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Percutaneous Dilatational Tracheostomy Using Tube

Ohad Ronen, MD,*† Alexander Gurevich, MD,‡ Shimon Ivry, MD,‡ Edward Altman, MD,§
and Evgeni Kukuev, MD‡

We describe a modified technique for percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy using a 15F tube
exchanger or Eschmann catheter. A retrospective review of 1180 procedures using this modi-
fied technique demonstrated it to be effective with a failure rate of only 0.25% (3 patients).
Moreover, it provides an additional safeguard with the ability to rapidly reintroduce the endotra-
cheal tube into the trachea guided by the exchange catheter in the event of accidental extuba-
tion during the procedure. This technique needs no additional special devices or equipment (eg,
a bronchoscope). However, a prospective study is needed to better define its complication rate. 
(Anesth Analg XXX;XXX:00–00)

ercutaneous dilatational tracheostomy (PDT) is often Modified PDT Technique
­considered the preferred method for tracheostomy. The patient is sedated per routine. A fiberoptic bronchoscope
This cost-effective technique is widely undertaken swivel connector (Smiths Medical, Keene, New Hampshire)
bedside with a low incidence of complications when com- is placed at the proximal end of the ETT, so the patient can
pleted by experienced operators.1 Because there are few be ventilated throughout the procedure. After optimally
absolute contraindications (infants, unstable cervical spine positioning the patient, the surgeon prepares a sterile field
injuries)2 to PDT, this approach is broadly applicable to and drapes the surgical site. The anesthesiologist inserts a
many critically ill patients. In that setting, loss of the secured 15F tube exchanger into the patient’s ETT via the swivel
airway remains one of the most potentially serious compli- connector and deflates the ETT cuff. The ETT can now be
cations during the PDT procedure. withdrawn completely outside the larynx, either by follow-
Because patients are already intubated at the beginning ing its measurement at the corner of the mouth or by feeling
of the PDT procedure, the endotracheal tube (ETT) must be the cuff against the vocal cords. Its cuff is inflated again and
partially withdrawn to create a space for the insertion of the slid back into the larynx with the tube exchanger directing it
guide needle and eventually for the tracheostomy tube. In a safely between the vocal cords. The ETT reaches its position
situation in which the ETT is not sufficiently retracted, the with the cuff above the vocal cords and its tip at the level of
initial needle insertion may puncture the ETT, its cuff, or the subglottis, just below the vocal cords (Figure). Lidocaine
even a guiding bronchoscope. However, if the ETT is with- anesthetic is injected into the skin over the anterior trachea
drawn excessively, the patient may become extubated with immediately before the PDT guide needle is advanced and
loss of a secure airway necessitating emergency rescue mea- punctures the trachea. Note that the tube exchange catheter
sures. The aim of our technique is to use a tube exchanger permits a more assertive withdrawal of the ETT to further
(rather than a bronchoscope) to guide the controlled with- diminish the likelihood of needle puncture of the ETT or its
drawal of the ETT, which simultaneously facilitates the cuff. Furthermore, the ETT is gently moved in and out as
ability to rapidly reintroduce the ETT into the trachea if well as rotated to eliminate the possibility of a needle punc-
there is a loss of the airway. Moreover, our technique can ture of the distal ETT. The rest of the procedure is performed
be readily performed by a single surgeon in addition to the in accordance with conventional PDT techniques without
anesthesiologist and needs no additional devices or special the need for any specific bronchoscopic guidance.3 When
equipment. PDT is finished, the tube exchanger and ETT are removed
The trial has been approved by the Galilee Medical Center
Study Design
Institutional Review Board (NHR0097417 on June 2017).
The study was performed in 3 parts.
Written informed consent was waived by the Institutional
We first conducted an experimental qualitative in vitro
Review Board.
study. To estimate the optimal size of the tube exchanger
for different-sized ETTs, we performed a simulation during
From the *Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Galilee mechanical ventilation of a training test lung with measure-
Medical Center, Nahariya, Israel; †Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Bar-Ilan
University, Safed, Israel; ‡Department of Anesthesiology, Galilee Medical Center,
ment of basic parameters. A 15F catheter was determined to
Nahariya, Israel; and §Surgery B, Galilee Medical Center, Nahariya, Israel. be optimal.
Accepted for publication January 22, 2018. Next, after informed consent was obtained, we con-
Funding: None. ducted a prospective pilot study that lasted 4 months. We
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. performed PDT using our technique in 30 consecutive
Reprints will not be available from the authors. mechanically ventilated critically ill patients. In the first
Address correspondence to Ohad Ronen, MD, Department of Otolaryngol- group of 15 patients, we used the standard technique with a
ogy, Head and Neck Surgery, Galilee Medical Center, POB 21, Nahariya
2210001, Israel. Address e-mail to [email protected]. bronchoscope for PDT.2 In the second group of 15 patients,
Copyright © 2018 International Anesthesia Research Society we used the 15F tube exchanger to guide manipulation
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000003321 of the ETT, along with the standard PDT technique. The

XXX 2018 • Volume XXX • Number XXX www.anesthesia-analgesia.org

Copyright © 2018 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
EE Brief Report

following parameters were recorded during mechanical procedures took place between 2006 and 2016. Using our
ventilation in both groups: set tidal volume, delivered tidal electronic medical record system, 1180 patients were identi-
volume (to assess air leak), cuff volume, oxygen saturation, fied. A chart review was done to identify complications and
and depth of ETT insertion (in cm). In the second group procedure-related mortality. The complete patient record was
of 15 patients, we routinely and intentionally reintubated then examined for any evidence of surgical interventions for
patients with the ETT over the 15F tube exchanger and iden- long-term tracheal complications or related deaths.
tified no problems.
In the third part of the study, we retrospectively reviewed all Statistics Analysis
the PDT procedures using a tube exchanger performed at our Quantity data were described by means and standard
institution by physicians of the Otolaryngology Department deviation. Qualitative data were described by frequen-
in intensive care units of our 750-bed academic center. All cies and percentages. A 2-sided CI for proportions (using
the Binomial distribution) with 95% confidence level was
calculated for the failure rate. T test was used to compare
the measures between the ETT positions. P value <5% was
considered significant. Two-sided P value was presented.

During the in vitro study, we determined a 20F tube
exchanger created excessive airway pressures, whereas the
15F catheter had minimal impact on ventilation through
either a 7.5- or 8-mm ETT. For this reason, we used the 15F
tube exchanger throughout the rest of the study.
During the prospective pilot study, our data suggested
that the presence of the tube exchanger did not adversely
impact ventilation or oxygenation (Table). When the tube
exchanger was in place, there were statistically significant
differences in mean air leakage and mean airway resistance
between the 3 positions: baseline, after insertion of the
tube exchanger, and cuff over the vocal cords. Because the
PDT procedure lasts only several minutes, it had no clini-
cal significance. A minimal, nonsignificant change in mean
minimal blood oxygenation and in mean maximal end-tidal
carbon dioxide was measured.
Using the standard PDT technique, we encountered sev-
eral problems including displacement of the ETT into the
pharynx (3 cases), rupture of ETT cuff (1 case), and fixa-
tion of ETT by the PDT guidewire through the Murphy eye
(1 case). Thereafter, we routinely used the 15F tube exchanger
or 15F Eschmann tracheal tube introducer for bedside PDT.
During the following 10 years, we performed 1180 percuta-
neous dilatational tracheostomies using only this technique.
The failure rate of PDT was 0.25% (3 patients). A CI for the
failure rate (3/1180) is 95% CI (0.09%–0.74%). There were
Figure. Sagittal illustration of the tube exchanger inside the ETT no needle punctures of either the ETT or the ETT cuff. There
during percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy. The ETT cuff is posi- were no procedure-related deaths. Pneumothorax devel-
tioned just above the vocal cords thereby avoiding the possibility of
accidentally puncturing the cuff while the tube exchanger prevents oped in 1 patient, and 2 patients had excessive bleeding in
inadvertent extubation. Courtesy of Amiel A. Dror. ETT indicates the first 24 hours that necessitated surgical intervention (1 at
endotracheal tube. bedside and 1 in the operating room).

Table.  Results of the Prospective Pilot Study

A. Before Insertion of B. After Insertion of Tube C. With ETT Cuff Over
Tube Exchanger (n = 30) Exchanger (n = 30) Vocal Cords (n = 30)
Air leak in mL ± SD (% of Vt) 30 ± 1.8 (5.8%) 68 ± 2.8 (14.7%)a 84 ± 3.5 (20.1%)b,c
Minimal Spo2 (%) 98% ± 1.6 98% ± 0.7 97% ± 1.7
Maximal Etco2 (mm Hg) 39.2 ± 1.3 40 ± 2.3 40.4 ± 1.1b
Mean airway resistance (cm H2O × s/L) 10.4 ± 0.8 32.7 ± 2.0a 36.4 ± 2.0b,c
During a prospective pilot study on 30 patients, the following parameters were measured at baseline, after insertion of the tube exchanger, and with the ETT cuff
in its position during the PDT: air leakage, changes in airway resistance, So2, and Etco2.
Abbreviations: Etco2, end-tidal carbon dioxide; ETT, endotracheal tube; So2, oxygen saturation; Vt, tidal volume.
P < .001 columns A versus B.
P < .001 columns A versus C.
P < .001 columns B versus C.

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Copyright © 2018 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Percutaneous Tracheostomy Using Tube Exchanger

DISCUSSION Contribution: This author helped collect and interpret the data and
We present a novel adaptation to the usual PDT technique. conduct critical review of the article.
Name: Evgeni Kukuev, MD.
Our retrospective mortality and morbidity data compare Contribution: This author helped collect and interpret the data and
favorably with that seen in a prior series (around 5% bleed- conduct critical review of the manuscript.
ing and 5% decannulation/obstruction).1,4–7 The major limi- This manuscript was handled by: Nikolaos J. Skubas, MD, DSc,
tations of our study are its retrospective nature and the lack FACC, FASE.
of randomized controls. Using this technique, the ability to
effectively ventilate patients is decreased, but since the PDT REFERENCES
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XXX 2018 • Volume XXX • Number XXX www.anesthesia-analgesia.org

Copyright © 2018 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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