Question 1 of 13: Compatibility Tell Me About Your Relationship With Your Previous Boss. Answers

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Question 1 of 13
Tell me about your relationship with your previous boss.
I had a very healthy relationship with my previous employer. She was easy to
approach and we would bounce ideas off of each other quite often. I would sum it
up as a relationship lead by a strong mutual respect.
My previous boss and I had a great working relationship. We were in sync when it
came to accomplishing things we needed to do in our department. We scheduled
weekly touch base meetings to stay current on our progress and address any issues
that came up along the way. I learned a lot from them on leadership while adding
great value to the team.
My previous boss and I got along well. We had very different interests, so we did
not spend a lot of time chatting, but our work interests were aligned and we
respected each other.
When you answer this question be sure to remain positive, even if the experience
wasn't. Avoid talking about any previous drama and do not speak poorly of your
employer. Keep your answer short and respectful. If you had a good relationship
with your previous boss: "I had a very healthy relationship with my previous
employer. She was easy to approach and we would bounce ideas off of each other
quite often. I would sum it up as a relationship lead by a strong mutual respect." If
you did not have a good relationship with your previous boss: "I have had healthier
relationships in the past with previous employers but we did the best that we could.
Our communication styles were very different which made it challenging at times."
The interviewer would like to know about your relationship with your most recent
Question 2 of 13
When have you worked amongst a diverse group of people?
I have worked with diverse groups of people most of my career, including my time
in University. I am most comfortable, and happy, in this type of environment
because it offers a great learning opportunity.
In my current role, I work alongside cross functional teams regularly. Together, we
manage our business and effectiveness.
I would say that pretty much every company I have worked for has valued diversity.
Working with people from all walks of life help shed different perspectives and
identify potential problems faster.
Are you accustomed to working with a very large or diverse team of individuals?
Assure the interviewer that you are able to handle an environment that offers
diversity. For example: "I have worked with diverse groups of people most of my
career, including my time in University. I am most comfortable, and happy, in this
type of environment because it offers a great learning opportunity."
The interviewer would like to know that you are accustomed to working with a
broad range of people.
Question 3 of 13
Looking at your resume, it seems there are certain skills necessary for
this position that do not stand out. How do you think you will be able
to compensate for these missing skills?
I am fully committed to learning (and mastering) any skills I do not currently have
and will compensate for any lack thereof by honing in on my strengths to best serve
the company.
I will learn whatever skills are needed to excel in this position. I will find a coworker
mentor and take classes, if necessary. You won't be disappointed.
Most job descriptions will have a long list of requirements. Hiring managers are
aware that, to find a candidate that checks ALL of the boxes, can sometimes be
impossible. If you are missing some of the "nice to have" or even the "must have"
skills listed on the job description, do not fret! Be open about your shortcomings
and discuss with the interviewer how you plan to compensate for those. For
example: "I realize that I may not check of all of the boxes for this position;
however, I can assure you that I am a very quick learner. The main point I am
missing is experience in QuickBooks but I am very well versed in another
accounting program called Sage. I think that I can pick up the required knowledge
The interviewer would like to know if you are confident despite missing some of
the requirements for the role.
Question 4 of 13
Considering your background is in an industry different from ours,
what skills and characteristics do you have that qualify you for this
position in this industry?
Although my background is not in your precise industry, I have worked with many
clients who have been in your industry. I bring excellent transferable skills that
qualify me for this position. These skills include my advanced abilities in Excel, my
outstanding cold-calling abilities as well as my proven background in team
I bring a lot of transferable skills to this position and industry. At the end of the
day, my talents and skills revolve around helping people and making companies
Customer service, problem solving, and analytical skills can cross any industry,
and I am a pro at all three.
There are many ways that you can be a fit for a position, even though you do not
come with direct industry experience. Think about the variety of skills that you
have and how those can benefit another employer, despite the industry. These are
your transferable skills and they can include sales abilities, customer service
experience, and software skills. For example: "Although my background is not in
your precise industry, I have worked with many clients who have been in your
industry. I bring excellent transferable skills that qualify me for this position. These
skills include my advanced abilities in Excel, my outstanding cold-calling abilities
as well as my proven background in team leadership."
The interviewer would like to know which transferable skills you bring to this
Question 5 of 13
How do you believe you will complement our department, if you were
If I were hired, I feel that I would compliment your organization in a few significant
ways. First - I am a fast learner and I already bring 6 years' experience in this
industry. The time to train me will be reduced. Also, I will bring a very strong
portfolio of clients with me which will make a financial impact almost immediately.
If I were hired, I will compliment your department by adding value to the pressing
initiatives we have prioritized. I will find ways to make our team better that make
sense for the company and share knowledge about the great work we are doing
across other departments.
From what I understand, this department has very little turnover, which is
fantastic. But, I will bring an outsiders perspective with different experiences and
methods, and hopefully, I can help find some areas to improve upon.
If you were awarded the position, what would you bring to the department or
organization? Assure the interviewer that you are the right fit for this position. For
example: "If I were hired, I feel that I would compliment your organization in a few
significant ways. First - I am a fast learner and I already bring 6 years' experience
in this industry. The time to train me will be reduced. Also, I will bring a very strong
portfolio of clients with me which will make a financial impact almost
The interviewer would like to know how you will make an impact on their
organization, if hired.
Question 6 of 13
How would you describe your relationship with your customers or
My customer and client relationships are best described as open and honest. I
believe that the more upfront and transparent you are with your clients, the more
likely they are to return. I most definitely value my clients and am sure to nurture
those relationships as much as possible.
I have a strong relationship with my clients and customers alike. I treat them with
respect and tap into their feedback to make our organization better.
I only have a few clients, so I spend a lot of time working with them. Because of my
level of focus and support, I get along very well with my customers.
Do you value your client and customer relationships? How do you nurture them to
ensure that they are happy and continue to come back? Talk to the interviewer
about your strategy for strong customer and client relationships. For example: "My
customer and client relationships are best described as open and honest. I believe
that the more upfront and transparent you are with your clients, the more likely
they are to return. I most definitely value my clients and am sure to nurture those
relationships as much as possible."
The interviewer would like to know how you are with your clients and customers.
Question 7 of 13
What work situations excite and motivate you?
I am most motivated, on the job, when tasks are organized and the vibe is positive.
I really value strong teamwork and good leadership.
Paving new paths and creating structures to support organizations excite me the
most. I am self motivated and enjoy seeing my hard work make a difference for an
I really enjoy researching and implementing new best practices. I like change, but
only if there is a visible improvement in efficiency or morale.
It is important, for your success, that the hiring manager knows how to keep you
motivated and excited to come to work every day. Share with the interviewer what
they could do to ensure that you are happy and productive. For example: "I am
most motivated, on the job, when tasks are organized and the vibe is positive. I
really value strong teamwork and good leadership."
The interviewer would like to know how to motivate you on the job.
Question 8 of 13
What type of work environment do you dislike working in?
I am able to be productive in most work environments, so long as the mentality is
positive and teamwork is encouraged. I cannot work in an environment that feels
negative or toxic.
I tend to find slow paced or red tape environments challenging to maintain my
excitement levels.
I do not work well in micro-managed environments. I cannot concentrate with
someone watching my every move. It makes me feel like a criminal.
Are you pretty flexible in your ability to work in most environments? Have you
experienced a position where the environment wasn't conducive to your
productivity? Be sure to know they type of environment that is offered in this
position prior to the interview. For example: "I am able to be productive in most
work environments, so long as the mentality is positive and teamwork is
encouraged. I cannot work in an environment that feels negative or toxic."
The interviewer would like to know if there is a particular type of environment that
you find difficult to work in.
Question 9 of 13
What type of work environment allows you to be the most productive?
I understand that your work environment is very collaborative. I come from a
similar environment and found that I could be very productive when there was the
I work well in a high pressure, demanding environment that requires you to work
smart and make your mark.
I work well in environments where I am trusted to do my job without micro-
managing, after I learn the ropes of the business, of course.
Are you able to be productive in any environment? Are there particular types of
environments that you find distracting? Discuss your preferences with the
interviewer. Be sure to research the type of environment that is offered in this
position prior to the interview. For example: "I understand that your work
environment is very collaborative. I come from a similar environment and found
that I could be very productive when there was the "buzz" of a team around me. I
can also be productive in quieter environments although that isn't my preference."
The interviewer would like to know how to ensure strong productivity results from
Question 10 of 13
How would you describe your personality?
I would describe my personality as approachable, light hearted, and positive. I
believe that, if asked, my colleagues and supervisor would say the same about me.
I am energized, focused and motivated to do my best.
I am quite, focused, and determined. You won't hear a lot from me, unless I need
you, but rest assured that I am working hard.
Personality and character are two very different things. The interviewer is looking
for more information on your personal traits vs. your integrity. This would include
buzz words such as introverted, energetic, and confident. For example: "I would
describe my personality as approachable, light hearted, and positive. I believe that,
if asked, my colleagues and supervisor would say the same about me."
The interviewer would like to know how you see yourself.
Question 11 of 13
Describe your working relationship with your previous or current
I get along well with most personalities. My colleagues were great team players and
we would often meet up after work for drinks or team activities.
All of the colleagues I have worked with have shared a very respectful relationship
with me. We have shared goals and we share knowledge to accomplish those things
to the best we can. Each of us have a part in the company's success and we utilize
communication to make it happen.
I get along with just about everyone that I work with. I respect other people's
knowledge, experience, and opinion, even if I don't agree. I think that is why I am
able to work with anyone.
When you answer this question be sure to remain positive, even if the experience
wasn't. Avoid talking about any previous drama and do not speak poorly of your
colleagues. If you had a good relationship with your previous colleagues: "I get
along well with most personalities. My colleagues were great team players and we
would often meet up after work for drinks or team activities." If you did not have a
good relationship with your previous colleagues: "I have had better relationships
in the past but we did the best that we could. Our communication styles were all
very different which made it challenging at times."
The interviewer would like to know more about your relationship with your
Question 12 of 13
What do you know about our company culture?
I have researched your company through your social media channels, and on Your employees have really great things to say and overall it seems
that you have fun while you work. I am looking forward to joining an organization,
like yours, that is upbeat and thoughtful with an eye on helping the community at
the same time.
I read many positive reviews online about your organization and company culture.
You offer great incentives to keep people motivated and it seems to be the type of
fast paced environment that values innovation and performance. My type of place!
I only know what I read on your website, and reviews on LinkedIn, Google, etc.
Your website information was very appealing, but there were mixed reviews online.
I do not put a lot of emphasis on reviews, as I know that most people only take the
time to leave a review if they are upset. There were only a handful total, and I see
that you have hundreds of employees.
Company culture and fit is a very important factor when considering a career move.
Assure the interviewer that you have put thought, research, and consideration into
how the company culture will work for you. For example: "I have researched your
company through your social media channels, and on Your
employees have really great things to say and overall it seems that you have fun
while you work. I am looking forward to joining an organization, like yours, that is
upbeat and thoughtful with an eye on helping the community at the same time."
The interviewer would like to know that you have researched their organization
prior to your interview.
Question 13 of 13
Tell me why you are the right fit for this company and this position.
I feel that I am the right fit for this company because, from what you have
described, my personality, skills, and drive are exactly what you are looking for.
The challenges that come with this position are all challenges that I welcome. I am
confident that this is the right fit for both of us.
I am passionate about the work you are doing and confident in my ability to make
a difference, given my qualifications and backgorund.
I am good and what I a do, motivated, and I am an avid lover of you product. Mixing
these creates an exciting opportunity for me to hit the ground running and enjoy
the work. Happy employees are more productive, and trust me, I would be thrilled
to work here.
A successful hire needs to feel like the right fit by both parties. Express to the
interviewer that you feel this position is a strong fit for your experience and your
career goals. For example: "I feel that I am the right fit for this company because,
from what you have described, my personality, skills, and drive are exactly what
you are looking for. The challenges that come with this position are all challenges
that I welcome. I am confident that this is the right fit for both of us."
The interviewer would like to know that you feel confident this position is the right
fit for you.

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