation of the
wheel of mantras.
But before one begins the purification of the nii{lis described
above one should practise the various postures (iisanas) of which
cakra, padma, kiirma, mayiira, kuklwta, 'l·ira, S'i:astika, bhadra, si'!1ha,
mukta andgomukha are described the .Ahirbudlmya. The practice of
these postures contributes to the good health of the yogins. But these
physical practices are of no aYail unless one turns to the spiritual
side of yoga. Yoga i.5 defined as the union of the lower and the
higher souP. Two ways for the attainment of the highest reality
are described in the Ahirbudlm_va-one is that of self-offering Pr
self-abnegation (iitma-samarpa~w or hrd-yiiga) through the medita-
tion on the highest in the form of some of llis powers, as this
Sll1!l)'ngo yoga ity uktu ji1.:iitm-paramt'i-tmano!z.
A.lzirbudlmya-m•!thit{i, XXXI. 1 5·
XVI] Philosophy of the Ahirbudhnya-sa1Jlhitii 61

and that specific deity, by the practice of the mantras; and the
other is that of the yoga 1 • Alzirbudhnya, however, concentrates its
teachings on the former, and mentions the latter in only one of
its chapters. There are two types of soul, one within the influence
of the pralqti and the other beyond it. The union with the highest
is possible through karma and yoga. Karma is again of two kinds,
that which is prompted by desires (pravartaka) and that which is
prompted by cessation of desires (nivartaka). Of these only the
latter can lead to emancipation, while the former leads to the attain-
ment of the fruits of desires. The highest soul is described as the
subtle (sukpna), all-pervading (sarva-ga), maintaining all (sarva-
blzrt), pure consciousness (jiiiina-riipa), without beginning and end
(aniidy-ananta), changeless (a-vikiirin), devoid of all cognitive or
conative senses, devoid of names and class-notions, without colour
and quality, yet knowing all and pervading all, self-luminous and
yet approachable through intuitive wisdom, and the protector of
alP. The yoga by which a union of our lower souls with this highest
reality can be effected has the well-known eight accessories, yama,
niyama, iisana, prii~ziiyiima, pratyiilziira, dhiira1_la, dhyiina and
Of these, yama is said to consist of beneficial and yet tnlthful
utterance (satya), suffering at the sufferings of all beings (dayii),
remaining fixed in one's path of duty even in the face of dangers
(dlzrti), inclination of all the senses to adhere to the path of right
conduct (Sauca), absence of lust (bralzma-carya), remaining un-
ruffled even when there is a real cause of anger or excitement
(k~amii), uniformity of thoughts, deeds and words (iirjava), taking
of unprohibited food (mitiilziira), absence of greed for the property
of others (asteya), cessation from doing injury to others by word,
deed or thought (alzi'!lSii) 3 • A~iyama is described as listening to
Vedantic texts (siddlziinta-srav:al}a), gifts of things duly earned to
proper persons (diina), faith in scriptural duties (mali), worship of
Yi~QU through devotion (is'L·ara-piijana), natural contentment with

yad 'l'a bhagm•ate tasmai s·vakiyatma-samarpa1Jam

•visina-dai'l•ataya' smai cakra-riipaya mantratab
'l'iyukta1Jl prahrteb iuddha'!l dadyad atma-havib svayam.
Ahirbudhnya-sa'!lhitti, xxx. 4, 5·
2 Ibid. XXXI. 7-IO.
3 Ibid. 18-23. The list here given is different from that of Patafijali, who
counts ahi'!lsii, satya, asteya, brahma-carya and aparigraha as yamas. See Yoga-
sittra, II. 30.
62 The Paiicariitra [CH. XVI

whatever one may have (santo~a), asceticism (tapalz), faith in the

ultimate truth being attainable only through the Vedas (iistikya),
shame in committing prohibited actions (hri), muttering of mantras
(japa), acceptance of the path dictated by the good teacher (vrata) 1 •
Though the Yoga is here described as the union of the lower and
the higher soul, the author of the Ahirbudhnya was aware of the
yogiinusiisana of Pataiijali and his doctrine of Yoga as the repression
of mental states (citta-vrtti-nirodha)2.
The A,'zirbudhnya defines pramii as the definite knowledge of a
thing as it really exists (yathiirthii-vadhiira1}am), and the means by
which it is attained is called pramii1}a. That which is sought to be
discovered by the pramii1}as as being beneficial to man is called
pramii1,1iirtha. This is of two kinds, that which is supremely and ab-
solutely beneficial, and that which indirectly leads thereto, and as
such is called hita and siidhana. Oneness with God, which is
supremely blissful, is what is called supremely beneficial (hita).
Two ways that lead to it are those of dharma andjiiiina. This know-
ledge is of two kinds, as direct intuition (sii~iitkiira) and as indirect
or inferential (parok~a). Dharma is the cause of knowledge, and is
of two kinds, one which leads directly, and the other indirectly, to
worship of God. Self-offering or self-abnegation with reference to
God is called indirect dharma, while the way in which the Yogin
directly realizes God is called the direct dharma, such as is taught
in the Paiicaratra literature, called the siit'l:ata-siisana. By the
Sa111khya path one can have only the indirect knowledge of God,
but through Yoga and Vedanta one can have a direct intuition of
God. Emancipation (mok~a) is as much an object of attainment
through efforts (siidhya) as dharma, artha and kiima, though the last
three are also mutually helpful to one another 3 •
Alzirbudlmya-Sa'f!lhitii, pp. 23-30. This list is also different from that of
Pataii.jali, who counts sauca, santo~a. tnpa~l, S'l'iidhyiiya and zs·vara-prwlidlziina
only as niyamas. See Yoga-siUra, 11. 32.
Ibid. XIII. 27, 2~.
Ibid. XIII.

The Chronology of the Arvars.

IN the Bhiigavata-purii1Ja, XI. 5· 38-40, it is said that the great
devotees of Vi~I)U will appear in the south on the banks of Tamra-
parl)i, Krtamala (Vaigai), Payasvini (Palar), Kaveri and lVlahanadi
(Periyar)1 • It is interesting to note that the Arvars, Namm' -arvar
and Madhura-kaviy-arvar, were born in the Tamraparl)i country,
Periy-arvar and his adopted daughter AQ<;lal in the Krtamala,
Poygaiy-arvar, Bhiitatt' -arvar, Pey-arvar and Tiru-mari~ai Piran in
the Payasvini, Tol)<;iar-a<;li-po<;liy-arvar, Tiru-paQ-arvar and Tiru-
mangaiy-arvar in the Kaveri, and Periy-arvar and Kula-sekhara
Peru mal in the Mahanada countries. In the Bhiigavata-miihiitmya we
find a parable in which Bhakti is described as a distressed woman who
was born in the Dravi<;la country, had attained her womanhood in the
Carnatik and Mahara~tra, and had travelled in great misery through
Guzerat and North India with her two sons Jiiiina and Vairiigya to
Brindaban, and that owing to the hard conditions through which
she had to pass her two sons had died. This shows that at least
according to the traditions of the Bhiigavata-purii!za Southern India
was regarded as a great stronghold of the Bhakti cult.
The Arvars are the most ancient Vai~I)ava saints of the south,
of whom Saroyogin or Poygaiy-arvar, Piitayogin or Bhiitatt' -arvar,
Mahadyogin or Pey-arvar, and Bhaktisara or Tiru-mari~ai Piran
are the earliest; Namm'-arvar or Sathakopa, 1\Iadhura-kaviy-arvar,
Kula-sekhara Perumal, Vi~I)ucittan (or Periy-arvar) and Go<;ia
( AQ<)a!) came after them and Bhaktanghrirel)u (ToQ<)ar-a<;li-po<)iy-
arvar), Yogivaha (Tiru-pan-arvar) and Parakala (Tiru-mangaiy-
1 This implies that the Bluiga·vata-purii1Ja in its present form was probably
written after the Arvars had flourished. The verse here referred to has been
quoted by Venkatan'itha in his Rahasya-traya-siira. The Prapamzii-mrta (Ch. 77)
however refers to three other Vai~l)ava saints who preceded the Arvars. They
were (i) Kasarayogin, born in Kanci, (ii) Bhutayogindra, born in Mallipura,
(iii) Bhranta-yogindra called also Mahat and Maharya who was the incarnation
of Vi!}vaksena. It was these sages who advised the five sa1Jzskiiras of Vai~l)avism
(tiipab pau1Jtf.ras tatlzii nama mantro yiigas ca paiicamab). They preached the
emotional Vai!}l)avism in which Bhakti is realized as maddening intoxication
associated with tears, etc. They described their feelings of ecstasy in three works,
comprising three hundred verses written in Tamil. They were also known by the
names of .Madhava, Dasarya and Saroyogin.
The A.rviirs [cH.

arvar) were the last to come. The traditional date ascribed to the
earliest .Arvar is 4203 B.c., and the date of the latest Arvar is
2706 B.C. t, though modern research('s on the subject bring down
their dates to a period not earlier than the seventh or the eighth
century A.D. Traditional information about the Arvars can be had
from the different '' Guru-paramparii" works. According to the
Guru-paramparii, Bhutatt-, Poygaiy- and Pey-arvars were incarna-
tions of Vi':'r:IU's Gada, Sm;kha and ~Yandaka, and so also Kadan-
mallai and Mayilai, while Tiru-mari!?ai Piran was regarded as the
incarnation of the cakra (wheel) of Yi~I)u. Namm' -arvar was in-
carnation of Vi~vaksena and Kula-sekhara Peru-mal of the Kaus-
tubha of Vi~I)u. So Periy-arvar, Tol)c;iar-ac;ii-poc;iiy-ar.var and Tiru-
mangaiy-arvar were respectively incarnations of Garw;la, Vanamiilii
and Siirizga of Vi~I)u. The last Arvar was Tiru-pa1.1-arvar. ~\r:Ic;ia!,
the adopted daughter of Periy-arvar, and l\Iadhura-kaviy-arvar, the
disciple of Namm' -arvar, were also regarded as Arvars. They came
from all parts of the l\Iadras Presidency. Of these seven \Vere
Brahmins, one was a K~attriya, two were Siidras and one was of the
low Panar caste. The Guru-parampariis give incidents of the lives
of the Arvars and also fanciful dates B.C. when they are said to have
flourished. Apart from the Guru-parampariis there are also mono-
graphs on individual Arvars, of which the following are the most
important: ( 1) Divya-suri-carita by Garuc;ia-vahana Pal)c;iita, who
was a contemporary of Ramanuja; (2) Guru-paramparii-prabhii'l:am
of Pinb' -aragiya Peru-mal Jiyar, based on the Di'l_,ya-siiri-carita
and written in mm;i-pravii[a style, i.e. a mixture of Sanskrit and
Tamil; (3) Periya-tiru-murjiy-arjaivu of Anbillai KaQc;ia<;iai-yappan,
written in Tamil; (4) Upadesa-ratna-miilai of l\laQavaJa l\Ia-muni,
written in Tamil, contains the list of Arvars; (5) Yatindra-prava~za­
prabhiivam of Pillai Lokacaryar. The other source of information
regarding the Arvars is the well-known collection of the works of
Arvars known as N iil-iiyira-divya-prabandham. Among these are
the commentaries on the Divya-prabandham and the Tiru-'Dtiy-mo_ri
of Namm' -arvar. In addition to these we have the epigraphical
evidence in inscriptions scattered over the l\1adras Presidency 2 •

~arly History of V ai~~at-·ism in South India, by S. K. Aiyangar, pp. 4-13 ;


also Su R. G. Bhandarkar's Vai~~avism, Saivism and Minor Religious Sects,

pp. 68, 69.
Sir Subrahmanya Ayyar Lectures, by the late T. A. Gopi-nlHha Rau, 1923.
XVII) The Chronology of the A.rvars
MaQavaJa Ma-muni, in his Y atindra-prava'!la-prabhiivam, says
that the earliest of the Arvars, Pey-arvar, Bhiitatt'-arvar, Poygaiy-
a,rvar, and Tiru-mari~ai Piran, flourished at the time of the Pallavas,
who came to Kafici about the fourth century A.D. Again, Professor
Dubreuil says that Mamallai, the native town of Bhiitatt' -arvar, did
not exist before Narasirphavarman I, who founded the city by
the middle of the seventh century. Further, Tiru-mangaiy-arvar
praised the Vai~Qava temple of Kafici built by Paramesvarvarman II.
It seems, therefore, that the A,rvars flourished in the eighth century
A.D., which was the period of a great Vai~Qava movement in the Cola
and the PaQc;iya countries, and also of the Advaitic movement of
Sankara 1 •
According to the traditional accounts, Namm' -a,rvar was the
son of Kari, holding a high post under the PaQc;iyas, a·nd himself
bore the names of Karimaran, Parankusa and Sathakopa, that
his disciple was Madhura-kaviy-arvar, and that he was born at
Tirukkurgur. Two stone inscriptions have been found in Madura
of which one is dated at Kali 3871, in the reign of King Parantaka,
whose uttara-mantrin was the son of Mara, who was also known as
Madhura-kaviy-arvar. The other is dated in the reign of Marafi-
jadaiyan. The Kali year 3871 corresponds to A.D. 770. This was
about the year when Parantaka Pal)c;iya ascended the throne. His
father Parankusa died about the year A.D. 770. Marankari con-
tinued as uttara-mantrin. Namm' -arvar's name Karimaran shows
that Kari the uttara-mantrin was his father. This is quite in accor-
dance with the accounts found in Guru-paramparii. These and
many other evidences collected by Gopi-natha Rau show that
Namm' -arvar and Madhura-ka viy-arvar flourished at the end of the
eighth century A.D. or in the first half of the ninth century. Kula-
sekhara Peru-mal also flourished probably about the first half of the
ninth century. Periy-arvar and his adopted daughter AQc;laJ were
probably contemporaries of Srivallabhadeva, who flourished about
the middle of the ninth century A.D. ToQc;iar-ac;li-poc;liy-arvar was a
contemporary of Tiru-mangaiy-arvar and Tiru-pan-arvar. Tiru-
mangaiy-arvar referred to the war drum of Pallavamalla, who reigned
between A.D. 717 and A.D. 779, and these A~ars could not have
flourished before that time. But Tiru-mangaiy-arvar, in his praise
1 Sir Subrahmanya Ayyar Lectures, by the late T. A. Gopi-natha RAu, 1923,
p. 17-
66 The A_r-z:iirs [cH.

of Visnu at Kafici, refers to Vairamegha Pallava, \vho probably

flouri~hed in the ninth century. It may therefore be supposed that
Tiru-marigaiy lived about that time. According to l\lr S. K.
Aiyangar the last of the Arvars flourished in the earlier half of the
eighth century A.D. 1 Sir R. G. Bhandarkar holds that Kula-
sekhara Peru-mal flourished about the middle of the twelfth
century. He was a king of Travancore and in his Alukunda-miilii
he quott:s a verse from the Bhiigm:ata-puriil}a {xi. 2. 36). On the
basis of the inscriptional evidence that Perma<;li of the Sel)<;ia
dynasty, who flourished between 1138-uso, conquered Kula-
sekharanka, and identifying Kula-sekhara Peru-mal with Kula-
sekhararika, Bhandarkar comes to the conclusion that Kula-sekhara
Peru-maJlived in the middle of the twelfth century A.D., though, as
we have already seen, l\lr Rau attempts to place him in the first
half of the ninth century. He, however, does not take any notice
of the views of Sir R. G. Bhandarkar, who further thinks that the
earliest Arvars flourished about the fifth or the sixth century A.D.
and that the order of the priority of the Ar:ars as found in the Guru-
paramparfi lists is not reliable. One of the main points of criticism
used by Aiyangar against Bhandarkar is the latter's identification
of Kula-sekhara Peru-mal with Kula-sekhararika. The works of the
Arvars were written in Tamil, and those that surviYe were collected
in their present form in Ramanuja's time or in the time of Natha-
muni; this collection, containing 4000 hymns, is called 1Viil-iiyira-
divya-prabandham. But at least one part of it was composed by
Kuruttalvan or Kuruttama, who was a prominent disciple of
Ramanuja, and in a passage thereof a reference is made to Ramanuja
also 2 • The order of the . ~rvars
. given in this work is somewhat
different from that given in the Guru-paramparii referred to above,
and it does not contain the name of Kamm' -arvar, who is treated
separately. Again, Pillan, the disciple and apostolic successor
of Ramanuja, who commented on the Tiru-'l·iiy-mo.:ri of Namm'-
arvar, gives in a verse all the names of the Arvars, omitting only
Indian Antiqumy, Vol. xxxv, pp. 228, etc.
. This part is called R.iimiinuja-nunzmdiidi. 'fhe order of the Ar\·ars given here
1s as follows: Poygaiy-arvar, Bhutatt' -ar.var, P~y-arvar, Tiru-piiQ-arvar, Tiru-
mari!?ai Piran, ToQ9ar-a9i-po<).iy-a,rvar, Kula-sekhara, Peri\·-arvar Andal
Tiru:_mangaiy-ar\·ar. Yenkatanatha, however, in his Prabandl;a-s""ara;, rec·o-rd-~
th~ Arva~s _in . the following order: Poygaiy-arvar, Bhutatt'-arvar, Pey-arvar,
Tuu-a~a!I!?ai P1ran, 1:\amm' -arvar, l\ladhura-kaviy-a,rvar, Kula-sekhara, Periy-
arvar, AQ<).al, ToQ<).ar-a<).i-po"iiy-arvar, Tiru-pan-a.[Yar, Tiru-mar1gaiy-a,rvar.
xvn] The Chronology of the A.rviirs
AQ<_la! 1 • Thus it appears that Kula-sekhara was accepted as an
Arvar in Ramahuja's time. In v-enkatanatha's (fourteenth-century)
list, contained in one of his Ta1nil Prubandhams, all the Arvars
excepting AQ<_la! and 1\ladhura-kaviy-arvar are mentioned. The
Prabandham contains also a succession list of teachers according
to the Va<_lakalai sect, beginning with Ramanuja 2 •
Kula-sekhara, in his 111ukunda-mtilti, says that he was the ruler
of Ko!li (Uraiyur, the Cola capital), Kudal (Madura) and Koi:tgu.
Being a native of Travancore (Vanjikulam), he became the ruler of
the PaQ<_lya and Cola capitals, IVIadura and Uraiyur. After A.D. 900,
when the Cola king Parantaka became supreme and the Cola capital
was at Tanjore instead of at Uraiyur, the asccndency of the Travan-
core country (Kerala) over the Cola and the PaQQya kingdoms would
have been impossible. It could only have happened either before the
rise of the great Pallava dynasty with Narasirp.havarman I (A.D. 6oo)
or after the fall of that dynasty with Nandivarman (A.D. 8oo). If
Tiru-mai:tgaiy-arvar, the contemporary of Yairamegha, be accepted
as the last A,rvar, then Kula-sekhara must be placed in the sixth
century A.D. But Gopi-natha Rau interprets a passage of Kula-
sekhara as alluding to the defeat and death of a Pallava king at his
hands. He identifies this king with the Pallava king Dantivarman,
about A.D. 825, and is of the opinion that he flourished in the first
half of the ninth century A.D. In any case Bhandarkar's identifica-
tion of Kula-sekhara with Kula-sekhanli:tk<~ (A.D. I I So) is very im-
probable, as an inscription dated A.D. Io88 makes a provision for
the recital of Kula-sekhara's "Tettarumtiral." 3 Aiyangar further
states that in several editions of the Afukunda-mtilti the quotation
from the Bhtigavata-purti1Ja referred to by Bhandarkar cannot be
traced. We may thus definitely reject the view of Bhandarkar that
Kula-sekhara flourished in the middle of the twelfth century A.D.
There is a great controversy among the South Indian historians
and epigraphists not only about the chronological order of the
Bhuta7Jl Sarai ca Mahad-anvaya-Bha!!aniitha-
Srl-Bhaktisiira-Kulaiellhara- Yogiviihiin
Bhaktiinghrire7Ju-Parakiila- Yatlndramiiriin
Srl-mat-Pariinkuia-muni7J'l pra7Jato'smi nityam.
Verse quoted from Aiyangar's Early History of Va#7Javism.
2 Ramanuja's preceptor was Periya ,Nambi, then come Alavandar, Manakkal

Nambi, Uyyakkondar, Nathamuni, Sathakopa, Vi~vaksena (Senai Nathan),

Mahalak~mi and Vi~l)u. Aiyangar, Early History of Va#7Javism, p. 21.
Ibid. p. 33·
68 The A.rviirs [cH.
different Arvars, but also regarding the dates of the first and the
last, and of those who came between them. Thus, while Aiyangar
wished to place the first four ~~rvars about the second century A.D.,
Gopi-natha Rau regards them as having flourished in the middle
of the seventh century A.D. 1 Again, Namm' -arvar is placed by
Aiyangar in the middle. of the sixth century, while Gopi-natha
Rau would place him during the first half of the ninth century.
\Vhile Aiyangar would close the history of the Arvars by the middle
of the seventh century, Gopi-natha Rau would place Kula-sekhara
in A.D. 825, Periy-arvar in about the same date or a few years later,
and Tol).<;iar-a<;ii-po<;iiy-arvar, Tiru-mangaiy-arvar and Tiru-pan-
arvar (contemporaries) about A.D. 830. From comparing the various
matters of controversy, the details of which cannot well be de-
scribed here, I feel it wise to follow Gopi-natha Rau, and am in-
clined to think that the order of the .Arvars, except so far as the
first group of four is concerned, is not a chronological one, as many
of them were close contemporaries, and their history is within a
period of only zoo years, from the middle of the seventh century
to the middle of the ninth century.
The word .Arvar means one who has a deep intuitive knowledge
of God and one who is immersed in the contemplation of Him. The
works of the Arvars are full of intense and devoted love for Vi~I).U.
This love is the foundation of the later systematic doctrine of
prapatti. The difference between the Arvars and the Aragiyas, of
whom we shall speak 1ater on, is that, while the former had realized
Brahman and had personal enjoyment of His grace, the latter were
learned propounders who elaborated the philosophy contained in
the works of the Arvars. Poygaiy, Bhf1tatt' and Pey composed the
three sections of one hundred stanzas each of TirU-'l.Yl1ltiidi 2 • Tiru-
mari~ai Piran spent much of his life in Triplicane, Conjeevaram
and Kumbakonam. His hymns are the .LVan-mukham Tiru-'i!antiidi,
containing ninety-six stanzas, and Tiru-chm.uja-'l'Jutlam. Namm'-
arvar was born of a Sudra family at Kurukur, now AJ.vartirunagari
in the Tinnevel1y district. He was the most voluminous writer
These are Pey-arvar, Bhutatt' -arvar, Poygaiy-arvar and Tiru-mari!;iai Piran,
the first three being known as l\1udal-arvars among the Srivai:;ma\·as.
As a specimen of Tiru-•vantiidi one may quote the following passage:
"With love as lamp-bowl, desire as oil, mind melting with bliss as wick, with
melting soul I have kindled the bright light ofw;sdom in the learned Tamil which
I have _wrought for Narayal)a."-Bhutam, quotation from Hooper's Hymns
of the Alviirs, p. 12, n.
XVII] The Philosophy of the A:rvars
among the Arvars and a great mass of his poetry is preserved in the
N iil-iiyira-divya-prabandham. His works are the Tiru-vruttam,
containing one hundred stanzas, Tiru-viifiriyam, containing seven
stanzas, the Periya tiru-vantiidi of eighty-seven stanzas, and the
Tiru-viiy-mo.ri, containing I 102 stanzas. Namm' -arvar's whole life
was given to meditation. His disciple Madhura-kavi considers
him an incarnation of Vi~I).U. Kula-sekhara was a great devotee of
Rama. His chief work is the Peru-miil-tiru-mo_ri. Periy-arvar, known
as Vi~l).ucitta, was born at Sribittiputtiir. His chief works are Tiru-
pall' -iituJ.u and Tiru-mo.ri. Al).<;l~l, adopted daughter of Periy-arvar,
was passionately devoted to Kr~l).a and considered herself as one of
the Gopis, seeking for union with Kr~l).a. She was married to the
God Ranganatha of Srirailgam. Her chief works are Tiru-piivai
and Nacchi'yiir. Tirumori Tol).<;lar-a<;li-po<;liy-arvar was born at
.I.Vlanda.ngudi. He was once under the seduction of a courtesan
called Devadevi, but was saved by the grace of Ranganatha. His
chief works are Ti'ru-ma.lai, and the Tiru-pa!!iy-e_ruchi. Tiru-pal).-
arvar was brought up by a low-caste childless panar. His chief
work was Amalan-iidibiriin in ten stanzas. Tiru-mangaiy was born
in the thief-caste. His chief works are Periya-tiru-mo.ri, Tiru-
kurun-diit.ujakam, Tiru-netjun-diit~,t}akam, Tiru-ve_rugutt-irukkai,
$iriya-tiru-matjal and Periya-tiru-mat}al. Tiru-mailgaiy was driven
to brigandage, and gained his divine wisdom through the grace of
Ranganatha. The N iil-iiyira-divya-prabandham, which contains the
works of the Arvars, is regarded in the Tamil country as the most
sacred book and is placed side by side with the Vedas. It is carried
in procession into the temple, when verses from it are recited and
they are recited also on special occasions of marriage, death, etc.
Verses from it are also sung and recited in the hall in front of the
temple, and it is used in the rituals along with Vedic mantras.

The Philosophy of the Arvars.

As the hymns of the Arvars have only a literary and devotional
form, it is difficult to utilize them for philosophical purposes. As an
illustration of the general subject-matter of their works, I shall try
to give .a brief summary of the main contents of Namm' -arvar's
(Sathakopa) work, following Abhiramavaracarya's Dramitjopani~at­
tiitparya 1 • The feeling of devotion to God felt by Sathakopa
1 MS. from Government Oriental Manuscript Library, Madras.
The A.r'vars [cH.
could not be contained \vithin him, and, thus overflowing, was ex-
pressed in verses \vhich soothed all sufferers; this sho\vs that his
affection for suffering humanity was even greater than that of their
own parents. Sathakopa's main ideal was to subdue our so-called
manhood by reference to God (puru~ottama), the greatest of all
beings, and to regard all beings as but \vomen dependent on Him; and
so it was that Sathakopa conceived himself as a woman longing for her
lover and entirely dependent on him. In the first of his four works
he prayed for the cessation of rebirth; in the second he described
his experiences of God's great and noble qualities; in the third he
expressed his longings to enjoy God; and in the fourth he described
how all his experiences of God's communion with him fell far short
of his great longings. In the first ten stanzas of his first centum he
is infused with a spirit of service (diisya) to God and describes his
experiences of God's essential qualities. In the next ten stanzas he
describes the mercy of God and recommends every one to give up
attachment to all other things, which are of a trifling and temporary
nature. Then he prays to God for his incarnation on earth with
Lak~mi, His consort, and pays adoration to Him. He continues
with a description of his mental agonies in not attaining com-
munion with God, confessing his own guilt to Him. He then em-
braces God and realizes that all his failings are his own fault. He
explains that the spirit of service (diisya) does not depend for its
manifestation and realization on any elaborate rituals involving
articles of worship, but on one's own zeal. \Vhat is necessary is true
devotion (bhakti). Such a devotion, he says, must proceed through
an intense enjoyment of the nature of the noble qualities of God, so
that the devotee may feel that there is nothing in anything else that
is greater than them. With a yielding heart he says that God accepts
the service of those who., instead of employing all the various means
of subduing a crooked enemy, adopt only the means of friendliness
to them 1 • God is pleased with those who are disposed to realize the
sincerity of their own spirit, and it is through this that they can
realize God in themselves. God's favour does not depend on any-
thing but His own grace, manifesting itself in an all-embracing
devotion. He says, in the second sataka, that the devotee, having,
kau!ilya·vatsu kara~w-tritaye'pi jantu~v
iitmlyam eva karm.:za-tritayaika-rilpyam
sandarsya tiinapi harilz s·va-vasikarotlty
iica~!a siindra-karw.:zo munir a~!amena.
Dramiljopani~at-tiitparya. l\IS.
xvn] The Philosophy of the A.rvars 71
on the one hand, felt the great and noble qualities of God, and yet
being attached to other things, is pierced through with pangs of
sorrow in not realizing God in communion, and feels a bond of
sympathy with all humanity sharing the same grief. Through the
stories of God related in the PuraQ.as, e.g. in the Bhiigavata, Sathakopa
feels the association of God which removes his sorrow and so increases
his contact with God. He then describes how the great saints of the
past had within their heart of hearts enjoyed an immersion in the
ocean of God's bliss, which is the depository of all blissful emotion;
and he goes on to express his longings for the enjoyment of that
bliss. Through his longings for Him there arose in Sathakopa great
grief of separation, devoid of any interest in furthering unworthy
ends; he communicated to Him his great sorrow at his incapacity
to realize Him, and in so doing he lost consciousness through in-
tensity of grief. As a result God Kr?Q.a appeared before him,
and he describes accordingly the joy of the vision of God. But he
fears to lose God, who is too mighty for him, and takes refuge in
his great attachment to Him. Next he says that they only realize
God who have a sense of possession in Him. He describes God's
noble qualities, and shows that the realization of the proximity of
God is much more desirable than the attainment of emancipation.
He says that the true definition of mok~a is to attain the position
of God's servant 1 •
In the beginning of the third centum he describes the beauty of
God. Then he bemoans the fact that, on account of the limitations
of his senses and his mind, he is unable to enjoy the fullness of His
beauty. Next he describes the infinitude of God's glory and his
own spirit of service to Him. Then he envisages the whole world
and the words that denote the things of the world as being the body
of God 2 • Then he expresses the pleasure and bliss he feels in the
service of God, and says that even those who cannot come into
contact with God in His own essence can find solace in directing
their minds to His image and to the stories of Kp;~Q.a related in the
mok~iidara'!l sphutam avek~ya munir mukunde
mok~a'!l pradiitu'!l sadrk~a-phala'!l pravrtte
iitme-~tam asya pada-kiizkarataika-rilpa1f1
mok~ii-khya-vastu navame nirm:ziiyi tena.
Dramirjopani1at-tiitparya. MS.
sarva, jagat samavalokya vibhos sarfra'!l
tad-viicinas ca sakaliin api sabda-riisln
ta'!l bhUta-bhautika-mukhiin kathayan padiirthiin
diisya'!l cakiira vacasaiva munis caturthe. Ibid.
The A.rvars [cH.
Pural}as. He then absorbs himself in the grief of his separation
from God and hopes that by arresting all the inner senses he may
see God with his own eyes. He also regrets the condition of other
men who are wasting their time in devotion to gods other than Kr~l}a.
He goes on to describe the vision of God and his great joy therein.
In the fourth centum he describes the transitoriness of all things
considered as enjoyable, and the absolute superiority of the bliss of
pleasing God. He goes on to explain how, through cessation of all
inclination to other things and the increase of longing for God in a
timeless and spaceless manner, and through the pangs of separation
in not realizing Him constantly, he considers himself as a woman,
and through the pangs of love loses his consciousness 1 . Then he
describes how Hari is pleased with his amour and satisfies his
longings by making Him enjoyable through the actions of mind,
words and body by His blissful embraces 2 • Next he shows how,
when he attempted to realize Kr~Da by his spiritual zeal, Kr~Da
vanished from his sight and he was then once more filled with the
grief of separation. Again he receives a vision of God and feels with
joy His overwhelming superiority. He further describes how his
vision of God was like a dream, and how, when the dream ceased,
he lost consciousness. To fill up the emptiness of these occasional
separations, he sorrowfully chanted the name of God, and earnestly
prayed to Him. He wept for Him and felt that without Him every-
thing was nothing. Yet at intervals he could not help feeling deep
sympathy for erring humanity which had turned its mind away
from God. According to him the real bondage consists in the pre-
ference man gives to things other than God. When one can feel God
as ali-in-all, every bond is loosened.
In the fifth centum he feels that God's grace alone can save man.
He again describes himself as the wife of God, constantly longing
for His embrace. In his grief and lamentation and his anxiety to
meet God, he was overcome by a swoon which, like the night,
dimmed all his senses. At the end of this state he saw the orna-

ta7Jl puru~ii-1·tham itm·a-1·tha-mce1· niv,-ttyii

siindm-sp,-hal;z samaya-desa-vidilmgmJl ca
ipsu(t sucii tad-an-aviipti-bhuvii dvitlye
st1·r-bhiivanii7J1 samadhigamya munir mumoha.-
Dmmiljopani~at-tiitpmya. MS.
prltii~l pm·a7!l hm·i1· amu~ya tadii svabhii•viid
sa7Jlsli~taviin idam uviica munis trtfye. Ibid.
xvn] The Philosophy of the A.rvars 73
ments of God, but could not see Him directly, and was thus filled
both with grief and happiness. As a relief from the pangs of separa-
tion he found enjoyment in identifying himself in his mind with
God and in imitating His ways, thinking that the world was created
by him 1. In a number of verses (seventy or eighty) he describes
how he was attached to the image of the God Kp;~l).a at Kumbha-
konam and how he suffered through God's apathy towards him in
not satisfying him, His lover, with embraces and other tokens of
love, and how he became angry with His indifference to his amorous
approaches and was ultimately appeased by God, who satisfied him
with loving embraces and the like. Thus God, who was divine lord
of the universe, felt sympathy and love for him and appeased his
sorrows in the fashion of a human lover 2• He describes his great
bliss in receiving the embrace of God. Through this rapturous
divine love and divine embrace he lost all mundane interest in life.
In the ninth centum the sage, finding he could not look at the
ordinary things of life, nor easily gain satisfaction in the divine
presence of God in the whole world, fixed his mind on His trans-
cendental form (aprakrta-vapub) and became full of wailing and
lamentation as a means of direct access to it. A great part of this
centum is devoted to laments due to his feeling of separation from
God. He describes how through constant lamentation and brood-
ing he received the vision of God, but was unhappy because he
could not touch Him; and how later on God took human form in
response to his prayers and made him forget his sufferings 3 • In
many other verses he again describes the emotions of his distress
at his separation and temporary union with God; how he sent
messages to God through birds; how he felt miserable because He
delayed to meet him; how he expected to meet Him at appointed
times, and how his future actions in Heaven should be repeated in
sokaf!Z ca laf!l pari-jihir~ur iviikhiliiniif!Z
sargii-di-kartur anukiira-rasena saure/:z
tasya pravrttir akhilii racitii maye' ti
tad-bhiiva-bhiivita-manii munir aha ~a~the.
Dramirjopan#at-tiitparya. MS.
kopaf!Z mama pra~aya-ja1Jl prasamayya kn~a
svii-dhlnatiim iitanute' ti sa-vismayal:z sal:z
svyliif!l viruddha-jagad-iikrtitiif!l ca tena
sandarsitiim anubabhuva munis trtlye. Ibid.
sanga1Jl nivarttya mama saf!ZSrti-ma~rjale miif!Z
saf!Zslhiipayan katham asl' ty anucoditena
ascaryya-loka-tanutiim api darsayitvii
vismiirita/:z kila sucaf!Z hari~a· ~tame' sau. Ibid.
74 The A.rvars [cH.
earth and how his behaviour to God was ]ike that of the Gopis, full
of ardent love and eagerness. In the concluding verses, however,
he says that the real vision of God can come only to a deeply
devoted mind and not to external eyes.
Hooper gives some interesting translations from the Tiru-
vruttam of Namm'-arvar, a few of which may be quoted here to
illustrate the nature of his songs of love for God 1 :
I ,ong may she love, this girl with luring locks,
\Vho loves the feet that heavenly ones adore,
The feet of KaQ.Q.an, dark as rainy clouds:
Her red eyes all abrim with tears of grief,
Like darting Kaya! fish in a deep pooJ2.
Hot in this village now doth blow the breeze
Whose nature coolness is. Hath he, this once,
The rain-cloud hued, his sceptre turned aside
To steal the love-glow from my lady, lorn
For tu!asi, with wide eyes raining tears? 3
In separation from the lord the Arvar finds delight in looking
at darkness, which resembles Kr~l).a's colour:
Thou, fair as KaQ.Q.an's heaven, when he's away
\\That ages long it is! He here, a span!
\Vhether friends stay for many days, or go,
We grieve. Yet, be this spreading darkness blest
In spite of many a cun~ing trick it has 4 •
What will befall my girl with bracelets fair,
With tearful eyes like gleaming Kayal big,
\Yho wanders with a secret pain at heart
For blooms of tulasi fresh from the Bird's Lord
\Vho with that h{ll protected flocks in storm? 5
The Arvar then laments and pleads with swans and herons to
take his message:
The flying swans and herons I did beg,
Cringing: "Forget not, ye, who first arrive,
If ye behold my heart with KaQ.Q.an there
Oh, speak of me and ask it 'Sir not yet
Hast thou returned to her? And is it right?,,
Hymns of the Alvars, by J. S. M. Hooper, pp. 61-88.
The maid who is represented as speaking here stands for Arvar's disciple,
and the l_ad_y in love is the mistress, and Kaffryan is KP?rya, the Lord.
Th1s 1s also a speech from the maid, and tu[asl stands for Kr~Ifa.
The time of separation is felt to be too long, and the time of union is felt
to be too short.
Lamentation of the mother for the girl, the Arv~r.
XVII) The Philosophy of the A.rvars 75
The .Arvar then laments that the clouds will not take his mes-
sage. He speaks of the resemblance between the clouds and the
Tell me, ye clouds, how have ye won the means
That we are thus like Tirumal's blest form?
Bearing good water for protecting life,
Ye range through all the sky. Such penance, sure,
As makes your bodies ache, has won this grace!

The friend speaks of the callousness of the lord:

E'en in this age-long time of so-called night
When men must grope, he pities not that she
Stands in her deep immitigable grief....
The jungle traversed by the fawn-eyed girl
With fragile waist, whom sinful I brought forth
After long praise of KaQ.Q.an's lotus feet ....

The Arvar sees a likeness of his lord in the blue water-lily, and
sees the lord's form everywhere:
All places, shining like great lotus pools
On a blue mountain broad, to me are but
The beauties of his eye-the lord of earth
Girt by the roaring sea, heaven's lord, the lord
Of other good souls, black-hued lord-and mine!

The .Arvar speaks of the greatness of the lord:

Sages with wisdom won by virtuous toil
Assert "His colour, glorious beauty, name,
His form-are such and such." But all their toil
Has measured not the greatness of my iord :
Their wisdom's light is but a wretched lamp.

The foster-mother pities the mistress unable to endure the

length of the night:
This child of sinful me, with well-formed teeth,
Round breasts and rosy mouth, keeps saying, "These
Fair nights eternal are as my desire
For tu!asl ! " ...
Again the foster-mother pities the girl as too young for such
ardent love:
Breasts not yet full, and short her tresses soft;
Skirt loose about the waist; with prattling tongue
And innocent eyes ....
The A.rviirs [cH.
Again the lord replies to a friend's criticism of his infatuation
for his n1istress:
Those lilies red, which are the life of me-
The eyes of her who's like the heaven of him ....

The mistress is unable to endure the darkness and is yet further

vexed by the appearance of the moon:
Oh, let the crescent moon which cleaves the dark
Encompassing of night, cleave me as well!
Ah, does it issue forth in brightness now,
That happy bloom may come to desolate me
\Vho only long for flowers of tuJasi?

The mistress's friend des·pairs at the sight of her languishing:

... Ah! as she sobs and lisps
The cloud-hued's names, I know not if she'll live
Or if her frame and spirit mild must pass!

Again in Kula-sekhara's Tirumal-Tiru-mori, C. 5:

Though red fire comes itself and makes fierce heat,
The lotus red blooms not
Save for the fierce-rayed one
\Vho in the lofty heavens has his seat.
Vitruvakocju's Lord, Thou wilt not remove
:\1y woe, my heart melts not save at Thy boundless love ....
With gathered waters all the streams ashine
Must spread abroad and run
And enter the deep sea
And cannot stand outside. So refuge mine,
Save in the shining bliss of entering Thee, is none,
Vitruvakocju's Lord, thick cloud-hued, virtuous one !1

Again from the same book 2 :

No kinship with the world have I
\Vhich takes for true the life that is not true.
"For thee alone my passion burns," I cry,
"Raii.gan, my Lord!"
No kinship with this world have I-
With throngs of maidens slim of waist:
\Vith joy and love I rise for one alone, and cry
"Rangan, my Lord!"
Hooper, op. cit. p. 48. 2
Ibid. p. 44·
xvn] The Philosophy of the A.rvars 77
Again in the Tiru-piivai, a well-known section of the Niil-iiyira-
divya-prabandham, the poetess AQ<Ja! conceives herself as a Gopi,
requesting her friends to go with her to wake the sleeping Kr~l).a,
After the cows we to the jungle go
And eat there-cowherds knowing nought are we,
And yet how great the boon we have, that thou
Wast born among us! Thou who lackest nought,
Govinda, kinship that we have with thee
Here in this place can never cease !-If through
Our love we call thee baby names, in grace
Do not be wroth, for we-like children-we
Know nought-0 Lord, wilt thou not grant to us
The drum we ask? Ah, Elorembavay !1
Again Periy-arvar conceives himself as Y a.Soda and describes
the infant Kr~I)a as lying in the dust and calling for the moon !
( 1) He rolls round in the dust, so that the jewel on his brow keeps
swinging, and his waist-bells tinkle! Oh, look at my son Govinda's play,
big .I.Vloon, if thou hast eyes in thy face-and then, be gone!
(2) .I.Vly little one, precious to me as nectar, my blessing, is calling
thee, pointing, pointing, with his little hands! 0 Dig .I.Vloon, if thou
wishest to play with this little black one, hide not thyself in the clouds,
but come rejoicing !2
Again, Tiru-mailgaiy says:
Or ever age creep on us, and we need
The staff's support; ere we are double bent
With eyes fix'J on the ground in front, and feet
That totter, sitting down to rest, all spent:
\Ve would worship Vadari
Home of him who mightily
Suck'd his feigm!J mother's breast
Till she died, ogress confest.
Again AQ<Ja! says:
Daughter of Nandagopal, who is like
A lusty elephant, who Heeth not,
With shoulders strong: Nappinnai, thou with hair
Diffusing fragrance, open thou the door!
Come see how everywhere the cocks are crowing,
And in the miithavi bower the Kuyil sweet
Repeats its song.-Thou with a ball in hand,
Come, gaily open, with thy lotus hands
And tinkling bangles fair, that we may sing
Thy cousin's name! Ah, Elorembavay!
Hooper, op. cit. p. 57· Ibid. p. 37·
The A.rvars [cH.
Thou who art strong to make them brave in fight,
Going before the three and thirty gods,
Awake from out thy sleep! Thou who art just,
Thou who art mighty, thou, 0 faultless one,
\Yho burnest up thy foes, awake from sleep!
0 Lady Nappinnai, with tender breasts
Like unto little cups, with lips of red
And slender waist, Lakshmi, awake from sleep!
Proffer thy bridegroom fans and mirrors now,
And let us bathe! Ah, Elorembavay !1
In describing the essential feature of the devotion of an Arvar
like Nam~'-arvar, called also Parankusa or Sathakopa, Govinda-
charyar, the author of The Divine TVisdom of the Dravir;la Saints and
The Holy Lives of the Azhvars, says that according to Namm' -arvar,
when one is overcome by bhakti-exultation and self-surrendering
devotion to God he easily attains truth 2 • Namm' -arvar said that
God's grace is the only means of securing our salvation, and no
effort is required on our part but to surrender ourselves to Him.
In the following words Namm' -arvar says that God is constantly
trying to woo us to love Him:
Blissful Lord, heard I; anon my eyes in floods did run,
Oh what is this? I asked. \Vhat marvel this? the Perfect one,
Through friendly days and nights, elects with me to e'er remain,
To union wooing me, His own to make; nor let me" lone."
Namm' -arvar again writes that God's freedom is fettered by
His mercy. Thus he says: '' 0 mercy, thou hast deprived God of the
freedom of His just will. Safe under the winds of mercy, no more
can God Himself even of His will tear Himself away from me; for,
if He can do so, I shall still exclaim, I am Victor, for He must pur-
chase the freedom of His will by denying to Himself mercy."
Illustrating the position, he refers to the case of a devout lady who
clasped the feet of the Lord in Varadaraja's shrine at Kai1ci and
said: "God I have now clasped thy feet firmly; try if thou canst,
spurn me and shake thyself off from me."
Namm' -ar.var used the term Tuva!i! or Ninru kum~rume, a
Tamil expression of love, which has been interpreted as signifying
a continuous whirling emotion of love boring deeper and deeper,
but never scattering and passing away. This circling· and boring of
Hooper, op. cit. p. 55·
p. 571, as quoted in Govindach~ryar's Divine
Bhagavad-vishayam, Bk. I,
Wisdom of the Dravilja Saints.
xvn] The Philosophy of the A.rviirs 79
love in the heart is mute, silent and incapable of expression; like the
cow, whose teats filled with milk tingle, cannot withal express by
mouth her painful longing to reach her calf who is tethered away
from her. Thus, true love of God is perpetual and ever growing 1 •
The difference between the love of Namm' -arvar and of Tiru-
mailgaiy-arvar is said to have been described by Yamuna, as re-
ported in the Bhaga'vad-vishayam, as of two different kinds. Tiru-
mailgaiy-arvar's love expresses the experience of a constant com-
panionship with God in a state of delirious, rapturous reciprocation
of ravishing love. He was immersed in the fathomless depth of love,
and was in the greatest danger of becoming unconscious and falling
into a stupor like one under the influence of a narcotic~ Namm'-
arvar, however, was in a state of urgent pursuit after God. He was
thus overcome with a sense of loneliness and unconscious of his
individual self. He was not utterly intoxicated. The energy flowing
from a mind full and strong with the ardent expectation of meeting
his bridegroom and beloved companion still sustained him and kept
him alive 2 • This state is described in Tiru-viiy-mori in the following
manner: Day and night she knows not sleep,
In floods of tears her eyes do swim.
Lotus-like eyes! She weeps and reels,
Ah ! how without thee can I bear;
She pants and feels all earth for Him.
This love of God is often described as having three stages:
recollection, trance and rallying. The first means the reminiscence
of all the past ravishment of soul vouchsafed by God. The second
means fainting and desolation at such reminiscences and a con-
sciousness of the present absence of such ravishing enjoyments. The
third is a sudden lucidity whilst iri the state of trance, which being
of a delirious nature may often lead to death through the rapid
introduction of death-coma 3 •
The .Arvars were not given to any philosophical speculation but
only to ecstatic experiences of the emotion of love for God; yet we
sometimes find passages in Namm' -arvar's works wherein he re-
veals his experience of the nature of soul. Thus he says: ''It is not
possible to give a description of that wonderful entity, the soul
Divine Wisdom of the Dravif/.a Saints, pp. 127-128.
See the Bhagavad-vishayam, Bk. VI, p. 2865; also Divine Wisdom, pp. 130,
Bhagavad-vishayam, Bk. vu, p. 3194; also Divine Wisdom, p. 151.
8o The A_r'l·iirs [cH.

(atma)-the soul which is eternal, and is essentially characterized

by intelligence (jiiana)-the soul which the Lord has condescended
to exhibit to me as His mode, or I related to I lim as the predicate is
to the subject, or attribute is to substance (or consonants to the
vowel A)-the soul, the nature of which is beyond the compre-
hension of even the enlightened-the soul, which cannot he classed
under any category as this or that-the soul whose apperception
by the strenuous mental effort called yoga (psychic meditation) is
even then not comparable to such perception or direct proof as
arises from the senses conveying knowledge of the external world-
the soul (as revealed to me by my Lord) transcending all other
categories of things, which could be grouped as 'body' or as 'the
senses,' or as 'the vital spirit' (prii1_Za), or as 'the mind' (manas), or
as 'the will' (buddhi), being destitute of the modifications and
corruptions to which all these are suhject ;-the soul, which is very
subtle and distinct from any of these ;-neither coming und~r the
description 'good,' nor ·bad.' The soul is, briefly, an entity which
does not fall under the cognizance of sense-knowledge 1 .''
Soul is here described as a pure subtle essence unassociated
with impurities of any kind and not knowable in the manner in which
all ordinary things are known. Such philosophical descriptions
or discussions concerning the nature of reality, or an investigation
into the logical or epistemological position of the religion preached
by them, are not within the scope and province of the .\rvars. They
sang songs in an inspired manner and often believed that they
themselves had no hand in their composition, but that it was God
who spoke through them. These songs were often sung to the
accompaniment of cymbals, and the intoxicating melody of the
music was peculiar to the . ~rvars
. and entirely ditJcrent from the
traditional music then current in South India. A studv of the
works of the Arvars, which were collected together by the disciples
of Ramanuja at his special request, and from which Ramanuja him-
self drew much inspiration and food for his system of thought,
reveals an intimate knowledge of the Purar)ic legends of Kf!?I)a, as
found in the Vi~~m-purii~za and the Blziiga'l·ata:!. There is at least
one passage, already referred to, which may well be interpreted as
Divine rVisdnm, p. 169: also Tiru-t·iiy-nzo.ri, VIII. s-8.
Sir R. G. BhanJarkar notes that the Arvar Kula-sekhara, in his work
11-!ukunda-mii/ii, quotes a passage from the Blziigm:ata-purii~w (xi. 2. 36) ( Tlu
XVII] The Philosophy of the A.rvars
alluding to Radha (N appinnai), who is described as the consort of
Kr~l).a. The Arvars refer to the legends of Kr~l).a's early life in
Brindavan and many of them play the role either of Yosoda, the
friends of Kr~I)a, or of the Gopis. The spiritual love which finds
expression in their songs is sometimes an earnest appeal of direct
longing for union with Kr~l).a, or an expression of the pangs of
separation, or a feeling of satisfaction, and enjoyment from union
with Kr~l).a in a direct manner or sometimes through an emotional
identification with the legendary personages associated with Kr~l).a's
life. Even in the Bhiigavata-purii1:za (xi, XII) we hear of devotional
intoxication through intense emotion, but we do not hear of any
devotees identifying themselves with the legendary personages
associated with the life of Kr~l).a and expressing their sentiment of
love as proceeding out of such imaginary identification. We hear of
the Gopi's love for Kr~l).a, but we do not hear of any person
identifying himself with Gopi and expressing his sorrow of separa-
tion. In the Vi~!lu-purii!la, Bhiigavata-purii!la and the Hariva1{lia,
the legendary love tales are only episodes in the life of Kr~l).a. But
they do not make their devotees who identified themselves with the
legendary lovers of Kr~l).a realize their devotion through such an
imaginary identification. All that is therein expressed is that the
legendary life of Kp?l).a would intensify the devotion of those who
were already attached to Him. But the idea that the legend of
Kr~l).a should have so much influence on the devotees as to infuse
them with the characteristic spirits of the legendary personages in
such a manner as to transform their lives after their pattern is
probably a new thing in the history of devotional development in
any religion. It is also probably absent in the cults of other de-
votional faiths of India. With the Arvars we notice for the first time
the coming into prominence of an idea which achieved its culmina-
tion in the lives and literature of the devotees of the GaU<;liya school
of Bengal, and particularly in the life of Caitanya, which will be
dealt with in the fourth volume of the present work. The trans-
Vaip:zm·ism, Saivism and 1Uinor Religious Systems, p. 70). This has been challenged
by S. K. Aiyangar, in his Early History of Vaip:zacism in South India, who says
that this passage is absent from all the three editions (a Kanna<;la, a Grantha, and
a Devanagari Edition) which were accessible to him (p. 28). It is further sug-
gested there that the allusion in the passage is doubtful, because it generally
occurs at the end of most South Indian books by way of an apology for the faults
committed at the time of the recitation of holy verses or the performance of
religious observances.
Sz The Arciirs [cH.
fusion of the spirits of the legendary personages in the life-history
of Kr~Qa naturally involved the transfusion of their special emo-
tional attitudes towards Kr~Qa into the devotees, who were thus led
to imagine themselves as being one with those legendary person-
alities and to pass through the emotional history of those persons as
conceived through imagination. It is for this reason that we find
that, when this spirit was emphasized in the Gau(;li:ya school and
the analysis of erotic emotions made by the rhetorical school of
thinkers from the tenth to the fourteenth century received recogni-
tion, the Gau<)iya Yai~I)avas accepted the emotional analysis of
the advancing stages of love and regarded them as indicating the
stages in the development of the sentiment of devotion. As is well
illustrated in Riipa Gosvaml's Ujjvala-nfla-mm;i, the transition
from ordinary devotion to deep amorous sentiment, as represented
in the legendary lives of Gopls and Radha, was secured by sympa-
thetic imitation akin to the sympathetic interest displayed in the
appreciation of dramatic actions. The thinkers of the rhetorical
school declare that a spectator of a dramatic action has his emotions
aroused in such a manner that in their excess the individual limita-
tions of time and space and the history of individual experiences
which constitute his ordinary personality vanish for the time being.
The disappearance of the ordinary individual personality and the
overflow of emotion in one direction identify the person in an
imaginary manner not only with the actors who display the emotion
of the stage, but also with the actual personalities of those dramatic
figures whose emotions are represented or imitated on the stage.
A devotee, may, by over-brooding, rouse himself through auto-
intoxication to such an emotional stage that upon the slightest sug-
gestion he may transport himself to the imaginary sphere of a GopI
or Radha, and may continue to feel all the earnest affections that
the most excited and passionate lover may ever feel.
It seems fairly certain that the Arvars were the earliest devotees
who moved forward in the direction of such emotional transforma-
tion. Thus King Kula-sekhara, who was an Arvar and devotee of
Rama, used to listen rapturously to the Riimiiym.za being recited to
him. As he listened he became so excited that, when he heard of
Rama's venturing forth against Ravai)a, his demon opponent, he
used to give orders to mobilize his whole army to march forward
towards Lanka as an ally of Rama.
xvn] The Philosophy of the A.rvars
The devotional songs of the Arvars show an intense familiarity
with the various parts of the legendary life of Kr~l)a. The emotions
that stirred them were primarily of the types of parental affection (as
of a mother to her son), of friends and companions, servants to their
masters, sons to their father and creator, as also that of a female
lover to her beloved. In the case of some Arvars, as that of Namm'-
arvar and Tiru-mal)gaiy-arvar, the last-mentioned type assumes
an overwhelming importance. In the spiritual experiences of these
.Arvars we find a passionate yearning after God, the Lord and
Lover; and in the expressions of their love we may trace most of the
pathological symptoms of amorous longings which have been so
intensely emphasized in the writings of the Vai~l)avas of the
Gam)iya school. In the case of the latter, the human analogy in-
volving description of the bodily charms of the female lover is often
carried too far. In the case of the Arvars, however, the emphasis is
mostly on the transcendant beauty and charm of God, and on the
ardent longings of the devotee who plays the part of a female lover,
for Kr~l)a, the God. The ardent longing is sometimes expressed in
terms of the pitiable pathological symptoms due to love-sickness,
sometimes by sending messengers, spending the whole night in
expectation of the Lord, and sometimes in the expressions of
ravishing joy felt by the seemingly actual embrace of the Lord. We
hear also of the reciprocation of love on the part of the Lord, who is
described as being infatuated with the beauty and charms of the
beloved, the Arvar. In the course of these expressions, the per-
sonages in the legendary account of Kr~l)a's life are freely intro-
duced, and references are made to the glorious episodes of His life,
as showing points that heighten the love of the lady-lover, the
Arvar. The rapturous passions are like a whirlpool that eddies
through the very eternity of the individual soul, and expresses itself
sometimes in the pangs of separation and sometimes in the exhilara-
tion of union. The Arvar, in his ecstatic delight, visualizes God
everywhere, and in the very profundity of his attainment pines for
more. He also experiences states of supreme intoxication, when he
becomes semi-conscious, or unconscious with occasional breaks
into the consciousness of a yearning. But, though yearning after
God is often delineated on the analogy of sex-love, this analogy
is seldom carried to excess by studied attempts at following all the
pathological symptoms of erotic love. It therefore represents a very
The A.rviirs [cH.
chaste form of the expressions of divine love in terms of human
love. The Arvars were probably the pioneers in showing how love
for God may be on terms of tender equality, softening down to the
rapturous emotion of conjugal love. The Saivism of South India
flourished more or less at the same time. The hymns of the Saivas
are full of deep and noble sentiments of devotion which can hardly be
excelled in any literature; but their main emphasis is on the majesty
and the greatness of God and the feeling of submission, self-
abnegation and self-surrender to God. The spirit of self-surrender
and a feeling of clinging to God as one's all is equally dominant
among the Arvars; but among them it melts down into the sweet-
ness of passionate love. The Saiva hymns are indeed pregnant with
the divine fire of devotion, but more in the spirit uf submissive
service. Thus, :\lal).ikka-vachakar, in his Tiru-'l:iiclza kam, speaking
of Siva, says 1 :
And am I not Thy slave? and did'st Thou not make me Thine own,
I pray?
All those Thy servants have approached Thy Foot; this body full of sin
I may not quit, and see Thy face-Thou Lord of <;iva-world !-I fear,
And see not how to gain the si'ght!

All false am I; false is my heart; and false my love; yet, if he weep,

.:\lay not Thy sinful servant Thee, Thou Soul's Ambrosial sweetness,
Lord of all honied gladness pure, in grace unto Thy sen·ant teach
The way that he may come to Thee!

There was no love in me towards 'Thy Foot,

0 I Ialf of Her with beauteous fragrant locks!
By magic power that stones to mellow fruit
converts, Thou mad'st me lover of Thy Feet.
Our Lord, Thy tender love no limit knmYs.
\Vhatever sways me now, whate'er my deed,
Thou can'st even yet Thy Foot again to me
display and save, 0 Spotless Heavenly One!

The devotee also felt the sweetness of God's love and the fact
that it is through Divine Grace that one can be attracted towards
Hitn and can love Him:
Pope::'s translation of the Tiru viicha-kam, p. 77.
XVII] A.rviirs' controversy with Srz-vaip:avas
Honey from any flower sip not, though small
as tiniest grain of millet seed !
\Vhene'er we think of Him, whene'er we see,
whene'er of Him our lips converse,
Then sweetest rapture's honey ever flows,
till all our frame in bliss dissolves!
To Him alone, the mystic Dancer, go;
and breathe 1/is praise, thou humming-bee!

Arvars and Sri-vai~I).avas on certain points of

controversy in religious dogmas.
The Ar.agiyas Nathamuni, Yamuna, Ramanuja and their ad-
herents largely followed the inspirational teachings of the Ar.vars,
yet there were some differences of opinion among them regarding
some of the cardinal points of religious faith. These have been
collected in separate treatises, of which two may be regarded as
most important. One of them is called A~tiidasa-rahasyiirtha­
vivarm.za, by Ramanuja himself, and the other is called A~tiida5a­
bheda-nin;aya1. Venkatanatha and others also wrote important
treatises on the subject. Some of these points of difference may be
enumerated below.
The first point is regarding the grace of God (sviimi-krpii). It is
suggested by the Arvars that the grace of God is spontaneous and
does not depend on any effort or merit on the part of the devotee.
If God had to depend on anything else for the exercise of His
divine prerogative grace, it would be limited to that extent. Others,
however, say that God's grace depends on the virtuous actions of
the devotees. If that were not so, all people would in time be
emancipated, and there would be no need of any effort on their part.
If it was supposed that God in His own spontaneity extended His
grace to some in preference to others, He would have to be rega;ded
as partial. It is therefore to be admitted that, though God is free in
extending His mercy, yet in practice He extends it only as a reward
to the virtuous or meritorious actions of the devotee. God, though
all-merciful and free to extend His mercy to all without effort on
their part, does not actually do so except on the occasion of the
meritorious actions of His devotees. The extension of God's mercy
is thus both without cause (nirhetuka) and with cause (sahetuka) 2 •
1 Both these are MSS.
i krpii-sva-rfipato nir-hetukal_z, rak~a7Ja-samaye ceta11ii-krta-sukrtena sa-hetuko
bhutvii rak~ati. (A~!iidasa-bheda-nirpaya, MS. p. 2.)
86 The A.rviirs [cH.

Here the latter view is that of Ramanuja and his followers. It must,
however, be pointed out in this connection that the so-called dif-
ferences between the Arvars and the Ramanujists on the cardinal
points of religious faith are a discovery of later research, when the
writings of the Arvars had developed a huge commentary literature
and Ramanuja's own writings had inspired many scholars to make
commentaries on his works or to write independent treatises
elucidating his doctrines. The later scholars who compared the
results of the Arvar and the Ramanuja literatures came to the con-
clusion that there are some differences of view between the two
regarding the cardinal faith of religion. This marks a sharp anti-
thesis between the Arvaric Teilgalai school and the VaQ.agalai
school, of which latter Yeilkata was the leader. These differences are
briefly narrated in the A~tiidasa-bheda-nin.zaya. The cardinal faith
of religion according to Ramanuja has been narrated in the
A~tiidasa-rahasyiirtha-vivarar.za. The main principle of religious
approach to God is self-surrender or prapatti. Prapatti is defined
as a state of prayerfulness of mind to God, associated with the deep
conviction that He alone is the saviour, and that there is no way of
attaining His grace except by such self-surrender 1 • The devotee is
extremely loyal to Narayal).a and prays to Him and no one else, and
all his prayers are actuated by deep affection and no other motive.
The virtue of prapatti involves within it universal charity, sym-
pathy and friendliness even to the most determined enemy 2 • Such
a devotee feels that the Lord (sviiml), being the very nature of his
own self, is to be depended on under all circumstances. This is
called the state of supreme resignation (nirbharatva) in all one's
affairs 3 • The feeling of the devotee that none of the assigned
scriptural duties can be helpful to him in attaining the highest goal

an-anya-siidhye sviibhz~te mahii-viiviisa-pilrvakam

tad-elw' piiyatii yiiciiii prapatti/.l iarm;ii-gatil}.
A~tiidaia-rahasyiirtha-vivara7_la, p. 3·
Ramanuja, in his Gadya-trayam, says that such a state of prayerfulness of
mind is also associated ,.,·ith confessions of one's sins and shortcomings and
derelictions, and with a feeling that the devotee is a helpless servant of God
extremely anxious to get himself saved by the grace of the Saviour. See the
Gadya-trayam, Sarm:zii-gati-gadyam, pp. 52-5+·
This is technically known as Prapatti-nai~thikam (A~tiidaia.-rahasyiirtha­
vivara7_la, pp. 3-7). Cf. the parables of the pigeon and the monkey in the above
The interpretation is forced out of the conception of the word "svamin,"
which etymologically involves the word" svam" meaning "one's own."
xvn] A.rvars' controversy with Srz-vaip;avas
is technically called "upiiya-sunyatii," i.e. the realization of the use-
lessness of all other means. The devotee always smiles at all the
calamities that may befall him. Considering himself to be a servant
of God, he cheerfully bears all the miseries that may be inflicted
on him by God's own people. This is technically called "piira-
tantrya," or supreme subordination. The devotee conceives his soul
as a spiritual essence which has no independence by itself and is in
every respect dependent on God and exists for God 1 • The Vai~l)avas
are often called ekiintins, and have sometimes been wrongly con-
sidered as monotheists; but the quality of ekiintitva is the definite
characteristic of self-surrender and clinging to God in an unshaken
manner-the fullest trustfulness in Him under all adverse circum-
stances. The devotee's mind is always exhilarated with the divine
presence of the Lord who animates all his senses-his inclinations,
emotions and experiences. The fullness with which he realizes God
in all his own activities and thoughts, and in everything else in the
universe, naturally transports him to a sphere of being in which all
mundane passions-antipathy, greed, jealousy, hatred-become
impossible. With the divine presence of God he becomes infused
with the spirit of friendship and charity towards all beings on earth 2 •
The devotee has to take proper initiation from the preceptor, to
whom he must confess all that is in his mind, and by abnegating all
that is in him to his preceptor, he finds an easy way to conceive
himself as the servant of Vi~I)U 3 • He must also have a philosophical
conception of the entirely dependent relation of the human soul
and ail the universe to God 4 • Such a conception naturally involves
realization of the presence of God in all our sense activities, which
1 jfiiina-mayo hi iitmii se$0 hi paramii-tmanab iti jfiiinii-nandamayo jfiiinii-

nanda-f!ut}akab san st•a-rilpa'Jl bhaga•vad-adhinu1Jl sa tad-artham eva ti$!hatf' ti

jiiiitvii' •vati$!hate iti yad etat tad-a-priihrtat•vam.
A$tiidasa-rahasyiirtha-vivara1}Qm, p. I I.
This virtue is technically called nitya-raizgitva.
The five sa'Jlskiiras that a paramaikiintin must pass through are as follows:
tiipab pautJtf.ras tathii niima mantro yiigas ca paficamab
amf te paiica sa'Jlshiirii?l paramaikiinti-hetavab. Ibid. p. IS.
• This is technically called sambandha-jiiiinitvam. The conception that every-
thing exists for God is technically called se~a-bhiitatvam. Ibid. p. I8.
This naturally implies that the devotee must work and feel himself a servant
of God and of His chosen men. The service to humanity and to God then
naturally follow from the philosophical conception of the dependence of the
human souls, and of the universe, on God as a part of Him and to be controlled
by Him in every way. This is again technically called sesa-vrtti-paratva. Ibid.
pp. IQ-20.
88 The A.rviirs [cH.
presence in its fullness must easily lead to the complete control of
all our senses. Through the realization of God's presence in them,
the devotees play the part of moral heroes, far above the influences
of the temptation of the senses 1 • The normal religious duties, as
prescribed in the Vedas and the smrtis, are only for the lower order of
the people; those who are given entirely to God with the right
spirit of devotion need not follow the ordinary code of duties which
is generally binding for all. Such a person is released by the spon-
taneous grace of God, and without performing any of the scriptural
duties enjoys the fruits of all 2 • He is always conscious of his own
faults, but takes no notice of the faults of others, to which he
behaves almost as a blind man; he is always infused with the
consciousness that all his actions are under the complete sway
of the Lord. He has no enjoyment for himself, for he always
feels that it is the Lord who would enjoy Himself through all his
senses 3 •
In the A~tiidasa-bheda-nin.zaya it is said that according to the
Arvars, since emancipation means the discovery of a lost soul to
God or the unlimited servitude of God, emancipation is for the
interest of God and not of the devotee. The service of the servant
is for the servitude of God alone. It has therefore no personal
interest for the devotee 4 • According to the Aragiyas, however,
emancipation, though primarily for the interest of the Lord, is also
This is technically called the nitya-sfiratva.
jiiana-ni~tho virakto va mad-bhakto hy a-napek~akab
w lingan asraman tyaktva cared a-vidlzi-gocarab
ity et•am i~ar.za-traya-vinirmuktas san bhagavan-nir-hetuka-katak~a eva
mok~o-payal} iti ti~thati khalu so' dhikarr sakala-dharmar.zam avasyo bhavati.
A~tadasa-rahasyartha-vivarar.za, p. 23
This spirit of following God, leaving all other scriptural duties, is technically
called a-vidhi-gocaratva. In another section of this work Rarnanuja describes
mok~a or salvation as the conviction that the nature of God transcends, in bliss,
power and knowledge, all other conceivable things of this or any other universe.
A desire to cling to God as a true means of salvation is technically called mumuk-
~utva. The doctrine of a-vidhi-gocaratva herein described ~eems to be in conflict
with Ramanuja's view on the subject explained in the bha~ya as interpreted by
his many followers. This may indicate that his views underwent some change, and
these are probably his earlier views when he was under the influence of the Arvars.
This is technically called parii-kasatva (Ibid. pp. 23-24). The attit~de of
worshipping the image as the visible manifestation of God is technicallv called
upaya-st,arfipa-jiiana. The cessation of attachment to all mundane things ·and the
flowing superabundance of love towards God, and the feeling that God is the
supreme abode of life, is technically called atma-ramatt·a.
' phala'f!l mok~a-rfipam, tad bhagavata et•a na svartha7Jl yathii prana~ta-dr~ta­
dravya-labho dravyavata eva na dravyasya; tatha mok~a-phalmrz ca svamina eva
xvn] A.rviirs' controversy with Sri-vai~r;avas
at the same time for the interest of the devotee, because of the in-
tense delight he enjoys by being a servant of God. The illustration
of lost objects discovered by the master does not hold good, because
human beings are conscious entities who suffer immeasurable sor-
row which is removed by realizing themselves as servants of God.
Though the devotee abnegates all the fruits of his actions in a self-
surrender, yet he enjoys his position in the servitude of God and
also the bliss of the realization of Brahman. Thus, those who take
the path of knowledge (upiisaka) attain Brahma knowledge and the
servitude of God, and those who take the path of self-surrender
(prapatti) also attain Brahma knowledge and the servitude of God.
In the state of salvation (mukti) there is no difference of realization
corresponding to the variation of paths which the seekers after God
may take 1 . Again, in the Arvar school of thought, besides the four
ways of scriptural duties, philosophic wisdom, devotion to God and
devotion to teachers, there was a fifth way, viz. that of intense self-
surrender to God, i.e. prapatti. But the Aragiyas thought that apart
from prapatti there was only one other way of approaching God,
namely devotion, bhakti-yoga. Ramanuja and his followers main-
tain that karma-yoga and jiiiina-yoga only help to purify the mind,
as a preparation for bhakti-yoga. The devotion to the preceptor is
regarded only as a form of prapatti; so there are only two ways of
approach to God, viz. bhakti-yoga and prapatti 2•
Further, Sri occupies an important position in Sri-vai!?l).avism.
But as there are only three categories in the Sri-vai!?l).ava system,
a question may naturally arise regarding the position of Sri in
the threefold categories of cit, adt and paramesvara. On this point
the view of the older school, as described in Ramya-jamaq· muni's
Tattva-dipa, is that Sri is to be identified with human souls and is
therefore to be regarded as atomic in nature 3 • Others, however,
think that Sri is as all-pervasive as Vi!?I).U. Filial affection (viitsalya)
na muktasya; yad vii phala'l'!l kaiizkarya'l'!l tat parii-rtham eva na svii-rtham;
para-tantra-dasii-krta'l'!l kaiizkarya'l'!l sva-tantra-sviimy-artham eva. A~!iidasa­
bheda-nin:zaya, p. 2.
Ibid. p. 3·
2 atal:z prapatti-vyatirikto bhakti-yoga eka eve' ti. Ibid. p. 4·
8 Ibid. In the next section it is urged that, according to some, Niiriiya7)ll

and not Sr;: is the only agent who removes our sins, but others hold that sins may
be removed also by Srz in a remote manner, or, because Srl is identical with
Niiriiyat:za; as the fragrance is with the flower, she has also a hand in removing the
sins. Ibid. p. 5·
lakpnyii upiiyatva'l'!l bhagavata iva siik~iit abhyupagantavyam. Ibid.
The A.rviirs [cH.
for God is interpreted by the older schools as involving an attitude
in which the faults of the beloved devotee are points of endearment
to Him 1 • In the later view, however, filial affection is supposed to
involve an indifference or a positive blindness towards the faults of
the devotee. God's mercy is interpreted by the older school as
meaning God's affliction or suffering in noticing that of others.
Later schools, however, interpret it as an active sympathy on His
part, as manifested in His desire to remove the sufferings of others
on account of His inability to bear such miseries 2 •
Prapatti, otherwise called nytisa, is defined by the older school
as a mere passivity on the part of the Lord in accepting those who
seek Him or as a mental state on the part of the seeker in which he
is conscious of himself only as a spirit; but such a consciousness is
unassociated with any other complex feeling, of egoism and the like,
which invests one with so-called individuality. It may also mean
the mental state in which the seeker conceives himself as a subsidiary
accessory to God as his ultimate end, to \Vhom he must cling
unburdened by any idea of scriptural duties 3 ; or he may concen-
trate himself absolutely on the supreme interest and delight that he
feels in the idea that God is the sole end of his being. Such a person
naturally cannot be entitled without self-contradiction to any
scriptural duty. Just as a guilty wife may return to her husband,
and may passively lie in a state uf surrender to him and resign her-
self, so the seeker may be conscious of his own true position with
reference to God leading to a passive state of surrender 4 • Others
think that it involves five elements: (i) that God is the only saviour;
yathii kiimukal.z kiimmyii miilinyarrz hhogyatayii n·zkaroti tathii bhaRat'iin
iisrita-do~am svzkaroti itare tu viitsalym!i niima do~iidarsit·l'nm. A~!iidasa-bheda­
nir~aya, p. 6.
It is further suggested that, if a devotee takes the path of prapatti, he has not
to suffer for his faults as mu-:h as others would have to suffer.
The first alternative is defined as para-duhkha-du~lkhitz•mrz dayii. The
second alternative is sviirtha-nirapeh$a-para-dubkha-sahip;utii dayii; sa ca tan
niriikara~zPcchii. In the first alternative dayii is a painful emotion; in. the second
it is a state of desire, stirred up by a feeling- of repugnance, which is midway be-
tween feeling and volition. !hid. p. 6.
prapattir niima a-ni'l.'t"irm.za-miitram a-cid-z·yiiz·_rtti-miitrarrz 'l.'ii a-z·idheym!:
se~atz·a-jfiiina-11u"itram "l.'ii para-se~atai-ka-rati-riipa-parisuddha-yc"itluitmya-j;iana­
miitrarrz" vii. Ibid. p. 6.
According to some, any of these conditions would define pra{'atti "ato'prati-
~edhiidy-anyatamai' z·a iti kecit kathavanti." Ibid.
anu~tlu"inc"i-nupapatte!z, pratyuta
atyanta-para-tantrasya 'l.'irodizatz·ena
anU$!atur iinarthakyamuktam Srlz•acana-hlui$a~z.-l, ciram unya-parayii bhiirvan"i
kadiicid bhartr-snkiisam iigatayii miim angllwru iti z·iil<ym·at cetwza-k_rta-prapat-tir
iti. Ibid. p. 6.
xvn] A.rviirs' controversy with Sri-vair~Javas
(ii) that He is the only end to be attained; (iii) that He alone is the
supreme object of our desires; (iv) that we absolutely surrender and
resign ourselves to Him 1 ; and (v) supreme prayerfulness-all
associated with absolute trustfulness in Him.
There are some who define the prapanna, or seeker of God, as
one who has read the Arvar literature of prabandhas (adhita-
prabandhal; prapannal; ). Others, however, think that the mere study
of the prabandhas cannot invest a man with the qualities of prapatti.
They think that he alone is entitled to the path of prapatti who can-
not afford to adopt the dilatory courses of karma-yoga, jiiiina-yoga
and bhakti-yoga, and therefore does not think much of these
courses. Again, the older school thinks that the person who adopts
the path of prapatti should give up all scriptural duties and duties
assigned to the different stages of life (iisrama); for it is well evi-
denced in the Gitii text that one should give up all one's religious
duties and surrender oneself to God. Others, again, think that the
scriptural duties are to be performed even by those who have taken
the path of prapatti. Further, the older school thinks that the path
of knowledge is naturally against the path of prapatti; for prapatti
implies the negation of all knowledge, excepting one's self-sur-
rendering association with God. The paths of duties and of know-
ledge assume an egoism which contradicts prapatti. Others, how-
ever, think that even active self-surrender to God implies an ele-
ment of egoism, and it is therefore wrong to suppose that the paths
of duties and of knowledge are reconcilable with prapatti on ac-
count of its association with an element of egoism. The so-called
egoism is but a reference to our own nature as self, and not to
ahafzkiira, an evolute 2 • Again, some think that even a man who has
In the second alternative it is defined as follows:
an-anya-siidhye svii-bhz~te mahii-viiviisa-purvakam
tad-eko' -piiyatii yiicnii prapattii iarm:zii-gati/:z.
These are the five angas of prapatti, otherwise called nik~epa, tyiiga, nyiisa or
iarm:zii-gati (AHiidasa-bheda-nir~aya, pp. 6, 7). The difference between the first
and second alternative is that, according to the former, prapatti is a state of mind
limited to the consciousness of its true nature in relation to God; on the part of
God also it indicates merely a passive toleration of the seekers flocking unto Him
(a-niviira~a-miitram). In the second alternative, however, prapatti is defined as
positive self-surrendering activity on the part of the seekers and unconditional
protection to them all on the part of God. It is, therefore, that on the first
alternative the consciousness of one's own true nature is defined in three ways,
any one of which would be regarded on that alternative as a sufficient definition
of prapatti. The first one is merely in the cognitive state, while the second involves
an additional element of voluntary effort.
Ibid. pp. 8, 9·
The A_r'ciirs [cH.
adopted the path of prapatti may perform the current scriptural
duties only \vith a view to not lending any support to a reference
to their cases as pretexts for neglect of normal duties by the un-
enlightened and the ignorant, i.e. those that have adopted the path
of prapatti should also perform their duties for the purpose of
loka-sa'!lgraha. Others, however, think that the scriptural duties,
being the commandments of God, should be performed for the
satisfaction of God (bhagavat-prity-artham), even by those who
have taken the path of prapatti. Otherwise they would have to
suffer punishment for that.
The accessories of prapatti are counted as follows: (i) A positive
mental attitude to keep oneself always in consonance with the
Lord's will (iinukulyasya sm!zkalpa~); (ii) a negative mental attitude
(priitikulyasya varjanam), as opposing anything that may be con-
ceived as against His will; (iii) a supreme trustfulness that the Lord
will protect the devotee (rak#u:atiti 'l'isviisafz); (iv) prayer to Him
as a protector (goptrtva-7-·arm:zam); (v) complete self-surrender
(titma-nik~epal}); (vi) a sense of complete poverty and helplessness
(karpm:zyam). The older school thinks that the man who adopts the
path of prapatti has no desires to fulfil, and thus he may adopt any
of these accessories which may be possible for him according to the
conditions and inclinations of his mind. Others, however, think
that even those who follow the path of prapatti are not absolutely
free from any desire, since they wish to feel themselves the eternal
servants of God. Though they do not crave for the fulfilment of any
other kind of need, it is obligatory upon them to perform all the six
accessories of prapatti described above.
The older school thinks that God is the only cause of emancipa-
tion and that the adoption of the path of prapatti is not so; the later
school, however, thinks that prapatti is also recognized as the cause
of salvation in a secondary manner, since it is only through prapatti
that God extends His grace to His devotees 1 • Again, the older
schools think that there is no necessity for expiation (prayascitta)
for those who adopt the path of prapatti; for with them God's grace
is sufficient to remove all sins. The later schools, however, think
that, if the follower of the path of prapatti is physically fit to per-
form the courses of expiation, then it is obligatory on him. Accord-
ing to the older school a man possessing the eight kinds of devo-
1 A~!iidaia-bheda-nin;aya, p. 10.
xvn] A.rvars' controversy with Sri-vai~'l}avas 93
tion (bhakti), even if he be a mleccha, is preferred to a Brahman and
may be revered as such. According to the later schools, however,
a devotee of a lower caste may be shown proper respect, but he
cannot be revered as a Brahman. Again, on the subject of the
possibility of pervasion of the atomic individual souls by God, the
older schools are of opinion that God by His infinite power may
enter into the atomic individuals; the later schools, however, think
that such a pervasion must be of an external nature, i.e. from out-
side. It is not possible for God to penetrate into individual souls 1 •
As regards Kaivalya the older schools say that it means only self-
apperception. He who attains this state attains the highest stage of
eternity or immortality. The later school, however, thinks that he
who has merely this self-apperception cannot attain immortality
through that means only; for this self-apperception may not neces-
sarily mean a true revelation of his nature with reference to God.
He can realize that only as he passes through higher spheres and
ultimately reaches V aikuntha-the abode of God, where he is
accepted as the servant of the Lord. It is such a state that can be
regarded as eternal 2 •
1 A$!iidaia-bheda-nin:zaya, p. 12. The view is supported by a reference to

Varadacarya's Adhikarm:za-cintiimm:zi.
2 The eighteen points of dispute as herein explained have been collected in

the A~!iidasa-bheda-nin:zaya, according to the ancients in a verse quoted from

them as follows :
bheda!z sviimi-krpii-phalii-nya-gati$u irl-·vyiipty-upiiyat•vayos
tad-viitsalya-dayii-nirukti-vacasornyiise ca tat kartari
dharma-tyiiga-virodhayos sva-vihite nyiisii-fzga-hetutvayob
priiyascitta-vidhau tadlya-bhajane' nuvyiipti-kaivalyayo!z. Ibid. p. 1.

The Ar.agiyas from Nathamuni to Ramanuja.

A. GoviNDACHARYAR has written a book, The 1/oly Li1-·es of the
Azh1-Yirs, based upon a number of old works 1 • The writings of
the A.rvars may be sub-divided generally into three rahasyas (or
mystical accounts) called Tiru-mantra-churuldw, Dvaya-churullku,
Carama-Sloka-churu.kku. These three rahasyas have also been
dealt with in later times by very prominent persons, such as
Verikatanatha, Raghavacarya and others. Some account of these,
in the manner of these later writers, will he briefly given in the
proper place, since the scope of this work rloes not permit us to go
into the details of the lives of the .\rvars. The hagiologists make
a distinction between the Arvars and the Aragiyas in this, that,
while the former were only inspired men, the latter had their in-
spirations modified by learning and scholarship. The list of
Aragiyas hegins with ~athamuni. There is some difficulty in fixing
his age. The Guru-paramparii, the Dizya-silri-carita and the Pra-
panniimrta, are of opinion that he was in direct contact with
~amm' -arvar, otherwise called Sathakopa, or Karimaran, or rather
with his disciple l\ladhura-kaviy-arvar. Thus, the Prapanniimrta
says that Nathamuni was born in the village called Yiranarayal).a,
near the Cola country. His father's name was Isvara llhana, and
his son was Isvaramuni 2 • lie went on a long pilgrimage, in the
course of which he vi~iteJ the northern countries, including
:\lathura, Yrndavana and Haridvara, and also Bengal and PurL
After returning to his own place he found that some of the
1 (1) Div:yawSilri-<arita (a.1 earlier \\ork than the Prapamziimrta, which often
alludes to it) by Garu<;fa-vahana Par:J~lita, -:ontempora•·y and disciple of Rama-
nuja; (2) Prapamul.mrta, by Ananta-sur!, disciple of Saila-rmigda guru; (3)
Prabandha-sll.ra, by Verikaranatha; (+) Upadda-rat,w-miilai by Ramyajamatr-
maha-ml.!ni, otherwise cailed \'aravara-muni or Periya-Jiyar or :\lar)a"·ala :\11-
muni; (5) Guru-parampara-prabha ...·am by Pinb' -a_r:agiya Peru-mal Jiyar; and
(6) Pazhanadai-vilakkan.
lt is said that he belong.c>d to the lineage of Sa~hakopa or Sa~ha-mar~ar:Ja.
His other name was Sri-rariga-natha. (See introduction to (,atu!z-slokl, Ananda
Press, l\lauras, p. 3-)
cH. xvn1] The A.ragiyasfrom Nathamuni to Ramanuja 95
Srivai!?Q.avas, who came from the Western countries to the temple
of Raj'lgopala, recited there ten verses by Karimara. Nathamuni,
who heard those hymns, realized that they were parts of a much
bigger work and decided to collect them. He went to KumbhakoQ.a,
and under the inspiration of God proceeded to the city of Kuraka,
on the banks of Tamraparl).i, and there met l\1adhura-kaviy-arvar,
the disciple of Namm' -arvar, and asked him if the hymns of Namm'-
arvar were available. 1\Iadhura-kaviy-arvar told him that after
composing a big book of hymns in Tamil and instructing l\1adhura-
kaviy-arvar the same, Namm' -arvar had attained salvation. The
work could not, therefore, obtain currency among the people.
The people of the locality had the misconception that the study of
the work would be detrimental to the Vedic religion. So they threw
it into the river Tamraparl).i. Only one page of the book, containing
ten verses, was picked up by a man who appreciated the verses and
recited them. Thus only these ten verses have been saved. Natha-
muni recited twelve thousand times a verse composed by 1\Iadhura-
kaviy-arvar in adoration of Namm' -arvar, and, as a result of that,
Namm' -arvar revealed the purport of the whole work to him. But
when :\athamuni wanted to know all the verses in detail he was
advised to approach an artisan of the place who was inspired by
Namm' -arvar to reveal all the verses to him. So Nathamuni re-
ceived the entire work of Namm'-arvar from the artisan. He then
gave it to his pupil PuQ.9arikak!?a, and PuQ.9arikak!?a gave it to his
disciple Rama l\lisra, and Rama l\1isra gave it to Yamuna, and
Yamuna gave it to Go!?thipiirl).a, and Go!?thipiirl).a gave it to his
daughter Devaki Sri. Nathamuni brought the hymns together, and,
through his two nephews, l\Ie!aiyagattarvar and KiJaiyagattarvar,
set them to music in the Yedic manner; from that time fonvard
these hymns were sung in the temples and were regarded as the
Tamil Veda 1 . The oldest Guru-parampara and Divya-siiri-carita,
however, say that ~athamuni obtained the works of Namm'-arvar
directly from him. The later Srivai!?Q.avas found that the above
statements did not very well suit the traditional antiquity of the
Arvars, and held that l\1adhura-kaviy-arvar was not the direct
disciple of Namm' -arvar and that Nathamuni attained the high
age of three hundred years. But, if, as we found before, Namm'-
arvar's date be fixed in the ninth century, no such supposition
1 Prapanniimrta, Chs. 106 and 107.
The Visi~!ti-dvaita School [cH.
becomes necessary. Gopinatha Rau refers also to a Sanskrit in-
scription in the middle of the tenth century, in which it is stated
that the author of the verses was a disciple of Srinatha. If this
Srinatha is the same as Nathamuni, then the computation of
Nathamuni's date as falling in the tenth century is quite correct.
He had eleven disciples, of whom Pm:uJarikak~a, Karukanatha and
Srik~Q.a Lak~minatha were the most prominent. He wrote three
works, lVyiiya-tattva, Purufa-nim:zaya and Yoga-rahasya 1 • Natha-
muni is also described as a great yogin who practised the yoga
of eight accessories (af!iiizga-yoga)2. The Prapanniimrta says that
he died by entering into yoga in the city of 4~ganga (probably
GangaikoQ.<;ia~mJapuram). Gopi-natha, however, thinks that he
could not have died in that city, for it was not founded by Rajen-
dracola, otherwise called GangaikoQ.<;iasola, before 1 024, which
must be later than the date of Nathamuni. Nathamuni lived
probably in the reign of Parantaka Cola I, and died before or in the
reign of Parantaka Cola II, i.e. he lived eighty or ninety years in the
middle of the tenth century. He had made an extensive tour in
Northern India as far as 1\lathura and Badari-natha and also to
Dvaraka and PurL Srikf~Q.a Lak~minatha, disciple of Nathamuni,
wrote an extensive work on the doctrine of prapatti. He was born
at a place called Kr~IJamangala. He was well-versed in the Vedas,
and was a specialist in Vedanta and also a great devotee, who con-
stantly employed himself in chanting the name of Yi~I).U ( niima-
saizkirtana-ratal;.). He used often to go about naked and live on
food that was thrown to him. The hagiologists say that he entered
into the image of the temple and became one with God. Pul).<;ia-
The Nyiiya-tattva is referred to by Venkatanatha in his Nyiiya-parisuddhi
(p. 13) as a work in which Gautama's Nyiiya-siUras were criticized and refuted:
bhaga·van-niitlza-munibhir nyiiya-tattva-samiilzovayii
m:adhzryii' k~apiidiidzn nyabandhi nyiiya-paddlzati/.1
1\/yiiya-parisuddhi, p. 13.
The practice of a~tiinga-yofta was not a new thing with Nathamuni. In
giving an account of Tiru-mari~ai Piran, also called Bhaktisara, the Prapannii-
mrta says tttat he first became attached to the god Siva and wrote many Tamil
works on Saiva doctrines; but later on the saint Maharya initiated him into
Vai~l)avism and taught him a~fiinga-yofta, through which he realized the great
truths of Vai~Qavism. He then wrote many works in Tamil on Vai~r:tavism.
Bhakti-sara also wrote a scholarly work, refuting the views of other opponents,
which is known as Tatt·viirtha-siira. Bhakti-sara also used to practise artiin~:a­
yoga and was learned in all the branches of Indian philosophy. Bhakti-sara had
a disciple named Kanikr~r:ta, who wrote many extremely poetical verses or hymns
in adoration of Vi~Qu. Kula-sekhara Peru-mal is also said to have practised yoga.
XVIII] The A:ragiyas from N dthamuni to Ramtinuja 97
rikak!?a Uyyakoi).<Jar is supposed to have very much influenced the
character of Kurukanatha, who in the end entered into yoga and
died. Rama l\1isra was horn in the city of Saugandhakulya, in a
Brahmin family, and was a pupil of Pui).<Jarikak!?a. The name of
Pul).<;iarikak!?a's wife was AI).<Ja!. Pui).<Jarikak!?a asked Rama Misra
(1\lanakkal-lambej) to teach Yamuna all that he was taught.
Yamuna, however, was not born during the life of Put;<;larikak!?a, and
Pui).<Jarikak!?a only prophesied his birth in accordance with the old
prophecy of Nathamuni. Rama l\Iisra had four disciples, excluding
Yamuna, of whom Lak!?mi was the most prominent 1 • He used to
stay in Srirangam and expound the doctrines of the Vedanta.
Yamunacarya, otherwise called A!avandar, son of lsvaramuni
and grandson of Nathamuni, was born probably in A.D. 918 and is
said to have died in A.D. 1038. He learned the Vedas from Rama
1\Iisra, and was reputed to be a great debater 2• Becoming a king, he
was duly married and had two sons named Vararanga and Sottha-
plirl).a. He lived happily for a long time, enjoying his riches, and
took no notice of Rama l\Iisra. But Rama l\Iisra with some difficulty
oLtained access to him and availed himself of the opportunity to
teach him the Bhagavad-gitii, which aroused the spirit of detach-
ment in him, and he followed Rama l\Iisra to Srirangam and, re-
nouncing everything, becarne a great devotee 3 • One of the last
1 (1) Taivattuk-k-arasu-Nambi; (2) Gomathattut-tiruvinnagar-appan; (3)
Sirup-pullur-udaya-Pillai; (4) Vangi-puratt-acchi. (See The L~fe of Riimiinuja,
by Govindacharyar, p. 14.)
2 The Prapanniimrta rel~tes a story of Yamuna's debating power at the age

of twelve. The king of the place had a p:riest of the name of Akkaialvan, who was
a great debater. Yamuna challenged him and defeated him in an open debate
held in the court of the king. He was given half the kingdom as a reward. He
seems to have been very arrogant in his O!arlier days, if the wording of his challenge
found in the Prapmmiimrta can be believed. The words of challenge run as follows:
ii sailiid tidri-kanyii-cara7Ja-kisalaya-nyiisa-dhanyopaka7}thiid
ii rakso-nlta-sltii-mukha-kamala-samulliisa-hetos ca setoh
ii ca p1·acya-praUcya-k~iti-dhara-yuga tadarkacandriivaim!lsiin
m"imii'flSii-siistra-yugmn-srama-'l·imala-manii mrgyalii1Jl miidrso'nyalz
Ch. III.
3 A story is told in the Prapannamrta that, when Yamuna became a king and
inaccessible to him, Rama 1\Iisra was concerned how he could carry out the com-
mantis of his teachers and initiate Yamuna to the path of <ievotion. He got in
touch with Yamuna's cook, and for six months presented some green vegetables
(ai.arlw-st"ilw) which Yamuna very much liked. \Vhen, after the six months, the
king asked how the rare ve~etables found their way into tl:e kitchen, Rama l\lisra
stayed away for four days praying to Ranganatha, the deity, to tell him how he
could approach Yamuna. In the meanwhile the king missed the green vegetables
and asked his cook to present Rama :Misra when next he should come to the
kitchen. Rama 1\tisra was thus presented to Yamuna.
Dill 7
The Visi~ta-dvaita School [cH.
instructions of Rama Misra was to direct him to go to Kurukanatha
(Kurugai-kkaval-appan) and learn from him the a~tiinga-yoga,
which had been left with him (Kurukii) by Nathamuni for Yamuna.
Yamuna had many disciples, of whom twenty-one are regarded
as prominent. Of tht:se disciples, l\1ahaplirl).a belonged to the
Bharad,·aja gotra, and had a son named PuQ.<)arikak~;;a and a daughter
named Attutayi. Another disciple, called Srisailaplirl).a, was known
also by the name Tatacarya 1 . Another of his disciples, Go~thiplirQ.a,
was born in the PaQ.<)ya country, where also, in the city of Srima-
dhura, was born another of Yamuna's disciples, l\Ialadhara. In the
city of l\Iaraner in the PaQ.<;lya country was born another disciple,
l\Iaraner Nambi, a sudra by caste; a further disciple, Kaiiciplir:Qa,
who was also of the sildra caste, wa5 born in t~e city of Punamalli.
Yamuna used to invest all his disciples with the five Vai~Q.a\·a
sa'!lskiiras, and he also converted the Cola king and queen to the
same faith and made over the kingdom !te had hitherto enjoyed to
the service of the deity Ranganatha of Srirangam. SrisailaplirQ.a,
or Bhuri Srisailaplirl).a, or l\1ahapflrl).a had two sons, two sisters and
two daughters. The elder sister, Kantimati, was married to Kdava
Yajvan, also called Asuri Kesava, Ramanuja's father, and the second
sister, Dyutimati, was married to Kanalak~a Bhatta, and a son was
born to them called Govinda. Kurda, who was long in association
with Ramanuja, was born of Ananta Bhatta and l\Iahadevi, and this
Kuresa was the father of Anantacarya, writer of the Prapanniimrta 2 •
Dasarathi was born of Ananta Dik~ita, ofVadhiilagotra, and Lak~mL
Dasarathi had a son called Kal).<)a<)anatha, who was also called
Ramanujadasa. They are all associates of Ramanuja, who had
seventy-four prominent disciples.
Yamuna was very fond of Namm' -arvar's works, the doctrines
of \\ hich were often explained to the people. Yamuna wrote six
works: (i) Stotra-ratnam, in adoration to the deity Yarada; (ii)
Catufz-Sloki; (iii) Agama-priimii~ya; (iv) Siddhi-traya; (v) Gitiirtha-
Sa1!1gralza; (vi) J\1ahii-puru~a-nir~zaya 3 • Of these the Siddhi-traya is
the most important, and the section on Yamuna in this volume has
been based almost entirely on it. The Agama-priimii~zya is a work in
which he tries to establish the high antiquity and undisputed
Prnpanuiimrta, Ch. I I 3. p. 440.
Ibid. Ch. 1 so, p. 450. Anantacarya, called also Ananta Suri, was the pupil of
~ailararigesa-guru. He reveres also Ramyajamatr-maha-muni.
See Yerikatanath~'s introductiOI. to the Gltiirtha-sm.ngraha-ra~ii.
XVIII] The A:ragi'yas from Niithamuni to Riimdnuja 99

authority of the Paficaratra literature, which is supposed to be the

canon of the Srivai!?Q.avas. The Stotra-ratnam, Catul:z-sloki and
Gitiirtha-Sal!lgraha were all commented upon by various persons,
but the most important of the commentaries is that ofVeiikatanatha1 •
The Stotra-ratnam consists of sixty-five verses in which Yamuna de-
scribes the beauty of the Lord Kr~Q.a, as set forth in the Pural).as, and
confesses to Him the deep affliction of all his sins and guilt, frailties
and vices, and asks for forgiveness of them. He also describes the
greatness of the Lord as transcendent and surpassing the greatness
of all other deities, as the supreme controller and upholder of the
universe. He narrates his own complete surrender to Him and en-
tire dependence on His mercy. If the mercy and grace of the Lord
be so great, there is none so deserving of mercy in his wretchedness
as a sinner. If the sinner is not saved, the mercy of the Lord be-
comes meaningless. The Lord requires the sinner in order to
realize Himself as the all-merciful. Yamuna further describes how
his mind, forsaking everything else, is deeply attracted to the Lord;
and the sense of his supreme helplessness and absolute abnegation2 •
The devotee cannot bear any delay in his communion with God,
and is extremely impatient to meet Him; it is galling to him that
God should heap happiness after happiness on him and thus keep
him away. The fundamental burden of the hymns is an expression
of the doctrine of prapatti; this has been very clearly brought out
in the commentary of Venkatanatha. It is said that it was after
reading these hymns that Ramanuja became so deeply attracted to
Yamuna. The Catul:z-Sloki consists of only four verses in praise of
Sri or Lakpni 3 •
In the Gitiirtha-Sal!lgraha Yamuna says that the means to the
1The commentary on the Catul;z-sloki by Venkatan~tha is called Rahasya-
and the commentary on the Stotra-ratnam goes also by the same name.
The commentary on the Gltiirtha-sa1Jlgraha, by V enkatanatha, is called Gitiirtha-
2 Two specimen verses may be quoted from the Stotra-ratnam:
na dharma-nistho'smi na cii' tma-vedf na bhaktimiims tvac-caranii-ratnnde
a-kiiicano llii';;ya-gatii iarm:zya tvat-piida-millarrz i~ra~rrz prap~dye.
St. 22.
na ninditam karma tad asti loke
sahasraso yan na mayii vyadhiiyi
so' ham vipiikii-vasare mukunda
krandiimi sampraty a-gatis taviigre. Sl. 23.

3V enkatanatha, in his commentary on the Catul:z-ilokl, discusses the position

of Lak!?mi according to the Vai,gmva tradition. Lak!?mi is regarded as a being
100 The Visi~!ii-dvaita School [cu.
attainment of the ultimate goal of life is devotion, which is pro-
duced as a result of the performance of scriptural duties and the
emergence of self-know ledge 1 • According to Yamuna, yoga in the
Gitii means bhakti-yoga. So the ultimate object of the Gitii is the
propounding of the supreme importance of bhakti (devotion) a~ the
ultimate object, which requires as a precedent condition the per-
formance of the scriptural duties and the dawning of the true
spiritual nature of the self as entirely dependent on God.
It is related in the Prapanniimrta that Yamuna was anxious to
meet Ramanuja, but died immediately before Ramanuja came to
meet him. So Ramanuja could only render the last homage to his
dead body.

Ramanuja2 •
It has already been said that IVIahapun;a (Nambi), disciple
of Yamuna, had two ;:;isters, Kantimati and Dyutimati, of whom
the former was married to Kesava Y ajvan or Asuri Kesava of
Bhutapuri and the latter to Kamalak!?a Bhatta. Ramanuja (Ilaya
Perumal), son of Kesava Yajvan, was born in A.D. 1017. He re-
ceived his training, together with his mother's sister's son Govinda
Bhatta, from Yadavaprakasa, a teacher of Vedanta of great reputa-
tion. The details of Yadavaprakasa's views are not known, but it is
very probable that he was a monist 3 • Before going to study with
different from Narayat:Ja, but always associated with Him. He thus tries to refute
all the views that surpose Lak~mi to be a part of Narayat:Ja. Lak~mi should also
not be identified with miiyii. She is also conceived as existing in intimate associa-
tion with Narayat:Ja and, like a mother, exerting helpful influence to bring the
devotees into the sphere of the grace of the Lord. Thus Lak~mi is concei,·ed to
have a separate personality of her own, though that personality is merged, as it
were, in the personalit) of 1'\arayat:Ja and all Hi!> efforts, and all her efforts are in
consonance with the efforts of :1\jarayat:Ja (parasparii-nukiilatayii sar·vatra siima-
rusyam). On the controversial point whether Lak~mi is to be considered a jiz·a
and therefore atomic in nature, the problem how she can then be all-pervasive,
and the view that she is a part of Narayat:Ja, Venkatanatha says that Lak~mi is
neither jh·a nor Naraya1_1a, but a separate person ha,·ing her being entirely de-
pendent on God. Her relation to l'arayat:Ja can be understood on the analogy of
the relatiun of the rays to the sun or the fragrance to the A0wer.
niiriiya~ab para1Jl brahma gltii-siistre samuditab
Gitc"irtha-SmJigraha, verse I.
• l\lost of the details of Ramanuja 's life are collected from the account given
m the Prapanniim!la by Anantacarva, a junior contemporary of Hamanuja.
• Yadava held that Brahman, though by its nature possessing infinite quali-
ties, yet transforms itself into all types of living beings and also into all kinds of
inanimate things. Its true nature is understood when it is realized that it is one
XVIII] Riimiinuja 101

Yadavaprakasa, Ramanuja was married at the age of sixteen, by his

father, who died shortly afterwards. His teacher Yadavaprakasa
lived in Kafici. So Ramanuja left Bhutapuri his native place with
his family and went to KaficL In the early d3ys of his association
with Yadavaprakasa, it is said that Yadavaprakasa became annoyed
with him, because he had cured the daughter of a certain chief of
the place from possession by a spirit, which his teacher Yadavaprakasa
had failed to do. Shortly after this there \vas a difference of opinion
between Yadava and Ramanuja on the interpretation of certain
U pani!?ad texts, which Yadava interpreted in the monistic manner,
but Ramanuja on the principle of modified dualism. Yadava be-
came very much annoyed with Ramanuja and arranged a plot,
according to which Ramanuja was to be thrown into the Ganges
while on a pilgrimage to Allahabad. Govinda divulged the plot
to Ramanuja, who was thus able to wander away from the com-
pany and retire to K~fid, after suffering much trouble on the way.
While at Kaiki he became associated with a devout person of the
siidra caste, called Kaiicipun.la. Later Ramanuja was reconciled
to his t~acher and studied with him. \Vhen Yamuna once came to
Kancl he saw Ramanuja at a distance among the students of
Yadava marching in procession, but had no further contact with
him, and from that time forward was greatly anxious tu have
Ramanuja as one of his pupils. Ramanuja again fell out with his
teacher on the meaning of the text kapyiisam pur.ujarikam ( Chiin-
dogya, p. 167). As a result of this quarrel, Ramanuja was driven
out by Yadava. Thenceforth he became attached to the worship of
Narayal).a on Hastisaila in Kaiid, where he first heard the chanting
of the Stotra-ratnam of Yamuna by l\1ahaplirQ.a, his maternal uncle
and pupil of ·Yamuna. From l\Iahapun;a Ramanuja learnt much of
Yamuna and started for Srirangam with him. But before he could
reach Srirangam Yamuna died. It is said that after his death three
fingers of Yamuna were found to be twisted and Ramanuja thought
that this signified three unfulfilled desires: ( 1) to convert the people
to the prapatti doctrine of Yai!?t).avism, making them well versed in
in spite of its transformation into diverse forms of animate and inanimate entities
-anye punar aikyiivabodha-yiithiitmya1Jl var~ayantG~ sviibhiivika-niratiiaya-
porimitodiira-gu~a-siigara1Jl brahmaiva sura-nara-tiryak-sthiivara-niiraki-svargy-
iipavargi-caitanyaika-svabhiiva1Jl sva-bhiivato vilak~a~am avilak~a~a1Jl ca viyad-
iidi-niinii-vidhii-mala-riipa-pari~iim(i-spada1J1 ceti pratym;ati~thante. Ramanuja,
Vediirtha-sa1Jlgraha, p. 15, printed at the Medical Hall Press, 1894.
102 The Visi~fl!ii-d~·aita School [cH.

the works of the Arvars; (2) to write a commentary to the Brahma-

siltra according to the Srlvai~l)ava school; (3) to write many works
on Srlvaisna'>·ism. Ramanuja, therefore, agreed to execute all these
three wis.hes 1 • He return~d to Kaiicl and became attached to
Kaiiclpiirl)a, the disciple of Yamuna, as his teacher. Later he
set out for Srirarigam and on the way was met by l\Iahaplirl)a,
who was going to Kaiicl to bring him to Sriratigam. He was then
initiated hy 1V1ahapurl)a (the iiciirya), according to the fivefold
Yai~l)ava rites (pafica-sm!lskiira). Ramanuja, being annoyed with
his wife's discourteous treatment with :\Iahaplirl)a's wife, and also
with people who came to beg alms, sent her by a ruse to her
father's house, and renounced domestic life when he was about 30
or 32 years of age. After establishing himself as a sannyiisin, his
teaching in the Sastras began ,,-ith Dasarathi, son of his sister:!,
and Kuranatha, son of Anantabhana. Yadavaprakasa also became
a disciple of Ramanuja3 • Eventually Ramanuja left for Srlratigam
and dedicated himself to the worship of Ratigda. He learnt certain
esoteric doctrines and mantras from Go~thlpun;a ·who had been
~nitiated into them by his teacher. Later on Ramanuja defeated
in discussion a Satikarite named Yajiiamurti, who later became
his disciple and wrote two works in Tamil called Jiiiina-siira and
Prameya-siira 4 • He now had a number of well reputed disciples such
as Bhaktagrama-purl)a, 1\Iarudha-grama-plirl)a, Anantarya, Yara-
dacarya and Yajnesa. Ramanuja first wrote his Gadya-traya. He
then proceeded to the Sarada-matha with Kurda, otherwise called
Srlvatsatika l\Iisra or KuruttaJ.van, procured the manuscript of the
Bodhiiyana-vrtti, and started towards Srlratigam. The keepers of
the temple, however, finding the book missing, ran after him and

Prapamu'im!fa, IX, p. 26. The interpretation of this passage by Govinda-
carya and Gho!?a seems to me to be erroneous; for there is no reference to
Sathakopa here. Kuresa, or Srivatsanka Misra, had two sons; one of them was
baptized by Ramanuja as Parasara Bhattarya and the other as Ramadesika.
Ramanuja's maternal cousin, Govinda, had a younger brother, called Bala
Govinda, and his son was baptized as Parankusa-pun)arya.
The name of Dasarathi's father is Anantadik~ita.
His baptismal name was Govindadasa. After his com·ersion he v.rote a
book entitled Yati-dlwrma-samuccaya. This Govindadasa must be distinguished
from Govinda, son of the aunt of Ramanuja, v.ho had been com·erted to Sai,·ism
hy Yadavaprakasa and was reconverted to Srivai~l)avism by his maternal uncle
Srisailapurl)a, pupil of Yamuna. Govinda had married, but became so attached
to Ramanuja that he renounced the world. Srisailapurl)a wrote a commentary un
the Sahasra-glti. Ramanuja had another disciple in Pul)<;larikak~a, l\lahapurl)a's
His baptismal names were Devarat and Devamannatha.
XVIII) Riimiinuja IOJ

took it away. Fortunately, however, Kuresa had read the book

during the several nights on the way, had remembered its purport
and so was able to repeat it. Ramanuja thus dictated his com-
mentary of Sri-bhii~ya, which was written down by Kuresa 1 . He
also wrote Vediinta-dipa, Vediinta-siira and Vediirtha-sa1Jlgraha.
The Sri-bhii~ya was written probably after Ramanuja had made ex-
tensive tours to Tirukkovalur, Tirupati, Tirupputkuli, Kumbha-
kol).am, A1agarkoil, Tiruppullani, Arvar-Tirunagari, Tirukkurun-
gudi, Tiruval).parisaram, TiruvaHar, Tiruvanandapuram, Tiru-
vallikel).i, Tirunirmalai, :\'ladhurantakam and Tiruvaigundipuram 2 •
Later on he 1nade extensive tours in Northern India to Ajmir,
~Iathura, Brindavan, Ayodhya and Badari, defeating many heretics.
He also went to Benares and Puri and at the latter place established
a matha. He forcibly tried to introduce the Paficaratra rites into
the temple of Jagannatha, but failed. According to the Riimii-
nujiirya-divya-charitai, the Srz-bhii~ya was completed in I077 saka
or A.D. 1 I 55, though two-thirds of the work were finished before
the Cola persecution began. But this date must be a mistake; for
Ramanuja died in I059 saka or A.D. I 137 3 • The eyes of Mahapiirl).a
(Periyalnambi) and Kuresa were put out hy the Cola king Kolutt-
uilga I, probably in the year I078-I079, and this must be the date
when Ramanuja was forced to take refuge in the Hoysala country.
It was in A.D. I I I7, on the death of Koluttuilga I, that Ramanuja
again returned to Srirailgam, where he met Kuresa and finished the
Sri-bhii~ya 4 • In a Afadhva work called Chaliiri-s1Jlrli it is said that
in I049 saka, that is A.D. 1127, it was already an established work 5 •
It is therefore very probable that the Sri-bhii~ya was completed be-
tween A.D. 11 I7 and 1127. Gopi-natha Rau thinks that it was com-
pleted in A.D. 1125.
Ramanuja fled in the garb of an ordinary householder from
Ramanuja had asked Kurcsa to check him if he were not correctly repre-
senting the Bodlziiyana-,•rtti, and in one place at least there was a difference of
opinion and Ramanuja was in the wrong.
See Gopi-natha Rau 's Lectures, p. 34, footnote.
See Ibid.
Ramlinujlirya-divya-rlzaritai (a Tamil work), p. 2-B, quoted in Gopi-
natha Rau's Lectures.
kalau pravrtta-bauddlui' -di-mata'!l riimanuja'!l tatlza
sake Jzy eko-na-paiicaiad-adlzika-bde sahasrake
nirakartu'!l mukhya-vii)'llb san-t>~.ata-stlzapaniiya ca
eka-dasa-sate sake Vi'!lsaty-a~!a-yuge gate
avatfrt:za'!l madlzva-guru'!l sada vande malza-gut:zam.
Clzalari-smrti, quoted in Gopi-natha Rau's Lectures, p. 35·
I04 The Visi~!ii-dvaita School [cH.
Srlrangam to Toi)~Hii)U[, to escape from the persecution of Kolutt-
unga I or Rajendracola, otherwise called Krmikantl).a, a Saiva king.
He was successful in converting the Jain king llittideva of the
Hoysala country, who was renamed Vi~I)Uvardhanadeva after the
Vai~!lava fashion. ~Ir Rau says that this conversion took place
some time before A.D. I099 1 . With the help of this king he con-
structed the temple Tirunarayanapperumal at :\lelukot (Yada-
vadri), where Ramanuja lived for about twelve years 2 • .-\ccorJing
to the Riimiinujiirya-divya-chan·tai Ramanuja lived for eleven years
after his return to Srlrangam (some time after the death of Kolutt-
unga I in II IS) and died in A.D. I I37· He thus enjoyed an extra-
ordinary long life of one hundred and twenty years, which was
spread over the reigns of three Cola kings, Koluttunga I (A.D. IOj0-
11 I8), Vikrama Cola (A.D. I I I8-I I35), and Koluttunga II (A.D.
I I23-I I46) 3 • He had built many temples and mathas in his life-
time, and by converting the temple superintendent of Srlrangam
got possession of the whole temple.
Ramanuja's successor \vas Parasara llhattarya, son of Kurda,
who wrote a commentary on the Salzasra-giti. Ramanuja had suc-
ceeded in securing a number of devoted scholars as his disciples,
and they carried on his philosophy and forms of \HJrship through
the centuries. His religion was catholic, and, though he followed
the rituals regarding initiation and worship, he admitted J ains and
Buddhists, Sudras and even untouchables into his fold. He himself
was the pupil of a Sudra and used to spend a long time after his bath in
the hut of an untouchable friend of his. It is said that he ruled over
74 episcopal thrones, and counted ~.mong his followers 700 ascetics,
I2,ooo monks and 300 nuns (Keni ammais). ~lany kings and rich
men were among his disciples. Kurcsa, Dasarathi, ~ a9a9ur .\ryan
and the Bha~tara \Yere dedicated to scholarly discourses. Yajiiamurti
performed the function of the priest; one disciple was in charge of the
kitchen; Yatapllrl)a or ~-\ndhrapiirl)a and Gomatham Sitiyarvan were
in charge of various kinds of personal service; Dhanurda~a \vas trea-
"!\lr Rice, however, says in the .Hysore Gazetteer, \·ol. 1, that the conversion
took place in 103<) saka or A.D. I I 17. But Rau points out that in the Epigraphia
Carnatica we have inscriptions of Bigideva as early as saka 1023 (~o. 3+ Arsiker),
which cl'\ll him Visnu-·cardluma.
l The general.tradition is that Ramanuja kept away from Srirangam for a

total period of twelve years only; but Rau holds that this period must be about
twenty years, of which twelve years Wt>re spent in Yadavadri.
Srr Riimiinujiiciirya, by S. K. Aiyangar, :\l.A. ~atesan and Co., !\Iadras.
XVIII) Riimiinuja 105

surer; Ammangi of boiled milk; Ukkal .Arvan served meals; Ukkal-

ammal fanned, and so on 1 . Ramanuja converted many Saivas to
Vai~l)avism, and in the conflict between the Saivas and the Vai~l)avas
in his time; though he suffered much at the hands of the Cola king
Krmikanti)a who was a Saiva, yet Krmikanti)a's successor became
a Yai~l)ava and his discip!e, and this to a great extent helped the
cause of the spread of Srivai~l)avism.
The sources from which the details of Ramanuja's life ~an be
collected are as follows: ( 1) Divya-suri-charitai, written in Tamil by
Garu~tavaha, a contemporary of Ramanuja; (z) Gurii-paramparii-
prabhiivam, written in ma1Jipra·viila in the early part of the four-
teenth century by Pinb'-ar.agiya Peru-mal Jiyar; (3) Pillai Lokam-
jiyar's Riimiinujiirya-di'l')'a-charitai, written in Tamil; (4) Al)billai
Kai)Qa<)aiyappan's brief handbook of Arvars and Aragiyas called
Periya-tiru-mu¢iy-aljai'l'a, written in Tamil; (5) Prappanniimrta,
by Anantacarya. a descendant of Andhrapurl)a, and pupil of Saila-
railgesa-guru; (6) the commentaries on the Tiru-viiy-mo:ri which
contain many personal reminiscences of the Aragiyas; (7) other
epigraphical records.

The Precursors of the Visi~tadvaita Philosophy and

the contemporaries and pupils of Ramanuja.
The hhediibheda interpretation of the Brahma-siitras is in all
probability earlier than the monistic interpretation introduced by
Sankara. The Bhagm:ad-gitii, which is regarded as the essence of
the Upani~ads, the older Purii1Jas, and the Paficariitra, dealt with
in this volume, are more or less on the lines of bhediibheda. In
fact the origin of this theory may be traced to the Puru~a-sukta.
Apart from this, Drami<;lacarya, as Yamuna says in his Siddhi-
t1·aya, explained the Brahma-siitra, and that it was further
commented upon by Srivatsanka 1\lisra. Bodhayana, referred to
by Ramanuja as Vrtti-ka1·a and by Sa1\kara as Upavar~a, wrote on
the Brahma-siitras a very elaborate and extensive vrtti, which
formed the basis of Ramanuja's bhii~ya 2 • Anandagiri also refers
The Life of Riimiinuja, by Govindtcharyar, p. 218.
Vetikatanatha in his Tatt'L·a-rzkii says " Vrtti-kiirasya Bodhiiyanasyai'va
hi Upa'L'ar~a iti syiin niima." In his Sesvara-mimii'f!lSii, however, he refutes the
view of Upava!'!;'a, for in the raijayantzlcxicon Krtakoti and Halabhuti are said
to be names of U pavar!ja.
See also the second volume of the present work, p. 43 n.
106 The Visi~!ii-dvaita School [cH.

to Drii·vitja-bhii~ya as being a commentary on the Chiindogy

Upani~ad, written in a simple style (rju-vivarm:za) previous to
Sailkara's attempt. In the Sa'f!lk~epa-siiriraka (111. 21 7-27) a
writer is referred . to as Atreya and V iikya-kiira, and the com-
mentator Ramatirtha identifies him with Brahmanandin. Rama-
nuja, in his Vediirtha-sa~ngraha, quotes a passage from the V iikya-
kiira and also its commentary by DramiQacarya 1• While the
Viikya-kiira and Drami9acarya, referred to by Ramanuja, held that
Brahma'1 was qualified, the DramiQacarya who wrote a commentary
on llrahmanandin's work was a monist and is probably the same
person as the Dravi9acarya referred to by .\nandagiri in his com-
mentary on Sankara's bhii~yopodghiita on the Chiindogya Upani~ad.
But the point is not so easily settled. Sarvajiiatma muni, in his
Sa~nk~epa-siiriraka, refers to the V iikya-kiira as a monist. It ·is
apparent, however, from his remarks that this Viikya-kiira devoted
the greater part of his commentary to upholding the pari~ziima
view (akin to that of Bhaskara), and introduced the well known
example of the sea and its waves with reference to the relation of
Brahman to the world, and that it was only in the commentary on
the sixth prapiithaka of the Chiindogya that he expounded a purely
monistic view to the effect that the world was neither existent nor
non-existent. Curiously enough, the passage referred to Sar-
vajnatma muni as proving decidedly the monistic conclusion of
Atreya Vii.kya-kiira, and his commentator the DramiQacarya is re-
ferred to by Ramanuja in his Vediirtha-sa1Jzgraha, as being favour-
able to his own view. Ramanuja, however, does not cite him as
Brahmanandin, but as rrakya-kiira. The commentator of the
Viikya-kii.ra is referred to by Ramanuj<l also as DramiQacarya. But
though Sarvajiiatma muni also cites him as V iikya-kiira, his com-
mentator, Ramatirtha, refers to him- as Brahmanandin and the
Viikya-kiira's commentator as Dravi9acarya, and interprets the
term "Viikya-kiira" merely as" author." SarYaji'iatma muni, how-
1 Vediirtlza-Sa"f!l[!ralza, p. 1)8. The rTiikya-kiira's passage is "yul<ta'!l tad-
f(U~lOJ>t'iWniid," and Drami<;lacarya's commentary on it is "yady-ap•: sac-citto 110
rrirblmgna-dai't·nta'!l gu1_ra-ga~rnm numasii'nudhti1'et ta.thii'py mrtar-r;u~riim e1:a deva-
tii1Jl blwjata iti tatrii'pi sa-gunai''t•a devatci prcipyata iti." The main tdea of these
passages is. that, even if God he adored as a pure qualityle~s heing, when the final
release comes it is by way of the realization of God as qualified.
IVC\I.S. Kuppusvami Sastri, :!\I.A., identifies Drami~l:lcarya with Tiru-
ma!:i~ai Piran, who lived probably in the eighth century A.D. But the reasons
adduced by him in support of his \"iews are unconvincing. See Prnceedin{!s a11cl
Transactions of the Third Orie11tal Conference, 1\ladras, 192-t-, f'P· -t-68--t-7~-
XVIII) Riimiinuja 107

ever, never refers to Brahmanandin by name. Since the passage

quoted in the Sa1JZ~epa-siiriraka by Sarvajfiatma muni agrees with
that quoted by Ramanuja in his Vediirtha-sa1Jlgralza, it is certain
that the Viikya-kiira referred to by Sarvajfiatma muni and Rama-
nuja, and the Drami~acarya referred to by Sarvajfiatma, Ramanuja
and Anandagiri are one and the same person. l t seems, therefore,
that the V iikya-kiira' s style of writing, as well as that of his com-
mentator Drami9acarya, was such that, while the monists thought
that it supported their view, the Srivai~l).avas also thought that it
favoured them. From Sarvajfiatma muni's st3tement we under-
stand that the V iikya-kiira was also called Atreya, and that he de-
voted a large part of his work in propounding the bhediihheda view.
U pavar~a is also referred to by Sankara as a reputed exponent of the
l\limarpsa philosophy and the Brahma-siitra; and as having been
the author of one tantra on Mimarpsa and another on the Brahma-
siitra 1 • Our conclusion, therefore, is that we have one Viikya-kiira
who wrote a commentary on the Chiindogya Upani~ad, and that he
had a commentator who wrote in a clear and simple style and who
was known as Drami9acarya, though he wrote in Sanskrit and not in
Tamil. If we believe in Ramatirtha's identification, we may also
believe that his name was Brahmanandin. But, whoever he may be,
he was a very revered person in the old circle, as the epithet "bhaga-
viin" has been applied to him by Sarvajfiatma muni. Regarding
U pavar~a we may say that he also was a very revered person, since
Sankara applies the epithet "bhagavat" to him, and quotes him as an
ancient authority in his support. He seems to have flourished some-
time before Sahara Svamin, the great Mimarpsa commentator 2•
Anandagiri and Venkatanatha, in the fourteenth century, identify
U pavar~a with the Vrtti-kiira, and V eilkatanatha further identifies
ata eva ca bhagatJato' pavar~e7}a prathame tantre iitmii-stitvii-bhidhiina-
prasaktau siirfrake vya~yiima ity uddhiirab krtab. Sankara's bhii~ya on Brahma-
sutra, III. J. 53·
Govindananda, in his Ratna-prabhii, identifies Upavar~a with the Vrtti-kiira.
Anandagiri also agrees with this identification. In the Bmhma-siltra-bhii~ya, I.
1. 19 and 1. 2. 23, Sankara refutes views which are referred to as being those of
the Vrtti-kara. What can be gathered of the Vttti-kiira"s views from the last two
passages, which have been regarded by the commentator Govindananda as re-
ferring to the Vrtti-/?iira, is that the world is a transformation of God. But we can
never be certain that these views refuted by Sankara were really held by the
Vrtti-kiira, as we have no other authority on the point except Govindananda, a
man of the thirteenth or fourteenth century.
2 Savara, in his bhii~ya on the Mimii~ii-sfitra, 1. 1. 5, refers to Upavar~a with
the epithet "bhagaviin" on the subject of sphota.
108 The Visi~!ii-dvaita School [cH.

him in a conjectural manner with Bodhayana. Even if Upavar~a

was the Vrtti-kiira, it is doubtful whether he was Bodhayana. On
this point we have only the conjectural statement of Yenkatanatha
referred to above. s~nkara, in his commentary on the Brahma-
sutra, I. 3· z8, refers again to U pavar~a in ~upport of his refutation
of the sphota theory 1 . But this point is also indecisive, since neither
Sankara nor the Srlvai~l)avas admit the sphota theory. There seems,
however, to Pe little evidence. \Ve are therefore not in a position to
say anything about U pavarsa, the Vrtti-J~iira and llodhayana 2 • If the
testimony of the Prapannamrta is to be trusted, Bodhayana's J~rtti
on the Brahma-sutra must have been a very elaborate work, and
Drami<;lacarya's work on the Brahma-siitra must have been a very
brief one. This was the reason why Ramanuja attempted to write
a commentary which should be neither too brief nor too elaborate.
Now we have in l\1S. a small work called Brahma-siitriirha-
saJ?zgraha by Sathakopa, and we do not knmv whether this is the
Drami<;la commentary referred to in the Prapmmiimrta. Yamuna,
in his Siddhi-traya, refers to a bhii~ya-kiira and qualifies him as
"parimita-gambhira-bhii~i1}ii," which signifies that it was a brief
treatise pregnant with deep sense. -He further says that this bhii~ya
was elaborated by Srlvatsanka-:\lisra. The views of these two
writers were probably consonant \Vith the views of the Srlvai~l)a\ a
school. But Yamuna mentions the name of Tanka, llhartr-prapaiica,
Bhartrmitra, Bhartrhari, Brahmadatta, Sankara and Bhaskara. An
account of Bhartrprapaiica's interpretation of the Rrahma-siitra has
been given in the second volume of the present work. An account
of llhaskara's view has been given in the present volume. ~othin~ is
definitely known about the interpretations of Tanka, Bhartpnitra,
Bhartrhari and Brahmadatta, except that they were against the
views of ti1e Srivai~t)avas.
Ramanuja, in his bhii~ya on the Brahma-siitra, says that Bod-
hayana wrote a very elaborate work on the Brahma-siltra and that

'l'a1~1(l e'L·a tu sabdl"il; £ti bhagavan upanlrFO~l. Sankara's commentary on the


Brahma-sfitra, 1. J. 28.
. Deussen's remark that the entire discussion of splw[a is deri,-ed from
L pavar~a is quite unfounded. According to Katlu"i-sarit-siigara Upa,·ar~a was
the teacher of Panini.
Savara, also: in his commentary on the sth sutra of the J1iml"i1!1sii-sfitra, 1.
I· 5, refers to a Vrtti-l~ara, a 1\limarpsa writer prior to Savara. The fact that in the
bhaua on the same sfitra Savara refers to Lhagavan Upavar~a by name makes it
very probab:e that the r·rtt£-kara and Upavar~a were not the same person.
XVIII] Ramanuja
this was summarized very briefly by the older teachers. He says,
further, that in making his bhii~ya he has closely followed the in-
terpretation of the Sutra, as made by Bodhayana 1 • Ramanuja also
owes a great debt of gratitude to Yamuna's Siddhi-traya, though he
does not distinctly mention it in his bhii~ya. It is said that Yamuna
had a large number of disciples. Of these, however, 1\lahaplirl)a,
Gosthiplirl)a, IVIaladhara, Kaficiplirl)a, Srisailaplirl)a, also called
Tatacarya (Ramanuja's maternal uncle), and Srirailganatha-
gayaka were the most i!llportant. Srisailaplirl)a's son Govinda, the
cousin and fellow-student of Ramanuja with Yadavaprakasa, be-
came later in life a disciple of Ramanuja 2 • Of the seventy-four
prominent disciples of Ramanuja, Pral)atartihara of Atreya gotra,
Kure8a or Srivatsailka l\Iisra, Dasarathi, Andhraplirl)a or Vata-
pun;a, Varadavi~I)u, Yatisekhara-bharata, Yadava-prakasa or
Govinda and Yajiiamurti are the most important 3 • Of these
Dasarathi of Vadhlila gotra and Varadavi~I)u or Varadavi~I)u Misra
were the sister's sons of Ramanuja. Varadavi~I)U was better known
as Vatsya Varadaguru. Kure8a or Srivatsailka l\Iisra had a son
by AQ.<;lal, called Parasara Bhattarya, who defeated the Vedantin
Madhavadasa and afterwards became the successor of Ramanuja 4 •
Parasara Bhattarya had a son called Madhya Pratoli Bhattarya or
Madhya-vithi Bhattarya. Kuresa had another son named Pad-
manetra; Padmanetra's son was called Kuruke8vara 5 • Kurukt:S-
vara' s son was Pundarikaksa, and his son was Srinivasa. Srinivasa
had a son N rsi111harya. Th~y belonged to the Srisaila lineage, pro-
bably from the name of Bhuri Sri Sailapurna, Kuresa's father.
Nrsi111harya had a son called Ramanuja. Ramanuja had two sons,
1 Sudarsana Suri, in his conunentaryon the bhii~ya C<illed the Sruta-prakaiika,

explains the word "pitrviiciirya" in Ramanuja's bhii~ya as Dramirfa-blziisya-

kiiriidayal.z. On the phrase bodhiiyana-matii'nusiiretJa sfitra-k~iirti1J7: vyiikhyiiyante,
he says "na tu svo-tprek#tamatii-ntare7Ja sfitrii-~ariiTJi siitra-padtinii;rz prakrti-
pratyaya-·vibhiigti-mtgu7Ja'!l vadiimal.z na tu svot-prek#tii-rthe~u sfitriiTJi yatlzii-
kathm1 cit dyotayitm·yani.''
2 It is interesting to note that Yamuna's son Vararanga later on gave in-

struction to Ramanuja and had his younger brother Sottanambi initiatl!d as a

disciple of Ramanuja. Vararanga had no son. He had set the Sahasra-giti to
music. Prapanniimrta, 23. 45·
3 Raja Gopalaczriyar also mentions the name of Tirukurugaipiran Pillai as a

prominent disciple of Ramanuja. He wrote a conunentary on Namm'arvar's

4 Kure5a had another son named Sri Rama Pillai or Vyasa Bhattar.
It is rather common in South India to give one's son the name of his
110 The Visi~!ii-dvaita School [cH.

Nrsimharya and Rari.gacarya, who lived probably in the fifteenth

ce~tu.ry . . Ramanuja's disciple, Yajnamurti, was an exceedingly
learned man. When Ramanuja accepted him as a disciple, he changed
his name to Devarat or Devamannatha or Devaraja and had a
separate matha established in Sr1rari.gam for him. Yajnamurti had
written two very learned works in Tamil, called Jiiiina-siira and
Prameya-siira. Ramanuja had four of his disciples, Bhaktagrama-
run).a, ;\laruriha-grama-pun).a, Anantarya and Yajnesa, initiated into
Yai~Qavism by Yajiiamurti 1 . Another pupil of Ramanuja, Tiruku-
rugai-piran Pillai, wrote a commentary of Namm'arvar's Tiru-
viiy-mo:ri. Pral).atartihara Pillan, another pupil of Ramanuja, of
Atreya gotra, had a son Ramanuja, a disciple of Na<;ia<;iur Ammal of
the lineage of Vatsya Yarada 2 • This Ramanuja, alias Padmanabha,
had a son called Sri Ramanuja Pillan, a disciple of Kidambi Rama-
nuja Pillan. This Padmanabha had a son called Ramanuja Pillan and
a daughter T:.>taramba, who was married to Anantasuri, the father
of Ycri.katanatha. Ramanuja's other disciple and nephew, Das-
arathi, of\ ad hula gotra, had a son called Ramanuja, who had a son
called To<;iappa or Varal).adrisa or Lokarya or Lokacarya. After
Parasara Bhattarya the Vedanti Madhavadasa, called also Nanjiar,
became his successor. :\ladhavadasa's successor was )Jambilla or
Namburi Yaradarya or Lokacarya. lie had two wives Al).<;ial and
Srirmi.ganayaki and a son called Ramanuja 3 • Nambilla's other name
was Kalijit or Kalivairi. Now Yaral).adrisa became a disciple of
Nambilla or the senior Lokacarya. Yaral).adrisa was known as
Pillai Lokacarya. Namburi Varada had a pupil called ~Iadhava.
Yarada had a soncalledPadmanabha who had a disciple called Rama-
nujadasa. Ramanujadasa had a son called Devaraja, who had a son
called Srisailanatha, and Srisailanatha had ~ pupil called Saumya
Jamatr muni or Ramyajamatr muni, also called Yaravara muni or
Yatindrapraval).a or l\lanavalamahamuni or Periya-jiyar. It is said
that he was the grandson of Kattur-aragiya-vanavalapillai. All these
people were influenced by the Sahasra-g'iti-vyiikhyii of Kurda.
Namburi Varadarya, otherwise called Kalijit, had t\vo other
pupils called Udak-prato!i-kr~l).a, and Kr~l).a-samahbhaya, also
called Kr~l).apada. Kr~l).apada's son Lokacarya was a pupil of
See Pmpanniimrta, Ch. 26.
See Govindacharyar's Life of Riimiinuja.
, He wrote two works called Siirii-rtha-sm!zgraha and Ralwsya-traya.
I rafJllllll<lmrta, 119/3.
XVIII] Riimiinuja Ill

Kalijit, and Kr~Q.apada himself. Kf~I).apada's second son was

Ramanuja's brother-in-law Devaraja, of Vatsyagotra, had a son
called Varadavi~Q.u 1\Iisra or Vatsya Varada, who was a pupil of
Vi~I).ucitta, a pupil of Kuresa. This Vatsya Varada was a great
writer on Vcdantic subjects. Kuresa had a son called Sri Rama Pillai,
or V edavyasa Bhatta, who had a son called Vadivijaya, who wrote
K~amii-~orjasi-stava. Vadivijaya had a son called Sud;1rsana Bhana,
who was a pupil of Vatsya Varada, a contemporary of Yaradavi~I).u.
Sudarsana Bhatta was the famous author of the Sruta-prakiisikii.
The celebrated AQ.Q.ayacarya also was a pupil of Pillai Lokacarya, the
pupil of Kalijit. Srisaila Srinivasa, or Srisailanatha, was the son
of AtJI).ayacarya. Ramyajamatr muni had a number of disciples, such
as Ramanuja, Paravastu Prativadibhayankara AI).I)ayacarya, Vana-
mamalai-jiyar, Periya-jiyar, KoyilkaQ.gadaiai).I).an, etc. 1 Of Ven-
katanatha's pupils two are of most importance: his son Nainara-
carya, otherwise called Kumara-Vedanta-desika, Varadanatha or
Varadaguru, wh0 wrote many Vedantic works, and Brahmatantra-
jiyar. Parakaladasa and Srirangacarya were probably pupils of
Kr~Q.apada, or Kr~Q.asfiri, the pupil of Kalijit or Namburi Vara-
darya. Abhirama Varadhisa was a pupil of Ramanuja, son of
Saumya Jartiatr muni. The pontifical position of Srivai~I).avism was
always occupied in succession by eminent men in different impor-
tant mathas or temples, and there arose many great preachers and
teachers of Vedanta, some of whom wrote important works while
others satisfied themselves with oral teachings. The works of some
of these have come down to us, but others have been lost. It seems,
however, that the Visi#ii-dvaita philosophy was not a source of
perennial inspiration for the development of ever newer shades of
thought, and that the logical and dialectical thinkers of this school
were decidedly inferior to the prominent thinkers of the Sankara
and the :\ladhva school. There is hardly any one in the whole
history of the development of the school of Ramanuja whose logical
acuteness can be compared with that of Srihar~a or Citsukha, or
with that of J ayatirtha or Vyasatirtha. Venkat~na tha, l\1cghanadari
or Ramanujacarya, called also Vadiharpsa, were some of the most
prominent writers of this school; but even with them philosophic
1 The Tamil names of some of the disciples have been collected from the

Life of Riimiinujiiciirya by Govindacharyar.

112 The Visi~ta-dvaita School [cH.

criticism does not always reach the highest level. It was customary
for the thinkers of the Sari.kara and the lV1adhva schools in the
fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries to accept the concepts
of the new School of Logic of ::\1ithila and Bengal and introduce
keen dialectical analysis and criticism. But for some reason or other
this method was not adopted to any large extent by the thinkers of
the Srivai~.Q.ava school. Yet this was the principal way ill which
philosophical concepts developed in lat:er times.
In dealing with the names of teachers of the Ramanuja school,
one Guru-paramparii mentions the name of Paravadibhayarikara,
who was a pupil of Rarr.yajamatr muni and belonged to the Vatsya
gotra. Prativadibhayari.kara was the teacher of Sathakopa Yati. The
treatise spe.-:.ks also of another Ramyajamatr muni, son of Anantarya,
grandson of Prativadihhayari.kara and pupil of Srivenkatesa. It also
mentions Yedantaguru~ of the Vatsya gotra, a pupil of Ramyaj-
amatr muni and Yaradarya; Sundaraddika, of the Vatsyagotra, son
of Prativadibhay.arikara; Aparyatmamrtacarya, son of Sriveri.kata-
guru anJ grandson of Prativadibhayari.kara. This V eri.katacarya had
a son called Prativadibhayari.kara. Ramyajamatr muni had a son
called Srikf~I)a-ddika. Puru~ottamarya, of the Vatsya gotra, was
the son of Sriveri.katacarya. Srlkf~I)a-desika had a son called
Ramyajamatr muni, who had a son called Kr~I)a Suri. Anantaguru
had a son called Yeri.kata-ddika. Srinivasaguru was pupil of
Veri.katarya and Vatsya Srlnivasa, who had a son called Anantarya.
It is unnecessary to continue with the list, as it is not very useful
from the point of view of the development of the Srlvai~I)ava school
of philosophy or littrature. The fact that the names of earlier
teachers are reverently passed on to many of those who succeeded
them makes it difficult to differentiate them one from the other.
But the history of the sehoul is unimportant after the sixteenth or
the early part of the seventeenth ct:ntury, as it lost much of its force
as an intellectual movement. In the days of the -~rvars the Srlvai~­
.Q.ava movement was primarily a religious movement of mystic and
intoxicating love of God and self-surrender to Him. In the days of
Ramanuja it became intellectualized for some time, but it slowly
relapsed into the religious position. As with Sari.kara, and not
as with 1\ladhva, the emphasis of the school has always been on the
interpretations of Vcdic texts, and the intellectual appeal has always
been subordinated to the appeal to the U pani~adic texts and thc!r
XVIII] Riimiinuja II3
interpretations. The chief opponents of the Ramanuja school were
the Sankarites, and we may read many works in which copious re-
ferences are tnade by writers of the Sankara school who attempted
to refute the principal points of the bhii~ya of Ramanuja, both from
the point of view of logical argument and from that of interpreta-
tions of the Upani~adic texts. But unfortunately, except in the case
of a few later works of little value, no work of scholarly refutation
of the views of Ramanuja by a Sankarite is available. The followers
of Ramanuja also offered slight refutation of some of the doctrines
of Bhaskara, Jadava-prakasa, and Madhva and the Saivas. But their
efforts were directed mainly against Sankara.
It has already been noted that Ramanuja wrote a bhii~ya on the
Brahma-sutra, Vediirtha-sa'!lgraha, Vediinta-siira and Vediinta-dipa,
a comment~!'Y on the Srimad-bhagavad-gitii, Gadya-traya, an<!
Bhagavad-iiriidhana-krama 1 • According to traditional accounts,
Ramanuja was born in A.D. IOI7 and died in I I37· The approximate
dates of the chief events of his life have been worked out as follows:
study with Yadavaprakasa, I033; first entry into Srirailgam to sec
Yamuna, I 043; taking holy orders, I 049; flight to M ysore for fear
of the Cola king's persecution, I096; conversion of Bitti-deva, the
Jain king of Mysore, the Hoysala country, I098; installing the
temple God at l.VIelukot, I Ioo; stay in Melukot, up to 1 I I6; return
to Srirailgam, I I 18; death, I I 372 • His nephew and disciple Dasarathi
and his disciple Kurcsa were about fifteen or sixteen years junior
to him 3 • :Ramanuja's bhii~ya, called also Sri-bhii~ya, was com-
mented on by Sudarsana Suri. His work is called Sruta prakiisikii,
and is regarded as the most important commentary on the Sri-bhii~ya.
t•ip:zv' arcii-krtam avanotsukojiiiina1!l srlgftii-vivarm:za-bhii~ya-dipa-siiriin

tad gadya-trayam ahrta prapanna-nityii-nu~!hiina-kramam api yogi-rii!

pmvandhiin. Divya-siiri-Caritai.
Reference to the Vediirtha-sa1!lgraha of Ramanuja is also found in the same
work. ity uktt•ii 11igama-sikhii'rtha-sa1!lgrahii-khyam
bhinnas lii1Jl krtim urarlkriyii-rtham asya.
Govindacharyar's Life of Riimiinuja. Yamuna, according to the above view,
would thus have died in I042, corresponding with the first visit of Ramanuja to
Srirm1gam; but Gopi-natha Rau thinks that this event took place in IOJ8. The
date of the Cola persecution is also regarded by Gopi-nathaRau as having occurred
in 1078-79, which would correspond to Ramanuja's flight to Mysore; and his
return to Srirai1gam must have taken place after I I I7, the death of the Cola king
Koluttm1ga. Thus there is some divergence between Govindacarya and Gopi-
natha Rau regarding the date of Ramanuja's first visit to Srirangam and the date
of his flight to l\;lysore. Gopi-natha Rau's views seem to be more authentic.
3 Apart from the Sahasra-gltl-bhii~ya, Kuresa wrote a work called Kureia-

The T'isi~!ii-d~·aita School [cH.

Ramanuja Literature.
As already noted, the principal commentary on Rama11uja's
bhii~ya, was the .Sruta-prakiisikii by Sudarsana Suri. Even before
this .Sruta-prakiisilu"i was \vritten, another commentary, called ~·ri­
bhii~ya-·vi'L·rti, was written by Rama-misra-dcsika, a disciple of
Ramanuja, under his own direction. This work was written in six
chapters and was not a commentary in the ordinary sense, but a
study of the principal contents of Ramanuja's blzii~ya. This Rama
Misra was a different man from Rama :\Iisra, the teacher of Yamuna.
The .Sruta-prakiisikii had a further study, entitled Bhii:va-prakiisihii,
by \T'iraraghavadasa. Criticisms of this work were replied to in a
work called Bhii~ya-praktisikii-dz"i~a7:zoddhiira by Sa~hakopacarya, a
writer of the sixteenth century. The Sruta-prakiisikii had another
commentary, called Tiilikii, hy Yadhiila Srlnivasa, a writer who
probably belonged to the fifteenth century. The contents of the
.Sruta-prakiisikii were summarized in a work called .Sruta-prakiisikii-
siira-sa1Jlgraha. The blzii~ya of Ramanuja was further commented on
in the Tattva-siira, by Yatsya Yarada, a nephew of Ramanuja. The
name of the commentator's father was Dcvaraja, and his mother
was Kamala, a sister of Ramanuja. He was a pupil of Srlvi~IJucitta,
a disciple of Kuresa. This Tatt'L·a-siira provoked a further criticism,
called Ratna-siiri!zf, by Ylra-raghava-dasa, son of Yadhula N ara-
sif!1ha-guru and pupil of Yadhiila Yaradaguru, son of Yadhiila
Venka~acarya. He also himself wrote a commentary on the ~'rf­
bhii~ya, called Tiitparya-dipikii. Yira-raghava-dasa lived probably in
the later half of the fourteenth or the beginning of the fifteenth
century. Ramanuja's views were also collected together in a
scholarly manner in a work called ..:.Vaya-mukha-miilikii, by Apyaya-
dik~ita, who was born in the middle of the sixteenth century.
Ramanuja's blzii~ya is also dealt with by the famous Ycnkatanatha,
in his work Tatt'L·a-tikii. The .Sri-blzii~ya had another commentary
called Naya-prakt"isikii, by ~Ieghanadari, a contemporary of Yen-
katanatha of the fourteenth century 1 • A further commentary is
l\Ieghanadari's great w1:,rk, .Vaya-dyu-ma~1i, has been treated in detail in a
later section. He was the son of .A..treyanatha and his mother's name was Adh,·ara-
nayika. He had three brothers, Hastyadrinatha or Varaf}adrisa, Varadarat, and
Rama _l\lisra. This Varaf}adrisa should not be confused with Dasarathi 's grandson,
who was of Vadhula (!otra. !\leghanadari"s other works arc Blui?.·a-prabodlw and
XVIII] Riimiinuja Literature 115

called J.'Vlita-prakiiSikii, by Parakala Yati, probably of the fifteenth

century. Parakala Yati had a disciple called Ranga Ramanuja, who
wrote a study of the ~~ri-bhiiiya, called Nliila-bhiiva-prakiisikii. One
Srinivasacarya also criticized the Sri-bhii~ya in Brahma-vidyii-
kaumudi. It is difficult to guess which Srinivasa was the author of
the work, there being so many ~rinivasas among the teachers of the
Ratnanuja school. Campakesa, disciple of Venka~anatha, also
dealt with the Sri-bhii~ya. Suddhasattva Lak!?mal)acarya also wrote
on the Sri-bhii~ya, a work entitled Guru-bhiiva-prakiiSikii which was
based upon the Guru-tattva-prakiiSikii of Campakesa. This work was
in reality a commentary on the Sruta-prakiisikii. The author was the
son of Suddhasattva Y ogindra. He descends from the line of Rama-
nuja's mother's sister, in which there were born eighteen teachers of
Vedanta; he was the pupil of Saumya Jamaq· muni and flourished
probably in the latter half of the sixteenth century. This Guru-
bhiiva-prakiiSikii was commented on in the Guru-bhii·va-prakiisikii-
vyiikhyii. Sudarsana Suri also seems to have written a commentary
on the Sri-bhii~ya, called Sruti-dipikii. Srinivasa, the son of Tata-
yarya and Lak!?mi-devi, of Srisaila lineage and pupil of AI)t).ayarya
and KoQ<;linna Srinivasa-dik!?ita, wrote another digest on the Sri-
bhiijya, called Tattva-miirtm:uJa. He probably lived in the latter
half of the fifteenth or the beginning of the sixteenth century. The
name of his grandfather was AI)I)a-guru. He wrote l'fatva-darpmJa,
Bheda-darpm:za, Siddhiinta-cintiimm:zi, Siira-darpm:za, and Virodha-
nirodha 1 • He is also known as Srisaila Srinivasa, and he wrote
other books, e.g. Jzjtiiisii-darpm:za, Naya-dyu-mmJi-dipikii, and
N aya-dyu-mm:zi-sa~ngraha. The N aya-dyu-ma7Ji of N aya-dyu-ma~zi­
dipikii is not to be confused with the Naya-dyu-ma7Ji of Megha-
nadari; for it is a summary in verse of Ramanuja's bhii~ya with a
commentary in prose. The Naya-dyu-ma7Ji-sa1Jlgraha is a work in
In his Virodha-nirodha he makes reference to a Mukti-darpa~a (MS. p. 82),
Jiiiina-ratna-darpm;a (1\IS. p. 87), and in his Bheda-darpa~a (MS. p. 96) he
refers to his Gu~a-darpa~a. In his Virodha-nirodha he makes further reference
to his other works, Ad·vaita-vana-kuthiira and Bheda-ma~zi (MS. p. 37), to his
Bheda-darpa~a (MS. p. 68), and to his Siira-darpm;a (MS. p. 66) and Tattva-
miirta~uja (MS. p. 87). His Siira-darpa~a gives the principal contents of Rama-
nuja's philosophy. In his Virodha-11irodha (MS. p. 37) he refers to a Virodha-
blwiijana, by his elder brother Ary1_1ayarya and to his own Siddhiinta-cintiima~i
(MS. p. 12). In referring to his elder brother he says that his Virodha-nirodlza
is largely a rearrangement of the arguments adduced by him in his Virodha-
bhaiijana, some of which had been elaborated and others condensed and rearranged
in his Virodha-nirodha. The Virodha-nirodha is thus admitted by the author to
have been based materially on Virodha-bhafijana by Ary1_1ayarya, his elder brother.
II6 The Visi~tii-dvaita School [en.
prose on the hhii~ya of Ramanuja, and the first four sutras intended
to refute the criticisms made by his opponents. The lVaya-dyu-
mm:zi-sarrzgraha is a much smaller work than the 1\'aya-dyu-ma~zi,
which is often referred to by the author for details. It makes
constant reference to ohjections against Ramanuja without
mentioning the name of the critic. In the JVaya-dyu-mwzi the
author has made detailed discussions which are summarized by him
in this work~. Thus Srinivasa wrote three works 4Yaya-dyu-mwn·,
1Vaya-dyu-ma~zi-sal!lgraha, and JVaya-dJ•u-mm:zi-dlpikii. In his
Siddhiinta-cintiimm:zi Srinivasa tries mainly to uphold the theory
that Brahman is the only cause of all creation, animate and in-
animate. In this work he tries to refute at every point the theory of
Brahma-causality, as held by Sankara.
Again, Dcsikacarya wrote a commentary on the Sri-hhii~ya,
called Prayoga-ratna-miilii. ~hirayal).amuni wrote his Rhii'l·a-
pradipikii, and Puru~ottarna his Suhodhini also as commentaries on
the Sri-hhii~ya. These writers probably lived some time about the
seventeenth century. \'ira-raghava-dasaalso criticized the Sri-hhii~_,·a
in the Tiitparya-dipikii. His name has already been mentioned in
connection with his study, Ral.la-siiri~zl, on \'atsya \·arada's
Tattva-siira. Srinivasa Tatacarya wrote his Laghu-prakiisikii, Sri-
vatsanka Srinivasa his Sri-hhii~ya-s(/.riirtha-sm!1graha, and Sathakopa
hia Bralmza-sii1riirtha-sw!1graha as commentaries on the .Sri-hlziiu•a.
These writers seem to have flourished late in the sixteenth centurv.
Srivatsanka Srinivasa's work was further summarized by Rangi-
carya in his Sri'l:atsa-siddlul.nta-:ul.ra. Appaya-dlk~ita, of the middle
of the seventeenth century, wrote a commentary on the Rrahma-
sutras, called A'aya-mukha-miilikii, closely following the ideas of
Ramanuja2 • Ranga Ramanuja also wrote a commentary, called

bhii~yii-rt:za·vam a·vatlrno 'l:istlrnam vad m·adam .Va\'a-d,·umanau

Sat!lk~ipya tat paroktl; t:il~~ipy~ ka;umi to~a'Jil~!l 'l:itiu~£l,;z. .
Saya-dyu-mat:zi-sm,zgraha, l\1S.
The general method of treatment followed in the book is to indulge in Ion~
discussi.ms in refutation of the views of opponents and to formulate, as con-
clusion, the positive coutentions of the J"isi~tli-d'l·aita theory on the special points
of interest. Thus at the end of a long discussion on the Hralzma-sutra, 1. 1. 2, ht
says: riiddlzii11tas tu na jamnii'dzniim y·isqn~ltlt'l:e y·isesya-hluda-prasaizgab. m•irud-
dhat:iie~at:ziiluim iisraya-blzedakat'l:iit na cai'l'ai!Z 'l'ise~a~wt'l'cl-~·acchcdt•ntl na 'l'}'tl'l.:ar-
taktit?.-'a-blzmiga!z tad-an-cisJaya-jz?.-•c"idi-t·yii'l•artakat'l'enai'l'rl tad-asiddheb. (NaJ'll-
dyu-mat:zi, 1\IS. p. 126.)
l.akpna~uirya-hrdayii'nrtSiirit:zl likhvate N ava-mii.lil<ii.
Naya-mul<ha-miilikt"i, printed in Ku~bal:onam, 1<)15, p. J.
XVIII] Ramanuja Literature 117

Siiriraka-siistriirtha-dipikii, on the Brahma-siitra, following the in-

terpretations of Ramanuja. His Mula-bhiiva-prakiiSikii, a com-
mentary on the Sri-hhii~ya, has already been referred to in this
section. He wrote also a commentary on the J\lyiiya-siddhiiiijana of
Venkatanatha, called Nyiiya-siddhiiiijana-vyiikhyii. He was a pupil
of Parakala Y ati and probably lived in the sixteenth century. He
wrote also three other works, called Vi~aya-'l·iikya-dipikii, Chiinda-
gyopmzi~ad-hha~ya, and Riimiinuja-siddhiinta-siira. Ramanujadasa,
called also l\!Iahacarya, lived probably early in the fifteenth century,
and was a pupil of Vadhiila Srinivasa. This Vadhula Srinivasa,
author of the Adhikarm:za-siiriirtha-dipikii, must be an earlier person
than Srinivasadasa, author of the Y atindra-mata-dipikii, who was
a pupil of l\lahacarya. ~Iahacarya wrote a work called Piiriisarya-
vijaya, which is a thesis on the general position of the Ramanuja
Vedanta. He wrote also another work on the .Sri-hhii~ya called
Brahma-sidra-hhii~yopanyiisa. l\lahacarya's other works are Brahma-
·vidyii-vtjaya, Vedanta-vzjaya, Rahasya-traya-mimii1J1sii, Riimiinuja-
carita-culuka, A~tiidasa-rahusyiirtha-nin:zaya, and Ca~uja-miiruta,
a commentary on the Sata-dzl~a1}i of Yeti.katanatha. He should be
distinguished from Ramanujacarya, called also Vadiharpsambuvaha,
uncle of Veti.katanatha.
There is a work called Sri-hhii~ya-viirttika, which, unlike most
of those above, has already been printed; but the author does not
mention his name in the book, which is composed in verse. Sena-
natha, or Bhagavat Senapati ~lisra, who is an author of later date,
wrote S'iiriraka-nyiiya-kaliipa. Vijayindra Bhik~u was the author of
Siiriraka-mimii!Jzsii-'l'!tti, and Raghunatharya of Sii1·iraka-siistra-
sa~ngati-sara. Sundararaja-desika, an author of the sixteenth
century, wrote a simple comment~ry on the Sn'-hhii~ya called
Br{!hma-siitra-hhii~ya-vyiiklzyii. Yeti.katacarya, probably an author
of the sixteenth century, wrote Brahma-siitra-hhii~ya-pzln,a-pak~a­
sa1J1J:raha-kiirikii in verse. This Veti.katacarya was also known as
~, PrativadibhakesarL" He also composed Aciirya-paiiciisat. Cam-
pakda, who has already been referred to, wrote a commentary on
the Sri-hhii~ya, called Sri-hlzii~ya-'l.')'iikhyii. Yerikatanatharya wrote
a work called Sri-hhii~ya-siira. Srivatsati.ka Srinivasacarya was the
author of Sri-hhii~ya-siiriirtha-Sa1J1graha. Srirati.gacarya composed
Sri-hhii~ya-siddhanta-sara and Srinivasacarya wrote a work called
Sri-hhii~yopanyiisa. There are two other commentaries, called
118 The Visi~!ii-d~,aita Schon! [cH.
Brahma-sutra-blzii$ya-sm!zgraha-'l'i'l•ara1Ja and Brahma-sutra-bhiiUJii-
rambha-prayoyana-samarthana; but the names of the authors are
missing in the manuscripts. Venkatanatha, of the thirteenth
century, wrote Adhikara1Ja-siirih·ali, and \langacarya Srinivasa,
Adhikara1Ja-siiriirtha-dlpikii. Varadarya or Varadanatha, son of
Venkatanatha, wrote a commentary on the Adhikara1Ja-siiriivali
called Adhiluira-cintiimwu·. There is another work on similar sub-
jects called Adhikara1Ja-yukti-·Diliisa; but, though the author offers
an adoration to Srinivasa, he does not mention his name and it is
difficult to discover who this Srlni vasa was. Jagannatha Yati wrote a
commentary on the Brahma-siltra on the lines of Ramanuja's bhii~ya,
and it was called Brahma-siitra-dipilul. 1t will thus he seen that
Ramanuja's bhii~ya inspired many scholars and thinkers and a great
literature sprang up on its basis. But it must he noted with regret that
this huge critical literature on Ramanuja's bhii$J'a, is not in general
of much philosophical i!nportance. Ramanuja's r'ediirtha-Sll1!1graha
was commented on by Sudarsana Suri of the fourteenth century,
in Tiitparya-dipikii. lie was the son of \'agvijaya, or \'isvajaya,
and pupil of \'atsya \'arada. In addition to his study of Ramanuja's
bhii$ya already referred to, he wrote a Smulhyii-'l·andana-bhiifva.
Ramanuja's rrediinta-dipa (a brief commentary on the Brahma-siltra)
was dealt with by Ahobila Ranganatha Yati, of the sixteenth cen-
tury. Ramanuja's Gadya-traya was criticized by Yenkatanatha, anJ
Sudarsanacarya also wrote a commentary; .KrsDapada, a later
author, also wrote another commentary. Ramanuja's commentary
on the Gitl'i also was commented on by \'enkatanatha. The r.ediinta-
siira was a brief commentary on the Brahma-sil.tra by Ramanuja
himself, based on his .._<;ri-bhii~ya.
Ramanujacarya, called also \'adihaf!1sambuvahacarya of ..~treya
gotra, son of Padmanabha and maternal uncle of \'enkatanatha,
lived in the thirteenth or fourteenth century; he wrote an im-
portant work, called .\'aya-kulisa or p.;yiiya-lwli~!a, which has been
noticed before. He composed also Di'lya-sil.ri-prabluh·a-dipikl'i,
Sarva-dan!ana-siroma~zi, and Jlok$a-siddlzi, to which he himself re-
fers in his 1\~viiya-kulisa 1 • It might seem that the 1\'yiiya-kulisa was
one of the earliest logical or ontological treatises of the ~ 'isi~fi!ii-d'l·aita
school; but we find that there were other treatises of this type
I haYe not been able to procure a l\IS. of the .lJok~a-siddhi, and, so far as
I can guess, the book is probably lost.
XVIII) Riimiinuja Literature
written during this period and even earlier than Ramanuja. Thus
Nathamuni wrote a Nyiiya-tattva, in which he refuted the logical
views of Gautama and founded a new system of Logic. Vi~l)ucitta,
a junior contemporary of Ramanuja, wrote two works, Prameya-
smpgraha and Sa'f!lgati-miilii. Varadavi~I)U 1\lisra, who flourished
probably in the latter half of the twelfth century, or the beginning
of the thirteenth century, wrote a Afiina-yiithiitmya-nin:zaya.
V arada Narayal)a Bhanaraka, who flourished before Veii.katanatha,
also wrote a Prajiiii-paritrii1Ja 1 • Parasara Bhanaraka, who also
probably lived in the thirteenth century, wrote a Tattva-ratniikara 2 •
These works have been referred to by Yeii.katanatha in his Nyiiya-
parisuddhi; but the manuscripts were not available to the present
writer. Vatsya Varada's works have been mentioned in a separate
Yeii.katanatha, called also Vedanta-desika, Vedantacarya, and
Kavitarkikasirpha, was one of the most towering figures of the
school of Visi~tiidvaita. He was born at Tupple in Kanjivaram in
A.D. 1268. His father was Ananta Suri, his grandfather's name was
Pul)9arlkak~a, and he belonged to the Visvamitra gotra; his mother
was Totaramba, sister of Atreya Ramanuja, otherwise called Vadi-
kalaharpsambuvahacarya. He studied with his uncle Atreya
Ramanuja, and it is said that he accompanied him to Vatsya
Varadacarya's place, when he was five years old. The story goes
that even at such an early age he showed so much precocity that it
was predicted by Vatsya Varada that in time he would be a great
pillar of strength for the Visiftii-d-vaita-viida school and that he would
repudiate all false systems of philosophy 3 • It appears that he also
studied with Yaradarya himself 4 • It is said that he used to live
by wicha-vrtti, receiving alms in the streets, and spent all his life in
1 He is said to have written another work. called Nyiiya-sudarsana, men-

tioned in the introduction to the Tattva-muktii-kaliipa (Mysore, 1933).

t He also wrote another work, called Bhagavad-gu~za-darpa1Ja.

utprek~yate budha-janair upapatti-bhumnya

gha1)fii hareb samajani~fa jatfiitmanl'ti
prati~!hiipita-vediintab pratik#pta-bahir-matab
blul.yiis traividya-miinyas tva'!l bhuri-kalyii'f)U-bhiijanam.
It is said that he was blessed by Varadacarya in the aforesaid verse, in which
he de3cribes Veti.katanatha as an incarnation of the bell of God. V ai~'f)Uvite
Reformers of India, by T. Rajagopalachariar.
lrutvii riimlinujtirylu sad-asad-api tatas tattva-muktii kaliipa'!l
vyiitiintd venkateso varada-guru-krpii-lambhito-ddiima-bhiimii.
Tattva-muktii-kaliipa, sl. 2.
120 The ViSi~!ii-dvaita School [cH.
wntmg philosophical and religious works. In the sa'!zkalpa-
siiryodaya he says that at the time when he was writing thaL work
he had finished the Sri-bhii~ya for the thirtieth time. \Vhile he lived
in Kafid and Srlrangam, he had to work in the midst of various
rival sects, and Pillai Lokacarya, who was very much senior to him
in age and was the supporter of the Tengalai school, against which
Yenkatanatha fought, wrote a verse praising him. Scholars are in
generai agreement ti1at \"enkatanatha died in 1369, though there is
also a view that he died in 1371. He enjoyed a long life and spent
much of his time in pilgrimage to various northern countries such as
Vijayanagara, l\lathura, Brindaban, Ayodhya, and PurL The story
of Yidyaral)ya's friendship with \"enkatanatha may be true or false;
but we know that \"idyararyya was acnuainted with the Tatt'l-·a-
muktii-lwliipa, and he quotes from it in his account of the J "i~Hnii­
d~:aita view in San.:a-darsana-sw!1graha. \\"hen \"enkatanatha was
middle-aged, Sudarsana Suri, writer of the ~(;ruta-praktJSikii, was
already an old man, and it is said that he called \" ell.kapnatha to
Srlrangam and handed over to him his commentary on the ~~ri­
bhii~ya, so that it might get a greater publicity. \"enkatanatha him-
self also wrote a commentary on the Sri-bhii~ya, called the Tatt~·a­
!ilul. Though an extremely kind man of exemplary and saintly
character, he had many enemies who tried to harass and insult him
in countle5s ·,~;ays .. \great difference in int~rpreta~ion of the nature
of prapatti, or self-surrender to God, was manifested at this time in
the writings of different Srlvai~I~ava scholars. '[\vo distinct sects were
formed, based mainly on the different interpretation of the nature of
prapatti, though there were minor differences of a ritualistic nature,
~uch as the marks on the forehead, etc. Of these two sects, the
leader of the \·a~lakalai was \"enkatanatha, and that of the Tet1galai
was Pillai Lokacarya. Later on Saumya Jamatr muni became the
accepted leader of the Tengalai school. Though the leaders them-
selves were actuated by a spirit of sympathy with one another, yet
their followers made much of these little differences in their \·iews
and constantly quarrelled with one another, and it is a well known
fact that these sectarian quarrels exist even now.
It was during Vet1katanatha's life that \lalik Kafur, a general of
'Ala-ud-din, invaded the Deccan in 13 to. lie easily conquered the
countries of \Varangal and Dvarasamudra and pushed to the
extreme south, spreading devastation and plundering everywhere.
XVIII] Riimiinuja Literature 121

In 1326 the Mahomedans invaded Srirangam and pillaged the

city and the temple. About 1351 the Hindu Kingdom in Vijay-
anagar was established by King Bukka I. When the Mahomedans
pillaged the temple of Srirangam, the temple-keepers had fled away
to l\Iadura with the God Ranganatha, who was established in
Tirupati and was worshipped there. Bukka's son Kampana began
to make conquest in the south and eventually Gopana, a general of
Kampana, succeeded in restoring Ranganatha to Srirangam. This
affair has been immortalized by a verse composed by Venkatanatha,
which is still written on the walls of the temple of Srirangam, though
certain authorities think that the verse was not by him, but is only
attributed to him. This story is found in a Tamil work, called
Kavilologu, and is also recorded in the Yac;lakalai Guru-paramparii
of the fifteenth century. During the general massacre at Srirangam,
Ycnkatanatha hid himself among the dead bodies and fled ulti-
mately to I\ I ysore. After having spent some years there he went to
Coimhatore, and there he wrote his Abhiti-stava, in which he makes
references to the invasion of the l\lahomedans and the tragic con-
dition at Srirangam. \Vhen he heard that hy Gopana's endeavours
Ranganatha was restored to Srirangam he went there and wrote a
verse applauding his efforts1 .
Venkatanatha was a prolific writer on various subjects and also
a gifted poet. In the field of poetry his most important works arc
the Y iida·viibhyudaya, 1--1G'f!ZSG-Sa'f!ldeia, Subhii#ta-nivi, and Sa'f!l-
kalpa-suryodaya, an allegorical drama in ten acts. The Y iidavii-
bhyudaya was a work on the life of Kr!?Qa, which was commented
upon by no less a per:;on than Appaya-dik!?ita. The Subhii#ta-nivi,
a didactic poem, was commented upon by Srinivasa Suri of the
ii1:"iyii'nlla-irnga-dyuti-rncita-jagad-ranjaniid afijanii"drei
ceficyiim iiriidhya kan cit samayam atha nihatyod'dhanufkiins tulu~kiin
lakp1ll-bluunyii'l/ubhiibhyii,_n saha nija-nagare sthiipayan rmiganiitharrz
samyag-varyiirrz saparyiirrz punar akrta yaio-darpa~Ul1Jl goppa~ii-rya!z.
Tht: verse appears in EpiRraphica Indica, vol. VI, p. 330.
This fact has also heen recorded in Do<;l<;lyacarya's Vediinta-deiika-vaibhava-
prak,.iiikii and } -atlndra-prm•a~a in the following verse:
jit·vii tu[ufkiin bhu·vi goppanendro
rangii-dhipa'!l sthiipitaviin sva-deie
ity'evam iika~ya guru!z kav"indro
dhr~!a'l'lld yas tam aharrz prapadye.
According to the commentary, the aforesaid Vaibhava-prakiiiikii, Ven-
katanatha was born in I 269 and died in I 369. GoppaQarya's reinstallation of
Sriranganatha took place in I37I.
122 The Visi~tii-d'l_:aita School [cH.

Srisaila lineage, son of Yeti.katanatha. He lived in all probability in

the fifteenth century. Yeti.katanatha's other poem was 1/m!zsa-
sandesa. In his SaJ!1kalpa-suryodaya he dramatically describes, after
the pattern of the Prabodlza-candro-daya, the troubles and difficulties
of the human soul in attaining its final perfection. He wrote about
thirty-two adoration hymns sut:h as the I-I aya-gri'l·a-stutra, and De'l a-
nii)'aka-paiiciisdt and Piidukii-sahasra-niima. lie also wrote many
devotional and ritualistic pieces, such as the } ·ajilopa'l·ita-prati~t!ui,
Aradhana-krama, 1/ari-dina-tilaka, J·aih·ade'l'a-luirikii, .~ri-pmlca­
riitra-rak~ii, Sac-caritra-rak~ii and Yik~t·pa-rak~ii. lie also col-
lected from various sources the verses regarding the doctrine of
prapatti, and wrote the A):iisa-vit!zSati and a further work hased on
it, called the Nyiisa-tilaka, which was commented upon hy his son
Kumara-Yedanta-ddika in a work called .\~viisa-tilaka-'lyiild1yii.
Due notice of his Pailcartl.tra-rah~ii ha~ hecn taken in the section
on Paiicariilra of the present \·olume. lie wrote also a work called
Silpfirtha-siira, two works on medicine called Uasa-blzaumiimrta and
Frk~a-bkaumiimrta, a Pural).ika geography called Blzii-gola-nir~w_va,
and a philosophical work called Tatt'l·a-muktti-kahipa in verse with
his own commentary on it called San·iirtha-siddhi, which have been
noticed in some detail in tht· special section on \·enkatanatha. This
work has two commentaries, called Anmula-dii_vini or . ..Jnanda-'i·allari
(in some manuscripts) or .Vrsi'!zlza-riij~\'a and /Uuha-prahiisa, of
which the latter is of an annotative t:haracter. The commentarv
called Ananda-diiyini was writtt:n by \·atsya :\ rsil!lhadC\·a, son c;f
~arasirpha-siiri, and Totaramba and Dcvaraja Suri. :\ rsiq1hadeva's
maternal grandfather was 1\.ausika-Srlhhasva-Srlnivasa, who was
also his teacher. He had another teacher, named .-\ppayacarya.
This Devaraja Suri was probably the author of the l'imba-tatt'i·a-
prakiisikii and Caramopiiya-tiitparya. :-\ rsiml.lade,·a's other works
were Para-tatt1-·a-dipikii, Blzeda-dhild?.cira-nyakluira, .ll wri-stira-
dhikkiira, Siddhlinta-nir~aya, a commentary on \·ei1ka~<matha's
1\~ik~epa-rak~ii, called .Vrsi~nlza-rlij~va, and a commentary on the
Sata-dii~wzi. This l\;rsil!1hadeva lived probably in the sixteenth
century. The commentary called Bluha-praluiSa was written by
Navyarati.gesa. lie describes himself as a disciple of Kalijit; hut
this must have been a different Kalijit from the well-kno\\"11
Lokacarya; for the flhii'l·a-prakiisilui commentary, as it reft-rs to the
topics of the Ananda-dtZvini, is a later one. it must have been
XVIII] Rii:miinuja Literature 123

written late in the sixteenth or at the beginning of the seventeenth

Venkatanatha also wrote the Nyiiya-parisuddhi, a compre-
hensive logical work of the Visi~!ii-dvaita school. It was criticized
by Sr1nivasadasa, son of Devarajacarya, who was a disciple of
Yenkatanatha. He may have been an uncle and teacher of Nrsirpha-
deva, author of the Anmzda-diiyini. His commentary was called
Nyiiya-siira. The f\lyiiya-parisuddhi had two other commentaries,
1\"ikiisa, by Sat}:lakopa Yati, a disciple of A.hovila and Nyiiya-pari-
suddlzi-vyiikliyii, written by Kr~Qatatacarya.
Veti.katanatha wrote a work supplementary to the A'yiiya-pari-
suddhi, called Nyiiya-siddhii-iiJana, the contents of which have been
noted in the separate sections on Yeti.katanatha. He also wrote
another work called Para-mata-hhanga, and a polemical work called
Sata-dii~ar.zi. The name ..(;ata-dzl~a~ll signifies that it. contains a
hundred refutations; but actually, in the printed text available to
me, I can trace only forty. The best-known commentary, by Rama-
nujadasa, pupil of \-adhula Srinivasa, is called Cm:zrja-miiruta. All
important discussions contained in the Sata-dzl~a1Ji, which are
directed mainly against the Sati.kara school, have been duly
noticed in a different section. It had another commentary, by
N rsirpharaja, which is also called Cm:zr;la-miiruta, and another, by
Srinivasacarya, called Salzasra-kira~zi.
Venkatanatha, in addition to his Tatt1-•a-!ikii commentary on
the Sri-bhii~ya, wrote a summary of the general topics of the Sri-
bhii~ya discussion, called .Adhikarm:za-siiriivali, which was com-
mented upon by his son Kumara Vedantacarya or Yaradanatha, in
a work called Adhikarm:za-siiriivali-vyiikhyii or Adhikarar.za-
cintiimar.zi. He also wrote two small pamphlets, called Cakiira-
samartlzana and Adlzikara1Ja-darpar.za; a commentary on the
lsopani~at; one on Yamuna's Gitiirtlza-sm!zgraha, called Gitiirtlza-
smrzgraha-rak~ii, and a commentary on Ramanuja's Gitii-bhii~ya,
called Tiitparya-candrikii. He also criticized Ramanuja's Gadya-
traya, in a work called Tatparya-dipikii, and wrote commentaries
on Yamuna's Catu/:z-Sloki and Stotra-ratniikara, which are called
Rahasya-rak~ii. In addition he composed thirty-two works in the
mar.zi-praviila style, some of which have been translated into
Sanskrit. These works are Sampradiiya-parisuddhi, Tattva-padavi,
Ralzasya-pada~·i, Tattva-na1-·anitam, Rahasya-na1-•anitam, Tattva-
124 The Visi~tii-dvaita School [cH.

miitrka, Rahasya-matrka, Tattva-sandesa, Rahasya-sandesa, Raha-

sya-sandesa-vivara~a, Tattva-ratniivali, Tattva-ratnavali -sa1J1graha,
Rahasya-ratnii:vali,Rahasya-ratniivali-hrdaya, T attva-traya-culuka,
Rahasya-traya-culuka, Sara-dipa, Rahasya-traya-siira, Siira-siira,
Abhaya-pradiina-sara, Tattva-sikha-mar;i, Rahasya-Sikha-mm;i,
Aiijali-vaibhava, Pradhana-sataka, lJpakiira-sa~ngraha, "'l'iira-
sa1J1graha, Virodha-pan"htira, Jl.luni-viihana-blzoga, Jlladhura-lw'L·i-
hrdaya, Parama-piida-sopana, Para-mata-hhaizga, 1/asti"gi"ri"-miihiit-
mya, Dravirjopani~at-siira, Dravitjopani~at-tiitparyih·ali and .Yi"gama-
parimala. The last three are works summarizing the instructions
of the Arvars. He was the author of twenty--four poems in the
Tamil language 1 •
Yeitkatanatha also wrote a small pamphlet caJled Vadi"-traya-
kha~tjana, in which he tried to refute the views of Saitkara, Yadava-
prakasa, and Bhaskara. I\ lost of the arguments are directed against
Saitkara, whereas the views of Yadavaprakasa and Bhaskara were
but slightly touched. He also wrote two works on .:\ Iimarpsa, called
1l1imii~nsii-piiduka and Seh·ara-mimii1_nsc7. In the la~t work Yen-
katanatha tries to interpret the Jlimii'!zsii-sutra of Jaimini in a
manner different from that of Sahara. His main intention was to
interpret the 1'v1imii1J1Sii-sutra in such a manner that it might not be
in conflict with the Brahma-si"itra, but might be regarded a~ a com-
plementary accessory to the teachings of the Rrahma-.r•iitra. Thus,
in interpreting the first sutra of Jaimini. he says that the injunction
of reading the Vedas is satisfied with the mere study of the \T edas.
The injunct~on does not include an enquiry into the meaning of the
texts and a study of the l\limarpsa, which comes out of the naturai
desire for knowing the meanings of the texts and their applications.
The study of the IVlimarpsa may therefore be undertaken even after
the final bath of the bruhma-ciirin. Thus, a man may, after finishing
his obligatory studies as a brahma-riiri"n in the house of his teacher,
still continue to live there for the study of .:\ limat11sa, hut the latter
is no part of his obligatory duty. Again, in defining the nature of
dharma, Veitkatanatha says that dharma is that which contributes to
our good and is also in accordance with the injunctions 2 • Though
The list of these Tamil works, which were not accessihle to the nrcs~nt

writer, has heen collected from the introduction to the :\hsore edition. of the
Tattva-muktii-lwliipa. -
Cr;Janii-lak~a~llltT•a-vise~itam eviirthe siidhm.at·cam dlwrma-lal:sanmn. isvara-

mimiir!lSii, p. , 8. . . .
XVIII) Riimiinuja Literature 125

the word dharma may be otherwise used by some persons, yet its
accepted meaning, as defined above, remains unaltered. The
instructions of the Smrtis, Purii1Jas, Paiicariitras, Brahma-
sutras, etc., are to be regarded as dharma, as being based upon the
Vedas, which are their source. The validity of the nature of dharma
cannot be determined by a reference to any other pramii7Ja than the
scriptural texts. In all matters of doubt and dispute the 1l1imii1Jlsii-
siitra should be interpreted in such a manner that it does not come
in conflict with the views of Badariiyal)a, who was the teacher of
Venkatanatha's son was also a great writer on Vedanta. He was
called Kumara Vedantacarya, Varadarya or Varad~natha or V arada
Desikacarya or Varadariija Siiri or Varadanayaka Suri or Varada-
guru. He wrote a Tatt'IJa-traya-culuka-sa1Jlgraha, a work in Sanskrit
prose, in which he summarizes the contents of the Tamil
Tattva-traya-culuka of Venkatanatha, describing the fundamental
Srivai~I)ava doctrines regarding soul, matter and God 1 • His
other works are Vyavahiiraika-sa~yatva-kha7Jtjana, Prapatti-kiirikii,
Rahasya-traya-culuka, Carama-guru-nir'l}aya, Phala-bheda-kha1J-
tjana, A!iidhana-sa~ngralza, Adhikarar;a-cintiima'l}i, Nyiisa-tilaka-
vyiikhyii, Rahasya-traya-siiriirtha-sa1Jlgraha. The last three works
are commentaries on Venkatanatha's Adhikara7Ja-siirii'l•ali, 1Vyiisa-
tilaka, and Rahasya-traya-siira. Varadarya lived till the end of the
fourteenth or the beginning of the fifteenth century.
1\tleghanadari lived probably in the twelfth and the early thir-
teenth centuries. He was closely associated with his elder brother
Rama 1\tlisra, a pupil of Ramanuja. He wrote a Naya-prakiisikii, a
commentary on the Sri-bhii~ya, Bhiiva-prabodha, Mumuk~ii-piiya­
sa1Jlgraha, and Naya-dyu-mar;i. The last work is one of the most
recondite works on the Visi~tii-dvaita school of thought, and its main
contents have been noted in a separate section. He was the son
of Atreyanatha and Adhvara-nayika. He had three brothers,
Hastyadrinatha, Varadarat, and Rama Misra.
Ramanujadasa or l\1ahacarya wrote a Brahma-siitra-bhii~yopa­
nyiisa, a commentary on the Sri-bhii~ya. He wrote also a Piiriisarya,
in which he tried to show that the commentaries of Sankara,
1\tladhva and others were not in consonance with the Siitras of

1 It is also called cid-acid-£s't·ara-tattt'a-nirupm;za, or Tatt't•a-traya.

126 The Visi~tii-dvaita School [cH.
Badarayal)a. Some account of this will be found in the fourth
volume of the present work. He also wrote a Riimiinuja-carita-
culuka, Rahasya-traya-mimii~nsii-bhii~ya, and Cat:u)a-miiruta, a
learned commentary on the Sata-du~a?zi of \T enkatanatha. Sudar-
sanaguru wrote a commentary on his Vediinta-vijaya, called
Maizgala-dipikii. He wrote a big treatise called Vediinta-vzjaya,
which was divided into several more or less independent, though
inter-related parts. The first part is Gurupasatti-·vijaya, in which
the methods of approaching the teacher are discussed. The manu-
script is fairly voluminous, containing 273 pages, and the modes of
discussion are on the basis of U pani~adic texts. The second part is
called Brahma-vidyii-'l·ijaya (a l\IS. containing 221 pages), in which
he tries to prove, on the basis of U pani~adic texts, that Brahman
means Narayat;a and no other deity. The third part, called Sad-
vidyii-vzjaya, contains seven chapters and is philosophical and
polemical in spirit. I have in a later section given an account of
its principal contents. The last part is called Vijayolliisa (a ~IS. of
158 pages), in which he seeks to prove that the Upani~ads refer to
Narayal)a alone. I have not been able to trace the fourth part.
Sudarsanaguru wrote a commentary on this Vediinta-'l•ijaya.
This Sudarsana is different from Sudarsanacarya. He wrote also
an Advaita-'l'idyii-vzjaya, a work in three chapters, based prin-
cipally on U pani~adic texts. The three chapters are Prapailca-
mithyiit~·a-bhmiga, Ji'l·eh·araikya-bhaizga, and Akhmpjiirthat'l·a-
bhmiga. He also composed another work, called [;pani~ad-mmigala­
dipikii, which was not accessible to the present writer. He describes
himself sometimes as a pupil of Yadhllla Srinivasa and sometimes
as a pupil of his son Prajfianidhi. He lived probably in the fifteenth
century. He was the disciple of Vadhlila Srinivasa, who wrote the
Tzl.likii commentary on the Sruta-prakiisikii.
Ranga Ramanuja :\luni lived probably in the fifteenth century.
He was the disciple of Yatsya Anantarya, Tatayarya, and Parakala
Yati or .Kumbha-kol}a Tatayarya. lie wrote a commentary on the
Sribltii~ya, called Llliila-bhii'l·a-prakiisilui, and one on the ~Vviiva­
siddhiilljana, called .1.Vyiiya-siddhiiiijana-'l~Viikhyii. lIe also w~ote a
Dramiljupani~ad-bhii~ya, ~-Ti~a_\'G-'l'iikya-dipilu1, Riimiinuja-siddht1nta-
siira, a commentary on the Clziindogyo-pani~ad, called Clumdogyo-
pani~ad-prakii~Hkii, and one on the Brhad-t1ra?tyako-pani~at-pral~ii­
Sikii. He wrote an independent commentary on the Braluna-s:ltra,
XVIII] Riimiinuja Literature 127

called Siiriraka-Siistriirtha-dipikii. Aufrecht reports, in his Cata-

logus Catalogorum, that·he wrote also the following works (which,
however, are not accessible to the present writer): Upani~ad-viikya­
vivarar.za, Upani~at-prakiiSikii, Upani~ad-bhii~ya, Dravitjopani~at­
siira-ratniivali-vyiikhyii, Kathavally-upani~at-prakiiSikii, Kausita-
kopani~at-prakiiSikii, Taittiriyopani~at-prakiisikii, Pra~nopani~at­
prakiiSikii, Aliir.zljukyopani~at-prakiisikii, J1.1ur.ztjakopani~at-prakiifikii,
Railga Ramanuja's teacher, Parakala Yati, otherwise called
Kumbha-koQa Tatayarya, wrote the following works: Dravitja-
sruti-tattviirtha-prakiifikii, Tiruppaliir.zlju-vyiikhyana, Tiruppalavai-
vyiikhyiina, Kar.zr.zir.zr.zur.z-sirattiimbu-vyiikhyiina, Adhikiira-sa1Jlgraha-
vyiikhyii. He wrote also a Vijayindra-pariijaya in refutation of the
Para-tattva-prakiiSikii of Vijayindra.
Srinivasadasa, of the lineage of Madhava, son of Devarajacarya
and a pupil of Venkatanatha, wrote a 1Vyiiya-siira, a commentary
on the Nyiiya-parisuddhi, and also a commentary called Sata-
du~ar.zi-vyiikhyii-sahasra-kirar.zi. It is possible that the Sr1nivasadasa
who wrote the Visi~tii-dvaita-siddhiinta, Kaivaly-sata-du~ar.zi,
Durupadesa-dhikkiira, Nyiisa-vidyii-tt·ijaya, Mukti-sabda-viciira,
Siddhy-upiiya-sudarsana, Siira-ni~kar~a-flppani and V iidiidri-kulisa
is the same as the author of the Nyii_va-siira. He lived late in the
fourteenth and in the fifteenth century. This Sr1nivasa must be
distinguished from Srisaila Sr1nivasa, whose works have been
treated in a separate section. Srisaila Sr1nivasa also lived probably
in the fifteenth century.
\V e have another Sr1nivasa, who wrote an Adhikarm:za-siiriirtha-
dipikii. On some interpretations of the colophon he may probably be
styled as Vadhula Sr1nivasa, in which case he would be the teacher
of l\lahacarya2 •
There is another Sr1nivasa, who was the pupil of l\1ahacarya, alias
Ramanujadasa, and son of Govindarya. He wrote a commentary on
the Sruta-prakiiSikii and also the Y atindra-mata-dipikii, or Y ati-
pati-mata-dipikii. The author says that in writing this elementary
treatise on the fundamental principle and doctrines of Srivai~-
1 See Aufrecht's Catalogus Catalogorum, pp. 488--t).
2 On the other interpretation the adjective Vadhula-kula-tilaka applies to his
teacher Samara-pungaviiciirya. This Srinivasa was known also as Mangacarya
128 The Visi~!ii-dvaita School [cH.

t:lavism he collected his materials from a large number of ancient

treatises. 1
The book Y atind1·a-mata-dipikii contains ten chapters. The first
chapter enumerates the different categories, gives the definition of
perception and shows how other sources of knowledge, such as
memory, recognition, and non-perception, can all he included
within this definition. It then gives a refutation of the various
theories anll establishes the theory of sat-khyiiti. It denies the claim
of verbal cognition to he regarded as a case of perceptio .. , refutes
the definition of indeterminate cognition, and does not admit the
possibility of any inference regarding God.
In the second chapter the writer defines "inference," classifies
it and enumerates the rules regarding the validity of it and also gives
a list of fallacies that may arise out of the violation of these rules.
He includes analogy (upamiti) and proof by implication (arthiipatti)
in the definition of inference and names the different modes of
In the third chapter we get the definition of" verbal testimony.''
The authority of the scriptures is established, and an attempt has
been made to show that all words convey the sense of Narayat:la the
The fourth chapter is longer than all the others. The author here
refutes the categories of the Nyiiya school of thought such as the
universals, the relation of inherence, the causality of the atom~, and
gives his own view about the genesis of the different categories, the
mind-stuff. the body, the senses, the five primordial elements of
earth, air, heat, water, sky, and so on.
The fifth chapter gives an account of time and "establishes its all-
pervasive and eternal nature. The sixth chapter enumerates the
eternal, transcendental attributes of pure sativa, which belongs hoth
to ifvara and ji·va.
The seventh chapter is more philosophical. It contains a de-
1 e'L'W!l Drii·vit./.a-bhiiua-N yiiya-tattva-Siddhi-traya- -Sri-bhiisya- -Dlpa-
siira- Vediirtha--sm!tgraha- Blzii~ya-vivarm;a- Smrzgita-miiltz- -Sad-artha-sm!z-
h~epa, .<';ruta-prakiisika- Tat tva-ratniikara- -Prajiia-paritrr"i7Ja- Prameya-saT?zgra-
Tattva-dipmza -- Tattv:a-nir~raya- San·iirtha-s;d.Jhi -1\/yiiya-parisuddhi- X_n"i-
ya-siddhiiiijrma-- Paramata-bhmiga- Tattt·a-traya-culuka -- Tattt·a-traya-nirti-
pa~za- Tat tt·a-traya-praca7Jcf.a-miiruta- Vediinta-'l'zj'aya- -PiiriiSaryya-?·zj'ayli'd;·-
purv:ii'o"irya-prahmuihc"i-nusiire1_1a jiiiita'L·yiirtlu"i11 sa'!lR!Izya hiilabodhiirtha'!l }"atin-
dra~mata-dlpikci-khya-siirfraka-parihhii~t"iyii'!l te pratipc"iditclb. }"anndm-mala-
dipzhcl, p. 101.
XVIII] Riimiinuja Literature 129

tailed discussion as to how knowledge may be both an attribute and

a substance, so that it may be a quality of the self and also con-
stitute its essence. Attempts are here made to show that all mental
states, including that of feeling, can be reduced to that of know-
ledge. Devotion and the attitude of self-surrender are discussed
and the three courses, knowledge, action, and devotion, are
elaborated. The writer also brings out the futility of the means of
salvation prescribed by other systems of thought.
In the eighth chapter the author enumerates the attributes com-
mon to both jiva and isvara, and deals at great length with the true
nature of the individual self, refuting the theory of the Buddhists
on this point. He gives also a description of the devotees and their
twofold classification, and enumerates the attributes of the
emancipated jivas.
The ninth chapter is devoted to the definition of God, and
establishes Him as the instrumental, material and the accessory
cause of the world. It refutes the theory of miiyii of the rnonists
(ad'l·aitins) and gives an account of the fivefold aspects of God such
as vibhavas, avatiiras, etc. The tenth chapter enumerates and de-
fines ten categories other than substance, such as the sattva, rajas,
lamas, sabda, .fparsa, and the relation of contact, etc.
There was another Srinivasadasa, of the AQ.cjan lineage, who
was author of a ~.'at·va-tattva-paritriiiJa. He tried to prove that the
word NarayaQ.a is not an ordinary compound word, but a special
word which stands by itself indicative of the name of the highest
God. There was yet another Srinivasa, called Srinivasa Raghava-
dasa and CaQ.cja-maruta, who wrote a Riimiinuja-siddhiinta-
This Srinivasa again must be distinguished from another
Srinivasa of the lineage of Sathamar~ana, who wrote at least one
work known .to the present writer, Ananda-tiiratamya-khal}{iana.
In this small treatise he tries to refute, by a reference to scrip-
tural passages, the view that there are differences in the state of
A few other Srinivasas and their works are also known to the
present writer, and it is possible that they flourished in the fifteenth
or the sixteenth century. These are Srivatsailka Misra, who wrote
a small work called Sri-bhiiua-siiriirtha-sa1Jlgraha; Srinivasa
Tatarya, who wrote Laghu-bhiiva-prakiisikii; Srisaila Yogendra,
DIll 9
130 The T·isi~!ii-dvaita School [cH.
who wrote a work called Tyiiga-sabdiirtha-tippanl; Srisaila Ragha-
varya, grandson of Veti.katanatha, who wrote a Vediinta-kaustubha;
Srisailadasa, son of Rangadasa, who wrote Siddhiinta-sa'!zgraha;
Sundararajadesika, author of Brahma-siitra-bhii~ya-·vyiikhyii (an
elementary commentary). These minor writers flourished probably
in the sixteenth, seventeeth and eighteenth centuries.
Srinivasa-dik~ita, son of Srisaila Srinivasa Tatayarya, grandson
of AI)Q.ayai] a, and a pupil of Acarya-dik~ita, wrote a work called
Virodha-variithini-pramiithini. This must be distinguished from the
Virodha-variithini-pramiitlzini of Rangacarya dealt with in a different
section. Srinivasa-sudhi also wrote Brahma-jiiiina-niriisa, which
records the controversy which the author had with Tryambaka
Pal)9ita, a follower of Sankara. It generally follows a line of argu-
ment adapted in the Sata-dii~a~zz in refuting the monistic Yedanta
of Sankara. It is difficult to say whether the works f\'aya-ma1}i-
kalikii, Lak~mm:ziirya-siddlziinta-smJzgralza, and // ari-gu~za-ma~zimiilii
should be attributed to this author or to the Srinivasa who wrote
the Virodha-nirodha.
Sudarsana Suri, who lived in the thirteenth and fourteenth
centuries, of the lineage of llarita, son of Vagvijaya and pupil of
Vatsya Yarada, has been already mentioned. He wrote a treatise on
the commentary of Ramanuja from whose works all succeeding
writers drew their inspiration. The title of his commentary is
Sruta-prakiiSikii, which incorporates, often word for word, what he
heard from his teacher Yatsya Yarada 1 • lie also wrote a Sandh_vii-
vandana-bhii~ya, T ediinta-sa'!zgraha-t iiiparya-dipihii, a commentary

on the Vediirtha-sa'!lgralza of Ramanuja, and another work, called

..~ruta-pradipihii. lie was often called Vedavyasa Bhanarya. This
Sudarsana must be distinguished from Sudarsanaguru who wrote
a commentary on the Vediinta-7.·z"jaya of .:\lahacarya. Sathakopa
muni, who was a pupil of Sathari Suri and often known as Satha-
kopa Yati, lived probably towards the end of the sixteenth century.
He wrote the following works: Brahma-lak~a~za-7.:iikyiirtlza­
sa'!lgraha, Brahma-sabdiirtlza-'l.:i~.-·tlra, r'iikytlrtha-SalJlgralza, Bralmza-
siitriirtha-sa'!Igraha, Brahma-lah~a!za-7.:iihyiirtlza, Di'lya-prabandlza
and Bhii7.Ja-prakiisikii-dii~a1Joddhiira. The last work is an attempt at

gurubhyo' rthal; sruta~z sabdais tat-prayuktais Cll yojital;

saukaryiiya bublzutsfinii'!' sm!zkalayya prakiisyate.
Introductory verses to the Sruta-prakiisikii.
XVIII) Riimiinuja Literature IJI

refutation of the criticism of the Bhiiva-prakiiSikii, a commentary

on Sruta-prakiiSikii, by Varada Vi~I)U Suri.
Ahobila Railganatha Y ati, who flourished at the beginning of
the fifteenth century, wrote a Nyiisa-vivrti, in which he deals with
the topics of nyiisa as expounded in Veilkatanatha's Nyiisa-tilaka.
~\divaraha Vedantacarya wrote a Nyiiya-ratniivali. Kr~Qatatacarya,
who flourished in the fifteenth century and belonged to the Srisaila
lineage, wrote a commentary on the Nyiiya-parisuddhi, called
1Vyaya-parisuddhi-vyiikhyii and some small treatises called Duriirtha-
diirikara1_la, Brahma-sabdiirtha-viciira and IYatva-candrikii. Kr~Q.a­
pada-lokaguru, probably of the same century, wrote a Rahasya-
traya-mimii~nsii-bhii~ya, Divya-prabandha-vyiikhyii, Catul:z-sloki-
vyiikhyii, and a number of Tamil works. Campakesa, of the fifteenth
century, wrote a Guru-tattva-prakiisikii, and a Vediinta-ka1_lfako-
ddhiira. In the last work he tried to refute the criticisms of the
Sri-bha~ya 1 • He was a pupil of Venkatanatha. Another Tatacarya,
who was grandfather of Venkatadhvari, the author of the Visva-
gu1_liidarsa, wrote a Tiitiiciirya-dina-caryii. He was the maternal
uncle of Appaya-dik~ita. Again, Desikacarya, who wrote the
Prayoga-ratna-miilii as a commentary on the Sri-bhii~ya, also wrote
a book on the commentary on Venkatanatha's Pafiyikii on the
Taittiriyopani~at, which was called the" Asti-brahmeti-sruty-artha-
~·iciira." Do<;l<;layacarya, who lived probably in the fifteenth century,
wrote a Parikara-vijaya, often referred to in l\1ahacarya's works,
and a life of \Teilkatanatha, called Vediinta-desika-vaibhava-
prakiisikii. NarayaJ).a muni wrote a Bhii·va-pradipikii, Gitiirtha-
Sa1J1graha, Gitii-siira-rak~ii, Gitii-sa1J1graha-vibhiiga, Rahasya-traya-
jiviitu. He was the son of Srisaila Tatayarya, grandson of Anantarya
and pupil of Ramanujacarya, probably Mahacarya. He lived per-
haps late in the fifteenth century. Nrsirpharaja, who wrote a com-
mentary on the Sata-dz~a1_li, called Sdta-dii~a1_li-vyiikhyii, was
probably the same person who wrote an Ananda-diiyini on the
Tattva-muktii-kaliipa. Nrsirphasiiri, a much later writer, wrote a
Sarira-bhiiviidhikara1_la-viciira and Tat-kratu-nyiiya-viciira. Para-
Suddhasattvalak!?aQarya wrote a work called Gum-bhiiva-prakaiikii as a
commentary on the Sruta-prakiiiikii, which he based upon the Guru-tattva-
prakiiiikiiof Campakda. He was the disciple of Suddhasattvacarya, son of Saumya
Jamatr muni. In his commentary he constantly refers to the Tiilikii commentary
of Vadhula Srinivasa. He lived probably in the sixteenth century, and may have
been a contemporary of l\1ahacarya.
IJ2 The Visi~!ii-dvaita Sehoul [c11.

vastu Yedanhicarya, son of Adivarahacarya, composed a rediinta-

kaustubha. Puru~ottama wrote a commentary on the Sri-bhii:ro~va
called Suhotlhini, and llhagavat Senapati ~lisra wrote a Siiriralw-
Pcla Puradesika wrote a work called Tatt'L·a-bhlislwra. It is
divided into two parts, in the first of which he tries to ascertain the
meaning of miiyii and elucidates the natun: of (;od on the basis of
Dravidian and Sanskrit texts. The second part is of a ritualistic
nature. Rangaraja, who lived probably in the sixteenth century,
was the author of Ad'L·aita-'l·ahi~luira. Ranganathacarya wrote an
A~!tidasa-blzeda-'L·iaira, Puru~tirtlw-ratmilwra, J ·i,ctithirtha-sm!z-
gralza, Kiirytidhilwra~za-'L·eda and f.:tirytidhilwra~w-talt'i'a. The con-
tents of the last two works have been dealt with in a different
section. He lived perhaps in the sixteenth century, and was a pupil
of Saumya Jamaq· muni . . \ Ramanuja calleJ Vedanta Ramanuja
wrote a Di'L')'a-siiri-prabluinz-dipilui and a ,'-,'ar'l·a-darsana-siranw~li.
Ramanujadasabhik::-u wrote Sauri-riija-cara~uirm:inda-sara~ui-gati­
si'ira, and Uama SuhrahmaJ}yasastri J ·i:ro~lu-tatt'l·a-ralwsya. These
two writers flourished probably in the seventeenth or late in the
sixteenth century.
~\treya Yaraua wrote a l?ahasya-traya-slira-'lyli!?.h_wi, a com-
mentary on Yenkatanatha's Raha!.ya-traya-stira. \·aradadasa wrote
1V)'lisa-'l·idyli-blzii~ww and Yadi Kdar1 \I isra the following:
Adhyiitma-cintii, Tatt'l·a-dipa-sa1!1graha-luirilui, Tatl'l.'a-dipa and
Rahasya-traya-kiirilui. These small works arc of little value. Only
the Tatt7__,·a-dipa contains some philosophical materials inspired hy
the Sruta-prakasikii of Sudarsana. Yira-raghava-dasa, son of
Yadhula ~arasirp.ha and pupil of Yadhi'Ha Yaradaguru, produced
a commentary on the .~ri-hluitva, called Tl;tparya-dipilui, and one
on Yatsya Yarada's Tatt'l,·a-siira, called Natna-stiri~li. \·cnkata
Suuhi wrote a voluminous work in four chapters, called Siddluinta-
ratml'l·ali, in which he tried to prove that ~arayaJ}a and not Siva is
the supreme Lord and the cause of the world, and dealt with many
sectarian doctrines which arc of no philosophical value. lie was
the pupil of \·enkatanatha and son of Tatacarya of Sathamar~aJ}a
lineage. Some iwtice of the work will be taken in the section on
Pmicartitra. YeJ}katadasa, called also Yucci Yenkatacan·a, the
third son of AJ}J}ayarya, of Sathamar~aJ}a lineage, compose<.i a work
called Vediintakliriluh·ali. Ycnkatadhvar1 wrote a work called }·ali-
XVIII] Riimiinuja Literature 133
prativandana-khar¢ana, A yyaJ).I).a wrote Vyiisa-tiitparya-nin.zaya
and AI)Q.avayyangacarya, Tr,Ja-prasno-ttara, Kesara-bhiijara and
Sri-tattva-darpara. Gopalatata wrote Satakofi-diijm:za-parihiira,
Govindacarya Pramiira-siira and Jagannatha Y ati Brahma-sutra-
dipikii. Devanatha wrote Tattva-nirraya, Dharmakuresa Riimiinuja-
nava-ratna-miilikii, Nilameghatatacarya Nyiisa-vidyiirtha-v£ciira,
Rangacarya Srivatsa-siddhiinta-siira, Raghunathacarya Bclla-
sarasvati and Smigati-siira. Raghavacarya wrote Rahasya-traya-
siira-Sa1J1graha, Ramanatha Yogi Sadii-ciira-bodha, Ramanuja
Giiyatri-sata-du~ari and Tirumalacarya of Bharadvaja lineage
Ar_lJ).ayarya, brother of -Srisaila Srinivasa, wrote Saptati-rat~a­
miilikii, Vyavahiirikatva-khar¢ana-siira, Mithyiitva-khar¢ana, Ac-
iirya-vi'f!lsati, Ananda-tiiratamya-kha~z{lana. Appaya-dik~ita of the
sixteenth century commented on the Brahma-sutra in accordance
with the views of Ramanuja, in a work called Naya-mukha-miilikii.
Anantarya of the nineteenth century wrote a number of works of
which the following have been published: f:.7attva-tattva-
vibhii~ara, .~atakofi-khar¢ana, Nyiiya-bhiiskara, Aciira-locana (a
refutation of widow-remarriage), Siistriirambha-samarthana, Sam-
iisa-viida, Vi~ayatii-·viida, Brahma-sakti-viida, Siistraikya-viida,
Alok~a-kiiraratii-'L-·iida, Nin·ise~a-pramiira-vyudiisa, Sa1J1vin-niin-
iitva-samarthana, Jrliina-yiithiirthya-viida, Brahma-lakjara-viida,
l!?.~aty-adhikarara-viciira, Pratijiiii-viida, Akiisiidhikarara-viciira,
Srzbhii~ya-bhiiviiizkura, Laghu-siimiiniidhikararya-viida, Guru-siim-
iiniidhikararya-·ciida, Siirira-viida, Siddhiinta-siddhiiiijana, Vidhi-
sudhiikara, Sudarsana-sura-druma, Bheda-viida, Tat-kratu-nyiiya-
·ciciira, Drsyat·L'ii-numiina-niriisa. These treatises are mostly short
papers, though a few are more elaborate. The Nyiiya-bhiiskara is a
refutation of the Gau{la-brahmiinandi commentary on the Advaita-
siddhi, in refutation of the Nyiiyiimrta-taraizgini. It consists of
twelve topics, and the refutations are mostly of a scholastic nature
following the style of the new school of logic in Bengal which found
fault with the definitions of their opponents. Some of the most im-
portant works of this writer have been referred to in the relevant
places of this work.
1 34 The Visi~!ii-dvaita School [cH.

The Influence of the Ar.vars on the

followers of Ramanuja.
We have already referred to the Divya-prabandlzas, written by
the Arvars in Tamil, which exerted a profound influence on all
teachers of the Srivai~J:t.ava school 1 • Kuresa (Tirukkurukaippiran
Pillai) \Vrote a commentary of 6ooo verses on a selection of Namm'-
arvar's one thousand verses called the Salzasra-giti. Parasara
Bhanarya wrote a commentary of 9000 \·erses. Under the direc-
tions of Kalijit (Lokacarya) Abhaya-prada-raja wrote a commentary
of 24,000 verses. Kr~I)apada, pupil of Kalijit, wrote another com-
mentary of 36oo verses. Saumya Jamatr muni \Vrote 12,000 verses
interpreting the views of Namm' -arvar. The commentaries of
Abhaya-prada-raja on the Di'Lya-prabandlzas helped the later
teachers to understand the esoteric doctrine of the later \\·orks. The
commentaries on the Di'L')'a-prabandhas written by Saumyajamatr
muni, the younger brother of Pillai Lokacarya, had already become
rare in the time of Abhirama Yaracarya, the translator of the
Upadesa-ratna-miilii and the grandson of Saumya Jamatr muni.
It is thus seen that Parasara Bhanarya, the successor of Rama-
nuja in the pontifical chair, and his successor Y edantl l\ladhava,
called also Nanjiyar, and his successor Namburi Yaradaraja, called
also Kalijit or Lokacarya I, and his successor Pillai Lokacarya, all
wrote works dealing not so much with the interpretation of Rama-
nuja's philosophy, as with the interpretation of devotion as dealt
with in the Sahasra-giti and the Di1.ya-prabandlzas. Their writings
are mostly in Tamil, only a few have been translated into Sanskrit,
1 These Div:ya-prabmullws are four thousand in number. Thus Poygaiy-ap·ar

wrote .Uutfal-tiru-·vantiidi of I oo stanzas; Bhutatt' -a_r:var, lrm_ufam-tiru-·vantiidi of

xoo stanzas; Pey-a[\·ar, .'1,/unrclm-tiru-'l:antcldi of IOO stanzas; Tiru-mari~ai Piran,
Niin-mukam Tiru-·vantiidi and Tiru-cha~t/a-'l·ruttam of 96 and I 20 stanzas
respectively; l\1adhura-kaviy-arvar wrote Ka~'l}inu~-siruttiimbu of I 1 stanzas;
Namm' -arvar wrote Tiru-'l·ruttam of 100 stanzas, Tiru-'l.'tisiriyam, Peri\·a-
tiru-vantadi of 87 stanzas and Tim-'l·iiy-mo:ri of 1 I 02 \·erses; Kula-sckhara Peru-
mal wrote Perumiil-tirumnli of I os stanzas, Periy-ii_r'l·iir-tiruppalii~fju and Periy-
ii_rviir-tirumo:ri of 12 and 46 I stanzas, Ar)<;ial, Tiruppii·vai and Siicchiyiir-tirumof.i
of 30 and I43 stanzas; Tor;t<;lar-a~i-po<;liy-arvar, Tiru-pa{li"y-e_ruclzi and Tiru-
miilai of IO and 4-5 stanzas respectively; Tiru-pan-arvar,' Amalanadi-p(r(111 of
IO stanzas; Tiru-mangaiy-ap·ar wrote Periya-tirumo/i of I084- verses, Tiru-
kkurundii~t/akam of 20 stanzas, Tinmefjundii'l}t/akam of 30 stanzas, Tinl'l'e[ukilr-
tirukkai of 1 stanza, liiriya- tiruma~ial of 77 stanzas and Periya-tirumafjal of 14-8
stanzas, thus making a total of 4000 verses in aiL They are referred to in the
Upadesd-ratna-malii of Saurnya Jamatr muni (junior) and in its introduction by
M. T. Narasimhiengar.
XVIII] A.rviirs' Influence on Riimiinujists 1 35

and in the present work notice is taken only of the Sanskrit works of
these writers (mostly in the manuscript form) which have been
available to the present writer. Both Pillai Lokacarya and Saumya
Jamaq· muni, called also Vadikesarl, were sons of K~I).apada, but
this Saumya Jamatr muni must be distinguished from a later
Saumyajamatr muni, called also Yattndrapraval).acarya, who was a
much more distinguished man. Parasara Bhattarya was probably
born before A.D. 1078 and he died in A.D. 1165. He was suc-
ceeded by Vedantl l\!Iadhava or Nanjiyar, who was succeeded by
Namburi Varadaraja or Lokacarya I. He was succeeded by Pillai
Lokacarya, a contemporary of Venkatanatha, and Sruta-:prakasika-
carya or Sudar8ana Suri. It was in his time that the l\1ahomedans
attacked Srlrangam. as has already been mentioned in connection
with our account of Yenkatanatha. The Mahomedans were ex-
pelled from Srlrangam hy Goppal).arya, and the image of Ranga-
natha was re-installed in A.D. 1293. It was at this time that the
famous Saumya Jamatr muni (junior) was born. The senior Saumya
Jamatr muni, younger brother of Pillai Lokacarya, called also
Vadikesarl, wrote some commentaries on the Divya-prabaizdhas, a
work called Dipa-prakiisa, and Piyaruli-ceyalare-rahasya. He is
referred to by the junior Saumya Jamatr muni, called also Vara-
vara muni, in his Upadda-ratna-miilii, Tattva-traya-bhii~ya and
Srivacana-bhii~a1_la-vyiikhyii. We cannot be sure whether the
Adhyiitma-cintiima~zi, in which Vadhula Srlnivasa is adored as his
teacher, was written by Saumya Jamatr muni. Mahacarya also de-
scribed himself as a pupil of Vadhlila Srlnivasa, and, if the senior
Saumya Jamatr and 1\lahacarya were pupils of the same teacher,
1\lahacarya must have lived in the fourteenth century. If, however,
the junior Saumya Jamatr wrote the Adhyiitma-cintiima1}i, Maha-
carya will have to be placed at a later date.
The present writer has been able to trace only three books in
Sanskrit by Pillai Lokacarya: Tattva-traya, Tattva-sekhara, and
Srivacana-bhu~a1_la 1 • The Tattva-traya is a very useful compendium
of the Srlvai~I).ava school of thought, in which the nature of the in-
animate (acit), the souls, God and their mutual relations are dealt
1 Some of his other works are j\Jumuk~u-ppatf.i, Prameya-sekhara, Nava-

ratna-miilii, Tani-pral}a·va, Prapanna-paritriil}a, Yiid!cchika-ppatf.i, Dvayam,

Artha-pancaka, Siira-sarJlgraha, Paranda-patf.i, SarJlsiira-siimriijyam, Sriyab-pati-
ppatf.i, Caramam, Arcir-iidi, Nava-vidha-sambandha. Vide footnote in Tattva-
sekhara, p. 70.
The Visi~!ii-dvaita School [cH.
with. There is an excellent commentary by Varavara muni. The
Tattva-sekhara is a work in four chapters. The first chapter quotes
scriptural evidences in support of the view that Narayal)a is the
highest God and the ultimate cause; in the second chapter he de-
scribes the nature of self by reference to scriptural testimony. The
same description of the nature of self is continued in the third
chapter. In the fourth chapter he deals with the ultimate goal of
all souls, self-surrender to God. He says that the ultimate summum
bonum (puru~iirtha) consists in the servitude (kaiizkarya) to God
roused by love of I lim (priti-kiirita), due to the knowledge of one's
own nature and the nature of God in allllis divine beauty, majesty,
power and supreme excellence. Not all servitude is undesirable.
\Ve know in our ordinary experience that servitude through love is
always pleasurable. In the ordinary idea of emancipation, a man
emphasizes his own self and his own end. This is therefore inferior
to the summum bonum in which he forgets his own self and regards
the servitude of God as his ultimate end. Lokacarya then refutes
the various other conceptions of the ultimate goal in other schools
of philosophy. lie also refutes the conception of the summum
bonum as the realization of one's own nature with a sense of supreme
subordination (para-tantrat1:ena svii.-nubha'l:a-miitralJZ na puru-
~iirtha}_z). This is also technically called kai1·alya in the Srivai~I)ava
system. Our ultimate end is not cessation of pain, but enjoyment of
bliss. Positive bliss is our final aim. It is held that in the emanci-
pation as described above the individual realizes himself in close
association with God and enjoys supreme bliss thereby; but he can
never be equal to Him. Bondage (bandha) is true and the removal of
bondage is also true. Prapatti, or self-surrender to God, is regarded
as a means to cessation of bondage. This prapatti may be direct
(a-vym:ahita) and indirect ('l-J'm:ahita). In the first case the self-
surrender is complete and absolute and done once for all 1 . The in-
1 Prapatti is defined as follows:
prabhrti-sahital:z yaolti-garbhn 'l'ifrmbha-rfipa-jiitina-t·isqa!z; tatra j'leyiikiira
Ist•arasya nirapek~a-siidlumat'l·mrz j'icimikaro 'l'ym·asiiyii-lmakatvam; etac ca itistra-
rthat'l·iit salqt karta'l·yam. Tatt'l·a-st·klwra, p. 64-.
Just as the Sankarites hold that, once the knowledRe regarding the unity of
the individual with Brahman dawns through the realization of the meaninR of
such texts, there remains nothinR to be done. So here also the complete sell-
surrender to God is the dawninR of the nature of one's relation to God, and, when
this is once accomplished, there is nothinR else to be done. The rest remains with
God in His adoption of the devotee as His own.
XVIII) A.rviirs' Influence on Riimiinujists 1 37

direct prapatti is the continual meditation on God through love of

Him, along with the performance of the obligatory duties and the
non-commission of prohibited actions. This is decidedly the lower
stage; the more deserving ones naturally follow the first method.
The main contents of Pillai Lokacarya's Sri-·vacana-bhiiJm:za
follow in a separate section in connection with the account of the
commentary on it and sub-commentary by Saumya Jamatr muni
(junior) and Raghuttama. The Srivacana-bhii~m:za consists of 484
small sentences longer than the Szltra-phrases, but often shorter than
ordinary philosophical sentences. Lokacarya followed this style in
his other works also, such as his Tattva-traya and Tattva-sekhara.
Ramya-jamatr muni or Saumya Jamatr muni, called also
l\lal)avalama muni or Periya-jiyar, was the son of Tikalakki<;landan-
tirunaviru<;laiyapiran-Tatar-ai)J).ar, a disciple of Pillai Lokacarya
and grandson of KolJikavaladasar, who was also a disciple of Pillai
Lokacarya. He was born in the Tinnevelly district in A.D. 1370 and
lived for seventy-three years, that is till A.D. 1443. He first obtained
training from Srisailesa, called also Tiru-marai Aryar, in Tiru-
vay-mori. One of the first \\orks of his early youth was a poem called
Yati-riija-vi1Jliati, in honour of Ramanuja, which is incorporated
and published in Yaravara muni's Dina-caryii. On account of his
deep devotion for Ramanuja he was also known as Yatindra-
praval)a, and wrote a commentary on a short life of Ramanuja
called Prapanna-sii'l.:itri or Riimiinuja-nurandiidi of Tiruvarangatt-
amudaniir. After completing his studies under Srisailesa he re-
mained at Srirailgam and studied the commentaries on the Divya-
prabandlzas, the Srivacana-blzzl~a7J.a and other Driivi¢a Vedanta
works. In his study of the Divya-prabandhas and the Gitii-bhii~ya
he was helped by his father Tatar-ai)J).ar. He also studied with
Kidambi-Tirumalai-:\ayinar, called also K~J).adesika, the Sri-
bhii~ya and Sruta-prakii:h"kii. He also studied the Aciirya-hrdaya
with AI)J).ayacarya, called also Devarajaguru, of Yadavadri. He re-
nounced the world, became a sannyiisin, and attached himself to the
Pallava-matha at Srirangam, where he built a vyiikhyiina-ma7J.rf.apa,
in which he used to deliver his religious lectures. He was very pro-
ficient in the Dra·vi¢a Vedanta, produced many works in the ma'l}i-
praviila style (mixture of Sanskrit and Tamil), and had hundreds of
followers. He had a son, called Ramanujarya, and a grandson,
called Vi~J).ucitta. Of his pupils eight were very famous: Bhatta-
The Visi~!ii-dvaita School (CH. XVIII

natha, Srlnivasa-yati, Devarajaguru, \'"adhula \Tarada Narayal).a-

guru, Prativadibhaym1kara, Ramanujaguru, Sutakhya, and Srl-
vanacala Yoglndra. These eight disciples were great teachers of
Vedanta 1 . He taught the Bhii~ya to Rangaraja. There were many
ruling chiefs in South India who were his disciples. Among his
\vorks the following are noteworthy, Yati-riija-ViiJlsati, Gitii-
tiitparya-dipa, a Sanskrit commentary on the Gita, Sri-bhii~ytl­
ratha, Taittir~vo-pani~ad-bhii~ya, Para-tatt·va-nin:zaya. He wrote
also commentaries on the Rahasya-traya, Tatt'l.:a-tra_va and Sri-
vacana-bluJ~a1}a of Pil1ai Lokacarya and the Aciirya-hrdaya of the
senior Saumya Jamatr muni, called also \Tadikesarl, brother of
Pillai Lokacarya; commentaries c;m Priyiih:ar-tiru-mo_ri, Jiiiina-siira
and Prameya-siira of Devaraj~, a~d the Sapta-giithii of \Tiramsolai-
ppillai; glosses on the authorities quoted in the Tattva-traya,
Sri'l:acana-bhu~wza, and commentaries on the Di1:ya-prabandlza
called the ltju; many Tamil verses, such as Tiru·ciiymo_ri-nu_rzmdiidi,
Artti-prabandlza, Tinn:iiriidluma-hrama, and many Sanskrit
verses. He occupied a position like that of Ramanuja, and his
images are worshipped in most Yai~I).ava temples in South India.
:\lany works were written about him, e.g. ryarm.:ara-mzmi-dina-
caryii, l Tara·vara-muni-sataha, rTara·vara-muni-hiivya, Vara'l:ara-
mwzi-campu, }Tatindra-prm:ww-prablzii'l:a, }'atindra-pra'l'a1_la-bhadra-
campu, etc. I lis [ ·padeia-ratna-miilii is recited by Srivai~I).avas after
the recital of the Di~ya-prabandha. In his [ ·padesa-ratna-miilii he
gives an account of the early .\[\·ars and the .\ragiyas. It was trans-
lated into Sanskrit verse by his grandson Abhirama-varacarya,
whose A~tiidasa-bheda-nir!zaya has already been noted in the present
work. He also wrote another book called 1Yak~·atra-miilihti in praise
of Sathakopa 2 •
Though :\Ir Narasimhiengar says that a commentary on the
Srl'l:acana-bhii.~a1_la was written by Saumya Jamaq· muni (junior) in
the mwzi'pra~·iila style, yet the manuscript of the commentary, with a
sub-commentary on it by Raghuttama, which was available to the
present writer, was a stupendous volume of about 750 pages, all
written in Sanskrit. The main contents of this work will appear in
a separate section.
1 See Prapanniimrta, Ch. 122.
The present writer is indebted for some of his information regarding the
works of Saumya Jamatr muni to :\I. T. ~arasimhiengar's Introduction to the
English translation of the Cpadda-ratna-miilii.

THouGH in later days Bodhayana is regarded as the founder of the

Vai~t:lava systems, yet, as his commentary on the Brahma-siitras is
not now available, we may look upon Yamuna as being the earliest
of the latter-day Vai~t:lava philosophers. We hear that many other
people, such as Tanka, Drami<;la and Bharuchi, wrote in accordance
with the teachings contained in the commentary of Bodhayana, en-
deavouring to refute the views of other systems of thought.
Drami<;la wrote a Bhii~ya which was elaborated by Srivatsanka
l\fisra and is frequently referred to by Yamuna. The sage Vakula-
bharat:la, called Sathakopacarya, also wrote an elaborate treatise in
the Tamil language on the bhakti creed, but this also is hardly
available now. Thus the history of modern Vai~t:lavism should, for
all practical purposes, begin with Yamunacarya, who flourished
during the latter part of the tenth and the earlier part of the
eleventh century. Yamunacarya was said to be the preceptor of
1\Iahapurt:la from whom the great Ramanuja had his initiation.
So far as I am aware, Yamuna wrote four books, namely, Siddhi-
traya, Agama-priimii1}ya, Purufa-nin1}aya, and KiiSmiriigama. Of
these only the first two have been printed.

Yamuna's doctrine of Soul contrasted with

those of others.
We have seen that from the Carvakas to the Vedantists there had
been many schools of philosophy and each of them had its own
theory of soul. We made but a scanty reference to Carvakism in the
first volume, and we have generally omitted the discussions against
Carvakism in which other systems usually i'1dulged. The most im-
portant of the doctrines held by the Carvakas is that there is no self
other than the body; some of them, however, regarded the senses
as the self, and others as Jl,Janas. They held that there were only
four elements and that out of them life and consciousness sprang
forth. Our notion of self also referred to the body, and there was
no separate soul, apart from the body. The Carvaka literature
The Philosophy of Y iimuniiciirya [cH.

has, however, vanished from India, and we can know only from
references in other works that their original writings were also in
the form of sutras 1 .
Yamuna's philosophy was directly opposed to the doctrine of
the Carvakas. It is best therefore that we should deal here with
Yam~na's theory of soul in connection with the pretensions of the
Carvakas. Yamuna takes his stand on the notion of self-conscious-
ness. He says that our preception "I know" distinctly points to the
self as the subject, as distinguished from the perception of the body
as "this is my body," which is closely akin to other objective per-
ceptions such as "this is a jug," "this is a piece of cloth." \Yhen I
restrain my senses from external objects and concentrate myself on
myself, I have still the notion of my self as " I," which arises in me
without the least association of my hands or feet or any other parts
of the body. The body as a whole cannot be said to be indicated by
my perception, when none of the parts of the body shine forth in it.
Even when I say "I am fat," "I am lean," the notion of" I" does
not refer to the external fat or lean body, but to some mysterious
entity within me with which the body is wrongly associated. \Ye
should not forget that we also say "this is my body" as we should
say "this is my house," where the body is spoken of as being dif-
ferent from the self as any external object. But it may be objected
that we also say "my self" (mamiitmii); but this is only a linguistic
usage which expresses that difference, whereas the entity perceived
is just the same and identical. The confusion which is fdt in the
fact that the notion of" I" refers to the body is due to this, that the
self bas no perceivable shape or form as have ordinary external ob-
jects (such as jug, cloth, etc.), by virtue of which they are dis-
tinguished from one another. Those who are not sufficiently dis-
criminating cannot rest content with the formless self, and conse-
quently confuse the soul with the body, more particularly because
they find that corresponding to any and every desire of the soul
there is a corresponding change of the body. They think that, since,
corresponding to any mental change, such as new feeling, thought,
or desire, there is a corresponding physical or physiological change
of the body, there is no other soul different from the body. But, if
The first siUra of llrhaspati is atha tatt·vm!l t:yiikhyiisycimab; the second is
prithi'l.·y-ap-tejo-·ciiyur iti tattvani and the third is tebhyas caitanya'f!J ki~zv:iidi­
bhyo mada-sal>tivat.
XIX] Yamuna's doctrine of Soul
we try to find out by a deeper self-introspection what we mean by
"I," we find that it is an entity, as the subject, as the" I," as distinct
from the objects which are not self and which are indicated as this
or that. Had the notion "I know" referred to the body, the bodily
parts would surely have been manifested in the notion, as external
objects shine forth in all external perception as this or that. But it
is not so; on the contrary, by introspection I find that the self is an
entity which is independent in itself, and all other things of the
world are for the sake of my self; I am the enjoyer, whereas every-
thing else is the object of my enjoyment; I am not for the sake of
any body; I am an end in myself and never a means for anything
else (a-pariirtha). All combinations and collocations are for the
sake of another, whom they serve; the self is neither the result of
any collocation nor does it exist for the sake of serving another.
l\1oreover, consciousness cannot be regarded as being a product
of the body. Consciousness cannot be thought to be like an in-
toxicating property, the product of the four elements; for the com-
bination of the four elements cannot produce any and every sort of
power. There is a limit to the effects that a certain cause can pro-
duce; in the production of the intoxicating property it is the atoms
which happen to possess that property; intoxication is not to be
compared with consciousness; nor has it any similarity to any
physical effect; nor can it be thought that there are atoms in which
the property of consciousness is generated. Had consciousness been
the result of any chemical change, such as we find in the produc-
tion of the red colour by the combination of lime with catechu,
there would have been particles of consciousness (caitanya) pro-
duced, and our consciousness would then have been the sum total
of those particles of consciousness, as in the case of any material
chemical product; the red colour produced by the combination of
lime with catechu belongs to an object every particle of which is
red; so, if consciousness had been a chemical product of the
material of this body, there would have been generated some
particles of consciousness, and thus there would have been per-
ceptions of many selves in accordance with each particle of con-
sciousness, and there would be no identity of consciousness and
experience. Thus it must be admitted that consciousness belongs
to an entity, the soul, which is different from the body.
Nor can consciousness belong to the senses; for, if it belonged
The Ph£/osophy of Y iimuniiciirya [cH.
to each of the senses, then that which was perceived by one sense
(e.g. the eye) could not be perceived by another sense(e.g. the touch),
and there would not rise the consciousness ''I touch that which I
had seen before." If all the senses together produced conscious-
ness, then we could not perceive anything with one sense (e.g. the
eye), nor could we have any consciousness, or the memory of the
object of any particular sense after that sense was lost; when a man
was blinded, he would lose all consciousness, or would never re-
member the objects which he had seen before with his eyes.
Nor can the manas be regarded as iitman; for it is only an organ
accepted as accounting for the fact that knowledge is produced in
succession and not in simultaneity. If it is said that the man as
may be regarded as being a separate organ by which it can know
in succession, then practically the self, or iitman, is admitted; the
only difference being this, that the Carvakas call manas what we
(Yamuna and his followers) call iitman.
The ViJiliina~·iidin Buddhists held that knowledge, while self-
manifesting, also manifested the objects and so knowledge should
be regarded as the self (iitman). Against these Buddhists Yamuna
held that, if any permanent seat of knowledge was not admitted,
then the phenomenon of personal identity and recognition could
not be explained by the transitory states of self-manifesting know-
ledge; if each knowledge came and passed, how could one identify
one's present experiences with the past, if there were only flowing
states of knowledge and no persons? Since there was no penna-
nence, it could not be held that any knowledge persisted as an
abiding factor on the basis of which the phenomenon of self-
identity or recognition could be explained. Each knowledge heing
absent while others came, there was no chance of even an illusion
of sameness on grounds of similarity.
The doctrine of the Sankara school, that there is one quality less
permanent pure consciousness, is regarded hy Yamuna as being
against all experience. Thus, consciousness is always felt as be-
longing to a person and as generated, sustained for a time, and then
lost. At the time of deep sleep we all cease to possess knowledge,
and this is demonstrated by our impression on waking that we have
slept for so long, without consciousness. If the anta~zkara~za, which
the Advaitins regard as the substratum of the notion of "1," had
been submerged during the sleep, then there could not have been
XIX] Yamuna's doctrine of Soul 143
on waking the notion that "I slept so long." Nobody has ever ex-
perienced any pure knowledge. Knowledge as such must belong
to somebody. The Sankarites say that the rise of knowledge means
the identity of the knowledge with the objects at the time. But this
is not so; for the truth of the knowledge of an object is always with
reference to its limitations of time and space and not to the in-
trinsic quality of the thing or the knowledge. The assertion also that
knowledge is permanent is without any foundation; for whenever
any knowledge arises it always does so in time and under the limita-
tions of time. Nobody has ever experienced any knowledge divested
of all forms. Knowledge must come to us either as perception or
as inference, etc.; but there cannot be any knowledge which is
absolutely devoid of any forms or modifications and absolutely
qualityless. The Sankarites regard the self as pure consciousness or
anubhuti, but it is apparent that the self is the agent of anubhuti, or
the knower, and not knowledge or pure consciousness. Again, as in
Buddhism, so in Sankarism, the question of recognition remains
unsolved; for recognition or personal continuity of experience
means that the knower existed in the past and is existing even now
-as when we say, "I have experienced this" -but, if the self is
pure consciousness only, then there cannot be any perceiver per-
sisting in the past as well as in the present, and the notion "I have
experienced this" is not explained, but only discarded as being
illusory. The consciousness of things, however, is never generated
in us as " I am consciousness," but as " I have the consciousness of
this" ; if all forms were impure impositions on pure consciousness,
then the changes would have taken place in the consciousness, and
instead of the form "I have consciousness" the proper form of
knowledge ought to have been "I am consciousness." The San-
karites also hold that the notion of the knower is an illusory im-
position on the pure consciousness. If that be so, the consciousness
itself may be regarded as an illusory imposition; if it is said that the
pure consciousness is not an imposition, since it lasts till the end-
the stage of emancipation-then, since the result of right know-
ledge (tattva-jiiiina) is this, that the self ceases to be a knower, false
knowledge should be welcomed rather than such a right knowledge.
The notion "I know" proves the self to be a knower and apart from
a knower so manifested no pure consciousness can be experienced.
The notion " I " at once distinguishes the knower from the body,
The Philosophy of Y timuntictirya [cH.

the senses, the manas, or even the knowledge. Such a self is also
called a siik~i (perceiver), as all objects are directly perceived by it.
The Sii'f!Zkhya view is that it is the ahmikiira or buddhi which may
be regarded as the knower; for these are but products of prakrti, and
thus non-intelligent in themselves. The light of pure consciousness
cannot be regarded as falling on them and thereby making them
knowers by the reflection of its light; for reflection can only
happen with reference to visible objects. Sometimes it is held by the
Sati.karites that true consciousness is permanent and unchangeable,
that the ego (ahankiira) derives its manifestation from that and yet
reveals that in association with itself, just as a mirror or the surface
of water reflects the sun; and, when these limitations of alzankiira,
etc., are merged during deep sleep, the self shines forth in its own
natural light and bliss. This also is unintelligible; for if the- ahan-
kiira, etc., had all been manifested by the pure consciousness, how
can they again in their turn manifest the consciousness itself?
Actually it cannot be imagined what is the nature of that mani-
festation which pure consciousness is made to have by the alzan-
kiira, since all ordinary analogies fail. Ordinarily things are said to
be manifested when obstructions which veil them are removed, or
when a lamp destroys darkness, or when a mirror reflects an object;
but none of these analogies is of any use in understanding how
consciousness could be manifested by ahankiira. If, again, con-
sciousness requires something else to manifest it, then it ceases to
be self-manifesting and becomes the same as other objects. It is
said that the process of knowledge runs on by successive removals
of ajiiiina from the consciousness. Ajiiiina (na-jiiiina-not know-
ledge) may be understood as absence of knowledge or as the mo-
ment when some knowledge is going to rise, but such an aji'iiina
cannot obstruct consciousness; the Sati.karites hold, therefore, that
there is an indefinable positive ajiiiina which forms the stuff of the
world. But all this _is sheer nonsense. That which manifests any-
thing cannot make that thing appear as a part of itself, or as its own
manifestation. The ego, or ahankiira,- cannot also manifest another
consciousness (which is different from it) in such a way that that
consciousness shall appear as its own manifestation. So it has to be
admitted that the self is not pure consciousness, but the self-
conscious ego which appears in all our experience. The state of
deep sleep (su~upti) is often put forward as an example of pure
XIX] Yamuna's doctrine of Soul 1 45

consciousness being found unassociated with other limitations of

ego, etc. But this is not possible, as we have already seen. More-
over, when the later experience of the waking moment testifies that
"I did not know anything," it can well be urged that there was iw
pure consciousness during deep sleep; but that the ego existed is
proved by the fact that at the waking moment the perception which
identifies the ego (ahaizkiira) as the self, also testifies that the ego as
the self had persisted during deep sleep. The self which shines
forth in us as the ego therefore remains the same during deep sleep;
but it has no knowledge at that time. After rising from deep sleep
we feel "I did not know anything, I did not know even myself."
The Sankarites assert the experience that during deep sleep there
is no knowledge even of the ego. This, however, is hardly true; for
the perception "I did not know: even myself" means that during
deep sleep all the personal associations (e.g. as belonging to a par-
ticular family, as occupying a particular position, etc.) were absent,
and not that the ego itself was absent. When the self is conscious of
itself, there is the notion of the "I," as in "I am conscious of my-
self." During deep sleep also, when no other objects are mani-
fested, there is the self which is conscious of itself as the ego or the
" I." If during emancipation there was no consciousness as the
self, the ego, the "I," then it is the same almost as the absolute
nihilism of the Buddhists. The sense of" I," the ego, is not a mere
quality extraneously imposed on the self, but the very nature of the
self. Even knowledge shines forth as a quality of this ego or "I,"
as when we say" I know it." It is the" I" who possesses the know-
ledge. Knowledge thus appears to be a quality of the "1." But no
experience of ours ever demonstrates that " I" is a quality of pure
knowledge. We say " I ha\'e this knowledge" and not that the know-
ledge has the "1." If there is no "I," no one who experiences, no
subject who is existent during emancipation, who would strive to
attain emancipation? If even the "I" is annihilated after emanci-
pation, who would care to take all the trouble, or suffer the religious
restraints, etc., for such an u!ldesirable state? If even "I" should
cease to exist, why should I care for such a nihilistic state? What
am I to do with pure consciousness, when " I " ceases to exist? To
say that " I" is such an object as "you" or "he" or "this" or
"that," and that this " I " is illuminated by pure consciousness, is
preposterously against all experience. The "I" manifests of itself
0 Ill 10
q.6 The Philosophy of Y iimuniiairya [cH.

without the help of any other manifesting agency, now as well as

during emancipation; for the manifestation of the self has always
the sole form of "I"; and, if during emancipation the self mani-
fests, it must do so as "1." From the sacred texts also we find that
the emancipated sages, Vamadeva and IVIanu, thought of their own
selves as the "I." Even God is not devoid of this notion of His
personality as "I," as is attested by the U pani~ad sayings, in which
He declares: "I have created this world." The notion of "I" is
false when it is identified with the body and other extraneous as-
sociations of birth, social rank, etc., and when it gives rise to pride
and boastfulness. It is this kind of ahaizkiira which has been re-
garded as false in the scriptures. The notion "I," when it refers to
the self, is, indeed, the most accurate notion that we can have.
All our perceptions of pleasure and pain also are manifested as
qualities of the "I," the self. The "I" manifests itself to itself and
hence must be regarded as being of non-material stuff (ajarja). The
argument, that since the notion of" I" is taken along with know-
ledge (sahopalambha), knowledge alone exists, and that" I" is not dif-
ferent from it, may well be repudiated hy turning the table and with
the same argument declaring that " I " alone exists and that there is
no kno\\ ledge. All persons experience that knowledge is felt to be
as distinct from the "I," the knower, as the known object. To say
that self is self-manifesting by nature is not the same thing as to say
that the self is knowledge hy nature; for the self is independent of
knowledge; knowledge is produced as a result of the perceptual
process involving sense-contact, etc.; the self is the knower, the
"I," which knows things and thereby possesses knowledge.
The "I," the knower, the self, manifests itself directly by self-
consciousness; and hence those who have attempted to demonstrate
the self by inference have failed to do so. Thus, the ~aiyayikas
think that the self is proved as that in which qualities such as
knowledge, desire, pleasure, pain, etc., inhere. But, even though by
such an inference we may know that there is something in which
the qualities inhere, it cannot be inferred therefrom that this thing
is the self in us. Since nothing else is found in which knowledge,
willing, etc., might inhere, it may as well be argued that knowledge,
etc., are not qualities at all, or that there is no law that qualities must
necessarily inhere in a thing. They are regarded asgU1JGS (qualities)
only by their technical definition; and theN aiyayikas can accept these
XIX] Yamuna's doctrine of Soul 147
asgu'!las, and on that ground infer that there must be some other entity,
self (which is not testified by any other proof), as the basis in which
the aforesaid gU1.zas may inhere. It is hardly justifiable to accept a
new substance, soul (which cannot be obtained by any other proof),
simply on the g.s;ound that there must be some basis in which gu'!las
tnust inhere; it is the maxim of the opponents that gu'!las must exist
in some substance and that there are knowledge, willing, etc., which
they are pleased to call gU1:zas; one cannot take further advantage in
holding thereby that, since there is no other substance in which
these so-called gu'!las (knowledge, willing, etc.) might inhere, the
existence of some other substance as the self must be inferred.
The Sarpkhyists also make the same mistake, when they hold
that all the movements of this non-intelligent prakrti must be for
the sake of the puru~a, for whom the prakrti is working. The objec-
tion to such a view is this, that even though such entities for which
the prakrti is working may be inferred, yet that cannot prove that
those entities are not themselves also combinations of many things
and objects requiring further superintendents for themselves; or
that the puru~as should be the same pure intelligence as they are
required to be. Moreover, that alone can be the end of a certain
combination of events or things, which can be in some way bene-
fited, moved or affected by those combinations. But the purzqas,
as the passive pure intelligence, cannot in any way be affected by
the prakrti. How then can they be regarded as the end for which
the prakrti works ? The mere illusion, the mere semblance on the
part of the puru~a of being affected or benefited cannot be regarded
as a reality, so that by it the purposes of the movements of the
prakrti might be realized. l\1oreover, these so-called affections, or
illusions of affection, themselves belong to prakrti and not to the
puru~as; for the puru~as, as pure intelligences, are without the
slightest touch of modifications of the gu'!las. All mental modifica-
tions are, according to the Sii'f!Zkhya, but modifications of the buddhi,
which, being unintelligent, cannot be subject to illusion, error, or
mistake. l\Ioreover, no explanation can be found in the supposition
that the reflection of the purzqas falls upon the buddhi; for, as the
puru~a is not a visible object, it cannot be reflected in the buddhi.
If it is said that there is no real reflection, but the buddhi becomes
like the pure intelligence, the puru~a, then that also is not possible;
for, if the buddhi is to become as qualityless as the puru~as, then all
The Philosophy of 1?timuntictirya [cu.
mental states have to be abrogated. If it is said that the buddhi does
not become like pure intelligence, but as if it was as intelligent as
the puru~a. then that also is not possible; for puru~a is according to
the Siil!zkhya pure intelligence, not intelligent. There is no in-
telligent knower in the Sii~nkhya, and that is its trouble. If it is said
that what is meant by the belief that puru~a is the end of all gww-
movements is simply this, that, though it is absolutely incapable of
any change or transformation, yet hy its very presence it sets the
gwws in motion and is thus the end for which all the gu~w modifica-
tions take place, just as if the puru~a were a king for whom the
whole dominion works and fights. But since the puru~a, unaHected
by them, is only the seer of them all, this also is not possible; for the
analogy docs not hold, since the king is really benefited by the
movements of the people of his dominions hut the puru~a, which
merely implies seeing, cannot be regarded as a seer.
The nature of the self, as we ha,·c described it, is also attested
by the verdict of the c·1~ani:'iads. This self is directly revealed in its
own notion as "1," and pleasure, pain, attachment, antipathy arc
but its states, which are also revealed along with the revelation of
its own s<.:lf as the "1." 'This self is not, however, percei,·ed by any
of the senses or even by the organ manas, as Kumarila supposed.
For the question arises as to when, if the self is helie,·ed to he per-
ceived by the manas, that takes place? It cannot take place pre-
cisely at the moment when the knowledge of an object arises; for
then the notions of the self and the objects, as they occur at the
same moment, could not so appear that one (the self) was the
cognizer or determiner, and the others (the objects) were the cog-
nized or the determined. If the knowledge of the objects and the self
arose at two different moments as separate acts, it would be difficult
to conceive how they could be related as cognizer and cognized. So
it cannot be held that the self, though it always manifests itself to us
in self-consciousness, could yet be perceived by any of the senses or
the manas. Again, Kumarila held that knowledge was a new product,
and that when, as a result of certain s·ense activities, knowledge or
the ji'iiina movement was generated in us, there was also produced
an illumination (ji'iiitatii or priikatya) in objects in association with
the self, and that from such an illumination the ji'iiina-hr(vii or know-
ledge movement could be inferred, and the self, as being the pos-
sessor of this knowledge, could be perceived by the manas. But such
XIX] Yamuna's doctrine of Soul 1 49

a theory that the self is conscious not by itself, but by an extraneous

introduction of knowledge, is hardly acceptable; for no one im-
agines that there exists in him such a difference when he perceives
a thing which he had not before that perception. Moreover, since
the act of knowledge did not directly reveal the self, there might
also be doubts as to whether the self knew things or not, and the
self would not shine forth directly in all conscious experience, as
it is found to do.
Again, some hold that the self is known from the objective con-
sciousness and not directly by itself. It is easy to see that this can
hardly be accepted as true; for how can objective consciousness,
which refers to the objects, in any way produce the consciousness
of the self? According to this view it is difficult to prove even the
existence of knowledge; for this, since it 'is not self-manifested,
requires something else to manifest it; if it is thought that it is self-
manifesting, then we should expect it to be manifested to all per-
sons and at all times. It may be said that, though knowledge is
self-manifesting, yet it can be manifested only in connection with
the person in whom it inheres, and not in connection with all per-
sons. If that be so, it really comes to this, that knowledge can be-
come manifested only through its connection with a someone who
knows. If, in answer to this, it is said that knowledge does not re-
quire its connection with a person for its own existence, but only
for its specific illumination as occurring with reference to a certain
subject and object, then that cannot be proved. \Ve could have
accepted it if we had known any case in which pure consciousness
or knowledge had been found apart from its specific references of
subject and object. If it is still asserted that consciousness cannot
be separated from its self-manifesting capacities, then it may also
be pointed out that consciousness is never found separated from
the person, the subject, or the knower who possesses it. Instead of
conceding the self-manifesting power to the infinite number of
states of consciousness, is it not better to say that the self-mani-
festation of consciousness proceeds from the self-conscious agent,
the subject and determiner of all conscious experiences? Even if
the states of consciousness had been admitted as self-manifesting,
that would not explain how the self could be self-manifesting on
that account. If, however, the self, the knower of all experiences,
be admitted as self-tnanifesting, then the manifestation of the con-
The Philosophy of Y amuntietirya [cH.
scious experiences becomes easily explained; for the self is the per-
ceiver of all experiences. All things require for their manifestation
another category which does not belong to their class; but since also
there is nothing on which the self can depend for its consciousness,
it has to be admitted that the self is a self-manifesting intelligent
entity. Thus the jug does not require for its manifestation another
jug, but a light, which belongs to an altogether different class. The
light also does not require for its manifestation another light, or the
jug which it manifests, but the senses; the senses again depend on
consciousness for the manifestation of their powers. Consciousness,
in its turn, depends upon the self; without inhering in the self it
cannot get itself manifested. The self, howe\Ter, has nothing else to
depend upon; its self-manifestation, therefore, does not depend on
anything else.
The states of consciousness have thus to be regarded as being
states of the self, which by its connection with different ohjects
manifests them as this or that consciousness. Knowledge of this or
that object is thus but different states of consciousness, which itself
again is a characteristic of the self.
If consciousness had not been an inseparable quality or es-
sential characteristic of the self, then there might have been a time
when the self could have been experienced as heing devoid of con-
sciousness; a thing which is so related with another thing that it
never exists without it must necessarily he an essential and in-
separable cha,-actcristic thereof. It cannot be said that this general-
ization does not hold, since we are conscious of our self in connec-
tion with the body, which is not an essential characteristic of the
seJf; for the consciousness of the self as "1," or as "I know," is
not necessarily connected with a reference to, or association with,
the body. Again, it cannot he said that, if consciousness were an
essential and inseparable characteristic of the self, then the states
of unconsciousness in deep sleep and swoon could not be explained;
for there is nothing to prove that there is no consciousnes~ of the
knowing self during those so-called stages of unconsciousness. \Ve
feel on waking that we had no consciousness at the time because
we cease to have any memory of it. The reason therefore why states
of unconsciousness arc felt in the waking stage to be so is this, that
we have no memory of those states. l\1emory is only possible when
certain objects are apprehended and the impression of these oh-
XIXj Yamuna's doctrine of Soul
jects of consciousness is left in the mind, so that through them the
object of memory may be remembered. During deep sleep no ob-
jects are perceived, and no impressions are left, and, as a result, we
cease to have any memory of those states. The self then remains
with its characteristic self-consciousness, but without the con-
sciousness of anything else. The self-conscious self does not leave
any impression on the organs of the psychosis, the manas, etc., as
they all then cease to act. It is easy to understand that no impres-
sion can be made upon the self; for, if it could and if impressions
had been continually heaped on the self, then such a self could
never manage to get rid of them and could never attain emancipa-
tion. Moreover, it is the characteristic of the phenomenon of
memory that, when a perception has once been perceived, but is
not being perceived continually, it can be remembered now, wheri
those past impressions are revived by association of similar per-
ceptions.· But the self-conscious self has always been the same and
hence there cannot be any memory of it. The fact that on waking
from deep sleep one feels that one has slept happily does not prove
that there was actually any consciousness of happiness during deep
sleep; it is only a happy organic feeling of the body resulting from
sound sleep which is interpreted or rather spoken of as being the
enjoyment of happiness during deep sleep. We say, "I am the same
as I was yesterday," but it i~ not the self that is remembered, but
the particular time association that forms the content of memory.
Perception of objects is generated in us when consciousness
comes in contact with the physical objects in association with this
or that sense of perception. It is on that account that, though the
self is always possessed of its self-consciousness, yet it is only when
the consciousness of the self is in touch with an external object in
association with a sense-organ that we get that particular sense-
perception. This self is not all-pervading, but of an atomic size;
when it comes in association with any particular sense, we acquire
that particular sense-perception. This explains the fact that no two
perceptions can be acquired simultaneously: where there is an ap-
pearance of simultaneity, there is only a succession of acquirement
so rapid that changes cannot be noticed. Had the soul been all-
pervading, we should have had the knowledge of all things at once,
since the soul was in touch with all things. Thus it is proved that
the self has consciousness as its essential characteristic; knowledge
The Philosophy of Y iimuniiciirya [cH.
or consciousness is never produced in it, but when the obstructions
are removed and the self comes into touch with the objects, the
consciousness of these objects s.hines forth.

God and the World.

As we have already noted, the ::\Hmarp.sists do not admit the ex-
istence of ls~·ara. Their antitheistic arguments, which we have not
considered, can be dealt with here in contrast to Yamuna's doc-
trine of n'[·ara. They say that an omniscient lsvara cannot be ad-
mitted, since such an assumption cannot be proved, and there are,
indeed, many objections to the hypothesis. For how can such a
perception of omniscience be acquired? Surely it cannot be ac-
quired by the ordinary means of perception; for ordinary per-
ception cannot give one the knowledge of all things present and
past, before and far beyond the limits of one's senses. Also the per-
ception of Isvara generally ascribed to the Yogins cannot be ad-
mitted; for it is impossible that the Yogin should perceive past
things and things beyond the limits of his senses, by means of his
sense-organs. If mind (antabkara~w) be such that it can perceive
all sense-objects without the aid of the senses, then what is the use
at all of the senses? Of course it is true that by great concentration
one can perceive things more clearly and distinctly; but no amount
of concentration or any other process can enable a man to hear by
the eye or to perceive things without the help of the senses. Omni-
science is therefore not possible, and we have not by our senses
seen any such omniscient person as Isvara. His existence cannot be
proved by inference; for, since He is beyond all perceptible things,
there cannot be any reason (hetu) which we could perceive as being
associated with I I im and by reason of which we could make II im the
subject of inference. It is urged by the X aiyayikas that this world,
formed by collocation of parts, must be an effect in itself, and it is
argued that, like all other effects, this also must have taken place
under the superintendence of an intelligent person who had a
direct experience of world materials. But this is not necessary; for
it may very well be conceived that the atoms, etc., ha\·e all been
collocated in their present form by the destinies of men (adN!a)-
according to the karma, of all the men in the world. The karmas of
merit and demerit exist in us all, and they are moulding the world-
XIX] God and the World 1 53
process, though these cannot be perceived by us. The world may
thus be regarded as a product of the karmas of men and not of
jJvara, whom no one has ever perceived. Moreover, why should
jJvara, who has no desire to satisfy, create this world? This world,
with all the mountains, rivers and oceans, etc., cannot be regarded
as an effect produced by any one.
Yamuna follows the method of the Nytiya and tries to prove
that the world is an effect, and, as such, must have been produced
by an intelligent person who had a direct knowledge of the
materials. He also has a direct knowledge of tP.e dharma (merit)
and adharma (demerit) of men, in accordance with which He cre-
ates the whole world and establishes an order by which every man
may have only such experiences as he deserves. He, by His mere
desire, sets all the world in motion. He has no body, but still He
carries on the functioning of His desire by His manas. He has to be
admitted as a person of infinite knowledge and power; for other-
wise how could He create this world and establish its order?
The Sankarites had held that, when the U pani!?ads say that no-
thing exists but one Brahman, it means that Brahman alone exists
and the world is false; but that is not the sense. It means simply
that there is no other Isvara but Isvara, and that there is none else
like Him. When the U pani!?ads declare that Brahman is all that we
see and that He is the sole material of the world, it does not mean
that everything else does not exist and that the qualityless Brahman
is the only reality. If I say there is one sun, it does not mean that
He has no rays; if I say there are the seven oceans, it does not mean
that the oceans have no ripples, etc. The only meaning that such
passages can have is that the world has come out of Him, like sparks
from fire, and that in Him the world finds its ultimate rest and
support; from Him all things of the world-the fire, the wind, the
earth-have drawn their powers and capacities, and without His
power they would have been impotent to do anything. If, on the
contrary, it is held that the whole world is false, then the whole
experience has to be sacrificed, and, as the knowledge of Brahman
also forms a part of this experience, that also has to be sacrificed as
false. All the Vedanta dialectic employed to prove that the per-
ception of difference is false is of very little use to us; for our ex-
perience shows that we perceive differences as well as relations.
We perceive the blue colour, the lotus, and also that the lotus has
1 54 The Philosophy of 1Tiimuniiciirya [cH.

the blue colour; so the world and the individuals may also be con-
ceived in accordance with the teaching of the U pani~ads as being
inseparably related to Him. This meaning is, indeed, more legiti-
mate than the conception which would abolish all the world mani-
festation, and the personality of all individual persons, and would
remain content only to indicate the identity of their pure in-
telligence with the pure intelligence of Brahman. There is not any
pure, all-absorbing, qualityless intelligence, as the Sankarites assert;
for to each of us different and separate ideas are being directly
manifested, e.g. our feelings of indi\·idual pleasures and pains. If
there were only one intelligence, then everything should have shone
forth simultaneously for all times. Again, this intelligence is said to
be both Being (sat), intelligence (cit), and bliss (iinanda). If this
tripartite form be accepted, it will naturally destroy the monistic
doctrine which the Sankarites try to protect so zealously. If, how-
ever, they assert that these are not separate forms or qualities, hut
all three represent one identical truth, the Brahman, then that also
is not possible; for how can bliss he the same as intelligence?
Pleasure and intelligence are experienced hy all of us to be entirely
different. Thus, in whichever way we try to scrutinize the Sankarite
doctrines, we find that they are against all experiences and hardly
stand the strain of a logical criticism. It has, therefore, to he ad-
mitted that our notions about the external world are correct and
give us a true representation of the external world. The manifold
world of infinite variety is therefore not merely an illusory ap-
pearance, but true, as attested hy our sense-experience.
Thus the ultimate conclusion of Yamuna's philosophy demon-
strates that there are, on the one side, the self-conscious souls, and,
on the other, the omniscient and all powerful lsvara and the mani-
fold external world. These three categories are real. He hints in
some places that the world may he regarded as heing like sparks
coming out of lsvara; but he docs not elaborate this thought, and
it is contradicted by other passages, in which lsvara is spoken of as
the fashioner of the world system, in accordance with the :'\yay a
doctrine. From the manner in which he supports the :\yaya
position with regard to the relation of lsvara and the world, both in
the Siddhi-traya and in the Agama-priimii~rya, it is almost certain
that his own attitude did not differ much from the 1Vwlva attitude,
which left the duality of the world and li'l·ara ah~ol~Itely unrc-
XIX] God and the World 1 55

solved. It appears, therefore, that (so far as we can judge from his
Sz"ddhi-traya) Yamuna's main contribution consists in establishing
the self-consciousness of the soul. The reality of the external world
and the existence of lsvara had been accepted in previous systems
also. Yamuna thus gives us hardly any new ideas about lsvara and
His relation to the souls and the world. He does not make inquiry
into the nature of the reality of the world, and rests content with
proving that the world-appearance is not false, as the Sankarites
supposed. He says in one place that he does not believe in the ex-
istence of the partless atoms of the N aiyayikas. The smallest particle
of matter is the trasare~u, the specks of dust that are found to move
in the air when the sun's rays come in through a chink or hole. But
he does not say anything more than this about the ultimate nature
of the reality of the manifold world or how it has come to be what
it is. He is also silent about the methods which a person should
adopt for procuring his salvation, and the nature and character-
istics of that state.
Yamuna, in his ligama-priimii~ya, tried to establish that the
Pafica-riitra-sa1J1hitii had the same validity as the Vedas, since it was
uttered by Isvara himself. Vi~QU, or Vasudeva, has been praised in
the Purusa-siikta and in other places of the Vedas as the supreme
Lord. The Piisupata-tantra of the Saivas is never supported by the
Vedas, and thus the validity of the Piisupata-tantra cannot be com-
pared with that of the Paiicariitra-sa1J1hitii.

God according to Ramanuja, Venka~anatha

and Lokacarya.
Bhaskara had said that, though lsvara is possessed of all good
qualities and is in Himself beyond all impurities, yet by His Sakti
(power) He transformed Himself into this world, and, as all con-
ditions and limitations, all matter and phenomena are but His
power, it is He who biHis power appears as an crdinary soul and
at last obtains emancipation as well. Ramanuja holds that on this
view there is no essential form of Brahman which transcends the
limits of all bonds, the power ( Sakti) which manifests itself as all
phenomena. Brahman, being always associated with the power
which exists as the world-phenomena, becomes necessarily subject
to all the defects of the phenomenal world. Moreover, when a
Sakti, or power of Brahman, is admitted, how can Brahman be said
The Philosophy of Y timuntictirya [cH.
to suffer any transformation? Even if the Sakti(power) be regarded as
its transformation, even then it cannot be accepted that it (Brahman)
should combine with its Sakti to undergo a worldly transformation.
Another Vedantist (probably Yadavaprakasa, the Preceptor of
Ramanuja in his early days) held that Brahman, in its own essence,
transformed itself into the world; this theory also is open to the
objection that the Brahman, being transformed into the world, be-
comes subject to all the impurities and defects of the world. Even
if it is held that in one part it is transcendent and possesses in-
numerable good qualities and in another suffers from the impurities
associated with its transformation into the world, then also that
which is so impure in one part cannot have its impurity so counter-
balanced by the purity of its other half that it can be called J!tl!vara.
Ramanuja, therefore, holds that all the changes and transforma-
tions take place in the body of the ls'l'ara and not in His essence.
So lsvara, in His pure essence, is ever free from all impurities, and
the possessor of all the best qualities, untouched by the phe-
nomenal disturbances with which His body alone is associated. The
matter which forms the stuff of the external world is not what the
Siit!tkhya calls the gu!za substances, but simply the prakrti or the
primeval causal entity, possessing diverse qualities which may be
classified under three different types-the satt'l~a, the rajas and the
lamas. 'I'his pral~rti, however, in its fine essence, forms the body of
li-z·ara and is moved into all its transformations by ls'l·ara Himself.
\Vhen lie withholds pral~rti from all its transformations and annuls
all its movement, we have the state of pralaya, in which ls'l·ara
exists in the kiirm.za or causal state, holding within Him the prakrti
in its subtle state as His body. Pral~rti is a body as well as a tnodc
(prakiira) of 15-l·ara, and, when it is in a manifested condition, we
have the state of creation. Prakrti undergoes its transformations
into tan-miitra, al:mikiira, etc.; but these are yet the subtle sup-
stance forming parts of li'l·ara's body. The transformations through
which prakrti passes in the origination of tan-miitra, ahmikiira, etc.,
are not the results of the collocation of the gu~w reals, as we sa\\· in the
case of the Siif!Zkhya, but may be regarded as the passing of prakrti
through different stages, each stage being marked out by the special
character of the prakrti while passing through that stage. The word
gw:za here has then its ordinary meaning of quality; and it is sup-
posed that the prakrti, as it is moved by ls'l·ara, continues to ac-
x1x] Riimiinuja, ·veizkataniitha and Lokiiciirya on God 157
quire new qualities. The present state of the world also represents
prakrti in a particular state wherein it has acquired the qualities
which we note in the phenomenal world of ours.
We have seen before that the existence of l Jvara was inferred
by Yamuna on Nyaya lines. But Ramanuja thinks that there is as
much to be said in favour of the existence as against it. Thus he
says that, even supposing that the hills, etc., are effects, it cannot be
said that they were all created by one person; for even all jugs are
not made by the same person; lsvara may also be denied, after the
Sti1!zkhya mode, and it may be imagined that in accordance with
the Karma of men the world arose out of a combination of the
original gu!las. There is thus as much to be said against the ex-
istence of livara as in favour of it. Ramanuja holds that lsvara
cannot be proved by inference, but is to be admitted on the
authority of the sacred texts 1 . The Nyaya and Yoga, moreover,
conceived lsvara to be only the nimitta-ktira!la, or instrumental
cause; but according to Ramanuja lsvara is all-pervading in all
space and in all time. This all-pervasiveness of God does not mean
that His reality is the only reality everywhere, or that He is identical
with the world-reality, and all else is false. It means, as Sudar-
sanacarya has said in his Sruta-praktisikii on the Rtimtinuja-bhti~ya,
znd sutra, that there is no measure with which He may be limited
by any spatial relation. Varada and Narayal).a, however, and
Venkatanatha, agree in interpreting all-pervasiveness as the ab-
sence of any limit to His good qualities (iyad-gu!laka iti pariccheda-
rahita~)2. There is nothing else than lsvara's body, so by His body
also he may be conceived as pervading the whole world. Thus,
lsvara is not only nimitta-ktira!la but also upiidtina-ktira!la, or
material cause as well. Venkata establishes in some detail that the
highest lsvara is called Narayal)a and His power, as presiding over
matter and souls, is called La~mi. livara has His manas, and His
eternal senses do not require any body or organs for their mani-
festation. Venkata also mentions three modified forms of mani-
festation of Lord Vasudeva, namely Sarpka~al).a, Pradyumna and
Aniruddha. This vyuha doctrine of the Paficartitra has been
briefly discussed in Varavara's bhti~ya on the Tattva-traya of
Lokacarya. These three, Sarpkar~al).a, Pradyumna, and Aniruddha,
1 See Ramanuja's Bhii~ya, 3rd sutra.
2 See Nyiiya-siddhii:iijana of Venkatanatha:
The Philosophy of Y timuntictirya [cH.

are said to be the three different forms of Vasudeva, by which He

controls the individual souls (jiva), the manas and the external
world. That form of activity by which the jivas were separated from
the prakrti at the beginning of the creation is associated \vith a form
of lsvara called Sarpkar!?al)a. \Vhen this separating activity passes
and dominates over men as their manas and ultimately brings them
to the path of virtue and good, it is said to be associated with a form
of lsvara called Pradyumna. Aniruddha is that form of lsvara
by which the external world is generated and kept in order, and in
which our experiences and attempts to attain right knowledge are
fulfilled. These forms are not different lsvara, but are imagined
according to the diversity of His function. lsvara's full existence is
everywhere; He and His forms are identical. These forms are but
manifestations of the power of Vasudeva and are therefore called
Vibhava. Such manifestations of His power are also to be found in
great religious heroes such as Vyasa, Arjuna, etc. Lokacarya, in
describing Him further, says that in His real essence 15-l·ara is not
only omniscient, but this omniscience is also associated with com-
plete and eternal joy. His knowledge and powers do not suffer any
variation or comparison, as they are always the very highest and
the most inconceivable by any one else. He moves us all to action
and fulfils our desires according to our karmas. lie gives knowledge
to those who are ignorant, power to those who are weak, pardon to
those who are guilty. mercy to the sufferers, paternal aft'ection and
overlooking of guilt to those who are guilty, goodness to those \vho
are wicked, sincerity to the crooked, and goodness of heart to those
who are wicked at heart. He cannot bear to remain separated from
those who do not want to be separated from I lim, and puts Himself
within easy reach of those who \vant to see Him. \\'hen he sees
people afflicted, He has mercy on them and helps them. Thus all
His qualities are for the sake of others and not for llimself. His
affection for us is of a maternal nature, and out of this affection He
neglects our defects and tries to help us towards the ideal of good.
He has created this world in Himself, not in order to satisfy any
wants but in a playful manner, as it were through mere spontaneity
(lila). As in creation, so in keeping the created world in order, and in
dissolution, His playful spontaneity upholds everything and brings
about everything. Dissolution is as much of His play as creation.
All this is created in Himself and out of Himself.
x1x] Soul according to Ramdnuja and Venkafanatha 159

Visi~!a-dvaita doctrine of Soul according to

Ramanuja and Venka~anatha.
The existence of souls as separate self-conscious entities, in
contradistinction to the doctrines of other systems, had been
established by Yamuna, as we have shown in some detail in our
section on his doctrine of soul. The soul is atomic in its size, as we
have already found stated by Yamuna. Barada, Vi~I).U Misra and
Venkatanatha held that in the ordinary phenomenal state its know-
ledge expands and contracts. At the time of emancipation it has
its highest expansion in which it pervades the whole world. The
cause of its contraction and expansion is its karma, which is also
called avidyii. Ramanuja, in his Vediinta-dipa, indulged in the
simile of the ray of a lamp in explaining the rise of knowledge in
different parts of the body, despite the atomic soul being located
in only one part. The soul exists in one part of the body and spreads
out its knowledge over all other parts of the body, like the rays of
a lamp. Ramanuja says that lsvara allows the individual self-
conscious souls to perform whichever action they have a desire to
attempt. l\lovement is possible only through the approval by
lsvara of the desires of individual souls. The self-conscious souls
desire things according to their own free will, and in this they are
not hampered by lsvara; ls'l•ara always allows the individual souls
to act, i.e. to move their limbs according to their desires. This is a
sort of occasionalism, which holds that, in every action which I am
performing, I am dependent on livara's will. I can move my limbs
because He wishes it. Apart from this general law that lsvara is a
supporter of all actions, there are some exceptions of particular
favour and disfavour. To those who are particularly attached to
Him He is more favourably disposed, and by His grace generates
in them such desires that they adopt actions by which they may
easily win Him. Into those who are particularly opposed to Him
He imports such desires that they are led farther away from Him 1 •
livara exists in us all as the inner controller. This inner controller
is represented by our individual soul. This individual soul is free
in all its desires, knowledge, and attempts 2 • This freedom of will,
knowledge, etc., is given to us all by lsvara, and He also arranges
that the movements in the material world may take place in ac-
1 See Varavara's commentary on the Tattva-traya.
See Ramanuja's Bhii~ya, n. 3· 40, 41.
160 The Philosophy of Y iimuniiciirya [cH.
cordance with our desires. Thus He not only gives us freedom of
will, but also helps the realization of that will in the external world,
and ultimately grants good and evil fruits according to our good and
evil deeds 1 • Thus lfvara's control over us does not rob us of our
freedom of will. Even His favour and disfavour consist in the ful-
filment of a devotee's eager desire to be associated with Him, and
His disfavour consists in fulfilling the desire of a confirmed sinner,
leading him away into worldly pleasures farther from Him. The
self is often called jiiiina, or consciousness, because of the fact
that it is as self-revealing as consciousness 2 • It reveals all objects,
when it comes in touch with them through its senses. The souls are,
however, all held in li'l·ara. Ramanuja had spoken of the souls only
as being the body of lsvara; but Lokacarya and Varavara further
hold that, as the external material objects exist for the sake of the
souls, so the souls exist for the lsvara; as :\Ian is the end fer which
the external objects of enjoyment exist, so ]§vara is the end (Se~a)
for which 1\lan exists as the object of His control and support
The self, though pure in itself, becomes associated with ignor-
ance and worldly desires through coming into touch with matter
(acit). Avidyii, or ignorance, here means want of knowledge, mis-
application of characteristics, false knowledge, etc. This ignorance,
or m_·idyii, which is the cause of many worldly desires and impure
instincts, is generated by the association of the souls with matter;
when this association is cut away, the self becomes divested of the
avidyii and emancipated 3 •
Ramanuja says in his Vediirtha-sal?lgraha that ls·vara grants
emancipation from worldly bonds to a person, when he, after ac-
quiring true knowledge from the siistras according to the instruc-
tion of good teachers, engages himself every day in self-control,
penance, purity; practises forgivingness, sincerity, charity, non-
injury; performs all the obligatory and ceremonial duties; refrains
from prohibited actions, and afterwards surrenders himself com-
pletely to the Lord; praises Him, continually thinks of Him, adores
Him, counts His n:~mes, hears of His greatness and goodness, speaks
of it, worships Him, and has all the darkness of his soul removed
1 See Ramanuja's Bhii~ya, XI. 3· 40, 41.
See Ramanuja's Bhii~_va, 11. I I I. 29, 30.
J See Varavara's commentary on the Tatl'va-traya, Cit-pr.zkarm;a.
xrx] Soul according to Riimiinuja and Veizkataniitha 161

by His grace. The ordinary obligatory and ceremonial duties have

to be performed ; all the highest ethical virtues have to be practised
and a true knowledge attained from the siistras. It is only when a
man has thus qualified himself that he can ultimately attain
emancipation from all worldly bonds by supreme self-surrender
and bhakti to the Lord. Bhakti, or devotion, with Ramanuja means
continual thinking of Him. Without it pure knowledge cannot give us
emancipation. The special feature of bhakti is this, that by it a man
loses all interest in everything else than that which is done for the
sake of the dearest. Finally bhakti is not with Ramanuja feeling,
but a special kind of knowledge (jiiiina-viSe~a) which seeks to ignore
everything that is not done for the sake of lsvara, the dearest to
us alP.
Veilkatanatha says that the performance of karmas makes a man
fit to inquire into true knowledge, and the acquirement of true
knowledge makes a man fit to attain devotion, or bhakti. When a
man is fit to inquire after true knowledge, he may give up the
karmas. Bhakti is, according to Veilkatanatha, the feeling of joy
(priti) in the adorable, and not mere knowledge. Emancipation as
siiyujya (sameness of quality) with livara is the result of such
bhakti. In this state of siiyujya, the human soul participates in the
qualities of omniscience, bliss, etc., of lsvara. The human soul
cannot, of course, wholly participate with lsvara, and such of His
qualities as the power of creating and controlling the world, or of
granting emancipation to human souls, remain ever with lsvara
alone. Human souls can participate only in His knowledge and
bliss and can be as omniscient and as blissful as He. In this state of
emancipation l\1an remains in an eternal and infinite blissful servi-
tude to lsvara. This servitude to lsvara is not painful in the least,
like other services. When a man forgoes all his personal vanity and
merges all his independence in His service, and considers himself
as His servant whose only work is to serve Him, this is indeed the
state of bright joy. Veilkatanatha, however, further differentiates
this Vai~~ava emancipation, as the thinking of the livara as the
most supreme, and thereby deriving infinite joy, from the other
type of kaivalya, in which Man thinks of himself the Brahman and
attains kaivalya. There also the association with avidyii and the
world is indeed destroyed, and the man is reduced to oneness; but
1 See Vediirtha-sa1Jigraha, p. 146.
The Philosophy of 1 iimuniiciirya [cH.

this is hardly a desirable state, since there is not here the infinite joy
which the Vai~~ava emancipation can bring. Ramanuja has written
of mukti as a state which a man can acquire when he is divested of
all a·vidyii, and has the natural intuition of the Supreme Soul and his
relations with Him. He had distinguished this state from that
mukti in which a man is divested of all karmas and realizes himself
in himself, as obstructing the qualities of lsvara from him. This
kaivalya, or realization of one's own self as the highest, is thus
distinctly a lower emancipation. It is not out of place to say that
V eilkatanatha had pushed bhakti and the human goal of mukti
distinctly further on to the side of feeling, by defining bhakti as a
feeling of joy and mukti as servitude to lsvara.

Acit or Primeval Matter: the Prakrti

and its modifications.
Proceeding to describe the nature of matter, Yeilkatanatha tries
to disprove the Nyaya- Vaise~ika theory of atoms. The smallest
particle of matter is that which is visible in the sun's rays coming in
through a chink or hole. The imagination of still finer particles,
which may be called dyads or atoms, is not attested by experience;
for these cannot be perceived. They cannot be compared to the
small invisible pollen of flowers which makes the air carrying it
fragrant; for these small particles possess the quality of smell,
whereas atoms are subtle particles which do not possess any per-
ceivable characteristic. Even inference cannot establish these
atoms; for, if we suppose that particles when divided could be
further divided until we could arrive ~t the limit of division,
beyond which no division was possible, and that these subtlest
particles could be called atoms, this would be impossible, for the
atoms of Nyaya and Vaisel?ika are not only the smallest particles but
they are considered to have a special kind of measure (piin"mii!ll}alya)
as their characteristic, and this we have no data for inferring. If
only the smallness is the criterion, we may better stop at the
trasa-re~u (the dust particles in the air). There are also other objec-
tions against the atomic theory, such as have been propounded by
Sankaracarya, that the partless atoms cannot come into touch with
other atoms or form together into one whole, or that the piirima~­
l}alya measure of the paramii~u should not generate a different kind
of measure in the dyad (dvy-a~uka), or that the dyad ought not to
XIX] Prakrti and its modifications
generate quite another kind of measure in the trasa-re'!lu. The world
cannot thus be accepted as due to the conglomeration of atoms or
trasa-re'!lus. Prakrti containing the three qualities of sattva, rajas and
lamas has thus to be admitted as the primal matter. The state of it
just preceding aha!lkiira and just following its state as prakrti (the
state in which, all its three qualities being the same, there is no
manifestation of any particular quality) is called mahat. The next
state, which follows mahat and precedes the senses, is called
aha!lkiira. The mahat and aha!lkiira are not subjective states of
buddhi or ego, as some Sarpkhyists would think, but are two suc-
cessive cosmic stages of the prakrti, the primeval cosmic matter.
The aha!lkiira is of three kinds, siittvika, riijasa and tiimasa. The
senses are not products of elements, as the V aise!?ika supposed, but
represent the functional cognitional powers in association with the
eye, nose, skin, etc. It is manas whose states are variously called
imagination, determination, etc. Lokacarya describes prakrti as
being of three kinds, namely ( 1) that which contains the purest
sattva characters and forms the material of the abode of lsvara;
(2) that which contains the threefold characters of sattva, rajas and
tamas and forms the ordinary world for us. This is the field of
is'lxn-a's play. It is called prakrti because it produces all trans-
formations, avidyii because it is opposed to all true knowledge, and
miiyii because it is the cause of all diverse creations. As we have
mentioned before, the gu'!las of prakrti are its qualities, and not the
Sii1JZkhya reals. Creation is produced by the rise of opposite quali-
ties in the prakrti. The tan-miitras are those states of matter in
which the specific elemental qualities are not manifested. The order
of the genesis of the tan-miitras is described by some as follows:
first the bhiitiidi, from it sabda-tan-matra, and from that the iikiisa;
again, from iikiisa comes sparsa-tan-miitra (vibration-potential),
followed by viiyu; from viiyu comes the riipa-tan-miitra (light-
potential) and from that tejas (light and heat); from tejas comes
rasa-tan-miitra(taste-potential), and thence water; from water comes
gandha-tan-miitra (smell-potential), and from that earth. Other
theories of the genesis of the bhiitas are also described, but we omit
them here, as they are not of much value. Varavara says that time
is regarded as the prakrti without its sattva quality, but Veilkata-
natha speaks of time as existing in the nature of lsvara as a special
form of His manifestation. Space (dik) is not an entity different
The Philosophy of Y dmundcdrya [CH. XIX

from iikiisa, which offers room for the movement of things. Akiisa
is not a mere vacuity or non-occupiedness, but a positive entity.
Thus it is seen that the indeterminate matter of prakrti, with
its three qualities, passes through many stages and at last exhibits
the phenomenal world, which produces happiness and misery in
accordance with a man's destiny (adnta) and good or bad deeds.
The force of adnta is not a separate entity, but the favour and dis-
favour of !Svara, which works in accordance with the good or bad
deeds of men.

Sankara and Ramanuja on the nature of Reali"..;y

as qualified or unqualified.
SANKARA says that Brahman, as pure intelligence (cin-miitram)
entirely divested of any kind of forms, is the ultimate reality
(paramiirtha ), and that all differences of the knower, the known,
and the diverse forms of cognition are all imposed on it and are
false. Falsehood with him is an appearance which ceases to exist
as soon as the reality is known, and this is cau3ed by the defect
(do~a), which hides the true nature of reality and manifests various
forms. The defect which produces the false world appearance is
ignorance or nescience ( avidyii or miiyii), which can neither be said
to be existent nor non-existent (sad-asad-anirvacaniyii), and this
ceases (nivrtta) when the Brahman is known. It is, indeed, true
that in our ordinary experience we perceive difference and multi-
plicity; but this must be considered as faulty, because the faultless
scriptures speak of the one truth as Brahman, and, though there are
the other parts of the Vedas which impose on us the performance
of the Vedic duties and therefore imply the existence of plurality,
yet those texts which refer to the nature of Brahman as one must
be considered to have greater validity; for they refer to the
ultimate, whereas the Vedic injunctions are valid only with re-
ference to the world of appearance or only so long as the ultimate
reality is not known. Again, the scriptures describe the Brahman
as the reality, the pure consciousness, the infinite (satya1Jl jiiiinam
ananta'f!l brahma); these are not qualities which belong to Brahman,
but they are all identical in meaning, referring to the same difference-
less identical entity, absolutely qualityless-the Brahman.
Ramanuja, in refuting the above position, takes up first the view
of Sankara that the Brahman as the ultimate reality is absolutely
unqualified (nirvise~a). He says that those who assert that reality
can be unqualified have really no means of proving it; for all proofs
are based on the assumption of some qualified character. This un-
qualifiedness could not be directly experienced, as they believe;
166 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [CH.
for there can be no experience without the assumption of some
qualified character, since an experience, being my own unique ex-
perience, is necessarily qualified. Even if you tried to prove that
one's own experience, which is really qualified in nature, is un-
qualified, you would have to pick up some special trait in it, in
virtue of which you would maintain it was unqualified; and by that
very fact your attempt is defeated, for that special trait would make
it qualified. Intelligence is itself self-revealing, and by it the
knower knows all objects. It may also be shown that even during
sleep, or swoon, the experience is not characterless. Even when the
Brahman is said to be real, pure consciousness, and infinite, it means
that these are the characters of Brahman and it is meaningless to say
that they do not indicate some character. The scriptures cannot
testify to the existence of any characterless reality; for they are a
collection of words arranged in order and relation, and each word
is a whole, comprising a stem and a suffix, and the scriptures there-
fore are by nature unable to yield any meaning which signifies any-
thing that is characterless. As regards perception, it is well esta-
blished that all determinate perception (sa-vikalpa-pratyak~a) mani-
fests an entity with its characters; but even indeterminate percep-
tion (nirvikalpa-pratyak~a) manifests some character for its in-
determinateness means only the exclusion of some particular
character; and there can be no perception which is absolutely
negative regarding the manifestation of characters. All experiences
are embodied in a proposition--" This is so" -and thus involve
the manifestation of some characters. When a thing is perceived for
the first time, some specific characters are discerned; but, when it
is perceived again, the characters discerned before are revived in
the mind, and by comparison the specific characters are properly
assimilated. This is what we call determinate perception, involving
the manifestation of common characters or class characters as dis-
tinguished from the perception of the first moment which is called
indeterminate perception. But it does not mean that indeterminate
perception is not the perception of some specific characters. In-
ference is based on perception and as such must necessarily reveal
a thing with certain characteristics; and so not one of the three
sources of our knowledge, perception, scriptures and inference, can
reveal to us any entity devoid of characteristics.
It is urged by Sailkara and his followers that perception refers
xx] Sankara and Riimiinuja on Reality
to pure being and pure being alone (san-miitra-griihi); but this can
never be true, since perception refers to class-characters and thus
necessarily involves the notion of difference; even at that one par-
ticular moment of perception it grasps all the essential character-
istic differences of a thing which distinguish it from all other ob-
jects. If perception had reference only to pure being, then why
should it manifest to us that "here is a jug," "here is a piece of
cloth" ; and, if the characteristic differences of a thing are not
grasped by perception, why are we not contented with a buffalo
when we need a horse? As pure being they are all the same, and it
is being only which, it is urged, is revealed by perception. Memory
would not then distinguish one from the other, and the cognition
of one thing would suffice for the cognition of everything else. If
any distinctive differences between one cognition and another is
admitted, then that itself would baffie the contention of the cha-
racterlessness of perception. Moreover, the senses can grasp only
their characteristic special feature, e.g. the eye, colour, the ear,
sound, and so on, and not differencelessness. Again, Brahman is
said to be of the nature of pure being, and, if the same pure being
could be experienced by all the senses, then that would mean that
Brahman itself is experienced by the senses. If this were so, the
Brahman would be as changeable and destructible as any other
objects experienced by the senses, and this no one would be willing
to admit. So it has to be granted that perception reveals difference
and not pure characterlessness.
Again, it· has been argued that, since the experience of a jug,
etc., varies differently with different space and time, i.e. we per-
ceive here a jug, there a piece of cloth, and then again at another
moment here a toy and there a horse, and we have not the one
continuous experience of one entity in all space and time, these ob-
jects are false. But why should it be so? There is no contradiction
in the fact that two objects remain at the same place at two different
points of time, or that two objects remain at two different places at
one and the same point of time. Thus there is nothing to prove that
the objects we perceive arc all false, and the objects are by nature
pure being only.
Again, it has been urged that experience or intuition (e.g. as in-
volved in perception) is self-revealing (svaya1Jl-prakiisa); but this
is true only with reference to a perceiver at the particular time of
1 68 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
his perception. No intuition is absolutely self-revealing. The
experience of another man does not reveal anything to me, nor
does a past experience of mine reveal anything to me now; for
with reference to a past experience of mine I only say "I knew
it so before," not "I know it now." It is also not true that no
experience can be further experienced; for I can remember my
own past experience or can be aware of it, as I can be aware of the
awareness of other persons; and, if the fact that one awareness can
be the object of another would make it cease from being an ex-
perience or intuition (saiJZ'l:id or anuhhuti), then there would be no
anuhhuti or experience at all. If a man could not be aware of the
experiences of others, he could use no speech to express himself or
understand the speech of other people, and all speech and lan-
guage would be useless. That jug, etc., are not regarded as intuition
or experience is simply because their nature is altogether different
therefrom and not because they can be objects of cognition or ex-
perience; for that would be no criterion at all.
It is again urged that this intuition or experience (anuhhuti or
saf!Zvid) is never produced, since we do not know any stage when it
was not in existence (priig-ahhiiviidy-ahhiiviid utpattir nirasyate).
It is also urged that any experience or awareness cannot reveal any
state in which it did not exist; for how can a thing reveal its own
absence, since it cannot exist at the time of its absence? Ramanuja,
in reply to such a contention on Satikara's side, debates why it
should be considered necessary that an experience should reveal
only that which existed at the same time with it; for, had it been so,
there would be no communication of the past and the future. It is
only sense-knowledge which reveals the objects which are existing
at the time when the senses are operating and the sense-knowledge
is existing; but this is not true with regard to all knowledge. Memory,
inference, scriptures, and intuitive mystic cognition (yogi-pratyak~a)
of sages can always communicate events which happened in the
past or will happen in the future. Arguing in the same way, one
could say that even in the case of the experience of ordinary objects
such as jug, etc., it can be said that the perception which reveals
their presence at any particular time does not reveal- their existence
at all times. That they are not so revealed means that the revelation
of knowledge (sa1Jlvid or anuhhiiti) is limited by time. If revelation
of knowiedge were not itself limited in time, then the objects re-
xx] Saizkara and Riimiinuja on Reality
vealed by it would also not be limited in time, which would be the
same thing as to say that these objects, such as jug, etc., are all
eternal in nature; but they are not. This sort of argument may also
be applied to the revelation of knowledge in inference; and it may
well be argued that, since the objects must be of the same type as the
knowledge which reveals them, then, if the knowledge is not limited
in time and is eternal, the objects also will be eternal. .For there can
be no knowledge without an object. It cannot be said that at the
time of sleep, drunkenness, or swoon, the pure experience is ex-
perienced as such without there being an object. If the pure ex-
perience were at that time experienced as such, one would re-
member this on waking; for except in the case of experiences at the
time of universal destruction (pralaya), and in the period when one's
body is not in existence, all that is experienced is remembered. No
one, however, remembers having experienced an experience at the
time of sleep or swoon, so that no such pure revelation of know-
ledge exists at that time. What Ramanuja maintains here, as will be
shown later on, is that during sleep or swoon we have a direct ex-
perience of the self and not the pure formless experience of the
revelation of pure consciousness. Thus there cannot be any state
in which knowledge is pure revelation without an object. Hence it
cannot be argued that, because knowledge does not reveal the state
in which it did not exist, it must always be in existence and never
be produced; for as each cognition is inseparably associated with its
object, and as all objects are in time, knowledge must also be in
Again, the argument that, since knowledge is unproduced, it
cannot suffer any further modification or change, is false. Granting
for the sake of argument that knowledge is unproduced, why should
it on that account be necessarily changeless? The negation pre-
ceding a particular production (prtiga-bhtiva) is beginningless, but
it is destroyed. So is the avidyti of the Sankarites, which is sup-
posed to be beginningless and yet to be suffering all kinds of changes
and modifications, as evidenced by its false creations of the world-
appearance. Even the self, which is beginningless and destruction-
less, is supposed to be associated with a body and the senses, from
which it is different. This apprehension of a difference of the self
from avidyti means a specific character or a modification, and if this
difference is not acknowledged, the self would have to be considered
170 Philosophy of the Ramanuja School of Thought [en.
identical with a·l'idyii. Again, it is meaningless to say that pure
intelligence, consciousness, experience or intuition (anublziiti or
saf!n:id), is pure self-revelation; for, were it so, why should it be
called even self-revelation, or eternal, or one? The~e are different
characters, and they imply a qualified character of the entity to
which they belong. It is meaningless to say that pure consciousness
is characterless; for at least it has negative characters, since it is dis-
tinguished from all kinds of material, non-spiritual or dependent
objects which are considered to be different from this pure con-
sciousness. Again, if this pure consciousness is admitted to be proved
as existing, that must itself be a character. But to whom is it
proved? It must be to the self who knows, and in that case its
specific character is felt by the self who is aware of it. If it is argued
that the very nature of the self-revelation of consciousness is the
self, then that would be impossibie; for knowledge implies a knower
who is different from the knowledge which reveals certain objects.
The knower must be permanent in all his acts of knowledge, and
that alone can explain the fact of memory and recognition. The
consciousness of pleasure, pain and of this or that object comes and
goes, whereas the knower remains the same in all his experiences.
How then can the experience be identified with the person who
experiences? "I know it," "just now I have forgotten it" -it is in
this way that we all experience that our knowledge comes and goes
and that the phases are different from ourselves. How can know-
ledge or consciousness be the same as the knower or the self?
It is held that the self and ego or the entity referred to by "I"
are different. The entity referred to by " I" contains two parts, a
self-revealing independent part as pure consciousness, and an ob-
jective, dependent non-self-revealed part as "myself," and it is the
former part alone that is the self, whereas the latter part, though it
is associated with the former, is entirely different from it and is
only expressed, felt, or manifested by virtue of its association with
the former. But this can hardly be admitted. It is the entity re-
ferred to by "I" which is the subjective and individual self and it
is this which differentiates my experience from those of others.
Even in liberation I am interested in emancipating this my indi-
vidual self, for which I try and work and not in a so-called subject-
object-less consciousness. If" I" is lost, then who is interested in
a mere consciousness, whether that is liberated or not? If there is
xx] Saizkara and Riimiinuja on Reality
no relation with this ego, the self, the" I," no knowledge is possible.
We all say "I know," "I am the !<.nower"; and, if this inrlividual
and subjective element were unsubstantial and false, what sig-
nificance would any experience have? It is this ego, the" I," which
is self-luminous and does not stand in need of being revealed by
anything else. It is like the light, which reveals itself and in so doing
reveals others as well. It is one whole and its intelligent nature is
its self-revealing character. So the self-luminous self is the knower
and not a mere revelation. Revelation, cognition or knowledge
means that something is revealed to someone, and so it would be
meaningless to say that the self and the knowledge arc identical.
Again, it has been maintained that self is pure consciousness; "for
this pure consciousness alone is what is nun-material (aja¢a) and
therefore the spirit. But what does this non-materiality mean? It
means with the Sati.karites an entity whose nature is such that its
very existence is its revelation, so that it d~es not depend on any-
thing else for its revelation. Therefore, pleasures, pain, etc., are
also self-revealing. There cannot be a toothache which is present
and yet is not known; but it is held that pleasures and pains cannot
be revealed, unless there is a knower who knows them. Well the
same would be true for knowledge even. Can consciousness reveal
itself to itself? Certainly not; consciousness is revealed always to
a knower, the ego or the self. As we say" I am happy," so we say
"I know." If non-materiality (aja¢atva) is defined as revealing-to-
itself in the above sense, such non-materiality does not belong to
consciousness even. It is the ego, the "I," that is always self-
revealed to itself by its very existence, and it must therefore be the
self, and not the pure consciousness, which stands as much in need
of self-revelation as do the pains and pleasures. Again, it is said
that, though pure consciousness (anublzuti) is in itself without any
object, yet by mistake it appears as the knower, just as the conch-
shell appears by illusion as silver. But Ramanuja contends that
this cannot be so; for, had there been such an illusion, people would
have felt "I am consciousness" as "this is silver."· No one makes
such a mistake; for we never feel that the knowledge is the knower;
but, as a matter of fact, we always distinguish the two and feel our-
selves different from the knowledge-as " I know" (aham anu-
It is argued that the self as changeless by nature cannot be the
172 Philosoplz_v of the Ranuinuja .5)'dwol of Thought [cu.
agent of the act of cognition and be a knower, and therefore it is
only the changeful modifications of prakrti, the category of
aluuikiira, tn which can he ascribed the capacity of being a knower.
This ahmil~tlra is the inner organ (anta~zkara~w) or mind, and this
alone can l-'e called a knower; for the agency of an act of cognition
is an objective and dependent characteristic, and, as such, cannot
bdong to the self. If the agency and the possibility of being
characterized by the notion of ego could be ascribed to the self,
such a self would have only a dependent existence and be non-
spiritual, like the body, since it would be non-self-revealing.
Ramanuja, in answer to such an objection, says that, if the word
ahmilulra is used in the sense of antaf1kara~za, or the mind, as an
inner organ, then it has all the non-spiritual characteristics of the
body and it can never be considered .1s the knower. The capacity
of being a knower (jiiiitrt'ul) is not a changeful characte;-istic
(·<.:il~rz}•tllmaka), since it simply means the possession of the quality of
consciousness (j1ii!na-gul}ii~:raya), and knowledge, being the natural
quality of the eternal self, is also eternal. Though the self is itself of
the nature of consciousness (jiitlna-S'l:ariipa), yet, just as one entity
of light exists both as the light and as thl· rays emanating from it, so
can it he regarded both as consciousness and as the possessor of con-
sciousness (mwu·-prabhrtimll!l prabhii.,:rayat'l·am i'l-a j!Ianii:b·ayat'l:am
api m:iruddham). Consciousness, though unlimited of itself (s7:ayam
aparicchinnam e'l'a jiliinam), can contract as well as expand (smikoca-
'Viktlsiirlzam ). In an embodied self it is in a cuntracted state (smi-
lmcita-s'l·ariipam) through the influence of actions (karma~zii), and
is possessed of varying degrees of expansion. To the individual it is
spoken of as having more or less knowledge 1, according as it is
determined by the sense-organs. Thus one can speak of the rise of
knowledge or its cessation. \\'hen there is the rise of knowledge, one
can certainly designate it as the knower. So it is admitted that this
capacity as knower is not natural to the self, but due to karma, and
therefore, though the self is knower in itself, it is changeless in its
aspect as consciousness. But it can never be admitted that the non-
spiritual alzmilulra could be the knower by virtue of its being in
contact with consciousness (cit); for consciousness as such can ne\-er
be regarded as a knower. The ahmikiira also is not the knower, and
therefore the notion of the knower could not be explained on such a
Srl-blzii~ya, p. 45·
xx] Saizkara and Ramanuja 011 Reality 1 73

view. It is meaningless to say that the light of consciousness falls

on the non-spiritual ahaizkiira through contiguity; for how can the
invisible consciousness transmit its light to the non-spiritual
aluuikiira ?
Even in sleep one feels the self as "I"; for on waking one feels
"I have slept happily." This also shows that during sleep it is the
"I" that both knew and felt happy. It has to be admitted th~t there
is a continuity between the "I" before its sleep, the "I" during its
sleep, and the "I" after its sleep; for after waking the "I" re-
members all that it had experienced before its sleep. The fact that
one also feels "I did not know anything all this time" does not
mean that the "I" had no knowledge at all; it means only that the
" I" had no knowledge of objects and things which it knows on
waking. There can he no doubt that the " I" knew during the sleep,
since even a Sati.karite would say that during dreamless sleep the
self (iitman) has the direct intuitive perception (siik~i) of ignorance
(ajtiiina), and no one can have any direct intuitive perception with-
out also being a knower. Thus, when after sleep a man says "I did
not know even myself, I slept so well," what he means is that he did
not know himself with all the particulars of his name, caste,
parentage, etc., as he knows when he is awake. It does not mean
that he had absolutely no knowledge at all. Even on liberation the
entity denoted by "I" (aham-artha) remains; for it is the self that
is denoted. If there is no one to feel or to know in the state of
liberation, who is it that is liberated, and who is to strive for such a
liberation? To be revealed to itself is se]f-consciousness and im-
plies necessarily the knower as the " I " that knows, and therefore
the notion of " I" denotes the self in its own nature as that which
knows and feels. But the entity denoted by the notion of "I "
(alzam-artha) should be distinguished from the non-spiritual cate-
gory of mind or the antal.zkarm:za, which is but a modification of
prakrti or the false feeling of conceit, which is always regarded as
bad and is the cause of the implication of insult towards superior
persons and this is clearly due to ignorance ( avidyii).
The next point of discussion raised by Ramanuja in this con-
nection, to prove his point that there is no reality which can here-
garded as characterless and unqualified in any absolute sense, is in
the attempt that he makes to refute Sailkara's contention that the
scriptures give us sufficient ground for acknowledging such a
174 Philosophy of the Ramanuja School of Thought [cu.
reality, and their authority is tv be considered as the highest and as
absolutely irrefutable. Sankara had urged that the testimony of the
scriptures was superior to that of perception. But the scriptures arc
based on the assumption of plurality, without which no language is
possible. These are for that reason false. For the superiority that is
ascribf'd to the scriptures was due to their teaching of the doctrine
that all plurality and difference are false, and that the reality is
absolutely differenceless; but yet since the meaning and the expres-
sions of the scriptures are themselves based on the assumption of
difference, how can the teaching of the scriptures be anything but
false? Again, since they are as faulty as perception on account of
their assumption of plurality, why should they he regarded as
having an authority superior to perception? \Vhen the scriptures
are based on error, what is communicated by them must likewise be
erroneous, though it may not be directly contradicted by experience.
If a man who is absolutely out of touch with all men has an eye-
disease which makes him see things at a great distance double,
then his vision of two moons in the sky, though it may not be con-
tradicted by his or any one else's experience, is yet false. So, when
there is defect, the knowledge produced by it must be false, whether
it is contradicted or not. lienee, m:idyii being false, the Brahman
communicated hy it through its manifested forms, the scriptures,
must also be false. And one may well argue, that, since Brahman
is the object of knowledge produced by means tainted hy m:it(rt"i, it
is false, just as the world is false (flrahma mithyii m:idyt"idy-utpanna-
j liiina-7.-·i~ayat'l:iit praparlcm:at). In anticipation of such objections
Sankara urges that even false dreams can portend real good or had
happenings, or an illusory sight of a snake may cause real death.
Ramanuja's answer to this is that what is meant hy saying that
dreams arc false is that there is some knowledge, corresponding to
which there are no ohject~; so there is knowledge in illusion and
real fear due to such knowledge, hut the corresponding external
object does not exist. So in these cases also the communication of
truth, or a real thing, or a real fact, is not by falsehood, hut real
knowledge; for no one doubts that he had knowledge in his dream
or in his illusion. So far as the fact that there was knowledge in
dream is concerned, dreams are true, so that it is useless to say that
in dream<; falsehood portends real fact.
Thus, from whatever point of view it may be argued, it is im-
xx] Saizkara and Riimiinuja on Reality I75
possible to prove that the reality is characterless and differenceless,
whether such a reality be pure being, or a unity of being, intel-
ligence and bliss, or pure intuitional experience, and such a con-
tention will so much cripple the strength of the scriptures that no-
thing can be proved on their authority and their right to supersede
the authority of perception can hardly be established. But the
scriptures also do not speak of any characterless and unqualified
reality. For the texts referring to Brahman as pure being (Ch., VI.
2. I), or as transcendent (Mu1Jl}., I. I. s), or where the Brahman is
apparently identified with truth and knowledge (Tail., II. 1. 1 ), can
actually be proved to refer to Brahman not as qualityless, but as
possessing diverse excellent qualities of omniscience, omnipotence,
all-pervasiveness, eternality and the like. The denial of qualities· is
but a denial of undesirable qualities (heya-gw:ztin prati#dhya).
\Vhen Brahman is referred to in the scriptures as one, that only
means that there is no second cause of the world to rival him; but
that does not mean that His unity is so absolute that He has no
qualities at all. Even where Brahman is referred to as being of the
essence of knowledge, that does not mean that such an essence of
knowledge is quality less and characterless; for even the knower is of
the essence of knowledge, and, being of the essence of knowledge,
may as well be considered as the possessor of knowledge, just as a
lamp, which is of the nature of light, may well be regarded as pos-
sessing rays of light 1 •

Refutation of Sankara's avidyii.

It is urged by Sankara that the self-luminous differenceless one
reality appears as the manifold world through the influence of de-
fect (do~a). This defect, called avidyti, hides its own nature and pro-
duces various appearances and can neither be described as being
nor as non-being: for it cannot be being, since then the illusion and
the realization of its being an error would be inexplicable, and it
cannot be non-being since then the world-appeara.nce, as well as
its realization as being wrong, would be inexplicable.
1 jilii1la-svari1pasyaiva tasya jniinii-frayatva'!l ma"t}i-dyuma"t}i-pradlpii-divad

ity uktam eva. Srz-bhiifya, p. 61.

The above is based on the discussions in the Srl-bhiifya known as mahii-
purva-pakfa and mahii-siddhiinta. Srl-bhiifya, p. 10 et seq.
176 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
Ramanuja, in refuting avidyii, says that this avidyii is impossible
since it must lean on some other thing f<?r its support (iisraya), and
it is clear that individual souls cannot be its support, since they
themselves are regarded as being the products of a'l·idyii. The
Brahman also cannot be its support; for it is self-luminous con-
sciousness and is hence opposed to avidyii, which is regarded as
being liable to be recognized as illusory as soon as the true kn(lw-
ledge dawns. It cannot be argued that it is only the knowledge that
Brahman is of the nature of pure knowledge, and not pure know-
ledge forming the essence of Brahman, that destroys m:idyii; for
there is no difference between these two, between knowledge as the
essence of Brahman and knowledge as removing an'dyii. The nature
C!f Brahman that is revealed by the knowledge that Brahman is of
the nature of pure knowledge is already present in His pure self-
luminous nature, which must necessarily on that account destroy
a'l'idyiJl. ~Ioreover, in accordance with Sankara's view, Brahman,
being of the nature of pure intuition, cannot further be the object
of any other knowledge, and hence the nature of Brahman should
not be further the object of any other concept. So, if knowledge is
to be opposed to ignorance or avidyii, it must be in its own essence
as it is, in itself, and so Brahman, as pure knowledge, ought to be
opposed to avidyii. :\loreover, to say that Brahman, which is of the
nature of pure self-illumination, is hidden by m:idyii is to say that
the very nature of Brahman is destroyed (s'l·ariipa-niiSa); for, since
pure self-illumination is never produced, its concealment can only
mean that it is destroyed, since it has no other nature than pure
self-illumination. Again, if the contentless pure self-luminous in-
tuition is said to assume diverse forms on account of the defect of
avidyii, which is supported by it, then the question may be asked,
whether this defect is real or unreal. If it is real, then the monism
fa]s, and, if it is unreal, then the question arises, how is this unreal
defect brought about? If it i5 brought about by some other defect,
then, that also being unreal, the same question will again arise, and
hence there will be a vicious infinite (mza·vasthii). If it is held that
even without any real basis one unreal defect may be the cause of
another unreal defect and so on in a beginningless series, then we
Sudarsana Suri says here that, if there is such a difference between Brahman
as essence and Brahman as destroying m:idyci, that would mean that one form of
Brahman is different from its other form, or, in other words, that it is qualified.
/Jruta-prakcisikii, Pandit edition, Benares, vol. IX, p. 6s8.
xx] Refutation of Saizkara's avidyii 177
virtually have nihilism (Miidhyamika-pa~a or Siinya-viida) 1 • If, to
escape these criticisms, it is held that the defect is the very essence
of intuition (anubhuti) or Brahman, then, Brahman being eternal,
the defect also will be eternal, and emancipation, or the cessation
of the world-appearance, will never take place. Again, this avidyii
is said to be indefinable, being different from both the existent
and the non-existent (sad-asad-vila~a'!la). But how can this be?
A thing must be either existing or not existing; how can there be
anything· \\·hich is neither existing nor not-existing?
Referring to the arguments of the Sati.karites in favour of the
existence of ajiiiina (nescience) as a positive entity and as directly
perceived in such perceptions as "I am ignorant," "I do not know
myself or any others," Ramanuja says that such perceptions refer
only to the non-existence of the knowledge of an object prior to its
apprehension (priiga-bhii'l:a). Ramanuja argues that the ignorance
perceived cannot refer to its specific and determinate object; for,
if it did, then the object would be known and there would be no
ignorance at all; and if the ajtiiina does not refer to any specific
object, how can the ajiiiina or ignorance, standing by itself, be per-
ceived or realized? 1f it is urged that ajiziina refers to indistinct
(a-·cisada-n·ariipa) knowledge, then also it may be said that this
Sudarsana Suri here points out that the Sankarites try to evade the vicious
infinite in three ways: firstly, those who think that ignorance (m·idyii) is as-
sociated withjlv•a(ji,·u-jiitlna-·nldi)explain it Ly atlirming it so as to im·olve an infinite
series like the seed-and-the-shoot (vljii1ikura), but not a vicious infinite; since on
their ,·it>\\' jl,·a is produced hy a•vidyii and m·idyu is again produced by jlva
(m·idyiiyii'!l jit·a~l jl'Viida ,·idyii). Those again who think that m•idyii belongs to
llrahman (Hmhma-j;iurza-,•tidi) hold that m:idyii is by nature be~inningless and the
irrationality or unreasonableness of its nature is nothing surprisin~. As regards
the beginninglessness of m·idyii in an infinite series G~raf.'CJ1ui-1liiditv•a) of jl,·a and
m·idyii and tl'l'idyii and fi?·a as propounded in the first view of the jl,·ii-j1iii1la-
''tldins, the refutation of it hy those'' ho hold that the ajiiuua belongs to Brahman
is enough. For they have pointed out that such a ,·iew goes against the uni-
versally accepted doctrine of the eternity of souls, since it held that the souls came
out through avidyii and m·idyii through souls. The other view, that the illusory
series is hy itself beginningless, is no better; for, if one illusion \\·ere the basis of
another illusion in a heginningless series, this would be practically identical with
the nihilistic philosophy. 1\loreover, even if the illusion is admitted to be begin-
ningless in nature, then also that must await some other root primary cause
(miila-do$ii/>t'k$ii) from which this successive series of illusions springs, and from
that another, and so there will arise the Yicious infinite. If no such root cause
is awaited, the \\odd-appearance may itself be regarded as at'idyii, and there will
he no need to suppose the existence of any root cause as at·idyii. Again, if avidyii
is held to be irrational in nature, why should it not affect the emancipated souls
and also Brahman? If it is answered that it does not do so because the emanci-
pated souls and Brahman are pure, then that means that this avidyii is rational
and wise and not irrational. Sruta-P.rakiisikii, in Pandit, vol. IX, pp. 636-665.
Dill 12
178 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja Schoo{of Thought [cH.
may be regarded as the absence of the rise of distinct knowledge.
Thus, even if a positive ignorance is admitted, it must somehow
be related to something else to which it refers. In whatever way
one may attempt to explain ajiiiina (ignorance), either as want of
knowledge, or as other than knowledge, or as opposed to know-
ledge, it can be made possible only by a knowledge of the very fact
of which it will be the opposite. Even darkness has to be conceived
as being opposed to light; and hence one must have knowledge of
light in order to understand darkness, as being opposed to it. But
the ajiiiina (ignorance) of the Sankarites cannot stand by itself, and
so must show its content by a reference to the object or entity of
which there is ignorance. Therefore, in the aforesaid experiences,
"I am ignorant,," I do not know myself or any one else," it should
be admitted that what is felt is this want of rise of knowledge and
not any positive ignorance, as the latter is equally found to be re-
lative to the object and the subject and has no advantage over the
former. IVIoreover, the Brahman, which is ever free and ever the
same pure self-luminous intelligence, cannot at any time feel this
ignorance or avidyii. It cannot hide Brahman; for Brahman is pure
intelligence, and that alone. If it is hidden, that amounts to the
destruction of Brahman. Again, if Brahman can perceive ajiiiina,
it can as well perceive the world appearance; if by hiding Brahman
the ajiiiina makes itself perceived by Brahman, then such ajrziina
cannot be removed by true knowledge, since it has the power of
concealing knowledge and of making itself felt by it. Further, it
cannot be said that avidya hides the Brahman only partially; for
Brahman has no part. So the above experience of '' I did not know
anything," as remembered in the awakened state and referring to
experiences of deep sleep, is not the memory of ajrziina or ignorance
directly experienced in deep sleep (su~upti), but an inference during
the awakened state of not having any knowledge during deep sleep
on account of there being no memory 1 • Inference also is unavailing
for proving the existence of any ajfiiina; for not only \vould such
premises of inference involve a faulty reason, but no proper ex-
ample could be found which could satisfy the claim of reason by a
reference to any known case where a similar thing happens . .l\1ore-
ato na kiiicid m,·edi~am iti jiiiina1Jl na smara7JU1Jl kintu asmara7Ja-liilgaka'!l
jiianii-bhiiva-vi~ayam anumiti-rupam. Sruta-prakiisikii, p. 178. (N irryayasagar ed.
xx] Riimiinuja's theory of Illusion 179
over, it is quite easy to formulate other series of inferences to dis-
prove the possibility of such ajiiiina as is accepted by the San-

Ramanuja's theory of Illusion-All knowledge is Real.

Ramanuja says that all illusion may briefly be described as per-
ception in which a thing appears to be different from what it is
(anyasya anyathiivabhiisa~z ). It is unreasonable to imagine that the
illusory content of perception must be due to no cause, or is some-
thing wholly unperceived or wholly unknown (atyantii-paridntii-
kiira'!laka-vastu-kalpanii-yogiit). If such a wholly chimerical thing
is imagined to be the content of illusory perception, then it must be
inexpressible or indescribable (anirl'acaniya); but no illusory object
appears as indescribable; it appears as real. If it appeared as an
inexpressible entity, there would be neither illusion nor its correc-
tion. So it has to be admitted that in all illusions (e.g. in conch-
shell-silver illusion) one thing (e.g. the conch-shell) appears in
another form (e.g. silver). In all theories of illusion, whatever may
be the extent of their error, they have ultimately to admit that in all
illusions one thing appears in the form of another. Speaking against
the Sankarites, it may be asked, he urges, how is their inexpressible
(anirvacan'iya) silver produced? The illusory perception cannot be
the cause; for the perception follows only the production of the
indescribable silver and cannot precede it to be its cause. It cannot
be due to the defects in our sense-organs; for such defects are sub-
jective and therefore cannot affect the nature of objective reality or
object. IVIoreover, if it is inexpressible and indescribable, why
should it appear under certain circumstances in the specific form
of a particular kind of appearance, silver? If it is urged that this is
due to the fact of there being a similarity between silver and conch-
shell, it may again be asked whether this similarity is real or unreal.
It cannot be real, since the content is illusory; it cannot be unreal
since it has reference to real objects (e.g. the real silver in a shop).
So such a theory of illusion is open to many criticisms.
Ramanuja seems to have himself favoured the anyathii-khyiiti
theory of illusion, and says that there will be no explanations of
contradiction of knowledge involved in illusory knowledge, or of
consequent failure of behaviour as suggested by such knowledge~
1 Sruta-prakiiiikii, pp. I78-18o.
1 8o Philosophy of the Ramanuja School of Thought [cH.
unless error is ultimately explained as the wrongful appearance of
one thing as another. He also says that all the other theories of
illusion (except possibly the yathartha-khyati view, as suggested
in the Sruta-prakasikii commentary-yathartha-khyati-vyatirikta-
pak~e~u anyatha-khyati-pak~ab prabalal.z) \vould ultimately have to
accept the analysis of error as the wrongful appearance of one thing
as another (khyaty-antarii1Jiif!l tu suduram api galva anyatha·va-
bhasal.z asraya1}iyal_z-Ramanujabha~ya). Ramanuja further points
out that even the akhyati theory of illusion (i.e. illusion considered
as being due to the non-apprehension of the difference between the
presentation of the "this" of the conch-shell and the memory of
silver) is a form of anyatha-khyiiti; for ultimately here also one has
to accept the false identification of two characters or two ideas.
Veilkatanatha, commenting on this point in his Nyaya-parisuddhi,
says that the appearance of one thing as another is the indispensable
condition of all errors, but the non-apprehension of difference must
always be granted as an indispensable condition which must exist
in all cases of false identification and has therefore the advantage of
a superior simplicity (laghava); yet the anyatha-khyati theory gives
the proper and true representation of the nature of illusion, and no
theory of illusion can do away with the need of admitting it as a
correct representation of the phenomenon of illusion. So Yeilka~a­
natha says that Ramanuja, \vhile he agrees with the anyatha-khyiiti
view as a theory of illusion, yet appreciates the superior simplicity
of the akhyati view as giving us the indispensable condition of all
forms of illusion.
But, though Ramanuja himself prefers the anyatha-khyati view
of illusion, he could not very well pass over the yathiirtha-khyati
view, as advocated by the senior adherents and founders of the
school of thought which he interpreted, viz. Bodhayana, Natha-
muni and Varada Vi~I).u l\1isra. Ramanuja is thus faced with two
different theories, one that he himself advocated and the other that
was advocated by his seniors. Fortunately for him, while his own
theory of anyatha-khyati was psychological in character, the other
theory of yathartha-khyati was of an ontological character, so that
it was possible for one to hold the one view psychologically and the
other view ontologically. Ramanuja, therefore, offers the yathiirtha-
khyati view as an alternative. Veilkatanatha says that this yathartha-
khyati view can only be put forward as a theory based on scriptural
xx] Ramtinuja's theory of Illusion
evidence, but cannot be supported as a philosophical theory which
can be experienced and therefore as a scientific theory of illusion.
We have to make up our minds between the two plausible alter-
native theories of anyathii-khyiiti and akhyiiti.
Ramanuja, to distinguish the yathiirtha-khyiiti theory of his
seniors, whom he refers to by the term "Vedic school" (veda-
vidii1J1 matam), develops this view in a number of verses and says
that he understands on the strength of the scriptural texts that the
material world was created by the intermingling of the three ele-
ments, fire, water and earth, so that in each object there are all the
three elements. \Vhen a particular element predominates in any
material object, it is found tc possess more qualities of that element
and is designated by its character, though it still holds the qualities
of other elements in it. Thus it may in some sense be said that all
things are in all things. A conch-shell possesses also the qualities
of tejas, or silver, and it is on that account that it may be said to
resemble silver in some sense. What happens in the case of illusion
is that through defects of organs, etc., the qualities or characters in
a conch-shell representing other elements are not noticed and hence
the perception can only grasp the qualities or characters of silver
existing in the conch-shell, and the conch-shell is perceived as
silver. So the knowledge of silver in a conch-shell is neither false,
nor unreal, but is real, and refers to a real object, the silver element
existing in the conch-shelP. In this view of illusion all knowledge
is regarded as referring to a real object (yathiirtha-khyiiti) 2 • The
difference between this view and that of Prabhakara is this, that,
while Prabhakara was content with the negative condition of non-
apprehension of the difference between the present perception of
a glittering conch-shell and the memory of silver in the shop as the
cause of the illusion, and urges that knowledge is real either as per-
ception or as the memory, and that illusion has been the result
of non-apprehension of the distinction of the two, Ramanuja is
more radical, since he points out that the perception of silver in a
See Sruta-prakiiiikii, pp. 183-6.

According to Sudar8ana Suri this view is the traditional view (siimpra


diiyika) accepted by Bodhayana, Nathamuni, Rama Misra and others, which

Ramanuja, as a faithful follower of that school, had himself followed. Thus,
Ramanuja says:
yathii-rtha'!l sarva-·viJiiiinam iti veda-vidii'!l matam
sruti-smrtibhya~l sarvasya sarvii-tmatva-pratltitab.
Bhii~ya and Sruta-prakiisikii, p. 183.
182 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
conch-shell is due to the real perception of the element of
silver in a conch-shell and the non-apprehension owing to defects
(do~a) of the other elements present in it which would have shown
its difference from silver. So what is called the illusory perception
of silver in the conch-shell has a real objective basis to which
it refers.
Dreams are explained by Ramanuja as being creations of God,
intended to produce corresponding perceptions in the minds of
the dreamers. The case of the appearance of a conch-shell as yellow
to a person with jaundiced eyes is explained by him as due to the
fact that yellow colour emanates from the bile of his eyes, and is
carried to the conch-shell through the rays of the eyes which turn
the white shell yellow. The appearance of the conch-shell as yellow
is therefore a real transformation of the conch-shell, noticed by
the eye of a jaundiced person, though this transformation can be
noticed only by him and not by other persons, the yellow being
very near his eyes 1 •
The aklzyiiti and the yatluirtlza-klzyiiti views agree in holding
that the imposed idea has a real basis as its object. I3ut, while the
former holds that this real basis is a past presentation, the latter
holds that it is given as a presentation along with the object, i.e.
the silver clement, being mixed up with the conch-shell element, is
also presented to the senses, but owing to some defects of circum-
stances, organs of sight, etc., the conch-shell, which ought to be
the main part, is not perceived. Thus, it is only the silver part that
forms the presentation, and hence the error. So non-perception of
the conch-shell part is common to both the views; but, while the
aklzyiiti view holds that the silver part is only a reproduced image
of past experience, the yatluirtha-khyiiti view grounds itself on the
tri'l'!t-kara1_la texts of the l_T pani~ads and holds that the silver part
is perceived at the time. But Sudarsana Siiri refers to the views of
other teachers (kecid (Jairyii/:z) and says that the tn·'l_,·rt-kara1_la view
may well explain the misapprehension of one element (blzuta) for
another; but in the cases of misapprehension due to similarity
tn"vrt-karm.za is not of much use, for tri'l-·rt-kara7J-a and panci-kara1_1a
1 Other types of errors or illusions are similarly explained by Ramanuja as

having a real objective existence, the error being due to the non-apprehension of
other elements which are objecti"·ely existl:'nt and associated with the entity
which is the object of illusory perception, but which owing to defects are not
perceived. See ibid. pp. 187, d~8.
xx] Riimiinuja's theory of Illusion
can explain the intermixture of bhutas, but not of the bhautikas, or
the later modifications of the five elements into the varied sub-
stances such as conch-shell and silver, which are mutually mis-
apprehended for each other on account of their similarity. It has,
therefore, to be maintained that in these bhuta-modifications also
the trivrt-kara1Ja principle applies to a certain extent; for here also
the molecules or atoms of things or substances are made up of large
parts of some bhuta-rnodification and ·smaller parts of one or more
of other bhuta-modifications.
The conch-shell molecules are thus
made up of large parts of conch-shell material and smaller parts of
the silver material, and this explains the similarity of the one ele-
ment to the other. The similarity is due to the real presence of one
element in the other, and is called the pratinidhz-nyaya, or the
maxim of determining similarity by real representation. So in all
cases of misapprehension of one thing as another through similarity
there is no misapprehension in the strict sense, but a right appre-
hension of a counterpart in the other object constituting the basis
of the similarity, and the non-apprehension of the bigger and the
larger part which held the counterpart coeval with it. It is because
the conch-shell contains a major part of conch-shell element (sukty-
a'!lia) and only a minor part of silver that it passes as conch-shell
and not as silver. Conch-shell cannot serve the purpose of silver,
despite the silver element in it, on account of the obstruction of the
major part of the conch-shell element; and it is also on account of
this that under normal circumstances the silver element in it is
hidden by the conch-shell element, and we say that we perceive
conch-shell and not silver. When it is said that this is conch-shell
and not silver (neda1Jl rajala1Jl ), the "not silver" has no other
meaning than that of the conch-shell, the apprehension of which
dispelled the idea of silver. It is the conch-shell that is designated
in its negative aspect as "not silver" and in its positive aspect as
Ramanujacarya, alias Vadiharp.sambuvahacarya, the maternal
uncle of Venkatanatha, seems to support the Ramanuja method of
sat-khyiiti by showing that all the other three rival theories of
illusion, such as that of anyatha-khyati, akhyati, and the anirva-
canlya-khyati, cross each other and are therefore incompatible. But
he takes great pains to show that the sat-khyati theory may be sup-
ported on the basis of the logical implications involved in both the
184 Philosophy of the Ramtinuja School of Thought [en.
anyathii-khyiiti and the akhyiiti types of realism. He starts the dis-
cussion by taking for granted the akhyiiti type of realism and its
logical implications. He holds that it also would ultimately lead to
anyathii-khyiiti, and that therefore (excepting the sat-khyiiti), of all
the khyiitis, anyathii-khyiiti is perhaps the best. He says in his
Nyiiya-kulisa that, since the way of knowledge requires that the
sense-organs should reach their objects, even in illusory perception
there must be some objects which they reach; for they could not
convey any knmvledge about an object with which they were not in
contact 1 . The defect (do~a) cannot account for the production of
new kno\\ledge, for it only serves to obstruct anything from being
perceived or known. Defects only obstruct the course of the
natural sequence of cause and effect 2 , just as fire would destroy the
natural shooting pmvers of seeds 1 . :\loreover, taking the old ex-
ample of the conch-shell-silver, it may be asked how, if there was
no silver at all objectively present, there could be any knowledge of
such an absolutely non-existing thing? Since our awareness can-
not refer to non-existing entities, all forms of a\vareness must
guarantee the existence of corresponding objects. \Vhat happens in
the case of the illusion of conch-shell-silver is that there is memory
of silver previously experienced and the "this," which is ex-
perienced at the time of the illusion; and it is on account of the de-
fects (do~a) that it is not grasped that the silver is only a memory of
past experience, while it is only the "this" in front of us that is
experienced at the time (do~iit pramu~£ta-tada7-·amarsab) 3 •
Vadiharpsamhuvaha, weighing the various arguments of the
rival theories of anyatlzii-khviit£ and aklzyiiti, deals with the argu-
ments of the anyathii-khyiiti view which holds that it is the conch-
shell that appears as sih·er. As against the objections raised by such
a view in opposition to the akhyiiti view, viz., if each thing is dif-
ferent from every other thing, how can an illusion be explained as
being due to the non-apprehension of the difference between the
silver remembered and the" this" perceived directly in experiencL'?
.\rguing in its favour, he says that the difference which is not

1 indriyii~ltlf!l priipya-k(irit'l:ora apriiptii-rtlw-prak,/smra nupapattt·b. Sytiyo-

kulisa, l\IaJras Cm·t. <>riental :\IS. :"\o. 4910.
2 do~ii~ui'!l lulrya-'l"l·l.!luita-miitra-hetul'l"l'na ktiryii-ntarn-pajmwlwtni-y''!!iit, ua

hy m;ni-Sm!ISP!~fasya kalam~l-'l:fjasya arikum-tpiidane siimm·thyam asti. /hid.

3 idam iti puru-1.·astzmi wmhluwab rajatam iti Ul piirnl-uubhiUa-rajata-'l.·i~ay£1.

smrti~l. Ibid.
xx] Ramiinuja's theory of Illusion
apprehended here consists of that characteristic which exists in
things by virtue of which one thing is not confused with or misappre-
hended as another thing, and it is the non-apprehension of this
differentiating characteristic that causes the misapprehension of
the conch-shell as silver (sal!lsarga-virodhi-vaidharmya-vise~a-rupa­
bhedii-grahafz pravrtti-hetu/;)1. But the real objections to holding
this akhyiiti view of illusion to be ultimately sufficient consists in
the fact that it cannot do away with the necessity of the synthetic
operation (saf!Zsarga-vyiipiira) consisting of a thing being regarded
as such-and-such, as found in all discussions of disputants, in all
our behaviours and concepts of error and illusion. ·This forces us
to accept the anyathii-khyiiti view as an unavoidable and ultimate
explanation 2 • Vadiharp.sambuvaha urges that, since the silver is
felt to be in that which is only a piece of conch-shell, this must
imply the imposition of the one on the other (which is the essential
part of anyathii-khyiiti). Just as in the real perception of a piece of
silver the object before us is experienced as silver, so in the conch-
shell-silver illusion, the object before us is experienced as silver,
l\Jadras Govt. MS. 1\:o. 4910.
Like the seniors referred to by Ramanuja, Prabhakara also considers all
knowledge to be valid (yathiirtha1Jl sarvam e'l:e'ha nj1iiinam iti, Pralwrm:za-pancikii,
p. 32), though the former does so on ontological grounds and the latter on psycho-
logical and experiential grounds. Salikanatha, representing Prabhakara's view,
says that, whatever is the content of awareness, that alone is known, and at the
time of the conch-shell-silver illusion, what is knmvn is "this is silver," but there
is no knowledge of conch-shell, since it is not the content of awareness at the
time. Thus it cannot be said that the illusory knowledge consists of knowing the
conch-shell as silver, hut of the "this" as silver; for, when there is the knowledge
of illusory silver, there is no knowledge of conch-shell. What happens in illusory
perception is that through defects the differentiating l:haracteristics of the conch-
shell are not apprehended and the conch-shell is perceived only in its general
character as an obje~t. Then there is memory of silver, and through a defect in
the mental process (mano-do~iit) the silver is not remembered v-:ith its original
association of time and place as that silver which was perceived there, but is simply
remembered as an image of silver (tad-ity-m,zia-pariimarsa-vivarjitam). Though
there is no such dcrinite experience that I remember silver, yet the idea of
silver has to be admitted to be due to memory; for it cannot be due either to per-
ception or to inference or to any other source of knowledge. Thus, through the
elimination of all other sources of knowledge, sih·er has to be admitted to be due
to memory (mw11ya-gatita!z smrtir atrii"'l:agamyate). On account of the absence
of a feeling that I remember a past experience, the memory of silver cannot be
distinguished from a percept; for it is only these facts that distinguish a present
percept from a reproduced image; and so we fail to differentiate between this
memory and the actual perception of some object before us (the differentiating
characteristics of which are entirely lost to us through defects of sense-organs or
the like). On account of the non-apprehension of the distinction, these two dif-
ferent kinds of awareness themselves produce the illusion of a direct and im-
mediate perception of silver which is not there at the time, and even tempt us to
186 Philosophy of the Ramanuja School of Thought [cH.
and here also it is the conch-shell that appears as silver. When the
illusion is dispelled, we say that "this is not silver"; this cannot
mean the mere presence of the conch-shell, but it must mean the
denial of the imposition that was made previously. For, if nega-
tions could be treated as positive entities, then there would be no
difference between positives and negatives (badhyasya vidhi-
riipatve vidhi-ni~edha-vyatyiisa'!l ca ni~edlze biidha iti tulyiirthat'[·iit) 1 •
The akhyiiti view speaks of non-apprehension of absence of as-
sociation (e.g. of conch-shell-silver, asa1J1sargiigraha) to be the
cause of illusion. It may well be asked, \Vhat is this absence of
association? It cannot be the mere thing itself; for, had it been so,
we should expect that the thing itself (say the conch-shell) is not
perceived and this alone constitutes error, which is impossible.
Moreover, the silver is felt to be in front of us as the object we per-
ceive and not as something which we remember. ~Te know that,
when we perceive illusorily that "this is silver," there is the per-
ception of a false association (biidhaka-sa'!lsarga-grahm;am); but the
concept of non-apprehension of difference (bhediigraha) never seems
to be practically realized in experience. If we inquire into the
nature of what constitutes falsity or contradiction (e.g. in conch-
shell-silver), \Ve find that it is not the fact that a conch-shell when
burnt becomes ash while silver, when burnt, may be made into a
finger-ring that constitutes error, but the fact that what was believed
to be capable of being rendered into a finger-ring by being put into
fire cannot be so done (yadi tv-aizguliyakadi-hetutayiibhimatasya
vya'[·ahiirasya bhasma-hetutvako hy atra '['ise~a~z). If this is what is
really meant by falsehood, it is nothing but the apprehension of the
cause of one kind of action as being another cause (anya-hetu-
vyavahiiro 'nya-lzetutayiivagata~z). This will be anyathii-khyiiti; for,
if even here it is urged to be non-apprehension of difference, then

stretch our hands to pick it up, as if there were a real piece of silver before us.
(See Prakarm;a-paiicikii, Ch. IV, J-.:aya-'t·Uhi.)
Sudarsana Suri, commenting on the akhyiiti view in his Sruta-prakiisikii in
connection with his commentary on the yathiirtha-khyiiti view of Ramanuja 's
seniors, says that the akhyiiti view has the advantage of superior simplicity or
the minimum assumption, viz. that in illusion only an indefinite object is seen,
and the distinction between this and the image roused in memory by it is not
apprehended. This has to be admitted in all theories of illusion, and in addition
other assumptions have to be made.
Nyiiya-kulisa of Vadiharpsambuvaha Ramanujacarya, Govt. Oriental l\'lS.
No. 4910.
xx] Riimiinuja's theory of Illusion
the experience in such cases of the belief of one thing as another is
not explained 1 • In all such cases the final appeal must be made to
experience, which attests all cases of illusion as being the appear-
ance of one thing as another 2 •
But though Vadiharp.sambuvahacarya thus tries to support the
anyathii-khyiiti view of illusion, yet he does not dismiss the akhyiiti
view of error curtly, but admits that it may also properly explain
facts of illusion, when looked at from another point of view. For,
if there was not the non-apprehension of difference between silver
and conch-shell, the conch-shell could not be mistaken as silver.
So, even in anyathii-khyiiti, there is one element of akhyiiti in-
volved; for in order that one may behave towards a piece of conch-
shell in the same way as one would do to a piece of silver, it is
necessary that one should not be able to distinguish between what
one sees before one and what one remembers. But, 'though the
negative fact of akhyiiti, i.e., non-apprehension of difference, may
be regarded in many cases as a necessary stage, yet the positive fact
of association (sa'!lsarga) or synthesis has to be admitted as an in-
dispensable process, connecting the different elements constituting
a concrete perception. The root-cause of all our behaviour and
action, being of the nature of synthetic association, it would be
wrong to suppose that non-apprehension of difference could by
itself be made a real cause of our actions (na ca mula-bhute sa'!lsarga-
jiiiine pravrtti-kiira1_le siddlze tad-upajivino nirantara-jiiiinasya
pra'l·rttihetutvam iti yukta'!l vaktu'!l) 1 • Although Vadiharp.sam-
buvaha spends all his discussions on the relative strength of
aklzyiiti and anyathii-khyiiti as probable theories of illusion, yet he
refers to the view of illusion mentioned by Ramanuja that all things
are present in all things and that therefore no knowledge is illusory.
He considers this view as the real and ultimately correct view. But,
if this were so, all his discussions on the akhyiiti and anyathii-
klzyiiti theories of illusion would be futile. Vadiharp.sambuvaha
does not, however, attempt to show how, if this theory be admitted,
the other theories of akhyiiti or anyathii-khyiiti could be sup-
1 yadi ca'trii'pi bhedii-grahab sarm.za'!l syiit tato'bhimiina-vise~a-krta-badha­

vyavasthii na sidhyet. Govt. Oriental MS. No. 4910.

2 katham aya'!l loka-vyavahiiro vrtta iti, na hi kaiicid upiidhim aniilambya loke

sabda-prayogo 'vakalpyate' tasmiid badhya-biidhaka-bhiivii-nyathii-nupapattyii any-

athii-khyiiti-siddhi!z. Ibid.
188 Philosophy of the Ramanuja School of Thought [cH.
ported 1 . He further criticizes the anirvacaniya-khyiiti (illusion as
the indescribable creation of, say, the appearance of silver in the
conch-shell-silver illusion), a view of illusion as held by the San-
karites, in the stereotyped form \Vith which we are already familiar.
Anantacarya, a writer of the nineteenth century, laid stress on
the view of illusion which held that all things were contained in all
things, and hence the perception of conch-shell as silver was neither
false knowledge nor non-apprehension of the difference between
what is perceived and what is remembered; for the perception
"this is silver" is a complex of two perceptions, "this" and
"silver." Had not this been a case of actual perception, we should
not have felt as if we perceived the "this" before us as "silver."
The function of do~a (defect) was only to hide the conch-shell part
(mixed up with the silver part) from perception. To say that all
perceptions have objective entities corresponding to them (yatlz-
iirtha) docs not mean that things are as they are perceived, but it
means that it is not true that what is perceived has not an objective
basis corresponding to it 2 • That sort of tejas-substance which forms
the material cause of silver certainly exists in the elemental tejas,
and, the earth-particles forming the material cause of conch-shells
being present in the elemental earth-substances, these substances
get mixed in the primitive stage of compounding by tn·'l-·rt-karm:za,
and this explains the presence of the objective substratum of silver
in the illusory perception of silver 3 • It is evident, argues Anant-
acarya, that conch-shell cannot appear as silver; for, since conch-
shell is not silver, how can it appear as silver? In order properly to
ac~ount for the perceptual experience" this is silver," it is necessary
to assume that the two constituents, "this" and "silver," of the
complex "this is silver" are both perceptually determined; for it
is only in this way that one can justify the perception " I perceive
this silver."
yady api blzfitiiniir?l paiiczkarm;a-labdha-paraspara-vyiiptyii suktikiiyiim api
siidrsyiit rajatai-kadeio vidyata e·m iti siddhiintab tatlziipi na •vidyata iti krtvii
cintyate viidy.-udiiharm;a-prasiddhy-anurodlziiya. Govt. Oriental I\ ISS. No. 4910.
tad-vi~ayaka-jiiiina-siimiinya1!l ·visen-ii"-•rtti-dharma-prakiirakatvii-blziivavad
iti yathiirthar!t san·a-<·ijiiiinam. Jiiiina-yiithiirthya-viida, 1\!ISS. No. 488.t..
yiiclrsa-dharmii-vacchinniit tejo'r!zsiid rajatii-rambhal:z tiidrsa-dharmii-
vacchinniiniim apy m_nsiinii1!l mahii-bhil.tiitmake tejasi sattvena sukty-iirambhakatii-
t.'lzcchedaka-dharmii-vacchinniinii1!f piirthh•a-bhiigiiniim api mahii-prthivyii1!l
sattvena tayo?z mahii-bhil.ta-tri'l·rt-karm;a-dasiiyiim eva melmzii-smnbha'L·iicclmkty-
iidau rajatii-sad-bhiivo-papattel:z. Ibid.
This is an answer to the already noted objection raised by the /:;ruta-prakiisikii.
xx] Failure of Theistic Proofs

Failure of theistic proofs.

The existence of God can be known by the testimony of the
scriptures (siistra-pramii1Jaka), and by that alone. All other proofs
which seem to demonstrate the existence of God ultimately fail to
do so, since suitable counter-arguments may always be successfully
arrayed to destroy the efficacy of such arguments.
God cannot be perceived either by any of the sense-·organs or
by the mind; for the former can make known only those objects
with which they have come in contact, and the latter (excepting in
the direct communication of feelings like pleasure, pain, etc.) can-
not make external objects known to us without depending on the
sense-organs. Further, God cannot be perceived by the special
perception of saints (yogi-pratyak~a); for these are of the nature of
memory, and do not convey any facts previously unknown through
the senses. The saints can perceive only what has been already
perceived, though these may not be present to the senses at the
time. Objects too small for the senses cannot be perceived; for
there cannot be any sense-contact with them. No reason can be
perceived by means of which a necessary inference could be drawn
regarding the existence of a supreme person who has a direct
acquaintance with all things and the power of making them all.
The ordinary argument that is offered is from effect to cause-
since the world is "effect" (kiirya ), it must have a cause, a maker,
who has direct acquaintance with all its materials and their utility
and enjoys them. The world is "effect" because, like all effects, it
is made up of parts (siivayava); like a healthy human body, there-
fore, it is under the guidance and superintendence of one person
and one alone. But the point is that the two cases are not analogous.
The human body is neither produced nor maintained in existence
by its superintendent, the soul. The production of the body of a
person is due to the adr~ta (unseen effects of deeds) not only of that
person, but also of beings who are benefited or in some way con-
nected with it. Its existence as connected parts is due to the union
of its parts, and does not depend for that on the living person who
superintends it. Its existence as living is wholly unique and cannot
be found in the case of the world as a whole. The superintendence
of one person need not be considered as the invariable cause of all
movements; for it is well known that many persons unite their
190 Philosophy of the Ramiinuja School of Thought [eli.
efforts to move some heavy object which could not otherwise be
l\loreover, if such a maker of the universe is to be admitted,
could not the making of the world be better ascribed to one or more
individual souls? They have a direct acquaintance with the materials
of the world. It is not necessary that the maker should be ac-
quainted with the inner efficiencies or pO\ver of things; for it is
enough if the objects containing those powers are directly known.
\Ve see also that in all examples of making, such as the making of a
jug, a cloth, or the like, the maker is an ordinary human being.
Since the inference of the existence of a cause of the world is in-
spired by these examples, it will be only fair to assume that the
maker of the universe belongs to the same class of beings as the
makers of the ordinary mundane effects, such as a jug or a cloth.
Thus, in::,tead of assuming a supreme being to be the maker of the
universe, \Ve might as \veil assume an individual soul to be the
maker of the universe. Hence it is difficult to prove the existence
of God by inference. Ordinarily inferences are appJied for the
knowing of an object which may also be known in other ways, and
in all such cases the validity of any inference is tested by these. But
in the case of the application of inference for the knowing of God
this is not possible; for God cannot be known by any other direct
or indirect method. So the application of inference is not of any
use here, since there is nothing v.·hich can test the validity of the
inference or can determine that inference in a particular \vay and
in that way alone. Therefore, since all sorts of inferences can be
1nade from diverse propositions, it is not possible to determine that
any particular kind of inference would be more acceptable than any
There are some who would still want to support the cosmo-
logical argument on the ground that no less than a supreme person,
entirely different from the individual persons, could he regarded
as the maker of this vast universe; for the indiYiduals cannot have
the power of perceiving subtle things, or things which are ob-
structed from our vie\v, or things \vhich are far away. Thus it is
necessary to hold that the maker of the universe must be a being of
unlimited powers. From the effect v.·e infer its cause; and again
from the nature of the effect we infer the nature of the cause. So, if
the cause of the universe is to be inferred, then only such a cause
xx] Failure of Theistic Proofs
can be inferred as really has the unlimited powers required for pro-
ducing such an effect. It is irrelevant to infer such a cause as cannot
produce it. Also the unessential conditions of ordinary causes need
not be imported by suggesting that, just as in the case of ordinary
human beings there must be a body and also instruments by which
they can operate and produce the effect, so also in the case of the
supreme cause it might be expected that He should have a body
and should have instruments by which He could operate. This
cannot be; for we know that many effects are wrought by sheer
force of will and desire (saizkalpa) and neither will nor desire needs
a body for its existence, since these are generated not by body, but
by mind (manas). The existence of manas also is independent of the
existence of body; for the mind continues to exist even when it is
dissociated from body. Since limited beings, who are under the
sway of virtue and vice, are unable to produce this manifold uni-
versf of such wonderful and diverse construction, it has to be ad-
mitted that there exists a supreme person who has done it. ]\lore-
over, since the material cause is seen in all known examples to be
entirely different from the cause as agent or doer, there cannot be
a Brahman which is both the material cause (upiidiina-kiirm:za)
and the cause as agent (nimitta-kiirm:za) of this universe.
To this, however, it may be replied that it is admitted that the
world is effect and that it is vast, but it is not known that all parts
of this vast world originated at one time and from one person. Not
all jugs are made at one time and by one person. How can any room
be made for an unknown supreme person and the possibility be
ruled out that different individual souls, by virtue of special merit
and special powers, should at different times create the different
parts of the world, which now appear as one unified whole created
by one person at one time? It is quite possible that the different
parts of the world were created at different times and will similarly
be destroyed at different times. To imagine the existence of one
such supreme person who could create all this manifold may well
be regarded as almost chimerical. From the fact that the world is
effect all that can be argued is that it must have been produced by
an intelligent being, but there is nothing to infer that it is neces-
sarily the creation of one intelligent being. This infinite universe
could not have sprung into being at any one moment, and there is
no proof that it did so. And, if it came into being gradually, it may
192 Philosophy of the Ramdnuja School of Thought [cH.
well be supposed that there were many intelligent beings who
brought it into being gradually. 1\loreovcr, God, being absolutely
complete in Himself, could not be conceived as having any need
to effect such a creation, and He has neither body nor hands with
which He could create. It is true that mind does not die with the
hody, but it is not found in any active state when it is not associated
with the body. If it is admitted that God has a body, then He can-
not be eternal. If His hody could be eternal, though having parts,
then on the same grounds the world too might be regarded as
eternal. If the world is admitted to have come into being hy His
mere wish, that would he so strange as to he entirely dissimilar to
all known cases of cause and effect. So, if one has to argue the ex-
istence of God as cause of the world on the basis of the analogy of
known causes and effects as experienced by us, and if such a God is
endowed with all the attributes with which lie is generally as-
sociated, and with strange ways of creating this world, lie must be
such a cause as could nen:·r be inferred on the basis of the similarity
of known causes and their modes of creating the effect. Thus, God
can never be proved by inference. His existence has to be admitted
on the testimony of scriptural texts and of that alone.

Bhaskara and Ran1anuja.

Every careful reader of llhaskara and Ramanuja must ha..-e
noticed that Ramanuja was largely indebted for his philosophical
opinions and views to Bhaskara, and on most topics their doctrines
arc more or less the same. It is possible that Ram~muja was in-
debted for his views to Rodhayana or other Yai~l}ava writers, hut,
however that may he, his indebtedness to Bhaskara also was very
great, as a comparative study of the two systems would show.
I lowever, the two systems arc not identical, and there is an im-
portant point on which they disagree. 13haskara believed that there
is Brahman as pure being and intelligence, absolutely formless, and
the causal principle, and Rrahman as the manifested effect, the
world. .-\ccording to Bhaskara there is no contradiction or dif-
ficulty in such a conception, since all things have such a dual form
as the one and the many or as unity and difference. ··Unity in
difference" is the nature of all things. IUmanuja, however, hold~
that difference and unity cannot hoth he affirmed of the same thing.
Thus, when we affirm .. this is jike this," it is not true that the same
xx] Bhaskara and Ramtinuja 193
entity is both the subject and the predicate. For example, when
" this" in the above proposition stands for a cow, the predicate
"like this" stands for its particular and unique description of
bodily appearance. The latter is only the attribute of the former and
determines its nature and character. There is no meaning in assert-
ing the identity of the subject and the predicate or in asserting that
it is the same entity that in one form as unity is "subject" and in
another form as difference is the predicate. Bhaskara argues that
the conditions and the conditioned (avasthii-taadvasthaJ ca) are not
wholly different; nor are the substance and its attributes, the cloth
and the whiteness, entire]y different. There are no qualities without
substance and no substance without qualities. All difference is also
unity as well. The powers or attributes of a thing are not different
from it; the fire is the same as its power of burning and illumin-
ating. So everything is both unity and difference, and neither of
them may be said to be wholly reducible to the other. But Rama-
nuja maintains that all propositions are such that the predicate is
an attribute of the subject. The same attributive view is applicable
to all cases of genus and species, cause and effect, and universals
and individuals. The "difference" and the "unity" are not two
independent forms of things which are both real; but the "dif-
ference" modifies or qualifies the nature and character of the
"unity," and this is certified by all our experience of complex or
compound existence 1 • According to Ramanuja the affirmation of
both unity and difference of the same entity is self-contradictory.
The truth of "difference" standing by itself is not attested by ex-
perience; for the difference of quality, quantity, etc., always modi-
fies the nature and character of the subject as" unity," and it is this
alone that is experienced by us.
Bhaskara urges that, though there is the twofold Brahman as
the manifested many and as the unmanifested formless identity of
pure being and intelligence, it is only the latter that is the object of
our highest knowledge and worship. Ramanuja, however, denies
this formless and differenceless Brahman and believes in the
qualified complex Brahman as the transcendent and immanent God
holding within Him as His body the individual souls and the world
of matter. Regarding the relation of Brahman and the individual
souls Uiva) Bhaskara says that a iiva is nothing but Brahman
1 V iidi-traya-khar;ujana.
DIll 13
194 Philosophy of the Ramiinuja School of Thought [cH.
narrowed by the limitations of the mind substance (antal;.karm.zo-
piidhy-avacchinna). When it is said that jiva is a part (a'!lsa) of
Brahman, it is neither in the sense of part or of cause that the word
"a'!lsa" is used, hut in the technical sense of being limited by the
limitation of mind. This limitation is not false or unreal, and it is on
account of it that the individual souls are atomic. According to
Ramanuja "difference" is felt as a result of ignorance and the
difference is therefore unreal. vVith Ramanuja the identity of
Brahman with the individual souls is the last word. The apparent
difference of imperfection, finiteness, etc., between the individual
souls and the perfection and infiniteness of Brahman is due to
ignorance (avidyii), and is found to be false as soon as the souls
realize themselves to be forming the body of Brahman itself.
"Difference" as such has no reality according to Ramanuja, but
only modifies and determines the character of the identical subject
to which it refers. The subject and its character are identical.
Bhaskara considers identity and difference as two modes, both of
which are alike independently true, though they are correlated to
each other. In criticism of Bhaskara it is said that, if the limitations
of Brahman were also true, then they would wholly limit Brahman,
since it has no parts, and thus it would be polluted in its entirety.
This objection to Bhaskara's view in some of its subtle aspects is
made with dialectical skill by Ramanuja 1 . But it does not appear that
it has much force against Bhaskara, if we admit his logical claim
that unity and plurality, cause and effect, are two modes of ex-
istence of the same reality and that both these forms are equally
real. It does not seem that the logical position of Bhaskara hao:; been
sufficiently refuted.
Ramanuja also speaks of Brahman as being identical with in-
dividual souls or the material world and yet different therefrom,
but only in the sense in which a character or a part may be said to
be at once identical with and different from the substance possess-
ing the character or the whole to which the part is said to belong.
The individual souls and the inanimate creation cannot stand by
themselves independently, but only as parts of Brahman. So from
the fact that they are parts of Brahman their identity (abheda) with
Brahman becomes as primary- as their difference (bheda), inasmuch
Ramanuja's Bhaua. pp. 265, 266, with the Sruta-prakiisikii, Nin:myasagara
Press, Bombay. 1916.
xx] Ontological position of Riimiinuja's Philosophy 1 95

as the substance may be considered to be different from its attri-

butes1. The main difference that remains on this point between
Bhaskara and Ramanuja is this, that Bhaskara does not think it
necessary to introduce the conception of body and parts, or sub-
stance and attributes. According to his doctrine Brahman is
immanent and transcendent at the same time, identity and dif-
ference can be affirmed of a thing at one and the same time; and
this can be illustrated from the cases of cause and effect, or sub-
stance and attributes, etc.

Ontological position of Ramanuja's Philosophy.

The entire universe of wondrous construction, regulated
throughout by wonderful order and method, has sprung into being
from Brahman, is maintained by Him in existence, and will also
ultimately return to Him. Br;:~hman is that to the greatness of
which there is no limitation. Though the creation, maintenance and
absorption of the world signify three different traits, yet they do
not refer to different substances, but to one substance in which
they inhere. His real nature is, however, His changeless being and
His eternal omniscience and His unlimitedness in time, space and
character. Referring to Sankara's interpretation of this sutra (1. I.
2), Ramanuja says that those who believe in Brahman as character-
less (nir·Dise~a) cannot do justice to the interpretation of this attri-
bute of Brahman as affirmed in Brahma-sutra 1. 1. 2; for instead of
stating that the creation, maintenance and absorption of the world
are from Brahman, the passage ought rather to 8ay that the illusion
of creation, maintenance, and absorption is from Brahman. But
even that would not establish a characterless Brahman; for the
illusion would be due to aj1iiina, and Brahman would be the mani-
fester of all ajfiiina. This it can do by virtue of the fact th~t it is of
the nature of pure illumination, which is different from the concept
of materiality, and, if there is this difference, it is neither character-
less nor without any difference 2•
This raises an important question as regards the real meaning
1 jzvavat-prthak-siddhy-anarha-vise~a~atvena
acid-vastuno brahma-7Jlsatva7Jl;
'f.>isi~ fa-vas tv-eka-desatvma abheda-vyavaharo mukhyafz, vise~a~a-vise~yayofz
s·variipa-svabha't'a-bhedma bheda-vyavaharo'pi mukhyafz. Srf-bha~ya, 111. 2. 28.
2 jagaj-janmadi-bhramo yatas tad brahme' ti svot-pre~a-pa~e'pi na nirvise~a­

wstu-siddhifz, etc. Ibid. 1. 1. 2.

196 Philosophy of the Rtimtinuja School of Thought [cH.
of Sankara's interpretation of the above sutra. Did he really mean,
as he is apparently stated by Ramanuja to have said, that that
from which there is the illusion of creation, etc., of the world is
Brahman? Or did he really mean Brahman and Brahman by itself
alone is the cause of a real creation, etc., of the world? Sankara,
as is well known, was a commentator on the Brahma-siitras and the
Upani~ads, and it can hardly be denied that there are many pas-
sages in these which would directly yield a theistic sense and the
sense of a real creation of a real world by a real God. Sati.kara had
to explain these passages, and he did not always use strictly abso-
lutist phrases; for, as he admitted three kinds of existence, he could
talk in all kinds of phraseology, but one needed to be warned of the
phraseology that Sati.kara had in view at the time, and this was not
always done. The result has been that there are at least some pas-
sages which appear by themselves to be realistically theistic, others
which are ambiguous and may be interpreted in both ways, and
others again which are professedly absolutist. But, if the testimony
of the great commentators and independent writers of the Satikara
school be taken, Sankara' s doctrine should be explained in the
purely monistic sense, and in that alone. Brahman is indeed the
unchangeable infinite and absolute ground of the emergence, main-
tenance and dissolution of all world-appearance and the ultimate
truth underlying it. But there are two elements in the appearance
of the world-phenomena-the ultimate ground, the Brahman, the
only being and truth in them, and the element of change and
diversity, the maya-by the evolution or transformation of which
the appearance of "the many" is possible. But from passages like
those found in Sati.kara's bhii~ya on the Brahma-sutra, 1. 1. z, it might
appear as if the world-phenomena are no mere appearance, but are
real, inasmuch as they are not merely grounded in the real, but are
emanations from the real : the Brahman. But, strictly speaking,
Brahman is not alone the upadiina or the material cause of the
world, but with avidyii is the material cause of the world, and such
a world is grounded in Brahman and is absorbed in Him. Vacaspati,
in his Bhiimati on Sati.kara's bhii~ya on the same sutra (Brahma-
sii.tra, 1. 1. z), makes the same remark 1 • Prakasatman, in his Paiica-
piidikii-vivara1Ja, says that the creative functions here spoken of do
a·vid_vii-sahita-bmhmo'piidiina1Jl jagat brahmat_ly eviisti tatraiyva ca lryate.
Bhiimati, 1. 1. 2.
xx] Ontological position of Riimiinuja's Philosophy 197
not essentially appertain to Brahman and an inquiry into the nature
of Brahman does not mean that he is to be known as being associated
with these qualities 1 • Bhaskara had asserted that Brahman had
transformed Himself into the world-order, and that this was a real
transformation-pari~ama-a transformation of His energies into
the manifold universe. But Prakasatman, in rejecting the view of
pari~ama, says that, even though the world-appearance be of the
stuff of maya, since this maya is associated with Brahman, the world-
appearance as such is never found to be contradicted or negated or
to be non-existing-it is only found that it is not ultimately real 2 •
Maya is supported in Brahman; and the world-appearance, being
transformations of maya, is real only as such transformations. It is
grounded also in Brahman, but its ultimate reality is only so far as
this ground or Brahman is concerned. So far as the world-appear-
ances are concerned, they are only relatively real as maya trans-
formations. The conception of the joint causality of Brahman and
maya may be made in three ways; that mayii and Brahman are like
two threads twisted together into one thread; or that Brahman, with
maya as its power or sakti, is the cause of the world; or that Brah-
man, being the support of maya, is indirectly the cause of the world3 •
On the latter two views maya being dependent on Brahman, the
work of maya-the world-is also dependent on Brahman; and on
these two views, by an interpretation like this, pure Brahman
(Suddha-brahma) is the cause of the world. Sarvajfiatma muni, who
also thinks that pure Brahman is the material cause, conceives the
function of maya not as being joint material cause with Brahman,
but as the instrument or the means through which the causality of
pure Brahman appears as the manifold and diversity of the uni-
verse. But even on this view the stuff of the diversity is the maya,
though such a manifestation of maya would have been impossible
if the ground-cause, the Brahman, had been absent 4 • In discerning
the nature of the causality of Brahman, Prakasatman says that the
monistic doctrine of Vedanta is upheld by the fact that apart from
1 na hi niinii-vidha-kiirya-kriyii•oesiitmakat•oaf!l tat-prasava-sakty-iitmakatvaf!l

vii jijiiiisya-viSuddha-brahmiintargalaf!l bhavitum arhati. Paiica-piidikii-·oivaratza,

p. 205.
sn!es ca svopiidhau- abhii•oa-vyii·orttatviit sarve ca sopiidhika-dharmiib svii-
irayopiidhau abiidhyatayii satyii bhavanti sn#r api svarupe1Ja na biidhyate kintu
paramii-rthii-satyatvii-,Sena. Ibid. p. 206. Ibid. p. 212.
' Saizk~epa-siirlraka, 1. 332, 334, and the commentary Anvayiirtha-prakiisikii
by Ramatirtha.
198 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
the cause there is nothing in the effect which can be expressed or
described (upiidiina-vyatireke7Ja kiiryasya anirupa1Jiid advitiyatii) 1 •
Thus, in all these various ways in which Sankara's philosophy has
been interpreted, it has been universally held by almost all the
followers of Sankara that, though Brahman was at bottom the
ground-cause yet the stuff of the world was not of real Brahman
material, but of miiyii; and, though all the diversity of the world has
a relative existence, it has no reality in the true sense of the term in
which Brahman is real 2 • Sankara himself says that the omniscience
of Brahman consists in its eternal power of universal illumination
or manifestation (yasya hi sarva-v#ayiivabhiisana-~ama1{l jiiiina1{l
nityam asti). Though there is no action or agency involved in this
universal consciousness, it is spoken of as being a knowing agent,
just as the sun is spoken of as burning and illuminating, though the
sun itself is nothing but an identity of heat and light (pratataup;ya-
prakiisepi savitari dahati prakiisayatiti sviitantrya-vyapadesa-
darsaniit . .. evam asaty api jiiiina-karma7Ji Brahma7Jas tad aik$ata
iti kartrtva-vyapadesa-darsaniit). Before the creation of the world
what becomes the object of this universal consciousness is the in-
definable name and form which cannot be ascertained as "this" or
"that" 3 • The omniscience of Brahman is therefore this universal
manifestation, by which all the creations of miiyii become the know-
able contents of thought. But this manifestation is not an act of
knowledge, but a permanent steady light of consciousness by which
the unreal appearance of miiyii flash into being and are made known.
Ramanuja's view is altogether different. He discards the view
of Sankara, that the cause alone is true and that all effects are false.
Paiica-piidikii-vivarm;a, p. 221.
Prakasatman refers to several wavs in which the relation of Brahman and
miiyii has been conceived, e.g. Brahm~n has miiyii as His power, and the indi-
vidual souls are all associated with avidyii; Brahman as reflected in miiyii and
avidyiiis the cause of the world (miiyii-vidyii-pratibimbitaf!l brahma jagat-kiirm;am);
pure Brahman is immortal, and individual souls are associated with avidyii;
individual souls have their own illusions of the world, and these through simi-
larity appear to be one permanent world ; Brahman undergoes an apparent trans-
formation through His own avidyii. But in none of these views is the world
regarded as a real emanation from Brahman. Paiica-piidikii-vivara!la, p. 232.
Regarding the question as to how Brahman could be the cause of beginning-
less Vedas, PrakA.satman explains it by supposing that Brahman was the under-
lying reality by which all the Vedas imposed on it were manifested. Ibid. pp. 203,
s ki'!l punas tat-karma? yat priig-utpatter lroara-jiiiinasya vi~ayo bhavatfti.
tattviinyatviibhyiim anirvaianfye niima-rilpe avyiikrte vyiiciklr#te iti brumafz.
Saizkara-bhii~ya, I. 1. 5·
xx] Ontological position .of Riimiinuja's Philosophy 199
One of the reasons adduced for the falsity of the world of effects is
that the effects do not last. This does not prove their falsehood, but
only their destructible or non-eternal nature (anityatva). When a
thing apparently existing in a particular time and space is found to
be non-existing at that time or in that space, then it is said to be
false; but, if it is found to be non-existing at a different place and at
a different time, it cannot be called false, it is only destructible or
non-eternal. It is wrong to suppose that a cause cannot suffer trans-
formation; for the associations of time, space, etc., are new ele-
ments which bring in new factors which would naturally cause such
transformation. The effect-thing is neither non-existent nor an
illusion; for it is perceived as existing in a definite time and place
after its production from the cause until it is destroyed. There is
nothing to show that such a perception of ours is wrong. All the
scriptural texts that speak of the world's being identical with Brah-
man are true in the sense that Brahman alone is the cause of the
world and that the effect is not ultimately different from the cause.
When it is said that a jug is nothing but clay, what is meant is that
it is the clay that, in a specific and particular form or shape, is called
a jug and performs the work of carrying water or the like; but,
though it does so, it is not a different substance from clay. The jug
is thus a state of clay itself, and, when this particular state is changed,
we say that the effect-jug has been des!royed, though the cause, the
clay, remains the same. rroduction (utpatti) means the destruction
of a previous state and the formation of a new state. The substance
remains constant through all its states, and it is for this reason that
the causal doctrine, that the effect exists even before the operation
of causal instruments, can be said to be true. Of course, states or
forms which were non-existent come into being; but, as the states
have no existence independently from the substance in which they
appear, their new appearance does not affect the causal doctrine
that the effects are already in existence in the cause. So the one
Brahman has transformed Himself into the world, and the many
souls, being particular states of Him, are at once one with Him and
yet have a real existence as His parts or states.
The whole or the Absolute here is Brahman, and it is He who
has for His body the individual souls and the material world. When
Brahman exists with its body, the individual souls and the material
world in a subtler and finer form, it is called the "cause" or Brah-
zoo Philosophy of the Ramanuj.a School of Thought [cH.
man in the causal state (kiirm:ziivasthii). When it exists with its body,
the world and souls in the ordinary manifested form, it is called
Brahman in the effect state (kiiryiivasthii} 1 • Those who think that
the effect is false cannot say that the effect is identical with the
cause; for with them the world which is false cannot be identical
with Brahman which is real 2 • Ramanuja emphatically denies the
suggestion that there is something like pure being (san-miitra), more
ultimately real than God the controller with His body as the
material world and individual souls in a subtler or finer state as
cause, as he also denies that God could be regarded as pure being
(san-miitra); for God is always possessed of His infinite good
qualities of omniscience, omnipotence, etc. Ramanuja thus sticks
to his doctrine of the twofold division of matter and the individual
souls as forming parts of God, the constant inner controller (antar-
yiimin) of them both. He is no doubt a sat-kiirya-viidin, but his
sat-kiirya-'Diida is more on the Sal!lkhya line than on that of the
Vedanta as interpreted by Sankara. The effect is only a changed
state of the cause, and so the manifested world of matter and souls
forming the body of God is regarded as effect only because previous
to such a manifestation of these as effect they existed in a subtler
and finer form. But the differentiation of the parts of God as matter
and soul always existed, and there is no part of Him which is truer
or more ultimate than this. Here Ramanuja completely parts com-
pany with Bhaskara. For according to Bhaskara, though God as
effect existed as the manifested world of matter and souls, there was
also God as cause, \\-'ho was absolutely unmanifested and undif-
ferentiated as pure being (san-miitra ). God, therefore, always
existed in this I lis tripartite form as matter, soul and their con-
troller, and the primitive or causal state and the state of dissolution
meant only the existence of matter and souls in a subtler or finer state
than their present manifest form. But Ramanuja maintains that, as
there is difference between the soul and the body of a person, and as
the defects or deficiencies of the body do not affect the soul, so there is
a marked difference between God, the Absolute controller, and His
body, the individual souls and the world of matter, and the defects
Srr-bhii~ya, pp. 444, 454, Bombay ed., 1914.
This objection of Rllmllnuja, however, is not valid; for according to it the
underlying reality in the effect is identical with the cause. But there is thus truth
in the criticism, that the doctrine of the " identity of cause and effect" has to be
given a special and twisted meaning for Sankara's view.
xx] V eizkataniitha's treatment of Pramii1Ja 201

of the latter cannot therefore affect the nature of Brahman. Thus,

though Brahman has a body, He is partless (niravay ava) and
absolutely devoid of any karma; for in all His determining efforts
He has no purpose to serve. He is, therefore, wholly unaffected by
all faults and remains pure and perfect in Himself, possessing end-
less beneficent qualities.
In his Vediirtha-sa'f!lgraha and Vediinta-dipa, Ramanuja tried
to show how, avoiding Sankara's absolute monism, he had also to
keep clear of the systems of Bhaskara and of his own former teacher
Yadavaprakasa. He could not side with Bhaskara, because Bhas-
kara held that the Brahman was associated with various conditions
or limitations by which it suffered bondage and with the removal
of which it was liberated. He could also not agree with Yadava-
prakasa, who held that Brahman was on the one hand pure and on
the other hand had actually transformed itself into the manifold
world. Both these views would be irreconcilable with the Upani-
~adic texts.

Venkatanatha's treatment of praml1T)a.

As the nihilistic Buddhists (sunya-viidi or miidhyamika) are
supposed to deny the valid existence of any fact or proposition, so
the Sankarites also may be supposed to suspend their judgment on
all such questions. In the preliminary portions of his Kharztfana-
klzarzr)a-khiidya, in answer to the question whether all discussions
(kathii} must presuppose the previous admission of validity and
invalidity as really referring to facts and propositions, Srihar~a says
that no such admission is indispensable; for a discussion can be
conducted by the mutual agreement of the contending persons to
respect certain principles ·of reality or unreality as decided by the
referee (madhyastha) of the debate, without entering into the ques-
tion of their ultimate validity. Even if validity or invalidity of
certain principles, facts, or propositions, were admitted, then also
the mutual agreement of the contending persons to these or other
princi pies, as ruled by the referee, would be an indispensable pre-
liminary to all discussions 1 . As against these views Venkatanatha,
na ca pramiit;ziidrnii'!l sattii'pi ittham eva tiibhyiim aizgYkartum ucitii,· tiidrJa-
VJ•avahiira-niyama-miitret;zaiva kathii-pravrtty-upapatteb. pramiit;ziidi-sattii.m ab-
hyupetyii'pi tathii-vyavahiira-niyama-vyatireke kathii.-pravrttiTJZ vinii tattva-
niT1JQyasya ja)·asya vii abhila#tasya kathakayor aparyavasiiniit, etc. Khat;zt/.ana-
khat;zrJa-khiidya, p. 35·
202 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.

the best-reputed philosopher of the Ramanuja school, seeks to de-

termine the necessity of the admission of validity (priimii1}ya) or
invalidity (a-priimii1}ya) as naturally belonging to certain propor-
tions or facts, as a preliminary to our quest of truth or objective and
knowable facts. If the distinction of valid and invalid propositions
is not admitted, then neither can any thesis be established, nor can
practical affairs run on. But, though in this way the distinction
between valid and invalid propositions has to be admitted on the
basis of its general acceptance by people at large, yet their real
nature has still to be examined. Those who deny such a distinction
can have four alternative views, viz. that all propositions are valid,
that all propositions are invalid, that all propositions mutually
contradict one another, or that all propositions are doubtful. If all
propositions are valid, then the negation of such a proposition is
also valid, which is self-contradictory; if they are all invalid, then
even such a proposition is invalid and hence no invalidity can be
asserted. As to the third alternative, it may be pointed out that in-
valid propositions can never contradict the valid ones. If one valid
proposition restricts the sphere of another valid proposition, this
does not mean contradiction. A valid proposition has not to depend
on other propositions for making its validity realized; for a valid
proposition guarantees its own validity. Lastly, if you doubt every-
thing, at least you do not doubt that you doubt; so then you are not
consistent in saying that you doubt everything; for at least in one
point you are certain, viz. that you doubt everything 1 . Thus it has
to be admitted that there are two classes of propositions, valid and
invalid. But, though the general distinction between valid and
invalid propositions be admitted, yet proper inquiry, investigation,
or examination, is justified in attempting to determine whether any
particular proposition is valid or invalid. That m1ly is called a
pramii1_Za which leads to valid knowledge. 2 In the case of perception,
for example, those which would lead to valid knowledge would be
defectless eyes, mind-contact as attention, proper proximity of the
object, etc., and these would jointly constitute pramii1_Za. But in the
This remark naturally reminds one of Descartes-sarva7!l sandi!(dham iti te
nipu1Jasyiisti niicaya/:l, sa7!Ziayai ca na sandigdhal:z sandigdhiid·'L'aita-viidina/:l.
N}•iiya-pariiuddhi. p. 34· Chowkhamba s.s.
A distinction is here made between karm:za-priimiitJya and iisraya-pramii1}ya
(pra_miiiray'!;ya l~ar~a priimii1}yam aizglkrtam). Nyiiya-siira commentary on
Nyaya-parzsuddht by Srimvasa, p. 35·
xx] V eizkataniitha's treatment of Pramii1Ja 203

case of testimony it is the faultlessness of the speaker that consti-

tutes the validity of the knowledge. The scriptures are valid because
they have been uttered by God, Who has the right knowledge of
things. The validity of the Vedas is not guaranteed by absence of
defect in our instruments of knowledge. Whatever that may be,
the ultimate determination of pramii1}a is through pramii, or right
knowledge. That by which one can have right knowledge is pra-
mii7Ja. Vedas are valid, because they are uttered by God, Who has
right knowledge. So it is the rightness of knowledge that ultimately
determines the validity of pramii7Ja 1 •
Vatsya Srinivasa, a successor of Veilkatanatha of the Ramanuja
school, defines pramii7Ja as the most efficient instrument amongst a
collocation of causes forming the immediate, invariable and un-
conditional antecedents of any right knowledge (pramii). Thus, in
the case of perception, for example, the visual organ is a pramii1}a
which leads to right visual knowledge, through its intermediary
active operation (aviintara-vyiipiira)-the sense-contact of the eye
with its objects 2 • Jayanta, the celebrated Nyaya writer, had, how-
ever, expressed a different view on the point in his Nyiiya-mafijarf.
He held that no member in a collocation of causes producing the
effect could be considered to be more efficient or important than
the other members. The efficiency (atisaya) of the causal instru-
ments means their power of producing the effect, and that power
belongs to all the members jointly in the collocation of causes; so
it is the entire collocation of causes producing right knowledge that
is to be admitted as its instrument or pramii1}a 3 • Even subject and
object cannot be regarded as more important; for they manifest
themselves only through the collocating causes producing the de-
sired relation between the subject and the object 4 • With Nyaya this

karm:za-priimii7Jyasya iifraya-priimii1JYasya ca jiiiina-priimii1]yii-dhlna-jiiiina-
tviit tad ublza):a-priimii1Jya-siddhy-artham api jiiiina-priimii7Jyam eva viciiranlyam.
Nyiiya-siira, p. 35·
z pramii-kara1JG'?l pramii1Jam ity uktam iiciiryai/:1 siddhiinta-siire pramo-
tpiidaka-siimagrl-madhye yad atisayena pramii-gu7Jaka'?l tat tasyii/:1 kiirQ1JGm;
atisayas ca •oyiipiira/:1, yad dhi yad janayitvaiva )•ad janayet tat tatra tasyiiviintara-
vyiipiiral:z. sii~iitkiiri-pramiiyii indriya'?l kiira7Jam indriyii-rtha-sa'?lyogo 't!iintara-
vyiipiira/:1. Ramanuja, Siddhiinta-sa'?lgraha. Govt. Oriental MS. No. 4988.
sa ca siimagry-antar-gatasya na kasyacid ekasya kiirakasya kathayitu'!'
piirycte, siimagryiis lu so'tisaya/:1 suvacal:z sannihitii cet siimagrl sampannam eva
phalam iti. Nyiiya-maiijarl, p. 1 3·
siikalya-prasiida-lahdha-pramiti-sambandha-nibandhana~t pramiitr-pramey-
ayor mukhya-svarupa-liibha/:1. Ibid. p. 14.
204 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
collocation of causes consists of ideational and non-ideational
(hudhiihodha-s·vab/zii'[·a) factors!.
If the view of the Vediinta-paribhii~ii is to be accepted, then the
Sankarite view also is very much like the Ramanuja ,·iew on this
point; for both Dharmarajadhvarlndra and Ramakr~Q.a agree in de-
fining pramiil}a as the instrument of right knowledge. In the case
of visual perception or the like the visual or the other sense organs
are regarded as pramii~w; and the sense-contact is regarded as the
operation of this instrument.
The difference hetwecn the Nyaya view and the Ramanuja ,.it-w
consists in this, that, while the Nyaya gives equal importance to all
members of the collocation, the Ramanuja view distinguishes that
only as the instrumental cause which is directly associated with the
active operation (vyiipiira). Even the Sankarites agree with such a
productive view of knowledge; for, though they believe conscious-
ness to be eternal and unproduced, yet they also believe the states
of consciousness ('l'!tti-jiiiina) to be capable of being produced.
Both the Ramanuja and the Sankara beliefs accept the productive
view of knowledge in common with the Nyaya view, because with
both of them there is the ohjective world standing outside the sub-
ject, and perceptual knowledge is produced hy the sense-organs
when they arc in operative contact with the external objects.
A distinction, however, is made in the Ramanuja school between
kiiral}a (cause) and karal}a (important instrument), and that cause
which is directly and intimately associated with certain operations
leading to the production of the effect is called a kara~w 2 • It is for
this reason that, though the Ramanuja view may agree regarding
the siimagri, or collocation as causes, in some sense it regards only
the sense-organ as the chief instrument; the others are accessories
or otherwise helpful to production.
There are Buddhists also who believe that it is the joint colloca-
tion of mental and extra-mental factors of the preceding moment
which produce knowledge and external events of the later moment;
but they consider the mental factors to be directly producing know-
ledge, whereas the extra-mental or external objects are mere ac-
cessories or exciting agents. Knowledge on this view is determined
bodhii-bodha-n·abhii't'ii siimagrl pramii1}am. Nyiiya-mmljari, p. 1 5·
tat-kiira7Jiiniir!l madhye yad atisayena kiiryotpiidaka'!l tat kara1}am. Riimii-
nuja-siddhiinta-sa'!lgraha. Govt. Oriental I\1S. No. 4988.
xx] V eizkatanatha's treatment of Pramii'{la 205

a priori from within, though the influence of the external objects is

not denied. With reference to the operation of causality in the ex-
ternal world, they believe that, though the mental elements of the
present moment influence them as accessories, immediate causal
operation is to be sought among the external objects themselves.
The mental and extra-mental elements of the preceding moment
jointly determine every phenomenon of the later moment in the
world, whether mental or physical; but in the determination of the
occurrence of knowledge, the mental factors predominate, and the
external factors are accessories. In the determination of external
phenomena mental elements are accessories and the external causes
are immediate instruments. Thus, in the production of knowledge,
though the specific external objects may be regarded as accessory
causes, their direct and immediate determinants are mental
elements 1 •
The idealistic Buddhist3, the ·vijfuina-vtidins, who do not dis-
tinguish between ideas and their objects, consider that it is the
formless ideas that assume different fonns as "blue," "red," etc.;
for they do not believe in any external objects other than these
ideas, and so it is these ideas in diverse forms and not the sense-
organs or other collocations which are called pramti!las. No dis-
tinction is here made between pramii!la and pramii!la-phala or the
result of the process of pramii!la 2 • They, however, fail to explain the
difference that exists between the awareness and its object.
The MimllT{lSaka school of Kumarila thinks that, following the
soul-sense-mind-object contact, there is a process or an act (jntina-
trytiptira) which, though not directly perceived, has to be accepted
as an operation which immediately leads to the manifestation of
objects of knowledge ( artha-dntatti or vifaya-prakasatii). It is this
unperceived, but logically inferred, act of knowledge or jiiiina-
1 jiiiina-janmani jiiiinam upiidiina-kiira7Jam arthab sahakiiri-kiira7Jam artha-

janmani ca artha upiidiina-kiira7Ja7!Z jiiiina7J1 sahakiiri-kiiral)flm. Nyiiya-maiijarf,

p. IS.
The objection again~t this view as raised by Jayanta is this, that, if both
mental and physical entities and events are determined by the joint operation of
mental-physical entities of the preceding moments, we ask what determines the
fact that one is mental and the other physical, that one is perceiver and the other
1 niriikiirasya bodha-rupasya nfla-prtiidy-aneka-ui~aya-siidhiira7Jatviid jana-

katvasya ca calqur-iidiiv api bhiivenii'tiprasarigiit tad-iikiiratva-krtam eva jiiiina-

karma-niyamam at:agacchantab siikiira-uijiiiina7J1 pramii7Jam . .. arthas tu siikiira-
jiiiina-viidino na samasty eva. Ibid. p. 16.
zo6 Philosophy of the Riimiiuuja School of Thought [cH.
vyapara that is called pramal}a 1 • 1ayanta, of course, would not
tolerate such an unperceived operation or act of knowledge; for,
according to Nyaya, the only kind of action that is accepted is the
molecular motion or vibration (parispanda or calana) produced by a
collocation of causes (kiiralw-cakra) 2 •
The 1ains, however, repudiate the idea of the combined
causality of the collocation, or of any particular individual cause
such as any sense-organ, or any kind of sense-contact with re-
ference to sense-knowledge, or of any other kind of knowledge.
Thus Prabhacandra contends in his Prameya-kamala-miirta~uja
that none of the so-called individual causes or collocations of causes
can lead to the production of knowledge. For knowledge is wholly
independent and self-determined in leading us to our desired ob-
jects or keeping us away from undesirable objects, and in no sense
can we attribute it to the causal operation of the sense-organs or
collocations of sense-organs and other entities. Thus knowledge
(jiiana) should itself be regarded as pramii1_la, leading us to our
desired objects 3 •
The whole point in these divergent views regarding pramii1_las
consists in the determination of the nature of the relation of the
sense-organs, the objects and other accessory circumstances to the
rise of knowledge. As we haYe seen, knowledge is in the Ramanuja
view regarded as the product of the operation of diverse causal
entities, among which in the case of sense-perception the sense-
organs play the most important, direct and immediate part. Both
the 1ains and the idealistic Buddhists (though they have important
and most radical differences among themselves) agree in holding
the view of self-determination of knowledge independent of the
sense-organs or the operation of objective entities which become
the objects of knowledge and are revealed by it.
niinyathii hy m·tha-sadbhiivo dntal:z sann upapadyate
jiiiina'!l cennetyatab paiciit pramii7Jam upajiiyate.
Sloka-viirttika, Szi7Jya-·viida, 178.
Jayanta also says phaliinumeyo jiiiina-vyiipiiro jiiiiniidi-iabda-viicyab pramii7Jam.
Nyiiya-maiijari, p. 17.
lasmiit kiiraka-cakre7Ja calatii janyate phalam,
na punai calaniid anyo vyiipiira ztpalabhyate. Ibid. p. 20.
tato'nya-nirapek~atayii sviirtha-paricchinnm!l siidhakatamatT.'iit jiiiinam enl
pramii7}am. Prameya-kmnala-miirla7J~la, p. 5·
xx] V eizkataniitha's treatment of Doubt

Venkatanatha's treatment of Doubt.

Venkatanatha defines doubt as the appearance of two or more
alternatives (which are in themselves incompatible) owing to the
non-perception of their specific contradictory qualities and the per-
ception of some general characteristics common to them both; e.g.
when a tall thing only is seen: which may be either a man or a
stump, both of which it could not be, they being entirely different
from one another. So the two alternatives are not to be entirely
different, and from what is seen of the object it cannot be known
that it must be the one and not the other, and this causes the doubt.
Venkatanatha tries to justify this analysis of doubt by referring to
other earlier authorities who regarded doubt as an oscillating ap-
prehension in which the mind goes from one alternative to another
(dolii-vegavad atra sphura!la-krama}_z), since it would be contra-
dictory that the same object should be two different things at the
same time. The author of the Atma-siddhi has therefore described
it as the loose contact of the mind with two or more things in quick
succession ( bahubhir-yugapad a-drrJha-sarpyoga}_z ). Doubt may arise
either from the apprehension of common characteristics--such as
from tallness, whether the object perceived be a tree-stump or a
man-or from not having been able to decide between the relative
strength of the various opposite and different possibilities suggested
by what is perceived or otherwise known ( a-grhyamiina-bala-
tiiratamya-viruddhii-neka-jiiiipako-pasthiipanam iha-vipratipat til_z).
So, whenever there are two or more possibilities, none of which can
be ruled out without further verification, there is doubt 1 •
1 The Nyaya analysis of doubt, as found in V iitsyiiyana's bhii$ya, I. I I. 23, is as
follows: When the common characteristics of two possible things are noticed,
but not the specific quality which would decide for the one or the other, the
anguish of the mind in determining or deciding in favour of the one or the other
is called doubt. Doubt may also arise from conflicting opinions (vipratipatte/:l),
e.g., some say that there is a soul, while others hold that there is no soul. Doubt
may also arise from the perception of determining qualities (production through
division, vibhiigajatva) which a thing (e.g. sound) has in common with other
things (e.g. substance, attributes, and actions). Doubt may arise from perception
of things which may be illusorily perceived even when non-existent (e.g. water in
mirage), out of a desire for certainty and also from a non-perception of things
(which may yet be there, though non-evident), out of a desire to discover some
traits by which one could be certain whether the thing was there or not. The
special contribution of Venkatanatha consists in giving a general analysis of doubt
as a state of the mind instead of the specification of the five specific forms of
doubt. Venkatanatha points out that doubt need not be of five kinds only but
zo8 Philosophy of the Ramdnuja School of Thought [cH.
Thus, doubt arises between a true and a false perception as
when I perceive a face in the mirror, but do not know whether it is
a real face or not until it is decided by an attempt to feel it by
touch. So, between valid and invalid inference, when I judge from
smoke that the hill is on fire, and yet through not perceiving any
light doubt that it is on fire; between opposition of scriptural texts,
''jh•a has been said to be different from Brahman and to be one
with it," whether then the jiva is different from Brahman or one
with it; between conflicting authorities {e.g. the Vaise~ika philo-
sophers and the U pani~adic doctrines) such as "are the senses
material or are they the products of the ego?" Between perception
and inference (e.g. in the case of the illusory perception of yellow
conch-shell, the perceiving of it as yellow and the inferring that it
could not be yellow because it is a conch-shell and hence the doubt,
whether the conch-shell is white or yellow, and so forth).
In referring to the view of Varadanarayal)a in his Prajiiii-
paritriir_za, Verika~anatha says that the threefold division of doubt
that he made, due to perception of common characteristics, appre-
hension of different alternatives, and the opposition of scholars and
authorities, is in imitation of the Nyaya ways of looking at doubt 1,
for the last two forms were essentially the same. Verikatanatha
further refutes the Nyaya view of doubt in which Vatsyayana, in
explaining Nyiiya-siltra, 1. I I. 23, says that there can be doubt even
from special distinguishing qualities. Thus, earth has smell as a
distinctive characteristic which is not possessed either by eternal
substances, such as self, or by non-eternal substances, such as
water, etc.; and there can naturally be a doubt whether earth, being
different from eternal substances, is non-eternal, or whether, being
different from non-eternal substances, it is eternal. Verikatanatha
points out that here doubt does not take place owing to the fact that
earth possesses this distinguishing quality. It is simply because the
possession of smell is quite irrelevant to the determination of
eternity or non-eternity, as it is shared by both eternal and non-
can be of many kinds which, however, all agree in this, that in all states of doubt
there is an oscillation of the mind from one alternative to another, due to the in-
determination of the relative strength of the different possible alternatives on
account of the perception of merely certain common characteristics without their
specific determining and decisive features.
1 siidhiirat;~ii-krter dr~tyii'nekii-kiira-grahiit tathii
vipascitii'!Z viviidiic ca tridhii sa'!Zsaya i~yate.
Prajiiii-paritriit;~a, quoted in N_vii_va-parisuddhi, p. 62.
xx] Venkafaniitha 's treatment of Doubt 209

eternal substances. Doubt would continue until a distinguishing

characteristic, such as is possessed by eternal or non-eternal sub-
stances alone, is found in earth (vyatireki-niriipatza-vilambiit), on
the strength of which it could be determined whether it is eternal
or not. Venkatanatha, in various illustrations, shows that doubt
consists essentially of an oscillation of the mind, due to indecision
between two possible alternatives. He would admit even such in-
quiries as "What may be the name of this tree?" as doubt, and not
mere indecision or want of kno\\ledge (an-adhya·vasiiya). Such in-
quiries can rightly be admitted as doubts; for they involve doubt
regarding two or more alternative names, which are vaguely waver-
ing in the mind and which are followed by a desire to settle or de-
cide in favour of one or the other. So here also there is a want of
settlement between two alternatives, due to a failure to find the
determining factor (avacchedakii-darsaniit an-avacchinna-koti-
vise~ab ). Such a state of oscillation might naturally end in a mental
reckoninginfavouroforagainst the possible or probable alternatives,
which is called uha (but which must be distinguished from uha as
tarka in connection with inference), which leads to the resolution of
doubt into probability 1• However, Anantarya, a later writer of the
Ramanuja school, further described doubt as being a state of mind in
which one perceived only that something lay before him, but did
not notice any of its specific features, qualities or characters
(puro-~crtti-miitram a-grhita-vise~a1Jam anubhuyate). Only the two
alternatives (e.g. "a tree stump or a man "-sthiitzu-puru~au) are
remembered. According to the Sarviirtha-siddhi, the imperfect
observation of something before us rouses its corresponding sub-
conscious impression (sa~nskiira), which, in its turn, rouses the sub-
conscious impressions leading to the simultaneous revival in one
sweep of memory of the two possible alternatives of which neither
could be decided upon 2 • The point disputed in this connection is
between a minority party of interpreters, who think that the per-
ception of something in front of us rouses an impression which in
its turn rouses two different subconscious impressions leading to
1 uhas tu prayal:z pur~e7Jii'nena bhavita•vyam ity-adi-rupa eka-kofi-saha-carita-

bhuyo-dharma-darsa7lad anudbhutii-nya-kofikal:z sa eva.

Nyaya-parisuddhi, p. 68. Chowkhamba.
2 puro-vrtty-anubhava-janita-sa7Jlskare~za kofi-dvayo-pasthiti-hetu-sar..nskara-
bhyiif!l ca yugapad-eka-smara7Ja1Jz sa7Jlsaya-sthale svlkriyata iti sarva-rtha-siddhau
uktam. Anantarya's Jiiana-yiitharthya-vada. Govt. Oriental MS. No. 4884.
210 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.

one memory joining up the two alternative entities (e.g. tree-stump

and man), and a majority party, who think that the perception of
something in front of us leads directly to the memory of two
different alternatives, which is interpreted as doubt. The former
view, by linking up the two memories in one act of knowledge,
supposes the oscillating movement to he one act of judgment and
so holds the opinion that in doubt also there is the false substitution
of one judgment for another, which is in accordance with the
anyathii-khyiiti (illegitimate substitution of judgments) theory of
illusion. The latter view, \Vhich holds that there are two separate
memories of the two possible alternati\·es, interprets Ramanuja as
an upholder of realism of knowledge (jiiiina-yiithiirthya-'l·iida), or
the view that whatever is known or perceived has an objective and
a real basis.

Error and Doubt according to Venka!anatha.

Error is defined by Ycnka~anatha as occurring when one or
more incompatible characters arc predicted of an entity \\·ithout
any notion of their incompatibility or contradictions. It is gener-
ally due to a wrong psychological tendency in association with other
vicious perceptual data, as in the case of the perception of the
conch-shell as yellow, the perception of one big moon as small and
two, the relativistic (anekiinta) assertion of contradictory predicates
with reference to one thing or the predication of both reality and
unreality in regard to world-appearance by the Sankarites 1 . Doubt,
on the other hand, occurs when a perceived characteristic is not
incompatible in predication with regard to two or more entities
which are felt to be exclusive and opposed to one another, and
which therefore cannot both at the same time be affirmed. This
state is therefore described by some as an oscillatory mo\·ement of
the mind from one pole to another. Decision results from a uni-
polar and firm direction of mind to one object; doubt results from
a multipolar oscillation, as has been set forth in the ;ltma-siddhi.
Absence of firmness of the direction of the mind is due to the natural
constitution of mind, which has necessarily to reject a particular
alternative before it can settle down in its opposite. Bhanarakaguru
repeats the same idea in his Tatt·va-ratniikara, when he defines
Sec Xyiiya-parisuddhi, pp. 54-5·
xx] Error and Doubt according to Venkataniitha 211

doubt as the association of two contrary or contradictory qualities

with any particular entity. Doubt, according to V enkatanatha, is
of two kinds: from samiina-dharma and from viprati'patti, i.e. when
different indications point to two or more conclusions and the re-
lative strength of these indications cannot be conclusively decided.
The condition of doubt in the first case is the uncertainty caused
by the fact that two contrary possibilities, the relative strength of
which cannot be determined on account of certain similar traits
(samiina-dharma-viprati'patti'bhyiim), claim affirmation. Thus, when
we see something tall before us, two possibilities may arise-the
tall object may be a man or a post, since both these are tall. When
the relative strength of the different sources of knowledge, e.g.
perception, illusion, inference, testimony, etc., leading to different
conclusions (a-grhyamii1}a-bala-tiiratamya) cannot be determined,
both claim affirmation with regard to the same object or conclusion,
and doubt arises as to which is to be accepted. Thus, when one sees
in the mirror the image of one's face, which is not corroborated by
touch, there arises the doubt as to the reality of the reflection.
Again, there may be a doubt arising from two possible inferences
regarding the existence of fire in the hill from smoke, and its possible
non-existence from the existence of light. Again, as there are texts
in the U pani~ads some of which are monistic and others dualistic, a
doubt may arise as to which is the right view of the U pani!?ads, and
so forth. Doubt may also arise from two opposing contentions,
such as those of the atomists and the U pani!?adists regarding the
question as to whether the senses have sprung from matter or from
the ego. It may also arise regarding the opposing assertions of two
ordinary individuals; between perception (e.g. illusory perception of
conch-shell as yellow) and inference which indicates that the conch-
shell cannot be yellow; between perception of the self as an em-
bodied being and the scriptural testimony concerning the self as
Doubt may also arise between inferential knowledge of the
world as atomic and the scripturaJ knowledge of the world as having
Brahman as its substance. The Naiyayikas, however, think that
doubt can also arise regarding the two different contentions of
opposing parties 1 • V enkatanatha points out that both the Nyiiya-
1 samiinii-neka-dharmo-papatter vipratipatter upalabdhy-anupalabdhy-avy-
avasthiitas ca vise~ii-pe~o vimariab sa'!lsayal;. Nyiiya-sutra, I. 1. 23. The in-
212 Philosophy of the Ramanuja School of Thought [cH.

sutra and the Prajiiii-paritrii1_la are wrong in giving the perception

of similar traits (samiina-dharma) and of special characteristics
(aneka-dharma) as two independent reasons for the origin of doubt 1 •
The explanation given with regard to the doubt arising from a
special characteristic such as odorousness is that, as this charac-
teristic is not possessed by non-eternal substances, one may be led
to think of including earth under eternal substances; and, again, as
this characteristic is not to be found in any of the eternal sub-
stances, one may be led to include earth under non-eternal sub-
stances. But the doubt here is due not to the perception of a special
characteristic, but to the delay of the mind in determining the
ultimate differentia (vyatireki-nirupm;a-vilambiit) which may
justify one in including it under either of them. Odorousness as
such is not an indispensable condition of either eternality, or non-
eternality; so naturally an inquiry arises regarding such common
features in eternal or non-eternal substances as may be possessed
by the odorous earth and may lead to a classification. The doubt
here is due not to the fact that odorousness is a special charac-
teristic of earth, but to the fact that earth possesses such charac-
teristics as are possessed by eternal things on the one hand and by
non-eternal things on the other. Even when it is urged that the
odorous character distinguishes earth from eternal and non-eternal

terpretation given by Uddyotakara is that in all cases of doubt there are three
factors, viz. knowledge of the (1) common or (2) special features, (3} opposite
assertions and contending persons associated with a non-determinate state of
mind due to the want of definite realization of any of the contrary possibilities,
and a hankering to know the differentia. Uddyotakara thinks that doubt can arise
not only from a conflict of knowledge, but also from a conflict of opinions of con-
tending persons, vipratipattib being interpreted by him as •viidi-vipratipattil_z.
This view is also held by the Prajiiii-paritrii1Ja by Varadavi~I)U Misra, as is
evident from the following iloka:
siidlziirm:zii-krter dntyii-nekii-kiira-grahiit tathii,
vipaicitii'!l viviidiic ca tridhii sa'!liaya i~yate.
Prajiiii-paritrii1Ja, quoted in the Nyiiya-pariiuddhi, p. 61.
This view is criticized by Venkatanatha as a blind acceptance of the Nyiiya view.
As an example of doubt arising from perception of similar traits, Vatsyayana
gives the example of man and post, in which the common traits (viz. height, etc.)
are visible, but the differentia remains unnoticed. The example given by him of
doubt arising from perception of special characteristics is that odorousness, the
special character of earth, is not characteristic of dravya (substance), karma
(action), and gu1Ja (quality}, and this may rouse a legitimate doubt as to whether
earth is to be classed as substance, quality, or action. Similarly, from the special
characteristic of odorousness of earth a doubt may arise as to '' hether earth is
eternal or non-eternal, since no other eternal or non-eternal thing has this
xx] Error and Doubt according to V eizkataniitha 213

substances and that this is the cause of doubt, it may be pointed out
that doubt is due not to this distinguishing characteristic, but to the
fact that earth possesses qualities common to both eternal and non-
eternal substances. There are some who think that doubt through
vipratipatti (i.e. through uncertainty arising from reasoned asser-
tions of con~ending persons) may also be regarded as a case of doubt
from samiina-dharma (i.e. perception of similar traits), because the
opposed assertions have this similarity amongst themselves that
they are all held as true by the respective contending persons.
Venkatanatha, however, does not agree with this. He holds that
doubt here does not arise merely on the strength of the fact that the
opposed assertions are held as tn1e by the contending persons, but
because of our remembering the diverse reasons in support of such
as~ertions when the relative strength of such reasons or possi-
bilities of validity cannot be definitely ascertained. Thus, viprati-
patti has to be accepted as an independent source of doubt. Doubt
arises generally between two possible alternatives; but there may
be cases in which two doubts merge together and appear as one
complex doubt. Thus, when it is known that one or other of two
persons is a thief, but not which of them, there may be a doubt-
" this man or that man is a thief". In such a case there are two
doubts: "this man may or may not be a thief" and "that man may
or may not be a thief," and these merge together to form the com-
plex doubt (sa'f!lsaya-dvaya-samiihiira). The need of admitting a
complex doubt may, however, vanish, if it is interpreted as a case
where the quality of being a thief is doubted between two indi-
viduals. Doubt, however, involves in it also an assertory aspect, in
so far as it implies that, if one of the alternatives is n1led out, the
other must be affirmed. But, since it cannot be ascertained which
of them is ruled out, there arises the doubt. There is, however, no
opposition between doubt and the assertory attitude; for all doubts
imply that the doubtful property must belong to one or other of the
alternatives 1 •
But there may be cases in which the two alternatives may be
such that the doubtful property is not in reality affirmable of either
of them, and this is different from those cases in which the alter-
natives are such that, if the doubtful property is negated of the one,
sarvasminn api sa,iaye dharmy-a,iadau nirf)ayasya dustyajatviit. Nyiiya-
pariiuddhi, p. 66.
214 Philosophy of the Ramanuja School of Thought [cH.

it is in reality affirmable of the other. From these two points of

view we have further twofold divisions of doubt. Thus, when a
volume of smoke arising from a heap of grass on fire is subject of
doubt as being either an elephant or a hill, in this case negation of
one alternative does not imply the actual affirmation of the other.
Uncertainty (an-adhyavasiiya, e.g. "what may be the name of this
tree?") cannot be regarded as an independent state of mind; for
this also may be regarded as a case of doubt in which there is un-
certainty between a number of possible alternative names with which
the tree may be associated. It seems, however, that Venkatanatha
has not been able to repudiate satisfactorily the view of those who
regard uncertainty or inquiry as a separate state of mind. Oha (in
the sense of probability such as "that must be a man") does not
involve any oscillation of the mind between two poles, but sets forth
an attitude of mind in which the possibility of one side, being far
stronger, renders that alternative an object of the most probable
affirmation and so cannot be classed as doubt. Where such a pro-
bable affirmation is brought about through perception, it is in-
cluded under perception, and when through inference it is included
under inference.
Venkatanatha, following Ramanuja, admits only three pramii~zas,
viz. perception, inference, and scriptural testimony. Ramanuja,
however, in his commentary on the Gftii 1 , includes intuitive yogic
knowledge as a separate source of knowledge; but Venkatanatha
holds that intuitive yogic knowledge should be included under per-
ception, and its separate inclusion is due to the fact that the yogic
perception reveals a special aspect of perception 2 • Correct memory
is to be regarded as a valid pramii1Ja. It should not be classed as an
independent source of knowledge, but is to be included within the
pramii1Ja which is responsible for memory (e.g. perception)J.
Meghanadari, in discussing the claim of memory to be regarded
as pramii1Ja, says that memory satisfies the indispensable condition
of pramii1Ja that it must not depend upon anything else for its self-
manifestation; for memory, being spontaneous, does not depend
jiiiinam indriya-lingii-gama-yogajo vastu-niicayal:z. Gua-bhii~ya, IS. IS.
2 Vi~t:tucitta also, in his Prameya-sa'!lgraha, holds that Ramanuja admitted
only three pramiir;as.
This view has been supported by Bhattarakaguru in his Tattt·a-ratnt"ikara.
Varadavi~t:tu Misra, in his Prajiiii-paritriir;a, includes ditya (i.e. intuitive know-
ledge through the grace of God) and svaya'!l-siddha (natural omniscience) as
separate sources of knowledge, but they are also but modes of perception.
xx] Error and Doubt according to rrenkataniitha 215

upon anything else for its manifestation. It is true, no doubt, that

the revelation of objects in memory depends upon the fact of their
having been perceived before, but the functioning of mernory is
undoubtedly spontaneous 1 • But it may be argued that, since the
objects revealed in memory can never be manifested if they were
not perceived before, memory, though partly valid in so far as its
own functioning is concerned, is also invalid so far as the revelation
of the object is concerned, since this depends on previous percep-
tion and cannot, therefore, be regarded as spontaneous manifesta-
tion, which is the indispensable condition of a pramii1Ja. To this
IV1eghanadari's reply is that the criticism is not sound; for the
spontaneous manifestation is also at the same time revelation of the
object remembered, and hence the revelation of the remembered
object does not depend on any other condition. Memory, therefore,
is valid both in its own manifestation and in the revelation of its
object. It may be pointed out in this connection that the revelation
of knowledge necessarily implies the revelation of the object also.
The revelation of the object should not, therefore, be regarded as
depending on any other condition, it being spontaneously given
with the revelations of knowledge 2 •
In many other systems of philosophy the definition of a pramiit:za
involves the condition that the object apprehended should be such
that it was not known before (an-adhigatii-rtha-gantr ), since in these
systems memory is excluded from the status of pramii1}a. l\legha-
nadari objects to this. He says that the condition imposed does
not state clearly whether the apprehension of th~ object which is
intended to be ruled out should be of the perceiver or of other per-
sons. In the case of permanent objects such as the self or the sky
these have all been perceived by many persons, and yet the validity
of the perception or inference of the present knower is not denied3 •
It also cannot be said that the object of valid perception or inference
should he such that it has not been perceived before by the present
perceiver; for when a person seeks to find out an object which he
knew before and perceives it, such a perception would be invalid;
and similarly, when an object perceived by the eye is re-perceived
sva-sphurm:ze pramii1}ii-ntara-sii-peksat'l'ii-bhiit·iit vi~aya-sphurat_Za eva hi-

mrrte~ prln:ii-nubhilta-bhii-;Jii-pek~ii. l\1eghanadari 's N aya-dyu-ma1_1i.

j;"iiina-sphilrtivad t'i~ayasyiipi sphllrti~. Ibid.
sthiiyitt,enii-bhimatii-kiiiii-de~ parvair avagatatva-sa'!lblraviit tad-vilayii-
numiiniider apriimii1Jya-prasmigiit. Ibid.
216 Philosophy of the Ramtinuja School of Thought [cH.

by touch, the tactile perception will he invalid 1 • The reply is often

given (e.g. Dharmarajadhvarlndra in his Vediinta-pari-bhii~ii) that,
when an object known before is again perceived, it has a new
temporal character, and so the object may be regarded as new and
thus its later perception may he regarded as valid. l\Ieghanadari's
criticism against this is that, if the new temporal character can con-
stitute the newness of the object, then all objects will he new, in-
cluding memory. lienee there will be nothing which would he
ruled out by the condition that the object must be new (an-
There are others who hold that the validity of a pramiil_la of any
particular sense-knowledge, or of inference, is conditioned by the
fact of its being attested by the evidence of other senses, as in the
case where a visual perception is corroborated by the tactile. These
philosophers regard corroboration (a-'l·isalJl'Viidit'l·a) as an in-
dispensable condition of the validity of pramiil_la. .\leghanadari
criticizes this by pointing out that on such a view the validity of
each pramiJ~w would have to depend upon others, and thus there
would be a vicious circle 2 • 1\Ioreover, the determinate knowledge
of the Buddhists, which is corroborative, would, under the sup-
position, have to he regarded as a pramiil_la.
LT nlike Yenka~anatha, .\leghanadari holds that Ramanuja ad-
mitted five pramiil_las, viz. perception, inference, analogy, scripture
and implication.
Perception is defined by Yenka~anatha as direct intuitive know:-
ledge (siih.~tltlulri-pramii). This may he regarded either as a special
class of cognition (jiiti-rupa) or knowledge under special conditions
(upiidhi-rupa). It is indefinable in its own nature, which can only
he felt hy special self-consciousness as perception (jiiiina-s'l•abhii'l·a-
'l'ise~a~l S'l'iitma-~iih.~ihab). It may be negatively defined as knowledge
which is not generated by other cognitions, as in the case of in-
ference or verbal knowledge ana memory 3 • \"arada\·i~l}u also, in
his llliina-yiithiitmya-nir~wya, has defined perception as clear and
1 S'l'a-t•idi tasyii' rt lzasya sa ttt•t"i-m.·e1m:ze pra tya k~t"i-der a- prt1mii7Jya- prasangiic
cak~u~ii d!~!a-·l'i~aye dra-vye sparsanasyii'priimii7Jya-prasm1!{tl.l. l\ leghanadari 's
- prdmii7Jii-~·tarasyii- py a•visa7!lf.Jii' dii-rtha1Jl pranui7Jii-7l t art1-m·e1a7Jmii -Tlat'as t hii.

jiiiina-kara7Jaja-j;iiina-sm_rti-rahitii matir aparok~am. \" enkatan~tha 's Syiiya-
parisuddhi, pp. 7o-7 1. This vit!W has also been supported in the Prameya-sa7!1graha
and Tattt·a-ratniikara.
xx] Error and Doubt according to V eizkataniitha 217

vivid impression (pramiiyii iiparo~ya1{l nama visadii-vabhiisatvam).

Clearness and vividness with him mean the illumination of the
special and unique features of the object, as different frmn the
appearance of generic features as in the case of inference or verbal
Meghanadari also defines perception as direct knowledge of
objects ( artha-paricclzedaka-sa~aj-jiiiina'!l ). The directness (sii~­
attva) consists in the fact that the production of this knowledge does
not depend on any other pramiil}as. It is, no doubt, true that sense-
perception depends upon the functioning of the senses, but this is
no objection; for the senses are common causes, which are operative
as means in the perception of the hetu, even in inference 1 • The
directness of perceptual knowledge, as distinguished from in-
ference, is evident from the fact that the latter is produced through
the mediacy of other cognitions 2 • :\leghanadari criticizes the de-
finition of perception as vivid impression (visada-vahhiisa), as given
by Varadavi~QU l\1isra, on the ground that vividness is a relative
term, and even in inference there are different stages of vividness.
Clearness of awareness, "dhi-sphutatii," also cannot be regarded as
defining perception; for all awarenesses are clear so far as they are
known. The definition of perception as sense-knowledge is also
open to criticism; for in that case it would only apply to inde-
terminate (nirvikalpa) knowledge, in which certain specific cha-
racters of the object are imprinted through the functioning of the
senses, but which it did not carry further for the production of
determinate knowledge (savikalpa).
Both Venkatanatha and .i\leghanadari hold that the pure ob-
jective substance without any character or universals is never
apprehended by sense-perception. Following Ramanuja, they hold
that objects are always apprehended with certain characters at the
very first instance when they are grasped by the visual sense;
otherwise it is difficult to explain how in the later instance they are
apprehended in diverse characters. If they were not apprehended
in the first instance, they could not have been known in the later
1 indriyiil'}ii'!l sattii-kiiral'}atvena karal'}atvii-bhiiviit. Naya-dyu-mal'}i.
3 The word siikliittva is explained by some as svarupa-dhf (its own awareness).
But such an explanation is exposed to criticism; for even inferential knowledge
reveals some features of the object. If svarupa is taken to mean " nothing but the
nature of the object," then the definition would not be applicable even to per-
ception ; for perception reveals not merely the object, but also its relation to other
objects, and thereby transcends the limit of the object merely as it is.
21R Philosophy of the Ramanuja School of Thought [cu.
instance in their fullness in a related manner. So it has to he ad-
mitted that they were all grasped in the first instance, but could not
manifest themselves in their fullness in the short span of the first
moment. In the f rediirtha-Sat!lgraha of Ramanuja the determinatt'-
ness of all perceptions has been illustrated by the case of their
apprehension of universals at the first moment of perception. This
has led some interpreters to think that the apprehension of de-
terminate characters in the first moment of perception applies only
to the universals on account of the fact that it involves the assimila-
tion of many individuals in one sweep which must he started at the
very first moment in order that it may he manifested in its full form
in the second moment. But :\Ieghanadari holds that the appre-
hension of other characters also, such as colours, etc., has specific
differences when the object is near or at a distance. This involves
the grasping of diverse shades of colour in one colour-perception,
and thus they also are apprehended at the first moment of percep-
tion, on the same grounds which led to the affirmation of the ap-
prehension of universals at the first moment of perception.
It is objected that the concept of determinateness or relatedness
(n"H~!al'l'a) of all knowledge is incomprehensible and indcfinahle.
\Vhat exist are the two relata and the relation. The relatedness can-
not he identical with them or different; for we do not know "re-
latedness" as an entitv different from the two relata and the rela-
tion. :\lso relatedness cannot he defined either as the manifestation
of two entities in one cognition or the appearance of two cognitions
without any break or interval; for in a concrete specific illustration,
as in such awareness as "jug-and-pot," though two diffe.rent cog-
nitions have appeared without any break, they have not lost their
unique separateness, as may well he judged by the duality implied
in such awareness. Thus, there is no way in which the concept of
determinateness, as distinguished from that of the relata and the
relation, can he arrived at.
To this ::\Jeghanadari's n·ply is that, in such a sentence as
"bring a white cow," the verb refers to a qualified being, the" white
cow," and not to the separate elements, "the whiteness" and "the
cow." Both the relation and the relata are involved in the dl'ter-
minate conception, the "white cow." In con tactual perception,
such as "a man with a stick," the contactual relation is directly
perceived. The conception of a determinate being is not thus dif-
xx] Error and Doubt accordi11g to Veizkafaniitha 219

ferent from the relation and the relata, but implies them. The re-
lations and the relata thus jointly yield the conception of a de-
terminate being 1 • The unifying trait that constitutes determinate-
ness is not an extraneous entity, but is involved in the fact that all
entities in this world await one another for their self-manifestation
through relations, and it is this mutual awaitedness that constitutes
their bond of unity, through which they appear connectedly in a
determinate conception 2 • It is this mutual awaitedness of entities
that contributes to their apprehension, as connected in experience,
which is simultaneous with it, there being no mediation or arresting
of thought of any kind between the two 3 • The fact that all our per-
ceptions, thoughts and ideas always appear as related and con-
nected is realized in universal experience. All linguistic expressions
always manifest the purport of the speech in a connected and re-
lated form. Had it not been so, communication of ideas through our
speech would have been impossible.
Nirvikalpa knowledge is a cognition in which only some funda-
mental characters of the object are noted, while the details of
many other characters remain unelaborated 4 • Sa'l'l·kalpa knowledge,
on the other hand, is a cognition of a number of qualities and
characters of the object, together with those of its distinctive
features by which its differentiation from other objects is clearly
affirmed 5 •
On the analogy of visual perception, the perception of other
senses may be explained. The relation of samaviiya admitted by the
Naiyayikas is discarded by the Ramanuja view on account of the
difficulty of defining it or admitting it as a separate category.
Various relations, such as container and ~ontained, contact and the
like, are revealed in experience in accordance with the different
directions in which things await one another to be related; and
na ca pratyekarrr viii~tatii-piital:z militiiniim eva viii$!atviit. Naya-dyu-ma~i.
eka-buddhi-vi1ayatii- rhii~ii'!' padii-rthiiniim anyo-nya-siipekla-svarupatvarrr
militatvam. Ibid.
visii!atva-dhl-Vi$ayatve ca te$ii'!l siipek$alt!a1Jt ca yaugapadyiit tatra viriimii-
pratlteb siipek$atii siddhii ca. Ibid.
• nirvikalpakarrr ca gha!ii-der anullekhitii-nuvrtti-dharma-ghatatvii-di-katipaya-
t.iie$a~a-t-·iii$!atayii-rthii-t-•acchedakarrr jiiiinam. Ibid.
ullekhitii-nut.'!tty-iidi-dharmakii-neka-t-iiela~-viii$!atayii siikfiid-vastu-vya-
t.·acchedaka'!l jiiiinarrr sat-ikalpakam. Ibid.
Venka~anatha however defines savikalpa and ninikalpa knowledge as
"sa pratyavamaria-pratyak$a'!t savikalpakam" and " tad-rahitarrr pratyak$m.n
nin:ikalpakam." Nyiiya-pariiuddhi, p. 77·
220 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.

these determine the nature of various relations which are perceived

in sense-experience 1 . Venkatanatha also points out that the very
same collocations (siimagri) that manifest the awareness of sub-
stance and attribute also manifest the awareness of relations; for,
if the relations \vere not grasped at the first moment of perception,
they could not originate out of nothing at the later moment. The
relatedness being a character of entities, the awareness of entities
necessarily means the awareness of relations.
Perception in the light of elucidation by the later
members of the Ramanuja School.
Ramanuja and his followers admitted only three kinds of
pramii1Jas: perception, inference and scriptural testimony. Know-
ledge, directly and immediately experienced, is perception (sii~iit­
kiiri1Ji pramii pratyak~am). The special distinguishing feature of
perception is that it is not knowledge mediated by other knowledge
(j1iiinii-kara7Jaka-jiiiinatvam ). Perception is of three kinds: God's
perception, perception of yogins, and perception of ordinary per-
sons. This perception of yogins includes intuitive perception of the
mind (miinasa-pratya~a) or perception of sages (iir~a-pratyak~a),
and the yogi-pratyak~a is due to the special enlightenment of yoga
practice. Ordinary perception is said to he of two kinds, sm:ikalpa,
or determinate, and niT'l:ikalpa, or indeterminate. Sa~·ikalpa
pratyak~a is the determinate perception which involves a spatial and
temporal reference to past time and different places where the
object was experienced before. Thus, when we see a jug, we think
of it as having heen seen at other times and in other places, and it is
this reference of the jug to other times and other places, and the
atas tat-smbandhiid 'L'astuta uptidhito 'L'ti' dhiirii-dheya-bhav.·a-vastt·-amaram
et:a. eva'f!l ca kalpanii-lii!;hm:am. sa ca gur.ui-di-bhediid aneka~z na ca tat-sambandha-
smba}u]}zinos sambandhii-rz tara-kalpanii_\ ·am a nat·as thii. anyo-nya-siipe~a-n•arupa tt•a-
rupo-piidhi-vyatireker.zii.'rthti-ntarti-bhtit·tit. Naya-dyu-mm}i \IS.
The niroikalpaka is the knowledRe involvin~ the notion of certain positive
features and rousing the subconscious memory resultin~ in the first moment of
perception through the direct operation of the sense. Sav.·ikalpaka knowledJ.!e in-
volves the notinR of differences consequent upon the operation of memory. They
are thus defined by Vi~l)uacitta:
sa'f!lSkiiro-dbodha-sahak!te-ndriya-janya'f!l j;it"irzm!l sm·ikalpakam iti eka-
jiitlye$U prathama-piTJt.la-graha7Jar.n dvitfya-di-pi7}t}a-f?raha7}e$u pratlzamii-k~a-san­
niptitaja'!l jntina'f!l rzin·ikalpakam iti.
And in the Tattva-ratntikara:
'L'iSe$a7_1tinti'!l n·ti-yoga-'L'Yfi'-·rttir avikalpahe
savikalpe'11ya-yogasya vya'L'!lti!z Sa'f!lj;ilnii tathii.
1\·yaya-parisuddhi, p. 82.
xx] Perception according to later Ramanujists 221

associations connected with it as involved in such reference, that

constitutes the determinate character of such perceptions, by virtue
of which they are called savikalpa 1 . A perception, however, which
reveals the specific character of its object, say a jug as a jug, without
involving any direct references to its past associations, is called
indeterminate perception or nirvikalpa jiiiina 2• This definition of
nirvikalpa perception distinguishes the Ramanuja conception of
nirvikalpa knowledge from the types formulated by many other
systems of Indian philosophy.
It is now obvious that according to Ramanuja philosophy both
the savikalpa and the nirvikalpa knowledges are differentiated and
qualified in their nature, referring to objects which are qualified in
their nature (ublzaya-1.:idham api etad viJi~ta-vi~ayam eva) 3 • Veti.kata
says that there is no evidence whatsoever of the existence of in-
determinate and unqualified knowledge, at even its first stage of
appearance, as is held by the N aiyayikas; for our experience is en-
tirely against them, and even the knowledge of infants, dumb per-
sons, and the lower animals, though it is devoid of concepts and
names, is somehow determinate since the objects stand as signs of
things liked or disliked, things which they desire, or of which they
are afraid 4 • For if these so-called indeterminate perceptions of
these animals, etc., were really absolutely devoid of qualitative
colouring, how could they indicate the suitable attractive or re-
pulsive behaviour? The Naiyayikas urge that all attribute-sub-
stance-complex or determinate knowledge (vis#ta-jiiiina) must
first be preceded by the knowledge of the simpler element of the
attribute; but this is true only to a limited extent, as in the case of
acquired perception. I see a piece of sandaJ to be fragrant; fra-
grance cannot be seen, but the sight of the colour, etc., of a piece
of sandal and its recognition as such suggest and rouse the nasal
impressions of fragrance, which is then directly associated with

1 tatrii'nuvrtti-vi$ayaka'!l jniina'!l sm.:ikalpakam anuvrttii ca sa1{lSthiina-riipa-

jiity-iider aneka-vyakti-·vrttitii, sii ca kiilato deiatai ca bhavati. Riimiinuja-

siddhiinta-sa'f!lgraha, l\1S. No. 4988.
2 ekasyii'!l vyaktau ghatatva-prakiirakam aya'f!l ghat a iti yaj j;iiina1Jl janyate tan

nirvikalpakam. Ibid.
Nyiiya-pariiuddhi, p. 77.
• biila-muka- tiryag- iidi-jniiniinii'!l anna- ka7)Jaka-vahni- vyiighrii-di- iabda-
vaiii$1Yii- na•vagiihitve'pi i$!a- d·vai$yatii- vacchedakii- nnatvii- hitva- ka7Jfakatvii-
di-prakiirii-·vagiihitvam asti. Nyiiya-siira commentary on Nyiiya-pariiuddhi by
Srinivasa, p. 78.
222 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
vision. Here there must first be the perception of the attributes of
the sandal as perceived by the visual organ, as rousing sub-con-
scious impressions of fragrance associated with the nasal organ and
giving rise to its memory, and finally associating it with the attri-
butes perceived by the visual organ. But in the perception of
attribute and substance there is no necessity of assuming such a
succession of the elements constituting a complex; for the data
which give rise to the perception of the attribute and those which
give rise to the perception of substance are presented to the senses
simultaneously and are identically the same (eka-siimagri-vedya-
viSe~a1_le~u tan-nirapek~at'l·iit) 1 • The main point of this discussion
consists in our consideration of the question whether relations are
directly perceived or not. If relations are regarded as being the
very nature of the things and attributes that arc perceiYed (n·arupa-
sambandha), then, of course, the relations must necessarily be per-
ceived with the perceived things and attributes at the first moment
of sight. If the relation of attributes to things be called an inherent
inseparable relation (samm.:iiya), then this, being an entity, may he
admitted to be capable of being grasped hy the eye; and, since it
constitutes the essence of the linking of the attributes and the thing,
the fact that it is grasped by the eye along with the thing and the
attribute ought to convince us that the relatedness of attribute and
thing is also grasped by the eye. For, if it is admitted that sama'l'tiya
is grasped, then that itself makes it unexceptionable that the attri-
bute and things are grasped, as the former qualifying the latter.
Like the attribute and the thing, their relation as constituting their
relatedness is also grasped hy the senses (dharmm:ad dharmi1.·ac ca
tat-sambandhasyii'py aindriyakat'cii-'vise~e1_Za graha1_Za-sambha'l·iit)?..
For, if the relation could not be grasped by the senses at the time
of the perception of the thing and the object, it could not be grasped
by any other way at any other time.
In the savikalpa perception, the internal impressions are roused
in association with the visual and other senses, and they co-operate
with the data supplied by the sense-organs in producing the inner
act of analysis and synthesis, assimilation and differentiation, and
1 Nyiiya-parisuddlzi, p. 78: surablzi-candana'!l su'ya'!l ghata ity-iidi-jl"iiine~u

saurabhatii-T!fse cak~u~a~l s·va-?.•ijiiliya-sa,shiira-ja11yiiyii~l smrter ?..'ise~a~w-praty­

iisattitayii apek~a7Je'pi cak~ur-miitra-janye gha[a-j1lii11e tad-apek~iiyii ahhii?..'iit.
l\Tyiiya-siira, p. 7H.
Ibid. p. 79.
xx] Perception according to later Riimiinujists 223

mutual comparison of similar concepts, as involved in the process

of savikalpa perception. What distinguishes it from memory is the
fact that memory is produced only by the rousing of the sub-
conscious impressions of the mind, whereas savikalpa perception
is produced by the subconscious impressions (sa'!lskiira) working
in association with the sense-organs 1 • Though the roused sub-
conscious impressions co-operate with sense-impressions in savi-
kalpa perception, yet the savikalpa can properly be described as
genuine sense-perception.
It may be pointed out in this connection that difference is con-
sidered in this system not as a separate and independent category,
but as apprehended only through the mutual reference to the two
things between which difference is realized. It is such a mutual re-
ference, in which the affirmation of one makes the affirmation of the
other impossible, that constitutes the essence of "difference"
(bheda) 2 •
Venkatanatha strongly controverts the Sankarite view of nirvi-
kalpa pratyak§a in the case where a perception, the materials of
which are already there, is made on the strength of auditory sensa-
tion in the way of scriptural instructions. Thus, when each of ten
persons was counting upon leaving himself out of consideration,
and counting nine persons instead of ten, another observer from
outside pointed out to the counting person that he himself was the
tenth. The Sankarites urge that the statement or affirmation "thou
art the tenth" is a case of direct nirv£kalpa perception. But Veil-
katanatha points out that, though the entity indicated by "thou"
is directly perceived, the proposition itself cannot be directly per-
ceived, but can only be cogitated as being heard; for, if whatever is
heard can be perceived, then one can also perceive or be directly
acquainted with the import of such propositions as "thou art
virtuous" -dharmavii1J1S tvam. So the mental realization of the
import of any proposition does not mean direct acquaintance by
perception. It is easy to see how this view controverts the San-
karite position, which holds that the realization of the import of the
proposition "thou art that" -tat tvam asi-constitutes direct ac-
1 smrtiiv iva savikalpake saT{ISkr"irasya na sviitantrye~a kiira~atva1JZ yena praty-
ak~atva1JZ nasyiit kintu
indriya-sahakiiritayii tathii ce'ndriya-janyatvena pratyak~am
eva savikalpakam. Nyiiya-siira p. 8o.
2 yad-graho yatra yad-iiropa-virodhf sa hi tasya tasmiid bheda!z. Ny.iya-
parisuddhi, p. 86.
224 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [CH.
quaintance with the identity of self and Brahman by perception
(pratya~a) 1 .
It has already been pointed out that nirvikalpa perception means
a determinate knowledge which does not involve a reference to past
associations of similar things (anu'[·rtty-a'[·i~ayaka-jiiiina), and savi-
kalpa perception means a determinate knowledge which involves
a reference to past association (anU'['!tii-vi~ayaka). This anU'0Ttti,
or reference to past association, does not mean a mere determinate-
ness (e.g. the perception of a jug as endowed with the specific
characteristics of a jug-glzatat'l·a-prakiirakam aym!l gha!ab), but
a conscious reference to other similar objects (e.g. jugs) experienced
before. In savikalpa knowledge there is a direct perception by the
visual organ of the determinate characters constituting a complex
of the related qualities, the thing and the relatedness; hut that does
not mean the comprehension or realization of any universals or
class concepts involving a reference to other similar concepts or
things. Thus, the visual organs are operative equally in sa'l'ikalpa
and nirvikalpa, but in the former there is a conscious reference to
other similar entities experienced before.
The universals or class concepts are not, however, to be re-
garded as a separate independent category, which is comprehended
in savikalpa perception, but a reference or assimilation of similar
characteristics. Thus, when we refer to two or more cows as pos-
sessing common characteristics, it is these common characteristics
existing in all individual cows that justify us in calling all these
animals cows. So, apart from these common characteristics which
persist in all these individual animals, there is no other separate
er.tity which may be called jiiti or universal. The commonness
(anu'l'!tti) consists in similarity (susadrsatvam e'0·a gotvii-diniim
anuvrttil:z) 2 • Similarity is again defined as the special cause
(asiidhiirm:za-kiirar.za) which justifies o:.Jr regarding two things as
similar which exist separately in these things and are determined
by each other. The application of a common name is but a short
way of si1;nifying the fact that two things are regarded as similar.
This similarity is of two kinds: similarity of attributes (dharma-
siidrsya) as in substances, anJ similarity of essen~e (svariipa-siidrsya)
ata eva tat tvam-asy-iidi-iabdab s·va-'L·i~aya-gocar,1-pratyak~a-jiiiitza-janakab
... ity-iidy-unumiiniini nirastiini. A)·iiya-pt;J iiuddhi, p. 89.
2 aya'!l siis11iidimiin ayam api siisniidimiin iti siisniidir et·a atlu'l'!lta-t•yat:ahiira-

vi~ayo driyatc. Riimiinuja-siddhiinta-sr.'!zgraha, 1\1:3. l'o. 4988.

xx] Venkataniitha's treatment of Inference 225

as in all other categories of qualities which are not substance

(a-dravya) 1 •
In perception two kinds of sense-contact are admitted: sense-
contact with the object (sa1Jlyoga) and sense-contact with the quali-
ties associated with the object (smtzyuktii-sraya). Thus, the percep-
tion of a jug is by the former kind of contact, and the perception of
its qualities is by the latter2 •

Venkatanatha's treatment of Inference.

Inference according to the Ramanuja school is very much the
same as inference according to the Naiyayikas. Inference is the
direct result of pariimarsa, or knowledge of the existence of reason
(associated with the knowledge of its unblemished and full con-
comitance with the probandum) in the object denoted by the minor
term 3 • Inference is a process by which, from a universal proposi-
tion which includes within it all the particular cases, we can make
an affirmation regarding a particular case. 4 Inference must there-
fore be always limited to those cases in which the general proposition
has been enunciated on the basis of experience derived from sensible
objects and not to the affirmation of ultra-sensual objects-a reason
which precludes Ramanuja and his followers from inferring the
existence of Isvara (God), who is admitted to be ultra-sensual
(atindriya) (ata eva ca vayam atyantii-tindriya-vast1.J-anumiinmtz
necchiimal; )5 •
As formulated by the traditional view of the school, the prin-
ciple of concomitance (vyiipti) holds that what in the range of time
or space is either equal or less than another is called the "per-
vaded" (vyiipya) or the hetu, while that which in the range of time
or space is either equal or greater than it, is called vyiipaka or the
probandum 6 • But this view does not cover all cases of valid con-
1 MSS. No. 4988.
The sense-contact with remote objects can take place in the case ()f the
visual and the auditory organs by means of a mysterious process called 'l'!lli.
It is supposed that these senses are lengthened as it were (apyayamana) hy means
of their objects. Ibid.
3 paramaria-janyii pramitir anumitil;z. Ibid.
pariimaria means vyiipti-visi~ta-pak$a-dhm·matii-jiiiina"!l sarva-viie$a-sa'!l-
griihi-siimiiiiya-t•yiipti-dhir a pi vise$ii-numiti-hetub. Nyiiya-parisuddhi, p. 97.
r. Ibid.
deiatal;z kiilato vii'pi samo nyuno'pi vii bhavet
sva-TJyiipyo vyiipakastasya samo vii'py adhiko 'pi va.
Ibid. p. I 00.
D III 15
226 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
comitance. The example given for spatial and temporal co-existence
is that between date-juice (rasa) and sweetness (gzuja), or between
the shadow thrown by our bodies and the specific position of the
Sun. But such spatio-temporal co-existences do not exhaust all
cases, as, for example, the sunset and the surging of the sea. This
led the later Ramanujas to adopt a stricter definition of con-
comitance as unconditional and invariable association (nirupa-
dhikataya niyatal:z sambandho vyaptib) 1 .
Regarding the formation of this inductive generalization or con-
comitance, we find in Tattva-ratnakara, an older authority, that a
single observation of concomitance leading to a belief is sufficient
to establish a general proposition 2 • But Venkatanatha urges that
this cannot be so and that a wide experience of concomitance is
indispensable for the affirmation of a general proposition of con-
One of the important points in which Ramanuja logic differs
from the Nyaya logic is the refusal on the part of the former to
accept kevala-vyatireki (impossible-positive) forms of inference,
which are admitted by the latter. Thus, in the ke'vala-'vyatireki
forms of inference (e.g. earth is different from other elements on
account of its possession of smell) it is argued by the ~yaya logic
that this difference of earth with other elements, by virtue of its
possession of the specific property of smell not possessed by any
other element, cannot be proved by a reference to any proposition
which embodies the principle of agreement in presence mn·aya. This
view apparently seems to have got the support of the earlier Ramanuja
logicians such as Varadavi~DU 1\lisra and Bhattarakaguru (in his
Tattva-ratnakara); but both Venkatanatha (in his Nyaya-pari-
suddhi) and the author of the Ramanuja-siddhanta-SmJzgraha point
2 sambandho'ya'!l sakrd griihyal:z pratfti-sva-rasiit tathii
pratftayo hi sva-rasiid dharma-dharmy-avadhzn vidu/:z.
Tattva-ratniikara MS.
The author of the Tattva-ratniikara urges that, since the class-concept (e.g. of
dhuma-dhumatva) is associated with any particular instance (e.g. of smoke), the
experience of any concomitance of smoke and fire would mean the comprehension
of the concomitance of the class-concept of smoke with the class-concept of fire.
So through the experience of any individual and its class-concept as associated
with it we are in touch with other individuals included within that class-concept
-sannihita-dhumiidi-vyakti-sa7Jiyuktasya indriyasya tad-iisrita-dhumat'l·iidi/:z
sa7Jiyuktii-srita/:z, tad-iisrayatvena vyakty-antarii1Ji sa7J1yuktiini, etc. Nyiiya-
parisuddhi, p. 105. (Chowkhamba.)
xx] Venkafaniitha's treatment of Inference 227

out that, since Yamuna rejects the kevala-vyatireki form of argu-

ment in his lecture on Atma-siddhi, it is better to suppose that, when
the previous authors referred to spoke of kevala-vyatireki as a form
of inference, it was not admission of their acceptance of it, but only
that they counted it as being accepted by the Nyaya logicians 1 •
The author of the Riimiinuja-siddhiinta-smpgraha points out that it
may very well be brought under anvaya-vyatireki. Thus we may
argue "body is earthly by virtue of its possession of smell; for
whatever possesses smell is earthly and whatever does not possess
smell is not earthly." So in this form it may be put forward as a
anvaya-vyatireki form of argument. The possession of smell
(gandhavattva) may very well be put forth as "reason" or hetu, the
presence of which determines earthiness and the absence of which
determines non-earthiness or difference from non-earthiness.
Ramanuja logic admits the necessity of "tarka" (cogitation
regarding the relative possibilities of the alternative conclusions by
a dialectic of contradictions) as an indispensable means of in-
ferential conclusions. Regarding the number of propositions,
Venkatanatha says that there is no necessity of admitting the in-
dispensable character of five propositions. Thus it must depend on
the way in which the inference is made as to how many propositions
(avt;yava) are to be admitted. It may be that two, three, four or
five propositions are deemed necessary at the time of making an
inference. We find it said in the Tattva-ratniikara also that, though
five propositions would make a complete statement, yet there is no
hard and fast rule (aniyama) regarding the number of propositions
necessary for inference 1 .
venkatanatha urges that inference is always limited to per-
ceptible objects. Things which entirely transcend the senses cannot
be known by inference. Inference, though irrefragably connected
with perception, cannot, on that account, be regarded as a mode of
perception; for the knowledge derived from perception is always
indirect (a-paro~a). Inference cannot also be regarded as due to
memory; for it always reveals new knowledge. Further, it cannot
be said to be a form of mental intuition, on account of the fact that
inference works by rousing the subconscious impressions of the
mind; for such impressions are also found to be active in percep-
Nyiiya-parisuddhi and Riimiinuja-siddhiinta-sa'f!lgraha.
2 Ibid.
228 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [CH.
tion, and on that analogy even perception may be called mental
Vyiipti (concomitance) may be defined as that in which the area
of the probandum (siidhya) is not spatially or temporally less than
(a-nyuna-desa-kiila-vrtti) that of the reason, hetu-and reason is
defined as that, the area of which is never wider t!lan that of the
probandum (a-nadhik-desa-kiila-niyatarrz vyiipyam). As an illus-
tration of spatial and temporal co-existence (yaugapadya) Yeil-
katanatha gives the instance of sugar and sweetness. As an illustra-
tion of temporal co-existe'1ce (yaugapadya) he gives the example of
the measure of the shadow and the position of the sun. As a case of
purely spatial co-existence he gives the instance of heat and its
effects. Sometimes, however, there is concomitance between
entities which are separate in space and time, as in the case of tides
and their rdation to the sun and the moon 1 .
Such a concomitance, however, between the probandum and the
reason can be grasped only by the observation of numerous in-
stances (bhiiyo-darsana-gamya), and not by a single instance, as
in the case of Sailkara Vedanta as expounded by Dharmaraja-
dhvarindra. Bhattarakaguru, in his Tattva-ratniikara, in explaining
the process by which the notion of concomitance is arrived at, says
that, when in numerous instances the concomitance between the
probandum and the reason is observed, the result of such observa-
tion accumulates as Sl!bCotBcious impressions in favour of the
universal concomitance between all cases of probandum and all
cases of the reason, and then in the last instance the perception of
the concomitance rouses in the mind the notion of the concomi-
tance of all probandum and all reason through the help of the roused
subconscious impressions previously formed. Veilkatanatha admits
concomitance through joint method of Agreement and Difference
(anvyaya-·vyatireki) and by pure Agreement (kevalii-nvayi), where
negative instances are not available. Ordinarily the method of dif-
ference contributes to the notion of concomitance by demonstrating
that each and every in::;tance in which the probandum does not
occur is also an instance in which the reason does not occur. But
in the case of kevalii-n·l'ayi concomitance, in which negative instances
1 7·yapti is thus defined by Venkatanatha-atre'dm.rz tatt·va'!l yiidrg-ritpasya

yad-deia-kiila-vartino yasya yiid!g-rupe1Ja yad-deia-kiila-vartinii yenii'vina-bhii·val.z

tad idam avi11ii-bhuta'!l •vyiipyam. tat-pmtisamba1ldhi-vyiipakam iti. Nyiiya-
parisuddhi, pp. IOI-I02.
xx] Veizkataniitha's treatment of Inference 229
are not available, the non-existence of the reason in the negative
instance cannot be shown. But in such cases the very non-existence
of negative instances is itself sufficient to contribute to the notion of
kevalii-nvayi concomitance. The validity of kevalii-n·vayi concomit-
ance is made patent by the fact that, if the reason remains un-
changed, the assumption of a contrary probandum is self-contra-
dictory (vyiihata-siidhya-viparyayiit), and this distinguishes it from
the forms of ke-valii-nvayi arguments employed by Kularka in
formulating his llJahii.-'l)idyii doctrines.
Ramanuja's own intention regarding the types of inference that
may be admitted seems to be uncertain, as he has never definitely
given any opinion on the subject. His intention, therefore, is
diversely interpreted by the thinkers of his school. Thus, Meg-
hanadari gives a threefold classification of inference: (I) of the cause
from the effect (kiira~zii-numiina); (2) of the effect from the cause
(kiiryii-numiina); and (3) inference by mer.tal association (anu-
bhavii-numiina-as the inference of the rise of the constellation of
Rohil).i from the Krttika constellation). As an alternative classifica-
tion he gives (I) the joint method of agreement and difference
(anvaya-vyatireki); (2) inference through universal agreement in
which no negative instances are found (kevalii-n'l-'ayi); and (3) in-
ference through exclusion, in which no positive instances are found
(kevala-vyatireki). Bhattarakaguru and Varadavi!?I).U Misra, who
preceded Veti.katanatha in working out a consistent system of
Ramanuja logic, seem also to admit the three kinds of inference,
viz. anvyayi, kevalii-nvayi, and kevala-vyatireki, as is evident from
the quotation of their works Tattva-ratniikara and Jl,fiina-yiithiitmya-
nir!laya. Veti.katanatha, however, tries to explain them away and
takes great pains to refute the kevala-vyatireki form of argument 1 •
His contention is that there can be no inference through mere
negative concomitance, which can never legitimately lead to the
affirmation of any positive character when there is no positive pro-
position purporting the affirmation of any character. If any such
positive proposition be regarded as implied in the negative pro-
position, then also the contention that there can be inference from
purely negative proposition fails. One of the conditions of validity
Venkatanatha points out that Yamunacarya, also the accredited teacher of
Ramanuja, did not admit the kevala-vyatireki form of inference in his Siddhi-
230 Philosophy of the Ramiinuja School of Thought [cu.
of inference is that the hl'fu or reason must exist in the sa-pah~a
(that is, in all such instances where there is the siidhya), but in the
'lJ'atireki form of inference, where there are no positive instances of
the existence of the hetu and the siidlzya excepting the point at issue,
the ahove condition necessarily fails 1 • The opponent might say that
on the same analogy the kn·a!ti-m._·ayi form of argument may also he
denied; for there negative instances arc found (e.g. ida'!l 'l'iicym!z
pramcyat'l'iit). The reply would he that the validity of a ke'l:alii-n'l·ayi
form of argument is attested by the fact that the assumption of a
contrary conclusion would be self-contradictory. If the contention
of the opponent is that the universal concomitance of the negation
of the hetu with the negation of the siidlzya implies the absolute
coincidence of the hetu and the siidhya, then the ahsolut~ coin-
cidence of the hetu and the siidlzya would imply the absolute coin-
cidence of the opposites of them both. This would imply that from
the absolute coincidence of the hetu and the siidlzya in a krl'a!ti-n'l·ayi
form of inference the absolute coincidence of their opposites would
he demonstrable. This is absurd:!. Thus, the :\ aiyaikas, who admit
the kn·alii-n'l·ayi inference, cannot indulge in such ways of support
in establishing the validity of the krvala-'l~vatirelu' form of argu-
ment. Again, following the same method, one might as well argue
that a jug is self-revealing (s·va-prakiisa) because it is a jug (ghatat-
'l'iit); for the negation of self-revealing character (a-s'l·a-prakiisat't·a)
is found in the negation of jug, viz. the cloth, which is impossible
(yan nai'l'll'!l tan nai'l'l.l'!l yathii pafa~l). Thus, merely from the con-
comitance of two negations it is not possible to affirm the con-
comitance of their opposites. :\gain, in the aho,·e instance-
anublzii.tir anmzubhii'l~1'ii anuhlziitit'l'lil (immediate intuition cannot
he an object of atvareness, because it is immediate intuition)-en~n
the existence of an-anubhii'lJ·at'l·a (not heing an object of awareness)
is doubtful; for it is not known to exist anywhere else than in the
instance under discussion, and therefore, from the mere case of
1 The typical forms of t·yatireki inference are as follows: anubluitir an-

arzublziiTyii anubhritit?:iit, yan nai'l'll'f!l tan nai'l'a'f!l _vathii {!hatab. Prthit·f itareMn·o
hhidyate gandlzm·att'l'iit yan nait'll'f!l tan nai'l'G'f!l yathii jalam. In the above i-n-
stance an-anubhii'l'}'ll.tt·a (non-cognizahility) belongs only to immediate intuition.
There is thus no sa-pak~a of anuhluiti where an-anubhii?')"llf'l'll was found he fore.
2 ida'f!l 't'c2cya'f!l prameyat'l·iit (this is definahle, hecause it is knowahlc) would,

under the supposition, imply that the concomitance of the negation of t·iicyat'l'G
and prameyat'l•a, viz. m·iicyat'l•a (indcfinahle) and aprameyatt·a (unknowable),
would be demonstrable; which is absurd, since no such cases are known.
xx] l ~enkataniitha' s treatment of Inference 231

concomitance of the negation of an-anubhiivyatva with the negation

of anublzuti the affirmation of an-anubhiivyatva would be inad-
missible. l\1oreover, when one says that that which is an object of
awareness (anubhiivya) is not immediate intuition, the mere
affirmation of the negative relation makes anubhuti an object of
awareness in a negative relation, which contradicts the conclusion
that anubhiiti is not an object of awareness. If, again, the character
that is intended to be inferred by the vyatireki anumiina is already
known to exist in the pakfa, then there is no need of inference. If it
is known to exist elsewhere, then, since there is a sa-pakfa 1 , there
is no ke1-.·ala-vyatireki inference. Even if, through the concomitance
of the negation of the hetu and the siidhya, the siidhya is known to
exist elsewhere outside the negation of the hetu, its presence in the
case under consideration would not be demonstrated. Again, in
the instance under discussion, if, from the concomitance of the
negation of not being an object of awareness and the negation of
immediate intuition, it is argued that the character as not being an
object of awareness (a-vedyatva) must be present somewhere, then
such conclusion would be self-contradictory; for, if it is known that
there is an entity which is not an object of awareness, then by that
very fact it becomes an object of awareness. If an existent entity
is ruled out from all possible spheres excepting one, it necessarily
belongs to that residual sphere. So it may be said that "willing,
being an existent quality, is known to be absent from all spheres
excepting the self; it, therefore, necessarily belongs thereto." On
such an interpretation also there is no necessity of vyatireki
anumiina; for it is really a case of agreement (anvaya); and it is
possible for us to enunciate it in a general formula of agreement
such as "an existent entity, which is absent from all other spheres
excepting one must necessarily belong to that residual sphere."
Again, in such an instance as "all-knowingness (sarva-vittva), being
absent in all known spheres, n1ust be present somewhere, as we
have a notion of it, and therefore there must be an entity to which
it belongs, and such an entity is God," we have the well known
ontological argument which is of vyatireki type. Against such an
inference it may well be contended with justice that the notion of

1 sa-pak~a are all instances (outside the instance of the inference under dis-

cussion) where the hetu or reason is known to co-exist with the sadhya or
232 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.

a hare's horn, which is absent in all known spheres, must neces-

sarily belong to an unperceived entity which is obviously false.
It may be contended that, if the vyatireki inference is not ad-
mitted, then that amounts to a denial of all defining characters; for
a defining character is that which is absent everywhere except in the
object under definition, and thus definition is the very nature of
vyatireki inference. The obvious reply to this is that definition pro-
ceeds from the perception of special characteristics which are
enunciated as the defining characteristics of a particular ohject, and
it has therefore nothing to do with vyatireki inference 1 . It may also
be urged that defining characteristics may also be gathered by joint
method of agreement and difference, and not by a 'l)'atireki in-
ference as suggested by the opponents. In such an instance as
where knowability is defined as that which is capable of being
known, no negative instances are known but it still remains a de-
finition. The definition of definition is that the special characteristic
is existent only in the ohject under definition and nowhere else
(a-stidhiiralJa-'lyiipako dharmo lu.h~WW1!1) 2 • In the case where a
class of objects is defined the defining class-character would be that
which should exist in all individuals of that class, and should be
absent in all other individuals of other classes. But \\·hen an in-
dividual which stands alone (such as God) is defined, then we have
no class-character, but only unique character which belongs to that
individual only and not to a class. Even in such cases, such a de-
fining character ditftrentiates that entity from other entities
(Brahmii, S£va, etc.) with which, through partial similarity, He
might be confused. 'Thus, the definition is a case of agreement of a
character in an entity, and not a negation, as contended by those
who confuse it with 1.yatireki inference. Therefore, the ke'l·a/a-
vyatireki form of inference cannot be supported by any argument.
On the subject of propositions (avaya'l'a) Yenkatanatha holds
that there is no reason why there should be five propositions for all
inference. The dispute, therefore, among various logicians regard-
ing the number of propositions that can be admitted in an inference
is meaningless; for just so many propositions need be admitted for
an inference as are sufficient to make the inference appeal to the
arthii-siidlziira~rii-kiira- pratipat ti-nibmrdlumam
sajiitlya-'L·ijatlya-vyavacclzedetJa lak~a~wm.
Tattva-ratniikara, quoted in Nyiiya-parisuddhi, p. I..lJ.
Nyiiya-parisuddhi, p. 145.
xx] Venkataniitha's treatment of Inference 233
person for whom it may be intended. Thus, there may be three,
four, or five propositions, according to the context in which the
inference appears.
In addition to inference Venkatanatha also admits sabda, or
scriptural testimony. No elaboration need be made here regarding
the sabda-pramii:t;a, as the treatment of the subject is more or less
the same as is found in other systems of philosophy. It may be re-
membered that on the subject of the interpretation of words and
sentences the N aiyaikas held that each single element of a sentence,
such as simp!e words or roots, had its own separate or specific
sense. These senses suffer a modification through a process of addi-
tion of meaning through the suffixes of another case-relation.
Vjewed from this light, the simple constituents of sentences are
atomic, and gradually go through a process of aggregation through
their association with suffixes until they grow into a total meaning
of the sentence. This is called the abhihitii-nvaya-viida. The opposite
view is that of anvitii-bhidhiina-viida, such as that of Mimarpsaka,
which held that no sentence could be analysed into purely simple
entities of n1eaning, unassociated with one another, which could go
gradually hy a process of aggregation or association. Into however
simple a stage each sentence might be capable of being analysed,
the very simplest part of it would always imply a general association
with some kind of a verb or full meaning. The function of the
suffixes and case-relations, consists only in applying restrictions
and limitations to this general connectedness of meaning which
every word carries with itself. Venkatanatha holds this anvitii-
bhidlziina-·viida against the ablzihitii-nvaya-viida on the ground that the
litter involves the unnecessary assumption of separate specific
powers for associating the meaning of the simplest word-elements
with their suffixes, nr between the suffixed words among themselves
and their mutual connectedness for conveying the meaning of a
sentence 1 • The acceptance of anvitii-bhidhiina was conducive to the
philosophy of Ramanuja, as it established the all-connectedness of
meaning (viSi~tii-rtha).
Ramanuja himself did not write any work propounding his views
of logic consistent with his system of philosophy. But Nathamuni
had written a work called Nyiiya-tattva, in which he criticized
1 ablzihitii-nvyaye hi padiinii'!l padii-rthe padii-rthiina'!l 'l.'iikyii-rthe padiinii'!l ca

tatra iti sakti-traya-kalpanii-gaurava'!l syiit. Nyiiya-parisuddhi, p. 369.

234 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
the views of Gotama's logic and revised it in accordance with
the ViSi~tii-dvaita tradition. Vigmcitta wrote his Saizgati-miilii and
Prameya-sa1J1graha, following the same lines, Bhanarakaguru wrote
his Tattva-ratniikara, and Varadavi~Q.U Misra also wrote his Prajiiii-
paritrii7Ja and Miina-yiithiitmya-nir~zaya, working out the views of
Vis#ta-dvaita logic. Venkatanatha based his Nyiiya-parisuddhi on
these works, sometimes elucidating their views and sometimes dif-
fering from them in certain details. But, on the whole, he drew his
views on the ViSi~tii-dvaita logic from the above writers. His origin-
ality, therefore, in this field is very limited. IVlcghanadari, however,
seems to differ very largely from Venkatanatha in admitting
Upamiina and arthiipatti as separate prama7Jas. He has also made
some very illuminating contributions in his treatment of perception,
and in his treatment of inference he has wholly differed from
Veri.katanatha in admitting vyatireki anumiina.
Meghanadari admits upamiina as a separate pramii1Ja. With him
upamiina is the pramii7Ja through which it is possible to have the
knowledge of similarity of a perceived object with an unperceived
one, when there was previously a knowledge of the similarity of the
latter with the former. Thus, when a man has the knowledge that
the cow which he perceives is similar to a bison, and when later on,
roaming in the forest, he observes a bison, he at once notes that the
cow which he does not perceive now is similar to a bison which he
perceives. This knowledge, l\1eghanadari contends, cannot be due
to perception, because the cow is not before the perceiver; it also
cannot be due to memory, since the knowledge of similarity dawns
before the reproduction of the cow in the mind. 1\Ieghanadari holds
that no separate pramii~za need be admitted for the notion of dif-
ference; for the knowledge of difference is but a negation of
similarity. This interpretation of upamiinais, however, different from
that given in Nyaya, where it is interpreted to mean the association
of a word with its object on the basis of similarity, e.g. that animal
is called a bison which is similar to a cow. Here, on the basis of
similarity, the word" bison" is associated with that animal. 1\Iegha-
nadari tries to explain this by the function of recognition, and re-
pudiates its claim to be regarded as a separate pramii1Ja 1 • He also
admits arthiipatti as a separate pramii1Ja. Arthiipatti is generally
translated as" implication," where a certain hypothesis, without the
See MS. Naya-dyu-mm:zi. Chapter on [;pamiina.
xx] Epistemology according to Meghaniidiiri and others 235
assumption of which an obscured fact of experience becomes inex-
plicable, is urged before the mind by the demand for an explanation
of the observed fact of experience. Thus, when one knows from an
independent source that Devadatta is living, though not found at his
house, a natural hypothesis is urged before the mind that he must
be staying outside the house; for otherwise either the present ob-
servation of his non-existence at his house is false or the previous
knowledgethatheislivingisfalse. That he is living and that he is non-
existent at his house can only be explained by the supposition that he
is existing somewhere outside the house. This cannot be regarded
as a case of inference of the form that "since somewhere-existing
Devadatta is non-existent at his house, he must be existent some-
where else; for all somewhere-existing entities which are non-
existent at a place must be existent elsewhere like myself." Such
an inference is meaningless; for the non-existence of an existing
entity in one place is but the other name of its existing elsewhere.
Therefore, the non-existence of an existing entity in one place
should not be made a reason for arriving at a conclusion (its ex-
istence elsewhere) which is not different from itself. Arthiipatti is
thus to be admitted as a separate pramii7Ja.

Epistemology of the Ramanuja School according to

Meghanadari and others.
Venkatanatha, in his Nyiiya-parisuddhi, tries to construct the
principles of Logic (Nyiiya or Niti) on which Ramanuja's system
of philosophy is based. He was not a pioneer in the field, but he
followed and elaborated the doctrines of Vis#tii-dvaita logic as
enunciated by Nathamuni, the teacher of Yamuna, in his work
calledNyiiya-tattva, and the works of Parasara Bhattaon the subject.
Regarding the system of Nyaya propounded by Gotama, Venkata's
main contention is that though Gotama's doctrines have been re-
jected by Badarayal).a as unacceptable to right-minded scholars,
they may yet be so explained that they may be made to harmonize
with the true Vedantic doctrines of Visi~tii-dvaita. But the interpreta-
tions of Gotama's Nyaya by Vatsyayana take them far away from
the right course and have therefore to be refuted. At any rate
Venkata, like Vi~l).ucitta, is not unwilling to accept such doctrines
of Gotama as are not in conflict with the Vcdanta view. Thus, there
may be a divergence of opinion regarding the sixteenfold classi-
236 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
fication of logical categories. There can be no two opinions re-
garding the admission of the fact that there are at least certain en-
tities which are logically valid; for if logical validity is denied, logic
itself becomes unfounded. All our experiences assume the existence
of certain objective factors on which they are based. A general
denial of such objective factors takes away the very root of ex-
perience. It is only when such objective factors arc admitted to he
in existence in a general manner that there may he any inquiry
regarding their specific nature. If everything were invalid, then the
opponent's contention would also be invalid. If everything were
doubted, then also it would remain uncontradictory. The doubt
itself cannot be doubted and the existence of doubt would have to
he admitted a.; a decisive conclusion. So, even by leading a full
course of thoroughgoing doubt, the admission of the possibility of
definite conclusion becomes irresistible 1 • Therefore, the contention
of the Buddhists that there is nothing valid and that there is nothing
the certainty of which can be accepted, is inadmissible. If, there-
fore, there arc things of which definite and valid knowledge is
possible, there arises a natural inquiry about the means or instru-
ments by which such valid knowledge is possible. The word
pramii'f_la is used in two senses. Firstly, it means \·alid knowledge;
secondly, it means instruments by which valid knowledge is pro-
duced. pramii1}a as valid knowledge is defined by \-er1kata as the
knowledge which corresponds to or produces a behaviour leading
to an experience of things as they are (yathii-~·asthita-7.:ya'l·ahiirii-nu­
gu1}am)2. The definition includes behaviour as an indispensable
condition of pramii~w such that, even though in a particular case a
behaviour may not actually he induced, it may yet be pramii'f_la if
the knowledge be such that it has the capacity of producing a be-
haviour which would tally with things as they are 3 . The definition
'l'ya·rahiiro hi ja~:ato bhm:aty iilmbane k1·acit
na tat siimiinyato niisti kathmrtii tu parik~yate
siimiin\'a-niscihi-rthena ·risese tu buhhutsitam
parik$"a hJ· ucitii s1'e-$!a-pr~miit~o-tpiidanii-tmikii . ..

san·a, sandigdham iti te 71ipu1Jasyii'sti niscaya~1

sa,sayas ca na sandz:~dha~z sandiRdhii -d1·aita-t iidinab.
1'\/yiiya-parisuddhi, p. 31 (Chowkhamba edition).
2 Nyiiya-pariiuddhi, by Verikatanatha, p. 36.
anu)(u~za- pada7J! 'l'}'m·ahiira-janana-n·arripa-yogya-para7J! tenii'janita-'l')'Q'l'a-
hiire yathii-rtha-j;iiina-t·iie$C 71ii'·vyiipti~z. Srinivasa's Nyiiya-siira on 1\"yiiya-
pariiuddhi, p. 36.
xx] Epistemology according to Meghaniidiiri and others 237
of pramii1.za as knowledge leading to a behaviour tallying with facts
naturally means the inclusion of valid memory within it. An un-
contradicted memory is thus regarded as valid means of knowledge
according to the Ramanuja system 1 . Veti.kata urges that it is wrong
to suppose the illicit introduction of memory as the invariable con-
dition of illusion, for in such illusory perception as that of yellow
conch-shell, there is manifestly no experience of the production of
memory. 'fhe conch-shell directly appears as yellow. So in all
cases of illusions the condition that is invariably fulfilled is that one
thing appears as another, which is technically called anyathii-khyati.
But it may as well be urged that in such an illusion as that of the
conch-shell-silver, the reason why the conch-shell appears as the
silver is the non-apprehension of the distinction between the sub-
conscious image of the silver seen in shops and the perception of a
s_hining piece before the eyes, technically called akhyati. Thus, in
all cases of illusion, when one thing appears as another there is this
condition of the non-apprehension of the distinction between a
memory image and a percept. If illusions are considered from this
point of view, then they may be said to be primarily and directly
due to the aforesaid psychological fact known as akhyati. Thus,
both these theories of illusion have been accepted by Ramanuja
from two points of view. The theory of anyatha-khyati appeals
directly to experience, whereas the akhyati view is the result of
analysis and reasoning regarding the psychological origin of il-
lusions 2 • The other theory of illusion (yathiirtha-khyiiti), which re-
gards illusions also as being real knowledge, on the ground that in
accordance with the paiici-karm.za theory all things are the result
of a primordial admixture of the elements of all things, is neither
psychological nor analytical but is only metaphysical, and as
such does not explain the nature of illusions. The illusion in
such a view consists in the fact or apprehension of the presence
of such silver in the conch-shell as c~m be utilized for domestic
or ornamental purposes, whereas the metaphysical explanation only
justifies the perception of certain primordial elements of silver in
the universal admixture of the elements of all things in all things.
smrti-mii.trii.-pramii.rzatva7J! na yuktam iti va/qyate
abii.dhita-smriter loke pramii.rzatva-parigrahii.t.
Nyii.ya-pariSuddhi, p. 38.
z ida'Jl rajatam anubhavii.mz'ty ekatvenai'va pratlyamii1liiyii.lz pratfter
graharza-smararzii.-tmakatvam anekatva1Jl ca yuktitafz sii.dhyamii.na1Jl na pratfti-
patham iirohati. Nyii.ya-sii.ra, p. 40.
238 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.

In refuting the iitma-klzyiiti theory of illusion of the Buddhists,

Venkata says that if the idealistic Buddhist can admit the validity
of the different awarenesses as imposed on the one fundamental
consciousness, then on the same analogy the validity of the per-
ceived objects may also be admitted. If the different subjective and
objective awarenesses arc not admitted, then all experiences would
be reduced to one undifferC"ntiated consciousness, and that would
be clearly against the Buddhistic theory of knowledge. The
Buddhist view that entities which are simultaneously apprehended
arc one, and that therefore knowledge and its objects which are
apprehended simultaneously are one, is wrong. Knowledge and its
objects are directly apprehended as different, and therefore the
affirmation of their identity is contradicted in experience. The
::\1adhyamika Buddhists further hold that, just as in spite of the
falsehood of the defects (do~n), illusions happen, so in spite of the
falsehood of any substratum or any abiding entity, illusions may
appear as mere appearances without any reality behind them.
Against such a view, Yenkata says that whatever is understood by
people as existent or non-existent has always a reference to a
reality, and mere phenomena without any basis or ground on
reality are incomprehensible in all our experience. I lence the pure
phenomenalism of the \ladhyamika is wholly against all experience 1 .
\Vhen people speak uf non-existence of any entity, they always do
it with some kind of spatial or temporal qualification. Thus, when
they say that the hook docs not exist, they always qualify this non-
existence with a" here" and a" there" or with a" now" or a" then."
But pure unqualified non-existence is unknown to ordinary ex-
perience 2 • Again all positive experience of thin.gs is spatially
limited (e.g. there is a jug "here"); if this spatial qualification as
"here" is admitted, then it cannot be held that appearances occur
on mere nothing (nir-adhi~!/;iina-bhramii-nupapatti~l). If, however,
the limitation of a "here" or" there" is denied, then no experience
is possible (pratiter apalmava eva syiit).
Criticizing the a-nirvacan~va theory of illusion of the Yedantists
Vet1katanatha says that when the Sankarites described all things as
loke bhii'l'ii-bhiiva-sabdayos tat-pratltyos ca 'l'idyamiinasyai't·a 'l·astrma!J
m•asthii-vise~a-gocaratt•asya pratipciditat'l·iit. prakilrii-ntarasya ca loka-siddlw-
pramii7Jii-'l'i~a)Hlt'l•iid ity-artlza!J. Xytiya-siira, p. 46.
2 sarvo'pi ni~edha!J sa-pratiyogiko niyata-desa-kiilaha '>rat1yate. Xlrupa-
dhir niyata-desa-kcila-pratiyogi-v·ise$fi7Ja-rahito ni~edho na praliyate iti. /hid. p. 46.
xx] Epistemology according to Meghaniidiiri and others 239
indefinable (a-nirvacaniya), the word " indefinable" must mean
either some definite trait, in which case it would cease to be in-
definable, or it might mean failure to define in a particular manner,
in which case the Sai:tkarites might as well accept the Ramanuja
account of the nature of the universe. Again when the Sai:tkarites
are prepared to accept such a self-contradictory category as that
which is different both from being and non-being (sad-asad-
vyatirekal;), why cannot they rather accept things as both existent
and non-existent as they are felt in experience? The self-contradic-
tion would be the same in either case. If, however, their description
of the world-appearance as something different from being and
non-being is for the purpose of establishing the fact that the world-
appearance is different both from chimerical entities (tuccha) and
from Brahman, then Ramanujists should have no dispute with
them. Further, the falsity of the world does not of itself appeal to
experience; if an attempt is made to establish such a falsity through
unfounded dialectic, then by an extension of such a dialectic even
Brahman could be proved to be self-contradictory. Again the
assertion that the world-appearance is non-existent because it is de-
structible is unfounded; for the U pani~ads speak of Brahman, the
individual souls and the prakrti as being eternal. The Sai:tkarites also
confuse destruction and contradiction (na cai' kya'f!l niiJa-biidhayol;) 1 •
The followers of Pataiijali speak of an illusory comprehension
through linguistic usage in which we are supposed to apprehend
entities which have no existence. This is called nirvi~aya-khyiiti.
Thus, when we speak of the head of Rahu, we conceive Rahu as
having an existence apart from his head, and this apprehension is
due to linguistic usage following the genitive case-ending in Rahu,
but Vei:tka~a urges that it is unnecessary to accept a separate theory
of illusion for explaining such experience, since it may well be done
by the akhyiiti or anyathii-khyiiti theory of illusion, and he contends
that he has already demonstrated the impossibility of other theories
of illusion.
Meghanadari, however, defines pramii1_Za as the knowledge that
determines the objects without depending on other sources of know-
ledge such as memory 2 •
1 Nyaya-pariiuddhi, pp. 48-sx.

• "tatra'nya-prama1}a-napek~am artha-paricchedaka1JI Jnana1JI pramti1}am,

artha-paricchede' nya-prama1}a-sapek~a-smrtav ativyapti-parihare' nya-prama1}ti-
napek~am iti." Naya-dyu-ma1}i, Madras Govt. Oriental MS.
240 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [c1-1.
Though knowledge is self-revealing (s'l-·a-murtiiv api s·vayam eva
hetu/:z ), and though there is a continuity of consciousness in sleep,
or in a state of swoon, yet the consciousness in these stages cannot
reveal objects of cognition. This is only possible when knowledge
is produced through the processes known as pramii~a. \\"hen we
speak of the self-validity of knowledge, we may speak of the cog-
nition as being determined hy the objects that it grasps (artha-
paricchinna1Jl pramii!lam). But \\·hen we speak of it from the per-
ceptual point of view or from the point of view of its determining
the objects of knowledge, we have to speak of knowledge as de-
termining the nature of ohjects(artha-paricchedalw) and not as being
determined by them. Knowledge may thus he looked at from a
subjective point of view in self-validity of cognition (s7.·atafl-
priimii!l)'a). Then the self-validity refers to its content which is
determined by the objects of comprehension. It has also to he
looked at from the objective point of view in all cases of acquire-
ment of knowledge and in our behaviour in the world of objects,
and then the knowledge appears as the means by which we de-
termine the nature of the objects and measure our behaviour
accordingly. The definition of knowledge as that which measures
the nature of ohjects ( artlw-paricdzecla-hiiri jiz£11llll!l prmnii~wm), as
given hy ::\'leghan;tdari is thus somewhat ditfcrcnt from that given hy
,. enkata, who defines it as that which corresponds to or produces
a behaviour leading to an experience of things as they arc (yathii-
vasthitavyavalziirii-mif~Wumz). In the case of \"er1kap, knowledge is
looked at as a means to behaviour and it is the behaviour which is
supposed to determine the nature of correspondence. In :\lcgha-
nadari's definition the whole question of behaviour and of corre-
spondence is lost sight of, or at least put in the background. The
emphasis is put on the function of knowledge as determining the
objects. The supposition probably is that in case of error or illusion
also the real object is perceived, and the illusion is caused through
the omission of other details, a correct pcrn·ption of which would
have rendered the illusion impossible. \Vc know already that
according to the yathiirtlza-khyiiti theory of Ramanuja there arc
clements of all things in all things, according to the LT pani~adic
theory of "trivrt-kara!la" and its elaboration in the pafic'i-karm;a
doctrine. What happens therefore in illusion (e.g. the conch-shell-
silver) is that the visual organ is in contact with the element of
xx] Epistemology according to llleghaniidtiri and others 241

silver that forms one of the constituents of the conch-shell. This

clement of silver no doubt is infinitesimally small as compared with
the ovenvhclmingly preponderating parts-the conch-shell. But
on account of the temporary defect of the visual organ or other
distracting circumstances, these preponderating parts of the conch-
shell are lost sight of. The result is that knowledge is produced only
of the silver elements with which the sense-organ was in contact;
and since the conch-shell element had entirely dropped out of
comprehension, the silver element was regarded as being the only
one that was perceived and thus the illusion was produced. But
even in such an illusion the perception of silver is no error. The
error consists in the non-perception of the preponderating part-
the conch-shell. Thus, even in illusory perception, it is un-
doubtedly a real object that is perceived. The theory of anyathii-
l~hyiiti is that illusion consists in attributing a quality or character
to a thing which it docs not possess. In an indirect manner this
theory is also implied in the yathiirtha-khyiiti theory in so far that
here also the characters attributed (e.g. the silver) to the object of
perception (puro1-·arti vastu) do not belong to it, though the essence
of illusion docs not consist in that, and there is no real illusion of
perception. l\1eghanadari thus holds that all knowledge is true in
the sense that it has always an object corresponding to it, or what
has heen more precisely described by Anantacarya that all cognitive
characters (illusory or otherwise) universally refer to real objective
entities as objects of knowledge 1 • \Ve have seen that Venkata had
admitted three theories of illusion, namely, anyathii-ldzyiiti,
al~hyiiti and yatlu1rtha-khyiiti, from three different points of view.
This does not seem to find any support in 1\Ieghanadari's work, as
he spares no effort to prove that the yathiirtha-khyiiti theory is the
only theory of illusion and to refute the other rival theories. The
main drift of :\lcghanadari's criticism of anyathii-khyiiti consists in
the view that since knowledge must always refer to an object that is
perceived, it is not possible that an object should produce a know-
ledge giving an entirely different content, for then such a content
would refer to no ol}jcct and thus would be chimerical (tuccha).
If it is argued that the object is present elsewhere, then it might he
contended that since the presence of the object can he determined
1 '' Tat-tad-dharma-prakiiraka-jiiii1lal1'a-·z·yt'ipakm!l tat-tad-dharmavad-viies-

yakal'l'am iti yathii'rthm!l san•a-v:ij;iii11am iti." Anantacarya, Jiiiina-yiithiirtlzya-

viida (MS.).
lllll 16
242 Philosophy of the Ramtinuja School of Thought [cH.
only by the content of knowledge, and since such an object is denied
in the case of illusory perception where we have such a knowledge,
what is the guarantee that the object should be present in other
cases? In those cases also it is the knowledge that alone should
determine the presence of the object. That is to say, that if know-
ledge alone is to be the guarantor of the corresponding object, it is
not right to say in two instances where such knmdedge occurs that
the object exists in one case and not in the other 1 .
In refuting the anirvacaniya-khyiiti J.VIeghanadari says that if it
is supposed that in illusions an indefinable silver is produced which
is mistaken for real silver, then that is almost the same as the
anyathii-khyiiti view, for here also one thing is taken as another.
l\1oreover, it is difficult to explain how the perception of such an
indefinable silver would produce the real desire for picking it up
which is possible only in the case of the perception of real silver.
A desire which can he produced by a real object can never be pro-
duced by a mere illusory notion. ~or can there he any similarity
between a mere illusory notion and the real shining entity, viz.
silver 2 • The so-called indefinable silver is regarded either as being
of the nature of being and non-being, or as different from being
and non-heing, both of which arc impossible according to the Law
of Contradiction and the I .aw of Excluded :\Iiddle. Even if it he
admitted for the sake of argument that such an extra-logical entity
is possible, it would he difficult to conceive how it could have any
similarity with such a positive entity as ordinary silver. It cannot
be admitted that this complex of being and non-being is of the
nature of pure vacuity, for then also it would be impossible to con-
ceive any similarity between a vacuum entity and real silver 3 •
1 na ca tadbajj1iiine'st·l'iti ·viicya7!!. tad-iikiirasya sat_vat1.:e bhriintit<·ii-nu-
papattitJ asatt·ve tu na tasya j1iii11ii-kiiratii. tucchasya vast1•-iikiiratii-nupapatte!z.
tad-iikiiral'l'e ca khyiitir eva tuuhe'ti suktikiidau 7lQ rajatii-rthi-pra'lo!ttitJ. :i\lt.·g-
h:madari, Naya-dyu-ma~i (MS.).
The general drift of l\1eghanadari's theme may be summed up in the words of
Anantacarya in his Jiiiina-yiithiirthya-viida (I\ ISO) as follows: "tat lui ca rajatatnl'Jl
sukti-ni~!bll-1oi~ayatii-vacchedakat'l'ii-bhii1°Q'l'Ql sukty-m·rttil1:iit yo yad-m:rttib sa
tan-ni~!~za-dharma-nirupitci-vacchedakat'loii-blui'l'a'l'cin iti scinuinya-'loytiptau da~z~la-
7liH~w-kiira~atii-'l•acchedakat·vii-bhii'l'avad da~cfii-'l·.rtti gha!alnidikmtz dor~!iintab.''
2 "tasyii'nir·viicya-rajatatayii grahm;iid 1.oiparita-khytiti-pak~a-Ptlta~zo .. sam-

ya{!-rajata-dhir hi prmo.rtti-hetu!z 0 0tasya pratity-iitmaka-'loasf'lo-iitmakayor bluis-

'l'aratva-di-siidr.tvii-bhiinit." Ibid.
3 ekasya y;Lgapat sad-asadii-tmaka-f}iruddlza-dharmavattvii-nupapattetJ. tad-
upapattiiv api siid.rsyci-nupapatteica ... silnya-vastrmi pramci~ti-blui·viito tat-sad-
bhiive'pi tasya rajata-siid,rsyii-bhiiviicca tato 1za prav,rttitJ. Ibid.
xx] Epistemology according to Meghanadari and others 243
Again it is said that the illusory silver is called indefinable
(anirvacaniya) because it is different from pure being such as the
self which is never contradicted in experience (iitmano biidhii-yogiit)
and from non-being such as the chimerical entities like the hare's
horn which can never be objects of knowledge (khyiity-ayogiit). But
in reply to this it may very well be urged that the being of the self
cannot itself be proved, for if the self were the object of kpowledge
it would be as false as the world appearance; and if it were not it
could not have any being. It cannot also be said to have being be-
cause of its association with the class concept of being, for the self
is admitted to be one, and as such cannot be associated with class
concept 1 • Again want of variability cannot be regarded as a con-
dition of reality, for if the cognitive objects are unreal because they
are variable, the knower himself would be variable on account of his
association with variable objects and variable relations, and would
therefore be false. Again being (sattii) is not as universal as it is
supposed to be, for it is different from the entities (jug, etc.) to
which it is supposed to belong and also from negation in the view
that holds negation to be a positive category 2 • If the self is re-
garded as self-luminous, then it may also be contended that such
self-luminosity must be validly proved; and it may also be urged
that unless the existence of the self has already been so proved
its character cannot be proved to be self-luminous. 3
Again the akhyiiti view is liable to two different interpretations,
in both of which it may be styled in some sense as yathiirtha-khyati.
In the first interpretation the illusion is supposed to be produced in
the following manner: the visual organ is affected by the shining
character of something before the eyes, and this shining character,
being of the same nature as that of the silver, the shining character
of the silver is remembered, and since it is not possible to dis-
1 tasya drsyal'L·ti-nabhyupagame sasa-vi~ii~ti-dl-siimyam. titmanatz prameyatii
ca ne'~!e'ti, na tatas tat-sattii-siddhib. tad-abhyupagatau ca ptapaiicavanmithytit-
Val!l • •. titma-vyakter ekatvti-bltimtiniit tad-vyatirikta-padtirthasyti' sattvti-bhimtin-
ticca sattii-samavtiyitvti-nupapatte~z. Meghanadari, Naya-dyu-marzi.
2 atha ghata-Pa!ii-d£-bhedtinii'!l vytivartamtinatventi'ptiramtirthyam . .. titma-

no'pi ghata-paftidi-sarva-padtirthebhyo vytivartamtinatvtin mithytitvti-pattib . .. ab-

hivyaiijakti-piiramiirtlzye'bhivyaiigyti-ptiramiirthyam . .. na ca sattvasyai'va sam-
asta-padiirthe~v anuvartamtina'!l ptiramtirthyam. ghatiidayo'pi tad-apek~ayti
vytivartmzte . .. abhtivasya padtirthti-ntarbhtive'pi tatra sattii-nabhyupagamiit
sarva-padtirthti-nuvrtty-abhiiviit. Ibid.
3 na ca tasya svaya'!z-praktisatvtin na pramii~ii-pek~e'ti svayaf!Z-prakiisatvasyii'-

pi pramti~ii-dhlnatviit pramti~ii-ntara-siddhti-tmanab svayaf!Z-praktisatvasya stid-

hyatviicca. na hi dharmy-aprasidhau dharma-siidhyatti. Ibid.
244 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
tinguish whether this shining character belongs to silver or to some-
thing else, and since the object in front is associated with such an
undiscriminated shining character, the shining character cannot be
treated as a mere self-ejected idea, but has to be taken as having its
true seat in that something before the eye; thus, the notion of silver
is a result of a true perception. It would have been a false percep-
tion if the conch-shell had been percei\·ed as silver, but in such a
perception it is not the conch-shell, but "this, in front, th3t is per-
ceived as silver. The general maxim is that the idea which corre-
sponds to any particular kind of behaviour is to be regarded as a
true representation of the object experienced in such a behaviour
(yad-artha-'l')'a~·ahiirii-nugul_la ya dhi~l sa tad-arthii). This maxim
has its application here inasmuch as the" this" in front can be ex-
perit>nced in practical behaviour as such, and the silvery character
has also a true reference to real silver. So the notion "this silver"
is to he regarded as a complex of two notions, the "this" ant! the
"silver." Thus, the perception involved in the above interpretation
is a true perception according to the akhyiiti view. In the above
explanation it is contend(:d that just as the two different notions of
substance and quality may both appear in the same concept, so
there cannot be any difficulty in conceiving of a legitimate unity of
two different notions in one illusory perception as "this silver."
Such a fusion is possible on account of the fact that here two notions
occur in the same moment and there is no gap between them. This
is different from the anyathii-khyiiti view, in which one thing is
supposed to. appear as another. The objections against this view
arc: firstly, that a defect cannot possibly transmute one thing into
another; secondly, if illusions be regarded as the appearance of one
thing as another, then there is scope for such a fear, even in those
cases which are regarded as correct perception; for all knowledge
would be exposed to doubt, and this would land us in scepticism.
If, therefore, it is suggested that illusion is due to a non-compre-
hension of the difference between the presence of a conch-shell and
the memory-image of silver, that also would he impossible. For if
"difference" means only the different entities (bhcdo 'l·m·tu-S'l·anl-
pam-e'L·a), then non-comprehension of diflerence ('' hich is regarded
as the root-cause of illusion in the present view) would mean the
comprehension of the identity of the menwry-image and the per-
cept, and that would not account for the qualified concept where
xx] Epistemology according to Meghanadari and others 245
one notion (e.g. the silver) appears as qualifying the other notion
(the "this" before the ey~ ). Moreover, if two independent notions
which are not related as substance and quality be miscomprehended
as one concept, then any notion could be so united with any other
notion, because the memory-images which are stored in our past
experiences are limitless. Again the silver that was experienced in
the past was experienced in association with the space in which it
existed, and the reproduction of the silver and memory would also
be associated with that special spatial quality. This would render
its mis-association with the percept before the perceiver impossible
on account of the spatial difference of the two. If it is contended
that through the influence of defects the spatial quality of the
memory-image is changed, then that would be the anyathii-khyiiti
theory, which would be inadmissible in the akhyiiti view. Again
since all sensible qualities must be associated with some kind of
spatial relation, even if the original spatial quality be transmuted
or changed, that would be no reason why such a spatial image
should be felt as being in front of the perceiver. It must also be
said that the distinctive differences between the memory-image and
the percept are bound to he noted; for if such a distinctive dif-
ference were not noted, the memory-image could not be dis-
tinguished as "silver-image." It cannot also be said that though
the percept can be distinguished from the memory-image the latter
cannot he distinguished from the former, for the discriminative
character is a constituent of hoth, and it is nothing but the white
shining attribute. If it is urged that the spatial and other distinctive
qualities are not noted in the memory-irnage and it appears merely
as an image, then it may weB be objected that any and every
memory-image may he confused with the present percept, and
even a stone may appear as silver.
Since hoth the a-nirvacaniya-klzyiiti and the akhyiiti are in some
sense yathiirtha-khyiiti, Meghanadari refuted these two theories of
illusion and attempted to show that the yathiirtha-khyati would be
untenable in these views. Now he tries to show that all other
possible interpretations of yathiirtha-khyiiti are invalid. The funda-
mental assumption of yathiirtha-khyiiti is that a11 knowledge must
correspond to a real object like all right knowledge 1 • Thus, in other
1 ·vipratipanna!z pratyayo J•athii-rtha?z pratyatviit, sampratipanna-pratyaJ•a-

vaditi. Naya-dyu-ma1_1i, p. 140 (MS.).

246 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [CH.
interpretations, the yathiirtha-khyiiti or the correspondence theory,
might mean that cognition is produced by a real object or by the
objective percept or that it means uncontradicted experience. The
first alternative is untenable because even in the illusion of the
conch-shell-silver the notion of silver has been produced by a real
object, the conch-shell; the second view is untenable, for the object
corresponding to the illusory percept of silver is not actually present
in the conch-shell according to other theories; and so far as the
operation of the memory impression of the silver as experienced in
the past is concerned (piirvii-nubhiita-rajata-sa1!fSkiira-dviirii) its in-
strumentality is undeniable both in right and in illusory cognitions.
The third alternative is untenable because contradiction refers to
knowledge or judgment and not to things themselves. If it is said
that the cognition refers to the illusory appearance and hence it is
the illusory entity existing outside that is the object of perception,
the obvious objection would be that perception refers to a non-
illusory something in front of the perceiver, and this cannot be
obviated. If non-illusory something is a constituent in the cogni-
tion, then it would be futile to say that the mere illusory perceptual
form is all that can be the object of perception.
It cannot also be said that the illusory perception has no object
(nirvi~aya-khyiiti) and that it is called cognition, because, though it
may not itself be amenable to behaviour as right cognitions are, it
is similar to them by producing an impression that it also is amen-
able to behaviour, just as autumn clouds, which cannot shower, are
also called clouds. The illusory cognition has for its content not
only the illusory appearance but also the non-illusory "this" to
which it objectively and adjectively refers. The truth, however, is
that it is not indispensable for constituting the objectivity of a
cognition that all the characters of the object should appear in the
cognition; if any of its characters are manifested, that alone is suf-
ficient to constitute the objectivity of an entity with regard to its
cognition. The position, therefore, is that all cognitions refer and
correspond to certain real entities in the objective world, and this
cannot be explained on any other theory than on the supposition
of a metaphysico-cosmological theory akin to the theory of
Anantacarya, in his Jiiiina-yiithiirthya-viida, more or less repeats
the arguments of Meghanadari when he says that no cognition can
xx] The Doctrine of Self-validity of Knowledge 247
be possible without its being based on a relation of correspondence
to an objective entity. The content of knowledge must therefore
have a direct correspondence with the objective entity to which it
refers. Thus, since there is a perception of silver (in the illusory
perception of conch-shell-silver), it must refer to an objective sub-
stratum corresponding to it 1 . The Mimarpsa supposition that errors
are produced through non-discrimination of memory-image and
perception is also wrong, because in that case we should have the ex-
perience of remembering silver and not of perceiving it as an ob-
jective entity before us 2 • Both Meghanadari and Anantacarya take
infinite pains to prove that their definition of error applies to all
cases of illusions of diverse sorts, including dreams, into the de-
tails of which it is unnecessary for our present purposes to enter 3 •

The Doctrine of Self-validity of Knowledge.

Pramiit;ta, or valid knowledge, is defined as the cognition of
objects as they are (tathii-bhiitii-rtha-jiiiina1Jl hi pramiit.zam ucyate),
and apramiit.za, or invalid knQwledge, is described as cognition repre-
senting a wrong notion of an object (a-tathii-bhutii-rtha-jiiiina'f!l hi
a-pramiit.zam). Such a validity, it is urged by Meghanadari, is mani-
fested by the knowledge itself ( tathiitvii-vadhiirat.zii-tmaka'f!l priim-
iit.zyam iitmanai'va nisdyate). This does not expose it to the criticism
that knowledge, being passive, cannot at the same moment be also
regarded as active, determining its own nature as valid (na ca
karma-kartrtii-virodhal_z); for since it is of the nature of a faithful
representation of the object, the manifestation of its own nature as
such is an affirmation of its validity. If knowledge had no power by
itself of affirming its own validity, there would be no way by which
such a validity could be affirmed, for the affirmation of its validity
by any other mediate process, or through any other instrumentality,
will always raise the same question as to how the testimony of those
processes or instruments can be accepted. For on such a supposi-
tion, knowledge not being self-valid, each such testimony has to be
1 tathii ca rajatatva1[1 sukti-ni~!!za-vi~ayatii-vacchedakatvii-bhiivavat sukty-

avrttitt,iit yo yad-avrtti!z sa tan-ni~!!za-dharma-niriipitii-vacchedakatvii-bhiivavii­

niti. Jiiiina-yiithiirthya-viida (MS.).
2 rajata-smara~e ida,-padiirtha-grahar:ta-rilpa-jfiiina-dvaya-ka/pane rajata1[1

smariiml'ti tatrii'nubhava-prasanga!z, na tu rajala'f!l pasyiimlti, sii~iit-kiiratva­

vyaiijaka-vi~ayatiiyii!z smarar:te' bhiiviit. Ibid.
(a) Ibid. (b) Meghanadari, Naya-dyu-mar:ti.
248 Philosophy of the Ramiinuja School of Thought [cH.
corroborated by another testimony, and that by another, and this
will lead us to infinite regress.
In repudiating other views l\1eghanadari points out that if
validity is admitted as belonging to the collocative causes of know-
ledge (involving the self, the senses, and the object), then even the
object would have to he regarded as a pramii!Ja, and there would be
no prameya or object left. Again, if affirmation is regarded as being
of the nature of awareness, then even memory-knowledge has to he
regarded as valid, since it is of the nature of awareness. Further,
if affirmation of validity he of the nature of power, then such power,
being non-sensible, has to be manifested hy some other means of
knowledge. If, again, validity is supposed to he produced by the
causes of knowledge, then the dictum of the self-manifestation of
validity would have to he given up. Uncontradicted behaviour also
cannot be regarded as a definition of validity, for in that case even
memory has to he regarded as valid by itself. It cannot also be de-
fined as merely knowledge as such, for knowledge, not being able
to turn back on itself to apprehend its own validity, would have to
depend on something else, and that would imply the affirmation of
validity through extraneous refen.-nce (paratab-prii11ul.~zya). .\gain
in those cases where the cause of error is known, the cognition,
though known as erroneous, irresistibly manifests itself to us (e.g.
the movement of the sun). The assumption that all knowledge is
associated with its validity is inapplicable to such cases. If, again,
it is held that, whenever a later cognition rejects the former, we
have a clear case as to how the invalidity of the previous cognition is
demolished by the valid knowledge of a later moment; it may he
urged that, when the generic knO\dedge of an object is replaced hy
a cognition of details, we have a case when one cognition replaces
another, though it does not involve any cri!icism of the former
In the Bhana view, where it is supposed that when the object
attains its specific cognized character its knowledge as an internal
operation is inferred, both validity and invalidity ought to depend
upon the objects. If, however, it is urged that the notion of validity
shows itself in the faultless character of the instruments and condi-
tion of cognition, that would also imply the notion of validity as of
extraneous ongm. In the Prahhakara view, where knowledge is
supposed to reveal the knower, the object and knowledge in one
xx] The Doctrine of Self-validity of Knowledge 249
sweep, we have a much better case in so far that here knowledge has
not to depend on anything extraneous. In this case self-invalidity
may apply only to memory which has to depend on previous per-
ception. To this the Nyaya objection is that since memory is also
knowledge, and since all knowledge is self-revealing, the Prab-
hakaras ought consistently to admit the self-validity of memory.
l.Vleghanadari holds that all these objections against the self-
validity of knowledge are invalid; for if the knowledge of the validity
of any cognition has to depend on other pramii1:zas, then there is an
infinite regress. If, however, an attempt is made to avoid the regress
by admitting the self-validity of any later pramii:l:za, then it virtually
amounts to the admission of self-validity (anavasthii-parihiiriiya
kasyacit svatast'vii-ilgikiire ca na paratal)-priimii1}yam). It may be
urged that we are not necessarily prompted to action by a con-
sciousness of validity, but through the probability of the same which
is sought to be tested (ajiiiitatayii jiiiitatayai'va) by our efforts in the
direction of the object. But in such a supposition there is no mean-
ing in the attempt of our opponents in favour of the doctrine of the
validity of cognition through extraneous means (paratal)-priimii1}ya),
for such a supposition is based on the view that our efforts are pro-
duced without a previous determination of the validity of cognition.
When we see that a person, having perceived an object, makes an
effort towards it, our natural conclusion is that he has, as the basis
of the effort, a knowledge of the validity of his perception, for with-
out it there can be no effort. It is hopeless to contend that there is
validity of cognition in such cases without the knowledge of
validity, for validity of knowledge always means the consciousness
of such validity. The fact is that what constitutes a pramii7Ja con-
stitutes also its validity. It is wrong to think that validity appertains
to anything else outside the cognition in question. When we see
fire, its validity as a burning object is grasped with the very notion
of fire and does not wait for the comprehension of any super-
sensible power or burning capacity of fire. The comprehension of
fire as a burning object involves the knowledge of its association
with its burning capacity. The knowledge of the burning capacity by
itself cannot induce any action on our part, for we are always led
to act by the comprehension of objects and not by their capacities.
It is, therefore, wrong to separate the capacity from the object and
speak of it as the cause of our effort. So the cognition of a pramii7Ja
zso Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
involves with it its validity. Thus validity cannot be dissociated
from the cognition of the object 1 . Further, validity cannot be de-
fined as uncontradictedness, for if that test is to be applied to every
knowledge it would lead to infinite regress. If, however, the know-
ledge of the validity of any cognition has to depend upon the know-
ledge of the defectlessness or correctness of the means and con-
ditions of cognition, then, since validity of such knowledge has to
depend upon another knowledge for the correctness of the means
and condition, and that upon another, there is obviously an infinite
regress. Since knowledge normally corresponds to the object,
ordinarily there should not be any fear of any error arising from the
defects of the causes and conditions of such knowledge; it is only
in specific cases that such doubts may arise leading to special in-
quiries about the correctness or incorrectness of the means and
conditions of knowledge. If there is an inquiry as to the validity
of every knowledge, we should be landed in scepticism. Thus,
validity means the manifestation of any form of content not awaiting
the confirmation by other means of knowledge (pramii:1}ii-ntarii-
7Japek~ayii'rthii-vacchinnattvam), and such a conviction of validity is
manifested along with the cognition itself. Memory, however, de-
pends upon a prior cognition, and as such the conviction of its
validity depends upon the validity of a prior knowledge, and hence
it cannot be regarded as self-valid.
Ramanujacarya, the teacher and maternal uncle ofVeti.katanatha,
anticipates the objection that if self-validity of cognition is to be
Ramanujacarya, the maternal uncle of Venkatanatha, anticipates an ob-
jection that perceptual cognition reveals only the content ('l·astu). The revelation
of such a content does not also involve the knowing relation which must neces-
sarily be of a very va.ried nature, for a knowledge may refer to a content in
infinitely diverse relation. The revelation of the mere content, therefore, without
the specific knowing relation, does not involve the judgmental form, though the
truth of this content may be ascertained at a later moment when it is reduced to
a judgmental form as "I know it." There is no possibility of the affirmation of
any validity at the moment of the revelation of the content. In reply to this,
Ramanujac~rya says that the revelation of a content necessarily implies all its
knowing re)ations in a general manner; and therefore, by the mode of its revela-
tion at any particular moment, the mode of its specific knowing relation at any
particular moment is grasped along with the content. Thus, since the revelation
of the content implies the specific knowing relation, all cognitions may be re-
garded as implicitly judgmental, and there cannot be any objection to the self-
validity of such knowledge.
If the content and knowledge were regarded as entirely distinct, as they must
be, and if the knowing relation were not given implicitly along with the content,
then all knowledge would be contentless, and as such any future attempt to relate
them would be impossible. Nyiiya-kuliia (l\IS.).
xx] Ontological categories according to V eizkataniitha 251

admitted, then no doubt could arise with reference to anycognition 1 •

The reply of Ramanujacarya is that all cognitions are associated
with a general conviction of their self-validity, but that does not
prevent the rise of doubt in a certain specific direction. Self-
validity in this view means that all cognitions produce by them-
selves a general conviction regarding their validity, though it does
not rule out misapprehension in a specific direction 2 •

The Ontological categories of the Ramanuja

School according to Venkatanatha.
(a) Substance.
Venkatanatha in his Nyiiya-siddhii:iijana and Tattva-muktii~
kaliipa, tries to give a succinct account of the different categories,
admitted or presumed, in the philosophy of Ramanuja which the
latter did not bring prominently to the view of his readers. The
main division is that of the substance (dravya) and that which is
non-substance (adravya). Substance is defined as that which has
states (da.Siivat) or which suffers change and modification. In ad-
mitting substance he tries to refute the Buddhist view that there is
no substance, and all things are but a momentary conglomeration
of separate entities which CClme into being and are destroyed the
next moment. The V aibha!?ika Buddhists say that there are four
ultimate sense-data, viz. colour, taste, touch, and smell, which are
themselves qualities and are not themselves qualities of anything.
These can be grasped by our specific senses 3 • The Vatsiputriya
school includes sound as a separate sense-data which can be
perceived by the ear. Against this Venkata urges that in all percep-
tion we have a notion that we touch what we see; such a perception
cannot be false, for such a feeling is both invariable and uncontra-
dicted in experience (sviirasika-biidhii-dr~ter a;,anyathii-siddhesca ).
Such a perception implies recognition (pratyabhvjiiii) involving the
notion that it is a permanent entity in the objective field which is
perceived by a constant and unchangeable perceiver, and that the
two sense-qualities refer to one and the same object. This recogni-
tion does not refer merely to the colour sensation, for the colour
1 siimiinyasya svato-grahe'l}ii'bhyiisa-daio-tpanna-jniine tat-sarrzsayo na syiit.

Tattva-cintii-ma'l}i (A.S. B), p. 184.

Nyiiya-kuliia, p. 27 (MS.).
3 evam iihur vaibhiisikiih niriidhiirii nirdharmakiiica rilpiidayas catviiral;z

padiirthiil;z. Tattva-mukta-kdliipa, Sarviirtha-siddhi, p. 8.

252 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
sensation does not involve the tactile; nor does it refer merely to the
tactile, as that does not involve colour. Perception, therefore, refers
to an entity to which both the colour and the tactile qualities belong.
Such a perception of recognition also repudiates the Buddhist view
of the conglomeration of entities. For such a view naturally raises
the question as to whether the conglomeration is different from or
the same as the entities that conglomerate. In the latter case there
cannot be any recognition of the object as one entity to which both
the colour and the tactile quality belong. In the former case, when
conglomeration is regarded as extraneous to the conglomerated en-
tities, such a conglomeration must either be positive or negative.
In the first alternative i~ amounts virtually to an admission of sub-
stances, for the assumption of the existence of merely the complex
characters is inadmissible, since there cannot be anything like that
which is neither a substance, nor quality, nor a qualifying relation.
In the second alternative, if the conglomeration (sm11ghiita) is non-
existent, then it cannot produce the recognition. If conglomeration
be defined as absence of interval between the perceived qualities,
then also, since each sense quality has an appeal only to its own
specific sense-organ, it is impossible that the perception of two
different sense-qualities by two different organs should point to a
common entity. Conglomeration cannot also be defined as spatial
identity, for it must also involve temporal identity in order to give
the notion of conglomeration. It cannot also be said that time and
space are identical, for such a view which is true of momentariness,
will be shown to be false by the refutation of momentariness. Space
cannot also be of the nature of iikiisa, which in the Buddhist view
means unobstructedness and is not a positive concept. Space can-
not also he regarded as material identity with the sense-qualities,
for the different sense-qualities are regarded as the unique nature
of different moments 1 . If it means that the different sensible quali-
ties have but one material behind them, that amounts to the ad-
mission of substance 2 • If the sensible qualities be regarded as a
conglomeration on account of their existence in the same material
object, then the material object would have to be described as a
conglomeration by virtue of the existence of its elemental entities
na co'piidiina-riipal.z sparsa-rfipiidlnii~n bhinna-s·valak~ar,.zo-piidiinat?•ii-bhy­
upa!(arn("if. Tattva-muktii-kah"ipa, San·iirtlza-siddhi, p. 9.
eko-piidiinat·ve tu tad e·va dravyam. Ibid.
xx] Ontological categories according to V eizkataniitha 253
in some other entity and that again in some other entity, and thus
we have a vicious infinite. It cannot also be urged that the tactile
sensation is inferred from the colour sensation, for such an in-
ference would involve as its pre-condition the knowledge of the
concomitance of the colour datum and the tactile, which is not
possible unless they are known to belong to the same object.
Neither can it be urged that the tactile and the colour-data are
mutually associated; this gives rise to the notion that what is seen
is touched, for the two sensations are known to be different in
nature and originate through different sense-organs. It cannot also
be said that our apperception that we touch what we see, being due
to the operation of our instinctive root-desire (viisanii), is false, for
proceeding on the same analogy and following the Yogiiciira view,
one may as well deny all external data. If it is said that the sense-
data are never contradicted in experience and thus that the idealistic
view is wrong, then it may as well be pointed out that our notion
that we experience an object to which colour and the tactile sensa-
tions belong is also never contradicted in experience. If it is urged
that such an experience cannot be proved to be logically valid, then
it may be proved with equal force that the existence of external
sense-data cannot be logically proved. Therefore, our ordinary ex-
perience that the object as a substance is the repository of various
sense-qualities cannot be invalidated. The view that all the other
four elements, excepting air (viiyu), are themselves of diverse nature
and are hence perceived as coloured, as touchable, etc., and that they
are capable of being grasped by different senses is also false, as it
does not necessarily involve the supposition that they are the re-
pository of different sense-qualities; for experience shows that we
intuit the fact that the objects are endowed with qualities. No one
perceives a jug as being merely the colour-datum, but as an object
having colour. It is also impossible that one neutral datum should
have two different natures; for one entity cannot have two different
natures. If it is said that two different qualities can abide in the
same object, then that amounts to the admission of a substance in
which different qualities inhere. It is also wrong to suppose that
since the colour-datum and the tactile are grasped together they are
identical in nature, for in the case of one error where a white
conch-shell appears as yellow, the conch-shell is grasped without
its white character, just as the yellow colour is grasped without its
254 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.

corresponding object. And it cannot be said that a separate yellow

conch-shell is produced there; for such a view is directly contra-
dicted in experience when we perceive the yellow colour and assert
its identity with the conch-shell by touch. So, by the simultaneity
of perception, coherence of qualities in an object is proved and not
Moreover, even the Buddhists cannot prove that the tactile and
the colour sensations occur simultaneously. If this were so, the
testimony of the two different senses naturally points to the ex-
istence of two different characters. When an object is near we have
a distinct perception of it, and when it is at a distance perception is
indistinct. This distinctness or indistinctness cannot refer merely
to the sense-character, for then their difference as objects would
not be perceived. It cannot also refer to the size (parimii~a), for the
notion of size is admitted to be false by the Buddhists. Under the
circumstances, it is to be admitted that such perceptions should
refer to the objects.
The Buddhists are supposed to urge that if qualities are ad-
mitted to be separate from the substance, then it may he asked
whether these qualities (dharma) have further qualities themselves
or are without quality. In the latter alternative, being qualitiless,
they are incapable of being defined or used in speech. In the
former alternative, if qualities have further qualities, then the
second grade qualities would have to be known by further qualities
adhering to it, and that again by another, and thus we have a
vicious infinite. Again, qualitiness (dharmatva) would itself be a
quality. And it cannot be said that qualitiness is the very nature of
quality, for a thing cannot be explained by having reference to
itself. If qualitiness is something different from the quality, then
such a concept would lead us in infinite regress. To this Venka~a's
reply is that all qualities are not qualitiless. In some cases quality
appears as itself qualified, as testified by experience. In those cases
where a quality is not demonstrable with particularizing specifica-
tion, such as "this quality is so and so" (ittham-bhiiva), it does not
depend for its comprehension on any other quality. Such qualities
may be illustrated in the case of all abstract qualities and universals,
and the opposite may be illustrated in the case of adjectival qualities
such as the word "white" in the case of "white horse." There may
be further specification regarding the nature of whiteness in the
xx] Ontological categories according to Venkataniitha 255
white horse, whereas when the word "whiteness" stands by itself
any inquiry regarding its further specification becomes inadmis-
sible. Logically, however, there may be a demand of further speci-
fication in both the cas~s and the fear of an infinite regress, but it is
not felt in experience 1 • Moreover, one might imagine a vicious
infinite in the necessity of having an awareness of an awareness, and
then another and so on, but still this is only hyper-logical; for the
awareness, in manifesting itself, manifests all that needs be known
about it, and there is actually nothing gained by continuing the
series. Thus a quality may be supposed to have further qualities,
but whatever could be manifested by these may be regarded as
revealed by the quality itself2. Again the assertion that if qualities
are themselves without quality then they are unspeakable would
involve the Buddhists themselves in a great difficulty when they
described the nature of all things as unique; for obviously such a
uniqueness (svala~a!lya) is without quality, and if that which has
no quality cannot be described, then its specification as unique or
svala~~a is impossible 3 •
It may be urged that a quality may belong to that which has no
quality or to that which has it. The former alternative would imply
the existence of an entity in its negation which is impossible; for
then everything could exist everywhere, and even the chimerical
entities, which are not regarded as existing anywhere, would be re-
garded as existing. In the other alternative a quality would exist in
a quality, which is an absurd conception, being only a circular
reasoning (iitmiiJraya). The reply of Venkata to this is that he does
not hold that the quality belongs to the locus of its negation or to
that which has it already, but he holds that a qualified entity pos-
sesses the quality not as a qualified entity but as taken apart from
it 4 • It cannot be urged that this virtually implies the old objection
of the existence of a quality in the locus of its negation. To this
Venkata's reply is that the special feature of a qualified entity does
udiihrtefU niyatii-niyata-ni~kar~aka-sabde~u jiiti-gu~iidefz pradhiinatayii
nirdeie'pi santi kecit yathii-pramii'}am ittham-bhiiviifz tvayii'pi hetu-siidhyii-di-
dharmii'}ii'f! pak~a-dharmatvii-di-dharmiifz smkiiryii anavasthii ca kathaiicid
upasamanlyii. Tattva-muktii-kaliipa, Sarviirtha-siddhi, p. 16.
3 svlkrtaiica sa,vedana-sa,vedane sabda-sabdiidau sva-para-nirviihakatvam.

3 kiiica sva-la~a'}ii-dtnii'!' jiityii-dlniiiica samvrti-siddhiinii'f! nirdharmakatve'pi

kathaiicid abhiliipiirhatva'!' tvayiipi griihyam. Ibid.

~ vastutas' tad-vii#te viie~ye tad vis#ta-vrty-abhiive tac-chiinye vrtti syiid eva.
Ibid. p. 17.
256 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH

not belong to any of its constituents, and qualities of any of the

constituents may not belong to the constituted entity 1 • If by the
hyper-logical method the manner of the subsistence of a quality in
a qualified entity is criticized, then it might lead to the view that the
conception of qualified entity is without any sufficient ground, or
self-contradictory, or that such a conception is itself inadmissible.
All such views are meaningless, for the wildest criticism of op-
ponentswould involve the very notion of qualified entity in the use of
their logical apparatus. So it has to be admitted that qualities adhere
in qualified entities and that such an adherence docs not involve in-
finite regress.
(b) Criticism of the Silf!~hhya Inference for Establishing
the Existence of Pralqti.
Venkatanatha admits the doctrine of prakrti as the theory of
materiality, hut he thinks that such a doctrine can he accepted only
on the testimony of scriptures and not on inference. I le therefore
criticizes the Sa~1khya inference as follm\·s. :\either prakrti nor
any of its evolutes such as malzat, alzw!zhiira, tanmiitras, etc., can he
knov.:n through perception. _:\;either prakrti nor any of its evolutes
can also be knO\\'n by inference. The SaJ!lkhyists hold that the effect
has the same qualities as the cause. The world of effects, as we find
it, is pleasurable, painful or dulling (nwhiitmalw); so its cause also
must have, as its nature, pleasure, pain and a feeling of dullness.
To this the question naturally arises regarding the relation of the
causal qualities with the etrects. They cannot be identical -the
whiteness of the cloth is not identical with the thread of which it is
made; the effect as a substance is not identical with causal qualities,
for the white and the cloth are not identical. Further it cannot he
said that the identity of the cause and the effect means merely that
the effect is subordinate to the cause, as when one says that the
effect, cloth, exists only in the samm.·ii_va relation in the cause and
in no other form (ad!:li!er n·a tantu-samm.'etatTiit pafasya tantu-
gut_lat'i.·okti~z), for the oln·ious reply is that the Sa1~1khya itself does
not admit the samm.'iiya relation or any ultimate distinction between
the whole and the part. If it is said that all that is intended is that
the effect exists in the cause, then it may be pointed out that merely
by such an affirmation nothing is gained; for that would not explain
na ca glwtm:ati bhiuale 'l·artamiiniinii'!l gru:zt"idl1lti'!l ghate'pi 'l·rtter adrne/:z.
Tatl'l!a-muktti-kaliipa, Sar·viirtha-siddhi, p. 18.
xx] Ontological categories according to V eizkataniitha 257
why the causal matter (prakrti) should have the nature or qualities
as the effect substance (na kiirar}ii-vasthasya sukha-du}:zkhii-dyii-tma-
katva-siddhil:z ). If it is held that the effect shares the qualities of the
cause, then also it is against the normal supposition that the effect
qualities are generated by the cause qualities; and, moreover, such
a supposition would imply that the effect should have no other
quality than those of the cause. It cannot also be said that the effect
is of the same nature as the cause (sajiitiya-gu'!lavattvam), for the
Sarpkhyists admit the mahat to be a different category existent in
the prakrti as its cause (vila~a'!la-mahatvii-dy-adhikara'!latviid). If it
is held that the effect m~st have only qualities similar to the cause,
then they may be admitted with impunity; if the effect has all its
qualities the same as those of the cause, then there will be no dif-
ference between the effect and the cause. If, again, it is held that
only certain specific traits which are not inappropriate in the cause
can be supposed to migrate to the effect, and that the relation of the
transmission of qualities from cause to the effect can thus be limited
by a specific observation of the nature of the essential trait of the
cause, then such cases in which living flies are produced from inani-
mate cow-dung would be inexplicable as cases of cause and effect 1 •
The Sarpkhyists are supposed to argue that if pure intelligence
were supposed naturally to tend to worldly objects, then there
would be no chance of its attaining liberation. Its association,
therefore, must needs be supposed through the intermediary of
some other category. This cannot be the senses, for even without
them the mind alone may continue to imagine worldly objects.
Even when the mind is inactive in sleep, one may dream of various
objects. And this may lead to the assumption of the category of
ego or aha1Jtkiira; and in dreamless sleep, when the operation of
this category of aha1J1kiira may be regarded as suspended, there is
still the functioning of breathing, which leads to the assumption of
another category, viz. manas. But as this has a limited operation,
it presupposes some other cause; if that cause is also regarded as
limited, then there would be an infinite regress. The Sarpkhyists,
therefore, rest with the assumption that the cause of mahat is
unlimited, and this is prakrti or avyakta. The reply of Venkata

1 mrt-suvar~ii-divat-kiirya-vise~a-·vya·vasthiipaka-kiira~a-sv:abhiiva-siijiitya­
vivak$iiYii7Jl gomaya-mak#kli-dy-iirabdha-v:rscikii-di~u vyabhiciiriit. Tattva-muktii-
kaliipa, Sarviirtha-siddhi, p. 22.
Dill 17
258 Philosophy of the Riimant~ja School of Thought [cH.
to this is that the association of pure intelligence with worldly ob-
jects is through the instrumentality of karma. It is also not possible
to infer the existence of Jl,fanas as a separate category through the
possibility of the thinking operation, for this may well be explained
by the functioning of the subconscious root-impressions; for even
the assumption of mind would not explain the thin~ing operation,
since manas, by itself, cannot be regarded as capable of producing
thought. Manas, being merely an instn1ment, cannot be regarded
as playing the role of a substance of which thought may he re-
garded as a modification. In the state of dream also it is not neces-
sary to assume the existence of a separate category of ahaf!ikiira to
explain dream experiences, for this may well be done by mind
working in association with subconscious root-impression. The
breathing operation in deep, dreamless s]cep may also be explained
by ordinary bio-motor functions, and for this there is no necessity
for the assumption of mahat.
It is also wrong to suppose that the cause must he of a more
unlimited extent than the effect, for it is not testified in ordinary
experience, in which a big jug is often found to be made out of a
lump of clay of a smaller size. It is also wrong to suppose that
whatever is found to abide in an effect must also be found in its
cause (na hi yad yenii' nugatam tat tasya kiira1_lam iti n(vamaft ), for the
various qualities that are found in a cow arc never regarded as its
cause. Following the same assumption, one would expect to find
a separate cause of which the common characteristics of the prakrti
and its evolutes are the effects, and this would involve the admission
of another cause of the prakrti itself (~yaktii-~~vakta-siidhiira~za­
dharmii~ziirrz tad-ubhaya-kiira~za-prasangiit tathii ca tattvii-dhikya-
prasaizgaM. Thus, the argument that an effec_t must have as its cause
qualitative entities that inhere in it is false. The earthiness (mrtt~·a)
which inheres in the jug is not its cause, and the earthy substance
(mrd-dravya) which shows itself in its unmodified form or its modi-
fied form as jug cannot be said to be inherent in the jug. Again the
argument that things which are related as cause and effect have the
same form is also false; for if this sameness means identity, then no
distinction can he made between cause and effect. If this sameness
means the existence of some similar qualities, then there may be
such similarity with other things (which are not cause and effect)
as well. Again applying the same analogy to the Sarpkhya doctrine
xx] Ontological categories according to ·veizkataniitha 259
of pur~as (which are admitted to have the common characteristic
of intelligence), the Sarpkhyists may well be asked to hold a new
category as the cause of the puru~as. Further, two jugs which are
similar in their character are not for that reason produced from the
same lump of clay; and, on the other hand, we have the illustration
of production of effects from an entirely different cause, as in the
case of production of insects from cow-dung. Thus, from our ex-
periences of pleasure, pain, and dullness it does not follow that
there is a common cause of the nature of pleasure, pain, and dull-
ness, for these experiences can in each specific instance be explained
by a specific cause, and there is no necessity to admit a separate
common cause of the nature of three gU1:zas. If for the explanation
of the ordinary pleasurable and painful experiences a separate
pleasure-and-pain complex be admitted as the cause, then there
may be further inquiry regarding this pleasure-and-pain complex
and this will lead to infinite regress. Again if the three gU1:zas are
regarded as the cause of the world, then that would not lead to the
affirmation that the world is produced out of one cause; for though
the three gU1:zas may be in a state of equilibrium, they may still be
regarded as having their special contribution in generating the
varied types of effects. Thus, the trigU1:za or the prakrti of the
Sarpkhya can never be proved by inference. The only mode of
approach to the doctrine of prakrti is through the scriptures. The
three gU1:zas rest in the prakrti, and in accordance with the gradual
prominence of sativa, rajas, and lamas, three kinds of mahat are
produced. From these three types of mahat three kinds of aha1J1-
kiiras are produced. Out of the first type (i.e. siittvika aha1J1kiira)
the eleven senses are produced. Out of the last type (viz. the
tiimasa aha1J1kiira) the tanmiitras (also called the bhutiidi) are pro-
duced. The second type of aha1J1kiira (called riijasa aha'!zkiira) be-
haves as an accessory for the production of both the eleven senses
and the bhutiidi. There are some who say that the conative senses
are produced by riijasa aha1J1kiira. This cannot be accepted, as it
is against the scriptural testimony. The tanmiitras represent the
subtle stage of evolution between the tiimasa aha1J1kiira and the
gross elemental stage of the bhutas 1 • The sabda-tan-miitra (sound-
1 bhiltiiniim avyavahita-silk~mii-vasthii-vis#tarrz dravya7!' tanmatrarrz dadhi-

rilpe1Ja pari1Jamamiinasya payaso madhyamii-·vasthiivad bhuta-ri1pe1Ja pari1].ama-

miinasya dravyasya tatal:z pilrvii kiicid avasthii tanmiitrii. Nyiiya-siddhiiiijana, p. 25.
z6o Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
potential) is produced from bhiitiidi, and from it the gross elemental
sound is produced. Again the rupa-tanmiitra (light-heat-potential)
is produced from the bhutiidi or the tiimasa aha'f!Zkiira, and from the
rupa-tanmiitra (light-heat-potential) gross light-heat is produced,
and so on. Lokacarya, however, says that there is another view of the
genesis of the tanmiitra and the bhuta which has also the support
of the scriptures and cannot therefore be ignored. This is as fol-
lows: sabda-tanmiitra is produced from the bhutiidi and the iikiisa is
produced from the sabda-tanmiitra (sound-potential); the iikiisa
again produces the sparsa-tanmiitra (the touch-potential) and air is
produced from the touch-potential. Again from air heat-light-poten-
tial (rupa-tanmiitra) is produced and from heat-light-potential tejas
(heat-light) is produced; from tejas, rasa-tamniitra (taste-potential)
is produced, and from it water. From water again the gandha-tan-
miitra (smell-potential) is produced, and from it the earth 1 .
The view is explained by Varavara on the supposition that just
as a seed can produce shoots only when it is covered by husks, so
the tanmiitras can be supposed to be able to produce further evolutes
only when they can operate from within the envelope of the blzutiidi2 •
The process of evolution according to the said interpretation is
as follows. Sabda-tanmiitra is produced from bhutiidi which then en-
velops it, and then in such an enveloped state iikiisa is produced. Then
from such a sabda-tanmiitra, sparsa-tan-miitra is produced which
This view seems to be held in the Vi~~u-purii~a, 1. 3· 66, etc. where it is
distinctly said that the element of iikiiia produces sparia-tanmiitra (touch-
potential). Varavara, however, in his commentary on the Tatt'l·atraya of
Lokacarya, wishes to point out that according to Parasara's commentary this has
been explained as being the production of tanmiitras from tanmiitras, though it
clearly contradicts the manifest expressions of the Vi~~zu-puriina when it states
that tanmiitras are produced from the bhutiidi. He further points out that in the
Mahabharata (Siintiparva Mok~adharma, Ch. xxx) the ·vikiiras or pure modifica-
tions are described as sixteen and the causes (prakrti) as eight. But in this
counting the sixteen ·cikiiras (eleven senses and the five categories-iabda, etc.),
the distinction between the five tanmiitras and the five elements has not been
observed on account of there not being any essential difference, the grosser
stages being only modified states of the subtler ones (tamniitriil}iim bhiitebhyal:z
s'l·arupa-bhedii-bhti?.'tit avasthii-bheda-miitratt'l•iit). According to this interpreta-
tion the eight Prakrtis mean the prakrti, the mahat, the aha'!lkiira and five
categories of iikiisa, etc., in their gross forms. The five categories included under
the sixteen 'l·ikiiras are the tanmiitras which are regarded as modifications of the
elemental states of the bhutas.
yathii tvak-iunya-'l'ljasyii''!zkura-saktir niisti,
tathii'varal}a-sunyasyo'ttara-kiirya-iaktir niistui bhiiniit
kiira~a-gw:za'!l vino' ttaro- t tara-gu~a-'l·iie~e~u. . . .
sva-vise~asyo' kta-gu~ii-tiiayii-nupapatteb.
Yaravara's bhii~ya on Tattvatraya, p. s8.
xx] Ontological categories according to V enkataniitha 261

envelops the sabda-tanmiitra. The sparsa-tanmiitra, as enveloped by

the sabda-tanmiitra, produces the viiyu through the accessory help
of iikiisa. Then from this sparsa-tanmiitra the rupa-tanmiitra is pro-
duced. The rupa-tanmiitra in its turn envelops the sparsa-tanmiitra
and then from the rupa-tanmiitra, as enveloped by the sparsa-
tanmiitra, tejas is produced through the accessory help of viiyu. Again
the rasa-tanmiitra is produced from the rupa-tanmiitra, which again
envelops the rasa-tanmiitra. From the rasa-tanmiitra enveloped by
the riipa-tanmatra water is produced through the accessory help
of tejas. From the rasa-tanmiitra the gandha-tanmiitra is produced
which again, enveloped by rasa-tanmiitra, produces earth through
the accessory help of water 1 •
Varavara points out that in the Tattva-nirupm;a another genesis
of creation is given which is as follows. Sabda-tan-miitra is produced
from bhutiidi and as a gross state of it iikiisa is produced. The
bhutiidi envelops the sabda-tanmiitra and the iikiisa. From the
transforming sabda-tan-miitra, through the accessory of the gross
iikiiSa as enveloped by bhutiidi, the sparsa-tanmiitra is produced and
from such a sparsa-tanmiitra viiyu is produced. The sabda-tan-miitra
then envelops both the sparsa-tanmiitra and the viiyu, and from the
transforming spada-tanmiitra, through the accessory of viiyu as
enveloped by sabda-tanmiitra. the rupa-tanmiitra is produced.
From the riipa-tanmiitra, similarly, tejas is produced, and so on.
In this view, in the production of the sparsa and other tanmatras
the accessory help of the previous bhiitas is found necessary.
As Venkatanatha accepts the view that the gross bhuta of iikiisa
acts as accessory to the production of the later bhiitas, he criticizes
the Saq1khya view that the gross bhutas are produced from the
synthesis of tanmiitras 2 • The Saq1khyists, again, think that the
evolution of the different categories from prakrti is due to an in-
herent teleology and not to the operation of any separate agent.
Veil.kata, however, as a true follower of Ramanuja, repudiates it and
asserts that the evolving operation of the prakrti can only proceed
through the dynamic operation of God Himself.
1 Varavara's bhii~ya on Tattvatraya, p. 59·

z sii.1Jlkhyiistu paiichii'pi tanmiitrii~i siik~iit-tiimasii-ha'1Jlkii.ro-tpanniini tatra

sabda-tanmiitram iikiisii-rambhakam itarii.~i tu tanmiitrii~i purva-purva-tanmiitra-
sahakrtiiny uttaro-ttara-bhutii-rambhakiinl'ty iihub tad asat. iikiisiid viiyur ity-iidy-
ananyathii-siddho-piidiinakrama-vise~ii-bhidhiina-darsaniit. Nyiiya-siddhiiiijana,
pp. 25-26.
z6z Philosophy of the Ramanuja School of Thought [cH.
(c) Refutation of the Atomic Theory of Nyiiya in
relation to Whole and Part.
In refuting the Nyiiya view that the parts attach themselves to
each other and thereby produce the whole, and ultimately the part-
less atoms combine together to form a molecule, Veilkata intro-
duces the following arguments. So far as the association of the
wholes through their parts (beginning from the molecules) through
the association of the parts are concerned, Venkata has nothing to
object. His objection is against the possibility of an atomic contract
for the formation of molecules. If the atoms combine together
through their parts, then these parts may be conceived to have
further parts, and thus there would be infinite regress. If these
parts are regarded as not different from the whole, then the dif-
ferent atoms could well be regarded as occupying the same atomic
space, and thus they would not produce a conglomeration bigger
in size than the constituent atoms. Further, it is not possible to
imagine that there should be wholes without the parts also being
present. Proceeding in this way, if the atomic combination cannot
account for the origin of bigger measures, the possibility of objects
of different magnitude through conglomeration (e.g. a hill or a
mustard seed) would be inexplicable. If it is said that parts refer
to the different sides of an atom, then also it might be urged that a
partless atom cannot have sides.
It is held that knowledge, though one, can refer to many,
though it is partless. It may also be urged in this connection that
if it refers to all objects in their entirety, then the constituent en-
tities would not be referred to separately, and it cannot also refer
to the objects separately in parts, forth~ intelligence itself would
not be partless. The Naiyayika may also, on this analogy, urge that
any solution that the idealist may find to his difficulty also applies
to the atomic theory. To this the obvious answer of the idealist is
that in the case of intelligence, experience testifies that though one
and partless it can refer to many, and the Naiyayikas have no such
advantage to show in their favour, for the Naiyayikas do not admit
that in any case wholes may combine except through their parts.
The objection cannot be laid against the Buddhist theory of con-
glomeration (sanghiita), for there such conglomeration is not due to
contact. The Naiyayikas may be supposed to raise an objection re-
garding the association of' all-pervasive entities ('vibhu) with finite
xx] Ontological categories according to Veizkafaniitha 263
objects; such an association has to be admitted, for otherwise the
association of the self or the iikiisa with objects cannot be explained;
it is not also possible to hold that all pervasive entities have parts.
So ultimately it has to be admitted that the partless all-pervasive
entities have contact with finite objects, and if their procedure is
accepted, then the same might explain the contact of partless
atoms. To this Veilkata's reply is that the illustration of the contact
of all-pervasive entities with finite objects might well be thrown in
our face, if we had attempted to refute the view that wholes had no
specific qualities; but our main object is to show the inconsistency
to which the Naiyayikas are exposed when they apply their theory
that all ccmbinations of wholes must be through parts to the com-
bination of the supposed partless atoms. As a matter of fact, the
error lies in the assumption that the atoms are partless. If it is
supposed that division of particles must ultimately take us to part-
less atoms, the obvious reply is that from the division of parts we
could not go to the partless, the better way being the acceptance
of the smallest visible particles called the trasareyu. If it is urged
that if trasareyu is the atom, then it must be invisible, the obvious
reply is that there is no such general concomitance between atomic
nature and invisibility. The better course, therefore, is to accept
the trasareyu as ultimate particles of matter. There is, therefore,
no necessity to admit dvyal}uka also.
Veilkatanatha further objects to the Nyaya doctrine of the for-
mation of wholes (avayavi) from parts (avayava) and points out
that if this is to be admitted, then the weight of an object must be
due to the weight of the atoms; but the Naiyayikas hold that the
atoms have no weight. The proper view therefore is that the effect,
or the so-called whole, is to be regarded as being only a modified
condition of the parts. The causal operation in such a view is justi-
fied in producing the change in the condition of the causal object
and not in producing a new object in the effect or the whole as
is supposed by the N aiyayikas. Again in the consideration of the
production of the wholes from parts, when the thread is regarded
as the cause of the production of the whole, the cloth, it may be
observed that in the process of the production we find various
accretions through the gradual addition of one thread after another.
In each such addition we have separate wholes, since the process
may easily be stopped anywhere; and in such a view we have the
264 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
addition of a part to a whole for the production of another whole.
This is obviously against the Nyaya view, which would not lend
any support to the doctrine that the addition of parts to wholes
would produce other wholes. The Naiyayikas urge that if a whole
as a different entity from the parts be not admitted, and if a whole
be regarded as nothing more than a collection of atoms, then, the
atoms being invisible, the wholes would be invisible. The produc-
tion of gross wholes not being admitted, the supposed explanation
that there is an illusion of grossness in the atoms would also be in-
admissible1. The question now is what is meant by grossness. If
it means a new measure, then it is quite admissible in the Ramanuja
view in which the production of separate wholes is not admitted;
for just as the atomists would think of the production of the new
wholes from atoms, so the Ramanujist may also agree to the pro-
duction of a new measure (parimii1Ja). If the Naiyayikas object to
this and urge that the production of a new measure from the atomic
is inadmissible, then they may as well be asked how they would
also account for the notion of plurality in a collection of separate
entities, each of which may be regarded as one in itself. If it is
said that the conception of number as plurality proceeds from a
mental oscillation incorporating the diversity, then it may also be
argued that from the absence of any such oscillation there may be
a failure in noting the separateness which may give rise to a notion
of gross measure. Moreover, there is nothing incongruous in the
fact that if individuals are not visible the collection may be visible.
If the grossness is supposed to mean the occupation of more spatial
units than the individual entities, then also it is not inadmissible;
for in a collection of small particles they are cognized as occupying
different spatial units. If it is urged that since no separate wholes
are admitted to be produced the gross dimension cannot be per-
ceptible, the obvious reply is that the perception of grossness has
no connection with the perception of wholes. Even before the
dyad is produced the combining atoms have to be admitted as
occupying; more space in their totality than in their individual
capacity; for otherwise they in their totality could not produce a
bigger dimension. Thus, there is no reason for admitting the pro-
duction of wholes separate from the parts. Under the same specific
sthula-dravyii-bhiive cii.'7Ju-sa1nhatau sthulatvii-dhyiiso na siddhyet. Sarviir-
tha-siddhi, p. 46.
xx] Ontological categories according to Veizkatanatha 265
kind of combination of threads in which the Naiyayikas think that
a cloth could be produced, the Ramanujists think that the threads
under the selfsame condition are the cloth and there is no separate
production of cloth 1 • But it should not be thought that any slight
change in the condition of an object would mean that thereby there
is a new object so long as the object remains sufficiently unchanged
to be recognized as the same for all practical purposes. The causal
operation, according to the Ramanujists, only brings about new
changes of conditions and states in the already existent causal sub-
stance. This is thus different from the Sarpkhya theory of sat-kiirya-
viida, according to which the effect is already existent in the cause
even before the causal operation is set in motion. V enkata, there-
fore, criticizes the Sarpkhya theory of sat-kiirya-viida.

(d) Criticism of the Siirrzkhya Theory of Sat-kiirya-viida.

The Sarpkhya is wrong in supposing that the effect (e.g. the
jug) was pre-existent in its cause (e.g. earth), for had it been so the
causal operation would have been fruitless. The Sarpkhya may,
however, say that the causal operation serves to manifest what was
potentially existing in the cause; the function of causal operation
is thus manifestation and not production. This, however, is wrong,
for manifestation (vyanga) and production (kiirya) are two different
words having two different concepts. Manifestation can occur
only in the operation of a manifesting agent with the help of its
accessories in making an object manifested with regard to a par-
ticular sense-organ in a particular place where the manifesting
agent exists 2 • It would first be proved that the pre-existent effect
is manifested and not produced; only then would it have been
worth while to inquire into the conditions of the causal operation
to see whether it satisfied the necessary conditions of a manifesting
agent. But the Sarpkhya can hardly succeed in showing that it is so.
The Sarpkhyist says that the effect is pre-existent before the causal
1 yadi sa1Jl.Sr~!tis tantava eva pafas tatas tantu-rasimatre'pi pafa-dhfb syad ity

aha sa1Jl.Sargader iti. na hi tvaya'pi tantu-sa1Jl.Sarga-mtitra1Jl pafasyti'samavayi-

kara1Jam i~yate tatha sati kuvinda-di-vyapara-nairapek~a-prasangat ato yadrsat
sa1Jlsarga-vise~ad avayavf tavo'tpadyate tiidrsa-sG1Jlsarga-visinas tantavab pafa
iti kva"tiprasangab. Sarvartha-siddlzi, p. 48.
1 karya-vyangya-sabdau ca vyavasthita-vi~ayau loke dr~tau karaka-vyaiijaka-

bhedas ca karaka'!l samagram apy ekam utpadayati vyaiijakantu sahakari-sam-

panna'!l samane-ndriya-grahyiini samiina-desa-sthiini tadrsiini sarvii1]yapi vyan-
akti. Ibid. pp. ss-s6.
266 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
operation; hut the causal operation is itself an effect, and if their
previous assertion is correct then it was non-existent when the
effect was non-manifested. If the causal operation was also ex-
istent at the time of the existence of the cause, then the effect would
also have beeP present in the cause in a manifested state. The
Sarpkhya says that what is non-existent cannot be produced, and
this implies that a thing is existent because it can be produced,
which is, on the face of it, self-contradictory. The theory that the
effect is pre-existing in the cause could have been admitted as a last
resort if there were no other theory available, but the ordinary
notion of causality as in,Tariable and immediate antecedent is quite
sufficient to explain the phenomenon of production. Therefore,
there is no necessity for such a chimerical theory. Again instead of
holding that the effect is nothing more than the potential power in
the cause, it is much better to say that the cause has such power by
which it can produce the effect under certain conditions 1 . Again
it may be thought about the instrumental and other accessory
agents that if they lead to the generation of effort, as indeed they do,
they should also be accepted as subtle potential states of the effect.
But this is not admitted by the Sarpkhyist, for according to him it
is only the material cause which is regarded as the potential effect.
Othenvise even the puru:fla, which, teleologically, is to be regarded
as the instrumental cause of the world phenomenon, has to be re-
garded as a part of prakrti. Again consider the destructive agents.
Are the destructible effects already present in the destructible
agent? It cannot be so, for they are entirely opposed to each other.
If it were not so, it could not destroy it 2 • If it were not so and yet
if it would be destroyed by the destructive agent, then everything
could be destroyed by everything.
Turning to the function of the material cause, it may be pointed
out that it cannot be defined as that from which an effect is pro-
duced (tajjanyatva); for then even an instrumental cause would be
included in the material cause. Nor can it be regarded as a modi-
fication (tadvikliratva), for then the effect would be only the quality
of the cause, and there would be no difference between the cause
yathii SGT'l•e~U dra'L')"e$U tifii e'l'G taifa-garbhiib S?'a-kiirm_za-saktyii S!j)'ante
tathti tat-tat-kiirya-niyata-pitn•a-bhii·citayii tat-tad-utpiidaka-s'l.:abhii'l'iis te te
bhii1.•iis tathai've'ti svlkiiryam. Sar'lliirtha-siddhi, p. 59·
z niisake$U ca niisya-vrttir asti na vii. asti cet bahnau Wlm•ati n'rodhab na cet
kathaT!I tadeva tasya niisakam. Ibid. p. 6o.
xx] Ontological categories according to Veizkafaniitha 267
and the effect. But we see that the cloth is different from threads 1 •
If the effect is regarded as identical with the cause on the ground
that though there cannot be any contact between the effect and the
cause yet the former is never outside the latter, the obvious reply is
that in the view that the effect is not a substance there need not be
any contact, and if it is a property of the cause it is never beside it 2 •
On the view that the effect is a manifestation, it may be asked
whether such a manifestation is eternal or itself an effect. In the
former case no causal operation is necessary for the manifestation.
In the latter case, if the manifestation be regarded as a separate
effect, then it virtually amounts to a partial sacrifice ofsat-kiirya-viida.
If for the manifestation of a manifestation causal operation is
necessary, then that will lead to a vicious infinite. Moreover, if
manifestation is itself regarded as an effect, then since it did not
exist before, its coming into being would involve the sacrifice of
It may be urged that the production of an effect is not of the
nature of the effect itself, for one always speaks of an effect as being
produced. Thus the effect is different from production. If this is
admitted, then what is the difficulty in accepting the view that the
effect may be manifested? If the word production be considered more
logical, then with regard to it also there may be the same question,
whether a production is produced or manifested, and in the former
case there would be infinite regress, and in the latter no necessity
for the causal operation. With regard to the manifestation also
there would be the same difficulty as to whether it is produced or
manifested, and in both cases there would be vicious infinite. The
reply to this is that production means the operation of the causal
agents, and if this operation be again admitted to be produced by
the operation of its own causal constituent, and that by another,
there is no doubt an infinite regress, but it is not vicious and is ad-
mitted by all. \Vhen there is a movement of a specific nature in the
thread, we say a cloth is produced, or rather at the very first
moment of such a movement involving the cloth-state of the thread
1 tad-dharmatva-hetil-kta-do~iid eva ubhayatra pa!ii-vasthii tantva-tmii na

bhavati tantubhyo bhinnatviit ghatavad iti prati-prayogasya sakyatviicca. Sar-

vartha-siddhi, p. 6o.
3 tiidiitmya-viralze' pi anyatarasyii' dravyatviit smrzyvgii-bhiivab tad-dharma-

svabhiivatvad eva apriipti-parihiiriit iti anyathii-siddhasya asiidhakatvat. Ibid.

p. 61.
268 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.

we say that a cloth is produced 1 . It is for this reason that we can

speak of an effect as being produced. Such a production has no
further production.

(e) Refutation of the Buddhist Doctrine of Afomentariness.

The Buddhists hold that the theory of causal efficiency proves
that whatever is existent must be momentary; for the same efficiency
cannot be produced again and again. So, in accordance with each
efficiency or the production of effects, a separate entity has to be
admitted. Since the efficiency at two different moments cannot be
identical, the entities producing them also cannot be identical.
Since the different characters that are supposed to belong to the
same object represent different efficiencies, their attribution to the
same object is also erroneous. Therefore, there are as many different
entities as there are different character points in a particular mo-
ment (yo yo viruddha-dharmii-dhyiisaviin sa sa niinii). To this
Verikatanatha's reply is that things are not associated with diverse
opposite characters, and that though in certain cases, e.g. the
flowing river or the flame of a lamp, changing entities may show
the appearance of an unchanging whole, there are undeniable cases
of true recognition in all such cases where we perceive that it is the
same thing which we both see and touch. The fact that in such cases
subconscious impressions may also be working should not be
exaggerated to such an extent as to lead us to believe that recogni-
tion is a mere affair of memory. Recognition is a case where per-
ception predominates, or at the worst it may be said to be a joint
complex of memory and perception. The objection that the pre-
sence of memory falsifies recognition is wrong, for not all memory is
false. It is also wrong to think that memory is only subjective and
as such cannot lead us to an objective determination; for memory
is not only subjective but has also an objective reference involving
the time character of the objects as past. Again the Buddhists say
that the association of many characters to an object is wrong, for
each charaCter-point represents the efficiency of a momentary unit,
and that, therefore, the association of many characters in recogni-
tion is false. To this Verikata's reply is that if each momentary unit
yadii hi tantvii-dayab vyiipriyante tadii pafa utpadyate iti vyavaharmzti
iidya-k$aPJii-vacchinna-pafatvii-vasthai-va vii pafo'tpattir ucyate sai'va tadava-
sthasyo'tpattir iti bhii~yam api tad-abhipriiyam eva. Sarviirtha-siddhi, p. 62.
xx] Ontological categories according to V eizkafaniitha 269
is by itself capable of producing any effect, it ought to do it by its
own nature, and it ought not to wait for the assistance of other
accessories. Following the same analogy, even the unique nature
of any momentary unit would not be the same with any other
unique nature of any other moment, and thus the idea of identity
would be impossible and would land us in nihilism. It is, therefore,
wrong to suppose that there is a separate entity corresponding to
each and every character unit 1 • The Buddhists are supposed to
urge further that the experience of recognition identifies a past
moment with a present, which is impossible. The reply of Venkata
is that though it would be absurd to connect a past moment with
the present, there is no incongruity in associating them with an
entity which has lived through the past and is also persisting in the
present moment 2• It is true that the affirmation of a past time in
the present is contradictory, but the real mystery of the situation
is that one time appears as many under diverse conditions (upiidhi).
In such cases the contradiction arises in associating the different
conditions in each other's conditioned time unit, but this does not
imply that the reference to the different conditions and time is
inadmissible; for had it been so, even the concept of a successive
series of moments would be inadmissible, since the notion of suc-
cessive moments implies a reference of before an<;I after, and hence
in some way or other it brings together the past, the present and
the future. If this be not admitted, the very concept of momentari-
ness would have to be sacrificed 3 • If it is urged that momentariness
(k~a1_la-sambandhitva) means the unique self-identity of any entity,
then that leads us to no new knowledge. Thus, the mere association
of the past with the present leads us to no temporal self-contra-
Again the Buddhists are supposed to urge that perception refers
1·viruddhiinii'T!l deia-kiilii-dya-samiihita-virodhatvena sva-la~a1J.asyii'pi virud-
dha-sata-k~U1J.1J.atayii niiniitve tat-k~odiinii7!l ca tathii tathii k~ode kiiicid apy eka'f!l
na siddhyet tad-abhiive ca kuto nai' kam iti miidhyamika-matii-piitab. Sarviirtha-
siddhi, p. 66.
2 kiila-dvayasyii' nyonyasminn-abhiive'pi tad-ubhaya-sambandhini vastuny a-
bhii·vii-bhiiviit yas tu tasmin vastuny asambaddha kiilab tasya tatra scJdbhiiva'T!l na
brumab. Ibid. p. 68.
8 purvii-para-kiila-yogo hi viruddhab sveno'piidhinii'vacchinnasyai'kasya kiila-

syii'viintaro-piidhibhir niiniitve'pi tat-tad-upiidhlniim eva tat-tad-aviintarakii-

ladvayiinvaya-virodhab anyii-pek~ayii purvii-para-kiilayor anyasya viruddhatve
k~ana-kiilasyii'py anyii-pek~ayii paurviiparyiit tat-kiila-vartitvam api vastuno
viruddhyeta. Ibid.
270 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
only to the present moment. It can never lead us to the compre-
hension of the past. Our notion, therefore, that things existent in
the past are persistent in the present is an illusion due to the opera-
tion of the subconscious root-impressions which ignore difference
between the past and the present, and impose the former on the
latter, as silver is imposed on conch-shell. The reply of Veilkata to
this is that perception demonstrates only the presence of an object
in the present moment as against its absence; but it does not on
that account deny its existence in the past. Just as "this" indicates
the presence of an object in the present moment, the perceptual
experience "that is this" demonstrates the persistence of the object
in the past and in the present 1 . lf it is urged that perception re-
veals its object as a present entity, then the Buddhist theory of
perception as indeterminate (nirvikalpa), which cannot reveal the
object as qualified by the temporal character as present, falls to the
ground. If it is urged that perception reveals the existence of the
object at the moment of the perceptual revelation, then also it is
impossible in the Buddhist view, for the momentary object with
which the sense-organ was in touch has ceased to exist by the time
knowledge was produced. So, in whichever way the Buddhist may
take it, he cannot proYe that perception reveals an object only as
present; whereas in the Ramanuja view, since the sense-contact,
the object as associated with it, and the temporal element associated
with them, are c.ontinuous, the mental state is also continuous and
as such the perception reveals the object as that with which the
sense was in contact. Even after the cessation of the sense-contact,
the mental state, indicating the perception of the object with which
the sense was in contact, is comprehended 2 •
Again if it is argued that whatever is invariably produced from
anything must also be produced unconditionally without awaiting
any causal operation, then it must be said that when leaves and
flowers grow from a plant they do so unconditionally, which is
absurd. l\1oreover, when in a series of momentary entities one
entity follows another, it must do so without awaiting any cause;
then, on the one hand, since each of the preceding entities has no
1 yathii idam iti tat-kiila-sattii grhyate tathii tad ida1!1 iti kiila-d·vaya-sattvam

api pratyak$et:zai'va grhuam. Sarviirtha-siddhi, p. 69.

asman-mate tv indriya-samprayogasya tad-viii$!a-vastunas tad-upahita-kiilii-
7flSasya ca sthiiyitvena dhl-k$aniinuvrttau tad-v~ayatayii pratyak~o-dayiit sam-
prayogii-nantara-k~a7Je dhir api nirvartyate. Ibid. p. 70.
xx] Ontological categories according to V eilkataniitha 271

special function to fulfil, it is without any causal efficiency and as

such is non-existent; and, on the other hand, since each succeeding
entity rises into being without waiting for any cause, it may rise
into being in the preceding moment as well, and if this is so there
would be no series at all. Again it is argued that since whatever is
produced must necessarily be destroyed, destruction as such is un-
conditioned and takes place without awaiting any cause. Negation
can be unconditioned only when it is an implication of position
which as such is never produced but is always associated with any
and every position (e.g. cow implies the negation of a horse). But
negations which are produced always depend on certain causes
which can produce them just as much as any positive entity, as in
the case of the destruction of a jug by the stroke of a stick. If it is
argued that the stroke of a stick does not produce any destruction
but only starts a new series of existence in the form of the particles
of the jug, then also there are many other illustrations (e.g. the
blowing out of a flame) in which the explanation of the starting of a
new series is not available. If it is argued that negation is mere
nothing and as such does not depend on a cause like chimerical
entities, e.g. the lotus of the sky, such an explanation would be
meaningless; for negations or destructions are conditioned in time
just as are any positive entities, and as such are different from
chimerical entities (pratiyogivad eva niyata-kiilatayii pramitasya
atyanta-tucchatii-yogiit). If negations be regarded as similar to
chimerical entities, then the former would be as beginningless as
the latter, and, if this were so, then there would be no positive en-
tities, all being beginningless negations. If negation were chimerical,
then even at the time of negation there could be the positive en-
tities, for negation being chimerical could not condition anything
and this would amount to the persistence of all entities and cannot
be acceptable to momentarists like the Buddhists. If negations
were devoid only of certain specific characters, then they would be
1ike the unique-charactered entities (svalak~a!la) which are also de-
void of certain specific characters. If they were devoid of all cha-
racters (sarva-svabhiiva-viraha ), then they could have no place in a
proposition which must affirm some predicate of them. If it is said
that negation has a character as such, then that being its character
i t would not be devoid of any character. If such negations were not
pre-existent, then their coming into being must depend on some
272 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [CH.
causal operation. If they were pre-existent, then there would not
be any positive entities (priik-sattve tu bhiivii-pahnaval:t).
If it is urged that the effect-moment as destruction is simul-
taneous with the cause-moment, then the positive entity and its
destruction would occur at the same moment; and if this were so,
there is no reason why the destruction should not precede the
positive entity. If destruction is admitted to appear at a moment
succeeding that of the production of the positive moment, then the
destruction would not be unconditioned. If the sequence of the
positive entity and its destruction be with reference to the positive
entity itself and not to its production, then the positive entity would
be the cause of the destruction. It cannot be said that destruction
is conditioned only by the position, for its dependence on other
accessory agents cannot be repudiated. It cannot be argued that
the production of a moment is also its destruction, for that would be
self-contradictory. It is sometimes maintained that difference does
not constitute destruction, and hence the rise of a different-
charactered moment does not imply the destruction of the previous
moment. The destruction of a moment has thus to be regarded as
a separate fact, and as such it is involved and inherent in the very
production of a moment 1 . To this the reply is that a different-
charactered entity must also be regarded as the destruction of the
previous entity, for otherwise it would be impossible to assign any
cause to the rise of such a different-charactered entity. If, again,
the destruction be the very essence of an entity, then such an
essence might as well manifest itself at the time of the rise of the
present entity, and thus reduce it to the negation which would
mean the universal negation of all things. If it is urged that an
entity produces its own destruction by itself, then it would be
meaningless to hold that destruction is unconditional; and if it is
thus conditioned by itself, it would be idle to suppose that it does
not depend on any other condition, for there is no means of knowing
it. If it is admitted that an entity produces its own destruction with
the help of other accessories, then the doctrine of momentariness
fails. It has also been shown before that the affirmation of momen-
tariness is distinctly contradicted by the phenomenon of recognition
1 yad yato bhidyate na tat tasya dhvm!lsa!t yathii ril.pasya rasaft. dhcm!zsas tu

kasyacid e·va bhavati iti tad-iitmakaft. atal; S'l'o-tpattiiv eva sviitmani dhvwnse
sannihite katha'!l kw~ii-ntara'!l priipnuyiit. Sarviirtha-siddhi, p. 72.
xx] Ontological categories according to V eiikataniitha 273
as elaborated above. Again when the momentarist says that all
things are momentary, how does he explain the fact that the effect-
moment is caused by the cause-moment? If causation means no-
thing more than immediate succession, then the universe at a par-
ticular moment is caused by the universe at the preceding moment.
The problem is whether such immediacy of succession is by itself
competent to produce the effect-moment or needs the accessories
of space and time. If such accessories are not necessary. then
spatial co-existence or concomitance (as in the case of smoke and
fire) ought not to lead to any inference. If such accessories are
awaited, then it would mean that whatever is produced at any unit
of space has also its cause in that unit of space and that unit of time.
On such a view the effect-moment would be in the space and time
of the cause, and thus the cause-space or cause-time would be
co-extensive in two moments. If this were admitted, then the
momentarist might as well admit that the cause persists in two
moments. So, the momentarist who does not admit persisting time
and space cannot also admit that any sequence should be con-
ditioned by them. If it is said that a cause-moment starts its effect
in the very space or time in which it exists, then there would be no
unity of the series between the cause and the effect; and, by sup-
position, they are regarded as having different sets of moments for
themselves. There might be superimposition but no unity of the
series. If the unity of the series be not admitted, then the expecta-
tion that just as when a cotton-seed is dyed there is redness in the
cotton, so in the moral sphere whenever there is the viisanii or root-
inclination there is also its fruit, fails. The co-existence of the
causal-moment and the effect-moment does not imply the unity
that is expected in a normal cause and effect relation, and it would
therefore be difficult to say that such an effect has such a cause, for
the momentaristic theory cannot establish the bond between cause
and effect.
Let us now analyse the concept of momentariness. It may mean
the fact that ( 1) an entity is associated with a moment (k~a!la­
sambandhavattva), or (2) association with a momentary unit of time
(k~a!la-kiila-sambandhatva'f!l), or (3) existence for only one moment
(k~ar.za-miitra-vartitva), or (4) absence of relation with two moments
(k~a!la-dvaya-sambandha-sunyatva), or (5) identity with the moment
of time (k~a!la-kiilatva1J1), or (6) being determinant of the moment-
Dill x8
274 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
character (k~a1}a-piidhitva1J1). The first alternative is inadmissible,
for even those who believe in persistent entities admit that such
entities, since they persist in- time, are associated with a moment.
The second alternative is inadmissible because the Buddhists do
not believe in any separate category of time apart from the ~afla 1 •
On such an admission, again, an entity as time which is beyond a
k~ar.za has to be virtually accepted, which contradicts the doctrine
of momentariness. The third alternative is directly contradicted in
the experience of recognition which testifies to the fact that we touch
what we see. The fourth view is also for the same reason contra-
dicted in experience; and if any supposed entity which is not itself
a ~afta is not associated with two time-moments, then it can have
only a chimerical existence, and, curiously enough, the Buddhists
often compare all existent entities with chimerical objects 2 • The
fifth alternative is also inadmissible, for just as an entity exists in a
unit of space and cannot be identical with it, so also it cannot be
identical with the time in which it exists, and it is directly contra-
dicted in experience. The sixth alternative is also inadmissible for
the reason that if objects were in their own nature determinants of
moments, then there would be nothing to explain our notion of
temporal succession 3 ; and all our experiences depending on such
a succession would be contradicted. If things did not persist in
time and were absolutely destroyed without leaving any trace
( niranvaya-viniisa~l ). then the ordinary experience of the world in
which things are done for the purpose of reaping their benefits
could not be explained. The man who had done some work would
not wait a moment for his reward. In the Ramanuja view per-
sistence of the self is well explained in self-consciousness. The
theory that such a self-consciousness refers only to the suc-
ceeding terms produced in the series of the iilaya-vijiiiina is
only a theory which has no verification, and such a theory
is directly contradicted by the well attested maxim that the
experience. of one individual cannot be remembered by another
(nii'nya-dHta1J1 smaraty anyal;). There is also no way in which the
1 kiilam e'Vii'nicchatas te ko'sau k~m;za-kiila!z kai ca tasya sambandhafz. Sarviir-

tha-siddhi, p. 74·
2 yasminnanityatii niisti kiiryatii'pi na vidyate ~asmin yathii kha-puspiidiiviti

iakya7p. hi bha~itum. Ibid. p. 75·

8 yadii hi ghatii-daya!z svarfi.pe')a k~ano-piidhaya!z syu!z kiila-ttiratamya-dhi[l

kutrii'pi na bhavet. Ibid.

xx] Ontological categories according to Veizkafaniitha 275
terms of the iilaya-vijiiiina series may be associated with volitional
If the momentariness of entities means that they are modified
or conditioned by moments, then also the question arises if they
are not themselves momentary, how can they be conditioned by
moments? If the conditioning by moments means that causal col-
locations represent only the previous moment of the effect
(kiirya-priiga-bhiiva-samanvita ), then it may be urged by the opponent
that it would be difficult to refute such momentariness. On the
side of the opponent it may be further said that the criticism that
the conglomeration of the causes is something different from, or
identical with the conglomerating entities, cannot be made; for, in
either case, since such an entity would, according to the Rama-
nujists, be a persisting one, it would not condition a moment. The
reply is that conglomeration can neither mean relation nor the
related entities; for the word "conglomeration" cannot apply
specifically to each of the entities, and as such it is to be admitted
that the causal entities, collected together by some condition, re-
present the conglomeration. If such entities are regarded as de-
termining the moment, then they must necessarily be persistent.
If it is held that the combining condition is the condition of the
k~ar.za, then the reply is that the production must be due to the
joint operations of the combining conditions and the specific col-
locating entities. Of these the combining condition is not mo-
mentary, and since the collocating entities would stay till they were
combined, they are also not momentary. The condition of the
~ar.za seems, therefore, to be the last accessory agent or operation
which associates with it the previous entities or operations and
thereby behaves as the condition of the moment immediately ante-
cedent to the effect. There is thus nothing momentary in it. Time
being unlimited in its nature cannot be parcelled out in moments.
The supposed moments can be attributed to an operation or an
existing entity only for specifying particular states or conditions for
practical purposes; but an entity that exists, exists in time, and thus
outgrows the limits of a previous or later moment. So, though a
specific unit of time may be regarded as momentary, the entity that
exists, therefore, is not momentary in the nature of its own ex-
istence. Since the Buddhists do not admit time, they are not
justified in speaking of momentary time in which things are sup-
276 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.

posed to exist. Nor are they justified in holding that nature in itself
suffers change in every moment, for that virtually amounts to the
existence of a persisting entity which suffers modification 1 •
The Buddhist assumption that things are destroyed entirely,
and there are no elements in them that persist (niranvaya-viniisa),
on the analogy that flames are destroyed without leaving any trace
of their existence, is false. For, from various other instances, e.g.
the case of jugs, cloth, etc., \\'e find that their destruction means
only a change of state and not entire annihilation; and from this
analogy it is reasonable to suppose that the elements of the flame
that are destroyed are not completely annihilated but persist in in-
visible forms. Even when a flame is destroyed, the tip of the wick
is felt to be slightly warm, and this is certainly to be interpreted as
a remnant of the heat possessed by the flame. If the last stage in the
destruction of an entity he regarded as lapsing into entire annihila-
tion, it would have no causal efficiency and as such would be non-
existent. If the last stage is non-existent, then its previous stage
also would have no causal efficiency and would be non-existent, and
so on. This would lead to universal non-existence.

(f) Refutation of the C iirviika criticism against

the Doctrine of Causality.
The problem of causality naturally brings in the question of
time relation between the cause and the effect, i.e. whether the
effect precedes the cause, or whether the cause precedes the effect,
or whether they are simultaneous. If the effect precedes the cause,
then it would not depend upon causal operation for its existence
and it would then be an eternally existent entity like space. If it is
not existent, then it cannot he brought into existence hy any means,
for a non-existent entity cannot be produced. If the effect were pro-
duced before the cause, then the so-called "cause" could not he its
cause. If the cause and effect were simultaneous, then it would be
difficult to determine which is the cause and which the effect. If
the cause precedes the effect, then, again, it may be asked whether
the effect was already existent or beside it. If it is already existent,
there is no need of causal operation, and that which is to happen
sarva-k~a7Jikatva7!Z siidhayitum upakramya sthira-drm.·ya-'l:rtti-k~w,ika­
vikiiravad iti katham drsttintavema tesu ca na t'l·ad-abhimatam ksanikat'l·am
pradlpii-di vad iisutar'a-v~·~'asitv~-mtitre~z'a k~a7Jikato-kte},z. Sar'l·tirtha-siddhi, p.
xx] Ontological categories according to Venkataniitha 277
later cannot be considered to be co-existent with that which was at
a prior moment. If the effect was not co-existent with the cause,
then what would be the bond which would determine why a par-
ticular cause should produce a particular effect and not others?
Since production cannot be synonymous with what is produced, it
must be different from it. Being a different entity, it may be de-
manded· that production should have a further production, and
that another, and this will lead to infinite regress.
To these objections Veilkatanatha's reply is that the opposition
of negation with position can hold good only with reference to the
same unit of time and space. Therefore, the non-existence of the
effect at a prior moment has no opposition to its existence at a later
moment. That there is a relation between the cause of a prior
moment and the effect of a later moment can be directly ex-
perienced. Such a relation is, of course, not contact, but one of
dependence, of one another, as prior and later, as is perceived
in experience. The dialectical criticism that production, being a
separate entity, demands a further production and so forth cannot
be applied to the Ratnanuja view; for here the effect is regarded as
only a modified condition or state of the cause. The effect depends
upon the cause in the sense that it is identical with it as being its
state 1 • Identity here, of course, does not mean oneness but identity
in difference. The objection that no bond can be established in
difference is found contradicted in our experience of cause and
effect, and in many other cases, e.g. in the instance where a speaker
tries to produce a conviction in his hearers who are different from
him. The objection that a cause can be called a cause only by virtue
of its doing some operation (kificit-kara) and that its causality to-
wards that operation must again involve the effectuation of some
other operation, and thus there is an infinite regress, is invalid; for
the existence of a number of operations (as given in experience) in
producing an effect cannot lead to a yicious infinite, for only those
operations which are revealed in experience can be accepted as
having happened. In the case of spontaneous production (dviirii-n-
tara-nirapek~a), there is no necessity to admit any series of opera-
tions as the causality as invariable antecedent is directly given in
1 na hi vayam abhi·vyakti'l!l vii kiira~a-samaviiyii-dika'l!l vii janme'ti brumab.
tasya kiiryii-vasthii-siimiiniidhikara~ya-vyapadeiab
tiidiitmyena tad-iiiraya-vrtteb. Sarviirtha-siddhi, p. 8o.
278 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
experience. The objection that a cause is a cause because it produces
the effect involves the previous existence of the effect, and hence the
futility of the causal operation is invalid; for causality means the
happening of an operation suitable to the becoming of the effect 1 •
This does not involve the prior existence of the effect, since the
happening of the operation leading to the effect refers to the effect
not as an existing fact but as anticipated in the mind of the observer
(kurvattva-nirupm;a'f!l tu bhiivinii'pi kiirye!la buddhyii-rohi!lii siddhe~).
The objection that if effect was a nature of the cause then it would
be already there, and if it was not it could not come into being at
any time, is also invalid on the supposition that there is an invariable
uniformity of relationship (niyata-pratisambandhika-svabhii'l-'atii
eva). The effect entity is numerically and characteristically different
from the cause entity, but yet the former and the latter are related
to one another as mutually determining each other (anyo-nya-
nirupyatayii). The objection, that since the separate entities in a
causal conglomeration cannot produce the effect, the conglomera-
tion as a whole could not produce the effect, is invalid; for the
capacity of the individual entities is defined in terms of their
capacity in joint production (samuditiinii1J1 kiirya-karatvam eva hi
pratyekam api hi sakti~z ). The further objection that since the cause
is destroyed on its way to produce the effect, it (cause) itself. being
destroyed, ought not to be able to produce the effect, is not valid;
for the production of the effect requires only the existence of the
cause at a prior moment (purva-k~a!la-sattvam e'l..la hi kiira!lasya
Again it is urged that the concept of invariable priority which
determines causation is itself indeterminable, for time as duration
has no quality in itself. Priority and posteriority therefore have
to be determined by other imposed conditions (upiidhi), and the
causal phenomena could be regarded as such an imposed condition .
.If this is so, priority and posteriority, which are in this view sup-
posed to originate from causal conditions, cannot be regarded as
determining causality. Again if conditions are supposed to split up
time as pure duration into succession, then, since time is not re-
garded as discrete, the supposed conditions would have to refer to
the whole of time, in which case there would be no succession.
bhiivi-kiiryii-nugw;a-'l·yiipiirm.:att·cam eva kiirm;asya kur'l·att·vam. San·iirtha-
siddhi, p. 8 I.
xx] Ontological categories according to T7 eizkatanatha 279
lVIoreover, if the conditions were to refer to certain parts, discrete
time has first to be accepted 1 . The reply to the above objection is
that if by the force of the above argument time as succession is not
admitted, then if things are in time they are eternal, and if they are
not, they are chimerical; which is absurd. The objector is again
supposed to urge that, all universals being eternally existing,
priority and posteriority can never he referred mutually among
them, or between them and individuals. Where the rise of the con-
stellation Rohil).i is inferred from the rise of the constellation
Krttika, priority and posteriority are not between the two. The
reply is to be found in the experience that such a qualified entity
is produced from such other qualified entity where the universal
and the individual merge together in a complex whole-a qualified
entity 2 • Definite causal relations with definite effects are known
from large experience of invariable antecedence between them, and
this repudiates the idea of any denial of the uniformity of causal re-
lation relating specific cause to specific effect. The notion of the
plurality of causes is also therefore repudiated for the same reason.
\Vhere the same effect seems to be produced by different causes it
is due to mal-observation and non-observation. A closer observa-
tion by experts reveals that though certain effects may be ap-
parently similar yet they have specificity in their individual nature.
By virtue of such specificity, each one of them can be referred to its
own determinate cause. The negation-antecedent-to-being (priiga-
bhiiva) cannot by itself be regarded as determining the effect, for
such negations in themselves, being beginningless, could not ex-
plain the occasion of an effect's coming into being. l\1oreover, such
negations involve in some form or other the effect to which it would
give rise as its constituent; for, otherwise it could not be referred
to or defined as a negation-antecedent-to-being of the effect. If an
effect, being existent, be without any cause, it would be eternal;
and if it be non-existent without any cause, then it would be
chimerical. If the effect could happen by fits and starts, then its
uniform dependence upon the immediate and invariable ante-
1 kale ca purvattvam upiidhi-krtaTJJ sa ca upiidhir :yady ayam eva tadii tad-

adhzna1Jl kiilasya prirvattva1Jl kiilii-dltinaiico'piidher ity anyonyii-fraya/:1. anyii-

pek~iiyii1JZ cakrakam ana-mstha'pi kiilasya krama·vad upiidhi-sambandha-bhediid
bhedasca krtsnai-ka-desa-·vikalpa-dul;stha iti. Sarviirtha-siddhi, p. 82.
2 etad-dharmakiid etad-dharmakam upajiitam itijiity-upiidhi-kro4f-krta-rupe1Ja

vyakti~tt niyama-siddhefz. Ibid. p. 83.

z8o Philosophy of the Ramdnuja School of Thought [cH.
cedents could not be explained. Thus the doctrine of causality
stands unimpeached by any of the objections brought forward by
the Carvakas.

(g) The Nature of the Senses according to Veizkataniitha.

The Naiyayikas think that the visual organ has for its material
cause the eight elements, for though it cannot perceive any other
sense-data it can grasp colours like a lamp; and, following a similar
course of argument, they hold that the tactile organ is made up of
air, the gustatory organ, of water, the smell-organ, of earth, and the
auditory organ, of space-element (iikiisa). Venkatanatha's main ob-
jection is directed against viewing the senses as the specific and
most important instruments of the corresponding perceptions on
the ground that in the act of perception many accessories, such as
the subject, object, light, sense-organ, sense-contact, absence of
obstruction, and other accessories participate in such a manner that
it is impossible to single out the sense-organ as being the most im-
portant instrument (kara7Ja). Even if the sense-faculties be re-
garded as different from the sense-organs, they may be considered
as the special ways of the ego-hood (aha'!lkiira), and this is testified
by scriptural texts. l\Ierely on the ground that the visual sense-
faculty can perceive colours, it would be wrong to argue that this
sense-faculty is made up of the same element as colour; for the
visual sense-faculty is not by itself responsible for the colour-
perception. The special predominance of the visional organ over
other accessories in colour-perception, by which its affinity with
the colour element may be shown, cannot be established.
Venkata urges that the same reasons that lead to the acceptance
of the five cognitive senses lead also to the admission of the five
conative senses and manas (mind). The function of the cognitive
senses is believed to be of a special kind by which the senses can
operate only in a special manner and under special conditions, and
the same applies also to the conative senses. These are as much
associated with the subtle body as the cognitive senses, and the
view of Yadavaprakasa that the conative senses carne into being
with this body and were destroyed with its destruction is regarded
as false 1 • A1anas, being a part of the evolution of prakrti, cannot be
regarded as all-pervasive. The ordinary argument that that which,
Nyiiya-siddhiiiijana, p. 24.
xx] Ontological categories according to Veizkataniitha z81
being eternal, is not the material constituent of any other thing is
all-pervasive, is faulty, for this is directly contradicted by the
testimony of the scriptures, and according to the Ramanuja view
atoms are not the ultimate constituent of things. Again the argu-
ment that that which is devoid of specific qualities, like time, is all-
pervasive is also untenable, for according to the Ramanuja view
there is nothing which is devoid of specific quality. The argument
that since mind can remember very distant experiences it is all-
pervasive is also faulty, for such remembrances are due to the con-
tact of mind with specific subconscious root-impressions.
The senses are to be regarded as subtle (suk~ma) or atomic, and
yet by their functioning or in association with other things they
may behave as being spread out 1 • It is for this reason that in the
bodies of animals of different dimensions the same senses may
spread over smaller or larger areas through such functions without
which they have to be admitted as becoming larger or smaller ac-
cording to the dimensions of the bodies in which they may operate.
If manas is all-pervasive, or if it occupies the span of the body, then
the cognition by all the five senses may arise at one moment. The
senses are regarded by Venkata as abiding in the heart, whence they
move through respective nerves to the particular sense-organs.
The sense operates by its function called vrtti, which moves
almost with the speed of light and grasps its object. There is thus a
gradual operation of the sense-function passing from one place to
another which, on account of its high speed, seems to be operative
with regard to the object near at hand and also at a distance. This
produces the appearance of simultaneous perception. The same
process also holds good in the case of auditory perception. Since,
according to the Ramanuja school, senses are immaterial, their
functions also are to be described as immaterial 2 •
1 siddhe'pi hy m:zutve vikiisatayii 'l'rtti-viie~a-dviirii'pyiiyaka-pracayiid vii

Prthut'l.·am miglkiiryam. Sarviirtha-siddhi, p. 98.

2 According to the Sarpkhya view, where also the senses are regarded as im-

material, the 'l'!fti is regarded as their transformation in the form of the object
and not contact. The Yoga view, however, as explained by Bhik~u, is that the
citta passes through the senses and comes in contact with the object and is
transformed into its form in association with the senses. The transformation,
therefore, is not of the citta alone but of the citta together with the senses.
282 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.

(h) The Nature of akasa according to Venkatanatha.

Venkata tries to establish in some detail the supposed fact that
the akiisa is perceived by the visual organ, as in our well attested
experience in perceiving the blue sky or the scarlet sky in the
evening and also the movement of the birds through the sky. He
denies the position that the existence of iikiisa can only be inferred
through movements, for the iikiisa exists even in thick walls where
no movement is possible. Akiisa is not its pure vacuity; its
existence is manifested by its non-obstruction to the movements
of animals. Some of the Buddhists and the Carvakas argue that
there are only four elements and that iikiisa is only the negation
(iivarar.zii-bhiiva). We do not perceive any iikiisa in a wall, but when
it is split up we say that we perceive iikiisa. Such an iikiisa cannot
be anything but a negation of obstruction; for if this is not ad-
mitted, then there is no negation of obstruction anywhere, all such
cases being explainable on the supposition of akasa. It is this
negation of obstruction, pure vacuity, which produces the illusion
of some positive entity like a mirage. Such experiences may well
be illustrated in those instances where the negation of pain is ex-
perienced as pleasure and negation of light as blue darkness. 'Ve are
all familiar with the fact that mere linguistic usage sometimes pro-
duces an idea without there being an entity behind it, when some-
one says "the sharp horn of a hare."
To this Venkata's reply is that the existence of categories can
only be justified by an appeal to experience, and we all have a
positive experience of iikiisa. What we call negation is also a positive
entity. The very negative concept can well be regarded as a positive
notion. It is useless to argue that the negative concept differs from
all positivity, for each specific category has its own special notion,
and it is futile to argue why a particular entity should have its own
peculiar concept 1 • A negation is always defined as the absence of
the positive entity of which the negation is affirmed. The positivity
of iikiisa is established by its positive experience. The view that
there is n6 iikiisa in occupied space is wrong, for when the occupying
object is cut asunder we perceive the iikiisa and we affirm of it the
negation of occupation. Thus the negation of occupation (iivar-
1 nii'bhiivasya ni!zsvabhiivatii abhiiva-svabhiivatayai'va tat-siddhe!z sviinya-
svabhiivatayii siddhis tu na kasyii'pi. na ca s·vena svabhii'l•ena siddhasya para-
svabhiiva-viralziid asatt·vam atiprasaizgiit. Sarviirtha-siddhi, p. 113.
xx] Ontological categories according to Veizkataniitha 283
a'!lii-bhiivii) is the predicate which is affirmed of the positive entity
iikiisa, for in our experience of iikiisa we perceive that there is no
occupation (iivar'!lll) in the iikiisa (ihii'vara~'f!l niisti). If this is not
admitted, then such perceptions as "Here is an object" would be
inexplicable, for the word "here" would have no meaning if it were
mere absence of negation. If, again, iikiisa was absent in an occu-
pying object, it would be unreasonable to define iikiisa as the ab-
sence of such an object; since nothing exists in itself, everything
would on the above analogy become its own negation 1 • The fact
that iikiisa sometimes seems to show the false appearance of a sur-
face is due also to the fact that it is an entity on which certain
qualities are illusorily imposed. If it were mere nothing, there
could have been no predication of false qualities to it. When it is
said that the negation of pain is falsely conceived as pleasure, the
fact is that the so-called negation is only another kind of positivity 2 •
In the case of chimerical entities such as the sharp hare's horn
there is an affirmation of horn in the hare, and when the horn is
known there is a deliberation in our mind whether our notion of
sharpness is true or false. The affirmation of sharpness, therefore,
is not on mere negation. The falsity of chimerical predication also
consists of affirming a predicate to a subject which in the course of
nature it does not possess, and there is nothing like pure falsity or
non-existence in such notions. When one says that there is no occu-
pation here he must show the locus where the occupation is denied
or negated; for a negation implies a locus. The locus of the negation
of occupation would be pure space (iikiisa). If the negation of
occupation meant absolute non-existence, then that would land us
in nihilism. If the occupation (iivara~) did exist anywhere or did
not exist anywhere, then in either case the production or destruc-
tion of such occupation would be undemonstrable; for an existent
thing is never produced nor destroyed and a non-existent thing is
neither produced nor destroyed. Thus, for these and other con-
siderations, iikiisa, which is neither eternal nor all-pervasive, has to
be regarded as a separate positive entity and not as mere negation of
occupation. Dik or the quarter of the sky, north, south, etc., should
1 na tv akaia-matram avarm:zerv a'vidyamanataya tad-abhava iikaia iti

cii'yukta1Jl sarve$t'i1J'l svasminn a'vidyamiinatayii S'L'ii-bhavatva-prasaizgiit. Sar-

viirtha-siddhi, p. 1 14.
2 duhkhii-bhiive sukhii-ropiit abhii'l'asya bhavii-nyat'va-miitram eva hy asatva1Jl

siddha1Jl tena ca svarupa-sann evii'sau. Ibid.

284 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.

not be regarded as separate entities, but it is the sky, or iikiisa,_

which appears as different kinds of dik on account of its association
with different conditions of the perceiver and the perceived space-

(i) Nature of Time according to Vnikataniitha.

Time is eternal and beginningless, for any conception in \vhich
it might be held that time were produced would involve the view
that time was non-existent before its production. This, as it is easy
to see, involves a notion of before and after, and as such it may he
presumed that without the assumption of time even the production
of time cannot be perceived. Time is directly perceived as a quality
of all perceived entities. If time is regarded as being only inferable,
then since it is intimately associated with all perceptible thin55 the
non-apprehension of time by direct perception would mean that the
perceived objects also are not directly apprehended but known hy
inference. Even those who deny the separate existence of time ex-
plain it as an unreal notion of things in relation with the movement
of the sun. Thus, the category of time, whether it is admitted as
real or unreal, is taken as a quality or mode of perceived things and
is apprehended along with them. There is no other time than what
is conceived as before and after, as modes of our experience. It may
be argued that with the exception of recognition all our experiences
relate to the present and as such in the apprehension of objects hy
perception there is no notion of before and after which constitutes
time, so there is no direct perception of time. To this the suggested
discussion is whether, when objects are apprehended, they are
apprehended as present or not, or whether only the notion of" the
present" is apprehended without any association of any other ob-
ject. Such views are directly contradicted in such experience as
"I see this," where the object is demonstrated as being perceived
at the present time. Perception thus refers hoth to the object and
to its temporal character as present. It cannot be said that the
temporal character is only illusorily imposed upon the perceived
object; for in that case it must be shown that the temporal character
was at least somewhere perceiYed or known independently by itself.
It is argued that the sense-characters are perceived as "present,"
and this notion of the "present" is illusorily imposed upon time.
To this it may be replied that in the passing series of the momentary
xx] Ontological categories according to V eizkataniitha z8s
sense-characters it is impossible to point out anything as" present,"
since these are only perceived as "before" and "after"; by the
time anything could be designated as "present" it is already past.
Thus the point of time as present is undemonstrable. If the time as
present may be affirmed of any sense-character, it may be affirmed
of time itself. Again if time were non-existent, what is the use of
assuming its imposition? If it is held that there is only the im-
position of time-conception without any entity of which it is
affirmed, then it would become the blind phenomenalism of the
nihilists. In the Ramanuja view of things it is possible somehow to
affirm the notion as "present" of time just as it is affirmed of the
sense-characters. It cannot be said that time is merely a character
of the sensibles, and that there is no other entity as time apart from-
these sensibles; for the temporal character of the sensibles as "pre-
sent" is only possible on the assumption that there is such a thing
as "present" time. Again if the "present" is denied, then that
would mean universal negation, for the past and future are never
perceived by us. 1\ioreover, the present cannot be conceived as
something different or unrelated and independent of the past and
the future. If the past and the future were regarded as constituting
the present, then our experience would only be related to the past
and the future and there would be no possibility for any of our
present afflictions. "Present" thus may be regarded as that series of
operations which has begun but has not as yet ended in fruition.
Though time is one and eternal it can appear as limited and
many, like all other objects which, though they may remain as one,
may yet be supposed to be many and different in respect of the
states through which they may seem to pass by virtue of the various
conditional qualities (upiidhi-sambandha) with which they may be
associated. Though this view may be regarded as sufficient in ex-
plaining the notion of limited time, yet there are others who think
that unless time itself is supposed to be constituted of moments
through which time as changeable may be apprehended, the as-
sociation of conditions to explain the notion of limitation will be
impossible; for such an association presupposes the fact of limita-
tion in time to which alone the conditions could be referred. Thus,
Yadavaprakasa holds that time is beginningless and endless, and
continually transforms itself through moments by which the di-
visions of time as hours, days and nights can be spanned; through
z86 Philusophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thuuglzt [cu.
which again the transformation of all changeable objects can he
measure(P. In this view the conditions are relative from the point
of view of each person, who collects the passing time-units and
forms his own conceptions of minutes, hours and days from his
own point of calculation according to his own needs. :\ valid ob-
jection, however, may he raised against such a view when it is
pointed out that the criticism that was made against the association
of conditional qualities to partless time may also be raised against
the present view in which time is regarded as constituted of parts
as moments, For it may well he said that the parts would require
further parts for associating the conditional qualities; and if it does,
there would be a vicious infinite and if it docs not, then it will he
admitted that the whole of a moment would not require a specifica-
tion of parts fur the association of conditional qualities. If the
whole of a moment does not stand in need of any specification of
parts for such association, why should time as a whole require it?
The explanation that the association of a conditional quality with a
part means its association with the whole on the analogy of the
association of qualities in a substance is equally applicable to part-
less time. Veti.ka~a points out that though the moments are ad-
ventitiously conceived on account of the variety of conditional
qualities, time in itself is eternal. "Eternal" means that it is never
destroyed. Time is thus co-existent with God. It is a material cause
with reference to its own modifications and is the efficient cause
with reference to everything else. The scriptural pronouncements
that ( ;ud is all-pervading can he harmonized with the all-pervading
character of time by conceiving it to be co-existent \\ ith God.

(j) The ~Vaturt> of Soul according to Vetilw!aniitha.

\. cti.ka~anatha first tries to establish the existence of the soul as
different from the body, and in this connection tries to refute the
well-known Can·aka arguments which do not admit the existence
of a soul as different from the body to which the former may he
supposed to belong. The main emphasis of \"eti.ka~a's arguments
lies in the appeal to the testimony of our experience which mani-
fests the body as a whole and its parts as belonging to an ·• I," as
yada·vaprakasair apy ahhyupar:atn' ya'!l pak~al:z halo' niidy-ananto'jasra-k~at;a­
parit;r"imz muhartii-lznriitrt'i-di-n"hhaga-yuk sarve~ii'!l pari~zama-spanda-hetu!z. Sar-
viirtha-siddhi, pp. 148- If9·
xx] Ontological categories according to Venkatanatha 287

when we say" my body," "my head," etc. He says that though we

have various parts of one body and though some of these may be
destroyed, yet in spite of such variations they are all supposed to
belong to one unchangeable unity, the self, which seems to persist
through all changes of time. If the experiences belonged to the
different parts of the body, then on the removal of any of the limbs
the experiences which are associated with that limb could not be
remembered; for it cannot be admitted that there is a transmission
of experiences from one limb to another. Even a mother's ex-
perience cannot be shared by the fretus. It cannot also be supposed
that the experiences of the different limbs are somehow collected as
impressions in the he~rt or brain; for it can neither be directly per-
ceived, nor is there a datum which can lead to such an inference.
l\1oreover, if there is a continual accumulation of impressions in the
heart or brain, such a matter of conglomeration would be different
at each moment through dissipation and aggregation of its con-
stituent impressions, and as such it would be impossible to explain
the fact of memory through such a changing entity 1 •
The unified behaviour of an individual cannot also be regarded
as being due to the co-operation of a number of individual units of
consciousness; for, in that case there must be individual purposes in
each of them, leading to a conflict, and if they have no such pur-
poses, there is no reason why they should co-operate together. If it
is assumed that these individual constituent conscious-entities are
naturally such that they are engaged in serving one another without
any conflict, then the more normal possibility would be that, having
no natural attachment or antipathy, they would cease to act, and
this would result in a cessation of all activities on the part of the
constituted individual as a whole. Again whenever an animal is
born it is perceived as endowed with certain instinctive tendencies
towards certain action, such as sucking the mother's breast, which
demonstrates its attachment in that direction and necessarily pre-
supposes an experience of that kind in a previous birth. This shows
that there is a self which is different and distinct from the
body and its parts. The experiences and their root-impressions
sarva-bodhaii ca hrt-koie sa'f!lskiirii-dhiinam ityapi
na dr~ta'f!l na ca tat-k/ptau li'izga'f!l kim api drsyate
na ca samskiira-koias te saizghiitii-tmii prati-k~ar:za'f!l
pracayii-pacayiibhyii'f!l syiid bhinna/:1 smartii'tra ko bhavet.
Sarviirtha-siddhi, p. 1 53·
z88 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [CH.
also explain the diversity of intellectual powers, tendencies and
inclinations 1 .
It cannot also be held that the units of consciousness of the
different parts of the body are in themselves too subtle and
potential to manifest themselves in their individual capacity, but
they may yet co-operate together jointly to manifest the conscious-
ness of the individual as a whole; for even the smallest m9lecular
animals are found to be endowed with behaviouristic action. l\1ore-
over, if the units of consciousness emanating from the different
parts of the body are admitted to be only potentially conscious,
then it is absurd to suppose that they will be able to produce actual
consciousness by mere conglomeration.
Again consciousness is a quality and as such it must await a
substratum to which it would belong, but in the view in which con-
sciousness is supposed to be material, the fundamental distinction
between a quality and a substance is not observed 2 • It cannot also
be held that consciousness is but a special modification of certain
of the bodily elements, for this would only be a theory, which can-
not be attested by any experience. Again to such of the Carvakas
as admit the validity of inference, it may be urged that the body is
a matter-complex; and, being but a conglomeration and sensible,
is material like any other material object, whereas consciousness,
being something entirely different from the body by virtue of its
being consciousness, is also entirely distinct from it. The ordinary
illusory notion which confuses the self with the body can be ex-
plained in diverse ways. The objector may say that if from such
notions as" my body," "my hand," etc., it is argued that the self is
something different from the body, then from such expressions as
"my self" one may as well argue that the self has a further self.
To this Yenkata's reply is that such expressions as "my hand" and
"my body" are like such other expressions as "my house" and
"my stick," where the distinction between the two things is directly
apprehended. In such an expression as "my self" we have a
linguistic usage in which the possessive case can be explained only
in the sense of ideality, having only such an imaginary distinction
between the two terms as may be in the mind of the observer at the
eva'!! manu$yii-di-sarlra-priipti-dasiiyiim adr$!U-'l'iSe$iit pii.rva-janmii-nubhm:a-
sa'!lskiira-bhedair e'l'am abhiruci-bhediis ca yufyante. Sarviirtha-siddlzi, pp. I 53-I 54·
2 nanu caitanyam iti na kascid gw:za/:1, yasyii'dhiiro'pek$ya/:l kintu yii'sau yu$-

miika'!l caitanya-siimagri sai''l·a caitanya-padiirtha/:1 syiit. Ibid. p. I 54·

xx] The Nature of Soul according to V eizkataniitha
moment and due to his emphasizing a difference from a conditional
point of view. Veilkata holds that further arguments may also be
brought forward by the Carvakas 1 , to which effective replies may
be given. But instead of going into a big chain of arguments and
counter arguments the most effective way is to appeal to the testi-
mony of scripture which in its self-validity affirms both positively
and by implication the existence of the permanent self as distinct
from the body. The testimony of the scriptures cannot be rebutted
or refuted by mere speculative arguments.
There is a view that consciousness belongs to the senses and that
cognitions through the different senses are integrated together in
the same body, and it is by that means that an object perceived by
the eye is also identified as the same entity as that grasped by the
tactile apprehension. Another view is that the pleasurable, painful
feelings associated with sense-cognitions can themselves attract or
repulse an individual to behave as a separate entity who is being
attracted or repelled by a sense-object. V eilkata objects to such a
doctrine as being incapable of explaining our psychological ex-
perience in which we feel that we have touched the very thing that
we have seen. This implies that there is an entity that persists over
and above the two different cognitions of the two senses; for the
1 The additional arguments of the Carvakas are as follows:

When one says "I, a fat person, know," it is difficult to say that the fatness
belongs to the body and the knowledge to some other entity. If the expression
"my body" seems to imply that the body is different, the expression " I am fat"
demonstrates the identity of the body and the self. What is definitely perceived
cannot be refuted by inference, for in that case even fire could be inferred as cold.
Perception is even stronger than scriptures and so there is no cause of doubt
in our experience; therefore there is no reason to have recourse to any inference
for testing the perceptual experience. The Sarp.khya argument, that those which
are the results of aggregation must imply some other entity for which the aggrega-
tion has been named (just as a bedstead implies someone who is to lie on the bed),
is ineffective; for the second-grade entity for which the first-grade conglomera-
tion is supposed to be intended may itself await a third grade entity, and that;
another, and this may lead to a vicious infinite. To stop this vicious infinite the
Sarp.khya thinks that the self does not await for any further entity. But instead
of arbitrarily thinking the self to be ultimate, it is as good to stop at the body and
to think that the body is its own end. The argument that a living body must have
a soul because it has life is false, for the supposed self as distinct from the body
is not known to us by other means. One might as well say that a living body must
have a sky-lotus because it has life. The Carvaka ultimately winds up the argu-
ment and says that the body is like an automatic machine which works by itself
without awaiting the help of any other distinct entity presiding over it, and is the
result of a specific modification of matter (ananyii-dh#thita-svaym_n-viihaka-
yantra-nyiiyiid vicitra-bhuta-pari1}ati-viie~a-sambhavo'ya7fZ deha-yantral; ). Sarvii-
rtha-siddhi, p. IS7·
Dlll 19
290 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
visual and the tactile sense-organs are limited to the apprehension
of their own peculiar sense-data or sensibles, and none of them is
competent to affirm the identity of the object through two dif-
ferent sense-appearances or sense-characteristics. Veilkata further
says that the view that the impressions of the various senses ac-
cumulate in the heart, and that it is through such an integration of
experiences in the heart that there is an appearance of one concrete
individual, is wrong; for no such centre of integration of impres-
sions inside our bodies is known to us, and if such a centre in the
body is to be admitted there is no harm in admitting a separate soul
in which these impressions inhere 1 .
Consciousness also cannot be regarded as the self, for con-
sciousness is an experience and as such must belong to some in-
dividual separate and distinct from it. In the passing conscious
states there is nothing that abides and persists which can integrate
the past and present states in itself and develop the notion of the
person, the perceiver. Therefore, it has to be admitted that there is
a conscious ego to which all cognitions and experiences belong.
Such an ego is self-luminous in the sense that it is always manifest
by itself to itself and not merely the locus of self-knowledge. Such
a self-revealing ego is present even in our dreamless sleep, and this
is attested by later recollections in which one feels "I slept happily";
and it is not contradicted by any experience. Even when one is re-
ferred to by another as "you" or " this," the ego in the latter is all
the time self-manifested as "I." Such an ego refers to the soul
which is a real agent and experiencer of pleasure and pain and a
cognizer of all cognitions and as such is a real moral agent and is
therefore distinguished from other kindred souls by its specific efforts
leading to specific kinds of deeds and their fruits. The efforts,
however, of the individual agents are themselves pre-determined
by the resulting fruits of actions in previous births, and those
by other actions of other previous births. Those who say that
efforts lead to no efforts contradict themselves in all the practical
behaviour which presupposes a belief in the efficacy of efforts.
Only such of the efforts as are directed towards the attainment of
the impossible or towards objects which require no effort are found
tvad-#ta-sa'!lskiira-koie miinii-bhiiviit, aneke~iim aham-arthiiniim eka-
sarlra-yoge CQ tatas ca 'l'OT07!1 yatho-pa/ambham ekasminn aham-arthe sarvais
sa1J1Skiirii-dhiinam. Surviirtha-siddhi, p. 160.
xx] The Nature of Soul according to V eizkataniitha 291

to be ineffective, whereas all other efforts are attended with

V eilkata urges that the theory which holds that there is but one
Brahman which appears as many by its association with different
minds is false; for we know that the same individual is associated
with different bodies in the series of his transmigrations, and such
an association with different bodies cannot produce any difference
in the individual. And if this is so, that is, if association with dif-
ferent bodies cannot induce a difference in the individual, there is
no reason why one Brahman should become many by its association
with different minds. Again the view that holds that the indi-
viduals, though really different from one another, are so far identical
that they are all but parts of pure Being-the Brahman-is equally
false; for if the Brahman is thus one with the individual, it should also
be exposed to all its sufferings and imperfections, which is absurd.
Brahmadatta held that Brahman alone is eternal and unborn
and the individual souls are born out of it. Veilkata criticizes this
view and propounds the theory that the souls are all uncreated and
unborn. They are to be regarded as permanent and eternal; for if
they are believed to be changing during the continuance of their
body, then the continuity of purposive activity will be inexplicable.
If they are destroyed with the death of the body, then the karma
theory and all theories of moral responsibility have to be given up.
The soul, however, is not all-pervasive; for the Upani~ads speak
of it as going out of the body. The argument for all-pervasiveness
of the soul as given by the N aiyiiyikas is as follows. Virtue and vice
are associated with a particular soul and may produce such changes
in the material world, even in distant places, as would conduce to
the enjoyment or suffering of that particular individual; and since
virtue and vice are associated with a particular soul, they could not
produce their effects on a distant place unless the soul, their locus,
is co-extensive with those places. This, however, does not apply
to the Ramanujists, for according to them virtue and vice are
only terms which mean that God has either been pleased or dis-
pleased owing to the particular kinds of deeds of an individual, and
God's pleasure or displeasure has no limitations of operation 1 •

1 iha hi dharmii-dharma-sabdafz karma-nimitte-Jvara-priti-kopa-rupa-buddhi-

dyotakafz. asti hi Jubhe tv asau tzqyati du~krte tu na tu1yate' sau parama}_, sarfrf
iti. Sarviirtha-siddhi, p. 179.
292 Philosophy of the Ramanuja School of Thought [cH.
From the opponent's point of view, even if the self is regarded
as all-pervasive, that would not explain the happening of favourable
or unfavourable effects; for though the self may be co-extensive
with those distant places, yet its adr~ta or unseen merit occurs not
throughout the entire pervasive self, but only in a part of it, and as
such, since it is not in touch with the place where the effect will
happen, it cannot very well explain it.

(k) The Nature of Emancipation according to Venkataniitha.

Venka~anatha says that an objection has been raised by some
that if individuals had been in the state of bondage from beginning-
less time, there is no reason why they should attain emancipation
at some future date. To this the reply is that it is admitted by all
that there is every hope that at some time or other there will be
such a favourable collocation of accessories that our karma will so
fructify that it will lead us out of bondage, through the production
of sight of discrimination and disinclination, to enjoyment of all
kinds that it may give God an opportunity to exercise His mercy.
Thus, though all are in a state of bondage from beginningless time,
they all gradually find a suitable opportunity for attaining their
emancipation. Thus, God extends His grace for emancipation only
to those who deserve it by reason of their deeds, and it is theoretically
possible that there should be a time when all people would receive
their salvation and the world process would cease to exist. Such
a cessation of the world-process will be due to His own free will,
and thus there is not the slightest reason for fear that in such a
state there will have been any obstruction to God's free and
spontaneous activity from extraneous sources. IVlan is led to the
way of emancipation by his experience of suffering, which nullifies
the pleasure of our mundane life. He feels that worldly pleasures
are limited (alpa) and impermanent (asthira) and associated with
pain. He thus aspires to attain a stage in which he can get un-
limited pleasure unmixed with suffering. Such an emancipation
can be brought about only through the love of God (bhakti).
Bhakti, however, is used here in the sense of meditation or thinking
with affection 1 • Such a bhakti also produces knowledge, and such a
1 mahanlya-vi~aye prltir bhaktib pnty-iidayas ca jiiiina-viie~ii iti •t:ak~yate
sneha-piln:am anudhyiinatfZ bhaktifz. Sarviirtha-siddhi, p. 190.
xx] Nature of Emancipation according to V eizkataniitha 293
knowledge is also included in bhakti1 • Bhakti is defined here as
unceasing meditation (dhruvii-nusmrti), and this therefore has to be
continually practised. The SaQ.karite view that emancipation can be
attained by mere knowledge is false. In the Upani~ads knowledge
means unceasing meditation, and this has to be continued and only
then can it be regarded as upiisanii, which is the same as bhakti2•
The perform~nce of the prescribed duties is helpful to the pro-
duction of knowledge in the sense of bhakti by counteracting the
wrong influence of such karmas as are antagonistic to the rise of
true knowledge. Thus the prescribed duties are not to be performed
along with the practice of bhakti, and they are not both to be re-
garded as joint causes of emancipation; but the performance of
duties is to be interpreted as helping the rise of bhakti only by re-
moving the obstructive influences of other opposing karmas3. The
performance of scriptural duties including sacrifices is not in-
compatible with devotional exercises, for the gods referred to in
the Vedic sacrifices may also be regarded as referring to Brahman,
the only god of the Vai~!lavas. The absolutely (nitya) and the con-
ditionally (naimittika) obligatory duties should not be given up by
the devotee, for mere cessation from one's duties has no meaning;
the real significance of the cessation from duties is that these should
be performed without any motive of gain or advantage. It is wrong
to suppose that emancipation can be attained only by those who
renounce the world and become ascetics, for a man of any caste
(var!la) and at any stage of life (iisrama} may attain it provided he
follows his normal caste duties and is filled with unceasing bhakti
towards God.
It is well to point out in this connection that duties are regarded
as threefold. Those that are absolutely obligatory are called nitya.
No special good or advantage comes out of their performance, but
their non-performance is associated with evil effects. Those that are
obligatory under certain circumstances are called naimittika. If
these duties are not performed under those special circumstances,
sin will accrue, but no special beneficial effects are produced by
1 bhakti-sadhya7fZ priipaka-jiianam api bhakti-lak~atzo-petam. Sarviirtha-
siddhi, p. 191.
2 ekasminn eva v#aye vedano-piisana-sabdayob vyatikare7Jo•pakramo-pasam-

hiira-darsaniic ca vedanam eva upiisanatayii vise~yate . .. sa mukti-sadhanatayo•k.tii

hi vittib bhakti-rupatva-paryanta-vise~atza-visi~ta. Ibid. pp. 191-192.
3 Ibid. pp. 194-195.
294 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
their performance. Those duties which are to be performed only if
the person is desirous of attaining special kinds of pleasurable ends
such as residence in Heaven, the birth of a son, and the like, are
called kiimya. Now a man who wishes to attain emancipation should
give up all the kiimya duties and refrain from all actions prohibited
in the scriptures, hut he should perform the nitya and the naimittika
duties. Though the performance of the nitya and the naimittika
duties is associated with some kind of beneficial results, inasmuch
as such performance keeps away the evil and the sinful effects
which would have resulted from their non-performance, yet these,
being fruits of a negative nature, are not precluded for a person who
intends to attai·n emancipation. For such a person only the per--
formance of such actions as bring positive pleasures is prohibited.
When it is said that actions of a devotee should have no motive,
this does not mean that it includes also actions which are performed
with the motive of pleasing God; for actions with motive are only
such actions as are performed with motives of one's own pleasurt,
and these are always associated with harmful effects 1 •
It has already heen said that the naimittika duties should he
performed; hut of these there are some which are of an expiatory
nature, called prii_vaicitta, hy which the sinful effects of our deeds
are expiated. A tn1e devotee should not perform this latter kind of
expiatory duties, for the meditation of God with love is by itself
sufficient to purge us of all our sins and indeed of all our virtues
also; for these latter~ as they produce heavenly pleasures as their
effects, obstruct the path of emancipation as much as do our sins.
All that narrows our mind by associating it with narrow ends is to
be regarded as sinful. Judged from this point of view even the so-
called meritorious actions (pu~_va) are to he regarded as harmful to a
devotee who intends to attain emancipation2 • Virtue (dharma) can
be regarded as such only relatively, so that actions which are re-
garded as virtuous for ordinary persons may be regarded as sinful
for a person inspired with the higher ambition of attaining
emancipation 3 • For a true devotee who has attained the knowledge

a11arthii-t'i11ii-bhr"lta-sukha-kiimaniito ni·r:rtta'!l karma 11i~kiimam. San•t"irtha-
siddhi, p. 202.
tad evam dhr-smikocaka-karma-dh'l·amse dhi-1:ikiiia e'l'a brahmii-nubhutih.
Ibid. p. 220. . . .
a sa et:a dharma~ so' dharmas ta'f!l ta'f!l pmti nara'f!l bhm·et
piitra-karma-t•iiqe~ra deia-kiilii·capek~ya ca. Ibid. p. 221.
xx] Nature of Emancipation according to V eizkafaniitha 295
of Brahman and is pursuing the meditation of God, sinful or
virtuous actions are both inefficacious, the older ones being de-
stroyed by the meditation itself and the new ones incapable of being
associated with him-the wise man.
The eschatological conception of the Ramanuja school as ex-
plained by Veilkata is that the soul of the true devotee escapes by a
special nerve in the head (mi'irdhanya-niitfi) and is gradually lifted
from one stage to another by the presiding deities of fire, day,
white fortnight, the vernal equinox, year, wind, the sun, the moon,
lightning, Varul).a, lndra and Prajapati, who are appointed by God
for the conducting of the departed devotee 1 •
The state of final emancipation is regarded as the rise of the
ultimate expansion of the intellect. But though this is a state which
is prodt!ced as a result of devotional exercises, yet there is no
chance that there would ever be a cessation of such a state, for it is
the result of the ultimate dissociation of all causes, such as sins or
virtues, which can produce a contraction of the mind. Therefore,
there can never be a falling off from this state.
An emancipated person can assume bodies at his own will. His
body is not a source of bondage to him, for only those whose bodies
are conditioned by their karma may be supposed to suffer bondage
through them. The state of emancipation is a state of perfect bliss
through a continual realization of Brahman, to whom he is attached
as a servant. This servitude, however, cannot beget misery, for
servitude can beget misery only when it is associated with sins.
The emancipated person is omnipotent ir_ the sense that God is
never pleased to frustrate the fulfilment of his wishes.
The emancipated person regards all things as being held in
Brahman as its parts and as such no mundane affair can pain him,
though he may have the knowledge that in the past many things in
the world caused him misery.
Veilkata denied the possibility of attaining emancipation in this
life, for the very definition of emancipation is dissociation from
life, sense-organs and the body generated by karma. So when we
hear of jivanmukta or those emancipated in their lifetime, it is to
be interpreted to mean a state similar to the state of emancipation.
The contention of the Advaitins that the principal avidyii vanishes
with knowledge, yet that its partial states may still continue binding
1 Sarviirtha-siddhi, pp. 226-227.
296 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [c H.
the emancipated person with a body, is false. For if the principal
avidyii has vanished, its states cannot still continue. IVloreover, if
they do continue in spite of the knowledge, it is impossible to im-
agine how they will cease at the death of the emancipated person.

God in the Ramanuja School.

We have seen that according to Ramanuja the nature and ex-
istence of God can be known only through the testimony of the
scriptures and not through inference. Venka~a points out that the
Sarpkhya theory that the world-creation is due to the movement of
prakrti, set in operation through its contiguity with the puru~as,
is inadequate; for the U pani~ads definitely assert that just as the
spider weaves its net, so does God create the world. The scriptures
further assert that God entered into both the prakrti and the puru~a~.
and produced the creative movement in them at the time of
creation 1 . The Yoga view of God-that I le is only an emancipated
being who enters into the body of llirar:tyagarhha or adopts some
such other pure body-is also against all scriptural testimony. It
is also idle to think that the world-creation is the result of the co-
operative activity of the emancipated spirits, for it is much against
the scriptural testimony as also against the normal possibility, since
there cannot be such an agreement of wish among the infinite
number of emancipated beings that would explain the creation of
the world hy unobstructed co-operation. Thus, on the strength of
the scriptural testimony it has to he admitted that God has engaged
llimsclf in world-creation, either for the good of the created beings
or through His own playful pleasurable activity. The enjoyment of
playful activity is not to be explained as anything negative, as
avoidance of ennui or langour, but as a movement which produces
pleasure of itself2 • \Vhen we hear of God's anger, this is not to be
regarded as indicating any disappointment on God's part, for lie
is ever complete in Himself and has nothing to attain or to lose.
So God's anger is to be interpreted simply as meaning His desire
to punish those who deserve punishment.
prakrti'!l puru$am cai'1.•a prm·isyii'tme-cchayii hari"tz.
k~obhayiimiisa sarJlpriipte sarga-kiile ·vyayti-7.')'ayau.
San·tirtha-siddhi, p. 252.
2 krll}ii-YORiid arati-yoga!z tad-abhii1.·iid ·va tad-abha't·ab syiit, mai'·m'!' krl(ili hi

prlti-viie$a-prabha·mb n·aya'!'-Priyo 't•yiiparab. Ibid. p. 255.

xx] God in the Riimiinuja School 297
According to the Ramanuja system the individual souls and the
material world form the body of God (sarira). Anantarya of the
Sc~arya family, following Veilkata's treatment of this doctrine in
the Nyiiya-siddhii-iijana, elaborates upon the same and enters into
a critical analy3is of the conception and significance of the notion of
the body of God, which is not unworthy of our notice. He refuses
to accept the view that the notion of body (sarira) involves a class-
concept (jiiti); for though the notion of a body is found applicable
in each specific instance of a body, the existence of such a notion
is always associated with one or other of those specific instances and
as such it does not justify the assumption of the existence of a
separate category as a self-existent universal bodiness. All that one
can say is that there is a universal notion of bodiness associated
with the individual bodies 1 • All notions of class-concepts may
therefore be explained in the same manner as notions which are
associated with particular kinds of groupings in their aggregate
characters, and in this way they may be regarded as somewhat
similar to collective notions such as an army or assembly2• Vatsya
Srinivasa, however, in his Riimiinuja-siddhiinta-sa'!lgraha, explains
the notion of class-concepts as being based upon the notion of close
similarity of collocative groupings. He says that when two col-
locative groupings are both called cow, nothing more is seen than
those individual collocative groupings. That they are both called
cow is due to the fact of close similarity (sausiidrsya) subsisting be-
tween those groupings 3 • Thus there is no other entity apart from
na ce' da'!l iarlram ida7!Z iarlram ity anugata-pratltir e-t}a tat-siidhikii,
anugatii-pratite(l biidhaka-·l'irahe jiiti-siidhakat'l•iid iti viicya'lfZ, siddhiinte anugata-
pratUe}_z sm{Zsthiina-'l·i~ayakat'l•ena tad-atirikta-iiiti-siidhakatvii-smnbhaviit. Anan-
tarya, Sarlra-viida (MS.). ·
eka-jiitlyam iti vym•ahiirasya tat-tad-upiidhi viie$e~o-papatteJ.z, riiii-sainya-
pari~ad-ara~yii-diru aikya-'l,ym•ahiiriidi'l•at, upiidhii cii'yam aneke~iim eka-smrti-
samiirohal.z. Nyiiya-siddhii-njana, p. 1 8o.
aya'!l siisnii-dimiin ayam api siisnii-dimiin iti siisnii-dir eva anuvrtta-
'lryarahiira-vi~ayo drsyate, anrn·rtta-dhl-vya·l'ahiira-vi~ayas tad-atirikto na kai cid
api d!iyate. tasmiid ubhaya-sampratipanna-saT!Zsthiinenai 'va susadrio-piidhi-vasiid
anugata-dhl-vyavalziiro-papattiiv atirikta-kalpane miinii-bhiiviit, susadriatvam eva
gotvii-dlniim anu·qttil_z. Riimiinuja-siddhanta-SaT!Z{!raha (MS.).
Vatsya Srinivasa defines close similarity as the special character which may
be regarded as the cause of the apprehension of generality amidst differences
(pratiyogi-niri1pya- prativyakti- 'lnlak~a~a-vi~aya- ninha- sadria-vyavahiira- siidhii-
ra~a-kiira~za-dharma-viie~al.z sausiid!iyam). This similarity leads to the applica-
tion of names to similar objects. When it subsists between two substances, we
call it similarity of character (dharma-st1driya). When it subsists between entities
other than substances (a-dravya) we call it similarity of essence (sva-rupa-
298 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
our notion of universality arising from specific similarity of similar
groupings ( tiivad-vi~ayaka-jiiana-rupa-jiiti-vi~ayakatvii-izgikiire~a).
Anantarya refers to the definition of sarira in the Riimiinuja-
bhii~ya as that which is liable to be held or controlled in its entirety
for the purpose of spirit, and is thus merely a means to its end
(cetanasya yad dravya'!l sarvii-tmanii S~'iirthe niyantu'!l dhiirayitu'!l
sakya'!l tac ce~tai-ka-svarupaiica tat tasya svarupa1J1 ). Sudar-
sanacarya, the author of the .r;ruta-prakiisikii, interprets this de-
finition as meaning that when the movement of anything is wholly
determined by the desire or will of any spirit and is thus controlled
by it, the former is said to be the body of the latter (krti-prayukta-
sviya-ce~tii-siimiinyakatva-riipa-niyiimyatva'!l sarira-pada-pravrtti-
nimittam )l. When it is said that this body belongs to this soul, the
sense of possession (iidlzeyatva) is limited to the fact that the move-
ments in general of that body are due to the will of that spirit or
soul 2 • A servant cannot be called the body of his master on the
same analogy, for only some of the movements of the servant are
controlled by the will of the master. The assumption that underlies
the above definition is that the movement in the animal and vege-
table bodies presided over by individual souls and in the inanimate
objects presided over by God is due to the subtle will-movements
in these specific souls, though they may not always be apprehended
by us 3 •
But anticipating the objection that there is no perceptual evi-
dence that the physico-biological movements of bodies are due to
subtle volitions of their presiding souls, a second definition of
sarira has been suggested in the blzii~ya of Ramanuja. According
to this definition a body is said to be that which may as a whole be
held fast and prevented from falling by the volitional efforts of a
spirit4 • But an objection may still be raised against such a definition,
as it cannot explain the usage which regards the souls as being the

Sarira-viida (MS.).
2 etaj-ji·vasye' da'!l sariram ity-iidau iidheyatva'!l tasya ca sarlrii-padiirthai-
kadese k!tau anvya-yiid vii taj-jlva-ni~t~a-k!ti-prayukta-S'i.'lya-ce~tii-siimiinyakam
idam iti bodhah. Ibid.
jlva-sarl;e 'l'!k~iidau Ifvara-sarlre pan•atiidau ca siik~mas:ya tat-tat-k!ti-
prayukta-ce~!ii-vise~asya ailglkiiriin na sarlTa-'l 1)'U'l 1 ahiira-vi~ayat'l•ii-nupapatti~.
t yasya cetanasya yad drm')'U'!l san·ii-tmanii dhiirayitU'!l sakya'!l tat tasya
vattva'!l sarira-pada-pravrtti-nimittam. Ibid.
xx] God in the Ramanuja School 2 99

bodies of God (yasyii'tma sariram). The souls have no weight and

as such it is absurd to suppose that God prevents them from falling
down, and in that way they are related to Him as bodies. The de-
finition may therefore be modified to the extent that a body is that
which is wholly held together in a contactual relation with a: par-
ticular spirit through its own volition 1 • But a further objection may
also be raised against this modification, for the definition, even so
modified, fails to include time and other entities which are all-
pervasive. Now the contactual relation subsisting between two
all-pervasive entities is held to be eternal and uncaused. So the
contactual relation of God with time and the like cannot be held to
be caused by the volition of God, and if this be held to be the
connotation of the body, time, etc., cannot be regarded as the body
of God. So a different definition has been given which states that
a body is a substance which is wholly dependent upon and sub-
servient to a spirit. Dependence and subserviency are to be under-
stood in the sense of productivity of a special excellence. Now, in
the present context the special excellence which is produced in the
spirit is its determination either as a cause or as an effect. When
Brahman is regarded as cause, such causality can be understood
only in relation to its association with the subtle constituents of
matter and individual souls, and its evolution into the effect-stage
as the manifold world is intelligible only through the transformation
of the subtle matter-constituents in gross material forms and the
spirits as endeavouring towards perfection through their deeds and
rebirths. Brahman as such, without its relation to matter and souls,
can be regarded neither as cause nor as effect. That it can be viewed
as cause and effect is only because it is looked at in association with
the causal or the effectuated states of matter and souls. The latter,
therefore, are regarded as His body because they by their own states
serve His purpose in reflecting Him as cause and effect.
The definition, however, needs a further modification in so far
as the determining relation of the body is such that there is never
a time when such a relation did not subsist. The relation con-
ceived in this way (aprthak-siddha) is not something extraneous,
but is a defining constituent of both the body and the soul, i.e. so
long as either of them exists they must have that relation of the
t Patana-pratibandhakatva1Jl parityajya krti-prayukta-sva-pratiyogika-sa1Jl-
yoga-siimiinyasya sanra-pada-pravrtti-nimittatva-svzkiire'pi k~ati-virahiit. Sarfra-
300 Philosophy in the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cu.
determiner and the determined (yii:cat satt·vwn asambandlzanii-
rthayor e'l·ii'prtlzak sambandhii-bhyupagamiit) 1 • Thus, even the em-
ancipated souls are associated with bodies, and it is held that with
death the hody associated with the living soul is destroyed; the so-
calJed dead body is not the body with which the livin!! soul was in
association 2 • But it Play again be objected that the soul also de-
termines the actions and efforts of the body and being inseparably
connected with it, the soul may also he called the body of the body
according to the definition. To meet this objection the definition is
further modified, and it is held that only such inseparable relation
as determines the causality or etfectness in association with the
production of knowledge can he regarded as constituting the con-
dition of a body. The whole idea is that a body, while inseparably
connected with the soul, conditions its cogniti\·e experiences, and
this should be regarded as the defining characteristic of a hocly 3 .
This definition of Sarira is, of course, verv different from the
~yaya definition of "body" (Sarira) as the support (iisraya) of
etTort (ce~!ii), senses (indri'ya), and enjoyment (blwga) 1 • For in such
a definition, since there may he movement in the furthest ex-
tremities of the hody which is not a direct support of the original
\·olition of the soul, the definition of the notion of support has to he
so far extended as to include these parts which are in association
with that which was directly moved by the soul. Extending this
principle of indirect associations, one might as wdl include the
movement of objects hdd in the hand, and in that case the ex-
traneous objects might also he regarded as body, which is impos-
sible. The defence of the ~aviyayikas would, of course, he by the
1 Sarira-'L'iida, p. ~ (MS.).
2 mrta-sarlrasya jz1·a-samhandlw-rahitatayii'pi m·asthiina-darsanena yihat-
satf1'flnl awmhandhii-narhat1·a-1'iraluid iti cet na piln·a-.{arirattl\'t'i'nuthitan·a
drm:yasya cetana-1·iyogii-nantara-k~a~1e e7·a ntlsii-bhyllpagamen~ anupapatti-
·riralult. Ibid.
tac-che~at1·m!1 hi tan-ni~!htl-ti.<ayii-dhtlyakat?.·m!l, prakrte ca tan-ni~thii­
tisayab kiirya t1·a-kiirm.w t1·ii-nyat ar a-llpo j iiii1lii-'L·acch inntl- m1yogi t iilul-pr t Jwk-
siddhi-samba1ldht1-1·acchinna-kt1T'\'llf7·a-kt1rmwt1·ii-n\·atarii-1·acchedakatr·am iarzra
pada-prm·rtti-nimittam ityartlw~. /hid. . . .
Brahman as associatt·d with subtle matter and spirits is the cause, and as
associated with gross matter and the souls passing through diH·rse gross states
may he regarded as effect. The suhtle and tht• gross states of matter and spirits
nHl\" thus be regarded as determining the causal and effect states of the Brahman.
- s~lkpna-cid-acid-n'.~ina-hrahma~wb kiirm;at'L·iit sthllla-cid-acid-1 isi~tas\'a ca tan·a
kiiryaf1'fl t bra/zma-11i~ fha-kiirya tz·a-kara ~Ill tni-11_\'ll fllTll-1'llCCht•daka i<'l;S)'ll p1~ll­
paiica-siimii1l_l'e satt1·iit. Ibid.
~ tene-ndriyii-rtlzii-STfl_l'flb SQTfTam. J\Tyiiya-Sllfra, I. I. I I .
xx] God in the Ramanuja School JOI

introduction of the relation of inseparable coherence (samaviiya) in

which the parts of a body are connected together in a way different
from any other object. But it has already been pointed out that the
samaviiya relation is not admitted by the Ramanujists.
Brahman may be regarded as the material cause of the world
through its body as prakrti and the souls. Though a material cause,
it is also the instrumental cause just as the individual souls are the
efficient causes of their own experiences of pleasure and pain
(through their own deeds), of which, since the latter inhere in the
former, they may be regarded as their material causes. On the
other hand, God in Himself, when looked at as apart from His
body, may be regarded as unchangeable. Thus, from these two
points of view God may be regarded as the material and efficient
cause and may also be regarded as the unchanging cause.
Bhaskara and his followers hold that Brahman has two parts, a
spirit part (cidarrzsa) and a material part (acidarrzja), and that it
transforms itself through its material part and undergoes the cycles
of karma through the conditions of such material changes. Bhas-
kara thinks that the conditions are a part of Brahman and that even
in the time of dissolution they remain in subtle form and that it is
only in the emancipated stage that the conditions (upiidlzi), which
could account for the limited appearance of Brahman as individual
souls, are lost in Brahman. Venkata thinks that the explanation
through the conception of upiidlzi is misleading. If the upiidhi con-
stitutes jivas by mere conjunction, then since they are all conjoined
with God, God Himself becomes limited. If the conception of
upiidhi be made on the analogy of space within a jug or a cup,
where space remains continuous and it is by the movement of the
conditioning jugs or cups that the space appears to be limited by
them, then no question of bondage or emancipation can arise. The
conception of upiidlzi cannot be also on the analogy of the container
and the contained, as water in the jug, since Brahman being con-
tinuous and indivisible such a conception would be absurd. The
upiidhis themselves cannot be regarded as constitutive of individual
souls, for they are material in their nature. Yadavaprakasa holds
that Brahman is of the nature of pure universal being (sarvii-tmakarrz
sad-riiparrz brahma) endowed with three distinct powers as con-
sciousness, matter and God, and through these powers it passes
through the various phenomenal changes which are held up in it
302 Philosophy in the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
and at the same time are one with it, just as one ocean appears in
diverse forms as foam, billows and waves. Venkata says that in-
stead of explaining the world-creation from these makeshift points
of view, it is better to follow the scriptures and regard Brahman as
being associated with these changes through its body. It is wrong
also to regard God, world and spirit as being phenomenal modi-
fications of one pure being as Katyayana does 1 • For the scriptures
definitely assert that God and the changeless Brahman arc one and
identical. If the transformation is regarded as taking place through
the transformation of the powers of Brahman, then the latter cannot
be regarded as the material cause of the world, nor can these trans-
formations be regarded as creations of Brahman. If it is said that
Brahman is hoth identical and different from its powers, then such
a view would be like the relative pluralism of the Jains. There is a
further view that Brahman in His pure nature exists as the world,
the souls and God, though these are different and though in them
His pure nature as such is not properly and equally evident.
Venka1a holds that such a view is contradicted by our experience
and by scriptural texts. There is again another view according to
which Brahman is like an ocean of consciousness and bliss, and out
of the joy of self-realization undergoes various transformations, a
small portion of which he transforms into matter and infuses the
spiritual parts into its modifications. Thus, Brahman transforms
itself into a number of limited souls which undergo the various
experiences of pieasure and pain, and the whole show and pro-
cedure becomes a source of joy to Him. It is not a rare phenomenon
that there are b~ings who derive pleasure from performing actions
painful to themselves. The case of incarnations (avatiira) again
corroborates this view, otherwise there would be no meaning in
the course of misery and pain which they suffer of their own free
will. Venka1a observes that this view is absolutely hollow. There
may be fools who mistake painful actions for sources of pleasure.
But it is unthinkable that Brahman, who is all-knowing and all-
powerful, should engage in an undertaking which involves for Him
even the ·slightest misery and pain. The misery of. even a single
individual is sufficient evil and the total miseries of the whole

fivara-·vyakrta-prii1}air virii[-sindhur ivo'rmibhil;

yat pranrtya diva bhiiti tasmai sad-brahma1}e nama/;.
Katyiiya11a-kiirikii, quoted in Sarviirtha-siddhi, p. 298.
xx] God in the Ramanuja School 303
world of individual selves are intolerable in the extreme. Therefore,
how can Brahman elect to shoulder all this misery of His own free
choice without stultifying Himself? The case of incarnations is to
be understood as that of actors on the stage. Further, this view con-
tradicts the testimony of all scriptures. Venkata thinks that the
view of his school is free from all these objections, as the relation
of the Brahman and individuals is neither one of absolute identity
nor one of identity and difference but one of substance and adjuncts.
The defects in the adjuncts cannot affect the substance nor can the
association between them be a source of pollution to Brahman, the
substance, because association becomes so only when it is deter-
mined by karma 1 •
On the theological side Venkata accepts all the principal re-
ligious dogmas elaborated in the Paiicariitrq works. God is, of
course, omniscient, omnipotent and all-complete. His all-com-
pleteness, however, does not mean that He has no desires. It only
means that His desires or wishes are never frustrated and His wishes
are under His own control2 • What we call our virtue and sins also
proceed through His pleasure and displeasure. His displeasure
does not bring any suffering or discomfort. But the term "dis-
pleasure" simply indicates that God has a particular attitude in
which He may punish us or may not extend His favour.
The scriptural injunctions are but the "commands of God.
There is no separate instrumental as apurva or adH!a which stands
between the performance of deeds and their fruition and which,
while it persists when the deeds are over, brings about the effects
of these actions. But God alone abides and He is either pleased or
displeased by our actions and He arranges such fruits of actions as
He thinks fit 3 • The scriptures only show which kinds of actions will
be pleasing to God and which are against His commands. The ob-
ject of the scriptural sacrifices is the worship of God, and all the
different deities that are worshipped in these sacrifices are but the
different names of God Himself. All morality and religion are thus
1 asman-mate tu viie~at.za-gatii do~ii na vise~ymp sprianti, aikya-bhedii-bhedii-

nat.zgikiiriit, akarma-vaiya-sa7psargaja-do1iit.ziim asambhaviicca. Tattva-muktii-

kaliipa, p. 302.
11 iipta-kiima-iabdas tiivad isitur e1!avyii-bhiivam icchii-riihitya7p vii na brute

... #ia'f!l snrvam asya priiptam e·va bhavatiti tiitparya7p griihyam . .. sarva-
kiirya-vi1nJ.-·a-pratihatii-nanyii-dhfne-chiiv:iin iivarab, jfvas tu na tathii. Ibid.
p. 386.
1 tat-tat-karmii-carat.za-parit.zate-ivara-buddhi-t,iie1a eva adnfam. Ibid. p. 665.
304 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.

reduced in this system to obedience to God's commands and the

worship of Him. It is by God's grace that one can attain emancipa-
tion when there is an ultimate expansion of one's intellect, and by
continual realization of the infinite nature of God one remains
plunged as it were in an ocean of bliss compared with which the so-
called worldly pleasures are but sufferings 1 • It is not ultimately
given to man to be virtuous or vicious by his own efforts, but God
makes a man virtuous or vicious at His own pleasure or displeasure,
and rewards or punishes accordingly; and, as has already been said,
virtue and vice are not subjective characters of the person but only
different attitudes of God as He is pleased or displeased. \Vhom-
soever He wishes to raise up He makes perform good actions, and
whomsoever He wishes to throw down He makes commit sinful
actions. The final choice and adjudgment rests with Him, and man
is only a tool in His hands. l\1an's actions in themselves cannot
guarantee anything to him merely as the fruits of those actions, but
good or had fruits are reaped in accordance with the pleasure or
displeasure of God 2 •

Dialectical criticism against the Sankara School.

The readers who have followed the present work so far must
have noticed that the chief philosophical opponents of the Sri
Vai~Q.ava school of thought were Sari.kara and his followers. In
South India there were other religious opponents of the Sri
Vai~Q.avas, Saivas and the Jainas. l\Iutual persecution among the
Sri Vai~Q.avas, Saivas and the J ainas is a matter of common his-
torical knowledge. Conversion from one faith to another also took
place under the influence of this or that local king or this or that
religious teacher. l\Iany volumes were written for the purpose of
proving the superiority of NarayaQ.a, Vi~Q.U or hf~Q.a to Siva and
vice versa. l\1adhva and his followers were also opponents of the
Sri Vai~Q.avas, but there were some who regarded the philosophy
of the Madhvas as more or less akin to the Sri Vai~Q.ava thought.

Tattva-muktii-kaliipa, pp. 663, 664.
sa evcina7Jl bhfiti7Jz gamayati, sa ena'!l prlta?z prt'f}iiti e~a e·l.'a siidlm karma
kiirayati ta7Jl k$ipiimy ajasram asubluz-nityii-di-bhil:z pramii~za-satail:z ls'l-·ara-przti-
kopiibhyii7Jz dharmii-dharma-phala-priiptir m·agamyate. Ibid. p. 670.
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Sankara School 305

There were others, however, who strongly criticized the views of

Madhva, and Mahacarya's PariiSarya-vijaya and Parakala Yati's
Vijayindra-parajaya may be cited as examples of polemical dis-
cussions against the Madhvas. The Sri Vai!?J)avas also criticized
the views of Bhaskara and Yadavaprakasa, and as examples of this
the Vedartha-sa'f!lgraha of Ramanuja, or the Vaditraya-kl;m_ujana
of Veilkata may be cited. But the chief opponents ·of the Sri
Vai!?J)ava school were Sailkara and his followers. The Sata-dii~m.zi
is a polemical work of that class in which Veilkatanatha tried his
best to criticize the views of Sankara and his followers. The work is
supposed to have consisted of one hundred polemical points of
discussion as the name Sata-du~a~i (century of refutations) itself
shows. But the text, printed at the Sri Sudarsana Press, Con-
jeeveram, has only sixty-six refutations, as far as the manuscripts
available to the present writer showed. This printed text contains a
commentary on it by Mahacarya alias Ramanujadasa, pupil of
Vadhiila Srinivasa. But the work ends with the sixty-fourth re-
futation, and the other two commentaries appear to be missing.
The printed text has two further refutations-the sixty-fifth and
sixty-sixth-which are published without commentary, and the
editor, P. B. Anantacarya, says that the work was completed with
the sixty-sixth refutation (samiipta ca Sata-du~a~i). If th~ editor's
remark is to be believed, it has to be supposed that the word Sata
in Sata-du~ar.zi is intended to mean " many" and not " hundred."
It is, however, difficult to guess whether the remaining thirty-four
refutations were actually written by Venkata and lost or whether
he wrote only the sixty-six refutations now available. Many of
these do not contain any new material and most of them are only of
doctrinal and sectarian interest, with little philosophical or religious
value, and so have been omitted in the present section, which closes
with the sixty-first refutation. The sixty-second refutation deals
with the inappropriateness of the Sankara Vedanta in barring the
Sudras from Brahma-knowledge. In the sixty-third, Venkata deals
with the qualifications of persons entitled to study Vedanta
(adhikari-viveka), in the sixty-fourth with the jnappropriateness of
the external garb and marks of the ascetics of the Sankara school,
in the sixty-fifth with the prohibition of association with certain
classes of ascetics, and in the sixty-sixth with the fact that Sankara's
philosophy cannot be reconciled with the Brahma-siitra.
Dill 20
306 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
First Objection. The view that Brahman is qualityless cannot
give any satisfactory account of how the word Brahman can rightly
denote this qualityless entity. For if it is qualityless it cannot be
denoted by the term Brahman either in its primary sense or in any
secondary sense of implication (lak~a~ii); for if the former is not
possible, the second is also impossible, since an implicati\·e ex-
tension of meaning can take place only when in any varticular con-
tent the primary meaning becomes impossible. \Ve know also from
the scriptural testimony that the word Brahman is often used in its
primary meaning to denote the Great Being who is endowed with an
infinite number of excellent qualities. The fact that there are many
texts in which an aspect of qualitylessness is also referred to cannot
be pushed forward as an objection, for these can all be otherwise
explained, and even if any doubt arises the opponent cannot take
advantage of it and assert that Brahman is qualityless. It is also not
possible to say that the word Brahman denotes the true Brahman
only by implication, for the scriptures declare the realization of the
meaning of the word Brahman as being one of direct perception.
So in the opponent's view of Brahman, the word Brahman would
be rendered meaningless.
Second Objection. There cannot be any inquiry regarding
Brahman according to Sankara's interpretation of the term as a
qualityless something. Sankara says that Brahman is known in a
general manner as the self in us all; the inquiry concerning
Brahman is for knowing it in its specific nature, i.e. whether it is
the body endowed with consciousness, the overlord, pure self, or
some other entity regarding which there are many divergences of
opinion. Venkata urges that if the self-revelation of Brahman is
beginningless it cannot depend on our making any inquiry about it.
All that depends on causes and conditions must be regarded as an
effect and in that sense Brahma-revelation would be an effect
which is decidedly against Sankara's intention. Thus, therefore, an
inquiry regarding the general and specific nature of Brahman can-
not deal with its own real pure nature. If, therefore, it is urged by
the Sankarites that this inquiry does not concern the real nature of
Brahman, but only a false appearance of Brahman (upahita-
svarupa), then the knowledge derived from this inquiry would also
be of this false appearance and nothing would be gained by this
false knowledge. Again, when Brahman is partless and self-re-
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Sankara School 307
vealing, there cannot be any meaning in knowing it in a general
manner or in a specific manner, for no such distinction can be made
in it. It must be known in its entirety or not known at all; there
cannot be any distinction of parts such that there may be scope for
different grades of knowledge in it. All inquiry (jijiiiisii) however
must imply that its object is known generally but that greater detail
is sought; since Sankara's unqualified homogeneous Brahman can-
not be the object of such an inquiry, no such Brahman can be
sought. Therefore, an inquiry can only be regarding a qualified
object about which general or special knowledge is possible. The
Sankarites cannot legitimately urge that a distinction of general and
specific knowledge is possible in their view; for it may be maintained
that, though the Brahman may be known in a general manner,
there is room for knowing it in its character as different from the
illusory appearances, since if Brahman has no specific nature it is
not possible to know it in a general manner (nirvise~e siimiinya-ni-
~edha}_t). If it is urged that the knowledge of the world-appearance
as false is the knowledge of Brahman, then there would be no dif-
ference between Vedanta and the nihilism of Nagarjuna.
Third Objection. Venkata here introduces the oft-repeated argu-
ments in favour of the doctrine of the theory of Jiiiina-karma-
samuccaya as against the view of Sankara that a wise man has no
Fourth Objection. Venkata here says that all errors and illusions
do not vanish merely hy the knowledge that all world-appearance is
false. The performance of the scriptural duties is absolutely neces-
sary even when the highest knowledge is attained. This is well
illustrated in the ordinary experience of a jaundiced person where
the illusion of yellow is not removed merely by the knowledge of its
falsity but by taking medicines which overcome the jaundice.
Ultimate salvation can be obtained only by worshipping and adoring
God the supreme Lord and not by a mere revelation of any philo-
sophical wisdom. It is impossible to attain the final emancipation
merely by listening to the unity texts, for had it been so then
Sankara himself must have attained it. If he did so, he would have
been merged in Brahman and would not have been in a position to
explain his view to his pupils. The view that the grasping of the
meaning of the unity texts is an immediate perception is also un-
tenable, for our ordinary experience shows that scriptural know-
308 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cu.
ledge is verbal knowledge and as such cannot be regarded as im-
mediate and direct perception.
Fzfth Objection. Sankara's reply to the above objection is that
though the final knowledge of the identity of all things with self be
attained yet the illusion of world-appearance may still continue
until the present body be destroyed. To this Venkata asks that if
az·idyii be destroyed through right knowledge, how can the world-
appearance still continue? If it is urged that though the a'L·idyii be
destroyed the root-impressions ('l·iisanii) may still persist, then it
may be replied that if the viisanii be regarded as possessing true
existence then the theory of monism fails. If 'l'iisanii is regarded as
forming part of Brahman, then the Brahman itself would he con-
taminated by association with it. If 'l'iisanii is, however, regarded
as a product of m·idyii, then it should he destroyed with the de-
struction of a'l·idyii. Again, if the z·iisanii persists even after the
destruction of an'dJ·ii, how is it to be destroyed at all? If it can he
destroyed of itself, then the az·idyii may as well be destroyed of
itself. Thus there is no reason why the 'l'iisanii and its product, the
world-appearance, should persist after the destruction of ll'l'idyii
and the realization of Brahma-knowkdge.
Se'l·enth Objection. Sankara and his followers say that the utter-
ance of the unity text produces a direct and immediate perception
of the highest truth in the mind of a man chastened by the acquire-
menj: of the proper qualifications for listening to the Yedantic in-
structions. That the hearing of the unity texts produces the im-
mediate and direct perception of the nature of self as Brahman has
to be admitted, since there is no other way by which this could be
explained. To this\ enkata replies that if this special case of realiza-
tion of the purport of the unity texts he admitted as a case of direct
perception through the instrumentality of verbal audition only
because there is no other means through which the pure knowledge
of Brahman could be realized, then inference and the auditory
knowledge of other words may equally well be regarded as leading
to direct perception, for they also must he regarded as the only
causes of the manifestation of pure knowledge. \loreover, if the
causes of verbal knowledge he there, how is that knowledge to he
prevented, and how is the direct and immediate perception to be
produced from a collocation of causes which can never produce
it? Any knowledge gained at a particular time cannot be regarded
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Saizkara School 309
as the revelation of one individuated consciousness which is identical
with all knowledge of all times or of all persons, and therefore the
words which may lead to any such knowledge cannot be regarded
as producing any such immediate realization (iiparok~ya). If it is
held that there is no other cause leading to the realization of pure
consciousness apart from what leads to the apprehension of the
specific forms of such consciousness, then the same is true of all
means of knowledge, and as such it would be true of inference and
of verbal expressions other than the unity texts. It is not possible
therefore to adduce for the unity texts claims which may not be
possessed by other ordinary verbal expressions and inferential
knowledge. In the case of such phrases as "You are the tenth," if
the person addressed had already perceived that he was the tenth,
then the understanding of the meaning of such a phrase would only
mean a mere repetition of all that was understood by such a per-
ception; if, however, such a person did not perceive the fact of his
being the tenth person, then the communication of this fact was
done by the verbal expression and this so far cannot be regarded as
direct, immediate or perceptual. It may be noted in this connection
that though the object of knowledge may remain the same, yet the
knowledge attained may be different on account of the ways of its
communication. Thus, the same object may be realized perceptually
in some part and non-perceptually in another part. Again, though
Brahman is admittedly realized in direct perception, yet at the time
of its first apprehension from such verbal phrases as "Thou art he"
it is a verbal cognition, and at the second moment a realization is
ushered in which is immediate and direct. But if the first cognition
be not regarded as direct and immediate, why should the second be
so? Again, the position taken by Sankara is that since disappearance
of the falsity of world-appearance cannot be explained otherwise,
the communication imparted by the understanding of the unity
texts must be regarded as being immediate; for falsehood is re-
moved by the direct and immediate realization of the real. But the
world is not false; if it is regarded as false because it is knowable,
then Brahman, being knowable, would also be false. Again, if the
world-appearance be regarded as false, there is no meaning in
saying that such an appearance is destroyed by right knowledge;
for that which never exists cannot be destroyed. If it is held that
the world-appearance is not destroyed but only its knowledge
310 Philosophy of the Ramiinuja School of Thought [cH.
ceases, then it may be -pointed -out that a false knowledge may cease
naturally with the change of one's mental state, just as the illusion
of false silver may cease in deep dreamless sleep, or it may be re-
moved by inferential and other kinds of cognition. There is no
necessary implication that false knowledge must be removed only
by direct and immediate knowledge. Again, if it is held that the
cessation of the world-appearance means the destruction of its
cause, then the reply is that no direct realization of reality is pos-
sible unless the cause itself is remoYcd by some other means. So
long as there is a pressure on the retina from the fingers there will
be the appearance of two moons. Thus it is meaningless to suppose
that it is only by direct and immediate perception that the falsity
of the world-appearance would cease. If the removal of the falsity
of world-appearance simply means that the rise of a knowledge is
contradictory to it, then that can be done even by indirect know-
ledge, just as the false perception of two moons may be removed by
the testimony of other persons that there is only one moon. But
not only is the world not false and therefore cannot be removed,
but verbal knowledge cannot he regarded as leading to immediate
perception; even if it did, there must be other accessory conditions
working along with it, just as in the case of visual perception, atten-
tion, mental alertness, and other physical conditions are regarded
as accessory factors. Thus, mere verbal knowledge hy itself cannot
bring about immediate realization. Nor is it correct to suppose that
perceptual knowledge cannot be contradicted by non-perceptual
knowledge, for it is well known that the notion of one continuous
flame of a lamp is negated hy the consideration that there cannot
be a continuous flame and that what so appears is in reality but a
series of different flames coming in succession. Thus, even if the
realization of the purport of unity texts be regarded as a case of
direct perception, there is no guarantee that it could not be further
contradicted by other forms of knowledge.
Tenth Objection. In refuting the reality of pure contentless
consciousness, Venkata urges that even if such a thing existed it
could not manifest by itself its own nature as reality, for if it did it
could no longer be regarded as formless; since if it demonstrated
the falsity of all content, such content would be a constituent part
of it. If its reality were demonstrated by other cognitions, then it
was obviously not self-luminous. Then, again, it may be asked, to
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Sankara School 311

whom does this pure consciousness manifest itself? The reply of

the Sankarites is that it does not reveal itself to this or that person
but its very existence is its realization. But such a reply would be
far from what is normally understood by the term manifestation,
for a manifestation must be for some person. The chief objection
against the existence of a contentless consciousness is that no such
thing can be experienced by us and therefore its priority and
superiority or its power of illuminating the content imposed upon
it cannot also be admitted. The illustration of bliss in the deep
dreamless sleep is of no use; for if in that state the pure contentless
consciousness was experienced as bliss, that could not be in .the
form of a subjective experience of bliss, as it could not be called
contentless. A later experience after rising from sleep could not
communicate to the perceiver that he was experiencing contentless
consciousness for a long period, as there is no recognition of it and
the fact of recognition would be irreconcilable to its so-called
contentless character.
Eleventh Objection. In attempting to refute the existence of in-
determinate knowledge (nirvikalpa) Venkata says that the so-called
indeterminate knowledge refers to a determinate object (nirvikal-
pakam api savise~a-v#ayakameva). Even at the very first moment of
sense-contact it is the object as a whole with its manifold qualities
that is grasped by the senses and it is such an object that is elabor-
ated later on in conceptual forms. The special feature of the nirvi-
kalpa stage is that in this stage of cognition no special emphasis is
given to any of the aspects or qualities of the object. If, however,
the determinate characters did not in reality form the object of the
cognition, such characters could never be revealed in any of the
later stages of cognition and the nirvikalpa could never develop into
the savikalpa state. The characters are perceived in the first stage,
but these characters assume the determinate form when in the later
moments other similar characters are remembered. Thus a pure
indeterminate entity can never be the object of perception.
Twe~fth Objection. The contention of the Sankarite is that per-
ception is directly concerned with pure being, and it is through
nescience that the diverse forms are later on associated with it, and
through such association they also seemingly appear as being
directly perceived. Venkata says that both being and its characters
are simultaneously perceived by our senses, for they form part of
3 12 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
the same object that determines our knowledge. Even universals
can be the objects of our direct knowledge: it is only when these
universals are distinguished from one another at a later moment
that a separate mental operation involving its diverse functions
becomes necessary. Again, if perception only referred to inde-
terminate being, how then can the experience of the diverse objects
and their relative differentiation be explained?
Thirteenth Objection. In refuting the view of the Sankara
school that the apprehension of" difference" either as a category or
as a character is false, Venkata says that the experience of "dif-
ference" is universal and as such cannot be denied. Even the much-
argued "absence of difference" is itself different from "difference"
and thus proves the existence of difference. Any attempt to refute
"difference" would end in refuting identity as well; for these two
are relative, and if there is no difference, there is no identity.
Venkata urges that a thing is identical with itself and different from
others, and in this way both identity and difference have to be
Fourteenth Objection. The Sankarites say that the world-
appearance, being cognizable, is false like the conch-shell-silver.
But what is meant by the assertion that the world is false? It cannot
be chimerical like the hare's horn, for that would be contrary to our
experience and the Sankarite would not himself admit it. It cannot
mean that the world is something which is different from both
being and non-being, for no such entity is admitted by us. It can-
not also mean that the world-appearance can be negated even
where it seems to be real (pratipanno-piidhau ni~edha-pratiyogit'lHlln ),
for if this negation cannot further be negated, then it must be either
of the nature of Brahman and therefore false as world-appearance
or different from it. The first alternative is admitted by us in the
sense that the world is a part of Brahman. If the world-appearance
can be negated and it is at the same time admitted to be identical
with Brahman, then the negation would apply to Brahman itself.
If the second alternative is taken, then since its existence is implied
as a condition or explication of the negation, it itself cannot be
denied. It cannot also be said that falsity means the appearance of
the world in an entity where it does not exist (svii-tyantii-blziiva-
samiina-dhikara!latayii pratiyamiinatvam ), for such a falsity of the
world as not existing where it appears cannot be understood by
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Sankara School 3 13
perception, and if there is no perception for its ground no inference
is also possible. If all perception is to be regarded as false, all in-
ference would be impossible. It is said that world-appearance is
false because it is different from the ultimate reality, the Brahman.
Venkata, in answer to this, says that he admits the world to be dif-
ferent from the Brahman though it has no existence independent
and separable from it. Still, if it is argued that the world is false
because it is different from reality, the reply is that there may be
different realities. If it is held that since Brahman alone is real, its
negation would necessarily be false, then the reply is that if
Brahman is real its negation is also real. The being or reality that
is attributed by Venkata to the world is that it is amenable to proof
(prama~ika). Truth is defined by Ramanuja as that which is
capable of being dealt with pragmatically (vyavahara-yogyata
sattVa1Jl), and the falsity of the assertion that the world is false is
understood by the actual perception of the reality of the world.
Again, the falsity of the world cannot be attempted to be proved by
logical proof, for these fall within the world and would therefore be
themselves false. Again, it may be said that Brahman is also in some
sense knowable and so also is the world; it may be admitted for
argument's sake that Brahman is not knowable in an ultimate sense
(paramarthika ), so the world also is not knowable in an ultimate
sense; for, if it were, the Sankarite could not call it false. If that is so,
how could the Sankarite argue that the world is false because it is
knowable, for in that case Brahman would also be false?
Sixteenth Objection. Again, it may be argued that the objects of
the world are false because, though being remains the same, its
content always varies. Thus we may say a jug exists, a cloth exists,
but though these so-called existents change, "being" alone re-
mains unchanged. Therefore the changeable entities are false and
the unchangeable alone is real. Now it may be asked: what is the
meaning of this change? It cannot mean any difference of identity,
for in that case Brahman being different from other entities could
be regarded as false. If, however, Brahman be regarded as identical
with the false world, Brahman itself would be false, or the world-
appearance would be real being identical with the real Brahman.
Spatial or temporal change can have nothing to do with deter-
mining falsehood; the conch-shell-silver is not false because it does
not exist elsewhere. Brahman itself is changeable in the sense that
314 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cu.
it does not exist as unreal or as an entity which is neither being nor
non-being. Change cannot here legitimately he used in the sense
of destruction, for, e\-cn when the illusion of conch-shell-silver is
discovered, no one says that the conch-shell-silver is destroyed
(biidha-·r.:iniisayor 'l'i'i:ik tat ayai' 'l'a 1.yu tpa tte~). I )est ruction ('l'iniisa)
is the dissolution of an entity, whereas 'l'iidha or contradiction is
the negation of what was perceived. In such phrases as "a jug
exists" or "a doth e-..ists," the existence qualifies jug and cloth,
but jug and cloth do not qualify existence. Again, though Brahman
a hides everywhere, it docs not cause in us the cognition "jug
e~ists" or "cloth exists." .-\gain, temporal variation in existence
depends upon the cause of such existence, but it cannot render the
existence of anything false. If non-illumination at any particular
time he regarded as the criterion of falsehood, then Brahman also
is false for it does nut reveal itself before the dawn of emancipation.
If it is held that Brahman is always self-revealing, but its revelation
remains somehow hidden until emancipation is attained, then it
may be said with the same force that the jug and the cloth also
remain revealed in a hidden manner in the same way. Again, the
eternity of illumination, or its uncontradicted nature, cannot be
regarded as a criterion of reality, for it is faultlessness that is the
cause of the eternity of self-illumination, and this has nothing to do
with determining the nature of existence. Since the ordinary
things, such as a jug or a cloth, appear as existent at some time,
they are manifestations of the self-illumination and therefore real.
An opposite argument may also he adduced here. Thus, it may
be said that that which is not false docs not break its continuity or
does not change. Brahman is false, for it is without any continuity
with anything else, and is different from everything else.
Seventeenth Objection. The Sankarites hold that since it is im-
possible to explain the existence of any relation (whatever may be
its nature) between the perceiver and the perceived, the perceived
entity or the content of knowledge has to be admitted as false. In
reply to this Y enkata says that the falsity of the world cannot he
adduced as a necessary implication (arthiipatti), for the establish-
ment of a relation between the perceiver and the percei,·ed is
possible not hy denying the latter but by affirming it. If, however,
it is said that since the relation between the perceiver and the per-
ceived can he logically proved chimerical, the necessary deduction
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Saizkara School 315

is that the perceived entity is false. To this the reply is that the
falsity of the relation does not prove the falsity of the relata; the
relation between a hare and a horn may be non-existent, but that
will not indicate that both the hare and the horn are themselves
non-existent. Following that argument, the perceiver might just
as well he declared as false. If, however, it is contended that the
perceiver, being self-luminous, is self-evident and cannot there-
fore be supposed to be false, the reply is, that even if, in the absence
of the act of perceiving, the perceiver may be regarded as self-
revealing, what harm is there in admitting the perceived to have
the same status even when the perceiver is denied? If, however,
it is said that the cognition of objects cannot be admitted to be self-
established in the same way as the objects themselves, it may be
asked if consciousness is ever perceived to be self-revealed. If it is
said that the self-revealing character of consciousness can be esta-
blished by inference, then by a counter-contention it may be held
that the self-revealing character of the universe can also be proved
by a suitable inference. It may again be questioned whether, if the
Sankarite wishes to establish the self-revealing nature of Brahman
by inference, its objectivity can be denied, and thus the original
thesis that Brahman cannot be the object of any process of cognition
must necessarily fail.
The Sankarite may indeed contend that the followers of Rama-
nuja also admit that the objects are revealed by the cognition of the
self and hence they are dependent on the perceiver. The reply to
such a contention is that the followers of Ramanuja admit the ex-
istence of self-consciousness by which the perceiver himself is re-
garded as cognized. If this self-consciousness is regarded as false,
then the self-luminous self would also be false; and if this self-
consciousness be admitted as real, then the relation between them
is real. If the self-revealing consciousness be regarded as im-
possible of perception and yet real, then on the same analogy the
world may as well be regarded as real though unperceived.
The objection that the known is regarded as false, since it is
difficult logically to conceive the nature of the relation subsisting
between the knower and the known, is untenable, for merely on
account of the difficulty of conceiving the logical nature of the
relation one cannot deny the reality of the related entity which is
incontestably given in experience. Therefore the relation has some-
316 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
how to be admitted. If relation is admitted to be real because it is
experienced, then the world is also real because it is also experienced.
If the world is false because it is inexplicable, then falsity itself
would be false because it is inexplicable.
The objection that there can be no relation between the past
and the future is groundless, for the very fact that two things exist
in the present time would not mean that they are necessarily re-
lated, e.g. the hare and the horn. If, however, it is said that it may
be true that things which exist in the present time are not necessarily
related, yet there are certain entities at present which are related,
so also there are certain things in the present which are related with
certain other things in the past and the future. It is no doubt true
that the relation of contact is not possible between things of the
present and the future, but that does not affect our case, for certain
relations exist between entities at present, and certain other rela-
tions exist between entities in the present and the future. \Vhat re-
lations exist in the present, past and future ha,·e to be learnt hy
experience. If spatial contiguity be a special feature of entities at
present, temporal contiguity would hold between entities in pre-
sent, past and future. However, relation does not necessarily mean
contiguity; proximity and remoteness may both condition the
relation. Relations are to be admitted just as they are given by ex-
perience, and are indefinable and unique in their specific nature.
Any attempt to explain them through mediation would end in a
conflict with experience. If an attempt is made to refute all rela-
tions as such on the ground that relations would imply further re-
lations and thus involve a vicious infinite, the reply is that the
attempt to refute a relation itself involves relation and therefore
according to the opponent's own supposition stands cancelled.
A relation stands by itself and does not depend on other relations
for its existence.
Eighteenth Objection. In refuting the view of the Sankarites that
self-luminous Brahman cannot have as an object of illumination
anything that .is external to it, Venkata argues that if nescience be
itself inherent in Brahman from beginningless time, then there
would be no way for Brahman to extricate itself from its clutches
and emancipation would be impossible. Then the question may be
asked, whether the a'l.'idvii is different from Brahman or not. If it
be different, then the ~onism of the Sankara philosophy breaks
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Sankara School 317
down; if it be non-different, then also on the one hand Brahman
could not free itself from it and on the other hand there could be no
evolution of the a•lJidyii which has merged itself in the nature of the
Brahman, into the various forms of egoism, passions, etc. If this
avidyii be regarded as false and therefore incapable of binding the
free nature of Brahman, the objection may still be urged that, if
this falsehood covers the nature of Brahman, how can it regain its
self-luminosity; and if it cannot do so, that would mean its de-
struction, for self-luminosity is the very nature of Brahman. If the
avidyii stands as an independent entity and covers the nature of
Brahman, then it would be difficult to conceive how the existence
of a real entity can be destroyed by mere knowledge. According to
Ramanuja's view, however, knowledge is a quality or a character-
istic of Brahman by which other things are known by it; experience
also shows that a knower reveals the objects by his knowledge, and
thus knowledge is a characteristic quality of the knower by which
the objects are known.
Nineteenth Objection. In refuting the view of Sankara that
ignorance or avidyii rests in Brahman, Veilkata tries to clarify the
concept of ajfiiina. He says that ajiiiina here cannot mean the
absolute negation of the capacity of being the knower; for this
capacity, being the essence of Brahman, cannot be absent. It
(ajiiiina) cannot also mean the ignorance that precedes the rise
of any cognition, for the Sailkarites do not admit knowledge as
a quality or a characteristic of Brahman; nor can it mean the
negation of any particular knowledge, for the Brahman-con-
sciousness is the only consciousness admitted by the Sankarites.
This ajfiiina cannot also be regarded as the absence of knowledge,
since it is admitted to be a positive entity. The ajfiiina which
can be removed by knowledge must belong to the same knower
who has the knowledge and must refer to the specific object
regarding which there was absence of knowledge. Now since
Brahman is not admitted by the Sankarites to be knower, it is im-
possible that any ajfiiina could be associated with it. The view that
is held by the members of the Ramanuja school is that the indi-
vidual knowers possess ignorance in so far as they are ignorant of
their real nature as self-luminous entities, and in so far as they
associate themselves with their bodies, their senses, their passions,
and other prejudices and ideas. When they happen to discover their
318 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
folly, their ignorance is removed. It is only in this way that it can
be said to be removed by knowledge. But all this would be im-
possible in the case of Brahman conceived as pure consciousness.
According to the view of Ramanuja's school, individual knowers are
all in their essential natures omniscient; it is the false prejudice and
passions that cover up this omniscience whereby they appear as
ordinary knowers who can know things only under specific con-
Twentieth Objection. Yenka~a, in refuting the definition of
immediate intuition (anubhzl.ti) as that which may be called
immediate perception without being further capable of being an
object of awareness (avedyatve sati aparok~a-vyavalziira-yogyatvam ),
as given by Citsukhacarya in his Tatt1-•a-pradipikii, raises certain
objections against it as follows. It is urged by the Sankarites that
if the immediate intuition be itself an object of further cognitive
action, then it loses its status as immediate intuition and may be
treated as an object like other objects, e.g. a jug. If by the words
"immediate intuition" it is meant that at the time of its operation
it is self-expressed and does not stand in need of being revealed by
another cognition, then this is also admitted by Ramanuja. Further-
more, this intuition at the time of its self-revelation involves with
it the revelation of the self of the knower as well. Therefore, so far
as this meaning of intuition is concerned, the denial of self-
revelation is out of place.
The words "immediate intuition" (anubhiiti) are supposed to
have another meaning, viz. that the intuition is not individuated in
separate individual cognitions as limited by time, space or indi-
vidual laws. But such an intuition is never experienced, for not
only do we infer certain cognitions as having taken place in certain
persons or being absent in them, but we also speak of our own
cognitions as present in past and future, such as ''I know it,"
"I knew it" and the like, which prove that cognitions are tem-
porally limited. It may be asked whether this immediate intuition
reveals Brahman or anything else; if it reveals Brahman, then it
certainly has an object. If it is supposed that in doing so it simply
reveals that which has already been self-expressed, even then it will
be expressive of something though that something stood already
expressed. This would involve a contradiction between the two
terms of the thesis avedyatve sati aparok~a-vyavahiira-yogyah·am,
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Sankara School 319
for, following the arguments given above, though the Brahman
may be regarded as immediate, yet it has been shown to be capable
of being made an object of intuition. If on the other alternative this
intuition expresses something else than Brahman, that would bring
the opponent to a conclusion not intended by him and contra-
dictory as well.
Just as one may say that one knows a jug or a cloth or an orange,
so one may say that one knows another man's awareness or one's own.
In this way an awareness can be the object of another awareness
just as another object. Again, if one cannot be aware of another
man's awareness, the use of language for mental understanding
should cease.
If the immediate intuition itself cannot be made an object of
awareness, that would mean that it is not known at all and conse-
quently its existence would be chimerical. It cannot be urged that
chimerical entities are not perceivable because they are chimerical,
but entities do not become chimerical because they cannot be per-
ceived, for the concomitance in the former proposition is not con-
ditional. The Sankarites would not hold that all entities other than
immediate intuition are chimerical. It may also be held that chi-
merical entities are not immediate intuition because they are chi-
merical; but in that case it may also be held that these objects (e.g.
a jug) are not immediate intuition because of their specific characters
as jug, etc. The whole point that has to be emphasized here is that
the ordinary objects are other than immediate intuition, not be-
cause they can be known but because of their specific characters.
The reason that an entity cannot be called immediate intuition if it
can be known is entirely faulty 1 •
If, again, Brahman is manifest as only immediate intuition,
then neither the scriptures nor philosophy can in any way help us
regarding the nature of Brahman.
Twenty-first Objection. The Sankarites deny the production of
individual cognitions. In their view all the various forms of so-
called cognitions arise through the association of various modes of
avidyii with the self-luminous pure consciousness. In refuting this
view Veilkata urges that the fact that various cognitions arise in
time is testified by universal experience. If the pure consciousness
be always present and if individual cognitions are denied, then all
1 Sata-diqa1)l, n. 78.
320 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
objects ought to be manifested simultaneously. If, however, it is
ascertained that though the pure consciousness is always present
yet the rise of various cognitions is conditioned by other collocating
causal circumstances, the reply is that such an infinite number of
causal conditions conditioning the pure consciousness would be
against the dictum of the Sankarites themselves, for this would be
in conflict with their uncompromising monism. Now if, again, it is
held that the cognitive forms do really modify the nature of pure
consciousness, then the pure consciousness becomes changeable,
which is against the thesis of Sankara. If it is held that the forms
are imposed on pure consciousness as it is and by such impositions
the specific objects arc in their turn illuminated by consciousness,
then the position is that in order that an object may be illuminated
such illumination must be mediated by a false imposition on the
nature of pure consciousness. If the direct illumination of objects
is impossible, then another imposition might be necessary to
mediate the other false impositions on the nature of pure conscious-
ness, and that might require another, and this would result in a
vicious infinite. If the imposition is not false, then the conscious-
ness becomes changeable and the old objection would recur. If,
however, it is urged that the objects are illuminated independent
of any collocating circumstances and independent of any specific
contribution from the nature of the pure consciousness, then all
objects (since they are all related to pure consciousness) might
simultaneously be revealing. If, again, all cognitions are but false
impositions on the nature of pure consciousness, then at the time
of an illusory imposition of a particular cognition, say, a jug, no-
thing else would exist, and this would bring about nihilism. It may
also be asked, if the Sankarite is prepared to deny the world on
account of the impossibility of any relation subsisting between it
and the perceiver, how can he launch himself into an attempt to
explain the relation of such a world with Brahman?
On the other hand, the experience of us all testifies to the fact
that we are aware of cognitions coming into being, staying, passing
away, and having passed and gone from us; except in the case of
perceptual experience, there is no difficulty in being aware of past
and future events; so the objection that the present ·awareness can-
not be related to past and future events is invalid. The objection
that there cannot be awareness of past or future entities because
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Saizkara School 321

they are not existing now is invalid, for past and future entities also
exist in their own specific temporal relations. Validity of awareness
consists in the absence of contradiction and not in the fact of its
relating to an entity of the present moment, for otherwise an il-
lusory perception of the present moment would have to be con-
sidered as valid. Thus, since it is possible to be aware of an aware-
ness that was not there but which comes into being both by direct
and immediate acquaintance and by inference, the view of the
Sankarites denying the origination of individual awareness is in-
valid. In the view of Ramanuja, knowledge is no doubt admitted
to be eternal; yet this knowledge is also admitted to have specific
temporal characters and also specific states. Therefore, so far as
these characters or states are concerned, origination and cessation
would be possible under the influence of specific collocative cir-
cumstances. Again, the objection that since pure consciousness is
beginningless it cannot suffer changes is invalid, for the Sankarites
admit avidyii also as beginningless and yet changeable. It may also
be pointed out in this connection that the so-called contentless
consciousness is never given in experience. Even the consciousness
in dreamless sleep or in a swoon is related to the perceiver and
therefore not absolutely contentless.
Twenty-second Objection. It is urged by the Sankarites that the
pure consciousness is unchanging because it is not produced. If,
however, the word unchanging means that it never ceases to exist,
it may be pointed out that the Sankarites admit ajiiiina to be un-
produced and yet liable to destruction. Thus there is no reason why
a thing should not be liable to destruction because it is not pro-
duced. If it is urged that the destruction of avidyii is itself false,
then it may be pointed out with the same force that the destruction
of all things is false. Moreover, since the Sankarites do not admit
any change to be real, the syllogism adduced by them that an entity
which is unproduced is not changeable falls to the ground. The dif-
ference between Sankara's conception of Brahman and that of
Ramanuja is that according to the former Brahman is absolutely
unchangeable and characterless, and according to the latter the
Brahman is the absolute, containing within it the world and the
individual beings and all the changes involved in them. It is un-
changeable only in so far as all the dynamical change rises from
within and there is nothing else outside it which can affect it. That
Dill 21
322 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of 11wught [cu.
is, the absolute, though changeable within it, is absolutely self-
contained and self-sustained, and is entirely unaffected by anything
outside it.
Twenty-third Objection. The Sankarites urge that since con-
sciousness is unproduced it cannot be many, for whatever is many
is produced, e.g. the jug. If it is a pure consciousness which appears
as many through the conditioning factors of a·vidyii, it may be
asked in this connection whether, if the pure consciousness cannot
he differentiated from anything else, it may as well be one with the
hody also, which is contrary to Sankara's thesis. If, however, it is
replied that the so-called difference between the body and the pure
consciousness is only a false difference, then it would ha\·e to be
admitted and that would militate against the changeless character
of Brahman as held by the Sankarites. Again, if the real difference
between the body and the pure consciousness be denied, then it
may he urged that the proposition following from it is that things
which in reality differ are produced (e.g. the jug); but according to
the Sankarites jug, etc., are also not different from Brahman, and
thus a proposition like the abo\·e cannot he quoted in support.
l\Ioreover, since the m:idyii is unproduced, it follows that according
to the maxim of the Sankarites it would not be different from
Brahman which, howe\·er, the Sankarites would undoubtedly he
slow to accept. It cannot also be held that an awareness does not
differ from another awareness on the supposition that different
awarenesses are but seeming forms imposed upon the same con-
sciousness, for so long as we speak of difference we speak on!y of
apparer.t difference and of apparent divergent forms; and if the
apparent divergent forms are admitted, it cannot be said that they
are not different. Again, it is urged that the same moon appears as
many through wavy water, so it is the same awareness that appears
as many, though these are identically one. To this the reply is that
the analogy is false. The image-moon is not identical with the moon,
so the appearances are not identical with awareness. If it is said
that all image-moons are false, then on the same analogy all aware-
nesses may be false and then if only one consciousness be true as a
ground of all awarenesses then all awarenesses may be said to be
equally true or equally false. Again, as to the \·iew that the prin-
ciple of consciousness as such does not differ from indi\·idual
cognitions, such a position is untenable, because the Ramanujists
xxj Dialectical criticism against the Sankara School 323
do not admit the existence of an abstract principle of consciousness;
with them all cognitions are specific and individual. It may be
pointed out in this connection that according to the Ramanujists
consciousness exists in the individuals as eternal qualities, i.e. it
may suffer modification according to conditions and circum-
Twenty-fourth Objection. In objecting to the unqualified cha-
racter of pure consciousness Venkata says that to be unqualified is
also a qualification. It differs from other qualities only in being
negative. Negative qualifications ought to be deemed as objection-
able as the positive ones. Again, Brahman is admitted by the
Sankarites to be absolute and unchangeable, and these are quali-
fications. If it is replied that these qualifications are also false, then
their opposite qualifications would hold good, viz. Brahman would
be admitted as changeable. Again, it may be asked how this un-
qualified character of Brahman is established. If it is not esta-
blished by reason, the assumption is invalid; if it is established by
reason, then that reason must exist in Brahman and it will be quali-
fied by it (the reason).
Twenty-fifth Objection. Veilkata denies the assumption of the
Sankarites that consciousness is the self because it reveals it to
itself on the ground that if whatever reveals it to itself or whatever
stands self-revealed is to be called the self, then pleasure and pain
also should be identical with the self, for these are self-revealed.
V eilkata further urges that the revelation of knowledge is not abso-
lutely unconditional because revelation is made to the perceiver's
self and not to anything and everything, a fact which shows that it
is conditioned by the self. It may also be pointed out that the re-
velation of knowledge is not made to itself but to the self on one
hand and to the objects on the other in the sense that they form
constituents of knowledge. Again, it is testified by universal ex-
perience that consciousness is different from the self. It may also
be asked whether, if consciousness be identical with the self, this
consciousness is unchangeable or changeable. Would later recog-
nition be imposE,ible? In the former alternative it may further be
asked whether this unchanging consciousness has any support or
not; if not, how can it stand unsupported? If it has a support, then
that support may well be taken as the knower, as is done by the
Ramanujists. It may also be pointed out h~re that knowledge being
324 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
a character or a quality cannot be identified with that (viz. the self)
which possesses that character.
Twenty-sixth Object-ion. The Sankarites assert that the self is
pure consciousness. Therefore the perception of self as "I" is
false, and therefore this notion of "I" is obsolete both in dreamless
sleep and emancipation. To this Venkata's reply is that if the notion
of "I" is obsolete in dreamless sleep, then the continuity of self-
consciousness is impossible. It is no doubt true that in dreamless
sleep the notion of the self as "I" is not then manifestly ex-
perienced, but it is not on that account non-existent at the time, for
the continuity of the self as "I" is necessarily implied in the fact
that it is experienced both before the dreamless sleep and after it.
Since it is manifestly experienced both before and after the dream-
less sleep, it must be abiding even at the time of the sleep. And
this self-consciousness itself refers to the past and the present as
a continuity. If this ego-notion was annihilated during the dream-
less sleep, then the continuity of experience could not be explained
(madhye cii' hama-rthii-bhiive sa1Jzskiira-dhiirii-blziiviit, prat£sandhiinii-
bhiiva-prasailgas ca). It is a patent fact that in the absence of the
knower neither ignorance nor knowledge can exist. It cannot also
be said that the continuity of experience is transmitted to pure
consciousness or avidyii during the dreamless sleep; for the pure
consciousness cannot be a repository of experiences, and if avidyii
is the repository it would be the knower, which is impossible; and
the fact of recognition would be unexplainable, for the experience
associated with avidyii cannot be remembered by the entity to
which the ego-notion refers. Moreover, the experience of a man
rising from sleep who feels "I slept happily so long" indicates that
the entity referred to by the ego-notion was also experienced during
the sleep. Even the experience referring to the state in drear.tless
sleep as "I slept so soundly that I even did not know myself" also
indicates that the self was experienced at that time as being ignorant
of its specific bodily and other spatial and temporal relations. It
cannot be contended that the entity denoted by the ego-notion
cannot abide even in emancipation, for if there was no entity in
emancipation no one would attempt to attain to this stage. The
existence of pure qualityless consciousness at the time.of emancipa-
tion would mean the annihilation of the self, and no one would ever
be interested in his own self-destruction. Moreover, if the entity
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Sankara School 325

denoted by the ego-notion is not a real entity, then the view (often
put forward by the Sankarites) that the entity denoted by the ego-
notion is often falsely identified with the body or the senses would
be meaningless. If the illusion be due to a false imposition of
false appearances, such as the body or the senses, on the pure con-
sciousness, then that cannot be called the delusion of the ego-
entity as the body and the senses. It cannot also be said that in the
experience of the self as "I" there are two parts, the pure con-
sciousness which is eternal and real and the egohood which is a
mere false appearance. For if it is so in the ego-experience it might
also be so in other experiences as objectivity as this or that. 1\Iore-
over, if this is so, what is there to distinguish the specific experience
as subjectivity from the experience as objectivity? What is it that
constitutes the special feature of subjectivity? Thus it may be con-
fidently stated that the ego-entity is the real nature of the self.
Twenty-seventh Objection. It is urged by the Sankarites that the
notion of the self as the knower is false because the ultimate reality,
being the self-luminous Brahman, is absolutely unchangeable. The
attribution of the characteristic of being a knower would be incom-
patible with this nature. To this it may be replied that if the fact
of being a knower is regarded as a changeable character, then !Jeing
or self-luminosity would also be a character, and (hey also would be
incompatible with this nature. The change of the states of knowledge
does not in any way affect the unchangeable nature of the self, for
the self is not changed along with the change of the cognitions.
Ttventy-eighth Objection. It is well known that the Sankarites
conceive of pure consciousness which is regarded as the witness
(siik#n), as it were, of all appearances and forms that are presented
to it, and it is through its function as such a witness that these are
revealed. It is through this siik#-consciousness that the continuity
of consciousness is maintained, and during dreamless sleep the
blissfulness that is experienced is also made apparent to this siik#-
consciousness. The Ramanujists deny this siik#-consciousness be-
cause it is unnecessary for them; its purpose is served by the func-
tions of a knower whose consciousness is regarded as continuous in
the waking state, in dreams, and also in dreamless sleep. Venkata
urges that the manifestation of blissfulness which is one with pure
consciousness is implied by the very nature of pure consciousness
as self-revealed. It may also be pointed out that the sensuous
326 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.

pleasures cannot be manifested during dreamless sleep; if this is so,

why should a sak~i-consciousness be admitted for explaining the
experience of blissfulness during dreamless sleep? Since Brahman
is not admitted to be a real knower, the conception of sak§in is not
the same as that of a knower. It cannot also be a mere revelation;
for if it be a revelation of itself as Brahman, then the mediation of
the function of sak§i-consciousness is unnecessary, and if it be of
avidya, then through its association Brahman would be false. It
cannot be that the functioning of the siik~i-consciousness is one
with the nature of Brahman, and yet that partakes of the nature of
avidya; for it cannot both be identical with Brahman and the a'vidya.
If the functioning of the sak~i-consciousness be false, a number of
other sak§ins is to be admitted, leading to a vicious infinite. Thus in
whatsoever way one may try to conceive of the sak~i-consciousness,
one fails to reconcile it either with reason or with experience.
Twenty-ninth and thirtieth Objections. Venkata urges that the
Sailkarites are wrong in asserting that scriptural testimony is
superior in validity to perceptual experience. As a matter of fact,
scriptural knowledge is not possible without perceptual experience.
Therefore scriptures are to be interpreted in such a way that they
do not come into conflict with the testimony of perceptual know-
ledge. Therefore, since the perception proves to us the reality of
the many around us, the scriptural interpretation that would try
to convince us of their falsity is certainly invalid. The Sailkarites
further urge and adduce many false illustrations to prove the pos-
sibility of attaining right knowledge through false means (e.g. the
fear that arises from the perception of false snakes, representations
of things that are made by letters, and the combinations of letters
which are combinations of lines). But Veilkata's reply to it is that
in all those cases where falsehood is supposed to lead us to truth it
is not through falsehood that we come to truth but from one right
knowledge to another. It is because the lines stand as true symbols
for certain things that they are represented by them, and it is not
possible to adduce any illustration in which falsehood may be sup-
posed to lead us to truth. If, therefore, scriptures are false (in the
ultimate sense) as Sailkarites would say, it would be impossible for
them to lead us to the true Brahma-knowledge.
Thirty-first Objection. The view of the Sailkarites that the
emancipation may be attained by right knowledge eyen in this life
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Saizkara School 327
before death, called by them Jivanmukti or emancipation in life, is
denied by the Ramanujists, who hold that emancipation cannot be
attained by right knowledge but by right actions and right feelings
associated with right knowledge, and consequently emancipation
is the result. Real separation of the association of the worldly
things from the self can only come about after the body ceases to
exist. V enkata points out that, so long as the body remains, per-
ception of the ultimate truth as one is impossible, for such a person
is bound to be aware of the existence of the body and its manifold
relations. If it be said that though the body persists yet it may be
regarded as absolutely false or non-existent, then that would
arnount to one's being without any body and the distinction of
emancipation in life and emancipation in death would be im-
Tnirty-second Objection. The Sankarites assert that ajfiiina or
ignorance, though opposed to knowledge, is a positive entity as it
is revealed as such by perception, inference and scriptural testi-
mony. V enkata, in refusing this, says that if ajfiiina be regarded as
opposed to knowledge, it can only be so if it negates knowledge,
i.e. if it be of the nature of negation. Such a negation must then
obviously refer to a content of knowledge; and if this be admitted
then the content of knowledge must have been known, for other-
wise the negation cannot refer to it. To this the Sankarites are sup-
posed to say that the negation of knowledge and the content to
which it refers are two independent entities such that the experience
of the negation of knowledge does not necessarily imply that the
content should be known. Therefore it is wrong to say that the
negation of knowledge is a contradiction in terms. To this the
obvious reply is that as in the case of a negation, where the presence
of the object of negation contradicts a negation, so when there is a
negation of all contents of knowledge the presence of any content
necessarily contradicts it. So the experience that " I do not know
anything" would be contradicted by any knowledge whatsoever.
If it is urged that a negation of knowledge and its experience may
be at two different moments so that the experience and the negation
may not be contradictory, the reply is that perceptual experience
always grasps things which are existent at the present time.
Though in the case of the supposed perception of ajfiiina during
dreamless sleep the experience of ajfiiina may be supposed to be
328 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
known by inference, and in cases of such perception as "I am
ignorant," "I do not know myself or anything else," there is ob-
viously perceptual experience of ajiiiina. It is, therefore, impossible
that "I" should perceive and be at the same time ignorant.
Perception of ignorance would thus be absurd. Again, the ex-
perience of a negation necessarily must refer to a locus, and this
implies that there is a knowledge of the locus and that this would
contradict the experience of a universal negation which is devoid
of all knowledge. It may, however, be urged that the perception of
ignorance is not the experience of a negation, but that of a positi\·e
entity, and so the objections brought forward in the above contro-
versy would not apply to it.
To this the reply is that the admission of a positive category
called ajiiiina which is directly experienced in perception may im-
ply that it is of an entity which is opposed to knowledge; for the
negative particle "a"·in "ajiiiina" is used either in the sense of
absence or negation. If it does so, it may well be urged that ex-
perience of opposition implies two terms, that which opposes and
that to which there is an opposition. Thus, the experience of
ajiiiina would involve the experience of knowledge also, and, there-
fore, when the opposite of aji'iiina shines forth, how can ajiiiina he
perceived? It is clear, therefore, that no advantage is gained by
regarding ajiiiina as a positive entity instead of a mere negation.
The conception of a positi\·e a}iiiina cannot serve any new purpose
which is not equally attainable hy the conception of it as negation
of knowledge. If a positive entity is regarded as able to circum-
scribe or limit the scope of manifestation of Urahman, a negation
also may do the same. The Sankarites themsch-es admit that know-
ledge shines by driving away the ignorance which constituted the
negation-precedent-to the production of (priiga-blui'l·a) knowledge,
and thus in a way they admit that ajiiiina is of the nature of nega-
tion. The supposed experience of dullness (mugdhu'smi) involves in
it the notion of an opposition. The mere fact that the word "dull"
(mugdlza) has no negative particle in it does not mean that it has no
negative Sense. Thus, a positive ignorance cannot be testified by
It has been suggested that the existence of ajiiiina may he proved
by inference on the supposition that if light maniftsts itself hy
driving away darkness, so knowledge must shine by driving away
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Sankara School 329
positive ignorance. Now inference is a mode of knowledge and as
such it must drive away some ignorance which was hiding its
operation. Since this ajiiiina could not manifest itself, ~t must im-
ply some other ajiiiina which was hiding it, and without driving
which it could not manifest itself, and there would thus be infinite
regress. If the ajiiiina be regarded as hiding, then the inference may
as well be regarded as destroying the ignorance directly. Whenever
a knowledge illuminates some contents, it may be regarded as dis-
pelling the ignorance regarding it. The scriptural texts also do not
support the conception of a positive ajiiiina. Thus, the concept of a
positive ajiiiina is wholly illegitimate.
Fortieth Objection. The supposition that the ajiiiina rests in the
individualjfvas and not Brahman is also false. If the ajiiiina is sup-
posed to rest in the individual in its own real ess_ence (i.e. as Brah-
man), then the ajiiiina would virtually rest in Brahman. If it is sup-
posed that ajiiiina rests in the individual jivas, not in ttteir natural
state but in their ordinarily supposed nature as suffering rebirth,
etc., then this amounts to saying that the ajiiiina· is associated with
the material stuff and as such can never be removed; for the
material limitations of an individual can never have a desire to re-
move the ajriiina, nor has it the power to destroy it. Again, it may
be asked whether the ajiiiina that constitutes the difference of in-
dividual jivas is one or many in different cases. In the former case
in the emancipation of one, ajiiiina would be removed and all would
be emancipated. In the second case it is difficult to determine
whether avidvii comes first or the difference between individual
jivas, and th~re would thus be anyonyii-sraya, for the Sailkarites
do not admit the reality of difference between jivas. In the theory
that ajiiiina is associated ·with Brahman, the difference between
jivas being false, there is no necessity to admit the diversity of
ajiiiina according to the diversity ofjivas. In any case, whether real
or fictitious, a·l-'idyii cannot explain the diversity of the jivas. Again,
if the ajiiiinas which are supposed to produce the diversity of the
fivas be supposed to exist in the Brahman, then Brahman cannot
be known. In the view that these ajiiiinas exist in the jivas, the old
difficulty comes in as to whether the difference of avidyiis is primary
or whether that of the jivas is primary. If the difficulty is intended
to be solved by suggesting that the regression is not vicious as in
the case of the seed and the shoot, then it may be pointed out that
330 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
in the supposition that the ajiiiinas which produce difference in
jivas have these as their support then there is no scope for such a
regression. The seed that produces the shoot does not produce it-
self. If it is suggested that the avidyii of the previous jivas produces
the later fivas, then the jh·as would be destructible. Thus, from
whichever way we may try to support the view that the avidyii rests
in individual jivas we meet with unmitigated failure.
Forty-first Objection. It is said that the defect of avidyii belongs
to Brahman. If this defect of avidyii is something different from
Brahman, then that virtually amounts to the admission of dualism;
if it is not different from Brahman, then Brahman itself becomes
responsible for all errors and illusions which are supposed to be due
to avidyii, and Brahman being eternal all errors and illusions are
bound to be eternal. If it is said that the errors and illusions are
produced when Brahman is associated with some other accessory
cause, then about this also the old question may be raised as to
whether the accessory cause or causes are different or not different
from Brahman and whether real or not. Again, such an accessory
cause cannot be of the nature of a negation-precedent-to the pro-
duction of the true knowledge of the identity of the self and the
Brahman; for then the doctrine of a positive ignorance propounded
by the Sankarites would be wholly unnecessary and uncalled for.
Further, such a negation cannot be identical with Brahman, for
then with true knowledge and with the destruction of ignorance
Brahman itself would cease. Again, since everything else outside
Brahman is false, if there is any such entity that obstructs the light
of Brahman or distorts it (if the distortion is in any sense real), then
that entity would also be Brahman; and Brahman being eternal that
distortion would also be eternal. If the defect which acts as an ob-
structive agent be regarded as unreal and beginningless, then also
it must depend on some cause and this will lead to an infinite re-
gress; if it does not depend upon any cause, then it would be like
Brahman which shines forth by itself without depending on any
defect, which is absurd. If it is supposed that this defect constructs
itself as ':Veil as others, then the world-creation would manifest
itself without depending upon any other defect. If it is said that
there is no impropriety in admitting the defect as constructing
itself, just as an illusion is the same as the construction, i.e. is made
by it, then the Sankarites would be contradicting their own views;
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Sankara School 331
for they certainly do admit the beginningless world-creation to be
due to the operation of defects. If the avidyii is not itself an illusory
imposition, then it will be either true or chimerical. If it is regarded
as both an illusory construction and a product, then it would not be
beginningless. If it has a beginning, then it cannot be distinguished
from the world-appearance. If illusion and its construction be re-
garded as identical, then also the old difficulty of the avidyii gener-
ating itself through its own construction would remain the same.
Again, if the avidyii appears to Brahman without the aid of any
accessory defect, then it will do so eternally. If it is urged that,
when the avidyii ceases, its manifestation would also cease, then
also there is a difficulty which is suggested by the theory of the
Sati.karites themselves; for we know that in their theory there is no
difference between the illumination and that which is illuminated
and that there is no causal operation between them. That which is
being illuminated cannot be separated from the principle of
If it is urged that the avidyii is manifested so long as there is no
dawning of true knowledge, then may it not be said that the
negation-precedent-to the rise of true knowledge is the cause of
world-appearance and that the admission of avidyii is unnecessary?
If it is said that the negation cannot be regarded as the cause of the
very varied production of wmld-appearances, then it can be urged
with as much force that the position may also be regarded as
capable of producing the manifold world-appearance. If it is held
that positive defects in the eye often produce many illusory ap-
pearances, then it may also be urged on the other side that the non-
observation of distinctions and differences is also often capable of
producing many illusory appearances. If it is urged that negation
is not limited by time and is therefore incapable of producing the
diverse kinds of world-appearances under different conditions of
time, and that it is for that reason that it is better to admit positive
ignorance, then also it may be asked with as much force how such
a beginningless ignorance unconditioned by any temporal character
can continue to produce the diverse world-appearance conditioned
in time till the dawning of true knowledge. If in answer to this it is
said that such is the nature and character of avidyii, then it may well
be asked what is the harm in admitting such a nature or character
of "negation." This, at least, saves us from admitting a strange and
332 Philosophy of the Ramiinuja School of Thought [cH.
uncalled for hypothesis of positive ignorance. It may be urged that
negation is homogeneous and formless and as such it cannot under.,.
go transformations of character, while avidyii, being a positive stuff,
can pass through a series of transformations of character (vivarta-
paramparii). In this connection it may be urged that the nature of
avidyii is nothing but this succession of transformations of cha-
racter; if it is so, then since it is the nature of avidyii to have a suc-
cession of diverse kinds of transformations, there may be all kinds
of illusions at all times. It cannot also be regarded as an effect of
transformation of character, for the avidyii is supposed to produce
such effects. If it is urged that avidyii is a distinct entity by itself,
different from the appearance of its character that is perceived, then
also the old question would recur regarding the reality or unreality
of it. The former supposition would be an admission of dualism;
the latter supposition, that is, if it is false, the succession of it as
various appearances conditioned by diverse kinds of time and space
would presuppose such other previous presuppositions ad in-
finitum. If it is held that there is no logical defect in supposing that
the previous sets of transformations determine the later sets in an
unending series, it is still not necessary to admit avidyii in order to
explain such a situation. For it may well be supposed that the
different transformations arise in Brahman without depending
upon any extraneous cause. The objection that such a supposition
that Brahman is continually undergoing such diverse transforma-
tions of character (real or unreal) would inevitably lead to the con-
clusion that there is no Brahman beyond such transformations is
invalid; for our perceptual experience shows that the transfor-
matory change of a lump of clay does not invalidate its being. In
such a view Brahman may be regarded as the ground of all illusory
appearances. On the other hand, it is only on the assum?tion of
false avidyii that one cannot legitimately affirm the existence of a
basis, for the basis of falsehood would itself be false. Therefore, if
Brahman be regarded as its basis, then it would itself be false and
would land. us in nihilism.
Again, i.t may well be asked whether a·vidyii shines by itself or
not. If it does not, it becomes chimerical; if it does, then it may
again be asked whether this shining is of the nature of avidyii or
not. If it is, then it would be as self-shining as Brahman and there
would be no difference between them. Again, if the shining cha-
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Sankara School 333
racter of avidyii belongs to Brahman, the Brahman being eternal,
there would never be a time when avidyii would not shine. The
shiningness cannot also be regarded as a character of either Brah-
man or the avidyii, for none of them is regarded as being a knower
of it. If it is urged that the character as the knower is the result of
an illusory imposition, then the objection is that the meaning of
such an imposition is unintelligible unless the conception of avidyii
is clarified. The character as knower is possible only on the sup-
position of an illusory imposition, and on the above supposition the
illusory imposition becomes possible on the supposition of the
knower. If it is due to Brahman, then Brahman, being eternal, the
illusory impositions would also be eternal. If it be without any
reason, then the entire world-illusion would be without any cause.
Again, any conception regarding the support of avidyii is un-
intelligible. If it has no support, it must be either independent like
Brahman or be like chimerical entities. If it has a support and if
that support be of the nature of Brahman, then it is difficult to con-
ceive how the eternally pure Brahman can be the support of the
impure avidyii which is naturally opposed to it. If the solution is
to be found in the supposition that the impure avidyii is false, then
it.may well be urged that if it is false there is no meaning in the
effort to make it cease. If it is said in reply that though it is non-
existent yet there is an appearance of it, and the effort is made to
make that appearance cease,_ then also the reply is that the appear-
ance is also as false as itself. If it is admitted that though false it
can yet injure one's interest, then its falsehood would be only in
name, for its effects are virtually admitted to be real. If Brahman
in its limited or conditioned aspect be regarded as the support of
avidyii, then since such a limitation must be through some other
avidyii this would merely bring us into confusion. If it is held that
avidyii has for its support an entity quite different from Brahman
conditioned or unconditioned, then the view that Brahman is the
support of avidyii has to be given up, and there would be other dif-
ficulties regarding the discovery of another support of this support.
If it be said that like Brahman avidyii is its own support but Brah-
man is not its own support, then the support of avidyawould have no
other support. If it is said that the support can be explained on the
basis of conditions, then also it would be difficult to imagine how a
condition of the nature of a receptacle (iidhiirii-kiiro-piidhi) can itself
334 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
be without any support. If further supports are conceived, then there
would be a vicious infinite. Again, if it is held that what is false does
not require any support, then it may be urged that according to the
Sankarites the support is regarded as the basis on which the illusion
occurs, and even the jug is regarded as an illusion on the ground.
1\loreover, this false experience of a·vidyii is not any of the illusory
or limited perceptions, such as ego-experience or the experience of
other mental states; for these are regarded as the effects of a·vidyii.
If they are not so, then they must be due to some other defects, and
these to other ones, and so there would be a \·icious infinite. If it is
held that a~·idyii is nothing different from its experience, then since
all experience is of the nature of Brahman, Brahman itself \vould be
false. Again, if the a~·idyii manifests itself as Brahman by hiding its
(Brahman) nature, then all pure revelation being hidden and lost,
a'l·idyii itself, which is manifested hy it, would also be naturally lost.
If it be manifested as Brahman and its own nature be hidden, then
Brahman alone being manifested there would be no question of
bondage. It is obvious that it cannot manifest itself both as m:idyii
and as Brahman, for that would he self-contradictory, since know-
ledge always dispels ignorance. If it is held that just as a mirror
reflects an image in which the character of the mirror and the real
face is hidden, so a'l'idJ·ii may manifest itself and hide both itself
and the Brahman. To this the reply is that in all cases of illusions of
identity (tiidiitmyii-dhyiisa) the non-observation of the difference is
the cause of the error. The cause of the illusion of the face and the
mirror is the non-observation of the fact that the face is away from
the mirror. But Brahman and a·vidyii are neither located in a
proximate space so that it is possible to compare their illusion of
identity by the illustration of other illusions which depend upon
such proximity. If it is said of an"dyii, not being a substance, that
all criticism that applies to real and existent entities would be in-
applicable to it, then such a doctrine would be almost like nihilism,
for all criticisms against nihilism are accepted by nihilists as not
invaliaating their doctrine.
Forty-second Objection. It is held by the Sai1karites that m:idyii
and miiJlii are two distinct conceptions. .lliiyii is supposed to he
that by which others are deluded, and m:idyii is supposed to be that
which deludes one's self. The word miirii is used in various senses
but none of these seems to satisfy the us;ge of the word in Sankarite
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Sankara School 335

manner. If it is supposed that the word maya, of which Brahman is

supposed to be the support, has this peculiarity that it manifests its
various forms to others as well as deludes them, then it is hard to
distinguish it from the conception of avidya. If it is held that the
word avidyii is restricted to tnean the agent that causes false per-
ceptions as in the case of conch-shell-silver, then miiya may also
be called avidyii, for it also causes the false world-appearance to be
perceived. There is no reason why the cause of the false perception
of the conch-shell-silver should be called avidyii and not those re-
latively true cognitions which contradict such illusory perceptions.
lsvara also may be said to be suffering from avidyii, for since He is
omniscient He has the knowledge of all individual selves of which
falsehood is a constituent. If God has no knowledge of illusions,
He would not be omniscient. It is wrong also to suppose that mayii
is that which manifests everything else except Brahman in its
nature as false; for if the Brahman knows the world-appearance as
false without being under an illusion, it would still be hard to re-
pudiate the ignorance of Brahman. If Brahman knows all things
as the illusions of others, theu He must know the others and as such
their constituent illusions, and this would mean that Brahman is
itself subject to avidya. It is difficult also to conceive how one can
l:ave any cognition of falsehood without being under illusion, for
falsehood is not mere non-existence but the appearance of an entity
where it does not exist. If Brahman sees other people only under
illusions, that does not mean that Brahman deludes others by His
maya. There may be a magician who would try to show his magic
by mere false tricks. If the Brahman tried to show His magic
by mere false reflections, He would indeed be mad. It may be
supposed that the difference between avidyii _and miiyii is that
a~·idyii, by producing illusory experiences, hurts the real interests
of the perceiving selves, yet the Brahman Who perceives these
illusory selves and their experiences does so through the agency of
mayii which does not injure His interest. To this the reply is that if
maya does not injure anybody's interest, it cannot be called a de-
fect. It may be objected that defects have no connection with
harmful or beneficial effects but they have a relation only to truth
and error. Such a view cannot be accepted, for truth and error
have a pragmatic value and all that is erroneous hurts one's in-
terests; if it were not so, nobody would be anxious to remove them.
336 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.

If it is argued that miiyii is not a defect of Brahman but a quality,

then it may be said that if it were so then no one would be anxious
to remove it. If, again, miiyii were a quality of Brahman and
served the purpose of such a mighty person, how could the poor
individual selves dare it? And if they could, they would be able
to injure the practical interests of an Omnipotent Being, for miiyii
being a quality would certainly be of great use to Him. Aliiyii can-
not be destroyed by itself without any cause, for that would land
us in the doctrine of momentariness. If the miiyii were eternal and
real, that would be an admission of dualism. If miiyii be regarded
as being included in Brahman, then Brahman, being only self-
manifesting, and miiyii being included within it would not have the
power of producing the world-delusions which it is supposed to
produce. Again, miiyii being eternal cannot also be false. Again, if
the manifestation of miiyii from Brahman be regarded as real, then
the ignorance of Brahman becomes also real; if it is a false mani-
festation from Brahman, then it would be meaningless to suppose
that Brahman should be using the miiyii as an instrument of play.
It is absurd to suppose that Brahman would be playing with false
reflected images, like a child. Again, if the jivas and Brahman be
identical, then it is unreasonable to suppose that the ignorance of
the jivas would not imply the ignorance of Brahman. If, again, the
jivas and the Brahman be really different, then how can there be
any emancipation by the knowledge of their identity? So the con-
ception of a miiyii and an avidyii different from it is wholly incom-
Fm·ty-third Objection. It is held by the Sankarites that a know-
ledge of monistic identity produces emancipation. Now such a
knowledge cannot be different from the Brahma-knowledge; for if
it is a contentless entity, then it would be no knowledge, since the
Sankarites hold that knowledge can only be a mental state associ-
ated with a content (vrtti-rzipaf!Z hi j1iiinm!z savi~ayam e1-·a iti
bhavatiim api siddhiinta~z ). It cannot also be identical with Brahma-
knowledge, for if such a knowledge can produce emancipation the
pure Brahma-knowledge would have done the same. It may be held
that in the case of the illusion of conch-shell-silver, when there is
a true shining regarding the nature of the "this" in its own cha-
racter, then that is equivalent to the contradiction of the illusory
appearance of silver, and the manifestation of identity showing the
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Sankara School 337
real nature of Brahman may be regarded as contradictory to world-
illusion. To this the reply is that there is no identity between the
existence of the ''this" as conch-shell and its appearance as silver.
Thus, one knowledge may contradict the other, but in the case
under review there is no new element in the notion of the identity
which was not already present in the Brahma-knowledge itself. If
the notion of identity be regarded as a contentful knowledge, then
it would be different from the Brahma-knowledge, and being itself
false it could not remove the error. The case where a thing known
is again recognized is also not a proper instance for supporting the
Sailkarite position, for here also the knowledge of recognition is not
the same as the knowledge of original acquaintance, whereas the
notion of identity is supposed to be the same as the Brahma-
knowledge. Again, if it is supposed that a mental state of a par-
ticular content removes the illusions and produces Brahma-know-
ledge, then the illusions would be real entities since they were
capable of being destroyed like other entities.
If it is held that the notion of identity has a reference to
Brahman as limited by avidyii, then that will be like the manifesta-
tion of the illusory world-creations through the siik#-consciousness,
and such a manifestation would not remove errors.
Again, it may be asked whether the knowledge that produces
the notion that all else excepting Brahman is false can itself be re-
garded as constituting falsehood, for that would be self-contra-
dictory. If the notion of the falsehood of the world-appearance be
itself regarded as false, then the world would have to be regarded
as real. If it is urged that as in the supposition of the death of a
barren woman's son both the barren woman's son and his death are
false, so here also both the world and its falsehood may be equally
false. But it may be replied that in the instance put forward the
falsehood of the barren woman's son and that of his death are not
both false. Again, if the falsehood of the world-appearance were
real, then that would imply dualism.
Again, if inferences led to the contradiction of world-appear-
ance, then there would be no reason to suppose that the contradic-
tion of the world-appearance would be possible only through
listening to the Vedantic texts of identity. If the contradiction of
world-appearance is produced by Brahman itself, then Brahman
being eternal there would be no world-illusion. Again, Brahman
Dill 22
338 Philosophy of the Ramtinuja School of Thought [cH.

has been regarded as helping the process of world-illusion in its

own pure nature for otherwise there would have been no illusion
at all. It is a curious doctrine that though Brahman in its pure
nature helps illusion, yet, in its impure nature, as the scriptural
texts or the knowledge arising out of them, it would remove it. So
in whichever way we may think of the possibility of a removal of
ajiiiina we are brought into confusion.
Forty-fourth Objection. The conception of the cessation of the
avidyii is also illegitimate. For the question that arises in this con-
nection is whether the cessation of avidyii is itself real or unreal.
If it is unreal, then the hope that the avidyii is rooted out with such
a cessation is baffied, for the cessation itself is a manifestation of
avidyii. It cannot be said that the cessation of avidyii has as its
ground a real entity, the iitman, for then the iitman will have to be
admitted as suffering change. And if in any way the cessation of
avidyii is to be regarded as having a true cause as its support, then
the cessation being real there would be dualism. If it is regarded
as an illusion, and there is no defect behind it, then the assumption
of avidyii as a defect for explaining the world-illusion would be
unnecessary. If it is without any further ground like avidyii and
Brahman, then there is no meaning in associating avidyii with it.
There is also no reason why, even after the cessation of avidyii, it
may not rise up again into appearance. If it is suggested that the
function of the cessation of avidyii is to show that everything else
except Brahman is false and as soon as this function is fulfilled the
cessation of avidyii also ceases to exist, then also another difficulty
has to be faced. For if the cessation of avidyii itself ceases to exist,
then that would mean that there is a cessation of cessation which
means that avidyii is again rehabilitated. It may be urged that
when a jug is produced it means the destruction of the negation-
precedent-to-production (priiga-blziiva), and when this jug is again
destroyed it does not mean that the negation-precedent again rises
into being; so it may be in this case also. To this the reply is that
the two cases arc different, for in the above case the negation of one
negation is through a positive entity, whereas there is nothing to
negate the cessation of a'l'idyii; so in this case the negation would be
a logical negation leading to a position of the entity negated, the
avidyii. If it is said that there is the Brahman which negates the
cessation of avidyii, then the difficulty would be that Brahman, the
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Sankara School 339
negation of both avidyii and its cessation, being eternal, there ought
to be no illusory world-creation at any time.
If the cessation of avidyii is not itself of illusory nature and if it
is regarded as included in the being of Brahman, then Brahman
being beginningless the avidyii should be regarded as having always
remained arrested. It cannot be said that the existence of Brahman
is itself the cessation of ajiiiina, for then it would be impossible to
connect the cessation of avidyii with the realization of the nature of
Brahman as cause and effect.
If it is suggested that a mental state reflecting the nature of
Brahman represents the cessation of ajiiiina of Brahman and that
this mental state may be removed by other causes, then the reply
is that this would mean that such a mental state is illusory; and this
implies that the cessation of avidyii is illusory. The criticism of such
a view is given above. The cessation of avidyii is not real, being out-
side Brahman; neither real, something different from real, and
unreal, for that could not lead to a real cessation. So ultimately it
must be neither unreal nor something different from any of the
above entities, for the cessation of positive and negative entities
only are of the nature of real and unreal. Ajiiiina is something dif-
ferent from real and unreal; its cessation is valid, being amenable
to proofs. So the cessation has to be admitted as being something
unique and different from all existent and non-existent entities.
In reply it may be said that if the ajiiiina is admitted to be like-a-
non-existent entity (asativa), then in both the two meanings of
negation, that is, in the view that negation is but the other name of
position and that negation is a separate category in itself, the ad-
mission of avidyii would involve dualism. If it is regarded as some-
thing chimerical, it could never show itself, and such a chimerical
entity would have no opposition to the world-cycle. So the cessa-
tion of avidyii cannot lead to emancipation. Again, if the cessation
of avidyii is non-existent, that would imply the existence of avidyii.
The cessation of avidyii is not like the destruction of a jug which
has a real existence, so that though it may appear like a non-being,
yet the jug may be regarded as a positive entity. The destruction of
avidyii is not of that nature, for it has no definite form. If it is held
that the cessation of avidyii is of the fifth type, that is, different from
existent, non-existent, existent-and-non-existent and different-
from-existent-and-non-existent, then this is virtually the admission
340 Philosophy of the Ramanuja School of Thought [cH.
of the miidhyamika doctrine of indescribability of all phenomena,
for it also describes the world-phenomena as being of the fifth
type. There is also really no way in which such an absolutely unique
and indefinabie category can be related to anything else.
Forty-fifth Objection. It is argued by the Sankarites that the
scriptural texts cannot signify Brahman, which is devoid of all anJ
every specific quality. To this Yenkata replies that Brahman is en-
dowed with all specific qualities and, therefore, it is quite legitimate
that texts should signify it. It is wrung also to suppose that
Brahman, being self-luminous, cannot be manifested by words, for
it has been shown by the Ramanuja school that even the self-
luminous can be the object of further awareness. Brahman is also
sometimes described by the Sar1karites as the state of being quality-
less, but is itself a quality since it is used adjecti,·cly to Brahman.
l\Ioreover, if Brahman could not be signified by the scriptural
texts, the texts themselves would be meaningless. It is wrong also
to suppose that the scriptural words refer to Brahman only in a
secondary manner, just as one may point to a tree-top in order to
show that the moon is visiblt (siildzii-candra-darsana); for whate,·er
he the method, Brahman is indicated by the texts. Even a state of
non-conceptual meditation (asamprajFiiita-samiidlzi) is not absolutely
unpredicable. In that state one cannot apply the concepts or words.
If Brahman is absolutely without any character, it cannot be ad-
nlitted that it should be implied or signified in a remote manner
(lak~ya) by the scriptures. The passages which say that Brahman is
beyond word (yato ·viico ni1.-·artante) indicate only that the qualities
of Brahman are infinite. Thus, it is wholly unjustifiable on the part
of the Sankarites to say that Brahman is not indicated by the texts.
Forty-se';;enth Objection. It is maintained by the Sankarites that
all determinate knowledge is false because it is determinate in its
nature like the conch-shell-silver. If all that is determinate is false,
then since all distinctions must involve determinateness they would
all be false and thus ultimately we have monism. The futility of
such a position is shown by Venkata, who points out that such an
inference involves determinate concept~ in all its limbs, and would
thus be absolutely unwarrantable according to the thesis itself.
Moreover, if the determinate knowledge is false, the indeterminate
would also be false for want of corroboration. It is wrong also to
suppo~e that determinate perceptions are false for want of cor-
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Sankara School 341
roborative evidence from other awarenesses; for an illusion may be
further corroborated by other illusions and may yet be false, and
the last corroborative knowledge would be false for want of further
corroborations, which would lead to the falsehood of the whole set
of corroborations which is dependent on it. It is also wrong to sup-
pose that determinate conceptions do not stand the test of causal
efficiency, for all our practical experiences depend on determinate
notions. It cannot also be held that the conceptual cognitions in-
volving universals are false, for they are neither contradicted nor
found to be doubtful in any way. Thus, if all determinate cognitions
are regarded as false, then that would lead us to nihilism and not to
raonism. Moreover, if the indeterminate nature of Brahman is to
be inferred from the indeterminate nature of our perception of ex-
ternal things, then on the analogy of the falsehood of the former the
latter may also be false.
Fifty-fifth Objection. The Sailkarites hold that all effects are
false, for they seem to contradict themselves if an attempt is made
to conceive the logical situation. Is the effect produced out of
the cause related with it or unrelated? In the first alternative the
cause and the effect, being but two relata connected together by
relation, there is no reason why the effect should be produced by
the cause and not the cause by the effect. If the cause produces the
effect without being related to it, then anything might produce any-
thing. Again, if the effect be different from the cause, things which
are different from one another would be productive of one another.
If they are identical, then one could not produce the other. If it is
said that cause is that which invariably precedes and effect is that
which invariably succeeds, then a thing ought to be existent before
the negation-precedent-to-production. Again, if the effect be re-
garded as having been produced from a material cause which has
undergone transformation, then it may further be asked whether
these trar1sformations are produced from other transformations,
and this would lead to a vicious infinite. If the effect be regarded
as produced from a cause which has not undergone any transforma-
tion, then it would abide the whole time in which the material cause
remains. l\loreover, an effect is like the illusory silver which is non-
existent in the beginning and in the end. The production of an
entity cannot be either from a positive entity or a negative entity;
for an effect, say, the jug, cannot be produced from its cause, the
342 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [CH.
earth-matter, without producing some change in it, that is, without
negating it in some way or the other. On the other hand, if the pro-
duction is regarded as being from a negation, then it will itself be a
negation. So in whichever way a causal relation may be viewed, it
becomes fraught with contradictions.
The reply of V enkata to this is that the objection as to whether
the effect is related to the cause in its production or unrelated to it
is overcome by the view that the effect is unrelated to the cause; but
that need not imply that all that is unrelated to the cause should be
the effect, for mere unrelatedness does not induce the production
of the effect such that the very unrelatedness will connect anything
with any other thing as effect. The special powers associated with
causal entity are responsible for the production of the special
effects, and these can be known by the ordinary methods of agree-
ment and. difference. The relations of the causal elements among
themselves are transferred to the effect. It is well known that causes
produce effects of an entirely different nature, just as when a jug
is produced by a stick and the potter's wheel. Even the material
cause is very different from the material cause as the effect. It is
indeed admitted that the effect is produced from a modified
(vikrta) cause, for any change in the cause, even the proximity of
an accessory condition, would be a modification. But if modifica-
tion or vikiira cannot be affirmed of the cause in the sense in which
the effect is regarded as a modification, it may be said in that sense
that the effect is produced from an unmodified cause. It would be
wrong to suggest that any and every effect might spring from any
and every unmodified cause, for an effect is produced from an un-
modified cause under proper temporal conditions and the associa-
tion of collocative agents. It is also wrong to suggest that in the
supposition that an effect is analysable as a course of changes,
the cause as the immediate antecedent would be undiscoverable;
and the cause being undiscoverable the effect would also be in-
explicable; for it is the effect which is recognized as perceived
and this implies the existence of the cause without which it could
not come into being. If it is urged that the effect is not perceived,
or that it is contradicted, then the obvious reply is that both non-
perception and contradiction are effects, and in denying effects
through them the criticism becomes self-contradictory.
When a material cause is changed into an effect, there are cer-
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Sankara School 343
tain parts of it which remain unchanged, even when that effect is
changed into other objects called effects, and there are some cha-
racters which are formed only in certain effects. Thus, when gold
is changed into a bangle and the bangle into a necklace, the per-
sisting qualities of gold continue the same both in the bangle and
in the necklace; but the special form of the bangle does not pass
into that of the necklace. Again, the objection that if the effects
were already existent in the cause, then there is no necessity of the
causal operation as has elsewhere been repudiated, and it has also
been pointed out that the assertion that all effects are false like
conch-shell-silver is false, for these effects are not found to be
contradicted like these illusory appearances. It is wrong also to
suggest that because an effect does not exist in the beginning or in
the end it also does not exist in the middle, for its existence in the
middle is directly experienced. It may also be suggested on the
other hand that because an effect exists in the middle it must also
exist in the beginning and in the end.
It is suggested by the Sankarites that all notions of difference as
effects are illusorily imposed upon one permanent entity which
permeates through all so-called different entities, and that it is this
permeating entity which is real. Against such a supposition the
Sankarites may be asked to discover any entity that permeates both
through Brahman and avidyii. It would be wrong to suggest that
Brahman is both in itself and in the avidyii; for Brahman cannot
have any dual entity, and also cannot be illusorily imposed upon
The suggestion that since the unity of a flame is perceived to be
false all perception is false is obviously wrong, for in the former
case the illusion is due to the rapid coalescing of similar fla1nes, but
this does not apply to all perception.
In the sense of substance (dravya) an effect exists in the cause,
but in the sense of an effect-state the effect does not exist in the
cause. The objections of the Sarpkhyists that if the effect-state did
not exist in the cause it could not be produced and that similarly
anything could be produced from anything are futile, for the effects
are produced by specific powers which manifest themselves as
effects in definite spatial and temporal conditions.
A question is asked whether the effects are produced from a
positive or a negative entity, that is, whether when the effects are
344 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
produced they are produced as states of a substance which persists
through them or not. Veti.kata's reply is that the substance per-
sists; only states and conditions change when the effect is produced.
For in the production of an effect there is change only in the causal
state and not in the causal substance. There is thus an agreement·
between the cause and the effect only so far as the substance is con-
cerned and not with reference to their states; for it is by the nega-
tion of the causal state that the effect-state arises. It is sometimes
suggested that since an effect is neither permanently existing nor
permanently non-existing it must be false. But this suggestion is
obviously wrong, for the fact that an entity may be destroyed at a
later moment does not mean that it was non-existent at the moment
when it was perceived. Destruction means that an entity which was
existent at a particular moment was non-existent at another. Con-
tradiction means that a thing is non-existent even when it is per-
ceived. Mere non-existence is not destruction, for the negation-
precedent-to-production might also be called destruction since it is
also non-existent. Non-existence at a later point of time also does
not mean destruction, for then even chimerical entities might also
be called destruction. The case of conch-shell-silver is not a case of
destruction, for clearly that is a case of contradiction in experience.
Thus, if the concepts of production, destruction and non-existence
be analysed, then it will be found that the concept of effect can
never be regarded as illusory.
Fifty-seventh Objection. It is said that Brahman is of the nature
of pure bliss (iinanda); but it may well be said that in whichever
sense the word iinanda may be used it will not be possible to affirm
that Brahman is of the nature of pure bliss. For if iinanda means
an entity the awareness of which induces an agreeable experience,
then Brahman will be knowable. If it means merely an agreeable
experience, then Brahman would not be pure indeterminate con-
sciousness. If it means a mere agreeable at~itude, then duality will
be implied. If it means negation of pain, then Brahman would not
be positive and it is well admitted on all hands that Brahman is
neutral. Moreover, according to the Sati.karites themselves the
state of intuition of Brahman is regarded as a positive state like the
state of dreamless sleep. Thus, in whichever way one may look at
the problem the assertion that the indeterminate Brahman is of the
nature of pure bliss becomes wholly unwarrantable.
xx] Dialectical criticism against the Sankara School 345
Fifty-eighth Objection. The eternity of Brahman cannot be
maintained, if it is regarded as indeterminate. If eternity means
existence in all times, then avidyii also would be eternal; for it is
also associated with all time, and time is itself regarded as its pro-
duct. If it is urged that association with all time does not mean
existence in all time, then it is wrong to regard existence in all times
as a definition of eternity, for it will be enough to say that existence
itself is eternal. The "inclusion of all time" as distinguished from
mere existence shows the difference between existence and eternity.
Eternity would thus mean existence in all time, which can be affirmed
of avidyii also. Eternity cannot also be defined as that which does
not cease in time since such a definition would apply to time also
which does not cease in time. It cannot also be said that eternity
means that which is not contradicted in the beginning or in the end,
for then the world-appearance also would be eternal. Again, it is
difficult to understand how consciousness is regarded as eternal by
the Sankarites, for if it is affirmed of ordinary consciousness, then
that is directly against perceptual experience; and if it is affirmed
of transcendental consciousness, then that is directly against ex-
perience. Further, eternity cannot be regarded as the essence, for
then it would be identical with self-luminosity, and its predication,
such as Brahman is eternal, would be unnecessary. If it is regarded
as a knowable quality, then if such a quality existed in conscious-
ness, consciousness would become knowable. If it did not exist in
consciousness, then its knowledge would not imply the eternity of
consciousness. It cannot also be said that whatever is not produced
is eternal, for then negation-precedent-to-production would be
eternal. If it is said that any positive entity which is not produced
is eternal, then avidyii would also be eternal. Thus, in whichever
way one may try to prove the eternity of the indeterminable pure
consciousness one fails.
Sixty-first Objection. It is often asserted by the Sankarites that
there is a unity of the self. If by self here they mean the "ego,"
then clearly all the egos cannot be regarded as identical, for it is
well known that the experiences of other people are never identified
by us as ours. Nor can it be said that there is unity of consciousness
of us all, for then each of us would know the minds of others. It is
not maintainable that our underlying being is the same, for that
would not mean the identity of our selves. One may think of
346 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
universal existence, but that would not mean the identity of the
existents. Again, the identity of the selves cannot be regarded as real
since the selves (jivas) themselves are regarded as unreal. If the
identity of the selves be regarded as false, then there is no reason
why such a doctrine should be propounded. In any case, when one
has to deal with our experiential life, one has to admit the diversity
of selves and there is no other proof by which their identity may be
established. Thus it would be wrong to think, as the Sankarites do,
that there is one self.
I\leghanadari, son of .\treyanatha suri, seems to be one of the
earliest members of the Ramanuja school. He wrote at least two
books, 1Yaya-prahiisikii and 1Vaya-dyu-ma~zi, both of which are still
in manuscript and only the latter has been available to the present
writer. :\lost of the important contributions of :\leghanadari on the
subject of the Ramanuja theory of the pramii~zas ha\·e already been
discussed in some detail in connection with the treatment of that
subject under Venkatanatha. Only a few of his views on other
topics of Ramanuja philosophy will therefore be given here.
Svatab-priimiil}ya-viida. Venkata, in his Tatt'l-·a-muktii-kaliipa
and Sarviirtha-siddhi, says that all knowledge manifests the objects
as they are. Even errors are true at least so far as they point to the
object of the error. The erroneousness or error is due to the ex-
istence of certain vitiating conditions 1 • \ Vhen there is knowledge
that there is a jug, the existence of the object is the Yalidity (priim-
ii~zya) of it and this is made known by the very knowledge that the
jug exists 2 • Even where there is the knowledge of silver in a conch-
shell, there is the knowledge of the existence of the objective silver
implied in that very knowledge, and thus even in erroneous know-
ledge there is the self-validity so far as it carries with it the exi£tence
of the object of perception3 •
l\'leghanadari however, who in all probability preceded Yenkata,
gives a somewhat different account of the doctrine of S'i-'ata~z-
j1iiiniiYzii7!l yathli-vasthitii-rtha-prakiisakat'L'GT!l siimiinyam e1.·a bhriintasyii'pi
j1iiinasya dharmi'}y abhriintatnit ato valmyii-dcr diihakatvm·aj j1iiiniinii7!l priim-
ii'}yam s'l.·iibhii'l•ikam e'l.'a upiidher mwzi-mantra'L·ad do~o-piidhi-'L·asiid apramii~zat'L'GT!l
bhramii7!l.~e. San·iirtha-sidJhi, p. 554·
ghato'stl' ti jniinam utpadyate tatra 'l.'i~ayii-stit?·am n•a priimii~zya'!l tat tu
tenaiva jniinena pratlyate atab svata?z-priimii'}yam. Ibid.
See Ibid.
xx] M eghaniidiiri 347
priimii'l}ya. He says that validity (priimii1Jya) proceeds from the ap-
prehension of cognition (priimii7JYa1!l jfiiina-sattii-pratiti-kiira1Jiid eva),
for the validity must have a cause and no other cause is traceable 1 •
The N aiyayikas, arguing against the svatal}-priimii7Jya doctrine
of the lVlimarp.sakas, are supposed to say that the self-validity can-
not be regarded as being produced in every case of knowledge, for
the Mlmarp.sakas hold that the Vedas are eternal and thus their self-
validity cannot be regarded as being produced. Self-validity cannot
be regarded as produced in some cases only, for if that were the case
the thesis that all cognitions are self-valid cannot stand. Therefore
the proper view is that only that knowledge is self-valid which is
uncontradicted in experience (abiidhita-vyavahiira-hetutvam eva
jfiiinasya priimii1Jyam) 2 • Self-validity cannot be regarded as a special
potency, for such a potency is non-sensible and has therefore to be
known by inference or some other means; neither can it be regarded
as being one (svarupa) with the sense-organs by which knowledge
is acquired, for the existence of such sense-organs is itself inferred
from mere knowledge and not from what is only true knowledge.
Arguing against the Sankarites, the Naiyayikas are supposed to
say that in their view knowledge being self-luminous, there would
be no way of determining validity either from uncontradicted ex-
perience or by any other means; and since, according to them,
everything is false, the distinction of validity and invalidity also
ought to have no place in their system, for if such distinctions are
admitted it would land them in dualism. To this Meghanadari says
that if self-validity is not admitted, then the whole idea of validity
has to be given up; for if validity is said to be produced from a
knowledge of the proper conditions of knowledge or the absence of
defects, such a knowledge has to be regarded as self-valid, for it
would have to depend on some other knowledge and that again on
some other knowledge, which would mean a vicious infinite. So
knowledge is to be regarded as self-valid by nature and its in-
validity occurs only when the defects and vitiating contributions of
the causes of knowledge are known by some other means. But the
method of establishing self-validity according to the followers of
Kumarila is liable to criticism, for according to that system the
existence of knowledge is only inferred from the fact of the re-
velation of the objects, and that implication cannot also further
1 Naya-dyu-ma1)i, p. 21 (MS.). I Ibid. p. 22.
348 Philosophy of the Ramanuja School of ThfJught [cH.
lead to the self-validity of knowledge. The theory of self-validity
that it is caused by the same constituents which produce the know-
ledge is also inadmissible, for the senses have also tu be regarded
as the cause of knowledge and these may be defective. Again,
it is held that knowledge which corresponds with the object
(tathii-blzuta) is valid and that which does not correspond with the
object is invalid and that such validity and invalidity are therefore
directly manifested by the knowledge itself. l\1eghanadari replies
that if such correspondence be a quality of the object, then that does
not establish the validity of knowledge; if it is a quality of know-
ledge, then ·memory has also to be regarded as self-valid, for there
is correspondence in it also. Again, the question arises whether the
self-validity is merely produced or also known. In the former case
tl--.e self-manifestation of self-validity has to be given up, and in the
latter case the Kumarila view is indefensible for by it knowledge
being itself an implication from the revelation of objects its self-
validity cannot obviously be self-manifested.
lVleghanadari, therefore, contends that an intuition (anubhuti)
carries with it its own validity; in revealing the knowledge it also
carries with it the conviction of its own validity. The invalidity, on
the other hand, is suggested by other sources. This intuition is in
itself different from memory 1 . The whole emphasis of this conten-
tion is on his view that each cognition of an object carries with it its
cognizability as true, and since this is manifested along with the
cognition, all cognitions are self-valid in this sense. Such a self-
validity is therefore not produced since it is practically identical
with the knowledge itself. l\Ieghanadari points out that this view
is in apparent contradiction with Ramanuja's own definition of
svata~z-priimiil}ya as that which is produced by the cause of know-
ledge; but Ramanuja's statement in this connection has to be in-
terpreted differently, for the knowledge of God and the emancipated
beings being eternal and unproduced any view which defines self-
validity as a production from the same source from which know-
ledge is produced would be inapplicable to them 2 •
Time. Time according to lVIeghanadari is not to be regarded as
a separate entity. He takes great pains to show that Ramanuja has
anubhiitit·cmJl vii priimii1Jyam astu; tac ca jiiiinii-·viintara-jiiti!z; sii ca smrti-
jiiiina-jiitital:z Prthaktayii lokatal:z eva siddhii; anubhiite!z svasattayii e·va sphiirte?z.
Naya-dyu-ma1Ji, p. 31.
Ibid. p. 38.
xx] V iitsya V arada 349
himself discarded the view that time is a separate entity in his com-
mentary on the Brahma-sutra, the Vediinta-dipa and the Vediinta-siira.
The notion of time originates from the relative position of the sun
in the zodiac with reference to earth. It is the varying earth-space
that appears as time, being conditioned by the relative positions of
the Sun 1 . This view is entirely different from that of Venkata which
will be described later on.
Karma and its fruits. According to Meghanadari deeds produce
their fruits through the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of God.
Though ordinarily deeds are regarded as virtuous or vicious, yet
strictly speaking virtue and vice should be regarded as the fruits of
actions and these fruits are nothing but the satisfaction and dis-
satisfaction of God. The performance of good deeds in the past
determines the performance of similar deeds in the future by pro-
ducing helpful tendencies, capacities and circumstances in his
favour, and the performance of bad deeds forces a man to take a
vicious line of action in the future. At the time of dissolution also
there is no separate dharma and adharma, but God's satisfaction
and dissatisfaction produced by the individual's deeds determine
the nature and extent of his sufferings and enjoyment as well as his
tendencies towards virtue or vice at the time of the next creation.
The fruits of actions are experienced in the Heaven and Hell and
also in the mundane life, but not while the individual is passing
from Heaven or Hell to earth, for at that time there is no experience
of pleasure or pain, it being merely a state of transition. Again,
except in the case of those sacrifices which are performed for in-
juring or molesting other fellow beings, there is no sin in the killing
of animals in sacrifices which are performed for the attainment of
Heaven or such other pleasurable purposes 2 •

Vatsya Varada.
Regarding the doctrine of Vedic injunction that one should
study the Vedas, Vatsya Varada in his Prameya-miilii holds the
view, in contradistinction to the Sahara Bhii~ya, that Vedic in-
junction is satisfied only in the actual reading of the Vedic texts and
that the Vedic injunction does not imply an inquiry into the mean-
surya-di-sambandha-visefo-padhitalz Prthivya-didesanam eva kala-sa1Jlfnii.
Naya-dyu-ma~i, p. 168.
II Ibid. pp. 243-246.
350 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
ing of those texts. Such an inquiry proceeds from the normal in-
quisitive spirit and the desire to know the various applications in
the practical performances of sacrifices. These do not form a part
of the Vedic injunction (vidhi).
Vatsya Varada holds that the study of the Vedic injunction and
the inquiry relating to Brahman form the parts of one unified scrip-
ture, i.e. the latter follows or is a continuation of the former; and
he mentions Bodhayana in his support.
Sankara had thought that the study of the Mima111sa was in-
tended for a class of people but not necessarily for those who would
inquire into the nature of Brahman. The Purva-mima111sa and the
Uttara-mima111sa were intended for different purposes and were
written by different authors. These should not therefore be re-
garded as integrally related as two parts of a unified work. To this
Vatsya Varada, following Bodhayana, takes exception, for he thinks
that though the Purva-mima111sa and Uttara-mimarpsa are written
by different authors yet the two together uphold one common view
and the two may be regarded as two chapters of one whole book.
Vatsya Varada also, in referring to Sankara's view that the
Purva-mima111sa assumes the existence of a real world, whereas the
purport of the Brahma-sutra is to deny it and therefore the two can-
not be regarded as having the same end in view, challenges it by
affirming the reality of the world. Sankara's argument, that all
which is cognizable is false, would imply that even the self is false;
for many U pani!?ads speak of the perceptibility of the self. His de-
claration of the falsity of the world would also imply that the false-
hood itself is f~.lse, for it is a part of the world. Such an argument
ought to be acceptable to Sankara, for he himself utilized it in re-
futing the nihilists.
Regarding the denial of the category of difference by the
Sankarites Vatsya Varada says that the opponent cannot by any
means deny that difference is perceived, for all his arguments are
based on the assumption of the existence of difference. If there
were no difference, there would be no party and no view to be
refuted. If it is admitted that the category of difference is per-
ceived, then the opponent has also to admit that such a perception
must have its own peculiar and proper cause. The real point in the
conception of difference is that it constitutes its other as a part of
itself. An object in its own nature has twofold characteristics, the
xx] V atsya Varada 35 1
characteristic of its universal similarity with other things of its class
and the characteristic in which it differs from others. In its second
characteristic it holds its others in itself. When it is said that a thing
is different it does not mean that the difference is identical with the
thing or but another name for the thing, but what is meant is that
a thing known as different has an outside reference to other entities.
This outside reference to other entities, when conceived along with
the object, produces the perception of difference.
The conception of difference involves the conception of nega-
tion as involved in the notion of otherness. If this negation is dif-
ferent in nature from the object which is conceived as "different"
or as the "other" of other objects, then since this negation cannot
be directly known by perception '' difference" also cannot be known
directly by perception. The Vi~tii-dvaita theory admits that" dif-·
ference" can be directly perceived. In order to prove this point
Vatsya Varada gives a special interpretation of "negation"
(abhiiva ). He holds that the notion of negation of an entity in
another entity is due to the latter's being endowed with a special
character as involving a reference to the former. The notion of
negation thus proceeds from a special modified character of an ob-
ject in which the negation is affirmed. There are many Sailkarites
who regard negation as positive, but in their case it is held to be a
special category by itself which is perceived in the locus of the
negation by the special pramii1J.a of non-perception. Though posi-
tive its notion is not produced according to them by the special
modified nature of the object perceived in which the negation is
affirmed. But Vatsya Varada holds that the notion of negation is
due to the perception of a special modified nature of the entity in
which the negation is affirmed 1 • The negation revealed to us in one
object as the otherness of another object means that the latter is in-
cluded in a special character of the former which makes the reference
as the otherness possible.
Vatsya Varada also emphasizes the view that the tests referring
to Brahman as satya, jfiiina, ananta, etc., indicate the fact of the
possession of these qualities by God and that the monistic interpre-
tation that these together refer to one identical being, the Brahman,
is false. He also describes the infinite and unlimited nature of
prati"yogi-buddhau vastu-vi"iefa-dhlr tmo'petii. nii.stl' ti vyavahii.ra-hetulz.
Varada, Prameya-mii.lii., p. 35 (MS.).
352 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [CH.
Brahman and explains the exact sense in which the world and the
individuals may be regarded as the body of God and that the in-
dividuals exist for God who is their final end. He also deals in this
work with certain topics regarding the external rituals, such as
shaving of the head, wearing the holy thread, etc., by ascetics.
Varada, in his Tattva-siira, collects some of the specially inter-
esting points of the Bhii~ya of Ramanuja and interprets them in
prose and verse. Some of these points are as follows: (i) The view
that the existence of God cannot be logically proved, but can be
accepted only from scriptural testimony. (ii) The special inter-
pretation of some of the important U pani!?adic texts such as the
Kapyiisa text. (ii_i) The results of the discussions of the important
adhikara1_las of Vedanta according to Ramanuja. (iv) The doctrine
that negation is only a kind of position. (v) The interpretation of
the apparent dualistic and monistic texts. (vi) The discussion re-
garding the reality of the world, etc.
This Tattva-siira provoked a further commentary on it called
Ratna-siiri~ti by VIra-raghava-dasa, a son of Badhula Narasi111ha
Guru, disciple of Badhlila Varada Guru, son of Badhula Venka-
tacarya. Some of Vatsya Varada's other works are: Siirii-rtha-
catu~taya, Aradhanii-sa1Jlgraha, Tattva-nir1}aya, Prapanna-piirijiita,
Y ati-liizga-samarthana and Puru~a-nin1}aya 1 •

Ramanujacarya II alias Vadi-Harpsa-Navamvuda.

Ramanujacarya II, the son of Padmanabharya, belonged to
the Atri lineage. He was the maternal uncle of Venkatanatha, the
famous writer of the Ramanuja school. He wrote the Nyiiya-kulisa
which has often been referred to in Venkata's Sarva1·tha-siddhi.
He also wrote another work called Mok~a-siddhi. Some of his in-
terpretations of Ramanuja's ideas have already been referred to in
dealing with the Ramanuja theor1 of knowledge as explained by
V eilkata. Other contributions by him are mentioned in brief
~Negation. Negation as a separate category is denied by Rama-
nujacarya II. He thinks that negation of an entity means only an-
other entity different from it. The negation of a jug thus means the
1 In his Tattva-n£n;aya he tries t~ prove that all the important Sruti texts

prove that NarayaQa is the highest God. He refers in this work to his Puru~a­
nir~aya where, he says, he has discussed the subject in more detail.
xx] Ramanujacarya II alias Viidi-Hartzsa-Navamvuda 353
existence of some other entity different from it. The real notion of
negation is thus only" difference." A negation is described as that
which is antagonistic to a positive entity and there is thus no way in
which a negation can be conceived by itself without reference to a
positive entity. But a positive entity never stands in need of its
specification through a reference to negation 1 • It is also well known
that the negation of a negation is nothing else than the existence of
positive entity. The existence of negation cannot be known either
by perception, inference, or by implication. Veti.kata, in further ex-
plaining this idea, says that the idea of absence in negation is de-
rived from the association of the object of negation with a different
kind of temporal or spatial character 2 • Thus, when it is said that
there is no jug here, it merely means that the jug exists in another
place. It is argued that negation cannot be regarded as the existence
of positive entity, and it may be asked if negation cannot be
regarded as negation, how can negation of negation be regarded
as the existence of positive entity. Just as those who admit negation
regard negation and existence of positive entity as mutually denying
each other, so the Ramanujas also regard the existence of positive
entities and negations as denying each other in their different
spatial and temporal characters. Thus it is not necessary to admit
negation as a separate category. When an existing entity is said to
be destroyed, what happens is that there is a change of state.
Negation-precedent-to-production (priiga-bhiiva) and the negation
of destruction do not mean anything more than two positive states
succeeding each other, and there may be an infinite series of such
states. If this view is not admitted, and if the negation of destruc-
tion (pradhva1Jlsii-bhiiva) and the negation-precedent-to-production
(priig-abhiiva) be regarded as separate categories of negation, then
the destruction of negation-precedent-to-production and negation-
precedent-to-production of destruction will depend upon an in-
finite series of negations which would lead to a vicious infinite. It is
the succession of a new state that is regarded as the destruction of
the old state, the former being a different state from the latter. It is
sometimes held that negation is mere vacuity and has no reference to
the existence of positive entity. If that were so, then on the one hand
1 athii'bhiivasya tad-rupa,. yad-bhiiva-pratipak~atii nai'vam adyii'py asau

yasmiid bhiiv.:o-ttlr1J£na siidhitafz. Nyiiya-kuliia. MS.

2 tat-tat-pratiyogi-bhiiv.:a-sphuratJ.a-sahakrto deia-kiilii-di-bheda eva svabhiiviit

nafi-prayogam api sahate. Sarviirtha-siddhi, p. 714.

DIll 23
354 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
negation would be causeless and on the other it could not be the
cause of anything; and so negations would thus be both beginning-
less and eternal. In that case the whole world would be within the
grasp of negation and everything in the world would be non-existing.
Thus it is unnecessary to admit negation as a separate category. The
difference of one positive entity from another is regarded as negation.
Another problem that arises in this connection is that i'r nega-
tion is not admitted as a separate category how can negative causes
be admitted. It is well known that when certain collocations of
causes_ can produce an effect they can do so only when there are no
negative causes to counteract their productive capacity. This
capacity (Sakti) is admitted in the Ramanuja school as the colloca-
tion of accessories which helps a cause to produce the effect
(kiira'l}asya kiiryo-payogi sahakari-kaliipal:z saktir ity ucyate)l. To
this Ramanujacarya's reply is that the absence of counteracting
agents is not regarded as a separate cause, but the presence of the
counteracting agents along with the other accessory collocations is
regarded as making those accessory collocations unfit for producing
the effect. Thus there are two sets of collocations where the effect
is or is not produced, and it is the difference of two collocations that
accounts for the production of the effect in one case and its non-
production in another; but this does not imply that absence or
negation of the obstructive factors should be regarded as con-
tributing to the causation. In one case there was the capacity for
production and in another case there was no such capacity 2 •
Capacity (Sakti) is not regarded by Ramanujacarya as a separate
non-sensible (atindriya) entity, but as an abstract specification of
that which produces any effect (Sakti-gata-jiity-anabhyupagame tad-
abhii·viit saktasya'iva jati~t kiirya-niyamikii na tu sakti-jatir iti) 3 •
Jiiti (uni~·ersal). Ramanujacarya does not admit any jati or ur.i-
versal in the sense of any abstract generality of individuals. Accord-
1 Sar-l'iirtha-siddhi, p. 685.
2 siddha-'l·astu-'l·irodhi Rhiitakal_z siidhya-'l:astu-'l:irodhi pratibandhakal_z, kat-
ha7Jz yadi kiirye tad-'l:iruddhat'i:am iti cen na; ittha1Jl kiirya1Jl kiira~w-pau~kalye
bhm·ati, tGll~apau~kalye na bhm·ati, apau~kalya1Jl ca k'L·acit kiira~ziiniim anyatama-
'l•aikal)'("it k'l·adt sakti-'l·aikalyiit iti bhidyate, yadyapi saktir na kiira~a1Jl tathii'pi
sak tasyai''l'Q kiira~at'l:iit 'l"iie~a~u"i-bhii'l·e' pi y_·isi~! ii-bhiiva-nyiiyena kiira~ii-bhii'l'ab.
tad-ubhaya-kiirwzena priig-abhii'l'a-sthitz-kara~iit kiirya-'l·irodhl'ti pratibandhako
bhavati; tatra yathii kiirm:za-'Laikalya-dnta-rilpe~za kun·ato'bhiival_z kara~za1Jl na
syiit; tathii sakti-'l·ighnitab )'0 hi niima pratibandhakal_z kiira~a1Jl kiiicid 'L'iniisya
kiirya1Jl pratibadhniiti na tasyii'bhii'L·al_z kiira~am iti siddham. Nyiiya-kulisa. 1\IS.
1 Ibid.
xx] Ramdnujdcdrya I I alias V adi-Ha'f!lsa-Navdmvuda 355
ing to him any unified assemblage of parts similar to such other
assemblages of parts (susadrsa-sa1{lsthiina) is called a universaP.
Venkata, a follower of Ramanujacarya, defines jiiti as mere
similarity (sausiidrsya). Criticizing the Naiyayika theory of jiiti he
says that if that which manifests universals is itself manifested
through universals, then these universals should have to be mani-
fested by others which have to be manifested by further universals
and this would lead to a vicious infinite. If to avoid such a vicious
infinite it is held that the second grade parts that manifest a jiiti
(universal) do not require a further jiiti for their manifestation, then
it is better to say that it is the similar individuals that represent the
notion of jiiti and that it is not necessary to admit any separate
category as jiiti. It is clear that the notion of universals proceeds
from qualities or characters in which certain individuals agree, and
if that is so it should be enough to explain the notion of universals.
It is these characters, the similarity of which with the similar cha-
racters of other individuals is remembered, that produce the
notion of universals 2 • When some parts or qualities are perceived
in some things they of themselves naturally remind us of other
similar parts in other things and it is this fact, that the two mutually
stand, one beside the other, in the mind, which is called similarity 3 •
It is inexplicable why certain qualities or characters remind us of
others and it can only be said that they do so naturally; and it is this
fact that they stand beside each other in the mind which constitutes
their similarity as well as their universal. There is no other separate
category which may either be called similarity (siidrsya) or uni-
versal. There is not, however, much difference between Rama-
nujacarya's definition of universals and Venkata's definition of it,
for though the former defines it as any assemblages that are similar
and the latter as similarity, yet the very conception of similarity of
Veilkata involves within it the assemblage of parts as its con-
stituent; for the notion of similarity according to Veilkata is not
1 Nyiiya-kulisa. MS.
2 kecid dhl-samsthiina-bhediih kvacana khalu mithas siidrsyarupii bhiinti yair
bhavadlyam siimii~yam abhi1'yafyate ta eva sausiidrsya-vyavahiira-vi~aya-bhutii/:z
siimiinya-vyavahiiraT!J nirvahantu; tasmiit te~ii'!l sarve~iim anyonya-siipek~ai-ka­
smrti-vi~ayatayii tat-tad-ekiivamarsas tat-tajjiitlyatvii-vamarsal:z. Sarviirtha-siddhi,
p. 704. h ' . • d'L"
3 yady apy ekaikastha1Jl siisnii-di-dharma-svarupa1Jl tat ii Pl tan-mrupa ,,_
niyatail:z svabhiivato niyatail:z tais tais siisnii-dibhir anya-ni~tl:zais sa-pratidvalld-
vika'!l syiit; idam eva anvonya-sa-pratidvandvika-rupa1Jl siitf.rsya-sabda-viicyam
abhidhlyate. Ibid.
356 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [CH
anything abstract, but it means the concrete assemblages of parts
that stand beside one another in memory. Yerika~a, however,
points out that the notion of" universal" does not necessarily mean
that it can be with regard to assemblages of parts only, for in case
of those partless entities, such as qualities, there cannot be any
assemblage of parts, yet the notion of universals is still quite ap-
piicable. It is for this reason that Yenka~a makes "similarity" only
as the condition of "universals" and does not include assemblages
of parts (sa'f!lslhiina) as is done by Ramanujacarya.
Svatal:z-priimii1}ya (self-validity). It is sometimes argued that
as in all things so in the determination of validity and invalidity the
application of the methods of agreement and difference is to he
regarded as the decisive test. The presence of qualities that con-
tribute to validity and the absence of defects that make any per-
ception invalid is to be regarded as deciding the validity or in-
validity of any perception. To this Ramanujacarya says that the
ascertainment of qualities that contribute to validity cannot be
determined without an assurance that there are no defects, and the
absence of defects cannot also be known without the knowledge of
the presence of qualities that contribute towards validity; and so,
since they mutually depend upon each other, their independent de-
termination is impossible. Thus the suggestion is that there is
neither the determination of validity nor invalidity, but there is
doubt. To this the reply is that unless something is known there
cannot be any doubt. So there is a middle stage before the de-
termination of validity or invalidity. Before it is known that the
knowledge corresponds with the object or does not do so, there
must be the manifestation of the object (artha-prakiisa) which, so
far as it itself is concerned, is self-valid and does not depend for its
validity upon the application of any other method; for it is the basis of
all future determinations of its nature as true or false. So this part of
knowledge-the basic part-the manifestation of objects-is self-
valid. It is wrong to say that this knowledge is in itself characterless
(ni~zsvabhava), for it is of the nature of the manifestation of an ob-
jective entity like the determination of tree-ness before its specific
nature as a mango or a pine tree 1 . The knowledge of the contri-
1 yatlzii-rtha-paricchedab priimii1:zymn ayathii-rtha-paricchedab apriimii~l)'ll1Jl
katha1Jl tad-ubhaya-parit_\'l~f[e artha-pariccheda-siddhib iti cnz na, aparityiijyatvii-
bhyupagamiit. tayob siidhiira~wm e?:a hy artlw-paricchedmtt brii111ll~l sittdapii-
paliisii-di~u i'L·a ?·rk~at'mm. Nyiiya-kulisa. I\IS.
xx] Riimiinujiiciirya II alias Viidi-Ha1{lsa-Naviimvuda 357
butory qualities is not the cause of validity, but when validtty is
determined they may be regarded as having contributed to the
validity. The self-validity is of the knowledge (jiiiina) and not of its
correspondence (tathiitva). If the correspondence were also di-
rectly revealed, then there can never be any doubt regarding such
correspondence. When the followers of Kumarila say that know-
ledge is self-valid, they cannot mean that knowledge itself imparts
the fact that there has been a true t:orrespondence, for they do not
admit that knowledge is self-revealing. They have therefore ad-
mitted that there are some other means by which the notion of such
validity is imparted. The validity of those will again have to depend
upon the validity of other imparting agents, and there will thus be
a vicious infinite. For the determination of validity one is bound to
depend on the ascertainment by corroboration and causal efficiency.
If validity thus depends upon the ascertainment of contributory
qualities, then there is no self-validity. The Vedas also cannot be
self-valid in this view. If there are no defects in them because they
have not proceeded from any erring mortals, then they have no
contributory qualities also because they have not proceeded (ac-
cording to the 1\llimarpsa view) from any trustworthy person. So
there may legitimately be a doubt regarding their validity. The truth
of any correspondence depends upon something other than the
knowledge itself, e.g. the falsehood of any mis-correspondence. If
it depended merely on the cause of the knowledge, then even a false
knowledge would be right. For establishing the validity of the
Vedas, therefore, it has to be admitted that they have been uttered
by an absolutely trustworthy person. Knowledge does not mani-
fest merely objectivity but a particular thing or entity and it is valid
so far as that particular thing has been manifested in knowledge 1 •
The validity of knowledge thus refers to the thing in its general
character as the manifestation of a particular thing and not re-
garding its specific details in character 2 • Such a validity, however,
refers only to the form of the knowledge itself and not to objective
corroboration 3 • Whatever may be doubtful in it is to be ascertained
by contributory qualities, corroboration and the like, and when the
1 yad dhijiiiine vidyate tad eva tasya lak~a~am ucita7!1 vastu-prakiisatvam eva

jiiiine vidyate na tu 't#aya-prakiisatvm.n yato vijiiiine samutpanne vi~ayo' yam iti

nii' bhiiti kintu ghato' yam iti. Nyiiya-kulisa. MS.
2 jiiiiniintl1Jl siimiinya-rupant eva priimii~ymrz na vaise#ka1!1 rupam. Ibid.
3 tasmiid bodhii'tmakatvena priiptii buddheb pramiif}atii. Ibid.
358 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
chances of error are eliminated by other sources the original validity
stands uncontradicted.
Saprakiisatva (self-luminosity). Ramanujacarya first states the
Naiyayika objection against self-luminosity. The Naiyayikas are
supposed to argue that things are existent but they become know-
able only under certain conditions and this shows that existence
(sattii) is different from cognition or its self-illumination (prakiisa).
Arguing from the same position it may be said that knowledge as an
existent entity is different from its illumination as such 1 . If know-
ledge itself were self-revealing, then it would not depend upon any
conditioning of it by its contiguity or relationing with objects and
as such any individual cognition would mean universal cognition.
If, on the other hand, knowledge requires a further conditioning
through its relationing with objects, then knowledge would not be
self-revealing. Further, knowledge being partless, there cannot be
any such conception that one part of it reveals the other. In the case
of partless entities it is not possible to conceive that knowledge
should be self-revealing, for it cannot be both an agent and an ob-
ject at the same time. Again, if knowledge were self-revealing, then
the difference between consciousness and its re-perception through
introspection cannot be accounted for. Further, it must be remem-
bered that the difference between one cognition and another depends
upon the difference of its objective content. Apart from this there is no
difference between one cognition and another. If the objective con-
tent was not a constituent of knowledge, then there would be no
difference between the illumination of knowledge as such and the
illumination of an object. If knowledge were by itself self-illuminat-
ing, then there would be no place for objects outside it and this would
bring us to absolute idealism. So the solution may be either on the
Mlmarp.sa lines that knowledge produces such a character in the
objective entity that by that cognized character of objects cognition
may be inferred, or it may be on Nyiiyii lines that knowledge mani-
fests the obj~cts. Thus it has to be admitted that there must be some
kind of cognitive relation between the object and its knowledge, and
it would be the specific nature of these relations that would de-
termine the cognitive character in each case. Now it may again be
asked whether this cognitive relation is only object-pointing or
1 san·asya hi svatafl S'l'a-gocara-jiiiinii-dhinafl prakiisab sa1!lvidiim api tathai'va

abflyupag.mtum ucitafl. Nyiiya-kulisa. MS.

xx] Ramanujacarya II alias Vadi-Hal{lsa-Navamvuda 359
whether it is object-knowledge-pointing. In the former case the
object alone would be manifested and in the latter case knowledge
would be its own object, which is again absurd. If knowledge
manifested the object without any specific relation, then any know-
ledge might manifest any object or all objects. Knowledge implies
a cognitive operation and if such an operation is not admitted
knowledge cannot be rnanifested, for the very objectivity of know-
ledge implies such an operation. Hence the conclusion is that as
knowledge manifests other objects so it is also manifested by a
further cognition of re-perception. When one says" I perceive it,"
it is not a case of mere knowledge-manifestation but a re-perception
of having perceived that particular object. So knowledge is mani-
fested by a further re-perception and not by itself. To this Rama-
nujacarya raises an objection: it may be asked whether this re-
perception of knowledge takes place in spite of the absence of any
desire to re-perceive on the part of the knower or as the result of
any such desire. In the former case, since the re-perception takes
place automatically, there will be an infinite series of such automatic
re-perceptions. In the latter case, i.e. when the re-perception takes
place in consequence of a desire to do so, then such a desire must
be produced out of previous knowledge and that would again pre-
suppose another desire, and that another knowledge, and there
would thus be a vicious infinite. To this the Naiyayika reply is that
the general re-perception takes place without any desire, but the
specific re-perception occurs as a result of a desire to that effect.
This ordinary re-perception of a general nature follows as a natural
course, for all mundane people have always some knowledge or
other throughout the course of their experience. It is only when
there is a desire to know some specific details that there is a specific
mental intuition (miinasa-pratya/qa) to that effect.
To this Ramanujacarya's reply is that in the case of an ordinary
existent thing there is a difference between its existence as such and
its manifestation of knowledge, for it always depends upon specific
relations between itself and knowledge; but in the case of a self-
luminous entity where no such relations are needed there is no
difference between its existence and its manifestation. The fire
illuminates other objects but it does not need any other assistance to
manifest itself. It is this that is meant by self-luminosity. Just as
no entity depends upon any other entity of its own class for its
36o Philosophy of the Ramdnuja School of Thought [cH.
manifestation, so knowledge also does not need assistance from
knowledge for its manifestation. The relations that are needed for
the manifestation of other objects are not needed for the manifesta-
tion of knowledge itselfl. Knowledge thus being self-luminous
helps our behaviour directly but does not depend upon anything
else for lending such assistance. It is against all experience that
knowledge for its manifestation requires some other knowledge,
and if it has no support in our experience there is no justification
for making such an extraordinary theory that any knowledge for its
manifestation should require the operation of another knowledge.
That only can be called an object of knowledge which though
existent remains unmanifested. But it cannot be said that there
was knowledge which was not known, for a cognition would not
last like other objective entities awaiting the time when it might be
manifested. In the case of a past knowledge which is merely in-
ferred now, there is no notion of that knowledge, so one can always
draw a distinction between the known and the unknown. If only
the object were illuminated and not the knowledge of it, no one
would fail for a moment to perceive that. If knowledge were merely
inferred from its effect, everyone would have so experienced it, but
no one has a moment's hesitation in discriminating between what
is known and unknown. It is again wrong to say that knowledge
arises only after inquiry, for in the present knowledge whatever is
sought to be known is known directly, and in the past knowledge
also there is no such inference that there was knowledge because
it is remembered, but the past knowledge directly appears as
memory; for if that is called an inference, then even re-perception
may be regarded as an inference from memory.
Again, a thing that exists without being an object of knowledge
at the same time is liable to erroneous manifestation on account of
the presence of defects in the collocation conditioning the know-
ledge, but knowledge itself is never liable to error, and conse-
quently it has no existence apart from being known. Just as there
cannot be any doubt whether a pleasure or a pain is experienced,
so there cannot be any doubt about knowledge, and this shows that
whenever there is knowledge it is self-manifested. \Vhen one knows
an object one is also sure about one's knowledge of it. Again, it is
1 jiiiinam ananyii-dhlna-prakiiiam artha-prakiisakatviit dlpa·vat. Nyiiya-
kuliia. MS.
xx] Ramanujadasa alias M ahacarya
wrong to suppose that if knowledge is self-manifested then there
would be no difference between itself and its objective content, for
the difference is obvious; knowledge in itself is formless, while the
object supplies the content. Two entities which appear in the same
manifestation, such as quality and substance, things and their
number, are not on that account identical. It cannot also be said
that knowledge and its object are identical because they are simul-
taneously manifested, for the very fact that they are simultaneously
manifested shows that they are two different things. Knowledge
and the object shine forth in the same manifestation and it
is impossible to determine which of them shines before or
The self also is to be regarded as being of the nature of know-
ledge from the testimony of the scriptures. Self being of the nature
of knowledge is also self-luminous, and it is not therefore
to be supposed that it is cognized by mental intuition (miinasa-

Ramanujadasa alias Mahacarya.

Ramanujadasa, called also Mahacarya, was the pupil of
Badhiila Srinivasacarya. He is not, however, to be confused with
Ramanujacarya II, the son of Padmanabharya and the maternal
uncle of Vedanta-desika-who was also known as Vadi-harpsa-
navambuda. He wrote at least three books: Sad-vidyii-vijaya,
Advaita-vijaya, and Parikara-vijaya.
In his Sad-vidyii-·vijaya, in refuting the Sailkarite doctrine that
the existence of positive nescience ( bhiiva-rupii-jiiiina) can be known
by the different pramii1Jas of perception, inference and implication,
he says that intuitive experience of ignorance, such as "I am ig-
norant," cannot be regarded as an experience of nescience as such
in its entirety (krtsnii-jiiiina-pratitis tiivad asiddhii), for it can never
refer to all objects as negativing all knowledge. A perceptual
mental state of the antal;kara1Ja is not admitted by the Sailkarites to
refer to entities past and gone. Even when a man intuits that he is
ignorant, there is at that stage an illumination of his own ego and
the fact of his being ignorant, and it cannot be said that in such an
experience the nescience in its entirety has been illuminated, for
the ego is also illuminated at the time. If nescience in its entirety
362 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
is not illuminated, then the nescience is only illuminated with re-
ference to particular objects, and if that is so the assumption of a
positive nescience is useless. Again, if nescience or want of know-
ledge refers to a particular object, then there is a knowledge of that
object implied in it; and therefore nescience as such is not ex-
perienced and a supposition of a positive nescience is no better than
the ordinarily accepted view that in such cases there is only a nega-
tion of the knowledge of an object except in deep dreamless sleep.
In all other stages all experiences of ignorance refer to the negation
of knowledge of particular objects. All cases of ignorance mean that
their objects are known only in a general manner, but not in their
specific details. Again, it cannot be said that nescience is regarded
as positive merely to denote that it is of the nature of a stuff that is
opposed to knowledge in general(jiiana-samanya-virodhi); for in such
experiences as "I am ignorant" there is the knowledge of the sub-
ject to which the ignorance belongs and also some general content
regarding which there is the ignorance. Further, since the ne-
science has the pure consciousness as its support and since the
mind (antal}karm:za) is not regarded as its support, how can the ex-
perience "I am ignorant" be said to refer to the experience of this
stuff? If it be held that since the mind is an illusory construction
on the pure consciousness which is the support of the nescience
(ajiiana), the latter may appear as a mental function, for both the ego
and the nescience, being illusory impositions on the pure conscious-
ness, may shine forth from the same identical basis of conscious-
ness. The reply is that such an explanation is obviously wrong, for
if both the ego-consciousness and the ajiiana shone forth from the
same basic consciousness, the latter could not appear as the pre-
dicate of the former. If the one pure consciousness manifests both
the ego and the ajfiana, they would not appear as different and
arranged in a definite subject-predicate order. Again, if it is held
that the ajiiana shines only as a predicative to the ego because they
are based on pure consciousness, then how can such an ajiiana refer
to the objective things (which are independent impositions on pure
consciousness) in such experiences as "I do not know a jug?" If it
is said that since there is the one identical consciousness on which
the objective entities, the ajiiana and the ego-entity, are all imposed,
and the ajiiana is always in relation with the objective entities, then
it may be said that even when a jug is known, the ajiiana, being in
xx] Ramiinujadiisa alias Mahiiciirya
relation with other entities (such as cloth) and through them with
the pure consciousness underlying them, is also in relation with the
pure consciousness on which the jug is a construction. As such it
would also be in relation with the jug, with the result that there
would be the experience that the jug is not known. It may be
argued that the very fact of the positive perception of the jug may
be an obstacle to the association of ajiiiina with it. To this the reply
is that just as when one says "I do not know this tree" there is
knowledge regarding the "this" and ignorance regarding the nature
of the tree, so here also there may be a partial knowledge and ig-
norance in different aspects of the same jug. In cases of doubt one
has to admit knowledge and ignorance subsisting in the same
entity, and this is true in all cases of inquiry where a thing may be
known in a general way and yet remain unknown so far as its
specific details are concerned.
Again, it is wrongly contended by the Sankarites that during
deep dreamless sleep there is a direct intuition of ajiiiina; for if
ajiiiina were then known in its own nature as such, a man could not
wake up and remember that he knew nothing. He should then
have remembered that he had a direct intuition of ajiiiina. If during
deep dreamless sleep the pure consciousness illuminated ajiiiina, it
must have also illuminated all known and unknown things in the
world, which is absurd, for then these would have been remembered
during the waking period. It cannot be said that during deep
dreamless sleep only ajiiiina is manifested and nothing else, for
according to the testimony of waking consciousness time is also
perceived during dreamless sleep which accounts for the memory of
the waking stage" so long I did not know anything." Further, if it
is held that whatever is illuminated by pure siikp-consciousness
(i.e. without passing through the vrtti stage) then the ajiiiina also
would not be remembered. If it is held that the objects of ajiiiina
only are not illuminated by the siik#-consciousness but only the
ajiiiina, then that could not account for the memory in the waking
stage "I did not know anything," where "anything" definitely re-
fers to some object of ajiiiina. Moreover, if the above supposition
were correct, then the pure bliss could not be illm.oinated during
dreamless sleep and remembered later in the waking stage. If in
reply to this it were contended that certain specific characters were
remembered during the waking period in addition to the ajiiiina
364 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
because they were represented through the modes of avidyii, the
reply is that instead of assuming that there were specific modes of
a'vidyii one might as well admit them to be due to mental modes or
states) and the experience of ajiiiina might well be accounted for as
being the experience of absence of knowledge. Since absence of
knowledge is acceptable to all, there is no justification for admitting
a new entity such as a positive ajiiiina.
Again, in the case of loss of memory of a perceived object, a
person might say that he did not know the object, but that does not
prove that '\vhile he knew the object he had an intuition of the
ajiiiina of that object. After an illusory perception of conch-shell-
silver one says "I did not know si]ver so long,; and how is this to
be explained? l\Ioreover, when one sees an object at the present
moment, one may say "I did not know this object so long." How
is this to be explained? The obvious reply is that in all such cases
we infer only that there was an absence of knowledge of those
entities. In the instance under discussion also we may hold the
same view and say that we infer that during dreamless sleep we had
no l~nowledge. But we cannot say that we then intuited directly a
positive ajiiiina. The Sankarites say that the existence of ajiliina as
a positive stuff can be proved by inference also, for according to
them just as light manifests things by removing the positive stuff
of darkness, so knowledge also manifests things by removing the
ajiiiina stuff that was hiding them. In refuting this, :\Iahacarya
enters into a long discourse of formal and scholastic criticism of the
Sankarite mode of syllogism which cannot appropriately be treated
here. The main point that is worthy of our notice here and which
has a philosophical significance is the view of the Ramanuja school
that the illumination of things by knowledge does not presuppose
that some positive stuff of ajiiiina must have been removed. The
Sankarites object that unless ajiiiina is admitted as a separate stuff,
hiding the pure bliss of the self, it is difficult to explain emancipa-
tion. To this l\Iahacarya's reply is that emancipation can well be
explained as cessation of bondage. People are as anxious to gain
positive pleasure as to remove negative pain. It is wrong to suppose
that unless the bondage were false it could not be removed, for it is
welJ known that the effects of poison can be removed by the medita-
tion of the mythical bird Garm;la. So worldly bondage can also be
removed by the meditation of God, though it be real. l\Ieditation
x..x] Ramdnujadasa alias Mahdcarya
as knowledge can remove not only ignorance but also the real fact
of bondage. Emancipation may thus be regarded as the eternal
manifestation of bliss and it is not indispensably necessary that all
manifestation of bliss or happiness must be associated with a body
like other ordinary bodily pleasure 1 .
The Sankarites say that since the unchangeable self cannot be
the material cause of the world phenomena nor anything else, it
comes by implication that there must be an ajiiiina stuff which is
the material cause of the world, for it is only such a material cause
that can explain the ajiiiina characteristics of the world-phenomena.
Brahman has often been designated as the material cause of the
world, and this is true only so far as it is the basic cause ( adhi~thiina­
kiira1_Za), the pure being that underlies all phenomena. The ajiiiina
is the changing material cause (pari1_liimi-kiira1_Za ), and as such the
world participates in the nature of ajiiiina in its characters.
To this Mahacarya's reply is that even though the world-
creation may be supposed to be false, that does not necessarily im-
ply the assumption of a positive ajiiiina. Thus the illusory silver is
produced without any cause, or the self may be regarded as the
material cause of the world-creation, which though partless may
appear as the world through error. It cannot be said that a false
effect must have a false entity as its cause, for no such generaliza-
tion can be made. The presence of the common characteristic of
falsehood cannot determine the supposition that a false entity must
necessarily be the cause of a false effect, for there must be other
common characteristics in other respects too and there is certainly
no absolute similarity of characteristics between the cause and the
effect2 • l\Ioreover, an effect does not necessarily possess the same
identity of existence as its changing material cause; it is therefore
not impossible for the Brahman to be the material cause of the world,
though its purity may not be found in the world. If the Brahman
is regarded as the pari1}iimi-kiira1_Za of the world, it cannot of course
have the same identical existence as the world, but if an entity can
show itself in another form we may call it a pari1}iimi-kiira1_Za, and
it is not necessary for it to have the same existence as that effect.
Thus, destruction and the cessation of avidyii are both regarded as
Sad-·t:idyii-vijaya, pp. 39-75 (1\lSS.).
nanu upiidiino-piideyayob sii/ak~a~ya-myama-darsaniid e·va tat-siddhir iti cet

sarvathii siilak~m;yasya mrd-ghatayob apy adarsaniit yat kiiicit siirupyasya sukti-

rajatii-diiv api padiirthatvii-dinii satviit. Ibid. p. 77·
366 Philosophy of the Ramtinuja School of Thought [cH.
effects and yet they have not the same existence as their causes 1 •
It cannot therefore be argued that if Brahman be regarded as the
pan.7Jiimi-kiira7Ja of the world, the world would thereby be as real
as Brahman. Again, the non-appearance of the Brahma-character
of the world may well be explained as being due to the influence of
karma. Even for explaining the non-appearance of the Brahma-
character of the world the assumption of an ajiiiina is not necessary.
It is also not necessary to define emancipation as the cessation of
ajiiiina, for that stage, being itself a state of bliss, can thereby be
regarded as an object of our efforts, and the supposition of avidyii
and its cessation is wholly groundless.
l\'lahadirya also made a vigorous effort to show by textual con-
tents that the existence of a·vidyii as a positive ignorance is not
admitted in the Vedic scriptures.
In the second chapter l\lahacarya attempts to show that there
is no necessity to admit an ajiiiina as an independent hiding stutf.
The Sankarites argue that though the self is experienced in the
notion of our ego, yet the self is not expressed in our ego-experience
as identical with Brahman as the fullness of bliss, and for this it is
necessary to admit that there is an ajiiiina stuti which hides the pure
character of Brahman. To this :\lahacarya's reply is that since
ajiiiina is regarded as beginningless its hiding capacity will also be
eternal and no emancipation is possible; and if Brahman could be
hidden, it will cease to have its own nature as self-luminous and
will be ignorant. ~Ioreover, the experience is of the form ''I am
ignorant" and as such the ajiiiina seems to have reference only to
the ego. If it is held that the existence of the veil is admitted onl)'
to explain the limited appearance of Brahman through mind
(anta~zkara7Ja), then it may well be pointed out that the limited ap-
pearance of Brahman as ego may well be explained through the
limitation of the anta}_zkara7Ja through which it manifests itself, and
for that it is not necessary to admit a separate veil of ajiiiina.
Again it may he asked whether the veiling is identical with
ajiiiina or different from it. In the former case it would ever remain

yad ukta'!1 bralzma~wb pari1;.iimitayii upiidiinatve pari')iimasya pari1J,iimi-
samiina-salttikat?:a-niyamena kiiryasyii'pi satyat'l:a-prasmiga iti. tatra ki'!l pari-
r.Jiima-iabdena kiirya-miilra'!1 'l'i'l.·ak#tam, uta rupii-ntarii-pattil;; dh·va'!15asya
avidyii-ni'l.·rtteica .tJarir.Jiimi-samiina-sattiikat'L·ii-bhii?:iit na hi tad-rupe7Ja pari1J,iimi
kiiicid asti. na dvitlya'!1 rupii-ntarii-patte~z parir.Jiimi-miitra-siipek~at'l.·iit gaurave')a
n·a-samiina-sat t iika-pari1J,iimy-apek~ii-blzii'L·iit. Sad -t·idyii-viJaya, p. 77.
xx] Ramanujadasa alias Mahacarya
unmanifested, and the manifestation of the world-appearance
would be impossible. If the veiling is something different from
ajiiiina, then since that something is not in any way related with
pure consciousness its operation would not explain the world-
illusion. If this veiling is supposed to render the ajiiiina in-
definable, then it may be asked if this veiling is something different
from ajiiiina or identical with it; in the latter case it would not de-
pend on it and in the former case it is meaningless to regard ajiiiina
as antagonistic to :erahman. Thus, since the limitations through
which the Brahman manifests itself are sufficient to explain the
limited appearance of Brahman as world-objects, it is unnecessary
to admit a separate aj1iiina.
Again, if ajiiiina can veil the pure siilqi-consciousness, then the
whole world would be blind and there would be no knowledge at
all. If the sa/qi-consciousness cannot be veiled, then the Brahman
also cannot be veiled. Further, if Brahman is always self-luminous,
then it can never be hidden by ajiiiina. If it is said that the self-
luminosity of Brahman means that it cannot be the object of cog-
nition (a-vedyatva) or of immediacy (aparok~a), then it is un-
necessary to indulge in the conception of veiling, for the non-
cognizabilityis neitherofthetwo. Again, the Sailkarites hold that the
ajiiiina hides the bliss part of Brahman but not the part of its con-
sciousness. This is obviously impossible, for they hold that bliss
and pure consciousness are identical; and if that were so, how can
the bliss part be covered without covering also the part of con-
sciousness, and how can one identical partless being, the Brahman,
be divided into two parts of which one is covered while the other is
not? Again, if the self is admitted to be of the nature of pure bliss,
and if our love of pleasure is explained as being due to the illusory
construction of the ego on this self, then since all things of the
world are but illusory impositions on the self, all things in the world
would be dear to us and even pain would be pleasurable.
In the third chapter Mahacarya refutes the Sailkarite theory of
the support of ajiiiina. It is held by some exponents of the Sailkara
school that the ajiiiina-constituents of the objects are supported in
the pure consciousness underlying these objects. Though there are
the modifications of these ajiiiina entities, yet they may have rela-
tion with our ego-consciousness, for both the ego and the objects
are but the states of a ground-ajiiiina. To this Mahacarya says that
368 Philosophy of the Riinuinuja School of Thought [cH.

if all objects of the world have separate and different ajiiiina

materials as their causes, then it is wrong to suppose that the illusory
silver is produced by the ajiliina of the conch-shell. It would he
much better to say that the ajiiiina of the subject (pramiitii) as it
comes out with the anta~zkara!za has produced the illusory silver.
Again, if the ajiiiina of the conch-shell is regarded as beginningless,
it is meaningless to regard it as being a modification of a ground-
ajiiiina, and if it is not regarded as a mode its perception cannot he
There are again others who hold that the ajiiiina constituting an
external object in some sense subsists in the subject as well and
thus there may be a connection between the subject and the object.
To this ~Iahacarya says that such a view is impossible, for the con-
sciousness underlying the ohjectisdiffercntfrom that underlying the
subject; and if it is held that pure consciousness is ultimately one,
then all objects ought to be illuminated just as much as any par-
ticular object is illuminated at the time of any particular cognition.
Again, if the consciousness underlying the objects and the subject
is without any distinction, why should a man know himself to he
ignorant when he says "I am ignorant"? There is no reason why
this feeling of ignorance should he felt in the subject and not in the
object when the consciousness underlying them are one and the
same. 1\Ioreover, in that case where one person knows an object,
there would be a knowledge of that object with all persons.
There arc again others who say that the aj1Iiina constituent of
the conch-shell has the consciousness underlying the ego-ex-
perience as its support and the consciousness underlying the conch-
shell as its object. To this \Iahacarya says that the ajiiiina supported
by the consciousness underlying the ego-experience cannot undergo
transformation, and, if this is so, it cannot explain the diverse objects.
There are others again who think that when a man says that he
does not know the conch-shell his ignorance refers to the root-
ajiiiina; for though the ajiiiina refers to the pure consciousness, that
being iden~ical with the pure consciousness underlying the conch-
shell, the ajiiiina also refers to the conch-shell and may he so ap-
prehended. One has also to admit that the illusory silver is also
made up of the stuff of aj1Iiina, for since the illusory silver appears
in perception, it must ha\·e some stuff as its material cause.
To this :!\Iahacarya's reply is that if the apperception of self-
xx] Riimiinujadiisa alias M ahiiciirya
ignorance has a reference to the root-ajiiiina, there is no justification
for admitting separate ajiiiinas constituting the stuff of the objects.
It cannot be suggested that the existence of such ajfiiina may be
proved by the fact that each perception implies the cessation of a
particular ajiiiina, for the disappearance of such an ajfiiina is only a
matter of inference, and it may as well be assumed that it does not
mean anything more than that a particular cognition follows only
the absence of that particular knowledge. A negation-precedent-
to-a-production is always destroyed by the production of a par-
ticular entity. \Vhen one says " I did not know the jug long, but
I know it now," the cessation of the absence of knowledge or the
ajiiiina has a direct and immediate reference to the subject, the
knower. But the removal of the ajiiiina hiding the objects is only
a matter of inference from the fact of cognition, and it can never be
immediate or intuitive. Again, if the root-ajfiiina is supposed to
veil the pure consciousness as underlying the objects, it is un-
necessary to suppose the existence of separate ajfiiinas hiding the
objects. If it is supposed that the pure consciousness underlying
the objects, being identical with Brahman, which is referred to by
the root-ajiiiina, may appear in consciousness as being limited
under the object-appearance, it may be asked how on account of the
association of the root-ajiiiina the object may appear to be unknown
even when it is known. Again, the root-ignorance implied in such
an experience as " I do not know" cannot belong to the mind
(antabkarm;a), for it is a material object and it cannot belong to the
self-shining pure consciousness. Being what it is, it cannot be
ignorant about itself.
Further, it may well be said that though the self is manifested in
self-consciousness yet it often appears as associated with the body,
and though objects may generally be known as "knowable" yet
their specific nature may not be known and it is this that often leads
to doubt; all these are inexplicable except on the assumption of
ignorance. They may all be admitted, but even then the assumption
that ajfiiina acts as a veiling agent is wholly unwarrantable. U n-
certainty (ana~·adhiirm;a) and veiling (iivara!la) are not one and the
same thing. In the appearance of water in a mirage there may be
doubt due to uncertainty, and it cannot be denied that there is a1l
the appearance of water which could not have been if the so-called
ajiiiina had veiled it. Nor can it be said that the uncertainty
Dill 24
370 Philosophy of the Ramdnuja School of Thought [CH.
is due to the veiling, for it may well be urged that since veiling
cannot manifest itself either as being or as self-luminous, it is itself
a mere consequence or result of the factor of uncertainty. If it is
urged that the factor of indefiniteness or uncertainty itself con-
stitutes the nature of veiling (ana·z:adhiirar.zat'l.-'am e1.-·a iivara7J.am),
then it may he said that the fact that the individual ego is not felt
to be identical is regarded as being due to the veiling operation; hut
that does not mean that there is any uncertainty in our experience
as the limited individual. If there were any such uncertainty, then
ego-experience would not have stood as an indubitable fact. Again,
if ajiiiina be itself of the nature of uncertainty, then there is no
meaning in ascribing a separate veiling character to it. If it is held
that ajiiiina is supported only by pure consciousness, then there
would he no reason why the individual selves should pass through
the cycles of birth and rebirth, for such ajiiiina would have no
association with the individual selves. If it is urged that the same
consciousness manifests itself through the individual self, then it
may also be urged that since the consciousness underlies both the
individuals and God, God may equally well be supposed to undergo
the cycle of birth and rebirth l.
It is sometimes said that it is the mind (antabkara1Ja) which ex-
periences pleasure and pain and it is this that constitutes bondage.
The mind itself being an illusory construction on the pure con-
sciousness, the characters of the mind are felt to belong to the con-
sciousness. To this l\lahacarya's reply is that if the bondage be-
longed to the mind, then the pure consciousness cannot be sup-
posed to suffer bondage. For if the suffering of bondage is due to the
false notion of the identification of the pure consciousness with the
mind, the bondage is not due to mind hut to that false notion. In a
similar manner l\lahacarya enters into a criticism of many alternative
interpretations that are offered by various writers of the Sankara
school in support of the existence of ajiiiina and such of its relations
as may ex plain the world creation, and finally tries to establish his view
that in whichever way the relation of ajiiiina may be conceived it is
fraught with diverse kinds of contradictions which baffie explanation.
Again, in the fourth chapter :\Iahacarya contends that the
ajfiiinasya caitanya-miitrii-irayatt.!e ji'l.'e Sa1JI.Siira-hetutii na syiit vm~yadhi­
karm;yiic caitanyasyai''l_.a jl·ce-ia-vibhiiRiil scimiiniidhikara'}ye zi·carasyii'pi sm.nsiira-
prasmigab. Sad-·vidyii-vijaya, p. 107 (1\lS.).
xx] Riimiinujadiisa alias M ahiiciirya 37 1
avidyii cannot be regarded as ultimately real (piiramiirthiki) for then
there would be no monism. It cannot be regarded as the stuff of all
that is cognized in practical experience (vyavahiiriki), for then it could
not be called the stuff of illusory experiences. It is sometimes
urged that even from false things, such as a false fear, there may be
real illness or even death, and so even from ignorance there can be
real knowledge. l\1ahacarya points out that this analogy is false, for
even in the above instances it is knowledge that produces the said
results. If avidyii is false, then all its material transformations must
also be false, for the effect is always identical with the cause. It is
urged that since the world-objects are false their knowledge must
also be false; then the Brahman, which is the knowledge which is
itself a product of avidyii, is also false.
Further, if ajiiiina be regarded as one, then with the knowledge
of conch-shell all ajiiiina should cease; for without the cessation of
ajiiiina the conch-shell could not have been known. It cannot be
said that with the knowledge of the conch-shell only the veil hiding
it has been removed and that the ajiiiina did not cease, for experience
testifies to the disappearance of ajiiiina and not that of the veil. Thus
one is forced to admit the existence of many ajiiiinas. For if it is
held that knowleqge removes only the veil, then even the last
emancipating knowledge would also remove only a particular veil
and that would not result in the destruction of the ultimate ajiiiina.
Again, ajtiiina is defined as that which is destroyed by knowledge
(jiiiina). If that is so, it is obviously wrong to define knowledge as
being itself a product of ajtiiina. The effect cannot destroy the
causal entity. Again, if at the time of emancipation of a man the
ajiiiina is supposed to be destroyed, such an ajiiiina if it is one only
would be wholly destroyed and there would be no other ajiiiina left
which could bind the other unemancipated individuals. It is sup-
posed that ajiiiina must be false, for it is destroyed by knowledge,
but at the same time it is admitted that the ajiiiina is destroyed by
the true scriptures (sruti), and when a thing is destroyed by another
real and true entity the former cannot be regarded as false.
Again, a~·idyii is sometimes defined as something the cessation
of which can be produced by knowledge (jiiiinajanya). Now Brah-
man is itself the cessation of avidyii, but it is not produced by know-
ledge. If knowledge is regarded as a means to the cessation of
knowledge (jiiiinasiidhyatviit), then it does not necessarily mean that
372 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
it has produced the cessation ( na ca sva-janyatvam eva sva-sii-
dhyatvam). If the two concepts are regarded as identical, then the
relationing of avidyii to which a·vidyii may be regarded as a means
would also have to be admitted as being produced by a·vidyii, which
is reasoning in a cirde 1 . Arguing on the same analogy, one might as
well say that the cessation of the relationing with a1-·idyii depends on
the cessation of avidyii, but in that case since the cessation of m·idyii
itself means a relationing with a1-·idyii it becomes a tautology only.
Again, in order to differentiate any ordinary erroneous view,
which is removed by right knowledge from a·z:idyii, it has been de-
fined as being beginningless yet destructible by knowledge. Now,
it may be asked, what is the nature of this knowledge which destroys
a1.-·idyii? Does it mean pure consciousness or only mental states?
If it is pure consciousness, then it cannot destroy the root-im-
pressions (sa'!lskiira); for it is only the men tal states ('l:!lti) which
can destroy the mental root-impressions, and if m:idyii is a begin-
ningless sa1J1skiira it cannot be removed by knowledge as pure con-
sciousness and thus the assumption of its being beginningless seD:es
no useful purpose. The second supposition, that knowledge which
destroys a'l-'idyii is only a mental state, cannot also be correct, for it
is held that knowledge as mental state can remove only the veil of
ajiliina but not the ajiliina itself. If it is said that the mental state
removes both the veil and the ajiiiina, then the definition of ajiiiina
as that which can be removed by knowledge becomes too wide, as
it would also signify the veil (ii1-·ara~a) which is not intended to be
covered within the definition of ajiliina. Again, if ajiiiinas are re-
garded as many, then such cognitive states can remove only the
ajiiiinas veiling the ordinary objects, and cannot therefore be ap-
plied to one undifferentiated ajiliina-whole which can be removed
only by the intuition of the partless real, for this knowledge would
not be a mental state which is always limited 2 • Here also the
ajiiiina must be supposed to be hiding the nature of Brahman, and
the cessation of the ajiliina is directly consequent upon the cessation
of the veil. So, firstly, the direct cause of the cessation of the
ajiliina is not knowledge but the removal of the veil; secondly. it is
the removal of the veil that is caused by the knowledge, and so it is
this that ought to be called ajiiiina according to the definition, for
the veil is both beginningless and destructible by knmdedge.
1 Sad-·cidyii-·vi.jaya, p. 1 16. 2
xx] Riimiinujadiisa alias Mahiiciirya 373
l\1ahacarya enters into a series of further criticisms of the definition
of avidyii which are more or less of a scholastic nature and may
therefore be omitted here.
In the fifth chapter Mahacarya disputes the possibility that the
avidyii is illuminated or manifested. If avidyii was self-manifesting,
then it would be real and spiritual like the Brahman. If the mani-
festation of Brahman were the manifestation of the manifestation
of the avidyii, then the former being eternal the manifestation of
the avidyii would also be eternal; yet avidyii is always regarded as
existing only so long as it shines, and therefore as false (mithyii-
rthasya pratibhiisa-samiina-kiilinatva-niyamiit). If the manifestation
(prakiisa) of avidyii be regarded as its non-distinguishingness
(abheda) with the manifestation of Brahman, then so long as the
manifestation of Brahman remains, the avidyii would also remain
and hence avidyii itself would be eternal. Again, if it is urged that,
when the avidyii ceases, its non-distinguishingness with the Brahma-
manifestation would also cease, and hence Brahman would be
eternal and avidyii would be destructible, a further difficulty may
be pointed out to this contention, namely, that if the avidyii be in-
distinguishable from the Brahma-manifestation, then either the
latter would be false or the former real. It would be absurd to sug-
gest in reply that, though different, they have an identical being
(bhinnatve saty abhinnas-attiikatvam). The criticisms suggested here-
in will apply to the doctrine if the illumination of avidyii be ex-
plained as the manifestation of Brahman, as limited by avidyii
(avidyii-vacchinna1Jl brahma-svariipam avidyii-prakiisal;) or as con-
ditioned by it or reflected through it.
In the next chapter ::\lahacarya tries to show the incompatibility
of the conception that avidyii may be brought to an end. He says
that pure consciousness cannot be supposed to destroy avidyii. Then
a1:idyii can never exist, for the pure consciousness is eternally ex-
isting and as such by itself destroys avidyii and no other effort is
necessary. If pure consciousness cannot destroy avidyii, it cannot
do so when reflected through a mental state (vrtti-prativimbitam ),
for it is not more than the unlimited consciousness (caitanyiid
adhika-vi~ayatvii-bhii'l'e tadvad eva nivarttakat'Dii-sambhaviit). If the
pure consciousness reflected through a 'l-'!tti cannot remove avidyii,
then it cannot do so when limited by a vrtti or conditioned by it.
The vrtti itself also cannot remove it, for it is itself material. If it
374 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.

is held that the knowledge which contradicts the illusory notion

brought about by the ajniina destroys it and not the intuition of the
reality, then if that contradiction is something identical with pure
consciousness, it is the pure consciousness which is to be supposed
as destroying the ajniina; the objections against such a Yicw have
already been dealt with. If knov.·ledge and ajniina are different, then
it is wrong to suppose that knowledge destroys ajiiiina; for knowledge
is the contradiction that is supposed to destroy m.'idyii and by
supposition a·vidyii is not knowledge. l\loreover, since that il-
lumination which destroys ajniina cannot he supposed to haYe
a further veil which is removed by it, it cannot rightly be called
knowledge; for knowledge according to the supposition of the
Sankarites operates by removing a veil. Further, this knowledge
is supposed to be opposed to all things in the world, and if that is
so how can it be said that by this knowledge only the a}Fiiina is
destroyed? Again, if it is supposed that illusion consists in
identifying everything with Brahman and knowledge is supposed to
remove this false identification, then since knowledge is supposed
to operate by removing a veil, it has to be supposed that ajiiiina was
veiling the false identification, and if that were so there could have
been no knowledge in our world-experience.
Again, the cessation of m:idyii is also incomprehensible in itself,
for it cannot be different from the nature of Brahman; if it were
there would be duality and emancipation would be impossible.
If it were one with the Brahman, then being so it would exist
always and there would be no scope for making any effort about it.
It cannot also be said that a·vidyii and Brahman mutually negate
each other; for a·vidyii has Brahman for its support and as such is
not antagonistic to it.

Prapatti Doctrine as expounded in Srivacana-bhiisana

of Lokacarya and Saumya jamatr Muni's Co~­
mentary on it.
According to the Srivacana-bhil.~al}a the mercy of God remains
always as submerged in His justice, but yet it always exists and its
apprehension by us is obstructed by certain conditions. It is not
produced by our efforts, for then God would not always be merciful
(anudbhzl.ta-dayii-dy-udbhii~·aka-puru~a-kilra-siipek~akat·ve nityo-dbhzl.-
ta-dayii-di-mattva1Jl vyiihaia1Jl syiit 35. B.).
xx] Prapatti Doctrine in Srivacana-bhu~a'l}a 375
The mercy of God is dependent on Him and on no one else; yet
there exists in Narayal)a the deity Lak~mi who is like the essence
of Him or the body of Him, and who has voluntarily reconciled her
will absolutely with that of Narayal)a. Though in such a conception
the Lak~mi is dependent on Narayal)a, yet for the devotees
NarayaQa and Lak~mi go together, and for him the mercy of God
is to be attributed to both Lak~mi and Narayal)a taken as a whole.
The conception of Lak~mi is such that she is the greatest object
of love for Narayal)a, who has conceived her as a part of Himself,
and Lak~mi has also so identified herself with Him that there is no
separate existence for her. As such Lak~mi has not to make any
special effort for bringing NarayaQa in consonance with her will;
for there is practically no existence of duality, and for this reason
there is no necessity for devotees to cling separately to Lak~mi.
The nature of Lak~mi is the pure essence of the mercy of God 1 •
When the devotee is in a state of separation from God through
the wrong conception of his own independence and separate in-
dividuality, he has to make an effort in the negative direction in for-
saking his own sense of freedom and adopting God as his ultimate
end. But once he has forsaken his false egoism and surrendered
himself entirely to God, there is no need of further effort on his
part. At such a stage through the influence of Lak~mi all the sins
of the devotee are destroyed and through her influence God ex-
tends His mercy to him 2 • Lak~mi also rouses in the human mind
through internal moral persuasion the belief in the necessity of
seeking His friendship. She performs the dual function, first that
of turning the minds of the people, who are under the sway of
beginningless a·vidyii by which they are always being attracted by
mundane interest to God; and, secondly, she also melts the heart of
God Who is bent upon giving fruits in accordance with the deserts
of the people, and persuades Him to extend His bliss to all people
by overruling the bondage of karma.
The prapatti, as seeking the protection of God, is not restricted
t devyii kiirw:zya-rupaye'ti tad-gw:za-siiratvena kiiru't)ya1Jl svayam eve'ti.
Srlvacana-bhiisana. MS.
2 prapatt~ desa-niyamab kiila-niyamab prakiira-niyamab adhikiiri-niyamab
phala-niyamas ca niisti. Srlvacana-bhu~a't)a-'L-yiikhyii. MS.
The above idea is supported in the commentary by a quotation from
Bhiiradviija-sa1Jllzitii which runs as follows:
brahma-k$atra-'L·isab sudriib striyas cii'ntara-jiitayab
sarva eva prapadyeran sarva-dhiitiira'!l acyutam. Ibid.
376 Philosophy of the Ramdnuja School of Thought [cH.
by any limiting conditions of holy or unholy places, or of any special
time, or of any special mode, or of any caste restriction, or that it
can produce only this or that result. When God accepts any person
through prapatti He forgives all his faults of commission and
omission. The only fault that He does not forgive is insincerity or
cruelty (kraurya). People take to prapatti either because they feel
helpless and know no other means of saving themselves, or because
they are very wise and definitely know that this is the hest means,
or because they are naturally attached to God, like the ~i\rvars 1 • In
the first case true knowledge and devotion are at the minimum; in
the second case thtre is not so much ignorance but devotion also is
of the normal extent. In the third case ignorance is least and attach-
ment is at its highest and as such even true knowledge of the nature
of God is engulfed as it were by an excess of attachment. In the
first case the consciousness of one's own ignorance is strongest; in
the second case the consciousness of one's humbleness and ignor-
ance is equally balanced with the true knowledge of the essence of
God and the relation of one's nature with Him.
The devotee who has in great love surrendered himself to God
has occasional communion and detachment with Him. In the first
case he is filled with ecstatic joy by coming in direct contact with
God as associated with noble qualities. But at the moment of de-
tachment the memory of that communion and ecstasy of joy is a
source of dire pain. It has been related above that God's mercy is
continuous and ever-flowing; but in spite of this, on account of
obstructive tendencies which by investing us with a false belief in
our own independence lead to the assertion of our false individu-
ality, the course of God's mercy is obstructed. The adoption of
prapatti removes the obstructive attitude and renders it possible for
God to extend I lis mercy to us. In such a conception prapatti is to
be regarded only as a negative means. The positive means (upiiya)
is God \Yho extends His mercy. Prapatti therefore should not be
regarded as the cause of our deliverance. It only removes our ob-
structive tendencies, and cannot therefore be regarded as an cle-
ment of the cause that secures our deliverance-that cause being God
1 As an illustration of the last type a fe'v..· lines from Srl'l:acmw-bhu~m:w­

·vyiikhyii may be quoted: blzakti-prrm:aiyena prapmmii bhaganlt-prema-pau~­

kalyerw piidau stabdlzau manab sitlzi[a1J1 bhavati cak~ur blnamati piidau hastcm ca
rzisce~!au ity ukta-prakiire'f}a sithila-karwzatverza siidhmzii-nu~thiina-yogyatci-bhii'l:iid
anmzya-gatikiis santas tasmin bhara-samarpa~zar_n krta'f!l. 1\IS.
xx] Prapatti Doctrine in Srivacana-bhil~a1Ja 377
and God alone. God is thus both the means and end of attainment,
and the only absolute means for the devotee to attain Him. The
prapatti view here propounded flatly denies the necessity of any other
means. The essence of prapatti consists in the passivity involveC:
in the mental attitude of the devotee surrendering himself to God
and thus giving occasion for God's affecting powers to affect him
favourably. When the devotee ceases to concern himself with any
anxiety as to how he may be saved, then God exerts His will to save
him 1 • This view of God's relationship with the devotee involves
within it the philosophical doctrine that the individual souls exist
for God and have no end to realize for themselves. It is only
through ignorance that the individual seems to possess an inde-
pendent end for himself. The denial of this position through ex-
cessive love of God renders the philosophical reality of their mutual
relationship realizable as a spiritual fact.
The definition of soul as consciousness and bliss and as atomic
is only an external description (tatastha). The internal situation
(antaraizga) of the relation of the individual soul with God may best
be described as his servitude to Him.
The nature of emotional attachment which is associated with
prapatti is such that the devotee by his tender love for God induces
the same in Him so that the emotion of love may be regarded on the
one hand as a consciousness of bliss and on the other hand as a re-
lation in which the lover and the beloved are the constituents. The
first inferior stage of prapatti is not always actuated by deep
natural attachment, but by a sense of one's own insignificance and
helplessness2 • In the second stage called the upeya the devotee is so
much actuated by his deep love for God that he loses all considera-
tions for himself, and the intoxication of love may grow so deep that
it may lead to the annihilation of his body. But the prospect of such
an annihilation does not deter him from moving forward in the path
of intoxication, for at that stage he loses all interest in the conse-
quences of such an attachment. He is simply lost in God through
intoxicating emotion. This is technically called riiga-priipta-prapatti.
The relation between the devotee and God is interpreted on the
analogy of the wedding of the mistress with her lover, of the
asya icchii nivrttii cet tasye' cchii asya kiiryakarl bhavati. Srlvacana-bhu~a~a­
vyiikhyii. MS.
z This is regarded as the upiiya stage where the devotee seeks God as the
means to his highest attainment.
378 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
Gopika with Kr!?Da, and it is held that the deep emotion is like the
erotic emotion that leads to the wedding of the bridegroom with the
bride. Bhakti or devotion is described as a special kind of con-
sciousness dissociated from ignorance which reveals itself in the
form of a deep emotion. The devotee is supposed to pass through
all the stages which a love-stricken woman would do. All the
emotions of the devotee, the lover, are for rousing the pleasure of
God. Just as a woman's behaviour under the influence of love is
intended to bring a smile or twinkle into the eyes of her lover, so
the emotion of the devotee is intended solely to please God 1 • This
is regarded as siddha-prema or natural love. Devotees intoxicated
by such a love are not necessarily subjected to any kind of code of
duty. It is only those whose intoxication.by love is so great that they
cannot wait and pass through any such discipline as is prescribed in
the 'l'aidhi or the upiiya stage of prapatti who are driven to embrace
God as it were with their melting hearts. The ordinary rules of
prapatti are utterly unbinding on these people. In the adoption of
prapatti of all the three types mentioned above the personal effort
(puru~akiira) necessary is limited to the extent that the individual
should hold himself in absolute self-surrender so that God may be
inclined to accept even his faults and defects as they are and remove
them by His divine grace. In the case of those who are advanced in
the stage of prapatti-the paramiirtas-God removes even all the
priirabdha-karmas and grants them immediate emancipation 2 •
The person who adopts the path of prapatti is not anxious to
attain even emancipation. He has also no specific preference as to
the nature of the spiritual emancipation that may be granted to him.
To desire emancipation and to attach any preference to any pos-
sible state of existence involves an egoistic desire. But the person
who has sincerely adopted the path of prapatti must annihilate
altogether even the last traces of egoism. On the one side egoism
means ignorance, for it is only by false knowledge that a man asserts
ajrliina-niv·rtti-parvaka-bhakti-rapii-pannaf!Z jrziinaf!Z prasiidhitam. mahad-
t·it·iiha-janaka-kiima1!l samudra-tulyatayii ·carddhayan megha-sadrsa-t·igraho'
smat-krnza ity e'l'at!f-bhzita-prm·rtti-hetor bhakter utpiidako 'l'arddhakas ca. sii et·a
hi tasya bhakti-piirm·asya-niv·mulhanii prm·rttir upiiya-phalam ity ucyate .. ..
priipya-tv•ara_vii strl-'l·ratayii netra-bhramal}ena etasya sambhramii san·e mad-
t·i~a_vii'sii'!l krtv·ii et·am m·asthii labdhii iti tmz-mukha-'l'ikiisii-rtha'!z kriyamiir;a-
kairikarym·ad upeyii-ntarbhiitii. Sri'l·acana-blzii~al}a-tyiikh_vii. l\IS.
et·mn-bhiUasya sarlra-sthiti-lzetufz priirabdha-karme' ti na t·aklW!l sakyate
san·a-piipebhyab mok~ayi,~_nlmi ity anena 'l.'irodhiit. Ibid. l\1S.
xx] Prapatti Doctrine in Srivacana-bhu~a1Ja 379
himself as having an independent being. On the other side egoism
means insincerity (kraurya). It has been said above that God may
forgive all our sins excepting insincerity. The fundamental require-
ment of prapatti therefore consists in the annihilation of egoism.
It is only through the annihilation of egoism that the perfect self-
surrender required by prapatti is possible 1 •
The four stages precedent to the attainment of the summum
bonum through prapatti are as follows: (i) jfiiina-dasii, i.e. the state
in which through the .instructions of the teacher the devotee attains
self-knowledge in relation to God. (ii) vara7Ja-dasii, the state in
which the devotee adopts God in a spirit of helpless surrender as
the only protector. (iii) priipti-dasii, the state in which he realizes
God. (iv) priipyii-nubhava-daJii, i.e. the state in which, having
realized God, he attains the summum bonum 2 •
The doctrine of prapatti is, indeed, very old. It is found in the
Ahirbudhnya-sa1{lhitii, Lak~mi Tantra, Bharadviija-sa1{lhitii and
other Paiica-riitra works. The Srivai~7Java writers trace its origin
to much older literature such as the Taittiriyopani~ad, Katho-
pani~ad and the Svetiisvatara, the JJfahiibhiirata and the Riimiiya7Ja.
The nature of prapatti in the Ahirbudhnya-sa1{lhitii has already
been discussed. In the Bharadviija-Sa1{lhitii the prapatti is de-
scribed as self-surrender to God, and the descriptions that it gives
are more or less the same as those found in the Ahirbudhnya. The
devotee who adopts the path of prapatti is not exempted from the
ordinary duties of a Vai~7Java or from the regular caste duties. The
Bharadviija-sa1{lhitii describes in some detail the courses of action
which are favourable or unfavourable to the adoption of such a path.
Ramanuja, in his Sara7Jii-gati-gadya, advocates the path of prapatti in
which the devotee seeks protection not only of Niiriiya1}a but also of
Lak~mi. But it does not appear either in the Sara7Jii-gati-gadya or in
his commentary of the Gitii that a person who has adopted the path
of prapatti is exempted from the normal caste and other duties,
nor is the function of Lak~mi in awarding the fruits of prapatti
explained by him. In his explanation of the Bhagavad-gitii
text (sarva-dharmiin parityajya, etc., 18. 66), he says that the de-
votee should perform all his normal duties without any motive of
1 Srrvacana-bhu~m:za-'L•yiikhyii. MS.
2 etad-anubhava-janita-prrti-kiirita-kainkaryam eva parama-puru~ii-rthafz.
Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.

attaining fruits thereby 1• As regards the destruction of the prii-

rabdha-karma also, Ramanuja and Venkatanatha hold that though
most of it is destroyed by the grace of God, yet a trace of it is left2 •
Yatsya Varada, in his Prapanna-piirijiita, follows the same idea.
Venkatanatha also repeats the same view in his 1Vyiisa-~·i'!lsati and
Nyiisa-tilaka, and AD!fayarya, a disciple of Yedanti Ramanuja, fol-
lows the idea in his Prapatti-prayoga. Yaradanatha, the son of
Venkatanatha, also repeats the idea in his Nyiisa-tilaka-·viiklzyii and
Nyasa-kiirikii. The view of Lokacarya and Saumya Jamaq· muni,
the leaders of the Te1igalai school, differs from it to the extent that
while the above-mentioned prapatti doctrine may be true of the
inferior devotees, the superior devotees who are absolutely in-
toxicated with God's love arc through the very nature of their
psychological intoxication unable to follow any of the normal duties
and are entirely exempted from them. Their priiraddlza-lwrma
may also be entirely destroyed by God's grace. The distinction
1 Veri.katanatha in his Tiitparya-dipikii on Riimiinuja-bluzn·a on the Gllii

(verse 18. 66) says: etar-chlokii-piita-prafftyii kii.!a-yuktibhisca yathii van:zii-

srama-dharma-s?:anlpa-tyiigii-di-pak~o nn'deti tatJzci upaptiditam.
" siidhya-bhaktistu sii lumtr"i prtirm·ddhasyii'pi blulyusl. (Rahasya-rai~F'i com-

mentary of Veri.katanatha on Sarm_u'i-gati-gadya, p. so. Vanivilasa Press, 1910).

In the Xviisa-·vimsati and the 1\'yiisa-tilaka as comnwnted in the Xytisa-
tilaka-vyiikh};ii by V~ri.ka~anatha's so;1 Varadanatha prapatti is defined in the
same manner as that by Lokacarya. Prapatti is an old doctrine in Southern
Vaisnavism and its fundamental characters arc more or less final. In the X\'c'isa-
tilah~-vytikhyti great emphasis is laid on the fact that prapatti as a path ~f ap-
proach to God is different from the path of bhakti and superior to i':. In the
Srivacana-bhii.~w:za there is a tendency to treat bhakti as an intermediary way to
prapatti. In the Nytisa-tilaka-?:yiikhyii it is said that the chief difference between
bhakti and prapatti is firstly that the former is of the nature of unbroken medita-
tion, while the latter has to Le done once for all; secondly, the priirm·dha-karma
cannot be destroyed by the former, whereas in the latter it can be so done by the
grace of God; thirdly, the former needs various accessory methods of worship-
continual effort and continual action-whereas in the latter we have excessive
faith; fourthly, the former produces fruit after a long time whereas the latter
applies only to those who want immediate fruit; fifthly, the former may have
different objectives and may yield different fruits accordingly, whereas the latter
being of the nature of absolutely helpless surrender produces all fruits im-
mediately. High faith is the foundation of prapatti. In and through many
obstacles this faith and attachment to God leads the de\·otcc to his goal. For
these reasons the path of bhakti is inferior to the path of prapatti. Prapatti to the
teacher is regarded as a part of prapatti to God. The difference between the con-
ception of prapatti in the Srz1·anma-hhrl~a1Ja and the Nyiisa-tilaka is that the
latter holds that even those who adopt the path of prapatti should perform the
obligatory duties imposed by the scriptures and refrain from committing the acts
prohibited by them; for the scriptures are the commands of God. The former
however thinks that a man who adopts the path of prapatti by the very nature of
the psychological state produced by it is unable to adhere to any programme of
duties outlined by the scriptures. He therefore transcends it.
xx] Kasturi Rangiiciirya
between the V aragalai and Tengalai schools depends largely
on the emphasis g1ven by the latter to the superior type of
Kastiiri Rangacarya.
Kastiiri Rangacarya, otherwise called Sri Rangasiiri, was a
disciple of Saumya Jamatr muni and probably lived late in the
fifteenth or the beginning of the sixteenth century. Ramanuja's
views do not seem to have undergone great changes of interpreta-
tion, and we do not find the emergence of different schools of
interpretation as in the case of the philosophy of Sankara. The fol-
lowers of Ramanuja throughout the succeeding centuries directed
their efforts mostly to elucidating Ramanuja's views and adducing
new arguments for his doctrines or refuting the arguments of his
opponents and finding fault with the theories of other schools.
A sectarian difference, however, arose with Venka~anatha's efforts
to explain the nature of devotion and the ultimate nature of emanci-
pation and various other problems associated with it. Some external
ritualistic differences can also be traced from his time. One sect 1
(Va{llwlai or Uttara-kaliirya) was led by Venka~anatha and the
other school (called Tengalai or Dak~i!la-kaliirya) by Lokacarya and
Saumya Jamatr muni.
Kastiiri Rangacarya wrote two works called Kiiryii-dhikara!la-
viida and the Kiiryii-dhikara!la-tattva, in which he discussed some of
the most important differences of these two schools and lent his sup-
port to the Tdzgalai or the Dak#!la-lwliirya school. The discussion
began on the occasion of the interpretation of Ramanuja of a topic
in the Brahma-siitra (4·3·6-15) called the Kiiryii-dhikara!la-viida,
in which some U pani!?ad texts raised certain difficulties regarding
the attainment of absolute immortality as conditioned by wisdom
or worship (upiisanii). Vadari says that the worship of HiraQ.ya-
garbha, the highest of the created beings, leads to absolute im-
mortality; J aimini says that only the worship of the highest
Brahman can produce immortality. lladarayaQ.a, however, rejects
their views and holds that only those who regard their souls as
naturally dissociated from Prakrti and as parts of Brahman attain
absolute immortality.
1 sarviisu vipratipatti1u purvii kakn•a "'ediinta-ciirya-tad-anuvamlhiniim
uttara-kaliirya-sa1Jljniiniim uttarii tu lukiiciirya-tad-anubandhinii'!l dak#1)a-
kaliirya-sa1Jljniiniim iti viveko budhya?z. Kiirya-kiirat_zii-dhikara'}a-viida, 8. 2.
382 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [c11.
Those who cannot realize their essential difference from the
material qualities with which they are seemingly associated cannot
attain the highest immortality and have ultimately to follow the
cycles of births and rebirths. Those alone who worship Brahman
with a proper apprehension of their own nature in relation to it can
attain the highest immortality. The nature of this worship has been
described by Railgacarya in accordance with the G:ita which en-
joins the worship of Brahman with sraddhii (Sraddhii-purvakaf!l
brahmo-piisanam). The word sraddhii ordinarily means faith. This
faith undergoes a special characterization at the hands of Railga-
carya and other thinkers of the Teilgalai school. Thus it is said that
the first stage is the full apprehension of the great and noble quali-
ties of God; the second stage is the attachment produced by such
apprehension; the third stage is to regard Him as the ultimate end
and fulfilment of our nature~ the fourth stage is to think of I lim as
the only dear object of our life; the fifth stage is the incapacity to
bear separation from God through intense love for I lim; the sixth
stage is absolute faith in God as the only means of self-fulfilment;
the seventh and last stage is the enkindling of the spirit in its for-
ward movement to hold fast to Him. It is this last stage as associ-
ated \Vith all the previous stages and as integrated with them which
is called sraddhii. The worship of God with such faith (Sraddhii} is
also called devotion or bhakti. The worship of God again means
intense joy in Him (priti-rupo-pasiintat'l·a-lak~ar.zam). The mere
realization of one's self as dissociated from the material elements is
not sufficient. Those who follow the process of Paiiciigni-tt·idyii rest
only with self-discriminative wisdom and do not take to God as the
final end of self-fulfilment.
The first point of dispute bet\veen the followers of Cttara-kaliirya
and Dak~i'l}a-kaliirya concerns the nature of emancipation called
kai·valya which consists in self-realization as the ultimate end
(iitmii- nubhatt·a -lak~a1_la- kaitt·alyii- khya- puru~ii- rtha~z ). Venka~a­
natha, the leader of the l-ttara-kaliirya, thinks that those who attain
such emancipation have again to come back, i.e. such an emancipation
is destructible. The Dak~i1_la-kaliirya school, however, thinks that
such an emancipation is eternal. Thus Veilkata, in his~\viiya-siddhii­
rljana, says that mere realization of self as distinguished from all
material elements is not sufficient, for it should also be supple-
mented by the knowledge that that self is a part of God and is
xx] Kasturi Rangiiciirya
entirely subordinate to Him, and that this view is held in the Sri-
bhii~ya1. He draws a distinction between the realization of one's
own nature as bliss and the realization of the blissful nature of God.
The former may happen without the latter. It has to be admitted
that in the state of kaivalya there is an association of materiality
(acit-sa1Jlsarga), since the karma in its entirety is not destroyed in
this case; for to know one's proper essence is to know oneself as a
part of God and so long as this state is not attained one is under the
influence of miiyii. In the case of such a person the miiyii obstructs
his vision of God. Venkata, however, cannot say anything de-
finitely as to the ultimate destiny of those who attain kaivalya. He
asserts only that they cannot attain the eternal Brahmahood. He is
also uncertain as to whether they are associated with bodies or not.
He is also aware that his interpretation of the nature of kaivalya is
not in harmony with all the scriptural texts, but he feels that since
some of the texts definitely support his views other texts also should
be taken in that light.
Kastiiri Rangacarya, however, asserts that, according to the
testimony of the old Dravi<;la texts and also of the Gita and such
other texts, those who attain emancipation through self-knowledge
attain the state of absolute immortality. The difference between
liberation through self-knowledge and the liberation through one's
self-knowledge in association with God is only a difference in the
richness and greatness of experience, the latter being higher than
the former in this respect 2 • Other points of difference between the
Uttara-kaliiryas and the Dak~it_uz-kaliiryas are closely connected with
the point discussed above. They have been enumerated in the
second chapter of Kiiryii-dhikarm.za-viida and are as follows. The
Uttara-kaliiryas think that those who attain the emancipation of a
self-realization as kaivalya pass to a higher world through other
parama-puru~a-vibhuti-bhiitasya praptur iitmanab svariipa-yiithiitmya-veda-
nam apavarga-sadhana-bhiita-parama-puru~a-vedano-payogitayii iivasyakam.
na svata eva upayatvena ity uktam. Nyiiya-siddhanjana, p. 82.
Veti.kata also refers to V arada Vi!i>I).Umisra in support of his views. " nibse~a­
karma-k~aya-bhiiviit kaivalya-praptau na muktib."
He refers to Sangati-malii, where Sri Vi!;>I).Ucitta says that a person wishing to
attain Brahman may commit such errors of conception that instead of attaining
the true Brahmahood he may attain only the lower state of kaivalya just as a man
performing sacrifices to attain Heaven may commit errors for which he may be-
come a brahma-riik~asa instead of attaining Heaven. Ibid. p. 84.
2 Karyii-dhi karm;a-viida, 3· 79· Kasturi Rati.gacarya goes through a long
course of references to scriptural texts, Dravidian and Sanskritic, in support of
his views.
384 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
channels than those adopted by persons who attain ultimate
emancipation. This is denied by the Dak#7Ja-kaliiryas. Secondly,
the former hold that the absolute dissociation of all trace of the ele-
ments of prakrti is the same as emancipation, but the latter deny it.
Thirdly, the former hold that those who attain the kaivalya are
associated with subtle material impurities and may still be regarded
as attaining immortality in a remote sense; this is desired by the
latter. Fourthly, the former hold that those who attain kaivalya
remain in a place within the sphere of the material world and their
state is therefore not unchangeable, but the latter deny it. Fifthly,
the former hold that those who attain wisdom through the five
sacrifices (paiiciigni-'l:idyii) are different from those that attain
kaitt·alya, but the latter hold that they may or may not be so.
Sixthly, the former hold that those who attain wisdom through the
five sacrifices may remain \\ ithin the sphere of the material world
when they attain only self-knowledge, but when they realize the
nature of their relation with Brahman they pass away beyond the
sphere of the material \vorld (prakrti); the latter, however, deny
this. Seventhly, the former hold that those who attain wisdom
through paiiciigni-tt•idyii, those v.·ho realize the nature of their rela-
tion to God, have the same characteristics, but the latter deny it.
Eighthly, the former hold that outside the sphere of the material
world (prakrti) there cannot be any difference in the nature of one's
highest experience, but this also is denied by the latter 1 •
In his Kiiryii-dhikarm.za-tattva, Rangacarya only repeats the same
arguments and the topic of discussion is also the same as that in

Saila Srinivasa.
Saila Srlnivasa was the disciple of Kaul).<;iinya Srlnivasa
Dik!?ita, the son of Srlnivasa Tatacarya, and the brother of
Anvayarya Dik~ita. He was very much influenced by the writings
of his elder brother Anvayarya and some of his works are but
elaborations of the works of his elder brother who wrote manv
books, e.g. Virodha-bhaiijani, etc. Saila Srinivasa wrote at lea~t
six books: Virodlza-nirodha, Bheda-darpa7Ja, Adtt·aita-tt·ana-kuthiira,
Siira-darpm.za, ~1ukti-darpa7Ja, ]1Iiina-ratna-darpa7Ja, Gu7Ja-
darpa7Ja, and Bheda-ma7Ji.
1 Kiiryii-dhikarm:za-viida, II. 7-
xx] Saila Sriniviisa
In his Virodha-nirodha, probably the last of his works, he tries
mainly to explain away the criticisms that are made on the different
Ramanuja doctrines by the Sai'tkarites, and also by the writers of
other Vedanticschools-viz. that the Ramanuja views are not strictJy
faithful to the scriptural texts-by showing that the scriptural texts
favour the Ramanuja interpretations and not the views of the other
Vedantic writers.
In the first chapter of the Virodha-nirodha Saila Srinivasa first
takes up the view that the Brahman is both the material and efficient
cause of the world-which he thinks is possible only in the concep-
tion th:1t Brahman has the individual souls and the matter-stuff
associated with Him (brahma1_li cid-acid-visi~ta-riipatiim antare1_la na
ghatate). The Brahman remains unchanged in itself but suffers
transformations through its two parts, the soul and the matter-
stuff. Brahman as cause is associated with souls and the matter-
stuff in their subtle forms, and when it undergoes transformation
the souls expand and broaden as it were through the various in-
tellectual states as a result of their karma, and the matter-stuff
passes through its grosser stages as the visible material world; the
portion of God as the inner controller of these two suffers trans-
formation only so far as it is possible through its association with
these two transforming entities1 • When the scriptural texts deny
the changing character of the Brahman, all that is meant by them is
that it does not undergo the changes through which matter and in-
dividual souls pass through their karma, but that does not deny the
fact that Brahman is the material cause2 • Brahman has two parts,
a substantive and a qualifying part, and it is the substantive part
that through its subtle material parts becomes the transforming
cause of the grosser qualifying material part. This material part
being inseparable from Brahman may be regarded as subsisting in
it. So also the Brahman has a spiritual part which undergoes a sort
of expansion through thought-experiences and behaves as indi-
vidual souls. Thus Brahman suffers modification through its
physical and spiritual parts, and from this point of view God is
1 acid-a1Jlsasya kiirm..zii-vasthiiyii1Jl iabdii-di-vihlnasya bhogyatviiya iabdii-di-

matt'myii svarupa-nyathii-bhiiva-rupa-vikiiro bhavati ubhaya-prakiira-viii!te

ni'yantr-a'!tie tad-avastha-tad-ubhaya-vi~tatii-rupa-vikiiro bhavati. Virodha-
nirodha. MS.
2 cid-aci'd-gata-karmii-dy-adhina-vikiiratva1Jl nirvikiiratva-irutir ni1edhati ity

etiidrsa1Jl jagad-upiidiinat7JG1Jl rza sii irutir biidhate. Ibid.

386 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [en.
subject to development through its two parts and through their
association independently as their inner controller. Unlike Ven-
kata, Saila Srinivasa holds that this cam~al transformation is like the
Sarpkhyist causal transformation 1 ; vikiira or change here means
change of states. Brahman thus suffers change directly in the
spiritual and the intellectual part and indirectly as their inner con-
troller, though in itself it suffers no change. To the objection that if
matter and spirit are regarded as suffering transformation there is
no meaning in attributing causality to Brahman as qualified by
them, the reply is that the causality of Brahman is admitted on the
strength of scriptural testimony. So far as Brahman remains as the
inner controller and does not suffer any change in itself, it is re-
garded as the efficient cause 2 •
In the second chapter Saila Srinivasa replies to the criticisms
against the Ramanuja doctrine of soul, and says that the contraction
and expansion of soul due to ignorance and increase of knowledge
does not imply that it is non-eternal, for non-eternality or de-
structibility can be affirmed only of those who undergo accretion
or decrease of parts (avayavo-pacayii-pacayayor e·va anityatva-vyii-
pyatayii). Knowledge is partlcss and so there is no contraction or
expansion of it in any real sense. \Vhat are called contraction and
expansion consist in reality of its absence of relationship with ob-
jects due to the effects of karma or the natural extension of rela-
tions with objects like the ray of a lamp; karma is thus regarded as
the upiidhi (limiting condition) which limits the natural flow of
knowledge to its objects and is figuratively described as contraction.
It is on account of this nature of knowledge that unless obstructed
by karma it can grasp all sensations of pain and pleasure spreading
over all parts of the body, though it belongs to soul which is an
atomic entity. So knowledge is all-pervading (·vibhu) 3 . Knowledge
also is eternal in its own nature though changeful so far as its states
are concerned.
In the third chapter Srinivasa deals with the question as to
T.'isi$!a'!' brahma kiira7Jam ity ukta'!' tena kiiryam api ·ciii$/a'!' e·va tatra ca
brahma1.1a upiidiinatva'!' ·ciie$a'.lii-'!'Sa'!' 'l'iSe$yii-1JtSa'!' prati tatra cii'cid-a,ia'f!l
prati yad-upiidiinatva, tat suk,~mii-vasthii-cid-a,sa-d·l.'iiraka, tatrn tatra d1·tira-
bhutii-cid-a,ia-gata-s·varilpii nyathii-bhii'l•a-riipa eve 1.·ikiiral,z sa ca ap!tlwk-
siddha-vastu-gatat'l•iit brahma-gato'pz . .. eva'!' ca sii,khyii-hhimato-piidiinatiiyiil_l
siddhiinte'py mzapiiyiit na ko'pi 'l'irodhab. Virodha-nirodha. !\IS.
tena tad e"L'a ad-viirakat!l nimitta'!'-sad-n1rakm!l upcidiinam. Ibid.
xx] Saila Srtniviisa
whether the souls are produced or eternal, and his conclusion is
that in their own nature they are unproduced, but they are pro-
duced so far as their own specific data of knowledge are concerned 1 •
The production of eternal knowledge is possible only so far as its
contraction and expansion are concerned, which is due to the
action of the body and other accessories. It is only in this
sense that knowledge though eternal in itself can be said to be
suffering production throug~ its various kinds of manifestation
In the fourth chapter Srlni vasa discusses the same question in
which the U pani~ads urge that by the knowledge of one everything
is known. He criticizes the Madhva and the Sankarite views and
holds that the knowledge of one means the knowledge of Brahman
which, being always associated with the individual souls and matter,
involves the knowledge of these two entities. His exposition in this
subject is based throughout on the interpretations of scriptural texts.
In the fifth chapter Srlnivasa explains the same question in which
the individual souls can be called agents (kartii). Agency (kartrtva)
consists in an effort that may lead to the production of any action
(kiiryii-nukula krtimattvam). In the Ramanuja view effort means a
particular intellectual state and as such it may well belong to the
soul, and so the effort that may lead to any action also belongs to
the soul which, though eternal in itself, is changeful so far as its states
are concerned 2 • The agency of the individual souls, however, is
controlled by God, though the fruits of the action are enjoyed by
the former, for the direction of God which determines the efforts
of the individuals is in accordance with their actions. This virtually
means an admixture of determinism and occasionalism.
In the seventh chapter Srlnivasa contends that though know-
ledge is universal it only manifests itself in accordance with the
deeds of any particular person in association with his body, and so
there is no possibility that it should have all kinds of sufferings and
enjoyments and should not be limited to his own series of ex-
periences. In the eighth and ninth chapters he tries to establish
1 tatra ni~edhiil_z viyad-iidivat jfva-svarupo-tpatti'!! prat#edhanti utpatti-
·cidhayaas tu s·vii-siidhiiratza-dharma-bhuta-jniina-·oiii~!a-ve~etza utpatti'!' vadanti.
Virodha-nirodha. MS.
2 prayatnii-der buddhi-viie~a-rupatayii kiiryii-nukula-k!timattvasy' iipi kart!-

tvasya jniina-t>ise~a-riipatayii tasya sviibhii vikatayii tad-iitmanii jivasya jniinasya

nityat·ve'pi tat-paritziima-viie~asya anityatviit. Ibid.
388 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cu.
the view that during emancipation the individuals arc cleanly
purged of all their deeds, virtues and sins, but at this stage God
may be pleased to endow them with extraordinary bodies for the
enjoyment of various kinds of pleasures. In the remaining nine-
teen chapters Saila Srlnivasa introduces some of the relatively un-
important theological doctrines of the Ramanuja system and dis-
cusses them on the basis of scriptural texts which may very well be
dropped for their insignificance as philosophical contribution.
In the Bheda-darpm;a also Saila Srinivasa takes some of the
important doctrines where the Ramanujists and the Sari.karites part
company, and tries to show by textual criticism that the Ramanuja
interpretation of the scriptural texts is the only correct interpreta-
tion 1• The work, therefore, is absolutely worthless from a philo-
sophical point of view. In most of his other works mentioned
above, Saila Srinivasa prefers to discuss the doctrines of Ramanuja
philosophy in the same style of scriptural criticism, and any account
of these is therefore of very little value to students of philosophy.
Sri Saila Srlnivasa, in his Siddhiinta-cintiima~zi, discusses the
nature of Brahma-causality. Brahman is both the instrumental
(1limitta) and the material (upiidiina) cause of the world. Such a
Brahman is the object of our meditation (dhyiina). An object of
meditation must have knowledge and will. A mere qualityless en-
tity cannot be the object of meditation. In order that Brahman may
be properly meditated upon it is necessary that the nature of His
causality should be properly ascertained. It is no use to attribute
false qualities for the sake of meditation. If the world is an illusion,
then the causality of Brahman is also illusory, and that would give
us an insight into His real nature. If God is the real cause of the
world, the world must also be real. It is sometimes said that the
same entity cannot be both a material and instrumental cause
(samaviiya-samaviiyi-bhinna'!l kiirm.za'!t nimitta-kiira~amiti). The
material cause of the jar is earth, while the instrumental cause is the
potter, the wheel, etc. To this the reply is that such an objection is
groundless; for it is difficult to assert that that which is an instru-
mental cause cannot be a material cause, since the wheel of the
potter, though an instrumental cause in itself, is also the material

bheda-darpm:zam iidiiya niscinvantu n·pascita~z.
Bheda-Jarpa~za. 1\lS.
xx] Saila Srzniviisa
cause of its own form, colour, etc. There is thus nothing which can
lead us to suppose that the material cause and the instrumental
cause cannot exist together in the same entity. It may further be
contended that the same entity cannot behave as the material and
instrumental cause with regard to the production of another entity.
To this the reply is that the internal structure of rod is both the
material cause for its form as well as the instrumental cause for its
destruction in association with other entities. Or it may be con-
tended that time (kala) is the cause for both the production and
destruction of entities (kiila-ghata-Sa'f!lyogii-dika'f!l prati kiilasya
nimittatviid upiidiinatviicca). To this the obvious reply would be
that the behaviour of the same entity as the material and the in-
strumental cause is limited by separate specific conditions in each
case. The association of separate specific conditions renders a dif-
ference in the nature of the cause; and therefore it would be in-
exact to say that the same entity is both the material and the instru-
mental cause. This objection, however, produces more difficulty in
the conception of the causality of Brahman according to the
ViSi~!iidvaita theory, for in our view Brahman in His own nature
may be regarded as the instrumental cause and in His nature as
matter (acit) and souls (cit). He may be regarded as the material
cause 1 • It is sometimes objected that if Brahman as described in
the texts is changeless, how can He be associated with changes as
required by the conception of Him as the material and instrumental
cause, which involves the view of associating Him with a body?
Moreover, the association of body (Sarira) with God is neither an
analogy nor an imagery. The general conception of body involves
the idea that an entity is called the body where it is only controlled
by some spiritual substance2 • To this the reply is that Brahman
may Himself remain unchangeable and may yet be the cause of
changes in His twofold body-substance. The objection is that the
material world is so different from the bodies of animals that the
conception of body cannot be directly applied to it. The reply is
that even among animal bodies there is a large amount of diversity,
1 eva'f!l hi brahma1_ly' api no' piidiinatva-nimittatvayor virodhab; tasya cid-

acid-viit"$!a-ve$e1Ja upiidiinatviit svarilpe1Ja nimittatviic ca. tat-tad-avacchedaka-

bheda-prayukta-tad-bhedasya tasya tatrii'pi n#pratyuhavtiit. Siddhiinta-cintiima1Ji.
2 )'asya cetanasya yad dravya'!l sarvii-tmanii sviirthe ni)liimyam tat tasya

iarfram. Ibid. This subject has been dealt with elaborately in Sri Saila Srinivllsa's
390 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.

e.g. the body of a man and the body of a microscopic insect. Under
the circumstances we are to fall upon a general definition which
would cover the concept of all bodies and ignore the individual dif-
ferences. The definition given above suits the concept of bodies of
all living beings and applies also to the concept of the world as the
body of Brahman. This is also supported by the Sruti texts of the
Antaryiimi-briihma~a, where the world has been spoken of as the
body of God. If there is an apparent difference in our conception
of body as indicated in the definition as testified by the Vedic texts,
with our ordinary perception of the world which does not reveal
its nature as body, the testimony of the Vedic texts should prevail;
for while our perception can be explained away as erroneous, a
scientific definition and the testimony of texts cannot be dismissed.
Our ordinary perception is not always reliable. We perceive the
moon like a small dish in size, whereas the scriptural testimony
reveals its nature to us as much bigger. When there is a conflict
between two sources of evidence, the decision is to be made in
favour of one or the other by the canon of unconditionality
(ananyathii-siddhatva). An evidence which is unconditional in its
nature has to he relied upon, whereas that which is conditional has
to be subordinated to it. It is in accordance with this that some-
times the Vedic texts have to be interpreted in such a manner that
they may not contradict perceptual experience, whereas in other
cases the evidence of perceptual experience has to be dismissed on
the strength of scriptural testimony. It cannot also be said that the
evidence of a later pramii~a will have greater force, for there may be
a series of errors, in which case there is no certitude in any of the later
pramii~as. Again, there is no force also in mere cumulation of evi-
dence, for in the case of a blind man leading other blind men mere
cumulation is no guarantee of certitude 1 . In the case of the con-
flict of pramii~as, the dissolution of doubt and the attainment of
certitude are achieved on the principle of unconditionality. That
which is realized in an unconditional manner should be given pre-
cedence over what is realized only in a conditional manner2 • Our
powers of perception are limited by their own limitations and can-
na ca paratt•iid uttare'}a pur1.•a-biidha}_z iti yuktm_n dhiirii-viihika-bhrama-
sthale ·vyabhiciiriit ata e?'ll na hlulyasl?'am opi niT1:ziiyaka'!l satii'ndha-nyiiyena
aprayojakat•viic ca. Siddhiinta-cintiima'}i. l\1S.
ananyathii-siddhat·vam e·va ·virodhy-apriimii'}ya-vyavasthii pakatii-va::che-
dakam i~yate. Ibid.
xx] Saila Srinivtisa 39 1
not therefore discern whether the world tnay after all be the body of
the transcendent Brahman, and therefore it cannot successfully
contradict the testimony of the Vedic texts which declare the world
to be the body of God. The Vedic texts of pure monism are intended
only to deny the duality of Brahman, but it can well be interpreted
on the supposition of one Brahman as associated with his body, the
world. The denial of dualism only means the denial of any other
being like Brahman. Thus Brahman as cit and acit forms the
material cause of the world, and Brahman as idea and will as
affecting these is the instrumental cause of the world. The twofold
causality of Brahman thus refers to twofold conditions as stated
above. which exist together in Brahman 1 •
In the Vedantic texts we have expressions in the ablative case
indicating the fact that the world has proceeded out of Brahman as
the material cause (upiidiina). The ablative case always signifies the
materiality of the cause and not its instrumentality2 • But it also
denotes that the effect comes out of the cause and it may be ob-
jected that the world, being always in Brahman and not outside
Him, the ablative expressions of the Vedantic texts cannot be justi-
fied. To this the reply is that the conception of material cause or the
signification of the ablative cause does not necessarily mean that
the effect should con1e out and be spatially or temporally dif-
ferentiated from the cause. Even if this were its meaning, it may
well be conceived that there are subtle parts in Brahman corre-
sponding to cit and acit in their manifested forms, and it is from
these that the world has evolved in its manifested form. Such an
evolution does not mean that the effect should stand entirely out-
side the cause, for when the entire causal substance is transformed,
the effect cannot be spatially outside the cause3 • It is true that all

1 sarva-sanra-bhutii-vibhakta-niima-rupii-·vasthii panna-cid-acid-viii1ta-ve1e~a

brahma~ab upiidiinatvam ;tad-upayukta-sl11!1kalpa-di-'l•isi~ta-svarupe~a nimittatvmra

ca n#pratyuham iti nimittatvo-piidiinatvayor ihii' py avacchedaka-bheda-
prayukta-bhedasya durapahnavatvii ttayor ekiiiraya-vrttitvasya priig upapiidita-
tviit na brahma~o abhinna-nimitto-piidiinatve kas cid virodhafz. Siddhiinta-
cintiimani. MS.
2 S~ch as yato vii imiini bhutiini jiiyante.
3 upiidiinatva-sthale'pi na sarvatra loke'pi visle1ab krtsna-paritJiime tad a-

sambhaviit kintv ekadesa-pari~iima eve'ti tad-abhipriiyaka7!J pratyiikhyiina7!J

viicyam. tac ce' hii' pi sambhavati. vis#tai-kadesa-przri~iimii-rigfkiiriit. ato na tad-
virodpab; kine a suk~ma-cid-acid-visi~tam upiidiinatvam iti vak1yate tasmJc ca
sthulii-vasthasya viile1o yujyate ·visle~o hi na sarvii-tmanii kiira1}a-desa-parityiigafz.
Ibid. MS.
392 Philosophy of the Riim.iinuja School of Thought [cH.

material causes suffer a transformation; but in the Visi~tiidvaita

view there is no difficulty, for it is held here that Brahman suffers
this modification and controls it only so far as it has reference to his
body, the cit and acit. God's instrumentality is through His will, and
will is but a form of knowledge.
In the Bheda-darpm;a Srinivasa tries to support all the principal
contentions of the Fisi~fiid·caita theory by a reference to Upani~adic
and other scriptural texts. In his other works mentioned above the
subjects that he takes up for discussion are almost the same as those
treated in Virodha-nirodha, but the method of treatment is some-
what different; what is treated briefly in one book is elaborately
discussed in another, just as the problem of causality is the main
topic of discussion in Siddlziinta-cintiimm;i, though it has been only
slightly touched upon in Virod,'za-nirodha. His 1Vaya-dyu-mm;i-
sa1!1graha is a brief summary in verse and prose of the contents
of what the author wrote in his Naya-dyu-mm;i, a much bigger
work to which constant references arc made in the Naya-dyu-mm;i-
sa'!tgraha. Sri Saila Srinivasa wrote also another work called Naya-
dyu-mm;i-dipikii which is bigger than N aya-dyu-mm;i-sa1Jzgralza. It
is probably smaller than Naya-dyu-mm;i, which is referred to as a
big work 1 • There is nothing particular to be noted which is of any
philosophical importance in N aya-dyu-mm;i-dipikii or N aya-
dyu-mm;i-sa1J1gralza. He generally clarifies the ideas which are
already contained in the Sruta-prakiisikii of Sudarsana Siiri. He
also wrote O'f!lkiira-viidiirtlza, Anandatiira-tamya-khm;rjana, Arunii-
dhikara~za-sarm;i-vivarm;i and Jzjiliisii-darpm;a. He lived probably
in the fifteenth century.
Srinivasa wrote first his Siira-darpm;a which was followed by
Siddhiinta-cintiimm;i, and Virodha-nirodlza. In fact Virodha-
nirodlza was one of his last works, if not the last. In the first chapter
of this work he deals with the same subject as he did in the Sid-
dhiinla-cintiima~i, and tries to explain the nature of Brahman as the
material and instrumental cause of the world. In the second chap-
ter he tries to refute the objections against the view that the souls
as associated with knowledge or rather as having their character
interpreted as knowledge should be regarded as the means for
God's manifestation as the world. The objector says that thought is
always moving, either expanding or contracting, and as such it can-
1 Unfortunately this Naya-dyu-ma1Ji was not available to the present writer.
xx] Saila Sriniviisa 393
not be the nature of self which is regarded as eternal. In the case
of the J ains the soul is regarded as contracting and expanding in
accordance with the body that it occupies, and it may rightly be
objected that in such a conception the soul has to be regarded as
non-eternal. But in the ViH~tiidvaita conception it is only thought
that is regarded as expanding or contracting. The expansion or
contraction of thought means that it conceives greater or lesser
things, and this is different from the idea of an entity that grows
larger or smaller by the accretion or dissociation of parts. The ex-
pansion or contraction of thought is due to one's karma and as such
it cannot be regarded as non-eternal. Knowledge in its own nature
is without parts and all-pervading; its contraction is due to the
effect of one's bad deeds which is often called miiyii or avidyii 1 • The
Visi~tiidvaitins do not regard knowledge as produced through the
collocations of conditions as the N aiyiiyikas think, but they regard
it as eternal and yet behaving as occasional (iigantuka-dharmav-
attvam) or as being produced. Earth in its own nature is eternal,
and remaining eternal in its own nature suffers transformation as a
jug, etc. In this way the conception of the eternity of the soul is
different from the conception of knowledge as eternal, for in the
case of knowledge, while remaining all-pervasive in itself, it seems
to suffer transformation by virtue of the hindrances that obstruct
its nature in relation to objects 2 • Universal relationship is the
essential nature of knowledge, but this nature may be obstructed
by hindrances, in which case the sphere of relationship is narrowed,
and it is this narrowing and expansive action of knowledge which is
spoken of as transformation of knowledge or as the rise or cessation
of knowledge. A distinction has thus to be made between know-
ledge as process and knowledge as essence. In its nature as essence
it is the eternal self; in its nature as process, as memory, perception,
thinking, etc., it is changing. The Jaina objection on this point is
that in the above view it is unnecessary to admit a special quality
of ajiiiina as the cause for this expansion or contraction of thought,
for it may well be admitted that the soul itself undergoes such a
jniinasya sviibhiivikam prasarar.zam aupadhikas tu samkocab; upiidhis tu
priicina'!Z karma eva. Virodha-nirodha, pp. 39, 40 (MS.).
2 na hi yadrsam iitmano nityatvam tadrg jiiiinasya'pi nityatvam abhyapugac-

chiimafr karar.za-vyiipiira-vaiyarthy · prasarigiit. kintu tiirkikii'dy abhimata1Jl

jniinasya iigantuka-dharmatva1Jl ni iikarlu'f!l drier iva svarupato nityatvam
iigantukii' -vasthii' -irayatva1Jl ca; tena rupe1Ja nityatva1Jl tu ghatatvii' -dy-at,astha-
viii~ta-ve~e7Ja mrdaderiva i~tam eva. Ibid. p. 44·
394 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.
transformation through the instrumentality of its deeds. To this the
reply is that the Vedic texts always declare that the soul is in itself
unchangeable, and if that is so the change has to be explained
through the instrumentality of another factor, the aj;ziina. Know-
ledge is thus to he regarded as the pure essence or nature of the soul
and not as its dharma or character, and it is this character that is in
itself universal and yet is observed to undergo change on account
of obstructions. Thus, the soul in itself is eternal, though when
looked at in association with its character as knowledge which is
continually expanding or contracting it may seemingly appear to be
non-eternal 1 • Thought in itself has no parts and therefore cannot
itself be regarded as non-eternal. It is nothing but relationship, and
as such the analogy of change which, in other objects, determines
their non-eternity cannot apply to it.
Now there are different kinds of Upani~adic texts, from some
of which it may appear that the soul is eternal, whereas from others
it may appear that the soul is created. I low can this difficulty be
avoided? On this point Srinivasa says that the eternity and un-
created nature of the self is a correct assertion, for the soul as such
is eternal and has never been created. In its own nature also the
soul has thought associated with it as it were in a potential form.
Such an unmanifested thought is non-existent. But knowledge in
its growing richness of relations is an after-production, and it is
from this point of view that the soul may he regarded as ha,·ing
been created. Even that which is eternal may he regarded as
created with reference to any of its special characteristics or
characters2 • The whole idea, therefore, is that before the creative
action of God the souls are only potentially conscious; their real
conscious activity is only a result of later development in conse-
quence of God's creative action.
Again, the Upani~ads assert that by the knowledge of Brahman
everything else is known. Now according to the Sankarite e:xplana-
tion the whole world is but a magical creation on Brahman which
alone has real being. Under the circumstances it is impossible that
nityii-rzitya-'l·i!Jhiif?o-svanlpa-d'l·iirakat·va-s·vablzii'l•a-d'l'lirakat'l'iibhyii1!l t")"a-
t•asthita iti na kai cid do$ab. Virodlza-nirodha. MS.
S'l'ii-siidhiirww-dharma-blzuta-jiiiina-'l·isi$fa-·z·e$e7Ja utpatti'!l 1·adantr srd-
dhasyii'pi hi 'l'astuna!z dlzarmii-ntara-'l·iii~!a-'l"e$e'Ja siidhyatii 'lfihyii-dau dn!ii.
priik :r$!er jznlntiP!l ,;$kr(vat'l·o-ktyti ca :"dam e'l·a dariitam. lhid.
xx] Raitgiiciirya 395
by the knowledge of Brahman, the real, there would be the know-
ledge of all illusory and unreal creation, for these two, the reality
and the appearance, are entirely different and therefore by the
knowledge of one there cannot be the knowledge of the other. J n
the Visi~!iidvaita view it may be said that when God as associated
with his subtle body, the subtle causal nature of the souls and the
material world, is known the knowledge of God as associated with
the grosser development of His body as souls and the world is also
by that means realized 1 •
In performing the actions it need not be supposed that the
eternal soul undergoes any transformation, for the individual soul
may remain identically unchanged in itself and yet undergo trans-
formation 30 far as the process of its knowledge is concerned. In the
V iSi~!iidvaita view, will and desire are regarded as but modes of
knowledge and as such the psychological transformations of the
mind involved in the performance of actions have reference only to
knowledge2 • It has already been shown that possibly knowledge in
its essential form is unchangeable and yet unchangeable so far as its
nature as process is concerned. Such an activity and performance
of actions belongs naturally to the individual souls.
The Virodha-nirodha is written in twenty-seven chapters, but
most of these are devoted to the refutation of objections raised by
opponents on questions of theological dogma which have no
philosophical interest. These have therefore been left out in this
Rangacarya3 •
A follower of Sati.kara named Uma-Mahesvara wrote a work
named Virodlza-variithini in which he proposed to show one
hundred contradictions in Ramanuja's bhii~ya and other cognate
1 suk~ma-cid-acic-charlrake brahma')i jiiiite sthula-cid-acic-charlrakasya tasya

jiiiinam utrii' bhimotam. Virodha-nirodha. MS.

2 iha prayatniider buddhi-viie~a-rupatayii kiiryii-nukula-krtimattvas}'ii'pi
kartrtvasya jiiiina-·viie~a-rupatayii tasya sviibhii·vikatayii tad-iitmanii jlvasya
jiiiinasya nityatve'pi tat-parirJiima-viie~asya anityatviic ca. Ibid.
3 "irl-riimiinuja-yogi-piida-kamala-sthiinii-bhi$eka'!l gato jlyiit so'yam
irr-ranga-siiri!r irriaile ta.rya si1_nhiisane sthita!r
Ku-dr~ti-dh't·iinta-miirtarJtfa'!l prakiiiayati samprati.,.
He was thus a disciple of Anantiirya of the middle of the nineteenth century.
At the end of his San-miirga-dlpa he says that it was written in refutation of
Rama Misra's work on thesubject. RamaMisra lived late in the nineteenth century
and wrote Sneha-purti.
396 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [cH.

literature of the school, such as Satadilsa~i, etc., but through illness

he lost his tongue and could offer criticisms on only twenty-seven
points 1 • As a refutation of that work Rari.gacarya wrote his
Ku-dnfi-dhviinta-miirtwuJa. It also appears thatAnnayarya's grand-
son and Srini\·asa-tayarya's son, Srlnivasa-dik!?ita, also \\'rote a work
called Virodha-variithini-pramiithini as a refutation of Virodha-
variithini. The first chapter of Ku-dnti-dhviinta-miirtm.uja is also
called Virodha-varilthini-pramiithini.
Uma-Mahesvara says that according to the view of Ramanuja
the manifold world and the individual souls (arit and cit) exist in
an undivided and subtle state in Brahman, the original cause. In
the state of actualized transformation, as the manifested manifold
worlds and the experiencing selves, we have thus a change of state,
and as Brahman holds within I limself as qualifying Him this gross
transformation of the world He is associated with them. He must,
therefore, be supposed to have llimself undergone change. But
again Ramanuja refers to many scriptural texts in which Brahman
is regarded as unchanging.
To this the reply is that the mode in which the cit and the arit
undergo transformation is different from the mode in which the all-
controlling Brahman produces those changes in them. For this
reason the causality of Brahman remains unaffected by the changes
through which the cit and the arit pass. It is this unaffectedness of
Brahma-causality that has often been described as the changeless-
ness of Brahman. In the Sari.kara view, the manifested world being
the transformation of miiyii, Brahman cannot on any account be
regarded as a material cause of it. The Brahman of Sari.kara being
only pure consciousness, no instrumental agencies ( nimitta-
kiiranatii) can be attributed to it. If Brahman cannot undergo any
change in any manner and if it alw~ys remains absolutely change-
less it can never be regarded as cause. Causality implies power of
producing change or undergoing change. If both these are im-
possible in Brahman it cannot consistently he regarded as the cause.
According to the Ramanuja view, however, Brahman is not abso-
lutely changeless; for, as produce.r of change it also itse1f undergoes
a change homogeneous (brahma-samasattiika-'l·ikiirii-1igikiiriit) with
Uma-Mahdvara is said to have written other works also, i.e. Tattv·a-
candrikii, Advaita-kiimadhenu, Tapta-mudrii-vidrii·vm.w, Prasanga-ratniikara, anJ
Rii miiyana-tlkii.
xx] Rangiiciirya 397
it. As the change is of a homogeneous nature, it may also be re-
garded as unchanged. The Brahman is the ultimate upholder of the
world; though the worldly things have their intermediate causes,
in which they may be regarded as subsisting, yet since Brahman is
the ultimate and absolute locus of subsistence all things are said to
be upheld in it.
Causation may be defined as unconditional, invariable ante-
cedence (ananyathii-siddha-niyata-piirva-vartitii). Brahman is
certainly the ultimate antecedent entity of all things, and its un-
conditional character is testified by all scriptural texts. The fact that
it determines the changes in cit and acit and is therefore to be re-
garded as the instrumental agent does not divest it of its right to be
regarded as the material cause; for it alone is the ultimate ante-
cedent substance. Brahman originally holds within itself the cit and
the acit in their subtle nature as undivided in itself, and later on
undergoes within itself such changes by its own will as to allow the
transformation of cit and acit in their gross manifested forms. It
leaves its pristine homogeneous character and adopts an altered
state at least with reference to its true parts, the cit and the acit,
which in their subtle state remained undivided in themselves.
It is this change of Brahman's nature that is regarded as the
pari1}iima of Brahman. Since Brahman is thus admitted to be
undergoing change of state (pari1}iima), it can consistently be re-
garded as the material cause of the world. The illustration of the
ocean and the waves is also consistent with such an explanation.
Just as mud transforms itself into earthen jugs or earthen pots, and
yet in spite of all its changes into jugs or pots really remains nothing
but mud, so Brahman also undergoes changes in the form of the
manifested world with which it can always be regarded as one 1 •
As the jug and the pot are not false, so the world also is not false.
But the true conception of the world will be to consider it as one
with Brahman. The upper and the lower parts of a jug may appear
to be different when they are not regarded as parts of the jug, and
1 vahu syiiT[l prajiiyeye'tyii-di-irutibhil;r sr~teb priHi niima-rupa-vibhiigii-
bhiivena ekatvii-vasthiipannasya suk~ma-cid-acid-·vis#ta-brahma~ab paiciin-niima-
rupa-vibhiigena ekatvii-vasthii-prahii~a-purvakm!l sthula-cid-acid-vaiSi~tya-lak~a~a­
vahutvii-pattir-hi prasphuta'!l pratipiidyate; sai'va hi brahma~ab pari~iimo nama;
priig-avasthii-prahii~umii' vasthii-ntara-priipter eva pari~iima-sabdii-rthatviit . ...
yathii sarvaT[l mrd-dravya-vikrti-bhutaT[l ghata-di-kiirya-jiitaT[l kiira~a-bhuta­
mrd-dravyii-bhinnaT[le va na tu dravyii-ntaraT[l tathii brahmii'pi jagatal;r abhinnam
eva. Ku-duti-dh-viinta-miirta~l}a, p. 66.
398 Philosophy of the Riimiinuja School of Thought [CH. xx

in that condition to consider them as two would be false; for they

attain their meaning only when they are taken as the parts of one
whole jug. When the Upani~ads say that plurality is false, the im-
port of the text is that plurality attains its full meaning only in its
unified conception as parts of God, the Absolute.
The Sankarites do not admit the theory of illusion as one thing
appearing as another (anyathii-khyiiti). According to them illusion
consists in the production of an indefinable illusory object. Such
an object appears to a person only at a particular moment when he
commits an error of perception. It cannot be proved that the il-
lusory object was not present at the time of the commission of
illusory perception. Under the circumstances the absence of that
object at other times cannot prove its falsity; for an object present
at one time and not present at another cannot indicate its false
nature. Falsity has then to be defined as relative to the perceiver
at the time of perception. \Vhen the perceiver has knowledge of the
true object, and knows also that one object is being perceived as
another object, he is aware of the falsity of his perception. But if
at the time of perception he has only one kind of knowledge and he
is not aware of any contradiction, his perception at any time cannot
be regarded as false. But since the dream experiences are not known
to be self-contradictory in the same stage, the experience of conch-
shell-silver is not known to be illusory at the time of the illusion;
and as the world experience is uncontradicted at the time of our
waking consciousness, it cannot be regarded as false in the re-
spective stages of experience. The falsehood of the dream experiences
therefore is only relative to the experience of another stage at another
time. In such a view of the Sankarites everything becomes relative,
and there is no positive certainty regarding the experience of any
stage. According to the Buddhists and their scriptures, the notion of
Brahman is also false; and thus, if we consider their experience, the
notion of Brahman is also relatively true. In such a view we are
necessarily landed in a state of uncertainty from which there is no
escape 1 •
1 Rangliclirya wrote at least one other work called San-marga-dzpa which,

being of a ritualistic nature, does not warrant any treatment in this work.

Teachers and Pupils of the Nimbarka School.

NIMBARKA, Nimbaditya or Niyamananda is said to have been a
Telugu Brahmin who probably lived in Nimba or Nimbapura in
the Bellary district. It is said in Harivyasadeva's commentary on
Dasa-sloki that his father's name was Jagannatha and his mother's
name was Sarasvatl. But it is difficult to fix his exact date. Sir R. G.
Bhandarkar, in his V ai~~avism, Saivism and Minor Religious
Systems, thinks that he lived shortly after Ramanuja. The argument
that he adduces is as follows: I larivyasadeva is counted in the
Guru-paramparii list as the thirty-second teacher in succession from
Nimbarka, and Bhandarkar discovered a manuscript containing
this list which was written in Samvat 1806 or A.D. 1750 when
Damodara Gosvami was living. Allowing fifteen years for the life
of Damodara Gosvami we have A.D. 1765. Now the thirty-third
successor from Madhva died in A.D. 1876 and Madhva died in
A.D. 1276. Thus thirty-three successive teachers, on the Madhva
line, occupied 6oo years. Applying the same test and deducting
6oo years from A.D. 1765, the date of the thirty-third successor, we
have 1165 as the date of Nimbarka. This, therefore, ought to be
regarded as the date of Nimbarka's death and it means that he died
sometime after Ramanuja and might have been his junior con-
temporary. Bhandarkar would thus put roughly eighteen years as
the pontifical period for each teacher. But Pandit Kisoradasa says
that in the lives of teachers written by Pandit Anantaram Deva-
carya the twelfth teacher from Nimbarka was born in Samvat
1112 or A.D. 1056, and applying the same test of eighteen years for
each teacher we have A.D. 868 as the date of Nimbarka, in which
case he is to be credited with having lived long before Ramanuja.
But from the internal examination of the writings of Nimbarka and
Srinivasa this would appear to be hardly credible. Again, in the
Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Private Libraries of the
North Western Provinces, Part I, llenares, 1874 (or N.W.P. Cata-
logue, MS. No. 274), Madhva-mukha-mardana, deposited in the
400 The Nimbiirka School of Philosophy [cH.
Madan l\1ohan Library, Benares, is attributed to Nimbarka. This
manuscript is not procurable on loan and has not been available to
the present writer. But if the account of the authors of the Cata-
logue is to be believed, Nimbarka is to be placed after Madhva.
One argument in support of this later date is to be found in the fact
that l\1adhava who lived in the fourteenth century did not make
any reference in his Sarva-darsana-sa1J1graha, to Nimbarka's
system, though he referred to all important systems of thought
known at the time. If Nimbarka had lived before the fourteenth
century there would have been at least some reference to him in the
Sarva-darsana-sa1J1graha, or by some of the writers of that time.
Dr Rajendra Lall\1itra, however, thinks that since Nimbarka refers
to the schools (sampradiiya) of Sri, Brahma and Sanaka, he lived
later than Ramanuja, l\'1adhva and even Vallabha. While there is no
positive, definite evidence that Nimbarka lived after Vallabha, yet
from the long list of teachers of his school it probably would not be
correct to attribute a very recent date to him. Again, on the as-
sumption that the Madhva-mukha-mardana was really written by
him as testified in the N. W.P. Catalogue, one would be inclined to
place him towards the latter quarter of the fourteenth or the be-
ginning of the fifteenth century. Considering the fact that there
have been up till now about forty-three teachers from the time of
Nimbarka, this would mean that the pontifical period of each
teacher was on the average about ten to twelve years, which is not
improbable. An internal analysis of Nimbarka's philosophy shows
its great indebtedness to Ramanuja's system and even the style of
Nimbarka's bhii~ya in many places shows that it was modelled upon
the style of approach adopted by Ramanuja in his bhi'ifya. This is
an additional corroboration of the fact that Nimbarka must have
lived after Ramanuja.
The works attributed to him are as follows: ( 1) Vediinta-
piirijiita-saurabha. (2) Da.Sa-Sloki. (3) Kr~'!la-stava-riija. (4) Guru-
paramparii. (5) !.1adh,.oa-mukha-mardana. (6) Vediinta-tattva-bodha.
(7) Vediinta-siddhiinta-pradipa. (8) Sva-dharmii-dhva-bodha. (9) Sri-
kn7Ja-stava. But excepting the first three works all the rest exist in
l\1S. most of which are not procurable 1 . Of these the present writer
1 Vediinta-tattva-bodha exists in the Oudh Catalogue, 1877, 42 and VIII. 24,
compiled by Pandit Deviprasad.
Vediinta-siddhiinta-pradipa and S·m-dharmii-dhva-bodha occur in the Notices
XXI] Teachers and Pupils of the Nimbarka School
could secure only the Sva-dharmii-dhva-bodha, which is deposited
with the Bengal Asiatic Society. It is difficult to say whether this work
was actually written by Nimbarka. In any case it must have been
considerably manipulated by some later followers of the Nimbarka
school, since it contains several verses interspersed, in which
Nimbarka is regarded as an avatiira and salutations are offered to
him. He is also spoken of in the third person, and views are
expressed as being Nimbiirka-matam which could not have come
from the pen of Nimbarka. The book contains reference to the
Kevala-bheda-viidi which must be a reference to the Madhva
school. It is a curious piece of work, containing various topics,
partly related and partly unrelated, in a very unmethodical style.
It contains references to the various schools of asceticism and
In the Guru-paramparii list found in the Har-iguru-stava-miilii
noted in Sir R. G. Bhandarkar's Report of the Search for Sanskrit
Manuscripts r882-r883, we find that Harpsa, the unity of Radha
and Kr~Qa, is regarded as the first teacher of the Nimbarka school.
His pupil was Kumara of the form of four vyiihas. Kumara's pupil
was Narada, the teacher of prema-bhakti in the Treta-yuga.
Nimbarka was the pupil of Narada and the incarnation of the
power (sudarsana) of Narayat;a. He is supposed to have introduced
the worship of Kr~Qa in Dvapara-yuga. His pupil was Srlnivasa,
who is supposed to be the incarnation of the conch-shell of
Narayal)a. Srlnivasa's pupil was Visvacarya, whose pupil was
Puru~ottama, who in turn had as his pupil Svarupacarya. These are
all described a~ devotees. Svarupacarya's pupil was l\1adhavacarya,
who had a pupil Balabhadracarya~ and his pupil was Padmacarya
who is said to have been a great controversialist, who travelled over
different parts of India defeating people in discussion. Padma-
carya's pupil was Syamacarya, and his pupil was Gopalacarya, who
is described as a great scholar of the Vedas and the Vedanta. He
had as pupil Krpacarya, who taught Devacarya, who is described
as a great controversialist. Devacarya's pupil was Sundara Bhana,
and Sundara Bhatta's pupil was Padmana Bhacarya. His pupil was
U pendra Bhatta; the succession of pupils is in the following order:
of Sanskrit .'t1anusaipts, by R. L. l\1itra, Nos. 2826 and 1216, and the Guru-
paramparii in the Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Private Libraries of theN. W.P.,
Parts 1-x, Allahabad, 1877-86.
The Nimbiirka School of Philosophy [cH.

Ramacandra Bhaga, Kr~1.1a Bhaga, Padmakara Bhana, Srava1_1a

Bhana, Bhuri Bhaga, IV1adhva Bhaga, Syama Bhaga, Gopala
Bhana, Valabhadra Bhana, Gopinatha Bhaga (who is described
as a great controversialist), Kdava, Gail gala llhana, Kesava Kasmiri,
Sri Bhana and Harivyasadeva. Up to Harivyasadeva apparently
all available lists of teachers agree with one another; but after him
it seems that the school split into two and we ha\·e two different
lists of teachers. Bhandarkar has fixed the date for Hari-
vyasadeva as the thirty-second teacher after Nimbarka. The date
of Harivyasadeva and his successor in one branch line, Damodara
Gosvami, has been fixed as 1750-1755· After Harivyasadeva we
have, according to some lists, Parasuramadeva, HarivarpsadeYa,
Narayal).adeva, V rndavanadeva and Govindadeva. According to
another list we have Svabhuramadeva after 1-Iarivyasadeva, and
after him Karmaharadeva, Mathuradeva, Syamadeva, Sevadeva,
Naraharideva, Dayaramadeva, Pun;adeva, Mani~ideva, Radha-
kf~l).asaral).adeva, Harideva and Vrajabhu~al).asaral).adeva who was
living in 1924 and Santadasa Vavaji who died in 1935. A study of
the list of teachers gives fairly convincing proof that on the average
the pontifical period of each teacher was about fourteen years. If
Harivyasadeva lived in 1750 and Santadasa Vavaji who was the
thirteenth teacher from Harivyasadeva died in 1935, the thirteen
teachers occupied a period of 185 years. This would make the
average pontifical period for each teacher about fourteen years.
By backward calculation from Harivyasadeva, putting a period
of fourteen years for each teacher, we have for Nimbarka a
date which would be roughly about the middle of the fourteenth
Nimbarka's commentary of the Brahma-sutras is called the
Vediinta-piirijata-saurabha as has been already stated. A com-
mentary on it, called the Vediinta-kaustubha, was written by his
direct disciple Srinivasa. Kesava-kasmiri Bhatta, the disciple of
l\1ukunda, wrote a commentary on the Vediinta-kaustubha, called
the Vediinta-kaustubha-prabhii. He also is said to have written a
commentary on the Bhagavad-gitii, called the Tatt·va-prakiisikii, a
commentary on the tenth skanda of Bhiigavata-purii~za called the
Tattva-prakiisikii-'l.'eda-stuti-tikii, and a commen ta ry·on the Taittriya
Upani~ad called the Taittriya-prakiisikii. He also wrote a work
called Krama-dipikii, which was commented upon by Govinda
XXI] Teachers and Pup£/s of the Nimbiirka School
Bhathidirya1 . The Krama-dipikii is a work of eight chapters dealing
mainly with the ritualistic parts of the Nimbarka school of religion.
This work deals very largely with various kinds of Mantras and
meditations on them. Srlnivasa also wrote a work called Laghu-
stava-raja-stotra in which he praises his own teacher Nimbarka. It
has been commented upon by Puru~ottama Prasada, and the com-
mentary is called Guru-bhakti-mandiikini. The work Vediinta-
siddhiinta-pradipa attributed to Nimbarka seems to be a spurious
work so far as can be judged from the colophon of the work and
from the summary of the contents given in R. L. Mitra's Notices
of Sanskrit Manuscripts (MS. No. 2826). It appears that the book
is devoted to the elucidation of the doctrine of monistic Vedanta
of the school of Sankara. Nimbarka's Daia-sloki, called also
Siddhiinta-ratna, had at least three commentaries: Vediinta-ratna-
maiiju~ii, by Puru~ottama Prasada; Laghu-miiiiju~ii, the author
of which is unknown; and a commentary by Harivyasa muni.
Puru~ottama Prasada wrote a work called Vediinta-ratna-maiiju~ii
as a commentary on the Daia-sloki of Nimbarka, and also Guru-
bhakti-mandiikini commentary as already mentioned. He wrote also a
commentary on the Sri-kr~r;a-stava of Nimbarka in twenty chapters
called Sruty-anta-sura-druma, and also Stotra-trayP. The dis-
cussions contained in the commentary are more or less of the same
nature as those found in Para-pak~a-giri-vajra, which has been
already described in a separate section. The polemic therein is
mainly directed against Sankara vediinta. Puru~ottama also strongly
criticizes Ramanuja's view in which the impure cit and acit are
regarded as parts of Brahman possessed of the highest and noblest
qualities, and suggests the impossibility of this. According to the
Nimbarka school the individual selves are different from Brahman.
Their identity is only in the remote sense inasmuch as the indivi-
dual selves cannot have any separate existence apart from God.
Puru~ottama also criticizes the dualists, the Madhvas. The dualistic
texts have as much force as the identity texts, and therefore on the
strength of the identity texts we have to admit that the world exists
in Brahman, and on the strength of the duality texts we have to
1 This Kdava K~smlrl Bhatta seems to be a very different person from the
Kdava Kasmiri who is said to have had a discussion with Caitanya as described
in the Caitanya-caritiimrta.
1 The Srl-krsna-stava had another commentary on it called Sruti-siddhiinta-

maiijarl, the. writ"e.r of which is unknown.

The Nimbiirka School of Philosophy [cH.

admit that the world is different from Brahman. The real meaning of
the view that God is the material cause of the world is that though
everything springs from Him, yet the nature of God remains the
same in spite of all His productions. The energy of God exists
in God and though He produces everything by the diverse kinds
of manifestations of His energies, He remains unchanged in His
Puru~ottama makes reference to Devacarya' s Siddhanta-
jahnavi, and therefore lived after him. According to Pandit
Kisoradasa's introduction to Sruty-anta-sura-druma, he was born
in 1623 and was the son of Narayal).a Sarma. The present writer is
unable to substantiate this view. According to Pandit Kisoradasa
he was a pupil of Dharmadevacarya. 2 Devacarya wrote a com-
mentary on the Brahma-siitras called the Siddhiinta-jiilznavi, on
which Sundara Bhatta wrote a commentary called the Siddlziinta-

A General Idea of Nimbarka's Philosophy.

According to Nimbarka, the inquiry into the nature of Brahman
can take place only after one has studied the literature that deals
with the Vedic duties leading to various kinds of beneficial results
and discovered that they are all vitiated by enjoyment and cannot
bring about a state of eternal bliss. After such a discovery, and
after the seeker has learnt in a general manner from the various
religious texts that the realization of Brahman leads to the un-
changeable, eternal and ever-constant state of bliss, he becomes
anxious to attain it through the grace of God and approaches his
teacher with affection and reverence for instruction regarding the
yathii ca bhumes tathii-bluita-sakti-matyii o~adlzlnii1!l janma-miitrm!z tathii
san:a-kiiryo-tpiidanii-rha-lak~a~zii-cintyiinnanta-sarva-sakter ak~ara-padiirthiid
brahmm:zo vis·cam sambh_m:atl'ti; yadii S'l'a-s'l·ii-bhii'l:ikii-lpii-dhika-siitisaya-saktima-
dhlzyo' cetanebhyas tat-tac-chaktya-nusiire1_1a sv:a-n•a-kiirya-bhiiv.'ii-pattm•api apra-
cyuta-sva-rripatv:m!l pratyak~a-pramii~a-siddhatJz, tarhy acintya-sarvii-cintya-
·vis1.·iikhya-kiiryo-tpiidanii-rlza-saktimato bhagm·ata ukta-rltyii jagad-bhiiTti-
pattm•apya-pracyuta-s·ca-rripatvm!L kim asakyam iti.. .. sakti-vik~epa-Sa7!l­
hara~asya paril_liima-sabda-viicyat'vii-bhipriiye~za kvacit pari~ziimo-kti/:1. sv.'a-rripa-
pari~ziimii-bhii'L·as ca parv:am eva nirnpita/:1; sakte/:1 sakti-mato' Prthak-siddhat'l·iit.
(Sruty-anta-sura-druma, pp. 73-74.)
Pandit Kisoradasa contradicts himself in his introduction to Vediinta-maiiju~ii
and it seems that the dates he gives are of a more or less fanciful character.
Pandit Kisoradasa further says that Devacarya lived in A.D. 1055. This would
place Nimbarka prior even to Ramanuja, which seems very improbable.
XXI] A General Idea of Nimbiirka's Philosophy
nature of Brahman. The Brahman is Sri Kr~t:Ia, who is omniscient,
omnipotent, the ultimate cause, and the all-pervading Being. Such
a Being can be realized only through a constant effort to permeate
oneself with His nature by means of thought and devotion. The
import of the first aphorism of the Brahma-sutra consists in the
imposition of such a duty on the devotee, namely, the constant
effort at realizing the nature of Brahman 1 • The pupil listens to the
instruction of his teacher who has a direct realization of the nature
of Brahman and whose words are therefore pregnant with his con-
crete experience. He tries to understand the import and meaning
of the instruction of his teacher which is technically called srava'f}a.
This is indeed different from the ordinary accepted meaning of the
srava7Ja in the Sankara literature where it is used in the sense of
listening to the U pani~adic texts. The next step is called manana-
the process of organizing one's thought so as to facilitate a favour-
able mental approach towards the truths communicated by the
teacher in order to rouse a growing faith in it. The third step is
called nididhyiisana-the process of marshalling one's inner
psychical processes by constant meditation leading ultimately to a
permanent conviction and experiences of the truths inspired and
communicated by the teacher. It is the fruitful culmination of the
last process that brings about the realization of the nature of
Brahman. The study of the nature of the Vedic duties, technically
called dharma, and their inefficacy, rouses a desire for the know-
ledge of the nature of Brahman leading to eternal bliss. As a means
to that end the pupil approaches the teacher who has a direct ex-
perience of the nature of Brahman. The revelation of the nature of
the Brahman in the pupil is possible through a process of spiritual
communication of which sravaT}a, manana and nididhyiisana are the
three moments.
According to Nimbarka's philosophy which is a type of
Bhedii-bheda-viida, that is, the theory of the Absolute as Unity-in-
difference, Brahman or the Absolute has transformed itself into the
world of matter and spirits. Just as the life-force or priiT}a manifests
itself into the various conative and cognitive sense-functions, yet
keeps its own independence, integrity and difference from them,
1 As the nature of this duty is revealed through the text of the Brahma-siltra,

namely, that the Brahma-hood can be attained only by such a process of nidi-
dhyiisana, it is called the apurva-vidhi.
The 1Vimbiirka School of Philosophy [cH.

so the Brahman also manifests itself through the numberless spirits

and matter without losing itself in them. Just as the spider spins
out of its own self its web and yet remains independent of it, so the
Brahman also has split itself up into the numberless spirits and
matter but remains in its fullness and purity. The very existence and
movement of the spirits and indeed all their operations are said to
depend upon Brahn1an ( tad-iiyatta-sthiti-pur'l:ikii) in the sense that the
Brahman is both the material and the determining cause of them all 1 .
In the scriptures we hear of dualistic and monistic texts, and
the only way in which the claims of both these types of texts can be
reconciled is by coming to a position of compromise that the
Brahman is at once different from and identical with the world of
spirits and matter. The nature of Brahman is regarded as such that
it is at once one with and different from the world of spirits and
matter, not by any imposition or supposition, but as the specific
peculiarity of its spiritual nature. It is on this account that this
Bhedii-bheda doctrine is called the sviibhii·vika blzedii-bheda-viida. In
the pure dualistic interpretation of the Vedanta the Brahman is to
be regarded only as the determining cause and as such the claims
of all texts that speak of the Brahman as the material cause or of the
ultimate identity of the spirits with the Brahman are to be dis-
regarded. The monistic view of the Ycdanta is also untenable, for a
pure ditferenceless qualityless consciousness as the ultimate reality
is not amenable to perception, since it is super-sensible, nor to
inference, since it is devoid of any distinctive marks, nor ~lso to
scriptural testimony, as no words can signify it. The supposition
that, just as one's attention to the moon may be drawn in an in-
direct manner by perceiving the branch of a tree with which the
moon may be in a line, so the nature of Brahman also may be ~x­
pressed by demonstrating other concepts which are more or less
contiguous or associated with it, is untenable; for in the above
illustration the moon and the branch of the tree are both sensible
objects, whereas Brahman is absolutely super-sensible. Again, if
it is supposed that Brahman is amenable to logical proofs, then also
this supposition would be false; for all that is amenable to proofs
or subject to any demonstration is false. Further, if it is not
amenable to any proof, the Brahman would be chimerical as the
1 Srinivasa's commentary on NimbArka's Vediinta-piirijiita-saurabha on
Brahma-srltra, I. i. 1-3.
XXI] A General Idea of Nimbarka's Philosophy
hare's horn. If it is held that, Brahman being self-luminous, no
proofs are required for its demonstration, then all the scriptural
texts describing the nature of Brahman would be superfluous.
Moreover, the pure qualityless Brahman being absolutely un-
associated with any kind of impurity has to be regarded as being
eternally free from any bondage, and thus all scriptural texts giving
instruction in the methods for the attainment of salvation would be
meaningless. The reply of the Sankarites, that all duality though
false has yet an appearance and serves practical purposes, is un-
tenable; for when the scriptures speak of the destruction of bondage
they mean that it was a real bondage and its dissolution is also a real
one. Again, an illusion is possible in a locus only when it has some
specific as well as some general characters, and the illusion takes
place only when the object is known in a general manner without
any of its specific attributes. But if the Brahman is absolutely
qualityless, it is impossible that it should be the locus of any
illusion. Again, since it is difficult to explain how the ajiiiina should
have any support or object (iisraya or vi~aya), the illusion itself
becomes inexplicable. The Brahman being of the nature of pure
knowledge can hardly be supposed to be the support or object of
ajiiiina. The jiva also being itself a product of ajiiiina cannot be
regarded as its support. Moreover, since Brahman is of the nature
of pure illumination and ajiiiina is darkness, the former cannot
legitimately be regarded as the support of the latter, just as the sun
cannot be regarded as the supporter of darkness.
The operation that results in the formation of illusion cannot be
regarded as being due to the agency of ajiiiina, for ajfiiina is devoid
of consciousness and cannot, therefore, be regarded as an agent.
The agency cannot also be attributed to Brahman because it is pure
and static. Again, the false appearance of Brahman as diverse un-
desirable phenomena such as a sinner, an animal, and the like, is
inexplicable; for if the Brahman is always conscious and inde-
pendent it cannot be admitted to allow itself to suffer through the
undesirable states which one has to experience in various animal
lives through rebirth. If the Brahman has no knowledge of such
experiences, then it is to be regarded as ignorant and its claim to
self-luminosity fails. Again, if ajiiiina is regarded as an existent
entity, there is the change to dualism, and if it is regarded as non-
existent then it cannot hide the nature of Brahman. Further, if
The 1\rimbiirka School of Philosophy [cH.
Brahman is self-luminous, how can it be hidden and how can there
be any illusion about it? If the conch-shell shines forth in its own
nature, there cannot be any misperception of its nature as a piece
of silver. Again, if the nature of Brahman is admitted to be hidden
by ajiiiina, the question that naturally arises is whether the ajiiiina
veils the nature of the Brahman as a whole or in part. 'l'he former
supposition is impossible, for then the world would be absolutely
blind and dark(jagad-iindhya-prasangiit), and the latter is impossible,
for the Brahman is a homogeneous entity and has no characters or
parts. It is admitted by the monists to he absolutely qualityless and
partless. If it is held that ordinarily only the "bliss" part of the
Brahman is hidden by ajiiiina whereas the "being" part remains
unveiled, then that would mean that Brahman is divisible in parts
and the falsity of the Brahman would be demonstrable by such in-
ferences as: Brahman is false, because it has parts like the jug
(bra/una mithyii siif!lsatviit, ghatiidivat).
In reply to the above objections it may be argued that the ob-
jections against ajiiiina are inadmissible, for the ajiiiina is absolutely
false knowledge. Just as an owl perceives utter darkness, even in
bright sunlight, so the intuitive perception "I am ignorant" is
manifest to all. Anantarama, a follower of the Nimharka school,
raises further objections against such a supposition in his rediinta-
tatt'l·a-bodha. He says that this intuitively felt "I" in "I am
ignorant" cannot be pure knowledge, for pure knowledge cannot
be felt as ignorant. It cannot he mere egoism, for then the ex-
perience would he "the egoism is ignorant." If by "ego" one
means the pure self, then such a self cannot be experienced before
emancipation. The ego-entity cannot he something different from
both pure consciousness and ajiii"ina, for such an entity must doubt-
less be an effect of ajfiiina which cannot exist before the association
of the aji"iiina with Brahman. The reply of the Sarikarites that
ajliiina, being merely false imagination, cannot affect the nature of
the Brahman, the abiding substratum (adhi~tfziina), is also inad-
missible; for if the ajiiiina be regarded as false imagination there
must be someone who imagines it. But such an imagination cannot
be attributed to either of the two possible entities, Brahman or the
ajfiiina; for the former is pure quality less which cannot therefore
imagine and the latter is inert and unconscious and therefore de-
void of all imagination. It is also wrong to suppose that Brahman
XXI] A General Idea of Nimbarka's Philosophy
as pure consciousness has no intrinsic opposition to ajfiiina, for
there can be no knowledge which is not opposed to ignorance.
Therefore the Sati.karites are not in a position to demonstrate any
entity which they mean by the intuition "I" in "I am ignorant."
The final conclusion from the Nimbarka point of view therefore
is that it is inadmissible to accept any ajiiiina as a world-principle
producing the world-appearance by working in co-operation with
the Brahman. The ajiiiina or ignorance is a quality of individual
beings or selves who are by nature different from Brahman but are
under its complete domination. They are eternal parts of it, atomic
in nature, and are of limited powers. Being associated with be-
ginningless chains of karma they are naturally largely blinded in
their outlook on knowledge 1 •
The Sati.karites affirm that, through habitual failure in dis-
tinguishing between the real nature of the self and the not-self,
mis-perceptions, misapprehensions and illusions occur. The ob-
jection of Anantarama against such an explanation is that such a
failure cannot be attrihuted either to Brahman or to ajiiiina. And
since all other entities are but later products of illusion, they cannot
be responsible for producing the illusion 2 •
In his commentary Sati.kara had said that the pure conscious-
ness was not absolutely undemonstrable, since it was constantly
being referred to by our ego-intuitions. To this the objection that
naturally arises is that the entity referred to by our ego-intuitions
cannot be pure consciousness; for then the pure consciousness
would have the characteristic of an ego-a view which is favourable
to the Nimharka but absolutely unacceptable to the Sati.karites.
If it is held to he illusory, then it has to be admitted that the ego-
intuition appears when there is an illusion. But by supposition the
illusion can only occur when there is an ego-intuition 3 • Here is
then a reasoning in a circle. The defence that reasoning in a circle
can be avoided on the supposition that the illusory imposition is
beginningless is also unavailing. For the supposition that illusions
as such are beginningless is false, as it is well known that illusions
1 paramii-tma-bhinno'/pa-iaktis tad-adhznab saniitanas tad-amsa-bhuto'
tltidi-karm.'"i-tmikii-v·idJ•ii-'l'!fa-dharma-bhi"itii-jiiiino jzva-k~etrajiiii-di-Jabdii-bhi-
dhe~·as tat-pratyayii-sraya iti. Vediinta-tattva-bodha, p. 12.
Ibid. p. I 3·
3 adhyastafl'l'e tu adhyiise sati bhiisamiinatvam, tasmin sati sa ity anyonyii-

iraya-do~ab. Ibid. p. q.
410 The Nimbarka School of Philosophy [cH.
are possible only through the operation of the subconscious im-
pressions of previous valid cognitions 1 • Again, the reflection of the
pure consciousness in the ajfiiina is impossible, for reflections can
take place only between two entities which have the same order of
existence. From other considerations also the illusion has to be
regarded as illegitimate. Illusions take place as the result of certain
physical conditions such as contact, defect of the organs of per-
ception, the operation of the subconscious impressions, etc. These
conditions are all absent in the supposed case of the illusion in-
volved in the ego-intuition.
The Sati.karites described miiyii as indefinable. By" indefinable,,
they mean something that appears in perception but is ultimately
contradicted. The Sati.karites define falsehood or non-existence as
that which is liable to contradiction. The phenomena of miiyii
appear in experience and are therefore regarded as existent. They
are liable to contradiction and are therefore regarded as non-
existent. It is this unity of existence and non-existence in miiyii that
constitutes its indefinability. To this Anantarama's objection is that
contradiction does not imply non-existence. As a particular object,
say a jug, may be destroyed by the stroke of a club, so one know-
ledge can destroy another. The destruction of the jug by the stroke
of the club does not involve the supposition that the jug was non-
existent. So the contradiction of the prior knowledge by a later one
does not involve the non-existence or falsity of the former. All
cognitions are true in themselves, though some of them may
destroy another. This is what the Nimbarkists mean by the
sat-khyiiti of knowledge. The theory of sat-khyiiti with them means
that all knowledge (khyiiti) is produced by some existent objects,
which are to be regarded as its cause (sad-dhetukii khyiiti, sat- khyiiti).
According to such a view, therefore, the illusory knowledge must
have its basic cause in some existent object. It is wrong also to
suppose that false or non-existent objects can produce effects on
the analogy that the illusory cobra may produce fear and even
death. For here it is not the illusory cobra that produces fear but
the memory of a true snake. It is wrong therefore to suppose that
the illusory world-appearance may be the cause of our bondage.
Since illusions are not possible, it is idle to suppose that all our
adhyiiso nii'niidi!z, purva-pramii-hita-Sa7Jlskiira-janyat?:iit. Vediinta-tattt·a-
bodha, p. 14.
XXI] A General Idea of Nimbarka's Philosophy
perceptual, inferential, and other kinds of cognitions are produced
as associated with an ego through sheer illusion. Right knowledge
is to be regarde<;l as a characteristic quality of the self and the pro-
duction of knowledge does not need the intervention of a vrtti. The
ajiiiina which prevents the flashing in of knowledge is our karma
which is in accumulation from beginningless time. Through the
operation of the sense-organs our selves expand outside us and are
filled with the cognition of the sense-objects. It is for this reason
that when the sense-organs are not in operation the sense-objects
do not appear in cognition, as in the state of sleep. The self is thus
a real knower (jiiiitii) and a real agent (kartii), and its experiences as
a knower and as an agent should on no account be regarded as the
result of a process of illusion 1 •
The self is of the nature of pure consciousness, but it should
yet be regarded as the real knower. The objection that what is
knowledge cannot behave in a different aspect as a knower, just as
water cannot be mixed with water and yet remain distinct from it,
is regarded by the Nimbarkists as invalid. As an illustration
vindicating the Nimbarka position, Puru!?ottama, in his Vediinta-
ratna-maiiju~ii, refers to the case of the sun which is both light
and that from which light emanates. Even when a drop of water
is mixed with another drop the distinction of the drops, both
quantitative and qualitative, remains, though it may not be so
apprehended. The mere non-apprehension of difference is no proof
that the two drops have merged into identity. On the other hand,
since the second drop has its parts distinct from the first one it must
be regarded as having a separate existence, even when the two drops
are mixed. The character as knower must be attributed to the self;
for the other scheme proposed by the Sankarites, that the character
as knower is due to the reflection of the pure consciousness in the
vrtti, is inefficacious. The sun that is reflected in water as an image
cannot be regarded as a glowing orb by itself. Moreover, reflection
can only take place between two visible objects; neither pure
consciousness nor the antal;.karar.za-vrtti can be regarded as visible
objects justifying the assumption of reflection.
The ego-intuition refers directly to the self and there is no
illusion about it. The ego-intuition thus appears to be a continuous
revelation of the nature of the self. After deep dreamless sleep one
1 Vediinta-tattva-bodha, p. 20.
The Nimbiirka School of Philosophy [cH.

says "I slept so well that I did not know even myself." But this
should not be interpreted as the absence of the ego-intuition or the
revelation of the self. The experience "I did not know myself"
refers to the absence of the intuition of the body and the mental
psychosis, but it does not indicate that the self-conscious self had
ever ceased to shine by itself. The negation involved in the denial
of the perception of one's self during dreamless sleep refers to the
negation of certain associations (say, of the body, etc.) with which
the ego ordinarily links itself. Similar experience of negation can
also be illustrated in such expressions as "I was not so long in the
room," "I did not live at that tim~,p etc., where negations refer to
the associations of the ego and not to the ego. The self is not only
to be regarded as expressed in the ego-intuition, but it is also to be
regarded as distinct from the knowledge it has. The perception of
the self continues not only in the state of dreamless sleep but also
in the state of emancipation, and even God in His absolute freedom
is conscious of Himself in His super-ego intuition. lie is also all-
Merciful, the supreme Instructor. and the presiding deity of all our
understanding. Like individual selYes God is also the agent, the
creator of the universe. If the Brahman were not an agent hy
nature, then He could not have been the creator of the universe,
even with the association of the miiyii conditions. l 1 nlike Brahman
the activity of the individual souls has to depend upon the operation
of the conative organs for its manifestation. The self also really ex-
periences the feelings of pleasure and pain. The existence and
agency of the human souls, however, ultimately depend on the will
of God. Yet there is no reason to suppose that God is partial or
cruel because lie makes some suffer and others enjoy; for I Ie is like
the grand master and Lord who directs different men differently
and awards suffering and enjoyment according to their individual
deserts. The whole idea is that though God awards suffering and
enjoyment to individuals and directs their actions according to their
deserts, He is not ultimately hound by the law of karma, and may
by His grace at any time free them from their bondage. The law of
karma is a mechanical law and God as the superintendent decides
each individual case. He is thus the dispenser of the laws of karma
but is not bound by it 1 . The human souls are a part of the
1 na vaya'!f brahma-niyantrt·vasya karma-siipek~att'l•a'!l brilma}_z, kintu
punyii-di-karma-kiirayitrtve tat-phala-diitrt·ve ca. Vediinta-ratna-maiiju~ii, p. 14.
XXI] A General Idea of Nimbiirka's Philosophy
nature of God and as such are dependent on Him for their essence,
existence, and activities (tad-iiyatta-svarupa-sthiti-purvikiil;. ). God
being the ultimate truth, both the human souls and inanimate
nature attain their essence and existence by virtue of the fact that
they are parts of Him and participate in His nature. They are there-
fore entirely dependent on Him for their existence and all their
The individual souls are infinite in number and atomic in size.
But though atomic in size they can at the same time cognize the
various sensations in various parts of the body through all-pervading
knowledge which exists in them as their attribute. Though atomic
and partless in their nature, they are completely pervaded by God
through His all-pervading nature. The atomic souls are associated
with the beginningless girdle of karma which is the cause of the
body, and are yet through the grace of God finally emancipated
when their doubts are dissolved by listening to the instructions of
the siistras from the teachers, and by entering into a deep Ineditation
regarding the true essence of God by which they are ultimately
merged in Him. God is absolutely free in extending His mercy and
grace. But it so happens that He actually extends them to those
who deserve them by their good deeds and devotion. God in His
transcendence is beyond His three natures as souls, the world and
even as God. In this His pure and transcendent nature He is
absolutely unaffected by any changes, and He is the unity of pure
being, bliss and consciousness. In His nature as God He realizes
His own infinite joy through the infinite souls which are but con-
stituent parts of Him. The experiences of individuals are therefore
contained in Him as constituents of Him because it is by His own
ik~m:za or self-perceiving activity that the experiences of the indi-
vidual selves can be accounted for. The existence and the process
of all human experience are therefore contained and controlled by
Him. The individual selves are thus in one sense different from
Him and in another sense but constituent parts of Him. In Bhas-
kara's philosophy the emphasis was on the aspect of unity, since
the differences were due to conditions (upiidhi). But though
Nimbarka's system is to be counted as a type of Bhedii-bheda
or Dvaitii-dvaita theory, the emphasis here is not merely on the part
of the unity but on the difference as well. As a part cannot be
different from the whole, so the individual souls can never be dif-
The Nimbiirka School of Philosophy [cH.

ferent from God. But, in the state of bondage the individuals are
apt to forget their aspects of unity with God and feel themselves
independent in all their actions and experiences. When by absolute
self-abnegation springing from love the individual feels himself to
be absolutely controlled and regulated by God and realizes himself
to be a constituent of Him, he loses all his interests in his actions
and is not affected by them. The ultimate ideal, therefore, is to
realize the relation with God, to abnegate all actions, desires and
motives, and to feel oneself as a constituent of Him. Such a being
never again comes within the grasp of mundane bondage and lives
in eternal bliss in his devotional contemplation of God. The de-
votee in the state of his emancipation feels himself to be one with
God and abides in Him as a part of His energy ( tat-tiidiitmyii-nubha-
va-purvaka'f!l visvarupe bhagavati tac-chaktyii-tmanii avasthiinam) 1 •
Thus, even in the state of emancipation, there is a difference be-
tween the emancipated beings and God, though in this state they
are filled with the utmost bliss. With the true realization of the
nature of God and one's relation with Him, all the three kinds of
karma (saiicita, kriyamii1Ja and iirabdha) are destroyed 2 • Avidyii in
this system means ignorance of one's true nature and relationship
with God which is the cause of his karma and his association with
the body, senses and the subtle matter. The priirabdha karma, or
the karma which is in a state of fructification, may persist through
the present life or through other lives if necessary, for until their
fruits are reaped the bodiless emancipation cannot be attained 4 •
Sainthood consists in the devotional state consisting of a continual
and unflinching meditation on the nature of God (dhyiina-paripiike1la
dhruva-smrti-para-hhakty-iikhya-jiiiinii-dhigame). Such a saint be-
comes free from the tainting influence of all deeds committed and
collected before and all good or bad actions that may be performed
later on ( tatra uttara-bhii1-'inal;. kr(yamii1Jasya piipasya iiSle~ab
tat-priig-bhutasya saiicitasya tasya nasal;.. Vediinta-kaustublza-prablzii,
lV. 1. 13). The regular caste duties and the duties of the various
stages of life help the rise of wisdom and ought therefore always to
be performed, even when the wisdom has arisen; for the flame of
1 Para-pak~a-giri-vajra, p. 591.
!hid. p. 59~- 3
' ,,;du~o vidya-miihiitmyiit saiicita-kriya>nii')ayor iiile~a-'t.'iniisau, priirabdhasya
tu karma7Jo hhogena t•iniisa~z, tatra priirabdhasya etac charzrena itara-sarlrair vii
blmktt:ii viniisiin-mok~a iti samk~epa!z. Ibid. p. 583.
XXI] A General Idea of Nimbiirka's Philosophy
this light has always to be kept burning (tasmiit vidyo-dayaya svii-
srama-karmii-gnihotra-di-riipa1Jl grhasthena, tapo-japa-dini karmii:l}i
urdhva-retobhir anu~theyiini iti siddham). But the conglomeration of
deeds which has started fructifying must fructify and the results of
such deeds have to be reaped by the saint either in one life or in many
lives as the case may be. The realization of Brahman consists in the
unflinching meditation on the nature of God and the participation
in Him as His constituent which is the same thing as the establish-
ment of a continuous devotional relationship with Him. This is in-
dependent of the ontological fusion and return in Him which may
happen as a result of the complete destruction of the fructifying
deeds (priirabdha karma) through their experiences in the life of the
saint (vidya-yoni-sarira) or in other lives that may follow. A saint,
after the exhaustion of his fructifying deeds, leaves his gross body
through the su~umnii nerve in his subtle body, and going beyond
the material regions {prakrta-ma1J¢ala) reaches the border region-
the river viraja-between the material regions and the universe of
Vi~1Ju 1 • Here he leaves aside his subtle body in the supreme being
and enters into the transcendent essence of God (Vediinta-
kaustubha-prabhii, IV. 2. I5)· The emancipated beings thus exist in
God as His distinct energies and may again be employed by Him
for His own purposes. Such emancipated beings, however, are
never sent down by God for carrying on an earthly existence.
Though the emancipated beings become one with God, they have
no control over the affairs of the worl-1, which are managed entirely
by God Himself2.
Though it is through the will of God that we enjoy the dream
experiences and though He remains the controller and abides in us
through all stages of our experiences, yet He is never tainted by the
imperfections of our experiental existence ( Vediinta-kaustubha and
its commentary Prabha, III. 2. I I). The objects of our experiences
are not in themselves pleasurable or painful, but God makes them
so to us in accordance with the reward and punishment due to us
according to our good or bad deeds. In themselves the objects are
1 para-loka-gamane dehiid utsarpa~a-samaye eva vidu~ab pu~ya-piipe nira-
vaie~a'!l k~lyate, . .. vidyii hi sva-siimarthyiid eva sva-phala-bhuta-brahma-priipti-
pratipiidaniiya . .. ena'!l deva-yiinena pathii gamayitu'!l su~ma-iarfra'!l sthiipayati.
Vediinta-kaustubha-prabhii, III. 3· 27.
2 muktasya tu para-brahma-siidharmye'pi m"khila-cetanii-cetana-patitva-
tan-ni'yantrtva-tad-vidhiirakatva-sar•va-gatatvii-dy-asambhaviit jagad-vyiipiira-
t-•arjam aiit!aryam. Ibid. IV. 4· 20.
The Nimbtirka School of Philosophy [cH.
but indifferent entities and are neither pleasurable nor painful
(Vediinta-kaustubha-prabhii, III. 2. 12). The relation of God and
the world is like that of a snake and its coiled existence. The coiled
(ku1_ltjala) condition of a snake is neither different from it nor
absolutely identical with it. So God's relation with the individuals
also is like that of a lamp and its light (prabhii-tadvator iva) or like
the sun and the illumination (prakiisa). God remains unchanged in
Himself and only undergoes transformation through His energies as
conscious (cic-chakti) and unconscious (acic-chakti) 1• As the indivi-
duals cannot have any existence apart from Brahman, so the material
world also cannot have any existence apart from him. It is in this
sense that the material world is a part or constituent of God and is
regarded as being one with God. But as the nature of the material
world is different from the nature of God, it is regarded as different
from Him 2 •
The Vedic duties of caste and stages of life are to be performed
for the production of the desire of wisdom (vividi~ii), but once the
true wisdom is produced there is no further need of the per-
formance of the duties (Ibid. III. 4· 9). The wise man is never
affected by the deeds that he performs. But though ordinarily the
performance of the duties is helpful to the attainment of wisdom,
this is not indispensable, and there are many who achieve wisdom
without going through the customary path of caste duties and the
duties attached to stages of life.

Controversy with the Monists by Madhava Mukunda.

(a) The Main Thesis and the Ultimate End in Advaita
V ediinta are Untenable.
Madhava Mukunda, supposed to be a native of the village of
Arm)aghati, Bengal, wrote a work called Pm·a-pak~a-giri-vajra or
Hiirda-saiicaya, in which he tried to show from various points of
1 ananta-gu'}a-saktimato brahma~wb parir:ziimi-svabhavii-cic-chakte/:z sthulii-

vasthiiyii'!l satyiit.n tad-antarii-tmatvena tatrli1:asthiine'pi P•lTi'}iimasya sakti-

gatat'l·iit S'l'arupe pari'}iimii-bhii'l•iit ku'}{lala-drHiilllo na do~ii-'l·alwb aprthak-
siddhatvena abhede'pi bheda-j11iipan.i-rtha/:z. Vcdanta-kaustubha-prabhii, III. 2. 29.
fi'l•avat prthak-sthity-mzarha-visc~a'}at'l'ena acid-1•astrmo brahmii-f!Zsat'l'a'!l
visina-·vastv-eka-desatvena abheda-'l,yavahiiro mukhya/:z 'l'ise~a'}a-vise~yayo/:z S':'a-
rupa-svabhii'L·a-bhedena ca bheda-'l•ym·alziiro mukhy.-z!z. Ibid. HI. 2. 30.
xx1] Controversy with 1l1onists by AJadhava Mukunda 417
view the futility of the monistic interpretation of Vedanta by
Sati.kara and his followers.
He says that the Sati.karites are interested in demonstrating the
identity of the individuals with Brahman(jiva-brahmai-kya) and this
forms the principal s~bject-matter of all their discussions. This
identity may be illusory or not. In the former case duality or
plurality would be real, and in the latter case, i.e. if identity be real,
then -the duality presupposed in the identification must also be
real 1 • It is not the case of the single point of an identity that
Sati.karites are interested in, but in the demonstration of an
identification of the individuals with Brahman. The demonstration
of identity necessarily implies the reality of the negation of the
duality. If such a negation is false, the id~ntification must also he
false, for it is on the reality of the negation that the reality of the
identification depends. If the negation of duality be real, then the
duality must also be real in some sense and the identification can
imply the reality of the negation only in some particular aspect.
The objections levelled by the Sati.karites against the admission
of "duality" or "difference" as a category are, firstly, that the
category of difference (bheda) being by nature a relation involves
two poles and hence it cannot be identical in nature with its locus
in which it is supposed to subsist (bhedasya na adhikara1_la-svarii-
patvam). Secondly, that if" difference" is different in nature from
its locus, then a second grade of "difference" has to be introduced
and this would imply another grade of difference and so on ad
infinitum. Thus we have a vicious infinite. To the first objection,
the reply is that "difference" is not relational' in nature with this
or that individuallocu:::;, but with the concept of the locus as such
(bhiitalatvii-dinii nirapek~atve'pi adhikara'l}iitmakatvena siipeksatve
k~ater abhiiviit) 2 • The charge of vicious infinite by the introduction of
differences of differences is invalid, for all differences are identical
in nature with their locus. So in the case of a series of differences the
nature of each difference becomes well defined and the viciousness
of the infinite series vanishes. In the instance" there is a jug on the
ground" the nature of the difference of the jug is jugness, whereas
in the case of the difference of the difference, the second order of
1 d·vitlye aikya-pratiyogika-bhedasya piiramiirthikatva-prasangiit. Para-pakla-

giri-vajra, p. 1 2.
2 Ibid. p. 14.

The Nimbiirha School of Philosophy [cH.
difference has a separate specification as a special order of dif-
ferenceness. lVIort~over, since difference reveals only the particular
modes of the objects, these difficulties cannot arise. In perceiving
difference we do not perceive difference as an entity different from
the two objects between which it is supposed to suhsist 1 . One
might equally well find such a fault of mutual dependence on the
identification of Brahman \\-ith fi'l'a, since it depends upon the
identification of the jiva with the Brahman.
A further discussion of the subject shows that there cannot be
any objections against "differences" on the score of their being
produced, for they mere]y subsist and are not produced; or on the
possibility of their being known, for if differences were never per-
ceived the Sankarites would not have been so anxious to remove
the so-called illusions or mis-perception of differences, or to mis-
spend their energies in trying to demonstrate that Brahman was
different from all that was false, material and the like; and the saint
also would not be able to distinguish between what was eternal and
transitory. Again, it is held that there is a knowledge which contra-
dicts the notion of difference. But if this knowledge itself involves
difference it cannot contradict it. \\rhatever may signify anything
must do so by restricting its signification to it, and all such re-
striction involves difference. Even the comprehension that demon-
strates the illusoriness of "difference" (e.g. this is not difference,
or there is no difference here, etc.) proves the existence of "dif-
ference." l\1oreover, a question may be raised as to whether the
notion that contradicts difference is itself comprehended as dif-
ferent from difference or not. In the former case the validity o(t,he
notion leaves "difference" unmolested and in the second case,
i.e. if it is not comprehended as different from "difference," it be-
comes identical with it and cannot contradict it.
If it is contended that in the above procedure an attempt has
been made to establish the category of difference only in indirect
manner and that nothing has been directly said in explanation of
the concept of difference, the reply is that those who have sought
to explain the concept of unity have fared no better. If it is urged
that if ultimately the absolute unity or identity is not accepted then
nii'py anyonyii-sraya!z bheda-pratyak$e pratiyogitii-·vacchedaka-stambhatvii-
di-prakiiraka-_fiiiinasyai'·va hetut?·iit na tii·vad bheda-pratyak~e bhedii-sraytid
bhinnat·vena pratiyogi-jiiiinaTJl hetul:z. Para-pak$a-giri-vajra, pp. 14, 15.
xx1] Controversy with Monists by Miidhava Alukunda 419
that would lead us to nihilism, then it may also be urged with the
same force that, differences being but modes of the objects them-
selves, a denial of difference would mean the denial of the objects,
and this would also land us in nihilism. It must, however, be noted
that though difference is but a mode of the objects which differ, yet
the terms of reference by which difference becomes intelligible (the
table is different from the chair: here the difference of the table is
but its mode, though it becomes intelligible by its difference from
the chair) are by no means constituents of the objects in which the
difference exists as their mode. The Sati.karites believe in the re-
futation of dualism, as by such a refutation the unity is established.
The thesis of unity is thus though, on the one hand dependent upon
such refutation and yet on the other hand identical with it because.
all such refutations are believed to be imaginary. In the same manner
it may be urged that the demonstration of difference involves with
it a reference to other terms, but is yet identical in nature with the
object of which it is a mode; the reference to the terms is necessary
only for purposes of comprehension.
It must, however, be noted that since difference is but a mode
of the object the. comprehension of the latter necessarily means the
con1prehension of all differences existing in it. An object may be
known in a particular manner, yet it may remain unknown in its
differential aspects, just as the monists hold that pure consciousness
is always flashing forth but yet its aspect as the unity of all things
may remain unknown. In comprehending a difference between any
two objects, no logical priority which could have led to a vicious
circle is demanded. But the two are together taken in consciousness
and the apprehension of the one is felt as its distinction from the
other. The same sort of distinction has to be adduced by the
monists also in explaining the comprehension of the identity of the
individual souls with the Brahman, otherwise in their case too there
would have been the charge of a vicious circle. For when one says
"these two are not different," their duality and difference depend
upon a comprehension of their difference which, while present,
prevents their identity from being established. If it is held that the
duality is imaginary whereas the identity is real, then the two being
of a different order of existence the contradiction of the one cannot
lead to the affirmation of the other. The apology that in compre-
hending identity no two-term reference is needed is futile, for an
420 The Nimbiirka School of Philosophy [cH.
identity 1s comprehended only as the negation of the two-term
Thus, from the above considerations, the main thesis of the
Sankarites, that all things are identical with Brahman, falls to the
According to Nimbarka the ideal of emancipation is participa-
tion in God's nature (tad-bhiivii-patti). This is the ultimate end and
summum bonum of life (prayojana). According to the Sankarites
emancipation consists in the ultimate oneness or identity existing
between individual souls and Brahman. The Brahman in reality is
one with the individual souls, and the apparent difference noticed
in our ordinary practical life is due to misconception and ignorance,
which impose upon us a false notion of duality. l\ladhava l\1ukunda
urges that in such a view, since the individual souls are already one
with Brahman, they have nothing to strive for. There is thus really
no actual end (proyojana) as the goal of our strivings. l\ladhava
1\llukunda, in attempting to emphasize the futility of the Sankarite
position, says that, if the ultimate consciousness be regarded as one,
then it would be speckled with the various experiences of indi-
viduals. It cannot be held to be appearing as different in accordance
with the variety of conditions through which it appears, for in our
experiences we find that though through our various cognitive
organs we have various experiences they are also emphasized as
belonging to one being. Variability of conditions does not neces-
sarily imply a variety of the units of experience of individual beings,
as is maintained by the Sankarites. The pure and ubiquitous dif-
ferenceless consciousness (nir'l.-·isc~a-caitanya) cannot also be re-
garded as capable of being identified as one with the plurality of
minds (anta}:zkarar;a). Again, it is admitted by the Sankarites that
in dreamless sleep the mind is dissolved. If that were so and if pure
consciousness is regarded as being capable of manifesting itself
through false identification with minds, there would be no ex-
planation of the continuity of consciousness from day to day in the
form_ of memory. It cannot be urged that such a continuity is
maintained by the fact that minds exist in a state of potency
(sarrzskiirii-tmanii' vasthitasya) in the deep dreamless sleep; for the
mind in a potent state cannot be regarded as carrying impressions
and memories, since in that case there would be memories even in
dreamless sleep.
xx1] Controversy with ll-lonists by ll-ladhava Mukunda 421

Further, if the experiences are supposed to belong to the states

of ignorance, then emancipation, which refers only to pure con-
sciousness, would refer to an entity different from that which was
suffering from bondage. On the other hand, if the experiences be-
long to pure consciousness, then emancipation will be associated
with diverse contradictory experiences at the same time according
to the diversity of experiences.
The Sankarites may urge that the conditions which bring about
the experiences are associated with pure consciousness and hence
in an indirect manner there is a continuity of the being that ex-
periences and attains salvation. To this the reply is that the ex-
periencing of sorrow is a sufficient description of the conditions.
That being so, where the experiencing of sorrow does not exist,
the conditions, of which it is a sufficient description, also do not
exist. Thus, the discontinuity of the entities which suffer bondage
and attain emancipation remains the same.
Again, since it is held that the conditions subsist in the pure
consciousness, it may well be asked whether emancipation means
the dissolution of one condition or many conditions. In the former
case we should have emancipation always, for one or other of the
conditions is being dissolved every moment, and in the latter case
we might not have any emancipation at all, for all the conditions
determining the experiences of infinite individuals can never be
It may also be asked whether the conditions are associated with
the pure consciousness in part or in whole. In the first alternative
there would be a vicious infinite and in the second the differentia-
tion of the pure consciousness in various units would be in-
Moreover, it may be asked whether conditions are associated
with pure consciousness conditionally or unconditionally. In the
former alternative there would be a vicious infinite and in the second
case there would be no chance of emancipation. The theory of re-
flection cannot also explain the situation, for reflection is admitted
only when the reflected image has the same order of existence as
the object. The avidyii has a different order of existence from
Brahman, and thus reflection of Brahman in avidyii cannot be
justified. Again, in reflection that which is reflected and that in
which the reflection takes place must be in two different places,
422 The Nimbiirka School of Philosophy [cH.
whereas in the case of avidyii and Brahman the former is supposed
to have Brahman as its support. The conditions (upiidhi) cannot
occupy a part of Brahman, for Brahman has no parts; nor can they
occupy the whole of it, for in that case there will be no reflection.
In the Nimbarka system both the monistic and the dualistic
texts have their full scope, the dualistic texts in demonstrating the
difference that exists between souls and God, and the monistic
texts showing the final goal in \vhich the individuals realize them-
selves as constituents of Him and as such one with Him. But in the
Sankara system, where no duality is admitted, everything is self-
realized, there is nothing to be attained and even the process of
instruction of the disciple by the preceptor is unavailable, as they
are all but adurilbrations of ignorance.

(b) Refutation of the Sankara Theory of

Illusion in its various Aspects.
The Sarikarite doctrine of illusion involves a supposition that
the basis of illusion (adhi~thiina) is imperfectly or partly known.
The illusion consists in the imposition of certain appearances upon
the unknown part. The stump of a tree is perceived in part as an
elongated thing but not in the other part as the stump of a tree, and
it is in reference to this part that the mis-attribution of an illusory
appearance, e.g. a man, is possible by virtue of which the elongated
part is perceived as man. But Brahman is partless and no division
of its part is conceivable. It must therefore be wholly known or
wholly unknown, and hence there can be no illusion regarding it.
Again, illusion implies that an illusory appearance has to be imposed
upon an object. But the avidyii, which is beginningless, cannot
itself be supposed to be an illusory appearance. Following the
analogy of beginninglessness Brahman may be regarded as illusory.
The reply that Brahman being the basis cannot be illusory is
meaningless; for though the basis is regarded as the ground of the
imposition, there is no necessary implication that the basis must
also be true. The objection that the basis has an independent reality
because it is the basis associated with ignorance which can become
the datum of illusion is futile; because the basis may also be an
unreal one in a serial process where at each stage it is associated
with ignorance. In such a view it is not the pure Brahman which
becomes the basis but the illusory Brahman which is associated with
xx1] Controversy with Monists by Miidhava Mukunda 423
ignorance. l\1oreover, if the avid_vii and its modifications were
absolutely non-existent they could not be the subject of imposition.
What really exists somewhere may be imposed elsewhere, but not
that which does not exist at all. The pure chimericals like the hare's
horn can never be the subjects of imposition, for that which is
absolutely non-existent cannot appear at all.
Again, illusions are supposed to happen through the operation
of impressions (saf!Zskiira), but in the beginningless cosmic illusion
the impressions must also be beginningless and co-existent with
the basis (adhi~thiina) and therefore real. The impressions must
exist prior to the illusion and as such they cannot themselves be
illusory, and if they are not illusory they must be real. Again, the
impressions cannot belong to Brahman~ for then it could not be
quality less and pure; they cannot belong to individual souls, for
these are produced as a result of illusory impositions which are
again the products of the operation of impressions. Further,
similarity plays an important part in all illusions, but Brahman as
the ground or basis which is absolutely pure and qualityless has
no similarity with anything. There cannot also be any imaginary
similarity imposed upon the qualityless Brahman, for such an
imaginary imposition presupposes a prior illusion. Again, all
illusions are seen to have a beginning, whereas entities that are not
illusory, such as the individual souls, are found to be beginningless.
It is also erroneous to hold that the ego-substratum behaves as the
basis of the illusion, for it is itself a product of the illusion.
Furthermore, the supposition that the world-appearance is a
cosmic illusion which is related to pure consciousness in an illusory
relation (iidhyiisika-sambandha) is unwarrantable. But the Sail-
karites admit that the relation between the external world and the
knower is brought about by the operation of the mind in modifica-
tion, called vrtti. Moreover, if the pure consciousness be admitted
to be right knowledge or pramli, then its object or that which shines
with it must also be right knowledge and as such it cannot be the
basis of false knowledge. If the pure consciousness be false know-
ledge, it cannot obviously be the basis of false knowledge. The mere
fact that some of the known relations, such as contact, inseparable
inherence, do not hold between the object of knowledge and know-
ledge does not prove that their relation must be an illusory one, for
other kinds of relations may subsist between them Knowledge-and-
The l\'imbiirka School of Philosophy [cH.

the-known may itself be regarded as a unique kind of relation.

It is also wrong to suppose that all relations are false because they
are constituents of the false universe, for the universe is supposed
to be false because the relations are false, and hence there would be
a vicious infinite. Again, the objection that, if relations are ad-
mitted to establish connection between two relata, then further
relations may be necessary to relate the relation to relata and that
this would lead to a vicious infinite, and also that, if relations are
identical in essence with the relata, then relations become useless,
is futile. The same objections would be admissible in the case of
illusory relations. If it is held that, since all relations are illusory,
the above strictures do not apply, then it may be pointed out that if
the order of the relations be subversed, then, instead of conceiving
the jug to be a product of miiyii, maya may be taken as a product of
the jug. Thus, not only the Sankarites but even the Buddhists have
to admit the orderly character of relations. In the Nimbarka view
all relations are regarded as true, being the different modes of the
manifestation of the energy of God. Even if the relations be
denied, then the nature of Brahman cannot be described as this
or that.

(c) Refutation of the Sm:zkarite View of Ajfiiina.

Ajfiiina is defined as a beginningless positive entity which is
destructible by knowledge ( aniidi-bhiivatve satijiiiina-nivartyatvam).
The definition is unavailing as it does not apply to ignorance that
hides an ordinary object before it is perceived. Nor does ajfiG.na
apply to the ign(lrance regarding the negation of an object, since
it is of a positive nature. Again, in the case of the ignorance that
abides in the saint who has attained the knowledge of Brahman,
the ajfiiina is seen to persist even though knowledge has been at-
tained; hence the definition of ajiiiina as that which is destructible
by knowledge fails. In the case of the perception of red colour in
the crystal through reflection, the ignorant perception of the white
crystal as red persists even though it is known to be false and due
to reflection. Here also the ignorance is not removed by knowledge.
It is also wrong to suppose that ajfiiina, which is but the product of
defect, should be regarded as beginningless. l\1oreover, it may be
pointed out that all things (excluding negation) that are beginning-
less are also eternal like the souls and it is a curious assumption that
xx1] Contro1.-·ersy 'lcith Monists by Mtidhava Mukunda 425
there should be an entity called ajiilina which is beginningless and
yet destructible. Again, ajiilina is often described as being d!f-
ferent both from being and non-being, but has yet been defined as
a positive entity. It is also difficult to imagine how, since negative
entities are regarded as products of ajiiiina, ajiiiina may itself be
regarded as a positive entity. l\1oreover, the error or illusion that
takes place through absence of knowledge has to be admitted as a
negative entity; but being an illusion it has to be regarded as a pro-
duct of ajiiiina.
There is no proof of the existence of ajfiiina in the so-called
perception "I am ignorant." It cannot be the pure Brahman, for
then that would have to be styled impure. It cannot be a positive
knowledge by itself, for that is the very point which has to be
proved. Further, if in establishing ajfiiina (ignorance) one has to
fall back upon jiiiina or knowledge, and if in establishing the latter
one has to fall back upon the former, then that would involve a
vicious circle. It cannot be the ego-substratum (aham-artha), for
that is itself a product of ajfiiina and cannot be in existence as the
datum of the perception of ajiiiina. The ego itself cannot be per-
ceived as ignorant, for it is itself a product of ignorance. The ego is
never regarded as synonymous with ignorance, and thus there is no
means of proving the supposition that ignorance is perceived as a
positive entity either as a quality or as a substance. Ignorance is
thus nothing but" absence of knowledge" (jiilinii-bhiiva) and ought
to be recognized by the Sankarites, since they have to admit the
validity of the experience " I do not know what you say" which is
evidently nothing but a reference to the absence of knowledge
which is admitted by the Sankarites in other cases. There is no
proof that the cases in point are in any way different from such
cases of absence of knowledge. Again, if the ajfiiina is regarded as
hiding an object, then in the case of mediate knowledge (parok~a­
'l'!tti-where according to the Sankarites the vrtti or the mental
state does not remove the veil of ajiiiina) one ought to feel that one
is ignorant of the object of one's mediate knowledge, for the veil of
ajiiiina remains here intact 1 . l\loreover, all cases of the supposed
perception of ignorance can be explained as the comprehension of
the absence of knowledge. In the above manner Mukunda criti-
1 pamk~a-T.'!Iter 'l'i~ayii-varaka-j1iiina-nit•artakatvena parok~ato j;iiite'pi na
jiiniiml'ty anubha•cii-piitiic ca. Para-pak~a-giri-vajra, p. 76.
The ]\/imbiirka School of Philosophy [cH.

cizes the theories of ajiiiina and of tht illusion in their various

aspects. But as the method of the dialectic followed in these logical
refutations is substantially the same as that attempted by Venkata-
nttha and Vyasatirtha which have been examined in detail it is not
necessary to give a detailed study of Muk 11nda's treatment.

The Prama:r:as according to Madhava Mukunda.

The followers of Nimbark'l admit only three (perception, in-
ference and testimony) out of the foJlowing eight pramii1JaS, viz.
perception (pratyak~a), inference (anumiina), similarity (upamiina),
scriptural testimony (Sabda), implication (arthiipatti), non-percep-
tion (anupalabdhi), inclusion of the lower within the higher as of
ten within a hundred (sambha'va), and tradition (aitihya). Percep-
tion is of two kinds, exterf1al and internal. The external perception
is of five kinds according to the fiye cognitive senses. The mental
perception called also the internal perception is of two kinds,
ordinary (laukika) and Iranscendent (alaukika). The perception of
pleasure and pain is a case of ordinary internal perception, ·whereas
the perception of the nature of self, God and their qualities is a case
of transcendent internal perception. This transcendent internal per-
ception is again of two kinds, that which flashes forth through the
meditation of an entity a:1d that which comes out of meditation on
the essence of a scriptural text. The scriptural reference that the
ultimate truth cannot be perceived hy the mind means either that
the ultimate truth in its entirety cannot be perceived by the mind
or that unle-ss the mind is duly trained by a teacher or by the forma-
tion of right tendencies it cannot have a glimpse of the transcendent
realities. Knmdedge is a beginningless, eternal and all-pervasive
characteristic of indiYidual selves. But in our state of bondage this
knmdedge is like the rays of a lamp in a closed place, in a state of
contraction. Just as the rays of a lamp enclosed within a jug may
go out through the hole into the room and straight through the
door of the room and flood with light some object outside, so the
knowledge in each individual may hy the modific2tion of the mind
reach the senses and again through their modification reach the
object and, having flood-lit it, may illuminate both the object and
the knowledge. The ajFiiina (ignorance) that ceases with the know-
ledge of an object is the partial cessation of a state of contraction
xx1] The Pramal).as according to Il1iidhava 1l1ukunda 427
leading to the flashing of knowledge. What is meant by the phrase
"knowledge has an object" is that knowledge takes a particular
form and illuminates it. The objects remain as they are, hut they
are manifested through their association with knowledge and remain
unmanifested without it. In the case of internal perception the
operation of the senses is not required, and so pleasure and pain are
directly perceived by the mind. In self-consciousness or the per-
ception of the self. the self being itself self-luminous, the mental
directions to the self remove the state of contraction and reveal the
nature of the self. So God can be realized through His grace and
the removal of obstruction through the meditative condition of the
mind 1 •
In inference the knowledge of the existence of the hetu (reason)
in the minor (pak~a) having a concomitance (vyiipti) with the pro-
bandum (siidhya), otherwise called pariimarsa (vahni-vyiipya-
dlzumaviin ayam eva'!l-riipai.J ), is regarded as the inferential process
( anumiina) and from it comes the inference (e.g. "the hill is
fiery''). Two kinds of inference, i.e. for the conviction of one's own
self (sviirthiinumiina) and for convincing others (pariirthiinumiina),
are admitted here; and in the latter case only three propositions
(the thesis, pratijiiii, the reason, hetu, and the instance, udiiharmJa)
are regarded as necessary. Thr-ee kinds of inference are admitted,
namely kevalii-nvayi (argument from only positive instances, where
negative instances are not available), kevala-vyatireki (argument
from purely negative instances, where positive instances are not
available), and a11vaya-vyatireki (argument from both sets of posi-
tive and negative instances). In addition to the well-known con-
comitance (·vyiipti) arising from the above three ways, scriptural
assertions are also regarded as cases of concomitance. Thus there is
a scriptural passage to the following effect: The self is inde-
structible and it is never-divested of its essential qualities (avinasi
vii are iitma an-ucchitti-dharmii), and this is regarded as a vyiipti or
concomitance, from which one may infer the indestructibility of
the soul like the Brahman. 2 There are no other specially interesting
features in the Nimbarka doctrine of inference.
Knowledge of similarity is regarded as being due to a separate
pramii1Ja called upamiina. Such a comprehension of similarity
(siidrsya) may be due to perception or through a scriptural assertion
1 Para-pak~a-giri-vajra, 2 Ibid. p.
pp. 203-206. 210.
The Nimbiirka School of Philosophy [cH.
of similarity. Thus a man may perceive the similarity of the face
to the moon or he may learn from the scriptures that the self and
(;od are similar in nature and thus comprehend such similarity.
This may be included within the proposition of instance or ill us-
tration in an inference (upamiinasya dr~tiinta-miitrii-ika-vi'graha­
t·venii'numiinii-vayave udiihara1_le antarbhiiva~z. Para-pak~a-giri­
vajra, p. 254).
That from which there is a communication of the negation or
non-existence of anything is regarded as the pramii'}a or anupala-
bdhi. It is of four kinds: firstly, the negation that precedes a pro-
duction, cal1ed priig-abhii·va; secondly, the negation of one entity in
another, i.e. the negation as "otherness," called anyonyii-bhiiva;
thirdly, the negation as the destruction of an entity, called dhva'!l-
sii-bhiiva; fourthly, the negation of an entity in all times (kiilatraye'pi
nasti'ti pratiti-vi~ayal; atyantil-bhiiva/:t). But it is unnecessary to ad-
mit abhiiva or anupalabdhi as a separate pramii1_la, for according to
the Nimbarkas negation is not admitted as a separate category. The
perception of negation is nothing but the perception of the locus of
the object of negation as unassociated with it. The negation-
precedent (priig-abhiiva) of a jug is nothing but the lump of clay;
the negation of destruction of a jug is nothing but the broken frag-
ments of a jug; the negation of otherness (anyonyii-bhiiva) is the
entity that is perceived as the other of an another, and the negation
existent in all times is nothing but the locus of a negation. Thus the
pramii1_la of negation may best be included with perception. The
pramii'l}a of implication may well be taken as a species of inference.
The pramii'l}a of sambhava may well be regarded as a deductive
piece of reasoning.
The Nimbarkas admit the self-validity of the pramii'l}as (s·vata~z­
priimii~zya) in the manner of the Sankarites. Self-validity (svatastva)
is defined as the fact that in the absence of any defect an assemblage
forming the data of cognition produces a cognition that represents
its nature as it is (do~ii-bhiivatve yiivat-sva-sraya-bhiita-pramii-
griihaka-siimagri-miitra-griilzyat·z:am)l. Just as the eye when it per-
ceives a coloured object perceives also the colours and forms
associated with it, so it takes with the cognition of an object also the
validity of such a cognition.
The nature of God can, however, be expressed only by the
Para-pak~a-giri-t·ajra, p. 253.
xx1] Criticism of the views of Rtimiinuja and Bhiiskara 429
scriptural texts, as the signifying powers of these texts directly
originate from God. Indeed, all the powers of individual minds
also are derived from God, but they cannot signify Him as they
are tainted by the imperfections of the human mind. The Mim-
arp.sists are wrong to think that the import of all parts of the Vedas
consists in enjoining the performance of the Vedic duties, for the
results of all deeds ultimately produce a desire for knowing
Brahman and through it produce the fitness for the attainment of
emancipation. Thus considered from this point of view the goal of
the performance of all duties is the attainment of emancipation 1 •
There cannot be any scope for the performance of duties for one
who has realized the Brahman, for that is the ultimate fruit of all
actions and the wise man has nothing else to attain by the per-
formance of actions. Just as though different kinds of seeds may be
sown, yet if there is no rain these different kinds of seeds cannot
produce the different kinds of trees, so the actions by themselves
cannot produce the fruits independently. It is through God's grace
that actions can produce their specific fruits. So though the obli-
gatory duties are helpful in purifying the mind and in producing a
desire for true knowledge, they cannot by themselves be regarded
as the ultimate end, which consists in the production of a desire
for true knowledge and the ultimate union with God.

Criticism of the views of Ramanuja and Bhaskara.

The view of Ramanuja and his followers is that the souls and
the inanimate world are associated with God as His qualities. The
function of qualities (vise~ana) is that by their presence they dis-
tinguish an object from other similar objects. Thus, when one says
"Rama the son of DaSaratha," the adjective" son of DaSaratha" dis-
tinguishes this Rama from the other two Ramas, Balarama and
Parasurama. But no such purpose is served by styling the indi-
vidual souls and the inanimate nature as being qualities of Brahman,
for they do not distinguish Him from any other similar persons;
for the Ramanujists also do not admit any other category than the
conscious souls, the unconscious world and God the controller of
them both. Since there is nothing to differentiate, the concept of
the souls and matter as quality or differentia a1so fails. Another
1 Para-pak~a-giri-t:ajra, pp. 279-280.
The Nimbiirka School of Philosophy [cH.

function of qualities is that they help the substance to \Vhich they

belong to become better known. The knmvlcdge of souls and matter
as qualities of God does not help us to know or comprehend Him
Again, if God be associated with matter and souls, He is found
to be associated with their defects also. It may be argued whether
the Brahman in which the souls and matter are held to abide is
itself unqualified or qualified. In the former alternative the Rama-
nujas like the Sari.karites have to admit the existence of an unquali-
fied entity and a part in Brahman has to be admitted which exists
in itself as an unqualified entity. If the Brahman be in part
qualityless and in part associated with qualities, then it would in
part be omniscient only in certain parts of itself. Again, if the pure
unassociated Brahman be regarded as omniscient, then there would
be one Brahman associated with omniscience and other qualities
and another Brahman associated with matter and soul, and the
doctrine of qualified monism would thus break down. The pure
Brahman being outside the souls and matter, these two would be
without a controller inside them and \vould thus be independent of
God. 1\Ioreover, God in this view would be in certain parts as-
sociated with the highest and purest qualities and in other parts
with the defiled characters of the material world and the imperfect
souls. In the other alternative, i.e. if Brahman as associated with
matter and souls be the ultimate substance which is qualified with
matter and souls, then there would be two composite entities and
not one, and God will as before be associated with two opposite
sets of pure and impure qualities. Again, if God be admitted to be
a composite unity and if matter and souls which are regarded as
mutually distinct and different are admitted to be constituents of
Him though He is different in rature from them, it is difficult to
imagine how under the circumstances those constituents can be at
once one with God and yet different from I lim 1 .
In the Nimharka view Sri Kr~Da is the Lord, the ultimate
Brahman and He is the support of the universe consisting of the
souls and matter which are derivative parts of Him and are abso-
lutely under l lis control and thus have a dependent existence only
(para-tantra-sattva ). Entities that have dependent existence are of
two kinds, the souls which, though they pass through apparent
Para-pak~a-giri-vajra, p. 342.
XXI] Criticism of the views of Riimiinuja and Bhaskara 431
birth and death, are yet eternal in their nature and the substance of
the corporeal structure that supports them, the matter. The scrip-
tural texts that speak of duality refer to this duality that subsists
between the ultimate substance, the Brahman, which alone has the
independent existence, and souls and matter which have only a de-
pendent existence. The scriptural texts that deny duality refer to
the ultimate entity which has independent existence which forms
the common ground and basis of all kinds of existence. The texts
that try to refer to Brahman by negations (ne'ti, ne'ti) signify how
Brahman is different from all other things, or, in other words, how
Brahman is different from matter and the souls which are liriri:ted
by material conditions 1 . Brahman is thus the absolute Being, the
abode of all good and noble qualities, which is different from all
entities having only dependent existence. The monistic texts refer
to the fact, as has already been noted, that the world of matter and
the infinite number of souls having but dependent existence cannot
exist independent of God (tad-aprthak-siddha) and are, in that sense,
one with Him. They also have the essence of their being in Brahman
(bralunii-tmat-va), are pervaded through and through by it (tad-
vyiipyatva), are supported in it and held in it and are always being
completely controlled and dominated by it2 • Just as all individual
objects, a jug, a stone, etc., may be said to have substantiality
(dra·vyatva) permeating through them by virtue of their being sub-
stances, so the souls and the matter may be called God by virtue
of the fact that God permeates through them as their inner essence.
But just as none of these individual objects can be regarded as sub-
stance per se, so the souls and matter cannot also be identified with
God as being one with Him3 •
The Bhaskarites are wrong in asserting that the individuals are
false inasmuch as they have on]y a false appearance through the
1 vastutas tu ne'ti ne'n'ti nafibhyiirrz p1·akrta-sthula-silk~matvii1JZ-di-dharmavat

}a{la -7,astu- tad- m'archinna-ji'l'G- vastu- ·vilak~a1Ja1Jl b1·ahmc' ti p,·atipiidyate.

Pam-pak~a-gi1·i-vajra, p. 34 7.
2 tayos ca brahmii-tmakatva-tan-niyamyatva-tad-vyiipyat?Ja-tad-adhlna-
satf'l'a-tad-iidheyatva-di-yogma tad-aprthak-siddhatviit ahhedo' pi sviibhiivika~z.
Ibid. p. 355·
3 yathii ghato dm1.•ya;?z, p,-thil"I-dm'l')'am ity-iidau dm?.•yatvii-vacchinnena saha

glzatatvii-varchin1w-prthi7.·Uuii-'l.'archinnayo(z sii.miiniidhi/wm1Jya1Jl mukhyam eva

vise~asya siimiiny!i.-bhinnatua-niyamiit ev.Ja1Jl pmkrte',fJi siirvajiiyii-dy-anantii-
chint)•ii-parimita-vise~ii-7.Jacchinnenii'pm·icclzinna-sakti-vibhiitikena tat-padii,·thena
pw·a--bh,·alzmnt}ii svii-tmaka-rctana-cetmzatvii-'l.'acchinyayos tad-iitma-rupayos
tvam-iidi-padiil·tlzayob siimiiniidhikara1JYW!l mukhyam eva. Ibid. pp. 355-356.
432 The 1.\"imbarka School of Philosophy [cu.
limitations (upiidhi) imposed upon the pure Brahman. The nature
of the imposition of Brahman by the so-called conditions is un-
intelligible. It may mean that the atomic individual is the result of
the imposition of the conditions on Brahman by which the Brahman
as a whole appears as the individual soul or by which the Brahman
is split asunder, and being thus split appears as the individual self
or the Brahman as qualified by the conditions or that the conditions
themselves appear as the individuals. The Brahman being homo-
geneous and unchangeable cannot he split asunder. Even if it can
be split asunder, the individual selves being the products of such a
splitting would have a beginning in time and would not thus be
eternal; and it has to be admitted that on such a view Brahman has
to be split up into as many infinite parts as there are selves. If it is
held that the parts of Brahman as limited by the conditions appear
as individual souls, then Brahman would be :mbject to all the de-
fects of the conditions which could so modify it as to resolve it into
parts for the production of the individual selves. l\Ioreover, owing
to the shifting nature of the conditions the nature of the selves
would vary and they might have in this way spontaneous bondage
and salvation 1 . If with the shifting of the conditions Brahman also
shifts, then Brahman would not be partless and all-pervasive. If it
is held that Brahman in its entirety becomes envisaged by the con-
ditions, then, on the one hand, there will be no transcendent pure
Brahman and) on the other, there will be one self in all the different
bodies. Again, if the individuals are regarded as entirely different
from Brahman, then the assertion that they are but the product of
the conditioning of Brahman has to be given up. If it is held that
the conditions themselves are the individuals, then it becomes a
materialistic view like that of the Carvakas. Again, it cannot be
held that the conditions only cover up the natural qualities of
Brahman such as omniscience, etc., for these being natural quali-
ties of Brahman cannot be removed. Further questions may arise
as to whether these natural qualities of Brahman are different from
Brahman or not, or whether this is a case of difference-in-identity.
They cannot be absolutely different, for that would be an admission
of duality. They cannot be identical with Brahman, for then they
kiii ca upiidhau gacchati sati upiidhinii sni-1:acchinna-hrahma-pradesii-
kar~anti-yor;iit anuk~m:zmn upiidlli-sa'!lyukta-pradesa-bhedtit k~ane k~ane bcmdha-
mok~au syiitiim. Para-pak~a-giri-'L·ajra, p. 357·
xx1] Criticism of the views of Riimiinuja and Bhaskara 433
could not be regarded as qualities of Brahman. If it be its own
essence, then it cannot be covered up, for in that case Brahman
would lose all its omniscience. If it is held that it is a case of dif-
ference-in-identity, then it comes to an acceptance of the Nimbarka
Again, if it is held that the so-called natural qualities of omni-
science, etc., are also due to conditions, it may be asked whether
such conditions are different from or identical with Brahman. In
the latter alternative they would have no capacity to produce any
plurality in Brahman. In the former alternative, it may be asked
whether they are moved by themselves into operation or by some
other entity or by Brahman. The first view would be open to the
criticism of self-dynamism, the second to that of a vicious infinite,
and the third to a vicious circle. l\1oreover, in this view, Brahman
being eternal, its dynamism would also be eternal; at no time would
the conditions cease to operate, and thus there would be no
emancipation. The conditions cannot be regarded as false, unreal
or non-existent, for then that would be an acceptance of the
N imbarka creed 1 •
. It may further be asked whether the conditions are imposed by
certain causes or whether they are without any cause. In the former
alternative we have a vicious infinite and in the latter even emanci-
pated beings may have further bondage. Again, it may be asked
whether the qualities, e.g. omniscience, that belong to Brahman
pervade the whole of Brahman or whether they belong only to
particular parts of Brahman. In the former view, if there is entire
veiling of the qualities of Brahman there cannot be any emancipa-
tion and the whole field of consciousness being- veiled by ignorance
there is absolute blindness or darkness (jagad-iindhya-prasaizga). In
the second view the omniscience of Brahman being only a quality
or a part of it the importance of Brahman as a whole fails.
Following the Bhaskara line it may be asked whether the em-
ancipated beings have separate existence or not. If the former
alternative be admitted, and if after destruction of the conditions
the individuals still retain their separate existence then the view
that differences are created by the conditions has to be given up
(aupiidhika-bheda-viido datta-jaliifijalil; syiit). If the distinctness of
the souls is not preserved in their emancipation, then their very
1 Para-pak~a-giri-vajra, p. 358.
434 The 1Vimbiirka School of Philosophy [cH.

essence is destroyed, and thts would almost be the same as the miiyii
doctrine of the Sankarites, who hold that the essential nature of
both God and souls is destructible.
It is wrong to suppose that individuals are but parts of which a
structural Brahman is constituted, for in that case, being made up
of parts, the Brahman would be itself destructible. \Vhen the scrip-
tures speak of the universe and the souls as being but a part of
Brahman, the main emphasis is on the fact that Brahman is infinite
and the universe is but too small in comparison with it. It is also
difficult to imagine how the minds or the antafzkarm:zas can operate
as conditions for limiting the nature of the Brahman. How should
Brahman allow these so-called conditions to mutilate its nature?
It could not have created these conditions for the production of
individual souls, for these souls were not in existence before the
conditions were in existence. Thus the Bhaskara doctrine that the
concept of distinction and unity of Brahman is due to the operation
of conditions (aupiidhika-bhediibheda-viida) is entirely false.
According to the Nimbarka view, therefore, the unity and dif-
ference that exist between the individuals and Brahman is natural
(sviibhii'l·ika) and not due to conditions (aupiidhika) as in the case of
Bhaskara. The coiling posture (ku~ujala) of a snake is different from
the long snake as it is in itself and is yet identical with it in the
sense that the coiling posture is an effect; it is dependent and under
the absolute control of the snake as it is and it has no separate ex-
istence from the nature of the snake as it is. The coiled state of the
snake exists in the elongated state but only in an undifferentiated,
unperceivable way; and is nothing but the snake by which it is
pervaded through and through and supported in its entirety. So
this universe of matter and souls is also in one aspect absolutely
identical with God, being supported entirely by Him, pervaded
through and through hy Him and entirely dependent on Him, and
yet in another aspect different from Him in all its visible manifesta-
tions and operations 1 . The other analogy through which the Nim-
barkists try to explain the situation is that of the sun and its rays which
are at once one with it and are also perceived as different from it.
1 yatlu1 ku~l~lalii-'L'nstlui-pamwsya ahe(z ku~l~lalmrt 7'_wzkttl-f>nmw11'tlt pratyak~a­

pramii~la-t.:ocarm!l tad-blzedasya H'tiblull'ikat?·iit lamluiymniillli-nzstlztiyl71!l tu sarpii-

yatti-~·acdzimza-s?·arilf>e~za lw~u./alasya tatra satt'-·e'pi m·yakta-lllima-rfipatci-pattyii
prat_l'tlk ~ii -gocarat<•W!l sarni- t nwka 11 ·a-t ad-iidlzeyat~·a-t ad-7'_\'tipyql'l'ti-dinii tad-
«Prtlzak-siddhat<•<id abhedasyii'pi n·tiblzii'L·ikat'l:mn. Para-pak~n-giri-1·ajra, p. 361.
XXI] The Reality of the World 435
The difference of this view from that of the Ramanujists is that
while the latter consider that the souls and the matter qualify the
nature of Brahman and are in that sense one with it, the former
repudiate the concept of a permanent modification of the nature of
Brahman by the souls and matter.

The Reality of the World.

The Sailkarites hold that if the world which is of the nature of
effect were real it would not be liable to contradiction at the time
of Brahma-knowledge; if it were chimerical it would not appear to
our sense. The world, however, appears to our senses and is ulti-
mately liable to contradiction; it has therefore an indefinable
( anirvacanlya) nature which is the same thing as saying that the
world is false 1 . But what is the meaning of this indefinability?
It cannot mean the absolutely non-existent, like the chimerical
entities of the hare's horn; it cannot mean that which is abso-
lutely non-existent, for then it would be the souls. But all things
must be either existent or non-existent, for there is no third
category which is different from the existent and the non-existent.
It cannot also be that of which no definition can be given, for it has
already been defined as indefinability (nii'pi nirvacanii-narhattvmrz
anenai'va nirucyamiinatayii asambhaviit). It cannot be said to be
that which is not the locus of non-existence, for even the chi-
mericals are not so, and even Brahman, which is regarded as ex-
istent and which is absolutely qualityless, is not the locus of any
real existence; for Brahman is only existent in its own nature and
is not the locus of any other existence. If it is said that Brahman is
the locus of the existence of false appearances, then that may be
said to be true as well of the so-called indefinable. Brahman is not
the locus of any existence that has the same status as itself. It can-
not be defined as that which is not the locus of either the existent
or the non-existent, for there is nothing which is the locus of
absolute non-existence, since even the chimerical is not the locus
of its own non-existence. l\1oreover, since Brahman and the
chimerical have the quality of being qualityless, they may them-
selves be regarded as the locus of that which is both existent and
t asac cen na pratlyate sac cen na viidhyate, pratlyate viidhyate ca ata!z sad-
asad-vilak~WJG'!lhy anir'lJacanlyam eva abhyilpagantavyam. Para-pak~a-giri-vajra,
p. 384.
The Nimbiirka School of Philosophy [cH.

non-existent, and as such may themselves be regarded as In-

It cannot also be said that indefinability is that of which no
sufficient description can be given that "this is such" or that "this
is not such," for no such sufficient description can be given of
Brahman itself. There would thus be little difference between
Brahman and the indefinable. If it is held that "the indefinable"
is that regarding the existence of which no evidence can be put
forward, then the same may be said about Brahman, because the
Brahman being the conceptless pure essence, it is not possible to
prove its existence by any proof.
Again, when it is said that the indefinable is that which is neither
existent nor non-existent, the meaning of the two terms" existence"
and "non-existence" becomes somev.--hat unintelligible. For "ex-
istence" cannot mean only "being" as a class concept, for such a
concept does not exist either in Brahman or in the world-appearance.
Existence cannot be defined as causal efficiency (artlza-krij:ii-
kiirit'l-·a), nor as that which is never contradicted; nor non-existence
as that which is contradicted, for the world-arpearance which is
liable to contradiction is not supposed to be noll-existent; it is said
to be that which is neither existent nor non-exi~tent. Existence and
non-existence cannot also be defined as that which can or cannot
be proved, for Brahman is an entity which is neither proved nor
unproved. l\Ioreover, the world-appearance cannot be said to be
that which is different from all that which can be called "existent"
or "non-existent," for it is admitted to have a practical existence
(1-)'G'cahiirika-sattii). Again, it cannot be urged that if the nature of
anything cannot be properly defined as existent or non-existent
that it signifies that such an entity must be wholly unreal (a~·iista~'a).
If a thing is not properly describable as existent or non-existent,
that does not imply that it is unreal. The nature of the final dis-
solution of a~·idyii cannot be described as existent or not, but that
does not imply that such a dissolution is itself unreal and inde-
finable (nii'nin·iicyasca tat-k~aya~z).
Again, from the simple assertion that the world is liable to
dissolution through knowledge, its falsity does not necessarily
follow. It is wrong to suppose that knowledge destroys only false
ignorance, for knowledge destroys its own negation which has a
content similar to that of itself; the knowledge of one thing, say
XXI] The Reality of the World 437
that of a jug, is r~moved by the knowledge of another, the sub-
conscious impression is removed by recognition, attachment is
removed by the knowledge of the defects of all worldly things and
so also virtuous actions destroy sins. In the case under discussion
also it may well be supposed that it is not merely the knowledge of
Brahman but meditation of its nature that removes all false notions
about the world. Thus, even if the bondage is real, there cannot be
any objection that it cannot be cut asunder through the meditation
of the nature of Brahman if the scriptures so direct. It does not
follow from any legitimate assumption that what can be cut asunder
or removed must necessarily be false. Again, it is well known in
experience that what demolishes and what is demolished have the
same status of existence; if the knowledge of Brahman can destroy
our outlook of the world, that outlook must also be a real and true
one. As the knowledge and the object of knowledge have the same
status, the defects, as also the locus wherein the defects are im-
posed, have the same status; the Brahman and the ajfiiina also have
the same status and both are equally real.
Further, if what is called ajiiiina is merely false knowledge, then
even when it is removed by the realizatio-n, there is no reason why
it should still persist in the stage of jivanmukti or sainthood. The
mere fact, therefore, that anything is removable by knowledge does
not prove its falsity but only its antagonism to knowledge. So the
world is real and the bondage also is real. The bondage is removed
not by any kind of knowledge but by the grace of God 1 • The func-
tion of true knowledge is to awaken God to exert His grace to cut
asunder the knots of bondage.
Again, all the scriptures agree in holding that the world we see
around us is being protected and maintained by God. If the world
were but a mere false appearance, there would be no meaning in
saying that it is being maintained by God. For knowing the world-
appearance to be false, He would not be tempted to make any effort
for the protection and maintenance of that which is false and unreal.
If God Himself is admitted to be under the influence of ignorance,
He cannot be entitled to be called God at all.
Pursuing the old dialectical type of reasoning, Madhava
Mukunda urges that ihe sort of falsehood that is asserted of the
I ·vastutas tu bhaga·vat-prastidtid eva bandha-nivrttir na praktirti'ntare7Ja.
Para-pak~a-giri-vajra, p. 388.
The l\'irnbtirka School of Philosophy [cH.

world can never be proved or demonstrated. One of the reasons

that is adduced in favour of the falsity of the world is that it is
knowable or the object of an intellectual state (drsya). But if the
Vedantic texts refer to the nature of Brahman, the due compre-
hension and realization of the meaning of such texts must involve
the concept uf the nature of Brahman as its object, and thus Brah-
man itself would be the object of an intellectual state and therefore
false. If it is urged that the Brahman can be the object of an in-
tellectual state only in a conditioned form and that the conditioned
Brahman is admitted to be false, then the reply is that since the
Brahman in its pure form can never manifest itself its purity cannot
be proved. If the Brahman does not express itself in its purity
through an ideational state corresponding to scriptural texts de-
scribing the nature of Brahman, then it is not self-luminous; if it
is expressed through such a state, then being expressible through
a mental state it is false. It cannot also be said that since all that is
impure is known to be non-self-luminous it follows that all that is
pure is self-luminous, for the pure being absolutely unrelationed
cannot be referred to or knmvn by way of a negative concomitance.
Thus the impure is known only in itself as a positive entity and not
as the opposite of the pure, for such a knowledge would imply the
knowledge of purity. If, therefore, the predicate of self-luminosity
is not denied of impurity as an opposite of" purity," the predicate
of self-luminosity cannot also he affirmed of "purity." :\loreover,
if the pure Brahman is never intelligibly realizable, then there
would be no emancipation, or there would be an emancipation only
with the conditioned Brahman.
l\loreoYer, if all objects are regarded as illusory impositions on
pure Brahman, then in the comprehension of these objects the pure
Brahman must also be comprehended. The scriptures also say:
"Brahman is to be perceived with the mind and with the keen
intellect" (manasai'vii'nudra~tavya'!l . .. drsyate t~'agrayii buddhyii).
There are also scriptural passages which say that it is the pure
Brahman which is the object of meditation ( lm!z pasyati ni~kala'!l
dlzyii_vamiinam ).
Again, if perceivability or intelligibility determining falsehood
is defined as relationing with consciousness, then since pure con-
sciousness is supposed to have a relationing through illusion it also
is liable to the charge of being perceivable. In this connection it is
XXI] The Reality of the World 439
difficult to conceive how Brahman, which has no oppos1t1on to
ajiiiina, can have an opposing influence against it when it is in con-
junction with a mental state or vrtti. Instead of such an assumption
it might as well be assumed that the object itself acquires an op-
posing influence to its own ignorance when it is in association with
a mental state having the same content as itself. On such a sup-
position perceivability does not consist in relation with con-
sciousness as conditioned by mental state, for the conditioning has
a bearing on the object and not on the consciousness. Thus it may
well be assumed that an object becomes perceivable by being con-
ditioned by a mental state of its own content. The assumption that
the vrtti or the mental state must be reflected on pure consciousness
is unnecessary, for it may well be assumed that the ignorance is
remo\·ed by the mental state itself. An object comes jnto awareness
when it is represented by a mental state, and in order to be aware of
anything it is not necessary that the mental state, idea or repre-
sentation should be reflected in consciousness. Again, if Brahman
cannot he its own object, it cannot also be termed self-luminous.
For self-luminous means that it is manifest to itself independently,
and this involves the implication that the Brahman is an object to
itself. If that which is not an object to itself can be called self-
luminous, then even material objects can be called self-luminous.
l\loreover, in the differenceless Brahman there cannot be any im-
mediacy or self-luminousness arart from its nature (nirvise~e
braluna1J i S~'ariipa-blzinnii-parok~asya abhiivena).
In the monistic view the self is regarded as pure knowledge
which has neither a subject nor an object. But that which is subject-
less and object-less can hardly be called knowledge, for knowledge
is that which manifests objects. If that which does not manifest
objects can be called knowledge, even a jug can be called know-
ledge. Again, the question naturally arises whether, if knowledge
be regarded as identical with the self, such knowledge is valid or
invalid; if it be valid, then the ajiiiina which shines through it should
also be valid, and if it be invalid, then that must be due to some
defects and there are no such defects in the self. If it is neither false
nor right knowledge, it would not be knowledge at all. Again, if the
world-appearance is an illusion, then it must be an imposition on
the Brahman. If Brahman be the basis (adhi~thilna) of the illusory
imposition, then it must be an entity that is known in a general
The Nimbarka School of Philosophy [cH.
manner but not in its details. But Brahman is not an entity of
which we can have either any general or specific knowledge.
Brahman cannot therefore be regarded as the basis of the im-
position of any illusion. In this connection it has further to be
borne in mind that if the world were non-existent then it could not
have appeared in consciousness; the chimerical entities are never
perceived by anyone. The argument that even the illusory snake
can produce real fear is invalid, for it is not the illusory snake that
produces fear hut the real knowledge of snakes that produces it. The
child is not afraid of handling even a real snake, for it has no know-
ledge of snakes and their injurious character. Even dreams are to
he regarded as real creation by God and not illusory impositions.
The argument that they are false since they can only be perceived
by the dreamer and n·ot by others who are near him is invalid, for
even the feelings and ideas felt or known by a person cannot be
perceived hy others who are near him 1•
The world is thus not an illusory imposition on the pure
Brahman, but a real transformation of the varied powers of God.
The difference of this view from that of Sarp.khya is that while the
Sarpkhya believes in the transformation of certain primary entities
in their entirety, the Nimbarkists believe in the transformation of
the various powers of God. God l Iimself remains unchanged and
unmodified, and it is only His powers that suffer modification and
thereby produce the visible world 2 •
The explanation that the world is produced through the re-
flection of Brahman in miiyii or by its limitation through it is in-
Yalid, for since the miiyii is an entity of an entirely different order,
there cannot be any reflection of Brahman in it or a limitation by it.
It is not possible to bind down a thief with a dream-rope.

V anamall Misra.
Yanamali l\1isra, a native of Triyaga, a village "·ithin two miles
of llrindavan, of Bharadvaja lineage, in his Vediinta-siddhiinta-
sm_ngraha, called also Sruti-siddhiinta-sa~ngralza, gives some of the
important tenets of the Nimbarka school. The work is written in
the form of Kiiril~iis and a commentary on it and is hased on the
commentary on the Rrahma-sutra by Nimbarka and other com-
mentaries on it.
1 Para-pak~a-giri-·vajra, p. 420. Ibid. p. 429.
XXI] Vanamiili Mih'a
He regards sorrow as being due to attachment to things that are
outside one's own self, and the opposite of it as happiness 1 • All
actions performed with a view to securing any selfish end, all per-
formance of actions prohibited by Vedic injunctions and non-
performance of duties rendered obligatory by Vedas produce sins.
The opposite of this and all such actions as may please God are
regarded as producing virtue. It is the power of God which is at the
root of all virtue and vice which operates by veiling the qualities
of God to us. This nescience (avidyii) is real and positive and
different in different individuals. It produces the error or illusion
which consists in regarding a thing as what it is not; and it is this
false knowledge that is the cause of rebirth 2 • This avidyii is dif-
ferent with different individuals. It is through this avidyii that one
gets attached to one's possession as "mine" and has also the false
experience of individual freedom. In reality all one's actions are
due to God, and when a person realizes this he ceases to have any
attachment to anything and does not look forward for the fruits of
his deeds. The avidyii produces the mind and its experiences of
sorrows and pleasures; it also produces the false attachment by
which the self regards the experiences as its own and ceases to realize
its own nature as pure knowledge and bliss. Only the videhi-muktas
enjoy this state; those in the state of jzvanmukti or sainthood enjoy it
only to a partial extent. It is on account of attachments produced by
ignorance that man is stirred to be led by the will of God. But as
the ignorance is a true ignorance, so the experience of sorrow is also
a true experience. All our rebirths are due to our actions performed
against the mandates of the Vedas or for the fulfilment of our
desires3 • The purity of the soul is attained by the realization of the
idea that all our actions are induced by God and that the performer
has no independence in anything. When a person feels that it is
through false association with other things, and by considering
oneself as the real independent agent that one gets into trouble, one
naturally loses all interest in one's actions and experience of
1 Sruti-siddlzil.nta-sa'!t~ralza, 1. 9, 10, 11.
2 prati-jl'l'a1JZ 'l·iblzinnii syiit satyii ca blziiva-rupitJl I a-tasmi'JZS tad-dhiyo hetur
nidiina1Jl jlva-sa1JlS!lau. II Ibid. 1. 15.
atal:z kiimym!t ni~iddhaTJZ ca dul:zklz-a'l'lja1JZ tyajed budhal:z. Sruti-siddhiinta-
sa1Jlgralza, 1. 63. According to Vanamali Misra at death a person goes to Heaven
or to Hell according to his deeds and then after enjoying the fruits of his actions
or suffering therefrom he is born as plants and then as lower animals, then as
Yavanas or mlecclzas and then in lower castes and finally as Brahmins.
The 1\rimbiirka School of Philosophy [cH.

pleasure and pain, and regards all objects as being invested with
harmful defects. It is this disinclination or detachment that pleases
God. The process of attaining devotion is also described in the
scriptures as listening to the Upani~ads (Srava~a), realizing their
meaning with logical persuasion (manana), and continual medita-
tion on the nature of God as an unceasing flow (nididhyiisana)l.
The last can come only as a result of the first two; for meditation
involves a direct realization which is not possible without the per-
formance of srm·a~a and manana. It is only through the purifica-
tion of the mind by the aho,·e processes that God is pleased
and makes l limself directly intuited (aparok~a) hy the devotee, just
as one can intuit the musical melodies and tunes through musical
discipline. This direct intuition i.;; of the very nature of one's own
self. For at this stage one has no functioning of the mind. The
destruction of experiential knowledge is identical with the intuition
of Cod. This stage therefore implies the annihilation of m:idyii or
the mind 2 • It is in this wav that the nature of God as bliss is
realized by man in his state of supreme emancipation; hut e\·en then
it is not possible for him to know all the qualities of God, for e\·en
God l limself does not know all l lis qualities. Such an emancipa-
tion can be realized only through the grace of God. In the state of
emancipation, man exi8ts in Cod just as the fish s\\·ims about in the
ocean. God creates because of the spontaneity of I lis grace and not
in order to increase His grace; so also emancipated souls dally in
God out of the spontaneity of their essence as bliss and not in order
to increase their bliss 3 . The nature of God is always within us, and
it is onlv- when it is directlY- intuited that we can attain sah-ation.
Some people attain emancipation in this world while others attain
it in the upper worlds through which they pass as a result of their
deeds. But emancipation of all kinds may be defined as the ex-
istence of man in his own nature as a result of the destruction of
nescience 4 • The jiTamnuktas or saints are those whose m_·idyii has
anyli-rtha-1-·i~aya~1 puro brahmti-kara-dhiyc/1!1 sadti
nididhytisana-sabda-rtlw jllyate sudh(vll'!' hi sab.
/)ruti-siddhlinta-Sa'!ZRraha, 11. 13.
brahma-gocarasya t·edti111a-'l:l1Sita-manasi utpmmasya ii-parok~yasya ya!z
priiRa-bhm·ab tasya abhii1·o dlll-m!ISO j;hina-tad-dh1·a'!1Sti-nyatara-rzipo jiitina-
bmhma1}ab sambandhai}, sa'!lSllra-dastiyli'!l 7liisti. Ibid. 11. 1 Q.
tinando-drekato 1_·i~1,11Jryathii s_rstyti-di-ce~tanam.
tatlzc'i mulaa-citl'im krflhi na t1.• tincmda-'l-iTrddlwve. Ibid. II. 37·
4 n·a-rripe1,1a stlzitir muktz; aj1icina-dhTa'!lsa-prin·akam ( ihid. 11. s8). This
mukti can be of four kinds: sllrripya, i.e. the same t'xtt:rnal form as Kp:~I)a;
XXI] Vanamiili Misra 443
been destroyed, but who have still to suffer the effects of their
priirabdha karma. The realization of God can destroy the saiicita
and kriyama1Ja karma, i.e. previously collected karma and those
that are performed in the present life, but not the priirabdha karma,
i.e. the karma that is already in a state of fruition.
It is wrong to suppose that the attainment of a state of bliss can
be desired by any person; the state desired can only be one in which
a person enjoys unobstructed bliss 1 . In a state of deep dreamless
sleep one can enjoy a little bliss, but not the full bliss, as the
mayavadins hold. There is but little difference between the mayii-
vadins and the Buddhists; the difference is only in the mode of
expression 2 •
The self is regarded as atomic, but its existence is definitely
proved by the notion of the ego (aha1Jl-pratyayavedya) who enjoys
all his experiences. Even though he may be dependent upon God,
yet he is a real and active agent who works through the influence of
avidya. The existence of the self is also proved by the continuity
of experiences through all stages of life. The self-love manifested
in all beings for selfish ends also shows that each person feels a self
or soul within himself and that this self is also different in different
individuals. The difference between jiva and zsvara is that the
former is of little power and little knowledge and always dependent,
and the latter is omniscient, omnipotent and independent; He
makes the jivas work or assert their supposed independence by His
avidya-power. The jivas are thus different from God, but as they
exist in Him at the time of emancipation and as all their actions are
guided by the avidya-power of God, they are regarded also as being

siilokya, i.e. existence in the same sphere as God; siiyujya, as being merged in
God; siimlpya, as existence in proximity to God as associated with a particular
form of Him. The merging in God called siiyujya should not be regarded as being
unified with God. This merging is like the animals roaming in the forest. The
emancipated beings are different from God, but exist in Him (eva,. muktvii
harer blzinna ramante tatra modatab (Ibid. II. 61). They can thus come out of
God also, and we hear of them as entering in succession the bodies of Aniruddha,
Pradyum:ta, Sarpkar!?al)a and Vasudeva. Such emancipated beings are not
associated with the creation and destruction of the worlds, but remain the same
in spite of all cosmic changes. They are like the being of Svetadvzpa referred to in
the Narayal)iya section of the ]}fahiibhiirata. But they are still always under the
control of God and do not suffer any sorrow on account of such control.
1 puru~ii-rtha'!' sukhitva,. hi na tv iinanda-svarilpatii. Sruti-siddhiinta-
sa7Jtgraha, II. 96.
3 meyato na ·cise~o· -sti miiyi-saugatayor mate
bhangz-miitra-bhidii tu syiit ekasminn api darsane. Ibid. n. 136.
444 The Ninzbarka School of Philosophy (CH. XXI

one with Him. The mind of the individual heing a creation of God's
avidyii, alii lis world experience is also due to God's activity. In His
own nature as self the jivas, the individuals, have the revelation of
God's nature which is pure hliss. The existence of individuals in
their own essential nature is therefore regarded as a state of salva-
tion. The individuals in their essential nature are therefore of the
nature of sat, cit and iinamla, and though atomic they can enjoy the
experiences all over the hody through their internal functioning
just as a lamp illuminates the \Vhole room hy rays. The experience
of sorrow also is possible through the expansion or dilatation of the
mind (anta~z-lwrww) through the various parts of the body and hy
means of the help of m."idyii by which the ji'l'll wrongly identifies
himself with other objects. As the relation of the self with other
objects takes place through the antab-karwza of each person the
sphere of experience of each of the jh·as is limited by the functioning
of his own anta~z-karm;a. The anta~z-karm_1a is different in different
The Upani~ads speak of God as the all (sart'lll!l khalv'ida'f!l
Uralmza), and this is due to the fact that I Ic pervades all things and
controls all things. It means that the souls are dependent on I lim
or maintained in I lim (tad-iidhiirat'l·a), hut it doc~ not mean their
identity with llim. God is llimsclf able to create all things by
I limself; hut for I lis pleasure, for I lis mere sportive dalliance, I Ic
takes the hdp of pralqti and the destiny born out of the deeds of
human beings as I lis accessories. Though (;od makes all persons
act in the manner in which they do act, yet I lis directive control is
regulated in accordance with the adr~ta or the destiny of the human
beings which is heginninglcss. The theory of kanna doctrir:e herein
suggested is different from that propoundnl by Patanjali .. \ccording
to Patanjali and his commentators, the fruits of the deeds, i.e.
pleasure or pain, arc enjoyed hy the persons while they arc free to
act hy themselves. I lcre, however, the freedom of the individuals is
controlled and limited by God in accordance with the previous
good or bad deeds of the individual, which arc heginninglcss. Thus
in our ordinary life not only our pleasures and pains but also our
power to do good or bad actions are determined by previous deeds
and the cons<.:qucnt control of God.

A General Idea of Vijfiana Bhik~u's Philosophy.

THE ultimate goal is not the cessation of sorrow, but the cessation
of the experience of sorrow; for when in the state of emancipation
one ceases to experience sorrow, the sorrow as such is not emanci-
pated since it remains in the world and others suffer from it. It is
only the emancipated individual who ceases to experience sorrow.
The ultimate state of emancipation cannot be a state of bliss, for
since there are no mental organs and no mind in this state there
cannot be any experience of bliss. The self cannot itself be of the
nature of bliss and be at the same time the experiencer of it. When
it is said that self is of the nature of bliss (iinanda), the word bliss is
there used in a technical sense of negation of sorrow.
Bhik~u admits a gradation of realities. He holds that one is
stabler and more real than the other. Since paramiitmii is always
the same and does not undergo any change or transformation or
dissolution, he is more real than the prakrti or puru~a or the evolutes
of prakrti. This idea has also been expressed in the view of the
PuraDas that the ultimate essence of the world is of the nature of
knowledge which is the form of the paramiitman. It is in this
essential form that the world is regarded as ultimately real and not
as prakrti and puru~a which arc changing forms; prakrti, so far as
it exists as a potential power in God, is regarded as non-existent but
so far as it manifests itself through evolutionary changes it is re-
garded as existent. The state of emancipation is brought about by
the dissociation of the subtle body consisting of the five tammiitras
and the eleven senses. Consequent upon such a dissociation the
self as pure consciousness is merged in Brahman as the rivers
mingle with the ocean, a state not one of identity but identity-in-
difference. According to the Sarp.khya, emancipation cannot be at-
tained until the fruits of the karmas which have ripened for giving
experiences of pleasure and pain are actuaily exhausted th~ough
experiencing them, i.e. even when ignorance or avidyii is destroyed
the attainment of the emancipation is delayed until the priirabdha
The Philosophy of V ijiiiina Bhik~u [cH.
karma is finished. The Yogin, however, can enter into an objectless
state of meditation (asamprajiiata yoga) and this wards off the pos-
sibility of experiencing the prarabdha karma. From the state of
asamprajiiata samadhi he can at will pass into a state of emancipa-
tion. The state of emancipation is reached not merely by realizing
the purport of the text of the Upani~ads but by philosophic wisdom
attained through a reasoned process of thought and by the suc-
cessive stages of Yoga meditation.
The world does not emanate directly from Brahman as pure
consciousness, nor are the kala, prak,-ti and puru~a derived from
Brahman through transformatory changes (pm·i(lama). llad the
world come into being directly from Brahman, evil and sins would
have been regarded as coming into being from it. \Vith the associa-
tion of sativa through the beginning less will of God at the btginning
of the previous cycles the Brahman behaves as lS'Z•ara and brings
into actual being the prakrti and the purzt~a which are already
potentially existent in God, and connects the prakrti with the
puru~a. The moment of God's activity in bringing out the prakrti
and puru~a may be regarded as kizla. In this sense kala is often
regarded as the dynamic agency of God. Though purzt~as in them-
sdves are absolutely static, yet they have a seeming movement as
they are always associated with prakrti, which is e\·er in a state
of movement. kiila as the dynamic agency of God is naturally
associated with the movement of prakrti, for both the prakrti and
the puru~a are in themselves passive and are rendered active by the
dynamic agency of God. This dynamic agency is otherwise called
kiila, and as such it is an eternal power existing in Brahman, like
the prakrti and purzt~a. In all other forms of actual existence kala
is determinate and conditioned, and as such non-eternal and to
some extent imaginary. It is only as the eternal power that sub-
sists in and through all the operations of dynamic activity that kiila
may be called eternal. The hala that produces the connection of the
prakrti and the purzt~a and also produces the mahat is non-eternal
and therefore does not exist at the time of pralaya when no such
connection exists. The reason for this is that the kiila that produces
the connection between prakrti and punt~a is a determi:1ate kala
which is conditioned, on the one hand by the will of God, and, on
the other, hy the effects it produces. It is this determinate kala that
can be designated as present, past and future. But the terms pre-
xxu] A General Idea of Vijiiiina Bhi~u's Philosophy 447
sent, past and future imply an evolutionary change and such a
change implies activity; it is this activity as dissociated from the
manifest forms of kiila as present, past and future that can be re-
garded as eternal 1 .
The reference to the Atharva- Veda, as noted below in the
footnote, will show how the conception of time in very ancient
eras reveals "time, as a separate entity or energy which has
brought everything into being, maintains it, and destroys every-
thing. The God, parame~thin Brahman or prajiipati is said to be
derived from it. In the Maitri Upani~ad we also hear of the con-
ception of kiila or time as akiila or timeless. The timeless time is the
primordial time which is only the pure energy unmeasured and
immeasurable. It appears in a measurable form when, after the
production of the sun from it, it is measured in terms of the move-
ment of the sun. The entire course of natural phenomena is thus
seen to be an emanation or manifestation of the energy of time
undirected by any other superintendent. Such a conception of
time seems to be of an atheistic character, for even the highest
gods, the parame~thin and the prajiipati, are said to be produced
from it.
In the first chapter of the anulasana parvan of the A1ahiibhiirata
there is a dialogue between Gautami, whose son was bitten by a
serpent, the hunter who was pressing for killing the serpent, the
serpent, the mrtyu or death and kala. It appears from the dialogue
that time is not only the propeller of all events by itself but all states
of sattva, rajas and lamas, all that is moving and the unmoved in the
heaven and in the earth, all our movements and cessation of move-
ments, the sun, the moon, the waters, the fire, the sky, the earth,
the rivers, the oceans and all that is being or not being are of the
1 Atharva-Veda, XIX. 54· In the Atharva-Veda time is regarded as a gener-
ator of the sky and the earth and all beings exist through time. Tapas and
Brahman exist in time and time is the god of all. Time produced all creatures.
The universe ha~ been set in motion by time, has been produced by it and
is supported in it. Time becoming Brahman supports parame$thin. In the
Svetiifvatara Upani$ad time is regarded as being held by the sun as the
ultimate cause. In the Maitri Upani$ad, VI. 14, it is said that from time all
creatures spring, grow and decay. Time is a formless form (kiiliit sravanti
bhutiini, kiiliit vrddhi'!l prayiinti ca. I kale cii'sta'f!l niyacchanti kiilo murtir
It is again stated in the same work that there are two forms of Brahman,
Time and no-Time.
z That which is before the sun is no-Time and is devoid of parts, and that
which is after the sun is Time with parts.
The Philosophy of J ~ijiiiina Bhik~u [eli.
nature of time and brought into heing by time and dissolved in
time. Time is thus the original cause. Time, however, operates in
accordance with the laws of karma; there is thus the beginningless
relation between time and karma which determines the courses of
all events. Karma in itself is also a product of time and as such de-
termines the future modes of the operation of time. I Iere we have
an instance of the second stage, the conception of time as the trans-
cendental and immanent cause of all things. llere time is guided
by karma. In the third stage of the conception of time, which is
found in the purii~ws and also adopted by Bhik~u, it is regarded as
the eternal dynamic power inherent in Brahman and brought into
operation by the will of (;od 1 •
The word puru~a is often used in the scriptural text in the
singular number, but that signifies only that it is used in a generic
sense, cf. Sii1!1!?.hya-siltra, 1. 154- (nii' dTaita-sruti-·l:irodlw jiiti-
paral7.-'iif)2. The difference between the superior purzl~a or God and
the ordinary puru~as is that while the latter are subject to ex-
periences of pleasure and pain as a result of the actions or karma,
the former has an t:ternal and continual experience of bliss through
its reflection from its saft'[·amaya body to itself. The ordinary
puru~as, however, have not the experience of pleasure and pain as
of constitutive definition, for in the stage of saintliness (ji'i.:anmukti)
they have no such ex pet iences. God can, however, ha\·e an ex-
perien~e of the experiences of pleasure and pain of other purwws
without having been affected by them. The ultimate principle or
the Brahman is a principle of pure consciousness which underlies
1 In tlw .·lhirhudlmya-Sm!lhihi, the work of the Pmicariitra school, n('rati

(destiny) ami h~la (time) are the two manifestations of the po\\er of trans-
Cl·ndt·nt hila as arising from aniruddha. From this kiila first arises the sattt·a-
RWW and from that the rajo-f!U~lll and thence the tamo-Ku~za.
It is further said that it is time which connects and separates. The lui/a of
course in its own turn derives its power from the self-percci,·ing acti,·ity (sudar-
sww) of \'i~~u. That the pmhrti transforms itself into its evolutes i-. also due to the
dynamic function of kiila.
The Ahi!lwm 1"!tli on the Sii'!lkhya-kiirikii, howe\·er, n·f(·rs to tht.· doctrine
of kiila as tht• cause of the world (lulla~1 srjati blultani, kiila~l SmJiharate pmjcl~l I
kiilab supte~u jcigarti tasmc"it kiilas tu kiirm;am) and refutes it hy sa~ ing that there
is no separate entity as kiila lkiilo niima na kas cit padcirtho'sti), then· are unly
thn·e catcgt'lrie~. ,·yakta, m·yakta and puru~a. and kiila falls \\ ithin them
(vyaktam myaktam puru~a iti traya~z e1·a padiirthii~l tatra lul/o antarhlllltab).
2 The .·lhirbwJ/mya-SmJlhitii, howen~r. explains the singular numbt.·r by the

concept of a conglomeration of puru~a or a colony of cells, as the honey-comb,

which hl·haws as a totality and also in a multiple capacit~ as separ:1te cdls.
Ahirhudlmya-Sat!lhitii, VI. 33·
xxn] A General Idea of Vijiiiina Bhik~u's Philosophy 449
the reality of both the purzl~as, prakrti and its evolutes; and it is
because they are emergent forms which have their essence in the
Brahman that they can appear as connected together. The move-
ment of the prakrti is also ultimately due to the spontaneous move-
ment of the pure consciousness, the basic reality.
The vi<t•eka and the aviveka, the distinction and the non-
distinction, are all inherent in buddhi, and this explains why the
puru~as fail to distinguish themselves from the buddhi with which
they are associated. The association of the purzl~as with the buddhi
implies that it has in it both the characters of distinction and
non-distinction. The difficulty is that the "revelation of the dis-
tinction" is so opposed by the force of non-distinction that the
former cannot find scope for its manifestation. It is the purpose of
yoga to weaken the force of the tendency towards non-distinction
and ultimately uproot it so that reYelation of distinction may mani-
fest itself. Now it may be asked what is the nature of this obstruc-
tion. It may be replied that it is merely a negative condition con-
sisting in the non-production of the cognition of the distinction
through association with the products of prakrti, such as attach-
ment and antipathy, through which we are continually passing.
The Sarpkhya, however, says that the non-production of the dis-
tinction is due to the extreme subtleness of the nature of buddhi
and puru~a which so much resemble each other that it is difficult
to distinguish their nature. But this view of the Sarpkhya should
not be interpreted as meaning that it is only the subtleness of the
natures of these two entities that arrests our discriminating know-
ledge regarding them. For had it been so, then the process of yoga
would be inefficacious in attaining such a knowledge. The real
reason is that our association with attachment and antipathy with
regard to gross objects obstructs our discriminating vision re-
garding these subtle entities. Our attachment to gross objects is
also due to our long association with sense-objects. A philosopher,
therefore, should try to dissociate himself from attachment with
gross objects. The whole purpose of creation consists in furnishing
materials for the experiences of purzqa which seems to undergo all
experiential changes of enjoyment and suffering, of pleasure and
pain, in and through the medium of buddhi. With the dissociation
of buddhi, therefore, all experience ceases. The God is essentially
pure consciousness, and though the knowledge of Him as such
Dill 29
45° The Philosophy of T~ijiiiina Bhik~u [cH.

brings about liberation, yet epithets of omnipotence, all-pervasive-

ness and other personal characteristics are attributed to I lim be-
cause it is through an approach to God as a super-personal Being
that devotion is possible, and it is through devotion and personal
attachment that true knowledge can arise. It is said in the scrip-
tures that God cannot be realized by tapas, gifts or sacrifices, but
only by bhakti1 • The highest devotion is of the nature of love
(attyuttamii bhakti/:t prema-lak~m.zii).
God remains within all as the inner controller and everything
is revealed to, His super-consciousness without the mediation of
sense-consciousness. God is called all-pervasive because He is the
cause of all and also because He is the inner controller.
Bhakti consists in the whole process of listening to God's name,
describing His virtues, adoration to llim, and meditation ulti-
mately leading to true knowledge. These are all to be designated
as the service of God. These processes of operations constituting
bhakti are all to be performed with love. Bhik~u quotes Garu(la
purii1}a to prove that the root "bhaj" is used in the sense of service.
lie also refers to the Bhagavata to show that the true bhakti is
associated with an emotion which brings tears to the eyes, melts the
heart and raises the hairs of the body. Through the emotion of
bhakti one dissolves oneself as it were and merges into God's
existence, just as the river Ganges does into the ocean.
It will be seen from the above that Bhik~u urges on the doctrine
of bhakti as love, as a way to the highest realization. The meta-
physical views that he propounded give but small scope for the
indulgence of such an attitude towards divinity. For, if the Ulti-
mate Reality be of the nature of pure consciousness, we cannot have
any personal relations with such a Being. The ultimate state of
realization is also the entrance into a state of non-difference with
this Ultimate Being, who is not Himself a person, and therefore no
personal relations ought to be possible with Him. In the J"'zj"iiiinii-
mrta-bhii~ya, IV. 1. 3, Bhik~u says that at the time of dissolution or
emancipation the individuals are not associated with any content of
knowledge, and are therefore devoid of any consciousness, and
being of the nature of unconscious entities like \vood or stone they
aha'!! prak!~!a!J bhaktito' anyai!z siidhanai!z dra~!U'!l na
sakya!J, bhaktir eva ket:alii mad-darsane siidhanam.
!Svara-gftii-tlkii (MS. borrowed from ~- N. Gopinatha Kaviraja, late
Principal, Queen's College, Benares).
xxu] A General Idea of Vijiiiina Bhik~u's Philosophy 451
enter into the all-illuminating great Soul just as rivers enter into the
ocean. Again, it is this great Soul that out of its own will sends
them forth like sparks of fire and distinguishes them from one
another and goads them to action 1 . This great Soul or paramlitman
is the inner-controller and mover of our selves. But it may be re-
membered that this great Soul is not also the Ultimate Principle,
the pure consciousness, but is the n1anifestation of the pure con-
sciousness in association with the sattvamaya body. Under the
circumstances the metaphysical position does not allow of any per-
sonal relation between the human beings and the Ultimate Entity.
But yet the personal relation with the divinity as the ultimate con-
sciousness not being philosophically possible, that relation is
ushered in more out of a theistic tendency of Bhik!?u than as a
necessary natural conclusion. The theistic relation is also conceived
in a mystical fashion in the indulgence of the emotions of love
rising to a state of intoxication. Such a conception of Divine love
is found in the Blziigavata-purii1}a; and later on in the school of
Vai!?Qavism preached by Caitanya. It is different from the con-
ception of devotion or bhakti as found in the system of Ramanuja,
where bhakti is conceived as incessant continual meditation. He
seems to have been, therefore, one of the earliest, if not the earliest,
exponent of emotionalism in theism, if we do not take into account
the PuraQic emotionalism of the Bhiigavata-purii1}a. There are
instances in the writings of modern European philosophers also,
where the difficult position does not justify an etnotionalism that is
preached merely out of the theistic experiences of a personal nature,
and as an illustration one may refer to the idea of God of Pringle
Pattison. In the conception of jiva or individuals also there seems
to be an apparent contradiction. For while the puru~as are some-
times described as pure consciousness, they are at other times de-
scribed as inert and wholly under the domination of paramlitman
The contradiction is to be solved by the supposition that the inert-
ness is only relative, i.e. the puru~as are to be regarded as them-
selves inactive, being goaded to action by the inlying controller,
1 tasmiit pralaya-mok~ii-dau vi~aya-sambandhii-bhiiviit kii~tha-Lonra-divat
jacjiil.z siinto jfVii madhyandinii-dityavat sadii sarvii-vabhiisake paramii-tmani
villyante samudre nada-nadya iva punasca sa eva paramii-tmii sve-cchayii gni-
vissphul ingavat tii-nupiiyi-sambandhena svato vibhajyii'ntaryiiml sana prerayati
tathii coktaf!1. cak~u~matii' ndhii iva nlyamiinii iti atal.z sa eva mukhya iitmii-ntaryiimy
anlflab. Vij;"iiinii-mrta-bhii~ya, IV. 1. 3·
452 The Philosophy of Vifiiiina Blzi~u [cH.
paramiitman. They are called "jarja," resembling stone or wood only
in the sense that they are inactive in themselves. But this inactivity
should not be associated with want of consciousness. Being sparks
of the eternal consciousness they are always of the nature of con-
sciousness. Their activity, however, is derived from the paramiit-
man, so that, drawn by Him, they come out of the Eternal con-
sciousness and play the role of a mundane individual and ultimately
return to Brahman like rivers into the ocean at the time of emanci-
pation. This activity of God is an eternal activity, an eternal
creative impulse which is absolutely without any extraneous pur-
pose (carama-kiirm;asya krteb nityat'l•iit)l. It proceeds from the
spontaneous joy of God in a spontaneous manner like the process
of breathing, and has no reference to the fulfilment of any purpose.
In the Vyiisa-bhii~ya it is said that the creation of God is for the
benefit of living beings. But Bhik~u does not support any purpose
at all. This activity is sometimes compared with the purposeless
playful activity. But Bhik~u says that even if there is any slight
purpose in play that also is absent in the activity of God. The
action also proceeds spontaneously with the creative desire of God,
for which no body or senses are necessary. I le is identical with the
whole universe and as such I lis action has no objective outside of
I limself, as in the case of ordinary actions. It is He who, depending
upon the beginningless karma of human beings, makes them act for
good or for evil. The karma itself, also being a part of I lis energy
and a manifestation of I lis impulse, cannot be regarded as limiting
His freedom 2 • The analogy of the doctrine of grace where the king
bestows his grace or withholds it in accordance with the good or had
services of his servants is also regarded as helpful to conceive of the
freedom of God in harmony with the deeds of the individual. If it
is argued now, if the creative activity of God is eternal, it can de-
pend on the karma, Bhik~u's reply is that the karmas act as accessory
causes determining the eternal creative impulse of God as pro-
ducing pleasurable and painful experiences. Following the trend
of the PuraQic method Bhik~u further suggests that it is the
HiraQyagarbha created by God who appears as the law-giver of the
law of karma, as manifested in the spontaneous activity of God.
It is He, therefore, who is responsible for the suffering of humanity
1 See Vijiiiinii-mrta-bhii~ya, 11. I. 32.
2 Ibid. II. I. 33·
xxn] A General I de a of T7z]iiiina Bhi~u' s Philosophy 453
in accordance with their karmas. God helps the process only by
letting it go on in an unobstructed manner 1 • In another passage
he says that God perceives within Himself as parts of Him the
jivas and their conditioning factors (upiidhi) as associated with
merit and demerit (dharma and adharma); associating these con-
ditions with the jivas He brings them out of Himself. He is thus
the maker of souls, just as the potter is the maker of pots 2 •
The self is regarded as being itself untouchable and devoid of
any kind of association (a-sanga). The association between prakrti
and puru~a, therefore, is not to be interpreted in the sense of a
direct contact in the ordinary sense of the term, but the association
is to be understood only as transcendental reflection through the
conditioning factors which make the pure soul behave as a phe-
nomenal self or jiva. The self has no knowledge as its quality or
character, and is in itself pure consciousness, and there is at no time
a cessation of this consciousness, which exists even during dream-
less sleep. But in dreamless sleep there is no actual knowledge, as
there is no content present at the time; and it is for that reason that
the consciousness though present in the very nature of the self can-
not be apperceived. The viisaniis or desires existing in the anta~z­
kara1}a cannot affect the pure soul, for at that time the antal.zkara1}a
remains in a dissolved condition. Knowledge of contents or ob-
jects is possible only through reflections from the states of the
buddhi. The pure consciousness being identical with the self, there
cannot also be the self-consciousness involving the notion of a
duality as subject and object during dreamless sleep. The pure
consciousness remains the same and it is only in accordance with
changes of mental state that knowledge of objects arises and passes
away 3 • The jivas are thus not to be regarded as themselves the
products of the reflection of paramiitman as the Sailkarites suppose;
for in that case the jivas would be absolutely unreal, and bondage
and emancipation would also be unreal.
Vijiiiinii-mrta-bhii~ya, II. 1. 33·
2 lsvaro hi svii-1Jzsa-sva-sarzrii-1Jiia-tulyau jzva-tad-upiidhl svii-ntar-gatau
dharmii-di-sahitau siik~iid eva pasyann a-para-tantra!z sva-lzlayii sa1Jlyoga-vise~a1Jl
brahmii-diniim api dur-vibhiivyaTJZ kurvat kumbhakiira iva ghatam. Ibid. II. 1. 13.
Ibid. II. 3· 5·
454 The Philosophy of Vzjiiiina Bhikru [cH.

The Brahman and the World according to


The production, existence. maintenance, modification, decay

and destruction of the world are from Brahman as God. He holds
within Himself all the energies constituting the prakrti and puru~as,
and manifests Himself in other diverse forms; Brahman as pure
consciousness is associated with the conditioning factor of His own
being, the miiyii as pure satt'l-·a quality in all this creative activity,
so from that great Being who is devoid of all afflictions, karmas and
their fruits are also produced. The fact that the Brahma-sutra, II. 2,
says that Brahman is that from which the world has come into
being and is being maintained implies that the world as it is in its
own reality is an eternal fact in the very being of the ultimately real
and the unmanifested. The production, the transformation and the
destruction of the world are only its phenomenal aspect 1 • Brahman
is here regarded as the adlzi~thiina-kiirm:za. This means that Brahman
is the basis, the ground, the iidhiira (container) as it were of the
universe in which it exists as undivided and as indistinguishable
from it and which also holds the universe together. Brahman is
the cause which holds together the material cause of the universe
so that it may transform itself into it 2 • Brahman is the principle
of ultimate cause which renders all other kinds of causality possible.
In the original Brahman, the prakrti and the puru~as exist in the
eternal consciousness and as such are held together as being one
with it. The Brahman is neither changeable nor identifiable with
prakrti and puru~a. It is because of this that, though Brahman is of
the nature of pure consciousness and unchangeable, yet it is re-
garded as being one with the universe and as the material cause.
The material cause or upiidiina-kiirm.za is the name which is given
to changing material cause (the vikiiri-kiirm.za) and to the ground
cause or the adhi~thiina-kiira~za. The underlying principle of both
the ground cause (adhi~thiina-kiirar.za) and the material cause
(upiidiina-kiirm.za) is that the effect is held in it as merged in it or
1 atra cai'tad yata ity'anuktvli janma-dyasya yata iti vacanad avyakta-

rripn_w jagan nityam eva ity acaryya-iayab. Vijiianii-mrta-bhii~ya, 1. 1. 2.

ki'!Z punar adhinbana-karm_wtvam ucyate tad e1.-•a' dhinbana-kiirm_w'!Z
yatra' vibhakta'!Z yeno' pa~tabdhaf!l ca sad upiidiinii-kiira7Ja'!Z kiiryii-kiire7Ja
piiri7Jamate. Ibid.
xxn] Brahman and the World 455
indistinguishable from it 1 . The idea involved in avibhiiga or one-
ness with the cause is not regarded as an ordinary relation of
identity but as a sort of non-relational relation or a situation of
uniqueness which cannot be decomposed into its constituents so
that a relational bond may be affirn1ed of them. The upshot of the
whole position is that the nature of the universe is so founded in
Brahman which forms its ground that it cannot be regarded as a
mere illusory appearance of it or as a modification or a product of
it; but while these two possible ways of relation between the cause
and the effect fail, the universe as such has no existence, significance
or meaning without the ground in which it is sustained and which
helps its evolutionary process. The ordinary relation of the sus-
tainer and the sustained is inadequate here, for it implies a duality
of independent existence; in the present case, however, where
Brahman is regarded as the ground cause there is no such duality
and the universe cannot be conceived as apart from Brahman which
forms its ground and essence while remaining unchanged in its
transcendent reality. Thus, though it may have to be acknowledged
that there is a relation between the two, the relation has to be con-
ceived as the transcendental one, of which no analogy is found else-
where. The seeming pictorial analogy which falls far short of the
situation is to be foun"'d in the case where water is mixed with milk 2 •
Here the existence of the water is dependent upon the existence of
the milk so long as the two exist in a mixed condition; and neither
of them can be conceived without the other. The nature of the
prakrti and the puru~a is also manifested from the essence of God's
nature as pure consciousness. The causality of substanC!e, qualities
and actions is also due to the underlying essence of God which
permeates all things. The difference between the relation of
samaviiya and this unique relation of indistinguishableness in the
ground is that while the former applies to the case of the intimate
relation of the effects in and through themselves, the latter refers
only to the special fact of the indistinguishable character of the
effect in the cause, and has no reference to the relation of the effect-
parts among themselves with reference to the whole as an insepar-
able concatenation of effects. The ordinary organic relation such
t Kiiryii-vibluigii-dhiiratvasyai' vo' piidiina-siimt;nya-lakia7Jfltviit. Vljiiiinii-
mrta-bhii~ya, I. I. 2.
· 2 m·ibhiigas eli' dhiiratiivat svarupa-sambandha-·vise~o· tyanta-sa1!Zmisra7Ja-

rupo dugdha-jaliidy-ekatii-pratyaya-niyiimakal;z. Ibid.

The Philosophy of V ijiiiina Bhi~u [elL
as that which subsists between the parts of a living body is thus
different from that which is referred to here as the indistinguishable
character of the effects in the ground. The parts of the universe as
comprising the living and the non-living may be regarded as in-
separably united with one another in the whole, but such a relation
is an intimate relation between the effects, and the whole is nothing
but an assemblage of these. This is what may be called the special
feature of samaviiya relation. But in the unique relation of in-
distinguishableness in the ground the effect subsists in the ground
in such a manner that the effect has no separate reality from the
cause 1 . Brahman in this view is the basis or the substratum-the
ground which supports the totality of the unity of prakrti and the
puru~as to evolve itself into the universe with its varied forms 2 • It
does not, therefore, in itself participate in the changing evolution
and transformation of world-forms, but it always exists as one with
it, and being in it and supported by it, it develops into the world.
Vijiiana Bhik!?u says that the Yaise!?ikas believe that God is the
dynamic or the instrumental agent, whereas he thinks that the
causality of God cannot be regarded as being either of the samaviiyi,
asamaviiyi or nimitta types, but is a fourth kind of conception-
cause as ground or container 3 • He also describes this type of causa-
tion as being adhi~thiina, a term with which we are familiar in
Sankara Vedanta. But the difference between the two kinds of
conception of adlzi~thiina kiirm;a is indeed very great, for while
Bhik!?u considers this to be the unchangeable ground which sustains
the movements of the principle of change in it in an undivided unity,
Sankara regards adhi:r;fhiina as the basis of all changes which are
unreal in themselves. According to Bhik!?u, however, the changing
phenomena are not unreal, but they are only changes which are the
modifications of a principle of change which subsists in an un-
divided unity with the ground cause. \Vhen they say that the world
is both being and non-being (sad-asadriipa), and is hence unreal
and illusory, the Sankarites suffer from a grave misconception. The

1 tatra samaviiya-sambandlzena yatrii' 'l'ibhiigas tad 'l'ikiiri-kiira~wm; yatra ca

kiiryasya kiira~zii'vibhiigena m:ibhiigas tad adhi~!biina-kiira~zam. Ibid.

2 yadi hi paramii-tmii dehat•at sar1·a'!t kiira~W'Jl nii' dhitisfheta tarhi dravya-

gu~za-karmii-di-siidhiira~zii-khila-kiirye ittha'Jl mfila-kiira~zam na syiit. ll:·l'ara-

gltii-bhii~ya. MS.
asmiibhis tu samaviiy-asamaviiyibhyiim udiisl1lll'Jl 11imitta-kiira!zebhyas ca
vilak~a~zatayii caturtham iidhiira-kiira~zat'l·am. !hid.
XXII] Brahman and the World 457
world is called sat and asat (being and non-being), because it re-
presents the principle of becoming or change. It is affirmed as
u this" and yet because it changes it is again not affirmed as "this."

The future forms of the changing process are also non-existent as

it were in the present form and the present form is also non-
existent as it were in the future forms that are to be. Thus, any of
its forms may be regarded as not existing and hence false when
compared with an entity that always exists and in the same form 1 . All
objects of the world so far as they are past and future are contradicted
by their present states and are therefore regarded as false, but so far as
they are perceived in their present state they are regarded as real 2 •
The universe has, however, an eternal and immutable form as
pure consciousness in the very nature of Brahman from which it is
separated out as the world of matter and souls. The pure con-
sciousness in itself is the only ultimate reality which is ever the
same and is not subject to any change or process of becoming. Both
the individual souls and the world of matter are ultimately dis-
solved and merged in Brahman, the pure and ultimate conscious-
ness. These, therefore, are regarded as being names and forms
when compared with the ultimate changeless Reality, Brahman 3 •
But this does not mean that the universe of matter and souls is
absolutely unreal and mere miiyii or illusion. If all that appears
were absolutely false, then all moral values would disappear and all
notions of bondage and emancipation would become meaningless.
If the falsity of all things except the pure consciousness can be
proved by any means, that itself would prove that such proofs have
validity and that therefore there are other things over and above
pure consciousness which may be valid. If such proofs are invalid
but can establish the validity of pure consciousness as against the
validity of all other things, then such proofs may also prove the
reality of all other things in the world. It may be held that what
ordinary people consider as true can be proved to be invalid by
what is regarded by them as valid means of proof; but on the
Sankarite view nothing is regarded as valid and therefore there are
1 eka-dharmetJa sattva-dasiiyiif!l pari1Jiimi-vastUniim atftii-niigata-dharmetJa
asattviit. Vijiiiinii-mrta-bhii~yn, 1. 1. 3·
z ghatii-dayo hi aniigatii-dy-avasthii~ vyaktii-dy-avasthiibhir biidhyante iti.
ghatii-dayo mithyii-sabdena ucyante vidyamiina-dharmaii ca tadiinlf!l na biidhyante
iti satyii ity api ucyante. Ibid.
3 jiiiina-svarupab paramii-tmii sa eva satyab jzviis cii'f!liatayii amsiny eklbhiitiib

atha·vii' vaya·vattvena paramt1-tmii-pe~ayii te' py asantab. Ibid.

The Philosophy of r ijiiiina
T Bhik~u [cH.
no proofs hy which the validity of the world-process can be main-
tained. But the reply that naturally comes to such a view is that
though the validity of the world may not be proved, yet that does
not lead to the conclusion that the world-process is unreal; for even
if its validity is not proved, its validity or reality may at least be
doubtful. There is, therefore, nothing by which we may come to
any conclusion about its invalidity and unreality. The reality of the
universe is of a different order from that of Brahman, which is of
the nature of pure consciousness, as the former consists of practical
efficiency (artha-hriyii-kiirit'l,·a). But even though in the state of a
changing process the reality of the world is only its reality as be-
coming and as causal efficiency, yet it has also an ultimate reality in
itself, since it has come into being from the ultimate reality,
Brahman. The world of matter and 5ouls exists in God as pure
consciousness and therefore as one with Him. \Vhen from out of its
state as pure consciousness it is manifested as the world of matter
and souls, we mark it as the stage of creation. \Vhen again they re-
tire back into God as being one with His consciousness, that is
marked as the state of dissolution 1 • The universe of matter and
souls is also ultimately to be regarded as being of the nature of
consciousness, and is as such a constituent of the ultimate pure
consciousness in which it remains as it were merged and lost. The
world of visible forms and changes is also thus of the nature of
thought, and only the ignorant regard them as mere objects 2 . \Vhen
the scriptural texts speak of the identity of the world and Brahman
they refer to this ultimate state in which the world exists in the pure
consciousness--Brahman as one with it. But it is not only in the
state of dissolution that the \Vorld e-xists in Brahman in undivided
unity, but in the state of creation also the world exists in Brahman
as one with it, for all the so-called mechanical and other kinds of
forces that are to be found in matter and which constitute its
reality are but the energy of God. And as the energy is ahvays
conceived as being one with that which possesses it, it is believed
that the world with all its changes exists in God 3 . In the state of
1 pralayehi pu'!l-prakrtyii-dikw_n jiiiina-rr4pn;ai''l·a rupyate na t'l.• artha-rr4pe~za

arthato 'l.'yaiijaka-'l,')'iipiirii-bhii'l·iit. T'ijiiiinii-mrta-blziin-a, 1. 1. 4-

2 jtliina-s'l.·arz4pam aklzila'f!Z .faRad etad ahuddhayab 1. artha-svarupa'!l paiyanto
bhriimyante moha-sa'!lplm·e. Ibid.
3 iaktimat-kiirya-kiirm;ii-bhedenai''l•a bmhmii-d'l•aita'!l bodhayanti . . , aya'!l ca

-~artw-kiilo brahmm:zi prapm!ca-bhedab. Ibid.

XXII] Brahman and the World 459
pralaya the world-energies exist in God as some form of conscious-
ness or conscious energy which is later on manifested by Him as
material energy or matter. The unity of the world-energies in God
is such that though these retain some kind of independence yet it
is so held up and mixed up as it were in the reality of God that it
cannot be separated from Him. Their independence consists in the
fact that they are of the nature of energy, but as God possesses them
they can have no existence and they cannot be conceived as apart
from Him. As thus described the world of matter has no permanent
reality, and the consciousness of this fact may be called the biidha
or contradiction (piiramiirthika-sattvii-bhiiva-niscaya eva biidha/:z )1.
But in spite of this biidha the universe has a relative or vyavahiirika
existence ( tiidrsa-biidhe'pi ca sati jiiiina-siidhanii-diniiT{l vyavahiirika-
The causality of prakrti and paru~a is limited to their specific
capacities which determine the nature of modifications. But God is
the universal all-cause behind them which not only shows itself
through these specific limitations but which regulates the inner
harmony and order subsisting in them and in their mutual relations.
Thus the visual organ is limited in its function to the operation of
vision, and the tactile organ is limited in its function to the opera-
tion of touch, but the functions and activities of all these are
organized by the individual self which operates and manifests
itself through them. Thus Brahman in this sense may be regarded
as being both the instrumental and the material cause 2 • According
to Sarpkhya and Yoga the prakrti is supposed to be associated with
the puru~as through the inner and inherent teleology, but according
to the Vedantic view as interpreted by Bhik~u their mutual associa-
tion is due to the operation of God 3 •
1 Vijiiiinii-mrta-bhii~ya, 1. 1. 4·
1 brahma~as tu sarva-saktikatviit tat-tad-upiidhibhib sarva-kiira~atva'!l yathii
cak~urii-dl~ii'!l darsanii-di-kiira~atva1Jt yat praty-ekam asti tat sarva1Jl sarvii-
dhyak~asya jlvasya bhavati, etena jagato' bhinna-nimitto-piidiinattva'!l vyiikhyii-
tam. Ibid. 1. 1. 2.
a sii'flkhya-yogibhya1Jl puru~ii-rtha-prayuktii pravrttib svayam eva puru~e~a
iidya-jz·vena sa1Jtyuyyate . .. asmiibhis tu prakrti-puru~a-sa1Jtyoga lsvare~a kriyate.
The Philosophy of Vijiiiina Bhi~u [cH.

The Individual.
In his commentary on the lsvara-gitii, Bhik~u says that the more
universal has a wider sphere than the less universal and therefore
it is called Brahman in relation to it. The cause of an effect is wider
and more universal than the effect and is therefore called Brahman
in comparison with it. Thus there is a hierarchy of Brahmans. But
that which is at the apex of the hierarchy is the highest universal
and the ultimate cause, and is therefore called the highest Brahman.
Brahman is thus the highest and the ultimate reality. The deter-
minations that make the universe of matter exist in Brahman as
merged in its nature as thought. Creation means that these de-
terminations which exist there in a potential form and without any
operation are manifested and made operative as the world of nature.
God in His nature as pure consciousness has a full and complete
acquaintance of all the possible developments and modifications of
the pre-matter as evolving into the actual universe. The starting
point in the evolution of the pre-matter or prakrti is the moment
of its association with the spirits. The scriptural text says that the
Lord entered into the prakrti and the puru~as, disturbed the equi-
librium and associated them with one another. The purzt~as are,
however, like sparks of consciousness and it is not possible to
produce any disturbance in them. The disturbance is thus produced
in the prakrti and the effect of such disturbance in the prakrti on
the purzt~as is interpreted as seeming disturbances in the puru~as
as well. The purzt~as are to be conceived as being parts of God and
there cannot be a real identity between the puru~as and the
Brahman. The so-called identity between the purzt~as and the
Brahman refers merely to the fact of the puru~as being the con-
stituent entities in the being of God such as that which exists be-
tween the parts and the whole. The assertion of the Sailkarites that
the individual soul is the same as Brahman and that the difference
is due to external limitations of nescience or on account of reflec-
tions through it is wrong. The kind of unity that exists between the
individual souls and the Brahman lies in the fact that they are in-
distinguishable in character from it (avibhiiga). If the reality of
inJividual souls is denied, that would amount to a denial of religious
and moral values and of bondage and emancipation.
XXII] The Individual
In this connection it is also urged that the individual souls are
derived from God just as sparks come out of fire or the son comes
out of the father. The individual souls resemble God so far as they
are of the nature of pure consciousness. But though they have
come out of Him, yet they retain their individuality and thus pre-
serves for them the sphere of their moral career. The individual
souls are free and emancipated in their own nature, they are all-
pervasive and they also hold the universe within them in their
consciousness. In all these they share the nature of Brahman. But
in association with the limiting conditions (upiidhi) they appear
as finite and limited. \Vhen the entire career of the individual souls
is known as existing in Brahman as part of it, as being manifested
out of it as separate entities, as leading a career of their own in
association with the limiting conditions and ultimately dissociating
themselves from them and realizing their own natures as one with
Brahman and in a sense different from it, this is the true philosophic
knowledge and realization of their own nature. When the indi-
viduals start their career and destiny in life they are different from
Brahman; but there was a time when they remained in one un-
divided unity with Brahman. But in spite of this unity the Brahman
is always felt as different and as the other of the individuals, and
this difference is never sublated 1 . But the difference of this view
from the Sarrkhya is that the Sarrkhya is satisfied only with con-
sidering the individuality and separateness of the puru~as, but the
Vedantic view as interpreted herein cannot ignore the fact that in
spite of their separateness they are one in essence with Brahman
and have sprung out of it, and after the fulfilment of their career of
individuality and destiny will again be merged in it, and even during
their mundane career have an aspect of undividedness with Brahman
inasmuch as they are the powers or energies of it 2 • The difference
that exists between the individuals and Brahman is most apparent
during the mundane career on account of the fact that the world of
nature has a separate existence in the consciousness of the individual
centres and each one of them is limited to his own experiences.
But at the time of dissolution, when the world of nature merges in
the Brahman as a potential level of its energies, the individuals are
1 bhedii-bhedau vibhiigii-·vibhiiga-rilpau kiila-bhedena aviruddhau anyonyii-

bhiivai ca jfva-brahmar;wr iityantika eva. Vijiiiinii-mrta-bhii~ya, I. 1. 2.

2 ala ida1Jt brahmii-tma-jiiiina1Jl vivikta-jfva-jiiiiniit sii1Jtkhyo-ktiid api ire-

ltham. Ibid. 1. 1. 2.
The Philosophy of Vijiiiina Bhi~u [en.
also merged in it and have no separate spheres of experience for
themselves and thus cease to have any descriptive definition of
The nature of the relation of part and whole that exists between
the individuals and Brahman is regarded as that subsisting between
the son and the father. The father is reborn in the son. Before birth
the son lies in a state of undivided unity in the vital energy of the
father and yet when he separates out of him it is the same vital
energy of the father that repeats itself in its new career and has a
sphere of activity which is definitely its own. Again, when it is said
that the individuals arc parts of Brahman, it should not be inter-
preted to mean that they have any share in the existence of Brahman
as God or world-creator. God is not homogeneous in 1lis nature,
but the element of individuation and differentiation always exists
in Him. Had lie hecn a homogeneous being His parts would have
no specific differentiation and they would be like the parts of space
which arc always indistinguishable from one another. But the fact
that God has within llim the principle of differentiation explains
the fact that the individuals resemble Brahman only in the aspect
of their consciousness hut have no share in I lis creative functions
or omnipotence. The Saf!lkhyists hold that sah·ation is attained
through dissociation of attachment as" mine" to one's experiences,
mental faculties, senses, understanding and body, owing to one's
knowledge of the fact that the self is the self-shining entity to which
all experiences appear and within which they arc held together as
one with it though they arc all different from it. But the \"cdanta as
herein interpreted holds that the attachment as "mine" vanishes
with the knowledge of self as pure consciousness, with the know-
ledge of God as the being from which they come into being, by
which they arc maintained and into which they ultimately return,
and with the knowledge that they all exist in the consciousness of
God as parts of it; and that the self is not the real cnjoycr of the
experiences but is only the consciousness in which the universe and
its experiences shine forth. Thus, though both in the Sarpkhya and
in the Vedanta as herein interpreted salvation is attained through
the dissolution of the false attachment as "mine-ness," the dis-
solution of" mine-ness" is here due to an entirely ditfcrent philo-
sophic conception 1 •
Vzj";iana-mrta-bhti~ya, p. 56.
xxn] The Individual
Consciousness is not a quality but it is the very substance of the
self. Just as light is a substance which illuminates other things, so
consciousness is also a substance which illuminates other things.
When one says" I know it," knowledge appears to be a quality of
''I" which is neither self nor a homogeneous entity. The" I" is a
complex of sense-faculties, understanding, etc., to which a quality
can be attributed; the self is not a complex entity, but a homo-
geneous simple substance-the consciousness. The complex entity,
the ''I,'' expresses all things by a manifestation of consciousness.
Bliss or happiness, however, cannot be regarded as a self-revealing
substance, but it is an independent substance like sorrow which is
revealed by consciousness. Neither the Brahman nor the self can
therefore be regarded as being of the nature of bliss or happiness
as this is a modification of prakrti and has therefore to be regarded
as expressible (drsya) and not as expressing (darsana). The con-
sciousness requires the intermediary of intellectual functions for
the illumination of objects, but consciousness in itself does not re-
quire the intermediary of any other functions, as such a view would
lead only to an infinite regressus without solving the point at issue.
It is also wrong to suppose that the principle of consciousness
exercises any operation in order to reveal itself, for an entity cannot
operate on itself (karma-kartr-·virodhiit). If for the above reasons
the self cannot be regarded as being of the nature of bliss, then at
the time of salvation also there cannot be any bliss in the self. There
is only a cessation of sorrow at that time, or rather a cessation of
both happiness and sorrow which is technically called a state of
happiness or sukha (sukha'!l dul)kha-suklza-tyayal;) 1 • At the time
of emancipation all conditioning factors such as the intellectual
functions and the like are dissolved and as a consequence thereof
all experiences of pleasure and pain also vanish, for these are sub-
stances belonging to objects which were presented to the self
through these conditions. When the U pani!?ads say that the self is
dearest to us, it need not necessarily be supposed that it is the
pleasure that is dearest to us, for the self may be regarded as being
valued for its own sake; it may also be supposed that pleasure here
means the cessation of pain 2 • The desire for immortality or con-
1 Vzjniinii-mrtii-bhii~ya, 1. 1. 2.
2 iitmatvasyii'pi prema-prayojakatviit du!zkha-nivrtti-rilpattviid vii bodhyam.
The Philosophy of l ~zj"iiiina Bhik~u [cH.
tinued existence of the self illustrates the feeling of fondness that
we all have for ourselves. The other view, that the ultimate object
of realization is extermination of all sorrow is also not open to any
objection on the ground that pleasure and pain never belonged to
the selves; for the association of pleasure and pain is only with re-
ference to their enjoyment and suffering and not directly as a bond
of attachment to the self. The term "bhoga," which may be trans-
lated only semi-accurately as "experience," has a twofold applica-
tion as referring to buddlzi or psychosis and to purzt~a. The prakrti
is composed of sukha, du~zklza and moha substances, and buddhi i~ an
evolute of the prakrti; therefore, when the buddlzi is in association
with sukha or dubklza, such an association supplies the buddlzi with
the stuff of which it is made and thus sustains and maintains its
nature and constitution. But when the word blwga has a reference
to puru~a, it means that the pleasure or sorrow held in the buddlzi is
reflected on it and is thereby intuited. It is this intuition of pleasure
and pain through their reflection in the punt~a that is regarded as
their bhoga or experience by punt~a. The buddlzi cannot have any
blzoga or experience, even in a remote sense of the term, for the
simple reason that it is unconscious. But it may well he argued that
since the punt~a is not in reality the ego, it cannot have any ex-
perience in any real sense of the term; and since it cannot in reality
have any experience of sorrow, it cannot in reality regard its cessa-
tion as being of the utmost value to it. The reply to such an objec-
tion is that the realization of the fact that the cessation of sorrow is
of ultimate value to the experiencer, the puru~a, leads the suddlzi on
its onward path of progress. Had it not been so there would be no
movement of the buddhi on lines of utility. So though pleasure and
pain do not belong to puru~a. they may yet be experienced by it and
the buddhi may be guided by such experiences.
When the Upani~ad says "that art thou," the idea at the back
of it is that the self is not to be identified with any of the clements
of the psychosis-the buddlzi-or with any of the evolutes of the
prakrti. The self is part of the pure consciousness-the Brahman.
When a man learns from the Upani~ad text or one's teacher that he
is a part of Brahman he tries to realize it through a process of
meditation. The difference of the Vedantic view from that of
SafTlkhya is that the latter rests with the individual selves as the
ultimate entities whereas the former emphasizes the Brahman as
XXII] Brahma-Experience and Experience
the ultimate reality, and also the fact that the reality of all other
things, the selves and the matter, depends ultimately on their
participation in it.

Brahma-Experience and Experience.

Cause may be defined as the productivity due to direct and im-
mediate perception of the material cause. The buddhi is regarded
as an effect because, like jugs and other things, it is produced
through some direct and immediate intuition of its causal material.
This naturally implies that the buddhi has a causal material which
is directly perceived by some Being and to which His creative
activity is directed and this Being is God. It is said in the Brahma-
sutras that Brahman can be known by the testimony of the scrip-
tures. But this cannot be true, for the U pani~ads say that the
Brahman cannot be expressed by words or known by intellect.
The reply to this is that the denial contemplated in such passages
refers only to the fact that Brahman cannot be known in entirety or
in its uniqueness by the scriptural texts, but these passages do not
mean that it is not possible to have a generic knowledge of the
nature of Brahman. It is only when we have such a generic know-
ledge from the scriptures that we enter the sphere from which we
may proceed further and further through the processes of Yoga and
have ultimately a direct intuitive apperception of it. The specific
nature of God as devoid of any quality or character only means that
His nature is different from the nature of all other things, and
though such a nature may not be realized by ordinary perception,
inference or other sources of knowledge, there cannot be any objec-
tion to its being apprehended by the intuition of Yoga meditation.
There are some Vedantists who think that the Brahman cannot be
felt or apprehended intuitively, but there is a mental state or func-
tion (vrtti) which has the Brahman as its object. Such a mental
state destroys the nescience and as a result of this the Brahman
shines forth. But Bhik~u objects to this and says that the vrtti or
mental function is admitted for relating the consciousness or the
self with the objects, but once this connection is effected the objects
are directly apprehended; so, in order to bring Brahman within the
sphere of knowledge, the intuitive apperception is in itself sufficient
for the purpose. It cannot be held that, since Brahman is itself of
D III 30
The Philosophy of Vijiiiina Bhik~u [cH.
the nature of pure illumination, no special intuitive apprehension
is necessary and that the existence of the mental function or vrtti
was admitted for explaining the dissolution of ajiiiina; for Brahman,
being of the nature of consciousness, can be realized only through
intuitive apprehension which is itself of the nature of knowledge.
Since all apprehension is direct and immediate, self-knowledge
must also be of the same kind. There is also no necessity to assume
a principle of obstruction which has to be overcome as a condition
of the rise of knowledge. In the state of deep dreamless sleep a
principle of obstruction in the shape of the function of lamas has
to be admitted in order to explain the absence of knowledge which
leads to the absence of all cognitive or practical behaviour. To the
opponent's idea that since Brahman is self-luminous it cannot have
any relation with anything else, and that since Brahman and the
self are identical there cannot be any self-knowledge of Brahman,
for the Brahman cannot be both the knower and the known,
Bhik~u's reply is that self-luminousness does not mean unrelated-
ness; and the absolute identity of the self and the Brahman cannot
also be admitted, and even if it be admitted we can explain the
method of Brahma-knowledge by the same manner in which our
experiential knowledge or self-consciousness can be explained.
Bhik~u thinks that since we do not find in the Brahma-siitras
any account of the origin and growth of knowledge, the Sarpkhya-
Yoga account of knowledge may well be accepted on account of the
general affinity of the Sarpkhya- Yoga ideas with the Yedanta.
According to the Sarpkhya-Yoga there is first a contact of the senses
with their respective objects and as a result the lamas aspect of the
buddhi is subordinated at the time; and the buddhi as pure sattva
assumes the form of the object. This state of buddhi is called an
objective state of the buddhi or a sensory idea or state (sii buddhya-
vaslhii ?..-'i~ayii-kiirii buddhi-?..-·rttir ity ucyate). During dreams
and contemplative states images of external objects arise in the
mind and are directly perceived and therefore valid. The connec-
tion of the purU{ia with the external objects is thus effected through
the intermediary of the buddlzi. So long as the buddlzi remains im-
pure the puru~a cannot get itself related to objects through it. It
is for this reason that during deep sleep when the buddhi is domi-
nated by lamas the puru~a-consciousness cannot manifest itself or
make itself related with other objects. As soon as the buddlzi is
XXII] Brahma-Experience and Experience
modified into a sensory or image-state it is reflected in the puru~a,
which then reveals it as a flash of conscious state. It is in this
manner that the pure infinite consciousness can manifest itself into
finite forms of objects. As the buddhi is constantly transforming
itself into various forms and reflecting them on the puru~a from
beginningless time there is a continuous flow of conscious states
only occasionally punctuated by dreamless sleep. The puru~a in its
turn is also reflected in the buddhi and thereby gives rise to the
notion of ego. In this connection Bhik~u criticizes the view of
Vacaspati that the reflection of the puru~a in the buddhi is sufficient
to explain the cognitive situation, and says that a reflection of con-
sciousness cannot itself be conscious and hence cannot explain why
the states of buddhi should appear as conscious. But the assumption
that the states of buddhi are reflected in the consciousness explains
their real connection with consciousness. It may be said that since
it is only the reflections that are associated with consciousness, the
things as they exist are not known. The reply to such an objection
is that the buddhi-states are but copies of the external objects; and
if the copies are intelligized, we have in the validity of such direct
acquaintance of the copies the guarantee of their application to
objects. It may be said again that when the reflections of the
buddhi-states in the consciousness appear as one with it and there-
fore produce the phenomenon of knowledge we have in such phe-
nomena an illusory unity of the consciousness with the states; our
knowledge then becomes illusory. The reply to such an objection
is that even if there is an element of illusion in knowledge, that does
not touch the reality and validity of the ()bjects to which such
knowledge refers. Valid knowledge (pramii) thus consists of this
reflection of the buddhi-states in the puru~a. The fruit of the cog-
nitive process (pramiir.za-phala) belongs to the pure consciousness or
the puru~a who thus behaves as the knower, though he is absolutely
unattached to all experiences. The Vaise~ikas lay stress on the
appearance of knowledge as produced and destroyed and therefore
regard knowledge as being produced or destroyed by the colloca-
tion of causes. The reflection of the mental states to puru~a is ex-
plained by them as if the knowledge belonged to the self. The
V edantic epistemological process in which the puru~a appears to be
the knower and the enjoyer is explained by them as being due to a
separate cognitive process called anu-vyavasiiya.
The Philosophy of V ifiiiina Bhik~u [cH.
The transcendental experience of God has also to be explained
on the basis of the origin of ordinary experiential knowledge.
Through the understanding of the meaning of the scriptural texts
and by the processes of Yoga there arises in the buddhi a modifica-
tion of the form" I am Brahman." This valid form of modification,
being reflected in the puru~a, is revealed as an intuitive apperception
of the fact as true self-knowledge belonging to puru~a. The dif-
ference between ordinary experiential knowledge and this know-
ledge is that it destroys egoism (abhimiina). In such a conception
of self-knowledge the objection that the self cannot be both the
knower and the known does not hold good; for the self that is
known, being a mental state, is different in character from the
transcendent self which knows it. The transcendent self as such is
the knower, while its reflection in the buddhi as coming back to it
is the self that is known 1 . The objection that the admission of the
possibility of self-knowledge stands against the doctrine of the self-
luminosity of the self is not valid. The self-luminosity of the self
simply means that it shines by itself and does not require the aid of
any conditions to manifest itself.

Self-Luminosity and Ignorance.

Citsukha has defined self-luminosity as that which not being
knowable may yet be treated or felt as immediate (a·vedyatve sati
aparok~a-vyavahiira-yogyatvam). Bhik~u argues that such a de-
finition of self-luminosity (svaprakasatva) is quite inadmissible. It
is nowhere so defined in the U pani~ads and it does not follow from
the etymology of the word svaprakasatva. The etymology only in-
dicates the meaning "known by itself." Again, if a thing is not
known or cognized, it cannot for that simple reason have any rela-
tion to us; and such a meaning would be directly against the
scriptural testimony which affirms that the ultimate truth can be
apprehended or intuited. It may be suggested that though the
Brahma-state of the mind cannot be directly known yet it will have
the effect of removing the avidyii in the puru~a. But this is open to
various objections. Firstly, the self-luminous is a valid means of
knowledge-a pramii1}a; but the mere removal of the avidyii from
iitmii'pi bimba-rupe7Ja jiiiitii bhavati svagata-s·va-pratibimba-rupe7Ja ca
jiieyal;. Vijiiiinii-mrta-bhii~ya, 1. 1. 3·
xxn] Self-Luminosity and Ignorance
the puru~a cannot be regarded as valid knowledge or a pramii7Ja. In
this connection it is also relevant to ask the meaning of the term
"avidyii." If it means an illusory mental state, it must be a state of
the buddhi, and its destruction must also belong to the buddhi and
not to the puru~a. If it means the psychical instincts or root-
inclinations which are the cause of errors, then also since such root-
instincts belong to the gU1;as of the prakrti the destruction of such
root-instincts must also qualify the prakrti. If it is regarded as a
lamas-substance which covers the self, the supposition would be
inadmissible, for if the tamas inherent in the buddhi is not removed
there cannot be any modification of the buddhi copying the object
in it, and if the tamas in the buddhi is once so removed then there
cannot be any reflection of it in the puru~a. Thus the view that
knowledge leads to the dissolution of the veil of ignorance cannot be
supported. The veil is only related to the instruments of knowledge,
such as the eye, and cannot therefore be regarded as having any-
thing to do with the pure consciousness. The explanation of the
rise of knowledge as being due to the removal of the veil in the pure
consciousness cannot therefore be justified. There cannot be any
veil in the self. If the self be of the nature of pure consciousness,
there cannot be any veil of ignorance inherent in it as the two sup-
positions are self-contradictory. Again, if it is supposed that the
world-appearance is due to the operation of the principle of ig-
norance or avidyii in the mind and if it is supposed that true know-
ledge dispels such ignorance, then we are led to the absolutely
unwarrantable conclusion that the world may be destroyed by
knowledge, or that when one self attains true knowledge the world-
appearance as such ceases, or that when emancipation is attained
during the lifetime of a saint he will have no experience of the
world around him. If it is held that the emancipated saint has still
an element of ignorance in him, then the theory that knowledge
destroys ignorance has to be given up. l\1oreover, if the self be
regarded as being absolutely unattached to anything (a-sanga), it
is wrong to suppose that it would be associated with avidyii or
ignorance. The veil can have reference only to the mental states,
but it cannot have any relation to pure and unchangeable conscious-
ness; for we have no analogy for such a thing. Again, if it is held
that there is natural association of ignorance with pure conscious-
ness, such an association can never be broken off. If such an
The Philosophy of Vijiiiina Bhikru [cH.
association be regarded as the consequence of some causal con-
dition, it may well be said that such causality may be found in the
mental states themselves. At least this would be a much simpler
supposition thau the primary assumption of a relationship of
m:idyii with pure consciousness and then to assume the operation
of the mental states to dissolve it. The association of a veil with the
mental states has to be admitted at least in the case of deep sleep,
swoon or senility. Thus, if the veil has to be associated with the
mental states, as the instrument of knowledge, it is quite unneces-
sary to assume it with reference to the self or pure consciousness.
Pataiijali, in his Yoga-siitra, has defined avidyii as a mental state
which apprehends the non-eternal as the eternal, the impure as the
pure, the pleasure as sorrow. It is not, therefore, to be regarded as
a separate substance inseparably associated with pure conscious-
ness. In the same way it is wrong to define knowledge as the
cessation of avidyii, which belongs to the puru~a in this capacity.
The proper way of representing it would be to say that knowledge
arises in the puru~a with the cessation of avidyii in the mental states.
\Vith the rise of the final knowledge as "I am Brahman" towards
which the whole teleological movement of the prakrti for the
puru~a was tending, the ultimate purpose of the prakrti for the sake
of the puru~a is realized, and that being so the teleological bond
which was uniting or associating the buddhi with the puru~a is torn
asunder and the mind or the buddhi ceases to have any function to
discharge for the sake of the puru~a. \Vith the destruction of false
knowledge all virtue and vice also cease and thus there is the final
emancipation with the destruction of the integrity of the buddhi.
Avidyii (false knowledge), asmitii (egoism), riiga (attachment), dve~a
(antipathy), abhinivda (self-love) may all be regarded as avidyii or
false knowledge which is their cause, and a'l'idyii may also be re-
garded as tamas which is its cause. This tamas obstructs the mani-
festation of satt'l.-·a and it is for this reason that there is false know-
ledge. \Vhen the tamas is dominated by the sattva, the satt-z·a mani-
fests through its instrumentality the ultimate self. The words
"knowledge" (jiiiina) and "ignorance" (aj1Iiina) are used in the
scriptures to denote sattva and tamas. The word tamas is used to
denote ajfiiina and there is no such ajlliina as indescribable or in-
definite entity as is supposed by the Sankarites. In ordinary ex-
periential knowledge this tamas is only temporarily removed, but
xxn] Sii1JZkhya and ·vediinta 47 1
in the case of the rise of true and ultimate knowledge the power
of the gu~zas to undergo modification for the sake of the relevant
puru~a is destroyed. Before the sattva can show itself in its own
vrtti or state, it must dominate the lamas which would have resisted
the sattva state. Thus the ontological opposition of the sattva and
the lamas must settle their differences before a psychological state
can make its appearance.

Relation of Sarpkhya and Vedanta

according to Bhik~u.
Bhik!?u thinks that the Sarp.khya and Yoga philosophies are
intimately connected with the Vedanta and are referred to in the
Upani!?ads. For this reason when certain topics, as for example the
problem of experiential knowledge, are not described in the
Vedanta, these are to be supplemented from the Sarp.khya and
Yoga. If there is any seeming antagonism between the two, these
also have to be so explained that the opposition may be reconciled.
Bhik!?u takes this attitude not only towards Sarp.khya-yoga but also
towards Nyaya-Vaise!?ika, and the Paiicariilra. According to him
all these systems have their basis in the Vedas and the U pani!?ads
and have therefore an internal affinity which is not to be found in
the Buddhists. The Buddhists are therefore the only real opponents.
Thus he attempts to reconcile all the iislika systems of philosophy
as more or less supplementary to one another or at least presenting
differences which can be reconciled if they are looked at from the
proper angles of vision. Bhik!?u collects his materials from the
U pani!?ads, the Pural).as and the smrlis and tries to build his system
of interpretation on that basis. It may, therefore, be regarded on
the whole as a faithful interpretation of the theistic Vedanta which
is the dominant view of the Pural).as in general and which repre-
sents the general Hindu view of life and religion. Compared with
this general current of Hindu thought, which flows through the
Pural).as and the smrlis and has been the main source from which the
Hindu life has drawn its inspiration, the extreme Sarp.khya, the
extreme Vedanta of Sankara, the extreme Nyaya, and the extreme
dualism of l\ladhva may be regarded as metaphysical formalisms of
conventional philosophy. Bhik!?u's philosophy is a type of bhedii-
bheda which has shown itself in various forms in Bhaqr-prapaiica,
472 The Philosophy of V ijiiiina Bhik~u [cH.

Bhaskara, Ramanuja, Nimbarka and others. The general viewpoint

of this bheda-bheda philosophy is that it believes in the reality of the
universe as well as in its spirituality, the distinctness of the in-
dividual souls as well as in their being centres of the manifestation
of God, moral freedom and responsibility as well as a spiritual
determinism, a personal God as well as an impersonal reality, the
ultimate spirit in which matter and pre-matter are dissoved into
spirituality, an immanent teleology pervading through matter and
souls both in their origin and mutual intercourse as well as in
the holiness of the divine will, omnipotence and omniscience,
in the superior value of knowledge as well as of love, in the
compulsoriness of moral and social duties as well as in their
The ordinary classical Sarpkhya is well known to be atheistic
and the problem arises as to how this may be reconciled with theism
and the doctrine of incarnations. In interpreting sutra 1. 1. 5,
of the Brahma-sii.tra, Bhik!?u says that since the scriptures say
that" it perceived or desired," Brahman must be a Person, for de-
sire or perception cannot be attributed to the inanimate pre-matter
(prakrti). Sankara, in interpreting this siitra, asserts that the pur-
port of the sutra is that prakrti is not the cause of the world because
the idea of a prakrti or pradhiina is unvedic. Bhik!?u quotes anum-
ber of passages from the U pani!?ads to show that the idea of a
prakrti is not unvedic. Prakrti is spoken of in the U pani!?ads as the
cause of the world and as the energy of God. Prakrti is also spoken
of as miiyii in the Svetii:h-'atara, and God is spoken of as mii_va1-•i
or the magician who holds within Himself the magic power. The
magician may withhold his magic, but the magic power lies all the
same in him ( miiyiiyii 1-yiipiira-nh•rttir e1-•ii''[·agamyate na niisa/:z) 1 • The
ordinary prakrti is always undergoing change and transformation
and it is only the special satt-z:a-stuff associated with God that is
always regarded as unchanging.
A question that may naturally arise in this connection is, if God
is Himself unchangeable and if the sattva-body with which He is
always associated is also always unchangeable, how is it that God
can have a desire to produce the world at any particular time? The
only explanation of this is that the attribution of will to God at a
particular creative moment is only a loose usage of language. It
V ijiiiinii-mrta-bhii~ya, 1. 1. 5.
XXII] Sii'f!lkhya and Vedanta 473
means only that when the proper collocation of the causal con-
ditions is ready for emergence into creative production at any par-
ticular point of time, it is designated as the manifestation of the
creative will of God. God's knowledge and will cannot have a be-
ginning in time 1 . But if God's creative will be regarded as the cause
of the movement of the prakrti, then the Sarpkhya view that the
movement of the prakrti is solely due to its inherent teleology to be
of service to the puru~as becomes indefensible. The sattva, rajas
and tamas in the mahat are indeed regarded in Sarpkhya as the triad
of three persons, Brahma, Vi!?Q.U and Mahesvara-the three created
gods as it were (janye-svara). But the Sarp.khya does not believe in
any eternal God (nitye-svara). According to Yoga the sattva part of
mahat associated with eternal powers and existing eternally in the
emancipated state is the person called lsvara. His sattva body is,
however, of the nature of an effect as it is derived from the sattva
part of mahat and His knowledge is also not timeless.
In justification of Sarp.khya, Bhik!?u maintains that the denial of
God by the Sarp.khya may be interpreted to mean that there is no
necessity of admitting God for salvation. Salvation may be achieved
by self-knowledge also. If this process is to be adopted, then it be-
comes quite unnecessary to prove the existence of God. It may,
however, be remarked in this connection that this explanation of
Bhik!?u can hardly be regarded as correct, for the Siilflkhya-sutra
is not merely silent about God, but it makes a positive effort to
prove the non-existence of God, and there is not one redeeming
statement that can be interpreted to mean that Sarp.khya was not
antagonistic to theism. Bhik!?u, however, further reiterates that
Sarpkhya was not atheistic and refers to the statement in the
Svetasvatara (vi. 16) that salvation can be obtained by knowing the
ultimate cause as declared in the Sarp.khya-yoga and to the state-
ment of the Gitii where atheism is regarded as a demonic view.
In referring toY oga, Bhik!?u says that it is curious that though
the Yoga admitted the existence of God yet it did not make any
effort to repudiate the idea that He might be partial or cruel; and
instead of giving God His true cosmological place accepted a
naturalistic view that prakrti of itself passes through the trans-
formatory changes, being determined by its own inherent teleology
in relation to the puru~as. lsvara, in Patafijali's Yoga-sutra, is an
Vijiiiina-mrta-bhii~ya, I. 1. 5·
474 The Philosophy of f ?ijiiiina Rhik~u [cH.
object of Yoga meditation and lie shows I lis mercy to his devotees
and other beings. Bhik~u, however, thinks that unless God is made
to serve a cosmological purpose the association of prakrti with the
puru~as cannot be explained.
The ls·vara is not conditioned in Jlis activities by any entities
which arc associated with rajas or lamas which are of a fluctuating
nature but with an entity which is always the same and which is
always associated with ett:rnal knowledge, will and hliss 1 . The
natural implication of this is that the will of God behaves like an
eternal and unchangeable law. This law, however, is not a con-
stituent of God but a constituent of p1·akrti itself. It is through this
part, an eternal unchangeable law which behaves as the eternal will
and knowledge of God, that the phenomenal or the changeable part
of prakrti is determined.
In the Cit a Sri h!"!?Ifa says that lie is tht highest purzt~a and
that there is nothing higher than I lim. Bhik~u gives two explana-
tions of such statements which seem to be in opposition to the con-
cept of God explained above. One explanation is that the reference
of Kr~lfa as God to llimself is only a relative statement, made in a
popular manner which has no reference to the nature of absolute
God who is unrclationable to ordinary experience. The other ex-
planation is that Kr~ifa calls llimself God by feeling llimself as
identified with God. There is thus a distinction between para-
brahma and karya-brahma; and Sri Kr~Da, being the kar_va-bralzman,
popularly describes llimself as the kara~za-hrahma. \Vhcn other
beings identify themselves with bra/una, such identification is true
only with reference to karya-bralzma, Sri Kr~Da or ~arayaifa. They
therefore have no right to speak of themseh·es as the absolute (;od.
Bcginningless absolute Brahman is unknown and unknmvable,
even by the gods and the sages. It is only the :\arayaifa who can
know Him in llis absolute nature. ~arayaJ)a is therefore to be re-
garded as the wisest of all beings 2 • Those beings who in the previous
creation became one with God by sii_Vll)~va-mul?.ti exist in the
r?lisude-va-'i')'llha. In the l rllSlule'l"ll-'l)'llha Vasudeva alone is the
rajas-tamah-snmbhinnatayii malinmJI kiirya-tatt~·m!l parame-s'l:arasya nu'
piidhi!l kintu ke1:alm!z nit_\·a-jiliine-cchii-nandcz-dimat-sadai-kn-nlpm_n kii.rm;a-
satt'l·am e1·a tasyo' pcidhib. lS1·ara-gUii. ~IS.
aniidyam tWJI parn~n brahma na de1:ii
narsa\·o n"duh
ekas tad 1:eda bhaJ?m·c"in dluit;l ncirciy~~wb
prab/mb. l.ijikint"i-m!ltl-blui$yll, I. I. 5·
xxn] Sii'f!lkhya and J;. .ediinta 475
eternal God; the other beings are but His parts. The other vyiihas,
such as the Sa111kar~aQ.a, Pradyumna and Aniruddha, are but the
manifestations of Vasudeva (vibhiiti) and they are to be regarded as
partial creation of God or as Brahma, Vi~Q.U and Rudra. The power
of the lesser gods, Vi!?Q.U or Siva, is limited, since they cannot pro-
duce any change in the regulation of the cosmic affairs. When they
speak of themselves as the Supreme God they do so only by a pro-
cess of self-identification with the absolute God. The mahattatva,
with its threefold aspect as sattva, rajas and tamas, forms the subtle
body of Brahma, Vi~Q.U and Siva or Sa111kar~aQ.a, Pradyumna and
Aniruddha. These three gods, therefore, are supposed to have the
one body, the" mahat," which forms the basic foundation and sub-
stratum of all cosmic evolution. It is for this reason that they are
said to have the cosmos or the universe as their body. These three
deities are regarded as mutually interdependent in their operations,
like viita, pitta and kapha. It is for this reason that they are said
to be both different from one another and yet identicaP. These
three deities are identical with "mahat" which again is the unity
of puru~a and prakrti. It is for this reason that Brahma, Vi!?Q.U
and l\lahesvara are to be regarded as the partial manifestations
(a'!lsii•lJatam) of Gods and not direct incarnations 2 •
The penetration of lsvara into pradhiina and puru~a is through
His knowledge, will and effort by which He rouses the gu~as and
helps the production of the mahat. Bhik~u takes great pains to
show that Bhagavan or absolute God is different from NarayaQ.a
or Vi!?Q.U who are direct manifestations of Him just as sons are of
the father. Bhik!?u here differs from the opinion of the Paiicariitra
school and of other thinkers such as IVIadhva, Vallabha and
GaU<;li:ya Vai!?Q.avas who regard NarayaQ.a, Vi!?Q.U and Kr!?Q.a as
identical with God. The other avatiiras, such as the Matsya,
Kurma, etc., are regarded by Bhik!?u as the lilii-vatiira of Vi~Q.U and
the iivesii-vatiira of God as bhagaviin or parame-svara.
1 Vijiiiinii-mrta-bhti~ya, 1. 1. s.
2 In this connection Bhik~u quotes the famous verse of the Bhiigavata,
ete cii 1JlSa-kalii/;z pu1Jlsal;z krp:zas tu bhagaviin S'l')'am. I. 1. 5· Ht:, however,
paraphrases Kr~Qa as Vi~QU and explains svaya1Jl bhagaviin as being the part of
God just as the son is the part of the father: atra krp;zo vi~~ul;z svaya1Jl parame-
svaras tasya putravat siik~iid U1JlSU ity arthal;. Ibid. This, however, goes
directly against the interpretation of the verse by the Gaudiya school of Vai~Qavas
who regard Kr~Qa as being the absolute God.
The Philosophy of Vzjiiiina Bhik~u [cH.

Maya and Pradhana.

Sankara, in his commentary on the Vediinta-siitra, I. 1. 4, dis-
cusses the meaning of the term a·vyakta and holds that it has no
technical meaning but is merely a negation of 'Z'yakta or manifested
form. He says that the word avyakta is compounded of the
negative particle na and vyakta. He points out that since
the term avyakta has thus a mere etymological meaning and
signifies merely the unmanifested, it cannot be regarded as having
a technical application to the Pradhiina of Sarp.khya. The avyakta
according to Sankara thus means the subtle cause, hut he does not
think that there is an independent subtle cause of the world corre-
sponding to the Pradhiina of the Sarp.khya 1 . He holds that this
primal state of the existence of the universe is dependent upon God
and is not an independent reality. \Vithout the acceptance of such
a subtle power abiding in God, God cannot be a creator. For with-
out power God cannot move Himself towards creation; it is the
seed power called avidyii which is denoted by the term avyakta.
It is the great sleep of miiyii (miiyiimayi mahii-supti) depending
upon God. In it all the jivas lie without any self-awakening. The
potency of the seed power is destroyed by knowledge in the case of
emancipated beings and for that reason they are not born again 2 •
Vacaspati, in commenting on it in his Bhiimati, says that there are
different avidyiis with reference to different selves. \Yhenever an
individual attempts to gain wisdom, the a1-·idyii associated with him
is destroyed, though the avidyii associated with other individuals
remains the same. Thus, even though one a1-·idyii is destroyed, the
other avidyiis may remain in an operative condition and may pro-
duce the world. In the case of the SaJTlkhyists, however, who ad-
mit one pradhiina, its destruction would mean the destruction of all.
Vacaspati says further that if it is held that though the p1·adhiina
remains the same yet the avidyii as non-distinction between puru$a
and the buddhi is responsible for bondage, then there is no necessity
of admitting the prakrti at all. The existence and the non-existence
of avidyii would explain the problem of bondage and emancipation.
yadi ?'a)'a'!l s·va-tantra'!l kiincit priig-a·vasthii'!l jagatab kiira7Jaf'l·enii'
bhyupagacchema pra$afijayema tadii pradhiina-kiira7Ja-viidam. Vediinta-siltra, 1.
4· 3·
muktiinii'!l ca punar an utpattib; kutab ·vidyayii tasyii •vlja-sakter dii.hiit.
XXII) Miiyii and Pradhiina 477
The objection that the distinction of selves depends upon
avidyii and the distinction of avidyii upon the distinction of the
selves is invalid, for the process is beginningless. The term avyakta
refers to avidyii in a generic sense as including all avidyiis. The
avidyii rests in the individual but is yet dependent upon God as its
agent and object. The avidyii cannot come into operation without
having the Brahman as its support, though the real nature of the
selves is Brahman; yet, so long as they are surrounded by avidyii,
they cannot know their real nature.
In reply Bhik~u says that since without power God alone is
unable to create the manifold universe it has to be admitted that
God does so by a power distinct from Him, and this power is the
prakrti and the puru~a. If it is said that this power is avidyii, then
also since it is a dual factor separate from Brahman that may as
much nullify the monistic doctrine as the admission of prakrti and
puru~a. It cannot also be said that in the time of pralaya the avidyii
is non-existent, for in that case there being only Brahman the
world would have to be admitted as coming into being from
Brahman alone, and the selves that lie identified with Brahman and
one with Him would, even though emancipated, undergo the
world-process (sa'!ZSiira). If it is held that bondage and emancipa-
tion are all imaginary, then there is no reason why people should
undergo so much trouble in order to attain an imaginary emancipa-
tion. If it is held that avidyii may be said to have a secondary or
vyavahiirika existence at the time of pralaya, and if it is argued that
under the circumstances bondage and emancipation may also be
regarded as having a merely secondary existence, the view of
monism would be unexceptional. But if such an avidyii be ad-
mitted which has mere vyavahiirika or secondary existence, the
same may be supposed with regard to pradhiina. If we inquire
into the meaning and significance of the term vyavahiirika, we
find that its connotation is limited to the power of effectuation and
service towards the fulfilment of the purpose. If that is so, then
prakrti may also be admitted to have a similar kind of existence 1 .
It is true no doubt that the pradhiina is regarded as eternal, but this
eternality is an etemality of ceaseless change. Avidyii is regarded
by the Vedantists as apiiramiirthikii, that is, avidyii is not true
1 pradhiine' pida1ft tulya1ft pradhiine artha-kriyii-kiiritva-rupa-vyavaharika-

sattvasyai'va'smiikam #lattvat. Vijiiiinii-mrta-bhii~ya, I. 4· 3·

The Philosophy of l"ijiiiina Bhik~u [c11.

absolutely. This negation of absolute truth may mean that it is not

immediate and self-apparent or that it cannot manifest itself as
being or that it has no existence in all times. But such limitations
are true also of pradhiina. The pradhiina is eternal as changeful, hut
it is non-eternal in all its products. All the products of prakrti arc
destructible; being unintelligent by nature they can ne\·er he self-
apparent. Again, though pradlziina may he said to be existent in
any particular form at any particular time, yet c\·cn at that time it
is non-existent in all its past and future forms. Thus, since
vym·aluJ.rikat?.:a cannot mean absolute non-existence (like the harl."'s
horn) and since it cannot also mean absolute existence it can only
mean changefulness (paril'}iimitt'l·a); and such an existence is true
of the pradhiina. Thus Sankarites do not gain anything in criticizing
the doctrine of pradlul.na, as a substitute of the m:idyii is supposed
by them to be endowed with the same characteristics as those of
the prakrti.
It is thus e\·ident that Sankara's criticism against prahrti may
well apply to the prakrti of Isvara Kr~f.1a, but it has hardly any
application to the doctrine of prakrti as conceived in the Pural)as
as interpreted by Bhik~u. where prakrti is regarded as a power of
Brahman. If a'l.-·idyii is also so regarded, it becomes similar to
pral~rti. As it is believed to he existent in a potential form in God,
even in the pralaya, most of the connotations of m:idyii that dis-
tinguish it from the absolute reality in the Brahman arc al:,o the
connotations of pral~rti.
According to the view propounded hy Bhik~u pradhiina is not
regarded as having a separate and ind~pcndent existence but only
as a power of COlP.
In explaining Urahma-siitra 1. 4· 2J, Bhik~u points out that
ls'l.-·ara has no other uptl.dhi than prakrti. .\11 the qualities of ls'i.'tlfll
such as bliss, etc., proceed from prakrti as is shown in fJatailjali-
sutra. Prakrti is to he regarded as the characteristic nature of
Brahman, which is not directly the material cause of the world, hut
is only the abiding or the ground cause (adhi~tlu1na-kiira1Ja), and
prahrti, as it were, is its own character or part (s1.·~vo hlu"""i'i·a~z
padiirtlza upiidhir ity artlwfz). The relation between this uptl.dhi and
prakrti is one of the controller and the controlled or the posses~or
P1ak! tasya twl-upapattayr prwJJui111J'f!l ktlra~wlnl-sonra7·ac c·hal?ttl'idha\·m '-
1·o'cyatr na H·atcmtryt·nl·· ll·" 1 adJulryata rty arthah [ ·,i,lcl1lti-m_, ta-hh,H.\·a. 1. 4. 4·
xxu] Bhik~u's criticism of the Sii'!lkhya and Yoga 479
and the possessed. The fact that God can think or will also testifies
to the fact that God must have as His instrument the prakrti which
can make such thinking possible for Him. For God is in Himself
only pure consciousness. Prakrti, however, behaves as the upiidhi
of God with its purer parts of the eternally pure sativa. Kala and
adr~ta also form part of the prakrti and as such are not regarded as
the separate powers of God.

Bhik~u's criticism of the Saf!1khya and Yoga.

In commenting on the Bralzma-siltra, 11. 1. 1, 2, 3, Bhik~u says
that :\Ianu speaks of the original cause as being the prakrti, and so
also does the Sar11khya, and both of them are regarded as authori-
tative1. But since the SaiTlkhya doctrine of atheism is contradicted
by the opinions of Pataiijali and Parasara, the view of the Bl·ahma-
siitras cannot be interpreted merely on the atheistic suggestion of
SaiTlkhya. It has also to be admitted that the atheistic portion of
SaiTlkhya has no authoritative support either in the Vedas or in the
Purai).as and has therefore to be regarded as invalid 2 •
It is wrong, however, to suppose that Kapila really intended to
preach atheism. lie quoted atheistic arguments from others and
showed that even if God were not accepted emancipation could be
obtained by differentiation of prakrti from puru~a. The SaiTlkhya
also emphasizes the fact that emancipation can be obtained merely
by knowledge. This, however, should not be interpreted as being
in contlict with the U pani~adic texts which declare that emancipa-
tion can be obtained only by the true knowledge of God. For these
signify only that there are two ways of obtaining emancipation, the
inferior one being through knowledge of the distinction of prakrti
and puru~a, and the superior one through the true knowledge of
God. 'The Yoga also shows two ways of emancipation, the inferior
one being through the ordinary Yoga processes, and the superior
one through the renunciation to God of all actions and through
devotion to Him. It is also wrong to suppose that the SaiTlkhya is
traditionally atheistic, for in the Jlahiiblziirata (Siinti-parvan 318.
73) and .llatsya Purii~za (4. 28) we hear of a twenty-sixth category,
1 sii'!zkhya'!l yoga'!l panca-riitrmtz veda/; piisupata'!l tathii 1. paras-parii'f)y

migiin_v etiini hetubhir na 'l'irodha_vet. Vijnii1lti-mrta-bhii~ya, 11. L L

2 itas ce'srara-prati~edhii-'!lle kapi/a-smrtel; mz4/iiniim mzupalabdheb a-pratya-

k~at?·iit durvalatvam ity iiha. Ibid.

The Philosophy of Vijiiiina Bhik~u [cu.
the God. So the difference between the theistic and the atheistic
Sarpkhya is due to the difference of representation as the true
Sarpkhya doctrine and the Sarpkhya doctrine which proposes to
ensure emancipation even for those who are not willing to believe
in God. In this connection Bhik::?u admits the probability of two
different schools of Sarpkhya, one admitting lsvara and the other
not admitting it, and it is only the latter which he thinks to be
invalid 1 . He also refers to the Kz"irma Purii~a in which the S3t"!l-
khyists and the Y ogins are said to be atheistic. The chief defect of
the Sankara school is that instead of pointing out the invalidity of
theistic Sarpkhya, Sankara denies all theistic speculations as non-
vedic and misinterprets the Brahma-siitras accordingly. Bhik~u
refers to Prasna, 4· 8, where the twenty-three categories of Sarpkhya
are mentioned and only prakrti has been omitted. The malzat-tatt'lJa
is not mentioned directly, but only as buddhi and citta. The fourfold
division of the buddhi-tatt7.,•a as manas, buddlzi alza1!lkiira and citta
is also admitted there. In the Garblza Upani~ad eight prakrtis and
sixteen 7_,·ikaras are mentioned. In the .11aitreyo-pani~ad we hear
of the three gu~as and their disturbance by which creation takes
place. \Ve hear also that the purz1~as are pure consciousness. In
Maitri Upani~ad, v. 2, it is said that the tamas, being disturbed by
the supreme being, gives rise to rajas and that to satt1:a 2 • In the
Cz"ilikii Upani~ad the categories of the Sarpkhya doctrine are also
mentioned in consonance with the monistic doctrine of the
Vedanta. It also says that there arc various schools of the Sarpkhy2,
that there are some who admit twenty-six categories, others
twenty-seven, and again others who admit only twenty-four
categories. There is also said to be a monistic and also a dualistic
Sarpkhya and that they find expression in three or five different
ways. Thus Vijnana Bhik!?u says that the Sarpkhya doctrine is de-
finitely supported by the Upani!:'adic texts.
Concerning the Yoga also it can be said that only that part of it
may be regarded as opposed by the U pani::?ads which holds a separ-
ate and independent existence of prahrti as apart from iS'l·ara. In
the Siitras of Patai1jali it is said that God helps the movement of the
pralqti only by removing the obstacles, just as a ploughman enables
atlza·vii kapilai-ka-deias_va priimli'Jyam astu. Vijnli1lii-mrta-bhciua. 11. 1. 2.
tamo 't'a idm ekamagre iislt 't'lli rajasas tat pare sytit tat pare7Je'rila'f!l
t·i~amat·va'!z prr.yiity etad riipa'f!l tad rajr.l} khalv• f-rila'!l ·t'i~umatv·a'!l prayiity etad
uai satt't·asya riiPa'!l tat satt?:am n•a . .llaitrl Upaui~ad, v. 2.
XXII] Bhik~u's criticism of the Sii'f!lkhya and Yoga
water to pass from one field to another. But the Upani~ads de-
finitely say that God is the generator of the movement an_d the dis-
turbance of the prakrti. The sativa body of God is thus there held
to be a product of prakrti as it comes into being from the prakrti
through desire in a previous creative cycle. The sativa body of God
is thus derived from the prakrti, through the will of God serving
as the vehicle of the will of God for the removal of the obstructions
in the course of the evolutionary process of the prakrti. Prakrti in
itself therefore is not regarded by Pataiijali as the upiidhi of lsvara 1 •
Bhik!?u seeks to explain this part of the Yoga doctrine also in the
same manner as he did with the Sarpkhya by accepting the so-
called ablzyupagama-v:iida. He maintains that the Yoga holds that
even if it is considered that the prakrti is independent and runs into
evolutionary activity by herself, undetermined by the eternal know-
ledge and will of God, and even if it be admitted that the eternal
God has no eternal knowledge and will and that the movement of
prakrti is due to an inner teleology in accordance with karma, and
that in the beginning of the creation prakrti is transformed into the
sativo'piidhi of God, even then by self-abnegation to God kaivalya
can be attained. Thus, in the Yoga view the upiidhi of lsvara is a
product and not the material or the instrumental cause of the world,
whereas in the Vedanta view as propounded by Bhik!?u the upiidhi
of lSvara is both the material and the instrumental cause of the
world, and this upiidhi which forms the material stuff of the world
is prakrti herself and not her product. In the Yoga view God is
eternal, but His thought and will are not eternal. This thought and
will are associated with the sativa part of prakrti which lies em-
bedded in it at the time of pralaya which only shows itself at the
beginning of a new creative cycle through the potency left in it by
the will of God in the previous creative cycle. God, in the view
of Yoga, is thus not both the material and the instrumental cause
of the world as the Vedanta holds. According to the Vedanta as
explained by Bhik~u, the prakrti plays her dual part; in one part
she remains as the eternal vehicle of the eternal knowledge and will
of God, and through the other part she runs through an evolu-
tionary process by producing disturbances of sativa, rajas and

yoga hl'ivarasya jagan-nimittatvarp. prakrtitventi'bhyupagacchanti livaro-
ptidheh sattva-viie~asya purva-sargiya-tat-sarp.kalpa-vaitit sargti-dau sva-tantra-
prakrtita utpaty-m:zglktirtit. Vijiitina-mrta-bhti~ya, 11. 1. 2.
The Philosophy of l ~ijiuina Bhi~u [cH.

lamas. This also explains the Pural)ic view of the gradual deriva-
tion of satt'l·a, rajas and lamas as stages in the evolution of pralqti
through which at a later stage the cosmic evolution takes place.
Thus the pralqti which remains associated with God as the ,·chicle
of I lis knowledge and will is unchangeable and cternal 1 •

isvara-gitii, its Philosophy as expounded

by VijiUlna Bhik~u.
In the second part (uttara-'l·ihhiiga) of the Kurma Purii1Ja the
first eleven chapters are called ls'l·ara-gitii. In the first chapter of
this section Suta asks Yyasa ahout the true knowledge leading to
emancipation as originally instructed by :\arayal)a in his incarnation
as a tortoise. It is reported hy Yyasa that in Vadarikasrama in an
assembly of the sages Sanat-kumara, Sanandana, Sanaka, .\ngira,
Bhrgu, Kat:tada, Kapila, Carga, Yaladeva, Sukra, and \'asi~Hha
~~~i :\arayal)a appeared and later on Siva also came there. Siva
then at the request of the sages gave a uiscourse regarding the
ultimate nature of reality, the world and God. The real discourse
hegins with the second chapter. \'ijnana Bhik~u wrote a commentary
on the /s'l·ara-gitii; he thought that since the is't·ara-gitii contains
the main purport of the Bhagm·ad-gitii it was unnecessary for him
to write any commentary on the latter. .\part from the Sar~1khya
and Yoga works, \'ijiiana Bhik~u wrote a commentary on the
JJrahma-siitra. a commentary on the Cpani~ads, and a commentary
on the lS't·ara-gitii of the f.:iirma J>uri""i~za. In his commentary on the
Brahma-sz""itra he quotes a passage from ( 'itsukhacarya of the
thirteenth century. I It_. himself probably flourished some time in
the fourteenth century. Bhik~u's other works arc .\'ii,!zhhya-
prm·acmza-hhii:li}'a. }·oga-'l'l1rtika, }·oga-sz""itra, .">'iil!zldiya-siira, and
the l ·padesa-ratnamiilii. In his interpretation of the /Jralmw-siit1a
and of the ls'l·ara-gitii he has follownl the line of interpretation of
Vedanta as adopted in the Purar_1as, where the Sar"!lkhya-yoga and
Yedanta appear to he wielded together into one indi,·isihle har-
monious system. The philosophy of the IS'l·ara-gitii as dealt with
here is hased upon Bhik~u's commentary, callt.·d the ii'l·ara-gitii-
bhii~ya which was available to the present writer as a manuscript hy
courtesy of 1\1. 1\1. Goplnatha Ka,·iraja, of the Uenares Sanskrit
l'zjikiPlti-m!la-blu'i~ya, pp. 271, 272.
XXII] Philosophy of lsvara-gitii
The main questions that were asked by the sages which led to
the discourse of Siva are the following: (1) What is the cause of all?
(2) \Vho suffers rebirth? (3) vVhat is the soul? (4) What is emanci-
pation? (5) \Vhat is the cause of rebirth? (6) What is the nature of
rebirth? (7) Who can realize all? (8) What is the ultimate reality,
the Brahman? The answers to these questions are not given serially,
but the most important topics as they appeared to the instructor,
Siva, were handled by him in his own order of discourse. Thus the
eighth question was taken up for answer before all other questions.
This answer begins with a description of the nature of Atman not
as the individual soul, but as the highest self.
Vijnana Bhik~u seems to acknowledge the doctrine of absolute
absorption or assimilation of the individual soul within the uni-
versal and infinite soul. And even during his existence in this
world, the soul is said to be merely a witness.
I le explains that in the answer to the eighth question in the
Kurma Purii~za, 11. 1. 7, p. 453\ the word iilmii refers to the God-
head, though in ordinary usage it stands only for the finite souls,
and suggests the self-sameness of the finite and infinite souls. The
reference here is thus to the priilqtii-tmii and not to the jivii-tmii 2 •
God is called sarcii-ntara as He has already entered the hearts
(anta~l) of the diverse living beings and exists there in the capacity
of being only a witness (san'e~ii1.n sva-blzinniiniim antal:z-siik#tvena'
nugata~z) 3 • A siik~i (witness) is he who illuminates (sva-prati-
vimbita-vastu-blziisaka}J), without any efforts on his part (vyiipiira1J1-
vinai' va). I le is called antaryiimi on account of his association with
finite intelligences and through this association even the individual
soul shares the greatness of the highest self.
Vijnana Bhik~u says that the line "asmiid vijiiyate visvam
atrai' va praviliyate" occurs here by way of giving a reason for the
sakti-saktimad-a-blzedatva doctrine so ably put forth by calling the
ultimate Reality or paramii-tman, antaryiimin and then explaining
the doctrine a little by giving him a few adjectives more to bring out
the significance of the esoteric doctrine or suggestion of sakti-
saktimad-abhedatva. Now it is said that as it is from Him that the
inverse-effects are created, in Him they exist and in Him they are
Bibliothera Indica edition, 1890.
See li·mra-gltii-bluiFya, l\IS.
3 et.•am antaryiimi-satt'L·a-sambandhiit cin miitro'pi paramii-ntaryiiml bhavati

sarvii-ntaratvena san·a-iaktiFv' avibhiiga-lak~wza-bhediit. Ibid.

The Philosophy of Trijiiaua Bhil?~u [cu.
annihilated. He is non-different (or better, inseparable) from
puru~a and prakrti, because of His being the support and the
ground of the whole universe beginning from puru~a and prakrti;
i.e. of the effects right down from purzt~a and prahtri and inclusive
of them. If like the body lie had not superintended all the causal
agencies, then the cause, like the drm.:ya, gww, karma, etc., could
not have effected any causal function (yadi hi paramii-tmii de/za'[·at
sarva.?Z kiiratJa~n nii'dhiti~theta tarhi dra'[ya-gu~w-harmii-di-siidhii­
ra7J.ii-khila-hriyii-rtlza-milla-kiira~zmrz 1;a syiid iti) 1 • If it is said that
the sentence speaks of effected ness (or causality) as common to all
tangible manifestations, then the idea of the previous sentence
maintaining the identity between Brahman and the world would
not be admissiblc 2 •
Brahman is the up("Jdiina-kiira~w of the universe, but this uni-
verse is a pari~ziimi-riipa of Brahman. I lis is not therefore the
parit.u"Jmi-rilpa, because that will contradict the statements made
by the scriptures declaring the Brahman to he unchangeable
(kiltastha). Then Yijnana Bhik!:}u defines that God being the ulti-
mate substratum of all, the functioning of all types of causes is
helped in its operation hy llim and it is this that is called the
adhi~!hiina-kiira1Jalii of God.
Then he maintains his doctrine of jh·iitma-paramii-tmanor
af!ZSii'!ziy-abheda by the line "sa miiyi miiyayii baddlzaft karoti
vi,vidhiis tamlfz" and "says further that }'ajii.m:alkya-smrti and
Vediinta-szltra also preach the same doctrine. Srimad-blzagauuf-
gitii says the same thing. Then comes the elaboration of the same
idea. A reference to Sankara by way of criticizing him is made3 •
~Jiiyii-'"ciida is called a sort of covert Buddhism and for support a
passage from Padma-purii~za has also been quoted.
Adhi~!hiina-kiira~wtva, or the underlying causality, is defined as
that in which, essence remaining the same, new differences emerge
just as a spark from the fire. This is also called the G1JzSiif!lsi-blzii'l:a,
for, though the nira'vaya'va Brahman cannot be regarded as having
parts, yet it is on account of the emergence of different characters
from a common basis that the characterized units are called the
parts of the common basis. It should he noted that Yijnana Bhik~u
is against the view that the Brahman undergoes any transformatory
!i?:ara-gltii-bhii~ya. :\IS. 2 Ibid.
3 Ibid.
XXII] Philosophy of lsvara-gua
change. Though the Brahman does not undergo any transformatory
change, yet new differences emerge out of it. In the sentence "Sa
mayi mayaya baddhal:z" the idea is that the maya itself is an integral
part of the Divine entity and not different from it. The maya is like
an a7!zia which is identical with the a'f!liin.
Though in the scriptures both the distinction and the identity
of the individual with the Brahman have often been mentioned, yet
it is by the realization of the difference of the individual with the
Brahman that ultimate emancipation can be attained 1 •
The self is of the nature of pure consciousness and is not in any
way bound by its experiences. The assertion of Sati.kara that atma
is of the nature of joy or bliss is also wrong; for no one can always
be attached to himself, and the fact that everyone seeks to further
his own interest in all his actions does not imply that the soul is of
the nature of bliss. l\1oreover, if the soul is of the nature of pure
consciousness, it cannot at the same time be of the nature of pure
bliss; at the time of acquiring knowledge we do not always feel
pleasure. 2
Egoism (abhimana) also does not belong to the soul but like
suklza and du}Jkha belongs to prakrti, which are wrongly attributed
to the self. 3 The soul is, however, regarded as an enjoyer of its
experiences of pleasure and pain, a reflection of them on it through
the vrtti, and such a reflection of pleasure and pain, etc., through
the vrtti is regarded as the realization (sak~atkara) of the experiences.
Such an enjoyment of experiences, therefore, is to be regarded as
anaupadhika (or unconditional). This is also borne out by the
testimony of the Bhagavad-gita and Sarpkhya. Such an enjoyment
of the experiences does not belong to the prakrti (sak~atkara-rupa­
dharmasya drsya-dlzarmatva-sambhavat) 4 • The passages which say
that the experiences do not belong to the puru~a refer to the modi-
fications of ·vr(ti in connection with the experiences. The assertion
of Sati.kara, therefore, that the atman is as incapable of experiences
(bhoga) as of the power of acting (kartrtva) is therefore false.
Ajiiana, according to Vijfiana Bhik~u, means anyatha-jizana.
Pradhana is so called because it performs all the actions for the
sake of the puru~a; and it is through the fault of his association with
pradhana that the puru~a is associated with false knowledge.
lsvara-gltii-bha~ya. 2 Ibid. Ibid.
4 Ibid.
The Philosophy of Vijiiiina Bhik~u [en.
The iitmmz remains unchanged in itself and the differences are
due to the emergence of the association of buddhi and other faculties
which give rise to experience. At the time of emancipation jivas
remain undifferentiated with Brahman. Prakrti, purzl~a, and kala
are ultimately supported in Brahman and yet are different from it.
There are indeed two kinds of scriptural texts, one emphas-
izing the monistic side, the other the dualistic. A right interpreta-
tion should, however, emphasize the duality-texts, for if everything
were false then even such a falsity would be undemonstrable and
self-contradictory. If it is argued that one may accept the validity
of the scriptural texts until the Brahman is realized and when that
is done it matters little if the scriptural texts are found invalid, the
reply to such an objection is that, whenever a person discovers that
the means through which he attained the conclusion was invalid,
he naturally suspects the very conclusion arrived at. Thus the
knowledge of Brahman would itself appear doubtful to a person
who discovers that the instruments of such knowledge were them-
selves defective.
The individual soul exists in the paramii-tmmz in an undif-
ferentiated state in the sense that the paramii-tman is the essence or
ground-cause of the jivas; and the texts which emphasize the monistic
side indicate this nature of paramii-tman as the ground-cause. This
does not imply that the individual souls are identical with Brahman.
Pleasure and pain do not belong to the self; they really belong
to the antal;.karm.za and they are ascribed to the self only through
the association of the mztalzkarm:za \Vith the self. In the state of
emancipation the self is pure consciousness without any association
of pleasure and pain. The ultimate end is the cessation of the
suffering of sorrow (dubklza-bhoga-ni·qtti) and not the cessation of
sorrow ( na dul;.kha-nivrttilz); for when one has ceased to suffer
sorrow, sorrow may still be there and the avoidance of it would be
the end of other persons. The assertion of Sankara that there is bliss
in the stage of emancipation is wrong. For during that stage there is
no mental organ by which happiness could be enjoyed. If the self
be regarded as of the nature of bliss, then also the self would be
both the agent and the object of the enjoyment of bliss, which is
impossible. The ascription of iinanda in the state of emancipation
only refers to it in a technical sense, i.e., ii.nanda means the absence
of pleasure and pain.
xxn] Philosophy of Isvara-gitti
Bhik~u admits a gradation of realities. He holds further that
when one entity is stabler than another, the former is more real
than the latter. Since paramii-tman is always the same and does not
undergo any change or transformation or dissolution, He is more
real than the prakrti or puru~a or the evolutes of prakrti. This idea
has also been expressed in the view of the Purai).as that the ultimate
essence of the world is of the nature of knowledge which is the
form of the paramii-tman. It is in this essential form that the world
is regarded as ultimately real and not as prakrti and puru~a which
are changing forms.
The prakrti or miiyii has often been described as that which
can be called neither existent nor non-existent. This has been in-
terpreted by the Sankarites as implying the falsity of miiyii. But
according to Vijiiana Bhik~u it means that the original cause may be
regarded as partly real and partly unreal in the sense that while it
is unproductive it is regarded as unreal, and when it passes through
the course of evolutionary changes it is regarded as real (kiiicit
sad-rupii kiiicit asad-rupii ca bhavati).
Now coming to siidhanii he says that by iigama, anumiina and
dhyiina one should attain self-knowledge. This self-realization leads
to the asamprajfliita-yoga which uproots all the viisaniis. It is at-
tained not only by the cessation of ajiiiina but also by the destruc-
tion of the karmas. He also maintains that the emphasis of Sankara
on the understanding of the U pani~adic texts as a means to the
attainment of self-realization is also wrong.
In the state of mukti, self having dissociated itself from the
linga-sarira becomes one with Brahman, just as the river becomes
one with the sea. This is not a case of identity, but one of non-
difference (liizga-sarfrii-tmaka-~ofjasa-kala-siinyena ekatiim avi-
bhiiga-lak~anii-bhedam atyanla'f!Z vrajet). Here in the state of mukti
the identity and difference of jiva and Brahman have been indicated
on the analogy of the river and the sea.
Bhik~u says that there is a difference between the Sarpkhya and
Yoga regarding the attainment of emancipation. The followers of
the Sarpkhya can attain emancipation only by the cessation of their
priirabdha karmas. Since avidyii has been destroyed, the realization
of emancipation has only to wait till the priirabdhas exhaust them-
selves. The followers of Yoga, however, who enter into a state of
asamprajiiiita-samiidhi have not to suffer the fruits of the priirabdha,
The Philosophy of Viji'iiina Bhil?~ll [cH.
because being in a state of asamprajiiata meditation the prarabdlza
can no longer touch them. They can, therefore, immediately enter
into a state of emancipation at their own sweet will.
According to Bhik~u, though lSvara transcends the gw;as, yet
through his body as pure satt?.:a he carries on the creative work and
the work of superintending and controlling the affairs of the uni-
verse. Though his agency is manifested through his body as pure
sativa as a directive activity, yet it is without any association of
passions, antipathies, etc.
In the third chapter of the Kurma Pura~w it is said that pra-
dlzana, puru~a and kala emerge from avyakta, and from them the
whole world came into being. Bhik~u says that the world did not
emanate directly from Brahman but from pradhana, punL~a and
kala. There cannot be any direct emanation from Urahman; for
that would mean that Brahman undergoes a change. A direct
emanation would imply that e\·il and hell also sprang from Brahman.
The emanation of prakrti, puru~a and kala from Brahman is ex-
plained on the supposition that Brahman is a kind of ground-cause
of prakrti, puru~a, and kala (ablzivyakti-karaf}a or adlzara-l~ara!Ja).
But this emanation of prakrti, purzL~a and kala is not through modi-
ficatory processes in the manner in which curd is produced from
milk. In the time of dissolution prakrti and puru~a arc unproductive
of any effects and may therefore be regarded as it were as non-
existent. It is through the will of God that the prakrti and puru~a
are drawn out and connected together, and the point of motivation
is started for the processes of modification of the prakrti. This point
of motivation is called kala. It is by such a course that all these
three may be regarded as producing an effect and therefore as
existent. It is in this sense that prakrti, purzL~a and kala are re-
garded as brought into being by God 1•
A·vyakta as God is so called because it transcends human know-
ledge. It is also so called because it is a state of non-duality, where
there is no difference between energy and its possessor, and where
everything exists in an undifferentiated manner. A'l}'akta used in

1 na tu siik~iid eva brahmar:za!z . .. atra kiilii-di-trayasya brahma-kiiryatt:am

ablzi·vyakti-riipam e1:a •t:i•vak~itam .... prakrti-puru~ayoi ca malwd-iidi-kiiryo-

nmukhataii ca parame-i'l:ara-krtiid anyonya-Sll'!l)'ugc"id cY:a bhm:ati, l."l'll'!l kiilasya
prakrti-puru~a-samJ·ogii-klzya-kiiryo-nmukhat'l·m.n parame-ivare-cclz ayai'·va bha-
vati. li·vara-gltii-bhaua. l\IS.
XXII] Philosophy of lsvara-gUii
the sense of prakrti is the basis of change, or change as such; and
puru~a denotes the knower.
The paramii-tman is spoken of as the soul of all beings. This
should not, however, be taken to mean that there is only the
paramiitman which exists and that all things are but false imposi-
tions on his nature. The paramii-tman or Parame-svara is both dif-
ferent and identical with kiila, pradhiina and the purzt~a. The
existence of the prakrti and the punl~a has to be regarded as less
ultimate than the existence of God, because the existence of the
former is relative as compared with the existence of God (vikiirii-
pek~ayii sthiratvena apek~akam etayos tattvam, p. 44). Time is re-
garded as an instrumental cause of the connection of prakrti and
puru~a. Time is a superior instrumental agent to deeds, for the
deeds are also produced by time (karmii-dinam api kiila-janyatviit).
Though the time is beginningless, yet it has to be admitted that it
has a special function with reference to each specific effect it pro-
duces. It is for that reason that at the point of dissolution time does
not produce the evolutes of mahat, etc. Mahat-tatva is in itself a
combination of the conscious centres and the material element.
When the word puru~a is used in the singular number, such a
use should not be interpreted to mean a denial of the individual
punl~as. It only means that in such instances of scriptural texts the
word puru~a has been used in a generic sense. Puru~as are also of
two kinds-the apara and the para. Both are in themselves devoid
of any qualities and of the nature of pure consciousness. But there
is this difference between the para puru~a and the apara puru~a,
that while the former never has any kind of association with any
experience of pleasure and pain, the latter may sometimes be
associated with pleasure and pain which he at that time feels to be
his own (anye gu~zii-bhimiiniit sagU1:zii iva bhavanti paramiitmii tu
gll1:zii-bhimiina-sunyal;z, p. 46). It must be understood, however,
that the experiencing of pleasure and pain is not an indispensable
part of the definition of punt~a, for at the stage of jivan-mukti the
puru~as do not identify themselves with the experiences of pleasure
and pain, but they are still punl~as all the same. God, however, who
is called the superior puru~a, does not associate Himself with the
experiences that proceed as a fruit of karma and which are enjoyed
in a spatial-temporal manner. But God continues to enjoy eternal
bliss in association with His own special upiidhi or conditions
The Philosophy of V ijiiana Bhik~u [cu.
(svo-padhistha-nitya-nanda-bhoktrt-va'!l tu parama'tmano'pi asti).
\Vhen the scriptural texts deny the enjoyment of the experiences
of pleasure and pain with regard to the Supreme purzt~a, the idea
is that though the Supreme puru~a underlies the ordinary
pw·u~as as their ground yet he is not in any way affected by their
experiences (ekasminn e1:a buddhii:v a'l.:astlul.nena jiva-bhogata~z
prasaktasya parama-tma-bhogasyai''l·a prati~edhal:z ). So the Supreme
purzt~a has in common with ordinary purzt~as certain experiences
of his own. These experiences of pure eternal bliss are due to
the direct and immediate reflection of the bliss in the puru~a him-
self, by which this bliss is directly and immediately experienced
by him. By such an experience the puru~as cannot be admitted to
suffer any change. I le can, however, be aware of the mental states
of ordinary persons as well as their experiences of pleasure and
pain in a cognitive manner (such as that by which we know external
objects) without being himself affected by those experiences. This
enjoyment of experience is of course due to the action of God's
mind through i:he process of reflection.
The monism of such a view becomes intelligible when we con-
sider that the puru~a, the mahat, the ahat!zkara and ail its products
exist in an undifferentiated condition in the \·cry essence of God.
The ultimate purzt~a as the supreme cognitive principle underlies
the very being of puru$aS and the faculties such as the buddhi
and the aha'f!lkara, and also all in later material products. For
this reason, by the underlying activity of this principle all our
cognitions become possible, for it is the activity of this principle
that operates as the faculties of the origins of knowledge. In the
case of the experience of pleasure and pain also, though these can-
not subsist outside the mind and may not apparently be regarded
as requiring any separate organ for their illumination, yet in their
case also it is the mind, the buddhi, that behaves as the internal
organ. So though pleasures and pains cannot be regarded as having
an unknown existence, yet their experiences arc also interpreted as
being due to their reflection in the mind.
\Vhen the mahat becomes associated with the puru$a and no
distinction is felt between it, the puru~as and the original ground-
cause, it is then that the cycle of world-existence appears. It is the
super-consciousness of God that holds together the objective and
the subjective principles. The objective principle, the prakrti, and
xxn] Philosophy of Isvara-gUii 49 1
the subjective centres, the puru~as, are held together in a state of
non-distinction. It is this that gives rise to all experiences of
sorrow and bondage with reference to the conscious centres. It may
be asked how it is that the buddhi and the puru~a are held in non-
distinction instead of being distinguished from one another. The
reply is that distinction and non-distinction are both possible ele-
ments in the buddhi, and the function of Yoga is to destroy the
obstruction in the way of the realization of such a mutual distinc-
tion (yogii-dinii tu pratibandlza-miitram apiikriyate).
Love of God proceeds in two stages: first, from the notion of
God as satisfying our highest needs; and, secondly, in the notion
of Hitn as being one with the self of the devotee. These highest
needs find their expression firstly in our notion of value as pleasure
and satisfaction in our experiences; secondly, in our notion of value
in our cmancipc:tion; thirdly, in our notion of value in the satisfac-
tion that we achieve in our realization of the sublimity in ex-
periencing the greatness of God (Prema ca anuriiga-vise~al;. paramii-
-tmani i~ta-siidlzanatii-jiiiiniit iitmatva-jiiiiniic cu. bhavati. #tam api
dvi-vidha'!l bhogii-pavargau tan-mahimii-darsano-ttha-sukha'!l ca iti
tad evalfl miihiitmya-pratipiidmzasya phalalfl prema-lak~al}ii hhaktil;. ).
l'Yliiyii, as identified with prakrti, should be regarded as sub-
stanti~e entity. The prakrti has two elements in it, satt'l'a and lamas.
Through sativa, wisdom or true knowledge is produced; through
lamas is produced delusion or false knowledge. It is this aspect of
prakrti as producing false knowledge that is called miiyii. Miiyii is
described as being trigul}ii-tmikii prakrti or the prakrti with three
gul}as. But though the miiyii is identified with prakrti, yet this
identification is due to the fact that the lamas side of prakrti cannot
be taken as apart from the prakrti as a whole. When it is said in the
scriptures that God destroys the miiyii of Yogins, it does not mean
that the trigul}ii-tmikii prakrti as a whole is destroyed, but only that
the operation of the lamas side is suspended or destroyed or ceases
only with reference to the Yogin. l'vfiiyii is also described as that
which cannot produce an illusion in Him on whom it has to de-
pend for its existence, i.e. God, but that it can produce illusion or
false knowledge in others (svii-sraya-vyiimohakatve sati para-
vyiimohakatvam ).
It is further said that God creates the world by his miiyii-sakti
as composed of the three gul}as. The significance of the designation
492 The Philosophy of l-ijiiiina Bhik~u [en.
maya in this connection implies that it is by the false identification
of the prakrti and the puru~a that the latter evolutionary process of
the formation of the world and world-experience becomes possible.
The term maya is generally restricted to prakrti in its relation to
God, whereas it is called avidya as a delusive agent with reference
to individuals.
True knowledge does not consist in a mere identification with
Brahman as pure consciousness, but it means the knowledge of
Brahman, his relationship with pradhiina, purzt~a, and kala, and the
manner in which the whole cosmic evolution comes into being, is
maintained, and is ultimately dissolved in Brahman; and also in the
personal relationship that he has with the individuals, and the
manner in which he controls them and the ultimate ways of at-
taining the final realization. Kala is, again, here referred to as the
conditional upadhi through which God moves the prakrti and
puru~a towards the evolution of the cosmic process.
The great difficulty is to explain how God who is regarded in
essence of the nature of pure consciousness and therefore abso-
lutely devoid of desire or will can be the cause of the great union of
prakrti with the purrt~as. The answer proposed by Bhik~u is that in
God's nature itself there is such a dynamization that through it He
can continue the actualizing process and the combining activities
of the prakrti and puru~a lying dormant in I lim. Though prakrti
and purzt~a may also be regarded as the causes of the world, yet since
the combination happens in time, time may be regarded primarily
as a dynamic agent; the condition existing in God Ihrough which
He renders the union is made possible (mama s·z:zyo blzii::;a}_z pada-
rthaft s·z.:a-bha'l:a upadhil_z tatas tasya prera~1at blzaga'[·an a-pratihato
maha-yogasya pralqti-puru~a-di-sm!zyogasya is'l·aras tatra samarthafz
... pralqti-prati-k~a~w-pari~1iimanam e'l.'a kalo-piidhit'l·iit). Since
God moves both the prakrti and the purrt~a through llis own
dynamic conditions, the whole uni\·erse of matter and spirits may
be regarded as His body in the sense that they arc the passive ob-
jects of the activity of God. God is thus conceived as dancing in
his activity among his own energies as prakrti and purrt~as. It may
be argued that puru~a being itself absolutely static, how can these
be moved into activity consists of the fact that they are turned to
the specific operations or that they are united with the prakrti.
Sometimes it is also suggested that the prakrti is the condition of
XXII] Philosophy of lsvara-gUii 493
the puru~as and that the movement of the prakrti in association with
the puru~as is interpreted as being the movement of the puru~as.
In the seventh chapter of lsvara-gitii Brahman is defined as the
Universal. Thus any cause may be regarded as Brahman in relation
to its effect. So there may be a hierarchy of Brahmans as we proceed
from a lesser universal to a higher universal. The definition of
Brahman is: "yad yasya kiira~za'!l tat tasya brahma tad-apek~ayii
vyiipakatviit." As God contains within Himself all the universals,
He is called bralzma-miiyii. God is always associated with the
purzt~as. But yet His dynamic activity in association with the
puru~as consists in bringing about such an association with prakrti
that the objects of the world may be manifested to them in the form
of knowledge.
The jZ.va or individual is regarded as being a part of God, the
relation being similar to that of a son and father. When the jivas
dedicate all their actions to God with the conviction that if it is
God who works through them, then virtues and vices lose their
force and become inefficacious to cause any bondage to them. As
all ji-vas are the parts of God, there is a great similarity between
them in spite of their diversity. God exists in the jivas just as the
whole exists in the parts.
Vijiiana Bhik~u conceives of the adhi~!hiina-kiira1_la as the ground
cause, as one which in itself remains the same and yet new dif-
ferences emerge out of it. This is also his doctrine of the part and
the whole. The parts are thus supposed to be emergents from the
whole which does not itself participate in any change. The relation
is thus not organic in the sense that the dissolution of the parts
would mean the dissolution of the whole. In the pralaya the parts
are dissolved, yet pure Brahman remains just as it was in the stage
of creation. So, again, when the parts are affected pleasures and
pains are experienced, but the affection of the parts does not in-
volve in the least the affection of the whole. But the whole is not
affected by the sufferings that exist in the emergents. It is further
stated that it is through the function of the ground-cause that the
emergents, e.g. substance, quality and action, can express them-
selves or operate in their specific forms. The underlying whole, the
ground-cause, has really no parts in itself. Yet from this common
basis various emergents of appearances as characterized units show
themselves, and since they are seen to emerge from it they are in
494 The Philosophy of Vijiiana Bhi~u [cH.

this specific technical sense called the parts of the underlying

ground cause.
It will thus be seen that the Brahman, the ground-cause, always
remains unchangeable in itself, but it is said that the Brahman is
associated with miiyii and is united by it (sa miiyi miiyayii baddhaM.
The idea is that the miiyii is an integral part of the divine entity
and not different from it. !Vliiyii is like a part which is identical
with the whole.
Though in the scriptures both the distinction and the identity
of the individual with the Brahman have often been mentioned, yet
it is by the realization of the difference of the individual from the
Brahman that the ultimate emancipation can be attained 1 •
In the Brhad-iirm:zyaka Upani~ad, II. 4· 5, it is stated that all other
things arc desired- because we desire the self. Sati.kara infers from
it that we are primarily attached to the self, and since all attach-
ments imply attachment to pleasure, it follows that the self is of the
nature of pleasure or bliss. Other things are desired only when
they are falsely regarded as ourselves or parts of ourselves. Bhik~u
denies this proposition. He says that firstly it is not true that we
are always attached to our own selves; nor, therefore, is it true that
seeking of happiness from other sources is always the seeking of the
selves. It is, therefore, wrong to suppose that self is of the nature
of bliss. If the soul is of the nature of pure consciousness, it cannot
be the nature of pure bliss. If bliss and consciousness were the
same, all knowledge would imply pleasure, but our knowledge is
as much associated with pleasure as with pain. Pleasure and pain,
as also egoism (abhimiina), belong to prakrti or its product buddhi
and are transferred through its function (·qtti) to the self, which is
the real enjoyer and sufferer of pleasure and pain. The self is thus
the real experiencer and the experiences therefore do not belong
to the prakrti but to the self2 • Through the operation of the sense-
contact with the object and light the mental states are generated.
These mental states are called 'l'rtti and belong to buddhi and there-
fore to prakrti, but corresponding to each such mental state there
is an intuition of them on the part of the puru~a (7.•rtti-siik~iitkiira)
yady api bhedii-bhedii-vubhiiv e·va iruti-smrtyoruktau tathii'pi ya!hokta-
bheda-jiiiina-rupa-vi1.·ekad e·va sarvii-bhimiina-ni·vrtyii siikFiit mokFab. li·l'ara-
gltii. MS.
siikFiit-kiira-rilpa-dharmasya drS:ya-dlwrmat1.•a-sambhm:iit. Bhik:;;u's com-
mentary on livara-gitii. l\1S.
xxn] Philosophy of lsvara-gitii 495
and it is this intuition that constitutes the real experience of the
puru~a. The word bhoga has an ambiguity in meaning. It some-
times refers to the mental states and at other times to their intuition
and it is as the former state that the blwga is denied of the puru~a.
The ajiiana (ignorance) in this system means false knowledge.
When the puru~a intuits the vrttis of the buddhi and thereby falsely
regards those vrttis as belonging to itself there is false knowledge
which is the cause of the bondage. The intuition in itself is real,
but the associations of the intuitive characters with the self are
erroneous. When the self knows its own nature as different from
the vrttis and as a part of Brahman in which it has an undifferenti-
ated reality, we have what is called emancipation. The existence of
the self as undifferentiated with Brahman simply means that the
Brahman is the ground-cause, and as such an unchangeable ground-
cause Brahman is of the nature of pure consciousness. It is in its
nature as pure consciousness that the whole world may be regarded
as existing in the Brahman of which the prakrti and the puru~a, the
one changing by real modifications and the other through the false
ascription of the events of prakrti to itself, may be regarded as
emergents. The world is ultimately of the nature of pure con-
sciousness, but matter and its changes, and the experience itself
are only material and temporary forms bubbling out of it. But
since these emergent forms are real emanations from Brahman an
over-emphasis on monism would be wrong. The reality consists of
both the ground-cause and the emergent forms. Sati.kara had as-
serted that the duality was true only so long as the one reality was
not reached. But Bhik~u objecting to it says that since the monistic
truth can be attained only by assuming the validity of the processes
that imply duality, ultimate invalidation of the dualistic processes
will also nullify the monistic conclusion.

THE readers who have followed the philosophy of the Yedanta

as interpreted by Yijiiana Bhik~u in his commentary on the Braluna-
sii.tra and the lS·cara-gitii section of the K.il.rma Purii!ta must have
noticed that, according to him, the Vedanta was associated with the
Sarpkhya and Yoga, and in support of his view he referred to many
of the Pural).as, some of which arc much earlier than Sai1kara.
Vijiiana Bhik~u, therefore, quotes profusely from the Purat)as and
in the writings of Ramanuja, :\ladhva, Yallabha, ]iva Goswami and
Baladeva we find profuse references to the Pural).as in support of
their vie\vs of the philosophy of the Yedanta.
It is highly probable that at least one important school of ideas
regarding the philosophy of the U pani~ads and the Bralzma-szl.tra
was preserved in the Pural).ic tradition. Sankara's interpretation of
the U pani~ads and the Brahma-szl.tra seems to have diverged very
greatly from the semi-realistic interpretation of them as found in
the Pural).as. It was, probably, for this reason that Sankara seldom
refers to the Pural).as; but since Sankara's line of interpretation is
practically absent in the earlier Pural).as, and since the extreme
monism of some passages of the U pani~ads is modified and softened
by other considerations, it may be hclieved that the views of the
Vedanta, as found in the Pural).as and the Blzagavad-gitii, present,
at least in a general manner, the oldest outlook of the philosophy
of the U pani~ads and the Brahma-szl.tra.
It seems, therefore, desirable that the treatment of the philo-
sophy of Ramanuja and Yijiiana Bhik~u should be supplemented by
a short survey of the philosophy as found in some of the principal
Pural).as. All the Pural).as arc required to have a special section
devoted to the treatment of creation and dissolution, and it is in
this section that the philosophical speculations are largely found 1 •
In the present section I shall make an effort to trace the philo-
sophical speculations as contained in the sarga-pratisarga portions
1 sargas ca pratisargas ca 'l'a'f!lso man·v-antarii~zi ca I 'l'a'f!lsii-nucaritmi cai'1.·a
purii1}a'f!l paiica-lak~a~la1JI. II Karma Purii~ra, 1. 12.
CH. XXIII] 497
of some of the selected PuraQ.as so as to enable readers to compare
this Pural).ic philosophy with the philosophy of Bhaskara Ramanuja,
Vijfiana Bhik~u, and Nimbarka.
The first manifestation of Brahman according to the V#!Ju
Purii7:za is punt~ a; then come the other manifestations as vyaktii-
vyakta and kiila. The original cause of pradhiina, puru~a, vyakta
and kiila is regarded as the ultimate state of Vi~I).U. Here then we
find Brahma- Vi~I).U 1 .
In Vi~1Jll Purii7:za, 1. 2. I I, it is said that the Ultimate Reality is
only pure existence, which can be described only as a position of
an eternal existence. It exists everywhere, and it is all (this is
Pantheism), and everything is in it (this is Panentheism) and there-
fore it is called Vasudeva 2 • It is pure because there is no extraneous
entity to be thrown away 3 • It exists in four forms: vyakta, avyakta,
puru~a and kiila. Out of His playful activity these four forms have
come out4 • Prakrti is described here as sadasad-iitmaka5 and as
tri'gu7:za6 • In the beginning there are these four categories: Brahman,
pradhiina, puru~a and kiila 7 , all these being different from the
unconditional ( Trikiilika) Yi~I).U. The function of kiila is to hold
together the purzt~a and the pradhiina during the creational period,
and to hold them apart at the time of dissolution. As such it (kiila)
is the cause of sensibles. 'Thus there is a reference to the ontological
synthetic activity and the ontological analytical activity of kiila 8 •
("Ontological" in the sense that kiila appears here not as instru-
mental of the epistemological aspect of experience, but as some-
thing "being" or "existing," i.e. ontological.) As all manifested
things had returned to the prakrti at the time of the last dissolution,
the prakrti is called pratisaijcara9 • Kiila or time is beginningless
Brahman is also regarded as sra~!ii, Hari as piitii (Protector), and l\lahdvara
as sarJzhartii.
iipo niirii iti proktii, iipo 'l'ai nara-silnm:alz
ayanmJt tasya tiilz prlrVarJl tena niiriiym:zalz smrtah. l\1anu. J. 10.
2 san·atrii'sau samaslarJl ca ·casaty atre'ti vai yatalz.

tatab sa viisudeve'ti vid'l·adbhib paripathyute. Vip:zu Purii!la, 1. 2. 12.

3 Heyii-bhiinic-ca nirmalam. Ibid. 1. 2. I J.
4 'l'yaktmJt 'l"iHms tatlui''l:yaktarJZ puru~ab kiila e'l'a ca I. krit:}ato biilakasye'1:a

ce~!ii'!' tasya niitimaya. Ibid. 1. 2. 18.

6 Ibid. I. 2. I9. Cl Ibid. I. 2. 21.
7 Vi~~u Purii~a, 1. 2. 23.
Vi~~ob svarrlpiit parato hi tenye rilpe pradhiinarJl pur~asca vipra
tasyai'1.:a tenyena dllrte 1:iyukte rr7.pii-di yat tad dviia kiila-sarJZiiiiim.
Ibid. I. 2. 24.
Ibid. I. 2. 25.
Dill 32
498 Philosophical Speculations of Selected Purti~zas rCH.
and so exists even at the time of dissolution, synthesizing prakrti or
puru~a together and also holding them out as different at the time
of creation. At that time God enters by His will into prakrti and
puru~a and produces a disturbance leading to creation 1 . When God
enters into prahrti and puru~a His proximity alone is sufficient to
produce the disturbance leading to creation; just as an odorous
substance produces sensation of odour by its proximity without
actually modifying the mind 2 • He (God) is both the disturber
(k~obha) or disturbed (k~obhya), and that is why, through contra-
diction and dilation, creation is produccd 3 • Here is once again the
Pantheistic view of God, its first occurrence being manifested
ultimately in four main categories, all of which are, so to speak,
participating in the nature of God, all of which are His first mani-
festations, and also in which it is said that all is God, and so on.
Atzu means jivG.-tman 4 • Vi~I).u or lsvara exists as the vikara, i.e. the
manifested forms, the puru~a and also as Brahman4 • This is clear
The commentator says that the word "k~etrajiia" in
"k~etrajiia-dhi~thanat" means puru~a. But apparently neither the
context nor the classical Sarpkhya justifies it. The context distinctly
shows that k~etrajfia means lsvara; and the manner of his adhi#h-
iitrtva by entering into prakrti and by proximity has already been
described 5 • From the pradhana the mahat-tattva emerges and it is
then covered by the pradhana, and being so covered it differentiates
itself as the sattvika, riijasa and tamasa mahat. The pradhana covers
the mahat just as a seed is covered by the skin 6 • Being so covered
there spring from the threefold mahat the threefold aha'f!lkG.ra
called vaikiirika, taijasa and bhuta-di or tamasa. From this bhutii-di
or tiimasa aha1Jzkara which is covered by the mahat (as the mahat
itself was covered by pradhana) there springs through its spon-
taneous self-modification the sabda-tanmatra, and by the same pro-
cess there springs from that sabda-tanmG.tra the akasa-the gross
element. Again, the bhuta-di covers up the sabda-tanmatra and the
ahii.Sa differentiated from it as the gross element. The akasa, being
thus conditioned, produces spontaneously by self-modification the
V#~u Purii~a, I. 2. 29. 2
Ibid. 1. 2. 30.
3 4
Ibid. I. 2. 3 I. Ibid. I. 2. 32-
li gu~za-siimyiit tatas tasmiit k~etraji'iii-dhi~thitan mzme
gu~a-·vyaiijaua-sambhzitib sarga-kiile dvijo-ttama. Ibid. 1. 2. 33·
8 pradhiina-tattvena samm.n tvacii biiam i·vii'·utam.. Ibid. 1. 2. 34·
XXIII] 499
sparsa-tanmiitra, which produces immediately and directly the gross
viiyu. The bhutiidi again covers up the iikiisa, sabda-tanmiitra,
sparsa-tanmiitra and the differentiated viiyu which later then pro-
duces the rupa-tanmiitra which immediately produces the gross
light-heat (jyoti) 1 • The sparsa-tanmiitra and the viiyu cover up the
rupa-tanmiitra. Being thus conditioned, the differentiated gross
jyoti produces the rasa-tanmiitra from which again the gross water
is produced. In a similar manner the rasa-tanmiitra and the rupa-
tanmiitra, being covered up, the differentiated gross water produces
the gandha-tanmiitra, from which again the gross earth is produced.
The tanmiitras are the potential conditions of qualities and hence
the qualities are not manifested there. They are, therefore, tradi-
tionally called avise~a. They do not manifest the threefold qualities
of the CU1JaS as santa, ghora and mut}l;a. It is for this reason also that
they are called avise~a2 •
From the taijasa-aha1Jlkiira the five conative and cognitive
senses are produced. From the vaikiirika-aha1Jlkiira is produced
the manas3 • These elements acting together in harmony and unity,
together with the tanmiitras, aha1Jlkiira and mahat, form the unity
of the universe under the supreme control of God. As the universe
grows up, they form into an egg which gradually expands from
within like a water-bubble; and this is called the materialistic body
of Vi~I)U as Brahman. This universe 1s encircled on the outer side
by water, fire, air, the iikiisa and the bhiitii-di and then by the mahat
and the avyakta, each of which is ten times as large as the earth.
There are thus seven coverings. The universe is like a cocoanut
fruit with various shell-coverings. In proper time, again by
causing a preponderance of tamas, God eats up the universe in His
form as Rudra, and again creates it in His form as Brahma. He
maintains the world in His form as Vi~I)U. Ultimately, however, as
God holds the universe within Him, He is both the creator and the
created, the protector and the destroyer.
Though the Brahman is qualityless, unknowable and pure, yet
1 The commentator notes that when the iikiiia is said to produce sparia-

tmzmiitra, it is not the iikiiia that does so but the bhritii-di manifesting itself as
iikiiia, i.e. it is through some accretion from bhzttii-di that the iikiiia can produce
the sparia-tanmiitra. Akiiia!z iikiisamayo bluitii-dib sparia-tanmiitra1Jl sasarja.
2 See the commentary to iloka. Vif~U Purii~a, I. 2. 44·
3 The commentator notes that the word manas here means anta!zkara1J.a,

including its four functions as manas, buddhi, citta and aha'!lkiira.

soo Philosophical Speculations of Selected Purii~zas [en.
it can behave as a creati\·e agent by virtue of its specific powers
which are incomprehensible to us. As a matter of fact the relation
between the powers or energies and the substance is unthinkable.
\Ve can ne\·er explain how or why fire is hot 1 • The earth, in adoring
Hari, described Ilim as follows: "\Yhatever is perceived as having
visible and tangible forms in this world is hut your manifestation.
The ordinary people only make a mistake in thinking this to he a
naturalistic universe. The whole world is of the nature of know-
ledge, and the error of errors is to regard it as an object. Those who
are wise know that this world is of -the nature of thought and a
manifestation of God, who is pure knowledge. Error consists in
regarding the world as a mere naturalistic object and not as a mani-
festation of the structure of knowledge. " 2
In the C.i:~~m Purii~za, 1. 4· so-sz, it is said that God is only the
dynamic agent (nimitta-miitram), the material cause being the
energies of the objects of the universe which are to he created.
These energies require only a dynamic agent to actualize them in
the form of the universe. God is here represented to be only a
formative agent, whereas the actual material cause of the world is
to be found in the energies which constitute the objects of the
world, through the influence and presence of God. The com-
mentator notes that the formative agency of God consists merely
in his presence (siinnidhya-miitreinai''l·a) 3 •
In the C·;~~zu Purii~za, 1. 4, we find another account of creation.
It is said that God in the beginning thought of creation, and an
unintelligent creation appeared in the form of lamas, moha,
mahii-moha,liimisra and andha-liimisra. These were the five kinds of
avidyii which sprang from the Lord. From these there came a
creation of the five kinds of plants as 'l·rksa, gulma, !alii, 'l·iriil and
1 Vi$~111 Punl~w. I.3· 1-2.
:rad etad drsyate mrlrtam, etad j1it"inii-tmmws tm.·a.
bhrllnti-jiiiinena pasyanti jagad-nipam ayn~tina~l. Ibid. 1. 4· 39·
jiit"ina-s1.·an1pam akhilm!l jagad etad abmidlwya!1
artha-s?.·arllpat!l pasyanto bhrt"imyante mnlw-sm.nplm:e.
Ibid. r. 4· 40.
nimitta-miitram e?.:t"i'su sriyt"inc'il!l sarga-karma~li
pradluina-kt"irwri-blulll'i yato ?.:ai sriya-sahtaya!z. Ibid. I. 4· 5 I.
rzimitta-mlltrm!l mukt1·ai'km!l ml'nyat kiiicid m·ek$)'ale
niyate tapatiil!l sre~f/lll S1.'ll-saktyt"i 'l'llSIII 1.'GS!lltt'im. /hid. I. 4· 52.
sisrk~u!z sakti-yuhto'sau sriya-sakti-pmcodita!z. Ibid. 1. 5· 65.
In this passage it is hinted that the will of God and His power to create is
helped by the energies of the objects to be created.
XXIII] 501

tnza (to which are to be added the mountains and the hills) which
have no inner or outer consciousness and may be described as
having, as it were, closed souls (sa1Jlvrtii-tman). Not being satisfied
with this He created the animals and birds, etc., called tiryak-srota.
The animals, etc., are called tiryag, because their circulation is not
upwards but runs circularly in all directions. They are full of tarhas,
and are described as a·vedina~z. The commentator notes that what
is meant by the term avedin is that the animals have only
appetitive knowledge, but no synthetic knowledge, i.e. cannot
synthesise the experience of the past, the present and the future and
cannot express what they know, and they have no knowledge about
their destinies in this world and in the other, and are devoid of all
moral and religious sense. They have no discrimination regarding
cleanliness and eating; they are satisfied with their ignorance as
true knowledge, i.e. they do not seek the acquirement of certain
knowledge. They are associated with the twenty-eight kinds of
viidha 1 • They are aware internally of pleasure and pain but they
cannot communicate with one another 2 • Then, being dissatisfied
with the animal creation, God created "the gods" who are always
happy and can know both their inner feelings and ideas, and also
the external objects, and communicate with one another. Being
dissatisfied with that creation also He created "men," which
creation is called ar1-,•ak-srotas as distinguished from the creation of
gods which is called ii.rddhva-srotas. These men have an abundance
of lamas and rajas, and they have therefore a preponderance of
1 In the Sii'!zkhya-kiirikii, 49, we hear of twenty-eight 'l'iidhiis. The reference

to •ciidhiis he1·e is clearly a reference to the technical t:iidhiis of the Sarpkhya

philosophy, where it also seems certain that at the time of Vi~~zu Purii1Ja the
technical r.ame of the Sarpkhya •ciidhiis must have been a very familiar thing.
It also shows that the Vi~1JU Purii1Ja was closely associated with the Sarpkhya
circles of thought, so that the mere allusion to the term t•iidhii was sufficient to
refer to the Sarpkhya viidhtis. The Vi~1Ju Purii1Ja was probably a work of the third
century A.D.; and the Kiirikii of lsvara Kp_;r:m was composed more or less at"the
same time. In the Jl.liirka1Jr/eya Purii1Ja (Yenkatdvara edition, ch. 44, v. 20) we
have the reading A~!ii'l·i7!liad-7..•idhiitmikii. In the B. 1. edition of l\1iirka~zqeya
by K. l\1. Banerji we have also in ch. 47, v. 20, the same reading. The reading
t•iidhiim·itii occurs neither in the il1iirka1Jtfeya nor in the Padma Purii~za 13, 65.
The supposition, therefore, is that the twenty.. cight kinds in I\1iirka~ujeya were
changed into twenty-etght kinds of f..•iidhii through the Sarpkhya influence in
the third century. The !vliirka1Jr/eya is supposed to have been written in the first
half of the second century D.C. It is not easy to guess what twenty-eight kinds of
animal creation were intended by 1\larkar:u;leya. But the identification of them
with the twenty-eight kinds ot Sarpkhya viidhii seems to be quite inap-
2 anta/:z prakiiiiis te san·a ii'l'!liis tu paras-param. ViHZil Purii1Ja, I. 5· 10.
502 Philosophical Speculations of Selected Purti1JaS [cH.
suffering. There are thus nine creations. The first three, called the
unintelligent creation (avuddhi-purvaka), is the naturalistic creation
of (i) mahat, (ii) the tanmiitras, and (iii) the bhutas, the physiological
senses. The fourth creation, called also the primary creation
(mukhya-·varga), is the creation of plants; fifth is the creation of the
tiryag-srotas; sixth the iirdha-srotas; seventh the arviik-srotas or
men. The eighth creation seems to be the creation of a new kind.
It probably means the distinctive characteristic of destiny of each
of the four creations, plants, animals, gods and men. The plants
have, for their destiny, ignorance; the animals have mere bodily
energy; the gods have pure contentment; and the men have the
realization of ends. This is called the anugraha-sarga 1 • Then comes
the ninth sarga, called the kaumiira-sarga, which probably refers to
the creation of the mental children of God such as Sanatkumiira, etc.
There are four kinds of pralayas: they are called the naimittika
or briihma, the prakrtika, the iityantika and the nitya. The
naimittika-pralaya takes place when Brahma sleeps; the prakrtika
occurs when the universe merges in prakrti; the iityantika-pralaya
is the result of the knowledge of God, i.e. to say, when Yogins lose
themselves in paramii-tman, then occurs the iityantika-pralaya; and
the fourth, viz. the nitya-pralaya, is the continual destruction that
takes place daily.
In the Viiyu Purii1}a we hear of an ultimate principle which is
associated with the first causal movement of God. This is regarded
as the transcendental cause (kiira1}am aprameyam) and is said to be
known by various names, such as Brahman, pradlziina, prakrti,
prasuti (prakrti-prasilti), iitman, gulza, yoni, cak~us, ~etra, amrta,
The Viiyu Puriir.za, VI. 68, describes it as follm'l:s:
sthii'L·are~u 'l'iparyiisas tiryag-yoni~u iaktitii
siddhii-tmiino manu$)'iiS tu tu~fir de·u~u k!tsnaia?z.
The sixth sar~a is there described as being of the ghosts.
bhiUii-dikiiniirrz satt'L•iiniirrz ~a~fha!z
sarga!z sa ucyate.
ibid. VI. 58-59·
te parigrahir.za!z san•e Sa7JZ?'ibhiiga-ratiib puna!z.
klziidaniis cii'py aiiliii ca _i;ieyli blulta-dikiis ca te. !hid. n. 30.
In the ll!iirkm,u/eya Purci~za. anug;-aha-sar~a is described a~ the fifth sarga.
In the Karma Puriir.za, 7· 11, these bhii.tas arc regarded as being the fifth
sarga. The Karma Puriir_za describes the first creation as the mahat-sarga, the
second as bhata-sarga, the third as Vaikiirike'-ndriya-sarga, the fourth as the
muklzya-sarga, and the fifth as tiryak-sarga. There is thus a contradiction, as the
fifth sarf.{a was described in the eleventh verse in the same chapter as the creation
of ghosts. This implies the fact that probably two hands were at work at different
times, at least in the seventh chapter of the Kzlrma Purii~za.
XXIII] Vayu PuraQ.a 5°3
ak~ara, sukra, tapas, satyam, atiprakasa. It is said to cover round
the second puru~a. This second puru~·a is probably the loka-pitii-
maha. Through the association of time and preponderance of rajas
eight different stages of modification are produced which are
associated with k~etrajiia 1 • In this connection the Viiyu Purii1Ja
speaks also of the priikrtika, the naimittika and the iityantika-
pralaya2. It also says that the categories of evolution have been
discovered both by the guidance of the siistras and by rational
argument3 , and that prakrti is devoid of all sensible qualities. She
is associated with threegu1}as, and is timeless and unknowable in her-
self. In the original state, in the equilibrium of gUJ:zas, everything
was pervaded by her as tamas. At the time of creation, being
associated with k~etrajiia, malzat emerges from her. This mahat is
due to a preponderance of sattva and manifests only pure existence.
This mahat is called by various names, such as manas, mahat, mati,
brahmii, pur, buddhi, khyiiti, livara, citi, prajiiii, smrti, sa'f!Zvit,
vipura4. This mahat-prajiiii, being stirred by desire to create, be-
gins the work of creation and produces dharma, adharma and other
entities 5 • Since the cause of the gross efforts of all beings exists
always as conceived in a subtle state in the mahat, it is called
"manas." It is the first of all categories, and of infinite extent and
is thus called mahan. Since it holds within itself all that is finite
and measurable and since it conceives all differentiations from out
of itself and appears as intelligent puru~a, by its association with
experience it is called mati. It is called brahman since it causes all
growth. Further, as all the later categories derive their material
from it, it is called pur. Since the puru~a understands all things as
beneficial and desirable and since it is also the stuff through which
all understanding is possible, it is called buddhi. All experience and
integration of experience and all suffering and enjoyment de-
pending upon knowledge proceed from it; therefore it is called
khyiiti. Since it directly knows everything as the great Soul it is
called lsvara. Since all sense-perceptions are produced from it, it
is called prajiiii. Since all states of knowledge and all kinds of
1 Viiyu Purii1J.a, 3· I I, and compare the Paiicariitra doctrine as elaborated in

2 Viiyu Pura~za, 3· 23.

3 tac-chiistra-yuktyii sva-mati-prayatniit
samastam iivi~krta-dhr-dhrtibhyal:z. Ibid. 3. 24.
It speaks of five pmmii1J.as. Ibid. 4· I6.
' Ibid. 4· .zs. Ibid. 4· 24.
504 Philosophical Speculations of Selected Puriir;as [cH.
harman and their fruits are collected in it for determining ex-
perience, it is called citi. Since it remembers the past, it is called
smrti. Since it is the storehouse of all knowledge, it is called
mahii-tman. Since it is the knowledge of all knowledge, and since
it exists everywhere and everything exists in it, it is sa'f!lvit.
Since it is of the nature of knowledge, it is called jniina. Since
it is the cause of all desideratum of conflicting entities, it is called
vipura. Since it is the Lord of all beings in the world, it is called
lsvara. Since it is the knower in both the k~etra and the
k~etrajiia, and is one, it is called ka. Since it stays in the subtle
body (puryii1!l sete) it is called puru~a. It is called svayambhu,
because it is uncaused and the beginning of creation. ltfahiin being
stirred up by the creative desire manifests itself in creation through
two of its movements, conception (sa'f!lkalpa) and determination
(adhyavasiiya). It consists of three gu~as, sattva, rajas, and tamas.
With the preponderance of rajas, aha1J1kiira emerged from mahat.
With the preponderance of tamas there also emerges from mahat,
bhutii-di, from which the bhutas and tanmiitras are produced. From
this comes the iikiisa as vacuity which is associated \Vith sound.
From the modification of the bhutii-di the sound-potential (sabda-
tanmiitra) has been produced. When the bhutiidi covers up the
sound-potential, then the touch-potential was produced. \Vhen the
iikiisa covers up the sound-potential and the touch-potential, the
viiyu is produced. Similarly the other bhiitas and qualities are pro-
duced. The tanmiitras are also called avise~as. From the vaikiirika
or siittvika-aha'f!lkiira are produced the five cognitive and the five
conative senses and the manas 1 •
These gw_zas work in mutual co-operation, and thereby produce
the cosmic egg like a water-bubble. From this cosmic egg, the
k~etrajiia called Brahmii-also called Hiranyagarbha (the four-faced
God)-is produced. This god loses His body at the time of each
pralaya and gains a new body at the time of a new creation 2 • The
cosmic egg is covered by water, light, heat, air, iikiila, blzutiidi,
mahat, and avyakta. The eight prakrtis are also spoken of, and
probably the cosmic egg is the eighth cover3 •
This is Jifferent from other accounts. No function is ascribed to the
riijasa alw1Jlkiira, from which the conati\·e senses are generally derived.
2 V iiyu Puriir_za, 4· 68.
3 The passage is obscure, as it is difficult to find out exactly what these eight

prakrtis are. Ibid. 4· 77-78.

XXIII) Vayu PuraQ.a 5°5
In Chapter VIII it is said that rajas remains as the dynamic
principle inherent in sattva and tamas, just as oil remains in seas
amum. It is further said that Mahesvara entered the pradhana
and puru~a, and with the help of the dynamic principle of rajas
produced a disturbance in the equilibrium of the prakrti 1 • By the
disturbance of the gu1}as three gods are produced, from rajas
Brahma, from tamas Agni, and from sattva Vi~I)U. The Agni is also
identified with kala or Time.
The Vayu Pura1}a also describes the nature of mahesvara-yoga2•
This is said to be constituted of five elements or dharmas, such as
pra1}ayama, dhyana, pratyahara, dlzara1}a, and smara'f}a. Pra1}ayama
is of three kinds, manda, madhyama, and uttama. Manda is of
twelve matras, madhyama of twenty-four, and uttama of thirty-six.
When the vayu is once controlled by gradual practice, then all sins
are burnt and all bodily imperfections are removed. By dhyana
one should contemplate the qualities of God. Then pra1}iiyama is
said to bring about four kinds of results: (i) santi, (ii) prasanti,
(iii) dipti, and (iv) prasiida. Santi means the washing away of sins
derived from impurities from parents and from the association of
one's relations. Prasanti means the destruction of personal sins, as
greed, egotism, etc. Dipti means the rise of a mystical vision by
which one can see past, present and future and come in contact
with the wise sages of the past and become like Buddha. Prasada
means the contentment and pacification of the senses, sense-objects,
mind, and the five vayus.
The process of pra1}iiyama beginning with asana is also de-
scribed. Pratyahara is regarded as the control of one's desires and
dharma is regarded as the fixing of the mind on the tip of the nose,
or the middle of the eyebrows, or at a point slightly higher than
that. Through pratyahara the influence of external objects is
negated. By dhyiina one perceives oneself like the sun or the moon,
i.e. there is an unobstructed illumination. The various miraculous
powers that the yogi attains are called the upasargas and it is
urged that one should always try to keep oneself free from the
callings of these miraculous powers. The various objects of dhyana
I It has been noted before that the creation of the material world proceeded
from the tiimasa ahmpkiira, and that of the cognitive and conative senses from
the siittl:ika aha'!lkiira. The riijasa aha'!lkiira was not regarded as producing any-
thing, but merely as a moment leading to disturbance of eq~ilibrium. See also
Viiyu Purii7Ja, 5· 9· lbzd. chap. II-IS.
so6 Philosophical Speculations of Selected Purii'l}aS [cH.
are regarded as heing the elements originating from the earth,
manas and buddlzi. The Yogin has to take these objects one by m1e,
and then to leave them off, so that he may not be attached to any
one of them. \Vhen he does so and becomes unattached to any one
of these seven and concentrates on l\lahesvara associated with
omniscience, contentment, beginningless knowledge, absolute
freedom (sviitantrya), unobstructed power, and infinite power, he
attains Brahman. So the ultimate object of Yoga realization is 1 the
attainment of Brahmahood as l\1ahesvara which is also called
apavarga 2 •
In the Jl,fiirka1}{ieya Purii1}a, yoga is described as a cessation of
aji'iiina through knowledge, which is, on the one hand, emancipa-
tion and unity with Brahman, and, on the other, dissociation from
the gu1}as of prakrti 3 • All sorrows are due to attachment. \Vith the
cessation of attachment there is also the cessation of the feeling of
identifying all things with oneself (mamatva); and this leads to
happiness. True knowledge is that which leads to emancipation,
all else is ajiiiina. By experiencing the fruits of virtues and vices
through the performance of duties and other actions, through the
accumulation of fruits of past harman (apiirva), and through the
exhaustion of certain others, there is the bondage of karma. The
emancipation from karma, therefore, can only result from an
opposite procedure. The pra~1iiyiima is supposed to destroy sins 4 •
In the ultimate stage the yogi becomes one with Brahman, just as
water thrown in water becomes one with it 5 . There is no reference
here to clzitta-vrtti-nirodlza as yoga.
Vasudeva is described here as the ultimate Brahman, who by
His creative desire has created everything through the power of
time. Through this power He separated the two entities of pra-
There is no reference in the chapters on yoga of the Vtlyu Purii~za to t'!tli-
nirodha and kai·valya.
2 There is a chapter both in the V ayu Puriir.za and in the Jl!iirka1}l}eya

Puu11}a on ari~!a, similar to what is found in the Jayt1khya-sa1Jzhitii where signs

are described by which the yogin is to know the time of his death, though the
description of his death is entirely different from that given in the other two works.
jiiiina-piin·o 'L·iyogo yo'jiianena saha yogina!z I sa muktir brahma~zii cai'kyam
anaikya1Jz priik!tair gu1}ail,z. II .\liirka1}l}eya Pzmi1}a, 39. 1.
The method of prtl~ziiyama and other processes of )'Oga is more or less the
same as that found in the V aru Purtlna.
6 ]I,Jiirka~zljeya Purtl~za, 40~ .p. .
The Jltirka1}l}eya Purii~za, in this connection, says that the yogin should know
the approach of his death by the signs described in ch. 40, so that he may antici-
pate it and may not get dispirited.
XXIII] Naradiya Pural)a
dhiina and puru~a from within Himself and connected them both.
The first entity that emerged from prakrli in this creative process
was mahal, from which emerged aha'f!Zkiira, and from which again
emerged sattva, rajas and lamas. From lamas came the five lan-
miilras and the five bhiltas; from rajas came the ten senses and the
buddhi. From sattva came the presiding gods of the senses and the
manas 1 • It is further said that Vasudeva exists in the prakrli and the
puru~as and all the effects, both as pervading through them and also
separate from them, that is, He is both immanent and transcendent.
Even when He exists as pervading through them, He is not in any
way touched by their limitations and impurities. True knowledge is
that which takes account of the nature of all those which have
emanated from Vasudeva in their specific forms as prakrli, purUfa,
etc., and also of Vasudeva in His pure and transcendent form 2•
It should be noted that in the Padma Puriitza there is a mention
of brahma-bhakli, which is either kiiyika, viicika and miinasika or
laukiki, vaidiki and iidhyiilmiki. This iidhyiilmiki-bhakli is further
subdivided into the sii'!lkhya-bltakli and yoga-bhakli3 • The know-
ledge of twenty-four principles and of their distinction from the
ultimate principle called puru~a, as also of the relation among
puru~a and prakrli and the individual soul, is known as Sii'f!Zkhya-
bhakli4. Practice of priitzayiima and meditation upon the Lord
Brahma constitute the yoga-bhakli5 • The term bhakli is here used
in a very special sense.
In Niiradiya Purii1Ja NarayaQa is said to be the Ultimate
Reality, that is, if seen in theological perspective it n1ay be said to
create from itself Brahma the creator, Vi~QU the protector and
preserver, and Rudra the destroyer6 • This Ultimate Reality has
also been called Jl,f ahii-vi~tzu 7 • It is through his characteristic
power that the universe is created. This sakli or power is said to be
both of the type of existence and non-existence, both vidyii and
a·vidyii 8 • \Vhen the universe is seen as dissociated from Mahii-
vi~tzu, the vision is clearly due to avidyii ingrained in us; when, on
the other hand, the consciousness of the distinction between the
knower and the known disappears and only the consciousness of

1 Skanda Purii~za, II. 9- 24, verses 1-10. Ibid. verses 65-74.
3 4
Padma Purii7Ja, I. 15, verses 164-177· Ibid. verses 177-186.
5 6
Ibid. verses I87-190. Niiradzya Purii7Ja, I. 3· 4·
Ibid. verse 9· Ibid. verse 7.
soB Philosophical Speculations of Selected Purii:l:zas [cH.

unity pervades, it is due to vidya (it is vidya itself)!. And just as

Hari permeates or pervades through the universe, so also does His
sakti2 • Just as the quality of heat exists by pervading, i.e. as in and
through Agni its support, even so the sakti of Hari can never be
dissociated from Him 3 . This sakti exists in the form of vyakta-
vyakta, pervading the whole universe. prakrti, puru~a and kala are
her first manifestations 4 • As this sakti is not separate from Maha-
vir~u, it is said that at the time of first or orjginal creation J.\;laha-
vinzu, being desirous of creating the universe, becomes, i.e. takes
the forms of pralqti, puru~a and kala. From prakrti, disturbed by
the presence of the puru~a, comes out mahat, and from mahat comes
into existence buddlzi, and from buddhi, ahattzkara5 •
This Ultimate Principle has also been called Vasudeva, who is
said to be the ultimate knowledge and the ultimate goal 6 •
Sorrow or misery of three kinds is necessarily experienced by
all beings born in the universe-and the only remedy that sets them
free from misery is the final obtaining of the Lord (or God)i. The
ways to find God are two, the way of knowledge (jiliina) and that of
action (karma). This jiiana springs up either from the learning of
scriptural texts or from 'l:i·veka (discriminative knowledge) 8 •
Niiradzya Purii1Ja, 1. 3, Yerses 7-9.
2 I bid. yerse I 2.
It should be distinctly noted here that the creation of the universe has been
attributed to Hari through the upiidhi m·idyii, \\ hich is His own iakti. The \\hole
account sounds the note of the Vedanta philosophy. The following line should be
particularly noted:
avidyo-piirlhi-yogena tathe'dam akhilm!l jagat. Ibid. 3· I2.
And this line should be read with the previous verse-
visnu-sakti-samudblnltam etat san·am canl.-c·aram
y~;miid bhinnam idam sarvaf!l yacce;gm_n yac~a te1igati
upiidhibhir yathii' kiiSo bhinnatz:ena pratiyate.
Ibid. verses I o- I I.
3 4
Ibid. verse I3. Ibid. '-·crsc I7.
6 Ibid. verses 28, 3 I. 6 J/;id. verse 8o.
7 For the concept of antaryiimin see verse 26 of Adhyiiya 3 and also verse 48

of Adhyiiya 33·
8 Niiradzya Purii1Ja, verses 4, S· ·

utpatti'!l pralayal!l cai'1:a bhiitiiniim agatil!l gati'!l

·vetti ·vidyiim m:idyiil!l ca sa ·viicyo bhagm·iin iti
j71iina-sakti-balai-s·varya-'l·lrya-tejii1!ZSY aie~ata!z
bhaga·vac-sabda-'l·t1.cyo'ya7Jz "L·inii heyair gm}t'i-dibhi!z
sarvm.n hi tatra bhzltiini 't·asanti paramii-tmani
blzute~u 't'asate siintar 'l·iisudn·as tata?z smrta?z.
bhme~u 'l'asate siintar 't·asanty at1a ca tr'ini yat
dhiitii ·l'idhiitii jagatii7.n 't'iisudn•as tatas smrtab.
Ibid. 1. 46, verses 2 I-2.1.
The attributes of Vasudeva are described in following four verses. It should
also be noted that Bhagavan means Vasudeva. (Ibid. verse I9.)
XXIII] Kiirma Pural).a
yoga is also defined in the next chapter. It is described as
Brahma-laya. The manas is the cause of bondage and emancipation.
Bondage means association with sense-objects, and emancipation
means dissociation from them. When, like a magnet, the self draws
the mind inside and directs its activities in an inward direction and
ultimately unites with Brahman, that is called yoga 1 •
Vi!?I).U is described as having three kinds of sakti (power): para
or ultimate, the aparii (which is identical with individual efforts),
and a third power which is called vidyii and karma 2 • All energies
belong to Vi!?Q.U, and it is through His energies that all living beings
are moved into activity 3 •
The word bhakti has also been used in another chapter in
the sense of Jraddhii, and is held to be essential for all the various
actions of life4 •
According to the Kurma Purii1Ja it seems that God exists firstly
as the unmanifested, infinite, unknowable and ultimate director.
But He is also called the unmanifested, eternal, cosmic cause which
is both being and non-being and is identified with prakrti. In this
aspect He is regarded as para-brahman, the equilibrium of the three
gul}as. In this state the puru~a exists within Himself as it were, and
this is also called the state of priikrta-pralaya. From this state of
unmanifestedness God begins to assert Himself as God and enters
into prakrti and puru~a by His own inner intimate contact. This
existence of God may be compared with the sex-impulse in man or
woman which exists within them and manifests itself only as a
creative impulse although remaining one and the same with them
all the while. It is for this reason that God is regarded as both
passive (k~obhya) and dynamic (k~obhaka). It is therefore said that
God behaves as prakrti by self-contraction and dilatation. From
the disturbed prakrti and the puru~a sprang up the seed of mahat,
which 1s of the nature of both pradhiina and puru~a (pradhiina
iitma-prayatna-siipek~ii 'l:isi~tii
yii ma1lo-gatilz
tasyii brahmm;i sa'f!lyogo yoga ity abhidhryate.
Niiradlya Purii7Ja, 47· 7·
There is also a description of prii7Jiiyiima, yama, and ni'yama, etc., from
v. 8 to v. zo.
2 Ibid. I. 47, verses 36-38. 3
Ibid. verses 47-49. ' Ibid. I, verse 4·
6 Kurma Purii7Ja contains the following verse:

mahesvara!z paro'vyaktas catur-'L')lilha!z saniitanalz

anantas ca'prameyas ca ni):antii sm·vato-mukhal:z. (4. 5.)
Two points should be noted here. Firstly, that the Ultimate Reality has been
called Mahesvara and not Vi!?DU. Secondly, catur-vyilha is one of the ad-
jectives mentioned in this verse to explain the nature of that Ultimate Reality.
510 Philosophical Speculations of Selected Purii~zas [cH.

puru~iit-makam). From this came into existence mahat, also called

iitman, mali, brahmii, prabuddhi, khyiiti, lsvara, prajiiii, dh!li,
sm!li, samvit. From this mahat came out the threefold aha~nkiira­
vaikarika, taijasa and bhutiidi (also called tiimasa aha~nkiira). This
aha~nkiira is also called abhimiina, kartii, manta, and iitman, for all
our efforts spring from this.
It is said that there is a sort of cosmic mind called manas which
springs directly from the avyakta and is reg2rded as the first pro-
duct which superintends the evolution of the tiimasa aha~nkiira into
its products 1 . This manas is to be distinguished from the manas or
the sense which is the product of both the taijasa and vaikiirika
Two kinds of views regarding the evolution, the tanmiitras and
the bhiltas, are given here in succession, which shows that the
Kurma Purii1Ja must have been revised; and the second view, which
is not compatible with the first, was incorporated at a later stage.
These two views are as follows:
(I) Bhiltiidi has, in its development, created the sabda-miitra,
from which sprang into existence the iikiisa, which has sound as its
quality. The sparsa-miitra was created from the iikiisa, develop-
ing itself; and from the sparsa-tanmiitra came out 1.:iiyu, \\·hich,
consequently has sparsa as its quality. Viiyu, in the state of de-
velopment, created the rfi.pa-miitra from which came into existence
jyoti (light-heat), which has colour (rupa) as its quality. From this
jyoti, in the condition of development, sprang up rasa-miitra (taste-
potential), \vhich created \Vater, which has taste for its quality. The
water, in the state of development, created the smell-potential
(gandha-miitra), from which came into existence the conglomera-
tion, which has smell as its quality.
(z) Akiisa as the sound-potential covered up the touch-
potential, and from this sprang up ~.!iiyu, which has therefore two
qualities-the sound and touch. Both the qualities, sabda and
sparsa, entered the colour-potential, whence sprang up the vahni
(fire), with three qualities-the sabda, the sparsa, and the riipa.
These qualities, viz. sabda, sparsa and riipa, entered the taste-
potential, whence came into existence water having four qualities
nzanas tv avyakta-ja'f!l pro'kla'f!Z 'l'ikiiral:z prathama~z smrtal:z
yenii'sau jiiyate kartii bhfitii-diiJlS cii'nupaiyati.
Kzlrma Purii~za, 4· 2 1.
XXIII) Kiirma PuraQa 511

-sabda, sparsa, rupa and rasa. These four qualities entered smell-
potential, from which sprang into existence gross bhumi (the earth),
which has all the five qualities of sabda, sparsa, rupa, rasa, and
Mahat, ahmrzkiira and the five tanmiitras are in themselves un-
able to produce the orderly universe, which is effected through the
superintendence of the puru~a (puru~ii-dh~thitatviic ca) and by the
help of avyakta (avyaktii-nugrahe1Ja). The universe thus created has
seven coverings. The production of the universe, and its mainten-
ance and ultimate dissolution, are all effected through the playful
activity (sva-lilayii) of God for the benefit of his devotees 1 •
1 The God is called NarayaQ.a, because He is the ultimate support of all
human beings:
narii~iim ayana1Jl. yasmiit tena niiriiya~as smrta!z.
Kurma Purii~a, IV. 62.

THE materialistic philosophy known as the Lokiiyata, the Ciirviika

or the Biirhaspatya is probably a very old school of thought. In the
Svetiisvatara Upani~ad a number of heretical views are referred to
and among these we find the doctrine which regarded matter or the
elements (bhutiini) as the ultimate principle. The name Lokiiyata
is also fairly old. It is found in Kautilya's Artha-siistra, where it is
counted with Sarpkhya and Yoga as a logical science (iim:lk~iki)l.
Rhys Davids has collected a number of Pali passages in which the
word Lokiiyata occurs and these have been utilized in the dis-
cussion below 2 • Buddhaghoso speaks of Lokiiyata as a 'l-'itar_ujii-
viida-sattlza'f!l3. Vita~ujii means tricky disputation and it is defined
in the 1Vyaya-sutra, 1. 2. 3, as that kind of tricky logical discussion
(jalpa) which is intended only to criticize the opponent's thesis
without establishing any other counter-thesis (sii pratipak~a- ·
sthiipanii-hinii vita~ujii), and it is thus to be distinguished from
viida which means a logical discussion undertaken in all fairness for
upholding a particular thesis. Vita~z{lii, however, has no thesis to
uphold, but is a kind ofjalpa or tricky argument which seeks to impose
a defeat on the opponent by wilfully giving a wrong interpretation
of his words and arguments (chala ), by adopting false and puzzling
analogies (jiiti), and thus to silence or drive him to self-contradic-
tion and undesirable conclu~ions (nigralza-stlziina) by creating an
atmosphere of confusion. But vitar.z~lii cannot then be a 1-·iida, for
viida is a logical discussion for the ascertainment of truth, and thus
the word vitm.ujii-viida would be self-contradictory. Jayanta, how-
ever, points out that the Buddhists did not make any distinction
1 Kautilya, Artha-siistra, 1. I.
2 Dialogues of the Buddha, vol. I, p. I66. In recent times two Italian scholars,
Dr Piszzagalli and Prof. Tucci, have written two works called Niistika, Ciin·iika
Lokayatika and Linee di una storia del ..'l/aterialismo bzdiano respccti\·ely in which
theyattempttodiscoverthemeaningofthe terms niistika, ciin:iika and Lokiiyata and
also the doctrines of the sects. I\lost of the Pali passages which they consider are
those already collected by Rhys Davids.
3 Ahhidlu"i1la-ppadlpika, v. I I2, repeats Buddhaghoso's words "n.tm:ufii-

saithm!l ·viiiileya1!J ya1!J lll1Jl Lokiiyatam."

The Lokiiyata, Niistika and Ciirviika 513
between a pure logical argument and a tricky disputation and used
the same word viida to denote both these forms of argument 1 • This
explains why Lokiiyata, though consisting n1erely of vita1J4ii, could
also be designated as viida in Buddhist literature. A few examples
of this vita1}t}ii are given by Buddhaghoso in the same commentary
in explaining the term "loka-khiiyikii" (lit. "popular story," but
"popular philosophy" according to P.T.S. Pali Dictionary)
-the crows are white because their bones are white, the g~ese are
red because their blood is red 2 • Such argun1ents are there
designated as being vita1}t}ii-salliipa-kathii, where salliipa and kathii
together mean conversational talk, salliipa being derived from sam
and lap. According to the definitions of the Nyiiya-sutra, 2. 18,
these would not be regarded as instances of vita1J4ii but of jati, i.e.
inference from false analogies where there is no proper con-
comitance, and not vila1Jt}ii as just explained. Rhys Davids quotes
another passage from the Sadda-niti of the Aggava1{ZSa (early twelfth
century) which, in his translation, runs as follows: "Loka means
'the common world' (biila-loka). Lokiiyata n1eans 'iiyatanti,
ussiihanti viiyamanti viidassadeniiti'; that is, they exert themselves
about it, .strive about it, through the pleasure they take in dis-
cussion. Or perhaps it means 'the world does not make any effort
(yatati) by it,' that it does not depend on it, move on by it (na
yatati na ihati vii). For living beings (sattii) do not stir up their
hearts (citta'!l na uppiidenti) by reason of that book ( ta'!l hi gandha'!l
nissiiya)3 ." Now the Lokiiyata is the book of the unbelievers
( titthia-sattha'!l ya1{tloke vita1}t}ii-sattham uccati), full of such useless
disputations as the following: "All is impure; all is not impure; the
crow is white, the crane is black; and for this reason or for that"-
the book which is known in the world as the vita1J4ii-sattha, of
which the Bodhisattva, the incomparable leader, Vidhura the
Pundit, said: "Follow not the Lokiiyata, that works not for the

ity udahrtam ida'!l kathii-trayaTJl yat paraspara-vivikta-lakia7Jam

sthiilam apy anavalokya kathyate viida eka iti iiikya-.f#yakaifz.
Nyiiya-manjarl, p. 596.
2 Sumangala-vilasinl, I. 90, 91.
3 This translation is inexact. There is no reference to any book in the Pali

passage; in the previous sentence there was a word viidassiidana which was
translate~ as "through the pleasure they take in discussion," whereas the literal
translation would be "by the taste (assiida) of the disputation," and here it
means " pursuing that smell" people do not turn their minds to virtuous
Dill 33
Appendix to Volume I
progress in merit 1 ." Thus, from the above and from many other
passages from the Pali texts it is certain that the Lokiiyata means a
kind of tricky disputation, sophistry or casuistry practised by the
non-Buddhists which not only did not lead to any useful results but
did not increase true wisdom and led us away from the path of
Heaven and of release. The common people \Vere fond of such
tricky discourses and there was a systematic science (Siistra or
sattha) dealing with this subject, despised by the Buddhists and
called the ~·itm;ujii-sattlza 2 • Lokiiyata is counted as a science along
with other sciences in Diglzanikiiya, 111. 1. 3, and also in A1iguttara,
I. 163, and in the Di·vyii~·adiina it is regarded as a special branch of
study which had a bhii~ya and a pravacana (commentaries and
annotations on it) 3 •
There seems to be a good deal of uncertainty regarding the
meaning of the word Lokiiyata. It consists of two words, lolw and
iiyata or ayata; iiyata may be derived as ii + ym!z + kta or from
ii + yat (to make effort)+ a either in the accusative sense or in the
sense of the verb itself, and ayata is formed with the negative
particle a and yat (to make effort). On the passage in the Agga-
va~nsa which has already been referred to, it is derived firstly as
a+ yatanti (makes great effort) and the synonyms given are
ussiilzanti viiyamanti, and secondly as a+ yatanti, i.e. by which
people cease to make efforts (lena loko na yatati na zhati ~·ii iokii-
yatam). But Prof. Tucci quotes a passage from Buddhaghoso's
Siirattha-pakiisini where the word iiyata is taken in the sense of
1 See Dialogues of the Buddha, I. 168. The translation is inexact. The

phrase "All is impure; all is not impure" seems to be absent in the Pali text. The
last passage quoted from Vidhura-pa~u;lita-jiitaka (Fausboll, n, p. z86) which is
one of the most ancient of the jiitakas runs as follows: "na se?.:e lokiiyatika1Jz na'
etam paiiiiiiya vaddlzana1Jz." The unknown commentator describes the lokiiyatika
as " lokayiitikan ti anattha-nissitam sagga-maggiinii'!l adiiyaka'!l ani'yyiinikam
vitm;rja-salliipam lokiiyatika-'l•iida1!Z na se'l.·eyya." The Lokiiyata leads to mis-
chievous things and cannot lead to the path of Heaven or that of release and is
only a tricky disputation which does not increase true wisdom .
•2 Rhys Davids seems to make a mistake in supposing that the word l 'idaddlw
in Vidaddhan"idi is only the same word as 'l'ita~ujii wrongly spclt (Dialogues of the
Buddha, 1. 167) in the Atthasiilinz, pp. 3, 90, 92, 241. The word 'l'idaddha is
not 'l'itm;rjc"i but 7.ndagdha which is entirely differ~nt from 7.·ita~ujii.
lokiiyata'!l bhii~ya-pravacanam, Di·vyii'l.·adiina, p. 630; also clzandas£ 'l'ii
'l•yiikarm;e 'l'ii lokiiyate ·vii pramii~za-mtmii'!lsii)'ii'f!l 'l.'ii na cai-~iim iihii-pohab pra-
jiziiyate. Ibid. p. 633.
It is true, however, that lokiiyata is not always used in the sense of a technical
logical science, but sometimes in its etymological sense (i.e. what is prc\·alcnt
among the people, loke~u ayato lokii-yatab) as in Di7.')'ii'L·adiina, p. 619, where we
find the phrase "lokt"iyata-yajiia-mautre~u ni~~zcllab."
The Lokiiyata, N iistika and Ciirviika
ayatana (basis), and lokayata according to this interpretation means
"the basis of the foolish and profane world 1 ." The other meaning
of lokayata would be loke~u ayata, i.e. that which is prevalent
among the common people, and this meaning has been accepted by
Cowell in his translation of Sarva-darsana-saf!lgraha and here the
derivation would be from a+ yam+ kta (spreading over) 2 • The
Amara-ko~a only mentions the word and says that it is to be in the
neuter gender as lokayatam. It seems that there are two lokayata
words. One as adjective meaning "prevalent in the world or
among the common people" and another as a technical word
meaning "the science of disputation, sophistry and casuistry"
(vitm:u;la-vada-satthaf!l); but there seems to be no evidence that the
word was used to mean "nature-lore," as suggested by Rhys
Davids and Franke, or "polity or political science" as suggested
by other scholars. The Sukra-niti gives a long enumeration of the
science and arts that were studied and in this it counts the nastika-
sastra as that which is very strong in logical arguments and regards
all things as proceeding out of their own nature and considers that
there are no \Tedas and no god 3 • l\ledhatithi, in commenting upon
Manu, VII. 43, also refers to the tarka-vidya of the Carvakas, and all
the older references that have been discussed show that there was
a technical science of logic and sophistry called the Lokayata.
Fortunately we have still further conclusive evidence that the
Lokayata-sastra with its commentary existed as early as the time
of Katyayana, i.e. about 300 B.c. There is a Vartika rule associated
with vn. 3· 45 "van;aka-tanta·ve upasaf!lkhyanam," that the word
'lJan;aka becomes van:zaka in the feminine to mean a blanket or a
wrapper (pra·cara~a), and Patafijali (about 150 B.c.), in inter-
. preting this vartika sutra, says N-lat the object of restricting the
formation of the word var~aka only to the sense of a cotton or
woollen wrapper is that in other senses the feminine form would

1 Linee di una storia del l•.1."aterialismo lndiano, p. 17. Siirattha-pakiisinl

(Bangkok), 11. 96.
2 Rhys Davids describes lokiiyata as a branch of Brahmanic learning,

probably Nature-lore, wise sayings, riddles, rhymes and theories, handed down
by tradition, as to the cosmogony, the clements, the stars, the weather, scraps of
astronomy, of elementary physics, even of anatomy, and knowledge of the nature
of precious stones, and of birds and beasts and plants (Dialogues of the Buddha,
1. 171). Franke translates it as "logische beweisende Naturerklarung," Digha, 19.
3 yuktir vauyasi yatra sarva1Jz svtibhavika1Jl mala1Jl-kasyii'pi ne'i·varal:z kartii na

•vedo niistika1Jl hi tat. Sukra-11Ui-siira, IV. 3· 55·

Appendix to Volume I
be van.zikii or varttikii (e.g. meaning a commentary) as in the case
of the Bhiiguri commentary on the Lokiiyata-van.zikii bhiiguri-
lokiiyatasya, vartikii bhiiguri lokiiyatasya 1 • Thus it seems to be
quite certain that there was a book called the Lokiiyata on which
there was at least one commentary earlier than 150 B.C. or even
earlier than 300 B.c., the probable date of Katyayana, the author of
the viirttika-sutra. Probably this was the old logical work on dis-
putation and sophistry, for no earlier text is known to us in which
the Lokiiyata is associated with materialistic doctrines as may be
found in later literature, where Ciirviika and Lokiiyata are identified 2 •
Several sutras are found quoted in the commentaries of Kamalaslla,
J ayanta, Prabhacandra, GuQ.aratna, etc. from the seventh to the
fourteenth century and these are attributed by some to Ciirviika
by others to Lokiiyata and by GuQ.aratna (fourteenth century) to
Brhaspati3 • Kamalaslla speaks of two different commentaries on
these sutras on two slightly divergent lines which correspond to the
division of dhurta Carvaka and susik~ita Carvaka in the Nyiiya-
maiijari. Thus it seems fairly certain that there was at least one
commentary on the Lokiiyata which was probably anterior to
Pataiijali and Katyayana; and by the seventh century the lokiiyata
or the C iirviika-sutras had at least two commentaries representing
two divergent schools of interpretation. In addition to this there
was a work in verse attributed to Brhaspati, quotations from which
have been utilized for the exposition of the Carvaka system in the
Sarva-darsana-satJlgraha. It is difficult, however, to say how and
when this older science of sophistical logic or of the art of disputa-
tion became associated with materialistic theories and revolu-
tionary doctrines of morality, and came to be hated by Buddhism,
Jainism and Hinduism alike. Formerly it was hated only by the
Buddhists, whereas the Brahmins are said to have learnt this science
as one of the various auxiliary branches of study 4 •
It is well known that the cultivation of the art of disputation is
very old in India. The earliest systematic treatise of this is to be
found in the Caraka-satJZhitii (first century A.D.) which is only a
1 Patafijali's Mahii-bhii~ya on Pii'}ini, VII. 3· 45, and Kaiyata's commentary
on it.
2 tan-niimiini ciirviika-lokiiyate-ty-iidzni. Guryaratna's commentary on $aif.-

darsana-samuccaya, p. 300. Lokiiyata according to Guryaratna means those who

behave like the common undiscerning people-/okii nirviciiriib siimiinyii
lokiis tadviid iicaranti sma iti lokiiyatii lokiiyatikii ity api.
Ibid. p. 307, Tattva-sa7JZgraha, p. 520. ' Aiiguttara, 1. 163.
The Lokayata, Niistika and Ciirviika 517
revision of an earlier text (Agnivesa-sa1JZhitii), which suggests the
existence of such a discussion in the first or the second century B.C.
if not earlier. The treatment of this art of disputation and sophistry
in the Nyiiya-sutras is well known. Both in the Ayur-veda and in
the Nyaya people made it a point to learn the sophistical modes of
disputation to protect themselves from the attacks of their op-
ponents. In the Kathii-vatthu also we find the practical use of this
art of disputation. We hear it also spoken of as hetu-viida and copious
reference to it can be found in the Mahiibhiirata 1 • In the Asva-
medha-parvan of the Mahiibhiirata we hear of hetu-viidins (sophists or
logicians) who were trying to defeat one another in logical disputes2 •
Perhaps the word viikoviikya in the Chiindogya Upan#ad, vn. I. 2,
vn. 2. I, vn. 7. I, also meant some art of disputation. Thus it seems
almost certain that the practice of the art of disputation is very old.
One other point suggested in this connection is that it is possible
that the doctrine of the orthodox Hindu philosophy, that the
ultimate truth can be ascertained only by an appeal to the scriptural
texts, since no finality can be reached by arguments or inferences,
because what may be proved by one logician may be controverted
by another logician and that disproved by yet another logician, can
be traced to the negative influence of the sophists or logicians who
succeeded in proving theses which were disproved by others, whose
findings were further contradicted by more expert logicians3 • There
were people who tried to refute by arguments the Vedic doctrines
of the immortality of souls, the existence of a future world either
as rebirth or as the pitr-yiina or the deva-yiina, the efficacy of the
Vedic sacrifices and the like, and these logicians or sophists
(haituka) who reviled the Vedas were called niistikas. Thus, Manu
says that the Brahmin who through a greater confidence in the
science of logic (hetu-siistra) disregards the authority of the Vedas
and the smrti are but niistikas who should be driven out by good
1 Mahiibhiirata, III. 13034, v. 1983; XIII. 789, etc.
2 /bid. XIV. 85. 27.
3 Compare Brahma-sutra " tarkii-prati~!hiiniid apy anyathii-numiinam iti ced
e1:am api avimok~a-prasmigal:z." II. 1. I I .
Sankara also says: yasmiin niriigamiil:z puruio-prekiii-miitra-nibandhanii/1
tarkiil:z a prati~!hitii bhavanti utprekiiiyiil:z nirankuiatviit kair apy utprek#tiil:z
santal;z tato'nyair iibhiisyante iti na prati~!hitatva7]2 tarkiina'!' iakyam airayitum.
Vacaspati, commenting on the commentary of Sari.kara, quotes from Vakya-
padrya: yatnenii' numito' py arthal:z kuialair anumii!rbhil:z abhiyuktatarair anyair
anyathai'vo' papiidyate.
Appendix to ~rolume I
men 1 . The Blziigavata-purii~za again says that one should neither
follow the Vedic cult, nor he a heretic (pa~a~uji, by which the
Buddhists and Jains were meant), nor a logician (lzaituka) and take
the cause of one or the other party in dry logical disputations 2 •
Again, in ~!anu, IV. 30, it is said that one should not even speak
with the heretics (pa~wujino), transgressors of caste disciplines
(vikarmasthiin ), hypocrites ('L"airjiila-'L·ratika ), double-dealers and
sophists (haituka) 3 . These haitukas, sophists or logicians thus in-
dulged in all kinds of free discussions and controverted the \yedic
doctrines. They could not he the ~aiyayikas or the i\limatpsists
who were also sometimes called lzaituka and tarki because they
employed their logical reasonings in accordance with the Yedic
doctrines 4 • Thus we reach another stage in our discussion in ·.\"hich
we discover that the haitukas used sophistical reasonings not only
in their discussions, hut also for repudiating the Yedic, and pro-
bably also the Buddhistic doctrines, for which they were hated both
hy the Yedic people and the Buddhists; and thus the sophistical or
logical science of disputation and criticism of \y edic or Buddhistic
doctrines grew among the Brahmanic people and was cultivated by
the Brahmins. This is testified hy ~1arzu, II. I I, where Brahmins
are said to take this hetu-siistra, and this also agrees with Ariguttara,
1. I 63, and other Buddhistic texts.
But who were these niistikas and were they identical with the
lzaitukas? The word is irregularly formed according to Par_1ini's
rule, IV. 460 (asti-nasti-di~!m!Z mali~)- Patanjali, in his commentary,
explains the word iistika as meaning one who thinks" it exists" and
niistika as one who thinks "it docs not exist." J ayaditya, in his
Kasikii commentary on the above siitra, explains iistika as one who
believes in the existence of the other world (para-lolw), niistika as
one who does not believe in its existence, and di~!ika as one who
believes only 'vhat can he logically demonstrated 5 • But we ha,·e the
yo'•vamanyeta te mule hetu-siistrii-srayiid d·l"i.ia!1 I sa siidhubhir v:ahi~-kc"iryo
nc"istiko v·eda-nindaka[l. Jlanu, II. 1 J.
2 t·eda-viida-rato na syc"in na pii~and ina haituka}_z I iu~ka-v:uda-v:iv·iide na

kaii cit pak~m!l samiisrayet. BhiiRat·ata, XI. 18. JO.

3 l\ledhatithi here describes the lwitukas as niistikas, or those who do not

believe in the future world (para-loka) or in the sacrificial creed. Thus he says,
haitukii. nastikii niisti paraloko, niisti dattam, nc"isti hutam ity ev·a'!z sthita-praJiiii!z.
4 Jl1anu, xn. 111.
5 paralokab asti'ti yaS)'a matir asti sa iistikafz, tadn"parito nc"istika?z; pramc1-

1}ii-nupiitinl yasya mati}_z sa di~tika}_z. Kiisiku on Pal)ini, IV. 4· 6o. Jayiiditya lived
in the first half of the seventh century.
The Lokiiyata, Nastika and Ciirviika 5'9
definition of niistika in lV1anu's own words as one who controverts
the Vedic doctrines (veda-nindaka 1 ). Thus the word niistika means,
firstly, those who do not believe in the existence of the other world
or life after death, and, secondly, those who repudiate the Vedic
doctrines. These two views, however, seem to be related to each
other, for a refu~al to believe in the Vedic doctrines is equivalent to
the denial of an after-life for the soul and also of the efficacy of the
sacrifice. The niistika view that there is no other life after the
present one and that all consciousness ceases with death seems to be
fairly well established in the U pani!?adic period; and this view the
Upani!?ads sought to refute. Thus, in the Katha Upani~ad Naciketa
says that there are grave doubts among the people whether one does
or does not exist after death, and he was extremely anxious to have
a final and conclusive answer from Yama, the lord of death2 •
Further on Yama says that those who are blinded with greed think
only of this life and do not believe in the other life and thus con-
tinually fall victims to death3 • Again, in the Brhad-iirm:zyaka
Upani~ad (11. 4· 12, IV. 5· 13) a view is referred to by Yajfiavalkya
that consciousness arises from the elements of matter and vanishes
along with them and that there is no consciousness after death 4 •
J ayanta says in his Nyiiya-maiijari that the Lokiiyata system was
based on views expressed in passages like the above which repre-
sent only the opponent's (piir'vu-pa~a) view 5 • Jayanta further states
in the same passage that no duties are prescribed in the lokiiyata;
it is only a work of tricky disputation (vaita1}r;lika-kathai'vii'sau) and
not an iigama6 •
References to the niistikas are found also in the Buddhist litera-
1 Jl.fanu, 11. 11. Medhatithi in explaining niistikii'-kriintam (Manu, VIII. 22)
identifies niistikas with lokiiyatas who do not believe in the other world. Thus
he says, yathii ndstikai/:z para-lokii-paviidibhir lokiiyatikii-dyair iikriintam. But in
Manu, IV. 163, niistikya is explained by him as meaning the view that the Vedic
doctrines are false: 'i:eda-pramar:rakiiniim arthiinii'!l mithyiitvii-dhyavasiiyasya
niistikya-iabdena pratipiidanam.
:: ye'yam prete 'f.:icikitsii manzJF)'e astf'ty eke nii'yam astl'ti cai'ke, etad-vidyiim
anuii$1as t'l.·ayii' ha'!l varii~zii'!l eFa 'fJaras trtzyah. Katha, 1. 20.
3 na siimpariiyal:z pratibhiiti biila'!l pramiidy-anla'!l 'l.'itta-mohena miitfham; a}'a1f1
loko niisti para iti miinf punah punar vaiam iipadyate me. Ibid. II. 6.
4 vijiiiina-ghana e'l'a etebhyal:z bhiitebhyo samutthiiya tiiny evii'nuvinaiyati, na

pretya samjiiii'lti ity are brm:lmi. Brhad-iirar:ryaka, II. 4· 12.

li tad e'l.'a7fl pr1rva-pakFa-vacana-mz1latviit lokiiyata-iiistram api na svatantram.
Nyiiya-maiijarf, p. 271, V.S. Series, 1895·
e nahi lokiiyate ~iii cit kartavyam upadiiyate vaitar:rtfika-kathai'va'san na
punal:z kai cid iigama/:z. Ibid. p. 270.
520 Appendix to Volume I
ture. The P.T.S. Pali Dictionary explains the meaning of the word
natthika as one who professes the motto of "natthi," a sceptic,
nihilist, and natthika-ditthi as scepticism or nihilistic view. It may,
however, seem desirable here to give brief accounts of some of the
heretics referred to in Buddhistic literature who could in some
sense or other be regarded as sceptics or nihilists. Let us first take
up the case of PuraQa Kassapa described in Digha Nikaya, 11. 16,
17. Buddhaghoso, in commenting on the Digha Nikaya,I 1. 2, in
his Sumangala-vilasini, says that, in a family which had ninety-nine
servants, Kassapa was the hundredth servant and he having thus
completed (piirat;a) the hundredth number was called by his master
piira7Ja (the completer), and Kassapa was his family name. He fled
away from the family and on the way thieves robbed him of his
cloth and he somehow covered himself with grass and entered a
village. But the villagers finding him naked thought him to be a
great ascetic and began to treat him with respect. Fro!fl that time
he became an ascetic and five hundred people turned ascetics and
followed him. King Ajatasatru once went to this PuraQa Kassapa
and asked him what was the visible reward that could be had in this
life by becoming a recluse, and PuraQa Kassapa replied as follows:
"To him who acts, 0 king, or causes another to act, to him who
mutilates or causes another to mutilate, to him who punishes or
causes another to punish, to him who causes grief or torment, to
him who trembles or causes others to tremble, to him who kills a
living creature, who takes what is not given, who breaks into houses,
who commits dacoity, or robbery, or highway robbery, or adultery,
or who speaks lies, to him thus acting there is no guilt. If with a
discus with an edge sharp as a razor he should make all the living
creatures on the earth one heap, one mass of flesh, there would be
no guilt thence resulting, no increase of guilt would ensue. Were he
to go along the south bank of the Ganges giving alms and ordering
gifts to be given, offering sacrifices or causing them to be offered,
there would be no merit thence resulting, no increase of merit. In
generosity, in self-mastery, in .control of the senses, in speaking
truth, there is neither merit, nor increase of merit. Thus, Lord, did
PuraQa Kassapa, when asked what was the immediate advantage in
the life of a recluse, expound his theory of non-action (akiriyam)l."
This theory definitely repudiates the doctrine of karma and holds
1 Dialogues of the Buddha, 1. 6cr-7o.
The Lokiiyata, Niistika and Ciirviika 521

that there is neither virtue nor vice and thus no action can lead to
any fruit 1 • This is what is here called the doctrine of akiriya and it
is in a way an answer to the question what may be the visible re-
ward in this life of being a recluse. Since there is neither virtue nor
vice, no action can produce any meritorious or evil effect-this is
one kind of niitthikaviida. But it is wrong to confuse this akiriya2
doctrine with the doctrine of inactivity (akiiraka-viida) attributed
to Sarpkhya by Silailka in his commentary on Sutra-krtiifiga-siltra,
1. 1. 13. That akiiraka doctrine refers to the Sarpkhya view that the
souls do not participate in any kind of good or bad deeds 3 •
Let us now turn to another nihilistic teacher, viz. Ajita Kesa-
kambali. His doctrines are briefly described· in Digha, 11. 22-24,
where Ajita says: "There is no such thing as alms or sacrifice or
offering. There is neither fruit nor result of good or evil deeds.
There is no such thing as this world or the next (n' atthi ayaf!Z loko
na paro loko). There is neither father nor mother, nor beings
springing into life without them. There are in the world no recluses
or Brahmins who have reached the highest point, who walk per-
fectly and who, having understood and realized, by themselves
alone, both this world and the next, make their wisdom known to
others. A human being is built up of the four elements; when he
dies the earth in him returns and relapses to the earth, the fluid to
the water, the heat to the fire, his wind to the air, and his faculties
pass into space. The four bearers, with the bier as the fifth, take the
dead body away; till they reach the burning ground men utter
eulogies, but there his bones are bleached and his offerings end in
ashes. It is a doctrine of fools, this talk of gifts. It is an empty lie,
mere idle talk, when men say there is profit therein. Fools and wise
alike, on the dissolution of the body, are cut off, annihilated and
after death they are not." 4 Ajita Ke8akambali was so called because
he used to wear a garment made of human hair which was hot in
summer and cold in winter and was thus a source of suffering. 4
It is easy to see that Ajita Kesakambali's views were very similar to
1 Buddhaghoso, in commenting on it says, sabbathiipi piipapunniinam
kiriyam eva pafikkhipati. Sumangala-viliisinl, I. 160.
2 This has been interpreted by Dr Barua as representing the doctrine of
PuraQa Kassapa, which is evidently a blunder. Prebuddhistic Indian Philosophy,
Calcutta, 1921, p. 279.
3 bale ca pa'}l}.ite kiiyassa bhedii ucchi_jjanti vinassa11ti, na honti param mara'}ii

ti. Dfgha, 11. 23. Dialogues of the Buddha, pp. 73-'74·

' Sumangala-viliisinl, I. 144.
522 Appendix to Volume I
the views of the Carvakas as known to us from the fragments pre-
served as quotations and from accounts of them given by other
people. Thus, Ajita did not believe in the other world, in virtue or
vice, and denied that karmas produced any fruits. He, however,
believed in the view that the body was made up of four elements,
that there was no soul separate from the body, that with the de-
struction of the body everything of this life was finished, and that
there was no good in the Vedic sacrifices.
Let us now turn to the doctrine of l\'lakkhali Gosala or Mankhali-
putta Gosala or Makkhali Gosala who was a contemporary of the
Buddha and 1\-iahavfra. Buddhaghoso says that he was born in a
cow-shed (go-siila). As he grew up he was employed as a servant;
while going in the mud to bring oil he was cautioned by his master
to take care not to let his feet slip (miikhali) in the mud; but in spite
of the caution he slipped and ran away from his master, who,
following him in a rage, pulled the ends of his dlzoti, which was left
in his hands, and l\1akkhali ran away naked. Thus left naked he
afterwards became an ascetic like Purar:ta Kassapa 1 • According to
the Bhagavati-siitra, xv. I, however, he was the son of l\1akkhali
who was a mankha (a mendicant who makes his living by show-
ing pictures from house to house) and his mother's name was
Bhadda. He was born in a cow-shed and himself adopted the pro-
fession of a mankha in his youth. At his thirtieth year he met
Mahavira and after two years he became his disciple and lived with
him for six years practising penances. Then they fell out, and Mak-
khali Gosala, after practising penances for two years, obtained his
Jina-hood while l\1ahavira became a Jina two years after the attain-
ment of Jina-hood byGosala. After this Gosala continued to be a Jina
for sixteen years and Mahavira met him at the end of that period in
Savatthi where there was a quarrel between the two and Gosala
died through fever by the curse of l\Iahavira Hoernle shows in his
edition of the text and translation of U7_,·iisagadasiio, pp. I IO-I I I,
that l\1ahavira died in 450-45 I B.C. at the age of 56. l\lakkhali was
the founder of the /ljivaka sect. Ajivakas are mentioned in the
rock-hewn cave (which was given to them) on Barabar hills near
Gaya, in the seventh Pillar Edict of Asoka in 236 B.c. and in the
rock-hewn caves on Nagarjuni hill in 227 B.c. in the reign of
Asoka's successor Dasaratha. They are also mentioned in the
1 Sumaizgala-1:iliisinf, I. 143, 144.
The Lokiiyata, Nastika and Carvtika 523
Brhaj-jiitaka (xv. 1) of Varaha Mihira in the middle of the sixth
century A.D. Silanka (ninth century) also refers to them in his
commentary on the Siitra-krtiiizga-siitra (r. 1. 3· 12 and 1. 3· 3· 1 1),
in which the Ajivakas are mentioned along with Trai-riisikas as
being followers of Makkhali Gosala 1 • Halayudha also mentions the
iijivas as being the same as the Jains in general; but does not dis-
tinguish the nirgranthas from the Digambaras or identify the latter
with the Aji'l'akas as Hoernle says in his article on the Ajivakas.
Hoernle further points out in the same article that in the thirteenth-
century inscriptions on the walls of the Perumal Temple at Poygai
near Virinchipuram reference is made to the taxes imposed on the
Ajivakas by the Chola king Rajaraja in the years A.D. 1238, 1239,
1243 and 1259. Thus it is clear that the Ajivaka school of Makkhali
which was started by Makkhali in the fifth century B.C. continued
to exist and spread not only in North India but also in South India,
and other schools also have developed out of it such as the Trai-
riisikas. PaQ.ini's grammarhasarule(rv. 1. 154), maskara-maskari1_lau
ve1_luparivriijakayol.z, which signifies that maskara means a bamboo
and maskarin a travelling ascetic. Patafijali, however, in com-
menting on it, says that maskarins were those who advised the non-
performance of actions and held that cessation (Siinti) was much
better (miiskrta karmii1_li siintir vah sreyasi ityiiha ato maskariparivrii-
jakal.z ). The word, therefore, docs not necessarily mean ekada1}r;lins or
those who bore one ham boo staff. The identification of Makkhali with
maskarins is therefore doubtful 1 . It is also very doubtful whether
the Ajivakas can be regarded as the same as Digambara Jains, as
Hoernle supposes, for neither Varaha nor Bhottolpala identifies the
Ajivakas with the Jains, and Silanka treats them as different and
not as identical 2 • Halayudha also does not speak of the Digambaras
1 The Trai-riiiikas are those who think that the sdf by good deeds becomes

pure and free from karma and thus attains mok~a, but seeing the success of its
favourite doctrines it becomes joyous and seeing them neglected it becomes
angry, and then being born again attains purity and freedom from karma by the
performance of good deeds and is again born through joy and antipathy as be-
fore. Their canonical work is one containing twenty-one siltras. In commenting
on 1. 3· 3· I I thlanka mentions also the Digambaras along with the Ajrvakas, but
it does not seem that he identifies them in the way Hoemle states in his scholarly
article on the Ajzvakas in the Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics. The exact
phrase of Silanka is iijrvakii-dinii'!l para-tlrthikiinii'!l digamvariit;zii'!l ca asad-
iicaranair upaneyii.
2 Hoernle, in his article on the Ajrvakas in the Encyclopaedia of Religion and

Ethics, says: "From this fact that Gosala is called Makkhaliputta or Mankhali
(Maskarin), i.e. the man of the bamboo staff, it is clear that originally he belonged
Appendix to Volume I
as Ajivakas 1 • It is, therefore, very doubtful whether the Ajivakas
could be identified with the Digambara Jains unless by a confusion
in later times, probably on account of the fact that both the Digam-
baras and the Ajivakas went about naked 2 •
The fundamental tenet of Gosala appears in more or less the
same form in Uviisagadasiio, 1. 97, I IS, II. I I I, IJ2, Sarrzyutta
Nikiiya, III. 2IO, Aiiguttara Nikiiya, 1. 286 and the Dfgha Nikiiya,
II. 20. In the last-mentioned work Gosala is reported to say to king
Ajatasatru: "There is no cause for the sufferings of beings; they
therefore all suffer without any cause; there is no cause for the
purity (visuddhi) of beings; they all become pure without any cause;
there is no efficiency in one's own deeds or in the deeds of others
(n' atthi atta-kiire na'tthi parakiire) or in one's free efforts (puri~a­
kiire); there is no power, no energy, no human strength or heroic
endeavours (pariikkama) 3 • All vertebrates (sabbe sattii), all animals
with one or more senses (sabbe pii~ii), all lives emanating from eggs
or ovaries (sabbe bhutii), all vegetable lives, are without any power
or efficiency. They become transformed in various forms by their
inherent destiny, by their manifestation in various life-forms, and
by their different natures (niyati-saizgati-bhava-pari~ati), and it is
in accordance with their six kinds of life-states that they suffer
pains and enjoy pleasures." Again, in the Sutra-krtiiizga szl.tra, II.
6. 7, Gosala is reported to say that there is no sin for ascetics in
having intercourse with women 4 • These doctrines of Gosala
to the class of eka-dm:uJins (or da'}t}in) ascetics; and, though he afterwards joined
Mahavira and adopted his system, he held some distinguishing tenets of his own,
and also retained his old distinguishing mark, the bamboo staff." This is all very
doubtful, for firstly mankha and maskarin cannot be identified; secondly, mankha
means a beggar who carried pictures in his hands-mankhas citra-phalaka-'l'yagra-
karo bhik~ka-vise~a!z (Abhayadeva Suri's comment on the Bhagavatl-siUra,
p. 662. Nirnaya Sagara ed.). Gosala's father was a mankha and his name was
Mankhali from which Gosala was called Makkhaliputta. Both JacoLi (Jain a
Sutras, II. 267 footnote) and Hoernle (Afi'l·aka, Encyclopaedia of Rel~gion and
Ethics, p. 266) are here wrong, for the passage referred to is Silanka's com-
mentary on Sutra-krtiiizga-siitra, III. J. I I (iijlvakii-dlniim para-tlrthikiiniif!Z
digamvarii'}ii'!Z ca ), and the "ca" in the passage which is to be translated as "and "
and not as "or" distinguishes the Jfjz·vakas from the Digam·varas.
nagnii to dig-viisii!z k~apar;a!z sramar;as ca jz·cako jaina!z, iiji'L·o mala-dhiirl
nirgrantha!z kathyate ~at}bhi~z. II. I 90.
2 Divyiivadiina, p. 427, refers to an episode where a Bw;Jdha image was dis-

honoured by a nirgrantha and in consequence of that 8ooo .Ajl'l.•akas were killed

in the city of Pul)<;lravardhana. Dr Barua also refers to this passage in his small
work, The Ajivakas.
3 As Buddhaghoso says, these are all merely specifications of pun·~a-kiira

(sarvaiva puri~a-kiira-viv'ecanam eva). Sumaizgala-'l'iliisinl, II. 20.

4 There is another passage in the SUtra-krtiiizga-sUtra, 111. 4· 9 (evamege u

asattha par;r;a·vanti aniiriyii; itthiviisam gayii biilii jinasiisana-pariimmuhii}, where

The Lokiiyata, Niistika and Ciirviika 525
interest us only so far as they may be considered similar to the
other niistika teachings. But unlike other niistikas, Gos~ila believed
not only in rebirths but also introduced a special doctrine of re-
animation 1 • Several other doctrines which are not of philosophical,
ethical or eschatological interest but which refer only to Ajivaka
dogmatics are related both in the Digha Nikiiya, II. 20, and in the
Bhagavati-sutra, xv, and have been elaborately dealt with by
Hoernle in his article on the Ajivaka and his translation of the
Uviisagadasiio. The two important points that we need take note of
here are that the Ajivakas who were an important sect did not be-
lieve in the efficiency of our will or our karma and regarded sex-
indulgence as unobjectionable to recluses. Other heretics are also
alluded to in the Sutra-krtiiizga sutra, I. III. 4· 9-14, where they also
are alluded to as having similar tendencies 2 • Thus it is said: "Some
unworthy heretics, slaves of women, ignorant men who are averse
to the Law of the Jainas, speak thus: 'As the squeezing of a blister
or boil causes relief for some time, so it is with (the enjoyment of)
charming women. How could there be any sin in it? As a ram
it is said that some wrongdoers and others who belong to the J aina circle have
turned their faces from the laws imposed upon them by Jina and are slaves of
women. Hoernle says (Jljfvaka, Encyclopaedia of Rel£gion and Ethics, p. 261) that
this passage refers to the followers of Gosala. But there is no evidence that it is
so, if at least we believe in Silanka's commentary. Silailka explains "ege" or
"eke" as bauddha-viie~ii tzlla-pafiidaya!z niitha-viidika-mar;u!ala-pravi1!ii vii
iaiva-viiesiifz and pasattha as sad-atzu~fhiiniit piirive ti1!hanti iti parivasthiib
sva-yuthyii vii piirivasthii-vasanna-kuia-lii-daya!z strl-par#aha-pariijitiifz. Thus,
according to him, it refers to some Buddhists wearing blue garments, the
niitha-viidins, the Saivas, or some Jains with bad characters, or bad people in
1 Gosala thought that it was possible that one person's soul could reanimate

other dead bodies. Thus, when he was challenged by Mahavira, who forbade his
disciples to hold any intercourse with him, he is reported to have said that the
Makkhaliputta Gos~tla who was the disciple of Mahavira was long dead and born
in the abode ofthe gods while he was in reality Udayi-kuQ<;liyayal)iya, who in the
seventh and the last change of body through reanimation had entered Gosala's
body. According to Gosala, a soul must finish eighty-four thousand mahii-kalpas
during which it must be born seven times in the abode of the gods and seven
times as men, undergoing seven reanimations, exhausting all kinds of karmas.
See Bhagavati-sutra, xv. 673, Nirl)aya Sagaraed. See also Hoernle's two Ap-
pendices to his translation of Uviisagadasiio and the article on Ajfvika, Encyclo-
paedia of Religion and Ethics, p. 262. A mahii-kalpa is equal to Joo,ooo saras and
one sara is the time required to exhaust the sands of the seven Ganges (each
Ganges being soo yojanas or 2250 miles in length, 2! miles in breadth, and
so dhanus or 100 yards in depth), at the rate of putting xoo years for the removal
of one grain of sand. See ibid.; also Rockhill's Appendix I to his Life of the
2 According to Silanka they were a sect of Buddhists wearing blue garments,

Saivas, the Nathas, and some degraded Jains also.

526 Appendix to Volume I
drinks the quiet water, so it is with (the enjoyment of) charming
women. How can there be any sin in it? ' So say some unworthy
heretics who entertain false doctrines ~md who long for pleasures
as the ewe for her kid. Those who do not think of the future but
only enjoy the present will repent of it afterwards when their life
or their youth is gone 1 .''
Again, some heretics (identified by Silanka with the Lokiiyata)
are reported in the Sutra-krtiinga-sutra, II. 1. 9-10, as instructing
others as follows: Upwards from the sole of the feet up to the
bottom of the tips of hair and in all transverse directions the soul
is up to the skin; so long as there is the body there is the soul and
there is no soul apart from this body, so the soul is identical with
the body; when the body is dead there is no soul. \Vhen the body
is burnt Ito soul is seen and all that is seen is but the white bones.
When one draws a sword from a scabbard, one can say that the
former lies within the latter, but one cannot say similarly of the soul
that it exists in the body; there is in reality no way of distinguishing
the soul from the body such that one may say that the former exists
in the latter. One can draw the pith from a grass stalk, or bones
from flesh or butter from curd, oil from sesamum and so forth, but
it is not possible to find any such relation between the soul and the
body. There is no separate soul which suffers pains and enjoys
pleasures and migrates to the other world after the death of the
body, for even if the body is cut into pieces no soul can be per-
ceived, just as no soul can be perceived in a jug even when it is
broken to pieces, whereas in the case of a sword it is found to be
different from the scabbard within which it is put. The Lokiiyatas
thus think that there is no fault in killing living beings, since
striking a living body with a weapon is like striking the ground.
These Lokiiyatas, therefore, cannot make any distinction between
good and bad deeds as they do not know of any principle on which
such a distinction can be made, and there is thus no morality ac-
cording to them. Some slight distinction is made between the
ordinary nihilists and the haughty nihilists (pragalbha niistika) who
say that if the soul was different from the body then it would have
some specific kind of colour, taste or the like, but no such separate
entity is discoverable, and therefore it cannot be believed that there
is a separate soul. The Sutra-krtiiizga-sutra, II. 1. 9 (p._ 277), speaks
See Jacobi's translation of Sutra-krtaliga-sutra. Jaina Sutras, 11. 270.
The Lokayata, Nastika and Carvaka 527
of these Pragalbha Niistikas as renouncing (ni~kramya) the world
and instructing other people to accept their doctrines. But Silanka
says that the Lokayata system has no form of initiation and thus
there cannot be any ascetics of that school; it is the ascetics of other
schools such as the Buddhists who sometimes in their ascetic stage
read the Lokayata, became converted to lokayata views, and preached
them to others 1 •
After the treatment of the views of the lokayata nastikas the
Sutra-krtanga-sutra treats of the Sarpkhyas. In this connection
Silanka says that there is but little difference between the lokayata
and the Sarp.khya, for though the Sarp.khyas admit souls, these are
absolutely incapable of doing any work, and all the work is done by
prakrti which is potentially the same as the gross elements. The
body and the so-called mind is therefore nothing but the combination
of the gross elements, and the admission of separate puru~as is only
nominal. Since such a soul cannot do anything and is of no use
(aki1Jtcitkara), the Lokayatas flatly deny them. Silanka further says
that the Sarp.khyists, like the Lokayatikas, do not find anything
wrong in injuring animal lives, for after all the living entities are
but all material products, the so-called soul being absolutely in-
capable of taking interest or part in all kinds of activities2 • Neither
the nastikas nor the Sarpkhyists can, therefore, think of the dis-
tinction between good and bad deeds or between Heaven and Hell,
and they therefore give themselves up to all kinds of enjoyments.
Speaking of the lokayata nastikas, the Sutra-krtanga-siltras say as
follows: "Thus some shameless men becoming monks propagate
a law of their own. And others believe it, put their faith in it, adopt
it (saying): 'Well you speak the truth, 0 Brahmal).a (or) 0 Sramal).a,
we shall present you with food, drink, spices and sweetmeats, with
a robe, a bowl, or a broom.' Some have been induced to honour
them, some have made (their proselytes) to honour them. Before
(entering an order) they were determined to become Sramal).as,
1 yady api [okiiyatikiinii'!l niisti dtkFiidika'!l tathii'pi apare'}a . siikyii-dinii

pra·vrajyii-vidhiinena pravrajyii paiciit lokiiyatikam adhfyiinasya tathiividha-

pari'}atefz tad evii'bhirucitam. Silanka's commentary on the Sutra-krtiinga-sutra,
p. 280 a (NirQaya Sagaraed).
In pp. 28o-28 1 Silanka points out that the Bhiiga·vatas and other ascetics at the
time of their renouncement of the world take the vow of all kinds of self-
restraint, but as soon as they become converted to the lokiiyata views they begin
to live an unrestrained life. They then wear blue garments (nfla-pata).
2 Ibid. pp. 281, 283.
Appendix to Volume I
houseless, poor monks, who would have neither sons nor cattle, to
eat only what should be given them by others, and to commit no
sins. After having entered their Order they do not cease (from sins),
they themselves commit sins and they assent to another's com-
mitting sins. Then they are given to pleasures, amusements and
sensual lust; they are greedy, fettered, passionate, covetous, the
slaves of love and hate 1 ."
But we find references to the lokiiyata doctrines not only in the
Sutra-krtiinga-siitra but also in the Brhad-iira1Jyaka, the Katha as
described above and in the Chiindogya Upani~ad, VIII. 7, 8, where
Virocana, the representative of the demons who came to Prajapati for
instruction regarding the nature of self, went away satisfied with the
view that the self was identical with the body. Prajapati asked both
Indra and Virocana to stand before a cup of water and they saw
their reflections, and Prajapati told them that it was that well
dressed and well adorned body that was the self and both Indra
and Virocana were satisfied; but Indra was later on dissatisfied and
returned for further instructions, whereas Virocana did not again
come back. The Chiindogya Upani~ad relates this as an old story
and says that it is for this reason that those, who at the present time
believe only in worldly pleasures and who have no faith (in the
efficiency of deeds or in the doctrine of the immortality of the soul)
and who do not perform sacrifices, are called demons (asura); and it
is therefore their custom to adorn the dead body with fine clothes,
good ornaments and provide food for it with which they probably
thought that the dead would conquer the other world.
This passage of the Chiindogya seems to be of special import-
ance. It shows that there was a race different from the Aryans,
designated here as asuras, who dressed their dead bodies with
fine clothes, adorned them with ornaments, provided them with
food, so that when there was a resurrection of these dead bodies
they might with that food, clothes and ornaments prosper in the
other world and it is these people who believed that the body was
the only self. The later Lokiiyatas or Ciirviikas also believed that this
body was the self, but the difference between them and these
dehiitmaviidins referred to in the Chiindogya is that they admitted
"another world" where the bodies rose from the dead and pro-
spered in the fine clothes, ornaments and food that were given to
See Jacobi, Jaina Sutras, n. 341-342.
The Lokiiyata, Nastika and Carvtika 529
the dead body. This custom is said to be an asura custom. It seems
possible, therefore, that probably the lokiiyata doctrines had their
beginnings in the preceding Sumerian civilization in the then pre-
vailing customs of adorning the dead and the doctrine of bodily
survival after death. This later on became so far changed that it was
argued that since the self and the body were identical and since the
body was burnt after death, there could not be any survival after
death and hence there could not be another world after death.
Already in the Katha and the Brhad-iirat}yaka we had proof of the
existence of people who did not believe in the existence of any
consciousness after death and thought that everything ended with
death; and in the Chiindogya we find that Virocana believed in the
doctrine that the body was the iitman and this doctrine is traced
here to the custom of adorning the dead body among the asuras.
The tenets and doctrines of these asuras are described in
the Gitii, XVI. 7-18, as follows: The asuras cannot distinguish be-
tween right and wrong conduct; they do not have any purity, truth-
fulness and proper behaviour. They do not think that the world is
based on any truth and reality; they do not believe in God and con-
sider all beings to have come out from the desires of the sexes and
from nothing more than from mutual sex-relations. These foolish
people with such views do harm to the world, engage themselves
in ferocious deeds and destroy their own selves (as they have no
faith in the other world or in the means thereto) 1 • Full of insatiable
desire, egoism, vanity and pride, they take the wrong course
through ignorance and live an impure life. They think that ex-
istence ends finally at death and that there is nothing beyond this
world and its enjoyments, and they therefore give themselves up to
earthly enjoyments. Bound with innumerable desires, anger, at-
tachment, etc., they busy themselves in colk.ding materials of
earthly enjoyments through wrong means. They always think of
their riches, which they earn daily, and which they accumulate, with
which they fulfil their desires in the present or wish to fulfil in the
future; of the enemies whom they have destroyed, or whom they
wish to destroy; of their powers, their success, their joys, their
strength, and so forth.
A doctrine similar to that of the Lokiiyatikas is preached by
Jabali in Riimiiya1fa, II. 108, where he says that it is a pity that there
1 Sridhara says that these refer to the Lokiiyatikas. Gltii, XVI. 9·
a 111 34
530 Appendix to Volume I
should be some people who prefer virtue in the other world to
earthly goods of this world; the performance of the different
sacrifices for the satisfaction of the dead is but waste of food, for
being dead no one can eat. If food eaten by people here should be
of use to other bodies, then it is better to perform sriiddlzas for people
who make a sojourn to distant countries than to arrange for their
meals. Though intelligent men wrote books praising the merit of
gift~, sacrifices, initiation and asceticism, in reality there is nothing
more than what is directly perceived by the senses.
In the Vi~!ZU Purii!la (1, 6. 29-31) certain people are alluded to
who did not believe in the efficacy of the performance of sacrifices
and spoke against the Y edas and the sacrifices ; and in the Jlv1alzii-
bhiirata, XII. 186, it has been urged by Bharadvaja that life-func-
tions can be explained by purely physical and physiological reasons
and that the assumption of a soul is quite unnecessary. In the
j1fahiiblziirata references are made also to lzaitukas who did not
believe in the other world; they were people with strong old con-
victions (drcflza-piir'l:e) who could hardly change their viev;s; they
\Vere learned in the Yedas (·valzuhuta), were well read in older
siistras, made gifts, performed sacrifices, hated falsehood, were
great orators in assemblies, and went among the people explaining
their views. This passage reveals a curious fact that even in the
Vedic circles there were people \\·ho performed sacrifices, made
gifts and were well read in the Y edas and in older literature, who
despised falsehood, were great logicians and speakers and yet did
not believe in anything except what exists in this world (nai'tad
asti'ti-'l·iidina~z). \Ye know from the Buddhistic sources that the
Brahmins were well versed in the lokiiyattr learning; we know also
that in the Upani~adic circles the views of those who did not believe
in life after death are referred to and reproached, and the Chiindogya
refers to people among whom the doctrine that the self and the
body were identical was current as a corollary underlying their
custom of adorning the dead. In the Riimiiywza we find that Javali
taught the doctrine that there was no life after death and that the
ritualistic offerings for the satisfaction of the dead were unnecessary.
In the Gitii we find also the holders of such vie\vs referred to, and
they are there reported as performing sacrifices only in name, as
they did not adhere to the proper ritualistic course 1 . But in the
1 yajmzte niima-jaj;'iais te damhlzenii'·cidlzi-piln·akam. Gitii, XVI. 17.
The Lokayata, Niistika and Carvaka 531
Mahiibhiirata certain people are referred to who were well read in
the Vedas and other older literature and yet did nqt believe in the
other world and in the immortality of the soul. This shows that this
heterodox view (that there was no life after death) was gradually
spreading amongst certain sections of the Vedic people, and that
though some of them were worthless people who utilized the
doctrine only to indulge in sense-gratifications and to live in a
lower plane of life, there were others who performed the Vedic
practices, were we11 read in Vedic and other literature and yet did
not believe in the doctrine of immortality or in a world beyond the
present. Thus, even in those early time~, on the one hand there
were in the Vedic circle many moral and learned people who be-
lieved in these heretical views, whereas there were also immoral-
and bad p~ople who lived a vicious life and held such heretical
views either tacitly or openly 1 •
\Ve thus know that the lokiiyata views were very old, probably
as early as the Vedas, or still earlier, being current among the
Sumerian people of pre-Aryan times. We know further that a com-
mentary on the Lokiiyata-siistra by Bhaguri was very well known
in 200 or 300 B.C., but it is exceedingly difficult to say anything re-
garding the author of the Lokiiyata-siistra. It is attributed to
Brhaspati or to Carvaka2 • But it is difficult to say who this Brhas-
pati may have been. One Brhaspati-sutra, a work on polity, has
been edited with translation by Dr F. W. Thomas and published
from Lahore. In this work the lokiiyatas have been mentioned in
11. 5, 8, 12, 16, 29, and 111. 15. Here they are very severely abused
as thieves who regard religion as a mere means of advantage and
who are destined to go to Hell. It is therefore absolutely certain
t The JI,Jaitriiya~za Upani~ad, vn. 8, 9, says that there are many others who
by adopting useless arguments, illustrations, false analogies and illusory demon-
strations wish to oppose the Vedic ways of conduct; they do not believe in the
self and arc like thieves who would never go to Heaven and with whom no one
should associate. One sometimes forgets that the doctrine of these people is nothing
new but is only a different kind of Vedic science (veda-·vidya'ntaran tu tat).
Brhaspati became Sukra and ta·Jght the Asuras this doctrine so that they might
be inclined to despise the Vedic duties and consider bad to be good and good to
be bad.
2 The lvfaitriiym;lya attributes these doctrines to Brhaspati and Sukra; the
Prabodha-candro-daya of Kg;J)a "Misra says that these were first formulated by
Brhaspati and then handed over to Carvaka who spread them among people through
his pupils.
See dso Mr D. Sastri's Ciirviika-~a~ti, pp. I I - I 3, where he refers to a
number of authorities who attribute this to Brhaspati.
532 Appendix to Volume I
that the Brhaspati who was the author of these sutras on polity
could not have been the author of the lokayata science. Nor could
it have been the legal writer Brhaspati. In Kautilya's Artha-slistra
a Brhaspati is referred to as a writer on polity, but this must be a
different one from the Barhaspatya-sutra published by DrThomas 1 •
The Brhaspati of Kautilya's Artha-slistra is reported there as ad-
mitting agriculture, trade and commerce (viirtii), law and statecraft
(dmpJa-niti), as the only sciences; in the next passage of the same
chapter (Vidya-samuddesa) dm;rJ,a-niti is regarded as the one subject
of study by· Usanas. In the Prabodha-candro-daya Kf!?I).a IYiisra
makes Carvaka hold the view that law and statecraft are the only
sciences and that the science of vlirtli (i.e. agriculture, commerce,
trade, dairy, poultry, etc.) falls within them. According to this
report the Carvakas took only da7JrJa-niti and vlirtli into account,
and thus their views agreed with those of Brhaspati and Usanas,
and more particularly with those of the latter. But we cannot from
this assume that either Brhaspati or Usanas mentioned by Kautilya
could be regarded as the author of the originallokiiyata. Brhaspati,
the author of the Lokayata-slistra, is thus a mythical figure, and we
have practically no information regarding the originator of the
lokiiyata system. It is probable that the originallokayata work was
written in the form of sutras which had at least two commentaries,
the earliest of which was probably as early as 300 or 400 B.C. There
was at least one metrical version of the main contents of this system
from which extracts are found quoted in 1\:ladhava's Sarva-dar-
sana-sarrzgraha and in other places.
It is difficult to say whether Carvaka was the name of a real
person or not. The earliest mention of the name is probably to be
found in the Mahiibhiirata, XII. 38 and 39, where Carvaka is de-
scribed as a Rak!?asa in the garb of an ascetic Brahmin with three
staffs (tridar.zrJi), but nothing is said there about the doctrine that
he professed. In most of the early texts the lokiiyata doctrines are
either mentioned as the lokayata view or attributed to Brhaspati.
Thus, in the Padma Purli7Ja in the Sr~t-kha7JrJa, XII. 3 18-340, some
of the lokayata doctrines are described as being the instructions of
Brhaspati. Kamalasila, of the eighth century, refers to the Carvakas
as being the adherents of the lokiiyata doctrine; the Prabodha-
candro-daya speaks of Carvaka as being the great teacher who
Kautilya's Artha-siistra, pp. 6, 29, 63, 177, 192, Mysore ed. 1924.
The Lokayata, N tistika and Ctirvtika 533
propagated through a succession of pupils and pupils of pupils the
Lokayata-siistra written by Vacaspati and handed over to him.
Madhava, in his Sarva-darsana-sa1Jlgraha, describes him as one who
follows the views of Brhaspati and the chief of the nihilists
(brhaspati-matii-nusiiri'Jii niistika-siroma1Jina). GuQ.aratna, how-
ever, in his commentary on the $arJ-darsana-samuccaya, speaks of
the Carvakas as being a nihilistic sect who only eat but do not regard
the existence of virtue and vice and do not trust anything else but
what can be directly perceived. They drank wines and ate meat and
were given to unrestricted sex-indulgence. Each year they gathered
together on a particular day and had unrestricted intercourse with
women. They behaved like common people and for this reason they
were called lokayata and because they held views originally framed
by Brhaspati they were also called Barhaspatya. Thus it is dif-
ficult to say whether the word Carvaka was the name of a real
personage or a mere allusive term applied to the adherents of the
lokayata view.
Both Haribhadra and Madhava have counted the Lokayata or
Carvaka philosophy as a darsana or system of philosophy. It had
a new logic, a destructive criticism of most of the cherished views
of other systems of Indian philosophy, a materialistic philosophy,
and it denied morality, moral responsibility and religion of every
Let us, therefore, first take up the Carvaka logic. The Carvakas
admitted the validity only of perception. There is nothing else but
what can be perceived by the five senses. No inference can be
regarded as a valid means of knowledge, for inference is possible
only when the universal concomitance of the reason (hetus) with the
probandum is known, and such a reason is known to be existing
in the object of the minor term (vyapti-pa~a-dharmatii-sali hi
lingarrz gamakam ). Such a concomitance is possible when it is
known not only to be unconditional but when there is no doubt in
the mind that it could be conditional. Such a concomitance must
first be known before an inference is possible; but how can it be
known? Not by perception, for concomitance is not an objective
entity with which the senses can come in contact. Moreover, the
concomitance of one entity with another means that the entities
are associated with each other in the past, present and future
( sarvo-pasarrzhiirayatri vyiiptil; ), and the sense-organs can have no
534 Appendix to ·volume I
scope with regard to future associations or even with regard to all
past time. If it is urged that the concomitance is between the class-
character (siimiinya-gocaram) of the probandum (e.g. fire) and the
class-character of the reason (e.g. smoke), then it is not necessary
that the concomitance of the reason with the probandum should
have actually to be perceived at all times by the sense-organs. But
if the concomitance is between the class-character of smoke and
fire, why should any individual fire be associated with every case
of smoke? If the concomitance cannot be perceived by the sense-
organs, it cannot be perceived by the mind either, for the mind
cannot associate itself with the external objects except through the
sense-organs. The concomitance cannot be known through in-
ference, for all inference presupposes it. Thus, there being no way
of perceiving concomitance, inference becomes impossible. Again,
a concomitance which can lead to a valid inference must he deyoid
of all conditions; but the absence of such conditions in the past or
in the future cannot he perceived at the time of making the in-
ference. l\Ioreover, a condition (upiidhi) is defined as that which,
having an unfailing concomitance with the probandum, has not the
same concomitance with the reason (siidlzanii-vyiipakatve sati
siidhya-sama-vyiipti~z )1.
Again it is said that an inference is possible only when the reason
(e.g. smoke) is perceived to be associated with the object denoted
by the minor term (pak~a, e.g. hill), but in reality there is no
association of the smoke with the hill nor can it be a character of it,
for it is a quality of fire. There is no universal agreement between
smoke and hill so that one can say that wherever there is a hill there
is smoke. Nor can it be said that wherever there is smoke there is
both the hill and the fire. \Vhen the smoke is first seen it is not per-
ceived as the quality of fire associated with a hill; therefore it is not
enough to say that the reason (e.g. smoke) belongs to the minor
term (pak~a, e.g. hill) as its character (pal~~a-dharma), but that the
reason belongs to the minor term associated with the probandum.
The assertion that in an inference the reason must be known as a
quality of the minor term (pak~a) has therefore to be interpreted
as being a quality of a part of the minor term as associated with the
A valid inference can be made when the two following con-
1 Sarva-darsana-sa1!llJraha, 1.
The Lokayata, N astika and Carvaka 535
ditions are satisfied: ( 1) An invariable and unconditional con-
comitance is known between the reason and the probandum such
that in every case when the reason is present the probandum must
also be present in all places and in all times, without the association
of any determining condition. ( 2) That a reason having such a
concomitance with the probandum must be known to exist in the
minor term (pak~a) in which the probandum is asserted. Now the
Carvaka contention is that none of these conditions can be fulfilled
and that therefore valid inference is impossible. Firstly, con-
comitance is ascertained through an experience of a very large
number of cases (bhuyo-darsana) of agreement between the reason
(hetu) and the probandum (siidhya). But according to the difference
of circumstances, time and place, things differ in their power or
capacity and thus since the nature and qualities of things are not
constant it is not possible that any two entities should be found to
agree with each other under all circumstances in all times and in
all places 1 • Again, an experience of a large number of cases cannot
eliminate the possibility of a future failure of agreement. It is not
possible to witness all cases of fire and smoke and thus root out all
chances of a failure of their agreement, and if that were possible
there would be no need of any inference 2• The Carvakas do not
admit "universals," and therefore they do not admit that the con-
comitance is not between smoke and fire but between smoke-ness
(dhumatva) and fire-ness (vahnitva) 3 • Again, it is impossible to
assure oneself that there are no conditions (upiidhi) which would
vitiate the concomitance between the hetu and the siidhya, for
though they may nc;>t now be perceivable they may still exist
imperceivably4 • Without a knowledge of agreement in absence
(i.e. in a case where there is no fire there is no smoke), there cannot
be any assurance of concomitance. It is impossible to exhaust in
desa-kiila-dasii-bheda-vicitrii-tmasu vastu~u
avinii-bhiiva-niyamo na sakyo vastum iiha ca.
Nyiiya-mafijarl, p. 119.
na pratyak~l-krtii yiivad dhilmii-gni-vyaktayo'khiliil;
tii'L·at syiid api dhumo' sau yo' nagner iti smikyate
ye tu pratyak~ato visvaf!l pasyanti hi bhaviidrsal;
ki1!1 di·vya-cak~u~iirr e~iim anumiina-prayojanam Ibid.
siimiinya-d·viirako' py asti nii'viniibhiiva-niscayal;
'L'iistava1Jl hi na siimiinyaf!l niima kificana vidyate. Ibid.
t Compare Kha~uJ.ana-khm.u/.a-khiidya, p. 693:
vyiighiito yadi smikii'sti na cec chmikii tatastariim
'L'yiighiitii-vadlzir iismikii tarkal; smikii-vadhil; kutal;.
Appendix to Volume I
experience all cases of absence of fire as being also the cases of
the absence of smoke. Thus since without such a joint method of
agreement in presence and absence the universal invariable con-
comitance cannot be determined, and since it is not possible to
assure oneself of the universal agreement in presence or in absence,
the concomitance itself cannot be determined 1 .
Purandara, however, a follower of Carvaka (probably of the
seventh century), admits the usefulness of inference in determining
the nature of all worldly things where perceptual experience is
available; but inference cannot be employed for establishing any
dogma regarding the transcendental world, or life after death or the
laws of Karma which cannot be available to ordinary perceptual
experience2• The main reason for upholding such a distinction be-
tween the validity of inference in our practical life of ordinary ex-
perience, and in ascertaining transcending truths beyond ex-
perience, lies in this, that an inductive generalization is made by
observing a large number of cases of agreement in presence to-
gether with agreement in absence, and no cases of agreement in
presence can be observed in the transcendent sphere; for even if
such spheres existed they could not be perceived by the senses.
Thus, since in the supposed supra-sensuous transcendent world
no case of a hetu agreeing with the presence of its siidhya can be
observed, no inductive generalization or law of concomitance can
be made relating to this sphere3 • In reply to this contention
Vadideva says that such a change may be valid against the Mim-
arp.sists who depend upon the joint method of agreement and dif-
ference for making any inductive generalization, but this cannot

ni'yamas cii'numiinii-1iga1,n grhttab pratzPadyate

graha1JO'tJZ cii'sya nii'nyatra niistitii-niscayarJZ ·vinii
darsanii-darsaniibhyarJz hi niyama-graha~za'!l yadi
tad apy asad anagnau hi dhumasye'~tam adarsanam
anagnis ca kiyiin sarcarJl jagaj-jvalana-'L·wjitam
tatra dhumasya niistitz·a'!l nai'va pasyanty a_vogina!z.
Nyiiya-mmljari, p. I 20.
2 He is mentioned in Kamalasila's Pmljikii, p. 43 I, Purandaras tv iilza loka-

prasiddlzam anumiina1,n ciirviikair apl'~yate e·va, yat tu kais cit laukikmJt miirgam
atikramya anwniinam ucyate tan ni~idlzyate. Vadideva Suri also quotes a siitra
of Purandara in his commentary Syiid'L·iida-mtniikiira on his Pramii1Ja-1laya-tattz·a-
lokii-latikiira, 11. I 3 I : pramii7Jasya gau7Jat'L·iid anumiiniid artlza-niscaya-durlablziit.
3 avyablziciirii-·vagamo hi laukika-lzetilniim
mmmeyii'·vagame nimittartt sa niisti tmztra-siddhe~u ·
iti na tebhyal:z parok~ii-rthii'·vagamo nyiiyyo'ta idam
uktam anumiiniid artha-niscayo durlabha~z.
The Lokiiyata, Niistika and Ciirviika 537
apply against the Jaina view of inference which is based on the
principle of necessary implication (anyathii-nupapattli.v eva tat-svarii-
patvena svikli.rli.t).
Other objections also made against the possibility of a valid in-
ference are as follows: ( 1) impressions made by inferential know-
ledge are dim and not so vivid (aspa~tatvli.t) as those produced by
perception; ( 2) inference has to depend on other things for the de-
termination of its object (svartha-niscaye para-pek~atvli.t); (3) in-
ference has to depend on perception (pratyak~a-piirvakatvli.t);
(4) inferential cognitions are not directly produced by the objects
(arthad anupajiiyamli.natviit); (5) inference is not concrete (avastu-
vi~ayatvli.t); (6) it is often found contradicted (badhyamiinatvli.t);
(7) there is no proof which may establish the law that every case of
the presence of the hetu should also be a case of the presence of the
sadhya (sadhya-sadhanayol;z pratibandha-sadhaka-pramli.tJli.-bhiivad
vii)l. None of these can be regarded as a reason why inference
should be regarded as invalid from the Jaina point of view. For in
reply to the first objection it may be pointed out that vividness has
never been accepted as a definition of pramli.1Ja, and therefore its
absence cannot take away the validity of an inference; illusory per-
ceptions of two moons are vivid, but are not on that account re-
garded as valid. Again, an inference does not always depend on
perception, and even if it did, it utilized its materials only for its
own use and nothing more. Perception also is produced from
certain materials, but is not on that account regarded as invalid.
The inference is also produced from objects and is as concrete as
perception since like it it involves universals and particulars.
Again, false inferences are indeed contradicted, but that is no
charge against right inferences. The invariable relationship be-
tween a hetu and a siidhya can be established through mental
reasoning (tarka) 2 •
J ayanta points out in this connection that a law of universal
agreement of the siidhya with the hetu has to be admitted. For an
inference cannot be due to any mere instinctive flash of intelligence
(pratibhii). If a knowledge of invariable and unconditional agree-
ment was not regarded as indispensable for an inference, and if it
was due to a mere instinctive flash, then the people of the Cocoanut
Vadideva Suri's Syadvada-ratt~tikara, pp. 131, 132. Nirl).aya Sagara Press,
1914- 2 Ibid.
Appendix to Volume I
island who do not know how to make fire would have been able to
infer fire from smoke. Some say that the invariable association of
the lzetu with the siidhya is perceived hy mental perception (miinasa-
pratyak~a). They hold that in perceiving the association of smoke
with fire and the absence of the former when the latter is absent,
the mind understands the invariable association of smoke with fire.
It is not necessary in order to come to such a generalization that one
should perceive t!-le agreement of smoke and fire in all the infinite
number of cases in which they exist together, for the agreement
observed in the mind is not between smoke and fire but between
smoke-ness and fire-ness (fz:alanat~·ii-di-samiinya-purabsaratayii
~')·iipti-grahm;iit). The objection against this view would be the
denial of class-concepts as held by the Carvakas, Buddhists, and
others. There are others, again, who say that even if universals are
admitted, it is impossible that there should be universals of all cases
of absence of fire as associated with the absence of smoke, and
under the circumstances unless all positive and negative instances
could he perceived the inductive generalization would be im-
possible. They, therefore, hold that there is some kind of mystic
intuition like that of a yogin (yogi-pratyak:'ia-kalpat!z) by which the
invariable relation (pratibandha) is realized. Others hold that an
experience of a large number of positive instances unaccompanied
by any experience of any case of failure produces the notion of
concomitance. But the Nyaya insists on the necessity of an ex-
perience of a large number of instances of agreement in presence
and absence for arriving at any inductive generalization of con-
comitance1. The Carvakas, of course, say to this that in deter-
mining the unconditional invariable agreement of every case of a
hetu with its siidlzya the absence of visible conditions may be
realized by perception; but the possibility of the existence of in-
visible conditions cannot be eliminated even by the widest ex-
perience of agreement in presence, and thus there would ah,·ays be
the fear that the invariable concomitance of the hetu with the
siidhya may be conditional, and thus all inference has the value of
more or less probability but not of certainty, and it is only through
perceptual corroboration that the inferences come to be regarded
as valid2 • The reply of Nyaya to this is that the assertion that in-
1 Nyii:ya-manjarl, p. 122.
2 athii-numiinm.n na pramii1}a'f!l yogyo-piidhiniirJZ )''"Jg)'ii-rwpalabdhyii'bhiinl-ni.~­
caye' py' ayogyo-piidhi-swikayii '<yahhiciira-SWJlSa_\'tll satasab sa/zacaritayor api
t-·yabhiciiro-palabdhes ca loke dhiimii-di-dursanii-ntara~n 'l:almyii'di-'l·_\·m:ahc"iras ca
The Lokiiyata, N iistika and Ciirviika 539
ference is not valid is itself an inference based on the similarity of
inferential processes with other invalid mental processes. But this
does not properly refute the Carvaka position that inductive
generalizations are only probable, and that therefore (as Purandara
says) they acquire some amount of validity by being corroborated
by experience and that they have no force in spheres where they
cannot be corroborated by perceptual experience.
Since the Carvakas do not attribute any more validity to in-
ference than probability, other forms of pramli1Jas, such as the
testimony of trusty persons or the scriptures, analogy or implica-
tion, also were not regarded as valid. According to Udayana's
statement, the Carvakas denied the existence of anything that was
not perceived, and Udayana points out that if this doctrine is con-
sistently applied and people begin to disbelieve all that they do not
perceive at any particular time, then all our practical life will be
seriously disturbed and upset 1 • The school of dhurta Ciirviikas, in
their Sutra work, not only denied the validity of inference but
criticized the Nyaya categories as enunciated in the Nyiiya-sutra,
I. 1. 1, and tried to establish the view that no such enumeration of
categories was possible 2 • It is no doubt true that the Carvakas ad-
mitted perception as the only valid pramli7Ja, but since illusions
occurred in perception also, ultimately all pramli7Jas were regarded
as indeterminable by them.
The Carvakas had to contend on the one hand with those who
admitted a permanent soul, such as the Jains, the Naiyayikas, the
Saq1khya-yoga and the l\1imaq1sa, and on the other hand with the
idealistic Buddhists who believed in a permanent series of con-
scious states; for the Carvakas denied all kinds of existence after
death. Thus they say that since there is no permanent entity that
abides after death, there is no existence after death. As the body,
understanding and sense-functions, are continually changing, there
cannot be any existence after death, and hence no separate soul can
be admitted. According to some, Carvakas consciousness is pro-
sambha1•ana-miitrat saf!Zviidena ca priimii1Jyii-bhimiiniid. Tattva-cintiima7Ji
Annumiti. For a similar view see Russel, "On the notion of Cause" in his
1llysticism and Logic.
Udayana's lv-yiiya-husumiii1jali, 111. 5, 6.
2 ciir·ciika-dhilrtas tu athii'tas tattva1Jt vyiikhyiisyiima iti pratijniiya pramii7Ja-

prameya-sa7Jzkhyii-lak$a~w-niyamii-sakya-kara7Jlyatvam eva tatt'l.!af!l vyiikhyii-

taviin; pramii7Ja-sa7Jzkhyii-niyam-iiiakya-kara7Jlyatva-siddhaye ca pramiti-bhediin
pratyak$ti-di-pramii1Jiin upajanyiin ldriiin upiidariayat. Nyiiya-manjarl, p. 64.
Appendix to Volume I
duced (utpadyate) from the four elements, and according to others
it is manifested (abhivyajyate) from them like fermenting intoxica-
tion (sura) or acids. It is on account of diverse kinds of arrange-
ments and rearrangements of the atoms of air, water, fire and earth
that consciousness is either produced or manifested and the bodies
and senses are formed or produced. There is nothing else but
these atomic arrangements, and there is also no further separate
category 1 •
The school of Susik#ta Ciirviikas holds that, so long as the body
remains, there is an entity which remains as the constant perceiver
and enjoyer of all experiences. But no such thing exists after the
destruction of the body. If there was anything like a permanent
self that migrated from one body to another, then it would have
remembered the incidents of the past life just as a man remembers
the experiences of his childhood or youth2 • Arguing against the
Buddhist view that the series of conscious states in any life cannot
be due to the last conscious state before death in a previous life,
or that no state of consciousness in any life can be the cause of the
series of conscious states in another future life, the Carvakas say
that no consciousness that belongs to a different body and a dif-
ferent series can be regarded as the cause of a different series of
conscious states belonging to a different body. Like cognitions be-
longing to a different series, no cognition can be caused by the
ultimate state of consciousness of a past body3 • Again, since the
last mental state of a saint cannot produce other mental states in a
separate birth, it is wrong to suppose that the last mental state of a
dying man should be able to produce any series of mental states in
a new birth. For this reason the Carvaka teacher Kambalasvatara
says that consciousness is produced from the body through the
operation of the vital functions of prii1Ja, apiina and other bio-motor
faculties. It is also wrong to suppose that there is any dormant
consciousness in the early stages of the foetal life, for consciousness
means the cognition of objects, and there cannot be any con-
sciousness in the foetal state when no sense-organs are properly
developed; so also there is no consciousness in a state of swoon, and
tat-samudiiye vi~aye-ndriya-sa7Jtjiiii. Ciirviika-sutra quoted in. Kamalasila's
Paiijikii, p. 520.
2 Nyiiya-maiijarl, p. 467.
3 yadi jiiiinam na tad 'l.'ivak~itii-trta-deha-varti-caram ajiiiina-janyam.
jiiiinatviit yathii'nya-santiina-varti-jiiiinam. Kamalasila's Paiijikii, p. 521.
The Lokiiyata, Niistika and Ciirviika 541
it is wrong to suppose that even in these stages consciousness exists
as a potential power, for power presupposes something in which it
exists and there is no other support for consciousness excepting the
body, and, therefore, when the body is destroyed, all consciousness
ceases with it. It cannot also be admitted that at death conscious-
ness is transferred to another intermediary body, for no such body
is ever perceived and cannot therefore be accepted. There cannot
also be the same series of consciousness in two different bodies;
thus the mental states of an elephant cannot be in the body of a
The Buddhist reply to this objection of the Carvakas is that if
by discarding after-life the Carvakas wish to repudiate the existence
of any permanent entity that is born and reborn, then that is no
objection to the Buddhists, for they also do not admit any such
permanent soul. The Buddhist view is that there is a beginningless
and endless series of states of conscious states which, taken as a
period of seventy, eighty or a hundred years, is called the present,
past or future life. It is wrong on the part of the Carvakas to deny
the character of this series as beginningless and endless; for if it is
so admitted, then a state of consciousness at birth has to be regarded
as the first and that would mean that it had no cause and it would
thus be eternal, for since it existed without any cause there is no
reason why it should ever cease to exist. It could not also have been
produced by some eternal consciousness or god, for no such eternal
entities are admitted; it cannot be admitted as being eternal by
itself; it cannot be produced by eternal atoms of earth, water, etc.,
for it may be shown that no eternal entities can produce anything.
Thus, the last alternative is that it must have been produced by the
previous states of consciousness. Even if the atoms are regarded
as momentary it would be difficult to prove that consciousness was
produced by them. The principle which determines causation is,
firstly, that something is the cause which, being present, that which
was worthy of being seen but was not seen before becomes seen 1 •
Secondly, when two instances are such that though all the other
conditions are present in them both, yet with the introduction of
one element there happens a new phenomenon in the one which
does not happen in the other, then that element is the cause of that
1 ye~ii!'l upalambhe sati upalabdhi-lak1ar;~a-priipta7Jl purvam anupalabdha7Jl sad
upalabhyate ity evam iisrayar;~lyam. Kamalasila, Paiijikii, p. 525.
542 Appendix to Volume I
phenomenon 1 . The two instances, which differ from each other
only in this that there is the effect in the one and not in the other,
agree with each other in all other respects excepting that that in
which there is the effect has also a new clement which is not present
in the other, and it is only in such a case that that clement may be
resarded as the cause of that effect. Otherwise, if the cause is defined
as that which being absent the effect is also absent, then there is the
alternative possibility of the presence of another element which was
also absent, and it might be that it was on account of the absence of
this element that the effect was absent. Thus, the two instances
where an effect occurs and where it does not occur must be such
that they are absolutely the same in every respect, except the fact
that there is one clement in the case where there is the effect which
\Vas absent in the other instance. The causal relation between body
and mind cannot be established by such a rigorous application of
the joint method of agreement and difference. It is not possible to
employ the method of agreement to determine the nature of rela-
tion between one's own body and mind, for it is not possible to
observe the body in the early foetal stage before the rise of mind,
for without mind there cannot be any observation. In other bodies
also the mind cannot be directly observed and so it is not possible
to say that the body is prior to mind. The method of difference also
cannot be employed, for no one can perceive whether with the
cessation of the body his mind also ceases or not; and since the
minds of other people cannot be directly perceived, such a negative
observation cannot be made with reference to other people, and no
assertion can therefore he made as to whether with the cessation of
other people's bodies their minds also ceased or not. No inference
can be drawn from the immobility of the body at death that it must
be due to the destruction of mind, for it may still exist and yet
remain inoperative in moving the body. l.Vloreover, the fact that
a particular body is not moved by it, is due to the fact that the de-
sires and false notions which were operative with reference to that
body were then absent.
Again, there arc other reasons why the body cannot be regarded
as the cause of mind: for if the body as a whole was the cause of
sat~u tad-anye~u samarthe~u ta-dlzetu~u yasyai'kasyii'bhciz-e tlll bhm·atz't_v
eram l"i.~raya~ziyam an_vatlul. hi ke1·alm!l tad-abhci1-·e 1lll blun·an't_v upadm;ane
smzd(r:dham atra tasya Slimarthym!z sy,it anyas_\'ci'pi f,If-samartlwsyci'bfttinit.
Kamalasila, Pmijikli, p. sz6.
The Lokiiyata, Nastika and Carvdka 543
mind, then slight deformities of the body would have changed the
character of the mind, or minds associated with big bodies like
those of elephants would be greater than those of men. If with the
change of one there is no change in the other, the two cannot be said
to be related as cause and effect. Nor can it be said that the body
with the complete set of senses is the cause of mind, for in that case
with the loss of any sense the nature and character of the mind
would also be changed. But we know that this is not so, and when
by paralysis all the motor organs are rendered inoperative, the mind
may still continue to work with unabated vigour 1 • Again, though
the body may remain the same, yet the mental temperament,
character or tone might considerably change, or sudden emotions
might easily unhinge the mind though the body might remain the
same. Even if instances are found which prove that the conditions
of the body affect the conditions of the mind, yet that is no reason
why the mind or soul should cease to exist with the destruction of
the body. If on account of co-existence (saha-sthiti-niyama) of
body and mind they may be said to be connected with each other in
bonds of causation, then since body is as much co-existent with
mind as mind with body, the mind may as well be said to be the
cause of body. Co-existence does not prove causation, for co-
existence of two things may be due to a third cause. Heated copper
melts, so through heat the foetal elements may be supposed to pro-
duce on the one hand the body and on the other hand to manifest
mind or consciousness. So the co-existence of body and mind does
not necessarily mean that the former is the material cause of the
It is said that though the later mental states are perceived to be
produced by the previous ones, yet the first manifested conscious-
ness has a beginning and it is produced by the body, and thus the
theory of the Buddhists that the series of conscious states is without
beginning is false. But if the mental states are in the first instance
produced by the body, then these could not in later cases be pro-
duced in other ways through the visual or other sense organs. If it
is urged that the body is the cause of the first origin of knowledge,
but not of the later mental states, then the later mental states ought
to be able to raise themselves without being in any way dependent
1 prasuptikii-di-roga-dinii kiirye-ndriyii-dzniim upaghiite'pi mano-dhzr avi-
krtaikii-·vikaliirrz sva-sattiim anubhavati. Kamalasila, Paiijikii, p. 527.
544 Appendix to I ..olume I
on the body. If it is held that a mental state can produce a series of
other mental states only with the help of the body, then each of
them would produce an infinite series of such mental states, but
such an infinite number of infinite series is never experienced. It
cannot also be said that the body generates consciousness only at
the first stage and that in all later stages the body remains only as
an accessory cause, for that which once behaves as a generating
cause cannot behave as an accessory cause. Thus, even if the
physical elements be admitted to be impermanent, they cannot be
regarded as the cause. If the mental states be regarded as having a
beginning, it may be asked whether by mental states the sense-
knowledge or the mental ideas are meant. It cannot be the former,
for during sleep, swoon or inattentive conditions there is no sense-
knowledge, even though the sense-organs are present, and it has
therefore to be admitted that attention is the necessary pre-condi-
tion of knowledge, and the sense-organs or the sense-faculties
cannot be regarded as the sole cause of sense-knowledge. The mind
cannot also be regarded as the sole cause, for unless the sense-data
or the sense-objects are perceived by the senses, the mind cannot
work on them. If the mind could by itself know objects, then there
would have been no blind or deaf people. Admitting for argu-
ment's sake that mind produces the cognitions, it may be asked
whether this cognition is savikalpa or nirvikalpa; but there cannot
be any savikalpa unless the association of names and objects
(smiketa) is previously learnt. It cannot be also nirvikalpa know-
ledge, for nirvikalpa represents the objects as they are in their
unique character, which cannot be grasped by the mind alone
without the help of the sense-organs. If it is held that even the
sense-data are produced by the mind, then that would be the ad-
mission of extreme idealism and the giving up of the Carvaka
position. Thus, the conscious states are to be regarded as beginning-
less and without any origin. Their specific characters are determined
by experiences of past lives, and it is as a reminiscence of these ex-
periences that the instincts of sucking or fear show themselves even
with the newly-born baby 1 • It has therefore to be admitted that the
conscious states are produced neither by the body nor by the mind,
but that they are beginningless and are generated by the previous
1 tasmiit pur·vii-bhyiisa-krta evii'ya1Jl biiliiniim i$!ii-ni$!o-piidiina-parityiiga-
la~sa7Jo f.•yavahiira iti siddhii buddher aniiditii. Kamalasila, Paiijikii, p. 532.
The Lokiiyata, N iistika and Ciirviika 545
states, and these by other previous states, and so on. The parental
consciousness cannot be regarded as being the cause of the con-
sciousness of the offspring, for the latter are not similar in nature,
and there are many beings which are not of parental origin. It has,
therefore, to be admitted that the conscious states of this life must
be produced by the states of another life previous to it. Thus, the
existence of a past life is proved. And since the mental states of this
life are determined by the mental states of other lives, the mental
states of this life also are bound to determine other mental states,
and this establishes the existence of future lives; provided, how-
ever, that these mental states are associated with the emotions of
attachment, anger, antipathy, etc. For the mental states can pro-
duce other mental states only when they are affected by the emo-
tions of attachment, anger, etc., and these are inherited by the
new-born baby from the mental states of his previous life which
determined the series of experiences of his present life. Though the
past experiences are transferred to the present life, yet owing to a
severe shock due to the intervention of the foetal period these ex-
periences do not at once show themselves in infancy, but reveal
themselves gradually with age. One does not always remember
what one experienced before; thus, in dreams and deliriums,
though the elements of the past experience are present, yet they are
reconstructed in a distorted form and do not present themselves in
the form of memory. So the past experiences cannot ordinarily be
remembered by the infant, though there are some gifted beings who
can remember their past lives. It is wrong to suppose that the mind
is supported by the body or inheres in' it, for the mind is formless.
Again, if the mind inhered in the body and was of the same stuff
as the body, then the mental states should be as perceptible by the
visual organ as the body itself. The mental states can be perceived
only by the mind in which they occur, but the body can be per-
ceived both by that mind as well as by others; therefore, these two
are of entirely different character and are hence entirely different.
The body is continually changing, and it is the unitary series of
conscious states that produces the impression of the identity of the
body. For though the individual consciousnesses are being de-
stroyed every moment, yet the series remains one in its continuity
in the past lives, the present life and the future. When the series is
different, as in that of a cow and a horse or between two different
DIll 35
Appendix to Volume I
persons, the states of the one series cannot affect those in the other.
One conscious state is thus admitted to be determining another
conscious state, and that another, and so on, within the series.
Thus it has to be admitted that consciousness exists, even in the
unconscious state; for had it not been so, then there would be a
lapse of consciousness at that time and this would mean the
br~aking up of the series. States of consciousness are independent
of the sense-organs and the sense-objects, as they are determined by
the previous states; in dreams, when the sense-organs are not
operating and when there is no sense-object contact, the conscious
states continue to be produced; and in the case of the knowledge of
past or future events, or the knowledge of chimerical things like
the hare's horn, the independence of conscious states is clearly
demonstrated. Thus it is proved that consciousness is neither pro-
duced by the body nor is in any way determined or conditioned by
it, and it is determined only by its past states and itself determines
the future states. Thus also the existence of the past and the future
lives is proved.
The arguments of the Jains and of the ~aiyayikas against the
Carvakas are somewhat of a different nature from those of the
idealistiG Buddhists just described, as the former admitted per-
manent souls which the latter denied. Thus Yidyanandi, in his
Tattviirtha-Sloka-viirtika, says that the chief reason why the soul
cannot be regarded as a product of matter is the fact of undisputed,
unintermittent and universal self-consciousness unlimited by
time or space. Such perceptions as "this is blue" or "I am white"
depend upon external objects or the sense-organs, and cannot
therefore be regarded as typical cases of self-consciousness. But
such perceptions as" I am happy" which dire~tly refer to the self-
perception of the ego do not depend on the operation of any ex-
ternal instruments such as the sense-organs or the like. If this self-
consciousness were not admitted to be established by itself, no other
doctrine, not even the Carvaka doctrine which seeks to demolish all
attested convictions, could he asserted, for all assertions are made
by virtue of this self-consciousness. If any consciousness required
another consciousness to have itself attested, then that would in-
volve a vicious infinite and the first consciousness would have to be
admitted as unconscious. Thus, since the self manifests itself in
self-consciousness (.iva-sam'l·edana), and since the body is perceived
The Lokiiyata, Niistika and Ciirviika 547
through the operation of the senses like all other physical things,
the former is entirely different from the latter and cannot be pro-
duced by the latter, and because it is eternal it cannot also be mani-
fested by the latter. Again, since consciousness exists even without
the senses, and since it may not exist even when there is the body
and the senses (as in a dead body), the consciousness cannot be re-
garded as depending on the body. Thus, the self is directly known
as different from the body by the testimony of self-consciousness.
The other arguments of Vidyanandi are directed against the ideal-
istic Buddhists who do not believe in a permanent self but believe
in the beginningless series of conscious states, and this discussion
had better be omitted here 1 •
Jayanta argues in the Nyiiya-matijari that the body is con-
tinually changing from infancy to old age, and therefore the ex-
periences of one body cannot belong to the new body that has been
formed through growth or decay, and therefore the identity of the
ego and recognition which form the essential constitutive elements
of knowledge cannot belong to the body 2 • It is true no doubt that
good diet and medicine which are helpful to the body are also
helpful to the proper functioning of the intellect. It is also true that
curds and vegetable products and damp places soon begin to
germinate into insects. But this is no proof that matter is the cause
of consciousness. The selves are all-pervading, and when there is
appropriate modifications of physical elements they manifest them-
selves through them according to the conditions of their own
karmas. Again, consciousness cannot also be admitted to belong to
the senses, for apart from the diverse sense-cognitions there is the
apperception of the ego or the self which co-ordinates these diverse
sense-cognitions. Thus I feel that whatever I perceive by the eyes
I touch by the hand, which shows distinctly that apart from the
sense-cognitions there is the individual perceiver or the ego who
co-ordinates these sensations, and without such a co-ordinator the
unity of the different sensations could not be attained. The
Susik~ita Carvakas, however, hold that there is one perceiver so
long as the body exists, but that this perceiver (pramiitr-tattva)
does not transmigrate, but is destroyed with the destruction of the
body; the soul is thus not immortal, and there is no after-world
after the destruction of this body3 • To this Jayanta's reply is that if
1 Tattviirtha-iloka-'Ciirtika, pp. z6-sz. Nyiiya-maiijarl, pp. 439-441.
3 Ibid. pp. 467, 468.
Appendix to Volume I
a self is admitted to exist during the lifetime of this body, then since
this self is different from the body, and since it is partless and non-
physical by nature, there cannot be anything which can destroy it.
No one has ever perceived the self to be burnt or torn to pieces by
birds or animals as a dead body can be. Thus, since it has never
been found to be destroyed, and since it is not possible to infer any
cause which can destroy it, it is to be regarded as immortal. Since
the self is eternal, a:nd since it has a present and past association
with a body, it is not difficult to prove that it will have also a future
association with a body. Thus, self does not reside either in any
part of the body or throughout the body, but is all-pervading and
behaves as the possessor of that body with which it becomes as-
sociated through the bonds of karma. Para-loka or after-life is
defined by Jayanta as rebirth or the association of the soul with
other bodies after death. The proofs that are adduced in favour of
such rebirths are, firstly, from the instinctive behaviour of infants
in sucking the mother's breast or from their unaccountable joys and
miseries which are supposed to be due to the memory of their past
experiences in another birth; and, secondly, from the inequalities
of powers, intelligence, temper, character and habits, inequalities
in the reaping of fruits from the same kind of efforts. These can be
explained only on the supposition of the effects of karma performed
in other births 1 .
Sankara, in interpreting the Brahma-sutra, III. 3· 53, 54, tries
to refute the lokayatika doctrine of soullessness. The main points
in the lokayatika argument here described are that since conscious-
ness exists only when there is a body, and does not exist when there
is no body, this consciousness must be a product of the body. Life-
movements, consciousness, memory and other intellectual func-
tions also belong to the body, since they are experienced only in the
body and not outside of it 2 • To this Sankara's reply is that life-
movements, memory, etc., do not sometimes exist even when the
body exists (at death), therefore they cannot be the products of the
body. The qualities of the body, such as colour, form, etc., can be
1Nyiiya-ma1ijarl, pp. 470-473.
yad dhi yasmin sati bhavaty asati ca na bhavati tat tad-dharmatvena ad-
hyavaslyate yathii'gni-dharmiiv aup:zya-prakiisau; prii')a-ce~!ii-caitanya-sm!l)'ii­
dayas cii'tma-dharmatvenii'bhimatii iitma-vii-dinii1Jl te' py antar eva deha upala-
bhyamiinii bahis cii'nupalabhyamanii asiddhe deha-vyat irikte dharmi')i deha-dharmii
eva bhavitum arhanti; tasmiid avyatireko dehiid iitmiina iti. Sankara-bhii~ya on
Brahma-sutra, 111. 3· 53·
The Lokiiyata, Niistika and Ciirviika 549
perceived by everyone, but there are some who cannot perceive
consciousness, memory, etc. Again, though these are perceived so
long as the living body exists, yet there is no proof that it does not
exist when this body is destroyed. Further, if consciousness is a
product of the body, it could not grasp the body; no fire can burn
itself and no dancer can mount his own shoulders. Consciousness
is always one and unchangeable and is therefore to be regarded as
the immortal self. Though ordinarily the self is found to manifest
itself in association with a body, that only shows that the body is
its instrument, but it does not prove that the self is the product of
the body, as is contended by the Carvakas. The Carvakas criticized
the entire social, moral and religious programme of orthodox
Hindus. Thus Sriha~a, in representing their views in his Naifadh-
acarita, says as follows: ''The scriptural view that the performance
of sacrifices produces wonderful results is directly contradicted by
experience, and is as false as the Pural).ic story of the floating of
stones. It is only those who are devoid of wisdom and capacity
for work who ear.n a livelihood by the Vedic sacrifices, or the
carrying of three sticks (tridm:uJ.a), or the besmearing of the fore-
head with ashes. There is no certainty of the purity of castes, for,
considering the irrepressible sex-emotions of men and women, it
is impossible to say that any particular lineage has been kept pure
throughout its history in the many families on its maternal and
paternal sides. l\1en are not particular in keeping themselves
pure, and the reason why they are so keen to keep the women in
the harem is nothing but jealousy; it is unjustifiable to think that
unbridled sex-indulgence brings any sin or that sins bring suffering
and virtues happiness in another birth; for who knows what will
happen in the other birth when in this life we often see that sinful
men prosper and virtuous people suffer? " The Vedic and the smrti
texts are continually coming into conflict with one another, and are
reconciled only by the trickery of the commentators; if that is so,
why not accept a view in which one may act as one pleases? It is
held that the sense of ego is associated with the body, but when this
body is burnt, what remains there of virtue or vice, and even if there
is anything that will be experienced by another ego and in another
body and as such that cannot hurt me. It is ridiculous to suppose
that any one should remember anything after death, or that after
death the fruits of karma will be reaped, or that by feeding
Brahmins after death the so-called departed soul will have any
550 Appendix to Volume I
satisfaction. The image-worship, or the worship of stones with
flowers, or of bathing in the Ganges as a religious practice is abso-
lutely ridiculous. The practice of performing sriiddha ceremonies
for the satisfaction of the departed is useless, for if the offering of
food could satisfy the dead then the hunger of travellers could also
be removed by their relations offering them food at home. In
reality with death and destruction of the body everything ends, for
nothing returns when the body is reduced to ashes. Since there is
no soul, no rebirth, no god and no after-life, and since all the scrip-
tures are but the instructions of priests interested in cheating the
people, and the Pural).as are but false mythical accounts and fanciful
stories, the one ideal of our conduct is nothing but sense-pleasures.
Sins and virtuf"s have no meaning, they are only the words with
which people are scared to behave in a particular manner ad-
vantageous to the priests. In the field of metaphysics the Carvakas
are materialists and believe in nothing beyond the purely sensible
elements of the atoms of earth, water, air 3,nd fire and their com-
binations; in the field of logic they believe in nothing but '"·hat can
be directly perceived; they deny karma, fruits of karma, rebirth or
souls. The only thing that the Carvakas cared for was the momen-
tary sense-pleasures, unrestrained enjoyment of sensual joys. They
did not believe in sacrificing present joys to obtain happiness in the
future, they did not aim at increasing the total happiness and well-
being of the whole life as we find in the ethical scheme of Caraka;
with them a pigeon/to-day was better than a peacock to-morrow,
better to have a sure copper coin to-day than a doubtful gold coin
in the future 1 . Thus, immediate sense-pleasures were all that they
wanted ~nd any display of prudence, restraint, or other considera-
tions which might lead to the sacrifice of present pleasures was re-
garded by them as foolish and unwise. It does not seem that there
was any element of pessimism in their doctrine. Their whole
ethical position followed from their general metaphysical and
logical doctrine that sense-objects or sense-pleasures were all that
existed, that there was no supra-sensible or transcendent reality,
and thus there was no gradation or qualitative difference between
the pleasures and no reason why any restraint should be put upon
our normal tendency to indulge in sense-pleasures.
varam adya kapotal.z ivo mayilriit
varam Saf!Ziayikiin ni~kiid asa'!liayikal.z
kiiriiiPar;za iti lokiiyatikiih. Kiima-siltra, 1. 2. 29, 30.
Abhayadeva Suri, 524 n. Activity, 27, 36, 42, 44, 47, so, 51, 4I3,
Abhaya-prada-rnja, 134 446, 447, 448 n., 452, 462, 465, 481,
Abhaya-pradiina-siira, I 24 492,493.497.509
abhiiva, 351, 428 Actual perception, I8S n., 3I3
abheda, 6, I94, 373 Actual state, 37
Abhidhiina-padzpikii, 512 n. Acyuta, 2i, 29
abhihitii-nvaya-viida, 2 3 3 adharma, I 53, 349, 453, 503
abhimiina, 48, 468, 485, 494, sxo adhigatiirtha-gantr, 2I6
ablzimantii, 48 adhikarar.za, 352
abhinivesa, 4 70 Adhikara~w-cintiimar.zi, 93 n., I23, I25
abhinna, 32 Adhikarar.za-darpar.za, I 2 3
Abhirama Varacarya, 69, 134, I38 Adhikarar.za-siiriirtha-dzpikii, 1 1 7, I I 8
Abhirama Varadhisa, 1 1 I Adhikarar.za-siiriivalz, I I8, I23, 125
Abhtti-stava, I 2 I Adhikarar.za-siiriiva/I-vyiikhyti, 12 3
abhi1'yakti, 387 Adhikarar.za-yukti-viliisa, 1 I 8
Ablative case, 39 I Adhikiira-cintiimar_zi, I I8
Ablutions, 22 Adhikiira-saf!Lgraha-vyiikhyii, I 27
Abnegation, 99 adh#!ht'ina, 408, 422, 423, 439, 456
Abode, 52 adhi~thiina-kiira1Ja, 47, 365, 454, 456,
Absence, 203; l)f cruelty, 29; of greed, 478, 493
6 I ; of obstruction, 280 adh#thiina-kiira'l}atii, 484
Absolute, 41, 52, 398, 405, 474, 475; adhi~thiitrtva, 498
coincidence, 230; idealism, 358; adlztta-prabandhal; prapanna~z, 9 I
immortality, 383; trustfulness, 91 Adhvaraniiyikii, I 14 n., 125
Absolute surrender, 91 adhyavasiiya, 504
Absorption, I 95 Adhyiitma-cintii, I32
Abstract, 356 Adhyiitma-cintiimar.zi, I 35
Absurd, 230 n. Ad infinitum, 332, 4I7
Acceptance, 54 Adjectival qualities, 254
Accessory, 24, 37, 90, I24, 205, 259, Adjuncts, 303
26I, 273, 292, 3IO, 330, 33I, 387, Admission, 339
444, 452; agent, 272, 275; cause, Admixture, 38
544; collocations, 354; methods, Adoration, 53, 54, 55, 70, 450
38on. a-dravya, 225, 25 I
Accordance, 54 adnta, I52, I64, J89, 292, 303, 444,
acic-chakti, 4 I 6 479•; Veri.kata's view of, 303--4
acidaf!Zia, 301 advaita, 4, 416
acif, 89, x6o, 39I, 396, 397; Veri.kata's Advaita-kiimadhenu, 396 n.
view of, 162 et seq. Advaita-siddhi, I 33
acit-sa1Jlsarga, 383 Advaita-vahiikiira, I 32
Acquaintance, 321, 460 Advaita-vana-kuthiira, I 15 n., 384
Act, 205, 520 Advaita-vidyii-vi_jaya, I 26
Actions, 7, II, 16, 28, 3I, 32, 4I, 49, Advaita-vijaya, 361
so, SI, 52, 53, 55, I29, 186, I87, Advaitic, 65
198, 2I2 n., 290, 294, 295, 300, 303, Advaitins, I29, 142, 295
304, 318, 349. 4I4, 441, 4SI, 452, Affection, 70, 292
455.485,493. so6, so8, 521,523 Affinity, 466, 47I
Active, 48; operation, 203; sense, 49; Affirmation, I93, 2II, 419
sympathy, 90 Afflictions, 28, 44, 454
1 The words are arranged in the order of the English alphabet. Sanskrit and
Pali technical terms and words are in small italics; names of books are in italics
with a capital. English words and other names are in Roman with a capital.
Letters with diacritical marks come after ordinary ones.
552 Index
After-life, 54 I, 548 mii~ws in, 62; pramii and pramii~za,
Agastya-sa1Jzhitii, 23 . definition of, in, 62; prapatti in, 54;
Agency, 35, I72, I<)8, 412, 484, 488 puru~a in, 43 ; puru~a and m·idyii in,
Agent, 8, I I, 27, 3 I, 204, 290, 407, 412, 44; Saf!lkar!?ai)a, Pradyumna and
477. 486, soo Anirudha in, s6; sattva, rajas and
Aggavaf!1sa, 5 I 3, S I 4 tamas in, 45; senses and personality,
Agglutinative, 45 e\·olution of, in, 49; service of God
Aggregation, 287 in, 54; Sudarsana power, nature of,
Agni, sos, so8 in, 53; Sudarsana power of, in, 57;
Agni-purii~za, 20 sabda-bralzman, evolution of, in, s8;
Agni·vesa-sm!zlzitii, s I 7 iabda-energy and the cakras in, s8;
Agreement, 296, 344, 372, 535, 536 iakti and creation in, 30-7; sakti,
alzam-artha, 173, 425 nature of, in, 36; sakti of God in,
a/za1Jl anubha·viimi, I 7 I 44; time in, 46; time in relation with
aha1J!kiira, 7. 25, 43. 47. 48, 49. s6, 9I, categories, in, 46; trinity of prakrti,
144. 145. 146, IS6, I63, 172, 173. puru~a and kala, in, 46-7 ; ultimate
zs6, 257. 258, 259. 26011., 280, 490, reality in, 34; ultimate reality,
4-99. 504, 507, so8, SIO, SII; its realization of, in, 34; upiiya-jiiiina in,
nature, Iji-3; Nimbarka's concep- 55; •t.:iisanii, karma affecting the jz·vas,
tion of, 4I 1 et seq. in, s I ; Vi~Du-sakti as blzii·vaka
alza'l!zkiira-·vaikiirika, 51 o and bhii·cya in, so; 'L')'llhas in, 38;
a/za1J!-pratyaya-vedya, 443 ·t.:yllha doctrine in, 39; yamas and
alzimsii, 61 niyamas, enumeration of, in, 61 ; yoga
Alzirbudhnya, 24, 34, so, 57, s8, 6o, in, 6o
6I, 62, 379. 503 11. Ahobila, 123
Alzirbudlmya-sa1Jzhitii, 2 I, 24, 34, 3611., Ahobila Ranganatha Y ati, 1 I 8, 1 3 1
37 n., 39, 40 n., 41, 42, 43 n., 44 n., Air, 6o, I 28, 499, 504, 540, sso
46 n., 47 n .• 48 11., 49 n., so 11., 51 11., ais'l•arya, 30, 35. 37. 47. s6
52 n., 53 n., 54, ss n., s6 n., 57 n., aitilzya, 426
s8 n., 59 11., 6o 11., 62 11., 379. 448 11.; Aiydngar, 1\Ir S. K., 64 11., 66, 67 11.,
accessories of Yoga in, 61 ; adoration 68, 81 n., I04 11.
in, 54; anatomy in, 59; antaryiimin ajatja, 146, 171
doctrine of, 41; a·vatiiras in, 38-9; ajatjat'l·a, I7I
iisana in, 6o; Brahman, nature of, Ajatasatru, 520, 524
in, 35; Brahman, followers of, in, 35; Ajita, 521, 522
developments of aha1Jlkiira in, 48; Ajita Kdakambali, 521 ; his doctrines,
dharma and jihina, classification of, 52 I
in, 62; emancipation in, 62; faith in, Ajmir, 103
54; God's grace in, 52; God, how to Aji'iana, 144, 177, q8, 179, 195, 315,
approach Him, in, 53; God's lllii in, 317, 321, 327, 328, 329, 330, 338,
5 I ; God, power of, different views 339, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367,
of, in, 57; God, qualities of, in, s6; 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 374. 393.
God, relation ·withjz·va, in so; gu~zas, 394, 407' 408, 409, 41•0, 41 I, 424,
mutual partial similarity of, in, 4611.; 426, 437, 439, 466, 470, 485, 487,
impure creations in, 42 et seq. ; 495. so6; characteristics, 365; con-
intermediate creation in, 42; jzva as stituents, 367; diverse supposition
tafastlza-sakti, so and so 11.; fiva's of it refuted by Ramanuja, 177 et
emancipation in, 52; jz·va's nature seq.; its assumption leads to vicious
of, in, 51 ; jl'l·a's, relation of God infinity, 177 11.; its criticism by
·with, in, 51 ; kala and niyati in, 45; Venkata, 327 et seq.; Nimbarka's
Lak!?mi as nziiyii in, 52; Lak!?mi as conception of, 407 et seq.; refuted by
sakti in, 52; Lak!?mi, nature of, in, Ramanuja, 177; stuff, 366; San-
52 ; mahat, development in, 4 7; malzat kara's view of it criticized by
in, 4 7; man, fall of, in, so; manus Mahacarya, 361 et seq.; Sankarite
and mii1za1·as in, 49; mukti, states of, in view criticized by Madhava
s6; nature of souls, in 61; nyiisa and l\lukunda, 424 et seq.; unspeakable,
sara~ziigati in, 55; objects of pra- 367; whole, 372
Index 553
ajiiiitatayii jiiiitatayai'va, 249 Ananta-suri, 94 n., 98 n., I IO, I I9
akiila, 447 Anantacarya, 98, Ios, 188, 24I, 242 n.,
akiiraka-viida, 521 246, 247, 305; supports corre-
Akha1Jcfiirthatva-bhaizga, 126 spondence theory, 246-7; theory of
akhyiiti, 47, I8o, I8I, I82, 183, 184, illusion, I 88
I8s, I86, I87, 237, 239, 241, 243, Anantarya, 102, no, I 12, I3I, I33.
245; view, 186 n., 244, 245 209, 297, 298, 395; his notion of
aki7JZcitkara, 527 class-concepts, 297; his view of re-
akiri'ya, 52 I lations of souls with God, 297
akiriyam, 520 an-anubhiivyatva, 230, 23I
Akkaialvan, 97 n. an-anyathii-siddhatva, 390
ak~ara, 46, 503 an-anyathii-siddha-niyata-purva-vartitii,
alambu~a, 59 397
alarka-siika, 97 n. Anatomy, SIS n.
alaukika, 426 anaupiidhika, 485
'Ala-ud-din, I20 anavadhiira1Ja, 369
Allahabad, 101, 401 n. anavadhiira1Jatvam eva iivara1Jam, 370
All-complete, 303 anavasthii, 9, I76
All-illuminating, 45 I anavasthii-parihiiriiya, 249
All-merciful, 85, 99, 412 aniidy-ananta, 61
All-perceiving, 27 a-niimaka, 2 5
All-pervading, 393, 405, 4I3 andhatiimisra, 500
All-pervasive, 23, 24, 262, 29I, 292, Andhraplirt:Ia, 104, IOS, I09
299, 426, 432; entities, 263 aneka-dharma, 2 I 2
All-pervasiveness, 157, 450 anekiinta, 21 o
Allegorical drama, I2I Anger, 32, 48, 6I, 545
Alms, 102, I I9 Anim2ls, 221, 44I n.
alpa, 292 Animate, I 16
Alternative, 180, 207, 209, 2IO, 3I2, Aniruddha, IJ, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44,
430 52, s6,57, •s7. I58,443"··448n.,475
Alagarkoil, I03 Aniruddha-sa7Jlhitii-mahopani~ad, 23
Amalan-iidi#riin, 69, I 34 n. anir?.Jacan1ya, I79, 238, 239, 243, 435
Amara-ko~a. 5 I 5 anirvacanlya-khyiiti, 183, 188, 242, 245
Ambrosial sweetness, 84 anityatva, 199
Ammangi, 105 aniyama, 227
Amorous, 73; longings, 83 Annihilation, 276, 324, 377
amrta, 502 Antagonism, 437
amumti'la, 505 Antagonistic, 374
a7JZsa, 194, 485 antab, 483
a7Jlsii-7Jlsibhiiva, 484 antabkara1Ja, I42, 152, I72, I73, 361,
a7JZsiivatiira, 475 364, 366, 368, 369, 370, 420, 434.
an-adhigatii-rtha-gantr, 21 5 444. 453, 486, 499 n.
an-adhyavasiiya, 214 antabkara1Ja-1J!tti, 41 I
Analogy, 5, 128, 144, I92, 216, 219, antarmiga, 377
230, 269, 276, 298, 301, 3I5, 322, antaryiimi, 483
34I, 371, 410, 434. 452, 455. 469, antaryiimy-avatiira, 39 n.
512, SI3, 531 n., 539 Antaryiimi-brahma1Ja, 390
Analysis, 52, I8o, 207, 297 antaryiimin, 40, 4I, 200
Analytic, 3 1 Antecedent, 203, 342
Analytical, 497 Antipathy, 29, 30, s•. 87, 148, 449.
Ananda Press, 94 n. 470,488
Ananta, 39 n., 351 Antiquity, 99
Ananta Bhatta, 98, 102 anubhava, 8, 9
Ananta Dik!?ita, 98, I62 n. anubhavii-numiina, 229
Anantaguru, I 12 anubhiivya, 231
Anantarama,4o8,4o9,410;hiscriticism anubhuti, I43. I68, I7o, 17I, 177,
of the miiyii of Sankara, 4IO et seq. 230 n., 23I, 3I8, 348
554 Index
anugraha, 5 I, 52 Apprehension, 177, 183, 186, 2IS, 2I9,
anugrahasarga, 502 239
anumiina, 426, 427, 487 apramii~a. 24 7
anumiti, I 78 n. aprameyatva, 230 n.
anupalabdhi, 426, 428 aprm·rttimat, 46
anuSiisana pan•a, 44 7 apriikrta-vapul.z, 73
a,u~·rtti, 224 a-priimii~zya, 202
anut·rtti-·ci~ayaka, 224 aprthak-siddha, 209
anut·rtty-avi~asayaka-jiiiina, 2 24 a-prthak-sthita, 35
anu-'l·ya'L·asiiya, 467 apil.rva, 303, so6
anva_va, 231 apil.rvavidhi, 405 n.
anvaya-vyatireki, 227, 228, 229, 427 arciivatiira, 39 n., 4I
An'L•ayiirtha-prakiisikii, I 97 n. Arcir-iidi, I 35 n.
Anvayarya, 384 Argument, 124, 184, I<)O, 289, 291,
Anvayarya Dik!?ita, 384 3I3, 3I4, 503, SI2, SI3, SI7, 546,
am·itii-bhidhiina, 233; Venkata, its up- 547; in a circle, 17
holdtr, 233 arz${a, so6 n.
am·itcl-bhidhiina-'l•iida, 233 Arjuna, 39. I s8
anyathii-jiiiina, 485 artha, 62
anyathii-khyii.ti, I79, I80, I8I, I83, artha-kriyii-kiiritva, 436, 458
I84, I85, I86, d~7, 2IO, 237, 239, Artha-paiicaka, I 35 n.
241, 242, 244. 245. 398 artlza-paricchedaka, 240
anyathii'L•abhclsul;, I 79 artha-pariccheda-kiiri, 240
an·cyayi, 229 arthiipatti, 128, 234, 235, 3 I4, 426;
anyonyii-bhii'l·a, 428 upheld by Meghanadari, 234-5
anyonyii-sraya, 329 artha-prakiisd, 356
an'\'finiinatirikta, 46 Artha-siistra, SI2, 532
Arlgirii, 482 Articles of worship, 70
AiiF?uttara Nikiiya, SI6 n, SI8, 524 Arut:Jaghati, 4 I 6
Aiijali-•tJaibhm•a, I 27 Am~iidhikara~a-iara~a-·vi'L·ara~i, 392
A~~a-guru, I I 5 arviiksrotas, 501, 502
ADt:mvayyangacarya, I 33 A_ragiyas, 68, 8s, 88, 89, 94, 105, I38
At:~t:~ayadirya, I I I, I 37 asamm•iiyi, 456
At:~t:Jayarya, I IS, I30, I32, I33 •.196 asamprajiiiita, 488
a~u, 498 asamprajiiiita-samiidhi, 446, 487
ap, 49 n. asamprajiiiita yoga, 446
apara, 489 asa'f!lsargiigraha, I 36
aparii, 509 asa1iga, 453, 469
aparigraha, 6I n. asat, 457
aparok~a. 227, 367, 442 asatlva, 339
Aparyiitmiimrtiiciirya, I I 2 asiidhiira~a-kiira~a. 224
Apathy, 73 Ascetic, 293, 305, 520, 523, 524, 527
apa·carga, so6 Ash, 186
apiina, 59, 540 asmitii, 470
apiina ·ciiyu, S9 Asoka, 522
apiiramiirthikii, 4 77 asprmat·viit, 537
Aperture, 59 Aspects, 3I I, 4I4, 4I9, 454
Apostolic, 66 assiida, 513
Appayacarya, I 22 Assembly, 482
Apyaya-dik~ita, I I 4, I I 6, I 2 I, I 3 I, Assertion, 3 I 3, 343, 344, 43 I, 432
I33 Association, :.z6, I8S n., 186, I87, I99,
Appeal, s6 224, 233, 284, 299, 300, 303, 308,
Appearance, 52, I79, I8o, 182, 187, 326, 327, 345. 389, 408, 4I2, 44I,
I88, I93, I96, I99. 207, 218, 268, 469, 470, 474, 489, 493, 503, 509,
290, 306, 325, 332, 333. 336, 337. 534, 535; of body, 389
366, 367, 369, 407, 422, 47I Assumptions, I86 n., 297, 298, 323,
Apperception, 8o, 368, 465 338, 350, 424, 437. 439
Index 555
asteya, 61 avibhiiga, 455, 460
asthira, 292 a-vidhi-gocaratva, 88 n.
Asti-brahmeti'-sruty-artha-·vicara, 1 3 1 avidyii, 4, 5, 29, 44, 46, 159, 160, 161,
Astronomy, 515 n. I63, 165, 169, I73, I74, 175, 176,
asura, 528, 529, 531 n. 177, 178, 194, I96, 198 n., 295, 296,
A~!adasa-bheda-nir7Jaya, 85, 86, 88, 308, 3I6, 317, 3I9, 321, 322, 324,
89 n., 90 n., 91, 92 n., 93 n., 132, 326, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335,
138; its contents, 88 et seq. 337, 338, 339, 343, 345, 364, 365,
A~!adasa-rahasyartha-nir7Jaya, 117 366, 371, 372, 373. 374. 375. 393.
A~!iidasa-rahas:yartha-vivara7Ja, 85, 86, 414, 421, 422, 423, 436, 441, 443·
87 n. 444. 445. 468, 469, 470, 476, 477.
~!aizga yoga, 24, 96, 98 478, 487, 492, soo, 507, so8 n.;
Anavi1Jlsad-vidhatmika, 501 n. Brahman cannot as~ume diverse
Asvamedha-parvan, 5 I7 forms on account of, 176; Brahman
a-tathii-bhz7.ta-rtha-jiiana1Jl, 247 cannot be asraya of it, I 76; concep-
Atharva-Veda, 447 tion of its cessation criticized, 338 et
Atheism, 473, 479 seq.; in relation to self-luminosity,
Atheistic, 472, 480 as treated by Vijfiana-Bhik!?u, 468 et
atiprakasa, 503 seq.; it cannot veil Brahman, I 76;
atisaya, 203 its criticism by Veilkata, 330 et seq.;
atlndriya, 225, 354 its opposition to vidya, I76; Nim-
Atomic, 7, 51, 89, IOO n., 194, 28I, barka's idea of, 4I 1; Sankara's con-
413, 432, 443, 444; individuals, 93; ception refuted, I75 et seq.; the
individual soujs, 93; theory, 262 view of its difference from maya
Atomists, 21 I, 264 criticized, 334 et seq.
Atoms, 128, I52, 155, 163, I83, 262, avidyiiya1JZ jlva~ jfVada vidya, I 77 n.
264, 540, 54I, 550 a-visaTJtviiditva, 216
Attachment, 10, 29, 32, 34, 51, 71, I48, a-viiada-svarilpa, I 77
287, 437. 44I, 449. 450, 462, 464, avise~a. 499, 504
4 70, so6, 545 aviveka, 449
Attainment, 32, 6o, 62, 70, 290, 429, avuddhipurvaka, 502
443. 445 avyakta,34.36,45,257,476,477.488,
Attention, 31, JIO 497. 504, 510, 511
A.tthasalinl, 514 n. Avyakta-nrsimhopan#ad, I 3
Attitude, 344 avyakti, 52
Attribute, 8o, 192, 193, 195, 222, 407, Avyaktopani~ad, I 3
413 a-vyavahita, 136
Attribution, 325, 472 Awakened state, I78
Attutayi, 98 Awareness, I84, 185 n., 205, 217, 220,
Auditory, 308; knowledge, 5; percep- 248. 255. 319, J20, 321, 322, 340,
tion, 281 341. 344. 439
Aufrecht, 127 Ayodhya, 103, 120
aupiidhika, 434 ayoni, 46
Author, I30 Ayyar:n:ta, 133
Authoritativeness, 20 Ayyar, Sir Subrahmanya, Lectures,
Authority, I75. 5I7 64 n., 65 n.
Auto-intoxication, 82 Acara-locana, 133
avatiira, 38, 39, 40 n., I29, 302, 40I, acarya, 102
475 Acarya-dlk#ta, 130
avayava, 227, 232, 263 Acarya-hrdaya, I37• 138
avayavl, 263 Acarya-paiiciisat, I 17
avayavo-pacaya-pacayayor, 386 Acarya-vi1Jlsati, 133
aviicyatva, 230 n. adhara, 454
avantara-vyapara, 203 iidhara-kiiro-padhi, 3 3 3
avastava, 436 adheyatva, 298
avedina~, so 1 iidhyasika-sambandha, 42 3
a-vedyat·va, 2 3 I, 367 adhyiitmikl, 507
ss6 Index
Aditya, 20 Aragiyas on religious dogmas, 85-6;
Adivadi.hadi.rya, 132 distinguished from the Aragiyas, 68;
Adivaraha Vedantacarya, 13 I episode of the King Kula-sekhara,
iigama, I4, 487, 5I9 feeling oneself as wife of God, 73;
Agama-priimii7J)'a, I 4, 17, 98, 1 54, I 55 fifth centum, 72-3; fourth centum,
iigantuka-dharmavatt·vam, 393 72; God constantly wooing the
Aganga, 96 devotee, 78; God fettered by His
iigneya-ma7Jtfala, 59 mercy, 78; God's grace, only means
Ajivaka sect, 522 of salvation, 78; influence of the
iijzvakr.zs, 523, 524, 525 Pural').ic religion on the Arvars, 8 I ;
Ajivakas, their views, 522 lamentation for God, 73; lamentation
iijl7__'GS, 523 illustrated, 74, 75, 76; love of God,
iikiisa, 6, 48, 49 n., I63, I64, 252, 260, ever growing, 79; meaning of, 68;
26I, 263, ~o, 282, 283, 284, 498, Namm' -arvar's conception of soul,
499. 504, 5IO 79-80; Namm' -arvar's third centum,
Akasiidhikara7Ja-viciira, 133 7I; ninth centum,73; pangs for God,
Alaya-vij;iiina, 274, 275 71; pathological symptoms of love
Alavandar, 67 n., 97 similar to those of the Vai!?[_lavas of
AJvartirunagari, 68 the Gau<;liya school, 83; Periy-
iinanda, 35, 154, 344, 444, 445, arvar's conception of himself as
486 Yosoda, 77; philosophy of, 69 et seq.;
Ananda-diiyinz, 122, I 23, 131 Radha (Nappinai) referred to as the
Anandagiri, 105, 106, 107 c<msort of Kr~Qa, 8 I ; reference to in
Ananda-tiiratamya-kha7Jtfana, I 29, 133, Bhagavata, 63; sources of, 64; stages
392 of God's love, 79; summary of
Ananda-vallari, I 22 Sathakopa's works, 70 et seq.; their
iinukiilyasya sa'!lkalpa, 92 auto-intoxication, 82; their contro-
iinvzkfikz, 5 I 2 versy with the Vai~l').avas regarding
Angirasa, 21 religious dogmas, 84; their distinc-
AQbillai, I05 tion from the Aragiyas, 94; their
ADbillai-KaQ<;la<;lai-yappan, 64 love ecstatic but not philosophic,
AQ<;lal, 63, 64, 65, 66 n., 67, 69, 77, 97, 79; their love of God does not show
109, 110, I34 n. signs of gross criticism, 83; their
AQc;lan lineage, I 29 relation with the love of the Gauc;liya
iiparok~ya, 309 school, 8I-2; their works divided
Ariidhana-krama, I22 into three rahasyas, 92; the Tengalai
Ariidhanii-sa'!lgraha, I25, 352 and Va<;Jagalai schools rep_!esent
iirjava, 6I the difference between the Arvars
Artti-prabandha, I 38 and the Aragiyas, 86; they identify
Arvar and Ramanuja, difference of themselves as legendary personages
..outlook, I I 2 associated with the life of Krsna un-
Arvar Kula-sekhara, 8o n. like Bhagavata, 8 I ; they ~~~eal a
Arvar literature, QI knowledge of Pural').ic religion of
.Arvars, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 74, Kr~Da, 8o; they reveal in the devo-
75, 78. 79. 83, 84, 8s, 86, 88 n., 89, tion all the principal types of
I02, I05, I I2, I24, I34, I38, 376; emotion, 83; they visualized God
AQ<;lal's filial love, 77; AQ<;!al's love everywhere through intoxication of
for God as Gopi, 77; the Aragiyas love, 83; Tiru-mangaiy's filial love,
generally followed Arvars, though 77; Tiru-mangaiy and Namm'arvar,
there were differences in religious difference of their love, 79; vision of
dogmas, 85; as Avataras of, 64; God, 72; works of, 68-9
castes of, 64; cessation of inclina- Arvar-Tirunagari, I 03
tions leads to God, 72; chronology Arvaric Tengalai school, 86
of, 64-8; conception of bridegroom iisana, 30, 6o, 6I, 505
and bride, 79; difference of their iistika, 471, 5I8
devotion with that of the Saivas, iistikya, 62
83; difference between Arvars and Asuri Kdava, 98, 100
Index 557
iiiaya, 44 biila-loka, 51 3
iiirama, 2, 11, 91, 293 Biila-sarasvatf, 133
iisraya, 176, 407 Biirhaspatya, 512, 533
Asvaliiyana-smrn, 20 Biirhaspatya-sutra, 532
iitma-caitanya, 8 Beauty, 71, 98
iitma-khyiiti, 238 Becoming, 457
iitma-nik~epa/:z, 92 Before and after, 284
iitma-samarpar;za, 6o Beginning, 343, 544
Atma-siddhi, 207, 227 Beginningless, 5, 6, 26, 27, 34, 43, 51,
Atman, 30, 34, 142, 173, 338, 483, 486, 54, 177, 198 n., 279, 284, 285, 330,
502, SIO, 529 331, 339. 354. 367, 372, 373. 409,
iitmii, 8o, 483, 485 413, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 444.
iitmii-nubhava-lak~ar;za-kaivalyii-khya- 446, 448, 452, 467, 474. 477. 489,
puru~iirthal:z, 382 497. so6, 544. 547; time, 316
iitmiiiraya, 255 Behaviour, 5, I79, 1~5. 187, 236, 240,
iitmii vii are dra1.tavyal:z, 8 244, 246, 287
Atreya, 39, 106, 107, 119 Behaviouristic action, 288
Atreya gotra, 109, 11 o, 1 18 Beings, 30, 34, 42, 49, 54, 154, 190,
Atreyanatha, 114 n., 125 195. 239. 243. 312, 313, 314, 325,
Atreyanatha suri, 346 339, 413, 421, 431, 436, 443 n., 447,
Atreya Ramanuja, 119 448, 450, 452, 454. 456, 457. 465,
Atreya varada, 132 474. 477· 480, 483, 488, 489, 509,
Atri, 21 ; lineage, 352 524
iityantika, 502. 503 Belief, 55, 187, 204, 290
iivarar;za, 283, 369, 372 Bell, 119 n.
iivarar:za-bhava, 282 Bellary, 399
iivesiivatiira, 38, 39, 475 Benares, 103
iiyata, 514 Benediction, 42
iiyatana, 51 5 Beneficent, 52
Ayur-veda, 5 17 Beneficial, 51, 62; effects, 335
Bengal, 94, 112
Bad, 8o, 452, 521; actions, 414; deeds, Bengal Asiatic Society, 401
415, 444. 527 Besnagar Column, 19
Badari, 103 Bhadantabhaskara, 3 n.
Badarl-natha, 96 Bhadda, 522
bala, 37. s6 bhadra, 30, 6o
Balabhadracarya, 401 Bhagavad-iiriidhana-krama, 11 3
Baladeva, 496 Bhagavad-gltii, 97, 105, 379, 402, 482,
Balarama, 392, 429 485
bandha, 136 Bhagavad-gur;za-darpar;za, 119 n.
Bangkok, 51 5 n. Bhagavad-vishayam, 78 n., 79, 79 n.
Baptism, 19 bhagavanmaya, 51
Barabar hills, 522 Bhagavat, 1 07
Barua, Dr, 521 n., 524 n. bhagavat-prfty-artham, 92
Basic, 475; cause, 365; consciousness, Bhagavat Senapati Misra, 1 I7, 132
362; reality, 449 Bhagavatl-siltra, 522, 524 n., 525
Basis, 46, 182, 192, 332, 334, 422, 423, bhagaviin, 34. 107 n., 475. so8 n.
439. 440, 454· 456, 468, 47I, 489, Bhaktagramaplirr:ta, 110
494. SIS Bhaktari.ghrirer:tu, 63
Bath, I0-1- bhakti, I7, 19, 32, 33, 63,63 n., 93, 100,
Badarayal).a, 15, 17, 125, 235, 381; his 139; I6I, 292, 293, 378, 380, 382,
so-called refutation of Pafi.cariltra is 450, 451, 507, 509; as conjugal love,
not correct, 17; refutes the Pan- 70; as diisya, 70; cult, 63; in
caratras, I 5 Vijnana Bhik!?u, 450 et seq.; Veri.-
biidha, 459 kata's views, 292 et seq.
biidhaka-sa'!lsarga-grahii1,.Ulm, 186 bhakti-exultation, 78
Badhula Srinivasa.carya, 361 Bhakti-sara, 63, 96 n.
ssB Index
bhakti-yoga, 89, 91, 100 duties, 9; mukti, way to, 1o; relation
Bhandarkar, Sir R. G., 64 n., 66, 67, of Brahma-siltra with Mlmiimsa-
8o n., 399, 402; Report of the Search sutra, his concept of, 7; relatio~ to
for Sanskrit Manuscripts I882- Paiicaratras, p. 2; sat cit and ananta,
I88], 401 identity of, 10; soul nature of, 7;
bhantikas, 182 soul relation with God, 7; substance
Bharadvaja, 530 and qualities, view of, 10; Sankara,
Bharadvaja gotra, 98 refutation of, 4-5; transcendent
Bharadvaja lineage, 133, 440 Brahman, nature of, 1o; world as
Bharad-vaja SaT[lhita, 379 spiritual, 10
Bhartrhari, 108 Bhaskara BhaHa, 3
Bhartrmitra, 108 Bhiiskara-bha~ya, 2 n., 4, 6 n., 7,
Bhartr-prapaiica, 108, 471 8 n.
Bharuchi, 139 Bhaskaradeva, 3 n.
Bhatta Bhaskara, I, 2, 3 n. Bhaskaradik!?ita, 3 n.
Bhananatha, 137, 138 Bhaskaramisra, 3 n.
Bhanarakaguru, 210, 214 n., 226, 229, Bhaskaranrsirpha, 3 n.
234; his view of doubt, 210 Bhaskarasena, 3 n.
Bhr.ttarya, 134 Bhaskarasastri, 3 n.
Bhattoji Dik~ita, I, 19 n.; speaking of Bhaskaracarya, 3
Bhaskara, 1 Bhaskaracarya, Paryc;lita, 3 n.
Bh~gavata cult, I 9 Bhaskaranandanatha, 3 n.
Bhagavata school, 3 n. Bhaskarararyya, 3 n.
Bhagavata-mahiitmya, 63 Bhaskarites, 431
Bhiigavata-purd1Ja, 40 11., 63, 63 n., 66, bhii~ya. 88 n., 107 n., 108, 109, 113,
67, 8o n., 81, 402, 451, 518 114, 115, 116, 118, 138, 139, I8I n.,
Bhagavata-yoga, 24, 32 196, 298, 352, 395, 400, 514
Bhagavatas, 2, 15, 17, 19, 20, 71, 450, bha~ya-kara, 1 o8
475 n., 518 n., 527 n.; not low castes, Bha~ya-prakiiiikii-dil~a1Joddhara, 1 1 4
17 Bhii~ya-vivarat:za, 1 28
Bhiiguri, 516, 53 I bha~yopodghiita, 106
Bhamatl, 4, 196, 196 n., 476 Bhana, 248
Bhaskara, 1, 2, 3, 3 n., 4, 6, 8, 9, Io, 11, Bhaudaji, Dr 3
I06, 108, I 13, 124, I 55, 192, I93, bhava, 52
I94, I95, 197, 200, 201, 301, 305, bhava-jii, 29
413, 429, 433, 434, 472, 497; a bhavaka, so, 51, 53
tri-daryc;lin,, 1 ; bhakti, nature of, Bhava-prabodha, 1 14 n., 12 5
10; Brahman as transcendent, Io; Bhava-pradzpikii, 1 16, 13 1
Brahman not exhausted in trans- Bhava-prakasa, I 22
formation, 1o; deeds, relation of, Bhava-prakiiiika, 1 14, 122, 13 1
with knowledge, 7; difference be- Bhava-prakaiika-dil~a1Joddhara, 1 30
tween his view and that of Sankara, bhii1.ra-rupa' -jnana, 36 I
2; epistemology distinguished from hhavya, so, 51, 53
Sankara, 9; his blzedabheda concept, bheda, 6, 194, 223, 417
6; his causality view of, 4-5; his Bheda-darpa1Ja, 115, 384, 388, 392
date, 3; his difference with Kum- Bheda-mar:zi, I IS n., 384
arila, 8; his sea and wave illustra- Bheda-viida, I33
tion, 6; his view, God and soul re- bheda-vadz, 401
lation of, 6; his \'iew of Brahman, bhedabheda, I, 28, 105, 107, 406, 413,
301; his view of God, 155; his views 471, 472
contrasted with those of Ramanuja, Bheda-bheda-viida, 405
192 et seq.; his views criticized from Bheda-dhikkara-11yakkara, 122
the Nimbarka point of view, 431 et bhediigraha, 186
seq.; jl'L·an-mukti, denial of, 10-11; Bhik~u, 28I n., 448, 450, 451, 452,
j1iiina-samuccita-lwrma, his view of, 456, 460, 465, 466, 467, 468, 471,
8; knowledge, his view of, 8; libera- 472, 473. 474. 477. 478, 479. 487,
tion, nature of, 9; liberation of 488
Index 559
bhinnatve satyabhinna-sattakatvam, 373 Body, 7. JI, 33.41, 55. s8, 59. 6o, 8o,
bhoga, 300, 464, 485, 495 139, 191, 192, 194, I95, 199, 201,
bhogya-iakti, 6 288, 289, 291, ~5, 297, 298, JOO,
bhoktr, 6 JOI, 302, 308, 325, 327, 352, 365,
Bhr~nta-yogindra, 63 n. 369, 391, 412, 414, 444· 448, 450,
Bhrgu, 482 451, 456, 462, 475. 504, 522, 526,
Bhutan, 68 n. 528, 529, 540, 541. 542, 543. 544.
Bhu-gola-nirt)aya, 1 22 546, 548, 549. sso; of God, 7I
Bhilmi, 41, 57, 511 Bombay, 200 n.
Bhilri Bh:-.tta, 402 Bond 26; of sympathy, 71
Bhilri SrisailapilrJ)a, 98, 109 Bondage, 5, 7, 24, 27, 44, 51, 57, 136,
bhiita-modifications, I83 201, 292, 295. 334. 364, 365, 370,
Bhiltapuri, 100, 101 407, 410, 412, 414, 421, 432, 433.
bhutas, 163, 182, 260 n., 26I, 502, 504, 437. 453. 457. 460, 476, 477. 491,
507, 510 495, so6, 509
bhuta-sarga, 502 n. Brahm~. 306, 473, 474
Bhiltatt'-arv~r. 63, 64, 65, 68, 66 n., brahma-bhakti 507
68 n., 134 n. brahma-carya, 61
Bhiltayogindra, 63 n. Brahma-causality, u6, 388, 396
bhuta-yoni, 25 brahma-ciirin, 124
bhutiidi, 48, 163, 259, 260, 261, 498, Brahma-character, 366
499. 504, 510 Brahmadatta, 108, 291; his view of
bhutarti, s12 Brahman, 2')1
bhutatmii, 25 Brahma-experience, 465; treatment by
bhuti, 44 Vijii~na Bhik!?u, 465
bhuti-bheda~. 44 Brahmahood, I7. 405 n., so6
bhuti-iakti, 42 Brahma-jiiiina-niriisa, 130
bhuty-arrzia~. 44 Brahma-knowledge, 2, 4, 89, 305, 308,
bhuyo-dariana-gamya, 228 326, 336. 337. 435. 466
Bibliotheca Indica, 483 n. Brahma-lak~al)a-vada, 133
Bile, 182 Brahma-lak~a1}Q-vakyiirtha, 130
hindu, s8 Brahma-lak~a7Ja-vakyiirtha -sa7Jtgraha,
Bio-motor, 59, 258; faculties, 540 130
Birth, 33, 51, 287, 290, 294, 370, 382, brahma-laya, 509
43 I, 462, 549 Brahma-manifestation, 373
Bison, 234 Brahman, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12,
Bittideva, 104, I 13 20,26,28,JO,JI, 33, 34,35, 37,39,
bzjaizkura, 177 68, 89, 93, 106, I 16, 126, 136 n.,
Black Rati, 38 153. 154. ISS. 156, 165, I66, 174.
Blind, 367; man, 390 I75, 176, 177, 178, I92, 193, 194,
Bliss, 16, 34, 35, 41, so, 51, 52, 71, 195, I96, 197, 198, I99, 200, 201,
144, I 54, I75, 295, 302, 304, 31 I, 208, 2I 1, 224, 239, 291, 295, 299,
365, 366, 404, 408, 413, 414, 441, JOO n., JOI, 302, 303, 307, 309, 3 I 2,
442, 443, 445, 448, 463, 474, 485, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 319, 320,
486, 489, 494 322, 323, 325, 326, 328, 329, 330,
Blissful, 62; emotion, 71; nature, 331, 332, 333. 334. 335. 336, 337.
383 338, 340, 343. 345. 350, 351, 352,
Blissfulness, 325 365, 366, 367, 369 37I, 372, 373.
Blue colour, 153 374: 381, 383, 384. 385, 386, 387,
Boar, 38 388, 389, 391, 392, 394. 395. 396,
boddhii, 48 397. 398, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408,
bodha-lak~a7Ja, 10 409, 412, 415, 416, 417, 4I8, 419,
Bodh~yana, 105, 108, 109, 139, 180, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 429, 430,
I8I n., 192, 350 432, 433. 434. 435. 436, 437. 438,
Bodhiiyana-'l.:rtti, 102, 103 n. 439. 440, 445. 446, 447. 448, 452,
Bodhisattva. c; 1 3 45·h 455. 456, 457. 458, 460, 461,
Bodily charms, 83 462, 464, 465, 466, 477. 483, 484,
s6o Index
Brahman (cont.) Breath, 6o
485, 486, 487, 492, 493. 494. 495. Breath-control, 23
497, so6, 509; material and efficient Brhad-iira1Jyaka Upani~ad, 494, 5I9,
cause, 30I 5I9 n., 528, 529
Brahmanandin, I06, I07 Brhad-iira~zyako-pani~at-prakiisikii, I 26
Brahman-consciousness, 3 I 7 BrhaJ-jiitaka, 523
Brahmanhood, 383 n. Brhaspati, I2, I40 n., SI6, 53I, 532,
Brahmanic, 5 I 5 n. 533
Brahman of Sankara, 396 Brhaspati-sii.tra, 53 I
Brahman's nature, 397 Bridegroom, 79, 378
BrahmaQa, 527 Brindaban, 63, I20, 440
brahma-randhra, 3 I, 59 Buddha, 39, 505, 522
Brahma-riitra, 23 Buddhaghoso, 5I2, 5I3, 520, 52I n.,
bralzma-samasattiika-vikiirii- ngikiiriit, 522, 524 n.
396 buddhi, 7. 43. 47. 49. s6, 8o, I44. I47.
Brahma-sa,hitii, 40 n. ; avatiiras in, I48, 163, 449, 453, 464, 465, 466,
40 n. 467, 468, 469. 470, 476, 480, 486,
Brahma-sarga, 25 490, 49I, 494. 495. 499 n., 503, so6,
Brahma-state, 468 507, 508; in relation to sukha-
Brahma-sii.tra, 1, 3, 4, 7 n., IS, I7, I02, du~zkha in Vijnana Bhiksu, 464
IOS, I07, I08, I I3, I I6, 117, I I8, Buddhism, 143, SI6
I24, I25, I20, I33, I39o IQS, 196, buddhi-states, 467
305, 349, 350, 38I, 402, 404, 405 n., Buddhist doctrine of momentariness,
406 n., 440, 454, 465, 466, 472, 478, refutation by Veiikata, 268 et seq.
479. 480, 482, 496, 517 r.., 548 Buddhist theory, 262
Brahma - sii.tra - bhii~ya- pii.rva- pak~a­ Buddhist view, 2SI-2, 54I
sa1Jzgraha-kiirikii, I I 7 Buddhistic doctrines, 5 I 8
Brahma- sutra- bhii~yii- rambha- prayo- Buddhistic literature, 520
yana-samarthana, I I 8 Buddhistic texts, 5 I 8
Brahma-sutra-bhii~ya-sa,graha-viva­ Buddhists, 1, I29, 205, 216, 236, 238,
ra~, I 18 254. 255. 268, 269, 270, 27I, 275.
Brahma- sutra- bhiin•a- vyiikhyii, I I 7, 276, 282, 398, 424, 443. 47I, 5I2,
I30 5I3, 5I8, 5I9, 525, 527, 538, 539,
Brahma-sutra-bhii~yopa-nyiisa, I I 7, 540, 541, 543, 546; view of in-
I25 validity inadmissible, 236
Brahma-sutra-dlpikii, I 18, I33 buddhi-tattva, 25
Brahma-sutriirtha-sa1Jlgraha, I o8, I 16, Bukka I, King, I2I
I30 Bukka's son Kampana, 12I
Brahma-iabdiirtha-viciira, I 30, 13 I Burning capacity, 249
Brahma-iakti-viida, I 33 Burnmg object, 249
Brahmatantra-jiyar, 111
Brahma-vidyii-kaumudi, I I 5 Caitanya, 403
Brahma-vidyii-viJaya, I I 7, I 20 caitanya, 8, 8I, I4I, 45I
Brahma-vi~QU, 497 Caitanya-caritiimrta, 403 n.
Brahma, I2, I3, 25, 38, 40 n., 43, 45, Cakiira-samarthana, I 23
52,232,475.499,503,504,505,507, cakra, s8, 6o, 64
SIO cak~us, 502
Brahmii-Jiiiina-viidi, I 77 n. Calmness, 52
brahmii1J4a, 38 Campakda, I IS, I 17, 13I
Brahmii7J4a-purii1}a, 20 Ca7J4a-miiruta, I I7, I23, 126, I29
brahmiitmatva, 43I Capacity, I49, 349, 354; of fire, 249
Brahminic, 2, I 9 C araka-sm.nhitii, 5 I 6
Brahmins, I4, I7, In., 97. 44I n., 5I6, carama, I35 n.
5I7, 5I8, 52I, 549 C arama-guru-nir7Jaya, I 2 5
brahmi, 47 Carama-iloka-churukku, 94
brahmopiisanam, 382 Caramopiiya-tiitparya, I 22
briihma, 502 Cardinal faith, 86
Cardinal points, 85, 86 Cause-space, 273
Carnatica, 104 n. Cause-time, 273
Camatik, 63 C~rvaka, I39. I40, 276, 280, 282, 286,
Case, 288 288, 289, 432, 5I2, SIS, SI6, 522,
Case-ending, 239 528, 53I, 533. 536, 538, 539. 54I,
Case-relation, 233 544, 546, 549, 550; contention, 535;
Caste, 17, 42, 43, 49, 293, 416, 441 n., criticisms against by Jains and
SI8, 549 N aiy~yikas, 546; criticisms of the
Caste-distinction, 44 Buddhists, against, 54 I et seq.;
Caste-duties, 33, 4I4 doctrine, 546; his logic, 533 et seq.;
Casuistry, 5I4, SIS his logic criticized by Jayanta,
Catalogue, 400 Udayana, etc., 537 et seq.; logic, 533;
Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in other criticisms against, 548 et seq.;
the Private Libraries of the North- reference to, 53 I et seq.; their argu-
Western Provinces, 379, 400 n., ments for denying soul, 289 n.;
40I n. types of, 539
Catalogus Catalogorum, I27 Ctirvtirka-~~ti, 53 I n.
Category, 2, 30, 36, 37, 45, 46, 47, 48, Ctirvtikism, I39
49, 8o, 89, 98, I28, I29, ISO, 223, Cease, 3IO
224, 239. 257. 258, 297. 328, 339. Central question, so
340, 350, 35I, 353· 354· 355. 4I7, Centum, 72
428, 429, 4·35. 48o, 503, 540; of dif- Ceremonial duties, I6o
ference, 4I7; of time, 284 Ceremonials, 4I
Catholic, I04 Cessation, 27, 28, 52, 6I, I36, 177,
Catub-slokz, 94 n., 98, 99, I23 287, 292, 293. 295. 3IO, 32I, 338,
Catub-slokl-vytikhyti, I3 I 339. 365, 366, 369, 37I, 372, 374.
Catur-vyuha, 509 n 393. 445. 453. 463, 470, 486, so6,
Causal, 46, 265, 34r, 344, 470, 473, 523, 572; of bondage, 364; of re-
484; agents, 267; constituent, 267; birth, 70
doctrine, I 99; efficiency, 268, 27 I, ce~fti, 300
276, 436, 458; entity, 37I; instru- clzala, 5I2
ments, 203; material, 465; moment, Chaltiri-smrti, I03
273; movement, 502; nature, 395; Change, I96, 3I3, 3I4, 32I, 325, 338,
operation, 205, 263, 265, 266, 267, 344, 443 n., 445, 447, 456, 457, 458,
270, 272, 276, 343; principle, I 92; 485, 488, 489, 490, 493, 49s
qualities, 256; relations, 279. 342; Changeable, 3I3, 323
state, 42, 200, 344; substance, 344, Changeless, 34, 61, I95. 389, 396, 457
39I Character, 46, I8o, I8I, I93, I94, 195,
Causality, 53, 128, 205, 206, 276, 278, 209, 2IO, 297, 3I I, 3I2, 3I5, 319,
299. 300, 389, 396, 455. 456, 459. 323, 324, 33I, 332, 333. 334. 336,
470 35I, 407, 408, 411, 430, 465, 534·
Causation, 354, 397, 456, 54I, 543 548
Cause,4,8, 9,24, 42,46, 58, I74. I79. Characteristic, I85, 207, 209, 2I2, 300,
I8I, I84, I86, I87, I89, I90, I92, 317,325, 350,426, 450; quality, 3I7
I93, I94, I95, I97, I98, I99, 204, Characterless, I66, I95, 356
206, 232, 256, 257. 260 n., 266, 267, Charity, 86, 87
270, 27I, 276, 277. 278, 279. 293. Charm of God, 83
295. 299. 306, 3IO, 330, 333. 339. Chtindoagyopani~ad-bha~ya, I I 7
341, 342, 343. 350, 354. 365, 366, Chtindogya, IOI, I06, 528, 529, 530
385, 388, 389, 396, 406, 410, 4I3, Chiindogya Upani~ad, 3, Io6, I07, I26,
433, 44I, 447 n., 448, 452, 454, 455, 5I7, 528; heretics referred to, in, 528
456, 460, 465, 469, 470, 472, 473. Chandogyo-pani~ad-prakasikti, I 26
479. 483, 493. 495. 503, 509, 520, Chemical change, I4I
524, 539 n., 54I, 542, 543, 545, 547; Chimerical, 179, I9I, 241, 27I, 3I2,
and effect, 258; qualities, 257 3I4, 3I9, 33I, 339. 406, 435;
Causeless, 46, 354 entities, 239, 243, 27I, 333, 344,
Cause-moment, 273 440; objects, 274; theory, 266
Dill 36
Choice, 304 Colour-datum, 253
Chowkhamba, 202 n., 209 n. Combinations, 326
Chronological, 68 Commands, 303
cic-chakti, 32, 4I6 Commentary, 1 n., 3, 99, 102 n., 106,
cida1Jlsa, 301 107, 108, 114, 115, 116, 117, 120,
cin-miitram, 1 6 5 1221 123, 125, 126, 127, 130, IJI,
cintaniitmakam indriyam, 48 132, 134, 138, 214, 260 n., 305, 349,
Circular, 255 402, 403, 440, 460, 476, 482, 516,
Circulation, 59 5 I7 n., 518, 523, 532; literature, 86
Circumstances, 182, 320, 323, 349, Commentator, 107 n., 196, 444
430 Commission, 398
cit, 154, 391, 396, 397, 444 Common, 207
citi, 503, 504 Communication, 309, 428
Cit-prakara'!la, 1 6o n. Communion, 70, 99, 3 76
Citsukha, 11 1, 468 Companions, 83
citsukh~carya, 31 8, 482 Compendium, 135
citta, 28I n., 480, 499 n. Complete, 36, 296
citta-vrtti-nirodha, 62, so6 Complex, 188, 193; feeling, 90
Class-characters, 167, 232, 534 Comprehension, 419
Class-concept, 224, 226 n., 297, 436 Computation, 96
Class-notions, 61 Conative, 49; organs, 412; senses, 31,
Classification, 30, 129, 212 61, 280, 504
Clay, 3, 4 n., 199; materials, 3 Conceit, 173
Clearness, 217 Concentration, 30
Clinging to God, 87 Concept, 42, 53, 185, 186, 195, 254,
Closed souls, 501 264, 297' 340, 344. 390, 406, 434.
Cloth, 190, 193, 256, 265 435
Clouds, so Conception, 45, 192, 195, 295, 297,
Code of duties, 88 JOI, 321, 328, 333, 335, 341, 35I,
Coeval, 183 389, 397. 398, 447. 448, 451, 456,
Co-existence, 273, 543 462, 468, SO+
Co-existent, 286, 423 Conceptual cognitions, 341
Co-extensive, 291, 292 Conceptual forms, 3 11
Cognate, 43 Conch-shell, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183,
Cognition, 8, 9, 217, 218, 248, 289, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 208, 210,
JIO, JI I, 315, 318, 320, 323, 325, 211, 241, 244. 247. 253. 254. 270,
335. 347. 360, 368, 410, 411, 428 337, 346, 368, 37 I, 408; silver, 179,
Cognitive, 31, 49, 61, 318, 466; ex- 184, 237. 246, 312, 314, 335. 336,
periences, 300; characters, 241 ; 340, 343, 344, 398; silver illusion,
operation, 359; process, 467; rela- 185 n., 186, 188
tion, 358; sense, 25, 48, 280; situa- Conciliatory, 20
tion, 467 Conclusions, 2I 1, 319, 409, 451, 458,
Coherence, 300; of qualities, 254 469, 486, 495
Coimbatore, 121 Concomitance, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230,
Cola, 65, 67, 94, 98, 103, 1 I 3, 523; 263, 273. 319, 427, 438, 513, 533.
kings, 104 534. 535. 536, 538
Collocating entities, 275 Concrete, 49, 187
Collocation, 141, 152, 204, 206, 264, Condition, 51, 180, 181, 193, 211, JOI,
292, 354, 360, 473; of accessories, JOb, JIO, 3I2, 318, 323, 333, 344,
354; of causes, 203 346, 412, 4I3, 416, 420, 421, 422,
Collocative agents, 342 428, 432, 433, 434, 4£H, 463, 468,
Collocative causes, 248 473.476,489,492,493,534, 535;of
Colony, 42, 43 reality, 243
Colophon of l\litra, 403 Conditional, 289, 390, 533, 538; quali-
Colour, 61, 141, 167, 182, 251, 389; ties, 285, 286
perception, 280 Conditioned, 193, 446, 474
Colour-data, 253 Conduct, 16, 550
Conflict of knowledge, 212 n. Corporeal structure, 43 I
Confusion, 25, 140 Correct, 18o
Conglomeration, 37, 163, 252, 262, Correction, 179
275. 278, 288 Correspondence, 247,348, 357; theory,
Conjeevaram, 68 246
Connection, 4 3 n. Corroboration, 340, 341, 357
Connotation, 299 Cosmic, 443 n., 475, 482, 492, 509,
Conscious, 27, 31, 41, 290, 416, 467, 510; affairs, 475; egg, 504; matter,
491; energy,_459; entities, 89; prin- 163
ciple, 29; state, s4o, 543, s46 Cosmogony, 515 n.
Consciousness, 368, 369, 373, 377, Cosmological, 474
406, 407, 413. 420, 429, 438, 439. Cotton-seed, 273
440, 452, 454. 459. 460, 462, 463, Counterpart, 58
467, 469, 479. 486, 507, 519, 529, Couples, 38
S40, 541, 543. 545. 546, 547. 548, Course, 31, 34. 51, 52, s6, 57
549; its character, 141, 142 Cow, 234
Considerations, 420 Cowell, SIS
Consonance, 44, 58 Creation, 25, 27, 36, 38, 42, 45, so, 51,
Consort, 70, 8 1 52, s6, s8, u6, 158, 182, 188, 192,
Constancy, 29 195, 196, 302, 443 n., 444, 449, 452,
Constituent conscious-entities, 287 458, 460, 476, 498, soo, 501, 502,
Constituents, 188, 2s6, 310, 323, 335, so4, so8
414, 415, 41~ 42~ 430, 455. 458 Creative, so, 465, 473; activity, 452,
Constituted entity, 256 454; desire, 48; moment, 472
Construction, 191, 195 Creator, 16, 412, 476, 507
Contact, 263, 270, 281 n., 316, 453, Creatures, 44 7 n.
466 Creed, 433
Container, 456 Criterion, 314
Contemplation, 68 Criticism, 76, 112, 116, 179, 215, 217,
Contemporary, 131 n., 135 304, 339. 342, 429, 433. 478, 479.
Content, 250 n., 310, 329, 336, 439; 518, 533
of awareness, 185 n.; of knowledge, Crooked, 158
242, 247. 314 Cults, 81
Contentions, 211, 311, 315, 348 Currency, 9 5
Con tentless, 2 so, 3 1o, 3 1 1 Customs, 2
Contentment, 61, so6 Culikopan#ad, 480
Contents of thoughts, 198 Cycle, 41, 51, 446, 481, 490
Contiguity, 46,296, 316, 324, 32S, 421; Cymbals, 8o
of consciousness, 240, 420
Contraction, 393 dak#7Ja, 381 n.
Contradiction, 9, 186, 192, 210, 239, Dak$i1}a-kaliirya, 381, 382, 383,
269, 314, 318, 321, 327, 336, 337, 384
342, 374. 386, 31)8, 435. 436, 451, Dancer, 85
459, 470, 498, 502 n.; of knowledge, Dantivarman, 67
179 dm:uJ.a-nlti, 5 32
Contradictory, 17, 207, 211, 269, 310, da7J4in, 524 11.
319, 337. 421 Darkness, 178
Contrary, 322; conclusion, 230 dariana, 46 3, 53 3
Contributions, 346 Dasaratha, 429, 522
Control, 30, 32, s8, 303, 430, 443 n., Daia-ilokz, 399, 400, 403
444, 499; of mind, 29 daiiivat, 251
Controller, 99, 200, 386, 415,429, 430, Data, 21 o, 428
4SI, 478. Dattatreya, 40 n.
Controversialist, 406 Dattiitreyopani$ad, 1 3
Controversy, 68, 128, IJO, 328, 416 Date-juice, 226
Conviction, 54, 55 Datum, 287
Co-operation, 409 Davids, 515
dayii, 57, 6I Destructive agents, 266
Dayaramadeva, 402 Desikacarya, I I 6, I 3 I
Damodara, 39 Detachment, 442
Damodara Gosvami, 399 Determinate, I 66, 220, 3 I I, 466;
diina, 33, 6I knowledge, 216, 217, 22I, 224, 340;
Dasarathi, 98, I02, Io4, Io9, I IO, I I 3 object, I77
Dasarya, 63 n. Determinateness, 2 I 8
diisya, 70 Determination of validity, 357
Dead, 550 Determinations, 42, 1 I 3, 504
Death,69,29I,43I,447.5I9,530,53I, Deussen, Io8 n.
536, 539. 548, 550 devadatta, 59, 6o
Death-coma, 79 Devaki Sri, 95
Decay, 447 n., 454, 547 Devamannatha, I02 n., I IO
Decision, 2IO Devanatha, I33
Deduction, 3 I4 Deva-niiyaka-paiiciisat, I 22
Deeds,7, IS, 33, 54,6I,290,292,299, Devaraja, IIO, III, II4, 138
30I, 303, 349, 388, 4I5, 429, 444, Devarajaguru, I37, I38
452, 489, 5I3 n., 52I, 524, 528 Devaraja Suri, I22
Deep concentration, 22 Devarajacarya, I23, I27
Deep emotion, 378 Devarat, I02 n., I IO
Deep sleep, I42, ISI, I78 deva-yiina, 5 I 7
Defect, I75. I77, I79, I82, I84, I85 n., Devacarya, 40 I, 404
203, 230, 238, 331, 332, 334, 336, Devacarya, Par:1<;lita Anantarama, 399
338, 356, 430, 437. 439. 442 Devadevi, 69
Defectlessness, 250 Development, 42, 49
Defects of organs, I8I Deviprasad Par:tc.lita, 400 n.
Defence, 300 Devi, 57
Definable, 230 Devotee, 28, 38,39 n., 55, 70, 82, 89, 90,
Definite effects, 279 99. I29, 337. 378, 379. 405, 442, 49I
Definition, I28, 2I7 n., 22I, 232, 295, Devotion, IO, I3, 32, 6I, 70, 78, 82,
298, 299, 300, 3I8, 345, 348, 373, 84, 88, 89, IOO, I29, I34, IfH, 442,
390, 424, 448, 462, 5I9, 537; of 450, 451 ; to God, 89
error, 247; of validity, 248 Devotional, 69, 293; development, 8I;
dehiitmaviidins, 528 faiths, 8I; Devotional songs, 83
Deity, 3I, 38, 39.4I, s8; 6o, 126,295.303 dhanaiijaya, 59
Delirious, 79 Dhanurdasa, 104
Deliverance, 376 Dhanvantari, 40 n.
Delusion, 325 +Dharma, 40 n., 47, 62, I24, I25, I 53,
Delusive, 45 254,294.349.394·405,453.503,505
Demerit, IS, I53, 453 Dharmadevacarya, 404
Demons, 25 Dharmakuresa, I33
Demonstrable, 230 Dharmarajadhvarindra, 9, 204, 216
Denial, I86 dharma-siidrsya, 224
Dependence, 55, 272, 299 Dharma-siistras, 21
Descartes, 202 n. dharmatva, 254
Description, 52, 436 Dharmaraja, 228
Desires, 7, 33, 34, 44, 45, 48, 6I, 92, dhiira7Ja, 6I
I46, I60, 191, 296, 298, 303, 350, dhiira~zii, 30, 505
4I6, 429, 44I, 463, 472, 503, 504, Dhenu, 52
sos, so6, 529 dhl-sphutatii, 2 1 7
Destiny, 43, 45, 444, 46I, SOI, 502 dhoti, 522
Destroyer, 499, 507 Dhruva, 39 n.
Destructible, I99, 373, 425 dhru·vii-nusmrti, 293
Destruction, 26, 33, 38, 5 I. 52, s8, dhrti, 57, 6I, sio
I78, 239, 27I, 272, 308, 3I4, 344, dhuma-dhumat·va, 226 n.
353, 365, 407, 4IO, 428, 442, 443 n., dhrlmatva, 535
454. 469, 476, 550 dlulrta ciirviika, 516, 539
dhva,sa-bhava, 428 Distant perception, 254
dhyiina, 10, 30, 61, 388, 487, 505 Distinct perception, 254
dhyiiniidina paricaryii, 1 o Distinction, 47, 181, 185 n., 186 n.,
Dialectic, 239, 426 z88, 307, 331, 411, 419, 434, 449,
Dialectical, II I, 194, 304, 437; analysis, 485, 491, 494
1 12; criticism, 277 Distinctive differences, 167
Dialogues of the Buddha, 512 n., 514 n., Distinctness, 254
515 n., 520 n., 521 n. di~fika, 518
Dictum, 320 Diverse forms, 36
Didactic poem, 1z 1 Diversity, 196
Difference, 6, z8, 30, 180, 181, 182, Divine, 41, 472; beauty, 136; entity,
184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 192, 193, 485; functions, 38; grace, 84, 378;
194, 195, 204, 220 n., zz8, 266, 303, love, 451
312, 322, 330, 331, 342, 343. 350, Divine Wisdom, So n.
351, 353. 354. 355. 356, 359. 383, Divine Wi'sdom of the Dravifja Saints,
405, 41 I, 413, 417, 418, 419, 422, 78, 79 n.
433. 434. 435. 436, 443. 448, 455. Divinity, 450
456, 471, 480, 485, 486, 489, 536, Division, zo8
542, sso; conception of the Nim- divya, 214 n.
barkas school of, 417 et seq. Divya-prabandha, 64, 130, 134, 135,
Difference-in-identity, 432, 433 137, 138
Difference]ess, 406, 420 Divya-prabandha-vyiikhyii, 1 3 1
Differencelessness, 167 Divya-suri'-carita, 64, 94, 95, 105,
Different, 42, 302, 330, 336, 339, 397, 113 n.
406, 413, 416, 441; order, 419 Divya-suri-prabhiiva-dlpikii, 1 18, 132
Different-from-existent-and-non-ex- Divyiivadiina, 514, 5 24 n.
istent, 339 Dlgha, 515 n., 521
Differentia, 212, 429 Dlglza Nikiiya, 514, szo, 524, 525
Differentiating characteristic, 185 n. Dik!?ita, 19 n.
Differentiation, zoo, 462, 479 Dlpa-prakiisa, 135
Difficulty, 192 Dlpa-siira, 1 z8 n.
Di'gamvara Jains, 523, 524 dipti, sos
Digamvaras, 523 Docility, 54
dzk, 163, 283, 284 Doctrinal, 305
Dilation, 444 Doctrine, z8, 43, so, 55, 86, 192, 195,
Dina-caryii, 1 37 1<)6, 297. 330, 334. 338, 340, 346,
Direct, 309, 46 5; intuition, 363; know- 349. 406, 422, 427, 430, 434. 472,
ledge, 217, 312; percepti()n, 308 -1-83, 484, 512 n., 516, 517, 518, 519,
Disappearance, 309 521, 522, 523, 525, 5-ltl, 527, sz8,
Disciple, 98, 102, 110, 114, 122, 123, 529, 530, 539, 546, 548, 550; of
I 26, I 38, 522 blzakti, 450; of causality, :(.76; of
Discipline, z8, 29, 33, 442 kala, 448 n.; of prakrti, 478
Disciplined, 32 Do<;i<;iyacarya, 121 n.
Discrimination, 292 Dogmas, 303
Discriminative, 49; knowledge, 52 Domestic life, 6z
Discussions, 123, 352, 418 Dormant, 56
Disfavour, 51, 52, 159. 160, 164 do~a. 165, 175, 184, 188, 238
Disinclination, 33, 47, 52, 2'}2, 442; of Doubt, 207, zo8, 2~9. 210, 211, 212,
mind, 29 213, 215, ~36, 241, 251; its analysis,
Displeasure, 291, 303, 304 211; its classification, 213; itself in-
Disposition, 54 dubitable, 236; Nyaya view of it,
Disputation, 515, 517, 518, 519 207 n.; Venkata's conclusive re ..
Dissipation, 287 marks on, 208 et seq.; Venkata's
Dissociation, 393 criticism of Nyaya view, 2c7-8;
Dissolution, 36, 45, 49, so, 158, 196, Vet_kata's special treatmen:: of it,
301, 314, 450, 458, 461, 466, 469, 207 et seq.; Venkata's treatment
493, 498, 52 I; of doubt, 390 si.milar to that of Descartes. 202
566 Index
Doubtful property, 213 Dynamic, 29, 44, 456, soo; agency,
Dramatic action, 8z 44-6; function, 448 n.; operation,
Drami<;la, I08, I ~9 261; power, 448
Drami<;lacarya, 105, I06, 107, 108 Dynasty, 67
Dramiqopani~ad-bh.in•a, 126 Dyutimati, 98, IOO
Dramiqopani$al-tiitparya, 69, 70 11.,
7I 1l.,. 72 1l., 73 1l. Ear, 167
Dra·vitj.a - sruti - tatt'L·iirtha - prakiisikii, Earliest devotees, 8z
IZ7 Early History of Vai$1Javism in South
Dravidian, I 32, 383 n. India, 64 n., 67 n., 81 n.
Dra'L·icjopani~at-5iira, I 24 Earth, 4I, 46, 128, t8I, zo8, ZIZ, 349,
Dravicjoponi$al - siira - ratniivalf - vyii- 393.447.500,5o6,sz•,540,54•.sso
khyii, IZ7 Earth-matter, 342
Dravicjopani$at-tiitparyii'L'G.ll, 124 Earth-particles, I 88
drarya, z I z n., 25 J, 343, 484 Earth-substances, 188
dravyat"L·a, 43 I Earthiness, zs8
Dravi<;la, 63 Ecstasy, 63 n.; of joy, 376
Drii"L#a-bhii$3-'a, I o6 Ecstatic delight, 83
Dravi<;la texts, 383 Ecstatic experiences, 79
Drii'L'icja-'L·ediinta, I 37 Ecstatic joy, 3 76
Dravi<;lacarya, I o6 Eddies, 83
Dream, +. s. I8z, 258, 325, 4I5, 440; Effect, 4. IS, 35. 49. s6, I53. 184, I89,
experiences, 5 190, I9I, 192, I93, 194, 195, 199,
Dreamless sleep, zs8, 3IO, 3II, 32I, 22'.), zs6, 257. 205, z66, 267, 276,
324, 325, 326, 327, 344. 362, 363, 277, 29I, 293, 294, 299, 303, 306,
364,4II, 4I2,420, +43. 453.467 332, 339. 34I. 342, 343. 344. 359.
Drunkenness, I69 365, 434. 435. 443. 446, 455. 456,
dr4ha-pur·ve, 530 460, 465, 488, 489, 493. SZI, 542,
drsya, 438, 463 543; moment, 272, 273; state, zoo,
Drsyatvii-numiina-niriisa, I 33 344
Dualism, 330, 332, 337, 338, 339, 347, Effectness, 300
407 Effect-stage, 299
Dualistic, 352, 406, 486; texts, 422 Effect-thiilg, I 99
Duality, 4, 37, 154, 218, 344, 375, Effectuation, 54
4I7, 4I9, 420, 422, 431, 432, 455. Efficacious, z8, 29
495 Efficiency, 203, z68, 34I, 458. 524, sz8
Duality-texts, 486 Efficient, 203; causes, 30I, 386
Dubrenil, Professor, 65 Efforts, s6, s8, I90, 249. 290, 298, 300,
dubkha, 464, 48 5 304-,333,374,475,503
du!zkha-ni·nttib, 486 Ego, 13, 47., s6, I44, zo8, ZI I, 257.
Dulling, 256 290, 345, 366, 367, 408, 409, 4I I,
Dullness, 328 4I2, 443. 547. 549
Durupadda-dhikkiira, 1 z 7 Ego-consciousness, 362, 367
Duties, 8, I I, I9, 293, 294, 307, 379, Ego-entity, 325, 362, 408
44I, 5I9 Ego-experience, 334, 366, 368, 370
Dilriirtha-dilrzkarm;a, I 3 I Ego-intuition, 409, 4IO, 41 I, 4IZ
Dvaitii-d"L•aita, 4I3 Ego-notion, 324, 325
Dvaya-churukku, 94 Ego-substratum, 425
Dvnyam, 135 n. Egohood, 325
dve~a. 470 Egoism, 3 I, 5 I, 90, 9I, 3 I 7, 375, 378,
Dvivedin Par;~<;lita Vindhyesvari Pra- 379.408,468,470,485.494.505,529
sada, I n. Egoistic desire, 378
d'L')'a1Juka, z63 ekada1J4ins, 523, 524 n.
Dvapara-yuga, 40I Ekasp1gatanu, 40 n.
Dvaraka, 96 ekiintins, 2 I, 87
d"L•iiriintara-tzirapek$a, 277 ekii.ntit"L'a, 87
Dvarasamudra, I 20 Ekarr;~avasayin, 40 n.
ekiitma-rupa, 40 n. 3o6, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316,
Ekiiyana, 2 1 317, 319, 321, 324, 325, 327, 328,
Ekiiyana veda, 21 330, 332, 333. 335. 337. 339. 34I,
Element, 25, 30, 42, 45, 46, 49, 181, 342, 343. 344. 345. 351' 352, 353.
182, 196, 205, 337, 462, 467, 505, 389, 408, 410, 416, 421, 423, 425,
so6, 512, 515 n., 519, 521, 522, 527, 430, 436, 439, 440, 448, 45 I' 457,
541, 542, 544. 545. 547. 550 463, 464, 474. 487, 497. 503, 504,
Elementary, 127 so6, 507, 539, 541
Emanated, 37 Environments, 30
Emanation, 37, 198 n., 447, 488, 495 Epigraphia Camatica, I04 n.
Emancipated, 296. 300, 476; souls, Epigraphica Indica, 121 n.
177 n.; stage, 301 Epigraphical, 64, 105
Emancipation, 29, 32, so, 52, 57, 61, Epigraphists, 67
62, 71, 88, q6, 143. 145. 146, 159. Epistemological, 9, 8o, 467
161, 177, 292, 293, 294, 295, 304, Epithets, 450
314, 316, 324, 326, 327, 336, 364, Epitome, 53
365, 366, 371, 374, 382, 383, 384, Equilibrium, 29, 36, 46, 259, 460, 503,
388, 408, 412, 414, 420, 421, 429, sos, 509
433. 442, 445. 446, 450, 453. 457. Equinox, 295
460, 463. 476, 477. 479. 483, 485, Erroneous, 335; manifestation, 360
486, 487, 488, 491, 494, 495, so6, Error, 179, 180, 182, 185, 186, I87,
509; attainable by God's grace, 304; 210, 240, 24I, 253. 307, 330, 334.
view of the Nimbarka school of, 337, 346, 383 n., 44I, 469, 300; of
420 et seq. conception, 398
Embrace, 72, 73 Eschatological, 295, 52.5
Emergence, 45, 48, 196 Esoteric, 57, 583; doctrine, 134
Emergents, 45, 494, 495 Essence,28,31,35.329,345,393.4IJ,
Emerges, 47 415, 424, 426, 431, 433. 434. 436,
Emotion, 29, 82, 83, 377, 450, 451; 442, 445, 449, 455, 46I, 490; of in-
of love, 79 tui tior., 177
Emotional analysis, 82 Essential characteristic, 15 1
Emotional stage, 82 Essential qualities, 70
Emotional transformation, 82 Eternal, 5, 9, 34, 35, 36, 52, 128, 161,
Emphasis, 311, 348, 413, 434 169, 172, I77. 192, 195, 204, 208,
Encyclopaedia of Religi01z and Ethics, 209, 2I2, 213, 267, 279. 284. 285,
523 n., 524 n., 525 286, 29I, 299, 321, 325, 330, 336,
End,41,42,51,54,298,343,352,420, 337, 339, 345, 347, 354, 365, 373,
441' 443. 486, 502 386, 387, 393. 394. 404, 409, 426,
Endearment, 90 433. 447. 448, 452, 454. 457. 470,
Enemy, 70 473, 481, 482, 489, 497; bliss, 404;
Energy, 30, 31, 37, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49, power, 198; world, 8o
s3. s6, s7. 79, 414, 416, 418, 424, Eternity, 314, 345,393; of souls, I77n.
447. 454· 458, 489, soo, 502, 524; Ethical, 525; position, 550
of God, 404 Elorembavay, 77
Enjoyable, 6 Events, 448
Enjoyed, 37 Evidence, 18 I, 390
Enjoyer, 6, 32, 37 Evil, s, 26, 34, 293, 294, 302, 446,
Enjoyment, 291, 292, 412, 464, 485, 52 I
486, 490, 503, 529 Evolutes, 26, 487
Enlightened, 8o Evolution, 25, 26, 30, 31, 36, 49, 58,
Enlightenment, 53 I96, 280, 299, 317, 456, 475, 482,
Enquiry, 197 492, 503, 510
Entirely, 194 Evolutionary, 37, 45, 46, 445, 447, 455,
Entirety, 432, 434 481 ; cause, 4 7 ; changes, 24
Entity, s. 8, 9, 26, 27, 41, 42, 44, 163, Excitement, 61
178, 179, 186, 193, 206, 210, 211, Excommunicated, 20
235. 243. 253. 274. 275. 289, 299. Exercises, 293
56s Index
Existence, 31, 33, 41, 42, so, 51, 182n., 406, 407, 408, 4I8, 424, 433. 437.
184, 189, 190, 191, 192, 195. 196, 438, 440, 457. 470, 485, 486, 543.
199, 297, JII, 312, 314, 315, 316, 549; appearance, 283, 325, 431, 435,
317, 319, 323, 327, 332, 339. 345. 437; association, I86; m:idyii, 332;
346, 347. 350, 352, 353. 358, 359. effect, 365; imposition, 320, 325; in-
406, 410, 412, 413, 415, 416, 419, dividuality, 376; knowledge, 5, 310,
427, 430, 431, 433. 434. 435. 436, 378, 408, 423, 44I, 485, 491, 495;
437. 442, 443. 445. 454. 455. 459. means, 326; notion, 370, 420, 437;
464, 476, 477. 489, 497. 507, 509, perception, 244, 3 I o; things, 371
518, 533 Falsehood, 5, I65, I74. 186, I99, 314,
Existent, 47, 182 n., 313,339, 343,445, 317, 326, 332, 337. 34I, 357. 398,
486; entity, 358 410, 530
Existent-and-non-existence, 339 Falsity, 186, 309, JIO, 312, JI3, 3I4,
Expansion, 393, 444 JIS, 316, 326, 350, 398, 410, 437.
Experience,~Q,29,34,41,45,79,83, 436, 438, 457, 486; of the world,
87, 142, 152, 166, 170, 178, 182, I99. 239
185 n., 186, 187, 188, 235, 236, 238, Fasting, 33
243. 251, 253. 254. 255. 258, 262, Pathomless, 79
269, 274, 277, 287, 288, 290, 292, Fault, 70
JOI, 302, 307, 312, 315, 316, 317, Faultless character, 248
323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 334. Faulty reason, 178
344. 347. 360, 363, 364, 370, 383, Fausboll, 5 I 4 n.
398, 413, 414, 415, 420, 421, 437. Favour, 51, 159, 160, I64, 303
441, 443. 444. 445. 448, 461, 462, Favourable, 292
463, 464, 465, 468, 469, 474. 485, Fear, 5, 56
486, 490, 495. 497. SOJ, 535. 538. Features, 46 n., 209
539, 540, 544, 545; treatment of by Feeling, 52, 289, 464; of dullness, 256
Viji'iana Bhik~u, 466 et seq. Female lover, 83
Experienced, 37 Females, 42
Experiencer, 37 Filial affection, 83, 89, 90
Experiency, 168 Finger-ring, 186
Experiential, 185 n.; knowledge, 468, Finite, 44, 263, 461, 483; forms, 467
470, 471 Finiteness, I94
Expiation, 22, 23 Fire, 6, 42, I8I, I84, I86, 193, 208,
Explanation, 212, 235, 301 211, 226 n., 295, 447, 45I, 46I, 484,
Exposition, 387 499,S00,534,S36,s38,S40,549,550
Expressions, 3, 4, 34, 53, 443 Fish, 38
Extension, 85 Fitness, 429
External, 44, 53, 341, 426; data, 253; Five elements, 183
objects, 189, 204, 205; perception, Flames, 276
426; world, 154, 423 Flow, 442
Extra-mental, 204, 205 Foetus, 44, 287
Eye, 167, 182 Food, 8o
Force, so, 59
Fact, 189, 195, 201, 309 Forehead, 120
Factor, 204, 205, 209, 322, 453. 454. Forgiveness, 29
463, 477 Form-, 5, 34, 41, 49, 52, s6, I93. 299,
Faculty, 28, 462 310, 322, 339, 343, 389, 445, 447 n.,
Failure, 535 454, 456, 457, 458, 459, 466, 468,
Faith, 54, 98, 304, 380 n. 476, 477. 486, 493. 495. 499. soo;
Fallacies, I 28 of activity, I 58
False, 4, 153, 155, 157, 173, 174. 180, Formal, 364
181, 188, 194, 198, 208, 210, 235. Formless, IO, 193, I97, JIO, 332,
252, 254. 291, 293. 296, 306, 307, 447 n.
312, 313, 314, 315, 317, 324, 325, Foundation, 475; of prapatti, 380 n.;
326, 327, 329, 3~2, 333. 337. 340, stone, 12
341, 343. 350, 3SI, 364, 371, 397. Fragrance, 27, 22I, 222
Franke, 515 Gaya, 522
Free, 317, 461, 523 n. Giindhiiri, 59
Freedom, 78, 441, 452, so6; of will, Giiru4a, 20
160 Giiyatrl-sata-dil1a7Jl, 133
Free-will, 45, 292 General character, 185 n.
Friendliness, 70 General idea, 445
Friends, 83 General opposition, 226
Friendship, 87, 375 Generalization, 536, 538
Fructification, 414 Generator, 481
Fructify, 415 Generosity, 520
Fruition, 32, 33, 265, 291, 303, 443 Genesis, 128, 163
Fruits, 26, 28, 33, 55, 290, 294, 349, Genus, 193
441 n., 444, 445, 454, 488, 489, 504, Germs, 44
so6, 521, 522, 548, sso ghatatva-prakiirakam, 224
Fulfilment, 29 ghatatviit, 230
Fullness, 406 ghora, 499
Function, 36, 37, 38, 49, 56 n., 6o, 188, Gho!?a, 102 n.
196, 312, 326, 459. 463, 465, 484, Gifts, 33, 54, 55, 450
489, 499 n., 504 n., 530, 548; of Gltii, 20, 33. 40, 51, 91, 100, I I8, 138,
Lak$ml, 379 214, 379. 380, 383, 473. 474. 529,
Fundamental, 47, 524; tenets, 21 530; heretics referred to, in, 529
Funeral sacrifices, 23 Gitii-bhii1ya, 123, 137, 214 n.
Future, 446, 447, 457, 533; lives, 545 Gttiirtha-sa'!zgraha, 98, 99, 100, 123,
Gada, 64 Gltiirtha-sa,.graha-rak$ii, 98 n., 99 n.,
Gadya-trayam, 86 n., 102, 113, 118, 123
123 Gltii-sa'!lgraha-vibhiiga, 1 3 1
Gaekwad, 26 n. Gltii-siira-rak1ii, 1 3 1
gandha, 49 n., 511 G'itii-tiitparya-dtpa, 1 38
Gandhamadana, 25 Glittering, 181
gandha-miitra, 51 o Goal, so, 445, so8
gandha-tanmiitra, 163, 260, 499 God, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 26, 27,
gandhavattva, 227 28,29, 30, 32,41,42,44,45,46,47,
Gange~ 520, 525, 550 4~ so, 51, 52, 53. 54. ss. 5~ 5~62,
Gangaikor:u;ia!?odapuram, 96 69,70,7I,72,73,74,78,79,8J, 84,
Gangaiko~:tc;lasola, 96 85, 86 n., 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93.
Gangala Bhatta, 402 95, 100, 106, I 12, I 19 n., 125, 128,
Garbhopani!?ad, 480 129, 132, 135, 136, 182, 189, 190,
Garga, 482 192, 196, 200, 203, 225, 2]2, 261,
Garuc;Ia, 364 286, 291, 292, 294. 295. 296, 297.
Garuc;Iavaha, 105 298, 299, 301, 302, 303, 307, 335,
Garuc;la-vahana, 64, 94 349. 351, 352, 364, 374. 375, 376,
Garutja puriiT}a, 450 377. 378, 379. 380, 382, 383, 384,
Garu4opan4ad, 1 3 385, 387, 388, 389, 391, 392, 394,
Gau4a-brahmiinandl, 133 395. 398, 404. 412, 413, 414, 415,
Gauc;Iiya, 13, son. 416, 420, 422, 424, 426, 428, 429,
Gauc;liya school, 51, 81, 82, 83; patho- 430, 431, 434. 437. 440, 441, 442,
logical symptoms of love similar to 443. 444. 445. 446, 447. 448, 450,
that of the Arvars, 83 451, 452, 453. 454. 455. 456, 458,
Gauc;liya vai!?Qavas, 82, 475; their ana- 459. 460, 462, 465, 468, 472, 473.
lysis of love follows the analysis of 474. 475. 476, 478, 479. 480, 481,
the rhetorical school, 82; their rela- 482, 483, 484, 488, 489, 491, 492,
tion with the Arvars, 82 493. 498, 499. soo, 502, sos, so8,
gau!z, 47 509,51 1n., 515; Bhaskara'sview,155;
Gauri, 52 His nature in Viji'iana Bhik!?u, 474 et
Gautama, 96 n., 119 seq.; in Ramanuja's school, 296 et
Gautami, 447 seq.; in Viiyu PuriiT}a, 502 et setJ.; in
God (cont.) Govindadasa, 102 n.
V#~u Purii~a, 498 et seq.; lsvaragita, Govindacarya, 102 n., 111 n., 113 n.,
490 et seq.; proof of His existence 133
available only from scriptural testi- Govindacarya's Life of Riimiinuja,
mony, I89; Ramanuja's view, ISS I IOn.
et seq.; refutation of Sankara's view Govindananda, 107
of, I 53, I 54; refutation of the Govindarya, I 27
Nyaya and Yoga view of, I 57; Govindesa, 109
theistic proofs, failure of, I 89 et seq.; Govindacharyar, 78, 94, 97 n., IOS n.
Venkata's view of, 157 et seq.; Grace, 28, 32, 52, 55, 68, 70, 72, 86,
Yadavapraksa's view of, I s6; Yam- 99, I6I, 4I3, 442, 452; of God, 70,
una's view of it, I 52 et seq.; Yam- 2I4 n., 380
una's ultimate conclusion about, Gradation, 486
IS4. I55 Grandson, 1 30, 13 1
God Kp~J:ta, 73 Grantha, 81 n.
God, Nimbarka's idea of, 472 et seq. Gratitude, 109
God Rat':lgahatha, 12 I Grama-plirJ:ta, 102
God's grace, 380 Greatness, 99, 195
God's m~mifestation, 392 Greed, 48, 87, 505
God's mercy, 376 Greeks, 19
God's relation with man, 70 Grief, 7I
Godhood, so Gross, 24, 31, 46, 47, 48; dimension,
Gods, 27, s8, 293, 474, sox, 502, sos, 264; elements, 25, 43, 498; objects,
525; dispute regarding the relative 449
superiority of, 304 Grossness, 264
Go<Ja, 63 Ground, 190, 192, 196, 334, 338,
Gold, 343 420, 4:Z3, 43 I, 454, 456, 464, 490;
Gomatham Sitiyarvan, I04 cause, I97, 456, 486, 488, 493, 494,
Gomathattut-tiruvinnagar-appan, 97 n. 495
gomukha, 6o Ground-ajiiiina, 367
Good, s, 26, 29, 34, 62, 8o, xs8, 293, Groundless, 366
304, 414, 4IS, 444· 452, 52I, 527; Grow, 447 n.
deeds, 523 n. Growth, 547
Gopalacariyar, I09 n. gUl/.a, 226
Gopana, I21 guha, 502
Gopala Bhatta, 402 Guhadeva, I n.
Gopalasuri, I 8 gulma, soo
Gopiilatiipanl Upani~ad, I 3 gu~a,25, 2~ 27, 2~ 2~ 3I, 3~ 36, 37,
Gopalatata, 133 42, 43, 45, 46, s6, 147, 148, Is6, IS7.
Gopalacarya, 401 212 n., 259, 469, 47I, 475, 480, 484,
Gopiilottaratiipani Upani~ad, 13 488, 491, 491, 499. 504, 505, so6,
Gopika, 378 509
Gopi, 69, 74, 77, 8I, 8z Gu~a-darpa~a, I I 5 n., 384
Gopi-natha, 96 gu~a-guhya, 25
GoppaJ:tarya, 121 n., I35 gu~a-potential, 45
goptrt'l·a-·vara~am, 92 Gu~:taratna, 5 I6, 533
Go~thiplirt:Ja, 95, 98, 102, I09 gu~a reals, IS6
Gosala, 522, 523, 524, 525 gu~a-siimya, 46
Gotama, 235; logic, 234 gu~a-yoni, 46
gotra, 3 gu~ii·vatiiras, 40 n.
Government Oriental Manuscripts, Guru, 28, 45
203 Guru-bhakti-mandiikinl, 403
Government Oriental l\lanuscript Guru- bhiiva- prakiisikii, I I 5, 127,
Library, 69 n. I31 n.
Govinda, 39, IOI, I02 n., 109 Guru-bhiiva-prakiisikii-vyiikhyii, I I 5
Govinda Bhatta, Ioo Guru-paramparii, 64, 65, 66, 94, 95,
Govinda Bhattacarya, 402 I I2, I2I, 399, 400, 401
Index 57 1
Guru-paramparii-prabhiiva7Jl, 64, 94 n., hetu-siistra, 5 I 7
I05 . hetu-viida, 5 I 7
Guru-siimiiniidhikara~ya-viida, I 33 heya-gu~iin prati#dhya, I75
Guru-tattva-prakiisikii, 115, I 31 High faith, 380 n.
Gurupasatti-viJaya, I 26 Higher form, 3 7
Guzerat, 63 Highest soul, 6 I
Hill, 208, 2 I I, 534
Habit, 29, 32, 548 Hindulife,47I ;thought,47I; view,47I
Hagiologists, 94, 96 Hinduism, 5I6
haituka, 5I7, 5I8 n., 530 Hindus, 549
haitukiin, 5I8 Hiral).yagarbha, 296, 38I, 452, 504
Halabhuti, I 05 n. Hira~ya-garbha-saT{lhitii, 24
Halayudha, 523 hita, 62
Hall, 69 Hoernle, 522, 523, 524 n., 525
Haf!lsa, 40 n., 40I Holiness, 22
Ha7Jlsa-sa7!Zdesa, I 2 I, I 22 Holy Lives of the Azhvars, 78, 94
Happiness, 9, I6, I64, 365, 44I, 463, Homogeneous,J07,JJ2,J96,J97.432,
494. 506, 549. 550 462, 463
Hare's horn, 5, 3I2, 407, 435, 478 Homoiomeriae, theory of, 246
Hari, 40 n., 497 n., 500, 508 Honeycomb, 43
Haribhadra, 533 Hooper, 68 n., 77 n., 78 n.
Haribhaskara, 3 n. Horse, I67
Harideva, 402 Householder, IOJ
H ari-dina-tilaka, I 22 Hoysala, I 03, I 04, I I 3
Haridvara, 94 hrd-yiiga, 6o
Hari-gu~a-ma~imiilii, I 30 hrz, 62
H ari-guru-stava-miilii, 40 I Hg;ikesa, 39
H ariva7J1sa, 20, 8 I Human, 444; beings, I9I; body, I89;
Harivyasadeva, 399, 402 lover, 73; soul, 87, 89, I22, 4I3
Harivyasa muni, 403 Humanity, 70, 7I
Harmful, 294, 335; results, 5 I, 52 Humbleness, 376
Harmony, 452, 459 Husband, 90
H astigiri-miihiitmya, I 24 Hymns, 69, 99
Hasti-Jihvii, 59 Hymns of the Alvars, by J. S. M.
Hastisaila, IOI Hooper, 74 n.
Hastyadrinatha, I I4 n., I25 Hyper-logical, 255
Hatred, 87 Hypocrites, 5 I 8
Haya-grrva-stotra, I22 Hypothesis, 332
Hayasir~a, 39 n.
Hayaslr~a-sa1Jlhitii, 22; its contents, 22 icchii, 4I, 57
H iirda-saiicaya, 4 I 6 icchii-sakti, 42 n.
Hiirtta, 20, I30 ida7JZ viicya7Jl, 230
He, 498 ida7Jt viicya7!Z prameyatviit, 230 n.
Head, 239, 295 Idea, 34, 42, 5 I, 54, 1 8o, I 82, I 85 n.,
Heart, 7. 58, 59. 7I, I58 205, 200, 2IO, JOO, JI7, 352, 353,
Heat, I 28, I 98 4I2, 439. 440, 44I, 45I, 455. 466,
Heaven, I3, 24, 40, 43 n., 294, 349, 472, 473. 490, 494. 496, 544
44I n., 447, 5I4 n., 527 Ideal, 53, 420, 550
Hell, 40, 349, 44I n., 527, 53 I Idealistic, 205, 253, 546; Buddhist,
Helpless surrender, 379, 380 238
Helplessness, 99 Ideality, 288
Hemadri, 20 Ideational, 438
Heretics, I03, 5I8, 520, 526 Identical, 28, 302, 309, 3 I J, 336, 34I,
Heretical views, 53 I 345. 35I, 406, 4I6, 4I8, 4I9, 420,
Heterodox view, 53 1 432, 433. 434. 466
hetu, I52,2I7, 225,227,228,230, 23I, Identification, 53, 66, I 8o, 374, 4I7,
427, 533. 535. 536, 537. 538 420
572 Index
Identity, 6, 37, 58, 193, 194, I95, 198, cized by Mi:'idhavamukunda, 422 et
256, 269, 290, 303, 308, 3 I 2, 330, seq.; theory of akhyiiti refuted, I8o;
336, 337, 345, 346, 406, 4I I, 417, theory of anyathii-khyiiti, I 79;
4I8, 4I9, 420, 444· 445. 455. 458, theory of anyathii-khyiiti favoured
460, 466, 485, 495; of consciousness, by Ramanuja and Venkata, 18o;
141 ; texts, 403 theory of yathiirtha-khyiiti, I 8o;
Identity-in-difference, 445 theory of yathiirtha-khyiiti advo-
Idol, 31 cated by Bodhi:'iyana, etc., I8o;
ll}ii, 59, 6o theory of yathiirtha-khyiiti also ac-
Itju, I38 cepted by Rami:'inuja, I 8o-I ; treat-
Ignorance, 4,6,7,44, 46, 51, I6o, I73, ment by Vadiharpsambuvaha, 184 et
I77. 178, I94. 3I7, 3I8, 324, 327, seq.; Vadiharpsambuvaha's criticism
328, 33I, 334. 361, 362, 363. 365, of anirvacaniya-khyiiti, I88; Vadi-
368, 369, 37I, 376, 377. 378, 386, harpsambuvaha's wavering between
409, 4I4, 420, 42I, 422, 425, 436, akhyiiti and anyathii-khyiiti, I 87
437. 439. 44I, 445. 468, 469, 470, Illusoriness, 4 I 8
495. 502, 529 Illusory, I76, I82, I84, I87, 208, 2I 1,
Ignorant, 5 I 239. 344. 365, 367, 374. 388, 395.
llaya Perumal, IOO 4IO, 422, 423, 424, 439. 456, 467,
Illness, 396 469, 53 I n., 537; appearance, 154,
Illumination, I49, 2I7, JI6, 320, 331, 246, 33I, 343, 422, 455; Brahman,
373. 374. 4I6, 463, 466 422; cognition, 246; construction,
Illusion, 30, 142, I47, I7I, I75. 177 n., 33 I, 370; entity, 246; experiences,
I79, 180, I8I, I84, I85, I86, I87, 37I; imposition, 320, 33I, 333, 423,
I88, I95, 196, 210, 21I, 237, 240, 438, 440; knowledge, I 8 5 ; notion,
24I' 242, 243. 244. 246, 264, 270, 242; object, 398; percept, 246; per-
307, J08, JIO, 314, 325, 330, 3JI, ception, 237, 242, 244, 246, 321; re-
334. 335. 336, 338, 341, 374. 388, lations, 424; series, 177 n.; silver,
398, 407, 408, 409, 410, 4I I, 418, 185n., 341, 368; world-creation,
422, 423, 425, 426, 438, 439. 440, 339
44I, 457, 467, 491, 539; akhyiiti and Illustration, 209, 3 I I, 326, 3 34
yathiirtha-khyiiti contrasted, I 82; Image, 18, 28, 39 n., 41, I82, 185 n.,
Anantacarya's treatment of it, 188; I86 n., 21 I, 234, 336
as akhyiiti, 237; as akhyiiti refuted Image-building, I7
by Meghani:'idari, 243-4; as a-nirva- Image-incarnations, 4I
caniya-khyiiti, 238-9; as a-nir·va- Image-worship, I7, I9, 22, 23, 550; its
canlya-khyiiti refuted by Meghana- antiquity, I9
dari, 242-3; as anyathii-khyiiti, 237; Imaginary, 4I9, 423, 446, 477; identi-
as anyathii-khyiiti and akhyiiti com- fication, 81; imposition, 423
pared, 244-5; as anyathii-khyiiti and Imagination, 49, I63
yathiirtha-khyiiti, 241; as anyathii- Immanent, I95. 448, 472, 507
khyiiti refuted by Meghanadari, Immaterial, 28I
241-2; as dreams, I 82; as nirvi~aya­ Immediacy, 367, 439; of succession of,
khyiiti refuted, 239; as yathiirtha- 273
khyiiti, 237; as yathiirtha-khyiiti and Immediate, 203, 266, 308, 309, 3HJ,
tri·vrt-karar.za, I 82-3; as yathiirtha- 369; emancipation, 378; intuition,
khyiiti supportPd, 245-6; Buddhist 230, 231, 3I8, 319; perception,
theory of iitma-khyiiti refuted, 238; 185 n., 308, 318, 465; realization,
condition of, 237; different interpre- 309; reference, 369; succession,
tation-khyiitis, 237; its relation 2i3
with maxim of pratinidhi-nyiiya, Immortal, 198, 547, 548, 549
I 83; its relation with trivrt-kara7Ja, Immortality, 381, 382, 384, 463, 5I7,
24o-1; Prabhakara's view, I85 n.; 528, 531
Ramanuja's sat-khyiiti supported by Immutable, 457
Vadiharpsambuvaha, I83; Sudar- Imparting agents, 357
sana's comment on the akhyati Imperfect souls, 430
view, I 86 n.; Sankarite view criti- Imperfection, I 94, 415
Index 573
Impermanent, 292 Individuality, 90, 461
Implication, 128, 183, 216, 234, 310, Individuation, 462
314, 347. 353. 365, 366, 426, 474. Indra, 295, 528
537. 539 Indra-rtitra, 23
Imposed, 182 indriya, 300
Imposition, 185, 186, 333, 406, 422, Indubitable, 370
423, 432, 439. 440 Inductive generalization, 536
Impressions, 8, 209, 227, 287, 290, Inert, 408
410, 423, 437. 537 Inexpressible, 179
Improbable, 404 n. Infatuation, 76
Impulse, 44, 452 Inference, 14, 16, 128, 146, 152, 168,
Impulsion, 40 169, 179, 185 n., 190, 192, 211, 214,
Impure, 42, 44, so, 56, 438, 47o; 215, 216, 217, 225, 226, 227, 229,
nature, 338 230, 231, 232, 2J3, 235, 256, 296,
Impurity, 46, 51, 54, 8o, 156, 505 309, 313, 315, 327, 328, 329, 340,
Inactivity, 451 353, 360, 361, 364, 406, 426, 427,
Inanimate, 57, 429; creation, 194 428, 465, 517, 534, 535, 536, 537,
Incantations, 23 539; Venkata's treatment of it, 225
Incarnation, 39, 64, 69, 70, 1 19 n., 302, et seq.
472, 475. 482 Inferential, 62, 310, 411; process, 427
Inclination, 32, 61 Inferior, 53, 54
Incompatible, 325 Inferred, 341
Incomprehensible, 218, 238 Infinite, xo, 27, 34, 51, 149, 161, 165,
Incongruity, 269 176, 196, 200, 255, 296, 306, 320,
Indefinability, 410, 435, 436 340, 351, 353, 413, 431, 467, 503,
Indefinable, 177, 218, 230 n., 239, 243. 506, 509, 544; individuals, 421; joy,
316, 340, 410, 436; silver, 242 161; knowledge, 153; nature, 304;
Indefinite, 2 regress, 248, 249, 250, 255, 256, 259,
Indefiniteness, 370 262, 267, 277, 329, 330, 463; series,
Independence, 51, 54, 55, 455 177 n.; universe, 191
Independent, 443 Infiniteness, 194
lndescribability, 340 Infinitude, 51, 71
Indescribable, 179 Influence, 47, 56, 61, 205, 293, 304,
Indeterminate, 270; cogmt10n, 128; 366, 437. soo; of love, 378
knowledge, 311; matter, 164; per- Influx, 38
ception, 166 Inherence, 128, 308, 423
India, 401 Inherent, 261
Indian Antiquary, 66 n. Initiation, 19, 22, 23, 87, 104, 139
Indian philosophy, 96 n. Injunctions, 14, 123, 124
Indians, 19 Injury, 61
Indispensable, 180, 201; condition, Inner Controller, 27, 39 n., 40, 41, 159,
180 2001 450, 45 I
Indistinctness, 254 Inner dynamic, 47
Individual, 30, 190, 193, 206, 211, 232, Inner microcosm, 29
287, 289, 291, 303, 323, 370, 377, Inner organ, 172
403, 413, 414, 416, 417, 429, 431, Inquiry, 28, 209, 212, 306, 307
433, 434, 441, 443, 444, 45 I' 452, Inscriptions, 64, 523
459. 462, 485, 492, 493. 494; Inseparable, 423; characteristic, 1so;
capacity, 288; cognition, 3 18, 319, quality, 150; relation, 222
358; experiences, 82; limitatiohs, Insignia, 2
82; self, 79, 170; selves, 335, 370, Insignificance, 54
413, 426, 464; souls, 2, 6, 7, 26, 38, Insincerity, 379
5 6, xs8, x5 9, 176, 190, 191, 194, Inspiration, 8o, 111, 130, 471
198 n., 199, 200, 297, 298, 299, 301, Inspired persons, 39
377, 385, 38;, 395, 396, 413, 420, Installation, 2:::1, 23
423, 429. 432, 434. 460, 461, 472, Instinctive, 287; root-desire, 253
483; units, 287 Instructions, 25, 38, 413, 550
574 Index
Instrumental, 266, 303, 388, 389, 459; I tihiisasamuccaya, 20
agencies, 396; agent, 397, 456; ittham-bhiiva, 254
cause, 2, 204, 266, 301, 388, 389, iyad-gm;zaka, I 57
391, 481, 489 fk~ar;za, 41 3
Instrumentality, 247, 308, 391 lk1aty-adhikarar;za-·viciira, 133
Instruments, 191, 204, 205, 336, 470, liopani~at, 123
479; of knowledge, 203 fsvara, 47, 128, I29, 152, 153, 154,
Insult, I73 ISS. 156, 157, 158, 16o, 16I, 163,
Integrity, 405 225, 335. 443. 446, 473. 474. 475.
Intellect, 295, 304, 465, 547 480, 48I, 488, 498, 503, 504, SIO
Intellectual, 32, 45, 548; operation, 8. Isvara Bhana, 94
9; powers, 28~; state, 387, 438 lsvara's body, 157
Intelligence, 10, 26, IS4. 166, I75, I78, /s·vara-gltii, 460, 474 n., 482, 494 n.,
I92, 193. 483, 537. 548 496; its philosophy, 460 et seq.,
Intelligent, 26, 29; being, 191, I92 482 et seq.
Intelligibility, 438 ls·vara-gltii-bhii~ya, 285 n., 456 n., 482,
Intelligible, 419 483 n., 484 n.
lntelligizing, 47 !Svara-gltii-llkii, 450 n.
Intense self-surrender, 89 Isvara-kn;r:ta, 30, 478, 501 n.
Intention, 124 !Svara-mlmiit{lSii, 1 24 n.
Interest, 89, 44I Isvaramuni, 94, 97
Intermediary, 203, 257 fi·vara-prm:zidhiina, 62 n.
Intermediate causes, 31J7 fs·vara-pvjana, 6 1
Intermingling, I 8 I livara-sa'!lhitii, 21, 22; its contents, 22
Intermixture, 182 l5vara's will, I 59
Internal, 426; action, 8; situation, 377;
structure, 389 Jacobi, 524 n., 526 n., 528 n.
Interpretation, 40, 108, 195, 196, 306, jarja, 452
3SI, 471,475 n., 486,496, 512, 515, 1agann~th~ I03, 399
SI6 Jagann~tha Yati, 118, 133
Intimate knowledge, 8o 1aimini, 124, 125, 381
Intoxicated, 79 1a in king, 1 04
Intoxicating, 141; emotion, 377 1aina, 304, 525, 537; objection, 393;
Intoxication, 63 n.; 377; by love, 378 view, 537
Introspection, 14I Jaina siltms, 524 n., 526 n.
Intuited, 442 1ainism, 51 6
Intuition, 27, 34, 62, 167, 168, 170, Jains, I04, 206, 302, 393, 518, 523,
176, 22j, 318, 3I9, 348, 364, 372, 525 n., 539, 546
409, 4I2, 442, 464, 465, 538 jalpa, SI2
Intuitional experience, 175 janye-i'l·am, 4 73
Intuitive, 168, 369, 466; experience, japa, 13, 62
36I; knowledge, 68, 2I4 n., 2I6; 1aundiced, I 82
wisdom, 61 ]ayanta, 203, 206, 512, 516, SI9, 537,
Invalid, 236, 278, 326, 411, 4I7, 440, 547. 548
477,479, 537; inference, 208; know- 1ayatirtha, II 1
ledge, 24 7; propositions, 202 ] ayaditya, 51 8
Invalidity, 20I, 202, 248, 347, 348, Jayiiklzya, 2 I, 22
356, 458 Jayiikhya-Sm!lhitii, 24, 25, 26 rr., 27 n.,
Invariable, 203, 251, 266, 278, 535, 28, 29, 30, 31 n., soo n.; cor>scious-
536, 539; antecedcnce, 279; ante- ness how possible, 26; creation ~s
cedent, 277; association, 226, 538; S~rpkhya evolutio:-1, 25; emanations
concomitance, 538; priority, 278 of Vasudeva in, 29; God-function of,
Inverse, 37 29; God, nature of, 27; gu~lll a11d
Involution, 37 m:idyii, 29; knowledge as static and
lrar.u;lam-tim-'l·antiidi, 134 n. dynamic, 29: liberation n!1ly possible
Irrational, 177 n. through knowledge of ultimate
Irrationality, 177 n. reality, 24; pmktti appears as in-
Index 575
Jayiikhya-saT{lhitii (cont.) jiiiina-yoga, 22, 33, 34, 89, 91; its
telligent, how, 26; Samiidhi, nature, meaning, 22
of, 29; SiiT{lkhya, difference with, jiiiinii-bhiiva, 178 n., 425
30; soul, progress of, 28; soul, ulti- jiiiinii-karal)aka-jiiiinatvam, 220
mate realization of, 28; iuddha-sarga jiiiitatii, I48
in, 27; theory of viisanii, 26; two jiiiitii, 411
kinds of creation in, 2 5 ; ultimate jiiatrtva, I 72
reality can be known only through jiieya, 28
teacher, 25; ultimate reality is be- Joint causality, 197
yond the gu7Jas, 25; yama and Joint method of agreement, 536
niyama in, 29; yoga, different ways Joint method of agreement and dif-
of, 30; yoga leading to final emanci- ference, 542
pation, 31 Joy, 485, sso
Jabali, 529 Judgment, 21 o
jiitakas, SI4 n. Judgmental form, 250 n.
jiiti, 297. 354. 355. 512 Jug, 168, 190, I99, 220, 221, 224, 230,
jiiti-riipa, 2 I 6 243. 25~ 362, 363, 397
Jati-Vadihamsa's conception of it, 354 Just will, 78
Jati-Veri.kata's conception of it, 355 Justice, 195, 374
Javali, 530 Jyiiyan, 53
Jealousy, 87 jyoti, 499, 510
Jewish Christian, so n.
jijiiiisii, 307 Kadanmallai, 64
Jijiiiisii-darpa7Ja, I IS, 392 kainkarya, 136
Jina-hood, 522 Kaitabha, 25
jfva, 26, 44, 49, so, 51, 52, I28, I29, Kaivalya, 93, 136, I6I, 382, 383, 384,
158, 177 n., 187, 193, 194, 208, JOI, so6 7l.

329, 330, 336, 346, 407, 418, 443. Kaivalya-iata-du~al)f, I 2 7

444. 451, 453. 476, 486, 493 Kaiyata, 516 n.
}iva Goswami, 496 katana, 45
jlva-brahmai-kya, 417 kalana-kiira1)a, 4 7
jfvanmukta, 295, 442 Kali, 6s
jfvan-mukti, to, 327, 437, 441, 448 Kalijit, IIO, III, 122, I34
jlvii-jiiiina-viidl, 177 n. Kali-santaral)opani~ad, 13
jfviitman, 498 Kalivairi, 110
jfviitmii, 483 Kalki, 39n.
jzvesvaraikya-bhanga, 126 Kalkin, 40 n.
jiiiina,8, 37.4I,47.s6,62,63,8o, t6o, kamala, 30
206, 3SI, 357. 371, 470, 504, so8 Kamalasila, s 16, s 3 2
jiiiina-dasii, 379 Kamalasila's Paiijikii, 536 n., 540 n.,
jiiiina-gu'!U'iiraya, 1 72 541 n., 542 n., 543 n.
jiiiina-janya, 371 Kamala, 114
jiiiina-karma-samuccaya, 307 Kamalak!?a Bhatta, 1 oo
jiiiina-kriyii, 148 Kamathesvara, 40 n.
jiiana'!l, 178 n. Kambalasvatara, 540
Jiiiina-ratna-darpa7Ja, 1 IS n., 384 Kampana, 121
jiiiina-riipa, 61 Kanikr:?Q.a, 96 n.
ji'iiina-samuccita-karma, 8 Kanjivaram, 119
j iiiinasiidhyatviit, 371 Kanna<;la, 81 n.
.f1iiina-siimiinya-virodhl, 3 'i2 KaQ.ada, 482
Jiiiina-siira, 102, IIO, 138 KaQ.<;la<;lanatha, 98
jiiiina-svabhiiva, 2 16 KaQ.<;ladaiyappan, 1 os
jiiiina-svarilpa, 172 KaQ.Q.an, 74 n.
jiiiina-vyiipiira, 205 Ka7J~Zi1J1Ju-iirattiimbu-vyiikhyiina, 127
jiiiina-viie$a, IUI Ka1)1)i1lU1)-iiruttiimbu, 134 n.
Jiiiina-yiithiirthya-viida, 133, 209 n., kapha, 475
210, 241 n., 246 n., 247 n. Kapila, 21, 40 n., 479, 482
Kapyiisa text, 352 Kiima-siltra, 550 n.
Kapyiisam pu1Jt/.arlkam, 101 kiimya, 294
kara1}a, 280 Kantatman, 40 n.
Karimara, 95 kiinti, 57
Karimaran, 94 K::lntimati, 98, 100
karma, 8, 1 I, 26, 49, 51, 52, 61, 152, Kanci, 63 n., 65, 66, 78, 101, 102,
153, I57, 159, I6I, 172, 20I, 212 n., 120
258, 29I, 292, 293. 295. 30I, 349. Kanclpiin;ta, 98, IOI, 102, 109
366, 375, 383, 385, 386, 393, 409, kiil}t/.a, 59
4I I, 4I 2, 413, 443, 444, 445, 446, Kapalika, 3 n., 16
448, 452, 453. 454. 48I, 484, 487, kiiraka-cakra, 206
489, so8, 509, 520, 522, 523 n., 525, kiiTa1}a, I 56, 204
536, 547, 548, 549, sso; Vijnana kiira1}a-brahma, 474
Bhik~u, 452; Nimbarka's conception kiira7Jam aprameyam, 502
of, 4I I et seq.; Nimbarka's idea of, kiira1}iinumiina, 229
414 et seq. kiira1}iivasthii, 200
Karmaharadeva, 402 Kiirikii, 440, SOI n.
Karman, 303, 504 Kari, 6s
Karma-yoga, 22, 33, 3·h 89, 9I; its Karimaran, 65
meaning, 22 kiirpa7Jya, 54, 92
kartii, 387, 4I 1, 510 kiirya, 4, 189, 265
kartrt·va, 35, 485 kiirya-bralzma, 474
Karukanatha, 96 kiirya-kiira~zii-dhikara1}a-viida, 38 I n.
Kasturi Rail.gacarya, 38 I, 383; his kiirya-priiga-bhiiva-samanvita, 275
general view, 38I et seq.; his treat- kiiryiidhikara1}a-tattva, 132, 38 I, 384
ment of the sectarian differences of kiiryiidhikara1}a-viida, I 32, 38 I, 383,
Bac,igolai and Teri.galai, 381 et seq. 384
Katha, 519n., 528, 529 kiiryii-numiina, 229
Katha Upani~ad, 5 I 9 kiiryiivasthii, 200
Katlzavally-upani~at-pakiisikii, 127 Kasarayogin, 63 n.
kathii, 20I, 5 I 3 kasika, SI8, Sign.
Kathii-sarit-siigara, 108 n. Kiismlriigama-priimii1}ya, I 7
Kathii-vatthu, 5 I 7 Kasyapa, 20
Kathopan#ad, 379 Kasyapa-sa'!lhita, 23
Kattur-argiya-vanavalapillai, I 10 Katyayana, 302, 515, SI6; his view of
kaumiira-sarga, 502 God, 302
KaUI;tc,iinya Srlnivasa Dlk~ita, 384 Kathaka-siddhantin, 3 n.
Kausika-Sribha~ya-Srlnivasa, I 22 Kaverl, 63
Kausitakopan#at-prakiisikii, I 27 kiiyika, 507
Kautilya, 5 I 2, 532 Kerala, 67
Kautilya, Artha-siistra, 5 I 2 n. Kernel, 2
Kavicakravarti Trivikrama, 3 Kesara-bhil~a1}a, 133
Kavilologu, I 2 I Kesa?.:a, 39, 402
Kaviraja Goplnatha, 482 Kesava Kasmlrl, 402
Kavitarkikasirpha, I I 9 Kesava Kasmlrl Bhana, 402, 403 n.
Kala, 36, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 52, 389, Kesava Yajvan, 98, IOO
446, 447. 448, 479. 486, 488, 489, Ketti ammais, 104
492, 497, 505, so8; different con- kevalii-nvayi, 228, 229, 230, 427; In-
ceptions of, 447; in relation to ference, 230
Karma, 448; in Vijfiiina Bhik~u. 446 kevala-vyatireki, 226, 227, 229, 230,
kiila-ghata-sw!lyogii-dika'!l, 389 23I, 232, 427
Kalamukhas, I 6 Kha1}t/.ana-kha~ztj.a-khiidya, 20 I, 53 5 n.
Kalanemighna, 40 n. khyatis, 184, 4IO, 503, SIO
kala-sakti, 45 khyiity-ayogiit, 243
kalatraye'pi, 428 Kidambi Ramanuja Pillan, I 10
Kama, 40 n., 62 Kidambi-Tirumalai-Nayinar, I37
kama, as nitya and naimittika, 293-4 Kilaiyagattarvar, 95
Index 577
kincit-kara, 277 KnQa-stava-raja, 400
Kisoradasa Pandit, 399, 404 Kr!?l).asuri, I I I, I I 2
kirti, 57 Kr!?Qatatacarya, I23, I3I
kleia, 44 Krp;zopani~ad, I 3
Knots, 437 Krtakoti, I05 n.
Knower, I72, 3I5, 325, 326, 333, 4II, Krtamala, 63
423, 466, 467, 468, 489, 507 krtsna-jnana-pratuis tavad asiddha, 36I
Knowing relation, 250 n. Krttika, 279; constellation, 229
Knowledge, 4, 7, 8, 9, 28, 29, 32, 33, k~ama, 57, 6I
34,J5,J7,4I,47,49,5I,54,9I, I29, K~ama-~ot;laii-stava, I I I
I46, I76, 178, I79. I8I, 184, I85 n., k~a1}a, 274
I87, I88, I9J, 204, 205, 206, 2Io, k~a1}a-dvaya-sambandha-iunyatva, 273
238, 250 n., 292, 21)3, 295, JOO, 307, k1a~za-kala-sambandhatva7J'1, 273
308, 309, JIO, JI2, JI7, 318, J2I, k~a1}a-kalatva7J'I, 273
323, 324, 325, 327, 328, 329, 335. k~a1J.a-matra-vartitva, 273
336, 340, 346, 347. 348, 352, 357. ~a1}a-sambandhitva, 269
36I, 369, J7I, 386, 409, 410, 4I I, k1a7J.a-padhitva7J'1, 274
4I2, 4I8, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, K~attriya, 64
430, 436, 437. 440, 443. 445. 449, K1etra, 3 I, 32, 502, 504
453, 46I, 462, 465, 466, 467, 469, K~etrajiia, 3 I, 498, 503
470, 47I, 472, 473. 474. 475. 479. K~etrajiia-iakti, 5 I
48I, 482, 485, 486, 488, 490, 49I, k~obha, 498
492, 493. 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, k~obhaka, 509
506,507,508,533.537.547;andthe k~obhya, 498, 509
known, 423; its self-validity, 247 et Ku-dr~#-dhvanta-marta1}t;/a, 396, 397n.
seq. kuhu, 59
Known, 466 kukku{a, 6o
Kolli, 67 Kula-sekhara, 64, 66 n., 67, 68, 69, 76,
Kollikavaladasar, I 37 82, I34
Koluttuil.ga I, IOJ, I04 Kula-sekhara Peru-mal, 63, 65, 66,
Koluttuil.ga II, I04 96 n.
KoQginna, I I 5 Kula-sekharari.ka, 66, 67
Kori.gu, 67 Kularka, 229
Koyilkal).gadaiaQI).an, I I I Kumara, 40I
Krama-dlpika, 403 Kumara-Vedanta-desika, III, I22
Kratu, 2I Kumara Vedantacarya, son of Veri.-
kraurya, 376, 379 kata, I2J, I26; his works, I25
kriyama7J.a karma, 443 Kumarila, 8, I48, 205, 347, 348, 357
kriya, 36, 37, 4I, 5I, 57 Kumbakonam, 68, 73, 95, IOJ, I I6 n.
kriyakhya, 29, 44 Kumbha-koQa Tatayarya, I26, 127
kriyakhya-jiiana, 29 ku1J.4ala, 67, 416, 434
kriya-sakti, 42 Ku1}t;/alinl, 36
Krogatman, 40 n. Ku7J.4all, 58
krkara, 59 KuQt;/all-iakti, 58
Krmikant}:la, I04, I05 Kuraka, 95
KrpacarJ·a, 40I Kuranatha, I02
Kn;Qa, 38, 39 n., 40 n., 69, 70, 7I, 72, Kuresa, 98, I02, IoJ, Io4, 109, I xo,
74n., 77, 8o, 8I, 82, 83, I2I, 304; I I I, I I J 1 I I 4, I 34; his contribution
378, 40I, 405, 442 n., 474, 475; his in writing Srlbharya, I 03 ; his eyes
life, 83 put out, IOJ
Kn>Qa Bhana, 40I Kuresa-vijaya, 1 I 3 n.
Kr~Qade5ika, I8, IJ7 Kurugai-kkaval-appan, 98
Kn>Qamail.gala, 96 Kuruka, 98
Kn>Qa Misra, 531 n., 532 Kurukanatha, 98
Kr~Qapada, I Io, I I I, I I8, IJ4, I35 Kuruke5vara, I09
Kn;Qapada-lokaguru, I 3 I Kurukur, 68
Kr!?Qa-samahbhaya, I IO Kuruttalvan, 66, I02
D III 37
Kuruttama, 66 Limitation, 194, I95, 432
Kuvera, 39 Limited, 292; sense, 43; time, zSs
Kuyil, 77 Lineage, 3, 129, J 32
Kurma, 39 n., 40 n., 59, 6o, 475 Linee di una storia del Materialismo
Kurmapuriit;a, 19, 20, 4So, 4S2, 4S3, India no, 5 r 2 n.
4SS, 496, 502 n., 509, 510, 511 n.; Linguistic, 21S; usage, 239, 2S2
philosophical elements in, 509 et seq. Litiga, I6, 22
kutastha, 49, 4S4 Litiga-puriit;a, 20
kz7.tastha puru~a, so liizga-iarlra, 4S7
Literary, 69
Laghu-bhtigm.:atamrta, 40 n.; avataras Literature, 43. s6, sS, I 12, 531
in, 40 n. Living, 456
Laghu-bhiit)a-prakaiika, 129 lila, 51, ISS
Laghu-maiiju~a. 403 lllii-t:atara, 40 n., 475
Laghu-prakaiika, 116 Location, 4 I
Laghu-samanadhikarat;ya-t!iida, 133 Locus,sS,2S3,290,32S,J5I,4I7,435.
Laglzustava-raja-stotra, 403 437; its negation, 255; of subsis-
lak~at;ii, 306 tence, 397; of the negation, 283
Lak~mat;arya-siddhanta-satJlKraha, 130 Logic, I I9, 235, 236, 533; depends on
Lak~mz, 36, 41, 45, 52, 53, s6, 57, 70, admission of objective realities, 236;
99, 100 n., 157, 375, 379 in Bengal, I 33
Lak~mi Dasarathi, 9S Logical, So, III, 1S3, I94. 442, 513;
Lak~mi-devi, 115 apparatus, 2 56; argument, I I 3 ;
Lak~minatha, 96 categories, 236; cnttctsm, I 54;
Lak!?mi-tantra, 39 n., 56 n., 57, 379 doctrine, sso; implications, 184;
Lak~muantra, m·ataras in, 39-40 n. proof, 3 I 3; situation, 34I
lak~ya, 340 Logically valid, 236, 253
Lamentation, 72, 73 Logicians, 5 I 7, 5 IS
Lamp, 25, 444 Loka, SI3, 5I4
Lanka, Sz Lokabhaskara, 3 n.
lata, soo loka-khiiyikii, 5 I 3
Laugak~ibhaskara, 3 n. Loknnatha, 40 n.
laukika, 426 loka-pitiimaha, 503
laukikl, 507 loka-sat!zgraha, 92
Law, 4I 2, 44S, 474; of Excluded Lokacarya, I 10, I22, 134, I36, I37.
Middle, 242; of Contradiction, 242 ISS. IS7. I6o, 163, 260, 374, 3So,
laghat·a, ISo 3SI; his views, I36
Legendary account, S3 lokiiciir:ya-tad-anubandhinii'!l, 3S I n.
Legendary life, S1, S3 Lokacarya I, 134, I35
Legendary lovers, S I Lokayata, 512, SI3, 5I4, SIS, 516, SI9,
Legendary personages, S I, Sz 526, 530, 532, 533; its significance,
Lesser gods, 47 5 5I2 et seq.
Letters, 4 lokiiyata doctrines, szS, 529, 532
Liberation, 5, 7, S, 9, IO, 24, 39, 170, lokiiyata view, 532
173, 257, 450; during lifetime, IO Lokiiyata-siistra, 5 Is. 531, 533
Life, 4I, 293, 327, 420, 443, 46I, 47I, Lokiiyatika, SI2 n., 527, 529, 54S
509, SI9, 521, 522, 526, 530, 53I, lvke~u r"iyata, 5 I 5
536, 545 Loneliness, 79
Life-force, 59 Longings, 70
Life-functions, 7 Lord, 22, 27, 31, 33, 41, 42, 44, so, 5 I,
Life-history, Sz 53, 54, s6, S3, S7, S8, 307, 4I2, 430.
Life-movements, 54S so8
Lzfe of Riimiinuja, I I 3 n. Lord (Bhagm·iin), 2I
Light, 46, 17S, 19S, zSo; and heat, Lord Kr~Q.a, 99
163 Lost objects, S9
Light-heat-potential, 4S, 26o Lost soul, SS
Light-potential, I 63 Lotus, sS, I 53. 27 I
Index 579
Love, IJ6, 294, 376, 377, 414, 450, MahapOrQa, 98, xoo, xox, 102, I03,
451, 472, 49I; stricken, 378 I09, IJ9
Love-sickness, 83 Mahii-puru~a-nirttaya, 98, 99 n.
Lover, 70, 83, 84, 377 mahii-purva-pak~a, 1 7 5 n.
Loving embraces, 73 Mahara!?tra, 6 3
Lower caste, 93 Maharya, 63 n., 96
Lower form, 37 Mahii-sanatkumiira-sa7Jlhitii, 23, 37
Lower order, 88 mahii-siddhiinta, 175 n.
Lowliness, 54 Mahii-vidyii doctrines, 229
Lucidity, 79 mahii-visviisa, 54
Lump of clay, 46, 259, 332; of salt, 10 Maha-vi!?QU, s6, 507, so8
Lunar, 295 Mahavira, 522, 524 n., 525 n.
Mahayana, 1 n.
Madan Mohan Library, Benares, 399 Mahesvara, 39 n., 473, 497 n., so6,
Madhu, 25, 47 509 n.
1t1adhura-kavihrdaya, I 24 Mahomedans, 121, 135
Madhura-kavi, 69 Maintenance, 38, 51, 52, s6, I95. 196,
Madhura-kaviy-arvar, 63, 64, 65, 66n., 454
67, 94, 95, I34 n. Maitriiya1;zlya Upani~ad, SJI n.
Madhurantakam, 103 Maitreyo-pani~ad, 480
Madhusudana, 39, 40 n. Maitri Upani~ad, 447
Madhva, 1 I 1, I I2, 1 IJ, I25, 304, 305, Majesty, 35, IJ6
387, 399. 400, 40I, 403, 475. 496 Makkhali, 522
Madhva-mukha-mardana, 399, 400 Makkhali Gosala, 522; his views, 522
madhya, s8 Makkhaliputta Gos~ila, 525 n.
madhyama, 505 Males, 42
Madhya Pratoli Bhattarya, I09 Malik Kafur, I20
madhyastha, 20I Mallipura, 63 n.
Madhya-vithi Bhattarya, I09 Mal-observation, 279
Madras, 69 n., 94 n., I04 n., I06 n. Mamallai, 65
Madras Govt. Oriental MS., 239 n. mamatva, so6
Madras Presidency, 64 mamiitmii, I40
Madura, 6s, 67, I20 Manakkal, 67 n.
Magical creation, 394 Manakkal-lambej, 97
Magician, 335 manana, 405, 422
Mahadyogin, 63 manas, 8, 9, IJ, 25, 38, 48, 49, 56, 57,
mahat, 46, 47, 63 n., I63, 256, 257, 8o, 139. I42, I44, I48, I5I, ISJ. xs8,
258, 259, 260 n., 446, 473, 475, 489, I6J. I9I, 257, 258, 280, 281, 499,
490,499.502,504,507, S09,5I0,5II 503, 504, 506, 507, 509, SIO
mahiitman, 504 Manavalamahamuni, I IO
mahat prajiiii, 503 manda, 505
mahattattva, 475, 480, 489, 498 Mandangudi, 69
Mahiibhiirata, I2, I7, 19, 20, 2I, 40 n., Mandates, 44I
260 n., 379, 443 n., 447, 479, 5I7, Manhood, 70
530, 53I, 532; Nara and NarayaQ.a Manifest, 36
in, I2; reference to heretics in, 530 Manifestation, 4, I7, 26, 32, 35, 36, 37,
Mahacarya, II7, 125, I27, 130, IJI, 38, 39 n., 40 n., 42, 44, 45, 47, 51,
IJ5, 305, 36I, 364, 365, 366, 367, 53, 57, I50, I6J, I98, 2I5, 2I8, 247,
368, 370, 37I, 373; his works, I25, 250, 265, 267, 311, 336, 338, 355.
126 356, 359, 36o, J6I, 365, 367, 373,
Mahadevi, 98 387, 4I2, 447. 449. 45I, 473. 487,
mahii-kalpas, 525 497. 498, 500, so8, 524
Mahalak~mi, 4I, 67 n. Manifested condition, I s6
mahiimoha, sao Manifesting, 39; power, 4I
mahan, 503, 504 Manifold, 32, I97
Mahanada, 63 M at;zi-siira-dhikkiira, 1 22
Mahanadi, 63 Manl!?ideva, 402
sBo Index
mankha, 522, 524 n. Matter-stuff, 385
Mankhali, 523 matha, 103, 104, I I I
Mankhaliputta Gos~ila, 522 Maxim of determining similarity by
Man-lion, 38 real representation, 183
Manner, 6o mayiira, 6o
mano-do$iil, 18 5 n. Mayilai, 64
manomaya, 57 lVladhava, 39, 103, I 10, 127, 400, 532,
manta, 510 533. 632
mantras, 13, 22, 23, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, Madhavadasa, 109, 110
57. s8, 6o, 69, 102, 403 Madhava 1\'lukunda, 416, 420, 426,
Manu, 1 n., 14, 17, 21, 146, 479, 515, 437; controversy with the monist,
5 I 8, 51 9; denies the Paiicariitrlns, 14 416 et seq.; his criticism of jlva-
manuS,44,4S,46,47,48,49,50, 56,57 brahmai-kya, 417; his criticism of
M anu-sa1[1hitii, I 6 Ramanuja and Bhaskara, 429 et seq.;
Manuscripts, 119, 126, 135, 138, 305, his criticism of Sankarite ajiiiina,
346, 399 424 et seq.; his criticism of Sankarite
Manu Vaivasvata, 40 n. emancipation, 420 et seq.; his criti-
"A1migala-dipikii, 126 cism of the category of" difft!rence ",
Mangacarya, 127 n. 417 et seq.; his criticism of the
Mangacarya Srinivasa, 1 18 theory of illusion of Sankara, 422 et
1\laDavala, 94 n. seq.; his refutation of the falsity of
l\IaDavala Ma-muni, 64, 65, 137 the world, 435 et seq.; his treatment
ma~li-praviila, 64, 105, 123, 137, 138 of pramiir:zas, 426 et seq.
1\laraner, 98 Madhavacarya, 2
Maraner Nambi, 98 miidhyamika, 201, 238, 340
Marici, 21 Madhyamika Buddhists, 238
Mark 17, 20, 524 "· kliidhyamika-pak~a, 1 77
l\1arriage, 69 1\Iahesvara, 3 n., sos
Marudha-grama-pilrDa, 102, 110 miiheh·ara yoga, 505
Maskarin, 523, 524 n. miikhali, 522
Masters, 83 1\laladhara, 98, 109
Material, 10, 25, 26, 29, 49, 181, 189, miinasa-pratyak~a, 220, 359, 361, 538
190, 208, 288, 388, 389, 418, 449. miinasika, 507
481, 495; cause, 2, 37, 46, 55, 188, miina·vas, 49
196, 197, 266, 286, 301, 302, 341, "A1iina-yathiitmya-nirr:zaya, 119, 128 n.,
342, 365, 385, 388, 389, 397. 404, 2I6, 229, 234
454, 459, 465, soo, 543; changes, "Aiiir:zgilkyopani~at-prakiisikii, 127
301; element, 489; energy, 459; l\laDikka-vachakar, 84
forms, 37; idt!ntity, 252; impurities, 1\Iaratha, 3
384; part, 301; products, 527; stuff, Jo.liirkm;cjeya Purii~w. SOl n .• SOUl. so6;
329 philosophical treatment in, so6
l\Iatcrial world, I 81, 1 94, 199, 200, M iirka~lcjeya-smJthitii, 24
291, 297, 384, 385, 416 l\Iara, 6s
Materialistic, 5 I 2 1\larankari, 6 s
Materialists, 550 1\laraii-jadaiyan, 6 s
1\lateriality, I95, 256, 383 "AIiifhara ·qtti, 448
l\1atcrnal grandfather, 122 miiyii, 1, 2, 4, s, 26, 29, 42, 52, 100 n.,
l\1aternal uncle, 109, 183 I29, 132, I6S, I96, I97. I98, 334.
1\'lathuradcva, 402 335. 336, 383, 393. 396, 410, 4I2,
1\lathura, 94, 96, I03, 120 424, 43-t. 440, 454. 457. 472, 476,
muti, 47, 57, 61, 503, SIO 485, 486, 49I, 492, 494; in li1:ara-
"Afatsya, 39 n., 40 n., 475 gllii, 497; in relation to pradhiina as
"A1atsya Puriir:za, I6, 479 treated by Vijiiana Bhik~u, 476 et
!\'latter, 26, 49, 125, 157, 193,200,211, seq.
299. 406, 430, 431, 434. 435, 457. "Alii_v!i-koia, 38
458, 459, 465, 492, 495, 501, 519; Aliiyii1:iida, 484
Veil.kata's view of it, 162 et seq. miiyii·viidin, 4, 443
miiyiivl, 4 72 348, 360, 363, 364, 376, 410, 420,
Meals, 105 545, 548, 549; its treatment by
Meaning, 195, 233 Veilkata and Meghanadari, 214-15;
Meaningless, 99 its validity, 237
Means, 55, 298, 310 Memory-image, 244, 245, 247
Measure, 264 Memory-knowledge, 248
medhii, 57 Ment<>l, 204, 205; intuition, 359, 361;
Medhatithi, 515, 518 n., 519 n. modes, 364; organs, 445; percep-
Mediate knowledge, 425 tion, 426, 538; powers, 47; process,
Mediate process, 247 185 n., 539; state, 310, 334, 339, 372,
lVleditation, 10, 11, 22, 23, 30, 31, 32, 373, 439, 465, 469, 470, 495, 540,
39, 40 n., 41, 42, 58, 6o, 69, So, 137. 541, 543, 544, 545; temperament,
219, 292, 293. 295. 364, 388, 405, 543
414, 415, 437. 442, 446, 450, 451, Merciful, 54, 374
465, 474 Mercy, 78, 85, 99, 292, 375, 413, 474;
Medium, 449 of God, 374, 375
lVleghanadari, III, 114, 115, 125, 214, Merit, 15, 153, 191, 453, 520
215, 216, 217, 229, 234. 239, 240, Meritorious, 521; actions, 294
241, 242, 243; adopts only yath- Messengers, 83
iirtha-khyiiti, 241, 245, 246, 247 n., Metals, 41
248, 249, 346, 348, 349; arguments Metaphysical, 237; position, 451 ;
in favour of validity of knowledge, views, 450
24 7; his admission of five pramii~tas, Metaphysico-cosmological theory, 246
216; his admission of upamiina, 234; Metaphysics, 550
his arguments in favour of yathiirtha- IV:lethod, 55, 183, 195; of agreement,
khyiiti, 245-6; his conception of 228, 356
various categories connected with l\1icrocosm, 26
conception, 218 et seq.; his definition Microscopic, 390
of perception, 217; his refutation of Mind,28,3o, 31,32,33.34.38,48,s4.
akhyiiti, 243 ; his refutation of 6o, 152,172,182,189,191,192,207,
anirvacanfya-klzyiiti, 242-3; his 209, 291, 294. 295. 308, 420, 423,
refutation of anyathii-khyiiti, 241-2; 427 434. 440, 442, 444. 490, 498,

his refutation of nirvi~aya-khyiiti, 505, 527, 542, 543; contact, 202;

246; his refutation of ohjections substance, 194
against self-validity, 248-so; his re- Minimum assumption, 186 n.
futation of the Nyaya view of Minor, 427; gods, 22; term, 533, 534,
paratal; priima7Jya, 347; his treat- 535 .
ment of memory, 214 et seq.; his 1\-finor Religions, 81 n.
treatment of nature validity, 215-16; Minor Religious Systems, 64 n., 399
his treatment of object, 217; his Minority sect, 20
treatment of perception in relation Miraculous, 505; power, 30, 6o
to validity, 2 I 5-1 6; his view of Mirage, 282, 369
karma and fruits, 349; his view of Mirror, 27, 144, ;zo8, 211, 334
perception contrasted with that of Misapprehension, 182, 183, 185, 251
Ramanuja, 218; his view of svatab- Mis-association, 245
priimii1Jya-viida, 346; his view that 1\Iisconception, 456
intuition is self-valid, :;48; his view Mis-correspondence. 357
of time, 348; his works, 125; Mis-perception, 418
pramii1Ja and artha-pariccheda-katva, Misery, 28, 87, 164, 295, 302, 303, 308
240; supports arthii-patti, 234-5 Mistake, 5
Melody, 8o Mistress, 75, 377
Melukot, 104, 113 Misra, 139
Me}aiyagattarvar, 95 misra-varga, 57
Memory, 5, 8, 128, 150, 151, 167, 168, miira-varga-sr~!i7Jl ca karoti, 38
178, x8o, 181, 184, x8s n., x86 n., Mita-prakiisikii, 115
209, 210, 214, 215, 216, 220 n., 223, mitiihiira, 61
234. 239. 245. 249. 250, 268, 287, Mithila, 112
582 Index
Mithyiitva-kha'l}gana, I 3 3 l\fovement, 44, 45, 53, 56, IS9, 2IO,
Mitra, Dr Rajendra Lal, 400 446, 449. 4SI, 493. 504
Mimarpsa, I07, IOS n., I24, 247, 357, mrd-dravya, 2SS
350, 3sS, 539 mrttva, 2SS
Mzmiir_nsakas, Is, 347 mrtyu, 447
Mzmii1Jtsaka school, 205 Much, 494
Mzmii1Jzsii-piidukii, I 24 1\lud, 397
Mimarpsa theory of error as non- Mudal-arvars, 6S n.
discriminating memory-image and !'.1ugal-tiru-vantiidi, I 34 n.
perception refuted, 247 mugdha, 32S
Mzmii1flSii-siltra, 7 n., I07 n., IOS n., mukta, 6o
I24, I25 mukti, I I, 50, 5 I, S9, 4S7
Mimarpsists, IS2, 429, SIS, 536 Mukti-darpa'l}a, I I 5 n., 3S4
mleccha, 93, 44I n. Mukti-sahda-'L·iciira, I 27
Mode, 42, 53, I94, 4I9; of syllogism, l\lukunda, 425, 426
364 !vlukunda-miilii, 66, 67, Son.
Modification, 2, 3, 4, 6, So, I S3, 260 n., Mumuk~u-ppagi, I35 n.
299. 323, 367, 423, 435. 454. 455. Mumuk~ii-piiya-sa.,igraha, I I4 n., I25
459. 463, 46S, 47I, 495. 503 l\1undane, I6, 34, 4I, 295, 452;
moha, 464, soo bondage, 4I4; forms, 40; gods, 3S;
mohana, 46 life, 43 n., 292
mohiitmaka, 256 Muni-viihana-bhoga, I 24
nwk~a, 62, 7I, 523 n. Munriim-tiru-1-·antiidi, I 34 n.
.ft.Jok~a-dharma, 260 n. Mu'l}gakvpani~at-prakiisikii, I 27
!vlok~a-kiira~wtii-'L·iida, I 33 1\luttering, 23; of mantras, 62
!v!ok~a-siddhi, I IS, 352 l\1 utual agreement, 20I
Molecular, 206 muf!ba, 499
l\lolecule, I S3, 262 nulla, 46
1\Ioment, 47, 273, 277, 2S5, 2S6 Mrlla-bhii'l'a-prakiisikii, I Is, I I 7 . I 26
Momentariness, 252, 26S, 269, 272, mula-do~iipek~ii. I77 n.
274 miilii-dhiira, s8
Momentarists, 27I mrlrdhm;ya-niil}z, 295
l\1omcntary, 26S, 270, 275, 2S4; l\lysore, II3, I2I, I24 n.
entities, 270; unit, 268, 269 .ft.lysore Gazetteer, I04 n.
Monetarist, 273 Mystic, 53; cognition, I6S
Monetary, 273 Mysticism and Loxic, 539 n.
Monism, 4, I 76, 30S, 3 I 6, 320, 340, Mythical, 364, 550
37I, 39I, 477. 490, 495 Mythological, 25
1\Ionist, IOO, I06, I29, 4I6, 4I9
l\lonistic, IOI, I96, 422, 4S6, 495; na, 476
doctrine, I97, 477, 4So; identity, na cai'kya1fl niisa-biidhayo!z, 239
336; interpretation, 3SI, 4I7; texts, Nacchiyiir, 69
5, 352, 406, 43I; view, 406 Naciketa, SI9
Monotheistic, I 3; God, 43 n. Nadadur Ammal, I IO
Moon, 42, 59, 2IO, 22S, 295, 3IO, 340, Na~a~ur Arvan, I04
447. 537 naimittika, 293, 294, 502, 503
l\1oral, 29, 32, 33, 472, SOI, 549; naimittika pralaya, 502
apprehension, 32; freedom, 472; Nainaracarya, I I I
heroes, SS; responsibility, 29I, 533; Nai~adhacarita, 549
sphere, 273; values, 457, 460 Naiyayikas, I46, IS2, ISS, 2II, 2I9,
Morality, 303, SI6, 533 22 I, 225, 230, 233, 262, 263, 264,
l\1other's breast, 77 265, 2SO, 29I, 300, 347. 355. 3SS,
Motion, 206 359. 393. SIS, 539. 546
Motivation, 44 Nak~atra-miilikii, I 3S
Motive, 54, 293, 294 nama!z, 53
Motor organs, 543 Nambi, 67 n., IOO
Mouth, 59 Nambilla, I IO
Namburi Varada, 1 10 niitfts, 59, 6o
Namburi Varadarya, 1 xo, 1 11 nfiga, 59
Namburi Varadaraja, 134, 135 NagaDuna, 307, 522
Names, 3,4, 34.47,48,209,457, 544 niiga-viiyu, 6o
Namm'-arvar, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, Niil-iiyira-divya-prabandhm!z, 64, 66,
74. 78, 79. 83, 94. 95. 98, 110, 134 69,77
N andagopal, 77 Niil-iiyira-prabandham, 69
Nandivarman, 67 niimadlzeya, 4
Nanjiar, 110, 134, 135 niima-dheyam, 3
N an-mukham Tiru-vantiidi, 68 niima-sankrrtana-rata!z, 96
Nappinnai, 77, 81 1Viim-mukam, I34 n.
Nara, 12, 40 n. Narada, IJ, 25, 40 n., 401; his journey
N araharideva, 402 to Sveta-dvipa, I 3
Narasirpha, 40 n. Niiradl]-a, 20
Narasirpha-suri, 122 Niiradzya-purii1Ja, 507, so8 n.; philo-
Narasirphavarman I, 65, 67 sophical elements in, 507
Narasimhiengar, Mr M. T., 134 n., 138 Narayat:la. 12, IJ, I6, I7, 19, 21, 39,
Narcotic, 79 40 n., 42 n., 68 n., 86, 89 n., IOO n.,
Nasik, 3 IOI, 126, I28, I29, IJ2, IJ6, I57,
Natesan and Co., 104 n. 304, 352 n., 375, 379, 401, 474, 475,
natthi, 520 482, 507, 511n.; alone, 126; as
natthika, 520 highest God, 12; associated with
natthika-di!thi, 520 Paii.caratra, 12; his worship in the
niittlzikaviida, 521 Svetadvipa, I 3
Natural, 51; omniscience, 214 n. NarayaQadeva, 402
Nature, 35, 42, 44, 45, 46, so, 52, 53, NarayaQa muni, 116, IJI
54. s6, 57. 100 n., 128, 146, x66, x8o, NarayaQ.a Sarma, 404
193, 195, 197, 206, 253, 256, 306, Narayal)iya, 40 n., 443 n.
JIO, 315, 317, 325, JJI, 334, 344, N iiriiya~opani~ad, I 3
350, 389, 407, 408, 41 1, 413, 4I4, Nastika, 5I2, 5I7, SI8, 5I9, 525, 527;
4I 5, 420, 428, 43 I, 439, 442, 448, its significance, SI7 et seq.
499.4so,46I,466,483,48s, 545;of N iistika ciirviika, 5 I 2 n.
Lak!]mi, 375; of soul, 79 niistikasiistra, s I 5
Navaratna-miilii, I35 n. Nathamuni, 66, 67 n., 85, 94, 95, 96,
Nava-vidha-sambandlza, IJS n. 97, 98, 1 I9, I8o, I8I n., 233, 235; he
Navel, s8 practised ~tiinga yoga, 96 n. ; his
Navel-wheel, 59 life, 94 et seq.
N avyarari.gesa, I 22 Nathas, 525 n.
Naya-dyu-mm;i, 114 n., 115, 116, I25, niitha-viidins, 525
2I5 n., 216 n., 217 n., 2I9 n.; 220 n., Negation, s, I69, I86, 202, 2I4, 230,
234 n., 239 n., 242 n., 243 1l., 245 n., 2J2, 243, 255, 27I, 272, 283, JI2 1
247 n., 346, 347 n., 348 n., 349 n., JI4, 327, 330, JJI, JJ2, 339, 342,
392 344. 351, 352, 353. 354. 412, 420,
Naya-dyu-ma~zi-drpikii, I 15, I I6, 392 424, 428, 4JI, 445, 467, 476; ante-
Naya-dyu-ma~i of Naya-dyu-ma~i­ cedent to being, 279; of occupation,
dzpikii, I I 5 282; of ·vacyat'L·a, 230 n.
Naya-dyu-ma~i-sa7!Zgraha, I 15, 116, Negation-precedent-to, 328, 330, 351;
392 production, 338, 34I, 344, 345, 353,
N aya-kulisa, I I 8 369
Naya-miilikii, I I6 n. Negative, x8I, I8J, x86, I87, 252, 343;
N aya-ma~i-kalikii, I 30 caus.es, 354; characters, I70; con-
Naya-mukha-miilikii, 114, 116, I33 cept, 282; concomitance, 229; en-
N aya-prakiisikii, I I 4, 346 tity, 341; instance, 228, 229; means,
Naya-vzthi, I86 n. 376; pain, 364; qualifications, 323;
niibhi-cakra, 59 relation, 2JI
Niicchiyiir-tirumoli, I 34 n. Nerve, 59, 295
niida, s8 Nervous system, s8
Nescience, I77, 311, 316, 36I, 362, nirt•ikalpa, 217, 2 I 9, 220, 22 I, 224,
44I. 442, 460, 465 270, 31 I, 544; knowledge, 544
neti, 43 I nin:ikalpa jil.iina, 221
Neutral datum, 253 nin:ikalpa-pratyak~a, I 66, 223
J:',;ew knowledge, I84 nin·i.~e~a. 16 5, 19 5
:Kew measure, 264 nin•ise~a caitanya, 420
nididhyiisana, 405, 442 J.Vin·iie~a-pramii~a-t·yudiisa, I 3 3
nidrii, 57 nir-t·i~aya-khyiiti, 239, 246
Nigamaparimala, I 24 ni~kala, 31
nigraha, 51 ni~kramya, 527
nigrahasthiina, 512 nz~prapaiica brahman, IO
Nihilism, 177, 269, 307, 320, 332, 334, ni~a, 36, 293, 29~ 502
419 nitya-raizgitt·a, 87 n.
Nihilist, 350, 520, 533 nitya-suratt·a, 88 n.
:Kihilistic, 520, 52 I; Buddhists, 201; ni·l'artaka, 61
philosophy, I77 n.; sect, 533 nit·rtta, 165
nil:zsambandhal:z, I.I ni):ama, 29, 33, 6I, 62 n., 509 n.
ni/:zs?.:ablzii?..'a, 356 :Kiy.1mananda, 399, 403
Nikiiia, 1 23 niyati, 42, 43, 45, 57, 448 n.
Nikiiya, 524 :r\ilameghatatacarya, I33
1\"ik~epa-rak~ii, I 22 nlla-pata, 527 n.
:Kimba, 399 :Kila, 4 I, 42, 57
Nimbapura, 399 nlrupa, 238 n.
:Kimbaditya, 399, 400, 40I Nui, 235
:Kimbarka, 399, 400, 402, 403, 404, J:',;oble qualities, 70, 71
405, 409, 420, 422, 424, 426, 427, f\;on-appcarance, 365
428, 433, 434, 440, 472, 497, 5o6; r-\on-apprehension, 180, 18I, 182, I83,
his blzii~ya, 400; his conception of I84, 185, I86, I87, I88, 237, 284
ahaizkiira, 4I I et seq.; his conception Non-being, 239, 3I2, 3I4, 456, 457,
of ajiiiina, 404 et seq.; his conception 509
of karma, 4I I ; his criticism of San- Non-Buddhists, 514
kara, 409 et seq.; his idea of avidyii, Non-dependence, 37
414; his idea of God, 412 et seq.; his f\;on-diffcrence, 487
idea of karma, 414 et seq.; his philo- Non-different, 484
sophy, 400, 404 et seq.; his works, !\on-discrimination, 247
40o-2; Nature of self, 41I et seq.; !\on-distinction, 449, 491
school, 401, 408, 440; system, 413; ~on-duality, 488
teachers and pupils of the school, Non-earthiness, 227
379 et seq.; view, 430 !'\on-eternal, 199, 208, 209, 212, 2I3,
Nimbiirka-matam, 40I 386, 446. 470, 478
Nimbarkists, 4IO, 4I I, 434, 440 Non-cternality, 386
nimitta, 2, 388, 456 !'\on-eternity, 394
nimitta-kiirm;a, I 57, 1 91, 398 f\;on-existcnce, 27, 177, 2I I, 229, 235,
nimitta-kiira~atii, 396 344, 4 iO, 428, 435, 436, 473, 476,
nimittamiitram, 500 47S, 507
Nineteenth century, 188 Non-existent, 5, 47, 177, 266, 284, 327,
Ni~ru kumirume, 78 339, 344. 407, 423, 433. 436, 440,
nir- adhi~!/:ziina- bhramii -nupapattil:z, 445. 457. 477. 486
238 Non-existing, 184
niranvaya-viniisa, 274, 276 Non-illumination, 314
nirapek~atayiinanda, 36 Non-illusory, 246
niravayat•a, 20I Non-living, 456
nirbharatva, 86 Non-material 7 146, I7I
nirgranthas, 523 Non-m~teriality, J7I
nirgu~a. 25 Non-mundane, 39
nirhetuka, 8 5 Non-observation, 279, 334
Nirvii~a, 28 Non-occupiedness, I 64
Index sBs
Non-perception, I28, I82, 207, 24I, Nyiiya-maiijari, 203, 204 n., 205 n.,
342, JSI, 426 206 n., SIJ n., SI6, 519, 535 n.,
Non-performance, 523 536 n., 538 n., 530, 540 "·• 547, 548
Non-physical, 548 Nyiiya-parisuddhi, 96 n., 119, I2J, 125,
Non-production, 449 I27, I28 n., IJI, I8o, 202 n., 208 n.,
Non-relational, 455 209 n., 2IO, 2I3 n., 2I6 n., 219 n.,
Non-sensible, 354 220 n., 222 n., 223 n., 225 n., 226,
Non-sentient, 54 227 n., 228 n., 232 n., 233 n., 234 n.,
Non-spiritual characteristics, I72 235, 236 n., 237 n., 239 11.
Non-substance, 25 I Nyiiya-parisuddhi-'l·yiikhyii, I 3 I
Non-vedic, IS, I6, I7, I9 Nyiiya-ratniiva/1, 1 3 I
Normal caste, 379 Nyiiya-siira, I2J, I27, I28 n., 202 tz.,
Normal duties, 92, 380 203 n., 222 n., 223 n., 237 n., 238 n.
North India, 63, 523 Nyr.ya-siddhiinjana, 1 I7, I2J, r26,
Northern India, IOJ I28 n., I 57 n., 2SI, 259n., 26I n.,
Nothingness, 36 280 n., 297, 382, 383 n.
Notices, 400 n.; of Sanskrit Manu- Nyiiya-siddhiii"zjana-'l~yiikhyii, 1 I 7, I 26
scripts, 403 Nyiiya-sudarsana, I I9 n., I28 n.
Notion, 297, 298, 300, JIO, 324, 337, Nyiiya-szitra, 76 n., 208, 2I I-I2,
34I, 343. 349. 35I, 353. 4I8, 443. 300 n., SI2, SIJ, 5I7, 539
538, 542; of validity, 248 Nyiiya-tattva, 96, 119, I28 n., 233,235
Not-self, 409 Nyaya-Vaise~ika, I62, 47I
Not-silver, I83 Nyiiyiimrta-tarailgi~zi, I 38
NrsiJTlha, 39 n., 40 1z. J:lattva-tattva-'l•ibhzl~a1Ja, I 33
NrsiJTlhadeva, I22, I23 J:lattvopapatti-bhailga, I 33
NrsiJTlharaja, I23, IJI f:latva-candrikii, I JI
N rsirrzha-riifiya, 1 22 J:lat•va-darpa~za, I I 5
N rsiJTlhasuri, I 3 I J:latva-tattva-paritriit;~a, I 29
Nrsi1Jlha-tiipinz Upani~ad, I 3
NrsiiTlharya, I09, I IO Object(s), 30, 33, 4I, 47, 49, so, I78,
Nrsi1Jlhottara-tiipinz Upani~ad, I 3 I79, I8I, I82, I84, I85 n., I89, I90,
Nuns, I04 205, 206, 2Io, 244, 280, 289, 297 n.,
nukhya varga, 502 298, 307, 309, Jll, 3I2, JIS, JI6,
N. W. Provinces Catalogue, 400 JI7, JI8, JI9, 320, 343, 347, 348,
Nyagrodhasayin, 40 n. JSI, 4IS, 4I9, 423, 426, 427, 439.
nyiisa, 55, 90, I JI 442, 444. 457. 458, 466, 467, 474.
Nyiisa-kiirikii, 380 477, soo, so6, 544; its matter ac-
Nyiisa-tilaka, I22, 125, IJI, 380 cording to Veri.kata and Meg-
Nyiisa-tilaka-vyiikhyii, I22, 125, 380 hanadari, 2 I 7; of awareness, 2 3 I,
Nyiisa-vidyii-bhzi~a1Ja, I 32 JI8, JI9; of knowledge, 24I, 243; of
Nyiisa-vidyiirtha-viciira, I 33 perception, 246, 346
Nyiisa-vidyii-vijaya, I 27 Objection, 298, 299, 303, 308, 3 Is,
Nyiisa-'l·i1Jliati, I 22, 380 JI6, JI7, 320, J2I, 333, 343, 392,
Nyiism·i'l~rti, IJI 408,409,4I7,4I8,422,4J7,477,537
Nyaya, 9, 128, I3I, ISJ, I54. I 57,203, Objective, 53, s8, I79. I82, 490;
204, 206, 207 n., 208, 2I2 n., 234, awarenesses, 238; cognition, 9;
235, 262," 263, 300, 358, 47I, 517, entities, I 88, 247, 360, 362; factors,
53R; categories, 539; logic, 226; ob- 236; world, 246
jection, 249; refutation of the doc- Objectively, I82 1l.
trine of whole and parts by Veri.kata, Objectivity, JIS, 325
263 et seq.; Veri.kata's refutation of Obligatory, 44I; duty, I24, I 37, 293
atomic theory, 262 et seq. Observation, 209, 257
Nyiiya-bhiiskara, I 33 Obstacles, 33
Nyiiya-kulisa, 118, 128 n., I84, I86 n., Obstruction, I8J, 282, 449, 466, 48I
250 n., 25I n., 352, 353 n., 354 n., Obstructive attitude, 376
355 n., 356 n., 357 n., 358 n., 360 n. Occasion, 4 7, 6o
Nyiiya-kusumiiiijali, I, 539 n. Occasionalism, I 59
5s6 Index
Occupation, 282 Padmakara Bhana, 401
Occurrence, 20 5 P~n. 146,148, I7I, I89,256,2s9,290,
Ocean, 52, 301, 302, 304, 445, 447, 301, 302, 344, 349, 412, 427, 442,
450, 45 I • 452 449, 463, 464, 485, 486, 489, 490,
Odorousness, 212 11. 493. 494
Odour-potential, 48 Painful, 256, 289, 415, 416, 452
Offering, 23, 550 Pairs, 42
Older school, <;I, 92 pak~a. 231, 427, 534, 535
Omnipotence, 2-h s I, 200, 450, 462, pak~adharma. 534
472 Palar, 63
Omnipotent, IO, 11, 15, 34, 303, 443; Pallava king, 67
being, 336 Pallavamalla, 65
Omniscience, 24, so, 51, 158, I 95, I 98, Pallava-matha, I37
200, 432, 433. 472, so6 Pallavas, 65, 67
Omniscient, 9, 1 I, 27, 44, I 52, 303, Pamphlet, 1 23, 124
31S, 335, 405, 430, 443 Panar, 64, 69
01Jtkiira-'l:iidiirtha, 392 Pan en theism, 497
Ontological, II8, 180, 185 n., 195, 497; Pangs, of love, 72; of separation, 73 ;
argument, 231 of sorrow, 70
Ontologically, 180 Pantheism, 497, 498
Openings, 59 Pantheistic, 498
Operation, 45, 46, s6, 18s, 204, 205, paiicama, 15, I 7.
206, 267, 297. 312, 318, 329, 331, Paiica-piidikii-vivara~za, 196, 197 n.,
41 I, 4I2, 413, 423, 427, 433, 446, I9S 11.
448, 459. 460, 470, 475. 547 Pancaratra(s), 2, 12, 14, IS, 16, I7, 18,
Opinion, 93, 210 I9, 20, 22, 38 n., 40 n., 42 1l., so, s6,
Opponent, I r6 11., 230, 249 57, 58, 62, 103, 105, I22, 12S, 132,
Opportunity, 292 157. 303, 379. 44811., 47I, 475;
Opposites, 230 antiquity of, 12; conflict between
Opposition, 208 Brahminic authorities about, 19;
Order, 49, s8, 195 contents of, 18-19; doctrine, 503;
Ordinary, 43; methods, s8; person- instructed by God, 14; its antiquity,
ality, 82 19; its ideal different from the
Organ, 48, 490 Vedas, 17; its relation with the
Organic, 151, 455 Vedas, 18 ; its "a lid i ty attested in
Organs of sight, 182 Puru~a-nir'l}aya of Yamuna, I 6; not
Origin, 212, 466, 468, 490; of Bhakti polytheistic, 17; originated how, 2I;
in Blziigm:ata-miihiitya, 63 ; of know- Purii~zas that are favourable and un-
ledge, 543 favourable to it, 20; puru~a-sukta,
Original. 42, 58; course, 396 associated with, I2; regarded as
Origination, 32I tantra, 18 n.; relation with the
Oscillation, 264 Vedas, 12; religion, 20; rituals not
Otherness, 3 5 I non-Vedic, I 7; sacrifice, I 2; texts,
Oudlz Catalogue, 400 n. 13; valid as the injunction of God,
14; worship, 19
Padma, 20, 6o Paficaratra literature, 18, 21, 24; its
Padmalocana Bhana, 98 validity attested by Yamuna, ItJ;
PaJmanabha, 39, I I o, 1 I 8 works enumerated, 21 et seq.
Padmanabhacarya, 401 Paizcariitra-rak~ii, 18, 122
Padmanahharya, 352, 361 Paiicariitra-rak,~ii-sa1Jzgraha, 18
Padma Purii'l}a, 484, 507, 532 Paiicariitra-sa'T!lhitii, 12 n., 155
Padmapural)a, reference to Bhakti in, Paiicariitra-siistra, 2 I
507 Paiicariitrins, 14, 19, 20; denounced in
Padma Sm,zhitii, 23 smrti and Purii1_1a, 19..:..20; identical
Padma-tantra, 39 n., 42 n.; avatiiras in, with Bhiigavatas and Siit'l.:atas, I 5;
39 n. possess a lower stage, 1 5
Padmacarya, 401 paiica-Sa1Jlskiira, I02
Paiicadhyayi-sastra, 3 n. Parasara Bhatta, 235
Paiiciigni-vidyii, 382, 384 Parasara Bhanaraka, 1 I 9
Paiic'i-karm;a, I82, 237, 240 Parasara Bhanarya, I 02 n., I 04, I 09,
Paiijikii, I3I 110, 134. I3S
Pal).<;lita, 94, I30, I77 n. Pariisara purii'!la, 19
para, 4I, 42, 489 Pariisara sa7flhitii, 22; its contents,
para-brahma, 474, 509 22-3
Parakala, 63 pariitman, 486
Parakaladasa, I I I Parents, 70
Parakala Yati, I IS, I I7, I26, I27, Parikara-vijaya, I3I, 36I
305 parimii'!la, 254, 264, 397
para-loka, 5 18, 548 parimita-gambhlra-bhii#rii, I o8
Parama, 32 pari'!liima, 6, I06, I97
Parama-piida-sopiina, I 24 pari'!liima kiira'!la, 36 5
Parama-Sa7flhitii, 22, 24, 32, 33; Bhakti, pari'!liimi kiira'!la, 365, 366
rise of, in, 33-4; its contents, 22; pari'!liimi-rilpa, 484
karma andjiiiina-yoga in, 33; karma- paritriit)a, 40
yoga andjiiiina-yoga in, 22; vairiigya, parok~a, 62
nature of, in, 33; yoga in, 32 paro~a-vrtti, 425
Para-mata-bhaizga, I23, I24, I28 n. Part, 30, 49, 178, I89, I9I, I92, I94,
Parama-tattva-nir'!laya, 23 I95, 262, 286, 29I, 295, 300, 30I,
paramiirtha, I6S, 378 307, 308, 3 I 2, 408, 409, 4 I I, 422,
paramiitman, 7, 34, 445, 45I, 452, 453. 430, 432, 433, 434, 444, 447 n., 453,
487, 489, 502 456, 462, 464, 475. 493. 494
parameivara, 89, 475, 489 Particles, 263, 264; of consciousness,
Paramesvara-sa'l!lhitii, 23 I4I
Paramesvarvarman I I, 6 5 Particular, I93, 299, 537; proposition,
parame~thin, 447 202
Paranda-pm;li, I35 n. Partless, 20I, 263, 306, 358, 365, 422,
Para-pak~a-giri-vajra, 403, 4I4 n., 4I6, 432, 548; atoms, 263; real, 372
4I7 n., 4I8 n., 425 n., 428 n., 429 n., Parya7f1.ka, 30
430 n., 43 I n., 432 n., 433 n., 434 n., Passionate lover, 82
435 n., 437 n., 440 n Passionate yearning, 83
Parasurama, 38, 40 n., 429 Passions, 32, SI, 54, 3I7, 3I8, 488
Parasuramadeva, 402 Past, I82, 446, 447, 457, 533; ex-
paratal:z Pramii'!la, 9 perience, I84, I8S n.
paratafz-priimii'!lya, 248, 249 paiyantl, s8
para-tantra-sattvii, 430 Pataiijali, 6I n., 62, 239, 444, 470, 473,
Para-tattva, 24 479, 480, 5 IS, 5 I6, 5 I8, 523; his
Para-tattva-dlpikii, I22 Mahii-bhii~ya, SI6 n.
Para-tattva-nin:zaya, I38 Pataiijali-siltra, 478
Para-tattva-prakiisa, 23 Paternal affection, IS8
Para-tattva-prakiisikii, I27 Path, of bhakti, 380 n.; of knowledge,
Paravastu Prativadibhayankara AI).I).a- B9; of right, 6I; of virtue, IS8
yacarya, I 1 I Pathological symptoms, 83
Paravadibhayankara, I I 2 Paths of duties, 9I
parii, 509 Panars, I04
parii-kiiSaty;a, 88 n. pauranic, 482
parii.marsa, 225, 427 Paural).ic emotionalism, 45 I
Parankusa, 65, 78 pauru~a, 30
Parankusa-purnarya, I02 n. Pauskara, 2I, 22
Parantaka, 67 Pau~kara-sa7flhitii, 23, 24
Parantaka Cola I, 96 Payasvinl, 59, 63
Parantaka, King, 6s Pazhanadai-vilakkan, 94 n.
Parantaka Par:H;lya, 65 Piidukii-sahasra-niima, I 22
pariirthiinumiina, 427 Piili, 5 I2, 5 I3 n.; texts, 5 I4
Parasara, I34. 260 n., 479 Pali Dictionary, 5 20
588 Index
P~li-En~li:>h Dictionary, SI3 Periya tiru-vantii.di, 69, 1 34 n.
P~iicaratrikas, 3 n. Periy-arvar, 63, 64, 6s, 66 n., 68, 69, 77
PaJ).~ya, 6s, 67, 98 Periy-ii_rl.:iir-tirumo.ri, 1 34 n.
P~J).ini, 1o8n., SI6n., SI8, S23 Periy-ii._rvii.r-tiruppalii.~zcfu, 134 n.
pii.ramiirthika, 3 I 3 Permanent, 144, 198, 291, 343, 541,
piiramii.rthikl, 37 I s46; world, 198 n.
pii.ratantrya, 87 Perma~i. 66
Piirii.sara, 20 per se, 431
Pii.rii.sarya, I2S Person, 49, 189, 191, 401, 472
Piiriisarya-?.:zjaya, 1 17, 30s Personal continuity, 143
Pii.riisaryya-vijayii.' di- purvii.'ciirya-pra- Personal effort, 378
bandhii.-nusiirl!!la, 128 n. Personal God, 472
P~rijatahara, 40 n. Personal identity, 142
Pii.rzjiita-saurabha, 406 n. Personal service, 104
pii.~mp:ft, S 1 8 Personality, 49, 1oo n.
pii.~m:ufino, S 18 Peru-mal, 64, 134 n.
P~supata, 3 n., 16 Peru-mal }iyar, 64
Pii.supata-tantra, ISS Perumal Temple, S23
P~talasayana, 40 n. Perumiil-tirumoli, 1 34 n.
P~vaka, 39 Peru-mii.l-tiru-mo.ri. 69
Pel a Puradesika, 1 32 Pervasive entities, 263
Penance, 13, 24, 29, 34, 160 Pessimism, sso
People, 43 n. Pey, 68
Perceivability, 438, 439 Pl'y-~rvar, 63, 64, 6s, 66 n., 68 n ,
Percein~d qualities, 2S2 I34 n.
Perceiver, 284-, 3IS, 321, 398, S47 Phala-bheda-khm;cfana, 125
Percept, I8S n. Phenomena, 2os, 238, 34-0, 36s, 407,
Perception, 14, 8o, 128, 141, ISI, IS2, 456
I66, I68, 17-1-. 177. 179. ISI, 182, Phenomenal, 454; world, IS5. 164
184, 18s, 187, 188, 199, 202, 2o8, Phenomenalism, 238, 2Ss
210, 211, 212, 214, 2IS, 216, 217, Phenomenon, 142, 180, 266, 272, 302,
218, 220, 221, 222, 224, 237. 241, 467, 5-1-2
242, 2s2, 2S4. 268, 269, 270, 280, Philosopher, 202. 44-9
284-, 306, 307, 310, 311, 312, 313, Philosophical, 120, 126, 181, 30s, 307,
3 IS, 32·1-. 326, 327, 328, 334, 343, 364, 39S. S2S; doctrines, 22; ele-
3SI, 353. 356. 368, 390, 398. 406, ments, 24; importance, 21 ; reality,
412, 426, 427, 46S, 472, S33. S37; 377; speculation, 79; topics, 23;
its definition, 216-17; sm:ikalpa and wisdom, 89
7l:"rv:ikalpa, 220-4; treatment by Philosophy, 34, 107, 112, 119, I9S,
Ve1'lkatanatha and .:\leghan~dari, 216 235, 30S, 3H), 413, 44So 471, 472,
et seq.; view on, by lat~r members of 4S2, 496, so8 n., SI2, SI3
the Ramanuja school, 220 et seq. Phraseology, 1<;6
Perceptual, 79. 309, 41 1 ; cognition, Phrases, 309
250 n.; evidence, 298; experience, Physical, 20.5, 310, 530; elements, 547;
320, 326, 327, .328, 3C)O, S36; know- practices, 6o
leJge, 212, 326; form, 246 Physico-biological, 298
Perfect, 29S; knowledge, so Physics, 515 n.
Perfection, 31, 122, 194 Physiological. 530; change, 140
Performance, 33. 293, S30 Pictorial, 455
Periya-jiyar, 94 n., 110, 111, 137 Piece of iron, A, 26
Periyalnambi, 103 Pilgrimage, 55, 120
Periya ~ambi, 67 n. Pillai Lokacarya, 1 1o, 1 1 1, 120, 134,
Periyar, 63 135, 137, 13S
Periya-tiru-macfal, 69, 134 n. PiHai Lokamjiyar, IOS
Periya-tirumo[i, 134 n. PiHai Lokacaryar, 64
Periya-tiru-mo.ri, 69 Pillar edict, S22
Periya-tiru-mucfiy-acfaivu, 64, 105 Pillan, 66
Pinb'-aragiya, 64 Power, 35, 4I, 42, 43, 44, 46, so, 51,
Pinb' -aragiya Peru-mnl }Iyar, 94 n., 52,53,s6,s7,6o, I36, I53. 155, I84,
IOS 190, 193, I97, 30I, 44I, 445. 471,
Pifzgalii, 59, 6o 473. 475. 477. soo, sos, so6, 509,
Pioneers, 84 524, 540, 548
Piran, 63 Poygaiy, 64, 68, 523
Piszzagalli, Dr, 5I2 n. Poygaiy-arvar, 63, 6s, 66 n., 68 n.,
pitr-yiina, 5 I 7 134 n.
pitta, 475 Prabandham, 67
Pity, 52 prabandhas, 91
Piyaruli-ceyalare-rahasya, I 35 Prabandha-siira, 94 n.
Piyii!?aharal).a, 40 n. Prabandha-siiram, 66
Place, I85 n. Prabhacandra, 206, 5 16
Playful, 51 Prabhakara, I8I, I85 n.; his view,
Pleasurable, 46, 256, 289, 4I5, 4I6, 185 n.
452; ends, 294 prabhii-tadvatoriva 4I6
Pleasure, 71, I46, I48, 154, I7I, I89, Prabodha-candro-daya, I22, 53 In., 532
256, 259, 282, 290, 29I, 292, 30I, prabuddhi, 5 I o
302, 303, 304, 326, 349. 365, 4I2, Practical, 265, 458; behaviour, 4, 466;
427, 442, 444. 449. 463, 464, 470, conduct, 5; experiences, 34I, 37I;
485, 486, 489, 490, 493, 494, SI3, philosophy, 22
528, 550 Practice, 29, 30, 31, 33, 293
Plurality, I65, 174, I94, 264, 398 Pradhiina, 25, 34, 472, 475, 476, 477,
Poetry, 68, 121 478, 485, 489, 492, 497. 498, 502,
Point, I92, 195, 209, 4I6 sos, so6, 509
Poison, 364 Pradhiinii-sataka, 124
Polemic, 403 pradhva.,.sii-bhiiva, 353
Polemical discussions, 305 Pradyumna, I3, 37, 39, 42, 43, 52, 56,
Polemical work, I23 57. I57. I58, 443 n., 475; stage, 57
Political science, 5 I 5 pragalbha niistika, 526, 527
Polity, 515, 532 Pragmatic value, 335
Pollution, 303 prajiipati, 48, 295, 447, 528
Pontifical, I I I ; chair, 134 prajnii, 47, 503, SIO
Pope, 84 n. Prajii.anidhi, I 26
Position, I94, 195, 33I, 339, 349, Prajnii-paritriit)a, I I 9, 128 n., 208,
352 212, 2I4 n., 234
Positive, Ij8, I83, I86, I87, 252, 323, Prakarat)a-pancikii, 185 n., I86 n.
343,35I,362,44I;ajniina,364,36s; prakiira, 156
bliss, I 36; category, 243; defects, prakiisa, 358, 373, 416
33I; entity, I64, I77. 271, 272, 282, Prakiiia-sa.,.hitii, 23
3I7, 327, 339. 34I, 345. 353. 354. Prakasatman, I 96, I 97, I 98 n. ; cntt-
424; experience, 238, 282; ~ignor­ cized by Ramanuja, I 97; his view of
ance, 330, 332, 336; inference, 329; relation between miiyii and Brah-
instances, 230; means, 376; mo- man, I98 n.
ment, 272; nescience, 36I, 362; per- Prakiisiitmii, 25
ception, 363; pleasure, 294; propo- prakrti, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 3I, 32, 34,
sition, 229; state, 344; stuff, 332, 36, 38, 43, 45, 46, 47, 49, s6, s7. 61,
364 I44, I47, I56, 158, I63, I64, I72,
Positivity, 282 I73, 239, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260 n.,
Possibilities, 207 26I, 266, 280, 296, 301, 381, 384,
Posture, 30, 6o 444. 445. 446, 449. 453. 454. 455.
Potency, 347 456, 459. 460, 463, 464, 469, 472,
Potential, 35, 37, 266, 445, 461; effect, 473. 474. 476, 477. 479. 480, 48I,
266; form, so, s6; power, 54I 482, 484, 485, 486, 487, 489, 49I,
Pots, 453 492, 493. 494. 495. 498, 502, 503,
Potter, 453 504, sos, so6, 507, so8, 509
Potter's wheel, 342 prakrti-prasuti, 502
590 Index
pralaya, I3, 36, 56, I 56, I69, 446,459. Prapatti-prayoga, 380
477. 48I, 493. 502, 503 prapiithaka, I o6
pramii, 62, 203, 467 Prasaizga-ratniikara, 396 n.
pramii1Ja, 62, I25. 20I, 202, 203, 204, prasiida, 505
205. 206, 214, 215, 216, 234, 235, prasiinti, 505
236, 239. 240, 247. 248, 249. 346, Praina, 480
351, 36I, 390, 423, 426, 427, 428, Pra~nopani$at-prakiisikii, I 27
468, 469, 503 n., 537, 539; as artha- prasuti, 502
paricclzedakatva, 240; Buddhist view pratibandha, 5 38
of it, 205; difference between Rama- protibhii, 537
nuja Nyaya and Smi.kara, 204; dif- pratijiiii, 427
ference of view regarding it between Pratijiiii-viida, I 33
Venkata and l\1eghanadari, 240; pratinidhi-nyiiya, I 83
Jaina view, 205; Jayanta's view, pratisaiicara, 497
203; Kumarila's view, 205; l\1egh- Prafi$thii-kii1Jtfa, 22
anadari's definition of, 239; re- Prativadibhakdari, I I 7
futation of it by Srihar~a, 20I ; Prativadibhayankara, I I 2, 138
Vatsya-Srinivasa's treatment of it, pratlter apahnava eva syiit, 238
203; Venka~a's definition, 236; pratyak~a, 220, 224, 426
Venka~a's treatment of it, 20I et seq. Pratyahara, 30, 6I, 505
pramii1Ja-phala, 205, 467 pravacana, 5 I 4
Pramii1Ja-sarrzgraha, 20 pravartaka, 6 I
Pramii1Ja-siira, 133, I38 praviihii-niiditva, I 77 n.
Pramal).as, treatment by l\1adhava Prayoga-ratna-miilii, 116, I 31
Mukunda, 426 et seq. prayo.fana, 420
pramii~ziirtha, 62 Prabhakara view, 248
pramiitii, 368 priiga-bhiiva, 169, 177, 279, 328, 338,
pramiitr-tattv:a, 54 7 353. 428
prameya, 248 Priijiipatya-smrti, 20
Prameya-kamala-miirta1Jtfa, 206 priika{ya, 148
Prameya-miilii, 349, 35I n. priikrta, 30
Prameya-sarrzgraha, I28 n., 2I4 n., priikrta-ma1Jf}ala, 4I 5
2I6 n., 234 priikrta-pralaya, 509
Prameya-siira, I IO priikrtii-tmii, 483
Prameya-sekham, I35 n. priikrtika, 502, 503
prameyatva, 230 n. priimii~zika, 3 I 3
prameyat?•iit, 230 priimii1Jya, 202, 346, 347
Prar:mtartihara, I 09 prii1Jo, 7, 47, 49, 59, 8o, 405, 540
Pranatartihara Pillan, I IO prii1Ja viiyu., 59
Prapanna, meanings of, 9I prii1Jii.Yiima, 22, 23, 30, 32, 6o, 6I, 505,
Prapanna-paritrii1Ja, I 3 5 n. 506, 509 n.
Prapanna-piirzjiita, 352, 380 Priipti-daiii, 379
Prapanna-sii·vitri, I37 Priipyii-nu.blzava-daiii, 3 79
Prapannii-mrta, 63 n., 94, 97 n., 98, priirabdha, 445, 487, 488
IOO, I02 11., 105, Io8, I09 n., I IOn., priirabdha karma, 378, 389, 414, 443,
I38 n. 487
Prapanniimrta relates, 97 n. priitikulyasya ·varjanam, 92
Prapafica-mithyiitv:a-bhaizga, I 26 prii'L·ara1Ja, 5 I 5
prapatti, 54, 55, 68, 86, 89, 90, 9I, 92, priiyascitta, 92, 294; Venkata's view,
96, 99, IOI, I20, I22, I36, I37, 375, 294
376, 377, 378, 379, 38o; according Pre-Aryan, 53I
to Saumyajamatr Muni, 374 et seq.; Pre-Buddhistic Indian Philosophy, 52 In.
its accessories, 92; its aizgas, 9I n.; Preceptor, 28, 87, 89, 139, I56
its history, 379; its meaning, 90; its Pre-condition, 253
schools, 92 et seq.; its stages, 379 Predicate, 8o, 193, 27I, 283, 438
Prapatti-kiirikii, I25 Prediction, 345
Prapatti-naiHhikam, 86 n. Pre-existent effect, 265
Index 59 1
Preferences, 34 Psychological, 18o, 185 n., 210, 237;
Prejudices, 3 I 7 state, 380 n.; transformations, 39S
prema-bhahti, 40 I Psychologically, I8o
Prema-siira, 102 Psychosis, 29, 30, 151, 412, 464
Premises, 178 Publicity, 120
Prerogative grace, 8 5 Pulaha, 2I
Presence, 54 Pulastya, 21
Present, 181, 284, 285, 446, 533 Pu1{l-sakti, 51
Presentation, I8o, I82 Punamali, 98
Pride, 529 Punishment, 51, 92, 415
Priest, 104, 550 PuQc,iarikak!.'a, 95, 96, 97, 98, 102 n.,
Primary, 41 ; cause, 179 n. ; entities, 109, I 18
440; forms, 39; sense, 306 Put:1c.lravardhana, 524 n.
Primeval, 42 n. pu~ya, 294
Primordial, 44, 45, 44 7; elements, Pupil, II7, 127, 130, 131
128 pur, 503
Principle, 31, 32, 47, 57, 20I, 502, 505, Purandara, 536, 539
507, so8, 512; of agreement, 226; Purat:la, 16, 19, 20, 71, 72, 99, 1os,
of C(Jnsciousness, 322, 463 125, 445. 448, 471, 479. 486, 496.
Pringle Pattison, 451 497. S20, sse
priori, 205 Pural).a Kassapa, 520, 522; his views,
Priority, 419 520
Prior moment, 278 Pural).ic, 452, 497, 549; legends, So
Priyiilvar-tiru-mo:ri, I 38 PuraQika, 122
pnti, 161 Pure, 32, 34, 42, 44, so, 311, 413, 420,
Pnti-kiirita, 13 6 423, 430, 454. 467, 469, 470, 479.
prui-rupo-pasiintatva-la~a~am, 382 490, 499, 500; action, s6; being, IO,
Probability, 214 167, I75, I92, 193, 200, 291, 302,
Probandum, 225, 228, 229, 231 n., 311; bliss, 27, 344, 444, 494;
427, 534. 535 brahman, 333, 432, 440; conscious-
Proceedings and Transactions of the ness, 24, 26, 28, 29, 3S, 51, 57, I43,
Third Oriental Conference, 106 n. I45, 166, 170, 171, 309, 3I I, 319,
Process, 30, 32, 42, 49, so, 52, 54, 55, 320, 322, 323, 324, 325, 345. 362,
s6, 205, 292, 442, 453, 455, 458, 363, 367, 368, 369, 370, 372, 373.
475. 495 374. 408, 409, 419, 42I, 423, 445.
Procession, 69 446, 448, 449. 450, 45I, 453. 45S.
Product, 26, 29, 34, 36, 208, 331, 409, 457, 458, 46o, 461, 462, 48s, 492,
423, 448, 449. 4S5. 477. 510, s48 494; creation, 27; energy, 447;
Production, 184, 199, 204, 206, 265, existence, 497; experience, 169;
267, 268, 277, 278, 284. 292, 300, form, 438; illumination, 195, 407;
328, 330, 331, 341, 342, 344. 411, impure-creation, 57; indeterminate,
416, 428, 447. 454. 473. 48I 344; intelligence, 26, I47. 148, 154;
Productive capacity, 354 knowledge, 176, 408, 439, 441;
Prod ucti vi ty, 46 5 nature, 302, 306, 338; revelation,
Progress, 464, 514 169; self, 408; soul, 4S3; space, 283
Progressive, 37 Purest qualities, 430
Prohibited actions, 62 Purification, 6o, 442
Proofs, 189, 406, 407, 4S7. 458 Purificatory rites, 22
Proportion, 46, 54 Purity, 6, 29, 160, 406, 438, 44I, S24
Propositions, 190, I93, 201, 202, 223, Puri, 94, 96, 103, I20
225, 227, 319 puro·varti vastu, 241
Protection, 54 Purpose, 452, 474
Protector, 499, so7 Puru~a, 23, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 36, 42,
Proximity, 316, 498 43. 44. 45. 46, 47. 49. 52, 57. 147.
Prudence, sse 148, 259. 266, 296, 445. 446. 448,
Prthivl, 49 n. 449. 451, 453. 454. 455. 456, 459.
Psychical, 469; elements, 29 460, 461' 464, 466, 467' 468, 469,
592 Index
Puru~a (cont.) Rahasya-sandesa-vivarm:za, I 24
470, 47I, 473. 474. 475. 477. 479. Rahasya-sikhii-ma7Ji, 124
48o, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, Rahasya-traya, 110 n., I38
490, 491, 492, 493, 495. 497, 498, Rahasya-traya-culuka, 124, 125
503, 504, 505, 507, so8, 509, 51 I, Rahasya-traya-jlviitu, 13 1
527; conception of in Vijnana Rahasya-traya-karikii, 132
Bhik~u, 448; consciousness of, 464 Rahasya-traya-mlmii'!tsii, I 17
puru~akiira. 378 Rahasya-traya-mi.mii'J!lsii-bhii~ya, 126,
Puru~a-nin~zaya, 16, 96, IJ9, 352 131
puru~a-sukta, 12, 44, 105, I 55 Rahasya-traya-siira, 18, 63 n_., I24,
puru~iirtha, 136 125 I32
Puru~iirtha-ratniikara, 132 Rahasya-traya-siira-sm!lgraha, I 33
puru~iivatiira, 40 n. Rahasya-traya-siira-'l•yakhyii, I 32
"puru~O ha nariiya~za/z ", I 2 Rahasya-traya-siiriirtha-sarJzgraha, I 2 5
Puru~ottama, 38, 70, 1 I 6, 132, 403 rajas, 25, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 129,
Puru~ottama prasada, 403 I 56, 163, 259, 447, 473, 474, 475,
Puru~ottamanya, 112, 411 480,48I,482,SOI,S03,S04,SOS,S07
puryii1.n sete, 504 Rajcndracola, 96, 104
pan:za, 36 rajogu~za, 448
pu~ti. 57 rak~i~yauti visviisa!z, 92
Pun:radeva, 402 Rallying, 79
Purva-mimarpsa, 350 Ram) ajamatr-maha-muni, 94 rz., 98 n.
parva-pak~a, 5 19 Ramya-jiimiitr muni, 89, IIO, III, 112,
pun •ii-nubhuta -raja t a -Sa'J!lskiira-dviirii, 1 37; his works and relation to
246 Ramanuja, 137, I38
Pu~a. s8 Ratigadasa. IJO
Putayogin, 63 Ranganatha, 69, 98, 121, 135
Ranganathacarya, 132
Qualifications, 28, 305, 308, 323 Ratigaraja, 132, 138
Qualified, 165, 193, 430; concept, 244; Ranga Ramanuja, 115, 116, I27; his
entity, 255, 279; monism, 430 works, I26, 127
Qualifying relation, 252 Ranga Ramanuja Muni, 126
Qualitative, sse Rangacarya, 1 Io, 1 I6, 130, I33, 382,
Quality, 10, 25, 30, 34, 35, 36, 48, 53, 384, 395, 396, 398 n.
s4. 56, 6I, 1 5 6, 181, I97, 207, 208, Ratige8a, I o2
209, 2I2 11., 254. 255. zs6, 284, 288, Rapturous, 73. 79; passions, 83
306, 3 I I, 3 I 7, 324, 336, 340, 343, rasa, 49 n., 226, 5 IO, 511
34~, JSI, 356, 357, J6I, 4I I, 426, Rasa-bhaumiimrta, 122
429, 430, 433· 435. 441, 442, 455. rasa-miitra, 510
463, 465, 489, 493, 503, sos, so8, rasa-tan-miitra, 163, 260, 261, 499
5 IO, 548 rati, 57
Quality less, 31, 306, 406, 407, 408, Rational, 177 n.
423, 430, 435. 499 Ratna-prahhii, 107 11.
Queen, 98 Ratna-siiri1fi, I I4, I I6, 132, 352
Question, I95 Raurava hell, 20
Ravishing joy, 83
Raghunathacarya, 133 Ravishing love, 79
Raghunatharya, 1 17 Ravishment of soul, 79
Raghuttama, 137, 138 Ray of lamp, 384
Rahasya-matrka, 124 Rays, I 82, 444
Rahasya-navanftam, 123 Radha, 8I, 82, 40I
Rahasya-padm:l, 123 Radha-kr~Qasaral)adeva, 402
Rahasya-rak~ii, 99 n., 123, 380 n. riiga, IO, 470
Rahasya-ratniivall, 126 riiga-priipta-prapatti, 377
Ralzasya-ratniivalt-hrdaya, I24 Raghavacarya, 94, IJJ
rahasyas, 94 Ralzol:z sira!z, 4
Rahmya-sandesa, 124 Rahu, 4, 239
Index 593
Rahujit, 40 n. of pramii1)a contrasted with those of
Rajagopala, 95 Sankara and Nyaya, 204; his view of
Rajaraja, 523 relation of cause and effect, I 98-9;
riijasa, 3I, 163, 498 his views contrasted with those of
rajas a aha,.kiira, 3 I, 259, 504 n. Bhaskara, I 92 et seq.; literature of
Rii.jasa-siistra, 2I, 22 the school, I 14; logic, 226, 229;
Rak~asa, 532 philosophy, 346; principal episodes
Rama, 38, 39, 40 n., 82, 429 of his life, 113; theory, 346; view,
Ramacandra Bhatta, 40I 270; view of self-validity of know-
Ramadesika, 1 02 n. ledge, 247 et seq.
Ramakr~t:J.a, 204 Riimii.nuja, Life of, 97 n., IOS n.
Rama Misra, 95,97,98, 114,125, 18I n., Ramanuja school, 202, 209, 28I, 3I7,
395 n. 3I8, 340, 346, 352, 364; refutation
Rama-misra-de8ika, 1 I4 by the Sarikarites, I I 3
Ramanatha Yogi, 133 Rii.miinuja-bhii.~ya, 157, I8o, 298, 38on.
Riima-rahasya U pani~ad, I 3 Riimii.nuja-carita-culuka, I 17, I 26
Rama SubrahmaQyasastri, I32 Ramanujadasa, 98, 11o, 117, I23, I25,
Riimatiipim Upani~ad, I 3 305, 36I; his works, 125, I26
Ramatirtha, Io6, 107, 197 n. Ramanujadasa (Mahacarya), his re-
Ramanuja, In., 3, 24, 64, 66, 67, 8o, 85, futation of ajfiiina being Bhavarupa,
86, 88 n., 89, 94, 99, IOI, I02, I03, 36I et seq.
I04, I05, 106, I07, IC8, 109, I 10, Ramanujadasabhik~u. I 32
III, II2, II3, 114, II5 n., II6, II7, Ramanujaguru, I 38
119, I23, 125, I30, 132, I33, I34, Rii.mii.nuja-mu:randii.di, 66 n., I 37
137, 138, 139, 155, 156, I57, I59, Rii.miinuja-nava-ratna-mii.likii, 13 3
I6I, I65, 168, I71, I72, 173, 176, Riimii.nuja-siddhii.nta-sa,_graha, I 29,
I77, I79, 180, I8I, I82, I85 n., 204 n., 224 n., 226, 227, 297
I86 n., 187, I92, 193, I94. I95. 196, Riimii.nuja-siddhii.nta-sara, 117, 126
198, 200, 201, 203, 204, 206, 2IO, Ramanujacarya, I 1 I, 117, I3I, I83,
2I4, 2I8, 2I9, 220, 225, 226, 227, 250, 251, 354, 355, 356, 358; his re-
229 n., 233, 237, 239, 240, 25I, 26I, futation of the objections against
264, 274, 277. 28I, 285, 295. 21)0, self-validity, 250 n., 25I
297,298,305,313 3I5,3I7,321,348,
1 Ramanujacarya II, 352, 36I
352,354.379.38o,38I,38s.386,387, Ramanujarya, 137
388,395.396,399.400,404,429,430, Riimii.nujii.rya-divya-charitai, I03, 104,
45 I, 4 72, 496, 497; avidyii of Sankara 105
refuted, I75 et seq.; criticism of San- Ramanujists, 86, 239, 265, 291, 301,
kara 's ontological views, I 96; his con- 322, 325, 327, 388, 435
ception of individual volitions, 298-9; Ramayat:J.a, 82. 379, 396 n., 530; re-
his controversy with Sankara on the ference to heretics in, 530
nature of reality, 165 et seq.; his criti- Ramayal).a, 529
cism of miiyii., I 97; his criticism of Rii.mottm·ottara-tii.pinl Upan#ad, IJ
Prakasatmaa, 197; his criticism of riisis, 39
theistic proofs, 189etseq.; his life, IOO Rau, Mr T. A. Gopi-natha, 65, 66, 68,
et seq.; his ontological views, I95 et 96, I03, 104; Lectures, I03
seq.; his principal disciples, I09 et Raval)a, 82
seq.; his refutation of Sankara's Real, 4, 166, I79. I8I, I82, I83, I93,
theory of illusion, 179; his sat- I94, 195, 196, 208, 306, 309, 313,
kiirya-viida, 199-200; his theory of 314, 315, 3I6, 325, 330, 332, 333,
illusion, I79 et seq.; his view criti- 337. 338, 339. 343. 353. 364, 373.
cized from the Nimbarka point of 388, 417, 4IQ, 423, 435, 437, 441,
view, 429 et seq.; his view of God, 454,457, 486, 495; agent, 4I I; basis,
155 et seq.; his view of God in rela- I82, 210; fact, 365; knower, 411;
tion to self, I 59 et seq.; his view that knowledge, 237, 371; nature, 337;
all knowledge is rea1, 179 et seq.; his object, I8I, 240; silver, 244; world,
view of perception contrasted with 350
that of Meghanadari, 218; his views Realism, 184, 210
594 Index
Reality, Io, I6, 27, 28, 34, 42, 6o, 173, Representation, 1So, 480
179, 194, 198, 201, 210, 21 I, 300, Repression, 62
310, 313, 322, 325, 326, 332, 386, Reproduction, 245
4I7, 435, 445, 449, 454, 455, 456, Researches, 64
457, 458, 46o, 465, 472, 476, 482, Resolve, 54
483, 487, 525 n., 526, 529, !iSO; as Respiration, 59
qualified or unqualified-Sankara Responsibility, 472
and Ramanuja's controversy on, Restraint, sse
I 15 et seq. Resultant, 37
Realization, 70, 106,295, 304, jo6, 308, Results, 294, 442
310,311,339.382,383,4I4,4IS,437. Retention, 6o
441, 442, 443, 464, 485, 492, soz Revelation, I71, 2IS, 250 n., 270, 307,
Reason, 53, 178, 189, 2I2, 23I n., 264, 309,323,326, 347,4II,412,449;0f
326, 427, 438, 533. 534. 535 knowledge, I69
Reasoning, 255, 437; in a circle, 409 Reverence, 404
Rebirths, 7, 28, SI, 299, 329, 370, 382, Rev..·ard, 51, 415
407, 44I, 483, s I7, szs, 548, sse Rhetorical school, 82; their analysis of
Receptacle, 333 art communication as influenced in
Reception, 359 the Gau<;}iya Vai~I)avas, 82
Receptive, 48 Rhys Davids, SI2, SI3, 514n., SIS n.
Recluse, 520, 521 Rice, l\1r, 104 n.
Recognition, 128, 142, I43, 221, 269, Right actions, 327
437 Right apprehension, 183
Recollection, 79, 290 Right conditions, 246
Red goddess, 37 Right feelings, 327
Reference, 30, 344, 351, 447, 454, 489, Right knowledge, s, 203, 204, 245, 309,
519, 523 326, 327, 4I I, 423
Reflections, 29, 31,147,211, 4II, 42I, Rites, I6, 19, 39 n., I03
422, 440, 448, 453. 460, 464, 467, Ritual, 2, 18, 19, 22, 23, 70; cere-
485, 490, sz8 monies, I7
Refutation of the Buddhist view of Ritualistic, 8, I6, 24, 120, 132; dif-
soul, I42 ferences, 38I ; worship, 22, 23
Refutation of the Sankara view of Rival sects, 120
soul, 142 et seq. Rohil)i, 229, 279
Refutations, 133. 177 n., 252, 305, 422, Root, 34, 46, 59
424 Root-aj;iana, 369
Regression, 330 Root-cause, 187, 244
Relata, 218, 315, 424 Root-elements, 45
Relation, so, 53, 54, 193, 206, 218, 299, Root-ignorance, 369
30I, 3I4, 315, 3I6, 335. 4I6, 423, Root-impressions, 43, 44, 54, zs8, z8I,
424, 426, 444. 448, 451, 455. 456, 287, 308, 372
459, 46o,462,47I, soc, 539, 542;of Root-instincts, 29, 30, 33, 34, 5 I, 469
contact, 129; of inherence, 55 Rudr~ 16, 475, 507
Relationless, 1 I Rules, I28
Relative existence, I 98 Russel, 539 n.
Relative pluralism, 302 Rupa, 40 n., 49 rz., s Io, s I 1
Relative positions, 349 Rupa Gosvami, 82
Relatively real, I97 rupa-matra, s I o
Relativistic, ZIO rupa-tan-matra, 163, z6o, 26 I, 499
Release, 514 B.g-veda, 12
Religion, 81, 86, 303, 47I, 531, 533 rju-vivara~za, I 06
Religious, 120, 501, 549; duties, 91; B.~i Narayal)a, 482
faith, 86; festivities, 23; marks, 19; ~#-ratra, 23
performances, 38; practices, 19; r#s, 21
stages, 2; value, 305
Reminiscence, 79, 105 sabbe bhuta, 524
Remoteness, 3 I6 sabbe pa~za, 524
Index 595
sabbe sattii, 524 Sal1'lkaq;ai)a, I3, 2I, 22, 34, 37, 39, 52,
Sac-caritra-rak~ii, I 22
56, 57. I57. I58, 443 n., 475
Sacrifice, 23, 29, 55, 293, 350, 384, Sa'!lk~epa-siirfraka, I o6, I 07, I 97 n.
450, 5 I 9, 520, 530; of Narayar;ta, in Sa'f!lSarga, I 87
Sata-patha, I 2 sa,.sarga-vyiipiira, I 85
Sad-artha-sa'f!lk~epa, I 28 n. sa'f!lSiira, 43 n., 477
sad-asad-anirvacanfyii, I65 Sa'f!lSiira-siimriijyam, I35 n.
sad-asad-iitmaka, 497 Stl'f!lSkiira, 8, 63 n., 98, 209, 223, 372,
sad-asadrupa, 456 423
sad-asad-vilak~a7Ja, I 77 sa'f!lsthiina, 356
sad-asad-vyatireka!z, 239 n. sa'f!lsaya-dvaya-samiihiira, 2 I 3
Sadii-ciirabodha, I 33 Sarp.vat I I I2, 399
Sadda-nlti, 5 I 3 Sarp.vat I 8o6, 399
Sad-vidyii-vzjaya, I26, 36I, 365 n., Sa'f!lvin-niiniitva-samarthana, I 33
366 n., 370 n., 372 n. Sa"f!lvit, I68, I70, 503, 504, 5IO
~acj-dariana-samuccaya, 5I6 n., 533 sa'f!lvrtii-tman, 501
Sages, I3, 2I, 25, 45, 220, 474, 483 Sa'f!lyoga, 225
Sahasra-glti, I02 n., 104, 109 n., 134 sa.,.yuktiisraya, 225
Sahasra-glti-bhii~ya, I I 3 n. Sa'f!lyutta, 524
Salzasra-giti-'l•yiihhyii, I IO Sana, 2I
Sahasra-kira7Jl, I 23 Sanaka, 2I, 40 n., 400, 482
saho>tuka, 85 Sanandana, 2I, 482
sahopalambha, 1 46 Sanatkumara, 2I, 482, 502
Saint, I3, 40, 7I, I89 Sanatsujati, 2I
Sainthood, 4I4, 44I Sanatana, 2I
Saintliness, 448 Sandal, 22I; paste, 7
sajiitlya-gu7Javattvam, 257 Sandhyii-vandana-bhii~ya, I I 8, I 30
sakala, 30, 3 I San-miirga-dzpa, 395 n., 398 n.
sal-lak~a7Ja, IO san-miitra, 200
salliipa, 5 I 3 san-miitra-griihf, 167
salliipa-kathii, 5 I 3 sannyiisin, I 02, I 37
Salvation, 24, 32, 4-t-. 55, 56, 78, 89, Sanskrit, 1 n., 9, 64, I07, I23, I25, I34,
I29, 292, 307, 42I, 432, 444. 463, I35, I37, I38; literature, 3 n.; texts,
473 132
Samara-purigaviiciirya, I27 n. Sanskrit Manuscripts, 40I n.
samaviiya, 2 I 9, 222, 256, 30I, 455, Sanskritic, 383 n.
456; relation, 256 santo~a, 6 I, 62 n.
samaviiya-samaviiyi-bhinnam, 388 Sangati-mala, I I9, 234, 383 "·
samaviiyi, 456 Saizgati-siira, I 33
samiidhi, 22, 29, 33, 6o, 6I saizketa, 544
samiina, 59, 6o smikucita-svarupam, I72
samiina-dharma, 2II, 212, 213 saiicita, 443
samiiriidhana, I o sankocavikiisiirham, I 72
Samiisa-·viida, I 33 sa~pak~a, 230, 23I
sambandha-jrliinit'lJam, 87 n. saprakiisatva, 358
sambhava, 426, 428 Sapta-giithii, I38
Sameness, I42; of quality, I6I Saptati-ratna-miilikii, I 33
sampradiiya, 400 Sarasvati, 52, 57, 59, 399
Sampradiiya-parisuddhi, 123 sarga, 502
samuccaya, 8 sarga-pratisarga, 496
sa.,.ghiita, 252, 262 Saroyogin, 63
Sa1!l[Jita-miilii, I28 n. sarvabhrt, 6I
Sa'f!lgraha, I I 9 Sarva-darsana-sa1!l[Jraha, 120, 400,
Sa'f!lhitiis, 2I, 24, 39 5I5, 5I6, 532, 533, 534 n.
Sa'f!lkalpa, 34, 36, 45, I9I, 504 Sarva-darsana-siromatti, I I 8, I 32
Sa'f!lkalpa-siiryodaya, I 20, I 2 I , I 22 sarva-dharma-vahi~krta, 20
sa'f!lkalpamayr murti, 42 sarva-ga, 6 I
Sarvajnatma muni, Io6, 107, I97 siidhanii, 487
sarv:a-sv:abhii'L·a-v:iraha, 27 I siidhya, 62, 228, 230, 23I, 427, 535,
sarva-'L·ittv.:a, 23 I 536, 537, 538
san·ii-ntara, 483 siidrsya, 355, 427; Vadiharp.sa's con-
San·iirtha-siddhi, 122, I28 n., 209, ception of it as Sa7!fSlhiina, 3 56;
25 I n., 252 n., 255 n., 256 n., 257 n.., Venkata's conception of it, 355
264 n., 265 n., 266 n., 267 n., 268 n., siik~iid-cn·atiira, 38, 39
269 n., 270 n., 272 n., 274 n., 276 n., siik~iitkiira, 62, 485
277 n., 278 n., 279 n., 28 I n., 282 n., siik~iitkiiri-pramii, 2 I 6
283 n., z86 n., 288 n., 289 n., 290 n., siik~iit-sakti, 4I, 42 n., 57
29I n., 292 n., 293 n., 294 n., 295 n., siik~iittv:a,21 7
296 n., 302 n., 346, 352, 353 n., siik#-consciousness, 325, 326, 337,
354 n., 355 n. 363, 367
sat, 154, 444, 457 siik#n, 325, 326
satatm.n kurv:ato jagat, 36 slik~l, I44. 173, 483
Satisfaction, 92 siilokya, 443 n.
sat-kiirya-'L·iida, 43, zoo, 265, 267; siilokya-mukti, so
other views contrasted with those of siimaf?rl, 204, 220
Ramanuja, zoo siimiinya-gocaram, 534
sat-kiirya-viidin, zoo siimlpya, 443 n.
sat-khyiiti, I28, I83, I84, 4IO siimpra diiyika. 181 n.
sattii, 243 Sii'!lkhya, 18, 23, 30, 43, 52, 62, 144,
sattiikhya, 29 148, IS6, 200, zs6, zs8, 259. 26I,
sattiikhya-jiiiina, 29 z6s, z66, 296, 440, 445, 449, 459,
sattha, 5 I 3, 5 I4 46I, 462, 464, 47I, 472, 473. 476,
sattv:a, 25, 30, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 479, 4Ro, 481, 482, 485, 496, 498,
57. I28, 129, IS6, 163, 259. 446, 5I2, S2I, 527; cate~ories, zs; doc-
447. 470, 47I, 473. 475. 479. 480, trine, 479. 48o; inference, zs6; in
48I, 482, 488, 491, 504, sos, so7; relation to Y edanta according to
part, 473; quality, 454; body, 472, Yijnana Bhik~u. 471 et seq.; mode,
48I 157; philosophy, 501 n.; theory,
sattv:a-gm;za, 45, 448 265; theory of sat-karya-v:iida, re-
sattv:amaya, 448, 451 futation by \"etikata, 365 et seq.;
satt't-·a-stuff, 472 view, z8I n.
sattv:o-piidhi, 48 I Sii'!lkhya-kiirikii, 448, 501 n.
sattvii, 358, 513 Sarp.khya-Patanjala, 45
Satya, 27, 29, 6I, 3SI Sii'!lkhya-prm:acana-bh~ya, 482
satyam, 503 Sii'!lkhya-siira, 482
sat)'llT!t jiiiinam anantam brahma, Sii'!zkhya-stitra, 448, 473
I65 Sarp.khya-yo~a, 466, 539; Yiji'i11na
Saugandhakulya, 97 Bhik~u's criticism of, 479 et seq.
Saumya Jamatr muni, 24, I I o, 1 1 I, Sarp.khyist, 46, 147, 163, zs6, 257, 259,
115, 120, I3I n., I32, 134, I35, 137, 261, z6s, z66, 343, 386, 462, 476,
138, 374, 380, 381; his conception of 527
Lak~mi, 375; his conception of Siira-darpm;za, I 15, 384, 389 n., 392
prapatti, bhakti and prema, 377; his Siira-dzpa, 124
doctrine of prapatti, 376 et seq. Siira-ni~kar~a-flppanl, 127
Saura-kii~uj.a, 22 Siira-sa'!zgraha, 124, I 3 5 n.
Sauri-riija-carm;ziira-v:inda-sarm;ziigati- Siira-siira, I 24
siira, I 32 Sarattha-pakiisini, s I4, s 1 s n.
sausiidrsya, 297, 355 Siirii-rtha-catu~taya, 3 52
sa-v:igraha, 3 1 Siirii-rtha-sa'!tgralza, I IO n.
san"kalpa, 2I7, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, siirilpya, 442 n.
3 I 1, 544; knowledge, 219 siittv:ika, 31, I63, 498
sa-1:ikalpa-pratyak~a, I66 siittvJika aha"f!lkiira, 259, 504
Saviour, 86 n. Siittvika purii7Jas, 20
siidhana, 62 siitv:ata, 12, 1 s, I7, 19, 22
Index 597
Siitvata-sa1Jlhitii, I2 n., 2I, 40 n., 42 n., et seq.; according to Yamuna, its
57. nature, I40 et seq.; and the problem
siitvata-siisana, 62 of consciousness, I49 et seq.; refuta-
Siitvika-siistra, 2I tion of Kumarila's view, I48; refuta-
Savatthi, 522 tion of the Sarpkhya view, I 4 7
siiyujya, I6I, 443 n. Self-abnegation, 55, 6o, 62, 4I4
siiyujya-mukti, 474 Self-apperception, 93
Scepticism, 244, 520 Self-conscious, 27, 4I2; entities,
Sceptics, 520 I 59
Scholars, 86, I 04 Self-consciousness, 9, I40, I46, ISI,
Scholarship, 94 I54. ISS. I73. 2I6, 274. 3IS, 324,
Scholastic, I 33, 373; cnttctsm, 364 369, 466, 546, 547
School, I I I ; of logic, I I 2 Self-contradiction, 90, 239, 269
Schrader, 37, 38, 40 n., 4I, 42 n., Self-contradictory, I93, 202, 230, 23I,
so 239. 256, z66, 272, 334. 342, 398,
Science, 34, SI2, SI4, 516, SIS 469, 486, 5 I 2
Scientific, I 8 I Self-control, 22, 33, I6o
Scope, 328, 422 Self-criticism, 32
Scriptural, 33, I8o, 223; cntlctsm, Self-dependent, 36
388; duties, 6I, 89, 90, 91, 92, IOO, Self-destruction, 324
293, 307; injunctions, 303; interpre- Self-discriminative, 382
tation, 326; knowledge, 307, 326; Self-dynamism, 433
testimony, 136, 21 1, 214, 296, 306, Self-ejected idea, 244
326, 327,352,4o6,426,468;texts,s, Self-evident, 3I5
15, 16, 17, I8I, 192, 199, 208, 28o, Self-existent, 297
302, 329, 338, 340, 383, 385, 387, Self-fulfilment, 382
388, 392, 396, 397. 407, 426, 429, Self-identification, 475
431, 438, 448, 458, 465, 468, 486, Self-identity, 269
490, 508, 517; view, 549 Self-illuminating, 35, 358
Scriptures, 4, 7, 8, 9, 25, so, 52, 54, Self-illumination, I76, 358
I46, I66, 168, I74, 189, 203, 216, Self-introspection, I4I
zs6, 259. 281, 289, 294. 296, 302, Self-invalidity, 249
303, 306, 3I9, 326, 340, 350, 36I, Self-knowledge, 290, 383, 384, 466,
371, 380 n., 406, 407, 428, 437, 442, 467, 468, 487
452,465,472,494.539 Self-love, 443, 470
Sea, 6, 487 Self-luminosity, 3I7, 325, 345, 358,
Secondary, 38, 41; sense, 306 359, 367, 407, 438, 468; its treat-
Sectarian, 305; authors, I8; difference, ment by Vijii.ana Bhik!]u, 468
381 ; quarrels, 120 et seq.
Section, 305 Self-luminous, 6I, I7I, I76, I78, 243,
Sect of Brahmins, 2 290, 3 IO, 3I5, 3I6, 3I9, 325, 340,
Sects, SI2 n. 347. 360, 36I, 370, 407, 408, 438,
Seed, 184, 330, 429, 509 439. 466, 468 .
Self, 12, 26, 129, q.o, 143, 146, I48, Self-luminousness, 439
149, 150, 151, 172, 208, 287, 288, Self-manifestation, 2 I4, 248
289, 290, 292, 306, 308, 3 I 5, 323, Self-manifesting, I42, I49, ISO
324, 327, 330, 345. 346. 36I' 365, Self-mastery, 520
369, 408, 409, 4I I, 4I2, 426, 428, Self-offering, 6o, 62
439. 44I, 442, 443. 444. 445. 453. Self-perceiving, 4I 3
459. 463, 464, 469, 470, 483, 485, Self-realized, 24
486, 487, 494. 495. 509, 523 n., 528, Self-realization, 28, 29, 302, 382, 383,
529, 547, 548, 549; how its know- 487
ledge rises according to Ramanuja, Self-revealed, 3 I 5
I 59; in relation to God according to Self-revealing, 160, I66. I68, I7I, 230,
Ramanuja, I 59 et seq.; Nimbarka's 240, 24-9. 306, 3IS, 358
conception of, 41 I et seq.; Venkata's Self-revelation, I70, 306, 3I8
view of self in relation to God, I6I Self-shining, 332
Self-sufficiency, 35 Series, JIO, 353, 540, 543, 544, 545,
Self-surrender, 86, 87, 89, I I2, I20, 546, 547
I 36, 'J79 Servants, 83, 84, 87; of God, 89
Self-surrendering, 78; association, 9I Service, 54, 88
Self-valid, 9, 247, 250, 348, 357 Servitude, 136, I6I, 377; of God,
Self-validity, 240, 249, 250 n., 25 I, 89
289,347,348,356, 357,428;ofcog- Ses1.-·ara-mlmii'!!sii, 18 n, I 24
nition, 240; of knowledge, Uhana Sevadeva, 402
and Prabhakara view, 249 Sex-emotions, 549
Selves, 44, 345, 346, 41I, 45I, 465, Sex-indulgence, 549
476, 477; as inseparable from God, Shapes, 5
298-300 Shining, 336; character, 232, 243, 244;
Semi-conscious, 83 entity, 242
Senai ~athan, 67 n. Shop, I8I
Senanatha, I I 7 siddha-prema, 378
Sei)Qa, 66 siddha-1.·astu-1.-·irodlzr, 354 n.
Seniors, I85 n., I86 n. Siddhiinta-cintiima~i. 115, II 6, 388,
Sensations, 25 3, 386 38Q n., 390 n., 391 n., 392
Sense, 7, 8, 9, 27, 30, 32, 33, 43, 47, Siddhiinta-jtilma'L·f., 404
48, 49, 80, I 8 I, I 82, I 89, I 96, 280, Siddhii1lla-nirnava, 122
28 I n., 289, JOO, 306, 31 I, 3 I 7, 325, Siddhiinta-rat~;;, 403
4I4, 427, 435. 462, 466, 502, sos, Siddhiinta-ratnihall, I 2, I 8, I 32
540, 543. 545. 547 Siddhi'inta-sm!Zl{ralza, I 30, 203 n.
Sense-appearances, 290 Siddltiinta-setukii, 404
Sense-character, 254, 284, 285 Siddhi'inta-siddlzii1ljana, I 33
Sense-cognitions, 289, 547 Siddhanta-siromal)i, 3
Sense-consciousness, 450 Siddhiinta-irm:ana, 61
Sense-contact, I 89, 203, 204, 206, 270, Siddhi'inta-1.·mja):antf., I 8
280, JI I Siddlzi-traya, 98, IOS, Io8, I09, 128n.,
Sense-data, 25I, 29I, 544 154, 155, 229 n.
Sense-faculty, 280, 463 Siddhy-upiiya-sudarsana. I 27
Sense-function, 28I, 539 Significance, 53, 293, 297
Sense-gratifications, 53 I Silver, 179, I8o, I8I, I82, I83, I84,
Sense-impressions, 223 ISs, I86, I87, I88, 24I, 242, z 44 ,
Sense-inclinations, 22 245, JIO, 336, 337, 346, 408; ele-
Sense-knowledge, 206, 2 I 7, 544 ments, 24I; image, 245
Sense-objects, 32, I 52, 4I I, 449, 546, Similar, 298
550 Similarity, I42, I79, I82, I83, 234,
Sense-organ, 8, 9, IJ, 28, I72, I79. 297,298,35I,JS5.423,426,427,428
I84, I85 n., 189, 204, 205, zo6, 222, Simplicity, I 8o, I 86 n.
223, 270, z8o, 290, 295, 347, 4I I, Simultaneity, I42, 254
533. 534· 540, 543. 544. 546 Simultaneous, 276; perception, z8I
Sense-perception, 3 I, I 5 I, 2 I 7, 223, si'!lha, 6o
503 Sin, 34, 295, 303, 388, 44I, 446, 505,
Sense-pleasures, 550 524, 526, 528, 550
Sense-qualities, 25 I, 252, 253 Sincerity, 158
Sense of possession, 7 I Sinful, 294, 304, 549
Sensible, 288, 290; qualities, 27, 3 I Sinner, 99
Sensory, 467 Sirup-pullur-udaya-Pillai, 97 n.
Sensual joys, 550 Situation, 332, 434, 455
Sensuous, 325 Six qualities, 37
Sentient, 54 Sitii-upani~ad, 4I, 42 "·· 57
Separate ajiiiinas, 369 skanda, 402
Separate wholes, 263, 264 Skanda-purii~a. I9 n., 507 n.
Separateness, 264 Skill, I94
Separation, 7I, 72, 327 Sky, 128. 44 7
Sequence, I 84, 273 Sleep, I69, 240, 257
Index 599
smara~a, 505 Speech, 3, 4, 34, 4S, 53, 16S
smara~a7!l, 17S n. sphota, 107 n., 1oS n.
Smell, 251 Spider, 59, 406
Smell-potential, 163, 510 Spirit, 32, 55, 29S, 299, 302, 350, 406,
Smoke, 211, 226 n., 534, 536, 53S 460, 472, 492; part, 301, 302; of
smrti, 14, IS, 16, 20, 57. 125, 471, 503, service, 70
504, 51 o, 517, 549; literature, 19 Spiritual, 10, 2S, 35, 41, 44, 47, 4S, 6o,
Sneha-pfi.rti, 395 n. 373, 3S5, 3S6; emancipation, 37S;
Social, 472, 549 energy, 51 ; entities, 36; fact, 377;
Sophistry, 514, 515, 516, 517 form, 37, 3S; love, S1 ; nature, 406;
Sophists, 51S transformation, 10; zeal, 72
Sorrow, 52, 441, 443 n., 444, 445, 463, Spirituality, 472
464, 470, 4S6, 491, so6, soS Spontaneity, s6, Ss, 442
Sorrowful, 46 Spontaneous, 27, 34. 35, 36, Ss, 214,
Sottanambi, 109 n. 215,292,452;agency,37;grace,SS;
Souls, 6, 7, 10, 35, 57, 59, 6o, 61, 62, production, 277
So, S3, 125, 139, 140, 147, 151, 154, Sportive, 444
155, 157, 177 n., 1S9, 194, 200, 2S6, Sr~ti-kha~lja, 532
291, 295. 29S, 299. 300, 30I, 302, Staffs, 532
3SI, 3Ss, 393, 395, 4I2, 4I3, 422, Stage, 44, 46 n., 47, 4S, so, s6, sS, 6o,
430, 431, 434. 435. 441, 443. 444. 79,292,3II,422,45S,4S6,491,503,
4SI, 453. 457. 4SS, 4S3, 4Ss, 4S9, 54I, 544; of life, 11, 416; of love,
503, 517, 5I9, 525, 526, 527, 530, S2
531, 539. 543. 546, 547. 549. 550 Stars, 515 n.
Sound, s. 33. 4s. sS, I67 State, 35, 41, so, 52, s6, 290, 295, 339,
Sound-potential, 504, 5 I o 344. 4I4, 43S, 439. 441, 443. 444.
Source, 292, 295, 303, 34S, 494, 521, 445, 446, 457, 45S, 469, 47I, 476,
530; of knowledge, 1S5 n., 465 4S6, 4SS, 494.495.503,545.546
South, 1S Static, 29, 446, 492; entities, 36
South India, 19, So, 13S, 523 Statical, 46
South Indian, S1 n. Status, 437
Southern India, 63 Stick, I n., 2, 342, 549
Space, 6, 27, 34, 4S, S2, 163, 195, 199, Stone, 41
22S, 252, 264, 273. 277. 2S2, 301, Stotra-ratnam, 9S, 99, 101
52 I ; relations, 2S4 Stotra-ratniikara, 123
Spaceless, 72 Stotra-trayl, 403
Sparks, 6 Strength, 35, 404
sparsa, 49 n., 26I, 510, 511 Structural Brahman, 434
sparsa-tan-miitra, I63, 26tJ, 26I, 499, Structural cause, 47
510 Structure, soo
Spatial, 313, 324, 343, 353; character, Study of the Vedas, 29
353; contiguity, 316; difference, Sub-commentary, 137, 13S
245; qualification, 23S; quality, 245; Sub-conscious image, 237; impres-
units, 264 sions, 22S, 26S
Spatial-temporal, 4S9 Sub-consciousness, S, 222, 227, 25S,
Spatia-temporal, 226 270, 2SI, 437
Special, 43, 2oS; powers, 3S; quality, Subhii#ta-nzt:i, 121
393 Subject, 17S, 193, 194, 204, 2So, 2S3,
Species, 173 297 n., 36S
Specific cause, 279 Subjective, 170, 179, 23S, 26S,
Specific characters, 46 n. 490
Specific effect, 279 Subjectivity, 325
Specific modes, 364 Submission, 54
Specific nature, 356 Subodhinz, 116, 132
Specific qualities, 263 Subserviency, 299
Spectator, S2 Subsidiary, 27, 39, sS, 90
Speculations, 496 Subsistence, 256
6oo Index
Substance, 10, 34, 35, So, 129, 147, excellence, I 36; intoxication, S3;
ISJ, 193, 1<)5, 199, 20S, 209, 211, person, ISy, I<)O, I9I; power, 36,
2 I 2, 222, 224, 245, 25 I, 252, 253, 52; resignation, 86
254, .z56, 25~. 288, 299, 303, 334, sura, 540
343, 344, 361, 425, 430, 4JI, 455, susad!sa-sa1!7sthii11a, 355
463, 46-t. 493. soo susad!iatvam, 224
Suhstantiality, 431 Sustained, 455
Substantive, 385 Sustainer, 455
Substitution, 21 o susik#ta ciin.:aka, 516, 540, 547
Substratum, 142, ISS, 23S, 40S, 456, su~umnii, 59, 415
475. 484 su~umna 11cic_ll, s8
Subtle, 35, 42, 45, 5S, 61, 29S, 415, susupti, 144, 178
445, 475, 504; aspects, 194; hody, Suta, 482
24; cause, 4 76; constituents, 299; Sutakhya, 1 38
essence, So; form, 29, JOI; matter, silkpna, 61, 281
414; state, 3 1)6, 397 silk~ma-kala-gu~rii-1.·astlrii, 42
Succession, 142, 207, 310, 353 Stita-sm!llritc"i, I 9
Sudarsana,J-t . .lS. 41, 51, 53, 57, I26, sutra, I, 10X 11., IO<J, 116, 125, 140,
I JO, I J2, 401, 44X 11. IIJ5, 196, 472, 4Xo, 516, 518, 523 11.,
Sudarsana Bhana, 1 1 1 532, 539; of Jaimini, 124
Sudarsanaguru, 1 26, 1 30 Srura-k!tcl1iga, 524, 527, 528
Sudarsana-sm!zhitii, 23 Srum-krtii1i~ta-siltm, 521,523,524, 525,
.Sudarsana-sura-druma, 133 526, 527; heretics referred to, in,
Sudarsana Suri, 1Ot) n., I I 3, I 14, 1 15, 526
IIX, 120, I30, IJ5. I7611., I7711., s1·ahha1·a, 46
I X1 11., J!h, 186 n.; his refutation of SYabhll, 402
aj1lc"ina, 177 11.; his works, 130 St·a-cllwrmc"i-dlwa-bodha, 400 11., 401
.Sudarscma sakti, so s1·ajanyatt·am, 372
Sudarsanacarya, 1 1R, I 26, 298; his s?·alak,w~w. 255. 271
\'icw of rdation of souls to God, 297 st·a-lllayt"i, 51 1
Suffering, 52, 2!)I, 292, JOJ, 304, 4I2, st·a-m!lrlt"i1: api n·ayam e1·a hetu!1, 240
464, 52 I, 524 s1:a-praktlsa, 2:lO
Suffix, 166, 233 s'L·apraktliat1·a, 46X
Sugge~ion, 343, 344 st·arilpa, 217 n., 347
sukha, 463, 464, 485 s1.·arfipa-dhi, 217
,<.,'rmud1ga/a-1:iliisi11l, 513 n., 520, 52 I 11., snznlpa-stldr~)·a, 224
52.l 11., 524 11. SYarllp~carya, 401
Sumerian, 531; civilization, 529 s•canlpiii"esa, 3X
summum brmum, 136, 379, 420 S1.·astika, 30, 60
Sun, 6, 42, 59, I 53, 22S, 295. 349, 447 s1.·ata~1-pmmt"i~w, f); upheld by the
Sundara Bhatta, 404 Ramanuja school, 247 et seq.
Sundaraddika, I 12 S1."lllll~l-PTtllllll~l)"ll, 240. 347. 348, 350,
Sundararaja-dcsika, 1 17, 130 42X
Super-consciousness, 450, 4<JO s1.·ata~r-priimii1}ya-n"ida, 346; :\leghan-
Superintendence, 31, 152, 18!) adari's Yiew, 346
Superintendent, 56, 58, 104 S'l"lllllSf1"ll, 428
Surcrintt·mling, 3X sva-'l"ilasa, 40 11.
Superior, 53, 54; devotl·es, 380 S'l'll'l'iliisa-anlft"ira, 40 rr.
~upcriority, 53 st·ayamhlul, 504
Supplementary, I 23 S\"aYamhhu\·a. 21
Support, 34. 56. JOO, JJO, 333. 334. S'l'a_{·m!z-prakt"i.~a. 167
33~( 3SO, 422, 477 S'l"ll_\'Cll!l-Tllf>tl, 40 11.
Supposition, 322, 330, 332, 406, 40S, S1.'ll_Wl'!l-Sic/c/ha, Z I 4 11.
410, 423, 439 s1·iihha1·ika, 4J4
Supra-sen~ihlc, 550 sn"ihlui1·ika hhed.i-blzeda-'L·iida, 406
Supreme, 2X, 33, 42, 49, 54. 55· 475; snldhn"iva, 62 11.
hliss, I 36; cause, 191; energy, 45; S7.'tilak~l;~,_\'fl, 2 55
Index 6o1

sviimi-krpii, 8 s Sai1kara, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 6s, 105, 107, 108,

sviiml, 86 I I I, I 12, 124 , I2S, 1)0, 16 5 , 166,
svii'!lia, 40 n. 173. 174. 195. 196, 198, 200, 204,
svii7!zia-m:atiira, 40 n. 304, 305, )06, 307, )08, )09, 317,
sviirasika-biidhii-drster ananyathii-sid- 320, 322, 350, )81, 395. 417, 456,
dheica, 251 .. 471, 472, 476, 480, 484, 486, 487,
sviirthii-numiina, 427 494, 496, 548; a crypto-Buddhist, 1 ;
s•oiitantrya, so6 his avidyii refuted, 175 et seq.; his
st.:iitantrya-miila icchiitmii, 45 controversy with Ramanuja on the
Sweetness, 226 nature of reality, 165 et seq.; his in-
Swoon, 169, 240 terpretation of causality, 3 ; his
syiid'L·iida-ratniikiira, 536 n., 537 n. theory of illusion refuted, 179;
Syllogism, 321 literature, 405; philosophy 198,
Symbol, 53, 326 3 I6; school, 123, 142, 304, 312;
Sympathy, 73, 120 sy8tem, 422; Theory, 422; v1ew,
Synonymous, 277 396
Synthesis, 187 Sankara-bhii$ya, 198 n., 548 n.
Synthetic, 31, 47, 185, 501; associa- Sankara Vedanta, 228, 403, 456
tion, 187 k<"lankara-1·i..jaya, 2
System, 32, 192, 297, 304, 347, 422, Sankarism, 143
451, 471, 482, 49S, 516 n., 524 n., Sankarite epistemology, 9
527; of philosophy, 533 Sankarite view, 293, 387, 424
Systematic doctrine, 68 Sankaritcs, 102, IIJ, 143, 144, 145,
Sabara, 124 IS). 154. ISS. 169, I73. 177. I78,
k<;abara Bhiin·a, 349 179, 188, 201, 204, 210, 22), 2)8,
Sabara Svamin, 107 239, 311, 313, Jrs, 3I8, 319, J2I,
iabda, 31, 49 n., 129, 233, 260 n., 426, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328,
510, 51 I 329, 330, 334. 336, 337. 340, 341,
Sabda-brahman, s8 343. 345. 346, 347. 350, )61, 363,
iabda-miitra, 510 364, 365, 366, 367, 374, 385, 388,
iabda-pramii~w. 233 394. 398, 409, 417, 4I8, 419, 420,
iabda-tcm-miitra, 48, 163,259, 260, 26:, 421, 428, 430, 434. 435. 456, 470,
499. 504 478, 486
Saila-rangda, 94 Saizkhinl, 59
Saila-rangesa-guru, 98 n. Sarat;ii-gati, 55
Saila Srinivasa, 384, 385. 386, 388; his .<;arm;ii-gati-gadya, 379, 380 n.
conception of causality, 38s et seq.; Sara~zii-gati-gadyam, 86 11.
his criticism of Uma-::\lahesvara, iarlra, 297, 298, 300, 389; its defini-
396 et seq.; his refutation of San- tion, 297 et seq.
karitc attacks on Ramanuja doc- Sarlra-bhii'L•iidhikarm;a-'L·iciira, 131
trine, 385 et seq.; his refutation of Santadasa Vavaji, 402
the ohjections to Ramanuja's doc- Siirlraka-mlmii'!lsii-vrtti, 1 17
trine hy various opponents, 392 et Siirlraka-nyiiya-kaliipa, 1 17, 132
seq. Sarlraka-iiistriirtha-dzpikii, I 17, 127
Sai·va, 3 n., 18, 19, IOS, 1 I J, 155, 304, k<;iirlraka-s.istra-sa1Jlgati-siira, 1 17
525; hymns, 84; king, 104 Siirzra-1·iida, 133, 297 n., 298 n., 299 n.,
Saivism, 18, 64, 81 n., 102 11., 399: its 300 n.
love of God distinguished from SG$11a, 2I, 25, s6, 102, I6I, 413, SOJ,
A.r.vars, 84; l\1aryikka-vachakar's love c;I4, 530
of God, 84; of South India, 84 Sii~traikya-'L·iida, I 3 3
iakti, 35. 36. 37, 38, 4I, 43, 44, 45· 51, iastra-sampradiiya-pravartaka, 7 n.
52, 53. so, 57. ISS. 156. I9i. 354· Siistriirambha-samarthana, 133
507. so8, 509 Sastri, l\'lr D., 531 n.
Saktyatman, 40 n. Sastri, l\1. M. S. Kuppasvami, 106 n.
iakty-ii1·eia, 38 Sata-dil~a~ll, II7, 122, 123, I26, 130,
Salikan:itha, 18s n. IJI, 305, )19 n., 396
iauca, 6 I, 62 11. Sata-dil~a11i-'L·yiikhyii, 1 3 I
6oz Index
Sat a- da~wzz- vyiiklzyii- salzasra- kirm;z, Srl-blzii,~ya-siddlziinta-siira, I I 7
127 Srl-hlziiua-·;:iirttika, I 17
sataka, 7e Sri-bhii~ya-'L'i'-·!ti, I 14
Satakoti-du~a~za-parilu"ira, 133 Sri-bhr'i,~ya-'l.-yiiklzyii, 1 17
.C,atakoti-khwuf.ana, 133 Srihittiputtur, 69
Sata-patha Briihmwza, 12 Sri Urahma, 4ee
Sathakopa, 63, 65, 67 n., 69, 7e, 71, Sridhara, 39, 529 n.
78, 94, 1e2 n., Ie8, I I6, 138 Srihar~a. 1 I 1, 2e1, 549
Sathakopa muni, I 30 ~rikr~J:ta, 96.'. 43e, 474
Sathakopa Yati, 1 I2, 123, 13e Srikr~~:ta-tlt:sJka, 1 I 2
Sathakopacarya, 1 I 4, 139 Sri-kr~~:tasta\·a, 4e3
Satha-mar~a~:ta, 94 n., 129, 132 Srzmad-blza~:m·ad-gltii, I 13
Sathari Suri, lJe Sri-natha, 96
Savara, 1 e7, ro8 n. Snnivasa, Ie9, 1 IS, 116, 118, 127, 129,
siiklzii-candra-darsana, 34-e IJe, 236 n., 297, 3~6, 3S7, 392, 393,
Saktas, 19 399, 4ei, 4e2, 4e3, 4e6 n.; pupil of
Siimba-purii1_la, 19 .; :\I_ahacarya, his works, 127, 128
siinta, 499 Srinn·asadasa, 123, 127, 129; his
Santatman, 4e n. works, 127
Santi, 37, ses, 523 Snnivasa-dik~ita, 115, I Je, 396
.C,iinti-pan·an, 12, z6e n., 479 Srini vasa Rflghavadasa, 129
Sa~:t<;iilya, 3, 17, 2I, 25 Snnivasa Suri, 121
Sa~:tc:lilyabhaskara, 3 n. Snnivasa Tatacarya, I I6, 384
.C,ii1_lf/.ilya-sm!ti, 2e Snnivasa-tayarya, 396
Sarada-matha, I e2 Srinivasa-yati, 138
Siitiitapa, 2e Srinivasac.arya, 114, 1 I 7, 123
se~a-se$itii, 53 Srl-pmlca-riitra-rak~ii, 122
Je~a-·qtti-parat·va, 87 n. Sripati, 4e n.
Se~arya, 297 Srira1igam, 69, Y7, 98, 1e1, Ie2, 1e3,
se~l. I6e Ie{, lie, IIJ, 12e, 121, 135, 137
Silpiirtha-siira, 122 Sri-ranga-natha, 114 n., I 21 n.
Si!iya-tiru-ma(lal, 69, 1 34 n. Srirai1ganatha-gayaka, 1 e9
Siva, 12, 16, 37, 38, 39, 4e n., 52, 84, Srir:uiganayaki, 1 1 e
1)2, 2)2, Je4, 475. 482, 483 Sri Rari.gasuri, 381
Si'L·a-riitra, 23 Srirangacarya, I 1 I, 1 17
Silanka, ·52 I, 523, 525, 526, 527 Srirama, 39 11.
Sloka-?:iirttika, 2e6 n. Sri Rama Pillai, Ie9 n., 1 I I
Sottha-pur~:ta, 97 Sri Ramanuja Pillan, 11e
sraddlzii, 57. 382, se9, sse .C,rl-r£'imtinuja-yogi-pt'ida, 395 n.
SramaJ:ta, 527 Sri Rt'imiinujt'iciirya, I e4 n .
sra·va1}a, 4es, 442 •<;rlsailadiisa, I 3e
Srava~:ta Bhana, 4e2 Srisaila lineage, 109, 115, 122, IJI
iriiddlzas, sJe, sse Srisailanatha, I ' e, 1 11
Srantabhaskara, 3 n. SrisailapDri:1a. c;S, Ie2 n., Ie9
Srimadhura, 98 Srisaila Ragha\·arva, 13e
Sriya};-pati-pparji, 13 5 n. Srisaila Srinivasa~ I8, 111, 115, I27,
Sri, 37, 41, 57, 89, 99; its meaning, 89 133, 3S8, 389 n., 392
Srz-blzii~ya, 1e3, IIJ, 114, 115, 116, Srisaila Tatayarya, 18, I 3e, 13 1
117, I 18, 12e, 123, 125, 126, 128 n., Srisaila Yogendra, I 29
IJI, 1)2, IJ7, 175 n., 195 n., 2ec n., Srisailda, 137
383 Srisudarsana Press, 3e5
Srz-bhii~ya-bhti·l'iiilkura, I 33 Sri-tattnz-darpa~za. 1 33
Sri-blzii~yopan)'iisa, 117 SriTacmza- hlzilsmza- 1'\'t'iklzvii, 135,
Srz-blzii~yii-ratlza, 138 375 n., 376 n:. J77 n~, 37S n., 379 n.
Srz-blziiua-siira, 1 17 Srl'l.·aama-bhil~a~za, 9e n., 135, 137,
Sri- bhii~ya -siiriirtha- sa1!1f5ralza, 1 16, IJS, 374, 375 n., 38e n.
l l j , 129 Srivai~I:1ava, 18, 19, 24, 95, 99, 1e2,
Srivai!?l)ava (cont.) Svetiiivataropani~at-prakiiSikii, 127
I07, 108, I I2, I20, I25, 135, 138, Syama Bhatta, 402
304, 305, 379; many works written Syamadeva, 402
in defence against the Saivas, I 8; Syamacarya, 401
philosophy, 22; school, I 34; system, ~acf.-anga-yoga, 24
I 36; their quarrel with the Saivas, 18 ~acf.-gw;a, 37
Sri-vai!ilf:tavism, 89, 102 n., 105, I27
Srivallabhadeva, 65 Tactile, 253, 254; organ, 459; sensa-
Srivatsa, 57 tion, 253
Srlvatsa-siddhiinta-siira, I 13, 116 tad-iiyatta-sthiti-purvikii, 406
Srivatsanka, I 39 tad-bhii"L·ii-patti, 420
Srivatsanka l\1isra, I02, 105, 108, I09, tadvikiiratva, 266
I29 tad-vyiipyatva, 43 I
Srlvatsiinka Srlniviisa, 1 I 6 taijasa, 25, 48, 498, 5 IO
Srivatsanka Srinivasacarya, 1 I 7 Taittirlya-prakiisikii, 402
Srivanacala Yogindra, 138 T aittirlya U pani~ad, 402
Srivasaguru, I 12 Taittirlyo-pani~at, I3I, 379
Srivenkataguru, I I 2 Taittirlyo-pani~at-bhii~ya, I 38
Srivenkatacarya, I I 2 Taittirlyo-pani~at-prakiisikii, I 27
Srivenkate8a, 112 Taivattuk-k-arasu-Nambi, 97 n.
Srivi!?I)Ucitta, I I4 tajjanyatva, 266
Sruta-bhiiva-prakiisikii, 12"7 tamas, 25, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 129, 163,
Sruta-pradzpikii, 130 259. 447. 4h6. 469, 47I, 473. 474.
Sruta-prakiisikii, 109 n., I I I, I 13, I I4, 475. 480, 482, 49I, soo, SOI, 513,
1 IS, 120, I26, 127, I28 n., 130, I3I, 504, sos, 507
136, I37, I57, 176n., I77n., I79n., tamasa mahat, 498
I80, I8I n., I86 n., 188, 298 Tamil, 63 n., 64, 66, 95, 96, 102, 105,
Sruta-prakasikacarya, 13 s 107, IIO, III n., I21, 124, I25, 13I,
Sruta-prakiisikii of Sudadana Siiri, I34. I37
392 Tamil Veda, 95
Snlta-prakiisikii-siira-sa'!lgraha, I I 4 tamogu~o, 448 n.
Sruti, 352 n., 371; texts, 390 tamomaya, 46
Sruti-dz.pikii, I 1 5 Tangible, s. soo
Sruti-siddhiinta-maiijarl, 403 n. Tani-pra~av.Ja, I35 n.
Sruti-siddhiinta-sa1Jlgraha, 240, 44I n., Tanjore, 67
442 n., 443 n. tanmiitra, 25, 43, 156, I63, 256, 259,
Sruty-anta-sura-druma, 403, 404 260 n., 445• 499. 502, 504, so?, 5 IO,
Juddha-brahma, 197 511
suddha-sarga, 27 tantra, 107
Suddhasattva Lak!?mal)acarya, I I 5 tantu-samavetatviit, 256
S uddhasattvalak!?al)arya, I 31 n. tapa!t, 62 n.
Suddhasattva Yogindra, 1 I 5 tapas, 55, 450, 503
Suddhasattvacarya, 131 n. Tapta-mudrii-vidriiva~a, 396 n.
Juddhetarii-snti, 42 · tarka, 227, 537
suddhi, 464 tarkavidyii, 5 I 5
Juddhy-aiuddhimaya, 44 tarkl, 5 I8
Sukra, 482, 503, 531 n. Taste, 251
Sukranlti, 5 I 5 Taste-potential, 48, I63, SIO
Sukra-nltl-siira, 51 5 n. Tatar-iil)l)ar, I 37
Suktya1Jlsa, 183 tathii-bhuta, 348
Siidra, 20, 64, 68, 98, 104 tathiitva, 357
silnyatvarupi~l. 36 Tat-kratu-nyiiya-viciira, 131, 133
Sunya-viida, 177, 206 n. T attva-bhiiskara, 13 2
silnya-viidl, 20 I Tattva-candrikii, 396 n.
Sveta-dvipa, 13, I9, 443 n. Tattva-dlpa, 89, I 32
Svetiiivatara, 379, 472, 473, 512 T attva-dlpana, 128 n.
Svetiifvatara Upani~ad, 447 n. Tattva-dlpa-sa'!lgraha-kiirikii, I 32
tattva-jnii11a, I 43 Teacher, 62, I02, 122, I24, 182, 235,
Tatt'l·a-kaustubha, I9 11., 20 400, 405
Tatt1·a-miirlatJ4a, I I 5 tejas, 35, 37, 40 11., 49 11., 56, ItJ3, 181,
Tatt1.·a-miitrkii, 123, 1 24 260, 26I; suhstance, 188
Tattva-muktii-kaliipa, I 19, 1 20, 1 22, Teleological, 4 70
I24, 13I, 25I, 25611., 25711., 303 11., Teleology, 30, 2(JI, 459, 472, 473
304 11., 346 Telugu Urahmin, 399
Tatt·va-11a'l.'a11ltam, I 23 Temper, 548
Tatt'l.·a-11ir1}aya, 128 11., I 33, 352, Temple, I7, I8, 58, 69, 96, I04, III,
352 11. I2I
Tattva-nirilpatJa, 26 I Temple-building, 17
Tatt1·a-pada'l.'f, 123 Temple-gods, 18
Tatt'l.·a-pradlpikii, 3 I 8 Temple-ket•pers, 121
Tatt'l·a-praklisikii, 402 Temporal, 42, 313, 314, 324, 353;
Tattnz-prakiisikii-uda-stuti-!lkii, 402 character, 284, 285, 331, 353; con-
Tattva-rat11iikara, 1 I9, I28 11., 210, ditions, 343; contic;uity, 3 16; iden-
2I4 11., 2I6 11., 226, 227, 228, 229, tity, 252; relations, 321; succession,
232 11., 234 274
Tatt'l'll-ratnii1·all, 124 Temporary, 495
Tatl1'll-ratwiv·alz-sm!lRTnha, I 24 Tendency, 30, 34, 45, SI, 210, 288,
Tattva-sa'!zgralw, 51611.,54411. 349. 449. 550
Tatt'l·a-sm!'ldzyiimz, 23 Tender equality, 84
Tatti:a-sandeia, 124 Tenets, 524 11.
Tatt"L·a-siira, 114, I I6, I32, 352 Tengalai, 120, 380, 38I, 382; school,
Tatt'l.•a-sekhara, 135, 136, I37 I 20; their difference with the Yada-
Tatt1·a-sikhii-ma~zi, 1 24 galai is based on the grc:1ter or less
Tattv·a-{ikii, 105 11., 114, I20, 123 emphasis on prapatti, 86-7
Tatt1·a-traya, 39, 40 11., 41, 43 11., s6. Terms of reference, 419
57, 125 11., I35, I37, 138, I57, I5911., Test, 341
160 11., 260 11., 261 11.; 'l•yrlha doc- Testimony, 192, IQ6, 203, 211, 2t-7,
trine in, 39 11. 289, 296, 303, JIO, 326, 390, 426,
Tatt'l.·a-traya-bhii~ya, 135 465, 485, 547
Tattva-traya-culuka, 124, I25, 12811. " Tetlarrantiral," 67
Tattva-traya-culuka-smJzgraha, I 2 5 Text, 340, 350, 398, 438, 446
Tattv:a-traya-nirrlpa~w. I 28 11. Textual criticism. 388
Tatt"L·a-traya-pracm:t4a-miimta, 128 11. Theism, 45 1, 4 72
Tatt1-·a-1:i'l•ekn-!lkii-1·i1·ara1Ja, I Theistic, I 89, I 96, 480; tendency,
Tatt'l.•tirtha-siira, 96 n. 451
Tatl1·iirtlw-slok.z-'l•iirtika, 546, 54 7 n. Theological, 303; dogma, 305
tafastha, 51, 377 Theory, 2R, JO, 179, I8o, IRI, I83,
tiidiitmyii-dhyiisa, 334 IR4. 187, 210, 29I, 296, 308, 331,
tiimasa, 31, 163, 510 34S, 351, 35:1, 4IJ, 421, 426, SIS n.,
tiimasa ahm!lktira, 259, 260 516, 520, 543; illusion, 237, 238,
tiimasa siistra, 22 2JY, 24I; ot knowledge, 238
tiimisra, 500 Thesis. 315, 322, 4I6, 4I9, 420, 427,
Tamraparf)i, 63, 95 5I2
Tantric system, 57 Thid, 213
Tantric works, s8 Thing itself. 1S6
Tiiriistiropani~ad, I 3 Things, J4, 45 11., 48, 190, 192, I93,
Tatacarya, 98, I09, I31, I32 I ()5
Tatiiciirya-di11a-car_w1, 131 "This," 180, d~4. I85 11.
Tatarya, I 29 Thomas, Dr F.\\'., 53I, 532
Tatayarya, 1 1 s. 126 Thought, 32, 46, 47, 53, 6I, 304,
Tiitparya-candrikii, 123 460
Tiitparya-dlpilui, 114, 116, 118, I23, Thought-activity, 44, so, 5 I, 53
I32, 38011. Thought-experiences, 385
Tautology, 372 Thought-movement, 44
Index 6os
Threads, I 97 Tiruviiymo.ri-nu.rundiidi, I38
Tides, 228 Tiru-viiy-mo_ri, 66, 69, 79, So n., I05,
TikalakkiQ.and~n-tirun~vlruQ.aiyapiran- I09 n., 110, I34 n., I37
Tatar-ar:n:tar, I37 Tiruve.(ukur-tirukkai, I 34 n.
tzlakiilaka, s6 Tiru-verugutt-irukkai, 69
Time, 27, 34, 35, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, Tiru-vruttam, 69, 74, I34 n.
SI, s6, 82, I8S n., I95. I99. 228, tiryag, SOI
252, 273. 277. 278, 279. 284, z8s, tiryak-srotas, SOI, 502
286, 287, 309, 348, 349, 389, 447, ToQ.appa, I IO
448, 472, 473. 489, 504, SIS Tor:tQ.ar-aQ.i-poQ.iy-arv~r, 63, 64, 65,
Time-conception, 28 5 66 n., 68, 69, I34 n.
Time-energy, 45 Tor:tQiir:tiir, I04
Timeless, 72, 447, 473 Totality, 264
Time-moments, 274 Totaramba, I IO, I I9, I22
Time-units, 286 Touch, 25I
Tinnevelly, 68, I 37 Touch-potential, 48, 260, 504
Tiru-cha~uja-vruttam, 68, I 34 n. Toy, I67
Tirukkovalur, 103 Tradition, 57, 63, I04 n., 496, 5I5 n.
Tirukkurgur, 65 Traditional, 64, 6 5
Tirukkurukaippiran Pillai, I 34 traigw:zya, 46
Timkkurun-dii~ujakam, 69, I 34 n. Trai-riiiikas, 523
Tirukkurungudi, I03 Traits, I9S, 2I2
Tirukurugaipiran Pillai, I09 n., I IO Trance, 30, 79
Tirumalacarya, I 33 Transcendent, 39, 4I, 44, 47, 99, I56,
Tirumal- Tiru-mori, 76 I75. I9S. I97. 39I, 426, 455. 507,
Tiru-mantra-churukku, 94 536; beauty, 83; Brahman, IO;
Tiru-mangaiy, 66, 69, 77 nature, 413; reality, 550; self, 468;
Tiru-mangaiy-arvar, 63, 64, 6s, 66 n., world, 536
67, 68, 79, 83, I34 n., I37 Transcendental, 24, 30, · 38, 448, 453,
Tiru-mari~ai, 63 468; cause, 502; form, 73
Tiru-mari~ai Piran, 63, 64, 65, 66 n., Transformation, 2, 6, IO, 36, 37, 47,
68, 96 11., Io6 n., I34 n. IS6, I82, I96, I97. I99. z8I, 286,
Tiru-miilai, 69, I 34 n. 298, 302, 332, 34I, 368, 37I, 385,
Tiru-mo_ri, 69 386, 393. 395. 396, 397. 4I6, 440,
Tirunarayanapperumal, I04 454. 456, 487
Tiru-net;lum-dii~zdakam, 69, I34 n. Transformer, 45 n.
Tirunirmalai, I03 Transforming entities, 385
Tiru-pall' -iir.ufu, 69 Transition, 349
Tiru-pa{!iy-e:ruchi, 69, I 34 n. Transitoriness, 28
Tirupati, I03 Transmigrations, 29I
Tiru-pan-arvar, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, Transmission, 287
I34 n. Transparent, 46
Tiru-pii'L•ai, 69, 77 trasare1JU, I 55, I 63, 263
Tiruppalavai-vyiikhyiina, I27 Travancore, 66, 67
Tiruppavai, I 34 n. Treaties, 86
Tiruppullani, I03 Treatment, 207, 297, 426
Tirupputku.{i, I03 Tricky, 513
Tiruvaigundipuram, I03 trida7J¢a, I, 549; its meaning, I n.
Tiruvalliker:ti, I03 Tridar:t<.Ji Brahmins, their views, 2
Tiru\-anandapuram, I03 trida7J¢i, 2, 532
Tiru-vantiidi, 68, I 34 n. trigu7Ja, 259, 497
Tiruvar:tparisaram, I03 trigu1Jii-tmikii prakrti, 49I
Tirm:arangattamudaniir, I 37 Trikiilika, 497
Tiruvattar, I03 Trikar:t<.Jamar:t<.Jana, 3 n.
Tiru-1.xicha kam, 84 Trinity, 46, 47
Tiruviiriidhana-krama, I 38 Tripartite, 29, 47 zoo; union,
Tiru-vii#nyam, 69, I 34 46
6o6 Index
Triptid-·vibhr4ti-mahiiniiriiym;a Upani- Unassociated Brahman, 430
~ad, I 3 Unborn, 29I
Triplicane, 68 Uncaused, 299
Trivikrama, 39, 40 n. Uncertainty, 370, 398
tri·vrt-karm.za, I 82, I 83, I 88, 240 Unchangeable, 34, 46, I96, 30I, 323,
Triyaga, 440 469, 549; unity, 287
True, I94, 208, 3I6, 33I, 424, 437, Unconditional, 203, 226, 272, 390,
457. 47I, 482, so?; adoration, 54; 485, 497, 533, 535
cause, 3 38; knowledge, I 6o, I 78, Unconditioned, 272
330, 33I, 347. 429, 450, 49I, 492, Unconscious, 26, 2 7, 29, 4 I, 79, 408,
so6; wisdom, 4I6 4I6, 546; power, 43; world, 429
Trustworthy, 357 Unconsciousness, 1so
Truth, 5, 8,-202, 308, 3I3, 326, 335, Uncontradit:ted, 2SI, 3I4, 358; ex-
4I3, 47g, SI7, 529 perience, 246
Truthfulness, 29 l.Jncontradidory, 236
Tryamhaka,. I 30 Cnderstanding, 462, 463, 539
Tr'!lsa-prasno-ttara, I 33 Cndifferentiated, 35, 200, 372, 495;
tr'.za, sci consciousness, 238
tr~a. 48 C nfavourahle effects, 292
tuccha, 239, 24I Cniformity, 278
Tucci, Dr G., SI2 n. C nintelligent, 25, 26
Tuppu, I I8 Unintelligible, I44
tu~ti. 57 union, 33. 38, 53
Tw·a{i!, 78 Uniqut>, Ig9, I93, 316, 424, 454
Tr4likii, 126, I I 4. 13 1 n. Cniqueness, 255, 455
Twinkle, 378 U:1it of time, 273
Tyiiga-sabdtirtha-fippanl, I 30 Unitary, 545
Types, 5 I ; of soul, 61 Units, 420
~fanka, I n., Io8, I39 Unity, 25, 26, 3 I, 42, 46, 53, I92, I93.
I94. 4I3, 414, 418, 419, 434, 456,
Udak-prato!i-kpma, I 10 459, 460, 46 I, 462, 506, 508; of a
Udayana, I, 2, 539 flame, 343; of being, I 7 5; of con-
udtihara~za, 427 sciousness, 345; texts, 307, 308, 309,
udiina, 59, 6o 310
Udayi-kui)Q.iyayal)iya, 525 "· Unity-in-difference, 28, 30, 405
Uddyotakara, 2I2 n. Universal, 45, g6, 193, 2I7, 2I8, 224,
Ujj-mla, 52 243. 254, 279. 3I2, 323, 341, 355·
Ujj-mla-nlla-mar:zi, g2 356, 387, 46o, 493, s3s. 536, 537,
L!kkalammal, IOS 538; agreement, 229; cognition, 35S;
Ukkal Arvan, IOS concomitance, 228, 230, 533; con-
Ultimate, 42, 52, 509; antecedent, 397; sciousness, I 98; destruction, 16y;
attainment, 38; consciousness, 420, existence, 34 5; experience, 2 19, 3 1y;
457; destiny, 383; emancipation, 38; illumination, I yg; negation, 272,
end, I36, 416; goal, 100, I36; ideal, 328; proposition, 225
414; object, 464; principle, 45 I; Cniversality, 298
state, 445; truth, I96, 327, 426, Univers':', 32, 35, 4I, 45 "··53, sh, 87,
468; union, 429 I90, I9I, I95, I97, 239, 315, 4I2.
Ultimate reality, 24, 25, 27, 3I, 37, 434. 454. 455. 456, 457. 459. 460,
I65, I97, 406, 450, 457, 460, 497, 472, 475, 484, 492, 499, _soc, 507,
507, 509 n.; as nir1:ise~a and sarise$a, 508, 51 I
I6S et seq.; as unqualified, refuted, Unknowable, 230 n., 499
173-s Unlimited, 10; servitude, lS8
Ultimately real, I97, 200, 371 Unproduced, 204
Ultra-sensual, 225 Unprohibited food, 61
Uma-Mahesvara, 395, 396; his cnti- Unqualified, I65, 430
cism of Ramanuja, 396 Unreal, 2, I79, 18I, 194,314,330,332,
Unaffectedness, 37 338,339.346,433,436,4S6.4S8,4S7
Unreality, 5, 201, 210, 332, 458 Uttara-mimarpsa, 350
Unreasonableness, I77 n. Uttara-niiriiym.za, 57
Unrelatedness, 466 uttara-vibhiiga, -482
Unseen merit, 292 Uviisagadasiio, 522, 524
Unspeakable, 35 Uyyakkor:tQ.ar, 67 n., 97
Untouchables, 104 uha, 214
U nvedic, 4 72 urddhva-srotas, 50I
uiicha-vrtti, 1 I 9
Upadeia-ratna-miilai, 64, 94 n. Vacuity, 36, 353
Upadeia-ratna-miilii, I34, I35, I38, 482 Vadari, 77
upahitasvarupa, 306 V adarikasrama, 482
Upakiira-sa'!lgraha, I24 vadha, 47
upamiina, 234, 426, 427; upheld by VaQ.agalai, their difference with the
Meghanadari, 234 Tengalai is based on the greater or
upamiti, I28 less emphasis on prapatti, 86-7
Upani~ad(s), 5, I2, I3, I6, IOI, 105, VaQ.akalai, 67, I2o, I2I, 38I
126, I46, I48, I53. I54. I82, I96, VaQ.avavaktra, 40 n.
2I I, 29I, 293, 296, 387, 394, 398, vahni, 5IO
442, 446, 447, 463, 464, 465, 468, vah11itva, 535
47I, 480, 48I, 496, 5I2, 5I9 vahuiruta, 530
Upani$ad-bhii$ya, I27 V aibhava-prakiisikii, I 2 I n.
Upani~ad-brahmayogin, I3 Vaibha~ika Buddhists, 25 I
U pani~adic, I I 2, 11 3, I 26, 208, 240, vaidhl, 378
392, 519; texts, 20I, 394, 405, 479, vaidikl, 507
480, 487 vaiqiila-vratika, 5 I 8
U pani~adists, 2 I I Vaigai, 63
U pani~ad-mangala-dlpikii, I 26 V aijayantl, IOS n.
U pani~ad texts, 38 I, 464 vaikiirika, 48, 498, 499, 504, 5IO
Upani$ad-viikya-vivarm.za, I 27 vaikiirika-indriya-sarga, 502 n.
Upani$at-prakiisikii, I27 Vaikhiinasa, 22, 57
upasargas, 505 Vaikur:ttha, so, 93
Upavar~a. 7 n., I05, I07, Io8 Vairamegha, 67
Upavar~iiciirya, 7 n. Vairamegha Pallava, 66
upaviisa, 3 3 vauiigya, 33. 47. 63
upadiina, 2, I9I, I96, 388, 39I Vaise~ika, 208,456, 467; supposed, I6J
upiidiina-kiirnm;a, I57, 454, 484 V aisvadeva-kiirikii, I 22
upiidhi, 269, 278, 301, 386, 4I3, 422, Vai~r:tava, I2, 39 n., 63, 65, 83, 87, 98,
432, 453. 478, 479. 48I, 489, 492, 104, IOS, 293, 379; commentatorl),
soB n., 534, 535, 56I I n.; literature, I o; marks, 22; rites,
upiidhi-rupa, 2I6 102; systems, I39; temple, 65, I38;
upiisaka, 89 tradition, 99 n.; writers, I92
upiisanii, 293, 381 V a#~ava Upani~ads, I 3; division of, I 3
upiiya, 376 Vai~r:tavism, I3, 63 n., 64, 8I n., 96 n.,
upiiya-jiiiina, 55 IOS, 110, I39. 399. 45I
upiiya stage, 377 n., 378 Vai$~avite Reformers of India, II9 n.
upiiya-svarfipa-jiiiina, 88 n. Vakula-bharar:ta, I39
upiiya-iunyatii, 87 Valadeva, 482
Upendra Bhatta, 40I Valid, I85 n., 202, 203, 208, 468, 533,
upeya, 377 537, 539; inference, 537; know-
Upper India, I9 ledge, 236, 248, 467, 469; memory,
Uraipur, 67 237; perception, 2I5
Usage, 334 Validity, I6, I90, 20I, 202, 203, 2I3,
Usanas, 532 216, 229, 230, 238, 247. 248, 250,
utpatti, I 99 32I, 326, 346, 347. 348, 356, 357.
uttama, 505 428, 457. 458, 495. 534. 536, 537.
Uttara-kaliirya, 381, 382, 383 539; its nature as treated by Me-
uttara-mantrin, 65 ghanadari, 215-I6; of cognition, 249
6o8 Index
Vallabha, 400, 475, 496 t•t"icika, 507
Value, 464, 472 viida, 381,512,513
Vanarnamalai-jiyar, 111 l 'cidJclri-kulisa, 12 7
Yanamalf 1\lisra, 440, 441 n.; his inter- 'L'tldassiida11a, 51 3 n.
pretation of 1\:imbarka philosophy, Vt"id/lll, 3 14, 50 I
440 et seq. \"adhula, roiJ
\"angi-purau-acchi, 97 n. \'adhula KOtru, 98, rro, 114 n.
\'anity, 529 Vadhula-kula-tilaka, 127 "·
\" anjikulam, 67 \"adhula ~arasiq1gha-~uru, 114
Varada, 9g, 157, 159, 352 \"adhula ~arasiJTlha, I32
\"aradadiisa, 132 \"adhula Srinivasa, 114,117,123, I26,
\' arada Ddikacarya, 125 131 11., 135. 305
Varadaguru, 111, 125 \"adhula \"aradaguru, r I4
Varadakp;;r:ta, his definition of percep- \"adhula varada ~arayar:taguru, 138
tion, 2I6 \"adhu)a \" enkatacarya, I 14
\" aradanarayat)a, 208; his view of \"adideva, 536
doubt, 20X Vadidl'Va Suri, 5:lh n., 537 n.
\" arada 1\:arayar:ta Bhanaraka, I 19 Vadihaf)1Sa, r 1 1 ; his concl'ption of
\"aradanatha, 111, Ilg, 123, 125, 380 jtlti, 354; his view of s?·atub-
\" aradanayaka S uri, rz 5 pr.imc"i~l.\'ll-Vtlda, 356 et seq.; his view
\" aradaraja, 7X of s?·aprakt"iSatul, 358 et seq.
Varadaraja Suri, 125 \"adi-haq1sa-navanwuda, 352, 361;
\"aradariH, 11411., 125 his notion of ne~ation, 352
Varad;l\·i~t)u, IOIJ, 111, 216 \'adihaq1s;irnhuvaha, 117, rKt. 185,
Varadavi!?r:tU :\I isra, I 09, I I 1, 1 19, 1So, 187; his treatment of illusion, 184 et
21211., 214"·· 217,226, 221), 234. seq.
38] n. \"adihaq1samhm·aha H.amanujac;'iryr.,
Varada \" i~r:tu Suri, r 31 1l-.h 11.
Varadacarya, 9311., 102, II9 Vadihaqls<imhuvahacarya, rr8, 119,
\"aradarya, 112, 11g, 119, 125 1X3, IX7
Varagalai, 3X1 \"adikcsari, 115. 13R
'i."ara~wdtiSii, 3 79 \';idih·sari :\ti~:ra, 132
Varavara, 3'J, 41, 94 n., I57, 159 n., f 'tldi-lrtl_\·a-1.-lza~zc_/tma, 124, 193 n., 305
r6o, 163, 2ho, 261; his vicv..· of time, \"adivijaya, r r r
163 viidi-'l·ipratipatti/:t. 212 n.
Varavara muni, IIO, I35, 136, I37 \"agisvara, 40 n.
l·arn'l'W a-mu11i-campu, 138 \"agvijaya, 1 1X. 130
V arnt•ura-11llmi-ditwcaryii, 138 'i.'tikonlkya, 5 17
Varm·ara-numi-lul7 \'a, I l8 t·iik_\ a-kllra, 1o6, 107
Vara?·ara-m.mi-satt;ka, r-18 J "tlllya-padzya, 517 11.
Vartllw, r6, 20, 39 n., 40·n., 523 l 't"ihytlrtha-sm!l~ralw, I 30
Varaha 1\lihira, 523 \"amana, 39, 40 "·
\" ararai1ga, 97, 1 OIJ 11. \":unanadeva, 40 n., 146
\'ariahll', 243 \'iit)ivilasa Press 191 o, 380 n.
Variability, 243 \"arat)adrisa, r 1 o, I 14 n.
'i.'llT~Ill, 21)3 nirtii, 532
'l'ar~wka, 515 nlrttika, 51 5
'l'llrtJiktl, 5 r6 'l'llTffifalSIJ(Tll, 51.), 516
'i.'llTttikc"i, 516 VclScl1Ul. l.O, 27, 33, 34, 43, 51, 54, 253,
Varu~w, 59, 295 2/J, JOX, 453. 4X7
'l'llStu, 250 n. \'asudc\·a, 2. 13, 1 h, 17, 21. 27, 21), 31,
\'asi~tha, 2 r, 23, 4R2 J-1-, 37, 3~. 3CJ, 42 11., 5/, 15). 157,
Vm!inlza-sw!llzittl, 1 'J I 58, 443 U., 4/4, 475. 4-J/, 500, 508
\" atsabhaskara, 3 n. f TllSIIdC7'll-'l'_\'ilJlll, 4 7 4
\' atapurr:ta, r 04, r 09 \'a!-udcn·ndra, 13
\"acaspati, 3, rq6, 467, 476, SI7 n., 533 l 'iimdt·1·opum~·ad, I 3
'l'iiciirambhatJam, 3 J·tlsi~!lw, 20
vdta, 475 Vedanta-ratna-manju1d, 403, 4I 1, 4I2
vdtsalya, 89 VedAnta RAmAnuja, I8, I32, 380
VAtslputriya, 251 Vedanta-sa'!IIJraha, I I 3
Viitsya, I 19, 297 Vedanta-sa7!f.Kraha-tdtparya-drpikii,
Vatsya AnantArya, I 26 130
VAtsya gotra, I I 1, I 12 Vediinta-siira, 103, II3, II8, 349
VAtsya Nrsirphadeva, IZ2 Vediinta-siddhanta-pradlpa, 400, 403
VAtsya Srlnivasa, 1 12, 203; his notion Vediinta-siddhiinta-sm.ngraha, 440
of class-concepts, 297; his treatment Vediinta-siltra, 2, 56 n., 476, 484
of pramdr;ra, 203 Vediinta-tattva-vodha, 400,408,409 n.,
VatsyaVarada, 110, III, II4, 116,118, 410 n., 411 n.
119, 130, 132, 349, 350, 351, 380; Vediinta-·mjaya, 1 I7, 126, 128 n., 130
his analysis of the concept of dif- Vedantacarya, 1 IQ, 132
ference, 351; his notion of God, 351; Vedantic, III, 438,461, 467; instruc-
his r~futation of Srlhar!?a's view of tions, 308; schools, 38 5 ; texts, 61,
the falsity of the world, 350; his re- 337; view, 464; writers, 385
futation of the denial of the category Vedantin, I09
of difference, 350; his view of bidhi, Vedantists, I39, 156, 465, 477
349-50 V edanti l\1adhava, I 34, 1 35
VAtsya Varadaguru, 109 Vedanti Madhavadasa, I 10 n.
VAtsyAyana, 208, 212 n., 235 Vediirtha-saJ'!Igraha, IOI, 103, I06,
V dtsydyana-bhii~ya, 207 n. 107, 118, 128n., 130, 160, 20I, 218, 305
vayu, 7, 48, 49 n., 59, 60, 163, 253, Vedic, 16, 17, 18, 43 n., 57, 293, 518,
261, 49~ 504, 505, 510 549; circles, 5 30; cult, 5 I 8; doc-
Vayupurar;ra, 20,502,503,505, 506n.; trines, 5I7, 519; duties, 15, 165,
its philosophy, 502 et seq. 404,416, 429; injunctions, 165, 349,
Veda, 2, 14, 15, I6, I8, 21, 24, 25, 62, 350, 441; people, 19, 20, 531; re-
88, 124, I65, I98 n., 203, 347, 349, ligion, 40, 95; rites, 14, 2o; sacri-
357. 40I, 429, 441, 471, 515, 517. fices. 517, 522, 549; school, 181;
530, 531 science, 53 I n.; scriptures, 366;
'-'eda-nindaka, 5 19 sects. 20; texts, 17, II2, 390, 39I,
Vedas instructed by God, 15 394
Vedavid, 40 n. Vegetables, 97 n.
veda-vidii'!l matam, 1 8 1 Veil, 366, 37I, 372, 374
VedavyAsa Bhatta, I 1 I, I 30 Veiling, 369; agent, 369
VedAnta, I, 8, 96, 97, 100, I 15, I 17, Venkata, 18, 63 n., 66 n., 67, 94, 96n.,
I25, 130, I38, 197, 200, 305, 307, Q8n., 99, 105 n., 107, 110, I I I, 114,
352, 40I, 403, 406, 4I6, 462, 466, 115, 117. 118, I IQ, 120, I2I n., 122,
47I, 480, 481, 482, 496, 508 n.; in I23, 124, 125, I26, 127, 130, I3I,
relation to SArpkhya according to 132, 135, 155, I57, I59, I6I, 163,
Viji'iAna Bhik!?u, 47I et seq.; its 183, 20I, 203, 207, 2o8, 209, 2Io,
bhedabheda interpretation, 105 et 21 I, 2I2 n., 2I3, 214, 2I6, 2I7,
seq.; dialectic, I53; view, 235 2I9 n., 220, 221, 223, 225, 226, 227,
VedAnta-desika, I 19, 361 228, 229, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236 n.,
Vedanta- desika- vaibhava- prakasika, 238, 240, 24I, 250 n., 251, 254, 255,
12I n., 131 256, 257. 261, 262, 263, 265, 268 n.,
V~danta-lfpa, I03, 113, 118, I59, 20I, 269, 270, 277, 280, 281, 282, 286,
349 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 295. 296,
VedAntaguru, 112 297, 301, 302, 303, 305, 306, 307,
Vedanta-kar;r!ako-ddhiirn, I 31 308, 3II, 313, 3I4, 316, 317, 318,
Vedanta-kaustubha, I 30, 132, 402 319, 323, 324. 325, 326, 327, 340,
Vediinta-kaustubha-prabhii, 402, 415 n., 342, 344. 346, 352, 353. 355. 356,
416 380, 38 I, 382, 383, 426; analysis
Vediintakiirikii'l'llli, 132 of momentariness, 273 et seq.; an
Vediintamanju,wl, 404 n. upholder of anvita-bhidhiina-viida,
Vediinta-paribhii~ii, 9, 204, 2 16 233; a constructor of Ramanuja
Vedanta-parzjiita-sauraleha, 400, 402 logic, 235; conclusive remarks on
Dill 19
610 Index
Venkata (cont.) his cnt1ctsm of the Yoga view of
douLt, 208 et seq., deci~ion, nature God, 296; his criticism of Yadava
of. 2IO; definition of pramii'}a, 236; Prakasa, 302; his definition of ?er-
doubt and uha, 214; error, defini- ception, 216; his doctrine of eman-
tion of, 2Io; error and doubt, cipation, 292; his eschatological con-
relation, 208 et seq.; his agree- ception, 2'}5; his life af!d literat'l;re,
ment with the Paiicariitra view I I9-25; his r-;-yaya tP.eory, re-
of God, 303; his adnissioP of futation of, 262 et seq.; 1-.is relation
three pramii'}as, 2I4; his admission of the vtew that consciousness is
of three types of illusion from three identical with self, 290; his refuta-
points of view, 241; his anal)sis of tiof! of Buddhist and Carvaka theorv
douh, 21 1 ; his classification of of ii.kiisa, 282; his refutation ~f
doubt, 2I2- I 3; hi;; conception of Buddhist doctrines of momentari-
jiiti, 355; his conception of sdd!;ya, ne~s, 268 et seq.; his refutation of
355: his criticism of Bhaskara, 30I; Carvaka causality, 276; his refuta-
his criticism of Brahmadatta, 291; tion of contentless consciousness,
h1s criticism nf f\:yaya-siUra an" 3 I o-- I I ; his refutation of different
Prajiia-paritrii'}a regarding doubt, views of God, 302; his refutation of
2I I; his criticism of Nyaya theory of Katya)ana's views of God, 302; his
doubt. 207; his criticism of SaJTlkhya refut::>tion of SaJTlkhya-satkarya-
argument in favour of prak!ti, 256 et vada, 265 et seq.; his refutation of
seq.; his criticism of the avidyii, 330 nin·ika/pajiiiina, 3 I I ; his refutation
et seq.; his criticisrr. of the SaJTlkhya of Sankara, 304 et seq.; his refutation
view of God, 296; his criticism of of Sankara's theory of anubhiUi, 3 I 8-
the Sankara conception of the unity 19; his refutation of Srihar~a's re-
of self, 345; his criticism of the view futation of pramiina, 202; his refu-
that ajiiiina is a positive entity, 327 tation of the denial of production of
et seq.; his criticism of the view that individual cognitions, 319 et seq.;
ajiiiina rests in the individual ji·vas, his refutation of the Buddhist denial
329; his criticism of the view that of substance, 251 et seq.; his refuta-
<~II effects are false owing to their tion of the dcmal of the category of
contradiction, 34I et seq.; his criti- difference, 312; his refutation of the
cism of the view that avidvii and doctrine of the all-pcrvasi,·eness of
mii.vii are different, 334 et s~q.; his souls, 29 I ; his refutation of the
criticism of the view that Brahman falsity of the world on the ground of
is pure bliss, 344; his criticism of 'alidity, 3 I 3- I 4; his refutation of
the view that consciousness cannot the falsity of the world on the ground
be produced, 32I; his criticism of of absence of relation between the
the view that consciousness is perceiver and the perceived, 314 et
identical with self, 323 et seq.; his seq.; his refutation of the Nyaya
criticism of the view that conscious- doctrine of the formation of whole
ness is one, 322; his criticism of the from parts, 263 et seq.; his refutation
view that emancipation is attained of the possibility of jijiiiisii according
hy right knowledge, 326; his criti- to Sankara's interpretation, 306; his
cism of the view that indeterminate refutation of the view of the reflec-
Brahman could be eternal, 345; his tion of Brahman under avidyii, 29I;
criticism of the view that pure his refutation of the view that avidya
consciousness is siik~in, 325; his rests in Brahman, 3I7-r8; his re-
criticism of the view that pure con- futation of the view that perception
sciousness is unqualified, 323; his refers to pure Being, 3 I I ; his re-
criticism of the vie,.,· that realization futation of the view that Brahman is
of monistic identity produces eman- qualityless, 306; his refutation of the
cipation, 330 et seq.; his criticism of view that the self-luminosity of
the view that scriptural testimon,· is Brahman is contentless, 3I6-r7; his
superior to pnccptiou, 326; .his refutation of the view that the utter-
criticism of the view th<~t the notiof! ance of unitv texts can lead to im-
of the self as knower is false, 325; mediate per~eption, 308-Io; his re-
Index 611
futation of the view that the world Venkatanatha1ya, 117
is illusory, 3 I 2-I 3; hig special Venka~a Sudhl, 12, 18, 132
treatment of doubt, 207 et seq.; his Venkatacarya, 112, 117
support to the theory of jiiiina- 'f enkatadhvarl, 131, 132
karma-samuccaya, 307; his support Venkatarya, 112
of the Vedic testimony, 203; his Verbal kno\~-ledge, 216, 217, 308, 310
theory of consciousness, a quality of Verbal testimony, 128
self, 288; his treatment of a·l'ayava, Vernal, 295
232; his treatment of doubt, 202; Verse, 117, 181
his treatment of doubt compared ·L'ibha·va, 39, 42, 129, 158
with that of Varada Nariiyal)a, 208; 'l·ibhava-G.'lJatiiras, 40 11.
his treatment of inference, 225 et 1.·ibhat•a-devatii, 21
seq.; his treatment of ke·vala-vyati- 1•ihha·viivatiira, 41
rekin, 226-7; his treatmf'nt of 1.:ibhu, 26.z, 386
memory as pramii1Ja, 2 I 4; his treat- 'l:ibhuti, 4 7 s
ment of object, 217; his treatment Vibration, 206; potential, 163
of pariimaria, 229; his treatment of Vice,291, 304,349.441,493: so6, 521,
pramii7:za, 20I et seq.; his treatment 522, 533
of sabda-pramii1Ja, 233; his treat- Vicious, 255, 267, 304, 349; circle, 419,
ment of substance, 25 I et seq.; his 433; infinite, 9, 253, 267, 277, 286,
treatment of tarka, 227; his treat- 316, 320, 334, 341 t 353, 355, 359,
ment of types of inference, 229 et 417,421,424, 433; infinitude, 177n.
seq.; his treatment of v)•iiptigraha, Victor, 78
228; his treatment of vyiipti, 225-6; Vidaddha, 514 n.
his view of apurva or adr~fa, 303; Vidaddhaviidi, 51411.
his view of bhakti, 292 et seq.; his vidagdha, 514 n.
views of em~ncipation attainable by videhl muktas, 441
God's grace, 304; his view of God, vidhi, 8, 350
I 57 et seq.; his view of incarnation, Vidhisudhiikara, 133
302-3 ; his view of karma and mukti, Vidhura, 513
295 ; his view of karma and priiyai- Vidhura-paJ:u}ita-jiitaka, 514 n.
citta, 293-4; his view of matter, I62 'l:idya, 47, 49, 507, so8, 509
et seq.; his view of praktti, mahai, Vidyadhideva, 40 n.
tanmiitra, etc., I63 et seq.; his view Vidyammdi, 546, 54 7
of self in relation to God, I6I et seq.; Vidyapati, 3
his view of the relation of the souls Vidyapati Bhaskara Bhana, 3
with God, 297; his view of validity Vidyaral')ya, 120
of memory, 237; his view of virtue vid)·ii-yoni-iarlra, 415
and vice, 29 I ; his view that errors View, so, s6, 18I, 182, 184, I8s. l~j.
cannot vanish by Brahma-know- I92, I96,204,206,289,291,297,J02,
ledge, 307; his view that world ap- 303, 305, 307, 3I8, 330, 335, 349,
pearance continues even after the 350, 409, 410, 429, 4JJ, 435. 456,
destruction of avidyii, 308; nature 458,46I,469,473.477.496.49S.sio,
of iikilia, 282; nature of the senses, 5I2,5I9,520,521,522,532,533.53S
280 et seq.; nature of time, 284; Vihagendra sa.,zhita, 23, 24, 41. 57
nature of soul, 286 et seq.; offered a Vihangama, 40 n.
critic of Gotama's logic, 235; re- Vijayanagara, 120, 121
futation of Can·aka theory of soul, ·vijayii, 57
2~6 el seq.; refutation of the view Vijayindra, 127
that consciousness belongs to the Vijayir.dra Bhik!.'u, 117
senses, 289; refutation of the vic\\ Vijaylndra-parajaya, 127, 305
that scriptural texts cannot signify Vijayolliisa, 126
Brahman, 340; Sankara's conception Vijnana Bhik~u. 445, 456, 480, 482,
of cessation of avidyii criticized, 338 483. 484, 485, 486, 493, 496, 497;
et seq. his conception of the individual, 460
Venkatadasa, 1 32 et seq.; his conception of the relation
Venkata-ddika, I I2 of the world with God, 454 et seq.;
612 Index
VijfiAna Bhik~u (cont.) Virtuous, 51, 295, 304, 349, 437,
his criticism of Sarpkhya and Yoga, 549
479 et seq.; his notion of God, 461; t:iruddha-dharma-dhyasavan, 268
his philosophy, 445 et seq.; his treat- tJlrut, 500
ment of m·idya, 468 et seq.; his treat- VirA.msolaippillai, 138
ment of bhakti, 450 et seq.; his treat- Visible, 5, 500
ment of Brahma experience, 465 et Vision, 71, 459, 471, 505
seq.; his treatment of experience, Visual, 543; organ, 222, 240, 241, 243,
467; his treatment of karma, 452 et 459, 545; perception, 219, 310;
seq.; his treatment of the nature of sense, 217
God, 474 et seq.; his treatment of the visada-t:abhasa, 21 7
relation of Sarpkhya to \' edA.nta, 4 71 t:iseJa~a. 429
et seq.; his view of Rradation of ,·isina-jiiana, 221
realities, 445; his view of karma, 445; Viiil!a-dvaita, 111, 116 n., 118, 119,
kala in, 446; maya and pradhana in, 120, 123, 125, 159. 234. 235. 351,
4 76 et seq.; relation of self and ananda 38(), 392, 393. 395
in, 445; world and Urahman in, 446 Visil!a-dvaita logic, 234
et seq. VisiJta-dvaita-siddhanta, 127
vijiianam, 185 n. Visi~!a-dvaitavada, 1 19
vijr"iiina-v:iidin, 142, 205 Viiil!a-dvaitins, 393
Vijiiana-mrta-bhiin:a, 450, 451 rr., visi1!artha, 233
453 n., 454 "-· 455 n., 457 n., 458 "-· vii4!atva, 2 18
459 rz., 461, 462 n., 463 n., 468 n., t.•isuddhi, 524
472 rz., 473 n., 477 n., 478 n., 48o n., Visva-gu~adarsa, 131
4R1 rz., 482 n. Yisvajaya, 118
\'ikalpa, 4 Visvarupa, 40 n.
'L·ikiira, 3, 260 n., 386, 480 VisvAcArya, 401
Vikara-t:eda, 21 ViJvamitra, 23
vikari karar;a, 454 VisvAmitra gotra, 119
v:ikarirz, 61 Vist-•odara, 59
'l:ikarmasthiiu, 5 18 Vi~ayata-vada, 133
Vikrama Cola, 104 Vi~aya-t-·akya-dfpika, 1 17, 126
v:ikriyatmaka, 172 Vi~r:tU, 12, IQ, 20, 24, 25, 31, 33. 37.
'-·ikrta, 342 38, 39, 40 "-· 44. 45. so, 52, s7. s8.
'-·ikrty-iitmii, 25 61, 63, 64, 66, 67 n., 68, 69, 87, 89,
v.·ilak~ar:w-mahatz·ti-dy-adhikarar;att·ad, 96, 155, 304, 415, 448 n., 473, 475,
257 498. 499. sos. 507, 509
Vimba-tattv:a-prakii;i.k.i, 122 Vi~r:tucitta, 69, 111, 119,137, 214n.,
v.·iniisa, 314 220n., 234, 235. 383 n.; a predecessor
Yindhye5vari Prasada, n:fnring to of Venkata in the construction of
Vai~r:tava comn1cntators, 1 n. H.A.mAnuja loRic, 235
Vindhyes,·ari Prasada Par:t9ita, 1 n., 2, Yi~r:tucittan, 63
3 11. Vr~'}udharmottara, 20
\" iolation, 1 2~ Yi!]r:tu Misra, 159
'l'ipratij>attib, 212 11., 213 Vi~~u Pura~a. 20, 81, 260 n., 497,
v·ipura, 503, 504 498 n., 499 n., soo, 501 n., 530; its
Virinchipuram, 523 philosophy. 497 et seq.
Virocana, 528 Vi~'}u-sarrahita, 23, 24, 31, 32; aha'!l-
Virodha-hhm"iJarzl, 384 kara in, 31 ; Bhiigat•ata-yoga in, 32;
Virodha-nirodha, 115, 130, 384, 385, hhakti and yoga, 3 2; God, nature of,
386 n., 387, 392, 393 "·· 394 n., 395 31 ; philosophy of, 23-4; prak!ti,
Virodha-parihiira, 124 theory of, 31 ; Sarytkhya in, 23-4;
Virodha-t·anlthinl, 395, 396 ~al}-ariga-yoga in, 24; view of all-
Virodha-v.·aruthi11l-pramtlllzirzf, 130, 396 pervasive soul different from the
Virtues, 29, 33, 34, 47, 291, 294, 295, Srivai~r:tavas, 24
303, 304, 349, 38R, 441, 450, 493, Vi~r;u-sakti, 36
so6, 521, 522, 530. 533. 549. sso r'ipru-tatt?.·a-rahasya, 132
Index 613
Vip_ru-tattva-sa,hilii, 22; its contents, vyiikhyiina-ma~·t;iapa, 1.3 7
vyiina, ~9. 6o
V#~u-vardhana, 104 n. 't•yiipaka, 22 5
Vi~\·aksena, 63 n., 64, 67 n. 'L'yiipiira, 204
V#vaksena-sa,hitii, 24, 30, 41 n., 43, vyiipti, 225, 228, 427
s6, 57; vyuha doctrine in, 39 n. Vyasa, 18 n., zo, 39, 482
Vital energy, 462 Vyasa Bhattar, 109 n.
Vital functions, 540 Vyasa-bhaua, 452
Vital spirit, 8o Vyasadeva, 402
vita~t;lii, 512, 513, 514 n. Vyiisa-tiitparya-t.ir'!laya, 133
vita~fjii-sattha, 514 V yasatirtha, 1 1 1, 426
vita~t;lii-viida-sattham,512 vyoma, 31
vit-arta-paramparii, 33.2 vyuha, 17, 37. '38, 39. 41, 42, sf>, 157.
Viviidiirtlza-sa,graha, 132 475; doctrine, 19; manifestations,
'f.:i·veka, 449. so8 22
Vivid impression, 217
Vividness, 217 Waking consciousness, 363
vlra, 6o \Varangal, 120
Viranarayal)a, 94 Water, 42, 46, 128, 181, 369, 540, 541,
Vira-rAghava-dasa, 114, 116, 132, 352 sso
vfrya, 35. 37. s6 Waves, 6, 106, 302
Void, 56 Way of knowledge, 184
Vo!ition, 298, 299 Ways, 6o
Volitional acti,·ity, 47 Wedding, 377, 378
Vrajabhu~al)asaral)adeva, 402 Western, 95
vrata, 33, 62 Wheel, s8, 6o
Vrddha-manu, 2o Whirlpool, 83
vrddhi, 47 White, 182, 256; goddess, 37
vrhan-niiradJya-puriir:ra, 20 Whiteness, 193, 254
vrksa, soo Whole, 189, 262, 263, 264, 298, 408,
Vrk~a-bhaumiimrta, 122 413, 432, 433. 455. 456, 493. 494.
v rndavana, 94 542
Vrndavanadeva, 402 Will, 41, 45, 46, 48, 49, 191, 295, 298,
'-'rtti, 105, 281, 372, 373, 374,411,423, 375. 412, 415, 441, 446, 448, 451,
439, 465, 466, 471, 485, 49~ 49~ 472, 473. 474. 475. 481, 482, 488,
vrtti-.ifiiina, 204 498, soon., 525
t•rtti-kiita, 105, 107, 108 Will-activity, 45
'-'rtti-kiirasya, 105 n. Wisdom, 33, 38, 54, 307, 384, 414,
vrtti-nimdha, so6 n. 416, 446, 476, 491, 514, 521
'f.Jrtti-prati't·imbitam, 373 Wise, 53 •
vrtti stage, 363 Wish, 54, 192, 295
V ucci V enka~acAr:va, 1 32 Women, 20
t·yakta, 4 76, 497 Wonderful entity, 79
vyaktii-'t•ya.~ta, 497. so8 Words, 5, 29, 53, 61, 194, 309, 318
t'yakti, 52 Work, 42, 46, 53, 56, 6o, 303, 350
't•yailga, 26 5 World, 6, 27, 34, 35, 41, 42, 53, 54, 55,
vyiipya, 225 s6, s7. 153, 174, 190, 191, 192, 193,
vyatireki, 23o; inference, 230 n., 232; 195, 196, 198 n., zoo, 205, 293, 299,
type, 231 301, 302, 312, 313, 314., 320, 321,
vyatireki anumiina, 2 31 , 2 34 350, 365, 366, 388, 390, 391, 397,
Vyavahiiraika-satyatva-khar:rt;lana, 1 2 5 413, 415, 416, 435. 438, 440, 442,
vyat•ahiirika, 459, 477 443 n., 445, 446, 456, 457, 45H, 472,
't'ya·vahiirikatva, 4 78 476, 482, 488, 515, 517, sd~.
Vya·vahiirikat'L•a-kha'!lt;iana-siira, 133 531; of effects, 256; of matter, zoo;
't')'G'f.Jahiirikl, 3 7 1 view of its fal~ity refuted from
'l')'G'L'nhita, 136 the Nimbarka point of view, 435
vyiihata-siidhya-viparyayiit, 229 et seq.
~Norld-appearance, 155, 1'75, 177, 178, Y atlndrapraval)a, 1 1o, 121 ''·, 13 7
Hj6, 197, 210, 239, 307, 308, 309, Yatlndra-prava~a-bhadra-campu, 1 38
310, 312, 313, 3JI, 335, 337, 345, }"atindra-pra'L·a~rl-prabhiiva, 138
367, 409, 423, 436, 439 Yati.,dra-prm·at:~a-prabhii.,_·am, 6-t-
\Vorld-creation, 296, 302, 330, 331, Yatindrapravar:tacarya, 135
365, 370 yaugapadya, 228
World-creator, 462 Ym:anas, 441 n.
World-energy, 58, 459 yavani, 47
World-existence, 490 Yadava, 100 n., 101
World-experience, 374 Yadava hill, 22
World-fCirce, 24 Yadavaprakasa, 100, 101, 102, 109,
World-forms, 37, 456 113, 124, 156, 201, z8o, z8s, 301,
World-illusion, 333, 337, 338 305; his view of Brahman, 301; his
Worldly bonds, 22 view of God, 150; his view of time,
Worldly objects, 258 z8s
\Vorld-materials, 152 Yiidm:iibhyudaya, 120, 121
World-objects, 367, 371 Yadavadri, 104, 137
World-Cirdcr, 197 Y iidrcchika-ppmji, 135 n.
\\'orld-phenomena, 155, 196, 340 Yajfiavalkya, 5 19
World-process, 292, 458, 477 Yiijiim·alkya-smrti, 484
World-reality, 157 Yamuna, 14, 16, 17, 18, 79, 8s, 95,
\Vorship, 10, 22, 32, 39, 40 n., s8, 61, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 105, 108, JOy,
104, 193; of God, 382 113, 114, 123, 139, 140, 142, 152,
\V retchedncss, 99 153, 154, •ss. 157, 159, 227, 235;
Writers, 111, 196 Can·aka's criticism of soul, 139; his
Wrongful, 18o disciples, 109; his general position,
139; his theory of self, 140; his view
}'ad-art ha-'L•ya·vahiirii-nugut:Jii, 244 of God, p. 152 et seq.
Yajfiamurti, 102, 104, 109, 110 Yamuna's philosophy, 140
Yajfia Varaha, 40 n. Yamunacarya, 97, 139, 229 n.
Yajnesa, 102, 11o Yellow, 182, 25-t-
Yajiiopavlta-prati~!hii, 122 Yoga, 18, 22, 2-1-, 30, 31, 32, 33, 52, 6o,
yama, 29, 33, 61, 509 n., 519 61, 62, 8o, 96, 97, 100, 157, 220,
}·ama samhitiis, 20 281 n., 446, 449. 459, 465, 468, 471,
Yamunac.arya, his life and works, tJ7 et 473. 474. 479. 480, -t-81, 482, 487.
seq. 4lJI, 496, so6, so~ 512
YasaS'cinl, 59 yogu-bhrlkti, 507
Yasoda, 77, 81 n. Yoga processes, 4 79
\'lllhiirtha, 180, 188 Y oga-rahasya, 96
)·athiirtha-khyiiti, 180, 181, 182, 186n., Yoga-siUra, 61 11., 62 11., 470, 473.
237, 240, 243, 24j, 246 n. 482
yathiirtha'!l, 185 n. }"oga-'l.·iirttiku, 482
yathiirthii-'l.:adhii.ra~zam. 62 Yoga-,·iew, 296
yathii- vasthita - 'l.')'a'l'ahiirii- nugut:Jam, yogiinuiiisana, 62
236, 240 Yogic knowledge, 214
Yati-dharma-samuccaya, 102 n. Yogic practice, 28
Yati-litiga-samarthana, 352 Yogin. 27, 30, 31, 42, s8, 6o, 62, y6,
Yatz-pati-mala-dzpikii, 127 152, 446, 491, so6, 538
Yati-prati·candana-kha~ujana, 133 )'ogi-pratyak~a, 168, 189
Yati-raja-·vi'!lsati, 137, 138 Yogivaha, 63
Yatisekhara-bharata, 109 yogl, 505
Yatzndra-mata-d"ipikii, 117, 127, 128; yoni, 46, 502
analysis of, 128, 1 29




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and those martyrs and patriots who have
died or worked
for the liberation and elevation of
THE third volume of the present series was published in 1940.
The manuscript of the fourth volume was largely ready at that
time and it would have been possible to send it for publication at
least by 1942. But the second world-war commenced in 1939 and
although the Cambridge University Press was prepared to accept
the manuscript even during war-time, the despatch of the manu-
script from Calcutta to Cambridge and the transmission of proofs
to and fro between England and India appeared to me to be too
risky. In 1945, after retiring from the Chair of Philosophy in the
Calcutta University, I came to England. But shortly after my arrival
here I fell ill, and it was during this period of illness that I revised
the manuscript and offered it to the University Press. This explains
the unexpected delay between the publication of the third volume
and the present one. The promises held out in the preface to the
third volume, regarding the subjects to be treated in the present
volume, have been faithfully carried out. But I am not equally
confident now about the prospects of bringing out the fifth volume.
I am growing in age and have been in failing health for long years.
The physical and mental strain of preparing a work of this nature
and of seeing it through the Press is considerable, and I do not
know if I shall be able to stand such a strain in future. But I am
still collecting the materials for the fifth volume and hope that I
may be able to see it published in my life-time.
The present volume deals with the philosophy of the Bhiigavata-
purii1Ja, the philosophy of Madhva and his followers, the philosophy
of Vallabha and the philosophy of the Gau<;liya school of Vai~I)avism.
So far as I know, nothing important has yet been published on the
philosophy of the Bhiigavata-purii1Ja and that of Vallabha. Two
important works by Mr Nagaraj a Sarma of Madras and by Professor
Helmuth von Glasenapp on the philosophy of Madhva have been
published in English and German respectively. But so far nothing
has appeared about the philosophy of the great teachers of the
Madhva school such as Jaya-tirtha and Vyasa-tirtha. Very little is
known about the great controversy between the eminent followers
of the Madhva school of thought and of the followers of the
Vlll Preface
Sankara school of Vedanta. In my opinion Jaya-tirtha and Vyasa-
tirtha present the highest dialectical skill in Indian thought. There
is a general belief amongst many that monism of Sankara presents
the final phase of Indian thought. The realistic and dualistic
thought of the Sarp.khya and the yoga had undergone a compromise
with monism both in the Pural)as and in the hands of the later
writers. But the readers of the present volume who will be intro-
duced to the philosophy of Jaya-tirtha and particularly of Vyasa-
tirtha will realize the strength and uncompromising impressiveness
of the dualistic position. The logical skill and depth of acute
dialectical thinking shown by Vyasa-tirtha stands almost unrivalled
in the whole field of Indian thought. Much more could have been
written on the system of l\!Iadhva logic as explained in the Tarka-
tiil_ldava of Vyasa-tirtha. In this great work Vyasa-tirtha has
challenged almost every logical definition that appears in the
Tattva-cintiimani of Gangesa, which forms the bed-rock of the new
school of N yaya logic. But this could have been properly done
only in a separate work on the l\1adhva logic. Of the controversy
between the monists of the Sankara school and the dualists of the
l\1adhva school, most people are ignorant of the .1.\Iadhva side of
tht case, though there are many who may be familiar with the
monistic point of view. It is hoped that the treatment of the
philosophy of .1.\Iadhva and his followers undertaken in the present
volume will give new light to students of Indian thought and
will present many new aspects of dialectical logic hitherto undis-
covered in Indian or European thought.
The treatment of the philosophy of Vallabha which is called
visuddhiidvaita or pure monism, presents a new aspect of monism
and also gives us a philosophical analysis of the emotion of devotion.
Though readers of Indian philosophy may be familiar with the
name of Vallabha, there are but few who are acquainted with the
important contributions of the members of his school.
I have not devoted much space to the philosophy of the
Bhiigavata-puriil_la. l\iuch of its philosophical views had already
been anticipated in the treatment of the Sarp.khya, yoga and the
Vedanta. As regards the position of God and His relation to the
world the outlook of the Bhiiga·vata-puriil_la is rather ambiguous.
The Bhiigavata-puriil_la has therefore been referred to for support
by the Madhvas, Vallabhas and thinkers of the Gau9iya school.
Preface IX

The Gau<;liya school seems to make the Bhiigavata-purii'f}a the

fundamental source of its inspiration.
The chief exponent of the Gau<;liya school of thought is Caitanya.
He, however, was a religious devotee and very little is known of his
teachings. He did not produce any literary or philosophical work.
But there were some excellent men of letters and philosophers
among his disciples and their disciples. The treatment of the
Gau<;liya school of Vai~I)avism thus gives a brief exposition of the
views of Riipa Gosvami, ]iva Gosvami and Baladeva Vidyabhii~al)a.
Dr S. K. De has contributed a numoer of important articles on the
position of Jiva Gosvami, though it does not seem that he cared
to put an emphasis on the philosophical perspective.
In writing the present volume I have been able to use the huge
amount of published materials in Sanskrit as well as a number of
rare manuscripts which I collected from South India on my
journeys there on various occasions.
My best thanks are due to my old friend, Dr F. W. Thomas,
who, in spite of his advanced age and many important pre-
occupations, took the trouble to revise some portions of the manu-
script and of revising and correcting the proofs, with so much care
and industry. But for his help the imperfections of the present
work would have been much greater. I also have to thank Dr E. J.
Thomas for the many occasional helps that I received from him
from the time of the first inception of the present series. My best
thanks are also due to my wife, Mrs Surama Dasgupta, M.A.,
Ph.D. (Cal. et Cantab), Sastri, for the constant help that I received
from her in the writing of the book and also in many other works
connected with its publication. I am also grateful to Dr Satindra
Kumar Mukherjee, M.A., Ph.D., my former pupil, for the help
that I received from him when I was preparing the manuscript
some years ago. I wish also to thank the Syndics of the University
Press for undertaking the publication of this volume at a time when
the Press was handicapped by heavy pressure of work, and by
great difficulties of production.
Trinity College, Cambridge
August, 1948

The Bhiigavata-pura7}a •
2 Dharma 2
3 Brahman, Paramatman, Bhagavat and Parameivara II
4 Kapila's philosophy in the Bhiigavata-purii7}a 24
S Eschatology • 49

Madhva's life 51
2 Madhva Gurus s6
3 Important Madhva works 57
4 Teachers and writers of the Madhva School . 90
s Ramanuja and Madhva • 94


Interpretation of Brahma-wtra, I. 1. 1 102

2 Interpretation of Brahma-wtra, I. 1. 2 121
3 Interpretation of Brahma-sutra, I. 1. 3-4 127
4 A general review of the other important topics of the Brahma-wtras 129


1 Ontology ISO
2 Pramii1}Qs (ways of valid knowledge) 160
3 Svatafz-priimii~ya (self-validity of knowledge) 168
4 Illusion and Doubt 173
s Defence of Pluralism (bheda) 178
xu Contents
Perception 181
2 Inference (Anumiina) 184
3 Tarka (Ratiocination) 188
4 Concomitance (Vyiipti) 197
5 Epistemological process in Inference 200
6 Various considerations regarding Inference 200
7 Testimony 202


Vyasa-tirtha, Madhusudana and Ramacarya on the Falsity of the

World 204
2 Nature of Knowledge
3 The World as Illusion


A refutation of the definition of Avidyii (nescience) 259

2 Perception of Ajniina (ignorance) 264
3 Inference of Ajniina 276
4 The theory of A·vidyii refuted 279
5 Ajniina and Ego-hood (ahaTJ'Ikiira) 294
6 Indefinability of \Vorld-appearance 301
7 Nature of Brahman 305
8 Refutation of Brahman as material and instrumental cause 308
9 Liberation (mok~a) 315


Vallabha's interpretation of the Brahma-sutra 320

2 The nature of Brahman 327
3 The Categories 332
4 The Pramiir_Jas 336
5 Concept of bhakti 346
Contents Xlll


6 Topics of Vallabha Vedanta as explained by Vallabha's followers 358

7 Vitthala's interpretation of Vallabha's ideas 363
8 Life of Vallabha (1481-1533) 371
9 Works of Vallabha and his disciples 373
10 Vi~t:tusvamin . 382

Caitanya's biographers . 384
2 Life of Caitanya 385
3 Emotionalism of Caitanya 389
4 Gleanings from Caitanya-Caritiimrta on the subject of Caitanya's
philosophical views 390
5 Some companions of Caitanya 393


Ontology 396
2 Status of the World 405
3 God and His Powers 409
4 God's relation to His devotees 410
5 Nature of bhakti 415
6 Ultimate Realization 428
7 The joy of bhakti 430
8 The philosophy of Baladeva VidyAbhli!?aQa 438


The Bhagavata-pura:ga.
THE Bhiigavata-purii1Ja shares with the Bhagavad-gitii a unique
position in the devotional literature of India. It cannot however
claim the same antiquity: before the tenth century A.D. no references
to it have been discovered by the present writer. Even Ramanuja
(born in A.D. 1017) had not mentioned its name or made any
quotations from it. But by the time of Madhva the work had become
famous: one of the principal works of Madhva (thirteenth century
A.D.) is called the Bhiigavata-tiitparya, in which he deals with the
principal ideas of the Bhiigavata-purii1Ja, and lays emphasis on
them so far as they support his views. The thoughts of the
Bhiigavata-purii1Ja are loftily poetic, but the style is more
difficult. The present writer is of opinion that it must have been
composed by a Southerner, as it makes references to the A!vars,
who have probably never been referred to by any writer in Northern
or Upper India. The Bhiigavata-purii1Ja, however, was so much
appreciated that immediately commentaries were written upon it.
Some of these commentaries are :
Amrta-rangil;zi, Atmapriyii, Kr~'!la-padi, C aitanya-candrikii, Jaya-
mangalii, Tattva-pradipikii, T iitparya-candrikii, T iitparya-dipikii,
Bhagavallilii-cintiima1Ji, Rasa-maiijari, Sukapak~yii Prabodhini, a
tikii by Janardana Bhatta, a tikii by Narahari, Prakiisa by Srinivasa,
Tatt'lJa-dipikii by KalyaQ.a Raya, a tikii by Kp?Q.a Bhatta, a tikii by
Kaura Sadhu, a tikii by Gopala Cakravarti, Anvaya-bodhini by
Ctl(;lamal)i Cakravarti, Bhiiva-prakiisikii by Narasirp.hacarya, a tikii
by Yadupati, Subodhini by Vallabhacarya, Pada-ratniivali by
Vijayadhvaja-tirtha, a tikii by Vitthala Dik~ita, Siiriirtha-darsini by
Visvanatha Cakravarti, a tikii by Vi~I)usvamin, Bhiigavata-candrikii
by Viraraghava, Blziiviirtha-dipikii by Sivarama, Bhiiviirtha-dipikii
by Sridhara-svami, Sneha-pura'l}i by Kesavadasa, a tikii by Srivasa-
carya, a tikii by Satyabhinava-tirtha, a tikii by Sudarsana Suri,
a tikii by Braja-bhu~al).a, Bhiigavata-purii1Jiirka-prabhii by Hari-
bhanu, Blziigavata-puriil}a-prathama-Sloka-tikii by Jayarama and
2 The Bhiigavata-purii:l}a [cH.
Madhusiidana Sarasvati, Paiicama-skandha-tikii by Vallabhadirya,
Subodhini by Balak~Q.a Y ati, V ai~ava-to#~i by Sanatana Gosvami,
Budharaiijini by Vasudeva, Nibandha-prakiisa by Vinhala Dik~ita,
Anukrama~ikii by Vallabhacarya, Ekiidaia-skandha-tiitparya-cand-
rikii by Brahmananda, Anukrama~ikii by Vopadeva. Many other
works also have been written on the diverse subjects of the
Bhiigavata-purii7Ja and some have also summarized it. Some of
these works are by Ramananda-tirtha, Priyadasa, Visvesvara,
Puru~ottama, Srinatha, v rndavana Gosvami, Vi~I).U Puri and

The word dharma, ordinarily translated as "religion" or
"virtue," is used in very different senses in the different schools
and religious traditions of Indian thought. It will be useful to deal
with some of the more important of these notions before the reader
is introduced to the notion of dharma as explained in the Bhiigavata-
purii~a. The Mimii'!lsii-siitra begins with an enquiry regarding the
nature of dharma, and defines it as that good which is determinable
only by the Vedic commands. 1 According to Sahara's and
Kumarila's interpretation, the good that is called dharma means
the Vedic sacrifices that lead to good results-the attainment of
Heaven and the like. The fact that the Vedic sacrifices may bring
about desirable results of various kinds can neither be perceived
by the senses nor inferred from other known data; it can be known
only from the testimony of the Vedic commands and directions.
Dharma, therefore, means both the good results attainable by the
Vedic sacrifices and the sacrifices themselves, and, as such, it
is determinable only by the Vedic injunctions. Desirable results
which are attained by rational and prudent actions are not dharma:
for by definition dharma means only those desirable results which
are attainable by operations which are performed strictly in ac-
cordance with Vedic injunctions. But in the Vedas are described
various kinds of sacrifices by the performance of which one may
take revenge on his enemies by destroying them or causing grievous
injuries of various kinds to them, but action causing injury to any
fellow-being is undesirable, and such action cannot be dharma.
1 athiito dlzarma-jijniisii. .\llmii'!lsii-siUra, 1. 1. 1.
codanii-lak~ano'rtho dharma!•- Ibid. 1. 1. 2.
XXIV) Dharma 3
Dharma in this sense has nothing to do with God, or with ordinary
or customary morality, or any kind of mystical or religious fervour
as we understand it now. It simply means Vedic rituals and the
good results that are supposed to follow from their performances;
it has but little religious or moral application; and such a dharma
can only be known through scriptural injunctions 1 . It contains
however just a little germ of the idea of non-injury, inasmuch as the
performance of rituals for injuring others is not included within its
content. Dharma also definitely rules out all kinds of emotion,
mystic feeling, and exercise of intellect or thought of any descrip-
tion, and merely presupposes a strict loyalty to external scriptural
commands; there is not the slightest trace here of any internal
spiritual law, or rational will, or loyalty to God's will. The scrip-
tural command however is categorically imperative in some cases,
whereas in others it is only conditionally imperative, i.e. conditioned
by one's desire for certain good things. Kumarila, in interpreting
this idea, says that any substance (dravya), action (kriya) or quality
(gu~) which may be utilized to produce happiness, by a particular
kind of manipulation of them in accordance with Vedic commands,
is called dharma 2 • Though these substances, qualities etc. may be
perceived by the senses yet the fact that their manipulation in a
particular ritualistic manner will produce happiness for the per-
1 ya eva ireyas-karab, sa eva dharma-sabdena ucyate; katham avagamyatiim;

yo hi yiigam anutifthati, taTJZ dhiirmika iti samiica~ate; yasca yasya kartii sa tena
vyapadiJyate; yathii piivakalz, liivaka iti. tena ya!z pu~aTJZ ni!zireyasena SaTJZyu-
nakti, sa dharma-sabdena ucyate ... ko'rthalz-yo nilzireyasiiya jyotiftomiidil;.
ko'narthalz-yalz pratyaviiyiiya!z. Sabara-bh{4ya on MimiiTJZsii-sutra, 1. 1. 2.
Prabhakara however gives a different interpretation of this rule, and suggests
that it means that every mandate of the Vedas is always binding, and is called
dharma even when by following it we may be led to actions which are injurious
to other people:
tatalz sarvasya vediirthasya ki>ryatvam arthatvaTJZ ca vidhryata iti syeniidi-
niyogiiniim api arthatvaTJZ syiit.
Siistra-drpikii, p. 17, Nirt).aya-sagara Press, Bombay, 1915.
Kumarila, further interpreting it, says that an action (performed according to the
Vedic commands) which produces happiness and does not immediately or
remotely produce unhappiness is calied dharma.
2 phalaTJZ tiivad adharmo'sya syeniidelz sampradhiiryate
yadii yene~ta-siddhil; syiid an~thiiniinubandhinf
tasya dharmatvam ucyeta tatalz syeniidi-varjanam
yadii tu codanii-gamya!z kiiryiikiiryiinapek~ayii
dharmalz pnti-nimittQTJZ syiit tadii syene'pi dharmatii
yadii tvaprui-hetur ya!z siik~iid vyavahito'pi vii
so'dharmas codaniitalz syiit tadii syene'py adharmatii.
Sloka-varttika, on sutra 2, sloka 27o-273.
4 The Blziigavata-purii~za [cH.
former can be known only by Vedic injunctions; and it is only with
regard to this knowledge that the dharma is dependent on the
Vedas 1 • Doing an injury to one's enemy may immediately give one
happiness, but by its nature it is bound to produce unhappiness in
the future, since it is prohibited by the Vedic injunctions. [But
injury to the life of animals in the performance of sacrifices does
not produce any sin, and must be regarded as being included
"·ithin dharma.]
On the other hand, there are actions performed with the motive
of injuring one's enemies, which are not commanded by the Vedas,
hut the methods of whose performance are described in the Vedas
only in the case of those who are actuated by such bad motives:
these actions alone are called adlzarma. Thus not all injury to life
is regarded as sinful, but only such as is prohibited by the Vedas:
whereas those injuries that are recommended by the Vedas are not
to be regarded as sin (adharma) but as virtue (dharma). By nature
there are certain powers abiding in certain substances, actions or
qualities which make them sinful or virtuous, but which are sinful
and which can only be known by the dictates of the scriptures 2 •
Dharma and adlzarma are thus objective characters of things,
actions, etc., the nature of which is only revealed by the scriptures.
It has already been noted above that Prabhakara gave an
entirely different meaning of dharma. With him dharma means
the transcendental product (apiirva) of the performance of
Yedic rituals which remains in existence long after the action is
completed and produces the proper good and bad effects at the
proper time 3 .
The smrti literature is supposed to have the Vedas as its sources,
and therefore it is to be regarded as authoritative; even when its
contents cannot be traced in the Vedas it is inferred that such Vedic
drm)'a-kriyii-gu~tiidlnii1!l dlzarmatz·m!L sthiipayiuate
te~iim aindriyakat?:e'pi na tiidnipye,_,a dlwrmatii
sreyafz-siidfw1lalii fly e,Wlf!l nit_l'm!l 'l'edcil pratlyate
tiidnipyeT_Ia ca dharnwtnl1!l tasman nendriya-gocara!t.
Sloka-nirttilw, szltra 2. 1 J, q ..
dluu-miidharnuirtlziblzir nil)'ll1!l mrgyau 'l'ldhi-ni~edlwlwu
knu·id llS)'ll ni,~iddftatnic c/wktifz siistre~za bodlzitci ...
'l·idym1ulnii hi kathyante ialltayo drm·ya-karma~ziim
tad e1·a cedm!l kurmeti Sii:;tram e?.•cinudlziinllti.
/hie/. 249, .Zj I.
~ llfl hi ;_, oti~!mntldi-_\'t~~as_\'ti{>i dlwrmat?·am asti. a{>url'liSJ'll dlwrmat?'ci-
l.hyu('aJ.:anull. .•. ;,Hlla-dt{>il.a,
. p ..lJ, Bombay, I1JI5.
XXIV) Dharma 5
texts must have existed 1 •
It is only when the smrtz IS directly
contradicted by the Vedas in any particul<;Ir injunction or statement
of fact that the former is to be regarded as invalid. The smrti works
are therefore generally regarded as a continuation of the Vedas,
though as a matter of fact the smrti works, written at different times
at a later age, introduce many new concepts and many new ideals;
in some of the smrtis, however, the teachings of the Purii:l)as and
Smrtis are regarded as possessing a lower status than those of the
Vedas 2 • On the relation of the Smrtis and the Vedas there are at
least two different views. The first view is that, if the Smrtis come
into conflict with the Vedas, then the smrti texts should be so in-
terpreted as to agree with the purport of the Vedic texts; and, if that
is not possible, then the smrti texts should be regarded as invalid.
Others hold that the conflicting smrti text should be regarded as
invalid. Mitra Misra, commenting on the above two views of the
Savara and Bhatta schools, says that, on the first view, it may be
suspected that the author of the conflicting smrti texts is not free
from errors, and as such even those non-conflicting smrti texts
which cannot be traced in the Vedas may be doubted as erroneous.
On the second view, however, smrt£ is regarded as valid, since no
one can guarantee that the non-conflicting texts which are not
traceable to the Vedas are really non-existent in the Vedas. Even
in the case of irreconcilably conflicting texts, the smrti directions,
though in conflict with the Vedic ones, may be regarded as
optionally valid 3 • The Vedic idea of dharma excludes from its
concept all that can be known to be beneficial, to the performer or
to others, through experience or observation; it restricts itself
wholly to those ritualistic actions, the good effects of which cannot
be known by experience, but can only be known through Vedic
commands 4 • Thus the digging of wells, etc., is directly known by
experience to be of public good (paropakiiriiya) and therefore is
not dharma. Thus nothing that is dntiirtha, i.e. no action, the
virodhe tvanapek~ya7!Z syiid asati hyanumiinam. Mzmii'!ZSii-rutra, I. 3· 3·
atafz sa paramo dharmo yo vediid avagamyate
a1-·ara!z sa tu vzj"iieyo ya!z purii~iid~ smrtafz
tathii ca vaidiko dharmo mukhya utkr~tatviit, smiirtafz anukalpa!z apakr~tatviit.
Vyiisa-smrti as quoted in Vzramitrodaya-paribh~iiprakiiia, p. 29.
See Vzramitrodaya, Vol. I, pp. 28, 29.
t tathii pratyupasthita-niyamiiniim iiciirii~ii'!Z dnfiirthatviid eva priimii~yam . ..
prapiis taf/.iigiini ca paropakiiriiya na dharmiiya ity evii'vagamyate.
Sabara-bhii~a on Mfmii'!ZSii-sutra, I. 3· 2.
6 The Bhiigavata-puriil}a [cH.
beneficial effects of which may be known through experience, can
be called dharma. The Angira/:z smrti echoes this idea when it says
that, excepting efforts for attaining self-knowledge, whatever one
does out of his own personal desire or wish is like child's play and
unnecessary 1 •
l\1any of the important Smrtis however seem to extend the limits
of the concept of dharma much further than the pure Vedic com-
mands. As Manu's work is based entirely on the purport of the
Vedas, he is regarded as the greatest of all smrti writers ; whatever
smrti is in conflict with Manu's writings IS invalid 2 • Manu defines
dharma as that which is always followed by the learned who are
devoid of attachment and antipathy, and that to which the heart
assents 3 • In another place Manu says that dharma is of four kinds;
the observance of the Vedic injunctions, of the injunctions of smrti,
the following of the customary practices of good people, and the
performance of such actions as may produce mental satisfaction
(iitmanas tustil:z) to the performer 4 • But the commentators are very
unwilling to admit any such extension of the content and meaning
of dharma. Thus Medhatithi (9th century), one of the oldest com-
mentators, remarks that dharma as following the Vedic injunctions
is beginningless; only the Vedic scholars can be said to know
dharma, and it is impossible that there should be other sources from
which the nature of dharma could be known. Other customs and
habits and disciplines of life which pass as religious practices are
introduced by ignorant persons of bad character (murkha-dui;Jila-
puru~a-pravarttital:z): they remain in fashion for a time and then
die out. Such religious practices are often adopted out of greed
( lobhiin mantra-tantriidi!u pravarttate) 5 • The wise and the good are

svii.bhiprii.ya-krtaTJZ karma yatkiTJZcij jiiiina-varjitam

krflj.ii.-karmeva bii.lii.nii.TJZ tat-sarvaTJZ n~-prayojanam.
Vlramitrodaya-paribhiiiii.Prakii.Ja, p. I I.
vedii.rthopanibandhrt·viit prii.dhii.nyaTJZ hi manob smrtam
manvartha-v:iparftii tu yii. smrtib sii. na prasa;yate.
Brhaspati quoted in Vframitrodaya, ibid. p. 27.
vidt'adbhib sevitab sadbhir nityam advefa-riigibhib
hrdayeniibhyanujniito yo dharmas taTJZ nibodhata.
Manu-sa'f!lhitii., 11. 1.
vedo' khilo dharma-mulaTJZ smrti-ifle ca tadvidii.m
ii.cii.ras caiva siidhunii.m ii.tmanas ttll#r eva ca. Ibid. II. 6.
6 1\lledhatithi says that such practices as those of besmearing the body with

ashes, carrying hwnan skulls, going about naked or wearing yell'>w robes, are
adopted by worthless people as a means of living. Ibid. II. I.
XXIV) Dharma 7
only those who know the injunctions of the Vedas, who carry them
into practice out of reverence for the law, and who are not led
astray into following non-Vedic practices out of greed or antipathy
to others. And, though a man might be tempted in his mind to
perform many actions for his sense-gratification, real contentment
of the heart can come only through the performance of Vedic
deeds 1 • Consistently with his own mode of interpretation
Medhatithi discards not only the Buddhists and the Jains as being
outside the true Vedic dharma, but also the followers of Paiicaratra
(i.e. the Bhagavatas) and the Pasupatas as well, who believed in the
authority of the authors of these systems and in the greatness of
particular gods of their own choice. He held that their teachings
are directly contrary to the mandates of the Vedas: and as an
illustration he points out that the Bhagavatas considered all kinds
of injury to living beings to be sinful, which directly contradicts the
Vedic injunction to sacrifice animals at particular sacrifices. Injury
to living beings is not in itself sinful: only such injury is sinful as is
prohibited by the Vedic injunctions. So the customs and practices
of all systems of religion which are not based on the teachings of the
Vedas are to be discarded as not conforming to dhanna. In in-
terpreting the phrase smrti-Sile ca tad-vidiim, Medhatithi says that
the word Sila (which is ordinarily translated as "character") is to
be taken here to mean that concentration which enables the mind
to remember the right purports of the Vedic injunctions 2 • By
customary duties (aciira) Medhatithi means only such duties as are
currently practised by those who strictly follow the Vedic duties,
but regarding which no Vedic or smrti texts are available. He
supposes that minor auspices and other rituals which are ordinarily
1 In interpreting the meaning of the word hrdaya (heart) in the phrase

hrdayena abhyanujnata Medh.atithi says that the word hrdaya may mean "mind"
(manas, antar-hrdaya-vartnni buddhyiidi-tattviini); on this supposition he would
hold that contentment of mind could only come through following the Vedic
courses of duties. But, dissatisfied apparently with this meaning, he thinks that
hrdaya might also mean the memorized content of the Vedas (hrdaya'!l veda/;, sa
hy adhito bhiivanii-riipetJll hrdaya-sthito hrdayam). This seems to mean that a
Vedic scholar is instinctively, as it were, led to actions which are virtuous,
because in choosing his course of conduct he is unconsciously guided by his
Vedic studies. A man may be prompted to action by his own inclination, by the
example of great men, or by the commands of the Vedas; but in whichever way
he may be so prompted, if his actions are to conform to dharma, they must
ultimately conform to Vedic courses of duties.
samiidhil;z Silam ucyate •.. yac cetaso'nya-vMaya-vyiilqepa-pariharetJll siistrii-
rtha-niriipar;a-pravattatii tac chilam ucyate. Medh.atithi's commentary, n. 6.
8 The Bhagavata-purtiiJa [cH.
performed by the people of the Vedic circle have also ultimately
originated from the Vedic injunctions. Similarly it is only the
feeling of self-contentment of those persons who are habituated to
work in accordance with the Vedas that can be regarded as indi-
cating the path of dharma. It simply means that the instinctive
inclination of the true adherents of the Vedas may be relied on
as indicating that those actions to which their minds are inclined
must be consistent with the Vedic injunctions, and must therefore
conform to dharma. Other commentators however take a more
liberal view of the meaning of the words sila, iitmanas t~ti and
hrdaye1}a abhyanujiiiita. Thus Govindaraja explains the last phrase
as meaning "absence of doubt" (antab-kara1_Za-cikitsii-sunya), and
Narayal).a goes so far as to say that, unless the heart approves of the
action, it cannot be right: Ramananda says that, when there is any
doubt regarding two conflicting texts, one should act in a way that
satisfies his own mind. The word sila has been interpreted as
"character" (vrtta or caritra) by Ramananda in his Manvartha-
candrikii and as dissociation of attachment and antipathy by
Govindaraja: Kulluka takes it according to Harita's definition of
sila as involving the qualities of non-injury to others, absence of
jealousy, mildness, friendliness, gratefulness, mercy, peace, etc.
Self-satisfaction can in practice discern the nature of dharma, but
only when there are no specified texts to determine it. Thus, though
the other later commentators are slightly more liberal than Med-
hatithi, they all seem to interpret the slight concession that l\!lanu
had seemed to make to right character and self-contentment or
conscience as constituent elements of dharma, more or less on
Medhatithi's line, as meaning nothing more than loyalty to
scriptural injunctions.
It has been pointed out that Medhatithi definitely ruled out the
Pafi.caratra and the Pasupata systems as heretical and therefore
invalid for inculcating the nature of dharma. But in later times
these too came to be regarded as Vedic schools and therefore their
instructions also were regarded as so authoritative that they could
not be challenged on rational grounds 1 •

1 Thus Yogi-yiijnavalkya says : Sii'!Zkhyt11J1 yoga/; pmica-riitra'f!Z vediifz

piiiupata'!Z tathii ati-pramii¢nyetiini hetubhir na virodhayet, quoted in Vlra-
mitrodaya, p. 20, but not found in the printed text, Bombay. This Yogi-yiijiia-
valkya is a work on yoga and the other a work on smrti, and it is the former text
XXIV) Dharma 9
It is however a relief to find that in some of the later Smrtis the
notion of dharma was extended to morality in general and to some
of the cardinal virtues. Thus Brhaspati counts kindness (day a,
meaning a feeling of duty to save a friend or foe from troubles),
patience (k~ama, meaning fortitude in all kinds of difficulty), the
qualities of appreciating others' virtues and absence of elation at
others' faults (anasuyii), purity (sauca, meaning avoidance of vices,
association with the good and strict adherence to one's caste duties),
avoidance of vigorous asceticism (sannyiisa), performance of
approved actions and avoidance of disapproved ones (mangala),
regular charity even from small resources (akiirpm:zya), contentment
with what little one may have and want of jealousy at others'
prosperity (asprhii), as constituting the universal dharma for all 1 .
Vi~I).U counts patience (k~ama), truthfulness for the good of all
beings (satya ), mind-control (dama ), purity (sauca as defined above),
making of gifts (dana), sense-control (indriya-sa1{lyama), non-
injury (ahi1{lsa), proper attendance to teachers (guru-Sufr;qa),
pilgrimage, kindness (dayii), straightforwardness (arjava), want of
covetousness, adoration of gods and Brahmins, as constituting
universal dharma. Devala considers purity (sauca), gifts (dana),
asceticism of the body (tapas), faith (sraddhii), attendance to
teachers (guru-sevii), patience (~ama), mercifulness in the sense of
pity for others' sufferings, showing friendliness as if these were
one's own (dayii), acquirement of knowledge, Vedic or non-Vedic
(vijfiana), mind-control and body-control (vinaya), truthfulness
(satya), as constituting the totality of all dharmas (dharma-
samuccaya). Yajiiavalkya speaks of ahi1{lsa, satya, asteya (avoid-
ance of stealing), sauca, indriya-nigraha (sense-control), dana,
dama, daya, and k~iinti as constituting universal dharma for all.
The Mahabharata counts truthfulness (satya), steadiness in one's
caste duties (tapas as sva-dharma-vartitva), purity (sauca), con-
that has been printed. The present writer has no knowledge whether the latter
text has been published anywhere.
Vinzudharmottara also -speaks of Paiicaratra and Pasupata as means of
enquiry into Brahman:
sii:trzkhya"l!l yogab pancariitra7Jl ·vediib piiiupata7Jl
tathii krtiinta-pancaka7Jl viddhi brahma~ab parimiirga'l)e. Ibid. p. 22.
But Mitra Misra on the same page distinguishes between Pasupata as a Vedic
iigama and as a non-Vedic iigama. Similarly there was a Vedic and non-Vedic
Paiicaratra too. Ibid. p. 23.
1 Ibid. pp. 32-4.
10 The Bhagavata-purii1Ja [cH.
tentment, meaning sex-restriction to one's own wife and also
cessation from sense-attractions (vi~aya-tyaga), shame at the com-
mission of evil deeds (hri), patience as capacity in bearing hardships
(~ama), evenness of mind (arjava), philosophic knowledge of
reality (jiiana), peace of mind (sama as citta-praJantata), desire to
do good to others (daya), meditation, meaning withdrawal of the
mind from all sense objects (dhyana as ni~aya), as universal
dharmas. Yajfiavalkya says that the highest of all dharmas is self-
knowledge through yoga.
These universal dharmas are to be distinguished from the special
dharmas of the different castes, of the different stages of life
(asrama), or under different conditions. We have thus three stages
in the development of the concept of dharma, i.e. dharma as the
duty of following the Vedic injunctions, dharma as moral virtues
of non-injury, truthfulness, self-control etc., dharma as self-
knowledge through yoga.
But the Bhtigavata presents a new aspect of the notion of dharma.
Dharma according to the Bhiigavata consists in the worship of God
without any ulterior motive-a worship performed with a perfect
sincerity of heart by men who are kindly disposed towards all, and
who have freed themselves from all feelings of jealousy. This
worship involves the knowledge of the absolute, as a natural conse-
quence of the realization of the worshipfulness of the spirit, and
naturally leads to supreme bliss 1 • The passage under discussion
does not directly refer to the worship of God as a characteristic of
the definition of dharma as interpreted by Sridhara 2• The dharma
consists of absolute sincerity-absolute cessation of the spirit from
all motives, pretensions and extraneous associations of every
description: and it is assumed that, when the spirit is freed from all
such extraneous impurities, the natural condition of the spirit is its
natural dharma. This dharma is therefore not a thing that is to be
attained or achieved as an external acquirement, but it is man's
own nature, which manifests itself as soon as the impurities are
removed. The fundamental condition of dharma is not therefore
something positive but negative, consisting of the dissociation
(projjhita) of extraneous elements (kitava). For, as soon as the
extraneous elements are wiped out, the spirit shows itself in its own
1Bhiigavata-purii'IJ(l, 1. 1. 2, interpreted according to Sridhara's exposition.
komalam fSvariiriidhana-lalqat_Zo dharmo nirupyate. Sridhara's comment on
the above passage.
XXIV] Brahman, Paramatman, Bhagavat, Parameivara I I

true nature, and then its relation to absolute truth and absolute
good is self-evident: the normal realization of this relationship is
what is called dharma or worship of God, or what Sndhara calls
the tender worshipfulness towards God. The primary qualifications
needed for a person to make a start towards a true realization of the
nature of dharma in himself are, that he should have no jealousy
towards others, and that he should have a natural feeling of friendli-
ness towards all beings. The implications of this concept of dhanna
in the Bhagavata, which breaks new ground in the history of the
development of the notion of dharma in Indian Philosophy, are
many, and an attempt will be made in the subsequent sections to
elucidate them. That this dissociation from all extraneous elements
ultimately means motiveless and natural flow of devotion to God
by which the spirit attains supreme contentment, and that it is
supreme dharma, is very definitely stated in 1. 2. 6: If anything
which does not produce devotion to God can be called dharma,
such a dharma is mere fruitless labour 1 . For the fruits of dharma
as defined by the Vedic injunctions may lead only to pleasurable
consequences which are transitory. The real dharma is that which
through devotion to God leads ultimately to self-knowledge, and
as such dharma cannot be identified with mere gain or fulfilment of
desires. Thus dharma as supreme devotion to God is superior to
the Vedic definition of dharma, which can produce only sense-
gratification of various kinds.

Brahman, Paramatman, Bhagavat and Paramesvara.

The opening verse of the Bhiigavata is an adoration of the
ultimate (param) truth (satya). The word para however is explained
by Sndhara as meaning God (paramesvara). The essential (sva-
rupa) definitive nature of God is said to be truth (satya). Truth is
used here in the sense of reality; and it is held that by virtue of this
supreme reality even the false creation appears as real, and that on
account of this abiding reality the entire world of appearance
attains its character of reality. Just as illusory appearances (e.g.
silver) appear as real through partaking of the real character of the
real object (e.g. the conch-shell) or the substratum of the illusion,
so in this world-appearance all appears as real on account of the
underlying reality of God. The fact that the world is produced from
1 Ibid. I. 2. 7·
12 The Bhagavata-pura1_la [cH.
God, is sustained in Him and is ultimately dissolved in Him, is but
an inessential description of an accidental phenomenon which does
not reveal the real nature of God.
God is called by different names, e.g. Brahman, Paramatman
and Bhagavat, but, by whatever name He may be called, His pure
essence consists of pure formless consciousness (arupasya cidiit-
manaM 1• He creates the world by His miiyii-power, consisting of
the three gw.zas. Underlying the varied creations of miiyii, He exists
as the one abiding principle of reality which bestows upon them
th£ir semblance of reality. The miiyii represents only His external
power, through which He creates the world with Himself as its
underlying substratum. But in His own true nature the miiyii is
subdued, and as such He is in His pure loneliness as pure conscious-
ness. Sridhara in his commentary points out that God has two
powers called vidyii-sakti and avidyii-sakti. By His vidyii-sakti God
controls His own miiyii-sakti in His own true nature as eternal
pure bliss, as omniscient and omnipotent. The jiva or the individual
soul can attain salvation only through right knowledge obtained
through devotion. On this point Sridhara tries to corroborate his
views by quotations from Vigmsvamin, who holds that Isvara a
being, intelligence, and bliss (saccid-ananda isvara) is pervaded with
blissful intelligence (hliidini samvit), and that the miiyii is under his
control and that his difference from individual souls consists in the
fact of their being under the control of miiyii. The individual sou]s
are wrapped up in their own ignorance and are therefore always
suffering from afflictions (klesa) 2 • God in His own nature as pure
consciousness transcends the limits of miiyii and prakrti and exists
in and for Himself in absolute loneliness; and it is this same God
that dispenses all the good and bad fruits of virtue and vice in
men under the influence of miiyii3 • That God in His own true
Bhiiga•vata-purii7Ja, I. 3· JO.
2Ibid. 1. 7· 6 (Sridhara's comment):
tad ukla1Jl vi§7Ju-sviiminii
hliidinyii sa1Jlvidiisli§!ab sac-cid-iinanda iivarab
sviividyii-Sa1JlV!lO jlvab sa1Jlkleia-nikariikarab
tathii sa lio )•ad-vase miiyii sa jzvo )'as tayiirditab, etc.
]iva quotes the same passage and locates it in Sarvajiia-sukti $a!-sandarbha,
P• 19Io
tvam iidyab purufab siik~iid iivarab prakrteb parab
miiyii'!l vyudasya cic-chakt)•ii kaivalye sthita iitmani
sa eva jiva-lokasya miiyii-mohita-cetaso
vidhatse svena vfrye7Ja ireyo dharmiidi-lakfa7Jam. Ibid. 1. 7· 23, 24.
xx1v] Brahman, Paramiitman, Bhagavat, Paramesvara 13
nature is pure consciousness and absolutely devoid of all duality
and all distinctions is emphasized again and again in numerous
passages in the Bhiigavata. In this He is ultimate and trans-
cendent from all: the individual souls also lie dormant, and in
this stage all the gu7Ja reals exist only in their potential forms; and
it is by His own power that He rouses the prakrti which is His miiyii
by which the individual souls are being always led int~ the ex-
perience of diverse names and forms. God in His own nature is
therefore to be regarded as absolutely formless pure consciousness;
by His power of consciousness (cic-chakti) He holds the individual
souls within Him and by His power of materiality He spreads out
the illusion of the material world and connects it with the former
for their diverse experiences 1 .
It is thus seen that God is admitted to have three distinct
powers, the inner power as forming His essence (antaraizga-
svarupa-sakti), the external power (bahiraizga-sakti) as miiyii and
the power by which the individual souls are manifested. This con-
ception however may seem to contradict the view already explained
that Brahman is 0ne undifferentiated congciousness. But the in-
terpreters reconcile the two views by the supposition that from the
ultimate point of view there is no distinction or difference between
"power" and "possessor of power" (sakti and saktimiin). There is
only one reality, which manifests itself both as power and possessor
of power2 • When this one ultimate reality is looked at as the
possessor of power, it is called God; when, however, emphasis is
laid on the power, it is called the great power which is mytho-
logically represented as Maha lak!?mi 3 • Thus the terms Brahman,
Bhagavat and Paramatman are used for the same identical reality
according as the emphasis is laid on the unity or differencelessness,
the possessor of power, or the transcendent person. The antar-aizga,
or the essential power, contains within it the threefold powers of
bliss (hliidini), being (sandhini) and consciousness (sartzvit), of which
the two latter are regarded as an elaboration or evolution or
anantiivyakta-rfi.pe?J.a yenedam akhila"f!l tatam
cid-acic-chakti-yuktiiya tasmai bhagavate nama!z.
Bhiigavata, VII. 3· 34·
2 atlza ekam eva svarfipa"f!l saktitvena saktimatt'l'ena ca viriijati.

$at-sandarbha, p. 188 (Syamalal Gosvami's edition).

3 yasya sakteb svarilpa-bhiltatVa"f!l nirilpitU'tJl tac-chaktimattva-pradhiin}'ena

viriijamiinam bhagU'l.!Ul-SU"f!ljfiiim iipnoti tac ca vyiikhyiitam; tad eva ca saktitva-

priidhiinyena virii.jamiina'tJz lakpni-sm.njiiiim iipnoti. Ibid.
The Bhiigavata-puriil_la [CH.
manifestation of the former (the hliidini power, or bliss). This
threefold power is also called cic-chakti or iitma-miiyii (essential
miiyii), and, as such, is to be distinguished from God's external
power of miiyii (bahiranga-miiyii), by which He creates the world.
His other power, by which He holds the individual souls (which
are but parts of Himself) within Himself and yet within the grasp
and influence of His external power of miiyii, is technically called
tatastha-sakti. The individual souls are thus to be regarded as the
parts of God as well as manifestations of one of His special powers
(tatastha-sakti). Though the individual souls are thus contained in
God as His power, they are in no way identical with Him, but are
held distinct from Him as being the manifestations of one of His
powers. The unity or oneness (advaya-tattva) consists in the facts
that the ultimate reality is self-sufficient, wholly independent, and
standing by itself; and that there is no other entity, whether similar
(e.g. the individual souls) or dissimilar to it (e.g. the matrix of the
world, the prakrti), which is like it ; for both the prakrti and the
jivas depend upon God for their existence, as they are but mani-
festations of His power. God exists alone with His powers, and
without Him the world and the souls would be impossible1 • The
nature of His reality consists in the fact that it is of the nature of
ultimate bliss (parama-sukha-rupatva), the ultimate object of all
desires (parama-pur~iirthatii) and eternal (nitya). It is this
ultimate eternal reality which has formed the content of all
Vedanta teachings. Thus the Bhiigavata-purii1}a points out that it
is this reality which is the cause of the production, maintenance and
destruction of all; it is this that continues the same in deep sleep,
dreams and in conscious life ; it is this that enlivens the body,
senses, life and mind, yet in itself it is without any cause. It is
neither born, nor grows, nor decays, nor dies, yet it presides over
all changes as the one constant factor-as pure consciousness; and
even in deep sleep, when all the senses have ceased to operate, its
own self-same experience continues to be just the same 2 •
Now this reality is called Brahman by some, Bhagavat by some
and Paramatman by others. When this reality, which is of the nature

advayatva7Jl ca asya s·vaya7J1-siddha-tiid!siitiid!sa-tattviintariibhiiviit rea-
iaktyeka-sahiiyatviit, paramiiSraya7J1 ta7J1 vinii tiisiim asiddhatviic ca.
Tattt•a-sandarbha, p. 37·
Bhiigavata-purii't}a, XI. 3· 35-39.
XXIV] Brahman, Paramiitman, Bhagavat, Paramesvara 15

of pure bliss, is experienced by sages as being identical with their

own selves, and when their minds are unable to grasp its nature as
possessing diverse powers, and when no distinction between itself
and its powers is realized, it is called Brahman. In such ex-
periences this reality is only grasped in a general featureless way in
its abstractness1 • But when this reality is realized by the devotees
in its true nature as being possessed of diverse powers in their
distinction from the former, He is called by the name Bhagavat.
In this it is the pure bliss which is the substance or the possessor,
and all the other powers are but its qualities. So, when the reality
is conceived in its fulness in all its proper relations, it is called
Bhagavat: whereas, when it is conceived without its specific rela-
tions and in its abstract character, it is called Brahman2 • So far as
this distinction between the concepts of Brahman and Bhagavat is
concerned it is all right. But in this system philosophy is super-
seded at this point by mythology. Mythologically K~Qa or the lord
Bhagavan is described in the Pura7Jas as occupying His throne in
the transcendent Heaven (Vaiku1Jtha) in His resplendent robes,
surrounded by His associates. This transcendent Heaven ( Vaiku1Jtha)
is non-spatial and non-temporal; it is the manifestation of the
essential powers (svarilpa-sakti) of God, and as such it is not
constituted of the gu1JllS which form the substance of our spatio-
temporal world. Since it is non-spatial and non-temporal, it is just
as true to say that God exists in V aiku1Jtha as to say that He Himself
is V aikU1Jtha. Those who believed in this school of religion were
so much obsessed with the importance of mythological stories and
representations that they regarded God Himself as having par-
ticular forms, dress, ornaments, associates etc. They failed to think
that these representations could be interpreted mythically, alle-
gorically or otherwise. They regarded all these intensely anthro-
pomorphic descriptions as being literally true. But such admissions
would involve the irrefutable criticism that a God with hands, feet,
1 tad ekam eva akhar.uJiinanda-rupa7Jl tattva7Jl . .. parama-ha7JlSiinii7Jl siidhana-

vasiit tiidiitmyam anupapamya7Jl satyiim api tadlya-svarupa-sakti-vaicitryii7Jl tad-

grahm:za-siimarthye cetasi yathii siimiinyato lak#ta7Jl tathaiva sphurad vii tad-vad
eva avivikta-sakti-saktimattiibhedatayii pratipiidyamiina7Jl vii brahmeti sabdyate.
$at-sandarbha, pp. 49-50.
eva7Jl ca iinanda-miitra7Jl vise~ya7Jl samastiifz saktaya!z viSqa~iini vis~to
bhagaviin ityiiyiitam. tathii caiva7Jl vaisi~tye priipte pur~iivirbhiivatvena akha~t/.a­
tattva-rupo'sau bhagaviin brahma tu sphutam apraka#ta-vtliJ#fyiikiiratvena
tasyaiva asamyag-iivirbhiivafz. Ibid. p. so.
16 The Bhagavata-purl11Ja [cH.
and drc 1 would be destructible. To avoid this criticism they held
that God's forms, abode, etc., were constituted of non-spatial and
non-temporal elements of His non-material essential power. But
forms involve spatial notions, and non-spatial forms would mean
non-spatial space. They had practically no reply to such criticism,
and the only way in which they sought to avoid it was by asserting
that the essential nature of God's powers were unthinkable
(acintya) by us, and that the nature of God's forms which were the
manifestations of this essential power could not therefore be
criticized by us on logical grounds, hut must be accepted as true on
the authoritative evidence of the Puriil.zas.
This notion of the supra-logical, incomprehensible or un-
thinkable (acintya) is freely used in this school to explain all
difficult situations in its creeds, dogmas, and doctrines. Acintya is
that which is to be unavoidably accepted for explaining facts, but
which cannot stand the scrutiny of logic (tarkiisaha'!l yaj-jiiiina'!l
kiiryiinyathiinupapatti-pramii1_lakam), and which can account for all
happenings that may be deemed incomprehensible or impossible
(durghata-ghatakatvam). How the formless Brahman may be
associated with the three powers by which it can stay unchanged in
itself and yet create the world by its external power of miiyii or
uphold the individual souls by its other power is a problem which
it is attempted to explain by this concept of incomprehensibility
(acintya)l. The miiyii which is the manifestation of the external
power of God is defined in the Bhiigavata as that which cannot
manifest itself except through the ultimate reality, and which yet
does not appear in it, i.e. miiyii is that which has no existence
without Brahman and which, nevertheless, has no existence in
Brahman 2 • This miiyii has two functions, viz. that with which it
blinds the individual souls, called jiva-miiyii, and the other by
which the world transformations take place, called the gu1_za-mii_vii.
Jiva Gosvami argues in his Sarva-sa1fZ'Viidini, which is a sort of
a running commentary on Tattva-sandm·bha, that the followers of
Saiikara consider ultimate reality to be pure consciousness, one and
1 In the Vip.zu-puriir:za these three powers are called parii, avidyii-karma-

sa'!ljnii and k~etrajniikhya. This part"i mc"iyil or the s'l:ari"ipa-sakti is also sometimes
called yoga-miiyii.
2 !le'rtha'!l yat pratl_\'eta 1W pratlyeta Clitmani
tad ·cidyt"id iitmmw mc"iyii1!l _vathiibluiso yatlui tama/:z.
Bhiigavata, 11. 9· 33·
xx1v] Brahman, Paramiitman, Bhagavat, Paramesvara 17
undifferentiated. There exists no other entity similar or djs;similar
to it, and it is this fact that constitutes its infinitude and its reality.
According to them such a reality cannot have any separate power
or even any power which may be regarded as its essence (svarupa-
bhuta-sakti). For, if such a power were different from reality, it
could not be its identical essence; and if it were not different from
reality, it could not be regarded as being its power. If such an
essential power, as distinct from reality, be admitted, such a power
must be of the same nature as reality (i.e. of the nature of pure
consciousness); and this would make it impossible to conceive of
this power as contributing God's diverse manifestations, His
transcendent forms, abode and the like, which are admitted to be
the principal creed of the Vai!?I).avas. But against the views of the
followers of Sankara it may be urged that even they have to admit
that the Brahman has some power by which the world-appearance
is manifested; if the world is wholly a creation of miiyii and
Brahman has nothing to do in it, there is no good in admitting its
existence, and the maya would be all in all. This power cannot be
different in nature from the reality that possesses it, and, since the
nescience or avidyii cannot exist without Brahman, it is an addi-
tional proof that the avidyii is also one of his powers. The power of
any entity always exists in it as its own self even when it is not
manifested. If it is argued that the Brahman is self-shining and
that it does not require any power, it may be replied that the
very reason by virtue of which it is self-shining may be regarded
as its power. In this way Jiva follows some of the fundamental
points in R.amanuja's argument in favour of the doctrine that
ultimate reality, the Brahman, is not formless and qualityless, but
a qualified being, having its powers and qualities. In attempting
to prove this view Jiva follows briefly the central argument of
Ramanuja. But Jiva introduces the notion that the relation of the
qualities and powers of ultimate reality is supra-logical, inexplain-
able on logical grounds, and that therefore in a mysterious manner
the powers are different from reality and yet one with it; so that in
spite of the manifestation of ultimate reality as concrete God with
human forms, dress etc., He is, at the same time, unchanged in His
own changeless existence as Brahman. The introduction of the
mystic formula of incomprehensibility seems to discharge the
Vai!?I).avas of this school from all responsibility oflogically explaining
18 The Bhiigavata-purii1Jil [cH.
their dogmas and creeds, and, thus uncontrolled, they descend
from the domain of reason to the domain of the puriit;tic faith of a
mythological character.
In describing the special excellences of God, Jiva follows
R.amanuja in holding that He has none of the evil qualities that
are found in the world, but possesses all the excellent characters
that we can conceive of. In the light of the concept of incompre-
hensibility (acintya) all these excellent characters are regarded as
somehow manifestations of His essential power and therefore
identical with Him. The introduction of the supra-logical concept
of acintya enables Jiva and other interpreters of the Bhiigavata of
his school to indulge in eclecticism more freely than could other-
wise have been possible; and thus it is that, though Jiva follows
R.amanuja in admitting ultimate reality to be qualified, he can in
the same breath assert that ultimate reality is formless and character-
less. Thus he says that, though the followers of R.amanuja do not
accept the view of Brahman as characterless, yet admission of
characters naturally presupposes the admission of the characterless
also 1 • The idea of introducing the concept of the supra-logical in
order to reconcile the different scriptural texts which describe
reality as characterless (nirvi.Se~a), qualified (viliJta) and many, can
be traced to the introduction of the concept of viSe~a in the philo-
sophy of Madhva, already described in a previous chapter, by
which Madhva tried to reconcile the concept of monism with that
of plurality. The Bengal school of Vai~I)avism, introduced by
Caitanya, is based principally on the Bhiigavata-purii1J.O., and of the
many writers of this school only two are prominent as authors of
philosophical treatises, Baladeva Vidyabhii~ai).a and Jiva Gosvami.
Of these Baladeva has again and again referred to the indebtedness
of this school to the philosophy of Madhva, and to the initiation of
Caitanya as an ascetic by a follower of the Madhva school of
Vai~I)avism. Though he was a junior contemporary of Jiva
Gosvami and a commentator of the latter's Tattva-sandarbha, yet
he often reverts to Madhva's doctrine of viJe~a in reconciling the
monistic position with the positions of qualified monism and
pluralism. Had he adhered to ]iva's concept of the supra-logical, the
yadyapi Jn-Ramiinujfyair nirvile1a'!l brahma na manyate tathiipi savi!eFa'l'
manyamanair viie1iitirikta7!1 mantavyam eva.
)Iva's Sarva-sa,.viidinf, p. 74 (Nityasvariipa Brahmacari's edition).
XXIV] Brahman, Paramiitman, Bhagavat, Paramefvara 19
concept of viSe~a would have been entirely unnecessary. Baladeva,
however, uses not only the concept of viSe~a, but also the concept
of the supra-logical (acintya), and he characterizes the concept of
viSe~a as being itself the concept of the supra-logical. Thus in his
Siddhiinta-ratna he says that the qualities of consciousness, bliss,
etc., do not differ Jrom the nature of Brahman, and yet Brahman
is consistently described as possessing these different qualities
because of the supra-logical functions of viSe~a (acintya-viSe~a­
mahimna). ·This assertion does not involve the doctrine that reality
is from a particular point of view different from its qualities and
from another point of view identical with them (na caiva'l!'
bhedabhedau syiitiim ), and the only solution of the difficulty is to
assume the doctrine of the supra-logical (tasmiid avicintyataiva
sara!UJm). In this connection Baladeva further says that the doctrine
of viSe~a must be accepted as something which even in the absence of
difference can explain the phenomena of difference1 • This concept of
'lJiSe~a, however, is to be applied only in reconciling the simultaneous
plurality and unity of ultimate reality. But so far as the relation be-
tween reality and individual souls is concerned, their difference is
well known, and therefore the application of the principle of viSe~a
would be unjustifiable. The principle of viSe~a is, however, applied
not only in reconciling the unity of Brahman with the plurality of
his qualities and powers, but also with his divine body, divine dress,
his divine abode and the like, so that though these appear to be
different from him they are at the same time identical with him2 •
Speaking on the same topic, }Iva holds that God Vi~Q.u's power
of consciousness (cic-chakti) is identical with His own essence.
When this essence is on the way to produce effects, it is called
power (sva-rupam eva karyyonmukha'!' sakti-sabdena uktam ). Now
this special state of reality cannot be regarded as different from it,
and can have no separate existence from it, since it can never be
regarded (cintayituT{l aJakyatvad) as different from the essence of
reality; since moreover difference itself cannot be regarded as being
in any way different, the difference between the power and its
possessor is unthinkable, incomprehensible and supra-logical. This
view is not that of Ramanuja and his followers, who regard the
Siddhiinta-ratna, pp. 17-22 (Benares, 1924).
:! tathii ca f.Jigrahadel) sva-rupiinatireke'pi vile1iid eva bheda-vyavahiiral).
Ibid. p. 26.
20 The Bhagavata-purii1Ja [cH.
power as different from its possessor; yet, since they also believe
that God's powers are essentially contained in Him, there is a good
deal of similarity between the Ramanuja school and the Bengal
school of Vai!?Qavism1 . Arguing against the followers of Sankara,
}iva says that even in the Upani!?ad passage on pure consciousness,
bliss, the Brahman (vijiiiinam iinanda'f!l Brahma), the consciousness
and the bliss cannot be identical, for then the two words would be
mere repetition; they cannot be different, for then Brahman would
have two conflicting qualities within himself. If the two words
vijiiiina and iinanda mean the negation of ignorance and of sorrow,
then these two negations, being two different entities, are co-
existent in Brahman. If the two negations mean one entity, how
can one entity be the negation of two different things? If it is said
that only agreeable consciousness is called bliss, then again the
quality of agreeableness stands out as a separate quality. Even if
these words stood merely as negations of ignorance or sorrow, then
these also would be specific characters; if it is urged that these are
not specific characters, but represent only special potencies
(yogyatii) by virtue of which ignorance and sorrow are negated,
then nonetheless those special potencies would be special characters.
Thus the theory that ultimate reality is characterless is false. The
characters of Brahman are identically the same as his powers,
and these are all identical with his own self.
On the subject of the nature of self, }iva says that individual
selves are not pure consciousness, but entities which are charac-
terized by self-consciousness as "ego" or "1." Individual souls
are on no account to be regarded as being identical with God or
Paramatman, and each individual self is different from every other2•
These individual souls are of atomic size and therefore partless.
The atomic self resides in the heart, whence it pervades the whole
body by its quality of consciousness, just as sandal paste pervades
the whole neighbourhood by its sweet smell. Just so, individual
selves are atomic, but they pervade the bodies in which they are
located by their power of consciousness. Consciousness is called a
quality of the self because it is always dependent on that and serves
its purpose (nitya-tad-iilrayatva-tac-che~atva-nibandhanal.z)3 • Again,
Sarna-sa7Jlviidinl, pp. 29, JO.
tasmiit prati-k~etra7Jl bhinna eva jlv~. Ibid. p. 87.
Ibid. p. 94·
xx1v] Brahman, Paramiitman, Bhagavat, Paramesvara 21
consciousness, being thus dependent on the self, expands and
contracts in order to pervade the different bodies in which it may
be operating at the time. Being thus different from God, individual
selves, even in emancipation, remain separate and distinct. They
are thus produced from the highest self (Paramatman or God), and
they are always under His absolute control and pervaded by Him.
It is on this account that God is called Paramatman as distinguished
from individual souls (iitman). They are like rays emanating from
Him and are therefore always entirely dependent on Him and
cannot exist without Him 1 • They are also regarded as God's
disengaged power (tatastha-sakti), because, though they are God's
power, yet they are in a way disengaged and separately situated
from Him, and therefore they are under the delusion of God's other
power, miiyii, which has no influence on God Himself; and there-
fore, though individual selves are suffering under the blinding
operation of ignorance (avidyii), the highest self (paramatman) is
absolutely untouched by them. As individual souls are the powers
of God, they are sometimes spoken of as identical with Him and
sometimes as different from Him. Of these individual selves some
are always naturally devoted to God, and others are dominated by
ignorance and are turned away from Him; it is the latter that are
the denizens of this world and suffer rebirth.
Miiyii, the external power (bahiraliga-sakti) has two functions,
creative (nimitta) and passive (upiidiina); of these, time (kala),
destiny (daiva), and actions (karma) represent the former, and the
three gu1Jas the latter. Individual selves contain within them as
integral parts elements of both these functions of miiyii. The
creative function of miiyii has again two modes, which operate
either for the bondage or for the liberation of man. This creative
miiyii also typifies the cosmic knowledge of God, His will and His
creative operation3 • Knowledge of God is also regarded as twofold
-that which is His own self-knowledge and which forms a part of
His essential power (svarupa-sakti), and that which is turned

1 tadiya-rafmi-sthiiniyatve'pi nitya-tad-iiirayitviit, tadvyatireke1}a vyatirekiit.

$af-sandarbha, p. 233·
2 tad eva1[Z saktitve'pi anyatvam asya tafasthatviit, tafasthatva'!l ca miiyii-

sakty-atitatviit, asya avidyii-pariibhaviidi-ruper.za do~e1}a paramiitmano lopti-

bhiiviic ca. Ibid. p. 234·
3 nimittii,Ua-rupayii miiyiikhyayaiva prasiddhii saktis tridhii drsyate jiiii.ne-

cchii-kriyii-rupatvena. Ibid. p. 244.

22 The Bhagavata-pura7Ja [cH.
towards cosmical operation for the good of the individual selves.
It is this cosmic knowledge of God that falls within the creative
function of His power of miiyii. This cosmic knowledge is again
twofold-that which abides in God as His omniscience, His desire
of creation, and his effort of creation (otherwise called time (kiila));
and that which He passes over to individual selves as their desire
for enjoyment or liberation from their works (kanna), etc.; these in
their turn are regarded as their ignorance (avidyii) and wisdom
(vidyii) 1 • Miiyii according to this view does not mean ignorance,
but power of manifold creation (miyate vicitra'!l ninniyata anayii
iti vicitriirtha-kara-sakti-vacitvam eva), and therefore the world is
to be regarded as a transformation of Paramatman (paramiitma-
pari7Jiima eva) 2 • By the supra-logical power of God, He remains
unchanged in Himself and is yet transformed into the manifold
creations of the world. According to Jiva, pari1}iima does not mean
the transformation of reality (na tattvasya pari1Jiima), but a real
transformation (tattvato pari7Jiimab)3 • The manifestation of God in
Himself in His own essential power (svarupa-sakti) remains how-
ever always untouched by His transformations through His supra-
logical miiyii power unto the world. This does not mean that God
has two distinct forms, but merely that what appears contradictory
to our ordinary reason may yet be a transcendental fact; and in the
transcendental order of things there is no contradiction in supposing
God as unchanged and as at the same time changeable by the
operation of His two distinct powers. Miiyii in this system is not
something unreal or illusory, but represents the creative power of
God, including His omniscience and omnipotence, the entire
material substance of the world in the form of the collocation and
combination of the gu1}as, and also the totality of human experience
for good and for evil in all its diverse individual centres of ex-
pression. But in spite of all these transformations and manifesta-
tions of Himself through His supra-logical power of miiyii, He
remains entirely complete and unrhanged in the manifestations of
His supra-logical essential power. On the one side we have God
as the creator and upholder of the universe, and on the other we
have the G1Jd of religion, the object of the mystic raptures of His
1 2
$at-sandarbha, P- 244. Ibid. p. 247.
tattvato'nyathii-bhiival) parir;tiima ityeva la~WJa7JI na tu tattvasya.
Sarva-sa7]1viidini, p. 121.
XXIV] Brahman, Paramiitman, Bhagavat, Paramesvara 23
devotees. The world is produced by the miiyii power of God and is
therefore not identical with Him. The gross and the impure selves
BJld the world, all that is conscious and unconscious, the cause and
the subtle pure element of the self-none of them are different from
God, because the subtler ones are of the nature of His power, and
the grosser ones are the modification or effects of His power; and
though the world is one with Him, yet the defects and impurities
of the world do not affect Him in the least, for in spite of these
transformations He is untouched by them; such is the supra-logical
character of His power1 •
}iva then proceeds to show that the ultimate substance of the
gross physical world, of the five elements and their modifications,
is none other than the highest self, Paramatman or God. There is
nothing in gross physical objects which can explain their appearance
of unity as concrete wholes. For these wholes cannot be wholes in
the same sense as forests made up of trees; these latter, indeed,
cannot properly be called wholes, for, if one pulls a tree, the fqrest is
not pulled; whereas in the case of a concrete object, when one pulls
at one end, the object itsdf is pulled. If it is argued that there is a
whole distinct from the parts, then its relation to the latter would
be incomprehensible, for it is never experienced as entirely different
from the parts; if the whole is supposed to be connected with each
of the parts, then even a finger may be felt as a whole body; if it is
supposed that a whole exists in parts only, in parts, then the same
difficulty will again arise, and there will be a vicious infinite. So no
concrete whole as distinct from the parts can be admitted to exist,
and for the same reason the separate concrete existence of the
elements may be denied. If the existence of wholes is denied in
this way, then the existence of parts must also be denied; for, if
there are no wholes, then there cannot be any parts, since it is only
the wholes that are directly experienced, and parts are only ad-
mitted to account for the experience of the wholes. So the only
assumption that remains is that God is the ultimate substance.
}iva refers to the Bhiigavata-purii1Jtl, 111. 6. 1-3, which seems to hold
that the discrete elements of God's own powers form the twenty-
three Saqlkhya categories, which are combined and united into
wholes through the element of time, which is but another name for
His transcendent effort. The curious doctrine here put forth is
Ibid. p. 251.
The Bhagavata-pura7Ja [cH.
rather very new in the history of Indian philosophy, though it is
unfortunate that it has not been further developed here. It seems
to maintain that the discrete elements of the substantial part
(upiidiinii'!lsa) of miiyii derive their appearance of reality from God,
and that through God's elan or activity as time these elements are
held together and produce the notion of wholes, since there is no
other whole than God. How time is responsible for the combina-
tion of atoms into molecules and of molecules into wholes is not

Kapila's philosophy in the Bhagavata-pural)a.

The Bhiigavata-puriil}a gives an account of Saqllihya which is
somewhat different from the account that can be got from the
classical Sarpkhya works. There is one beginningless qualityless
puru~a, which shines forth as all the individual souls, self-shining,
which transcends the sphere of the prakrti1 • It is this puru~a that
playfully (lilayii) accepts the prakrti that approaches it of its own
accord; it is this puru~a that is probably regarded as Isvara or God 2 •
He however, having perceived the prakrti as producing diverse kinds
of creation out of its own stuff, was Himself blinded (vimul)ha) by
the veiling power of ignorance (jiiiina-gilhaya) of this prakrti3 •
By a false imposition the puru~a conceives itself to be the agent in
the changes that take place by the natural movement of the gu!zas
of prakrti; and hence it exposes itself to births and rebirths and
becomes bound by the laws of karma. In reality the prakrti itself
is the cause and agent of all its own self-abiding effects, and puru~a
is only the passive enjoyer of all pleasures and pains. In describing
the evolution of the categories we have the five gross elements or
malziibhiitas, the five tanmiitras, the ten senses and the microcosm
(antaratmaka)-consisting of manas, buddlzi, aha'f!lkiira and citta.
aniidir iitmii pur~o nirgu1}a~z prakrteb paral:z
pratyag-dhiimii svaya1Jl-jyotir ·viSva1Jl yena samanvitam.
Bhiigm:ata-purii1Ja, 111. 26. J.
2 ayam iivara ity ucyate. Subodhini commentary on ibid.

3 Subodhini points out here that in this state, in which the puru~a blinds him-
self, he is called jiva. Vijaya-dhvaji, however, takes it in the sense that the
transcendent puru~a or isvara which had accepted the prakrti as its own thus
blinds the individual souls through it. Sridhara says that there are two kinds of
puru~a. isvara and ji·ca; and, further, that according to its blinding power
(ii·cara7Ja-sakti) and creative power (vik~epa-sakti) prakrti is twofold; and that
puru~a also is twofold, according as it behaves as individual souls or as God.
XXIV] Kapila's philosophy in the Bhiigavata-purti1}a 25
In addition to these there is the twenty-fifth category, called time
(kala), which some regard as a separate category, not as an evolute
of prakrti, but ~ the transcendental effort of puru~a (used in the
sense of God) 1 . It is said that God manifests Himself in man
internally, as his inner self, as the controller of all his experiences,
and externally, as time in the manifold objects of experience. Thus
there are twenty-five categories if time, individual soul, and God
are taken as one; if time is taken separately and God and puru~a are
taken as one, there are twenty -six categories; and if all the three are
taken separately, there are twenty-seven categories 2• It is the puru~a
which is to be taken as being under the influence of pra/qti and as
free of it in its transcendent capacity as God (in an implicit manner).
It is by the influence of time (kala) that the equilibrium of the
gu!las in the pra/qti is disturbed and that their natural transforma-
tions take place; and through the direction of laws of kanna
superintended by God the category of mahat is evolved 2 • It is
curious that, though malzat is mentioned as a stage of pra/qti, it is
only regarded as a creative state (vrtti) or prakrti, and not as a
separate category. In another passage in the Blziigavata it is said
that in the beginning God was alone in Himself with His own
dormant powers, and not finding anything through which He could
reflect Himself and realize Himself, He disturbed the equilibrium
of His miiyii power through the functioning of time and through
His own self(puru~a), impregnating it with consciousness; and thus
the process of creation started through the transformations of the
prakrti3 • In another passage the question is raised how, if God is
free in Himself, can He put Himself in bondage to miiyii; and
the reply given is that in reality there is no bondage of God, but,
just as in dreams a man may perceive his own head to be stn1ck off
his body, or may perceive his own reflection shaking in water on
account of its ripples, so it is but the reflection of God that appears
as individual souls suffering bondage to world-experience~. It
follows therefore, according to this view, that individual souls are
illusory creations, and that both they and their world-experience
must consequently be false 4 • In another passage which immediately

1 prabhava7Jl pau~a7Jl prii.hu!J kii.lam eke yato' bhayam. Ibid. III. 26. 16.
2 Prakrti is not included in this enumeration; if it were, there would be
twenty-eight categories.
Ibid. II. 5· 22, 2J. 4 Ibid. Ill. 5· 22-27.
The Bhagavata-purti7Ja [cH.
follows the previous one it is definitely stated that the world only
appears in consciousness, but that in reality it does not exist1 • It is
clear that these passages of the Bhiigavata distinctly contradict the
interpretation of its philosophy given by }iva in the previous section,
as they deny the reality of individual soul~ and the reality of world-
appearance. 2 But this is just what we may expect if we remember
that the Bhiigavata is a collection of accretions from different hands
at different times and not a systematic whole. If the Sarpkhya
theory described in II. 5, III. 5, III. 7 and III. 26 be interpreted
consistently, then the result is that there are two fundamental
categories, God and His own maya, the prakrti; that God, in His
desire to realize Himself, reflects Hims~lf in the prakrti, which is
but His own power, and it is through this impregnation of Himself
in His own power that He appears as individual souls suffering the
bondage of prakrti; it is again through this impregnation of Himself
that prakrti is enlivened by consciousness; and then, through His
creative effort, which is designated as time, the equilibrium of
the gu1_Zas of prakrti is disturbed, the transformatory movement is
set up in the prakrti, and the categories are evolved.
In a passage in the fifth chapter (v. 12. 6--()) the existence of
wholes is definitely described as illusory. There are no entities but
the partless atoms, and even these atoms are imaginary construc-
tions without which it would not be possible to conceive of wholes.
All our conceptions of the external world start with atoms, and all
that we see or feel gradually grows through a series of accretions.
This growth in accretion is not a real growth, but is only an
application of the time-sense. Time is theref

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