Lec 15
Lec 15
Lec 15
In the previous lecture we have derived the decomposition method. The method can be used for
finding the solution of a system of linear algebraic equations or we can use it for finding inverse
of a given matrix.
We have also mentioned that the decomposition method can be simplified if we can use the
property of the given matrix. Now let us take this particular case when the given matrix A is a
symmetric matrix. The method in that case has some special names.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:03:55 min)
The method is called the Cholesky method or it is also called the square root method. The
method was actually derived in two different places at the same time in different countries, so
that’s why the names of Cholesky has come and this square root methods have come; but they
have been actually been derived almost at the same instant of time.
Now we start with the assumption that A is a symmetric matrix. Then we decompose A as, A is
equal to L into L transpose or as A is equal to U into U transpose, where L is our lower triangular
matrix and U is an upper triangular matrix. Any one of these decompositions can be used LL
transpose or A is equal to U into U transpose. Now if A is positive definite, then this
decomposition is always guaranteed. So if A is positive definite this decomposition is always
guaranteed. As in the case of the LU decomposition method this condition is a sufficient
condition and not a necessary condition. Now suppose that we have now decomposed A L L into
L transpose. How do we use it further for this solution of problem.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:07:03 min)
So let us take the case and illustrate for A is equal to L into L transpose. So in the first method
we said that we can solve a system of equations or we can find inverse. So let us try to use this to
solve the system of equations Ax is equal to b. We follow the same way as in the LU b
decomposition, so we would write this as L into L transpose of x is equal to b. Then we shall
denote this in a product inside; denote L transpose of x as some z, then this will read as L into z
is equal to b. Then we shall say that we first solve the second set of equations, solve Lz is equal
to b. Now L is a lower triangular matrix, therefore this can be solved by forward substitution.
Then we solve the first set that is Lx is equal to z; L is a lower triangular matrix and therefore its
transpose is an upper triangular matrix. So this will be an upper triangular system. Therefore we
shall use the back substitution for solving this method.
Now again as we have shown that we can solve here also by one forward substitution and one
back substitution but the advantage will be not to use this but to use a slightly different procedure
and that is we can have an alternative between these two. Let’s write down the first one, take in
L inverse of this. So I can write this as z is equal to L inverse of b and the second system I will
write x is equal to L transpose inverse of z. We know that transpose and inverse can be
interchanged, so this will be equal to L inverse of transpose of z. Therefore I need to determine
only one inverse. L inverse is here, L inverse transpose is being used here. So I need to
determine only L inverse. Now we have already shown it earlier that if L is lower triangular, its
inverse is also lower triangular. Therefore I can use the forward substitution to get the inverse of
L also. Therefore L inverse will also be obtained by using the forward or forward substitution
only and we can then use the same L inverse in both the places and get the solution of the
(Refer Slide Time: 00:10:45 min)
Now let us see how we are going to get a decomposition as A is equal to L into L transpose. So
let us write it down our A is equal to LL transpose. Let’s write down the full system a1, 1, a12,
a1n, a21, a22, a2n, an1, an2, ann. L is a lower triangular matrix, so let us take it as l11, l21, l22, ln1, ln2, lnn
and we are multiplying by its transpose. So I can just transpose it and write this as l11, l21, ln1 that
is a first column becomes the first row and the second column l22, l2n, and so on. I will have lnn
over here. Now let us multiply it and then compare the coefficients. So if I take the first row and
the first column I will have l11 square, so what I have here is l11 square is equal to a11. Therefore
l11 is equal to square root of a11. Now I complete the multiplication of the first row and the other
columns, so l11 into l21 is a12; this is a product of this and this. Here a is symmetric, we have taken
therefore aij is equal to aji; therefore a12 is equal to a21; a1n is an1 and so on. So these elements will
be the identical elements here, so that we have here a12 is equal to a21, etcetera. Therefore l11 into
l21 is equal to a12. So I can get l21 from here as a12 by l11 from this. And so on the first row and the
last column will give me l11; ln1 is a1n, therefore ln1 is a1n upon l11. Therefore the entire set can be
simply written as li1 is equal to ai1 by l11. This is l21, l31, ln1 is a1n by l11. So this is our first column
of l that we have obtained from here.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:15:50 min)
Now we go to the second row second column because we know don’t need to multiply the first
row because it is symmetric, so it is not necessary. So I will take the second row second column
that is l21 square plus l22 square, that will be equal to a22. So I will then have l21 square plus l22
square, that is a product of this second row second column is a22; therefore we take two to this
side and take the under root of that. So I will have this as square root of a22 minus l21 square.
Now it is here, we mention that if A is positive definite, our decomposition is guaranteed. If A is
positive definite, this quantity is always strictly greater than zero. Positive definiteness would
imply that your a22 l21 square is always strictly positive. We are now doing the entire arithmetic
in real arithmetic but if you are going to do complex arithmetic, it is okay because then it is a
negative number; then a square root will be a complex number but we are doing real arithmetic
therefore I would like to have real values only, therefore this should be a positive quantity.
Therefore in other cases this may turn out to be a negative quantity wherein the method would
then fail. Now we proceed on and then compute all the other coefficients. I can now write down,
if you see the diagonal element first, you take any row multiplied by the corresponding column;
say ith row and the ith column then it will be li1 square li2 square…, lii square, that means I would
get immediately lii is under root of aii minus of li1 square plus so on lii minus one square or we
simply remember it, so that we put this summation notation j is equal to 1, 2, i minus one, that is
your lij square. Therefore these are all the squares of all the previous available elements. We are
now on the diagonal element, so we are now taking the square of all the previous elements, that
is this particular component here, which is subtracted from aii; that gives me all the diagonal
elements, i is equal to 2, 3, …n. Now for the other elements, I will multiply by the method of
matrix multiplication of this. Therefore I can immediately write down that lij is equal to the same.
You can see that all these half diagonal elements would have a division by its pivot.
So first row will be l11, second row l22 and so on, if we are doing for lij will give you ljj. So we
will have the division by ljj and we will have here aij minus summation. This does not have any
square roots, so it will be simply k is equal to 1, 2, j minus one again ljk, lik; i is equal to j plus
one, j plus two, so on, k. Of course j is equal to 1, 2, 3 …n.
In this summation when the upper suffix is smaller than the lower suffix then that summation is
ignored. For example, if I take j is equal to one here; I will get here summation 1, 2, 0, so there is
nothing is there. Therefore that particular case will land into this particular case; this will land
into the first one. So if I take j is equal to two, then I will start getting the next elements that we
are getting here. So this is the general loop under which all the elements of lii and ljj can be
obtained. Now you would notice why the method was given a square root method. We have got
square roots for each pivot, so all the pivots have to be done by square root. Therefore there n
square roots are to be used, n square roots are to be obtained from here.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:18:47 min)
Now let us illustrate this by an example. I will try to find the inverse of a matrix 4, 2, 1; 2, 3, 2;
and 1, 2, 2 and let’s also write using Cholesky method. So let us just write down the three by
three matrix again; 4, 2, 1; 2, 3, 2; and 1, 2, 2. The lower triangular matrix l11, l21, l22, l31, l32, l33.
We will have this as l11, l21, l31; 0, l22, l32; 0, 0, l33. Let us simplify right here; let’s multiply it out
l11 square, l11, l21, l11, l31. So we’ll have l11, l21, l21 square, l22 square, then we have l21, l31, l22, l32.
That is a product of second row and third column. Then we’ll have l11, l31 and then we have here
this l21, l31 plus l22 l32, which is the product of third row second column and lastly we will have l31
square, l32 square, l33 square. Now given matrix is symmetric; we have written out l as l and l
transpose, therefore these will be symmetric. Therefore this element has to be this element; this
element will be this and this element will be this because of the structure of the symmetry that
we have used here constructing L and L transpose. Now I just compare these elements and write
down the solution of these elements.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:22:41 min)
We will have here l11 square is equal to 4; therefore we have l11 is equal to two. Then the next
element l11 l21 is equal to two.
[Conversation between student and Professor – Not Audible (00:19:30 min)]
When we are talking of a square root we’ll be talking of only the positive square root. Either you
use right throughout the positive square root or you use throughout negative square root. I can
also use the negative square root; it will also give me the same solution. So we are using either as
a positive root but it is conventional to use square root as a positive square root. Therefore we
have l11 is equal to two; therefore l21 is equal to two; divided by two, that’s equal to one. Then we
have the third element l11 l31 is equal to one. Therefore l31 is equal to one by two.
Now the three elements have been determined. The first column has been determined. Now I go
to the second. So we will take the middle element l21 square plus l22 square that is second pivot is
given as 3. Therefore let us find out l22 square from here, which is three minus l21 square; l21
square is 1, therefore I have 2. Therefore l22 is equal to root of two. Then we go to this last
element l21, l31 plus l22, l32 is given to us as two. Now let us substitute the values l21 is one, l31
three one is half, l22 is root two, l32 is to be determined, and that’s equal to two. So I can take half
to this side which produces three by two, therefore l32 is three by two root two. Then the second
column is complete. So we go to the third column that means the third element. So we will have
to take the last element over here that is l31 square, l32 square l33 square is given as two. Now let
us substitute the values l31 square is one by four, l32 square is nine by four into two, that is eight
plus l33 square is equal to two. So let us take this to the right hand side, we will have this as
eleven minus eleven by eight, which is five by eight. Therefore we have l33 which is root five by
two root two. So all the elements are now determined.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:24:32 min)
Now let us substitute the elements and then write down what is our L. Therefore from here I can
write down the matrix L as 2, 0, 0; 1, root two, 0; that is l22 is root two and this is one upon two,
three upon two root two, root five upon two root two. Now what is it we want, we want the
inverse. We have written A is equal to L into L transpose, I invert it, so I will write down A
inverse is equal to LL transpose inverse. Now in inverting the product it gets interchanged, L
transpose inverse into L inverse. Now transpose and inverse can be interchanged. So I will write
down L inverse transpose L inverse. Therefore our A inverse is simply L inverse transpose L
inverse. Therefore I need to get L inverse and then transpose it here, multiply to get my A
inverse. So L is lower triangular, therefore it’s inverse is also lower triangular. Therefore I will
use the idea that L and inverse must be equal to I, product should be equal to I identity matrix.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:25:29 min)
Let’s write down our L and L inverse. So we will have here 2, 0, 0; 1, root two, 0; ½, three by
three root two, root five by two root two into L inverse. Now let’s call this as L11 dash, 0, 0; l21
dash, l22 dash, 0; l31 dash, l32 dash, l33 dash. So let’s denote the elements by the dash terms. We
can make one observation; some of the elements are trivial because this is a lower triangular
matrix, same is true for upper triangular also. The diagonal elements of this will be inverse of the
diagonal elements. In fact we don’t need to compute them; l11 dash has to come as one by two;
l22 dash will be one upon root two and l33 dash will be two root two by root five. But of course in
our computation we can proceed on; but that will be a check on doing the correct solution or not.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:28:50 min)
So these elements are trivially known, therefore we can see the if I multiply the row by this
column, what I am getting is two times l11 prime is one, that is your this element. Therefore l11
dash is equal to one by two. So this is the element that is true, then we multiply the second row
and the first column. So that I will have l11 dash plus root two, l21 dash; I then multiply the
second row first column, which should be equal to zero. So this should be equal to zero,
therefore l21 dash. Now l11 dash goes to the right hand side, so I will have minus one upon two
root two. Second row second column just gives you root into l22 dash that is equal to one, so l22
dash is equal to one upon root two. The observation which you made that the diagonal elements
be of this will be inverse of this that is one upon root two. Then I can multiply this row and this
column. So I will have half l11 dash three upon two root two l21 dash plus root five by two root
two l31 dash is equal to zero.
Now let us substitute these elements here, that is equal to half into half, that is equal to one by
four; three by root two, l21 dash is minus one upon two root two and this we retain it as this, two
root two, l31 dash is equal to zero. So let us take everything to the right hand side and get the
element l31 dash that is two root two by five and then this will be minus one by four plus three by
eight. That gives us two root two by root five and this is equal to one by eight. So that is equal to
root two by four root five.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:31:40 min)
Now we have determined the element l31 dash. Now to get the next element I need to multiply by
this third row with the second column. So if I do that, it gives you three upon two root two, l22
dash plus root five by two root two, l33 dash. I will just have a look at this; here we are
multiplying this row this column, so what I would get here is three upon two root two into l22
dash plus root five upon two root two, l32 dash and these elements should correspond to this, that
is equal to zero. Therefore we can find out l32 dash is equal to minus this factor, let’s write it;
first two root two, divided by this three upon two root two, one upon root two. So these gives us
minus three by root five or let’s write it as three root two by two root five. Lastly we have the
product of this row and this column. So that will be two root two by root five which is the
inverse of this element. Therefore we have determined our L inverse; L inverse is equal to l11
dash that is equal to one by half. I will just write these elements; ½, 0, 0; minus one upon two
root two, one upon root two, zero; root two by four root five, minus three root two by two root
five and two root two by root five; so this is our inverse.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:33:36 min)
Now I write down the solution of the problem as A inverse is equal to L inverse transpose into L
inverse. So I will invert this and write it as first matrix that is equal to one by two,0, 0; minus one
upon two root two, one upon root two, zero; root two by four root five, three root two by two
root five and two root two by root five. I should have written the transpose of the matrix L
inverse. Let us avoid writing one extra step. Let us now write the transpose of L inverse; one by
two, minus one upon two root two, root two upon four root five; zero, one upon root two and
three root two by two root five; zero, zero, two root two by root five. This is our L inverse of
transpose. This matrix ½, 0, 0; minus one upon two root two, one upon root two, zero; root two
upon four root five, three root two by root two five, two root two by root five. So this is the
(Refer Slide Time: 00:38:57 min)
Now it is a very simple thing. Just multiply it out and simplify it, I will give the value for this so
the value that comes out is simply equal to 2/5, -2/5, 1/5; -2/5, 7/5, -6/5; 1/5, -6/5, 8/5. This is
obtained by just multiplying the two matrices that we have given there. Now the application of
this would be that you have determined the inverse in a particular problem and if I have more
than one right hand side, this will be advantageous for us to find the inverse. We are finding only
one L inverse in this particular procedure. Now these two direct methods that is the LU
decomposition method and its version that is Cholesky method for symmetric matrices and the
Gauss elimination are the most powerful method that are used in our software. Even though there
are more variants of the decomposition procedure than the Gauss elimination procedure, even
today these are the most power methods for solving the system of equations, when the system of
equations is small. If the system is too large of millions of or lakhs of equations, we just cannot
load them on the computer. Therefore there is no way that we can use these direct methods to
solve such huge systems.
But there are some other practical problems. Let us try to solve a practical problem like this. You
are solving a particular problem within a given domain by a finite difference method (some set of
differential equations) and it gives you system of linear equations, lets assume it is a linear
equation. Now you find that the region that you have taken is not sufficient and you want to have
a bigger region. Now you again solve by the same method, you produce again a system of
algebraic equations. Now the idea is can we use the computation that has already been made?
That means you have solved this system of equations by decomposition, and you have A inverse
for the system available. Now I solve the problem by extending that problem further. Can I use
this computation that has already been used rather than waste the computations. The answer is
yes, the particular application in fluid mechanics wherein the condition for solving a particular
differential equation is given as a condition like, as x tends to infinity it should have this value.
So a condition as extending to infinity is given to us but infinity is not defined in a particular
problem, infinity could be nine in a problem and in other problem it could be hundred, so you
want to solve it numerically and so you fixed a finite length for that. You find that you have not
achieved U is equal to U naught in the problem, so you have not positioned your infinity
properly. So we have to move the infinity further. So infinity could be achieved, now you solve
the problem. What happens to the resultant is that the original system of equation stays as it is. If
you look the rows and column of Ax is equal to b, what we have really done is we have added
few rows and few columns to the original system and got a new system.
Now the idea is we want to use the inverse that has been determined earlier in the previous
problem to solve the current problem and reduce the tremendous amount of computations. The
other application that we would have is suppose you have a system of hundred by hundred
equations to be solved. Now I prefer to solve two fifty by fifty system of equations and some
more computations rather using hundred by hundred systems.
We are going to show later that the computation efforts for the Gauss elimination or the
decomposition are order of n cubed by three for n large; that means if I solve the problem
hundred by hundred and I solve a fifty by fifty, the amount of computation is at least of the order
of magnitude of four times. So if one problem takes two minutes, other problem takes another six
to eight minutes, so the order of the time that is taken up by doubling a system is much higher.
Therefore what I would prefer in that case is I would like to use if possible the smaller systems
and in that direction we have what is known as partition method, which will partition our matrix
A and obtain the inverse of this matrix using the inverse of the smaller systems.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:39:52 min)
As I said this has got very important applications in many areas of engineering. So what we do is
given this matrix A, I would conveniently decompose it, separate them as partition as this and
then name this as some matrices B C D E. Now let us take A as n into n matrix, so I can take B is
equal to some r into r matrix and C is same rows, therefore C is r into s, D is equal to s into s and
E is equal to s into s. So r plus s is equal to n. So these two matrices B and E are square matrices
and these are rectangular matrices. This is r into s, this is s into r but this is r into and r s into s.
These are square matrices and these will be rectangular matrices.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:42:45 min)
Suppose you have a system of hundred by hundred. I can decompose if it was given like this, I
can take sixty by sixty here, I can take forty by forty system here; the two square matrices, then
this will be sixty by forty and this will be forty by sixty. Or I could as well decompose it as fifty
by fifty. Now what we were trying to say here is that if I want the inverse of this hundred by
hundred matrix I would like to utilize the known inverse; for example, of this fifty by fifty matrix
or I know the inverse of sixty by sixty matrix and thereby the amount of computation is reduced
tremendously. Now in this case what we would do is we would also partition A inverse in this
same way. So let us write A inverse is X Y Z V; partition also A inverse as Z and V, so that the
dimension of X and B are the same. So similarly your E and V dimensions will be the same and
your C and Y dimensions will be the same and D and Z dimensions will be the same. We have
taken this as r into r, we have taken this as E and V; as s into s; this C is r into s; this is s into r.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:45:18 min)
AA inverse should be equal to I, and this I will also partition it as I1, I2. I1 is of dimension r into r,
I2 is of dimension s into s. So I will partition it also into two identity matrices; I1 and I2. This will
be the same dimension of our X and V and I2 will be the dimension of V. Now let us put the
values of A and A inverse, that is B, C; D, E; X, Y; Z, V and this is equal to I1 and I2. Now let us
just multiply out the two matrices. There is matrix multiplication. So I will have B into X plus C
into Z equal to I1. So let us just number it as one. Then B into Y plus C into V is null, this is a
null matrix. Let’s number it as two. Then D into X plus E into Z is null. So i will have D into X
plus E into Z is null. Then the last equation is D into Y plus E into V is equal to I2. Now we have
assumed that the inverse of the B matrix. One of the inverses is available for us either inverse of
B is available or inverse of E is available. So let us start because as an application oriented
problem, let us assume inverse B exists and so let B inverse be known. Now it is simply to solve
these four equations for these four unknowns, so since B inverse is known let us start with
equation two.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:50:31 min)
Let us start with the equation two. I pre multiply by B inverse, so this gives me B plus Y plus B
inverse CV is equal to null. I have pre multiplied this by B inverse, so Y B inverse CV is equal to
zero. Now I eliminate D, eliminate Y from four using this. So what i have to do here is I multiply
this pre multiply by D and subtract from here. So what I will do therefore is I will take fourth
equation minus D into equation two, and let’s call it as five. From four I will pre multiply this by
D and subtract from there. From this I am subtracting that is equal to E. Now we are multiplying
this by D therefore this D Y is gone and I will have E minus D B inverse C. I pre multiply this by
D, so this is gone, so D B inverse of C into V and this is equal to I2. Now this goes to the right
hand side, therefore V is equal to E minus DB inverse C inverse. This is I2. I can throw away I2
because I2 is multiplied by identity matrix. Therefore V is known.
Now let’s go to two or five. Now therefore Y is equal to minus B inverse C V (from five, Y is
equal to minus B inverse C V). Therefore Y is known; therefore Y is equal to known. Now I
have manipulated equation two and four, I will do similarly for one and three. So let us take
equation one. Again pre multiply by B inverse, so I will have X plus B inverse of C Z is equal to
B inverse. I pre multiplied this by B inverse. Now I want to throw away X from here, so I
multiply this by D and subtract from there, therefore three minus D into let’s number it as six. So
from the equation three I multiply by D and subtracted from here, so what I will again have here
is E minus D B inverse C of Z, that is your E here, I have multiplied this by D, D B inverse C
that is equal to minus DB inverse. We multiplied by D and subtracted minus D B inverse,
therefore Z is equal to E minus D B inverse C inverse D B inverse. Let’s bring this minus sign
over here but this E minus D B inverse C inverse is V. Therefore I can use this value of E over
here and write this simply as V D B inverse. Now the solution is complete. Now use six; six
gives me X is equal to B inverse, I can take out the common there I minus C Z I minus C Z. So I
am using this, I am taking this side and taking the common on the left. B inverse I minus C Z. So
this is your seven.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:50:53 min)
Now we have completed the solution of all the four. Now what we should see here is that in
building this we have used only two inverses; one is B inverse, the other one that we used here is
E minus D B inverse C inverse. These are the two inverses that we have used in the construction
of the entire system over here. Now what is this order; the order of this is r into r, the order of E
was s, therefore order of this is s into s. Therefore we are now using the inverse of only two
matrices r into r, s into s.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:51:37 min)
Now if you go back to the example which we had written earlier, if you are constructing the
inverse of this particular matrix I need inverse of this and not a hundred by hundred system. But
by using this or for example in this case I need the inverse of two fifty by fifty matrices and of
course I need some multiplication of the matrices to be done; leave alone the extra computation.
So we shall be doing enormous saving of computation in finding the inverse of large system of
equations by using this particular concept that we can partition a given matrix into a suitable
form. And then find out inverse of that particular matrix using the inverses of the lower order