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1. Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction to Business Analyst
1.2 Business(Clients) approaches
1.3 IT Company’s Business Areas
1.4 Client Server Architecture
1.5 IT Company’s Hierarchy
2. Software Development Life Cycle
2.1 Defining SDLC Model
2.2S SDLC Phase 1 - Initiation
2.3 SDLC Phase 2 - Planning & Resource Allocation
2.4 SDLC Phase 3 - Requirement Gathering
2.5 SDLC Phase 4 – Development
2.6 SDLC Phase 5 – Testing
2.7 SDLC Phase 6 – User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
2.8 SDLC Phase 7 – GO LIVE / Production
3. Software Development Life Cycle Methodologies
3.1 Project Type
3.2 Waterfall Model
3.3 Agile/Scrum
4. Unified Modeling Language
4.1 UML Diagram
4.2 Flowchart/Activity Diagram
4.2.1 Flowchart Notation & Diagram
4.2.2 Activity Notation & Diagram
Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction to Business Analyst

A Business Analyst is someone who analyzes an organization or business domain and
documents its business or processes or systems, assessing the business model or its
integration with technology. The role of a business analyst can also be defined as a bridge
between the business problems and the technology solutions.

1.2 Business(Clients) approaches IT Company for 3 reasons

Existing Bussiness Change in Existing System New Business

Automation Implementation Process

These above approaches are performed by 2 methods

Online Offline

1. Website 1. Software
(It consists of Static & Dynamic Pages) (It is a collection of data or computer
Instruction that tell the computer
2. Web Applications how to work)
(A Web application is a computer Program
That utilizes web browsers and web technology 2. Mobile Applications
to perform tasks over the internet)

3. Mobile Applications
(A mobile application, most commonly referred
As an app, is a type of application software
Designed to run on a mobile device, such as a
smartphone or tablet computer)
1.3 IT Company’s Business Areas
IT Companies are mainly divided into two areas
 Product Based IT Company
 Service Based IT Company
A Company can be Product Based or Service Based or Both

IT Companies

Product Based Service Based

Product Based Company Gives Solution Service Based Company gives Solution
in terms of Development in terms of Services
A ready product which company decides A Company which gives Services to
to launch or resale in market various clients in various ways
Described as below

1. Software (S/W) 1. Maintenance & Support

(i) FREE Support
(ii) AMC (Annual Maintenance Cost)

2. Mobile Applications 2. Development : A immediate request

For a product & Not resale

3. Web Development 3. Testing : Testing as a service can be

(i) Web Application done by other company
(ii) Website
4. Consulting
(i) Business Consulting
(ii) IT Consulting

5. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

6. Migration
1.4 Client Server Architecture

a. Request given by the user to the server and server response to it, it’s called
b. If request given by the user to the server and server does not response to it, it’s
called A Synchronization.
1.5 IT Company’s Hierarchy
Business /

HR Accounts/ Presale/ System/ Project

Finance Marketing Network Admin Manager

Hirarchy of generalized IT Company

 Management: Management team is responsible in all the major decision to be taken in the
organization like approving or rejecting project, financial decision, Negotiation etc.

 Human Resource : HR takes care of Recruitment process, employee benefits, employee

resignation and support

 Accounts/Finance : Accounts will take care of financial transaction in the company like clients
payments, payment reminders, employee salary calculation and monthly salary
disbursement, Vendor Payments

 Presales/Marketing : This team is responsible for marketing and showcasing the product of
the company in the market, meeting clients demonstrating the product and its features

 System/Network Admin : This team is responsible for handling network , server connections,
network load etc

 Project Management : This team is a group of various members/departments which is

allocated to take charge of the product in various manner described in the following figure
Project Team

Project Manager

Team Leader Quality Analyst Database Admin Support Admin

Dev 1 Dev3 Test 1 Test 3 DB 1 DB 3 SA 1 SP 3

Dev 2 Test 2 DB 2 SP 2

Development Team Testing Team Database Team Support Team

Chapter 2

2.1 Software Development Life Cycle

SDLC is a process followed for a software project, within a software organization. It consists of a
detailed plan describing how to develop, maintain, replace and alter or enhance specific software.
The life cycle defines a methodology for improving the quality of software and the
overall development process.

The Process is followed in 7 Phases described as below

1.Initiation Phase

2.Planning &
Go Live/Production Resource

User Acceptance Requirment

Testing (UAT) Gathering

Testing Development
2.2 Initiation Phase

4.Request 3.Gives
for SOW ABC Business MOM 2.Explaining
Team Existing
7.Gives Business
Profit % ECR
Sales / 9.SOW +
8. Business
Pre-sales SLA + Profit
SOW + SLA + Team
5.Gives Profit %
Project SOW
Manager 6.Gives 10.SOW +
Profit %

Next Phase Starts
Planning & Resource

SOW (Scope/Statement of Work) SLA(Service Level Agreement)

A. Project Estimation A. Payment Terms/Currencies/Rate
a. Time
b. Cost B. FREE Support & AMC
c. Resource
C. Licensing / Copyright of Product
B. Deliverables
Which modules are to be delivered is D. Change cost if any CR arrives in the
mentioned in deliverables product

C. Platform, H/W & S/W requirements and E. NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement)


Note : MOM (Minutes of Meetings)

2.3 Planning & Resource Allocation
After getting Client sign-off, a project manager will be appointed by the Business Team of the
company. Project Manager then allocated the Entire Project Team i.e Developers, Testers, Database
Team, Support Team & Business Analyst.

ABC Technology
Project Manager Project Team
Business Team

Allocates Allocates

Once the Project Team is set , Project Kick-Off meeting takes place

Agenda Of this Meeting is as below

 To introduce Project Team and Client Stack Holders

 Each Party Introduces its POC (Point of contact) who would be coordinating with each other.
 To Set Project Expectations
 To Set Project Schedule
 Projects Planning etc

Post the Kick-off meeting Major Role of a Business Analyst Comes in to picture i.e Requirement
Gathering Which is also the 3rd Phase of SDLC

In this Phase Business Analyst Understand the Complete AS-IS Business of the Client in two major

1. High Level Requirement Gathering

2. Low Level Requirement Gathering
2.4 Requirement Gathering
Requirement Gathering

High Level Requirement Gathering Low Level Requirement Gathering

Business Technical Business Technical

Requirement Requirement Requirement Requirement

Business Team Business Analyst Subject Matter Expert Start Development

Of Client (UI Screen/Prototype) (SME) of Client Actual Product

BRD (Business Requirement Document) SRS (Software Requirement Specification)

Steps of Requirement Gathering

1. Understand AS-IS Business of Client : AS-IS Business is nothing but Understanding the Existing
Business/Features of the Client
2. GAP Analysis : Here the Gap need to be identified by the Business Analyst between the Existing
Business and To be Business which is to be designed for the client
3. Change Request Form(CR Form) : Check Feasibility & Fill Change Request Form in case of change
4. Define TO-BE System : After Understanding the AS-IS Business and GAP Analysis, Proposed solution
given is the TO-BE Solution
a. In High Level It is the UI Screen/Prototypes
b. In Low Level Business It is the Actual Delivery of Product

Post Requirement Gathering SRS Meeting Review Takes Place. It is done with the Project Team to
identify the GAP in the requirement Gathering (If Any) & Also to design the workflow of the project

If all goes well Development of the Project begins and so as the Next Phase of SDLC
2.5 Development
In this phase the Developer converts the system designed prototypes into various modules. In
development the Actual Development of the product takes place as the TO-BE System is Documented

Dev 1 Dev 2 Dev 3

Mod 1 Mod 2 Mod 3

Various Modules are divided in to various Developers to Develop the product. At the end of this phase, the
product will enter the Testing Phase. During this phase BA will Prepare Test Case Document.

2.6 Testing
In this phase Tester tests the product, Its functionality under all conditions so that incase if any defect or
bug is found it can be fixed and can be prove that the system meets all the requirements like performance,
security etc.

There are various Bugs which are identifies during this face which are bifurcated in 3 Priorities
1. High Priority/Critical/Show stopper
2. Medium Priority
3. Low Priority

Priorities are defined by the tester based on the impact on the main flow of the product

During Testers are testing the product BA will make User Manuals & User Training Manual

At the End of Testing Phase Sign Off Takes place by 2 variants

1. Internal testing Team Signoff
2. BA Sign Off : As requirement gathering is done by BA hence he also need to test the product, if all goes
well then product is good to go to the next phase User Acceptance Testing(UAT)
2.7 User Acceptance Testing
User Acceptance testing is performed by the client to verify the system as the requirement that was
discussed during the Requirement Gathering, If it is good to go then Client will give a sign off if not then
will raise the bug & give priority based testing again it will go to development ˃Testing ˃ Supp Test ˃ BA
Testing ˃ Deployment

2.8 Go Live/Production

In this phase final product is delivered to the client, during this phase Live Support is given to client.

If during LIVE Deployment issue is raised then the production server is backed up & restored on rest 3
server to create the same environment to analyze which phase it’s not functioning accordingly it is rectified

Post-handover of the product FREE Support is been provided to the client for a limited period of time to
solve any technical or functional bug are identified

Post the Limited support based the contract as the bugs end or lowers to minimal or tenure completed the
Final Closure of the Product if done.
Chapter 3

3 Software Development Life Cycle Methodologies

3.1 Let us Understand the project type to start with

A. Known
Bussiness New Business
Main Application /
Applications System

Existing Process
Project Type
New Business
A. Clear
Changes/ requuirment
Customizatiom B. Scope Known But
Technical Requirment

3.2 SDLC Methodologies


Waterfall Spiral V-Model Agile

Scrum Kanban
3.2 Waterfall Model
Waterfall Model is also known as the Traditional Approach or Top-Down Approach. This method is majorly
used when the Requirement is clear from both the ends i.e Client and Company. In a Waterfall model,
each phase must be completed before the next phase can begin and there is no overlapping in the phases


Planning &
Resourse Allocation




User Acceptance


Advantages & Disadvantages of Waterfall Model

Advantages Disadvantages
 Simple &easy to understand and use  You cannot go back a step, if the design
 Easy to use due to rigidity of the model phase has gone wrong, things can get
 Phases are processed and completed one very complicated in the implementation
at a time phase
 Works well for smaller project where  High amount of risk and uncertainty
requirements are very well understood  Not a good model for complex and
object-oriented projects where
requirement are at a moderate to high
risk of changes
 Poor model for long and on-going
3.3 Agile/SCRUM
(Iterative Approach & Incremental Delivery)

Client Product Business

Owner analyst
Requirement (high level) to BA

Product Backlog
BA Convert the
User Story -----1 requirement to
User Story -----2 user story as a PB
User Story -----3
User Story -----4
User Story -----5
User Story ---n--- Product Backlog referred
by Scrum Master Scrum
(All Requirements) Master

Cross Functional team will develop with the help of SB’s As per priority Product Backlog
CFT are Developer, Tester, Database team, Supporter into Sprint Backlog

i.e. User Story Format :- As a “ User ” I can “USE CASE 1” So that I can “USE CASE 2”

For example : - As an “End User” I can “Registration” So that I can “Login”

* Each Sprint Backlog Development time bond is within 15 to 30 Days

* Daily stand up meeting (15 to 30 min) with scrum masters, product owner, CFT, client & BA

* Questioned asked in Daily Meetings

1. What we have done today ?
2. What Challenges we faced ?
3. What is plan for tomorrow ?
15-30 Days 15-30 Days 15-30 Days
Sprint 0 Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint 3

Sprint Backlog Sprint Backlog Sprint Backlog Sprint Backlog

Planning User Story -----1 User Story -----3 User Story-----5

User Story -----2 User Story -----4 User Story-----6
User Story-----n

Desig Desig Desig Desig

plan n
n Plan

Depl Deve Depl Deve Depl Deve Depl Deve

oy lop oy lop oy lop oy lop
Test Test Test Test
ung ung ung ung

Iteration 0 Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3

Incremental Delivery & Iterative Approach

IT I. Planning and I. Develop SB 1 i. Deliver SB 1 i. Deliver SB 2

Team gathering ii. Gathering ii. Develop SB 2 ii. Develop SB 3.
Requirement Requirement for SB 2 iii. Gathering iii. Gathering
for SB 1 Requirement for SB 3 Requirement for SB 4
Client i. Approve i. Approve Requirement i. Approve requirement i. Approve requirement
Team Requirement of of SB2 SB3 SB4
SB1 ii. Receive Delivery of ii. Receive Delivery of ii. Receive Delivery of
iii. UAT of SB 1 iii. UAT of SB 2
Chapter 4

4.1 Unifies Modeling Language (UML)


Structural Behavioural
Requirment Requirment

* UUI/UX All Mouse Keyboard

Static Data
Requirment Clicks Input Events

H/W,S/W,D/B Security
Requirment Requirment

Third Party License

Intergration Requirment

The Unified Modeling Language is a general-purpose, developmental, modeling language in the field
of software engineering, that is intended to provide a standard way to visualize the design of a

There are two broad categories of diagram and they are divided into Subcategories

 Structural : The Structural diagrams represents the static aspect of the system. There are 2
structural majorly used diagrams
o Class Diagram
o E-R Diagram (Entity Relationship)
 Behavioral Diagram : The Behavioral diagram represents the dynamic aspect of the system, it
can be also said as the changing/moving part of the system
o Flowchart/Activity Diagram
o Sequence Diagram
o Use Case Diagram
o Dataflow Diagram
Class Diagram
Structural Diagram
E-R Diagram

UML Diagram Flowchart/Activity


Sequence Diagram
Use Case Diagram

Data Flow Diagram

4.2 Flowchart/Activity Diagram

4.2.1 Flow Chart
A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents an algorithm, workflow or process. The flowchart
shows the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting the boxes with arrows. This
diagrammatic representation illustrates a solution model to a given problem.

Notations : Mentioned below in the table

Symbol Name Function

Start/End An oval represents a start or end point

A line is a connector that shows

Arrows relationship between the representative
Input/Output A parallelogram re[presents inputs or

Process A rectangle represents a process

Decision A diamond indicates a decision

Walkin Refund
Request For
Select Trip Info Select Car Is Car Available Yes Process with

No Take 60% Payment

or full payment
Trip Enquiry Yes
Is Interested in
Cancel NO
other car
Send Cancellation
Process Cancellation
booking for Refund
Geberate Receipt

Want to book

Check driver Send Cancellation

Is eligible for
NO Availability & NO confirmation of
Allocate Driver refund to customer

Cancel Yes

Process refund in 7
Take meter Reading Take remaining
Take payment for Send SMS or Call
Update Trip Details when Trip Ends & payment from
Extra Kms if any & driver & Customer
Form inform Customer customer on trip
give Receipt (1 dar Prior to Trip)
Care date & generate

Send conformation
of refund to

Send other Car


If there is any
Is interested in
Breakdown No Process Refund
other car or
during trip

4.2.2 Activity Diagram

Symbol Name Function
Start An oval represents a start of point

A line is a connector that shows relationship

Arrows between the representative shapes

End A parallelogram re[presents inputs or output

Process A rectangle represents a process

Decision A diamond indicates a decision

Activity Diagram of AS-IS Business Process of Easy Car Rental

Request to
Cancel the Trip

Is Car
Walk-In Select Trip Info Select Car Available


Cancel NO in other car

Send Cancelled
Take 60% Process bokking for
Payment or Cancellation Refund to
FullPayment Accounts
Trip Enquiry
Customer Care Executive

Send SMS or call

Check driver
Driver & Customer
Generate Receipt Availability &
(1 Day prior the Update Trip
Allocate Driver
Trip) Detail Form
Want to

Is Interested
in another car Yes Send other Car
Cancel or Refund

Update Meter
Breakdown Reading &
Take remaining
Payment from Take meter
Customer on Trip reading & Inform
Day & Generate Customer Care

Check Meter
Receipt reading when
trip Ends

Take Payment
fpr Extra Cost if
any & give

Send Refund
Is Eligible for Process refund in 7
Yes Confirmation to
Refund Working Days


Send Refund
Confirmation to
To BE System of ECR Activity Diagram

Registration Login Password Correct Trip Detail


Enter Sourse and

Car Selection Enter Date and Time Yes Valid


Valid No Choose another Car No Trip Available


Have a Driver details/

Driver Documents


Mode of
Address Details Make payment Payment


Logout Generate Receipt

4.2.3 Use Case Diagram

Symbol Name


Use Case

System Boundary

Relationship Meaning
All options mandatory

One option mandatory
< --------------------

All options optional
Enter registration details


Enter User Name


Login <<include>> Enter Password

Select Trip Sourse

Select Trip Destination


<<include>> Select Trip Date

Enter trip Details <<include>> Select Trip end date

Number of passangers

AC car
Select Car <<include>> Select Fuel Type
Non AC car

Enter POC Details <<include>> Enter POC Details

New User Review Trip

Credit card/debit Card


Payment <<extend>>


Cancel Trip

Edit Account

Edit First Name

Edit Trip
Edit Mobile Number

Edit Email ID


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