Ultima 4 The Quest of The Avatar Walkthrough
Ultima 4 The Quest of The Avatar Walkthrough
Ultima 4 The Quest of The Avatar Walkthrough
i. Introduction
ii. Keyboard Commands
iii. Creating a new Character
iv. Items
v. Virtues
vi. General Strategies
vii. Shrines, Runes, and Mantras
viii. Magic Spheres
A. Moongates
B. Upgrades
i. Introduction
Ultima 4 is unlike every other RPG ever made. A bold statement. Instead of
questing to remove some all-powerful evil, you are questing toward self-
improvement to become an Avatar. Sure there are battles along the way, but the
true test of your courage is whether you can follow the Virtues, and eventually
brave the foul Stygian Abyss and view the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom.
In the game you have to follow the Virtues. What does this mean, exactly? No
stealing, attacking innocent people (and creatures), talking with pride, etc.
Plus you have to _increase_ your amount of Virtue by doing good deeds. Giving
money to beggars (no matter how much you give, they'll never stop begging),
meditating at the 8 Shrines of Virtue.
Standard Commands:
iii. Creating a New Character
At the very beginning of the game you will be asked 7 questions by a gypsy
woman. Depending on your final answer will be the type of character you are in
the game, and where you start the game.
Don't just take class into consideration while choosing your virtue, also
consider where you start and how hard it will be to get around.
iv. Items
Weapons: (as sorted from best to worst)
Bard Mage Paladin Shepherd Druid Tinker Ranger Fighter
Magic Yes Yes No No Yes No No No
Magic Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Magic No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
Magic No No Yes No No Yes No No
Halberd No No Yes No No Yes No Yes
Flaming Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Crossbows Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Bow Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sword Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
Axe Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
Mace Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sling Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dagger Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Staff Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Bard Mage Paladin Shepherd Druid Tinker Ranger Fighter
Magic No No Yes No No No No No
Magic No No Yes No No No No Yes
Plate No No Yes No No Yes No Yes
Chain No No Yes No No Yes No Yes
Leather Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cloth Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Abbreviation Reagent
GR Garlic
GN Ginseng
SS Spider Silk
BM Blood Moss
SA Sulphurous Ash
BP Black Pearl
NS Nightshade
MR Mandrake Root
Spell Reagent Spell Reagent
Awaken GR, GN Negate MR, GR, SA
Blink SS, BM Open SA, BM
Cure GR, GN Protection SA, GN, GR
Dispel BP, SA, GR Quickness SA, GN, BM
Energy Field SA, SS, BP Resurrect SA, GN, GR, SS, BM,
Fireball BP, SA Sleep SS, GN
Gate Travel SA, BP, MR Tremor SA, BM, MR
Heal GN, SS Undead SA, GR
Iceball BP, MR View NS, MR
Jinx BP, NS, MR Wind Change SA, BM
Kill NS, BP Exit BM, SS, SA
Light SA Up BM, SS
Magic Missile SA, BP Down BM, SS
Number Where to
1 Moonglow
2 Britain Castle
3 Jhelom
4 Yew
5 Minoc
6 Trinsic
7 Skara Brae
8 Magincia
Item Price
Torches 50 per 5
Magic Gems 60 per 5
Magic Keys 60 per 6
Sextant (it’s an invisible command) 900
v. Virtues
+2 giving to beggars
+2 fleeing from Non-evil enemy
+1 letting Non-evil creatures flee
-5 attacking non-evil creatures
+5 solving quests
+3 giving to a beggar
+2 being honest to reagents woman
-1 stealing a chest
-3 attacking non-evil creatures
-10 cheating reagents woman
+3 meditating at a shrine
+3 talking to Hawkwind the Seer
-3 using the wrong mantra at a shrine
All Virtues:
vi. General Strategies
vii. Shrines, Runes, and Mantras
* You can get this balloon by using the EXIT-spell in the hidden dungeon of Britain’s castle.
In the dungeons you will find little magic spheres which will raise your stats,
but at the price of hit points.
* the spheres in Hythloth do not appear until you have gone to the eighth level,
and are on the way out.
When you become a partial avatar in each virtue you will be given a letter,
all the letters add up to INFINITY.
Towns and Castles Location
Lord British's Castle Lat – GL Long – FG
Britain Lat – GK Long – FC
Paws Lat – JB Long – GC
Trinsic Lat – LI Long – GK
Minoc Lat – BE Long – JP
Skara Brae Lat – IA Long – BG
Jhelom Lat – NC Long – CE
Vesper Lat – DL Long – MJ
Yew Lat – CL Long – DK
Moonglow Lat – IH Long – OI
Magincia Lat – KJ Long – LL
Cove Lat – FK Long – II
Serpent's Hold and surrounding Area Lat – PB Long – JC
Empath Abbey Lat – DC Long – BM
Lycaeum Lat – GL Long – NK
This game isn't all that complicated, so the walkthrough isn't all that long or
complicated either.
You need to become an Avatar first off. This is best done alone (no party
members slowing you down, you'll need them later, but not now). What we want
to do is to gather up the 8 runes, and learn the 8 mantras. Plus, of course,
get all the other quest items.
The following can be done in any order you want. All you have to do to become
an avatar is to go to each place and do good deeds (see the v. virtues section
above). Talk to the Seer to find out when you have mastered a certain virtue
(called Partial Avatarhood), then go to that shrine and meditate for 3 cycles.
Master all 8 to become the Avatar. Don't forget to go to the shrines! They
aren't listed in the walkthrough, but you must get to all 8 eventually!
• Make sure to talk to Lord British and accept the Quest of the Avatar (other-
wise this will be a very short game!)
• On the first floor, go into the room with all the guards, and in the Northeast
• corner of the room on the east wall is a secret wall, go in and search for
the Rune of Spirituality (don't take the treasure).
• Give blood here to improve your virtues.
• Also any time you find yourself back at the castle, talk to Hawkwind, the
Seer who will not only tell you how close you are to Partial Avatarhoods,
but will also increase your spirituality.
b. Britain
c. Paws
• In the south part of town are some mountains, in a nook find the Rune of
• Find the Magic Shop (secret wall in Armoury East) and buy reagents, pay the
right amount to increase virtue. (you are given to option to pay whatever
you want, and the blind person accepts anything, just be honest!)
d. Trinsic
e. Minoc
f. Skara Brae
g. Jhelom
h. Vesper
• If you don't have a sextant, buy one here at the Guild (option D, even
though you can't see it, it's there) for 900 gold
i. Yew
j. Empath Abbey
k. Moonglow
l. Lycaeum
• Search the library (in the 't' section, for truth) for the Book of Truth.
• Frasier tells you that part of the WORD is VER
m. Serpent's Hold and surrounding Area
n. Magincia
o. Cove
• To get to Cove you either need to find and capture a Pirate Ship on Locke
Lake, or go through the Whirlpool.
• Search near the Ankh to find the Candle of Love.
Buccaneer’s Den
p. Other things to do
What Where
Bell of Courage Lat - NA Long - LA
Skull of Mondain Lat - PF Long - MF (double new moons only)
Magic Wheel Lat - NH Long - GA
Telescope Lat - AC Long - BG
Silver Horn Lat - KN Long - CN
After Becoming a full Avatar you can get these:
Mystic Armour (Empathy Abbey [in the grotto]) Lat - AE Long - BG
Mystic Weapon at Serpent's Hold (on the mat) Lat – AP Long - AI
2. Part Two, Dungeon Hopping
This won't walk you through the dungeons, but merely give you clues that you
will need to get all 8 stones, the 3 part key, and conquer the Stygian Abyss.
For this part you should have all 8 people in your party (you are considered
one of the 8), be well equipped, have lots of reagents, and a good supply of
On hint, however, in the dungeon “Shame” you will encounter this room, the exit is located near
the red arrow.
Once you have the stones you must use them in the 3 rooms of principles to get
the 3 part key. These rooms are located at the bottom of dungeons. Once in
each room you need to use the stone on the altar, the following is a list of
which stones go in which rooms:
Stygian Abyss:
You should now have all 8 stones, the 3 part key, the Skull of Mondain, and the
3 artefacts of Principle (Bell of Courage, Candle of Love, Book of Truth). Also
be sure to bring as many reagents as you can buy. You'll have to figure out
where to go on your own, but at the end of each level in the Abyss there is a
question to get to the next level:
1 Honesty Blue
2 Compassion Yellow
3 Valor Red
4 Justice Green
5 Sacrifice Orange
6 Honour Purple
7 Spirituality White
8 Humility Black
You will now be at the final destination in your quest. You will now be asked
a series of questions, the answers are:
2 Honesty
3 Compassion
4 Valour (Valor)
5 Justice
6 Sacrifice
7 Honour (Honor)
8 Spirituality
9 Humility
10 Truth
11 Love
12 Courage
A. Moongates
There are 8 locations of moongates, one for each town of virtue in the game.
Based on the phase of the first moon, is when a moongate will open, and the 2nd
moon's phase tells you where it will take you. For example, when the first moon
first turns to the New Moon, a moongate will open at Moonglow and its
destination will be Moonglow, when the 2nd moon changes phase it will take you
to Britain, another 2nd moon phase change and it will take you to Jhelom. Then
the moongate will close.
B. Upgrades
Note: These are all non-Origin upgrades, so use at your own risk!
Graphics Update:
It's not that great of an improvement, but any improvement is a good one, so
it is a recommended download. It also includes some other things with it.
Sound Update:
Unzip it into your Ultima 4 directory and run "setup.bat", and then from then
on to play Ultima 4 with sound you have to use the u4.bat
Both of these upgrades include Mo'Slo and the sound updates u4.bat includes a
moslo line in it already (at 25% speed).