Intelligent Transport Systems PDF
Intelligent Transport Systems PDF
Intelligent Transport Systems PDF
Opportunities for Future Research
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Mike McDonald Hartmut Keller Job Klijnhout Vito Mauro
Richard Hall Angela Spence Christoph Hecht Oliver Fakler
Opportunities for Future Research
Opportunities for Future Research
Mike McDonald
University of Southampton, UK
Hartmut Keller
Job Klijnhout
,The Netherlands
Vito Mauro
MIZAR, Italy
Richard Hall
University of Southampton, UK
Angela Spence
MIZAR, Italy
Christoph Hecht
Oliver Fakler
For photocopying of material in this volume, please pay a copying fee through the Copyright
Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. In this case permission to
photocopy is not required from the publisher.
ISBN 981-270-082-X
This book has been written on the basis of the work done
between 1999 and 2004 as part of the European Commission funded
ROSETTA project.
The project was funded by the Directorate-General Information Society
to identify research and other actions needed to progress appropriate
applications of transport technologies in Europe. This required state-of-
the-art reviews. With the aid of over 100 experts, the project team
identified areas where actions were needed, the scale and character of
those actions, and their subsequent promotion through a range of
initiatives. This book provides insights into the Intelligent Transport
System (ITS) areas identified, issues which need to be addressed and
visions of what the future might hold.
It is to be noted that the book represents the views of the authors and not
necessarily those of the European Commission or the ROSETTA Expert
Group, either individually or collectively. Experts who have made
substantial personal contributions to the ROSETTA process include
Professor George Giannopoulos (section 6.1), Robert Tremlett (section
7.2), Alan Stevens (section 4.3) and Malcolm Williams (section 4.2).
More generally, the authors would like to thank all the Experts who
contributed to discussions and the development of understandings in
ROSETTA which have formed a platform for this book.
Preface vii
1. Introduction 1
2. Context 5
2.1 Getting the Benefits from ITS 5
2.2 Transport in the EU 7
2.3 Transport Policy 10
2.4 Socio-economic Trends 14
2.5 IT and Opportunities for Changes 16
3. Traveller Services 25
3.1 Passenger Transport Services 25
3.2 Information Services 57
x Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
Appendices 291
A Research Projects related to ITS 291
B Acronyms and Abbreviations 313
Bibliography 319
Chapter 1
2 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
Local > EU
POLICY I Provision/Enabling TECHNICAL
Transport Services
Road User Charging
Education and Training
Cooperative Vehicle Highway Systems [ Information Services
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Emergeny Response
Traffic Management and Control Human Machine Interface
Road and Traffic Monitoring Freight Services
Radio Navigation
All the ITS applications addressed in the book are targeted at policy
objectives and contribute to the performance of the transport
infrastructure, the public and private vehicles which use the
infrastructure, and a range of systems and services, many of which are
only enabled by ITS. Some ITS applications are market driven and some,
such as the personal delivery of online information or driver support,
provide unique opportunities to integrate the use of infrastructure,
vehicles and services to provide new levels of mobility and safety.
Global environmental issues are of increasing importance. Some sections
deal with fundamental issues such as architecture which provide essential
underpinning to ITS applications.
The areas of ITS which are addressed in the book provide a vision for
their application in the context of the current state-of-the-art, key issues
to be addressed and the future opportunities. An initial chapter deals with
the European context and a final chapter draws together conclusions and
recommendations and considers issues of ITS which relate to cross area
applications, such as functional architecture and education and training.
Each section has been drawn together by reviews, and the opinions of the
Expert Groups. ITS is a very wide subject area and, whilst the depth of
considerations are similar in each section, the maturity of the subjects
considered in the individual sections is very different. This has led to
some differences in style, structure and referencing.
Chapter 2
6 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
2.2.1 Accidents
2.2.2 Congestion
Environmental costs
Social costs
In passenger transport, there are factors working both for and against the
adoption of ITS. Individual service operators, routes and terminals are
motivated to apply ITS, because it provides a better product. The
essential requirement for a seamless journey is, however, seamless
information and management - and the competition between operators
has tended to reduce joint working (ILS NRW et al., 2005).
Another reason why ITS implementation is important is that Road User
Charging (RUC) or Value Pricing (VP) cannot easily be carried through
without ITS. Simple, local systems may be possible, but without ITS it
will not be not possible to carry out the EC's commitment to road user
charging (European Commission, 2003 (2); Glaister and Ochieng, 2003).
Road pricing has the potential to hit many transport targets: improving
equity, reducing environmental damage and raising revenues for public
transport investment. As part of this, road pricing will encourage the
choice of the right mode for the journey. 'Public Transport good; Cars
bad' is as much a nonsense as any other statement of such extremes.
Where a lot of people are going from roughly the same origin to roughly
the same destination, public transport has lower external costs and the
financial incentives should be planned to encourage that choice. Where
there is low demand for a single journey, and where walking or cycling is
impractical, the car is the best mode in external terms as well as internal:
running hourly bus services on convoluted routes to carry a tiny number
of people is neither cost effective nor environmentally sound. Glaister
and Graham (2003) point out that a national system of road user charging
in the UK would reduce the cost of driving in rural areas, bringing
significant net benefits.
2002), and aim to develop ITS solutions which can be fitted to a range of
policy environments. In ITS terms, that mainly means developing
interoperable rather than common systems and rules. This approach
recognises the diversity of interests as well of delivery cultures in Europe
and also the practical reality of 'subsidiarity': although it is important
that ITS be applied on a trans-national scale, the decision-making reality
is that most transport decisions are, and will remain, national decisions. Thefuture
the information terminals on streets and at transport nodes, and for other
Effective HMI must be based on understanding the needs of users and
the process of diffusion of new systems into the market, as well as the
business processes which determine the flow and structure of
information. HMI must accommodate future needs and wants arising
from developments in society, such as the needs of different user groups,
the special needs of elderly people, disabled people and those with
learning or language difficulties.
For Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), a critical HMI factor
is that the system should not compromise driver safety. This is most
important 'during high task workload', that is, when the driver is under
stress. This is a high aspiration given that many ITS systems are used
only at times of stress - I'm lost; I need a parking space; I don't know
how to pay to cross this bridge and I'm late and I have to get across this
bridge. It is compounded by the fact that different people have different
stress levels, different perceptions of risk and different competence in
driving and in taking and following instructions. However, there is a
strong market driver for manufacturers to overcome these difficulties
with the world market for in-vehicle driver support systems booming and
much commercial and other research underway. This is driving a related
market for services extending to the office and entertainment, as well as
way-finding, information and logistics and fleet management.
For travellers, an ITS system should deliver information in a
straightforward and clear way which reflects the needs of the individual.
This is a very complex process which involves understanding time, cost,
and physical constraints of the individuals or groups concerned. Much
research is required to provide systems and services which meet these
needs as well as all the ITS technologies and systems to assemble and
manage the essential databases of underlying information. This requires
intermodal real-time electronic information and transaction systems in
passenger and freight services and further harmonisation of message and
document standards in telematics. There are great opportunities for
saving costs, time and environmental impact through the expansion of
22 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
based, with the benefits as well as the costs of a managed system well
understood before a decision is taken not to invest in it. Research
requirements are for assessment methodologies to understand the costs
and benefits of driver assistance through vehicle-highway
communication; research on the most suitable technologies and systems
architecture for large scale applications (possibly quite different from
those being developed for individual areas); and a long term strategy to
merge the market-driven development of systems to support the driver
with the infrastructure systems required by authorities for safety, network
management and charging. Improving the monitoring of highway
conditions and use will also help to enable the maximisation of the
benefits of ITS. However, new systems and services must address future
problems, not just those which currently exist.
The final critical step in ITS research has yet to be taken: gaining an
understanding of sociological and behavioural responses to ITS. What
systems will and won't be accepted by which people? Will people
change their lifestyles in response to ITS and to the policy instruments
that they facilitate, such as road user charging? How will different people
cope with the intelligent transport society? Consider a retired manual
worker with poor literacy, few learning skills and failing eyesight,
hearing and response times - how will he or she respond to the
intelligent vehicle-highway? Consider a 19 year-old, about to start his or
her degree course - will they even bother to buy a car, moving in
congested networks, or will they choose intelligent public transport,
joining a car club for occasional journeys? In the long run, the
sociological and behavioural response will determine the take-up of
systems and hence their viability politically and commercially. We have
been researching ITS for a generation and the research emphasis must
shift from the technology, which is fairly mature, to understanding
behavioural response.
ROSETTA has drawn together the current research and practice in ITS.
The insights here should help policy makers prioritise the integration and
promotion of ITS implementation to transform transport. It should also
encourage central policy makers and professional bodies to enhance the
ITS training and education networks.
24 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
Policy makers do not have a choice as to whether ITS will 'happen'. The
cost savings and time savings, the safety benefits and commercial value,
the confidence and communication which ITS bring, all mean that ITS
will be implemented. The policy question is whether they will be
implemented piecemeal, by individual towns, cities and highway
operators, by individual vehicle manufacturers and public transport
operators seeking market advantage, or whether they will implemented in
a coherent manner, so that the environmental and efficiency savings can
be derived quickly and on the large scale, across Europe. The policy of
piecemeal development was sensible in the early days of ITS as it was
not known which ideas would be effective, or what the scale of the
effects would be. Much of that now is known, and a different policy
approach is required. A continuation of the policy of piecemeal
development will have the damaging effect of keeping costs artificially
high. This would impact adversely on the EU's competitive position and
also keep welfare and environmental costs of transport artificially high.
Moreover, it risks the development of systems which become
increasingly difficult to integrate, creating an unnecessary future cost
burden to move to interoperable, trans-national ITS. Only an integrated
approach will ensure that Europe reaps the full benefits of its past
leadership and expenditure on ITS.
Chapter 3
Traveller Services
26 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
3.1.1 Vision
Terminals |
Hierarchical I Schedule Car
Fees, Networks I I Integration Mode 2 Rental,
Tolls Parking
tickets; if a traveller does not use it as expected, the cost could be higher
than if paying the fare for individual trips.
ITS provides the possibility of monitoring transport use at an individual
level for optimising the service and charging only at the end - of the trip
or the month - at the most favourable rate applicable. This also increases
comfort for all these occasional travellers not familiar with the vast
variety of different tariffs most public transport providers offer
nowadays. An ideal solution could comprise a single act of registration, a
contactless paying system such as a smart card and a monthly
transportation bill charged to the traveller's bank or credit card.
Passenger transport services would monitor every use of transport
services and charge the best rate applicable.
Ideally, electronic payment systems will be compatible from one
transport network to the next and even across Europe. Integration with
different retail and service payment systems is also desirable. Collected
data may also be used for enhanced operation and planning of the linked
transport services.
But DRT should not explicitly concentrate on being the transport mode
for times and zones of special or low demand. Assuming an adequate
number of deployed vehicles, new concepts like Intelligent Grouping
Transportation (IGT) will also provide alternatives to individual or
regular public transport. Overall transportation efficiency and reduction
in costs arise from the method of grouping passengers with compatible
itineraries into the same minibus vehicles. A computerised system
organises this grouping so that the vehicle can transport all passengers
on-board from door-to-door.
Prerequisite for many companies jointly operating an area is a strong
linkage of local services to create a large scale flexible transport service
under a common shell that may approach the flexibility of the private car.
This includes co-operation models, rules and data bases with regular
public transport. Advanced systems especially developed for the needs of
DRT services will manage the bookings and operation of multiple
service providers to give the best service for the user at the best price.
There is a great need for predictive optimisation, where the pick-up time,
fare, as well as the travel time, can be given to a new passenger during
the primary booking call. Another advantage will be automated booking
and payment facilities.
Another facet of DRT would be transport modes that could handle
freight or passengers at different times of the day, depending on demand.
First experiments with tramways (Volkswagen in Dresden) are promising
and could be expanded to combined delivery and passenger services in
rural areas.
3.L2 State-of-the-art
jf^ Intermodal
,; Fare/Ticket
:* Smooth
s Pick up
I 1 Terminals l _ *»
Fares, Car
/ 1 Hierarchical 1 | Schedule ^ Rental,
Tolls """""""*! Mode s Networks Y//A Integration \ Mode 2 > Parking
- 1 Z
Schedule &
- S j ^
Level of
Supply Navigation Service
Information Information
For the time being, the best practice of operators is to provide static
schedule information on their transport service. That data sometimes is
available across Europe by means of the Internet. However, quite often
the data lacks reliability, and short-term changes of schedules are not
available. Many operators are still reluctant to even inform travellers
about lateness or unavailability of services within their own systems,
though real-time information on the actual performance of individual
services is increasingly being deployed in some urban systems.
The CIVITAS initiative funded by DG TREN aims for 'cleaner and
better transport in cities', based on eight CIVITAS Policy Strategies that
will be applied to the sites involved. Approaches include new demand
management strategies, innovative logistics services and integration of
transport management systems. The CIVITAS I initiative covers 19
European cities, with a further 17 cities in CIVITAS II.
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 35
The outcome to facilitate the adoption of bus priority systems for wide
areas has been satisfactory, but scope for further research was identified
in the application and evaluation of different strategies under more varied
traffic and bus network conditions, different traffic signal plans, bus
priority parameters, bus detection systems, etc.
Priority of PT systems is now being widely implemented in a number of
cities throughout Europe. However, optimisation strategies over large
networks need to be further improved before best practice can be
established. An interesting approach of on-demand PT priority has been
deployed in Zurich, Switzerland. Here priority for PT is not automatic,
but will only be given if the approaching vehicle is delayed and demands
priority. This prevents giving unnecessary disadvantage (increased
waiting times) to individual modes (e.g. cars, bikes, pedestrians) in
situations where priority is not needed.
Vehicle Scheduling and Control Systems
Today there are many Automatic Vehicle Management (AVM)
or Vehicle Scheduling and Control Systems (VSCS) used in Europe and
overseas. A prototype dynamic bus scheduling and remote maintenance
monitoring system funded under the 4* FP was demonstrated in Valencia
(Spain) under the AUSIAS project. The dynamic bus scheduling
application had two parts: off-line scheduling of vehicles and crews, and
online re-scheduling in response to incidents, with software to recognise
and manage 'regular' incidents.
Technical validation of the integrated fleet management system was
performed successfully. User acceptance of the off-line application to
schedule vehicles and crews was high and the time to create a bus and
crew schedule was reduced by one third. The dynamic scheduling
application could not achieve full assessment due to an insufficient
incident database, but it was concluded that there was a good potential
for development based on the initial results.
Project BERTA developed a basic tool for maintenance of all ITS data of
bus, tram and metro in the city of Berlin. BERTA covers functions
ranging from drawing timetables, monitoring actual operations,
providing real-time information to passengers, to supervising safety and
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 37
security in the stations. One tool (RBL) controls, manages and optimises
bus and tram operation, the other (LISI) is an integrated safety control
and management system for operation of metro systems. All systems
work together online and are fully integrated.
Improved interoperability
A research project addressing data exchange for better public
transport operation was TRIDENT funded under the 5lh FP. The goal of
the project was to support multimodal travel ITS by establishing the
common and reusable mechanisms that are required for sharing and
exchanging data between transport operators (content owners) of
different modes. It also investigated and proposed solutions for well-
known organisational and strategic issues hampering travel
This led to proposals for new standards, as well as development of
specifications and software modules which enable the sharing and
exchange of real-time multimodal traffic and traveller information
through the whole Traffic and Traveller Information (TTI) content chain.
To achieve this goal, two different paths were selected - a 'messaging
approach' (EDI, DATEX) and a more modern object-oriented
technologies approach. The two sets of specifications have been
implemented in test sites in Flanders, Paris, West Yorkshire and Rome.
Applications have been successfully tested, trialled and modified and
have continued operation after the end of the project, in some cases
already extending to other areas and transport modes. Specifications have
also been submitted to CEN TC 278 working groups. (CEN (Comite
Europeen de Normalisation) 278 fosters European standardisation
between systems concerning road traffic and transport telematics.) For
further development a post-project platform TriEx has been founded.
Improved interoperability of maintenance
A completely different but indispensable aspect is maintenance
of passenger transport vehicles.
In the 4th FP project AUSIAS, an automated fleet maintenance tool was
developed for monitoring bus engine parameters in real time. Sensors are
38 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
Smart cards are now a common reality of the daily life of many
citizens. They are used extensively by the banking sector as debit cards,
credit cards, and electronic purses. They are also used to identify
subscribers to services or associations; they are part of our mobile
phones, and now in some countries they are used in the health sector to
identify a person and contain some useful information on his/her medical
file. Nevertheless widespread usage of multi-application smart cards,
especially for passenger transport, still remains a future vision in most
parts of Europe.
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 39
provide, manage, control and plan transport services for citizens, with
less financial support and with better quality of service. These
functionalities include a superior reservation system, using geographic
information systems (GIS), managing the customer databases and using
smart cards to pay for the services and as an ID for automatic reservation
of the return trip back home. On the hardware side this resulted in
increased processing capacity, improved reliability of the system,
improved management of the operations and enhanced automatic vehicle
location (AVL) technologies. The economic viability of DRT services is
seldom based on the fare box revenues. The financial justification for
DRT comes from the fact that instead of an annual increase of 15 % in
costs to provide special transport, services are enjoying an annual 2-3 %
decrease, including the costs of the TDC and its equipment. After the
projects finished the demonstrations were turned into commercial DRT
services. The patronage has grown rapidly reaching a level four to ten
times higher than when the services were introduced.
Though the suppliers developed their products in collaboration with each
other using the same global specifications for functional, informational
and physical architecture, different operational and technological
environments of the test sites led to quite different approaches. This has
enhanced their competitiveness on the global market place, especially
when the requirements of new customers may significantly differ from
those of European customers. Projects have also established various
contacts with potential customers in most European countries as well as
in the US and the Asia-Pacific Region.
The trial project FAMS is aiming at scaling up the technologies, service
and business models currently adopted in DRT. FAMS supports the
evolution from single DRT applications towards the concept of a flexible
agency for Collective Demand Responsive Mobility Services, which is
crucial for further expansion in wider areas.
E-business/e-work collaboration along with team-working tools and
methods should create a Flexible Mobility Agency that co-ordinates the
different operators and organisations as well as enhances the accessibility
to mobility services for users. Information exchange is based on standard
Internet and web technologies to provide flexible and dispersed
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 43
3.1.3 Issues
weight measure of the bus from the road, knowing the empty
weight of that type of bus. Information is then transmitted
giving time to arrival and load status (seats available, standing
places available, full).
- Software for demand responsive semi-public transport:
This software must be multi-operator and multi-vehicle,
reporting to the transport authority. It must be based on a
public-private partnership (PPP) principle, and linked to an
automated transmission to the vehicle, with acknowledgement
returned to the centre.
- Intelligent vehicle maintenance:
Advanced in-vehicle sensors and recorded operational data
should be connected to a vehicle management database to
create an intelligent vehicle maintenance system. This enables
the change from fixed intervals to more incident-orientated,
integrated and dynamic maintenance, thereby increasing the
fleet's capacity. More sophisticated systems require well-
trained operators and staff, including adaptation of working
procedures between linked companies. Education of staff has to
foster an understanding of purposes, strategies and potential
impacts of the measures, possibly by means of self-training and
simulation tools. In case of failure, systems should be well
supported by backup systems and/or substitute procedures.
For smart cards, both contact and contactless, the need is now
for standardisation at application level and for the exchange of data.
Work has started, but needs to be finalised in terms of technology as well
as for the implementation of interoperable services, which might lead to
necessary contractual agreements between service providers. Smart cards
have proven to be an active part of our daily life. The TAP programme
has facilitated their application to public transport and other city business
in some European cities. In this way, it has also helped active strategies
to improve the use of public transport in our congested cities, fully in line
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 49
public justify investments from public funds or if the actual users should
finance the improved performance of systems through adequate user
fees. Cost-benefit studies on ITS investments seem to be rather sparse.
Analytical instruments to measure changes in user behaviour,
improvements in system performance or social benefits initiated from
ITS measures are lacking. Empirical surveys could help to provide better
understanding of current and future travel demand, including from
occasional users (e.g. car drivers) as well as referring to future aspects
such as changes in society or environmental concerns (White Paper -
European transport policy for 2010, Kyoto Protocol to the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). Conclusions
3.2.1 Background
the research and other actions which could help to overcome them. A
further aspect to be explored is the possible strategic use of transport
information as a tool for traffic management.
Finally, a series of recommendations are made consisting of initiatives
which it is felt should be taken at European level to favour the
achievement of the 'vision' described below.
3.2.2 Vision
discounts in certain listed restaurants. The site also gives them ideas for
possible trips when they get to Prague. They decide to buy tickets for an
exhibition as the site tells them it is already heavily booked. When they
arrive, they find their smart phone very useful on trips around the city as
it helps them find their way by showing images of distinctive landmarks.
Although the navigation service is run by the local transport agency, they
can receive the directions in English, which makes it easy to use public
transport. They are also pleased to be able to use the same smart cards for
their fares and meals. The only problem they encounter is with the
prepaid exhibition tickets which they find are not valid on the day they
want to visit. When they get home they are able to follow this up, making
a claim for reimbursement via the same website.
Steen is a driver for a Danish company which manufactures furniture. He
has been given the task of delivering a consignment to a warehouse in the
outskirts of Barcelona. The company's trucks are equipped with onboard
units which support fleet management, but also incorporate a navigation
and information service. When crossing Germany he finds this very
useful for re-planning his route to avoid busy sections of motorway. As
he enters Italy, it is also able to warn him of restrictions in force on
Sundays on heavy traffic in Italy and to help him find places to eat and
stay overnight. When he arrives in Barcelona he requests authorisation to
enter the restricted traffic zone and is able to book a convenient
unloading bay. To guide him there he receives spoken directions in
Danish, which means he can focus on the traffic without distraction.
3.2.3 State-of-the-art
In less than a decade, the market for TTI services has grown
from a non profitable niche market to a substantial business. Many city,
regional and national platforms are now in operation, and an increasing
number of services are provided by public private partnerships (PPPs).
Difficulty is still encountered however in establishing commercially
sustainable services.
60 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
In some cases, such as RDS/TMC, i.e. the travel news delivered by radio,
no fee is charged for receiving TTI (at least for non encrypted services),
on the basis that if broadcasters did not deliver quality services, the
receivers would not be sold. This is leading to a solution where revenue
transfers are made directly by the technology provider (in-vehicle
equipment) to the service generator.
3.2.4 Issues
While the vision for future TTI services is clear, it is rather less
evident how progress in this direction can best be achieved. The principal
obstacles seem to be in regard to the organisational and legal framework
rather than technical factors. Experience suggests that the necessary
boost to TTI services will come from opening up the market. But if a
large-scale market is to be created, favourable conditions must exist for
private 'value-added' TTI service providers to meet the needs of given
market segments. So how can this be done?
As noted in the ATLANTIC survey, one of the major difficulties is that
of harmonising the positions of the stakeholders involved. The travelling
public often has very high expectations, but is rarely prepared to pay the
real costs of providing such information. There is also a need for clearer
relationships between service operators and providers regarding data
collection, ownership and exchange if a truly open TTI market is to be
created. Finally, especially if multimodal and cross-border services are to
be operated, an overall framework needs to exist at European level to
ensure data availability between different modes and countries. The main
issues examined below therefore concern:
68 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
Once the rules on rights of use have been established and the
information exists, it still has to be made available in some form. This
means that suitable standards (for both publication and exchange) must
be defined and agreed. Information from multiple information sources
will need to be combined in various forms (according to specific user
needs) and delivered through multiple delivery channels.
It is not yet clear which would be the easiest (and most practical) way of
speeding up the process. The normal answer - to define a common set of
standards, products and data formats, and to push all parties to comply
with them - is unlikely to be the most efficient. It would take too long
and encounter too much opposition. The data model is probably too
complex for such an approach to be viable. Moreover, VASPs need the
maximum freedom to define their products in relation to the needs of
their target market. Another approach would be to consider the Internet
as common ground and publish the information on the web. A VASP
could then find a way of obtaining the data needed, combine it as
required and present it to their users. Even with this approach, some
basic agreements on individual data models would be needed.
One approach for car systems is to use 'vocal' controls, but speech
recognition technology still lacks robustness with respect to variations in
pronunciation (most research has involved American English). Work is
being carried out to make systems less sensitive to linguistic factors, and
more suitable for European languages. Prototypes have been developed
to provide multilingual vocal access to applications and information
sources on the Internet (public and private service providers) accessible
by means of kiosks, standard telephones and smart wireless devices.
TTI services can have a positive impact on safety (as they may
encourage travellers to choose safer modes/routes), but they can also
have negative impacts resulting from distraction while using a terminal
(especially while driving). For a more detailed discussion of this issue
the reader is referred to the section on HMI. In the specific context of
TTI, recommendations will need to be formulated to reduce the risk of
distraction leading to accidents. This will be especially critical (though
hard to regulate) if the use of nomadic systems becomes widespread.
The issue of personal security is parallel to the privacy issue. Since users
of TTI services can be traced, this can be used both to their benefit (in
the case of emergencies) and detriment (if data is used improperly).
Basic information on
Free of charge
single transport service
e.g. train, bus or metro
Basic information on
travel in city/region Free or low charge
(e.g. train + bus + metro e.g. via Internet
+ traffic + parking) connection/SMS
A Service
users Transport Transport-
service related
operators services
data data
B in given city PLATFORM
or region Recommendations
4.1.1 Vision
86 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
costs more rapidly. This approach offers greater opportunities for early
and more substantial impacts on traffic and safety.
4.1.2 State-of-the-art
future. The ROSETTA activities have been a first step towards a better
co-ordination of user needs and innovation requiring:
- A co-ordination of user requirements;
- A matching of requirements and possible technologies;
- A co-ordination of deployment - a scheme for investment by
industry and public partners.
Radar, video and laser systems have all been studied, either
singly or in combination, to identify obstacles and warn the driver of
possible collision (Nico and Klaus, 2004). The systems must identify the
obstacle in the context of the normal physical characteristics associated
with the road ahead and so are very complex.
To date, such systems have been used on special types of vehicles like
snow ploughs, ambulances and police vehicles. Radar is used to put the
lane and road edge boundaries on a Head-Up Display for the driver.
Obstacles on the road ahead also appear on the Head-Up Display and the
driver is warned. The resulting control and accurate network mapping for
precise lane support has other potential applications for road safety. Ports Tunnels
using LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) to show a white line was developed.
After a series of trials, in which more than one prototype failed,
operational systems became available. The first operational tests of these
LED-line markings used the hard shoulder as a traffic lane in peak hours.
In this case, to separate the hard shoulder from the 'regular' open lanes
the LED showed an uninterrupted line. When the hard shoulder could be
used as a traffic lane the LED showed a broken line instead. This
arrangement was found to work as an operational test of the use of
dynamic marking, although the idea of changing 3 lanes into 4 more
narrow lanes was not favoured by the public.
The result of the LDWA tests with truckers showed that following the
lanes was no problem provided that it was done at the officially posted
rather low maximum speed. In practice, traffic tends to drive at much
higher speeds, and that makes lane keeping in a narrow lane more
difficult and a driving burden. The two approaches to a solution would
be to either control speeds so that drivers could cope with reduced lane
width, or to adopt a technical approach to control vehicles at the higher
speeds adopted by drivers. The first is the simplest answer, but not one
adopted in an environment of technology push. However, a change from
3 regular to 4 narrow lanes could still be achieved with the help of ITS,
not in the form of LDWA, but by modern speed enforcement to restrict
traffic to the lower posted speed. ITS solutions are already available for
such enforcement. Clearly, this is a rather simplistic approach, but
illustrates the need for solutions to be driven by clear user needs rather
than by technology opportunities.
4.1.3 Issues
GPS with 3
Digital map
with lanes
ADAS Digital
Radar X X X
Rumble Strip
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 101
Lane Support is required for narrow bus lanes. However, for successful
application this function requires the most accuracy for both location and
maps. To achieve the required accuracy Triangulated dGPS (differential
GPS), Magnetic tape and very accurate detailed digital maps are
4.2.1 Vision
Vehicle systems
Figure 6: Development of Vehicle and Highway Systems
4.2.2 Background
4.2.3 State-of-the-art
research shows that the passengers are extremely satisfied with the
service provided. The network has now been expanded, with the number
of vehicles as well as their carrying capacity increased. The vehicles,
known as 'hoppers', automatically charge their batteries at a loading
station. The infrastructure as well as the programming is similar to that
used in the automated container terminal in the Port of Rotterdam or for
all sorts of transport in Tokyo Disneyland.
4.2A Issues
4.3.1 Vision
4.3.2 State-of-the-art
Area Project
Telematics in public transport ITSWAP
In-vehicle ergonomics and distraction HASTE
Driver assistance systems ADVISORS
Influencing behaviour ROADSENSE Standards eSafety
Level 1 Accident Analysis Q
Q i
i k
1 Level 2 1
Critical Incidents |
/ / \ \
Level 3
4.3.3 Issues
4.4.1 Vision
4.4.2 State-of-the-art
The last goal, especially, led to useful insight into the way GPS
information could be used. This project was concluded in 1998.
The Washington State 'Puget Sound Help Me' (PuSHMe) project tested
the possibilities of using pager and cellular phone technologies in
combination with GPS. Systems with and without voice link were tested.
This project finished in 1999.
The Automated Collision Notification Project was a New York State
Mayday project that focused on the technical capability. It integrated
crash sensors to help trauma teams assess the required Emergency
Medical Services (EMS).
A Minnesota-based project, Mayday Plus, which finished in 2000, tested
a state-wide emergency response infrastructure, as well as resolving
jurisdictional issues and concluded that the processing of emergency
calls can be extremely complicated.
Between 1995 and 1999, a Multi-Jurisdictional Mayday (MJM) group
was active as a forum for critical analysis and information exchange on
the risks, barriers and opportunities associated with Mayday deployment.
It represented the needs of public and private sector response agencies in
the Mayday arena, with particular emphasis on standards and systems'
functional requirements.
One of the important conclusions of the field trials carried out in the
USA was that the many different types of Mayday situation could all
benefit from improved notification systems, and in particular an increase
in the speed with which information is relayed to the emergency services.
Further analysis led to the suggestion that the architecture for dealing
with road accident emergencies could be very similar to that for
emergencies involving the transport of hazardous goods. For inland
waterborne traffic, such notification arrangements have already been
developed in Europe, and joint future development is foreseen.
Extensive field trials in the USA showed also that a direct video link
between the EMS crew in the field and the Trauma Centre could improve
the quality of response. Satellite connections were used in these trials,
but this is a costly solution. Two alternatives emerged from these trials.
Simple Polaroid pictures of the victims still in the crashed position can
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 129
give a trauma team valuable information about possible injuries, but the
latest mobile phones with cameras offer a simple and cheap opportunity
to give a Trauma Centre the crash pictures it needs. Here technology
development came just in time with a good solution.
In line with the approach advocated by, amongst others, the European
Commission and USDOT, the aim in the United States has been to
develop an open architecture able to deal with emergencies relating to a
wide range of different situations, including radiation accidents, chemical
and oil spillage, forest fires, mountain and cliff rescue, maritime search
and rescue, medical help for the elderly, and rail incidents as well as road
accidents. The emergency notification procedure for all of these could
therefore have a common basic architecture, but with additional
'information blocks' for each specific type of application.
A further conclusion was that the procedures adopted for dealing with
road accidents must take into account the implications of different types
of call, i.e. calls for help made both manually (via fixed or cell phones)
and automatically (generated from the vehicle), Good Samaritan calls
made by third persons and providing 'secondary' notification of an
incident, as well as calls made to private service operators for roadside
- The system for the management of emergency calls regarding
road accidents should be part of a more general system
covering many different types of emergency;
- The underlying architecture should be open and flexible;
- In developing such a system, account must be taken of calls
made both manually and automatically, as well as Good
Samaritan calls and service calls.
- Crash/impact data:
Information from in-vehicle devices provide details which help
the field response staff and PSAP know what kind of service is
required and type of injuries. It includes crash type and severity
(indication of rollover and principle direction of force), axis of
acceleration, time-histories for the entire crash, and final
resting position of the vehicle.
E-l 12 services will form a part of the system that also offers
general personalised services such as 'yellow page information', route
guidance and car maintenance. These systems may be marketed as part
of the car manufacturers' range of services. Non-emergency calls in such
systems will be handled by call centres. In the case of an emergency call,
the call will go directly to the PSAP like all calls from dedicated e-l 12
systems. The service provider may have a party-line listen-in facility.
The procedure for the management of manual or automatically generated
emergency calls made from vehicles is as follows:
- The emergency call generated automatically by the onboard
system (IVS) is sent to the PSAP through the voice channel e-
112. It is composed of two elements: one voice and one data
component, supplying the minimum set of data (MSD) required
to respond to the call, both though the same voice channel.
- The mobile telephone operator, responsible for sending the call
to the most appropriate PSAP, adds further information
concerning the CLI (Caller Line Identification) and the location
data generated by the telephone network.
- If the driver subscribes to a private service, a second message is
sent from the vehicle including extra data sent to the Service
Provider who interprets the contents and provides additional
static data (e.g. details of the driver, medical data, contract
information, etc.). In this case the PSAP can interrogate the
134 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
4A.3 Issues
and E-CALLS. All this means that the management of location data from
the mobile network is an open element for future research and
will be the case where this is the first call coming from a site), a voice
link can be opened from the PSAP and contact with the caller
established. If no automatic acknowledgement is received or no voice
link opened, the Good Samaritan call will automatically be retried.
rescue service are needed, e.g. fire service, ambulance and police. This
last aspect, linked to the co-ordination of the use of modern technologies
for carrying out these functions, is an open field for future developments
regarding safety.
Over the past ten years, considerable progress has been made
towards establishing a common procedure for automated emergency
calls. The basic legislation is in place, many of the technology issues
have been resolved, the essential information requirements have been
identified, and the principle features of the necessary architecture
Among the remaining technical problems involved are the coding of the
location of an incident, the provision of information on the nature of the
142 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
impact in the case of crashes, and the handling of calls (especially the
routeing of calls) in foreign languages. There appear to be good
prospects that these will be resolved by current EC initiatives (e.g. via
the e-Safety Forum or RESCUE project).
The biggest challenge for the future, however, is the actual
implementation of these systems throughout Europe. Success will
depend to some extent on action at European level, but most of all
requires national commitment to making the necessary organisational
Most of the developments involving provision of appropriate information
regarding vehicle-related emergencies are dependent on the co-operation
of the automobile industry in making it possible to generate the
necessary linkages between onboard sensing devices, location
referencing and communications systems.
ROSETTA, in line with other EC projects such as E-MERGE, therefore
recommends actions to favour the co-ordinated adoption of the proposed
emergency call architecture. This requires the following:
(a) Actions by all Member States to ensure the full implementation
(b) Upgrading of the e-112 solution by PSAPs in order to enable
them to handle the minimum set of data identified by E-
(c) Measures to create necessary commitment from both private
and public stakeholders.
4.5.1 Vision
4.5.2 State-of-the-art
the signal may be used. Other countries require that a picture be made
that shows the face of the driver. This requirement complicates matters
but it does not make automated capture impossible.
Issues of privacy and personal integrity have been particular difficulties
in implementing particular camera based technologies, and still are in
many countries. However, automated capturing of offences and
automated processing have proved to be very effective in combating
unsafe driving and reducing accidents. This has led to a greater
awareness that legal arguments against automated enforcement should
not stop the use of license plates as a means of tracing offenders, either
directly or indirectly.
Other early applications of license plate recognition systems were the
monitoring of vehicles at toll booths to check against a list of reported
vehicles. Currently, for speed enforcement, most camera-based systems
measure speeds at a particular location and the number plates of
offending vehicles are captured. Traditionally, wet film processes were
used which required sites to be visited regularly to change the film. The
constraints on collecting film and managing cameras meant that at any
time many camera boxes were unavailable to capture offenders. This has
been largely overcome by the use of digital cameras and sophisticated
analysis software. Whilst some cameras, such as those used for red light
running offences, are fixed by the specific location of the offence,
speeding may also be tackled by measuring elapsed time over a
significant distance. This is perceived as much fairer than speed traps at
specific points. It also affects traffic behaviour in a positive way by
smoothing the flow.
In the Netherlands, speed enforcement using radar traps on motorways
with a normal maximum speed of 120 km/h has reduced the number of
violations from 20-40 % to 6 %. The use of trajectory speed enforcement
brought this down further to less than 1 %. It should also be noted that
those that were caught were mainly heavy goods vehicles for which the
maximum speed is 80 km/h. Speeding by such vehicles could not be
enforced with radar traps whereas the trajectory enforcement can
separately identify such vehicles. As a result of these enforcement
measures the number of accidents involving serious injuries was halved.
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 145
4.5.3 Issues
Network Management
150 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
every region, area or city presents a unique context with its specific
structures, public transport modes, systems and traveller behaviour.
This calls for new initiatives and opportunities to benefit from relevant
research through more effective propagation of results, and their
applicability with respect to the prevailing environment, demonstrated
through best practice guidelines as well as cost-benefit analyses.
5.1.1 Vision
5.1.2 State-of-the-art
5.1,3 Issues
Strategic Traffic Management Plans Analyses
Inter- / multimodal strategies / master plans
for mobility and event oriented traffic management Management
Dynamic control strategies per mode for platforms
R Recurrent traffic tasks / problems Telematics-
E Non-recurrent incident management infrastructure
Integration, linking
and extension of control systems Models
GIS, Maps,
Information / control systems Architectures
in multimodal transport networks
Personalised, vehicle based
Test Sites
Information, assistance and comfort services
Private Services
One of the reasons for the very limited penetration of the ITS
applications in rural networks, but also in urban and regional networks, is
the cost of such applications. Costs are especially high for:
- Monitoring which requires installing many detectors;
- Communication which requires extensive networks;
- Information to users, which is normally done via VMS, again
expensive and cumbersome to install;
162 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
smart dust. Clear advantages could come from the combination of the
two technological developments. The local sensor networks could be
combined with wireless networks and finally with wireline backbones to
offer a complete architecture for motorway or rural traffic management,
obtaining benefits from the deployment of personal information services.
5.2.1 Vision
In the ROSETTA vision for road user charging, all vehicles will be
subject to charges which can be varied by time and by location wherever
they are in Europe. The charging regimes will be driven by clear policy
objectives which will reflect increasing concerns on issues such as
congestion, the environment, safety, economic competitiveness and
social inclusion. Vehicle characteristics and journey purpose may also
affect charges applied. In this vision, an architecture will exist which will
enable a range of systems to interact with interoperable charging
'dialogues', which are sufficiently flexible to allow any road to be
subject to any RUC policy. The following sections look at the current
situation, the issues which need to be taken into account if ITS
applications are to enable fulfilment of the vision and, finally, the
necessary actions and research which the 6th FP might usefully address.
5.2.2 State-of-the-art
- After the decision is taken, within three years the service shall
be offered by all operators in all Member States for lorries and
after five years for all vehicles;
- The permitted technologies include satellite positioning, DSRC
at 5.8 GHz, GSM/GPRS and must be 'interoperable' at the
European level;
- Electronic tolling should be promoted (with a target of 50 % of
the flow by January 2007);
- Member States maintain full authority in deciding on policies
for payment, since the Directive relates only to methods.
To date the most extensive systems currently in operation are those used
in continental Europe for motorway tolling, and for collecting toll
payments for particular road sections, such as tunnels. In these cases, the
aim has normally been to generate revenue to finance infrastructure and
its maintenance. Examples of such tolling schemes exist in France (TIS),
Italy (TELEPASS), Spain (VIA-T), Portugal (VIA VERDE) and Austria
(EUROPASS). Several schemes have been in operation for many years
and payment systems have evolved from the use of paper (cash)
payments, to encompass credit and smart cards, and electronic tolling.
Payments are made at 'toll plazas' and are generally calculated at the exit
on a distance basis for the network applications. In some cases tolls are
used to collect a 'passage fee'. Current electronic tolling is based on
DSRC with a mono-lane system where vehicles pass through toll gates,
i.e. gantry systems, traditionally at toll plazas. More recently, the toll
'gates' are on the carriageways themselves as for free-flow tolling i.e.
'virtual' toll plazas consisting simply of one or two successive gantries.
The systems used in different European countries involve different
approaches and technologies.
Charging schemes have also been introduced on urban roads. These are
most commonly a way of reducing congestion (e.g. Singapore), of
generating revenue (e.g. in Trondheim, for major infrastructure
investment) or both (London). Eight of the many urban schemes
elsewhere in Europe were studied in the CONNECT project. They
include electronic charging schemes using Dedicated Short Range
Communications (DSRC), smartcard systems and paper based systems.
Chapter 5 Network Management 169
All are cordon operated and Automatic Number Plate Reading (ANPR)
systems are largely used as a basis for enforcement.
Systems have also been developed specifically for heavy goods vehicles,
largely to enable costs to be recovered nationally for international freight
movements. These are dependent upon autonomous vehicle location
(normally obtained via satellite positioning, possibly with local
augmentation, and in some cases paralleled by inertial navigation or map
matching), in-vehicle trip logging, and communication (GSM/GPRS)
with a central service which calculates the fee and does the billing. These
methods, which require on-board units, are supplemented by payment
through self-service stations and/or the Internet. Examples are the
German TOLLCOLLECT system designed for heavy goods vehicles in
which the trip cost is calculated on the basis of log records sent from the
on-board unit to the central billing service, and the Swiss LSVA in which
DSRC is used to trigger at the entrance to and exit from Switzerland. A
connection to the tachograph plus GPS is used to measure the distance
travelled; log records are then transferred to the central service through a
smart card.
In the USA, roadside beacon-based systems using dedicated shortwave
roadside communication (DSRC) systems at 5.9 GHz are being
developed as a standard for vehicle-to-roadside communication which
would include applications of charging. The same frequency has been
settled on for Europe for DSRC and some charging applications will
adopt this technology where the enhanced certainty, quality and quantity
of communication will be seen to outweigh the fixed point limitations
and likely additional vehicle costs.
5.2.3 Issues
calculate the charge for the entire trip (based on time, length or other cost
functions), so is suitable for large, but closed networks such as national
motorway networks. It can also be useful for pricing options such as
'cordon pricing' (as in Trondheim) or Access Control schemes. As far as
the user is concerned, the convenience increases with the dimension of
the network, as payment is made just once for an entire trip. However, a
large network is likely to require administrative agreements between
many road operators (the largest in operation, in Italy, involves 26
motorway concessionaires) as well as a clearing house to apportion the
fees paid. Also, as network size increases, the ability to selectively vary
charge by location decreases.
The trip-based approach requires an on-board unit and can be used for
more flexible road user charging schemes in which charges may vary by
time and location. More subtle approaches to charging may reflect the
costs of a journey for society - an application of the 'polluter pays'
principle - and/or the benefits for the road user (Glaister, 2005). It can
also apply any pricing policy operated by any toll plaza technology by
using the concept of virtual toll plazas.
There are three technology issues associated with a trip-based approach:
(a) The lack of precision and robustness of satellite positioning in
some circumstances. These shortcomings are most evident in
urban areas;
(b) Difficulties in setting up and maintaining a complex distributed
architecture with the necessary level of performance;
(c) A complicated system for the administration of post-payment is
It is possible that with an improvement in performance of the
technologies for automatic number plate recognition or the introduction
of electronic vehicle identification, an architecture could be developed in
which the vehicle is a completely passive element i.e. no on-board unit
(OBU). In such a situation, the points for fee payment would no longer
be 'toll plazas' but 'enforcement plazas'. An application of this
architecture is found in the London congestion charging scheme, where
vehicles are not required to install any equipment, payment can be made
Chapter 5 Network Management 171 Enforcement Privacy
The key action needs for the 6th FP relate not only to technical
development but also to developing a clear picture of how the technology
can serve the distinct policy objectives in different road user charging
frameworks. Another critical action is understanding likely user
responses. That is important for the road pricing scheme itself, but also
critical for knowing what information people will need, where they will
need it, how they access it and respond to it in terms of travel behaviour.
Requirements for Research
For each of these services, the required data and special quality criteria
are considered. In most cases several technologies are capable of
providing these data, with specific implications on accuracy, costs,
scalability or multi-functionality. Some techniques are well established
in practice, some are more like pilot applications, and many are expected
to be improved in quality and cost.
A system architecture of road traffic monitoring may be described at
three levels: the conceptual, the technical and the institutional. The
conceptual architecture describes the functions of components or sub-
systems of the information chain from data acquisition to information
provision to the end-users, distinguishing space and time, and the
information flow between those components. Figure 9 shows a rough
structure of such an architecture. Possibly, additional decentralised
devices can undertake parts of functions of the measurement devices or
the traffic information centre. The technical architecture deals with the
conversion of the concept into a physical system.
A special problem from the view of engineering is the non-technical
issue of institutional arrangements. There are many actors (individuals
and institutions) involved in a transport monitoring system:
- Public and private management and information centres;
- Road users evaluating the processed information they get and
including it into their decision on driving or travelling actions;
- Road users measuring the driving process and environment
conditions (by on-board equipment) or observing special events
(especially incidents/accidents) themselves;
- Public and private institutions operating their own
measurement systems;
- Professional drivers of public transport, taxi and freight
transport fleets, possibly with extended on-board equipment;
- Weather and air quality observation entities.
The diversity of actors implies two problems: Each actor makes his/her
own assumptions for checking the correctness of the input data
(plausibility) and modelling the calculation of derived parameters. This is
ian issue of quality management. At a certain degree, the data
Chapter 5 Network Management 179
Road transport authorities Road works management
Police Rescue services
Public transport operators Freight transport operators
Road users Other
5.3.1 Vision
5.3.2 State-of-the-art Motorways Sensors
5.3.3 Issues Algorithms
large, even little-used, parts of the networks. FCD (Floating Car Data)
seemed to close the gap at first; however, high communication costs
have put a limit on the idea. Recruitment of participants is possible,
despite concerns of privacy violation, yet this still requires substantial
discounts to be offered on the sale of the essential telematics platform.
Road pricing
Concepts Network determination, closed/open system, pricing criteria, integration
with transport system planning
Technologies Fee collection: GPS/digital map/GSM, DSRC - enforcement techniques
Institutional Legal conditions, financing, system operation
Incident / emergency detection and management
Concepts Classification of incidents/emergency cases
Technologies Mobile data transmission
Environment surveillance
Concepts Prediction and assessment of road conditions
Technologies Road surface (ice, slipperiness)
Commercial vehicle operation
Concepts Requirements of special surveillance and routeing
Technologies Weighing in motion
Public transport
Technologies Travel demand acquisition: data transmission, stationary, mobile
Safety services
Concepts Public travel security, safety for vulnerable road users, intelligent junctions
Technologies Mobile communication, vulnerable road user detectors, pedestrian detectors
Winter maintenance
Concepts Modelling of road surface condition from environmental data
Technologies Cost-effective vehicle road friction sensor, cloudiness sensor
Freight Transport
196 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
6.1.3 Vision
The future foreseen for the freight domain is one in which ITS
will be part of the 'armoury' of all the players involved: the freight
shippers and transporters, infrastructure managers (i.e. those responsible
for running the transport networks and related facilities, such as freight
villages or terminals), as well as public authorities (who use telematics
tools to monitor and control freight transport operations, e.g. road use
charging, access control and enforcement). Together, the integrated use
of these tools goes to constitute an 'Intelligent Freight Transport
The widespread use of fleet management platforms helps road haulage
operators to improve productivity through the ability to plan and monitor
missions with greater efficiency, and achieve better use of vehicle
capacity (through load consolidation). Continuous tracking and
communications between vehicles and the Fleet Control Centre will
make it possible to reschedule operations while trucks are 'on the move'
and adapt to changing requirements. Access to real-time information on
traffic, weather and road conditions will make it easier to produce
accurate arrival time estimates and avoid congested parts of the road
Drivers will benefit from a range of services, accessible through onboard
fixed units and handheld devices, and operable in any European country.
These will provide them with support, especially in unfamiliar areas (e.g.
location of service areas, hotels, etc) as well as greater safety for
themselves (e.g. automated emergency service alerts in the case of an
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 199
6.1.4 State-of-the-art Roadfreight
Figure 10: Causes of delay in food deliveries (McKinnon and Ge, 2003)
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 201
Although road haulage generally offers the most rapid mode of delivery
for shippers, as indicated by Figure 10, almost a third of trips are subject
to unscheduled delays. The two principal causes are problems at the
collection or delivery point and traffic congestion. This picture is
confirmed by a survey carried out by Eurolog (2003) which indicates that
for much of the time vehicles are in fact 'non-productive', i.e. idle or
waiting (see Figure 11), and suggests that considerable scope still exists
for improvements in efficiency.
Telematics tools can make a positive contribution in the majority of these
areas of inefficiency. These tools include:
(a) Automated scheduling systems which are able to calculate the
most efficient sequence of deliveries and loading/unloading
operations. For large firms with multi-drop deliveries, it is
estimated that they permit an increase in the productivity of
personnel of around 25 % (Leonardi and Baumgartner, 2004),
as well as substantial fuel savings by improving the load factor
and reducing overall mileage;
(b) Fleet management platforms, which use satellite technologies
for tracking the location of vehicles. They offer a range of
functions which can help the transport manager in both
monitoring trips and in the planning stage by producing
detailed logs of the missions undertaken (e.g. fuel consumption,
stops made, distances travelled etc) and calculating statistics.
Such platforms can also be integrated with onboard sensors to
offer, for instance, anti-theft systems and vehicle diagnostics,
which facilitate the planning of maintenance operations.
(c) An interface between the control centre driver through a fixed
onboard unit or a PDA (mobile handheld device) permitting the
exchange of messages and also automation of administrative
processes, such as the confirmation of goods delivery. They can
also provide added-value services for the driver including route
guidance and 'infomobility' services
Automated fleet management platforms are now beginning to penetrate
the European freight transport market. In a sample survey carried out in
202 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
Figure 11: Average vehicle utilisation over 48 hours (McKinnon and Ge, 2003)
6.1.5 Issues
The first key issue regarding the use of ITS for road haulage is
to identify and promote a 'killer application' or trigger which would lead
to onboard units being universally installed on vehicles.
The higher the level of market penetration, the greater the benefits both
for individual firms and for the community as a whole. As indicated
above, fleet management platforms offer transport operators the
possibility of substantial gains in efficiency and productivity. In addition,
the cumulative effect of load consolidation and better routeing at
European level would result in lower overall mileage for the volume of
goods transported and lower environmental impact. Furthermore, when a
high percentage of vehicles are using advanced telematics applications,
such as 'co-operative systems', there are further benefits in both safety
and traffic efficiency.
So how can fleet managers be persuaded to invest in such systems?
Clearly on-going reductions in cost will help, as well as more widespread
awareness of the positive impact on efficiency. But to accelerate their
adoption, the missing factor is a strong enough incentive, or mandatory
requirement, for the installation of onboard units to become widespread.
There is however a further condition. In order to gain the full advantages
described above, it is necessary for such platforms to be interoperable. If
systems are developed independently using incompatible approaches,
then many valuable benefits could be lost. To establish services which
are able to exchange information with other systems and will be
operative in any European country, requires a common architecture. A
second critical issue is therefore how to guarantee the interoperability of
services between types of system and across national borders.
The opportunities for providing these two issues is discussed in section
The third issue regards the thorny question of intermodality. As freight
transport is a highly competitive sector, shippers will inevitably opt for
the mode which offers the convenience, good service and low prices.
This means that costs, time and reliability are critical factors. If left to
market forces, it seems likely that, at least in the immediate future, the
206 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
share of non-road freight will not expand significantly. So what are the
prospects for the future?
Given that the volume of freight seems destined to continue to grow, the
long term future seems likely to offer a scenario which could be highly
damaging for the European economy. If current trends are to continue
with no constraints on road haulage and no significant investment in
alternatives (such as rail freight), congestion will gradually intensify,
delays will become commonplace, and pollution and safety will become
even more serious issues than at present. At some stage, the road will no
longer offer a commercially feasible option for goods movement on
many routes and the market will be forced to find other solutions. Since
the environmental lobbies would probably block the construction of new
roads, investment will begin in creating alternative networks, but since
the building of new infrastructure (e.g. rail routes) is a very long term
undertaking, freight transport would remain highly inefficient until such
work was completed. The only way to avoid such a situation would be to
foment an 'intermodal shift' before the critical point is reached.
One of the strategies proposed by the environmental lobby to accelerate
such a shift is to 'internalise' the external costs of transport. However, a
study carried out by the European project RECORDIT indicates that the
comparative cost advantage of using intermodal transport is slight, as
shown in Figure 12. This suggests that even if shippers were obliged to
pay the indirect costs of transport, the impact might not be sufficient to
lead to a significant variation in the modal split.
It is of course possible in the longer term that changes in the underlying
conditions, such as a substantial increase in fuel prices, could tip the
balance more decisively. Nevertheless, in the meanwhile, the only really
effective approach would be to adopt a 'dual strategy' consisting of:
(a) Strong financial incentives or regulatory measures to constrain
road freight, such as the banning of Heavy Goods Vehicles on
certain routes or a Europe-wide introduction of heavy tariffs for
(b) A concerted effort to render intermodal transport more efficient
and attractive in its own right.
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 207
Figure 12: Comparison of costs: intermodal vs. all road freight (RECORDIT project)
208 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research In teroperability
6.1.7 Recommendations
6.2.1 Vision
the definition of strict 'time windows' and the need to book (and in some
cases pay) for authorised access, but at the same time offer the advantage
of using reserved lanes and designated (un)loading areas or transhipment
The result is a substantial reduction in the 'nuisance' to general traffic,
while permitting the efficient servicing of business needs. It is facilitated
by the use of specially designed ITS tools which support the
management of the more complex strategies, and make the system
From the point of view of the telematics systems and equipment used,
operators have moved away from isolated proprietary solutions towards
integrated multi-purpose, multi-user platforms, which take full advantage
of the opportunities offered by high-precision satellite location (using
Galileo services) and mobile computing. An important feature of these is
the possibility of access to web-based supporting services and
information (traffic, maps, routeing, booking of delivery slots, etc.).
A driver approaching an unfamiliar city can request details of the local
access arrangements before entering the urban area, download a city map
onto his onboard unit and request a suggested route to his destination.
The 3D map shows him landmarks to facilitate route finding, indicating
streets which are currently congested or too narrow for his vehicle to use.
He has requested advance authorisation to enter the restricted city centre
zone; the necessary fee is paid automatically and registered by his firm's
fleet management platform. As the vehicle has EURO-4 emissions status,
it is allowed to enter this area.
Another vehicle belongs to the fleet of a large logistics group which has a
sophisticated system for optimising its deliveries and collection. The
drivers know the area well so they do not need navigation support, but
the transport company finds it very useful to have information on typical
traffic flows on the network in order to plan their operations. They can
also benefit from access to the city's mobility platform to be able to book
the use of one of the transhipment points and arrange a special electric
load-carrier for the last stage of delivery in a pedestrian precinct.
218 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
A third driver works for a small local delivery firm which has equipped
its vehicles with inexpensive onboard units. The transport manager uses
a central terminal (PC) through which he has access to a web-based fleet
support service that enables him to plan the order of 'drops' and monitor
the fleet. The firm takes advantage of co-operative arrangements with
other small companies, which allow them to share vehicles when there
are non-urgent consignments to make to a common destination. In this
case the loads are left in a special container at a transhipment point.
Deliveries in city centres are facilitated by the existence of 'urban hubs'
where loads can be transferred to energy efficient, low noise, low
emissions carriers designed for deliveries in urban areas (e.g. rapid and
quiet loading). The items are packed in containers which are equipped
with RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Devices) tags to enable
automatic recognition with handheld computers (PDAs) and constant
tracking of the delivery status.
The typical architecture of the kind of open mobility platforms which
make this possible is shown in Figure 13.
By means of a SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) interface, the city
mobility authorities and the fleets themselves have access to a series of
web-based services. In this way, the authorities can make available
information on access regulations or facilities that they offer. If vehicles
are equipped with GPS antenna, then their presence in restricted areas
can be monitored and the information used to support enforcement
measures against unauthorised vehicles. Vehicles with onboard units can
also exchange messages with the Control Centre or City Authority
terminal, in order for example, to request authorisation to enter a
restricted area, or to check in real-time whether the official loading bays
are free.
For deliveries in residential areas, a variety of solutions are used,
including service points sited in strategic locations (e.g. locker-boxes for
collection/deposits at service stations, car parks, and within residential
areas). Customers have access to unmanned points by means of
electronic keys which function with personal codes. The operations
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 219
carried out are registered online and printed confirmation with legal
validity given.
Extra services
H iFirewa"
• Traffic info
• Geo-referencedPOl
• Freight auctions
•Vehicle tracking •etc.
• Routeing guidance
• Planning and optimisation
• Data collection, etc. ( )
On-board unit
+ PDA for
Access supervision
Booking; loading bays
Traffic monitoring
Info publication
6.2.2 State-of-the-art
The first category is highly diversified, its features depending on the type
of business being served. This will determine the size of loads involved,
the frequency of delivery and any special conditions (e.g. need for
refrigeration), which need to be taken into consideration
Even though it does not strictly consist of delivery traffic, the second
category is mentioned because of the volume of traffic involved. It can
make up as much as 30% of the commercial traffic in a city. These
activities are on the increase as a result of the outsourcing of service
contracts and the demand for rapid intervention. While there are many
similarities between goods deliveries and service trips, there are
significant differences too. Service operations generally:
- Take longer to perform (vehicles are therefore parked for a
much longer time);
- Tend to be very fragmented (many small firms involved);
- Require a very rapid response (for emergencies);
- Are far less predictable than deliveries.
Home deliveries can be generated both by traditional stores which offer
this as a service for customers, and by online shopping. The latter was
slower to take off than initially predicted, but is now growing rapidly in
certain retail sectors. The chief problem (for the shipper) encountered in
this form of delivery is that of finding someone at home to accept the
goods. From the environmental and safety point of view, there is the
problem of increased traffic circulating in residential areas.
Although local authorities are far more likely than in the past to adopt
specific strategies for delivery traffic, it is not easy to find a satisfactory
approach. The general tendency is to apply restrictive measures such as
access controls (which can be put into practice at short notice without the
need to set up any special facilities), but these can lead to dissatisfaction
and difficulties on the part of transport operators and the businesses they
serve. An approach being considered in some cities is that of setting up
points where loads are transferred to smaller vehicles for delivery to the
customer. They need to take into account however that any 'break point'
in a delivery trip will add to the overall time and costs. Efficient logistics
are a fundamental element in the cost strategy of retailers.
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 221
•• B \t m
c Existing Regional
Distribution Centres
Order Picking
While the larger retailers tend to organise their own delivery service,
many others outsource this role to a logistics specialist. The lion's share
of the delivery business for small-medium packages at present goes to
the courier and express parcels industry (annual growth of 4-5 % is
expected in this sector over the next five years).
The problem faced by all is that of 'the last mile'. Various strategies are
being adopted to reduce the number of unsuccessful trips caused by not
222 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
6.2.3 Issues
The use of open platforms has potential for several functions relating to
urban deliveries:
- Collaborative approaches to freight distribution, especially in
relation to the management of urban transhipment points;
- Value-added services regarding e.g. real-time traffic
information, mapping and detailed road network information;
- The publishing of information by city authorities regarding
current access regulations in given zones;
- Offer of services by city authorities, such as booking of
delivery slots, occupation of loading bays, access authorisa-
tions, etc.
One of the main technical challenges regards the successful integration
of the value-added services. From the business viewpoint, such platforms
would have the function of offering value-added services to firms, but
leaving the market free to find its own user equilibrium.
operation. The use of active RFID tags on delivery vans or trucks could,
for example, make it possible to check that only authorised vehicles are
using a given loading-unloading place. If attached to containers or single
items, they can provide data relating to goods themselves.
Over the next few years, experimentation involving both types of RFID
technology by the larger freight shippers is likely to continue. This will
no doubt determine the most appropriate applications of the different
types of tags and possibly also produce further innovations. If the cost of
active tags were to fall substantially in the future, this could open the
way to their widespread adoption for urban deliveries and facilitate the
management of schemes involving the transhipment of goods.
It is desirable, however, for standards to be established at European level
so that such tags are interoperable and can therefore be an integral part of
co-operative initiatives as well as for operations by individual firms.
6.2.4 Recommendations
ITS Support
232 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
7.1 Architecture
7.1.1 Background
based ITS applications. It was not the only such initiative - architectures
were developed for specific ITS sectors, for example by the QUARTET
projects for urban traffic control, COMETA for freight transport, and
GERDIEN for motorways - but it was undoubtedly the most ambitious.
Creation of the European ITS Framezvork Architecture
In 2000, the KAREN project published the first version of the
European ITS Framework Architecture (European Commission, 2000
(2)). In order to respect the principle of subsidiarity, this consisted of a
high level framework or 'model' which European countries could use, if
they wished, as a basis for their own national ITS architectures. These
could, however, be adapted to reflect local requirements. A further
important feature was that the architecture was not technology specific.
Its purpose was to give guidelines regarding the content and, equally
important, the methodological approach to ITS planning. A somewhat
similar approach was adopted in the USA, where the National
Architecture (U.S. Department of Transportation: National ITS
Architecture), as a federal product funded by the Department of
Transport, supports individual States in creating their own architectures.
Other non-European countries which have developed national ITS
architectures include Japan, Korea, Canada and Australia.
After the conclusion of the KAREN project, two follow-up projects,
FRAME-S and FRAME-NET (2001-2004) had the task of encouraging
and supporting the development of national ITS architectures. A series of
updates have also been made to the original Framework Architecture and
two new versions published in 2004.
A prominent aspect of all these projects has been efforts to raise
awareness of the need for and benefits of ITS architectures (European
Commission, 2004) and the creation of commitment to their
7.1.2 Vision
the part of public authorities has been stimulated by clear evidence of the
benefits with respect to transport efficiency, safety, and intermodality.
Use of ITS services by individual travellers has grown as a result of the
practical support they offer for all types of journey. This has all led to an
expanding market for ITS developers, manufacturers, suppliers and
service providers.
A fundamental feature of this picture, and one of the reasons for the
success of ITS in gaining a mass market, is the harmonisation (and hence
interoperability of applications) achieved across Europe, across modes
and across devices. This has been possible due to willing co-operation
between all the stakeholders. These support, and take part in, a
continuous 'harmonisation' process, which starts at the ITS policy level
and leads in a coherent way to decisions regarding implementation.
ITS deployment is being shaped by a user-oriented view, rather than a
'technology push'. This is possible since all of the main players - local
authorities, industry and the final users - are involved in the process. In
general the public administrations (Transport Ministries) are leading the
way, and are able to influence the direction of ITS policy in their
countries, helping to ensure an approach which balances social with
commercial benefits.
User involvement is stimulated by the evident advantages being gained
through this harmonised approach to ITS planning:
- Travellers in Europe (the final users of ITS) obtain benefits
from interoperability, especially for cross-border travel and
multimodal trips, due to the existence of'seamless' information
systems and services. They also reap the advantage of lower
prices, since the extended European market and greater
competition reduces the cost of systems, components and
- Public administrations are able to speed up the development of
ITS architectures by using the Framework Architecture as a
'model'. This allows them to achieve earlier and better planned
deployment of ITS. They can also benefit from the experience
Chapter 7 ITS Support 235
7.1.3 State-of-the-art
7.1.4 Issues
that smaller 'recent accession' states could find it difficult to do so, and
that not all countries would be willing to finance support given to others.
It would therefore seem advantageous for certain types of assistance -
such as technical support for new architectures - to continue to receive
EC funding, while alternative sources are sought for others. At the time
of writing there has already been a move in this direction. Several
Member States have grouped together to create a 'Forum' and made a
financial contribution for support in ensuring compliancy of the new
versions of their architectures, making extensions to the Framework
Architecture, and general services, such as website management.
7. L 5 Future opportunities
Definition of European PANEL
1ST Policy Framework Transport and ITS
t t
National ITS Other
Architecture Architecture
teams teams
1 teams teams
7.1.6 Recommendations
7.2 Radio-Navigation
7.2.1 Background
It could be rightly claimed that we are now entering a new era for radio-
navigation marked by radical changes not only in the level of service, but
also the way in which the information is used and, consequently, the type
of user. Modern receivers now incorporate software which greatly
simplifies the human-machine interaction, automatically providing
latitude and longitude, or even plotting a position directly on a map
display. Radio-navigation services have become much more reliable,
which means that users can depend on the information, rather than
simply using it to support their own decision-making processes.
One of the results is that the number of users is set to explode from a few
hundred thousands to billions. New communities in the transport field
will include leisure and business activities associated with inland
waterways, road travel, railways and emergency services, as well as the
more traditional aviation and maritime areas. Millions of private
individuals may well have radio-navigation capabilities incorporated in
their mobile telephones and be able to utilise the information in many
diverse applications, ranging from location of road vehicles or
waterborne craft to navigation while walking or cycling. If radio-based
location systems and other radio-navigation dependent information
services such as these are available at reasonable cost and offer good
reliability and accuracy, it is likely that many more applications not yet
identified will emerge.
The numerous applications now becoming radio-navigation dependent
have very different operational characteristics. While simple, static
position information is sufficient for some, others need information on
direction, dynamic velocity or vehicle/infrastructure status from one or
many users within an operational envelope. In other cases the position
information is only of use when used in conjunction with a topology
engine that tracks the user within an envelope that might be an
'allowable' area or route. In terms of location accuracy, while a few
services require very high precision (to within a few centimetres), for the
majority of services medium levels of location accuracy are sufficient,
but with high levels of reliability and availability over a very wide area.
Chapter 7 ITS Support 247
7.2.2 Vision
7.2.3 State-of-the-art
Radio-navigation services
Radio-navigation of the future will be made up of base-line
services and/or technologies including:
Global Navigation Satellites System (GNSS) services:
GPS and, in the future, GPS2 and 3
Terrestrial services:
- LORAN/Chayka (possibility of convergence)
- OTDOA (Observed time difference of Arrival) - Handset
- EOTD (Enhanced Observed Time Difference) - Handset
Indoor Services:
- Bluetooth
These base-line services can be augmented in various ways to improve
their integrity and accuracy:
- GPS can be augmented by EGNOS (in Europe), WAAS (in the
United States), and EUROFIX (LORAN-based WAAS in the
United States) or by local RTK and medium-range differential
stations (DGNSS) and space-based RTK;
LORAN can be augmented by LORAN Hi Fix;
- Through the use of Pseudolites. GNSS
The quest today is to find ways of using the simple inertial measurement
unit (IMU) with rough sensors for precise navigation. Companies world-
wide are developing motion sensors, which are low cost inertial devices
using cheap compact sensors. However, they have weak stand-alone
accuracy and poor run-to-run stability and as such are not suitable as a
sole system and require periodical updates.
7.2.4 Issues Integrity
7.3.1 Vision
7.3.2 State-of-the-art
and sometimes information technology. The most usual pattern is for 20-
40 hours of lessons to be included within a specialisation in traffic
engineering or transport management.
Many new initiatives are nevertheless appearing. In Germany, for
example, new chairs in ITS-related subjects have recently been created.
ITS courses have also been launched in research institutions specialising
in traffic engineering and traffic research. There is growing co-operation
between universities, at least at national level, with joint arrangements
being made to offer part-time modular courses leading to an MSc in ITS.
There are also exchange schemes operating at European level, although
such arrangements generally involve a limited number of countries and
have a limited duration. Some consortia of universities are now offering
an 'international' MSc in European Traffic and Transportation (including
some ITS elements) after three years part-time study, mainly via distance
learning. Several universities also run courses for working professionals,
and in a few European countries it is now possible to take a Masters in
Transport not only through full- or part-time study, but also 'day release'
or distance learning.
Each 3-day ATRACC course focused on a specific ITS area (e.g. Urban
Traffic Control, Route Guidance Systems, Demand Management, Impact
Assessment and Evaluation). Lectures were given in English by experts,
and a 'Case Study' presented by someone with practical field experience.
They attracted participants from different countries and types of
institution (private firms, local authorities, ministries, etc.). However,
unless external funding is available, the cost of participating in this kind
of course can be high (in this case around €1000 each).
Training courses have also been organised as part of European funded
research programmes in specific subject areas. One successful example
was the training programme run by the FRAME-S project in the period
2002-2004. This consisted of a series of seminars and workshops which
had the aim of raising awareness and understanding of the European ITS
Framework Architecture. The sessions were free of charge and could be
requested by national or other groups involved in ITS. They consisted of
one-day seminars for ministry or local authority staff who needed
sufficient knowledge of ITS architectures to support policy decisions,
and two-day workshops for technicians needing to know how to develop
ITS architectures themselves.
The aim of the EC project, PORTAL, which ran from 2000-2003, was to
accelerate the take-up of EU research results on urban and regional
transport. EC research project reports were used as a source of new
teaching material, which was to be translated into the 16 languages of the
European Union.
Although little of the content related to ITS, the experience was relevant
in that it revealed a number of practical problems associated with using
project results as a basis. It was found to be i) difficult to provide
comprehensive coverage of a topic, ii) sometimes hard to establish
ownership of intellectual property rights, iii) necessary to set up a quality
assurance mechanism and to find ways of updating the material. A
further problem was caused by the translations, which proved to be
costly and, when carried out by non-technical people, not always
272 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
7.3.3 Issues
admin, etc.
for ITS education, 'BackOffice'
training and outreach course content
exchange basis V7 \7
Universities, poly's
research institutes
<C Resources:
Public authorities, < SEMINARS,
transport operators, fee charge
ITS bodies, industry, WORKSHOPS
research centres, etc. \7
World of transport,
students + public
286 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
CIVITAS I & 5th & 6th FP - The CIVITAS initiative aims to achieve a
CIVITAS II TREN significant change in the modal split towards
sustainable transport modes. This objective is
carried out through the combination of technology
and policy based strategies. Eight measure areas
have been identified as the basic building blocks.
METEOR 5,h FP -TREN Independent parallel project to compare and assess
the results of the CIVITAS I projects in a
harmonised way across all sites (CIVITAS I
MIRACLES 5th FP -TREN Combination of innovation, technology and policies
with the support of communication media so that
with the active participation of citizens, traffic,
energy consumption, noise and air pollution can be
reduced (CIVITAS I project).
292 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
Payment Systems
Multimodal information
Telematics platforms
User requirements
CIVITAS I & 5th & 6th FP The CIVITAS initiative aims to achieve a
CIVITAS II TREN significant change in the modal split towards
sustainable transport modes. This objective is
carried out through the combination of
technology and policy based strategies. Eight
measure areas have been identified as the basic
building blocks.
DRIVE 2 3 rd F P - Community Programme. Includes seven areas of
FRAMEWORK major operational interest: demand management,
3C travel and traffic information systems, integrated
urban traffic management systems, integrated
inter-urban traffic management systems, driver
assistance and co-operative driving, freight and
fleet management and public transport manage-
EURAMP 6th FP - 1ST Collective European action focused on ramp
metering control measures on European motor-
ways with the aim of improving safety and
increasing efficiency of traffic flow.
LLAMD 3 ra FP - Development and demonstration of aspects of
DRIVE 2 the integration of Advanced Transport Telematics
(ATT) systems within an integrated road tran-
sport environment. LLAMD includes different
sub-projects dealing with urban traffic control/
management, park-and-ride/parking/public trans-
port information, dynamic route guidance sys-
tems, fleet management and safety aspects.
PRIME 5th FP - 1ST The project aims to increase the effectiveness
of incident detection and incident management
on motorways and adjacent urban networks and
to increase road safety, through the development
of innovative methods, building on recent
achievements in related EU projects.
304 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research
ERTRAC 6th FP - TREN Advisory Council for future research with a focus
on breakthrough technologies.
FILIER 6th FP -TREN To provide the transport and logistic companies
with information about organisational and
technological innovations, to verify the impact of
the telematics and the new organisational modalities
in the freight transport and logistic sectors.
FUNDING 6th FP - TREN Guidelines for the rational funding of transport
infrastructure, including charging schemes.
GRACE 6th FP - TREN Research on accounts and cost estimation.
IMPRINT-NET 6 t h FP-TREN Discussion platform for analysis of the costs of
infrastructure use.
LOG-BASED 6Ih FP - Development of logistics based design process.
NEW OPERA 6th FP - TREN Definition of strategy to increase rail freight.
RCIPP 6th FP - TREN European interoperability of tolling technologies
and procedures.
Inter modality
BESTUFS, 5th, 6,h FP Forum to gather user needs from all stakeholders
BESTUFS II and to promote dissemination of best practice for
urban freight delivery.
CIVITAS II 6th FP -TREN Group of projects promoting sustainable urban
transport. Some include goods transport aspects
E-THEMATIC 5th FP Examines implications of e-fulfilment for online
ordering, including logistics and transport.
FIDEUS 6th FP Project whose aim is to develop innovative vehicle
solutions for urban deliveries as well as a telematics
platform to support the organisation of deliveries
and transhipment points, and to provide a tool for
local authorities to be able to monitor and manage
delivery traffic more efficiently.
LEAN 4th F P - Development and demonstration of new concepts,
TRANSPORT telematics applications and administrational tools to
distribute and collect goods in urban areas. The
project included alternative transport mode
recommendations to support significant modal shift
to rail.
MOSCA 5th FP - 1ST Key project objective is to provide a set of tools for
improving efficiency of door-to-door transport of
goods in urban areas by collaboratively providing
demand and supply side information in one single
PARCELCALL 5th FP - 1ST Development and verification of an open
architecture for intelligent tracking and tracing in
transport and logistics.
THEMIS 5th FP -TREN Examination of the potential for integrating traffic
management and fleet management systems across
all the modes, including an investigation of the
implications for ITS architectures.
Appendix A 311
7.1 Architecture
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6281 he
ISBN 981 -270-082-X
'orld Scientific