A 705 - A705m - 95 R00 Qtcwns9bnza1tq

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Designation: A 705/A705M – 95 (Reapproved 2000)

Standard Specification for

Age-Hardening Stainless Steel Forgings1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 705/A705M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 3. Ordering Information

1.1 This specification2 covers age-hardening stainless steel 3.1 It is the responsibility of the purchaser to specify all
forgings for general use. requirements that are necessary for material ordered under this
1.2 The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI specification. Such requirements may include but are not
(metric) units are to be regarded separately as standards; within limited to the following:
the text and tables, the SI units are shown in[brackets]. The 3.1.1 Quantity (weight or number of pieces),
values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; there- 3.1.2 Name of material (age-hardening stainless steel forg-
fore, each system must be used independent of the other. ings),
Combining values from the two systems may result in noncon- 3.1.3 Dimensions, including prints or sketches,
formance with the specification. 3.1.4 Type or UNS designation (Table 1),
1.3 Unless the order specifies an “M” designation, the 3.1.5 Heat treated condition (Section 5),
material shall be furnished to inch-pound units. 3.1.6 Transverse properties when required (7.4),
3.1.7 ASTM designation and date of issue, and
NOTE 1—Bar products are covered by Specification A 564/A 564M.
3.1.8 Special requirements (5.3, 5.4).
2. Referenced Documents 3.2 If possible the intended end use of the item should be
2.1 ASTM Standards: given on the purchase order, especially when the item is
A 370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing ordered for a specific end use or uses.
of Steel Products3 NOTE 2—A typical ordering description is as follows: 5 age-hardening
A 484/A484M Specification for General Requirements for stainless steel forgings, Type 630, solution-annealed, ASTM Specification
Stainless Steel Bars, Billets, and Forgings4 A 705 dated __ . End use: pump blocks for oil well equipment.
A 564/A564M Specification for Hot-Rolled and Cold-
4. General Requirements
Finished Age-Hardening Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes4
A 751 Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for 4.1 In addition to the requirements of this specification, all
Chemical Analysis of Steel Products3 requirements of the current edition of Specification A 484/
E 527 Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS)5 A 484M shall apply. Failure to comply with the general
2.2 Other Documents: requirements of Specification A 484/A 484M, constitutes non-
SAE J 1086 Recommended Practice for Numbering Metals conformance with this specification.
and Alloys (UNS)6
5. Materials and Manufacture
5.1 Material for forgings shall consist of billets or bars,
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A-1 on Steel, either forged, rolled or cast, or a section cut from an ingot. The
Stainless Steel and Related Alloys, and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee cuts shall be made to the required length by a suitable process.
A01.17 on Flat Stainless Steel Products.
Current edition approved Jan. 15, 1995. Published March 1995. Originally
This material may be specified to Specification A 564/A 564M.
published as A 705 – 74. Last previous edition A 705/A 705M – 94. 5.2 The material shall be forged by hammering, pressing,
For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Specifi- rolling, extruding, or upsetting to produce a wrought structure
cation SA-705/SA-705M in Section II of that Code. throughout and shall be brought as nearly as possible to the
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.05. finished shape and size by hot working.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.01.
Available from Society of Automotive Engineers, 400 Commonwealth Drive,
Warrendale, PA 15096.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

A 705/A705M – 95 (2000)
5.3 When specified on the order, sample forging may be 7.3 The impact strength shall be determined at 70 to 80°F
sectioned and etched to show flow lines and the condition in [20 to 25°C], by Charpy V-notch specimen Type A as described
regard to internal imperfections. When so specified, the ques- in Test Methods and Definitions A 370.
tion of acceptable and unacceptable metal flow shall be subject 7.4 Material tensile tested and, when specified, impact
to agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser prior tested in the transverse direction (perpendicular to the forging
to order entry. flow lines) and meeting the requirements shown in Table 3
5.4 When specified on the order, the manufacturer shall need not be tested in the longitudinal direction.
submit for approval of the purchaser a sketch showing the 7.5 Samples cut from forging shall conform to the mechani-
shape of the rough forging before machining, or before heat cal properties of Table 3 when heat treated as specified in Table
treating for mechanical properties. 2 and Table 3 and tested in accordance with Test Methods and
5.5 The grain size shall be as fine as practicable and Definitions A 370.
precautions shall be taken to minimize grain growth.
5.6 Material of types other than XM-9 shall be furnished in 8. Prolongations for Tests
the solution-annealed condition, or in the equalized and over- 8.1 Subject to Section 7, the forgings shall be produced with
tempered condition, as noted in Table 2, unless otherwise prolongations for testing, unless otherwise specified. The
specified by the purchaser. producer may elect to submit an extra forging to represent each
5.6.1 Types 630, XM-16, and XM-25 may be furnished in test lot instead of prolongations, or the test specimens can be
the solution-annealed or age-hardened condition. taken from the forgings themselves.
9. Number of Tests
6. Chemical Composition
9.1 For all classes of forgings weighing from 5000 to 7000
6.1 The steel shall conform to the chemical composition
lb [2300 to 3200 kg] each, at least one tension test shall be
limits specified in Table 1.
made from each forging.
6.2 Methods and practices relating to chemical analysis 9.2 For all classes of forgings weighing more than 7000 lb
required by this specification shall be in accordance with Test [3200 kg] each, one tension test shall be made from each end
Methods, Practices, and Terminology A 751. of each forging. In the case of ring forgings, the tension test
specimen shall be removed from each of two locations on the
7. Mechanical Properties periphery, approximately 180° apart, or insofar as practicable,
7.1 The material, as represented by mechanical test speci- from opposite ends of the forging.
mens, shall conform to the mechanical property requirements 9.3 For forgings weighing less than 5000 lb [2300 kg] each,
specified in Table 2 and shall be capable of developing the one tension test shall be made from each size classification for
properties in Table 3 when heat treated as specified in Table 3. each heat in each heat treating charge. Where continuous heat
7.2 The yield strength shall be determined by the offset treating furnaces are used, tests shall be made on 10 % of the
method as described in the current edition of Test Methods and forgings of each size classification from each heat subjected to
Definitions A 370. The limiting permanent offset shall be 0.2 % the same heat treatment practice.
of the gage length of the specimen.

TABLE 1 Chemical RequirementsA

Composition, %
UNS Type Carbon Manganese Phospho- Sul- Sili- Chromium Nickel Alumi- Molyb- Tita- Copper Other
DesignationB rus fur con num denum nium Elements
S17400 630 0.07 1.00 0.040 0.030 1.00 15.00–17.50 3.00–5.00 ... ... ... 3.00–5.00
S17700 631 0.09 1.00 0.040 0.030 1.00 16.00–18.00 6.50–7.75 0.75–1.50 ... ... ... ...
S15700 632 0.09 1.00 0.040 0.030 1.00 14.00–16.00 6.50–7.75 0.75–1.50 2.00–3.00 ... ... ...
S35500 634 0.10–0.15 0.50–1.25 0.040 0.030 0.50 15.00–16.00 4.00–5.00 ... 2.50–3.25 ... ...
S17600 635 0.08 1.00 0.040 0.030 1.00 16.00–17.50 6.00–7.50 0.40 ... 0.40–1.20 ... ...
S15500 XM-12 0.07 1.00 0.040 0.030 1.00 14.00–15.50 3.50–5.50 ... ... ... 2.50–4.50
S13800 XM-13 0.05 0.20 0.010 0.008 0.10 12.25–13.25 7.50–8.50 0.90–1.35 2.00–2.50 ... ...
S45500 XM-16 0.03 0.50 0.015 0.015 0.50 11.00–12.50 7.50–9.50 ... 0.50 0.90–1.40 1.50–2.50
S45503 ... 0.010 0.50 0.010 0.010 0.20 11.00–12.50 7.50–9.50 ... 0.50 1.00–1.35 1.50–2.50
S45000 XM-25 0.05 1.00 0.030 0.030 1.00 14.00–16.00 5.00–7.00 ... 0.50–1.00 ... 1.25–1.75
Limits are in percent maximum unless shown as a range or stated otherwise.
New designation established in accordance with Practice E 527 and SAEJ1086, Recommended Practice for Numbering Metals and alloys (UNS).
Columbium plus tantalum 0.15–0.45.
Nitrogen 0.07–0.13.
Nitrogen 0.01.
Columbium plus tantalum 0.10–0.50.
Columbium 8 times carbon minimum.

A 705/A705M – 95 (2000)

TABLE 2 Solution Heat Treatment

Mechanical Test Requirements in Solution Treated ConditionA

Condi- Tensile Strength, min Yield Strength, min Elongation Reduction HardnessB
Type Solution Treatment in 2 in. [50
tion of Area, Rockwell C, Brinell,
ksi [MPa] ksi [MPa] mm] or 4D,
minute % max max
min. %
630 A 1900 6 25°F [1040 6 15°C] (cool ... ... ... ... ... ... 38 363
as required to below 90°F [32°C])
631 A 1900 6 25°F [1040 6 15°C] (water ... ... ... ... ... ... Rb89 229
632 A 1900 6 25°F [1040 6 15°C] (water ... ... ... ... ... ... Rb100 269C
634D A 1900 6 25°F [1040 6 15°C] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 363D
quench, hold not less than 3 h at
minus 100°F or lower
635 A 1900 6 25°F [1040 6 15°C] (air 120 [825] 75 [515] 10 45 32 302
XM-12 A 1900 6 25°F [1040 6 15°C] (cool ... ... ... ... ... ... 38 363
as required to below 90°F [32°C])
XM-13 A 1700 6 25°F [925 6 15°C] (cool as ... ... ... ... ... ... 38 363
required to below 60°F [16°C])
XM-16 A 1525 6 25°F [830 6 15°C] (cool ... ... ... ... ... ... 36 331
S45503 A 1525 6 25°F [830 6 15°C] (cool ... ... ... ... ... ... 36 331
XM-25 A 1900 6 25°F [1040 6 15°C] (cool 125E [860] 95 [655] 10 40 33 311
See 6.1.
Either Rockwell C hardness or Brinell is permissible. On sizes of 1⁄2in. (12.70 mm) and smaller, Rockwell C is preferred.
321 BHN for rounds cold drawn after solution treating.
Equalization and over-tempering treatment 1425 6 50°F [775 6 30°C] for not less than 3 h, cool to room temperature, heat to 1075 6 25°F [580 6 15°C] for not less
than 3 h.
125 − 165 ksi [860 − 1140 MPa] for sizes up to 1⁄2 in. [13 mm].

A 705/A705M – 95 (2000)

TABLE 3 Mechanical Test Requirements After Age Hardening Heat TreatmentA

Tensile Yield Elon- Impact

Suggested Hardening or Aging
Applicable Strength, Strength, gation Reduc- HardnessG Charpy-V,
Treatment, or bothBCD
Condi- Thickness, min minF in 2 in. tion of min
tion Tem- in. and Test [50 mm] area, Rock-
Time, DirectionE Brinell,
perature, Quench ksi [MPa] ksi [MPa] or 4D, min, % well C, ft·lbf J
h min. % min
°F [°C] min
630 H900 900 [480] 1.0 air cool Up to 3 in. incl [75 190 [1310] 170 [1170] 10 40 40 388 ... ...
mm] (L)

Over 3 in. [75 mm] 35

to 8 in. incl [200
mm] (L)

H925 925 [495] 4.0 air cool Up to 3 min. incl 170 [1170] 155 [1070] 10 44 38 375 5 6.8
[75 mm] (L)

Over 3 in. [75 mm] 38

to 8 in. incl [200
mm] (L)

H1025 1025 [550] 4.0 air cool 155 [1070] 145 [1000] 12 45 35 331 15 20

H1075 1075 [580] 4.0 air cool 145 [1000] 125 [860] 13 45 32 311 20 27

H1100 1100 [595] 4.0 air cool Up to 8 in. incl [200 140 [965] 115 [795] 14 45 31 302 25 34
mm] (L)

H1150 1150 [620] 4.0 air cool 135 [930] 105 [725] 16 50 28 277 30 41

H1150M 1400 [760] for 2 h, air cool plus 115 [795] 75 [520] 18 55 24 255 55 75
1150 [620] for 4 h, air cool.
631 RH950 1750°F [955°C] for not less than Up to 4 in. incl.
10 min, but not more than 1 h, [100 mm] (L)
cool rapidly to room temperature.
Cool within 24 h to minus 100 6
185 [1280] 150 [1030] 6 10 41 388 ... ...
10°F [75°C], hold not less than 8
h. Warm in air to room
temperature. Heat to 950°F
[510°C], hold 1 h, air cool.

TH1050 Alternative treatment: 1400°F Up to 6 in. incl [150

[760°C] hold 90 min, cool to 55 mm] (L)
6 5°F [15 6 3°C] within 1 h.
170 [1170] 140 [965] 6 25 38 352 ... ...
Hold not less than 30 min, heat
to 1050°F [565°C] hold for 90
min, air cool.
632 RH950 Up to 4 in. incl [100
mm] (L) 200 [1380] 175 [1210] 7 25 ... 415 ... ...
Same as Type 631
TH1050 Up to 6 in. incl [150
180 [1240] 160 [1100] 8 25 ... 375 ... ...
mm] (L)
634H H1000 1750 [955] for not less than 10
min, but not more than 1 h.
Water quench. Cool to not higher
than minus 100°F [75°C]. Hold 170 [1170] 155 [1070] 12 25 37 341 ... ...
for not less than 3 h. Temper at
1000°F [540°C], holding for not
less than 3 h.
635 H950 950 (510) 0.5 air cool 190 [1310] 170 [1170] 8 25 39 363 ... ...

H1000 1000 [540] 0.5 air cool 180 [1240] 160 [1100] 8 30 37 352 ... ...

H1050 1050 [565] 0.5 air cool 170 [1170] 150 [1035] 10 40 35 331 ... ...
XM-12 H900 900 [480] 1.0 air cool Up to 12 in. incl
[300 mm]I (L) 10 35
190 [1310] 170 [1170] 40 388 ... ...
Up to 12 in. incl
[300 mm]I(T) 6 15

A 705/A705M – 95 (2000)

TABLE 3 Continued
Tensile Yield Elon- Impact
Suggested Hardening or Aging
Applicable Strength, Strength, gation Reduc- HardnessG Charpy-V,
Treatment, or bothBCD
Condi- Thickness, min minF in 2 in. tion of min
tion Tem- in. and Test [50 mm] area, Rock-
Time, DirectionE Brinell,
perature, Quench ksi [MPa] ksi [MPa] or 4D, min, % well C, ft·lbf J
h min. % min
°F [°C] min
H925 925 [495] 4.0 air cool Up to 12 in. incl
[300 mm]I (L) 10 38 5 6.8
170 [1170] 155 [1070] 38 375
Up to 12 in. incl 7 20
[300 mm]I(T) ... ...

H1025 1025 [550] 4.0 air cool Up to 12 in. incl

[300 mm]I (L) 12 45 15 20
155 [1070] 145 [1000] 35 331
Up to 12 in. incl 27 10 14
[300 mm]I(T) 8

H1075 1075 [580] 4.0 air cool Up to 12 in. incl

[300 mm]I (L) 13 45 20 27
145 [1000] 125 [860] 32 311
Up to 12 in. incl 9 28 15 20
[300 mm]I(T)

H1100 1100 [595] 4.0 air cool Up to 12 in. incl

[300 mm]I (L) 14 45 25 34
140 [965] 115 [795] 31 302
Up to 12 in. incl 10 29 15 20
[300 mm]I(T)

H1150 1150 [620] 4.0 air cool Up to 12 in. incl

[300 mm]I (L) 16 50 30 41
135 [930] 105 [725] 28 277
Up to 12 in. incl 11 30 20 27
[300 mm]I(T)

H1150M 1400 [760] for 2 h, air cool plus Up to 12 in. incl

1150 [620] for 4 h, air cool [300 mm]I (L) 18 55 55 75
115 [795] 75 [515] 24 255
Up to 12 in. incl 14 35 35 47
[300 mm]I(T)
XM-13 H950 950 [510] 4.0 air cool Up to 12 in. incl
[300 mm]I(L) 45
220 [1520] 205 [1420] 10 45 430 ... ...
Up to 12 in. incl 35
[300 mm]I(T)

H1000 1000 [540] 4.0 air cool Up to 12 in. incl

[300 mm]I (L) 10 50
205 [1420] 190 [1310] 43 400 ... ...
Up to 12 in. incl 10 40
[300 mm]I (T)

H1025 1025 [550] 4.0 air cool Up to 12 in. incl

[300 mm] (L) 50
185 [1280] 175 [1210] 11 41 380 ... ...
Up to 12 in. incl 45
[300 mm] (T)

H1050 1050 [565] 4.0 air cool Up to 12 in. incl

[300 mm] (L) 50
175 [1210] 165 [1140] 12 40 372 ... ...
Up to 12 in. incl 45
[300 mm] (T)

H1100 1100 [595] 4.0 air cool Up to 12 in. incl

[300 mm] (L) 50
150 [1030] 135 [930] 14 34 313 ... ...
Up to 12 in. incl 50
[300 mm] (T)

H1150 1150 [620] 4.0 air cool Up to 12 in. incl

[300 mm] (L) 50
135 [930] 90 [620] 14 30 283 ... ...
Up to 12 in. incl 50
[300 mm] (T)

A 705/A705M – 95 (2000)

TABLE 3 Continued
Tensile Yield Elon- Impact
Suggested Hardening or Aging
Applicable Strength, Strength, gation Reduc- HardnessG Charpy-V,
Treatment, or bothBCD
Condi- Thickness, min minF in 2 in. tion of min
tion Tem- in. and Test [50 mm] area, Rock-
Time, DirectionE Brinell,
perature, Quench ksi [MPa] ksi [MPa] or 4D, min, % well C, ft·lbf J
h min. % min
°F [°C] min
H1150M 1400 [760] for 2 h, air cool plus Up to 12 in. incl
1150 [620] for 4 h, air cool [300 mm] (L) 55
125 [860] 85 [585] 16 26 259 ... ...
Up to 12 in. incl 55
[300 mm] (T)
XM-16I H900 900 [480] 4.0 air cool 235 [1620] 220 [1520] 8 30 47 444 ... ...

Up to 6 in. incl
H950 950 [510] 4.0 air cool 220 [1520] 205 [1410] 10 40 44 415 ... ...
[150 mm] (L)

H1000 1000 [540] 4.0 air cool 205 [1410] 185 [1280] 10 40 40 363 ... ...
S45503J H900 900 [480] 4.0 air cool Up to 6 in. incl [150
mm] (L) 8 30
235 [1620] 220 [1520] 47 444 ... ...
Up to 6 in. incl [150 4 15
mm]K (T)

H950 950 [510] 4.0 air cool Up to 6 in. incl [150

mm] (L) 10 40
220 [1520] 205 [1410] 44 415 ... ...
Up to 6 in. incl [150 5 20

H1000 1000 [540] 4.0 air cool Up to 6 in. incl [150

mm] (L) 10 40
205 [1410] 185 [1280] 40 363 ... ...
Up to 6 in. incl [150 6 25
mm] (T)
XM-25J H900 900 [480] 4.0 air cool Up to 8 in. incl [200
mm] 10 40
Up to 12 in. incl
180 [1240] 170 [1170] 10 40 39 363 ... ...
300 mmK(L)
Up to 12 in. incl 6 20
[300 mm]K(T)

H950 950 [510] 4.0 air cool Up to 8 in. incl [200

mm] 10 40
Up to 12 in incl
170 [1170] 160 [1100] 10 40 37 341 ... ...
[300 mm]K(L)
Up to 12 in. incl 7 22
[300 mm]K(T)
XM-25J H1000 1000 [540] 4.0 air cool Up to 8 in. incl [200
mm] 12 45
Up to 12 in. incl
160 [1100] 150 [1030] 12 45 36 331 ... ...
[300 mm]K (L)
Up to 12 in. incl 6 27
[300 mm]K (T)

H1025 1025 [550] 4.0 air cool Up to 8 in. incl [200 150 [1030] 140 [965] 12 45 34 321 ... ...

H1050 1050 [565] 4.0 air cool Up to 8 in. incl [200

mm] 12 45
Up to 12 in. incl
145 [1000] 135 [930] 12 45 34 321 ... ...
[300 mm]K (L)
Up to 12 in. incl 9 30
[300 mm]K (T)

A 705/A705M – 95 (2000)

TABLE 3 Continued
Tensile Yield Elon- Impact
Suggested Hardening or Aging
Applicable Strength, Strength, gation Reduc- HardnessG Charpy-V,
Treatment, or bothBCD
Condi- Thickness, min minF in 2 in. tion of min
tion Tem- in. and Test [50 mm] area, Rock-
Time, DirectionE Brinell,
perature, Quench ksi [MPa] ksi [MPa] or 4D, min, % well C, ft·lbf J
h min. % min
°F [°C] min
H1100 1100 [595] 4.0 air cool Up to 8 in. incl [200
mm] 16 50
Up to 12 in. incl
130 [895] 105 [725] 16 50 30 285 ... ...
[300 mm]K (L)
Up to 12 in. incl 11 30
[300 mm]K (T)

H1150 1150 [620] 4.0 air cool Up to 8 in. incl [200

mm] 15 50
Up to 12 in. incl
125 [860] 75 [515] 18 55 26 262 ... ...
[300 mm]K (L)
Up to 12 in. incl 12 35
[300 mm]K (T)
See 6.1.
Time refers to minimum time material is at temperature and may be extended to obtain required ductility properties.
Unless otherwise noted, temperatures shown are suggested temperatures and may be varied to obtain required tensile properties.
Intermediate temperatures must meet the ductility requirements of the next highest suggested hardening or aging temperature, or both.
Example: Type 630 at 1050°F [565°C] must have 13 % elongation and 45 % reduction, same as for age hardening at 1075°F [580°C].
(L) - Longitudinal axis of specimen parallel to direction of grain flow during rolling or forging. (T) - Transverse axis of specimen perpendicular to direction of grain flow
during rolling or forging.
See 6.2.
Either Rockwell C hardness or Brinell is permissible. On sizes 1⁄2 in. (12.70 mm) and smaller, Rockwell C is preferred.
Refer to Table 2 for details on equalize and over temper heat treatment.
Applies to consumable electrode vacuum remelted.
Only tensile strength applicable to sizes up to 1⁄2in. (13 mm).
Consumable electrode remelted only.

10. Keywords
10.1 age-hardening stainless steel; precipitation hardening
stainless steel; stainless steel forgings

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
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