Optional Rules: - Deployment & Formations

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Over the previous editions of Blitzkrieg Commander, many optional rules have been developed either within the rules
themselves or as house rules by various players and clubs. These rules are optional and all players participating in games
where they apply must agree to their use in advance of starting the game. They can be played to represent specific scenarios
or campaigns, or to add additional detail to a game.

In a game where one side is defending and both players are in agreement, the defending player can opt to use Hidden
Deployment. This means that all the defending units are not deployed on table, but their dispositions are marked on a
map that is not revealed to the attacker. These troops can be deployed up to halfway across the table and are only revealed
to the enemy if:
- they open fire or move,
- an enemy unit comes with 5cm of their position
- they are exposed by an enemy Recce unit using a Pathfinder action.

Other units such as off-table assets or troops in Reserve or Ambush are handled in the normal manner under the rules.
Cavalry units cannot be deployed in field defences but can be kept in Reserve or placed in Ambush.

To benefit from Hidden Deployment the defending player must buy field-defences for all units that are not in Reserve or
Ambush. Units of Infantry, Infantry Support or Cavalry can be hidden in BUAs or Woods without the requirement to be
in field defences, but all other units are considered to be dug-in and hidden in their field defences.

If a defending unit moves, they become exposed and must immediately be placed on-table, even if they are hidden from
view from the enemy by terrain features. If you have field defence markers, leave these in situ once a defending unit has
vacated them. They can be reoccupied by either friendly or enemy units. However, units newly occupying field defences
remain visible to the enemy.

Any Scenario restrictions on the amount of points that can be spent on field defences still applies and if there are inadequate
field defences available to allow all defending units to occupy them, any troops not in field defences, Ambush, Reserve or
hidden in BUAs or Woods must be deployed on table using static deployment.

For simplicity and to avoid the need for a neutral umpire, if enemy artillery barrages fall on terrain where the defending
units are hidden, no casualties are diced for or inflicted. If, however, you have an umpire available then casualties are
calculated in the usual manner, but this is all done off-table against the written hidden deployment map. No units are
revealed to the attacker regardless of any casualties or suppressions they receive. However, any vehicles destroyed must
be placed on-table with a damage marker (burning smoke) against them. Infantry or Infantry support or Cavalry units
destroyed are removed from play but not revealed.

Hidden Deployment is ideal for a game where a smaller force is defending and needs to inflict as many casualties as
possible upon the attacker, before falling back on a new defensive position.

Blitzkrieg Commander is produced by Pendraken Miniatures © 2019

Optional Rules - Deployment & Formations v1.0
Players must organize their units into Fixed Formations before the start of the game, except when using Guerrilla Tactical
Doctrine (BKC-IV - Page 74), in which case this optional rule cannot be used. Fixed formations are composed of one
command unit (either the CO or an HQ) and any number of other units. Sniper Teams, Recce, FAOs and FACs act
independently in the game, so are not assigned to a formation, nor may they have any units assigned to them to command.

Fixed formations may only be issued orders by their own command unit. However, the units within the formation do
not have to be issued orders as an entire group - each unit or group of units within the formation, can be issued orders

The CO may attempt to issue an order to a unit within his own formation to re-assign it to another formation for the
remainder of the battle. To achieve this, the CO makes a command roll as normal, but rather than -1 per 20cm between
the CO and the unit, instead deduct -1 per 20cm between the CO and the HQ of the formation you wish to attach the unit
to. In addition, deduct -1CV for each section of dense terrain, or and each enemy unit, directly along the line-of-sight
between the CO and the HQ.

If the command roll is successful, move the unit (immediately and regardless of its movement rate) to within 20cm of the
HQ. The unit cannot then be issued any further orders that turn by the CO. The re-assigned unit can be subject to enemy
Opportunity Fire as it moves to within 20cm of its new command unit. If it is Suppressed by enemy Opportunity Fire, it
stops its redeployment move at that point and must be ordered to move next turn by the HQ it is being deployed to.

Italian M13/40 medium tanks in Africa, Apr-May 1941

Source: Moosmüller, Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-783-0104-38

Blitzkrieg Commander is produced by Pendraken Miniatures © 2019

Optional Rules - Deployment & Formations v1.0

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