Smartplant P&Id Drawing Manager: User'S Guide

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SmartPlant P&ID Drawing

User's Guide

Version 2014 R1 (7.1)

March 2015

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2 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

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SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 3

4 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide
SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager ........................................................................................................... 9
Additional Documentation ....................................................................................................................... 9
Help Command (Help Menu) ............................................................................................................ 9
Printable Guides Command (Help Menu) ...................................................................................... 10
About Command (Help Menu) ........................................................................................................ 10

Navigating in Drawing Manager ............................................................................................................... 11

Understanding the Drawing Icons ......................................................................................................... 12
Open Database Command (File Menu) ................................................................................................ 13
Open Plant Structure Dialog Box ................................................................................................... 13
Connect to a Database ................................................................................................................... 14
Customize Current View Command (View Menu) ................................................................................ 14
Customize Current View Dialog Box .............................................................................................. 14
Customize the List View ................................................................................................................. 15
Include Subnodes Command (View Menu) .......................................................................................... 15
Display Subnodes in the List View ................................................................................................. 16
Select All Command (Edit Menu) .......................................................................................................... 16
Filter Command (View Menu) ............................................................................................................... 16
Filter Dialog Box ............................................................................................................................. 16
Filter the List View .......................................................................................................................... 17
Clear Filter Command (View Menu)...................................................................................................... 18
Properties Command (Edit Menu) ........................................................................................................ 18
Modify Drawing Properties ............................................................................................................. 18
Properties Dialog Box ..................................................................................................................... 19
Exit Command (File Menu) ................................................................................................................... 19

Working with Drawings ............................................................................................................................. 21

Finish Load Plant Structure Processing Command (Tools Menu) ........................................................ 22
Create a New Drawing .......................................................................................................................... 22
New Drawing Command (File Menu) .................................................................................................... 23
New Drawing Dialog Box ...................................................................................................................... 23
Open a Drawing .................................................................................................................................... 24
Open Drawing Command (File Menu) .................................................................................................. 25
View a Drawing in Drawing Manager ............................................................................................. 25
Out-of-Date Drawings Command (File Menu) ...................................................................................... 25
Out-of-Date Drawing Criteria Command (Tools Menu) .................................................................. 26
Out-of-Date Drawing Criteria Dialog Box ....................................................................................... 26
Update Command ................................................................................................................................. 27
Resolve Command ............................................................................................................................... 29
Report Command .................................................................................................................................. 29
Schedule Update Command ................................................................................................................. 30
Importing Drawings ............................................................................................................................... 30
Import Drawings Command (File Menu) ........................................................................................ 31
Import Drawings Wizard - Welcome ............................................................................................... 31
Import Drawings Wizard - Select Source Plant .............................................................................. 31
Open Plant Structure Dialog Box ................................................................................................... 31

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 5


Import Drawings Wizard - Select Drawings .................................................................................... 32

Import Drawings Wizard - Complete Import Map ........................................................................... 33
Map Source and Target Symbols ................................................................................................... 36
Import Drawings Wizard - Options ................................................................................................. 38
Import Drawings Wizard - Summary .............................................................................................. 53
Global Validation Command (File Menu) .............................................................................................. 53
Global Validation Dialog Box .......................................................................................................... 53
Copy Command (Edit Menu) ................................................................................................................ 54
Copy a Drawing .............................................................................................................................. 54
Move a Drawing .............................................................................................................................. 55
Paste Command (Edit Menu) ................................................................................................................ 55
Transformation Programs Dialog Box ............................................................................................ 56
Paste a Drawing ............................................................................................................................. 57
Delete Command (Edit Menu) .............................................................................................................. 58
Deleting Drawings Dialog Box ........................................................................................................ 59
Delete a Drawing ............................................................................................................................ 59
Unlock Plant After Group Rename Command (Tools Menu) ............................................................... 60

Working with Projects ............................................................................................................................... 61

Working with Off-Site Projects .............................................................................................................. 62
Working with Drawings within a Project ................................................................................................ 62
Reviewing the Project Status ......................................................................................................... 63
Fetching a Drawing to an Active Project ........................................................................................ 65
Checking a Drawing Out to an Active Project ................................................................................ 69
Editing Drawing Items Within a Project .......................................................................................... 74
Returning a Drawing to the Plant Using Check In .......................................................................... 75
Reviewing the Drawing Status ....................................................................................................... 81
Sample Project Workflows .................................................................................................................... 82
Undo a Checkout ............................................................................................................................ 84
Refresh: Modify a Drawing Concurrently in Two Projects .............................................................. 86
Fetch a Deleted Drawing ................................................................................................................ 89
Check in Multiple Representations ................................................................................................. 92
Fetch Older Drawing Versions and OPCs ...................................................................................... 95

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions ..................................................................................... 99

Using Drawing Versions ........................................................................................................................ 99
Creating a New Version of a Drawing ................................................................................................... 99
New Version Command (Revisions Menu) .................................................................................. 100
Incremental New Versions Command (Revisions Menu) ............................................................. 101
Version History Command (Revisions Menu) .............................................................................. 102
Recovering Drawings .......................................................................................................................... 105
Recover a Version of a Drawing ................................................................................................... 107
Fetch Deleted Drawing Command (Revisions Menu) .................................................................. 107
Comparing Drawing Versions ............................................................................................................. 110
Compare Drawing Versions ......................................................................................................... 111
Compare Drawing Versions for As-Built and Projects .................................................................. 117
Print Dialog Box ............................................................................................................................ 119
Revising Drawings .............................................................................................................................. 120
Revise Drawings Using SmartPlant P&ID Revisions ................................................................... 121
Revise Drawings Using SmartPlant Foundation Revisions .......................................................... 122
New Revision Command (Revisions Menu) ................................................................................. 125
Revision Properties Command (Revisions Menu) ....................................................................... 127

6 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


Revision History Command (Revisions Menu) ............................................................................. 128

Saving Drawings ...................................................................................................................................... 131

Save Drawings in Other Formats ........................................................................................................ 131
Enable Save As XML .......................................................................................................................... 135
Configuration File Settings for AutoCAD Translation.......................................................................... 136
Configuration File Settings for MicroStation Translation .................................................................... 145
Save As Command (File Menu) .......................................................................................................... 153
Save As Dialog Box ............................................................................................................................ 153
Save As Dialog Box (Multiple Drawings Selected) ............................................................................. 154
PDF Settings Dialog Box .................................................................................................................... 155

Printing Multiple Drawings ..................................................................................................................... 157

Print Command (File Menu) ................................................................................................................ 157
Print Dialog Box .................................................................................................................................. 158
Apply Display Set Dialog Box ............................................................................................................. 160
Print Preview Dialog Box .................................................................................................................... 162
Settings Dialog Box ............................................................................................................................. 163
Print Status Dialog Box ....................................................................................................................... 164
Print Multiple Drawings ....................................................................................................................... 164

Using Workshare ..................................................................................................................................... 167

Using Workshare in an Integrated Environment ................................................................................. 168
Workshare Common Tasks ................................................................................................................ 169
Using Workshare with Projects ........................................................................................................... 171
Projects vs. Workshare................................................................................................................. 172
Sample Workflows .............................................................................................................................. 173
Scenario 1: Compare.................................................................................................................... 173
Scenario 2: Loops ......................................................................................................................... 176
Scenario 3: OPCs ......................................................................................................................... 179
Publishing and Assigning Ownership ................................................................................................. 182
Publish Command (Workshare Menu) ......................................................................................... 182
Extract Published Drawings Command (Workshare Menu) ......................................................... 184
Subscribe Access Command (Workshare Menu) ........................................................................ 186
Assign Ownership Command (Workshare Menu) ........................................................................ 188
Getting Latest Versions of Drawings................................................................................................... 190
Get Latest Version from Remote Command (Workshare Menu) ................................................. 190
Get Latest Version from Local Command (Workshare Menu) ..................................................... 192
Synchronizing Reference Data ........................................................................................................... 196
Synchronize Reference Data Command (Workshare Menu) ....................................................... 197
Synchronize Reference Data from Host ....................................................................................... 198
Synchronize Reference Data from Copy Command (Workshare Menu) ..................................... 199
Synchronizing Shared Items ............................................................................................................... 203
Synchronize Shared Items Command (Workshare Menu) ........................................................... 203
Scheduling Workshare Tasks ............................................................................................................. 205
Schedule Task Wizard.................................................................................................................. 205
Schedule Publish Command (Workshare Menu) ......................................................................... 206
Schedule Get Latest Version from Remote Command (Workshare Menu) ................................. 206
Schedule Synchronize Reference Data Command (Workshare Menu) ....................................... 206
Schedule Synchronize Shared Items Command (Workshare Menu) .......................................... 206

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 7


Working with SmartPlant Integration .................................................................................................... 207

Tool Requirements for Integrating SmartPlant P&ID .......................................................................... 208
General Integration Requirements ............................................................................................... 208
Working with SmartPlant Instrumentation .................................................................................... 209
Working with Smart 3D ................................................................................................................. 210
Working with Aspen Basic Engineering........................................................................................ 211
Using Workshare in an Integrated Environment .......................................................................... 211
Using the Catalog Index in SmartPlant P&ID and SmartPlant Integration ................................... 212
Upgrade Schema Command (SmartPlant Menu) ............................................................................... 212
Registering Tools ................................................................................................................................ 213
Accessing the SmartPlant Foundation Web Client ............................................................................. 213
Access the SmartPlant Foundation Web Client from SmartPlant Drawing
Manager ....................................................................................................................................... 213
Browser Command (SmartPlant Menu) ....................................................................................... 214
Publishing Documents ........................................................................................................................ 214
Publishing from SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager - Work Process ......................................... 218
Publish Documents from SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager .................................................... 218
Issue Request Documents from SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager ......................................... 220
Publish Command (SmartPlant Menu) ......................................................................................... 221
Publish Dialog Box ....................................................................................................................... 221
Advanced Publish Options Dialog Box ......................................................................................... 225
Find Documents to Publish from SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager ........................................ 226
Find Documents to Publish Command (SmartPlant Menu) ......................................................... 227
Compare with Published Version Command (SmartPlant Menu) ................................................ 227
Find Documents to Publish Dialog Box ........................................................................................ 227
Find Documents to Publish dialog box - Document Types .......................................................... 228
Revising Documents ........................................................................................................................... 228
Retrieving Documents ......................................................................................................................... 229
Retrieving to SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager - Work Process .............................................. 232
Retrieve Documents to SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager ....................................................... 232
Retrieve Command (SmartPlant Menu) ....................................................................................... 233
Retrieve Dialog Box ...................................................................................................................... 233

Scheduling Wizard .................................................................................................................................. 235

Scheduling Tasks ................................................................................................................................ 235
Schedule Task Wizard ........................................................................................................................ 235
Schedule a Task ................................................................................................................................. 236

Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................................................... 237

Glossary ................................................................................................................................................... 239

Index ......................................................................................................................................................... 255

8 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager

SmartPlant® P&ID Drawing Manager handles functionality having to do with the drawing files in
SmartPlant P&ID. You do not modify the designs themselves in Drawing Manager, but you do
create, open, modify, and delete drawings and drawing properties. Drawing Manager is also the
interface for printing multiple drawings and for upgrading drawings to the current version of
SmartPlant P&ID.
Drawing Manager includes version tools for creating, comparing, and recovering deleted
drawing versions. These operations are carried out with commands on the Revisions menu.
The Workshare capability of SmartPlant P&ID is carried out in Drawing Manager. These
commands are on the Workshare menu in Drawing Manager. The actual host and satellite sites
are specified and configured in SmartPlant Engineering Manager.

Additional Documentation
 Click Help > SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager Help on the main menu bar.

You can also open online help by clicking Help on the main toolbar or by clicking the
Help button on any dialog box or by clicking F1.

Help Command (Help Menu)

Displays contents for the Help topics that include step-by-step instructions for using Drawing

 The Contents tab displays the Table of Contents for Drawing Manager Help.
 The Index tab contains keywords that describe and link to specific topics.
 The Search tab lists words that appear only within the Help topics. By using the Search tab,
you can locate every topic that contains a particular word.

1. Click Help > Printable Guides.

2. In the browser that opens, click a link to the user's guide that you want to view or print.

To print the user's guide, use the printing capability of the application that opens the

The printable user's guides contain the same information that is in the Online Help.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 9

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager

Printable Guides Command (Help Menu)

Displays an HTML web page containing a list of the user's guides (in .pdf format) delivered with
SmartPlant P&ID. Each .pdf file and its related Help file contain the same content.

Intergraph gives you permission to print as many copies of the delivered .pdf files that
you need for non-commercial use at your company. You cannot print the .pdf files for resale or
redistribution outside your company.

 Click Help > About SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager.

The About SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager dialog box is the place to access
information about version numbers, copyrights, licensing, technical support, and other topics.

About Command (Help Menu)

Displays information about your copy of the software, including the version number and the
copyright, legal, and licensing notices.

10 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


Navigating in Drawing Manager

The main Drawing Manager interface is split into two main panes: the Tree view, where plant
groups are arranged in nodes, and the List view, where lists of drawings appear.
You can control the display in the List view in many ways: add a filter so that only drawings that
match specific criteria are displayed, display all drawings that reside under the selected node in
the Tree view, and specify which and in what order drawing properties appear in the List view.
The following commands are needed to carry out these activities.

Open Database — Used to open a site so that you can

access a plant or project and its related drawings. For more
information, see Open Database Command (File Menu) (on
page 13).

Customize Current View — Allows you to specify the

drawing properties that you want to appear in the List view.
For more information, see Customize Current View
Command (View Menu) (on page 14).

Include Subnodes — Controls the depth of display in the

List view. For more information, see Include Subnodes
Command (View Menu) (on page 15).

Select All — Selects all of the drawings in the List view.

For more information, see Select All Command (Edit Menu)
(on page 16).

Filter — Allows you to filter out drawings that you do not

want displayed in the List view. For more information, see
Filter Command (View Menu) (on page 16).

Clear Filter — Used to clear any filters applied to the List

view. For more information, see Clear Filter Command
(View Menu) (on page 18).

Properties — Displays properties related to the selected

plant group or drawing. For more information, see
Properties Command (Edit Menu) (on page 18).

Exit — Used to close Drawing Manager. For more

information, see Exit Command (File Menu) (on page 19).

You can drag-and-drop drawings from one plant group to another plant group, providing
the P&IDs are in the same plant structure and the Allow P&ID Drawings option has been
enabled in SmartPlant Engineering Manager.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 11

Navigating in Drawing Manager

Understanding the Drawing Icons

In the Drawing Manager List view, each drawing is accompanied by an icon that indicates the
drawing status and ownership.

New drawing in the Plant, not checked out to a project

New drawing in a project of the Plant, belonging to that


New drawing that belongs to a different project as viewed

from the Plant or as viewed from your project

Drawing that has been fetched AND is owned by your


Drawing that has been fetched with read/write permissions

AND is not owned by your project

Drawing that has been fetched with read-only permissions

OR is not owned by your project

Drawing that has been checked out AND is owned by your

project or non-Workshare plant or project

Drawing that has been checked out AND is not owned by

your project

On the Check Out dialog box in the Plant, fewer drawing states are needed.

Drawing that is not checked out

Drawing that is checked out to a project

The software indicates out-of-date drawings by displaying the icon in the Out-of-Date
Drawing Status column. To display this column, do the following:
1. Click View > Customize Current View.
2. On the Customize Current View dialog box, from the Drawing properties list, select
Out-of-Date Drawing Status.
3. Click Add to copy this property to the Selected properties list.

12 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Navigating in Drawing Manager

Open Database Command (File Menu)

Opens the Open Plant Structure dialog box, allowing you to connect to the site server
containing the drawings that you want to work with. Choosing the appropriate SmartPlant .INI
file connects you to that site. You can also view the plants to which you have recently been
In order to use this command, your computer must be able to connect to the network where the
server is located.

Open Plant Structure Dialog Box

Sets options for connecting to a site and plant structure and passes user access information to
the application.

Available plant structures — Lists those plant structures found on the network. You can select
only one item from this list at a time.
Open — Connects you to the selected plant or project database. The Open command also
checks to make sure you have the correct access privileges for the selected database and
passes your access information back to Drawing Manager.
Site Server — Opens the Open Site Server dialog box, allowing you to select the SmartPlant
.INI file for the site you want to access. Plant structures contained in the site you selected
display in the Available plant structures list.
Application Type — Allows you to select an application for filtering the available plant
structures that are associated with that application. If all the plants in the site are associated
with one application only, the value is read-only.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 13

Navigating in Drawing Manager

Connect to a Database
1. Click File > Open Database.
2. On the Open Plant Structure dialog box, click Site Server.
3. On the Open Site Server dialog box, select the correct SmartPlant initialization (.ini) file and
click OK.
4. Click Open.

If the site server .ini file that you need appears on the File menu in the list of recently
opened items, you can click it and open that database immediately.

Customize Current View Command (View Menu)

Opens the Customize Current View dialog box, allowing you to specify the drawing properties
that you want to appear in the List view.

Customize Current View Dialog Box

Sets options for the information that is displayed in the List view of Drawing Manager. This
dialog box opens when you click View > Customize Current View on the main menu bar.

If you are working in a Project, you can also click the Custom View button on the
Fetch dialog box.

Drawing properties — Lists the drawing properties that are available for display in the List
view. Select a property from this list and click Add in order to move it to the Selected
properties list.
Selected properties — List the properties that will display in the List view.
Add — Moves the property into the Selected properties list so that the selected information is
displayed in the List view.

14 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Navigating in Drawing Manager

Remove — Moves the selected property back into the Drawing properties list. That information
will no longer display in the List view.
Move Up — Moves the property you select in the Selected properties list up one position. Use
this button to further customize the way the columns in the List view are displayed.
Move Down — Moves the property you select in the Selected Properties list down one
position. Use this button to further customize the way the columns in the List view are

Customize the List View

1. Click View > Customize Current View.
2. On the Customize Current View dialog box, move the drawing properties that you want to
appear in the List view to the Selected properties list by selecting the property in the
Drawing properties list and clicking Add.
3. Rearrange the display order of the properties in the Selected properties list by clicking
Move Up or Move Down.
4. Click OK.

 Use filtering (see "Filter the List View" on page 17) to control which drawings are displayed
in the List view.
 To display all drawings in the selected plant hierarchy node, use the View > Include
Subnodes command. For more information, see Display Subnodes in the List View (on
page 16).
 You can drag-and-drop drawings from one plant structure to another, provided P&IDs are
allowed in the target plant structure.

Include Subnodes Command (View Menu)

Displays in the List view all of the drawings that reside under the selected plant in the Tree
view, not only those drawings that reside directly under the selected node.

If you select a plant in the Tree view and then click View > Include Subnodes, the
entire plant hierarchy is displayed in the List view. This command provides an easy way of
viewing the plant hierarchy without having to open every unit.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 15

Navigating in Drawing Manager

Display Subnodes in the List View

Click View > Include Subnodes or click the View Subnodes button on the main toolbar.

Select All Command (Edit Menu)

Selects all the drawings displayed in the List view.

Filter Command (View Menu)

Opens the Filter dialog box, which allows you to customize the List view. You can display only
drawings having particular properties if you want.

Any previously-applied filter settings are retained the next time you open Drawing
Manager in the current plant.

Filter Dialog Box

Sets options for the display of drawings in the List view. This dialog box opens when you click
View > Filter or by clicking Filter on the Fetch dialog box.

Definition — Displays all defined criteria associated with a filter. To add to or modify the
definition list, you must select a line in the list and then define or edit the property in the Edit

16 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Navigating in Drawing Manager

Match all — Specifies that items matching ALL of the filtering criteria pass through the filter.
Match any — (Default) Specifies that items matching any one or more of the filtering criteria
pass through the filter.
Add — Places a new entry at the end of the existing definition list and enables the options in the
Edit group so that you can edit the new entry.
Delete — Removes the selected criterion from the definition list. This button is available only
when you select a criterion in the definition list.
Edit — Allows you to define or edit a single line of filter definition criteria.
Property — Displays a list of all properties for a certain item type. Examples of properties
include revision number and name. You define or modify filtering criteria by selecting a property,
an operator, and a value.
Operator — Specifies the relationship between the property and its value. These relationships
include greater than, >; equal to, =; not equal to, <>; and so forth.
Value — Lists appropriate values for the property specified in the Property list. If a list of
attributes is not already associated with the Value box, you must choose null or type a value,
which can be free text. You can type a percent sign (%) as a wildcard character to find multiple
characters or an underscore (_) as a wildcard character for a single character. Do not use an
asterisk (*) in the Value box.

Filter the List View

1. Click View > Filter.
2. On the Filter dialog box, specify the details of the drawings that you want to appear in the
List view. For instance, if you want to display only drawings with revision number of 1,
define Revision = 1 in the Edit box.
3. To add more filter criteria, click Add and specify further details of the drawings that you want
to see in the List view. Be sure to click Match All or Match Any, depending on the
appropriate choice for your display.
4. Click OK.

 Filter criteria are case-sensitive.

 View filters in Drawing Manager are strictly established only for the specific case at hand
and are retained the next time you open Drawing Manager in the current plant.
 If you select a different plant, the filter is cleared.
 You cannot save individual filter settings.
 Click View > Clear Filter to remove an applied filter. If you have not applied a filter to the
view, the Clear Filter command is not available.
 When using the <, <>, and > operators in a filter item, null values are not included in the
filtered results. To include null values, the operator = and the value Null have to be added
to the Filter Definition. For example, if all drawings that do not have a Title Block
Revision value equal to R1 are to be filtered, then the filter definition is set to Match any
and the following criteria used in the Filter Definition:
Title Block Revision <> R1
Title Block Revision = Null.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 17

Navigating in Drawing Manager

Clear Filter Command (View Menu)

Removes a filter from the view and displays all drawings. This command is available only if you
have applied a filter to the view.

Properties Command (Edit Menu)

Opens the Properties dialog box, which displays the plant group properties or drawing
properties based on the item selected in the Tree or List view.
Plant group properties are read-only. You can modify some of the drawing properties, such as
the name, version, title, description, and so forth.

You can rename and renumber a drawing, but keep in mind possible naming conflicts
that can arise when you retrieve a drawing under an older name. In particular, a drawing that
has been renamed appears in the list of deleted drawings when you use the Revisions > Fetch
Deleted Drawing command even though it has not actually been deleted.

If you select a plant group in the Tree view, you can open the Plant Group Properties dialog
box to view the description for the selected plant group.

Display Plant Group Properties

1. In the Tree view, select the plant group whose properties you want to view.
2. Click Edit > Properties.

Modify Drawing Properties

1. In the List view, select the drawing whose properties you want to modify.
2. Click Edit > Properties.
3. On the Properties dialog box, you can review or change the values of the drawing
properties. If you need to actually add drawing properties to this dialog box, you can use
Data Dictionary Manager.

You cannot modify many of the drawing properties after the drawing is created. For
example, the Template property value cannot be changed.
4. Click OK.

You can rename and renumber a drawing but keep in mind possible naming
conflicts can arise.

18 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Navigating in Drawing Manager

Properties Dialog Box

Displays properties of the item selected in the Tree or List view. This dialog box opens you click
Edit > Properties on the main menu bar.

Alphabetized — Displays properties alphabetically. This button acts as a toggle and is

available when properties are displayed categorically.

Categorized — Displays properties categorically. Categories are defined and assigned in

Data Dictionary Manager. This button acts as a toggle and is available when properties are
displayed alphabetically.
Properties — Displays the properties for the selected item. Plant group properties are read-only
and were defined when the plant group was created in SmartPlant Engineering Manager.
Drawing properties are available for modification.

You can rename and renumber a drawing, but keep in mind possible naming
conflicts that can arise when you retrieve a drawing under an older name. In particular a drawing
which has been renamed appears in the list of deleted drawings when you use the Revisions >
Fetch Deleted Drawing command even though it has not actually been deleted.

Exit Command (File Menu)

Quits Drawing Manager. If you have customized the List view, that layout is retained, but any
filters you have applied will no longer be in effect when you reopen Drawing Manager.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 19

Navigating in Drawing Manager

20 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


Working with Drawings

Drawing Manager enables you to manage your process and instrumentation drawings by
allowing you to create new drawings in your plant structure, open and view drawings, and delete
drawings. The following commands are needed to carry out these activities.

New — Used to create a new drawing. For more information,

see New Drawing Command (File Menu) (on page 23).

Open — Opens a drawing in SmartPlant P&ID. Drawing

Manager checks to make sure that you have the appropriate
permissions for opening or modifying drawings. For more
information, see Open Drawing Command (File Menu) (on page

Copy — Used to copy one or more drawings from within the

same plant or same project. The copied drawing(s) can then be
placed using the Paste command. To copy a drawing from one
plant to another plant, refer to the Import Drawing
command. Any graphics that have been repaired should be
deleted and replaced prior to using this command.

Paste — Places a copy of a drawing in the selected plant or

project. Any graphics that have been repaired should be
deleted and replaced prior to using this command.

Revision History — Displays the revision history of a

drawing. For more information, see Revision History Command
(Revisions Menu) (on page 128).

Version History — Displays the version history of a drawing,

provides access to the Compare and Compare With commands
for viewing changes between drawing versions, and the View
command, which allows you to view a drawing as read-only
without opening SmartPlant P&ID. For more information, see
Version History Command (Revisions Menu) (on page 102).

Delete — Used to remove drawings from the plant. For more

information, see Delete Command (Edit Menu) (on page 58).

Of course, you must have the appropriate permissions, which are assigned in SmartPlant
Engineering Manager, in order to carry out these operations.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 21

Working with Drawings

Finish Load Plant Structure Processing Command

(Tools Menu)
Renames all item IDs, of all the drawings, of the plant that you have copied and loaded using
the Load Plant Structure Wizard.

 This operation can only be carried out by an administrator with Full Control Permissions to
Options Manager.
 Opening the copied plant structure in SmartPlant P&ID or Drawing Manager before
completing this process is not possible.
When loading a plant for which the Keep unique identifiers from source check box on
the Associate Applications page of the Load Plant Structure Wizard was selected, and where
the name of the loaded plant is the same as the source plant name, this command is not
required and is therefore disabled.

Create a New Drawing

1. In the Tree view, select the plant in which you want to create a new drawing.
The New Drawing command is not available if the node you choose does not permit
drawings to be created under it. Permissions for drawings in a given node are set in the
hierarchy templates in SmartPlant Engineering Manager.
2. Click File > New Drawing.
3. On the New Drawing dialog box, fill in the information that describes your new drawing.

 If you are using a utility that communicates data from a SmartPlant authoring tool to
PDS, remember that there can be no spaces in the path to a drawing, therefore you
should name your drawings accordingly.
 For the Document Type property, you must select P&IDs or D&IDs according to the
desired designation of the drawing.
4. Click Create to generate the new drawing and add it to the plant node; the New Drawing
dialog box remains open so that you can create more drawings under this node.
5. Click OK to create the new drawing, close the dialog box, and return to the main Drawing
Manager interface.

 You can modify the drawing properties that appear in the New Drawing dialog box by
modifying them in Database Tables in Data Dictionary Manager.
 You can specify whether certain drawing properties are required or optional in Options
Manager. The Document Type, Drawing Number, Name, Path, and Template properties
are always required for being able to view the drawing.
 The Drawing Number and Name properties must be unique within each unit.

22 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawings

 For the Name property, the following characters are not allowed: / \ : * ' ? " < > |. For the
Drawing Number property, the single quote (') character is not allowed.
 Several standard templates are delivered with SmartPlant P&ID, and you can create new
templates in SmartPlant P&ID. If you want to create custom border files for your drawing
templates, use Intergraph SmartSketch. You can then embed your border file in the new
templates you create in SmartPlant P&ID. Once you embed a border file into a drawing
template and a drawing is created in Drawing Manager using that template, any changes to
the border file are not reflected in drawings created prior to the change.

New Drawing Command (File Menu)

Opens the New Drawing dialog box where you specify properties for a new drawing. The
drawing is created under the currently selected plant group node in the Tree view.
You must have the appropriate permissions, specified in SmartPlant Engineering
Manager, in order to be able to create drawings.

New Drawing Dialog Box

Sets options for the new drawing that will be created under the plant group node that you select
in the Tree view. This dialog box opens when you click File > New Drawing.

 The Drawing Number and Name properties must be unique within each unit.
 For the Document Type property, you must select P&IDs or D&IDs according to the
desired designation of the drawing.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 23

Working with Drawings

 The Drawing Number, Name, and Template properties on a drawing are always
considered as Read/Write by Drawing Manager even when set to Read Only within the
Data Dictionary Manager. This is because these properties must be set when creating a

Alphabetized Button — Displays drawing properties alphabetically. This button acts as a

toggle and is available when properties are displayed categorically.

Categorized Button — Displays drawing properties in categories. This button acts as a

toggle and is available when properties are displayed alphabetically.
OK — Creates the new drawing, adds it to the selected plant node, and closes the New
Drawing dialog box.
Cancel — Closes the New Drawing dialog box without creating a new drawing.
Create — Creates a new drawing and adds it to the plant node. This button is available only
after you enter values for the Required Fields in the list of drawing properties.

Open a Drawing
1. In the Tree view, select the node in which the drawing resides.
2. In the List view, select the drawing that you want to open.

3. Click Open on the main toolbar.

4. View or modify your drawing in SmartPlant P&ID.

 You must have the appropriate permissions, specified in SmartPlant Engineering Manager,
in order to view or modify drawings.

24 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawings

 If you only want to quickly view a read-only version of the drawing, you can do so inside
Drawing Manager, without opening SmartPlant P&ID. For more information, see View a
Drawing in Drawing Manager (on page 25).

Open Drawing Command (File Menu)

Opens the selected drawings in SmartPlant P&ID.

You can open a read-only display of a drawing using commands in Drawing Manager without
having to open the full-blown design software. Although you cannot edit the drawing from
Drawing Manager, you can view the graphics and properties assigned to drawing items. In some
cases, this capability can save you time and effort.
You can use this viewing functionality on the current drawing in the database or on any of the
saved versions for a drawing, too. However, a version, either current or saved, must exist in
order to use this viewing capability. Versions are automatically created once the drawing is
opened and changed for the first time; otherwise, the New Version command can be used to
save a version.
Most of the commands to manipulate the view are also available. That is, you can zoom in on an
area in the drawing, fit the drawing to the display space, pan across a drawing, and so forth. You
can also use buttons on the Properties window toolbar to manipulate the display of properties
for a selected drawing item or items.

View a Drawing in Drawing Manager

1. In the List view, select the drawing you want to view.

2. Click Version History on the main toolbar.

3. In the History list on the Version History dialog box, select the current drawing or a saved
version in the list.
4. Click View.
5. On the View dialog box, manipulate the view or select an item and review its properties.
6. Click Close.

 Viewing a drawing or version in Drawing Manager is always limited to read-only

permissions. If you want to edit a drawing, you must do so in SmartPlant P&ID.
 A version of a drawing must exist before you can open the View dialog box and display the
drawing. For more information about creating versions, see Save a Version of a Drawing
(on page 101).

Out-of-Date Drawings Command (File Menu)

Allows reference data changes to be applied to existing drawings. To establish criteria for
defining out-of-date drawings, use the Out-of-Date Drawing Criteria command. You can also

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 25

Working with Drawings

locate and resolve missing symbols using the Update command. You can also create reports
and schedule updates.

 Be sure to back up your work or create a version prior to using this command.
 These updates do not apply to assemblies.

Out-of-Date Drawing Criteria Command (Tools Menu)

Displays the Out-of-Date Drawing Criteria dialog box, from which you can define the criteria
used to search for out-of-date values when you use the File > Out-of-Date Drawings

Out-of-Date Drawing Criteria Dialog Box

Allows you to define the criteria used to search for out-of-date values when you use the File >
Out-of-Date Drawings commands.

Select out-of-date drawing criteria

Select List Changes
 Data Dictionary Select List GUID on the drawing item is not equivalent to select list GUID in
Data Dictionary.
 PID Select List GUID on the drawing item is not equivalent to the select list GUID in PID
Format Changes
 Formats GUID on the drawing item is not equivalent to Formats GUID from the Database.
 Default Formats GUID on the drawing item is not equivalent to Default Formats GUID in
Option Manager setting.

26 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawings

Out-of-Date Symbols — File Last Modified Time Stamp on at least one representation in the
drawing is not equivalent to the File Last Modified Time Stamp on the corresponding symbol
definition file.
Missing Symbols — Filename specified for at least one representation in the drawing does not
have the corresponding symbol definition file available in the current catalog.
Rule Changes — Rules GUID on the drawing item is not equivalent to the GUID from the Rules
Heat Trace Changes — Heat Trace GUID on the drawing is not equivalent to the Heat Trace
GUID in Option Manager Setting.
Gapping Changes — Gapping GUID on the drawing item is not equivalent to the Gapping
GUID in Option Manager Setting.
Symbology Changes — Symbology GUID on the drawing item is not equivalent to the
Symbology GUID in Option Manager Setting.
Out-of-Date Model Items — SP_ModelItemTimeStamp for at least one representation in the
drawing is not equivalent to the TimeStamp on the History Item of its Model Item. This criteria
covers model items updated via Llama (Outside the drawing).
Moved OPCs — MatingOPCPath (will have Drawing ID of its mate) on the OPC is not
equivalent to the SP_DrawingId of its mate OPC. The OPC label is in a to-be-updated state as
its mate has been moved.
Recreate State — The drawing is in a re-create state.
Drawing Property Changes — Property Changes GUID on the drawing item is not equivalent
to Drawing Property Changes GUID on the drawing item. Drawing Property Changes GUID is
set when drawing properties are modified from Drawing Manager.

Update Command
Displays the Update Drawings dialog box. When you select this command, the selected
drawings are analyzed based on the out-of-date criteria and the results display on the Update
Drawings dialog box.

 Update does not update any symbol whose definition has been changed into a break
component. This situation occurs when you have a catalog item that has been placed in a
drawing and then you change its definition to be a break component. The SmartPlant P&ID
Replace command does not allow a non-breaking component to be replaced with a break
component. The Update command relies on the SmartPlant P&ID Replace command to
replace symbols that are out-of-date.
 If an item type property has Write P&ID or Write Both permissions in Data Dictionary
Manager and a symbol belonging to the item type is changed in Catalog Manager, running
the Update command on a drawing in Drawing Manager will NOT overwrite values assigned
to this property with any defaults that may have been pre-defined in Catalog Manager. If the
property permissions are Write Catalog in Data Dictionary Manager, Update will restore any
default property values defined in Catalog Manager.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 27

Working with Drawings

Intergraph recommends that you backup your work or create a version of your work
prior to using this command.

Total drawings selected — Displays the number of drawings selected.

Report — Generates a Microsoft Excel report describing the details of out-of-date drawing(s).
Out-of-date drawings — Displays the number of drawings that are out-of-date based on the
criteria selected using the Out-of-Date Drawing Criteria dialog box.
Resolve — Displays the Resolve Missing Symbols dialog box. Use this button to resolve any
missing symbols.
Drawings with missing symbols — Displays the number of out-of-date drawings containing
symbols that do not exist in the catalog.
If the path to your Rules file is set incorrectly in SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager, then
the Update Drawings command will not work. For example, if the path is invalid, then all
drawings in the project are in an out-of-date state but the software cannot update them. This
error also occurs if the Catalog Explorer Root Path specified in SmartPlant P&ID Options
Manager is invalid. An error message displays and the report displays Drawings with a ? in
the criteria column have missing or incorrect reference data.

28 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawings

Resolve Command
Displays the Resolve Missing Symbols dialog box which provides a way for you to define any
symbols that have been deleted, moved, or renamed.

 In order to resolve any missing symbols, you must have an existing symbol in the catalog to
define as the replacement for the missing symbol.
 You cannot resolve missing symbols for offline instruments of a different class using this
Old Path - Displays the relative path of the missing symbol.
New Path - Displays possible options for defining correct locations for the missing symbol(s).
Drawings - Displays the list of drawings that contain the missing symbol(s).

Report Command
Displays detailed information about out-of-date drawings. Criteria that can be checked includes
select list values, formats, out-of-date symbols, missing symbols, rules, heat tracing, gapping,
symbology, OPCs, and so forth.
You must select one or more drawings prior to selecting this command. The information
displays in Microsoft Excel and is based on options selected using the Out-of-Date Drawing
Criteria command. If all drawings are up-to-date, a message box displays stating that all
selected drawings are up-to-date.

 When upgrading a plant, drawings may be out of date for any of the out-of-date criteria.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 29

Working with Drawings

 In order to use this command, you must be assigned the user right Update P&ID on the
Role Properties dialog box in SmartPlant Engineering Manager. Also, you are required to
have Full Control assigned on P&ID Objects.

Schedule Update Command

Displays the Schedule Task Wizard. Use this wizard to schedule the update operations for any
out-of-date drawings. For information about using this wizard, refer to Schedule Task Wizard.

 In order to use this command, you must be assigned the user right Update P&ID on the
Role Properties dialog box in SmartPlant Engineering Manager. Also, you are required to
have Full Control assigned on P&ID Objects.
 Any changes made to the out-of-date drawing settings after the task is scheduled will not
affect the scheduled task.
 If update drawings processing is scheduled for a hierarchy item, select in the Tree view, at
the scheduled time all the drawings under it are analyzed and only the out-of-date drawings
are updated.
 If update drawings processing is scheduled for drawings, selected in the List view, at the
scheduled time only the selected drawings are analyzed and the out-of-date drawings are
 Drawings with missing symbols are logged but not updated. Drawings that do not require
an update are logged with a message that the drawing is up-to-date.

Importing Drawings
The Import Drawings command allows you to copy drawings from another plant in the same
site or a different site. An import map file is used to match attributes. The software uses a
delivered map file to map any customized attributes, select list entries, and symbols between the
target and source plants. Using the wizard, you can create and save your own map files. In
order to be able to edit the import map file, you must have permission as assigned in SmartPlant
Engineering Manager. Using the Roles Properties dialog box and the Rights tab, you must
select the Drawing Management option Edit Import Map in order to be able to edit a map file.
There are several import drawing options also available in Options Manager. The Import Map
Path setting defines where your map files will reside on the system. The Import
Transformation Program controls the depth of the data transformation. A transformation
program is delivered with the software but you can copy and edit the program to fit your
requirements. For example, you could edit the program to clean individual property values,
categories of values, or you can flag values that are set during the copy process.

 Any graphics that have been band-aided should be deleted and replaced prior to using this
 If your target plant uses a shorter data string value than the source plant, the string will be
truncated. For example, if the source plant has a maximum character value of 80 set for a
field, and the target plant has a maximum character value of 40 set for the same field, only
the first 40 characters of the field will be mapped.

30 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawings

 If your source drawings and target database use different languages, you are required to
use a database created using the UTF-8 character set for unrestricted multilingual
support. For example, if the source drawing name contains German characters, they will be
converted to English during the import. When you try to open the drawing, the physical file
will not be found and the product will try to re-create the drawing.
 When importing a symbol's representation properties, the representation properties are a
pure copy of the source symbol.
 If the import of drawings fails, the reason will be recorded in the import log file and those
drawings will not be included in the re-create process.

Import Drawings Command (File Menu)

Allows you to copy drawings from another plant in the same site or a different site by using the
Import Drawings Wizard.

Import Drawings Wizard - Welcome

This screen provides an introduction to the Import Drawings Wizard. The wizard screens
prompt you for details about your source and target drawings.

Import Drawings Wizard - Select Source Plant

Allows you to select the plant that contains the drawings you want to import. Click and use
the Open Plant Structure dialog box to define the system location of the drawings.

Open Plant Structure Dialog Box

Sets options for connecting to a site and plant structure and passes user access information to
the application.

Available plant structures — Lists those plant structures found on the network. You can select
only one item from this list at a time.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 31

Working with Drawings

Open — Connects you to the selected plant or project database. The Open command also
checks to make sure you have the correct access privileges for the selected database and
passes your access information back to Drawing Manager.
Site Server — Opens the Open Site Server dialog box, allowing you to select the SmartPlant
.INI file for the site you want to access. Plant structures contained in the site you selected
display in the Available plant structures list.
Application Type — Allows you to select an application for filtering the available plant
structures that are associated with that application. If all the plants in the site are associated
with one application only, the value is read-only.

Import Drawings Wizard - Select Drawings

Displays a list of drawings available for importing and allows you to select the drawings to be

Filter — Opens the Filter dialog box, which allows you to specify criteria for filtering the
drawings that are displayed in the List view.

Clear Filter — Deactivates any filter you have applied to the list of drawings that appears in
the List view.
Include Subnodes — Displays all the drawings and node names that reside in the currently
selected node.

Details — Displays a detailed view of the drawing properties specified using the Customize
View option. You can sort by the listed properties. By default, this view shows the Name
property only, so it will appear the same as the List view unless you specify additional
properties to display.

List — Displays a list of the drawings. One property per drawing is displayed.

Properties — Displays the properties for the selected item. These values display in the
Properties dialog box.

Customize View — Opens the Customize Current View dialog box, which allows you to
specify the information about each drawing that is displayed.

Import Drawings Wizard - Missing Symbols Dialog Box

Displays a list of missing symbols from the Source Catalog that have been placed on the
drawing(s) you are importing. After you select your drawing(s) for import, the software performs
an analysis of in-use data. If there are any missing symbols, this dialog box displays
Symbol maps are created for missing symbols but since the symbol is not found in the catalog,
the information normally obtained from the symbol (Item Type, Type Value, Connect Point, and
so forth) cannot be determined. Symbol maps for missing symbols are marked as In Use. The
map status is set to Incomplete.
You must replace the missing symbol to resolve the error. To replace the missing symbol,
locate a saved version of the missing symbol and copy it to the exact location of the missing
symbol. When the symbol is replaced, you can use the Update from Source command in the

32 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawings

Import Drawings Wizard. For more information, refer to Import Drawings Wizard - Complete
Import Map (on page 33).

Source catalog path — Displays the catalog root path where your symbols are installed.
Symbols — Displays an alphabetical list of any missing symbols.

Import Drawings Wizard - Complete Import Map

Displays the import map and allows you to define how data from the source plant is to be
mapped into data in the target plant.
SmartPlant P&ID allows you to customize a plant in various ways. You can add new properties,
select lists and select list values with the Data Dictionary Manager. You can also add new
catalog items (symbols) with the Catalog Manager. Because you can customize different plants
in different ways, you must be able to define how to map the data before you can import
drawings from one plant to another. The import map provides the solution to this problem.
The Import Drawings wizard supports two different approaches to mapping. They are
Just-In-Time Mapping and Proactive Mapping. Each of these approaches is valuable in different
contexts. The approach you choose to adopt will depend on your needs and your own personal
With the just-in-time approach, you only define the mapping for the minimum number of items
that are required to import the selected drawings. The software automatically identifies all of the
properties, select lists and symbols that are used by the selected drawings. The filter commands
(Show in Use and Show Incomplete) are turned on to help you to focus on the items that
remain to be mapped before the drawings can be imported. The just-in-time approach is the
default approach to mapping.
With the proactive approach, you can define a complete mapping of all select list values,
symbols, and so forth. After a complete map is created, drawings can be imported at any time
without any mapping activity required at all. The filter commands (Show in Use and Show
Incomplete) can be turned off to allow the full map to be viewed. The Update from Source
command can be used to fully populate the import map. The Auto Complete command can be
used along with interactive mapping to complete the map. The proactive approach is an
alternative approach to mapping.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 33

Working with Drawings

All of the import map files for a plant are saved in the import map folder defined using Options
Manager. This folder is normally setup on a server that is accessible to all client computers. One
import map file is created for each source plant from which drawings are imported. The wizard
automatically opens the import map file for the selected source plant. If you have imported
drawings from a different source plant, you can copy that import map file using the Open
command. The Save command always saves the current import map file to the standard name
in the standard location.
The import map is displayed in a familiar Explorer view with a Tree view on the left and a list
view on the right. You can select the nodes of the Tree view and see the related data in the list
view. The Map Status column in the list view can have a value of Complete or Incomplete. A
value of Complete indicates this item and all of the items below it have been mapped. A value
of Incomplete indicates this value is not mapped or some value below it has not been mapped.
You must expand the Tree view to find the item that needs to be mapped. When you select the
top-most node in the Tree view and the Map Status field displays Complete for all three of its
children, then you know that the import map is complete.
You must have the same size symbols available when importing. Imported parametric symbols
will use existing parametric parameters.

New — Creates a new import map file. If there are any unsaved changes in the current
map file, you are prompted to save those changes if needed. The new map file is automatically
updated with existing values that are in use by the selected drawing.

Open — Opens a new import map file. If there are any unsaved changes in the current
map file, you are prompted to save those changes if needed. The import map file is validated
against both the source and target plants. Map entries for items that do not exist in the current
source and target plants are deleted. The map is automatically updated with the existing values
in use by the selected drawings.

Save — Writes the current import map file to the disk using the standard naming

Show in Use — If selected, this command filters the display to show only the items being
used by the selected drawing. By default, this option is selected. If not selected, the display is
based on all items in the map.

Show Incomplete — If selected, this command filters the display to show only the items
displaying an incomplete map status. By default, this option is selected. If not selected, all
items display.

Update from Source — Reads data from the source plant and then populates the import
map file. The import map is updated using the source plant data dictionary and catalog
definitions. If you have the top node in the Tree selected, a complete update is performed. If
any lower level node in the Tree is selected, a partial update is performed. This option fills in
the source value for each created map object and automatically completes the mapping process
by filling in the target value for certain objects. Properties in the source plant that match with
identically named properties in the target plant are automatically mapped. Select list values and
symbols are not automatically mapped. If you are doing a partial update (a lower level node in
the Tree view is selected when using this command), select lists should be updated before item
types or symbols. This will help to create the proper relationships between the items.

Auto Complete — Automatically maps source objects to the corresponding target objects
where possible. If the target value is already defined, the target value is not changed. If you
have the top node in the Tree selected, a full operation is performed. If any lower level node in

34 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawings

the Tree is selected, a partial operation is performed.

When applied to properties, the target property name and data type must match the source for it
to be automatically mapped. When applied to select list values, you can use the Select List
Options dialog box to match by text, match by index or match by text and index. When applied
to symbols, the item type and the mapped type property must match for the symbol to be
automatically mapped.
Piping components, instruments, nozzles, and OPCs can contain connect points. For symbols
that contain connect points, the number and type of connect points in the target symbol must
match those of the source symbol. For labels, the Label Type and the Labeled Item Type
properties must match the values of the source symbol. If a single symbol is found in the target
catalog that matches the source properties, it is used. If multiple matching symbols are found,
and one of those has the same name as the source symbol, then it is used. Mapping of symbols
depends on the catalog index.
Interactive mapping of select lists is not supported. Mapping of select lists is always done
through Auto Complete and is always driven by the mapping of the attributes that use them. To
map a select list that is not in-use, you must first map an attribute that references it. Select
Piping Component under Item Type Maps and invoke the Update from Source command. This
brings in all of the attributes for Piping Component and internally calls Auto Complete. All of the
attributes are mapped and the select lists that are referenced by those attributes are also
mapped. Now, you can select Action under Select List Maps and run Auto Complete. This will
complete the mapping of the select list values.

Clean Up Map File — Cleans up the map file by removing items in the map file that have no
relationship with the current import. All items on drawings to be imported must be mapped. If
you have the top node in the tree view selected, a full operation is performed. If any lower level
node in the tree view is selected, a partial operation is performed.

Update Catalog Index — Updates the catalog index to include the latest information about
all symbols in the target catalog. The mapping of symbols depends on the catalog index. The
catalog index should be updated after any changes are made to the symbols in the
catalog. The catalog index is saved in the file named CatalogIndex.xml in the top level folder of
the catalog.

Import Drawings Wizard - Select List Options Dialog Box

Defines an option for resolving select list matching between the source and target plant. This
dialog box displays when you click Auto Complete on the Complete Import Map wizard

Match index — Matches index, or number, associated with each select list item. For example,
you would use this option if your source plant contains English text values and the target plant

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 35

Working with Drawings

contains German values. The values would be assigned according to the select list index (its
numeric value).
Match text — Matches the text, or string, associated with each select list item. For example,
use this option if you have added entries to your select list. This option matches the text values
and ignores the numeric values.
Match text and index — Matches the index and text associated with each select list item.

Map Source and Target Symbols

1. From the Complete Import Map wizard page, in the Import Map File pane, expand
Symbol Maps and select the desired symbol class.

2. In the Target Symbol column, click the ellipsis button .

36 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawings

3. On the Target Symbols dialog box, select the symbol you would like to use.

For details of how the software determines which symbols are available as target symbols,
see Criteria for Available Target Symbols (on page 38).
4. Click OK.

Target Symbols Dialog Box

The Target Symbols dialog box allows you to select a target symbol file for mapping with a
source symbol where the software cannot find a suitable target symbol automatically.

Available symbols — Displays a list of symbols that meet the criteria determined by the
software for mapping to the source symbol. For details of how the software determines which
symbols are available as target symbols, see Criteria for Available Target Symbols (on page

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 37

Working with Drawings

Criteria for Available Target Symbols

The software searches for available symbols in the target catalog. A source symbol is available
for mapping to the target if the Item Type and the 'Type' property are the same.
For instrument symbols, the software applies the following criteria to determine whether
symbols are able to be mapped:
 Both the source and target instruments must be inline or offline. An inline instrument
cannot be replaced by an offline instrument, nor can an offline instrument be replaced by an
inline instrument.
 If both the source and target instruments are inline instruments, they must belong to the
same instrument class. Examples of inline instrument classes are 'control valves and
regulators', 'other inline instruments'.
In addition, depending on the type of symbol, the software will match the source and target
symbols using the following criteria:
 Connect points — Piping components, instruments, nozzles and OPCs can contain
connect points. For symbols that contain connect points, the number and type of connect
points in the target symbol must match those of the source symbol.
The software can map source and target offline instruments even if they have a
different number of connect points.
 Label symbol properties — A label symbol in the target catalog is considered to be
available for mapping if the Label Type and the Labeled Item Type properties match those
of the source symbol.
 Gap symbols — Any symbol defined as a gap symbol in the target may match any gap
symbol in the source.
Using the above criteria, the software determines whether a target symbol that can be mapped
exists. If there is exactly one available symbol, the source symbol is mapped to that one target
symbol. If there are multiple available symbols and one of them has the same name as the
source symbol, the source symbol is mapped to that target symbol. In all other cases, the
software leaves the source symbol unmapped.

Import Drawings Wizard - Options

Allows you to select a template size for your drawing. You can also define a program that you
want to use during the transformation process. This program could contain any special
instructions you want applied during the import. A transformation program is delivered with the
software. You can use the delivered program as an example to create your own transformation
Use source templates — Select to use the template associated with each drawing that you
import from the source plant.
Target template — Allows you to select the template that defines the sheet size for all drawings
imported into the target plant. This option is not available if you select Use source templates.
Apply default formats — When selected, the software reformats property values from the
source database using the default format for each property in the target database. This applies
to all properties, but is most important for Unit of Measure (UOM) properties such as

38 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawings

temperatures and pressures. If a drawing is being imported from a source plant that shares the
same locale as the target plant, typically this option should be turned off to prevent any loss of
formatting during the import operation. For example, if pressure values are expressed in
several different units of measure for different properties, these would all be imported exactly as
they are in the source database. If a drawing is being imported from a source plant in one
locale into a target plant in a different locale, typically this option should be turned on. This
ensures that locale-dependent formatting is applied to all values. For example, if importing from
a plant where the decimal symbol is a comma (,) to a plant where the decimal symbol is a period
(.), property values should be reformatted using the default formats.
Import revisions — Select to include with the import all drawing revisions that were made in the
source plant.
Use source drawing name and number — Select to keep the original name and number of the
drawings without the addition of any prefix. Clear to specify new drawing names and
numbers. When cleared, the software adds a prefix to the drawing name indicating the name of
the source plant.
Do not recreate drawings — Select to skip re-creation of the graphical drawings when
importing the drawing data. This improves performance when you are importing a large number
of drawings. If you select this option, you are prompted to re-create a drawing when you open
Transformation program — This option displays the name of the transformation program
defined by the Options Manager setting Import Transformation Program. You can copy the
delivered code and then create your own customized transformation program. Then, you can
use this field to enter the name of your transformation program. The delivered import
transformation program is CopyTransformation.Import. You are not required to use a
transformation program. For more information about creating a transformation program, see
Customizing the Sample Projects in the SmartPlant P&ID Programmer's Guide.
Custom Options — If a transformation program is defined, this command displays the
Transformation Programs dialog box. It is used to define options for modifying property
values during the import process. The options that appear on the Transformation Programs
dialog box depend on the transformation program defined by the Options Manager setting
Import Transformation Program. You can copy the delivered code and then create your own
customized transformation program. The delivered transformation program used for importing
drawings is CopyTransformation.Import.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 39

Working with Drawings

Transformation Programs Dialog Box

This dialog box is used to define options for modifying property values during the import
process. If the delivered import transformation program (CopyTransformation.Import) is used,
the options described below are available:

Sequence numbers
Generate new — Selecting the option causes existing tag sequence numbers to be set to null
for any item that has the property TagSequenceNo. The null sequence number triggers the
creation of new sequence numbers during normal item tag validation.
Add value to the beginning of all sequence numbers — When you select this option, you
can use the box to type the values you want to display at the beginning of all your sequence

40 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawings

Keep existing if unique — If the sequence number for an imported item is unique within the
target plant, it will be left as it was in the source plant, but if a duplicate is detected in the target
plant, the tag sequence number of the imported item will be changed.

 Duplicate item tags are not allowed for loops and instruments.
 When importing a drawing that has a loop associated with one or more instruments, the
sequence number that the newly-created loop receives is in accordance with the selected
option; however, the instrument / loop associations will correspond to those in the source
drawing and the instruments will retain the original values for their Tag Seq No and Item
Tag properties. This may result in a mismatch between the loop and instrument sequence
numbers. To resolve this situation, you must update the related instrument tags on the
Update Associated Instruments with Loop Properties dialog box in SmartPlant P&ID.
Clear piping material classification — Select to remove any defined piping materials class.
Clear process data — Select to remove any values in the Process category.

Drawing and plant item associations

Allows you to specify the behavior of the plant item associations when importing the drawing,
determined by the combination of selections that you make under the Associate drawings and
Associate plant items sections.
Associate drawings
 By current plant group — When performing the import, the software re- associates all
drawings in the selected source plant group with the target plant group selected when Import
Drawing was initiated.
 By mapping (multiple plant groups) — When performing the import, the software
re-associates the drawings in each plant group with the target plant groups chosen in the
Mapping dialog box. For the current source and target plant groups, the mapping overrides
the selection made at the initiation of Import Drawing.

Associate plant items

 By drawing plant group associations — All plant items in each plant group, regardless of
their drawing associations in the source, are re-associated with the target plant group
specified for the drawing.
 By mapping — All plant items in each plant group, regardless of their drawing associations
in the source, are re-associated according to the definitions made in the Mapping dialog
 Re-associate items depending on original associations — Those plant items that belong
to the plant group of the drawing itself follow the mapping for the drawing. Other plant items
follow the plant item mapping.
The following table describes the resulting behavior for each of the settings:

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 41

Working with Drawings

Associate drawings Associate plant items Resulting behavior for the imported

By current plant By drawing plant group The drawing and all of its plant items are
group associations re-associated with the current plant
group. For details, see Import Options -
Example 1 (on page 43).

By current plant By mapping The drawing is re-associated with the

group current plant group and the plant items
are re-associated according to the
mapping. For details, see Import Options
- Example 2 (on page 44).

By current plant Depending on original The drawing and those plant items that
group associations were associated with the same plant
group as the drawing are re-associated
with the current plant group. Other plant
items follow the plant item mapping. For
details, see Import Options - Example 3
(on page 45).

By mapping (multiple By drawing plant group The drawing is re-associated according to

plant groups) associations the mapping. All plant items in a
particular drawing are re-associated with
the target plant group specified for that
drawing in the mapping. For details, see
Import Options - Example 4 (on page 46).

By mapping (multiple By mapping The drawing and the plant items follow
plant groups) the mapping. For details, see Import
Options - Example 5 (on page 48).

By mapping (multiple Depending on original The drawing and those plant items that
plant groups) associations were associated with the same plant
group as the drawing follow the mapping
for the drawing. Other plant items follow
the plant item mapping. Note that the
end result is the same as for the previous
combination of settings. For details, see
Import Options - Example 6 (on page 49).

'In use' plant group data only — Filters the plant groups available for mapping so that only
those plant groups that have associated plant items and drawings will be available on the
Mapping dialog box.
Mapping — Opens the Mapping dialog box to allow you to define the associations between the
target and source plant groups for the drawings and / or the plant items depending on the
settings you choose. This button is only enabled when you make appropriate selections under
Import options.

42 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawings

Import Options - Example 1

Selected Options
Associate drawings: By current plant group
Associate plant items: By drawing plant group associations

Import Results
The drawing and all of its plant items are re-associated with the current plant group.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 43

Working with Drawings

Import Options - Example 2

Selected Options
Associate drawings: By current plant group
Associate plant items: By mapping

Source Plant Group Target Plant Group

P1\U1 P2\U4

P1\U2 P2\U2

P1\U3 P2\Unit3

Import Results
The drawing is re-associated with the current plant group and the plant items are re-associated
according to the mapping.

44 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawings

Import Options - Example 3

Selected Options
Associate drawings: By current plant group
Associate plant items: Depending on original associations

Source Plant Group Target Plant Group

P1\U1 P2\U4

P1\U2 P2\U2

P1\U3 P2\Unit3

Import Results
The drawing and those plant items that were associated with the same plant group as the
drawing are re-associated with the current plant group. Other plant items follow the plant item

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 45

Working with Drawings

Import Options - Example 4

Selected Options
Associate drawings: By mapping (multiple plant groups)
Associate plant items: By drawing plant group associations

Source Plant Group Target Plant Group

P1\U1 P2\U4

46 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawings

Source Plant Group Target Plant Group

P1\U2 P2\U2

P1\U3 P2\Unit3

Import Results
The drawing is re-associated according to the mapping. All plant items in a particular drawing
are re-associated with the target plant group specified for that drawing in the mapping.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 47

Working with Drawings

Import Options - Example 5

Selected Options
Associate drawings: By mapping (multiple plant groups)
Associate plant items: By mapping

Source Plant Group Target Plant Group

P1\U1 P2\U4

P1\U2 P2\U2

P1\U3 P2\Unit3

Import Results
The drawing and the plant items follow the mapping.

48 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawings

Import Options - Example 6

Selected Options
Associate drawings: By mapping (multiple plant groups)
Associate plant items: Depending on original associations

Source Plant Group Target Plant Group

P1\U1 P2\U4

P1\U2 P2\U2

P1\U3 P2\Unit3

Import Results
The drawing and those plant items that were associated with the same plant group as the
drawing follow the mapping for the drawing. Other plant items follow the plant item mapping.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 49

Working with Drawings

50 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawings

Mapping Dialog Box

Allows you to define mapping between source and target plant groups when importing
drawings. Depending on the options that you select on the Transformation Programs dialog
box, the mapping can apply to drawings, plant items, or both.
The following screen capture shows an example of mapping between two plants.

Source — Shows the source plant hierarchy.

Target — Shows the hierarchy for the target plant. From this window, you can select a plant
group at any level for mapping, but note that if there is a restriction on associating a drawing
with a particular plant group, an error message will appear.
Map — Copies the selected plant group item in the target plant hierarchy to the selected Target
Path row. In this way the mapping is defined to the corresponding plant group in the Source
Path row.
Remove Mapping — Removes the selected target plant group item from the Plant Group
mapping, allowing you to redefine the mapping target for the specified source.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 51

Working with Drawings

Plant group mapping

Displays the mapping assignments and paths between the source and target plant groups.
Source Path — Shows the paths of all the plant groups in the plant. If you selected the 'In use'
plant group data only check box on the Transformation Programs dialog box, only the paths
of those plant groups that have associated drawings or plant items appear.
Target Path — Displays the paths of the plant groups that you have chosen as the target. All of
the rows must contain values.

 You can assign plant groups at any level of the hierarchy as the target; for example, an
 If you use the mapping to associate both the drawing and the plant items to the target plant
group, and you do not have appropriate permissions for the drawing association, a message
appears and only the plant items are re-associated according to the mapping. In this case,
the software associates the drawing with the current plant group.

Define Plant Group Mapping for Import

1. On the Transformation Programs dialog box, under Drawing and plant item
associations, select the desired settings.
The software responds according to the combination of options that you select under
the Associate drawings and Associate plant items group boxes. For details of the
options and examples of the resulting behavior for each of the combinations, see
Transformation Programs Dialog Box (on page 40).
2. If desired, select 'In use' plant group data only to filter the plant groups available for
mapping so that only those plant groups that have associated plant items and drawings are
available in the source path on the Mapping dialog box.
3. Click Mapping.
4. On the Mapping dialog box, under the Source tree view, navigate to the source plant group
that you want to map.
As you select a source plant item in the tree that can be mapped, the corresponding
row in the Plant group mapping window is highlighted.
5. Under the Target tree view, navigate to the target plant group that you want to map.
You can assign plant groups at any level of the hierarchy as the target; for example, an
6. In the Plant group mapping window, click the desired row under the Target Path column
beside the source plant group that you want to map to, and do one of the following:
 Click Map.
 Drag the plant group from the target hierarchy to the desired row.

 You must map ALL of the rows that appear in the source path to a target path.
 You can clear the mapping for a particular row by selecting that row and clicking Remove

52 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawings

Import Drawings Wizard - Summary

Displays a summary of information about the imported drawing(s). You must click Finish to
complete the import process.

Global Validation Command (File Menu)

Opens the Global Validation dialog box, from which you can implement changes to the plant's
item tag configuration for the selected drawings.

Global Validation Dialog Box

Global validation validates changes in item tag configuration for the selected drawings. These
changes may be the result of renaming the plant hierarchy item name where this name is a part
of the item tag.

Item types
Allows you to select the following item types for validation in the selected drawings:
 Equipment
 Pipe run
 Instrument
 Instrument loop
 Piping component
 Room
 Duct run
 Ducting component

Validation programs
Item tag validation — Validates changes in item tag configuration. These changes may be the
result of renaming the plant hierarchy item name where this name is a part of the item tag.
For item tag validation to take effect, this check box must be selected.

Allows you to include items in either or both of the stockpiles for validation in the selected
 Include drawing stockpile
 Include plant stockpile
Run — Runs the validation for the selected drawings.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 53

Working with Drawings

Copy Command (Edit Menu)

Copies the selected drawing(s) in SmartPlant P&ID.

To avoid database lockup during pasting of a group of drawings, ensure that the
workstation performing the operation has at least 4 GB of memory. Also ensure that the size of
the redo log files of the database instance is at least 500 MB.

Copy a Drawing
1. In the Tree view, select the node in which the drawing resides.
2. In the List view, select the drawing that you want to copy.
Use the SHIFT or CTRL key to select more than one drawing.

3. Click Copy on the main toolbar.

 You must have the appropriate permissions, specified in SmartPlant Engineering Manager,
in order to copy drawings.
 You can hold CTRL, select a drawing, and drag it to a new location to make a copy. You
can also drag it to the current list view to make a copy. When copying a drawing, the
software displays the Transformation Programs dialog box. If you drag and drop the
drawing to another unit, you will need to select the contents of the drawing using SmartPlant
P&ID and set the Plant Group Name value in the Properties window.
 A multi-rep model item is created at the target only once if the drawings that contain all the
representations for it are selected for copy in one session. If the drawings are copied in
separate sessions, the model item is re-created at the target for that session.
 Paired OPCs in a drawing that are not copied (for example, not in a Select Set) are placed
in the plant stockpile. Paired OPCs in a copied drawing have their relationships maintained
by the copy. Paired OPCs are not moved from the plant stockpile to a drawing by a
subsequent copy session.
 A plant item group is created at the target only once if the drawings that contain all of its
members are selected for copy in one session. If the member drawings are copied in
separate sessions, the plant item group is re-created at the target for each session.

54 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawings

Move a Drawing
1. In the Tree view, select the node in which the drawing resides.
2. In the List view, select the drawing that you want to move.
3. Drag and drop the selected drawing to the new location.

 You must have the appropriate permissions, specified in SmartPlant Engineering Manager,
in order to copy drawings.
 If you move the drawing to another plant group, the associated plant groups for the items in
the drawing are not automatically updated to reflect the new plant group. You will have to
update the plant groups manually from within SmartPlant P&ID.
See Also
Open a Drawing (on page 24)
View a Drawing in Drawing Manager (on page 25)

Paste Command (Edit Menu)

Pastes the selected drawing(s) in Drawing Manager. When implementing this command, the
software displays the Transformation Programs dialog box.
To avoid database lockup during pasting of a group of drawings, ensure that the
workstation performing the operation has at least 4 GB of memory. Also ensure that the size of
the redo log files of the database instance is at least 500 MB.

 The options that appear on the Transformation Programs dialog box depend on the
transformation program defined by the Options Manager setting Copy Transformation
Program. You can copy the delivered code and then create your own customized
transformation program. The delivered transformation program used for copying drawings
is CopyTransformation.Transform.
 You can change the name of a pasted drawing by selecting the drawing and then select
Edit > Properties. On the Properties dialog box, in the Name field, enter the new name.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 55

Working with Drawings

Transformation Programs Dialog Box

This dialog box is used to define options for modifying property values during the copy
process. If the delivered copy transformation program (CopyTransformation.Transform) is
used, the options described below are available:

Sequence numbers
Generate new — Selecting the option causes existing tag sequence numbers to be set to null
for any item that has the property TagSequenceNo. The null sequence number triggers the
creation of new sequence numbers during normal item tag validation.
Add value to the beginning of all sequence numbers — When you select this option, you
can use the box to type the values you want to display at the beginning of all your sequence
Keep existing if unique — If the sequence number for a copied item is unique, it will be left as
it was, but if a duplicate is detected, the tag sequence number will be changed.

 Duplicate item tags are not allowed for loops and instruments.
 When copying a drawing that has a loop associated with one or more instruments, the
sequence number that the newly-created loop receives is in accordance with the selected
option; however, the instrument / loop associations will correspond to those in the source
drawing and the instruments will retain the original values for their Tag Seq No and Item
Tag properties. This may result in a mismatch between the loop and instrument sequence
numbers. To resolve this situation, you must update the related instrument tags on the
Update Associated Instruments with Loop Properties dialog box in SmartPlant P&ID.

56 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawings

Clear piping material classification — Select to remove any defined piping materials class.
Clear process data — Select to remove any values in the Process category.
Plant item associations
Allows you to specify the behavior of the plant item associations when copying the drawing.
 Re-associate all plant items with the target — All plant items, regardless of their plant
group associations in the source, are associated with the target plant group of the copied
 Retain existing plant item associations — All plant items retain the same plant group
associations that they had in the source. No changes are made to the associations.
 Re-associate items depending on original associations — Those plant items that belong
to the plant group of the drawing itself in the source are reassigned to the target plant
group. Those plant items that were assigned to a different plant group from that of the
drawing source plant group retain their existing override associations.

Paste a Drawing
1. In the Tree view, select the node where the copy of the drawing will reside.
2. In the List view, select the location where you want to paste the copy of the drawing.

3. Click Paste on the main toolbar. The software displays the Transformation Programs
dialog box.
The options that appear on the Transformation Programs dialog box depend on the
transformation program defined by the Options Manager setting Copy Transformation
Program. You can copy the delivered code and then create your own customized
transformation program. The delivered transformation program used for copying drawings
is CopyTransformation.Transform.
4. Click the Generate new sequence numbers option if you would like new sequence
numbers to be created. Selecting the option causes existing tag sequence numbers to be
set to null for any item that has the property TagSequenceNo. The null sequence number
triggers the creation of new sequence numbers during normal item tag validation. An
exception to this is that the tag sequence number for an instrument item is not set to
null. Item tag validation does not generate a new sequence number for an instrument.
Instrument tags will be duplicated at the target.
5. Click to select the Add value to the beginning of all sequence numbers to use this
option. Click in the provided field and enter the values you want to display at the beginning
of all your sequence numbers.
6. Click to select Keep exiting if unique to use this option.
7. Select the Clear piping material classification check box to remove any defined piping
materials class.
8. Select the Clear process data check box to remove any values in the Process category.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 57

Working with Drawings

9. Click OK. The software displays the Paste Drawings dialog box.

10. When the processes are complete, click View Log to view the report or click Close to
dismiss the Paste Drawings dialog box.

 You must have the appropriate permissions, specified in SmartPlant Engineering Manager,
in order to paste drawings.
 For more information about creating a transformation program, see Customizing the Sample
Projects in the SmartPlant P&ID Programmer's Guide.

Delete Command (Edit Menu)

Allows you to delete drawings from the List view and from the plant structure. Because a new
version of the drawing is automatically created when you delete a drawing, you can recover the
drawing after you have deleted it, but there are many drawing recovery ramifications (see
"Recovering Drawings" on page 105).
Of course, you must have the appropriate permissions, specified in SmartPlant Engineering
Manager, in order to be able to delete a drawing.

58 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawings

Deleting Drawings Dialog Box

Opens when you choose Yes on the confirmation message that appears when you select a
drawing and click Edit > Delete on the main menu bar. This dialog box displays the progress of
drawing deletions currently underway.

Drawings — Lists the drawings that are being deleted, and shows the status of that operation.
View Log — Opens the log file, DeleteDrawing.log, which is created when you delete a drawing.

Delete a Drawing
1. In the List view, select the drawing that you want to delete.

2. Click Delete .
3. To confirm the drawing deletion, click Yes on the message box.
If you have not saved a version of the drawing, you will not be able to retrieve the
drawing after deleting it.
4. Click View Log on the Deleting Drawings dialog box to review notes from the drawing
deletion process.

 If you have a saved version of a deleted drawing, you can retrieve the drawing as it was
when you saved it. For more information, see Recover a Version of a Deleted Drawing (on
page 109).
 If a plant group has no drawings or plant items belonging to it, you can delete that hierarchy
item in SmartPlant Engineering Manager. Keep in mind, though, that if you have associated
a plant item with a hierarchy item by using the Properties window in SmartPlant P&ID, then
even though it can look as if no drawings are associated with that plant group, you cannot
delete that hierarchy item in SmartPlant Engineering Manager.
 You can also delete saved versions of a drawing, without deleting the drawing itself. For
more information, see Show the Version History of a Drawing (on page 104).

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 59

Working with Drawings

Unlock Plant After Group Rename Command (Tools

If a plant group name is used for validation or is part of an item tag name, and that plant group is
renamed in SmartPlant Engineering Manager, it will affect the drawing. This command can be
run to unlock the drawings so that the properties containing the new plant group name are
This command operates on a per-user basis, provided that the particular user has Full
Control access to Options Manager for the selected plant.

60 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


Working with Projects

Plants, once designed and built, are often modified throughout their lifecycles. During these
modifications, information assets of the "As-Built" state must be maintained. Using projects in
your plant allows you to maintain this information while allowing multiple projects, possibly
overlapping and running concurrently, to be designed, approved, constructed, and/or canceled.
Before creating a project in a plant, you must enable that plant for projects. When enabled for
projects, the plant structure becomes the Plant, sometimes referred to as the Master or As-Built
plant. In a Task/Master scenario, the Plant is the Master and the projects are the individual

Database Configuration
To allow work on projects to proceed without affecting the Plant, separate schemas are created
for each project. In other words, all projects must be located in the same database instance as
the Plant, with each project contained within a separate schema (separate database user
The Plant shares reference data with its projects. Changes to the reference data can be made
only in the Plant. In other words, you can use Catalog Manager, Data Dictionary Manager, Filter
Manager, and Format Manager in a project, but you have read-only permissions and are not
allowed to modify any of the data from within these managers.

Fetching and Checking Out Drawings

Once projects are enabled in SmartPlant Engineering Manager, the As-Built can no longer
create drawings; drawings are created inside projects. However, any drawings that might have
existed in the plant before projects were enabled remain in the As-Built. All drawing versions in
the As-Built are read-only drawings when projects are enabled, but these drawings can still be
deleted in the As-Built, unless the drawing is either fetched or checked out to a project. If the
plant is registered in SmartPlant Foundation, drawings can be created and edited in the As-Built,
except for drawings that are checked out to a project.

Projects and Claiming

One of the main capabilities associated with using projects in an integrated environment is the
ability for a project to claim a drawing object. When a project claims an object, the project
controls modifications to that object. A project cannot modify objects it has not claimed. All the
modifications and claiming of objects is carried out in the design software, but the claim states of
objects inside drawings do have ramifications for drawing manipulation and for completing
projects. You do not need to check out a drawing to claim items on it; you can claim items on a
fetched drawing.

 Projects claim objects in either Exclusive (default) or Shared mode. If you plan to use the
project in an integrated environment, Shared mode is mandatory. Use the Settings view in
Options Manager to set the Claim Mode before creating a project.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 61

Working with Projects

 When publishing from a project, an instruction container, which contains all the claimed
objects, is created within the tombstone file.
 You can change the Claim Mode to Shared at any time. However, you can change the mode
to Exclusive only when there are no claims in any project in the Plant.

Using Workshare with Projects

Workshare functions the same whether using projects or not. The only difference is that when
using projects, only a project can function as a Workshare host. The Plant cannot be a host or
a satellite when projects are enabled.
See Also
Projects vs. Workshare (on page 172)

Working with Off-Site Projects

SmartPlant P&ID uses standalone workshare functionality to implement off-site projects. For
details, see the Workshare Configuration and Reference Guide, particularly the following
 Using Workshare:
 Using Workshare in an Integrated Environment
 Using Workshare with Projects
 Configuring Workshare
 Managing a Workshare Collaboration
 Publishing and Assigning Ownership
 Getting Latest Versions of Drawings
 Synchronizing Reference Data
 Synchronizing Shared Items

Working with Drawings within a Project

After enabling and creating projects in SmartPlant Engineering Manager, use Drawing Manager
to manipulate the drawings. Actual design work is still accomplished in SmartPlant P&ID;
however, managing and setting out that work is largely controlled from the Drawing Manager
interface. Only the project can use the commands on the Project menu in Drawing Manager to
fetch, check in, and check out drawings.
Once projects are enabled in SmartPlant Engineering Manager, the As-Built can no longer
create drawings; drawings are created inside projects. However, any drawings that might have
existed in the plant before projects were enabled remain in the As-Built. All drawing versions in
the As-Built are read-only drawings when projects are enabled, but these drawings can still be
deleted in the As-Built, unless the drawing is either fetched or checked out to a project. If the
plant is registered in SmartPlant Foundation, drawings can be created and edited in the As-Built,
except for drawings that are checked out to a project.

62 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Projects

When you are using projects inside SmartPlant P&ID, remember that the reference data
belongs to the Plant and is used by projects of the As-Built. You cannot change reference data,
such as table layouts or formats or rules, at the project level.

Claiming objects on a drawing is one of the main features of using projects in an integrated
environment. When a project claims an object on a drawing, the project controls modifications to
that object. A project cannot modify objects that it has not claimed.
Projects claim objects in either Exclusive (default) or Shared claim mode. If you plan to use the
project in an integrated environment, Shared mode is mandatory. Use the Settings view in
Options Manager to set the Claim Mode value before creating a project.
You can change the claim mode to Shared at any time. However, you can change the claim
mode to Exclusive only when there are no claims in any project in the Plant.
All the modifications and claiming of objects is carried out in the design software, but the claim
states of objects inside drawings do have ramifications for drawing manipulation and for
completing projects. You do not need to check out a drawing to claim items on it; you can claim
items on a fetched drawing.
For more information about claiming items, see the SmartPlant P&ID User's Guide.

Reviewing the Project Status

You can review the status of the active project using the Project Status command in Drawing
Manager. This dialog shows the status of the active project and tells you where the project is in
its lifecycle. The project status will be one of these values: Active, Completed, Merged or
Canceled. The status for a new project is set to be Active.

Project Status Command (Project Menu)

Opens the Project Status dialog box, which allows you to update, modify, and verify the status
of your project with respect to the Plant and/or SmartPlant Foundation. Possible statuses
include Active, Completed, Merged, Canceled. This command is not available if you are
currently in the Plant; it is only available if your current database is a project database.
Once a project enters the Completed state, all of the commands are disabled and design work is
no longer possible within that project. If you later determine that the project is really not done,
use the Return to Active button on the Project Status dialog box. This command resets the
project status to Active, allowing work to continue in the project. This command is only enabled
when the project is in the Completed state.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 63

Working with Projects

Project Status Dialog Box

Displays the current project status, both with respect to SmartPlant Foundation and the plant
and allows you to update or modify those statuses. This dialog box opens when you click
Project > Project Status on the main menu bar.

A project can only be returned to an Active state from the Completed state. If a project
has been set to Merged or Canceled, it cannot be changed back to Active. Merged and
Canceled are permanent states.
SmartPlant project status — Displays information about the status of the active project with
respect to SmartPlant Foundation. This area is not active if the plant is not registered with
SmartPlant Foundation.
Refresh Status — Searches for and displays the status of this project in SmartPlant Foundation
and updates this information in SmartPlant Foundation if appropriate. This button is not
available if the plant is not registered with SmartPlant Foundation.
P&ID project status — Active, Completed, Merged, Canceled. If your project status is
merged, then no further actions are available on this dialog box.
Return to Active — Returns the P&ID project status to active. This button is available only
when the P&ID project status is Completed and the SmartPlant project status, if applicable,
is Active.
Complete Project — Sets the P&ID project status to Completed. This button is available only
when the P&ID project status and the SmartPlant project status are both Active. When you
click Complete Project, a confirmation message appears.
Merge Project — Sets the P&ID project status to Merged. This button is available only when
the P&ID project status and the SmartPlant project status are both Completed. When you
click Merge Project, a confirmation message appears.

64 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Projects

Cancel Project — Clears all claims on all objects and sets the P&ID project status to
Canceled. This button is available only when the SmartPlant project status is Canceled. If
the Plant is not registered, then the project is simply canceled out of Drawing Manager.

Modify Project Status

1. Open the project for which you want to view the status.
2. Click Project > Project Status.
3. In the P&ID project status area, ascertain the current status of your project with respect to
the Plant.
A check mark denotes the current status. Possible statuses include Active,
Completed, Merged, and Canceled.
4. To change an Active project to Completed, click Complete Project. This button is
available only when the P&ID project status is active.
All the drawings in the project are verified for checking into the Plant. You can verify
each drawing separately if you want to. For more information, see Verify a Drawing for
Checkin (on page 79).
5. To change a Completed project back to Active, click Return to Active. This button is
available only when the P&ID project status is Completed.
6. To merge a Completed project into the Plant, click Merge Project. This button is available
only when the P&ID project status is Completed.
7. To cancel the active project, click Cancel Project.

 If the plant is registered, click Refresh Status on the Project Status dialog box to update
the SmartPlant project status display.
 In SmartPlant Foundation, the Complete Project, Return to Active, and Merge Project
options are not available unless the SmartPlant project status is also Active. The Cancel
Project option is not available unless the SmartPlant project status is also Canceled.

Fetching a Drawing to an Active Project

Fetching a drawing from the Plant places a copy of the drawing in the project. Only one project
at a time can check out a drawing, but numerous projects can fetch the same drawing.
Fetched drawings can have read-only or read/write permissions. If you want to save changes to
a read/write fetched drawing into the Plant, you must check the drawing out first, apply your
changes, and then check it back into the Plant.
If you are working with projects but are not connected to SmartPlant Foundation, all claims on
items in that drawing are automatically released when you delete a fetched drawing from your
project database.
A Workshare satellite can only fetch drawing versions from its own database by using the Fetch
button on the Version History dialog box. If you want a drawing version from another project or
the Plant, it must be fetched into the host project and then the satellite can use the Get Latest
Version commands on the Workshare menu.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 65

Working with Projects

Fetch Command (Project Menu)

Displays the Fetch dialog box, which provides options for fetching a drawing version from the
Plant or another project. You can fetch a drawing with read/write permissions or with read-only
The Fetch command is not available if you are currently working in the Plant. You cannot fetch a
deleted drawing, but a deleted drawing can be retrieved if a version of it is saved, and then you
can fetch it.

Fetch Dialog Box

Displays the active Plant hierarchy and lists its drawings, allowing you to fetch a drawing from a
specified database. This dialog box appears when you click Project > Fetch or the Fetch

Open Database — Opens the Projects dialog box, which allows you to specify a different
project or the Plant.

Filter — Opens the Filter dialog box, which allows you to specify the drawings that are
displayed in the List view.

Cancel Filter — Deactivates any ad hoc filter you have applied to the List view.
Include Subnodes — Displays all the drawings and node names that reside in the currently
selected node.

List — Displays the List view. The List view displays only one property for each drawing.
To specify which property displays, click Customize View . The first item in the Selected
Properties list is the property that appears in the List view.

66 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Projects

Details — Displays the Detail view, which contains all the properties specified in the
Selected Properties list on the Customize Current View dialog box. Using the Detail view
allows you to view and sort drawings by several attributes.

Customize View — Opens the Customize Current View dialog box, which allows you to
specify the information about each drawing that is displayed in the List view.
Options — Displays options specific to this fetch operation.
Create New Version — Saves a new version of the drawing before overwriting the existing
version. This option is not enabled if the current drawing is not already fetched or checked out
to the project.
Read-only — Fetches a read-only version of the drawing so that your project can examine the
drawing but not alter it.
Comments — Allows you to enter comments pertinent to this fetch operation.
History — Opens an abbreviated version of the Version History dialog box, which allows you
to choose a saved version of the drawing you select in the Fetch dialog box List view.
If you are connected to SmartPlant Foundation and you have already fetched the
drawing with read/write permissions, when you select the same drawing to fetch, the OK button
on this dialog box is not available.

Projects Dialog Box

Allows you to choose the Plant or a project that you want to fetch a drawing version from. You
can fetch a version from a different project only if that project is part of the same plant in which
you are working. This dialog box opens when you click the Open Database button on the
Fetch dialog box toolbar.
Available databases — Lists the active Plant and the projects associated with it, other than the
project in which you are currently working. Choosing from this list changes the plant hierarchy
and the drawings displayed in the Tree and List views.

Fetching Drawings Dialog Box

Displays the progress of the version fetching operation currently under way. This dialog box
opens when you click OK on the Fetch dialog box.

Drawings — Lists the drawings that are being fetched, and shows the status of that operation.
View Log — Opens the log file, Fetch.log, which is created when you fetch a drawing version.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 67

Working with Projects

Fetch a Drawing
1. Click Fetch .
2. On the Fetch dialog box, select the pertinent node in the Tree view if it is not already
3. In the List view, select the drawing that you want to fetch.

4. Click History if you need to fetch a version of this drawing other than the current version.
5. On the Version History dialog box, select the version that you want to fetch, and then click
6. Select the Read-only option if you want to fetch a version of the drawing for review only.
7. (Optional) Enter appropriate comments in the Comments box.

68 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Projects

8. Click OK. You can follow the progress of the fetch operation on the Fetching Drawings
dialog box. Click View Log if you want to examine notes from the fetch operation.

 If you want to fetch a drawing version from another project and not from the Plant, click
Open Database on the Fetch dialog box toolbar. On the Projects dialog box, select the
Plant or a project from the Available databases list, and then click OK.

 You can open a read-only version of the drawing for review by clicking View. For more
information about viewing drawing versions without fetching or checking them out, see Show
the Version History of a Drawing (on page 104).
If you are connected to SmartPlant Foundation and you have already fetched the
drawing with read/write permissions when you check the drawing out, the fetched version
remains intact and only its status changes to checked-out. That is, you cannot replace the
fetched version with the version in the Plant.

Checking a Drawing Out to an Active Project

Checking out a drawing places that drawing under the control of the project. No other project
can check out the same drawing while your project has it checked out. The advantage of
checking out rather than fetching a drawing is that only checked out drawings can have their
changes reflected back in the Plant.
The software notifies you if you try to fetch a version of a drawing that you have already checked
When working with projects in an integrated environment, you must select No for
the Enable "Keep Checked Out" on Check-In option in Options Manager.

 After you check out a drawing to a project, the drawing will be read only in the As-Built and
the following actions are not allowed:
 Modifying drawing properties
 Modifying the drawing or any drawing items or properties
 Deleting the drawing
 Updating the drawing using Drawing Manager
 Updating the drawing using automation
 You cannot check out a drawing to a project if it is open in the As-Built.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 69

Working with Projects

 The software cannot validate a drawing in the As-Built using the Global Validation
functionality if you have checked out that drawing to a project.

Check Out Command (Project Menu)

Displays the Check Out dialog box, enabling you to check drawings out from the Plant and into
your current project.
You can check out drawings that you have already fetched to your project, too. The Check Out
command is available only inside a project of the Plant; that is, you cannot check a drawing out
from a project and into the Plant. After a drawing is checked out to a project, the drawing icon
changes to reflect the new status.

 You do not have to check out a drawing in order to claim items on that drawing.
 This command checks user permissions, assigned in SmartPlant Engineering Manager,
before it allows you to check out a drawing.
If you are connected to SmartPlant Foundation and you have already fetched the
drawing with read/write permissions, when you check the drawing out, the fetched version
remains intact and only its status changes to checked-out. That is, you cannot replace the
fetched version with the version in the Plant.

Check Out a Drawing

1. Click Check Out .
2. On the Check Out dialog box, select the drawing that you want to check out from the Plant

70 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Projects

3. If you already have a fetched version of the drawing in your project and you want to replace
it with the version that you check out, select the Replace existing P&ID option.

If you do not replace the existing P&ID, your previously fetched version remains, but its
status changes to Checked-out.
4. (Optional) Enter comments in the Comments area.
5. Click OK. If you want to review notes about this operation after it is completed, click View
Log on the Checking Out Drawings dialog box.
If you discover that you did not want or need to check out this drawing, you can undo the
checkout. For more information, see Undo a Drawing Checkout (on page 74).

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 71

Working with Projects

Check Out Dialog Box

Displays the active Plant hierarchy and lists its drawings, allowing you to fetch a drawing from
the specified database. This dialog box appears when you click Project > Check Out or the
Check Out button .
To be able to use this command, you must have Write permissions in the
..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\bin folder.

Open Database — Opens the Projects dialog box, which allows you to specify a different
project or the Plant.

Filter — Opens the Filter dialog box, which allows you to specify the drawings that are
displayed in the List view.

Cancel Filter — Deactivates any ad hoc filter you have applied to the List view.
Include Subnodes — Displays all the drawings and node names that reside in the currently
selected node.

List — Displays the List view. The List view displays only one property for each drawing.
To specify which property displays, click Customize View . The first item in the Selected
Properties list is the property that appears in the List view.

Details — Displays the Detail view, which contains all the properties specified in the
Selected Properties list on the Customize Current View dialog box. Using the Detail view
allows you to view and sort drawings by several attributes.

Customize View — Opens the Customize Current View dialog box, which allows you to
specify the information about each drawing that is displayed in the List view.

72 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Projects

Options — Displays options specific to this check-out operation.

Replace existing P&ID — Overwrites the existing P&ID in the project if you have previously
fetched a version of this drawing. If you have more than one drawing selected, at least one of
them must exist in the project as a fetched drawing for this option to be available. If you are
connected to SmartPlant Foundation and you have already fetched the drawing with read/write
permissions, when you check the drawing out, the fetched version remains intact and only its
status changes to checked-out.
Create New Version — Saves a new version of the drawing before overwriting the existing
version. This option is not enabled if the current drawing does not already exist in the
project. Also, if the drawing being checked out is already fetched to the project, you must first
select Replace existing P&ID to enable the option.
Comments — Allows you to enter comments pertinent to this check-out operation.

Checking Out Drawings Dialog Box

Displays the progress of the version checking out operation currently underway. This dialog box
opens when you click OK on the Check Out dialog box.

Drawings — Lists the drawings that are being checked out, and shows the status of that
View Log — Opens the log file, CheckOut.log, which is created when you check out a drawing

Undo Checkout Command (Project Menu)

Opens the Undo Checkout dialog box, which enables you to return the drawing to the status of
not being checked out without going through the process of checking the drawing in. This
command is available only when you are working in the project that has the drawing in question
checked out. You must select the checked-out drawing in the List view in order to use this

 If you do not choose to remove the drawing from the project when you undo the checkout,
the drawing remains in the project as a fetched drawing with read/write permissions.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 73

Working with Projects

 If the project has claimed items on the checked-out drawing, then clicking Undo Checkout
and using the Remove from project option, the software reminds you to release all claims
prior to undoing the check out.

Undo a Drawing Checkout

1. In the List view in the project, select the checked-out drawing that you want to return to the
2. Click Project > Undo Checkout.
3. On the Undo Checkout dialog box, choose an option for either retaining or completely
removing the drawing from the project database.

Undo Checkout Dialog Box

Allows you to return the selected drawing to the Plant without going through the process of
checking the drawing in. With the options on this dialog box, you can choose to leave a fetched
version of the checked-out drawing in the active project or to delete the drawing from the project
database altogether. This dialog box opens when you click Project > Undo Checkout on the
main menu bar.

Remove from project — Returns the drawing to the Plant and deletes it from the project. If the
project has claimed items on the checked-out drawing, you must release all claimed items
before you can undo checkout.
Leave in project — Returns the drawing to the Plant while leaving a fetched drawing with
read/write permissions in the project.

Editing Drawing Items Within a Project

New items can be created in a project drawing using SmartPlant P&ID. As these items are
added to the drawing, they are automatically claimed by the project. If your edits to an item
cause related items to be modified, those related items must be claimed also. Moving items
and adding labels, for example, can be accomplished without claiming.
When an existing drawing is fetched or checked out to a project, none of the items are
claimed. You will not be able to modify or delete any items until they are claimed. Use the
Claim command to define the scope for your project. Claim modes include Exclusive and
Shared. Exclusive mode allows only a single project to claim an item. Using Shared mode,
multiple projects can claim the same item at the same time.
You can compare your current drawing with a previous version to locate any differences. These
differences display as change groups. The change group contains a list of changes that can be
made in the current drawing and still maintain consistency. You can then choose to accept the

74 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Projects

changes, if needed. Each change group is marked if it affects items you have claimed. You
should accept, or refresh, all of the changes that do not involve items claimed by you because
these items represent changes checked in by other projects.
Items must be claimed before you can delete them. If deleting an item results in changes to
related items, then those related items must be claimed also.

Returning a Drawing to the Plant Using Check In

Checking in a drawing writes all of the changes made to the drawing by the project into the
drawing stored in the Plant. When a drawing is checked in, all versions of that drawing are
deleted from the project.

Verification Processes Performed During Check In

 All objects that exist in the project but don't exist in the Plant must be claimed.
 All objects that exist in the Plant but don't exist in the project (they were deleted) must have
been claimed.
 All objects that exist in both the Plant and the project must be identical if not claimed.
 The claim state must be valid for the project.
 If any claim on an object on this drawing is invalid then check in cannot occur.
 The timestamp on all objects that exist in the project must be earlier than or equal to the
timestamp on the drawing.
 Last Publish Date > Drawing date.
 Check in is not allowed if drawing is in a Re-create state.
 The Verify for Checkin command for new drawings should ensure that all items on the
drawing have been claimed.
If an invalid claim is found but the item in question matches the item in the Plant, run
Verify for Checkin to resolve this situation. This process automatically sets the claim to valid
and allows the check in to occur.

Check In a Drawing
1. In the List view, select the drawings that you want to check into the Plant.

2. Click Project > Check In or click on the main toolbar.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 75

Working with Projects

3. On the Check In dialog box, select either Keep checked out and maintain claims,
Remove from project or Leave in project. If you leave the drawing in the project, it
becomes a fetched drawing with read/write permissions.

4. (Optional) Enter comments in the Comments box.

5. Click the Compare button if you want to compare the version you have selected to check in
with other versions of the drawing. For more information about comparing versions, see
Comparing Drawing Versions (on page 110).
6. On the Checking In Drawings dialog box, follow the progress of the operation. Click View
Log if you want to review notes about this drawing check-in.

 You cannot check in a fetched drawing. In order to check a drawing in, it must be checked
out. For more information about checking out drawings, see Check Out a Drawing (on page
 If your current active database is the Plant database, you cannot check in drawings. For
more information about changing databases, see Connect to a Database (on page 14).
 When you check a drawing into the Plant, any claims on objects on that drawing are
automatically released. For more information about claiming items, see SmartPlant P&ID
 When you check a drawing into the Plant, your version of the drawing becomes the current
version in the Plant. However, the version that was in the Plant already is automatically
saved as the previous version.
 You can select a checked out drawing and use the Verify for Checkin command to make
sure claims and conflicts are resolved before you try to check in a drawing. For more
information, see Verify a Drawing for Checkin (on page 79).
 If an invalid claim is found but the item in question matches the item in the Plant, run Verify
for Checkin to resolve this situation. This process automatically sets the claim to valid and
allows the check in to occur.

76 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Projects

 All objects that exist in the project but don't exist in the Plant must be claimed.
 All objects that exist in the Plant but don't exist in the project (that is, they were deleted)
must have been claimed.
 All objects that exist in both the Plant and the project must be identical if not claimed.
 The claim state must be valid for the project.
 If any claim on an object on this drawing is invalid then check in cannot occur.
 The timestamp on all objects that exist in the project must be earlier than or equal to the
timestamp on the drawing.
 Last Publish Date > Drawing date.
 Check In not allowed if Drawing is in a Re-create state.
 The Verify for Checkin for new drawings should ensure that all items on the drawing have
been claimed.

Check In Command (Project Menu)

Enables you to check drawings into the Plant. This command is available only when drawings
are selected in the List view and when those drawings are checked out to the current project.
Drawings created in a project automatically belong to that project and can be selected and
checked in. This command is not available from within the Plant.

 You must have the correct permissions, assigned in SmartPlant Engineering Manager,
before you can check drawings in or out.
 You cannot check a drawing in if any of the objects that belong to that drawing were
modified after the latest version of a drawing was created. For more information about
creating versions, see Save a Version of a Drawing (on page 101).
 If an invalid claim is found but the item in question matches the item in the Plant, run Verify
for Checkin to resolve this situation. This process automatically sets the claim to valid and
allows the check in to occur.

Related Drawings Dialog Box

This dialog box opens when you run the Check In command after selecting a drawing for
check-in that is related to other drawings that were not selected. You must check in all related
drawings together. To enable check-in of the selected drawing, close this dialog box and select
all the related drawings before running the Check In command.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 77

Working with Projects

Check In Dialog Box

Allows you to return ownership of drawings to the Plant. This dialog box opens when you click
Project > Check In on the main menu bar.

To be able to use this command, you must have Write permissions in the
..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\bin folder.

Remove from project — Deletes the selected drawings from the active project's List view and
moves them into the Plant hierarchy.
Leave in project — Leaves a copy of the selected drawings in the active project's List view and
moves them into the Plant hierarchy. The version left at the active project is a fetched drawing
in read/write mode.
Keep checked out and maintain claims — Checks in the selected drawings to the plant, but
keeps the drawings checked out and maintains all claims to allow you to continue working on
the drawings in the project. This option is enabled only when the Enable "Keep Checked Out"
on check-in option is set to Yes in Options Manager.
Comments — Allows you to enter notes that apply to this check-in operation.
Major revision — Displays the new major revision for the selected drawings, if added.
Minor revision — Displays the new minor revision for the selected drawings, if added.
New Revision — Opens the New Revision dialog box and allows you to add a revision for the
drawings prior to check-in. The values that you enter appear in the Major revision and Minor
revision boxes.

78 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Projects

Compare — Performs a comparison between the latest versions of the drawings in the active
project and As-Built. The Compare button is not available when you have selected more than
one drawing for check-in or if no drawing version exists in As-Built for the selected drawings.

Checking In Drawings Dialog Box

Displays the status of the check-in operation and allows you to review notes on the task. This
dialog box opens when you click OK on the Check In dialog box.

Drawings — Lists the drawings that you selected to check into the Plant and displays the
progress of the process through the list.
View Log — Allows you to review the log file for the check-in operation when the task is

Verify a Drawing for Checkin

1. Select the project in the Tree view.
2. In the List view, select the checked-out drawings that you want to check into the Plant.
3. Click Project > Verify for Checkin.
4. On the Verifying Drawings for Checkin dialog box, observe the progress of the verification
operations. Click View Log if you want to examine notes on the operation.

When you have verified the drawing for checkin, go ahead and check the drawing
into the Plant as soon as possible. Because the verification process does not freeze the drawing
state, there is no guarantee that changes are not made to the drawing during any interim time
between verification and actual check in. For more information, see Check In a Drawing (on
page 75).

 You cannot check in a fetched drawing, it must be checked out first. You can, however,
check in a new drawing created in the project. For more information about checking out
drawings, see Check Out a Drawing (on page 70).
 Verifying a drawing for checkin checks exactly the same drawing conditions as the Check In
command, but without actually checking the drawing into the Plant.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 79

Working with Projects

 If an invalid claim is found but the item in question matches the item in the Plant, run Verify
for Checkin to resolve this situation. This process automatically sets the claim to valid and
allows the check in to occur.

Verify for Checkin Command (Project Menu)

Checks the selected drawing to see if there are any conditions that would keep it from
successfully being checked into the Plant. For a list of items or issues checked during the
verification process, see Returning a Drawing to the Plant Using Check In (on page 75).
If the drawing fails this verification, click the View Log button on the Verifying Drawings for
Checkin dialog box and review the items listed there.
Even though a drawing passes verification, the state of the drawing is not then frozen.
Subsequent actions can cause a drawing not to be ready for checking in. If your drawing is
verified and you do want to check it into the Plant, then you should do so as soon as possible
after verifying it for checkin.
If an invalid claim is found but the item in question matches the item in the Plant, run Verify for
Checkin to resolve this situation. This process automatically sets the claim to valid and allows
the check in to occur.

Verifying Drawings for Checkin Dialog Box

Displays the progress of the version verification operation currently underway. This dialog box
opens when you click Project > Verify for Checkin.

Drawings — Lists the drawings that are being verified for checkin, and shows the status of that
View Log — Opens the log file that is created by the verification process.

80 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Projects

Reviewing the Drawing Status

Checking the drawing status allows you to see which projects that have fetched or checked out
the selected drawings.

Drawing Status Command (Project Menu)

Displays the projects that have fetched or checked out the selected drawing. This command is
available in the Plant and in any of its projects. You can select more than one drawing and
display their statuses at the same time.
The Drawing Status dialog box displays information about the project and the user who
changed the status, the time of the change, and any comments that were added during the
status change. These comments can be entered during any status-changing operations, such as
fetching, checking out, checking in, and undoing a checkout.

Drawing Status Dialog Box

Displays information about the project and user that changed the drawing status, the time the
status was changed, and any comments that were added when the status was changed. Status
changing operations include checking out, checking in, fetching a drawing, and undoing a
checkout. This dialog box opens when you select drawings in the Tree view and then click
Project > Drawing Status.

History — Displays the pertinent information about the selected drawings.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 81

Working with Projects

Check Drawing Status

1. In the List view, select a drawing.

2. Click Project > Drawing Status or click on the toolbar.

3. Review the information on the Drawing Status dialog box.

Sample Project Workflows

The following scenarios provide workflows for using projects in various configurations. You
must perform the activities below before executing the workflows.
1. In SmartPlant Engineering Manager, do the following:
a. Create a site.
b. Create a plant.
c. Associate the SmartPlant P&ID application.
d. Create plant groups that allow drawings.
2. In SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager, create new drawings A - E and G, as shown.

3. In SmartPlant P&ID, do the following:

a. Open Drawing A.

82 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Projects

b. Create the following Assembly A-1 and assign the item tags as shown.

 Choose vessel type Equipment > Vessels > Vertical Drums > Short 1D 1C 1to1.
 Place both OPC partners in the Plant Stockpile.
c. Open Drawings B, C, D, and G and place Assembly A-1 in each of the drawings.
The software assigns unique item tags to the vessel, pipe runs, and OPCs in
each drawing.
d. Open Drawing E and place the instrument OPC partner from Drawing D.
4. In SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager, create a version of Drawing G and make a note of
the version number (1).
5. In SmartPlant Engineering Manager, do the following:
a. Enable projects for the plant.
b. Create three projects: Project 1, Project 2, and Project 3 and for each, set the Project
Scope at the level of the unit in which you created the drawings.
c. Define Roles for each of the projects if not defined already.
6. In SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager, set the Claim Mode option to Shared.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 83

Working with Projects

Undo a Checkout
Before performing this scenario, ensure that you have completed all the prerequisite
activities described in Sample Project Workflows (on page 82).
1. In Project 1, check out Drawing A from the Plant.
2. Open Drawing A and do the following:
a. Claim Vessel V-100.
b. Find and replace Vessel V-100 with a 1 to 1 Parametric V Drum.

c. Exit Drawing A.
Drawing A becomes Drawing A'.
3. In Project 2, fetch Drawing A' from Project 1.
4. In Project 1, execute the Undo Checkout command on Drawing A', leaving Drawing A' in
Project 1.
5. In Project 2, open Drawing A' and do the following:
a. Claim Nozzle N1.
b. Change the Tag Sequence Number of the nozzle to 4.
c. Exit Drawing A'.
Drawing A' becomes Drawing A''.
6. Check out Drawing A from the Plant to Project 2 without replacing the existing P&ID.
Drawing A becomes Drawing A''.
7. In Project 2, perform the following steps:
a. Attempt to check in Drawing A''.
b. View the check in log file.
Unclaimed changes prevent check in.

84 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Projects

8. Open Drawing A'' and do the following:

a. Claim Vessel V-100.
b. Exit Drawing A''.
Drawing A'' becomes Drawing A'''.
9. Check in Drawing A''' with removal of the drawing from the project.


Check out drawing

Fetch drawing

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 85

Working with Projects

Continuity between procedure steps

(an arrow indicates changes to the
drawing or to drawing item data)

Check in drawing

Check-in unsuccessful

Undo drawing check-out

Refresh: Modify a Drawing Concurrently in Two Projects

Before performing this scenario, ensure that you have completed all the prerequisite
activities described in Sample Project Workflows (on page 82).
1. In Project 1, check out Drawing B from the Plant.
2. Open Drawing B and do the following:
a. Fence select all items and claim the selected items.
b. Exit Drawing B.
3. In Project 2, fetch Drawing B from the Plant.
4. Open Drawing B and do the following:
a. Fence select all items except both OPCs and claim the selected items.

The claim status for the items indicates that they have already been claimed by
another project.
b. Change the Tag Sequence Number for the vessel to 110.
c. Change the Construction Status of the vessel from New to Existing.
d. Exit Drawing B.
Drawing B becomes Drawing B'.
5. In Project 1, open Drawing B and do the following:
a. Place an Area Break around the vessel and Nozzle N1.
b. Place an Alt Dgn Press-Temp Equipment Label on the Area Break.
c. Select the Area Break, right-click, and on the shortcut menu, click Select Contents.
d. In the Properties window, if you cannot see the pressure and temperature properties,
select Show Case Data for the Select Set to display those properties.
e. Assign Alt Dgn Max Press of 100 psi.
f. Assign Alt Dgn Max Temp of 101 F.

86 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Projects

g. Exit Drawing B.
Drawing B becomes Drawing B''.
6. In Project 1, check in Drawing B'' with removal of the drawing from the project and then do
the following:
a. Click Project > Project Status.
b. Click Complete Project.
c. Click Merge Project to merge Project 1 into the Plant.

If you complete and merge Project 1, you will not be able to use it for the other
workflows unless you delete and re-create Project 1. If you want to continue without
deleting and re-creating the project, you should skip both the Complete and Merge
operations until you have completed all of the workflows.
7. In Project 2, check out Drawing B'' without replacing the existing P&ID.
Drawing B'' becomes Drawing B' in Project 2.
8. In Project 2, attempt to check in Drawing B'.
Invalid Claim prevents check-in.
9. In Project 2, compare Drawing B' with the drawing in the Plant and do the following:
a. Refresh Drawing B' for the Area Break and label and all other differences that result in
invalid claims.

For details, see Compare and Refresh Drawing Versions.

b. Place a Revision Cloud around Control Valve FV-100 and Actuator ACT-100.
c. Place a Revision Triangle on the Revision Cloud. Label the Revision Triangle RT- 1.
d. Exit Drawing B'.
Drawing B' becomes Drawing B'''.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 87

Working with Projects

10. Check in Drawing B'''.


Check out drawing

Fetch drawing

88 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Projects

Continuity between procedure steps

(an arrow indicates changes to the
drawing or to drawing item data)

Check in drawing

Check-in unsuccessful

Fetch a Deleted Drawing

Before performing this scenario, ensure that you have completed all the prerequisite
activities described in Sample Project Workflows (on page 82).
1. In Drawing Manager, select Project 1 and check out Drawing C from the Plant.
2. Open Drawing C and do the following:
a. Claim Flow Indicator FI-100.
b. Change the Tag Sequence Number of the Flow Indicator from 100 to 101.
c. Exit Drawing C.
Drawing C becomes Drawing C'.
3. In Project 2, fetch Drawing C from the Plant.
4. Open Drawing C and do the following:
a. Claim Flow Indicator FI-100.
b. Change the Tag Sequence Number of the Flow Indicator from 100 to 202.
c. Exit Drawing C.
Drawing C becomes Drawing C''.
5. In Project 1, delete Drawing C'.
6. In Project 2, check out Drawing C from the Plant without replacing the existing P&ID.
7. In Project 3, fetch Drawing C'' from Project 2.
8. Open Drawing C'' and do the following:
a. Add a Generic Tray to the vessel.
b. Exit Drawing C''.
Drawing C'' becomes Drawing C'''.
9. In Project 2, undo the check-out of Drawing C''.
10. In Project 3, check out Drawing C from the Plant, ensuring that the existing P&ID is not
Drawing C becomes Drawing C''' in Project 3.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 89

Working with Projects

11. Open Drawing C''' and do the following:

a. Claim Flow Indicator FI-202.
b. Exit Drawing C'''.
Drawing C''' becomes Drawing C'''' in Project 3.
12. Check in Drawing C''''.
13. In Project 1, click Revisions > Fetch Deleted Drawing and select deleted Drawing C'.
14. Check out Drawing C'''' from the Plant, ensuring that the existing P&ID is not replaced.
Drawing C'''' becomes Drawing C' in Project 1.
15. Attempt to check in Drawing C'.
Unclaimed changes prevent check-in.
16. Open Drawing C' and do the following:
a. Claim the vessel.
b. Claim Flow Indicator FI-101.
c. Perform Compare and Refresh for the generic vessel tray.
d. Exit Drawing C'.
17. Check in Drawing C'.

90 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Projects

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 91

Working with Projects


Check out drawing

Fetch drawing

Continuity between procedure steps

(an arrow indicates changes to the
drawing or to drawing item data)

Check in drawing

Check-in unsuccessful

Undo drawing check-out

Delete drawing

Check in Multiple Representations

Before performing this scenario, ensure that you have completed all the prerequisite
activities described in Sample Project Workflows (on page 82).
1. In Project 1, check out Drawing D from the Plant.
2. Open Drawing D and do the following:
a. Claim the vessel and make a note of its Item Tag.
b. Claim the instrument OPC and the signal run connected to it.
c. Make a note of the instrument OPC's Item Tag and delete it to the Plant Stockpile.
d. Exit Drawing D.
Drawing D becomes Drawing D'.
3. In Project 1, create Drawing F.
4. Open Drawing F and do the following:
a. Place the instrument OPC that was placed in the Plant Stockpile after being deleted
from Drawing D.
b. Place a Multiple Representation of the vessel.
c. Add an Equipment Name label to the vessel.
d. Exit Drawing F.
Drawing F becomes Drawing F'.

92 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Projects

5. Attempt to check in Drawing F'.

Related Drawings error prevents check in.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 93

Working with Projects

6. Check in Drawings D' and F' together.


Check out drawing

Fetch drawing

Continuity between procedure steps

(an arrow indicates changes to the
drawing or to drawing item data)

Check in drawing

Check-in unsuccessful

94 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Projects

Fetch Older Drawing Versions and OPCs

Before performing this scenario, ensure that you have completed all the prerequisite
activities described in Sample Project Workflows (on page 82).
1. In Project 1, check out Drawing G.
2. Open Drawing G and do the following:
a. Claim the vessel, Nozzle N1, and the pipe run connected to the nozzle.
b. Delete from model the vessel and Nozzle N1.
c. Exit Drawing G.
Drawing G becomes Drawing G'.
3. In Project 2, create Drawing H.
4. In Project 3, create Drawing I.
5. In Project 2, fetch Drawing I from Project 3.
6. Open Drawing H and do the following:
a. Place 3 Piping Off Drawing OPCs (OPC1, OPC2, and OPC3), sending the partner
OPCs to the Drawing I stockpile.
b. Make a note of the OPC tags.
c. Exit Drawing H.
Drawing H becomes Drawing H'.
7. Open Drawing I and do the following:
a. Place OPC3 into Drawing I from the Drawing I stockpile.
b. Exit Drawing I.
Drawing I becomes Drawing I'.
8. In Project 2, check in Drawing I', removing it from the project.
9. Fetch Drawing I' into Project 3 from the As-Built, overwriting the drawing.
10. In Project 3, open Drawing I' and do the following:
a. Claim OPC2 (in Drawing I stockpile).
b. Using the Move to Different Stockpile command, move OPC2 into the Project 3 Plant
c. Exit Drawing I'.
Drawing I' becomes Drawing I''.
11. In Project 1, check in Drawing G'.
12. In Project 3, fetch Version 1 of Drawing G' from As-Built.
To fetch the correct version of Drawing G', do the following:
1. On the Fetch dialog box, click History.
2. On the Version History dialog box, select Version 1.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 95

Working with Projects

13. In Project 2, check in Drawing H', leaving the drawing in the project.
14. Open Drawing H' and do the following:
a. Claim OPC1, OPC2, and OPC3.
b. Exit Drawing H'.
Drawing H' becomes Drawing H''.
15. In Project 3, check in Drawing I''.

96 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Projects

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 97

Working with Projects


Check out drawing

Fetch drawing

Continuity between procedure steps

(an arrow indicates changes to the
drawing or to drawing item data)

Check in drawing

Check-in unsuccessful

98 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


Working with Drawing Versions and

You can create revisions for drawings consisting of major and minor revisions and include the
revision information in the drawing title block if desired. You can also associate a version with
the latest revision if you need to archive drawings for viewing or comparing. You can compare
two archived drawings or you can compare an archived drawing with the current drawing.

Using Drawing Versions

Drawing versions allows you to create, compare, and recover versions of your drawings. Using
drawing versioning is helpful in the following situations.
 Restoring a drawing after it has been deleted
 Restoring a drawing after items have been deleted from the drawing
 Restoring a drawing after making design errors
 Archiving a drawing before making major design changes
When a drawing is checked in, all versions in the project are deleted.

Creating a New Version of a Drawing

The current state of a drawing and all associated data can be saved using the New Version
command. Previously saved drawing versions are available to be viewed, compared, and
fetched, if necessary. If drawing versions are saved on a regular basis, the sequence of drawing
versions in a project becomes a sort of archive that shows the development of the drawing over
the life of the project.
Each time a drawing is checked into the Plant database, a new version of the drawing is
automatically created in the Plant and all versions of that drawing are deleted from the project.
The drawing versions in the Plant show the changes to the drawing over the life of the Plant.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 99

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

New Version Command (Revisions Menu)

Saves a new version of the selected drawing. The New Version dialog box opens, allowing you
to add comments to the version as you create it.
Previously saved drawing versions are available to be viewed, compared, and fetched, if
necessary. If drawing versions are saved on a regular basis, the sequence of drawing versions
in a project becomes a sort of archive that shows the development of the drawing over the life of
the project.
Each time a drawing is checked into the Plant database, a new version of the drawing is
automatically created in the Plant and all versions of that drawing are deleted from the project.
The drawing versions in the Plant show the changes to the drawing over the life of the Plant.

New Version Dialog Box

Allows you to enter notes pertaining to the creation of this new version. This dialog box opens
when you select a drawing and click Revisions > New Version. When you click OK, the
Creating Version of Drawings dialog box opens and you can follow the version creation
Comments — Enter notes pertaining to the creation of this new version. These notes can be
viewed by other projects and the Plant when they check the history of a drawing.
Schedule — Opens the Schedule Task Wizard, which allows you to schedule version creation
for a later time or at a regular interval. For details, see Scheduling Tasks (on page 235).

Creating Version of Drawings Dialog Box

Displays the progress of your version creation. This dialog box appears when you click OK on
the New Version dialog box.

Drawings — Lists the versions that are being created, and shows the status of version creation
View Log — Opens the log file that is created when you save a new version.

100 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Save a Version of a Drawing

1. In the List view, select a drawing.

2. Click Revisions > New Version or click New Version .

3. On the New Version dialog box, enter any comments that you want to attach to the new
4. Click OK to create the version.

 Click View Log on the Creating Version of Drawings dialog box to open the log file and
review notes on the version creation operation.
 New Version skips open drawings, notes them in the log, and then continues.
 If no changes have been made to the drawing since the last version was created, no new
version is created.
 Use the Schedule button to create a task for creating drawing versions at a later time or on
a regular interval. Follow the instructions on the Schedule Task Wizard (for details, see
Scheduling Tasks (on page 235)).
 When a drawing is checked in to the Plant, all versions are deleted from the project.
 When a drawing version is created, it is stored in a database segment named
LOBSEGMENT. This space is not reclaimed when drawing versions are deleted. However,
if you delete the older version of a drawing before creating a new version, then the database
size will not increase rapidly. Deleting older version will create free space in LOBSEGMENT
(without decreasing the total LOBSEGMENT size) which will be available for storing future
drawing versions.

Incremental New Versions Command (Revisions Menu)

Opens the Schedule Task Wizard, allowing you to create a task to save all drawings in a plant or
site whose time stamp shows that changes have been made since the last version was saved.
For details, see Scheduling Tasks (on page 235).

Save Versions of All Drawings

1. In the Tree view, select the site, plant, or project containing the drawings you want to save
versions of.
2. Click Revisions > Incremental New Versions.
3. Follow the steps and directions on the Schedule Task Wizard, and click Finish to schedule
the operation at another time or on a regular interval.

 When saving versions of all drawings in a Plant that has projects, new versions of the
drawings belonging to those projects are created also.
 This procedure saves new versions of only those drawings whose time stamp shows that
they have changed since the last version was saved.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 101

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

 Instead of creating versions of a set of drawings, you can create a version of a single
drawing. For more information, see Save a Version of a Drawing (on page 101).

Version History Command (Revisions Menu)

Opens the Version History dialog box, which displays a record of the versions of the selected
drawing and allows you to view the drawing or compare the drawing with other versions of the

Version History Dialog Box

Lists all available versions of a drawing. You can compare two versions of the drawing, or view a
version of the drawing without opening SmartPlant P&ID, or fetch a version from the list. You
can open this dialog box by clicking Revisions > Version History or by clicking the History
button on the Fetch dialog box.

History — Lists all the versions of the drawing in the current plant or project.
Compare — Opens the Compare dialog box, allowing you to compare two versions in the
History list. This button is not available unless two versions are selected in the list or if you open
this dialog box by clicking History on the Fetch dialog box. Use the Compare With button to
compare one version in the active project to a version in another project or the Plant.
Compare With — Opens the Compare With dialog box, allowing you to find a drawing version
in a different project or in the Plant to compare to the drawing version you select in the History
list. The Compare With button is not available if you open this dialog box by clicking History
on the Fetch dialog box.
View — Opens the View dialog box, which displays a read-only view of the selected drawing
version without opening SmartPlant P&ID. You can manipulate the view or select drawing items
and review their properties.
Fetch — Opens the Fetch Comments dialog box. This button is available only if you have
selected one, and only one, version in the History list and that drawing is not the current
version. The Fetch button is not available if you open this dialog box by clicking History on the
Fetch dialog box.

102 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Delete — Removes the selected drawing version. You must have the appropriate permissions,
assigned in SmartPlant Engineering Manager, to delete versions. You cannot delete the current
version of a drawing by using this button. However, you can delete the current version of a
drawing by using the Delete command on the Edit menu on the main menu bar. If the selected
version is one that was created especially for the last revision using the Associate Version
command, then you cannot delete the version unless you first delete the revision.

View Dialog Box

Opens when you click the View button on the Version History dialog box, allowing you to
quickly view a read-only display of the selected drawing version without opening SmartPlant

Print — Opens the Print dialog box where you can specify options for printing your

Zoom Area — Enlarges the display of items in the active window.

Zoom In — Enlarges the display of items around a specified point in the active window.

Zoom Out — Reduces the display of items around a specified point in the active window.

Fit — Fits all visible items in the active view.

Pan — Allows you to move the display in any direction from a specific point in a drawing to
see other areas of the drawing by dragging the pointer across the view.

Select Tool — Changes the pointer to the arrow-shaped selection pointer so that you can
select items. The circle at the end of the pointer arrow is the locate zone.

Help — Displays contents for the Help topics that include step-by-step instructions for using
Drawing Manager.
Drawing View — Displays the graphical view of the selected drawing version.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 103

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Properties Window — Displays the properties associated with a drawing item that you select in
the Drawing view.
Selected Items List — Itemizes all of the selected objects individually and as a select set.

Alphabetized Button — Displays item properties alphabetically. This button acts as a

toggle and is available when properties are displayed categorically.

Categorized Button — Displays item properties categorically. Categories are defined and
assigned in Data Dictionary Manager. This button acts as a toggle and is available when
properties are displayed alphabetically.

Fetch Comments Dialog Box

Opens when you click Fetch on the Version History dialog box and provides a way to enter
comments about the operation.

Comments — Allows you to enter text pertaining to this fetch operation.

Show the Version History of a Drawing

1. In the List view, select the drawing whose history you want to view.

2. Click Version History .

3. On the Version History dialog box, review the versions in the History list.

 Use the View command to open a read-only display of a selected drawing version. For more
information, see View a Drawing in Drawing Manager (on page 25).
 Use the Compare command to compare two drawing versions selected in the History list.
For more information, see Compare Drawing Versions (on page 111).
 If the drawing exists in other projects, use the Compare With command to compare this
version to a version in another project or in the Plant. For more information, see Compare
Drawing Versions for As-Built and Projects (on page 117).
 Use the Delete command to delete a selected drawing version. You cannot delete the
current drawing version.

104 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Recovering Drawings
The following areas require special consideration with regard to saving new drawing versions
and how retrieving a drawing effects the actions that can occur in the Plant between saving a
version and retrieving it. These actions have serious implications when recovering (using the
Fetch Deleted Drawing command) a drawing. In all drawing recovery activities, a log file is
created in which you can review notes on any recovery activity that you are undertaking.

Multiple Representations
After a drawing is recovered, there are situations where multiple representations of piping and
equipment items can spontaneously occur. For example, you place a piece of equipment on
drawing A and then you save a version of drawing A. After creating a version of drawing A, you
move the equipment from drawing A to the Plant Stockpile and then to drawing B. When
drawing A is retrieved, the following message is added to the log file:
Item (item tag ItemTag, internal ID SP_ID) is being restored as a multiple
representation because another representation of the same item was found
in drawing Drawing Name.
Encountering this situation does not cause the retrieval to fail; the retrieval process continues as
If an equipment item already exists as a multiple representation in another drawing, the following
message is added to the log file:
Restoring multi representation item (item tag ItemTag, internal ID
Encountering this situation does not cause the retrieval to fail; the retrieval process continues as
If other valid stockpile items are moved from drawing A to drawing B, the following message is
added to the log file:
Error ! Item (item tag ItemTag, internal ID SP_ID) has been moved to
drawing Drawing Name.
To resolve this conflict, you must either delete the indicated item or restore the indicated
drawing first. If you delete the item, then the item can either be deleted to the Plant Stockpile or
deleted from the model. This error message is created for each moved item, and the retrieval
process quits without restoring the archive.

Off-Page Connectors (OPCs)

If you save a new version of a drawing that includes an OPC, and its mate is deleted from the
database afterward, both OPCs are restored to the drawing or drawing stockpile, as appropriate,
when the drawing is retrieved.
For example, an OPC is placed on a drawing A, its mate is placed on drawing B, and both
drawings saved in versions. When drawing A is retrieved, the OPC is restored to drawing A, and
the mate is placed in the Plant Stockpile. The mated OPC has the same item tag as the OPC
restored to drawing A. Once drawing B is retrieved, the OPC mate of the OPC in drawing A is
placed in drawing B and removed from the Plant Stockpile.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 105

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Pipe and Signal Lines

If all the line runs belonging to a line are deleted from the model after a drawing version is
saved, the line is restored back to the database after the drawing is recovered.
To restore a deleted line, Drawing Manager searches the database for a line that has the same
key property values as the line that is being restored. If such a line is found, it is used as the line
for the restored runs. If a suitable line is not found one is created for the restored runs.

Plant Group Joins

Plant Group Joins, which relate items in plant groups, are restored from a version only if the
plant group, such as the unit or area, exist in the current database.
For example, a piece of equipment belongs to a plant group and a drawing version is saved. If
the plant group is deleted and then the drawing is recovered, the equipment is restored, but
because the plant group does not exist, the Plant Group Join is not restored.
If the plant item group is found in the archived drawing, but the Plant Group Join does not exist
in the current database, Drawing Manager restores the Plant Group Join.

Plant Item Groups

Plant Item Groups placed in the drawing stockpile are considered part of the drawing; therefore,
Drawing Manager restores them to the drawing stockpile when the drawing is recovered.
Plant Item Groups that are moved to the Plant Stockpile after a drawing version has been saved
are restored back to the drawing stockpile when the drawing is recovered. The software
searches for the corresponding Plant Item Group in the saved stockpiles, and if it is not found
there, searches in the active database for the same.

Plant Item Group Joins

A Plant Item Group Join is a relationship created when an plant item, such as an instrument or a
piece of equipment, is linked to a Plant Item Group, such as an instrument loop, a package, or
the like. Plant Item Group Joins are saved as part of the drawing version.
During a drawing recovery, if a Plant Item Group Join exists in the saved drawing version, the
software searches for the corresponding Plant Item Group in the archived stockpiles. If the
corresponding Plant Item Group is not found in those stockpiles, the database is also searched.
If the Plant Item Group is found in the saved version, and the Plant Item Group Join is not found
in the database, then the Plant Item Group Join is restored. If the Plant Item Group is not found
in the saved stockpiles, the Plant Item Group and the Plant Item Group Join are restored to the
Plant Stockpile. If the Plant Item Group exists in the current drawing stockpile, Drawing Manager
updates the database to reflect the archived Plant Item Group Join.
For example: An instrument is associated with a Loop, LP1, in the drawing stockpile and a
version is saved. Afterward, a new Loop, LP2, is placed in the drawing stockpile and the
instrument is associated with LP2. When the drawing is restored, the Plant Item Group Join
indicates a relationship between the instrument and LP1. If LP1 has since been deleted from the
drawing stockpile, it is restored to the drawing stockpile. If LP2 exists in the current Plant
Stockpile at the time of drawing recovery, LP2 is left as is. However, if LP2 is in the drawing
stockpile, Loop LP2 is deleted from the database along with any other corresponding
representations and histories of Loop LP2.

106 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

If a drawing is deleted after a version is saved and a new drawing is created using the same
name and drawing number as the deleted drawing, retrieval of the deleted drawing fails.
Changing drawing properties, such as name, number, and so forth, after saving a version of a
drawing results in the original values being restored when the drawing is recovered. If this
situation occurs, the following message is added to the log file:
Warning! Drawing drawing name1 has been renamed to new drawing name2.
Drawing Manager changes the drawing back to its original name, drawing name1, in the
database. The original .pid file pathname\drawing name1 is also replaced. You must delete the
.pid file for pathname\drawing name2.

 You must have either site administrator or modify privileges to save versions or recover
 You cannot restore hierarchy items by using drawing recovery. For example, if a unit is
deleted, an archived drawing belonging to that unit can never be retrieved.

Recover a Version of a Drawing

Be sure you are familiar with the ramifications of drawing recovery before you
undertake the operation. For more information, see Recovering Drawings (on page 105).
1. In the List view, select the drawing that you want to recover.

2. Click Revisions > Version History or click the Version History button .
3. On the Version History dialog box, select the version of the drawing you want to recall.
4. Click Fetch and enter comments on the Fetch Comments dialog box.
5. On the message box, click Yes to confirm that you want to overwrite the current version with
the saved version you have selected.
6. Click View Log on the Fetching Drawings dialog box if you want to see notes about this

You can also recover a version of a drawing by clicking Fetch . Using the Fetch
command is particularly useful if you want to recover a version of your drawing that resides at
the Plant or another project. For more information, see Fetch a Drawing (on page 68).

Fetch Deleted Drawing Command (Revisions Menu)

Allows you to recover drawings that have been deleted from the plant structure; whenever you
delete a drawing, a version is automatically saved. The Fetch Deleted Drawing dialog box
opens so that you can specify the drawing versions you want to recover. You must select an
appropriate plant structure in the Tree view in order to be able to use this command.
Be sure you are familiar with the ramifications of drawing recovery before you
undertake the operation. For more information, see Recovering Drawings (on page 105).

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 107

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Fetch Deleted Drawing Dialog Box

Lists the drawings that are deleted, allowing you to select which drawings to retrieve. This dialog
box opens when you click Revisions > Fetch Deleted Drawing. The plant structure where the
deleted drawings were must be active in the Tree view before this command is made available.

Deleted drawings — Lists deleted drawings.

Delete permanently — Permanently deletes selected drawings from the database. Permanent
deletion of drawings is an irreversible action.
It is not possible to permanently delete drawings that have been checked out or fetched
by other projects.
Schedule — Opens the Schedule Task Wizard. Follow the directions in the wizard to schedule
retrieval at a later time or on a regular interval. For details, see Scheduling Tasks (on page 235).

108 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Fetching Deleted Drawings Dialog Box

Opens when you click OK on the Fetch Deleted Drawing dialog box, and displays the progress
of your recovery operation.

Drawings — Lists the drawings that are being retrieved, and shows the status of that operation.
View Log — Opens the log file that is created when you perform a drawing recovery operation.

Delete Drawings Permanently

1. Select the appropriate plant level in the Tree view, and click Revisions > Fetch Deleted
2. On the Fetch Deleted Drawing dialog box, select the drawings you want to delete.
3. Click Delete Permanently.
4. At the prompt, click Yes to confirm deletion of the selected drawings from the database.

 This action is irreversible; drawings cannot be recovered after being deleted permanently.
 It is not possible to permanently delete drawings that have been checked out or fetched by
other projects.

Recover a Version of a Deleted Drawing

1. Select the appropriate plant level in the Tree view, and click Revisions > Fetch Deleted
2. On the Fetch Deleted Drawing dialog box, select the drawing you want to retrieve.
3. Click OK to retrieve the drawing now or click Schedule to open the Schedule Task Wizard,
which allows you to schedule retrieval at a later time or on a regular interval. For details, see
Scheduling Tasks (on page 235).

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 109

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

4. On the Fetching Deleted Drawings dialog box, click View Log to review notes about this
retrieval process.

 All the saved versions of the selected drawing are retrieved. You can view the various
versions by selecting the drawing in the List view and clicking Revisions > Version
 If you retrieve a drawing that was new to your Plant or project, then the drawing icon for a
new drawing will be applied; otherwise, the drawing icon for a fetched drawing is used in the
List view.

Comparing Drawing Versions

When more than one version of a drawing exists, the Compare command on the Version
History dialog box allows you to view two versions side-by-side and examine their differences.
You can compare two versions from inside your own Plant or project database, or you can
compare a version in your database to a version in the Plant or another project database. Keep
in mind that you can only compare a drawing against a version of itself; that is, you cannot
compare one drawing to another drawing.
Differences between drawing versions are assigned to logical "change" groups, which are listed
on the Compare dialog box.
Differences also belong to one of three possible categories:
 Data — Refers to a mismatch in the properties assigned to an item that exists in both
drawings, namely a change, addition, or deletion of a property in the Properties window, in
the Engineering Data Editor in SmartPlant P&ID, or through automation.
 Graphic — Refers to an item that has changed only in its graphical representation in the
design (for example, the item is moved or otherwise graphically manipulated in the drawing).
The following differences are ignored: claim status, select list strings, linked or embedded
objects, symbology, and inconsistency indicators.
Adding or deleting an item is also a connectivity change because the relationship between the
item and the drawing has changed. Every change grouping and every changed item is assigned
a category, and if more than one category applies (for instance, if you move an item and change
one of its properties) then the highest priority category is displayed. The order of priority, from
high to low, for the categories is connectivity then data then graphic.
The two versions are displayed in two Drawing views, described only as left and right. The
relationship between the two views depends on whether you are comparing two versions in your
own database or comparing your version to a version in another database.
 If the two versions are in the active database, then the left-hand view is the older version,
and the right-hand view is the newer version. That is, they are displayed in time-order from
left to right.
 If the two versions exist in different databases, you cannot be assured that time-order is the
logical order to display the versions; therefore, the right-hand view is reserved for the version
in your active Plant or project database, and the left-hand view belongs to the version in
another database.

110 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

You can also compare the differences between the typicals of either drawing. Using the select
list situated in the drawing name bar of each view, you can display the primary, typical, or both
views of the selected version.
The Compare dialog box in Drawing Manager is useful reviewing differences between versions
only. If you want to reconcile anything about the two versions you review, then you must do so
inside SmartPlant P&ID. The Compare and Refresh command in SmartPlant P&ID exists for
this purpose. If you started with the left-hand drawing version and applied every change listed
on the Compare dialog box, then you would end with a drawing that is identical to the right
drawing version. For more information about reconciling two versions, see SmartPlant P&ID

Compare Drawing Versions

1. In the List view, select the drawing.

2. Click Version History .

3. In the drawing list on the Version History dialog box, select two versions of the drawing.
4. Click Compare. If you want to compare your drawing to a version in a different project or the
Plant, see Compare Drawing Versions for As-Built and Projects (on page 117).
5. On the Compare dialog box, you can view the differences between the two versions, but
you cannot make changes to the designs. To change the design, you must use SmartPlant
P&ID. For more information about using the compare-and-refresh capabilities inside
SmartPlant P&ID, see SmartPlant P&ID Help.

 You can manipulate the views and navigate through the listed changes by using the
commands on the Compare dialog box toolbar. Each Drawing view also has its own
shortcut menu, which includes manipulation commands that apply only to that view.
 You can select an item in either Drawing view. The item is then located in the appropriate
group in the Change details list. If you select an item in the Change details list, then you
can use the Find in Drawings button on the toolbar to locate the item in one or both
Drawing views.
 You can select an item in the Drawing view or in the Change details list. Properties for that
item appear in the Properties window. Selecting multiple items is not possible on the
Compare dialog box.

 The following differences are ignored: claim status, select list strings, linked or embedded
objects, symbology, and inconsistency indicators.
 You can only compare a drawing against a version of itself; that is, you cannot compare one
drawing to another drawing.
 You can also compare versions when you are checking in a drawing. For more information,
see Check In a Drawing (on page 75).
 If at any point you attempt to compare two versions that are actually identical to each other,
the Compare dialog box does not open and a confirmation message alerts you as to why.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 111

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Compare Dialog Box

This dialog box opens when you click Compare on the Version History dialog box, displaying
two versions of the same drawing and indicating the differences between them.
You cannot do anything else in Drawing Manager while this dialog box is open.

Toolbar Commands
The toolbar commands apply to the Drawing views.
For icons that display a drop down-arrow, you can apply the command to either the right
or left view.

Compare Options — Opens the Compare Options dialog box, which allows you to
customize the colors that the various comparison states are displayed in. That color coding is
then displayed in the status bar as a static reminder.

Print — Prints the Drawing view or views.

Generate Report — Opens Microsoft Excel and creates a report of the information
contained in this comparison session. This report lists the same information that is displayed in
the Change groups and Change details lists (change groups, item types, claim statuses, and
so forth).

112 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Find in List — Zooms to the Change details list entry that corresponds to an item you
select in either Drawing view. In general, if you select a drawing item that exists in the list,
then the list display automatically zooms to that entry.

Find in Drawings — Manipulates the Drawing views so that the selected element is listed
in the Change details and the Change groups list is centered in the appropriate Drawing view.
You must first select an item in either the Change groups or Change details area.

Zoom Area — Enlarges the selected area in one or both Drawing views by allowing you to
draw a fence around the area.

Zoom In — Enlarges the selected area where you click.

Zoom Out — Reduces the display of the selected area where you click.

Fit — Fits all the drawing elements into the visible viewing area of the active
drawing. Selecting part of the drawing and clicking Fit fits the selected area into the visible
viewing area of the active drawing.

Pan — Allows you to move the display in any direction from a specific point in one or both
Drawing views in order to see other areas of the view by dragging the pointer across the

Select — Changes the pointer to an arrow allowing you to select an item.

Help — Opens the Online Help.

Drawing Views
The left and right drawing views display the two versions of your drawing being compared. The
display above the drawing view shows the drawing name and the version. The select list in the
display allows you to choose the drawing layers to be compared and can be selected
individually for each version. Possible select list values are Primary, Typical, or Both.
If you compare two versions from different projects, the version that belongs to the other project
appears in the left Drawing view and the version that belongs to your active Drawing Manager
project appears in the right Drawing view. If you compare two versions from your active
project, then the latest version appears in the right Drawing view.
At the top of each Drawing view, the Plant or project, the name of the drawing, and the version
is displayed explicitly. You can move the bars between the different views according to your
needs. If you double-click on the divider between the left and right Drawing views, then the
software automatically adjusts the two views to be the same-size.

Properties Window
Displays two columns of properties for an item selected in a Drawing view or in the Change
details list. The left-hand and right-hand columns correspond to the left and right Drawing
views. If a deleted item is selected (the item exists in left view, but not the right view), the
properties for that item are listed in the left-hand column and the right-hand column is empty. If a
modified item is selected, values from both versions show in their respective columns in the
Properties window. If a new item is selected, that is, the item exists in right view, but not the left
view, the properties for that item are listed in the right-hand column and the left-hand column is

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 113

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Properties Commands
Allows you to customize the properties that are displayed in the Properties window.

Alphabetical — Lists properties in alphabetical order. This button acts as a toggle and is
available when properties are displayed categorically.

Categorized — Displays properties grouped by specific categories. Categories are

defined and properties are assigned to those categories in Data Dictionary Manager. This
button acts as a toggle and is available when properties are displayed alphabetically.

Show Modified — Toggles the display of only those properties of the selected drawing item
that are different in the versions. This button applies only to modified items that exist in both
versions; for added and deleted items, all properties are listed.

Change groups
Lists the changed items in groups. A listed item contains all the items this change effects. You
can sort the list be clicking the column headings.
For SmartPlant P&ID Engineering, the refresh action is not allowed.
Check box column — Displays colors in the drawings as defined using Compare Options. If
not selected, the Default items color displays.
Number — Displays an arbitrary number that is assigned to a logical change group when this
dialog box is opened. The number has no intrinsic meaning and may apply to a different group
the next time you open this dialog box.
Identifier — Lists item tags for the principal member of the change group, if an item tag is
assigned to that object. For instance, if a change group centers around data differences for a
vessel and its nozzles, then the item tag for the vessel is displayed in this column.
Category — Displays the category of the change, listed in order of highest to lowest priority.
Options include:
 Data — Indicates that a property value has changed (for example, a property value for a
 Graphic — Indicates that a change has been made to an item in the drawing (for example,
a vessel has been moved).
Claimed — Displays an overview of the claim status of the individual items in the group.
Possible values are All, Some, or None.
Valid Claim — Indicates that the claimed item is a valid claim.

Change details
Lists all the individual items that belong to the group that you select from the Change groups
list. You can sort this list by clicking on any of the column headings.
Result — Displays one of three possible values: Left-Only, Right-Only, and Different.
Left-Only denotes an item that exists in the left-hand version only, implying that the item is
deleted from the right-hand version. Right-Only denotes an item that exists in the right-hand
version only, implying that the item was added to the right-hand version. Different denotes a
difference between the properties or graphical elements of an item that exists in both versions.
Item Type — Describes the item type, such as Instrument, PipeRun, or Nozzle.

114 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Specific Item Type — Displays the specific type of item, such as 3-Way Ball Valve, Piping, or
Flange Orifice.
Item Tag — Displays the item tag of the individual item in question if a tag has been assigned to
the item.
Category — Displays the highest priority category of change that applies. Possible categories
 Data — Indicates that a property value has changed (for example, a property value for a
 Graphic — indicates that a change has been made to an item in the drawing (for example,
a vessel has been moved).
Claimed — Displays the claim status of the object:

 — Valid claim

 — Invalid claim
 Not claimed.

Stockpile or — Denotes whether the selected item is stored in the stockpile.

View — Displays the status of the selected item in relation to its placement in the primary or
typical view, and between the selected versions. The following statuses are displayed:

 Added to Primary

 Added to Typical

 Moved to Typical

 Moved to Primary

 Removed from Typical

 No Change in Typical

 Removed from Primary

 No Change in Primary
Status bar — Displays the currently defined colors for illustrating comparison status. You can
change the color scheme by clicking the Compare Options button on the toolbar and
defining options on the Compare Options dialog box.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 115

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Compare Options Dialog Box

Opens when you click Compare Options on the Compare dialog box toolbar and allows
you to customize the colors that the various comparison states are displayed in. The active color
scheme is displayed in the Compare dialog box status bar.

Left-only items — Allows you to choose a color for displaying objects that exist only in the
left-hand Drawing view. Dark green is the default color for this option.
Right-only items — Allows you to choose a color for displaying objects that exist only in the
right-hand Drawing view. Red is the default color for this option.
Different items — Allows you to choose a color for displaying items that exist in both views but
differ from each other for any number of reasons (for example, modified properties, changed
connectivity, and so forth). Blue is the default color for this option.
Default items — Allows you to choose a color for displaying drawing items that are identical in
the two views. Black is the default color for this option.
Highlight items — Allows you to choose a color to denote that a drawing object is highlighted,
for instance, when an item is within your locate zone.
Selected items — Allows you to choose a color to denote items that are selected in one or both
of the Drawing views.

116 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Compare Drawing Versions for As-Built and Projects

1. In the List view, select the drawing.

2. Click Version History .

3. In the drawing list on the Version History dialog box, select the version in the active project
that you want to compare against a version elsewhere.
4. Click Compare With.
5. On the Compare With dialog box, select the correct target project or the Plant database
from the Available Databases list.
6. In the History list, choose the version of the drawing that you want to compare against your
version and click OK.
7. On the Compare dialog box, you can view the differences between the two versions, but
you cannot make changes to the designs. To change the design, you must use SmartPlant
P&ID. For more information about using the compare-and-refresh capabilities inside
SmartPlant P&ID, see SmartPlant P&ID Help.

 You can manipulate the views and navigate through the listed changes by using the
commands on the Compare dialog box toolbar. Each Drawing view also has its own
shortcut menu, which includes manipulation commands that apply only to that view.
 You can select an item in either Drawing view. The item is then located in the appropriate
group in the Change details list. If you select an item in the Change details list, then you
can use the Find in Drawings button on the toolbar to locate the item in one or both
Drawing views.
 You can select an item in the Drawing view or in the Change details list. Properties for that
item appear in the Properties window. Selecting multiple items is not possible on the
Compare dialog box.

 The following differences are ignored: claim status, select list strings, linked or embedded
objects, symbology, and inconsistency indicators.
 You can only compare a drawing against a version of itself; that is, you cannot compare one
drawing to another drawing.
 You can also compare versions when you are checking in a drawing. For more information,
see Check In a Drawing (on page 75).
 If at any point you attempt to compare two versions that are actually identical to each other,
the Compare dialog box does not open and a confirmation message alerts you as to why.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 117

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Compare With Dialog Box

Opens when you click Compare With on the Version History dialog box and allows you to
select a drawing version from a database other than the current active database to compare
against the version you choose on the Version History dialog box in the active database.

Available Databases — Lists all the different databases that currently have a version of the
drawing you chose on the Version History dialog box.
History — Lists all the versions of the chosen drawing in the database you selected in the
Available Databases list.

118 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Print Dialog Box

Controls how a drawing is printed. This dialog box opens when you select to print when viewing
or comparing a drawing version.

Name — Specifies the printer that you want to use. You can select from a list of all the available
configured printers. The information below the Name box applies to the selected printer. The
printer that you select in the Name box is the default printer for the rest of the current design
session until you specify a different printer.
Properties — Opens the Printer Document Properties dialog box, which allows you to specify
page setup and other printer settings specific to the selected printer.
Status — Describes the state of the selected printer, for example, busy or idle. This area is
Type — Displays the type of printer currently selected. This area is read-only.
Where — Identifies the printer path, printer port, queue name, or physical location of the
currently selected printer. This area is read-only.
Print range — Allows you to select the following options:
 Drawing — Prints the entire drawing based on the defined page size.
 View — Prints the portion of the drawing that is actually visible in the Print Preview window.
Number of copies — Allows you to specify the number of copies of the drawing to be printed.
Collate — When the number of copies is more than 1, selecting this check box collates the
output by printing all the pages consecutively for each copy. Clearing the check box causes the
same page of each copy to be printed together for the number of copies specified.
Settings — Opens the Settings dialog box, which allows you to view and edit the scale and
origin of your print area.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 119

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Revising Drawings
The software implements drawing revisions in different ways depending on your work
environment. If you are working in an integrated environment, when you select the New
Revision command, the software opens either the SmartPlant Foundation Revise dialog box or
the New Revision dialog box, depending on the option selected in Options Manager for the
Revision Management Software for Publishing Documents setting. If you want to associate
a version with a new revision in an integrated environment, you must select the drawing and run
the Revisions > Associate Version command after creating the revision.
Revising a document creates a revision for the document with major and minor revision values
set, depending on the revision schema selected. When revising a document, you can modify the
major and minor revision data on the document.
You can change the revision scheme after a document has been published, skip revision
numbers, and manually add a revision number, then have it validated against the revision
scheme. It is not required to assign a minor revision number. Also, revision data from tools is
supported even if the document has previously been revised in SmartPlant Foundation.
You can revise a document by using any previous revisions that are available from
the last published revision.
If you revise a new document using the revision scheme RevAlpha (A, B, C, D…) and revision
C, then SmartPlant Foundation reserves revision number C for the document. Revising the
same document with RevAlpha, you can now revise with any previous revision numbers, such
as A or B. However, if the document is published to SmartPlant Foundation with revision number
C, you are not allowed to go back to the previous revision numbers.
The following table contains the available revision numbers based on the document revision
state in SmartPlant Foundation:

Document revision state Next available revision number

Working (C) C and up

Current (C) D and up

The current revisions scheme used in the As-built is displayed as the default revision scheme

 The combination of the major and minor revision values must be unique in the plant, or
when working with As-Built, in the project.
 When you check out or fetch a drawing from the As-Built into a project, only the last revision
record is displayed on the Revision History dialog box, regardless of whether that revision
is associated with a version or not.
 On the Revision History dialog box, the Delete command is disabled if the plant is
registered with SmartPlant Foundation, regardless of any permission settings.

120 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Revise Drawings Using SmartPlant P&ID Revisions

1. Select one or more drawings for revision.
2. Click Revisions > New Revision. The New Revision dialog box displays.

3. In the Status section, select a major revision number and if desired, a minor revision
After creation of the revisions, the drawings remain selected.
See Also
Revising Drawings (on page 120)
New Revision Command (Revisions Menu) (on page 125)
New Revision Dialog Box (on page 125)
Revise Dialog Box (on page 126)

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 121

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Revise Drawings Using SmartPlant Foundation Revisions

1. Select one or more drawings for revision.
2. Click Revisions > New Revision. The Revise dialog box displays.

 This command is available only if you have registered the active plant using the
SmartPlant Registration Wizard and if the authoring tool has implemented the
SmartPlant Foundation revision functionality.
 If you logged onto the authoring tool with a user name that is not defined in the
integrated environment, you are prompted to log on when you use this command.
 The documents that appear in the documents tree view on the Revise dialog box when
it first appears are documents that were selected within the authoring tool before you
clicked the Revise command. Click Engineering Tool to add documents from
authoring tools. Click Delete to remove a document from the list.
 You can revise documents in an integrated environment from the Publish dialog box.
For more information, see Revisable and Locked Documents.
3. For a new document or a document that does not yet have a defined revision scheme,
select the revision scheme you want to use from the Revision Scheme Name list.

 Only revision schemes that are applicable to the configuration (plant) or classification
(document type) are available in the shortcut menu. The revision schemes related to a
configuration or classification are not available for any other configurations or
classifications. If none of the revision schemes are related to the configuration or
classification, then all revision schemes are available unless they are related to any
other configuration or classification. For more information on revision scheme

122 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

configuration, see Configuring Different Revision Scheme Strategies in the How to

Configure Document Management guide.
 Any revision scheme that was previously assigned to a document can be changed even
if the document has been published or retrieved. For example, if the original revision
scheme for a document was set as Rev01A, you can change the revision scheme to
Rev1A at any time.
 Revision schemes can be set at any level of the document hierarchy.
You can revise a document that has been previously signed off and it can be
re-published into SmartPlant Foundation.
4. In the Revise in Tool section, select the next available major and minor revision values.

 The current revisions of the tool will not be available in the Major and Minor list. You
can select the current revisions of the tool only if they are not active.
 If the Allow skipping revisions option is set to False on the Manage Integration
Options dialog box in SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client, you are limited to which
revisions you can select.
5. Click OK. The document currently available for retrieval by other authoring tools is not
updated until you publish this revised document.
After creation of the revisions, the drawings remain selected.
See Also
Revising Drawings (on page 120)
New Revision Command (Revisions Menu) (on page 125)
New Revision Dialog Box (on page 125)
Revise Dialog Box (on page 126)

Use Minor Revisions in SmartPlant P&ID

The following example explains how SmartPlant P&ID supports minor revisions. This example
creates a revision from a new P&ID document.
1. Click Revisions > New Revision.
If you logged on to the authoring tool with a user name that is not defined in the
integrated environment, you are prompted to log on when you use this command.
2. On the Revise dialog box, select the revision scheme you want to use from the Revision
Scheme list. In this example, Rev1A is the revision scheme.
3. In the Major list under Revise in Tool, select 1. This is the first available major revision
4. In the Minor list under Revise in Tool, select A. This is the first available minor revision
5. Revise the document and keep the Major revision number as 1.
The minor revision number is automatically incremented and becomes B.
6. Revise the document and change the Major revision number to 2.
The minor revision number begins again at A.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 123

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Scenarios for Revision Scheme Behavior

 SmartPlant allows you to change revision schemes, skip revisions, and switch between
using and not using minor revisions. A number of dependencies, such as a tools revision
scheme or whether a document has other revisions, influence the behavior of a document
when a revision is created in SmartPlant Foundation.
1. Click Revisions > New Revision. The Revise dialog box displays.

 This command is available only if you have registered the active plant using the
SmartPlant Registration Wizard and if the authoring tool has implemented the
SmartPlant Foundation revision functionality.
 If you logged onto the authoring tool with a user name that is not defined in the
integrated environment, you are prompted to log on when you use this command.
 The documents that appear in the documents tree view on the Revise dialog box when
it first appears are documents that were selected within the authoring tool before you
clicked the Revise command. Click Engineering Tool to add documents from
authoring tools. Click Delete to remove a document from the list.
 You can revise documents in an integrated environment from the Publish dialog box.
For more information, see Revisable and Locked Documents.
2. In the Revision Scheme list, select RevA01.
3. In the Revise in Tool > Major list, select B as the major revision for the document.
4. Click OK. The revised document is saved to the authoring tool database. The document
currently available for retrieval by other authoring tools is not updated until you publish this
revised document.
5. Revise the document again. In the Revise in Tool > Major list, change the major revision to
6. Click OK.
7. Publish the document.
The document is revised in a tool to make additional changes. The tool manages its
own revision schemes and sets the revision of the document to 5. Rather than selecting a
revision scheme to match the tool revision scheme, you choose a new revision scheme.
8. Click Revisions > New Revision. The Revise dialog box displays.
9. In the Revision Scheme list, select RevA01.
In the Revise in Tool > Major list, the first major revision is A. A is the first available
revision because the document has not been previously published in SmartPlant

124 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

New Revision Command (Revisions Menu)

Opens the New Revision dialog box, allowing you to create a new revision for the selected
drawings and to enter values for the revision properties. You can also associate a version with
a new revision.
If you are working in an integrated environment, when you select the New Revision
command, the software opens either the SmartPlant Foundation Revise dialog box or the New
Revision dialog box, depending on the option selected in Options Manager for the Revision
Management Software for Publishing Documents setting.

New Revision Dialog Box

Allows you to enter values of properties pertaining to the creation of a new revision that applies
to one or more drawings.

Alphabetized Button — Displays drawing properties alphabetically. This button acts as a

toggle and is available when properties are displayed categorically.

Categorized Button — Displays drawing properties in categories. This button acts as a

toggle and is available when properties are displayed alphabetically.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 125

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

(Properties and Values List) — Displays a list of shipped properties used for the revision. You
can specify additional properties for display on this dialog box by defining them in the Data
Dictionary Manager. Note that Major Revision is a mandatory property and that the
combination of the Major Revision and Minor Revision values must be unique in the plant or
Associate version — Check to associate drawings. When you click OK, the New Version
dialog box opens, which allows you to create a new version and associate it with the revision.
OK — Generates the new revision, and if specified, an associated version. This command only
becomes available when you enter a value for Major Revision.

Revise Dialog Box

Allows you to revise a document in the authoring tool without publishing it.

 Boxes with a shaded background are read-only and cannot be edited.

 An asterisk appears in a box if more than one document is selected or the documents have
different values for what is displayed.

Engineering Tool - Displays an authoring tool-specific dialog box that allows you to select
documents to add to the tree view list.

Delete - Allows you to remove a document from the tree view list.
Documents list - Displays a list of the documents selected to be revised. You populate this list
by selecting documents before activating the Revise command. You can click the Delete button
to remove documents from this list.
Revision Scheme > Name - Choose the revision scheme to be applied from the list of available
options. Only revision schemes that are applicable to the configuration (plant) or classification
(document type) are available in the drop-down menu. If none of the revision schemes are
related to the configuration or classification, then all revision schemes are available. For more
information on revision schema configuration, see Configuring Different Revision Scheme
Strategies in the How to Configure Document Management guide.
Revision Scheme > Major Type - For the selected revision scheme, this box displays the type
of the major revision value sequence in read-only format.
Revision Scheme > Minor Type - For the selected revision scheme, this box displays the type
of the minor revision value sequence in read-only format if the revision scheme contains a minor
revision scheme.
Current Revision in Tool > Major - For existing documents, this box displays the current major
revision of the document, as defined in the authoring tool, in a read-only format. For new
documents, this box is empty.
Current Revision in Tool > Minor - For existing documents, this box displays the current minor
revision of the document, as defined in the authoring tool, in a read-only format. If the revision
scheme does not use minor revision, or if the selected document has not yet been revised, this
box is empty.
Revise in Tool > Major - From this list box, choose the major revision value for the document to
revise it locally and to reserve the revision in SmartPlant Foundation.

126 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Revise in Tool > Minor - From this list box, if you want a minor revision value, choose a minor
revision value for the document to revise it locally and to reserve the revision in SmartPlant
An Administrator can disable the skipping of revision numbers using the Manage
Integration Options in the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client. For more information, see
Configure Skip Revisions in the Integration Administrator's guide.

Revision Properties Command (Revisions Menu)

Opens the Revision Properties dialog box, allowing you to view and edit drawing revision

Revision Properties Dialog Box

Allows you to view and edit revision properties for a drawing. This dialog box opens when you
select a drawing and click Revisions > Revision Properties.

Alphabetized Button — Displays drawing properties alphabetically. This button acts as a

toggle and is available when properties are displayed categorically.

Categorized Button — Displays drawing properties in categories. This button acts as a

toggle and is available when properties are displayed alphabetically.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 127

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

(Properties and Values List) — Displays a list of shipped properties used for the revision. You
can specify additional properties for display on this dialog box by defining them in the Data
Dictionary Manager. Note that Major Revision is a mandatory property and that the
combination of the Major Revision and Minor Revision values must be unique in the plant or
Associate version — This option is not available on this dialog box.

Opens the New Version dialog box, which allows you to associate a version with the last
revision of the selected drawings. Once you associate this version, it can only be deleted at the
same time as you delete the revision.

Revision History Command (Revisions Menu)

Opens the Revision History dialog box, which displays the revisions of the selected drawing.

Revision History Dialog Box

Lists all available revisions of a drawing.

Lists all the revisions of the drawing in the current plant or project. Note that when you check
out or fetch a drawing from As-Built into a project, only the last revision record is displayed on
this dialog box, regardless of whether that revision is associated with a version or not.
Major Revision — Indicates the number or other designation of the major revision. This is a
required property, so a value will always appear in this column.
Minor Revision — Indicates the number or other designation of the minor revision. This is not
a required property, so a value may or may not appear in this column.
Revision Date — Shows the date on which the revision was created.
Approved By — Shows the name of the person who approved the revision.
Created By — Shows the name of the user who created the revision.
Checked By — Shows the name of the person who checked the revision.

128 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

Revision Properties — Opens the Revision Properties dialog box, allowing you to view or edit
all of the revision properties.
Associate Version — Opens the New Version dialog box, allowing you to create and associate
a new version with this revision. This option is only available for the last revision.
Delete — Removes the selected drawing revision. To be able to delete revisions, you must
have appropriate permissions assigned in SmartPlant Engineering Manager. If the revision has
an associated version, the software deletes the version together with the revision.
The Delete command is disabled if the plant is registered with SmartPlant Foundation,
regardless of any permission settings.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 129

Working with Drawing Versions and Revisions

130 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


Saving Drawings
You can save SmartPlant P&ID drawings in the following formats:
 AutoCAD (*.dwg and *.dxf)
 MicroStation (*.dgn)
 PDF (*.pdf)
 ISO 15926 (*.xml)

 SmartPlant P&ID uses the ExportLayer.xlsx file to map drawing item types to the layers that
they will be assigned to. Filters are used to define the scope of the item type, for example
'New Equipment'. The file then specifies the layer to which the scoped item type will be
assigned. If a symbol’s item type does not match any of the filter definitions and if that
symbol is in the Primary drawing layer (the only active layer when saving from Drawing
Manager), the symbol is saved in the Default layer. If a display set is assigned to the
drawing and the Color value of filtered or background items is None, the software ignores
the ExportLayer.xlsx file and those items go to the hidden layer in AutoCAD or MicroStation.
If the Color value of filtered or background items is not None, filtered items go to the layer
specified by the filter and background items go to the default layer unless a filter exists in the
ExportLayer.xlsx file for a particular item or set of items, in which case the settings in the
ExportLayer.xlsx file override the display set settings for those background items.
 For details of the supported versions of AutoCAD and MicroStation for these formats, refer
to the SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide, Hardware and Software
Recommendations under the section SmartPlant P&ID Workstation > Optional Software.
The PDF printer that the current version of the software supports is SmartPlant PDF
Converter (Amyuni 4.5).
 The ISO 15926 (*.xml) format is available only if you have a valid license ID and you have
run a procedure that activates this option. For details, see Enable Save As XML (on page

Save Drawings in Other Formats

1. Under Name containing the list of drawings, select one or more drawings.
Use the SHIFT or CTRL key to select multiple drawings.
2. Click File > Save As.
3. On the Save As dialog box, do one of the following:
 For a single drawing, in the File path field, type the path where you want to save the
files, or click Browse to open the File Name and Path window to navigate to the
desired path.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 131

Saving Drawings

 For multiple drawings, in the Folder path field, type the path to an existing folder where
you want to save the files, or click Browse to open the Browse for Folder dialog box to
navigate to the desired folder.
4. From the Save as type list, select one of the following formats:
 AutoCAD (*.dwg and *.dxf)
 MicroStation (*.dgn)
 PDF (*.pdf)
 ISO 15926 (*.xml)

 The value of the Override Layers on Export attribute in the pidacad.ini file affects the
output when saving a file as AutoCAD. If symbols are exported as blocks (when the
value of the Dissolve Symbol to Groups attribute is set to 0), you must specify a value
of 2 or 3 for the Override Layers on Export attribute to ensure that the blocks are
exported to the correct AutoCAD layer. For full details of the Override Layers on
Export attribute, see Configuration File Settings for AutoCAD Translation (on page
 The ISO 15926 (*.xml) format is available only if you have a valid license ID and you
have run a procedure that activates this option. For details, see Enable Save As XML
(on page 135).
5. When saving to AutoCAD or MicroStation, to use a display set to filter the layers to which
the drawing items are sent, do the following:
a. Under Save filter, click Apply display set.
b. Beside the Active display set field, click Browse to open the Apply Display Set dialog
c. Select a display set.

 When saving to AutoCAD or MicroStation, the software checks the ExportLayer.xlsx file
and if it finds a reference to a filter that does not exist in the reference data, a Filters
Not Found dialog box is displayed showing a list of missing filters. When you click Exit
to dismiss the dialog box, the save as process stops.
 When saving to AutoCAD or MicroStation using a display set, the software uses the
ExportLayer.xlsx file only for filtering items that do not meet any of the display set filter
criteria and for which the Color value of filtered or background items is not None.
 The dependent behavior of drawing items on the color value of display sets is as

132 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Saving Drawings

Color Value Effect on Filtered Items Effect on Background Items

Specific color Layer is created with name of Items are mapped according to
display set filter and filtered items go filters in the ExportLayer.xlsx file.
to that layer with the color specified Colors specified by the display set
by the display set filter. If Override filter are ignored for items mapped to
Layers on Export = 2 in the layers that appear in
pidacad.ini or pidmstn.ini file, the ExportLayer.xlsx, and the colors of
color from the seed file overrides the those items are assigned according
display set filter color for the to the Override Layers on Export
particular layer. setting. Items sent to the Default
layer are assigned the background
items color from the display set.

Default Layer is created with name of Items are mapped according to

display set filter and filtered items go filters in the ExportLayer.xlsx file.
to that layer with the default color Color is assigned according to
specified in Options Manager. If Override Layers on Export setting.
Override Layers on Export = 2, the
color from the seed file overrides the
default color for the particular layer.

None Items are sent to the HiddenObjects Items are sent to the HiddenObjects
layer and the ExportLayer.xlsx file layer and the ExportLayer.xlsx file
settings are ignored. settings are ignored.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 133

Saving Drawings

 When exporting to AutoCAD, extra layers such as ConsistencyChecks, HeatTrace,

HiddenObjects, Labels, and others may be created on your AutoCAD drawing. To
delete one of these layers, you must add a row to the ExportLayer.xlsx file and enter the
name of the layer in the Filter column and the value -9999 in the Layer column as

 For a display set that contains one or more asking filters, on clicking OK in the Save As
dialog box, the Asking Filters dialog box opens with the default values for each asking
filter, allowing you to change the operators and values of each asking filter's attributes
for the selected drawings, if desired.

134 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Saving Drawings

6. When saving as PDF, click PDF Settings to open the PDF Settings dialog box, where you
can specify the resolution, color mode, JPEG compression, and whether or not to include
inconsistency markers in the output.

Enable Save As XML

This procedure explains how to enable the ISO 15926 (*.xml) option on the list of formats when
using the Save As command in Drawing Manager.
 You must have a valid license ID to perform this procedure successfully. To obtain a license
and receive the license ID for the SmartPlant P&ID ISO 15926 Export Utility, contact your
local Intergraph Sales Representative.
 The file PlantConfig.xml must be located in the SmartPlant P&ID Reference Data folder.
This file contains the mapping of the symbology and Heat Trace media line types between
SmartPlant P&ID and ISO 15926. If a line style is undefined in the mapping, SmartPlant
P&ID lines appear by default in the ISO output as 'solid'. To change the mapping default for
an undefined line style, edit the following line in the file:
<action Style="Undefined" LineType="Solid"/>
1. At the command prompt, type the full path of the Drawing Manager executable file, for
c:\Program Files (x86)\SmartPlant\P&ID
2. Add a space after the path and copy the license ID provided to you after the space.
3. Run the command to open Drawing Manager. The 'Save as' formats will include the ISO
15926 (*.xml) option as enabled.
To enable this option whenever Drawing Manager is opened, create a shortcut that
includes the full path to the executable file and the license ID, and use this shortcut to start
Drawing Manager.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 135

Saving Drawings

Configuration File Settings for AutoCAD Translation

The configuration file, pidacad.ini, is used by translators and provides the capability for
customizing the process of translation between the software and an AutoCAD document. The
options shown here should be changed only by experienced users at their own risk.

Name of Setting Description Import Export Default Value Accepted Values

Seed File Name of a seed file used for No Yes pidacad.dwg Filename
export (not mandatory).

Enable Logging If set, a log file will be created Yes Yes 0 0 = Logging is turned
in the directory that the file OFF
was opened from and will
have the same name as the
file that was opened. 1 = Logging is turned

Sets the default units for Yes No 64 59=m; 61=mm;

foreign format. Since .dwg is 62=cm; 63=km;
Read Default Units a unit-less file format, the 64=in; 65=ft; 66=yd;
Read Default Units setting is 67=miles
used to determine the unit

Template File Sets the document that will be Yes No TransAcad.igr Filename
used as a template when
importing foreign data for (If this file is
setting up hatching and required, it can be
patterns. taken from the
SmartSketch folder)

Symbol Template Sets the symbol file that will Yes No Filename
File be used as a template when
importing foreign data.

136 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Saving Drawings

Name of Setting Description Import Export Default Value Accepted Values

Override Layers on Determines which settings No Yes 3 0 – Translation

Export AutoCAD translation honors honors seed file
to include visibility, locks, settings and sends
color, linetype, and lineweight blocks to the Default
for duplicate layers. layer. ByLayer=7 is
needed to display
Any layer specified in the the colors correctly.
seed file will be generated in
the AutoCAD drawing 1 – Translation
regardless of this setting or honors SmartPlant
whether the layer contains P&ID settings and
any objects. sends blocks to the
Default layer.
2 – Translation
honors seed file
settings and sends
blocks to the
specified layer.
ByLayer=7 is needed
to display the colors
3 – Translation
honors SmartPlant
P&ID settings and
sends blocks to the
specified layer.

ByLayer Used with Override Layers No Yes 7 7

on Export setting for values 0
and 2.

Ignore Sheet Scale Determines whether to scale Yes No 1 0 = Do not fit the
the sheet to fit the graphics graphics to the sheet
during a translation import.

1 = Fit the graphics

to the sheet

Processing Batch If set, progress bar dialog Yes Yes 1 0 = Progress Bar
Translation boxes do not display during display is turned ON
the translation.

1 = Progress Bar
display is turned

Attribute Sets Controls the import / export of Yes Yes TranslationSettings String consisting of
attribute information on attribute names
objects during translation. delimited by
semicolons, or the
ALL keyword

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 137

Saving Drawings

Name of Setting Description Import Export Default Value Accepted Values

Read Block Sets how the blocks imported Yes No Shared Embeds Shared Embeds -
Options from AutoCAD are handled. Preserves blocks

Rigid Groups -
Translates blocks
into groups

Write Version Sets the version of the foreign No Yes 2012 2000; 2002; 2004;
file format that is created on 2005; 2006; 2007;
export. 2008; 2009; 2012

Read Reference Specifies options to process Yes No Translate; Link;

Options reference files during Merge

Read Default Sets the width to be assigned Yes No 0.25 mm millimeters

Width to all AutoCAD entities that do
not have width or color to
width mapping.

Write Polyline Sets the width to determine No Yes 10.000000

Width Threshold when polylines with width
must be created.

Dissolve Symbol Controls the export of No Yes 0 0 = Symbols are

to Groups SmartSketch symbols to exported as blocks
blocks or to groups of
individual objects.
1 = Symbols are
dissolved into their

138 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Saving Drawings

Name of Setting Description Import Export Default Value Accepted Values

Export All Displays reference data No Yes 2 0 = All graphic

Graphics to contained in SmartSketch objects are exported
PaperSpace SmartFrames on the to Model space.
AutoCAD PaperSpace sheet SmartFrames with
during a translation export. clipping boundaries
do not display
properly and detail
views are ignored.

1 = All graphic
objects are exported
into the Paper space.
SmartFrames with
clipping boundaries
display properly.
Detail views are

2 = All graphic
objects are exported
to Modelspace and
Paper space is
populated so that the
original SmartSketch
sheet is re-created.

Process Multiple Indicates whether to handle Yes No 0 0 = OFF

Orientation in multiple orientations in
Viewports viewports.
1 = ON

Max. Nesting Refers to the depth that Yes No 0 -1 = Process ALL

Depth reference files (inserted via nested reference
the Insert > Object menu files
command) will be processed
for displaying and locating.
This setting does not apply to 0 = Process NO
reference files in foreign data nested reference
files that are translated in via files
the File > Open command or
to reference files in
SmartSketch drawings that
are translated to a foreign n = Process nested
format via the File > Save As reference files up to
command. n levels deep, where
n is an integer
between 1 and 9

Application Text Determines whether text Yes Yes 1 0= Text origin always
Type origin and justification are in upper left corner

1= Origin preserved

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 139

Saving Drawings

Name of Setting Description Import Export Default Value Accepted Values

Single Text Determines the horizontal Yes No 0 0 = Horizontal text

Alignment alignment of text. alignment is set to

1 = Horizontal text
alignment is set to

Process Non- Determines whether Yes Yes 1 0 = OFF

Displayable non-displayable reference
Reference Files files are translated.
1 = ON

Attributes as Determines whether attributes Yes No 0 0 = Attributes are

Smart Text are created as simple text created as text
boxes or SmartLabels during boxes
translation import.

1 = Attributes are
created as

AutoCAD Sets the XData to be Yes No ACADASE String consisting of

Extended Data imported. XData names
delimited by semi-

Stroke Reference Determines whether attached No Yes 0 = OFF

reference files are stroked on
1 = ON

Stroke Text Determines whether text is No Yes 0 0 = OFF

stroked on export.

1 = ON

Stroke Dimension If set, the dimension objects No Yes 1 0 = OFF

are stroked on export.

1 = ON

Disk-based Controls whether or not to Yes No 0 0 = Do not leave

Symbols leave symbol files that are symbols on the disk
created for AutoCAD blocks
on the disk when performing a
translation import. 1 = Leave symbols
on the disk

140 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Saving Drawings

Name of Setting Description Import Export Default Value Accepted Values

Ignore Controls whether to include Yes Yes 0 0 = Do not include

Non-Displayable non-displayable objects on non-displayable
Symbols import or export. objects

1 = Include

Preserve Layers Controls the export of No Yes 0 0 = Do not translate

on Dissolved elements contained by a objects in symbols
Symbols Symbol whose layer is turned when the objects’
off. If the setting is ON, then layers are not
all objects in a symbol will be displayed
translated whether their layer
display is turned on or not.
This can result in 1 = Translate all
non-WYSIWYG translation. objects in symbols
This setting is relevant only if whether or not layers
the value of the Dissolve are displayed
Symbol to Groups setting is

Push Owner If set to 1, RAD dynamic No Yes 0 = Attributes are

Attributes to its attributes are moved from a NOT created on
Children group (symbol) to its children of owner
members. objects

1 = Attributes are

Metafile to Raster Sets the dpi resolution for No Yes 350 dpi resolution (1
DPI Resolution raster metadata during export. through 1200)

Stroking Tolerance Determines the accuracy No Yes 0.1 mm millimeters

used when objects are
stroked during export.

Hatch Supported Supported Hatch complexity No Yes 3 1 (only supports a

Complexity of output format. single independent
hatch line with
dashes and gaps)

Need Hatch If true, then stroke hatch even No Yes 1 0/1

Description and when hatch name and
Stroke description are included in

Delete Symbol Controls what happens to the Yes No 1 0 = Do not delete

Definitions symbol definitions after symbol definitions

1 = Delete symbol

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 141

Saving Drawings

Name of Setting Description Import Export Default Value Accepted Values

Process Controls whether to process Yes No 1 0 = Processing

PaperSpace the PaperSpace sheet in an PaperSpace is
AutoCAD file if the file was turned OFF
last saved with a PaperSpace regardless of the last
layout as the active tab. saved space in the
AutoCAD file
This setting has no
effect if the model space tab
was the active tab when the 1 = Processing
AutoCAD file was last saved. PaperSpace is
turned ON

Bigfont Name Name of the AutoCAD font file No Yes Filename

with Asian characters.

Write DXF Controls the number of No Yes 6 1 through 16

Precision decimal places that are used
during a translate DXF export.

Export Internal Controls whether attribute No Yes 1 0 = Do not export

Attributes sets will be exported. This attribute sets
setting takes precedence over
the Attribute Sets setting.
1 = Export attribute

Merge References Controls whether files of type No Yes 2 0 = Save inserted igr,
.igr, .dwg, .dgn, and .dxf that .dwg, .dgn, and .dxf
were inserted into a files as separate
SmartPlant P&ID drawing are .dwg files
merged into the main .dwg file
when saving to AutoCAD.
Inserted Office documents are 1 = Merge inserted
translated to .tiff file format. files using BIND.
Regardless of the setting Creates a duplicate
value, objects with .tiff or .jpg set of styles for each
format are not merged and block reference.
need to be kept in the same
folder as the .dwg file in order
to display correctly.
2 = Merge inserted
files using INSERT.
Creates a single set
Note that for a main drawing of unique styles for
saved as a .dxf file with the main drawing
objects in .tiff format, when and all block
the files are copied to a new references.
location, AutoCAD cannot find
them due to the reference to
an exact location, even if they
are in the same location as
the .dxf file. To rectify this, the
path to the .tiff file needs to be
updated manually in the .dxf

142 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Saving Drawings

Name of Setting Description Import Export Default Value Accepted Values

Clipping Boundary Extends the boundary of No Yes 0.1 Numeric values

Growth SmartFrames (including
drawing template borders) by
the quantity shown to avoid
clipping when graphics are on
the boundary. The units of
measure are taken from the
Unit value under Length
readout on the Units tab of
the drawing properties which
are accessed using the File >
Properties command in
SmartPlant P&ID.

Write Linestyles
Many of the default linestyles in your document are pre-mapped to the most equivalent
AutoCAD linestyles. Other linestyles are mapped as continuous. If the _default_ = _stroke_
setting is used, all linestyles are stroked regardless of their mapping. The _default_ = _stroke_
setting is commented out by default to disable it.
The number values are used in the linestyle table to map linestyle definitions in the current
document to AutoCAD line types.

Number Definition



11 DOT2








The following table shows the Signal Run linestyles as they appear in the software and in

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 143

Saving Drawings

Software AutoCAD

Capillary = CAPILLARY

Electric = ELECTRIC

Electric Binary = ELECTRIC_BINARY


Hydraulic = HYDRAULIC

Connect To Process = CONTINUOUS

Mechanical Link = MECHANICAL_LINK

Pneumatic = PNEUMATIC

Pneumatic Binary = PNEUMATIC_BINARY

Software Link = SOFTWARE_LINK


Undefined = UNDEFINED


_default_ = _stroke_

The following table shows the revision cloud linestyles as they appear in the software and in

Software AutoCAD

Cloud Large = CLOUDLARGE

Cloud Small = CLOUDSMALL

144 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Saving Drawings

Configuration File Settings for MicroStation

The configuration file, pidmstn.ini, is used by translators and provides the capability for
customizing the process of translation between the software and a MicroStation document.
The options shown here should be changed only by experienced users at their own risk.

Name of Setting Description Import Export Default Value Accepted Values

Seed File The Working Units of the No Yes pidmstn.dgn Filename

seed file that is specified by
this setting determines the
Working Units of the resulting
DGN file. If the Master Units
of the specified seed file are
not a standard recognized
unit, then the Length Readout
Unit of the IGR file (specified
on the File Properties dialog
box) is used for the Master
Units of the resulting DGN
file. If the Length Readout
Unit contains Sub Units, such
as ft – in, the Sub Units will
also be taken from the Length
Readout Unit. If the Length
Readout Unit does not
contain Sub Units, the Sub
Units will be taken from the
specified seed file.
This setting is optional for the
current MicroStation version.

Enable Logging If set, a log file will be created Yes Yes 0 0 = Logging is turned
in the directory that the file OFF
was opened from and will
have the same name as the
file that was opened. 1 = Logging is turned

Read Default Units If the MicroStation file being Yes No 64 59=m; 61=mm;
imported does not have a 62=cm; 63=km;
master unit setting that 64=in; 65=ft; 66=yd;
matches one of the default 67=miles
SmartSketch unit settings,
then this setting is used to
specify the units being
imported. If the MicroStation
file being imported does have
a valid master unit setting that
matches a default
SmartSketch unit setting, then
this setting is ignored.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 145

Saving Drawings

Name of Setting Description Import Export Default Value Accepted Values

Template File Sets the document that will be Yes No TransMstn.igr Filename
used as a template when
importing foreign data for (If this file is
setting up hatching and required, it can be
patterns. taken from the
SmartSketch folder)

Symbol Template Sets the symbol file that will Yes No Filename
File be used as a template when
importing foreign data.

Ignore Sheet Scale Determines whether to scale Yes No 1 0 = Do not fit the
the sheet to fit the graphics graphics to the sheet
during a translation import.

1 = Fit the graphics

to the sheet

Processing Batch If set, progress bar dialog Yes Yes 1 0 = Progress Bar
Translation boxes do not display during display is turned ON
the translation.

1 = Progress Bar
display is turned

Attribute Sets Controls the import / export of Yes Yes TranslationSettings; String consisting of
attribute information on _SymInst attribute names
objects during translation. delimited by
semicolons, or the
ALL keyword

Write Version Sets the version of the foreign No Yes 8.0 7.0; 8.0
file format that is created on

Read Reference Specifies options to process Yes No Translate; Link;

Options reference files during Merge

Write Polyline Sets the width to determine No Yes 10.000000

Width Threshold when polylines with width
must be created.

146 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Saving Drawings

Name of Setting Description Import Export Default Value Accepted Values

Dissolve Symbol Controls the export of No Yes 0 0 = Symbols are

to Groups SmartSketch symbols to cells exported as shared
or to groups of individual cells

1 = Symbols are
exported as type 2
cells to control the
graphics level

implement this
behavior, you must
also assign to the
Attribute Sets
option the value
_SymInst'; otherwise,
when the value of
Dissolve Symbol to
Groups is set to 1,
symbols are
exported as
individual objects

Override Overrides the background No Yes 1 0 = Override is

Background Color color specified in the turned OFF
MicroStation seed file during
a translation export, by using
the SmartSketch sheet color. 1 = Override is
turned ON

Process Multiple Indicates whether to handle Yes No 0 0 = OFF

Orientation in multiple orientations in
Viewports viewports.
1 = ON

Max. Nesting Refers to the depth that Yes No 0 -1 = Process ALL

Depth reference files (inserted via nested reference
the Insert > Object menu files
command) will be processed
for displaying and locating.
This setting does not apply to 0 = Process NO
reference files in foreign data nested reference
files that are translated in via files
the File > Open command or
to reference files in
SmartSketch drawings that
are translated to a foreign n = Process nested
format via the File > Save As reference files up to
command. n levels deep, where
n is an integer
between 1 and 9

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 147

Saving Drawings

Name of Setting Description Import Export Default Value Accepted Values

Application Text Determines whether text Yes Yes 1 0= Text origin always
Type origin and justification are in upper left corner

1= Origin preserved

Single Text Determines the horizontal Yes No 0 0 = Horizontal text

Alignment alignment of text. alignment is set to

1 = Horizontal text
alignment is set to

Process Non- Determines whether Yes Yes 1 0 = OFF

Displayable non-displayable reference
Reference Files files are translated.
1 = ON

Process Determines whether elements Yes No 0 0 = Do not translate

Construction on a MicroStation elements
Elements construction layer are
1 = Translate

Attributes as Determines whether attributes Yes No 0 0 = Attributes are

Smart Text are created as simple text created as text
boxes or SmartLabels during boxes
translation import.

1 = Attributes are
created as

Stroke Reference Determines whether attached No Yes 0 = OFF

reference files are stroked on
1 = ON

Stroke Text Determines whether text is No Yes 0 0 = OFF

stroked on export.

1 = ON

Stroke Dimension If set, the dimension objects No Yes 1 0 = OFF

are stroked on export.

1 = ON

148 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Saving Drawings

Name of Setting Description Import Export Default Value Accepted Values

Disk-based Controls whether or not to Yes No 0 0 = Do not leave

Symbols leave symbol files that are symbols on the disk
created for MicroStation cells
on the disk when performing a
translation import. 1 = Leave symbols
on the disk

Ignore Controls whether to include Yes Yes 0 0 = Do not include

Non-Displayable non-displayable objects on non-displayable
Symbols import or export. objects

1 = Include

Preserve Layers Controls the export of No Yes 0 0 = Do not translate

on Dissolved elements contained by a objects in symbols
Symbols Symbol whose layer is turned when the objects’
off. If the setting is ON, then layers are not
all objects in a symbol will be displayed
translated whether their layer
display is turned on or not.
This can result in 1 = Translate all
non-WYSIWYG translation. objects in symbols
This setting is relevant only if whether or not layers
the value of the Dissolve are displayed
Symbols to Group setting is

Preserve MSTN Determines whether to No Yes 0 = User-defined

UDLS Styles preserve user-defined linestyles are stroked

1 = User-defined
linestyles are

Push Owner If set to 1, RAD dynamic No Yes 0 = Attributes are

Attributes to its attributes are moved from a NOT created on
Children group (symbol) to its children of owner
members. objects

1 = Attributes are

Metafile to Raster Sets the dpi resolution for No Yes 350 dpi resolution (1
DPI Resolution raster metadata during export. through 1200)

Stroking Tolerance Determines the accuracy No Yes 0.1 mm millimeters

used when objects are
stroked during export.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 149

Saving Drawings

Name of Setting Description Import Export Default Value Accepted Values

Hatch Supported Supported Hatch complexity No Yes 3 1 (only supports a

Complexity of output format. single independent
hatch line with
dashes and gaps)

Need Hatch If true, then stroke hatch even No Yes 1 0/1

Description and when hatch name and
Stroke description are included in

Delete Symbol Controls what happens to the Yes No 1 0 = Do not delete

Definitions symbol definitions after symbol definitions

1 = Delete symbol

Export Internal Controls whether attribute No Yes 1 0 = Do not export

Attributes sets will be exported. This attribute sets
setting takes precedence over
the Attribute Sets setting.
1 = Export attribute

Read Cell Options Sets how the shared (type Yes No Shared Embeds Shared Embeds -
34/35) cells imported from Preserves shared
MicroStation are handled. cells

Rigid Groups -
Translates shared
cells into groups

Sub Units Per Sets the values to determine Yes No 10 Numeric

Master Units the size of units for a
MicroStation cell.

Pos Units Per Sub Sets the values to determine Yes No 1000 Numeric
Units the size of units for a
MicroStation cell file

Always Shift GO to Controls whether to set the No Yes 0 0 = Do NOT shift the
Center Drawing Global Origin of .dgn files in Global Origin of the
case the drawing objects fall resulting .dgn file
outside the maximum design
plane as defined by
MicroStation. 1 = Shift the Global
Origin of the
resulting .dgn file

EDF as Smart Text Determines whether the Yes No 0 0 = Tags are created
values of tags are created as as text boxes
simple text boxes or as
SmartLabels during
translation import. 1 = Tags are created
as SmartLabels

150 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Saving Drawings

Write Linestyles
The default linestyles in your document are pre-mapped to the most equivalent MicroStation
linestyles. Linestyles other than the default linestyles or any complex linestyles containing
shapes are mapped to continuous unless they are specifically mapped on the Linestyle tab.
Linestyles that are not mapped on export are stroked to give them a more correct appearance.
The default length of the stroking line is 0.1 millimeters (mm).
The number values are used in the linestyle table to map linestyle definitions in the current
document to MicroStation line types.

Number Definition

9 0

10 2

11 1

12 4

13 6

18 7

20 6

The following table shows the Signal Run linestyles as they appear in the software and in

Software MicroStation

Capillary = Capillary

Electric = Electric

Electric Binary = Electric_binary

Guided = Guided Electromag/Sonic


Hydraulic = Hydraulic

Connect To Process = Connect To Process

Mechanical Link = Mechanical Link

Pneumatic = Pneumatic

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 151

Saving Drawings

Software MicroStation

Pneumatic Binary = Pneumatic Binary

Software Link = Software Link

Undefined = Undefined

Unguided = Electromag/Sonic

_default_ = _stroke_

The following table shows the revision cloud linestyles as they appear in the software and in

Software MicroStation

Cloud Large = CLOUDLARGE

Cloud Small = CLOUDSMALL

In addition to the above mapping, the PIDLineStylesV8.rsc file, delivered with SmartPlant P&ID,
must be copied to the MicroStation installation folder:

The following table shows the Tracing Media linestyles as they appear in the software and in

Software MicroStation


E = E




I = I




152 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Saving Drawings

Software MicroStation






Save As Command (File Menu)

Allows you to save the selected drawings in a specified file format. You can select a single
drawing or multiple drawings (by holding down the SHIFT or CTRL key) before running this
See Also
Saving Drawings (on page 131)
Save Drawings in Other Formats (on page 131)

Save As Dialog Box

Allows you to save the selected drawing in a specified file format.

Save options
File path — Allows you to type or edit the file path and name.
You can also click Browse to open the File Name and Path window to navigate to the
desired path where you want to save the drawing.
Save as type — Allows you to select a file format for the drawing you want to save. The
following formats are available:
 AutoCAD (*.dwg and *.dxf)
 MicroStation (*.dgn)
 PDF (*.pdf)
 ISO 15926 (*.xml)

 For details of the supported versions of AutoCAD and MicroStation for these formats, refer
to the SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide, Hardware and Software
Recommendations under the section SmartPlant P&ID Workstation > Optional Software.
The PDF printer that the current version of the software supports is SmartPlant PDF
Converter (Amyuni 4.5).

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 153

Saving Drawings

 The ISO 15926 (*.xml) format is available only if you have a valid license ID and you have
run a procedure that activates this option. For details, see Enable Save As XML (on page
PDF Settings — (Available only when PDF is selected in the Save as type list.) Opens the
PDF Settings dialog box to specify settings for the PDF output.

Save filter
Apply display set — Select this check box to enable selection of a display set to specify the
layers to which drawing items go when saving to AutoCAD or MicroStation formats. Clear the
check box to ignore display set settings.
Active display set — This field becomes active when you select Apply display set. Click
Browse to open the Apply Display Set dialog box from which you choose the desired display
If an active display set is already selected for the drawing, this dialog box opens with the
Apply display set check box selected and the relevant display set appears in the Active
display set field.
About ISO 15926 — (Available only when ISO 15926 (*.xml) is selected in the Save as type
list.) Opens an About dialog box that displays version and licensing information for the
SmartPlant P&ID ISO 15926 Export Utility.
See Also
Save Drawings in Other Formats (on page 131)

Save As Dialog Box (Multiple Drawings Selected)

Allows you to save a batch of selected drawings in a specified file format.

Save options
Folder path — Allows you to type the path to an existing folder where you want to save the
You can also click Browse to navigate to the desired folder.
Save as type — Allows you to select a file format for the drawings you want to save. The
following formats are available:
 AutoCAD (*.dwg and *.dxf)
 MicroStation (*.dgn)
 PDF (*.pdf)
 ISO 15926 (*.xml)

 For details of the supported versions of AutoCAD and MicroStation for these formats, refer
to the SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide, Hardware and Software
Recommendations under the section SmartPlant P&ID Workstation > Optional Software.
The PDF printer that the current version of the software supports is SmartPlant PDF
Converter (Amyuni 4.5).

154 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Saving Drawings

 The ISO 15926 (*.xml) format is available only if you have a valid license ID and you have
run a procedure that activates this option. For details, see Enable Save As XML (on page
PDF Settings — (Available only when PDF is selected in the Save as type list.) Opens the
PDF Settings dialog box to specify settings for the PDF output.

Save filter
Apply display set — Select this check box to enable selection of a display set to specify the
layers to which drawing items go when saving to AutoCAD or MicroStation formats. Clear the
check box to ignore display set settings.
Active display set — This field becomes active when you select Apply display set. Click
Browse to open the Apply Display Set dialog box from which you choose the desired display
The display set chosen from the Active display set field is the one used to specify the
layers for all selected drawings and this overrides any active display sets that were selected for
individual drawings.
About ISO 15926 — (Available only when ISO 15926 (*.xml) is selected in the Save as type
list.) Opens an About dialog box that displays version and licensing information for the
SmartPlant P&ID ISO 15926 Export Utility.
See Also
Save Drawings in Other Formats (on page 131)

PDF Settings Dialog Box

Defines the output settings when saving drawings to PDF documents.
Resolution — Modifies the dots per inch, or "dpi". The greater the dpi, the better the clarity.
Increasing the resolution setting increases the file size and can slightly increase the time
required to process some files.

Color options
Color — Creates a PDF using the colors available in the document. You can only create a color
PDF from a color drawing sheet.
Grayscale — Creates a PDF using a 256-color grayscale.
Pure black and white — Creates a PDF that has no color or grayscale. Anything that is not
pure white is drawn as black.
JPEG compression — Compresses images embedded in your document according to the
compression level you define. If your drawing contains a lot of images, compression settings are
very important for achieving good image quality at a manageable file size. Use the pull-down
menu to set the compression level. Compression levels in the High quality range do not
noticeably affect image quality, and produce larger file sizes than settings in the Low quality
range. However, using a mid-range compression level usually strikes the best balance in
creating a compact file while still maintaining enough information to product high-quality images.
Include inconsistency markers — When selected, includes inconsistency symbols that appear
on the drawing in the PDF output.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 155

Saving Drawings

156 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


Printing Multiple Drawings

Rather than printing drawings one-by-one from within SmartPlant P&ID, Drawing Manager
allows you to print more than one drawing at a time. You can select drawings from multiple plant
groups for printing and you can specify for the entire group of selected drawings printing options
such as whether to display a watermark, whether to print inconsistency markers, and drawing
orientation. In Drawing Manager, you also have the capability to schedule batch printing for a
later time or at regular intervals by using the Schedule option on the Print dialog box.
While it is possible to print just one drawing at a time from Drawing Manager, the Drawing
Manager Print command does not have all the single-print capabilities of the Print command in
SmartPlant P&ID. For instance, Drawing Manager only prints an entire drawing; whereas, in
SmartPlant P&ID, you may choose to print only a selection or a view inside a drawing.

 When filtering by typicals or display sets to determine which drawings are to be printed, you
can specify whether to include or exclude in the printout drawings that do not contain filtered
 In SmartPlant P&ID, you can control the display and print output of the drawing using
various settings on the Display tab of the View Properties dialog box. Two options affect
the way that inserted objects are printed from SmartPlant P&ID and also from Drawing
Manager: Prevent selection of inserted objects and Retain Auxiliary Graphics colors.
Inserted objects, including Auxiliary Graphics, are printed in gray if only Prevent selection
of inserted objects is selected. If Retain Auxiliary Graphics colors is also selected, any
Auxiliary Graphics included in the drawing are printed in their original colors.

Print Command (File Menu)

Opens the Print dialog box where you can specify options for printing your drawings.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 157

Printing Multiple Drawings

Print Dialog Box

Controls how a drawing is printed. This dialog box opens when you click File > Print.

Name — Specifies the printer that you want to use. You can select from a list of all the available
configured printers. The information below the Name box applies to the selected printer. The
printer that you select in the Name box is the default printer for the rest of the current design
session until you specify a different printer.
Properties — Opens the Printer Document Properties dialog box, which allows you to specify
page setup and other printer settings specific to the selected printer.
Status — Describes the state of the selected printer, for example, busy or idle. This area is
Types — Displays the type of printer currently selected. This area is read-only.
Where — Identifies the printer path, printer port, queue name, or physical location of the
currently selected printer. This area is read-only.

Print filter
Filters the selected drawings that are to be printed according to the specified criteria. If none of
the check boxes in this section are selected, all selected drawings are printed.
Typicals only — Prints only the typical items as they appear in the typical view.
Apply display set — Associates symbols to a display set filter that defines which symbols to
print. If not selected, then no filtering is applied to the drawing and the entire drawing prints.

158 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Printing Multiple Drawings

When specifying line widths for display sets, you can set label graphics and leader lines
to appear in the default width of the labels regardless of the line width value specified for model
items. This option is specified by using a key 'IgnoreDisplaySetWidthOnLabels' under the
'Options' section of the SmartPlantPID.ini file (located in the users\<username> folder) as

The following table shows how the values assigned in the SmartPlantPID.ini file affect the

Key Value Resultant Behavior when Applying Display


IgnoreDisplaySetWidthOnLabels=1 Label line widths are independent of model item

line widths; label line widths are set to default
value for labels.
Label line widths are independent of model item
line widths; line widths of label graphics and
leader lines are set to the default value for labels.

IgnoreDisplaySetWidthOnLabels=0 Label line widths, including graphics and leader

lines, are the same as the model item line widths.

No key Label line widths, including graphics and leader

lines, are the same as the model item line widths.

Active display set — Displays the selected display set. You can click Browse to select a
defined display set.
Print all selected drawings — This option is only available when either or both check boxes
Typicals only and Apply display set are selected. When the Print all selected drawings
check box is cleared, those drawings that do not contain filtered items as a result of applying
these filters are excluded from the print output. Selecting the check box results in the printing of
all selected drawings, including drawings that do not contain such filtered items.

Fit to page — Prints your entire drawing on one page. This option is selected by default.
Print black and white — Prints the drawing in black and white. This option is selected by

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 159

Printing Multiple Drawings

Print claim status — Allows for the printed copy to include the status of claims. This check
box is only enabled if you are in a Project.
Print watermark — Prints a faint graphic in the drawing background.
Print inconsistency markers — Causes inconsistency markers in the graphic to appear on the
printed copy.
Settings — Opens the Settings dialog box, which allows you to view and edit the scale and
origin of your print area.
Preview — Allows you to see how the image will look when printed. The image displays on
your monitor.
Schedule — Opens the Schedule Task Wizard, which allows you to specify options for printing
the selected drawings at a later time or on a regular interval. For details, see Scheduling Tasks
(on page 235).

Apply Display Set Dialog Box

You use this dialog box to select a display set to apply to drawings before printing or saving

Add Folder — Adds an empty folder to the Tree. You can use Rename to define a name
for the folder. These folders can be used to organize display sets.

Add Display Set — Creates a new display set. You can use Rename to define a name for
the new display set.

160 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Printing Multiple Drawings

Add Filter — Displays the Select Filter dialog box. Select any displayed filter to add it to
the current display set.
Save — Saves the selected display set.

Cut — Removes the selected display set and places it in memory.

Copy — Copies the selected display set into memory.

Paste — Pastes any values that are currently stored in memory.

Delete — Deletes the selected item.

Rename — Allows you to click on an item in the Tree and rename it.

Move Up — Allows you to move the selected filter name up in the list.

Move Down — Allows you to move the selected filter name down in the list.

Properties — Displays the properties of the filter.

Filter Name — Displays a list of filter names. These filters are defined using the Add Filter
Color — Displays the color of the selected item for your display set. You can click in the Color
field to display a color palette and then select any color to define a new color for any selected
item(s). The default color square is defined with the crosshatch pattern. Default is the
color value specified in Options Manager for the item type's symbology.
Width — Displays the selected display width of items defined in the selected filter. A wider
display width would cause the item to be more visible. Default is the width value specified in
Options Manager for the item type's symbology.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 161

Printing Multiple Drawings

Print Preview Dialog Box

Allows you to see how the image will look when printed. The image displays on your
monitor. If more than one drawing is selected for printing, you can click Next or Back to view
the other selected drawings. Click OK to return to the Print dialog box.

162 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Printing Multiple Drawings

Settings Dialog Box

Specifies the print layout for the drawings to be printed. These settings apply to all drawings you
have selected to print. This dialog box opens when you click Settings on the Print dialog box.

Controls the scale applied to the print area in a document.
Best fit — Scales the selected drawing sheets or print area to fit the printer paper for the
configured device.
Manual scale — Specifies the scale value to apply to the print range during printing. For
example, if the print range is a rectangle at 12 cm by 12 cm and you set a manual scale of 1:12,
then the printed range appears to be 1 cm by 1 cm on the printer paper. If you want a 1:1
drawing of the current sheet scale, you can set the Paper length option to 1 and the Design
length option to 1.
Paper length — Specifies the paper length for the document you want to print with respect to
the Design length option.
Design length — Specifies a design length (size of the printed graphic) with respect to the
Paper length option.

Adjusts the origin of the graphic area, thereby changing the location of the effective print area on
the paper.
Center — Positions the print area center to the center of the printer paper. If you do not set this
option, then the paper positions at bottom left to bottom left.
X origin — Sets a shift in the x-direction from the origin.
Y origin — Sets a shift in the y-direction from the origin.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 163

Printing Multiple Drawings

Displays dynamically how the graphic prints on the sheet as you change other options on the
dialog box.
For many of the options on this dialog box such as, Design length, Paper length, X, Y,
and so forth, when you change an option, the red, blue, and black boxes in the Preview area
change to reflect your new values. Therefore, you have a dynamic representation of how your
graphic fills the printed sheet.

Print Status Dialog Box

Displays the progress of your print job. This dialog box opens automatically when you click OK
on the Print dialog box.

Drawings — Lists the drawings to be queued to the printer. When each drawing is queued, a
check mark is displayed next to that drawing name.
View Log — Opens the log file with details of the print jobs.
Close — Closes the dialog box.

Print Multiple Drawings

1. In the Tree view, select the drawings you want to print. Use the SHIFT or CTRL key to
select multiple drawings or use Edit > Select All. Also, if you need to print all drawings in
the Plant, select View > Include Subnodes. Then, click Edit > Select All.
2. Click File > Print.
3. Set your printing options on the Print dialog box and click OK.

 When filtering by typicals or display sets to determine which drawings are to be printed, you
can specify whether to include or exclude in the printout drawings that do not contain filtered

164 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Printing Multiple Drawings

 For a display set that contains one or more asking filters, on clicking OK in the Print dialog
box, the Asking Filters dialog box opens with the default values for each asking filter,
allowing you to change the operators and values of each asking filter's attributes for the
selected drawings, if desired.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 165

Printing Multiple Drawings

166 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


Using Workshare
Workshare functions allow you to share SmartPlant P&ID data within one plant structure with
remote sites. Designed for companies running plants from multiple sites, EPCs or
Owner/Operators, or for multiple companies that are working on a single plant, Workshare
provides tools to manage changes as if they were created at the same site.

Hosts and Satellites

Workshare functions use a host/satellite model for sharing SmartPlant P&ID data among
multiple locations. The host, using SmartPlant Engineering Manager, creates satellite slots that
include the entire SmartPlant P&ID system and grants access to P&ID data by allowing the
satellite sites to subscribe to an available satellite slot.
The satellite sites, after using SmartPlant Engineering Manager to subscribe to a satellite slot at
the host site, use SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager to create, view, or modify the drawings.
Drawing ownership is controlled at the site where they are created. When ready, the owner of a
drawing can grant ownership to the host or to other satellites. Throughout this sharing process,
synchronization tools in SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager allow the host and the satellites to
make sure they are working with the latest data.

Workshare Modes
Workshare can be configured in two modes:
 Connected — Uses a database link established between the database servers at the host
and satellite sites. In other words, satellites are distributed databases linked to a host
database. In connected Workshare, both the host and satellite must be using Oracle. If
you plan to use Workshare in an integrated environment, we recommend using connected
Workshare to ensure smooth claiming.
 Standalone — Shares files and data without having a database link. Files are manually
transmitted between host and satellites.
Any given site can host both connected and standalone satellites. In other words, the host can
use Oracle and the satellite can use SQL Server, or any combination thereof. However, a site
must use Oracle to host a connected Workshare collaboration.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 167

Using Workshare

The configuration possibilities for implementing Workshare are numerous. For example, you
can use Workshare to simulate the PDS 2D Task/Master configuration by using the Workshare
host as the Task environment and the satellite as the Master. You could then publish drawings
for sharing from the host to the satellite. By limiting user access at the satellite site to Read
Only for SmartPlant P&ID objects, the satellite becomes an issued drawing database.
You can also use standalone Workshare in a mixed database environment where the host can
be using Oracle and the satellite can be using SQL Server, or vice-versa. This configuration is
useful when multiple companies using different database standards are working on the same
Standalone Workshare provides a means of implementing off-site projects.
Workshare can be used in an integrated environment. For more information, see Using
Workshare in an Integrated Environment (on page 168).
Another possible configuration involves using Workshare at the project level within an As-Built
plant scenario. For more information about using Workshare with projects, see Using
Workshare with Projects (on page 171).

Several of the Workshare commands are available in the SmartPlant P&ID automation layer.
For more information about using these Workshare automation commands, see SmartPlant
P&ID Programmer's Guide.

Using Workshare in an Integrated Environment

The following rules apply to using the Workshare functionality in an integrated environment.
 You can enable and disable Workshare before or after registering a Greenfield plant.
 You can create satellites and connect to them after registering.
 You cannot register a satellite or a project host.
 You cannot retrieve a WBS document when Workshare is enabled.
 Satellites must transfer drawing ownership back to the host in order for the host to publish
the drawings and in order for retrieved documents to have tasks updated within the satellite

Using the SmartPlant P&ID SmartPlant Commands Within a Workshare Collaboration

The Workshare host can perform the following actions from within SmartPlant P&ID when
registered in an integrated environment. For more information about these commands, see the
SmartPlant P&ID User's Guide.
 Publish — Any drawing can be published.
 Retrieve — Any document can be retrieved.
 Correlate — Available to review correlations only if the drawing is read-only with respect to
Workshare. No other correlation activity is allowed for read-only drawings. If the drawing is
owned with respect to the Workshare site, then all correlation activities are available.

168 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Using Workshare

 To Do List — All commands and tasks are available for drawings opened with read-write
privileges. For drawings opened in read-only mode, commands that modify a drawing, such
as the Run To Do List task, are not available.
See Also
Projects vs. Workshare (on page 172)

Workshare Common Tasks

After configuring Workshare at the host and satellite sites, the following tasks are used
frequently when you are using Workshare in SmartPlant P&ID. Most of these procedures can
also be scheduled for a later time or at a regular interval.

Publishing a Drawing
To share a drawing with another site, you must first publish that drawing. Publishing the
drawing does not grant access to the drawing: it only freezes a copy of the drawing in
anticipation of ownership being transferred. Between the publication of a drawing and the
transfer of ownership, the publishing site still owns the drawing and is free to modify it. Granting
subscription access to the drawing gives another site read-only access to the published copy of
the drawing. Assigning ownership to the drawing allows the new owner to claim ownership of the
drawing and obtain the published copy of the drawing.

Granting Access to a Drawing

After you publish a drawing, you can grant read access to that drawing by using the Subscribe
Access command. The designated satellite site will be able to open and view the published
drawing, but will not be able to modify it. You can grant write access to a drawing, too, by using
the Assign Ownership command. The designated site will then not only be able to open the
drawing but also to edit it.
As soon as you use the Assign Ownership command, the selected drawing is
automatically published.

Getting the Latest Version of a Drawing

After a site has been granted access to a published drawing, that site must subscribe to the
latest version in order to open or edit that drawing. Normally you get the latest version over a
Workshare connection from the owner site by using the commands for remote access. You can
also get the latest version from a local directory - for instance, if the site has sent you the latest
version on CD.
Drawings are never dynamically linked between sites. That is, the version you view is only the
latest version you subscribed to or only the latest version left on your site. If another site has
modified the drawing since then, you do not see those changes.

Synchronizing Reference Data

Because only the host site may change the reference data, satellite sites need to synchronize
the reference data from the host site each time it changes. Synchronizing the reference data
involves making sure both the host and satellites are using the same plant schema and data
dictionary, plant structure, SmartPlant P&ID schema and data dictionary, and various options
settings. Synchronization also involves making sure various data files at the satellite site remain

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 169

Using Workshare

up to date with the files at the host. These files include the rules file, insulation specification file,
report and drawing templates, symbology settings, CAD definition file, and so forth.
You can synchronize this data either with the host site or with a copy of the reference data on
your local computer or network using the Synchronize Reference Data commands.

 Reference data at the satellite site must be synchronized with the host reference data before
drawings and shared items can be synchronized or transferred.
 We recommend scheduling synchronization for a time when no users are working in the

Synchronizing Shared Items

Some drawing items, such as off-page connectors, instrument loops, and utility connectors,
require special handling when using Workshare. Because these items can be shared by more
than one drawing, any modifications made to a drawing at another site may have ramifications
for the shared items contained in that drawing.
Several of the Workshare commands are available in the SmartPlant P&ID automation
layer. For more information about using these Workshare automation commands, see the
SmartPlant P&ID Programmer's Guide.
See Also
Using Workshare in an Integrated Environment (on page 168)

170 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Using Workshare

Using Workshare with Projects

Workshare functions the same whether using projects or not. The only difference is that when
using projects, only a project can function as a Workshare host. The Plant cannot be a host or
a satellite when projects are enabled.

 In a Workshare collaboration, new plant groups cannot be created by standalone satellite

sites or by the satellite sites in a project.
 Connected Workshare is available only for sites using Oracle databases. If your plants and
projects are using a SQL Server database, you cannot use connected Workshare.
 Standalone Workshare allows you to mix the type of databases used in a Workshare
 When a project is used as a Workshare host, the satellites synchronize their reference data
with the Plant reference data.
 When transferring ownership of a drawing to another Workshare site, the corresponding
versions are not transferred. Only the current version of the drawing is transferred.
 New plant groups (plants, areas, units, and so forth) cannot be created by satellites hosted
by a project.

Using Projects in an Existing Workshare Collaboration

You must discontinue all Workshare collaboration in a plant before you can create projects in
the plant. In other words, if the plant structure contains active Satellites, the Enable Projects
command remains unavailable. We recommend completing the following tasks before enabling
the plant for projects.
1. Transfer all drawings to the host.
2. Delete all satellites.
3. Disable the plant for Workshare.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 171

Using Workshare

4. Enable the plant for projects.

5. Create a project to serve as the host.
6. Enable the project for Workshare.
7. Create satellite slots in the project host.
8. Create satellites.
9. Check out or fetch drawings at the host, then re-distribute drawings back out to the

Projects vs. Workshare

The following comparisons may be useful when making the decision about whether to use
projects or Workshare or both.

Category Projects Workshare

Topology Each plant can have many Each Workshare host can have
projects. Each project belongs to many satellites. Each satellite
exactly one plant. belongs to exactly one host.

Identity Objects that are transferred Objects that are transferred

between a plant and a project between a host and a satellite
maintain their identity. maintain their identity.

Reference Data One set of reference data is used The reference data must be the
for a plant and all its projects. same for a host and its satellites.
Changes can be made only Changes can be made only through
through the Plant. Since all projects the host. Changes are propagated
use the same reference data as the to the satellites by means of the
Plant, all projects immediately see synchronize reference data
changes to the reference data. commands in Drawing Manager.

Physical Separation A plant and all of its projects must Connected Workshare allows data
exist on the same server and within to be distributed to multiple
the same database instance. database instances on separate
servers that may be remote from the
host server.
Standalone Workshare allows data
to be distributed between separate
database types.

Organization Projects are suited to dividing up Workshare is suitable for dividing up

work that will be done within a work among multiple organizations.
single organization.

172 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Using Workshare

Category Projects Workshare

Work Off-Site at a No. In a projects/Workshare Yes, in a connected Workshare

Satellite Site? scenario, claim records are stored configuration (without projects),
in the P&ID schema at the host work can continue when the
site. If the database link goes database link goes down.
down, claimed items at the satellite Standalone Workshare does not
site will not recognize the claim require any database connections.
status. However, the claim status of
newly placed items will be
recognized when the database link
is re-established.

When to Use? When the work to be done must be When the work to be done must be
divided into subsets, but it is all divided into subsets and assigned to
done by the same organization and different organizations.
can use the same server.
When the subsets of work must be
When an As-Built facility model is done on servers that are physically
to be built and the changes to that separated.
model need to be managed.
When a master database is to be
used for the approved design and a
task database is to be used for the
ongoing design work.

Sample Workflows
The following scenarios provide example workflows for using connected Workshare with
 Scenario 1: Compare
 Scenario 2: Loops
 Scenario 3: OPCs

Scenario 1: Compare
The following workflow demonstrates how to compare drawings in a connected Workshare
collaboration using projects.

1 Project 1 checks out Drawing A.

Project 1 assigns ownership of Drawing A to Satellite 1.1.

2 Project 2 fetches Drawing A from Project 1.

3 Project 2 assigns ownership of Drawing A to Satellite 2.1.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 173

Using Workshare

4 Satellite 2.1 opens, claims items, and modifies Drawing A.

Drawing A becomes Drawing A'.
Satellite 2.1 exits Drawing A'.

5 Satellite 2.1 assigns ownership of Drawing A' to Project 2.

6 Satellite 1.1 opens, claims items, and modifies Drawing A.

Drawing A becomes Drawing A''.
Satellite 1.1 releases claims and exits Drawing A''.

7 Satellite 1.1 assigns ownership of Drawing A'' to Project 1.

8 Project 1 checks Drawing A'' into the Plant.

9 Project 2 checks out Drawing A'' (without replacing Drawing


10 Project 2 compares Drawing A'' (modified in Project 1) with

its own Drawing A'.

11 Project 2 refreshes Drawing A' with differences from

Drawing A''.
Drawing A' becomes Drawing A'''.

12 Project 2 checks Drawing A''' in to the Plant.

174 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Using Workshare

See Also
Projects vs. Workshare (on page 172)

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 175

Using Workshare

Scenario 2: Loops
The following workflow demonstrates using shared items in a connected Workshare
collaboration using projects.

1 The Plant creates Drawing A and places 3 DCS


2 Project 1 checks out Drawing A and creates the following

P-100 in the drawing stockpile
P-101 in plant stockpile (shared = False)
P-102 in plant stockpile (shared = True)
Project 1 verifies via the EDE that there are 3 DCS
instruments and 3 loops in the drawing.

3 Project 1 closes Drawing A.

Drawing A becomes Drawing A'.

4 Project 2 fetches (with read/write permissions) Drawing A'

from Project 1.
Project 2 opens Drawing A' and verifies via the EDE that
P-100 is in the drawing stockpile and that there are 3 DCS
instruments, then closes Drawing A'.
Project 2 assigns ownership of Drawing A' to Satellite 2.1
and synchronizes shared items.

5 Satellite 2.1 executes Get Latest Version from Remote

command and synchronizes shared items.
Satellite 2.1 opens Drawing A' and verifies via the EDE that
P-100 is in the drawing stockpile and that there are 3 DCS
instruments, then closes Drawing A'.

6 Project 1 assigns ownership of Drawing A' to Satellite 1.1

and synchronizes shared items.
Satellite 1.1 executes Get Latest Version from Remote
command and synchronizes shared items.
Satellite 1.1 opens Drawing A' and verifies via the EDE that
P-100 is in the drawing stockpile and that there are 3 DCS
instruments, then closes Drawing A'.

7 Satellite 1.1 creates Drawing B and places an instrument.

Drawing B becomes Drawing B'.

176 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Using Workshare

8 Satellite 1.1 opens Drawing B', verifies via the EDE that only
the P102 loop tag is available for assignment (confirming
that synchronizing shared items brought the loop over to the
satellite), then closes Drawing B'.

9 Satellite 2.1 creates Drawing C and places an instrument.

Drawing C becomes Drawing C'.

10 Satellite 2.1 opens Drawing C', verifies via the EDE that
only the P102 loop tag is available for assignment
(confirming that synchronizing shared items brought the
loop over to the satellite), then closes Drawing C'.

11 Satellite 1.1 assigns ownership of Drawing A' to Project 1

and synchronizes shared items.

12 Project 1 executes Get Latest Version from Remote

command and synchronizes shared items.
Project 1 opens Drawing A' and verifies the following via the
P-100 in the drawing stockpile
P-101 in plant stockpile (shared = False)
P-102 in plant stockpile (shared = True)
3 DCS instruments
Project 1 closes Drawing A' and then checks Drawing A'
into the Plant.

13 The Plant opens Drawing A' as read-only and verifies via

the EDE that P-100 is in the drawing stockpile and that
there are 3 DCS instruments.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 177

Using Workshare

See Also
Projects vs. Workshare (on page 172)

178 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Using Workshare

Scenario 3: OPCs
The following workflow demonstrates handling OPCs in a connected Workshare collaboration
using projects.

1 Project 1 checks out Drawing A from the Plant.

2 Project 1 checks out Drawing B from the Plant.

3 Project 1 assigns ownership of Drawing B to Satellite 1.1.

4 Project 1 checks out Drawing C from the Plant.

5 Project 1 assigns ownership of Drawing C to Satellite 1.1.

6 Project 1 opens Drawing A, places OPC-100, sends the

partner OPC-100 to Drawing B, and closes the drawing.
Drawing A becomes Drawing A'.

7 Project 1 synchronizes shared items with Satellite 1.1.

8 Satellite 1.1 synchronizes shared items.

9 Satellite 1.1 opens Drawing B, places partner OPC-100

from the drawing stockpile, and closes the drawing.

10 Project 1 synchronizes shared items with Satellite 1.1, then

opens Drawing A' and verifies that "to drawing" name in the
OPC label is updated with information from Drawing B.
Drawing A' becomes Drawing A''.

11 Project 2 fetches Drawing A'' and assigns subscription

access to Satellite 2.1.

12 Satellite 2.1 opens drawing A'' and verifies that the OPC
label is updated with information from Drawing B, then
closes Drawing A''.

13 Project 1 assigns ownership of Drawing A'' to Satellite 1.1

and synchronizes shared items.
Satellite 1.1 gets latest version of Drawing A'' and
synchronizes shared items.
Satellite 1.1 opens Drawing A'' and verifies that the "to
drawing" name of OPC-100 is updated, then closes
Drawing A''.

14 Satellite 1.1 opens Drawing B, deletes OPC-100 to the

Plant stockpile, then closes the drawing.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 179

Using Workshare

15 Satellite 1.1 opens Drawing C, places OPC-100 from the

Plant stockpile, then closes the drawing.

16 Satellite 1.1 assigns ownership of Drawing A'' to Project 1

and synchronizes shared items.

17 Project 1 gets latest version from remote and synchronizes

shared items.
Drawing A'' becomes Drawing A'''.

18 Project 1 opens Drawing A''' and verifies that the graphical

label in OPC-100 contains the correct information and that
the data relating to OPC-100 and its partner is correct in the
EDE, then closes the drawing.

19 Project 2 fetches Drawing A''' from Project 1.

Project 2 opens Drawing A''' and verifies that the graphical
label in OPC-100 contains the correct information and that
the data relating to OPC-100 and its partner is correct in the
EDE, then closes the drawing.
Project 2 publishes and assigns subscription access for
Drawing A''' to Satellite 2.1, then synchronizes shared

20 Satellite 2.1 gets latest version, subscribes to the updated

Drawing A''', and synchronizes shared items.
Satellite 2.1 opens Drawing A''' and verifies that the
graphical label in OPC-100 contains the correct information
and that the data relating to OPC-100 and its partner is
correct in the EDE, then closes the drawing.

180 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Using Workshare

In a standalone Workshare collaboration, the satellite site needs only to be given

subscribe access to a drawing in order to access items (for example, OPCs) in the Plant

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 181

Using Workshare

See Also
Projects vs. Workshare (on page 172)

Publishing and Assigning Ownership

To share a drawing with another site, you must first publish that drawing. Publishing the drawing
does not grant access: it only freezes a copy of the drawing in anticipation of ownership being
transferred. Between the publication of a drawing and the transfer of ownership, the publishing
site still owns the drawing and is free to modify it.
Granting subscription access to the drawing gives another site read-only access to the
published copy of the drawing. Assigning ownership, on the other hand, allows the site to claim
ownership of the drawing and to obtain the published copy of the drawing.
In a standalone Workshare collaboration, drawing ownership controls from which site the host
receives a published file of a given drawing. In other words, if a published file did not originate
from the site with ownership, the host will ignore it when receiving the latest version of drawings.
Only the host can assign ownership, which means that the host can "take back" or revoke
ownership of a drawing at any time.
Hosts and satellites can create drawings in either Workshare mode. However, uniqueness of
drawing names and numbers is not enforced across a standalone Workshare collaboration.
In connected Workshare collaborations, published files are stored in the database at the
publishing site and the Oracle database link is used to transfer published files between sites. In
standalone Workshare collaborations, published files are stored in the WSPublish folder at the
publishing site and must be manually transmitted to the other sites by e-mail, CD, network
share, or other means.

Publish Command (Workshare Menu)

Publishes the selected drawing or drawings. The Publish dialog box displays the status of the
The act of publishing a drawing actually bundles the drawing and its related data and places it
as a "blob" object in the host database.
In a connected Workshare collaboration, when the satellite uses the Get Latest Version from
Remote command, the published "blob" is copied from the host database to the satellite site
database. At the satellite site, the "blob" is then unpacked and the drawing is placed in the local
file system while its related data is placed in the local SmartPlant P&ID database.
In a standalone Workshare collaboration, the published "blob" is automatically extracted into a
published zip file. The Publish command derives which sites have been given subscribe access
to the drawings being published and places the published zip files in the target WSPublish folder
in individual folders corresponding to each subscribing site, allowing you to more easily
determine which published zip files to transmit to a given site. The receiving site then uses the
Get Latest Version from Local command to unpack the zip file, placing the drawing in the local
file system and the related data into the local SmartPlant P&ID database.

182 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Using Workshare

For mixed Workshare collaborations, the publishing process detects the types of satellites
involved and performs the appropriate actions. For example, when a drawing is published for
both a standalone and a connected satellite, the Publish command creates the published zip
file in the WSPublish folder and places the corresponding "blob" in the database.

 Before the connected satellite site can access the published drawing, you must grant
subscription access to or assign ownership of the drawing to the satellite site.
 For standalone Workshare collaborations, if you do not grant subscription access to or
assign ownership of a drawing before you publish it, the published drawing zip file will not be
created in the WSPublish folder.
 Satellite-to-satellite data transfer is not supported in standalone Workshare.
 Published zip files in the WSPublish folder are overwritten without warning as needed by
subsequent publishes.
 When using Workshare in an integrated SmartPlant environment, satellites must transfer
drawing ownership back to the host in order for the host to publish the drawings and in order
for retrieved documents to have tasks updated within the satellite drawings.

Publish Dialog Box

Displays the status of your publishing operation. This status dialog box opens when you publish
drawings or when you assign ownership to drawings.

Drawings — Lists the drawings that are being published, and shows the status of that
View Log — Opens the log file that is created when you perform a Workshare operation.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 183

Using Workshare

Publish a Drawing
1. In the List view, select the drawings that you want to publish.
2. Grant access to the drawings by using either the Subscribe Access or Assign Ownership
3. Click Workshare > Publish. If you used the Assign Ownership command in the previous
step, the Publish process is launched automatically.
4. On the Publish dialog box, you can click View Log to see the history of the Workshare
operation just completed.
5. If you are using connected Workshare, drawings need to be extracted if the files need to be
transmitted manually in a case where the default publishing method is through the database.
For details, see Extract Published Drawings (on page 186).
6. If you are using standalone Workshare and changes have been made to the reference data,
be sure to use the Publish Standalone Package command in SmartPlant Engineering
Manager to bundle the database reference data for synchronization with the satellite.

 Linked or embedded files are not transferred by Workshare. Those files must be transferred
manually. We do not recommend using linked files in a Workshare collaboration.
 You can schedule the selected drawings for publishing at a later time or on a regular interval
by using the Schedule Publish command in Drawing Manager and following the prompts on
the Schedule Task Wizard (on page 205).
 When using Workshare in an integrated SmartPlant environment, satellites must transfer
drawing ownership back to the host in order for the host to publish the drawings and in order
for retrieved documents to have tasks updated within the satellite drawings.

Extract Published Drawings Command (Workshare Menu)

Extracts all plant-wide published drawing and related data from the database into zip files (one
zip file per drawing) so that the data can be manually transmitted to a satellite. The satellite then
unpacks the zip file using the Get Latest Version from Local command, which places the
drawing in the local file system and the related data into the local SmartPlant P&ID database.
This command is available only in connected Workshare collaborations.

184 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Using Workshare

Extract Published Drawings Dialog Box

Allows you to specify the location, on a local or network drive, where the extracted data will be
placed into a new folder named using the day, date, and time of the publishing operation.

Look in - Lists the available directories. You can choose a folder and click OK. A new folder to
hold your published drawings is created inside the folder you select.
Drives - Displays the currently active drive. To change to another drive, click Network.
Network - Opens the Microsoft standard Map Network Drive dialog box with which you can
specify a new active drive.
OK - Extracts all published data plant-wide and places it in a new folder inside the folder
selected in the Look in list.

Extract Published Drawings Status Dialog Box

Displays the progress of the extraction operation.
Extraction Progress Bar - Displays the name of the drawing which is being extracted and the
progress of that operation.
Cancel - Quits the process if the publishing operation is underway. If the extraction is complete,
Close simply dismisses the dialog box.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 185

Using Workshare

Extract Published Drawings

1. In Drawing Manager, select the plant structure in the Tree view.
2. Click Workshare > Extract Published Drawings.
3. On the Extract Published Drawings dialog box, browse to the directory to which you want
your drawings published.
4. Click OK.

 A new folder is created in this directory and named using the day, date, and time of the
publishing operation. This folder contains the results of the extraction operation. The folder
could be on a local or network drive.
 Extracting published drawings is later used with the Get Latest Version from Local
 This command is available only in connected Workshare collaborations.

Subscribe Access Command (Workshare Menu)

Designates which sites should receive a published drawing and grants read-only access to
those sites.
In standalone Workshare mode, only the host can set subscribe access. In connected
Workshare mode, this command is available to the host and the connected satellites.
In a mixed-mode Workshare collaboration, the following limitations apply:
 For drawings owned by the host, subscribe access can be given by the host to any
standalone or connected satellite.
 For drawings owned by a standalone satellite, subscribe access can be given by the host to
any other standalone or connected satellite or the host itself. For the host to transfer
subscription access to a drawing from one satellite to another, the host must first transfer the
access back to itself before granting subscription access to the other satellite.
 For drawings owned by a connected satellite, subscribe access cannot be set by the host.

186 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Using Workshare

Subscribe Access Dialog Box

Allows you to specify the sites that have subscribe access to drawings that you publish.

Available sites - Lists the satellite sites that are available to subscribe to the selected drawing.
Selected sites - Lists the sites that currently have subscribe access to the drawings that you
Add - Moves a selected site from the Available sites list to the Selected sites list.
Remove - Moves a selected site from the Selected sites list to the Available sites list.
Add selected - Gives subscription access to all the sites selected in Available sites.
Delete selected - Removes subscription access from all the sites selected in Selected sites.

Set Subscription Access for a Drawing

1. In Drawing Manager, select the drawings for which you want to set the subscription access.
2. Click Workshare > Subscribe Access.
3. On the Subscribe Access dialog box, select the site that you want to grant read access to
from the Available Sites list.
4. Click Add to move that site into the Selected Sites list.
You can remove read access from these permissions by using the Remove button to move
a site out of the Selected Sites list.

 You must have published a drawing before you can assign read access to another site.
 To grant read/write permission for a drawing, see Assign Ownership to a Drawing (on page

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 187

Using Workshare

 When the other site gets a copy of a drawing to which they have read access, they do not
see updates to that drawing after the point when they receive that version. That is, the two
instances of the drawing are not linked dynamically. For more information about getting the
latest version of a drawing, see Getting Latest Versions of Drawings (on page 190).

Assign Ownership Command (Workshare Menu)

Opens the Assign Ownership dialog box, where you can specify which Workshare sites have
read/write permission for published drawings. Drawing ownership is used to control, for a given
drawing, which satellite's published data the host receives during a Get Latest Version
In a mixed-mode Workshare collaboration, the following limitations apply.
 For drawings owned by the host, ownership can be given by the host to any standalone or
connected satellite.
 For drawings owned by a standalone satellite, ownership can be given by the host to any
other standalone or connected satellite or the host itself. For the host to transfer ownership
to a drawing from one satellite to another, the host must first transfer ownership back to itself
before granting ownership to the other satellite.
 For drawings owned by a connected satellite, ownership cannot be set by the host.
 When using Workshare in an integrated SmartPlant environment, satellites must transfer
drawing ownership back to the host in order for the host to publish the drawings and in order
for retrieved documents to have tasks updated within the satellite drawings.
When the host, in standalone mode, is functioning as a project, all items on the selected
drawings are automatically claimed when the drawing ownership is assigned to a satellite site. If
exclusive claiming is being used and one or more items have already been claimed by another
project, assigning ownership is not allowed.

 Assigning ownership of a drawing automatically publishes the drawing.

 When transferring ownership of a drawing, the corresponding drawing versions are not
transferred. Only the current version of the drawing is transferred.
 If the site to which ownership has been assigned has subscription access, the subscription
access will be removed.

188 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Using Workshare

Assign Ownership Dialog Box

Allows you to specify the site to which you want to grant ownership of the selected drawing.

Available Workshare sites — Lists the sites that are currently linked to your site and available
to take ownership of the selected drawing.
OK — Assigns ownership of the drawing to the specified site and publishes the selected

Assign Ownership to a Drawing

1. In the List view, select the drawings to which you want to grant write access.
2. Click Workshare > Assign Ownership.
3. On the Assign Ownership dialog box, choose the appropriate site from the list.
4. Click OK. The drawings are immediately published.

 The sites available on the Assign Ownership dialog box are specified automatically
according to the sites currently participating in the Workshare collaboration. These
Workshare sites are set up in SmartPlant Engineering Manager.
 Assigning ownership of a drawing also publishes the drawing.
 If you want to grant read access only, see Set Subscription Access for a Drawing (on page
 For drawings owned by the host, ownership can be given by the host to any standalone or
connected satellite.
 For drawings owned by a standalone satellite, ownership can be given by the host to any
other standalone or connected satellite or the host itself. For the host to transfer ownership
to a drawing from one satellite to another, the host must first transfer ownership back to itself
before granting ownership to the other satellite.
 For drawings owned by a connected satellite, ownership cannot be set by the host.
 When transferring ownership of a drawing, the corresponding drawing versions are not
transferred. Only the current version of the drawing is transferred.
 When using Workshare in an integrated SmartPlant environment, satellites must transfer
drawing ownership back to the host in order for the host to publish the drawings and in order
for retrieved documents to have tasks updated within the satellite drawings.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 189

Using Workshare

Getting Latest Versions of Drawings

After a site has been granted access to a published drawing, that site must subscribe to the
latest version of the drawing in order to open or edit that drawing. In a connected Workshare
collaboration, you get the latest version from the owner site over a database connection by
using the commands for remote access. In a standalone Workshare collaboration or a
connected collaboration where the satellite does not have remote access to the host, you get
the latest version from the owner site by getting the latest version from a local directory after the
published files have been extracted into a zip file and manually transmitted to the satellite site
via e-mail, CD, network share, or so forth.
Drawings are never dynamically linked between sites. That is, the version you view is only the
latest version to which you subscribed or the latest version left on your site. If another site has
modified the drawing since you retrieved the latest version of a published drawing, you do not
see those changes. At sites that have a copy of a drawing but do not own the drawing, a red
lock on the drawing icon appears in the List view. This icon indicates that your version of
the drawing may not be the most current.

Get Latest Version from Remote Command (Workshare


Typically used only in a connected Workshare collaboration, this command opens the Get
Latest Version from Remote dialog box, which allows you to specify the site from which you
want to receive the latest versions of published drawings.
When you get the latest version of a drawing, you do not see updates to that drawing after the
point in time when you got that version. That is, the two versions of the drawing are not linked
Before you can get the latest version of a drawing, that drawing must first be published and
assigned to you with the appropriate permissions, and you must have a network or database
connection to the Workshare site where the published drawing currently resides.
The latest version of a drawing replaces any versions of that drawing currently at
your site; therefore, use caution when subscribing to the latest versions.

Get Latest Version from Remote Site Dialog Box

Allows you to specify the remote site from which you want to receive the latest versions of
drawings. Clicking OK on this dialog box opens the Get Latest Version from Remote dialog

190 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Using Workshare

Available Workshare Sites — Lists the sites in your Workshare collaboration that have
published drawings available to you. If the site you are looking for is not in the list, check to see
if that site has published any drawings and, if so, has it assigned access to you.

Get Latest Version from Remote Dialog Box

Displays the status of the Get Latest Version operation.

Drawings — Lists the drawings that are being updated and shows the status of that operation.
View Log — Opens the log file that is created during this procedure.

Get the Latest Version of a Drawing from a Remote Site

1. In the Tree view in Drawing Manager, select the plant structure to accept the latest versions
of drawings.
This site must have either subscription access or ownership of the latest versions of
2. Click Workshare > Get Latest Version from Remote.
3. On the Get Latest Version from Remote Site dialog box, select the location from which
you want to get the latest versions of drawings, and then click OK. The Get Latest Version
from Remote dialog box opens and displays the status of the operation.
You must have a network connection or DBLink with the remote site to use this
command. If you received the published drawings from the remote site via a CD or e-email
and have stored those files locally, use the Get Latest Version from Local command to
access those files.
4. Click View Log to see the history of the subscription operation just completed.

 The locations available in the list in the Get Latest Version from Remote Site dialog box
are specified automatically according to the satellites connected to the host.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 191

Using Workshare

 When you get a version of a drawing, you do not see updates to that drawing after the point
in time when you subscribed to it. That is, the two versions of the drawing are not linked
 Linked files are not transferred by Workshare. Those files must be transferred manually. We
do not recommend using linked files in a Workshare collaboration.
 You can click Workshare > Schedule Get Latest Version from Remote to open the
Schedule Task Wizard (on page 205) and defer the subscription to a later time or on a
regular interval. You must still complete the next step in this procedure.

Get Latest Version from Local Command (Workshare Menu)

Typically used in a standalone Workshare collaboration, this command opens the Get Latest
Version from Local dialog box, which allows you to browse to the published zip file you
received from another site and to select the drawings you want to receive. The Get Latest
Version from Local command detects if the incoming published files originated from the
expected host site. If they did not, the files are skipped and an entry is written in the log file.
When you get the latest version of a drawing, you do not see updates to that drawing after the
point in time when you got that version. That is, the two versions of the drawing are not linked
dynamically. In a connected Workshare collaboration, the latest version of a drawing replaces
the version of a drawing that you currently have on your computer. In a standalone
collaboration, a version is created for each replaced drawing.
When a new drawing created at a satellite is obtained by the host, the drawing ownership at the
host is set to the originating site. For projects, when new objects created by a satellite site are
obtained by the host, new claim records are created at the host.
Before you can get the latest version of a drawing, that drawing must first be
published and assigned to you with the appropriate permissions, and you must have placed the
zip file containing the extracted published files on your local computer or a network share to
which you have access.

192 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Using Workshare

Get Latest Version from Local Dialog Box

Allows you to open the zip file containing the extracted published drawings you received from
another site. After opening the zip file, you can view a drawing or compare it with an existing
version at your site prior to actually obtaining the drawing and writing it to your local database.

Published files — Displays the drawings included in the published zip file. In the following
situations, certain published drawings are excluded from this list:
 At a connected satellite, excludes published files for drawings owned by that site and
drawings from a site not collaborating with the same host.
 At the host, excludes published drawings not owned by the originating site and drawings
from a site not collaborating with the same host.
 At a standalone satellite, excludes published files for drawings from a site not collaborating
with the same host.
Drawings that already have assigned ownership at the current site are displayed in gray.
Browse — Opens the Select Publish Folder dialog box, which allows you to browse to the
location where you saved the zip file containing the extracted published files (see "Extract
Published Drawings" on page 186).
View — Opens the View dialog box, which displays a read-only view of the selected drawing
version without opening SmartPlant P&ID. You can manipulate the view or select drawing items
and review their properties.
Compare With — Opens the Compare With dialog box, allowing you to compare the current
drawing version at your site with the incoming data. You cannot compare incoming data to a
previous version of the drawing.
Select All — Marks all drawings in the Published files list to be extracted from the zip file and
written to your local plant database.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 193

Using Workshare

Clear All — Clears all drawings in the Published files list.

Schedule — Opens the Schedule Task Wizard (on page 205), which allows you to schedule the
get latest from local process for a later time.

Select Publish Folder Dialog Box

Allows you to locate the folder in which the zip file containing the extracted published drawing is

Look in — Lists the available folders.

Drives — Displays the currently active drive. To change to another drive, click Network or
select a drive from the list.
Network — Opens the Microsoft standard Map Network Drive dialog box, allowing you to
specify a new active drive.
OK — Opens the zip file containing the extracted published drawings and lists the drawings in
the Get Latest Version from Local dialog box.

194 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Using Workshare

Get Latest Version from Local Status Dialog Box

Displays the status of the Get Latest Version from Local process.

Drawings — Lists the drawings that are being updated and shows the status of that operation.
View Log — Opens the log file.

Get the Latest Version of a Drawing from the Local Computer

1. In the Tree view in Drawing Manager, select the plant structure to accept the latest versions
of drawings. This plant must have either subscription access or ownership of the latest
versions of drawings.
2. Click Workshare > Get Latest Version from Local.
3. On the Get Latest Version from Local dialog box, click Browse.
4. On the Select Publish Folder dialog box, browse to the folder that contains the zip file
containing the extracted files associated with the latest drawing version.
5. Click OK. The Get Latest Version from Local Status dialog box opens and displays the
status of the operation.
6. Click View Log if you want to read notes from this process.
7. Be sure to synchronize reference data before trying to open the newly obtained drawings.
For details, see Synchronizing Reference Data (on page 196).

 You can schedule this process for a later time by using the Schedule Task Wizard (on page
 If you are using a connected Workshare collaboration and have an active network
connection to the remote site, you can get the latest version from there, too. For more
information, see Get the Latest Version of a Drawing from a Remote Site (on page 191).

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 195

Using Workshare

Synchronizing Reference Data

Because only the host site may change the reference data, satellite sites need to synchronize
the reference data from the host site each time it changes.
Synchronizing the reference data (RDB) involves making sure both the host and satellites are
using the same plant schema and data dictionary, plant structure, SmartPlant P&ID schema and
data dictionary, and various options settings. Synchronization also involves making sure various
data files at the satellite site remain up to date with the files at the host. These files include the
rules file, insulation specifications, report and drawing templates, symbology settings, CAD
definition file, and so forth.
Changes made to a data dictionary require reference data synchronization before
any publishing or subscription activity. Since the data dictionary can be modified only at the host
site, the host administrator should inform the satellite administrators when any data dictionary at
the host is modified. Reference data stored in the data dictionary that can be changed or
updated includes, but is not limited to, new properties or changes to existing properties (such as
display name, category) Validation or Calculation IDs, filters, and Engineering Data Editor
You can synchronize reference data either directly with the host site over a network connection
or with a copy of the reference data on your local computer (or network share) using the
Synchronize Reference Data commands.
There are two synchronization stages:
1. Database, Schema, and Data Dictionary Synchronization — Involves synchronizing the
database-related data listed below. In connected Workshare collaborations, synchronizing
this portion of the reference data is accomplished automatically over the DBLink using the
Synchronize Reference Data command. For standalone Workshare collaborations, the
host uses the Publish Standalone Package command in SmartPlant Engineering Manager
to bundle this information into a zip file ( for the satellite site to access
in the Published standalone package file field on the Synchronize Reference Data from
Copy dialog box.
 Plant schema and data dictionary
 Plant structure
 Plant replication schema, if using connected Workshare
 SmartPlant P&ID schema and data dictionary
 Formats
 Options settings
2. File Synchronization — Involves the host site manually transmitting the following data files
to the satellite site for access using either of the Synchronize Reference Data commands.
 Rules file (rules.rul)
 Insulation specification file (InsulationSpec.isl)
 Report and drawing templates (border files are synchronized only if they are in the same
location as the drawing templates)
 Symbology settings (ProjectStyles.spp)

196 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Using Workshare

 CAD definition file (Exportlayer.xlsx)

 P&ID templates
 Path to the symbol catalog
 Plant Configuration file for 'Save as XML' (PlantConfig.xml)
For connected Workshare collaborations across domains, the satellite site can use the
Synchronize Reference Data command to synchronize the database part of the reference data
only if it has no access to the reference data shared folder at the host. If file synchronization is
also needed, then the satellite should use the Synchronize Reference Data from Copy
During the synchronization process, a log file, SynchRefData.log or
SynchRefDataFromCopy.log is created in the user's temp folder (%temp%). This log file
contains a list similar to the list that is displayed in the Synchronize Reference Data dialog box.

 Customizations should be done at the host. For example, Plant Filters should not be created
at a satellite site because when you synchronize reference data with the host, you lose that
information. However, you can always create My Filters in the Filter Manager environment.
 Automation programs (for example, DLL and OCX files) are not synchronized. For more
information about automation, see SmartPlant P&ID Programmer's Guide.
 Reference data at the satellite site must be synchronized with the host reference data before
any drawings and shared items can be synchronized or transferred.
 Border files are synchronized only if they are in the same location as the drawing templates.
 We recommend scheduling synchronization for a time when no users are working in the

Synchronize Reference Data Command (Workshare Menu)

Typically used in a connected Workshare collaboration, this command uses the DBLink or
network connection between host and satellite to synchronize the data. The Synchronize dialog
box displays the progress of synchronizing your reference data with the host reference data.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 197

Using Workshare

Synchronize Reference Data Dialog Box

Displays the progress of synchronizing reference data.

Tasks — Lists the individual parts of the reference data and displays their status in the
synchronization process.
View Log — Opens the log file that is created when you perform a Workshare operation.

Synchronize Reference Data from Host

1. In Drawing Manager, click Workshare > Synchronize Reference Data.
2. When the synchronization process finishes, click Close.
3. Exit, then re-open Drawing Manager. You can now publish or get the latest version of

 In order to synchronize the databases, the DBLink or other network connection between
host and satellite must be active.
 You can view the progress of the synchronization process on the Synchronize dialog box.
 If a satellite does not synchronize reference data, the satellite can neither publish nor get the
latest version of a drawing.
 For information about synchronizing reference data without a remote connection to the host,
see Synchronize Reference Data from a Copy (on page 202).

198 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Using Workshare

Synchronize Reference Data from Copy Command

(Workshare Menu)
Typically used in a standalone Workshare collaboration, this command allows you to
synchronize the reference data with a copy of the data as opposed to over a network
connection. The Synchronize Reference Data from Copy dialog box allows you to specify the
directories or files that contain the copies of the reference data.

Synchronize Reference Data from Copy Dialog Box

Specifies the paths to the copies of the specific reference data with which you want to
synchronize your data.

Rules library — Allows you to specify the path to the rules file (Rules.rul) in the copied
reference data. By default, this file is located in the SmartPlant\P&ID Reference Data folder on
your computer.
The path you specify for the rules library is also used to determine the path for the
PlantConfig.xml file.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 199

Using Workshare

Insulation specifications file — Allows you to specify the insulation specification file
(InsulationSpec.isl) in the copied reference data. By default, this file is located in the
SmartPlant\P&ID Reference Data folder on your computer.
Default report template path — Allows you to specify the path to the default report templates
folder in the copied reference data. This path typically points to the Report Files folder in the
SmartPlant\P&ID Reference Data folder on your computer.
Plant style file — Allows you to specify the plant styles file (ProjectStyles.spp) in the copied
reference data.
CAD definition file — Allows you to specify the CAD definition file (Exportlayer.xlsx) in the
copied reference data. By default, this file is located in the SmartPlant\P&ID Reference Data
folder on your computer.
P&ID template path — Allows you to specify the path to the P&ID templates in the copied
reference data. This path typically points to the Template Files folder in the SmartPlant\P&ID
Reference Data folder on your computer.
Catalog Explorer root path — Displays the path to the Catalog Explorer root path in the
copied reference data. This path typically points to the Symbols folder in the SmartPlant\P&ID
Reference Data folder on your computer.
Pipe jacket nominal diameter configuration file — Allows you to specify the path to the pipe
jacket nominal diameter configuration file (JacketNDCoreND.XML) if it exists in the copied
reference data. By default, this file is located in the SmartPlant\P&ID Reference Data folder on
your computer.
Since this file may not exist at the host, the software does not require that the field be
filled in order to synchronize the Reference Data. It is the user's responsibility to select the file
to synchronize it with the satellite.
Standalone package file — Allows you to specify the zipped file (
containing the database reference data information bundled by the host using the Publish
Standalone Package command. This field is available only for standalone Workshare
Browse — Allows you to browse to the appropriate file or folder for the pertinent reference data.
Schedule — Opens the Schedule Task Wizard (on page 205), which allows you to defer
synchronizing data to a later time or to schedule it on a regular interval.

200 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Using Workshare

Default Report Template Path Dialog Box

Allows you to search for a folder on your computer or the local network. This dialog box opens
only when you are browsing for the Default report template path on the Synchronize
Reference Data from Copy dialog box.

Look in — Lists the available directories. Choose a folder and click OK.
Drives — Displays the currently active drive. To change to another drive click Network.
Network — Opens the Microsoft standard Map Network Drive dialog box where you can
specify a new active drive.

P&ID Template Path Dialog Box

Allows you to search on your computer or the local network for a folder. This dialog box opens
only when you are browsing for the P&ID template path on the Synchronize Reference Data
from Copy dialog box.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 201

Using Workshare

Look in - Lists the available directories. Choose a folder and click OK.
Drives - Displays the currently active drive. To change to another drive click Network.
Network - Opens the Microsoft standard Map Network Drive dialog box where you can specify
a new active drive.

Catalog Explorer Root Path Dialog Box

Allows you to search for a folder on your computer or the local network. This dialog box opens
only when you are browsing for the Catalog Explorer root path on the Synchronize
Reference Data from Copy dialog box.

Look in - Lists the available directories. Choose a folder and click OK.
Drives - Displays the currently active drive. To change to another drive, click Network.
Network - Opens the Microsoft standard Map Network Drive dialog box where you can specify
a new active drive.

Synchronize Reference Data from a Copy

1. Click Workshare > Synchronize Reference Data from Copy.
2. On the Synchronize Reference Data from Copy dialog box, click each Browse button and
specify the paths to the copies of the reference data files.
You must have a live network connection to these files if they are not on your local
3. Specify a path for every file listed on this dialog box. Until every path is specified, the OK
button is not available.
The path you specify for the rules library is also used to determine the path for the
PlantConfig.xml file.
4. The Synchronize Reference Data dialog box opens and displays the progress of the
synchronization operation.
5. You can click View Log if you want to read notes on the synchronization operation.

202 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Using Workshare

6. Exit, then re-open Drawing Manager. You can now publish or get latest version of

 If a satellite does not synchronize reference data, the satellite cannot publish or get the
latest version of a drawing.
 If you are using a Workshare environment in SmartPlant P&ID and you are at a satellite site,
you should not store custom layouts for the Engineering Data Editor or Plant Filters
because when you synchronize reference data, you lose that information.
 You can click Schedule to defer this task to a later time or schedule it on a regular interval.
When the Schedule Task Wizard (on page 205) opens, follow directions in the wizard to
complete the scheduling of this synchronizing operation.

Synchronizing Shared Items

Some drawing items, such as off-page connectors, instrument loops, and utility connectors,
require special handling when using Workshare. Because these items can be shared by more
than one drawing, any modifications made to a drawing at another site may have ramifications
for the shared items contained in that drawing. Consequently you must synchronize these
shared items.
 Connectors (OPCs such as off-unit connector, off-page connector, and utility connector) —
To be sure that OPCs synchronize properly, when placing a connector in a drawing at your
site, use the SmartPlant P&ID Move Partner OPC command to specify the drawing at
another site on which the partner OPC should be placed. After synchronizing shared items
at both sites, the partner OPC is transferred to the drawing stockpile for the specified
drawing at the other site.
 Plant Item Groups (instrument loop, package, safety class, and test system) — These
items can be placed only in the stockpile. To share these items with another site, first place
them in the stockpile in SmartPlant P&ID and then set the Isshared property in the
Properties window to True. After synchronizing shared items at both sites, this plant item
group appears in the stockpile at the other site and can now be associated with items at that
site, but can only be modified by the originating site.

Synchronize Shared Items Command (Workshare Menu)

Opens the Synchronizing Shared Items dialog box, which allows you to start and monitor the
synchronization operation.
Run this command at the host and then at the satellite site.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 203

Using Workshare

Synchronizing Shared Items Dialog Box

Displays the progress of the synchronization operation.

View Log — Opens the log file that is created when you perform a synchronizing operation.

Synchronize Shared Items

1. Click Workshare > Synchronize Shared Items.
2. On the Synchronizing Shared Items dialog box, click View Log to see the record of this
synchronization operation.
If you want to defer this activity, or schedule it on a regular interval, you can click
Workshare > Schedule Synchronize Shared Items. Follow the instructions on the Schedule
Task Wizard (on page 205).

Sample Synchronize Shared Items Workflow

Synchronizing shared items is an automated process in a connected Workshare collaboration
but is unsupported in standalone Workshare. Shared items must be manually synchronized in
standalone Workshare collaborations as shown in the sample workflow below.
1. Host creates Dwg1 and assigns to Site1 and creates Dwg2 and assigns to Site2.
2. Host publishes these two drawings and sends the resulting .zip files to their respective sites.
3. Site1 and Site2 perform a Get Latest Version from Local to receive their drawings.
4. Site1 places an OPC on Dwg1.
5. Site1 creates a new drawing, Dwg3.
6. Site1 moves the partner OPC from Dwg1 into the drawing stockpile of Dwg3.
7. Site1 publishes Dwg1 and Dwg3 and sends the resulting .zip files to the Host.
8. Host performs a Get Latest Version from Local on both drawings.
9. Host publishes Dwg1 and Dwg3 and sends the resulting .zip files to Site2.
10. Site2 performs a Get Latest Version from Local on both drawings.
11. Site2 moves the partner OPC from Dwg3 to the drawing stockpile of Dwg2.
12. Site2 places the OPC in Dwg2.
13. Site2 publishes Dwg2 and sends the resulting .zip file to the Host.

204 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Using Workshare

14. Host performs a Get Latest Version from Local on Dwg2. (The Host receives a moved items
error condition and must move the OPC currently in Dwg3 to the plant stockpile before the
Get Latest Version from Local command can succeed.)
15. Host publishes Dwg2 and sends to Site1.
16. Site1 performs a Get Latest Version from Local on Dwg 2. (Site1 receives a moved items
error condition and must move the OPC currently in the Dwg3 stockpile to the plant stockpile
before the Get Latest Version from Local command can succeed.)
17. Site1 opens Dwg 1 to cause the OPC label to refresh.

Scheduling Workshare Tasks

Schedule Task Wizard
Allows you to specify options for scheduling a task, such as printing, archiving, publishing, and
so forth. Follow the directions on the wizard as you choose options. Clicking Next advances you
to the next appropriate screen in the wizard where you further specify options for the task that
you are scheduling. On the final screen, clicking Finish completes the schedule and closes the

After setting up the schedule, the wizard relinquishes control over the schedule to
your Windows operating system. The only way to modify or delete a task schedule is to use the
Control Panel > Scheduled Tasks utility.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 205

Using Workshare

Schedule Publish Command (Workshare Menu)

Opens the Schedule Task Wizard (on page 205), which allows you to schedule publishing the
selected drawing or drawings at a later time or on a regular interval.

Schedule Get Latest Version from Remote Command

(Workshare Menu)
Opens the Schedule Get Latest Version from Remote dialog box, which allows you to
schedule getting a remote version of a drawing at a later time or on a regular interval. When you
click OK, the Schedule Task Wizard (on page 205) opens. Follow the prompts on the wizard to
complete scheduling the subscription operation.

Schedule Get Latest Version from Remote Dialog Box

Specifies the site where the latest drawing versions reside. Clicking OK on this dialog box opens
the Schedule Task Wizard (on page 205).

Available Workshare Sites - Lists the sites in your Workshare collaboration that have
published drawings available to you. If the site you are looking for is not in the list, check to see
if that site has published any drawings and, if so, has it assigned access to you.

Schedule Synchronize Reference Data Command

(Workshare Menu)
Opens the Schedule Task Wizard, which allows you to schedule synchronizing with the host
reference data at a later time or on a regular interval.

Schedule Synchronize Shared Items Command (Workshare

Opens the Schedule Task Wizard (on page 205), which allows you to schedule the
synchronizing of shared items at a later time or on a regular interval.

206 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


Working with SmartPlant Integration

Integration standardizes and improves the communication among the various authoring tools
you use in the course of designing, constructing, and operating a plant. SmartPlant integration
manages data exchange among these authoring tools, which enables sharing and re-use of
plant information throughout the plant life-cycle. SmartPlant Foundation acts as a repository for
data and a medium through which information is shared among other tools, such as Aspen
Basic Engineering, SmartPlant Instrumentation, SmartPlant Electrical, and Smart 3D.
Most of the commands that provide access to SmartPlant integration functionality exist in the
common user interface available on the SmartPlant menu in Engineering Manager, SmartPlant
Instrumentation, SmartPlant Electrical, SmartPlant P&ID, and Drawing Manager.
The following graphic displays what SmartPlant P&ID publishes and retrieves and shows the
flow of data and the different types of data.

SmartPlant P&ID interacts with SmartPlant Foundation by correlating items between the plant
database and the SmartPlant Foundation database, retrieving documents from SmartPlant
Foundation. Also, SmartPlant P&ID creates a set of tasks in the To Do List that you can run to
update the plant database. In SmartPlant P&ID, you can also use the commands on the

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 207

Working with SmartPlant Integration

SmartPlant menu to publish documents and retrieve data, access the SmartPlant Foundation
Web Portal in order to browse in SmartPlant Foundation, and subscribe to change notifications
and compare documents.
You can only use the SmartPlant menu commands after your plant is registered. For
more information, see SmartPlant Engineering Manager Online Help.

Registering Tools
Before you can publish and retrieve documents from any of the other authoring tools, such as
SmartPlant Electrical or SmartPlant Instrumentation, you must register each plant in SmartPlant
P&ID with a SmartPlant Foundation database. The connection allows SmartPlant P&ID to use
the commands on the SmartPlant menu. A SmartPlant Engineering Manager administrator
typically registers a plant.
The software maps a plant and all its projects to a single SmartPlant Foundation URL, which
points to one, and only one, SmartPlant Foundation plant database and its projects. When you
use the Register command in any of the authoring tools, you are registering an authoring tool
plant with a SmartPlant Foundation URL and plant that you specify.
The system administrator must register each plant in the authoring tool once; this action takes
place in SmartPlant Engineering Manager. After the plant is registered, you can publish and
retrieve documents.

Tool Requirements for Integrating SmartPlant P&ID

This topic describes rules and settings that allow SmartPlant P&ID data to be shared correctly
with Aspen Basic Engineering, Smart 3D, SmartPlant Instrumentation, and the other tools that
are part of an integrated environment. Other tools that are not listed here have no known
SmartPlant P&ID/SmartPlant integration issues.

General Integration Requirements

The following is a list of best practice scenarios for using SmartPlant P&ID so that data will
migrate correctly to other SmartPlant tools:
 In general, when modifying P&IDs that have been published, avoid unnecessarily deleting
items in order to move them inside the active drawing or moving them to other drawings.
Deleting and replacing items (with the same tag), causes additional work in applications
retrieving the P&IDs that may negate the time-saving benefits of the P&ID changes.
 When working with Projects and As-Built, all instruments to be published must be placed on
a P&ID drawing or in the active drawing stockpile. This is because the plant stockpile is not
communicated back and forth between Projects and As-Built.
 To enable publishing from a project, you must create a project in SmartPlant Foundation
with the same name (case-sensitive) as the P&ID project.
 When creating symbols for SmartPlant P&ID, connection points (piping, signal, and
auxiliary) must be added in the correct sequence. For details, see the Important note at the
end of the Place Point Ribbon (P&ID) topic in SmartPlant Catalog Manager User's Guide.
Signal points and piping points are not supported for Equipment and Equipment
Components when publishing to SmartPlant Foundation,

208 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

 When creating formats for use with SmartPlant P&ID publishing, the formats must be added
and mapped in SPPIDDataMap.xml using Schema Editor. The UID string of the custom
SPMapUOMDef map file must be of the form SPMU_<NN>_FormatName>, where 'NN'
represents the SPMapUOMListDef ID for the format type (for example Temperature = 5;
Pressure = 27). Since spaces or restricted characters are not allowed in the UID string,
custom format names must not include spaces or restricted characters.
 If you intend to publish select lists (enum lists) to SmartPlant Foundation, make sure that
you review the SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant P&ID Guide to understand the
requirements (see under Data Transformation Logic > Publish/Retrieve).
 If the SmartPlant P&ID item tag validation allows for duplicate tags, this may have an impact
on downstream tools such as SmartPlant Instrumentation, which does not allow duplicates.
In such cases, allowing duplicates in SmartPlant P&ID can cause problems in the retrieving
By default, SmartPlant P&ID item tag validation does not allow duplicate item tags for
loops or instruments.

Working with SmartPlant Instrumentation

Retrieving Documents
 If a SmartPlant P&ID drawing that includes items with a flow direction is to be retrieved by
SmartPlant Instrumentation, a flow direction of End 1 Upstream or End 1 Downstream
must be defined in SmartPlant P&ID. Bi-directional flow is not supported.

Connect to Process Lines

 Connect to Process lines are required for connecting instruments to equipment nozzles
and pipe runs in SmartPlant P&ID.
 All non-piped offline equipment instruments must be connected to vessels through
non-electric signal lines and nozzles in SmartPlant P&ID. This enables SmartPlant
Instrumentation to recognize that instruments are connected to vessels.
 If SmartPlant P&ID assigns an object to an intermediate level in the hierarchy and publishes,
SmartPlant Instrumentation will assign the object to the level in the hierarchy in SmartPlant
Instrumentation determined by their logic. Because instruments belong to units in
SmartPlant Instrumentation, an instrument assigned to the intermediate level in SmartPlant
P&ID will be assigned to the unit in SmartPlant Instrumentation. Panels will be assigned to
the plant. SmartPlant P&ID may get an update on retrieve to move the object to another
level in their hierarchy than where it was published based on the move done automatically
by SmartPlant Instrumentation. Panels will move to the top level; instruments will move to
the bottom.

Deleting and Adding Items

 When you are working in a Projects environment, and items are correlated using the
SmartPlant integration tools, you should minimize deleting and re-adding any items.
SmartPlant P&ID will reuse tag numbers in the numbering scheme when you delete and
re-add items. SmartPlant Instrumentation tracks tag numbers claimed in a project, and this
tracking will not work if tag numbers are reused after correlation. If you must delete an item
in this situation, you can delete the item to the SmartPlant P&ID Stockpile.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 209

Working with SmartPlant Integration

Instrument Expansion
 A SmartPlant P&ID instrument or loop tag does not always have a 1:1 relationship with
instruments in SmartPlant Instrumentation. In some cases, a single item tag in a P&ID
corresponding to an instrument or loop needs to be expanded to create several instruments
when publishing the data for SmartPlant Instrumentation. For this purpose, the Expansion
Type property in SmartPlant P&ID specifies the expansion behavior when publishing an
instrument or loop. Each value of the property corresponds to a SmartPlant Instrumentation
rule that determines which instrument types and numbers are to be created in SmartPlant
Instrumentation when the SmartPlant P&ID tag is expanded and retrieved.
When retrieving data back to SmartPlant P&ID, the behavior of a particular
instrument created by expansion is determined by SmartPlant Instrumentation parameters.
For an expanded instrument, the state of the IRetrievableExpansion interface determines
whether that instrument will be retrieved by SmartPlant P&ID: if the IRetrievableExpansion
interface is realized, the instrument is retrieved, whereas if the IRetrievableExpansion
interface is not realized, the instrument is not retrieved. The 'parent' item tag is always
retrieved, regardless of the realization state of the IRetrievableExpansion interface.

 SmartPlant Instrumentation uses physical ports, while SmartPlant P&ID uses logical ports.
SmartPlant Instrumentation publishes the physical ports with the Dimensional Data Sheets
and not the Instrument Index. SmartPlant P&ID retrieves the Instrument Index and does
not retrieve the Dimensional Data Sheets.
When the workflow goes from SmartPlant P&ID to SmartPlant Instrumentation, followed by
SmartPlant Instrumentation publishing the Dimensional Datasheet, a Same As relationship
is created between the ports in the SmartPlant Foundation database. That Same As
relationship is required by Smart 3D to correctly match the design basis ports to the 3D
representation of the ports.
When the workflow goes from SmartPlant Instrumentation to SmartPlant P&ID, however, a
Same As relationship is not created in the SmartPlant Foundation database. Without the
Same As relationship created in the SmartPlant Foundation database, the result may be
additional ports in Smart 3D. To obtain the Same As relationship on the ports requires that
SmartPlant P&ID publish the P&ID with the instrument, this P&ID be retrieved by SmartPlant
Instrumentation and then having SmartPlant Instrumentation publish the Dimensional Data

Working with Smart 3D

 In Options Manager, ensure that under Settings, the Use Piping Specification setting
value is Smart 3D even if the P&ID plant is not validating piping specifications. This is to
ensure that the required Piping Component Select List entries are properly set to match the
PIP short codes expected by Smart 3D. For details, see Configure Piping Specification
Settings in SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide.

Drawing Items
 For Smart 3D to properly determine flow direction in a process run, that process run must be
connected to at least 2 items.

210 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

 Some items that can be represented as single objects in SmartPlant P&ID, such as Vent
Detail, are modeled in Smart 3D as a set of separate objects. For full correlation to be
established between the two tools, ensure that these objects are modeled in SmartPlant
P&ID with the same configuration used to represent them in Smart 3D.

 Smart 3D handles temperature and pressure properties in pairs and does not support
having a temperature (for example, Normal Operating Temperature) without defining the
matching pressure (in this case, Normal Operating Pressure). While this is a valid condition
for SmartPlant P&ID, it should be a consideration when publishing for retrieval into Smart
3D. Without the Pressure / Temperature pair of values defined, the Smart 3D user will be
required to enter a value that was not defined in SmartPlant P&ID.

Working with Aspen Basic Engineering

Retrieving Documents
 Basic Engineering data sheets can contain multiple objects and may be formatted in a
traditional data sheet view or list view (for example, as an equipment list). Data sheets
retrieved from Basic Engineering may include stream data, specialty piping data, or relief
valve data as required by business practices.

Using Workshare in an Integrated Environment

The following rules apply to using the Workshare functionality within an integrated SmartPlant
 You can enable and disable Workshare before or after registering a Greenfield plant.
 You can create satellites and connect to them after registering.
 You cannot register a satellite.
 You cannot retrieve a WBS document when Workshare is enabled.

Using the Integration Commands Within a Workshare Collaboration

The Workshare host can perform the following actions from within SmartPlant P&ID when
registered. For more information about these commands, see the SmartPlant P&ID User's
 Publish — Any drawing can be published.
 Retrieve — Any SmartPlant document can be retrieved.
 Correlate — Reviewing correlation is available if the drawing is in a read-only state. It is
not possible to assign correlation in a read- only drawing.
 To Do List — Only available at the Workshare Host. To Do List tasks may be reviewed on
drawings for which the host does not have ownership, but these tasks may not be executed
unless ownership is assigned to the Host. The To Do List is not available at the Satellite.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 211

Working with SmartPlant Integration

Using the Catalog Index in SmartPlant P&ID and SmartPlant

When you select the Retrieve command, the software accesses the CatalogIndex.mdb and the
system performs the following actions:
1. Using the retrieved document, the object type and classification of the retrieved item is
2. Using the SmartPlant P&ID Map file, the ItemTypeName (Equipment, PipeRun,
PipingComp, Loops, and so forth), and codelist indices for Class, Sub-Class, and Type is

Catalog Index Lookup

The Catalog Index file is used to find a symbol in the catalog with type properties that match the
given values. The lookup is performed using the most specific information first. If a match is
found, that symbol is used. However, if there is no match, the more generic type information is
used for additional searches. In this way, a generic symbol will be returned if no specific symbol
is available in the catalog.
Search Based on Type Value — Searches the catalog index for all rows with matching
ItemTypeName and Type values and IsDefaultForType = True. If one or more rows are found,
the software uses the CatalogItemName from the first one. If no match is found, the software
performs the search based on Subclass.
Search Based on Subclass Value — Searches the catalog index for all rows with matching
ItemTypeName and SubClass values and IsDefaultForSubclass = true. If one or more rows are
found, the software uses the CatalogItemName from the first one. If no match is found, the
software performs the search based on Class.
Search Based on Class Value — Searches the catalog index for all rows with matching
ItemTypeName and Class values and IsDefaultForClass = True. If one or more rows are found,
the software uses the CatalogItemName from the first one. If no match is found, the software
returns an empty string.

Upgrade Schema Command (SmartPlant Menu)

Upgrades the existing SmartPlant schema associated with the active plant to a newer version.
The software upgrades the SPPIDDataMap.xml file, including user customizations, with the
latest version data from the files in the ..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\bin folder path and
registers the schema version at the beginning of the .xml file.

212 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

Registering Tools
Before you can publish and retrieve documents from any of the other authoring tools, such as
Aspen Basic Engineering or SmartPlant Instrumentation, you must register each plant in
SmartPlant P&ID with a SmartPlant Foundation database. The connection allows SmartPlant
P&ID to display the SmartPlant integration commands. A SmartPlant Engineering Manager
administrator typically registers plants.
The software maps a plant and all its projects to a single SmartPlant Foundation URL, which
points to one, and only one, SmartPlant Foundation plant database and its projects. When you
use the Register command in any of the authoring tools, you are registering an authoring tool
plant with a SmartPlant Foundation URL and plant that you specify.
The system administrator must register each plant in the authoring tool once; this action takes
place in SmartPlant Engineering Manager. After the plant is registered, you can publish and
retrieve documents.

Accessing the SmartPlant Foundation Web Client

The SmartPlant Foundation Web Client provides a web-based user interface that allows you to
interact with SmartPlant Foundation. From this interface you can perform a number of tasks,
such as browse data and documents that have been published, use the SmartPlant Foundation
To Do List to complete workflow tasks, compare document revisions and published documents
with tool data, and subscribe to documents to receive notification of document changes.

Access the SmartPlant Foundation Web Client from

SmartPlant Drawing Manager
 Click SmartPlant > Browser.

 This command is available only if the active plant has been registered. For more
information, see SmartPlant Engineering Manager Help.
 From the SmartPlant Foundation Web Client, you can perform a number of tasks, such as
publishing or retrieving documents, comparing documents, subscribing to document
changes, and so forth. Many of these tasks can be performed from the authoring tools,
such as SmartPlant P&ID or SmartPlant Electrical, but the Web Client provides unique
access to other features such as the Web Client To Do List and search capabilities.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 213

Working with SmartPlant Integration

Browser Command (SmartPlant Menu)

Opens the SmartPlant Foundation Web Client, from which you can perform a number of tasks,
such as browsing for documents that have been published, using the SmartPlant Foundation To
Do List to complete tasks, comparing documents in the SmartPlant Foundation database with
the data in your authoring tool, and subscribing to documents in order to receive notification of
changes to the documents.
This command is available only if you have registered the active plant using the
SmartPlant Registration Wizard.

Publishing Documents
In an integrated SmartPlant environment, you must publish documents containing the drawing
data and relationships before the authoring tools can share this information. The publishing
process involves selecting a document to publish, assigning it to a workflow (if necessary), and
specifying a revision and version of the document if specified in SmartPlant Foundation. For
most documents, the associated data is included in the publishing process.
The authoring tools publish data in XML format. The software then places the .XML file in the
appropriate SmartPlant Foundation vault and loads the data from the .XML files to the
SmartPlant Foundation database. After the document is published, users can retrieve the data
from the .XML file in the SmartPlant Foundation vault into other authoring tools.
When you publish documents, the software does the following things:
 Creates a new master document and the first revision in SmartPlant Foundation the first
time you publish a particular document. From that point on, the software creates new
versions and revisions when the document is subsequently published. The software relates
revisions to the master document. You can publish subsequent revisions into a workflow,
which can be a different workflow than assigned in the original publish. Changes in the
document status of a related revision change the status of the subsequently published
versions and revisions of the document.
 Publishes a visual representation of the document that you can view without the authoring
tool. For many applications, this is an Intergraph proprietary file, called a RAD file. The
viewable file can also be an Excel spreadsheet or another viewable file type, such as .pdf or
.doc. You can review and mark up the visual representation of the document, which is
attached to the document revision, using SmartPlant Markup.
 Publishes associated data, depending on workflow approval. If the data is approved and
loaded, it is used for reporting and subsequent retrieval by downstream applications when
the tools retrieve latest data. The software publishes only meaningful engineering data. The
published data is not enough to re-create the document in the originating tool.
 The software publishes some document types without the associated data, such as reports
from authoring tools (for example, line lists in SmartPlant P&ID). Users can submit
documents published without data to workflows just like documents with data. The document
types and data that you can publish depend on the authoring tool you are using.
 Places the published .XML file and any view files in the appropriate SmartPlant Foundation
vault. This .XML file can be retrieved when users in the authoring tools retrieve as-published
 Sends notification to the publishing tool.

214 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

For more information about revisions and versions, see the SmartPlant Foundation Web Client
User's Guide or the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client User's Guide.

Reasons to Publish
You can publish documents and associated data for several reasons:
 To exchange and enhance data among tools, to avoid creating data multiple times in
multiple authoring tools
 To report on common data originating in multiple tools
 To provide enterprise-wide accessibility to published documents
 To manage change, including workflow history and document revision management
You can also publish documents to share information with users in other tools without going
through a formal workflow. To share data, you can publish a document to a "for sharing"
workflow that has only a load step, so that the data in loaded into SmartPlant Foundation as
soon as you publish the document.
You can also publish a document by not assigning the document to a workflow, but rather by
using the default workflow from SmartPlant Foundation. When you do not select a workflow for a
document during publishing, the SmartPlant Loader Manager loads the document into
SmartPlant Foundation as soon as it reaches the top of the Loader queue.

Publishing Documents
Each authoring tool publishes different documents and data. The following list contains each
authoring tool that is part of integration, the document types that each tool publishes, and
information about whether data is also published with each document type.
Aspen Basic Engineering
 Process Flow Diagrams (PFD)
 Equipment Datasheets — documents and data
 Equipment Lists (published as Equipment Datasheets) — documents and data
 Stream Datasheets (published as Equipment Datasheets) — documents and data
SmartPlant P&ID
 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) — documents and data
 Line List — documents
 P&ID generated report — documents
SmartPlant Electrical
 SPEL Electrical I/O Lists — documents and data
 SPEL Electrical Power Elements — documents and data
 Cable Schedules — documents and data
SmartPlant Instrumentation
 Instrument Index — documents and data (limited)
 Instrument Specification Sheets — documents

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 215

Working with SmartPlant Integration

 Dimensional Data Sheets (DDP) — documents

 Instrument Process Data Sheets (IPD) — documents
 Instrument Loop Drawings
 I/O Assignments — documents
 SmartPlant Instrumentation Electrical Signal Lists
 Browsers (viewable file with links to data) — documents and data
SmartPlant Engineering Manager
 Does not publish
SmartPlant 3D
 3D Model Data (SmartPlant Review File Type)
 3D Cable Data (SmartPlant Review File Type)
 Orthographic Drawings — viewable file with links to data
 Isometric Drawings — viewable file with links to data
 Reports — viewable file with links to data
 Model
 Orthographic Drawings
 Isometric Drawings
 Reports
SmartPlant Foundation
 Plant Breakdown Structures (PBS)
 Project Breakdown Structure
 Project Definition Documents
 Project Lists
 Instrument Process Datasheets (IPD)
 Equipment Lists
 Instrument Master Lists
Among the documents that SmartPlant Foundation publishes are the plant breakdown structure
(PBS), project breakdown structure, project definition document, and project list. These
documents are used by the authoring tools to create the plants, areas, units, projects, and
contracts that are necessary to make integration possible.
The PBS document published by SmartPlant Foundation contains information about the physical
plant with a structure consisting of plants, areas, and units. The default structure is
plant/area/unit, but you can define a custom hierarchy in the Schema Editor. When a PBS
document is published from SmartPlant Foundation, the authoring tools are notified about the
plant, areas, and units that need to be created in each authoring tool.
The project breakdown structure, project definition document, and project list contain information
about projects and their statuses. When these documents are published from SmartPlant

216 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

Foundation, the authoring tools are notified of projects and contracts that need to be created in
the authoring tools.
The project breakdown structure contains a single project and the hierarchy of contracts under
that project in a plant/project structure. The project definition document contains information for
a single project that needs to be created in the authoring tool. The project list contains a list of all
projects in a plant, and it is used by those authoring tools that create all projects at one time.

 The plant breakdown structure and project breakdown structure used in the authoring tools
must match the structure in SmartPlant Foundation for publishing from the authoring tools
and object correlation to work correctly.
 When you publish data from an authoring tool, you may not be able view all the properties
that you published in the SmartPlant Foundation client. You can customize view definitions
to allow you to see additional properties. For more information about defining view
definitions in the SmartPlant schema, see Working with View Definitions and Create a View
Definition in the Schema Editor User's Guide. For further assistance with visualizing data in
SmartPlant Foundation, contact Intergraph Support Services.
 When publishing from a project, an instruction container, which contains all the claimed
objects, is created within the tombstone file.

Publishing Files without Data

You can also browse to and publish other file types, such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or
SmartSketch files. These documents are always published without data. The primary reason to
publish documents without data is so that you can manage document changes and reviews
using workflows and view the document electronically using the SmartPlant Foundation Change
Management functionality.

Revisions and Versions of Published Documents

The first time you publish a document, the software creates a new document master and the first
revision in SmartPlant Foundation. A revision (major) is an officially recognized change to a
document. A version (minor) is an intermediate update that you have published. Revisions can
be published for sharing, or they can go through the approval process, depending on your
needs. Each revision of a document can have multiple versions in the SmartPlant Foundation
After the first publish of a document, the software creates new versions and revisions.
Subsequent revisions are related to the master document and stored as revisions. Subsequent
revisions are also published into a workflow, which may be a different workflow than the original
publish. It is not possible to publish into a specific step of a workflow, so each overall workflow
must be divided into logical sub-workflows.
Some tools, such as SmartPlant Instrumentation, provide the ability to manage revision
information and display it in the title block. When you enter the revision information (revision
number, description, and so on) in the tool, that information is published with the document and
is used to define the revision in the SmartPlant Foundation database. If the tool does not provide
this, you can select this information from the available list during the publish process.
Changes in the document status of a related revision change the status of the master document.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 217

Working with SmartPlant Integration

Publishing from SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager - Work


* This step applies to a plant that is configured to use SmartPlant Foundation revisions. If your
plant is configured to use SmartPlant P&ID revisions, a new revision is added in the SmartPlant
P&ID Revise dialog box.

What do you want to do?

 Revise Drawings Using SmartPlant Foundation Revisions (on page 122)
 Find Documents to Publish from SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager (on page 226)
 Publish Documents from SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager (on page 218)

Publish Documents from SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager

Before you can publish a document for the first time, at least one revision of that
document must exist. The software finds only those documents that have revisions. If a
document has several revisions, the software finds the most recent revision of that document.
1. Select the drawings you want to publish.
2. Click SmartPlant > Publish.

 This command is available only if you have registered the active plant using the
SmartPlant Registration Wizard.
 If you logged on to the authoring tool with a user name that is not defined in the
integrated environment, you are prompted to log on when you use this command.
 A plug-in can be created that will allow user intervention to modify, add, or remove
information from data to be published before it gets transmitted to SmartPlant
Foundation. For details, see Pre-Publishing Automation from SmartPlant P&ID.
3. Add any additional documents to the Selected documents list by clicking one of the
following toolbar buttons:

218 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

 Engineering Tool — Opens the Publish from Engineering Tool dialog box for
selecting documents.
 File System — Opens a standard Microsoft dialog box that allows you to select
files. When you select a file with this Select File dialog box, the Document Properties
dialog box appears, allowing you to specify information about the file, such as whether it
is a new file; the category, type, and subtype of the document; and the name,
description, and title of the document.

 Find — Opens the Find Documents to Publish dialog box, which allows you to
search for documents. These are documents that have at least one revision and that
were not published after creation of the last revision. For more information, see Find
Documents to Publish Dialog Box (on page 227).
The documents that appear in the Selected documents list in the Publish dialog
box when it first appears are publishable documents that were selected within the authoring
tool before you clicked the Publish command.
4. Edit properties as required for the selected documents.

 When multiple documents are selected, only property values shared by all the selected
documents appear in the grid. Changing a value in the grid changes that value for all the
selected documents.
 To remove an entry (or node) from the Selected documents list, select the node in the
tree, and then click the Delete toolbar button.
5. From the Operations list, choose a publish method.
 Select Publish to immediately start the publishing process as soon as you click OK.
 Select Background publish to publish the selected documents immediately as a
separate process, allowing you to perform other tasks at the same time. When you use
this feature, an e-mail message alerts you when the process is complete.
If the authoring tool supports scheduled batch publishing, select the Scheduled
publish option to indicate that the publish process should be run in batch mode.
6. Click OK to complete the publishing procedure.

 During publishing, an information dialog box appears with a progress bar. Click Show
Details to view details of the operation showing steps completed successfully, the current
step that is running, and steps yet to run. You can click Hide Details to hide this section of
the dialog box. If the View Log button on the dialog box is enabled, messages are available
concerning the operation. These messages may include errors or warnings or even
informational messages. Click View Log to see these messages.
 The SmartPlant Schema file must be checked in to SmartPlant Foundation when you
publish. If the publish operation fails, contact your SmartPlant Foundation system
administrator to make sure the SmartPlant Schema is checked in to SmartPlant Foundation.

What do you want to do?

 Issue Request Documents from SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager (on page 220)

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 219

Working with SmartPlant Integration

 Find Documents to Publish from SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager (on page 226)

Issue Request Documents from SmartPlant P&ID Drawing

Before you can publish a document for the first time, at least one revision of that
document must exist. The software finds only those documents that have revisions. If a
document has several revisions, the software finds the most recent revision of that document.
1. Select the drawings you want to issue requests for.
2. Click SmartPlant > Publish.

 This command is available only if you have registered the active plant using the
SmartPlant Registration Wizard.
 If you logged on to the authoring tool with a user name that is not defined in the
integrated environment, you are prompted to log on when you use this command.
3. In the Publish dialog box, click the Issue Request tab.
4. In the Issue to box, select the contract to which you want to assign the document or
5. Under Selected documents, select the documents you want to associate with the specified
6. Add any additional documents to the Selected documents list by clicking one of the
following toolbar buttons:

 Engineering Tool — Opens the Publish from Engineering Tool dialog box for
selecting documents.
 File System — Opens a standard Microsoft dialog box that allows you to select
files. When you select a file with this Select File dialog box, the Document Properties
dialog box appears, allowing you to specify information about the file, such as whether it
is a new file; the category, type, and subtype of the document; and the name,
description, and title of the document.

 Find — Opens the Find Documents to Publish dialog box, which allows you to
search for documents. These are documents that have at least one revision and that
were not published after creation of the last revision. For more information, see Find
Documents to Publish Dialog Box (on page 227).
The documents that appear in the Selected documents list in the Publish dialog
box when it first appears are publishable documents that were selected within the authoring
tool before you clicked the Publish command. To remove documents from the list, select
them and then click the Delete toolbar button.
7. Click OK to issue the contract request for the selected documents to the integrated

220 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

8. Start SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client on your computer and search for the published
document to verify the publishing process.
9. Right-click the document in the Desktop Client tree view and on the shortcut menu, click
10. Update the document. For more information, see the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client
User's Guide.
11. Review the issue properties by right-clicking the document and on the shortcut menu,
clicking Properties, and then clicking the Issue Request tab to see the issue information.
You can also open the document to see the issue information in the title block.
12. Publish the document with the updated issue information.

What do you want to do?

 Find Documents to Publish from SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager (on page 226)
 Publish Documents from SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager (on page 218)

Publish Command (SmartPlant Menu)

Opens the Publish dialog box to allow you to send the information of the selected documents
for retrieval by other tools.

Publish Dialog Box

Provides a list of documents selected to publish. Information on this dialog box is divided into
the following two tabs:
 Publish Tab (Publish Dialog Box)
 Issue Request Tab (Publish Dialog Box)
The following options are available regardless of which tab is displayed.
Selected documents — Displays a list of the documents selected for publishing. You must
populate this list by selecting documents before you use the Publish command or by clicking
the buttons in the Add section of this dialog box. For each document, this list displays the name,
the type of document, the workflow from which the document was last published, the revision
and version numbers, the revision scheme, and the date when the document was last published.

Engineering Tool — Displays a tool-specific dialog box that allows you to add documents
from authoring tools, such as P&IDs or PFDs, to the Selected documents list.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 221

Working with SmartPlant Integration

File System — Opens the standard Select File dialog box that allows you to select
documents, such as Microsoft Word documents or Microsoft Excel workbooks, to add to the
Selected documents list. When you select a file using this dialog box, the Document
Properties dialog box opens, allowing you to specify information about the file, such as whether
it is a new file or was previously published; the category, type, and subtype of the document;
and the name, description, and title of the document.

Find — Opens the Find Documents to Publish dialog box, which allows you to search for
documents to add to the Selected documents list.

222 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

Publish Tab (Publish Dialog Box)

Displays properties of the selected document or documents. If only one document is selected in
the tree view, the properties displayed on this tab are the properties of that one document. If
multiple documents are selected, only the properties with the same value for all documents are
displayed. Any properties with varying values across the documents appear as blank values in
these fields.
You can change some of the values assigned to one or more documents by changing the values
displayed in the table. The values you enter here will override any existing values for all selected
Last Published - Indicates the date on which the document or documents were last published.
Name - Displays the name of the document.
Source - Indicates the authoring tool in which the document was created.
Type - Displays the type of document or documents selected.
Comment - Allows you to enter information about the selected publishable documents.
Issue Only - Allows you to issue request documents without, necessarily, republishing them.
Use this option when no changes were made to a document, but you want to add the document
to a transmittal.

 Even with the Issue Only option set, documents may still be published. Any documents that
have never been published must be published, regardless of this setting.
 You will receive an error message if you select multiple documents and activate this option
when one or more of the selected documents cannot be changed. For example, if a selected
set of documents includes new documents (for which this field can be set only to No) and
current or locked documents (for which this field can be set only to Yes), the error message
prompts you to select a smaller set of documents.
Owning Group - Select an owning group from the drop down list to which the document

 By default, the owning group selected for the previous version, if any, is shown.
 All the owning groups configured in SmartPlant Foundation are listed.
Revision - Displays the current revision number of the selected document or documents.
You will receive an error message if you attempt to change the value in this box when you
have selected one or more documents that have conflicting revision schemes or different
possible revisions. The error message prompts you to select a smaller set of documents.
Revision Scheme - Displays the revision scheme applied to the selected document or
Only revision schemes that are applicable to the configuration (plant) or classification
(document type) are available in the shortcut menu. The revision schemes related to a
configuration or classification are not available for any other configurations or classifications. If
none of the revision schemes are related to the configuration or classification, then all revision
schemes are available unless they are related to any other configuration or classification. For

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 223

Working with SmartPlant Integration

more information on revision scheme configuration, see Configuring Different Revision Scheme
Strategies in the How to Configure Document Management guide.
You will receive an error message indicating that this field cannot be edited if one or more
of the documents you have selected are not new or will have a revision scheme supplied by the
authoring tool. The error message prompts you to select a smaller set of documents.
Version — Indicates the current version of the document or documents.
Workflow — Indicates to which workflow the selected document or documents were assigned.
You will receive an error message indicating that this field cannot be edited if one or more
of the documents you have selected have conflicting sets of possible workflows. The error
message prompts you to select a smaller set of documents.
Check and publish released claims for previously deleted items - Select this check box to
resolve issues where deleted items were restored from an earlier version and the claim on them
was released. This check will take additional time and should only be used when deleted items
have been restored.
Operation — Select the operation you want to perform on the selected documents. Choose
from the following options:
 Publish now — Selected documents are published immediately.
 Background publish — Selected documents are published immediately as a separate
process, allowing you to perform other tasks at the same time.
 Scheduled publish — Selected documents are published in batch mode by the authoring
tool. This option is available only for tools that support it and if processed by the authoring
tool, not the SmartPlant Client. The documents are not published immediately. Instead, the
selected documents are scheduled for publish at a later time and maybe be scheduled as a
recurring operation.
Custom — If applicable, opens the Custom dialog box. This functionality is available only if
defined by your project implementation team.

224 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

Issue Request Tab (Publish Dialog Box)

This tab allows you to view the documents associated with a specific issue request and add
documents to or remove documents from a request.

Issue to — Contains a list of all objects (contracts) that can support issue requests. When you
select an item from this list, the names of any documents associated with that object appear in
the table below.
Add — Creates a new item in the table for any documents highlighted in the Selected
documents tree view.
Remove — Deletes a selected document from the table.
Document Name — Displays the names of all documents associated with the object in the
Issue to box.

Advanced Publish Options Dialog Box

Allows you to specify the type of files that you want to search for when you look for documents
to publish. This dialog box opens when you click Advanced on the Publish dialog box.
Document type — Indicates the types of documents the software considers when selecting the
documents to publish.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 225

Working with SmartPlant Integration

Find Documents to Publish from SmartPlant P&ID Drawing

1. Click SmartPlant > Find Documents to Publish.

 This feature is also available by clicking Find on the Publish dialog box.
 This command is available only if you have registered the active plant using the
SmartPlant Registration Wizard.
 The Find Documents to Publish command determines which documents need to be
published or re-published and displays the results on the Find Documents to Publish
dialog box.
2. From the Select documents to publish list on the Find Documents to Publish dialog box,
select the check boxes beside the documents that you want to publish.

You can quickly select the entire list by clicking Select All, or you can clear the entire
list by clicking Clear All.
3. Click OK to accept the selections. The documents you selected to publish now appear in the
Documents to Publish list on the Publish dialog box, and are ready to be published.
The lists displayed on the Find Documents to Publish dialog box are compiled at the
time indicated in the Last search performed box. You can update the lists by clicking Update,
but this process can be time consuming, depending on whether you are running the applications
in synchronous or asynchronous mode.

226 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

What do you want to do?

 Publish Documents from SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager (on page 218)

Find Documents to Publish Command (SmartPlant Menu)

Opens the Find Documents to Publish dialog box, which helps you select the documents that
you want to publish and specifies those documents that have never been published or have
been modified and need to be published again, or have been deleted since the last publish.
This list is specific to the authoring tool from which you are working.

Compare with Published Version Command (SmartPlant

Allows you to compare the current document with a previous revision and version of that
document that was published.

Find Documents to Publish Dialog Box

Allows you to search for documents that have been updated since they were last published.
Additionally, you can use this dialog box to terminate documents that were previously published
but no longer exist in the authoring tool.
Last search performed — This option is not used.
Update — This option is not used.
Document types searched — Indicates what types of files were considered when the last
search was conducted.
Select documents to publish — Displays a list of files that were either updated since they
were last published or files that have not yet been published. For each file, this list displays the
file name and type, and the date on which the document was last published. If the file has not
been published, the Last Published box for the document is New.
Select documents to terminate — Displays a list of all the files that were previously published,
but have since been removed from the project. For each file, this list box displays the file name
and type, and the date on which the document was last published.
Select All — Selects all the files in the associated list of documents.
Clear All — Clears any selected documents in the associated list.

 Check for deleted objects no longer on documents option will be checked and disabled
if Automatic process of moved objects option is set to TRUE on the Manage Integration
Options dialog box in the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client. For more information, see
Configure Automatic process of moved objects in the Integration Administrator's Guide.
 The status bar contains three separate areas of information.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 227

Working with SmartPlant Integration

 In the lower-left corner, the current SmartPlant Foundation connection information is

 The center of the status bar displays whether or not SmartPlant Basic Integrator is enabled.
If this section is blank, SmartPlant Basic Integrator is not enabled.
See Also
Find Documents to Publish Dialog Box - Document Types (on page 228)

Find Documents to Publish dialog box - Document Types

Allows you to specify the types of documents to find for publication.
Document types — Indicates the types of documents the software should consider when
deciding which documents should be published.

Revising Documents
The document revision process is separate from the publishing process, making it possible to
revise a document locally and in SmartPlant Foundation and save the revision values to the tool
database without re-publishing the document. You specify the revision using the Revisions >
New Revision command.
Revising a document creates a revision for the document with major and minor revision values
set, depending on the revision schema selected. When revising a document, you can modify the
major and minor revision data on the document.
You can change the revision scheme after a document has been published, skip revision
numbers, and manually add a revision number, then have it validated against the revision
scheme. It is not required to assign a minor revision number. Also, revision data from tools is
supported even if the document has previously been revised in SmartPlant Foundation.
You can revise a document by using any previous revisions that are available from
the last published revision.
If you revise a new document using the revision scheme RevAlpha (A, B, C, D…) and revision
C, then SmartPlant Foundation reserves revision number C for the document. Revising the
same document with RevAlpha, you can now revise with any previous revision numbers, such
as A or B. However, if the document is published to SmartPlant Foundation with revision number
C, you are not allowed to go back to the previous revision numbers.
The following table contains the available revision numbers based on the document revision
state in SmartPlant Foundation:

Document revision state Next available revision number

Working (C) C and up

Current (C) D and up

For more details about performing revisions for SmartPlant P&ID, see Revising Drawings (on
page 120).

228 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

Retrieving Documents
When you retrieve documents into an authoring tool, you are retrieving the document data that
was published by another authoring tool. For example, in SmartPlant Instrumentation, you can
retrieve engineering information from a published P&ID into the SmartPlant Instrumentation
The authoring tools provide commands that let you select a document and retrieve it into that
tool. You can use either the SmartPlant > Retrieve command to open a wizard that assists you
in retrieving applicable documents, or with some authoring tools, you can configure an automatic
retrieval feature.
When you publish a 3D model, you must now enable the Scheduler and Loader in
SmartPlant Foundation to make the 3D model data document retrievable. The load, consolidate,
and merge tasks must complete successfully before the 3D model document can be retrieved.
The software trims all leading and trailing spaces from all strings and from all values
without units of measure. These spaces do not appear in the retrieved data file.
Additionally, you can access the Web Client through the SmartPlant > Browser command. This
allows you to select the document or documents that you want to retrieve from your Web Client
To Do List, the tree view, or by using the Web Client search functionality. After you select the
documents that you want to retrieve, you can use the Retrieve command on the Web Client
SmartPlant menu to start the retrieval process.
The Retrieve command provided in the authoring tools is slightly different from the Retrieve
command available in the SmartPlant Foundation Web Client. The Web Client presents a list of
documents from which you can select those you want to retrieve. However, when you use the
command from an authoring tool without first selecting documents, the software searches the
SmartPlant Foundation project for documents to retrieve, and these are presented in a list on
the Retrieve dialog box.
You can retrieve a document in two ways:
 As published — Retrieves only the data the authoring tool originally published with the
selected revision and version of the document. Retrieving as-published data retrieves the
.XML file the authoring tool published from the appropriate SmartPlant Foundation vault.
 With the latest data — Retrieves the latest data associated with the selected document in
the SmartPlant Foundation database. If another, more-recently published document contains
updates to objects in the selected document, the software retrieves the most current data in
the SmartPlant Foundation database for those shared objects. When you retrieve the latest
data, SmartPlant Foundation generates an .XML file containing the published data.

Document Types for Retrieval

The types of documents that you can retrieve depend on the authoring tool you are using. The
following lists include the documents that each authoring tool can retrieve:
Aspen Basic Engineering
 Equipment Data Sheets
 P&IDs
 Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs)

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 229

Working with SmartPlant Integration

 Plant Breakdown Structure (PBS)

 Project Lists
 Summary Sheet documents and data
SmartPlant P&ID
 Equipment Data Sheets
 Equipment Lists
 Instrument Index documents
 Instrument I/O Assignment documents
 Instrument Master Lists
 P&IDs
 Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs)
 Stream Data Sheets (published as Equipment Data Sheets)
SmartPlant Electrical
 P&IDs
 SmartPlant Instrumentation Electrical Signal Lists
 SPI Electrical Power Elements
 3D Cable Data (SmartPlant Review File Type)
SmartPlant Engineering Manager
 Project Definition Documents
SmartPlant Instrumentation
 Instrument Index documents
 Instrument Process Data Sheets (IPD)
 P&IDs
 Plant Breakdown Structure (PBS)
 Project Definition Documents
 SPEL Electrical I/O Lists
 SPEL Electrical Power Elements
SmartPlant 3D
 P&IDs
 Cable Schedules
 Dimensional Datasheets (DDPs)
 Plant Breakdown Structure (PBS)
 Project Breakdown Structure
 Project Lists

230 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

Does not retrieve
All Authoring Tools
From the authoring tools, you can retrieve the plant breakdown structure (PBS) and project
documents. The PBS and project documents, created in SmartPlant Foundation and published,
are retrieved by authoring tools to provide information about the plants, areas, units, projects,
and contracts that need to be created in the authoring tool so that the information is consistent
across all authoring tools.
The PBS document published by SmartPlant Foundation contains information about the physical
plant with a structure consisting of plants, areas, and units. The default structure is
plant/area/unit, but you can define a custom hierarchy in the Schema Editor. The project
breakdown structure, project list, and project definition document contain information about the
project or projects and their statuses in a plant/project structure.

 Retrieving the project breakdown documents and the PBS into SmartPlant Engineering
Manager creates the appropriate structures automatically.
 When using SmartPlant Instrumentation, you must create the plant hierarchy according to
the PBS information in SmartPlant Foundation before you retrieve either the PBS or the
project definition document. You must create a plant hierarchy with at least three levels with
a minimum of one unit before you can retrieve the PBS and project definition document.
 When working in a project, retrieval is not available.
 For certain document types, the tool schema definition may specify that To Do List tasks
(Create, Update, or Delete) will not be generated for those document types. For details, see
Suppress Generation of Tasks on Retrieve.

Data Handling After Retrieval

The authoring tool that you use also determines how the system deals with changes in
downstream data when you retrieve a document. SmartPlant P&ID, SmartPlant Instrumentation,
SmartPlant Electrical, and Aspen Basic Engineering analyze the impact of the newly retrieved
data on the existing database, and then place tasks on the authoring tool's To Do List that
allows you to create, delete, or modify items at the appropriate time in the design process. The
To Do list gives you the opportunity to view and understand potential changes before accepting,
deleting, or modifying those changes. In SmartPlant 3D you can view the P&ID using the View >
P&ID command to pull in the data and correlate items.

Design Basis
Objects that tools retrieve from other authoring tool documents can become the design basis for
objects in downstream documents. Objects that become the design basis for other objects can
be specific objects that get richer as they move through the life-cycle or can be schematic or
logical objects in one application that evolve into more detailed objects downstream.
Design basis is implicit based on retrieval; you do not have to define it. For example, a pump
retrieved from a PFD becomes the design basis for a pump in the P&ID. When you change
common properties for the pump and retrieve the changes into SmartPlant P&ID, tasks to
update property values automatically appear in the To Do List. The same process works for
logical items that are a design basis for other items, such as a stream in Aspen Basic

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 231

Working with SmartPlant Integration

Engineering that results in multiple pipe runs in SmartPlant P&ID, or a P&ID tag in SmartPlant
P&ID can evolve into a control loop with associated tag numbers in SmartPlant Instrumentation.

Retrieving to SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager - Work


What do you want to do?

 Retrieve Documents to SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager (on page 232)

Retrieve Documents to SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager

1. Click SmartPlant > Retrieve. The Retrieve dialog box appears.

 This command is available only if you have registered the active plant using the
SmartPlant Registration Wizard.
 If you logged on to the authoring tool with a user name that is not defined in the
integrated environment, you are prompted to log on when you use this command.
 The Retrieve command searches the SmartPlant Foundation plant for documents that
are ready to be retrieved into the authoring tool. These documents appear in the
Documents to retrieve list in the Retrieve dialog box.
2. In the Document type list box, specify the type of document to be retrieved. The default
option is All.
3. Select further filtering options in the Show area of the dialog box.
 Select New documents to only display documents that have not been retrieved
 Select New versions of retrieved documents to only display documents that are a
new version of a previously retrieved document.
 Select Unchanged documents to display documents that have not been modified since
the last retrieval process.
4. Select Documents of all owning groups to display all documents.

232 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Working with SmartPlant Integration

5. In the Documents to retrieve list, select the check box beside each document you want to
retrieve. To help identify the documents, review the details in the Type, Revision, Version,
and Last Retrieved columns.
To quickly select the entire list, click Select All. To quickly cancel the selections, click
Clear All.
6. For each document you selected, use the Retrieve Option column to specify whether you
want to retrieve the document with the latest data or retrieve it as published.
7. Click OK to retrieve the specified documents.

 Select the Batch retrieve option if you want the retrieve process to run in batch mode. If
you select this option, an e-mail message will alert you when the process is complete.
Otherwise, the retrieval process begins when you click OK.
 The Deleted and Unclaimed Objects document is retrieved automatically every time you
retrieve, if there is a newer version of this document since the last retrieval. The
document is not included in the list, but it is retrieved automatically, when necessary, to
ensure that the applicable information is updated.
 During retrieval, an information dialog box appears with a progress bar. If the View Log
button on the dialog box is enabled, messages are available concerning the operation.
These messages may include errors or warnings or even informational messages. Click
View Log to see these messages.

Retrieve Command (SmartPlant Menu)

This command provides a list of the documents that need to be retrieved into the authoring tool.
This list is displayed on the Retrieve dialog box, from which you can select the documents you
want to retrieve, bringing the information from the SmartPlant Foundation database into the
authoring tool.

Retrieve Dialog Box

Allows you to retrieve information published by other authoring tools.
Document type — Lists the types of documents that you can retrieve. Selecting a document
type changes the list view to show only that document type.
Show — Indicates which documents you want to see in the list. Choose from the following
 Documents to be retrieved only — Provides a list of only those documents that need to be
retrieved. In other words, the list will display the documents that have newer versions
published since they were last retrieved.
 New documents only — Provides a list of only the new documents that have not yet been
 All documents — Provides a list of all the documents available for retrieval, including both
new and previously retrieved documents.
Documents to retrieve — Displays a list of the documents available for retrieval. For each
document, this list provides the name, type, revision and version numbers, status, date of the
last retrieval, and revision option. Select the check box beside each document you want to

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 233

Working with SmartPlant Integration

retrieve and then use the Retrieve Option column to specify whether you want to retrieve the
document with the Latest Data or retrieve it As published.
Select All — Selects all the files in the Documents to retrieve list.
Clear All — Cancels the selection of documents in the Documents to retrieve list.
Batch retrieve — Indicates that the system will retrieve the selected documents in batch mode,
in other words, in the background. When you use this feature, an e-mail message alerts you
when the process is complete. Otherwise, the retrieval process begins as soon as you click OK.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) documents, such as the Project List, Project
Definition, and Project Breakdown, and Plant Breakdown Structure (PBS) documents are
considered Administrative documents by the software and must be retrieved by all tools that
subscribed to these types of documents. So, even when these documents are new to the tools
(have not been retrieved by the tool before), they are still listed in the Documents to be
retrieved only list because they must be retrieved.

234 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


Scheduling Wizard

Scheduling Tasks
Drawing Manager has the capability to let you schedule tasks to complete at a later time or on a
regular interval. For example, you can schedule drawings to print at a time when the print queue
is not in high demand, or you can schedule a drawing to publish at a specific time every day.
Tasks that can be scheduled are either associated with a schedule command on the main
menus or with a Schedule button on a dialog box. Clicking either one of those opens the
Schedule Task Wizard, and you can progress through screens that are appropriate to your task
and specify options for that task.

Schedule Task Wizard

Allows you to specify options for scheduling a task, such as printing, archiving, publishing, and
so forth. Follow the directions on the wizard as you choose options. Clicking Next advances you
to the next appropriate screen in the wizard where you further specify options for the task that
you are scheduling. On the final screen, clicking Finish completes the schedule and closes the

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 235

Scheduling Wizard

After setting up the schedule, the wizard relinquishes control over the schedule to
your Windows operating system. The only way to modify or delete a task schedule is to use the
Control Panel > Scheduled Tasks utility.

Schedule a Task
1. If you choose to schedule a task, such as printing, archiving, or publishing, by selecting a
schedule command or clicking Schedule on a dialog box, the Schedule Task Wizard
2. Follow the directions, fill out options, and click Next on the wizard to complete the schedule.
3. Click Finish on the last wizard screen in order to exit the wizard.

236 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


Problem: The application fails to launch or stops working when the user launches it.
Reasons: The application may fail to launch due to damage in any of the following areas:
 Cached data
 Database connection or database client
 Database server, site, or plant
 SmartPlant P&ID client software
 SmartPlant P&ID client USER information
Solution: We recommend that you perform each of the following steps in the order shown and
after each step try to launch the application. If the application still fails to launch, proceed to the
next step:
1. Open Task Manager and terminate the draft.exe process.
2. Reboot the computer.
3. Clean up temporary cached data (.tmp and .temp files) in the client's user profile. These
files are usually located in the path C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local
4. Check the database connection using the appropriate database tools.
5. Delete the SmartPlantManager.ini and SmartPlantPID.ini files. These files are usually
located in the path C:\Documents and Settings\username\
6. Uninstall the software client and do the following:
a. Clean up the current USER registry information:
b. Ensure that the following registry settings have been removed:
 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intergraph\Applications\SmartPlantPID.App
c. Clean up any left-over files and the following folders:
 SmartPlant P&ID installation folder ..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\.
 Any subfolders in the Windows\Downloaded Installations\ folder that contain
SmartPlantPID.msi files.
Deletion of the SmartPlantManager.ini file and the current user's registry
environment will clear the user's recent activities and customized menu look-up.
d. Reinstall the software client.
If, after performing all of the above troubleshooting steps, the application still fails to launch,
contact Intergraph Customer Support.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 237


Problem: The software is unable to print to PDF.

Reasons: The PDF printer driver may not have been installed correctly, or may have been
damaged, or may be the wrong version. For SmartPlant P&ID, the correct printer driver version
is SmartPlant PDF Converter (Amyuni 4.5).
Solution: If the problem is due to an incorrect or damaged file, we recommend that you uninstall
the SmartPlant PDF Converter printer driver and install the correct version. Restore the driver
by running the executable file InstallPDFConverter.exe, which is installed by default in the
software installation folder path ..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\bin.

238 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

active placement point
Coordinates that define the point where you place piping and instrumentation.
An alternative name for an object, such as a variable, file, device, or database instance.
Dimensions, notes, symbols, or reports that are used in a drawing to provide information or
To copy a file to a specified storage location and then delete the file from the current location.
1. A property or characteristic of a component.
2. A characteristic that all members of a class possess. Each property has an associated value
that defines its current state. Most databases represent an attribute by a column in a table.
To copy a file to a specified storage location while retaining the file in the current location.
batch processing
A method of processing data that collects a series of operations into a group and runs the group
in a continuous stream without user intervention.
Boolean operator
Syntax that defines logical relationships between expressions like AND (both), OR (either), and
NOT (other than).
branch point
A point on a pipe run that separates piping segments for assignments with different segment
break label
A graphic label placed at a point in a piping line at which any property can change value.
Memory that stores recently-accessed data so that subsequent requests to access the same
data can be processed quickly.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 239


A collection of catalog items, which are blueprints or templates for creating an item within the
check in
The process of moving a file from a user location to a storage location and recording that
location in the database.
A blueprint for creating an item. The class defines the properties and behaviors that an item can
A user, software application, or computer that requests the services, data, or processing of
another application or computer. The client is the user process. In a network environment, the
client is the local user process and the server may be local or remote. All network operations
among two or more nodes establish a client/server relationship.
client/server database
A database system in which the database engine and database applications reside on separate,
intelligent computers that communicate with each other through a network. In this system, the
processing power is split between the two CPUs. The workstation for the user is the client, and
the database runs on the server.
code list
See select list.
Working jointly. In Workshare, satellite sites work together with the host site to share the
creation and maintenance duties for P&ID drawings and related data.
An attribute of a database table. A group of columns defines a table in the database.
commodity code
A code you define that provides an index to material descriptions.
commodity item
A standard component that you can find in a manufacturer catalog.
commodity option
A pre-defined exception to the default settings for a component definition in the Piping Job
A catalog item that represents a part of the P&ID. A component has database information
associated with it.

240 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


Having a common center or origin point with varying radii.
configuration files
Files that are used to identify and characterize the components of a network. Configuration is
largely a process of naming network components and identifying relationships among those
connect point
An active point item that is specially designated in a component. A connect point is a location at
which lines, labels, and other components connect to one another. Also, a location for applying
a relationship.
Linkage between items that relate because of their graphics, like a valve and a pipe run. Proper
connectivity must exist to confirm valid data integrity.
Item with multiple vertices; behavior of a connector relies on the two items that it connects.
data dictionary
The underlying data model of a plant, consisting of database entries and select lists. SmartPlant
Data Dictionary Manager maintains this information.
data model
Application items that populate a project. Typical items in a data model are components, lines,
and labels.
Collection of files of comprehensive information that have predefined structure and organization;
a specific program can communicate, interpret, or process these files.
database administrator
The technical support person who assigns user IDs and data access permissions, creates new
databases, removes databases no longer in use, and monitors disk storage usage of the
database and performance.
database link
A pointer that defines a one-way communication path from an Oracle database server to
another database server. This pointer is stored in the local database and identifies the remote
database, a communication path to that database, and optionally, a user name and password. In
connected Workshare, the database link is used to access the remote database, providing the
satellite a view into the plant schema at the host site.
database table
Part of the database consisting of rows and columns and containing information about the
project and design elements.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 241


design file
File containing graphics and text data, also called a drawing file.
design-wide break
A region of the drawing within which a single property value is defined for all the included
components. Indicating the region, a closed shape exists, along with an accompanying label that
shows the property value.
display-only annotation
Feature that allows you to generate temporary annotation graphics for review without placing the
graphics in a design file.
drawing file
File that contains graphical items; also called a design file.
drawing, P&ID
Graphics file that contains data about one unit. Each drawing has a unique drawing number
within the unit to which the drawing belongs.
driving label
Graphics, text, or both with their own properties that are placed on the P&ID to define property
values of the components and groups to which they apply.
Term used in plane surveying that describes an east, or positive, difference in longitude.
edge-edge model
A model that represents connectivity entirely by edges.
enumerated list
See select list.
equipment components
Items associated with pieces of equipment, such as nozzles and trays. As you place equipment
components, the software automatically creates a group relationship between the equipment
and the component. As a group, the components move along with the equipment.

equipment group
A single-name equipment body and any items within or attached to the body, such as a tray or
exclusive database relationship
Relationship that exists between any given item and the parent item to which it belongs, for
example, an instrument can belong only to one loop at a time.

242 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


exit elevation
Lowest downstream elevation point on the internal diameter of a pipe.
Function that creates a subset of items. This subset meets criteria that property values define.
fixed point
A control point that usually is a locally known monument with known coordinates.
flow rate
Quantity of fluid that flows per unit of time.
flow time
Required time for the flow, from the start of the piped system, to reach a downstream point.
full path name
Name of the entire path or directory hierarchy to a file, including the filename. See also relative
path name and UNC path.
Condition that exists when two lines intersect graphically on the P&ID but not physically in the
1. Icons attached to the pointer that provide feedback as you draw. For SmartPlant P&ID,
glyphs identify the relationships that you are creating.
2. Icons that show the perpendicular or parallel relationships with other items in the drawing as
you point over items in the drawing.
An ordered relationship from greatest to least; refers to the relationships among groups,
components, and labels.
A classified structure with superiors, or roots, and subordinates, or dependents, for grouping
files or commands.
horizontal angle
Angle measured in the horizontal plane. Horizontal angles are the basic measurements needed
to determine bearings and azimuths.
horizontal distance
Distance between two points computed using only the northing and easting coordinates of the

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 243


A computer that acts as the controlling source of information. In SmartPlant P&ID Workshare, a
site that controls satellites.
implied piping component
Piping components that the software creates in the alphanumeric database; these components
are not represented graphically.
Term used to refer to those piping or instrument components that have been inserted in a piping
inline instruments
Components that have been inserted in a piping segment. Inline instruments include instrument
valves, such as butterfly valves and temperature regulator valves, and other instrument
components, such as orifice plates and flow controllers.
A single allocation of an item class.
instrument loops
A group of one or more instruments or control functions arranged so that signals can pass from
one function to the next for the purpose of measuring and controlling a process variable. In
SmartPlant P&ID, you can create instrument loops containing any combination of inline and
offline instruments.
Devices that directly or indirectly measure or control a variable in a plant process, such as flow
or temperature. Instruments can be devices such as final control elements, computing devices,
or electrical switches. Two types of instruments exist: inline instruments and offline instruments.
interference checking
Process that identifies possible collisions or insufficient clearance between items in a drawing.
Relating to or concerning a drafting system characterized by three equal axes at right angles; a
view in which the horizontal lines of an item are drawn at an angle to the horizontal and all
verticals are projected at an angle from the base.
Unit of storage within a larger unit, such as a file in a catalog; a single member in a drawing.
item type
Distinct objects that users can manipulate in SmartPlant P&ID, such as equipment, events, and
safety classes.
A point on an item, including vertices, which is used to connect to the item.

244 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


A graphic representation that reflects the status or condition of an associated item.
line route
Collection of ordered line runs, gaps, and components that all share the same attribution. A line
route contains line runs, components, gaps, and properties; however, a line route does not
contain any branches.
line style
Collection of formats or properties that you name and store as a group to apply as a style of a
Software structure that allows a specified sequence of instructions to run repeatedly, if the
stated conditions remain constant.
A sequence of actions or commands that can be named and stored. When you run the macro,
the software performs the actions or runs the commands. You can create the macros in Visual
Basic or other OLE-aware programming applications. Some of the OLE-aware programming
applications are VBA, Visual C++ Delphi, Visual Basic, and so forth.
To create the reverse image of a display set through a plane or around a defined axis.
mirror handle
Reflects an image about the horizontal and vertical axes. Point to the manipulation handle on
upper corner of an item to display the mirror handle.
A representation of graphics or a schema; collection of all items and their relationships to create
a coherent description of a process plant.
model file
A design file or database file that defines the 2-D or 3-D geometry and connectivity of a
Material take-off; also called a Bill of Materials.
net service alias
(Oracle) An alternative name for a directory naming object in a directory server. A directory
server stores net service aliases for any defined net service name or database service.
net service name
(Oracle) A simple name for a service that resolves to a connect descriptor. Users initiate a
connect request by passing a username and password along with a net service name in a

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 245


connect string for the service to which they wish to connect: CONNECT
Interconnection of host computers and workstations that allows them to share data and control.
The term has a dual meaning: network can refer to the devices that connect the system, or
network can refer to the connected system.
node name
A name or alias that you can assign to the node address of a device on a network.
Term used to describe a north coordinate location in the plant coordinate system.
A special equipment item that contains the connection point to piping.
Term that refers to those instrument components that are not inserted in a pipe run.
offline instruments
Components that are not inserted in a piping segment. Typically, these components are the
instruments that monitor and control inline instruments. Offline instruments include temperature
regulators, level gauges, and system functions, such as digital control stations (DCS) or
Oracle Net
Communication software that enables a network session from a client application to an Oracle
database server. Once a network session is established, Oracle Net acts as a data courier for
the client application and the database server. It is responsible for establishing and maintaining
the connection between the client application and database server, as well as exchanging
messages between them. Oracle Net is able to perform these jobs because it is located on each
computer in the network.
Oracle Net Manager
A graphical user interface tool that provides an integrated environment for configuring and
managing Oracle Net Services.
An alternate name for the top directory in the Oracle directory hierarchy on some
directory-based operating systems.
orientation by system
A type of orientation in which the software places items in the same orientation that you created
them, if you place the items in free space or in a horizontal line. For example, if you placed the
item in a vertical line, the software automatically rotates the item 90 degrees counterclockwise
from the orientation in which you created it. See also orientation by user.

246 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


orientation by user
A type of orientation in which you define the orientation of an item when you place it. The default
orientation of this item is identical to items that the software orients. You can change the default
orientation at placement time. See also orientation by system and orientation fixed.
orientation fixed
A type of orientation in which the software places items in the same orientation in which you
created them, regardless of the method or location that you used for placement. You cannot
change the orientation at placement time. See also orientation by system and orientation by
orthogonal view
A view that is a projection of the drawing onto a plane along lines that are orthogonal to the
See Piping and Instrumentation Diagram.
A property with a value that determines the characteristics or behavior of an item.
parametric item
Item that contains geometry constrained together using relationships, with driving dimensions
that are defined as adjustable parameters.
path name
Sequence of directories leading to a file. See also relative path name.
peak flow
Maximum flow rate of water through a specific size pipe.
Process Flow Diagram; a drawing that serves as a start for a P&ID.
pipe run
A line run that has piping properties. Also, a contiguous set of pipe run segments separated only
by inline components, branch points and gap components. A pipe run has a beginning and an
end. It does not branch or contain spaces between components. A pipe run segment may have
identical properties as a pipe run from which it branches but is not considered part of the pipe
Set of connected piping segments and their associated piping items. Also, the collection of pipe
runs from all drawings in a project whose project-defined line property values are identical.
Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)
A primary drawing for maintaining a plant. The P&ID includes three primary groups of items:
equipment, piping, and instrumentation. The drawing relates critical process-related information,

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 247


such as process conditions for temperatures and pressures, and identifies physical components
in the plant. The P&ID is the basis for both the construction of the physical plant and further
specification of instrumentation components.
piping components
Graphic elements that represent processes or functions within a particular piping segment.
Piping components include valves, flanges, reducers, strainers, and safety components. In
drawings, piping components are connected with multiple line segments.
Piping Materials Class (PMC)
Classification of components by service or specification - for example, a 150-pound carbon steel
piping network
Series of connected pipe runs and inline components. A network terminates at a nozzle,
off-page connector, utility connector, or one-point piping component - for example, a pipe cap.
piping segment
A line string with two or more vertices that defines the centerline geometry of the pipe run and
contains the non-graphic data associated with the pipe run.
A group of facilities and equipment that performs one or more material processing functions
within a given geographical area. One company can have several plants located at different
geographical locations.
plant group items
The building blocks, such as site, plant, unit, area, and level, used to create plant breakdown
structures or plant structure hierarchies.
plant structure
Represents the business structure or physical hierarchy of a plant.
process line
Ordered collection of connectors and inline components with an equal set of core properties -
typically, items with the same line number. Specifically, a representation of the piping that
transfers process fluid.
process point
A tool that defines the operating conditions at a particular place during a process. Examples
include defining temperature, density, and flow rate.
1. A directory file created in an application environment that contains design files and
subprojects. A project is not necessarily specific to an application; the project may contain
design files from multiple applications.

248 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


2. Term used for convenient grouping of either all or part of the items that constitute a plant.
Several projects can be under design at one time, probably in separate geographical
locations and having limited communication among them.
projection lines
Witness lines; lines extending from the boundaries of an item and between which dimensioning
data for the area marked by the projection lines is placed.
A unique characteristic of an object, item, symbol, or document.
The properties of an item can include display properties and properties stored with the item. For
example, the properties of a valve symbol can include display properties such as color, line
style, and width. Other properties stored with the valve symbol can include the manufacturer,
cost, or material. Properties stored with the valve symbol are displayed in the Properties window
when the valve symbol is selected.
To release a P&ID drawing for subscription or distribution.
publishing method
To publish a P&ID drawing using either the database link or the file sharing means of
transferring data.
reference data
A collection of information containing facts relative to industry design codes, catalog data of
vendors, job specifications, commodity libraries, graphics symbology, label descriptions, report
formats, and other information of a similar theme.
reference file
A drawing file attached to another drawing file for reviewing reference; a graphic representation
attached to a drawing view.
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
A database management system that uses Structured Query Language (SQL) to implement and
query data in relational tables.
A condition that exists between items indicating some form of communication of behavior or
state. You can establish relationships as you place new items or between items already on the
drawing sheet.
relative mode
A placement mode in which symbols respond to their orientation definition at creation time,
whether they are defined in the P&ID reference data as orientation fixed, orientation by system
or orientation by user, and to the orientation of any graphic item to which they are attached at
placement time. Relative placement mode is more flexible then absolute, but much more difficult
to predict.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 249


relative path name

Sequence of directories leading from the current directory to a particular file. See also path
report template
An online outline for a new report that you need to define. You can select a user-level or a
project-level template to create a new report template.
required item
Item that the plant model needs. An item is required if the Tag Required Flag property is set to
True for the item in the Properties window of Catalog Manager. If you delete a required item
from a drawing, it appears in the stockpile for later placement.

revision cloud
A set or arcs used to enclose changes that have occurred since the last revision.
revision triangle
A numbered triangle placed in the P&ID to indicate the drawing revision when the change
Standard mechanism for creating relationships. A rule defines a valid context for two items to
communicate their behavior or state.
A server located remotely from the host server. In SmartPlant P&ID Workshare, a remote server
connected to a satellite slot at the host server.
satellite slot
The host's side of a Workshare connection. Satellites connect to the satellite slots made
available by the host at the host site.
Description of the overall structure of the rulebase or database.
schema file
File that outlines the overall logical structure of a rulebase or database.
schematic file
Schematic drawing or diagram of a particular item in the plant.
search criteria
Set of values used to scan a database or object library.

250 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


Contiguous piping and piping components between two points in the network at which properties
change value. Segments terminate by property break labels, branches, nozzles, off-pace and
utility connectors, and by the terminal ends of piping lines.
select list
List of related values that Data Dictionary Manager uses to specify various aspects of the data
model. For example, select lists allow you to select from a list of values for specific properties
when creating drawings, filters, and symbols. A select list for the fluid code property, for
example, allows you to select from a set of standard entries: such as P for process or MMA for
methyl alcohol.
In network operations, the node that maintains common data or performs a common task that
clients need. All network operations between two or more nodes establish a client/server
signal lines
1. Intelligent line strings that connect offline instruments, inline instruments, and piping.
2. An ordered collection of connectors, and inline components with an equal set of core
properties: typically, items that share the same line number. Specifically, a representation of
the wiring used for transferring electrical or software signals.
3. A collection of signal runs from all drawings in a project whose project-defined line property
values are identical.
signal run
A line run with signal properties. See also pipe run.
A group of plants. A site can contain one or more plants.
site server
A text file containing the database type, connection alias, data dictionary, and schema
information for the site. Appears as the root directory for each site in SmartPlant Engineering
Unique identification numbers assigned by the SmartPlant software to all items created in the
Standard Query Language (SQL)
Language developed by IBM for creating, modifying, and querying relational databases.
static Oracle port
A network configuration that forces an Oracle database link to always connect via a fixed path to
a fixed port number.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 251


View of the data model, displaying items that have not yet been placed in the graphic model.
1. The appearance of geometry and annotations on the drawing sheet. For example, color and
line weight of an element, the font used in a text box, and so forth.
2. A collection of formats or properties that you name and store as a group. When you apply a
style to a selected item, the software applies all the formats or properties in the style to the
element. The style types include: fill, dimension, line, and text.
A division of a network into an interconnected, but independent, segment, or domain, in order to
improve performance and security.
subnet mask
The technique used by the IP protocol to filter messages into a particular network segment. The
subnet mask is a binary pattern that is stored in the client machine, server, or router and is
matched up with the incoming IP address to determine whether to accept or reject the packet.
To sign up for a service. In SmartPlant P&ID Workshare, to connect a satellite site with a
satellite slot at the host.
subscribe access
Read-only access to published P&ID drawings.
1. Display style of an item, including color, pattern, style, and width.
2. In Options Manager, symbology provides graphical clarity to a drawing by differentiating
among various items by their appearance. Symbology refers to the color, line weight, and
style associated with items in a particular filter.
Collection of data for quick reference, either stored in sequential locations in memory or printed
as an array of rows and columns of data items of the same type.
A document or file having a preset format, used as a starting point or blueprint for a particular
application so that the format does not have to be re-created each time it is used. In SmartPlant
P&ID, a file used to create a drawing with a set of default parameters; a template serves as an
outline or blueprint for you to create a new drawing. In SmartPlant Engineering Manager, a file
used to create roles, data dictionaries or other database schemas.
time stamping
A process that prompts the software to generate a record when you change a property.

252 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


A non-graphic record of any additions, deletions, and changes that you request during job
posting activities.
UNC path
Universal Naming Convention. The full name of a resource on a network. It conforms to the
\\servername\sharename syntax, where servername is the name of the server and sharename is
the name of the shared resource. UNC names of directories or files can also include the
directory path under the share name, with the following syntax:
Group of parts of the schematic and individual worlds of a plant that together perform a given
process function. The identifying number of the unit is unique within the project and within the
plant. Most companies, but not all, use the concept of unit.
user name
Name that provides access to an account on the system. Same as username.
A process or program that verifies data integrity in the database.

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 253


254 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

Checking Out Drawings Dialog Box • 73
A class • 240
Clear Filter Command (View Menu) • 18
About Command (Help Menu) • 10 client • 240
Access the SmartPlant Foundation Web client/server database • 240
Client from SmartPlant Drawing Manager code list • 240
• 213 collaboration • 240
Accessing the SmartPlant Foundation Web column • 240
Client • 213 commodity code • 240
active placement point • 239 commodity item • 240
Additional Documentation • 9 commodity option • 240
Advanced Publish Options Dialog Box • 225 Compare Dialog Box • 112
alias • 239 Compare Drawing Versions • 111
annotations • 239 Compare Drawing Versions for As-Built and
Apply Display Set Dialog Box • 160 Projects • 117
archive • 239 Compare Options Dialog Box • 116
Assign Ownership Command (Workshare Compare With Dialog Box • 118
Menu) • 188 Compare with Published Version Command
Assign Ownership Dialog Box • 189 (SmartPlant Menu) • 227
Assign Ownership to a Drawing • 189 Comparing Drawing Versions • 110
attribute • 239 component • 240
concentric • 241
B Configuration File Settings for AutoCAD
backup • 239 Translation • 136
batch processing • 239 Configuration File Settings for MicroStation
Boolean operator • 239 Translation • 145
branch point • 239 configuration files • 241
break label • 239 connect point • 241
Browser Command (SmartPlant Menu) • Connect to a Database • 14
214 connectivity • 241
connector • 241
Copy a Drawing • 54
C Copy Command (Edit Menu) • 54
cache • 239 Create a New Drawing • 22
catalog • 240 Creating a New Version of a Drawing • 99
Catalog Explorer Root Path Dialog Box • Creating Version of Drawings Dialog Box •
202 100
Check Drawing Status • 82 Criteria for Available Target Symbols • 38
check in • 240 Customize Current View Command (View
Check In a Drawing • 75 Menu) • 14
Check In Command (Project Menu) • 77 Customize Current View Dialog Box • 14
Check In Dialog Box • 78 Customize the List View • 15
Check in Multiple Representations • 92
Check Out a Drawing • 70
Check Out Command (Project Menu) • 70
Check Out Dialog Box • 72 data dictionary • 241
Checking a Drawing Out to an Active data model • 241
Project • 69 database • 241
Checking In Drawings Dialog Box • 79 database administrator • 241

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 255


database link • 241 Fetching Deleted Drawings Dialog Box •

database table • 241 109
Default Report Template Path Dialog Box • Fetching Drawings Dialog Box • 67
201 filter • 243
Define Plant Group Mapping for Import • 52 Filter Command (View Menu) • 16
Delete a Drawing • 59 Filter Dialog Box • 16
Delete Command (Edit Menu) • 58 Filter the List View • 17
Delete Drawings Permanently • 109 Find Documents to Publish Command
Deleting Drawings Dialog Box • 59 (SmartPlant Menu) • 227
design file • 242 Find Documents to Publish Dialog Box •
design-wide break • 242 227
Display Plant Group Properties • 18 Find Documents to Publish dialog box -
Display Subnodes in the List View • 16 Document Types • 228
display-only annotation • 242 Find Documents to Publish from SmartPlant
drawing file • 242 P&ID Drawing Manager • 226
Drawing Status Command (Project Menu) • Finish Load Plant Structure Processing
81 Command (Tools Menu) • 22
Drawing Status Dialog Box • 81 fixed point • 243
drawing, P&ID • 242 flow rate • 243
driving label • 242 flow time • 243
full path name • 243
easting • 242 G
edge-edge model • 242 gap • 243
Editing Drawing Items Within a Project • 74 Get Latest Version from Local Command
Enable Save As XML • 135 (Workshare Menu) • 192
enumerated list • 242 Get Latest Version from Local Dialog Box •
equipment components • 242 193
equipment group • 242 Get Latest Version from Local Status Dialog
exclusive database relationship • 242 Box • 195
Exit Command (File Menu) • 19 Get Latest Version from Remote Command
exit elevation • 243 (Workshare Menu) • 190
Extract Published Drawings • 186 Get Latest Version from Remote Dialog Box
Extract Published Drawings Command • 191
(Workshare Menu) • 184 Get Latest Version from Remote Site Dialog
Extract Published Drawings Dialog Box • Box • 190
185 Get the Latest Version of a Drawing from a
Extract Published Drawings Status Dialog Remote Site • 191
Box • 185 Get the Latest Version of a Drawing from
the Local Computer • 195
F Getting Latest Versions of Drawings • 190
Global Validation Command (File Menu) •
Fetch a Deleted Drawing • 89 53
Fetch a Drawing • 68 Global Validation Dialog Box • 53
Fetch Command (Project Menu) • 66 glyphs • 243
Fetch Comments Dialog Box • 104
Fetch Deleted Drawing Command
(Revisions Menu) • 107 H
Fetch Deleted Drawing Dialog Box • 108 Help Command (Help Menu) • 9
Fetch Dialog Box • 66 hierarchical • 243
Fetch Older Drawing Versions and OPCs • hierarchy • 243
95 horizontal angle • 243
Fetching a Drawing to an Active Project • 65 horizontal distance • 243

256 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


host • 244 M
macro • 245
I Map Source and Target Symbols • 36
implied piping component • 244 Mapping Dialog Box • 51
Import Drawings Command (File Menu) • 31 mirror • 245
Import Drawings Wizard - Complete Import mirror handle • 245
Map • 33 model • 245
Import Drawings Wizard - Missing Symbols model file • 245
Dialog Box • 32 Modify Drawing Properties • 18
Import Drawings Wizard - Options • 38 Modify Project Status • 65
Import Drawings Wizard - Select Drawings • Move a Drawing • 55
32 MTO • 245
Import Drawings Wizard - Select List
Options Dialog Box • 35 N
Import Drawings Wizard - Select Source
Navigating in Drawing Manager • 11
Plant • 31
net service alias • 245
Import Drawings Wizard - Summary • 53
net service name • 245
Import Drawings Wizard - Welcome • 31
network • 246
Import Options - Example 1 • 43
New Drawing Command (File Menu) • 23
Import Options - Example 2 • 44
New Drawing Dialog Box • 23
Import Options - Example 3 • 45
New Revision Command (Revisions Menu)
Import Options - Example 4 • 46
• 125
Import Options - Example 5 • 48
New Revision Dialog Box • 125
Import Options - Example 6 • 49
New Version Command (Revisions Menu) •
Importing Drawings • 30
Include Subnodes Command (View Menu) •
New Version Dialog Box • 100
node name • 246
Incremental New Versions Command
northing • 246
(Revisions Menu) • 101
nozzle • 246
inline • 244
inline instruments • 244
instance • 244 O
instrument loops • 244 offline • 246
instruments • 244 offline instruments • 246
interference checking • 244 Open a Drawing • 24
isometric • 244 Open Database Command (File Menu) • 13
Issue Request Documents from SmartPlant Open Drawing Command (File Menu) • 25
P&ID Drawing Manager • 220 Open Plant Structure Dialog Box • 13, 31
Issue Request Tab (Publish Dialog Box) • Oracle Net • 246
225 Oracle Net Manager • 246
item • 244 ORACLE_HOME • 246
item type • 244 orientation by system • 246
orientation by user • 247
K orientation fixed • 247
orthogonal view • 247
keypoint • 244
Out-of-Date Drawing Criteria Command
(Tools Menu) • 26
L Out-of-Date Drawing Criteria Dialog Box •
label • 245 26
line route • 245 Out-of-Date Drawings Command (File
line style • 245 Menu) • 25
loop • 245

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 257


P Publishing from SmartPlant P&ID Drawing

Manager - Work Process • 218
P&ID • 247
publishing method • 249
P&ID Template Path Dialog Box • 201
parameter • 247
parametric item • 247 R
Paste a Drawing • 57 Recover a Version of a Deleted Drawing •
Paste Command (Edit Menu) • 55 109
path name • 247 Recover a Version of a Drawing • 107
PDF Settings Dialog Box • 155 Recovering Drawings • 105
peak flow • 247 reference data • 249
PFD • 247 reference file • 249
pipe run • 247 Refresh
pipeline • 247 Modify a Drawing Concurrently in Two
Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) Projects • 86
• 247 Registering Tools • 213
piping components • 248 Related Drawings Dialog Box • 77
Piping Materials Class (PMC) • 248 Relational Database Management System
piping network • 248 (RDBMS) • 249
piping segment • 248 relationship • 249
plant • 248 relative mode • 249
plant group items • 248 relative path name • 250
plant structure • 248 Report Command • 29
Print Command (File Menu) • 157 report template • 250
Print Dialog Box • 119, 158 required item • 250
Print Multiple Drawings • 164 Resolve Command • 29
Print Preview Dialog Box • 162 Retrieve Command (SmartPlant Menu) •
Print Status Dialog Box • 164 233
Printable Guides Command (Help Menu) • Retrieve Dialog Box • 233
10 Retrieve Documents to SmartPlant P&ID
Printing Multiple Drawings • 157 Drawing Manager • 232
process line • 248 Retrieving Documents • 229
process point • 248 Retrieving to SmartPlant P&ID Drawing
project • 248 Manager - Work Process • 232
Project Status Command (Project Menu) • Returning a Drawing to the Plant Using
63 Check In • 75
Project Status Dialog Box • 64 Reviewing the Drawing Status • 81
projection lines • 249 Reviewing the Project Status • 63
Projects Dialog Box • 67 Revise Dialog Box • 126
Projects vs. Workshare • 172 Revise Drawings Using SmartPlant
Properties Command (Edit Menu) • 18 Foundation Revisions • 122
Properties Dialog Box • 19 Revise Drawings Using SmartPlant P&ID
property • 249 Revisions • 121
publish • 249 Revising Documents • 228
Publish a Drawing • 184 Revising Drawings • 120
Publish Command (SmartPlant Menu) • 221 revision cloud • 250
Publish Command (Workshare Menu) • 182 Revision History Command (Revisions
Publish Dialog Box • 183, 221 Menu) • 128
Publish Documents from SmartPlant P&ID Revision History Dialog Box • 128
Drawing Manager • 218 Revision Properties Command (Revisions
Publish Tab (Publish Dialog Box) • 223 Menu) • 127
Publishing and Assigning Ownership • 182 Revision Properties Dialog Box • 127
Publishing Documents • 214 revision triangle • 250

258 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide


rule • 250 Settings Dialog Box • 163

Show the Version History of a Drawing •
S 104
signal lines • 251
Sample Project Workflows • 82 signal run • 251
Sample Synchronize Shared Items site • 251
Workflow • 204 site server • 251
Sample Workflows • 173 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager • 9
satellite • 250 SP_IDs • 251
satellite slot • 250 Standard Query Language (SQL) • 251
Save a Version of a Drawing • 101 static Oracle port • 251
Save As Command (File Menu) • 153 stockpile • 252
Save As Dialog Box • 153 style • 252
Save As Dialog Box (Multiple Drawings subnet • 252
Selected) • 154 subnet mask • 252
Save Drawings in Other Formats • 131 subscribe • 252
Save Versions of All Drawings • 101 subscribe access • 252
Saving Drawings • 131 Subscribe Access Command (Workshare
Scenario 1 Menu) • 186
Compare • 173 Subscribe Access Dialog Box • 187
Scenario 2 symbology • 252
Loops • 176 Synchronize Reference Data Command
Scenario 3 (Workshare Menu) • 197
OPCs • 179 Synchronize Reference Data Dialog Box •
Scenarios for Revision Scheme Behavior • 198
124 Synchronize Reference Data from a Copy •
Schedule a Task • 236 202
Schedule Get Latest Version from Remote Synchronize Reference Data from Copy
Command (Workshare Menu) • 206 Command (Workshare Menu) • 199
Schedule Get Latest Version from Remote Synchronize Reference Data from Copy
Dialog Box • 206 Dialog Box • 199
Schedule Publish Command (Workshare Synchronize Reference Data from Host •
Menu) • 206 198
Schedule Synchronize Reference Data Synchronize Shared Items • 204
Command (Workshare Menu) • 206 Synchronize Shared Items Command
Schedule Synchronize Shared Items (Workshare Menu) • 203
Command (Workshare Menu) • 206 Synchronizing Reference Data • 196
Schedule Task Wizard • 205, 235 Synchronizing Shared Items • 203
Schedule Update Command • 30 Synchronizing Shared Items Dialog Box •
Scheduling Tasks • 235 204
Scheduling Wizard • 235
Scheduling Workshare Tasks • 205
schema • 250 T
schema file • 250 table • 252
schematic file • 250 Target Symbols Dialog Box • 37
search criteria • 250 template • 252
segment • 251 time stamping • 252
Select All Command (Edit Menu) • 16 Tool Requirements for Integrating
select list • 251 SmartPlant P&ID • 208
Select Publish Folder Dialog Box • 194 transaction • 253
server • 251 Transformation Programs Dialog Box • 40,
Set Subscription Access for a Drawing • 56
187 Troubleshooting • 237

SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide 259


UNC path • 253
Understanding the Drawing Icons • 12
Undo a Checkout • 84
Undo a Drawing Checkout • 74
Undo Checkout Command (Project Menu) •
Undo Checkout Dialog Box • 74
unit • 253
Unlock Plant After Group Rename
Command (Tools Menu) • 60
Update Command • 27
Upgrade Schema Command (SmartPlant
Menu) • 212
Use Minor Revisions in SmartPlant P&ID •
user name • 253
Using Drawing Versions • 99
Using Workshare • 167
Using Workshare in an Integrated
Environment • 168
Using Workshare with Projects • 171

validation • 253
Verify a Drawing for Checkin • 79
Verify for Checkin Command (Project
Menu) • 80
Verifying Drawings for Checkin Dialog Box •
Version History Command (Revisions
Menu) • 102
Version History Dialog Box • 102
View a Drawing in Drawing Manager • 25
View Dialog Box • 103

Working with Drawing Versions and
Revisions • 99
Working with Drawings • 21
Working with Drawings within a Project • 62
Working with Off-Site Projects • 62
Working with Projects • 61
Working with SmartPlant Integration • 207
Workshare Common Tasks • 169

260 SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager User's Guide

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