Valenzuela Erin Flight Unit Plan

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Grade(s): __6___ Number of days_______8-10_______ Culminating task due date: _____Will vary between classes__


What is important for students to know? What are the enduring understandings? What is the big open question to inform
BIG IDEA FOR learning and link curricula? (consider starting with big ideas in Science or Social Studies)
The big ideas for the unit are for the students to understand not only flight, but to understand how flight has affected humans and
the Earth. Students will be able to discuss and analyze the factors of flight, identify different animals that fly, understand the
properties of air as well as have the ability to test their understanding with a fun and interactive culminating activity. Students will
look closely and answer questions such as:

-how does flight occur?

-how has flight affected humans?

-to what extent does flight effect our society and environment?

This unit was designed so that students will develop a basic understanding of Science and Technology as well as develop the ability
to relate science and technology to the environment. Students will be expected to understand the forces of flight and demonstrate
their learning in the culminating task.

Through the skill continua and the scientific inquiry, students will be able to develop their understanding of problem-solving skills
through initiating and planning, performing and recording, analyzing and interpreting, and communicating information and content.
Students will be able to explore Science through direct observation and direct exploration. This unit was designed with the following
quote in mind: “learning Science is something that students do, not something that is done to them.” (Ontario curriculum grade 1-8:
Science and Technology. (2007). P.12)

This unit will also cover overall expectations from Language (media literacy) as well as Mathematics (Measurement). While this unit
will cover some specific expectations, the students will NOT be assessed on expectations from these subjects.
OVERALL What will students learn? Select expectations from each curriculum document (for this unit use Language- Media, and one of
EXPECTATION(S) Science or Social Studies) that unit will address.
Science and & Technology: Flight
1. assess the societal and environmental impacts of flying devices that make use of properties of air; (covered)
2. investigate ways in which flying devices make use of properties of air; (ASSESSED)
3. explain ways in which properties of air can be applied to the principles of flight and flying devices. (ASSESSED)

What specific expectations from the curriculum documents (may use more than one subject) will be addressed
Specific throughout the lessons? Include an expectation sort, indicating which will be assessed and which will be covered but not
formally assessed.
Grade 6
S&T: Flight
1.1: assess the benefits and costs of aviation technology for society and the environment, taking different social and economic
perspectives into account (covered)
2.1: follow established safety procedures for using tools and materials and operating flying devices (ASSESSED)
2.3: investigate characteristics and adaptations that enable living things to fly (covered)
2.4: use technological problem-solving skills (see page 16) to design, build, and test a flying device (ASSESSED)
2.5: use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including aerodynamics, compress, flight, glide, propel, drag, thrust, and
lift, in oral and written communication (ASSESSED)
2.6: use a variety of forms (e.g., oral, written, graphic, multimedia) to communicate with different audiences and for a variety of
purposes (ASSESSED)
3.1: identify the properties of air that make flight possible (covered)
3.3: identify and describe the four forces of flight – lift, weight, drag, and thrust (ASSESSED)
3.4: describe, in qualitative terms, the relationships between the forces of lift, weight, thrust, and drag that are required for flight
3.5: describe ways in which flying devices or living things use unbalanced forces to control their flight (covered)

LEARNING Clearly identify what students are expected to know & able to do in language they can understand. What is the
GOAL(S) strategy/task that will provide information for assessment?
What are the questions that the students will be able to answer at the conclusion of the unit of study?

During the unit, the students will be introduced to various concepts, terminology and principles regarding flight. Students
will be able to address the following questions during and after the unit (not a comprehensive list):

-How do birds fly?

-What makes airplanes fly?
-How and why did animals evolve to fly?
-What inspired humans to learn about flight?
-What are the benefits and costs of humans and flight?
-How can I create a model that will fly?
-How does flight affect the environment?

Some of the learning goals that will be discussed during the unit include:
Today I will learn to
-assess the different adaptations of flight and its purpose
-identify different flying devices
-identify the 4 factors of flight
-describe the effects of flight on humans and the Earth
-create a flying device taking into consideration the 4 factors of flight

The strategy that will provide information on assessment will by the culminating task. This task will involve the students
designing, creating, testing and explaining a flying device.


CULMINATING TASK Complete explanation of what students will do/write/say to demonstrate their understanding of the big idea? How is it
Rich Performance differentiated? What Achievement Chart Categories will be addressed?
Assessment Task –
Drake, pg. 69 In order for the grade 6 students to demonstrate their learning of the big ideas, students will design, create, test, and then
explain their process in creating their flying device. Students will be able to work through the technological problem-
solving skill continuum in order to validate their learning. Students will have the opportunity to write, speak and/or
demonstrate their learning through the final activity.

Each student will present their flying device to the class and then be able to test its’ effectiveness in flight: with a focus on
distance. If time, availability and behaviour permits, we will go to the gym to do a round robin competition of flying our
During the unit, the students will have opportunities to demonstrate their understanding of the big ideas:

DO: for assessment “for” and “as” learning, during the unit, students will be able to give a “thumbs-up” or “thumbs-down”
to reflect upon their new-found knowledge. The teacher will be able to monitor those students who provide “thumbs-down”
and give opportunities for further explanation/discussion to clarify any issues. Student “parking lot” anecdotal
observations (attached) will also be used to help monitor student understanding. During the culminating activity, the
students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge by creating and testing their flying device. To differentiate the
culminating activity, students will be able to work in pairs in order to complete their flying device. While students can work
in pairs to create their device, they will have to provide an individual explanation of the process and thought behind its’
creation. If students do not wish to test their flying device in front of the class, they will have the option to stay in at recess
with the AT and myself to complete the activity.

WRITE: Through the use of graphic organizers and exit tickets, students will be able to write their understanding of
lessons and topics. Exit tickets will be used to ensure that students are absorbing the material presented and will be able
to relate information to their culminating activity. Students will also be provided with “science journals” (notebooks) so that
they can write down pertinent information as the lessons develop throughout the unit. To help differentiate this
component, students will be able to create a new Google Doc where they can use voice to text technology to help with
their learning. Students will be encouraged to use their Chromebooks when needed to record and organize their thoughts.
Scribing will also be provided for those students that need the extra help.

SAY: Students will be able to verbally demonstrate their knowledge throughout the unit by answering questions posed
during class. Students will be encouraged to actively participate in class discussions and inquiries. Additionally, the
students will be able to demonstrate their learning when they introduce their flying device. They will be able to explain
their design and then discuss the factors that affected its’ performance. If students do not wish to orally describe their
learning, they will be able to write and submit their findings and knowledge. The option of text allows the student to
organize and demonstrate their knowledge without having the pressure of standing in front of the class.

All four categories of the Achievement Chart will be covered with the final activity. The culminating assessment will ensure
that each of the four categories will be assessed to represent the learning throughout the unit.

Knowledge and Understanding: the students will be assessed on their knowledge and understanding of content
(terminology, safe use of tools/environment, principles, ideas and concepts).

Thinking and Investigation: the students will be assessed on their planning and processing skills (formulating questions,
selecting strategies, identifying problems, performing and recording and evaluating).

Communication: the students will be assessed on their expression and organization of ideas (clear expression, logical
organization and use of proper terminology).
Application: the students will be assessed on their ability to transfer skills (use of concepts and processes).

ASSESSMENT Assessment “of” Learning: What will students say/write/do to demonstrate their learning of the specific expectations at the
TASKS/STRATEGIES end of the unit of study? Does it reflect all or most of the Achievement Categories? Are assessments “balanced” (say,
write, do, perform)?

Throughout the unit, students will have the opportunity to reflect on their learning as well as demonstrate it to me. The
culminating task will allow the students to demonstrate their knowledge by explaining their flying device features and why
they think it will fly. To report on achieved learning, the students will demonstrate their ability to articulate and validate their
understanding of the principles of flight by writing or speaking about the processes they went through to design, build and
test their flying device.

The culminating assessment and the rubric that accompanies the lesson covers all 4 categories of the Achievement
Chart. For Knowledge and Understanding, the students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of principles of
flight in their design and build of the flying device. For Thinking and Investigation, the students will be required to use
creative thinking processes in the design and build of the flying device. For Communication, students will be able to
express and organize their ideas when describing or writing about their flying device. For the Application category,
students can make connections between what we have discussed in class to the design and features of their flying

Assessments strategies used throughout the unit are relatively balanced. Several of the assessment strategies
throughout the unit act as assessment “as” learning and are in the form of exit tickets. As this is the case, there are
multiple opportunities for students to “write” their knowledge. This can be differentiated with the help of scribing and the
use of voice to text technology when needed. The final assessment, involves students to “say” and “do”.

For the culminating task, students are given the responsibility to either “write” or “say” their learning, as well as
“do/perform”. I chose to have the students describe their flying devices in order for them to reflect on their learning. I did
not wish for students to be assessed based solely on their ability to fold paper into a flying device. The goal with the
assessment is for them to use their new learning (based on the factors of flight) and apply their learning to creatively
design and build a flying device. By having them describe their device, they are demonstrating their understanding of the
principles of flight.

SUCCESS CRITERIA How will students demonstrate what they will learn? What will successful acquisition of the learning goals look like and
sound like? How will we know they have learned?
Students will have numerous opportunities to demonstrate what they have learned. This will be done in the form of exit
tickets, class discussions, graphic organizers and through the culminating assessment. Successful acquisition of learning
goals will be identified through the students’ ability to demonstrate and communicate new knowledge. Students will be
able to reflect on their learning after each lesson with the help of exit tickets and their science journal.

Various assessment strategies and tasks will be developed in order for students to demonstrate their understanding of
new content. Numerous strategies and tools will be used in order for each student to have the ability to demonstrate their
learning in a way that relates to them. Teacher checklists (anecdotal observations), K-W-L charts, exit tickets and thumbs-
up and thumbs-down all allow the students to determine whether or not they have understood and succeeded with the
acquisition of new knowledge.

For the culminating activity, the students will be assessed based on a rubric which will be shared with them at the
beginning of the unit.

During the unit, the students will be able to say I can:

-describe the purpose of adaptations of flight
-describe different types of flying machines
-analyse and describe the 4 factors of flight
-compare the effects of flight on humans and the Earth
-generate a flying device
-explain how various factors influence flight

ASSESSMENT Checklist (teacher generated) Rubric Rating Scale

What recording Anecdotal Comments Feedback Form Self/Peer
strategies will
teachers use? Other: K-W-L chart, exit tickets, thumbs-up / thumbs-down & Graphic Organizers

D. LEARNING Identify skills and attach assessment tool.

HABITS TO BE This unit allows the teacher to evaluate students on all learning skills found in the Growing Success document. Below are
ADDRESSED Refer to some examples of how students will be developing their skills.
Learning Skills and
Work Habits in Growing Responsibility: fulfills responsibilities and commitments within the learning environment; takes responsibility for and
Success: Assessment, manages own behaviour
Evaluation and Organization: devises and follows a plan and process for completing work and tasks; identifies, gathers, evaluates, and
Reporting in Ontario
Schools Pg. 10. uses information, technology, and resources to complete tasks
Independent work: uses class time appropriately to complete tasks; follows instructions with minimal supervision
Collaboration: responds positively to the ideas, opinions, values and traditions of others; shares information, resources,
and expertise and promotes critical thinking to solve problems and make connections
Initiative: looks for and acts on new ideas and opportunities for learning
Self-regulation: identifies learning opportunities, choices, and strategies to meet personal needs and achieve goals;
perseveres and makes an effort when responding to challenges

The students will be assessed on their learning skills throughout the unit. The teacher will be using their anecdotal record
to keep notes. The teacher will make notes in their record when the students are “caught in the act” of demonstrating the
skills above.



Briefly identify the topic, specific teaching/ learning activity, and specific expectation is for each lesson. Lessons flow together and
scaffold student learning. What teaching skills/concepts expectations are being introduced for completion of culminating task? Outline
or sketch out each lesson in the unit


(say write do)
Learning activity, Example: Instruct/Guide/Model/ Example: Mode/Strategy/Tool;
specific Thinking skills Key questions and
expectation, Assist/ Assess Literacy skills prompts/
teaching/learning Creative skills

Lesson 1: Flight Minds On: Minds On: Assessment Resources:

and adaptation Purpose:
Show a picture of a bird to the class. Get The students will participate in the Book: Hands
S&T: students thinking about what makes a bird class discussion and answer teacher “As” learning on science
fly. Show picture of a plane and ask what prompts. (diagnostic) with K- and
2.3: investigate makes a plane fly. Show picture of a seed technology,
characteristics and and ask if seeds fly. (As a joke, show a The students will understand unit W-L chart. revised
adaptations that picture of Superman and see if class thinks expectations and assessment rubric edition. Grade
enable living Superman can fly or just jump really high). for culminating activity. “For” learning with 6. Portage
things to fly graphic organizer. and Main
2.5: use The teacher will identify that the theme of The students will acknowledge what it Press.
appropriate the unit they are working on for the net 6-7 means to collaborate. They will be able Winnipeg,
science and lesson is “flight”. The teacher will introduce to demonstrate proper collaboration Assessment MN. 2008
technology and explain the rich performance skills by responding positively to others Mode:
vocabulary, assessment task as well as the rubric to be and being respectful to their -Ontario
including used in evaluation (to be shared with class). classmates. They will do this through Curriculum
The teacher will explain that each student positive group work and group talk. Document:
compress, flight, Assessment
will receive a “science journal” where Science and
glide, propel, drag, Hands On: Strategy/Task:
students are encouraged to write down Technology
thrust, and lift, in
oral and written information and key words throughout the The students will work in pairs to The students will be -Growing
communication unit to aid them in preparation for their final complete the graphic organizer. They completing the K- Success
2.6: use a variety evaluation and activity. will work together to create a list with W-L chart as well as
of forms (e.g., oral, animals that fly, human made devices the graphic
written, graphic, The teacher will remind students that they
will be working with each other that fly and “other” organizer.
multimedia) to Materials:
(collaboration) and that learning skills will things/items/species that fly.
communicate with Assessment Tool:
different also be assessed. The teacher will lead a -K-W-L chart
The students will then present their
audiences and for brief discussion as to how and what K-W-L chart for “as”
findings to the class.
a variety of collaboration will look like in this lesson. -Graphic
purposes Consolidation: organizer (3
Hands On: Graphic Organizer columns)
The students will answer teaching for “for” learning
3.5: describe ways The teacher will get students to make a list -picture of bird
questions regarding summary of
in which flying of birds, human made objects and other Anecdotal record for
content presented.
devices or living things that fly. The teacher will get the -picture of
learning skills
things use students to work in pairs to create lists. The students will hand in their graphic plane
unbalanced forces Students will then present their findings to organizer for evaluation. Key Questions:
to control their -picture of a
the class (this is done to get them
flight The students will complete K-W-L chart - What forces act on seed
comfortable presenting to the class as this is
regarding flight within their science an object to allow it
what they will do in their culminating -picture of
to move through
activity). The class will discuss why and how
things fly (animals for necessity, humans for journals. liquid or air? Superman
convenience, plants for survival). The
teacher will ask a student to hand out the Learning skills: -What are some -rubric for
graphic organizer. factors of flight? culminating
Collaboration: responds positively to assessment
The teacher, through questioning the class, the ideas, opinions, values and -What are some of
will determine that air has properties which traditions of others the properties of -dry erase
affect flight. The students will determine that air? markers
Responsibility: takes responsibility for
flight has factors that allow animals/things to and manages own behaviour -Why did animals -white board
fly. evolve or adapt to
fly? -exit ticket
The teacher will set the pairs and walk Technology:
around the room while the work is being -science
-Why did humans
conducted. -overhead journals
want to fly?
Consolidation: Differentiate:
-Does everything fly
Reiterate that air has properties, factors of -students can work individually instead the same way?
flight and that flying comes in different of in pairs
-What affects flight?
-students can choose to submit their
-Do all animals with
Re-introduce rubric for evaluation so that graphic organizer instead of presenting
wings fly?
students are aware of key ideas and themes to class
throughout the unit. The teacher would as -Do animals need
-students can share one aspect of their
how would today’s conversations relate to wings to fly?
list (one column or one input)
the final activity?

The teacher will distribute the science

journals for students to complete their exit
tickets. The teacher will then discuss the K-
W-L chart and ask for students to complete.

Instructional strategy:

Brief lecture and class conversation for the

minds on and introduction. Model on
overhead the use and completion of the
graphic organizer to sort and list inputs.

Shift to partner work for hands on.

Bring back to class discussion for


Lesson 2: Pros Minds On: Minds On: Assessment Resources:

and cons of Purpose:
flight The teacher will revisit K-W-L chart from The students will watch the video. -YouTube
previous lesson and address any pressing They will then discuss what aspects of “As” assessment video (see
S&T: concerns, questions or issues. the video appealed to them the most. (exit ticket) link)

1.1: assess the The teacher will have students watch video: Hands On: -Ontario
benefits and costs Curriculum
of aviation v=GLAreFQ3G5k Students will work in teams of 4 to Assessment Document:
technology for come up with pros and cons of flight. A Mode: Science and
society and the This video is an amazing history of aviation. focus will/can be on farmers, travelers, Technology
environment, Within this video, students will see early government (police, fire rescue, WRITE
taking different attempts at flight, different purposes of flight ambulance), environmentalists and -Growing
social and and current technology enhancing/enabling space agencies. Success
economic flight.
perspectives into The students work together and make The students are
account The teacher will ask the students what part a list in their science journals. showing their Materials:
2.6: use a variety of the video appealed to them the most and
Consolidation: learning by
of forms (e.g., oral, why.
written, graphic, completing their exit -science
multimedia) to The teacher will discuss the “miracles” of The students will share their findings. ticket. journals
communicate with aviation, but then ask the class how it could They will stay with their groups while
the class discusses what they have Assessment Tool: -computer and
different negatively affect humans and the Earth. The
audiences and for written down. projector
teacher will begin a mind-map with the class Exit ticket.
a variety of discussing who flight affects, and how.
purposes Hands On: The students will complete their exit Key Questions: -white board
After a brief class participation and -Where do we see -dry erase
discussion, the teacher will assign students The students will remember, or will be flight? markers
to brainstorm ideas about different points of reminded to remember, the rubric used
view based on the effects of flight. Will look for the culminating activity as well as -What are the -pencils and
at travel, war, communications, exploration, the activity itself. benefits of flight? pens
environmental, safety and transport.
Learning skills: -What are the
Students will work in groups of 4 to discuss effects of flight?
various points of view of the pros and cons Organization: devises and follows a (social, economical,
of flight. The teacher will walk around the plan and process for completing work environmental
classroom and ensure students are staying and tasks; etc…)
on task. The teacher will ask that they list
their findings in their science journal. Collaboration: shares information, -Where do you see
resources, and expertise and promotes flight in 50 years?
Consolidation: critical thinking to solve problems and
make connections -Should there be
Class discussion and review of findings and restrictions on
lists. Teacher to collect science journals. The flight?
teacher will ask students to share what they
collected and discuss various points of view. -How does flight
improve our lives?
The teacher will again discuss rubric for
culminating activity. The teacher will ask -video for minds on
which students remember what the Differentiate:
culminating activity is and what will be
assessed. The teacher would also ask how -students can work independently if
today’s lessons would relate to their final they choose
-students can use technology to help
The teacher will ask the students to write if need be
complete the exit ticket for the day. They will
be asked to record the most significant -groups can work in hall (only if
thought or learning for the day and why. students can show they are
responsible enough) to allow for a
Instructional strategy: quieter work space

The lesson will begin with a class

discussion, lead by the teacher, to create a
mind map. From there, students will be
separated in small groups of 4 to create
ideas and points of view based on their
given topic.

Lesson 3 Group presentation on what they have

researched from class before.

Lesson 3: Minds On: Minds On: Assessment Resources:

Forces of flight Purpose:
The teacher will remind the class of the The students will watch the video -YouTube
S&T: video of aviation they watched last class. regarding flight. They will surely have “For” learning with
How do planes fly? What factors affect questions but will be reminded they will exit ticket / -Ontario
2.5: use flight? Then, we will watch a 2-minute video understand the video more after the anecdotal Curriculum
appropriate of forces of flight. The teacher will give experiments. observations Document:
science and Science and
warning that new concepts will be presented
technology The students will discuss the words on “As” learning with Technology
and that it is OK to be confused. The
vocabulary, the board and try to figure out how experiments
including lessons’ today will help the students
they relate to flight. -Growing
aerodynamics, understand. Success
compress, flight, The students will provide examples of
glide, propel, drag, what are good examples of self- Assessment Materials:
thrust, and lift, in v=5ltjFEei3AI&feature=related
regulation strategies. Mode:
oral and written -2 different
The teacher will have prepared 4
communication Hands On: WRITE – exit tickets types of balls
experiments that the class will do together.
3.1: identify the (tennis and
For each activity, the students will write in DO – participate in
properties of air The students will actively participate in orange)
that make flight their science journals as to what the experiments
the experiments. They will be chosen
possible experiment is, what they predict the -hair dryer
to help demonstrate each factor. The
outcome will be (and why) and then record Assessment
3.3: identify and students will be required to write in
describe the four the results. The teacher will discuss the Strategy/Task: -extension
their science journals their predictions
forces of flight – “Scientific Inquiry / experimental skills” with cord
of the experiment, the outcome and The students will
lift, weight, drag, the class and will model how they can any reasonings they find. complete the exit -balloons
and thrust complete and record information in their ticket stating the 4
journals. Thrust: students record timing of flight factors of flight. -stop watch
of balloon and use science journals to (students will
The teacher will explain to the students we record results. The students will use timers on
will be looking at all 4 factors of flight (lift, actively participate phones)
weight, thrust and drag). The words will be Drag/Weight: Students will again in the experiments
written on the board and the teacher will ask record the time it takes for the object to answering -science
the students if they understand these words fall to the ground. They will use their questions from journals
and how they relate to flight. science journals to record the results. teacher. -loose pieces
The teacher will also discuss self-regulation Lift: Students will take turns coming to Assessment Tool: of paper
and ask students how it applies, or could the air dryer and seeing what effects
the wind has on their hands. Exit ticket/science -pens/pencils
apply, to this lesson. Teacher will ask
questions leading to an understanding of journal
The students will use self-regulation -computer for
proper actions in order to prove and show YouTube
skills by changing seats to see the Anecdotal
solid self-regulation skills. video
activities, to use the proper time observations – also
The teacher will review the “scientific allotted to complete their science note students’ -science
process” journals and to use class time abilities to self- journals
effectively. regulate
Hands On:
Consolidation: Key Questions:
The teacher will choose students to help
participate in the experiments. A brief The students will watch the video -What is lift?
description of the activities to help again and then discuss how the forces
affect flight. -What is weight?
understand the factors of flight is listed
below: -What is thrust?
They will work together to help identify
Thrust: blow one breath of air into a balloon, the factors of flight on the airplane. -What is drag?
time how long it takes for air to come out. Learning skills:
Repeat with two, three, four and five -How do the 4
breaths. (More breath=more air=greater Self-regulation: identifies learning factors affect flight?
thrust). Teacher blows into balloon, students opportunities, choices, and strategies -How do the forces
record and time the flight. to meet personal needs and achieve interact with each
Drag: drop an unfolded piece of paper to the goals; other?
ground and time the decent. Then do the
same with a rolled-up piece of paper and Initiative: looks for and acts on new
ideas and opportunities for learning
time the decent. Which one took longer?
Weight: Drop two balls at the same time.
Drop a ball and pencil at the same time. -YouTube video
Does weight affect gravity? No. Why?
Lift: Turn on the air dryer and have the
students put their hands in front. What -students can be given extra time to
happens to their hand when they lift their complete science journals
fingers up? Down? (airflow pushes your
-students can draw diagrams instead
hand up or down)
of writing sentences explaining
Consolidation: experiments

Re-visit video to ensure understanding of -students can move seats to ensure

factors. From there, the teacher will draw an they can see the experiments
airplane on the board and ask students to
label the factors of flight.

The teacher would also ask how the forces

of flight would affect their ability to properly
construct a flying device? How would these
ideas and vocabulary help them achieve
success in the culminating assessment?

Instructional strategy:

Class discussion and participation. Inquiry

based, inquisitive thinking and learning to
understand all experiments.
Lesson 4: Continue with experiments 3-4

Lesson 5: Minds On: Minds On: Assessment Resources:

Effects of flight Purpose:
Show students an advertisement for a crop The students will answer the questions -Ontario
S&T: duster airplane. Ask them what it is? of the teachers regarding the ads “For” learning Curriculum
1.1: assess the Purpose? Who does it benefit? Does it affect displayed. They will notice that there Document:
benefits and costs anyone or anything in a negative way? are positive and negatives aspects of Science and
of aviation advertising and flight. Technology
technology for Show students an advertisement for an
society and the airbus commercial jet. Who is this ad Hands On: -Ontario
environment, designed for? Whose point of view/interest Curriculum
The students create an add Mode:
taking different is left out? Document:
social and encouraging the use of flight or DO Language
economic Remind students that advertisements discouraging the use of flight in a
perspectives into always have an intended message. The particular field. They should work Assessment -Growing
account (covered) students’ job is going to be create an individually to complete the task. Strategy/Task: Success
advertisement either promoting or deterring
a profession in flight. What are some Consolidation: The students will
Language: Media display their
professions relating to flight? Farmer,
Literacy Some students will present their work Materials:
Orange helicopter pilots, commercial pilot, learning through
to the class while others will
3.4 produce a war fighter etc… The teacher will create a their submission Advertisement
respectfully watch and listen.
variety of media list with the students. The teacher will (whether it be for a crop
texts for specific explain the students are required to create Learning skills: computer based, dusting plane
purposes and an ad (poster, PowerPoint, radio or podcast traditional paper or company
audiences, using ad) to elicit a message Independent work: uses class time presentation)
appropriate forms, appropriately to complete tasks; Advertisement
conventions, and Hands On: follows instructions with minimal Assessment Tool: for the airbus
techniques supervision
The teacher will walk around the room Anecdotal Advertisement
ensuring the students are staying on task. observations using for Orange
Responsibility: fulfills responsibilities anecdotal record.
The teacher will assist with questions and
and commitments within the learning No rubric is needed Chromebooks
environment; but feedback will be
Consolidation: provided to Paper
The teacher will ask some students to come Technology: students. Pencils
to the front of the class to present their work.
Some students may wish to use Markers
Instructional strategy: Chromebooks to complete their work.
They will upload their work to the Key Questions:
The class will begin with a group discussion Google classroom for review.
then will transition to individual, project- -How does flight
based work. Differentiate: affect humans in
-students have the option to work on professions?
the computer or use traditional paper
-Whose interest is
-more time can be given to students being considered in
who require it advertisements?

-students can work at different -Whose interest is

locations in the room (do not need to being ignored?
be sitting at their desks)
-Which media is
best suited for
specific ads?


Lesson 6: Minds On: Minds On: Assessment Resources:

Bernoulli’s Purpose:
principle Students will complete a game of “hangman” The students will participate in -Ontario
with the teacher. The teacher will use guessing letters for the game. “As” learning Curriculum
S&T: vocabulary from the unit including: thrust, Document:
drag, lift, weight, airplane, flight etc… The Hands On: Assessment Science and
2.5: use teacher will select students to guess letters. Mode: Technology
appropriate Students will participate in the activities
When the word is guessed, they will need to
science and and experiments. Students will also WRITE -Growing
provide a definition and use the word in a
technology have the chance to try some of the Success
sentence to receive the point. If they can not Assessment
vocabulary, experiments at their desks.
including accomplish all three steps, the teacher is Strategy/Task:
aerodynamics, awarded the point. Game is to 3 points. For all activities, the students will
The students will
compress, flight, The teacher will provide a brief reminder of predict what they think will happen, will show their learning Materials:
glide, propel, drag, properties of air. The teacher will then record what actually happens and then by answering
thrust, and lift, in explain the format for today’s lesson. The the reasons behind it. questions and -blow dryer
oral and written teacher will remind the students to record completing notes
communication Activity 1: The students will observe -4 textbooks
their results in their science journals. and observations in
2.6: use a variety the teacher led experiment and then the science journal. -loose pieces
of forms (e.g., oral, Hands On: have the chance to complete the of paper
written, graphic, activity themselves.
multimedia) to This lesson will again be experimental -ping pong
communicate with based. Students will be required to write in Activity 2: The students will be able to Assessment Tool: balls
different their science journals and follow the attempt this experiment but will be told
audiences and for scientific inquiry / experiment process. ahead of time that results may be Science journal. -string
a variety of difficult to achieve. We can discuss as
purposes Activity 1: The teacher will blow over a loose Key Questions:
a class why. -tape
piece of paper. Will the paper move -What principles of
upwards, downward or not at all? Have Activity 3: The students will not be able -scissors
3.4: describe, in air are found in
students predict and record results. to try this experiment at their desks. 2
qualitative terms, these experiments?
Students will then be able to try this students will be chosen to help
the relationships
experiment at their desk. Discuss results as demonstrate the experiment. -How are these
between the
forces of lift, a class. principles relevant
Activity 4: The students can not try this
weight, thrust, and to humans/flight?
Activity 2: The teacher will have 2 textbooks activity at their desks. They will be
drag that are
stacked on top of each other and have a responsible for observing the
required for flight
lose piece of paper resting in between them. experiments from their desks.
Use blow dryer to push air under and over
piece of paper. Again, have students predict Consolidation:
and record results. Students can try to do The students will answer teacher
this at their desk, but it may be difficult for questions and make connections
them to accomplish true results. between all 4 experiments. They will
Activity 3: The teacher will have 2 ping balls also be able to record any thoughts or
taped to some string. With the help of some findings in their science journal.
students, they will hold the ping pong balls The students will acknowledge that the
side by side with string. The teacher will use next lesson, or two lessons, will be
the blow dryer to blow air between the balls.
Have students predict and record results. used to complete the unit.
Students will not be able to complete this
this activity at their desk. Learning skills:

Activity 4: The teacher will have a ping pong Self-regulation: perseveres and makes
ball and a blow dryer. The teacher will ask an effort when responding to
the students what will happen when the air challenges
dryer held upside down (spout up) is turned Independent work: uses class time
on and the ball is placed on top. They will appropriately to complete tasks;
then be asked what will happen if the follows instructions with minimal
teacher shifts the dryer to an angle. supervision

As a class, we will discuss the results of
each experiment/activity. The teacher will N/A
ask for consistencies found throughout each
activity. Students will then be asked how
these findings can relate to birds or planes. -students can work in pairs to complete
905-865-1379 their science journals
The class will discuss on how what we saw -more time can be given to students
and learned today related to factors of flight who require it
from previous lesson. Also, how would their
new found knowledge affect their design for -use of Chromebooks can be allowed
the culminating assessment?
-students can move around the room
Discuss that next class, or two, the students to complete their science journals (in
will be working on their culminating activity order to see the experiments more
and assessment. The teacher is to remind clearly)
the students of the rubric and assessment

Instructional strategy:
The teacher will instruct from the front of the
class. The teacher will model the
experiments and the students will be able to
participate when appropriate.

Lesson : Activities that we did not complete from

Bernoulli part 2 previous lesson

Lesson 7 This lesson is planned for 1 lesson but Minds On: Assessment Resources:
-Culminating will likely take 2 to complete. Purpose:
task: Paper The students will participate in the Ontario
airplanes Minds On: discussion (forces of flight, properties “Of” learning Curriculum
of air etc..). document:
S&T: The teacher will have a paper airplane Assessment Science and
folded and ready for flight. The teacher will The students are introduced to the test Mode: Technology
2.1: follow show the plane and ask the students what zone and understand that this is the
forces of flight would affect its’ flight. The only place in the class where they can DO/WRITE/SAY Ontario
established safety
procedures for teacher will choose students to answer test their design. Curriculum
using tools and questions. The teacher will reiterate the document :
The students review the anchor chart Strategy/Task:
materials and forces of flight that effect the flight of a paper Mathematics
airplane. to describe what the students need to
operating flying The students will be
do to complete final activity. Growing
devices presenting their
The teacher will ask that students make a Success
The students create an appropriate flying device to the
prediction of how far the plane will fly and
2.4: use penalty for breaking the rules of “test class describing
introduce what type of units should be used
technological zone”. their scientific
in order to measure.
problem-solving process while using Materials:
skills to design, The teacher will introduce the students to appropriate flight
vocabulary. -lots of loose
build, and test a the “test zone”. This is the part of the class Hands On: paper
flying device where students are allowed to test their Assessment Tool:
flying device and to make adjustments to The students will use the Scientific -measuring
2.5: use their design. Together, the students make a inquiry process to create, test, analyze Rubric (attached) tape
appropriate prediction of how far the plane will fly. I and record results.
science and explain my design and why I chose to create Key Questions: -science
technology it a certain way. From there, I throw the The students will create, test and journals
vocabulary, record various versions of their flying -How do the forces
including plane and as a class, we discuss the results. device. Once they have settled on a of flight affect my -pens and
aerodynamics, The teacher, will explain, reiterate and focus final version, they will present, explain flying device? paper
compress, flight, on the safety aspects of being able to test and test their flying device in front of
glide, propel, drag, their flying device. Rules and expectations the class. -How do the forces -rubric for
thrust, and lift, in will be addressed to ensure student safety. of flight interact with each student
oral and written Anchor charts will be used to help clarify any Consolidation: each other?
communication -masking tape
concerns and remind students what is to be
2.6: use a variety The class will listen and observe to -How do different
followed. As a class, we determine what the -anchor charts
of forms (e.g., oral, each student presenting their final designs of my flying
written, graphic, penalties are for breaking the rules of the flying device. Each will have the device affect the
“test zone”. -dry erase
multimedia) to opportunity to present and test their flight? markets
communicate with device.
The teacher explains the final activity: the
different -white board
students will create, test, modify and present
audiences and for Learning skills:
a variety of their flying device. They will also submit their
purposes science journal with a labeled drawing of Responsibility: fulfills responsibilities
3.3: identify and their airplane (identifying the four forces of and commitments within the learning
describe the four flight). This will be displayed on an anchor environment;
forces of flight – chart.
Organization: identifies, gathers,
lift, weight, drag, Hands On: evaluates, and uses information,
and thrust technology, and resources to complete
The teacher walks around the room and tasks
Mathematics: answers questions regarding the
(covered but assessment. The teacher monitors the test Self-regulation: identifies learning
NOT assessed) zone to ensure that this is the only place opportunities, choices, and strategies
where airplanes are being tested. to meet personal needs and achieve
- select and justify
the appropriate The teacher refers students to anchor charts
metric unit (i.e., for clarification. Technology:
Consolidation: NA
decimetre, metre, The teacher will lead the blended and Differentiate:
decametre, extended hands on and consolidation.
kilometre) to Students will be able to present, explain and -students will be given more time to
measure length or test their final version of their paper airplane. complete the activity if need be
distance in a given The teacher will ask two students to help
measure and record the distance of each -students can present their airplane to
real-life situation
flying device. the teacher privately if they do not wish
to present it to the class
Instructional strategy:
-students can write their presentation
The teacher will instruct at the beginning of and submit a written report on the
the class and then there will be a transition description of their airplane if they do
to individual work. The teacher will model not wish to present to the class
the final activity using appropriate
vocabulary. -students can work in pairs to discuss
airplane designs

-students can record their presentation

if they do not wish to present to the

Lesson 8: TO BE COMPLETED IF NEEDED! Minds On: Assessment Resources:

Continuation of Purpose:
culminating Minds On: Hands On: Materials:
task (or extra Hands On: Consolidation:
day if lessons Assessment
need to be re- Consolidation: Learning skills: Mode:
visited or
expanded) Instructional strategy: Technology: Assessment
Assessment Tool:

Key Questions:

POSSIBLE Teacher Conference Quiz

Exit Card Question and Answer
ASSESSMENT Self Assessment Checklist Demonstration
STRATEGIES Concept Attainment, Mind Map, Concept Map Teacher Edit
Select Response Checklist
Observation checklist Discussion
Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down
Self Assessment Response Form
Peer Edit Other
Spot Check

VARIETYOF Ensure that there are a variety of learning

LEARNING experiences provided to match the class and
EXPERIENCES individual learning profile that you have
developed for this group of learners (see
below). Mark any you have used.
Learning Experiences  Guest Speaker  Research (Independent)
 Inquiry Questions  Inside/Outside Circle  Report Writing
 Anticipation Guide  Inquiry  Response Writing
 Brainstorming  Jigsaw  Response Journals
 Case Study  Journal Writing  Role Playing
 Choice Boards  KWL chart  Round Robin
 Class Discussion  Learning Centres  Simulation
 Computer Simulation  Learning Contracts  Snowball
 Concept Attainment  Metaphors  Socratic Dialogue/ Rich Questioning
 Concept Formation  Movie Review/Analysis  Song Creation
 Concept Creation  Mind Map  Teams Games Tournaments
 Concept Mapping  Model Building  Three Way Debate
 Critical Dialogue  Note Making (student generated)  Think Pair Share
 Cubing  Note Making (teacher generate  Think Pair Square (Graduated)
 Debate (Formal)  Numbered Heads  Think Together – Think Apart
 Debate (Informal)  Jigsaw  Thinking Routines
 Examine Both Sides  Panel Discussion  Tiering
 Four Corners  Placemat  Values Line
 Game  P/M/I  Venn Diagram
 Game Theory  Problem Based Learning  Video Clip
 Graffiti  Puzzle Pieces  Word Wall
 Graphic Organizer  RAFTS  Word Web
 Graph Creation  Research (Guided)  Other __________
 Graphing

STUDENT NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: ________________________

Overall expectations: Science and Technology – Flight

1. assess the societal and environmental impacts of flying devices that make use of properties of air

2. investigate ways in which flying devices make use of properties of air

3. explain ways in which properties of air can be applied to the principles of flight and flying devices

Specific expectations

1.1 assess the benefits and costs of aviation technology for society and the environment, taking different social and economic perspectives into
2.1: follow established safety procedures for using tools and materials and operating flying devices
2.4: use technological problem-solving skills to design, build, and test a flying device
2.5: use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including aerodynamics, compress, flight, glide, propel, drag, thrust, and lift, in oral and
written communication
2.6: use a variety of forms (e.g., oral, written, graphic, multimedia) to communicate with different audiences and for a variety of purposes
3.3: identify and describe the four forces of flight – lift, weight, drag, and thrust

Category Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Knowledge and Demonstrates thorough Demonstrates Demonstrates some Demonstrates limited

Understanding understanding of the considerable understanding of the understanding of the
principles of flight to understanding of the principles of flight to principles of flight to
design and build a flying principles of flight to design and build a flying design and build a flying
device design and build a flying device device

Thinking and Investigation Uses creative thinking Uses creative thinking Uses creative thinking Uses creative thinking
processes, skills and processes, skills and processes, skills and processes, skills and
strategies with a high strategies with strategies with some strategies with limited
degree of effectiveness to considerable effectiveness effectiveness to design and effectiveness to design and
design and build a flying to design and build a flying build a flying device build a flying device
device device

Communication Expresses and organizes Expresses and organizes Expresses and organizes Expresses and organizes
ideas, information and ideas, information and ideas, information and ideas, information and
vocabulary with a high vocabulary with vocabulary with some vocabulary with limited
degree of effectiveness to considerable effectiveness effectiveness to explain effectiveness to explain
explain the design and to explain the design and the design and the design and
construction process for a construction process for a construction proves for a construction process for a
flying device flying device flying device flying device

Application Makes connections Makes connections Makes connections Makes connections

between science, between sciences, between science, between science,
technology and the technology and the technology and the technology and the
environment with a high environment with environment with some environment with limited
degree of effectiveness to considerable effectiveness effectiveness to select and effectiveness to select and
select and use the to select and use the use the optimum design use the optimum design
optimum design features optimum design features features for a flying device features for a flying device
for a flying device for a flying device

Safety Follows established safety Follows established safety Follows established safety Follows established safety
procedures for using tools procedures for using tools procedures for using tools procedures for using tools
and materials and and materials and and materials and and materials and
operating flying devices operating flying devices operating flying devices operating flying devices
with a high degree of with considerable with some degree of with limited degree of
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness


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