English Top 10 Endangered Mexico

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Alejandro Olivera

Center for Biological Diversity, April 2018

Executive summary

exico is one of the world’s most biologically rich nations, with diverse landscapes that are home to a
treasure trove of wildlife, including plant and animal species found nowhere else. Sadly, in Mexico and
around the world, species are becoming extinct because of human activities at rates never seen before.

In this report we highlight the threats facing Mexico’s 10 most iconic endangered species to help illustrate the
broader risks confronting the country’s imperiled plants and animals.

These 10 species — which in most cases are protected only on paper — were chosen to reflect Mexico’s diversity
of wildlife and ecosystems and the wide range of threats to the country’s biodiversity. New awareness of these
unique animals and plants is critical to inspiring a nationwide demand to protect these critical components of
Mexico’s natural heritage.

Although the Mexican government began officially listing and protecting species as extinct, threatened,
endangered, and “under special protection” in 1994 — more than 20 years ago — few species have actually
recovered, and many critical threats continue unabated. In many cases, officials are failing to enforce crucial laws
and regulations that would protect these species.

Additionally, the Mexican government has not updated its official list of imperiled species, referred to as
NOM059, since 2010, despite new and growing risks from climate change, habitat destruction, the wildlife trade
and in some cases direct killing. This failure obscures the true plight of the nation’s endangered wildlife.

The following 10 iconic endangered species are not adequately protected by the Mexican government:

1. Vaquita porpoise (Phocoena sinus)

2. Leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)
3. Mexican gray wolf (Canis lupus baileyi)
4. Mexican ajolote salamander (Ambystoma mexicanum)
5. Scarlet macaw (Ara macao)
6. Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)
7. Elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata)
8. Brown sea cucumber (Isostichopus fuscus)
9. White nun orchid (Lycaste skinneri)
10. Jaguar (Panthera onca)

By drawing attention to these 10 rare, beautiful and sometimes bizarre animals and plants, we hope to inspire the
public to demand stronger protections, increased funding, and forceful new conservation actions at the federal,
state and local levels throughout Mexico.

Key findings and recommendations:

- Despite having been listed as threatened or endangered for, in many cases, more than two decades, many
of Mexico’s most at-risk species have not recovered.
- Habitat loss, poaching and illegal trade, climate change and ocean acidification remain major threats to
Mexican species.
- The Mexican government has, in many cases, failed to enforce existing laws and regulations aimed at
protecting species like the vaquita.
- The official list of imperiled species, NOM059, should be updated to reflect the true status and threats to
- New regulations should be adopted to require Mexican authorities to list and protect species when
presented with information demonstrating a need for protection.

Map courtesy Wikimeida Atlas of the World

Our planet is now living through its sixth mass extinction. We’re currently experiencing the worst extinction
rates since the loss of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Although extinction is a natural phenomenon on a
geological timescale, experts estimate we are now losing species at between 1,000 and 10,000 times the natural
rate, with literally dozens of species going extinct every day. If current trends continue, a frightening future lies
ahead, with as many as 18 percent to 35 percent of all species possibly heading toward extinction by mid-century.

Mexico is no exception. Under Mexican law there are officially 49 “extinct species,” 475 species deemed
“endangered,” 896 deemed “threatened” and 1,185 “under special protection.”

Each of these species of native animals and plants of Mexico is listed and regulated under the official standard
NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 (NOM059). Once listed under NOM059, species are subject to the General
Wildlife Act, as implemented by the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), and may
not be subject to “commercial exploitation” and may be extended other protections by SEMARNAT.

Yet despite these protections, few species have recovered, and for many species, the threats of habitat destruction,
poaching and climate change have only intensified.

This report describes 10 of Mexico’s gravely imperiled species and the threats they continue to face. The 10 iconic
species chosen reflect the diversity of flora and fauna, ecosystems and threats facing biodiversity in Mexico.
Numerous additional species in Mexico are equally, if not more endangered than these 10 and also deserve more
attention and better protection from the Mexican government.

By drawing attention to these 10 representative animals and plants, we hope to inspire the public to demand
strengthened protections throughout Mexico.

At the outset, we note that Mexico’s official list of protected species is out of date, as it has not been modified
since 2010, and some of the status reviews upon which the listings were based were done many years before that,
in 1994 and 2001. Thus NOM059 does not reflect the current reality for many Mexican plant and wildlife species,
where each day threats grow.

Additionally, according to the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardization, Mexican official standards should
be reviewed every 5 years — and that review is now three years overdue. We also urge the Mexican government
to consider amending current legislation to require that SEMARNAT respond and update the NOM059 list
when a valid proposal for altering a species’ status is submitted by scientists or the public. That way species will
not have to wait five years or more — by which time it is often too late — for the Mexican government to update
NOM059 in order to be considered endangered.

Vaquita photo courtesy Paula Olson / NOAA

1. Vaquita porpoise (Phocoena sinus)

Status under NOM059: Endangered

The vaquita, or Gulf of California harbor porpoise, is a marine mammal endemic to the Gulf of California and
is the most endangered cetacean species in the world. Vaquitas are the smallest of the seven known porpoises.
Females grow up to 140 cm (4.6 feet) long, while males are slightly smaller at 135 cm (4.4 feet). The vaquita’s
flippers are proportionately larger, and its dorsal fin taller and more curved, than in other porpoises.

The vaquita has the smallest geographical range of any marine mammal. Found only in Mexico’s upper Gulf of
California near the town of San Felipe, nearly the entire vaquita population lives within a 4,000-square-kilometer
(1,519-square-mile) area, about one-quarter the size of metropolitan Los Angeles.

First described by scientists in 1958, at current rates of decline, the species may be extinct by 2021 as fewer
than 30 vaquita likely now remain on Earth. The vaquita faces one key threat: bycatch (or entanglement and
drowning) in gillnets set to catch fish and shrimp. While the Mexican government recently banned most gillnets
from the vaquita’s waters, illegal shrimp fishing continues and illegal poaching for a large endangered fish called
the totoaba is rampant. The totoaba’s bladder is in high demand in Hong Kong and China, where it is believed
to have medicinal properties, and illegal totoaba gillnetting continues daily because of corruption, enforcement
failures by the Mexican government and the involvement of organized crime.

To halt totoaba trafficking and save the vaquita, the Mexican government must immediately step up enforcement
and remove gillnets from the vaquita’s habitat. Vaquita-safe fishing gear must be developed and implemented.
GPS monitoring systems must be installed on all vessels fishing in the upper Gulf of California, and the
Mexican, Chinese and U.S. governments must dedicate substantial resources to a deep investigation of the illegal
trafficking of totoaba.

Leatherback sea turtle photo courtesy USFWS

2. Leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)

Status under NOM059: Endangered

As ancient as the dinosaurs, the leatherback sea turtle is itself threatened with extinction. The leatherback is the
heaviest reptile on the planet and the largest of all living turtles, growing up to 7.2 feet long and weighing up to
1,540 pounds. It can easily be distinguished from other sea turtles by its lack of a bony carapace or shell; instead,
it is covered by skin and oily flesh, which gives rise to the name “leatherback.”

This champion swimmer, whose diving capabilities are unmatched by other turtles, has confounded scientists
with its mammal-like ability to regulate its own body temperature. Tolerant even of the extreme temperatures of
the Arctic Circle, leatherbacks cannot endure humanity’s assault on the world’s oceans much longer.

Human activity threatens leatherback turtles in many ways. These sea turtles subsist on a diet of jellyfish, but
because of the transparent nature of their prey, they often suffocate by eating pieces of drifting transparent
plastic. Dead turtles have been found with plastic bags, hard plastic parts and fishing lines in the stomach.

Eggs are collected for human consumption, coastal developments and irresponsible tourism have disrupted and
destroyed their nesting beaches, and city lights confuse baby turtles who move inland towards the lights instead
of out to sea. Leatherback sea turtles are also hit by boats and drowned as bycatch in fishing gillnets.

The East Pacific leatherback is the most endangered sea turtle, and these animals nest mainly in Michoacán,
Guerrero and Oaxaca. This subpopulation has declined 97.4 percent during the past three generations, with no
more than 1,000 individuals left.

In Mexico the direct take of sea turtles has been banned since 1990, and there is a regulation (NOM-162-
SEMARNAT-2012) that sets out the specifications for the protection, recovery and management of sea turtle
populations in their nesting habitat. But habitat loss, poaching and bycatch remain major threats to these highly
endangered reptiles.

To recover the leatherback population, the Mexican government must regulate motor vehicles and remove
sources of artificial lighting near priority leatherback nesting beaches, establish plastic removal programs,
prohibit the use of gillnets and “J” form hooks in marine areas near priority nesting beaches, and increase
enforcement to protect nests from poachers and natural predators.
3. Mexican Gray Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi)
Status under NOM059: Extinct in the wild

The smallest gray wolf subspecies in North America,

the Mexican gray wolf is also one of the rarest and
most endangered mammals on the continent, with
only a few dozen surviving in the wild following a
reintroduction program.

Reaching only the size of a German shepherd,

Mexican gray wolves weigh between 21 and 41 kg,
and grow to between 140 cm and 180 cm from snout
to tail. They can live up to around 8 years old in the

The Mexican gray wolf was historically distributed

from the south of the United States of America (the
states of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas) to the
basin of the Mexico City valley. In Mexico, it was
historically distributed in the states of Chihuahua,
Coahuila, Nuevo León, Durango, Zacatecas,
Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosí, and the Bajío, and
even reached Oaxaca.

Unfortunately, Mexican gray wolves were

exterminated in the wild by the 1970s as a result
of eradication campaigns carried out by the U.S.
and Mexican governments in response to livestock
predation. While both Mexico and the United
States now have programs to reintroduce and
repopulate the Mexican gray wolf, hunting, poisoning
and habitat loss remain as threats. According to
Mexico’s National Commission on Protected Areas
(CONANP), there are only 31 Mexican gray wolves
in the wild; this population exists because of a
reintroduction program. Accordingly, the Mexican
gray wolf is still considered an extinct population in
the wild under NOM059.

Some reintroduced wolves have been hunted and
killed. To recover the Mexican gray wolf, the Mexican
government has to actively protect reintroduction
sites. For a successful reintroduction of the species,
officials need to protect the animals’ habitat and
assure the conservation of a healthy, well-connected
ecosystem. Reintroduction sites should be chosen
based on the historical distribution of the wolf and
nearby or immersed communities must be involved
in conservation actions.

5 Mexican Gray Wolf photo © Robin Silver

Ajolote photo by Isaí Domínguez Guerrero

4. Mexican ajolote salamander (Ambystoma mexicanum)

Status under NOM059: Endangered

The Mexican ajolote is a long, dark, cylindrical salamander, reaching up to 30 cm (12 inches) long. This
distinctive-looking and highly endangered creature has large, appendage-like gills extending from the back of its
wide head.

The Mexican ajolote historically lived in the lakes of Texcoco, Xochimilco and Chalco in Mexico City. However,
in the wild, ajolote can only now be found in the channels and wetlands of Xochimilco. Humans who settled
on the shores of these wetlands called the animal axolotl, or “water monster” in Náhuatl. But in another pre-
Hispanic tradition, the name comes from the Aztec God of deformations and death called Xolotl, brother of
Quetzalcoatl. The God Xolotl is also associated with the idea of movement and life.

Once a common food source, the ajolote was also used for folk remedies that supposedly could treat respiratory
diseases like asthma and bronchitis. Belief in its therapeutic properties still exists in some places, and until
recently, it was possible to find balms and syrups in the Sonora market in Mexico City that purported to contain
ajolote as the main ingredient. It is also consumed in infusions believed to have curative effects, although these
products have neither been proven effective nor safe. As food, ajolote was traditionally prepared in soups,
stews, and even tamales. With so many purported benefits attributed to the ajolote, it suffered substantial

Other threats to the species include land drainage and habitat loss caused by the growth of Mexico City. Sewage
disposal has seriously polluted what remains of the ajolotes’ native lakes. The Texcoco Lake has been greatly
diminished in size and has shrunk even more with the construction of the new Mexico City international
airport, while Lake Chalco has disappeared entirely. Xochimilco has likewise suffered a decline in size and water
quality, and introduced fish like tilapias are a threat to the salamander.

In captivity ajolotes can live up to 30 years but only survive between three and six years in the wild. In 1996, the
species’ population density was calculated at 1,000 ajolotes per square kilometer; but in 2014, only 36 ajolotes
were calculated for the same area.

Local and federal government must develop well-budgeted reintroduction programs that consider habitat
restoration and the creation of refuges to guarantee the species’ survival. The Xochimilco wetlands must be
sanitized and restored, exotic fauna eradicated, and the water quality coming from the sewage systems must also
be improved.
Scarlet macaw photo by Ben Lunsford, CC-BY-SA

5. Scarlet macaw (Ara macao macao)

Status under NOM059: Endangered

Scarlet macaws are birds distinguished by their colorful plumage, with scarlet red bodies, yellow wing feathers
and light blue tail feathers.

In Mexico the red macaw has been completely exterminated in the states of Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Oaxaca,
Tabasco and Campeche. Currently, there are only two known populations that inhabit less than 5 percent of the
Mexican territory. These populations are found in the Lacandona jungle on the eastern side of Chiapas and in
Los Chimalapas, Oaxaca.

Indiscriminate logging, illegal hunting, theft of offspring — just 1 in 10 newborn birds survives to adulthood in
nature — and animal trafficking have put this bird on the list of endangered species. Additionally, the macaw has
naturally low reproductive success rates, and African bees can displace macaw couples from their nests or even
kill chicks and adults.

The capture and trade of any wild parrot in Mexico has been banned since of 2008. A reintroduction program
has increased red macaw populations in jungles in Chiapas and Veracruz; the population nearly doubled in 2013
when 226 birds were introduced to the area. However, habitat loss and illegal trafficking remain as threats.

The Mexican government must prioritize the underused and budget-less Program for the Conservation of
Species at Risk (PROCER) and must halt logging in the tropical forest to protect the red macaw´s habitat for the
reintroduction programs to be successful.

Monarch photo by Debbie Long, CC-BY

6. Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)

Status under NOM059: Special protection

The monarch may be the world’s best-known butterfly, but that status has not warded off profound threats to its
survival. This butterfly’s long migration from the United States and southern Canada to Mexico and California to
winter is one of the planet’s most spectacular and extraordinary natural spectacles.

Monarchs are relatively large butterflies, measuring around 10 cm from wingtip to wingtip. Their wings are easy
to recognize — bright orange with black stripes and white spots. The underside of their wings is paler orange,
so when they fold their wings on trees and other plants, the butterflies appear camouflaged. Monarch larvae
subsist on milkweed plants, which contain a substance absorbed by the butterfly that makes it poisonous to some

There are still many mysteries about this wonderful insect and its incredible journey: How do those fragile
winged bodies survive a path of 4,500 kilometers, often through adverse winds and weather?

But there may not be much time left to answer such questions. Last year’s population was down by 27 percent
from the previous year’s count, and down by more than 80 percent from the mid-1990s.

This dramatic decline has been driven in large part by the widespread planting of genetically engineered crops.
The vast majority of U.S. corn and soybeans are genetically engineered for resistance to Monsanto’s Roundup
herbicide, a potent killer of milkweed, the monarch caterpillar’s only food. The dramatic surge in the use of
Roundup and other herbicides with the same active ingredient (glyphosate) on Roundup Ready crops has
virtually wiped out milkweed plants in the Midwest’s corn and soybean fields.

In the past 20 years, scientists estimate, these once-common butterflies may have lost more than 165 million
acres of habitat — an area about the size of Texas — including nearly a third of their summer breeding grounds.
More recently, legalized salvage timber-harvesting operations have become a threat inside and outside the
reserve in Michoacán’s Oyamel forests, which are essential for sheltering the overwintering migrant population.
Scientists have also identified threats to the monarch during their fall migration, including lack of nectaring
habitat and insecticides.

Illegal logging must be stopped through effective surveillance and enforcement, and the use of plants genetically
engineered for pesticide resistance should be halted. If we’re going to save this beloved orange-and-black wonder
for future generations, serious action from both Mexico and the United States is needed to ensure the monarch’s
habitat is preserved on each side of the border.
Elkhorn coral photo courtesy USFWS

7. Elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata)

Status under NOM059: Special protection

Elkhorn coral is easy to recognize with its large, flat, thick branches that form fronds reaching more than 50 cm
wide. Elkhorn coral forms colonies that can become very large, measuring up to 2 meters high and 4 meters
wide. This species inhabits shallow waters, and live colonies exhibit a yellow, brown or golden coloration.

Elkhorn corals are one of the primary coral reef-forming species in the Caribbean. They provide refuge for
a huge variety of living species that interact and shape the ecosystem. If elkhorn coral and other horn corals
disappear, the entire reef ecosystem as we know it could disappear, affecting the food chain for thousands of
marine species.

Climate change is one of the main threats to elkhorn and other corals. Global warming is increasing the average
ocean temperature over time, and these incredible organisms are very sensitive to temperature increments.
Additionally, coral diseases appear to have increased significantly in the last decade, killing off elkhorn and other
reef-forming corals. Scientists believe that deterioration of water quality by various pollutants and the sudden
increase in sea surface temperature has caused the recent disease outbreak. Both factors are the result of human

Elkhorn corals were once very abundant in shallow areas of the Caribbean, forming dense and beautiful forests.
Its populations along the Mesoamerican Reef have not recovered the distribution and abundance they had before
the 1980s.

Well-managed marine reserves in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean are necessary to preserve reef corals.
A management plan with coral habitat restoration for the Mexican Caribbean Biosphere marine reserve should
be considered. Climate change has to be urgently addressed to decrease sea surface temperature and disease

Brown sea cucumber photo by Rein Ketelaars, CC-BY-SA

8. Brown sea cucumber (Isostichopus fuscus)

Status under NOM059: Special protection

The brown sea cucumber is an echinoderm with an elongated, soft body. The mouth is surrounded by a crown of
oral tentacles that take up food. This species lives in rocky, sandy and shallow water reefs throughout the eastern
tropical Pacific, from the northern Gulf of California to Ecuador, including the Galapagos Islands. It is a long-
lived, slow-growing species that can reach 28 cm in length and weigh 960 grams. Brown sea cucumbers are more
active at night and have no natural predators.

Despite their appearance, sea cucumbers are fished and eaten. Their whole bodies can be eaten raw or boiled;
however, the most important product is the dehydrated body wall, which is known as “bêche-de-mer” or
“trepang.” A kilogram of bêche-de-mer can bring in $80 U.S., depending on the size and overall appearance.
About 90 percent of the global production of sea cucumber is consumed in the southeast of Asia, with China
and Hong Kong as the primary import markets. Demand is increasing for this and other sea cucumber species
around the world, creating a risk of overexploitation for all sea cucumber populations.

The brown sea cucumber has been listed under NOM059. A commercial fishery for brown sea cucumber began
in 1987 but fishing was banned in 1994 when the species was protected under NOM059.

However, the population’s status is currently unknown, and despite signs of overexploitation and its prohibition
for commercial fisheries, SEMARNAT has been issuing permits each year allowing the take of tens of thousands
of sea cucumbers, essentially establishing quotas using “population assessments as conservation projects” as a
disguise for commercial exploitation.

This is an example of one of several species included in NOM059 for more than a decade that are subject to
commercial exploitation, despite an unknown population status. According to the precautionary principle,
SEMARNAT should prohibit all catches until completing a full population assessment and management plan.

Until the population status is known, Mexico should implement a ban on sea cucumber fisheries. Given
the growing interest in the exploitation of sea cucumbers, basic information regarding local sea cucumber
populations’ status and biology is needed prior to any further fisheries management and aquaculture
White nun orchid photo by Orchi, CC-BY-SA

9. White nun orchid (Lycaste skinneri)

Status under NOM059: Endangered

Of the world’s 30,000 identified orchid species, 1,200 can be found in Mexico, with more than 200 of these
species currently listed as endangered. More than half of Mexico’s orchids grow in mist forests, an ecosystem that
only covers 1 percent of the nation.

The elegant white nun orchid can be found in southern Mexico, in the state of Chiapas — as well as in
Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador — at altitudes of about 1,400 to 2,200 meters. Its habitat has been
intensely logged for coffee plantations, rice and beans farming and urban development, and the species is
now only reported on forested hillsides with inaccessible slopes. The white nun orchid has been harvested to
depletion, and despite being the national flower of Guatemala, the species’ current status and distribution is
unknown. Most of the species’ current genetic diversity is held in private collections or greenhouses.

The white nun orchid was listed on NOM059 in 2001 and thus harvest and trade in wild plants is generally
banned. However, legal trade of this and other listed orchid species can continue through artificial propagation
of plants that are sourced from an environmental management unit (UMA, for its acronym in Spanish)
authorized by SEMARNAT. In Mexico there are only a few nurseries authorized for the propagation of these
plants, and the illegal harvest and trade of this delicate orchid for decorative purposes continues.

To protect this beautiful flowered plant and others of its kind, the Mexican government must dismantle the
illegal orchid trade and stop logging of its habitat in Chiapas. A national reintroduction program should be

Jaguar photo by Eric Kilby, CC-BY-SA

10. Jaguar (Panthera onca)

Status under NOM059: Endangered

Known as “Ocelotl” in Nahuatl and “balam” in Mayan, the jaguar has long been associated in the diverse cultures
of Mexico with courage, power, the night, the underworld, the fertility of the earth and death.

Males can weigh 150 kilograms; females are smaller. In contrast to the other big cats, the jaguar grunts but rarely
roars. As top predators, they control the population densities of their prey, thus the disappearance of jaguars can
alter entire ecosystems.

Today the species faces numerous threats: loss and fragmentation of its habitat, agriculture and livestock,
hunting, reduction of its prey (mammals, birds, reptiles and fish) and the expansion of human settlements.

While jaguar hunting has been banned since 1987, not enough has been done to ensure the species’ preservation.
In Mexico, more than 40 percent of the jaguar’s habitat has been lost, and it is now limited to the most isolated
and inaccessible areas on the Pacific and Gulf coasts, the eastern and eastern Sierras, and the south-southeast of
Mexico. The best-preserved populations are found in the Yucatan peninsula, Oaxaca and Chiapas, with about
1,800 individuals. In Sonora and Sinaloa, there may be around 400; in the middle Pacific coast, in Nayarit, Jalisco
and Colima, approximately 300; and from Michoacán to Chiapas, 650.

The continued survival of the jaguar in Mexico is uncertain. The population could decline in the next 10 or 15
years if officials do not develop a solid and established conservation policy. If populations are not secured, we
could lose them.

To reinforce jaguar protections, the government must protect its critical habitat in the states of Sonora, Sinaloa,
Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosí, Queretaro, Hidalgo, Puebla, Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán,
Guerrero, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche, Quintana Roo and Yucatán. Each region is essential to
maintain long-term populations in Mexico. The construction of roads in protected areas should be avoided, and
responsible cattle management including insurance for ranchers should be promoted.

The future of the jaguar requires the conservation of a healthy ecosystem and indirectly, the protection of a large
number of species of plants and wildlife. Thus the designation and diligent enforcement of new protected areas
of jaguar habitat is vital.
Species NOM059 IUCN status CITES Habitat
status appendix restriction/

1 Vaquita Endangered Critically I <30 individuals

porpoise Endangered

2 Leatherback Endangered Critically I 633 individuals

sea turtle Endangered (2010)
(East Pacific

3 Mexican Gray Extinct in the Not listed II 21 individuals

Wolf wild

4 Ajolote Endangered Critically II <100 individuals

salamander Endangered

5 Scarlet Endangered Least I <300 couples

macaw Concern (Chiapas and

6 Monarch Special Not listed Not listed 109 million

butterfly Protection

7 Elkhorn coral Special Critically II Population

Protection Endangered reduction
exceeding 80%
over the past 30

8 Brown sea Special Endangered II Population

cucumber Protection decline across the
entire range of
this species is
calculated to be at
least 60% over
the past 30-50

9 White nun Endangered Not listed II Unknown, small

orchid range

10 Jaguar Endangered Near I <4,000



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