Burd Frydman 1997
Burd Frydman 1997
Burd Frydman 1997
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Abstract: A study has been carried out of the bearing capacity of sand layers overlying clay soils for the case where the
thickness of the sand layer is comparable to the width of a rigid foundation placed on the soil surface. A review of previous
work is given and a discussion is presented of the dimensionless groups that govern the behaviour of this type of foundation.
A parametric study is carried out using both finite element and finite difference methods. This study is based on the use of soil
parameters obtained from an assessment of the range of values that might be expected to be appropriate for full-scale
structures. The results of the parametric study are used to illustrate the mechanics of the system and also to develop charts that
may be used directly in design. In particular, the results illustrate that the shear strength of the clay has an important influence
on the mechanisms of load spread within the fill.
Key words: bearing capacity, layered soils, numerical analysis.
Résumé : L’on a réalisé une étude sur la capacité portante de couches de sable reposant sur des sols argileux pour le cas où
l’épaisseur de la couche de sable est comparable à la largeur d’une fondation rigide posée sur la surface du sol. L’on présente
une revue des travaux antérieurs et une discussion sur les groupes sans dimension qui régissent le comportement de ce type de
fondation. Une étude paramétrique est réalisée en utilisant les méthodes tant des éléments finis que des différences finies.
Cette étude est fondée sur l’utilisation des paramètres de sols obtenus en partant de l’évaluation de la plage des valeurs que
l’on pourrait s’attendre à trouver dans des structures à pleine échelle. Les résultats de l’étude paramétrique ont été utilisés pour
illustrer le mécanisme du système et aussi pour développer des abaques qui peuvent être utilisées directement dans la
conception. En particulier, les résultats illustrent que la résistance au cisaillement de l’argile a une influence importante sur les
mécanismes de répartition de la charge à l’intérieur du remblai.
Mots clés : capacité portante, sols multicouches, analyse numérique.
[Traduit par la rédaction]
Fig. 1. Footing on layered soil. Fig. 3. Punching shear model (Meyerholf 1974).
[1] Pu = B′suNc
where su is the undrained shear strength of the clay, and Nc is
the standard bearing capacity factor for undrained loading.
Houlsby et al. (1989), however, suggested that the shear
stresses that develop at the base of the sand layer tend to reduce
the vertical bearing capacity of the clay. They also proposed a
procedure by which these shear stresses may be calculated and
used to estimate a modified bearing capacity factor for use in [1].
carried out to investigate the mechanics of this problem. To An alternative model for load spread through the sand was
specify the parametric study, the various parameters and di- proposed by Bourdeau (1989) based on an analysis for load
mensionless groups that influence the bearing capacity are spread through a particulate layer initially given by Harr
identified. By making certain assumptions, and by introducing (1977). This analysis suggested that normal stresses at the base
various standard correlations, the number of independent vari- of the sand layer may be obtained by appropriate superposition
ables is shown to reduce to five dimensionless groups. of Gaussian distribution functions. This approach was used by
Bourdeau (1989) to study the behaviour of a reinforced granu-
Analytical design models lar layer placed on an elastic soil, but does not appear to have
been extended to the case of a granular layer overlying clay.
Load spread models
One widely used approach to estimate the bearing capacity of
sand layers overlying clay is to assume that the sand acts to Punching shear models
spread the load beneath the footing and that the foundation Meyerhof (1974) proposed an alternative model of behaviour
fails when bearing capacity failure occurs within the clay. This for this type of problem. In this model, the bearing capacity of
procedure is clearly only appropriate for cases where the a strip footing placed on the soil surface is estimated by con-
strength of the sand layer is substantially greater than that of sidering a simplified mechanism in which the sand is assumed
the clay. to be in a state of passive failure along a vertical plane beneath
The load spread mechanism within the sand layer may be each edge of the footing, as shown in Fig. 3. Immediately be-
modelled relatively simply by assuming that the vertical neath the footing, the vertical stress acting on the clay is as-
stresses associated with the footing load are confined to a zone sumed to be Ncsu + γD, where Nc is a suitable bearing capacity
defined by lines inclined at angle β to the vertical, as shown factor and γ is the unit weight of the sand. A passive force, Pp,
in Fig. 2. Load from the footing is assumed to be distributed inclined at an angle δ is assumed to act on the vertical planes
uniformly over a width B′ at the base of the sand layer, where beneath the footing edges, giving an expression for the footing
B′ = B + 2D tan β. Although the chosen value of β can have bearing capacity:
an important influence on the calculated bearing capacity, it is
often not clear how its value should be selected. In practice, a [2] Pu = BNcsu + 2Pp sin δ
value of β of tan–1 0.5 is often adopted (Houlsby et al. 1989),
although it is generally accepted that the value of this parame- Meyerhof (1974) suggested that the value of Pp may be
ter will be influenced by the strength of the sand. Brocklehurst obtained from the expression:
the bearing capacity of frictional materials are often prone to model adopted for the clay are shear modulus, Gc, Poisson s
instability (e.g., Griffiths 1982b) particularly when the friction ratio, νc, and plane-strain undrained shear strength, su. In ad-
angle is large. It is possible, with care, however, to obtain dition it is necessary to specify the unit weights of the soils
reliable solutions using numerical modelling, and this is at- and the values of coefficient of lateral earth pressure at the start
tempted in the study described in the present paper. of each analysis.
A total of 13 parameters are needed to define each analysis,
Parametric study using finite element and as listed below:
Problem geometry: B, D
finite difference methods
Sand properties: Gs, νs, φ′, ψ, γ
To assess the various analytical procedures reviewed above, Clay properties: Gc, νc, su, γc
and to provide data of direct use in design, a parametric study Initial stress ratios: (Ko)s, (Ko)c
has been carried out using two distinct numerical modelling where γ and γc are the unit weights of the sand and the clay,
procedures. The use of two independent numerical procedures respectively, and (Ko)s and (Ko)c are the coefficients of lateral
allows a realistic judgement to be made about the consistency earth pressure for the sand and the clay. Note that this list
and reliability of the results. includes various parameters that are known not to influence the
The parametric study was carried out using finite element bearing capacity of homogeneous soils (i.e., values of soil
and finite difference analyses. The finite element calculations stiffness, Poisson s ratio, clay unit weight, and coefficient of
were carried out using the program OXFEM, which has been lateral earth pressure). It would be expected that the value of
developed at Oxford University, U.K., and the finite difference the unit weight of the clay would not be an important parame-
calculations were performed using the commercial program ter for the layered soil problem. It is not immediately clear,
FLAC (ITASCA Consulting Group, Inc. 1993). All of the fi- however, whether the effect of several of the other parameters
nite element calculations were based on six-noded triangular (for example the stiffness of the sand and (Ko)s) may also be
elements with a three-point Gauss integration rule to calculate assumed to be negligible.
the element stiffness matrices. The solution algorithm was The behaviour of the sand layer would be expected to be influ-
based on a tangent stiffness approach employing a modified enced strongly by its friction angle and, to a lesser extent, by its
Euler procedure. Full details of these algorithms are discussed angle of dilation. The dilation angle of sand, ψ, is known to be
by Burd (1986). FLAC (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua) related to the peak friction angle, φ′p, and the critical state friction
uses an explicit, time marching method to solve the governing angle, φ′c; an expression of the form given below is widely accepted
field equations, in which every derivative is replaced by an (e.g., Bolton 1986) and is adopted for these calculations:
algebraic expression written in terms of field variables
(e.g., stress or displacement) at discrete points in space; these [6] 0.8ψ = φ′p − φ′c
variables are undefined elsewhere. If it is assumed that, at failure, the mobilized friction angle
within the failure zone corresponds to the peak value, then it
Specification of the parametric study would be appropriate to set the friction angle of the sand, φ′, to
In this study, the sand layer was treated as a linear elastic-perfectly be equal to the peak friction angle, φ′p. For a quartz sand, a
plastic (frictional) material and the clay was assumed to be value of φ′c of 32° is thought to be appropriate, and this value
linear elastic-perfectly plastic (cohesive). This approach was adopted for the calculations in association with [6]. The
clearly would not be appropriate to model cases where pro- parametric study was based on the use of three different values
gressive failure or strain softening is important. It is thought, of φ′: 32°, 40°, and 48°. In each case, [6] was used to obtain
however, that this simplified model of behaviour may give suitable values of the dilation angle for use in each analysis.
useful and realistic results that are appropriate for a range of The value of νs is not thought to vary substantially for sand
applications of shallow foundations on layered soils. layers of different types, or to have a significant influence on
It is known that the bearing capacity of footings on sand is the bearing capacity. A constant value of 0.2 was therefore
strongly influenced by the nature of the interface between the adopted for all the calculations. The clay was assumed to be
base of the footing and the soil. In all of the calculations de- incompressible (corresponding to undrained behaviour of a
scribed in this paper the footing was assumed to be perfectly fully saturated material). The use of a clay Poisson s ratio of
rough. The study of smooth footings is beyond the scope of 0.5, however, would lead to numerical difficulties, and so, as
this paper, although it might be expected that the performance is conventional, a slightly lower value (of 0.49) was adopted.
of smooth and rough footings would be different. The results The value of (Ko)c is not thought to be important, and a value
of the parametric study indicate, however, that the mobilized of unity was adopted in all of the analyses. Values of the co-
friction angle on the base of the footing is generally signifi- efficient of lateral earth pressure for the sand were obtained
cantly smaller than the friction angle of the granular layer, and from the Jaky expression:
so the assumption that the interface is fully rough is thought [7] (Ko)s = 1 − sin φ′
to be a realistic one for most foundation applications. The
rough footing condition was enforced in the numerical analy- It is generally accepted that [7] is appropriate only for cases
ses by prescribing a downward displacement of the footing where the sand is normally consolidated. However, a numerical
while preventing horizontal movement of the nodes in contact investigation in which (Ko)s was varied suggested that this pa-
with the base of the footing. rameter does not have any significant influence on the com-
The behaviour of the sand is defined by a shear modulus, puted bearing capacity.
Gs, Poisson s ratio, νs, plane-strain friction angle, φ′, and plane- If the relationships described above are adopted and the
strain dilation angle, ψ. The parameters needed to specify the variables collected into dimensionless groups, then the mean
footing pressure, p, at bearing capacity failure may be shown Table 1. Values of clay shear properties.
to be given by the functional form: OCR su/γD Gc/su
= f ,
p B su , G s , 1 0.3 160
[8] φ′
γB D γD Gc 4.5 1 79
25 4 28
The dimensionless group su/γD is referred to in this paper 60 8 25
as the “shear strength ratio.” Its importance has been noted 100 12 23
previously in the context of bearing capacity of layered soils
(Craig and Chua 1990), and it was shown earlier in this paper
to be relevant when interpreting a simple punching shear ap-
proach in terms of a load spread model. This group will be modulus of sand is less well documented than that of clay,
recognized as the stability number used in the analysis of cut- although it is known to depend strongly on the magnitude of
tings, and it is linked closely to the overconsolidation ratio of both the stresses and the strains, with the stiffness increasing
the clay. This latter aspect must be borne in mind, as discussed with increasing stress level and reducing as the shear strain
later, in the choice of appropriate combinations of parameters increases. The small strain shear modulus is commonly related
for use in the analyses. to mean effective stress, p′, by an expression of the form
It is well accepted that the plane-strain, undrained shear (Wroth et al. 1979):
strength of a clay may be reasonably represented by an expres- n
sion of the form (Ladd et al. 1977): Gs p′
[12] =K
pa p
su su a
[9] σ ′ = σ ′ OCR where pa is atmospheric pressure, K is a constant depending
v v
on the void ratio, and n is a constant, usually assumed to lie in
where σ′v is the effective overburden stress, OCR is the over- the range 1/3 < n < 1. For the case of a layer of sand, it is
consolidation ratio expressed in terms of vertical effective convenient to express [12] in terms of the current vertical ef-
stresses, and (su/σ′v)nc is the normally consolidated undrained fective stress, σ′v, rather than the mean effective stress, in
shear strength ratio. Typical values for Λ and the normally which case the following relationship is suggested:
consolidated undrained shear strength ratio are 0.8 and 0.3, n
Gs σv′
respectively. If these values are adopted, then the plane-strain [13] = K∗
undrained shear strength is given by: pa pa
[10] su = 0.3σ′v OCR0.8 where the constants K* and K are closely related. For nor-
mal values of voids ratios, K* would be expected to be about
Before a footing load is applied to the sand surface, the 700. For the present analyses, in which the sand beneath the
effective overburden stress at the top surface of the clay is γD. footing reaches failure and so it may be assumed that shear
The corresponding value of clay shear strength is: strains are relatively large, the nonlinear dependence of Gs on
su shear strain must be considered. Wroth et al. (1979) suggested
[11] = 0.3 OCR 0.8 that at a shear strain magnitude of 1.0%, the value of Gs can
be expected to about 5% of its small strain value. The appro-
Realistic values of the shear strength ratio may, therefore, be priate value of K* would therefore be about 35. For the pur-
obtained by adopting suitable values of OCR. Values of OCR poses of this study, the value of K* was assumed to lie in the
adopted in the parametric study and corresponding values of range 20 to 45.
undrained shear strength ratio calculated from [11] are given It is assumed, for simplicity, that when a surface footing is
in Table 1. applied to the sand and the clay is in a state of bearing capacity
The calculations described in this paper were all based on failure, the vertical stresses in the sand are of the order of
a clay soil in which the strength remains constant with depth; (π + 2)su. If, for convenience, the value of n for use in [13] is
this feature of the analysis is consistent with the conventional taken as unity, then suitable values of Gs may be found for
Terzaghi bearing capacity factor approach. It is possible that each value of su used in the study. On this basis, the value of
variations in clay strength with depth may have an important Gs/Gc was found to be about 1 for su/γD = 0.3 and about 8 for
influence on the bearing capacity of the foundation; the exten- su/γD = 12, appropriate values of Gs and Gc for use in the
sion of these calculations to cases where the strength of the analyses were chosen accordingly. In fact, a few preliminary
clay is nonhomogeneous, however, is beyond the scope of this analyses indicated that changes in the stiffness ratio did not
paper. have a significant effect on the analysis results. In view of this,
Equation [8] suggests that the bearing capacity of the lay- no attempt was made to study in further detail the effect of
ered system may be a function of the ratio Gs/Gc. To obtain variations of the shear modulus ratio on the system performance.
realistic values of this ratio for use in the parametric study, a The main parametric study considered values of B/D rang-
procedure was adopted in which values of Gc and Gs were ing from 1.5 to 0.75; these values were chosen to focus the
estimated independently and their ratio taken. This procedure study on foundations in which the fill thickness is comparable
is described below. with the footing width. The values of shear strength ratio
Typical values of Gc/su for each value of OCR adopted in adopted in this main study were 0.3, 1, and 4, which correspond
the parametric study were selected from data given by Wroth to values of OCR of about 1, 4.5, and 25. It is thought that these
et al. (1979) and are listed in Table 1. Unfortunately, the shear values span the range of clay overconsolidation ratios that might
Fig. 4. Finite element for B/D = 1: (a) mesh, (b) detail near footing. Fig. 5. FLAC mesh for B/D = 1: (a) mesh, (b) detail near footing.
Numerical procedures
All of the analyses were based on meshes of overall dimension
20B by 20B, where B is the footing width. Typical meshes
adopted in the OXFEM and FLAC analyses are shown in value of footing pressure that developed as the footing dis-
Figs. 4 and 5, respectively. In each calculation, a set of prescribed, placement increased.
vertical displacements was applied in increments to the nodes Considerable care was taken to ensure that numerical errors
at the base of the footing, and the resulting footing pressure associated with the analyses were acceptably small. The
was obtained by summing the vertical nodal loads at the base meshes were designed such that the elements were concen-
of the footing and then dividing by the footing half-width. The trated in highly stressed zones and the boundaries were suffi-
bearing capacity was obtained in each case from the limiting ciently distant from the footing to ensure that the mesh
contained the entire plastic zone. The number of calculation was obtained. This consistency provides some confidence in
increments was chosen to ensure that equilibrium errors re- the reliability of the results obtained from the study.
mained small, and several of the calculations were repeated
with different meshes to ensure that discretization errors were
not excessive. These measures were consistent with recom- Plots of nondimensionalised bearing capacity
mendations made on the basis of a previous study of the bear- The results of the main parametric study are presented in Fig. 7
ing capacity of homogeneous sand (Frydman and Burd 1997). in terms of p/γB (the bearing capacity ratio) plotted against
su/γD (the shear strength ratio). These plots are based on the
use of the average values of bearing capacity obtained from the
Results OXFEM and FLAC analyses, except for the few cases where
Most of the main parametric study calculations were carried only FLAC data were obtained.
out using both FLAC and OXFEM. Figure 6 shows a compari- It is clear from Fig. 7 that for φ′ = 32° the bearing capacity
son between the values of bearing capacity, p, obtained using ratio initially increases with increasing shear strength ratio (for
the two procedures and illustrates the excellent agreement that constant B/D) and that for B/D = 1.0 and 1.5 the bearing capacity
reaches an upper limit that appears to be independent of su/γD. footing may be obtained from solutions given by Mandel and
This suggests that at low values of shear strength ratio the Salençon (1972). It should be noted that the condition D ≥ h
failure mechanism extends into the clay, and that as the shear does not necessarily imply that failure is confined to the upper
strength ratio is increased beyond a certain value, the failure layer because even in this case the failure mechanism may
surface becomes confined to the sand layer. The results shown extend into the lower layer if the clay is sufficiently weak. In
in Fig. 7 suggest that for φ′ = 40° and φ′ = 48° the failure this case Meyerhof s approach would, clearly, not be applicable.
surface extends into the clay layer in all cases. Figure 8 shows Figure 7 shows that for φ′ = 32° the bearing capacity
the results of additional calculations for φ′ = 40°, in which reaches an upper limit for B/D = 0.75 and 1.0 and Fig. 8 indi-
relatively large values of shear strength ratio and also two cates similar behaviour for φ′ = 40° and B/D = 0.33, 0.5, and
additional sand thicknesses (B/D = 0.33 and B/D = 0.5) were 0.75. The depth of failure, h, in a deep, homogeneous, sand
considered. These data show a similar pattern to the φ′ = 32° layer may be estimated from data given by Mandel and
case, in which the bearing capacity ratio tends to reach a pla- Salençon (1972) to be given by B/h = 1.19 for φ′ = 32° and
teau value as the shear strength ratio is increased. The general 0.81 for φ′ = 40° (the first of these two values was obtained
pattern of these results is broadly in line with the kinematic from Mandel and Salençon s data by interpolation). This sug-
analysis solutions presented by Michalowski and Shi (1995) gests that, provided B/D < 1.19 for φ′ = 32° and B/D < 0.81 for
and Florkiewicz (1989). φ′ = 40°, the bearing capacity of the system for cases where
The effect of increasing the clay strength on the shape and failure is confined to the upper layer may be obtained using
size of the failure surface for the case where φ′ = 40° and B/D = 0.5 [14] in conjunction with Nγ. This condition is satisfied by all
is shown in Figs. 9a to 9c, which show the envelope of the plastic of the cases in Figs. 7 and 8 where the bearing capacity reaches
zone, obtained from the FLAC analyses, for values of shear a limiting value. For φ′ = 32° and 40°, Frydman and Burd
strength ratio of 4, 2, and 0.67. It is seen that for su/γD = 4, the (1997) showed that appropriate values of Nγ for a rough strip
failure zone is confined entirely to the sand layer, and for the footing are about 26 and 96, respectively. On this basis, upper
lower values of shear strength ratio, the failure zone extends limits of bearing capacity ratio of 13 and 48 would be ex-
into the clay. pected. The upper limits indicated in Figs. 7 and 8 for φ′ = 32°
Meyerhof (1974) suggested that for a two-layer system, for and 40° are seen to be reasonably consistent with these values.
the particular case when the failure mechanism is known to be Results obtained during this parametric study indicated
confined to the upper layer, the bearing capacity may be esti- that, for cases where failure is confined to the sand layer, the
mated from the expression: computed bearing capacity is generally highly sensitive to
changes in mesh topology. Figure 8, for example, shows that
[14] p = 0.5γ BN′γ the limiting bearing capacity ratios obtained for B/D = 0.33 and
where N′γ is a bearing capacity factor that depends, in general, 0.5 are close, but about 5% higher than the values obtained for
on the thickness, D, of the upper layer as well as the sand B/D = 0.75. This variability is associated with differences in the
friction angle. If D is greater than the depth, h, of the failure FLAC meshes used for the analyses. The meshes used for
mechanism for a homogeneous soil with properties equal to B/D = 0.5 and B/D = 0.75 both contained nine rows of ele-
those of the sand, then N′γ is set equal to the conventional ments within the sand layer, with the element size increasing
bearing capacity factor Nγ based on the friction angle of the with distance from the top of the mesh, as shown in Fig. 5 (for
upper layer. If D is less than h, however, then Meyerhof sug- B/D = 1). The portion of the mesh within the sand layer for
gested that appropriate values of N′γ for the case of a rough B/D = 0.75 was therefore finer than for B/D = 0.5, leading to
lower and presumably more accurate values of limiting bear- Fig. 9. Lower envelope of plastic zone, B/D = 0.5, φ′ = 40°, for (a)
ing capacity. The B/D = 0.33 mesh, however, contained 11 su/γD = 4; (b) su/γD = 2; and (c) su/γD = 0.67.
rows of elements within the sand and was designed so that the
arrangement of elements within the sand layer matched closely
that adopted for B/D = 0.5. As would be expected, the com-
puted limiting bearing capacities were similar. For cases where
the failure extends into the clay layer, the analysis was found
to be better conditioned and the solutions were less sensitive
to the precise form of the mesh.
The limiting values of bearing capacity ratio obtained by
Michalowski and Shi (1995) were approximately 11, 24, 60,
and 160 for friction angles of 30°, 35°, 40°, and 45°, respectively.
These limits correspond to the case where D ≥ h, and so the
values would be expected to be equal to 0.5Nγ. Data given by
Frydman and Burd (1997) suggest that appropriate values for
Nγ are 16.6, 40, 96, and 264. Michalowski and Shi s values for
the limiting bearing capacity ratio would, therefore, appear to
be unconservative, by a factor of between 20% and 30%.
line (i.e., at x = 0) is significantly less than the value of unity region below the footing edge where the shear stresses reach
that might be expected from a conventional bearing capacity a maximum. This suggests that the outward acting shear
analysis of the clay. This is consistent with the results plotted stresses developed beneath the footing tend to reduce the local
in Fig. 8, which suggest that, for this case, the failure mecha- bearing capacity of the clay, a feature of the system that is
nism is confined to the sand layer. For values of su/γD = 4, 1, discussed in detail by Houlsby et al. (1989). Figure 11 also
and 0.3, the failure surface is thought to extend into the clay, shows that as the shear strength ratio is reduced, the width over
and in these cases the value of η on the footing centre line is which appreciable vertical stresses are applied to the clay surface
equal to, or greater than, unity. This feature of behaviour tends to increase. This indicates that the sand layer becomes
would be expected (Madhav and Sharma 1991) as a conse- more effective in spreading the load applied by the footing as
quence of the general distribution of the normal stresses ap- the shear strength ratio is reduced and is consistent with the
plied to the clay. In all cases, Figs. 11 and 12 indicate that the general pattern shown in Fig. 10.
normal stresses tend to decay with distance from the footing It is clear from Fig. 12 that, for values of shear strength ratio
centre line, and that the greatest rate of decay occurs in the in excess of about 1, the distribution of shear stresses acting
Fig. 11. Normal stresses acting on clay surface. Fig. 13. Variation of normal stress beneath the footing.
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B footing width
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