Match Point Precision Bidding System Summary

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Match Point Precision

Bidding System

C. C. Wei &
Ron Anderson

No BID HCP Description Category

Artificial, any distribution, forcing.
1 1 ♣* 16 up forcing
Execpt a balanced hand with 22-23 HCP (see 2 NT opening)
2 1♦ 11-15 May hold as few as ONE ♦ limited
3 1 ♥/1♠ 11-15 At least a 5‐card suit limited
4 1NT 13-15 Balanced hand, no 4-card major limited
5 2♣ 11-15 Usually 6‐card suit with no 4‐card major limited
6 2♦ 11-15 Shortness in ♦ : 4‐4‐0‐5, 4‐4‐1‐4, 4‐3‐1‐5 or 3‐4‐1‐5 distribution limited
A good 6‐card suit. Most HCP in the suit, one suited hand.
7 2♥/2♠ 5-11 preempt
May have a 4‐card minor but never 4 cards in other major
8 2NT 22-23 Balanced hand limited
9 3♣/3♦ 9-11 A semi‐solid 7‐card suit with outside entry preempt
10 3♥/3♠ 8 up A semi‐solid 7‐card suit with outside entry preempt
11 3NT 12 up Solid 7‐card suit with an outside entry preempt
Solid 7 or 8‐card suit with or without an outside Ace or King.
12 4♣/4♦ 10 up preempt
(Michael Transfer, 4♣ transfer to 4♥ ; 4♦ transfer to 4♠ )
13 8 up An 8 or 9‐card broken suit, denies solid suit preempt


No BID HCP Description Category

Simple 1‐level overcall, a good 5‐card suit, lead directing.

1 7-15 natural
Overcall The weaker the hand the stronger the suit
Simple 2 or 3‐level overcall, a good 5‐card suit or longer.
2 11-15 natural
Overcall (Equilvalent to an opening bid)
Weak hand with reasonable suit.
3 0-10 No more than one outside control in high cards. preempt
(Equivalent to a preemptive opening hand)
Balanced hand with stopper in their suit.
4 1NT 16-18 natural
In the balancing seat 1 NT = 8 ‐12 HCP
Low Power Takeout, support for unbid suits.
5 Double* 11-15 takeout
Less support required as high card strength rises from minimum
High Power Takeout, showing strength by rebidding a new suit or NT or
6 Double* 16 up takeout
raising partnerʹs suit or cue‐bid.
Over a minor: both majors.
7 Cue Bid* 8-13 Over a major: other major and a minor. two suiter
At least 5‐5 in the two suits, at least 11 HCP if vulnerable
Jump to Unsual for the minors (at least 5‐5). Need no not be a jump if you are a
8 8-13 two suiter
2NT passed hand or opponentʹs bidding suggests a great strength
Over A Strong, Artificial Club Bids
9 Double* 0-12 Major suit takeout takeout
10 1NT 0-12 Minor suit takeout takeout
11 Pass 13 up Good balanced hand, bid later natural

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(A) Without Intervene

No BID HCP Description Category

1 1♦* 0-7 Weak hand negative

With at least a 5-card suit;
2 8 up forcing to game unless both hand are minimum and no fit is found with positive
3NT unplayable
3 1NT 8-13 Balanced hand, no 5-card major positive

4 2♥/2♠ 4-7 Good 6-card suit (mini-weak two-bid) constructive

5 2NT* 14 up Balanced hand, no 5-card major positive

4-4-4-1 or 1-4-4-4 distribution, singleton in ♣or ♠ suit.
6 3♣* 8 up Opener rebids : 3♦ = Which suit ?
Responder rebids : 3♥ = Singleton ♣; 3♠ = Singleton ♠
4-4-1-4 or 4-1-4-4 distribution, singleton in ♥ or ♦ suit.
7 3♦* 8 up Opener rebids : 3♥ = Which suit ?
Responder rebids : 3♠ = Singleton ♦; 3NT = Singleton ♥
3♥/3♠ 4-4-4-1 distribution with singleton in the next higher ranking suit.
8 12 up unusual
4♣/4♦* Promises at least 4 controls with slam interest
9 3NT* 10 up Solid 7-card suit with or without outside control positive

10 4♥/4♠ 2-7 Broken 8-card suit, strength concentrated in that suit constructive

(B) Intervene with a Double

1 Pass 0-5 Weak hand negative

2 XX* 8 up No specific distribution promised positive

3 1♦ 6-7 Tend to be a balanced hand without a reasonable 5-card suit constructive

1♥/1♠ At least a 5-card suit, non forcing. Other responses and rebids both by
4 3-7 natural
2♣/2♦ opener and responder are natural
(C) Intervene with a One-Level Overcall

1 pass 0-4 weak hand negative

2 X* 5-8 Low power, usually no 5-card suit takeout

3 X* 9 up High power, rebid show a new suit, game forcing takeout

4 suit 5-8 At least a 5-card suit, non forcing natural

5 1NT 6-8 Balanced hand, stopper in their suit non forcing

6 2NT 9-11 Balanced hand, at least one stopper in their suit non forcing

7 3NT 12-14 Balanced hand, usually two stopper in their suit non forcing

8 cue bid* 9 up Usually unbalanced hand and second round control in their suit strong
9 0-7 7-card suit, little or no outside strength natural

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     (D) Intervene with a Two-Level Overcall
1 pass 0-7 0-4 or 5-7 HCP with no suit worth free bid weak hand

2 x* 8 up Positive response positive

3 suit 3-7 At least 5-card suit, non forcing natural

4 2NT 7-9 Balanced hand, stopper in their suit, non forcing invitational

5 3NT 10-12 Balanced hand with their suit well stopped. No interest in majors natural

6 cue bid* 10 up Usually unbalanced hand and second round control in their suit strong

(E) Intervene with a Three-Level Overcall

1 pass 0-7 Weak hand negative

2 X* 8 up semi-unbalanced hand positive

3 3NT 8-12 Balanced hand with their suit well stopped natural

4 suit* 8 up At least a 5-card suit forcing

5 cue bid* 10 up Usually unbalanced hand, slam interest forcing

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No BID HCP Description Category
1 1♥/1♠* 16-21 May be 4-card suit with longer minor, or 4-4 in majors with more than 17 forcing
(a) Raises with 4-card support, 0-5 HCP.
(b) Jump raises with 4-card support, 6-7 HCP.
(c) Makes a mini splinter (4-5 HCP) or maxi splinter (6-7 HCP)
response with 4-card support and shortness in the bid suit.
(d) Bids 1♠ over 1♥ with 4 or more ♠s.
(e) Bids lNT with 0-5 HCP.
(f) Bids 2♣ (artificial) promising 6-7 HCP without 4 cards in
partnerts major.
(g) Bids 2♦ or 2♥ over 1♠ and 2♦ over 1♥ to show reasonable
5-card or longer suit, 6-7 HCP.
2 1 NT 16-19 Balanced hand; may include a weak 5-card minor. non forcing
Responder bids:
(a) 2♣ = Stayman

Opener's responses:
(1) 2♦ = 16-17 HCP; no major.
(2) 2♥ = 16-17 HCP; four ♥s. May have four ♠s.
(3) 2♠ = 16-17 HCP, four ♠s.
(4) 2NT = 18 HCP; no major.
(5) 3♣ = 18-19 HCP; with one or both majors. (3♦ asks for majors)
(6) 3♦ = 19 HCP; no major.

(b) 2♦ = Transfer to 2♥.

(c) 2♥ = Transfer to 2♠.
(d) 2♠ = Transfer to 3♣.
(e) 3♣ = Transfer to 3♦.
(f) 4♦ = Transfer to 4♥.
(g) 4♥ = Transfer to 4♠.
(h) 2NT = Minor Suit Stayman (Optional)
Natural; non-forcing, promises at least a 5-card suit; denies four cards in
3 2♣/2♦ 16-21 non forcing
either major.
Strong two-bid. Usually forcing to game.
2♥/2♠ Responder bids:
4 22 up forcing
3♣/3♦* (a) Next Suit = 2nd negative (0-4 HCP)
(b) All other responses = 5-7 HCP.
5 2NT 20-21 Balanced hand; may contain a weak 5-card minor. non forcing
Responder bids:
(a) 3♣ = Stayman.
(b) 3♦ = Transfer to 3♥.
(c) 3♥ = Transfer to 3♠.
(d) 3♠ = Transfer to 4♣.
(e) 4♣ = Transfer to 4♥.
(f) 4♥ = Transfer to 4♠.
(g) 4♠ = Minor suit Stayman.
6 3NT 25-26 Balanced hand; may contain a weak 5-card minor. non forcing
Responder blds:
(a) 4♣ = Gerber.
(b) 4♦ = Transfer to 4♥.
(c) 4♥ = Transfer to 4♠.
(d) 4♠ = Transfer to 5♣.
(e) 4NT = Quantitative raise.
(f) 5♣ = Transfer to 5♦

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No BID HCP Description Category

1 NT* 16 up Balanced hand; simple rebid in NT forcing

2 2NT* 16-18 Over 1♥ or l♠: 4-4-4-1 distribution; singleton in partner's major. forcing

3 3NT* 19-21 Over 1♥/1♠/2♣/2♦ : 4-4-4-1 distribution; singleton in partner's suit. forcing

4 New Suit 16 up 5-card or longer suit. (Optional Support Asking Bid) natural

Single Trump Suit Asking Bid.

5 16 up forcing
Raise (New suits bid after partner's response are Control Asking Bid)
6 16-19 4-card support unsuited for a Trump Asking Bid. non forcing
Double Splinter.
7 16-18 forcing
Jump Shift 4-card support. Singleton or votd in the suit bid.

8 Jump Shift 20 up Solid or semi-solid 6-card or longer suit with definite slam interest. non forcing

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No BID HCP Description Category

1 1NT* 8-13 Balancedhand NO 5-card major forcing

Opener Rebids:
(a) 2NT = 16 HCP, balanced, no 4-card major.
(b) 3NT = 17-19 HCP, balanced, no 4-card major.
(c) 2♦, 2♥, 2♠, 3♣ = Natural. (Optional Support Asking Bid)
(d) 2♦, 2♥, 2♠, 4♣= Natural. (Optional Suit Asking Bid)
(e) 2♣ = Asking for strength and distribution.
Responder rebids:
2♦ = 8-10 HCP, with 4-card ♥s. (May have 4-card ♠s)
2♥ = 8-10 HCP, with 4-card ♠s.
2♠ = 8-10 HCP, no 4-card major.
2NT = 11-13 HCP, 4-3-3-3 distribution.
(Opener rebids 3♣ to ask which 4-card suit; 3NT=4♣)
3♣ = 8-13 HCP, with four ♣s and another 4-card suit.
(Opener rebids 3♦ to ask which)
3♦ = 11-13 HCP; 4-card ♦s and 4-card ♥s.
3♥ = 11-13 HCP; 4-card in both majors.
3♠ = 11-13 HCP; 4-card ♠s and 4-card ♦s.
3NT = 11-13 HCP; bad 5-card minor.
Balanced hand, no 5-card major
Opener Rebids:
2 2NT* 14 up forcing
3♣ = Stayman
New Suit = Natural. (Optional Support Asking Bid)
3 3NT* 10 up Solid 7-card suit with or without outside control forcing

Opener rebids:
(a) 4♣ asks for outside controls (A=2, K=1)
Responder rebids:
(a) 4♦ = no outside control
(b) 4♥ = outside king.
(c) 4♠ = outslde ace or two kings.

Opener: adds one step asking for a singleton or vold.

Responder rebids:
(a) 1st step shows an unidentified void.
(b) All other responses show singleton.
(c) NT = Singleton in relay suit.

Next relay by opener asks which void if response is 1st step.

Responder bids void suit.

(b) 4♦ asks for identification of solid suit.

Responder then bids:
(a) 4♥ = hearts.
(b) 4♠ = spades.
(c) 4NT = diamonds.
(d) 5♣ = clubs.

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No BID HCP Description Category

1 1♥/1♠* 5 up At least a four-card suit, forcing forcing

2 1NT 6-10 No 4-card major, non-forcing non forcing

3 2♣* 10 up At least four clubs, forcing. forcing

4 2♦* 10 up At least 5-card support; forcing; denies 4-card major (inverted raise) forcing

Strong jump shift showing either an excellent long suit or a good diamond
5 2♥/2♠/3♣* 16 up forcing
fit and fine side suit

6 3♦ up to 9 Inverted raise weak hand at least 5-card good diamonds (Usually six) non forcing

7 3♥/3♠ up to 7 Pre-emptive; showing reasonable 7-card suit and a weak hand. non forcing

8 3NT 13-15 Balanced hand; no 4-card major. non forcing

Rebids by 1♦ Opener after the forcing response with a MINIMUM

1 raise 11-14 4-card support for partnerrs major. non forcing

2 1♠ 11-14 Bid 1♠ over 1♥ with at least 4-card ♠. non forcing

3 2♦ 11-14 Rebid good 5-card or 6-card ♦ suit non forcing

4 2♣ 11-14 Bid 2♣ with ♣ suit and unbalanced hand. non forcing

5 NT 11-14 Rebid minimum number of NT with balanced hand non forcing

Rebids by 1♦ Opener after the forcing response with a MAXIMUM

1 14-15 4-card support for partner's major. non forcing

2 Reverse 14-15 Show 2nd higher-ranking suit. non forcing

3 14-15 With 5-5 distribufion or better. non forcing
Jump in
4 14-15 With good ♦ suit and stoppers non forcing

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No BID HCP Description Category

1 1NT* 5-11 Balanced hand; mild support for opener's suit or unbalanced with insuffi- forcing
cient HCP to justify 2/1 response.

Opener with a minimum (11-14 HCP):

(a) Rebids six-card or longer suit.
(b) Bids a lower ranking 4-card suit
(c) Bids 3-card minor lacking (a) or (b).

Opener with a maximum (14+-15 HCP)

(a) Jump rebids good 6-card or longer suit.
(b) Jumps in second suit of at least 5-cards.
(c) Raises to 2NT (usualy 5-3-3-2 distributlon and 15 HCP)

(New suits by responder after partner's rebids are non-forclng and

should usually be passed)

2 2♥/2♠ 6-10 At least three-card support. non forcing

3 2NT* 16 up Reasonable fit for partner's sult; forcing

Suggests balanced hand with possible slam interest

Opener rebids:
(a) His own suit with at least a 6-card suit.
(b) 3NT wlth 5-3-3-2 distribution. (11-13)
(c) 4NT with 5-3-3-2 distribution. (14-15)
(d) A 4-card side suit with 5-4 distribution.
(e) Jumps in second suit with at least 5-5 or beter distribution.

If over opener's response responder makes a relay (by adding one step)
the opener bids:
1st step = Minimum (11-13) opening bid.
2nd step = Maximum (14-15) opening bid.

4 3♥/3♠ 11-12 Limit raise (no more than 11 HCP), with Q x x or better support non forcing

5 3NT 12-15 Balanced hand with 4-card support non forcing

Double Splinter.
6 Jump 12 up Singleton or void in suit bid; forcing
Shift* 4-card or longer support for partner's suit

7 4♥/4♠ up to 11 Distributional hand; 4-card support and NO interest in slam non forcing

New At least a 4-card suit

8 10 up forcing
Suit* except 2♥ over 1♠ which promises at least 5-card ♥s. (1♠/1♥ = 6 HCP up)

Jump Usually either self-sufficient suit or good side suit with fit for partner's suit.
9 16 up forcing
Shift* Good controls, slam interest.

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No BID HCP Description Category

     (A) intervene with a Double

1 Raise up to 10 3-card support (5-card support for 1♦) natural

2 up to 10 4-card support (5-card support for 1♦) natural
to 3
3 up to 10 5-card support or 4-card with a good side suit natural
to 4

4 1 NT 6-9 Balanced hand, scattered values, denies 3-card support for partner's major. natural

Constructive limit raise in partner's suit. Over 1♦ double, promises the

5 2 NT* 10-12 forcing
values for an inverted raise

6 xx* 10 up No specific distribution. May be penalty oriented forcing

7 New Suit 4-9 Weak; in general without possibllity of playing in opener's suit weak

8 up to 9 Pre-emptive preempt

     (B) intervene with an Overcall

1 Raise 5-10 3-card support (5-card support for 1♦) natural

2 5-10 3-card support (5-card support for 1♦) natural
to 3
3 5-10 4-card support (5-card support for 1♦) natural
to 4

4 1NT 8-10 Balanced, with stopper in their suit natural

5 2NT 11-12 Balanced, with stoppers in their suit. Invitational natural

Game force. (Game try by passed hand with a good fit for partner's suit
6 Cue Bid* 13 up natural
and 10-11 HCP.)
7 up to 7 Pre-emptive preempt

8 x* 7-11 Low Power Negative Double forcing

9 x* 12 up High Power Negative Double (followed by rebid of a new suit or cue-bid) forcing

Depending on vulnerability and level.

10 New Suit 5-10 natural
At least a 5-card suit.

     (C) intervene with a 1NT Overcall

Only strong response.
1 x 10 up strong
All other bids are natural and non-forcing.

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No BID HCP Description Category

1 2♣* 10 up Asks for size and distribution. forcing
Opener rebids: Responder
(1) 2♦=13 HCP Over 2♦:2♥ = ask for specific distribution
Over 2♥ :
(a) 2♠ = 3-2-4-4 distribution
(b) 2NT = 3-3-4-3 or 3-3-3-4 distribution
Over 2NT : 3♣ = ask for 4-card suit
Over 3♣:
3♦ = 4-card ♦
3NT= 4-card ♣
(c) 3♣ = 5-card ♣ Over 3♣: 3♦ = ask for doubleton
Over 3♦:
3♥ = doubleton ♥
3♠ = doubleton ♠
3NT= doubleton ♦
(d) 3♦ = 5-card ♦ Over 3♦: 3♥ = ask for doubleton
Over 3♥:
3♠ = doubleton ♠
3NT= doubleto n ♥
(e) 3♥ = 2-3-4-4 distribution

(2) 2♥ = 14-15 HCP with 5-card minor

Over 2♥: 2♠ = ask for 5-card suit
Over 2♠:
(a) 2NT= 5-card ♣ Over 2NT: 3♣ = ask for doubleton
Over 3♣:
3♦= doubleton ♦
3♥= doubleton ♥
3♠ = doubleton ♠
(b) 3♣ = 5-card ♦ Over 3♣: 3♦ = ask for doubleton
Over 3♦:
3♥= doubleton ♥
3♠ = doubleton ♠
3NT = doubleton ♦

(3) 2♠ = 14-15 HCP without 5-card minor

Over 2♠ : 2NT ask for specific
Over 2NT:
3♣ = 3-3-3-4 distribution
3♦ = 3-3-4-3 distribution
3♥ = 2-3-4-4 distribution
3♠ = 3-2-4-4 distribution
2 2♦ 10 up Transfer to 2♥ transfer

3 2♥ 10 up Transfer to 2♠ transfer

4 2♠ 10 up Transfer to 3♣ transfer

5 2NT 10 up Minor suit Stayman Stayman

6 3♣ 10 up Transfer to 3♦ transfer
4-l-4-4 distribution; Game Force with slam interest.
7 3♦* 10 up Opener now may bid 3♥ (responder short suit) asking for controls forcing
Responder shows controls as follows: 3♠ = 4; 3NT = 5; 4♣ = 6..etc

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1-4-4-4 distribution; slam interest.
8 3♥* 10 up Opener now may bid 3♠ (responder short suit) asking for controls forcing
Responder shows controls as follows: 3NT = 4; 4♣ = 5; 4♦ = 6..etc
9 3♠* 10 up 4-4-1-4 or 4-4-4-1 Game Force with slam interest. forcing
Opener now may bid 4♣ asking for Singleton
Responder bids :
4♦ = Singleton ♦; 4♥ = Singleton ♣
Opener may then ask for controls by bidding the next Suit
Responder responses by step : 1st = 4 controls .. etc

With minimum notrump or hand unsuited for slam in light of responder's

distribution, opener may sign off in 3NT.
If the opener sign off and responder wishes in spite of partner's warning,
he bids:
Opener: Responder:
1NT 3♦, 3♥, 3♠
3NT 4♣ = major suit singleton
4♦ = Singleton ♦
4♥= Singleton ♣
Next Suit : ask for controls 1st step = 6 ; 2nd step = 7...etc
10 4♠ 10 up Gerber Gerber

11 4♦ 10 up Transfer to 4♥ transfer

12 4♥ 10 up Transfer to 4♠ transfer

When Opponent compete over 1NT with a Double

Responder with 8+ HCP bids:
(a) Redouble shows the balance od strength.
Invites partner to double any suit
(b) 2♣ = Asks for better major or 5-card ♦ suit.
(c) 2♦/2♥/2♠/3♣ = Transfer to next higher ranking suit.
(d) 2NT = Asks partner to bid his best minor.
(e) Pass = Forces partner to redouble.

When Opponent compete over 1NT with an Overcall

2 Responder with 8+ HCP bids:
(a) Double = For penalty.
(b) Bids Suit at the 2-level = non-forciug.
(c) Bids 2NT = Conventional;
demands partner bid 3♣ permitting you to select final contract.
(d) Bids New Suit at the 3-level = forcing.
(e) When overcall is artificial, a cue-bid of one of their implied suits
shows stopper and values to bid 2NT

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No BID HCP Description Category

1 2♦* 10 up Conventional relay. relay
Opener bids: Responder bids:
(a) 2♥ = Minimum (11-13 HCP) 2♠/2♥ = asks for stopper
(a) 2NT= 2 suit stopped 3♣/2NT = ask which suit ?
3♦ = ♦ & ♥ stopper
3♥ = ♥ & ♠ stopper
3♠ = ♠ & ♦ stopper
(b) 3♣ = 1 suit stopped 3♦/3♣ = ask which suit ?
3♥ = ♥ stopper
3♠ = ♠ stopper
3NT= ♦ stopper
(b) 2♠ = Maximum (14-15 HCP)
with one outside suit stopped 2NT/2♠ = asks which suit ?
3♦ = ♦ stopper
3♥ = ♥ stopper
3♠ = ♠ stopper

(c) 2NT = Maximum (14-15 HCP)

with two outside suit stopped 3♣/2NT = ask which suit ?
3♦ = ♦ & ♥ stopper
3♥ = ♥ & ♠ stopper
3♠ = ♠ & ♦ stopper

(d) 3♦/3♥/3♠ = Solid ♣ suit and feature in suit bid.

After partner’s response to the 2♦ inquiry, if responder introduces a major

suit at the three level it is forcing showing a reasonable 5-card suit.
The opener should then:
(a) Raise with a minimum and fit
(b) Cue-bid, ifposible, with a amximum and fit
(c) Bid 3NT without a fit
(d) Bid 4♣ with a hand totally unsuited for NT

A jump to 4♣ over partner's response to the 2♦ inquiry, is Trump Asking

Bid requesting opener to define his exact ♣ holding
Opener bid conventionally:
4♦ = 5-card ♣ suit headed by 1 top honor
4♥ = 5-card ♣ suit headed by 2 top honors
4♠ = 5-card or 6-card ♣ suit headed by 1 top honor
4NT= 6-card ♣ suit headed by 1 top honor
5♣ = 6-card ♣ suit headed by 2 top honors
5♦ = 7-card or 6-card ♣ suit headed by 1 top honor
5♥ = 7-card or 6-card ♣ suit headed by 2 top honors

Optionally, after opener’s response a new suit by responder is CAB

2 2♥/2♠ 8-10 Non-forcing, 5-card suit natural

3 3♣/4♣ 8-10 Preemptive raise, weak hand with good support preempt

4 3♦/3♥/3♠* 10 up Game force showing a 6-card suit. forcing

5 2NT 11-12 Natural and invitational natural

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No BID HCP Description Category

1 Pass At least 6-card ♦ suit; not fit for any of partner's suit weak hand

2 2♥/2♠/3♣ Sign off sign off

3 2NT* 10 up Conventional relay. forcing
Opener bids:
(a) 3♣ = 3-4-1-5 distribution.
(b) 3♦ = 4-3-1-5 distribution.
(c) 3♥ = 4-3-1-5 dist. and minimum (11-13 HCP)
(d) 3♠ = 4-4-1-4 dist. and maximum (14-15 HCP)
(e) 3NT = 4-4-1-4 dist. with singleton A or K ♦ honor and a maximum.
(f) 4♣ = 4-4-0-5 distribution and minimum
(g) 4♦ = 4-4-0-5 distribution and maximum
4NT/4♦ = Ask for controls
1 step = 0-2 controls,
2 step = 3 controls, etc.

All subsequent ♦ rebids by responder ask for controls.

1 step = 0-2 controls,
2 step = 3 controls, etc.
4 3♥/3♠/4♣ 11-12 Natural and invitational natural

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No BID HCP Description Category
1 Defensive , not an encouragement to game defensive
2 May be preemptive, may be based on good values preempt
3 New Suit* Invites support and is forcing for one round forcing
Ask the opener name any singleton or void
4 2NT* 16 up forcing
Opener raises to 3NT to show a solid 6-card suit (AKQxxxx or better)

No BID HCP Description Category
1 3♦* Conventional, asking for opener’s outside entry forcing
Opener rebids:
3♥ = ♥ entry
3♠ = ♠ entry
3NT = ♦ entry
At least a good 5-card suit
2 3♥/3♠* forcing
Opener is invited to raise on Jx or xxx support
3 4♣ preemptive preempt
4 4♦* Ask opener to show a short suit forcing
Opener rebids:
4♥ = ♥ shortness
4♠ = ♠ shortness
4NT = ♦ shortness
5 4♥/4♠ Sign Off sign off
6 5♣ May be either preemptive or with game going value unsuited for 3NT preempt


No BID HCP Description Category
1 4♣ Ask opener to pass with ♣ suit or correct to 4♦ with a ♦ suit non forcing
2 4♦ Conventional, asking for opener’s shortness forcing
Opener rebids:
4♥ = ♥ shortness (singleton or void)
4♠ = ♠ shortness (singleton or void)
4NT = ♦ shortness in other minor
Next suit or NT by responder ask the singleton or void
Opener rebids:
1 step = singleton
2 step = void
3 4♥/4♠ sign off sign off
4 4NT* Ask the quality of opener’s suit forcing
Opener rebids:
5♣ = 1 of 3 top honors
5♦ = 2 of 3 top honors
After opener’s response, new suit by responder ask for shortness in suit bid
1 step = no control
2 step = singleton
3 step = void

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After 1♣ opening and positive response in suit, opener's direct single raise of partner's suit requests responder to define
his trump holding:

Responder rebids conventionally by steps:

1 step : 5-card suit or longer, lacking of A, K or Q
2 step : 5-card suit headed by A, K or Q
3 step : 5-card suit headed by 2 of 3 top honors (AK, AQ or KQ)
4 step : 6-card suit headed by 1 top honor (A, K or Q)
5 step : 6-card suit headed by 2 of 3 top honors (AK, AQ or KQ)
6 step : 5-card suit or longer headed by 3 top honors (AKQ)

Note : With extremely distributional 6-5 hand responder may disregard the asking bid and jump shift in his second suit.
Opener may re-ask over jump shift by bidding responder's first suit


After a trump-suit asking-bid, a new suit by opener is Control Asking Bid

(or a jump new suit after a trump suit has been agreed)

Responder shows holding in asked suit by step rebids:

1 step : no control (three low card)
2 step : 3rd round control (doubleton or Q)
3 step : 2nd round control (singleton or K)
4 step : 1st round control (void or A)
5 step : 1st and 2nd round control (AK or AQ)

Note : New suit by opener after responder's answer are CAB with the same responses


After 1♣ opening and positive response, opener's bid of a new suit (at least five-cards) is support-asking.
It requests partner to define his holding in support of opener's suit.

Responder rebids conventionally by steps to show support and number of controls

1 step : Bad support (Jxx); Few controls (3 or less)
2 step : Bad support; Good controls (4 or more)
3 step : Good support (Qxx or better); Few controls
4 step : Good support; Good controls
5 step : 4-card support (Jxxx); Good controls
Number of controls : A=2, K=1
Note : Any responder's bid of more than 5 steps is natural, showing 2-suited hand (5-5 or better) with 4 or more

Match Point Precision Bidding System Summary page 15

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