Entamoeba Histolytica: Review Article
Entamoeba Histolytica: Review Article
Entamoeba Histolytica: Review Article
Review Article
A Sequential Model of Host Cell Killing and Phagocytosis by
Entamoeba histolytica
Copyright © 2011 A. Sateriale and C. D. Huston. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
The protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica is responsible for invasive intestinal and extraintestinal amebiasis. The virulence of
Entamoeba histolytica is strongly correlated with the parasite’s capacity to effectively kill and phagocytose host cells. The process by
which host cells are killed and phagocytosed follows a sequential model of adherence, cell killing, initiation of phagocytosis, and
engulfment. This paper presents recent advances in the cytolytic and phagocytic processes of Entamoeba histolytica in context of
the sequential model.
correlated with the parasite’s capacity to kill and phagocy- Many of the proteins recently implicated in adherence
tose host cells [10–13]. The function of this review is to have arisen from genomic and transcriptomic analyses of
highlight some of the recent advances in understanding the Entamoeba histolytica and nonvirulent Entamoeba. Sequenc-
mechanism of cell killing and phagocytosis, and to place ing of the Entamoeba histolytica genome has led to many new
these findings in the context of previous knowledge. For the discoveries, truly advancing the field of Entamoeba research
purpose of this review, cell killing and phagocytosis have in a manner not seen since Diamond et al. first axenically
been organized in a sequential model involving (i) adherence cultured the parasite [27–29]. One such discovery is STIRP
to the host cell surface, (ii) contact-dependent cell killing, (serine-threonine-isoleucine rich protein), a protein family
(iii) initiation of phagocytosis, and (iv) engulfment (see exclusively expressed in virulent strains of Entamoeba, in
Figure 1). vitro. shRNA-mediated silencing of the STIRP family led to
a 35% decrease in adhesion to host cells and a subsequent
2. Adherence reduction in cytotoxicity [30]. ROM1 is a serine protease
functionally related to the rhomboid proteases first identified
The d-galactose/N-acetyl-d-galactosamine- (GalNAc-) spe- in Drosophila melanogaster [31, 32]. Rhomboid proteases
cific lectin is the major amebic surface adhesin responsible are seven-pass transmembrane proteases with the ability
for adherence to intestinal mucus and host cells [14]. The to cleave transmembrane proteins at their transmembrane
GalNAc lectin is composed of a light subunit (Lgl), heavy domain [33]. The ROM1 gene appears to be the only
subunit (Hgl), and a noncovalently bound intermediate rhomboid protease expressed by both Entamoeba histolytica
subunit (Igl) [15, 16]. The light and heavy subunits are linked and Entamoeba dispar. shRNA-mediated silencing of ROM1
via a disulfide bond and exist predominantly at the parasite reduced adhesion to healthy Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)
cell membrane as a 260 kDa heterodimer [15]. The heavy cells, but not to apoptotic CHO cells, the mechanism of
subunit contains a carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) which is still to be determined. It is hypothesized that the
that recognizes d-galactose and N-acetyl-d-galactosamine ROM1 protease could be involved in cleavage and activation
[17]. MUC-2, the predominant mucin in the host intestine, of amebic transmembrane proteins involved in adherence
is bound by the GalNAc lectin with high affinity (Kd = and phagocytosis. ROM1 silenced ameba were shown to
8.2 × 10−11 M), allowing for Entamoeba histolytica to colonize have an ordinary amount of GalNAc lectin at their cell
mucosal surfaces [18, 19]. The CRD also recognizes host cell surface, but other amebic adhesins may be modulated by
surface protein glycoconjugates and inhibition of adherence ROM1 [31]. There is experimental evidence of at least
to host cells has been shown using monoclonal antibodies one additional Entamoeba histolytica surface lectin activity
that bind the CRD specifically [20, 21]. Host cell adherence involved in phagocytosis [34].
can also be strongly inhibited using μM concentrations of Another recently described potential adhesin is TMKB1-
either galactose or N-acetyl-d-galactosamine [14, 22, 23]. 9, a member of a large family of transmembrane kinases (the
Inhibition of adherence through the GalNAc lectin invariably relevance of which is more thoroughly discussed later) [35].
leads to a subsequent decrease in host cell cytotoxicity [23]. The expression of TMKB1-9 was shown, quite conclusively,
Tetracycline-regulated expression of a truncated intracellular to correlate with decreased adherence to and destruction
domain of the GalNAc lectin heavy subunit has been shown of CHO cell monolayers. Intriguingly, the expression of
to significantly decrease adherence to host cells in vitro TMKB1-9 also correlated to serum content in the culture
[24]. These data suggest that the lectin participates in medium, suggesting a possible mechanism for sensing
outside-to-inside signaling, which is likely through the β2 environmental conditions [36]. As this exciting new research
integrin homologous intracellular domain of the GalNAc unfolds, we shall hopefully better understand what serum
heavy subunit. These functions in adhesion and signaling component(s) is regulating TMKB1-9 expression, and how
place the GalNAc lectin firmly at the nexus of virulence, TMKB1-9 modulates cell adherence.
though there are other Entamoeba histolytica proteins that Trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica express GPI-
have been implicated in adherence. anchored lipoglycoconjugates on their cell surface, referred
The EhCPADH complex is a 124 kDa heterodimer to as lipopeptidophosphoglycans or EhLPPG [37, 38]. These
formed by a cysteine protease (EhCP112) and an adhesin molecules have been implicated in host-parasite interactions
(EhADH112). Targeted monoclonal antibodies to the C- based on the finding that nonvirulent and virulent strains
terminus adhesion epitope of ADH112 results in greater than of Entamoeba histolytica express different amounts and
50% reduced adherence to host cells, and ensuing decreases structures of EhLPPG [39–42]. Recent research has shown
in cytotoxicity and phagocytosis [25]. ADH112 has three that EhLPPG are the primary NKT cell ligands, helping to
putative transmembrane domains, a putative Bro1 domain, explain why CD1d−/− mice show significantly larger liver
and an intracellular domain with potential phosphorylation abscesses [43, 44]. Marinets et al. [45] found that passive
sites [26]. It will be interesting to see whether targeted immunization with antibody to LPPG conferred protection
mutations to the intracellular region or a truncated version from invasive amebiasis in the severe combined immunod-
of this protein produce a parasite with diminished adherence. eficient (SCID) mouse model of hepatic abscess. This effect
The ADH112 intracellular domain is highly divergent from was also seen using a SCID intestinal xenograph model of
that of the GalNAc lectin heavy subunit [26]. Adhesion invasion [46]. LPPG antibody also caused agglutination of
signaling mechanisms of these complexes are, therefore, ameba in vitro, which may have been a confounding factor
likely to be distinct. in an earlier report showing an LPPG antibody-mediated
Journal of Parasitology Research 3
Host Phosphorylation Host
cell Caspase 3
ROS collectins
Phospholipases PS
GalNAc Amoebapores
CPADH lectin TMK GalNAc GalNAc
ROM1 ? SREHP lectin TMKs
B1-9 STIRP lectin CP5
Figure 1: Sequential model of cell killing and phagocytosis by Entamoeba histolytica. Adherence, cell killing, and initiation of phagocytosis
leading to engulfment of host cells are depicted from left to right. Abbreviations: cysteine protease adhesin (CPADH), transmembrane
kinase (TMK), serine-threonine-isoleucine rich protein (STIRP), reactive oxygen species (ROS), serine-rich Entamoeba histolytica protein
(SREHP), cysteine protease 5 (CP5), and phosphatidylserine (PS).
decrease in adherence [47]. LPPG may be vitally important protein [55]. The G3 strain was also shown to be deficient
in immune recognition, but the role it plays in host cell- in cell monolayer destruction and incapable of forming
parasite adherence remains uncertain. Finally, the lysine and liver abscess in the hamster model of hepatic abscess [55].
glutamic acid-rich protein, KERP1, remains an attractive Conversely, the G3 strain produced abscesses, though of
potential adhesion, as it has been shown to bind epithelial smaller size, in the SCID mouse model [56]. The authors
cells and is absent in the Entamoeba dispar genome [48]. Its speculate this difference may have been due to the increased
role in adhesion has yet to be formally tested, but KERP1 susceptibility of the SCID mice, variable timing of liver
has recently been evidenced to play a role in liver abscess assessment, or variation in the role that amoebapore plays
formation [49]. in different animal models.
While target host cells and bacteria are susceptible to
amoebapore, Entamoeba histolytica is surprisingly resistant
3. Cell Killing
at μM concentrations. Experiments using liposomes with
The GalNAc lectin is a striking example of a crossover Entamoeba histolytica cell membrane composition demon-
function between adherence and cell killing. Antibodies strated that the phospholipid composition of the parasite
targeting the heavy subunit (Hgl) on a separate domain from plasma membrane, along with its high cholesterol con-
the CRD decrease cell killing by approximately 50% [50]. tent, prevents binding of fluorescently labeled amoebapore
It should be noted that exclusion of any adherence protein [57]. The plasma membrane of Entamoeba histolytica is
from the subsequent processes of cell killing and initiation of also resistant to another protein implicated in host cell
phagocytosis does not rule out their involvement, only a lack killing, phospholipase [58]. Pharmacological inhibitors of
of evidence to suggest significant involvement in the latter eukaryotic phospholipase A significantly reduced CHO cell
two. It is quite possible that many of the proteins involved in killing, as measured by trypan blue exclusion criteria [58].
the recognition of healthy host cells are also involved in the The predominant phospholipid found on the Entamoeba
cytolysis and/or recognition of apoptotic cells, much like the cell membrane is ceramide aminoethylphosphonate (CAEP),
GalNAc lectin. which is a phospholipase resistant species of phospholipid
The Entamoeba histolytica genome encodes three amoe- [59, 60]. While phosphonolipids have been found in small
bapore proteins that can be secreted upon contact, and the amounts in various mammals, such large amounts of
purified proteins cause target host cell membrane permeabil- CAEP have only been seen in marine bacteria, gastropods,
ity at μM concentrations [51, 52]. When inserted into host and bivalve mollusks [61]. CAEP was also detected in
cell membrane, amoebapore proteins oligomerize through the plasma membrane of Entamoeba histolytica’s reptil-
peptide-peptide interactions to produce ion channels [53]. ian relative, Entamoeba invadens [62]. It is possible that
Antisense silencing of amoebapore A expression significantly CAEP confers resistance to Entamoeba histolytica’s resident
impairs Entamoeba histolytica’s ability to kill baby hamster phospholipases.
kidney (BHK) cells, assayed by trypan blue exclusion [54]. Following contact with Entamoeba histolytica host cells
The G3 strain of Entamoeba histolytica has an almost undergo the morphological and phenotypic changes of
complete transcriptional silencing of the amoebapore A apoptosis, including nuclear chromatin condensation, DNA
4 Journal of Parasitology Research
fragmentation, and membrane blebbing [63]. These cells separate, the end result is membrane blebbing and increased
stain positive by terminal deoxynucleotidyl-transferase- phosphatidylserine exposure on the outer leaflet of the host
mediated dUTP-biotin nick-end labeling (TUNEL) and plasma membrane [13, 67].
by annexin V, indicating DNA degradation and phos-
phatidylserine increases on the outer leaflet of the host cell 4. Initiation of Phagocytosis
plasma membrane [64]. Although one study has shown
necrotic features of Entamoeba histolytica-induced cell death, Experiments have shown, conclusively, that Entamoeba
predominant amount of the literature supports an apoptotic histolytica more readily phagocytoses host cells that have
result [65–71]. The mechanism by which this host-cell already undergone apoptosis [13, 67]. Apoptotic Jurkat
apoptosis is initiated in a variety of different cell types is lymphocytes and Ca2+ ionophore-treated erythrocytes are
still unclear, but there are some common factors. Target both phagocytosed at a higher rate than their viable coun-
cells show a sustained increase in intracellular Ca2+ con- terparts. Jurkat lymphocytes made artificially apoptotic by
centration, protein tyrosine dephosphorylation, and caspase insertion of phosphatidylserine into the outer leaflet are
3 activation following contact with Entamoeba histolytica also phagocytosed by Entamoeba histolytica at a higher
[66, 72, 73]. Recent work has shown that pretreatment of rate [67]. When healthy Jurkat lymphocytes were incubated
Jurkat lymphocytes with the calpain inhibitor calpeptin leads with Entamoeba histolytica in vitro, caspase 3 activity was
to a decrease in protein tyrosine dephosphorylation. It is detected by immunofluorescence using an antiactive caspase
hypothesized that the increase in host cell intracellular Ca2+ 3 antibody in virtually all intact cells ingested [67]. Thus,
concentration activates calpain, which cleaves and activates apoptosis appears to be a requirement for phagocytosis to
host SHP-1 and SHP-2. SHP-1 and SHP-2 then act as protein occur, though it remains possible that viable cells are just
tyrosine phosphatases. Although calpeptin pretreatment engulfed less efficiently.
leads to a decrease in protein tyrosine dephosphorylation, Galactose inhibition of the GalNAc lectin leads to a
it is insufficient to halt ensuing apoptosis [74]. Caspase 8 22% reduction in amebic adherence to Ca2+ ionophore-
deficiency and caspase 9 inhibition have likewise been shown treated erythrocytes, in contrast to healthy erythrocytes
to be ineffective in abrogating apoptosis in target Jurkat which show approximately 81% reduction in adherence
lymphocytes. Conversely, the caspase 3 inhibitor Ac-DEVD- [13]. Similarly, d-galactose inhibits adherence to apoptotic
CHO was found to block Jurkat cell apoptosis, measured by Jurkat lymphocytes inefficiently [67]. These results clearly
DNA fragmentation and 51Cr release [66]. In a C57BL/6 implicate other Entamoeba histolytica receptors in adhesion
mouse model of hepatic abscess, Entamoeba histolytica- to apoptotic host cells and initiation of phagocytosis.
induced apoptosis was also found to be Fas/Fas ligand Ideal candidates for apoptotic receptors are members of
independent [64]. These findings support a Fas/Fas ligand the Entamoeba histolytica transmembrane kinase family of
and caspase 8/9 independent activation of caspase 3. proteins. Entamoeba histolytica has over 90 transmembrane
Recent research using a CBA mouse model of colitis has kinases (TMKs), categorized into subfamilies (A, B1-3, C,
shown that intraperitoneal injection with the pan-caspase D1-2, E, F) based on signature motifs in their kinase domains
inhibitor ZVAD reduced the mouse parasite burden and, [35]. Single-cell microarray analysis of Entamoeba histolytica
further, that caspase 3 knockout C57BL/6 mice showed has shown that multiple TMKs are expressed by individual
an even lower parasite burden [6]. The fact that caspase parasites in vitro [78]. A small subset of these proteins
3 knockout mice were not fully protected from Entamoeba has been characterized, thus far, with surprising results.
invasion suggests a possible second mechanism of cell Certain members of the TMK family have been implicated
death. Sim et al. [70] have shown in neutrophils that in proliferation, possibly due to signaling involving the
intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) are induced upon extracellular milieu [36, 78, 79]. TMKB1-9 levels have been
contact from Entamoeba histolytica. This induction also shown to correlate with serum levels in culture media;
coincides with an increasing ERK1/2 activation. Incubation in fact, many of the TMKs have expression patterns that
with a MEK1 inhibitor decreased ERK1/2 activation and fluctuate over time [35, 36]. Other TMKs have exhibited a
neutrophil apoptosis. Recent work from this group indicates role in the uptake of host cells, specifically in the recognition
that apoptosis in neutrophils is also inhibited by host cell of apoptotic host cells [78, 80]. Expression of a carboxy-
preincubation with monoclonal antibodies to CD18 [75]. truncated version of TMK39, possessing only extracellular
CD18 is a β2 integrin that mediates neutrophil adhesion and and transmembrane domains, decreased uptake of apoptotic
is known to promote activation of NADPH oxidase [76]. Jurkat lymphocytes by approximately 50% [78]. Similarly,
Treatment with an NADPH oxidase inhibitor also partially expression of a truncated version of TMKB3-96 (PATMK)
decreased neutrophil apoptosis, as measured by annexin- decreased uptake of Ca2+ ionophore-treated erythrocytes
V staining of phosphatidylserine [70]. Previous studies [80]. This decrease was also shown using shRNA-mediated
have shown GalNAc lectin deposition on target host cell knockdown and using polyclonal antiserum specific for
membranes following parasite contact [77]. It is interesting PATMK, which localized to the phagocytic cup during
to speculate that, if integrated into the host cell membrane, erythrophagocytosis.
the β2 integrin domain of the GalNAc lectin heavy subunit Exactly what these TMKs are recognizing on apoptotic
may be capable of stimulating NADPH oxidase. Whether cells is unknown. Phosphatidylserine exposure is a hallmark
the ROS-dependent pathway and the caspase 3-dependent of host cell apoptosis, making it a strong candidate ligand
pathway are part of the same mechanism of apoptosis or [81, 82]. Annexin V masking of phosphatidylserine on
Journal of Parasitology Research 5
Table 1: Members of the Entamoeba histolytica transmembrane
kinase family found in phagosome preparations at various time
points [80, 86].
TMK Pathema ID
55 EhTMKA-4 EHI 068720
TMKs EhTMKA-85 EHI 128430
EhTMKB1-1 EHI 103240
EhTMKB1-5 EHI 062090
CED-1 EhTMKB2-14 EHI 068160
EhTMKB2-31 EHI 180320
Figure 2: Venn diagram summarizing results of Entamoeba his-
tolytica BLAST searches using the extracellular domains of CED- EhTMKB2-36 EHI 074740
1 (C. elegans), eater (D. melanogaster), and STAB2 (H. sapiens). EhTMKB2-41 EHI 064490
Fifty-five members of the E. histolytica transmembrane kinase gene EhTMKB2-75 EHI 092260
family share significant homology to these representative scavenger EhTMKB3-29 EHI 050820
EhTMKB3-96 EHI 167650
EhTMKC-13 EHI 025280
apoptotic erythrocytes leads to a decrease in phagocytosis EhTMKC-71 EHI 030420
[13]. Annexin V treatment along with galactose inhibition EhTMKD1-3 EHI 201270
of the GalNAc lectin also leads to an astonishing >95% EhTMKD1-40 EHI 064500
reduction in erythrophagocytosis. If phosphatidylserine were EhTMKD1-70 EHI 189290
the only driving force behind apoptotic cell recognition, EhTMKD1-79 EHI 180150
then annexin V treatment of other apoptotic cell types EhTMKD2-19 EHI 081790
should also decrease phagocytosis. Interestingly, this effect
EhTMKD2-44 EHI 127000
is not seen. Annexin V treatment of Jurkat lymphocytes
does not affect the rate of phagocytosis in vitro (C. Huston, EhTMKD2-64 EHI 086050
unpublished data). These findings lead us to believe that, EhTMKE-22 EHI 186990
while phosphatidylserine may be a strong signal for initiation EhTMKE-54 EHI 188110
of phagocytosis, other ligands present on nucleated apoptotic
host cells must be also capable of stimulating Entamoeba
histolytica phagocytosis.
Research on macrophage uptake of apoptotic cells has members [87]. EhCP1, EhCP2, and EhCP5 appear to make
shown that recognition of phosphatidylserine alone involves up nearly 90% of the cysteine protease transcripts in cultured
multiple receptors [83, 84]. As previous studies have noted, parasites [88, 89]. At different time points of infection, the
the extracellular domain of TMKs contain many epidermal expression of cysteine proteases can shift greatly, leading
growth factor- (EGF-) like repeats characteristic of scavenger to the increase of EhCP4 and others [90]. In cultured
receptors conserved in eukaryotes [78, 85]. A Boolean parasites, antisense knockdown of EhCP5 resulted in a 90%
exploration of BLAST searches involving the extracellular decrease in cysteine protease activity compared to wild type
domains of the representative scavenger receptors CED-1 [91]. Strangely, this strain of Entamoeba histolytica had a
(C. elegans), eater (D. melanogaster), and STAB2 (H. sapiens) decrease in phagocytosis, while having no apparent defect
returns 55 members of the Entamoeba histolytica TMK family in hemolytic activity or monolayer destruction. This is in
(Figure 2). This number is remarkable considering that stark contrast to the known roles of cysteine proteases
many of the transmembrane kinase genes encode truncated that include degradation of extracellular matrix, mucin,
forms, lacking substantial extracellular domains [35, 79]. complement proteins, immunoglobulins, and cytokines [7–
Proteomic analysis of the Entamoeba histolytica phagosome 9, 92]. EhCP5-attenuated parasites were also unable to
using carboxylated paramagnetic beads as bait identified penetrate the colonic lamina propria in an ex vivo human
22 TMKs over various time points (Table 1) [80]. It is an colonic model of invasion [93]. Targeted inhibitors to EhCP1
attractive hypothesis that TMKs are acting as scavenger and EhCP4 have also been shown to be protective in the
receptors, yet more research is needed to characterize TMK SCID mouse-human intestinal xenograph model and in the
ligands and the downstream signaling induced. Buss et al. SCID mouse hepatic abscess model, respectively [94, 95].
[78] observed heterodimerization of wild type and truncated The connection between cysteine proteases and phagocytosis
TMKs in transfected parasites. It will be interesting to has not been determined, but their importance for host
see whether TMK homodimerization alone is sufficient to invasion has been proven ex vivo and in vivo. The availability
initiate phagocytosis, and whether TMKs are able to dimerize of pharmacologic inhibitors for cysteine proteases makes
with other family members. them attractive targets for drug design, and the inhibitors
Another large family of genes in Entamoeba histolytica are potential tools to dissect the roles of individual cysteine
is the cysteine proteases, of which there are 50 known proteases in phagocytosis.
6 Journal of Parasitology Research
The serine rich Entamoeba histolytica protein (SREHP) offers a more complete picture of the various proteins
was first identified based on its strong immunogenic prop- involved in amebic endocytosis [80, 111–113]. Okada and
erties, and characterized as a potential parasite chemoat- Nozaki [114] and Marion and Guillén [85] offer very concise
tractant [96]. These results are perplexing considering that and comprehensive reviews of the endocytosis mechanism.
the SREHP does not appear to be secreted, but does
show localization to the plasma membrane of Entamoeba
histolytica. An in vitro screen of 43 monoclonal antibodies 6. Future Directions
raised against Entamoeba histolytica membrane preparations
Some of the original mysteries surrounding Entamoeba
identified a single antibody that inhibited phagocytosis,
histolytica pathogenicity still plague researchers today. The
which was found to be specific for SREHP [97]. This
Zulu word for Entamoeba histolytica-derived liver abscess
antibody blocked uptake of apoptotic Jurkat lymphocytes by
is isigwebedhla, which translates to disease of the strong
over 90%, and the reduction was shown to be GalNAc lectin-
young men [115]. The cause behind the gender bias still
independent via saturating amounts of galactose. Adherence
remains unknown. This is not particularly surprising, con-
and induction of apoptosis were also reduced to a much
sidering that the mechanism by which Entamoeba histolytica
lesser degree. The SREHP has a putative transmembrane
causes host cell apoptosis is largely uncertain. Models for
domain but no appreciable cytoplasmic domain, implicating
assaying parasite invasion such as the SCID mouse-human
a possible coreceptor that is still to be identified.
xenograph model and the recent ex vivo human intestinal
The host collectins C1q, SP-A, and MBL have all been
model may allow for a better understanding of host-parasite
shown to be ligands that stimulate Entamoeba histolytica
interactions [93, 116]. While animal models are invaluable,
phagocytosis [4]. Structurally, the collectin family all have a
discrepancies between species and even between strains
collagenous N-terminal tail and a globular C-terminal head
highlight the variability of the host-parasite interface. Models
generally involved in opsonization [98]. Collectins are found
better representing the parasite’s natural human host may
throughout the host mucosal lining, including those of the
allow for a better understanding of the invasive phenotype.
intestine [99–101]. Collectin-mediated opsonization of bac-
Many of the proteins described in this sequential model of
teria and apoptotic host cells is stimulatory for Entamoeba
invasion also happen to be the most immunogenic [117].
histolytica as well as macrophages [4, 102] (A. Sateriale,
The characterization of novel proteins involved in adherence,
unpublished data). Pretreatment with C1q increased amebic
cell killing, and phagocytosis still holds the promise of
uptake of apoptotic Jurkat lymphocytes in vitro, but not
identifying future vaccine candidates.
of viable Jurkats, even though C1q was detectable on the
surface of both. The localization of C1q to apoptotic Jurkat
membrane blebs in these experiments indicates possible Acknowledgments
concentration dependence. C1q and MBL were also found to
be chemoattractants for Entamoeba histolytica, via a transwell The authors thank their fellow laboratory members for
migration assay [4]. As the host collectins have been shown their thoughtful comments on this paper. C. D. Huston is
to be structurally similar, a single receptor may show cross- supported by NIAID R01 AI072021-03.
reactivity. However, a putative Entamoeba histolytica collectin
receptor has yet to be identified.
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http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014
International Journal of
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014
Journal of
Nucleic Acids
International Journal of