Definitive Guide To Acing German Pronunciation

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German pronunciation guide

1. Consonants

Note: German consonants B, F, G, K, L, M, N, P, T and X sound exactly the same as their English
counterparts, hence those are not included here to keep this guide compact.

Consonant Sounds like Examples

b, at the end of a word P gelb (yellow), taub (deaf), halb (half)

c, before ä, e, i & ö ts in cats circa (approximately)

c, in other cases k Creme (cream)

Note: c words aren’t very common
in German

d, at the start / middle of d in day dunkel (dark), Ding (thing), laden (load)
a word

d, at the end of a word T Abend (evening), Wald (forest),

Freund (friend)

g, at the end of a word K Tag (day)

Pronounced, when it begins a word Herz (heart), Hals (neck), heute (today)

Pronounced, when it falls in the Bahnhof (station), namhaft (well-known),

middle of a word, with a consonant Vorhof (front yard)
h preceding it

Silent, when it is preceded by a sehen (to see), sehr (very), fahren (to
vowel (this is used to indicate that drive/ go), wohnen (to live), Ruhe
the vowel is long) (silence)

(mostly) y as in yes Ja (yes), Josef, Johann, Jacke (jacket)

Exception: In English words Jeans, Job, joggen (to jog)

imported into German, ‘J’ sounds
j exactly the same as in English

Exception: In French words Journalist, Journal (journal), Jargon

imported into German, the j
sounds like ‘si’ in vision

qu* kv Qual (distress), Quittung (receipt),

bequem (comfortable)
* q words in German are
followed by U (always)

Mostly used when there is an ‘-er’ Bruder (brother), Schwester (sister),

at the end of German words. Mutter (mother), Vater (father)

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It is also used when the ‘r’ is the Tür (door), Uhr (clock), mehr (more), vier
last letter in a word, and follows (four), Bier (beer), Chor (chorus)
after a long vowel.
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r, Vocalic
Also used when the 'r' follows a Pferd (horse), Herd (cooker), spürte (felt),
(pronounced as a ‘vowel’, long vowel but precedes another führte (led)
not as a consonant) consonant.
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Used with prefixes er-, ver-, zer- erlauben (to allow) , vergessen (to
and her- forget), zerstören (to destroy),
hereinkommen (to come in)

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YouTube lesson

r, Consonantal Has no English equivalent, is YouTube lesson

produced in the throat.

at the start of a word, like z as in Sie (you), sagen (to say)

at the end of a word, like the Reis (rice), Preis (price), Glas (glass)
English s

(mostly) f as in fox Vorname (first name), vier (4),

v Exception: In words borrowed November, aktiv
from English, the ‘v’ sounds same
as in English

w v wie (how), wo (where), Wagen (car)

the German ü typisch, Physik, Gymnasium

Exception: y at the start or end of Yoga, Party, Hobby, Handy (mobile

y words imported from English is phone)
pronounced exactly as you’d
pronounce them in English

z ts as in its Zeit (time), Zahn (tooth), Salz (salt), Zug

(train), Herz (heart)

2. Multiple consonants together

Letter combination Sounds like Examples
tsch CH as in chair Deutsch (German), tschüss (bye),
rutschen (to slip)

sch SH as in shoe Schumacher, schreiben (to write),

schwimmen (to swim)

st / sp SHT / SHP Sprechen (to speak), spielen (to play),

studieren (to study at a University),
stehen (to stand)

s in sea

written as ‘ß’ after a dipthong heißen (to be called), dreißig (30)

Written as ‘ß’ after long vowels Spaß (fun), Fuß (foot)

ß /ss
Written as ‘SS’ after a short vowel Wissen (knowledge), Schloss (castle)

Note: both ß and SS sound exactly

the same

pf ‘p’ and ‘f’ are sounded together Pferd (horse), Kopf (head)

ck k as in thick wecken (to wake), schmecken (to taste),

zurück (back)

(i) ach (oh!), Bach (stream), Krach (noise),

Loch (hole), Tochter (daughter), mochte
‘ch’ after a-, o-, u, and au-, a hard (liked), Buch (book), Tuch (cloth), Bauch
‘ch’ sound (stomach), Rauch (smoke)

-no English equivalent exists- Listen

(ii) Blech (tin), Stich (sting), Bäche (streams),
möchte (would like), Bücher (books), euch
In the rest of the cases, namely, (you (informal)), Bräuche (customs),
‘ch’ after 'e', 'ä', 'i', 'ei', 'eu', 'äu', Dolch (dagger), Mönch (monk), Storch
'ö', and ü or after a consonant, a (stork)
soft ch sound
-no English sound exists- Listen

Exception: In words imported Chaos, Checken (to check)

from English, the ‘ch’ sounds
exactly the same as how an English
speaker would pronounce it

Exception: In words imported from Chef (boss), Chance, Chauvinist

French, the ‘ch’ sounds like ‘sch’

-ig suffix sounds exactly like ch in case (ii) richtig (correct), Honig (honey), lustig
above (funny), traurig (sad), eilig
(hurried), fertig (finished)


th the t is sounded, while the h is Theater (theatre), Thema (theme),

silent Theorie (theory), sympathisch
(pleasant), Apotheke (chemist's),
Mathematik (mathematics), Methode
(method), Athlet (athlete), Psychopath


the suffix -tion TSEE-ohn Nation, Information

3. Vowels

Vowel Sounds like Examples

long: a in father fragen (to ask), sagen (to say), arbeiten
(to work), Saal (hall), haben (to have)
short: u in cut Katze (cat), kalt (cold), alt (old), Salz (salt)

long: a in say Lesen (to read), gehen (to go), leben (to

e live), Regen (rain)

short: e in Bed Geld (money), Bett (bed)

long: ee Termin (appointment)

short: i as in bit mit (with), bitte (please)

o long: aw sound as in call oder (or), rot (red), tot (dead)

short: o as in hot Gott (God), blond (blonde)

long: oo in moon anrufen (to call), Blut (blood)

short: oo in foot rund (around), Hund (dog), Lust (desire)

Like a in day spät (late), Universität (university),

ä Mädchen (young girl)

like e in bed Länder (countries), Männer (men)

OE (sounds like ayo) schön (beautiful), Löwe (lion)

OE (sounds like ayo but shorter) Öffnung (opening) , Möbel (furniture)

UE long sound für (for), müde (tired)

UE short sound Über (over), Tür (door)

4. Dipthongs (combination of two vowel sounds)

Dipthong Sounds like Examples

EYE Mai (May), Hai (shark), Nein (no), mein
ai / ei
(my), klein (small), Wein (wine)

EE Wie (how), Wien (Vienna), liegen (to lie,

in bed for example)

OU as in foul Auch (also), auf (on, at), aus (from),

genau (exactly)

eu/ äu OY as in toy neun (nine), Fräulein (Miss)

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