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Opportunities for Future Research



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Mike McDonald Hartmut Keller Job Klijnhout Vito Mauro
Richard Hall Angela Spence Christoph Hecht Oliver Fakler
Opportunities for Future Research
Opportunities for Future Research
Mike McDonald
University of Southampton, UK

Hartmut Keller

Job Klijnhout
,The Netherlands

Vito Mauro
MIZAR, Italy

Richard Hall
University of Southampton, UK

Angela Spence
MIZAR, Italy

Christoph Hecht

Oliver Fakler

^> World Scientific

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Opportunities for Future Research
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The authors wish to thank the European Commission, Directorate-

General Information Society, for enabling and encouraging the
5th Framework Programme support action ROSETTA, which gave reason
and resources to compile this book.

The authors wish to dedicate their work to

Fotis Karamitsos and Andre Vits,

David Callahan, Tony Barbas and Emilio Davila-Gonzalez

This book has been written on the basis of the work done
between 1999 and 2004 as part of the European Commission funded
ROSETTA project.
The project was funded by the Directorate-General Information Society
to identify research and other actions needed to progress appropriate
applications of transport technologies in Europe. This required state-of-
the-art reviews. With the aid of over 100 experts, the project team
identified areas where actions were needed, the scale and character of
those actions, and their subsequent promotion through a range of
initiatives. This book provides insights into the Intelligent Transport
System (ITS) areas identified, issues which need to be addressed and
visions of what the future might hold.
It is to be noted that the book represents the views of the authors and not
necessarily those of the European Commission or the ROSETTA Expert
Group, either individually or collectively. Experts who have made
substantial personal contributions to the ROSETTA process include
Professor George Giannopoulos (section 6.1), Robert Tremlett (section
7.2), Alan Stevens (section 4.3) and Malcolm Williams (section 4.2).
More generally, the authors would like to thank all the Experts who
contributed to discussions and the development of understandings in
ROSETTA which have formed a platform for this book.

Mike McDonald, Richard Hall, TRG, University of Southampton

Hartmut Keller, Christoph Hecht, Oliver Fakler, TRANSVER, Munich
Job Klijnhout, Rijkswaterstaat, Rotterdam
Vito Mauro, Angela Spence, MIZAR, Turin


Preface vii

1. Introduction 1

2. Context 5
2.1 Getting the Benefits from ITS 5
2.2 Transport in the EU 7
2.3 Transport Policy 10
2.4 Socio-economic Trends 14
2.5 IT and Opportunities for Changes 16

3. Traveller Services 25
3.1 Passenger Transport Services 25
3.2 Information Services 57

4. Vehicles and Infrastructure 85

4.1 Advanced Driver Assistance Systems 85
4.2 Co-operative Vehicle Highway Systems 102
4.3 Human Machine Interaction 112
4.4 Emergency Response 126
4.5 Enforcement in ITS 142

x Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

5. Network Management 149

5.1 Traffic Management and Control 149
5.2 Road User Charging 166
5.3 Road and Traffic Monitoring 177

6. Freight Transport 195

6.1 Long Distance Freight 196
6.2 Urban Deliveries 215

7. ITS Support 231

7.1 Architecture 232
7.2 Radio-Navigation 245
7.3 Education and Training 266

8. Conclusions and Recommendations 285

Appendices 291
A Research Projects related to ITS 291
B Acronyms and Abbreviations 313

Bibliography 319
Chapter 1


Levels of traffic congestion, environmental pollution and safety

are becoming increasingly unacceptable to a substantial proportion of the
population of Europe as well as in many other developed and less
developed regions. The contribution of transport to global warming is of
particular concern. At the same time, our societies cannot function
without adequate provision of transport to serve both the needs and
desires of individuals and essential business purposes.
The introduction of new infrastructure is important but it is very clear
that the construction of new roads will result in the generation of
additional traffic and, of themselves, will not necessarily lead to
sustainable future transport situations. Thus the general thrust of
transport policy in European countries is to build essential capacity only
and to better manage all available capacity so as to meet increasingly
wide ranging policy objectives as effectively as possible. These policy
objectives relate to curbing congestion, improving safety, addressing
local and global environmental concerns and meeting broader social
needs of access and mobility. The appropriate involvement of both
public and private organisations and their relative roles and
responsibilities is also an issue, particularly related to the financing of
new and improved infrastructure and services.
The rapid developments of new technologies in the areas of location,
communication, information, sensors and control are providing, and will
continue to provide, ways to better achieve current policy objectives and
to enable the evolution of new policies. Intelligent Transport Systems
(ITS) is the collective title given to such technologies. This book deals

2 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

with the applications and opportunities which are available to address

specific issues of land transport using Intelligent Transport Systems and
Services. Transport visions which incorporate ITS, the detail of their
applications and the ways in which they may be taken forward with ITS
are developed. An outline of what is considered in the book is given in
Figure 1 below.


Local > EU
POLICY I Provision/Enabling TECHNICAL


Transport Services
Road User Charging
Education and Training
Cooperative Vehicle Highway Systems [ Information Services
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Emergeny Response
Traffic Management and Control Human Machine Interface
Road and Traffic Monitoring Freight Services
Radio Navigation


Figure 1: Outline of context

Chapter 1 Introduction 3

All the ITS applications addressed in the book are targeted at policy
objectives and contribute to the performance of the transport
infrastructure, the public and private vehicles which use the
infrastructure, and a range of systems and services, many of which are
only enabled by ITS. Some ITS applications are market driven and some,
such as the personal delivery of online information or driver support,
provide unique opportunities to integrate the use of infrastructure,
vehicles and services to provide new levels of mobility and safety.
Global environmental issues are of increasing importance. Some sections
deal with fundamental issues such as architecture which provide essential
underpinning to ITS applications.
The areas of ITS which are addressed in the book provide a vision for
their application in the context of the current state-of-the-art, key issues
to be addressed and the future opportunities. An initial chapter deals with
the European context and a final chapter draws together conclusions and
recommendations and considers issues of ITS which relate to cross area
applications, such as functional architecture and education and training.
Each section has been drawn together by reviews, and the opinions of the
Expert Groups. ITS is a very wide subject area and, whilst the depth of
considerations are similar in each section, the maturity of the subjects
considered in the individual sections is very different. This has led to
some differences in style, structure and referencing.
Chapter 2


2.1 Getting the Benefits from ITS

This book, an outcome of the ROSETTA project, will provide

the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) industry, the research
community, central and local government and transport operators with
up-to-date insights into current ITS research and applications. This will
enable decision makers and others to move towards applications with a
greater understanding and confidence, and to promote the research and
development necessary for future deployment.
The application of transport telematics technology can revolutionise the
way that people and goods move, reducing travel times, operating costs
and environmental impacts. The limits of ITS are often seen by policy
makers as provision of real-time information and personal travel
services, traffic signal control, and highway monitoring to manage
congestion and allocate priority on highway networks. However, ITS
have far wider applicability.
In traveller services, ITS can facilitate ticketing and intermodal transfer
for passengers, as well as giving them confidence and information
throughout a trip. ITS also have huge potential to improve the operation
and performance of individual modes (ROSETTA, 2004 (1) & (7)). For
example, modern Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) is dependent
upon ITS, with vehicle and passenger routeing and operating efficiency
transformed by ITS control. In goods transport (ROSETTA, 2004 (10)),
new technologies and transport telematics can ensure optimum use of

6 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

individual freight modes, allow modes to be combined efficiently and

remove or reduce paperwork, with electronic documentation,
identification of consignments and customs control. In private transport,
vehicle-highway communications (ROSETTA, 2004 (8) & (9)) can
reduce journey times and increase reliability for the user, and can help to
manage supply through mitigating the effects of limited road space,
improving the efficiency of network operations and minimising
disruption from maintenance, renewal or traffic incidents.
Some of the main applications of ITS will be in increasing the safety of
travel (ROSETTA, 2004, (4)). International and local security measures
can be facilitated by ITS; ITS in railways helps to prevent incidents in
normal running and under maintenance. On the highway (ROSETTA,
2004 (4), (6) & (8)), automated enforcement of speed and signal
observation reduces collisions and their consequences; ramp metering
can reduce congestion and conflict on busy highways; road traffic
monitoring can assist in crisis planning and management. Also, ITS can
make a great difference to emergency services (ROSETTA, 2004 (2)). It
can provide priority for emergency vehicles on congested networks, and
can offer open systems architectures to accommodate calls and responses
relating to radiation, chemical and oil spillage, road or rail incidents,
forest fires, mountain and cliff rescue, maritime search or rescue and
even domestic emergencies, such as to an elderly person living alone and
requiring medical help.
Conditions must be provided which facilitate ITS development, adoption
and efficient operation if the maximum potential is to be achieved. The
general adoption of the European ITS framework architecture will
greatly assist the co-ordination and interoperability of ITS (ROSETTA,
2004 (12)). The key to unlocking the potential benefits of ITS in traveller
services is standardisation of data requirements and data management,
which will enable intermodal management and inter-operator information
exchange (ROSETTA, 2004 (various)). Policy makers can facilitate this
by agreeing data protocols, performance standards and standardised
testing methods for new systems and equipment. The research industry
can contribute greatly to the development of standards, including
Chapter 2 Context 7

reporting in a more consistent framework. Investment decisions will be

helped by research into the equity and welfare effects of ITS.
The last part of this chapter looks at what needs to be done to create the
conditions in which ITS can contribute to improving the efficiency and
reducing the environmental impact of transport. The importance of ITS
to the future of Europe stems from the scale of transport activities and the
related costs, time, and social and environmental impacts. ITS will bring
more choice to all those involved in travel and transport. If choices are
made wisely with full appreciation of the consequences, individuals and
society will benefit with efficient, safe, socially inclusive and sustainable
transport which will contribute to a healthy European economy. Key to
the future will be to understand the behavioural response to the
transformation which ITS will bring, and several of ROSETTA's work
areas have explicitly identified such needs.

2.2 Transport in the EU

In 2002 (European Commission Eurostat, 2004), freight

transport, excluding maritime, amounted to 2,158 billion tkm (tonne
kilometres), or 4,764 tkm per person. Private travel, excluding air which
is growing rapidly, totalled 5092 billion pkm (passenger kilometres),
which averaged 11,240 pkm per person. Private households spent 14%
of their total expenditure on transport. These figures indicate the scale of
the economic, social and environmental significance of transport in

2.2.1 Accidents

- The number of road accident victims remains high in the

European Union, with around 40,000 fatalities and 1.7 million
injuries a year, although safety has improved in recent years.
The directly measurable costs of road accidents are of the order
of € 45 billion, with indirect costs three to four times higher.
8 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

- There are significant differences in accident rates between

Member States, with some recording more than two and a half
times as many deaths per head of population than others,
indicating that there is considerable room for improvement
(European Commission Eurostat, 2004). The safest roads are
found in Sweden and the UK, which in 2003 recorded rates of
5.9 and 6.1 road deaths per 100,000 population respectively.
The highest death rates are found in Poland, Portugal and
Greece where car ownership has grown rapidly. In 2003 the
death rates were 14.8 road deaths per 100,000 population for
Poland and Portugal and 14.7 for Greece.

2.2.2 Congestion

- Today 79 % of passenger transport, and 44 % of freight

transport, is by road. Congestion is widespread throughout the
EU. Many European Member States predict increases in urban
motorway travel of some 50 % by the end of 2005. Growth of
this magnitude will lead to increases in delays of 400 %, unless
traffic is managed more efficiently (McDonald et al., 2000).
The road share of goods traffic has been growing and will reach
47 % by 2010 if no action is taken.
- The trans-European transport network suffers increasingly from
chronic congestion: some 75,000 km, i.e. 10% of the road
network, is affected daily by traffic jams. The external costs of
road traffic congestion already amount to 0.5 % of the EU's
GDP. If nothing is done, road congestion will increase
significantly by 2010 and beyond (Yrjo-Koskinen, 2002).
- Congestion does not just affect roads. Across the EU 20 % of
the rail network (16,000 km of railway) is classified as being
bottlenecked, and 16 of the EU's mam airports record delays of
more than 15 minutes on 30% of their flights (European
Commission, 2001 (1)).
Chapter 2 Context 9

Environmental costs

Energy consumption by the transport sector has grown at a

faster rate than that of any other sector, resulting in an
increasing share of energy consumption over time. By the late
1990s, the transport sector accounted for a larger share of total
energy consumption than the industrial sector. Within the
transport sector, road transport is by far the largest energy
consumer, accounting for about 83 % of total transport energy
demand (European Commission Eurostat, 2004).
While considerable progress is being made in other sectors,
C0 2 production within the transport sector has risen steadily, as
the volume of road traffic increases.

Social costs

Road traffic in general and cars in particular are the main

source of urban air pollution, and urban air quality remains
poor in many cities (Lynham, 1997). Northern Europe is
generally less polluted than Western and Southern Europe
because of lower levels of car use, but even in the cleanest
cities, people are exposed to levels of pollutants that can have
adverse effects on health. This has significant implications for
human health within the EU because 70 % of the EU popula-
tion lives in urban areas (Lynham, 1997).
Another significant impact of road traffic is noise. Road traffic
is the main cause of noise disturbance and has emerged in
recent years as an ever present but often underestimated
pollutant in urban areas. In Europe, it is estimated that 20 % of
inhabitants suffer unacceptable levels of noise pollution from
road traffic (Lynham, 1997).
Across Europe, car mobility is also impacting on health by
reinforcing an increasingly sedentary lifestyle and contributing
to a decrease in the modal share of healthier walking and
10 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

- Within the EU, 27 % of households do not own a car.

Households without access to a car are reliant upon public
transport, yet the decline in growth of most public transport
services is threatening the economic viability of these services.
There is a risk that the non car-owning sector may suffer social
exclusion if service provision is reduced.

2.2.5 Economic costs

- The cost of these social, environmental and economic impacts

to society is very high. Congestion costs the European Union
about 0.5% of its annual GDP, accidents cost 1.5% and
pollution and noise cost at least 0.6 %. The total cost is about
€ 250 billion, with 90 % of this cost being attributable to road
transport (European Commission Transport website).
- These costs will continue to rise as demand for travel increases
and the EU Commission has identified congestion as a serious
threat to the economic competitiveness of the EU (European
Commission 2001 (1)).
- At present these 'costs to society' are not borne directly by the
people responsible for them but are externalised, and therefore
not considered when individuals make their transport choices.
This is true both for personal transport choices and for
corporate freight transport choices. However, both personal and
freight transport users remain convinced that the costs that they
are required to pay, particularly for road use, are too high, even
though the major societal costs are excluded.

2.3 Transport Policy

Transport has always featured highly in EU policy. Transport

policy objectives initially focused on removing checks and formalities at
borders between Member States to ensure freedom of movement for
people and goods within the Common Market, based on a two-fold
approach of liberalisation and harmonisation.
Chapter 2 Context 11

As progress on the single market continued, and with the enlargement of

the EU, it became apparent that some problems could not be resolved by
liberalisation and harmonisation alone. The creation of a single market
has given a great boost to the growth of transport in Europe, but the
pattern of this growth has been uneven, favouring car passenger transport
and road freight transport over other modes. The results of this imbalance
in growth are evident as road congestion, pollution and accidents, which
act against sustainable development and the opportunities inherent in the
single market. The situation has been further aggravated in many
instances by a lack of vision and overall view of transport, so that the
different modes of transport have each evolved in an isolated, non-
complementary fashion. The Commission has recognised that an
integrated transport policy is of crucial importance to the efficient
functioning of the economy and to the mobility of people and of goods
(European Commission, 2003 (3)).
The EU White Paper (European Commission, 2001(1)) on transport has
the following main objectives:
- Shifting the balance between modes of transport by 2010 by
revitalising railways and promoting maritime and inland
waterway transport;
- Achieving fair price systems which reflect the true costs of
transport, including external costs such as environmental
damage, congestion, or human accidents;
- Making transport systems more efficient and safer.

The sustainable mobility approach shapes a number of specific objectives

now being pursued within Europe (see Table 1 below).
12 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

Table 1: Sustainable mobility approach - objectives


Intermodality Transport systems must be Develop efficient interfaces
developed in which different between modes.
modes of transport complement The establishment of Trans-
one another, so that passengers European Networks for road,
and freight use the form of rail and air, so that all parts of
transport that is the most efficient the Union can be
and best suited to the purpose at interconnected, is a major
each stage of the journey. project within this area.
This will support optimum
mobility and a more balanced
distribution of traffic.
Improved Promote easily available, Encourage use and development
access to efficient, safe and affordable of public transport, bicycles and
public local public transport services. walking in urban and wider
transport for Public transport is the only form urban areas.
passenger and of transport available to all Improve access to public
freight travel citizens, particularly in large transport and improve
cities. It plays a key role in social integration between modes.
development, particularly by
improving accessibility and the
situation of weaker regions and
disadvantaged social groups.
Mitigation of Increasing demand for road Develop more efficient use of
the impacts of transport is unsustainable in road infrastructure through
road transport relation to its environmental, application of ITS, to manage
social and economic impacts. congestion and pollution, and
The impact of road transport provide an alternative to road
must be mitigated as much as building.
possible. Manage demand for road
transport where there are public
transport alternatives, through
mechanisms including road user
charging and improved land use
Develop advanced transport
energy technologies which cut
the consumption of oil and gas.
Develop hydrogen-powered
zero emission vehicles.
Develop the potential of
alternative fuel technologies.
Promote road safety.
Chapter 2 Context 13


Increased Increasing the modal share of Provide mechanisms for
modal share public transport will also financial support for these
by public contribute to environmental and modes and internalise the
transport safety objectives. external costs of road transport.
Promote rail, maritime transport,
inland waterways transport and
intermodal transport for freight.
Make better Optimising efficient use of Application of advanced
use of existing networks will support technologies, Intelligent Transport
existing sustainable transport objectives. Systems and development of the
networks European Galileo satellite
navigation system.

2.3.1 Forward trends

The recent enlargement of the European Union with 10 new

Member States has increased the EU land area by 25 % and population
by 29 %. In 1998, exports from the new Member States to the Union
were already running at 112 million tonnes, 2.2 times the 1990 level.
Enlargement will speed up the increase in traffic still further, notably for
freight transport. New transport corridors will be built in the 10 new EU
Member States in order to create a transport network which more
effectively links to the current 15 members. It is estimated that a total of
20,000 kilometres of road and 30,000 kilometres of railway lines need to
be built, plus new airports (European Commission, 2003 (1)). Transport
rose by around a third from 1990 to 2002, broadly in line with GDP
growth. The expected growth of GDP in the coming years is higher, as
the accession states 'catch up'.
In freight, there are a number of existing and new pressures which will
tend towards the take-up of ITS. The existing trends include the wish to
reduce internal and external costs and the desire to move to a logistics
system which is more intermodal, paper-free and real-time, with better
tracking, tracing and security. The new trends include the globalisation
of production, distribution, transport operators, services and clients.
These have led to a persistent increase in freight volumes and to a shift in
the pattern of distribution, with many more delivery points arising
through e-commerce.
14 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

In passenger transport, there are factors working both for and against the
adoption of ITS. Individual service operators, routes and terminals are
motivated to apply ITS, because it provides a better product. The
essential requirement for a seamless journey is, however, seamless
information and management - and the competition between operators
has tended to reduce joint working (ILS NRW et al., 2005).
Another reason why ITS implementation is important is that Road User
Charging (RUC) or Value Pricing (VP) cannot easily be carried through
without ITS. Simple, local systems may be possible, but without ITS it
will not be not possible to carry out the EC's commitment to road user
charging (European Commission, 2003 (2); Glaister and Ochieng, 2003).
Road pricing has the potential to hit many transport targets: improving
equity, reducing environmental damage and raising revenues for public
transport investment. As part of this, road pricing will encourage the
choice of the right mode for the journey. 'Public Transport good; Cars
bad' is as much a nonsense as any other statement of such extremes.
Where a lot of people are going from roughly the same origin to roughly
the same destination, public transport has lower external costs and the
financial incentives should be planned to encourage that choice. Where
there is low demand for a single journey, and where walking or cycling is
impractical, the car is the best mode in external terms as well as internal:
running hourly bus services on convoluted routes to carry a tiny number
of people is neither cost effective nor environmentally sound. Glaister
and Graham (2003) point out that a national system of road user charging
in the UK would reduce the cost of driving in rural areas, bringing
significant net benefits.

2.4 Socio-economic Trends

Current socio-economic changes mean that new travel demands

and trip making characteristics are emerging. This makes it increasingly
difficult to deliver an attractive, efficient and sustainable transport
Chapter 2 Context 15

2.4.1 Increasing life expectancy - ageing population

- The proportion of the population aged over 65 has increased

within the EU as life expectancy is increasing with improved
medical care. In 1990, people aged over 65 years accounted for
14.5 % of the population of the EU, and by 2000 accounted for
nearly 16%.
- This trend is set to continue across the EU and within the UK it
is forecast that the percentage of the population aged 65 years
and over will increase from 15.8 % in 1998 to 19.2 % in 2021.
A 'Help The Aged' report forecasts that by 2021 one in three
people in the UK will be aged over 60 (DETR, 2001).
- The transport requirements of a growing population of older
people must be identified and met. For example, older people
place a difficult demand upon public transport services because
those without access to a car cannot be completely supported
by a 'hub and spoke' public transport system; they are likely to
require a door to door public transport service due to reduced
mobility, in order to mitigate social exclusion.

2.4.2 Falling household size

- Average household size has diminished within the EU over the

last 20 years. In the UK the average household size was 2.7 in
1981 and 2.3 in 1998, and is predicted to be 2.15 by 2021.
Within the EU the average household size was 2.8 in 1981 and
2.5 in 1998, although this figure varies between Member
States; average household sizes within Mediterranean countries
and Ireland tend to be larger than household sizes in continental
and Northern Europe.
- The trend for smaller households is compounding the problem
of housing the growing population. The implication of low-
density suburban housing is that there will be a high demand
for car travel because low density cannot easily support such a
dispersed population. Instead more flexible public transport
16 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

services will be required. High density urban housing can be

served by public transport much more successfully.
There is a high expectation that an integrative view of land use
and transport planning will be needed and will help in the

2.4.3 Population dispersal

— In Europe people are moving out of cities. This process of

decentralisation of cities has been facilitated by the car and has
resulted in dispersed travel patterns, reducing the possibility of
promoting efficient public transport (Banister, 1999).

2.5 IT and Opportunities for Changes

Current reliance upon the private car for passenger transport,

and road vehicles for freight transport in Europe is undermining
sustainable transport goals. In addition, social and economic trends
ensure that the goal of sustainable transport continues to be elusive, as
user needs become more complex. Innovative approaches to the ways in
which people and goods move are needed, and deployment of
technological solutions are seen to be the key to progress.
Information and related technologies will be critical components of
future travel and transport solutions, where the focus in on sustainable
mobility and addressing changing user needs. The ITS applications that
are evolving cover a broad scope of information and telecommunications
technologies that detect people, drivers, vehicles, goods, traffic and
environmental conditions, and communicate this information to a variety
of end users.
Since the provision of information about the impact of transport choices
and the collection of the true costs associated with them are key elements
in encouraging more sustainable transport choices, and both of these
aspects are central to the remit of ITS, directing the use of the developing
technology in this way should be a main component of transport policy.
Chapter 2 Context 17

2.5.1 Supporting sustainable mobility objectives and user


ITS are able to support sustainable mobility by providing

opportunities to make better use of existing networks, to manage
demand, to improve safety and to support high quality, flexible passenger
and freight services (see Table 2 and Table 3 below).
Table 2: Sustainable mobility through traffic information and control
Vehicle control Driver stop/rest alert. Overall enhancement of safety
Driver collision warnings and driver comfort.
(front, rear, side, pedestrian, Improved environmental
obstacle), emergency control performance of vehicles through
intervention to avoid collisions. smoother driving.
Environmental condition Improved network management
warnings such as fog or ice, through route guidance
vision enhancement in adverse information.
driving conditions.
Improved public transport
Vehicle speed control
performance and fleet
(Intelligent Speed Adaptation), management through vehicle
Low Speed Automation for guidance and freight platooning.
lower speeds and stop & start/
congested conditions,
Automatic Cruise Control
(ACC), automatic lane
merge/overtaking manoeuvres.
Route guidance, electronic
vehicle guidance on segregated
and non-segregated routes
which includes areas such as
bus ways and freight terminals,
electronic tow-bar and
platooning, lateral and
longitudinal control.
Traffic control Detection of traffic conditions Improved network efficiency and
for ramp metering, VMS, real- safety, reduced congestion and
time signalling. associated fuel consumption and
Provides real-time location of
vehicles for public transport
18 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research


Pre-trip and On- Pre-trip and on-trip multimodal Improved travel information,
trip information traveller information through a improved network management
variety of interfaces, provision of as users make more informed
parameter-specific information and travel choices, promotion of
personalised travel information. public transport and

Table 3: Sustainable mobility through management services

Passenger Demand responsive transport Flexible transport
transport services Seamless ticketing Promoting public transport
Improved knowledge of
public transport user
behaviour for improved
Freight transport Monitoring of freight container Improved fleet management
services conditions
Emergency In-vehicle Mayday system Improved emergency
service systems response and safety
Enforcement Toll collection technologies, Supports a variety of
CCTV, etc. measures
Mayday services Emergency response teams - Improved safety
rapid dissemination of detailed
accident information.
Demand Seamless payments for tickets Demand management and
management and tolls, support of physical Improved network efficiency
demand management strategies Good decisions in Europe

Decision making in the European Union is arranged to be

relatively straightforward: the Commission presents a proposal, usually
after consultation; the European Parliament adopts or revises the
proposal (either by qualified majority voting or by unanimous decision,
depending on the subject of the proposal - for example, taxation
questions require unanimity); the European Council then gives its assent.
Chapter 2 Context 19

This process was evolved to serve a community of initially six nations.

With 25 nations, different decision making processes are being sought
(European Commission, 2003 (4)). The Treaty of Nice reduced the areas
of policy which require a unanimous vote and reduced the number of
Members of the European Parliament from existing Member States, in
order to accommodate the enlargement of Europe from 15 to 25 (and
later 30) members (European Commission, 2001 (2)). The proposed
European Constitution which enshrines these changes also proposes to
extend the EU's scope of action in several policy areas (e.g. foreign
In this state of flux, it is worth bearing in mind that two principles
operate most strongly in policy areas such as transport. First the
motivating principle in the European Union is to serve 'the interests its
peoples and nations share together' (Fontaine, 2003). That is likely to be
the foundation of the future decision-making process, whatever it is. ITS
are part of that common interest: increasing trade and social mobility,
reducing environmental damage and reducing the costs of transport.
The second, and most critical, principle is that of subsidiarity. The EU is
'subsidiary' to Member States and can only act in areas where 'the
objectives of the intended action cannot be sufficiently achieved by the
Member States but can... be better achieved at Union level.' The
fundamental principle here is that the powers of the EU are derived from
its members, rather than the other way round. In the proposed
amendments to the European Constitution, subsidiarity would be
extended explicitly to local and regional decision making.
It will be necessary for those seeking decisions in ITS to recognise the
complexity inherent in decision making given the different cultures and
different policy priorities of the 25 nations which make up the European
Union (Stevens, 2003). At a day-to-day level, policy makers recruited or
seconded from the Member States make up the decision-making engine
of Europe (Stevens and Stevens, 2000). It cannot readily be assumed that
there is a 'right answer' to any policy question, since the needs,
capabilities and policies of different countries may be different at any
one time and may change over time, often in different directions. It may
be more useful to follow the OECD 'good decision' model (OECD,
20 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

2002), and aim to develop ITS solutions which can be fitted to a range of
policy environments. In ITS terms, that mainly means developing
interoperable rather than common systems and rules. This approach
recognises the diversity of interests as well of delivery cultures in Europe
and also the practical reality of 'subsidiarity': although it is important
that ITS be applied on a trans-national scale, the decision-making reality
is that most transport decisions are, and will remain, national decisions. ITS research

ITS is a rapidly changing subject area. If transport telematics

are to be exploited in Europe to their full potential, decision makers and
potential users must be kept informed of current thinking and knowledge.
The ROSETTA process has facilitated this, first by gathering the latest
documentation and information into one source, then by exposing that
information to critical examination and finally by reporting on the state-
of-the-art and the critical issues. Thefuture

Technology is available which can locate, identify, provide

access, charge, communicate, support and manage people, goods and
vehicles in a range of environments. At present, some of these
technologies are expensive, inaccurate, unreliable, have limited
functionality, lack integration and are intrusive. However, such
technologies and related systems are being developed and improved at a
very rapid rate. Some are the result of technology push rather than user
pull, although the latter is increasingly driving ITS forward.
A crucial factor for the early deployment of ITS is enhancement of the
way in which humans are involved, i.e. the more rapid development of
Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI) which give professionals and the
public confidence in using ITS. The Internet has done a great deal to
increase people's confidence in getting information out of Information
and Communication Technologies (ICT), but there are great strides still
to be made before this is universal and before it extends to confidence in
Chapter 2 Context 21

the information terminals on streets and at transport nodes, and for other
Effective HMI must be based on understanding the needs of users and
the process of diffusion of new systems into the market, as well as the
business processes which determine the flow and structure of
information. HMI must accommodate future needs and wants arising
from developments in society, such as the needs of different user groups,
the special needs of elderly people, disabled people and those with
learning or language difficulties.
For Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), a critical HMI factor
is that the system should not compromise driver safety. This is most
important 'during high task workload', that is, when the driver is under
stress. This is a high aspiration given that many ITS systems are used
only at times of stress - I'm lost; I need a parking space; I don't know
how to pay to cross this bridge and I'm late and I have to get across this
bridge. It is compounded by the fact that different people have different
stress levels, different perceptions of risk and different competence in
driving and in taking and following instructions. However, there is a
strong market driver for manufacturers to overcome these difficulties
with the world market for in-vehicle driver support systems booming and
much commercial and other research underway. This is driving a related
market for services extending to the office and entertainment, as well as
way-finding, information and logistics and fleet management.
For travellers, an ITS system should deliver information in a
straightforward and clear way which reflects the needs of the individual.
This is a very complex process which involves understanding time, cost,
and physical constraints of the individuals or groups concerned. Much
research is required to provide systems and services which meet these
needs as well as all the ITS technologies and systems to assemble and
manage the essential databases of underlying information. This requires
intermodal real-time electronic information and transaction systems in
passenger and freight services and further harmonisation of message and
document standards in telematics. There are great opportunities for
saving costs, time and environmental impact through the expansion of
22 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

e-commerce, leading to more efficient freight movements and,

potentially, to a lower number of passenger journeys.
The most important actions for Europe are policy actions. Whilst the
market has provided a great many ITS products and developments, for
ITS to have their full impact on a trans-national scale the integration of
the many valuable, but still separate, ITS initiatives is essential. EU
research funding has been generous, but it is now more critical that
policy developments enable new co-working approaches, some of which
may need to take place outside normal competition rules. Businesses are
jealous of information: they invest a great deal in developing ways of
collecting and presenting information to customers to get a market
advantage and to develop internal management communications that
make their operations more efficient. Therefore, a mechanism for
integration will be difficult as they are reluctant to share internal and
external information content or format. Policy makers will have to
provide the incentives to overcome these problems. However, there is a
subsidiary point that competition rules can make it difficult to share
information without appearing to form a cartel (ILS NRW et al., 2005).
Other important requirements before ITS can fulfil their potential to
transform transport in the EU include the need for Europe-wide open
standard ITS-based tracking and tracing systems, to facilitate intermodal
transfer and to give consigners confidence in security. In the EU context,
security and enforcement will require cross-border procedures for
pursuing offenders, along with improved protocols for data standards and
communications management.
The range of vehicle-highway communications for safety is expanding
rapidly and the take-up of systems by vehicle manufacturers and
purchasers is reaching the point at which highway owners need to
determine their strategies for speed and collision control. A balance
between systems in which the vehicle is controlled by its own
understanding of the local environment, and systems in which the
network owner takes control, must be agreed. Leaving development to
the vehicle manufacturers is likely to lead to the adoption of the former
approach, though there are likely to be much greater safety and
efficiency benefits of the latter. Such decisions should be evidence-
Chapter 2 Context 23

based, with the benefits as well as the costs of a managed system well
understood before a decision is taken not to invest in it. Research
requirements are for assessment methodologies to understand the costs
and benefits of driver assistance through vehicle-highway
communication; research on the most suitable technologies and systems
architecture for large scale applications (possibly quite different from
those being developed for individual areas); and a long term strategy to
merge the market-driven development of systems to support the driver
with the infrastructure systems required by authorities for safety, network
management and charging. Improving the monitoring of highway
conditions and use will also help to enable the maximisation of the
benefits of ITS. However, new systems and services must address future
problems, not just those which currently exist.
The final critical step in ITS research has yet to be taken: gaining an
understanding of sociological and behavioural responses to ITS. What
systems will and won't be accepted by which people? Will people
change their lifestyles in response to ITS and to the policy instruments
that they facilitate, such as road user charging? How will different people
cope with the intelligent transport society? Consider a retired manual
worker with poor literacy, few learning skills and failing eyesight,
hearing and response times - how will he or she respond to the
intelligent vehicle-highway? Consider a 19 year-old, about to start his or
her degree course - will they even bother to buy a car, moving in
congested networks, or will they choose intelligent public transport,
joining a car club for occasional journeys? In the long run, the
sociological and behavioural response will determine the take-up of
systems and hence their viability politically and commercially. We have
been researching ITS for a generation and the research emphasis must
shift from the technology, which is fairly mature, to understanding
behavioural response.
ROSETTA has drawn together the current research and practice in ITS.
The insights here should help policy makers prioritise the integration and
promotion of ITS implementation to transform transport. It should also
encourage central policy makers and professional bodies to enhance the
ITS training and education networks.
24 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

Policy makers do not have a choice as to whether ITS will 'happen'. The
cost savings and time savings, the safety benefits and commercial value,
the confidence and communication which ITS bring, all mean that ITS
will be implemented. The policy question is whether they will be
implemented piecemeal, by individual towns, cities and highway
operators, by individual vehicle manufacturers and public transport
operators seeking market advantage, or whether they will implemented in
a coherent manner, so that the environmental and efficiency savings can
be derived quickly and on the large scale, across Europe. The policy of
piecemeal development was sensible in the early days of ITS as it was
not known which ideas would be effective, or what the scale of the
effects would be. Much of that now is known, and a different policy
approach is required. A continuation of the policy of piecemeal
development will have the damaging effect of keeping costs artificially
high. This would impact adversely on the EU's competitive position and
also keep welfare and environmental costs of transport artificially high.
Moreover, it risks the development of systems which become
increasingly difficult to integrate, creating an unnecessary future cost
burden to move to interoperable, trans-national ITS. Only an integrated
approach will ensure that Europe reaps the full benefits of its past
leadership and expenditure on ITS.
Chapter 3

Traveller Services

3.1 Passenger Transport Services

The situation facing Passenger Transport Services (PTS) is a

familiar one - while indispensable in urban areas, they are often barely
present in scantly populated regions and constantly in competition with
individual transport modes. But can this be considered an inevitable (and
unchangeable) picture? Future prospects appear to confirm the continued
importance of PTS. Further increase in transport activities along with the
need to reduce vehicle emissions, as underlined in the 'White Paper -
European transport policy for 2010: time to decide' (European
Commission, 2001 (1)), imply a more important role for PTS in the
future, as well as the need to develop innovative solutions.
This chapter introduces some possible 'visions' for passenger transport
services, accompanied by a brief review of the current state of
technology and suitable or necessary research activities. As passenger
transport services embrace a very wide range of topics, this section will
concentrate on central issues of PTS, namely Intermodality, Passenger
Transport Systems and Operation, Payment Systems and Demand
Responsive Transport (DRT). Linked topics such as Safety and Security,
Monitoring, Information Services or New/Alternative Transportation
Modes are highlighted in other sections of this book.

26 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

3.1.1 Vision

Developing a long-term vision on any kind of development

implicitly requires a large number of assumptions on the future
framework. Many developments, not only in the technology sector, are
closely linked, influencing and depending on each other. The
development of ITS in the transport sector is strongly linked to the
overall development of transport demand and supply for the future.
These, again, depend on a multitude of economic, ecological, social,
political and cultural factors. Land use development needs to be
considered, along with the general wealth and leisure time of people in
Europe as well as their level of environmental awareness.
It is not the intention of this chapter to provide a systematic analysis of
the background leading to the ideas sketched in some of the visions. This
has already been done by experts in the respective fields of
transportation. The assumptions we have adopted, assuming more or less
a trend development for most aspects, are as follows:
- Transport demand will continue to rise in Europe due to
increasing wealth and leisure time;
- Road transport will subsequently suffer from congestion, as
physical infrastructure cannot expand as required;
- All modes of transport will become more environmentally
friendly, less polluting and require less energy;
- Information supply will be ubiquitous and delivered by
physical and wireless data networks;
- Costs for information technology will steadily decrease.
Telematics applications will improve the performance of every mode of
transport available in Europe. Even more, they will help to integrate
different means of transportation to enable a shift from individual
transport systems to passenger transport services. So what is the
difference between passenger transport services and Public Transport
(PT) as known today?
Over the past 50 years we have witnessed the unprecedented success of
private automobile transportation throughout Europe. It was the vehicle
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 17

of industrial prosperity and individual freedom in all our countries.

However, environmental impacts and increasing congestion both in
dense urban areas as well as on major motorways led to the political
consensus that automobile travel alone could not provide the sole
solution to our transportation demand. For so many years this was the
reasoning behind an ever increasing subsidy for classic public transport.
But automobile travel and public transport have always remained
competitors - with public transport losing ground all the time.
Only the emergence of Information Technologies (IT) services in
transport provided the chance to move from an operator's view towards a
customer-oriented view of transport services. Travellers do not care
about operational restraints or political agendas: they want the fastest,
cheapest — and especially for elderly people - the most comfortable or
convenient way to reach their destination. Information technology
provides the tools to integrate all the separate and competing systems to
offer seamless travel to the customer, combining the best means of
transportation for each part of the journey to achieve the highest
performance imaginable. Hence passenger transport services imply a
move from the supply side to the demand side - passenger needs are at
the centre and ITS provides the means to meet them. Intermodality — integration of modes

Here we present our vision of a perfect intermodal passenger

transport system, as we can imagine it today.
A range of modes is available, each suited to specific tasks within the
overall system. Modes do not compete, but complement each other as
feeder and as backbone systems to form a we 11-organised hierarchical
network that flexibly adjusts the service offered to actual travel demand.
Every region of Europe is connected to this network by a system of
flexible transport services and high-speed links between all major
conglomerations. Public transport schedules are interactively adjusted in
cases of delay to allow fast and comfortable change of modes. Different
means of transport are physically connected in well-designed interchange
terminals, so that transfer between modes is smooth, safe and easy. To
28 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

avoid customers regarding travelling by PT as 'uncomfortable' or

'wasted time', additional services provided in-vehicle, at transfer points
or on platforms will offer commercial, leisure and entertainment
Passengers do not approach individual modes, but the entire system as
one entity. All modes are linked within a 'common shell', so passengers
do not need to worry about mode or operations when they are planning a
journey. Service points provide information, guidance, seat reservation
and tickets as well as value added services for the whole intermodal
transport system. Passengers may inquire about conditions for a regular
commuter trip or for an intermodal journey around Europe at the same
place. Information on intermodal transport and most of the services is
also available in private homes and business offices or may be obtained
with the help of mobile personal travel assistance devices. Reservation
and ticketing for multimodal trips is well integrated. When there are
delays, the booking is changed automatically.
Automated electronic payment is harmonised across Europe for all mass
transit, so passengers can enter and exit public transport at will without
worrying about having the right ticket. Intelligent payment systems
calculate fares individually to guarantee the best tariff for the journey.
This has at the same time considerable benefits for transport operators as
it provides valuable information on travel demand. Data on travel
patterns can be collected from booking, route planning systems, etc. to
create the best possible service for customers.
An important feature of a truly intermodal transport system is the
existence of multimodal, multi-operator co-operation to handle incidents.
A breakdown in one system can be quickly compensated for by
additional supply from associated networks, as well as routeing advice
on all modes which immediately takes the incident into consideration.
Figure 2 shows the different demands and links of an intermodal
transport system.
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 29

Intermodal transport system

: Mode 1
Coord i-
: Information ] nated
: Exchange Supply
Fare/Ticket Pick up
Tickets ^> 1 Smooth Service
Structure J
Intermodal'T-T-' Transfer


Terminals |
Hierarchical I Schedule Car
Fees, Networks I I Integration Mode 2 Rental,
Tolls Parking


Figure 2: Intermodal transport system Passenger transport systems and operation

The next step is to define what future telematics applications

are needed to help the operators in providing the best service to
travellers. This includes the operation of vehicles themselves as well as
related real-time information to enable adequate utilisation. We assume
that the progress in GPS/GALILEO, WAP, GPRS, UMTS (Internet
access via mobile phones) or equivalent 'personal travel assistants',
contactless smartcards, etc. will allow their use on a large scale (cheap,
easy to use). But providing a better service to travellers has an important
prerequisite - operators can only share better information if they have it
themselves! The most promising concept is the integration of all
available information in a data warehouse concept, via standardised
interfaces and open system architecture.
Newly developed planning and operational tools will be able to process
the information collected from planning processes, routeing, schedule
databases, ticketing and demand request data, vehicle and driver
schedules, vehicle maintenance, etc. This will also provide immediate
30 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

feedback on service performance, enabling, for example, real-time

adjustment of supply to actual demand. Out of this array of planning and
operational tools, it will be possible to provide multiple real-time
information for customers, reporting real departure times, travel time to
final destination, etc.
This, together with innovative forms of passenger transport, will offer
more competitive options for customers. Though individual modes will
still be very important due to their relative comfort and flexibility, mass
transit will gain ground especially in dense urban and suburban areas.
One assumption is that new systems, such as guided buses, will come
into frequent use. Other prospects include automated vehicles, high speed
underground trains or people-movers connecting major points of interest
in city centres. These new means of public transport, fast and non-
polluting, and offering a competitive alternative to the individual modes,
will appear in many cities.
As there will be several different ways of undertaking a trip, transport
service disruptions caused by breakdowns, natural causes (e.g. flooding)
or by human action (staff on strike, passenger problems) will be handled
more easily. This will be both in terms of recovering the situations and of
helping travellers to go on their way. Therefore, travellers must be
guided when a part of the transport system is down, but we must also
consider the transport system when a piece of the telecommunication
system is down. Payment systems

Electronic payment is not specific to transport services.

Banking and commerce is pushing towards new solutions, reducing the
demand for coins and notes. There are specific aspects to payment in
public transport, however. Usually the customer has to decide on the
ticket or fare at the beginning of the journey. Most systems behave rather
inflexibly in adjusting to a later change of plans - meaning if the
customer decides on a different route or means of transportation on the
way, the original fare is lost. The same holds true for period or season
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 31

tickets; if a traveller does not use it as expected, the cost could be higher
than if paying the fare for individual trips.
ITS provides the possibility of monitoring transport use at an individual
level for optimising the service and charging only at the end - of the trip
or the month - at the most favourable rate applicable. This also increases
comfort for all these occasional travellers not familiar with the vast
variety of different tariffs most public transport providers offer
nowadays. An ideal solution could comprise a single act of registration, a
contactless paying system such as a smart card and a monthly
transportation bill charged to the traveller's bank or credit card.
Passenger transport services would monitor every use of transport
services and charge the best rate applicable.
Ideally, electronic payment systems will be compatible from one
transport network to the next and even across Europe. Integration with
different retail and service payment systems is also desirable. Collected
data may also be used for enhanced operation and planning of the linked
transport services. Demand responsive transport services

The main focus of Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) is to

fill the geographical and service gaps in Public Transport (PT). The
open-for-all DRTS (Demand Responsive Transport System) guarantees
the equality of flexible public transport for everybody and for every
direction in this area. The demand of DRTS is an essential part of
creating seamless public transport for areas from the city core up to the
rural outskirts.
The need of DRT is everywhere, but the type of needs vary depending on
the operating environment of other PT. Therefore there is no one DRT
system suitable for every location and case. The vision is that every type
of transport demand could be met with the proper type of DRT system.
In urban areas, where PT services are widely deployed, DRT may aim at
special services for handicapped citizens or elderly people. In rural areas
DRT will present a solid alternative to individual modes or for
infrequently operated public lines.
32 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

But DRT should not explicitly concentrate on being the transport mode
for times and zones of special or low demand. Assuming an adequate
number of deployed vehicles, new concepts like Intelligent Grouping
Transportation (IGT) will also provide alternatives to individual or
regular public transport. Overall transportation efficiency and reduction
in costs arise from the method of grouping passengers with compatible
itineraries into the same minibus vehicles. A computerised system
organises this grouping so that the vehicle can transport all passengers
on-board from door-to-door.
Prerequisite for many companies jointly operating an area is a strong
linkage of local services to create a large scale flexible transport service
under a common shell that may approach the flexibility of the private car.
This includes co-operation models, rules and data bases with regular
public transport. Advanced systems especially developed for the needs of
DRT services will manage the bookings and operation of multiple
service providers to give the best service for the user at the best price.
There is a great need for predictive optimisation, where the pick-up time,
fare, as well as the travel time, can be given to a new passenger during
the primary booking call. Another advantage will be automated booking
and payment facilities.
Another facet of DRT would be transport modes that could handle
freight or passengers at different times of the day, depending on demand.
First experiments with tramways (Volkswagen in Dresden) are promising
and could be expanded to combined delivery and passenger services in
rural areas.

3.L2 State-of-the-art

The short visionary notes above provide an expert's view on

development and performance of passenger transport services in the
future. The following is an overview of current state-of-the-art and/or
latest research results in the relevant areas. National and regional
differences or specific achievements are mentioned, where available.
Discrepancies between vision and reality are not highlighted here, but
serve as a basis for the issues identified in the subsequent section.
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 33 Intermodality - integration of modes

Intermodality is the all-important word for passenger transport

systems. Intermodality stands for multimodal transport, incorporating
completely linked and adjusted systems with fully integrated operation
and management, availability of information anytime, anywhere for
operators and travellers, and much more. As intermodality covers a very
large area, related contents are only briefly mentioned in this section, but
are treated more fully in accompanying chapters.
Major parts of the required physical infrastructure for the envisioned
intermodal transport system are already in place and available. In some
conurbations mass transit modes already work in an integrated manner
within a common public shell to market their services, yet the ties
between urban mass transit and long distance services are still loose.
Integrated tickets for door-to-door journeys are not available. Different
agglomeration areas have non-compatible ticketing systems. National
borders limit seat reservations. Schedules are co-ordinated within
individual modes and subsystems, not between different modes or
operators. Information on schedules and actual performance is not
exchanged between operators, so different operators cannot adjust their
services in response to lateness of a connected service.
Passengers have to approach providers individually to obtain
information, service and tickets from them. Quite often neither tickets,
route nor schedule information are available from mass transit operators
at the destination point of a journey. Value added services like baggage
handling are linked to individual modes or not integrated at all into the
transport network.
Figure 3 shows the different demands of today's transport systems,
lacking intermodal connections for an overall integrated service.
34 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

Today's loosely associated

transport systems Baggage
vation, Handling
; Mode 1 -^
\ ^ ^ •"" Co-ordi-
\ : Information fa'Anated
\ ^ Exchange : Supply
; integrated \
Tickets f

jf^ Intermodal
,; Fare/Ticket
:* Smooth
s Pick up

I 1 Terminals l _ *»
Fares, Car
/ 1 Hierarchical 1 | Schedule ^ Rental,
Tolls """""""*! Mode s Networks Y//A Integration \ Mode 2 > Parking
- 1 Z
Schedule &
- S j ^
Level of
Supply Navigation Service
Information Information

Figure 3: Organisation of today's transport systems

For the time being, the best practice of operators is to provide static
schedule information on their transport service. That data sometimes is
available across Europe by means of the Internet. However, quite often
the data lacks reliability, and short-term changes of schedules are not
available. Many operators are still reluctant to even inform travellers
about lateness or unavailability of services within their own systems,
though real-time information on the actual performance of individual
services is increasingly being deployed in some urban systems.
The CIVITAS initiative funded by DG TREN aims for 'cleaner and
better transport in cities', based on eight CIVITAS Policy Strategies that
will be applied to the sites involved. Approaches include new demand
management strategies, innovative logistics services and integration of
transport management systems. The CIVITAS I initiative covers 19
European cities, with a further 17 cities in CIVITAS II.
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 35 Passenger transport systems and operation

The Public Transport Operations (PTO) area addresses mostly

urban and peri-urban transport in both road and rail modes (including the
mixed mode of trams), and it is thus related to the network and traffic
management and rail areas, as well as to other traveller intermodality
areas such as integrated payment.
Travel information services are discussed in section 3.2. In many current
projects emphasis is placed on overcoming intermodal and/or cross-
border limitations, aiming for multimedia, multimodal, door-to-door
information for travellers.
Public transport priority
Demonstration of Public Transport Priority integrated with an
urban traffic control system has taken place in a number of 5th FP TAP
projects. An example is the TABASCO project, which also included the
linking of urban and inter-urban telematics systems, stimulating modal
change, working with public/private partnerships and advancing system
architectures. The BALANCE adaptive signal control method developed
within TABASCO showed encouraging results including reduced
journey times for bus and tram services, reductions in delays and queue
lengths as well as reduced emissions while safeguarding network
conditions for other road users. Cost/benefit analyses forecast
redemption of costs for modifications within a few years.
A project supported under the 5th FP was PRISCILLA that focused on
dissemination of a best practice guide for bus priority in wide areas.
PRISCILLA aimed to demonstrate and facilitate the rapid take-up of
experiences gained in previous RTD projects related to bus priority
systems in small networks, enlarging on them to show the effects and
impacts in wide networks. This included a state-of-the-art review of bus
priority systems, implementation and demonstration of wide area bus
priority via field trails, evaluation and assessment of user acceptance,
impact and cost/benefits and finally dissemination of a best practice
guide for bus priority action.
36 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

The outcome to facilitate the adoption of bus priority systems for wide
areas has been satisfactory, but scope for further research was identified
in the application and evaluation of different strategies under more varied
traffic and bus network conditions, different traffic signal plans, bus
priority parameters, bus detection systems, etc.
Priority of PT systems is now being widely implemented in a number of
cities throughout Europe. However, optimisation strategies over large
networks need to be further improved before best practice can be
established. An interesting approach of on-demand PT priority has been
deployed in Zurich, Switzerland. Here priority for PT is not automatic,
but will only be given if the approaching vehicle is delayed and demands
priority. This prevents giving unnecessary disadvantage (increased
waiting times) to individual modes (e.g. cars, bikes, pedestrians) in
situations where priority is not needed.
Vehicle Scheduling and Control Systems
Today there are many Automatic Vehicle Management (AVM)
or Vehicle Scheduling and Control Systems (VSCS) used in Europe and
overseas. A prototype dynamic bus scheduling and remote maintenance
monitoring system funded under the 4* FP was demonstrated in Valencia
(Spain) under the AUSIAS project. The dynamic bus scheduling
application had two parts: off-line scheduling of vehicles and crews, and
online re-scheduling in response to incidents, with software to recognise
and manage 'regular' incidents.
Technical validation of the integrated fleet management system was
performed successfully. User acceptance of the off-line application to
schedule vehicles and crews was high and the time to create a bus and
crew schedule was reduced by one third. The dynamic scheduling
application could not achieve full assessment due to an insufficient
incident database, but it was concluded that there was a good potential
for development based on the initial results.
Project BERTA developed a basic tool for maintenance of all ITS data of
bus, tram and metro in the city of Berlin. BERTA covers functions
ranging from drawing timetables, monitoring actual operations,
providing real-time information to passengers, to supervising safety and
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 37

security in the stations. One tool (RBL) controls, manages and optimises
bus and tram operation, the other (LISI) is an integrated safety control
and management system for operation of metro systems. All systems
work together online and are fully integrated.
Improved interoperability
A research project addressing data exchange for better public
transport operation was TRIDENT funded under the 5lh FP. The goal of
the project was to support multimodal travel ITS by establishing the
common and reusable mechanisms that are required for sharing and
exchanging data between transport operators (content owners) of
different modes. It also investigated and proposed solutions for well-
known organisational and strategic issues hampering travel
This led to proposals for new standards, as well as development of
specifications and software modules which enable the sharing and
exchange of real-time multimodal traffic and traveller information
through the whole Traffic and Traveller Information (TTI) content chain.
To achieve this goal, two different paths were selected - a 'messaging
approach' (EDI, DATEX) and a more modern object-oriented
technologies approach. The two sets of specifications have been
implemented in test sites in Flanders, Paris, West Yorkshire and Rome.
Applications have been successfully tested, trialled and modified and
have continued operation after the end of the project, in some cases
already extending to other areas and transport modes. Specifications have
also been submitted to CEN TC 278 working groups. (CEN (Comite
Europeen de Normalisation) 278 fosters European standardisation
between systems concerning road traffic and transport telematics.) For
further development a post-project platform TriEx has been founded.
Improved interoperability of maintenance
A completely different but indispensable aspect is maintenance
of passenger transport vehicles.
In the 4th FP project AUSIAS, an automated fleet maintenance tool was
developed for monitoring bus engine parameters in real time. Sensors are
38 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

constantly checking the function of the engine; when a deviation of a

parameter is detected, an alarm is sent to a co-ordination centre including
the information on the vehicle's parameters. The incident is analysed
with the help of additional information on this vehicle gathered
previously (e.g. problem history, repair history). When the diagnosis is
complete, possible faults and recommended actions to correct them are
presented to the driver.
The 5th FP project EUROMAIN aimed to define, implement and validate
a complete maintenance support system for railways. The project will
allow the monitoring and diagnosis of complex equipment aboard trains
as well as inside fixed plant, creating comprehensive management tools
for maintenance. Outcomes include proposals for new standards as well
as assuring cross-border interoperability for systems and operators. This
includes standardisation of formats and models for data exchange,
remote monitoring and diagnostics, rules for technical documents,
interfaces and specifications for maintenance and configuration
management, as well as optimisation methodologies.
As the actual state of vehicles will be provided through real-time
information, this will remove the need for fixed schedules for
maintenance, reducing maintenance down time and costs. Based on a
common cross-border approach, co-operation and document exchange as
well as experience achieved, this may contribute to the establishment of a
trans-European railway network. Payment systems

Smart cards are now a common reality of the daily life of many
citizens. They are used extensively by the banking sector as debit cards,
credit cards, and electronic purses. They are also used to identify
subscribers to services or associations; they are part of our mobile
phones, and now in some countries they are used in the health sector to
identify a person and contain some useful information on his/her medical
file. Nevertheless widespread usage of multi-application smart cards,
especially for passenger transport, still remains a future vision in most
parts of Europe.
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 39

Applications in the transport sector in Europe are growing, and focus on

the areas of payment and ticketing. A device used for payment will
handle information concerning the identification of the paying person
and/or the account to be debited. For ticketing, the device must also
include the identification of the travel paid as evidence of the contract
between the transport service provider and its client.
The integration of multiple applications on a single card or other mobile
unit (e.g. mobile phone) have been pursued so as to avoid situations
where people need to carry numerous smart cards, each devoted to a
special service. This has led to the emergence of the concept of the 'city
card' where a citizen can access public transport, canteens, libraries,
swimming pools, and other types of public services within an area using
just one card.
The European project CALYPSO starts from the ticketing/payment
function in public transport. The smart card can be inserted in a
contactless folder called the Maxipass, which provides information on
public transport travel through a small screen (time of departure of the
next train, events on the line, best itinerary, etc.). A simpler version of
the CALYPSO device is just a contact and contactless smart card called
Minipass without any folder, essentially for payment-oriented
applications. The chip contains an electronic purse and the contactless
antenna allows debiting of a central or an onboard account.
TELEPAY uses a different approach to innovative payment systems for
transport services. As a smart card is relatively expensive, contactless
smart card based ticketing systems are only cost effective for multi-ride
tickets and season tickets for regular customers. Therefore the
TELEPAY concept is based on a combination of widespread mobile
phone technologies (GSM/SMS, GSM/WAP, GPRS, Bluetooth) applied
to a new application. The project aims to trial this innovative approach
for the payment of public transport, parking or the toll on motorways.
The realisation of the system encompassed the adoption of wireless
devices as a payment means for transport services, establishment of
technical, legal and commercial feasibility of purchase and payment, and
implementation of the system in four test sites across Europe, as well as
40 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

assessment of systems including identification of future tasks. Systems

were broadly accepted, while at one test site transport authorities even
continued the service on a commercial base. Other interesting output was
the comparison of different implementation approaches through the test
sites, covering technologies, but also public organisation, transport
services and service organisations.
The TRIANGLE project validates the concept of a simple, workable and
manageable interoperable solution for door-to-door travel (combining
payment, ticketing and access to services) using existing technology
and/or installed infrastructure (e.g. CEPS, EMV, CALYPSO, IOPTA)
and is compatible with ongoing programmes. The solution is based on
smart card technologies that allow various applications, such as transport
tickets, electronic purse and services to be hosted on a single chip. The
objective is to prove the viability of truly multi-applicable smart card
schemes integrating features such as cross-border interoperability (e-
purse and ticketing) or advanced booking for long distance trains. The
concept and the performance of existing technologies should be proven
in two steps, a laboratory test as well as use in the cities of Brussels,
London and Paris and the international rail service linking them.
Standardisation for smart cards is already beginning to be addressed to
allow interoperability between more and more applications in the field of
PT services. Interoperability between cities is another issue, which might
come out of the standardisation activity but does not look essential today.
To the east in South Korea, Hong Kong or Singapore deployment of
smart cards is more advanced. Tag-on/tag-off on bus services with
variable fares and transfer rebates have worked very well in Singapore.
Boarding times on Hong Kong buses are very low. In South Korea the
means of paying for public transport has changed completely across the
country, as the use of smart cards has become part of everyday life.
Smart cards for surface transport fare payment are also in use in Asia
(e.g. Malaysia, Bangkok), and increasingly in Australian cities as well.
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 41 Demand responsive transport services

This domain covers mobility services that are made available to

enhance citizens' possibilities of accessing flexible and collective
transport services. Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) serves city core
areas but also rural areas. Today services are predominantly specialised
on areas and periods of time that traditional services have difficulty in
covering and user groups that have difficulties in using traditional public
transport. Recently other approaches have also focused on offering an
alternative to regular PT services through on-demand door-to-door
transport using minibus vehicles.
The research in this area has addressed the provision of flexible transport
services including details of the technologies, user acceptance,
institutional and organisational aspects, as well as the business case and
best practises in managing and supporting these services with new
applications, systems and communications. The major part of the work
was carried out in projects to develop and validate Travel Dispatch
Centre (TDC) concepts and technologies to manage multi-operational
and multimodal transport services (i.e. taxis, taxibuses, minibuses,
vehicles with equipment allowing access for people with wheelchairs)
with the integrated enhanced booking, reservation, route optimisation
and vehicle dispatch functionalities.
Examples of successful DRT projects are 4th FP SAMPO and SAMPLUS
which have demonstrated and validated the DRT systems on test sites in
Belgium, Finland, Italy and Sweden. The operational environments
covered rural and urban areas. Institutional and organisational issues
have shown to be crucial for successful implementations. However, the
rapid technological developments achieved in the projects have created
new supporting tools for implementation of DRT services, including
transport services for the disabled and elderly, as well as for extension,
feeder and/or replacement services to scheduled collective transport for
the general public.
The main results from these projects are the enhanced functionalities for
existing and newly created Travel Dispatch Centres (TDC) that establish
an operational environment where local authorities have the means to
42 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

provide, manage, control and plan transport services for citizens, with
less financial support and with better quality of service. These
functionalities include a superior reservation system, using geographic
information systems (GIS), managing the customer databases and using
smart cards to pay for the services and as an ID for automatic reservation
of the return trip back home. On the hardware side this resulted in
increased processing capacity, improved reliability of the system,
improved management of the operations and enhanced automatic vehicle
location (AVL) technologies. The economic viability of DRT services is
seldom based on the fare box revenues. The financial justification for
DRT comes from the fact that instead of an annual increase of 15 % in
costs to provide special transport, services are enjoying an annual 2-3 %
decrease, including the costs of the TDC and its equipment. After the
projects finished the demonstrations were turned into commercial DRT
services. The patronage has grown rapidly reaching a level four to ten
times higher than when the services were introduced.
Though the suppliers developed their products in collaboration with each
other using the same global specifications for functional, informational
and physical architecture, different operational and technological
environments of the test sites led to quite different approaches. This has
enhanced their competitiveness on the global market place, especially
when the requirements of new customers may significantly differ from
those of European customers. Projects have also established various
contacts with potential customers in most European countries as well as
in the US and the Asia-Pacific Region.
The trial project FAMS is aiming at scaling up the technologies, service
and business models currently adopted in DRT. FAMS supports the
evolution from single DRT applications towards the concept of a flexible
agency for Collective Demand Responsive Mobility Services, which is
crucial for further expansion in wider areas.
E-business/e-work collaboration along with team-working tools and
methods should create a Flexible Mobility Agency that co-ordinates the
different operators and organisations as well as enhances the accessibility
to mobility services for users. Information exchange is based on standard
Internet and web technologies to provide flexible and dispersed
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 43

interfaces for customer services. For DRT operators, Internet-based

services enable concerted and flexible co-ordination of services like
vehicle or staff management, resource planning, etc. The main vision
supported in FAMS is that all actors of the DRT service chain, both the
different transport operators and the different user groups, constitute a
virtual community. Intelligent Grouping Transportation (IGT)

Another interesting approach, deriving from a Greater London

case study, is Intelligent Grouping Transportation (IGT). Instead of
concentrating on times and areas of low demand, this approach focuses
on offering an alternative to nowadays established means of motorised
urban transport such as individual cars, taxis or traditional public
Assuming an adequate number of vehicles, the overall transportation
efficiency arises from the method of grouping passengers with
compatible itineraries into the same minibus vehicles. A computerised
system organises the grouping so that the vehicle can transport all
passengers on-board from door-to-door, thus being independent of
additional infrastructure like bus stops or metro stations. Payment is
realised through automatic fare charging.
The IGT system is based on four elements - transport of passengers
through 'Taxibus' vehicles, booking of trips (on-demand/pre-order/regu-
lar order booking) via mobile phones and networks to transmit the data,
GPS in-car satellite navigation to provide exact real-time location for
guidance of taxibuses and computer systems to manage the taxibus fleet.

3.1.3 Issues

This section highlights the research, administrative or organisa-

tional issues required to move from the current state of research and
technology towards the visionary situations mentioned in the first
section. It is evident that results of current research projects are not yet
the common state of technology in Europe, so a lot of effort is required
44 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

to disseminate these results to transport operators, political and

administrative bodies, industry and users. Intermodality issues

The following issues could be addressed or at least largely

improved by means of telematics. However, it is important to remember
that user needs should always have priority over purely technical
advances. These issues are not specific to intermodality, but are also
addressed in other parts of this section, or of the book:
- Traveller information (also see section on 'Information
- Pre-trip information: comprehensive information at bus
stops/stations, providing information on next vehicles,
lateness, loading, special services, incidents in the net-
- On-trip information: in-vehicle information displays
showing whole/section of a network, rather than just the
next stop; advice on best onward connections.
- Integrated booking/ticketing (also see section on 'Payment
- Electronic payment (also see section on 'Payment systems');
- Real-time vehicle monitoring and schedule information (also
see section on PT operation or section 5.3 on 'Road and
traffic monitoring' ).
Major challenges, that have to be resolved before telematics application
can gain further ground in intermodal transport systems include:
- Clear concept for the organisation of the transport market;
liberalisation where market forces and competition improve
efficiency and regulation of the market, where necessary, for
public interests;
- Dedication for the implementation of the concept above and
clearly organised administrative responsibility for operation of
transport services;
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 45

- Standardisation of ITS architecture;

- Unsettled issues concerning the availability and ownership of
data as well as the exchange of information between different
service providers;
- There is a need for further research concerning operator/
operator and operator/authority co-operation;
- Further studies on unified tariffs and presentations - especially
for intermodality within large networks with several competing
operators and different modes.
A further aspect concerns the effects of variations from the scheduled
arrival and departure times. How easily can connecting services react to
lateness? How much time needs to be allowed or wasted at interchanges?
Would there be a benefit to travellers if arrival and departure schedules
came enhanced with standard deviation measures?
Another issue is the critical assessment of a typical user's capability of
actually understanding and utilising advanced intermodal passenger
transport service information. The user needs to access and assess large
amounts of information both physically and mentally and is required to
choose from an ever increasing set of options. While moving, orientation
in vehicles and interchanges is crucial to seamless travel. Information
overflow is a regular feature of the information technology society and a
competitive market will neglect any concepts or systems that are too
complex to understand. The same applies for wide area networks that are
operated by different service providers. Common design and
functionality should be provided for the whole system to ensure seamless
access and utilisation. Unfortunately, the market for passenger transport
services is not competitive at large, bearing the risk of wasting public
subsidies for services that are not utilised due to their overwhelming
complexity. These issues should be carefully studied to properly allocate
any funding.
46 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research Passenger transport systems and operation issues

In the field of Public Transport Priority, identification of best

strategies for overall network optimisation will need further analysis and
trials as part of some take-up actions.
Integration between Public Transport Operations (PTO) applications and
intelligent vehicle applications are issues for further research and
development ('Intelligent bus', 'Intelligent train', etc.).
Especially in wide area transport networks there is a requirement for
advanced monitoring and control systems that are able to operate in a
decentralised way, offering different levels of information and
functionalities for operators, along with concepts integrating systems to
provide truly seamless services. This is to be accompanied by a
comprehensive data warehouse concept that collects, holds, manages and
distributes all data for relevant applications.
Therefore the most challenging aspect is the improvement, integration
and processing of information generated by monitoring, management and
control systems. Real-time data will be prerequisite for flexible matching
between current travel demand and services offered. This is to be
enhanced through tools forecasting near future conditions of the system,
especially valuable in case of deviations. To offer advanced services,
there needs to be a better understanding of travel patterns, obtained
through surveys but moreover via new tools of data collection with input
from booking and route planning systems, smart cards, event or
complaint management, etc.
PTO applications will have to be integrated with ubiquitous traveller
information services that respond best to the real needs of users
throughout their intermodal journeys. Fleet management, personnel
rostering or Vehicle Scheduling and Control Systems (VSCS) would also
need further integration with both integrated payment/demand
management applications, and some aspects of demand responsive
transport systems that best meet the needs of the users and service
possibilities of the operators in certain networks under certain conditions
(e.g. integration of taxis and public transport services in suburban
areas/off-peak periods).
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 47

Also in urban areas, artificial intelligence and decision-support

techniques could be usefully applied in support of automated vehicle
location. Buses do not compete well against personal cars because of
lack of speed and comfort. More information should be given to
passengers about available seating, providing more comfort through a
better distribution of passengers among buses, as well as exact departure
and travel times. Guiding systems must also be developed to support bus
In conjunction with the above elements of public transport services
requiring new telematics applications, the following aspects need to be
- Conditions for acceptability by operators;
- Conditions for acceptability by passengers;
- Ergonomic aspects;
- Public-private partnership;
- Legal support;
- Technical standards;
- Design and operation standards;
- Economic viability.
Further technical problems which need to be addressed to improve public
transport operation are discussed below.
- Real-time in-vehicle information on network performance:
There should be more information available to passengers
(acting on real-time data) than just the name of the next stop of
the vehicle. This could be information on lateness of connect-
ing services, on incidents in the network or special services to
inquire about re-routeing whilst on the trip.
- Real-time evaluation of the load status of vehicles in terms of
number of passengers:
Different possibilities exist, such as transmission of informa-
tion measured on the suspension of the vehicle, counting of
passengers (entrance and exit), in-bus video safety systems
with image analysis and evaluation of number of passengers, or
48 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

weight measure of the bus from the road, knowing the empty
weight of that type of bus. Information is then transmitted
giving time to arrival and load status (seats available, standing
places available, full).
- Software for demand responsive semi-public transport:
This software must be multi-operator and multi-vehicle,
reporting to the transport authority. It must be based on a
public-private partnership (PPP) principle, and linked to an
automated transmission to the vehicle, with acknowledgement
returned to the centre.
- Intelligent vehicle maintenance:
Advanced in-vehicle sensors and recorded operational data
should be connected to a vehicle management database to
create an intelligent vehicle maintenance system. This enables
the change from fixed intervals to more incident-orientated,
integrated and dynamic maintenance, thereby increasing the
fleet's capacity. More sophisticated systems require well-
trained operators and staff, including adaptation of working
procedures between linked companies. Education of staff has to
foster an understanding of purposes, strategies and potential
impacts of the measures, possibly by means of self-training and
simulation tools. In case of failure, systems should be well
supported by backup systems and/or substitute procedures. Payment systems

For smart cards, both contact and contactless, the need is now
for standardisation at application level and for the exchange of data.
Work has started, but needs to be finalised in terms of technology as well
as for the implementation of interoperable services, which might lead to
necessary contractual agreements between service providers. Smart cards
have proven to be an active part of our daily life. The TAP programme
has facilitated their application to public transport and other city business
in some European cities. In this way, it has also helped active strategies
to improve the use of public transport in our congested cities, fully in line
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 49

with policies developed all over Europe. It has provided European

industry with the new elements necessary to maintain a high position in
this domain of high technology. Standardisation and interoperability of
electronic payment systems at national and European levels still requires
major efforts. The common currency should help to facilitate
standardisation throughout Europe.
However, development of advanced payment systems is not just
concentrated on Europe. Overseas, such as in Asia, utilisation of smart
cards is enjoying great popularity as well as a high status of
development. This has implications for European equipment and chip
manufacturers, since those large markets are also setting specifications
and performance levels.

3. J. 3.4 Demand responsive transport services

Missing legislation is probably the biggest obstacle in most

European countries. Currently, legislation strictly divides services into
route-oriented public transport services (fixed stops, fixed schedules,
fixed fares) and taxi services. Some countries do not even use shared taxi
services, picking up additional passengers along the way. Subsidised
demand responsive transport is cutting severely into the taxi market,
raising questions of governmental influence on an ostensibly free market.
Just as much as DRT overlays with existing taxi services, integration into
regular public transport also raises many questions. This ranges from
different (usually smaller) vehicles required for DRT, subcontracting
public transport or taxi operators for the actual driving, to integrated fare
systems for both DRT and regular PT or carefully adjusted schedules
allowing comfortable onward connections. Different levels of public
subsidy for taxi, regular public transport, demand responsive transport
and special needs services must be considered and integrated into an
acceptable fare structure that enables adequate pricing as well as
potential for flexible strategies, such as loyalty schemes or temporary
special offers for the promotion of special lines. The challenge is to
generate a balanced system of modes serving different needs. In wide
area networks especially, this will involve different service providers that
50 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

have to be covered under one shell to ensure seamless operation and

service by means of advanced B2B and B2C applications. Best practice
guidelines for phasing and operation and also business models including
cost-benefit analysis are key for wider deployment.
Building an actual market for DRT services is yet another challenge.
Public transport users in general are not used to flexible transport supply,
requiring advanced booking of a trip. While this is quite common in air
transport and long distance rail service, passengers need to get used to
the idea for local transport. Specific marketing efforts for different user
segments are required and supported by dedicated surveys. Passengers
need to be reassured that the service and the fares are reliable. Specific
training may be required for advanced systems with automatic or semi-
automatic localisation and booking procedures.

3.1.4 Future opportunities

The previous section sought to present the most important

issues required to bring passenger transport services into life - regardless
of ITS contribution. This section recognises the ITS research and
development activities already taken up and presents the most important
and interesting opportunities for ITS in development of passenger
transport services. Intermodality — integration of modes

Major obstacles on the road to a truly intermodal transport

system stem from incompatible institutional set-ups that will not be
resolved with technical means, but by political will. European and
national legislation need to define the framework for international,
multimodal co-operation of transport service providers. Sustainable
mobility and public welfare require a careful balance of market forces
and administrative regulation. A network of excellence made up of high-
ranking political and transport operator representatives (no research
bodies, no consultancies) should prepare the grounds for adequate
legislative actions.
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 51

Competing providers on an open market are not necessarily interested in

co-operating with others or providing detailed information on their
service performance. Liberalisation and deregulation do not
automatically lead to one simple, efficient, integrated multimodal
transport system and operators need to earn a reward or gain a profit for
thoroughly co-operating in an intermodal system.
An indispensable prerequisite for the integration of transport modes is
the abundant sharing of operational data - offline planning data and real-
time information on actual performance between different modes and
operators. This touches questions about organisation of transport
markets, co-operation and competition of operators, value and ownership
of data, but also technical definitions and common standards for the
exchange of data. National standardisation bodies should be invited to
provide valuable input to a network of excellence, but must avoid
generating several, incompatible solutions for the same task.
Electronic planning, operation and service tools have become quite
common throughout Europe. As yet these programs usually address one
specific task each, such as exchange of data between planning, passenger
information, ticketing, operation and fleet management. This leads to
inconsistency of data and little flexibility in case of incidents.
Standardisation of transport operation data provides the opportunity to
build on system solutions that not only integrate all the tasks mentioned
above but also have the flexibility and power to handle a large number of
modes in an integrated network. The integration of public transport
operation tools should initiate development in the area, while minimising
the risk of incompatible, proprietary solutions.
As a spin-off from shared real-time operational data, multimodal
passenger information could be vastly improved. Besides all sorts of
personal travel services, public on-trip information should be
strengthened. In-vehicle information displays, PDAs, mobile phones or
interactive kiosks should provide information on onward connections,
delays and incidents as well as general infotainment contents.
From the customer's point of view an integrated fare structure and
through ticketing are most important elements of an integrated
52 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

multimodal transport system. From the operator's side this requires

sophisticated tools to monitor passenger flows and share revenues. A
common fare deprives operators of an opportunity to distinguish
themselves from competitors. The general public still has a vested
interest in socially acceptable transport fees and needs to address equity
or subsidy issues.
A broad, scientific analysis of fare structures applied throughout Europe
should form the basis for a generally applicable tariff model, even for
large multimodal transport systems, providing a balance of user interests,
operator needs and public concerns. This could be an area where national
projects should be supported. Passenger transport systems and operation

Even with promising results in the area of public transport

priority and vehicle scheduling and control systems achieved in previous
research and demonstration projects, there is room for further
improvement and integration of systems and operators. In the field of
public transport priority in urban traffic control, identification of best
strategies for overall network optimisation will need further analysis and
trials as part of some take-up actions.
Among the many tools convenient, but yet unavailable for operators, is a
comprehensive, automated economic assessment and optimisation
algorithm to develop complex PT networks and schedules. Automated
production of route databases, timetable databases and vehicle and driver
schedules would be essential sub-tasks to that system. Potential transport
markets would be identified out of GIS based structural data and taken as
a basis for automated line and network definition.
Dispatchers' real-time decision-support tools for re-scheduling and re-
routeing due to incidents build on that database and allow more flexible
operation. All data should be accessible immediately for subsequent
operating systems, handling fleet management and maintenance as well
as for information systems providing operators, staff and travellers with
the latest information. Actual travel demand, as derived from ticketing
and loading information, needs to be fed back to the system immediately
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 53

so that overall performance of a PT network could be iteratively

Public authorities require access to the system and data to control
performance and quality of operators and services, enforce public
interests and standards and also monitor and prosecute any licence
violations by competing operators. A network of excellence could work
on improving the different aspects of the public transport planning and
operation software tools and ensure that every module and sub-task fits
into a common system architecture and data structure.
Besides improving the operation of existing transport modes the market
potential of several new systems needs to be explored. Guided buses,
tram-trains, innovative/automated passenger transport systems or people-
movers provide special solutions, sometimes with explicit advantages
such as fully automated 24 hours service, low environmental impacts,
less demand of space or costs for infrastructure.

3. J. 4.3 Payment systems

European citizens increasingly expect to pay by electronic

means for goods and services - even so in transport. However, there are
some distinctive requirements to that field that must be solved, before
any system can be applied successfully in a pay-per-ride manner:
- The passenger needs some sort of proof that he actually paid his
- Boarding must not be delayed by the payment/enforcement
- The payment system must comply with the local fare structure,
e.g. in most networks the distance or number of stops influence
the fare;
- Frequent users expect weekly or monthly travel passes with
limited costs or other refunds and special offers;
- Through ticketing in a multimodal, multi-operator environment
is an essential;
54 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

- Personal data protection prevents operators from storing

customer data that could be used for tracking a traveller's
- The system needs to handle frequent users and occasional
visitors alike;
- Conventional payment and ticketing will need to be supported in
parallel for a long time.
Current development of passive, contactless smart cards proves
promising in meeting the requirements, but further work on integration
of numerous functions and standardisation is required. In the long run it
can be expected that (general) payment systems, personal travel
assistance and mobile communication devices will merge into single
units. While this development is pushed by the banking industry on the
one hand and the electronic device manufactures on the other, attention
should be given to the appropriate consideration of specific transport
requirements. An integrated project of major European public transport
operators, cities, industry and banks should create the impetus for
widespread introduction of contactless, electronic payment in public
transport. As issues of commerce and transport are not limited to Europe,
experience and expert-knowledge at the international level should also be
involved. Demand responsive transport services

Demand responsive transport services are a specific and very

promising form of passenger transport operation - with greatest potential
in low demand situations like rural areas or urban night services, but also
serving as a potential alternative for traditional transport modes,
especially where not yet deployed.
So far it must be clearly stated that technology issues only provide one,
albeit important, facet to the development of integrated DRT services.
Especially in wide area networks with possibly different service
providers, it is acknowledged that relevant obstacles to large-scale
implementation can be identified in different areas, like the legislative
framework for DRT missing in most European countries or the
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 55

establishment of the level of community welfare required for lasting

public subsidy of such services. Building an actual market for DRT
services is another challenge - many people are not used to the idea of
flexible transport supply.
Smart cards could be incorporated with DRT services in a number of
ways. They could help with identification and localisation of customers,
act as electronic tickets and support electronic payment of fares.
Registration of passengers with the help of smart cards could also
provide proof of actual transport performance provided by specific
operators and facilitate clearing procedures.
A major issue in the field of technology is the standardisation of
necessary equipment, building an open market with competing
enterprises in the industry. Standardisation of interfaces and some of the
components will raise competition and provide better, cheaper solutions
for widespread application of an open market.
This ranges from cheap, powerful data communication between vehicles
and control centres to fully automated booking and dispatching systems.
There should be specific scientific research on dispatching tools for
(wide area) demand responsive transport, developing the heuristics
necessary for dynamic re-routeing of vehicles and precise forecasts of
pick-up and arrival times. In this context, institutional services between
public transport authorities and private operators have to be examined.
HMI issues arise both on the customer and on the driver side. Existing
technologies like GPS localisation in GIS systems need to be better
adapted to the specific needs of DRT operators. Non-technical issues

In addition to the technical research on intelligent transport

systems, it would be worthwhile to initiate some more empirical research
on the social aspects and contributions of ITS. Equity and welfare effects
should be studied to properly allocate public funds. Most of the
technologies discussed above require large investments from operators or
from public funds, while the benefits usually remain with the users. A
thorough discussion is required as to whether the benefits to the general
56 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

public justify investments from public funds or if the actual users should
finance the improved performance of systems through adequate user
fees. Cost-benefit studies on ITS investments seem to be rather sparse.
Analytical instruments to measure changes in user behaviour,
improvements in system performance or social benefits initiated from
ITS measures are lacking. Empirical surveys could help to provide better
understanding of current and future travel demand, including from
occasional users (e.g. car drivers) as well as referring to future aspects
such as changes in society or environmental concerns (White Paper -
European transport policy for 2010, Kyoto Protocol to the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). Conclusions

European research from the Framework Programmes on RTD

has already provided a wealth of results, but these are not yet commonly
acknowledged. It will take a lot of effort to disseminate these results
throughout Europe, forming the basis for the next level of research.
Efficiency of funding in terms of public benefit would probably be
higher through promoting the technologies already developed than
through supporting further cutting-edge research. Industry needs to get
involved in feasibility studies and larger field trials are required to get
public transport authorities and transport operators alike interested in
investing into advanced and more user-friendly systems. Support for
larger field trials, demonstration projects and elaboration of realisable
business cases could be the proper tool in an environment proving to be
generally conservative towards rapid changes and rightfully reluctant to
invest public money in unproven benefits. If new systems are not likely
to be tested or deployed in Europe, deployment abroad should also be
fostered to create examples for real operable systems and environments.
A well-funded and active information campaign, promoting the solutions
already proven in practice, could be the most beneficial measure to
increase the application of ITS in public transport services.
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 57

3.2 Information Services

3.2.1 Background

Traffic and traveller information services (TTI) have been one

of the fastest and, for the general public, most visible areas of growth in
transport telematics in recent years. In addition to the traditional sources
of travel information, a plethora of websites offer journey support: from
planning and routeing, to reservations and ticketing. During a journey,
automated navigators help find the way, while real time updates on travel
conditions are provided by infrastructure and transport operators. The
information itself is delivered via numerous channels: onboard units, the
Internet, mobile devices, etc as well as public message systems. So what
is there left to do? Is there still need for R&D at the European level?
Despite the progress made, there remain some significant shortcomings
in TTI services - regarding the information itself and the way it is made
available. In a context where 30 % of transport users say that they would
have chosen a more convenient way of travelling if they had had better
information about their options (ERTICO booklet 'The Vision', 2002),
there is clearly room for improvement. Among the areas where further
progress needs to be made are:
(a) Improvements in the accuracy and reliability of information, so
travellers can be fully confident in its use;
(b) Better information on multimodal options, so travellers are
encouraged to choose public transport and non-road modes;
(c) More timely information on delays, incidents, and service
disruptions, to give travellers 'early warning' and information
on alternatives in order to facilitate changes of plan;
(d) Improved delivery of information, to make messages easier to
understand and available via multiple channels;
(e) Continuity of services across national borders.
An attempt is made in this section to identify the obstacles -
technological, organisational, legal and other - currently hindering the
achievement of these objectives. Suggestions are then made relating to
58 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

the research and other actions which could help to overcome them. A
further aspect to be explored is the possible strategic use of transport
information as a tool for traffic management.
Finally, a series of recommendations are made consisting of initiatives
which it is felt should be taken at European level to favour the
achievement of the 'vision' described below.

3.2.2 Vision

The three applications described in this section are intended

give an idea of the practical implications of traffic and traveller
information services which could be used in the future by travellers in
Giles is a French businessman who lives in the country, but has an office
in Lyon. He normally goes to work by car and subscribes to an
information service which sends him a warning when there are problems
affecting his usual route. After heavy snowfall on Sunday night, he
receives an SMS early on Monday morning to warn him of a serious
accident and tailback. He immediately consults his service provider's
website and is presented with the details of two possible alternatives for
his journey. Examining the trip times and cost, he opts for the fastest
solution which consists of the train from a nearby station, then a bus or
metro for the last part of the trip. When on the train and entering the city,
he checks the arrival times of his connecting services using his laptop
and sees that it is best to take the metro as the bus is running behind
schedule. He finally arrives in the office 20 minutes later than usual, but
in time for a planned meeting with a customer. He discovers at lunchtime
that a colleague who came in to work by car from the same village
reached the office three hours late.
Jaak and his family from Stockholm have decided to go to Prague for a
long weekend. A month beforehand, they explore the Internet and find a
site which gives useful suggestions for flights and accommodation. Since
they have used this particular service before and qualify for the loyalty
scheme, they receive special rates for their hotel booking and are offered
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 59

discounts in certain listed restaurants. The site also gives them ideas for
possible trips when they get to Prague. They decide to buy tickets for an
exhibition as the site tells them it is already heavily booked. When they
arrive, they find their smart phone very useful on trips around the city as
it helps them find their way by showing images of distinctive landmarks.
Although the navigation service is run by the local transport agency, they
can receive the directions in English, which makes it easy to use public
transport. They are also pleased to be able to use the same smart cards for
their fares and meals. The only problem they encounter is with the
prepaid exhibition tickets which they find are not valid on the day they
want to visit. When they get home they are able to follow this up, making
a claim for reimbursement via the same website.
Steen is a driver for a Danish company which manufactures furniture. He
has been given the task of delivering a consignment to a warehouse in the
outskirts of Barcelona. The company's trucks are equipped with onboard
units which support fleet management, but also incorporate a navigation
and information service. When crossing Germany he finds this very
useful for re-planning his route to avoid busy sections of motorway. As
he enters Italy, it is also able to warn him of restrictions in force on
Sundays on heavy traffic in Italy and to help him find places to eat and
stay overnight. When he arrives in Barcelona he requests authorisation to
enter the restricted traffic zone and is able to book a convenient
unloading bay. To guide him there he receives spoken directions in
Danish, which means he can focus on the traffic without distraction.

3.2.3 State-of-the-art The TTI market

In less than a decade, the market for TTI services has grown
from a non profitable niche market to a substantial business. Many city,
regional and national platforms are now in operation, and an increasing
number of services are provided by public private partnerships (PPPs).
Difficulty is still encountered however in establishing commercially
sustainable services.
60 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

The main types of player involved are:

(a) Transport and infrastructure operators, who collect and deliver
information specific to their own services/operations;
(b) Public authorities at the city/regional/national level who
provide services catering for the needs of travellers in their area
(i.e. covering all modes within a given geographical zone);
(c) Private service providers, who address the needs of specific
market segments.
A comprehensive survey of the TTI market in Europe was undertaken by
the ATLANTIC project. The results, published in 2002, suggest that the
tendency is to follow the sequence indicated above: beginning with type
(a), then moving to (b) and finally including type (c). A sign of maturity
is the presence of different types of service provider and, in particular,
the involvement of the private sector in data acquisition and processing
as well as in its packaging, transmission and support services. Six
different service models were identified, their features depending upon
the stage of market maturity reached and the policy orientation in the
country concerned. Two main clusters were distinguished. The former,
more typical of Southern and Eastern Europe, has a predominance of
public and single-mode services, while the latter, typical of Western and
Northern Europe, is characterised by a rapidly growing number of private
TTI services.
We now look at the situation in greater detail.
Most operators of public transport, motorways, roads, etc. now deliver
information to the public on their own services or network. In some cases
this is also shared between operators (e.g. transport services in the same
city, concessionaires within a national motorway network). It is made
available through various channels, but web-based services are dominant.
The information itself is generally free of charge, although users pay for
Internet connection time and personalised messages.
Among the many city transport information platforms in operation at the
time of writing are StadtinfoKoln in Cologne, Trafikanten in Oslo,
Trafikinfo in Copenhagen, 5T in Turin, and Transbasel in Basel.
National platforms include Transport Direct in the United Kingdom,
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 61

YTV in Finland, OVR in the Netherlands, CCISS in Italy, CHAPS in the

Czech Republic, and DGT in Spain. Such platforms collect transport data
within a geographical area (in cities this is often multimodal) and make it
available to the general public, usually free of charge.
There is enormous variability in the quality and availability of the data
itself. Services offering high quality information and easily accessible
appear to be used more intensively, but reliable statistics on actual use
are seldom available. With the exception of special services offered to
car drivers, evidence exists in only a few cases of willingness to pay for
information (e.g. the 5T service in Turin reports that around 40,000 users
a month send - and hence pay a small fee for - SMS requesting real-time
information on bus and tram arrivals at city stops).
A look at such TTI services currently offered in Europe shows that:
- Very few are paid for directly by the final customers (either
they are sponsored, or revenues are obtained from advertising
or by selling information to other operators);
- At present, most TTI services operate within a single country
(and more often a particular city or region);
- The majority of services cover a single mode; real 'multimodal'
services are still rare;
- The transfer of information from transport operators to service
providers is based on bilateral agreements; there is no standard
Business models
The different types of service provider have very different aims and
market approaches. While there are as yet no consolidated business
models, two main categories can be distinguished. The first (prevailing)
approach consists of TTI services offered to travellers free of charge:
- Services provided by public agencies or transport operators
The agencies/operators are giving information on the transport
services for which they are responsible. The data content is
obtained from the control and management systems, and
therefore with limited extra cost. Resources for providing the
62 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe ~ Opportunities for Future Research

service are normally found within their budget, with the

justification of 'marketing' the transport service or improving
mobility. In all cases the cost of the service is in reality
supported by taxpayers or by all users of the transport service.
The information does not normally address specific market
segments or personalised requirements.
- Services available via radio broadcasts or Internet portals
Here too the user does not normally pay for the information
itself. The broadcaster (or portal operator) obtains revenue from
advertising, which is in turn dependent on patronage of the
channel or website. Already common for the RDS/TMC
service, this model is now being adopted in the world of the
Internet. Due to the lack of TTI content at reasonable cost, it is
normally limited to simple services. Users who require
personalised data generally have to subscribe to a specific
In both cases the content is generally provided by public authorities and
is limited in coverage, detail, and quality. In neither case can the model
be said to constitute a real 'business chain'. The revenues are too small to
generate sufficient value to create a market for information content.
The second approach consists of TTI services which generate revenues in
the form of fees paid by users. In this case too, there are two main forms:
- A 'vertical' structure, i.e. where a single service operator covers
the entire value chain: generating data content, providing
equipment, operating the service, delivering information and
customer care (e.g. Trafficmaster in the UK, Targalnfomobility
in Italy). In general these services charge for the installation of
an onboard unit plus an annual subscription fee. TTI is often
part of a range of services for drivers including route guidance,
live traffic information and tracking of stolen vehicles. Heavy
investment is required to set up such services. This is justified
when the information is valued by customers and other ways of
obtaining it do not exist.
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 63

- A 'chain' of operators with revenue sharing agreements, which

generally include the following elements:
- Content provider (providing raw data about a transport
fleet, a road network or part of it, or other data);
- Content aggregator (who structures, stores, and sells the
information about a given network);
- Application provider (who develops and sells the service
software and the platforms for service delivery);
- Technology provider (responsible for the equipment used
by the user - navigation/RDS/TMC receivers/personal
navigation devices, etc.);
- Service generator (service delivery/billing).
The role of content provider is normally played by transport authorities
or operators. Content aggregators are often regional/national platforms,
PPP or private service operators who establish agreements with the
content providers. In some cases they also have their own content
sources (e.g. floating cars). Application providers are usually software
companies. Almost all of these operators act as both service generators
and service deliverers, at least for a specific market segment.
At present, the services are generally delivered by one of the following:
(a) Content aggregators;
(b) Generic web portals;
(c) Broadcasters (for non-basic RDS/TMC);
or, more recently:
(d) Telephone carriers, offering travel information in combination
with other location-based services, sometimes via multipurpose
web services.
Revenue-sharing arrangements are set up between the service generator,
content aggregators, content providers and - in some cases - application
providers (technology providers usually obtain revenues directly from
equipment sales.) When a fee is paid by the user for the TTI service, the
mechanism is generally straightforward, but otherwise it can be rather
complex and requires well-defined data exchange contracts.
64 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

In some cases, such as RDS/TMC, i.e. the travel news delivered by radio,
no fee is charged for receiving TTI (at least for non encrypted services),
on the basis that if broadcasters did not deliver quality services, the
receivers would not be sold. This is leading to a solution where revenue
transfers are made directly by the technology provider (in-vehicle
equipment) to the service generator. Market trends

Until recently the main commercial market in the TTI sector

consisted of autonomous in-vehicle navigators. Today the market is far
more complex and radical restructuring is occurring on the supply side
(firms merging, changing roles, and new ventures being created). The
following changes can be observed:
- From a technology-led market to 'customer push': while the
market was initially generated principally by the available
technology, it is being led today by customers' needs. The
result is the emergence of diversified and more complex
requirements, including a strong demand for 'integrated'
- Emergence of new markets: while formerly the customers for
demand TTI services were predominantly individual travellers,
there is now a growing market for business applications. Travel
information services are being integrated into fleet and freight
management systems, and used by firms for managing their
'mobile' workforce (e.g. travelling sales representatives) as
well as geo-marketing. This market offers good opportunities
for TTI providers to sell personalised components (aggregated
data contents, special services, applications, interfaces, etc);
- From an 'equipment' to a 'service' market: the first onboard
equipment for delivering TTI consisted of simple (static)
navigation systems. These soon revealed their limitations, due
in part to their lack of user-friendliness and partly to the
difficulty in updating the road network information. Demand
now exists for services offering dynamic information on traffic
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 65

conditions and the state of the road network. The availability of

new communication channels (GPRS and UMTS) and
increased coverage of the RDS/TMC service has provided the
basic elements to meet this requirement. New user terminals
now on the market, with better displays and greater processing
power, are also extending the potential for TTI services.
- A move towards interoperable applications: it is now becoming
more common for TTI services, such as route guidance, to be
received from a source external to the vehicle and delivered to
the user by a variety of different media, including on-board
units, the Internet and also personal mobile devices (which
therefore need to be capable of locating the user).
- Tailoring to specific market segments. Interoperable services of
the kind described above have the advantage of being easily
adapted to individual needs. They can be received via various
types of terminal and integrated in different kinds of applica-
tion. It seems probable that this trend will be reinforced in the
near future by the expected convergence of mobile phones and
portable computers. If in-car architecture becomes more open
and modular, as seems likely, it will permit the integration of
personal devices within the on-board platform. Technology developments

Important progress has been made with the communication

technologies required for advanced TTI services (GSM, DAB,
microwave links, etc.) as well as the related protocols such as WAP,
Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) channels and broadband
communications are particularly suited to TTI applications because of the
mobile reception offered. The integration with GSM and positioning
technologies like GPS makes it possible to provide both broadcast and
interactive TTI services, and also to filter messages for given
geographical areas. A wide range of DAB-based applications, from
simple traffic information to dynamic navigation tasks, have been
66 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

investigated in various European projects. Tests have also been carried

out with different levels of service, from a 'basic' level (free of charge)
to a 'premium' customised service (on a pay per use basis) in order to
test their commercial acceptability.
Exploitation of the TPEG independent protocol (for DAB and Internet)
for the transmission of traffic and travel information by digital broadcast
systems has also been explored with a view to standardisation. Market regulation

In parallel with the expansion of TTI services, there has been

growing awareness of the need for regulation of certain aspects of this
market. A significant step was the publication by the European
Commission (EC) in July 2001 of a Recommendation (European
Commission, 2001, (2)) which had the aim of:
(a) Facilitating the development of TTI Services in Europe;
(b) Encouraging Member States to set up regulatory frameworks
for such services;
(c) Encouraging the private sector to play an active role in network
Two main ways were envisaged of improving the availability of traffic
and transport data. Firstly, by establishing a framework with a clear set
of rules for granting access to existing transport data by service
operators, and secondly by allowing private operators to install their own
monitoring systems, again within clear rules.
Member States were given two years in which to report progress on these
activities. Although this period expired without tangible progress being
made, the initiative was a sound attempt to deal with a serious (and
complex) problem and is certainly worth following up.
Recognition of the relevance of the issue was the Position Paper on TTI
produced in March 2003 by the Euro-Regional projects (part of DG
TREN's TEMPO programme). This endorsed the EC's recommendation
and suggested that project partners 'should set up easy access points for
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 67

service providers to access the data currently available'. It was based on

the consideration that:
- The Euro-Regional projects had already decided to establish a
network of traffic centres (based on the DATEX standard);
- This would facilitate cross-border traffic management;
- It was not, however, enough just to foster international TTI
services, since service providers could not base their business
on a series of bilateral negotiations;
- The most reasonable way to initiate the necessary co-operation
would be to create easy interfaces to service providers.

3.2.4 Issues

While the vision for future TTI services is clear, it is rather less
evident how progress in this direction can best be achieved. The principal
obstacles seem to be in regard to the organisational and legal framework
rather than technical factors. Experience suggests that the necessary
boost to TTI services will come from opening up the market. But if a
large-scale market is to be created, favourable conditions must exist for
private 'value-added' TTI service providers to meet the needs of given
market segments. So how can this be done?
As noted in the ATLANTIC survey, one of the major difficulties is that
of harmonising the positions of the stakeholders involved. The travelling
public often has very high expectations, but is rarely prepared to pay the
real costs of providing such information. There is also a need for clearer
relationships between service operators and providers regarding data
collection, ownership and exchange if a truly open TTI market is to be
created. Finally, especially if multimodal and cross-border services are to
be operated, an overall framework needs to exist at European level to
ensure data availability between different modes and countries. The main
issues examined below therefore concern:
68 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

- Ways of improving data quality;

- Ways of opening up the TTI market;
- Ways of establishing a common high level approach in Europe. Monitoring the transport network

The current coverage and quality of network monitoring is, in

general, very poor. To favour such activities by operators, a number of
technical and organisational barriers need to be broken down.
A useful start would be an agreement at the European level on a suitable
common standard for the monitoring of all major transport networks,
allowing time for all countries to reach the agreed level. Such
arrangements are especially necessary in the case of deregulated systems.
Where transport services run under license or franchise, operators should
be asked to publish certain information as part of their service contract.
This could include not only timetables and network conditions, but also
real-time traffic data and information on disruptions, such as roadworks
and closures. Good practice should be promoted. The work of the
European ITS Framework Architecture could help in this activity. Clear rules for the information market

Monitoring the networks is only a first step - the information

then needs to be made available to the public. For a TTI market to be
efficient, information must be exchanged between various operators
(public and private). A prerequisite is that the rights of ownership to such
information should be clear. There is currently no common basis for such
rights in Europe. The EC Recommendation 2001/551/EC was a move in
this direction, but progress has so far been limited. At the very least,
transport operators in the same public sector, or acting as concessionaires
or licensees, should be encouraged to make available their information
directly to service providers or to telematics platforms which 'pool' TTI
data. The information would not necessarily have to be provided free of
charge. Part of the revenues generated by TTI services delivered by
Value Added Service Providers (VASPs) could be used to remunerate
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 69

the efforts of transport operators to monitor their networks. What is

important is that the conditions should be clear, stable and equal for all
operators. (The activities of Transport Direct in the UK could be taken as
a good example). Efficient distribution of information

Once the rules on rights of use have been established and the
information exists, it still has to be made available in some form. This
means that suitable standards (for both publication and exchange) must
be defined and agreed. Information from multiple information sources
will need to be combined in various forms (according to specific user
needs) and delivered through multiple delivery channels.
It is not yet clear which would be the easiest (and most practical) way of
speeding up the process. The normal answer - to define a common set of
standards, products and data formats, and to push all parties to comply
with them - is unlikely to be the most efficient. It would take too long
and encounter too much opposition. The data model is probably too
complex for such an approach to be viable. Moreover, VASPs need the
maximum freedom to define their products in relation to the needs of
their target market. Another approach would be to consider the Internet
as common ground and publish the information on the web. A VASP
could then find a way of obtaining the data needed, combine it as
required and present it to their users. Even with this approach, some
basic agreements on individual data models would be needed. The European panorama

Since the TTI market necessarily has a European dimension,

the commercial and legal picture across Europe must be fully understood.
An analysis of the requirements for facilitating the creation of ad hoc
brokers in Europe would therefore be very valuable. With the widespread
use of e-commerce for reservations, ticketing and payment of services
during a trip, there may be a need to review the practices adopted by the
various market participants. In addition, since transport regulations are
70 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

likely to affect the development of telematics services, the complex

pattern of regulated and unregulated participants in different European
countries and different transport modes need to be considered. Understanding user requirements

While previously only generic services were offered, a more

mature situation is developing in which specific market segments are
being targeted. It is already clear that the market for 'navigation only'
services is limited and is slow in creating revenues, while integrated
services (such as travel plus tourism information) are more appealing. It
is also evident that a large TTI market exists for business applications
(the management of the 'mobile' workforce). As yet, however, a
satisfactory market segmentation for TTI services does not exist.
There is therefore a major need to analyse the requirements of different
kinds of traveller and to survey core segments in order to assess the type
and level of detail of the information required and, equally important, to
identify cost-effective ways of providing it. Such a survey would enable
the European Commission to understand, for example, the potential of
TTI services for supporting multimodal travel across Europe for business
or tourism. Another specific segment consists of non-European nationals,
who are likely to have special needs when travelling in Europe. Last but
not least, it is important - especially in an ageing Europe - to understand
the requirements of elderly or disabled travellers.
Much research has already been done, but a focus is now needed on what
is required to develop brokerage at a mass level. However, before this is
achieved, there is a further issue to be resolved. It regards the question of
personal privacy which is raised by the use of personal profiles and the
location of individual vehicles and devices. Establishing minimum service levels

It is now commonly agreed that TTI services can help to

provide higher service levels as well as greater safety and efficiency on
the transport network. Actions are therefore needed to encourage service
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 71

improvements, for example by getting transport operators to voluntarily

set targets and to give priority to customer satisfaction. The practice, for
instance, of giving the expected travel time for a traveller entering a
given part of the network could help to raise the service level. Moreover,
this would have a series of positive implications for safety and
efficiency, but could only be based on extensive network monitoring.
The Commission should explore, with the operators, whether practices
such as these could become commonly adopted in Europe, at least in the
TEN domain. Human-Machine Interface

While mobile travel information has an enormous potential

market (including all drivers with navigation systems plus the owners of
smart mobile phones), there are Human-Machine Interface (HMI) design
problems in presenting detailed, and really useful, travel information.
Typical displays have very small viewing areas and the usual input
modes are also limited, e.g. numeric keypads for the composition of text
messages. With GSM and DAB data transmission, mobile units can
produce partial candidate routes from map data, public transport
timetables and live information about public transport vehicles, but better
solutions still need to be found for the presentation as well as ways of
preventing driver distraction.
Guidelines were developed in the 4th FP for the design of the user
interface for TTI systems, regarding the layout, icons, presentation,
ergonomics, sequencing of information, and so on. This was followed up
in the 5th FP with the specific consideration of HMI concerning:
- Fixed locations (kiosks, displays at stops, home PCs, etc.);
- Mobile devices (on-board displays and handheld devices);
- In-vehicle and roadside displays (in-car terminals, VMS, etc.).
One result to emerge was the desirability of harmonisation of the style of
presentation to have a recognisable 'look and feel' with different media
and environments (on-board systems, handheld devices, etc.).
72 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

One approach for car systems is to use 'vocal' controls, but speech
recognition technology still lacks robustness with respect to variations in
pronunciation (most research has involved American English). Work is
being carried out to make systems less sensitive to linguistic factors, and
more suitable for European languages. Prototypes have been developed
to provide multilingual vocal access to applications and information
sources on the Internet (public and private service providers) accessible
by means of kiosks, standard telephones and smart wireless devices. Open telematics platforms

One of the reasons that TTI service providers in existence

today find it hard to satisfy travellers' needs is the difficulty in obtaining
high quality information. The data they require comes from many
different sources (transport operators, tourist services, etc). This is
typically raw data on the local traffic and travel conditions, which means
it is often non-homogeneous and uses non-compatible reference
networks. The result is the need for a large amount of data elaboration,
which they can rarely afford. An alternative is for them to collect the
relevant information directly (see the above examples on 'vertical
operators'). While this is possible for some networks (e.g. the motorway
network), in general it is too expensive and time-consuming, especially
for urban road networks and public transport services.
One solution to this problem would be for public authorities to encourage
the creation of telematics platforms to serve as 'pools' of transport data
relating to a specific geographical area. This would be in the interest of
service providers who would have a single point of access, to transport
operators who could share their data and increase the visibility of their
services, and final users, who would have easier access to multimodal
and multi-network information. The centralised data management would
also make it possible to offer guarantees to the quality and availability of
the information supplied.
Several such platforms have been set up as part of EC projects. As part of
the 5th FP, a platform known as TITOS was set up in Turin in 2000. This
is still operating, and combines data on different types of transport in the
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 73

city to provide real-time information on bus and tram arrivals, private

traffic and parking availability. It is made available to the public through
various channels (e.g. at bus stops, on-board and VMS), as well as
personalised services which can be accessed via the Internet and mobile
A more detailed assessment of the implications of setting up such
platforms is made later in the section 'Future Opportunities'. Lack of an open 'overarching' framework

A serious constraint to the creation of an open TTI market in

Europe is the lack of clear rules governing competition. This risks
slowing the growth of Europe-wide multimodal services, leaving users
with limited information on alternative options, and the tendency to
make the easy choice - the private car!
The survey (European Commission, 2002) published by the ATLANTIC
project reveals the significant variations in regulation that exist from
country to country. Although public organisations are almost everywhere
supposed to make their data available free of charge, currently only nine
of the 25 Member States have provision for data collection by the private
sector. A feature lacking everywhere is the existence of service
evaluation guidelines.
It should be pointed out that even a legal obligation to make traffic and
transport data available does not necessarily resolve the problem. Very
often the operators of transport networks are not in a position to (or
willing to) distribute their data. The result is that in only a few cases is
such information actually accessible to service providers; this situation is
even more critical where real-time data is concerned.
Most existing TTI services have been developed by transport operators
seeking to support and market their own operations. This approach,
however, tends to limit the penetration of multimodal personal transport
services. Across Europe, the extent and sophistication of TTI systems
and related services (booking, payment, assistance, etc.) is still very
variable. While some countries already have some highly advanced
74 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

services, others are at a very basic or incomplete stage. This is a further

constraint to the development of services for multimodal cross-border
trips. Interoperable multimodal information systems

Prototypes of many of the tools needed for interoperable

multimodal TTI were already developed in the 4th Framework
Programme (FP), and some of these were tested in small or medium
scale demonstrations. They included services for language-independent
traffic information exchange systems and advanced driver warning
systems. A European reference data model (Transmodel) was produced
for public transport operations.
These results were built upon by 5th FP projects. Work was carried out on
establishing common mechanisms for exchanging data between content
owners for different modes (bus/tram/metro, rail and road), and also on
identifying the organisational and strategic issues hampering multimodal
travel. Innovative paradigms for the design of open, distributed and
networked tools for TTI were developed to favour a new class of just-in-
time, interactive, value-added, map-based and personalised travel
services. A prototype integrated toolkit was created to access information
sources using XML/Java and view them on wireless hand-held devices.
In the 6th FP, as part of the eSafety initiative, the project IM@GINE IT is
combining previous results and agent-based technology to create a
universal platform covering urban, interurban, and cross-border areas.
This platform will serve as a single access point through which the end
user can obtain a set of TTI services everywhere in Europe. Data exchange requirements

The data exchange systems developed at a European level have

until now mainly been based on DATEX specifications, which impose
the use of the ALERT-C location referencing system. This choice for the
exchange of road information in the interurban environment was made
when no other solutions were available. Today, the context has changed.
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 75

Data is being exchanged in both the urban and interurban environment.

Traffic information systems are evolving from road-only information to
multimodal information. Location referencing systems, which previously
used just a few mono-mode pre-coded locations, are moving towards
multimodal 'on the fly' codification (e.g. AGORA or ILOC, a map-based
location reference method based on X-Y co-ordinates associated with
descriptors and location types). As a consequence, the methods being
used in current data exchange systems show that there is still substantial
uncertainty about the most suitable method for intermodal data. Privacy and confidentiality

The growth of highly efficient personalised TTI services carries

the risk of negative side-effects regarding privacy. When planning a trip,
travellers make known to the service provider their destination and often
other information. If location-based services are requested, or mobile
navigation employed, the traveller must by definition be located and
often tracked. To provide an efficient and rapid service for frequent
users, a service provider may also wish to build up and store personal
and trip profiles. Travellers can then be 'alerted' only when emergencies
are likely to affect them, and individually tailored routeing suggestions
In all of these cases, a service provider can build up a detailed picture of
a customer's travel habits. As a result, there exists the danger that this
information could be used improperly, posing a threat to confidentiality.
This makes it important to extend existing regulations on personal data
protection to cover TTI services and to find ways of creating personal
data files without harming privacy rights (and without obliging the user
to complete complex procedures each time a service is used).
The scope of national legislation, in this respect, should be explored. In
parallel, research on technology and applications is required in order to
find practical ways of protecting personal data. One possible solution
could be the combination of smart card technology and wide band
communication, or the extended use of 'nomadic systems', which would
76 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

allow personal profiles to be stored only in equipment which is under the

full control of the user. Safety/security aspects

TTI services can have a positive impact on safety (as they may
encourage travellers to choose safer modes/routes), but they can also
have negative impacts resulting from distraction while using a terminal
(especially while driving). For a more detailed discussion of this issue
the reader is referred to the section on HMI. In the specific context of
TTI, recommendations will need to be formulated to reduce the risk of
distraction leading to accidents. This will be especially critical (though
hard to regulate) if the use of nomadic systems becomes widespread.
The issue of personal security is parallel to the privacy issue. Since users
of TTI services can be traced, this can be used both to their benefit (in
the case of emergencies) and detriment (if data is used improperly).

3.2.5 Future opportunities

Three important aspects of future TTI services are described

here. These regard:
(a) The opportunities offered by new technologies;
(b) The potential of open platforms as 'collectors' and processors
of transport-related information;
(c) The social benefits of TTI used as a transport management tool. The potential offered by new technologies

If in-car architecture in the future becomes more open and

modular, as seems very likely, it will permit the integration of personal
devices within the on-board network (this is already true for mobile
phones, and will soon apply to more complex systems). Such a
development would enable the use of certain in-car components (like the
location subsystem, loudspeakers and microphones, dashboard display
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 77

and some commands) to supplement the capabilities of the so-called

'nomadic systems' (e.g. PCs with high processing power and a portfolio
of user applications). This will be made possible by the availability of
efficient, low cost wireless connections within the car (today
implemented via Bluetooth technology). The potential benefits for the
TTI market are evident.
A further opportunity regards the possibility offered by the use of images
(video streams or pictures) in TTI services. The use of GPRS and UMTS
rather than GMS gives greater communication bandwidth which could be
used to make applications more attractive, e.g. visual information (MMS)
rather than text (SMS). This would for example permit visual navigation
with pictures of important milestones to supplement maps (e.g. turn right
after you see this monument) or substitute descriptions of 'Points of
Interest' (POI). Real-time images of traffic queues could back up the
textual information. Such applications could well become inherent parts
of a navigation application. While it is impossible to predict if these
would capture a large-scale market, they would certainly meet the
interests of big market players (communication carriers) and could
dramatically change the 'content' of TTI services.
Another significant development with potential for considerable impact
on future TTI services is the GALILEO initiative. In addition to the
greater precision this system will provide with respect to positioning, an
important benefit for commercial services will be the service guarantee.
(The issue of radio navigation is discussed in more detail in section 7.2.) The advantages of creating 'open' TTI platforms

It is assumed that a number of different business models will

operate in the future, and that these will be based on the concept of an
'information market'. In other words, traffic and transport information
will be exchanged between operators under market conditions, although
this will occur within some form of regulatory framework.
While basic transport information is likely to be provided free of charge
by transport and infrastructure operators, a growing number of added-
value services will be offered on a commercial basis by private service
78 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

providers. Travellers will choose the appropriate level of service

according to their needs and willingness to pay. 'Niche' services will
cater, for example, for the particular needs of business travel, city breaks,
special interest tours, etc. and will be especially useful for travel in
foreign countries and trips involving the use of several different transport
modes. They will need to offer sufficient benefits in terms of time/
money saving or personalised assistance to be worth the cost to the user
(Figure 4).

Basic information on
Free of charge
single transport service
e.g. train, bus or metro

Basic information on
travel in city/region Free or low charge
(e.g. train + bus + metro e.g. via Internet
+ traffic + parking) connection/SMS

Specific value-added Provided on

information for payment or
particular situation or subscription
type of traveller

Figure 4: Three fundamental levels of TT1 service

In order to personalise their services, TTI providers will collect
information on frequent customers, e.g. via the traveller's use of smart
cards. The creation and maintenance of profile records, will however
need to be transparent to the customer, and also take into account all
required guarantees of privacy and confidentiality.
The complexity of the task of collating the transport information required
for specialised services means that a new type of operator is required: the
Value Added Service Provider (VASP) or Transport Information Broker.
This is in reality a form of 'travel agent' who will need to have access to
a wide range of travel-related information (including real-time data) and
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 79

also be able to process information from many different sources. Such

information is likely to be non homogeneous as it will consist of raw data
on traffic and travel conditions, based on different reference networks.
To facilitate this task, it will be important for standards and best practice
to be established at European level.
A possible structure for the provision of TTI services is represented in
Figure 5. While transport and infrastructure operators cater for the
interests of their own customers, the information platforms provide
information for travellers in a given city or region, and VASPs offer
niche services for specific market segments. The primary data flow is
from operators to platforms and thence to the VASPs, who also support
the platforms with data, enabling operators to retrieve further important
As shown in Figure 5, the VASPs in effect provide a 'bridge' between
transport operators and the various market segments, and the platforms
provide the first level of data processing and fusion.

A Service
users Transport Transport-
service related
operators services

data data

B in given city PLATFORM
or region


'niches' or + + + I + I +
segments • • • • • • •
Figure 5: Data flows to ensure high quality TTI services
80 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research TTI services used as a traffic management tool

If the use of TTI services becomes widespread in the future,

and these reach a large part of the travelling public, they will have the
potential for generating significant social effects. Firstly, they can clearly
improve the personal 'comfort' of travel (mainly through time-saving
and gains in convenience). But they can also be used as a tool to improve
the overall efficiency of the transport system through better distribution
of mobility demand between modes and within a transport network.
Successfully applied, such a policy could help to reduce congestion.
We examine this second possibility in greater detail. Results obtained in
large-scale demonstrations are promising. It has already been shown that
multimodal travel information can increase the use of public transport by
'promoting' alternatives to the private car (the 'hidden options'). It has
also been demonstrated (e.g. in the QUARTET Plus project) that
dynamic routeing can improve the efficiency of road networks,
producing significant savings in average travel time.
This raises the interesting idea of explicitly using TTI services as a tool
for traffic management with the goal of maximising network efficiency
(or other criteria such as safety). Two different approaches are possible.
The first involves using TTI services to keep traffic on a road network
close to its 'system optimum'. It would require rules to be established by
the operator (and strictly adhered to by all TTI service providers)
regarding the routeing advice given to the drivers using the network.
However, since the system optimum is not necessarily the best solution
for each individual, this would result in drivers not being fully satisfied
(the route would not necessarily be the fastest or most convenient). As
TTI advice cannot be made mandatory, the result is that many people
would not follow it. Although in theory the most efficient solution, it
would be likely to encounter difficulties of acceptance and therefore
cannot be considered really practicable.
The second approach involves using TTI services to achieve the 'user
equilibrium'. In an open market, it can be assumed that the VASPs will
put the interests of their customers first, delivering the 'best' suggestions
for each. Being specialised in given market segments, they will become
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 81

experienced at optimising user convenience. The result will be that the

network will operate at - or close to - the user equilibrium. At this point
overall efficiency is lower than the 'system optimum', but all users will
find their optimal route. One of the possible drawbacks is that the VASPs
could be tempted to recommend unsuitable routes (roads passing through
residential districts, narrow streets, etc.).
While such behaviour today is limited to a small percentage of drivers
(the so-called 'rat runners'), widespread use of TTI services could lead to
serious problems. However, since the equilibrium point is normally
stable (repeated every day with the same demand) and therefore
predictable, it is likely that a long-term solution could be found. For
example, across a city road network, traffic regulations, speed limits, and
traffic calming methods could be specifically designed to keep traffic to
an appropriate level. In this context, the TTI services would help to keep
the network functioning as close a possible to the predicted state. As a
short-term measure, agreements could be sought with service providers
(e.g. to limit routeing suggestions to main roads). Recommendations

Over the last twenty years, research activities in the field of

TTI have been numerous and have produced some very useful results. As
noted in the review above, many new tools have been produced,
prototypes demonstrated and studies made of important aspects such as
user needs.
Although some technology issues still need to be resolved, it is evident
that the main stumbling block is the lack of an open 'information market'
in Europe and of standards which permit service interoperability. If the
full potential of TTI is to be achieved, clear rules will need to be
established to favour a Europe-wide approach.
This means that it is important that the European Commission should
continue to play a proactive role in harmonising national regulations and
practices regarding TTI in order to promote the following:
82 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

J. Encouragement of network monitoring

- Establish the minimum information which operators should be
required to publish as part of their service contracts;
- Agreement at European level on a common standard for the
monitoring of all major transport networks, with a given period
of time for all countries to comply with this level;
- Promotion of good practice.
2. Establishment of clear rules for the information market
- Drawing of up clear, stable and equitable regulations regarding
the rights to ownership and use of TTI data (on the lines of the
EC Recommendation 2001/5 51/EC).
3. Creation of conditions for efficient distribution of information
- Establish an agreed way of making TTI data available (e.g. via
the Internet) and define any necessary common data standards
and formats for allowing the publication of data.
4. Setting up of telematics platforms (as 'pools' of TTI data)
- The creation of 'telematics platforms' to serve as single access
points for users of transport data relating to a given geographi-
cal area (allowing operators to share data and final users to
have easier access to multimodal and multi-network informa-
5. Understanding the European panorama
- An analysis of the basic commercial and legal requirements for
the setting up of private TTI service providers in Europe;
- Survey of regulations regarding TTI market in different
countries in order to understand the picture across the whole of
- Review of practices for use of the Internet for reservations,
ticketing and payment of services during a trip.
Chapter 3 Traveller Services 83

6. Market segmentation and analysis

- Definition of a market segmentation for TTI services on the
basis of user needs and analysis of requirements of mass
- Examination of how services for vulnerable groups (the elderly,
handicapped, etc.) can be provided in a cost-effective way.
7. Agreed service levels
- Promotion of voluntary targets and service levels by transport
service operators on the basis of a set of given criteria, e.g.
efficiency, promoting customer (traveller) satisfaction.
8. TTI services as a traffic management tool
- Research into ways in which TTI services can be used to
promote more efficient use of the transport network;
- Field trials to measure and evaluate the impact of different
approaches. Future research actions required

- Research into interoperability of information, booking and

payment systems (permitting the integrated use of smart cards,
mobile phones, Internet-based services, as well as on-board car
platforms to allow access to personalised transport services at
home and during trips, e.g. through personal nomadic systems).
This calls for strong and well-accepted standards. Research
should therefore consider both the technological and standardi-
sation aspects.
- Development of 'decision support systems' for travellers. A
large amount of information is needed to help them build their
trip chains, but is dispersed among different sources. Support
systems for online decisions will involve, for example,
algorithms for multimodal trip planning operating on non-
structured information, and methods for predicting trans-
port/traffic behaviour and for interacting with the user.
84 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

Further work on search engines, especially for public transport

trips where the user needs a seamless door-to-door - and
possibly multimodal - solution, and a search procedure which
is accomplished quickly and easily. The data itself is generally
non-structured and difficult to use, so powerful algorithms are
required for comparing solutions and matching with user needs.
(These search engines have the difficult task of being cleverer
than the user!)
Monitoring of the legal and regulatory context across Europe in
order to provide a picture of the level of regulation in different
countries for ITS in general and for TTI-related activities (an
updated and extended form of the survey already carried out by
ATLANTIC project).
Definition of user needs, with in-depth analysis of the
requirements of specific market segments, with a view to
developing the market for value added or 'niche' service
Research into potential changes in transport demand resulting
from new developments (including e-commerce and the freight
domain, as well as demand management schemes, such as road
user charging). This is crucial for understanding future
Definition of a methodology for the measurement and
evaluation of service quality for different types of TTI.
Development of applications which exploit the opportunities
offered by innovative technologies (such as UMTS), which are
likely to influence communication standards and organisational
Chapter 4

Vehicles and Infrastructure

This chapter considers the development of autonomous in-

vehicle systems, co-operative vehicle highway systems, the future role of
the driver in interacting with intelligent transport systems and services,
emergency response systems and lastly the role of ITS in enforcement.

4.1 Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

4.1.1 Vision

The vision of vehicles deploying technologies to support

drivers in order to increase safety, reduce congestion and improve the
driving experience was first developed in the EC PROMETHEUS
programme in the 1980s (Augello, 1991). This was a major effort by the
European automotive industry to understand the ways in which sensor
and communication technologies could be developed and applied to best
assist drivers to deal with the processes often involved in negotiating the
road network, following other vehicles, undertaking complex
manoeuvres and avoiding collisions in a more comfortable and relaxed
environment. This vision was part of what has become known as ITS,
and has been supported and enhanced through a range of EC framework
programme initiatives. This is leading to the wide-scale deployment of
vehicle-based market-driven ITS functions. Such technologies were
initially introduced as high cost features in the most expensive vehicles,
with increased market penetration following as experience was gained
and costs reduced. More recently, new ITS technologies are being
designed for immediate mass market introduction to recoup development

86 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

costs more rapidly. This approach offers greater opportunities for early
and more substantial impacts on traffic and safety.

4.1.2 State-of-the-art Driver assistance systems - their design environment

Vehicle-based ITS systems are intended to take advantage of

market opportunities and design and development is focused on buyers'
needs and desires rather than to address more general traffic problems.
Thus, whilst products may aim to meet both personal and public
objectives, this is not necessarily the case. The approach may be
considered to have a strong element of technology push towards the
users, i.e. vehicle purchasers, with relatively little practical consideration
given to wider transport policy objectives.
Today there is little interaction between demand from the public, those
responsible for road infrastructure and its management, the road haulage
industry and market-driven innovation. New innovations by industry lead
to new market expectations, and determining what the various future
users will really want is not always easy in such a volatile situation, as
current opinions are based on imperfect knowledge of the technical
'solutions' offered. Thus, whilst it is possible to find out if a technical
solution will be appreciated, the extent to which it fulfils long-term user
needs remains unknown. Although, this technology push affects much
ITS development, it is very prevalent in the 'driver assistance' area,
where increasing automation is expected to directly support driving tasks
and where only a few examples are available.
A range of technical solutions are available for many ADAS (Advanced
Driver Assistance Systems) functions. The balance between public or
infrastructure investment and private or users' investment will play an
important if not decisive role in this choice in the future. In the driver
assistance area the (sub)systems needed for one ADAS function may
well overlap the subsystems needed for another ADAS function. Whilst
this opens the opportunity for different functions to share costs, so far the
quest for ideal technical solutions has led to system designs in which
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 87

specific technologies have been selected for specific functions or user

needs, with little consideration of wider applications. The reason is that
additional delay involved in developing co-ordinated approaches to
functions acts against the market drivers to deploy systems as rapidly as
possible in a very competitive market place.
Many driver assistance system developments were initially considered as
wholly autonomous in-vehicle systems. A key reason for this approach
by industry was the wish to be independent of road or communication
authorities, who were seen as being likely to limit the flexibility to
pursue market opportunities. However, some driver assistance
application developments need to use infrastructure such as beacons. In
general, the role of the infrastructure is championed by industry rather
than by public authorities, and successful examples of partly or fully
automated infrastructure supported systems can be found on private sites
such as container yards. However, critically, developments of driver
assistance systems have shown that fully autonomous systems often have
too little to offer the market, and even relatively modest systems rely on
some form of infrastructure availability. Typical examples are ADAS
solutions that use GPS (Global Positioning System) satellite navigation
or lane markings. GPS is available, but practical tests show that it does
not always meet the needs of some driver assistance systems and, for
example, lane departure or lane keeping systems can have difficulty in
handling temporary or non-standard lane markings.
More direct interactions between infrastructure and vehicles require
dedicated in-vehicle systems and special, adapted and integrated
infrastructure, requiring a joint effort by industry and public partners. In
the case of driver assistance and automation for vehicles, public and
private investments may turn out to be very large and all user needs and
possible solutions must be reviewed to justify public funding. This may
take some time as solutions will have to be applicable across Europe, and
regional differences in geographic, weather and other conditions may
lead to rather different user needs.
Only a decade ago ADAS technologies were still in their infancy, but
now operational systems are available with more possible in the near
88 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for future Research

future. The ROSETTA activities have been a first step towards a better
co-ordination of user needs and innovation requiring:
- A co-ordination of user requirements;
- A matching of requirements and possible technologies;
- A co-ordination of deployment - a scheme for investment by
industry and public partners. ITS application areas of driver assistance and automation

A series of widely different ADAS functions are described

below, together with comments on the results of research into technical
approaches and viability. Automated vehicles

Traditional public transport services best serve significant

levels of demand such as may occur on urban/suburban corridors.
Therefore, to enhance the relative attractiveness of public transport over
the car, particularly for the journey to/from work and for business travel,
a new approach is needed to address 'last' mile issues. An approach to
tackling the problem of low and dispersed levels of demand is to use
automated vehicles that can be shared and reused.
Groundbreaking work in this area has been done in Europe, starting with
the Praxitel project in France and with more recent applications in the
Netherlands. Such applications are generally regarded as interesting but
still futuristic. An aspect of the French work is that they did not limit
themselves to the design of a simple vehicle that might automatically be
relocated (Parent et al., 2002). They also looked at features such as
automatic parking that could make the concept more attractive to users.
Even though deployment is currently limited to low speeds and
segregated tracks, applications and trials have provided insight into the
functional requirements. Technological development will, with time,
make solutions more affordable and may enable vehicle speeds to be
increased above the present practical level of about 15 km/h. Fully
autonomous vehicles have application limits which may be overcome by
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 89

greater integration with infrastructure as discussed in section 4.2 (Voge

and McDonald, 2004) Docking buses

Automated docking systems, which let buses stop just a few

centimetres away from the platform, expedite loading and unloading as
well as offering a better service, particularly to those with special needs.
This application is a spin-off of lane keeping technologies. In the past,
mechanical solutions have turned out to be rather unsatisfactory, but
current electronic versions using a video base, or the magnetic sensor
supported systems, have been shown to work well. Additional design
features on systems such as the Phileas bus (Siuru, 2004), where all
wheels of the bus can be steered, enable the bus to move sideways at
sharp angles. Emergency vehicles

In the American IVI programme (Intelligent Vehicle Initiative)

the need for driving support for emergency vehicles that have to operate
under very adverse weather conditions like snow and fog has led to the
development of a lane keeping system for snow ploughs, ambulances and
police vehicles. Two location technologies are used; where GPS signals
are received, the information is combined with triangulation of dGPS
information to achieve a position accuracy of 3 cm. Where GPS
reception is poor due to specific geographic circumstances, such as city
canyons or roads with an umbrella of wet leaf trees, magnetic tape in the
roads can be used for guidance. The system uses accurate maps to show
the driver the delineation on a head up display. The map information is
also used to determine the speed, especially relevant when approaching a
sharp curve. The system is now operational on a range of emergency
vehicles in Minnesota (Kwon et al., 2003).
The very special situations for which this sort of driver support has been
developed make it a rather unique solution; it is expensive and needs a
90 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

trained driver. So far even in Nordic European countries, road operators

have found these applications too impractical and/or too expensive. Garage management

Inside the garages of fleet operators, trucks or buses are moved

during the daily maintenance routine. This handling of vehicles is costly
in labour time and technologies exist which could enable the automated
management of vehicle movement in such a specialist and controlled
environment. Intelligent Speed Adaptation

Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) (sometimes known as

Intelligent Speed Advice) was originally designed to help drivers not to
exceed the prevailing speed limits in urban areas where the effect of a
collision with a pedestrian or cyclist may be minor at speeds below 30
km/h and fatal at speeds over 50 km/h. The system can be expanded to
work on all roads. There have been extensive tests in Europe which have
identified that a system could be developed that is both effective and
attractive to users. High levels of enforcement and penalties for speeding
would be key market drivers, or governments could pay for and legislate
for system introduction (Stefan, 2003; Biding, 2004).
Autonomous systems can never be up to date with their information on
prevailing speed limits, and would need infrastructure support for vehicle
location and speed limit communication.
Therefore, it is interesting to note that in Japan the VIC-network of
beacons along the road will be used to communicate actual, prevailing
speed limits to vehicles. Vehicles that have a VIC-link in their navigation
system not only show that speed to the driver but also warn against
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 91 Mayday e-112

A recent development is that of E911-Mayday and e-112-

CGALIES emergency call handling to automatically inform emergency
services of an accident for more rapid and effective response (CGALIES,
2002; Paola et al., 2003). Take-up by car owners is very impressive and
millions of vehicles are already equipped. Although the services
themselves have no direct impact on the issue of driver assistance or
automated vehicles, the related needs of accurate digital maps has a
much wider value. Several solutions use information from the cellular
network operator; this is not sufficiently accurate in many circumstances
and such solutions are regarded as temporary. The use of both GPS and
map matching can increase accuracy substantially. Obstacle warning

Radar, video and laser systems have all been studied, either
singly or in combination, to identify obstacles and warn the driver of
possible collision (Nico and Klaus, 2004). The systems must identify the
obstacle in the context of the normal physical characteristics associated
with the road ahead and so are very complex.
To date, such systems have been used on special types of vehicles like
snow ploughs, ambulances and police vehicles. Radar is used to put the
lane and road edge boundaries on a Head-Up Display for the driver.
Obstacles on the road ahead also appear on the Head-Up Display and the
driver is warned. The resulting control and accurate network mapping for
precise lane support has other potential applications for road safety. Adaptive Cruise Control

The automotive industry developed Adaptive Cruise Control

(ACC) which is now in volume production (Marsden et al., 2001). These
systems use radar to measure the distance to the vehicle ahead. The
distance between the vehicles is controlled to keep a constant time gap
selectable by the driver. The control system adjusts both the throttle and
92 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

brake systems to maintain the correct separation between vehicles. ACC

has been well received by the public who see it as a comfort system. This
autonomous arrangement is a good stepping-stone towards ISA and
curve ahead warning services. Navigation systems

Navigation systems have become commonplace in new cars.

These systems use satellite navigation plus map matching. Their success
in finding routes can mislead users into thinking that the systems always
know exactly the location of the vehicle. That is not the case. Vehicles
are navigated with the help of maps that may be tens or even hundreds of
metres wrong as well as with the help of GPS information that also can
be inaccurate or sometimes unavailable. These inaccuracy problems are
overcome by clever software in the navigation program. That program
combines the last calculated position with new GPS information and then
checks on the map where the vehicle might be. So if the GPS information
would place the vehicle away from the road the map matching
mechanism corrects this mistake. However, this mechanism may fail
when there are rather similar alternatives on the map. If the navigation
system finds that map matching is not possible it will backtrack to the
point where it could choose between options and try to match the lately
collected series of GPS locations with the alternative route and thus find
the better match. This option of self-correcting the position by
backtracking works for navigation but would not be adequate for other
systems such as ISA. However, it is a valuable step in helping users
accept in-vehicle systems (Hu et al., 2004). Ports

The need for accurate location information in harbours is

recognised and various technologies are being tested to develop
operational systems for port management. In this highly technical
environment, investments for automation are acceptable when they
improve safety and efficiency, and the market is developing rapidly.
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 93

Such technologies may be directly or indirectly relevant for road traffic

once matured and large-scale production becomes possible. The possible
overlap of technology solutions between waterborne and road transport is
hardly recognised by the authorities. Guided Buses

Automated lane control on a public bus can enable a narrow

lane to be used, thereby reducing costs of new construction or sometimes
enabling an additional priority lane to be gained in existing
infrastructure. Such buses are of a dual mode type; the driver can also
run them under regular manual control whenever the buses use 'regular'
public roads. Both video-based technology using special painted
reference lines in the middle of the (bus)lane, as well as magnets in the
road and magnetic tape systems, can be used for guidance. As these
systems offer haptic support, no 'steer by wire' is needed.
Older mechanical systems have been introduced in Japan, Germany and
elsewhere, but lack of comfort and high maintenance costs were
problems. Electronic versions operate more smoothly, as in the example
of the route between Minneapolis and Saint Paul where buses bypass
congestion on the freeway by driving on a hard shoulder which is only a
few centimetres wider than the bus (Alexander et al., 2005).
Road operators in Europe generally welcome this application, but the
fragmentation of the public transport network is seen as a problem. Run-off-the-road accidents

More than ten percent of the fatal accidents on rural roads

occur as a result of accidents in which the vehicle has run off the road.
Lane keeping support has been developed to reduce the likelihood of
such accidents. Operational versions are already on the market and this is
discussed further in the section on Lane Departure Warning.
94 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research Truck efficiency

To reduce the costs of trucking, platooning of vehicles

following at close distances with an electronic tow-bar has been
developed, with savings in fuel being greater than the costs (Bonnet and
Fritz, 2000). This platooning also allows only one driver to control the
whole platoon, thus also saving driver costs or workload. The mechanism
may look simple, but sophisticated programs are needed to ascertain that
all trucks in the platoon follow the same course when driving through
This financially driven technology push may provide trucks with control
facilities that can make the introduction of other driver assistance
systems simpler and cheaper. Whilst costs across a platoon are reduced,
those for the first vehicle are increased. Thus, the structure of the
trucking industry, particularly the number of different truck operators,
becomes an issue for widespread uptake. Tunnels

On entering a tunnel, drivers tend to move towards the middle

of the road and away from the walls. This can lead to dangerous
situations and accidents in tunnels can be more severe because of the
confined area with less visibility. Much infrastructure is already
deployed to improve tunnel safety and lane keeping support could help
as an additional preventive measure. Many road and tunnel operators
recognise the potential of the solution, but the scale of the application
requires it to be a spin-off solution based on a larger scale application
(Takuya, 2003). Warehouses, container yards and amusement parks

Fully automated transport is used in warehouses, container

yards and amusement parks. These bounded areas are under the control
of only one party and savings on labour costs have led to reliable
products that function well. These systems can be learning grounds for
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 95

technology development. However the situations differ so much from

those on the public road the success of these systems cannot be a
guarantee of their general application. Lane Departure Warning and Lane Keeping

Current operational systems in this area range from autono-

mous video based lane departure warning systems that emit a noise when
a vehicle tends to cross the white line marking the edge of the lane, to
infrastructure supported systems that allow driving in whiteout
conditions thanks to the projecting of the road's geometry on a head-up
display. The relatively simple video lane departure warning systems are
expected to serve many needs. They could be used to reduce the number
of run-off-the-road accidents, avoid tunnel collisions, and reduce stress at
narrow roadwork stretches (Alkim, 2003).
As a means of warning drivers against leaving the road, the systems
function well provided the delineation markings are visible. This latter
requirement is normally not a problem on long distance highways where
the warning is most needed. Tests show a distinct difference in use by
truckers who tested LDWA (Lane Departure Warning Assistance)
systems: they were used 75 % of the time on long distance freeways and
60 % on lesser rural roads. The warning system was found to be less
appreciated on narrow lanes; professional drivers prefer to manoeuvre
their vehicle without a LDWA support as it warns of lane departure too
often in these circumstances. This implies that lane departure warning
systems should use haptic steering or automatic steering rather than just
warning. However, on sections with, for example, temporary yellow lane
markings overruling the still existent white markings, simple
autonomous video systems were found not to be able to cope. Also,
drivers who tested LDWA on cars in a version which aims at rather
perfect lane keeping did not appreciate it very much as a product, as it
made driving 'dull'.
Both the more sophisticated automated snowplough systems and the
public transport bus systems in Minnesota are based on the same
technique (Alexander et al., 2005). GPS navigation is supported by
96 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

triangulation of the differential or correction signal available from three

or more base stations. Magnetic coded tape in the road surface is used
where reception is a problem. As snow ploughs may have to operate
under whiteout conditions the geometry is displayed on a head up screen.
This use requires additional driver training. For bus lane keeping, haptic
steering is the preferred mode of operation when buses use a very narrow
hard shoulder to bypass congestion on the freeway. The lane is narrow
but the driver has full visibility. Simple warning and full steering control
are the other options. Other systems that test for drowsiness may also be
used to address the run-off problem. These systems can be based on
erratic steering behaviour or on the monitoring of eye movements. First
systems are on the market which monitor the behaviour of the driver and
alert the driver when he or she does not pay sufficient attention to the
driving task. However, they will not warn against running off the road
while making phone calls or brewing coffee!
From today's operational system, it may be concluded that there is no
simple solution that works for all the lane keeping problems. On the
other hand, good solutions are technically possible, but their costs may
be prohibitive. Most important is the need for infrastructure support
which will turn out to be the decisive factor for the future. A tale of research

The work on LDWA shows an interesting historical develop-

ment of research targets. When capacity became more and more of a
problem for freeways in the Netherlands, the idea evolved of changing 3-
lane carriageways into carriageways with 4 narrower lanes. The
maximum speed would at the same time be reduced from the regular 100
or 120km/h.
The concept was based on line marking used in indoor sports halls,
where it is common to work with different colour markings for different
types of sport - a system which does not cause confusion to users.
However, the use of different colours for lane markings to indicate the 3-
and the 4-lane situation on the same carriageway was not considered
acceptable to the highway authorities. Therefore, dynamic lane marking
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 97

using LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) to show a white line was developed.
After a series of trials, in which more than one prototype failed,
operational systems became available. The first operational tests of these
LED-line markings used the hard shoulder as a traffic lane in peak hours.
In this case, to separate the hard shoulder from the 'regular' open lanes
the LED showed an uninterrupted line. When the hard shoulder could be
used as a traffic lane the LED showed a broken line instead. This
arrangement was found to work as an operational test of the use of
dynamic marking, although the idea of changing 3 lanes into 4 more
narrow lanes was not favoured by the public.
The result of the LDWA tests with truckers showed that following the
lanes was no problem provided that it was done at the officially posted
rather low maximum speed. In practice, traffic tends to drive at much
higher speeds, and that makes lane keeping in a narrow lane more
difficult and a driving burden. The two approaches to a solution would
be to either control speeds so that drivers could cope with reduced lane
width, or to adopt a technical approach to control vehicles at the higher
speeds adopted by drivers. The first is the simplest answer, but not one
adopted in an environment of technology push. However, a change from
3 regular to 4 narrow lanes could still be achieved with the help of ITS,
not in the form of LDWA, but by modern speed enforcement to restrict
traffic to the lower posted speed. ITS solutions are already available for
such enforcement. Clearly, this is a rather simplistic approach, but
illustrates the need for solutions to be driven by clear user needs rather
than by technology opportunities. VII-What's in a name?

In the USA, the IVI (Intelligent Vehicle Initiative) programme

(Hanowski et al., 2002) evolved into VII (Vehicle Infrastructure
Integration) (U.S. Department of Transportation, 2005) with the
recognition that autonomous vehicle based systems alone would not lead
to the user/system benefits available from the integration of information.
The VII plans received a boost by the acceptance of a single vehicle-
beacon concept after many years of debate about frequencies etc.
98 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

Today's VII plans centre on an arrangement where vehicles

communicate with each other as well as with beacons. The idea is that
information is exchanged between vehicles and beacons when in short
range communication reach of each other and that vehicles further pass
on information to each other so that those which are out of direct reach of
a beacon share the beacon's information. This sort of arrangement opens
up a wide range of ITS opportunities. There are several initiatives in this
area. For example, the German automotive industry successfully trialled
a hopping arrangement, a means of communicating well known in radio-
communications. These initiatives have a historic forerunner in the form
of the Pro-Net work of the PROMETHEUS project, rightly seen as one
of the major projects in ITS history. In Pro-Net the possibilities of using
communications between vehicles were studied extensively, especially
the need for timing arrangements, for positioning coding and for control

4.1.3 Issues

The concepts of advanced driver assistance and autonomous

vehicle systems, together with many of the technologies, have been
available for many years. Applications of all the functions have been
demonstrated but implementation has been slow.
Location is at the heart of all the functions, whether it is absolute
location, the relative location to other vehicles or obstacles, or location
with respect to the road network. The difficulties in bringing systems to
the market stem from the problems in ensuring accuracy of location and
reliability of that accuracy relative to the application. Thus, navigation
systems are now widespread because of the quality of GPS and map
matching systems and because the penalty of occasional system failure is
small. Where system failure introduces additional risk, the systems have
not been introduced. Therefore, key issues for further development of
systems, and the significant overall benefits which may accrue are:
(a) The extent to which fully autonomous systems can be made
fault-proof, to a level which is acceptable to users who would
purchase such systems and to governments who would legislate
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 99

to support their introduction and operation. Industry may be

able to overcome some of the problems through the develop-
ment of non public vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-roadside
systems. Such network systems could enhance various
autonomous ITS functions and would be market driven without
the need for substantial governmental funding.
(b) The extent to which infrastructure support can be used to
enhance autonomous system functions to a level which
becomes acceptably fault-proof. This introduces additional
issues of where liability lies, how joint commercial, financial
and governmental economic cases can be combined, and how
the timescales and decision processes of government and
industry can be reconciled.
(c) Ways to bring together industry and governments to enable
public and private funds, legislation, and enforcement to be
better focused on achieving a joint approach which will
encourage drivers to purchase and use systems which benefit
them as individuals and society as a whole. This will involve a
more coherent view of the ITS functions and technology needs.
Location accuracy, relative and absolute, and the use of appropriate
technologies remain key issues. ITS functions at or near implementation
are shown in Table 4 with an 'L' for those which require lane
recognition, or with an CX' for those that do not.
Note that the functions all rely on location and each has its individual
location accuracy and digital map requirements. Normal development
will produce a range of these digital maps with varying detail and
accuracy. Individual system development can make concessions on
location accuracy to keep costs low and enable progress to be made in
deploying them. By determining the requirements of each function for
location and accuracy the correct needs can be determined. The need is to
develop an agreed plan showing the priority of each function, the
accuracy required of the map, location system and the choice of
technology. By taking positive action at an early stage in the programme
to develop functions which have Government priority, it should be
100 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

possible to take advantage of the most accurate location technologies

which would then service the less demanding applications, and thereby
saving costs.

Table 4: ITS Functions at or near Implementation

Road Curvature Warning

Ambulance, Police, Fire,

Lane Departure Warning

De-icing vehicles in fog

\ Functions
c o .*!
'5 Q.
J3 O.
3 c 00
« 00
c o
.2 3 c O
CD o
T3 Q
TechnologyX < "o o tA 1 cd
o 3
2 22 c CQ o CQ
u p*

GPS with 3
Digital map
with lanes
ADAS Digital

Radar X X X
Rumble Strip
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 101

Lane Support is required for narrow bus lanes. However, for successful
application this function requires the most accuracy for both location and
maps. To achieve the required accuracy Triangulated dGPS (differential
GPS), Magnetic tape and very accurate detailed digital maps are

4.1.4 Future opportunities

From the listing of driver assistance systems it is clear that they

share the need for reliable location information as well as the need for up
to date support. (New roads will be opened, and road works can affect
the geometry on a temporary basis.) A range of technologies have been
trialled for lane keeping, the most demanding function, and working
solutions are available. Whilst these are expensive, it is anticipated that
the costs will fall rapidly with widespread use and by sharing use with
other different ITS applications. However, so far not even the use of
satellite navigation is certain, let alone the ways in which supportive
measures can assure additional location information. Differential GPS
may work well in many cases. Additional satellites may be used to
improve the GPS service as is now the case in metropolitan canyons of
Traditional maps are not and will not be designed to provide the ultimate
level of detail needed for some ITS applications, so accurate and reliable
location information must be developed separately. For example,
accurate detailed Digital Maps could be generated when white line
painting takes place if the head of the white lining machine were to be
equipped with a precision Digital Map logging system. However, testing
would be needed to gain experience and verify results against the
required performance before rollout across Europe. GIS (Geographic
Information System) information, i.e. additional information such as lane
location, maximum speed, types of curves ahead, etc., are not currently
available. Collecting and providing this information would require a joint
public/private effort. Additionally, there is also the problem of getting
information on temporary changes, both in geometry as well as in the
GIS type of information. For the many driver assistance systems an
102 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

application independent solution to these issues must be pursued if

further steps forward are to be made.
There is no consensus between the various stakeholders on the sorts of
automated or assistance systems from which they can benefit. Functional
needs should be agreed on and, as only technologies that can be shared
by different users seem to be feasible, win-win combinations of functions
and technologies must be sought This holds for the regular operations as
well as for all exceptional situations where infrastructure support is
needed and for temporary changes where communications must be
Therefore, research is needed into:
- The need for ADAS supported functionalities by the various
road operators all over Europe;
- The reliability issues and potential technologies of the various
ADAS functions in all of Europe;
- The overall system concept or architecture encompassing the
whole of ADAS to meet the liability and reliability issues;
- The deployment scheme backed by an EC policy for a coherent
set of ADAS services.
If the above-recommended research is not undertaken, efficiency and
reliability of most ADAS services will suffer; some may never get
beyond demonstration stage. This will affect transport efficiency as well
as Europe's industrial competitiveness with growing research
programmes in the USA and Japan.

4.2 Co-operative Vehicle Highway Systems

Manufacturers are continuing to develop increasingly sophisti-

cated vehicle-based systems to improve safety and support drivers.
Vehicle technologies include those for lateral and longitudinal support
and control (e.g. Adaptive Cruise Control and Lane Departure Warning)
and those for driver comfort, convenience and safety more generally (e.g.
navigation assistance, driver alertness monitoring, and journey time
monitoring). Intelligent infrastructure technologies are related
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 103

significantly to urban and interurban traffic management (e.g. UTC,

access control, ramp metering), but geometric design standards take no
account of the potential from new vehicle-based or co-operative
opportunities. Both sets of technology can and will influence factors such
as capacity, journey time, reliability and driver behaviour. Two forms of
co-operation: vehicle-vehicle and vehicle-infrastructure have been shown
to offer additional benefits to drivers and infrastructure operators
(Bishop, 2001; MacNeille and Miller, 2004). Co-operation between
vehicle and highway systems is necessary so as to:
(a) Maximise the opportunities of the various systems working
together to meet industry's market-based financial objectives,
and governments' broader social and economic objectives. (For
example, some stop-and-go systems may be integrated with
UTC systems to increase capacity and liberate road space.)
(b) Reduce the possibility of combinations of technologies working
together and with drivers in such a way as to lead to situations
where capacity or safety may be unnecessarily poorer than they
might otherwise have been or expected. (For example,
headways and associated driver behaviours with Adaptive
Cruise Control systems may result in unnecessary delay if
generally used with some ramp metering systems.)

4.2.1 Vision

In a fully co-operative vehicle/highway system, vehicle-based

technologies will work actively with highway technologies to develop
safe and efficient movements. A knowledge of vehicle locations relative
to infrastructure and/or other vehicles and ways of communicating are
crucial elements for a co-operative system.
Co-operative vehicle/highway systems offer the long-term prospect of
vehicles driving autonomously, thereby removing the risks and
inefficiencies resulting from driver performance limitations and driver-
to-driver variabilities. Co-operative systems can operate at a series of
levels, but the ultimate vision is for a driver to intervene only once at the
104 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

start of a journey to identify the desired destination. The vehicle, in co-

operation with highway systems, will then take the driver safely to the
destination. Clearly, such a vision could only be achieved in the distant
future, but there are a series of more achievable short-term scenarios
which will contribute to safety and efficiency in particular types of
location or operating conditions. What is clear is that the concept is
exciting and has attractive potential benefits for all stakeholder groups:
road users, government agencies, industry, service providers and road
Co-operation can exist at three main levels:
(a) The vehicle receives information from the highway. In this
situation the vehicle must have sufficient sensor technology to
locate itself with respect to other road users and the highway
information will enable the vehicle to 'anticipate' future
conditions. (Such conditions may relate to static information
such as road curvature or signal changes.) Magnetic or other
markers may be used for more immediate location to enhance
lane departure warning/lane keeping systems. This level of co-
operation would substantially enhance the performance of
vehicle-based systems. (Vehicle-to-vehicle communication
would also enhance vehicle-based systems, but would suffer
from inconsistent information depending on the locations of
other vehicles at the times of need. Vehicle-to-vehicle
communication would have separate benefits, particularly in
enabling the actions of vehicles ahead in the traffic stream to be
(b) The highway receives information from the vehicle. The
information may be used to supplement detector information on
flows, queues, journey times, etc. to enable the highway
operator to better manage the network through information and
control technologies. Control may operate at a local level
where knowledge of individual vehicle reactions may trigger
immediate and short-term system responses to reduce accident
risk or enhance capacity. (Advanced UTC systems such as
SCOOT and UTOPIA make such changes at present, but
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 105

detection is limited to specific measurements at certain

locations only.)
(c) Fully co-operative systems where vehicle and highway
information is exchanged for general benefit. For example, this
approach would enable the headways of vehicles approaching
an interchange to be manipulated to match metered entry flows
to achieve and maintain optimum capacity, i.e. intelligent
Other functions which vehicle/highway co-operation could perform
include intelligent access control where, for example, vehicles meeting
certain emissions standards could be given priority access.
A general outline of how development may progress is shown in
Figure 6.

Vehicle systems

Figure 6: Development of Vehicle and Highway Systems

Vehicle Systems: Each individual technology (e.g. lane

departure warning) is being developed
by the vehicle industry in isolation.
106 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

- Integrated Systems: Require the collaboration of vehicle

manufacturers and infrastructure pro-
- Infrastructure Systems: Technologies developed by highways
agencies and governments in isolation.

4.2.2 Background

A considerable amount of relevant ITS research has been

undertaken, particularly in Europe, North America and Japan. However,
until recently, the research has generally been concerned separately with
either vehicle-based technologies or highway-based technologies,
because of the different objectives, funding and decision processes, and
timescales of the stakeholder groups involved. European Framework Project results

Projects in the Framework Programmes since the late 1980s

have developed a number of relevant new ITS technologies for vehicle
and road applications. More recently the e-Safety Initiative in the 6th
Framework Programme has introduced a range of activities which are
mainly based on vehicle systems, but which include some consideration
of integration. Research and technology development projects are also
focused on safety systems and info-mobility systems or infrastructure
management, with only one project, HIGHWAY, directly overlapping
vehicle and highway systems.
Although Europe has developed a substantial knowledge base and
capability of a wide range of systems in practically all areas of ITS, the
ROSETTA project found that the focused development of individual
applications from initial research to pilots led to a situation where
subsequent synergy was not possible. The development processes were
often technology led. This is particularly identified in a lack of
integration between road infrastructure and in-vehicle systems. These
understandings helped to define 6th FP directions.
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 107

Understanding the levels of accuracy needed for a wide range of

transport applications and developing clear approaches to their
achievement is crucial to integrated systems. As part of the studies into
navigation systems carried out by ROSETTA a comprehensive table of
accuracy and reliability requirements has been developed (ROSETTA,
2004 (9)) and discussed in section 7.2.
The objective of the Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI) in the USA
(Hanowski et al., 2002), and more recently in the Vehicle Infrastructure
Integration (VII) (U.S. Department of Transportation, 2005), has been to
advance the safety, efficiency and security of the surface transportation
system, provide increased access to transportation services and reduce
fuel consumption and environmental impact.
The USA IVI programme has achieved a high level of success, with
federal targets generally reached. The work has been done with
collaborative industrial partners from the USA and Europe. The success
can be attributed to the vision and willingness of the policymakers and
the open attitude of the suppliers. The more recently announced VII
programme is beginning to gain momentum and is based on creating an
enabling communications infrastructure which will support a spectrum of
public authority and vehicle manufacturer interests. These range from
signal pre-emption/electronic charging to remote diagnostics.
Considerable emphasis is being placed on addressing the technology
foundation of spatial representation, positioning technologies/
accuracies/communications latency, strategic development partnerships
and developing leverage of the social and commercial potentials. A large
number of vehicle/highway applications have been identified and
business cases are being considered. Traditional infrastructure systems

Technology has been developed over several decades to

monitor traffic and improve network performance through information
and control systems. Detector technology is continuing to advance with
more recent emphasis on new functionalities, such as pedestrian
detection and vehicle identification, and new technology applications,
108 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

such as video based detection. Knowledge of network conditions is

increasingly used to manage traffic more efficiently through the use of
traffic signals (e.g. ramp metering and urban traffic control). In general,
infrastructure systems are policy driven, respond to demand as it occurs
on the street, and take no account of any intelligence which may be in the

4.2.3 State-of-the-art

The following are a few selected examples of ITS functions in

use today or at a very late stage of development; they represent the state-
of-the-art of infrastructure-related systems with interactive options. Individual automated passenger transport - people movers

Short distance transport systems can act as feeders for public

transport hubs. They can also make the use of vast airport parking lots
more attractive. A niche market in the transport chain is that of the fully
automated people mover. For a long time warehouses have used pick-up
robots and automated container transporters have been used at container
depots and ports. Less known is the use of similar technology for
automated vehicles in amusement parks. This technology has been
operational for more than a few years for the transport of people; the
systems have shown to be a good solution for shorter distances. Their
routes are reprogrammable; their operations are accepted and appreciated
by the public.
In general the possibilities these system could offer are little recognised
by road operators - perhaps because most of these systems come in the
form of fixed rail systems. However, free ranging versions, that only
need a magnet in the road as position confirmation, can be used as
regular vehicles on regular roads.
The Rotterdam-Capelle automated transport system uses individual
battery driven vehicles to take passengers from a public transport hub to
a central business district zone of office buildings (Parent and Gallais,
2003). The users of the automated transport system like the experience;
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 109

research shows that the passengers are extremely satisfied with the
service provided. The network has now been expanded, with the number
of vehicles as well as their carrying capacity increased. The vehicles,
known as 'hoppers', automatically charge their batteries at a loading
station. The infrastructure as well as the programming is similar to that
used in the automated container terminal in the Port of Rotterdam or for
all sorts of transport in Tokyo Disneyland. Road curve ahead warning

When driving on an unfamiliar road it is easy to go into a bend

at an excessive speed. A road curve warning system would advise the
driver of the safe speed to enter the curve ahead in time for him to reduce
speed to that level. The road curve ahead warning system requires a
digital map and a GPS system or a roadside system where GPS reception
is poor. Many demonstrations, such as during PROMETHEUS around
Gothenburg Sweden (Augello, 1991), have shown that beacons along the
road could be used to give timely warnings. This is again an example of
a function for which various infrastructure-based solutions are possible. Route Guidance

The in-vehicle route guidance systems available today use GPS

and a digital map. The very first major field trial was the LISB system in
Berlin (Sparmann, 1991) where infrared beacons were used to
communicate with vehicles and a central system was calculating the
preferred route. A few other pilots in which routes are calculated
centrally followed later on. They showed an interesting advantage over
the vehicle-based approach. Not only does the traffic management
authority get a better insight to the origin-destination patterns, but since
the service is not restricted to drivers, travellers using handheld units can
also get advice for trips by public transport as well as on foot.
All navigation systems require accurate location, but they can all be
served by one common system which must therefore be the most
accurate. More than one location system can be provided for full
110 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

coverage in difficult regions. Governments and industry should join

forces to provide a combined map and location system. Source information

Road authorities are responsible for providing good quality

marking on the roads. Painting new lines could easily be combined with
the recording of the GPS coordinates of the nozzle. Such arrangements
would gradually produce perfect map source information and is an ITS
version of providing maps.

4.2A Issues

The potentially large gains in safely and efficiency which the

more advanced co-operative vehicle/highway systems could achieve will
require a step change in the way in which industry and governments
work together. It is difficult to determine an evolutionary approach, or
one in which revenue/benefits are generated in the short term against
substantial early investments. The US approach has been to involve
technologies which have a wider market appeal; the beacon based
technologies may not of themselves deliver all the potential co-operative
vehicle/highway benefits, but market drivers may include banking and a
wide range of financial and other transaction opportunities. The current
CVHS study in the UK is focused on the development of outline business
cases (Crawford, 2003).
Many of the benefits of co-operative systems will accrue to the society
more generally as economic benefits from accident and congestion
reduction. At present, there is no mechanism to bring together the
economic benefits to governments with the market driven financial
benefits to industry. This may be best addressed by trying to understand
what business cases are required by the various stakeholders, and to
identify the research needed to populate these business cases to enable
decisions to be made. Inevitably, whatever the scale and quality of the
research inputs, decisions will require more general commitment to the
vision, but this process is poorly understood. The RDS/TMC system
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 111

which has been implemented across Europe is a much simpler

system/concept, yet took considerable time to negotiate.
Research issues for which there are no currently agreed answers include:
- How far can in-vehicle systems, designed to give the driver
comfort and improved safety, be influenced to support the
broader objectives of overall efficiency and safety?
- How can infrastructure-based systems be made more efficient
by understanding the needs and capabilities of the driver with
an understanding of in-vehicle systems?
- How can the promised efficiency, safety and environmental
benefits of combined in-vehicle and infrastructure systems,
including vehicle-to-vehicle communications, be realised?
- How best do we define common objectives, evaluation
procedures and development path?
- To what extent can a combination of integrated in-vehicle and
out of vehicle systems lead to modified driver behaviour more
- How will the new satellite systems affect the quality and
availability of GPS location and what are the long-term
development pathways for vehicle communications?
- What facilities and special requirements are needed at
interchanges to allow for multimodal operations and access
control to motorways?
- How important is European collaboration?

4.2.5 Future opportunities

Recommended research actions are as follows:

- Research to validate benefits suggested by early simulation
studies concerning the inter-relationship between improved
driver comfort and increased network efficiency;
112 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

- Research towards understanding the impacts of ADAS on

drivers and driver behaviour and how this can be adapted to a
beneficial network model;
- Develop a long-term strategy with agreed goals to merge the
independent development of systems to support the driver and
infrastructure systems required by authorities;
- Research into the new assessment methodologies required to
understand the true cost-benefits of driver assistance devices
that are likely to change the way we drive;
- Research into the behavioural changes from external speed
enforcement combined with in-vehicle systems, which may
have a wide impact on safety, capacity and the environment;
- Research to help to identify the most suitable technologies and
systems architecture for vehicle-vehicle and vehicle-roadside
communication for direct vehicle control applications;
- Research to assist network operators to realise interchanges that
allow for freight, public transport and private transport
operations, interacting directly with the motorway network;
- Research into standardisation.
EU collaboration will be key to the successful implementation of most if
not all of these activities.

4.3 Human Machine Interaction

4.3.1 Vision

Intelligent Transport Systems have the potential to save

thousands of lives on European roads as well as improving our
environment and economic performance while also making travel more
efficient and enjoyable. In this vision, technology can be used to support
drivers and other travellers in all their pre-trip and within-trip activities
through straightforward, safe and effective processes of interactions.
However, ITS can also be part of the problem if poorly designed, so
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 113

human factors and the design of human-machine interaction is critical in

ensuring that there are not new hazards for drivers and other road users.
To support the vision of the benefits that can be achieved through ITS
three strategic aspects need to be addressed:
(a) Ensuring that information and communication systems do not
create new safety problems. Essentially, the issue is concerned
with driver distraction and overload. The use of in-vehicle
equipment, including mobile communications devices, PCs, e-
mail and Internet, needs to be carefully studied. Widespread
deployment should not take place until the problems of poor
human-machine interaction have been solved. One specific
measure is to develop the EU 'Statement of Principles on HMT
to include an assessment process to ensure that only those
systems complying with the principles are installed within
vehicles. In parallel, users (and this includes employers and
hire companies as well as drivers themselves) of both installed
and 'nomadic' devices need to be better informed concerning
the risks and suitable enforcement measures developed. Work
is underway through the eSafety initiative but there is a dearth
of underpinning research to validate the link between human
and system characteristics and safety.
(b) Ensuring that Driver Assistance Systems (DAS) with the largest
expected benefits are given greatest prominence. Assistance
systems that automate some aspect of the driving task have the
greatest potential (if properly designed) to optimise the driver's
interaction with the road environment and hence lead to
dramatic road safety improvements. Ongoing research and
evaluation of early systems is needed to identify and validate
expected safety improvements. Examples of systems expected
to offer particular benefit include those that help the driver
manage speed (intelligent speed adaptation), ensure seat belt
wearing and avoid impaired driving (e.g. caused by alcohol,
drugs or fatigue). Such systems need to be thoroughly
researched and promoted including technical issues such as
114 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

robustness and fail-safe modes, and human issues of acceptabil-

ity and behavioural adaptation.
(c) Ensuring that driver assistance systems coming to the market
do not create new safety problems. Ideally, commercial DAS
are matched to user needs and expectations, but this is not
completely possible because of technical and economic factors
and any mismatch raises potential safety issues. Research is
therefore needed to understand these human issues (mental
models and expectations) and to develop mitigation strategies
such as driver information and education.

4.3.2 State-of-the-art In-vehicle ergonomics and distraction

Advances in vehicle instrumentation are driven by customer

demand, the desire of manufacturers to add value, and by technology
which offers increasingly sophisticated and cost-effective options.
According to ARC Group's Automotive & Freight Telematics Strategic
Report (ARC Website) the world market for in-vehicle telematics
systems was forecast to grow to more than 50 million units by 2005.
Emerging new services include location-based and navigation services,
logistics and fleet management, information services and office
applications. Multimedia and entertainment services are predicted to be
among the highest value applications.
In-vehicle information and communication systems can assist, for
example, with pre-journey and on-trip planning, bringing benefits in
terms of better use of the road network. They can reduce uncertainty and
stress, thus calming drivers and potentially contributing to safety.
However, poorly designed systems could adversely affect driver
behaviour, and hence safety, by distracting attention from the driving
task. Also, if they supply inaccurate, untimely or misleading information
they could prompt a driver to take inappropriate action, thus endangering
themselves or other road users.
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 115

There are a number of 'vehicles' that are used to contain information

about HMI design and assessment, distilled from research studies and
other co-operative agreements. These include published material such as
papers and books, international standards, Codes of Practice, type
approval and other laws. The style and content vary but in general one of
three approaches is adopted:
- Design approach - e.g. manuals, text books;
- Process of development or assessment;
- Performance measurement (performance of the system or of the
user or both). Recent and current EU research

EC projects, since the beginning of the Framework pro-

grammes, have been tackling HMI as a 'horizontal' activity with projects
such as STAMMI, HARDIE, HOPES, EMMIS, and GEM. There have
also been projects concentrating on the special HMI needs of elderly and
disabled drivers (e.g. TELAID and EDDIT) and projects aimed at
detecting driver impairment such as SAVE. More recently, HMI
activities have been undertaken within individual projects such as UDC,
LACOS, ITS-WAP and COMMUNICAR. From all this work, a better
appreciation has been gained of the advantages and disadvantages of
HMI assessment techniques and of the importance of driver attitudes and
In the 5th Framework Programme the European Commission and the
different project partners have spent over 250 million Euros on more than
80 research projects that are related to the ROSETTA work areas.
Specifically, work has been undertaken in the field of Human-Machine
Interface and an overview of relevant 5th FP projects is shown in Table 5.
The presented areas are derived from Deliverable 6 of the ROSETTA
116 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

Table 5: Relevant 5th FP research activities

Area Project
Telematics in public transport ITSWAP
In-vehicle ergonomics and distraction HASTE
Driver assistance systems ADVISORS
Influencing behaviour ROADSENSE Standards

Standards are 'Documented agreements containing technical

specifications or other precise criteria to be used consistently as rules,
guidelines or definitions of characteristics, to ensure that materials,
products, processes and services are fit for their purpose.'
HMI standards for ITS products are being developed in parallel with the
technology and market introduction. They involve the interaction of
drivers with in-vehicle equipment and therefore are rather different from
those concerning, for example, communication protocols or databases.
There are three main approaches to standardisation; procedure, design
and performance. Procedural standards concern the process of doing
something and may say little about what is actually done within the
process. Examples are ISO 9000 and ISO TS16949. These concern
quality and processes to deliver consistent performance and organisations
can be externally audited for compliance. Design standards specify
principles and features appropriate to a product. There may be options
within it or minimum criteria. An example is the gearshift patterns for
automatic gearbox passenger vehicles. Performance standards require the
specification of performance of equipment or of users in relation to use
of the equipment.
Performance standards are favoured by manufacturers as they can specify
'what' has to be achieved (to comply with the standard) without
specifying exactly 'how' it has to be brought about. In the area of
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 117

interaction with in-vehicle equipment, the research base on which to

agree human performance criteria is not well established. HMIprinciples and guidelines

European statement of principles

In December 1999 the European Commission adopted the
European 'Statement of Principles' (ESoP) in acknowledgement of the
importance of the Human Machine Interaction (HMI) for in-vehicle
telematics. The principles apply to information and communication
systems that are intended for use while driving. The principles apply to
these systems whether they are directly related to the driving task or not.
They also apply to both portable and permanently installed systems, both
original equipment manufacturers and after market systems, and for all
road vehicle types.
The EC principles cover aspects of overall system design, installation,
information presentation, interaction with displays and controls, system
behaviour and information provided about the system. The interactions
between multiple in-vehicle devices and issues relating to multiple in-
vehicle systems such as consistency and compatibility are not covered by
the ESoP; nor are speech input and output interfaces.
The European motor manufacturing industry has formally declared its
intention to follow the principles and Member States have been invited
by the EC to study its impacts.
AAM American statement of principles
In July 2000, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administra-
tion (NHTSA) held a public meeting to address growing concern over
motor vehicle crashes and driver use of cellular telephones. During this
meeting the industry was challenged by NHTSA to respond to this rising
concern. As a consequence, the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers
are developing a 'best practices' document to address safety aspects of
interactions with in-vehicle information and communication systems and
the AAM American Statement of Principles was developed based on the
ESoP. Members of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers (AAM)
118 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

made a formal commitment to design and test future telematics devices

in accordance with the guidelines.
The most recently published guidelines (2002) include some
performance criteria and verification procedures. Although many of the
AAM guidelines are based on well-documented installation and location
principles, the information presentation guidelines have been criticised
for being elusive as they involve quantifying driver behaviour and
performance. The use of the AAM Statement of Principles by system
manufacturers and designers in the US has not yet been assessed as
development of the guidelines and assessment procedures are ongoing.
Comparison of EC SoP and AAM guidelines or principles
The AAM and EC Statement of Principles (SoP) do not differ
greatly, although some changes, additions and exclusions have been
made for the AAM. The main difference between the EC SoP and the
AAM SoP is that the AAM principles take a further step by providing
criteria and verification procedures by which to assess a system on most
A further difference is that the AAM excludes audible vocal interfaces
whereas the EC SoP includes such systems.
The AAM SoP also words some guidelines differently. In some cases the
wording is changed slightly for clarity. In many cases the same guideline
as presented in the EC SoP has additional explanatory text, again to
clarify issues or include further issues. For example, additions are made
in the section considering hands-free equipment. AAM additions are
included for push-to-talk systems and to address concerns related to
hands-free headsets, such as drivers donning headsets whilst driving.
Japanese guidelines
The Japanese Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA)
produced a set of guidelines for In-vehicle Display Systems in 2000. The
document includes guidelines on display location, display requirements
whilst the vehicle is in motion, operational requirements whilst the
vehicle is in motion and software provided by third parties.
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 119

More recently the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

organised a committee in 2001 to make a regulation to ensure the safety
of navigation systems. The result of this was the production of general
HMI guidelines which refer to the JAMA guidelines and the European
Statement of Principles. The quantitative guideline proposed for
'Interaction of Display and Operation' describes the display and control
locations, the display requirements while the vehicle is in motion and
operational requirements while the vehicle is in motion. It also includes a
specific method to assess visual distraction.
The National Police Agency (NPA) has established a guideline that no
television or e-mail facility should be operational and accessible to the
driver whilst the vehicle is in motion. Further, the National Police
Agency and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport organised
a Traffic Information Consortium (TIC) to discuss the provision of high
quality information, the promotion of the participation of private
companies and the development of new technologies. The TIC proposal
relates to safety issues, proposing that rules are necessary for private
companies to ensure traffic safety. For example, keeping information
accurate, prohibiting unsafe navigation and ensuring safe HMI and
information. eSafety

The eSafety Forum was established by the Commission (DG

Information Society) in close collaboration with the industry, industrial
associations and public sector stakeholders to look at both safety and
market issues in the implementation of driver information and assistance
systems as a contribution to European road safety improvement targets.
In November 2002 the final report of the eSafety working group on road
safety was published containing 28 recommendations (European
Commission, 2002).
The eSafety steering group established a working group on HMI to
tackle the important issue of driver interaction with on-board devices
such that HMI does not become a barrier to deployment.
120 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

The HMI working group presented its draft recommendations at a

Brussels workshop in June 2004 (eSafety website). In outline, these
- New Regulations for nomadic devices concerning physical
construction and secure vehicle fixing;
- Increased co-operation between vehicle and system
- Service providers to develop 'Safety Agreement' concerning
presented information;
- Fleet owners and employers to be reminded of their
responsibilities for health and safety;
- Authorities responsible for dissemination of HMI guidelines,
consumer information, monitoring and enforcement;
- Authorities to seek self-commitment of nomadic providers to
the European Statement of Principles on HMI (ESoP).
Concerning the principles themselves, it was noted that the EC will write
a communication on the ESoP and HMI at the end of 2004, and three
additional recommendations were made by the Working Group:
- Develop ESoP to include 'Post-Manufacture' issues of use by
employers, hire companies and drivers;
- Explore commonality with the AAM guidelines in the United
States and the Japanese approaches;
- Better dissemination and monitoring of ESoP is required. Mobile telephones

Most countries currently deal with legislation for mobile

phones separately from other In-Vehicle Information Systems (IVIS).
However, agreement on common legislation for mobile phones has not
been reached. Different approaches to legislation of mobile phones
whilst driving exist, both internationally and even within the Member
States of the EC and the US. In some countries and states the hand-held
mobile phone is banned. In other countries both hand-held and hands-
free mobile phones are banned. In some countries mobile phones are not
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 121

banned whilst driving, but are considered to be covered by dangerous

driving laws. Finally, in some countries mobile phone use whilst driving
is not addressed at all by legislation.
One view is that it is a reasonable restriction to ban hand-held mobile
phones; another is that such a ban does not address cognitive distraction.
A further argument is that singling out specific technologies for
regulation is not the correct approach and that mobile phones should be
covered by the same legislation as that provided for all other IVIS.
This is a dynamic area and one where interpretation of the exact situation
is difficult or controversial in some countries (ROSPA, 2002).

4.3,2.7 Assessment methods and assessment variables

Assessment methods use environments within which data is

captured. Example environments include mathematical simulations,
driving simulators and test tracks. Assessment methods also use tools to
obtain data. Example tools include video recorders, eye trackers and
questionnaires and the data generated using tools is processed to yield
The principal relevant characteristics of assessment methods and the
variables produced are:
- Validity - extent to which the variable is diagnostic for the
concept being investigated;
- Reliability - reproducibility of measurements over time;
- Sensitivity - ability to measure small changes in a variable.
In addition to validity, reliability and sensitivity the choice of an
assessment method will be influenced by other practical factors including
the cost and availability of environments and tools, and the time and
effort required for data gathering and processing. Methods for assessing
the performance and safety of a system's HMI may be categorised into
three levels as in Figure 7.
122 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

Level 1 Accident Analysis Q
Q i
i k

1 Level 2 1
Critical Incidents |

/ / \ \

Level 3

Driving Task Behavioural

Performance Adaptation \ r

Figure 7: Three-level assessment method categorisation

Moving from level 1 to level 3 is associated with an increase in
sensitivity but a decrease in validity. General points about assessment

There appears to be a lot of knowledge about how to undertake

human factors assessment, but there is also a wide variation in what is
done and how it is reported. Some commonality would be extremely
useful and the following key points provide basic guidance:
- Evaluations should be done with Human Factors experts and
IVIS end users. The end users should be experienced drivers
who are familiar with the system;
- Both male and female drivers and the young and elderly should
be tested. A minimum often people should be tested;
- Preliminary desktop and driving simulator evaluations are often
necessary to identify serious safety and usability concerns
before systems can be tested in real situations;
- Checklists are a useful preliminary tool for expert assessment.
- Full evaluation ultimately requires road tests;
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 123

- Comparisons should be made in driving behaviour with and

without a new system. Any significant degradation in perform-
ance when driving with the system should be a concern.
- A useful categorisation of test methods is:
- Measure the driver;
- Measure the vehicle;
- Measure interaction with the system. Driver assistance systems

In-vehicle systems, such as Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)

and collision warning are described by manufacturers as providing
'driver assistance', the implication being that the driver remains
responsible for safely manoeuvring the vehicle.
The implicit assumption is that the driver is part of the road/vehicle
system and will interact in certain ways in response to the road
environment and to the technical system. However, unlike quality
assured production items, the variability encountered is quite large.
For driver assistance systems to be used efficiently and effectively,
certain basic human factors requirements need to be achieved. These
include reliability over time and with regard to external influences,
robustness in case of a system malfunction or misuse, perceptibility of
the human-machine interface, comprehensibility and predictability of
system functionality, and controllability in all situations.
In addition, there needs to be consideration of 'foreseeable misuse'. This
recognises that drivers are human and do not always behave as instructed
or expected. With regard to traffic safety it is important to know what
risk the individual driver is willing to accept. Underwood et al. (1993)
consider the compensatory process that takes place in reaction to the
introduction of safety measures. Using drivers' motivations (other than
safety), as well as expected accident cost, their model determines the
expected benefit of a safety measure. Based on the assumption that the
aim of road users in making a trip is to maximise the benefit of the
action, risk compensation is posited to occur as road users respond to
124 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

changes in the system. This response ultimately ensures that their

personal needs are achieved.
It is therefore necessary to examine the extent to which the systems are
assumed to be 'beneficial to safety' and the probability of risk
compensation as reflected in risky behaviour. Apart from an increase in
dangerous driving manoeuvres, such behaviour can also be reflected in
'testing of the limits' or 'risk seeking'. One other important aspect of
misuse is the intentional use of a system beyond its known system
boundaries. In general, it should be noted that risk and misuse potential
of driver assistance systems should always be limited to a minimum by

4.3.3 Issues

There appears to be a consensus that distraction is an important

issue relating to in-vehicle systems. However, there is little legislation
concerning IVIS for most countries, although there are 'guidelines'
contained in the Statement of Principles. The effectiveness of the
guidelines has only been assessed in a few countries and
recommendations given for future developments differ between those
countries. There is a consensus that more research and development is
needed to produce better criteria for the principles and that there is a need
for international co-ordination and agreement.
One exception to this is the area of mobile phones where agreement on
the extent of cognitive distraction does not seem to have been reached.
Different approaches to legislation of mobile phones whilst driving exist,
both internationally and even within the Member States of the EC and
the US, as noted earlier.
Clearly there would be a benefit in having a common approach to mobile
phones as with IVIS. This would be particularly beneficial for users as
this would dispel confusion when travelling across state borders or into
different countries.
The question remains as to whether hands-free mobile phones are really
better than hand-held. A number of research studies have found the
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 125

cognitive distraction imposed by mobile phone conversations to degrade

driving performance and further research is needed in this area.
Debate exists as to what the best approach is to take in terms of
guidelines and legislation for IVIS. There is a view that all IVIS should
be legislated for together, therefore mobile phone legislation should not
be separate. However, it is difficult not to be technology specific as
different issues are related to each separate technology.

43.4 Future opportunities

Understanding user needs and the process of diffusion of new

systems into the market is vital. Focus groups, etc. have a part to play,
but future users may not have a good perception of their needs for new
services. Future needs and wants have to be discerned and implied from
developments in society. In particular, it should be noted that different
user groups will have different needs.
Manufacturers are very active in developing and marketing ITS/
telematics applications that will provide enormous increases in the
functionality available to drivers. There is great excitement concerning
how these systems might enhance the driving experience but safety and
human factors efforts lag behind electronics development. In particular,
driver distraction needs to be tackled if accidents and a tarnished public
image of certain products are to be avoided.
In the area of interaction with in-vehicle equipment (both driver
information and driver assistance) the research base on which to develop
widely agreed performance standards is not well established. However, it
is likely to be possible to agree a number of general rules. In the long
term, the most effective means of minimising risk to drivers will be
through improved product design.
Development of general design principles and Codes of Practice covering
the design process are probably more effective and flexible ways of
promoting good HMI design than through standards and legislation
(although the different approaches all have strengths and weaknesses).
126 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

It is relatively easy to draw up lists of 'research needs' in HMI but

different organisations and actors will have different perspectives on the
priorities. Particular areas to highlight could be standardisation of testing
methods, better information on 'normal* driving and research into
workload managers to avoid driver overload. Clearly, there is much work
to be done.
Practical assessments of existing products often identify systems and
situations where insufficient attention has been paid to the variability in
human performance in the design or use of the HMI. Key stakeholders,
therefore, still need to be better informed concerning HMI and safe in-
vehicle interactions. More work needs to be done to engage and
influence manufacturers and employers, as well as drivers.

4.4 Emergency Response

4.4.1 Vision

Whatever the safety impacts of ITS, there will always be road

traffic accidents resulting from human or technology failings. In the most
severe crashes, people may be killed or seriously injured and rapid
medical response can substantially increase the likelihood of survival and
reduce the long term effects of injury. The so-called 'Golden Hour' rule
(confirmed by studies made in the STORM project in Germany) claims
that the lives of between 20-40 % of seriously injured people can be
saved if they receive hospital care within 60 minutes of an accident. The
probability of survival is further increased if first aid is given at the site
of the accident before transport to hospital (in the 'Golden Ten
Minutes'). Recent analyses in Europe have estimated that the use of
telematics can reduce the reaction and intervention time to emergency
calls by as much as 30 %, and that emergency calls generated
automatically from vehicles can increase the probability of survival in
the case of road accidents by 15 % (ERTICO, 1997).
The vision for emergency response is that the location of an accident and
an indication of severity is automatically sent to the emergency services
so as to trigger a response for a more timely and effective treatment of
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 127

casualties. In addition to medical services, quicker response by police

and breakdown services will generally lead to reduced delays to other
traffic. Also, such systems may be personal rather than vehicle based and
be used to develop a wider range of medical and related response

4.4.2 State-of-the-art

Over the last decade, a series of research projects and field

trials carried out in both the United States and Europe have provided
good insight into the fundamental technical, legal and organisational
requirements of emergency call support for road users. In Europe, a
legislative basis has now been laid down, and efforts are being made
towards the achievement of a harmonised system which is operable in all
Member States.
The potential of ITS applications in the management of emergency calls
was first raised in the 1990s in the USA. The benefit of automating
information flows connected with road accidents was brought to the
attention of the ITS world at the National Conference for Rural IVHS at
Keystone, Colorado in February 1993, and triggered a series of field
tests. Research carried out in the United States

One of the first operational tests was the Colorado Mayday

project, led by the Colorado DOT (Department of Transportation). Its
aim was to:
- Create an organisational infrastructure that would co-ordinate
the activities of the many agencies, public and private, that
need to co-operate in an emergency response network;
- Define a standard communication link between the vehicle and
the control centre;
- Reduce the overall cost of the system to a level low enough for
the average consumer.
128 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

The last goal, especially, led to useful insight into the way GPS
information could be used. This project was concluded in 1998.
The Washington State 'Puget Sound Help Me' (PuSHMe) project tested
the possibilities of using pager and cellular phone technologies in
combination with GPS. Systems with and without voice link were tested.
This project finished in 1999.
The Automated Collision Notification Project was a New York State
Mayday project that focused on the technical capability. It integrated
crash sensors to help trauma teams assess the required Emergency
Medical Services (EMS).
A Minnesota-based project, Mayday Plus, which finished in 2000, tested
a state-wide emergency response infrastructure, as well as resolving
jurisdictional issues and concluded that the processing of emergency
calls can be extremely complicated.
Between 1995 and 1999, a Multi-Jurisdictional Mayday (MJM) group
was active as a forum for critical analysis and information exchange on
the risks, barriers and opportunities associated with Mayday deployment.
It represented the needs of public and private sector response agencies in
the Mayday arena, with particular emphasis on standards and systems'
functional requirements.
One of the important conclusions of the field trials carried out in the
USA was that the many different types of Mayday situation could all
benefit from improved notification systems, and in particular an increase
in the speed with which information is relayed to the emergency services.
Further analysis led to the suggestion that the architecture for dealing
with road accident emergencies could be very similar to that for
emergencies involving the transport of hazardous goods. For inland
waterborne traffic, such notification arrangements have already been
developed in Europe, and joint future development is foreseen.
Extensive field trials in the USA showed also that a direct video link
between the EMS crew in the field and the Trauma Centre could improve
the quality of response. Satellite connections were used in these trials,
but this is a costly solution. Two alternatives emerged from these trials.
Simple Polaroid pictures of the victims still in the crashed position can
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 129

give a trauma team valuable information about possible injuries, but the
latest mobile phones with cameras offer a simple and cheap opportunity
to give a Trauma Centre the crash pictures it needs. Here technology
development came just in time with a good solution.
In line with the approach advocated by, amongst others, the European
Commission and USDOT, the aim in the United States has been to
develop an open architecture able to deal with emergencies relating to a
wide range of different situations, including radiation accidents, chemical
and oil spillage, forest fires, mountain and cliff rescue, maritime search
and rescue, medical help for the elderly, and rail incidents as well as road
accidents. The emergency notification procedure for all of these could
therefore have a common basic architecture, but with additional
'information blocks' for each specific type of application.
A further conclusion was that the procedures adopted for dealing with
road accidents must take into account the implications of different types
of call, i.e. calls for help made both manually (via fixed or cell phones)
and automatically (generated from the vehicle), Good Samaritan calls
made by third persons and providing 'secondary' notification of an
incident, as well as calls made to private service operators for roadside
- The system for the management of emergency calls regarding
road accidents should be part of a more general system
covering many different types of emergency;
- The underlying architecture should be open and flexible;
- In developing such a system, account must be taken of calls
made both manually and automatically, as well as Good
Samaritan calls and service calls.

4A.2.2 Research and consultations carried out in Europe

In Europe, the process which led to the definition of the legal

aspects of the emergency calls service began in 1991 with Decision
91/396/EEC which established that a single emergency call number, 112,
130 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

should be adopted throughout Europe. This was followed up with

Directive 98/10/EC of 26 February 1998, requiring Member States to put
this number into operation.
In subsequent years a series of European projects, studies and other
initiatives have systematically examined the issues involved in
automating the process of making and processing emergency calls from
vehicles. They have subsequently made recommendations to the
European Commission regarding the various organisational, technical
and regulatory aspects involved and in some cases also carried out pilot
CGALIES (Co-ordinating Group for Access to Location Information by
Emergency Services) was an EC-initiated 1ST programme (2000-2002)
which included representatives of the telecoms industry and sought to
reach consensus before the legislation became effective. It carried out a
detailed examination of the technologies available for the location of the
origin of 112 calls, and made recommendations regarding policies for the
application and implementation of the basic infrastructure of the e-112
system ('Enhanced 112').
The EC 5th Framework Programme E-MERGE project, part of the
INFSO programme, ran from 2002-2004 and had the aim of harmonising
solutions at the European level for the management of emergency calls
made automatically from road vehicles equipped with onboard devices. It
sought in particular to resolve problems relating to emergency calls made
in border regions.
The 1ST project, AIDER (2001-2004), worked on the development of on-
board equipment providing automatic incident detection and
communication with emergency centres.
A further European initiative, eSafety, was launched in 2002 to promote
the development of integrated 'intelligent systems' for road safety. A
discussion forum and work groups were set up to promote and monitor
the creation and implementation of such systems. A Steering Group was
instituted with the task of producing a functional European model for the
management of emergency calls by the end of 2003. This focused on
vehicle-based applications, but also considered other related
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 131

developments (and hence also non-vehicle applications using the same

The aim of the LOCUS project is to provide the EC with support and
expertise regarding the definition of a Location Based Emergency
Service in Europe, taking into account the user needs, institutional issues,
technology issues, markets and need for convergence with other
A 6th FP 1ST project, RESCUE, a subproject of the Integrated Project,
GST, which began in 2004, is focusing on the problem of automatically
assessing the type of emergency involved, and forwarding this
information to trauma centres and the emergency vehicles involved. A
routeing system will then ensure that other road users are warned of the
approach of an emergency vehicle.
In successive stages, these projects have been able to contribute, and are
still contributing, to the definition of an architecture which will permit
the complete end-to-end management of emergency calls in Europe for
both vehicle and non-vehicle applications. Requirements for an e-112 System

Ideally any e-112 system should be capable of the following services:

- Provide accurate location information:
All emergency services and others who need to reach the site of
an accident must have sufficiently accurate location data to
know unambiguously where to go and also the best way of
getting there, since routeing information which takes into
account real-time traffic conditions is available.
- Distinguish different types ofmayday call:
When an automated 112 emergency call is received by the
PSAP (Public Service Answering Point), it should be able to
distinguish immediately between the different types of system,
e.g. whether it comes from a private car, a vehicle carrying
hazardous materials, or is a personal Mayday service call. It is
also possible to recognise Good Samaritan calls.
132 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

Not only will e-112 offer services to drivers, similar systems

will be available to monitor hazardous goods transport, hikers
in distress, to serve maritime transport and also to support
elderly people needing to get in touch with their 'home base'.
- Know whether, and what kind of, medical assistance is
This is possible either through direct voice contact with a
medical expert at the PSAP, or via a conference call service set
up with a trauma centre. In any case, the caller always has a
voice link connection in the case of a 112 call.
- Identify the caller's phone number or network:
This makes it possible for contact to be re-established with the
caller when necessary. For cellular phones, this information
will be available automatically, so the PSAP can forward it to
the other emergency services involved.
- Language support:
For calls involving foreign drivers, conference calls will be set
up by the PSAP with a service provider to permit translation
when there is a language problem.
For vehicle-based systems, the following additional information is also
- Vehicle identification:
Information is available not only on the licence plate and
country where the vehicle is registered, assisting in the
identification of the persons involved, but also on the type and
colour of the vehicle, thereby helping the rescue teams find the
vehicle rapidly.
- Number of persons involved:
This information is available in some cases from a special
onboard passenger-counting device, a webcam or mobile
device in the vehicle, and can help the trauma centres plan
ambulance services effectively when no voice contact can be
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 133

- Crash/impact data:
Information from in-vehicle devices provide details which help
the field response staff and PSAP know what kind of service is
required and type of injuries. It includes crash type and severity
(indication of rollover and principle direction of force), axis of
acceleration, time-histories for the entire crash, and final
resting position of the vehicle. Handling of the calls

E-l 12 services will form a part of the system that also offers
general personalised services such as 'yellow page information', route
guidance and car maintenance. These systems may be marketed as part
of the car manufacturers' range of services. Non-emergency calls in such
systems will be handled by call centres. In the case of an emergency call,
the call will go directly to the PSAP like all calls from dedicated e-l 12
systems. The service provider may have a party-line listen-in facility.
The procedure for the management of manual or automatically generated
emergency calls made from vehicles is as follows:
- The emergency call generated automatically by the onboard
system (IVS) is sent to the PSAP through the voice channel e-
112. It is composed of two elements: one voice and one data
component, supplying the minimum set of data (MSD) required
to respond to the call, both though the same voice channel.
- The mobile telephone operator, responsible for sending the call
to the most appropriate PSAP, adds further information
concerning the CLI (Caller Line Identification) and the location
data generated by the telephone network.
- If the driver subscribes to a private service, a second message is
sent from the vehicle including extra data sent to the Service
Provider who interprets the contents and provides additional
static data (e.g. details of the driver, medical data, contract
information, etc.). In this case the PSAP can interrogate the
134 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

Service Provider to obtain this additional information and

complete the background on the emergency.
- For a foreign vehicle, if the driver subscribes to a private
service and requires language support, the PSAP can establish a
'conference call' between the driver and the Service Provider to
permit the necessary translation.
Note that for hazardous goods transport the haulier might be the service
centre contacted, while for elderly person support the home base may
take that role.
An example of a system for emergency call support designed specifically
for heavy trucks is the Volvo Action Service. A driver in difficulty calls
the number on the Action Service card and is connected to one of two
emergency-assistance centres (in Gent in Belgium or Rugby in England).
These centres are open 24 hours a day, every day of the year and can
handle most European languages. The operator notes down the necessary
facts about the vehicle and its problem. The operator can call up the
vehicle's entire technical specification on a computer terminal. The exact
location of the vehicle is identified with the help of a stored sequence of
the latest GPS fixes from the vehicle and marked on a sophisticated
mapping system. Appropriate rescue action is then taken.
Another example of a specific use of e-112 is the service for forest
workers in Sweden. Their e-112 system includes an emergency button on
their left shoulder and an emergency call gets them in touch with the
Swedish PSAP: SOS-Alarm. European directives

Recommendations made to the European Commission by the

various research projects and initiatives have led to the formulation of a
series of directives which lay down a regulatory basis for emergency call
management in Europe. The most important are the following:
- The Universal Service Directive, 2002/22/EC, requires mobile
telephone service operators to make available information
relating to the location of emergency callers to the authorities
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 135

involved in the management of emergency services. To make

this possible, an exception to Directive 2002/58/EC, protecting
the privacy of electronic communications, was stipulated for
organisations involved in the emergency management,
including medical services and the fire brigade;
Directive C(2003) 2657 of 25/07/2003, which recommends that
this procedure be adopted for all calls made to the single
European emergency number 112. It required telephone
operators to automatically forward to the emergency service
managers information on the location of any calls made to a
PSAP. For a transitory period, such information may however
be sent to the centre on request. A key aspect of this recom-
mendation is that Member States are required to adopt a
common interface, with a common flexible protocol that will
allow adaptation to any new requirements dictated by future
developments. It is proposed that the protocol should be that
defined by ETSI on the basis of the specifications provided by
OCG-EMTEL ('Ad-Hoc Group on Emergency Telecommuni-
Further Directives and standards are planned. Draft standards on location
referencing are expected in 2006. The implementation of e-112 will then
be evaluated and new legislation drafted if necessary. With regard to
location referencing, a considerable amount of standardisation work is
going on already, e.g. LIF, Agora, Nexmap, GTP, GSP rescue.
Research and pilot trials by European and national projects have enabled
important progress to be made with regard to the technical problems and
questions of procedure. For example, an important procedural step
regards the definition (produced by the E-MERGE project) of the MSD -
minimum set of data - required to be able to respond effectively to
automatically generated emergency calls. This consists of the following
- 'When' the emergency occurred;
- 'Where' it occurred, the location of the vehicle on the GPS
satellite network (position and direction of movement of the
136 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

- 'Who is involved', a description of the vehicle from which the

call was generated;
- 'Who can provide further information', through the
identification of a Service Provider with whom the driver has a
- 'What help is needed', the 'seriousness' of the emergency, and
the type of call, i.e. whether automatic or manual and, in the
former case, which sensors have generated it.
Note: it was expected that the information on the vehicle occupants'
identity would be also useful for trauma centres, but since rapid 100 %
reliable checks on automatically generated data are not possible (and as
the centres cannot take the risk that the IDs are not correct), it is assumed
that standard procedures will be adopted for dealing with unidentified
patients, involving the use of photo identification.

4A.3 Issues Location Referencing

Accurate location reference information is required by all

parties that need to be directed to the site of the caller. If precise location
is not available immediately, it is helpful for the PSAP if a rough
position can be derived, followed as rapidly as possible by accurate
Until now, the 'best technology' for achieving this has not yet been
defined. Although latitude and longitude co-ordinates give good enough
accuracy for most non-vehicle incidents, it is not sufficient for locating
road accidents. On many highways, it is necessary to know which
carriageway is involved, and this requires direction of travel information.
For a vehicle which has crashed into the median barrier, accurate
infrastructure-based location referencing without direction of travel is
very difficult, if not impossible to use. Incorrect information leads to
unacceptable extra access time for emergency vehicles.
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 137

The required information can easily be provided by the caller's phone if

it was working when the accident happened. In this case, agreement is
needed on how to code the information. This can be deduced from a
sequence of GPS fixes when the caller is actually driving, but will not be
the case when the caller has crashed and needs help. It must therefore be
assumed that either information on the direction of travel is given by the
caller, or is derived. This could be done automatically by adding
direction information or by storing GPS fixes every minute and
providing the actual position plus the latest stored fix. If this solution is
chosen, again an agreement is needed on the format of the information.
In the case of on-board GPS location facilities, the unit must be operating
continuously in order to avoid a long start-up delay when a call needs to
be made. With mobile communication needing to be hands-free in more
and more countries, this should not pose a problem. Furthermore tests
have shown that a general solution was needed to solve the problem of
accident black spots where insufficient GPS information was available.
From the Mayday tests, the suggested solution is to use the last GPS fix
and the direction of travel information.
For manual calls made via landlines, rough location given by the first
digits of the caller's number will be sufficient, while for mobile calls, the
cell-ID represent one possible acceptable technical solution. In remote
areas, satellite telephone communications are still the only way to
communicate with a vehicle.
For landlines, precise location can be derived from the full telephone
number (as long as this is the caller's number and not a switchboard). For
mobile calls, the location can be derived from GPS information. Trials in
the US have shown that it is possible for the GPS information to be
processed into latitude-longitude co-ordinates. (A cheaper system in
which all raw GPS data is communicated proved too unreliable due to
transmission problems). The related standard (WGS84) has been defined,
but some further agreement is still needed, such as how many digits are
required to give sufficient accuracy, and also how direction of travel
should be coded.
138 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

Automatically generated calls follow a similar pattern. The modern

systems used may also include information on the severity of the impact.
Note also that such calls open a voice line 'just in case'. Emergency coil prioritisation

For GSM in Europe, provisions are already made to ascertain

that any cellular phone may use any cellular network for emergency
calls. Free roaming emergency calls are toll free and no billing
procedures are used. What still needs to be achieved is for emergency
calls to be recognised and prioritised. Within the 112 infrastructure,
however, priority is assured. Language support

Voice communication was found to be essential in Mayday

services. There are various ways in which this can be supported in
different languages. Whatever solution is selected, the support by
automatic Mayday systems should be available to any operator involved.
This requirement may affect the choice of operations. The solution
proposed by E-MERGE is to involve Service Providers in a conference
call with the driver's home Service Provider. Communication Protocols

In Europe there are at present two proprietary protocols in use

for sending such information to the PSAP. One is British and uses the
protocol MLP Lite 112/999 (Mobile Location Protocol Lite), the other is
Spanish and uses the protocol POSIC112. Both are derived from the
more general LIF MLP defined in 2002 by the Location Inter-operability
Forum, which, while waiting for the results deriving from the work by
ETSI, seem destined to become the European protocol for the exchange
of location between telephone operators and the PSAP. Due to the lack
of a definitive European protocol it has not been possible to integrate the
testing of this functionality with that which was developed by E-MERGE
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 139

and E-CALLS. All this means that the management of location data from
the mobile network is an open element for future research and
experimentation. Crash/Impact Data

The in-vehicle sensors in New York's ACN tests were able to

provide crash information of use for determining appropriate field
response. This included crash type and severity (e.g. indications of
rollover and principle direction of force, deceleration time-histories, and
the final resting position of the vehicle). However, the test results
showed that to be valuable for impact assessment, the sensor system
must be far more complicated than a simple airbag trigger. This requires
a vehicle-based solution and, therefore, has to be left to the automotive
industry. For the foreseeable future, this information will be an issue
only for systems run by Service Providers. The use of a webcam in the
vehicle could also be useful, but is currently very costly. Another
possibility is that offered by the MMS facility of mobile devices. Good Samaritan Calls

Such calls can be problematic, as they create a severe workload

problem for PSAPs. With the rapid penetration of mobile phones, the
number of Good Samaritan calls is rapidly increasing, typically reaching
40 calls per incident. An initial solution suggested was to introduce a
'Good Samaritan Button'. Pressing this button starts a call to a PSAP that
is coded as a Good Samaritan call and includes location information and
caller ID. This leads to notification - e.g. an icon - appearing on the
PSAP screen map. After examining the implications of this approach, E-
MERGE has proposed an alternative solution which involves the
implementation of the ability to distinguish Good Samaritan calls at
PSAP level.
If the operator is already well informed about a given emergency, no
manual action is needed and the call is automatically acknowledged. If
the operator is interested in having further information (which certainly
140 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

will be the case where this is the first call coming from a site), a voice
link can be opened from the PSAP and contact with the caller
established. If no automatic acknowledgement is received or no voice
link opened, the Good Samaritan call will automatically be retried. Mismatched boundaries

Another problem is the lack of one-to-one correspondence

between the coverage of wireless communication networks and PSAPs.
If cell-ID is used, the communications network provider uses a
mechanism to locate the caller, and then uses this information to select
the correct PSAP. If the communication network provider is unwilling to
provide this service, the cell-ID information is sent to the nearest PSAP.
The result is that an emergency call from a cell phone may be directed to
the wrong PSAP. In the European context, this raises a further potential
difficulty, since the PSAP could be located in a different country and
lead to a language problem (as no translation support is currently
provided). The alternative is for detailed location information to be used,
but this will take some more time. Both PSAPs and private Service
Providers need reliable databases to reference PSAP boundaries.

4.43.8 Standard Interface

One of the main responsibilities of the PSAP is to co-ordinate

the intervention of the rescue services, but such operative procedures and
the interface for communication of details of the emergency to such
centres is still undefined. Having carried out a first analysis of the
emergency at the level of the PSAP, the information must be sent to the
rescue centre on the place and type of accident, in other words, where
and what kind of event is involved.
The definition of a standard interface at national level for the format and
mode of exchange of information between the PSAP of first and second
level would be of undoubted benefit to the efficiency of the emergency
management chain and also in terms of co-ordination of the rescue
services, especially for multiple cases in which several different types of
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 141

rescue service are needed, e.g. fire service, ambulance and police. This
last aspect, linked to the co-ordination of the use of modern technologies
for carrying out these functions, is an open field for future developments
regarding safety. Handling and exchanging location reference information

A serious deficiency that emerged during Mayday and similar

tests is the mismatch between location information coming from a GPS
receiver and the street address given by a digital map on the basis of that
GPS information. Mismatch between GPS location information and that
of maps of the WGS standard is not a problem, since programmes for
correction are generally available, but in roughly 1 out of 10 cases the
address information proved to be seriously wrong. This means it is
necessary to correct the maps used to handle Mayday calls.
The digital maps being used today are in most cases based on maps that
were not made to give an accurate latitude-longitude position. For
vehicle navigation, the map matching process allows for deficiencies that
can be corrected with the help of information about the trajectory being
travelled. For most other applications it is relative location that is
important, not latitude-longitude location. Most applications can live
with these deficiencies, but they make a reliable Mayday service
impossible. The issue of map matching is discussed further in section 7.2
on radio navigation.

4.4.4 Future opportunities

Over the past ten years, considerable progress has been made
towards establishing a common procedure for automated emergency
calls. The basic legislation is in place, many of the technology issues
have been resolved, the essential information requirements have been
identified, and the principle features of the necessary architecture
Among the remaining technical problems involved are the coding of the
location of an incident, the provision of information on the nature of the
142 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

impact in the case of crashes, and the handling of calls (especially the
routeing of calls) in foreign languages. There appear to be good
prospects that these will be resolved by current EC initiatives (e.g. via
the e-Safety Forum or RESCUE project).
The biggest challenge for the future, however, is the actual
implementation of these systems throughout Europe. Success will
depend to some extent on action at European level, but most of all
requires national commitment to making the necessary organisational
Most of the developments involving provision of appropriate information
regarding vehicle-related emergencies are dependent on the co-operation
of the automobile industry in making it possible to generate the
necessary linkages between onboard sensing devices, location
referencing and communications systems.
ROSETTA, in line with other EC projects such as E-MERGE, therefore
recommends actions to favour the co-ordinated adoption of the proposed
emergency call architecture. This requires the following:
(a) Actions by all Member States to ensure the full implementation
(b) Upgrading of the e-112 solution by PSAPs in order to enable
them to handle the minimum set of data identified by E-
(c) Measures to create necessary commitment from both private
and public stakeholders.

4.5 Enforcement in ITS

4.5.1 Vision

In order to maintain safety in a road network it has become

increasingly necessary to encourage and enforce certain standards of
driver behaviour. Reduced speed and more moderate behaviour will also
produce a much wider range of social benefits. For enforcement to be
accepted, it must be seen to be both needed and uniformly effective. The
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 143

vision is of a system of enforcement of speed limits and driver actions

resulting in driver behaviour which enables policy targets of safety,
capacity and reliability to be achieved. On-vehicle and infrastructure
based ITS systems are at the heart of new more subtle and targeted
enforcement approaches.

4.5.2 State-of-the-art

Enforcement may relate to moving or stationary vehicle

offences and be introduced to improve traffic safety, operational
efficiency, support priorities, improve the environment or recover costs.
Particular application areas of enforcement using ITS include urban
traffic management and parking, speed, lane change and access, as well
as the payment of fees for public transport or for road user charging.
As telematics has replaced enforcement by police or traffic wardens, the
enforcement has become more effective and the scope for individual
tolerance has reduced. This has aggravated the ill feelings which often
accompany being caught. Thus enforcement is a social and political
problem, and one which not only requires technical solutions, but also
political will and fair and practical implementation of institutional
procedures. Enforcement is only necessary to reinforce education and
engineering approaches which should have ensured that road users are
aware of the need for enforcement in any particular situation. There is an
additional concern relating to the high proportion of foreign traffic on
major European roads and within cities, as enforcement must be
applicable to foreign as well as national drivers.
Various automatic enforcement technologies are available. Many have
been developed and tested within the European Framework Programmes
and co-operation between the different groups is in place at many levels.
Cameras using wet film processes have been in use for several years to
capture the number plates of drivers ignoring the red light at traffic
signals i.e. 'red light running'. In some countries a picture of the rear of
the vehicle with its licence plate is sufficient evidence. For this, a
relatively simple arrangement with a pole-mounted camera upstream of
144 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

the signal may be used. Other countries require that a picture be made
that shows the face of the driver. This requirement complicates matters
but it does not make automated capture impossible.
Issues of privacy and personal integrity have been particular difficulties
in implementing particular camera based technologies, and still are in
many countries. However, automated capturing of offences and
automated processing have proved to be very effective in combating
unsafe driving and reducing accidents. This has led to a greater
awareness that legal arguments against automated enforcement should
not stop the use of license plates as a means of tracing offenders, either
directly or indirectly.
Other early applications of license plate recognition systems were the
monitoring of vehicles at toll booths to check against a list of reported
vehicles. Currently, for speed enforcement, most camera-based systems
measure speeds at a particular location and the number plates of
offending vehicles are captured. Traditionally, wet film processes were
used which required sites to be visited regularly to change the film. The
constraints on collecting film and managing cameras meant that at any
time many camera boxes were unavailable to capture offenders. This has
been largely overcome by the use of digital cameras and sophisticated
analysis software. Whilst some cameras, such as those used for red light
running offences, are fixed by the specific location of the offence,
speeding may also be tackled by measuring elapsed time over a
significant distance. This is perceived as much fairer than speed traps at
specific points. It also affects traffic behaviour in a positive way by
smoothing the flow.
In the Netherlands, speed enforcement using radar traps on motorways
with a normal maximum speed of 120 km/h has reduced the number of
violations from 20-40 % to 6 %. The use of trajectory speed enforcement
brought this down further to less than 1 %. It should also be noted that
those that were caught were mainly heavy goods vehicles for which the
maximum speed is 80 km/h. Speeding by such vehicles could not be
enforced with radar traps whereas the trajectory enforcement can
separately identify such vehicles. As a result of these enforcement
measures the number of accidents involving serious injuries was halved.
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure 145

Other examples of automated video enforcement are the monitoring of

the use of dedicated lanes for buses and/or heavy good vehicles or the
monitoring of the transport of heavy goods. In combination with weigh-
in-motion (WIM) systems automated video can be used to enforce
maximum load and axle weight rules.
There are also projects on automated policing of urban parking zones and
urban congestion charging zones using Closed Circuit Television
(CCTV) systems. The cameras read the number plate which is then
checked automatically against a database of vehicles for which payment
has been made. Fines are subsequently issued to those not complying.
The London Congestion Charging system is a recent example of such a
Modern automated video technologies for licence plate recognition can
be efficient and cost-effective. As processing is automated, fines are
received shortly after the violation. This means that violators can recall
the situation, which improves the impact of the enforcement.
In-vehicle systems and co-operative systems with the infrastructure are
also under development with the objective of automated intelligent speed
adaptation. Such ISA systems may make enforcement much more
acceptable, since it is technically possible to help the driver to avoid
speeding. This can be done by warning, by tactile information (the
throttle pushes back) or by fully automated control. Today there is no
single fully operational solution to inform the ISA system in the vehicle
about the prevailing maximum speed, but these are being developed.
Increasingly, police use roadside and vehicle-based video number plate
reading systems to scan for vehicles used by known offenders and to
check that vehicles are properly licensed and insured. This requires that
the number plate is accurate and belongs to the vehicle. Automatic
Vehicle Identification (AVI) systems are being developed to overcome
the growing stolen and cloned number plate problems and may form a
future basis for enforcement more generally.
146 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

4.5.3 Issues

It can be observed that enforcement systems for road user

charging can work very efficiently due to the financial implications for
the operators and the corresponding high penalty charges. There will be
many more applications that will be possible for traffic control.
However, a different situation concerns automated speed enforcement,
because of the ubiquitous nature of the problem and because control
philosophy is still not universally accepted socially and politically. In
many countries automation is still in its infancy, mainly because lobby
groups have stalled the necessary changes in legislation. However, the
effects on safety justify an active approach to overcome the social and
institutional barriers that prevent the application of modern (e.g. license
plate based) enforcement. The successful development of efficient speed
enforcement also has a positive effect on traffic quality and traveller
comfort, and additionally has received public support where clear
evidence of an improvement in safety is available.
Opportunities for the future are in the active promotion of new
enforcement techniques accompanied by institutional agreements and
support actions, which include:
- Building on from the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
recently agreed by the European police forces for equipment
approval based on the Schengen Treaty applicable for the full-
scale cross border enforcement domain. This successful result
has led to co-operation across European borders between traffic
police forces under the name TISPOL, such that violators
caught in a foreign country will be prosecuted in their home
- For the immediate and near future, action on harmonisation of
legislation should be undertaken by the EC;
- A mechanism for unified cross-border communication and
information exchange needs to be considered in order to cope
with mass communication and ensure the effectiveness of
processing and compliance with cross border enforcement
Chapter 4 Vehicles and Infrastructure U7

- Type testing and type approval is required to ensure that digital

enforcement systems are accepted by legal institutions and
ultimately, by drivers. It is of primary importance for cross-
border enforcement that certification of equipment is granted at
European level, and not only at national levels, as now;
- Ways to safeguard the privacy of individuals whilst
maintaining efficient and effective enforcement need to be
- Enforcement policies need to be reviewed in conjunction with
the advancement of technology to provide much greater
opportunity and subtlety in application.
Much of what is concluded here is in line with recommendations from
the VERA project as sent to the EC and European Parliament.
ROSETTA commends an active promotion of new enforcement
techniques and the necessary support actions.

4.5A Future opportunities

The value of modern automated enforcement is well under-

stood by the various police forces working together in the TISPOL
arrangement. However more support is needed and for this research must
provide additional data on the impacts.
The various vehicle and vehicle-infrastructure systems which are being
developed and deployed contain location and communication
technologies which could be used for enforcement. Following an
accident, the police have the right of access to all the evidence and this
may include speed information from the engine management system and
from a navigation system. Future applications will bring huge
opportunities to enforce and control, and a balance between privacy,
enforcement and security must be struck.
An area of future enforcement will relate directly to security. Already in
the U.S. some trucks are fitted with electronic devices which
automatically disable the vehicle if it approaches certain sensitive
Chapter 5

Network Management

5.1 Traffic Management and Control

Today's traffic systems are highly complex. A great variety of

public and individual transport modes like buses, light rail, rapid transit
taxis, trucks and cars, as well as cyclists and pedestrians, often share the
same limited space of the transport infrastructure. Every user has
different trip purposes, speeds and destinations, creating a great mixture
of origin and destination movements, often interacting with each other.
On top of this, traffic demand is still increasing, while the possibilities
for new road infrastructure in particular are limited due to environmental,
social and financial constraints. A key question is how to cope with these
challenges without building more and more road infrastructure?
A significant answer is traffic network management and control.
Together with integrated re-design of existing roads or the building of
new road infrastructure, it can be used to manage cars and goods
transport for a more efficient and responsible use of road space.
In recent decades the common problem of traffic congestion
accompanied by high economic, environmental, and social losses led to a
concerted development of a variety of promising solutions all over the
world. However, many of those approaches were only implemented on
local test sites and remain largely unknown elsewhere. The reasons for
this are the inadequate dissemination of results, the lack of best practice
guidelines, the lack of public authority funding or the tendency to
continue with known fail-safe conventional systems. Another fact is that

150 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

every region, area or city presents a unique context with its specific
structures, public transport modes, systems and traveller behaviour.
This calls for new initiatives and opportunities to benefit from relevant
research through more effective propagation of results, and their
applicability with respect to the prevailing environment, demonstrated
through best practice guidelines as well as cost-benefit analyses.

5.1.1 Vision

A rather extreme vision of future traffic management and

control is one where, particularly for densely populated areas, the traffic
on the main arteries would be almost exclusively operated/controlled by
fully automated public and private transport modes. Without human
interference, systems will ensure that the automated transport is
predictable and perfectly harmonised for passengers and freight alike.
This kind of vision, however, would assume a complete change of
today's transport infrastructure and also serious restrictions on the right
of free movement, especially for passengers.
A more realistic vision and the general objective of any traffic control or
management system is the well adjusted integration of all systems to
permit a highly efficient, safe and harmonised operation of all modes
within and between the urban and interurban networks.
A basic prerequisite for this integration is to obtain a fully detailed and
all-embracing overview of the general status of every mode in the
network, accompanied by supplementary information on incidents, road
works, emissions and weather conditions. This can be realised, for
example, through a data-warehouse concept collecting data at all
detection, planning and operational levels. The traffic informa-
tion/management centre processes, analyses, develops, visualises and
finally disseminates the current network status information for strategic
planning, as well as for short and medium term prognosis.
Within this vision public transport is widely promoted. Access to and
between public transport and all other transport systems is facilitated
Chapter 5 Network Management 151

through well designed transfer points. Public transport supply is adapted

to traffic demand.
Measures are deployed to manage efficient freight traffic on major
arterials as well as to control loading and unloading of goods in urban
Information on the current status of the urban network, traffic conditions,
travel time on major links, availability of nearby parking space and
alternative public modes is provided through collective media (e.g.
variable information boards), but also through individual means of
information such as personal traveller assistants or systems within
vehicles. This information is consistent with the choices of the traffic
management, so that an overall efficient equilibrium is maintained.
When there is limited road space or variable transport demand, more
advanced telematics systems are deployed. These include flexible
operation/management of road space and lanes through guidance
provided on overhead panels, flexible lane markings integrated in the
road surface or advanced in-vehicle systems, visualising lane marking or
currently accessible lanes for the driver.
Urban areas suffering from severe environmental impacts use special
sensors for local monitoring of exhaust fumes. This data enables on the
one hand real-time and preventive adjustment of actual strategies for
general urban traffic control, and on the other hand the detection of
individual environmentally critical vehicles, which may then be denied
access to sensitive areas such as city centres.
For maximum flexibility all components of the traffic management
system are based on an open system architecture with standardised
interfaces. Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, planners and
operators are clearly defined, and perfectly trained staff are available and
familiar with the system and its impacts.
An essential prerequisite for all advanced systems is the availability of
safety systems in case of malfunctions or operation under degraded
conditions. The performance of the systems is constantly assessed and
validated by Total Quality Management (TQM).
152 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

5.1.2 State-of-the-art

Numerous solutions for specific issues concerning traffic

control have been developed and successfully deployed in urban and
interurban areas and have international acknowledgement. A selection is
given here. Traffic monitoring

Important progress has been made in the area of traffic

monitoring, a prerequisite of any traffic control. A more detailed look at
this is given in section 0. Urban and suburban networks are increasingly
equipped with detection loops, overhead sensors or other advanced
detection measures such as Closed Circuit Television (CCTV). In
addition Floating Car Data (FCD) from individual or public vehicles are
used to measure the real-time performance of the network. Also
information on weather, road works, environmental issues or simply on
periods of increased transport demand, such as at holidays or public
events, provides valuable assistance. An example of advanced
environmental monitoring is the 5th Framework Programme project
HEAVEN. It produced real-time air quality monitoring and modelling
applications feeding into a decision support system. Furthermore, it
established a data platform for the assessment of emissions and health
effects for air pollutants and noise caused by traffic. Control measures

Contemporary urban control measures operate both across the

whole network and at a local level. Measures vary from a simple display
of information to travellers to explicit control measures, such as
prohibiting access to an area by motorised vehicles during smog weather
Chapter 5 Network Management 153

5.1.23 Soft measures

High-quality overall network performance is achieved through

the balanced distribution of traffic demand to the available supply.
Organisational approaches focus on influencing mobility behaviour using
soft measures, such as campaigns giving mobility advice to individuals,
pupils, specific traveller groups or companies, e.g. in the European
project TAPESTRY. This 5th FP project aimed to encourage European
travellers and goods operators to adopt a more sustainable, intermodal
travel behaviour by providing recommendations, guidance and practical
advice on the potential of multimodal travel awareness campaigns and
their cost effectiveness. Sustainable measures

Here also the successful Eureka programme of PROMETHEUS

and DRIVE/DRIVE II or the CIVITAS initiatives have fostered
sustainable international and interdisciplinary work combining traffic
engineering, vehicle engineering, economic and social science. Though
not exclusively dedicated to urban traffic control, CIVITAS addresses
ambitious cities that are willing to introduce sustainable urban transport
policy strategies. Approaches include new demand management
strategies, innovative logistics services or integration of transport
management systems. The DRIVE programme covered projects dealing
with demand management, information systems, integral management of
urban traffic and public transport management. Adaptive control measures

Traffic-adaptive algorithms and adjusted linkage of signal

controlled intersections are still topics of research in order to enhance the
performance on a route or across a network. Today's advanced systems
focus on the use of current detector data to modify control online.
Several systems have been developed in Europe and elsewhere with
different control philosophies and degrees of local and central
intelligence. Adaptive systems use model-based dynamic estimation of
154 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

traffic flows enabling optimised traffic control. Examples of adaptive

project SMART NETS aims to improve the state-of-the-art real-time
network-wide urban traffic control via the new-generation control
strategy TUC (Traffic-responsive Urban Control). Improvements of up to
40 % in journey times as compared to fixed-time settings under saturated
traffic conditions are expected. The concept is being tested in several
European cities. Another example is the project SURF 2000 using both
macro- and micro-regulation to optimise the overall network, and which
includes local actions on intersections in a zone of approximately 40
intersections. Several strategies have been defined for vehicles and
pedestrians. Public transport -priority

Priority for public transport is also part of the advanced

management of intersections and often serves as a path to adaptive
network control. The 5th FP project PRISCILLA focused on the
dissemination of best practice guidelines for bus priority in wide areas
(100-300 buses, 80-130 intersections, city centres and suburbs).
PROMPT developed and demonstrated techniques for giving active
priority to buses and trams in fixed and real-time adaptive urban traffic
control systems. Many other online network applications for bus priority
have been piloted in projects of the Telematics Applications Programme. Access control

Access control systems or city pricing are deployed as effective

measures to reduce entry into specific areas of a city, e.g. in Barcelona,
Bologna, London and Singapore. The revenues enable better public
transport services to be offered as an alternative to individual transport.
Chapter 5 Network Management 155 Goods transport

Increasing goods transport in urban areas initiated the

development of measures like freight management centres and strategies
for freight/fleet management or for sharing transport capacities (see also
Chapter 6). Many projects derived from the CIVITAS initiative
developed new approaches for innovative logistics services, vehicle
routeing or loading/unloading area reservations. The 5th FP project
MOSCA aimed at the development of a tool for integrated planning and
control of production and transportation processes (such as booking and
reservation procedures, vehicle routeing, loading/unloading area
reservations, emergency management support, efficient multimodal
inter-connection) in a single platform. Parking management

Problems of freight transport and delivery in urban areas are

often directly linked to parking. Repeatedly on-street parking of vehicles
can disturb loading and unloading of goods and vice versa. Parking
guidance systems, as deployed in the DRIVE II project LLAMD, in
many national projects or in urban parking management, minimise the
search for parking space and prevent uncontrolled parking which often
negatively influences through traffic. Restrictive strategies proved to be
quite successful, also fostering an increased use of alternative modes,
e.g. public transport. The 5th FP project E-PARKING introduced new
user-friendly and safe technologies in the booking and selling process of
parking spaces in order to increase competition and productivity. Information services

Soft means of network management include collective or

individual information services. Information on network performance is
made available through radio traffic information via FM voice radio or
RDS/TMC services, Personal Traveller Assistance (PTA) or in-vehicle
navigation systems.
156 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research Integration of systems

Strategies were also developed for the integration of urban

traffic control (UTC), Driver Information Systems (DIS) and Public
Transport Systems (PTS) within an urban traffic management system e.g.
in the 4th FP projects INCOME or MUSIC. Within these projects novel
control methods were evaluated for network traffic management, alone
or in combination with other measures such as park and ride, re-
allocation of road space to public transport, road pricing, etc. Variable Message Signs

For network control, Variable Message Signs (VMS) give

advice for best routes within or through the interurban network, but also
in regional and urban networks. An example is the German project
MOBINET. Different types of graphical displays are used to direct
traffic from the motorway network and to advise on the quickest route to
the city centre. The systems 'Netz-Info' and 'Ring-Info' display the
current traffic status on major arterials in Munich without proposing a
mandatory route. The signs are especially developed for daily commuters
familiar with the road network and thus enable the drivers to individually
choose their best route. In Greece, the APOLLO system measures
roadside air quality and predicts the progression of pollution. The city's
traffic managers can divert traffic away from the central congested areas
before a serious crisis strikes. The cities of Barcelona, Berlin or
Hamburg also use variable allocation of lanes for flexibly adapting the
number of lanes per direction to the current traffic demand.
Motorway network capacities are achieved through the distribution of
traffic flow over space or time predominantly via variable message signs
for link and network control. Travel times to exits are successfully
shown using VMS on the Boulevard Peripherique in Paris and also for
different alternative routes on Dutch motorways. Link control increases
traffic safety and leads to harmonisation and increased efficiency of
traffic flow, predominantly through speed control. Information on road
works is a major field of application of network control. DRIVE II
Chapter 5 Network Management 157

projects have demonstrated the benefits of network control. The

management of regional networks was tackled in the past by LLAMD
and, mainly for the metropolitan case, by QUARTET which focused on
the implementation of a fully integrated road transport environment
using Advanced Transport Telematics (ATT) technologies. Ramp metering and incident management

In RHYTHM of the 5th FP the use of video processing was

tested for combined ramp metering and road surveillance. Ramp
metering for secondary road network entries (EUROCOR) as well as
variable allocation of lanes and the temporary use of the hard shoulder
have been deployed via overhead VMS. The reservation of exclusive
lanes for buses or taxis, especially during peak hour periods, fosters
greater use of public modes.
IN-RESPONSE and then PRIME in the 5th FP devoted attention to
incident management, prediction of accidents, etc. In PRIME, congestion
and accident prediction were analysed to inform traffic management.
Several studies were aimed at improving the algorithms for flow control,
ramp metering, and network control via re-routeing. Simulations and
practical experimentation have demonstrated their benefits. Prototypes
and medium scale network control systems were then deployed as part of
the Euro-regional projects in the TEMPO programme.
The GERDIEN project promoted an overall architecture for motorway
networks, encompassing the various telematics measures. Interfaces and architecture

Important support actions for network management are

standardised interfaces and clearly defined data structures, as were
defined by system architecture projects like KAREN and FRAME, as
well as the CEN TC 278 working groups.
158 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

5.1,3 Issues

Network management and control concerns both urban and

interurban environments. Urban street networks are embedded within the
regional environments of the highway and motorway networks. The
urban and rural road networks also provide supply to public transport
systems. In addition, they are linked to public transport via park and ride,
passenger stations, and traveller information systems.
Interurban areas include at least two types of networks. The first type has
low capacity and aims to grant accessibility to sparsely populated zones.
The second type is the high capacity motorway network interconnecting
metropolitan areas. So far, for sparsely populated zones, there is almost
no alternative to the car, whilst for the motorway networks the
predominant alternatives are railway and air transportation. These
network interdependencies require comprehensive transport planning and
a co-ordinated traffic management of the infrastructures. Attention has
also to be given to the interface between urban and interurban areas or
between bordering interurban areas - areas that have to adjust to or in the
worst case buffer the bordering technical, operational and institutional
demands. The priority issues for a greater penetration of ITS measures in
urban and non-urban networks are considered below. Strategies for integrated urban traffic management

Integrated traffic management is required to enable cities and

regions to cope with the tasks and challenges of future transport. This
requires co-ordinated traffic control strategies at all levels of transport
planning and operations. In Figure 8 an attempt is made to show how
traffic management and control should be considered as part of urban
and regional transport infrastructure planning when scenarios of future
sustainable transport development are being studied.
Strategic traffic management plans are to be developed at an inter- and
multimodal level. Strategies for dynamic control of the road
infrastructure are to be developed to meet the tasks of recurrent and non-
Chapter 5 Network Management 159

recurrent events in traffic. Traveller information systems are either

public tasks or provided by private service providers.
A major effort in this context is the integration, linking and extension of
existing systems and novel urban control systems, including the
communication platform between and within the individual systems.
This technical integration is a prerequisite for enabling the telematics
infrastructure to serve the individual telematics measures.

Integrated Infrastructure and Transport Management Planning

Scenarios and plans for sustainable development
of transport infrastructure and transport management on TEN Objectives

Strategic Traffic Management Plans Analyses
Inter- / multimodal strategies / master plans
for mobility and event oriented traffic management Management

Dynamic control strategies per mode for platforms
R Recurrent traffic tasks / problems Telematics-
E Non-recurrent incident management infrastructure

Integration, linking
and extension of control systems Models
GIS, Maps,
Information / control systems Architectures
in multimodal transport networks
Personalised, vehicle based
Test Sites
Information, assistance and comfort services
Private Services

Figure 8: Traffic Managements Plans within the Hierarchical Structure of Transport

Infrastructure and Transport Planning (Keller, 2004)

But the strategic and technical requirements of an integrated urban traffic

management are also to be developed in consideration of further aspects.
These are e.g. the objectives of the stakeholders, the evaluation of the
consequences of associated measures as well as a total quality
management of the elements in the information and control value chain
to ensure adequate and constant quality.
160 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research Enabling urban detection and communication systems

A major challenge for the deployment of novel and integrated

traffic management and control systems is to enable the existing
detection and communication systems of the cities to be able to co-
operate with and serve the new telematics systems.
This applies in particular to the urban traffic signal systems. Currently,
conventional systems dominate, hampering the achievement of better
performance and quality of traffic movement through adaptive and
integrated control measures. This is because most of the current systems
were developed for local needs and they neither offer convertible
interfaces to other systems nor are suitable for advanced measures.
In particular, the detection systems of urban traffic control, which are
often the sole, but widely deployed means of traffic monitoring in urban
areas, are mostly constructed for isolated use without linkage to central
systems. Collected data is often incomplete, available in different
formats and comprising different contents. Without further data
processing, integration to a common database is hardly achievable.
This also applies to most other urban detection and operational
infrastructure. However, replacement of unsuitable legacy systems is
generally too costly for major European cities due to the enormous
number of installations. Legacy systems simply do not offer the level of
quality for proper transport and traffic management in a network. Data is
insufficient, communications too slow, algorithms too simple and overall
strategies non-existent.
Other challenges also exist for advanced systems. In the case of
malfunction, operation in fallback mode often can lead to extremely
degraded performance compared to conventional systems. In particular,
malfunctions of some advanced approaches, like substitutive variable
message signs or flexible lane allocation, can result in severe orientation
or safety problems.
Chapter 5 Network Management 161 Management of regional, large scale networks

Research on network management has been important for the

solutions to specific problems, e.g. flow control, ramp metering and
dynamic routeing in networks, where the basic elements are known
sufficiently. In parallel, proposals for overall architectures have been
made and are now part of the European ITS Framework Architecture.
However, the problem of consistent management of large, regional
networks in different traffic conditions, encompassing a set of measures
and considering the different jurisdictions has not largely found accepted
It can be considered in principle as an architectural problem by defining
a suitable architecture, with attention to the organisational part. As such,
it will be relevant for many countries, but a convenient solution should
be sought looking at the emerging countries. It is also a problem of
traffic management strategies. New, suitable strategies have to be
With the increasing importance of mobility and with the high level of
demand for road traffic, the ability to manage network-wide events with
the required level of safety, efficiency and comfort for the user becomes
more and more important. Predictable and relatively frequent events are
normally dealt with at some level by existing management systems, e.g.
snow in Nordic countries or in Alpine regions. Less frequent and less
predictable events have had less attention, but these can also result in
large blocks of traffic in entire regions and/or in unsafe conditions. Cost of ITS deployment

One of the reasons for the very limited penetration of the ITS
applications in rural networks, but also in urban and regional networks, is
the cost of such applications. Costs are especially high for:
- Monitoring which requires installing many detectors;
- Communication which requires extensive networks;
- Information to users, which is normally done via VMS, again
expensive and cumbersome to install;
162 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

- Operations, especially maintenance of detectors and

information systems.
For a larger penetration of ITS, research and development effort should
aim at reducing those costs.
Cost reduction is unlikely to come from market expansion. For the
electronic components, the market of non-urban traffic management will
always be too small. Moreover, a dominant cost component is
represented by the installation cost, which will not be touched by any
possible market expansion.
The following strategic lines should be addressed:
- Using personal or in-car devices to distribute information
One of the larger cost components is the Variable Message
Sign - expensive in itself and expensive in installation. With
the increasing penetration of personal and in-car devices, the
need for important VMS installations can be reduced. In turn,
this requires research on the possible use of personal devices
and on the efficient coupling of on-street devices with personal
and on-board devices, looking at the overall system robustness.
- Using emerging technologies for detection, with attention to
wireless communications and sensor networks
Wireless technologies are developing impressively and could
contribute to reducing cost and increasing efficiency of
complex architectures. GERDIEN (motorway) and
QUARTET-like (urban) architectures, where intelligent
outstations connect various detectors and actuators in a limited
spatial environment, can be boosted by a tuned use of wireless
connections. In another context, rural systems can gain from
low-cost, generic wireless communications.

Personal information services are expanding even if not at the rate

expected by optimistic forecasts. They can also benefit from traffic
monitoring. One way to reduce the costs of traffic management is to
share the cost, where possible, with personal services. It could be in the
form of using the same basic traffic data for both purposes,
Chapter 5 Network Management 163

complementing the different data sources or using data at reduced costs,

e.g. using floating car data obtained from a personal service for
increasing safety in rural areas.

5.1.4 Future opportunities Integrated urban network management strategies

The major objective of urban network management is the

development of an overall integrated intermodal control system. This
requires joint elaboration of general strategies and measures by all
concerned stakeholders. In this context, future opportunities include:
- An ITS policy framework architecture with clear allocation of
competence, responsibilities and financial involvement for
development, deployment and operation of network manage-
ment to minimise deployment problems;
- Instead of costly fundamental research or development of new
urban control approaches, efforts should be especially focused
on detailed analysis of urban conditions and requirements to
effectively combine measures for an overall integrated system;
- Based on these framework conditions, strategies for integrated
network management need to be developed ensuring a
sustainable transport operation, especially in view of the
regulations for clean air;
- There is a need for self optimising, adaptive control systems
flexibly reacting to varying traffic demand. The approach to
flexibly control and integrate multimodal systems within one
urban network still needs to be found and for that reason
research activities in the field of simulation should be further
- Because advanced systems are mostly expensive, elaboration of
economic feasibility, cost-benefit studies and examples for
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) need to be encouraged. The
long-term goal to be achieved is the decrease of operational
costs for improved urban network control through sufficient
164 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

operation and maintenance, as well as through fair dissemina-

tion of costs ('polluter pays' principle) as demanded in the
'White Paper - European transport policy for 2010' (European
Commission, 2001).
Further research is necessary in the field of a common multimodal urban
system architecture. Not specific for transport research but an elemental
issue are open system architectures, standardised infrastructure and data
formats as well as satisfactory bandwidth for data transfer. Quality management of urban data and communication

For overall monitoring of network performance, collection and

integration of all available online data is especially important. In this
context the challenge for the deployment of novel and integrated traffic
management and control systems is to enable the existing detection and
communication systems and to link them with new ITS technologies.
This requires:
- The development of universal adapters and upgrade kits for
legacy systems, including concepts for isolated devices, to
transfer data to central units and to reduce costs, i.e. for new
detection infrastructure. Particularly in areas with a low density
of detection infrastructure this must be supported by new tools
and algorithms for the simulation of traffic demand;
- Adequate quality/performance control measures and algorithms
to make possible the high-quality integration of various
systems into a common shell, presupposing common standard-
ised infrastructure and data formats;
- A total quality management ensuring constant validation of
performance, e.g. via a quality index to increase user accep-
tance of systems. The quality index is also a valuable tool for
the calibration and improvement of traffic control systems.
Finally, new approaches for urban traffic control will create new
situations amongst traffic modes and surrounding environments, as well
as for road users. Surveys on possible interactions have to be initiated to
minimise negative impacts like disturbed traffic performance, degrading
Chapter 5 Network Management 165

of environmental conditions or uncertainties of road users when

approaching or moving within the system.

5.1 A.3 Regional, interurban co-operative traffic management schemes

With the increase in demand and the limited opportunities for

increase in supply, the management of the complete traffic network, for
efficiency and safety, becomes crucial. Management must be capable of
integrating urban networks, the motorway network and sparse rural
networks in a consistent set.
In this context, management is, by definition, co-operative. All networks
have to co-operate, because congestion expands through network
boundaries - and accidents migrate as well. But co-operation is also
needed between infrastructure and vehicles. Without this co-operation,
efficient strategies will be too difficult and/or too expensive.
This fact is particularly true when considering non-urban networks. For
those networks the following recommendations are applicable:
- Expand the research and the demonstrations into regional, co-
operative traffic management schemes, looking both at the
architecture and continuing the work of the European Frame-
work Architecture, as well as at the functional issue, i.e. models
and algorithms for managing a network of networks;
- Extend the research on management of networks under
abnormal conditions - where such conditions could be due to
excess demand, major changes in demand or to relevant
modifications to the supply, e.g. for weather conditions or large
- Research on efficient integration of personal information
services and management both for reducing cost in deployment
and operations and to increase effectiveness;
- Research on the possible applications of new technologies to
traffic, e.g. combination of wireless and sensor networks.
One of the possibly relevant outcomes of the research in nano-
technologies is the development of the sensor networks ideas such as
166 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

smart dust. Clear advantages could come from the combination of the
two technological developments. The local sensor networks could be
combined with wireless networks and finally with wireline backbones to
offer a complete architecture for motorway or rural traffic management,
obtaining benefits from the deployment of personal information services.

5.2 Road User Charging

5.2.1 Vision

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) have the potential to

transform Road User Charging (RUC) into a powerful instrument to
support European transport policy objectives. However, the application
of sophisticated charging structures, which reflect detailed characteristics
of road use and can offer effective tools of traffic management, require
strategic decisions at European level on interoperability of the
technologies and procedures adopted. If road user charging were to
become widespread, basic telematics would need to be installed in most
vehicles, and this would generate additional opportunities for other
market-driven ITS systems and services.
Road users have traditionally been charged on the basis of vehicle
ownership through purchase and registration taxes and on usage, mainly
in the form of fuel tax. Road user charging is a concept in which charges
to the motorist are directly related to use of the road network and can be
calculated on the basis of a range of factors, such as the distance driven,
type of road, traffic conditions, time of day and vehicle type. Such
charges may be used wholly or partially to replace current taxes and
therefore, may be revenue neutral (in the sense that they address non-
fiscal objectives) or may include an additional charge to manage demand
in some way or to generate revenue for facilities or services. In the US,
road user charging is referred to as 'Value Pricing', which reflects the
idea that the road users are getting what they pay for. Unlike 'road user
charging', the term implies a sense of commercial value or of benefit
derived from the payment.
Chapter 5 Network Management 167

In the ROSETTA vision for road user charging, all vehicles will be
subject to charges which can be varied by time and by location wherever
they are in Europe. The charging regimes will be driven by clear policy
objectives which will reflect increasing concerns on issues such as
congestion, the environment, safety, economic competitiveness and
social inclusion. Vehicle characteristics and journey purpose may also
affect charges applied. In this vision, an architecture will exist which will
enable a range of systems to interact with interoperable charging
'dialogues', which are sufficiently flexible to allow any road to be
subject to any RUC policy. The following sections look at the current
situation, the issues which need to be taken into account if ITS
applications are to enable fulfilment of the vision and, finally, the
necessary actions and research which the 6th FP might usefully address.

5.2.2 State-of-the-art

The EC policy statement on transport infrastructure charging

(2003) states that 'one of the principal reasons for the imbalance in the
transport system is that the transport modes do not in every case pay the
costs for which they are responsible... the Commission's infrastructure
charging policy is that transport taxes and charges, in every mode of
transport, should be varied to reflect the cost of different pollution levels,
travelling times and damage costs as well as infrastructure costs - to
apply the 'polluter pays' principle and provide clear fiscal incentives to
help achieve goals of reducing transport's congestion, pollution, re-
balancing the modal split and decoupling transport growth from
economic growth.'
The importance of sophisticated tolling technology to support policy
objectives was seen in the 2004 European Parliamentary Directive 'On
the interoperability of electronic road toll systems in the Community'
(Directive 2004/52/EC) which applies to all electronic forms of tolling
requiring on-board equipment. It states that:
- The work for deciding on a European Electronic Toll Service
has now been launched (with a final decision to be taken by
1st July 2006);
168 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

- After the decision is taken, within three years the service shall
be offered by all operators in all Member States for lorries and
after five years for all vehicles;
- The permitted technologies include satellite positioning, DSRC
at 5.8 GHz, GSM/GPRS and must be 'interoperable' at the
European level;
- Electronic tolling should be promoted (with a target of 50 % of
the flow by January 2007);
- Member States maintain full authority in deciding on policies
for payment, since the Directive relates only to methods.
To date the most extensive systems currently in operation are those used
in continental Europe for motorway tolling, and for collecting toll
payments for particular road sections, such as tunnels. In these cases, the
aim has normally been to generate revenue to finance infrastructure and
its maintenance. Examples of such tolling schemes exist in France (TIS),
Italy (TELEPASS), Spain (VIA-T), Portugal (VIA VERDE) and Austria
(EUROPASS). Several schemes have been in operation for many years
and payment systems have evolved from the use of paper (cash)
payments, to encompass credit and smart cards, and electronic tolling.
Payments are made at 'toll plazas' and are generally calculated at the exit
on a distance basis for the network applications. In some cases tolls are
used to collect a 'passage fee'. Current electronic tolling is based on
DSRC with a mono-lane system where vehicles pass through toll gates,
i.e. gantry systems, traditionally at toll plazas. More recently, the toll
'gates' are on the carriageways themselves as for free-flow tolling i.e.
'virtual' toll plazas consisting simply of one or two successive gantries.
The systems used in different European countries involve different
approaches and technologies.
Charging schemes have also been introduced on urban roads. These are
most commonly a way of reducing congestion (e.g. Singapore), of
generating revenue (e.g. in Trondheim, for major infrastructure
investment) or both (London). Eight of the many urban schemes
elsewhere in Europe were studied in the CONNECT project. They
include electronic charging schemes using Dedicated Short Range
Communications (DSRC), smartcard systems and paper based systems.
Chapter 5 Network Management 169

All are cordon operated and Automatic Number Plate Reading (ANPR)
systems are largely used as a basis for enforcement.
Systems have also been developed specifically for heavy goods vehicles,
largely to enable costs to be recovered nationally for international freight
movements. These are dependent upon autonomous vehicle location
(normally obtained via satellite positioning, possibly with local
augmentation, and in some cases paralleled by inertial navigation or map
matching), in-vehicle trip logging, and communication (GSM/GPRS)
with a central service which calculates the fee and does the billing. These
methods, which require on-board units, are supplemented by payment
through self-service stations and/or the Internet. Examples are the
German TOLLCOLLECT system designed for heavy goods vehicles in
which the trip cost is calculated on the basis of log records sent from the
on-board unit to the central billing service, and the Swiss LSVA in which
DSRC is used to trigger at the entrance to and exit from Switzerland. A
connection to the tachograph plus GPS is used to measure the distance
travelled; log records are then transferred to the central service through a
smart card.
In the USA, roadside beacon-based systems using dedicated shortwave
roadside communication (DSRC) systems at 5.9 GHz are being
developed as a standard for vehicle-to-roadside communication which
would include applications of charging. The same frequency has been
settled on for Europe for DSRC and some charging applications will
adopt this technology where the enhanced certainty, quality and quantity
of communication will be seen to outweigh the fixed point limitations
and likely additional vehicle costs.

5.2.3 Issues Choice of technology

Introduction and operation of a toll-based approach entails a

small cost for the user but a high cost for the infrastructure owner. It is
suitable for specific sections (tunnels, motorways, trunk roads), where
toll plazas can intercept both entry and exit from the network. It is able to
170 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

calculate the charge for the entire trip (based on time, length or other cost
functions), so is suitable for large, but closed networks such as national
motorway networks. It can also be useful for pricing options such as
'cordon pricing' (as in Trondheim) or Access Control schemes. As far as
the user is concerned, the convenience increases with the dimension of
the network, as payment is made just once for an entire trip. However, a
large network is likely to require administrative agreements between
many road operators (the largest in operation, in Italy, involves 26
motorway concessionaires) as well as a clearing house to apportion the
fees paid. Also, as network size increases, the ability to selectively vary
charge by location decreases.
The trip-based approach requires an on-board unit and can be used for
more flexible road user charging schemes in which charges may vary by
time and location. More subtle approaches to charging may reflect the
costs of a journey for society - an application of the 'polluter pays'
principle - and/or the benefits for the road user (Glaister, 2005). It can
also apply any pricing policy operated by any toll plaza technology by
using the concept of virtual toll plazas.
There are three technology issues associated with a trip-based approach:
(a) The lack of precision and robustness of satellite positioning in
some circumstances. These shortcomings are most evident in
urban areas;
(b) Difficulties in setting up and maintaining a complex distributed
architecture with the necessary level of performance;
(c) A complicated system for the administration of post-payment is
It is possible that with an improvement in performance of the
technologies for automatic number plate recognition or the introduction
of electronic vehicle identification, an architecture could be developed in
which the vehicle is a completely passive element i.e. no on-board unit
(OBU). In such a situation, the points for fee payment would no longer
be 'toll plazas' but 'enforcement plazas'. An application of this
architecture is found in the London congestion charging scheme, where
vehicles are not required to install any equipment, payment can be made
Chapter 5 Network Management 171

in different ways (including post-payment), a 'cordon pricing' policy is

applied and vehicles are detected and number plates read (for
enforcement purposes only) at the entrance of a closed network.
However, it should be noted that, since vehicles are not required to
install any equipment, then the London case will not come within the
scope of the Directive 2004/52/CE. In general, this type of scheme
should be considered as an intermediate stage to enable policy-driven
short-term road user charging applications to be developed. Vehicle
location and communication technologies and systems are developing
strongly for navigation, safety/security and other purposes, such as
usage-related vehicle insurance. When these technologies have further
developed and matured they will be likely to form the basis for
sophisticated trip-based charging systems. Issues which would need to be
addressed in transition relate to:
- Transparency of and confidence in charging delivery
mechanisms - e.g. GPS with Galileo will shortly offer
significant increases in performance and integrity over GPS
- Different technologies have different costs and different cost
sharing between the various sectors (e.g. between operators and
users) which imply different contributions to other policy goals
and potentially different levels of user acceptance;
- The need for a clear link between policy aspiration and price
structure - for example, congestion is highly localised in time
and space, so blanket pricing which calls itself 'congestion
charging' would be met with scepticism, even resentment;
- The extent to which wider policy considerations affect user
acceptance - e.g. social impacts, climate change, traffic and
community impacts. The converse is the degree to which
'selling' road user charging as making towns and cities better
places to live and reducing climate change will be labelled
'nanny state' intervention or simply mistrusted;
- The response in provision of alternatives to the car - walking,
cycling, rail and bus;
172 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

— The impact of mode shift in response to road user charging on

the acceptability of other modes;
- The extent to which media play on the issues will influence
public acceptance and understanding. Enforcement

For 'point-based' methods of charging, technologies for

enforcement are well established using cameras and automatic number
plate recognition.
For trip-based methods, where there are no fixed tolling points and the
only information available is the log of the trip (TOLLCOLLECT and
LSVA), enforcement is more complicated. Complete enforcement needs
on-the-road verification of the on-board-unit (OBU) and, for non-
equipped vehicles, verification of proper payment. For ITS, this implies
that the OBUs must be capable of communicating with external devices.
This may be automatic at set locations which detect and classify a
vehicle and verify proper payments automatically, or an equivalent
portable device may be available to the police or others. In examples in
Switzerland and Germany, the vehicles are equipped with short range
communication systems. Such a system may need to be capable of being
used with various technologies and services.

5.2.33 'Value pricing'

Linnett (2004) envisages a wholesale shift in the way that

charging technologies are used; highway authorities will no longer be
mere providers of road space, they will be 'selling journeys'. In this
vision, the opportunity exists to manage the sale of journeys in much the
same way that airlines sell flights or that train operators sell tickets - with
a mix of advance sales, pre-booking and, at a higher cost, turn-up-and-
go. However, the application of such an approach to road travel would
require a level of clarity of understanding of capacity and its
management which currently does not exist. The integration of charging
systems with information systems would not only defray the cost of the
Chapter 5 Network Management 173

charging technology by adding commercial uses, but would also improve

management of the infrastructure, encouraging people to travel when the
infrastructure is lightly used in order to reduce charges. Privacy

The better performing systems, which base the calculation and

billing on the log record of vehicle movement must address privacy
issues. It may possible for a pre-paid smartcard to be automatically
debited, keeping a local (probably short-term and rewriteable) record of
the journey undertaken to enable the owner of the vehicle to challenge
incorrect charges. From the ITS technology point of view, this would
probably call for more complex systems. Solutions could be provided by
various strategies, including a possible shift to more 'vehicle-based'
architectures, capable of leaving all data, including the cost calculation,
in the hands of the user, or else an extended use of protection procedures
to ensure that personal data are not misused. However, most people
accept the loss of privacy which comes with mobile phones knowing the
precise location of users, so perhaps the 'civil liberties' issue will be
more manageable than is often feared. There may be some reluctance to
accept itemised billing, which allows family and employers to see one's
movements. A smartcard system or one which sends bills only to those
who fail to pay the charge might be more acceptable. In Oregon, one
option being tested is AVI (Automatic Vehicle Identification) linked
with an in-vehicle odometer, which stores information about the road
user charges due. The driver then pays the charge at the filling station
when stopping for fuel. This may be a route to a charging system which
maintains at least discretion, if not privacy (since the AVI has to identify
the vehicle's position in order to 'tell' the odometer the correct charge
per mile).

5.23.5 The impacts of road user charging

The impacts of road user charges can include:

- Reduced congestion;
174 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

- Reduced environmental damage (less pollution);

- Reduced costs to businesses (faster deliveries due to reduced
- Revenues raised for investment;
- Better use of the transport infrastructure (higher fees on the
most densely used routes leading to a reduction in demand and
switching to other modes/routes);
- Social effects (e.g. lower costs in rural areas, increasing
Different types of scheme permit different benefits. In schemes such as
Trondheim and London, investment funds are raised by adding road user
charges to the existing costs of driving. On the other hand, if the aim is to
re-balance the costs of motoring on the 'polluter pays' principle (Glaister
and Graham, 2003), then the current blanket fuel tax should be removed,
and charges redistributed in proportion to the environmental impact
(pollution and congestion caused), but with the overall costs of motoring
remaining the same. Many motoring organisations are adamant that this
is the only acceptable form of widespread road user charging. The
development of an approach which will be politically acceptable is
crucial and this will require the identification of benefits which are
clearly seen to outweigh the disbenefits and a system which is
technically sound. User Acceptance

One of the difficulties, here, is fear of the new. Road user

charging should bring real benefits to drivers in most conditions. Those
who do need to drive in the busiest places and at the busiest times will
get a better quality of service. Those whose journeys switch to different
times or who choose closer destinations will get cheaper motoring. In
rural areas, most drivers will get cheaper access. But people generally
dislike change. In the UK, there was initially strong opposition to the
introduction of variable speed limits on motorways (to produce smoother
traffic flows in congested conditions), but by 2002 (Social Research
Associates, 2002) many drivers asked for more 'controlled motorways',
Chapter 5 Network Management 175

perceiving time-saving and reliability gains. It may be that the

experience of better driving because of road user charging will be the
primary means of increasing acceptance (Lehman et al., 2002).
Similar attitudes have been shown in different European countries versus
regulations. In Italy, access control to city centres or generalised pricing
schemes encountered strong opposition initially, but after a few years
there was a strong request for extension. Again, the reason for this
change was the tangible benefit obtained from the measures. It is also
true that pollution, congestion and safety are today perceived as 'priority
problems to be solved', to a degree that any credible method to reduce
tangibly the negative impacts could be socially accepted. Impact on user behaviour

The aims of road user charging can include encouraging people

to travel at different times or to use less congested routes, perhaps
choosing different destinations. The integration of RUC systems with
information systems is the way to deliver this. With route planning
advice in the car and reduced congestion on the road, driving could
become a pleasure again.
On the behavioural side, understanding is weak. Ubbels and Verhoef
(2003) point out the difficulties in anticipating the behavioural response
to road user charging. The value of time may prove important to
behavioural change in response to RUC. Drivers are being 'sold' value
charging as bringing time savings and reliability improvements - how
important are these? Wardman et al. (2002) gives an overview on the
value of time, but Gunn (2001) reminds us that people 'place little or no
value on time savings or losses under three minutes or so' and 'that unit
time losses are valued greater than unit time gains.' Jara-Diaz (2001)
develops a distinct method for evaluating leisure time travel savings,
which is linked to the ITS and RUC question not least because people
may need better information about the costs of journeys they take rarely.
Social Research Associates (2002) shows that reliability is valuable.
176 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

5.2.4 Future opportunities

The key action needs for the 6th FP relate not only to technical
development but also to developing a clear picture of how the technology
can serve the distinct policy objectives in different road user charging
frameworks. Another critical action is understanding likely user
responses. That is important for the road pricing scheme itself, but also
critical for knowing what information people will need, where they will
need it, how they access it and respond to it in terms of travel behaviour.
Requirements for Research

There are four key areas of general enquiry:

- To review and determine the most appropriate technologies for
location, charging and enforcement for general application of
charging systems across Europe in all environments, including
urban areas;
- To study the best solution for the envisaged 'European Road
Charging Service', within an open architecture;
- To assess the socio-economic and environmental effects of
road user charging;
- To review the behavioural response to road user charging and
the contribution of ITS to making road user charging accept-
able to users.
Further actions within the ITS domain:
- Continuation of the research on road user charging
technologies and methods, with the aim of exploring the
- The development of a coherent set of quality indicators
for the accuracy, integrity, continuity and availability of
information technologies for different road user charging
schemes with different policy objectives;
- Implications of interoperability in a free market context
of RUC and other services (information, booking, enter-
Chapter 5 Network Management 177

tainment) in the vehicle and with portable equipment;

definition of overall architectures.
In support of the actions decided in the Directive 2004/52/EC:
Independent technical expert groups to support the 'Electronic
Toll Committee' established by the Directive and achieve the
link between the research, the projects and such a Committee.

5.3 Road and Traffic Monitoring

Over recent years there has been considerable development of

traffic management schemes and emergency scenarios for cities, regions
and even trans-national entities to improve traffic flow, reduce
congestion and increase performance of the respective road transport
networks. For real-time implementation however, many of these plans
are hampered by the fact that still little is known of the actual situation
on the roads. Experience shows that implementing reliable, automated
road traffic monitoring technology usually takes considerable effort.
Often little attention is paid to the unassuming task of road monitoring,
which provides the very basic functionality for every road traffic
telematics application.
Road monitoring is not an end in itself but usually serves road and traffic
management schemes, user information in its broadest sense and - as an
off-line by-product - provides data for statistics and planning purposes.
ISO-1997 defines requirements for traffic monitoring within eight groups
of user services:
- Traffic management;
- Traveller information;
- Vehicle systems;
- Commercial vehicles;
- Public transport;
- Emergency management;
- Electronic payment;
178 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

For each of these services, the required data and special quality criteria
are considered. In most cases several technologies are capable of
providing these data, with specific implications on accuracy, costs,
scalability or multi-functionality. Some techniques are well established
in practice, some are more like pilot applications, and many are expected
to be improved in quality and cost.
A system architecture of road traffic monitoring may be described at
three levels: the conceptual, the technical and the institutional. The
conceptual architecture describes the functions of components or sub-
systems of the information chain from data acquisition to information
provision to the end-users, distinguishing space and time, and the
information flow between those components. Figure 9 shows a rough
structure of such an architecture. Possibly, additional decentralised
devices can undertake parts of functions of the measurement devices or
the traffic information centre. The technical architecture deals with the
conversion of the concept into a physical system.
A special problem from the view of engineering is the non-technical
issue of institutional arrangements. There are many actors (individuals
and institutions) involved in a transport monitoring system:
- Public and private management and information centres;
- Road users evaluating the processed information they get and
including it into their decision on driving or travelling actions;
- Road users measuring the driving process and environment
conditions (by on-board equipment) or observing special events
(especially incidents/accidents) themselves;
- Public and private institutions operating their own
measurement systems;
- Professional drivers of public transport, taxi and freight
transport fleets, possibly with extended on-board equipment;
- Weather and air quality observation entities.
The diversity of actors implies two problems: Each actor makes his/her
own assumptions for checking the correctness of the input data
(plausibility) and modelling the calculation of derived parameters. This is
ian issue of quality management. At a certain degree, the data
Chapter 5 Network Management 179

exploitation and information processing requires an evaluation of the

relevance of data. This needs the determination of preferences which
may differ between the acting groups. The problem is more severe in a
traffic management system taking decisions than in a monitoring system.

Measurement point / device

=> collection of original data
=> compilation of traffic information
=> plausibility check
=> data aggregation

Traffic information and management centres

=> data fusion Other TICs,
z> plausibility check / quality control traffic
=> model based determination of traffic and <—• management
environmental conditions in the network centres
=> short-term prediction
=> provision to users

Road transport authorities Road works management
Police Rescue services
Public transport operators Freight transport operators
Road users Other

Figure 9: Conceptual architecture of data monitoring

5.3.1 Vision

It is neither possible nor feasible to precisely predict future

technological breakthroughs or development threads to formulate a
vision of road and traffic monitoring. However, it is possible to identify a
180 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

number of core elements that seem indispensable for a range of

development scenarios:
- Full coverage of primary road network (TERN) with road,
weather and traffic monitoring infrastructure;
- Trusted and cost effective technology to reliably monitor all
road users, trucks, cars and even pedestrians or cyclists;
- An open market for traffic information to facilitate the
exchange of information at different processing levels;
- A viable market for value-added services to enable service
providers to generate and market high quality information
services for infrastructure owners, police, emergency services,
travellers, freight operators or public transport;
- Comprehensive, collective road weather and traffic information
available for all road users on the main network;
- In-vehicle systems harmonised in the European context, such
that travellers can access information across borders in all the
Member States;
Such a vision strongly implies that all road monitoring schemes, public
or private, are linked together via a network of traffic information centres
(TICs) to avoid costly redundancy (through duplication) and make
optimal use of all data gathered anywhere on the roads. It is
acknowledged, however, that the large number of actors usually involved
in any monitoring architecture leads to extensive effort in negotiating
user requirements like quality benchmarks or settling questions of
ownership and system control.

5.3.2 State-of-the-art

In most European countries, the past has seen small to medium

sized monitoring schemes, usually concentrating on the very primary
(motorway) network, conurbation areas with very high traffic loads or
specific accident-prone spots. Technology has been proprietary, with
even two systems from the same company hardly able to communicate.
Even long-lasting efforts at the EC-level to develop a common system
Chapter 5 Network Management 181

architecture have not yet led to interoperability or an extensive exchange

of data. Rapid advances in technologies and computing power have left a
wide mixture of monitoring devices, communication lines and hardware
platforms on the road and in the monitoring centres.
Traffic management and monitoring is more of an issue in densely
populated, middle-European countries, and even there, there are major
differences between urban and rural areas. Most stationary monitoring
schemes are dedicated to the motorway network.
In the Nordic Countries, the weather plays a major role for winter
maintenance purposes, even with little traffic on the roads. Adversely, in
thinly populated South-Western or South Eastern countries, few
monitoring efforts have been undertaken outside the biggest cities.
Besides public authorities, private service providers have started their
own monitoring schemes especially in those countries regularly suffering
from congestion and delays. Also in some countries operators of toll
roads and motorways have set up private monitoring schemes to
facilitate operation of their networks. Research programmes

The Telematics Application Programme (TAP) was the major

source of funding for research on road monitoring, incident detection and
network management in the 4th research Framework Programme (FP4) of
the European Commission. The main theme of the TAP was the
demonstration, validation and assessment of telematics applications,
rather than basic research in new technologies. Generally, budgets for
new hardware development or infrastructure implementation have been
rather limited, so projects were trying to utilise existing data sources and
generate additional value by combining information from several sources
and providing software tools for operation and management of these
services (information platforms, traffic information centres). Most of the
projects focused on urban transport environments, with a multitude of
data providers and several transportation modes available.
182 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

The successor of the Telematics Application Programme was the

Information Society Technologies (1ST) programme in 5th FP. Transport
Research including intelligent transport systems was funded under the
general action line 'Transport and Tourism' within key action I 'Systems
and Services for the Citizens'. The focus was even less on basic research,
but on practical application and demonstration with a clear market
perspective. Only a few projects have been carried out in the area of road
traffic monitoring and network management. In the project CARSENSE
technologies have been developed that should give sufficient information
on the car environment at low speeds in order to allow automated low
speed driving. The combination of several sensors will allow improved
object detection already based on today's sensors. With the development
of new sensor functions such as detection of fixed obstacles and wider
field of view, the systems will be capable of being used in urban areas in
comfortable ACC (Autonomous Cruise Control) systems.
In the First Call for Proposals of 6th FP which addressed the Strategic
Objective 'eSafety and Air Transport', the project ISMAEL aims to
determine whether recent advances in magnetic sensors could provide a
better means of surface movement surveillance at airports. Therefore
physical principles are used as the starting point to provide the best
magneto-resistant material for the task. This will be integrated into an
advanced sensor head which will form a low cost detector. Within the
GST project, the subproject on extended floating car data (XFCD)
develops a business plan and a viable architecture to reduce the
equipment and communication costs through standardisation efforts.
This is considered a pre-condition to achieve the high density of floating
cars necessary to achieve the desired monitoring coverage and accuracy
on all roads.
The Trans-European intelligent transport systeMs PrOjects (TEMPO) for
ITS deployment in the Trans-European Road Network (TERN) are part
of the eEurope action plan under the responsibility of DG TREN.
Funding is organised via seven Euro-Regional projects for a six-year
period (2000-2006). The EC support (16%) is being spent on the
following subject areas:
Chapter 5 Network Management 183

- The implementation of high quality road monitoring

infrastructure for reliable ITS services;
- The establishment of a European network of traffic centres;
- The removal of bottlenecks and easing of traffic flows through
traffic management and control measures;
- The deployment of easy access to high quality traveller
information services, including the interface with other modes
of transport;
- The enhancement of safety and efficiency of freight transport
through fleet and freight management systems;
- The development of easy and efficient electronic fee collection
- The promotion of road safety and efficiency through incident
and emergency handling;
- Horizontal issues such as systems architecture, standards, data
exchange, evaluation, enforcement, organisational and legal
In the proceedings of the TEMPO conferences at Dusseldorf (2003) and
Vienna (2004) achievements and future perspectives have been published
by the individual projects and specific expert groups by subject area.
Road monitoring is the theme of one of the TEMPO expert groups. The
achievements on best practices on monitoring deployment are
documented as part of a workshop of its VIKING project (2003). The
focus is on the harmonisation via European guidelines for high quality
levels of services and for the evaluation of the level of deployment of
monitoring infrastructure. In addition, an inventory of the state-of-the-art
of existing monitoring systems was given. From the workshop it was
concluded that there has been improvement in the harmonisation and
development of monitoring toward similar objectives in the long run, in
addition to the documentation being useful for experts who will learn
about the technological, operational and functional advances in the
monitoring domain (Kulmala et al., 2003).
184 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research Motorways

Road traffic monitoring on busy European motorways has

matured from the early, experimental phase and is aiming at a more
comprehensive coverage of the whole network. Different approaches
pursued by a variety of public agencies and technology providers left a
heterogeneous heritage of system architectures, technical solutions and
operational procedures. Current stand-alone projects have focused on
traffic hot spots and urban motorways, producing a largely incompatible
patchwork of monitoring systems in European countries. As major public
investments have already been poured into these projects, it is unlikely
that existing roadside technology will be replaced by a single superior
system, but rather supplemented and integrated into it. The integration of
data stemming from a variety of different sources, technologies and
content owners will continue to be a major challenge for any provider of
comprehensive information for a larger network.
Drivers for the early investments in traffic monitoring technologies have
been public agencies interested in road and traffic management (e.g. by
variable message signs). Even though monitoring equipment was fixed at
the roadside and quite expensive, investments could be justified with
public benefits (reduction of accidents, time savings) and sometimes
packaged within (even bigger) general construction budgets. Another
strategic advantage was the common availability of communication and
power lines along the motorways. Monitoring efforts on toll motorways
have been pushed for similar reasons. Even on privately owned or
operated sections, investments for traffic management facilities could be
justified through a gain of customers or though raising the general
attractiveness of a toll link. In any case, (contactless) tolling equipment
already requires an extensive communication and monitoring input in the
first place, sharing costs with corresponding traffic monitoring devices. Secondary network

Justification for monitoring investments on the secondary

network and also on the primary network in peripheral countries with
low population density is much harder. Often there is little evidence for
Chapter 5 Network Management 185

substantial time savings to be gained by traffic management measures,

the general technical configuration is lower, secondary networks are
larger and funds lower. As a result, only very few, mostly urban,
secondary traffic links have been fitted with fixed roadside monitoring
equipment. However, as extensive traffic diversion plans on the public
side and real-time traffic information for individual routeing services on
the private side become more popular, coverage of all the networks is the
challenge. Hence the extension of monitoring schemes onto secondary
networks will remain a major issue for traffic monitoring in the future. Private enterprises

Within the last ten years or so private enterprises have entered

the market. The idea was that high quality, reliable, real-time traffic
information should be a viable service to a growing customer base. In
some cases, access to public data sources could be negotiated, though
most of the service providers preferred to stay independent from
heterogeneous public data sources. As long as venture capital was readily
available, large investments were made in independent monitoring
networks. Layout could be focused on the specific needs of the traffic
information services; full coverage of the motorway network always was
a major requirement and concentration on one or two major technologies
kept investment prices per unit down and operating costs low. However,
despite the very positive prognosis for the market development,
aftermarket services have not become viable as yet. The industry is
hoping to increase sales by packaging their services with navigation
equipment, which is becoming more popular in new cars. The increasing
sales of telematics platforms by the car industry also provide the
opportunity to recruit larger fleets to generate floating car data (FCD).
Meanwhile, private service providers still refrain from investments in
secondary network monitoring, even though they know of the pitfalls
when diverting their customers off the major motorways.
186 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research Sensors

Obviously, there are significant technical differences in the

public and private approach to road traffic monitoring. Public agencies
operate local schemes of fixed, roadside monitoring equipment (mostly
inductive loops). CCTV cameras are commonly used for visual incident
detection and traffic quality assessment by the traffic control centre staff.
Lately, overhead radar or infrared detectors are becoming more popular,
often in combination with VMS superstructures. Public monitoring
schemes usually take advantage of existing data and power lines along
the motorways.
By contrast, private data providers rely on autonomous 'mobile'
overhead detector units, usually attached to motorway bridges or lighting
poles, powered by solar panels. Communication is wireless (GSM),
imposing severe restrictions on data bandwidth for cost reasons. Full
national coverage of the primary (motorway) network is usually required
for marketing reasons. To achieve better coverage of larger parts of the
network most companies work on the generation of floating car data as a
cost-effective approach. Private enterprises usually have neither access to
live video images nor sufficient staff for visual monitoring. Live traffic
web cams leave the visual monitoring to the customer; however,
resolution and image frequency are insufficient for the automatic
generation of traffic data.

5.3.3 Issues Algorithms

Both public and private data providers claim their respective

monitoring technologies are mature and sufficiently accurate for the
specified tasks. While this may hold true for the generation of raw data at
the roadside level, there are strong indications that new algorithms could
better utilise these raw data to generate actual information. Both public
and private actors tend to keep data processing secret as there seems to
be little readiness to update and improve existing schemes. Updating and
Chapter 5 Network Management 187

improving algorithms in existing data collection schemes could be the

cheapest way to produce higher quality road traffic monitoring data.

5. 3. 3.2 Quality standards

Requirements and quality standards for traffic management

measures seem to be different from those for traffic information data; as
a result there is little co-operation between public and private operators
on the exchange of traffic information. Public and private monitoring
networks overlap in many places, neglecting the opportunities to utilise
additional monitoring cross-sections or to cross-check results. Validation
of monitoring data and systematic verification of information is a weak
point both in public and private monitoring schemes. Fault, fraud, mistakes

Monitoring schemes with large numbers of cross sections and

devices, complex communication chains and often 'black box' data
processing units provide ample opportunities for fault, fraud and
mistakes. Mix-ups of cross-section locations, traffic lanes and travel
direction, the malfunction or even complete failure of devices sometimes
are hard to detect, yet they can easily devalue the results of a complete
system. Future road traffic monitoring technology needs to emphasise
even more the inherent auto-monitoring capabilities, at best
compensating for human errors in the configuration of systems. Low cost monitoring

The technological concepts seem to be capable of producing

traffic monitoring raw data at the required level of accuracy. Both public
and private operators of equipment argue that high costs (unit prices for
fixed or mobile roadside equipment and communication costs in all
private schemes) will continue to delay the rapid deployment in the
larger parts of the networks as long as traffic information services fail to
recover costs to a greater extent. The search is on for new, substantially
cheaper monitoring technologies that would allow for the coverage of
188 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

large, even little-used, parts of the networks. FCD (Floating Car Data)
seemed to close the gap at first; however, high communication costs
have put a limit on the idea. Recruitment of participants is possible,
despite concerns of privacy violation, yet this still requires substantial
discounts to be offered on the sale of the essential telematics platform. Piggybacking on existing infrastructure

The overwhelming success of mobile (GSM) phones through-

out Europe could provide an opportunity to piggyback on existing
infrastructure and surplus data to generate traffic information at very low
costs. Opinions on the technological potential are mixed. On the one
hand the United States expects telecommunication service providers to
develop an adequate technology to locate their customers quite precisely
in case of an emergency call; on the other hand there are some strong
arguments that data will be too coarse to actually monitor traffic flows,
even on motorways. Again, some privacy issues apply which must be
solved, and - even a bigger issue - all the data is at the courtesy of the
communication service providers who do not seem to see a real business
case in developing the technology. Traffic monitoring via mobile phone
location could be a promising, cost-effective technology. A clear
business case is required to raise interest with the telecommunication
service providers. Environmental data

While sensors and concepts for road traffic monitoring (volume

counts, speed, stratification) are available and reliable at their respective
costs, this does not seem to hold true for collecting stationary
environmental data. A key parameter for road safety is the road surface
condition, yet there are still no sensors to measure friction directly.
Estimation and forecast models calculate slipperiness from precipitation,
moisture, surface and temperature of the pavement. However, on a local
level and in critical conditions these models are not sufficiently accurate
to operate a warning scheme or speed control solely on their results.
Chapter 5 Network Management 189 Probe data, XFCD

Some hope comes from the recent development of probe

vehicle data. Large sections of the network could be covered accurately
that way, but high costs prohibit the equipment of large fleets at the
moment. However, the automotive industry is investing considerable
effort in the development of vehicle-autonomous sensors for road surface
friction to improve vehicle safety (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems,
ADAS) at reasonable costs. This extended floating car data (XFCD)
could also be communicated to roadside infrastructure to support
authorities with collective traffic management and warning systems. Nano- technologies

Developments from nano-technology (the capability of

building things one molecule at a time) could provide a totally new
detection structure for monitoring how traffic is flowing. Originated by
the MOTES/DUST/SMART DUST approach of the University of
California at Berkeley, the technology makes use of low-energy sensors
and communication units. The new sensors will be able to detect
vibration, footsteps, voices and still images and transmit them to a
network of fixed and mobile relay collection stations. The significant
reduction of size will enable sensors to be deeply embedded in the
physical world products or materials and spread throughout the
environment like smart grains of sand. Currently, sensor networks with
communications capabilities have been produced that are as small as a
penny. In the future, nano-technology will create miniature sensors so
small they could be woven maybe even within the ink on a piece of
paper (Pister, 2004).

5.3.4 Future opportunities

Although many road traffic monitoring systems exist in a lot of

countries, it is obvious that there is demand for improvements. Further
technical developments will support this demand. Regardless of which
scenario of a future monitoring system will become reality, certain
190 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

problems in all three sectors of concepts, technologies and institutional

arrangements need particular attention. They are summarised below.
At conceptual level, the following tasks need improved solutions:
- Fusion of traffic data from various sources (local measurement
points, floating car data, video observations, manual input) to
describe traffic situations and in particular to detect incidents;
- Short-term and medium-term traffic prediction based on
historical and current data as well as on models, considering
the anticipation of expected route changes caused by current
information, and control strategies and their acceptance by the
- Estimation of dynamic origin-destination traffic streams;
- Road surface condition assessment and forecasting based on
historical and current data as well as on models.
Technical problems exist in the following areas:
- Low-cost measuring and communicating floating car data;
- Video image processing, especially under adverse visibility
- Measurement of road surface conditions (wetness, black ice).
Finally, institutional issues are:
- The co-operation of data owners;
- The establishment of public-private partnerships by adequate
contracts, clarifying the competences of involved actors, and
the financing.
In addition, the problem of quality concerning the equipment level
required for the various partial systems is of relevance. In particular, the
minimum number of vehicles required to deliver floating car data seems
to be very promising within the scope of an integrated monitoring
The following table (Table 6) gives a detailed overview of the issues of
road traffic monitoring concerning different services or systems; they
may serve to formulate specific actions for future opportunities in
development and implementation.
Chapter 5 Network Management 191

Table 6: Road traffic monitoring

Basic road transport system information

Concepts Standardisation of network and traffic description
Traffic management
Concepts Control system requirements of: UTC (traffic lights, parking, etc.), access
control/ramp metering, speed limits/warnings, incident detection, routeing
(community/user optimisation, O-D), short-term traffic forecast, road
weather forecast
Data fusion, sources: private traffic, public transport, freight transport,
weather stations, special non-automated information
Technologies Local traffic sensors: inductive, optical, acoustical
Positioning/movement (time/space): GSM/UMTS, map matching, video
image processing, aerial view, satellite (GPS)
Data transmission: FM/DAB (radio), DSRC, GSM/UMTS, satellite
Information display (optical, acoustical): control centre, roadside, in-vehicle
Institutional Co-operation of data owners: PPP contracts, data exchange, info/control
strategies, liability, financing
Traveller information
Concepts Requirements of: routeing (community/user optimisation, O-D), traffic
conditions, weather conditions
Data fusion: (—> traffic management)
Technologies Local sensors: (—> traffic management)
Data transmission: (—> traffic management)
Information display (optical, acoustical): stationary terminal, roadside, in-
Institutional (—> traffic management)
Incident/emergency detection and management
Concepts Classification of incidents/emergency cases
Technologies Mobile data transmission
Single vehicle operations
Concepts Requirements of control criteria, assistance or automated driving, strategies
for cases of malfunction, special infrastructure for automated traffic
Technologies Sensors: for vehicle movement and of neighbouring vehicles, environment
Data transmission: vehicle-vehicle, vehicle-infrastructure
Institutional Legal issues: traffic law, product liability, privacy protection
192 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

Road pricing
Concepts Network determination, closed/open system, pricing criteria, integration
with transport system planning
Technologies Fee collection: GPS/digital map/GSM, DSRC - enforcement techniques
Institutional Legal conditions, financing, system operation
Incident / emergency detection and management
Concepts Classification of incidents/emergency cases
Technologies Mobile data transmission
Environment surveillance
Concepts Prediction and assessment of road conditions
Technologies Road surface (ice, slipperiness)
Commercial vehicle operation
Concepts Requirements of special surveillance and routeing
Technologies Weighing in motion
Public transport
Technologies Travel demand acquisition: data transmission, stationary, mobile
Safety services
Concepts Public travel security, safety for vulnerable road users, intelligent junctions
Technologies Mobile communication, vulnerable road user detectors, pedestrian detectors
Winter maintenance
Concepts Modelling of road surface condition from environmental data
Technologies Cost-effective vehicle road friction sensor, cloudiness sensor

Many issues of concern for a substantial improvement of road traffic

monitoring have been identified in the previous section. Institutional
arrangements should be addressed in a political context, yet quite a
number of technical subjects emerge as a starting point for further
research activities. The basic concern is that current technology is too
expensive for covering large parts, yet alone all, of our road networks.
While technical solutions do exist more or less to cover every monitoring
desire, actual implementation concentrates on accident hot spots and
some heavily used parts of the motorway network. For the systematic
diffusion of monitoring schemes, technology needs to become more cost-
Chapter 5 Network Management 193

There are four main directions for research:

- Cheaper sensing and communication technologies for
stationary observation to facilitate more widespread use of
traditional (usually public) concepts
- Reducing costs for XFCD-technology, telematics platforms and
vehicle-to-road communication to allow the operation of larger
monitoring fleets, covering virtually every part of the network;
- Exploring the spin-off effects of nano-technologies for low
energy detection and communication for totally new traffic and
incident detection schemes;
- Improving algorithms and models for the interpretation of
existing data to generate higher value information at the lowest
These points hold true for both traffic monitoring and road environment
surveillance, with the exception of road friction sensing. Here, accuracy
and reliability of sensors and models still need real improvement to
support road safety management measures.
Future opportunities could be organised along the following project
- Road surface condition monitoring and prediction;
- Cost-effective monitoring technology including nano-
technologies for service quality;
- Piggybacking on cellular phone data - cheap ways to area-wide
traffic monitoring;
- Area-wide mid- and long-term traffic forecast and prediction;
- Satellite and airborne image processing for road traffic and
driving environment monitoring;
- Develop public-private partnerships based on business plans
and open architectures to promote data fusion of all levels of
transport networks and sensing technologies.
These opportunities have to be seen within the tasks and objectives of
traffic management. Their fulfilment will support and close the loop to
these tasks and are a means for the take-up of the technologies envisaged
for future transport management schemes. The development of these
194 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

architectures and the need for standardisation have to be addressed for

multimodal and intermodal requirements and other developments of
traffic information and control systems.
Chapter 6

Freight Transport

The efficient transport of freight is fundamental for industry

and business, and a major factor in the smooth working of the economy.
However, the high percentage of freight carried by road in Europe - over
90 % in some countries - makes it a major cause, and victim, of traffic
congestion. This is compromising the efficiency of transport operations,
and also has serious implications for safety and the environment due to
accidents, vehicle emissions and noise.
Over the last two decades, the European Commission has made efforts to
'rebalance' the modes by promoting the use of non-road transport and
encouraging intermodal solutions. For a number of reasons, this has not
proved easy to achieve. One fundamental difficulty is that about 80 % of
goods movements in Europe involve trips of under 200 km. Intermodal
transport is at present economically viable only for distances of at least
400 km. The outcome is that road haulage is in most circumstances the
most competitive solution for shippers in terms of direct costs, in spite of
the growing risk of delays caused by road congestion.
Given the forecasts of continued growth in freight volumes - an estimated
annual rise of between 2.0 % and 2.7 % - pressure to contain the negative
impact of goods movement and to find commercially valid alternatives to
road haulage is bound to intensify. One of the strategies being proposed
is to embrace more fully the potential offered by ITS. Telematics
applications can certainly make an important contribution to the
efficiency of freight transport, but it is argued that their success will
depend on an appropriate regulatory framework for transport, as well as

196 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

the willingness to undertake strategic investments in the supporting

This chapter attempts to identify the aspects of freight transport where
telematics systems could make the most effective contribution, and the
areas where research and other actions are required to make their wide-
scale deployment a real possibility. The first part looks at goods transport
as a whole, especially longer distance freight movements, and examines
in particular the potential of telematics for supporting intermodality. The
second part considers the specific problem of goods deliveries in urban
areas. It should be emphasised, however, that these are not totally
different worlds; in many cases they represent different stages of the
same freight journey, and the ITS applications involved are similar.

6.1 Long Distance Freight

6.1.1 Policy background

Traditionally, the policy of the European Commission has been to

promote 'sustainable' transport; this concept being understood as an
approach which balances environmental, social and safety factors, with
the achievement of economic efficiency (cost-effectiveness for both the
providers and users of transport services) and high service quality. The
search for ways of reconciling these often conflicting objectives has
underlain the Common Transport Policy for many years.
The document which sets out the current strategy is 'European Transport
Policy for 2010: Time to Decide' (European Commission, 2001). Many
of the sixty guidelines relate specifically to freight, and underline the
importance of revitalising the railways, promoting the transport of goods
by inland waterways and short sea routes. An updated version of this
statement is currently being drawn up.
One of the difficulties is to favour non-road transport without imposing
excessively restrictive measures or heavy additional costs on haulage
operations which could affect Europe's economic competitiveness. The
long-term goal is to create conditions in which alternative solutions can
become commercially self-sustaining.
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 197

6.1.2 General trends in freight transport

Among the trends affecting freight transport in Europe are:

- The globalisation of production, which is changing the patterns
of freight distribution (e.g. the growth in intercontinental sea
freight is increasing the importance of ports as nodal points)
and intensifying the level of competition, accentuating time and
cost sensitivity. The overall effect is to strengthen demands to
reduce the 'frictions' in goods transport;
- The outsourcing of transport and logistics operations resulting
from the increasingly specialised transport requirements. This
is leading to strong consolidation in some sectors, such as
parcels, which are now dominated by a few large international
- The growing use of e-commerce practices, which affects the
organisation of the supply chain, tending to favour 'just-in-
time' production/delivery and the fragmentation of deliveries
(i.e. smaller and more frequent shipments);
- The demand for flexibility, due to rapidly changing demands
for transport and also the problem of unexpected delays (e.g.
caused by accidents or traffic congestion). This is leading to the
practice of 'mobile warehousing' where routeing and load
distribution is rescheduled while freight is on the move, and
makes it essential for fleet managers to have access in real time
to the information necessary to be able to choose the best
routes, services, or even modes, and recalculate arrival times;
- The introduction of increasingly stringent regulations regarding
certain products, such as fresh food and hazardous goods,
which will require tracking of consignments.
One of the consequences of these changes is that shippers are no longer
expecting a 'transport only' service, but are seeking complete logistics
solutions with transport operations that can be fully controlled (i.e. the
possibility of monitoring vehicles and the cargo/container throughout the
journey). The ultimate target is a service that offers 'zero delays, zero
inventory, and zero red tape'.
198 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

Progress in this direction can be facilitated by ITS applications. By

offering logistics 'packages' providing high quality end-to-end services,
and enabling data exchange between modes, telematics tools can make
freight transport more efficient and also favour intermodality.
Within this wider (and more ambitious) vision of an ITS-enabled freight
transport system, the efficient movement of goods will be an important
element in the strategy for improving the competitiveness of business.

6.1.3 Vision

The future foreseen for the freight domain is one in which ITS
will be part of the 'armoury' of all the players involved: the freight
shippers and transporters, infrastructure managers (i.e. those responsible
for running the transport networks and related facilities, such as freight
villages or terminals), as well as public authorities (who use telematics
tools to monitor and control freight transport operations, e.g. road use
charging, access control and enforcement). Together, the integrated use
of these tools goes to constitute an 'Intelligent Freight Transport
The widespread use of fleet management platforms helps road haulage
operators to improve productivity through the ability to plan and monitor
missions with greater efficiency, and achieve better use of vehicle
capacity (through load consolidation). Continuous tracking and
communications between vehicles and the Fleet Control Centre will
make it possible to reschedule operations while trucks are 'on the move'
and adapt to changing requirements. Access to real-time information on
traffic, weather and road conditions will make it easier to produce
accurate arrival time estimates and avoid congested parts of the road
Drivers will benefit from a range of services, accessible through onboard
fixed units and handheld devices, and operable in any European country.
These will provide them with support, especially in unfamiliar areas (e.g.
location of service areas, hotels, etc) as well as greater safety for
themselves (e.g. automated emergency service alerts in the case of an
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 199

accident) and their loads (e.g. automatic tracking and temperature

monitoring). Preventive safety will be substantially improved by the use
of co-operative systems which enable communication between vehicles
in a local area, and also between vehicles and the infrastructure. This will
make it possible to receive warnings of dangers caused for example by
an obstacle or accident on the road ahead, icy patches, fog banks, etc. in
time to take avoiding or corrective action.
In this vision of the future, intermodal (combined) transport will be used
far more widely than at present. The ability to exchange documentation
between vehicle and control centre before arriving in a freight terminal,
to track consignments across modes, and automate the 'processing' of
loads and vehicles in terminals will significantly improve efficiency. The
effect will be a reduction in the time loss in transfer operations as well as
better service quality and security. The consequent increase in the use of
rail, inland waterways and short sea routes as part of intermodal journeys
will help these to reach a critical mass, triggering a virtuous circle of
higher productivity, lower tariffs and increased business.
There will exist a series of long distance 'freight ways' extending across
Europe N-S and E-W operating regular road/rail shuttle services. Similar
opportunities will be exploited using inland waterways and maritime
cabotage. The efficiency of transferring the freight will be facilitated by
improvements in the physical infrastructure and equipment. Terminals
sited at key nodes will offer facilities for bi- or tri-modal transfers.
The freight sector will remain firmly in the private domain, stimulated by
open competition between operators. Common standards are nevertheless
adopted, so systems are interoperable. Public-private partnerships (PPPs)
help to promote the adoption of ITS in critical areas such as cross-border
services. Co-operative arrangements exist between Trade Associations
and private firms, especially Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs),
operating in the transport sector and give the latter the benefit of access
to advanced management tools and ITS platforms.
200 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

6.1.4 State-of-the-art Roadfreight

An overwhelming majority of the inland (road, rail and inland

waterways) freight in European countries is carried by road - the average
is around 75 % (by tonne-kilometres), while in some countries it is over
90 %. Despite the growing frequency of serious traffic congestion, the
relative convenience (direct door-to-door service) and cost advantages of
road haulage have until now made it difficult for other modes to
substantially increase their share. An exception in the overall picture for
non-road transport is the substantial growth in maritime container traffic
in recent years.
While road haulage is far more efficient than in the past, in terms of
logistics as well as reduced energy consumption and toxic emissions, it is
nevertheless still characterised by:
- A multitude of uncoordinated transport operations, especially
in the many small-scale fleet operations;
A high percentage of unused load capacity (due in particular to
empty return trips);
- A substantial amount of time 'wasted' in various types of
delay, as shown in Figure 10.

Cause of delay not

Figure 10: Causes of delay in food deliveries (McKinnon and Ge, 2003)
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 201

Although road haulage generally offers the most rapid mode of delivery
for shippers, as indicated by Figure 10, almost a third of trips are subject
to unscheduled delays. The two principal causes are problems at the
collection or delivery point and traffic congestion. This picture is
confirmed by a survey carried out by Eurolog (2003) which indicates that
for much of the time vehicles are in fact 'non-productive', i.e. idle or
waiting (see Figure 11), and suggests that considerable scope still exists
for improvements in efficiency.
Telematics tools can make a positive contribution in the majority of these
areas of inefficiency. These tools include:
(a) Automated scheduling systems which are able to calculate the
most efficient sequence of deliveries and loading/unloading
operations. For large firms with multi-drop deliveries, it is
estimated that they permit an increase in the productivity of
personnel of around 25 % (Leonardi and Baumgartner, 2004),
as well as substantial fuel savings by improving the load factor
and reducing overall mileage;
(b) Fleet management platforms, which use satellite technologies
for tracking the location of vehicles. They offer a range of
functions which can help the transport manager in both
monitoring trips and in the planning stage by producing
detailed logs of the missions undertaken (e.g. fuel consumption,
stops made, distances travelled etc) and calculating statistics.
Such platforms can also be integrated with onboard sensors to
offer, for instance, anti-theft systems and vehicle diagnostics,
which facilitate the planning of maintenance operations.
(c) An interface between the control centre driver through a fixed
onboard unit or a PDA (mobile handheld device) permitting the
exchange of messages and also automation of administrative
processes, such as the confirmation of goods delivery. They can
also provide added-value services for the driver including route
guidance and 'infomobility' services
Automated fleet management platforms are now beginning to penetrate
the European freight transport market. In a sample survey carried out in
202 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

Germany in 2003 (Leonard! and Baumgartner, 2004), around 17 % of the

trucks were equipped with on board units. In many other countries, and
especially among small firms, the percentage is likely to be much lower.
It is undoubtedly a market with great potential for growth.
An indication of what can be achieved through substantial investment in
ITS and the adoption of e-commerce practices is at present offered by the
major freight shippers, especially integrated carriers such as DHL, UPC
and TNT, and the principal food retailers. Having the advantage of large-
scale operations, a single company environment, and activities covering
the full logistics chain, the extensive use of telematics tools enables them
to gain very significant efficiency benefits. The challenge is to spread
this level of efficiency to the transport community as a whole.

Figure 11: Average vehicle utilisation over 48 hours (McKinnon and Ge, 2003)

New developments, for which research is already underway, include the

so-called 'co-operative systems' whose objective is to improve traffic
efficiency and safety. These are advanced telematics applications which
will permit communication between vehicles in local 'ad hoc' networks
and also between vehicles and the infrastructure. Other initiatives involve
the improvement of the quality and accuracy of driver information
services with the use of 3D maps and 'floating car' data.
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 203 Non-roadfreight and intermodality

After a period of notable growth in the 1990s, the demand for

intermodal transport seems to have reached a plateau. Since 2000, it has
levelled out at about 5 % of total tonnage. The question is whether this
represents a maximum viable ceiling or whether the difficulties currently
experienced in encouraging shippers to use intermodal solutions can be
Behind the average statistics regarding the modal split lie considerable
national variations. In Switzerland, for example, only 36 % of freight
travels by road, and in Sweden 42 %. By contrast in Spain and Ireland,
road haulage accounts for well over 90 % of inland goods transport.
The reasons for these differences are partly geographical and partly the
result of organisational and regulatory factors. Certain physical features,
such as the mountainous terrain, the existence of seaports, rail nodes, and
inland waterways can favour the use of rail or waterborne transport. But
there is also evidence that well designed regulations, incentives and
organisational framework can have a beneficial impact. This means that
it is important to understand how these can be supported by ITS.
The figures quoted here are drawn from a survey by the Observatory on
Transport Policies and Strategies in Europe (OTPSE, 2005) carried out
for the French Conseil National des Transports (CNT).
Intermodal freight has a much higher penetration in the road-rail sector
(25 %) than maritime (10 %) or river traffic (5 %). While 20 % of road-
rail freight adopts the so-called 'piggy back' solution (combined
transport), 80 % is unaccompanied (mainly containers and swap bodies).
Intermodal transport is predominantly in the hands of a few large
shippers and is not easily accessible to smaller players. Given the current
growth in maritime traffic and air traffic, there would appear to be
potential for intermodal terminals located at seaports and airports.
The countries with the highest tonnage of road-rail freight are Germany,
Italy, Switzerland, France and Austria. While in the first two, the volume
of combined transport is currently growing, in the others it is shrinking.
In Austria, the decline has been attributed to removal of the 'Eco-points'
incentive; whereas in France it is generally put down to improvements in
204 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

the motorway network which have favoured road haulage. This

illustrates the difficulty in permanently capturing the market and in
making intermodality pay without financial incentives. As well as higher
direct costs, rail and waterborne transport also suffer from a lower
service quality than road haulage in relation to reliability, punctuality and
Intermodal transport is technically and economically viable only in a
very specific market segment: the large scale movement of non time-
sensitive goods over a long distance (the threshold is estimated to be
around 400-500 km). It is ideal for mass transfer of freight between two
distant points involving a route which presents practical difficulties for
road transport, such as trans-Alpine routes.
Intermodal solutions in Europe are in fact concentrated on major axes,
such as the N-S corridor between the Rhine delta and the North of Italy,
passing through the Alps. The most successful and efficient approach has
proved to be the institution of regular shuttle services on key routes.
Telematics systems are as yet not widely used for intermodal transport
except for the road leg of the journey and specific functions, e.g. freight
terminal access. The constraints are both organisational and technical,
including the large number of players involved and the difficulty of
achieving interoperability between modes and across national borders.
Among the ways in which ITS can support intermodal transport are by:
- Improving efficiency (time-saving) in transfer operations, e.g.
by permitting data exchange between freight terminals and
vehicles on the move before their arrival;
- Improving the quality of services offered (e.g. tools to facilitate
the tracking of containers across modes, anti-theft systems for
the rail/waterborne legs) and their continuity across borders;
- Making it easier for small transport operators to gain access to
intermodal services;
- Providing a more accurate expected time of arrival (ETA) (for
many cargoes the critical factor is not so much the speed of
transport, but the precision of the arrival time prediction).
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 205

6.1.5 Issues

The first key issue regarding the use of ITS for road haulage is
to identify and promote a 'killer application' or trigger which would lead
to onboard units being universally installed on vehicles.
The higher the level of market penetration, the greater the benefits both
for individual firms and for the community as a whole. As indicated
above, fleet management platforms offer transport operators the
possibility of substantial gains in efficiency and productivity. In addition,
the cumulative effect of load consolidation and better routeing at
European level would result in lower overall mileage for the volume of
goods transported and lower environmental impact. Furthermore, when a
high percentage of vehicles are using advanced telematics applications,
such as 'co-operative systems', there are further benefits in both safety
and traffic efficiency.
So how can fleet managers be persuaded to invest in such systems?
Clearly on-going reductions in cost will help, as well as more widespread
awareness of the positive impact on efficiency. But to accelerate their
adoption, the missing factor is a strong enough incentive, or mandatory
requirement, for the installation of onboard units to become widespread.
There is however a further condition. In order to gain the full advantages
described above, it is necessary for such platforms to be interoperable. If
systems are developed independently using incompatible approaches,
then many valuable benefits could be lost. To establish services which
are able to exchange information with other systems and will be
operative in any European country, requires a common architecture. A
second critical issue is therefore how to guarantee the interoperability of
services between types of system and across national borders.
The opportunities for providing these two issues is discussed in section
The third issue regards the thorny question of intermodality. As freight
transport is a highly competitive sector, shippers will inevitably opt for
the mode which offers the convenience, good service and low prices.
This means that costs, time and reliability are critical factors. If left to
market forces, it seems likely that, at least in the immediate future, the
206 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

share of non-road freight will not expand significantly. So what are the
prospects for the future?
Given that the volume of freight seems destined to continue to grow, the
long term future seems likely to offer a scenario which could be highly
damaging for the European economy. If current trends are to continue
with no constraints on road haulage and no significant investment in
alternatives (such as rail freight), congestion will gradually intensify,
delays will become commonplace, and pollution and safety will become
even more serious issues than at present. At some stage, the road will no
longer offer a commercially feasible option for goods movement on
many routes and the market will be forced to find other solutions. Since
the environmental lobbies would probably block the construction of new
roads, investment will begin in creating alternative networks, but since
the building of new infrastructure (e.g. rail routes) is a very long term
undertaking, freight transport would remain highly inefficient until such
work was completed. The only way to avoid such a situation would be to
foment an 'intermodal shift' before the critical point is reached.
One of the strategies proposed by the environmental lobby to accelerate
such a shift is to 'internalise' the external costs of transport. However, a
study carried out by the European project RECORDIT indicates that the
comparative cost advantage of using intermodal transport is slight, as
shown in Figure 12. This suggests that even if shippers were obliged to
pay the indirect costs of transport, the impact might not be sufficient to
lead to a significant variation in the modal split.
It is of course possible in the longer term that changes in the underlying
conditions, such as a substantial increase in fuel prices, could tip the
balance more decisively. Nevertheless, in the meanwhile, the only really
effective approach would be to adopt a 'dual strategy' consisting of:
(a) Strong financial incentives or regulatory measures to constrain
road freight, such as the banning of Heavy Goods Vehicles on
certain routes or a Europe-wide introduction of heavy tariffs for
(b) A concerted effort to render intermodal transport more efficient
and attractive in its own right.
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 207

The RECORDIT project in fact concludes that it is perfectly feasible to

achieve substantial cost reductions in intermodal transport by:
- Undertaking radical reform of the organisation of intermodal
transport, with the objective of drastically reducing the costs of
handling, infrastructure and the rail part of the journey;
- Promoting a co-operative effort by the many players involved;
- Focusing such efforts and resources on a given number of long
distance axes which offer the most favourable opportunities.
Telematics applications are fundamental to the operation of an automated
tolling system and also in making the organisation of intermodal
transport more efficient. Examples are given in section 6.1.7.

Figure 12: Comparison of costs: intermodal vs. all road freight (RECORDIT project)
208 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

6.1.6 Future opportunities

6. J. 6.1 Transport policy in relation to intermodality

The changing context, changing attitudes, and advances in

technology are setting the scene for a more optimistic outlook. Pressure
from environmental groups for containing the volume of road transport is
intensifying. There is growing awareness of the external costs incurred
by road accidents, pollution, noise and congestion. This is reflected in
increasingly stringent emissions and noise standards as well as safety
targets which are obliging the authorities to take more decisive action in
regulating vehicles and traffic circulation.
The change of attitude is evident in the acceptance of schemes such as
the congestion charge imposed on traffic entering London, and the tolls
imposed on heavy trucks in Germany, neither of which would have been
conceivable some years ago. Similarly, the banning of HGV circulation
on certain days or routes, e.g. in Alpine areas, and greater efforts to
enforce regulations (e.g. speed limits and driving hours) are undoubtedly
making life more difficult for haulage operators and have helped to
favour intermodal transport.
Secondly, the vulnerability of road transport to disruption as a result of
congestion or accidents is becoming more evident as parts of the road
network reach saturation (a problem exacerbated on E-W routes by the
entry into the EC of central and eastern Europe countries). One example
is the impact of the closure of the Mont Blanc road tunnel resulting from
the fire in 1999. For shippers persistent delays and uncertainty regarding
arrival times can eventually erode the advantage of road transport. In teroperability

If ITS applications are to be really effective they need to be

integrated, and for this to happen they must be interoperable. To ensure
in turn the interoperability of ITS applications, there must be agreed
standards and a 'high level architecture'. This implies a common
approach to the planning of the telematics systems. Compliance with
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 209

such a methodology and common standards guarantees the possibility of

data exchange between different types of system, even when developed
independently (for a more detailed discussion see section 7.1).
Fortunately there already exists a European ITS Framework Architecture
developed by the EC project KAREN in the late 1990s and extended by
the FRAME projects (2001-4). Although this architecture covers mainly
road-related ITS applications, interfaces to other modes are included. The
architecture has adopted elements relating to road haulage proposed by
the COMETA project and also the Italian national ITS architecture
ARTIST. More specific requirements and recommendations for freight
across all modes were examined by the THEMIS project. For short sea
shipping and inland waterways similar initiatives have been carried out
and a KAREN-related architecture is now available.
An excellent opportunity therefore exists to make use of this basic
framework and to build on it further in order to extend the European ITS
Framework Architecture to cover the new and emerging needs of freight
and fleet management systems. Trigger for equipment of vehicles with onboard units

The key to the universal equipment of fleets could possibly be a

European road pricing strategy for freight vehicles. If such a policy were
introduced, the onboard equipment required could provide the necessary
platform for a wide range of ITS services and could underpin a move
towards more intelligent transport logistics. A system of differentiated
tariffs for use of the road infrastructure would require interoperability
throughout Europe.
In order to achieve interoperability of the software and hardware systems
involved, the European Community can play a valuable role, not only by
promoting common standards and common operational procedures, but
also by supporting co-operative initiatives.
There are already examples in the transport industry where competing
companies (especially SMEs) have initiated community systems for their
mutual benefit. In some instances this has been done as a defence
210 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

mechanism to protect members from competition from large integrated

carriers, in others it is in response to the need to meet a legislative
requirement, which has acted as a catalyst for setting up broadly spread
systems permitting all players to comply with the regulations.
Among the constraints to the use of automated fleet management systems
are the lack of specialised personnel and the organisational impact
(Leonardi and Baumgartner, 2004). This is a problem felt in particular by
small transport firms. One way for them to benefit from advanced freight
transport platforms without the need to set up an in-house Operations
Centre is to use web-based fleet management functions. These are open
platforms which are offered on a service-contract basis and can be
accessed via a normal PC. As well as avoiding heavy initial investment,
the solution offers flexibility, as the choice of functions can be tailored to
meet individual needs as they evolve.
A useful role for the EC would therefore be to launch a virtuous circle
with policies which encourage 'networking' between different transport
modes, and providing cost incentives for co-operation. Such incentives
should not become subsidies for unprofitable services, but should focus
on infrastructure and other up-front investment for subsequent services.
The European Community could also support trial schemes based on
perceived real requirements. The initial requirements could be defined by
the Trade Associations but, in order to ensure successful implementation,
these would have to work with private sector organisations. The onboard
platforms now being provided by OEMs can be good starting points for
intelligent freight transport systems.
Dissemination is also essential for improving the knowledge of possible
applications of ITS and making the benefits made more widely known
amongst transport operators. This could be achieved by making available
details of selected 'best practice' cases.
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 211

6.1.7 Recommendations Role of the EC in promoting ITS for freight transport

Among the actions which could be promoted by the EC are:

- Extension of the European ITS Framework Architecture to deal
in greater detail with freight transport. This could possibly be
done by setting up of a Task Force consisting of representatives
of European countries which already have national ITS
architectures covering freight, as well as initiatives such as the
Euro-regional projects with an interest in facilitating long
distance (cross-border) goods traffic;
- Promotion of initiatives with the objective of encouraging
networking between transport firms, the sharing of information
- Promotion of open web-based fleet management platforms
which are easy for SMEs to access on a service contract basis
(as outlined in the previous section). Actions to support intermodal freight

To favour intermodality, actions need to focus not only on

promoting the use of telematics tools for transport operations, but also
innovative systems to support management and business processes.
One of the key objectives of research would be to develop an 'electronic
market place' making it easier for transport shippers and operators,
especially SMEs, to gain accessibility to intermodal networks, even in
the more peripheral regions of Europe. Such initiatives could involve:
- The promotion of on-line 'freight service centres', i.e. web-
based information platforms, able to provide potential
customers with all the necessary information - tariffs, booking,
documentation requirements - for organising an international
freight journey;
212 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

- Electronic Freight Planners offering a demand-responsive

service built on real-time information and able to support load
matching for intermodal transport;
- The pooling and bundling of freight transport demand along
given corridors to help reach the critical mass which would
make intermodal transport services economically viable;
- The drawing up of international rail accessibility standards and
development of advanced systems for rail slot management and
pricing for intermodal train services on national railway
networks (with the aim of abolishing cross-border frictions);
- Development of tracking systems to allow consignments to be
traced through the whole journey, assuring better security and
also accurate arrival time estimates.
Intermodal operations as 'connection points'
- Evolution in concept of intermodal terminals: from modal
'break points' to modal 'connection points' able to guarantee the
smooth transfer of loads and efficient processing of information
and documentation;
- Promotion of best practice: rather than 'reinventing the wheel',
opportunities should be used to learn from operational
experience in existing automated container handling terminals.
Examples of innovative solutions for integrated intermodal
transport chains should be documented and made known.
Total quality management (TQM)
One of the important objectives for intermodal transport, in
order to increase its acceptance, is to improve the level of service quality.
This requires the development of TQM systems which can guarantee
quality standards, especially for:
Punctuality and reliability: when shippers have to deliver
within a very tight time margin (or risk paying fines), they
require support in route planning and changes to adapt to actual
road conditions. This can be provided by tracking and tracing
systems which, together with real-time traffic information, can
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 213

produce constantly updated arrival time estimates (ETA). To

guarantee the service levels required by customers, such tools
must be integrated with advanced management systems
(including transport incident detection, assessment and
interception strategies). (On the other hand, when cargoes are
not time-sensitive, shippers need to focus on the accuracy of
the ETA rather than reduced journey time. This requires a
different approach);
- Security: the challenge is to provide seamless surveillance and
control systems throughout the whole transport chain and
across international borders;
- Monitoring of sensitive cargoes: for safety and health reasons it
is essential to know the exact location of hazardous goods,
perishable foods or special cargoes, such as animals).
Such systems need to be integrated within a global TQM concept, which
includes all stages of the transport process (from planning to booking,
dispatch, delivery and invoicing) and all parties (operators, transfer
terminals, etc).
Improved logistics integration
Operators of intermodal transport should be able to share
information with the supply and distribution chain management of their
customers. This would help them to incorporate intermodal options into
their logistics planning at an early stage and would also enable
intermodal service providers to prepare and operate their services more
Further specific telematics issues that require research, refinement and/or
demonstration are the following:
- Ways of undertaking intermodal 'asset tracking' of cargoes and
vehicles to ensure continuous stock visibility. Strategies are
also needed for linking such systems across national borders;
- Harmonisation of message and document standards (to allow
the use of a single 'electronic window' for intermodal transport
214 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

- Development of e-commerce techniques for freight logistics in

conjunction with advanced mobile communications (GPRS,
UMTS) and mobile computing instruments (PDAs, GSM-
Scanners) with a view to offering web-based added-value
services. Complementary research recommendations

In addition to research regarding ITS tools, the following areas

have been identified for providing important complementary support:
Transport Policy
~ A detailed examination of the responsibilities of the players
involved in freight transport, e.g. shippers, infrastructure
managers, public authorities, etc., with a view to clarifying
their roles, eliminating conflict, and promoting better co-
- Analysis of resource conflicts between freight and passenger
transport regarding the transport infrastructure;
- Development of benchmarking methodologies for intermodal
transport to permit the systematic assessment of strategies;
- Establishment of efficiency criteria for intermodal terminals
(bi-modal and tri-modal nodes) in relation to location, level of
automation, technical and commercial viability;
- Proposed bundles of measures which could improve the
competitiveness of intermodality in freight markets, including
financial and regulatory measures as well as incentives to adopt
new technologies;
- Development of a Europe-wide open standard for automated
tracking and tracing systems (to help counteract the perceived
lack of security in non-road based modes, particularly rail).
Transport Economics
- Gathering of statistics for all 25 European member states on
intermodal transport with respect to freight origin/destination,
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 215

type of cargo, volume, value of shipments, etc., and ways of

making them accessible to transport planners and policy
- Investigation of the potential of SMEs for short distance
procurement and distribution with regard to intermodal
transport systems;
- Development of a methodology for evaluating different
approaches to infrastructure use charging for freight transport
(e.g. road and congestion pricing);
- Examination of ways of increasing the economic viability of
intermodal nodes and transfer points by providing value-added
logistics services.

6.2 Urban Deliveries

Among the particular features characterising the delivery of

goods in urban areas are the facts that:
- Environmental and safety factors are especially critical, both in
shopping districts and residential areas (pollution and noise
levels as well as the safety of other road users and pedestrians);
- Delivery vehicles in cities face strong competition with private
cars and public transport for road space as well as bays for
- Constraints are frequently imposed on vehicle circulation by
the nature of the road network, e.g. narrow streets, or by
regulations, e.g. pedestrian precincts and areas in which
motorised access is restricted.
Though goods deliveries represent a relatively small part of urban traffic
(around 10-30 %), the impact on congestion and the generation of toxic
emissions is disproportionately high due to the type of vehicles used
(large/medium trucks) and the fact that they need to park in busy streets
while making deliveries.
Efforts are therefore being made, especially in the larger urban areas, to
reduce the nuisance this causes to other users of the city. In addition,
216 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

many city centres have been 'redesigned' to increase their attractiveness

to shoppers and visitors. But these initiatives, which frequently involve
the creation of traffic free zones, can make life very difficult for the
shippers as well as the businesses they serve. Pressure is therefore
mounting from both sides to find satisfactory ways of managing urban
A whole range of measures are currently operated in European cities, but
the principal strategies involve:
- Instituting access restrictions in specific parts of the city;
- Imposing limits on parking/loading, and more recently;
- Making monetary charges for use of urban roads.
These measures are operated with numerous variations, e.g. restrictions
on certain size or type of vehicle, 'time windows' for loading/unloading
operations, charges for parking, entry into certain parts of the city
depending on the emissions status of the vehicle, and so on. The problem
is that these regulations are frequently not only complex and confusing
for delivery operators, but also difficult for the authorities to monitor and
enforce fairly. Schemes which are not well conceived invite non-
compliance (drivers may prefer to park close to their destination and take
the risk of a fine, rather than use an official unloading area!).
ITS instruments can offer valuable support in managing such regulations
without the need for a large personnel dedicated to the task. Considerable
potential exists for the development of specialised telematics tools, both
in the management of the deliveries themselves, and in helping the city
authorities to regulate more effectively the movement of commercial
vehicles in urban areas.

6.2.1 Vision

In our future vision for urban freight deliveries, co-operative

agreements will have been reached in all major European cities between
retailers, shippers and the local authorities on the access arrangements for
commercial vehicles, especially to city centres. These will often involve
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 217

the definition of strict 'time windows' and the need to book (and in some
cases pay) for authorised access, but at the same time offer the advantage
of using reserved lanes and designated (un)loading areas or transhipment
The result is a substantial reduction in the 'nuisance' to general traffic,
while permitting the efficient servicing of business needs. It is facilitated
by the use of specially designed ITS tools which support the
management of the more complex strategies, and make the system
From the point of view of the telematics systems and equipment used,
operators have moved away from isolated proprietary solutions towards
integrated multi-purpose, multi-user platforms, which take full advantage
of the opportunities offered by high-precision satellite location (using
Galileo services) and mobile computing. An important feature of these is
the possibility of access to web-based supporting services and
information (traffic, maps, routeing, booking of delivery slots, etc.).
A driver approaching an unfamiliar city can request details of the local
access arrangements before entering the urban area, download a city map
onto his onboard unit and request a suggested route to his destination.
The 3D map shows him landmarks to facilitate route finding, indicating
streets which are currently congested or too narrow for his vehicle to use.
He has requested advance authorisation to enter the restricted city centre
zone; the necessary fee is paid automatically and registered by his firm's
fleet management platform. As the vehicle has EURO-4 emissions status,
it is allowed to enter this area.
Another vehicle belongs to the fleet of a large logistics group which has a
sophisticated system for optimising its deliveries and collection. The
drivers know the area well so they do not need navigation support, but
the transport company finds it very useful to have information on typical
traffic flows on the network in order to plan their operations. They can
also benefit from access to the city's mobility platform to be able to book
the use of one of the transhipment points and arrange a special electric
load-carrier for the last stage of delivery in a pedestrian precinct.
218 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

A third driver works for a small local delivery firm which has equipped
its vehicles with inexpensive onboard units. The transport manager uses
a central terminal (PC) through which he has access to a web-based fleet
support service that enables him to plan the order of 'drops' and monitor
the fleet. The firm takes advantage of co-operative arrangements with
other small companies, which allow them to share vehicles when there
are non-urgent consignments to make to a common destination. In this
case the loads are left in a special container at a transhipment point.
Deliveries in city centres are facilitated by the existence of 'urban hubs'
where loads can be transferred to energy efficient, low noise, low
emissions carriers designed for deliveries in urban areas (e.g. rapid and
quiet loading). The items are packed in containers which are equipped
with RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Devices) tags to enable
automatic recognition with handheld computers (PDAs) and constant
tracking of the delivery status.
The typical architecture of the kind of open mobility platforms which
make this possible is shown in Figure 13.
By means of a SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) interface, the city
mobility authorities and the fleets themselves have access to a series of
web-based services. In this way, the authorities can make available
information on access regulations or facilities that they offer. If vehicles
are equipped with GPS antenna, then their presence in restricted areas
can be monitored and the information used to support enforcement
measures against unauthorised vehicles. Vehicles with onboard units can
also exchange messages with the Control Centre or City Authority
terminal, in order for example, to request authorisation to enter a
restricted area, or to check in real-time whether the official loading bays
are free.
For deliveries in residential areas, a variety of solutions are used,
including service points sited in strategic locations (e.g. locker-boxes for
collection/deposits at service stations, car parks, and within residential
areas). Customers have access to unmanned points by means of
electronic keys which function with personal codes. The operations
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 219

carried out are registered online and printed confirmation with legal
validity given.

Extra services

H iFirewa"
• Traffic info
• Geo-referencedPOl
• Freight auctions
•Vehicle tracking •etc.
• Routeing guidance
• Planning and optimisation
• Data collection, etc. ( )

On-board unit
+ PDA for
Access supervision
Booking; loading bays
Traffic monitoring
Info publication

Figure 13: Open platform for the management of urban deliveries

6.2.2 State-of-the-art

In most cities the volume of delivery traffic is growing. There

has been a marked increase in particular in the demand for transport of
small parcels and non-containerised goods. Turnover in the sector has
been rising by 8 % per year since 1996.
Commercial traffic in urban areas falls into three main categories:
(a) Deliveries to retail outlets;
(b) Service and maintenance activities;
(c) Home deliveries.
220 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

The first category is highly diversified, its features depending on the type
of business being served. This will determine the size of loads involved,
the frequency of delivery and any special conditions (e.g. need for
refrigeration), which need to be taken into consideration
Even though it does not strictly consist of delivery traffic, the second
category is mentioned because of the volume of traffic involved. It can
make up as much as 30% of the commercial traffic in a city. These
activities are on the increase as a result of the outsourcing of service
contracts and the demand for rapid intervention. While there are many
similarities between goods deliveries and service trips, there are
significant differences too. Service operations generally:
- Take longer to perform (vehicles are therefore parked for a
much longer time);
- Tend to be very fragmented (many small firms involved);
- Require a very rapid response (for emergencies);
- Are far less predictable than deliveries.
Home deliveries can be generated both by traditional stores which offer
this as a service for customers, and by online shopping. The latter was
slower to take off than initially predicted, but is now growing rapidly in
certain retail sectors. The chief problem (for the shipper) encountered in
this form of delivery is that of finding someone at home to accept the
goods. From the environmental and safety point of view, there is the
problem of increased traffic circulating in residential areas.
Although local authorities are far more likely than in the past to adopt
specific strategies for delivery traffic, it is not easy to find a satisfactory
approach. The general tendency is to apply restrictive measures such as
access controls (which can be put into practice at short notice without the
need to set up any special facilities), but these can lead to dissatisfaction
and difficulties on the part of transport operators and the businesses they
serve. An approach being considered in some cities is that of setting up
points where loads are transferred to smaller vehicles for delivery to the
customer. They need to take into account however that any 'break point'
in a delivery trip will add to the overall time and costs. Efficient logistics
are a fundamental element in the cost strategy of retailers.
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 221

The adoption of e-commerce practices in general (both B2B and B2C) is

leading to the emergence of new logistics patterns. While the traditional
model for retail distribution is represented by (2) in Figure 14 below, it is
increasingly common to find variants such as (1), where goods are
delivered directly to the final customer (home deliveries) and (3), in
which 'order fulfilment centres' are set up specifically to deal with the
despatch of orders taken online. These often serve a whole region, but
sometimes also have local depots in the periphery of the urban area
where goods are transferred to smaller vans for delivery directly to the


•• B \t m
c Existing Regional
Distribution Centres
Order Picking



Figure 14: Alternative distribution chains for retailing

While the larger retailers tend to organise their own delivery service,
many others outsource this role to a logistics specialist. The lion's share
of the delivery business for small-medium packages at present goes to
the courier and express parcels industry (annual growth of 4-5 % is
expected in this sector over the next five years).
The problem faced by all is that of 'the last mile'. Various strategies are
being adopted to reduce the number of unsuccessful trips caused by not
222 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

finding customers at home to take delivery. One alternative to doorstep

deliveries which has been successfully piloted in several countries is the
'pickpoint'. These may be manned or automated service stations, such as
the 'packstation' deployed by Deutsche Post/DHL in Germany and the
Chronospare system in France. The items themselves can be identified
by the operator's tracking and tracing system in order to confirm delivery
and notify the receiver of an item awaiting collection.
Telematics instruments are beginning to play a more prominent role in
the management of goods deliveries in cities. As in the case of interurban
freight transport, the larger-scale operators seek to optimise the logistics
(and reduce costs) by using fleet management platforms with an interface
for the driver, which is usually a handheld device, or PDA, to exchange
data, and register administrative operations.
From the point of view of the overall management of delivery traffic in
towns, however, there are still several shortcomings including:
- The fact that such tools are very rarely used for the myriad of
deliveries and service trips operated by small local fleets;
- The limited use made of telematics by the local authorities for
managing urban delivery traffic;
- The lack of communication between the two, i.e. between the
fleet management platforms and the city mobility agency.
The result is that there are numerous uncoordinated delivery trips to the
same or similar destinations, and very often there is a lack of assistance
offered by the city authorities (who sometimes lack detailed knowledge
of delivery traffic patterns) to facilitate sustainable solutions.
An important evolution in the future would be:
- The development of fleet management platforms which can
provide logistics support at low cost for smaller operators and
platforms which are suitable for managing co-operative
delivery arrangements;
- The development of telematics tools able to help local
authorities in monitoring, charging and controlling delivery
traffic, in providing services and also making available
information to delivery operators.
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 223

6.2.3 Issues Strategies for Regulating Urban Deliveries

The majority of European cities have now adopted specific

strategies for delivery traffic, some of these developed as part of
European research and demonstration projects. City authorities have at
their disposal a wide range of approaches, tools and measures for
regulating the movement of freight in urban areas. It is not always easy
for them, however, to choose the best solution from the many alternative
policies and technologies available.
In order to make a sound choice it is necessary not only to have good
knowledge of the various possibilities, but also an accurate picture of the
situation regarding freight delivery in the city concerned. This requires:
(a) The availability of clear guidelines based on best practice and
results of demonstration projects, including not only techno-
logical aspects but also the management implications;
(b) Adequate data to enable the patterns of freight movement to be
better understood. While detailed (but usually confidential)
data is collected by private shipping companies to improve the
efficiency of their operations, limited information on delivery
and service traffic is in general available to public authorities.
The automated collection of data is a function which could be integrated
with the traffic monitoring function. It is important to be able to find
ways of doing so efficiently (so the costs are low), in a practical way (so
the data collected is really useful) and without violating data privacy
rights. Co-operative approaches

One of the concepts put forward to optimise urban deliveries,

especially for the smaller operators, is 'Collaborative Management'. This
involves co-operation between different carriers, with the aim of sharing
vehicle space for consignments which have a common destination. There
are conflicting views on its potential. Certainly it is not easy to organise
224 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

due to the difficulty of meeting the needs of numerous individual

enterprises operating in a competitive environment, to problems of data
confidentiality, and the overheads of handling and planning which
increase operational costs. Attempts to use this approach have often
overlooked the fact that deliveries are part of long supply chains, and that
city logistics cannot be viewed in isolation from the rest of the
supporting network.
Some successful examples exist, but at present the level of optimisation
is low compared with that obtained by professional operators. It seems
nevertheless likely that the voluntary exchange of information between
firms requiring transport services will in future become more common,
especially in places where restrictive conditions are imposed on vehicle
Collaborative approaches are particularly appropriate for deliveries in
city centres, for example in managing the use of low-emissions vehicles
for the consignment of goods in pedestrian areas. The only practical way
of managing such operations is by means of open telematics platforms to
which all interested parties have access. These would be used as a form
of electronic 'market place', assigning goods to the available vehicles in
an optimum fashion and tracing operations from a central terminal. Open telematics platforms to support efficient logistics

Numerous systems offering fleet management functions

already exist on the market. An evolution of interest for small scale
delivery operators, and possibly also the management of collaborative
initiatives, concerns the creation of'open' platforms, which allow access
at any time to a large number of parties while preserving confidentiality
of the data exchanged.
The most practical way of providing such a service is through web-based
platforms with protected access. Some small scale and partial examples
exist, but otherwise this is an area in which pilot schemes and
demonstrations are required.
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 225

The use of open platforms has potential for several functions relating to
urban deliveries:
- Collaborative approaches to freight distribution, especially in
relation to the management of urban transhipment points;
- Value-added services regarding e.g. real-time traffic
information, mapping and detailed road network information;
- The publishing of information by city authorities regarding
current access regulations in given zones;
- Offer of services by city authorities, such as booking of
delivery slots, occupation of loading bays, access authorisa-
tions, etc.
One of the main technical challenges regards the successful integration
of the value-added services. From the business viewpoint, such platforms
would have the function of offering value-added services to firms, but
leaving the market free to find its own user equilibrium. Tracking and tracing of containers and individual items

One of the critical requirements of the advanced management

of urban deliveries, especially if co-operative approaches are adopted, is
an efficient way of tracking individual items or the containers in which
they are packed. A solution already being used by some of the larger
shippers is that of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Devices). RFID
tags (or transponders), which can be active or passive, are attached to the
goods. The passive tags used today can be read from a distance of about
two metres and store just enough data for an identifier and a small
amount of other information. This data can be stored, displayed and/or
sent to another location. Active RFID tags have a greater reading range
(about 15 metres), but are larger and cost more. While passive tags can
last indefinitely, active ones last only as long as their battery.
In urban applications, RFID tags are valuable for tracking items which
pass through various stages of transhipment. The advantage is that the
tags can operate in any kind of environment and do not need to be visible
to the reader. Passive RFID tags can also be used to map and identify
urban containers to be loaded onto the vehicle in order to speed up the
226 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

operation. The use of active RFID tags on delivery vans or trucks could,
for example, make it possible to check that only authorised vehicles are
using a given loading-unloading place. If attached to containers or single
items, they can provide data relating to goods themselves.
Over the next few years, experimentation involving both types of RFID
technology by the larger freight shippers is likely to continue. This will
no doubt determine the most appropriate applications of the different
types of tags and possibly also produce further innovations. If the cost of
active tags were to fall substantially in the future, this could open the
way to their widespread adoption for urban deliveries and facilitate the
management of schemes involving the transhipment of goods.
It is desirable, however, for standards to be established at European level
so that such tags are interoperable and can therefore be an integral part of
co-operative initiatives as well as for operations by individual firms. Platforms for city mobility authorities

There are three main types of activity which city mobility

authorities are likely to require increasingly in the future, and which
involve telematics applications:
(a) The control and monitoring of delivery traffic, including the
imposition of access restrictions and charging for the use of
road space;
(b) The publication of information in order to make known current
rules and regulations, the zones affected, the vehicle categories
permitted, the services and facilities offered, such as informa-
tion on availability of special parking areas;
(c) The provision of services for delivery or service vehicles such
as the booking of loading bays and the use of transhipment
platforms, access authorisations, etc.
The development of a platform in which these different functions can be
efficiently operated and are also integrated (in the sense that data can be
exchanged between them) is a major challenge for future research.
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 227

6.2.4 Recommendations

While it is the responsibility of the city authorities to draw up

appropriate regulations and measures regarding urban deliveries, the
preparation of guidelines based on best practice and field experiments at
European level would provide a very useful contribution.
An important role for the EC is therefore in the proposal of guidelines
regarding the ITS tools available to support the management of goods
delivery and the related organisational aspects. These should include a
suggested management framework, as well as ways of overcoming the
current barriers to co-operation, i.e. how to bring together the many
different stakeholders, public and private.
The suggestions for research and other actions are summarised below:
Telematics applications
- Development of a 'reference platform' for city authorities to
use for the management and control of delivery traffic and
provision of services. It would serve as a basic framework to be
built upon and adapted to provide the particular services
required in a given urban area.
- Investigation of innovative approaches to the (multi)use of
urban space and the development of telematics applications to
manage it in a more flexible way. This could include a
methodology for optimal space allocation and also ways of
organising the flexible assignment of space, e.g. through real-
time information on the availability of loading bays, automated
allocation of time-slots, etc.
- Proposal of methods of automated data collection to provide
information for planning delivery traffic management strategies
in a way that is inexpensive, easy to organise and respects data
protection laws.
Traffic management policies
- Evaluation of alternative delivery traffic management schemes
and coercive actions to minimise impact on congestion, noise,
228 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

pollution and general nuisance (assessment of the impact of

priority lanes, delivery time restrictions, road pricing schemes,
emissions/vehicle size limits, planning controls on location of
distribution centres, etc.) with the aim of producing practical
and quantified guidelines.
Harmonisation and standardisation
Proposal for the standardisation of the interfaces between on-
board tour planning systems and traffic management systems to
ensure that traffic information services can be integrated.
Standard performance indicators could also be developed.
Standardisation regarding the size and shape of goods
containers to facilitate the use of interoperable handling
Examination of norms relating to the storage and handling of
perishable foodstuffs at transhipment areas and 'pickpoints' to
ensure health and safety standards. Also of monitoring
techniques to ensure the rules are respected.
Investigation of feasibility of introducing European norms
relating to operating licenses for delivery vehicles, as well as
legislation on the size, weight or emissions of vehicles used in
certain areas (e.g. city centres) and special measures such as
taxation for empty running, with the aim of reducing noise and
environmental impact.
Specific recommendations regarding e-commerce
For a better understanding of the potential impact on traffic and
cities, simulation models are needed:
(a) To analyse the logistics relating to different product types;
(b) Evaluate alternative delivery systems to identify the
arrangements which minimise traffic impacts.
Analysis of the behavioural impact on the use of online
shopping on individual mobility, including 'trip chaining' and
'replacement trips', transport modes used, etc.
Chapter 6 Freight Transport 229

Research to establish how to favour use of online shopping and

home delivery services by sectors of the population with
special needs, e.g. the elderly or physically handicapped.
Chapter 7

ITS Support

This chapter examines a set of issues which are fundamental to

the future development and uptake of ITS products and services. They
have been brought together in this chapter as they all provide support that
is not limited to specific ITS sectors but is felt 'across the board'.
The first regards the concept of high level ITS architectures whose aim is
to provide a common framework and methodology for the planning of
ITS applications. As argued here, the widespread (voluntary) compliance
with a European-level architecture can help to achieve the harmonisation
of ITS with a positive impact on the ability to establish services which
are interoperable across modes, across borders, and across different types
of device, and also on industry's willingness to invest in ITS.
Secondly, we examine some of the critical issues regarding positioning.
Precise and reliable location is essential to many telematics applications,
which means that it is important to understand the implications of new
developments regarding radio navigation technologies and the satellite-
based services to be made available by the GALILEO initiative.
Finally, we take a look at the 'human element', in other words the people
responsible for the design, development, maintenance and
implementation of ITS. It is suggested that a co-ordinated approach at the
European level to training and education of ITS personnel could
significantly improve the skills and knowledge available, and
consequently have a positive impact on the quality of ITS applications.

232 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

7.1 Architecture

7.1.1 Background

One of the reasons claimed for Europe's success in gaining an

early lead in the development of many telematics technologies was the
focus on well-defined 'building blocks' such as traffic control, driver
information, public transport management and route guidance systems
(European Commission, 2000 (1)). These benefited from the numerous
European R&D programmes carried out from the late 1980s onwards,
which produced promising results for a whole range of ITS systems and
By the mid 1990s, however, it was becoming clear that the real-life
implementation of these systems was much slower than had been hoped.
To address the problem and identify the causes, a High Level Group was
set up. Among the conclusions drawn by this group was that ITS
schemes too often consisted of stand-alone solutions created for specific
applications. If ITS were to achieve its full potential and wide-scale
deployment, the systems would need to be interoperable. One of the
challenges to be faced was therefore how to integrate these building
blocks and to favour interoperability.
The answer proposed was the development of a pan-European
architecture that would permit some degree of compatibility and synergy
across ITS applications. Compliance with such an architecture would
ensure that ITS projects were well conceived from a technical and
organisational point of view, and would be harmonised throughout the
whole of Europe. This would benefit industry as well as the public sector
and end users. Among the recommendations of the High Level Group
was therefore the creation of a European Telematics System Architecture
for the road sector. This was endorsed in June 1997 by the Transport
The result was the EC-funded project KAREN (Keystone Architecture
Required for European Networks) which ran from April 1998 to October
2000. This had the task of developing a European architecture for road-
Chapter 7 ITS Support 233

based ITS applications. It was not the only such initiative - architectures
were developed for specific ITS sectors, for example by the QUARTET
projects for urban traffic control, COMETA for freight transport, and
GERDIEN for motorways - but it was undoubtedly the most ambitious.
Creation of the European ITS Framezvork Architecture
In 2000, the KAREN project published the first version of the
European ITS Framework Architecture (European Commission, 2000
(2)). In order to respect the principle of subsidiarity, this consisted of a
high level framework or 'model' which European countries could use, if
they wished, as a basis for their own national ITS architectures. These
could, however, be adapted to reflect local requirements. A further
important feature was that the architecture was not technology specific.
Its purpose was to give guidelines regarding the content and, equally
important, the methodological approach to ITS planning. A somewhat
similar approach was adopted in the USA, where the National
Architecture (U.S. Department of Transportation: National ITS
Architecture), as a federal product funded by the Department of
Transport, supports individual States in creating their own architectures.
Other non-European countries which have developed national ITS
architectures include Japan, Korea, Canada and Australia.
After the conclusion of the KAREN project, two follow-up projects,
FRAME-S and FRAME-NET (2001-2004) had the task of encouraging
and supporting the development of national ITS architectures. A series of
updates have also been made to the original Framework Architecture and
two new versions published in 2004.
A prominent aspect of all these projects has been efforts to raise
awareness of the need for and benefits of ITS architectures (European
Commission, 2004) and the creation of commitment to their

7.1.2 Vision

Our future vision consists of a situation where ITS is far more

widely deployed in Europe than at present. Readiness to promote ITS on
234 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

the part of public authorities has been stimulated by clear evidence of the
benefits with respect to transport efficiency, safety, and intermodality.
Use of ITS services by individual travellers has grown as a result of the
practical support they offer for all types of journey. This has all led to an
expanding market for ITS developers, manufacturers, suppliers and
service providers.
A fundamental feature of this picture, and one of the reasons for the
success of ITS in gaining a mass market, is the harmonisation (and hence
interoperability of applications) achieved across Europe, across modes
and across devices. This has been possible due to willing co-operation
between all the stakeholders. These support, and take part in, a
continuous 'harmonisation' process, which starts at the ITS policy level
and leads in a coherent way to decisions regarding implementation.
ITS deployment is being shaped by a user-oriented view, rather than a
'technology push'. This is possible since all of the main players - local
authorities, industry and the final users - are involved in the process. In
general the public administrations (Transport Ministries) are leading the
way, and are able to influence the direction of ITS policy in their
countries, helping to ensure an approach which balances social with
commercial benefits.
User involvement is stimulated by the evident advantages being gained
through this harmonised approach to ITS planning:
- Travellers in Europe (the final users of ITS) obtain benefits
from interoperability, especially for cross-border travel and
multimodal trips, due to the existence of'seamless' information
systems and services. They also reap the advantage of lower
prices, since the extended European market and greater
competition reduces the cost of systems, components and
- Public administrations are able to speed up the development of
ITS architectures by using the Framework Architecture as a
'model'. This allows them to achieve earlier and better planned
deployment of ITS. They can also benefit from the experience
Chapter 7 ITS Support 235

of others because of the existence of a common 'language' and

methodology, and access to examples of best practice;
- The ITS industry in Europe has the advantage of an extended
market for products, systems and services, since these are
guaranteed interoperability throughout Europe. They also have
a more stable basis for forward plans and investment decisions.
High level discussions and examination of the implications of European
transport policies for ITS lead to voluntary international co-operation to
achieve interoperability in key areas of ITS (on the lines of the process
which led to the Europe-wide adoption of RDS/TMC). This favours a
forward-looking approach to ITS development.
At the technical level, the European ITS Framework Architecture serves
as a basis for planning and provides a common methodological approach
for describing the possible deployment options. The Architecture itself
has been extended to cover interfaces with non-road modes, and is
gradually including new ITS areas where harmonisation is beneficial.

7.1.3 State-of-the-art

Thanks to the various initiatives sponsored by the European

Commission (especially the KAREN and FRAME projects) a European
ITS Framework Architecture now exists, and an increasing number of
countries in Europe have already developed, or are now in the process of
developing, a national ITS architecture. These include the ACTIF project
in France, ARTIST in Italy, TTS-A in Austria and TEAM in the Czech
Republic which are all based on the Framework Architecture. Among
countries that have expressed interest in following this lead are Spain,
Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, and the UK.
There are also several independent developments, e.g. in the Netherlands,
Finland and Norway, some of which were initiated before the conclusion
of the KAREN project. In the first two cases, moves are being made to
achieve gradual convergence with the Framework Architecture.
A number of EU regional projects or organisations, such as VIKING and
CONNECT, are also active in the architecture area. Further EC projects
236 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

which developed ITS architectures include THEMIS for freight

(including non-road modes), and COMPRIS for inland shipping.
It is clear therefore that, although still not universally supported, there is
growing acceptance of the need for national ITS architectures and the
benefits of compatibility with the Framework Architecture. While the
majority of Europe's public administrations are favourable, and
architectures are beginning to be drawn up at city level or for specific
ITS areas, e.g. travel information systems, reticence is still expressed by
industry - no doubt due to fears of the imposition of standards or other
The private sector is, nevertheless, involved in efforts to seek European
agreement relating to lower level 'technical' architectures in several
areas, e.g. safety applications and rescue services (within the GST
project), and the development of the so-called 'co-operative systems'
which combine onboard and infrastructure-based ITS.
So, apart from the continued need for outreach activities, what more, if
anything, is required in the way of action or research to further the use
and development of high level architectures at the European level?
Experience, for example in the United States, has shown that it is not
sufficient for a national or framework architecture to exist. If it is to be
widely used and to remain relevant, its users must be supported and the
architecture itself constantly maintained and updated. To continue to
respond to real needs, it has to be constantly expanded to cover new
types of ITS applications. In this respect it is essential not to lose the
impetus created by the KAREN and FRAME projects (nor to waste the
sizeable investment made by the European Commission).
The Functional Areas currently covered by the European ITS Framework
Architecture are listed in Figure 15. Some possible future extensions
have already been identified. Among them are the requirements (user
needs) relating to ITS applications for intermodal freight, road user
charging, and co-operative systems for road transport, as well as a
methodology for the development of business models and the definition
of Institutional or Organisational Architectures.
Chapter 7 ITS Support 237

European ITS Framework Architecture: Functional Areas

Electronic Payment Facilities
Safety and Emergency Facilities
Traffic Management
Public Transport Operations
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Traveller Journey Assistance
Support for Law Enforcement
Freight and Fleet Operations

Figure 15: TS functions included in the European ITS Framework Architecture

Several of these extensions are in fact already being developed within

national architecture projects. A constructive strategy would therefore be
to find a way of incorporating them within the Framework Architecture,
in order to make them available to other countries. This would require
adaptation to ensure they are appropriate for use at European level, but
would avoid the repetition of similar work elsewhere.
In relation to the present situation, it is possible to draw the following
(a) There is growing acceptance of the usefulness of the European
ITS Framework Architecture - at the very least as a tool for
helping dissemination and outreach among decision-makers
and supporting deployment. In some cases (e.g. France, Italy),
the use of the Architecture has gone hand-in-hand with
expansion of ITS services; in others it has given valuable
support as a basis for drawing up ITS deployment plans.
(b) The Framework Architecture is a permanently evolving 'tool':
new ITS services need to be covered, interfaces to other (non-
road) transport modes gradually included, and regional needs
accounted for. This calls for the direct and 'deeper' involve-
ment of stakeholders (Member States, local and regional
authorities, operators, etc) with willingness to contribute their
experience. In parallel, this requires technical support in order
238 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

to maintain some control over methodological and formal

aspects. To be of benefit to others, any new extensions or
enhancements introduced must, for example, continue to
respect the common 'European' methodology and language.
(c) Now that the European ITS Framework Architecture has
reached a relatively mature stage, the work of a predominantly
'technical' nature carried out so far (development of a
consistent methodology and of the Framework Architecture
itself) should be accompanied by activities at the policy level.
In other words, the time is ripe for the development of what
could be called an 'ITS Policy Architecture'. This would have
the function of ensuring that the technical architecture work
takes place within a coherent policy framework. It would also
as a result help to establish the priorities for extensions to the
Framework Architecture. Sound scenarios for policy choices
(and, where possible, policy agreements) are the first and
essential steps in the creation of ITS Architectures.
It should be noted that a similar shift of attention is taking place
in other parts of the world (e.g. in the USA) where architecture
development is at an advanced phase of development.
In the future, it will therefore be necessary to find ways of ensuring that:
- The European ITS Framework Architecture continues to evolve
and remain in touch with future needs;
- Expert support is available for countries which wish to develop
an ITS architecture or maintain an existing one;
- A mechanism is established to permit the development of a
'policy architecture' or framework.

7.1.4 Issues

The objectives identified above raise two principal issues. The

first concerns the way in which the architecture-related requirements of
Member States can be met in the future; the second regards the strategy
adopted to foster harmonisation.
Chapter 7 ITS Support 239 Meeting the future needs of Member States

In relation to ITS Architecture, the needs of European Member

States (as well as other groups or projects) fall into three main categories:
- Better understanding of the costs and benefits of ITS
architectures for those considering their development;
- Support in actually creating new ITS architectures;
- Support in maintaining an existing (national) architecture.
The first involves all the various 'outreach' activities designed to clarify
the nature and purpose of an ITS architecture, and the implications of
developing one. From the discussion above, it is evident that such efforts
will in the future need to be aimed more widely, addressed not so much
to national administrations as to regional and city authorities, specific
ITS sectors and, in particular, industry.
The second concerns the considerable number of Member States which
have already expressed an interest in developing a national architecture.
These would obviously benefit from the kind of support already received
by others, such as workshops, training sessions, and a technical Help
Desk. Since ITS deployment in many of the countries concerned (e.g. in
Eastern Europe) is still at an early stage, assistance in creating a national
architecture with European compliance is especially valuable.
The last is necessary because, although a country may already have a
national architecture based on the Framework Architecture, it will at
some stage wish to create extensions or make variations to meet specific
local needs. If this is done without direct reference to the European level,
it could result over time in a gradual 'drifting apart', to the point where
international compliance is compromised. This could eventually threaten
the interoperability of ITS applications.
Until recently, all of these functions have been carried out by EC funded
projects. The critical question for the future is whether the maintenance
and promotion of the Framework Architecture, as a 'mature' product,
should be expected to be self-financing. It could be argued that if users
are sufficiently convinced of the benefits, they should be prepared to pay
for the technical support they require. On the other hand, there is a risk
240 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

that smaller 'recent accession' states could find it difficult to do so, and
that not all countries would be willing to finance support given to others.
It would therefore seem advantageous for certain types of assistance -
such as technical support for new architectures - to continue to receive
EC funding, while alternative sources are sought for others. At the time
of writing there has already been a move in this direction. Several
Member States have grouped together to create a 'Forum' and made a
financial contribution for support in ensuring compliancy of the new
versions of their architectures, making extensions to the Framework
Architecture, and general services, such as website management. Harmonisation strategy: enforced or voluntary?

The growing deployment of ITS, and especially its penetration

of B2C markets (such as the use by the travelling public of navigation
services, travel information, etc.) is likely to strengthen and accelerate
the demand for harmonisation. This is because an important requirement
of the customer is an integrated service, i.e. seamless information for
travel in different countries, for different modes, and when using
different types of device - 'smart' handheld phones, onboard units, PCs,
To achieve harmonisation there are two basic alternatives: it can either be
enforced or voluntary. In other words, it can be achieved by means of
coercion (e.g. through the issue of Directives), or the willing co-
operation of Member States and the industrial players involved. The
latter is clearly preferable, but requires a good understanding of the
issues involved and the benefits of a co-operative approach, as well as a
readiness to take a long term view of ITS development. This is the
function of a 'Policy Architecture' or Framework.

7. L 5 Future opportunities

One of the most important opportunities for the future lies in

the constitution of a permanent consultation platform with the role of
encouraging co-operation between European countries with regard to ITS
Chapter 7 ITS Support 241

deployment. It is felt that such a platform would need to operate on two

closely linked levels - one strategic and one technical.
At the strategic level, the existence of a consultation body - consisting of
high level representatives of the public administrations of European
Member States - would offer the chance for open discussion of the
implications for ITS of general transport goals (such as increased road
safety, intermodality). Possible alternative scenarios and priorities for
ITS deployment could be explored.
One of the principal objectives would be to identify the potential for
common deployment initiatives (voluntary agreements between Member
States or involving the EC), and establish priorities for in-depth studies
to determine how best to achieve harmonisation. This, in turn, would
provide the basis (and help set the priorities) for extension and
enhancement of the Framework Architecture.
The result of this strategy - the interoperability of ITS systems - would
help to stimulate market growth by reducing the development and
implementation costs for Member States and industry, and consequently
reducing costs for the user.
The process described above would be greatly facilitated by the existence
of an ITS 'Policy Architecture' or Framework. This would provide a way
of describing ITS-related policy choices already taken (or being planned)
by Member States. It would state a country's basic mission or philosophy
regarding ITS implementation in terms of policies or strategic goals. And
by establishing an agreed process (and language) for expressing such a
statement, it would facilitate communication and also permit a systematic
assessment of different scenarios and their implications.
There is as yet no formal methodology for doing so, but it is suggested
that the process could include the following:
- A description of the overall mission for ITS;
- The legal and organisational structures in place;
- A set of policy statements presenting the ITS-related political
choices already taken and those planned;
242 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

- A definition of the basic requirements for each policy (which

would also permit a consistency check);
- The identification of the functionalities required.
To help draw up the Policy Architecture, the High Level Group would
need to be supported by an Expert Panel or 'Advisory Group' with the
required knowledge and experience of ITS and the world of transport.
A strong link would have to be established to a second level concerned
with the technical implications (including the development of standards,
protocols, etc.) of the common deployment initiatives proposed by the
Forum. This link could consist of a Technical Committee, comprising
representatives of National ITS Architecture teams, other architecture-
related initiatives (e.g. EU-Regional projects), and possibly national ITS
representatives participating as observers.
The most obvious tool for supporting this activity is in fact the European
ITS Framework Architecture. For support and guidance in extending or
updating the Framework Architecture or developing new national
architectures, expert technical advice would be needed. One possibility is
to set up a 'Back Office', consisting of a small group of architecture
experts whose assistance would be available on request to development
teams. They would help to ensure that new architectures respect the
common (European) methodology and language. This activity could be
supported financially either by European funding or by the Member
States themselves.
The latter would be a preferable solution, especially in the long term, as
it would mean that the users themselves would act as 'custodians' of the
Framework Architecture. The activities themselves could be steered by a
pan-European group or Forum made up of representatives of national and
other ITS architecture projects. This would initiate a self-sustaining
process in which the evident benefits of compliance result in a readiness
to invest in its regular upgrading as well as the development of new ITS
The overall structure is represented in the diagram below (Figure 16).
Chapter 7 ITS Support 243

Definition of European PANEL
1ST Policy Framework Transport and ITS


COMMITTEE 'Back Office'
Architecture implications Architecture Help desk,
of 1ST deployment training, outreach, etc.

t t
National ITS Other
Architecture Architecture
teams teams
1 teams teams

Figure 16: Proposed structure for ITS Policy Framework

7.1.6 Recommendations

The proposed strategy to foster an ITS Architecture Framework

for Europe comprises the following three main principles:
1. Setting up of a mechanism to create an 'ITS Policy
2. Member States of the European Union should play a major role
in future activities regarding ITS Architectures;
3. Technical support for architecture developers and users should
be provided by a centrally-organised and funded body.
To make this possible, it is recommended that the European Commission
should promote the institution of the following organisational elements:
(a) A High Level Group for the harmonisation of ITS policy:
This would be made up of representatives of Member States
244 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

(Transport Ministries) and the European Commission. The aim

is to provide a forum for the discussion of transport policy
issues and their implications for ITS. It is envisaged that the
Group would meet once or twice a year. Its brief would be to
seek ways of integrating the different paths towards ITS
development within a harmonised, non-conflicting scenario.
Their output should be:
- An 'ITS Policy Framework for Europe' consisting of a
mission statement for each country, and relevant require-
- Identification of key ITS areas where a common deploy-
ment strategy would be feasible and beneficial.
To achieve this, the High Level Group is likely to require the
support of an Advisory Panel of experts with extensive
experience of ITS and knowledge of European transport issues.
(b) A Technical Committee for ITS Architecture Guidance: This
should consist of representatives of national and other relevant
architecture teams. Its aim is to 'translate' the Policy Frame-
work defined by the High Level Group into architecture
requirements, and co-ordinate the necessary actions, including
expansion and updates of the European ITS Framework
Architecture and overseeing the incorporation of elements from
national or other ITS architectures.
(c) An Architecture Support Team or Technical 'Back Office': This
team will have the responsibility of providing technical support
to the national architecture teams and ensuring that new
developments are compliant with the European ITS Framework
Architecture and follow the established methodology. The role
could also include the organisation of outreach activities and
training workshops (i.e. similar to that of the FRAME projects).
One way of formalising the necessary commitment by European Member
States to the organisational structure described above would be to draw
up a Memorandum of Understanding. This would consist of a statement
of willingness by the Member States to adopt a co-operative approach to
the harmonisation of ITS deployment policies in Europe with the aim of
Chapter 7 ITS Support 245

promoting the interoperability of ITS applications, and to endorse the

European ITS Framework Architecture as a basic tool for achieving this.

7.2 Radio-Navigation

This section examines the ability of the main space-based and

terrestrial radio-navigation services to meet the location requirements of
transport-related activities. It considers, in particular, the potential impact
of the forthcoming GALILEO-based services and also looks at various
augmentation techniques already available or expected in the near future.
The main technical and policy issues that still need to be resolved are
outlined, and some recommendations put forward to ensure that the
needs of current and future ITS applications are satisfied.
To ensure that the format and content is consistent with work carried out
elsewhere, the approach and parameters adopted here are based on those
used for addressing radio-navigation requirements at the United Nations
International Maritime Organization.

7.2.1 Background

Efforts have recently been made to raise the profile of radio-

navigation requirements of terrestrial mobility to a similar if not equal
footing to the air and maritime sectors. This has brought up the question
of the vulnerability, security and equality of radio-navigation services
and information services dependent on radio-navigation data.
In the past, most users of radio-navigation services came from within the
professional maritime or aviation community. They were taught that the
derived position information was to be treated with caution and that it
was unwise to rely on a single radio-navigation service. In other words,
they were supposed to treat all such services as 'aids' to navigation. The
users of such services therefore had to be experienced and, above all,
cautious due to shortcomings in the sensing equipment used and the poor
reliability of some types of service.
246 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

It could be rightly claimed that we are now entering a new era for radio-
navigation marked by radical changes not only in the level of service, but
also the way in which the information is used and, consequently, the type
of user. Modern receivers now incorporate software which greatly
simplifies the human-machine interaction, automatically providing
latitude and longitude, or even plotting a position directly on a map
display. Radio-navigation services have become much more reliable,
which means that users can depend on the information, rather than
simply using it to support their own decision-making processes.
One of the results is that the number of users is set to explode from a few
hundred thousands to billions. New communities in the transport field
will include leisure and business activities associated with inland
waterways, road travel, railways and emergency services, as well as the
more traditional aviation and maritime areas. Millions of private
individuals may well have radio-navigation capabilities incorporated in
their mobile telephones and be able to utilise the information in many
diverse applications, ranging from location of road vehicles or
waterborne craft to navigation while walking or cycling. If radio-based
location systems and other radio-navigation dependent information
services such as these are available at reasonable cost and offer good
reliability and accuracy, it is likely that many more applications not yet
identified will emerge.
The numerous applications now becoming radio-navigation dependent
have very different operational characteristics. While simple, static
position information is sufficient for some, others need information on
direction, dynamic velocity or vehicle/infrastructure status from one or
many users within an operational envelope. In other cases the position
information is only of use when used in conjunction with a topology
engine that tracks the user within an envelope that might be an
'allowable' area or route. In terms of location accuracy, while a few
services require very high precision (to within a few centimetres), for the
majority of services medium levels of location accuracy are sufficient,
but with high levels of reliability and availability over a very wide area.
Chapter 7 ITS Support 247

7.2.2 Vision

We are living in an age in which technological and societal

changes are creating a growing dependence on decision support systems
that help to improve environmental protection, safety and efficiency.
There is already a great appetite for tools that offer greater precision and
integrity. In this context, radio-navigation services seem set to play an
even greater socio-economic role as more and more critical
transportation, environmental and safety processes become heavily
dependent on them.
In the future, it is foreseen that a whole range of location services will be
available through a single tool which gives support in all phases of a
journey or mission, i.e. for navigation, positioning, tracking, as well as
charging for use of the infrastructure or travel-related services. A person
will have navigation assistance when driving into an unfamiliar city, in
locating a facility such as a hotel, marina or airport, then continue the trip
by a different mode (train, boat, plane), being supported throughout by
location services which are not only reliable and accurate, but also
presented in a similar fashion, creating a sense of safety, comfort and
trust in the information provided.
Road and rail transport will be served by the same type of services used
to give navigational support to vessels entering or leaving port: there will
also be special functions such as goods tracking, and navigation for
tourists or disabled people. Technology advances will enable receivers to
'upgrade' themselves, like present day PCs, with software which makes
available new radio-navigation or telematics services as and when they
become available.
Different levels of service will be provided for different ITS applications,
depending upon whether they are considered 'safety critical' or 'mission
critical'. The former can be defined as those that use services which have
an impact on life or health; the latter are those with environmental or
economic consequences.
This picture assumes that the fundamental policy decisions will have
been made, and regulations and standards drawn up in order to ensure
that applications are harmonised. Though requiring a large initial
248 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

investment, with institutional support, it will be possible for cost

recovery by service providers to be shared over many different

7.2.3 State-of-the-art

Radio-navigation services consist of a number of components

ranging from those that supply the location information to those enabling
interactive decision support between users and the infrastructure serving
them. They include:
- Stand-alone terrestrial and space-based radio-navigation
services: GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System -
GALILEO & GPS), LORAN, Mobile Telephone Network
- Space-based and terrestrial services which enhance the
accuracy, integrity and reliability of stand-alone radio-
navigation services: EGNOS, Carrier Phase (Real-Time
Kinematic), EUROFIX, IALA Differential GNSS beacons;
- Short Range 'affordable' local components for high accuracy,
restricted range applications (Pseudolites);
- Systems for the measurement of vehicle and human motion,
and map-matching products;
- Communication devices and services for promulgating and
exchanging information from and between mobility users and
the decision-support infrastructure;
Further necessary elements of successful location services are:
- Information protocols and architectures required for exchange
of information from and between users and infrastructures;
- Policy instruments and standards to ensure European and,
where necessary, worldwide interoperability of tools and
Chapter 7 ITS Support 249

Radio-navigation services
Radio-navigation of the future will be made up of base-line
services and/or technologies including:
Global Navigation Satellites System (GNSS) services:
GPS and, in the future, GPS2 and 3
Terrestrial services:
- LORAN/Chayka (possibility of convergence)
- OTDOA (Observed time difference of Arrival) - Handset
- EOTD (Enhanced Observed Time Difference) - Handset
Indoor Services:
- Bluetooth
These base-line services can be augmented in various ways to improve
their integrity and accuracy:
- GPS can be augmented by EGNOS (in Europe), WAAS (in the
United States), and EUROFIX (LORAN-based WAAS in the
United States) or by local RTK and medium-range differential
stations (DGNSS) and space-based RTK;
LORAN can be augmented by LORAN Hi Fix;
- Through the use of Pseudolites. GNSS

Space-based positioning and navigation systems can provide

meteorological, passive, three-dimensional position, velocity, and time
data worldwide. In recent years the GNSS user community has expanded
exponentially, with rapid growth occurring in all modes of
transportation. This growth is expected to continue.
Formerly, the only GNSS service to be widely available was the
American GPS system served by the NAVSTAR constellation. Though
250 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

the Russian Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) shares the

same principles, its constellation consists of only 11 active satellites,
which means it is virtually impossible to use as a stand-alone system.
However, receivers able to decode both GPS and GLONASS signals
have an accuracy advantage which is particularly useful in the urban
environment, as they can exploit a larger number of satellites. Though
dual receivers are currently available, they do not have a wide diffusion
as their cost is very high (some thousand euros). This system is therefore
not particularly attractive for telecom manufacturers.
As many transport applications are safety-critical, mission-critical or
both, the radio-navigation service must be able to give authentication and
integrity information. Stand-alone GPS is not able to do this, and
although EGNOS can give integrity information, at present there are only
a limited number of applications for which receivers capable of receiving
EGNOS are available or practicable (due to size). GALILEO will be able
to provide authenticity and integrity information as, eventually, will
GPS 3.
Over the next few years Europe, with co-operation from China, will be
commissioning its own GALILEO service which will operate along with
GPS 2 (available from 2007) and GPS 3 (in 2015), as well as
GLONASS. The first element of GNSS modernisation will enable civil
GPS 2 users to correct for ionospheric errors using a second frequency in
addition to the current signal. These corrections, when combined with
switching off Selective Availability (SA), will enable equipment that
meets benchmark standards to achieve horizontal accuracies in the 4-
metre range. There will, in addition, be a third civil signal for safety-of-
life applications.
The GALILEO service, planned to come into operation in 2008, will
offer an independent, global, European-controlled satellite-based
navigation system which will be complementary to GPS and GLONASS.
It should provide position information with higher levels of accuracy
than GPS 2, and will provide a number of services to users equipped with
GALILEO receivers. It is proposed that GALILEO should offer differing
levels of service to suit differing needs, including:
Chapter 7 ITS Support 251

(a) Open Services (OS), free to all users, providing positioning

navigation and timing performances comparable to or better
than those of existing and planned global navigation systems;
(b) Commercial Services (CS), based on the open services signals,
but providing value-added positioning, navigation and timing
data to users (e.g. integrity), with a liability regime;
(c) A number of certified public interest services, such as Safety of
Life (SOL) for transport and other safety-critical applications,
Public Regulated Services (PRS) for the enforcement of
Member States' and EU policies implementation, and Search
and Rescue (SAR) services complementing COSPAS-SARSAT
for the detection of distress alarms from user beacons. A further
payload might facilitate two-way SMS communications.
These last categories are of particular interest for the mobility sector. LORAN-C, CHA YKA and NELS

LORAN-C was originally developed to provide military users

with a radio-navigation capability with much greater coverage and
accuracy than its predecessor (LORAN-A). It was subsequently selected
as the radio-navigation system for civil marine use in the US. Within
north west Europe it is run as the NELS (North West European LORAN-
C System) and is partially available within the Mediterranean under the
SELS (Southern European LORAN-C System), which, however, lacks
stations in Spain and Turkey. LORAN-C can also be used for precise
time interval and highly accurate frequency applications.
The LORAN-C signal can be modulated to broadcast differential GPS
correction data and GPS integrity information. In the US it is used as part
of the LORAN WAAS integrity service; in Europe, as part of EUROFIX.
However, the US and European services are not compatible. LORAN-C
offers the advantage that the signal can be received even inside buildings.
Over much of the northern hemisphere, LORAN-C or the similar
Russian CHAYKA service provide coverage.
252 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

Some European Member State administrations are convinced that

dependence on one type of service (GNSS) leads to unnecessary
vulnerability and that LORAN would be a suitable candidate for a
complementary service. At a relatively low cost, LORAN can be
extended to give good accuracy coverage over all of Europe, as well as
the surrounding seas and airspace. Radio-navigation using mobile telephone network

Taking advantage of the positioning potential of cellular

networks, a number of mobile phone positioning systems are being
developed. Several commercial products are already on the market,
mainly in the US, and especially in the Emergency Call Services field.
The location methods used to locate a mobile telephone can be split into
two categories: network-based solutions and handset-based solutions.
The combination of both types (hybrid solution) is also used as it gains
the advantages of the two techniques while limiting their drawbacks.
Bluetooth systems are being used for indoor applications within
buildings, ships and trains for location of equipment, freight and people. Inertial systems and dead reckoning

Many transport applications require a position or velocity

update that is independent of radio-navigation services. There are
occasions where the user is not within coverage of satellite or terrestrial
services due to geographic location, in the shadow caused by tall
buildings, mountains, canyons or tunnels, or during an interruption to a
service. A variety of velocity sensors is on the market including vibrating
gyros, Silicon single- and three-axis accelerometers, advanced accurate
solid-state fibre optic true-north seeking gyro-compasses, 'solid-state'
micro-machined quartz angular rate sensors, linear servo accelerometers
and MEMS low-cost, high accuracy Silicon Micro-Ring Gyro inertial
navigation systems (about 2 cubic centimetres in size). The prices range
from a few tens of euros to hundreds of thousands of euros.
Chapter 7 ITS Support 253

The quest today is to find ways of using the simple inertial measurement
unit (IMU) with rough sensors for precise navigation. Companies world-
wide are developing motion sensors, which are low cost inertial devices
using cheap compact sensors. However, they have weak stand-alone
accuracy and poor run-to-run stability and as such are not suitable as a
sole system and require periodical updates. 'Real Time Kinematic' (RTK) terrestrial and space-based


RTK is a high precision carrier phase-based positioning system

using GPS dual frequency signals. The term Real Time Kinematic (RTK)
is often used to describe carrier-based positioning systems that employ
static reference station(s) and moving receiver(s).
Service infrastructures for carrier phase reference observations have been
installed in several countries, but it is unclear how successful these are in
real-time applications. Whilst excellent accuracy can be achieved in
favourable environments, current GPS-based RTK systems have
performance limitations in relation to the baseline length (reference to
user separation), the need for high bandwidth data links, and their overall
availability and robustness. There are several applications that would
potentially benefit from a robust service providing centimetre accuracy.
The future introduction of satellite transmissions on three frequencies,
and also the future GALILEO constellation, will give processing
advantages offering better performance and reliability, probably
delivering accuracy to under 20 cm at a frequency of every few seconds.
For most mobility applications, terrestrial services are probably better
due to their greater vertical accuracy. Currently within Europe the project
EUPOS is investigating the expansion and harmonisation of services
throughout Europe. EUPOS will offer two levels of service: one giving
accuracy of a couple of metres, the other to one or two decimetres
(horizontally and vertically). Such services already give accuracies of a
few centimetres in good coverage areas.
254 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research Pseudolites and synchrolites

An increasing number of applications require precise relative

position and clock offset information. In situations with limited or no
visibility of the GNSS satellites or RTK constellations, ground
transmitters that emulate the signal structure of the GPS satellites
(pseudolites) can be used as additional or replacement signal sources.
Transceivers (which transmit and receive GPS signals) can be used to
improve standard pseudolite positioning systems. If their locations are
known, transceivers can be used to remove the need for the reference
antennae typically necessary in standard differential systems. In addition,
transceivers mounted on vehicles can allow continuous inter-vehicle
positioning without the presence of signals from GPS satellites.
Pseudolites are ideal for covering areas that are in shadow from the RTK
or GNSS service, or where interference from re-radiation from structures
or other sources makes reception of the service impossible. They may
also be used where centimetre-level position information is required for
horizontal or vertical accuracy, but there is not enough coverage demand
to warrant a Carrier-phase Differential GPS (CDGPS) (Real Time
Kinematic) installation.
The following table shows the positioning accuracies offered by the
different approaches described above.

Table 7: Approximate positioning accuracy of existing and emerging services

Service/ Accuracy (m) Indoor Tunnels & Outdoor
technology Canyon
Cell ID 100-35,000 Restricted Restricted Yes
TA 550 Restricted Restricted Yes
TOA 125 Restricted Restricted Yes
AOA 125 Restricted Restricted Yes
EOTD 50-150 Restricted Restricted Yes
Bluetooth <30 Yes (Portals only) No
GNSS 20 (4 in future) GALILEO & AGPS No Yes
LORAN <500 Yes No Yes
Pseudolites 0.01 Yes Yes Yes
RTK 0.03-0.2 No No Yes
Chapter 7 ITS Support 255

7.2.4 Issues Precision and performance

Current non-augmented satellite-based radio-navigation

services, such as GPS, do not meet all requirements for many
applications. A user must have at least five satellites in view above a
mask angle of 7.5 degrees in order to provide Receiver Autonomous
Integrity Monitoring (RAIM). This condition is not always satisfied with
the existing GPS constellation, resulting in so-called 'RAIM holes' and
limiting GPS to use as a supplemental navigation system. To meet the
requirements for Fault Detection and Exclusion (FDE), at least six
satellites with good geometry are necessary. However, the adverse
effects of these variances may be substantially reduced, if not eliminated,
by differential techniques. In such operations, a reference station is
located at a fixed point (or points) within an area of interest. GPS signals
are observed in real time and compared with signals expected to be
observed at the fixed point. Differences between observed signals and
predicted signals are transmitted to users as differential corrections to
upgrade the precision and performance of the user's receiver.
EGNOS, WAAS, and MSAS are safety-critical systems designed to
augment the existing satellite services. The United States WAAS service
provides GPS augmentation of much of North America and the Hawaiian
Islands. Japan is developing the Multi-functional Transport Satellite
(MTSAT) for the Satellite Based Augmentation System (MSAS) to
provide GPS augmentation of some of the Far Eastern area. The
European EGNOS service will initially provide augmentation over the
European area, and there are plans to expand coverage.
All of these systems will be interoperable, with the result that the user
will require a single receiver to use all three. Within the areas mentioned,
navigation performance is expected to be similar to that in the EGNOS
Core Coverage Area, i.e. around 5-7 m accuracy. It is important to note
that whereas EGNOS was specifically designed to provide a multimodal
service, WAAS and MSAS were developed as aviation systems. The
256 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

WAAS is provided by a signal-in-space and via the US LORAN service

to airborne and terrestrial WAAS users to support precision navigation. Integrity

There is one caveat when considering SBAS (Satellite-Based

Augmentation Services). Though they give an increase in accuracy or
integrity of information, they can only provide it for the GPS satellites
within their own horizon. This may not be significant for terrestrial users
in Europe, but when journeying east for example, there may be occasions
when some of the satellites within the user's horizon (and being used for
a position fix by the user's receiver) are not covered by EGNOS GPS
monitoring. The information provided will therefore only give partial
integrity, resulting in a mix of reliabilities for the computed fix. This is,
of course, critical for applications that are dependent on integrity (road
charging and vehicle insurance, for instance). When GALILEO is
available, this problem will disappear, as all GALILEO satellites will
provide authentication and integrity information. GPS 3 will also provide
integrity information, but this constellation is not due until 2015.
Both the EUROFIX system in use within Europe today and the WAAS
LORAN service, shortly to be implemented in the US, require the
LORAN infrastructure. Despite discussions on providing EUROFIX
signals by LORAN-C stations in Europe and the United States, and by
CHAYKA stations in the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States),
the US have decided on a system developed by Stanford University that
is not compatible with EUROFIX.
The EUROFIX system has an uncertain future in Europe, since it is
dependent on the LORAN infrastructure, which requires political
direction (i.e. a decision on funding to keep the NELS LORAN service
commissioned). To ensure maximum practicable coverage, the co-
operation of Japan, South Korea, China, Saudi Arabia and India will be
There are many differential GPS (dGPS) marine stations in Europe
located mainly in the Baltic, North, Barents and Irish Seas as well as
Icelandic waters and along the Atlantic coastlines. When the network is
Chapter 7 ITS Support 257

complete, stations will provide overlapping coverage in most areas, and

will cover the Canary Islands and the Western and Central parts of the
Mediterranean Sea. To provide coverage at the Eastern end of the
Mediterranean Sea would probably require an additional ten DGNSS
In addition to marine coverage, work is ongoing to investigate the quality
of radio-beacon DGNSS service over European land masses, particularly
in the UK and France. However, it should be noted that a significant
increase in the number of inland beacons will be needed for large
countries with small coastlines (e.g. Germany).
Carrier-phase Differential GPS, CDGPS (Real Time Kinematic), can
provide centimetre level position information. It is becoming
increasingly important for autonomous vehicle control. 'Vulnerability' (dependency on one gender of service)

Many believe that critical application (safety, environment and

economic) should not rely on one gender of radio-navigation service
alone. Because GALILEO and GPS share very similar frequency spectra
(i.e. of the same gender), both could be vulnerable to spoofing or, much
more likely, jamming. This could occur as an act of aggression against a
sovereign member or as part of terrorist action. It is also evident that
should a threat occur against the national security of any individual EU
or NATO Member State, there could be a demand for space-based radio-
navigation services, such as GPS or GALILEO, to be made unavailable.
There is also a remote possibility that NATO members who do not have
sovereign control over GALILEO might take their own steps to remove
the usability of the signals in regions of military action for short-term
tactical or medium-term strategic purposes. It is also possible for
technical problems to lead to interruptions to the space-based signal, as
with the GPS WAAS service in 2002, or to provide erroneous
information, as with GPS in January 2004.
For all these reasons, it is important to have terrestrial services that will
continue to serve the community in the absence of useable space-based
258 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

signals. This means that a vehicle or vessel should be capable of

receiving information from more than one type of service.
LORAN-C is available widely in the northern hemisphere, but is at
present blighted by poor political direction. Originally the service was
planned to be shut down in 2004. However there has been a movement
that has ensured it continues operating for the time being. For LORAN to
be really useful for terrestrial coverage it needs to be extended to
complete the SELS (Southern European LORAN Service). It is also true
that LORAN-C is used in other parts of the world (including USA).
Because it is compatible with CHAYKA, there is a possibility of
complete coverage of continental Europe. It is also the only terrestrial
service that has good coverage over large sea areas and remote, scarcely-
populated areas.
Subsequent to the VOLPE report and the 9/11 atrocities, LORAN is
being considered by the US as a relatively low cost solution to provide a
non-space-based complementary service. Studies have been conducted
that show it could be cost effective to use LORAN providing that a pan-
European initiative could be found to fund the cost of commissioning
new stations required as well as continue operation and maintenance of
the infrastructure as a whole. In view of the possibilities of combining
LORAN with CHAYKA there is need to determine whether the service
is viable as a back-up and would provide a useful service for all transport
and mobility users.
Manufacturers are unlikely to develop and make low cost receivers
commonly available unless Europe has a clear trans-European policy
direction that LORAN would continue for the foreseeable future, and
SELS (Southern European LORAN Service) would also have to be fully
implemented within the Mediterranean Sea. Map matching

There is a difference between the WGS84 datum, which is the

mathematical model of the world's surface used for GNSS, and that of
many maps and charts. In most cases, the differences are known to be
less than 200 metres, although differences as great as several miles have
Chapter 7 ITS Support 259

sometimes been reported. Cartographic offices are attempting to refer as

many new maps and charts as possible to WGS84, but there remain
many parts of the world where the necessary information does not exist
and where positions obtained from satellite navigation receivers cannot
be used without adjustment.
In most European areas the difference is known. However, the shift
correction provided is an average for the area of coverage and therefore
may not be consistent with the shift correction of another map covering
part of the same area. This may result in the position plotted being
slightly different. Older maps and charts that have not been shifted to
WGS84 will need a mathematical shift correction to be applied before
Though many manufacturers of GPS receivers are now incorporating
datum transformations into their software, there are unfortunately many
cases where a single transformation will not be accurate for a large
regional datum. For example, the relationship between the WGS84
datum and the European datum (1950) is very different in the north and
the south of Europe. For many GPS applications this may not be
problematic, but it is an additional source of error and may be significant
for a safety critical application for which, if differential GPS is being
used, a position accuracy of just a few metres is required.
It cannot be assumed that all maps and charts in a region refer to the
same datum. Although most metric charts of the European mainland and
waters are referred to the European datum (1950), many charts also use a
local datum. In addition, as there are no international standards defining
the conversion parameters between different horizontal data, those used
by the current and future GNSS devices may be different.
Current positioning with dGPS is usually more accurate than position-
fixing used for surveys conducted before 1980. The result is that
although users may know their own position to an accuracy better than
10 metres, the positions of objects in the vicinity may only be known to
an accuracy of 20 metres or worse. Unfortunately, it will be many years
before all areas are re-surveyed and all maps and charts revised.
260 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

A satellite navigation receiver may give a position to a precision of three

decimal places of a minute, but that does not mean that all its positions
are accurate to 2 metres or that the resulting position is compatible with
the positions of objects shown on modern maps or charts (paper or
digital) which may have been produced 100 years ago or more.
Extreme caution therefore has to be exercised when combining satellite-
derived position information with paper maps and charts, or even G1S
tools. It is important that the user is aware of potential differences and
compensates accordingly.
ITS applications are still evolving, but will in the future provide remote
decision-support and integrated vehicle/traffic management, and one day
even automated vehicle guidance. This means that both the driver and
infrastructure operator will have to rely on position information from
radio-navigation systems. Unless the datum issue is tackled this
information could be inaccurate. Such discrepancies could create serious
safety problems, especially on congested roads. Future Advanced Driver
Assistance Systems (ADAS) applications, for example, will require
50 cm accuracy and therefore a map accuracy of 25 cm. Presently, most
road maps give about 5 metre accuracy. This problem is not restricted
only to paper maps, but is further frustrated by the possibility that map
and chart projection discrepancies might occur between horizontal and
vertical data of differing 2- and 3-dimensional GIS electronic chart and
map standards. High levels of accuracy

Some applications are reliant on sub-centimetre accuracy. In

general, these applications do not require a latitude and longitude
position, but reference from one point to another. This is typical of
ADAS applications, for example. However, every situation where such
accuracy is required is different. In some cases, if there is coverage by
two or more RTK stations, the required accuracy might be achieved. In
other cases, the use of pseudolites may be required.
Pseudolite technology can provide the necessary accuracy, but there is a
very real possibility that the transmissions required might also interfere
Chapter 7 ITS Support 261

with normal non-pseudolite enabled receivers. Therefore, before

implementing this technology, steps must be taken to ensure that their
signals will not spoof or jam normal GNSS receivers. In the future, the
arrival of GALILEO and GPS 3 will mean that all users will require new
receivers. It is, therefore, important that new receiver equipment used for
navigation or reference applications should be able to use RTK and
pseudolite services that are interoperable throughout the world.

7.2.5 Future opportunities

The entry into service of the GALILEO constellation planned

for 2008 will permit many of the shortcomings of existing radio
navigation systems to be overcome. While many benefits will derive
from the features of the GALILEO system itself, others will result from
its use in combination with GPS and GLONASS. Among the expected
advantages are:
- Higher accuracy and update frequency, due to the addition of
the GALILEO satellites which can be used in conjunction with
- Suppression ofmultipath interference. Again the larger number
of satellites can reduce the impact of interference caused by re-
radiation or reflection of GPS signals which occurs in the
vicinity of large steel structures or communication antennae.
The use of E5A and E5B signals together as a super-wideband
signal can produce an improvement in reception. Since cities
and ports are particularly vulnerable, this is very relevant for
ITS applications. Local augmentation services may still
nevertheless be required, especially for high end/marginal
- Correction of ionospheric interference is possible with the use
of EGNOS, which permits mapping of the ionospheric path of
each satellite's signal and can therefore calculate the difference
between pseudo range and actual range, enabling a map to be
produced of the electron content of the atmosphere. This
information can be applied as a correction for ionospheric
262 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

error. As GPS 2 and GALILEO will be providing more than

one signal, a receiver will be able to provide its own correc-
- Authenticity and integrity information from GPS satellites can
be improved by the addition of EGNOS, but this applies only to
those which can be monitored (i.e. not when they are outside or
only partially within EGNOS coverage). Through the addition
of three more signals in space, EGNOS will improve the
predictability, availability, accuracy and continuity of informa-
tion, which GALILEO will improve yet further. With more
satellites, the accuracy and reliability of the calculated position
can be greatly enhanced. The information will therefore be
more trustworthy with EGNOS, and even more so with
- World-wide coverage will be possible with GALILEO, whereas
it is not provided by EGNOS and other SBAS (Space-based
augmentation services). GPS 3, like GALILEO, should provide
its own integrity data, but until GALILEO services are
available, GPS 3 will not be able to supply integrity and
ionospheric data when it is out of coverage of MSAS, WAAS
- Political independence. Until GALILEO is in operation,
Europe will have no politically independent services, since
GPS or GLONASS are the only services available at present,
and EGNOS is dependent on them.
Despite these many potential benefits, it is necessary that steps should be
taken to provide back-up services which would ensure coverage in the
case of technical problems, jamming or spoofing.
Back-up services
The requirements for back-up terrestrial services (suitable for
medium- and short-range high-accuracy applications as well as longer
range less accurate services) are met by LORAN-C. This is currently the
only medium/long range service widely available in the northern
hemisphere, but is at present blighted by poor political direction.
Chapter 7 ITS Support 263

LORAN has recently enjoyed an extension of life beyond 2004. France

in particular has been very active in supporting LORAN and in providing
the possibility for some extension of coverage. Other Member States
have a non-biased policy on LORAN, whereas others are positively
seeking a European policy decision to find an instrument for the
continuation of NELS (North European LORAN Service) at least until a
viable alternative emerges and, if possible, the reinstatement of two
stations to extend coverage into the Mediterranean to complete the SELS
(Southern European LORAN Service).
Though GPRS (mobile telephone network) techniques are emerging in
conjunction with the e-112 service, and could be used where coverage
exists, they are not yet widespread enough and on their own do not offer
longevity of high accuracy (high accuracy use of these techniques
requires the combined use of GNSS).

7.2.6 Recommenda tions

If the opportunities outlined above are to become a reality, it

will be necessary to take some strategic policy decisions at the European
level to establish regulations and draw up standards which will help
achieve harmonisation. Though initially this will involve a huge
investment, and is likely to require private funding, cost recovery by
service providers could be distributed over many different applications
and through various institutional instruments.
There is an urgent need to define a policy for Europe that will provide
the instruments to serve the needs of the mobility sector in the near and
medium term. At the time of writing, the process of setting out a strategic
plan for radio-navigation in Europe appears to have stalled, although a
recently completed technical study provides the necessary basis from
which such a policy could be derived.
A step which would undoubtedly favour the development of a coherent
long-term plan would be the creation of a European Radio-Navigation
Agency. At present, an agency is being set up to steer the development of
GALILEO-supported services. We would suggest that serious
264 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

consideration is given to the institution of a European body responsible

for furthering the coherent development of all forms of Radio-
Navigation. Such a body could include GALlLEO-based services as one
category of navigation service. The risk otherwise is to have to wait until
the year 2011, when GALILEO is fully operational, before it is possible
to negotiate other radio-navigation initiatives.
We outline below other priorities for future action:
(a) Finding a terrestrial alternative to GNSS services, and
examining the feasibility of LORAN and EUROFIX for
transport applications.
In light of the complete reliance on GNSS for radio-navigation
coverage of all European land and sea areas, and the potential
vulnerability of reliance on one type of service, Member States
should be urged to lobby for examination of a terrestrial
alternative to GNSS. For this reason, urgent action is required
to establish the viability of LORAN and EUROFIX for all
transport and mobility communities. However, if pseudolites
are to be used, although this will benefit applications not
covered by space-based services, there is a very real possibility
that the transmissions might interfere with normal non-
pseudolite-enabled receivers. Therefore before implementing
pseudolite technology, steps must be taken to ensure that the
signals will not spoof or jam normal GNSS receivers.
(b) Promote the Europe-wide implementation of DGNSS services
complemented with back-up from RTK.
European Member States should also be urged to support and,
where necessary, provide funding and instruments for the
harmonisation and implementation of Europe-wide DGNSS
and RTK services and user receivers. Such a programme is
needed to ensure total coverage of DGNSS and the availability
of RTK where necessary. Though in most cases the accuracy
from DGNSS will be sufficient, in critical congested infrastruc-
tures and areas of restricted accessibility higher accuracy
solutions will be required. It should be borne in mind that many
Chapter 7 ITS Support 265

applications needing centimetre accuracy only require

knowledge of the difference of velocity relative to an infra-
structure, and not an absolute position.
Promote interoperability of receivers and ensure that critical
services are protected by authenticity procedures.
Users' receivers must be capable of transition between services
and, when interfaced to automatic identification devices
required for security or traffic management or control applica-
tions, be able to deliver information of a high quality to others
within the system.
It will be necessary to ensure that any user who needs to
interface with critical infrastructures or applications must have
services with authenticity information to ensure that the signal
used is a bona fide GNSS signal and not spoofed.
Find ways of ensuring security and protecting signals from
hostile interference, including setting up of back-up services.
Mechanisms should also be put in place to permit the removal
of radio-navigation signals which are malfunctioning or
affected by hostile action, in order to ensure that the user
remains safe and the infrastructure is not susceptible to major
incidents. Vulnerability studies have been carried out for GNSS
and many have suggested LORAN as a back-up service.
However, it will be necessary to conduct a similar analysis of
LORAN as a terrestrial-based 'physical' infrastructure is more
easily put out of action than a space-based infrastructure.
In deciding priorities for action and the level of service quality,
it will be important to determine which processes and services
are 'safety critical' and which are only 'mission critical'. The
former can be defined as those that use services which have an
impact on life or health, whereas the latter are those that have
environmental or economic consequences.
266 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

7.3 Education and Training

Enormous changes have affected the world of transport over

the last few decades. There now exists an abundance of new technologies
and techniques which are applicable to transport networks and
operations. However, as previous chapters have indicated, the existence
of the technology does not by itself ensure the successful implementation
of ITS services. Among the essential supporting factors is the availability
of the skills, knowledge and experience required for the design,
development, deployment and maintenance of such systems.
The lack of investment in human resources, and the 'newness' of many
of the skills, has resulted in a shortage in much of Europe of professional
people with expertise in the many facets of ITS. Not only is there a lack
of technical knowledge, but also a low level of general awareness of the
costs and benefits of ITS. Given that many major policy issues - from
road use charging to intermodal transport and questions of safety and
security - have ITS-related implications, this is a serious shortcoming.
There exists, nevertheless, a great deal of valid experience in Europe in
the form of personal knowledge and research results. These are often
lost, or not fully exploited, due to the lack of a systematic mechanism for
their dissemination. Despite the growing number of ITS-related courses
in universities, and training seminars for mid-career professionals, there
is currently no overall co-ordination at European level, and few attempts
to share teaching resources or exchange experience.

7.3.1 Vision

In our vision of an ideal future, students interested in taking up

an ITS-related career, researchers and also professionals wishing to
refresh and extend their ITS knowledge, will have easy access to a range
of high quality training courses and supporting facilities, including
virtual laboratories, information on 'best practice' and the possibility of
field visits to successful ITS schemes.
The basic courses will give a thorough grounding in the skills necessary
for future ITS professionals, covering policy definition and project
Chapter 7 ITS Support 267

management as well as technical subjects. Other more specialised

courses will permit a focus on particular areas of knowledge.
To support them in their choice, comprehensive information about the
opportunities for ITS training and education in Europe will be readily
available from a dedicated website. This centralised source will supply
details of curricula in institutions offering full-time courses, as well as
news of short courses and events of interest. On submitting a personal
profile and requirements, an online support service will give suggestions
on the choice of appropriate options.
University students will also be able to pick up brochures presenting the
various specialisations (MSc and PhD) leading to careers in ITS. Those
interested in following ITS courses, but living in regions where these are
not available, will have the option of following modules in other
universities, enrolling on web-based courses, or using forms of e-
learning, all offering credits towards their degrees.
All of these supporting services will be developed and made available
under the auspices of a European ITS Training and Education Network.
Lecturers who work in institutions belonging to the Network will have
the benefit of support in the preparation of courses by having access to
modules on ITS-related subjects. These will include material on all the
major ITS areas. There will also be collections of real-world case studies
and of recent research results.
Such material will be available either on payment or through an
exchange arrangement based on credits given for contributions to the
'pool'. Since all material will have to be approved by a Technical
Committee, it will carry a guarantee of scientific quality. The Network
will also offer guidelines on ITS curricula and the opportunity to
exchange ideas.
While the leading members of the Network will be educational and
research institutes, associate membership will be open to ITS bodies,
public administrations and industry. These will be invited to contribute
suitable modules on ITS applications and products for use in training
programmes, and also to participate in seminars on ITS topics.
268 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

A further function of the Network will be the delivery of short courses

(one or two day workshops) on key ITS issues or subjects of
international relevance, such as the European ITS Framework
Architecture. These courses will be prepared either by recognised experts
or Network members and will be available at a moderate cost to
professional staff working for local authorities, transport operators, and
firms in the sector.
The intention is to offer in-depth investigation of the subjects, aiming to
give an academic treatment which is as objective as possible, rather than
a political or industry-oriented approach. As with the training material,
courses will be officially recognised with guaranteed quality standards
and certification.
Senior executives working for public administrations or local authorities
in positions carrying responsibility for transport policy decisions, will be
able to take half-day 'awareness' seminars designed to explain the costs
and benefits of ITS. They will also be offered guidance in the training
facilities for staff involved in ITS-related projects, and encouraged to
give funding to personnel attending certified courses. At the same time,
authorities which have themselves already implemented successful ITS
initiatives will be encouraged to make them available for site visits by
students and trainees.

7.3.2 State-of-the-art Universities and institutes of higher education

The availability of university-level education in ITS is not

uniformly spread across Europe. While in some countries there are a
number of institutions offering courses in ITS-related subjects, others
have none at all. But even in the former case, very few universities offer
a comprehensive curriculum specifically focusing on ITS.
Most courses are part of transport or engineering programmes (most
often taught within civil engineering departments), and tend to touch
only on certain aspects of ITS. The majority cater for Masters or PhD
students with first degrees, typically in civil or electronic engineering,
Chapter 7 ITS Support 269

and sometimes information technology. The most usual pattern is for 20-
40 hours of lessons to be included within a specialisation in traffic
engineering or transport management.
Many new initiatives are nevertheless appearing. In Germany, for
example, new chairs in ITS-related subjects have recently been created.
ITS courses have also been launched in research institutions specialising
in traffic engineering and traffic research. There is growing co-operation
between universities, at least at national level, with joint arrangements
being made to offer part-time modular courses leading to an MSc in ITS.
There are also exchange schemes operating at European level, although
such arrangements generally involve a limited number of countries and
have a limited duration. Some consortia of universities are now offering
an 'international' MSc in European Traffic and Transportation (including
some ITS elements) after three years part-time study, mainly via distance
learning. Several universities also run courses for working professionals,
and in a few European countries it is now possible to take a Masters in
Transport not only through full- or part-time study, but also 'day release'
or distance learning. Training for professionals

A survey undertaken in the late 1990s in the United Kingdom

indicated that only 12 % of the respondents (all members of the national
ITS Association) had received formal training. The majority had picked
up their knowledge in the working context or through attendance at
seminars and congresses. One of the consequences of this (probably
typical) situation is that the knowledge risks being partial and
unstructured, with the lack of an overall perspective.
Employer-led initiatives sometimes take the form of in-house training,
but more often arrangements are made for employees to attend courses
organised by professional bodies or universities. Employers occasionally
sponsor certificated courses, especially for younger personnel, in a local
university, but the preference is usually for short (1-3 days) or very short
(half day) courses on specific subjects.
270 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

Several European countries have institutions which focus specifically on

running training courses for professionals in the transport field (examples
are AFT-IFTIM in France and PTRC in the UK). In general, however,
the ITS-related courses being offered by such institutions deal with
specific areas, such as freight transport operations (ITS applications for
logistics and fleet management) and vehicle applications (e.g. on-board
systems for driver assistance).
It is increasingly common to find one or two day seminars being offered
by the private sector on 'hot' ITS topics. Recent years have seen a spate
of seminars on subjects such as road user charging and infomobility.
These are often very expensive and in many cases, though informative,
are prone to political, technical or commercial bias.
An area of demand not generally catered for in a satisfactory way is the
training of the staff of public administrations (transport ministries, local
and regional authorities), despite the fact that a good understanding of
the costs and benefits of ITS is essential for informed policy decisions.
Technical staff also need to be able to prepare tenders and commission
ITS projects. Another evident 'gap' is the lack of refresher courses for
mid-career professionals, who need to keep pace with new developments
in the field. ITS training initiatives at European level

A number of 'European' training initiatives have been carried

out in recent years. Some of these are described briefly below. The list is
by no means exhaustive, but is intended to provide some representative
examples. While all involve co-operative efforts to deliver courses and/or
create teaching resources in an international context, they illustrate some
very different approaches.
In the early 1990s, a series of crash courses in ITS was organised in
France by the ATRACC initiative as part of the EC's COMETT
programme. One of the principle aims was to give wider dissemination to
the outcome of EU research projects. In the view of participants, one of
the most valuable features of these courses was the overview gained, in a
short time, of topical aspects of ITS.
Chapter 7 ITS Support 271

Each 3-day ATRACC course focused on a specific ITS area (e.g. Urban
Traffic Control, Route Guidance Systems, Demand Management, Impact
Assessment and Evaluation). Lectures were given in English by experts,
and a 'Case Study' presented by someone with practical field experience.
They attracted participants from different countries and types of
institution (private firms, local authorities, ministries, etc.). However,
unless external funding is available, the cost of participating in this kind
of course can be high (in this case around €1000 each).
Training courses have also been organised as part of European funded
research programmes in specific subject areas. One successful example
was the training programme run by the FRAME-S project in the period
2002-2004. This consisted of a series of seminars and workshops which
had the aim of raising awareness and understanding of the European ITS
Framework Architecture. The sessions were free of charge and could be
requested by national or other groups involved in ITS. They consisted of
one-day seminars for ministry or local authority staff who needed
sufficient knowledge of ITS architectures to support policy decisions,
and two-day workshops for technicians needing to know how to develop
ITS architectures themselves.
The aim of the EC project, PORTAL, which ran from 2000-2003, was to
accelerate the take-up of EU research results on urban and regional
transport. EC research project reports were used as a source of new
teaching material, which was to be translated into the 16 languages of the
European Union.
Although little of the content related to ITS, the experience was relevant
in that it revealed a number of practical problems associated with using
project results as a basis. It was found to be i) difficult to provide
comprehensive coverage of a topic, ii) sometimes hard to establish
ownership of intellectual property rights, iii) necessary to set up a quality
assurance mechanism and to find ways of updating the material. A
further problem was caused by the translations, which proved to be
costly and, when carried out by non-technical people, not always
272 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

While material produced in this way cannot constitute a complete course,

it can still serve as a very useful 'pool' of information to be customised
by lecturers, or used for reference by students. The content most
appreciated was reported to be the 'real-life' case studies and examples
of best practice. The PORTAL material was made available on the
Short seminars on topical transport issues have also been organised by
European projects, such as the 'Training Programme for Urban
Professionals' funded by DGTREN. While these can be offered free of
charge or at very low cost, they are inevitably limited in number.
In the research field, there are currently several European initiatives
which include training activities. The HUMANIST project, for instance,
is a Network of Excellence (2004-2008) whose objective is to create a
virtual research centre which will examine all aspects of human-related
design in connection with IT technologies applied to road transport. It is
supported by ECTRI (European Conference of Transport Research
Institutes), a body which actively promotes co-operation in surface
transport research.
A general problem raised by EC funded courses is how to ensure
continuation after project closure, and in particular how to make
provision for updating the material produced. The preparation of future
trainers can help but, in the long term, the continued relevance of content
can only be ensured by creation of a permanent self-supporting
mechanism. Initiatives outside Europe

In view of their relevance and potential applicability to Europe,

two initiatives regarding ITS training and education outside Europe are
briefly described. These regard the academic network set up in 2002 in
the Asia-Pacific region, and the Professional Capacity Building (PCB)
programme in the United States. In both parts of the world, as in Europe,
the lack of experienced teachers and of suitable training materials for ITS
has been recognised as a problem.
Chapter 7 ITS Support 273

Asia-Pacific Academic Nehvork

As part of a search for new ideas and methods, ITS experts
from Keio University in Japan decided to undertake a world-wide survey
of ITS training. Following on from this initiative, a Symposium on ITS
Training and Education was held in June 2002 in order to exchange
information and discuss training strategies. This led to the launch of a
'Network of Excellence' for the Asia-Pacific region (including Japan,
Malaysia, South Korea, Chinese Taipei, Peoples Republic of China,
Thailand and Australia) with the aim of promoting and co-ordinating
training, and disseminating examples of best practice.
One of the conclusions of the Japanese survey was that the introduction
of ITS training requires a 'multi-step, multi-element' programme, which
can bring together elements currently within different disciplines, and
which can cater for differing needs. The latter include:
- Permanent courses for undergraduates and postgraduates;
- Training for ITS educators;
- Follow-up training for professionals in the transport industry;
- Continuing education for decision-makers in industry, as well
as in local and central government;
- Specific vocational training for operators in the transport
The analysis pointed out the international nature of the ITS field, and the
consequent benefits of adopting a global perspective in teaching in order
to promote harmonisation of technologies, specifications and standards.
It was stressed that courses should consider not only ITS technologies,
but also elements relating to project management and finance, such as:
- Cost benefit evaluations;
- Funding of ITS schemes;
- Questions of standards and international procurement;
- Quality assurance systems;
- Business models;
- Obligations of private and public sectors;
- User expectations and market analysis.
274 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

As well as these general principles, the concept of a 'macro-regional

network' for training and education is clearly relevant to Europe.
The Professional Capacity Building Program
One of the most comprehensive initiatives for ITS training and
education is undoubtedly the Professional Capacity Building (PCB)
programme in the United States. The PCB is funded by the US
Department of Transport and has an active partnership with (among
others) ITS America, the National Highway Institute, National Training
Institute, Institute for Transportation Engineers, and the Consortium for
ITS Training and Education (CITE), which organises web-based training
The PCB's aim is to provide information for anyone interested in
improving their knowledge of ITS, at various levels of specialisation:
students and professionals working in transport and other related fields,
including those with non-technical as well as technical functions. Among
the services offered by the PCB is a website which acts as a centralised
'one-stop' source of information on a wide range of ITS-related topics,
among them:
- Catalogues with course descriptions (university and short
training courses);
- Access to web-based courses (e.g. those organised by CITE);
- ITS Curriculum Guide (practical online support for
constructing a personalised training programme);
- Quarterly newsletter and calendar of ITS events;
- Links to other related organisations and resources.
The classroom courses included in the programme are divided into three
levels: i) 'awareness learning' (a general introduction to ITS), ii) 'core
learning' (broad conceptual level of knowledge for all transport modes),
iii) 'specialised learning' (deeper knowledge for specific deployments).
CITE was set up in the United States in the late 1990s, and now
comprises around 80 universities and industry associations. Its aim is to
provide a broad range of ITS training through distance learning. It has
Chapter 7 ITS Support 275

built up a series of interactive courses, delivered via the Internet, and is

geared both to students and mid-career professionals.
By 2004, around two dozen courses were already available, including
one fiill-semester course consisting of 11 modules on the fundamentals
of ITS and Traffic Management, at a cost of $950. Other courses cost on
average $275, and the two certificate courses around $600. A number of
textbooks are available as support for the online courses. On completion
of recognised courses, students are awarded credits, referred to as CEUs
(Continuing Education Units).
One of the basic principles of CITE is that it should be self-supporting.
Costs are kept as low as possible through co-operative arrangements and
contributions, e.g. to course development, from consortium members.
Revenue derives mainly from sponsorship, course fees and book sales.
The organisational principles and relationship between the members are
set out in a Business Model.
CITE offers a good example of the potential of distance learning for ITS.
The US-oriented nature of the course content means that the material
itself is of limited validity in the European context, but there are many
features of the approach which could be applied in a European setting, as
well as the business model and approach to course development.

7.3.3 Issues

The review carried out by ROSETTA brought to light a number

of issues and problems relating to ITS education and training. These are
examined below, and an attempt made to identify the opportunities
which exist and ways of moving towards the vision outlined at the
beginning of this section. The scope of ITS

One of the difficulties encountered when attempting to develop

a coherent and comprehensive teaching programme for ITS, is the lack of
a clear definition of the scope of ITS. Being a relatively new area of
276 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

study, ITS-related courses, especially in the university context, are at

present embedded within different departments and faculties.
Although courses are commonly found in Civil Engineering departments,
this is not necessarily the best 'home' for ITS. It could equally well be
electronics, systems engineering, logistics, or other areas, depending on
the intended focus.
Dealing with ITS in the working context clearly requires a range of skills
and areas of knowledge, including technological aspects, but also
management, legal, social and institutional issues. The definition of
suitable curricula consequently calls for a readiness to break through
institutional barriers and to adopt a co-operative approach.
One useful contribution at European level would be the preparation of
guidelines for training programmes and university curricula, based on a
careful analysis of the key competencies required. In the PCB
programme, for instance, the required competencies have been divided
into 'bundles' including systems engineering, institutional issues,
technology and data management, planning and evaluation, and others
(e.g. management of contractors, finance or communication skills).
Whatever the skills considered most appropriate for the world of
transport today, it will be necessary to look critically at existing courses
with a view to gradually remodelling curricula. It will, in the meanwhile,
be essential to encourage as much flexibility as possible, by offering
courses via a range of different channels and the 'mix and match' of
teaching resources. Various ways of achieving this are discussed below.
They include the creation of a pool of teaching modules at European
level, the establishment of an international credit system, the
development of web-based courses, and organisation of short crash
courses. Assessing demand

Before investing time and financial resources in the production

of material and facilities, it would be helpful to have some knowledge of
the market, i.e. the requirements of the various target audiences,
Chapter 7 ITS Support 277

appropriate methods of delivery for different types of course, supporting

materials needed, etc. This is not easy to evaluate, especially as the
demand for skills changes over time, with the evolution in transport
policies, the introduction of new tools and technologies, and the general
shift in requirements as the market matures, i.e. from the system design
stage to implementation, maintenance and extension.
With regard to course content, several demand surveys have been carried
out recently in Europe, but most regard single countries, or were not ITS-
specific (i.e. referred to transport as a whole). They do, however, provide
some very general indications of the type of training most requested.
High on the list of necessary skills identified by a recent UK survey were
system design and project design (requiring a high level of technical
knowledge); project management and scheme assessment (needing an
overall view of ITS plus analytical business skills); software engineering
and system testing (again technical know how). One of the major
shortcomings was claimed to be lack of appreciation of the 'big picture'
and of skills in system integration. Both are aspects which current trends
in ITS deployment are making increasingly necessary.
With regard to the target audience for ITS education and training, the
following categories were among those identified:
- System designers and developers for ITS projects/applications;
- Technicians responsible for system implementation, testing and
- Those undertaking innovative R&D in the ITS field;
- Transport specialists acting as advisers to policy makers;
- Transport executives responsible for policy decisions involving
- Administrative staff involved in assigning and specifying ITS
- Staff dealing with legal questions associated with the
implementation of ITS schemes.
Most courses currently offered at European level are externally funded,
which means that participants are not paying market prices. Assuming
278 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

that financial support in the future is likely to be available only in special

cases, it will be necessary to assess the willingness to pay. The
development of a realistic business model will be fundamental to the
success of a European training and education initiative.
Examples, such as the telematics initiative in Austria, have shown that it
is acceptable to charge full course fees when participants and employers
are convinced of their value. The web-based courses offered by CITE in
the United States also indicate that students are willing to pay for ITS
courses which offer credits. One of the ways of reducing the expense of
producing new material (and hence the cost to participants) is to create a
shared 'pool' of teaching resources. Such a strategy could be adopted in
Europe if the major educational institutions involved in ITS teaching
were prepared to co-operate within a European network, and if an
acceptable 'exchange' mechanism could be established. ITS awareness

An issue frequently raised by representatives of both industry

and academia is the general lack of awareness of ITS. It is claimed that
the take-up of courses in universities is limited by the low profile of ITS
and inadequate information about courses and career prospects. Even
within the world of transport, and on the part of transport authorities
themselves, inadequate knowledge of the scope and implications of ITS
is frequently encountered.
This suggests that pro-active promotion of ITS could help to stimulate
greater interest and, by increasing the demand for training, help to raise
the level of competence in the profession. A range of dissemination and
outreach activities would need to be designed for a wide range of targets,
including students (from engineering, and also other faculties) as well as
industry, and national, regional and city authorities involved in transport.

7.3.3 A Distance learning

Despite recognition of the need for raising professional

standards in ITS, course participation can be difficult for working people.
Chapter 7 ITS Support 279

One way of obviating the requirement of personal attendance, and hence

absence from the workplace, is by adopting one of the many forms of
distance learning which have the added advantage of eliminating the
travel cost and time, and offering flexibility in the study schedule.
Experience indicates that to be successful, such courses need to be very
well designed and organised, and that blended (mixed media) solutions
are in general the most effective. This involves a combination of face-to-
face teaching and sessions via the Internet, television networks, video,
CD ROMs, etc. An approach which has proved effective in the United
States for complex subjects, such as ITS Architecture, is for introductory
sessions to be taken online and then followed up with traditional
classroom teaching. Language question

A practical difficulty raised by a centralised approach to ITS

education in Europe regards language. While the de facto international
language is English, not all potential participants (especially those above
a certain age!) have sufficient familiarity to easily follow lectures or read
documentation. Courses, workshops, and written material produced (and
especially if funded) at European level will inevitably be in English with
translations arranged locally. Support can be given, for example, through
the preparation of multi-lingual glossaries of technical terms. ITS qualification and accreditation

The desirability of establishing an internationally recognised

ITS qualification (or set of qualifications) has been strongly endorsed
throughout Europe. It is felt that this would add status to ITS as a field of
expertise and, by encouraging students to take recognised courses, help
to raise the standard of training.
Such a move would require a mechanism for the official recognition of
courses and a system of 'quality control'. Since existing credit systems
vary enormously from one country to another, it is important to support
the efforts already being made to establish Europe-wide accreditation
280 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

procedures. The possibility of being able to 'mix and match' courses

offered in different institutions, in the same country or abroad, would not
only facilitate the acquisition of a comprehensive grounding in ITS, but
also promote an international perspective.

7.3.4 Future opportunities

Scope clearly exists for initiatives aimed at improving the

quality and availability of ITS training and education. A co-operative
approach at the European level would have the advantage of offering
scope for optimising the expertise and resources. An arrangement for
sharing material would mean that not only the total time and effort but
also the overall 'production' costs would be reduced. By making courses,
training facilities and general information widely available, students and
professionals in all regions of Europe would be able to make better
choices regarding the training for their ITS career and have access to
high quality instruction.
There are several important long-term strategic benefits which further
justify such an initiative:
- Raising the level of professional ITS skills would lead to better
designed ITS applications and improve the overall efficiency of
transport services, bringing social and environmental benefits;
- Encouraging a trans-national perspective would help to
promote harmonisation and compliance with international
standards, and support the marketing of European ITS products
and services;
- Achieving the rapid and efficient dissemination of research
results and best practice would raise the technological
excellence and quality of ITS applications in Europe.
To make these objectives a reality requires the creation of a permanent
and financially self-supporting organisation which would promote a co-
operative approach to ITS training and education in Europe. The remit of
such an organisation should be:
Chapter 7 ITS Support 281

(a) To improve the quality and availability of ITS training and

education for students and researchers;
(b) To provide refresher courses for those already working in the
ITS field;
(c) To undertake outreach and promotional activities to raise
general awareness of ITS.

7.3.5 Recommenda tions

The organisational structure which it is felt would best meet the

above objectives is a dual structure consisting of a European Network for
ITS Training and Education backed up by an Operational Centre. The
latter would have the role of providing the Network with practical and
administrative support.
The long-term aim should be to extend such initiatives to as many
countries as possible, and for the Network itself to become a permanent
and financially self-supporting institution. Since some form of funding is
nevertheless likely to be required in an interim period. It is therefore
recommended that a two-stage strategy should be initiated:
1. The drawing up of a voluntary agreement between interested
institutions (to include the major European universities
involved in the teaching of ITS-related subjects), e.g. through a
Memorandum of Understanding. This group could initiate a
series of co-operative activities such as exchanging teaching
material, proposing curricula for ITS, and organising open
workshops. It should also seek ways of obtaining some
financial support (from the European Commission and other
sources) for undertaking more ambitious activities and defining
a Business Model for the Network.
2. Setting up of the Network and Operational Centre on a
permanent legal basis. These would be jointly responsible for
the creation of teaching material and organisation of courses,
workshops and related activities, which would permit them to
be self-sustaining.
282 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

It should be noted that a European initiative, the ETNITE project funded

by the Leonardo programme, is already working in this direction and
should be taken as a valuable starting point.
The characteristics foreseen for the proposed Network and Operational
Centre are described below.
European Nehvorkfor training, education and outreach
Such a body would be university-led, but associate membership
would be foreseen for a wide range of other ITS-related organisations,
including public authorities, research institutes, ITS organisations,
national ministries, private industry, transport operators, etc.
The core (academic) members would be responsible for jointly creating a
pool of teaching resources which would be characterised by scientific
rigour and neutrality. The involvement of other bodies, such as transport
authorities and operators, would have the benefit of facilitating inclusion
of field visits to real-life examples of best ITS practice, and also making
known their own specific training needs.
Fundamental to the success of such an initiative will of course be the
ability to identify a valid Business Model. One possible approach would
be for members who contribute to the resource pool to gain an agreed
amount of 'credits' giving them the right to have access to other material.
Contributions could be in various forms: by providing course material,
undertaking scientific and technical reviews, editing texts, etc. for which
others would pay a fee. This approach would depend, among other
things, on copyright and intellectual ownership issues being resolved.
In parallel to this kind of internal exchange of resources, the network
could earn revenue and extend the scope of its activities by producing
courses for external participants. Among the key targets would be public
It should be stressed that the basic purpose of the network would be the
creation and sharing of resources, not to undertake regular teaching. The
exact nature and scope of the activities would be decided by the
members, but would be likely to include:
- Producing guidelines on the definition of ITS curricula;
Chapter 7 ITS Support 283

- Definition of mechanism for making available research results

- Providing a structure for e-learning;
- Organisation of short (1-2 days) seminars on key ITS topics
Operational Centre
The role of the Operational Centre would be to serve as a 'Back
Office' to the Network. It would carry out support activities, including
secretarial duties and administrative and legal functions (e.g. dealing
with membership issues, course registration and payment, legal
constitution of the network, establishment of ownership of intellectual

admin, etc.
for ITS education, 'BackOffice'
training and outreach course content

exchange basis V7 \7
Universities, poly's
research institutes
<C Resources:
Public authorities, < SEMINARS,
transport operators, fee charge
ITS bodies, industry, WORKSHOPS
research centres, etc. \7
World of transport,
students + public

Figure 17: Proposed organisational structure

An important task of the Centre would be an editorial function involving

preparation of the teaching material (modules, textbooks, documentation,
etc.) in a suitable form for publication, adopting an accepted common
format. The content itself would be provided principally by network core
academic members (i.e. universities). The Centre would also oversee the
production of outreach and dissemination material (brochures, leaflets,
284 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

etc.) on the basis of proposals received from the network. It is possible

that a further responsibility would be the maintenance of a website.
It is conceivable that these functions could be undertaken by a single
organisation, or divided between several different ones.
Among the tasks which will need to be tackled jointly by the Network
and Operational Centre are:
(a) The creation of a centralised source of information covering
educational curricula and training courses available in Europe,
seminars, events, etc. (An appropriate model could be the web-
site run by the PCB in the United States);
(b) Examination of the feasibility and potential of developing web-
based courses;
(c) Definition of a procedure for the scientific review and approval
of teaching material;
(d) Setting up an international system of course recognition and
student accreditation for completion of such courses.
Fundamental to the achievement of these objectives is the definition of a
Business Plan which will permit the activities of the network to be self-
supporting. It is suggested that in this respect the Network could also
draw from the experience of the PCB.
A further task would therefore be to:
(e) Establish links with parallel initiatives in other parts of the
world, in order to exchange information and experience.
In the longer term, the activities of such a Network could pave the way to
a higher level of international co-operation and harmonisation. It is
conceivable that the initiative could move towards a recognised
European programme for ITS education and training, with recommended
curricula for the various areas of study. This would operate in
conjunction with an international system of credits awarded for the
completion of the courses. (It is important to note that respect for the
principle of subsidiarity means that this development would have to be
based on voluntary compliance.)
Chapter 8

Conclusions and Recommendations

Intelligent Transport Systems and services are now an integral

part of our personal travel and the way in which goods are moved.
Whether or not we are aware of it, some or all of the location,
identification, charging, communication, management, control and
information functions which constitute ITS are used to our advantage
when we travel. When we use public transport, ITS applications such as
smart cards, internet ticketing or online information screens are often
supported by sophisticated management systems for online decisions and
priority allocation. When we drive, systems such as ABS, cruise control
and navigation make our driving environment safer and more
comfortable, and safe behaviour is reinforced with on-road systems such
as red-light cameras. Goods are moved with increasing levels of tracking
and tracing to improve security and delivery.
ITS systems and services are introduced by either policy or market
drivers, which in some situations may coincide. Policy drivers relate to
safety, efficiency, the environment, social goals and the need to support a
healthy economy. The main approach to the latter is by trying to provide
transport infrastructure and facilities which support a competitive
European market. Whilst ITS is an essential part of this process,
governmental support for ITS research, development and deployment
more generally helps to provide a strong home base from which
European industry can market worldwide. Market drivers are often more
straightforward. A product must be sufficiently attractive for it to be
purchased at a price and in sufficient numbers for a profit to be
generated. It may or may not contribute to any of the governmental
policy targets, but governments/EC can regulate to control standards and

286 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

use. This is not always effective because the decision processes of

industry and those of government can be very different in character and
timing. An example of this problem has been the widespread use of
mobile telephones whilst driving.
Thus, whilst much ITS development has taken place, the rate of
deployment has been slower than had been expected and many of the
potential policy and market gains have not been achieved. This book
has addressed this issue in a series of key ITS areas and detailed
discussions and recommendations have been developed in the preceding
chapters, which are self-standing. At the heart of the findings and
recommendations is the understanding that stakeholders, particularly
public and private bodies, have not come together in a sufficiently
meaningful way to enable integrated ITS developments to take place.
Developments have been fragmented and whilst each has been successful
in its own right, the major benefits of coherent integrated systems and
services have not occurred. Key findings and recommendations which
cut across application areas are given below:
(a) Generally, the development of vehicle-based Intelligent
Transport Systems (ITS) and services is market led and end
users will determine which systems and services will succeed
and which will fail. However, in some circumstances the role
of governmental bodies is crucial in acting as a catalyst for
complex initiatives, providing supporting evidence to potential
commercial/industrial leaders, and raising awareness of the
need for and benefits to be gained from Intelligent Transport
Systems. Examples of successful governmental intervention
include developments in system architecture which have
enabled clearer product specification, and the user acceptance
of seat-belt legislation through government promotion of the
safety implications. It is strongly recommended that dialogue
between governmental and industrial bodies is focused on
identifying and pursuing those actions where government
intervention can act as a catalyst to market development of ITS
products and services which meet their policy objectives. Too
often, government responses are neither timely nor appropriate.
Chapter 8 Conclusions and Recommendations 287

The introduction of new technology will usually require

substantial financial commitments. Determining clear roles,
responsibilities and commitments of the various stakeholders
can be particularly difficult and has led to a delay in deploy-
ment of many services, particularly those which cannot be
introduced in an incremental or evolutionary way. It is
recommended that clear future visions are developed and
agreed by all stakeholders with common 'ownership" and
commitment. These will include deployment paths to revolu-
tionary applications where this is appropriate. (The setting up
of the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council is
a step in the right direction, if meaningful cross stakeholder
dialogue is achieved.)
The national characteristics, physical environment, levels of
development and economic activity vary substantially between
countries and regions of the EC. These differences have
increased particularly since the recent expansion of member-
ship from 15 to 25. There is no single infrastructure-based
transport solution across Europe, ITS or otherwise, and
subsidiarity remains an important aspect for ITS/transport
research, as for other issues. It is recommended that further
research is undertaken to better understand which key features
of national and regional infrastructure-based transport
applications should be common and the extent of such
The introduction of many intelligent transport systems and
services involves the identification and location of individuals
or vehicles, and may also involve the transfer of money. This
has implications for privacy and security. For many systems,
individuals may have a choice as to whether or not to use them,
and it is likely that considerations of any loss in privacy will be
more than offset by the benefits to be gained. However, for
some services, such as road user charging, there may be no
practical way of avoiding some loss in privacy. Also, system
288 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

security cannot be guaranteed but will continue to develop to

meet evolving threats. Probably, the key to user confidence is
to generate an atmosphere of trust. This will require integrated
research, policies, and awareness actions. In particular, many
technologies may be applied in such a way as to best protect
the privacy and security of system users. It is recommended
that research be undertaken to understand how an acceptable
level of privacy can be achieved with ITS systems, whilst
retaining the individual benefits. The balance between privacy
and security will be a growing issue.
(e) Whilst technologies continue to mature, their deployment, and
hence the benefits of deployment, has often been extremely
slow. Indeed, only technologies which have been evolutionary
in nature have been taken up, whilst those which have been
more revolutionary have not, even those for which the potential
benefits are much greater. This may be the result of several
factors, such as a lack of convincing research evidence, the lack
of conviction by stakeholders, or conflicts of those with vested
interests. However, at the core, the lack of a clear vision of the
future role of technology in transport to which everyone can
ascribe continues to be a substantial restraint on development
and deployment. It is recommended that such a vision should
be developed with 'ownership' by technical, administrative and
political bodies in a way which transcends the more normal
timescales of decision processes and commitments. This will
require a process to research a policy framework for ITS
(f) Intelligent transport systems and services can enable travellers
to make better journey choices, increase capacity for both
public and private networks, improve reliability and safety,
reduce delay and increase accessibility. They can also be used
for control, enforcement and charging. They may be applied in
ways which enable existing policy objectives to be met or new
ones to be set. However, they will generally not lead to
substantial increases in capacity, and a sustainable future will
Chapter 8 Conclusions and Recommendations 289

either require a reduction in demand at certain times and in

certain places or new infrastructure to be built. It is recom-
mended that research is undertaken to better understand the
impact and potential of ITS in the broader context of land use
and transport infrastructure decisions.
The training of practitioners and researchers is necessary to
support the development and deployment of ITS. Many of the
ITS applications require specific subject area skills, such as
electronic engineering, but there is an increasing demand for
the enabling skills for deployment related to areas such as
architecture or policy, which interface the traditional disci-
plines. It is recommended that new training schemes are put in
place to develop the necessary European-wide skills base in
Delay in the development and deployment of ITS will not only
result in a lack of benefits in the short term, but will also enable
product development outside the EC to enter the market first. In
such circumstances the benefits to the EC will be substantially
reduced. The EC still leads in many ITS areas, but major
initiatives in the USA and Japan and growing activities in areas
such as China and India mean that more research and develop-
ment is needed to maintain the EC world position. It is
recommended that substantial research and development
funding is allocated to meet these overall recommendations and
those throughout this book. For example, the European lead in
integrated traffic management and control needs support to
incorporate the developing new ITS opportunities and the
related novel and radical policy approaches to the use of road
The acceptance of ITS will be greatly enhanced by the
development of interfaces with users which match their
individual needs more exactly. Users must be able to access
services in an easy and secure way. It is recommended that
research and development should be undertaken on the ways in
290 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

which ITS systems and services interface with people. This

relates not just to HMI issues, but also to the underlying
structures of the systems and services themselves.
(j) New opportunities will develop which may radically change
the potential of new services. For example, nanotechnologies
may be used to gather information. It is recommended that such
new developments must be monitored and adapted where there
is benefit, and system architectures must allow for flexibility.
Recommendations have been made throughout this book to take forward
a wide range of ITS technologies to meet the needs and desires of society
issues and of the market. Success will only be fully achieved with a co-
ordinated approach which will enable the inevitably limited resources to
be focused on research, demonstrations and delivery in a coherent
manner by all stakeholders. This is the task which faces the EC in the
coming years.
Appendix A

Research Projects related to ITS

This section gives an overview of projects related to the topics

discussed in this document. The projects have been grouped according to
their main focus, although frequently several issues were dealt with in
the same project.


3.1 Transport Services

Project Programme Contents

Intermodality-in tegration of mo< es

CIVITAS I & 5th & 6th FP - The CIVITAS initiative aims to achieve a
CIVITAS II TREN significant change in the modal split towards
sustainable transport modes. This objective is
carried out through the combination of technology
and policy based strategies. Eight measure areas
have been identified as the basic building blocks.
METEOR 5,h FP -TREN Independent parallel project to compare and assess
the results of the CIVITAS I projects in a
harmonised way across all sites (CIVITAS I
MIRACLES 5th FP -TREN Combination of innovation, technology and policies
with the support of communication media so that
with the active participation of citizens, traffic,
energy consumption, noise and air pollution can be
reduced (CIVITAS I project).

292 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

MUSIC 4 t h FP-TREN Development, demonstration and assessment of

novel methods of traffic control and management as
a cost-effective means to reduce congestion,
improve the efficiency/cleanliness of urban travel
and influence modal choice.
TAPESTRY 5th FP - Assessment of the effectiveness of travel
GROWTH awareness, publicity, information and education
initiatives in encouraging travellers and goods
operators to adopt a more sustainable, intermodal
travel behaviour. This is accompanied by
recommendations, guidance and practical advice on
the potential of multimodal travel awareness
campaigns and their cost effectiveness.
TELLUS 5th FP -TREN Increasing the modal share in favour of public
transport. This is carried out through improvement
of intra-organisational co-operation at city level and
improvement of public private co-operation
(CIVITAS I project).
TRENDSETTER 5th FP -TREN Amelioration of urban air quality, noise levels and
congestion while supporting exceptional mobility
and urban quality of life i.e. through advanced
mobility management schemes or improved goods
logistics and increased use of low emission vehicles
(CIVITAS I project).
VIVALDI 5tn FP -TREN Demonstrating an integrated package of innovative
transport strategies and measures and to assess their
contribution to improve urban vitality and
economic success, social inclusion, health and well-
being of the citizens and sustainability (CIVITAS I

Passenger transport systems and operation

AUSIAS 4th FP - TAP Demonstration of advanced transport telematics in

urban sites with integration and standardisation, e.g.
dynamic bus scheduling and remote maintenance
monitoring systems.
BERTA National Basic toot for maintenance of all ITS data for bus,
(Germany) tram and metro, i.e. drawing of timetables,
monitoring of actual operations, supervising safety
and security.
Appendix A 293

EUROMAIN 5th FP-1ST European railway open maintenance system which

will allow remote monitoring and diagnosis of
complex systems.
EUROPE-TRIS 5th FP - 1ST Developing tools to address the planning process in
railway companies. The activities that are supported
include infrastructure management and transport
ISCOM 5th FP - 1ST Information systems for combined mobility
management in urban and regional areas -
development and demonstration of multimodal
transport information and services.
PRISCILLA 5th FP - 1ST Bus priority strategies and impact scenarios
developed on a large urban area - taking up of
existing bus priority practices and improving them
for wide networks. Evaluation of main impacts,
demonstration of benefits and dissemination of best
practice for adoption.
QUARTET PLUS 4th FP - TAP Validation of European urban and regional
integrated road transport environments based on
open system architecture.
TABASCO 4th FP - TAP Validation of prototypes of enhanced traffic control
and traveller information systems, i.e. traffic-
adaptive signal control system, hazard warning
system, expert system for traffic incident
TRASCOM 5tn FP - 1ST Aims at developing multi-media applications using
mobile internet telephony to improve user mobility,
combining all modes of transport.
TRIDENT 5th FP - 1ST Aims to establish mechanisms for the sharing and
exchange of common and reusable data to enable
and support multimodal services.

Payment Systems

ADEPT/ 4th FP - TAP Using an intelligent transponder and smart card

ADEPT II for a multitude of automatic debiting, electronic
payment and other complementary road/rail
transport informatics applications.
CALYPSO 4th FP - TAP Contact and contactless environments yielding a
citizen pass integrating urban services and financial
294 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

DISTINCT 4,hFP-TAP Deployment and integration of smart card

technology and information networks for cross-
sector telematics.
OMNIPURSE 5,hFP-IST Enable contactless e-purse payments on a smart
card by developing the necessary technical
infrastructure to allow for secure, high speed
financial transactions to ensure payment for
transport facilities.
SM-PAYSOC 5th F P - 1ST Secure mobile payments and services on chip -
development of standards, systems and rules to
ensure the widespread interoperability of multi-
application smart cards.
TELEPAY 5th FP - 1ST Development of an innovative telepayment
system for multimodal transport services using
portable phones (SMS and WAP).
TR@VELSMART 5th FP-1ST Business concept for an intelligent smart card
and Internet-based customer relationship
management service for European tourism
TRIANGLE 5th FP - 1ST Proof of concept for a simple, workable and
manageable interoperable solution for door-to-
door travel based on chip-card.

Demand Responsive Transport

FAMS 5th FP - 1ST Implementation and trial of a flexible agency for

collective, demand-responsive mobility services.
Evaluation of the viability and impacts in real
business cases and gathering knowledge and best
IGT National Intelligent Grouping Transportation - passengers
(UK) with compatible itineraries are placed onto the
same taxibus. Booking, co-ordination/location of
vehicles, etc. is realised through a computerised
INVETE 5th FP - 1ST Specification development and validation of a
modular intelligent in-vehicle terminal (IVT) for
multimodal, flexible collective transport services.
SAMPLUS 4th F P - T A P Extended evaluation of telematics technologies
used in Demand Responsive Transport (SAMPO).
Appendix A 295

SAMPO 4th F P - T A P Systems for advanced management of public

transport operations - evaluating the potential and
functionality conferred by the application of data
communication technologies to Demand
Responsive Transport Services.
SCRIPT 4th F P - Feasibility study on utilising telematics processes
TELEMATIC to meet the needs of the rural communities by
S2C enhancing access to services and reliable
VIRGIL 4th FP - Verification and improvement of the access to
TRANSPORT services and transport in rural areas, by identifying
and disseminating good practices and experiences
on rural access to transport, with emphasis on door-
to-door solutions for the transport of people and

3.2 Information Services

Multimodal information

EuroSPIN 4th F P - T A P Acquisition of seamless multimodal public

transport information, development of a system
capable of producing arrival/departure times,
connecting services and journey plans for various
transport modes.
EU-SPIRIT 4th FP- TREN Creation of a system for providing seamless
timetable information throughout Europe.
IM@GINE IT 6th FP - 1ST (Part of the eSafety initiative) is combining
previous results and agent-based technology to
create a universal platform covering urban,
interurban, and cross-border areas. This platform
will serve as a single access point through which
the end user can obtain a set of TTI services
everywhere in Europe.
INFOTEN 4Ih FP - TAP Focus on language-independent systems for traffic
information exchange, multimodal traveller
information services and advanced driver warning
systems for the Alpine area and Central Europe.
296 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

ODIN 5th FP - 1ST Development of innovative paradigms for the

design of open, distributed and networked tools for
TTI with the aim of favouring a new class of just-
in-time, interactive, value-added, map-based and
personalised services for tourists, business people
and commuters. The project defined a global
system architecture for a mobile delivery platform
and services compliant with the ISO/ODP (Open
Distributed Processing) and prototyped an
integrated toolkit to access information sources
using XML/Java and view them on wireless hand-
held devices.
TITAN 4th F P - TAP Validation of a European reference data model for
public transport operations (Transmodel).
TRIDENT 5,h FP - 1ST Aimed to establish common mechanisms for
exchanging data between content owners for
different modes (bus/tram/metro, rail and road). It
also investigated the organisational and strategic
issues hampering intermodal travel.

Telematics platforms

ENTERPRICE 4 , h FP-TAP Developed a Traffic Information Centre (TIC) able

to generate multimodal traffic information from
heterogeneous raw data. This was 'fused' and
presented in a form suitable for use by various
private and public information services.
ISCOM 4th FP -TAP Development, demonstration and validation of
electronic timetable information and the creation
of 'mobility centres' in cross-border regions
(Alsace and Baden Wurttemberg) and two
European capitals with mass transport problems
(Rome and Vienna). Value-added services on
digital communication networks are provided both
to transport agencies and road users (information
services can be accessed either directly by users or
through staff in the mobility centres).
SMITH 4"1 FP - TAP Developed the TITOS platform in Turin, Italy,
which was funded jointly by the EC, the Turin
municipality and city transport authority. It is still
in operation and provides information on city
traffic, public transport and parking over a large
number of different channels.
Appendix A 297

User requirements

IADS 4th F P - T A P Organised large scale demonstrations of

information services.
INFOPOLIS 2 4th FP - TAP Examined travel as a dynamic process in which
the user carries out tasks within three contexts:
pre-trip planning, on-trip (tracking) and end-trip
(assessment). It concluded that the main role of
information must be to reduce the uncertainties
inherent in travelling.
INFOVILLE 4th FP - TAP Large-scale real-life demonstration and evaluation
of user-driven cross-sector telematics supported
by a standardised integration platform. Also
examined the issue of privacy raised by 'user
TELSCAN 4th FP - TAP Aimed to ensure that developers of advanced
transport telematics take into consideration the
specific needs of elderly and disabled travellers
and drivers.
TR@VELSMART Developed an innovative loyalty programme for
regional tourism based on the use of smart cards
and Internet-based services.

Communication Technologies and Protocols

A number of research projects in current and past programmes have focused on the
exploitation of new technologies for TTI (e.g. GSM, DAB, Internet, microwave links)
through emerging and consolidated protocols such as WAP, XML, TCP/IP, TPEG and

ATLANTIC 5,nFP-DG A thematic long-term approach to networking for

INFSO the telematics and ITS community. Survey of
transport and traveller information services in
DIAMOND 5th FP - 1ST Examined a wide range of DAB based
applications - from simple traffic information to
dynamic navigation tasks - and the technical and
commercial feasibility of integrating ITS services
over the DAB channel with technologies such as
GSM and GPS.
ENTERPRICE/ 4th FP -1ST DAB trials were carried out in ENTERPRICE (in
EUROSCOPE Hessen, Germany) and EUROSCOPE (Cologne).
298 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

ITSWAP 5th FP - 1ST Evaluated the technical and commercial feasibility

of offering services over the Wireless Application
Protocol (WAP), the emerging industry standard
protocol for GSM (suited to mobile Internet
applications using the GSM channel).
PRETIO EC e-TEN Market validation of information services over
hybrid communications systems. DAB and mobile
telephony are being used to deliver multimedia
services in three test areas, offering different
levels of services, from a basic version to a
customised 'pay per use' service.
PROMISE 5th FP - 1ST Development of GSM-based information services.
TPEG 5th FP - 1ST Investigated exploitation of the TPEG independent
protocol (for DAB and Internet) for the
transmission of traffic and travel information
within digital broadcast systems, with a view to

Human-Machine Interface (HMI)

CATCH-2004 5th FP - 1ST Developed a multilingual conversational system

with a unifying architecture across devices and
services. The aim was to provide multilingual
vocal access to applications and information
sources on the Internet (public and private service
providers) by mean of devices such as kiosks,
standard telephones and smart wireless devices.
COMUNICAR 5,h FP - 1ST Developed an on-board multimedia interface
designed to harmonise the message input from the
driving support systems, telematics services, and
functions regarding driver comfort and
CORETEX 5th FP - 1ST Worked on speech recognition technology to make
it less sensitive to linguistic factors, and more
suitable for European languages.
DIAMOND 5th FP - 1ST Considered user requirements and the HMI
implications of WAP and DAB based services.
INFOPOLIS 4th FP- TAP Developed guidelines for the design of TTI
systems, including indications for content, layout,
icons, presentation, ergonomics, sequencing of
information, etc.
ITSWAP 5th FP - 1ST Considered user requirements and the HMI
implications of WAP and DAB based services.
Appendix A 299

PEPTRAN 5th FP - 1ST Carried out experiments with hand-held devices

and a car navigation system to guide a user from
point to point within a city.
TRAVEL-GUIDE 5th FP - TREN Developed guidelines for TTI integrated with
traffic management systems (using in-vehicle
information devices and road side-systems). It
assessed the needs of drivers in terms of content,
presentation, availability, reliability, and the
timing and priority of the information. Tests were
conducted and new methods suggested to meet
requirements raised by the development of the
Trans-European Networks.


4.1 Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

ADASE2 5th FP - 1ST About 30 projects organised in the ADASE

cluster, doing research for driver assistance
systems and related activities to improve road
transport safety, efficiency and comfort.
ADVISORS 5th FP-1ST Analysis and assessment of appropriate ADAS in
a multidisciplinary approach, in order to gain new
policy insights. The approach led to an integrated
framework suited for designing road safety
policies to help realise suitable ADAS.
EUCLIDE 5th FP - 1ST Development of a reliable integrated driver
assistance support system based on radar and far
infrared sensors, to monitor the area ahead of the
driver to provide an effective support, especially
in cases of night and adverse weather conditions.
PROMETHEUS DGXII Programme for European Traffic with Highest
Efficiency and Unprecedented Safety, encompass-
ing the areas of improved driver information,
active driver support, co-operative driving, and
traffic and fleet management.
5th F p _
Investigations into the various aspects and impacts
of the deployment of ADAS/AVG technologies
that could be envisaged to 2010 for 3 European
cities, including state-of-the-art review, elabora-
tion of deployment scenarios, market assessment,
human factors studies, impacts simulation and
300 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

4.2 Co-operative Vehicle Highway Systems

CHVS National (UK) Development of outline business cases for Co-

operative Vehicle Highway Systems.
IVI National (USA) Aims to advance the safety, efficiency and
security of surface transportation.
PROMETHEUS DGXII Programme for European Traffic with Highest
Efficiency and Unprecedented Safety,
encompassing the areas of improved driver
information, active driver support, co-operative
driving, and traffic and fleet management.
VII National (USA) Aims to create an enabling communications
infrastructure to support a spectrum of public
authority and vehicle manufacturer interests.

4.3 Human Machine Interaction

ADASE2 5,h FP - 1ST About 30 projects organised in the ADASE

cluster, doing research for driver assistance
systems and related activities to improve road
transport safety, efficiency and comfort.
ADVISORS 5th FP - 1ST Analysis and assessment of appropriate ADAS in
a multidisciplinary approach, in order to gain new
policy insights. The approach led to an integrated
framework suited for designing road safety
policies to help realise suitable ADAS.
COMUNICAR 5,h FP - 1ST Development of two vehicle demonstrators (a city
car and an upper class car) integrating a new
concept of multimedia HMI able to harmonise the
messages coming both from the traditional on-
vehicle information (e.g. tachometer) and the new
functions for driving, like telematics services or
other information concerning comfort and
EDEL 5th F P - 1ST Development of an advanced vision enhancement
system for night vision applications based on near
infrared sensor, a novel illumination system and
an adaptive human machine interface to reduce
the number of road accidents in Europe.
EUCLIDE 5Ih FP - 1ST Development of a reliable integrated driver
assistance support system based on radar and far
infrared sensors, to monitor the area ahead of the
driver to provide an effective support, especially
in cases of night and adverse weather conditions.
Appendix A 301

E-MERGE 5th FP - 1ST Development of an in-vehicle emergency call

solution to ensure that a manual or automatic call
for assistance arrives at the PSAP (Public Safety
Answering Point), and that proper actions can
consequently be taken to dispatch assistance to the
HASTE 5th FP - 1ST Exploration of the relationships between task load
and risk in the context of safety-critical driving
scenarios. This includes consideration of issues of
workload and situation awareness, and the
identification of the best indicators of risk.
ITSWAP 5th FP-1ST Development of innovative services that deliver
Internet-like information to mobile users. To
achieve this, the project will establish the
technical and commercial feasibility of Intelligent
Transport Systems (ITS) services provided over
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP).
5 «h F p _
Support of the European motor vehicle
manufacturers in developing industry codes of
practice in the field of vehicle safety and
especially in Human Vehicle Interactions (HVI),
by delivering guidelines for the methods of HVI
tests and the development a driver behavioural
simulation environment to evaluate new
technology proposals.
STARDUST 5th FP - 1ST Investigations into the various aspects and impacts
of the deployment of ADAS/AVG technologies
that could be envisaged to 2010 for 3 European
cities, including state-of-the-art review,
elaboration of deployment scenarios, market
assessment, human factors studies, impacts
simulation and evaluation.

4.4 Emergency Response

AIDER 5th FP - 1ST Development of on-board equipment providing

automatic incident detection, and communication
with emergency centres.
CGALIES 5th FP-1ST Definition of the requirements for a Pan European
common location provisioning mechanism, that
can be accessed and used by the European 112
community and emergency service operators .
302 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

E-MERGE 5th FP-1ST Development of an in-vehicle emergency call

solution to ensure that a manual or automatic call
for assistance arrives at the PSAP (Public Safety
Answering Point), and that proper actions can
consequently be taken to dispatch assistance to the
LOCUS 5th FP-1ST Support and expertise regarding the definition of
location based emergency services.

RESCUE 6th FP-1ST Focus on the automatic assessment of the type of

emergency and forwarding information to
appropriate centres.

4.5 Enforcement in ITS

VERA 4 FP-TAP VERA explored issues and opportunities arising
through the use of digital systems for enforcing
road traffic laws and regulations. The project
made recommendations on the use of digital
systems for automating the enforcement process
and for enforcing violators across national
borders. Enforcement systems' trials and
VERA2 5 t h FP-TREN Project to support pan-European cross-border
automatic enforcement by video and define
relationships between enforcement agencies to
govern the use of these tools.
Appendix A 303


5.1 Traffic Management and Control

Traffic Management and Control

CIVITAS I & 5th & 6th FP The CIVITAS initiative aims to achieve a
CIVITAS II TREN significant change in the modal split towards
sustainable transport modes. This objective is
carried out through the combination of
technology and policy based strategies. Eight
measure areas have been identified as the basic
building blocks.
DRIVE 2 3 rd F P - Community Programme. Includes seven areas of
FRAMEWORK major operational interest: demand management,
3C travel and traffic information systems, integrated
urban traffic management systems, integrated
inter-urban traffic management systems, driver
assistance and co-operative driving, freight and
fleet management and public transport manage-
EURAMP 6th FP - 1ST Collective European action focused on ramp
metering control measures on European motor-
ways with the aim of improving safety and
increasing efficiency of traffic flow.
LLAMD 3 ra FP - Development and demonstration of aspects of
DRIVE 2 the integration of Advanced Transport Telematics
(ATT) systems within an integrated road tran-
sport environment. LLAMD includes different
sub-projects dealing with urban traffic control/
management, park-and-ride/parking/public trans-
port information, dynamic route guidance sys-
tems, fleet management and safety aspects.
PRIME 5th FP - 1ST The project aims to increase the effectiveness
of incident detection and incident management
on motorways and adjacent urban networks and
to increase road safety, through the development
of innovative methods, building on recent
achievements in related EU projects.
304 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

QUARTET 3 rd FP - Development of a fully Integrated Road Transport

DRIVE 2 Environment (IRTE) based on five integrated
Advanced Transport Telematics (ATT)
technologies - target IRTE architectures,
Environment Control, Dual Mode Route
Guidance, Public Transport Management and
Information Systems and Emergency Call.
QUARTET 4th FP - Validation of European urban and regional
PLUS TELEMATICS integrated road transport environments (see also
2C QUARTET) based on open system architecture.
5th FP - Assessment of the effectiveness of travel
GROWTH awareness, publicity, information and education
initiatives in encouraging travellers and goods
operators to adopt a more sustainable, intermodal
travel behaviour. This is accompanied by
recommendations, guidance and practical advice
on the potential of multimodal travel awareness
campaigns and their cost effectiveness.
5,h FP - 1ST To provide decision-makers with the necessary
information base, tools, methods and guidelines
for hastening the market introduction of the most
appropriate transport solutions based on new
propulsion technologies and systems (NPS).

Urban Traffic Management and Control

3rd F p _
EUROCOR Development and implementation of models and
DRIVE 2 online control strategies for the effective
management of traffic in urban corridors
(integrated urban networks and motorways),
including traffic signals, ramp metering and
Variable Message Signs.
HIPERTRANS 4th FP - Development of an accurate, high-speed, and
TRANSPORT visually interactive simulator for a road
transportation network within a high-performance
computing (HPC) environment that is capable of
interfacing with urban traffic control (UTC)
systems in real time.
ICAROSNET 5th FP-1ST Development and implementation of a networked
interactive computational environment that allows
the minimisation of uncertainty in decision making
regarding operational air pollution control and
abatement in the urban environment and enhances
the coherence in trans-boundary environmental
Appendix A 305

INCOME 4l FP - Development, integration and evaluation of

TRANSPORT strategies/software for optimisation of Urban
Traffic Control (UTC), Driver Information
Systems (DIS) and Public Transport Systems
(PTS) within Urban Traffic Management Systems
PNTRAMUROS 4th F P - Provision of new knowledge on the integration of
TRANSPORT the different actors involved in urban transport
management systems, including market oriented
urban transport systems, and to develop a
conceptual methodology for assessing the
integration of these actors.
MUSIC 4tBFP- Development, demonstration and assessment of
TRANSPORT novel methods of traffic control and management
as a cost-effective manner to reduce congestion,
improve the efficiency/cleanliness of urban travel
and influence modal choice.
PRISCILLA 5 t n FP-IST Bus priority strategies and impact scenarios
developed on a large urban area — taking existing
bus priority practices and improving them for wide
networks. Evaluation of main impacts,
demonstration of benefits, and dissemination of
best practice for adoption.
SMART NETS 5th FP - 1ST Aims at enabling a significant improvement of the
international state-of-the-art in real-time network-
wide urban traffic control via application,
demonstration, and comparative evaluation of the
new-generation control strategy TUC (Traffic-
responsive Urban Control).
TABASCO 4thFP- Demonstration project implementing multimodal
TELEMATICS information and control systems to solve transport
2C problems of cities and regions. User-oriented
validation of transport telematics systems and their
integration in cities and in their surrounding
regions to produce a more efficient transport
system as a whole.

Traffic Management and Control - Monitoring

EFFECT To predict poor local air quality in real time and

TELEMATICS then to initiate effective traffic demand
2C management strategies/measures to reduce
pollution levels in particular problem areas.
306 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

HEAVEN RTD To develop and demonstrate a fully integrated

decision support system for a healthier
environment through real-time monitoring and
modelling of key pollution sources. Establishment
of a data platform for the assessment of emissions
and health effects of air pollutants and noise
caused by traffic.
ICAROS NET 5th FP - RTD Development and demonstration of an integrated
computational assessment of urban air quality via
remote observation systems network.

Traffic Management and Control - Freight

EDRUL 1ST Investigation, development and validation of an

innovative 1ST platform and the supported
service/business models, for improved
management of freight distribution and logistics
processes in urban areas. The project is based on
eCommerce/eBusiness architectures and concepts
and supports demand-responsive logistics schemes.
LEAN Development and demonstration of new concepts,
TRANSPORT telematics applications and administrational tools
to distribute and collect goods in urban areas. The
project included alternative transport mode
recommendations to support significant modal shift
to rail.
MOSCA 5th FP - 1ST Key project objective is to provide a set of tools for
improving efficiency of door-to-door transport of
goods in urban areas, by collaboratively providing
demand-and-supply side information in one single

Interurban Traffic Management and Control

DACCORD 4th FP - Development and validation of a telematics-based

TELEMATICS system for co-ordinated traffic control on
2C motorways linking urban areas, based on an open
system architecture for similar purposes.
Appendix A 307

5.2 Road User Charging

CUPID 5th FP - TREN A thematic network for disseminating state of the

art information about urban transport pricing and
best practice based on the PRoGREss
DESIRE 5th FP- TREN A research project designed to assess, through the
development of realistic case studies, the prospects
for inter-urban road pricing in Europe.
EUROPRICE 5th FP - TREN A project which fosters debate and support at the
political level and provides a focus for city/regional
issues in the debate.
IMPRINT 5lh FP -TREN A thematic network which sets out to promote the
implementation of fair and efficient transport
PROGRESS 5th FP - TREN A demonstration and research project into road
pricing in eight cities across Europe.
RCI 6th FP- TREN Development of an open framework enabling road
charging interoperability at a technical level.

5.3 Road and Traffic Monitoring

APOLLO 5 FP -1ST Creation of an intelligent tyre for improving road
traffic safety - integration of innovative sensors into
tyres for monitoring tyre condition, road condition
and tyre-road interaction.
CARSENSE 5 ,h FP -1ST Sensing of car environment at low speed driving
(radar, laser, stereo video camera).
EFFECT 4th FP To predict poor local air quality in real time and then
TELEMATICS to initiate effective traffic demand management
2C strategies/measures to reduce pollution levels in
particular problem areas.
GALILEO EC European Satellite Navigation System. The system
will provide quality services in all environments:
cities, indoors and outdoors, land, sea, air, etc. in
synergy with other service provisions, such as
telecommunication, surveillance or observation.
HEAVEN 5th FP -RTD To develop and demonstrate a fully integrated
decision support system for a healthier environment
through real-time monitoring and modelling of key
pollution sources. Establishment of a data platform
for the assessment of emissions and health effects of
air pollutants and noise caused by traffic.
308 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

ICAROS NET 5th FP - 1ST Development and implementation of a networked

interactive computational environment that allows the
minimisation of uncertainty in decision-making
regarding operational air pollution control and
abatement in the urban environment and enhances the
coherence in trans-boundary environmental
SMART DUST National Autonomous sensing and communication in a cubic
(USA) millimetre - self-contained, millimetre-scale sensing
and communication platform for a massively
distributed sensor network.
TEMPO Programme to stimulate a harmonised and
synchronised deployment of intelligent transport
5th FP - TREN systems and services on the Trans-European Road
Network - realised by 6 Euro-regional projects
VIKING Co-ordination of traffic management schemes and
implementation of Intelligent Transport Systems in
5,h FP - TREN Scandinavia and five regions in northern Germany
(TEMPO project).


6.1 Long Distance Freight

BRAVO 6th FP - TREN Aims to increase volume of rail freight.

CREATING 6th FP Concepts to Reduce Environmental impact and
Attain optimal Transport performance by Inland
Navigation. ICT for transhipments to improve
INTERMOD- 6th FP Compatibility of transhipment equipment and
TRANS technologies to increase terminal capacity.
RE-ORIENT 6th FP -TREN Best practice pilot for road/rail transhipments.
VISIONS 6 FP Interfaces for information systems for trucks to
permit communication, via onboard devices, with
external systems. Setting up of pilot system.
Appendix A 309

Policy and Research Strategies

ERTRAC 6th FP - TREN Advisory Council for future research with a focus
on breakthrough technologies.
FILIER 6th FP -TREN To provide the transport and logistic companies
with information about organisational and
technological innovations, to verify the impact of
the telematics and the new organisational modalities
in the freight transport and logistic sectors.
FUNDING 6th FP - TREN Guidelines for the rational funding of transport
infrastructure, including charging schemes.
GRACE 6th FP - TREN Research on accounts and cost estimation.
IMPRINT-NET 6 t h FP-TREN Discussion platform for analysis of the costs of
infrastructure use.
LOG-BASED 6Ih FP - Development of logistics based design process.
NEW OPERA 6th FP - TREN Definition of strategy to increase rail freight.
RCIPP 6th FP - TREN European interoperability of tolling technologies
and procedures.

Inter modality

EUTP 5th FP - To create a permanent and dynamic network: to

GROWTH enhance exchange of data and information; and to
create synergy in the European research effort
related to intermodal freight transfer points.
FV-2000 4th FP Development of user-oriented guidelines and
simulation tools for the evaluation of the Freight
Village structure and organisation in order to
increase the attractiveness of intermodal transport
for industrial and transport operators.
IRIS 4th FP To demonstrate the feasibility of intermodal
transport over short and medium distances and to
establish the factors which make this kind of
transport a success.
SPIN 5,h FP - To develop a tool which can identify opportunities
GROWTH and barriers in achieving a modal shift in freight
THINK-UP 5th FP - To define a common understanding of the core and
GROWTH competitive market segments for the different
transport modes in order to appraise their core and
competitive position.
310 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

6.2 Urban Delivery

BESTUFS, 5th, 6,h FP Forum to gather user needs from all stakeholders
BESTUFS II and to promote dissemination of best practice for
urban freight delivery.
CIVITAS II 6th FP -TREN Group of projects promoting sustainable urban
transport. Some include goods transport aspects
E-THEMATIC 5th FP Examines implications of e-fulfilment for online
ordering, including logistics and transport.
FIDEUS 6th FP Project whose aim is to develop innovative vehicle
solutions for urban deliveries as well as a telematics
platform to support the organisation of deliveries
and transhipment points, and to provide a tool for
local authorities to be able to monitor and manage
delivery traffic more efficiently.
LEAN 4th F P - Development and demonstration of new concepts,
TRANSPORT telematics applications and administrational tools to
distribute and collect goods in urban areas. The
project included alternative transport mode
recommendations to support significant modal shift
to rail.
MOSCA 5th FP - 1ST Key project objective is to provide a set of tools for
improving efficiency of door-to-door transport of
goods in urban areas by collaboratively providing
demand and supply side information in one single
PARCELCALL 5th FP - 1ST Development and verification of an open
architecture for intelligent tracking and tracing in
transport and logistics.
THEMIS 5th FP -TREN Examination of the potential for integrating traffic
management and fleet management systems across
all the modes, including an investigation of the
implications for ITS architectures.
Appendix A 311


7.1 Architecture

COMETA 4th FP - DG Development of an electronic and telematics

INFSO architecture for commercial vehicles.
COMPRIS 5th FP -TREN Enhancement of the existing River Information
Services (RIS) concepts to improve the safety of
inland shipping traffic, environmental protection, the
optimisation of inland port resources and the
management of traffic flows.
FRAME-NET 5th FP - 1ST Provision of information about the European ITS
Architecture and promotion of opportunities for
those involved in architecture-related activities in
Europe to exchange their experience.
FRAME-S 5th FP -1ST 'Accompanying measure' of FRAME-NET to update
the European ITS Framework Architecture, creation
and running of training seminars and workshops,
technical assistance and development of navigation
tools for the framework architecture.
GERDIEN 3 rd F P - Architectural project to develop an open framework
DRIVE 2 for traffic data collection and exchange the flexible
integration of Advanced Transport Telematics (ATT)
applications at all levels. It will cover a major part of
the infrastructure required for dynamic traffic
management in interurban parts of the Integrated
Road Transport Environment (IRTE).
KAREN 4m FP - 1ST Project to allow the complete process to be followed
from the establishment of European requirements,
through the production of a comprehensive European
Transport Telematics Architectures Framework, to
the build-up of a consensus and concluding with the
endorsement of its results.
QUARTET 3 rd F P - Development of a fully Integrated Road Transport
DRIVE 2 Environment (IRTE) based on five integrated
Advanced Transport Telematics (ATT) technologies
- target IRTE architectures, Environment Control,
Dual Mode Route Guidance, Public Transport
Management and Information Systems, and
Emergency Call.
THEMIS 5th FP -TREN Thematic Network for Intermodal Freight Transport
Information and Management Services. It is focused
on the integration of Traffic Management systems
with Intermodal Freight Information systems.
312 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

7.2 Radio Navigation

ADASE2 5th FP - 1ST About 30 projects organised in the ADASE cluster,

doing research for driver assistance systems and
related activities to improve road transport safety,
efficiency and comfort.
GALILEO EC European Satellite Navigation System. The system
will provide quality services in all environments:
cities, indoors and outdoors, land, sea, air, etc. in
synergy with other service provisions, such as
telecommunication, surveillance or observation.

7.3 Education and Training

Asia-Pacific Japan Network of Excellence in the Asia-Pacific region for

Academic ITS training.
ETNITE 6th FP European Network on ITS Training and Education to
Leonardo da support the ITS EduNet, which will offer validated
Vinci training material in order to enhance the technical
skills, knowledge and general awareness of ITS.
FRAME-S 5th FP - 1ST 'Accompanying measure' of FRAME-NET to update
the European ITS Framework Architecture, creation
and running of training seminars and workshops,
technical assistance and development of navigation
tools for the framework architecture.
HUMANIST 6 ,h FP Network of Excellence to create a virtual research
centre concerning human-related design with IT
technologies applied to road transport.
PCB! USA DoT To provide information for anyone interested in
improving their knowledge of ITS, at various levels
of specialisation.
PORTAL 5th FP -TREN Aimed to accelerate the take-up of EU research
results on urban and regional transport, through the
development of new teaching material, translated
into 16 languages of the EU.
Appendix B

Acronyms and Abbreviations

AAM Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers

ACC Adaptive/Autonomous Cruise Control
ADAS Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
AM/FM Amplitude Modulated/Frequency Modulated
ANPR Automatic Number Plate Reading
ATT Advanced Transport Telematics
AVI Automatic Vehicle Identification
AVL Automatic Vehicle Location
AVM Automatic Vehicle Management
B2B Business to Business
B2C Business to Customer
CCTV Closed Circuit Television
CDGPS Carrier-phase Differential Global Positioning System
CEN TC 278 Comite Europeen de Normalisation - Technical Committee
278 = Road Traffic and Transport Telematics
CEPS Common Electronic Purse Specifications
CEUs Continuing Education Units
CGI Common Gateway Interface
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
CITE Consortium for ITS Training and Education
CLI Caller Line Identification
CNT Conseil National des Transports
CO Carbon Monoxide
co2 Carbon Dioxide
CRM Customer Relationship Management
CS Commercial Services
CVHS Co-operative Vehicle Highway Systems
DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting
DAS Driver Assistance Systems
DATEX Data Exchange
DGNSS Differential Global Navigation Satellite System
dGPS Differential Global Positioning System
DGTREN Directorate-General Energy and Transport

314 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe ~ Opportunities for Future Research

DIS Driver Information Systems

DOT Department of Transportation
DRT Demand Responsive Transport
DRTS Demand Responsive Transport System
DSRC Dedicated Short Range Communication
EC European Commission
ECTRI European Conference of Transport Research Institutes
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service
EMS Emergency Medical Services
EOTD Enhanced Observed Time Difference
ERTMS European Rail Traffic Management System
ESoP European Statement of Principles
ETA Expected time of arrival
ETCS European Train Control System
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
EU European Union
FCD Floating Car Data
FDE Fault Detection and Exclusion
FM Frequency Modulated
FP Framework Programme
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GIS Geographic Information System
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPRS General Package Radio System
GPS Global Positioning System
GSM Global System for Mobile communication
HC Hydrocarbon
HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle
HMI Human-Machine Interface
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
ICT Information and Communication Technology
ID Identification
IFTS Intelligent Freight Transport Systems
IGT Intelligent Grouping Transportation
IMU Inertial Measurement Unit
IPSEC Internet Protocol Security
IRTE Integrated Road Transport Environment
1ST Information Society Technologies
ITS Intelligent Transport System
Appendix B 315

IVI Intelligent Vehicle Initiative

IVIS In-vehicle Information Systems
IVS In-vehicle system
IVT In-Vehicle Terminal
JAMA Japanese Automobile Manufacturers Association
LDWA Lane Departure Warning Assistance
LED Light Emitting Diode
LIF Location Inter-operability Forum
LORAN Long-Range Navigation
MLP Mobile Location Protocol
MJM Multi-jurisdictional Mayday
MMS Multimedia Messaging Service
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
MSAS Multi-functional Satellite Augmentation System
MSc Master of Science
MSD Minimum set of data
MTSAT Multi-functional Transport Satellite
NELS North West European LORAN-C System
NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
NoE Network of Excellence
NPA National Police Agency
NPS New propulsion technologies and systems
OBU Onboard Unit
O-D Origin-Destination
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OS Open Services
OTDOA Observed Time Difference of Arrival
PC Personal Computer
PCB Professional Capacity Building
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
PhD Doctor of Philosophy
POI Point of Interest
PPP Public Private Partnership
PRN Private Radio Network
PRS Public Regulated Services
PSAP Public Service Answering Point
PT Public Transport
PTA Personal Travel Assistant
PTO Public Transport Operations
316 Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe - Opportunities for Future Research

PTS Passenger Transport Services / Public Transport Systems

PuSHMe Puget Sound Help Me
R&D Research and Development
RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
RDS/TMC Radio Data System/Traffic Message Channel
RFID Radio Frequency Identification Devices
RTD Research and Technical Development
RTK Real Time Kinematics
RUC Road User Charging
SA Selective Availability
SAR Search and Rescue
SBAS Satellite Based Augmentation Services
SELS Southern European LORAN-C System
SME Small and Medium Enterprise
SMS Short Message Service
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
SOL Safety of Life
SoP Statement of Principles
TAP Telematics Application Programme
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TDC Travel Dispatch Centre
TEC Traffic Engineering and Control
TEMPO Trans-European intelligent transport systeMs PrOjects
TERN Trans European Road Network
TIC Traffic Information Centre
TIC Traffic Information Consortium
TPEG Transport Protocol Experts Group
TQM Total Quality Management
TTI Traffic and Traveller Information
TUC Traffic-responsive Urban Control
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
USDOT US Department of Transportation
UTC Urban Traffic Control
UTMS Urban Traffic Management Systems
VASP Value Added Service Provider
VII Vehicle Infrastructure Integration
VMS Variable Message Sign
VP Value Pricing
vscs Vehicle Scheduling and Control System
WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
Appendix B 317

WAP Wireless Application Protocol

WiFi Wireless Fidelity
WIM Weigh-in-motion
XFCD Extended Floating Car Data
XML Extensible Markup Language

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Opportunities for Future Research
This book provides valuable insight and critical
appraisal of key areas of Intelligent Transport
Systems (ITS) for land transport in Europe. ITS is
becoming increasingly important as the means
to improving the efficiency, safety and comfort
of the transport of people and goods whilst at
the same time helping to minimise environmental
damage and the contribution of transport to
global warming.

The book has drawn on over four years of study

by the ROSETTA project - part of the European
Commission 5th Framework programme. For each
of the 12 ITS areas addressed, the book provides
a vision for their application in the context of
the current state-of-the-art, identifies key issues
yet to be addressed and the future opportunities
that the timely application and advancement of
ITS can bring.

6281 he
ISBN 981 -270-082-X

'orld Scientific

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